{"video_id": "26292851@N04_4253489686_265c3c8051.m4v", "caption": "Someone kicks the bug towards some rocks.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nSomeone kicks the bug towards some rocks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7071386095_a7350f43e0.mpg", "caption": "Person in white is backing up.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPerson in white is backing up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7599657594_57ef62657c.avi", "caption": "The object is travelling away, but then comes back.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe object is travelling away, but then comes back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6059424608_55f3199b86.m4v", "caption": "The man grabs his rifle as he walks away.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.3293]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 29.3293]], [[20, 29.3293]], [[20, 29.3293]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man grabs his rifle as he walks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2731880094_5632455f46.mpg", "caption": "Kitty using paws to get food out a can.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nKitty using paws to get food out a can.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_3072987342_f1998a1567.mpg", "caption": "A red light blinks under the drums.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA red light blinks under the drums.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317908648_9592bf11e3.mov", "caption": "A little girl in pink is lifted for a better view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA little girl in pink is lifted for a better view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217942022_263e71d557.mov", "caption": "Man comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7646117928_a93152aa0f.wmv", "caption": "A yellow car pulls up and parks.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA yellow car pulls up and parks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12280528136_b1d8fa292c.mts", "caption": "A woman wearing a green and yellow shirt shows her face for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA woman wearing a green and yellow shirt shows her face for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000550633_c08bd38fa0.mp4", "caption": "The woman on the horse briefly disappear.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe woman on the horse briefly disappear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8544469262_fd25eddb2e.", "caption": "We first see the baby's hands.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe first see the baby's hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8310077242_08b9e4551c.mov", "caption": "You can see the girls sock.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nYou can see the girls sock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2931257309_53be4dfa39.mpg", "caption": "The camera zooms up on the players.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera zooms up on the players.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24525988@N00_4244846657_e76350ac93.mov", "caption": "Purple line start moving.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPurple line start moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9268986166_2fde12218f.mov", "caption": "Camera pans all the way to the top.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera pans all the way to the top.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50767319@N00_4378240409_7b7842b6bf.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in close to hotel.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms in close to hotel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411826971_48cb4bac5d.m4v", "caption": "Woman in black with a child passes by.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWoman in black with a child passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_3582785686_1f3080cd5e.mov", "caption": "Bicycle emerges from the orange light.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBicycle emerges from the orange light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005546265_effdc91c3b.mov", "caption": "A bike rider wearing red approaches.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA bike rider wearing red approaches.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4267342527_c6d9f56f31.mov", "caption": "The girl in pink goes off the screen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe girl in pink goes off the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3840705054_6b05885859.avi", "caption": "Bird picks up a bag.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBird picks up a bag.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_5681405381_eded4333be.mov", "caption": "The gentleman puts his left arm underneath his right arm.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe gentleman puts his left arm underneath his right arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30379212@N03_3382369009_db857e7fd5.3gp", "caption": "The man playing the instrument stands up.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe man playing the instrument stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47335063@N08_4676226444_7a2366d714.avi", "caption": "The screen which was at the bottom right of the scene leaves from frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe screen which was at the bottom right of the scene leaves from frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262589630_9f825d13b2.mov", "caption": "Man first hugs blonde woman from the back.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan first hugs blonde woman from the back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16064708@N00_3610275474_52ba211e4d.avi", "caption": "A big fish swims in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA big fish swims in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5403825464_79c0f43b72.mov", "caption": "Dog first rolls onto its side.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nDog first rolls onto its side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2913619184_1bf672ea03.mov", "caption": "A picture can be seen on the wall.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.029]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA picture can be seen on the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_7394488574_42da21affe.mp4", "caption": "The dancer is facing the rear.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe dancer is facing the rear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3975028282_b02e8ebfa1.avi", "caption": "The baby in green first appears to nod once.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe baby in green first appears to nod once.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3912591409_11ac108f22.mov", "caption": "A cameraman smiles while spinning his camera around.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 29.362666666666666]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA cameraman smiles while spinning his camera around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3912591409_11ac108f22.mov", "caption": "A cameraman pushes his camera to a man in a dress shirt.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 29.362666666666666]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA cameraman pushes his camera to a man in a dress shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3912591409_11ac108f22.mov", "caption": "A man in the dress shirt hops away from a cameraman.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man in the dress shirt hops away from a cameraman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3912591409_11ac108f22.mov", "caption": "A cameraman brings his camera to a man in a striped shirt.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.362666666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.362666666666666]], [[25, 29.362666666666666]], [[20, 29.362666666666666]], [[25, 29.362666666666666]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA cameraman brings his camera to a man in a striped shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4739636265_249226b127.mov", "caption": "A drawbridge is attempting to rise.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA drawbridge is attempting to rise.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8650538324_e5f9d37f63.mp4", "caption": "The center lights turn off.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe center lights turn off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8494901801_2a59170218.mov", "caption": "Man stands in front of audience.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan stands in front of audience.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2953285501_9edca7d16f.avi", "caption": "First time we see an otter swim by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nFirst time we see an otter swim by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089326931_7377668cb0.mov", "caption": "A man breathes underwater then turns over.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man breathes underwater then turns over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6164300010_7b468b7585.avi", "caption": "We are done looking at the big waterfall.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 24.391033333333333]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe are done looking at the big waterfall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4981531695_1d3c8f3a6a.mov", "caption": "The woman lets go of the baby's hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe woman lets go of the baby's hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_11741278434_0bbe367161.mp4", "caption": "Two people pass through the audience.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nTwo people pass through the audience.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14036428@N00_7482897120_5db275b0dc.avi", "caption": "A blonde woman appears.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.056366666666666]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 23.056366666666666]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA blonde woman appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3597448879_45a8e4f5f4.mp4", "caption": "Stoplight first turns green.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nStoplight first turns green.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2639320175_dca1271f70.mpg", "caption": "The man drives his scooter.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe man drives his scooter.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4893755634_5ca761d1d3.mp4", "caption": "The child dances over next to the other people.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe child dances over next to the other people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6146472848_ca77910fe4.mp4", "caption": "We follow the largest wave as it comes in and crashes.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe follow the largest wave as it comes in and crashes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368959868_929cb41c30.mov", "caption": "Camera flips over.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera flips over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978496042_940ba7d578.mp4", "caption": "A person is standing at the gates of a location.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA person is standing at the gates of a location.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_6866973255_b6726c6cd4.mov", "caption": "The little girl in red stands up with her new toy.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe little girl in red stands up with her new toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3305005763_ca40527bea.mov", "caption": "White service vehicle starts to take off.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWhite service vehicle starts to take off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66814335@N00_4837566494_a2f3ccc1f7.m4v", "caption": "A pink car drives by.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA pink car drives by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_3018397784_6b52cff935.wmv", "caption": "A man is the only person seen and he goes completely through automatic doors and exits the building.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 10]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA man is the only person seen and he goes completely through automatic doors and exits the building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39548123@N06_5875211366_f7f5ba4b2f.avi", "caption": "Camera pans all the way to top of tree.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera pans all the way to top of tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305113560_d7009b0d72.mov", "caption": "Child first attempts to get down.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nChild first attempts to get down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3193779438_359849bcf2.mpg", "caption": "Meter is full and starts to empty.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMeter is full and starts to empty.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_2705294430_8ac08bc1bb.3gp", "caption": "The 4 young girls approach the very front of the stage, as they prepare for their finale.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe 4 young girls approach the very front of the stage, as they prepare for their finale.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5784383270_303610e3a2.avi", "caption": "Person with red umbrella walks off the frame to the right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPerson with red umbrella walks off the frame to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753329361_927e43b35d.mp4", "caption": "Baby falls back on butt.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.088733333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.088733333333334]], [[20, 22.088733333333334]], [[20, 22.088733333333334]], [[20, 22.088733333333334]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBaby falls back on butt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913494887_25ba94c153.mov", "caption": "Person in bright red shirt can be seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPerson in bright red shirt can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005462463_640123da53.mov", "caption": "Two people wearing red and yellow pass the blue biker on the right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTwo people wearing red and yellow pass the blue biker on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26077124@N00_2416123354_d6cba54f19.mov", "caption": "A person runs across the room.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA person runs across the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6678203617_87653b8979.mov", "caption": "The baby's face and hair are visible in this part of the video.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe baby's face and hair are visible in this part of the video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2453819169_488af6fddb.mpg", "caption": "A cat stands up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA cat stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368267139_6dfa8bfa9b.mov", "caption": "We see the little baby's face for the first time.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe see the little baby's face for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3771329143_f1ec8d1034.mov", "caption": "Island first comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nIsland first comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659175751_c55c6b597a.avi", "caption": "Lead guitarist in main focus.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nLead guitarist in main focus.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816551593_b319e15b06.avi", "caption": "Individual begins walking.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nIndividual begins walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816551593_b319e15b06.avi", "caption": "Woman blinks her eyes twice.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWoman blinks her eyes twice.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_4983538280_12f157040a.mp4", "caption": "Water flows all the way over to far left side of frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWater flows all the way over to far left side of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61591442@N00_3668916081_e3888248b1.mp4", "caption": "An arm is flying in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nAn arm is flying in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6499452521_8ed8b299a4.avi", "caption": "Truck moves for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTruck moves for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4887482086_f7ef66b7f5.mp4", "caption": "Man in orange shirt comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan in orange shirt comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6750226969_ec18c51e59.mov", "caption": "This scence starts at the top of the building and scans down to the lady.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThis scence starts at the top of the building and scans down to the lady.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_4474067925_24231c5cf4.mov", "caption": "Guy in green starts tapping his leg.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nGuy in green starts tapping his leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_6954214803_cbe044da82.mov", "caption": "Two moving objects come into full view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 22.355666666666668]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nTwo moving objects come into full view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470332531_5d84501584.mov", "caption": "Baby reaches for camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBaby reaches for camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43528767@N00_5435971877_2c47280e71.mov", "caption": "One of the chefs moves a box off the counter.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.083333333333332]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[15, 22.083333333333332]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nOne of the chefs moves a box off the counter.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6055766991_36c5a13dd6.m4v", "caption": "Truck starts moving.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nTruck starts moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2400926226_5c53b3827b.mp4", "caption": "Woman in white jacket sits down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWoman in white jacket sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317908648_9592bf11e3.mov", "caption": "Orange furry character walks in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nOrange furry character walks in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_6339863476_ef4fed329b.avi", "caption": "Water seems to be closest in view.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.057366666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.057366666666667]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 24.057366666666667]], [[20, 24.057366666666667]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWater seems to be closest in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5304359549_8cba115b30.mov", "caption": "The child falls down and gets back up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe child falls down and gets back up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262589630_9f825d13b2.mov", "caption": "The couple seem to be happy together and having a good time.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe couple seem to be happy together and having a good time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3602860200_dc789bc4f6.mp4", "caption": "When clay/stone mountain is first shown in video.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWhen clay/stone mountain is first shown in video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2399637177_50419d4a17.wmv", "caption": "The dog picks up the cone and runs away.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe dog picks up the cone and runs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989600056_961c06fd2d.mov", "caption": "Two white balloons are visible.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTwo white balloons are visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5752721077_bea3173b89.mp4", "caption": "The person in red temporarily leaves the view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe person in red temporarily leaves the view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3427564517_d0f7009111.avi", "caption": "The first water hits the bottom of the glass.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe first water hits the bottom of the glass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4147744896_5e42f3c0e9.mov", "caption": "A man in a black suit drags a black and red bag across the street and into the back of his tall white van.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[10, 29.279249999999998]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA man in a black suit drags a black and red bag across the street and into the back of his tall white van.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6468865689_33a10a8d7e.mp4", "caption": "The red race car moves out of the frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe red race car moves out of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444487353_88c3667f50.mov", "caption": "A guy dressed in red kicks snow.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA guy dressed in red kicks snow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5841105970_4a1762f617.avi", "caption": "People on left begin hopping.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPeople on left begin hopping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308949169_b9f78022e5.mov", "caption": "Child on left reaches down to adjust shoe.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nChild on left reaches down to adjust shoe.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50652680@N00_7153016031_76ea858191.mov", "caption": "Viewfinder of camera dips into frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nViewfinder of camera dips into frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "96161068@N05_8806114550_fd49113596.mov", "caption": "A young girl in a pink bathing suit holds a baby in a blue shirt.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA young girl in a pink bathing suit holds a baby in a blue shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6920266298_17a95070f6.mov", "caption": "The animal starts and finishes running away from the person with the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe animal starts and finishes running away from the person with the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31514975@N05_4518621397_cb765eb853.avi", "caption": "The moon is biggest and darkest in these frames.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe moon is biggest and darkest in these frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50652680@N00_7153016031_76ea858191.mov", "caption": "The person in the green jacket puts down his right arm.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe person in the green jacket puts down his right arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_5681405381_eded4333be.mov", "caption": "Man talking on microphone unfolds arm and puts hand behind his head.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan talking on microphone unfolds arm and puts hand behind his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47335063@N08_4676226444_7a2366d714.avi", "caption": "Group carrying platform walk forward then backwards.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nGroup carrying platform walk forward then backwards.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_5520025760_47aa12d540.avi", "caption": "Bird flaps it's wings.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBird flaps it's wings.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5757090618_3ff0ff51c7.avi", "caption": "A silver mini-van leaves the scene.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA silver mini-van leaves the scene.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005546265_effdc91c3b.mov", "caption": "People walking on side of road.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPeople walking on side of road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817477962_49e5788312.mp4", "caption": "The white dog shakes off the water.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe white dog shakes off the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8133451581_014634a4e2.mov", "caption": "Group of people walking quickly to front.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nGroup of people walking quickly to front.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "22144986@N00_5506213758_2ec53ed49e.mov", "caption": "Turns to look at tv.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nTurns to look at tv.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5403825464_79c0f43b72.mov", "caption": "Dog rolls over onto its legs.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nDog rolls over onto its legs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3361436515_07e53aea4c.mov", "caption": "A baby throws her tablet.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA baby throws her tablet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936634915_5985444f5b.mp4", "caption": "The camera faces the ground.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe camera faces the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365251579_d3cf1a92d5.wmv", "caption": "Groom hugs priest.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nGroom hugs priest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26077124@N00_2416123354_d6cba54f19.mov", "caption": "A person in black walks across the screen from right to left.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA person in black walks across the screen from right to left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5049671925_eee1f40e2d.mp4", "caption": "Camera moves to the left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera moves to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3411934827_2c622ac489.mpg", "caption": "The baby stands up with the bear.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe baby stands up with the bear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2716824274_a670b9d85d.avi", "caption": "We first see the baby up close.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe first see the baby up close.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "97352149@N00_6143993297_5d524acf9d.mp4", "caption": "The letter t flashes red for a very brief second.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe letter t flashes red for a very brief second.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_6164677466_fb7bb3a83e.mov", "caption": "A man holds up a stuffed bear.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man holds up a stuffed bear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_5904128460_be0c68d138.mov", "caption": "The squirrel shows his whole white belly.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 24.6246]], [[15, 24.6246]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe squirrel shows his whole white belly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7878062152_f8241119da.mov", "caption": "Before the view gets closer to the bride and groom.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBefore the view gets closer to the bride and groom.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6158057518_dca02ba486.mov", "caption": "Roller coaster takes off.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nRoller coaster takes off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12575752@N03_3831951420_7b18816031.wmv", "caption": "The two people fishing become visible for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe two people fishing become visible for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659163803_b562825778.mov", "caption": "A close up of a woman's face.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA close up of a woman's face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6194119150_ba9a09feb2.mov", "caption": "The man turns to the woman.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe man turns to the woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2652909308_2cf69b5b15.mpg", "caption": "Cat kissing her pants.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCat kissing her pants.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41357196@N00_3339248448_220f563419.avi", "caption": "Black dog hops up for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBlack dog hops up for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6927962465_825f75c9cc.mov", "caption": "The little boy walks towards the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe little boy walks towards the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3735479957_36fd7f5aed.mov", "caption": "The girl falls on her butt.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe girl falls on her butt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936648235_8fe811b0b8.mp4", "caption": "A clarinet player briefly removes his hand from his clarinet.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA clarinet player briefly removes his hand from his clarinet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_5826290419_106d115888.wmv", "caption": "The car comes to a stop.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe car comes to a stop.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_3826173052_00f5cc4230.3gp", "caption": "Baby glances at camera twice.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBaby glances at camera twice.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6090000442_7e470c9239.mov", "caption": "Close up of man giving speech.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nClose up of man giving speech.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4335935580_cb66c1d2be.mov", "caption": "A large white hat comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA large white hat comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9147391626_5753c0e83e.mov", "caption": "Person at top left crouches briefly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson at top left crouches briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4099834031_8275e0263f.avi", "caption": "We first see people walking between stage and the crowd.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe first see people walking between stage and the crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3695443048_a0a4a0b4c4.mov", "caption": "Baby girl crawls toward camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBaby girl crawls toward camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_6056554923_0cdb559990.wmv", "caption": "The man in blue shorts walks toward the airplane.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe man in blue shorts walks toward the airplane.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8310077242_08b9e4551c.mov", "caption": "Little girl to the left first begins to touch her right foot with both hands.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLittle girl to the left first begins to touch her right foot with both hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44631364@N00_3389694288_350b51b4bb.avi", "caption": "The person turns a corner in the hall.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person turns a corner in the hall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3793520105_415f78bca1.mp4", "caption": "Only one man dancing.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nOnly one man dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_6770727535_5b98d91011.mov", "caption": "We first see the three flowers.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe first see the three flowers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_9024043759_f45d964520.avi", "caption": "No people are in video.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nNo people are in video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908066554_348455807d.mov", "caption": "The baby coughs upmilk.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe baby coughs upmilk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056640468_06fa94dbe6.m4v", "caption": "A gentleman in a white shirt and white pants comes into frame on the right side of the scene.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 27.761066666666668]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA gentleman in a white shirt and white pants comes into frame on the right side of the scene.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_4769832485_f688b37b42.mp4", "caption": "2 people in white ghost sheets cross screen together.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\n2 people in white ghost sheets cross screen together.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9268986166_2fde12218f.mov", "caption": "The sun begins to shine a little brighter through the entrance way.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe sun begins to shine a little brighter through the entrance way.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7270865902_ab3d80bde0.mov", "caption": "The cat runs out of the room.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe cat runs out of the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5917277098_8dacb93f86.mov", "caption": "Woman cheers with the crowd with a pink umbrella.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWoman cheers with the crowd with a pink umbrella.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36260156@N06_4746680675_b53dfd153e.mov", "caption": "A shirtless man drinks a shot.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA shirtless man drinks a shot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3975028282_b02e8ebfa1.avi", "caption": "Camera turns to face children.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera turns to face children.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056640468_06fa94dbe6.m4v", "caption": "The car passes a cow on the left.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe car passes a cow on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89167587@N00_8478181993_daaa81bb24.mov", "caption": "A white car appears behind the truck.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA white car appears behind the truck.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11214344623_b48220bc8b.mp4", "caption": "The bus passes completely behind the band.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe bus passes completely behind the band.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6193981980_33e171053c.mov", "caption": "Lady is speaking into microphone for a while.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nLady is speaking into microphone for a while.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31028309@N00_3719993568_ac38eb0565.avi", "caption": "The car passes a stop light.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe car passes a stop light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623478295_e51c047be0.mp4", "caption": "Score board disappears from view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nScore board disappears from view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113248130_e53b0cd4c7.mov", "caption": "The girl on the left is clapping.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe girl on the left is clapping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12136570356_73632e95c2.mp4", "caption": "Camera begins first pan to the right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera begins first pan to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5766392306_892149379c.mov", "caption": "Tuba players stand up.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTuba players stand up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_13706363874_9d859f4c78.mov", "caption": "A little boy takes off his white hat.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA little boy takes off his white hat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7907964200_4daa52b1f0.mov", "caption": "Girl on left looks at baby then back at camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 28.25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 28.25]], [[5, 15]], [[25, 28.25]], [[25, 28.25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nGirl on left looks at baby then back at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6568659107_b469094117.mov", "caption": "There are snow capped mountains in the distance.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThere are snow capped mountains in the distance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920156258_34d144bf1e.avi", "caption": "The yellow button turns green and is pressed.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe yellow button turns green and is pressed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_13899035754_08b8bcf021.avi", "caption": "The brown bar at the top disappears.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe brown bar at the top disappears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_4983542618_6b3d1ef4d8.mp4", "caption": "A bird flies away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA bird flies away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81726723@N00_2830283675_13e3bf590c.avi", "caption": "A person stroking a horse.", "timestamps": [[5, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA person stroking a horse.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9006246329_edb7985b45.mov", "caption": "A person walking past a fence.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[0, 15]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA person walking past a fence.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59431569@N02_8227464997_7f7f32870a.mov", "caption": "A tree with white bark is passed.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA tree with white bark is passed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5608017121_b77873ae19.avi", "caption": "You can see the cameraman's reflection.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nYou can see the cameraman's reflection.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3912591409_11ac108f22.mov", "caption": "The man lowers the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe man lowers the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7150382@N06_3337187899_c828719c50.mov", "caption": "Man in red enters view.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan in red enters view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4739636265_249226b127.mov", "caption": "The bridge begins to lift.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe bridge begins to lift.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4499750251_15cd6978f1.mp4", "caption": "Can briefly stands next to brown end table.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCan briefly stands next to brown end table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4137054048_811836e779.mov", "caption": "Man looks down and takes a drink.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan looks down and takes a drink.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95033136@N00_3238731624_7a7a3db626.avi", "caption": "A man moves a cutting board where he is cooking.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA man moves a cutting board where he is cooking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2652909308_2cf69b5b15.mpg", "caption": "The cat lets go of the string.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe cat lets go of the string.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_13899035754_08b8bcf021.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in closer on the bell.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 27.093760427093763]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms in closer on the bell.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6568659107_b469094117.mov", "caption": "The girl with the pink jacket throws a rock for the third time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe girl with the pink jacket throws a rock for the third time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5490292836_5f8742054a.mov", "caption": "Three people run on the stage.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThree people run on the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4373687819_95fc6e95bf.mov", "caption": "Close up of bowls.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nClose up of bowls.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7624593376_420700bd90.", "caption": "The helicopter turns to the left for the first time.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe helicopter turns to the left for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567084336_a713c40e06.mov", "caption": "Man with sunglasses on his head appears near camera then disappears.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.9299]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 29.9299]], [[20, 29.9299]], [[20, 29.9299]], [[20, 29.9299]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan with sunglasses on his head appears near camera then disappears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730628701_6a39164afc.avi", "caption": "A man in red climbs onto the trampoline.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA man in red climbs onto the trampoline.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_3835967049_a5c6f47164.m4v", "caption": "Man in view starts juggling then drops one.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in view starts juggling then drops one.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816606041_815c7c6273.avi", "caption": "Woman turns around and starts walking.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWoman turns around and starts walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6059424608_55f3199b86.m4v", "caption": "A man walks in front of another man.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA man walks in front of another man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16930146@N05_3839594916_ee7d67ec52.mov", "caption": "A man in a white outfit riding on top of a decorated raft, carried by parade participants.", "timestamps": [[15, 24.607916666666664]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 24.607916666666664]], [[5, 24.607916666666664]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 24.607916666666664]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA man in a white outfit riding on top of a decorated raft, carried by parade participants.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32739506@N03_4924827633_605a3389ef.mov", "caption": "Zoom in on end of street.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nZoom in on end of street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66814335@N00_4837566494_a2f3ccc1f7.m4v", "caption": "Van pulls in.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nVan pulls in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5029949102_de3a3e224e.mov", "caption": "Dog is shown looking at hole and then wagging tail.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nDog is shown looking at hole and then wagging tail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2731880094_5632455f46.mpg", "caption": "Can uses paw to move can.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCan uses paw to move can.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8720405060_041c8a98aa.mov", "caption": "The alligator jumps for food.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe alligator jumps for food.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_5069939890_58c064dc97.mov", "caption": "Water bottle goes mid screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 30]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWater bottle goes mid screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3735761891_c385f0e566.avi", "caption": "Flames leaping in the sky.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFlames leaping in the sky.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "63126465@N00_2561116193_49e1af7b57.mp4", "caption": "The last yellow square appears.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe last yellow square appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32739506@N03_4924827633_605a3389ef.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms into the fountain.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe camera zooms into the fountain.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "64456049@N00_3790784300_671196a4cf.avi", "caption": "House comes back in view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nHouse comes back in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43528767@N00_5435971877_2c47280e71.mov", "caption": "Workers move the dispensary machine.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.083333333333332]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWorkers move the dispensary machine.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_4760052149_d8bdb81e05.mov", "caption": "We see only two men on segway ride.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe see only two men on segway ride.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95033136@N00_4682594380_93daa7a985.m4v", "caption": "A panda bear climbs onto a rock.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA panda bear climbs onto a rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7188678646_2dd6e6c28c.mov", "caption": "Some of the players run toward the edge of the field.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSome of the players run toward the edge of the field.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9610063813_021d0a929a.mov", "caption": "Woman in center sits all the way back in her chair.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 23.55689022355689]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWoman in center sits all the way back in her chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4393030898_9a5d4ee800.avi", "caption": "Man falls down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4099834031_8275e0263f.avi", "caption": "We first see two people walk in front of audience.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe first see two people walk in front of audience.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899674320_2589026df1.mov", "caption": "Camera view turns sideways.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera view turns sideways.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_4769832485_f688b37b42.mp4", "caption": "Blue lighted fish swims toward camera for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBlue lighted fish swims toward camera for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_3944006339_85416993a7.mov", "caption": "Hand appears to tickle baby.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nHand appears to tickle baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_3826173052_00f5cc4230.3gp", "caption": "Baby tilts head back.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBaby tilts head back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4335657123_2de0c09653.avi", "caption": "Two birds dive into the water.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTwo birds dive into the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49141728@N00_11304358253_2f5275e8f6.mp4", "caption": "The team celebrates their victory.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe team celebrates their victory.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9147391626_5753c0e83e.mov", "caption": "The woman all the way to the right of the frame holding a white paper waves in front of her nose as if she smells something gross.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe woman all the way to the right of the frame holding a white paper waves in front of her nose as if she smells something gross.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060426645_dab66a1f9f.mp4", "caption": "A lake is visible by the hill.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA lake is visible by the hill.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452580898_a606f7f89e.wmv", "caption": "The black bird takes flight.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe black bird takes flight.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6224441892_8f3646b3b4.mp4", "caption": "Small bridge comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nSmall bridge comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_5874371593_3feff06342.avi", "caption": "Camera begins to zoom out.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera begins to zoom out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450063200_79a3dcfa35.mov", "caption": "The man swings from the tree.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man swings from the tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_3778220328_4260f39d4d.mpg", "caption": "Filmer raises pointed finger into frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFilmer raises pointed finger into frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_2909727044_eb09363830.mov", "caption": "A yellow flash occurs.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA yellow flash occurs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36260156@N06_4746680675_b53dfd153e.mov", "caption": "Man first looks at camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan first looks at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3660512936_e437c68a72.avi", "caption": "Person in ponytali stands up and starts dancing.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPerson in ponytali stands up and starts dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705424770_3aeff37492.mp4", "caption": "The man moving his hands rapidly looks up briefly.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe man moving his hands rapidly looks up briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305050464_9c53b5d561.mov", "caption": "Little boy shakes head 'no'.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nLittle boy shakes head 'no'.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015683051_2cfb74360f.mov", "caption": "A little boy in a high chair drops a green cup and laughs.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA little boy in a high chair drops a green cup and laughs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3305005763_ca40527bea.mov", "caption": "Car lights brighten.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCar lights brighten.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_2921174984_727c2e35e7.mov", "caption": "Man spoons food out of cup.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan spoons food out of cup.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5440416620_89585921ef.avi", "caption": "The white vehicle passes by.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe white vehicle passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12149190513_9c79986853.mp4", "caption": "The second red door comes into frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe second red door comes into frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95351092@N00_6267727074_71fbc7d40c.wmv", "caption": "Man puts his hand down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMan puts his hand down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3818425297_1d631acb25.mov", "caption": "Two golden retrievers receive dog cookies.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTwo golden retrievers receive dog cookies.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5841105970_4a1762f617.avi", "caption": "We are focusing on the larger crowd of people.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.029]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 29.029]], [[20, 29.029]], [[20, 29.029]], [[20, 29.029]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWe are focusing on the larger crowd of people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4469734214_3c6281a00a.avi", "caption": "The child in the white shirt opens the door and the child in pink enters the room.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe child in the white shirt opens the door and the child in pink enters the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7188678646_2dd6e6c28c.mov", "caption": "The people are closest to the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe people are closest to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_8559567897_a7509c2254.mov", "caption": "A man walks to the middle of the road.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man walks to the middle of the road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2607640923_47c7619977.mov", "caption": "Two blue bowls go past.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTwo blue bowls go past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_5453126714_5f7afe2253.mov", "caption": "The boy responds quickly and decisively to the man.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe boy responds quickly and decisively to the man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5757090618_3ff0ff51c7.avi", "caption": "We pass red/orange motorcycle.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe pass red/orange motorcycle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56424258@N03_8926842688_91c14724ee.", "caption": "First time lady spins around.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst time lady spins around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659751995_3c07200c30.avi", "caption": "Stage screen with closeup of guitar can be seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nStage screen with closeup of guitar can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502262201_23d238cb00.mp4", "caption": "A single train cart enters the station.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA single train cart enters the station.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337294928_33274bc25b.avi", "caption": "We see a guitar for the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe see a guitar for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6016254609_5b2eb937da.mov", "caption": "First adult is seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nFirst adult is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12026205986_ce1417f1c5.mp4", "caption": "A person walks across the windy wheat field.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA person walks across the windy wheat field.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2401286956_9679056d5c.mpg", "caption": "The fireworks die down and fade into the darkness.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe fireworks die down and fade into the darkness.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_5384991695_591b33d58d.mov", "caption": "Dancing man claps his hands.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nDancing man claps his hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8286016035_5468f50dfb.", "caption": "Ornament with three gingerbread men goes off screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nOrnament with three gingerbread men goes off screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989642968_52625ba544.mov", "caption": "The boat goes under the bridge.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe boat goes under the bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2753576649_f54b4c2408.avi", "caption": "The boy only barely moves his thumb.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe boy only barely moves his thumb.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_9927034855_01528203c3.mp4", "caption": "The boy starts stomping on the sand castles.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe boy starts stomping on the sand castles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41249501@N06_3960493490_9628a3d374.mov", "caption": "Man takes a sip of drink.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan takes a sip of drink.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_3582785686_1f3080cd5e.mov", "caption": "We enter the yellow light.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe enter the yellow light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24175071@N00_3095853077_216324e27c.3gp", "caption": "Boy puts toy between legs.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[25, 27.394033333333333]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBoy puts toy between legs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326456132_82ecae939b.mov", "caption": "Man is waving his hand in the air.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan is waving his hand in the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908066554_348455807d.mov", "caption": "Girl on right leaves frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nGirl on right leaves frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9145107611_29b3af588c.mov", "caption": "A woman takes off her jacket.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA woman takes off her jacket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8862101860_17a5880fdb.mov", "caption": "Camera first zooms out.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera first zooms out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8978747@N04_6067562158_f2465a16d8.mpg", "caption": "Girl in white tshirt is jumping up and down.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl in white tshirt is jumping up and down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38658566@N06_4750242620_686bed740d.avi", "caption": "Tree branch is in upper left hand side of screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nTree branch is in upper left hand side of screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_8199557120_7520c9f42e.", "caption": "First bird flies away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst bird flies away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5917277098_8dacb93f86.mov", "caption": "A man with a black hat is talking.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA man with a black hat is talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3411934827_2c622ac489.mpg", "caption": "A toddler spins around.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA toddler spins around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_6056554923_0cdb559990.wmv", "caption": "Plane apears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPlane apears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26484906@N05_3662765555_3cfb28ea7f.mov", "caption": "A man walk to a chair and sits down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man walk to a chair and sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9396847418_89c0d7d4e3.mp4", "caption": "Dog first turns off of his back.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nDog first turns off of his back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444487353_88c3667f50.mov", "caption": "A man hanging on ice in a red jacket slaps his hand on his left thigh repeatedly.", "timestamps": [[0, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA man hanging on ice in a red jacket slaps his hand on his left thigh repeatedly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_3072987342_f1998a1567.mpg", "caption": "Camera turns toward beating drums on display.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera turns toward beating drums on display.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2725586589_4c9e4eee26.avi", "caption": "The baby screams and cries.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe baby screams and cries.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8436863532_f92a4886fe.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in on an oriental building on a large body of water.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 24.057366666666667]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera zooms in on an oriental building on a large body of water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4108458050_576ae27ded.m4v", "caption": "Camera looks up and down the tree that is coming out of the rocks.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera looks up and down the tree that is coming out of the rocks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470914150_19929a8bc6.mov", "caption": "Little girl in pink dress crawls around on grass.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nLittle girl in pink dress crawls around on grass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5995707844_57203e3e03.mov", "caption": "A man lays down and looks over the edge of a rock'.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA man lays down and looks over the edge of a rock'.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4335663819_718a915fe0.avi", "caption": "Bird makes a few splashes in the water before flying off.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBird makes a few splashes in the water before flying off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11591650@N03_4661143575_5e8d46869b.mpg", "caption": "Bright flash goes off like someone took a picture.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBright flash goes off like someone took a picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31593547@N03_13632450104_167e9ecec0.mov", "caption": "Bug sucks nectar out of flower.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBug sucks nectar out of flower.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450063200_79a3dcfa35.mov", "caption": "Man climbs up net.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.023]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.023]], [[20, 23.023]], [[10, 23.023]], [[15, 23.023]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan climbs up net.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2527245809_da9ae47cfd.avi", "caption": "People on bicycles ride by.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPeople on bicycles ride by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3345169360_7330fda3d3.avi", "caption": "Guy in white helmet first appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nGuy in white helmet first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38658566@N06_4750242620_686bed740d.avi", "caption": "Frame is very far away from the people.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nFrame is very far away from the people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "17098929@N00_4988936813_78a15e73b6.mov", "caption": "The person wearing blue points to the right.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.024]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.024]], [[20, 24.024]], [[20, 24.024]], [[15, 24.024]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe person wearing blue points to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3586529995_9e3f177181.m4v", "caption": "And adult hand reaches toward the plate.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nAnd adult hand reaches toward the plate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337315276_1ae513b4d8.avi", "caption": "A guy is sitting with someones feet next to his head.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA guy is sitting with someones feet next to his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "17098929@N00_4988936813_78a15e73b6.mov", "caption": "Man in blue top gives pointers to woman with large handbag.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.024]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.024]], [[20, 24.024]], [[20, 24.024]], [[20, 24.024]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan in blue top gives pointers to woman with large handbag.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4335935580_cb66c1d2be.mov", "caption": "The camera person move to the other side of the bald man.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe camera person move to the other side of the bald man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_4983538280_12f157040a.mp4", "caption": "The wave reaches out of the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe wave reaches out of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_3033523230_ea2e3cc514.mov", "caption": "The white car is seen briefly.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe white car is seen briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25438570@N03_3322199891_f83ceafb56.avi", "caption": "The cablecar passes the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe cablecar passes the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5603431199_f12a343a76.avi", "caption": "Looking thru the hole.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.4294]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 29.4294]], [[20, 29.4294]], [[20, 29.4294]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nLooking thru the hole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_5339867789_59b856a56b.mov", "caption": "A mechanical arm changes a disc.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA mechanical arm changes a disc.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_2705294430_8ac08bc1bb.3gp", "caption": "The kids on the stage all walk forward.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe kids on the stage all walk forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_6770727535_5b98d91011.mov", "caption": "Flowers are first seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nFlowers are first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66814335@N00_4837566494_a2f3ccc1f7.m4v", "caption": "Black suv pulls into a parking spot.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBlack suv pulls into a parking spot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4497646769_c867658047.mp4", "caption": "Man begins to play.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan begins to play.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5230592611_9d6a3f73e0.avi", "caption": "A man in a baseball cap is walking around behind a truck.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA man in a baseball cap is walking around behind a truck.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_8730844638_1ca82efd9d.mov", "caption": "A black motorcycle drive past the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA black motorcycle drive past the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10776479425_ff8212eb92.mts", "caption": "Child falls off of couch.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nChild falls off of couch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6920266298_17a95070f6.mp4", "caption": "The animal first turns away.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe animal first turns away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_13706363874_9d859f4c78.mov", "caption": "Child hands hat to parent.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nChild hands hat to parent.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59431569@N02_8227464997_7f7f32870a.mov", "caption": "The video passes by a white sign with trees pictured on it.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe video passes by a white sign with trees pictured on it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3626701920_228d7c030f.mov", "caption": "Baby tasting the water.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBaby tasting the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "13385207@N00_3588012287_30ab1ff829.m4v", "caption": "Nothing but sky.", "timestamps": [[25, 28.762066666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 28.762066666666666]], [[25, 28.762066666666666]], [[20, 28.762066666666666]], [[25, 28.762066666666666]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nNothing but sky.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5490292836_5f8742054a.mov", "caption": "Red yellow black come into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nRed yellow black come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4147744896_5e42f3c0e9.mov", "caption": "A man drags something on the ground.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[15, 29.279249999999998]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man drags something on the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6174107220_32d306635a.mov", "caption": "A person sitting is fanning themselves.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA person sitting is fanning themselves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753329361_927e43b35d.mp4", "caption": "The baby picks up the electronic device.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe baby picks up the electronic device.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705385910_3029ccc056.", "caption": "Man in yellow swings both arms then starts to turn around.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan in yellow swings both arms then starts to turn around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3716073314_7328e9ab1c.avi", "caption": "Blue light flashes up from the stage for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBlue light flashes up from the stage for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24175071@N00_3633121363_be7f0a777e.3gp", "caption": "Someone wipes the boys face with a napkin.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nSomeone wipes the boys face with a napkin.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6194287478_f457d048ba.mov", "caption": "Man with white hat appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan with white hat appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2751386550_98b254e6c0.avi", "caption": "Large man in green shirt sucks air out of balloon.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nLarge man in green shirt sucks air out of balloon.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5784383270_303610e3a2.avi", "caption": "The white umbrella leaves the screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe white umbrella leaves the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860643088_cc3a272282.mp4", "caption": "Lights turn green.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nLights turn green.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3766400261_96bd3905c1.mp4", "caption": "Man undoes the screws.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan undoes the screws.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467071969_a16873f4d4.mov", "caption": "We see an american flag on the train.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe see an american flag on the train.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24673084@N04_5874532707_b25268d925.avi", "caption": "Someone is cheering from the crowd towards the performers.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nSomeone is cheering from the crowd towards the performers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8705148328_270e6952d6.mov", "caption": "A black object can be seen in the upper right corner.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA black object can be seen in the upper right corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2931257309_53be4dfa39.mpg", "caption": "Players shake hands over net.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPlayers shake hands over net.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450370752_3af9788e9d.mov", "caption": "Woman in purple first appears.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWoman in purple first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_9280604450_5a564f8cb6.mp4", "caption": "Light flashes purple then red.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nLight flashes purple then red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3752675055_29d5812ee9.mov", "caption": "Bot disappears then reappears.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBot disappears then reappears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12628581595_92f294c937.mov", "caption": "Two people walk up stairs to the far left.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nTwo people walk up stairs to the far left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2401577710_bca9785879.mpg", "caption": "Woman inserts paper in mini helmet.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman inserts paper in mini helmet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015683051_2cfb74360f.mov", "caption": "Child makes bottle shoot out of cup.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nChild makes bottle shoot out of cup.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2809270214_496ff093a5.avi", "caption": "Baby knocks bucket over.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBaby knocks bucket over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3602008437_8fc43a749e.mp4", "caption": "The bright blue lights goes away.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe bright blue lights goes away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444458929_7286e54114.mov", "caption": "Person in red stop looking down and looks up.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPerson in red stop looking down and looks up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4265465827_acf0d6d2c7.mov", "caption": "People first become visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPeople first become visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8283285682_d1267bb1cc.", "caption": "The man in black kicks the other guy.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe man in black kicks the other guy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2934547606_db329bdfdf.mpg", "caption": "The person on the court in neon green squats down.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe person on the court in neon green squats down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8532194995_d624f9220d.mov", "caption": "Cat jumps down onto the balcony.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCat jumps down onto the balcony.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59431569@N02_8227464997_7f7f32870a.mov", "caption": "Yellow road sign passes on right.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nYellow road sign passes on right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7186186@N07_13927593445_96703f1283.mov", "caption": "A man taps a leaf.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man taps a leaf.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326456132_82ecae939b.mov", "caption": "Man in tuxedo vest is shown.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan in tuxedo vest is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66284747@N00_3707020186_a8179a902e.mov", "caption": "A blurred movie shot of grass.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA blurred movie shot of grass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6194119150_ba9a09feb2.mov", "caption": "A man in a black suit turns to a woman in a red suit.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA man in a black suit turns to a woman in a red suit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444884426_1b233897e3.mov", "caption": "Camera shows more of the sky.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera shows more of the sky.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37856770@N06_5595910601_da23a6efcc.wmv", "caption": "A child is dipping their paintbrush into paint.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA child is dipping their paintbrush into paint.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748288673_4f68f3f268.mov", "caption": "The camera pans down from a brick building to a man that is pointing to the building.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera pans down from a brick building to a man that is pointing to the building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_4668479769_e1e5117ee9.mov", "caption": "The creature/bug is upside down.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe creature/bug is upside down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317908648_9592bf11e3.mov", "caption": "Green jacket comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGreen jacket comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47335063@N08_4676226444_7a2366d714.avi", "caption": "No cell phone screen can be seen here.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nNo cell phone screen can be seen here.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9445973495_896cbd84e9.mov", "caption": "Child in chair first moves.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nChild in chair first moves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113274038_d267a35413.mov", "caption": "The blonde girl on the right leans down and kisses the baby on the cheek for the first time in the video.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe blonde girl on the right leans down and kisses the baby on the cheek for the first time in the video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368920156_f254760c2c.mov", "caption": "Woman holds up the toys.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWoman holds up the toys.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4373687819_95fc6e95bf.mov", "caption": "White plates first appear.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWhite plates first appear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3594450980_b25d3d52eb.mp4", "caption": "Girl looks at the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nGirl looks at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_5069939890_58c064dc97.mov", "caption": "Man holds up a worm (or something that looks like it).", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan holds up a worm (or something that looks like it).", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6154926852_8d5bbc41e9.mov", "caption": "Small bird moves beak.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSmall bird moves beak.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57071639@N00_2400251489_5109128f3b.3gp", "caption": "Wave forms a peak on the right.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWave forms a peak on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9147391626_5753c0e83e.mov", "caption": "Lady on the right waves her hand in front of her face.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nLady on the right waves her hand in front of her face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288717@N02_3757477319_f72dd220b0.avi", "caption": "Bee leaves the frame.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBee leaves the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24525988@N00_4244846657_e76350ac93.mov", "caption": "Green light fades to small red light.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nGreen light fades to small red light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_4474066467_22a0375378.mov", "caption": "The man gets himself to the rock.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man gets himself to the rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3233823871_4e31b8f2f0.m4v", "caption": "You can see the back of the womans head in this picture.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nYou can see the back of the womans head in this picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_5536769782_27b2dbf150.mp4", "caption": "The white car is no longer in the frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe white car is no longer in the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27432743@N00_3689639910_5cc440b77b.mp4", "caption": "The toddler first reaches under the faucet.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe toddler first reaches under the faucet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5752721077_bea3173b89.mp4", "caption": "The man spits fire into the air.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe man spits fire into the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978496042_940ba7d578.mp4", "caption": "Guy enters into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nGuy enters into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4627328527_812ddede5f.wmv", "caption": "Train going by on left and then kid runs down road.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTrain going by on left and then kid runs down road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "79364055@N00_6329710407_364feaa1c2.mov", "caption": "The camera pans to left to show more people.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera pans to left to show more people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8494901801_2a59170218.mov", "caption": "The light begins to shine in the room.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe light begins to shine in the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817453084_c81e42a083.avi", "caption": "The woman pushes the camera person away.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe woman pushes the camera person away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42872607@N00_3216722391_531cfb839b.mov", "caption": "Cat walks to one end of the door and than back again.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCat walks to one end of the door and than back again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "22144986@N00_5506248996_f47e2a8316.mov", "caption": "The object is first away from fencing.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe object is first away from fencing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8527171734_3139dde5eb.mov", "caption": "The person begins to pet the cat.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe person begins to pet the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305050464_9c53b5d561.mov", "caption": "The young boy pushes the man away.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe young boy pushes the man away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "96161068@N05_8806114550_fd49113596.mov", "caption": "Baby is given to little girl.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBaby is given to little girl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4147744896_5e42f3c0e9.mov", "caption": "Car can be seen in the bottom left corner of the frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCar can be seen in the bottom left corner of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32739506@N03_4924943979_1667fb6f10.mov", "caption": "Statue in middle of fountain becomes visible for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nStatue in middle of fountain becomes visible for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350674032_bb49776675.mpg", "caption": "A baby falls down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA baby falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8133782077_5af658f4c4.mov", "caption": "Child begins to walk and pull the toy.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nChild begins to walk and pull the toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_3328053052_d709e36f43.avi", "caption": "We see cars for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe see cars for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978496042_940ba7d578.mp4", "caption": "A man holding up a pamphlet in front of a building.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA man holding up a pamphlet in front of a building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3829685788_4091e913b7.mov", "caption": "Only frame with a house in it.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nOnly frame with a house in it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "97352149@N00_6143993297_5d524acf9d.mp4", "caption": "The finger makes a circle at the bottom of the screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe finger makes a circle at the bottom of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6174107220_32d306635a.mov", "caption": "A man is walking with grandparents with strings hanging down from head.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA man is walking with grandparents with strings hanging down from head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21704503@N05_3646513048_e8b519238e.mov", "caption": "Sky begins to darken.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 27.986291666666666]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nSky begins to darken.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3752675055_29d5812ee9.mov", "caption": "We see another boat enter the tunnel.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe see another boat enter the tunnel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262234882_9f8cdba19a.mov", "caption": "A group of event patrons in formal attire, wave their hands in a coordinated dance.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA group of event patrons in formal attire, wave their hands in a coordinated dance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139617520_1c478e5b77.m4v", "caption": "Person helps someone put equipment on their head.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nPerson helps someone put equipment on their head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_5384991695_591b33d58d.mov", "caption": "A man waves his two hands in the air back and forth.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.863166666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 29.863166666666668]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 29.863166666666668]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA man waves his two hands in the air back and forth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5001107576_6dea30d8ee.mp4", "caption": "We first see a person with backpack.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe first see a person with backpack.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2506994262_fb25932e27.avi", "caption": "The race begins.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe race begins.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6430982977_aee6dfe611.mov", "caption": "The grey cat jumps down from the top of the couch down onto the cushions chasing the toy.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe grey cat jumps down from the top of the couch down onto the cushions chasing the toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7974518114_7646aca0c0.mov", "caption": "Snow thrown into air seen first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSnow thrown into air seen first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444219465_6d00b438e9.mov", "caption": "Climber is at the highest point.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nClimber is at the highest point.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4532955150_b1df79efc9.mov", "caption": "The man on the right takes off hit hat and put it back on.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man on the right takes off hit hat and put it back on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817477962_49e5788312.mp4", "caption": "Dog shakes off water.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nDog shakes off water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7827661@N04_4074719143_dba67798fc.mp4", "caption": "The man walks back to the rope/cord.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe man walks back to the rope/cord.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10413267033_dd53be1694.mp4", "caption": "Blue store appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBlue store appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6829893951_f10a25a3c8.mp4", "caption": "A castle or cathedral is first seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA castle or cathedral is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326435816_6960ca36bb.mp4", "caption": "Chocolate egg is opened.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nChocolate egg is opened.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4671023205_74077118fd.mov", "caption": "We first see the baby hitting the ipad screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe first see the baby hitting the ipad screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3735479957_36fd7f5aed.mov", "caption": "Little girl falls on ground and lays there.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nLittle girl falls on ground and lays there.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_5221173100_5e3ae59ef8.wmv", "caption": "A picture goes from black screen to light.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA picture goes from black screen to light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3922607929_1b35730cc9.mov", "caption": "Black square drops down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBlack square drops down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2753576649_f54b4c2408.avi", "caption": "Boy puts his hand between his legs.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBoy puts his hand between his legs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38941000@N02_5387807542_898c57b2c9.mov", "caption": "Blue screen comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 27.533333333333335]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBlue screen comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_5278314271_5c5b6ea4e1.mp4", "caption": "White lights get zoomed in on.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWhite lights get zoomed in on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30454038@N06_7646062428_5a9e5c3593.mov", "caption": "The baby crawls off the bed.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe baby crawls off the bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932106992_34d0f94493.mpg", "caption": "Two women pass by.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTwo women pass by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8668089@N08_2918190657_d53f6922ae.avi", "caption": "Beach goes out of frame then comes back in.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBeach goes out of frame then comes back in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015769906_7c97b5250a.mov", "caption": "A little boy climbs the stairs to the ball pit.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA little boy climbs the stairs to the ball pit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4293389399_b6ee68a47a.mp4", "caption": "The cat jumps on the couch arm.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe cat jumps on the couch arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4893184599_197570445d.mp4", "caption": "Person wearing white hat and top sitting on wall in background.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson wearing white hat and top sitting on wall in background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26803869@N00_5882810453_e1746e7a79.3gp", "caption": "Passes by a parked pickup truck.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPasses by a parked pickup truck.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8133782077_5af658f4c4.mov", "caption": "Boy dragging toy walks towards camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBoy dragging toy walks towards camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_5339867789_59b856a56b.mov", "caption": "The needle is removed and replaced after a new record is chosen.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe needle is removed and replaced after a new record is chosen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12280528136_b1d8fa292c.mts", "caption": "The face of a woman in orange and green is visible for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe face of a woman in orange and green is visible for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12280528136_b1d8fa292c.mts", "caption": "Baby is clapping.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby is clapping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4769517632_3205860150.mov", "caption": "Man in blue shirt and cap moves away.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan in blue shirt and cap moves away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5466763736_b75978c04e.mov", "caption": "Bottom part of a map on the wallcan be seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBottom part of a map on the wallcan be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3901267059_e2447aa132.m4v", "caption": "Man starts talking.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan starts talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_6056554923_0cdb559990.wmv", "caption": "Black screen to airplane.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBlack screen to airplane.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5995707844_57203e3e03.mov", "caption": "The main raises onto his knees to crawl.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe main raises onto his knees to crawl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3638594847_d3c3a425b6.mov", "caption": "First time baby pulls something out of the basket.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFirst time baby pulls something out of the basket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6543806297_b3e2c00cf6.mov", "caption": "First time cat jumps up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst time cat jumps up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4147744896_5e42f3c0e9.mov", "caption": "Red car comes into view driving up behind the van.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.279249999999998]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.279249999999998]], [[25, 29.279249999999998]], [[25, 29.279249999999998]], [[25, 29.279249999999998]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nRed car comes into view driving up behind the van.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3736977321_6091381cef.avi", "caption": "The performers are close and the step away from each other.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe performers are close and the step away from each other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_4225600109_ff15b92af0.avi", "caption": "The waves come in for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe waves come in for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7188678646_2dd6e6c28c.mov", "caption": "Two players fall to the ground.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTwo players fall to the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8604725930_f6f5314798.mpg", "caption": "The title on screen appears and then disappears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe title on screen appears and then disappears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7285350148_d6f9bb1bfa.avi", "caption": "The platform starts to go down.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe platform starts to go down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40009990@N00_2557746871_1bb2d1ff9f.mp4", "caption": "A person in the back row tilts his head to the left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 24.16]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA person in the back row tilts his head to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2607640923_47c7619977.mov", "caption": "Two blue bowls pass by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nTwo blue bowls pass by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6878029977_51f7c9d844.mov", "caption": "The girl pulls herself back up.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.625]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.625]], [[20, 23.625]], [[20, 23.625]], [[20, 23.625]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe girl pulls herself back up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_5221173100_5e3ae59ef8.wmv", "caption": "Writing is on the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWriting is on the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56866600@N00_2641879393_a143ab3863.avi", "caption": "Baseball players reaches home plate.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBaseball players reaches home plate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10413267033_dd53be1694.mp4", "caption": "We see graffiti on the green wall.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe see graffiti on the green wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6475202033_fc1673aa6f.mov", "caption": "Girl gets up for first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nGirl gets up for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_6651212771_da46f18cd5.mpg", "caption": "The animal starts the run.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe animal starts the run.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2931257309_53be4dfa39.mpg", "caption": "A woman running down the stairs at an event.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA woman running down the stairs at an event.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7827661@N04_4074734627_00965056c1.mp4", "caption": "Telephone poll with a transformer is seen briefly.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTelephone poll with a transformer is seen briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7827661@N04_4074734627_00965056c1.mp4", "caption": "Person in a red shirt appears.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in a red shirt appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6076805467_981638ecd8.avi", "caption": "Goes from standing to kneeling.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nGoes from standing to kneeling.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567085088_d618943a35.mov", "caption": "A person wearing a pink shirt is seen the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA person wearing a pink shirt is seen the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_6287754115_18b520c47f.avi", "caption": "The man moves his arms like chicken wings.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.9239]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 23.9239]], [[15, 23.9239]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man moves his arms like chicken wings.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6468865689_33a10a8d7e.mp4", "caption": "White truck in frames.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWhite truck in frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9609273353_7b1706f1e9.mov", "caption": "Yellow car flies by really fast.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nYellow car flies by really fast.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40074029@N00_4268552461_a3eff20e99.mov", "caption": "Person in blue coat first comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in blue coat first comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4268086890_c1277fd100.mov", "caption": "Singing boy is closest.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nSinging boy is closest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3960804889_3d7705ea67.mov", "caption": "Man in blue shirt with white stripes enters frame from right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan in blue shirt with white stripes enters frame from right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7974518114_7646aca0c0.mov", "caption": "Confetti is first shown.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nConfetti is first shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2923840840_408016e106.avi", "caption": "Baby rolled to his back.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBaby rolled to his back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10394278434_85614ccf35.mp4", "caption": "A man in a brown shirt runs by the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man in a brown shirt runs by the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_8730844638_1ca82efd9d.mov", "caption": "Two people cross the street.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTwo people cross the street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2931257309_53be4dfa39.mpg", "caption": "Two groups of people shake hands.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTwo groups of people shake hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5677995715_d51fbaf137.mov", "caption": "We pass a small birdhouse.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe pass a small birdhouse.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3695443048_a0a4a0b4c4.mov", "caption": "A baby goes to a stacking toy.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA baby goes to a stacking toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4532955150_b1df79efc9.mov", "caption": "A man wearing a blue shirt drinks a beer.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man wearing a blue shirt drinks a beer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30454038@N06_7646062428_5a9e5c3593.mov", "caption": "When baby sits on rump.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWhen baby sits on rump.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3753476012_4b3440264a.mov", "caption": "We can see other boat or rafts outside the opening.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe can see other boat or rafts outside the opening.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6930566157_5e8009c604.mov", "caption": "Feet into the water.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[0, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nFeet into the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7516534276_9859dacfdf.wmv", "caption": "An old car rolls up to the front of a tent.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nAn old car rolls up to the front of a tent.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4907466773_c44e65d44c.mov", "caption": "A broken tree is shown for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA broken tree is shown for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12090392@N02_13345552833_3c188bbe52.mov", "caption": "Big tree disappears from left of frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBig tree disappears from left of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2731880094_5632455f46.mpg", "caption": "Cat puts paw in can for first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCat puts paw in can for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10108383754_bc92364cbe.mp4", "caption": "The pier 39 sign moves by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe pier 39 sign moves by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3590933677_4a4c4e321c.mp4", "caption": "A car drive under and overpass.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA car drive under and overpass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2784079778_e2d39e0216.mpg", "caption": "Cat goes from laying to sitting position.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCat goes from laying to sitting position.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9760460592_78c4d36e97.mp4", "caption": "The boy turns towards the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe boy turns towards the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5678087305_8373c38718.mov", "caption": "Camera pans left for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera pans left for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3411934827_2c622ac489.mpg", "caption": "A child drops her stuffed animal toy.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA child drops her stuffed animal toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44335492@N00_5271813523_19f24643a3.avi", "caption": "Plane is closest.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nPlane is closest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730628701_6a39164afc.avi", "caption": "Man ' lady both fall.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 30]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan ' lady both fall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44124367235@N01_6537950879_70d9104f70.mov", "caption": "Liquid starts to go into the glass.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nLiquid starts to go into the glass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730628701_6a39164afc.avi", "caption": "A man in red jumps on the trampoline.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA man in red jumps on the trampoline.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31514975@N05_4518621397_cb765eb853.avi", "caption": "Bright orange light is zoomed in on.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBright orange light is zoomed in on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10637506985_b073fe1726.mp4", "caption": "A blue car passes through frame from the left side of the scene.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA blue car passes through frame from the left side of the scene.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40074029@N00_4268552461_a3eff20e99.mov", "caption": "Man in blue jacket rides past on scooter.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan in blue jacket rides past on scooter.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936634915_5985444f5b.mp4", "caption": "House comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nHouse comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4268086890_c1277fd100.mov", "caption": "Zoom in on person wearing red kerchief.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nZoom in on person wearing red kerchief.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3526302181_f8002c3f32.avi", "caption": "Camera moves to focus on other musician.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera moves to focus on other musician.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_6770727535_5b98d91011.mov", "caption": "Camera looks up to shower flower heads for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera looks up to shower flower heads for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3753476012_4b3440264a.mov", "caption": "A boat exits the cove.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA boat exits the cove.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4769517632_3205860150.mov", "caption": "Person with red hat walks by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPerson with red hat walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8626145@N06_3017101134_86d39fd944.mov", "caption": "We go back to looking at the circular glass window.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe go back to looking at the circular glass window.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_5825835376_c3f4d87cd0.mov", "caption": "A person in a yellow costume jumps over something.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA person in a yellow costume jumps over something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337294928_33274bc25b.avi", "caption": "A man holding a guitar is visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA man holding a guitar is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_5520025760_47aa12d540.avi", "caption": "The first wave hits the bird.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe first wave hits the bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16930146@N05_3839594916_ee7d67ec52.mov", "caption": "Boy wearing tie die shirt is clapping with arms in the air.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBoy wearing tie die shirt is clapping with arms in the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899674320_2589026df1.mov", "caption": "The camera frame flips on its side.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera frame flips on its side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75237657@N00_4055964994_bc5d2836f7.mov", "caption": "The man in the white shirt moves near the boy in red.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe man in the white shirt moves near the boy in red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5596597491_f5b69c9c8f.wmv", "caption": "The boy in glasses takes a bite of a nacho.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe boy in glasses takes a bite of a nacho.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_3068835754_9c92816d46.mpg", "caption": "The cat leans in to the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe cat leans in to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_3582785686_1f3080cd5e.mov", "caption": "Tunnel goes from white to orange light.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTunnel goes from white to orange light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3550313514_463dd7d95b.avi", "caption": "Boy in white shirt gets up.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBoy in white shirt gets up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78189444@N03_7165735186_4957794ed9.mov", "caption": "Cameraman in green backs up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCameraman in green backs up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368372481_7a826f75f6.mov", "caption": "Someone's foot is briefly on the walker.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSomeone's foot is briefly on the walker.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6758070727_44708f10e4.mov", "caption": "'buy' flashes on the screen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\n'buy' flashes on the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55455788@N00_10855991194_487e7b96a0.mov", "caption": "The pigs first begin racing.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe pigs first begin racing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67858781@N00_3353508400_5e26427f00.avi", "caption": "Guy enters scene from left.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGuy enters scene from left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2506994262_fb25932e27.avi", "caption": "The orange team wins the race.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe orange team wins the race.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30454038@N06_7646070970_da6b9c2656.mov", "caption": "Baby stands up and tries to open dresser.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBaby stands up and tries to open dresser.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450370752_3af9788e9d.mov", "caption": "The women in purple come into view for the first time in the video, then go out of view.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe women in purple come into view for the first time in the video, then go out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44631364@N00_3389694288_350b51b4bb.avi", "caption": "Round the corner and see a door.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nRound the corner and see a door.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913562783_4fd83ef3ec.mov", "caption": "Float almost leaves view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFloat almost leaves view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7285350148_d6f9bb1bfa.avi", "caption": "Kid in front spins in a circle.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nKid in front spins in a circle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40009990@N00_2557746871_1bb2d1ff9f.mp4", "caption": "Bald man moves his head to left then right.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.16]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.16]], [[20, 24.16]], [[20, 24.16]], [[20, 24.16]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBald man moves his head to left then right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3790902949_6550339fe6.mpg", "caption": "The camera zooms out on the dj.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe camera zooms out on the dj.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44186100@N00_2590335345_15b6f8eb5f.mp4", "caption": "Camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_9222418350_229f6e3e26.mov", "caption": "No ladder can be seen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nNo ladder can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "28784980@N00_4899315604_ee7bae0e1f.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4082144394_c1546f7eaf.avi", "caption": "A sedan drives around the roundabout.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA sedan drives around the roundabout.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4363942523_cf2dca698d.mov", "caption": "Women stop dancing and speak to each other.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWomen stop dancing and speak to each other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3731246808_8f62be5082.avi", "caption": "A man closes a black umbrella.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man closes a black umbrella.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_9305851905_2e7db67d05.mp4", "caption": "A group of deer are running and the camera moves to the left making the back of a tan truck come into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA group of deer are running and the camera moves to the left making the back of a tan truck come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_9111047554_df9974aa13.mp4", "caption": "The first bird flies away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe first bird flies away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69129230@N00_4096942835_e0dabf9da5.mov", "caption": "Person moves their thumb in a counter clockwise direction for the second time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPerson moves their thumb in a counter clockwise direction for the second time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_4673392735_4d74910787.mov", "caption": "Close up of rainbow.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nClose up of rainbow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5262220923_f5557abe49.mp4", "caption": "We see the bull go back into a stall.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe see the bull go back into a stall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8649380281_abeeddb0b1.mp4", "caption": "Darkest blue.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nDarkest blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8243844603_e9a8bf01fe.mov", "caption": "A man gives another man a bite to eat then pulls his hand away.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man gives another man a bite to eat then pulls his hand away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5677882983_e77b3e9f66.mov", "caption": "The sun comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe sun comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2725586589_4c9e4eee26.avi", "caption": "Baby starts to cry.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBaby starts to cry.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4769517632_3205860150.mov", "caption": "We see the person on our left holding their camera above their head.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe see the person on our left holding their camera above their head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_6287754115_18b520c47f.avi", "caption": "Speaker sticks out both elbows.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 23.9239]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nSpeaker sticks out both elbows.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_6740296989_8926966097.mp4", "caption": "The jelly fish almost get out of frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe jelly fish almost get out of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056204141_fac454e52f.m4v", "caption": "The baby gorilla looks at the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe baby gorilla looks at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139617520_1c478e5b77.m4v", "caption": "Person starts to do parkour and runs out of view.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson starts to do parkour and runs out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78332988@N00_4653002775_2be37d99aa.avi", "caption": "A hand holding a camera comes up from the bottom of the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA hand holding a camera comes up from the bottom of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_3929534677_9313954ab1.mov", "caption": "Crossing lights first shine across the performer.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCrossing lights first shine across the performer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4147744896_5e42f3c0e9.mov", "caption": "Man drags an object all the way to the white vehicle.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan drags an object all the way to the white vehicle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4383300445_980b8b513b.mp4", "caption": "Someone with black hair walks in between the camera and the parade.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.5225]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSomeone with black hair walks in between the camera and the parade.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567085088_d618943a35.mov", "caption": "A person walks through a crowd pushing a wheelbarrow.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA person walks through a crowd pushing a wheelbarrow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4136819734_dcf7078be4.mov", "caption": "The man takes a drink.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe man takes a drink.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5752721077_bea3173b89.mp4", "caption": "A person blowing fire into the air with their mouth.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA person blowing fire into the air with their mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43528767@N00_5435971877_2c47280e71.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in on the machine.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe camera zooms in on the machine.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3695443048_a0a4a0b4c4.mov", "caption": "Baby crawls over to a toy.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBaby crawls over to a toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4346772532_cf5893ca14.avi", "caption": "A little girl standing in front of a computer puts a phone to her eat and start talking.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA little girl standing in front of a computer puts a phone to her eat and start talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5029949102_de3a3e224e.mov", "caption": "A cat digs a hole then runs away.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.4294]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.4294]], [[25, 29.4294]], [[20, 29.4294]], [[25, 29.4294]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA cat digs a hole then runs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092014330_c1690537d4.mov", "caption": "Four people are visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nFour people are visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5440416620_89585921ef.avi", "caption": "A white car appears driving.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA white car appears driving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2554872567_ec4cb5566e.mp4", "caption": "A cat scrambles in a circle.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA cat scrambles in a circle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056640468_06fa94dbe6.m4v", "caption": "The car first drives past a walking person.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe car first drives past a walking person.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12485604213_9b6bc7fbd1.mp4", "caption": "The tram turns.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 29.28]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe tram turns.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365152473_869de3885c.wmv", "caption": "Groom puts the ring on the bride.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGroom puts the ring on the bride.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6930566157_5e8009c604.mov", "caption": "Fish surround man's feet.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFish surround man's feet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7071386095_a7350f43e0.mpg", "caption": "The black tie is visible on the man in white.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe black tie is visible on the man in white.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6235449567_b1285a447b.mp4", "caption": "Gentleman with a black shirt walks into frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nGentleman with a black shirt walks into frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_6651212771_da46f18cd5.mpg", "caption": "Chinchilla stops running for the first time briefly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nChinchilla stops running for the first time briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6077348852_05f54a66df.avi", "caption": "The two fighters run into the crowd.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe two fighters run into the crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6235449567_b1285a447b.mp4", "caption": "Person in black exits frame to left.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in black exits frame to left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4175539607_26669cd634.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans from the end of the mural to another structure and then a building.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 24.3243]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera pans from the end of the mural to another structure and then a building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305113560_d7009b0d72.mov", "caption": "Woman grabs child and sits child up.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWoman grabs child and sits child up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139801368_088bcdb421.mov", "caption": "Second attempt to clear the object by the man in black.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSecond attempt to clear the object by the man in black.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5023057779_d7eef269c5.avi", "caption": "A hand reaches from behind to turn on the fan.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA hand reaches from behind to turn on the fan.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3818425297_1d631acb25.mov", "caption": "A person opens a cupboard to get a tin out.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA person opens a cupboard to get a tin out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24175071@N00_3095853077_216324e27c.3gp", "caption": "Boy stops and looks down at instrument for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBoy stops and looks down at instrument for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4099834031_8275e0263f.avi", "caption": "A man ' lady are seen walking through the scene.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man ' lady are seen walking through the scene.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10927750385_a62098f6db.mts", "caption": "The little girl in pink looks under the bowl.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe little girl in pink looks under the bowl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7622630856_b015283569.mov", "caption": "A little girl pushes a baby in a car.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA little girl pushes a baby in a car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913562783_4fd83ef3ec.mov", "caption": "A parade float appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA parade float appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3526302181_f8002c3f32.avi", "caption": "Only one saxophone player is shown at a time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nOnly one saxophone player is shown at a time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_3106062271_2ef8c520ed.mpg", "caption": "A man in a santa costume walks away from a sea of people in santa costumes holding his ear - presumably to try to hear a cell phone call.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA man in a santa costume walks away from a sea of people in santa costumes holding his ear - presumably to try to hear a cell phone call.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_4849598122_519d61e59f.wmv", "caption": "Lightning lights up left side then right side.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nLightning lights up left side then right side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60002783@N00_5024581852_812e9f23dc.mov", "caption": "Person moves head in bottom right side of frame.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson moves head in bottom right side of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89167587@N00_5205406283_4345ecedc9.avi", "caption": "The palm tree is visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe palm tree is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932106992_34d0f94493.mpg", "caption": "Nothing is happening. people are just sitting around.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nNothing is happening. people are just sitting around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368332221_205d1fa97c.mov", "caption": "Baby's head falls onto the pillow.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBaby's head falls onto the pillow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_8122152755_878323ddd2.", "caption": "One rodent jumps down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nOne rodent jumps down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58001681@N00_2576125367_1335d5d284.mov", "caption": "Bus comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBus comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12628581595_92f294c937.mov", "caption": "White shirt climbs stairs and enters building at the bottom left.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWhite shirt climbs stairs and enters building at the bottom left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_5520025760_47aa12d540.avi", "caption": "First time bird runs into and out of water.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst time bird runs into and out of water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42626735@N00_13962429255_c485f97519.mov", "caption": "Person drops a card out their hands.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPerson drops a card out their hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894173601@N01_3041662651_742029999d.avi", "caption": "We zoom in on the people.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe zoom in on the people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86967014@N07_7966335204_f89d01f171.", "caption": "Woman in white first raises her arm.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWoman in white first raises her arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26484906@N05_3662765555_3cfb28ea7f.mov", "caption": "Someone with a guitar sits down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nSomeone with a guitar sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11989494165_736e0abdb7.mp4", "caption": "People walk close to camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPeople walk close to camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9810805945_e5b779b877.mov", "caption": "The child walks around the front of the couch and touches the arm as he stands with his back to the yellow toy.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.291666666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.291666666666668]], [[20, 24.291666666666668]], [[20, 24.291666666666668]], [[20, 24.291666666666668]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe child walks around the front of the couch and touches the arm as he stands with his back to the yellow toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4265465827_acf0d6d2c7.mov", "caption": "People come into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPeople come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5140958695_bc0567422a.mov", "caption": "Cat manages to hang on to dangling object.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCat manages to hang on to dangling object.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5140958695_bc0567422a.mov", "caption": "Cameraman snatches object away from cat.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCameraman snatches object away from cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5773252840_5b30885615.avi", "caption": "A man puts down his sign as we walk down the sidewalk.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man puts down his sign as we walk down the sidewalk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_4895707284_895dcb4d8b.mp4", "caption": "Screen partially fades to black.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nScreen partially fades to black.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_6339863476_ef4fed329b.avi", "caption": "School of fish swim by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nSchool of fish swim by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089245213_e7f8da3ec3.mov", "caption": "A fish swims down.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA fish swims down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015836933_32b54fcb50.mov", "caption": "A little boy waves to the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA little boy waves to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5272138273_18a4de1320.wmv", "caption": "A ferris wheel first comes in to view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA ferris wheel first comes in to view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_5825916697_732fa55119.mov", "caption": "Bicycle with a orange flag on it passes man in donkey costume.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBicycle with a orange flag on it passes man in donkey costume.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4265465827_acf0d6d2c7.mov", "caption": "Old man in white finishes filming then leaves .", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nOld man in white finishes filming then leaves .", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3520146821_ac4478560a.3gp", "caption": "Little girl gives a thumbs up.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLittle girl gives a thumbs up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308949169_b9f78022e5.mov", "caption": "We see the girls pink sock for the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe see the girls pink sock for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_9927034855_01528203c3.mp4", "caption": "Child smashes sand castles.", "timestamps": [[0, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nChild smashes sand castles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9323446518_2b2dfea0fb.mov", "caption": "The train comes to a stop.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe train comes to a stop.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8616010267_e2abc9913f.mp4", "caption": "Adult fingers come into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nAdult fingers come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5357791944_96100cff71.avi", "caption": "Camera shows child.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCamera shows child.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32739506@N03_4924943979_1667fb6f10.mov", "caption": "A statue in a fountain.", "timestamps": [[5, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA statue in a fountain.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4981531695_1d3c8f3a6a.mov", "caption": "The woman holds the baby's hands then claps.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe woman holds the baby's hands then claps.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95033136@N00_3238731624_7a7a3db626.avi", "caption": "Chef moves the cutting board.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nChef moves the cutting board.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2820745366_b29f6e67a2.mov", "caption": "Person with red sleeves circles the tree trunk.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPerson with red sleeves circles the tree trunk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4275015118_e10907b242.mov", "caption": "The girl is spun around by the man.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe girl is spun around by the man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748306797_54b221b2b3.mov", "caption": "Man points at building.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan points at building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365251579_d3cf1a92d5.wmv", "caption": "Priest lowers hand.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPriest lowers hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4170579868_e7efb7c7fd.avi", "caption": "A bike rider goes past a building.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA bike rider goes past a building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_4668479769_e1e5117ee9.mov", "caption": "The flower moves.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe flower moves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2453819169_488af6fddb.mpg", "caption": "Cat walks around and rubs on person.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCat walks around and rubs on person.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3102324349_aa2ffba1d5.mov", "caption": "Two squirrels fight.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.989633333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 22.989633333333334]], [[15, 22.989633333333334]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTwo squirrels fight.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31514975@N05_4518621397_cb765eb853.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms into the sun.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera zooms into the sun.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5466763736_b75978c04e.mov", "caption": "Dog passes in and out of view.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nDog passes in and out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5466763736_b75978c04e.mov", "caption": "Man stop playing and looks at the cameraman.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.25]], [[20, 24.25]], [[20, 24.25]], [[20, 24.25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan stop playing and looks at the cameraman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_4849598122_519d61e59f.wmv", "caption": "Lightening flashes at bottom then top of clouds.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nLightening flashes at bottom then top of clouds.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4335935580_cb66c1d2be.mov", "caption": "Black woman in white and blue walks out of frame.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBlack woman in white and blue walks out of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_3033523230_ea2e3cc514.mov", "caption": "Rainbow flag is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nRainbow flag is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_13706363874_9d859f4c78.mov", "caption": "A young girl dances around a blowup bouncy castle in with white fuzzy hat.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA young girl dances around a blowup bouncy castle in with white fuzzy hat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12539267@N00_3458068451_281ce029ab.mpg", "caption": "We see man in suit for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWe see man in suit for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2731880094_5632455f46.mpg", "caption": "The cat sticks it's paw in the can.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe cat sticks it's paw in the can.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3731246808_8f62be5082.avi", "caption": "A street performer descends from the shoulder of his performing partner.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.922900000000002]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.922900000000002]], [[15, 22.922900000000002]], [[15, 22.922900000000002]], [[15, 22.922900000000002]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA street performer descends from the shoulder of his performing partner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10149286@N00_5135045216_643d0b0a92.mov", "caption": "Child in buzz light year costume walks by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nChild in buzz light year costume walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "84524178@N00_5313431794_3c4b3dd665.mov", "caption": "Boy sits up for first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBoy sits up for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_4983143515_8803e59143.mp4", "caption": "A bird flies over the beach.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA bird flies over the beach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4333208497_40bce38caf.mov", "caption": "First time trombone player passes camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFirst time trombone player passes camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3586691469_f1eb98c5b7.m4v", "caption": "The baby in blue gets up.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe baby in blue gets up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2399637177_50419d4a17.wmv", "caption": "Woman walks into view towards the dog and picks up the dogs toy.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWoman walks into view towards the dog and picks up the dogs toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12485604213_9b6bc7fbd1.mp4", "caption": "Girl with blue shirt drives past on bike.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nGirl with blue shirt drives past on bike.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368267139_6dfa8bfa9b.mov", "caption": "The child stops trying to pull down the chair.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe child stops trying to pull down the chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5490220994_9b19703bd0.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms out slightly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera zooms out slightly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5466763736_b75978c04e.mov", "caption": "Dog walks in front of man.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nDog walks in front of man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3638594847_d3c3a425b6.mov", "caption": "Something striped is pulled from the basket.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSomething striped is pulled from the basket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2784079778_e2d39e0216.mpg", "caption": "Cat sits up fully.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCat sits up fully.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3199443352_91a9a44421.mp4", "caption": "Blue lamp apears.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBlue lamp apears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368332221_205d1fa97c.mov", "caption": "Baby lifts up head high for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBaby lifts up head high for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4813448663_7b78eb3e61.mov", "caption": "A building structure is shown for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 27.9279]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA building structure is shown for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3602008437_8fc43a749e.mp4", "caption": "Camera moves to the right.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera moves to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5440416620_89585921ef.avi", "caption": "Grey car moves out of view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nGrey car moves out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8133782077_5af658f4c4.mov", "caption": "Little kid pulls town back and forth gazeebo.", "timestamps": [[0, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLittle kid pulls town back and forth gazeebo.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015836933_32b54fcb50.mov", "caption": "The kid waves his hand in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe kid waves his hand in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6935445644_8c15a08c94.mov", "caption": "Moment when the person filming takes the first step towards the cat on the treadmill.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMoment when the person filming takes the first step towards the cat on the treadmill.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015769906_7c97b5250a.mov", "caption": "Child throw's the ball into the game.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nChild throw's the ball into the game.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5357791944_96100cff71.avi", "caption": "Child comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nChild comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_4895707284_895dcb4d8b.mp4", "caption": "Some type of weird light disappears.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nSome type of weird light disappears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056731238_bf4af2eb89.m4v", "caption": "The monkeys are visible for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe monkeys are visible for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "22144986@N00_5506213758_2ec53ed49e.mov", "caption": "Man stops to look behind him.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan stops to look behind him.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5608017121_b77873ae19.avi", "caption": "The man looks into the mirror.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man looks into the mirror.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139617520_1c478e5b77.m4v", "caption": "Young boy first appears.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nYoung boy first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_5946713307_26456d9fab.3gp", "caption": "We see a man in a yellow shirt walk in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe see a man in a yellow shirt walk in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "17318552@N00_12069808146_9fc9c2d1bb.mov", "caption": "Smoke in the center and then camera moves down and drastically left.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSmoke in the center and then camera moves down and drastically left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2554872567_ec4cb5566e.mp4", "caption": "A cat walks to the right.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA cat walks to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_5874371593_3feff06342.avi", "caption": "Camera first zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera first zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25391939@N04_2584980585_405c9ca8e6.avi", "caption": "First time we see water being sprayed.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nFirst time we see water being sprayed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2632304556_eb24a267d3.mpg", "caption": "Jostled camera is zooming in and out.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nJostled camera is zooming in and out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5049671925_eee1f40e2d.mp4", "caption": "Camera moves slightly to the right and then to the left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera moves slightly to the right and then to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_4474067925_24231c5cf4.mp4", "caption": "Someones elbow is n view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSomeones elbow is n view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3339318490_1f5f016b87.m4v", "caption": "The cameraman's hand moves into the screen to play keys and grab the babies hand.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe cameraman's hand moves into the screen to play keys and grab the babies hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2655997447_25262855b4.avi", "caption": "The boy in a blue hat is seen for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 22.8228]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe boy in a blue hat is seen for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317908648_9592bf11e3.mov", "caption": "Woman in the foreground picks up a child in a pink coat.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWoman in the foreground picks up a child in a pink coat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "63126465@N00_2561116193_49e1af7b57.mp4", "caption": "Pass two white lines.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPass two white lines.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6784467994_561e36cb22.mov", "caption": "The little girl and the man are both dancing.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe little girl and the man are both dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4136620664_6b69c756f5.mov", "caption": "Woman raises hand.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWoman raises hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005478889_e3fd6d76e1.mov", "caption": "We get a view of the blue rider's face.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe get a view of the blue rider's face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5677995715_d51fbaf137.mov", "caption": "We pass all the grass and see only dirt on the ground.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe pass all the grass and see only dirt on the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_3355740001_6602b4fb04.mpg", "caption": "A cat plants a single paw as he looks to the right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA cat plants a single paw as he looks to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7071386095_a7350f43e0.mpg", "caption": "Person in white moonwalks off stage.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 25]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in white moonwalks off stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3766664614_f0192a481e.mov", "caption": "The light changes from red, to green, to blue.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe light changes from red, to green, to blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_9386338617_042c7550f1.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms right when a table with white objects on it appear in the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera zooms right when a table with white objects on it appear in the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4267342527_c6d9f56f31.mov", "caption": "Girl on shoulders of someone wearing pink jacket.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[10, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nGirl on shoulders of someone wearing pink jacket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4469734214_3c6281a00a.avi", "caption": "A second girl in a pink shirt enters the room.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA second girl in a pink shirt enters the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_5826898997_0a951bea4f.mp4", "caption": "Head passes in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nHead passes in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4170579868_e7efb7c7fd.avi", "caption": "White car drives by.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 28.695333333333334]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 28.695333333333334]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWhite car drives by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920226432_717b272a78.avi", "caption": "People watching a blue screen and laughing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPeople watching a blue screen and laughing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6588974395_2aef61fdfa.mov", "caption": "We see the second cover/green cover.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe see the second cover/green cover.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6235449567_b1285a447b.mp4", "caption": "The tent is no longer in sight.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe tent is no longer in sight.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31788279@N00_2509412119_f0d103fd1e.mov", "caption": "Dancers spin for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nDancers spin for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5129506391_fc26a62b9d.avi", "caption": "Rolling a giant ball.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nRolling a giant ball.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8254342732_5df45f9aa2.mp4", "caption": "A woman enters from the right, and exits quickly.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA woman enters from the right, and exits quickly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8243844603_e9a8bf01fe.mov", "caption": "A man in a brown shirt is fed something while holding a child in red.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA man in a brown shirt is fed something while holding a child in red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913562783_4fd83ef3ec.mov", "caption": "First view of front of fire engine.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst view of front of fire engine.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9046089068_429505c4de.", "caption": "A person can be seen holding a green balloon and a purple balloon.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA person can be seen holding a green balloon and a purple balloon.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444884426_1b233897e3.mov", "caption": "View turns around upside down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nView turns around upside down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_7430499768_ebc7c583b7.mp4", "caption": "A green bar moves across the screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA green bar moves across the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860643088_cc3a272282.mp4", "caption": "Light go from green to orange as camera pans left.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nLight go from green to orange as camera pans left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7988327414_eb6e4caaee.", "caption": "All performers are standing.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nAll performers are standing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2402720752_356c53c63a.mov", "caption": "We see the cameraman in the window of the car.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe see the cameraman in the window of the car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2762927601_c96f4e8f51.wmv", "caption": "Flames are seen burning outside somewhere dark.", "timestamps": [[5, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nFlames are seen burning outside somewhere dark.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4893184599_197570445d.mp4", "caption": "Woman sitting is visible in background.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWoman sitting is visible in background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_11741278434_0bbe367161.mp4", "caption": "The camera moves up and zooms in on man.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera moves up and zooms in on man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3813012449_0467643a19.mov", "caption": "A father dances with his little girl.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA father dances with his little girl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337315276_1ae513b4d8.avi", "caption": "The girl ping-pong player is visible.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe girl ping-pong player is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2400936106_d8b683797b.mov", "caption": "A flag is seen waving in the bottom right.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA flag is seen waving in the bottom right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659175751_c55c6b597a.avi", "caption": "The stage is more blocked than the other clips.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe stage is more blocked than the other clips.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_2911643794_5f27592570.wmv", "caption": "The man picks something off the table the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe man picks something off the table the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_3724334375_1febaa771b.avi", "caption": "Pans left to show bright ceiling light for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPans left to show bright ceiling light for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4253489686_265c3c8051.m4v", "caption": "A man in a red shirt stomps on a centipede.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man in a red shirt stomps on a centipede.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6174481476_282efdc276.mov", "caption": "Groom speaks into microphone.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGroom speaks into microphone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54564954@N00_2422638995_84e1d6e71b.avi", "caption": "People start waving there arms.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPeople start waving there arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42872607@N00_3216722391_531cfb839b.mov", "caption": "Cat walks out to the far edge of the door, then walks back close.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCat walks out to the far edge of the door, then walks back close.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6505408965_3a28ea60c5.avi", "caption": "The front view of a black car is visible before it abruptly backs up and pulls away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe front view of a black car is visible before it abruptly backs up and pulls away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57071639@N00_2400251489_5109128f3b.3gp", "caption": "Water first recedes.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWater first recedes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_3243638275_5edf97bc5b.avi", "caption": "A hand appears briefly on right side of frame then disappears.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA hand appears briefly on right side of frame then disappears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3716011170_fa49d26aa4.avi", "caption": "A person or persons are seen dancing in the water.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA person or persons are seen dancing in the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005462463_640123da53.mov", "caption": "Our closest point to the cyclist wearing blue.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nOur closest point to the cyclist wearing blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444846102_f017c3e672.mov", "caption": "Person kicks their left foot against the cliff several times.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPerson kicks their left foot against the cliff several times.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2751386550_98b254e6c0.avi", "caption": "The balloon is at its largest.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe balloon is at its largest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9397207454_7ed256a127.mp4", "caption": "Dog waits for person then takes off again.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nDog waits for person then takes off again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8925435125_06233a0f0a.mov", "caption": "More crowd appears.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.55689022355689]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMore crowd appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_5317374233_b8699e6a39.avi", "caption": "The girl holds up her drawing.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe girl holds up her drawing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659175751_c55c6b597a.avi", "caption": "Some one's head on the left blocks most of the view.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nSome one's head on the left blocks most of the view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2809270214_496ff093a5.avi", "caption": "A baby is playing with an orange bucket and knocks it over.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA baby is playing with an orange bucket and knocks it over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4895669541_b97d1a2283.avi", "caption": "The snowboarder goes past the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe snowboarder goes past the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4169822579_db8d0a33e3.avi", "caption": "Red vehicles takes off in the left direction.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.556866666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.556866666666668]], [[15, 23.556866666666668]], [[20, 23.556866666666668]], [[15, 23.556866666666668]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nRed vehicles takes off in the left direction.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12485522565_b701dbf4ee.mp4", "caption": "A girl in orange walks by the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA girl in orange walks by the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_10935688996_bc8ed05a3d.avi", "caption": "They all switch places.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThey all switch places.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3010995355_cdafc99186.avi", "caption": "Boy touches head.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBoy touches head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365152473_869de3885c.wmv", "caption": "The priest hands something to the bride.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe priest hands something to the bride.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3305005763_ca40527bea.mov", "caption": "We see a man cross the street in front of the machine.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe see a man cross the street in front of the machine.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61797472@N00_3542726825_546dc69035.mpg", "caption": "The roller coaster slowly moves forward then moves back.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe roller coaster slowly moves forward then moves back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005478889_e3fd6d76e1.mov", "caption": "We start behind the rider in blue.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe start behind the rider in blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_9109552121_6213eea64b.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms out on the plane.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe camera zooms out on the plane.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4756749871_29da08b1e4.avi", "caption": "Girl in hat is seen laughing after moving cup away from her face for a little bit.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nGirl in hat is seen laughing after moving cup away from her face for a little bit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3607531160_b515e86165.mp4", "caption": "The car passes a tall white building.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe car passes a tall white building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49368505@N00_2484677333_fdf91e5e42.avi", "caption": "A man stares into the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA man stares into the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3233823871_4e31b8f2f0.m4v", "caption": "The woman kisses the baby then turns and smiles at the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe woman kisses the baby then turns and smiles at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005478889_e3fd6d76e1.mov", "caption": "There is a cycler in a bright green shirt in the left corner of the screen.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThere is a cycler in a bright green shirt in the left corner of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10927750385_a62098f6db.mts", "caption": "The girl puts her head to the table.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe girl puts her head to the table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9445973495_896cbd84e9.mov", "caption": "Kids feet dangle.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nKids feet dangle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59848188@N00_4689968594_0d33331a45.mov", "caption": "Car is passing a tractor trailer truck.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.756066666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.756066666666666]], [[15, 22.756066666666666]], [[15, 22.756066666666666]], [[20, 22.756066666666666]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCar is passing a tractor trailer truck.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2762927601_c96f4e8f51.wmv", "caption": "A structure on fire appears.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA structure on fire appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5023057779_d7eef269c5.avi", "caption": "A person drops a piece of paper in front of the fan presumably to see if it will fly away. by the final frame it has just dropped to the surface below the fan.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA person drops a piece of paper in front of the fan presumably to see if it will fly away. by the final frame it has just dropped to the surface below the fan.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305113560_d7009b0d72.mov", "caption": "Boy with left leg out crawls back on his mother.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBoy with left leg out crawls back on his mother.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5029949102_de3a3e224e.mov", "caption": "Dog is finished with his hole.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.4294]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.4294]], [[25, 29.4294]], [[25, 29.4294]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nDog is finished with his hole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67858781@N00_3353508400_5e26427f00.avi", "caption": "Child in pink coat comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nChild in pink coat comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61797472@N00_3542726825_546dc69035.mpg", "caption": "The ride starts to move.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe ride starts to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060974706_40d525fd7e.mp4", "caption": "No water, just grass.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nNo water, just grass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4333208497_40bce38caf.mov", "caption": "Main mass of band members are passing by.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMain mass of band members are passing by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_3929534677_9313954ab1.mov", "caption": "Bright lightening appears that put the person on stage in dark shade.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBright lightening appears that put the person on stage in dark shade.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748297805_af83df61d3.mov", "caption": "Most of building shown as camera looks up.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMost of building shown as camera looks up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_4294232056_ef62cb550b.avi", "caption": "Dog recoils back and leans forward and downward.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nDog recoils back and leans forward and downward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444322545_194be9a83e.mov", "caption": "The person kicks the snow with his left foot first.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe person kicks the snow with his left foot first.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326456132_82ecae939b.mov", "caption": "Camera turns and a table is shown.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera turns and a table is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12026205986_ce1417f1c5.mp4", "caption": "Person wearing coat walks by.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPerson wearing coat walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5784351140_421865b8ca.avi", "caption": "A brown hat walks into view.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.863166666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.863166666666668]], [[25, 29.863166666666668]], [[25, 29.863166666666668]], [[25, 29.863166666666668]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA brown hat walks into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3590933677_4a4c4e321c.mp4", "caption": "The car passes under a highway overpass.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe car passes under a highway overpass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_2952392661_686a8432ed.3gp", "caption": "The boy runs off.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe boy runs off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5454271453_38202888dd.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in closer to view the man and the woman with the guitar.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera zooms in closer to view the man and the woman with the guitar.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4887482086_f7ef66b7f5.mp4", "caption": "Drags cat by leg.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nDrags cat by leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8133152103_3d43300976.mov", "caption": "A persons head walks into view then sits down.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA persons head walks into view then sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8739388@N05_5877232698_45ced590a2.avi", "caption": "A dog follows a small kitten around.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA dog follows a small kitten around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450063200_79a3dcfa35.mov", "caption": "Man uses zipline.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan uses zipline.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_4360988820_150604245e.mp4", "caption": "The camera wiggles a lot.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera wiggles a lot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_7785859118_305743d523.mov", "caption": "Before man starts dancing around tree.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBefore man starts dancing around tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6935445644_8c15a08c94.mov", "caption": "We pass the black chair.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe pass the black chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_10844086345_8a62c1880e.mp4", "caption": "The bird lands on the feeder.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe bird lands on the feeder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_5874371593_3feff06342.avi", "caption": "Zoom in on red object.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nZoom in on red object.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_7430499768_ebc7c583b7.mp4", "caption": "Camera has a green transition.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera has a green transition.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_5228456180_a1e1b4f16c.mov", "caption": "Four people start dipping their food into sauce.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFour people start dipping their food into sauce.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350647572_be3a09d474.mpg", "caption": "The little girl bends over and sits down on the floor.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe little girl bends over and sits down on the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5454271453_38202888dd.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "84989643@N00_4758785050_55804b0d43.avi", "caption": "A person wearing a multi colored hat is shown.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA person wearing a multi colored hat is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5613855014_79be57667c.mov", "caption": "Person in white coat touches his nose.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPerson in white coat touches his nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2527245809_da9ae47cfd.avi", "caption": "Taxis drive past the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nTaxis drive past the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8616944997_5b70611ac3.mov", "caption": "Video first zooms into the table of three.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nVideo first zooms into the table of three.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "28784980@N00_4899315604_ee7bae0e1f.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in men.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms in men.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913562783_4fd83ef3ec.mov", "caption": "You see the people on the back of the boat.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nYou see the people on the back of the boat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6224441892_8f3646b3b4.mp4", "caption": "Camera pans over a bridge covering the water.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera pans over a bridge covering the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9318997477_8000d3e8cc.mov", "caption": "The front of the train passes us.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe front of the train passes us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4025439002_1078e6523b.avi", "caption": "First time we see flashes reflect on the wall.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst time we see flashes reflect on the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368240239_a0d193df27.mov", "caption": "Camera goes high and low.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCamera goes high and low.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_3826173052_00f5cc4230.3gp", "caption": "Baby drops head forwards, falling asleep but jolting up.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBaby drops head forwards, falling asleep but jolting up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8243844603_e9a8bf01fe.mov", "caption": "The adult gets spoon fed.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe adult gets spoon fed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10392840645_c056c00517.mp4", "caption": "Man in brown coat is visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan in brown coat is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30454038@N06_7646070970_da6b9c2656.mov", "caption": "A baby stands up.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA baby stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7612314414_a367b7d4b5.mov", "caption": "The kids slides.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe kids slides.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4268086890_c1277fd100.mov", "caption": "We zoom in on the boy singing.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe zoom in on the boy singing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_5520025760_47aa12d540.avi", "caption": "Bird flies away from water.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBird flies away from water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6156369973_afd92bf865.mp4", "caption": "Camera show back of sets then pans up.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCamera show back of sets then pans up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6505408965_3a28ea60c5.avi", "caption": "The blank car comes swerving into a stop in the foreground before taking off again.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe blank car comes swerving into a stop in the foreground before taking off again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12136570356_73632e95c2.mp4", "caption": "Trolley train comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nTrolley train comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_2921174984_727c2e35e7.mov", "caption": "The baby is first seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe baby is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920156258_34d144bf1e.avi", "caption": "Man playing a touchscreen game.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan playing a touchscreen game.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "84989643@N00_4758785050_55804b0d43.avi", "caption": "Man in multi colored hat enters frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan in multi colored hat enters frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10927750385_a62098f6db.mts", "caption": "The little girl bows her head.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe little girl bows her head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000677041_f3533a1a72.mp4", "caption": "A person in white is seen momentarily in front of the truck.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA person in white is seen momentarily in front of the truck.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49141728@N00_11304358253_2f5275e8f6.mp4", "caption": "Kids in yellow are all sitting on seats.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nKids in yellow are all sitting on seats.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288717@N02_3757477319_f72dd220b0.avi", "caption": "The pee flies on four flowers.", "timestamps": [[0, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe pee flies on four flowers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8977946361_0b26f4930d.", "caption": "Another hand is seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nAnother hand is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3311110600_48895911c4.mov", "caption": "Person in red costume starts dancing.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.816458333333333]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 24.816458333333333]], [[20, 24.816458333333333]], [[20, 24.816458333333333]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in red costume starts dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000677041_f3533a1a72.mp4", "caption": "Truck exits frame left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTruck exits frame left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_3243638275_5edf97bc5b.avi", "caption": "Someone's arm is visible briefly on the left side.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nSomeone's arm is visible briefly on the left side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920156258_34d144bf1e.avi", "caption": "A hand first appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA hand first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3427472314_e32c2ede58.m4v", "caption": "Man runs toward camera with baby in his arms.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan runs toward camera with baby in his arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3520146821_ac4478560a.3gp", "caption": "Girl rocks the double thumbs up to signify she loves being addicted to sugary drinks.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGirl rocks the double thumbs up to signify she loves being addicted to sugary drinks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_7964726976_3cf4c0b1e9.mpg", "caption": "A chinchilla eats something from a green bowl.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA chinchilla eats something from a green bowl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12280528136_b1d8fa292c.mts", "caption": "First time child claps.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nFirst time child claps.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4243544341_107d78d4b9.avi", "caption": "We see baby's hand the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWe see baby's hand the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12719506944_139e338f74.mts", "caption": "The girl takes a red object from the blanket.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe girl takes a red object from the blanket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_4858871023_258173472e.m4v", "caption": "Pigs run around in a circle before returning to the shade.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPigs run around in a circle before returning to the shade.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4966361149_0b02196c04.mov", "caption": "Smiley face on ball.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nSmiley face on ball.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894173601@N01_3041662651_742029999d.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms in on the man.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera zooms in on the man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7827661@N04_4074734627_00965056c1.mp4", "caption": "The transformer for the power line is in view.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe transformer for the power line is in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61403949@N00_2523965621_bf89b51301.avi", "caption": "A white dog jumps onto someone's lap.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 29.629929221435795]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA white dog jumps onto someone's lap.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7646117928_a93152aa0f.wmv", "caption": "Yellow sports car pulling up in a driveway.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nYellow sports car pulling up in a driveway.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4914111798_a713caf839.mov", "caption": "The sunlight creeps into the shot.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe sunlight creeps into the shot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3550318432_726e8cfb7a.avi", "caption": "Kid look into the camera then back to his work then back at the camera again.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nKid look into the camera then back to his work then back at the camera again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444846102_f017c3e672.mov", "caption": "Man first reaches behind his back.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan first reaches behind his back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50652680@N00_7153051983_28e4a126f9.mov", "caption": "Man in blue and black plaid shirt first appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan in blue and black plaid shirt first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_5317374233_b8699e6a39.avi", "caption": "Girl's finished product.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl's finished product.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2750255146_3141e7acdb.avi", "caption": "The baby laughs.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.890798786653185]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.890798786653185]], [[20, 23.890798786653185]], [[20, 23.890798786653185]], [[15, 23.890798786653185]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe baby laughs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3602008437_8fc43a749e.mp4", "caption": "Man picks up the guitar and moves to the microphone.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan picks up the guitar and moves to the microphone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_5228456180_a1e1b4f16c.mov", "caption": "Chopsticks come into view for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nChopsticks come into view for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288717@N02_3833987775_58ac37b027.avi", "caption": "A second person enters the scene on the left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA second person enters the scene on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3526302181_f8002c3f32.avi", "caption": "Arm of person in red shirt can be seen.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.988291666666665]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[25, 29.988291666666665]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nArm of person in red shirt can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86408128@N00_4846965465_05083b8a26.avi", "caption": "The person begins to pet the ferret.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person begins to pet the ferret.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25391939@N04_2584980585_405c9ca8e6.avi", "caption": "Pigeon in water flaps its wings.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPigeon in water flaps its wings.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_2440368464_1656401845.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in on a man wearing a white shirt.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera zooms in on a man wearing a white shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2402720752_356c53c63a.mov", "caption": "We are now looking at the tailpipe.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe are now looking at the tailpipe.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4949773281_7ac2eb84ec.avi", "caption": "The view pans over to the inside of the safari vehicle.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe view pans over to the inside of the safari vehicle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11550160@N03_3301708361_818e27d108.mov", "caption": "The person takes the cap off the bottle of beer.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person takes the cap off the bottle of beer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_10967504045_0360a250e3.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans to the right to show a elevator.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera pans to the right to show a elevator.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_3033523230_ea2e3cc514.mov", "caption": "A white car is first visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA white car is first visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350647572_be3a09d474.mpg", "caption": "Baby picks the toy up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby picks the toy up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95033136@N00_4682594380_93daa7a985.m4v", "caption": "Panda sits down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPanda sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305050464_9c53b5d561.mov", "caption": "Baby reaches out and pushes on mans shoulder.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBaby reaches out and pushes on mans shoulder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_5022167782_4ac2c11fb8.mp4", "caption": "The camera moves right and a woman's face comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera moves right and a woman's face comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_13826259365_71151b9da1.mp4", "caption": "Front of train passes out of view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[15, 24.457791124457792]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFront of train passes out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4893755634_5ca761d1d3.mp4", "caption": "The boy with a red shirt is visible for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe boy with a red shirt is visible for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7522195856_3390ab1992.wmv", "caption": "Fade in from black.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFade in from black.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9145107611_29b3af588c.mov", "caption": "The camera pans around the table to show all the people sitting.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera pans around the table to show all the people sitting.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2737276973_5e2fcdc82b.mov", "caption": "The woman in the light shirt begins to sing.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe woman in the light shirt begins to sing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504521966_8d7a672abf.mpg", "caption": "Camera first pans to the right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera first pans to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44631364@N00_3389694288_350b51b4bb.avi", "caption": "Quick turn and lamp comes into view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nQuick turn and lamp comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_2399837887_1ec0153eff.avi", "caption": "Man with bag crosses towards the right. in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan with bag crosses towards the right. in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913562783_4fd83ef3ec.mov", "caption": "Firetruck comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFiretruck comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317029211_c2e1a2be24.mov", "caption": "Child takes white object off toilet then sits down.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nChild takes white object off toilet then sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_6651212771_da46f18cd5.mpg", "caption": "Chinchilla first starts running.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nChinchilla first starts running.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8616010267_e2abc9913f.mp4", "caption": "Toy is first seen dangling.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nToy is first seen dangling.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81726723@N00_2830283675_13e3bf590c.avi", "caption": "First time hand touches white horse.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFirst time hand touches white horse.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9006246329_edb7985b45.mov", "caption": "Group of people exit frame left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nGroup of people exit frame left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4950798095_bc2190b316.avi", "caption": "Two boys swim to the edge of the pool and one gets out.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nTwo boys swim to the edge of the pool and one gets out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25391939@N04_2584980585_405c9ca8e6.avi", "caption": "The person tilts the camera, and films.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person tilts the camera, and films.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6750226969_ec18c51e59.mov", "caption": "The woman shrugs her shoulders.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe woman shrugs her shoulders.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95033136@N00_4682594380_93daa7a985.m4v", "caption": "The panda is standing on its hind legs, then climbs on top of the rock and starts to sit.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe panda is standing on its hind legs, then climbs on top of the rock and starts to sit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_3582785686_1f3080cd5e.mov", "caption": "Person drives out of tunnel.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nPerson drives out of tunnel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_6284836172_519cc44b91.avi", "caption": "Woman lifts her hand off of table.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 22.689333333333334]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWoman lifts her hand off of table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4267342527_c6d9f56f31.mov", "caption": "Red hoodie exits frame left.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nRed hoodie exits frame left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2401286956_9679056d5c.mpg", "caption": "A red and white firework bursts into the night sky.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[0, 25]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA red and white firework bursts into the night sky.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8025316822_112dd07d8c.mov", "caption": "Cat falls of the bed.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCat falls of the bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_6164677466_fb7bb3a83e.mov", "caption": "Man pretends that teddy bear is talking to him,.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan pretends that teddy bear is talking to him,.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5613855014_79be57667c.mov", "caption": "Woman in red comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWoman in red comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5140958695_bc0567422a.mov", "caption": "Kitten grabs toy.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nKitten grabs toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6591277497_fe8bb0dee3.avi", "caption": "A toy helicopter lifts off of the ground.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA toy helicopter lifts off of the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3186418457_a3df2335ed.m4v", "caption": "Baby lays on his belly.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby lays on his belly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44186100@N00_2590335345_15b6f8eb5f.mp4", "caption": "Child runs in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nChild runs in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_3258488795_d148d5e326.mov", "caption": "Camera turns to person in red shirt.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera turns to person in red shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748297805_af83df61d3.mov", "caption": "Camera turns back to man.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera turns back to man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770809720_7babdf225d.mp4", "caption": "Red strip at bottom of the screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nRed strip at bottom of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2655997447_25262855b4.avi", "caption": "The boy in the baseball cap first looks at the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe boy in the baseball cap first looks at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50767319@N00_4378240409_7b7842b6bf.avi", "caption": "First time camera zooms in on building.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nFirst time camera zooms in on building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3586691469_f1eb98c5b7.m4v", "caption": "Person wearing white shirt and blue shorts enter the frame dancing.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPerson wearing white shirt and blue shorts enter the frame dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748297805_af83df61d3.mov", "caption": "The camera goes off the man the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe camera goes off the man the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6475202033_fc1673aa6f.mov", "caption": "Girl in red first gets up and leaves.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nGirl in red first gets up and leaves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7516534276_9859dacfdf.wmv", "caption": "The car drives away.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe car drives away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_5317374233_b8699e6a39.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms on girl in red shirt's face.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera zooms on girl in red shirt's face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44124367235@N01_6537950879_70d9104f70.mov", "caption": "Person's shadow is seen briefly on the pitcher.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPerson's shadow is seen briefly on the pitcher.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5231191018_7ff90d57cf.avi", "caption": "The camera is closest to figure.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera is closest to figure.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015710552_ae2aa9ae73.mov", "caption": "They boy scratches his nose.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThey boy scratches his nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3716073314_7328e9ab1c.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in to stage.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera zooms in to stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3427564517_d0f7009111.avi", "caption": "Water first starts pouring into glass.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWater first starts pouring into glass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_3328053052_d709e36f43.avi", "caption": "Cameraperson walks away from the puddle onto the sidewalk.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.606916666666663]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.606916666666663]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 23.606916666666663]], [[20, 23.606916666666663]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCameraperson walks away from the puddle onto the sidewalk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880815179_f9e151daee.mov", "caption": "Kid runs up to camra.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nKid runs up to camra.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61403949@N00_2523965621_bf89b51301.avi", "caption": "A small dog sniffs the ground.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA small dog sniffs the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6585229337_8460c225c1.mov", "caption": "The cat spins around counterclockwise.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe cat spins around counterclockwise.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_3835967049_a5c6f47164.m4v", "caption": "Man points at camera with one hand and walks towards it.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan points at camera with one hand and walks towards it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5968969276_f781a98cdb.mov", "caption": "The man moves the juicy juice can.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man moves the juicy juice can.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31788279@N00_2509412119_f0d103fd1e.mov", "caption": "Group first spins.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nGroup first spins.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2399637177_50419d4a17.wmv", "caption": "Girl throws and orange cone, and the dog runs towards it.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nGirl throws and orange cone, and the dog runs towards it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3667079013_2d2f614d2f.mov", "caption": "A tank drive down a hill.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA tank drive down a hill.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_7430499768_ebc7c583b7.mp4", "caption": "The scene switches to indoors.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe scene switches to indoors.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2539118411_cbd7b804a9.avi", "caption": "Dog drops its toy then looks to its right, then left, then right again.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nDog drops its toy then looks to its right, then left, then right again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5266279349_a057e6d6a1.mov", "caption": "Person seen doing a flip over pile.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPerson seen doing a flip over pile.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4268086890_c1277fd100.mov", "caption": "Close up of child with red bandana on head.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nClose up of child with red bandana on head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10392840645_c056c00517.mp4", "caption": "Man with grocery bags walks towards camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan with grocery bags walks towards camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6122630777_5de74d6acb.mov", "caption": "We see an adult hand come into view for a moment.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe see an adult hand come into view for a moment.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5516185177_9db088d844.mov", "caption": "Woman comes walking into right corner of screen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWoman comes walking into right corner of screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_5228210326_b73a8a53c7.mov", "caption": "A man takes a bite of food.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA man takes a bite of food.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57071639@N00_2400251489_5109128f3b.3gp", "caption": "The highest point of the waves.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe highest point of the waves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "22144986@N00_5506248996_f47e2a8316.mov", "caption": "No orange and red flag seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nNo orange and red flag seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95033136@N00_4682594380_93daa7a985.m4v", "caption": "A panda sits on a stone.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA panda sits on a stone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44124367235@N01_6537950879_70d9104f70.mov", "caption": "Liquid begins filling the glass.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nLiquid begins filling the glass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3597448879_45a8e4f5f4.mp4", "caption": "Stopped at a light.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nStopped at a light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58906525@N04_5472302964_e550392e1d.avi", "caption": "A woman shoots.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA woman shoots.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8173120003_b14d4b778d.mov", "caption": "Bag first falls to the floor.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBag first falls to the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36260156@N06_4746680675_b53dfd153e.mov", "caption": "Shirtless man takes a shot.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nShirtless man takes a shot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8527171734_3139dde5eb.mov", "caption": "A hand pets the lazy cat from the left.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[5, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA hand pets the lazy cat from the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450063200_79a3dcfa35.mov", "caption": "The white net is first visible.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe white net is first visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2527245809_da9ae47cfd.avi", "caption": "The camera pans to show yellow letters for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera pans to show yellow letters for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_2909727044_eb09363830.mov", "caption": "The screen is tinted yellow then it goes away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe screen is tinted yellow then it goes away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12485604213_9b6bc7fbd1.mp4", "caption": "Man in plaid shirt walks by up close.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan in plaid shirt walks by up close.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502262201_23d238cb00.mp4", "caption": "The man in the brown coat walks past.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe man in the brown coat walks past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3602860200_dc789bc4f6.mp4", "caption": "A woman is walking down the path and she turns around to face the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA woman is walking down the path and she turns around to face the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4136620664_6b69c756f5.mov", "caption": "The man adjusts the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe man adjusts the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5677882983_e77b3e9f66.mov", "caption": "Sun glares in view.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nSun glares in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_3260002829_d23bc94271.3gp", "caption": "Other side of scooter is first shown.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 29.9299]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nOther side of scooter is first shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43610740@N02_4398693645_e9b6b1489f.avi", "caption": "A man in blue holding and bouncing a baby dressed in blue.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA man in blue holding and bouncing a baby dressed in blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936603071_9a12b8cc5d.mp4", "caption": "Shaky camera catches cop that passes by in street.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nShaky camera catches cop that passes by in street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_3328053052_d709e36f43.avi", "caption": "The road becomes visible for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 23.606916666666663]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe road becomes visible for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899674320_2589026df1.mov", "caption": "Scean rotates.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nScean rotates.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113248130_e53b0cd4c7.mov", "caption": "Child in brown starts clapping.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nChild in brown starts clapping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8025316822_112dd07d8c.mov", "caption": "The cat jumps from the bed to the floor, then returns to the bed.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe cat jumps from the bed to the floor, then returns to the bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14036428@N00_7482897120_5db275b0dc.avi", "caption": "The camera pans up to a bridge.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe camera pans up to a bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10015567@N08_3655084291_d8b58466fa.mov", "caption": "The lighter chick runs quickly left off frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe lighter chick runs quickly left off frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3673970172_8f2a990cce.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe camera zooms up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5514244883_4f5305a5a4.mov", "caption": "Mist is visible moving up the mountain on the left.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMist is visible moving up the mountain on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659163803_b562825778.mov", "caption": "A woman's face is shown close up.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA woman's face is shown close up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567085088_d618943a35.mov", "caption": "Yellow shorts appear.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nYellow shorts appear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5923227003_9b5407091b.mov", "caption": "Sun looks like a star in these 2 frames.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nSun looks like a star in these 2 frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6885088912_7bd217a4b7.avi", "caption": "White sign in front of car is being shown.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 25]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWhite sign in front of car is being shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_7964726976_3cf4c0b1e9.mpg", "caption": "A green bowl is placed in front of a couple of chinchillas.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA green bowl is placed in front of a couple of chinchillas.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8039085913_ce2a748676.mov", "caption": "Cat places paws on wall.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCat places paws on wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470332531_5d84501584.mov", "caption": "Baby waves at camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby waves at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502262201_23d238cb00.mp4", "caption": "We first see the number 2.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe first see the number 2.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_3743027816_594d4185ca.avi", "caption": "A second skier enters the frame, far left.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA second skier enters the frame, far left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25391939@N04_2584980585_405c9ca8e6.avi", "caption": "Video turns sideways.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nVideo turns sideways.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5596597491_f5b69c9c8f.wmv", "caption": "Boy in black eats the food.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBoy in black eats the food.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24673084@N04_5874532707_b25268d925.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms out.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 27.0]], [[20, 27.0]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera zooms out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3494045334_c0ccf2d3a2.mp4", "caption": "We only see child in purple.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe only see child in purple.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089326931_7377668cb0.mov", "caption": "A man in a wet suit waves at the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man in a wet suit waves at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753325843_25c7250995.mp4", "caption": "The man takes a bite from the spoon and then gives it to the baby.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man takes a bite from the spoon and then gives it to the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_4983143515_8803e59143.mp4", "caption": "A bird flying at dawn while waves crash on the ocean.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA bird flying at dawn while waves crash on the ocean.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_4474067925_24231c5cf4.mov", "caption": "Hand clapping in the bottom right of the frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nHand clapping in the bottom right of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920156258_34d144bf1e.avi", "caption": "The men are filmed.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe men are filmed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365152473_869de3885c.wmv", "caption": "The minister hands something to the bride.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe minister hands something to the bride.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_7432806064_6b91f70b91.mov", "caption": "Orange car goes by quickly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nOrange car goes by quickly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411828833_9519d9c238.m4v", "caption": "Two people walk in front of the musician.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTwo people walk in front of the musician.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7827661@N04_4074734627_00965056c1.mp4", "caption": "A man in red comes through the door.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA man in red comes through the door.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467647956_c8e4c3d2da.mov", "caption": "Look down and turn to right to see red roof top.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLook down and turn to right to see red roof top.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_9222418350_229f6e3e26.mov", "caption": "Man is floating on his back.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan is floating on his back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4082144394_c1546f7eaf.avi", "caption": "A car passes the pole with balloons for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA car passes the pole with balloons for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989746662_b2f8892f80.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms under bridge just as children appear in the picture.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCamera zooms under bridge just as children appear in the picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61797472@N00_3542726825_546dc69035.mpg", "caption": "Roller coaster first begins to move.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nRoller coaster first begins to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978221101_816bfa3be7.mp4", "caption": "The sky is seen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe sky is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000677041_f3533a1a72.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans to the right and shows a white horse.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera pans to the right and shows a white horse.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24175071@N00_3095853077_216324e27c.3gp", "caption": "The boy turns around and walks away.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe boy turns around and walks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092014330_c1690537d4.mov", "caption": "The land moves out of picture.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe land moves out of picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5904330503_5d9223c32a.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in on the bird.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera zooms in on the bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "17318552@N00_12069808146_9fc9c2d1bb.mov", "caption": "A circular light is seen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA circular light is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3598075345_05b69afc5c.avi", "caption": "You can see the statues in the fountain.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nYou can see the statues in the fountain.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9443106354_af57a2d31e.m4v", "caption": "Train/cart first stops moving.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTrain/cart first stops moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81726723@N00_2830283675_13e3bf590c.avi", "caption": "The person switches their hand over from the brown horse to the mixed color horse.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe person switches their hand over from the brown horse to the mixed color horse.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5752721077_bea3173b89.mp4", "caption": "Fire breather spitting fire.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFire breather spitting fire.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38941000@N02_5387807542_898c57b2c9.mov", "caption": "Camera moves to right to see people sit down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera moves to right to see people sit down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6927962465_825f75c9cc.mov", "caption": "When the baby first walks towards the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWhen the baby first walks towards the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82607398@N00_7672276754_a303e873bd.mp4", "caption": "The baby walks toward the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe baby walks toward the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4253489686_265c3c8051.m4v", "caption": "Man in white shirt is seen.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan in white shirt is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7612314414_a367b7d4b5.mov", "caption": "The boy slides down the slide.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe boy slides down the slide.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_9280604450_5a564f8cb6.mp4", "caption": "Blue light turns red.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBlue light turns red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9612399156_7023d79cca.mov", "caption": "A red car followed very closely by a white car go around a curve.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA red car followed very closely by a white car go around a curve.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44124367235@N01_2441820372_017e077078.m4v", "caption": "We begin to move.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe begin to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2983599192_57aeeb9ce9.avi", "caption": "Fade in from black.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFade in from black.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3922607929_1b35730cc9.mov", "caption": "A white circle in a black square drops down from the top right of the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA white circle in a black square drops down from the top right of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4275015118_e10907b242.mov", "caption": "The lady raises both hand in the air.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe lady raises both hand in the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_8730844638_1ca82efd9d.mov", "caption": "Two people cross the street before the bicyclists come.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nTwo people cross the street before the bicyclists come.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32203103@N07_5077778355_936d67b4d4.mov", "caption": "Blue pole appears.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBlue pole appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_4225600109_ff15b92af0.avi", "caption": "Waves hitting rocks.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWaves hitting rocks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920226432_717b272a78.avi", "caption": "Man with his hands in his back pockets comes into view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan with his hands in his back pockets comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2399637177_50419d4a17.wmv", "caption": "Woman walks up to dog and orange cone.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWoman walks up to dog and orange cone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3667079013_2d2f614d2f.mov", "caption": "Tank begins decent from the top of the hill.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nTank begins decent from the top of the hill.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "96161068@N05_8806114550_fd49113596.mov", "caption": "A woman hands a baby to a young girl.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA woman hands a baby to a young girl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_5946713307_26456d9fab.3gp", "caption": "Person in yellow walks through frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPerson in yellow walks through frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8243844603_e9a8bf01fe.mov", "caption": "The man on the left feeds the girls a bite of food.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe man on the left feeds the girls a bite of food.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_7636018262_3f445b2a78.", "caption": "Train is leaving the station.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTrain is leaving the station.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_4858871023_258173472e.m4v", "caption": "First time pigs run into corner of sty.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst time pigs run into corner of sty.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12136570356_73632e95c2.mp4", "caption": "Group of people cross street from left to right.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nGroup of people cross street from left to right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3269332505_ebae8bbc12.mov", "caption": "Cat is sitting.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCat is sitting.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2401286956_9679056d5c.mpg", "caption": "We see no fireworks in this clip.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe see no fireworks in this clip.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5613855014_79be57667c.mov", "caption": "People in red are seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nPeople in red are seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2528066848_1153f2b965.avi", "caption": "Yellow lit screen is seen for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nYellow lit screen is seen for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37577191@N00_3617485478_3c6e42dc32.avi", "caption": "Someone briefly blocks the view of the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSomeone briefly blocks the view of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092014330_c1690537d4.mov", "caption": "Several people come into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nSeveral people come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_2399837887_1ec0153eff.avi", "caption": "The camera goes above the rail.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe camera goes above the rail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25391939@N04_2584980585_405c9ca8e6.avi", "caption": "Camera turns on its side.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera turns on its side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_6770727535_5b98d91011.mov", "caption": "First view of blooms.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFirst view of blooms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58001681@N00_2576125367_1335d5d284.mov", "caption": "A large bus goes left to right through the intersection.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA large bus goes left to right through the intersection.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9147748598_2bc129f183.mov", "caption": "Camera zoom in on a lady wearing a scarf and man with a green hat.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera zoom in on a lady wearing a scarf and man with a green hat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50652680@N00_7153016031_76ea858191.mov", "caption": "Man in hat touches other man.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan in hat touches other man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470914150_19929a8bc6.mov", "caption": "Little girl is waving her hands and then a baby appears in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nLittle girl is waving her hands and then a baby appears in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40074029@N00_4268552461_a3eff20e99.mov", "caption": "A silver car turns the corner in front of us.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA silver car turns the corner in front of us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78189444@N03_7165735186_4957794ed9.mov", "caption": "The cameraman is backing up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe cameraman is backing up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6707262569_51dd71c753.mov", "caption": "The baby first stretches its legs.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe baby first stretches its legs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4021542300_7451715364.avi", "caption": "Cat looks at camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.023]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.023]], [[20, 23.023]], [[20, 23.023]], [[20, 23.023]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCat looks at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67858781@N00_3353508400_5e26427f00.avi", "caption": "This person tried to ride the snowboard but it seem he failed.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.390033333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.390033333333335]], [[20, 23.390033333333335]], [[15, 23.390033333333335]], [[20, 23.390033333333335]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThis person tried to ride the snowboard but it seem he failed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40074029@N00_4268552461_a3eff20e99.mov", "caption": "We see the man in blue shirt.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe see the man in blue shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8626145@N06_3017101134_86d39fd944.mov", "caption": "Mosaic circle first disappears from view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMosaic circle first disappears from view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8173120003_b14d4b778d.mov", "caption": "The dog rolls off the bed.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe dog rolls off the bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908108710_7b7dc7bde2.mp4", "caption": "Little girl starts to rub her nose.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nLittle girl starts to rub her nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7612314414_a367b7d4b5.mov", "caption": "A child seen climbing stairs for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA child seen climbing stairs for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9397207454_7ed256a127.mp4", "caption": "The dog runs toward the trees.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe dog runs toward the trees.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5773252840_5b30885615.avi", "caption": "Man in pink plaid shirt is on camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan in pink plaid shirt is on camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4268086890_c1277fd100.mov", "caption": "We can see person on far left playing drum in these scenes.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe can see person on far left playing drum in these scenes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11505695@N04_3357494172_34bf170c04.avi", "caption": "Bird lands on object opposite other bird.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBird lands on object opposite other bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4115680587_07a5baecda.avi", "caption": "Happy and content.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nHappy and content.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16930146@N05_3839594916_ee7d67ec52.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in on a statue the crowd is carrying.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 24.607916666666664]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera zooms in on a statue the crowd is carrying.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_2921174984_727c2e35e7.mov", "caption": "Baby first makes yucky face.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBaby first makes yucky face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4893130427_7a00e54b2d.mp4", "caption": "All three dancer have their backs to camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nAll three dancer have their backs to camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932106992_34d0f94493.mpg", "caption": "We see the person on lour left remove their jacket.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe see the person on lour left remove their jacket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4275015118_e10907b242.mov", "caption": "The couple begins swinging.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe couple begins swinging.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86967014@N07_7966335204_f89d01f171.", "caption": "The teacher is no longer seen.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe teacher is no longer seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8268871708_3e95f8529c.mov", "caption": "The cat walks away, and gets up in the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe cat walks away, and gets up in the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25458196@N00_3634606284_2a0af513b9.mov", "caption": "Runner feigns stealing second.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nRunner feigns stealing second.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_7636017890_7d7a2f3b40.", "caption": "Train starts to move.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTrain starts to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5968969276_f781a98cdb.mov", "caption": "A hand reaches out and moves the blue object.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA hand reaches out and moves the blue object.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8142104762_287ee0b5aa.mov", "caption": "The woman tries to put the screw in the chair.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe woman tries to put the screw in the chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337315276_1ae513b4d8.avi", "caption": "A man wearing a white shirt and hat passes behind the guitarists.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man wearing a white shirt and hat passes behind the guitarists.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6935445644_8c15a08c94.mov", "caption": "Cat starts turning away from camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCat starts turning away from camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_5317374233_b8699e6a39.avi", "caption": "A little girl in dark blue dress presented her art on the table, which was perfectly captured by the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA little girl in dark blue dress presented her art on the table, which was perfectly captured by the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6543806297_b3e2c00cf6.mov", "caption": "Cat tries to climb leg.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCat tries to climb leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502178921_56f095d94d.avi", "caption": "Two trains are passing each other going in opposite directions.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTwo trains are passing each other going in opposite directions.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3822129137_0a1e16e9ee.mp4", "caption": "Both cats are on the same couch momentarily.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBoth cats are on the same couch momentarily.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4686306237_568acc1fea.mov", "caption": "First time whole bike is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nFirst time whole bike is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2639320175_dca1271f70.mpg", "caption": "Man in pink blocks camera view of old man.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in pink blocks camera view of old man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44335492@N00_5271813523_19f24643a3.avi", "caption": "The plane is at it closest view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe plane is at it closest view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3102324349_aa2ffba1d5.mov", "caption": "Squirrel fight'.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 22.989633333333334]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nSquirrel fight'.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_7088250273_963b2fe940.mov", "caption": "Plane goes behind a tower.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nPlane goes behind a tower.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44335492@N00_5271813523_19f24643a3.avi", "caption": "Man with ball cap crosses in front camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan with ball cap crosses in front camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_7093221429_a7bf682a7a.mpg", "caption": "Animal runs from wall to the left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nAnimal runs from wall to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880624807_de9f335357.mov", "caption": "Child emerges.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nChild emerges.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59848188@N00_4689968594_0d33331a45.mov", "caption": "Car passes truck on a highway in the rain.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.756066666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.756066666666666]], [[20, 22.756066666666666]], [[15, 22.756066666666666]], [[20, 22.756066666666666]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCar passes truck on a highway in the rain.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_5499018008_1a9146dc14.avi", "caption": "Child taps on glass while seal takes a dive.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nChild taps on glass while seal takes a dive.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_9196297733_ac71741975.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms out of the water.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera zooms out of the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8521574@N03_3391134451_c851d16c7f.avi", "caption": "Strobe lights on house go off and on.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nStrobe lights on house go off and on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816606041_815c7c6273.avi", "caption": "Lady walks by a concrete slab behind a fence.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nLady walks by a concrete slab behind a fence.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932106992_34d0f94493.mpg", "caption": "A person wearing a white hat gets up and leaves.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA person wearing a white hat gets up and leaves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3590933677_4a4c4e321c.mp4", "caption": "Camera struggles to get centered on building in distance.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera struggles to get centered on building in distance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_3573975898_c91b074c40.avi", "caption": "We pan out through a doorway to another room.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe pan out through a doorway to another room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41249501@N06_3959781639_71148f0e95.mov", "caption": "Camera shows man in business suit then pans right quickly.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera shows man in business suit then pans right quickly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4253489686_265c3c8051.m4v", "caption": "Close up of a millipede on the rocks.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nClose up of a millipede on the rocks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753325843_25c7250995.mp4", "caption": "Man takes a bite of something.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan takes a bite of something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3668334480_3e44bb6f8d.mov", "caption": "A tank drives by a man wearing an orange and yellow vest.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA tank drives by a man wearing an orange and yellow vest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_8338205421_053e67d83c.mp4", "caption": "Flame goes out.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nFlame goes out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8268871708_3e95f8529c.mov", "caption": "A cat is seen trying to take something off of a shelf.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA cat is seen trying to take something off of a shelf.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "79364055@N00_6901347679_30915db07a.mov", "caption": "A kid with a white shirt stops and turns around.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA kid with a white shirt stops and turns around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31788279@N00_2509412119_f0d103fd1e.mov", "caption": "Crowd squats down and spins 360.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCrowd squats down and spins 360.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_4668479769_e1e5117ee9.mov", "caption": "Flower drops and spider comes into view from the bottom left.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nFlower drops and spider comes into view from the bottom left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056204141_fac454e52f.m4v", "caption": "The gorillas walk into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe gorillas walk into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24118191@N05_8641824460_279a0b132e.mov", "caption": "The camera pans to the windows and shows the outside.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera pans to the windows and shows the outside.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770144443_7ea6229d36.mp4", "caption": "Motorcycle is riding along the sides of the sphere.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMotorcycle is riding along the sides of the sphere.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015769906_7c97b5250a.mov", "caption": "The person holding the camera shows off the sign.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe person holding the camera shows off the sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11989494165_736e0abdb7.mp4", "caption": "A couple walks away from the celebration.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA couple walks away from the celebration.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_8199464052_4d52075018.", "caption": "Birds first seen flying away as others land.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBirds first seen flying away as others land.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5266279349_a057e6d6a1.mov", "caption": "First time someone runs in and flips.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst time someone runs in and flips.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9006246329_edb7985b45.mov", "caption": "The large group of pedestrians passes by.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe large group of pedestrians passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55455788@N00_10855991194_487e7b96a0.mov", "caption": "Focused on the pigs.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.6]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.6]], [[10, 22.6]], [[20, 22.6]], [[15, 22.6]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nFocused on the pigs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2738198916_e1134d6233.mov", "caption": "First time we see two screens.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFirst time we see two screens.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12090392@N02_13345552833_3c188bbe52.mov", "caption": "A little tree is seen and then a field of grass.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA little tree is seen and then a field of grass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056204141_fac454e52f.m4v", "caption": "Ape pulls branch off bush.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nApe pulls branch off bush.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015683051_2cfb74360f.mov", "caption": "Toodler trying to drink from stack up goblet.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nToodler trying to drink from stack up goblet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_3743027816_594d4185ca.avi", "caption": "Person on skis goes past us.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPerson on skis goes past us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7622630856_b015283569.mov", "caption": "Little girl waiting for her running little brother.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nLittle girl waiting for her running little brother.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7622630856_b015283569.mov", "caption": "Little girl pushing her sibling in a pink and blue car.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[0, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nLittle girl pushing her sibling in a pink and blue car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8718734889_1f5eb11411.", "caption": "A man in a yellow shirt steps onto a bus.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man in a yellow shirt steps onto a bus.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4115680587_07a5baecda.avi", "caption": "Man is playing drums and video pans to guy playing guitar.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan is playing drums and video pans to guy playing guitar.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4265470553_17d8157718.mov", "caption": "The person in the yellow shirt goes off screen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe person in the yellow shirt goes off screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25458196@N00_3634606284_2a0af513b9.mov", "caption": "Flashing yellow sign first appears.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFlashing yellow sign first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_7636017890_7d7a2f3b40.", "caption": "Train starts moving.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTrain starts moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2775743148_fef3b4abbf.avi", "caption": "Baby drinks from the bottle.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBaby drinks from the bottle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6750226969_ec18c51e59.mov", "caption": "Camera pans from only the building to show woman.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera pans from only the building to show woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411824707_0fc385e84f.m4v", "caption": "First time we see a bicycle.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFirst time we see a bicycle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504521966_8d7a672abf.mpg", "caption": "Power lines are no longer visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 29.162466666666667]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPower lines are no longer visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5016635157_5d78ff3cca.avi", "caption": "Zoom in on fan.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nZoom in on fan.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3960804889_3d7705ea67.mov", "caption": "Man reaches over railing and puts hands in a bag.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan reaches over railing and puts hands in a bag.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_7636017890_7d7a2f3b40.", "caption": "The train begins moving.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe train begins moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6758070727_44708f10e4.mov", "caption": "Says touch on the stage.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nSays touch on the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411830717_6cb33085a4.m4v", "caption": "Two people on the sidewalk playing music as someone pushes a bicycle by.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTwo people on the sidewalk playing music as someone pushes a bicycle by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6154926852_8d5bbc41e9.mov", "caption": "Move in for a closer look.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 23.256566666666668]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMove in for a closer look.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "28970704@N05_6287161037_14d6a7091d.mov", "caption": "The letters c and o flash behind a woman.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe letters c and o flash behind a woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3791691896_ed4c3b3aa1.mpg", "caption": "The woman with a blue bag leans in to talk to her companion.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe woman with a blue bag leans in to talk to her companion.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3427472314_e32c2ede58.m4v", "caption": "Closeup of baby for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCloseup of baby for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3233823871_4e31b8f2f0.m4v", "caption": "First kisses.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nFirst kisses.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_3243638275_5edf97bc5b.avi", "caption": "Someone stands up on the left of the screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nSomeone stands up on the left of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_10077526255_f9fa0c32ea.mp4", "caption": "Small white light to the right blinks.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSmall white light to the right blinks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31028309@N00_4919034816_dc812df44d.avi", "caption": "Zooms in close to flowers.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nZooms in close to flowers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6829965713_6bd1691e1a.mp4", "caption": "Camera pans right to show a bench ' a couple walk in to view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera pans right to show a bench ' a couple walk in to view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450279020_06f7701526.mov", "caption": "Man in blue climbs up as the other person lets go.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in blue climbs up as the other person lets go.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350674032_bb49776675.mpg", "caption": "Little girl falling after twirling.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nLittle girl falling after twirling.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5403825464_79c0f43b72.mp4", "caption": "The puppy fisrt rolls over on its stomach.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe puppy fisrt rolls over on its stomach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47613732@N02_6014659035_e0eace77af.wmv", "caption": "A woman sitting down smiles.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA woman sitting down smiles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000677041_f3533a1a72.mp4", "caption": "We see a truck then a person on a horse, then the truck again.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe see a truck then a person on a horse, then the truck again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2554872567_ec4cb5566e.mp4", "caption": "A cat jumps up and spazzes out.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA cat jumps up and spazzes out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6930566157_5e8009c604.mov", "caption": "Man gets feet tickled by fish.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan gets feet tickled by fish.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4393030898_9a5d4ee800.avi", "caption": "People go around fast for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPeople go around fast for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61886413@N00_3830573270_a08e013fe2.mov", "caption": "First time he removes hands and maybe picks something up off table.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst time he removes hands and maybe picks something up off table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4893755634_5ca761d1d3.mp4", "caption": "A boys head is seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA boys head is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5514244883_4f5305a5a4.mov", "caption": "Smoke going off in the left side of the shot.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSmoke going off in the left side of the shot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7522195856_3390ab1992.wmv", "caption": "Man walks in front of camera then steps back.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan walks in front of camera then steps back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2953285501_9edca7d16f.avi", "caption": "An otter swims past the camera very fast.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nAn otter swims past the camera very fast.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3638594847_d3c3a425b6.mov", "caption": "A young boy pulls a light blue piece of clothing out of a laundry basket.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA young boy pulls a light blue piece of clothing out of a laundry basket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61509440@N00_3685734859_c34a41660b.mov", "caption": "Something starts to enter view on right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nSomething starts to enter view on right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326435816_6960ca36bb.", "caption": "Kids break open the giant chocolate egg to see goodies.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nKids break open the giant chocolate egg to see goodies.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4265465827_acf0d6d2c7.mov", "caption": "First time we see people.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFirst time we see people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6829893951_f10a25a3c8.mp4", "caption": "The red house exits view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe red house exits view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3193779438_359849bcf2.mpg", "caption": "The words are completely lit up.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe words are completely lit up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2528066848_1153f2b965.avi", "caption": "1501 on the building is first visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\n1501 on the building is first visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8494901801_2a59170218.mov", "caption": "The little kid in the front quickly shakes his contraption up and down.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe little kid in the front quickly shakes his contraption up and down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368372481_7a826f75f6.mov", "caption": "Baby first grabs the yellow basket.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBaby first grabs the yellow basket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_3573975898_c91b074c40.avi", "caption": "Camera shows fat man at desk.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 10]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera shows fat man at desk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2867483360_731aa9cab3.avi", "caption": "Two columns of water shoot up on the left.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTwo columns of water shoot up on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2632304556_eb24a267d3.mpg", "caption": "The camera zooms in and out on a group performing in front of people.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe camera zooms in and out on a group performing in front of people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2751386550_98b254e6c0.avi", "caption": "Man unblows balloon and puts it away.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan unblows balloon and puts it away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47613732@N02_6014659035_e0eace77af.wmv", "caption": "Girl sitting down smiles at camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nGirl sitting down smiles at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4469734214_3c6281a00a.avi", "caption": "Toddler closes door.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nToddler closes door.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350674032_bb49776675.mpg", "caption": "Girl falls down.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_5540007918_55ae0aa073.mpg", "caption": "The camera zooms in to a large bird.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera zooms in to a large bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730628701_6a39164afc.avi", "caption": "Person in red gets on trampoline then runs across it.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPerson in red gets on trampoline then runs across it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262234882_9f8cdba19a.mov", "caption": "A man wearing a maroon colored vest is shown singing and raising his hands as he sings.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA man wearing a maroon colored vest is shown singing and raising his hands as he sings.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5454271453_38202888dd.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770144443_7ea6229d36.mp4", "caption": "First time head comes partially into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nFirst time head comes partially into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3797165473_e840f56339.mp4", "caption": "Hands seen clapping in air first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nHands seen clapping in air first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337315276_1ae513b4d8.avi", "caption": "A person's feet are visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA person's feet are visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3339318490_1f5f016b87.m4v", "caption": "Camera pans down to baby.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera pans down to baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_6770727535_5b98d91011.mov", "caption": "Camera focuses on pot and base of the flower.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera focuses on pot and base of the flower.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "46019290@N00_8540604298_9102153485.mov", "caption": "A black car is driving in the opposite direction.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA black car is driving in the opposite direction.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3084457766_c94249e1fe.avi", "caption": "The camera person walks away from the performer for the final time.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe camera person walks away from the performer for the final time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444487353_88c3667f50.mov", "caption": "Ice climber steps with left leg.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nIce climber steps with left leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4078484456_13bb2e51ea.avi", "caption": "The sleeping baby does not have his hand at his mouth.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 30]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe sleeping baby does not have his hand at his mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6927962465_825f75c9cc.mov", "caption": "Boy walks closer.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBoy walks closer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6543806297_b3e2c00cf6.mov", "caption": "The kitten initially jumps up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe kitten initially jumps up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287182854_f2b5013e68.mp4", "caption": "The white car disappears from view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe white car disappears from view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_8122152755_878323ddd2.", "caption": "Rat jumps of box and goes inside clear object.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nRat jumps of box and goes inside clear object.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3550318432_726e8cfb7a.avi", "caption": "Guys face appears.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGuys face appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61509440@N00_3685734859_c34a41660b.mov", "caption": "A woman and a man walks by the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA woman and a man walks by the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5363888280_f68fbd0197.mp4", "caption": "A cat is scratching its lower jaw on a hairbrush that is being held by someone.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA cat is scratching its lower jaw on a hairbrush that is being held by someone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4740327808_bbffa93825.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in people formed into lines below.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 22.022000000000002]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms in people formed into lines below.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26803869@N00_5882810453_e1746e7a79.3gp", "caption": "A black car followed by a grey car followed by a white car.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA black car followed by a grey car followed by a white car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7031878797_f84f8999de.mov", "caption": "Person seems to drop the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPerson seems to drop the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5304359549_8cba115b30.mov", "caption": "Boy falls down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBoy falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3551092618_ed7295cf55.3gp", "caption": "Yellow lights transition to orange lights.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nYellow lights transition to orange lights.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6829893951_f10a25a3c8.mp4", "caption": "Castle comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCastle comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3102324349_aa2ffba1d5.mov", "caption": "Second squirrel appears.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 22.989633333333334]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nSecond squirrel appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5766392306_892149379c.mov", "caption": "Band first stands up on stairs.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBand first stands up on stairs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913494887_25ba94c153.mov", "caption": "The person's red shirt first becomes not visible.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe person's red shirt first becomes not visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_5019157514_2789cc8573.3gp", "caption": "Bugs front legs reach the white line.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBugs front legs reach the white line.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_10935688996_bc8ed05a3d.avi", "caption": "The person wielding swords kneels down.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe person wielding swords kneels down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_2952392661_686a8432ed.3gp", "caption": "A woman walks by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA woman walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5608017121_b77873ae19.avi", "caption": "A round mirrored object appears then disappears.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA round mirrored object appears then disappears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748288673_4f68f3f268.mov", "caption": "A camera points at a building, then pans down and to the right to show a man.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA camera points at a building, then pans down and to the right to show a man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567084336_a713c40e06.mov", "caption": "Face of guy in pink and white striped shirt is shown.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 29.9299]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFace of guy in pink and white striped shirt is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6588974395_2aef61fdfa.mov", "caption": "Hand comes up on the seat.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nHand comes up on the seat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "17098929@N00_4988936813_78a15e73b6.mov", "caption": "We first see lady in red sweater and white skirt.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe first see lady in red sweater and white skirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6829965713_6bd1691e1a.mp4", "caption": "Two people walk by in the snow.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTwo people walk by in the snow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10108383754_bc92364cbe.mp4", "caption": "Pier 39 sign exits frame left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPier 39 sign exits frame left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2867483360_731aa9cab3.avi", "caption": "The water is jetting straight up only.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe water is jetting straight up only.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444322545_194be9a83e.mov", "caption": "The person kicks his left leg.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe person kicks his left leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_5086363729_db2cf30408.mov", "caption": "The face of the photographer is best visible.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe face of the photographer is best visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "28970704@N05_6287161037_14d6a7091d.mov", "caption": "Words flash for the second time.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWords flash for the second time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5001107576_6dea30d8ee.mp4", "caption": "A person is first seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA person is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "63126465@N00_2533365224_47c09d9068.mp4", "caption": "We pass a yellow business sign.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe pass a yellow business sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49380337@N04_4599169926_1af465464c.mpg", "caption": "Camera zooms out but hand holding device also seems to move.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera zooms out but hand holding device also seems to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44186100@N00_2590335345_15b6f8eb5f.mp4", "caption": "The music direction begins directing the music.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe music direction begins directing the music.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6585229337_8460c225c1.mov", "caption": "The cat first chases its tail.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe cat first chases its tail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5490292836_5f8742054a.mov", "caption": "A checkered hat enters the view.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA checkered hat enters the view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467647956_c8e4c3d2da.mov", "caption": "We see the road with a lot of yellow cabs.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe see the road with a lot of yellow cabs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8399758929_fe8bdb5eb4.mov", "caption": "Girl in orange places both hands on one ear.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl in orange places both hands on one ear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6862267099_ed6c67d576.mov", "caption": "The red car takes off quickly from its stop.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe red car takes off quickly from its stop.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16064708@N00_3610275474_52ba211e4d.avi", "caption": "A large fish swims to the left.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA large fish swims to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_3317247341_f8a5c702af.avi", "caption": "The camera pans over text that states cd-mp-jb.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera pans over text that states cd-mp-jb.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "76904726@N00_4580444327_a07bf8f16d.mp4", "caption": "From words to window.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nFrom words to window.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_10967504045_0360a250e3.mp4", "caption": "A woman exits the frame while walking toward the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA woman exits the frame while walking toward the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "22144986@N00_5506248996_f47e2a8316.mov", "caption": "The drone passes through the blue ring.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe drone passes through the blue ring.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5403825464_79c0f43b72.mov", "caption": "The puppy runs away.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe puppy runs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58906525@N04_5472302964_e550392e1d.avi", "caption": "The lady hits the cue ball.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe lady hits the cue ball.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9443106354_af57a2d31e.m4v", "caption": "A man climbs aboard the train.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA man climbs aboard the train.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "76904726@N00_4580444327_a07bf8f16d.mp4", "caption": "Plaque with description of room is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPlaque with description of room is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "17098929@N00_4988936813_78a15e73b6.mov", "caption": "Camera pans left and we see a lady in red top ' white skirt.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera pans left and we see a lady in red top ' white skirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_5366297075_d146b5a7d3.avi", "caption": "The sky is the is very grey and darkest.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe sky is the is very grey and darkest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41406729@N05_4619614389_5740b4ed19.mpg", "caption": "Woman first looks away/down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWoman first looks away/down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6862267099_ed6c67d576.mov", "caption": "Black car is under the blue sign.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBlack car is under the blue sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7878062152_f8241119da.mov", "caption": "Man steps from behind groom to behind bride.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan steps from behind groom to behind bride.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_3317247341_f8a5c702af.avi", "caption": "The camera man starts walking.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe camera man starts walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060974706_40d525fd7e.mp4", "caption": "We get a better view of the surrounding terrain.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe get a better view of the surrounding terrain.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11505695@N04_3357494172_34bf170c04.avi", "caption": "Second bird lands on feeder.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nSecond bird lands on feeder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11989494165_736e0abdb7.mp4", "caption": "The man wearing a suit walks by.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe man wearing a suit walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4346772532_cf5893ca14.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in on baby while they put phone to head.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera zooms in on baby while they put phone to head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4392594553_30146e621e.mov", "caption": "Man flips scarf over his shoulder.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan flips scarf over his shoulder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308949169_b9f78022e5.mov", "caption": "Girl on the left pulls up her sock.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nGirl on the left pulls up her sock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748306797_54b221b2b3.mov", "caption": "A man points at the roof.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA man points at the roof.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12136570356_73632e95c2.mp4", "caption": "White and blue transit pulls up.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWhite and blue transit pulls up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467071969_a16873f4d4.mov", "caption": "The train blurs out into a large grey blob.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe train blurs out into a large grey blob.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3863871139_37e6344292.m4v", "caption": "The newspaper with sexy women in short dresses is revealed on the drivers seat of the vehicle.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe newspaper with sexy women in short dresses is revealed on the drivers seat of the vehicle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4907466773_c44e65d44c.mov", "caption": "Large tree branch in a grassy area.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nLarge tree branch in a grassy area.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_2599858575_ee7fb5901f.avi", "caption": "The small building with a door is visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe small building with a door is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8739388@N05_5877232698_45ced590a2.avi", "caption": "The dog pokes the kitten with his nose.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe dog pokes the kitten with his nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5490220994_9b19703bd0.mov", "caption": "We begin zooming in on the building in the background.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe begin zooming in on the building in the background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_4849598122_519d61e59f.wmv", "caption": "Sky is brightest.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nSky is brightest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2692985882_dd146f604a.mov", "caption": "A guy in a baseball cap spins through the shot.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA guy in a baseball cap spins through the shot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7988327414_eb6e4caaee.", "caption": "The figure is pretending to kick the yellow figure that is in these two scenes.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe figure is pretending to kick the yellow figure that is in these two scenes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_8743946370_936917acc1.mov", "caption": "Man in yellow riding a motorcycle is first seen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan in yellow riding a motorcycle is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8861287745_a500a04eec.mov", "caption": "Boy shakes his head back ' forth.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBoy shakes his head back ' forth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880815179_f9e151daee.mov", "caption": "Boy runs to the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBoy runs to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_9386338617_042c7550f1.avi", "caption": "The building come into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe building come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69129230@N00_4096942835_e0dabf9da5.mov", "caption": "Person picks up the ipod.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson picks up the ipod.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3753476012_4b3440264a.mov", "caption": "The blue water is glowing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe blue water is glowing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2718517608_e1e2c67c32.mov", "caption": "First time woman spins.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFirst time woman spins.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54564954@N00_2423355274_980d763fe4.avi", "caption": "A drum falls over.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA drum falls over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217942022_263e71d557.mov", "caption": "The man knocks on the wall.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man knocks on the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3598075345_05b69afc5c.avi", "caption": "Camera pans up to show statue of man with fountains.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera pans up to show statue of man with fountains.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "63126465@N00_2533365224_47c09d9068.mp4", "caption": "Building with yellow sign above passes by.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBuilding with yellow sign above passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50652680@N00_7153051983_28e4a126f9.mov", "caption": "Man in blue flannel shirt first steps into frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan in blue flannel shirt first steps into frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12149190513_9c79986853.mp4", "caption": "We see the train entering view.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe see the train entering view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_5228456180_a1e1b4f16c.mov", "caption": "Something is live in the plate.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nSomething is live in the plate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089146051_28fe3dc7ac.mov", "caption": "A man points to the other two divers.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA man points to the other two divers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5604027658_640e8c0150.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in for first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms in for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44124367235@N01_2441820372_017e077078.m4v", "caption": "Small bright yellow object goes by.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nSmall bright yellow object goes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_11813988006_abbfe79591.mov", "caption": "Green bottle comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGreen bottle comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_7636018262_3f445b2a78.", "caption": "We first see the yellow of the side of train.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe first see the yellow of the side of train.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41406729@N05_4619614389_5740b4ed19.mpg", "caption": "The woman waves her hand around.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe woman waves her hand around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7827661@N04_4074734627_00965056c1.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans down to a man exiting the building.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera pans down to a man exiting the building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_3258488795_d148d5e326.mov", "caption": "A man with a red shirt and glasses comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA man with a red shirt and glasses comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12090392@N02_13482799053_87ef417396.mov", "caption": "Camera pans up into the blue sky.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera pans up into the blue sky.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770809720_7babdf225d.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt and black pants walks to the center of the room.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man in a white shirt and black pants walks to the center of the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61403949@N00_2523965621_bf89b51301.avi", "caption": "Dog jumps onto person's knee.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nDog jumps onto person's knee.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10776479425_ff8212eb92.mts", "caption": "Child first stands after falling.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nChild first stands after falling.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75237657@N00_4055964994_bc5d2836f7.mov", "caption": "The man in the red vest reaches out his left hand.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man in the red vest reaches out his left hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12177928576_0c37f694d6.mts", "caption": "The train comes to an end.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe train comes to an end.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7031878797_f84f8999de.mov", "caption": "Shadow is seen when camera turns.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 22.5225]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 22.5225]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nShadow is seen when camera turns.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2401286956_9679056d5c.mpg", "caption": "The fireworks end and the sky is just dark.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe fireworks end and the sky is just dark.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3821734475_6fb6f099d8.mov", "caption": "The blue stage changes color.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe blue stage changes color.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6588974395_2aef61fdfa.mov", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is standing in the aisle.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA man in a white shirt is standing in the aisle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978496042_940ba7d578.mp4", "caption": "The person can be seen holding something.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe person can be seen holding something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932106992_34d0f94493.mpg", "caption": "A person with a white cap walks by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA person with a white cap walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2762927601_c96f4e8f51.wmv", "caption": "Black to lights.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBlack to lights.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_8122152755_878323ddd2.", "caption": "Mouse in front jumps behind mouse in back.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMouse in front jumps behind mouse in back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913533567_e73d9dacc9.mov", "caption": "The man on stilts passes behind the tree.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man on stilts passes behind the tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "96161068@N05_8806114550_fd49113596.mov", "caption": "A woman gives the infant to an older child.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA woman gives the infant to an older child.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8399758929_fe8bdb5eb4.mov", "caption": "Girl in orange shirt touches eye.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nGirl in orange shirt touches eye.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6154926852_8d5bbc41e9.mov", "caption": "The bird first moves it's beak and looks up.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe bird first moves it's beak and looks up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000550633_c08bd38fa0.mp4", "caption": "First time we see the lady on the horse.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFirst time we see the lady on the horse.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45609717@N03_5580073717_57c556322a.avi", "caption": "First time dog looks at camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst time dog looks at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659751995_3c07200c30.avi", "caption": "First time camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst time camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61403949@N00_2523965621_bf89b51301.avi", "caption": "The dog jumps up to the person's knee, waits, then gets back down to the floor.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe dog jumps up to the person's knee, waits, then gets back down to the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8471885968_7c64aee74c.mov", "caption": "Person in white shirt stops and turns to look at others.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPerson in white shirt stops and turns to look at others.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4346772532_cf5893ca14.avi", "caption": "A little girl talks on the phone.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA little girl talks on the phone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5397085362_64656c1d14.mov", "caption": "The puppy runs away.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe puppy runs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49380337@N04_4599169926_1af465464c.mpg", "caption": "We first the meter up close.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe first the meter up close.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6591277497_fe8bb0dee3.avi", "caption": "A toy helicopter goes in a circle and runs into a cabinet.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA toy helicopter goes in a circle and runs into a cabinet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_3068835754_9c92816d46.mpg", "caption": "Fence becomes visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFence becomes visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_4068981842_cdf9f9ec2e.mov", "caption": "The black fades to a street.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe black fades to a street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2867483360_731aa9cab3.avi", "caption": "Water begins to move opposite direction for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWater begins to move opposite direction for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_8122152755_878323ddd2.", "caption": "One of the rats jump off platform.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nOne of the rats jump off platform.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288717@N02_3833987775_58ac37b027.avi", "caption": "2nd man enters frame from left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\n2nd man enters frame from left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4275015118_e10907b242.mov", "caption": "Women shakes shoulders while dancing with a man.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWomen shakes shoulders while dancing with a man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8142104762_287ee0b5aa.mov", "caption": "A hand attempts to screw in the screw.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA hand attempts to screw in the screw.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7891359736_02a00c418b.wmv", "caption": "Someone begins walking toward the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nSomeone begins walking toward the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_4743132321_ca3356e907.mpg", "caption": "Stage lights go our briefly for the firstime.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nStage lights go our briefly for the firstime.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_8468750531_a974e7d5b3.mp4", "caption": "We see two pink hoodies in the same clip.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWe see two pink hoodies in the same clip.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4717775827_6a1125b78f.mov", "caption": "The last baby is sat down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe last baby is sat down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3766400261_96bd3905c1.mp4", "caption": "A man opens up the top of the keyboard.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA man opens up the top of the keyboard.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317029211_c2e1a2be24.mov", "caption": "A little girl doesn't like part of her seat and take it off.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA little girl doesn't like part of her seat and take it off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30141170@N07_7541827528_50c69e05bf.mov", "caption": "Almost no water in this section.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nAlmost no water in this section.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12177928576_0c37f694d6.mts", "caption": "Front of bus is still within view.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFront of bus is still within view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_4760052149_d8bdb81e05.mov", "caption": "Camera pans past people on segways.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera pans past people on segways.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12539267@N00_3458068451_281ce029ab.mpg", "caption": "Guy in suit jacket is first seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGuy in suit jacket is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2400926226_5c53b3827b.mp4", "caption": "Camera pans to man in red hat and jacket.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera pans to man in red hat and jacket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4499750251_15cd6978f1.mp4", "caption": "The cat rolls around on the ground.", "timestamps": [[15, 27.260566666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 27.260566666666666]], [[15, 27.260566666666666]], [[15, 27.260566666666666]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe cat rolls around on the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4078484456_13bb2e51ea.avi", "caption": "Baby puts hand back on blanket.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBaby puts hand back on blanket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8289244544_f659afaea0.mov", "caption": "A car's towed cargo can be seen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA car's towed cargo can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45609717@N03_5580073717_57c556322a.avi", "caption": "The dog lays down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe dog lays down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7878531294_37645827f5.mov", "caption": "The man pulls the fabric over his head.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe man pulls the fabric over his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894173601@N01_3041662651_742029999d.avi", "caption": "The man in the blue on the left takes a step back and then a step forward.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man in the blue on the left takes a step back and then a step forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3345169360_7330fda3d3.avi", "caption": "We first see man in white helmet.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe first see man in white helmet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2506994262_fb25932e27.avi", "caption": "Kids begin running.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nKids begin running.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3550313514_463dd7d95b.avi", "caption": "A man appears in frame from the right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA man appears in frame from the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_11741278434_0bbe367161.mp4", "caption": "A man bringing another man a chair on stage.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[5, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man bringing another man a chair on stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12627617794_e00f0196ee.mov", "caption": "The sign disappears.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe sign disappears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368372481_7a826f75f6.mov", "caption": "Baby picks up yellow container.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby picks up yellow container.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12026205986_ce1417f1c5.mp4", "caption": "A person enters the screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA person enters the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3215658783_8cbcd1eaff.avi", "caption": "A bird flies away from the building.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA bird flies away from the building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8025316822_112dd07d8c.mov", "caption": "The cat jumps back up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe cat jumps back up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_3328053052_d709e36f43.avi", "caption": "The road is first shown.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe road is first shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3660512936_e437c68a72.avi", "caption": "A woman with a short ponytail stands up in the crowd.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA woman with a short ponytail stands up in the crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_10077526255_f9fa0c32ea.mp4", "caption": "Singer walking around in circle on stage.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSinger walking around in circle on stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45609717@N03_5580073717_57c556322a.avi", "caption": "A dogs ears become pointy into the air.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA dogs ears become pointy into the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12719489394_894e8b27ae.mts", "caption": "The baby is carried.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe baby is carried.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6174107220_32d306635a.mov", "caption": "Old man with grey scarf waddles by.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nOld man with grey scarf waddles by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12149190513_9c79986853.mp4", "caption": "The front of the train comes into focus, before leaving.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe front of the train comes into focus, before leaving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3590933677_4a4c4e321c.mp4", "caption": "A car passes under an overpass.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA car passes under an overpass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5604027658_640e8c0150.avi", "caption": "The planco balls start there decent and continue falling until reaching the dividers.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe planco balls start there decent and continue falling until reaching the dividers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30454038@N06_7646062428_5a9e5c3593.mov", "caption": "Baby takes toy off of bed.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBaby takes toy off of bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_9196297733_ac71741975.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in on rock in river.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[0, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera zooms in on rock in river.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43528767@N00_5435971877_2c47280e71.mov", "caption": "Item in middle of view is grabbed by another and begins to move it.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.083333333333332]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nItem in middle of view is grabbed by another and begins to move it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6499452521_8ed8b299a4.avi", "caption": "Truck begins moving.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTruck begins moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899674320_2589026df1.mov", "caption": "A person in a hot dog suit jumps up and down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA person in a hot dog suit jumps up and down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2762965247_aacfb5af4b.wmv", "caption": "A dutch angle shot a man walking by a street fire in front of a house.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA dutch angle shot a man walking by a street fire in front of a house.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11658141126_f61155c380.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms out.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera zooms out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2420895475_8bd30b7db4.mov", "caption": "Man raises umbrella.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan raises umbrella.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95033136@N00_3238731624_7a7a3db626.avi", "caption": "A cutting board almost falls over a corner, and a chef puts it back.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA cutting board almost falls over a corner, and a chef puts it back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6588974395_2aef61fdfa.mov", "caption": "The man standing goes to sit.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe man standing goes to sit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48824804@N00_6782300633_59cb6ce92e.mp4", "caption": "Both dogs get on a pillow located on the floor.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBoth dogs get on a pillow located on the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_8730844638_1ca82efd9d.mov", "caption": "A group of cyclist passes the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA group of cyclist passes the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6076805467_981638ecd8.avi", "caption": "Both men squat and clasp hands before resuming their demonstration.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBoth men squat and clasp hands before resuming their demonstration.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5403825464_79c0f43b72.mov", "caption": "The dog runs.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe dog runs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8263584954_8524a77117.mov", "caption": "Grandma crawls to play with grandchild.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nGrandma crawls to play with grandchild.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2632304556_eb24a267d3.mpg", "caption": "Camera zooms in on girl in the sunglasses.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera zooms in on girl in the sunglasses.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3453664884_1b38886e4a.mov", "caption": "The camera turns and films the back of the airplane.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe camera turns and films the back of the airplane.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9109468739_8028855f70.mov", "caption": "A white piece of paper is shown, and removed from the corner.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA white piece of paper is shown, and removed from the corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543379145_e7c743ca92.mp4", "caption": "Woman appears to wipe head.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman appears to wipe head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57134288@N00_3691224318_d6f775b615.avi", "caption": "Frame with mostly green fire works.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nFrame with mostly green fire works.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39548123@N06_5875009698_4665dfa7d0.avi", "caption": "The camera pans up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera pans up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089326931_7377668cb0.mov", "caption": "Man signals \"ok\" sign and rolls onto stomach.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan signals \"ok\" sign and rolls onto stomach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3766664614_f0192a481e.mov", "caption": "Lights turn on for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nLights turn on for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10392840645_c056c00517.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans up from the sidewalk.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera pans up from the sidewalk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5752721077_bea3173b89.mp4", "caption": "Man in red bends down to pick something up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan in red bends down to pick something up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_3991804584_0fcf8f8f8e.avi", "caption": "Orange lights disappear.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nOrange lights disappear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8240281706_8ab9161c47.mov", "caption": "Orange and white cat puts legs into air.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nOrange and white cat puts legs into air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_7088250273_963b2fe940.mp4", "caption": "The airplane is furthest away.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.397374999999997]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.397374999999997]], [[20, 22.397374999999997]], [[20, 22.397374999999997]], [[20, 22.397374999999997]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe airplane is furthest away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59848188@N00_4689968594_0d33331a45.mov", "caption": "Passes a white 18-wheeler.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.756066666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.756066666666666]], [[15, 22.756066666666666]], [[15, 22.756066666666666]], [[15, 22.756066666666666]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPasses a white 18-wheeler.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60002783@N00_5024581852_812e9f23dc.mov", "caption": "Lightning appears from the device for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nLightning appears from the device for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8978747@N04_6317188969_04be6201fe.avi", "caption": "The boy in a white jacket moves forward.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe boy in a white jacket moves forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005478889_e3fd6d76e1.mov", "caption": "Biker passes a line of porta johns on left.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBiker passes a line of porta johns on left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_8199464052_4d52075018.", "caption": "Black crow comes from the right.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBlack crow comes from the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49380337@N04_4599169926_1af465464c.mpg", "caption": "Zoom in on phone.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nZoom in on phone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411828833_9519d9c238.m4v", "caption": "Big ball collapses.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBig ball collapses.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_4668479769_e1e5117ee9.mov", "caption": "The leaf the bug is holding falls.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe leaf the bug is holding falls.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8544469262_fd25eddb2e.", "caption": "Baby looks to our right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBaby looks to our right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5596597491_f5b69c9c8f.wmv", "caption": "Boy in glasses pulls first nacho from stack.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBoy in glasses pulls first nacho from stack.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_5536769782_27b2dbf150.mov", "caption": "The small white car is leaving the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe small white car is leaving the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7599657594_57ef62657c.avi", "caption": "Some type of sign is seen in the bottom left.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSome type of sign is seen in the bottom left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_3018397784_6b52cff935.wmv", "caption": "Sliding glass door closes.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nSliding glass door closes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6122630777_5de74d6acb.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in to baby.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera zooms in to baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_6339863476_ef4fed329b.avi", "caption": "Several small fish go to an area of rocks.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nSeveral small fish go to an area of rocks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10149286@N00_5135045216_643d0b0a92.mov", "caption": "We first see the purple butterfly wings.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe first see the purple butterfly wings.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502194479_5b1998b2ec.avi", "caption": "Two people walking in opposite directions first pass each other.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTwo people walking in opposite directions first pass each other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3598075345_05b69afc5c.avi", "caption": "The beautiful sculpture is surround by water shooting up into the sky. the base of the fountain on the ground cannot be seen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe beautiful sculpture is surround by water shooting up into the sky. the base of the fountain on the ground cannot be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "63126465@N00_2533365224_47c09d9068.mp4", "caption": "Three side-by-side windows, with a square box in the middle of each, move very slowly from one side to the other.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThree side-by-side windows, with a square box in the middle of each, move very slowly from one side to the other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6829893951_f10a25a3c8.mp4", "caption": "Zoom into the pointy church looking building.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nZoom into the pointy church looking building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880624807_de9f335357.mov", "caption": "A boy playing on a bed.", "timestamps": [[10, 24.557866666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.557866666666666]], [[10, 24.557866666666666]], [[10, 24.557866666666666]], [[10, 24.557866666666666]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA boy playing on a bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9147748598_2bc129f183.mov", "caption": "Man looks over at camera while speaking.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan looks over at camera while speaking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10015567@N08_3655084291_d8b58466fa.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms out.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3766400261_96bd3905c1.mp4", "caption": "The man closes and then opens the typewriter lid.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[10, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe man closes and then opens the typewriter lid.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3673970172_8f2a990cce.mov", "caption": "The hand touches the camera for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe hand touches the camera for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66284747@N00_3707020186_a8179a902e.mov", "caption": "Camera changes from orange field to field of tall wheat.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera changes from orange field to field of tall wheat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6568591041_1fa043fbe8.mov", "caption": "Baby looks to his right.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.2]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.2]], [[5, 10]], [[25, 29.2]], [[25, 29.2]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby looks to his right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31593547@N03_13632450104_167e9ecec0.mov", "caption": "The bee first moves to a different flower.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe bee first moves to a different flower.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3124973847_bcfc44ae1b.avi", "caption": "We first see christmas tree in partial view on right of screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWe first see christmas tree in partial view on right of screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3822129137_0a1e16e9ee.mp4", "caption": "Cat climbs onto red blanket next to person.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCat climbs onto red blanket next to person.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262589630_9f825d13b2.mov", "caption": "The man and women kiss as we look away.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man and women kiss as we look away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_13527571073_0b5939dfa1.mov", "caption": "The child starts to unwrap the present.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe child starts to unwrap the present.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10052357@N03_7585070382_5762149bfc.", "caption": "Swimmers dive into the water.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nSwimmers dive into the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8133782077_5af658f4c4.mov", "caption": "The kid pulls the toy away from the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe kid pulls the toy away from the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5029949102_de3a3e224e.mov", "caption": "Dog runs away from hole.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.4294]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.4294]], [[5, 25]], [[25, 29.4294]], [[25, 29.4294]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nDog runs away from hole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16930146@N05_3839594916_ee7d67ec52.mov", "caption": "There is a parade and a man goes by with a tuba.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThere is a parade and a man goes by with a tuba.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4769565946_89942c579d.mov", "caption": "A small baby girl laughs when her book is wrinkled.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA small baby girl laughs when her book is wrinkled.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4907466773_c44e65d44c.mov", "caption": "A falling dead tree is shown for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA falling dead tree is shown for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368279831_9c0658d373.mov", "caption": "Child first touches lid.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nChild first touches lid.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26484906@N05_3662765555_3cfb28ea7f.mov", "caption": "Person sits down on chair.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPerson sits down on chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9323446518_2b2dfea0fb.mov", "caption": "Train starts moving aain.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTrain starts moving aain.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9811029593_a376b930b0.mp4", "caption": "The girl looks away from the book.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe girl looks away from the book.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7587730816_29b8128fb2.avi", "caption": "Camera turns a bit to reveal an island.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera turns a bit to reveal an island.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10927750385_a62098f6db.mp4", "caption": "The people begin to clap.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe people begin to clap.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450063200_79a3dcfa35.mov", "caption": "A person in black swings into a net.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA person in black swings into a net.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5016635157_5d78ff3cca.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in on object briefly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera zooms in on object briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4553176920_eb9e4e73df.mov", "caption": "The woman that was sitting and taking a picture stands up.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe woman that was sitting and taking a picture stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25438570@N03_3322199891_f83ceafb56.avi", "caption": "The ski lift is completely out of view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe ski lift is completely out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3305005763_ca40527bea.mov", "caption": "Someone walks through the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSomeone walks through the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_4668919810_38312579e8.mov", "caption": "The bird is flapping his wings trying to fly.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe bird is flapping his wings trying to fly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12575752@N03_3831951420_7b18816031.wmv", "caption": "Man first pulls fish out of water.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan first pulls fish out of water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8649380281_abeeddb0b1.mp4", "caption": "Silohette of a woman holding a child can be seen in the fog.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSilohette of a woman holding a child can be seen in the fog.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12090392@N02_13482799053_87ef417396.mov", "caption": "First time sky is shown.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFirst time sky is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_4983143515_8803e59143.mp4", "caption": "First and biggest, wave hits the shore.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nFirst and biggest, wave hits the shore.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2740771623_054e4ae5c5.avi", "caption": "The boy in the green shirt has his ears covered.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe boy in the green shirt has his ears covered.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2527245809_da9ae47cfd.avi", "caption": "The moving billboard is being filmed.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe moving billboard is being filmed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5613855014_79be57667c.mov", "caption": "We see a person with a red backpack.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe see a person with a red backpack.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139801368_088bcdb421.mov", "caption": "Someone in white jumps the gate.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nSomeone in white jumps the gate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8267338864_b8ec7d5505.mov", "caption": "Yellow cat swats at other tail.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nYellow cat swats at other tail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8039085913_ce2a748676.mov", "caption": "Cat has front paws on black wall.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCat has front paws on black wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59431569@N02_8227464997_7f7f32870a.mov", "caption": "A orange sign is on the right side.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA orange sign is on the right side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908066554_348455807d.mov", "caption": "The girl in the blue shirt exits to the right.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe girl in the blue shirt exits to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3821734475_6fb6f099d8.mov", "caption": "Red lights come on.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nRed lights come on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3813012449_0467643a19.mov", "caption": "Man sits down on the ground.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan sits down on the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3863871139_37e6344292.m4v", "caption": "Car doors open.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCar doors open.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411826971_48cb4bac5d.m4v", "caption": "First car passes by the man playing the keyboard on his knees.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nFirst car passes by the man playing the keyboard on his knees.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "46019290@N00_8540604298_9102153485.mov", "caption": "A black car passes on the left.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA black car passes on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_9109552121_6213eea64b.mp4", "caption": "Jet is at its closest before turning.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nJet is at its closest before turning.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6758070727_44708f10e4.mov", "caption": "The word love and hate on a large screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe word love and hate on a large screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4169822579_db8d0a33e3.avi", "caption": "A car driving past an empty office.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.556866666666668]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA car driving past an empty office.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894173601@N01_3041662651_742029999d.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6430982977_aee6dfe611.mov", "caption": "Cat swipes at toy for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCat swipes at toy for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_5520025760_47aa12d540.avi", "caption": "The bird flaps its wings.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe bird flaps its wings.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368920156_f254760c2c.mov", "caption": "The mother surprised the child with a stuffed dolphin.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe mother surprised the child with a stuffed dolphin.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10108383754_bc92364cbe.mp4", "caption": "Camera starts to pan right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera starts to pan right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9147748598_2bc129f183.mov", "caption": "Attention shifts to seated woman.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nAttention shifts to seated woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_8115527004_9e09e5a144.avi", "caption": "Stopping and turning to view all the people.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.866666666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.866666666666667]], [[25, 29.866666666666667]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 29.866666666666667]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nStopping and turning to view all the people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12090392@N02_13345552833_3c188bbe52.mov", "caption": "Large manmade structure can be seen in the distance.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nLarge manmade structure can be seen in the distance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8861287745_a500a04eec.mov", "caption": "The boy shakes his head left and right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe boy shakes his head left and right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6174107220_32d306635a.mov", "caption": "Woman in blue bends over and grabs something off the ground.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWoman in blue bends over and grabs something off the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411828833_9519d9c238.m4v", "caption": "Guy starts playing trumpet.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGuy starts playing trumpet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920226432_717b272a78.avi", "caption": "Women touching screen holds up her left index finger.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWomen touching screen holds up her left index finger.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3752675055_29d5812ee9.mov", "caption": "Another boat first enters view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 22.655966666666668]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nAnother boat first enters view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5357791944_96100cff71.avi", "caption": "Camera pans up above the wire gate to show a roomba cleaning the floor.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera pans up above the wire gate to show a roomba cleaning the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_8122152755_878323ddd2.", "caption": "Camera moves to show the animals and the one in front goes behind the other.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera moves to show the animals and the one in front goes behind the other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_7088250273_963b2fe940.mov", "caption": "The airplane is not visible for a moment.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 22.397374999999997]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe airplane is not visible for a moment.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7891359736_02a00c418b.wmv", "caption": "Groom puts arm around the bride.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGroom puts arm around the bride.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44335492@N00_5271813523_19f24643a3.avi", "caption": "A man wearing a cap passes in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man wearing a cap passes in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6591277497_fe8bb0dee3.avi", "caption": "A toy helicopter takes off.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA toy helicopter takes off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27432743@N00_3689639910_5cc440b77b.mp4", "caption": "The little girl first puts her hand under the running water.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe little girl first puts her hand under the running water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411828833_9519d9c238.m4v", "caption": "Person in white collapses colorful ball.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nPerson in white collapses colorful ball.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287182854_f2b5013e68.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a santa hat walks out of frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA woman wearing a santa hat walks out of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43610740@N02_4398693645_e9b6b1489f.avi", "caption": "Camera passes a man wearing a blue and red coat with a stroller.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera passes a man wearing a blue and red coat with a stroller.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_4445804850_5b1716df54.mov", "caption": "Camera shakes while focusing on clouds.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera shakes while focusing on clouds.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4532326565_999d54d5ab.mov", "caption": "Man puts up his umbrella.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan puts up his umbrella.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "96161068@N05_8806114550_fd49113596.mov", "caption": "Girl is given baby in blue.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nGirl is given baby in blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3673970172_8f2a990cce.mov", "caption": "The camera focuses in on part of the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera focuses in on part of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_3944006339_85416993a7.mov", "caption": "Girl is looking to your left then turns at camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nGirl is looking to your left then turns at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411826971_48cb4bac5d.m4v", "caption": "First car passes.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nFirst car passes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9810805945_e5b779b877.mov", "caption": "Child steps over yellow bus with its left leg.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nChild steps over yellow bus with its left leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_8094794002_cb9850ebdf.", "caption": "Guy first put his hate back on.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nGuy first put his hate back on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_2420452277_f14796f1ac.avi", "caption": "Person begins dancing on game pad.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPerson begins dancing on game pad.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9396804244_9fbf065a94.mp4", "caption": "The dog sits up then rolls again.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe dog sits up then rolls again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "28970704@N05_6287161037_14d6a7091d.mov", "caption": "Camera focuses on sign saying 'zombie disco disaster.'.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera focuses on sign saying 'zombie disco disaster.'.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9760460592_78c4d36e97.mp4", "caption": "Kid walks towards the camera and falls on bed.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nKid walks towards the camera and falls on bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753325843_25c7250995.mp4", "caption": "Man eats something while holding baby.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan eats something while holding baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_2568116320_1e0bd6a0f8.avi", "caption": "Pass a sidewalk to the right for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPass a sidewalk to the right for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25343491@N06_4547127130_9b37726fa7.mov", "caption": "A logo can be seen on the screen of a laptop computer.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA logo can be seen on the screen of a laptop computer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61797472@N00_6122111246_2588fe84e3.mpg", "caption": "A bridge appears overhead.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA bridge appears overhead.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82607398@N00_7672276754_a303e873bd.mp4", "caption": "No water is touching little girl's feet.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nNo water is touching little girl's feet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31667813@N00_3350025080_ea55c84f81.3g2", "caption": "Kid runs back into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nKid runs back into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5608017121_b77873ae19.avi", "caption": "We see a convex mirror.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe see a convex mirror.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3660512936_e437c68a72.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in close on the stage.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera zooms in close on the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_10844086345_8a62c1880e.mp4", "caption": "Bird lands on feeder.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBird lands on feeder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_5874371593_3feff06342.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451832659_260d21258b.wmv", "caption": "No bird is shown at all.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nNo bird is shown at all.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6635239461_54754f9b3e.mov", "caption": "Woman comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7587730816_29b8128fb2.avi", "caption": "The island to our left is visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe island to our left is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "85052827@N00_3157454101_71c7999204.mov", "caption": "Boy in red coat looks back at camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBoy in red coat looks back at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5129506391_fc26a62b9d.avi", "caption": "The group of people roll the giant ball past.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe group of people roll the giant ball past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_12042021446_137055e3d6.mp4", "caption": "The man in the light shirt and pants spins the lady around.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe man in the light shirt and pants spins the lady around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31514975@N05_4518621397_cb765eb853.avi", "caption": "Zoom in to red light.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nZoom in to red light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12719506944_139e338f74.mp4", "caption": "The girl wearing pink walks in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe girl wearing pink walks in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91189787@N00_13790811734_18d905f849.mp4", "caption": "The boy is handed the game.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe boy is handed the game.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10394278434_85614ccf35.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing black and holding a purse is seen crossing the street.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA woman wearing black and holding a purse is seen crossing the street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049310249_effcfe7eab.mp4", "caption": "Dog sits up and looks in other room.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nDog sits up and looks in other room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12280528136_b1d8fa292c.mts", "caption": "The young baby claps her hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe young baby claps her hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5917277098_8dacb93f86.mov", "caption": "A single female student is cheering with other students with a pink umbrella in her hand.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA single female student is cheering with other students with a pink umbrella in her hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4830190871_b282f1c6e0.mov", "caption": "Cat looks at the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 23.3233]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCat looks at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8532194995_d624f9220d.mov", "caption": "Cat jumps down into the snow.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCat jumps down into the snow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7877606412_8d8ab88212.mov", "caption": "The bride with parents walk past the tripod on the right.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe bride with parents walk past the tripod on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54564954@N00_2423355274_980d763fe4.avi", "caption": "Kid in gray looks up at the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nKid in gray looks up at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092057514_33708a334f.mov", "caption": "We look forward across the water to see a pinkish boat.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe look forward across the water to see a pinkish boat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52582799@N00_2577435502_5287ced5dc.avi", "caption": "Camera pans from bunny on right to show a second bunny on the left.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera pans from bunny on right to show a second bunny on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2718517608_e1e2c67c32.mov", "caption": "Mustached man appears on screen than exits right.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMustached man appears on screen than exits right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365152473_869de3885c.wmv", "caption": "Priest hold microphone up to man's face.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nPriest hold microphone up to man's face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "84989643@N00_4758785050_55804b0d43.avi", "caption": "The striped flag is close up.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe striped flag is close up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_3835967049_a5c6f47164.m4v", "caption": "Man makes first attempt at juggling.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan makes first attempt at juggling.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217916282_06a6b3c775.mov", "caption": "Man shows the field.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan shows the field.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_6740296989_8926966097.mp4", "caption": "Two jellyfish for majority of frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTwo jellyfish for majority of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5677995715_d51fbaf137.mov", "caption": "We pass a blue birdhouse to the right.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe pass a blue birdhouse to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4652622226_3377a10d35.avi", "caption": "Two white baby sheep come into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTwo white baby sheep come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12628585884_cbed949b2a.mov", "caption": "The no turning sign leaves the frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe no turning sign leaves the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5466763736_b75978c04e.mov", "caption": "Dog walks by man in chair.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nDog walks by man in chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4489818076_bf77e713e2.mov", "caption": "Baby makes a cross with his arms.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby makes a cross with his arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2421140115_4cdc2684ca.mov", "caption": "White line vertically streak across the frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWhite line vertically streak across the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2866666461_23f0dba6bc.avi", "caption": "At the very beginning is the only time you have a clear view of the resort.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nAt the very beginning is the only time you have a clear view of the resort.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57071639@N00_7975977326_e091bee3a0.", "caption": "Screen first becomes visible on left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nScreen first becomes visible on left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6215527875_607fcf6c5d.wmv", "caption": "The man in the suit walks up and out of view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe man in the suit walks up and out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3550318432_726e8cfb7a.avi", "caption": "Boy's glasses are first seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBoy's glasses are first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705385910_3029ccc056.", "caption": "The man gets very low and jumps very high for his finish.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe man gets very low and jumps very high for his finish.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86577590@N00_4285687197_218e0fc153.mov", "caption": "Woman disappears into darkness.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWoman disappears into darkness.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_5651481910_7fb944ce83.avi", "caption": "We begin to look at the other people playing drums.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe begin to look at the other people playing drums.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_5825835376_c3f4d87cd0.mov", "caption": "Man in short without costume is walking.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan in short without costume is walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5434701865_8a89f3e121.mov", "caption": "Cat turns head toward camera and we see both his eyes.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCat turns head toward camera and we see both his eyes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504510298_626dcda292.mpg", "caption": "The sky is prominent.", "timestamps": [[15, 27.72]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 27.72]], [[15, 27.72]], [[15, 27.72]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe sky is prominent.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19894250@N00_8425749412_9272eb8671.mp4", "caption": "Man in black walks out to towards the edge.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan in black walks out to towards the edge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5403825464_79c0f43b72.mp4", "caption": "The dog plays with the hand.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe dog plays with the hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452596290_752a13c4a2.wmv", "caption": "Zooms in to branch.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nZooms in to branch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543379145_e7c743ca92.mp4", "caption": "The woman fixes her hair.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe woman fixes her hair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5596610883_8988733d1e.wmv", "caption": "The woman grabs something.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe woman grabs something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880624807_de9f335357.mov", "caption": "A young boy pushes pillows off himself.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA young boy pushes pillows off himself.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "97352149@N00_4915826308_f476ba1936.m4v", "caption": "Camera zooms in on main attraction.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera zooms in on main attraction.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6158057518_dca02ba486.mov", "caption": "Ride takes off.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nRide takes off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5766392306_892149379c.mov", "caption": "Tuba players lift up their horns.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTuba players lift up their horns.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6895449369_e8c24e0ba0.mov", "caption": "Windshield wiper is first seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWindshield wiper is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2554872567_ec4cb5566e.mp4", "caption": "Cat walks away.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCat walks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7150382@N06_3337187899_c828719c50.mov", "caption": "A second person walks by.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA second person walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_4145560239_744261f16f.mov", "caption": "Screen changes to two boys.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nScreen changes to two boys.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6076805467_981638ecd8.avi", "caption": "Blue shirt exits left of frame for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBlue shirt exits left of frame for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6895449369_e8c24e0ba0.mov", "caption": "First time windshield wipers can be seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFirst time windshield wipers can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7988328214_9634c3421e.", "caption": "Ninjas get in pose.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nNinjas get in pose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4904540773_ca9b62f114.mov", "caption": "Camera pans across a big tree.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCamera pans across a big tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470330893_6d37b967ea.mov", "caption": "The moment when the baby turns to face the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe moment when the baby turns to face the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8286016035_5468f50dfb.", "caption": "Tree is rotating and we see three gingerbread men in center screen when it stops.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTree is rotating and we see three gingerbread men in center screen when it stops.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_4474066467_22a0375378.mov", "caption": "Pushes wheel chair away.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 20]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPushes wheel chair away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_6445550327_f69235e82b.avi", "caption": "Man lowers his right hand after he has been waving it in the air the whole time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan lowers his right hand after he has been waving it in the air the whole time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8668089@N08_2918190657_d53f6922ae.avi", "caption": "The camera is only on water for frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera is only on water for frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8133451581_014634a4e2.mov", "caption": "Three people in black walk into frame in bottom left corner for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThree people in black walk into frame in bottom left corner for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61403949@N00_2523965645_5e35959e15.avi", "caption": "First time dog sits.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFirst time dog sits.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10001768095_65d489443c.mts", "caption": "Baby falls onto stomach.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBaby falls onto stomach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470332531_5d84501584.mov", "caption": "Baby is touching woman's face.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBaby is touching woman's face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10776479425_ff8212eb92.mp4", "caption": "First time baby falls off the couch.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst time baby falls off the couch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_9305851905_2e7db67d05.mp4", "caption": "The big goat runs away from the other goats and leaves.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe big goat runs away from the other goats and leaves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9308598808_a4b0fb4742.mp4", "caption": "Baby stands back up after falling a little.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBaby stands back up after falling a little.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5596610883_8988733d1e.wmv", "caption": "Boy places hand on chin.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBoy places hand on chin.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41249501@N06_3960493490_9628a3d374.mov", "caption": "Person on right takes drink from bottle for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPerson on right takes drink from bottle for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41249501@N06_3960493490_9628a3d374.mov", "caption": "A woman and a man walk past the cameraman.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 22.255566666666667]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA woman and a man walk past the cameraman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41249501@N06_3960493490_9628a3d374.mov", "caption": "Cameraman's feet are briefly shown.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.255566666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.255566666666667]], [[20, 22.255566666666667]], [[20, 22.255566666666667]], [[20, 22.255566666666667]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCameraman's feet are briefly shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113274038_d267a35413.mov", "caption": "The girl in brown touches the baby's arm.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe girl in brown touches the baby's arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47613732@N02_6014659035_e0eace77af.wmv", "caption": "Aa standing female quickly jolts her head toward the camera lens.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nAa standing female quickly jolts her head toward the camera lens.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4279639620_7d201091be.3gp", "caption": "Camera flashes toward middle of frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera flashes toward middle of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7008060299_731d9c2ffa.mov", "caption": "The older little girl looks up at the camera and smiles.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.990633333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.990633333333335]], [[20, 23.990633333333335]], [[20, 23.990633333333335]], [[20, 23.990633333333335]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe older little girl looks up at the camera and smiles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_6445550327_f69235e82b.avi", "caption": "Man starts talking.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan starts talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_5904128460_be0c68d138.mov", "caption": "There is no tree.", "timestamps": [[15, 24.6246]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 24.6246]], [[15, 24.6246]], [[15, 24.6246]], [[10, 24.6246]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThere is no tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12628581595_92f294c937.mov", "caption": "2 people enter building together.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\n2 people enter building together.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_4743132321_ca3356e907.mpg", "caption": "A building is seen in the distance.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA building is seen in the distance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61886413@N00_3830573270_a08e013fe2.mov", "caption": "The camera first reaches the opposite end of the man.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera first reaches the opposite end of the man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "84989643@N00_4758785050_55804b0d43.avi", "caption": "Little boy runs by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nLittle boy runs by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308949169_b9f78022e5.mov", "caption": "The girl on the left reaches for her foot.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe girl on the left reaches for her foot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9147748598_2bc129f183.mov", "caption": "Man first turns and faces us.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan first turns and faces us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_8115527004_9e09e5a144.avi", "caption": "A red jet is at end of ship.", "timestamps": [[15, 29.866666666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 29.866666666666667]], [[15, 29.866666666666667]], [[15, 29.866666666666667]], [[15, 29.866666666666667]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA red jet is at end of ship.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39548123@N06_5875009698_4665dfa7d0.avi", "caption": "Man in black jacket comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan in black jacket comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54564954@N00_2423355274_980d763fe4.avi", "caption": "Little kid knocks over drum.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLittle kid knocks over drum.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61591442@N00_3668916081_e3888248b1.mp4", "caption": "Man in red shirt comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan in red shirt comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_3991804584_0fcf8f8f8e.avi", "caption": "One person comes into the scene form the right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nOne person comes into the scene form the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9109468739_8028855f70.mov", "caption": "Someone's head is first seen as they walk by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSomeone's head is first seen as they walk by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2725586589_4c9e4eee26.avi", "caption": "A baby laughs as a mobile swings overhead.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA baby laughs as a mobile swings overhead.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30454038@N06_7646070970_da6b9c2656.mov", "caption": "Baby stands up.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBaby stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2655957735_8465d58650.avi", "caption": "The adult skips a rock.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe adult skips a rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060426645_dab66a1f9f.mp4", "caption": "Frame ends on blue sky.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.5245]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.5245]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 24.5245]], [[20, 24.5245]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFrame ends on blue sky.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8211091@N08_4908606405_a1a2a3fb85.wmv", "caption": "Road curves left then right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nRoad curves left then right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56866600@N00_2641879393_a143ab3863.avi", "caption": "The man touches home plate.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man touches home plate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3668334480_3e44bb6f8d.mov", "caption": "Man in orange vest first appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan in orange vest first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4813448663_7b78eb3e61.mov", "caption": "Light poles in veiw.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 27.9279]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nLight poles in veiw.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3791691896_ed4c3b3aa1.mpg", "caption": "The person in white turns towards his bicycle.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe person in white turns towards his bicycle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4717775827_6a1125b78f.mov", "caption": "The parent re-arranges the children.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe parent re-arranges the children.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659751995_3c07200c30.avi", "caption": "Camera first zooms in on the stage.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera first zooms in on the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3550313514_463dd7d95b.avi", "caption": "A boy in a white shirt stands up.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA boy in a white shirt stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23981060@N00_3445275436_34c254d041.avi", "caption": "First time sun glares on water first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst time sun glares on water first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4082113884_0c4f1ec739.avi", "caption": "Man rides off.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan rides off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_7093221429_a7bf682a7a.mpg", "caption": "We see the critter running on the wall.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe see the critter running on the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450279020_06f7701526.mp4", "caption": "The man in white appears to let go of platform.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man in white appears to let go of platform.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504516454_06d85d7a5d.mpg", "caption": "Bugs fly by light post.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBugs fly by light post.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7599657594_57ef62657c.avi", "caption": "A stop sign shakes.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA stop sign shakes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7827661@N04_4074719143_dba67798fc.mp4", "caption": "Person walk back to rope.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPerson walk back to rope.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2784079778_e2d39e0216.mpg", "caption": "The cat sits up.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe cat sits up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4652622226_3377a10d35.avi", "caption": "The lamb stops nursing as the mother runs away.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe lamb stops nursing as the mother runs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_7228458034_fe379aa983.", "caption": "Child looks directly at camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nChild looks directly at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4251309939_4672d02c69.avi", "caption": "The camera pans right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera pans right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932110434_1fcdfdafd4.mpg", "caption": "People in bleachers start standing up.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPeople in bleachers start standing up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2751386550_98b254e6c0.avi", "caption": "A man deflates a balloon and puts it down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man deflates a balloon and puts it down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6146472848_ca77910fe4.mov", "caption": "We see structures on the right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe see structures on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368202023_c38ab4dc74.mov", "caption": "Baby rolls to the right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby rolls to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6505408965_3a28ea60c5.avi", "caption": "Black remote control car backs up and turns a bit.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBlack remote control car backs up and turns a bit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368920156_f254760c2c.mov", "caption": "The person in pink first appears.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe person in pink first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936634915_5985444f5b.mp4", "caption": "A house is in seen first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA house is in seen first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2401577710_bca9785879.mpg", "caption": "Puts round thing in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPuts round thing in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19894250@N00_8425749412_9272eb8671.mp4", "caption": "We see people for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe see people for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11967895@N05_8614382515_40df4c6613.mp4", "caption": "The camera tilts right and then left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera tilts right and then left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_7228458034_fe379aa983.", "caption": "Baby looks at camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby looks at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31028309@N00_4919034816_dc812df44d.avi", "caption": "Zoom in on the roses.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nZoom in on the roses.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44124367235@N01_2441820372_017e077078.m4v", "caption": "Plane goes by a bright yellow/orange light on the ground.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPlane goes by a bright yellow/orange light on the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451788773_9f971e833d.wmv", "caption": "Black bird flies into tree.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBlack bird flies into tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770809720_7babdf225d.mp4", "caption": "A black and white floor comes into full view.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA black and white floor comes into full view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3648077556_e0bc2dd152.mov", "caption": "The man in yellow enters, and stops.", "timestamps": [[10, 24.090733333333333]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 24.090733333333333]], [[10, 24.090733333333333]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 24.090733333333333]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe man in yellow enters, and stops.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6158057518_dca02ba486.mov", "caption": "Ride starts moving.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nRide starts moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_11741278434_0bbe367161.mp4", "caption": "A man brings a chair onstage.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man brings a chair onstage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_3018397784_6b52cff935.wmv", "caption": "Man in hat walks in through the open door.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan in hat walks in through the open door.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8739388@N05_5877232698_45ced590a2.avi", "caption": "Dog pushes kitten in between two objects with his nose.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nDog pushes kitten in between two objects with his nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_13826259365_71151b9da1.mp4", "caption": "The engine passes by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe engine passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450279020_06f7701526.mov", "caption": "The video is blurred.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe video is blurred.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_6740296989_8926966097.mp4", "caption": "Two jellyfish are seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTwo jellyfish are seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5357791944_96100cff71.avi", "caption": "First time we see the baby.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst time we see the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5363888280_f68fbd0197.mp4", "caption": "The cat is brushed.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe cat is brushed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4895669541_b97d1a2283.avi", "caption": "The person rides by the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe person rides by the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2418639917_92e4152f71.avi", "caption": "The dog comes back.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe dog comes back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42626735@N00_13962429255_c485f97519.mov", "caption": "The cards are shuffled in the machine.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe cards are shuffled in the machine.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899711108_1cced33755.mov", "caption": "The person wearing a hotdog costume begins to dance.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe person wearing a hotdog costume begins to dance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6158057518_dca02ba486.mov", "caption": "The roller coaster is launched away.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe roller coaster is launched away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_3991804584_0fcf8f8f8e.avi", "caption": "The screen fades to darkness.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe screen fades to darkness.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4361151624_01682062fd.mp4", "caption": "The person in the red ' black checked shirt on the left steps down out of view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person in the red ' black checked shirt on the left steps down out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451788773_9f971e833d.wmv", "caption": "Second bird flies in.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nSecond bird flies in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_9369263530_2010545b28.mp4", "caption": "Man in blue t shirt enters and exits.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan in blue t shirt enters and exits.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45609717@N03_5580073717_57c556322a.avi", "caption": "The dog's ears perk up.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe dog's ears perk up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42872607@N00_3216722391_531cfb839b.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in on cat.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera zooms in on cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_6787524167_1a53c15812.mpg", "caption": "The rodent/animal hops onto the block of wood from plastic container for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe rodent/animal hops onto the block of wood from plastic container for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5596610883_8988733d1e.mp4", "caption": "Woman first looks at camera just briefly.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWoman first looks at camera just briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_8743946370_936917acc1.mov", "caption": "Person on bike rides past.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.796463129796464]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.796463129796464]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 29.796463129796464]], [[25, 29.796463129796464]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson on bike rides past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6076805467_981638ecd8.avi", "caption": "Two men are sparing and we see then squat down in front of each other grab hands.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTwo men are sparing and we see then squat down in front of each other grab hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91189787@N00_13790811734_18d905f849.mp4", "caption": "We see a finger showing the little boy what is on the box.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe see a finger showing the little boy what is on the box.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7612314414_a367b7d4b5.mov", "caption": "The little boy slides down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe little boy slides down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8739388@N05_5926132598_04f27b74fb.avi", "caption": "Cat starts bathing itself.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 27.9279]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCat starts bathing itself.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6855148077_26c0c80d0a.mp4", "caption": "We first come up to an intersection.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWe first come up to an intersection.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3124973847_bcfc44ae1b.avi", "caption": "Man with microphone bends down close to talk to young children.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan with microphone bends down close to talk to young children.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_3931305394_82f1bffac0.mov", "caption": "Cameraman zooms in on man in white shirt.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCameraman zooms in on man in white shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9345116692_17c2e48e30.mp4", "caption": "The baby lets go of his pajamas.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe baby lets go of his pajamas.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7345638@N06_4356199689_c5874ba20c.mov", "caption": "The boy turn his head then back.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe boy turn his head then back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9109468739_8028855f70.mov", "caption": "This map is terrible'.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThis map is terrible'.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58906525@N04_5472302964_e550392e1d.avi", "caption": "Camera suddenly twists around.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera suddenly twists around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_9111047554_df9974aa13.mp4", "caption": "First bird is seen flying.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFirst bird is seen flying.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880624807_de9f335357.mov", "caption": "Child emerges from his hiding spot.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nChild emerges from his hiding spot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_5228210326_b73a8a53c7.mov", "caption": "Man eats thing on chopstick.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan eats thing on chopstick.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4914111798_a713caf839.mov", "caption": "Camera first pans left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera first pans left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7612314414_a367b7d4b5.mov", "caption": "The child slides down backwards.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe child slides down backwards.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8025316822_112dd07d8c.mov", "caption": "Cat fall off of bed.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCat fall off of bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86577590@N00_4285687197_218e0fc153.mov", "caption": "A redheaded girl is visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA redheaded girl is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8616944997_5b70611ac3.mov", "caption": "White table cloth blows from the wind.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWhite table cloth blows from the wind.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54212625@N00_2833409061_ae3d32d05c.mov", "caption": "Kid in red shirt is first seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nKid in red shirt is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "64456049@N00_3790784300_671196a4cf.avi", "caption": "The camera moves away from house.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe camera moves away from house.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9342362301_eeea928c24.mts", "caption": "Baby first grabs clothing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBaby first grabs clothing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29524576@N00_4809406311_f7ebe53827.mp4", "caption": "The camera flips around on the cat.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe camera flips around on the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4769565946_89942c579d.mov", "caption": "A hand creeps in from the right side for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA hand creeps in from the right side for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139617520_1c478e5b77.m4v", "caption": "Blindfolded person starts walkingoff.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBlindfolded person starts walkingoff.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411828833_9519d9c238.m4v", "caption": "Man collapses colorful wire ball.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan collapses colorful wire ball.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_4068981842_cdf9f9ec2e.mov", "caption": "We are following two people on bikes when the clip switches to show a guy on a bike next to us.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe are following two people on bikes when the clip switches to show a guy on a bike next to us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54212625@N00_2833409061_ae3d32d05c.mov", "caption": "Truck comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTruck comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543431675_8d0f71c4c3.mp4", "caption": "Woman stands up with the baby.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman stands up with the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748297805_af83df61d3.mov", "caption": "Man in black coat points at the base of building.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan in black coat points at the base of building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12627617794_e00f0196ee.mp4", "caption": "A yellow and white sign is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA yellow and white sign is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_5651481910_7fb944ce83.avi", "caption": "Person in white shirt walks past camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nPerson in white shirt walks past camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3311109036_caa225c39f.mov", "caption": "The kid in pink stops dancing.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.988291666666665]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[15, 29.988291666666665]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe kid in pink stops dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11967895@N05_8614382515_40df4c6613.mp4", "caption": "A person swings a bag over the flowers.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA person swings a bag over the flowers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11658141126_f61155c380.mp4", "caption": "Camera zooms out then man stands on chair.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera zooms out then man stands on chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57071639@N00_7975977326_e091bee3a0.", "caption": "Screen on stage starts out with blue glare.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nScreen on stage starts out with blue glare.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2775743148_fef3b4abbf.avi", "caption": "Baby waves hand at the camera while eating food.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby waves hand at the camera while eating food.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4966361149_0b02196c04.mov", "caption": "Happy face is shown.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nHappy face is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4099834031_8275e0263f.avi", "caption": "Two woman in red dance while the camera shifts to the left.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTwo woman in red dance while the camera shifts to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908108710_7b7dc7bde2.mov", "caption": "Girl first looks at camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl first looks at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_4233088456_3a9d80ff92.avi", "caption": "Unicycle on ground.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nUnicycle on ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3034542795_1ffc26f8d1.avi", "caption": "The camera first zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe camera first zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7188761222_4aba25f760.mov", "caption": "A man in a yellow shirt walks into the picture.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA man in a yellow shirt walks into the picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8289244544_f659afaea0.mov", "caption": "Car enters from left.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCar enters from left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_5221173100_5e3ae59ef8.wmv", "caption": "The title screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe title screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932110434_1fcdfdafd4.mpg", "caption": "The camera zooms in on the court.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe camera zooms in on the court.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092057514_33708a334f.mov", "caption": "A second boat comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA second boat comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_3911046032_7f779b088a.mov", "caption": "A little girl is smiling and points down before moving to her right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA little girl is smiling and points down before moving to her right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3766400261_96bd3905c1.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt opens up the top part of an antique typewriter.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man in a blue shirt opens up the top part of an antique typewriter.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7345638@N06_4356199689_c5874ba20c.mov", "caption": "Boy looks at camera briefly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBoy looks at camera briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39548123@N06_5875211366_f7f5ba4b2f.mp4", "caption": "Guy standing by a fence.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nGuy standing by a fence.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_7093221429_a7bf682a7a.mpg", "caption": "Small animal jumps off wall.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSmall animal jumps off wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_7432806064_6b91f70b91.mov", "caption": "A green car is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA green car is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "28970704@N05_6287161037_14d6a7091d.mov", "caption": "We can see the word disco flashing in lights behind a person.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe can see the word disco flashing in lights behind a person.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6430982977_aee6dfe611.mov", "caption": "Cat jumps off back of sofa.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCat jumps off back of sofa.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5484421082_c0894834a0.3gp", "caption": "Two woman in pink tops in a row leave frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nTwo woman in pink tops in a row leave frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_8094794002_cb9850ebdf.", "caption": "Man in a band takes off top hat and bangs it on his knee.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan in a band takes off top hat and bangs it on his knee.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5604083185_946cc684e1.mp4", "caption": "A dog jumps through a ringed hoop.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA dog jumps through a ringed hoop.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32659844@N00_8378996831_18d30af2a9.mov", "caption": "Turquoise car appears for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTurquoise car appears for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4553754950_417dd7653b.mov", "caption": "A girl in a heavy jacket walks past the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA girl in a heavy jacket walks past the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4757886773_316611b9eb.mov", "caption": "First time baby blows a raspberry.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst time baby blows a raspberry.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10001768095_65d489443c.mts", "caption": "The baby reaches for something, smiles, and then looks directly at the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe baby reaches for something, smiles, and then looks directly at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6508157933_5d997d4e98.mov", "caption": "Black car passes camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBlack car passes camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3781679212_c5498ddc42.wmv", "caption": "Crowd watches as plane flies above them in the sky.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCrowd watches as plane flies above them in the sky.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748306797_54b221b2b3.mov", "caption": "A man pointing to a building.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA man pointing to a building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8704171363_6b2bf5cc94.", "caption": "Baby looks left.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBaby looks left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_3260002829_d23bc94271.3gp", "caption": "Camera pans up to show mans head.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.9299]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.9299]], [[25, 29.9299]], [[25, 29.9299]], [[25, 29.9299]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera pans up to show mans head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_6339863476_ef4fed329b.avi", "caption": "The little fish swim towards the rock on the right.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe little fish swim towards the rock on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3648077556_e0bc2dd152.mov", "caption": "Guy in yellow appears.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nGuy in yellow appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6784467994_561e36cb22.mov", "caption": "Two people are dancing with each other.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nTwo people are dancing with each other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502178921_56f095d94d.avi", "caption": "First train engine full passes.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nFirst train engine full passes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_7093221429_a7bf682a7a.mpg", "caption": "Animal runs out of camera view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nAnimal runs out of camera view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753328327_0b635e32bb.mp4", "caption": "Person first puts their arm down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nPerson first puts their arm down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4469734214_3c6281a00a.avi", "caption": "Baby opens the door then turns to smile at camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBaby opens the door then turns to smile at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3716073314_7328e9ab1c.avi", "caption": "The lights turn from blue to red.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe lights turn from blue to red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504516454_06d85d7a5d.mpg", "caption": "A light pole is in view.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA light pole is in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56424258@N03_8926842688_91c14724ee.", "caption": "A woman is shown standing and not dancing yet.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA woman is shown standing and not dancing yet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_8115531414_460796d835.avi", "caption": "Focuses on side of ship.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nFocuses on side of ship.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5140958695_bc0567422a.mov", "caption": "The blue object disappears and the cat looks up.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe blue object disappears and the cat looks up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502187871_f80cc31479.mp4", "caption": "A man walks through the construction site.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA man walks through the construction site.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4364786898_bfea4e9363.mov", "caption": "Person in blue coat lays on car.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPerson in blue coat lays on car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8925435125_06233a0f0a.mov", "caption": "The camera pans up.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.55689022355689]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera pans up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3791691896_ed4c3b3aa1.mpg", "caption": "A man is seen standing next to a bicycle.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA man is seen standing next to a bicycle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_3743027816_594d4185ca.avi", "caption": "Experienced skier is seen zooming past man in brown pants.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nExperienced skier is seen zooming past man in brown pants.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_4445804850_5b1716df54.mov", "caption": "First time we see clouds drop down halfway.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst time we see clouds drop down halfway.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3793520105_415f78bca1.mp4", "caption": "The lady bends down to pick something up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 22.022000000000002]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe lady bends down to pick something up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9396804244_9fbf065a94.mp4", "caption": "Dog starts to roll around again.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nDog starts to roll around again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24118191@N05_8641824460_279a0b132e.mov", "caption": "The camera looks outside a window.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera looks outside a window.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2554872567_ec4cb5566e.mp4", "caption": "Cat jumps up and spins around frantically.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCat jumps up and spins around frantically.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_3944006339_85416993a7.mov", "caption": "Little girl first holds babies hand.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nLittle girl first holds babies hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61886413@N00_3829754593_e952052be2.mov", "caption": "Man in white shirt is visible.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMan in white shirt is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_2705294430_8ac08bc1bb.3gp", "caption": "Girl in blue skirt sticks arm in the arm.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nGirl in blue skirt sticks arm in the arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056731238_bf4af2eb89.m4v", "caption": "Camera zooms in on ape.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera zooms in on ape.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015769906_7c97b5250a.mov", "caption": "A sign limiting the type of people who can enter is shown.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA sign limiting the type of people who can enter is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6784467994_561e36cb22.mov", "caption": "A girl and man begin dancing.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA girl and man begin dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_9023958959_8d5af2e969.avi", "caption": "Tower is in shot.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTower is in shot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4223864218_8a531d1c08.m4v", "caption": "The monkeys look over there shoulders towards the mountains.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe monkeys look over there shoulders towards the mountains.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705385910_3029ccc056.", "caption": "Man on barrel jumps into the air.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan on barrel jumps into the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3840705054_6b05885859.avi", "caption": "Bird folds paper over.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBird folds paper over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_9023958959_8d5af2e969.avi", "caption": "The camera person is not walking or moving forward.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera person is not walking or moving forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3034542795_1ffc26f8d1.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in on baby on the right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera zooms in on baby on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8133152103_3d43300976.mov", "caption": "Quick' sit here'.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nQuick' sit here'.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6543806297_b3e2c00cf6.mov", "caption": "The cat remains seated on the floor.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe cat remains seated on the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5226814313_d634da5400.mov", "caption": "Boy in checked shirt turns his back to camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBoy in checked shirt turns his back to camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4499217540_88b1757450.mp4", "caption": "Tablet is seen with green on screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[5, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nTablet is seen with green on screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5397085362_64656c1d14.mov", "caption": "The puppy jumps up and runs away.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe puppy jumps up and runs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9268986166_2fde12218f.mov", "caption": "Cave opening is briefly barely visible.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCave opening is briefly barely visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3594450980_b25d3d52eb.mp4", "caption": "We first see the woman.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWe first see the woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12411522755_b563b557b0.mp4", "caption": "Sleeping child rolls completely over.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nSleeping child rolls completely over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3540590583_e0e32f501b.avi", "caption": "The camera moves toward the hydrant.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe camera moves toward the hydrant.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47613732@N02_6014659035_e0eace77af.wmv", "caption": "Girl leans forward and laughs.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nGirl leans forward and laughs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6805819498_120ebf7aca.mov", "caption": "Woman arranges cards.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWoman arranges cards.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3311109036_caa225c39f.mov", "caption": "The man in mustard yellow walks by the dancers.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.988291666666665]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.988291666666665]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 29.988291666666665]], [[20, 29.988291666666665]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man in mustard yellow walks by the dancers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8286016035_5468f50dfb.", "caption": "The red butterfly ornament appears.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe red butterfly ornament appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4136819734_dcf7078be4.mov", "caption": "Person picks up chopsticks.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPerson picks up chopsticks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4553176920_eb9e4e73df.mov", "caption": "See people for just a second.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nSee people for just a second.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7599657594_57ef62657c.avi", "caption": "A red sign flaps in the breeze.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA red sign flaps in the breeze.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326435816_6960ca36bb.", "caption": "Kids sharing fruit.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nKids sharing fruit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_9023958959_8d5af2e969.avi", "caption": "Part of the building can be seen.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPart of the building can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4499750251_15cd6978f1.mp4", "caption": "A black cat rolls around the floor.", "timestamps": [[15, 27.260566666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 27.260566666666666]], [[20, 27.260566666666666]], [[20, 27.260566666666666]], [[15, 27.260566666666666]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA black cat rolls around the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7988327414_eb6e4caaee.", "caption": "Person in red and black in the middle falls down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPerson in red and black in the middle falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092057514_33708a334f.mov", "caption": "A tug boat comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA tug boat comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2639320175_dca1271f70.mpg", "caption": "Camera zooms into man on wheelchair.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera zooms into man on wheelchair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060974706_40d525fd7e.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms inward.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera zooms inward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2897212675_f853c07025.avi", "caption": "Contraption falls off the table and man puts it back up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nContraption falls off the table and man puts it back up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2897212675_f853c07025.avi", "caption": "Contraption spins in circles for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nContraption spins in circles for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2897212675_f853c07025.avi", "caption": "Man spins the fan up for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan spins the fan up for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82607398@N00_7672276754_a303e873bd.mp4", "caption": "First time little girl's face is seen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nFirst time little girl's face is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8268871708_3e95f8529c.mov", "caption": "Cat is scratching blank object.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCat is scratching blank object.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_13742310655_3fc33126a4.mts", "caption": "The woman holding the baby carriage bends to the right side.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe woman holding the baby carriage bends to the right side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753325843_25c7250995.mp4", "caption": "The man is digging into the ice cream bowl with a spoon.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe man is digging into the ice cream bowl with a spoon.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2718517608_e1e2c67c32.mov", "caption": "Man with a mustache walks towards us.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan with a mustache walks towards us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5677273757_41e2a0a1bf.mp4", "caption": "The woman in white walks to a brown table in the back and fixes her sleeves.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe woman in white walks to a brown table in the back and fixes her sleeves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_7228458034_fe379aa983.", "caption": "Camera moves in front of kid in chair.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera moves in front of kid in chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11967895@N05_8614382515_40df4c6613.mp4", "caption": "Camera moves around fountain.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera moves around fountain.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5357791944_96100cff71.avi", "caption": "A baby in blue looks at the rhoomba that is stuck between the wall and chair.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA baby in blue looks at the rhoomba that is stuck between the wall and chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4981531695_1d3c8f3a6a.mov", "caption": "The woman starts to clap her hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe woman starts to clap her hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61509440@N00_3685734859_c34a41660b.mov", "caption": "A bald spot zooms by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA bald spot zooms by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989732236_7d626bb3c9.mov", "caption": "Two women wearing glasses are talking.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTwo women wearing glasses are talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_5019157514_2789cc8573.3gp", "caption": "Bug finally makes contact with white line.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBug finally makes contact with white line.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3865162876_237ac96db1.m4v", "caption": "Motorbike with red rear light leaves screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMotorbike with red rear light leaves screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12719506944_139e338f74.mp4", "caption": "Child in purple top comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nChild in purple top comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4966361149_0b02196c04.mov", "caption": "Person's hand holds up orange toy.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPerson's hand holds up orange toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10300105113_db3d703cb7.mp4", "caption": "Camera walks passed black pole.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera walks passed black pole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7999611810_c0e5db7bcc.mov", "caption": "Animal first appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nAnimal first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_8115527004_9e09e5a144.avi", "caption": "Airplane with red body is shown for first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nAirplane with red body is shown for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12090392@N02_13345552833_3c188bbe52.mov", "caption": "Road is shown.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nRoad is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10776479425_ff8212eb92.mp4", "caption": "Baby slips off sofa as camera snaps to the right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby slips off sofa as camera snaps to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4671023205_74077118fd.mov", "caption": "Baby first places hand on screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBaby first places hand on screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_9369263530_2010545b28.mp4", "caption": "Man in blue/black shirt with glasses is in frames.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMan in blue/black shirt with glasses is in frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2420875735_ca183d5763.mov", "caption": "The guy is spinning the whip around.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe guy is spinning the whip around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4914111798_a713caf839.mov", "caption": "The man in the blue shirt is visible for the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe man in the blue shirt is visible for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659174127_5c7c37cbf2.mov", "caption": "The woman in dark clothing claps and throws hands into the air.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe woman in dark clothing claps and throws hands into the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4032726575_bbf95b6a7b.avi", "caption": "The baby's eyes are closed.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe baby's eyes are closed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10602343664_3107e6355b.mp4", "caption": "The moment he takes two steps back then goes back.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe moment he takes two steps back then goes back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989642968_52625ba544.mov", "caption": "The first moment the boat goes under the bridge.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe first moment the boat goes under the bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659174127_5c7c37cbf2.mov", "caption": "The curly haired woman in a black tank top dances.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe curly haired woman in a black tank top dances.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3964993554_8c96bb1d16.mov", "caption": "People are sitting and watching the cars.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPeople are sitting and watching the cars.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4181078666_5d5c5b8965.wmv", "caption": "A person is raising a flag up a pole.", "timestamps": [[0, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA person is raising a flag up a pole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2453819169_488af6fddb.mpg", "caption": "The cat decides to get up and start walking around.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe cat decides to get up and start walking around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59431569@N02_8227464997_7f7f32870a.mov", "caption": "We pass a big white sign on the left.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe pass a big white sign on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3010995355_cdafc99186.avi", "caption": "Two boys dancing crazy.", "timestamps": [[0, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTwo boys dancing crazy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4740327808_bbffa93825.mov", "caption": "Marchers stop moving.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 22.022000000000002]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMarchers stop moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7974518114_7646aca0c0.mov", "caption": "A person with a blue shirt walks past the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA person with a blue shirt walks past the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42631759@N05_8602119547_ba853d9f7e.mp4", "caption": "More sky is visible.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMore sky is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_3573975898_c91b074c40.avi", "caption": "The man on the ground peels the linoleum back.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe man on the ground peels the linoleum back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7150382@N06_3337187899_c828719c50.mov", "caption": "The person with the red jacket enters.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe person with the red jacket enters.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48439268@N08_5212394519_da97e22b29.mov", "caption": "A man in a mask in seen in the frames.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA man in a mask in seen in the frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4499217540_88b1757450.mp4", "caption": "A person's hand comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA person's hand comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_5826290419_106d115888.wmv", "caption": "Water blasts out.", "timestamps": [[25, 28.795433333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 28.795433333333335]], [[25, 28.795433333333335]], [[25, 28.795433333333335]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWater blasts out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623487865_2d44666085.mp4", "caption": "Camera showing tv screen.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera showing tv screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31028309@N00_3719993568_ac38eb0565.avi", "caption": "We dcan see the bus on the right.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe dcan see the bus on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9760460592_78c4d36e97.mp4", "caption": "Kid walks toward the wall.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nKid walks toward the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6707262569_51dd71c753.mov", "caption": "The baby touches its mouth.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe baby touches its mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8039085913_ce2a748676.mov", "caption": "Cat tries to climb black wall.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCat tries to climb black wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8527171734_3139dde5eb.mov", "caption": "A hand reaches in to pet the cat.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA hand reaches in to pet the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452580898_a606f7f89e.wmv", "caption": "A black bird is seen leaving a branch and flying out of frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA black bird is seen leaving a branch and flying out of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_4233088456_3a9d80ff92.avi", "caption": "A man appears in the picture wearing a backpack.", "timestamps": [[20, 28.795433333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 28.795433333333335]], [[20, 28.795433333333335]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 28.795433333333335]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man appears in the picture wearing a backpack.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8540853940_0918b45804.mov", "caption": "The singer is clapping in the air.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe singer is clapping in the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113274038_d267a35413.mov", "caption": "Only two children are seen in frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nOnly two children are seen in frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989732236_7d626bb3c9.mov", "caption": "A woman in orange and gray top comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA woman in orange and gray top comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9148525681_8ba7abe601.mp4", "caption": "Welcome is seen on the side of the train.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWelcome is seen on the side of the train.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31667813@N00_3159450613_4a463646e0.3g2", "caption": "The mice have not yet started spinning the wheel.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe mice have not yet started spinning the wheel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308998471_f2211a9589.mp4", "caption": "The girl starts to play with her hair.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe girl starts to play with her hair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56424258@N03_8926842688_91c14724ee.", "caption": "Something white goes in front of camera on bottom right.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nSomething white goes in front of camera on bottom right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52582799@N00_2577435502_5287ced5dc.avi", "caption": "A rabbit hops towards the viewer.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA rabbit hops towards the viewer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44124367235@N01_2441820372_017e077078.m4v", "caption": "We pass a orangish/yellowish marker during takeoff.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWe pass a orangish/yellowish marker during takeoff.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14036428@N00_7482897120_5db275b0dc.avi", "caption": "The camera pans over a nearby bridge.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 23.056366666666666]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera pans over a nearby bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287182854_f2b5013e68.mp4", "caption": "Trailer starts to move again.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTrailer starts to move again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4949773281_7ac2eb84ec.avi", "caption": "Post flashes by right to left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPost flashes by right to left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113209964_0509e46f5d.mp4", "caption": "The girls look around.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe girls look around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989642968_52625ba544.mov", "caption": "A boat goes under a bridge.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA boat goes under a bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_6445550327_f69235e82b.avi", "caption": "Man first gestures.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan first gestures.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4161350794_443bea8f4a.mpg", "caption": "Boy starts dancing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBoy starts dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11505695@N04_3357494172_34bf170c04.avi", "caption": "A tree comes into view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA tree comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567078896_04f12b900b.mov", "caption": "A flash of white light goes off.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA flash of white light goes off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61511785@N00_6062485104_77a90b3e5a.mov", "caption": "Something yellow comes in the frame at the top left hand corner.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nSomething yellow comes in the frame at the top left hand corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21704503@N05_3646513048_e8b519238e.mov", "caption": "The sky gets darker.", "timestamps": [[15, 27.986291666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 27.986291666666666]], [[20, 27.986291666666666]], [[15, 27.986291666666666]], [[15, 27.986291666666666]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe sky gets darker.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_8199557120_7520c9f42e.", "caption": "Bird flies back and forth.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBird flies back and forth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8263584954_8524a77117.mov", "caption": "The old person crawls into view on the left of the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe old person crawls into view on the left of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3874089909_20271f0653.m4v", "caption": "Camera zooms in on group of women.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera zooms in on group of women.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2923840840_408016e106.avi", "caption": "Person rolls baby over for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPerson rolls baby over for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42626735@N00_3938864749_0b602ae493.avi", "caption": "Man bends over into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan bends over into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_5317374233_b8699e6a39.avi", "caption": "Child holds up paper.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nChild holds up paper.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7188761222_4aba25f760.mov", "caption": "A man wearing a red hat passed by a man in a yellow shirt.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man wearing a red hat passed by a man in a yellow shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8133782077_5af658f4c4.mov", "caption": "Kid is furthest away.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nKid is furthest away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8068676832_d8445de1c0.mov", "caption": "The cat first sits,and looks up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe cat first sits,and looks up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3964993554_8c96bb1d16.mov", "caption": "First car to make it around the curve.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFirst car to make it around the curve.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10300105113_db3d703cb7.mp4", "caption": "A person is walking toward a bench.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA person is walking toward a bench.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38941000@N02_4215230972_e1c9e08093.mp4", "caption": "The man talking turns to say something to the ones behind him.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe man talking turns to say something to the ones behind him.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4176306314_019f5b25b4.mp4", "caption": "We see 94 or possibly g4.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe see 94 or possibly g4.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005462463_640123da53.mov", "caption": "Bicyclist in red and black passes biker in blue.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBicyclist in red and black passes biker in blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3964993554_8c96bb1d16.mov", "caption": "The camera pans left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe camera pans left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38941000@N02_4215230972_e1c9e08093.mp4", "caption": "The man touches his hat.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe man touches his hat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8039085913_ce2a748676.mov", "caption": "Cat touching wall.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCat touching wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_5366297075_d146b5a7d3.avi", "caption": "A pink cloud moves from left to right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA pink cloud moves from left to right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3975028282_b02e8ebfa1.avi", "caption": "Little boy in white shirt can't stop giggling.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nLittle boy in white shirt can't stop giggling.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3797983244_2ff848625d.mp4", "caption": "One set of hands slow claps.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nOne set of hands slow claps.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7974518114_7646aca0c0.mov", "caption": "Man in denim jacket walks through frame right to left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan in denim jacket walks through frame right to left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_8559567897_a7509c2254.mov", "caption": "A white van on a street with the bottom of a forest.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA white van on a street with the bottom of a forest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48824804@N00_6782300633_59cb6ce92e.mp4", "caption": "Both dogs are on cushion.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBoth dogs are on cushion.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30379212@N03_3382369009_db857e7fd5.3gp", "caption": "Guy picks something up off the floor.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nGuy picks something up off the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3797165473_e840f56339.mp4", "caption": "Person in yellow begins clapping over their head.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in yellow begins clapping over their head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3790902949_6550339fe6.mpg", "caption": "Zoom in on person sitting at computer.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nZoom in on person sitting at computer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452596290_752a13c4a2.wmv", "caption": "Camera zooms in on bird in the tree.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera zooms in on bird in the tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502187871_f80cc31479.mp4", "caption": "The orange crane appears for the second time.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.84]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.84]], [[25, 29.84]], [[25, 29.84]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe orange crane appears for the second time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4966361149_0b02196c04.mov", "caption": "Orange ball is placed against baby's face.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nOrange ball is placed against baby's face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3874089909_20271f0653.m4v", "caption": "Guy with a white shirt is digging away at the dirt.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nGuy with a white shirt is digging away at the dirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9148536103_5ecebeafbf.mp4", "caption": "Train makes it's first appearance.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTrain makes it's first appearance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8604725930_f6f5314798.mpg", "caption": "Text appears on screen in beginning of video.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nText appears on screen in beginning of video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_4084249713_69d7938024.avi", "caption": "A couple of girls walk past a man sitting behind a musical instrument.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA couple of girls walk past a man sitting behind a musical instrument.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_5384991695_591b33d58d.mov", "caption": "Excited man wearing a brown dress shirt dances at a very busy party.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nExcited man wearing a brown dress shirt dances at a very busy party.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_6445550327_f69235e82b.avi", "caption": "A man is talking to the camera with his hand in a fist.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man is talking to the camera with his hand in a fist.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_4020927720_7d41a0c121.mov", "caption": "A man with a blue backpack and striped shirt looks to the left and then at the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man with a blue backpack and striped shirt looks to the left and then at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42872607@N00_3422203875_ed4050840f.mov", "caption": "Person in blue shirt cheers in the background.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nPerson in blue shirt cheers in the background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2632304556_eb24a267d3.mpg", "caption": "Camera zooms in and back out.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera zooms in and back out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3124973847_bcfc44ae1b.avi", "caption": "The man in the pink shirt bends over to talk to someone in the crowd.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe man in the pink shirt bends over to talk to someone in the crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7988328214_9634c3421e.", "caption": "Yellow and blue guy run to the back of the stage.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nYellow and blue guy run to the back of the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908108710_7b7dc7bde2.mp4", "caption": "Girl in blue shirt peeks at the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nGirl in blue shirt peeks at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10637506985_b073fe1726.mp4", "caption": "A blue car drives by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA blue car drives by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7624593376_420700bd90.", "caption": "The helecopter turns.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe helecopter turns.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8025313964_6794870d66.mov", "caption": "Cat is wagging tail back and forth.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCat is wagging tail back and forth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_9111675148_0dc3d401aa.mp4", "caption": "The plane is flying over the crowd.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe plane is flying over the crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_2909727044_eb09363830.mov", "caption": "Frame looks yellow at the start.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nFrame looks yellow at the start.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089245213_e7f8da3ec3.mov", "caption": "A yellow fish swims into the picture.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA yellow fish swims into the picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8704171363_6b2bf5cc94.mp4", "caption": "Adults raises baby's arm.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nAdults raises baby's arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4769565946_89942c579d.mov", "caption": "Adult hand first enters frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nAdult hand first enters frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6635239461_54754f9b3e.mov", "caption": "The group of people is shown.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe group of people is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317029211_c2e1a2be24.mov", "caption": "Toddler on right gets up and spins around.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nToddler on right gets up and spins around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56424258@N03_8926421223_3d71a5e241.", "caption": "The man in black reaches his dance partner.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe man in black reaches his dance partner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5129503399_86d57c6c92.avi", "caption": "Man in blue and white shirt is seen running.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan in blue and white shirt is seen running.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_2568116320_1e0bd6a0f8.avi", "caption": "We are closer to the group now.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.85743174924166]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.85743174924166]], [[15, 23.85743174924166]], [[10, 23.85743174924166]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWe are closer to the group now.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5784383270_303610e3a2.avi", "caption": "The person with an umbrella exits view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe person with an umbrella exits view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7150382@N06_3337187899_c828719c50.mov", "caption": "The person in the red jacket appears for the second time.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe person in the red jacket appears for the second time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16064708@N00_3610275474_52ba211e4d.avi", "caption": "Big fish swims down to the left.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBig fish swims down to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_4145560239_744261f16f.mov", "caption": "The photo on the screen turns to a man and boy sitting with guitars or something in their laps.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe photo on the screen turns to a man and boy sitting with guitars or something in their laps.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72955843@N00_2629902314_bf855de7d1.mov", "caption": "A small bonzai tree is the focus for a little while.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA small bonzai tree is the focus for a little while.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4271886842_272b70933a.mp4", "caption": "First time cat looks toward camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst time cat looks toward camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659989604_d2ff47428b.avi", "caption": "A head blocks the view of the stage.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA head blocks the view of the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9148536103_5ecebeafbf.mp4", "caption": "Red train begins.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nRed train begins.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "64226497@N00_3637954505_d0dace0b7b.3gp", "caption": "Little girl shakes her head back and forth.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 22.055366666666668]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nLittle girl shakes her head back and forth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8253358125_14b9ef5518.", "caption": "People first walk in front of the christmas scene.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPeople first walk in front of the christmas scene.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978215045_88a07f3cb8.mp4", "caption": "A camera showing a trail zooms into a patch on a tree.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA camera showing a trail zooms into a patch on a tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_4150540649_b7216bd574.avi", "caption": "First time we see flags waving.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst time we see flags waving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2737276973_5e2fcdc82b.mov", "caption": "A closeup of a hand playing guitar.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA closeup of a hand playing guitar.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000550633_c08bd38fa0.mp4", "caption": "We see the horse's hooves the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe see the horse's hooves the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4062672072_7817e13a59.avi", "caption": "Baby first opens mouth.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBaby first opens mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56866600@N00_2641879393_a143ab3863.avi", "caption": "Man stands, raises arms and claps.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan stands, raises arms and claps.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_3258488795_d148d5e326.mov", "caption": "Top half of man in red is shown.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nTop half of man in red is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467071969_a16873f4d4.mp4", "caption": "Train gets blurry.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTrain gets blurry.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770144443_7ea6229d36.mp4", "caption": "Rider on red motorcycle begins to circle around everyone else.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nRider on red motorcycle begins to circle around everyone else.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567085088_d618943a35.mov", "caption": "We pass by a man in camo shorts and a hot pink shirt.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe pass by a man in camo shorts and a hot pink shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54564954@N00_2422638995_84e1d6e71b.avi", "caption": "The woman second from the right throws her arm up in the air.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe woman second from the right throws her arm up in the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12177928576_0c37f694d6.mts", "caption": "A person in red rides a bike.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA person in red rides a bike.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3233836343_811205539b.m4v", "caption": "Blue spoon returns from frame right for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBlue spoon returns from frame right for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4717775827_6a1125b78f.mov", "caption": "A woman places another child on the sofa and leaves the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA woman places another child on the sofa and leaves the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9396847418_89c0d7d4e3.mp4", "caption": "You can no longer see his shoe.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nYou can no longer see his shoe.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217916282_06a6b3c775.mp4", "caption": "The man points his finger at the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man points his finger at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452580898_a606f7f89e.wmv", "caption": "Bird flies away from another bird.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBird flies away from another bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "76904726@N00_4580444327_a07bf8f16d.mp4", "caption": "Sign with text can be seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nSign with text can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3865162876_237ac96db1.m4v", "caption": "A man in a striped shirt pass in front.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA man in a striped shirt pass in front.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4489818076_bf77e713e2.mov", "caption": "Baby first wiggles.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBaby first wiggles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860643088_cc3a272282.mp4", "caption": "The lights turn from green to orange and red.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe lights turn from green to orange and red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4070325480_e6eb93e2b4.avi", "caption": "Zoom out from baby for first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nZoom out from baby for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4062672072_7817e13a59.avi", "caption": "Tiny baby yawn.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTiny baby yawn.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5272138273_18a4de1320.wmv", "caption": "A ferris wheel can be seen spinning.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA ferris wheel can be seen spinning.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_12042021446_137055e3d6.mp4", "caption": "The man in the blue shirt dancing with a woman wearing a purple dress come into view for the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe man in the blue shirt dancing with a woman wearing a purple dress come into view for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_11813988006_abbfe79591.mov", "caption": "The child in the blue shirt becomes visible for the first time as the camera pans left.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe child in the blue shirt becomes visible for the first time as the camera pans left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4251309939_4672d02c69.avi", "caption": "A car drives by on the snowy street.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA car drives by on the snowy street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3102324349_aa2ffba1d5.mov", "caption": "Two squirrels fighting in a bird feeder.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 22.989633333333334]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTwo squirrels fighting in a bird feeder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5596610883_8988733d1e.mp4", "caption": "Man on left first puts his hand to his mouth/ face.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMan on left first puts his hand to his mouth/ face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989732236_7d626bb3c9.mov", "caption": "The boat on the side is filmed,and leaves frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe boat on the side is filmed,and leaves frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_3911046032_7f779b088a.mov", "caption": "Little girl in purple dress lays down.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nLittle girl in purple dress lays down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3586691469_f1eb98c5b7.m4v", "caption": "Neither babys' faces are visible at the beginning of the video.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nNeither babys' faces are visible at the beginning of the video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8267338864_b8ec7d5505.mov", "caption": "Orange cat first attacks the others tail.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nOrange cat first attacks the others tail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86967014@N07_7966335204_f89d01f171.", "caption": "Camera pans left.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera pans left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_4445804850_5b1716df54.mov", "caption": "Camera stops shaking and stabilizes.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera stops shaking and stabilizes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_9111047554_df9974aa13.mp4", "caption": "The whit van is no longer visible in the background.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe whit van is no longer visible in the background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502178921_56f095d94d.avi", "caption": "A second train appears near the front of the other.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA second train appears near the front of the other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_3835967049_a5c6f47164.m4v", "caption": "The man in the brown shorts talks to the person with the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe man in the brown shorts talks to the person with the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4078484456_13bb2e51ea.avi", "caption": "Baby puts fingers in its mouth.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBaby puts fingers in its mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920156258_34d144bf1e.avi", "caption": "The circle on the screen is now yellow.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe circle on the screen is now yellow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41357196@N00_3339248448_220f563419.avi", "caption": "Black dog jumps.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBlack dog jumps.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3766664614_f0192a481e.mov", "caption": "Light comes on.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nLight comes on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5490292836_5f8742054a.mov", "caption": "Person in checkered hat is watching crowd.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson in checkered hat is watching crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6861951644_eb0b900e17.mov", "caption": "The baby lays by himself while the sister looks away.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby lays by himself while the sister looks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_4075447420_dfa7d0cc0f.mov", "caption": "Bicyclist crossing boardwalk.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBicyclist crossing boardwalk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3586691469_f1eb98c5b7.m4v", "caption": "Person in white and blue dancing really fast in another room.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPerson in white and blue dancing really fast in another room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6855148077_26c0c80d0a.mov", "caption": "The black vehicle reaches and crosses through the intersection.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe black vehicle reaches and crosses through the intersection.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8540853940_0918b45804.mov", "caption": "A singer stops clapping his hands above his head.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA singer stops clapping his hands above his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_5825835376_c3f4d87cd0.mov", "caption": "The man in the yellow costume jumps.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man in the yellow costume jumps.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_5019157514_2789cc8573.3gp", "caption": "A mantis is in the middle of a painted white line.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA mantis is in the middle of a painted white line.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_3068835754_9c92816d46.mpg", "caption": "When the camera moves downwards a little bit in front of the cat.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWhen the camera moves downwards a little bit in front of the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8263584954_8524a77117.mov", "caption": "Lady in green shirt first comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nLady in green shirt first comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6678203617_87653b8979.mov", "caption": "Child starts playing with blocks.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nChild starts playing with blocks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5363888280_f68fbd0197.mp4", "caption": "The person begins brushing the cat with the brush after it licks it.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe person begins brushing the cat with the brush after it licks it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7186186@N07_13927593445_96703f1283.mov", "caption": "Finger appears on right for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nFinger appears on right for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12719489394_894e8b27ae.mts", "caption": "The baby starts to crawl and the man picks her up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe baby starts to crawl and the man picks her up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6862267099_ed6c67d576.mov", "caption": "A brown car sitting at a red llight waiting for it to turn green.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA brown car sitting at a red llight waiting for it to turn green.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5608581024_e62714eabb.avi", "caption": "The ground in front of the table is visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe ground in front of the table is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78189444@N03_7165735186_4957794ed9.mov", "caption": "A man holding a large camera backs up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA man holding a large camera backs up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4907466773_c44e65d44c.mov", "caption": "A fallen tree in a field.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA fallen tree in a field.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12280528136_b1d8fa292c.mts", "caption": "The baby is clapping.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe baby is clapping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6483460877_5201d32d38.mov", "caption": "The cat gets close to the red sofa the second time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe cat gets close to the red sofa the second time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2738198916_e1134d6233.mov", "caption": "People are moving in blue lights.", "timestamps": [[5, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPeople are moving in blue lights.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6585229337_8460c225c1.mov", "caption": "The cat runs off camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe cat runs off camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_8199464052_4d52075018.", "caption": "A large crow enters the frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA large crow enters the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6059424608_55f3199b86.m4v", "caption": "Man in green beret is standing.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 29.3293]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan in green beret is standing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3607531160_b515e86165.mp4", "caption": "Two semi trucks pass by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTwo semi trucks pass by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6910162653_58ee384276.avi", "caption": "Man in black steps into the center of the track.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan in black steps into the center of the track.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_9929504616_54746c1edf.mov", "caption": "Person wearing green prepares to play guitar.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPerson wearing green prepares to play guitar.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705424770_3aeff37492.mp4", "caption": "The drummer is featured more than anyone else in this part of the video.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe drummer is featured more than anyone else in this part of the video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4176306314_019f5b25b4.mp4", "caption": "Camera shows toilet briefly.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCamera shows toilet briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8025313964_6794870d66.mov", "caption": "The cat first moves its tail from side to side.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe cat first moves its tail from side to side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10602343664_3107e6355b.mp4", "caption": "Man briefly disappears to the left.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan briefly disappears to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989642968_52625ba544.mov", "caption": "Boat goes under the bridge.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBoat goes under the bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3125001625_e11d5e6694.avi", "caption": "An elderly man picks up a paper.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nAn elderly man picks up a paper.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9318997477_8000d3e8cc.mov", "caption": "Train first goes by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nTrain first goes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_7093221429_a7bf682a7a.mpg", "caption": "The animal runs right then left in the frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe animal runs right then left in the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451788773_9f971e833d.wmv", "caption": "Bird takes flight from tree branch.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[5, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBird takes flight from tree branch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3853970978_87210bddeb.mov", "caption": "A jet flies past a light pole.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA jet flies past a light pole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5784383270_303610e3a2.avi", "caption": "The last person with an umbrella exits view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe last person with an umbrella exits view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3411934827_2c622ac489.mpg", "caption": "Little girl putting down and picking up her bear plush.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nLittle girl putting down and picking up her bear plush.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_5022167782_4ac2c11fb8.mp4", "caption": "Waterfall in a forest.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWaterfall in a forest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113248130_e53b0cd4c7.mov", "caption": "Child on left grabs her feet.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nChild on left grabs her feet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4532326565_999d54d5ab.mov", "caption": "Girl in bright green tank top walks through frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl in bright green tank top walks through frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5226814313_d634da5400.mov", "caption": "A black dog walks in the room.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA black dog walks in the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000550633_c08bd38fa0.mp4", "caption": "Horse is briefly not visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nHorse is briefly not visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4361151624_01682062fd.mp4", "caption": "The man hops down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe man hops down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2923840840_408016e106.avi", "caption": "A man flips a baby from his side to his stomach and then when he takes his hands away the baby falls back onto his side.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man flips a baby from his side to his stomach and then when he takes his hands away the baby falls back onto his side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3594450980_b25d3d52eb.mp4", "caption": "The grand canyon is shown, from the view of a nearby cliff.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe grand canyon is shown, from the view of a nearby cliff.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3594450980_b25d3d52eb.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands on a cliff overlooking the grand canyon, picking at her teeth.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA woman stands on a cliff overlooking the grand canyon, picking at her teeth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3594450980_b25d3d52eb.mp4", "caption": "The woman glances around and at her companion.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe woman glances around and at her companion.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4017302262_beb22cb38b.mov", "caption": "The twins cross in front of the camera from the left to right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe twins cross in front of the camera from the left to right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8204542114_e3a2a99dc9.mp4", "caption": "The dancer is introduced.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe dancer is introduced.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2905084144_1877f402c7.avi", "caption": "We see a pink thing get thrown on the windown.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe see a pink thing get thrown on the windown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4373716059_f22aa3b718.mov", "caption": "Camera pans away from shelf.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera pans away from shelf.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3853970978_87210bddeb.mov", "caption": "The plane flies behind the speaker.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe plane flies behind the speaker.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59848188@N00_4689968594_0d33331a45.mov", "caption": "A driver passing by a semi truck in wet weather.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.756066666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.756066666666666]], [[20, 22.756066666666666]], [[20, 22.756066666666666]], [[20, 22.756066666666666]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA driver passing by a semi truck in wet weather.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8532194995_d624f9220d.mov", "caption": "A cat jumps down on to the floor.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA cat jumps down on to the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24175071@N00_2969682645_6725c5ece2.avi", "caption": "The camera moves around the baby.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera moves around the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989732236_7d626bb3c9.mov", "caption": "Two woman with sunglasses close up talking.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTwo woman with sunglasses close up talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2866666461_23f0dba6bc.avi", "caption": "The entire building in the background is in the frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe entire building in the background is in the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67093783@N00_5812133531_edfedaa75d.3gp", "caption": "We pass by house, all we see is the roof.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe pass by house, all we see is the roof.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8861287745_a500a04eec.mov", "caption": "Kid shakes head no.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nKid shakes head no.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39548123@N06_5875211366_f7f5ba4b2f.mp4", "caption": "Top of the tree comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nTop of the tree comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4532955150_b1df79efc9.mov", "caption": "Man on right takes a drink.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan on right takes a drink.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5140332270_b09a133756.wmv", "caption": "A little girl joins in the dancing.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA little girl joins in the dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_9869192276_c0c1a33881.mov", "caption": "First big purple sign passes through frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFirst big purple sign passes through frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7988328214_9634c3421e.", "caption": "Performers move into their first poses.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPerformers move into their first poses.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337300180_091590a63f.avi", "caption": "Finger goes into nose.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFinger goes into nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7364749@N02_3676115996_31908e9831.mp4", "caption": "A third lady enters the screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA third lady enters the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4082113884_0c4f1ec739.avi", "caption": "A man wearing an orange shirt and riding a bike stops to talk.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA man wearing an orange shirt and riding a bike stops to talk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30379212@N03_3382369009_db857e7fd5.3gp", "caption": "Man gets up from chair and sits down.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan gets up from chair and sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5490220994_9b19703bd0.mov", "caption": "The structure in the distance is seen at its closest.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe structure in the distance is seen at its closest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21704503@N05_3646513048_e8b519238e.mov", "caption": "The sky is at its darkest.", "timestamps": [[25, 27.986291666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 27.986291666666666]], [[15, 27.986291666666666]], [[25, 27.986291666666666]], [[25, 27.986291666666666]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe sky is at its darkest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5677882983_e77b3e9f66.mov", "caption": "We pan right into the bright setting sun.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe pan right into the bright setting sun.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27432743@N00_3689614792_7432ee700a.mp4", "caption": "The little girl smiles at the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 27.761066666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 27.761066666666668]], [[25, 27.761066666666668]], [[25, 27.761066666666668]], [[25, 27.761066666666668]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe little girl smiles at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_5681405381_eded4333be.mov", "caption": "Man starts talking in microphone.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan starts talking in microphone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4553176920_eb9e4e73df.mov", "caption": "The woman is shown kneeling.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe woman is shown kneeling.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61511785@N00_6062485104_77a90b3e5a.mov", "caption": "The puppy's chew toy rests atop his front leg.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe puppy's chew toy rests atop his front leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25458196@N00_3634606284_2a0af513b9.mov", "caption": "The batter swings his bat and pats the ground twice.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe batter swings his bat and pats the ground twice.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4499750251_15cd6978f1.mp4", "caption": "Kitty looks for reassurance from a chair.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nKitty looks for reassurance from a chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4181078666_5d5c5b8965.wmv", "caption": "We first see the other flags.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe first see the other flags.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2984525335_82533dd4b2.mpg", "caption": "We first see the lettering.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe first see the lettering.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9148525681_8ba7abe601.mp4", "caption": "Welcome can be read.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWelcome can be read.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61403949@N00_2523965645_5e35959e15.avi", "caption": "The dog jumps up and holds on to the person's lap.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe dog jumps up and holds on to the person's lap.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_8115531414_460796d835.avi", "caption": "Slight zoom on gangplank.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nSlight zoom on gangplank.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2897212675_f853c07025.avi", "caption": "The blades on helicopter are spinning.", "timestamps": [[5, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 25]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe blades on helicopter are spinning.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5266279349_a057e6d6a1.mp4", "caption": "The man in the jumpsuit runs and throws an item.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe man in the jumpsuit runs and throws an item.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4904540773_ca9b62f114.mov", "caption": "Big tree moves out of view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBig tree moves out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6122630777_5de74d6acb.mov", "caption": "A person's hand can be seen tapping on the baby's shoulder.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA person's hand can be seen tapping on the baby's shoulder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4170579868_e7efb7c7fd.avi", "caption": "A bicycle rides past a building.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA bicycle rides past a building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11989494165_736e0abdb7.mp4", "caption": "We can see the woman in black top blue jeans walking.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe can see the woman in black top blue jeans walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2420875735_ca183d5763.mov", "caption": "The man in the pirate costume backs away.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe man in the pirate costume backs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2905084144_1877f402c7.avi", "caption": "A ball hits the window.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA ball hits the window.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7891359736_02a00c418b.wmv", "caption": "We first see man walk towards camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe first see man walk towards camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6855148077_26c0c80d0a.mov", "caption": "The car passes a blue sign.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe car passes a blue sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57071639@N00_2400251489_5109128f3b.3gp", "caption": "We first see two waves collide.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe first see two waves collide.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899711108_1cced33755.mov", "caption": "The large hot dog costume is dancing.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe large hot dog costume is dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8211091@N08_4908606405_a1a2a3fb85.wmv", "caption": "The cyclist rounds a corner to the right.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe cyclist rounds a corner to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4701028239_cde49ae7ee.mov", "caption": "The baby in the blue suit is kicking their legs.", "timestamps": [[15, 24.5245]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 24.5245]], [[15, 24.5245]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby in the blue suit is kicking their legs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4740327808_bbffa93825.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_7228458034_fe379aa983.", "caption": "A baby watching a video is startled.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA baby watching a video is startled.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_6164677466_fb7bb3a83e.mov", "caption": "A teddy bear is shown by the man.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA teddy bear is shown by the man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8173120003_b14d4b778d.mov", "caption": "Bag falls off of bed.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBag falls off of bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623487865_2d44666085.mp4", "caption": "Woman with glasses in view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWoman with glasses in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27432743@N00_3689614792_7432ee700a.mp4", "caption": "The girl jumps up and down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe girl jumps up and down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452580898_a606f7f89e.wmv", "caption": "Black bird flies away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBlack bird flies away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_3929534677_9313954ab1.mov", "caption": "Pink light.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nPink light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3586529995_9e3f177181.m4v", "caption": "Baby drops food on carpet.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBaby drops food on carpet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54212625@N00_2833409061_ae3d32d05c.mov", "caption": "A white truck or large object is first seen on the left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA white truck or large object is first seen on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3361436515_07e53aea4c.mov", "caption": "Baby lets go of green object with both hands.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBaby lets go of green object with both hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12719506944_139e338f74.mts", "caption": "Child moves feet from pointing out to touching.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nChild moves feet from pointing out to touching.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444846102_f017c3e672.mov", "caption": "You can see the guys red helmet.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nYou can see the guys red helmet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8068676832_d8445de1c0.mov", "caption": "Cat sniffs person's foot.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCat sniffs person's foot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8068676832_d8445de1c0.mov", "caption": "Cat sits down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCat sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6122630777_5de74d6acb.mov", "caption": "The baby picks up the pink ball.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby picks up the pink ball.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_8743946370_936917acc1.mov", "caption": "Blue biker passes by.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.796463129796464]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.796463129796464]], [[20, 29.796463129796464]], [[20, 29.796463129796464]], [[25, 29.796463129796464]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBlue biker passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "22144986@N00_5506213758_2ec53ed49e.mov", "caption": "Man looks at table behind him.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMan looks at table behind him.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86408128@N00_4846965465_05083b8a26.avi", "caption": "A hand is seen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA hand is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217412483_54fc66a4d1.mov", "caption": "He places his hand on the railing then removes it.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nHe places his hand on the railing then removes it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4169822579_db8d0a33e3.avi", "caption": "The red car drives away.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.556866666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.556866666666668]], [[15, 23.556866666666668]], [[15, 23.556866666666668]], [[20, 23.556866666666668]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe red car drives away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10717527334_227e2680c0.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[20, 22.32232232232232]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3193779438_359849bcf2.mpg", "caption": "When the arch is fully lit.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWhen the arch is fully lit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_9196297733_ac71741975.mov", "caption": "A leaf first flings into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA leaf first flings into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_2599858575_ee7fb5901f.avi", "caption": "We see a door come into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWe see a door come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6784467994_561e36cb22.mov", "caption": "Two people start walking in place.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTwo people start walking in place.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6193981980_33e171053c.mov", "caption": "Man in yellow stands up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan in yellow stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31028309@N00_4919034816_dc812df44d.avi", "caption": "Bouqeut at its closest.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBouqeut at its closest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5363888280_f68fbd0197.mp4", "caption": "The cat walks across the keyboard.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe cat walks across the keyboard.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5262220923_f5557abe49.mov", "caption": "Bull passes through the door.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBull passes through the door.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_8422274676_bc6d194770.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40009990@N00_2557746871_1bb2d1ff9f.mp4", "caption": "Someone in front of the stage runs off screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nSomeone in front of the stage runs off screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82270145@N04_7558679740_922d247a74.mov", "caption": "The camera moves to a man in a black jacket.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.523500000000002]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe camera moves to a man in a black jacket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6483460877_5201d32d38.mov", "caption": "Cat starts scratching sofa.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCat starts scratching sofa.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2738198916_e1134d6233.mov", "caption": "The dj claps his hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe dj claps his hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9342362301_eeea928c24.mts", "caption": "Firt time baby pulls blanket towards face.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFirt time baby pulls blanket towards face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32203103@N07_5077778355_936d67b4d4.mov", "caption": "First fountains shoot up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFirst fountains shoot up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4553176920_eb9e4e73df.mov", "caption": "Two people are seen for a moment.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nTwo people are seen for a moment.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_5022160956_43f749dcb1.mp4", "caption": "Helicopter begins lifting crate.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nHelicopter begins lifting crate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_5681405381_eded4333be.mov", "caption": "A man places his hand on the back of his head.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man places his hand on the back of his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4070325480_e6eb93e2b4.avi", "caption": "We zoom out on the baby.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe zoom out on the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49380337@N04_4599169926_1af465464c.mpg", "caption": "Pin wheel starts spinning faster.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPin wheel starts spinning faster.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_9927034855_01528203c3.mp4", "caption": "Kid begins stepping on sand mounds.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nKid begins stepping on sand mounds.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6430982977_aee6dfe611.mov", "caption": "Cat jumps down to the seat of the couch.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCat jumps down to the seat of the couch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_8730844638_1ca82efd9d.mp4", "caption": "Two people can be seen crossing the street in these frames.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nTwo people can be seen crossing the street in these frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61886413@N00_3829754593_e952052be2.mov", "caption": "The man in the white t shirt goes out of view and the camera focuses on the fire.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe man in the white t shirt goes out of view and the camera focuses on the fire.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "22144986@N00_5506248996_f47e2a8316.mov", "caption": "The frame shows a red and yellow post, a blue hoop and then two posts.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe frame shows a red and yellow post, a blue hoop and then two posts.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_2420452277_f14796f1ac.avi", "caption": "The girl begins to play the game.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe girl begins to play the game.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770144443_7ea6229d36.mp4", "caption": "Motercycle starts to go.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMotercycle starts to go.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365152473_869de3885c.wmv", "caption": "A woman says her vows at a wedding.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA woman says her vows at a wedding.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6156369973_afd92bf865.mp4", "caption": "Man in red reaches across himself to point at instruments in front of blue shirted man.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan in red reaches across himself to point at instruments in front of blue shirted man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_4084249713_69d7938024.avi", "caption": "Two women walk close to the camera on the left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nTwo women walk close to the camera on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368279831_9c0658d373.mov", "caption": "The baby's face is hidden behind the lid.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe baby's face is hidden behind the lid.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_8199557120_7520c9f42e.", "caption": "One large bird is on the railing when another one comes in and chases him off.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nOne large bird is on the railing when another one comes in and chases him off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6861951644_eb0b900e17.mov", "caption": "A little girl with her face above a baby looks at the baby when the baby promptly turns its head away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA little girl with her face above a baby looks at the baby when the baby promptly turns its head away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6164300010_7b468b7585.avi", "caption": "Small waterfall comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSmall waterfall comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10300105113_db3d703cb7.mp4", "caption": "Camera passes through gate.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera passes through gate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4364786898_bfea4e9363.mov", "caption": "The person in the yellow costume begins to march.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 28.403374999999997]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person in the yellow costume begins to march.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_7088250273_963b2fe940.mp4", "caption": "A plane appears from behind the monument.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[20, 22.397374999999997]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA plane appears from behind the monument.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "97352149@N00_4915826308_f476ba1936.m4v", "caption": "Fireworks shoot out of the dragon.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nFireworks shoot out of the dragon.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4364786898_bfea4e9363.mov", "caption": "The camera pans over a person in a purple coat and orange hat.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera pans over a person in a purple coat and orange hat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913533567_e73d9dacc9.mov", "caption": "Tallest person in crowd first begins to move.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nTallest person in crowd first begins to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_2440368464_1656401845.avi", "caption": "Man in red raises arms for the first time.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in red raises arms for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_3260002829_d23bc94271.3gp", "caption": "A man stops his vespa on the snowy ground.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man stops his vespa on the snowy ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3975028282_b02e8ebfa1.avi", "caption": "The baby smiles widely.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe baby smiles widely.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989732236_7d626bb3c9.mov", "caption": "Blue hat in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBlue hat in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000716657_397877c59c.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a green and white shirt appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA woman in a green and white shirt appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_4474067925_24231c5cf4.mp4", "caption": "The man on the right claps his hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man on the right claps his hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4383300445_980b8b513b.mp4", "caption": "Several drummers in a marching band walk through a mall.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nSeveral drummers in a marching band walk through a mall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12411522755_b563b557b0.mp4", "caption": "Boy rolls over on his back.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBoy rolls over on his back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_3233845610_532fe0459c.mov", "caption": "The man wearing red is seen dancing.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man wearing red is seen dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_2909727044_eb09363830.mov", "caption": "Light goes from yellow to white.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nLight goes from yellow to white.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8704171363_6b2bf5cc94.mp4", "caption": "Baby looks down from the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby looks down from the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337300180_091590a63f.avi", "caption": "Woman in brown shirt laughs and touches the back of her head.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWoman in brown shirt laughs and touches the back of her head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55455788@N00_10855991194_487e7b96a0.mov", "caption": "The pig race starts and the pigs run around the track.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe pig race starts and the pigs run around the track.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4895669541_b97d1a2283.avi", "caption": "A snowboarder riding past the camera person.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA snowboarder riding past the camera person.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7624593376_420700bd90.", "caption": "Plane starts to rotate.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nPlane starts to rotate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3084457766_c94249e1fe.avi", "caption": "The camera moves closer to women playing piano.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe camera moves closer to women playing piano.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_3778220328_4260f39d4d.mpg", "caption": "A man pets a white bird.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA man pets a white bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8283285682_d1267bb1cc.mp4", "caption": "Karate instructors demonstrating technique.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nKarate instructors demonstrating technique.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8436863532_f92a4886fe.mov", "caption": "The building zooms out a little from the close-up.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.057366666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.057366666666667]], [[20, 24.057366666666667]], [[20, 24.057366666666667]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe building zooms out a little from the close-up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31667813@N00_3159450613_4a463646e0.3g2", "caption": "The mouse comes out of the yellow wheel before climbing back in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe mouse comes out of the yellow wheel before climbing back in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7186186@N07_13927593445_96703f1283.mov", "caption": "A finger vibrates the leaves of the plant causing the clump of bugs to spread outward.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA finger vibrates the leaves of the plant causing the clump of bugs to spread outward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3735761891_c385f0e566.avi", "caption": "We are finished looking at the thing spinning with fire in it.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe are finished looking at the thing spinning with fire in it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_3260002829_d23bc94271.3gp", "caption": "He stops his moped in front of us.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nHe stops his moped in front of us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4108458050_576ae27ded.m4v", "caption": "Bottom of small tree comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBottom of small tree comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6505408965_3a28ea60c5.avi", "caption": "The toy car sits still in front of the camera before backing up, and driving off.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe toy car sits still in front of the camera before backing up, and driving off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_7228458034_fe379aa983.", "caption": "Toddler faces camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nToddler faces camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2953285501_9edca7d16f.avi", "caption": "Hand is first seen petting otters.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nHand is first seen petting otters.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40345541@N00_2865172505_948d797d90.mov", "caption": "The cat move to the left side.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe cat move to the left side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000716657_397877c59c.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans backwards.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera pans backwards.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9397207454_7ed256a127.mp4", "caption": "Zoom in to dog.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nZoom in to dog.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287088378_84859b0f99.", "caption": "A vehicle with lights takes off.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 22.155466666666666]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA vehicle with lights takes off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5140662811_c2861ec763.mov", "caption": "The camera pans to the left to show what looks like brown grass.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera pans to the left to show what looks like brown grass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8399758929_fe8bdb5eb4.mov", "caption": "Adults arm comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nAdults arm comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908313028_5c33ab37ff.mov", "caption": "Girl pulls present out of wrapping paper.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nGirl pulls present out of wrapping paper.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_5366297075_d146b5a7d3.avi", "caption": "Orange from sun is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nOrange from sun is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3540590583_e0e32f501b.avi", "caption": "The man walks up to the object.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe man walks up to the object.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035763119@N01_2484699662_40548fa9dd.3gp", "caption": "Camera shows upclose referee.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera shows upclose referee.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770809720_7babdf225d.mp4", "caption": "Man tries to start motorcycle.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan tries to start motorcycle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8204542114_e3a2a99dc9.mp4", "caption": "Text first appears on the screen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nText first appears on the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5266279349_a057e6d6a1.mp4", "caption": "Woman/man is seen jumping over something.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWoman/man is seen jumping over something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32659844@N00_8380025954_6b73bb0c25.mov", "caption": "A person in red becomes visible.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA person in red becomes visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24673084@N04_5874532707_b25268d925.avi", "caption": "Man in yellow shirt beckons toward the stage.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 27.0]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan in yellow shirt beckons toward the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816606041_815c7c6273.avi", "caption": "The woman starts walking.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe woman starts walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368920156_f254760c2c.mov", "caption": "The lady with a pink shirt holds something in front of the baby the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe lady with a pink shirt holds something in front of the baby the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4230068869_e2e61b0b09.mp4", "caption": "Second kitten appears for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nSecond kitten appears for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_9196297733_ac71741975.mov", "caption": "They zoom back in at the end.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThey zoom back in at the end.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "97352149@N00_6143993297_5d524acf9d.mp4", "caption": "The finger appears in the frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe finger appears in the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25343491@N06_4547127130_9b37726fa7.mov", "caption": "Two books are sitting on a small table.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTwo books are sitting on a small table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8925435125_06233a0f0a.mov", "caption": "People watching drummer.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.55689022355689]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nPeople watching drummer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_4509643655_a1899ca8c9.mov", "caption": "A single bush on the screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA single bush on the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_3260002829_d23bc94271.3gp", "caption": "Man on scooter stops.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan on scooter stops.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31667813@N00_3350025080_ea55c84f81.3g2", "caption": "Standing man appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nStanding man appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6885088912_7bd217a4b7.avi", "caption": "The steering wheel is first visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe steering wheel is first visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4739636265_249226b127.mov", "caption": "The bridge starts lifting up for the boats to pass.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe bridge starts lifting up for the boats to pass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_13826259365_71151b9da1.mp4", "caption": "A train passes by.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 24.457791124457792]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA train passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060426645_dab66a1f9f.mp4", "caption": "The blue sky is shown without any land in focus.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.5245]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.5245]], [[20, 24.5245]], [[20, 24.5245]], [[20, 24.5245]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe blue sky is shown without any land in focus.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989642968_52625ba544.mov", "caption": "A group of people in a boat go under a bridge.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA group of people in a boat go under a bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8720405060_041c8a98aa.mov", "caption": "Man lifts up stick.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan lifts up stick.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8544469262_fd25eddb2e.", "caption": "Baby places hands to face.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBaby places hands to face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_2442697061_b58da2c0c9.mpg", "caption": "A baby pushes a plastic bowl out of his way with his push toy.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA baby pushes a plastic bowl out of his way with his push toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3311109036_caa225c39f.mov", "caption": "Giant flowers start dancing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nGiant flowers start dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4176306314_019f5b25b4.mp4", "caption": "Graffiti fish appears.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGraffiti fish appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8626145@N06_3017101134_86d39fd944.mov", "caption": "Camera goes back to circle stained glass.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera goes back to circle stained glass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4717775827_6a1125b78f.mov", "caption": "The girl in the red dress crawls off screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe girl in the red dress crawls off screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6215527875_607fcf6c5d.wmv", "caption": "Man in suit goes off screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan in suit goes off screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2418639917_92e4152f71.avi", "caption": "Dog is laying on the ground.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nDog is laying on the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4813448663_7b78eb3e61.mov", "caption": "A steady view of a grocery store and parking lot.", "timestamps": [[25, 27.9279]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 27.9279]], [[25, 27.9279]], [[25, 27.9279]], [[25, 27.9279]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA steady view of a grocery store and parking lot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3668334480_3e44bb6f8d.mov", "caption": "Silver hair is seen on left side of screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSilver hair is seen on left side of screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6077348852_05f54a66df.avi", "caption": "Guy in black muscle shirt closeist to camra.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nGuy in black muscle shirt closeist to camra.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5016635157_5d78ff3cca.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in on fan.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera zooms in on fan.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217916282_06a6b3c775.mov", "caption": "Camera pans right then quickly comes back to guy.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera pans right then quickly comes back to guy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623487865_2d44666085.mp4", "caption": "Woman in glasses goes out of view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWoman in glasses goes out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27432743@N00_3689614792_7432ee700a.mp4", "caption": "The girl lifts right leg up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe girl lifts right leg up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_3991804584_0fcf8f8f8e.avi", "caption": "The wall lights fade.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe wall lights fade.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3695443048_a0a4a0b4c4.mov", "caption": "A person pulls a pacifier from a baby.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA person pulls a pacifier from a baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4223864218_8a531d1c08.m4v", "caption": "Light starts blue.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLight starts blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_4084249713_69d7938024.avi", "caption": "People walk to the right of man and his piano.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPeople walk to the right of man and his piano.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11505695@N04_3357494172_34bf170c04.avi", "caption": "There are definitely more than three hummingbirds, in these two frames.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThere are definitely more than three hummingbirds, in these two frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452596290_752a13c4a2.wmv", "caption": "Camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_4474066467_22a0375378.mov", "caption": "Legless man get untop of the rock pier.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nLegless man get untop of the rock pier.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59431569@N02_8226455153_69f2b5c53d.mov", "caption": "Truck with a flatbed zooms by.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nTruck with a flatbed zooms by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5266279349_a057e6d6a1.mov", "caption": "The men stand up.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe men stand up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9760460592_78c4d36e97.mp4", "caption": "Little boy walks over to the purple mat.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLittle boy walks over to the purple mat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54212625@N00_2833409061_ae3d32d05c.mov", "caption": "Guy in black hits guy in red.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nGuy in black hits guy in red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3667079013_2d2f614d2f.mov", "caption": "Tank starts going down the hill.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTank starts going down the hill.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7624593376_420700bd90.", "caption": "Drone rotates 90 degrees.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nDrone rotates 90 degrees.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8526090237_b6daf046ab.mov", "caption": "Cat runs across floor and out door.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCat runs across floor and out door.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_8743946370_936917acc1.mov", "caption": "The motorcycle approaches, and passes.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.796463129796464]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 29.796463129796464]], [[20, 29.796463129796464]], [[20, 29.796463129796464]], [[20, 29.796463129796464]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe motorcycle approaches, and passes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "88231064@N00_5748100144_0c3ae1b1f0.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans to the man with dark hair.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera pans to the man with dark hair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24118191@N05_8641824460_279a0b132e.mov", "caption": "We are looking out the window.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe are looking out the window.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_6954214803_cbe044da82.mov", "caption": "Biggest piece of sky is visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.355666666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.355666666666668]], [[20, 22.355666666666668]], [[20, 22.355666666666668]], [[20, 22.355666666666668]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBiggest piece of sky is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908108710_7b7dc7bde2.mov", "caption": "Girl shakes her head.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl shakes her head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40345541@N00_2865172505_948d797d90.mov", "caption": "Cat jumps over track twice.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCat jumps over track twice.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5266279349_a057e6d6a1.mov", "caption": "Man flips over four people kneeling down in a row.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan flips over four people kneeling down in a row.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38658566@N06_4750242620_686bed740d.avi", "caption": "The procession begins hopping.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe procession begins hopping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350674032_bb49776675.mpg", "caption": "A girl in red overalls falls down.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA girl in red overalls falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326456132_82ecae939b.mov", "caption": "The person picks up a child.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe person picks up a child.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6483460877_5201d32d38.mov", "caption": "Cat runs after something.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCat runs after something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2751386550_98b254e6c0.avi", "caption": "A person ties a pink balloon.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 27.761375126390295]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA person ties a pink balloon.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6164300010_7b468b7585.avi", "caption": "The small waterfall is shown.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe small waterfall is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3034542795_1ffc26f8d1.avi", "caption": "This frame is almost exclusively the child in pink.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThis frame is almost exclusively the child in pink.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_7088250273_963b2fe940.mov", "caption": "Plane goes behind building.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPlane goes behind building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2539118411_cbd7b804a9.avi", "caption": "Dog picks up toy and drops it.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nDog picks up toy and drops it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3598075345_05b69afc5c.avi", "caption": "Full view of statue first appears.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFull view of statue first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4335657123_2de0c09653.avi", "caption": "Eagle flying over the lake.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nEagle flying over the lake.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3667363573_28bfe5e184.mov", "caption": "Bystanders are seen observing the tank.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBystanders are seen observing the tank.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57071639@N00_7975977326_e091bee3a0.", "caption": "Before the biggest screen is visible.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBefore the biggest screen is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8649380281_abeeddb0b1.mp4", "caption": "The screen goes blue and we see no people.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe screen goes blue and we see no people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2897212675_f853c07025.avi", "caption": "The person's right hand first comes into view of the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe person's right hand first comes into view of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860871668_bd2ae9df3a.mp4", "caption": "Someones head is in the frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nSomeones head is in the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5129506391_fc26a62b9d.avi", "caption": "Sphere is visibly rolled down pathway.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nSphere is visibly rolled down pathway.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9109468739_8028855f70.mov", "caption": "We first see people walking through view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe first see people walking through view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6805819498_120ebf7aca.mov", "caption": "Kid looks at us happily clapping.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nKid looks at us happily clapping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "17098929@N00_4988936813_78a15e73b6.mov", "caption": "The man in brown goes off the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe man in brown goes off the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9148536103_5ecebeafbf.mp4", "caption": "Train is first seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTrain is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262589630_9f825d13b2.mov", "caption": "Two women standing next to each other each raise an arm.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTwo women standing next to each other each raise an arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326435816_6960ca36bb.mp4", "caption": "The chocolate is first cracked open.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe chocolate is first cracked open.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337294928_33274bc25b.avi", "caption": "Kid in black shirt laying on couch.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nKid in black shirt laying on couch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308998471_f2211a9589.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms in and quickly back out.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe camera zooms in and quickly back out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4489818076_bf77e713e2.mov", "caption": "Baby chews her fists for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBaby chews her fists for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_13742310655_3fc33126a4.mts", "caption": "The girl turns and walks another direction.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe girl turns and walks another direction.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7270865902_ab3d80bde0.mov", "caption": "The cat returns the toy in his mouth and drops it.", "timestamps": [[10, 22.022000000000002]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.022000000000002]], [[10, 22.022000000000002]], [[15, 22.022000000000002]], [[10, 22.022000000000002]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe cat returns the toy in his mouth and drops it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_7432806064_6b91f70b91.mov", "caption": "Green teacup rotates state fully.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGreen teacup rotates state fully.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9145107611_29b3af588c.mov", "caption": "Group of people playing soccer.", "timestamps": [[15, 27.944611277944613]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 27.944611277944613]], [[15, 27.944611277944613]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 27.944611277944613]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGroup of people playing soccer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "76054233@N00_4945727919_deee79c1bd.mpg", "caption": "A smaller blue screen is seen slightly on the left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA smaller blue screen is seen slightly on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287088378_84859b0f99.", "caption": "The moment that we see a vehicle in the parade.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 22.155466666666666]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe moment that we see a vehicle in the parade.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9811029593_a376b930b0.mp4", "caption": "First time we see the boy reading to the little girl.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFirst time we see the boy reading to the little girl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3648077556_e0bc2dd152.mov", "caption": "Man in yellow stops to watch performers.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 24.090733333333333]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan in yellow stops to watch performers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16064708@N00_3609526599_a7919b9f39.avi", "caption": "A large flipper passes right in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA large flipper passes right in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368959868_929cb41c30.mov", "caption": "Baby reaches above his head for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBaby reaches above his head for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3427472314_e32c2ede58.m4v", "caption": "The man runs towards the camera with the baby.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man runs towards the camera with the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6568659107_b469094117.mov", "caption": "Little girl in pink throws her first rock.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nLittle girl in pink throws her first rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29524576@N00_4809406311_f7ebe53827.mp4", "caption": "Zoom in on the cat.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nZoom in on the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2400936106_d8b683797b.mov", "caption": "Camera spans to right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera spans to right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58906525@N04_5472302964_e550392e1d.avi", "caption": "Lady in black walks in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nLady in black walks in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4271886842_272b70933a.mp4", "caption": "The black cat turns to face the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe black cat turns to face the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_3911046032_7f779b088a.mov", "caption": "The baby puts her finger together.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe baby puts her finger together.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61797472@N00_6122111246_2588fe84e3.mpg", "caption": "Another train car is seen in front of the bridge.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nAnother train car is seen in front of the bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_6151970786_5deaee3b58.mp4", "caption": "Tuba pass us ' we can see move a few rows back.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTuba pass us ' we can see move a few rows back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4497646769_c867658047.mp4", "caption": "The person begins to play his instrument.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 30]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe person begins to play his instrument.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4161350794_443bea8f4a.mpg", "caption": "Child touches mouth with both hands.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nChild touches mouth with both hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5514244883_4f5305a5a4.mov", "caption": "Smoke can be seen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nSmoke can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7364749@N02_3676115996_31908e9831.mp4", "caption": "Camera zooms into the ladies.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera zooms into the ladies.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287088378_84859b0f99.", "caption": "Carriage begins to move.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCarriage begins to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31667813@N00_3350025080_ea55c84f81.3g2", "caption": "Kid runs into view and faces the tv.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nKid runs into view and faces the tv.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4335657123_2de0c09653.avi", "caption": "The two birds get on the platform.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe two birds get on the platform.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3233836343_811205539b.m4v", "caption": "Baby is smiling at camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBaby is smiling at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4701028239_cde49ae7ee.mov", "caption": "A person with headphones or earmuffs on is seen preparing food.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA person with headphones or earmuffs on is seen preparing food.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6861951644_eb0b900e17.mov", "caption": "Little girl tucks her hair behind her ear.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nLittle girl tucks her hair behind her ear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502194479_5b1998b2ec.avi", "caption": "A camera zooms the image of a building.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA camera zooms the image of a building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8977946361_0b26f4930d.", "caption": "Boy puckers and opens mouth for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBoy puckers and opens mouth for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659174127_5c7c37cbf2.mov", "caption": "The first two women are shown dancing.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe first two women are shown dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12628585884_cbed949b2a.mov", "caption": "A street intersection with a black glowing object on the left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA street intersection with a black glowing object on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502262201_23d238cb00.mp4", "caption": "Person in brown walks in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in brown walks in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5023057779_d7eef269c5.avi", "caption": "Small piece of paper is picked up with two fingers, and dropped in front of fan, where it blows to the side.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nSmall piece of paper is picked up with two fingers, and dropped in front of fan, where it blows to the side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3494045334_c0ccf2d3a2.mp4", "caption": "Zoom in to baby in purple.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nZoom in to baby in purple.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4363942523_cf2dca698d.mov", "caption": "Man in black shirt and hat takes a drink.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan in black shirt and hat takes a drink.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12090392@N02_13345552833_3c188bbe52.mov", "caption": "Big tree leaves frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBig tree leaves frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2718504734_d78ec5131d.mov", "caption": "A dancer thrashes enthusiastically.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA dancer thrashes enthusiastically.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659163803_b562825778.mov", "caption": "The light flashes red.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe light flashes red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2905084144_1877f402c7.avi", "caption": "The red ball sticks to the window for the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe red ball sticks to the window for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3598075345_05b69afc5c.avi", "caption": "We see fountain fully for the first time.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe see fountain fully for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4175539607_26669cd634.mp4", "caption": "The view changes from artwork to a building in this shot.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 24.3243]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe view changes from artwork to a building in this shot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50652680@N00_7153051983_28e4a126f9.mov", "caption": "Man in yellow and plaid first appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan in yellow and plaid first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12411522755_b563b557b0.mp4", "caption": "The baby rolls over.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe baby rolls over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19894250@N00_8425749412_9272eb8671.mp4", "caption": "Man tunrs around from edge of cliff.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMan tunrs around from edge of cliff.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4230068869_e2e61b0b09.mp4", "caption": "Cat finally falls off.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCat finally falls off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4176306314_019f5b25b4.mp4", "caption": "You see a toilet for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nYou see a toilet for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8133451581_014634a4e2.mov", "caption": "People walk to take a seat at the front of room.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPeople walk to take a seat at the front of room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_5904128460_be0c68d138.mov", "caption": "The squirrel stands up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 24.6246]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe squirrel stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8977946361_0b26f4930d.", "caption": "Boy first opens mouth.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 24.257590924257592]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBoy first opens mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_6322143415_a4cff44c51.mp4", "caption": "Pink light turns off in background.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPink light turns off in background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3829685788_4091e913b7.mov", "caption": "A person near a lake.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA person near a lake.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12177928576_0c37f694d6.mts", "caption": "Someone dressed in red darts by quickly from the left.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nSomeone dressed in red darts by quickly from the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3922607929_1b35730cc9.mov", "caption": "The little box in the top right first appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe little box in the top right first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23981060@N00_3445275436_34c254d041.avi", "caption": "Nothing but ocean in these clips.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nNothing but ocean in these clips.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4830190871_b282f1c6e0.mov", "caption": "We can see a yellow school bus pass below.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe can see a yellow school bus pass below.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54212625@N00_2833409061_ae3d32d05c.mov", "caption": "Man in red moves away.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in red moves away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3667079013_2d2f614d2f.mov", "caption": "The camera pans from the man's head.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera pans from the man's head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287088378_84859b0f99.", "caption": "Gray minivan at curb exits frame to the left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGray minivan at curb exits frame to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3840705054_6b05885859.avi", "caption": "The bird lifts the napkin with its head.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[15, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe bird lifts the napkin with its head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69129230@N00_4096942835_e0dabf9da5.mov", "caption": "The person pick up their ipod.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe person pick up their ipod.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4115680587_07a5baecda.avi", "caption": "Camera pans left and we see a guy cheesing for the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera pans left and we see a guy cheesing for the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "79364055@N00_6901347679_30915db07a.mov", "caption": "Group of three people walking in the woods stops.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGroup of three people walking in the woods stops.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4652622226_3377a10d35.avi", "caption": "The mother sheep runs away from her babies and they chase her.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe mother sheep runs away from her babies and they chase her.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11967895@N05_8614382515_40df4c6613.mp4", "caption": "An elbow comes into view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[10, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nAn elbow comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60002783@N00_5024581852_812e9f23dc.mov", "caption": "Bolts of electricity seen for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBolts of electricity seen for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4890173699_8391fc05da.m4v", "caption": "Man begins to rub animal and looks at camera for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan begins to rub animal and looks at camera for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54028598@N06_7343107844_8ae7265991.mov", "caption": "Big orange fish primarily is focus.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBig orange fish primarily is focus.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7516534276_9859dacfdf.wmv", "caption": "A vintage car pulling up in a driveway.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA vintage car pulling up in a driveway.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_8730844638_1ca82efd9d.mp4", "caption": "The people on the left come into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe people on the left come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8526090237_b6daf046ab.mov", "caption": "Green thing shaken at cat.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nGreen thing shaken at cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3361436515_07e53aea4c.mov", "caption": "A baby throws a green thing.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA baby throws a green thing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753328327_0b635e32bb.mp4", "caption": "The baby reaches into the food while the lady pulls his hand out.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe baby reaches into the food while the lady pulls his hand out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4136620664_6b69c756f5.mov", "caption": "Man puts something in his mouth with chopsticks.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan puts something in his mouth with chopsticks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4373716059_f22aa3b718.mov", "caption": "Stack of plates comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nStack of plates comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3233823871_4e31b8f2f0.m4v", "caption": "The person in the blue shirt briefly turns toward the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe person in the blue shirt briefly turns toward the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_9869192276_c0c1a33881.mov", "caption": "The first person on the bike to go past us to the left out of view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe first person on the bike to go past us to the left out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_6151970786_5deaee3b58.mp4", "caption": "The first set of tubas passes u, and we see some more a few rows back.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe first set of tubas passes u, and we see some more a few rows back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4392594553_30146e621e.mov", "caption": "People on a river side.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPeople on a river side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6508157933_5d997d4e98.mov", "caption": "Black sedan drives by the limo.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBlack sedan drives by the limo.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_4150540649_b7216bd574.avi", "caption": "The man in the blue jacket waves his flag.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe man in the blue jacket waves his flag.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113209964_0509e46f5d.mov", "caption": "Two little ballerinas jumping.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTwo little ballerinas jumping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913494887_25ba94c153.mp4", "caption": "Person in red shirt closest to camera can first be seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in red shirt closest to camera can first be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_13891514562_756338c59c.mov", "caption": "The end of the train is shown.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe end of the train is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4532326565_999d54d5ab.mov", "caption": "Man holding sign walks by.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan holding sign walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25438570@N03_3322199891_f83ceafb56.avi", "caption": "Approaching cable car exits frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nApproaching cable car exits frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4769565946_89942c579d.mov", "caption": "First time we see the baby laugh.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nFirst time we see the baby laugh.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_8422274676_bc6d194770.mov", "caption": "Security officer walks into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nSecurity officer walks into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3125001625_e11d5e6694.avi", "caption": "Boy waving hand with legs crossed.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBoy waving hand with legs crossed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411824707_0fc385e84f.m4v", "caption": "A woman walks past.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA woman walks past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "84524178@N00_5313431794_3c4b3dd665.mov", "caption": "Little boy climbs on top of the puzzle.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 28.737041666666666]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nLittle boy climbs on top of the puzzle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4265470553_17d8157718.mov", "caption": "No people are visible in this frame, only lava and rock.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nNo people are visible in this frame, only lava and rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9117878032_2bf53e8d0e.mov", "caption": "Camera moves to show water over bridge.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera moves to show water over bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543431675_8d0f71c4c3.", "caption": "The mother removes the hood from the child's head.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe mother removes the hood from the child's head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9022798576_af4fa83486.mp4", "caption": "Human hand tickles cheek after patting down baby's hair.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nHuman hand tickles cheek after patting down baby's hair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4062672072_7817e13a59.avi", "caption": "The baby opens its mouth the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe baby opens its mouth the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4136819734_dcf7078be4.mov", "caption": "Man sits back in his chair.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan sits back in his chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41249501@N06_3960493490_9628a3d374.mov", "caption": "Only the orange bottle and phone is visible to the right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nOnly the orange bottle and phone is visible to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2477105876_53ee66822d.mov", "caption": "The filter is removed.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe filter is removed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139617520_1c478e5b77.m4v", "caption": "Guy jumps over the rail.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nGuy jumps over the rail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9046089068_429505c4de.", "caption": "Lady holding hands of girl in pink and purple.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nLady holding hands of girl in pink and purple.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567078896_04f12b900b.mov", "caption": "Person in neon green comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPerson in neon green comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6670050195_2cd92cf91d.avi", "caption": "Car crashes into something.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCar crashes into something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50767319@N00_4378240409_7b7842b6bf.avi", "caption": "The sign's color shifts from green to blue.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe sign's color shifts from green to blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_3778220328_4260f39d4d.mpg", "caption": "A man in a white t shirt walks past some chinese characters painted on a wall.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man in a white t shirt walks past some chinese characters painted on a wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25343491@N06_4547127130_9b37726fa7.mov", "caption": "Television leaves view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTelevision leaves view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6829965713_6bd1691e1a.mp4", "caption": "We first see the park bench.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe first see the park bench.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_9927034855_01528203c3.mp4", "caption": "A boy crushing mini sand castles.", "timestamps": [[0, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA boy crushing mini sand castles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5604083185_946cc684e1.mp4", "caption": "The white dog is put on a stand.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe white dog is put on a stand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5434701865_8a89f3e121.mov", "caption": "The cat looks directly into the camera and then looks away.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe cat looks directly into the camera and then looks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8025313964_6794870d66.mov", "caption": "The cat jumped backwards on the blanket.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe cat jumped backwards on the blanket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_3018397784_6b52cff935.wmv", "caption": "A person wearing a white hat walks through the door.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA person wearing a white hat walks through the door.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368354287_e2122d3409.mov", "caption": "The baby holds her left hand up the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe baby holds her left hand up the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_13527571073_0b5939dfa1.mov", "caption": "The toy is most visible after being unwrapped in this frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe toy is most visible after being unwrapped in this frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9396847418_89c0d7d4e3.mp4", "caption": "The dog picks up his head.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe dog picks up his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6910162653_58ee384276.avi", "caption": "Man steps into green area.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan steps into green area.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8527171734_3139dde5eb.mov", "caption": "A cat is laying down and gets petted.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA cat is laying down and gets petted.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913494887_25ba94c153.mp4", "caption": "Man in red leaves bottom of frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan in red leaves bottom of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444846102_f017c3e672.mov", "caption": "Kick x 5.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nKick x 5.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8471885968_7c64aee74c.mov", "caption": "A woman in white stops on the trail to wait for her companions.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA woman in white stops on the trail to wait for her companions.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69129230@N00_4096942835_e0dabf9da5.mov", "caption": "Ipod screen turns on.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nIpod screen turns on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_3068835754_9c92816d46.mpg", "caption": "Cat leans in to smell camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCat leans in to smell camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816606041_815c7c6273.avi", "caption": "Woman starts walking.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman starts walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "64456049@N00_3790784300_671196a4cf.avi", "caption": "We first see the road.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe first see the road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_3355740001_6602b4fb04.mpg", "caption": "Camera zooms in on cat.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera zooms in on cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3453664884_1b38886e4a.mov", "caption": "We no longer see the grass.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe no longer see the grass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3766664614_f0192a481e.mov", "caption": "Blue lights turn on.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBlue lights turn on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78332988@N00_4653002775_2be37d99aa.avi", "caption": "Person appears tp the right of person with hat.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPerson appears tp the right of person with hat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2527245809_da9ae47cfd.avi", "caption": "Rad marquee comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nRad marquee comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659171411_346779be91.mov", "caption": "A person lit in rade is shown, then the frame fades to black.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA person lit in rade is shown, then the frame fades to black.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_6056554923_0cdb559990.wmv", "caption": "Man comes in from right hand side.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan comes in from right hand side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5677273757_41e2a0a1bf.mp4", "caption": "The singer walks up and puts one hand on the microphone.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe singer walks up and puts one hand on the microphone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5995707844_57203e3e03.mov", "caption": "Person lays down flat on stomach at edge of rock.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPerson lays down flat on stomach at edge of rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_5366297075_d146b5a7d3.avi", "caption": "Sky changes from blue to gray.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nSky changes from blue to gray.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3597448879_45a8e4f5f4.mp4", "caption": "The cars first start moving when the light turns green.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe cars first start moving when the light turns green.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444219465_6d00b438e9.mov", "caption": "Person on cliff makes it up one full step.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson on cliff makes it up one full step.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4739636265_249226b127.mov", "caption": "Big boat goes under the draw bridge.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBig boat goes under the draw bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4354162528_a4b649dbcb.mov", "caption": "One of the dancers is left behind and the runs to catch up.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nOne of the dancers is left behind and the runs to catch up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_3355740001_6602b4fb04.mpg", "caption": "The cat looks to our left, then looks back at us.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe cat looks to our left, then looks back at us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_3182820416_6a53251890.wmv", "caption": "Camera fades in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera fades in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3863871139_37e6344292.m4v", "caption": "Back door of car opens.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBack door of car opens.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139617520_1c478e5b77.m4v", "caption": "Person in white walks to the right of the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPerson in white walks to the right of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_10935688996_bc8ed05a3d.avi", "caption": "Bad guy steps off stage.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBad guy steps off stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86577590@N00_4285687197_218e0fc153.mov", "caption": "A woman goes down a flight of stairs.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA woman goes down a flight of stairs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2417884617_95607b9848.mp4", "caption": "The fire leaves your view and ends up facing some blurry lights in the distance.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe fire leaves your view and ends up facing some blurry lights in the distance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411824707_0fc385e84f.m4v", "caption": "Woman walks directly in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWoman walks directly in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3865162876_237ac96db1.m4v", "caption": "A car hinds and then tries to continue by grinding past a motorcyclist.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA car hinds and then tries to continue by grinding past a motorcyclist.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3975028282_b02e8ebfa1.avi", "caption": "The toddler in the green shirt shakes her head.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe toddler in the green shirt shakes her head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217412483_54fc66a4d1.mov", "caption": "The man shakes the fence.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe man shakes the fence.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5641429393_5ea63f8fcf.mov", "caption": "Dog grabs bacon strip.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 22.4224]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nDog grabs bacon strip.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_4917407731_43aac72c17.mp4", "caption": "Horses leave our view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nHorses leave our view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_6339898946_fabca3a3fc.avi", "caption": "The light moves to the far right of the screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe light moves to the far right of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_3233845610_532fe0459c.mov", "caption": "Man in red shirt is dancing.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan in red shirt is dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2418639917_92e4152f71.avi", "caption": "Dog doesnt respond to master.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nDog doesnt respond to master.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_4983542618_6b3d1ef4d8.mp4", "caption": "Waves first show up.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWaves first show up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3853970978_87210bddeb.mov", "caption": "Jet turns and moves toward camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nJet turns and moves toward camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16064708@N00_3609526599_a7919b9f39.avi", "caption": "A blue fin goes behind other swimmers across screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA blue fin goes behind other swimmers across screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10717527334_227e2680c0.mp4", "caption": "A man in black shirt enters the frame.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.32232232232232]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.32232232232232]], [[20, 22.32232232232232]], [[20, 22.32232232232232]], [[20, 22.32232232232232]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA man in black shirt enters the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9396804244_9fbf065a94.mp4", "caption": "Dog stops, then starts rolling around again.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nDog stops, then starts rolling around again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4469734214_3c6281a00a.avi", "caption": "A toddler in white finds another toddler in the closet.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA toddler in white finds another toddler in the closet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4363942523_cf2dca698d.mov", "caption": "Man takes a sip of his soda.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan takes a sip of his soda.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_9305851905_2e7db67d05.mp4", "caption": "An animal in the street races past his peers.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nAn animal in the street races past his peers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_9869192276_c0c1a33881.mov", "caption": "The first bike passes by.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe first bike passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3735761891_c385f0e566.avi", "caption": "Camera pans left to show two poles with flames.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera pans left to show two poles with flames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2420875735_ca183d5763.mov", "caption": "Woman in white hat looks to her left then back to the stage.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWoman in white hat looks to her left then back to the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_9023958959_8d5af2e969.avi", "caption": "Green leaf hanging down.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nGreen leaf hanging down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_9929504616_54746c1edf.mov", "caption": "The man passes the guitar.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man passes the guitar.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444458929_7286e54114.mov", "caption": "The climber starts at the ground.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe climber starts at the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3311110600_48895911c4.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in on the woman in pink.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera zooms in on the woman in pink.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31667813@N00_3159450613_4a463646e0.3g2", "caption": "A mouse climbs in and out of a yellow wheel.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA mouse climbs in and out of a yellow wheel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6805819498_120ebf7aca.mov", "caption": "The little boy is clapping his hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe little boy is clapping his hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2539118411_cbd7b804a9.avi", "caption": "Dog looks around then bites toy.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nDog looks around then bites toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4243544341_107d78d4b9.avi", "caption": "Baby in full view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBaby in full view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4361151624_01682062fd.mp4", "caption": "The man in the striped shirt takes a seat.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man in the striped shirt takes a seat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9148525681_8ba7abe601.mp4", "caption": "The 'welcome' part of the train passes.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe 'welcome' part of the train passes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4070325480_e6eb93e2b4.avi", "caption": "Baby grabs his ear.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby grabs his ear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47262904@N00_4550047979_7ddc00f1c5.avi", "caption": "People walk pass carrying flags.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPeople walk pass carrying flags.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4099834031_8275e0263f.avi", "caption": "Two people start walking across the room.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTwo people start walking across the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308949169_b9f78022e5.mov", "caption": "Girl uncrosses her legs.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nGirl uncrosses her legs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_13826259365_71151b9da1.mp4", "caption": "Yellow front of the train exits the left of the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nYellow front of the train exits the left of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_9929504616_54746c1edf.mov", "caption": "Person in green is handed the guitar.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPerson in green is handed the guitar.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2750255146_3141e7acdb.avi", "caption": "The baby smiled.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.890798786653185]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.890798786653185]], [[20, 23.890798786653185]], [[15, 23.890798786653185]], [[20, 23.890798786653185]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe baby smiled.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_13891514562_756338c59c.mov", "caption": "Scrolling text starts.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nScrolling text starts.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8616944997_5b70611ac3.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in on the monks.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera zooms in on the monks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9070447602_ca0b2fa090.", "caption": "Camera zooms in close to train.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera zooms in close to train.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_13891514562_756338c59c.mov", "caption": "The 4 sign leaves view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe 4 sign leaves view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2750255146_3141e7acdb.avi", "caption": "Baby gives a big smile.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.890798786653185]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.890798786653185]], [[20, 23.890798786653185]], [[20, 23.890798786653185]], [[20, 23.890798786653185]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBaby gives a big smile.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4161350794_443bea8f4a.mpg", "caption": "Two hands are cupped to a mouth.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nTwo hands are cupped to a mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9022798576_af4fa83486.", "caption": "Baby smiles while adult strokes her hair and tickles her chin.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBaby smiles while adult strokes her hair and tickles her chin.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_13891514562_756338c59c.mov", "caption": "The end of the last train car is seen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe end of the last train car is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217412483_54fc66a4d1.mov", "caption": "The man's head is no longer in view.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe man's head is no longer in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2401577710_bca9785879.mpg", "caption": "Tiny football helmet before face guard is installed.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTiny football helmet before face guard is installed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4032726575_bbf95b6a7b.avi", "caption": "The baby starts frame looking at camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe baby starts frame looking at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3716011170_fa49d26aa4.avi", "caption": "A purple and pink illuminated balcony comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA purple and pink illuminated balcony comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920226432_717b272a78.avi", "caption": "We see the lady on the left hold up one finger.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe see the lady on the left hold up one finger.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_3233845610_532fe0459c.mov", "caption": "A singing family gets a man in red to dance with them.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA singing family gets a man in red to dance with them.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8862267408_783c5946f3.mov", "caption": "The baby starts running in circles.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 24.758091424758092]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 24.758091424758092]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe baby starts running in circles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3520146821_ac4478560a.3gp", "caption": "Little girl holds her thumbs up.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nLittle girl holds her thumbs up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936634915_5985444f5b.mp4", "caption": "You see the flowers beside the road.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nYou see the flowers beside the road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6059449750_a81f597c83.m4v", "caption": "Following people through a trail.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nFollowing people through a trail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452596290_752a13c4a2.wmv", "caption": "The camera zooms in to show a bird.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera zooms in to show a bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2607640923_47c7619977.mov", "caption": "Two blue bowls pass by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTwo blue bowls pass by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049386755_53aa01b4e4.mov", "caption": "Puppy is going on time out.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPuppy is going on time out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978215045_88a07f3cb8.mp4", "caption": "Leaves rustle in the wind.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nLeaves rustle in the wind.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_2705294430_8ac08bc1bb.3gp", "caption": "Woman holding camera moves to the left side.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWoman holding camera moves to the left side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37856770@N06_5595910601_da23a6efcc.wmv", "caption": "Boy adds another color on top of the green.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBoy adds another color on top of the green.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16930146@N05_3839594916_ee7d67ec52.mov", "caption": "A parade of people in purple carrying something passes.", "timestamps": [[15, 24.607916666666664]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 24.607916666666664]], [[0, 10]], [[15, 24.607916666666664]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA parade of people in purple carrying something passes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705424770_3aeff37492.mp4", "caption": "The guitar player is shaking his head.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe guitar player is shaking his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37577191@N00_3617485478_3c6e42dc32.avi", "caption": "They shook hands and both walked away.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThey shook hands and both walked away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11214344623_b48220bc8b.mp4", "caption": "Red bus rides past in background.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nRed bus rides past in background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502187871_f80cc31479.mp4", "caption": "Camera begins to pan left.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 29.84]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera begins to pan left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "46019290@N00_8540604298_9102153485.mov", "caption": "The camera passes a black car.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera passes a black car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860871668_bd2ae9df3a.mp4", "caption": "A red light appears in the frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA red light appears in the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3818425297_1d631acb25.mov", "caption": "Dog runs past 2 chairs.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nDog runs past 2 chairs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4070325480_e6eb93e2b4.avi", "caption": "Baby's hand touches collar of his shirt.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBaby's hand touches collar of his shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978221101_816bfa3be7.mp4", "caption": "The moment we first see a large tree trunk.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe moment we first see a large tree trunk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5158769917_a731a0797e.mov", "caption": "Mom and baby donkey walk passed.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMom and baby donkey walk passed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24175071@N00_2969682645_6725c5ece2.avi", "caption": "The camera moves to the front of the boy.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera moves to the front of the boy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217916282_06a6b3c775.mov", "caption": "A man gives the camera a thumbs up with his free hand.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man gives the camera a thumbs up with his free hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317029211_c2e1a2be24.mov", "caption": "Child on right stands up then sits back down.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nChild on right stands up then sits back down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_5110968687_548f2979eb.avi", "caption": "The guy removes a sauce pack from the stack.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe guy removes a sauce pack from the stack.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4265470553_17d8157718.mov", "caption": "No people in frame.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nNo people in frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8720405060_041c8a98aa.mov", "caption": "The man puts his foot on the rock.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe man puts his foot on the rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8283285682_d1267bb1cc.", "caption": "Man in black kicks his leg.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan in black kicks his leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_4509643655_a1899ca8c9.mov", "caption": "Camera pans all the way right to show donkeys.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera pans all the way right to show donkeys.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6878029977_51f7c9d844.mov", "caption": "The person in the gray shirt sits complete up at the end on of the struggle.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.625]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.625]], [[20, 23.625]], [[20, 23.625]], [[20, 23.625]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe person in the gray shirt sits complete up at the end on of the struggle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12485604213_9b6bc7fbd1.mp4", "caption": "Man puts hand on forehead.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan puts hand on forehead.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543431675_8d0f71c4c3.", "caption": "The woman picks up the baby.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe woman picks up the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060431973_73c0d1e479.mp4", "caption": "Camera first zooms out.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera first zooms out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5272138273_18a4de1320.wmv", "caption": "The ferris wheel can be seen.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe ferris wheel can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3797983244_2ff848625d.mp4", "caption": "First yellow balloon to come in extremely close.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFirst yellow balloon to come in extremely close.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6194287478_f457d048ba.mov", "caption": "A woman tying two cloth materials together for a ceremony.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA woman tying two cloth materials together for a ceremony.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8289244544_f659afaea0.mov", "caption": "Vehicle slowly comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nVehicle slowly comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_4360988820_150604245e.mp4", "caption": "There are no waves breaking close to the viewer.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThere are no waves breaking close to the viewer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4161350794_443bea8f4a.mpg", "caption": "Child puts hands up to his mouth.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nChild puts hands up to his mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005462463_640123da53.mov", "caption": "Camera passes big green road sign on side of road.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera passes big green road sign on side of road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3797983244_2ff848625d.mp4", "caption": "Clapping is dying down.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nClapping is dying down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3797983244_2ff848625d.mp4", "caption": "Clapping has not started for the most part.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nClapping has not started for the most part.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_3233845610_532fe0459c.mov", "caption": "A man in red is see dancing.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man in red is see dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8544469262_fd25eddb2e.", "caption": "A baby in a chair shakes excitely and covers its face.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA baby in a chair shakes excitely and covers its face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217916282_06a6b3c775.mov", "caption": "The man with out camera view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man with out camera view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8068676832_d8445de1c0.mov", "caption": "Cat looks directly up for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCat looks directly up for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9308598808_a4b0fb4742.mov", "caption": "Sweet pea falls on someone's belly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nSweet pea falls on someone's belly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67858781@N00_3353508400_5e26427f00.avi", "caption": "A child in pink walks into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA child in pink walks into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_13891514562_756338c59c.mov", "caption": "We can see the number 4.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe can see the number 4.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49141728@N00_11304358253_2f5275e8f6.mp4", "caption": "Number 11 leaves the scene toward the right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nNumber 11 leaves the scene toward the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913533567_e73d9dacc9.mov", "caption": "The super tall person slowly walks behind the tree.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe super tall person slowly walks behind the tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3797165473_e840f56339.mp4", "caption": "Someones hand clap right in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nSomeones hand clap right in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "97352149@N00_4915826308_f476ba1936.m4v", "caption": "Fireworks are being displayed.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nFireworks are being displayed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5608581024_e62714eabb.avi", "caption": "The camera moves away from the paper on the floor.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera moves away from the paper on the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8521574@N03_3391134451_c851d16c7f.avi", "caption": "A light shines and fades.", "timestamps": [[5, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA light shines and fades.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56424258@N03_8926421223_3d71a5e241.", "caption": "The camera zooms out on the dancers.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe camera zooms out on the dancers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4335663819_718a915fe0.avi", "caption": "We see a bird skim the water ' fly away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe see a bird skim the water ' fly away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368354287_e2122d3409.mov", "caption": "The boy waves his hand.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe boy waves his hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3716011170_fa49d26aa4.avi", "caption": "We zoom in on stage.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe zoom in on stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4230068869_e2e61b0b09.mp4", "caption": "A second cat is seen playing.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA second cat is seen playing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5158769917_a731a0797e.mov", "caption": "Two white donkeys walk past the car.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nTwo white donkeys walk past the car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5158769917_a731a0797e.mov", "caption": "Dog is visible for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nDog is visible for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5158769917_a731a0797e.mov", "caption": "Black donkey is first seen looking at car.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBlack donkey is first seen looking at car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9109468739_8028855f70.mov", "caption": "The camera shakes.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera shakes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "85052827@N00_3157454101_71c7999204.mov", "caption": "First time person in red turns around to look at the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nFirst time person in red turns around to look at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4627328527_812ddede5f.wmv", "caption": "A man sticks his head out and words appear on the screen then he fades away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA man sticks his head out and words appear on the screen then he fades away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4652622226_3377a10d35.avi", "caption": "The momma sheep walks away while its babys are trying to feed.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe momma sheep walks away while its babys are trying to feed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "84524178@N00_5313431794_3c4b3dd665.mov", "caption": "A young boy attempts to grab a blue colored puzzle piece.", "timestamps": [[25, 28.737041666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 28.737041666666666]], [[25, 28.737041666666666]], [[25, 28.737041666666666]], [[25, 28.737041666666666]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA young boy attempts to grab a blue colored puzzle piece.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_6339898946_fabca3a3fc.avi", "caption": "The moon bounces off the right side of the screen and centers itself.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe moon bounces off the right side of the screen and centers itself.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50767319@N00_4378240409_7b7842b6bf.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in on the building.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCamera zooms in on the building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411824707_0fc385e84f.m4v", "caption": "A red truck drives behind the man.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA red truck drives behind the man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41357196@N00_3339248448_220f563419.avi", "caption": "Black dog jumps up.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBlack dog jumps up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816606041_815c7c6273.avi", "caption": "Woman is not walking.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWoman is not walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7364749@N02_3676115996_31908e9831.mp4", "caption": "Camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2402720752_356c53c63a.mov", "caption": "The car's rear fender and license plate appear.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe car's rear fender and license plate appear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2762965247_aacfb5af4b.wmv", "caption": "Man in a white t-shirt walks out the door.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan in a white t-shirt walks out the door.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86408128@N00_4846965465_05083b8a26.avi", "caption": "A hand taps the animal.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA hand taps the animal.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5904330503_5d9223c32a.mov", "caption": "When the bird first starts chirping.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWhen the bird first starts chirping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2420895475_8bd30b7db4.mov", "caption": "Slack rope walker takes first step.", "timestamps": [[25, 28.995633333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 28.995633333333334]], [[25, 28.995633333333334]], [[25, 28.995633333333334]], [[25, 28.995633333333334]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSlack rope walker takes first step.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4950798095_bc2190b316.avi", "caption": "Boy flops out of the water onto the side of the pool.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBoy flops out of the water onto the side of the pool.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4082113884_0c4f1ec739.avi", "caption": "Man comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4267342527_c6d9f56f31.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms away from the large crowd.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera zooms away from the large crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3551092618_ed7295cf55.3gp", "caption": "When the strobe lights first start strobing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWhen the strobe lights first start strobing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_4145560239_744261f16f.mov", "caption": "Kid with blue hat on.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nKid with blue hat on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4293389399_b6ee68a47a.mp4", "caption": "A cat trying to touch the computer.", "timestamps": [[0, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA cat trying to touch the computer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411824707_0fc385e84f.m4v", "caption": "Taxi passes by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTaxi passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2905084144_1877f402c7.avi", "caption": "The red object is thrown against the glass window.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe red object is thrown against the glass window.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24673084@N04_5874532707_b25268d925.avi", "caption": "People cheering for a concert.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPeople cheering for a concert.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3339540568_58ca874af4.m4v", "caption": "Baby smacks feeding chair with hand.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby smacks feeding chair with hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2536227889_9568af750e.mpg", "caption": "The tabby cat pounces toward the black cat.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe tabby cat pounces toward the black cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3673970172_8f2a990cce.mov", "caption": "The hand touches the camera for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe hand touches the camera for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10394278434_85614ccf35.mp4", "caption": "A man running down the street.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA man running down the street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_10967504045_0360a250e3.mp4", "caption": "Elevator comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nElevator comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444322545_194be9a83e.mov", "caption": "The climber lifts his foot to go higher.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe climber lifts his foot to go higher.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_4075447420_dfa7d0cc0f.mov", "caption": "The bicyclist enters the blue bicycle crossing area.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe bicyclist enters the blue bicycle crossing area.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3004571446_6da5941323.avi", "caption": "More people start to joining the dancing person.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMore people start to joining the dancing person.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12485522565_b701dbf4ee.mp4", "caption": "The bus passes the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe bus passes the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_5114721954_99e36cefdf.mov", "caption": "The branch with red flowers on it is visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe branch with red flowers on it is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30379212@N03_3382369009_db857e7fd5.3gp", "caption": "The musician in orange leans down towards the floor.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe musician in orange leans down towards the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_5022167782_4ac2c11fb8.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans over to a woman's face.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera pans over to a woman's face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337315276_1ae513b4d8.avi", "caption": "Guy smiles at the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nGuy smiles at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9415361624_23b9c39c5f.m4v", "caption": "Text on bottom begins to scroll in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nText on bottom begins to scroll in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7999611810_c0e5db7bcc.mov", "caption": "Small animal darts away from box toward dark mat.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nSmall animal darts away from box toward dark mat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3494045334_c0ccf2d3a2.mp4", "caption": "Camera zooms in on baby wearing purple bib for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera zooms in on baby wearing purple bib for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3865162876_237ac96db1.m4v", "caption": "Blue tarp on top the wagon is seen the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBlue tarp on top the wagon is seen the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3735479957_36fd7f5aed.mov", "caption": "Little girl falls down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nLittle girl falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3010995355_cdafc99186.avi", "caption": "A brown haired boy puts his hand on his head.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA brown haired boy puts his hand on his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139801368_088bcdb421.mov", "caption": "The person in white jumps from the rail.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe person in white jumps from the rail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6297763306_94c1edc639.avi", "caption": "The brooklyn bridge is visible.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe brooklyn bridge is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6297763306_94c1edc639.avi", "caption": "The lower manhattan skyline is visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe lower manhattan skyline is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "79364055@N00_6901347679_30915db07a.mov", "caption": "The camera pans away from the people.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe camera pans away from the people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5466763736_b75978c04e.mov", "caption": "The moment that we see the dog walk in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe moment that we see the dog walk in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4108458050_576ae27ded.m4v", "caption": "A large tree branch is visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA large tree branch is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9318997477_8000d3e8cc.mov", "caption": "Train comes into the picture and starts to go under the tunnel.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nTrain comes into the picture and starts to go under the tunnel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3084457766_c94249e1fe.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms on the pianists hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera zooms on the pianists hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61797472@N00_6122111246_2588fe84e3.mpg", "caption": "People appear on a bridge.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPeople appear on a bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27432743@N00_3689614792_7432ee700a.mp4", "caption": "We first see girls face.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe first see girls face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_5520024666_25782dfc21.avi", "caption": "We see the man wearing a hat for the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWe see the man wearing a hat for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_4075447420_dfa7d0cc0f.mov", "caption": "Person on bike comes back to us.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.090733333333333]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.090733333333333]], [[20, 24.090733333333333]], [[15, 24.090733333333333]], [[20, 24.090733333333333]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPerson on bike comes back to us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48824804@N00_6782300633_59cb6ce92e.mp4", "caption": "The dogs are standing on the pillow.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe dogs are standing on the pillow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_3182820416_6a53251890.wmv", "caption": "When the transition from a black scene to the car first happens.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWhen the transition from a black scene to the car first happens.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450279020_06f7701526.mov", "caption": "Person in blue reaches top of platform.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPerson in blue reaches top of platform.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12719506944_139e338f74.mts", "caption": "Girl in pink walks past.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nGirl in pink walks past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2934547606_db329bdfdf.mpg", "caption": "Green shirt squats.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGreen shirt squats.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4757886773_316611b9eb.mov", "caption": "The baby moves his hands for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe baby moves his hands for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42631759@N05_8603563210_c1677d6e24.mp4", "caption": "The people rowing can no longer be seen.", "timestamps": [[25, 27.260566666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 27.260566666666666]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 27.260566666666666]], [[25, 27.260566666666666]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe people rowing can no longer be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3771329143_f1ec8d1034.mov", "caption": "The camera moves away from the person looking at the water.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe camera moves away from the person looking at the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6508157933_5d997d4e98.mov", "caption": "We see a black car come in front of the limo car.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe see a black car come in front of the limo car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730751513_582b35fc4d.avi", "caption": "People jump for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPeople jump for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_4020927720_7d41a0c121.mov", "caption": "Woman with her camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman with her camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3215658783_8cbcd1eaff.avi", "caption": "A pigeon flying away from another pigeon on a roof.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA pigeon flying away from another pigeon on a roof.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54028598@N06_7343107844_8ae7265991.mov", "caption": "First time orange, white, and black koi is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nFirst time orange, white, and black koi is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_3182820416_6a53251890.wmv", "caption": "A man touches the bumper.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man touches the bumper.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753329361_927e43b35d.mp4", "caption": "The baby falls down.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.088733333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.088733333333334]], [[20, 22.088733333333334]], [[20, 22.088733333333334]], [[20, 22.088733333333334]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe baby falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5140332270_b09a133756.wmv", "caption": "A child is seen dancing with the adults.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA child is seen dancing with the adults.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5140662811_c2861ec763.mov", "caption": "Camera pans left to dry grass.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera pans left to dry grass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8739388@N05_5926132598_04f27b74fb.avi", "caption": "Moment cat fully stands up.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMoment cat fully stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9487559532_dd6e472f57.mp4", "caption": "Baby gets white tube.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBaby gets white tube.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5483818769_28102e5494.3gp", "caption": "A man in red stands in front of the flag.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man in red stands in front of the flag.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86967014@N07_7966335204_f89d01f171.", "caption": "The woman in white goes off the screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe woman in white goes off the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2820745366_b29f6e67a2.mov", "caption": "Woman in orange goes by.", "timestamps": [[0, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWoman in orange goes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4251309939_4672d02c69.avi", "caption": "Car speeds past.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCar speeds past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3602008437_8fc43a749e.mp4", "caption": "The camera man moves right to get a better view of the stage.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe camera man moves right to get a better view of the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2953285501_9edca7d16f.avi", "caption": "Reflection is clearly seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nReflection is clearly seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5604083185_946cc684e1.mp4", "caption": "The dog jumps into the person's arms.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe dog jumps into the person's arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368920156_f254760c2c.mov", "caption": "Mother holds up the green board for the third time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMother holds up the green board for the third time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2906930741_f8201bcb4e.mpg", "caption": "Hand stops petting the cat.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.32]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 22.32]], [[20, 22.32]], [[20, 22.32]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nHand stops petting the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_6445550327_f69235e82b.avi", "caption": "He looks down and reads from his paper.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nHe looks down and reads from his paper.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4335935580_cb66c1d2be.mov", "caption": "The moment when the marching band is closest to the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe moment when the marching band is closest to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_4020927720_7d41a0c121.mov", "caption": "There is a man in a white shirt and white hat.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThere is a man in a white shirt and white hat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4707879988_734564a897.mov", "caption": "Camera first moves right.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera first moves right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32739506@N03_4924943979_1667fb6f10.mov", "caption": "A yellow bus is first seen on the road.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA yellow bus is first seen on the road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3034542795_1ffc26f8d1.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms in on the baby and then back out.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera zooms in on the baby and then back out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45609717@N03_5580073717_57c556322a.avi", "caption": "The dog lays next to the cat on the bed.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe dog lays next to the cat on the bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9415361624_23b9c39c5f.m4v", "caption": "Train first begins to move.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nTrain first begins to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5641429393_5ea63f8fcf.mov", "caption": "Dog takes treat from hand.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nDog takes treat from hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5050360312_008e6435c7.mp4", "caption": "Person in black enters from right of stage.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPerson in black enters from right of stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368354287_e2122d3409.mov", "caption": "The baby picks up his hand and looks at his fingers.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe baby picks up his hand and looks at his fingers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56866600@N00_2641879393_a143ab3863.avi", "caption": "First time we see the back of the stadium.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst time we see the back of the stadium.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9070447602_ca0b2fa090.", "caption": "The train moves past the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 30]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe train moves past the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58001681@N00_2576125367_1335d5d284.mov", "caption": "The blue and yellow bus is visible turning the corner.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe blue and yellow bus is visible turning the corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6927962465_825f75c9cc.mov", "caption": "Child lifts both feet off the floor.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nChild lifts both feet off the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5129503399_86d57c6c92.avi", "caption": "A man runs by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man runs by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69129230@N00_4096942835_e0dabf9da5.mov", "caption": "Someone turning the dial on their ipod.", "timestamps": [[5, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nSomeone turning the dial on their ipod.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3199443352_91a9a44421.mp4", "caption": "The cat is now sitting up.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe cat is now sitting up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2632304556_eb24a267d3.mpg", "caption": "When camera first zooms in.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWhen camera first zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2762965247_aacfb5af4b.wmv", "caption": "Most of the frame is dark, with a building off in the distance.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMost of the frame is dark, with a building off in the distance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7988328214_9634c3421e.", "caption": "The person in blue runs behind the one in yellow.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe person in blue runs behind the one in yellow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092057514_33708a334f.mov", "caption": "Camera first zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera first zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23981060@N00_4317720523_1d651a333d.mov", "caption": "A person with a black hat walks by.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA person with a black hat walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_8559567897_a7509c2254.mov", "caption": "Two white vans drive by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nTwo white vans drive by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3076714582_8e00c637dc.avi", "caption": "The rope is first started spinning.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe rope is first started spinning.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_4451705499_e938c5e10a.avi", "caption": "Man in yellow ducks in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan in yellow ducks in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5484421082_c0894834a0.3gp", "caption": "Two women with pink visors walk by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTwo women with pink visors walk by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659989604_d2ff47428b.avi", "caption": "Singer does something weird with his right arm.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nSinger does something weird with his right arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11550160@N03_3301708361_818e27d108.mov", "caption": "A man pouring opening and pouring green glass drink bottles into a white bucket.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA man pouring opening and pouring green glass drink bottles into a white bucket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3186418457_a3df2335ed.m4v", "caption": "The baby falls to it's stomach.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe baby falls to it's stomach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2953285451_791633ed8d.avi", "caption": "Last discernible tree exits left of frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nLast discernible tree exits left of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8862101860_17a5880fdb.mov", "caption": "Close up of boy on bike.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.922922922922925]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.922922922922925]], [[20, 22.922922922922925]], [[20, 22.922922922922925]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nClose up of boy on bike.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37856770@N06_5595910601_da23a6efcc.wmv", "caption": "Moment boy paints a green strip on snakes head.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMoment boy paints a green strip on snakes head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9811029593_a376b930b0.mov", "caption": "Girl turns head to right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nGirl turns head to right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4331364236_f8e7cc40e8.avi", "caption": "Cat looks towards the camera in protest of the water.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCat looks towards the camera in protest of the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3597448879_45a8e4f5f4.mp4", "caption": "Cars move forward when traffic lights are green.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCars move forward when traffic lights are green.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989600056_961c06fd2d.mov", "caption": "Lady covers her face with orange paper.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nLady covers her face with orange paper.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2453819169_488af6fddb.mpg", "caption": "A cat is scratched behind both ears at once.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA cat is scratched behind both ears at once.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_3072987342_f1998a1567.mpg", "caption": "The girl is talking.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe girl is talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880815179_f9e151daee.mov", "caption": "Baby's face get very close to camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBaby's face get very close to camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4279639620_7d201091be.3gp", "caption": "We see a camera's flash the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe see a camera's flash the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5372662688_ace80b14e8.mov", "caption": "A flock of birds can be seen in the sky moving in a wave like motion throughout the whole clip. the almost appear like a school of fish swimming in the sky in a fluid motion. the camera pans from the right to the left following the flock.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA flock of birds can be seen in the sky moving in a wave like motion throughout the whole clip. the almost appear like a school of fish swimming in the sky in a fluid motion. the camera pans from the right to the left following the flock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_9927034855_01528203c3.mp4", "caption": "Kid starts stomping on sand sculptures.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nKid starts stomping on sand sculptures.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7703298110_2e6a4d1339.", "caption": "A man on the right sits down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA man on the right sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8978747@N04_6067562158_f2465a16d8.mpg", "caption": "Group carrying a girl runs pass the guy in black then camera pans right.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nGroup carrying a girl runs pass the guy in black then camera pans right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3453664884_1b38886e4a.mov", "caption": "People in a field are standing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPeople in a field are standing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32659844@N00_8380025954_6b73bb0c25.mov", "caption": "Two men in white shirts with backpacks come briefly into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTwo men in white shirts with backpacks come briefly into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_7964726976_3cf4c0b1e9.mpg", "caption": "Feeding dish is placed in the cage.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nFeeding dish is placed in the cage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4251309939_4672d02c69.avi", "caption": "A car passes through the frame.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA car passes through the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6910162653_58ee384276.avi", "caption": "A guy steps onto the race track.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 27.894533333333335]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA guy steps onto the race track.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_5491765029_34fd95e738.mov", "caption": "Camera passes by woman.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera passes by woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4017302262_beb22cb38b.mov", "caption": "Person with the yellow umbrella passes by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nPerson with the yellow umbrella passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12719506944_139e338f74.mts", "caption": "A man starts shaking his hand.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man starts shaking his hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42631759@N05_8603563210_c1677d6e24.mp4", "caption": "When the rower in red is first out of frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWhen the rower in red is first out of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8471885968_7c64aee74c.mov", "caption": "Someone carrying something blue is first seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nSomeone carrying something blue is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3607531160_b515e86165.mp4", "caption": "A white structure comes into view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA white structure comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43610740@N02_4398693645_e9b6b1489f.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms to the dolls.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe camera zooms to the dolls.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "85052827@N00_3157454101_71c7999204.mov", "caption": "The boy in red passes the younger boy.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 28.962266666666668]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe boy in red passes the younger boy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287182854_f2b5013e68.mp4", "caption": "The white car passes by.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe white car passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543401937_e873e671f2.mov", "caption": "Baby blinks.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBaby blinks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61797472@N00_6122111246_2588fe84e3.mpg", "caption": "Two people are on bridge taking pictures.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nTwo people are on bridge taking pictures.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24175071@N00_3633121363_be7f0a777e.3gp", "caption": "Boy comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBoy comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6895449369_e8c24e0ba0.mov", "caption": "We pass a semi with a green cab.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe pass a semi with a green cab.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12539267@N00_3458068451_281ce029ab.mpg", "caption": "The man in the grey jacket exits the frame.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe man in the grey jacket exits the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3813012449_0467643a19.mov", "caption": "The dad and baby shared a little dance together.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe dad and baby shared a little dance together.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5677273757_41e2a0a1bf.mp4", "caption": "The woman begins to sing.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe woman begins to sing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "15525582@N08_4450214421_0d78d4b7b3.mov", "caption": "People clap hands together.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPeople clap hands together.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "17318552@N00_12069808146_9fc9c2d1bb.mov", "caption": "One white light briefly enters frame from left.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nOne white light briefly enters frame from left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4373687819_95fc6e95bf.mov", "caption": "A electronic panel on the wall comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA electronic panel on the wall comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4769517632_3205860150.mov", "caption": "A man holding a camera comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA man holding a camera comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4136819734_dcf7078be4.mov", "caption": "Zoom into plate.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nZoom into plate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10001768095_65d489443c.mts", "caption": "Baby falls flat.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBaby falls flat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "15525582@N08_4450214421_0d78d4b7b3.mov", "caption": "A cat puts her ears back.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA cat puts her ears back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6508157933_5d997d4e98.mov", "caption": "Black car passes limo.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBlack car passes limo.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2751386550_98b254e6c0.avi", "caption": "Man first puts balloon to mouth.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan first puts balloon to mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_6322143415_a4cff44c51.mp4", "caption": "Camera view looks down for a second.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera view looks down for a second.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_3713777852_ff42e744f9.mpg", "caption": "Person first seen clapping and flapping their arms.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPerson first seen clapping and flapping their arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113209964_0509e46f5d.mov", "caption": "The girls drop down,and come back up.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe girls drop down,and come back up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5677273757_41e2a0a1bf.mp4", "caption": "The woman walks to the mic and grabs it in her hand.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe woman walks to the mic and grabs it in her hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49368505@N00_2484677333_fdf91e5e42.avi", "caption": "A man in a headdress comes up to the camera and looks directly into it.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA man in a headdress comes up to the camera and looks directly into it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4904540773_ca9b62f114.mov", "caption": "Camera begins panning left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCamera begins panning left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4271886842_272b70933a.mp4", "caption": "The black cat looks at the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe black cat looks at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26803869@N00_5882810453_e1746e7a79.3gp", "caption": "The car passes a white house with columns.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe car passes a white house with columns.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2631747952_a577082588.mpg", "caption": "Camera zooms in on the light on top of the building.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera zooms in on the light on top of the building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3771318491_af530d049e.mov", "caption": "Last view of the ocean.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nLast view of the ocean.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5050360312_008e6435c7.mp4", "caption": "A band member jumps offstage.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA band member jumps offstage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8254342732_5df45f9aa2.mp4", "caption": "A person walks pass the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA person walks pass the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7232884@N05_2821087022_1412339929.avi", "caption": "He blows out the candles.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.162466666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 29.162466666666667]], [[15, 29.162466666666667]], [[20, 29.162466666666667]], [[20, 29.162466666666667]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nHe blows out the candles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2418639917_92e4152f71.avi", "caption": "Dog runs up to man.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nDog runs up to man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3964993554_8c96bb1d16.mov", "caption": "The camera pans and the audience is visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe camera pans and the audience is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3791691896_ed4c3b3aa1.mpg", "caption": "A man with a bicycle enters the frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA man with a bicycle enters the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5483818769_28102e5494.3gp", "caption": "A parade starting to march.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA parade starting to march.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4279639620_7d201091be.3gp", "caption": "Lights first begin to flash.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nLights first begin to flash.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14036428@N00_7482897120_5db275b0dc.avi", "caption": "Woman enters frame from right side.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.056366666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.056366666666666]], [[15, 23.056366666666666]], [[15, 23.056366666666666]], [[15, 23.056366666666666]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWoman enters frame from right side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6059424608_55f3199b86.m4v", "caption": "Man drinks from stream.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan drinks from stream.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000716657_397877c59c.mp4", "caption": "We pan the camera behind us to see the group.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWe pan the camera behind us to see the group.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10717527334_227e2680c0.mp4", "caption": "A blonde head passes.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA blonde head passes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39548123@N06_5875009698_4665dfa7d0.avi", "caption": "A man in a black jacket is standing.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA man in a black jacket is standing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7827661@N04_4074719143_dba67798fc.mp4", "caption": "Man on roof is farthest from corner.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan on roof is farthest from corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "13385207@N00_3588012287_30ab1ff829.m4v", "caption": "A jet fighter plane leaves a trail of white.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 28.762066666666666]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA jet fighter plane leaves a trail of white.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3828879769_745eabb44d.mov", "caption": "A person with a white umbrella walks by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA person with a white umbrella walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504510298_626dcda292.mpg", "caption": "The camera pans to the left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera pans to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38941000@N02_4215230972_e1c9e08093.mp4", "caption": "Man in white shirt walks out of door way.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan in white shirt walks out of door way.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8448571587_222383db1c.mov", "caption": "We first see a third person on stage.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe first see a third person on stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12026205986_ce1417f1c5.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing black walks by the tall grass.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA man wearing black walks by the tall grass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4757886773_316611b9eb.mov", "caption": "Baby is the least upset.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBaby is the least upset.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_8468750531_a974e7d5b3.mp4", "caption": "Boy in striped shirt comes into frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBoy in striped shirt comes into frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_5681405381_eded4333be.mov", "caption": "Words apear on bottom first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWords apear on bottom first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_5453126714_5f7afe2253.mov", "caption": "Boy first talks alone.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBoy first talks alone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8283285682_d1267bb1cc.", "caption": "The man kicks the other man.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe man kicks the other man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3668233636_4025f62254.mov", "caption": "Tank goes up ramp.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTank goes up ramp.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42626735@N00_3938864749_0b602ae493.avi", "caption": "Train goes down hill on the train tracks.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nTrain goes down hill on the train tracks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47262904@N00_4550047979_7ddc00f1c5.avi", "caption": "The people on the sidewalk can now be seen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe people on the sidewalk can now be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40732566019@N01_2713787172_27416dc42f.avi", "caption": "The ocean first comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe ocean first comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95033136@N00_4682594380_93daa7a985.m4v", "caption": "The panda climbs to the top of the rock.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe panda climbs to the top of the rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705424770_3aeff37492.mp4", "caption": "Can see the lady behind the guitar player clapping in first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCan see the lady behind the guitar player clapping in first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368279831_9c0658d373.mov", "caption": "The hand covers the baby with the lid for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe hand covers the baby with the lid for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26077124@N00_2416123354_d6cba54f19.mov", "caption": "A man walks across the screen and blocks the guitar player.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA man walks across the screen and blocks the guitar player.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8436863532_f92a4886fe.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in on boat moving.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 24.057366666666667]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms in on boat moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61403949@N00_2523965645_5e35959e15.avi", "caption": "The dog first sits.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe dog first sits.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9022798576_af4fa83486.", "caption": "Woman fixes baby's hair.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman fixes baby's hair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350686014_d1a74819e2.mpg", "caption": "The baby bows her head and looks down.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe baby bows her head and looks down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3731246808_8f62be5082.avi", "caption": "The man comes back to the ground.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.922900000000002]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.922900000000002]], [[15, 22.922900000000002]], [[20, 22.922900000000002]], [[20, 22.922900000000002]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man comes back to the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5641429393_5ea63f8fcf.mov", "caption": "And the bacon disappears in an instant.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nAnd the bacon disappears in an instant.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_5228210326_b73a8a53c7.mov", "caption": "Man pulls item off finger and eats it.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan pulls item off finger and eats it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4175539607_26669cd634.mp4", "caption": "We pan right off the mural and on to a building.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 24.3243]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe pan right off the mural and on to a building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543401937_e873e671f2.mov", "caption": "A baby lying in a bed turns it's head from side to side.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA baby lying in a bed turns it's head from side to side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_9280604450_5a564f8cb6.mp4", "caption": "Red light appears.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nRed light appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10602343664_3107e6355b.mp4", "caption": "The artist walks to the right side to paint.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe artist walks to the right side to paint.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2560278751_434a51ef8a.avi", "caption": "A man sitting when a camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA man sitting when a camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504521966_8d7a672abf.mpg", "caption": "No visible birds against a blue sky.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.162466666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.162466666666667]], [[25, 29.162466666666667]], [[25, 29.162466666666667]], [[20, 29.162466666666667]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nNo visible birds against a blue sky.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4363942523_cf2dca698d.mov", "caption": "A green, yellow, and purple flag is briefly visible on the ride side of the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA green, yellow, and purple flag is briefly visible on the ride side of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_4673392735_4d74910787.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms out to show where the waterfall is coming from.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera zooms out to show where the waterfall is coming from.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5454271453_38202888dd.avi", "caption": "Closer view of guitarist.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCloser view of guitarist.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_5221173100_5e3ae59ef8.wmv", "caption": "Fade in from black.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nFade in from black.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4830190871_b282f1c6e0.mov", "caption": "The cat looks at the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe cat looks at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817453084_c81e42a083.avi", "caption": "The camera turns sideways.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera turns sideways.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4497646769_c867658047.mp4", "caption": "Man first plays.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan first plays.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4981531695_1d3c8f3a6a.mov", "caption": "The woman lets go of baby.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe woman lets go of baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23981060@N00_4317720523_1d651a333d.mov", "caption": "The lady wearing a red coat turns toward the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe lady wearing a red coat turns toward the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9022798576_af4fa83486.", "caption": "A baby smiling while they have their head cleaned.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA baby smiling while they have their head cleaned.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4671023205_74077118fd.mov", "caption": "The last time the other person's finger is on the paper beside baby.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe last time the other person's finger is on the paper beside baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29524576@N00_4809406311_f7ebe53827.mp4", "caption": "We first see cats eyes open and looking at camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe first see cats eyes open and looking at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8283285682_d1267bb1cc.", "caption": "The person in orange goes down to the ground.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe person in orange goes down to the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5483793221_d09d4d5be5.3gp", "caption": "An overweight man in a blue hat walks by with arm swinging.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nAn overweight man in a blue hat walks by with arm swinging.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_8115527004_9e09e5a144.avi", "caption": "Camera pans off side of the boat to show water briefly.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera pans off side of the boat to show water briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78332988@N00_4653002775_2be37d99aa.avi", "caption": "Man begins to spray crowd with water.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan begins to spray crowd with water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_8559567897_a7509c2254.mov", "caption": "Red ambulance drives by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nRed ambulance drives by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54212625@N00_2405570464_4081356865.mov", "caption": "The second robot begins to move.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe second robot begins to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936603071_9a12b8cc5d.mp4", "caption": "Camera turns around and almost walks into pole.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCamera turns around and almost walks into pole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67093783@N00_5812133531_edfedaa75d.3gp", "caption": "The first pole that is driven past.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe first pole that is driven past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8861287745_a500a04eec.mov", "caption": "Child's head is least visible for a moment.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nChild's head is least visible for a moment.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "64456049@N00_3790784300_671196a4cf.avi", "caption": "The house leaves the view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe house leaves the view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3453664884_1b38886e4a.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in on the plane and the grass can no longer be seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera zooms in on the plane and the grass can no longer be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42626735@N00_13962429255_c485f97519.mov", "caption": "The man presses a button.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man presses a button.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48824804@N00_6782300633_59cb6ce92e.mp4", "caption": "The dogs begin to fight for the toy.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe dogs begin to fight for the toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860871668_bd2ae9df3a.mp4", "caption": "Singer grabs microphone cord with his left hand.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSinger grabs microphone cord with his left hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9345116692_17c2e48e30.mp4", "caption": "The baby drops his shirt.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe baby drops his shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_9929504616_54746c1edf.mov", "caption": "Man in green shirt holds a guitar.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan in green shirt holds a guitar.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3813012449_0467643a19.mov", "caption": "Girl and man both shake in place.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nGirl and man both shake in place.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015710552_ae2aa9ae73.mov", "caption": "Boy in green and blue looks at something interesting and points at it.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[5, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBoy in green and blue looks at something interesting and points at it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4890173699_8391fc05da.m4v", "caption": "The tiger is massaged.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe tiger is massaged.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8283285682_d1267bb1cc.", "caption": "Man in black kicks.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan in black kicks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4335663819_718a915fe0.avi", "caption": "Two birds fly away.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTwo birds fly away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_6787524167_1a53c15812.mpg", "caption": "A second animal appears in the distance.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA second animal appears in the distance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9070447602_ca0b2fa090.", "caption": "Zoom in as train arrives.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nZoom in as train arrives.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54564954@N00_2423355274_980d763fe4.avi", "caption": "Boy in grey stops pounding the bongo.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBoy in grey stops pounding the bongo.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4032726575_bbf95b6a7b.avi", "caption": "We see the baby's whole face.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe see the baby's whole face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4354162528_a4b649dbcb.mov", "caption": "A bright flash directly into camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA bright flash directly into camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989600056_961c06fd2d.mov", "caption": "First time we see a blue ' red 'do not' sign.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nFirst time we see a blue ' red 'do not' sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2984525335_82533dd4b2.mpg", "caption": "We see the whole words on the red sign.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe see the whole words on the red sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4136819734_dcf7078be4.mov", "caption": "Man drinks beer after eating.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan drinks beer after eating.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3793520105_415f78bca1.mp4", "caption": "The girl in the grey dress is shown.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 22.022000000000002]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe girl in the grey dress is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_6151970786_5deaee3b58.mp4", "caption": "A man appears wearing glasses.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man appears wearing glasses.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543431675_8d0f71c4c3.", "caption": "The woman pulls the infant up on her lap and lowers infant's hood.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe woman pulls the infant up on her lap and lowers infant's hood.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_4068981842_cdf9f9ec2e.mov", "caption": "Camera focuses on just one of the bike riders.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera focuses on just one of the bike riders.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6468865689_33a10a8d7e.mov", "caption": "Woman waving hand in the air walks by.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWoman waving hand in the air walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6468865689_33a10a8d7e.mov", "caption": "Child hops up and down excitedly.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nChild hops up and down excitedly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82270145@N04_7558679740_922d247a74.mov", "caption": "We see the man for the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe see the man for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12485522565_b701dbf4ee.mp4", "caption": "People cross road behind bus.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPeople cross road behind bus.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_13527571073_0b5939dfa1.mov", "caption": "Boy opening up girt looks up excited as he starts tearing in to it.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBoy opening up girt looks up excited as he starts tearing in to it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4553754950_417dd7653b.mov", "caption": "First guy with backpack enters from right and exits left.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nFirst guy with backpack enters from right and exits left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56424258@N03_8926842688_91c14724ee.", "caption": "Woman spins for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWoman spins for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7646117928_a93152aa0f.wmv", "caption": "Yellow car comes to a stop.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nYellow car comes to a stop.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467071969_a16873f4d4.mov", "caption": "Sign with yellow wording passes by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nSign with yellow wording passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2655997447_25262855b4.avi", "caption": "A girl throwing a rock.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA girl throwing a rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4025439002_1078e6523b.avi", "caption": "The first time bright flashes of light can be seen on the wall.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe first time bright flashes of light can be seen on the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54564954@N00_2423355274_980d763fe4.avi", "caption": "Small child in black pats drum for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nSmall child in black pats drum for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936603071_9a12b8cc5d.mp4", "caption": "When the church first comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWhen the church first comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_3033523230_ea2e3cc514.mov", "caption": "A rainbow colored blanket or coat is on the left side of the frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA rainbow colored blanket or coat is on the left side of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48439268@N08_5212394519_da97e22b29.mov", "caption": "Group first begins to walk forward.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGroup first begins to walk forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9006246329_edb7985b45.mov", "caption": "People are walking.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nPeople are walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_2911643794_5f27592570.wmv", "caption": "Man walks away from table.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan walks away from table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908313028_5c33ab37ff.mov", "caption": "You first see a man holding a baby.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nYou first see a man holding a baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12627617794_e00f0196ee.mov", "caption": "Yellow and white sign moves out of view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nYellow and white sign moves out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060414829_ca0d57fd9a.mp4", "caption": "Moment video first zooms in on insect.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMoment video first zooms in on insect.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3716011170_fa49d26aa4.avi", "caption": "Let's look at this dork to our right attempting to dance.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nLet's look at this dork to our right attempting to dance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3752675055_29d5812ee9.mov", "caption": "Other boat passes by the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.655966666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.655966666666668]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 22.655966666666668]], [[20, 22.655966666666668]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nOther boat passes by the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_5904128460_be0c68d138.mov", "caption": "The squirrel moves away from tree.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe squirrel moves away from tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8526090237_b6daf046ab.mov", "caption": "Cat chases a toy that is thrown.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCat chases a toy that is thrown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54028598@N06_7343107844_8ae7265991.mov", "caption": "Three orange fish are on screen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThree orange fish are on screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467071969_a16873f4d4.mov", "caption": "When you first see the american flag decal.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWhen you first see the american flag decal.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12628585884_cbed949b2a.mov", "caption": "The camera pans to the white van.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera pans to the white van.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451832659_260d21258b.wmv", "caption": "A bird lands on a branch for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA bird lands on a branch for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49141728@N00_11304358253_2f5275e8f6.mp4", "caption": "Players run into view for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPlayers run into view for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6508157933_5d997d4e98.mov", "caption": "Black car begins to drive past.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBlack car begins to drive past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_4210323270_0bf37aa7b2.avi", "caption": "A blue construction vehicle is first shown.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA blue construction vehicle is first shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_4210323270_0bf37aa7b2.avi", "caption": "Vehicle lifts crane slightly.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.189833333333333]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.189833333333333]], [[15, 23.189833333333333]], [[20, 23.189833333333333]], [[20, 23.189833333333333]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nVehicle lifts crane slightly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59543728@N00_5139801368_088bcdb421.mov", "caption": "A girl in a white shirt jumps over the side rail.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA girl in a white shirt jumps over the side rail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3551092618_ed7295cf55.3gp", "caption": "There is some orangish light showing.", "timestamps": [[20, 28.595233333333333]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 28.595233333333333]], [[15, 28.595233333333333]], [[20, 28.595233333333333]], [[20, 28.595233333333333]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThere is some orangish light showing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_5110968687_548f2979eb.avi", "caption": "Person playing jenga with dipping sauce takes one part out successfully.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson playing jenga with dipping sauce takes one part out successfully.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6297763306_94c1edc639.avi", "caption": "Buildings come into frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBuildings come into frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5483793221_d09d4d5be5.3gp", "caption": "A security-like person is visible (black pants, blue shirt).", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA security-like person is visible (black pants, blue shirt).", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_13742310655_3fc33126a4.mts", "caption": "We fist see the stroller in the background.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe fist see the stroller in the background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "97352149@N00_4915826308_f476ba1936.m4v", "caption": "The machine spins around twice with sparks coming out of both ends.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe machine spins around twice with sparks coming out of both ends.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2718504734_d78ec5131d.mov", "caption": "Man near camera first appears dancing frantically.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan near camera first appears dancing frantically.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4949773281_7ac2eb84ec.avi", "caption": "Man in striped shirt raises camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan in striped shirt raises camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8448571587_222383db1c.mov", "caption": "A person clapping for a band.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA person clapping for a band.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4137054048_811836e779.mov", "caption": "Person first seen holding chopsticks and talking.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPerson first seen holding chopsticks and talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12411522755_b563b557b0.mp4", "caption": "Baby rolls completely over.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby rolls completely over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78189444@N03_7165735186_4957794ed9.mov", "caption": "Camra man steps back.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamra man steps back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451832659_260d21258b.wmv", "caption": "Black bird flies into the center of screen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBlack bird flies into the center of screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3716011170_fa49d26aa4.avi", "caption": "A person in the crowd is dancing.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA person in the crowd is dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2655997447_25262855b4.avi", "caption": "Boy wearing a blue ball cap.", "timestamps": [[10, 22.8228]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 22.8228]], [[15, 22.8228]], [[10, 22.8228]], [[10, 22.8228]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBoy wearing a blue ball cap.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_5826290419_106d115888.wmv", "caption": "Splash from hose.", "timestamps": [[25, 28.795433333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 28.795433333333335]], [[25, 28.795433333333335]], [[25, 28.795433333333335]], [[25, 28.795433333333335]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSplash from hose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337300180_091590a63f.avi", "caption": "We see a guy making a stupid face in the camera and the girl behind him sticks her finger up his nose.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe see a guy making a stupid face in the camera and the girl behind him sticks her finger up his nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262234882_9f8cdba19a.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms into the wall.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera zooms into the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2913619184_1bf672ea03.mov", "caption": "A picture is seen on the wall.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.029]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA picture is seen on the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3361436515_07e53aea4c.mov", "caption": "The baby throws the green item.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe baby throws the green item.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_7394488574_42da21affe.mp4", "caption": "The dancer turns her back to the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe dancer turns her back to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3829685788_4091e913b7.mov", "caption": "The top of the head of woman with grey hair comes into frame from the bottom right corner.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe top of the head of woman with grey hair comes into frame from the bottom right corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015710552_ae2aa9ae73.mov", "caption": "Little boy points to the right at something off screen.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLittle boy points to the right at something off screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4230068869_e2e61b0b09.mp4", "caption": "The cat falls off the bed.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe cat falls off the bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_2599858575_ee7fb5901f.avi", "caption": "Only the graveyard is visible.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nOnly the graveyard is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049386755_53aa01b4e4.mov", "caption": "Dog jumps up and gets taken away by someone.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nDog jumps up and gets taken away by someone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451788773_9f971e833d.wmv", "caption": "Black bird appears and flaps it's wings for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBlack bird appears and flaps it's wings for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_9111675148_0dc3d401aa.mp4", "caption": "No crowd in these frames.", "timestamps": [[10, 22.65598932265599]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 22.65598932265599]], [[10, 22.65598932265599]], [[10, 22.65598932265599]], [[10, 22.65598932265599]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nNo crowd in these frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3427564517_d0f7009111.avi", "caption": "The glass is completely empty.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe glass is completely empty.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5923227003_9b5407091b.mov", "caption": "The sun looks like a star for a couple of seconds.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe sun looks like a star for a couple of seconds.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543401937_e873e671f2.mp4", "caption": "Baby looks left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBaby looks left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4981531695_1d3c8f3a6a.mov", "caption": "Woman lets go from holding baby's hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWoman lets go from holding baby's hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3673970172_8f2a990cce.mov", "caption": "The hand leaves the item.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe hand leaves the item.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_7964726976_3cf4c0b1e9.mpg", "caption": "A rat eating from a green bowl.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA rat eating from a green bowl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41249501@N06_3959781639_71148f0e95.mov", "caption": "Camera turns left and back slightly then zooms in.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera turns left and back slightly then zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3339540568_58ca874af4.m4v", "caption": "Adult wipes chin with spoon.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nAdult wipes chin with spoon.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61591442@N00_3668916081_e3888248b1.mp4", "caption": "The man in the dark shirt and very short blonde hair is picking up something off the ground.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man in the dark shirt and very short blonde hair is picking up something off the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5784351140_421865b8ca.avi", "caption": "The balding man on the left looks back.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe balding man on the left looks back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092014330_c1690537d4.mov", "caption": "The people are taking pictures.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe people are taking pictures.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "15525582@N08_4450214421_0d78d4b7b3.mov", "caption": "The cat lays on the sand.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe cat lays on the sand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16064708@N00_3610275474_52ba211e4d.avi", "caption": "A fish swims away from the other fish.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA fish swims away from the other fish.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4950798095_bc2190b316.avi", "caption": "A boy swims to the wall and gets out of the water.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA boy swims to the wall and gets out of the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932110434_1fcdfdafd4.mpg", "caption": "The tennis players are waiting in anticipation for the serve.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe tennis players are waiting in anticipation for the serve.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_4895707284_895dcb4d8b.mp4", "caption": "Black screen and then something is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBlack screen and then something is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817477962_49e5788312.mp4", "caption": "Pug shakes.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPug shakes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470914150_19929a8bc6.mov", "caption": "A young girl waves her arms while standing in a field.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA young girl waves her arms while standing in a field.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "79364055@N00_6329710407_364feaa1c2.mov", "caption": "We can see a child in blue.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe can see a child in blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3125001625_e11d5e6694.avi", "caption": "First see guy with mic.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nFirst see guy with mic.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72955843@N00_2629902314_bf855de7d1.mov", "caption": "A chair with snow on it is visible.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA chair with snow on it is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40009990@N00_2557746871_1bb2d1ff9f.mp4", "caption": "Member of the audience tilts head the left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMember of the audience tilts head the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_4451705499_e938c5e10a.avi", "caption": "Two men holding a banner next to them pass by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTwo men holding a banner next to them pass by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_5904128460_be0c68d138.mov", "caption": "The squirrel jumps for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe squirrel jumps for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9487559532_dd6e472f57.mp4", "caption": "Object is given to child.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nObject is given to child.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8532194995_d624f9220d.mov", "caption": "First zoom in to cat.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nFirst zoom in to cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8718734889_1f5eb11411.", "caption": "Bus pulls away from bus stop.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBus pulls away from bus stop.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2560278751_434a51ef8a.avi", "caption": "The thing the man's riding comes to a stop.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe thing the man's riding comes to a stop.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9415361624_23b9c39c5f.m4v", "caption": "Train begins to move.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTrain begins to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9415361624_23b9c39c5f.m4v", "caption": "Yellow train car leaves view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nYellow train car leaves view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4499217540_88b1757450.mp4", "caption": "The hand moves the cord.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe hand moves the cord.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3148144845_56753b45d2.avi", "caption": "The man first raises his hand.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man first raises his hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2934547606_db329bdfdf.mpg", "caption": "We see the tennis player in green run to the right side corner, then to the middle.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe see the tennis player in green run to the right side corner, then to the middle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2934547606_db329bdfdf.mpg", "caption": "Person in green shirt on court bends over.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson in green shirt on court bends over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6878029977_51f7c9d844.mov", "caption": "The two people who are hanging from the ropes both sit up.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.625]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.625]], [[20, 23.625]], [[20, 23.625]], [[20, 23.625]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe two people who are hanging from the ropes both sit up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3853970978_87210bddeb.mov", "caption": "First see speaker.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nFirst see speaker.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5783819903_e6639fe5a7.avi", "caption": "The man in the orange hat can least be seen in this frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe man in the orange hat can least be seen in this frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2400993412_694ed826a7.mpg", "caption": "A spoon puts sauce on the food.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA spoon puts sauce on the food.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40009990@N00_2557746871_1bb2d1ff9f.mp4", "caption": "The bald man sitting corner right moves his head to the side.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.16]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.16]], [[20, 24.16]], [[20, 24.16]], [[20, 24.16]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe bald man sitting corner right moves his head to the side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "76054233@N00_10027546895_3f6a88bbae.mov", "caption": "We first see the well lit area.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe first see the well lit area.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350647572_be3a09d474.mpg", "caption": "Toddler twirls stuffed animal around before setting it on floor in front of her.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nToddler twirls stuffed animal around before setting it on floor in front of her.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450370752_3af9788e9d.mov", "caption": "Girl with pony tail is first visible.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nGirl with pony tail is first visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_8338205421_053e67d83c.mp4", "caption": "Candle is not lit.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCandle is not lit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_4150540649_b7216bd574.avi", "caption": "The person in the white hat begins to pass.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe person in the white hat begins to pass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16064708@N00_3609526599_a7919b9f39.avi", "caption": "The blue flippers are right in front of us.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe blue flippers are right in front of us.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5445133126_04f48db1ca.mov", "caption": "The men are first visible.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe men are first visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91189787@N00_13790811734_18d905f849.mp4", "caption": "Someone first points to the blue truck on the box.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nSomeone first points to the blue truck on the box.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_2440368464_1656401845.avi", "caption": "Man in pink shirt puts his hand up.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan in pink shirt puts his hand up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7031878797_f84f8999de.mov", "caption": "The camera man looks at his shadow.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.5225]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.5225]], [[15, 22.5225]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 22.5225]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera man looks at his shadow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5397085362_64656c1d14.mov", "caption": "Persons hand disapears.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[20, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPersons hand disapears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4372075735_39541fc04c.avi", "caption": "Toddler in red and white stripes picks up a large blanket off the floor.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nToddler in red and white stripes picks up a large blanket off the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3339540568_58ca874af4.m4v", "caption": "Little boy does a little jump with his arms and squints his eyes.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nLittle boy does a little jump with his arms and squints his eyes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3818425297_1d631acb25.mov", "caption": "Dog is getting treat.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nDog is getting treat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5923227003_9b5407091b.mov", "caption": "Sun looks like a star.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSun looks like a star.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7878531294_37645827f5.mov", "caption": "Blanket completely covers man's head for second.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBlanket completely covers man's head for second.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049386755_53aa01b4e4.mov", "caption": "Dog is picked up.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nDog is picked up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8718734889_1f5eb11411.", "caption": "The person in the yellow shirt steps onto the bus, and the bus doors close behind him.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe person in the yellow shirt steps onto the bus, and the bus doors close behind him.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_7636017890_7d7a2f3b40.", "caption": "Train engine no longer in view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTrain engine no longer in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_3911046032_7f779b088a.mov", "caption": "Baby smiles for camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBaby smiles for camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27432743@N00_3689614792_7432ee700a.mp4", "caption": "Little girl kick leg up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nLittle girl kick leg up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_3826173052_00f5cc4230.3gp", "caption": "Baby looks toward the camera for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBaby looks toward the camera for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4230068869_e2e61b0b09.mp4", "caption": "A kitten falls off of the bed, dodging a wave in the water.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA kitten falls off of the bed, dodging a wave in the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "22144986@N00_6676614221_bc673bcb0b.mov", "caption": "Robot walks a bit.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nRobot walks a bit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3269332505_ebae8bbc12.mov", "caption": "First time cat looks up at camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst time cat looks up at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10001768095_65d489443c.mts", "caption": "The baby lies flat on her stomach.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby lies flat on her stomach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7646117928_a93152aa0f.wmv", "caption": "Lady goes in.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nLady goes in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_8338205421_053e67d83c.mp4", "caption": "Candle burns out.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCandle burns out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3771318491_af530d049e.mov", "caption": "We first see water in the full screen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe first see water in the full screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4138851955_b48147c38e.mov", "caption": "The camera pans around to a red car.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera pans around to a red car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40074029@N00_4268552461_a3eff20e99.mov", "caption": "The person with a blue jacket riding a scooter is first seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe person with a blue jacket riding a scooter is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2402720752_356c53c63a.mov", "caption": "License plate is in view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nLicense plate is in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6146472848_ca77910fe4.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in and then back out on a distant wave.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera zooms in and then back out on a distant wave.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_8010348919_f61297cd14.mp4", "caption": "The plane goes behind the trees.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe plane goes behind the trees.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2420895475_8bd30b7db4.mov", "caption": "Person puts umbrella in the air.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson puts umbrella in the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_9196297733_ac71741975.mov", "caption": "Leaf pops in from bottomw.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLeaf pops in from bottomw.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3667363573_28bfe5e184.mov", "caption": "Two men are briefly visible in front of the cameraman.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTwo men are briefly visible in front of the cameraman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_4771991539_3658e67912.mov", "caption": "When the lady in red takes the microphone.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWhen the lady in red takes the microphone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_4210323270_0bf37aa7b2.avi", "caption": "Camera pans right to a blue tractor.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera pans right to a blue tractor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27432743@N00_3689639910_5cc440b77b.mp4", "caption": "Girl reaches for actual faucet.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nGirl reaches for actual faucet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_5339867789_59b856a56b.mov", "caption": "First time record lifts off turntable.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst time record lifts off turntable.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89167587@N00_5205406283_4345ecedc9.avi", "caption": "A bit of the sky is in view.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA bit of the sky is in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2740771623_054e4ae5c5.avi", "caption": "We see the boy in green covering his ears for first time.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe see the boy in green covering his ears for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_6287754115_18b520c47f.avi", "caption": "The man raises his arms for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man raises his arms for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3125001625_e11d5e6694.avi", "caption": "Old man is reciting something on the mic.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nOld man is reciting something on the mic.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3853970978_87210bddeb.mov", "caption": "Jet plane circles around to the left side for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 30]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nJet plane circles around to the left side for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11214344623_b48220bc8b.mp4", "caption": "First person walks in front of view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst person walks in front of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7988328214_9634c3421e.", "caption": "Smallest number of colorful fighters.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.866666666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.866666666666667]], [[20, 24.866666666666667]], [[20, 24.866666666666667]], [[20, 24.866666666666667]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSmallest number of colorful fighters.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_3243638275_5edf97bc5b.avi", "caption": "Someone to the left raises an arm upwards.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nSomeone to the left raises an arm upwards.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5440416620_89585921ef.avi", "caption": "A billboard appears.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA billboard appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_8010348919_f61297cd14.mp4", "caption": "Camera goes from sky to the ground.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera goes from sky to the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43610740@N02_4398693645_e9b6b1489f.avi", "caption": "The brick house is first visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe brick house is first visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2692985882_dd146f604a.mov", "caption": "The dj is proud of the music he's playing.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe dj is proud of the music he's playing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_10077526255_f9fa0c32ea.mp4", "caption": "A flag is waved.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA flag is waved.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4372075735_39541fc04c.avi", "caption": "We see the child in blue for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe see the child in blue for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9396847418_89c0d7d4e3.mp4", "caption": "Dog rollsover to lay on stomach in graa.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nDog rollsover to lay on stomach in graa.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67093783@N00_5812133531_edfedaa75d.3gp", "caption": "The camera passes a tall tree or pole.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe camera passes a tall tree or pole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8861287745_a500a04eec.mov", "caption": "The baby shakes his head no.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe baby shakes his head no.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50652680@N00_7153051983_28e4a126f9.mov", "caption": "The man in the plaid shirt appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man in the plaid shirt appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5372662688_ace80b14e8.mov", "caption": "The light pole is visible for this entire frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe light pole is visible for this entire frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_2420452277_f14796f1ac.avi", "caption": "Man in white shirt has back to camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan in white shirt has back to camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24525988@N00_4244846657_e76350ac93.mov", "caption": "Bright light burns out.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBright light burns out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989746662_b2f8892f80.mov", "caption": "We first see people on a bridge.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe first see people on a bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6055766991_36c5a13dd6.m4v", "caption": "The camera gets closest to the group of people in the back of the truck and passes them.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera gets closest to the group of people in the back of the truck and passes them.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936648235_8fe811b0b8.mp4", "caption": "Boy moves hand off intsrument.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBoy moves hand off intsrument.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_3072987342_f1998a1567.mpg", "caption": "The girl starts speaking.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe girl starts speaking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_4983538280_12f157040a.mp4", "caption": "We view the first wave coming into shore.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWe view the first wave coming into shore.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7516534276_9859dacfdf.wmv", "caption": "A person gets out of the vehicle and walks away.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA person gets out of the vehicle and walks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659175751_c55c6b597a.avi", "caption": "The lead guitarist's back is shown to the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe lead guitarist's back is shown to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317908648_9592bf11e3.mov", "caption": "Blond hair woman picks up girl.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBlond hair woman picks up girl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_7617742910_083794ef59.mp4", "caption": "Someone runs across the screen toward the left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nSomeone runs across the screen toward the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5440416620_89585921ef.avi", "caption": "White suv is in picture.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWhite suv is in picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_9109552121_6213eea64b.mp4", "caption": "A jet appears to stay still and the camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA jet appears to stay still and the camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217412483_54fc66a4d1.mov", "caption": "Man touches his forehead.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan touches his forehead.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54564954@N00_2422638995_84e1d6e71b.avi", "caption": "The lady wearing the black dress waves her hands.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe lady wearing the black dress waves her hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86577590@N00_4285687197_218e0fc153.mov", "caption": "We turn direction and go inside behind a red head.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe turn direction and go inside behind a red head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7232884@N05_2821087022_1412339929.avi", "caption": "First try of blowing out candles.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nFirst try of blowing out candles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_5069939890_58c064dc97.mov", "caption": "A man holds up his water bottle for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man holds up his water bottle for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_4771991539_3658e67912.mov", "caption": "The man in white pants touches his leg.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe man in white pants touches his leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10149286@N00_5135045216_643d0b0a92.mov", "caption": "Buzz lightyear walks through frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBuzz lightyear walks through frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2718504734_d78ec5131d.mov", "caption": "Woman in low cut purple top comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman in low cut purple top comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4383300445_980b8b513b.mp4", "caption": "Man in white shirt walks past the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in white shirt walks past the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_2952392661_686a8432ed.3gp", "caption": "A woman walks in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA woman walks in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9145107611_29b3af588c.mov", "caption": "Woman picks up shirt.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWoman picks up shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3828879769_745eabb44d.mov", "caption": "Person enters frame from left side.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson enters frame from left side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12136570356_73632e95c2.mp4", "caption": "Trolley comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTrolley comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816551593_b319e15b06.avi", "caption": "She first looks away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nShe first looks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12575752@N03_3831951420_7b18816031.wmv", "caption": "People come into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPeople come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_4760052149_d8bdb81e05.mov", "caption": "Multiple people spinning on segways.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMultiple people spinning on segways.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2607640923_47c7619977.mov", "caption": "Two blue containers roll on by the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTwo blue containers roll on by the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2762965247_aacfb5af4b.wmv", "caption": "We first zoom in.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe first zoom in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450370752_3af9788e9d.mov", "caption": "Two women come into view of camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTwo women come into view of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5490220994_9b19703bd0.mov", "caption": "Zooms in first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nZooms in first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6090000442_7e470c9239.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in on the man talking.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe camera zooms in on the man talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_5228456180_a1e1b4f16c.mov", "caption": "A person first grabs a piece of brocolli with chop sticks.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA person first grabs a piece of brocolli with chop sticks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049386755_53aa01b4e4.mov", "caption": "Other dog finally jumps up as someone catches it.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nOther dog finally jumps up as someone catches it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_5540007918_55ae0aa073.mpg", "caption": "Zoom in on bird.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nZoom in on bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2867483360_731aa9cab3.avi", "caption": "Two vertical jets of water appear to left of frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nTwo vertical jets of water appear to left of frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11591650@N03_4661765808_5de19f61a8.mpg", "caption": "A person gets up out of his seat.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA person gets up out of his seat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_5946713307_26456d9fab.3gp", "caption": "Bright yellow shirt really zips past.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBright yellow shirt really zips past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705385910_3029ccc056.", "caption": "Now this show-off is doing jumping jacks.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nNow this show-off is doing jumping jacks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8267338864_b8ec7d5505.mov", "caption": "Curious cat attacks.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCurious cat attacks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8521574@N03_3391134451_c851d16c7f.avi", "caption": "The white light on the boat starts shining.", "timestamps": [[5, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe white light on the boat starts shining.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41357196@N00_3339248448_220f563419.avi", "caption": "Dog on right sits.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nDog on right sits.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6235449567_b1285a447b.mp4", "caption": "A man in dark shirt and dark pants walks down a city plaza.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA man in dark shirt and dark pants walks down a city plaza.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7008060299_731d9c2ffa.mov", "caption": "The girl smiles near the baby.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.990633333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.990633333333335]], [[20, 23.990633333333335]], [[15, 23.990633333333335]], [[20, 23.990633333333335]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe girl smiles near the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26484906@N05_3662765555_3cfb28ea7f.mov", "caption": "A man walks back to his seat and sits down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA man walks back to his seat and sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5129503399_86d57c6c92.avi", "caption": "Person in red and white shirt goes off the screen to the right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPerson in red and white shirt goes off the screen to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5226814313_d634da5400.mov", "caption": "The boy in blue starts bouncing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe boy in blue starts bouncing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8616010267_e2abc9913f.mp4", "caption": "Star toy is first seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nStar toy is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8254342732_5df45f9aa2.mp4", "caption": "The person stands up and leaves the frame to the right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe person stands up and leaves the frame to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "63126465@N00_2533365224_47c09d9068.mp4", "caption": "Pans across offices at top.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPans across offices at top.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19894250@N00_8425749412_9272eb8671.mp4", "caption": "Camera pans to people.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera pans to people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4950798095_bc2190b316.avi", "caption": "Man pulls himself out of the pool.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan pulls himself out of the pool.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_3931305394_82f1bffac0.mov", "caption": "Zoom in on man in white.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nZoom in on man in white.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7646117928_a93152aa0f.wmv", "caption": "An exotic yellow car drives off.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nAn exotic yellow car drives off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_9369263530_2010545b28.mp4", "caption": "Man in sunglasses and bun hair accepts drape and leaves.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan in sunglasses and bun hair accepts drape and leaves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3790885571_338853b8bf.mpg", "caption": "Pink lights first appear.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPink lights first appear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000716657_397877c59c.mp4", "caption": "People behind are seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPeople behind are seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262234882_9f8cdba19a.mov", "caption": "Camera pans left and we see 3 people in suits raise their hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera pans left and we see 3 people in suits raise their hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2984525335_82533dd4b2.mpg", "caption": "The word 'fly' can first be seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe word 'fly' can first be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4652622226_3377a10d35.avi", "caption": "Two baby lambs appear.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 29.396033333333335]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nTwo baby lambs appear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989746662_b2f8892f80.mov", "caption": "We move under the bridge.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWe move under the bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11214344623_b48220bc8b.mp4", "caption": "A red bus drives behind the band.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA red bus drives behind the band.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95854051@N00_3818425297_1d631acb25.mov", "caption": "Man opens cupboard and gets out dog biscuits.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan opens cupboard and gets out dog biscuits.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2740771623_054e4ae5c5.avi", "caption": "The person in green has hands over ears.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe person in green has hands over ears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23981060@N00_4317720523_1d651a333d.mov", "caption": "Woman in red coat turns around so we can see face.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWoman in red coat turns around so we can see face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908313028_5c33ab37ff.mov", "caption": "Child first looks up at the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nChild first looks up at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11658141126_f61155c380.mp4", "caption": "A white car passes from right to left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA white car passes from right to left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57071639@N00_7975977326_e091bee3a0.", "caption": "Screan is the blueist.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nScrean is the blueist.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61509440@N00_3685734859_c34a41660b.mov", "caption": "People walk through view.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPeople walk through view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48439268@N08_5212394519_da97e22b29.mov", "caption": "Man in vest exits frame right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in vest exits frame right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4671023205_74077118fd.mov", "caption": "Baby first touches the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby first touches the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29524576@N00_4809406311_f7ebe53827.mp4", "caption": "Camera zooms in on kitties feet.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera zooms in on kitties feet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4272031964_4a5c3f01c1.mov", "caption": "The glare of a bright light.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe glare of a bright light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308998471_f2211a9589.mp4", "caption": "The girl on the right starts twirling her hair.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe girl on the right starts twirling her hair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089146051_28fe3dc7ac.mov", "caption": "Divers point.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nDivers point.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502187871_f80cc31479.mp4", "caption": "A man passes walking up the ramp.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA man passes walking up the ramp.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7008060299_731d9c2ffa.mov", "caption": "A girl looks up with a large grin.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.990633333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.990633333333335]], [[15, 23.990633333333335]], [[20, 23.990633333333335]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA girl looks up with a large grin.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "64226497@N00_3637954505_d0dace0b7b.3gp", "caption": "A little girl signaling no with her head.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA little girl signaling no with her head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326435816_6960ca36bb.", "caption": "The kids open the chocolate egg.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe kids open the chocolate egg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51727341@N00_4913533567_e73d9dacc9.mov", "caption": "The person on stilts walks.", "timestamps": [[5, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe person on stilts walks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2809270214_496ff093a5.avi", "caption": "Baby knocks over bucket.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBaby knocks over bucket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4372075735_39541fc04c.avi", "caption": "The child in blue is visible for the second time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe child in blue is visible for the second time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2631747952_a577082588.mpg", "caption": "Bright light is in focus.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBright light is in focus.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7877606412_8d8ab88212.mov", "caption": "We breath a sigh of relief as we see that the bride did indeed show up.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe breath a sigh of relief as we see that the bride did indeed show up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2560278751_434a51ef8a.avi", "caption": "Close up of man shaking head.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nClose up of man shaking head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_9369263530_2010545b28.mp4", "caption": "Man in dark blue walks away with hands over nose and mouth.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan in dark blue walks away with hands over nose and mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8532194143_cc4fe58a90.mov", "caption": "First time we see a hand.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst time we see a hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350686014_d1a74819e2.mpg", "caption": "Girl stomps and raises her arms.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nGirl stomps and raises her arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_2921174984_727c2e35e7.mov", "caption": "A man feeding a baby with a spoon for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA man feeding a baby with a spoon for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_8010348919_f61297cd14.mp4", "caption": "The plane flies behind the trees.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe plane flies behind the trees.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6678203617_87653b8979.mov", "caption": "Hand points at a block.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nHand points at a block.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5603431199_f12a343a76.avi", "caption": "Camera first zooms in on machine.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera first zooms in on machine.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_4917407731_43aac72c17.mp4", "caption": "Two people playing horn instruments are walking in a parade.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nTwo people playing horn instruments are walking in a parade.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "76054233@N00_10027546895_3f6a88bbae.mov", "caption": "The lights are reflected in the street in this clip he most.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe lights are reflected in the street in this clip he most.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38941000@N02_5387807542_898c57b2c9.mov", "caption": "A man in a white shirt walks away from his seat.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man in a white shirt walks away from his seat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24525988@N00_4244846657_e76350ac93.mov", "caption": "Green light fades out.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGreen light fades out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3269332505_ebae8bbc12.mov", "caption": "The cat sits.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe cat sits.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2652909308_2cf69b5b15.mpg", "caption": "Cat goes under persons legs.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCat goes under persons legs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7270865902_ab3d80bde0.mov", "caption": "Cat runs away.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCat runs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6910162653_58ee384276.avi", "caption": "A person with red sleeves places a car on the track.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA person with red sleeves places a car on the track.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10602343664_3107e6355b.mp4", "caption": "The man steps back from the picture.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe man steps back from the picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_7430499768_ebc7c583b7.mp4", "caption": "The sitting dancers are outside.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe sitting dancers are outside.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5057913055_f086c25211.mpg", "caption": "Buildings on the sea shore.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.32]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 22.32]], [[15, 22.32]], [[15, 22.32]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBuildings on the sea shore.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5677995715_d51fbaf137.mov", "caption": "The house moves out of view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe house moves out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9810805945_e5b779b877.mov", "caption": "The boy first stands up.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe boy first stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504516454_06d85d7a5d.mpg", "caption": "The light pole is visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe light pole is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61511785@N00_6062485104_77a90b3e5a.mov", "caption": "Zooms in on dog.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nZooms in on dog.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4354162528_a4b649dbcb.mov", "caption": "There is a camera flash.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThere is a camera flash.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5603431199_f12a343a76.avi", "caption": "Moving to look into the hole.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 29.4294]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMoving to look into the hole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_6339898946_fabca3a3fc.avi", "caption": "Light touches right side of the screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nLight touches right side of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2418639917_92e4152f71.avi", "caption": "The dog runs to the man.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe dog runs to the man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_10077526255_f9fa0c32ea.mp4", "caption": "The guitar player raises his arm.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe guitar player raises his arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9609273353_7b1706f1e9.mov", "caption": "White car first zooms past.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWhite car first zooms past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2477105876_53ee66822d.mov", "caption": "Hand removes metal cover.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nHand removes metal cover.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3034542795_1ffc26f8d1.avi", "caption": "Camera shifts to baby in pink.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCamera shifts to baby in pink.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_7617742910_083794ef59.mp4", "caption": "A small child runs out of the bottom of the frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA small child runs out of the bottom of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4181067624_0d4d943ff6.wmv", "caption": "The large white building is seen for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe large white building is seen for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_3931305394_82f1bffac0.mov", "caption": "A group of people displaying a type of room.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA group of people displaying a type of room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659171411_346779be91.mov", "caption": "Large red lights come into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nLarge red lights come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49141728@N00_11304358253_2f5275e8f6.mp4", "caption": "The two teams line up to shake hands after the game.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe two teams line up to shake hands after the game.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_5826290419_106d115888.wmv", "caption": "Camera zooms in on middle of street.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCamera zooms in on middle of street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3540590583_e0e32f501b.avi", "caption": "The cameraman wobbles the camera as he comes in closer.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe cameraman wobbles the camera as he comes in closer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_7088250273_963b2fe940.mov", "caption": "Plan disappears behind building.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPlan disappears behind building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16064708@N00_3609526599_a7919b9f39.avi", "caption": "A flipper crosses right in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA flipper crosses right in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52582799@N00_2577435502_5287ced5dc.avi", "caption": "The camera pans up to some trees.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera pans up to some trees.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8268871708_3e95f8529c.mov", "caption": "Cat attack something on shelf.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCat attack something on shelf.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3797165473_e840f56339.mp4", "caption": "A pair of hands emerge from bottom of frame and clap.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA pair of hands emerge from bottom of frame and clap.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4497646769_c867658047.mp4", "caption": "A man taps his foot three times.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA man taps his foot three times.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4393030898_9a5d4ee800.avi", "caption": "Skaters at bottom of screen first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSkaters at bottom of screen first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2655957735_8465d58650.avi", "caption": "Man turns and walks away.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan turns and walks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3874089909_20271f0653.m4v", "caption": "The camera zooms in on a group of people standing on the wall.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera zooms in on a group of people standing on the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61886413@N00_3830573270_a08e013fe2.mov", "caption": "The man grabs something off of table.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe man grabs something off of table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089326931_7377668cb0.mov", "caption": "The scuba diver waves then starts to swim away.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe scuba diver waves then starts to swim away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_8199464052_4d52075018.", "caption": "Birds fly away form bigger bird.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBirds fly away form bigger bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3863871139_37e6344292.m4v", "caption": "Door opens.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nDoor opens.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753329361_927e43b35d.mp4", "caption": "A blue object on the table behind the baby.", "timestamps": [[10, 22.088733333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 22.088733333333334]], [[10, 22.088733333333334]], [[10, 22.088733333333334]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA blue object on the table behind the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4701028239_cde49ae7ee.mov", "caption": "Camera pans left to show woman eating.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera pans left to show woman eating.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7232884@N05_2821087022_1412339929.avi", "caption": "A boy blowing out candles.", "timestamps": [[15, 29.162466666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.162466666666667]], [[15, 29.162466666666667]], [[15, 29.162466666666667]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA boy blowing out candles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50652680@N00_7153016031_76ea858191.mov", "caption": "Lady in hat picks up something off the desk.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nLady in hat picks up something off the desk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2506994262_fb25932e27.avi", "caption": "Kid start running.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nKid start running.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060414829_ca0d57fd9a.mp4", "caption": "Yellow flowers on a bush.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nYellow flowers on a bush.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4025439002_1078e6523b.avi", "caption": "First light reflecting off wall.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nFirst light reflecting off wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7270865902_ab3d80bde0.mov", "caption": "Cat walks toward the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 22.022000000000002]], [[10, 22.022000000000002]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCat walks toward the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95351092@N00_6267727074_71fbc7d40c.wmv", "caption": "The camera zooms in on ice cream stand.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera zooms in on ice cream stand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32659844@N00_8380025954_6b73bb0c25.mov", "caption": "The man in ren begins to clap.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man in ren begins to clap.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8532194143_cc4fe58a90.mov", "caption": "The man points his finger at the cat.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe man points his finger at the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8540853940_0918b45804.mov", "caption": "Singer is clapping her hands above her head.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSinger is clapping her hands above her head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2866666461_23f0dba6bc.avi", "caption": "The water cascasdes to the right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe water cascasdes to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5783819903_e6639fe5a7.avi", "caption": "First time orange hat can be seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst time orange hat can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3781679212_c5498ddc42.wmv", "caption": "Smoke can be seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nSmoke can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_5110968687_548f2979eb.avi", "caption": "The person puts his hand over his mouth.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe person puts his hand over his mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3668233636_4025f62254.mov", "caption": "A model tank going up a toy bridge.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA model tank going up a toy bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4505923108_afb31594a8.mp4", "caption": "Woman waves hand around.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWoman waves hand around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12090392@N02_13482799053_87ef417396.mov", "caption": "Sky becomes visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nSky becomes visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82270145@N04_7558679740_922d247a74.mov", "caption": "The person is now seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.523500000000002]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe person is now seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60754591@N00_3766664614_f0192a481e.mov", "caption": "The lights turn green and stay there for a bit, and go back to blue.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe lights turn green and stay there for a bit, and go back to blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8526090237_b6daf046ab.mov", "caption": "Cat runs out of room.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCat runs out of room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_13742310655_3fc33126a4.mts", "caption": "The woman by the stroller leans to her left.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe woman by the stroller leans to her left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4017302262_beb22cb38b.mov", "caption": "Man dressed in green passes the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nMan dressed in green passes the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38941000@N02_5387807542_898c57b2c9.mov", "caption": "Camera pans far right on an individual walking.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera pans far right on an individual walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37577191@N00_3617485478_3c6e42dc32.avi", "caption": "The first graduate's face is close to the camera as they are walking into the crowd.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe first graduate's face is close to the camera as they are walking into the crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2417884617_95607b9848.mp4", "caption": "The camera begins to pan from the building.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe camera begins to pan from the building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9308598808_a4b0fb4742.mov", "caption": "Baby loses balance while bouncing up and down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBaby loses balance while bouncing up and down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9443106354_af57a2d31e.m4v", "caption": "Person wearing white shirt and black pants gets on side of moving train.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPerson wearing white shirt and black pants gets on side of moving train.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4717775827_6a1125b78f.mov", "caption": "Person sits another baby down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPerson sits another baby down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5995707844_57203e3e03.mov", "caption": "Man lays down on the edge of the rock.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan lays down on the edge of the rock.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_6287754115_18b520c47f.avi", "caption": "The man holds up both arms.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe man holds up both arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_3258488795_d148d5e326.mov", "caption": "First time man is shown.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nFirst time man is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12575752@N03_3831951420_7b18816031.wmv", "caption": "There is a fish on the end of the person's pole.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThere is a fish on the end of the person's pole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_7522195856_3390ab1992.wmv", "caption": "Car comes to a stop.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCar comes to a stop.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "79364055@N00_6329710407_364feaa1c2.mov", "caption": "Kid in blue appears.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nKid in blue appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54212625@N00_2405570464_4081356865.mov", "caption": "A white square comes into view in the bottom left corner.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.996633333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 29.996633333333335]], [[20, 29.996633333333335]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA white square comes into view in the bottom left corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2539118411_cbd7b804a9.avi", "caption": "The dog lays down.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe dog lays down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9443106354_af57a2d31e.m4v", "caption": "Scrolling text first comes in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nScrolling text first comes in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860871668_bd2ae9df3a.mp4", "caption": "Camera shakes to momentarily shown a red light on the left.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera shakes to momentarily shown a red light on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770811946_e20f90260d.mp4", "caption": "The man passes the other person riding.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe man passes the other person riding.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_4769832485_f688b37b42.mp4", "caption": "The electric fish stops.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe electric fish stops.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000677041_f3533a1a72.mp4", "caption": "A person riding a white horse.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA person riding a white horse.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368279831_9c0658d373.mov", "caption": "The baby grabs the item.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[10, 20]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe baby grabs the item.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2400926226_5c53b3827b.mp4", "caption": "The camera shows a man in a red jacket.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe camera shows a man in a red jacket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "95351092@N00_6267727074_71fbc7d40c.wmv", "caption": "A man comes in to view the display from the front.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man comes in to view the display from the front.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55455788@N00_10855991194_487e7b96a0.mov", "caption": "Pig in the red shirt rounds the curve.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nPig in the red shirt rounds the curve.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7364749@N02_3676115996_31908e9831.mp4", "caption": "A woman all the way on the right leans down and whispers in the blonde girl's ear.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA woman all the way on the right leans down and whispers in the blonde girl's ear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12628585884_cbed949b2a.mov", "caption": "The greyhound bus appears and disappears from view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe greyhound bus appears and disappears from view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_3072987342_f1998a1567.mpg", "caption": "A girl is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA girl is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4062672072_7817e13a59.avi", "caption": "The baby yawns.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe baby yawns.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2655957735_8465d58650.avi", "caption": "Girl in red shirt first looks at the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl in red shirt first looks at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_4760052149_d8bdb81e05.mov", "caption": "Two people in red are now seen.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nTwo people in red are now seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24175071@N00_2969682645_6725c5ece2.avi", "caption": "Little boy takes off his other shoe.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nLittle boy takes off his other shoe.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4739636265_249226b127.mov", "caption": "The small boat first goes under the bridge.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe small boat first goes under the bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_5826898997_0a951bea4f.mp4", "caption": "A fat pole is in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA fat pole is in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5372662688_ace80b14e8.mov", "caption": "Pole on the left becomes visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPole on the left becomes visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470330893_6d37b967ea.mov", "caption": "The baby smiles.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe baby smiles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7188761222_4aba25f760.mov", "caption": "The person in yellow is first seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe person in yellow is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262234882_9f8cdba19a.mov", "caption": "Men begin to wave.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMen begin to wave.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8616010267_e2abc9913f.mp4", "caption": "We start playing with the baby.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe start playing with the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_5453126714_5f7afe2253.mov", "caption": "The boy speaks.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe boy speaks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2654926981_ba9fa0794d.mov", "caption": "The whole band is shown here.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe whole band is shown here.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_3328053052_d709e36f43.avi", "caption": "Camera goes from lake to sidewalk.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera goes from lake to sidewalk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451832659_260d21258b.wmv", "caption": "Black bird first arrives.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBlack bird first arrives.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4807867935_e5b050495e.mov", "caption": "The white sheet shakes.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe white sheet shakes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19757715@N00_2418495716_7197572a3f.avi", "caption": "The man blows out the candles.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe man blows out the candles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005546265_effdc91c3b.mov", "caption": "The person is red passes the one in blue.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person is red passes the one in blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "88231064@N00_5748100144_0c3ae1b1f0.mp4", "caption": "A man is first seen eating.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man is first seen eating.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10015567@N08_3655084291_d8b58466fa.mov", "caption": "The white bird runs off camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe white bird runs off camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365627273_f7734ed8e1.wmv", "caption": "The woman in a blue dress walks by.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe woman in a blue dress walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56424258@N03_8926421223_3d71a5e241.", "caption": "We see a dancer in the back left spinning.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe see a dancer in the back left spinning.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_9386338617_042c7550f1.avi", "caption": "Brown building can be seen at end of courtyard.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBrown building can be seen at end of courtyard.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8739388@N05_5926132598_04f27b74fb.avi", "caption": "Kitten begins licking itself.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 27.9279]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nKitten begins licking itself.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42626735@N00_3938864749_0b602ae493.avi", "caption": "Girl in pink walks through frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nGirl in pink walks through frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2866666461_23f0dba6bc.avi", "caption": "Very little water goes up.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nVery little water goes up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_8094794002_cb9850ebdf.", "caption": "The man puts on his hat.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe man puts on his hat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015836933_32b54fcb50.mov", "caption": "Woman kisses young boy.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWoman kisses young boy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817477962_49e5788312.mp4", "caption": "Dog goes to woman that has hands outstretched.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nDog goes to woman that has hands outstretched.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305050464_9c53b5d561.mov", "caption": "A kid pushes his dad away.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA kid pushes his dad away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899674320_2589026df1.mov", "caption": "The person in the white hat jumps up and down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person in the white hat jumps up and down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8025313964_6794870d66.mov", "caption": "The cat jumps back.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe cat jumps back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_5536769782_27b2dbf150.mov", "caption": "White car is visible in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWhite car is visible in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3626701920_228d7c030f.mov", "caption": "A baby sticks its hand in the water and then the mom holds the baby close to her pink shirt.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.590233333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.590233333333334]], [[20, 23.590233333333334]], [[20, 23.590233333333334]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA baby sticks its hand in the water and then the mom holds the baby close to her pink shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4181067624_0d4d943ff6.wmv", "caption": "Big white building comes into view on the right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBig white building comes into view on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_5651481910_7fb944ce83.avi", "caption": "A person in white walks past the dancers.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA person in white walks past the dancers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659171411_346779be91.mov", "caption": "Two red circles appear.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTwo red circles appear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_8010348919_f61297cd14.mp4", "caption": "Camera shifts to people on the ground.", "timestamps": [[15, 24.591233333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 24.591233333333335]], [[15, 24.591233333333335]], [[15, 24.591233333333335]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera shifts to people on the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3901267059_e2447aa132.m4v", "caption": "The moment when the man's face is no longer visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe moment when the man's face is no longer visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4364786898_bfea4e9363.mov", "caption": "A lady in a purple coat and orange hat is in these frames.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA lady in a purple coat and orange hat is in these frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_3573975898_c91b074c40.avi", "caption": "We turn and look into a different room.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe turn and look into a different room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8204542114_e3a2a99dc9.mp4", "caption": "Woman begins dancing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWoman begins dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2906930741_f8201bcb4e.mpg", "caption": "Hand pets cat for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nHand pets cat for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40345541@N00_2865172505_948d797d90.mov", "caption": "Car starts zooming down the road.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCar starts zooming down the road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8289244544_f659afaea0.mov", "caption": "Front of car can first be seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nFront of car can first be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3215658783_8cbcd1eaff.avi", "caption": "Bird flys away as other bird gets closer.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBird flys away as other bird gets closer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6122630777_5de74d6acb.mov", "caption": "A person touches the boy.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA person touches the boy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350686014_d1a74819e2.mpg", "caption": "Child first walks forward.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nChild first walks forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_8743946370_936917acc1.mov", "caption": "We pass a cyclist.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.796463129796464]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 29.796463129796464]], [[20, 29.796463129796464]], [[20, 29.796463129796464]], [[20, 29.796463129796464]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe pass a cyclist.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26077124@N00_2416123354_d6cba54f19.mov", "caption": "Guy with bald head walks toward front of stage.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGuy with bald head walks toward front of stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19757715@N00_2418495716_7197572a3f.avi", "caption": "The girl puts the cake down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe girl puts the cake down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10776479425_ff8212eb92.mts", "caption": "The baby falls off the sofa.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby falls off the sofa.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2477105876_53ee66822d.mov", "caption": "Person opens the object.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPerson opens the object.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_3743027816_594d4185ca.avi", "caption": "Fast skier passes slow skier on the left.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFast skier passes slow skier on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_6635239461_54754f9b3e.mov", "caption": "We see the stairs briefly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe see the stairs briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_5022167782_4ac2c11fb8.mp4", "caption": "A man's face appears very close to the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man's face appears very close to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3874089909_20271f0653.m4v", "caption": "We pan right to see people on top of a structure.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe pan right to see people on top of a structure.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38941000@N02_4215230972_e1c9e08093.mp4", "caption": "The speaker looks behind him.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe speaker looks behind him.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8668089@N08_2918190657_d53f6922ae.avi", "caption": "Water is completely in view on beach.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWater is completely in view on beach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5483793221_d09d4d5be5.3gp", "caption": "Two tuba players go by while dancing.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nTwo tuba players go by while dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3233836343_811205539b.m4v", "caption": "The first time we see the blue spoon.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe first time we see the blue spoon.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659989604_d2ff47428b.avi", "caption": "The guitarist on the left of the frame lifts his arm into the air briefly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe guitarist on the left of the frame lifts his arm into the air briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41249501@N06_3959781639_71148f0e95.mov", "caption": "The camera turns towards a man in a suit.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera turns towards a man in a suit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4707879988_734564a897.mov", "caption": "The target is shown, then the people.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe target is shown, then the people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6193981980_33e171053c.mov", "caption": "The man says something then holds it closer to the woman.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe man says something then holds it closer to the woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543379145_e7c743ca92.mp4", "caption": "The baby first smiles.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby first smiles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_3931305394_82f1bffac0.mov", "caption": "We see the door.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe see the door.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470330893_6d37b967ea.mov", "caption": "The baby stands up and lets go with one hand.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe baby stands up and lets go with one hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_9869192276_c0c1a33881.mov", "caption": "People on bikes with flags pass by.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPeople on bikes with flags pass by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5057913055_f086c25211.mpg", "caption": "Camera pans from left to right at new york buildings.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.32]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.32]], [[20, 22.32]], [[15, 22.32]], [[15, 22.32]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera pans from left to right at new york buildings.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_9111675148_0dc3d401aa.mp4", "caption": "Jet approaches the crowd then takes off again.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nJet approaches the crowd then takes off again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3427472314_e32c2ede58.m4v", "caption": "Man starts dancing with baby.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan starts dancing with baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060431973_73c0d1e479.mp4", "caption": "Camera pans up to man with backpack.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera pans up to man with backpack.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_5825835376_c3f4d87cd0.mov", "caption": "The person in the yellow suit is seen jumping over the obstacle.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe person in the yellow suit is seen jumping over the obstacle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989600056_961c06fd2d.mov", "caption": "A red and blue sign comes into the picture.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA red and blue sign comes into the picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6164300010_7b468b7585.avi", "caption": "We see a small waterfall to the left of the big waterfall.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe see a small waterfall to the left of the big waterfall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_5022167782_4ac2c11fb8.mp4", "caption": "Little waterfall in a forest.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nLittle waterfall in a forest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288717@N02_3757477319_f72dd220b0.avi", "caption": "Bee goes to second plant to get pollen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBee goes to second plant to get pollen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3148144845_56753b45d2.avi", "caption": "Man pushes book forward.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan pushes book forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78332988@N00_4653002775_2be37d99aa.avi", "caption": "Largest smoke cloud on stage.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nLargest smoke cloud on stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6855148077_26c0c80d0a.mov", "caption": "Directional traffic arrows can be seen on the flat surface of the road.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nDirectional traffic arrows can be seen on the flat surface of the road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3668233636_4025f62254.mov", "caption": "Two toy tanks next to each other.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nTwo toy tanks next to each other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_5540007918_55ae0aa073.mpg", "caption": "Camera zoom in on bird.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera zoom in on bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11591650@N03_4661765808_5de19f61a8.mpg", "caption": "Camera first moves to the left just slightly.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCamera first moves to the left just slightly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089245213_e7f8da3ec3.mov", "caption": "A yellow fish swims in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA yellow fish swims in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2652909308_2cf69b5b15.mpg", "caption": "The cat passes under the person's legs.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe cat passes under the person's legs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6885088912_7bd217a4b7.avi", "caption": "The camera first looks at the steering wheel.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera first looks at the steering wheel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3626701920_228d7c030f.mov", "caption": "Baby gets lifted out of water and back to mother.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.590233333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.590233333333334]], [[20, 23.590233333333334]], [[20, 23.590233333333334]], [[20, 23.590233333333334]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBaby gets lifted out of water and back to mother.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6758070727_44708f10e4.mov", "caption": "The moment when we see love and hate displayed on the screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe moment when we see love and hate displayed on the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880815179_f9e151daee.mov", "caption": "The boy runs to the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe boy runs to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9046089068_429505c4de.", "caption": "Lady carrying child dressed as bumblebee walks past camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nLady carrying child dressed as bumblebee walks past camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6758070727_44708f10e4.mov", "caption": "Love and hate shows on stage.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nLove and hate shows on stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5604083185_946cc684e1.mp4", "caption": "The woman picks up the dog.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe woman picks up the dog.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32739506@N03_4924827633_605a3389ef.mov", "caption": "When the two towers to the right are first shown.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWhen the two towers to the right are first shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5841105970_4a1762f617.avi", "caption": "When girl in yellow and red first start jumping.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWhen girl in yellow and red first start jumping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9117878032_2bf53e8d0e.mov", "caption": "When camera is first nudged upwards over the stone rail.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWhen camera is first nudged upwards over the stone rail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5454271453_38202888dd.avi", "caption": "Woman is looking down at guitar.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nWoman is looking down at guitar.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7878531294_37645827f5.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in a little bit.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera zooms in a little bit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57134288@N00_3724244505_997f2308c2.avi", "caption": "Two crowds meet in the square and start 'fighting'.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nTwo crowds meet in the square and start 'fighting'.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5272138273_18a4de1320.wmv", "caption": "The ferris wheel is shown.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe ferris wheel is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57134288@N00_3724244505_997f2308c2.avi", "caption": "Woman with dog begins walking away from the crowd.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman with dog begins walking away from the crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7891359736_02a00c418b.wmv", "caption": "A person walks toward the camera and out of view.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA person walks toward the camera and out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089326931_7377668cb0.mp4", "caption": "A large amount of bubble is going up.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA large amount of bubble is going up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_6284836172_519cc44b91.avi", "caption": "A child wearing yellow and red can be seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.689333333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.689333333333334]], [[15, 22.689333333333334]], [[15, 22.689333333333334]], [[20, 22.689333333333334]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA child wearing yellow and red can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82270145@N04_7558679740_922d247a74.mov", "caption": "The camera turns to face the man.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.523500000000002]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera turns to face the man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2560278751_434a51ef8a.avi", "caption": "Focus on man only.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nFocus on man only.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5050360312_008e6435c7.mp4", "caption": "Guy walks in the front of the stage and sits down.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nGuy walks in the front of the stage and sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3269332505_ebae8bbc12.mov", "caption": "The cat lays down.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe cat lays down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4756749871_29da08b1e4.avi", "caption": "Young girl without hat waves to the camera and then goes back to drinking.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nYoung girl without hat waves to the camera and then goes back to drinking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5372662688_ace80b14e8.mov", "caption": "A flock of birds first appears.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA flock of birds first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5231191018_7ff90d57cf.avi", "caption": "The person holding the camera starts to move closer to the statue.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe person holding the camera starts to move closer to the statue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82607398@N00_7672276754_a303e873bd.mp4", "caption": "Water first splashes over feet.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWater first splashes over feet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9308598808_a4b0fb4742.mov", "caption": "An adult is seen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nAn adult is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6215527875_607fcf6c5d.wmv", "caption": "Man in suit exits frame.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan in suit exits frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8532194143_cc4fe58a90.mov", "caption": "The human first starts teasing the cat.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe human first starts teasing the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37577191@N00_3617485478_3c6e42dc32.avi", "caption": "The camera is blocked.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera is blocked.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9006246329_edb7985b45.mov", "caption": "Camera man gets super close to fence.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera man gets super close to fence.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2934547606_db329bdfdf.mpg", "caption": "Guy in red runs off.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nGuy in red runs off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6194287478_f457d048ba.mov", "caption": "The woman places the scarf over the shoulder of the other woman.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe woman places the scarf over the shoulder of the other woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38941000@N02_5387807542_898c57b2c9.mov", "caption": "The camera pans from left to right, then back again.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[5, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera pans from left to right, then back again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_4084249713_69d7938024.avi", "caption": "Two women walk past the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nTwo women walk past the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12572907@N00_2920226432_717b272a78.avi", "caption": "We are finished looking at the people playing on the screen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe are finished looking at the people playing on the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57134288@N00_3691224318_d6f775b615.avi", "caption": "See five fireworks go off with yellow being last one.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nSee five fireworks go off with yellow being last one.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7703298110_2e6a4d1339.", "caption": "The soccer team scores a goal.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe soccer team scores a goal.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2905084144_1877f402c7.avi", "caption": "The man catches the falling ball.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe man catches the falling ball.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6568591041_1fa043fbe8.mov", "caption": "A baby laughing.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 29.2]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA baby laughing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6215527875_607fcf6c5d.wmv", "caption": "A gentleman stops picking flowers and begins walking with the flower girls.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA gentleman stops picking flowers and begins walking with the flower girls.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899711108_1cced33755.mov", "caption": "The person in the hot dog suit starts jumping.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person in the hot dog suit starts jumping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7890568006_2b64a33ed7.wmv", "caption": "Man with microphone gives passionate speech as second man walks behind sheet at jewish wedding.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 15]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan with microphone gives passionate speech as second man walks behind sheet at jewish wedding.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6885088912_7bd217a4b7.avi", "caption": "We see the driving wheel.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe see the driving wheel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12411522755_b563b557b0.mp4", "caption": "Kid rolls over.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nKid rolls over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6707262569_51dd71c753.mov", "caption": "Zoom in on baby for first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nZoom in on baby for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4293389399_b6ee68a47a.mp4", "caption": "A cat backs up and hops upon a couch arm.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA cat backs up and hops upon a couch arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8211091@N08_4908606405_a1a2a3fb85.wmv", "caption": "Only one foot can be seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nOnly one foot can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_4451705499_e938c5e10a.avi", "caption": "We see the standing man on the right.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 27.060366666666667]], [[25, 27.060366666666667]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe see the standing man on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89167587@N00_8478181993_daaa81bb24.mov", "caption": "White car passes.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWhite car passes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24175071@N00_3633121363_be7f0a777e.3gp", "caption": "The little boy first appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe little boy first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504510298_626dcda292.mpg", "caption": "Nothing but birds and sky in this frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 27.72]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 27.72]], [[25, 27.72]], [[20, 27.72]], [[25, 27.72]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nNothing but birds and sky in this frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12149190513_9c79986853.mp4", "caption": "Train goes past camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTrain goes past camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "28784980@N00_4899315604_ee7bae0e1f.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms in and then back out a little.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera zooms in and then back out a little.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40732566019@N01_2713787172_27416dc42f.avi", "caption": "We can see the state park sign.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe can see the state park sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41357196@N00_3339248448_220f563419.avi", "caption": "Dark brow dog jumps for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nDark brow dog jumps for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38658566@N06_4750242620_686bed740d.avi", "caption": "A tree branch blows in the wind.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA tree branch blows in the wind.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705385910_3029ccc056.", "caption": "The performer does a turn on top of the wheel.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe performer does a turn on top of the wheel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2753576649_f54b4c2408.avi", "caption": "Baby starts to move.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBaby starts to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2400926226_5c53b3827b.mp4", "caption": "The woman with the red scarf sits down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe woman with the red scarf sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3842998090_d885872f2a.mov", "caption": "We can see the ground below the cloud.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe can see the ground below the cloud.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9147391626_5753c0e83e.mov", "caption": "The two singers on the right both wave their hands.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe two singers on the right both wave their hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3494045334_c0ccf2d3a2.mp4", "caption": "Baby in purple bib smiles as the camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nBaby in purple bib smiles as the camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3822129137_0a1e16e9ee.mp4", "caption": "A cat jumps on the chair next to a woman.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA cat jumps on the chair next to a woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5968969276_f781a98cdb.mov", "caption": "A hand moves the toy.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA hand moves the toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8153589079_9a90357a50.mp4", "caption": "We see aida on screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe see aida on screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365251579_d3cf1a92d5.wmv", "caption": "The priest gets a kiss.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe priest gets a kiss.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337300180_091590a63f.avi", "caption": "A person starts to pick his nose.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA person starts to pick his nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365627273_f7734ed8e1.wmv", "caption": "Woman in blue gathers her dress together.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWoman in blue gathers her dress together.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_6468865689_33a10a8d7e.mov", "caption": "White truck comes into frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWhite truck comes into frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_4673392735_4d74910787.mov", "caption": "A rainbow floats over a waterfall.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA rainbow floats over a waterfall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049310249_effcfe7eab.mp4", "caption": "A small dog moves a fluffy white pillow.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA small dog moves a fluffy white pillow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9396804244_9fbf065a94.mp4", "caption": "Dog first stops rolling on its back.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nDog first stops rolling on its back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37577191@N00_3617485478_3c6e42dc32.avi", "caption": "The first camera flash is seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe first camera flash is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5057913055_f086c25211.mpg", "caption": "We are now looking at the buildings.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.32]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.32]], [[15, 22.32]], [[15, 22.32]], [[20, 22.32]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe are now looking at the buildings.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_3573975898_c91b074c40.avi", "caption": "The man in the blue shirt peels back some of the material that's on the floor.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe man in the blue shirt peels back some of the material that's on the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19757715@N00_2418495716_7197572a3f.avi", "caption": "The camera pans to a man blowing out the candles on his cake.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe camera pans to a man blowing out the candles on his cake.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287182854_f2b5013e68.mp4", "caption": "First time person in santa hat walks through frame directly in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nFirst time person in santa hat walks through frame directly in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_4225600109_ff15b92af0.avi", "caption": "Camera lightens up a little bit.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera lightens up a little bit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_13527571073_0b5939dfa1.mov", "caption": "Boys puts first piece of trash in trash can.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBoys puts first piece of trash in trash can.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6174107220_32d306635a.mov", "caption": "Man with long gold scarf walking toward camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan with long gold scarf walking toward camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_8468750531_a974e7d5b3.mp4", "caption": "A person in a black, yellow and green shirt appears.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA person in a black, yellow and green shirt appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_5825916697_732fa55119.mov", "caption": "Biker in orange appears.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBiker in orange appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2536227889_9568af750e.mpg", "caption": "Black kitten runs away.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.88]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.88]], [[25, 29.88]], [[25, 29.88]], [[25, 29.88]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBlack kitten runs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_4769832485_f688b37b42.mp4", "caption": "2 people in white walk by.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\n2 people in white walk by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2716824274_a670b9d85d.avi", "caption": "Camera gets closer to baby getting tickled by hair.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera gets closer to baby getting tickled by hair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4181078666_5d5c5b8965.wmv", "caption": "People on bikes first appear.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPeople on bikes first appear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9046089068_429505c4de.", "caption": "A woman walks by carrying a child dressed like a bee.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA woman walks by carrying a child dressed like a bee.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_5825916697_732fa55119.mov", "caption": "A cyclist in grey is in these frames.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA cyclist in grey is in these frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7186186@N07_13927593445_96703f1283.mov", "caption": "The man taps the leaves and bugs start to fly away.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe man taps the leaves and bugs start to fly away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3193779438_359849bcf2.mpg", "caption": "The wall is fully lit by blue lights.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe wall is fully lit by blue lights.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3626701920_228d7c030f.mov", "caption": "A woman puts a baby over her shoulder.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.590233333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.590233333333334]], [[15, 23.590233333333334]], [[20, 23.590233333333334]], [[15, 23.590233333333334]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA woman puts a baby over her shoulder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502187871_f80cc31479.mp4", "caption": "A person walking past a construction site.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA person walking past a construction site.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9342362301_eeea928c24.mts", "caption": "Baby grabs red logo on its onesie.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBaby grabs red logo on its onesie.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3607531160_b515e86165.mp4", "caption": "A black truck and a white truck drive by on the bottom of a frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA black truck and a white truck drive by on the bottom of a frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11989494165_736e0abdb7.mp4", "caption": "Couple walks into frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCouple walks into frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2692985882_dd146f604a.mov", "caption": "Camera shows the dj of the club.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera shows the dj of the club.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_5110968687_548f2979eb.avi", "caption": "Man pulls second sauce from stack.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan pulls second sauce from stack.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42631759@N05_8603563210_c1677d6e24.mp4", "caption": "Only a few paddle boarders remain in the distance.", "timestamps": [[25, 27.260566666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 27.260566666666666]], [[25, 27.260566666666666]], [[20, 27.260566666666666]], [[25, 27.260566666666666]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nOnly a few paddle boarders remain in the distance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451788773_9f971e833d.wmv", "caption": "A crow is chased out of the tree by a brown bird.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA crow is chased out of the tree by a brown bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "88231064@N00_5748100144_0c3ae1b1f0.mp4", "caption": "The man takes a bite and begins talking.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe man takes a bite and begins talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_3778220328_4260f39d4d.mpg", "caption": "A man pets a pidgeon.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA man pets a pidgeon.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_4294232056_ef62cb550b.avi", "caption": "The dog begins to move for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe dog begins to move for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308998471_f2211a9589.mp4", "caption": "The girls are first further away.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe girls are first further away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "63126465@N00_2561116193_49e1af7b57.mp4", "caption": "The yellow lines return.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe yellow lines return.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2913619184_1bf672ea03.mov", "caption": "Picture on wall behind metal moving belt is visible for first time.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.029]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPicture on wall behind metal moving belt is visible for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4335657123_2de0c09653.avi", "caption": "Two birds land in the water.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTwo birds land in the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12627617794_e00f0196ee.mov", "caption": "Yellow sign leaves view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nYellow sign leaves view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092057514_33708a334f.mov", "caption": "Ppl found another boat.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPpl found another boat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10015567@N08_3655084291_d8b58466fa.mov", "caption": "Chick in the back races out of the frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nChick in the back races out of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365627273_f7734ed8e1.wmv", "caption": "Woman in blue dress leaves the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWoman in blue dress leaves the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44335492@N00_5272515164_8d6f26fc93.avi", "caption": "We see some birds fly into the tree from the right.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe see some birds fly into the tree from the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72955843@N00_2629902314_bf855de7d1.mov", "caption": "We start walking out in a hail storm.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe start walking out in a hail storm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730751513_582b35fc4d.avi", "caption": "Performers first join hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nPerformers first join hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8526090237_b6daf046ab.mov", "caption": "The cat darts toward its toy.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe cat darts toward its toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4032726575_bbf95b6a7b.avi", "caption": "We first see the baby.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe first see the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2400993412_694ed826a7.mpg", "caption": "Person pour sauce on first piece of meat in skillet.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPerson pour sauce on first piece of meat in skillet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4253489686_265c3c8051.m4v", "caption": "First time foot swipes at wiggly thing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nFirst time foot swipes at wiggly thing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47262904@N00_4550047979_7ddc00f1c5.avi", "caption": "The first two flag carriers pass by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe first two flag carriers pass by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6059449750_a81f597c83.m4v", "caption": "The men are now walking down the trail in the jungle.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe men are now walking down the trail in the jungle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9609273353_7b1706f1e9.mov", "caption": "The only shot with no car.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe only shot with no car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2953285451_791633ed8d.avi", "caption": "We begin on trees then start to pan right.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe begin on trees then start to pan right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7150382@N06_3337187899_c828719c50.mov", "caption": "Red jacket walks into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nRed jacket walks into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_8115527004_9e09e5a144.avi", "caption": "The camera comes by a ladder.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera comes by a ladder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3602860200_dc789bc4f6.mp4", "caption": "We first see the rock formation.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe first see the rock formation.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_6056554923_0cdb559990.wmv", "caption": "The frame fades in from black to show a plane.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe frame fades in from black to show a plane.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10637506985_b073fe1726.mp4", "caption": "Blue car passes in view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBlue car passes in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4497646769_c867658047.mp4", "caption": "The man starts to play an instrument.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe man starts to play an instrument.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2692985882_dd146f604a.mov", "caption": "Man with headphones around his neck.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan with headphones around his neck.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3337294928_33274bc25b.avi", "caption": "Man eyes get buck like he has seen a ghost.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan eyes get buck like he has seen a ghost.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23981060@N00_4317720523_1d651a333d.mov", "caption": "The brick building disappears from the frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe brick building disappears from the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26077124@N00_2416123354_d6cba54f19.mov", "caption": "A man walks to the right of the man with the 69 shirt, bends down, and then walks to the right to the other side of the room.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man walks to the right of the man with the 69 shirt, bends down, and then walks to the right to the other side of the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8204542114_e3a2a99dc9.mp4", "caption": "Logo on screen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nLogo on screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2639320175_dca1271f70.mpg", "caption": "Camera zooms out from bald, bearded, man.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCamera zooms out from bald, bearded, man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_2399837887_1ec0153eff.avi", "caption": "Man in black walks by from right to left.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in black walks by from right to left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_5826898997_0a951bea4f.mp4", "caption": "A person walks by.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA person walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3771329143_f1ec8d1034.mov", "caption": "Distant mountain appears.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nDistant mountain appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_4771991539_3658e67912.mov", "caption": "Girl with purse bends down and touches her leg.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nGirl with purse bends down and touches her leg.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4279639620_7d201091be.3gp", "caption": "First white flashes of light.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nFirst white flashes of light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4293389399_b6ee68a47a.mp4", "caption": "Cat climbs backwards to the arm of the couch.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCat climbs backwards to the arm of the couch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8540853940_0918b45804.mov", "caption": "Singer is clapping above her head in these clips.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nSinger is clapping above her head in these clips.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7345638@N06_4356199689_c5874ba20c.mov", "caption": "Boy faces sideways.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBoy faces sideways.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2420895475_8bd30b7db4.mov", "caption": "The man finally lets go.", "timestamps": [[25, 28.995633333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 28.995633333333334]], [[25, 28.995633333333334]], [[25, 28.995633333333334]], [[25, 28.995633333333334]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe man finally lets go.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39548123@N06_5875009698_4665dfa7d0.avi", "caption": "The man in black can be seen.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe man in black can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10637506985_b073fe1726.mp4", "caption": "A car passes by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA car passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5757090618_3ff0ff51c7.avi", "caption": "Pass by a silver parked van.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPass by a silver parked van.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_4251309939_4672d02c69.avi", "caption": "We pan across the street ' see a car pass by.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe pan across the street ' see a car pass by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8540853940_0918b45804.mov", "caption": "Vocalist begins singing in mircrophone.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nVocalist begins singing in mircrophone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6016254609_5b2eb937da.mov", "caption": "A girl in a pink dress is pulling on the shirt of a boy while the boy look up at the camera and smile.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA girl in a pink dress is pulling on the shirt of a boy while the boy look up at the camera and smile.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6670050195_2cd92cf91d.avi", "caption": "A test car crashing into a cement object.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA test car crashing into a cement object.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_2952392661_686a8432ed.3gp", "caption": "Girl walk in front of car.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl walk in front of car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567084336_a713c40e06.mov", "caption": "A man wearing the usa flag as a cape is walking through the crowd.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[5, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA man wearing the usa flag as a cape is walking through the crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4354162528_a4b649dbcb.mov", "caption": "Man in red runs away.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan in red runs away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3790902949_6550339fe6.mpg", "caption": "Camera zooms out on man on stage.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera zooms out on man on stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2775743148_fef3b4abbf.avi", "caption": "The baby drinks from the bottle.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe baby drinks from the bottle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730751513_582b35fc4d.avi", "caption": "Woman and man grab each others hands for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWoman and man grab each others hands for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4333208497_40bce38caf.mov", "caption": "Man fixes glasses while watching band march at nightime.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan fixes glasses while watching band march at nightime.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368354287_e2122d3409.mov", "caption": "The baby plays with its hands.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe baby plays with its hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817453084_c81e42a083.avi", "caption": "Camera turns on its side.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCamera turns on its side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5057913055_f086c25211.mpg", "caption": "A view of a city on the coast comes into the seascape.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 22.32]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA view of a city on the coast comes into the seascape.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450279020_06f7701526.mp4", "caption": "The person is the nearest to the camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe person is the nearest to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_5221173100_5e3ae59ef8.wmv", "caption": "Text is visible.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nText is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4830190871_b282f1c6e0.mov", "caption": "First bus drives by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nFirst bus drives by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2420875735_ca183d5763.mov", "caption": "Man faces the audience and speaks to them.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan faces the audience and speaks to them.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5484421082_c0894834a0.3gp", "caption": "A woman in purple walks next to the parade and then disappears from view.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA woman in purple walks next to the parade and then disappears from view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4499217540_88b1757450.mp4", "caption": "A hand is first shown.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA hand is first shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_3018397784_6b52cff935.wmv", "caption": "A person in grey tshirt and plaid shorts approaches the door and walks through it.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA person in grey tshirt and plaid shorts approaches the door and walks through it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543401937_e873e671f2.mp4", "caption": "Camera zooms out the fartest.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera zooms out the fartest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "97352149@N00_4915826308_f476ba1936.m4v", "caption": "The object is not shooting sparks in these frames.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe object is not shooting sparks in these frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9810805945_e5b779b877.mov", "caption": "The kid steps one leg over the yellow toy on the ground as he walks away from the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe kid steps one leg over the yellow toy on the ground as he walks away from the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4361151624_01682062fd.mp4", "caption": "Person in the red black striped shirt steps down out of view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPerson in the red black striped shirt steps down out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504516454_06d85d7a5d.mpg", "caption": "A street lamp comes into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA street lamp comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4807867935_e5b050495e.mov", "caption": "Person's hair is in view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson's hair is in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19757715@N00_2418495716_7197572a3f.avi", "caption": "Man blows candles out.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan blows candles out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005546265_effdc91c3b.mov", "caption": "Close up of man in red as he rides by.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nClose up of man in red as he rides by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3964993554_8c96bb1d16.mov", "caption": "The blue trashcan goes out of view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe blue trashcan goes out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19894250@N00_8425749412_9272eb8671.mp4", "caption": "The camera moves from the man to the view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera moves from the man to the view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753329361_927e43b35d.mp4", "caption": "Child looks to his right then left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nChild looks to his right then left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2536227889_9568af750e.mpg", "caption": "Black cat creeps up.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBlack cat creeps up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502178921_56f095d94d.avi", "caption": "The train is zoomed in on.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe train is zoomed in on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58907237@N00_3840705054_6b05885859.avi", "caption": "The bird begins to eat the bread.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe bird begins to eat the bread.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_4474066467_22a0375378.mov", "caption": "The man abandons the wheelchair.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe man abandons the wheelchair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015836933_32b54fcb50.mov", "caption": "The little boy waves to the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe little boy waves to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_3033523230_ea2e3cc514.mov", "caption": "A person wraps a rainbow flag around themselves.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA person wraps a rainbow flag around themselves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42631759@N05_8603563210_c1677d6e24.mp4", "caption": "Person in red disapears.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in red disapears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42872607@N00_3422203875_ed4050840f.mov", "caption": "Man in white shirt walks by, bottom right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in white shirt walks by, bottom right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_4917407731_43aac72c17.mp4", "caption": "The lone prancing blas horse enters the scene.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe lone prancing blas horse enters the scene.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11658141126_f61155c380.mp4", "caption": "A white car zooms past.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA white car zooms past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8448571587_222383db1c.mov", "caption": "Person moves guitar back and forward.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPerson moves guitar back and forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9415361624_23b9c39c5f.m4v", "caption": "Black numbers 1758 at bottomof train.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBlack numbers 1758 at bottomof train.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81358982@N00_4271886842_272b70933a.mp4", "caption": "The cat looks right at the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe cat looks right at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42872607@N00_3422203875_ed4050840f.mov", "caption": "The two people begin to slowly wave their arms.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe two people begin to slowly wave their arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9443106354_af57a2d31e.m4v", "caption": "Zoom in to red train car.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nZoom in to red train car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6174481476_282efdc276.mov", "caption": "The gentleman in black on the right speaks into the microphone.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe gentleman in black on the right speaks into the microphone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567084336_a713c40e06.mov", "caption": "Lady is carrying a tall stick.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nLady is carrying a tall stick.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_4858871023_258173472e.m4v", "caption": "Two pigs are butting heads til one of them runs away and is chased by the other.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nTwo pigs are butting heads til one of them runs away and is chased by the other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_12177928576_0c37f694d6.mts", "caption": "Someone in bright red races past.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nSomeone in bright red races past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4138851955_b48147c38e.mov", "caption": "The red car is visible the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe red car is visible the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69046008@N00_2539118411_cbd7b804a9.avi", "caption": "Dog first looks behind him.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nDog first looks behind him.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2400993412_694ed826a7.mpg", "caption": "The last scoops of sauce are added.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe last scoops of sauce are added.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_2399837887_1ec0153eff.avi", "caption": "A motorcycle passes.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA motorcycle passes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2983599192_57aeeb9ce9.avi", "caption": "We see picture of elvis the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe see picture of elvis the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4505923108_afb31594a8.mp4", "caption": "Purple light rays are briefly visible.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nPurple light rays are briefly visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4505923108_afb31594a8.mp4", "caption": "Car drives by woman.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCar drives by woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2740771623_054e4ae5c5.avi", "caption": "The boy covers his ears.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe boy covers his ears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2725586589_4c9e4eee26.avi", "caption": "The baby is crying.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe baby is crying.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11550160@N03_3301708361_818e27d108.mov", "caption": "Man removes cap from bottle.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan removes cap from bottle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217412483_54fc66a4d1.mov", "caption": "Man scratches his face above eye.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan scratches his face above eye.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_12042021446_137055e3d6.mp4", "caption": "The woman in a purple dress is dancing with someone in blue.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe woman in a purple dress is dancing with someone in blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_13706363874_9d859f4c78.mov", "caption": "Camerman takes a little girl's hat.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamerman takes a little girl's hat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61797472@N00_6122111246_2588fe84e3.mpg", "caption": "We first see two people's legs on bridge.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe first see two people's legs on bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4363942523_cf2dca698d.mov", "caption": "Woman in grey hoodie grabs pole with her right hand.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWoman in grey hoodie grabs pole with her right hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936648235_8fe811b0b8.mp4", "caption": "Man removes one hand.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan removes one hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5766392306_892149379c.mov", "caption": "People lift instruments.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPeople lift instruments.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6475202033_fc1673aa6f.mov", "caption": "Child in red gets up and walks away.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nChild in red gets up and walks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54564954@N00_2422638995_84e1d6e71b.avi", "caption": "A hand briefly comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA hand briefly comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4333208497_40bce38caf.mov", "caption": "Camera pans to the right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera pans to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16064708@N00_3610275474_52ba211e4d.avi", "caption": "Large tang fish comes into camera view.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nLarge tang fish comes into camera view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "87913776@N00_4150540649_b7216bd574.avi", "caption": "A woman with a blue scarf passes by with the crowd.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA woman with a blue scarf passes by with the crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7232884@N05_2821087022_1412339929.avi", "caption": "All the candles are out.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.162466666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.162466666666667]], [[25, 29.162466666666667]], [[25, 29.162466666666667]], [[25, 29.162466666666667]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nAll the candles are out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_9147391626_5753c0e83e.mov", "caption": "The woman all the way on the right appears as if she has smelled something funky, and bats at the air in front of her nose.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe woman all the way on the right appears as if she has smelled something funky, and bats at the air in front of her nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11550160@N03_3301708361_818e27d108.mov", "caption": "Person opens bottle.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPerson opens bottle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75237657@N00_4055964994_bc5d2836f7.mov", "caption": "The start of the race.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe start of the race.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089326931_7377668cb0.mp4", "caption": "The person swimming can be seen.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe person swimming can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3186418457_a3df2335ed.m4v", "caption": "Baby bouncing and then falls down.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBaby bouncing and then falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2716824274_a670b9d85d.avi", "caption": "Baby is farthest away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBaby is farthest away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2718504734_d78ec5131d.mov", "caption": "This is the darkest point in the video.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThis is the darkest point in the video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_4210323270_0bf37aa7b2.avi", "caption": "The truck comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 23.189833333333333]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe truck comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4082144394_c1546f7eaf.avi", "caption": "Car drives right by camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCar drives right by camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10392840645_c056c00517.mp4", "caption": "We walk past a green pole.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe walk past a green pole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6215527875_607fcf6c5d.wmv", "caption": "A fourth girl in a purple dress walks.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA fourth girl in a purple dress walks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6499452521_8ed8b299a4.avi", "caption": "Truck starts to move.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTruck starts to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56424258@N03_8926421223_3d71a5e241.", "caption": "Man walks to the woman in red.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan walks to the woman in red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7262589630_9f825d13b2.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in on man holding woman.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera zooms in on man holding woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5784351140_421865b8ca.avi", "caption": "Person in brown hat is shown.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.863166666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.863166666666668]], [[25, 29.863166666666668]], [[25, 29.863166666666668]], [[25, 29.863166666666668]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPerson in brown hat is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2528066848_1153f2b965.avi", "caption": "A building with the numbers 1501.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA building with the numbers 1501.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40345541@N00_2865172505_948d797d90.mov", "caption": "The cat first jumps over the track.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe cat first jumps over the track.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7285350148_d6f9bb1bfa.avi", "caption": "Little boy spins around.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nLittle boy spins around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_13706363874_9d859f4c78.mov", "caption": "Take my hat!", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTake my hat!", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_5651481910_7fb944ce83.avi", "caption": "The first person passes by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe first person passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_11813988006_abbfe79591.mov", "caption": "The woman in the purple sweater leaves the scene.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe woman in the purple sweater leaves the scene.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3735479957_36fd7f5aed.mov", "caption": "The child sits, then falls down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe child sits, then falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113248130_e53b0cd4c7.mov", "caption": "Gifl in brown claps her hands.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nGifl in brown claps her hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59972430@N00_5826290419_106d115888.wmv", "caption": "The antique red car comes to a stop.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe antique red car comes to a stop.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61886413@N00_3829754593_e952052be2.mov", "caption": "Man holding drink then camera pans to left to a fire.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan holding drink then camera pans to left to a fire.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9445973495_896cbd84e9.mov", "caption": "Feet drop from bench.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFeet drop from bench.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39548123@N06_5875009698_4665dfa7d0.avi", "caption": "Man in black coat is first seen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nMan in black coat is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368279831_9c0658d373.mov", "caption": "Person hands baby the lid for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPerson hands baby the lid for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2400926226_5c53b3827b.mp4", "caption": "Camera pans to left to show field.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera pans to left to show field.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_9386338617_042c7550f1.avi", "caption": "The graffiti that says 31 comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe graffiti that says 31 comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40345541@N00_2865172505_948d797d90.mov", "caption": "The white car begins to drive.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe white car begins to drive.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91189787@N00_13790811734_18d905f849.mp4", "caption": "The person is reaching on a shelf.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe person is reaching on a shelf.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_6284836172_519cc44b91.avi", "caption": "A person with a red hat is sitting down.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.689333333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 22.689333333333334]], [[15, 22.689333333333334]], [[15, 22.689333333333334]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA person with a red hat is sitting down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_5453126714_5f7afe2253.mov", "caption": "Motorized wheelchair passes by in background.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMotorized wheelchair passes by in background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54028598@N06_7343107844_8ae7265991.mov", "caption": "Big orange and white fish first passes beside another fish.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBig orange and white fish first passes beside another fish.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3626701920_228d7c030f.mov", "caption": "A baby sticks his hand in the water then puts it to his mouth.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA baby sticks his hand in the water then puts it to his mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_4509643655_a1899ca8c9.mov", "caption": "No animals can be seen in this frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nNo animals can be seen in this frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61403949@N00_2523965645_5e35959e15.avi", "caption": "The dog jumps up at the legs for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe dog jumps up at the legs for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6297763306_94c1edc639.avi", "caption": "We are able to see the skyscrapers.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe are able to see the skyscrapers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4499217540_88b1757450.mp4", "caption": "Camera starts to focus on the ipad.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera starts to focus on the ipad.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23981060@N00_3445275436_34c254d041.avi", "caption": "The sunset first comes into view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe sunset first comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730751513_582b35fc4d.avi", "caption": "The woman flips over him twice in this frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe woman flips over him twice in this frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4373687819_95fc6e95bf.mov", "caption": "A yellow bowl with spots on it is passed.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA yellow bowl with spots on it is passed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_4769517632_3205860150.mov", "caption": "A person in front of the camera takes a picture.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA person in front of the camera takes a picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8978747@N04_6067562158_f2465a16d8.mpg", "caption": "Woman puts hands on girl shoulder.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWoman puts hands on girl shoulder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70414856@N00_4673392735_4d74910787.mov", "caption": "Highest point of waterfall is shown.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 10]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nHighest point of waterfall is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113209964_0509e46f5d.mov", "caption": "One of the ballerinas runs out of the frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nOne of the ballerinas runs out of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3586529995_9e3f177181.m4v", "caption": "The camera holder touches the blue plate.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera holder touches the blue plate.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8862101860_17a5880fdb.mov", "caption": "Boy rides bike in background.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nBoy rides bike in background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4893184599_197570445d.mp4", "caption": "Person begins to dance.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPerson begins to dance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978221101_816bfa3be7.mp4", "caption": "Bigger tree trunk first appears.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBigger tree trunk first appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3781679212_c5498ddc42.wmv", "caption": "A big cloud of smoke is shown.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA big cloud of smoke is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4243544341_107d78d4b9.avi", "caption": "The baby is laughing and then he raises his arm.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe baby is laughing and then he raises his arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2983599192_57aeeb9ce9.avi", "caption": "Dark to light.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nDark to light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_4760052149_d8bdb81e05.mov", "caption": "Man in red shirt on segway points toward camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan in red shirt on segway points toward camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4136620664_6b69c756f5.mov", "caption": "Man takes a bite of stuff.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nMan takes a bite of stuff.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035763119@N01_2484699662_40548fa9dd.3gp", "caption": "We now zoom in on the mini ref.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe now zoom in on the mini ref.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3863871139_37e6344292.m4v", "caption": "Door first opens.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nDoor first opens.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2652909308_2cf69b5b15.mpg", "caption": "Cat walks underneath the persons legs.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCat walks underneath the persons legs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31667813@N00_3159450613_4a463646e0.3g2", "caption": "Mouse leaves wheel briefly.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMouse leaves wheel briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_12719489394_894e8b27ae.mts", "caption": "The baby is being carried.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe baby is being carried.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5262220923_f5557abe49.mov", "caption": "Cow rampages in.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCow rampages in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9308598808_a4b0fb4742.mov", "caption": "The boy falls down on his hands.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe boy falls down on his hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9443106354_af57a2d31e.m4v", "caption": "The camera zooms in on a train car.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera zooms in on a train car.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47262904@N00_4550047979_7ddc00f1c5.avi", "caption": "The people in white leave the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe people in white leave the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75237657@N00_4055964994_bc5d2836f7.mov", "caption": "The man moves to stand at the end of the table.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe man moves to stand at the end of the table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_6954214803_cbe044da82.mov", "caption": "An animal or people are seen to the right.", "timestamps": [[10, 22.355666666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.355666666666668]], [[10, 22.355666666666668]], [[10, 22.355666666666668]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nAn animal or people are seen to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2953285451_791633ed8d.avi", "caption": "The deepest area is visible.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe deepest area is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4756749871_29da08b1e4.avi", "caption": "Child in hat lifts head 1st time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nChild in hat lifts head 1st time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7285350148_d6f9bb1bfa.avi", "caption": "First time boy spins around.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nFirst time boy spins around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89167587@N00_8478181993_daaa81bb24.mov", "caption": "A truck and then a white car passes by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA truck and then a white car passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5484421082_c0894834a0.3gp", "caption": "The woman in the pink visor comes in an out of view on the right.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe woman in the pink visor comes in an out of view on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5784383270_303610e3a2.avi", "caption": "We see a guy in black shirt enter the left view and quickly turns around and exits.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe see a guy in black shirt enter the left view and quickly turns around and exits.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91189787@N00_13790811734_18d905f849.mp4", "caption": "The boy reaches for something on the shelf.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe boy reaches for something on the shelf.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_6322143415_a4cff44c51.mp4", "caption": "We see a bit of the mascot's pants.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWe see a bit of the mascot's pants.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3004571446_6da5941323.avi", "caption": "Man starts dancing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nMan starts dancing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860643088_cc3a272282.mp4", "caption": "The lights change from blue to green.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe lights change from blue to green.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7999611810_c0e5db7bcc.mov", "caption": "Cat darts into room.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCat darts into room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_6151970786_5deaee3b58.mp4", "caption": "A flag is seen waving.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA flag is seen waving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_4210323270_0bf37aa7b2.avi", "caption": "Tractor tears down fence.", "timestamps": [[10, 23.189833333333333]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.189833333333333]], [[10, 23.189833333333333]], [[20, 23.189833333333333]], [[10, 23.189833333333333]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nTractor tears down fence.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368332221_205d1fa97c.mov", "caption": "Baby puts head on pillow and slides down a bit.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby puts head on pillow and slides down a bit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470914150_19929a8bc6.mov", "caption": "A girl in pick runs onto the screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA girl in pick runs onto the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32739506@N03_4924943979_1667fb6f10.mov", "caption": "Bus is moving.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBus is moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4553754950_417dd7653b.mov", "caption": "People talking in front of a window as the camera pans to the right.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPeople talking in front of a window as the camera pans to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10413267033_dd53be1694.mp4", "caption": "The woman enter the building.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe woman enter the building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_9929504616_54746c1edf.mov", "caption": "A man about to play guitar.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man about to play guitar.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6855148077_26c0c80d0a.mov", "caption": "A big blue sign comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA big blue sign comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36260156@N06_4746680675_b53dfd153e.mov", "caption": "Man bites something.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMan bites something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049310249_effcfe7eab.mp4", "caption": "Dog stops and looks in the rear.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nDog stops and looks in the rear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8448571587_222383db1c.mov", "caption": "Crowd clapping for performace.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCrowd clapping for performace.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4354162528_a4b649dbcb.mov", "caption": "Man in red runs to catch up with others.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan in red runs to catch up with others.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7232884@N05_2821087022_1412339929.avi", "caption": "Little boy blows out candles on cake.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.162466666666667]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 29.162466666666667]], [[25, 29.162466666666667]], [[20, 29.162466666666667]], [[20, 29.162466666666667]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nLittle boy blows out candles on cake.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8287088378_84859b0f99.", "caption": "First time a car is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nFirst time a car is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6059449750_a81f597c83.m4v", "caption": "Some men in military uniforms walking in the jungle.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nSome men in military uniforms walking in the jungle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365627273_f7734ed8e1.wmv", "caption": "An a well dressed elderly man walks with a cane.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nAn a well dressed elderly man walks with a cane.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6365251579_d3cf1a92d5.wmv", "caption": "The bride takes the grooms hand and they walk forward.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe bride takes the grooms hand and they walk forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24525988@N00_4244846657_e76350ac93.mov", "caption": "The bright light dims.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe bright light dims.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_5086363729_db2cf30408.mov", "caption": "A girl in a green spotted dress, spins around.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[5, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA girl in a green spotted dress, spins around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5757090618_3ff0ff51c7.avi", "caption": "We first see a silver van.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe first see a silver van.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2506994262_fb25932e27.avi", "caption": "Kids in yellow go off screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nKids in yellow go off screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "22144986@N00_5506213758_2ec53ed49e.mov", "caption": "The man reaches over and grabs the thing with his right hand.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe man reaches over and grabs the thing with his right hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470330893_6d37b967ea.mov", "caption": "Baby squats down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBaby squats down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_8010348919_f61297cd14.mp4", "caption": "We see a google t-shirt.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 24.591233333333335]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 24.591233333333335]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe see a google t-shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3597448879_45a8e4f5f4.mp4", "caption": "Stopped by a traffic light.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nStopped by a traffic light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411830717_6cb33085a4.m4v", "caption": "Man with bike passes street performer.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMan with bike passes street performer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899711108_1cced33755.mov", "caption": "Someone's elbow come into view briefly.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nSomeone's elbow come into view briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_9386338617_042c7550f1.avi", "caption": "Bright red graffiti can be seen.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBright red graffiti can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015647071_ec8106e23e.mov", "caption": "Adult adjusts on the couch.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nAdult adjusts on the couch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_9222418350_229f6e3e26.mov", "caption": "Man/older boy is swimming on back.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan/older boy is swimming on back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9610063813_021d0a929a.mov", "caption": "A person in a bright red shirt walks by.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA person in a bright red shirt walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6016254609_5b2eb937da.mov", "caption": "Girl in light pink dress with white purse briefly visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nGirl in light pink dress with white purse briefly visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_5641429393_5ea63f8fcf.mov", "caption": "Dog takes bacon.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nDog takes bacon.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_4743132321_ca3356e907.mpg", "caption": "Item briefly pops in frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nItem briefly pops in frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4115680587_07a5baecda.avi", "caption": "Camera passes smiling man in black.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera passes smiling man in black.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "88231064@N00_5748100144_0c3ae1b1f0.mp4", "caption": "The pan up to the window.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe pan up to the window.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2654926981_ba9fa0794d.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9609273353_7b1706f1e9.mov", "caption": "Cars first go by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCars first go by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4707879988_734564a897.mov", "caption": "Person raises bow above head.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson raises bow above head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_4335657123_2de0c09653.avi", "caption": "Two birds dive into the water.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTwo birds dive into the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_5278314271_5c5b6ea4e1.mp4", "caption": "Camera zooms in close to lights reflecting off floor.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nCamera zooms in close to lights reflecting off floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59431569@N02_8226455153_69f2b5c53d.mov", "caption": "The first black car passes.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe first black car passes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_7617742910_083794ef59.mp4", "caption": "The dancer in silver and black exits left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 28.5285]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe dancer in silver and black exits left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_5499018008_1a9146dc14.avi", "caption": "A adults hand is shown.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA adults hand is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8862101860_17a5880fdb.mov", "caption": "A persons legs come into view.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.922922922922925]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.922922922922925]], [[20, 22.922922922922925]], [[20, 22.922922922922925]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA persons legs come into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2400936106_d8b683797b.mov", "caption": "Fireworks start in stadium.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nFireworks start in stadium.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4890173699_8391fc05da.m4v", "caption": "We first see a person petting the tiger.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe first see a person petting the tiger.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8283285682_d1267bb1cc.mp4", "caption": "The men punch each other.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe men punch each other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10108383754_bc92364cbe.mp4", "caption": "Sign with letters and numbers is shown.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nSign with letters and numbers is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_4858871023_258173472e.m4v", "caption": "Two pigs run out of shelter and back into the shelter going behind the post.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nTwo pigs run out of shelter and back into the shelter going behind the post.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5604083185_946cc684e1.mp4", "caption": "The dog leaps into the womans arms.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe dog leaps into the womans arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2753576649_f54b4c2408.avi", "caption": "Boy rolls towards his back and you can see his belly button.", "timestamps": [[20, 29.930232558139537]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 29.930232558139537]], [[20, 29.930232558139537]], [[20, 29.930232558139537]], [[20, 29.930232558139537]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBoy rolls towards his back and you can see his belly button.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2849208990_be8a731ce4.avi", "caption": "The baby is lying down not moving.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby is lying down not moving.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4223864218_8a531d1c08.m4v", "caption": "The camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5899711108_1cced33755.mov", "caption": "A man passes near the stage.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA man passes near the stage.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12026205986_ce1417f1c5.mp4", "caption": "A person passes by.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA person passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "59431569@N02_8226455153_69f2b5c53d.mov", "caption": "A semi truck passes by in the opposite lane.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA semi truck passes by in the opposite lane.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770809720_7babdf225d.mp4", "caption": "A red bar at the bottom of the screen becomes visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA red bar at the bottom of the screen becomes visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_4743132321_ca3356e907.mpg", "caption": "A towel is thrown up in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA towel is thrown up in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4115680587_07a5baecda.avi", "caption": "A hand is flashed briefly in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA hand is flashed briefly in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502187871_f80cc31479.mp4", "caption": "The porta potty can be seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 29.84]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 29.84]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 29.84]], [[5, 29.84]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe porta potty can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3821734475_6fb6f099d8.mov", "caption": "The camera starts to zoom in.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera starts to zoom in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3199443352_91a9a44421.mp4", "caption": "Cat stands up on post.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCat stands up on post.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3901267059_e2447aa132.m4v", "caption": "Camera spans to look at crowd.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera spans to look at crowd.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368332221_205d1fa97c.mov", "caption": "A toddler rolls onto his side trying to crawl.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA toddler rolls onto his side trying to crawl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8543379145_e7c743ca92.mp4", "caption": "The baby starts the frame smiling.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe baby starts the frame smiling.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "15525582@N08_4450214421_0d78d4b7b3.mov", "caption": "Circle hand slapping game.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCircle hand slapping game.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9070447602_ca0b2fa090.", "caption": "We see 'ice' on the train.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWe see 'ice' on the train.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6910162653_58ee384276.avi", "caption": "The person in red places a car on the track.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person in red places a car on the track.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_7430499768_ebc7c583b7.mp4", "caption": "Words flash onto the screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWords flash onto the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10413267033_dd53be1694.mp4", "caption": "The camera moves to the blue window.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe camera moves to the blue window.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288717@N02_3833987775_58ac37b027.avi", "caption": "A man walks from right to left and kneels down.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA man walks from right to left and kneels down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11658141126_f61155c380.mp4", "caption": "A white car passes the painters.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA white car passes the painters.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4372075735_39541fc04c.avi", "caption": "Little girl in stripes enters hall with blanket.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nLittle girl in stripes enters hall with blanket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_8338205421_053e67d83c.mp4", "caption": "Light goes out.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nLight goes out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6059449750_a81f597c83.m4v", "caption": "A man looking at the camera gestures with his right hand.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA man looking at the camera gestures with his right hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7622630856_b015283569.mov", "caption": "Girl runs from camera and then a child runs into the camera view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nGirl runs from camera and then a child runs into the camera view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4062672072_7817e13a59.avi", "caption": "The newborn yawns.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe newborn yawns.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30141170@N07_7541827528_50c69e05bf.mov", "caption": "The water stops.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe water stops.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6224441892_8f3646b3b4.mp4", "caption": "First time you see the whole bridge.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst time you see the whole bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5304359549_8cba115b30.mov", "caption": "A little boy falls down.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA little boy falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_13742310655_3fc33126a4.mts", "caption": "A stroller and person's legs are first seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA stroller and person's legs are first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3010995355_cdafc99186.avi", "caption": "Boy in black tshirt uncrosses his arms for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBoy in black tshirt uncrosses his arms for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3148144845_56753b45d2.avi", "caption": "The man raises his right hand.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe man raises his right hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817453084_c81e42a083.avi", "caption": "The camera turns to the side.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe camera turns to the side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452580898_a606f7f89e.wmv", "caption": "A black bird flys out of the trees.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA black bird flys out of the trees.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6568591041_1fa043fbe8.mov", "caption": "Baby seat is the most visible.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby seat is the most visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8308998471_f2211a9589.mp4", "caption": "Little girl to left reachesdon for something.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nLittle girl to left reachesdon for something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659175751_c55c6b597a.avi", "caption": "Drummer in back nods head.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nDrummer in back nods head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_3350674032_bb49776675.mpg", "caption": "Child hits the ground.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nChild hits the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908066554_348455807d.mov", "caption": "A blond hair girl kneels down beside a baby.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA blond hair girl kneels down beside a baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2866666461_23f0dba6bc.avi", "caption": "Hotel in back is easily seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nHotel in back is easily seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7877606412_8d8ab88212.mov", "caption": "People walk in from left.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPeople walk in from left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5226814313_d634da5400.mov", "caption": "The person in red walks out of the room.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe person in red walks out of the room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936648235_8fe811b0b8.mp4", "caption": "Man lifts hand up before playing instrument.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan lifts hand up before playing instrument.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5783819903_e6639fe5a7.avi", "caption": "Man in the orange hat rubs his nose.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan in the orange hat rubs his nose.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4887482086_f7ef66b7f5.mp4", "caption": "Man in orange shirt gets up onto knees.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan in orange shirt gets up onto knees.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8532194995_d624f9220d.mov", "caption": "Cat jumps down from camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCat jumps down from camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "64226497@N00_3637954505_d0dace0b7b.3gp", "caption": "Very little movement.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.055366666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.055366666666668]], [[20, 22.055366666666668]], [[20, 22.055366666666668]], [[20, 22.055366666666668]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nVery little movement.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6920266298_17a95070f6.mov", "caption": "Animal moves to behind the tree.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nAnimal moves to behind the tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_7394488574_42da21affe.mp4", "caption": "Logo on screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nLogo on screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4627328527_812ddede5f.wmv", "caption": "First time we see child in white shirt running away from camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nFirst time we see child in white shirt running away from camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65441360@N00_6217942022_263e71d557.mov", "caption": "Man appears on the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nMan appears on the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "76054233@N00_4945727919_deee79c1bd.mpg", "caption": "The projector screen first changes.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe projector screen first changes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_6787524167_1a53c15812.mpg", "caption": "The greyish rodent's head goes over the black railing.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe greyish rodent's head goes over the black railing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32659844@N00_8378996831_18d30af2a9.mov", "caption": "Green car enters and exits frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nGreen car enters and exits frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817477962_49e5788312.mp4", "caption": "The small black dog flees after a woman starts to splash water on it.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe small black dog flees after a woman starts to splash water on it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6707262569_51dd71c753.mov", "caption": "We first see the baby.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe first see the baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368267139_6dfa8bfa9b.mov", "caption": "The baby grabs and almost pulls the chair over.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe baby grabs and almost pulls the chair over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_4983542618_6b3d1ef4d8.mp4", "caption": "A bird flies overhead.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA bird flies overhead.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5753328327_0b635e32bb.mp4", "caption": "The baby reaches for something on the counter and the mother moves his hand.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby reaches for something on the counter and the mother moves his hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4392594553_30146e621e.mov", "caption": "The man sits down on the curb.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe man sits down on the curb.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25343491@N06_4547127130_9b37726fa7.mov", "caption": "Close up of pamphlets.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nClose up of pamphlets.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5904330503_5d9223c32a.mov", "caption": "The camera moves in on the bird.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera moves in on the bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_4149696982_ae3c920c43.mov", "caption": "A boy in a yellow tshirt exits frame right.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA boy in a yellow tshirt exits frame right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_3258488795_d148d5e326.mov", "caption": "A woman appears in the frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA woman appears in the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_9024043759_f45d964520.avi", "caption": "White dome of cathedral exits frame top left corner.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWhite dome of cathedral exits frame top left corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_3018397784_6b52cff935.wmv", "caption": "Door automatically closes.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nDoor automatically closes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3602860200_dc789bc4f6.mp4", "caption": "Blonde woman walking.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBlonde woman walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5613855014_79be57667c.mov", "caption": "Camera turns off of lady in red.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera turns off of lady in red.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089245213_e7f8da3ec3.mov", "caption": "A scuba diver swims around a reef.", "timestamps": [[0, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[0, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA scuba diver swims around a reef.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2654926981_ba9fa0794d.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms on the guitarist.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe camera zooms on the guitarist.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3771318491_af530d049e.mov", "caption": "A woman in white sits on a bench.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA woman in white sits on a bench.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2716824274_a670b9d85d.avi", "caption": "Camera first zooms in.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera first zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6194119150_ba9a09feb2.mov", "caption": "Man hops down and moves his arms.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMan hops down and moves his arms.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6829893951_f10a25a3c8.mp4", "caption": "Zoom into a building with pointed roof top.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nZoom into a building with pointed roof top.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_13527571073_0b5939dfa1.mov", "caption": "Little boy begins to unwrap gift.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nLittle boy begins to unwrap gift.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6089326931_7377668cb0.mov", "caption": "The diver in black swims into view and waves at the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe diver in black swims into view and waves at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8173120003_b14d4b778d.mov", "caption": "Something falls to the floor.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nSomething falls to the floor.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "62628278@N00_5499018008_1a9146dc14.avi", "caption": "The adult's hand is seen for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe adult's hand is seen for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816551593_b319e15b06.avi", "caption": "Woman starts walking.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWoman starts walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55455788@N00_10855991194_487e7b96a0.mov", "caption": "Person wearing suspender walk out of frame on the left side.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson wearing suspender walk out of frame on the left side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2639320175_dca1271f70.mpg", "caption": "Old man drives his scooter forward.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nOld man drives his scooter forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8173120003_b14d4b778d.mov", "caption": "A kitten in a bag fumbles on a yarn blanket.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA kitten in a bag fumbles on a yarn blanket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8253358125_14b9ef5518.", "caption": "A girl wearing a green jacket enters the scene for the first time with her back to the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA girl wearing a green jacket enters the scene for the first time with her back to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61886413@N00_3830573270_a08e013fe2.mov", "caption": "The man leaves view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 29.896533333333334]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe man leaves view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_6787524167_1a53c15812.mpg", "caption": "The small creature jumps out of the box.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe small creature jumps out of the box.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_7394488574_42da21affe.mp4", "caption": "Belly dancer does 3 circles.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBelly dancer does 3 circles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_10844086345_8a62c1880e.mp4", "caption": "We first see second bird.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe first see second bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_3944006339_85416993a7.mov", "caption": "The baby on the left grabs the other baby.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe baby on the left grabs the other baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_4137054048_811836e779.mov", "caption": "The man puts food in his mouth.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe man puts food in his mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43610740@N02_4398693645_e9b6b1489f.avi", "caption": "The camera gets close up on the objects on the truck.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera gets close up on the objects on the truck.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_7617742910_083794ef59.mp4", "caption": "We see the back of the person in the large sombrero's costume for the first time.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 28.5285]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe see the back of the person in the large sombrero's costume for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3520146821_ac4478560a.3gp", "caption": "Girl does a thumbs up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nGirl does a thumbs up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_6954214803_cbe044da82.mov", "caption": "A figure comes into view on the right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 22.355666666666668]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA figure comes into view on the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5000550633_c08bd38fa0.mp4", "caption": "The woman flips the reins.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe woman flips the reins.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78189444@N03_7165735186_4957794ed9.mov", "caption": "The cameraman takes a couple steps back.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 22.088733333333334]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe cameraman takes a couple steps back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_5536769782_27b2dbf150.mp4", "caption": "Truck exits camera frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTruck exits camera frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2775743148_fef3b4abbf.avi", "caption": "Spoon goes in baby's mouth.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nSpoon goes in baby's mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_4346772532_cf5893ca14.avi", "caption": "Child in polka-dots walks back and forth.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nChild in polka-dots walks back and forth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2906930741_f8201bcb4e.mpg", "caption": "The cat quickly turns its head toward the person.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe cat quickly turns its head toward the person.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66284747@N00_3707020186_a8179a902e.mov", "caption": "The grass begins green.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe grass begins green.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31788279@N00_2509412119_f0d103fd1e.mov", "caption": "A man in black walks off screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA man in black walks off screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61511785@N00_6062485104_77a90b3e5a.mov", "caption": "Dog puts paws togeth er.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nDog puts paws togeth er.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8603274734_254ee929df.", "caption": "A hand grabs the baby's stuffed toy to wiggle it.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA hand grabs the baby's stuffed toy to wiggle it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9810805945_e5b779b877.mov", "caption": "Little boy stand up and starts walking with his toy.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nLittle boy stand up and starts walking with his toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504516454_06d85d7a5d.mpg", "caption": "The big flock of birds leave the view a bit while camera readjusts.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe big flock of birds leave the view a bit while camera readjusts.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3124973847_bcfc44ae1b.avi", "caption": "The old man bends down to speak to the children.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe old man bends down to speak to the children.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30454038@N06_7646070970_da6b9c2656.mov", "caption": "The toddler pulls himself up using by grabbing onto the cabinet.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe toddler pulls himself up using by grabbing onto the cabinet.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "54212625@N00_2405570464_4081356865.mov", "caption": "Front object pulls fartherest away from rear one.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.996633333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.996633333333335]], [[0, 15]], [[25, 29.996633333333335]], [[25, 29.996633333333335]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nFront object pulls fartherest away from rear one.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567085088_d618943a35.mov", "caption": "Girl with green shirt walks by.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nGirl with green shirt walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2631747952_a577082588.mpg", "caption": "Camera zooms out.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera zooms out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8604725930_f6f5314798.mpg", "caption": "Text appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nText appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9345116692_17c2e48e30.mp4", "caption": "The baby first waves its left hand.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe baby first waves its left hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3638594847_d3c3a425b6.mov", "caption": "The toddler pulls an orange item of clothing out of the basket.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe toddler pulls an orange item of clothing out of the basket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5841105970_4a1762f617.avi", "caption": "We see tall man in khakis and blue shirt.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe see tall man in khakis and blue shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015710552_ae2aa9ae73.mov", "caption": "Little boy wipes eyes.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nLittle boy wipes eyes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_7617742910_083794ef59.mp4", "caption": "Someone runs across the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSomeone runs across the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2401577710_bca9785879.mpg", "caption": "The second hand is shown for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe second hand is shown for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "84989643@N00_4758785050_55804b0d43.avi", "caption": "Flag appears up close.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nFlag appears up close.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50308302@N00_9305851905_2e7db67d05.mp4", "caption": "Three deer walk near the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThree deer walk near the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49368505@N00_2484677333_fdf91e5e42.avi", "caption": "Woman walks through frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nWoman walks through frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10015567@N08_3655084291_d8b58466fa.mov", "caption": "White chicken leaves screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWhite chicken leaves screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31593547@N03_13632450104_167e9ecec0.mov", "caption": "A close up of a yellow flower.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[15, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA close up of a yellow flower.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_4743132321_ca3356e907.mpg", "caption": "Building comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nBuilding comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2654926981_ba9fa0794d.mov", "caption": "The guitarist plays a solo.", "timestamps": [[5, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe guitarist plays a solo.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42872607@N00_3422203875_ed4050840f.mov", "caption": "A man in yellow walks by.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man in yellow walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2655997447_25262855b4.avi", "caption": "Girl in the red shirt looks back over his shoulder.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nGirl in the red shirt looks back over his shoulder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6077348852_05f54a66df.avi", "caption": "The fighter in white is pushed back into the ring.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe fighter in white is pushed back into the ring.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_8115531414_460796d835.avi", "caption": "A sailor walks down the deck.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.266666666666666]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.266666666666666]], [[15, 23.266666666666666]], [[15, 23.266666666666666]], [[15, 23.266666666666666]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA sailor walks down the deck.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770811946_e20f90260d.mp4", "caption": "Camera pans up to show the bike riders at very top of ramp.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera pans up to show the bike riders at very top of ramp.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82270145@N04_7558679740_922d247a74.mov", "caption": "A man is shown.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.523500000000002]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.523500000000002]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]], [[15, 23.523500000000002]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8494901801_2a59170218.mov", "caption": "A man in dark clothing is addressing an audience of young people.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA man in dark clothing is addressing an audience of young people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3766400261_96bd3905c1.mp4", "caption": "The man pushes buttons and orange lights come on.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe man pushes buttons and orange lights come on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_3822129137_0a1e16e9ee.mp4", "caption": "Both cats jump up onto the white bed.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBoth cats jump up onto the white bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6591277497_fe8bb0dee3.avi", "caption": "The toy helicopter leaves the ground.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe toy helicopter leaves the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86577590@N00_4285687197_218e0fc153.mov", "caption": "Woman comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWoman comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32659844@N00_8378996831_18d30af2a9.mov", "caption": "A large red bus appears.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA large red bus appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411830717_6cb33085a4.m4v", "caption": "Person with a red strip on clothes comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nPerson with a red strip on clothes comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_9345116692_17c2e48e30.mp4", "caption": "The baby lets go of his shirt.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe baby lets go of his shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_7326435816_6960ca36bb.", "caption": "A person in white walks by quickly.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA person in white walks by quickly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3821734475_6fb6f099d8.mov", "caption": "The stage lights begin to change from orange to blue.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe stage lights begin to change from orange to blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4335935580_cb66c1d2be.mov", "caption": "People walk by waving blue flags.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPeople walk by waving blue flags.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_6954214803_cbe044da82.mov", "caption": "Someone is seen at a distance.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.355666666666668]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.355666666666668]], [[20, 22.355666666666668]], [[15, 22.355666666666668]], [[10, 22.355666666666668]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nSomeone is seen at a distance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11591650@N03_4661765808_5de19f61a8.mpg", "caption": "Person raises microphone to mouth and begins talking for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPerson raises microphone to mouth and begins talking for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12595974@N00_2399637177_50419d4a17.wmv", "caption": "Person first comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nPerson first comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8616944997_5b70611ac3.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe camera zooms in for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_9111047554_df9974aa13.mp4", "caption": "No cars in picture.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nNo cars in picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2692985882_dd146f604a.mov", "caption": "The dj looks into the camera and nods his head.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe dj looks into the camera and nods his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8650538324_e5f9d37f63.mp4", "caption": "First time all lights are on the round thing.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst time all lights are on the round thing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3695443048_a0a4a0b4c4.mov", "caption": "Someone takes the baby's soother out of its mouth.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nSomeone takes the baby's soother out of its mouth.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_11214344623_b48220bc8b.mp4", "caption": "Bus enters frame from the right and passes by.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nBus enters frame from the right and passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "15525582@N08_4450214421_0d78d4b7b3.mov", "caption": "A lone pedestrian crosses the bridge.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA lone pedestrian crosses the bridge.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467647956_c8e4c3d2da.mov", "caption": "A row of taxis pass in front of two big tractor/trailer trucks.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA row of taxis pass in front of two big tractor/trailer trucks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8310077242_08b9e4551c.mov", "caption": "Girl on left rubs her foot on her knee.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGirl on left rubs her foot on her knee.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67093783@N00_5812133531_edfedaa75d.3gp", "caption": "Telephone pole passes camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTelephone pole passes camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_2921174984_727c2e35e7.mov", "caption": "A baby eats a spoon filled with food.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA baby eats a spoon filled with food.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5158769917_a731a0797e.mov", "caption": "Two white donkey's can be seen walking by.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nTwo white donkey's can be seen walking by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6678203617_87653b8979.mov", "caption": "The child grabs the blocks for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe child grabs the blocks for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7364749@N02_3676115996_31908e9831.mp4", "caption": "Someone comes over and whispers in the blonde woman's ear.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nSomeone comes over and whispers in the blonde woman's ear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4769565946_89942c579d.mov", "caption": "Baby looks down.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby looks down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_2442697061_b58da2c0c9.mpg", "caption": "The camera moves closer to boy playing with his toy.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera moves closer to boy playing with his toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_9024043759_f45d964520.avi", "caption": "We see the top of the dome shaped building for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe see the top of the dome shaped building for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6920266298_17a95070f6.mov", "caption": "The animal begins to move.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe animal begins to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7285350148_d6f9bb1bfa.avi", "caption": "The platform lowers.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe platform lowers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12789647@N08_5841105970_4a1762f617.avi", "caption": "Man in blue shirt/khaki pants comes into view on right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nMan in blue shirt/khaki pants comes into view on right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "63126465@N00_2561116193_49e1af7b57.mp4", "caption": "The second yellow line first becomes visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe second yellow line first becomes visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66814335@N00_4837566494_a2f3ccc1f7.m4v", "caption": "A black car enters the middle of the screen and pulls up to the parking spot.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA black car enters the middle of the screen and pulls up to the parking spot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368959868_929cb41c30.mov", "caption": "Baby puts hand on blue toy.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby puts hand on blue toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2816551593_b319e15b06.avi", "caption": "A woman talks directly into the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA woman talks directly into the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57134288@N00_3724244505_997f2308c2.avi", "caption": "Person holding poles in white shirt passes by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPerson holding poles in white shirt passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_6284837116_f2dc6d8509.avi", "caption": "First strike with the shovel.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst strike with the shovel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4451832659_260d21258b.wmv", "caption": "A bird flying off a branch.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA bird flying off a branch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2931257309_53be4dfa39.mpg", "caption": "All four tennis players come together to converse at the middle of the court net.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nAll four tennis players come together to converse at the middle of the court net.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4553754950_417dd7653b.mov", "caption": "Man with backpack is first seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan with backpack is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2725586589_4c9e4eee26.avi", "caption": "Baby moves hand away from his mouth and puts it on stomach.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nBaby moves hand away from his mouth and puts it on stomach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2655957735_8465d58650.avi", "caption": "Girl in red nods at camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nGirl in red nods at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659171411_346779be91.mov", "caption": "Camera pans up.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera pans up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9610063813_021d0a929a.mov", "caption": "The woman with the camera sits back on her seat.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe woman with the camera sits back on her seat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9487559532_dd6e472f57.mp4", "caption": "Person reaches in and adjust babys neck wrap.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.9632966299633]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.9632966299633]], [[25, 29.9632966299633]], [[25, 29.9632966299633]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPerson reaches in and adjust babys neck wrap.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049386755_53aa01b4e4.mov", "caption": "The small dog agitates a black cat sitting on a couch.", "timestamps": [[0, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe small dog agitates a black cat sitting on a couch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_4233088456_3a9d80ff92.avi", "caption": "We see a unicycle.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nWe see a unicycle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_4084249713_69d7938024.avi", "caption": "Two women walk right by the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTwo women walk right by the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38658566@N06_4750242620_686bed740d.avi", "caption": "The circle of people starts to break up.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe circle of people starts to break up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26988100@N00_5001107576_6dea30d8ee.mp4", "caption": "The sun comes into the picture.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe sun comes into the picture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_4452596290_752a13c4a2.wmv", "caption": "Camera zooms in on bird.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nCamera zooms in on bird.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623478295_e51c047be0.mp4", "caption": "Copule at a baseball game.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCopule at a baseball game.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_4966361149_0b02196c04.mov", "caption": "We see smiley face on orange ball briefly.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nWe see smiley face on orange ball briefly.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_5339867789_59b856a56b.mov", "caption": "The machine lays down a new record.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe machine lays down a new record.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3828879769_745eabb44d.mov", "caption": "The person with the umbrella walks off the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe person with the umbrella walks off the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113274038_d267a35413.mov", "caption": "The girl on the left stands up.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe girl on the left stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060414829_ca0d57fd9a.mp4", "caption": "The bee makes his first appearance.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe bee makes his first appearance.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16316293@N00_5049671925_eee1f40e2d.mp4", "caption": "Camera bounces a little before holding steady again.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera bounces a little before holding steady again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932110434_1fcdfdafd4.mpg", "caption": "The person in the white and black shirt runs past.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe person in the white and black shirt runs past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_9222418350_229f6e3e26.mov", "caption": "Kid with yellow floaty looks at camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nKid with yellow floaty looks at camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5262220923_f5557abe49.mov", "caption": "First time we see a bull in a pen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nFirst time we see a bull in a pen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4267342527_c6d9f56f31.mov", "caption": "We see a girl in pink n someones shoulders.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe see a girl in pink n someones shoulders.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "35135924@N00_4082144394_c1546f7eaf.avi", "caption": "The blue balloon moves to the bottom.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe blue balloon moves to the bottom.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4807867935_e5b050495e.mov", "caption": "Somebody's head at the bottom of the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nSomebody's head at the bottom of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19757715@N00_2418495716_7197572a3f.avi", "caption": "A plate is placed on the table.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA plate is placed on the table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_7005546265_effdc91c3b.mov", "caption": "A woman riding by in in blue.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA woman riding by in in blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5434701865_8a89f3e121.mov", "caption": "The cat looks up dramatically and stares at the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe cat looks up dramatically and stares at the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3339318490_1f5f016b87.m4v", "caption": "The cameraman reaches down and plays some keys on the piano.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe cameraman reaches down and plays some keys on the piano.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305113560_d7009b0d72.mov", "caption": "Mom sits child up on stomach.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMom sits child up on stomach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_3835967049_a5c6f47164.m4v", "caption": "The camera goes in close on the man talking.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe camera goes in close on the man talking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61511785@N00_6062485104_77a90b3e5a.mov", "caption": "Puppy puts toy on top of paw and keeps chewing.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nPuppy puts toy on top of paw and keeps chewing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049310249_effcfe7eab.mp4", "caption": "Dog looks to the right.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nDog looks to the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6156369973_afd92bf865.mp4", "caption": "Person in red shirt points at control panel.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nPerson in red shirt points at control panel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_3724334375_1febaa771b.avi", "caption": "View flashes quickly to left then back for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nView flashes quickly to left then back for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6055766991_36c5a13dd6.m4v", "caption": "Camera passes truck with many riders in the back.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera passes truck with many riders in the back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "78332988@N00_4653002775_2be37d99aa.avi", "caption": "Liquid sprays into the air.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nLiquid sprays into the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8521574@N03_3391134451_c851d16c7f.avi", "caption": "Lights flickered fast.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nLights flickered fast.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6055766991_36c5a13dd6.m4v", "caption": "Vehicle completely passes truck with people in the back of it.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nVehicle completely passes truck with people in the back of it.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056640468_06fa94dbe6.m4v", "caption": "We first see the sleeve of a red shirt.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe first see the sleeve of a red shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467647956_c8e4c3d2da.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms from left to right.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera zooms from left to right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7345638@N06_4356199689_c5874ba20c.mov", "caption": "The boy looks at the cameraman.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe boy looks at the cameraman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_3317247341_f8a5c702af.avi", "caption": "The word we.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe word we.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "57134288@N00_3691224318_d6f775b615.avi", "caption": "Only white and green fireworks can be seen exploding.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nOnly white and green fireworks can be seen exploding.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "46019290@N00_8540604298_9102153485.mov", "caption": "Two cars passing by each other.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nTwo cars passing by each other.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860871668_bd2ae9df3a.mp4", "caption": "Man touches microphone cord.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan touches microphone cord.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_3724334375_1febaa771b.avi", "caption": "We see the bright light for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe see the bright light for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5140332270_b09a133756.wmv", "caption": "Person with pom poms leaves frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nPerson with pom poms leaves frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3076714582_8e00c637dc.avi", "caption": "We see a girl in a bright pink shirt getting ready to go next.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWe see a girl in a bright pink shirt getting ready to go next.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6885088912_7bd217a4b7.avi", "caption": "Steering wheel comes into view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nSteering wheel comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4373716059_f22aa3b718.mov", "caption": "White cup bottom left of the frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWhite cup bottom left of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_4075447420_dfa7d0cc0f.mov", "caption": "Man on a bike crosses the blue cross walk.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan on a bike crosses the blue cross walk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8668089@N08_2918190657_d53f6922ae.avi", "caption": "Camera pans right from beach chairs to ocean.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera pans right from beach chairs to ocean.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470332531_5d84501584.mov", "caption": "Baby is seen up close as she reaches for the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nBaby is seen up close as she reaches for the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978215045_88a07f3cb8.mp4", "caption": "There is a pole.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThere is a pole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "27605119@N00_9117878032_2bf53e8d0e.mov", "caption": "The wall in front of the cameraman is shown.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe wall in front of the cameraman is shown.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3076714582_8e00c637dc.avi", "caption": "The girl in blue runs through the jump ropes.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe girl in blue runs through the jump ropes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40661044@N00_4243544341_107d78d4b9.avi", "caption": "Camera first zooms out.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera first zooms out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8720405060_041c8a98aa.mov", "caption": "Aligator jumps up.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nAligator jumps up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3828879769_745eabb44d.mov", "caption": "Close up of the ground.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nClose up of the ground.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3648077556_e0bc2dd152.mov", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt walks by.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA man in a blue shirt walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113248130_e53b0cd4c7.mov", "caption": "Girl in brown first starts clapping.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl in brown first starts clapping.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_3931305394_82f1bffac0.mov", "caption": "Camera spins all the way around.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera spins all the way around.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2718504734_d78ec5131d.mov", "caption": "Camera shows man with unbuttoned white shirt dancing, has rolled up sleeves.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamera shows man with unbuttoned white shirt dancing, has rolled up sleeves.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5231191018_7ff90d57cf.avi", "caption": "The camera is zoomed in at it's closest.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe camera is zoomed in at it's closest.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113274038_d267a35413.mov", "caption": "The girl stands up.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe girl stands up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368332221_205d1fa97c.mov", "caption": "Camera backs away from the baby a little bit.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera backs away from the baby a little bit.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3790885571_338853b8bf.mpg", "caption": "Camera gets back to where it started.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[25, 28.32]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera gets back to where it started.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_13899035754_08b8bcf021.avi", "caption": "The beam that was under the bell is no longer in view.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe beam that was under the bell is no longer in view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3076714582_8e00c637dc.avi", "caption": "The first child runs through the jump ropes.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe first child runs through the jump ropes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5678087305_8373c38718.mov", "caption": "Pile of leaves enters frame.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPile of leaves enters frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "63126465@N00_2533365224_47c09d9068.mp4", "caption": "Camera passes a building with a yellow sign.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera passes a building with a yellow sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470332531_5d84501584.mov", "caption": "The baby looks in the camera and waves her hands.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby looks in the camera and waves her hands.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6158057518_dca02ba486.mov", "caption": "The ride zooms off.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe ride zooms off.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6750226969_ec18c51e59.mov", "caption": "A woman motions to a building with her hand.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA woman motions to a building with her hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3520146821_ac4478560a.3gp", "caption": "Girl is drinking with her thumps up.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nGirl is drinking with her thumps up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_5262220923_f5557abe49.mov", "caption": "A black cow comes through a door into a small cage and runs around it before going back through the door again.", "timestamps": [[0, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 20]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA black cow comes through a door into a small cage and runs around it before going back through the door again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305050464_9c53b5d561.mov", "caption": "First time we see the boy smile.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nFirst time we see the boy smile.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8704171363_6b2bf5cc94.", "caption": "Someone raises baby's hand for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nSomeone raises baby's hand for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89167587@N00_8478181993_daaa81bb24.mov", "caption": "Two cars drive by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nTwo cars drive by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8133152103_3d43300976.mov", "caption": "People first enter the aisle.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPeople first enter the aisle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3667363573_28bfe5e184.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms out as tank passes by.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera zooms out as tank passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4181067624_0d4d943ff6.wmv", "caption": "Square white building is out of view.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nSquare white building is out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_3125001625_e11d5e6694.avi", "caption": "Old man sings in front of family.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nOld man sings in front of family.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_4411826971_48cb4bac5d.m4v", "caption": "A little girl walk passed the sign holding a woman's hand.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA little girl walk passed the sign holding a woman's hand.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6678203617_87653b8979.mov", "caption": "Child puts a green block next to a purple one then a red block next to the green one.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nChild puts a green block next to a purple one then a red block next to the green one.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4686306237_568acc1fea.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms into dash.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera zooms into dash.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368267139_6dfa8bfa9b.mov", "caption": "We can see the baby's face.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nWe can see the baby's face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_4075447420_dfa7d0cc0f.mov", "caption": "A silver car comes into frame on the top left of the screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.090733333333333]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.090733333333333]], [[20, 24.090733333333333]], [[20, 24.090733333333333]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA silver car comes into frame on the top left of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8185633@N07_9111047554_df9974aa13.mp4", "caption": "Most of the flock of birds begin to fly away.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMost of the flock of birds begin to fly away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_9024043759_f45d964520.avi", "caption": "Camera pans up from people walking to the top of the structure.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera pans up from people walking to the top of the structure.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_4950798095_bc2190b316.avi", "caption": "A person lays on the side of a pool.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA person lays on the side of a pool.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4807867935_e5b050495e.mov", "caption": "The top of someone's hair is seen in the first frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe top of someone's hair is seen in the first frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623478295_e51c047be0.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans from the field to a blonde woman wearing sunglasses.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe camera pans from the field to a blonde woman wearing sunglasses.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66814335@N00_4837566494_a2f3ccc1f7.m4v", "caption": "A black van parks.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA black van parks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44124367235@N01_6537950879_70d9104f70.mov", "caption": "Drips begin for first time to drip in glass.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nDrips begin for first time to drip in glass.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_9113209964_0509e46f5d.mov", "caption": "Girl takes hand from her face.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGirl takes hand from her face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7703298110_2e6a4d1339.", "caption": "A soccer fan stands up to cheer for the goalie's defense.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA soccer fan stands up to cheer for the goalie's defense.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3607531160_b515e86165.mp4", "caption": "Silver car passes by.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nSilver car passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5757090618_3ff0ff51c7.avi", "caption": "A car drives by a man wearing a blue shirt.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA car drives by a man wearing a blue shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4627328527_812ddede5f.wmv", "caption": "A train quickly passes by.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA train quickly passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623478295_e51c047be0.mp4", "caption": "A woman in glasses is first seen with camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA woman in glasses is first seen with camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44335492@N00_5272515164_8d6f26fc93.avi", "caption": "A bird lands on a branch.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA bird lands on a branch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015710552_ae2aa9ae73.mov", "caption": "Kid is pointing to the right side of the screen.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nKid is pointing to the right side of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2536227889_9568af750e.mpg", "caption": "A black cat is visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 29.88]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 29.88]], [[5, 29.88]], [[10, 29.88]], [[5, 29.88]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA black cat is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894142501@N01_3793520105_415f78bca1.mp4", "caption": "We first see the other two people.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWe first see the other two people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "79364055@N00_6901347679_30915db07a.mov", "caption": "The person in the yellow hat has his hands in his pockets.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe person in the yellow hat has his hands in his pockets.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2913619184_1bf672ea03.mov", "caption": "Bottom half of screen is metal and something that appears to be a sqare picture moves into view on the upper left hand corner.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.029]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.029]], [[20, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]], [[25, 29.029]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBottom half of screen is metal and something that appears to be a sqare picture moves into view on the upper left hand corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_2923840840_408016e106.avi", "caption": "A man rolls the baby over.", "timestamps": [[5, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man rolls the baby over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "47887101@N00_5266279349_a057e6d6a1.mov", "caption": "First time man jumps over something.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst time man jumps over something.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3735761891_c385f0e566.avi", "caption": "Person in all white passes behind ball.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nPerson in all white passes behind ball.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7878062152_f8241119da.mov", "caption": "Camera zooms in on the groom and bride.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nCamera zooms in on the groom and bride.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89167587@N00_5205406283_4345ecedc9.avi", "caption": "Bird flies away.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBird flies away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_2911643794_5f27592570.wmv", "caption": "Man picks something up off the desk.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan picks something up off the desk.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7188678646_2dd6e6c28c.mov", "caption": "The camera moves towards the lights.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera moves towards the lights.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2718517608_e1e2c67c32.mov", "caption": "The girl dances and shake her hair.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe girl dances and shake her hair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3735479957_36fd7f5aed.mov", "caption": "Little girl in red dress sits down ' falls backwards.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nLittle girl in red dress sits down ' falls backwards.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623478295_e51c047be0.mp4", "caption": "Blonde lady is visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBlonde lady is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8448571587_222383db1c.mov", "caption": "A second dancer enters from the left.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA second dancer enters from the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_3269332505_ebae8bbc12.mov", "caption": "The cat sits down.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe cat sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6174481476_282efdc276.mov", "caption": "The man is now talking on the mic.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe man is now talking on the mic.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8317029211_c2e1a2be24.mov", "caption": "The kid on the right gets up and removes the toilet seat cover.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe kid on the right gets up and removes the toilet seat cover.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_7703298110_2e6a4d1339.", "caption": "A man jumps and puts both arms to the sky then claps to cheer.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man jumps and puts both arms to the sky then claps to cheer.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8153589079_9a90357a50.mp4", "caption": "Word 'aida' appears.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWord 'aida' appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "53301297@N00_5826898997_0a951bea4f.mp4", "caption": "The cyclists are at their farthest away.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe cyclists are at their farthest away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12544530@N06_8199464052_4d52075018.", "caption": "Large bird walks on railing.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nLarge bird walks on railing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7071386095_a7350f43e0.mpg", "caption": "The man in white dances out of view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe man in white dances out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72955843@N00_2629902314_bf855de7d1.mov", "caption": "A close up of a tree getting hit with hail.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA close up of a tree getting hit with hail.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5773252840_5b30885615.avi", "caption": "A man in a pink shirt lowers his sign.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA man in a pink shirt lowers his sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5483818769_28102e5494.3gp", "caption": "Guy in red walks backward.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nGuy in red walks backward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_3540590583_e0e32f501b.avi", "caption": "No people are seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nNo people are seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11550160@N03_3301708361_818e27d108.mov", "caption": "Man pops open a beer bottle.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nMan pops open a beer bottle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10394278434_85614ccf35.mp4", "caption": "A person runs past the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA person runs past the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "71508414@N08_6748288673_4f68f3f268.mov", "caption": "Camera turns from man up to building.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 24.357666666666667]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera turns from man up to building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_5491765029_34fd95e738.mov", "caption": "Close of up guy/girl walking by road marker.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nClose of up guy/girl walking by road marker.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3960804889_3d7705ea67.mov", "caption": "When camera shows a man holding a white bag above his head.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWhen camera shows a man holding a white bag above his head.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908108710_7b7dc7bde2.mov", "caption": "Little girl points and covers face.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nLittle girl points and covers face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "39457011@N00_5467071969_a16873f4d4.mov", "caption": "Screen changes from a brown train to a blurred screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nScreen changes from a brown train to a blurred screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "49368505@N00_2484677333_fdf91e5e42.avi", "caption": "A woman in a blue top walks through.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA woman in a blue top walks through.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66579708@N00_3494045334_c0ccf2d3a2.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms up on the baby in purple.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera zooms up on the baby in purple.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_4509643655_a1899ca8c9.mov", "caption": "Camera pans to right away from zebras so none are on screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCamera pans to right away from zebras so none are on screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32203103@N07_5077778355_936d67b4d4.mov", "caption": "The fountains shoot up one after another.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe fountains shoot up one after another.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7705424770_3aeff37492.mp4", "caption": "A man's shoulder is seen in the foreground when it briefly comes into the light.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man's shoulder is seen in the foreground when it briefly comes into the light.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8025316822_112dd07d8c.mov", "caption": "Cat jumping on and off the bed.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCat jumping on and off the bed.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30454038@N06_7646062428_5a9e5c3593.mov", "caption": "Baby crawls over to the side and sits down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBaby crawls over to the side and sits down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10218698@N06_2860871668_bd2ae9df3a.mp4", "caption": "The person on stage stops moving their hips at the end of the video.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe person on stage stops moving their hips at the end of the video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31667813@N00_3159450613_4a463646e0.3g2", "caption": "Hamster wheel moves fast for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nHamster wheel moves fast for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2400993412_694ed826a7.mpg", "caption": "A hand is seen measuring sauce in the frames.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nA hand is seen measuring sauce in the frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70341613@N00_2399837887_1ec0153eff.avi", "caption": "A person walks down the street.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA person walks down the street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2631747952_a577082588.mpg", "caption": "The camera pans, and zooms out to show the city.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 25]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe camera pans, and zooms out to show the city.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12575752@N03_3831951420_7b18816031.wmv", "caption": "We first see the person in the grey shirt.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nWe first see the person in the grey shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035763119@N01_2484699662_40548fa9dd.3gp", "caption": "Tiny football comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 24.891533333333335]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 24.891533333333335]], [[15, 24.891533333333335]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nTiny football comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "89686003@N00_4265465827_acf0d6d2c7.mov", "caption": "Guy in the white shirt appears in clip.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nGuy in the white shirt appears in clip.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_7908066554_348455807d.mov", "caption": "The baby's face is the only face in the frame for a brief time, then the two girls on either side of him appear.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe baby's face is the only face in the frame for a brief time, then the two girls on either side of him appear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056204141_fac454e52f.m4v", "caption": "Gorilla grabs a branch.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nGorilla grabs a branch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444219465_6d00b438e9.mov", "caption": "Man on cliff steps backward.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nMan on cliff steps backward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_7891359736_02a00c418b.wmv", "caption": "Bride and groom turn towards left of camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBride and groom turn towards left of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36933654@N00_5057913055_f086c25211.mpg", "caption": "The buildings next to the water.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.32]], [[20, 22.32]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe buildings next to the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659163803_b562825778.mov", "caption": "A man turns to a woman wearing a white shirt.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man turns to a woman wearing a white shirt.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_2932110434_1fcdfdafd4.mpg", "caption": "Girls go and shake each others hands after a tennis match.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nGirls go and shake each others hands after a tennis match.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8153589079_9a90357a50.mp4", "caption": "Title comes onto screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nTitle comes onto screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5608017121_b77873ae19.avi", "caption": "We see the son reflecting off of a mirror.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe see the son reflecting off of a mirror.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5995707844_57203e3e03.mov", "caption": "Lady with a hat and backpack laying down on a large rock overlooking farming fields.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nLady with a hat and backpack laying down on a large rock overlooking farming fields.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8527171734_3139dde5eb.mov", "caption": "A hand reaches into the scene.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA hand reaches into the scene.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9760460592_78c4d36e97.mp4", "caption": "Child falls down.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nChild falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_4807867935_e5b050495e.mov", "caption": "The very top of a persons head can be seen on the very bottom of the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe very top of a persons head can be seen on the very bottom of the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6855148077_26c0c80d0a.mov", "caption": "A green road sign passes on the left.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA green road sign passes on the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5049310249_effcfe7eab.mp4", "caption": "We first see a person in the other room.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe first see a person in the other room.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58001681@N00_2576125367_1335d5d284.mov", "caption": "A bus turns on the street.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA bus turns on the street.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9609273353_7b1706f1e9.mov", "caption": "First yellow car can be seen passing.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst yellow car can be seen passing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45755571@N00_2953285451_791633ed8d.avi", "caption": "Camera begins panning right.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nCamera begins panning right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_5086363729_db2cf30408.mov", "caption": "We see back of woman's head up close.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nWe see back of woman's head up close.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5140662811_c2861ec763.mov", "caption": "There is bush in the bottom left corner.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThere is bush in the bottom left corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_7636018262_3f445b2a78.", "caption": "A train comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA train comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8253358125_14b9ef5518.", "caption": "People walking in front of camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 25]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 25]], [[5, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPeople walking in front of camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5363888280_f68fbd0197.mp4", "caption": "The cat stops licking the brush and the person starts petting the cat.", "timestamps": [[10, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]], [[10, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe cat stops licking the brush and the person starts petting the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4907466773_c44e65d44c.mov", "caption": "Broken tree goes out of view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBroken tree goes out of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015647071_ec8106e23e.mov", "caption": "A person in a polka dot shirt sits up and down to adjust herself.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA person in a polka dot shirt sits up and down to adjust herself.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55919472@N00_5874371593_3feff06342.avi", "caption": "Camera zooms in first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera zooms in first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444884426_1b233897e3.mov", "caption": "Camera moves quickly to show another patch of snow.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera moves quickly to show another patch of snow.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "82152367@N00_5677273757_41e2a0a1bf.mp4", "caption": "Singer walks up to the microphone and starts singing.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nSinger walks up to the microphone and starts singing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10717527334_227e2680c0.mp4", "caption": "Camera zooms in on people spray painting.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nCamera zooms in on people spray painting.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8604725930_f6f5314798.mpg", "caption": "Cartoons begin to dance to the their left.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCartoons begin to dance to the their left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4701028239_cde49ae7ee.mov", "caption": "We see an adult female for the first time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWe see an adult female for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10637506985_b073fe1726.mp4", "caption": "A car drives past.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA car drives past.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3148144845_56753b45d2.avi", "caption": "The man holds up his right arm.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe man holds up his right arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6920266298_17a95070f6.mov", "caption": "Animal runs further into the background.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nAnimal runs further into the background.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8253358125_14b9ef5518.", "caption": "Woman with brown coat blocks view.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWoman with brown coat blocks view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3791691896_ed4c3b3aa1.mpg", "caption": "The man with his bike walks away.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe man with his bike walks away.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26743206@N00_8862101860_17a5880fdb.mov", "caption": "An adult person legs appear.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.922922922922925]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.922922922922925]], [[20, 22.922922922922925]], [[20, 22.922922922922925]], [[15, 22.922922922922925]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nAn adult person legs appear.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10149286@N00_5135045216_643d0b0a92.mov", "caption": "Kid in firefighter uniform passes camera.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nKid in firefighter uniform passes camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10149286@N00_5135045216_643d0b0a92.mov", "caption": "Buzz lightyear costume kid walks by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBuzz lightyear costume kid walks by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36888274@N00_5453126714_5f7afe2253.mov", "caption": "The view changes from just the boy talking to the man and the boy.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe view changes from just the boy talking to the man and the boy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25391939@N04_2584980585_405c9ca8e6.avi", "caption": "The camera first turns sideways to record.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera first turns sideways to record.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75237657@N00_4055964994_bc5d2836f7.mov", "caption": "First camera flash is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nFirst camera flash is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_7432806064_6b91f70b91.mov", "caption": "Orange car comes into view.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 20]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nOrange car comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3186418457_a3df2335ed.m4v", "caption": "Baby grabs the blanket.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nBaby grabs the blanket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3193779438_359849bcf2.mpg", "caption": "The light blue light has reached the right.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe light blue light has reached the right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31028309@N00_3719993568_ac38eb0565.avi", "caption": "A bus is first seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA bus is first seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9610063813_021d0a929a.mov", "caption": "The man sits back in his chair.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe man sits back in his chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5608581024_e62714eabb.avi", "caption": "The letters pco are clearly visible.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe letters pco are clearly visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_7188761222_4aba25f760.mov", "caption": "A ball flies over the athletes' heads.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA ball flies over the athletes' heads.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2913619184_1bf672ea03.mov", "caption": "The first time that the silver spikes and yellow tape roll by.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe first time that the silver spikes and yellow tape roll by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5029949102_de3a3e224e.mov", "caption": "Dog is not digging in these two frames.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nDog is not digging in these two frames.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50046488@N05_5278314271_5c5b6ea4e1.mp4", "caption": "White spots fade to streaks.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nWhite spots fade to streaks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_6092014330_c1690537d4.mov", "caption": "A small crowd can be seen watching the water.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA small crowd can be seen watching the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_8422274676_bc6d194770.mov", "caption": "Zoom into the parade.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nZoom into the parade.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6502194479_5b1998b2ec.avi", "caption": "We are now looking down the canal.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe are now looking down the canal.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8211091@N08_4908606405_a1a2a3fb85.wmv", "caption": "Rider performs a right turn.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nRider performs a right turn.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_6585229337_8460c225c1.mov", "caption": "The kitty leaves the corner the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe kitty leaves the corner the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_4532955150_b1df79efc9.mov", "caption": "The two posters cross the view in these clips.", "timestamps": [[15, 23.606916666666663]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 23.606916666666663]], [[15, 23.606916666666663]], [[15, 23.606916666666663]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe two posters cross the view in these clips.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_6284837116_f2dc6d8509.avi", "caption": "A girl in yellow walks past the group.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA girl in yellow walks past the group.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7186186@N07_13927593445_96703f1283.mov", "caption": "Someone pokes the flower with their finger.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nSomeone pokes the flower with their finger.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_6284836172_519cc44b91.avi", "caption": "Kid in red cap comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 22.689333333333334]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 22.689333333333334]], [[15, 22.689333333333334]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nKid in red cap comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4175539607_26669cd634.mp4", "caption": "The screen moves to something dark.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 24.3243]], [[15, 24.3243]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe screen moves to something dark.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2402720752_356c53c63a.mov", "caption": "The license plate number is visible in this frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe license plate number is visible in this frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_4936648235_8fe811b0b8.mp4", "caption": "Person removes hand from instrument.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPerson removes hand from instrument.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_8310077242_08b9e4551c.mov", "caption": "Girl on the left reaches for her foot.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl on the left reaches for her foot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67093783@N00_5812133531_edfedaa75d.3gp", "caption": "Two large circular things are visible in the water.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nTwo large circular things are visible in the water.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_3311110600_48895911c4.mov", "caption": "Person in green and yellow costume is barely visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 24.816458333333333]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 24.816458333333333]], [[15, 24.816458333333333]], [[20, 24.816458333333333]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nPerson in green and yellow costume is barely visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9046089068_429505c4de.", "caption": "Woman carrying child dressed as a bee appears.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWoman carrying child dressed as a bee appears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "43528767@N00_5435971877_2c47280e71.mov", "caption": "A man in a white long sleeved jacket takes the big object from another person.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.083333333333332]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]], [[20, 22.083333333333332]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man in a white long sleeved jacket takes the big object from another person.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2560278751_434a51ef8a.avi", "caption": "Zoom in on man.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nZoom in on man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_6060431973_73c0d1e479.mp4", "caption": "Another man is briefly visible.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nAnother man is briefly visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3667079013_2d2f614d2f.mov", "caption": "A shoulder and a man in an orange vest can be seen.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA shoulder and a man in an orange vest can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8604725930_f6f5314798.mpg", "caption": "Words are on the screen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWords are on the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8243844603_e9a8bf01fe.mov", "caption": "Dad feeds ice cream o little girl.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nDad feeds ice cream o little girl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "37996592430@N01_4294232056_ef62cb550b.avi", "caption": "The dogs head moves back sharply and then forward.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe dogs head moves back sharply and then forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880815179_f9e151daee.mov", "caption": "The child runs away from his mom.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe child runs away from his mom.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567078896_04f12b900b.mov", "caption": "A man with a neon shirt and suspenders is shown more fully.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man with a neon shirt and suspenders is shown more fully.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32203103@N07_5077778355_936d67b4d4.mov", "caption": "Blue thing shown in upper left corner.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nBlue thing shown in upper left corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50767319@N00_4378240409_7b7842b6bf.avi", "caption": "Windows turn blue.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nWindows turn blue.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_3345169360_7330fda3d3.avi", "caption": "A man in a white helmet shows his arm.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA man in a white helmet shows his arm.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23024164@N06_4360988820_150604245e.mp4", "caption": "One wave fills the whole screen.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nOne wave fills the whole screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_3901267059_e2447aa132.m4v", "caption": "The crowd is shown for the first time.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe crowd is shown for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_9487559532_dd6e472f57.mp4", "caption": "A person in a green shirt fixes the baby's clothes.", "timestamps": [[25, 29.9632966299633]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 29.9632966299633]], [[25, 29.9632966299633]], [[25, 29.9632966299633]], [[25, 29.9632966299633]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA person in a green shirt fixes the baby's clothes.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41894173601@N01_3041662651_742029999d.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms in to the three people.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe camera zooms in to the three people.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3660512936_e437c68a72.avi", "caption": "A screen on the side is visible.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA screen on the side is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4686306237_568acc1fea.mov", "caption": "A key is first inserted in motorcycle.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA key is first inserted in motorcycle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_6568659107_b469094117.mov", "caption": "Nothing but rocks are visible.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nNothing but rocks are visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4138851955_b48147c38e.mov", "caption": "The red vehicle is visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe red vehicle is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_5110968687_548f2979eb.avi", "caption": "Zoom out from jenga.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nZoom out from jenga.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2737276973_5e2fcdc82b.mov", "caption": "The dancing lady starts singing in the microphone.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe dancing lady starts singing in the microphone.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8068676832_d8445de1c0.mov", "caption": "Kitty looks up for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nKitty looks up for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25832003@N00_5483793221_d09d4d5be5.3gp", "caption": "Person in yellow shirt enters frame.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nPerson in yellow shirt enters frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4181067624_0d4d943ff6.wmv", "caption": "A white car be seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA white car be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368202023_c38ab4dc74.mov", "caption": "Baby rolls over for first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nBaby rolls over for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_5305113560_d7009b0d72.mov", "caption": "The toddler brings his leg back onto the woman and lays his head on her.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe toddler brings his leg back onto the woman and lays his head on her.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "42872607@N00_3422203875_ed4050840f.mov", "caption": "A man in a white shirt and blue jeans walks by in and out of the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA man in a white shirt and blue jeans walks by in and out of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24617858@N00_2817453084_c81e42a083.avi", "caption": "He/she turned the phone camera...", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nHe/she turned the phone camera...", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_4489818076_bf77e713e2.mov", "caption": "First time baby makes an x with hands in front of face.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nFirst time baby makes an x with hands in front of face.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_5540007918_55ae0aa073.mpg", "caption": "We first zoom in to see the bird in the tree.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe first zoom in to see the bird in the tree.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "21776013@N06_8204542114_e3a2a99dc9.mp4", "caption": "Aida nubion princess 2 is visible.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nAida nubion princess 2 is visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5604027658_640e8c0150.avi", "caption": "The kids are building the balls against the wall.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 25]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nThe kids are building the balls against the wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26292851@N04_6056731238_bf4af2eb89.m4v", "caption": "Both animal's faces are visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nBoth animal's faces are visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86408128@N00_4846965465_05083b8a26.avi", "caption": "A hand pets the ferret.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nA hand pets the ferret.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41406729@N05_4619614389_5740b4ed19.mpg", "caption": "The woman in this scene turns to face the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe woman in this scene turns to face the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8908750@N02_9397207454_7ed256a127.mp4", "caption": "The dog runs up the hill, and into the brush, disappearing.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe dog runs up the hill, and into the brush, disappearing.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_5023057779_d7eef269c5.avi", "caption": "A person's hand is in these frames on the top right.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nA person's hand is in these frames on the top right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_3790885571_338853b8bf.mpg", "caption": "The green light first exits the field of view.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe green light first exits the field of view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_7974518114_7646aca0c0.mov", "caption": "A woman in orange passes by.", "timestamps": [[20, 27.027]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 27.027]], [[20, 27.027]], [[25, 27.027]], [[20, 27.027]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA woman in orange passes by.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48600096354@N01_4904540773_ca9b62f114.mov", "caption": "Camera is steady and looking at trees.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nCamera is steady and looking at trees.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36184869@N08_6670050195_2cd92cf91d.avi", "caption": "Car crashes into wall.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCar crashes into wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8268871708_3e95f8529c.mov", "caption": "A cat tries to get on the stereo then looks into the camera.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nA cat tries to get on the stereo then looks into the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_7587730816_29b8128fb2.avi", "caption": "We start driving besides the long wide pipe.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nWe start driving besides the long wide pipe.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8286016035_5468f50dfb.", "caption": "Gingerbread men ornament goes off screen.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nGingerbread men ornament goes off screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7345638@N06_4472805449_9c04ed6fec.mov", "caption": "The white glob disappears.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe white glob disappears.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_5086363729_db2cf30408.mov", "caption": "A person with a camera walks in front.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nA person with a camera walks in front.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "12644997@N04_5946713307_26456d9fab.3gp", "caption": "A man in a yellow shirt walks in front of the camera.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA man in a yellow shirt walks in front of the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_2911643794_5f27592570.wmv", "caption": "A little girl comes into view.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nA little girl comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44124367235@N01_6537950879_70d9104f70.mov", "caption": "The pitcher is most full.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe pitcher is most full.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5678087305_8373c38718.mov", "caption": "Red house can be seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nRed house can be seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_5114721954_99e36cefdf.mov", "caption": "The photo goes from a yellow flowers to red flowers.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe photo goes from a yellow flowers to red flowers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_3427472314_e32c2ede58.m4v", "caption": "Man playing with a child runs forward into the camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nMan playing with a child runs forward into the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "68413968@N00_5604027658_640e8c0150.avi", "caption": "The camera zooms into the balls.", "timestamps": [[10, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 25]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe camera zooms into the balls.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_6284837116_f2dc6d8509.avi", "caption": "A girl in an orange dress walks past the lady digging the hole.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nA girl in an orange dress walks past the lady digging the hole.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2639320175_dca1271f70.mpg", "caption": "Bearded man rides scooter forward.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nBearded man rides scooter forward.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44335492@N00_5272515164_8d6f26fc93.avi", "caption": "Camera violently sways down and to the bottom left corner.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nCamera violently sways down and to the bottom left corner.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_2820745366_b29f6e67a2.mov", "caption": "We see the pole and only head of dancers.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nWe see the pole and only head of dancers.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "52198061@N00_4176306314_019f5b25b4.mp4", "caption": "Exiting the area.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nExiting the area.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_4233088456_3a9d80ff92.avi", "caption": "Unicycle is seen.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nUnicycle is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8485866@N03_6499452521_8ed8b299a4.avi", "caption": "The car turns and parks.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[20, 25]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe car turns and parks.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "72175114@N00_6989600056_961c06fd2d.mov", "caption": "A blue and red sign is seen.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[25, 28.445083333333333]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA blue and red sign is seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4686306237_568acc1fea.mov", "caption": "Hand enters frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nHand enters frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5231191018_7ff90d57cf.avi", "caption": "Closest view of sculpture.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nClosest view of sculpture.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "23046603@N00_2568116320_1e0bd6a0f8.avi", "caption": "Runners pass the first yellow house.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nRunners pass the first yellow house.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_4668919810_38312579e8.mov", "caption": "Goose opens up wings wide ' flaps.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nGoose opens up wings wide ' flaps.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "70403753@N00_3813012449_0467643a19.mov", "caption": "The little girl falls down.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe little girl falls down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3753476012_4b3440264a.mov", "caption": "Camra turns sideways.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[10, 15]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nCamra turns sideways.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5140958695_bc0567422a.mov", "caption": "The arm pulls away from the cat.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe arm pulls away from the cat.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60003305@N00_4686306237_568acc1fea.mov", "caption": "The owner plugs the keys in and starts the white motorcycle.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nThe owner plugs the keys in and starts the white motorcycle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12627617794_e00f0196ee.mov", "caption": "Close up of sign.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nClose up of sign.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "83457804@N00_5114721954_99e36cefdf.mov", "caption": "Moves from one picture to next for first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nMoves from one picture to next for first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3602860200_dc789bc4f6.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms to the mountain a final time.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[10, 20]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera zooms to the mountain a final time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_6284837116_f2dc6d8509.avi", "caption": "Girl digs in the dirt twice with a shovel.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl digs in the dirt twice with a shovel.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444884426_1b233897e3.mov", "caption": "Before camera turns over.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nBefore camera turns over.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6927962465_825f75c9cc.mov", "caption": "The toddler rests his legs against the table for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 28.208333333333332]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe toddler rests his legs against the table for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_4474066467_22a0375378.mov", "caption": "Man lets go of his wheelchair.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nMan lets go of his wheelchair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6090000442_7e470c9239.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms into the gentleman giving a speech.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nThe camera zooms into the gentleman giving a speech.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623487865_2d44666085.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans away from a woman.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera pans away from a woman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "76054233@N00_4945727919_deee79c1bd.mpg", "caption": "Image changes on screen for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nImage changes on screen for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_7450279020_06f7701526.mov", "caption": "Man in dark clothes finishes climbing ladder.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan in dark clothes finishes climbing ladder.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_4784748742_447124d750.avi", "caption": "The man in the red hat spins in a circle.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 15]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man in the red hat spins in a circle.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8142104762_287ee0b5aa.mov", "caption": "A screw driver is in use.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nA screw driver is in use.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "74098820@N00_3991804584_0fcf8f8f8e.avi", "caption": "Screen starts to go black.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nScreen starts to go black.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_4145560239_744261f16f.mov", "caption": "The picture appears with the boy posing on the couch with a baby.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe picture appears with the boy posing on the couch with a baby.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51035693821@N01_7071386095_a7350f43e0.mpg", "caption": "Man in white starts kicking legs side to side.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan in white starts kicking legs side to side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_10413267033_dd53be1694.mp4", "caption": "First time we see drawing on wall.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nFirst time we see drawing on wall.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "67211380@N00_2420875735_ca183d5763.mov", "caption": "The actor with white hair takes microphone from the other man.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe actor with white hair takes microphone from the other man.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "40732566019@N01_2713787172_27416dc42f.avi", "caption": "Panning right results in lens flare.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nPanning right results in lens flare.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_4020927720_7d41a0c121.mov", "caption": "The camera moves in and left and right.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[10, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera moves in and left and right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_11741278434_0bbe367161.mp4", "caption": "Man hands singer a chair.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nMan hands singer a chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61451014@N00_4504510298_626dcda292.mpg", "caption": "Only birds and the sky are visible.", "timestamps": [[25, 27.72]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 27.72]], [[25, 27.72]], [[15, 27.72]], [[25, 27.72]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nOnly birds and the sky are visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6193981980_33e171053c.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera zooms in.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_4668919810_38312579e8.mov", "caption": "The duck starts flapping its wings.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe duck starts flapping its wings.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "66139643@N00_12042021446_137055e3d6.mp4", "caption": "The couple in blue shirt ' floral dress are enter in and then leave in these clips.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe couple in blue shirt ' floral dress are enter in and then leave in these clips.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31028309@N00_3719993568_ac38eb0565.avi", "caption": "Camera pans to the right to show a smaller building.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nCamera pans to the right to show a smaller building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30379212@N03_3382369009_db857e7fd5.3gp", "caption": "Man in orange gets off his chair and bends down to get a object then sits back down.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 20]], [[5, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nMan in orange gets off his chair and bends down to get a object then sits back down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "13385207@N00_3588012287_30ab1ff829.m4v", "caption": "Plane first starts leaving trail in sky.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPlane first starts leaving trail in sky.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_8253358125_14b9ef5518.", "caption": "Girl in green jacket stops in front of camea.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nGirl in green jacket stops in front of camea.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8978747@N04_6067562158_f2465a16d8.mpg", "caption": "Person wearing white shirt and black shorts jumps on person back.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPerson wearing white shirt and black shorts jumps on person back.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25654955@N03_6284837116_f2dc6d8509.avi", "caption": "A person in white walks up and behind the man digging.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA person in white walks up and behind the man digging.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25458196@N00_3634606284_2a0af513b9.mov", "caption": "Bright yellow light flashes for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nBright yellow light flashes for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50072196@N00_8616944997_5b70611ac3.mov", "caption": "Table cloth first begins to move.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nTable cloth first begins to move.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "30141170@N07_7541827528_50c69e05bf.mov", "caption": "The fountain begins to spray again.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe fountain begins to spray again.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "19323926@N00_6015647071_ec8106e23e.mov", "caption": "Child reading leans back on sofa.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nChild reading leans back on sofa.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "7390466@N06_5140332270_b09a133756.wmv", "caption": "Girl with pom poms exits shot.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nGirl with pom poms exits shot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25343491@N06_4547127130_9b37726fa7.mov", "caption": "The camera zooms in on a book on the side table next to the chair.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe camera zooms in on a book on the side table next to the chair.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "86408128@N00_4846965465_05083b8a26.avi", "caption": "A person pets a ferret who is playing with a stuffed toy.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA person pets a ferret who is playing with a stuffed toy.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730751513_582b35fc4d.avi", "caption": "The man in red bows to the girl.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe man in red bows to the girl.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "26526176@N00_4020927720_7d41a0c121.mov", "caption": "A man in white with his cap turned backwards is very near the camera.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA man in white with his cap turned backwards is very near the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24449744@N04_3623487865_2d44666085.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans over to the left.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera pans over to the left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "34971257@N00_2442697061_b58da2c0c9.mpg", "caption": "Baby's push toy first hits the bucket.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBaby's push toy first hits the bucket.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8211091@N08_4908606405_a1a2a3fb85.wmv", "caption": "Camera passes by a pink rectangle on left.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nCamera passes by a pink rectangle on left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "29785808@N04_4373687819_95fc6e95bf.mov", "caption": "A yellow bowl with colored circles.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nA yellow bowl with colored circles.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_6880624807_de9f335357.mov", "caption": "Baby pops up from behind pillows.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nBaby pops up from behind pillows.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14934133@N00_3716073314_7328e9ab1c.avi", "caption": "Lights change from red to green the second time.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nLights change from red to green the second time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32705331@N00_8532194143_cc4fe58a90.mov", "caption": "The person was playing with the cat and then the cat licks their finger.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe person was playing with the cat and then the cat licks their finger.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444458929_7286e54114.mov", "caption": "A person in red digs a pick ax into the wall for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nA person in red digs a pick ax into the wall for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "60274407@N00_2762965247_aacfb5af4b.wmv", "caption": "The man in white exits the building.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nThe man in white exits the building.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10287726@N02_3668233636_4025f62254.mov", "caption": "The tank starts going up the ramp.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe tank starts going up the ramp.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36974389@N00_6164300010_7b468b7585.avi", "caption": "Large waterfall disappears from view.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nLarge waterfall disappears from view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "41086995@N00_5444487353_88c3667f50.mov", "caption": "Climber adjust his feet for the first time.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nClimber adjust his feet for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5678087305_8373c38718.mov", "caption": "We first see stumps.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nWe first see stumps.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "31491083@N00_4233088456_3a9d80ff92.avi", "caption": "We see the cameraman.", "timestamps": [[20, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 28.795433333333335]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]], [[20, 25]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nWe see the cameraman.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "75429951@N00_2609585871_acb0595f3a.mov", "caption": "The person in black walks off the screen.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nThe person in black walks off the screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8977946361_0b26f4930d.mp4", "caption": "A hand can be seen briefly on the bottom right.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nA hand can be seen briefly on the bottom right.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_9610063813_021d0a929a.mov", "caption": "The camera pans left at the end of the video.", "timestamps": [[20, 23.55689022355689]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]], [[20, 23.55689022355689]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nThe camera pans left at the end of the video.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_6235449567_b1285a447b.mp4", "caption": "Castle comes into view.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nCastle comes into view.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69634757@N00_3659751995_3c07200c30.avi", "caption": "The guitar is shown on the big screen.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nThe guitar is shown on the big screen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "14284621@N06_5470914150_19929a8bc6.mov", "caption": "The girl in pink falls.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nThe girl in pink falls.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "46019290@N00_8540604298_9102153485.mov", "caption": "We pass a black car on the left coming from the opposite direction, while driving down the road.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the timeframe in the video when this event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds.\n\nWe pass a black car on the left coming from the opposite direction, while driving down the road.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "79364055@N00_6901347679_30915db07a.mov", "caption": "The camera pans and the people are no longer in the shot.", "timestamps": [[15, 25]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe camera pans and the people are no longer in the shot.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24644666@N00_5491765029_34fd95e738.mov", "caption": "The camera moves past the person walking.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nThe camera moves past the person walking.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5341184321_21ed3a200e.avi", "caption": "Camera greatly moves up and down.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nCamera greatly moves up and down.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "24409978@N00_5783819903_e6639fe5a7.avi", "caption": "The person with the orange hat leaves the screen the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe person with the orange hat leaves the screen the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "50719589@N00_2659163803_b562825778.mov", "caption": "First red lights flash.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nFirst red lights flash.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_4770811946_e20f90260d.mp4", "caption": "The ride ends.", "timestamps": [[20, 22.922900000000002]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 22.922900000000002]], [[20, 22.922900000000002]], [[20, 22.922900000000002]], [[20, 22.922900000000002]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe ride ends.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "8363794@N07_3771329143_f1ec8d1034.mov", "caption": "A person in a white hat sits on the beach.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nA person in a white hat sits on the beach.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9323446518_2b2dfea0fb.mov", "caption": "Passengers rush towards stopping train on platform.", "timestamps": [[0, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[0, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPassengers rush towards stopping train on platform.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "33439178@N00_10776479425_ff8212eb92.mts", "caption": "The baby falls backwards off the couch.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe baby falls backwards off the couch.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "51167579@N06_9323446518_2b2dfea0fb.mov", "caption": "Train leaves platform.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nTrain leaves platform.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "25133870@N00_4978496042_940ba7d578.mp4", "caption": "Camera pans left to show man with a map.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nCamera pans left to show man with a map.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "61633889@N00_4627328527_812ddede5f.wmv", "caption": "Scene goes from train to a boy running in a park.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nScene goes from train to a boy running in a park.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8649380281_abeeddb0b1.mp4", "caption": "No silhouettes are visible.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Identify the specific segment in the video during which this event happens, from which second to which second.\n\nNo silhouettes are visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "65430553@N08_8094794002_cb9850ebdf.", "caption": "The man puts his top hat back on.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man puts his top hat back on.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_5677995715_d51fbaf137.mov", "caption": "The camera pans to the right to show a house.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[10, 25]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe camera pans to the right to show a house.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "76054233@N00_10027546895_3f6a88bbae.mov", "caption": "Lights leave at the top right of the frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nLights leave at the top right of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "45676902@N00_5368202023_c38ab4dc74.mov", "caption": "Baby rolls on side.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[0, 5]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nBaby rolls on side.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6193981980_33e171053c.mov", "caption": "The man bends down near the groom.", "timestamps": [[10, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe man bends down near the groom.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58792004@N06_8704171363_6b2bf5cc94.", "caption": "Person lifts up babies hand high up.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[10, 15]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nPerson lifts up babies hand high up.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81726723@N00_2830283675_13e3bf590c.avi", "caption": "Human touches horse head for the first time.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nHuman touches horse head for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "18587146@N00_6090000442_7e470c9239.mov", "caption": "Man lifts glass to drink.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[20, 30]], [[5, 15]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nMan lifts glass to drink.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_2599858575_ee7fb5901f.avi", "caption": "Panoramic view of a train track.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[20, 25]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 25]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nPanoramic view of a train track.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "10288162@N07_8650538324_e5f9d37f63.mp4", "caption": "The lights in the center of the display go out.", "timestamps": [[20, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "What is the time frame in the video when the mentioned event takes place, starting and ending at which seconds?\n\nThe lights in the center of the display go out.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12628581595_92f294c937.mov", "caption": "People walking up stairs.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Could you identify the specific time frame within the video where this event takes place?\n\nPeople walking up stairs.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "55437289@N00_3730628701_6a39164afc.avi", "caption": "Woman begins jumping on trampoline.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 25]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nWoman begins jumping on trampoline.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "32511043@N00_4068981842_cdf9f9ec2e.mov", "caption": "The single cyclist exits the frame.", "timestamps": [[25, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]], [[25, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe single cyclist exits the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "44925192@N00_5567078896_04f12b900b.mov", "caption": "A person in bright neon yellow is first visible.", "timestamps": [[15, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 20]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nA person in bright neon yellow is first visible.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "38874031@N00_3245797082_1c35e6ac7c.mpg", "caption": "Someone runs through the frame.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nSomeone runs through the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "56866600@N00_2641879393_a143ab3863.avi", "caption": "A gentleman with a green shir jumps up and throws arms up in the air.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Find and mark the spot in the video where this event is located.\n\nA gentleman with a green shir jumps up and throws arms up in the air.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "16483298@N00_5230592611_9d6a3f73e0.avi", "caption": "A person who is standing on a car waving a flag comes into frame from the left side of the scene.", "timestamps": [[10, 20]], "ref_timestamps": [[[10, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[10, 20]], [[10, 20]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the exact moment in the video where this event occurs.\n\nA person who is standing on a car waving a flag comes into frame from the left side of the scene.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "58027470@N00_2716824274_a670b9d85d.avi", "caption": "The clock is visible in the upper left.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Pinpoint the scene's occurrence within the video.\n\nThe clock is visible in the upper left.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "17318552@N00_12069808146_9fc9c2d1bb.mov", "caption": "The lights on the left are seen.", "timestamps": [[5, 15]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 15]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 15]]], "instruction": "Please determine the time span within the video where this event occurs, starting from which second and ending at which second.\n\nThe lights on the left are seen.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "81365121@N00_5228456180_a1e1b4f16c.mov", "caption": "The chopsticks on the right go onto the plate for the first time.", "timestamps": [[0, 5]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 5]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Please identify the specific segment of the video portraying the described scene.\n\nThe chopsticks on the right go onto the plate for the first time.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "48335075@N00_2911643794_5f27592570.wmv", "caption": "The man in the white shirt picks something up from the table.", "timestamps": [[0, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[0, 10]], [[0, 10]], [[0, 5]], [[0, 10]]], "instruction": "Find the exact timestamp in the video that correlates with the depicted scenario.\n\nThe man in the white shirt picks something up from the table.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2417884617_95607b9848.mp4", "caption": "Camera pans to the right to show blackness and lights.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[20, 30]]], "instruction": "In which time interval of the video does this event happen, from which second to which second?\n\nCamera pans to the right to show blackness and lights.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "91499534@N00_3648077556_e0bc2dd152.mov", "caption": "People are close to the camera.", "timestamps": [[10, 24.090733333333333]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 24.090733333333333]], [[10, 24.090733333333333]], [[10, 24.090733333333333]], [[10, 24.090733333333333]]], "instruction": "Specify the seconds in the video when this event occurs, marking the beginning and end points.\n\nPeople are close to the camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "36260156@N06_4746680675_b53dfd153e.mov", "caption": "Man looks up and talks to camera.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[10, 15]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Determine the exact timestamp in the video for this event.\n\nMan looks up and talks to camera.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "11699242@N07_12628585884_cbed949b2a.mov", "caption": "Hello big bus.", "timestamps": [[5, 10]], "ref_timestamps": [[[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]], [[5, 10]]], "instruction": "Can you determine the point in the video that corresponds to the described scene?\n\nHello big bus.", "question_type": "grounding"} {"video_id": "69824704@N00_2417884617_95607b9848.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans down to show a black night with lights dotting the bottom of the frame.", "timestamps": [[15, 30]], "ref_timestamps": [[[15, 30]], [[15, 20]], [[15, 30]], [[15, 30]]], "instruction": "Locate the precise moment within the video that matches the depicted scenario.\n\nThe camera pans down to show a black night with lights dotting the bottom of the frame.", "question_type": "grounding"}