# Million English Numbers A list of a million American English numbers, under a AGPL 3.0 license. This datasheet is inspired by [Datasheets for Datasets](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09010). ## Sample ``` $ tail -n 5 million-english-numbers nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety five nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety six nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety seven nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety eight nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine ``` ## Motivation This dataset was created as a toy sample of text for use in natural language processing, in machine learning. The goal was to create small samples of text with minimal variation and results that could be easily audited (observe how often the model predicts "eighty twenty hundred three ten forty"). This is original research, produced by the linguistic model in the NodeJS package `written-number` by Pedro Tacla Yamada, freely available on npm. The estimated cost of creating the dataset is minimal, and subsidized with private funds. ## Composition The instances that comprise the dataset are spelled-out integers, in colloquial Mid-Atlantic American English, identifiable to a speaker born around the year 2000. There are one million instances, from 0 to 999999 consecutively. The instances consist of ASCII text, delimited by line feeds. Counting lines from zero, the line number of each instance is its integer value. No information is missing from each instance. In the related _fast.ai_ `HUMAN_NUMBERS` dataset, the split is between 1-7999, and 8001-9999. A user may elect to split this dataset similarly, with the last percentages of lines used for validation or testing. There are no known errors or sources of noise or redundancies in the dataset. The dataset is self-contained. The dataset is not confidential, and its method of generation is public as well. The dataset will probably not be offensive / insulting / threatening / anxiety-inducing to many people. The numerologically-minded may wish to exercise discernment when choosing which numbers to use: all of the auspicious numbers, all of the inauspicious numbers, all of the meaningful numbers, for all numerological traditions, are included in this dataset, without any emphasis or warnings besides sequential ordering. The dataset does not relate to people, except by using human language to express integers. ## Collection The data was directly observed from the `written-number` npm package. To rebuild this dataset, run `docker run -e MAXINT=1000000 -e WN=written-number -w /x node sh -c 'npm i $WN 2>1 >/dev/null; node -e "const w=require(process.env.WN);for(i=0;i