"""utils.py: Helper Functions to keep this Repo Standalone""" # System Imports from math import sin, cos, radians, sqrt __author__ = "Johannes Bayer" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2023, DFKI" __license__ = "CC" __version__ = "0.0.1" __email__ = "johannes.bayer@dfki.de" __status__ = "Prototype" def shift(p, q): """Shifts a Point by another point""" return [p[0]+q[0], p[1]+q[1]] def rotate(p, angle): """Rotates a Point by an Angle""" return [p[0] * cos(angle) - p[1] * sin(angle), p[0] * sin(angle) + p[1] * cos(angle)] def scale(p, scale_x, scale_y): """Scales a Point in two Dimensions""" return [p[0]*scale_x, p[1]*scale_y] def transform(port, bb): """Transforms a Point from Unit Space (classes ports) to Global Bounding Box (image)""" p = shift(port['position'], (-.5, -0.5)) # Normalize: [0.0, 1.0]^2 -> [-0.5, 0-5]^2 p = scale(p, 1.0, -1.0) # Flip p = rotate(p, -radians(bb['rotation'])) p = scale(p, bb["xmax"] - bb["xmin"], bb["ymax"] - bb["ymin"]) p = shift(p, [(bb["xmin"]+bb["xmax"])/2, (bb["ymin"]+bb["ymax"])/2]) return {"name": port['name'], "position": p} def bbdist(bb1, bb2): """Calculates the Distance between two Bounding Box Annotations""" return sqrt(((bb1["xmin"]+bb1["xmax"])/2 - (bb2["xmin"]+bb2["xmax"])/2)**2 + ((bb1["ymin"]+bb1["ymax"])/2 - (bb2["ymin"]+bb2["ymax"])/2)**2) def overlap(bbox1, bbox2): if bbox1["xmin"] > bbox2["xmax"] or bbox1["xmax"] < bbox2["xmin"]: return False if bbox1["ymin"] > bbox2["ymax"] or bbox1["ymax"] < bbox2["ymin"]: return False return True def associated_keypoints(instances, shape): """Returns the points with same group id as the provided polygon""" return [point for point in instances["points"] if point["group"] == shape["group"] and point["class"] == "connector"] def IoU(bb1, bb2): """Intersection over Union""" intersection = 1 union = 1 return intersection/union if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from loader import read_pascal_voc, write_pascal_voc import numpy as np import random if len(sys.argv) == 3: source = sys.argv[1] target = sys.argv[2] ann1, ann2 = [[bbox for bbox in read_pascal_voc(path)['bboxes'] if bbox['class'] == "text"] for path in [source, target]] if not len(ann1) == len(ann2): print(f"Warning: Unequal Text Count ({len(ann1)} vs. {len(ann2)}), cropping..") consensus = min(len(ann1), len(ann2)) ann1 = ann1[:consensus] ann2 = ann2[:consensus] x1 = np.array([(bbox['xmin']+bbox['xmax'])/2 for bbox in ann1]) y1 = np.array([(bbox['ymin']+bbox['ymax'])/2 for bbox in ann1]) x2 = np.array([(bbox['xmin']+bbox['xmax'])/2 for bbox in ann2]) y2 = np.array([(bbox['ymin']+bbox['ymax'])/2 for bbox in ann2]) x1 = ((x1-np.min(x1))/(np.max(x1)-np.min(x1))) * (np.max(x2)-np.min(x2)) + np.min(x2) y1 = ((y1-np.min(y1))/(np.max(y1)-np.min(y1))) * (np.max(y2)-np.min(y2)) + np.min(y2) dist = np.sqrt((x1-x2[np.newaxis].T)**2 + (y1-y2[np.newaxis].T)**2) indices_1 = np.arange(len(ann1)) indices_2 = np.arange(len(ann2)) print(np.sum(np.diagonal(dist))) for i in range(10000): if random.random() > 0.5: max_dist_pos = np.argmax(np.diagonal(dist)) # Mitigate Largest Cost else: max_dist_pos = random.randint(0, len(ann1)-1) if np.min(dist[max_dist_pos, :]) < np.min(dist[:, max_dist_pos]): min_dist_pos = np.argmin(dist[max_dist_pos, :]) dist[:, [max_dist_pos, min_dist_pos]] = dist[:, [min_dist_pos, max_dist_pos]] # Swap Columns indices_1[[max_dist_pos, min_dist_pos]] = indices_1[[min_dist_pos, max_dist_pos]] else: min_dist_pos = np.argmin(dist[:, max_dist_pos]) dist[[max_dist_pos, min_dist_pos], :] = dist[[min_dist_pos, max_dist_pos], :] # Swap Rows indices_2[[max_dist_pos, min_dist_pos]] = indices_2[[min_dist_pos, max_dist_pos]] print(np.sum(np.diagonal(dist))) wb = read_pascal_voc(target) for i in range(len(ann1)): ann2[indices_2[i]]['text'] = ann1[indices_1[i]]['text'] bbox_match = [bbox for bbox in wb['bboxes'] if bbox['xmin'] == ann2[indices_2[i]]['xmin'] and bbox['xmax'] == ann2[indices_2[i]]['xmax'] and bbox['ymin'] == ann2[indices_2[i]]['ymin'] and bbox['ymax'] == ann2[indices_2[i]]['ymax']] if len(bbox_match) == 1: bbox_match[0]['text'] = ann1[indices_1[i]]['text'] bbox_match[0]['rotation'] = ann1[indices_1[i]]['rotation'] write_pascal_voc(wb) else: print("Args: source target")