images C220_D2_P2.jpg ./drafter_19/images/C220_D2_P2.jpg CGHD 3025 1702 3 0 text Unspecified 0 0 441 1216 650 1274 ENacc2p text Unspecified 0 0 2574 1029 2748 1101 Sign(p) text Unspecified 0 0 795 737 947 777 ENacc2p text Unspecified 0 0 45 1320 194 1386 Sign(p) text Unspecified 0 0 134 1079 274 1140 Sign(p) text Unspecified 0 0 2038 957 2144 1000 Vini,1 text Unspecified 0 0 2530 1133 2621 1178 STF text Unspecified 0 0 1106 797 1204 833 ACC2 text Unspecified 0 0 1077 1092 1150 1159 C2 text Unspecified 0 0 1591 1175 1659 1221 M4 text Unspecified 0 0 1229 842 1305 890 M2 junction Unspecified 0 0 1630 336 1655 361 junction Unspecified 0 0 1549 940 1581 974 text Unspecified 0 0 54 1261 184 1307 ENacc1 text Unspecified 0 0 873 552 959 598 Cb,4 text Unspecified 0 0 1877 658 2026 719 Sign(p) text Unspecified 0 0 160 1012 238 1052 SCF text Unspecified 0 0 577 489 646 534 SBE transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 817 841 935 916 271 junction Unspecified 0 0 1701 620 1728 648 text Unspecified 0 0 343 511 435 546 SPE text Unspecified 0 0 488 995 651 1035 ENacc2n integrated_circuit Unspecified 0 0 2175 231 2398 476 4 operational_amplifier Unspecified 0 0 1809 293 1971 471 4 text Unspecified 0 0 1609 521 1661 559 M3 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 476 285 619 357 271 text Unspecified 0 0 405 216 494 257 SCE text Unspecified 0 0 2224 496 2294 531 CLK capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 1158 1080 1254 1129 90 text Unspecified 0 0 900 228 1011 318 t,l Vboost,1 junction Unspecified 0 0 1936 1084 1962 1109 gnd Unspecified 0 0 1374 548 1463 594 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 724 386 794 428 84 text Unspecified 0 0 2275 187 2338 235 FS gnd Unspecified 0 0 668 610 769 657 356 text Unspecified 0 0 274 426 371 473 Vprech junction Unspecified 0 0 505 536 526 555 junction Unspecified 0 0 1738 1084 1760 1106 text Unspecified 0 0 1667 274 1765 344 t Vacc1,i text Unspecified 0 0 2477 397 2576 438 SEW junction Unspecified 0 0 1552 1233 1572 1254 junction Unspecified 0 0 749 323 772 343 junction Unspecified 0 0 1189 1245 1214 1269 text Unspecified 0 0 1107 550 1241 590 ENacc2n junction Unspecified 0 0 1882 722 1909 748 text Unspecified 0 0 674 397 726 438 Cb,1 junction Unspecified 0 0 657 328 679 350 text Unspecified 0 0 1789 476 1904 518 CLSA transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 445 416 601 501 89 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 967 546 1037 584 88 junction Unspecified 0 0 2164 613 2185 634 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1862 935 2030 1035 90 junction Unspecified 0 0 1677 936 1709 970 gnd Unspecified 0 0 1130 1332 1261 1392 text Unspecified 0 0 755 452 823 489 SBE text Unspecified 0 0 907 329 972 367 SBE junction Unspecified 0 0 1279 307 1299 326 junction Unspecified 0 0 1203 955 1226 977 text Unspecified 0 0 2135 317 2167 350 D text Unspecified 0 0 688 916 745 975 Vp text Unspecified 0 0 1864 292 2024 340 Vout, CLSA text Unspecified 0 0 1310 215 1378 246 ACC transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1064 842 1223 941 and Unspecified 0 0 2383 1034 2463 1122 185 text Unspecified 0 0 322 588 387 622 CB crossover Unspecified 0 0 1729 939 1755 965 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 827 445 932 506 270 junction Unspecified 0 0 1410 347 1429 366 text Unspecified 0 0 1107 190 1224 229 ENacc1 text Unspecified 0 0 296 293 371 371 t,l Vsl,i text Unspecified 0 0 1429 253 1474 301 M1 not Unspecified 0 0 2072 352 2138 397 2 junction Unspecified 0 0 1279 389 1299 408 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1704 660 1845 794 185 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1121 401 1218 475 90 text Unspecified 0 0 2426 328 2526 393 s,t,l transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 972 359 1022 407 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 1374 387 1457 420 91 text Unspecified 0 0 1321 396 1364 434 C1 terminal Unspecified 0 0 538 1275 565 1300 and Unspecified 0 0 2494 227 2600 343 6 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1622 385 1692 466 180 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1859 829 2007 905 270 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1109 244 1218 332 273 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 665 495 750 576 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1322 259 1427 363 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1551 1047 1666 1156 180 gnd Unspecified 0 0 957 608 1033 650 terminal Unspecified 0 0 351 254 368 271 terminal Unspecified 0 0 400 339 415 353 terminal Unspecified 0 0 392 422 412 442 terminal Unspecified 0 0 319 544 341 564 junction Unspecified 0 0 532 252 551 270 junction Unspecified 0 0 660 412 670 429 terminal Unspecified 0 0 876 347 891 369 terminal Unspecified 0 0 933 376 944 391 junction Unspecified 0 0 998 475 1027 501 terminal Unspecified 0 0 1113 398 1123 412 text Unspecified 0 0 1092 411 1126 451 vp terminal Unspecified 0 0 1156 528 1176 540 vss Unspecified 0 0 1386 216 1435 235 junction Unspecified 0 0 1410 515 1431 531 junction Unspecified 0 0 1698 419 1711 434 crossover Unspecified 0 0 1694 447 1712 458 text Unspecified 0 0 1712 392 1796 454 t Vacc2,i junction Unspecified 0 0 1622 500 1639 517 not Unspecified 0 0 1987 357 2050 412 2 terminal Unspecified 0 0 2304 518 2318 536 text Unspecified 0 0 2395 162 2487 229 O t,l not Unspecified 0 0 2403 246 2486 315 junction Unspecified 0 0 2394 277 2404 297 text Unspecified 0 0 2617 197 2699 267 s,t,l terminal Unspecified 0 0 2463 312 2484 331 terminal Unspecified 0 0 2647 264 2683 299 terminal Unspecified 0 0 1951 724 1966 734 junction Unspecified 0 0 1844 891 1858 909 junction Unspecified 0 0 1999 892 2011 904 junction Unspecified 0 0 1850 941 1863 954 junction Unspecified 0 0 2003 938 2018 948 terminal Unspecified 0 0 2083 932 2097 947 junction Unspecified 0 0 2523 1033 2542 1052 terminal Unspecified 0 0 2540 1060 2555 1078 terminal Unspecified 0 0 2544 1095 2559 1109 vss Unspecified 0 0 1197 763 1242 780 terminal Unspecified 0 0 744 787 757 799 junction Unspecified 0 0 881 775 893 789 junction Unspecified 0 0 741 907 754 918 terminal Unspecified 0 0 260 1023 281 1042 terminal Unspecified 0 0 254 1069 277 1091 terminal Unspecified 0 0 560 1038 576 1054 and Unspecified 0 0 354 1007 442 1120 and Unspecified 0 0 296 1242 399 1362 terminal Unspecified 0 0 204 1270 222 1288 terminal Unspecified 0 0 198 1318 216 1334 text Unspecified 0 0 2317 270 2362 309 Q text Unspecified 0 0 2197 342 2240 385 D text Unspecified 0 0 1823 334 1851 366 text Unspecified 0 0 1832 415 1859 436 junction Unspecified 0 0 2137 369 2152 384 junction Unspecified 0 0 1670 451 1683 462 terminal Unspecified 0 0 1082 229 1101 248 junction Unspecified 0 0 1143 227 1160 246 terminal Unspecified 0 0 600 529 618 544 junction Unspecified 0 0 1013 318 1027 335