images C169_D2_P3.jpeg ./drafter_15/images/C169_D2_P3.jpeg CGHD 1351 1600 3 0 text Unspecified 0 0 724 65 816 107 .033uF text Unspecified 0 0 66 1450 275 1510 +12 VDC text Unspecified 0 0 584 1138 684 1183 1N914 text Unspecified 0 0 1023 1145 1115 1207 100µF text Unspecified 0 0 360 54 433 86 .22uF text Unspecified 0 0 650 1320 744 1354 Source text Unspecified 0 0 650 1276 730 1314 Audio text Unspecified 0 0 356 292 432 320 1N814 text Unspecified 0 0 425 767 529 807 220ohm text Unspecified 0 0 545 230 612 258 1N914 text Unspecified 0 0 401 1236 509 1283 1N914 text Unspecified 0 0 560 674 611 702 NPN text Unspecified 0 0 779 688 858 729 1000µF text Unspecified 0 0 927 926 1016 963 120V gnd Unspecified 0 0 333 914 386 964 text Unspecified 0 0 991 521 1093 551 12VDC text Unspecified 0 0 879 561 951 611 220uF text Unspecified 0 0 1087 1009 1253 1063 To Telephone text Unspecified 0 0 120 283 195 317 22Meg. text Unspecified 0 0 642 760 714 787 10Ω text Unspecified 0 0 663 616 733 644 10ohm text Unspecified 0 0 536 525 609 559 .01µF text Unspecified 0 0 568 788 617 817 PNP text Unspecified 0 0 937 1338 1034 1385 8ohms text Unspecified 0 0 444 580 536 611 220ohm text Unspecified 0 0 811 1160 868 1190 470 text Unspecified 0 0 412 158 486 190 22Meg text Unspecified 0 0 533 921 626 989 .01uF resistor Unspecified 0 0 406 119 475 159 resistor Unspecified 0 0 868 1307 924 1412 90 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 556 869 596 919 junction Unspecified 0 0 892 1263 917 1287 resistor Unspecified 0 0 875 1125 934 1221 90 text Unspecified 0 0 949 851 1304 909 power transformer (see text) diode Unspecified 0 0 586 1063 640 1124 180 junction Unspecified 0 0 328 1334 354 1358 junction Unspecified 0 0 215 218 235 237 text Unspecified 0 0 69 1380 272 1464 Ring inhibit diode Unspecified 0 0 303 1212 399 1281 90 junction Unspecified 0 0 528 624 548 647 resistor Unspecified 0 0 656 647 712 681 junction Unspecified 0 0 880 1422 911 1453 junction Unspecified 0 0 360 133 378 151 junction Unspecified 0 0 625 560 642 579 junction Unspecified 0 0 897 1087 924 1111 text Unspecified 0 0 660 266 807 291 Hex inverter junction Unspecified 0 0 221 141 239 161 junction Unspecified 0 0 524 830 543 849 junction Unspecified 0 0 840 515 861 534 resistor Unspecified 0 0 436 615 497 663 junction Unspecified 0 0 493 203 511 220 junction Unspecified 0 0 734 194 751 211 junction Unspecified 0 0 986 1090 1001 1106 junction Unspecified 0 0 613 139 628 155 text Unspecified 0 0 644 235 851 260 74C04 or 4069 CMOS junction Unspecified 0 0 777 1427 796 1447 junction Unspecified 0 0 626 511 646 532 junction Unspecified 0 0 348 203 369 224 junction Unspecified 0 0 499 133 514 150 diode Unspecified 0 0 549 192 589 230 junction Unspecified 0 0 340 335 356 351 resistor Unspecified 0 0 647 794 689 827 168 gnd Unspecified 0 0 842 940 892 993 junction Unspecified 0 0 849 190 864 205 junction Unspecified 0 0 861 744 878 762 junction Unspecified 0 0 373 517 389 534 resistor Unspecified 0 0 203 282 255 340 90 junction Unspecified 0 0 730 659 743 672 junction Unspecified 0 0 522 887 536 900 junction Unspecified 0 0 211 400 226 415 junction Unspecified 0 0 861 443 875 458 junction Unspecified 0 0 623 400 637 414 junction Unspecified 0 0 982 1275 1001 1297 junction Unspecified 0 0 611 203 626 218 junction Unspecified 0 0 300 450 313 464 resistor Unspecified 0 0 777 131 823 161 junction Unspecified 0 0 501 96 514 109 junction Unspecified 0 0 905 1046 923 1065 junction Unspecified 0 0 726 808 742 824 gnd Unspecified 0 0 823 615 876 659 junction Unspecified 0 0 905 990 924 1010 junction Unspecified 0 0 145 1102 165 1122 text Unspecified 0 0 816 852 857 894 9V junction Unspecified 0 0 952 799 970 814 resistor Unspecified 0 0 649 131 697 159 junction Unspecified 0 0 838 132 858 152 diode Unspecified 0 0 328 242 385 288 267 gnd Unspecified 0 0 618 965 670 1022 text Unspecified 0 0 260 111 322 132 22Meg resistor Unspecified 0 0 257 129 323 162 177 transistor.bjt Unspecified 0 0 575 597 644 677 transistor.bjt Unspecified 0 0 600 801 658 881 junction Unspecified 0 0 232 104 246 118 junction Unspecified 0 0 726 734 748 755 gnd Unspecified 0 0 870 1468 940 1538 resistor Unspecified 0 0 419 807 487 861 6 capacitor.polarized Unspecified 0 0 759 714 811 777 vertical junction Unspecified 0 0 738 140 756 157 text Unspecified 0 0 940 824 1104 858 9V to 120V junction Unspecified 0 0 616 109 628 122 transformer Unspecified 0 0 860 817 933 910 terminal Unspecified 0 0 750 1236 820 1314 junction Unspecified 0 0 220 348 233 361 capacitor.polarized Unspecified 0 0 967 1127 1022 1201 270 vertical not Unspecified 0 0 397 194 454 238 2 junction Unspecified 0 0 838 111 852 125 not Unspecified 0 0 319 790 412 877 terminal Unspecified 0 0 150 1324 200 1399 terminal Unspecified 0 0 1191 977 1230 1015 terminal Unspecified 0 0 1206 1038 1232 1075 terminal Unspecified 0 0 966 509 993 556 not Unspecified 0 0 341 600 430 677 junction Unspecified 0 0 277 818 295 833 junction Unspecified 0 0 640 884 665 907 junction Unspecified 0 0 915 799 926 810 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 364 84 403 124 not Unspecified 0 0 248 195 327 246 2 not Unspecified 0 0 648 187 704 235 4 not Unspecified 0 0 772 185 830 230 2 text Unspecified 0 0 783 163 830 187 1Meg text Unspecified 0 0 646 157 699 184 1Meg capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 734 98 771 133 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 556 554 592 594 junction Unspecified 0 0 535 571 545 581 junction Unspecified 0 0 347 1077 373 1103 junction Unspecified 0 0 287 626 313 654 capacitor.polarized Unspecified 0 0 807 535 875 582 269 junction Unspecified 0 0 948 519 966 537 inductor Unspecified 0 0 862 821 892 906 90 inductor Unspecified 0 0 903 820 929 905 90