images C291_D2_P1.jpeg ./drafter_25/images/C291_D2_P1.jpeg CGHD 1000 1000 3 0 gnd Unspecified 0 0 77 453 115 479 360 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 975 217 1067 315 gnd Unspecified 0 0 206 94 236 114 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 458 502 580 627 text Unspecified 0 0 363 199 475 229 MMBT3906 text Unspecified 0 0 1034 536 1068 571 D4 text Unspecified 0 0 848 473 876 507 C6 text Unspecified 0 0 352 678 414 718 4.99K text Unspecified 0 0 926 98 978 122 185 1000FF resistor Unspecified 0 0 183 140 201 174 89 text Unspecified 0 0 1150 193 1208 225 1 10µF text Unspecified 0 0 1040 576 1096 604 358 3330 text Unspecified 0 0 544 101 594 139 100K text Unspecified 0 0 48 37 126 67 6 To 16V gnd Unspecified 0 0 190 401 226 423 2 text Unspecified 0 0 338 88 376 110 10K text Unspecified 0 0 118 429 154 451 359 10K text Unspecified 0 0 173 634 213 668 12V text Unspecified 0 0 1148 551 1188 579 C11 diode.light_emitting Unspecified 0 0 1241 638 1297 688 271 text Unspecified 0 0 1142 588 1194 618 180 Ie66 text Unspecified 0 0 844 511 882 543 1µF text Unspecified 0 0 13 309 101 352 PWM text Unspecified 0 0 921 75 941 93 C2 text Unspecified 0 0 728 290 756 310 FB junction Unspecified 0 0 312 37 326 49 resistor Unspecified 0 0 310 59 326 93 89 junction Unspecified 0 0 1058 149 1070 161 text Unspecified 0 0 367 158 397 190 Q3 junction Unspecified 0 0 505 769 523 787 text Unspecified 0 0 932 323 1030 353 Si9407AEY text Unspecified 0 0 720 263 762 285 COMP text Unspecified 0 0 161 11 181 31 J1 text Unspecified 0 0 552 641 584 667 C5 text Unspecified 0 0 538 693 606 733 3300pF text Unspecified 0 0 805 186 833 204 VDD text Unspecified 0 0 547 79 577 105 R2 junction Unspecified 0 0 586 43 600 57 junction Unspecified 0 0 865 184 881 200 text Unspecified 0 0 942 285 973 318 Q1 junction Unspecified 0 0 254 751 266 763 integrated_circuit Unspecified 0 0 703 161 857 321 4 text Unspecified 0 0 1174 430 1255 464 195 4771 text Unspecified 0 0 681 465 703 483 1 C7 junction Unspecified 0 0 344 556 358 570 text Unspecified 0 0 109 393 135 425 R9 text Unspecified 0 0 1068 108 1108 128 002 junction Unspecified 0 0 719 700 735 716 resistor Unspecified 0 0 815 702 859 722 2 junction Unspecified 0 0 610 210 624 224 junction Unspecified 0 0 752 705 768 721 junction Unspecified 0 0 95 363 107 375 junction Unspecified 0 0 570 246 584 260 text Unspecified 0 0 808 258 844 283 DRV diode.light_emitting Unspecified 0 0 1235 552 1291 600 271 resistor Unspecified 0 0 90 397 106 435 89 junction Unspecified 0 0 897 55 909 67 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 1194 574 1226 594 90 text Unspecified 0 0 1135 174 1163 196 5 C1 junction Unspecified 0 0 1110 784 1124 798 text Unspecified 0 0 798 220 840 244 2 ISNS junction Unspecified 0 0 638 777 652 791 junction Unspecified 0 0 603 777 617 791 junction Unspecified 0 0 676 694 690 706 junction Unspecified 0 0 1259 484 1271 494 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 144 248 274 394 4 junction Unspecified 0 0 848 52 862 66 junction Unspecified 0 0 314 115 326 127 gnd Unspecified 0 0 1253 514 1283 544 2 text Unspecified 0 0 681 498 717 520 470µF junction Unspecified 0 0 919 222 929 232 junction Unspecified 0 0 1043 59 1055 71 junction Unspecified 0 0 915 145 927 157 text Unspecified 0 0 811 286 853 306 2 GND text Unspecified 0 0 204 55 216 71 5 2 text Unspecified 0 0 836 170 852 194 8 junction Unspecified 0 0 912 780 926 796 junction Unspecified 0 0 1021 484 1039 500 junction Unspecified 0 0 217 70 227 80 junction Unspecified 0 0 1019 782 1033 796 junction Unspecified 0 0 258 560 272 574 junction Unspecified 0 0 338 753 352 767 text Unspecified 0 0 733 141 860 169 TPS40200D junction Unspecified 0 0 1224 790 1238 804 resistor Unspecified 0 0 971 139 1021 155 resistor Unspecified 0 0 333 633 357 697 90 junction Unspecified 0 0 664 274 674 284 text Unspecified 0 0 810 647 844 687 R8 text Unspecified 0 0 681 329 700 351 C4 text Unspecified 0 0 1290 759 1318 788 D3 junction Unspecified 0 0 694 271 706 283 junction Unspecified 0 0 344 592 358 606 junction Unspecified 0 0 190 204 202 216 transistor.bjt Unspecified 0 0 294 171 364 241 8 text Unspecified 0 0 979 156 1009 180 R3 resistor Unspecified 0 0 1046 81 1062 113 96 crossover Unspecified 0 0 1013 718 1025 730 junction Unspecified 0 0 184 119 196 129 junction Unspecified 0 0 1061 199 1073 211 text Unspecified 0 0 1066 82 1099 109 2 R10 diode.zener Unspecified 0 0 235 634 274 676 90 text Unspecified 0 0 359 641 388 674 R7 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 899 94 927 109 94 resistor Unspecified 0 0 713 546 729 608 90 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 883 493 920 528 90 text Unspecified 0 0 689 610 721 635 5.11K text Unspecified 0 0 694 572 713 598 R5 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 580 674 630 698 90 text Unspecified 0 0 810 682 862 702 20K crossover Unspecified 0 0 906 712 922 728 crossover Unspecified 0 0 1108 715 1122 729 diode.zener Unspecified 0 0 997 551 1037 590 89 diode.light_emitting Unspecified 0 0 1246 707 1306 761 270 resistor Unspecified 0 0 1153 780 1199 804 175 junction Unspecified 0 0 1208 793 1220 805 junction Unspecified 0 0 1208 725 1218 735 junction Unspecified 0 0 1269 795 1281 807 text Unspecified 0 0 1165 812 1293 842 -10 To -14V text Unspecified 0 0 1220 842 1284 865 0.9A text Unspecified 0 0 1150 737 1173 767 R1 text Unspecified 0 0 1153 760 1202 782 0.75 text Unspecified 0 0 1284 689 1314 710 D2 text Unspecified 0 0 1274 605 1300 632 D1 crossover Unspecified 0 0 1116 486 1129 497 inductor Unspecified 0 0 1129 465 1196 501 junction Unspecified 0 0 1197 489 1207 499 junction Unspecified 0 0 1231 486 1244 497 crossover Unspecified 0 0 870 225 885 238 crossover Unspecified 0 0 873 258 888 272 text Unspecified 0 0 720 231 743 256 SS text Unspecified 0 0 698 232 712 245 2 text Unspecified 0 0 687 188 698 209 1 text Unspecified 0 0 710 184 742 214 RC text Unspecified 0 0 709 262 718 278 3 text Unspecified 0 0 710 286 720 300 4 junction Unspecified 0 0 712 301 720 310 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 698 374 730 394 90 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 610 383 640 411 90 text Unspecified 0 0 679 351 703 387 0.01µF text Unspecified 0 0 597 356 623 391 220PF text Unspecified 0 0 597 330 617 354 C3 text Unspecified 0 0 846 209 863 231 7 text Unspecified 0 0 739 119 779 146 IC1 resistor Unspecified 0 0 589 87 609 127 104 text Unspecified 0 0 988 179 1012 199 1K junction Unspecified 0 0 1020 201 1030 211 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 1110 199 1145 220 90 junction Unspecified 0 0 1109 68 1120 78 junction Unspecified 0 0 474 249 488 262 crossover Unspecified 0 0 613 244 629 261 text Unspecified 0 0 216 21 226 40 1 text Unspecified 0 0 329 58 359 89 R4 text Unspecified 0 0 151 59 187 79 GND terminal Unspecified 0 0 140 30 204 95 terminal Unspecified 0 0 34 360 55 380 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 666 488 696 505 90 text Unspecified 0 0 1144 429 1168 460 L1