images C220_D1_P1.jpg ./drafter_19/images/C220_D1_P1.jpg CGHD 3072 1924 3 0 text Unspecified 0 0 481 1083 688 1160 ENacc2p text Unspecified 0 0 2541 862 2724 947 Sign(p) text Unspecified 0 0 2357 998 2463 1051 STE text Unspecified 0 0 114 1047 271 1132 Sign(p) text Unspecified 0 0 156 1224 303 1296 Sign(p) text Unspecified 0 0 2490 399 2613 453 SEW text Unspecified 0 0 1877 910 1996 967 Vini,i text Unspecified 0 0 1773 421 1903 480 CLSA text Unspecified 0 0 1847 222 2019 282 Vout, CLSA text Unspecified 0 0 152 998 247 1045 SCE text Unspecified 0 0 1431 482 1501 546 M3 text Unspecified 0 0 154 1156 294 1213 Enacci junction Unspecified 0 0 1561 918 1594 952 text Unspecified 0 0 1746 622 1913 688 sign(p) capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 1240 1039 1348 1095 93 text Unspecified 0 0 1153 789 1263 836 Acc2 text Unspecified 0 0 1305 837 1383 892 M2 text Unspecified 0 0 380 505 460 560 SBE capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 516 356 589 400 91 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 811 532 894 574 93 text Unspecified 0 0 2223 449 2286 483 CLK junction Unspecified 0 0 1500 934 1525 961 text Unspecified 0 0 725 535 818 598 Cb,4 junction Unspecified 0 0 1418 319 1444 345 text Unspecified 0 0 890 158 1032 202 ENACC1 text Unspecified 0 0 858 940 925 1000 Vp text Unspecified 0 0 1150 346 1204 393 C1 junction Unspecified 0 0 831 483 857 509 text Unspecified 0 0 458 962 655 1013 ENacc2n junction Unspecified 0 0 1642 998 1663 1019 text Unspecified 0 0 74 417 207 471 Vprech text Unspecified 0 0 182 523 269 560 SPE gnd Unspecified 0 0 1270 1222 1379 1278 10 text Unspecified 0 0 1532 1090 1605 1157 M4 text Unspecified 0 0 880 736 1047 799 ENacc2p text Unspecified 0 0 701 325 801 378 SBE text Unspecified 0 0 557 446 638 486 SBE junction Unspecified 0 0 1297 1132 1320 1154 text Unspecified 0 0 452 359 520 412 Cb,1 text Unspecified 0 0 1565 229 1677 313 t,vacc1,i gnd Unspecified 0 0 1200 559 1321 618 8 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 920 353 1010 420 text Unspecified 0 0 2289 156 2359 198 FS junction Unspecified 0 0 1237 495 1261 516 integrated_circuit Unspecified 0 0 2186 214 2390 438 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 291 255 393 326 junction Unspecified 0 0 344 551 366 573 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 1200 367 1279 412 93 junction Unspecified 0 0 1061 340 1082 360 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 930 831 1080 930 text Unspecified 0 0 1231 240 1291 279 M1 text Unspecified 0 0 178 625 280 682 CB junction Unspecified 0 0 533 302 554 323 crossover Unspecified 0 0 1629 915 1652 937 junction Unspecified 0 0 427 300 447 320 junction Unspecified 0 0 1794 1025 1814 1045 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 899 220 1009 315 junction Unspecified 0 0 2148 525 2170 547 junction Unspecified 0 0 1850 856 1868 874 junction Unspecified 0 0 1279 954 1297 980 text Unspecified 0 0 1114 204 1212 239 ACC1 text Unspecified 0 0 930 472 1105 529 ENACC2 text Unspecified 0 0 691 208 831 315 t,l vboost,i junction Unspecified 0 0 1712 872 1730 890 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1727 905 1861 992 text Unspecified 0 0 159 178 241 217 SCE junction Unspecified 0 0 317 216 341 237 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1510 978 1592 1080 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 465 522 586 621 junction Unspecified 0 0 1055 286 1076 307 operational_amplifier Unspecified 0 0 1805 257 1958 417 terminal Unspecified 0 0 2666 249 2693 275 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1588 624 1717 755 junction Unspecified 0 0 1577 378 1597 396 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1724 774 1836 880 and Unspecified 0 0 359 985 459 1093 junction Unspecified 0 0 1711 909 1730 928 and Unspecified 0 0 2516 207 2620 328 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 283 401 406 481 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1134 240 1238 335 gnd Unspecified 0 0 521 634 633 684 2 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1421 353 1515 463 and Unspecified 0 0 2260 919 2347 1015 junction Unspecified 0 0 1531 419 1550 439 gnd Unspecified 0 0 813 607 906 664 2 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 1176 848 1291 951 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 628 422 735 520 and Unspecified 0 0 378 1147 478 1249 text Unspecified 0 0 72 275 181 368 t,l Vsl,i terminal Unspecified 0 0 132 224 152 242 terminal Unspecified 0 0 221 310 241 325 terminal Unspecified 0 0 231 415 253 436 terminal Unspecified 0 0 167 564 188 586 junction Unspecified 0 0 439 389 450 406 terminal Unspecified 0 0 405 572 424 590 terminal Unspecified 0 0 657 358 682 378 transistor.fet Unspecified 0 0 795 360 851 430 terminal Unspecified 0 0 720 393 745 414 junction Unspecified 0 0 818 298 834 317 terminal Unspecified 0 0 885 203 897 221 vss Unspecified 0 0 1191 188 1250 201 junction Unspecified 0 0 1223 340 1239 352 text Unspecified 0 0 890 366 928 410 Vp terminal Unspecified 0 0 963 450 987 472 terminal Unspecified 0 0 901 361 914 374 junction Unspecified 0 0 1428 475 1443 488 junction Unspecified 0 0 1582 575 1607 597 terminal Unspecified 0 0 1783 680 1799 694 junction Unspecified 0 0 1748 678 1768 695 junction Unspecified 0 0 1859 905 1872 916 terminal Unspecified 0 0 1897 902 1910 915 terminal Unspecified 0 0 2500 933 2513 944 terminal Unspecified 0 0 2505 965 2521 975 junction Unspecified 0 0 2488 898 2501 909 terminal Unspecified 0 0 2283 487 2300 501 text Unspecified 0 0 1609 337 1717 407 t vacc2,i crossover Unspecified 0 0 1583 409 1596 429 junction Unspecified 0 0 1524 1099 1538 1113 text Unspecified 0 0 1177 1051 1241 1105 C2 vss Unspecified 0 0 1255 765 1298 782 terminal Unspecified 0 0 900 792 914 808 terminal Unspecified 0 0 861 915 877 929 text Unspecified 0 0 2643 170 2746 246 S,t,l not Unspecified 0 0 2424 199 2508 279 text Unspecified 0 0 2416 132 2509 190 ot,l not Unspecified 0 0 1975 300 2054 366 not Unspecified 0 0 2063 294 2137 359 text Unspecified 0 0 2131 268 2169 306 D junction Unspecified 0 0 2139 319 2156 338 terminal Unspecified 0 0 526 1013 538 1024 terminal Unspecified 0 0 528 1169 545 1185 terminal Unspecified 0 0 281 1027 304 1046 terminal Unspecified 0 0 285 1069 304 1085 terminal Unspecified 0 0 315 1185 331 1200 terminal Unspecified 0 0 319 1233 333 1248 text Unspecified 0 0 2452 305 2533 356 s,t,l junction Unspecified 0 0 973 786 988 806 junction Unspecified 0 0 2421 234 2431 245 junction Unspecified 0 0 937 199 950 214 text Unspecified 0 0 2322 231 2368 274 Q text Unspecified 0 0 2212 294 2249 336 D text Unspecified 0 0 1820 286 1849 315 + text Unspecified 0 0 1831 360 1862 381 - terminal Unspecified 0 0 2476 294 2495 311