"""consistency.py: Integrity Check, Correction by Mapping for Annotation Class, Metadata Cleaning, Statistics""" # System Imports import os import sys import re # Project Imports from loader import load_classes, load_properties, read_dataset, write_dataset, file_name # Third-Party Imports import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np __author__ = "Johannes Bayer, Shabi Haider" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2021-2023, DFKI" __license__ = "CC" __version__ = "0.0.2" __email__ = "johannes.bayer@dfki.de" __status__ = "Prototype" # Edit this lookup table for relabeling purposes MAPPING_LOOKUP = { "integrated_cricuit": "integrated_circuit", "zener": "diode.zener" } def consistency(db: list, classes: dict, recover: dict = {}) -> tuple: """Checks Whether Annotation Classes are in provided Classes Dict and Attempts Recovery""" total, ok, mapped, faulty, rotation, text = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for sample in db: for bbox in sample["bboxes"] + sample["polygons"] + sample["points"]: total += 1 if bbox["class"] in classes: ok += 1 if bbox["class"] in recover: bbox["class"] = recover[bbox["class"]] mapped += 1 if bbox["class"] not in classes and bbox["class"] not in recover: print(f"Can't recover faulty label in {file_name(sample)}: {bbox['class']}") faulty += 1 if bbox["rotation"] is not None: rotation += 1 if bbox["class"] == "text" and bbox["text"] is None: print(f"Missing Text in {file_name(sample)} -> {bbox['xmin']}, {bbox['ymin']}") if bbox["text"] is not None: if bbox["text"].strip() != bbox["text"]: print(f"Removing leading of trailing spaces from: {bbox['text']}") bbox["text"] = bbox["text"].strip() if bbox["class"] != "text": print(f"Text string outside Text BB in {file_name(sample)}: {bbox['class']}: {bbox['text']}") text += 1 return total, ok, mapped, faulty, rotation, text def consistency_circuit(db: list, classes: dict) -> None: """Checks whether the Amount of Annotation per Class is Consistent Among the Samples of a Circuits""" print("BBox Inconsistency Report:") sample_cls_bb_count = {(sample["circuit"], sample["drawing"], sample["picture"]): {cls: len([bbox for bbox in sample["bboxes"] if bbox["class"] == cls]) for cls in classes} for sample in db} for circuit in set(sample["circuit"] for sample in db): circuit_samples = [sample for sample in sample_cls_bb_count if sample[0] == circuit] for cls in classes: check = [sample_cls_bb_count[sample][cls] for sample in circuit_samples] if not all(c == check[0] for c in check): print(f" Circuit {circuit}: {cls}: {check}") def circuit_annotations(db: list, classes: dict) -> None: """Plots the Annotations per Sample and Class""" fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 6)) axes.plot([len(sample["bboxes"]) for sample in db], label="all") for cls in classes: axes.plot([len([annotation for annotation in sample["bboxes"] if annotation["class"] == cls]) for sample in db], label=cls) plt.minorticks_on() axes.set_xticks(np.arange(0, len(db)+1, step=8)) axes.set_xticks(np.arange(0, len(db), step=8)+4, minor=True) axes.grid(axis='x', linestyle='solid') axes.grid(axis='x', linestyle='dotted', alpha=0.7, which="minor") plt.title("Class Distribution in Samples") plt.xlabel("Image Sample") plt.ylabel("BB Annotation Count") plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(ncol=2, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)) plt.show() def class_distribution(db: list, classes: dict) -> None: """Plots the Class Distribution over the Dataset""" class_nbrs = np.arange(len(classes)) class_counts = [sum([len([bbox for bbox in sample["bboxes"] + sample["polygons"] + sample["points"] if bbox["class"] == cls]) for sample in db]) for cls in classes] bars = plt.bar(class_nbrs, class_counts) plt.xticks(class_nbrs, labels=classes, rotation=90) plt.yscale('log') plt.title("Class Distribution") plt.xlabel("Class") plt.ylabel("BB Annotation Count") for rect in bars: height = rect.get_height() plt.annotate('{}'.format(height), xy=(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2, height), xytext=(0, -3), textcoords="offset points", ha='center', va='top', rotation=90) plt.show() def class_sizes(db: list, classes: dict) -> None: """""" plt.title('BB Sizes') plt.boxplot([[max(bbox["xmax"]-bbox["xmin"], bbox["ymax"]-bbox["ymin"]) for sample in db for bbox in sample["bboxes"] if bbox["class"] == cls] for cls in classes]) class_nbrs = np.arange(len(classes))+1 plt.xticks(class_nbrs, labels=classes, rotation=90) plt.show() def image_count(drafter: int = None, segmentation: bool = False) -> int: """Counts the Raw Images or Segmentation Maps in the Dataset""" return len([file_name for root, _, files in os.walk(".") for file_name in files if ("segmentation" if segmentation else "annotation") in root and (not drafter or f"drafter_{drafter}{os.sep}" in root)]) def read_check_write(classes: dict, drafter: int = None, segmentation: bool = False): """Reads Annotations, Checks Consistency with Provided Classes Writes Corrected Annotations Back and Returns the Annotations""" db = read_dataset(drafter=drafter, segmentation=segmentation) ann_total, ann_ok, ann_mapped, ann_faulty, ann_rot, ann_text = consistency(db, classes) write_dataset(db, segmentation=segmentation) print("") print(" Class and File Consistency Report") print(" -------------------------------------") print(f"Annotation Type: {'Polygon' if segmentation else 'Bounding Box'}") print(f"Class Label Count: {len(classes)}") print(f"Raw Image Files: {image_count(drafter=drafter, segmentation=segmentation)}") print(f"Processed Annotation Files: {len(db)}") print(f"Total Annotation Count: {ann_total}") print(f"Consistent Annotations: {ann_ok}") print(f"Faulty Annotations (no recovery): {ann_faulty}") print(f"Corrected Annotations by Mapping: {ann_mapped}") print(f"Annotations with Rotation: {ann_rot}") print(f"Annotations with Text: {ann_text}") return db def text_statistics(db: list, plot_unique_labels: bool = False): """Generates and Plots Statistics on Text Classes""" print("") print(" Text Statistics") print("---------------------") text_bbs = len([bbox for sample in db for bbox in sample["bboxes"] if bbox["class"] == "text"]) print(f"Text BB Annotations: {text_bbs}") text_labels = [bbox["text"] for sample in db for bbox in sample["bboxes"] if bbox["text"] is not None] print(f"Overall Text Label Count: {len(text_labels)}") text_labels_unique = set(text_labels) print(f"Unique Text Label Count: {len(text_labels_unique)}") print(f"Total Character Count: {sum([len(text_label) for text_label in text_labels])}") print("\nSet of all characters occurring in all text labels:") char_set = set([char_set for label in text_labels_unique for char_set in label]) chars = sorted(list(char_set)) print(chars) char_nbrs = np.arange(len(chars)) char_counts = [sum([len([None for text_char in text_label if text_char == char]) for text_label in text_labels]) for char in chars] plt.bar(char_nbrs, char_counts) plt.xticks(char_nbrs, chars) plt.title("Character Frequencies") plt.xlabel("Character") plt.ylabel("Overall Count") plt.show() print("\nCharacter Frequencies:") print({char: 1/char_count for char, char_count in zip(chars, char_counts)}) max_text_len = max([len(text_label) for text_label in text_labels]) text_lengths = np.arange(max_text_len)+1 text_count_by_length = [len([None for text_label in text_labels if len(text_label) == text_length]) for text_length in text_lengths] plt.bar(text_lengths, text_count_by_length) plt.xticks(text_lengths, rotation=90) plt.title("Text Length Distribution") plt.xlabel("Character Count") plt.ylabel("Annotation Count") plt.show() text_instances = text_labels_unique if plot_unique_labels else text_labels text_classes_names = [] text_classes_instances = [] for text_class in load_properties(): text_classes_names.append(text_class["name"]) text_classes_instances.append([text_instance for text_instance in text_instances if re.match(text_class["regex"], text_instance)]) text_classified = [text for text_class_instances in text_classes_instances for text in text_class_instances] text_classes_names.append("Unclassified") text_classes_instances.append([text_instance for text_instance in text_instances if text_instance not in text_classified]) for text_class_name, text_class_instances in zip(text_classes_names, text_classes_instances): print(f"\n{text_class_name}:") print(sorted(list(set(text_class_instances)))) plt.bar(text_classes_names, [len(text_class_instances) for text_class_instances in text_classes_instances]) plt.title('Count of matching pattern') plt.xlabel('Regex') plt.ylabel('No. of text matched') plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.tight_layout() plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": drafter_selected = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) == 2 else None classes = load_classes() #db_poly = read_check_write(classes, drafter_selected, segmentation=True) db_bb = read_check_write(classes, drafter_selected) class_sizes(db_bb, classes) circuit_annotations(db_bb, classes) class_distribution(db_bb, classes) #class_distribution(db_poly, classes) consistency_circuit(db_bb, classes) text_statistics(db_bb)