"""segmentation.py: Toolkit for Generation of Instance Segmentation Material""" # System Imports import sys import os from os.path import join, exists import json from math import dist # Project Imports from loader import read_pascal_voc, read_labelme, write_labelme, load_classes_ports from utils import transform, associated_keypoints # Third-Party Imports import cv2 import numpy as np __author__ = "Amit Kumar Roy" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2022-2023, DFKI" __credits__ = ["Amit Kumar Roy", "Johannes Bayer"] __license__ = "CC" __version__ = "0.0.1" __email__ = "johannes.bayer@dfki.de" __status__ = "Prototype" def binary_to_multi_seg_map(drafter: str, sample: str, suffix: str, source_folder: str, target_folder: str, color_map: dict) -> None: """Creates a Multi Class Segmentation File from a Binary Segmentation File and an Coarse Instance Polygon File""" bin_seg_map = cv2.imread(join(drafter, "segmentation", f"{sample}.{suffix}")) bin_seg_map[np.all(bin_seg_map <= (10, 10, 10), axis=-1)] = (0, 0, 0) shape_mask = np.ones(bin_seg_map.shape, dtype=np.uint8)*255 geo_data = read_labelme(join(drafter, source_folder, f"{sample}.json")) for shape in sorted(geo_data["polygons"], key=lambda shape: -(max([p[0] for p in shape['points']])-min([p[0] for p in shape['points']])) * (max([p[1] for p in shape['points']])-min([p[1] for p in shape['points']]))): cv2.fillPoly(shape_mask, pts=[np.array(shape["points"], dtype=np.int32)], color=color_map[shape["class"]]) multi_seg_map = cv2.bitwise_and(cv2.bitwise_not(bin_seg_map), shape_mask) for point in geo_data['points']: if point['class'] == "connector": x, y = point['points'] cv2.line(multi_seg_map, (int(x-20), int(y-20)), (int(x+20), int(y+20)), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.line(multi_seg_map, (int(x-20), int(y+20)), (int(x+20), int(y-20)), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.imwrite(join(drafter, target_folder, f"{sample}.png"), multi_seg_map) def generate_keypoints(drafter: str, sample: str, suffix: str, source_folder: str, target_folder: str, keep_polygons: bool = True, margin=3) -> None: """Generates Connector Keypoints, optionally discarding existing polygons""" bin_seg_map = cv2.imread(join(drafter, "segmentation", f"{sample}.{suffix}"), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) _, bin_seg_map = cv2.threshold(bin_seg_map, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) geo_data = read_labelme(join(drafter, source_folder, f"{sample}.json")) detector_params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() detector_params.minArea = 3 detector_params.minDistBetweenBlobs = 3 detector_params.minThreshold = 10 detector_params.maxThreshold = 255 detector_params.blobColor = 255 detector_params.filterByArea = False detector_params.filterByCircularity = False detector_params.filterByConvexity = False detector_params.filterByInertia = False detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(detector_params) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5)) for nbr, shape in enumerate(geo_data["polygons"]): if shape['class'] == "text": cv2.fillPoly(bin_seg_map, pts=[np.array(shape["points"], dtype=np.int32)], color=[0, 0, 0]) for nbr, shape in enumerate(geo_data["polygons"]): shape['group'] = nbr if shape['class'] != "text" and shape['class'] != "wire": x_min = max(int(min([p[0] for p in shape['points']]))-margin, 0) x_max = min(int(max([p[0] for p in shape['points']]))+margin, bin_seg_map.shape[1]) y_min = max(int(min([p[1] for p in shape['points']]))-margin, 0) y_max = min(int(max([p[1] for p in shape['points']]))+margin, bin_seg_map.shape[0]) cropout = bin_seg_map[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] shape_mask = np.zeros((y_max-y_min, x_max-x_min), dtype=np.uint8) cv2.polylines(shape_mask, pts=[np.array(shape["points"]-np.array([[x_min, y_min]]), dtype=np.int32)], isClosed=True, color=[255, 255, 255], thickness=2) intersect_map = cv2.bitwise_and(cropout, shape_mask) keypoints = detector.detect(intersect_map) geo_data['points'] += [{'class': "connector", 'points': (keypoint.pt[0]+x_min, keypoint.pt[1]+y_min), 'group': nbr} for keypoint in keypoints] for shape in geo_data["polygons"]: if shape['class'] == "wire": wire_connectors = [point["points"] for point in geo_data['points'] if cv2.pointPolygonTest(np.array(shape["points"]), np.array(point['points']), True) > -4] if len(wire_connectors) != 2: print(f" Anomaly Wire Connector Count: {len(wire_connectors)} -> {shape['points'][0]}") geo_data['points'] += [{'class': "connector", 'points': (point[0], point[1]), 'group': shape['group']} for point in wire_connectors] geo_data['polygons'] = geo_data['polygons'] if keep_polygons else [] write_labelme(geo_data, join(drafter, target_folder, f"{sample}.json")) def generate_wires(drafter: str, sample: str, suffix: str, source_folder: str, target_folder: str) -> None: """Generates wire polygons""" geo_data = read_labelme(join(drafter, source_folder, f"{sample}.json")) bin_seg_map = cv2.imread(join(drafter, "segmentation", f"{sample}.{suffix}"), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) _, bin_seg_map = cv2.threshold(bin_seg_map, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) for nbr, shape in enumerate(geo_data["polygons"]): cv2.fillPoly(bin_seg_map, pts=[np.array(shape["points"], dtype=np.int32)], color=[0, 0, 0]) cntrs = cv2.findContours(bin_seg_map, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours = cntrs[0] if len(cntrs) == 2 else cntrs[1] for contour in contours: if len(contour) > 3: geo_data['polygons'] += [{'class': "wire", 'points': np.squeeze(contour).tolist(), 'group': None}] write_labelme(geo_data, join(drafter, target_folder, f"{sample}.json")) def pascalvoc_to_labelme(drafter: str, sample: str, suffix: str, source_folder: str, target_folder: str, keep_existing_json: bool = True) -> None: """Converts a Bounding Box (Rectangle) Annotation File to an Instance Mask (Polygon) File Has no Effect in its default Configuration on a consistently populated Dataset.""" if keep_existing_json and exists(join(drafter, target_folder, f"{sample}.json")): print(" -> SKIP (already exists)") return None xml_data = read_pascal_voc(join(drafter, source_folder, f"{sample}.xml")) xml_data['points'] = [] # Adapt to Segmentation Scenario xml_data['img_path'] = join("..", "segmentation", f"{sample}.{suffix}") # Alter source image xml_data['polygons'] = [{'class': bbox['class'], 'group': None, # Keep Class, Prune Rotation and Texts 'points': [[bbox['xmin'], bbox['ymin']], # Turn Rectangles into Polygons [bbox['xmax'], bbox['ymin']], [bbox['xmax'], bbox['ymax']], [bbox['xmin'], bbox['ymax']]]} for bbox in xml_data['bboxes']] write_labelme(xml_data, join(drafter, target_folder, f"{sample}.json")) def labelme_raw_image(drafter: str, sample: str, suffix: str, source_folder: str, target_folder: str) -> None: """Resets the Source Images of a LabelME file to the Rwa Image""" geo_data = read_labelme(join(drafter, source_folder, f"{sample}.json")) geo_data['img_path'] = join("..", "images", f"{sample}.{suffix}") write_labelme(geo_data, join(drafter, target_folder, f"{sample}.json")) def convex_hull(thresh_img: np.ndarray, polygon: np.ndarray) -> list: """Calculates the Convex Hull of a Binary Image, falling back to Polygon""" cntrs = cv2.findContours(thresh_img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cntrs = cntrs[0] if len(cntrs) == 2 else cntrs[1] good_contours = [contour for contour in cntrs if cv2.contourArea(contour) > 10] if good_contours: contours_combined = np.vstack(good_contours) hull = cv2.convexHull(contours_combined) return np.squeeze(hull).tolist() return polygon.tolist() def refine_polygons(drafter: str, sample: str, suffix: str, source_folder: str, target_folder: str, classes_discontinuous: list) -> None: """Main Function for Polygon Refinement""" geo_data = read_labelme(join(drafter, source_folder, f"{sample}.json")) img = cv2.imread(join(drafter, "segmentation", f"{sample}.{suffix}")) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) (_, img) = cv2.threshold(gray, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) background_mask = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for shape in geo_data['polygons']: if shape["class"] != "wire": polygon = np.array(shape["points"], dtype=np.int32) mask_single_components = cv2.fillPoly(background_mask, pts=[polygon], color=(255, 255, 255)) bitwise_and_result = cv2.bitwise_and(img, mask_single_components) background_mask = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=np.uint8) if shape["class"] in classes_discontinuous: hull_list = convex_hull(bitwise_and_result, polygon) shape['points'] = hull_list else: contours, _ = cv2.findContours(bitwise_and_result, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if contours: contour = max(contours, key=len) contour = np.squeeze(contour) contour_list = contour.tolist() shape['points'] = contour_list else: print(f" !!! WARNING: Empty Polygon: {shape['group']} !!!") write_labelme(geo_data, join(drafter, target_folder, f"{sample}.json")) def bounding_box(points): xmin = min(point[0] for point in points) ymin = min(point[1] for point in points) xmax = max(point[0] for point in points) ymax = max(point[1] for point in points) return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] def overlap(bbox1, bbox2): if bbox1["xmin"] > bbox2[2] or bbox1["xmax"] < bbox2[0]: return False if bbox1["ymin"] > bbox2[3] or bbox1["ymax"] < bbox2[1]: return False return True def find_closest_points(list1, list2): reordered_list2 = [] for x1, y1 in list1: min_distance = float("inf") min_point = None for x2, y2 in list2: distance = math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) if distance < min_distance: min_distance = distance min_point = (x2, y2) reordered_list2.append(min_point) return [list(row) for row in reordered_list2] def connector_type_assignment(drafter: str, sample: str, suffix: str, source_folder: str, target_folder: str) -> None: """Connector Point to Port Type Assignment by Geometric Transformation Matching""" bboxes = read_pascal_voc(join(drafter, "annotations", f"{sample}.xml")) instances = read_labelme(join(drafter, source_folder, f"{sample}.json")) classes_ports = load_classes_ports() bad_connector_symbols = 0 for shape in instances["polygons"]: if shape["class"] in classes_ports.keys(): connectors = associated_keypoints(instances, shape) cls_ports = classes_ports[shape["class"]] bboxes_match = [bbox for bbox in bboxes['bboxes'] if overlap(bbox, bounding_box(shape["points"])) and bbox['class'] == shape['class']] if len(cls_ports) != len(connectors): print(f" Bad Connector Count: {shape['class']} {shape['points'][0]} -> {len(cls_ports)} vs. {len(connectors)}") bad_connector_symbols += 1 if len(bboxes_match) != 1: print(f" No BB for Polygon: {shape['class']} {shape['points'][0]}") continue if bboxes_match[0]["rotation"] is None: print(f" Missing Rotation in BB: {shape['class']} {shape['points'][0]}") bboxes_match[0]["rotation"] = 0 cls_ports_transformed = [transform(port, bboxes_match[0]) for port in cls_ports] for con in connectors: closest = sorted(cls_ports_transformed, key=lambda cls_port: dist(cls_port['position'], con['points']))[0] con['class'] = f"connector.{closest['name']}" shape['rotation'] = bboxes_match[0]['rotation'] shape['text'] = bboxes_match[0]['text'] write_labelme(instances, join(drafter, target_folder, f"{sample}.json")) return bad_connector_symbols def pipeline(drafter: str, sample: str, suffix: str, source_folder: str, target_folder: str, **kwargs) -> None: """Standard Workflow""" generate_wires(drafter, sample, suffix, source_folder, target_folder) generate_keypoints(drafter, sample, suffix, target_folder, target_folder) refine_polygons(drafter, sample, suffix, target_folder, target_folder, kwargs["classes_discontinuous"]) labelme_raw_image(drafter, sample, suffix, target_folder, target_folder) return connector_type_assignment(drafter, sample, suffix, target_folder, target_folder) def execute(function: callable, source_folder: str, target_folder: str, drafter: str, info_msg: str, **kwargs): """Walks through the Dataset and applies the specified Function""" bad_connector_symbols = 0 for drafter_dir in [f"drafter_{drafter}"] if drafter else sorted(next(os.walk('.'))[1]): if drafter_dir.startswith("drafter_"): if not os.path.isdir(join(drafter_dir, target_folder)): os.mkdir(join(drafter_dir, target_folder)) for sample_raw in sorted(next(os.walk(join(drafter_dir, "segmentation")))[2]): sample, suffix = sample_raw.split(".") print(f"{info_msg} for: {drafter_dir} -> {sample}") res = function(drafter_dir, sample, suffix, source_folder, target_folder, **kwargs) if res is not None: bad_connector_symbols += res print(f"Overall Symbols with incorrect Connector Count: {bad_connector_symbols}") if __name__ == "__main__": with open("classes_discontinuous.json") as f: classes_discontinuous = json.load(f) with open('classes_color.json') as f: color_map = json.load(f) commands = {"transform": [pascalvoc_to_labelme, "annotations", "instances", "Transforming BBs -> Masks", {}], "wire": [generate_wires, "instances", "wires", "Generating Wires", {}], "keypoint": [generate_keypoints, "instances", "keypoints", "Generating Keypoints", {}], "create": [binary_to_multi_seg_map, "instances", "segmentation_multi_class", "Generating Multi-Class Segmentation Map", {"color_map": color_map}], "refine": [refine_polygons, "instances", "instances_refined", "Refining Polygons", {"classes_discontinuous": classes_discontinuous}], "reset": [labelme_raw_image, "instances_refined", "instances_refined", "Resetting Source Image", {}], "assign": [connector_type_assignment, "instances_refined", "instances_refined", "Assigning Connector Types", {}], "pipeline": [pipeline, "instances", "instances_refined", "Processing", {"classes_discontinuous": classes_discontinuous}]} if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in commands: fun, source, target, info, paras = commands[sys.argv[1]] drafter = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "" target = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else target source = sys.argv[4] if len(sys.argv) > 4 else source execute(fun, source, target, drafter, info, **paras) else: print(f"Invalid command. Must be one of: {list(commands.keys())}")