images C169_D1_P1.jpeg ./drafter_15/images/C169_D1_P1.jpeg CGHD 1087 1600 3 0 text Unspecified 0 0 754 72 880 123 0.033uF text Unspecified 0 0 367 655 456 695 .01uf text Unspecified 0 0 830 1236 928 1300 .100µF text Unspecified 0 0 432 1021 502 1065 .01uf text Unspecified 0 0 302 868 396 905 220ohm text Unspecified 0 0 549 778 615 803 10ohm text Unspecified 0 0 550 1114 644 1144 IN914 text Unspecified 0 0 871 620 975 654 12VDC text Unspecified 0 0 514 349 614 386 1N914 text Unspecified 0 0 585 668 659 711 220uf text Unspecified 0 0 453 1316 528 1353 Audio text Unspecified 0 0 318 53 415 106 .22uf text Unspecified 0 0 764 1413 852 1450 8 ohms text Unspecified 0 0 172 426 257 471 22 Meg. text Unspecified 0 0 293 714 401 751 220ohm text Unspecified 0 0 894 1022 1036 1070 To Telepone text Unspecified 0 0 38 1456 194 1505 (+12 VDC) text Unspecified 0 0 360 445 451 481 1N914 text Unspecified 0 0 542 925 608 962 10ohm text Unspecified 0 0 228 225 316 269 22 Meg. text Unspecified 0 0 659 892 742 931 1000µF text Unspecified 0 0 859 934 987 971 (see text) text Unspecified 0 0 446 1359 535 1390 Source text Unspecified 0 0 678 224 750 268 1 Meg. text Unspecified 0 0 812 225 887 269 1 Meg. text Unspecified 0 0 663 1253 710 1282 470 transistor.bjt Unspecified 0 0 461 737 525 835 3 text Unspecified 0 0 521 743 582 772 NPN text Unspecified 0 0 281 1259 396 1300 1N914 text Unspecified 0 0 434 223 529 265 22 Meg. resistor Unspecified 0 0 708 1217 760 1299 90 text Unspecified 0 0 807 971 878 992 120V resistor Unspecified 0 0 803 169 881 222 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 770 116 811 167 3 resistor Unspecified 0 0 400 167 495 223 capacitor.polarized Unspecified 0 0 648 643 734 696 273 resistor Unspecified 0 0 308 910 386 968 diode Unspecified 0 0 215 1239 278 1302 82 junction Unspecified 0 0 604 853 621 873 text Unspecified 0 0 701 967 737 1001 9V resistor Unspecified 0 0 704 1370 758 1470 90 resistor Unspecified 0 0 651 173 733 224 junction Unspecified 0 0 770 307 793 331 resistor Unspecified 0 0 190 167 299 227 2 resistor Unspecified 0 0 522 882 581 929 resistor Unspecified 0 0 533 800 599 841 junction Unspecified 0 0 126 306 156 339 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 444 676 479 725 2 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 323 107 373 172 2 capacitor.unpolarized Unspecified 0 0 452 974 488 1019 junction Unspecified 0 0 624 307 646 330 junction Unspecified 0 0 687 622 708 641 resistor Unspecified 0 0 295 752 385 814 diode Unspecified 0 0 319 380 391 444 273 resistor Unspecified 0 0 103 381 167 511 86 junction Unspecified 0 0 721 1322 749 1349 junction Unspecified 0 0 723 1169 747 1193 text Unspecified 0 0 650 408 920 444 CMOS Hex Inverter junction Unspecified 0 0 577 1484 596 1502 junction Unspecified 0 0 414 779 434 799 text Unspecified 0 0 823 874 975 910 9V to 120V junction Unspecified 0 0 414 927 435 948 junction Unspecified 0 0 507 691 526 710 junction Unspecified 0 0 721 1477 741 1497 junction Unspecified 0 0 172 936 187 953 diode Unspecified 0 0 569 285 613 348 2 junction Unspecified 0 0 529 311 550 332 junction Unspecified 0 0 624 188 641 207 junction Unspecified 0 0 510 989 530 1009 transistor.bjt Unspecified 0 0 475 907 524 972 2 junction Unspecified 0 0 422 990 434 1003 junction Unspecified 0 0 602 900 614 913 junction Unspecified 0 0 138 532 151 545 junction Unspecified 0 0 235 1363 251 1380 junction Unspecified 0 0 117 1181 132 1196 junction Unspecified 0 0 792 1326 807 1341 junction Unspecified 0 0 936 126 951 142 junction Unspecified 0 0 132 131 147 147 diode Unspecified 0 0 577 1147 626 1212 179 junction Unspecified 0 0 791 1052 804 1065 junction Unspecified 0 0 536 128 550 143 junction Unspecified 0 0 105 563 119 577 junction Unspecified 0 0 346 313 364 332 junction Unspecified 0 0 790 1112 803 1126 junction Unspecified 0 0 746 847 760 862 junction Unspecified 0 0 347 537 361 551 junction Unspecified 0 0 728 1114 742 1128 junction Unspecified 0 0 791 1175 804 1189 junction Unspecified 0 0 775 189 795 212 junction Unspecified 0 0 627 132 640 146 text Unspecified 0 0 29 1402 201 1460 Ring inhibit junction Unspecified 0 0 793 992 807 1005 junction Unspecified 0 0 231 631 245 645 junction Unspecified 0 0 608 816 620 828 not Unspecified 0 0 813 275 902 358 2 junction Unspecified 0 0 630 563 643 575 not Unspecified 0 0 661 263 746 353 3 gnd Unspecified 0 0 503 1055 545 1098 not Unspecified 0 0 177 269 287 369 capacitor.polarized Unspecified 0 0 774 1213 841 1278 269 vertical junction Unspecified 0 0 937 588 954 605 transformer Unspecified 0 0 737 871 820 988 junction Unspecified 0 0 171 598 184 611 capacitor.polarized Unspecified 0 0 647 824 706 891 2 vertical gnd Unspecified 0 0 715 1510 756 1550 gnd Unspecified 0 0 721 1027 755 1069 not Unspecified 0 0 380 267 487 366 2 not Unspecified 0 0 208 732 276 833 2 gnd Unspecified 0 0 217 984 256 1031 terminal Unspecified 0 0 550 1299 623 1376 text Unspecified 0 0 647 361 880 400 74c04 or 4069 junction Unspecified 0 0 931 181 953 205 junction Unspecified 0 0 932 306 954 330 junction Unspecified 0 0 805 621 826 639 junction Unspecified 0 0 506 628 527 649 junction Unspecified 0 0 169 776 192 798 junction Unspecified 0 0 232 1179 257 1202 junction Unspecified 0 0 128 192 154 212 junction Unspecified 0 0 346 189 368 209 junction Unspecified 0 0 532 190 553 213 text Unspecified 0 0 827 907 1027 945 power transformer terminal Unspecified 0 0 109 1346 141 1397 terminal Unspecified 0 0 836 611 863 649 terminal Unspecified 0 0 887 987 919 1016 terminal Unspecified 0 0 864 1044 897 1077 gnd Unspecified 0 0 665 747 733 796 not Unspecified 0 0 210 888 284 980 2 junction Unspecified 0 0 419 690 433 708 inductor Unspecified 0 0 740 873 767 989 79 inductor Unspecified 0 0 784 879 812 984 90