diff --git "a/data/af-en.jsonl" "b/data/af-en.jsonl" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/data/af-en.jsonl" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@ -{"sentence1": "Haai, waar gaan julle?", "sentence2": "Hey, where are you going?"} -{"sentence1": "Fabelagtig! eenvoudig geskryf, tog diep", "sentence2": "I can offer you a deepening of our friendship tonight."} -{"sentence1": "Hier is 'n paar tonele wat u mag boei", "sentence2": "Here are a few scenes that may interest you."} -{"sentence1": "Speel hier of by Kroger, maar moenie van jou 'n gek gaan maak voor almal nie!", "sentence2": "Play here or at Kroger's but don't look like a fool in public!"} -{"sentence1": "Komaan.", "sentence2": "Come on."} -{"sentence1": "Vaarwel, en dankie", "sentence2": "Farewell, and thank you.\""} -{"sentence1": "En waarom dink u wil die Engelse ons roetes probeer blokkeer?", "sentence2": "And why are the English trying to block our shipping routes?"} -{"sentence1": "Dit is Anna De Ruyter, laat haar deur!", "sentence2": "That is Anna De Ruyter, let her through."} -{"sentence1": "so ek kon byt jou kop af.", "sentence2": "so I could bite off your head."} -{"sentence1": "Jy sou bewe voor hierdie gesig!", "sentence2": "What's that supposed to mean? A good joke this!"} -{"sentence1": "En hy is reg, n\u00ea?", "sentence2": "And he's right."} -{"sentence1": "Dit is die enigste plek in Baltimore waar jy jou ooit veilig het gevoel.", "sentence2": "This is the one place in Baltimore you ever felt safe."} -{"sentence1": "Dit is Clark Kent.", "sentence2": "This is Clark Kent."} -{"sentence1": "Of wat? Gaan jy my skiet?", "sentence2": "Or what, you gonna shoot me?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek het nog nie boeke of pille gebruik nie.", "sentence2": "I have never taken drugs, nor books."} -{"sentence1": "- Dis wat Oom s\u00ea", "sentence2": "- It's what uncle says."} -{"sentence1": "Iemand wat ons kan vertrou", "sentence2": "-Someone we can trust."} -{"sentence1": "Volgende gaan ons sien hoe diere kan leef teen 'n stadige pas, en hoedat die oorgang van die stadige pas na die normale pas plaasvind", "sentence2": "Next, we'll see how animals live at a slower pace and how they make the transition from a slow pace to a normal one."} -{"sentence1": "Wat kan ek 'n kind gee?", "sentence2": "What could I give to a child?"} -{"sentence1": "Die eienaar is oud en siek, en kan dit nie meer hanteer nie", "sentence2": "He's old and sick and can't take care of it any more."} -{"sentence1": "Weet u, Monsieur de P\u00e9rol, wat my die meeste verbaas van Versailles is die immoraliteit wat daar heers", "sentence2": "What most surprised me about Versailles, Monsieur de P\u00e9rol, is the immorality which reigns there."} -{"sentence1": "Hoe langer hoe meer, hy slaap nou ook daar.", "sentence2": "More and more. And now he's staying the night, too."} -{"sentence1": "Aandag, moenie roer nie", "sentence2": "Attention, don't move"} -{"sentence1": "Is dit hier seer?", "sentence2": "Does that hurt?"} -{"sentence1": "Dinsdag, vier uur", "sentence2": "Tuesday, 4:00 p.m."} -{"sentence1": "Oktober", "sentence2": "- October."} -{"sentence1": "Ken ons mekaar?", "sentence2": "Do we know each other?"} -{"sentence1": "My heer, hierdie een was myne!", "sentence2": "My Lord, this one was mine!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek kan u verseker, monsieur, dat Madame Sand nie enige geld gaan wen as gevolg van my toedoen nie", "sentence2": "Did you read her latest novel? It's not literature, it's drainage. She only wrote good books when she was with me."} -{"sentence1": "Maria Tesselschade, wie se een oog deur 'n warm kooltjie beskadig was, heers oor die Muidenkasteel", "sentence2": "Maria Tesselschade whom a burning ember blinded in one eye reigns over Muiden Castle."} -{"sentence1": "Ryk in kontant, ryk in hoop", "sentence2": "Rich in banknotes, rich in hope."} -{"sentence1": "Leon.", "sentence2": "Leon!"} -{"sentence1": "- Ek bly hier", "sentence2": "- I'm staying."} -{"sentence1": "Ek kom", "sentence2": "Coming"} -{"sentence1": "Nee, ek het sestig", "sentence2": "-No I have sixty"} -{"sentence1": "Wat is dit?", "sentence2": "What is it?"} -{"sentence1": "Moenie besorg wees, my gaste is by my tuis.", "sentence2": "Dear Chevalier, I bid you heartily welcome on behalf of His Highness"} -{"sentence1": "Ek los dit vir jou", "sentence2": "I'll leave that to you."} -{"sentence1": "Nelly was verban om te sing, geen vriende het ons meer besoek nie", "sentence2": "Nelly was banned from singing. No friends came by anymore."} -{"sentence1": "Sjokolade!", "sentence2": "Chocolate!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek kry warm", "sentence2": "I'm hot."} -{"sentence1": "Hoe dikwels het jy dit al gedoen?", "sentence2": "How many times have you done this?"} -{"sentence1": "Jy weet nie waaroor jy praat nie", "sentence2": "You don't know what you're talking about."} -{"sentence1": "Wat is 'n regiseur as hy nie kan regiseer nie?", "sentence2": "What is a director if he can't direct?"} -{"sentence1": "Hulle beweringe raak die produkte van hierdie fabriek", "sentence2": "Their claims addressed the products of this factory."} -{"sentence1": "Komeet?", "sentence2": "Comet?"} -{"sentence1": "Hy het weggegaan", "sentence2": "-Butt out!"} -{"sentence1": "En Maja...", "sentence2": "And Maja."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, dit was lekker", "sentence2": "Yeah, it was fun."} -{"sentence1": "Jy begin met die legendes.", "sentence2": "You start with the urban legends..."} -{"sentence1": "Mnr Mathieu, ons faktotum, wat ons liewe kinders leer sing", "sentence2": "Our prefect, who makes our dear children sing."} -{"sentence1": "Ek was dom genoeg om dit te glo.", "sentence2": "I was dumb enough to listen."} -{"sentence1": "Ek wens u 'n goeie nagrus toe", "sentence2": "I wish you a good night."} -{"sentence1": "Don's doen t bekommerd oor Lady Eboshi.", "sentence2": "Don't worry about Lady Eboshi."} -{"sentence1": "Totsiens, Don Miguel", "sentence2": "Goodbye, Don Miguel."} -{"sentence1": "Pa steek goed vir ons weg", "sentence2": "You hid things from us"} -{"sentence1": "Hy lyk op julle.", "sentence2": "He will look like you."} -{"sentence1": "Moenie dat ek jou naby hom vang nie", "sentence2": "- Never let me catch you near that boy. - Why?"} -{"sentence1": "- Ek noem hom nie \"seize-anes\" nie", "sentence2": "- I don't call him \"seize-anes\""} -{"sentence1": "Maar ek moet jou waarsku.", "sentence2": "But I'm compelled to warn you."} -{"sentence1": "- Niks op jou eie nie", "sentence2": "- Nothing on your own."} -{"sentence1": "Verstaan tog...", "sentence2": "Try to understand."} -{"sentence1": "Meer soos 2 miljoen of meer", "sentence2": "More like 2 million. You half asleep?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis ons kans om die kus te bereik", "sentence2": "It's our chance to reach the coast."} -{"sentence1": "Ons het 'n kandidaat vir die Eerste Sekretaris by die universiteit", "sentence2": "We have a candidate for the First Secretary at the university."} -{"sentence1": "Jy speel, 1 miljoen! .", "sentence2": "You're kidding. 1 million!"} -{"sentence1": "Kom in, asseblief", "sentence2": "Come in, please."} -{"sentence1": "Hoe is dit gebou?", "sentence2": "How was it constructed?"} -{"sentence1": "Ons kon daardie manne met regte pyn nie behandel met die gewone verligtingsmiddels nie,", "sentence2": "We couldn't handle these men in real pain.. ...with the usual phony palliatives"} -{"sentence1": "Ben is 'n bietjie anders as die onder-gemiddelde deel van die klas", "sentence2": "Ben's just different from you, from the below-average members of the class."} -{"sentence1": "Kom aan", "sentence2": "Come on."} -{"sentence1": "Met plesier, Mamma", "sentence2": "With pleasure, Mama."} -{"sentence1": "- Die land wil antwoorde h\u00ea", "sentence2": "- Nation requires a response."} -{"sentence1": "Ek weet dat haar werk gevaarlik is.", "sentence2": "I know that her work is dangerous."} -{"sentence1": "Net buite Kaboel ontplof 'n bomauto.", "sentence2": "Outside Kabul, there has been yet another car bombing."} -{"sentence1": "Helfte", "sentence2": "Half."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sal vertaan as...", "sentence2": "- I would understand..."} -{"sentence1": "Ons eet man.", "sentence2": "We eat man."} -{"sentence1": "Het jy gehuil?", "sentence2": "Did you cry?"} -{"sentence1": "Meneer voorsitter, ons betaal ons al jare blou aan belasting en wat kry ons daarvoor terug?", "sentence2": "Mr Chairman... we've been paying huge taxes. And what are we getting in return?"} -{"sentence1": "Ons is almal in dieselfde boot", "sentence2": "We sit're all in the same boat."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het die adres van Jake Spoke.", "sentence2": "Already on it, boss. Got an address for a Jake Spoke."} -{"sentence1": "Dis 'n bynaam.", "sentence2": "It's a nickname."} -{"sentence1": "Laat my nie alleen.", "sentence2": "- Don't leave me."} -{"sentence1": "Hoe graag ons ook wou.", "sentence2": "No matter how much we wanted to."} -{"sentence1": "- Is jy op haar verlief? - Natuurlik nie", "sentence2": "- Are you in love with her yourself?"} -{"sentence1": "Dit is die woonstel waar Ziva grootgeword.", "sentence2": "That's the apartment where Ziva grew up."} -{"sentence1": "Ek hou daarvan.", "sentence2": "I liked it."} -{"sentence1": "Jy moet kom.", "sentence2": "You must come."} -{"sentence1": "Die Suez-krisis.", "sentence2": "There are nudes in our paper too now and then."} -{"sentence1": "Dis wat Oom s\u00ea, en hy gaan haar opwek uit die dood soos die Bybel-man", "sentence2": "That's what uncle says, and then He's going to raise her from the dead, like the Bible man."} -{"sentence1": "- Wat?", "sentence2": "- What?"} -{"sentence1": "Sy toestand is ernstig, maar stabiel", "sentence2": "His condition is serious, but stable."} -{"sentence1": "Nee, ek vra om verskoon te word", "sentence2": "No, I beg your pardon."} -{"sentence1": "Jy het haar lief", "sentence2": "You love her?"} -{"sentence1": "- Max!", "sentence2": "- What is it?"} -{"sentence1": "- Een trekker tweemaal gebruik in Jemen.", "sentence2": "A trigger used twice in Yemen."} -{"sentence1": "Ek hou hierdie steen vir 'n herdenking", "sentence2": "I'm keeping this brick as a souvenir."} -{"sentence1": "Euh, ek het hom ontmoet in Pensacola tydens die API.", "sentence2": "Um, met him in Pensacola for A.P.I."} -{"sentence1": "Almal is veilig, en warm drankies is aan hulle voorsien, maar hulle sal nie voor m\u00f4reoggend kan vertrek nie", "sentence2": "Madame von Lengefeld's carriage got stuck in the mud halfway here."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sny 'n stuk van die ham af en proe, en my mond vertrek", "sentence2": "I cut a piece off that ham, tasted it and I grimaced."} -{"sentence1": "Dag Germain.", "sentence2": "- Hello, Germain."} -{"sentence1": "En onthou:", "sentence2": "And remember:"} -{"sentence1": "Ons doen maar net ons werk", "sentence2": "We're just doing our jobs."} -{"sentence1": "Kom, ek wys jou die huis", "sentence2": "I'll show you round the house."} -{"sentence1": "Ons moes 'n taai k\u00earel vind, een wat 8 ure kon hou", "sentence2": "We have to find a tough guy, one who'll last the eight hours."} -{"sentence1": "Wat van jou?", "sentence2": "What about you?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek, jou vriend?", "sentence2": "I, your friend?"} -{"sentence1": "Dit was vir ons almal hel.", "sentence2": "Since then, neither of them has talked to me."} -{"sentence1": "Arnaud!", "sentence2": "Arnaud!"} -{"sentence1": "Ja", "sentence2": "Yes."} -{"sentence1": "Dus, wat doen ons hier?", "sentence2": "So, what are we doing here?"} -{"sentence1": "Sit nou neer, en gaan na jou kamer, of anders...", "sentence2": "Hang up and go to your room. Or else..."} -{"sentence1": "Wit begin, jy moet speel", "sentence2": "White opens. Your move."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het gedink dat jy jou verdriet nou wel aan die verdrink sou wees.", "sentence2": "I figured you'd be drowning your sorrows by now."} -{"sentence1": "Jy maak seker 'n grap?", "sentence2": "You're kidding?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis Klara, my liefste maatjie!", "sentence2": "It's Klara. My dearest friend!"} -{"sentence1": "- Jou nuwe vrou?", "sentence2": "- Your new wife?"} -{"sentence1": "U bedoel, hy...", "sentence2": "You mean, uh..."} -{"sentence1": "Jy het dit opgemerk?", "sentence2": "You noticed that?"} -{"sentence1": "- Is jy altyd so ongevoelig?", "sentence2": "- Are you always so blunt?"} -{"sentence1": "Dit stel die koerant in gevaar!", "sentence2": "Then compromised the paper's finances."} -{"sentence1": "Ag Ma!", "sentence2": "Oh Ma!"} -{"sentence1": "In effek word ek 'n monster 'n Soort bullebak, verstaan jy?", "sentence2": "In effect, I become a monster. A sort of ogre, do you understand?"} -{"sentence1": "Doen hy dit nie van harte.", "sentence2": "Adequate. He doesn't have his heart in it."} -{"sentence1": "Ek verstaan nie ...", "sentence2": "I cannot understand..."} -{"sentence1": "Wat's verkeerd?", "sentence2": "Each in his own way."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, selfs liefdesgedigte vir my", "sentence2": "- Yes, even love poems for me."} -{"sentence1": "Jy is die gelukkigste man in die koninkryk", "sentence2": "Are you not one of the most fortunate men in the kingdom?"} -{"sentence1": "Sien jou vanaand.", "sentence2": "See you tonight."} -{"sentence1": "Wel, bravo!", "sentence2": "Well, bravo!"} -{"sentence1": "Die jongman het jou dit nie vandag in die bos vertel nie?", "sentence2": "- No. The young man didn't tell you this afternoon in the woods?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek bel jou straks terug, OK?", "sentence2": "Let me call you back, all right?"} -{"sentence1": "Hy was gemoedelik aan tafel, in sy kamerjapon, met sy vrou! In sy japon, aan tafel met sy vr...", "sentence2": "He sat cosily at supper, in his dressing-gown, with his wife ln his dressing-gown, having supper with his..."} -{"sentence1": "- U Eminensie ook?", "sentence2": "- Your Eminence too?"} -{"sentence1": "Margaretha is reg, selfs sy vriende praat daaroor", "sentence2": "Margaretha is right. Even his friends comment."} -{"sentence1": "Sy hoort by ons, sy's familie.", "sentence2": "And I want you out in five minutes!"} -{"sentence1": "Jy!", "sentence2": "You!"} -{"sentence1": "Ja, ek kan!", "sentence2": "Surely, you couldn't?"} -{"sentence1": "Meester, P\u00e9rol se manne kom met die rivier langs Hulle sal nou hier wees", "sentence2": "Master, P\u00e9rol's men are coming along the river."} -{"sentence1": "Sy storie, en ons s'n ook", "sentence2": "About his story, and ours too."} -{"sentence1": "Sy is gestuur na die hertogdom van Sakse-Weimar se hoofstad, hopende dat haar tante, Charlotte Albertine Ernestine von Stein haar kan vorm tot 'n hofdame", "sentence2": "Frau von Stein, a bright star at Duke Carl August's court, has been much plagued by the departure of her famous poet friend to Italy a year ago."} -{"sentence1": "Jy is nie opgesluit nie", "sentence2": "No, you're not."} -{"sentence1": "Opstaan!", "sentence2": "Everyone out!"} -{"sentence1": "Dit pas my nog goed. Verder, ek moet Omagi nog baie leer voor hy dit kan oorneem.", "sentence2": "Besides, I got a whole lot of lessons to teach Omagi before I let him take over."} -{"sentence1": "As hulle siek is, ja", "sentence2": "When they're sick, yes."} -{"sentence1": "TERREURAANVAL DOOD NAVYSECRETARIS Dit is so vreemd.", "sentence2": "This is so weird."} -{"sentence1": "- Sy weet ons is hier.", "sentence2": "- She knows we're here."} -{"sentence1": "Verstaan jy dit al?", "sentence2": "Has it sunk in yet?"} -{"sentence1": "As Ziva in die probleme sit kan die penning van pas kom.", "sentence2": "If Ziva's in trouble, a badge might come in handy."} -{"sentence1": "Moenie nou slegte grappe maak nie, dr.", "sentence2": "- Very witty!"} -{"sentence1": "My heer, verskoon my", "sentence2": "My Lord, excuse me."} -{"sentence1": "Sukses?", "sentence2": "-Success?"} -{"sentence1": "- Stop dit!", "sentence2": "- Stop it!"} -{"sentence1": "Niemand kon dit tog voorspel nie", "sentence2": "No one could've predicted this."} -{"sentence1": "Mamma, nou kan ons Sissi vertel waarom ons hier is", "sentence2": "Mama, now we can tell Sissi why we're here."} -{"sentence1": "Elke Saterdag; maar niemand kom nie", "sentence2": "Every Saturday, nobody comes. We tell him it's for next week, and so on."} -{"sentence1": "- Nee, waarvan het ons gepraat?", "sentence2": "- What were we talking about?"} -{"sentence1": "Die ligte gaan af oor 5 minute.", "sentence2": "The lights will go out in five minutes."} -{"sentence1": "Sy het soveel bewonderaars", "sentence2": "That, that's a Boletus piperatus."} -{"sentence1": "- Ons sal maar sien...", "sentence2": "- We shall see..."} -{"sentence1": "Liewe Theo,", "sentence2": "Dear Theo..."} -{"sentence1": "Mammie!", "sentence2": "Mommy!"} -{"sentence1": "Laat ons al 3 die droom leef, asseblief", "sentence2": "Wake me up when you leave."} -{"sentence1": "Was jy lief vir hom?", "sentence2": "- Did you love him?"} -{"sentence1": "Don's doen t gryp my daar.", "sentence2": "Don't grab me there."} -{"sentence1": "Sou ek andersinds toelaat dat hy my uitgooi?", "sentence2": "Would I let him push me out, otherwise?"} -{"sentence1": "Sy spot met my, tog het ek haar lief", "sentence2": "She makes a fool of me! And yet, I love her!"} -{"sentence1": "Hoe is jou gesondheid?", "sentence2": "How's your illness?"} -{"sentence1": "Waarvoor?", "sentence2": "What for?"} -{"sentence1": "Nog nooit opgelet nie", "sentence2": "Never paid attention to it."} -{"sentence1": "My ouers het daar gebly", "sentence2": "My parents had jobs there."} -{"sentence1": "Dit is eerlik", "sentence2": "Yes."} -{"sentence1": "Wat is dit?", "sentence2": "K\u00f6rner is a good fellow."} -{"sentence1": "Dit het nog nie begin nie, Kom Pa?", "sentence2": "It hasn't started yet. Coming?"} -{"sentence1": "- Ek s\u00ea, probeer dit eens by die interns.", "sentence2": "- I say you should go back to trolling the intern pool."} -{"sentence1": "Dit is weg.", "sentence2": "It's gone."} -{"sentence1": "Die teendeel, U Majesteit", "sentence2": "On the contrary, Your Majesty."} -{"sentence1": "Ek is bly!", "sentence2": "I am glad!"} -{"sentence1": "'n Rukkie, ja", "sentence2": "On time as usual."} -{"sentence1": "Ek stel nie belang in kontroversie nie, dit sal die einde wees van my, jou en jou film", "sentence2": "I'm not interested in controversy. It would be the end of... me, you and your film."} -{"sentence1": "Laat 'm met rus.", "sentence2": "- Leave him alone, Pete."} -{"sentence1": "Kom aan!", "sentence2": "Come on!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek sien mense op die heli-platform.", "sentence2": "I got some guys on the helipad."} -{"sentence1": "Goeie idee!", "sentence2": "Excellent idea!"} -{"sentence1": "Wil jy dit alles opgee?", "sentence2": "You want to give up all of that ?"} -{"sentence1": "Ons hoef nie daaroor te praat nie", "sentence2": "We don't have to speak about that."} -{"sentence1": "U kry dit weer terug daar bo.", "sentence2": "This is my TV!"} -{"sentence1": "Waarom?", "sentence2": "Why?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek is oortuig dat u net so'n lieflike onderwyser in Athene sal vind, soos hier of in Hongarye - Dink u so?", "sentence2": "I am convinced that you will find an equally beautiful teacher in Athens as you found here and in Hungary."} -{"sentence1": "Nie nou nie Mamma, ek wil gaan jag", "sentence2": "Not now, Mama. I want to go hunting."} -{"sentence1": "Die klas sal later kan inpas in ons kamer", "sentence2": "He bit me."} -{"sentence1": "Wou jy nog nooit wegtrek nie?", "sentence2": "Never wanted to move somewhere else?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek dink dit is onregverdig om te praat van opstandigheid as Graaf Batthyani vir sy moeder 'n eed gesweer het", "sentence2": "I think it is mean to talk about obedience when Count Batthyani took an oath for his mother."} -{"sentence1": "Iets is verkeerd", "sentence2": "Something's wrong."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sou dit nie doen nie", "sentence2": "I wouldn't have done it."} -{"sentence1": ", Dis omdat ons 'n klok het!", "sentence2": "But I've become used to it"} -{"sentence1": "Weet jy wat jy s\u00ea?", "sentence2": "Do you know what you're saying?"} -{"sentence1": "Wou jou nog nooit wegkom nie?", "sentence2": "Didn't you ever want to leave?"} -{"sentence1": "O, genade!", "sentence2": "Oh, goodness!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek is nie seker of dit 'n goeie idee was om die \"\u00c9tudes\" aan haar op te dra nie", "sentence2": "It's good to see you, Franz."} -{"sentence1": "Ek klop aan sy deur, ek het probeer om hom sy pos te besorg en...", "sentence2": "I was knocking at the door. I-I was trying to give him his mail, and..."} -{"sentence1": "- Moenie baklei nie", "sentence2": "Don't fight."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het Sissi meer lief as my eie lewe", "sentence2": "I love Sissi more than my life."} -{"sentence1": "Gooi dit vir my, Mariechen! - Mariechen!", "sentence2": "Throw it to me, Mariechen!"} -{"sentence1": "- Nee, ek drink water", "sentence2": "- No, I'm on water."} -{"sentence1": "Ag, hoe sal ek wegkom?", "sentence2": "But it's a tricky business lf only I knew how to get away!"} -{"sentence1": "Kan ek u help?", "sentence2": "Can I help you?"} -{"sentence1": "Is almal hier?", "sentence2": "Is everyone here?"} -{"sentence1": "Hulle wil nie dat ons dit weet nie, hulle is bang ons kom kuier", "sentence2": "They don't want us to know it. Afraid we'll drop by."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het dit oor die moord.", "sentence2": "I was talking about the murder."} -{"sentence1": "Hy gee toe, kyk weg, en ek dink ek het nou gewen", "sentence2": "He yields, looks away, I think I've won."} -{"sentence1": "Goeie nag Ek hoop sy voel spoedig beter", "sentence2": "Good night. I hope she feels better soon."} -{"sentence1": "Miskien moet julle 'n hotelkamer kry, dit sal goedkoper wees as om hier te slaap", "sentence2": "Perhaps we could arrange a hotel room for you. It'd be cheaper than sleeping here."} -{"sentence1": "Jy stink soos 'n Fransman!", "sentence2": "You stink like a Frenchman!"} -{"sentence1": "Arme gek, jy het gedink jy kon daarmee wegkom?", "sentence2": "Poor fool! You won't get away with it."} -{"sentence1": "Geteken, Nelly Lenz", "sentence2": "Signed, Nelly Lenz."} -{"sentence1": "Niemand gee om nie.", "sentence2": "Nobody cares"} -{"sentence1": "- Bravo, wat skryf sy?", "sentence2": "- Bravo. What did she write?"} -{"sentence1": "- Dink u dat dit die end hiervan is?", "sentence2": "-Do you think this will be the end of it?"} -{"sentence1": "\"Doen al die vuil werk, terwyl die herders slaap,", "sentence2": "\"Do all the dirty work, while the shepherds sleep..."} -{"sentence1": "Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller, neem jy Charlotte Luise Antoinette von Lengefeld as u wettige vrou, van vandag af vorentoe, tot die dood julle skei?", "sentence2": "Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller, do you take Charlotte Luise Antoinette von Lengefeld to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do you part?"} -{"sentence1": "Verdomp!", "sentence2": "Shit!"} -{"sentence1": "Dag", "sentence2": "Hello."} -{"sentence1": "Sy s\u00ea nie te weet wie die name lek en sy sterf liewer as om dit self te doen.", "sentence2": "She says she doesn't know who would leak any names and she would die before doing so herself."} -{"sentence1": "- Het jy geheel opgehou?", "sentence2": "- You dropped everything?"} -{"sentence1": "Stella.", "sentence2": "Stella."} -{"sentence1": "En ek is so gelukkig, liewe Franz, om u persoonlik te kan gelukwens", "sentence2": "And I'm so happy, dear Franz, to be able to wish you a happy birthday in person."} -{"sentence1": "- Ja, natuurlik", "sentence2": "- Yes, of course."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het dit nou self gesien", "sentence2": "I've seen enough."} -{"sentence1": "Jy kan begin, maar hoe hou jy daarmee op?", "sentence2": "You can start it, but how do you stop it?"} -{"sentence1": "Hond", "sentence2": "Bitch."} -{"sentence1": "Hy kon gaan werk in enige teater in die weste, maar hy wil HIER bly, want hy glo in sosialisme en hierdie land", "sentence2": "He could work for any theater in the West. But he wants to stay here. Because he believes in socialism and in this country."} -{"sentence1": "Kyk wat daarvan geword het", "sentence2": "See what has come of it."} -{"sentence1": "Hierdie is nie 'n moord nie!", "sentence2": "This isn't a murder!"} -{"sentence1": "Ons glo dat die afwesigheid van Ziva vrywillig is en jy ook.", "sentence2": "We believe that Ziva's absence is voluntary, and so do you."} -{"sentence1": "Onthou die keer toe Oupa met my stad toe gegaan het?", "sentence2": "Remember when I went to the city with grandpa?"} -{"sentence1": "Dat weet ek nie.", "sentence2": "I don't know."} -{"sentence1": "- Doen jy maar, ek is so terug.", "sentence2": "One second. Why don't you take care of it, honey."} -{"sentence1": "Gaan saam met hulle.", "sentence2": "Go with them."} -{"sentence1": "Ander sou hulle nie gekom het nie", "sentence2": "Otherwise you wouldn't have come."} -{"sentence1": "En in haar.", "sentence2": "And in her."} -{"sentence1": "My Ma is dood", "sentence2": "- Mom is dead."} -{"sentence1": "Almal sterf.", "sentence2": "Everyone dies."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het 'n heerlike dag gehad", "sentence2": "I've had a nice day."} -{"sentence1": "Jy het aan my opgedra om pret te h\u00ea", "sentence2": "No. I'm used to it."} -{"sentence1": "Ja meneer.", "sentence2": "Yes, Sir."} -{"sentence1": "Aan wie?", "sentence2": "- A letter. - To whom?"} -{"sentence1": "Om my so te onderkruip!", "sentence2": "Fucking me over like this."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, Larry Purcell.", "sentence2": "Yeah, yeah. Larry Purcell."} -{"sentence1": "Hy het my aangeraak en my hart ewig verwond", "sentence2": "His shot hit my heart wounded forever"} -{"sentence1": "Hy wil 'n hoop skenk aan die anti terreur veldtog, voor hy dood gaan.", "sentence2": "He wants to donate a bundle to the anti-terror campaign before he departs."} -{"sentence1": "Wat kolonel Hardy en sy span het vermoed 'n ou Sowjet duikboot was, was iets veel exotischer.", "sentence2": "What Colonel Hardy and his team surmised was a Soviet-era submarine was actually something much more exotic."} -{"sentence1": "Wag, ek is net verplig", "sentence2": "Wait. I have to."} -{"sentence1": "Die Here sal Sy aangesig oor julle laat skyn en julle genadig wees", "sentence2": "The Lord make His face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee."} -{"sentence1": "- Ek is nie mal nie", "sentence2": "- I'm not crazy."} -{"sentence1": "Night and Day", "sentence2": "Night and day."} -{"sentence1": "- Heidi!", "sentence2": "- Heidi!"} -{"sentence1": "Oor ons, sonder ons!", "sentence2": "About us, without us!"} -{"sentence1": "Dink jy die Baron sal twee musikante verwelkom wat ver gekom het om hom te vermaak?", "sentence2": "Would the lord of this castle welcome two minstrels who've traveled far to entertain him?"} -{"sentence1": "Die Deer God kom vir sy kop!", "sentence2": "The Deer God is coming for his head!"} -{"sentence1": "Die getuie word daarvan beskuldig dat hy 'n tereurgroep georganiseer het, en die wet-en-orde-gebou aangeval het", "sentence2": "The witness... is accused of organizing a terrorist group... and attacking the headquarters of public law and order."} -{"sentence1": "Waar's Ciske?", "sentence2": "Where's Ciske ?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek sou my laaste dae liefst by die huis deurbring.", "sentence2": "Home is where I'd want to spend my last days."} -{"sentence1": "- Goed?", "sentence2": "- Good?"} -{"sentence1": "Sjampanje!", "sentence2": "Here's to His sparkling Majesty and all his subjects!"} -{"sentence1": "Los haar uit!", "sentence2": "-Leave her alone."} -{"sentence1": "Ek dink aan die dogtertjie wat verlore is in die middel van n\u00earens. en Margueritte, 'n klein mossie.", "sentence2": "I think of that little girl lost in the middle of nowhere and Marguerite, a tiny sparrow."} -{"sentence1": "Koeherders!", "sentence2": "Cowherds!"} -{"sentence1": "Hy het die hemelse koninkryk ingegaan.", "sentence2": "He has joined the kingdom of heaven."} -{"sentence1": "Die doel is om hulle diep in te steek sonder om hulle te breek", "sentence2": "The goal is to bury them gently without breaking them."} -{"sentence1": "- So, dis tog... - Wonderlik!", "sentence2": "- So it was that."} -{"sentence1": "En ek moet erken, ek hou nie van akteurs nie.", "sentence2": "And I should add, I don't like actors."} -{"sentence1": "En as 'n malman, leef jy met die malles", "sentence2": "And as a madman... you live with the mad."} -{"sentence1": "Ja... 'n Netjiese kombuis en 'n skoon toilet... daaraan herken jy 'n goeie huisvrou", "sentence2": "Yeah a tidy counter and a clean toilet are the signs of a good housewife."} -{"sentence1": "My vader het gedink dat as die w\u00eareld sou weet wie ek was, dat hulle my sou verstoot, uit vrees.", "sentence2": "My father believed that if the world found out who I really was they'd reject me out of fear."} -{"sentence1": "Ja", "sentence2": "Yes."} -{"sentence1": "Ek wou daar eers eens langsgaan.", "sentence2": "I wanted to get there first."} -{"sentence1": "\"Ek kan Maman nie nou vertel nie, haar oogprobleem word erger", "sentence2": "Despite the autumn sun, her blinds remain shut."} -{"sentence1": "-Maar ek wil.", "sentence2": "-But I want to."} -{"sentence1": "As ek so een gehad het, moes stief haar mond hou", "sentence2": "If I had one like that, Steps would shut her face."} -{"sentence1": "Ons is nou minaars.", "sentence2": "Now, we make love."} -{"sentence1": "Het hulle verlief geraak?", "sentence2": "Have the two fallen in love with each other?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek het 'n paar koepons daarvoor geruil - is dit verleidelik?", "sentence2": "I traded some vouchers for it."} -{"sentence1": "Dalk sal jy nie hoef terug te gaan nie", "sentence2": "Maybe you won't have to go back."} -{"sentence1": "Kolonel, tot nou toe was jy 'n onbeskofte militaris maar hier aan die Hof is ons gesteld op etiket, en jy sal dit moet leer, jy moet vra vir 'n oudi\u00ebnsie met haar Majesteit as jy met Haar Majesteit wil praat!", "sentence2": "Colonel, so far, you have been a rude military... but here, in the Court, where the good manners prevail... and you should learn them. You will ask for one audience with the Empress... to speak with Her Majesty!"} -{"sentence1": "Wat behoort ek te doen?", "sentence2": "What should I do?"} -{"sentence1": "Dit gaan na die kombuis, en di\u00e9 ook en di\u00e9 moet na die werkkamer", "sentence2": "That goes in the kitchen, and that one. And that one goes to the study."} -{"sentence1": "-'n Soda", "sentence2": "-A soda."} -{"sentence1": "Hoe hard gaan hy?", "sentence2": "- How fast is that bogey moving?"} -{"sentence1": "Het jy mense?", "sentence2": "- You had people?"} -{"sentence1": "Ons kan maar gaan inkruip", "sentence2": "We'd all better go back to bed."} -{"sentence1": "Wag, hoor watter idee ek het: Luister na hom!", "sentence2": "I see that each has found his partner and many a pair of hearts is united in love"} -{"sentence1": "Bo alles, die storie oor bekering", "sentence2": "Above all, that stuff about conversion."} -{"sentence1": "Jy het geslaap, so...", "sentence2": "You were sleeping, so..."} -{"sentence1": "Joe dra jou sakke wel.", "sentence2": "Joe can take your bags."} -{"sentence1": "Dit is verse\u00ebl!", "sentence2": "It's in the bag!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek is van die persvryheids-kantoor om beslag te l\u00ea op vandag se \"Handelstidningen\"", "sentence2": "I have the press agent assignment... to coat today's issue trade magazine in the attachment."} -{"sentence1": "So gaan dit hier.", "sentence2": "Any family is better than none."} -{"sentence1": "Gelukkig was hy darem 'n weeskind", "sentence2": "Fortunately, he was an orphan."} -{"sentence1": "Maar vandag is nie die begin van die maand nie", "sentence2": "But today isn't the first of the month."} -{"sentence1": "Om die swart rondom die o\u00eb te maak.", "sentence2": "This is why you see black around the eyes."} -{"sentence1": "So Jou oupa...", "sentence2": "They were always whispering in secret, your mother chattering all the time, while your aunt was always nodding."} -{"sentence1": "As jy gedink het dis nou gedaan, wel, dis nog nie", "sentence2": "If you think it's all over quickly, you're wrong."} -{"sentence1": "En hulle? - Hulle het nie gekies om hier te wees nie", "sentence2": "-They didn't choose to be here"} -{"sentence1": "Jou ma is ook so, sy los jou hier om in vrede te leef", "sentence2": "Your mother is the same way. She leaves you here to have peace. No, she has to work"} -{"sentence1": "Ek wil dit h\u00ea, maar dit moet gestop word", "sentence2": "I did fancy that pipe, but it needs filling."} -{"sentence1": "'n Wonder!", "sentence2": "\"A miracle!"} -{"sentence1": "Onthou jy die ring wat haar Majesteit, toe sy nog prinses was, gepand het?", "sentence2": "Remember the ring the Empress, that was a princess, pledged? Yes, to send a telegram."} -{"sentence1": "Papa...", "sentence2": "Grandfather..."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, ja", "sentence2": "Yes, yes."} -{"sentence1": "Verder: in die keuse tussen Duitsland en Rusland, sal ons sekerlik kies vir Duitsland bo Rusland", "sentence2": "Moreover, we will tell you that in choosing between Germany / Russia... we prefer to become Germans front to be Russians."} -{"sentence1": "Nee", "sentence2": "No."} -{"sentence1": "Ek wou nie ges\u00ea het ek hou nie van toneelspelers nie.", "sentence2": "It was silly to say I don't like actors. I don't know why I did."} -{"sentence1": "By ons sal hulle alles h\u00ea, alle geleenthede!", "sentence2": "They will have every opportunity with us."} -{"sentence1": "- Sal ons gaan kyk? - Kan jy dan loop?", "sentence2": "- shall we go and look for her?"} -{"sentence1": "Het u al met haar gepraat?", "sentence2": "Have you had a talk with her ?"} -{"sentence1": "Totsiens Francesca, ciao.", "sentence2": "Bye Francesca, ciao."} -{"sentence1": "- Nee, meneer, ek is Murray.", "sentence2": "Uh, no, sir. I am Murray."} -{"sentence1": "Ek is jammer dat ek u nie kon kom spreek nie, maar my werk hou my baie besig...", "sentence2": "I am sorry I couldn't come to see you but my work keeps me very busy. Wait!"} -{"sentence1": "Kom, staan op.", "sentence2": "Get up!"} -{"sentence1": "Wat's verkeerd?", "sentence2": "What's wrong?"} -{"sentence1": "Peter...", "sentence2": "Peter..."} -{"sentence1": "Op die Ile de R\u00e9?", "sentence2": "On the Ile de R\u00e9?"} -{"sentence1": "Goed", "sentence2": "Fine."} -{"sentence1": "Wat 'n toeval!", "sentence2": "What a coincidence."} -{"sentence1": "Deesdae kan enigiets gebeur", "sentence2": "These days anything can happen."} -{"sentence1": "Hoe is jou vakansie?", "sentence2": "How's your vacation?"} -{"sentence1": "Adieu!", "sentence2": "Adieu!"} -{"sentence1": "\"Ek het 'n donker kamer betree\"", "sentence2": "Are you listening?"} -{"sentence1": "Dankie vir die lening, my vriendin Dit was baie leersaam", "sentence2": "Thank you for the Ioan, my dear. It was most instructive."} -{"sentence1": "- Hy leer die kinders in Nohant - So jy't my raad gevolg, en hom behou?", "sentence2": "(jaunty music)"} -{"sentence1": "Jy was in Solidatiteit, mnr Bratek het u nou gek geword?", "sentence2": "You were in Solidarity, Mr. Bratek. Have you gone crazy?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis teen die wet", "sentence2": "It's against the law."} -{"sentence1": "Die liggaam van majoor Hebner het 'n fors trauma deur die ontploffing. Maar geen van sy belangrike inwendige organe is geraak.", "sentence2": "Major Hebner's body did indeed receive a significant amount of trauma from the blast, but none of his internal organs, his vital ones, were affected."} -{"sentence1": "- Ja, ek kan er wel 'n gebruik.", "sentence2": "Yeah, sure, I can use another round."} -{"sentence1": "My heer, pasop!", "sentence2": "My Lord, beware!"} -{"sentence1": "Dit was verskriklik!", "sentence2": "It was horrific."} -{"sentence1": "ek is moeg vir jou gekhede.", "sentence2": "No, really, have done with your pranks"} -{"sentence1": "Hier is pruimkoek, dit het bietjie dun uitgekom", "sentence2": "Here's some plum cake. It came out a little thin..."} -{"sentence1": "Huwelik het jou nie wyser gemaak nie, om roekeloos te bie, is onwelkom!", "sentence2": "Marriage has not made you wiser. Reckless bidding is unwelcome."} -{"sentence1": "Kyk wat jy my nou laat oorkom!", "sentence2": "Look what I did because of you!"} -{"sentence1": "Moenie histeries word nie", "sentence2": "Don't be hysterical."} -{"sentence1": "In die koffiehuis, alles is daarin, die treinkaartjies, alles", "sentence2": "- In the cafe. The train tickets, everything."} -{"sentence1": "Alpha, ontvang u my?", "sentence2": "Alpha team. Do you copy?"} -{"sentence1": "Wat, regtig?", "sentence2": "Are you kidding?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis nou 10-12", "sentence2": "It's What? 10-12?"} -{"sentence1": "Klein mannetjie, ek het jou in die arms geneem", "sentence2": "Tiny bean... I held you in my arms."} -{"sentence1": "- U kom seker van ver", "sentence2": "- You come from afar?"} -{"sentence1": "Volgende keer, Germain.", "sentence2": "Next time, Germain."} -{"sentence1": "Erf-gesondheidsdepartement Kan ons praat?", "sentence2": "Hereditary Health Department."} -{"sentence1": "Een twee drie, nog 'n keer", "sentence2": "~ One, two, three, quick on your feet"} -{"sentence1": "- Absoluut, u Hoogheid", "sentence2": "- Absolutely, Your Imperial Highness."} -{"sentence1": "Dit was nie net Mendez.", "sentence2": "This wasn't just Mendez. No."} -{"sentence1": "Sien, vir elke probleem is daar 'n antwoord", "sentence2": "You see, whenever there's a problem, we find a solution."} -{"sentence1": "Ek vind dit vandag moeilik om te praat", "sentence2": "I'm having trouble speaking today."} -{"sentence1": "Hiernatoe", "sentence2": "This way."} -{"sentence1": "Verskoon my", "sentence2": "Excuse me."} -{"sentence1": "Maar moenie besorg wees nie, Franz", "sentence2": "But don't worry, Franz."} -{"sentence1": "- My liewe Elisabeth", "sentence2": "- My dear Elisabeth. - Our Elisabeth!"} -{"sentence1": "En, ek is nie die slegte tipe nie ek kan jou gelukkig maak.", "sentence2": "At heart, I'm not a bad devil. I can make you happy, believe me."} -{"sentence1": "Jy het hom gesien", "sentence2": "You saw him."} -{"sentence1": "Mooi so, Kees.", "sentence2": "Well done, Keith."} -{"sentence1": "Het julle saam Parys toe gegaan?", "sentence2": "Did you go to Paris together?"} -{"sentence1": "Goed geslaap?", "sentence2": "Did you sleep well?"} -{"sentence1": "Klim in, veg, want jy het geloof!", "sentence2": "Get in, fight, since you have faith!"} -{"sentence1": "Hello, mooi blonde juffer.", "sentence2": "Hello, pretty blonde."} -{"sentence1": "dis seker net 'n gerug!", "sentence2": "It must be a rumor!"} -{"sentence1": "Waarom terg jy 'n man wie se hele lewe reeds agter hom is?", "sentence2": "Why tempt a man whose life is over?"} -{"sentence1": "Viktor Khartov gaan my doodmaak.", "sentence2": "Viktor Khartov is gonna kill me."} -{"sentence1": "Gaudinier, Ek moet jou iets vra,", "sentence2": "Gaudinier, I have to ask you something."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sal dit verpak", "sentence2": "I'll wrap it up"} -{"sentence1": "Etenstyd!", "sentence2": "Lunch time."} -{"sentence1": "Ken jy haar?", "sentence2": "You know her?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis nie 'n 'T' vir 'Troot' nie, ook nie 'n 'K' vir 'Krood' nie, maar 'n \"B\"... 'n \"B\" vir \"Brood\"", "sentence2": "It's not a 'T' for tread, or a 'K' for kread, but a 'B'... A 'B' for bread."} -{"sentence1": "Omdat hy graag die re\u00ebls oortree, miskien.", "sentence2": "Because he likes breaking rules, maybe."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, hierdie keer sal ek.", "sentence2": "- Yes, yes, this time I wsnt.."} -{"sentence1": "\"Op die 18de April van hierdie jaar, het kinders na my winkel gekom, en antisemitiese skelwoorde geskree, soos voorges\u00ea deur hulle priester\"", "sentence2": "Now! \"On April 18th of this year, your students came to my store and yelled antisemitic slurs as instructed by their priest.\""} -{"sentence1": "Ek het prof Fabricius gebel", "sentence2": "I called Fabricius."} -{"sentence1": "- Ons bed is nou in Oupa se kamer", "sentence2": "- Our bed is in your room."} -{"sentence1": "- Verklaar jy oorlog?", "sentence2": "- A declaration of war."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, U Majesteit, vir 'n uur", "sentence2": "Yes, Your Majesty."} -{"sentence1": "- 'n Klein danspouse?", "sentence2": "- A little break from dancing?"} -{"sentence1": "Waarom praat jy van Katolisisme in 'n sosialistiese land?", "sentence2": "Why our you talking about Catholicism in a Socialist country?"} -{"sentence1": "Sing van die begin af Vier kilometers te voet, dis rof, dis rof", "sentence2": "Four kilometers on foot, it's tough, it's tough"} -{"sentence1": "Nee, Madame", "sentence2": "No, Madame."} -{"sentence1": "Jy was betrokke by 'n komplot om die Prins van Oranje te vermoor", "sentence2": "You were part of a conspiracy to assassinate the Prince of Orange."} -{"sentence1": "- Nee, 'n STOL kan baie laag en baie stadig vlieg.", "sentence2": "No. A STOL has the capability to fly very low and very slow."} -{"sentence1": "Dis 'n baie ou jaar se produk", "sentence2": "A very old vintage."} -{"sentence1": "Het jy?", "sentence2": "You did?"} -{"sentence1": "Jy is soos ek, jy ruik meer as wat jy drink", "sentence2": "You're like me, you sniff more than you drink."} -{"sentence1": "Kan jy jou voorstel hoe die mense sou reageer, as hulle geweet het dat daar so iemand onder hulle was.", "sentence2": "Can you imagine how people on this planet would react if they knew there was someone like this out there?"} -{"sentence1": "Niks is onmoontlik as ons maar bid.", "sentence2": "Nothing is impossible for God, if we pray to Him."} -{"sentence1": "Drie linies het agter my gevorm om die weer by die Keiser an te sluit, nadat ons die Russe verdryf het", "sentence2": "Three lines reformed behind me as we rejoined the Emperor... after massacring the Russians."} -{"sentence1": "Juliane, hoeveel het ons al? 110", "sentence2": "- How many do we have, Juliane?"} -{"sentence1": "Het jy 'n ander opsie, agent DiNozzo?", "sentence2": "You have another option, Agent DiNozzo?"} -{"sentence1": "Tog nie oor my nie?", "sentence2": "You're crying."} -{"sentence1": "Ek kus u hand, my dames!", "sentence2": "Frosch, leave us alone"} -{"sentence1": "- Weet jy waarom kamer 11 verbode terrein is?", "sentence2": "- Know why room 11 is off limits?"} -{"sentence1": "Marie!", "sentence2": "Marie!"} -{"sentence1": "Hy is nou in goeie toestand", "sentence2": "He's tough and in good shape"} -{"sentence1": "Daar is 'n frase wat in my kop vassteek, uit die boek wat ons nou begin het.", "sentence2": "There is a phrase that got stuck inside my head, it's of the novel we just started."} -{"sentence1": "Hoe, Peter?", "sentence2": "How, Peter?"} -{"sentence1": "In die middel, ons het 'n troue vannaand.", "sentence2": "At the center, we have a wedding tonight."} -{"sentence1": "Sy krap eers sy o\u00eb uit, en dan kry sy 'n egskeiding!", "sentence2": "She'll first scratch out his eyes, then sue him for divorce!"} -{"sentence1": "Ook op my selfoon.", "sentence2": "It's on my phone too."} -{"sentence1": "Baie dankie, almal", "sentence2": "- Thank you very much. - Don't you weep."} -{"sentence1": "het iets gebeur?", "sentence2": "Has something happened?"} -{"sentence1": "Wie is nie bekoor deur haar nie?", "sentence2": "Who isn't charmed by her?"} -{"sentence1": "Wees nou verstandig, elke kind moet tog leer lees", "sentence2": "Be sensible. Every child must learn to read."} -{"sentence1": "Dis reg, alles is nog dieselfde", "sentence2": "You are right, everything is the same."} -{"sentence1": "Maar helaas, die voorkoming is my werk nie.", "sentence2": "Oh, gosh, I'm flattered, but unfortunately, that prophylaxis is not the work of yours truly."} -{"sentence1": "Sy het haar gordel vergeet", "sentence2": "All the more reason.. She forgot her belt"} -{"sentence1": "Jy het vir haar 'n brief geskryf", "sentence2": "You'd written her a letter."} -{"sentence1": "Here, die keiserlike opdrag:", "sentence2": "Gentlemen, the royal orders:"} -{"sentence1": "Miskien sal ons dan weer Duitse liedjies kan sing", "sentence2": "Maybe then we can sing and hear German songs again."} -{"sentence1": "En toe?", "sentence2": "Then what?"} -{"sentence1": "Jy sal nie die r\u00ebels hier maak nie!", "sentence2": "You won't make the rules here."} -{"sentence1": "Wat nou?", "sentence2": "What do you want ?"} -{"sentence1": "vir die cotillion-ruiker", "sentence2": "For the cotillion."} -{"sentence1": "Hierdie hand is tog gans te fyn, Die voete te sierlik en klein", "sentence2": "Let me therefore advise you to look at people more closely"} -{"sentence1": "Daar gaan die dak... dit is al oor.", "sentence2": "There goes the roof... it's all over."} -{"sentence1": "Maar ek verstaan niks hiervan nie", "sentence2": "But I don't understand any of this."} -{"sentence1": "Kolonel Chabert, jy lyk meer na 'n luitenant", "sentence2": "Colonel Chabert, you look like a mere lieutenant."} -{"sentence1": "Dit is verskriklik, Max?", "sentence2": "Isn't that horrible, Max?"} -{"sentence1": "Hy het nooit 'n huis gesoek nie, maar een by hulle gevind", "sentence2": "He never searched for a home, but found one among them."} -{"sentence1": "Dit is 'n passasiers-aankondiging:", "sentence2": "This is a passenger announcement:"} -{"sentence1": "Hande af!", "sentence2": "Hands off!"} -{"sentence1": "Wat het hy gedoen?", "sentence2": "What did he do?"} -{"sentence1": "Stil!", "sentence2": "Since he still interests you..."} -{"sentence1": "Vervalsing Alstars, Gibbs.", "sentence2": "Counterfeit Altstars,"} -{"sentence1": "Ek kan nie, my volgende klant is 1:30", "sentence2": "I can't, my next customer is at half past."} -{"sentence1": "aan die partytjie by Graaf Andrassy se kasteel?", "sentence2": "...that today is the party at Count Andrassy's castle?"} -{"sentence1": "Heidi is 'n dierbare en 'n sensitiewe kind", "sentence2": "Heidi is a sweet and incredibly sensitive child."} -{"sentence1": "- Nee!", "sentence2": "- No!"} -{"sentence1": "Kyk wat jy nou vir 30 dollar het.", "sentence2": "And now look at what 30 bucks can get you."} -{"sentence1": "Wag, laat ek jou hare doen", "sentence2": "Wait, I'll style your hair."} -{"sentence1": "Ek weet nie", "sentence2": "I don't know."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, ek voel of ek vasgegryp is.", "sentence2": "Yes, I feel grabbed by the ears, helpless like a rabbit."} -{"sentence1": "Hoekom moet ek dit lees as ek dit dan leef?", "sentence2": "Why read about it When I live in it?"} -{"sentence1": "Maar na 'n tyd verhinder niks dat hy by 'n gesin uitgeplaas kan word nie", "sentence2": "But after some time, nothing will stop our putting him in a family."} -{"sentence1": "Ek veg nie met 'n meisie nie", "sentence2": "I'm not fighting a girl."} -{"sentence1": "- So?", "sentence2": "- Like this?"} -{"sentence1": "Sodat hulle nie so lank sal wag nie", "sentence2": "So it wouldn't take so long."} -{"sentence1": "Pappa, Slaapkop, slaapkop!", "sentence2": "Daddy. -Sleepyhead."} -{"sentence1": "Vergeet hierdie stinkende skuur.", "sentence2": "Forget this stinking barn."} -{"sentence1": "Gaan julle op 'n reis?", "sentence2": "We can be off. Franz."} -{"sentence1": "Maar dis nie nodig nie", "sentence2": "But that's not necessary."} -{"sentence1": "Ek was so bang! Dankie", "sentence2": "I was afraid for you!"} -{"sentence1": "Jaloers? Ek?", "sentence2": "Me, jealous?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek is trots om jou te vertel dat ons nie gekke van onsself gemaak het nie maar 'n knielende man is 'n vreemde gesig", "sentence2": "But a kneeling man is a strange sight. I had to join him so he didn't look silly.\""} -{"sentence1": "Hy het gekom teug in 'n boks.", "sentence2": "He came home in a box."} -{"sentence1": "So is jy.", "sentence2": "So are you."} -{"sentence1": "Ek s\u00ea jou taal is rof, maar nie dat ek te na gekom is nie", "sentence2": "I said you were blunt, not that I didn't like it."} -{"sentence1": "Titus trou met sy niggie, Magdalena Van Loo", "sentence2": "Titus is marrying his cousin, Magdalena Van Loo."} -{"sentence1": "Sasha Semenov, 7 jaar", "sentence2": "Sasha Semenov, 7 years old"} -{"sentence1": "Ek sien nie hoe jy dit kan ontken nie", "sentence2": "I don't see how you want to deny..."} -{"sentence1": "U gaan na die Middelandse see 'n Geheime sending teen die Franse", "sentence2": "You're going to the Mediterranean Sea. -A secret mission against the French."} -{"sentence1": "Hulle gaan verlig wees, hulle gaan hardloop na jou", "sentence2": "They will be relieved. They'll run towards you."} -{"sentence1": "Hulle noem hom Superman.", "sentence2": "That's what they're calling him. Superman."} -{"sentence1": "- Ziva was hier.", "sentence2": "Ziva was here."} -{"sentence1": "Wat het gebeur? - Het Madame geval?", "sentence2": "- Monsieur Schiller..."} -{"sentence1": "Sal ons dit doen?", "sentence2": "Shall we do it?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek is 'n pyn, reg?", "sentence2": "I'm a pain, right?"} -{"sentence1": "Is dit oor my?", "sentence2": "Is it because of me ?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis 'n unieke plek.", "sentence2": "It's a unique location."} -{"sentence1": "As jy nog vinnig iets wil saamneem.", "sentence2": "Closing up, but if you want to grab something to go."} -{"sentence1": "Chabert, Kolonel Chabert, Goeie man", "sentence2": "My wife. Chabert. Colonel Chabert."} -{"sentence1": "Jy kan jou koffie in die kombuis gaan drink", "sentence2": "You can drink your coffee in the kitchen."} -{"sentence1": "Ons was toe eintlik maar net kinders!", "sentence2": "We were just kids then."} -{"sentence1": "Die res: aan die werk!", "sentence2": "Everyone else, get to work!"} -{"sentence1": "- Tant Maria!", "sentence2": "- Aunt Maria!"} -{"sentence1": "Nee, sy het hom... by die venster gesien Watse twak praat ek tog?", "sentence2": "No, she saw him... out the window. What nonsense am I saying?"} -{"sentence1": "\"My God, my God, waarom het U my verlaat?\"", "sentence2": "\"My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?\""} -{"sentence1": "Vertel my van die oorlog", "sentence2": "Uhu... Come on remember the war..."} -{"sentence1": "- Sy verdrink!", "sentence2": "- Get her."} -{"sentence1": "Het jy van Gogh geken?", "sentence2": "You knew Van Gogh?"} -{"sentence1": "Jy weet nie wie sy was nie?", "sentence2": "You don't have any idea who the girl was?"} -{"sentence1": "Ag, bobbejaan!", "sentence2": "Ah, fathead!"} -{"sentence1": "Sien jy, alles het sy goeie kante.", "sentence2": "There's a bright side to everything."} -{"sentence1": "Dis een ding, dan weer iets anders,", "sentence2": "It's one thing, then another..."} -{"sentence1": "Vra rond, baie mense het hom geken", "sentence2": "Ask around, lot's of people knew him."} -{"sentence1": "Nee, die Engelse wil met ons oorlog voer omdat ons Nederlanders is,", "sentence2": "No, the English want to wage war against us, because we're Dutch."} -{"sentence1": "Weet jy nie hoe gelukkig jy is nie?", "sentence2": "Don't you know how lucky you are?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis dapper van u Hoogheid om tussen al hierdie republikeine te wees", "sentence2": "You're very brave to be here Your Highness, surrounded by these republicans."} -{"sentence1": "Bring my jou notaboek", "sentence2": "Bring me your notebook."} -{"sentence1": "Vir sommige was hy 'n beskermengel.", "sentence2": "For some he was a guardian angel."} -{"sentence1": "Heilige Moeder Maria!", "sentence2": "Holy Mother of God."} -{"sentence1": "Jy plak vas aan haar, rondom haar rokke, soos 'n sot", "sentence2": "You cling to her skirts, cater to her whims."} -{"sentence1": "Hulle het my 'n professoraat aangebied", "sentence2": "They've offered me a professorship."} -{"sentence1": "Dis oor, aan die werk almal!", "sentence2": "It's all over. Get to work."} -{"sentence1": "Maar dis mos Sissi!", "sentence2": "Why, it's Sissi!"} -{"sentence1": "Moenie kwaad word nie, Germain.", "sentence2": "Don't get angry, Germain."} -{"sentence1": "420,000 is absurd!", "sentence2": "420,000 is absurd!"} -{"sentence1": "Weet jy dat sedert ek jou ontmoet het, het ek 'n vurige begeerte om te leef", "sentence2": "Since I met you, I'm filled with a ferocious lust for life."} -{"sentence1": "Alles is reg", "sentence2": "No, no. Everything's fine."} -{"sentence1": "\"Ek is bevrees ek verwag Beulwitz se kind, dit maak my gek!\"", "sentence2": "It's driving me insane.\""} -{"sentence1": "..dan was die hele Suid-Amerika nou sosialisties.", "sentence2": "It was harmless."} -{"sentence1": "Kom iemand jou haal?", "sentence2": "Is someone fetching you?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek kom terug na my kamer van 'n wandeling in die tuin", "sentence2": "Returning to my room after a moonlight stroll."} -{"sentence1": "Sit julle geskenkies op die tafel", "sentence2": "Put your presents here on the table."} -{"sentence1": "Mooi!", "sentence2": "Beautiful!"} -{"sentence1": "Sy kry elke maand 'n brief van Rome", "sentence2": "She gets a monthly letter from Rome."} -{"sentence1": "- Jy verlaat m\u00f4re?", "sentence2": "- You're leaving tomorrow?"} -{"sentence1": "Jy het jammerlik gefaal, Grubitz, jou onbekwame amateur!", "sentence2": "You failed miserably, Grubitz, you incompetent amateur!"} -{"sentence1": "'n Bomdreigement, ek is seker dis net 'n grap of iets", "sentence2": "A bomb threat, surely just a bad joke."} -{"sentence1": "Hy is 'n groot digter, en ek is trots dat hy by ons kuier, .", "sentence2": "I want to see my daughter's future in bright colors, Herr Schiller. Yes, that's understandable."} -{"sentence1": "Ek herhaal, burgervliegtuig is ontplof.", "sentence2": "Repeat, civilian aircraft has exploded."} -{"sentence1": "Maar kan hierdie goedbeheerste kalmte dan deur niks versteur word?", "sentence2": "But can this well-judged calmness Be roused by nothing?"} -{"sentence1": "Sien jy?", "sentence2": "- Magnificent!"} -{"sentence1": "En kyk, hier is sy: ons Ouma!", "sentence2": "And look, here she has come, our granny."} -{"sentence1": "Johannes, now you mock God.", "sentence2": "Johannes, now you mock God."} -{"sentence1": "Moet ek 'n hele week wag om aan te gaan?", "sentence2": "That's all for this month, my friends."} -{"sentence1": "- Goeie nag, Pa.", "sentence2": "- Good night, father."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het myself wysgemaak \"jy weet hoe sy dink\".", "sentence2": "I kept telling myself, \"You know how she thinks."} -{"sentence1": "Marquesa de la Forre!", "sentence2": "Marquesa de la Forre!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek wens hy't geskilder soos Renoir", "sentence2": "I wish he painted like Renoir"} -{"sentence1": "Selfs Rouge!", "sentence2": "Even rouge!"} -{"sentence1": "Los my, julle basters!", "sentence2": "Leave me be, you bastards!"} -{"sentence1": "Watter een?", "sentence2": "Which one?"} -{"sentence1": "- Hy het niks vertel en ek het nie daarop aangedring", "sentence2": "He didn't tell me anything. And I didn't push it."} -{"sentence1": "Niemand weet waar jou wegsteekplek was nie", "sentence2": "No one knew where your cache was."} -{"sentence1": "- Is dit al \u00earens uitgestal?", "sentence2": "- Were they ever displayed?"} -{"sentence1": "Alle paaie, spore en brue na Ischl is afgesluit", "sentence2": "All paths, trails, roads and bridges to lschl have been closed off."} -{"sentence1": "Dit s\u00ea my lewe was 'n gemors!", "sentence2": "- It says my life was shit."} -{"sentence1": "Dis tyd om te gaan kuier met geskenke en lekkergoed", "sentence2": "It's time to go calling with gifts of sweets."} -{"sentence1": "Sing dit weer vir my", "sentence2": "Sing some more, for me."} -{"sentence1": "Ek kan nie my dogter weggee nie", "sentence2": "I won't give my daughter away."} -{"sentence1": "Die malhuis, die slegste ding wat met mens kan gebeur", "sentence2": "The madhouse... the worst thing that can happen to a man."} -{"sentence1": "Iets stewiger, biefstuk, kaviaar, gekookte eiers.", "sentence2": "Breakfast! - Breakfast? - None of that awful white coffee"} -{"sentence1": "Almal:", "sentence2": "All of them:"} -{"sentence1": "- Wat?", "sentence2": "-What?"} -{"sentence1": "- Dis reg", "sentence2": "- That's right."} -{"sentence1": "Hulle gaan 'm doodmaak.", "sentence2": "They'll kill him. How?"} -{"sentence1": "Gee my die mes", "sentence2": "Give me that knife."} -{"sentence1": "Nee, daarom moet sy ma so baie werk", "sentence2": "So she needs to work a lot."} -{"sentence1": "Dit gaan pynlik wees...", "sentence2": "It'll be painful."} -{"sentence1": "Kyk vir laas nog 'n slaggie rond", "sentence2": "Take one last look around."} -{"sentence1": "Ja", "sentence2": "Yes."} -{"sentence1": "Die Gravin self het aan my geskryf", "sentence2": "The countess herself writes to me"} -{"sentence1": "Gibbs het 'n opdrag, jou koppige kortsigtigheid sit wat in die pad.", "sentence2": "Gibbs has a job to do. Your tunnel-visioned, stubborn determination is getting in the way."} -{"sentence1": "Jy is so dierbaar!", "sentence2": "Come on. Yes, you are so in love."} -{"sentence1": "Weet jy waar die soldate is?", "sentence2": "You know where the soldiers are?"} -{"sentence1": "Sy medewerker is die joernalis Paul Hauser...", "sentence2": "His accomplices were the journalist Paul Hauser..."} -{"sentence1": "Hy kon haar dood nooit verwerk nie, hy het vroeg afgetree", "sentence2": "He couldn't take her death. He retired before his time."} -{"sentence1": "Klaar gelaai op die esel!", "sentence2": "And a donkey!"} -{"sentence1": "Laat my voorstel:", "sentence2": "Introductions:"} -{"sentence1": "Mens moet 'n ego\u00efs wees,", "sentence2": "One must be selfish"} -{"sentence1": "Hulle het nie werk of kos nie", "sentence2": "They have no work, no food"} -{"sentence1": "Sy Majesteit se Adjudant-Generaal raporteer", "sentence2": "His Majesty's Adjutant General reporting."} -{"sentence1": "Jy kan beter gaan.", "sentence2": "You should leave now."} -{"sentence1": "Die te\u00ebparty dwing my daarheen. Ek wil u nie beledig nie nee, ek sal u verdedig! HULLE:", "sentence2": "Forgive me if I use strong language I'm carried away by the subject I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm supposed to be defending you!"} -{"sentence1": "Antwoord my", "sentence2": "Answer me."} -{"sentence1": "Ek is so bly om jou te sien, ek bedoel, ek is nie gelukkig om die lyk en so.", "sentence2": "Agent Abby!"} -{"sentence1": "Was my onderwyser gisteraand hier?", "sentence2": "-Was my teacher here last night?"} -{"sentence1": "Sy s\u00ea, en ek haal aan:", "sentence2": "She said, and I quote:"} -{"sentence1": "Dis goed vir hom", "sentence2": "It's good for him"} -{"sentence1": "- Van wanneer af? - September", "sentence2": "When you were in Kochberg and I went back ahead of you, we met in the salon and pledged our love."} -{"sentence1": "Net weg", "sentence2": "She just left."} -{"sentence1": "Stop!", "sentence2": "Stop!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek wil lyk soos ek gelyk het", "sentence2": "I want to look like I used to."} -{"sentence1": "Hou u nie van my jag-baadjie nie?", "sentence2": "- Don't they like my hunting coat? Frosch!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek was te jonk om te onthou", "sentence2": "I was too young to remember."} -{"sentence1": "- Verskoon, wat is verkeerd?", "sentence2": "- Pardon, what's wrong?"} -{"sentence1": "Ons het die eerste uitslae...", "sentence2": "We have the first results..."} -{"sentence1": "Ons het hom net tydelik toegemaak", "sentence2": "We've closed it for the time being."} -{"sentence1": "U sit so alleen, Mev Segerstedt", "sentence2": "Mrs. Segerstedt sitting so alone."} -{"sentence1": "Wanneer gaan jy weg?", "sentence2": "When did you say you're leaving?"} -{"sentence1": "Was daar 'n noodgeval?", "sentence2": "Has there been an emergency?"} -{"sentence1": "Oom Maxence het seker gedink hy doen 'n goeie ding", "sentence2": "-Uncle Maxence probably thought he was doing a good thing."} -{"sentence1": "Johan...", "sentence2": "Johan..."} -{"sentence1": "Skryf op dat ek al 9 omgegooi het", "sentence2": "You write down that I knocked down all nine."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, ek gaan nog ryk word.", "sentence2": "Yes. I will become very rich."} -{"sentence1": "My tante was ook 'n onderwyseres", "sentence2": "My aunt was a teacher too."} -{"sentence1": "Toe u in Kochberg was, en ek vooruit gegaan het, ons het in die sitkamer ontmoet en ons liefde aan mekaar beloof", "sentence2": "I will marry him."} -{"sentence1": "Ons het bewys ontvang van hierdie krimineel se oortredings,", "sentence2": "We have been given proof of this criminal's error."} -{"sentence1": "Dit kom van my af, van my alleen", "sentence2": "It came from me. From me...alone."} -{"sentence1": "As jy bietjie wag, kan jy hom self vra.", "sentence2": "If you wait a moment, you can ask him yourself."} -{"sentence1": "soos 'n takbok in 'n venster...", "sentence2": "like a deer in the window..."} -{"sentence1": "Sy is onsterflik.", "sentence2": "She's immortal."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het met haar gepraat, sy is dierbaar", "sentence2": "I've talked to her. She's endearing."} -{"sentence1": "Mag ek u vergesel?", "sentence2": "You will allow me to accompany you?"} -{"sentence1": "Maar ons moet iets doen!", "sentence2": "But we need to do something!"} -{"sentence1": "Ag, moet die Nazi's nie te ernstig opneem nie", "sentence2": "Oh, you shouldn't take those Nazis too seriously, you know."} -{"sentence1": "Kom ons kyk na die been.", "sentence2": "Let's have a look at the leg."} -{"sentence1": "Vertaling en sync deur: Rie van die Buggy's", "sentence2": "== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man"} -{"sentence1": "Jammer.", "sentence2": "Sorry."} -{"sentence1": "Ons gaan tog nie nou slaap nie?", "sentence2": "Make me squeal again."} -{"sentence1": "Ons sit daar saam in, Anton.", "sentence2": "We're in this together, Anton."} -{"sentence1": "Niks oor foute, verwringings, historiese momente nie?", "sentence2": "Not a word about mistakes, distortions, the historic moment?"} -{"sentence1": "Jy is hier en ek het nie vir jou gewag nie Wat 'n heerlike verrassing!", "sentence2": "As if I always lived like this."} -{"sentence1": "Hulle s\u00ea dit verbeter die verstand!", "sentence2": "They say it improves the mind!"} -{"sentence1": "Hy hoop dat sy swart... dat hy weer gou sal kan werk", "sentence2": "He hopes that his black... That he can work again soon."} -{"sentence1": "As U Vader die baas is van die heelal, as U iemand uit die dood kan opwek, dan's dit vir U tog kinderspeletjies", "sentence2": "If your dad is boss of the universe, if you can raise someone from the dead, it's child's play for you."} -{"sentence1": "Nee wat, julle kan nie", "sentence2": "We'll never be able to."} -{"sentence1": "dankie vir jou en die Deer God.", "sentence2": "thanks to you and the Deer God."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sien, kom ons neem dan nog enetjie", "sentence2": "I see. Let's have another shot then."} -{"sentence1": "- Het jy haar saamgebring?", "sentence2": "- Did you bring her with you?"} -{"sentence1": "Ons het 'n probleem", "sentence2": "We've got a problem."} -{"sentence1": "My man kan enige oomblik hier wees.", "sentence2": "My husband can come any minute"} -{"sentence1": "15-minute breek", "sentence2": "15-minute break."} -{"sentence1": "Moenie so dom wees nie.", "sentence2": "- That is your son, sir?"} -{"sentence1": "Cis, wat is verkeerd?", "sentence2": "Cis, what's wrong ?"} -{"sentence1": "Soek dekking.", "sentence2": "Take cover!"} -{"sentence1": "- Jy kan telegrafeer...", "sentence2": "- You can telegraph."} -{"sentence1": "- Was dit dan onduidelik?", "sentence2": "-Didn't I make myself clear?"} -{"sentence1": "Here Asano stuur hulle teen my.", "sentence2": "Lord Asano sends them against me."} -{"sentence1": "Amptenaar Frosh raporteer!", "sentence2": "Why did you waken me up, you drunken idiot?"} -{"sentence1": "\"Brady en Worms\" - het jy onthou?", "sentence2": "Brady Worms? You remembered?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis die manne van ons pueblo wat sing", "sentence2": "It's the boys from our pueblo singing."} -{"sentence1": "Dit was amper!", "sentence2": "That was hairy!"} -{"sentence1": "Dis vol teenstrydighede, en enigeen kan dit interpreteer na willekeur", "sentence2": "It's all contradictions You can interpret it any way you want"} -{"sentence1": "Daardie ongeluk dra ek graag saam met u", "sentence2": "Doctor, I can no longer laugh."} -{"sentence1": "Of hier?", "sentence2": "Or this?"} -{"sentence1": "- Kom.", "sentence2": "- Come."} -{"sentence1": "Beantwoord haar of sny ek jou in twee!", "sentence2": "Answer her or I'll cut you in two!"} -{"sentence1": "- Wie is volgende?", "sentence2": "- Who is next?"} -{"sentence1": "Haai!", "sentence2": "No!"} -{"sentence1": "\"Week\" moet twee e's h\u00ea", "sentence2": "\"Week\" takes two e's"} -{"sentence1": "- Nee, bly sit", "sentence2": "- No, don't get up."} -{"sentence1": "Om 12:30 eet ons middagete", "sentence2": "At 12:30 we take our lunch."} -{"sentence1": "Ons het na sy plek gegaan en tot laat na musiek geluister", "sentence2": "We went to his place and listened to music until late."} -{"sentence1": "Dis die eerste rok wat net vir my gemaak is", "sentence2": "This is the first dress made for me."} -{"sentence1": "Nie gaan dwaal.", "sentence2": "Try not to wander."} -{"sentence1": "Pooh!", "sentence2": "- Pooh!"} -{"sentence1": "Wees versigtig, Tim.", "sentence2": "Be careful, Tim."} -{"sentence1": "E5", "sentence2": "E5..."} -{"sentence1": "Koroku!", "sentence2": "Koroku!"} -{"sentence1": "- Waar is die regisseur?", "sentence2": "- Where's the director?"} -{"sentence1": "McGee, dek jy die agterkant.", "sentence2": "McGee, cover the back."} -{"sentence1": "Dit kan u doen, Vader", "sentence2": "You can do that, father."} -{"sentence1": "Die wrede eed wat ons afgel\u00ea het is nou gekanselleer, Lollo", "sentence2": "Love always, Caroline.\""} -{"sentence1": "Dit behoort maklik te wees, want hulle kan ons selfs vermaak", "sentence2": "An easy task, for they seem well-equipped to amuse us."} -{"sentence1": "Maar, meneer, u sal opmerk dat musiek nie die disipline bederf het nie", "sentence2": "But, Headmaster, you will notice that Music has not relaxed discipline."} -{"sentence1": "Nee, ek gaan huistoe", "sentence2": "No, I'm going home."} -{"sentence1": "Mense van oraloor", "sentence2": "People from all over."} -{"sentence1": "Ek gaan juis nou terug na hom, ek sal jou boodskap oordra", "sentence2": "I go to join him immediately. I will therefore be your messenger."} -{"sentence1": "Dis jammer... dis jammer...", "sentence2": "Pity... Pity..."} -{"sentence1": "Hulle benodig 'n branderplank- instrukteur vir 3 weke", "sentence2": "They need a surf instructor at a resort for 3 weeks."} -{"sentence1": "Barbara!", "sentence2": "Barbara!"} -{"sentence1": "Jy gaan my vra om 'n rat te wees.", "sentence2": "You don't have to. You're gonna ask me to be a rat;"} -{"sentence1": "Is die Parlement weer in sitting?", "sentence2": "- 'Parliament' in session?"} -{"sentence1": "Mamma!", "sentence2": "Mama!"} -{"sentence1": "Hy is gevind", "sentence2": "- And his birthplace? - He's a foundling."} -{"sentence1": "Is dit so dat die gebruik hier is om die huwelikskamer voor te berei en oop te laat vir almal om te sien lank voor die troue?", "sentence2": "Is it true that traditionally, the newlyweds' chamber is prepared and left open well in advance of the wedding?"} -{"sentence1": "'n Besluit wat Hebner gesteun het.", "sentence2": "It was a decision that Hebner signed off on."} -{"sentence1": "Nee, s\u00ea dit, moenie skroom nie", "sentence2": "- No, go on."} -{"sentence1": "'n Man is dood, maar is dit 'n rede om lawaai te maak?", "sentence2": "Yes, a man is dead, but why make so much noise?"} -{"sentence1": "en glo dat die kosbare bloed van ons Here Jesus Christus gestort is as volkome versoening van al ons sondes", "sentence2": "Believe that the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ has been spilled to atone for our sins."} -{"sentence1": "Ons kry niks, behalwe westerse boeke en koerante", "sentence2": "We found nothing, except Western books and newspapers."} -{"sentence1": "Ek wil graag almal leer ken, jou susters... en jou verloofde", "sentence2": "I promise. I want to meet everybody. Your sisters."} -{"sentence1": "Malletjies pas bymekaar, waarom is daardie goed hier?", "sentence2": "Matching loonies! Why's that here?"} -{"sentence1": "- En?", "sentence2": "And?"} -{"sentence1": "Is dit beter as om haar op die aarde te h\u00ea?", "sentence2": "Better than having her on earth?"} -{"sentence1": "Mens moet partykeer in die skaduwee kom, anders sou ons nie die son waardeer nie", "sentence2": "And sometimes, shadows must come; otherwise, one would not appreciate the sun anymore."} -{"sentence1": "Pa wou 'n priester in die familie h\u00ea!", "sentence2": "You wanted a priest in the family."} -{"sentence1": "Wie dink jy, sal die skoolhoof glo, jy of ek?", "sentence2": "Who do you think the headmaster will believe, you or me?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis nie nodig om te vernietig om te skep nie!", "sentence2": "There's no need to destroy to create!"} -{"sentence1": "Dis dom! hoekom nie?", "sentence2": "That's silly!"} -{"sentence1": "- Goeie naand - Naand Ek bring 'n boodskap vir die heer Schiller en familie", "sentence2": "I believe everything a genius does as a genius, he does unknowingly."} -{"sentence1": "Is Marie OK?", "sentence2": "Is Marie okay?"} -{"sentence1": "\"Was toegesluit\"", "sentence2": "Was locked up."} -{"sentence1": "So you must be thankful for the bright and wonderful memories you have of her, for the bright and wonderful hope you have for her in the life to come.", "sentence2": "So you must be thankful for the bright and wonderful memories you have of her, for the bright and wonderful hope you have for her in the life to come."} -{"sentence1": "Hier staan ek, en julle verwerp my weer", "sentence2": "Here I stand, and again you cast me out."} -{"sentence1": "Water-alleenheid\"", "sentence2": "Aquatic loneliness \""} -{"sentence1": "Hy soek na 'n huis om te koop.", "sentence2": "I'm with a friend who's looking to buy a house."} -{"sentence1": "Dit gaan nie oor die vrou nie, dis jou lewe", "sentence2": "She doesn't know what to do. It's not up to that woman. It's your life."} -{"sentence1": "Los maar, Berry!", "sentence2": "Never mind, Berry!"} -{"sentence1": "Tel stene, dit sal help", "sentence2": "Count bricks, that'll help."} -{"sentence1": "Solidatiteit, van die werk, dis dringend", "sentence2": "Solidarity from the dairy."} -{"sentence1": "Waarom nie?", "sentence2": "Why not?"} -{"sentence1": "Op die lande", "sentence2": "On the land."} -{"sentence1": "'n Regte grote!", "sentence2": "A real big one!"} -{"sentence1": "Hulle behoort hom die see in te stuur", "sentence2": "They should send him out to sea."} -{"sentence1": "Kontak die trustbeampte en hy kan jou verduidelik hoe die dividende werk", "sentence2": "Contact the trust officer and he'll explain how you earn the dividends."} -{"sentence1": "Die dame gaan jou vrou wees en die Keiserin van Oostenryk, en sy sal al die deugde besit waarvoor jy kan wens", "sentence2": "The girl who is to become your wife and the Empress of Austria has all the virtues you could wish for."} -{"sentence1": "Ek wens net een ding:", "sentence2": "I have only one wish:"} -{"sentence1": "\"Kan u bietjie na haar omsien?\"", "sentence2": "Revolutionary."} -{"sentence1": "Ons moet voorsorgmaatre\u00ebls neem.", "sentence2": "Sir, you can't expect us to not take precautions."} -{"sentence1": "\"Moenie deur daardie deur gaan nie\"", "sentence2": "\"Don't go through that door.\""} -{"sentence1": "- Ja", "sentence2": "- Yes."} -{"sentence1": "-Twak!", "sentence2": "-Nonsense."} -{"sentence1": "Ons gaan kliniek toe, ek sal jou fiets laai", "sentence2": "We'll go to the clinic, I'll pack your bike."} -{"sentence1": "Wag vir my", "sentence2": "Wait for me"} -{"sentence1": "Neem my saam", "sentence2": "You'll teach me everything."} -{"sentence1": "Die dag is verby!", "sentence2": "\"The day is over!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek neem jou huistoe, reg?", "sentence2": "I'll take you home, all right?"} -{"sentence1": "Messieurs, kies asseblief u metgeselle vir die cotillion", "sentence2": "Messieurs, please choose your corsages for the cotillion."} -{"sentence1": "-Praat, Marta!", "sentence2": "-Speak, Marta!"} -{"sentence1": "Mense dink dit is om wyn in die sop te gooi en te roer", "sentence2": "People think that means pouring wine in the soup and stirring"} -{"sentence1": "Maar dat jou besluit ander mense ook raak", "sentence2": "But that your decision affects others."} -{"sentence1": "George, Chopin verdien nie om agtervolg te word nie", "sentence2": "George, Chopin does not deserve to be collected."} -{"sentence1": "Wat lees u?", "sentence2": "You don't make it easy, no greeting..."} -{"sentence1": "Vir die Mafia ook", "sentence2": "I invested for the Mafia too."} -{"sentence1": "Alto, links", "sentence2": "Alto, left"} -{"sentence1": "Ek bewonder Ma!", "sentence2": "I admire Mom."} -{"sentence1": "Hervat waarneming buite \"Lazlo\" se huis", "sentence2": "Resume surveillance outside \"Lazlo's\" house."} -{"sentence1": "Iets op die werk wat hom in gevaar kan bring?", "sentence2": "Anything at work that could put him in danger?"} -{"sentence1": "Die eerste eenheid wat sy opdrag voltooi, sal Saterdag die eer kry om die vlag te hys", "sentence2": "The first unit to attain the objective will have the honor of raising the regiment's flag on Saturday."} -{"sentence1": "Monsieur Chopin, dit klink nes die re\u00ebndruppels, dis betowerend, maar kan u nie met u musiek 'n bietjie sonskyn in die kamer bring nie?", "sentence2": "Mummy said we can't go till the roads dry up. But it's been raining for three days now. It's no use."} -{"sentence1": "Daar was nie mooi meisies nie, geen vryers, geen lag en vreugde", "sentence2": "\"There were no pretty maids on that hill... \"... no swains, no laughter and mirth"} -{"sentence1": "Dit is hulle!", "sentence2": "It's them!"} -{"sentence1": "Wat doen ons dan?", "sentence2": "So what are we going to do?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis seer daar", "sentence2": "It prickles."} -{"sentence1": "Nee, dis net dat ek ...", "sentence2": "- No, it's that I..."} -{"sentence1": "Vir u altyd, liewe Moeder", "sentence2": "For you always, my dear Mother."} -{"sentence1": "het jy alles wat jy nodig het?", "sentence2": "- So? Are you satisfied?"} -{"sentence1": "Hy het so gely by sy dood, weet jy?", "sentence2": "He suffered when he died, you know."} -{"sentence1": "Meneer, is dit waar dat Langlois en die hoof saam weg is?", "sentence2": "Sir, is it true Langlois and the principal left together?"} -{"sentence1": "Die Russiese le\u00ebr?", "sentence2": "The Russian Army?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis jou christelike plig om na jou kleinkind te kyk", "sentence2": "It's your Christian duty to look affer your grandchild."} -{"sentence1": "Jy gaan nie weg nie!", "sentence2": "You're not leaving!"} -{"sentence1": "Die keuses wat ek as jongeling gemaak het, in 1968 byvoorbeeld", "sentence2": "The choices I made as a youth in 1968, for instance."} -{"sentence1": "Sedert my man se dood, meer as 10 jaar gelede, het ons aanpassings gemaak aan ons leefstyl", "sentence2": "I don't need to lie to be a good catch, Maman. Everyone knows we don't exactly eat off gold plates."} -{"sentence1": "Helaas, liewe Baron, hoe kan ek u vra om alles te verlaat vir my?", "sentence2": "Alas, my lord, how could I ask you to abandon everything for me?"} -{"sentence1": "Is hy nie hier nie?", "sentence2": "He's not here?"} -{"sentence1": "Hierdie goue fragmente is die mees eienaardige.", "sentence2": "These gold fragments are the most curious."} -{"sentence1": "Mej Sieland?", "sentence2": "Ms. Sieland?"} -{"sentence1": "- Nuus!", "sentence2": "- News!"} -{"sentence1": "Is dit nie so nie?", "sentence2": "Isn't it just?"} -{"sentence1": "Sodra ek uitgevind het dat 'n domkop oorlopers inhuurde, is ek na jou gekom.", "sentence2": "As soon as I found out some jackass was hiring turncoats, I came to you."} -{"sentence1": "Die perdereuk!", "sentence2": "By the odor, sir."} -{"sentence1": "Ek is net betaal om jou uit die beeld te haal, meer nie.", "sentence2": "I just got paid to get you out of the picture, is all."} -{"sentence1": "Sal ons opereer?", "sentence2": "Shall we operate?"} -{"sentence1": "So nie staan hy op 'n hoek met 'n trekklavier", "sentence2": "If not, he'll be on the corner with an accordion."} -{"sentence1": "He, laat haar met rus.", "sentence2": "Hey. Leave her alone, man."} -{"sentence1": "Geniet die wyn, en bedank die bruid se vader!", "sentence2": "Enjoy this wine And thanks be to the father Of the bride"} -{"sentence1": "Wie is jy?", "sentence2": "Who are you?"} -{"sentence1": "- Sit, het jy pen en papier?", "sentence2": "- Sit. Do you have a pen and paper?"} -{"sentence1": "Die Kolonel ...", "sentence2": "The Colonel..."} -{"sentence1": "Jy gaan niks in jou eie naam besit nie", "sentence2": "You shall possess nothing in your own name."} -{"sentence1": "Komaan, vertel ons", "sentence2": "Tell us. Come on."} -{"sentence1": "Het sy 'n boodskap gelos?", "sentence2": "Did not live a note, something?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek sal niks doen nie.", "sentence2": "No, I won't!"} -{"sentence1": "Moenie so van jou pa praat nie.", "sentence2": "Do not talk like that about father."} -{"sentence1": "- Die glimlag!", "sentence2": "- The smile!"} -{"sentence1": "Wat is dit?", "sentence2": "What is it?"} -{"sentence1": "Ja.", "sentence2": "Yes."} -{"sentence1": "Skilder!", "sentence2": "Painting!"} -{"sentence1": "Daar is soveel geheime. Dit is kersfees.", "sentence2": "The British government ordered an investigation..."} -{"sentence1": "Dit handel oor my", "sentence2": "- It speaks about me."} -{"sentence1": "Pardon?", "sentence2": "Pardon."} -{"sentence1": "het ons die bome te verwyder.", "sentence2": "we have to clear the trees."} -{"sentence1": "Vrotsige teef!", "sentence2": "Rotten bitch!"} -{"sentence1": "Is jy gek!", "sentence2": "- You are mad!"} -{"sentence1": "Sy dink regtig sy bestuur hierdie huis!", "sentence2": "She believes she is the wife here in the house."} -{"sentence1": "Selfs al is die reg aan jou kant, behoort ek nie meer aan jou nie", "sentence2": "Even if the law's on your side, I'm no longer yours."} -{"sentence1": "Ek vind dit nie afstootlik nie, wat beteken \"Dis vir my lieflik.\"", "sentence2": "I'm not detesting it it means \"I love it.\""} -{"sentence1": "Jy moet weet, ek is goed op die hoogte van die politiek in Washington, maar, dit is anders. Die akteurs is anders.", "sentence2": "You got to keep in mind, I know my way around D.C. politics, but this is different."} -{"sentence1": "Volgens die laaste berigte, l\u00ea hulle hier en hier", "sentence2": "According to the latest updates they're here and here."} -{"sentence1": "Nee, sy moet werk -O, so wat die ander s\u00ea, is waar", "sentence2": "-Ah, so what the others say is true."} -{"sentence1": "Waarvoor?", "sentence2": "What for?"} -{"sentence1": "Gereed vir die geveg!", "sentence2": "Prepare for combat."} -{"sentence1": "Stil! , stil, bly stil!", "sentence2": "Quiet, quiet, keep quiet."} -{"sentence1": "Saskia!", "sentence2": "Saskia!"} -{"sentence1": "Die bloed van die bok God het ges\u00ea die siekte te genees.", "sentence2": "The blood of the Deer God is said to cure disease."} -{"sentence1": "Jode leef skaamteloos in ons Duitse vaderland", "sentence2": "~ Jews live shamelessly in our German fatherland"} -{"sentence1": "kyk bietjie daarna", "sentence2": "Listen to this!"} -{"sentence1": "Ashitaka.", "sentence2": "Ashitaka."} -{"sentence1": "My besoeke aan Q\u00e9lus was altyd maar sleg, ek het so lank al gewag", "sentence2": "Do you bear good news? My trips to Q\u00e9lus have rarely been joyful."} -{"sentence1": "Trouens, kyk, ek het dit hier gevind", "sentence2": "Besides, look. I found this."} -{"sentence1": "Wat is dit?", "sentence2": "What is this?"} -{"sentence1": "Wil iemand iets te ete h\u00ea?", "sentence2": "Anyone want anything to eat? Ben?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek is so warm, is my wange rooi?", "sentence2": "I'm so hot, so terribly hot. Are my cheeks really red?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek is daar", "sentence2": "I never ate enough."} -{"sentence1": "Wat gaan aan, waar was jy? wat soek jy?", "sentence2": "What's going on, where have you been, what are you looking for?"} -{"sentence1": "vergeet dit.", "sentence2": "forget it."} -{"sentence1": "Nou", "sentence2": "A baby. As long as I have a lot."} -{"sentence1": "Die dood is rooi, dan blou en dan is dit koud", "sentence2": "Death is red, then blue. And it is cold."} -{"sentence1": "Jy behoort ook", "sentence2": "- You should join as well."} -{"sentence1": "Jammer, ek is nou maar 2 jaar hier", "sentence2": "Sorry, I've only been here 2 years."} -{"sentence1": "Jy was maar altyd oppervlakkig", "sentence2": "- You were always a superficial man."} -{"sentence1": "Hy het geglo dat met lig, klaarheid kom.", "sentence2": "He believed that with light comes clarity."} -{"sentence1": "Waar?", "sentence2": "Wha...?"} -{"sentence1": "Hy rotzooit nie.", "sentence2": "He's not messing around."} -{"sentence1": "Jy moet die rol van my vrou speel", "sentence2": "You have to play my wife."} -{"sentence1": "Hy's mal!", "sentence2": "He's mad!"} -{"sentence1": "Een, twee, drie, vier,", "sentence2": "One, two, three, four,"} -{"sentence1": "Ja, mev.", "sentence2": "Yes, ma'am."} -{"sentence1": "Die komissie beveel aan dat die onderwyser onmiddelik ontslaan word en sy lisensie permanent teruggetrek word", "sentence2": "The commission motions for the teacher's immediate termination and revokes his teaching license permanently."} -{"sentence1": "Jesus, jy is regtig mal!", "sentence2": "Jesus, you're really nuts."} -{"sentence1": "Dit sal moet ophou", "sentence2": "It has to end."} -{"sentence1": "Maak oop!", "sentence2": "Open up!"} -{"sentence1": "Dat siekte jou forseer om te vertrek na 'n gebied beter geskik vir jou gesondheid", "sentence2": "That illness requires you to travel to a region more conducive to your health."} -{"sentence1": "Ry aan en vertel my moeder dat ek 'n deel van die pad wou stap", "sentence2": "Drive on and tell my mother that I walked part of the way."} -{"sentence1": "my vader, die groot Rembrandt, stil geword", "sentence2": "my father, the great Rembrandt, is very quiet."} -{"sentence1": "Louis (hoofletter L) XVIII neem... nee, verower... maak dit herower het Sy Koninkryk herower", "sentence2": "Louis (capital L) XVIII... took...no, reconquered, make that reconquered... reconquered His kingdom..."} -{"sentence1": "Neem dit dadelik terug!", "sentence2": "- l wouldn't think of it"} -{"sentence1": "\"want ek het die hiernamaals al besoek deur u musiek.\"", "sentence2": "\"I have already visited the beyond in your music.\""} -{"sentence1": "Hy's nie 'n baba nie", "sentence2": "He's not a baby."} -{"sentence1": "Voor enige verdere stappe...?", "sentence2": "\"Before further action taken\"?"} -{"sentence1": "Dink jy dis snaaks, Desmet?", "sentence2": "Do you think it's funny, Desmet?"} -{"sentence1": "Na Moskou?", "sentence2": "- To Moscow?"} -{"sentence1": "It is alive.", "sentence2": "It is alive."} -{"sentence1": "- Ek sweer", "sentence2": "-I swear."} -{"sentence1": "Wat bedoel jy; hier?", "sentence2": "What do you mean here?"} -{"sentence1": "sal die god nie kom nie.", "sentence2": "the god won't come."} -{"sentence1": "Hy het dit nie gedoen nie, want...", "sentence2": "He never did that, because..."} -{"sentence1": "Jy lyk betowerend, en ek is seker dat jy al vele geleenthede gehad het om te trou", "sentence2": "You look enchanting, and I'm sure you had lots of opportunities to get married."} -{"sentence1": "Soek jy werk?", "sentence2": "Are you looking for work?"} -{"sentence1": "Het jy al 'n meisie gesoen?", "sentence2": "Have you kissed girls before?"} -{"sentence1": "Show me the place where you have laid her.", "sentence2": "Show me the place where you have laid her."} -{"sentence1": "Jammer genoeg vertrou ek jou.", "sentence2": "Unfortunately, I trust you."} -{"sentence1": "Die gebruikshandboek was in Engels", "sentence2": "The operating instructions were in English and 260 pages long."} -{"sentence1": "Dis ek.", "sentence2": "- It's me. - Yes, yes.."} -{"sentence1": "Ek doen dit ook", "sentence2": "I'm doing that too."} -{"sentence1": "Jammer, ek sou haar graag wou ontmoet", "sentence2": "What a shame! I'd have loved to meet her."} -{"sentence1": "Die meule het tot in 1920 gewerk.", "sentence2": "The mill was working until 1920."} -{"sentence1": "- Die arme mens.", "sentence2": "- The poor thing."} -{"sentence1": "Dis sleg as jy nie jou eie vriende kan kies nie", "sentence2": "It sucks that we can never pick our friends."} -{"sentence1": "Jy hoef nie met hulle te praat nie", "sentence2": "You don't have to talk to animals."} -{"sentence1": "Vinniger, Passepoil, Vinniger!", "sentence2": "Faster, Passepoil. Faster!"} -{"sentence1": "Meer hoef jy nie te weet.", "sentence2": "That's all you need to know."} -{"sentence1": "- Wat is dit?", "sentence2": "- What is it?"} -{"sentence1": "Miskien is sy tog lief vir u", "sentence2": "Perhaps she loves you."} -{"sentence1": "Is die Deer God's doen kop al die keiser wil regtig?", "sentence2": "Is the Deer God's head all the Emperor really wants?"} -{"sentence1": "Hy's 'n pianis", "sentence2": "He's a pianist."} -{"sentence1": "Vorentoe, vorentoe.", "sentence2": "Move it! Let's go!"} -{"sentence1": "So baie babas, die een mooier as die ander!", "sentence2": "So many kids, one more beautiful than the other one!"} -{"sentence1": "Omdat hulle in die beste geval gaan lek en erger nog jy kry daar swam deur.", "sentence2": "Well, because-- at best, they leak, and at worst, you get black mold, that's why."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sou meer dikwels moet kom.", "sentence2": "I should come around more often."} -{"sentence1": "Ouma!", "sentence2": "Grandmama!"} -{"sentence1": "Daar, Johannes", "sentence2": "There, there, Johannes."} -{"sentence1": "Sit die messegoed op die servette om hulle vas te hou", "sentence2": "Put the cutlery on the napkins to hold them down."} -{"sentence1": "- Ludwig, kom", "sentence2": "- Ludwig, come."} -{"sentence1": "Sy wil dat Lotte ook gelukkig moet wees, Anna wil nie dat Lottetjie huil nie", "sentence2": "And she wants Lotte to be happy, too. Anna doesn't want Lotte to cry."} -{"sentence1": "Weet jy ook, waarom hulle jou wil h\u00ea?", "sentence2": "Do you know why they want you?"} -{"sentence1": "Sy het my deur die grusame tyd gered", "sentence2": "She saved me through all this time."} -{"sentence1": "- Wonderlik!", "sentence2": "- Marvelous."} -{"sentence1": "- Graag, U Majesteit", "sentence2": "- Gladly, Your Majesty."} -{"sentence1": "- Wel, hierdie man verdrink.", "sentence2": "Well, this man drowned."} -{"sentence1": "Hy het vir ons 'n klein geskenkie gebring", "sentence2": "He brought us a little present."} -{"sentence1": "Derdens, laat my toe om sy naam vir myself te hou", "sentence2": "Third, please allow me to keep his name to myself."} -{"sentence1": "Trek terug!", "sentence2": "Pull back."} -{"sentence1": "Ons kind", "sentence2": "Our child."} -{"sentence1": "Ek insinueer nie, ek s\u00ea dit:", "sentence2": "I'm not insinuating, I'm saying it:"} -{"sentence1": "Wat moet ek doen?", "sentence2": "What should I do?"} -{"sentence1": "Nou wat het die man gedoen?", "sentence2": "- What did he do, that man?"} -{"sentence1": "- Harder asseblief", "sentence2": "- Please speak up."} -{"sentence1": "\"Mor\" beteken \"moeder\".", "sentence2": "Mor means mother."} -{"sentence1": "\"...omdat op hierdie dag verlede maand\" die troepe terug is barakke toe", "sentence2": "The accused had better pray to God that we find nothing but virtuous literary works in your cell and no perfumed love letters."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sal die skilderye wat hy by my gelos het, terugbesorg", "sentence2": "I'll return the paintings he left with me"} -{"sentence1": "Jy het niks van 'n broer ges\u00ea nie", "sentence2": "You didn't tell me you had a brother."} -{"sentence1": "Verskoon, direkteur, hoe ek ook geniet van abstrakte David familie praat, waarom vertel jy my nie wat jy weet?", "sentence2": "If you'll excuse me, Director, as much as I enjoy abstract David family talk, why don't you tell me what you know?"} -{"sentence1": "Waarom is dit altyd so 'n gemors hier?", "sentence2": "Why is it always such a bloody mess here ?"} -{"sentence1": "Los my, weg voor my!", "sentence2": "Leave me, I say. Out of my sight"} -{"sentence1": "Alles is reg, mamma Mense s\u00ea altyd Dit gaan goed, en hulle vra", "sentence2": "People always say it's all right and they ask,"} -{"sentence1": "Liefde", "sentence2": "Love"} -{"sentence1": "\"Ek hou van jag\"", "sentence2": "\"I love my dogs."} -{"sentence1": "Waar is jy? Ek is al hier, Tim.", "sentence2": "Where are you?"} -{"sentence1": "Ja.", "sentence2": "Yeah."} -{"sentence1": "Stuur Doktor Falk in, om net my gedagtes te laat rus", "sentence2": "Send Doctor Falk in... just for me to relax my mind."} -{"sentence1": "En wie's Koekie?", "sentence2": "And who's Cookie?"} -{"sentence1": "Uitstekend!", "sentence2": "Excellent!"} -{"sentence1": "- Ons ridder in volle wapenrusting!", "sentence2": "- Our proud knight."} -{"sentence1": "50", "sentence2": "-50."} -{"sentence1": "Bedoel u dit?", "sentence2": "Are you serious?"} -{"sentence1": "Bly in verbinding.", "sentence2": "We'll keep in touch."} -{"sentence1": "Ek weet nie, iets te doen met kultuur", "sentence2": "I don't know... Something to do with culture."} -{"sentence1": "- Wanneer jy ookal wil Dadelik!", "sentence2": "- Whenever you want to."} -{"sentence1": "Het Peter so ges\u00ea?", "sentence2": "Peter did, did he?"} -{"sentence1": "Die oond \"trek dit aan\" voordat dit aangesteek word", "sentence2": "The furnace \"puts them on\" before being fired."} -{"sentence1": "Wat is dit?", "sentence2": "What is it?"} -{"sentence1": "Asof ek, 'n verkeerde besluit geneem het.", "sentence2": "Like I made... the wrong decision."} -{"sentence1": "Dit lyk op die rekenaarprogram dat ek ontwerp het vir my eindwerk.", "sentence2": "Looks like the computer program I designed for my thesis project."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het nie tyd nie, ek moet terug voor ek uitgevind word.", "sentence2": "I don't have time. I have to go back. If they find out..."} -{"sentence1": "Miskien is dit die regte ek, en die ou Jerska was nie", "sentence2": "But maybe this is the real me, not the old Jerska."} -{"sentence1": "Honderde mense het op die Muur geklim om oor te kyk. Omring deur kameras en die media poog 'n..", "sentence2": "Surrounded by cameramen and journalists an officer of the National People's Army is trying to clear the crowds."} -{"sentence1": "Ek moet gaan.", "sentence2": "I have to go."} -{"sentence1": "Verklaar u almal om alle pligte te vervul, volgens die wet verbonde aan die huwelikstatus?", "sentence2": "Do you promise, each and all, to desire to fulfill all the duties that are connected to the lawful marital state ?"} -{"sentence1": "Van oral in Pole stroom massas werkers, insluitende vrywilligers van die Jeug-unie, \"Diens aan Poland\"", "sentence2": "From across Poland, stream... masses of workers, including volunteers from the Youth Union... and Service to Poland."} -{"sentence1": "Mario?", "sentence2": "Mario?"} -{"sentence1": "'n Aanval op die Keiser!", "sentence2": "An assault upon the Emperor."} -{"sentence1": "- Laat ek help", "sentence2": "No, don't help me."} -{"sentence1": "Waar sit jy?", "sentence2": "Where are you sitting?"} -{"sentence1": "- Die maanlig", "sentence2": "- The moonlight."} -{"sentence1": "45 kamers, sy sal nie weet wat om te doen nie", "sentence2": "Forty-five rooms."} -{"sentence1": "u Majesteit, ek is op die spoor van 'n nihilistiese groep", "sentence2": "Your Majesty, I'm on the trail of a nihilist band."} -{"sentence1": "Behoort al jou plesiere nie nou myne ook word nie?", "sentence2": "It's a lovely surprise. Should not all your pleasures become mine?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek het jou gevind!\"", "sentence2": "I have found you."} -{"sentence1": "Wie kan dit beter, dan...", "sentence2": "Who better to do that than his..."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sou dit weer doen! Ja, jy sou.", "sentence2": "We'll get some peace at home."} -{"sentence1": "Soiets", "sentence2": "Something like that."} -{"sentence1": "Daar's hulle", "sentence2": "- This way..."} -{"sentence1": "Te ver", "sentence2": "Way too far."} -{"sentence1": "Weet u wat ek dink?", "sentence2": "Do you know what I think?"} -{"sentence1": "Sy dop, hy lyk goed.", "sentence2": "His chimney pot, he looks an ace."} -{"sentence1": "- Nee.", "sentence2": "No."} -{"sentence1": "Met hierdie Griekse profiel, wat die natuur aan my geskenk het, as my gesig nie genoeg bewys nie, kyk dan na hierdie figuur.", "sentence2": "You are very funny, Marquis! By nature was I endowed with this profile of Grecian cut lf my face is not evidence enough, please look at my figure!"} -{"sentence1": "Dis wat mense altyd s\u00ea, dis niks", "sentence2": "That's what people always say, it's nothing."} -{"sentence1": "Seker jy wil nie by ons kom slaap nie?", "sentence2": "Sure you don't want to sleep at my place?"} -{"sentence1": "Het u bespreek?", "sentence2": "- Yes, yes. - You booked?"} -{"sentence1": "'n Fortuin wat op beet gebou is", "sentence2": "A fortune built on beets."} -{"sentence1": "Die finale stasie is kwaliteitsbeheer, waar die produk getoets word", "sentence2": "The final station is quality control where the final product is approved."} -{"sentence1": "Ek nomineer jou as bladhouer", "sentence2": "I nominate you music stand."} -{"sentence1": "Probeer jy haar omkoop om te bly?", "sentence2": "Are you trying to make her stay?"} -{"sentence1": "Jou beurt", "sentence2": "- Marie! Your turn."} -{"sentence1": "Lafaard!", "sentence2": "Coward!"} -{"sentence1": "Ek hou maar jou foon, Bennie-boy?", "sentence2": "I'll keep your phone, eh, Benny-Boy?"} -{"sentence1": "Kom aan", "sentence2": "Come on."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, dis reg, u het dit ges\u00ea - Waarvoor grinnik jy?", "sentence2": "No, you're right, you said it."} -{"sentence1": "Regs", "sentence2": "Right."} -{"sentence1": "Goed, wat is die probleem, ouens?", "sentence2": "Okay. What's the problem, boys?"} -{"sentence1": "Het jy daarvan gehou?", "sentence2": "Did you like it?"} -{"sentence1": "En jy", "sentence2": "And you."} -{"sentence1": "Ek aanvaar dat jyself nie daar wil beland nie", "sentence2": "I assume you don't want to end up here yourself."} -{"sentence1": "- Dis iets buitengewoon", "sentence2": "- Something extraordinary."} -{"sentence1": "Ben, is jy seker dis wat jy wil h\u00ea?", "sentence2": "Is this how you want it to be, Ben?"} -{"sentence1": "Ek het dit aanvaar omdat ek dink Sissi is nog self 'n kind en dat vroue van ons ouderdom beter kan opvoed Maar 'n kind behoort tog aan die moeder!", "sentence2": "I assumed it for thinking Sissy is still a child... and the women of our age can educate better."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sal selfmoord pleeg!", "sentence2": "I'd kill myself!"} -{"sentence1": "Is dit 'n verwyt?", "sentence2": "- Is that a reproach?"} -{"sentence1": "En moontlik, mens weet nooit, as daar dalk 'n kans kom kan ek selfs iets koop.", "sentence2": "And perhaps, you never know, if there was a good opportunity, I'd maybe buy something."} -{"sentence1": "Ek sien 'n paar vroue in hierdie hand", "sentence2": "I see women upon this hand. Yes."} -{"sentence1": "Daar is 'n dame hier van die Poolse Televisie", "sentence2": "There's a woman here from Polish Television..."} -{"sentence1": "Wat is dit?", "sentence2": "What is it?"} -{"sentence1": "En vure hou ook van my.", "sentence2": "It likes me too."} -{"sentence1": "Wil jy vir ons preek?", "sentence2": "You want to preach to us?"} -{"sentence1": "Ivan!", "sentence2": "- Ivan!"} -{"sentence1": "Kanada! Kanada! Kanada!", "sentence2": "Canada!"} -{"sentence1": "Wel liefste, daarvoor kry jy 'n klein vodka en 'n groot roomys met my komplimente!", "sentence2": "Well sweetheart, for that... you've got a small vodka and a large ice cream on me."} -{"sentence1": "Dan ten minste die \"besope\"!", "sentence2": "- All right, you idiot"} -{"sentence1": "Dit sou my beter pas. Gaan, en kyk by die venster uit wie daar is!", "sentence2": "Now go and look out of the window and see who's ringing!"} -{"sentence1": "- Nog geen idee.", "sentence2": "No idea yet."} -{"sentence1": "- Dit sal jou nie help nie.", "sentence2": "- Silencing me won't change anything."} -{"sentence1": "Kom ons gaan speel Indiane!", "sentence2": "Great! Till there we are going to play Indian!"} -{"sentence1": "Wat wil jy h\u00ea?", "sentence2": "What do you want?"} -{"sentence1": "Sy het so baie bewonderaars", "sentence2": "She has so many lovers"} -{"sentence1": "Mag ek 'n heildronk instel op ons gasheer en gasvrou?", "sentence2": "May I, in turn, propose a toast to our host and hostess?"} -{"sentence1": "Hulle het soos sterte agter Ouma getou", "sentence2": "They followed Granny everywhere like tails."} -{"sentence1": "Kom op.", "sentence2": "Let's go!"} -{"sentence1": "Terug na Zeeland?", "sentence2": "Back to Zeeland?"} -{"sentence1": "Dis regtig die eerste maal...", "sentence2": "Never happened before..."} -{"sentence1": "Kom dames, Kyk hoe die tamaties verkoop.", "sentence2": "Come on, ladies look how tomatoes go."} -{"sentence1": "Ek gee nie om nie.", "sentence2": "I didn't care."} -{"sentence1": "Om jou totaal toe te wy aan my?", "sentence2": "To have dedicated your life to me since my infancy?"} -{"sentence1": "Ciske, gaan jy in die klas.", "sentence2": "You go into the classroom, Ciske."} -{"sentence1": "Ek wil altyd vir die Gekuisigde vir jou bid!", "sentence2": "\"In the name of Christ crucified, help my child!\""} -{"sentence1": "Wees gerus, Anne.", "sentence2": "I love birds!"} -{"sentence1": "Die wet vervloek die sondaar Die wet verdoem die sondaar", "sentence2": "The law curse the sinner. The law damn the sinner."} -{"sentence1": "Jy kan sy kamer kry, dan ruim ons dit op. Kan dit regtig?", "sentence2": "It's only been a week and I miss Marco so much."} -{"sentence1": "Lotte", "sentence2": "- Lotte."} -{"sentence1": "Mens hoor dat onderwys so moeilik word in Frankryk", "sentence2": "One hears that teaching is so hard in France."} -{"sentence1": "Ek is seker sy sal liewer saam met ons gaan jag, as om haar valletjies te tooi", "sentence2": "I'm sure she'd rather come hunting with us than sit around arranging her flounces."} -{"sentence1": "Hou op om Nelly te speel!", "sentence2": "- Quit playing Nelly!"} -{"sentence1": "Niemand kan jou klop nie.", "sentence2": "Nobody can beat you."} -{"sentence1": "Hy bemin my.. ..bemin my nie.. ..bemin my..", "sentence2": "\"He loves me loves me not loves me... \""} -{"sentence1": "Ja, ek betwyfel dit!", "sentence2": "- Yes, I doubt it"} -{"sentence1": "Dis jammer", "sentence2": "Oh, that sucks."} -{"sentence1": "Terwyl jy weg was, het ek Zo\u00eb leer ken.", "sentence2": "While you were in town, I got to know Zo\u00e9."} -{"sentence1": "Want hulle is dood", "sentence2": "Because they're dead."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het geen vaste werk, dus het ek begin werkies aan te neem.", "sentence2": "I couldn't find anything steady, so I started doing odd jobs."} -{"sentence1": "Haar k\u00earel gee nie om nie, so ...", "sentence2": "Her boyfriend doesn't mind, so..."} -{"sentence1": "Waarom?", "sentence2": "Why?"} -{"sentence1": "Dat sy ons verwag op 17 Augustus, in Ischl-bad en...", "sentence2": "That she's expecting us on August 17th, in Bad Ischl and..."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het grootgeword in Neudorf by Brandenburg.", "sentence2": "That way, at least you went to Stalingrad. And Siberia."} -{"sentence1": "Goeie nag", "sentence2": "Good night."} -{"sentence1": "- Ja, en nou kom ons by die werk - Goed!", "sentence2": "- Yes, and now let's get to work."} -{"sentence1": "Ja, wel, maar ek sien niemand nie", "sentence2": "Yes, well... But I don't see anybody."} -{"sentence1": "Ek vra om verskoning dat ek dit gevra het, dit was onsensitief", "sentence2": "And the festive dresses, Charlotte's festive dresses... - Schwenke, are you sure? - Yes, Madame, I'm sure."} -{"sentence1": "Jy verstaan nooit enigiets nie.", "sentence2": "You never understand anything."} -{"sentence1": "Het jy geweet dat Marshall Ney geskiet is?", "sentence2": "You did know that Marshall Ney was shot?"} -{"sentence1": "Kom nou!", "sentence2": "Come on."} -{"sentence1": "- Hoeveel weeg sy?", "sentence2": "- How much does she weigh?"} -{"sentence1": "Jy sal net een kry", "sentence2": "You'll only get one."} -{"sentence1": "- Iets verkeerd met die baba?", "sentence2": "- Anything wrong with the child?"} -{"sentence1": "- Tomas werk nou saam met binnelandse veiligheid.", "sentence2": "Tomas was working closely with Homeland."} -{"sentence1": "Wel, ek sit net by die huis op my flat, laer kan ek nie.", "sentence2": "Well, I was just hanging out in my apartment. I can't lay a lot lower than that."} -{"sentence1": "Tussen hakies, Mathieu", "sentence2": "By the way, Mathieu"} -{"sentence1": "Domheid besorg jou baie moeilikhed.", "sentence2": "What is worrying is your stupidity, Comrade Kaiser."} -{"sentence1": "Maak nie saak hoe onbekend die woud is nie", "sentence2": "No matter how unfamiliar the woods are."} -{"sentence1": "Jy was daar binne En Madame, Jy gaan daar binne wees", "sentence2": "You have done what was forbidden."} -{"sentence1": "Sy het alles wat sy nodig het", "sentence2": "She has all she could want."} -{"sentence1": "Welkom by die Planet.", "sentence2": "Welcome to the Planet."} -{"sentence1": "Stephanie is oulik, maar sy's moeilikheid.", "sentence2": "True, Stephanie is young, but she's trouble."} -{"sentence1": "Doen u plig, Dr Morange.", "sentence2": "Do your duty, Dr Morange."} -{"sentence1": "Nie een van ons kan help as my man 'n beampte 'n idioot noem nie. Ja, en hom opneuk ook!", "sentence2": "Can I help it if he gets five days for calling an official an idiot?"} -{"sentence1": "Ag, ek mag nie na haar gaan nie en tante verlang so na my!", "sentence2": "Alas, I may not go and see you"} -{"sentence1": "Maar jy word genooi vir ete volgende Sondag, want dan, as ek die tekens reg lees, sal jy 'n sekere man ontmoet, \"wat jou tot nou toe vermy het\"", "sentence2": "But you're invited to come next Sunday, because then, if I read all the signs correctly, you will meet a certain man who has been avoiding you until now.\""} -{"sentence1": "Ek weet nie.", "sentence2": "I don't know."} -{"sentence1": "- Versigtig", "sentence2": "Be careful."} -{"sentence1": "Sy mag met vegvliegtuie vlieg en hy nie. - Laat NORAD/NORTHCOM die skip waarsku.", "sentence2": "She gets to fly attack fighters, and he doesn't."} -{"sentence1": "Op 4 Junie 1989, het die kommunisme in Poland geval", "sentence2": "On June 4th,1989, communism fell in Poland."} -{"sentence1": "Hoeveel?", "sentence2": "How much?"} -{"sentence1": "Harder", "sentence2": "Louder"} -{"sentence1": "Beter", "sentence2": "Better."} -{"sentence1": "Omdat jy niks vir my omgee gedurende die dag nie", "sentence2": "Because you don't care about me during the day."} -{"sentence1": "- Gelukkig nie Ek wou jou maar net herinner dat jy weldra geheel myne sal wees", "sentence2": "I simply wish to remind you that soon you will be mine."} -{"sentence1": "Hou so aan!", "sentence2": "Keep going."} -{"sentence1": "Verskoon my, Mnr Tomczyk?", "sentence2": "Excuse me, Mr. Tomczyk?"} -{"sentence1": "Hy het my na sy prokureur gevat, 'n Pruis, soos hy", "sentence2": "He took me to his lawyer, a Prussian, like him."} -{"sentence1": "- En ek 'n tannie!", "sentence2": "- And me an aunt!"} -{"sentence1": "Jy weet ons het haar gehelp, ons kon nie daarmee voortgaan nie.", "sentence2": "You know, we supported her as we could, but could not continue keeping her."} -{"sentence1": "Ag los dit.", "sentence2": "To hell with it."} -{"sentence1": "Ek het nooit afgewyk van my re\u00ebl nie", "sentence2": "I have never, ever, deviated from this rule."} -{"sentence1": "Wat ek sonder jou sou doen nie", "sentence2": "What I would do without you."} -{"sentence1": "As u aandring, sal ek.", "sentence2": "If you insist, I don't mind."} -{"sentence1": "Pasop!", "sentence2": "Watch out."} -{"sentence1": "Nee, trek daardie aan, en dan kom jy op boontoe", "sentence2": "Now put those on, and when you're ready, come upstairs."} -{"sentence1": "Marianne", "sentence2": "Marianne."} -{"sentence1": "- Almal.", "sentence2": "- Everyone."}