{"sentence1": "Hy sit in die bus.", "sentence2": "he was in the bus."} {"sentence1": "Sukses, Guardian.", "sentence2": "God speed, Guardian."} {"sentence1": "Dit is vir almal 'n groot las.", "sentence2": "It'd be a huge burden for anyone to bare,"} {"sentence1": "Versigtig, hulle is swaar.", "sentence2": "Careful with those, they are heavy."} {"sentence1": "Jy durf ons nie dood te maak.", "sentence2": "You won't kill us yourself!"} {"sentence1": "As ek 'm nie dichtschroei...", "sentence2": "Now if I don't cauterize this bleed..."} {"sentence1": "Swem daar naartoe, geliefde.", "sentence2": "Then swim towards it, honey."} {"sentence1": "Net, konsentreer op my stem.", "sentence2": "Just um... focus on my voice."} {"sentence1": "Wat gebeur?", "sentence2": "What's happening?"} {"sentence1": "Ons versamel van alles.", "sentence2": "We salvaged what we could,"} {"sentence1": "Jou pa is eervol heen oorlede, Kal.", "sentence2": "Your father acquitted himself with honor, Kal."} {"sentence1": "Welkom by die Planet.", "sentence2": "Welcome to the Planet."} {"sentence1": "Hierdie raad is hierby ontbind.", "sentence2": "This Council has been disbanded."} {"sentence1": "Hou jou vas.", "sentence2": "Break for impact!"} {"sentence1": "My naam is generaal Zod.", "sentence2": "My name is General Zod."} {"sentence1": "Ek is hier.", "sentence2": "- I'm here!"} {"sentence1": "Ek publiseer geen verhaal oor vreemdelinge op aarde.", "sentence2": "I'm not running a story about aliens walking among us."} {"sentence1": "Wat gaan jy doen as daar niks te red van die val?", "sentence2": "What are you going to do, when you're not saving the world?"} {"sentence1": "Jy is net soveel 'n kind van die aarde as van Krypton.", "sentence2": "You are as much a child of earth now as you are of Krypton. You can embody the best of both worlds."} {"sentence1": "Maar ons doen wel ons bes.", "sentence2": "but we've been doing the best we can"} {"sentence1": "Jy is vroeg.", "sentence2": "You're early."} {"sentence1": "Hulle het tot nou toe nie gereageer.", "sentence2": "Well, they haven't responded as of yet. I'm just speculating,"} {"sentence1": "- Nee, en ek sou 't ook nie s\u00ea nie.", "sentence2": "And even if I did, I wouldn't say. The entire world is being threatened here."} {"sentence1": "Hier kustwacht 6510.", "sentence2": "This is Coast Guard 6-5-10."} {"sentence1": "Of jy vir die mensdom staat of nie.", "sentence2": "A choice of whether to stand proud in front of the human race or not."} {"sentence1": "Soms moet jy eers iemand glo.", "sentence2": "Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first,"} {"sentence1": "Sukses, seun.", "sentence2": "Good luck, kid."} {"sentence1": "Maak jouself goed vas.", "sentence2": "Secure yourself inside the under pod."} {"sentence1": "Waarom dink jy dat hulle hier is?", "sentence2": "What makes you think she's here?"} {"sentence1": "Zods skip werk dieselfde.", "sentence2": "Zod's ship uses the same technology"} {"sentence1": "Thunder 11, treffers.", "sentence2": "Thunder one-one, good hit."} {"sentence1": "Gaan 't?", "sentence2": "You okay?"} {"sentence1": "Die geheimsinnige man moet weet dat ek 't weet.", "sentence2": "Because I want my mystery man to know I know the truth."} {"sentence1": "Ek sal op u moet vertroue.", "sentence2": "Guess I'll just have to trust you."} {"sentence1": "En ons moet hulle daarmee bombardeer?", "sentence2": "So, you...you want us bomb them with that?"} {"sentence1": "Kyk jy na die nonsens?", "sentence2": "Hello? Are you watching this crap?"} {"sentence1": "Dit is maar dinge, Clark.", "sentence2": "It's only stuff, Clark."} {"sentence1": "Die sleutel het jou gesag herroep.", "sentence2": "The command key I've entered is revoking your authority."} {"sentence1": "Lara, luister na me.", "sentence2": "Lara, listen to me!"} {"sentence1": "Stil.", "sentence2": "Quiet!"} {"sentence1": "As hy ons regtig geen kwaad wil doen, dan gee hy hom oor en aanvaar die gevolge.", "sentence2": "If he truly means us no harm, then he'll turn himself into his people and face the consequences."} {"sentence1": "Ek is hier al 33 jaar.", "sentence2": "I've been here for thirty-three years,doctor,"} {"sentence1": "Ons het 'n plan, generaal.", "sentence2": "We have a plan, General."} {"sentence1": "'N edele dood, is 'n beloning op hom.", "sentence2": "A good death is its own reward."} {"sentence1": "Help me ons ras te red.", "sentence2": "help me save our race."} {"sentence1": "Dit is goed, Martha.", "sentence2": "That's alight, Martha."} {"sentence1": "Ons hoop en drome is met jou.", "sentence2": "Our hopes and dreams travel with you."} {"sentence1": "Dan verdwijn ek weer.", "sentence2": "Well then I'll just disappear again."} {"sentence1": "- Hy nader met Mach 24 en versnel.", "sentence2": "Approaching mark twenty-four and accelerating."} {"sentence1": "Kom ons open kaart speel, generaal.", "sentence2": "Lets put our cards on the table, General."} {"sentence1": "Ek sal hom vind.", "sentence2": "I will find him!"} {"sentence1": "Rekursiewe diagnose voltooi.", "sentence2": "Recursive diagnostics complete."} {"sentence1": "My seun is twee keer so sterk soos jy.", "sentence2": "My son is twice the man you were,"} {"sentence1": "Die Amerikaners is daar ook.", "sentence2": "The Americans are there too."} {"sentence1": "Ek wil nie dat ons vyande word.", "sentence2": "The last thing I want is for us to be enemies."} {"sentence1": "Anders beleef hierdie w\u00eareld die gevolge.", "sentence2": "or watch this world suffer the consequences."} {"sentence1": "Waar dan wel aan?", "sentence2": "Then what can you be a part of?"} {"sentence1": "Waar ek kyk na, doc?", "sentence2": "What am I looking at, doc."} {"sentence1": "Hulle sal jou volg.", "sentence2": "They will race behind you, they will stumble,"} {"sentence1": "Hy het 'n rede om jou hierheen te stuur.", "sentence2": "And he sent you here for a reason, Clark."} {"sentence1": "Dit is nie belangrik nie, want ek het die Codex gevind.", "sentence2": "It is of little consequence, because I have located the codex."} {"sentence1": "Kal-El.", "sentence2": "Kal-El, it is."} {"sentence1": "Is alles veilig?", "sentence2": "Do we have an all clear?"} {"sentence1": "Na die viaduct.", "sentence2": "Go for the overpass!"} {"sentence1": "Daar staan 'n emmer in die hoek.", "sentence2": "There's a bucket in the corner."} {"sentence1": "Die atmosferiese samestelling hier is nie geskik vir mense.", "sentence2": "The atmosphere composition in our ship is not compatible with humans. You will need to wear a breather beyond this point."} {"sentence1": "Kyk tog eens.", "sentence2": "Well look at you!"} {"sentence1": "Met daarin die oortuiging dat elke individu in potensiaal goed is.", "sentence2": "fundamental belief in the potential of every person to be a force for good."} {"sentence1": "Generaal Zod, weens die pleeg van moord en hoogverraad veroordeel die raad u en jou medeopstandelingen", "sentence2": "General Zod, for the crimes of murder and high treason, the Council has sentenced you and your fellow insurgents"} {"sentence1": "- Die uitheemse, sir.", "sentence2": "Superman? The alien, sir."} {"sentence1": "Hallo, Kal.", "sentence2": "Hello, Kal."} {"sentence1": "En jy leer 't weer aan Kal.", "sentence2": "And in return you can teach Kal."} {"sentence1": "Sukses, sir.", "sentence2": "Good luck, sir."} {"sentence1": "Jy het 'm gedood.", "sentence2": "You killed him?"} {"sentence1": "Ek dink dat jy 't 'n bietjie aanblaas.", "sentence2": "Well, I think you're blowing it a little out of the proportion."} {"sentence1": "Hulle praat oor verraad.", "sentence2": "They're throwing around words like treason."} {"sentence1": "- Nou hy daar is...", "sentence2": "- Lara..."} {"sentence1": "Dit spyt my.", "sentence2": "I'm sorry."} {"sentence1": "Dat weet ek nie.", "sentence2": "I don't know, General."} {"sentence1": "Ek gaan die Codex oplaai.", "sentence2": "I'll upload the codex."} {"sentence1": "Hier, in hierdie omgewing, is jy so swak soos 'n mens.", "sentence2": "Here, in this environment, you're as weak as a human."} {"sentence1": "Ons gaan 't doen.", "sentence2": "We're lining up for the final run."} {"sentence1": "Maar daar, tussen die sterre, kan hy lewe.", "sentence2": "Out there, amongst the stars, he will live."} {"sentence1": "My ouers het my geleer my sintuie te lei.", "sentence2": "My parents taught me to hone my senses, Zod."} {"sentence1": "Hou jou vas.", "sentence2": "Break for impact!"} {"sentence1": "Het jy jou laat boeie?", "sentence2": "You let them handcuff you?"} {"sentence1": "Lombard, Lane, hier is die nuwe.", "sentence2": "Lombard, Lane, I want you to meet our new stringer."} {"sentence1": "En as jy so aanhou word jy die leier van niks.", "sentence2": "And if your forces prevail, you'll be the leader of nothing! Then join me,"} {"sentence1": "En ek gee jou geen ongelyk.", "sentence2": "And I don't blame you, son."} {"sentence1": "Die Codex is nie hier nie.", "sentence2": "The codex is not here."} {"sentence1": "tot 300 siklusse somatiese vernuwing.", "sentence2": "to three hundred cycles of somatic reconditioning."} {"sentence1": "Hoe weet ons of jy jou nooit teen Amerika sal keer?", "sentence2": "How do we know you won't one day act against America's interests?"} {"sentence1": "Ons het 'n nuwe Krypton kan bou, in hierdie ellende.", "sentence2": "We could have built a new Krypton in this squalor, but you chose the humans over us."} {"sentence1": "Lady Lara, moet jy geen skuiling soek?", "sentence2": "Lady Lara, shouldn't you find refuge?"} {"sentence1": "Hoe kon hy hom so lank verborge hou?", "sentence2": "How could he remain hidden from us for so long?"} {"sentence1": "Ek het grootgeword in Kansas.", "sentence2": "I grew up in Kansas, General."} {"sentence1": "- Ek gaan die genesis-kamer beveiliging en 'n ou vriend die eer bewys.", "sentence2": "Yes, sir. I need to secure the Genesis Chamber and pay my respects to an old friend."} {"sentence1": "Ek het waargeneem dat die wesens in ons nabyheid is.", "sentence2": "I have previously encountered and observed the beings we are about to engage in close proximity."} {"sentence1": "Die Krypton dat jy bedoel, is dood.", "sentence2": "The Krypton you're clinging on to is gone!"} {"sentence1": "Hoe ver is dit?", "sentence2": "How far to the station?"} {"sentence1": "Ek het gereis deur 'n oseaan van sterre om by julle te kom.", "sentence2": "I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach you."} {"sentence1": "- Jed Eubanks, Arctic Cargo.", "sentence2": "Jed Eubanks, Arctic cargo."} {"sentence1": "Dr. Emil Hamilton, van DARPA.", "sentence2": "Dr. Emil Hamilton from DARPA"} {"sentence1": "Kom nou, Kent.", "sentence2": "Come on, Kent."} {"sentence1": "Daarin is hy gekom.", "sentence2": "It's the ship he arrived in."} {"sentence1": "Miss Lane?", "sentence2": "Miss Lane,"} {"sentence1": "Northcom, hier Guardian.", "sentence2": "Northcom, this is Guardian, we're passing through phase line and we're good to go."} {"sentence1": "Veel verskil gemaak het nie.", "sentence2": "Didn't make much difference in the end."} {"sentence1": "Generaal, dat vaartuig weeg 7500 kilo, dit kan met 'n C-17.", "sentence2": "General, if that craft maxes out seventeen thousand pounds, we can drop it from a C-17."} {"sentence1": "En nou het ek geen volk.", "sentence2": "And now I have no people."} {"sentence1": "Die elektronika draai dol.", "sentence2": "Avionics are going haywire. The gravity field is pulling"} {"sentence1": "Kan jy jou voorstel hoe die mense sou reageer, as hulle geweet het dat daar so iemand onder hulle was.", "sentence2": "Can you imagine how people on this planet would react, if they knew there was someone like this out there?"} {"sentence1": "Maar iewers in die heelal, het jy nog 'n vader, wat jou 'n ander naam gegee het.", "sentence2": "But somewhere out there you... you have another father too who gave you another name."} {"sentence1": "Perry, kom nou.", "sentence2": "Perry, come on, it's me we're talking about."} {"sentence1": "Die mense wat jy het aangeneem, ek ontneem jy hulle almal.", "sentence2": "These humans you adopted. I will take them all from you, one by one. You are a monster, Zod."} {"sentence1": "Namens generaal Zod groet ek jou.", "sentence2": "On behalf of General Zod, I extend you his greetings."} {"sentence1": "Jy het 'n inwendige bloeding.", "sentence2": "You're hemorrhaging internally."} {"sentence1": "Deurloop.", "sentence2": "Everybody, come on!"} {"sentence1": "As dat ding van die aarde Krypton maak, word jy dan nie swakker?", "sentence2": "If that thing is making earth more like Krypton, won't you be weaker around it?"} {"sentence1": "Ek kan dit nie.", "sentence2": "I can't do it."} {"sentence1": "En dat,as die dag kom, jou skouers sterk genoeg was om die las te dra.", "sentence2": "And that when the day came, Your shoulders would be able to bare the weight."} {"sentence1": "Hulle moet haar ondervra.", "sentence2": "and I think that she's the one that we should be questioning. Hold on. You're saying, Lois Lane,"} {"sentence1": "Jy hanteerde die swaard teen jou eie volk.", "sentence2": "You've taken up the sword against your own people."} {"sentence1": "Want die man, goed of sleg...", "sentence2": "good character or bad, he's..."} {"sentence1": "Ons is nou die slaaf van die wereldmotor.", "sentence2": "We are now slave to the world engine."} {"sentence1": "Ons sien dit dadelik toe ons jou gevind het.", "sentence2": "we saw that the moment we laid eyes on you."} {"sentence1": "Hulle het dieselfde met my gedoen.", "sentence2": "They did the same thing to me."} {"sentence1": "My siel.", "sentence2": "My soul,"} {"sentence1": "Die kans is klein... dat ons mekaar nog terugzien.", "sentence2": "It's highly unlikely we'll be seeing each other again."} {"sentence1": "Aircom vlieg daar al 'n hele week.", "sentence2": "Aircon's been making runs out there all week."} {"sentence1": "Jy sou 't nie publiseer en wat doen jy?", "sentence2": "I told you not to run with this, and what do you do?"} {"sentence1": "Dat kan nie.", "sentence2": "You know they can't."} {"sentence1": "- Onder die sentrale hub.", "sentence2": "Can you see the codex? It's just beneath the central hub, sir."} {"sentence1": "'n Deel na die ooste en 'n deel na die suide.", "sentence2": "Track one is heading East, track two is deploying towards the Southern Hemisphere."} {"sentence1": "Te fokus, op slegs dit wat ek wil sien.", "sentence2": "To focus on just what I wanted to see. Without your helmet you're getting everything."} {"sentence1": "Sorry.", "sentence2": "Sorry."} {"sentence1": "Wag even.", "sentence2": "Hold on."} {"sentence1": "Hy het dit gesien, Clark.", "sentence2": "He saw it, Clark, believe me."} {"sentence1": "Waarom is julle nie saamgekom?", "sentence2": "Why didn't you come with me?"} {"sentence1": "Nee, wag.", "sentence2": "No, wait."} {"sentence1": "Hy het geglo dat jy 'n groter doel gehad het.", "sentence2": "He always believed you were meant for greater things."} {"sentence1": "Jou ma Lara en ek, was die produk van ons mislukking.", "sentence2": "Your mother Lara and I were a product of the failures of our world as much as Zod was. We were tied to its fate."} {"sentence1": "Hoe hard gaan hy?", "sentence2": "How fast is that bogey moving?"} {"sentence1": "En so is die instrument van ons ondergang, ons redding.", "sentence2": "And so the instrument of our damnation became our salvation."} {"sentence1": "Op wie se gesag?", "sentence2": "On whose authority?"} {"sentence1": "Ons het geweet dat eens die hele w\u00eareld dat sou sien.", "sentence2": "We knew that one day, the whole world would see that."} {"sentence1": "Al neem dit jou hele lewe, jy moet kom om te weet wat die rede is.", "sentence2": "And even if it take you the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is."} {"sentence1": "Dat is slegs so as jy 'n mens kus.", "sentence2": "that only counts if you're kissing a human."} {"sentence1": "Is jy nie goed snik?", "sentence2": "Are you F-ing stupid?"} {"sentence1": "Ek gaan nie weg, mam.", "sentence2": "I'm not going anywhere, mom."} {"sentence1": "Is hulle weg?", "sentence2": "Are they gone?"} {"sentence1": "Ek is Lois Lane van die Daily Planet.", "sentence2": "I'm Lois Lane."} {"sentence1": "Terravorming.", "sentence2": "They're terraforming."} {"sentence1": "Ek moet weg.", "sentence2": "I gotta go."} {"sentence1": "Pas op vir eie toestellen.", "sentence2": "Copy, danger close."} {"sentence1": "Daar.", "sentence2": "There."} {"sentence1": "Nee, maar die generaal Zod, ook al gee ek my oor, daar is geen waarborg dat hy sy woord hou.", "sentence2": "there's no guarantee he'll keep his word. But, if there's a chance I can save earth by turning myself in,"} {"sentence1": "Veg terug.", "sentence2": "Come on, fight back!"} {"sentence1": "Daar is geen skuiling, Kelor.", "sentence2": "There is no refuge, Kelor."} {"sentence1": "Julle is nie alleen nie.", "sentence2": "You are not alone."} {"sentence1": "Volgens die regering, vorm hulle geen bedreiging.", "sentence2": "According to government officials I've spoken to, the visitors do not represent a threat,"} {"sentence1": "Thunder 11, schietstoel.", "sentence2": "Thunder one-one, eject!"} {"sentence1": "Hy is 't nie die moeite werd.", "sentence2": "It's not worth, sweetie."} {"sentence1": "- Nee, nee.", "sentence2": "No."} {"sentence1": "Hulle laat die aardmassa groei... en verduister die atmosfeer met deeltjies.", "sentence2": "Somehow they're increasing the earth's mass, clouding the atmosphere with particulates."} {"sentence1": "Maar nie jy nie.", "sentence2": "But you can't be."} {"sentence1": "Jy is hier om 'n rede.", "sentence2": "that you were sent here for a reason."} {"sentence1": "Nooit ons name hoor s\u00ea.", "sentence2": "never hear him say our names."} {"sentence1": "Ek is daarmee na 'n metaalkundige gegaan...", "sentence2": "I took it to a Metallurgist in Kansas state. He said, whatever it was made from didn't even..."} {"sentence1": ", kustwacht.", "sentence2": "Roger, Coast Guard."} {"sentence1": "Die ander sal verhoor en gestraf word.", "sentence2": "The rest of you will be tried and punished accordingly."} {"sentence1": "Nie as jy hulle hoop bied.", "sentence2": "Not if you give them hope."} {"sentence1": "Rustig.", "sentence2": "It's alright."} {"sentence1": "Weg daar.", "sentence2": "Move now!"} {"sentence1": "Daarheen.", "sentence2": "Go, there, go!"} {"sentence1": "Wat het jy met my gedoen?", "sentence2": "What have you done to me?"} {"sentence1": "Wat as ' n kind iets anders wil word dan wat die samelewing verlang?", "sentence2": "What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society had intended for him or her?"} {"sentence1": "Ons het gedink dat die regering wel sou kom, maar, daar is niemand gekom.", "sentence2": "We were sure the government was gonna show up at our doorstep, but no one ever came."} {"sentence1": "Danksy jou word ek opgelaai in die mainframe.", "sentence2": "Thanks to you, I'm uploading into the ship's mainframe."} {"sentence1": "Ja, wat werk by die IHOP.", "sentence2": "Yeah."} {"sentence1": "Dit is my naam.", "sentence2": "That's my name?"} {"sentence1": "Toe jy nog 'n baba was, lag ek altyd langs jou wieg, te luister na jou asemhaling.", "sentence2": "When you were a baby I used to lay by your crib at night, listening to you breath. It was hard for you,"} {"sentence1": "Kyk bietjie.", "sentence2": "Look at this."} {"sentence1": "Ons het buiteposte op ander planete en verander die habitat.", "sentence2": "We built outposts on other planets, using great machines to reshape environments to our needs."} {"sentence1": "wat hy het agter gelaat.", "sentence2": "that have sprung up in his wake. All of the friends of the friend who claim to have seen him."} {"sentence1": "Dit is nou aan jou en Hamilton.", "sentence2": "It's up to you and Hamilton now."} {"sentence1": "Ons geloof, ons idee... van wat mense is.", "sentence2": "Our beliefs, our notions of what it means to be human, everything. You saw how Pete's mom reacted, right?"} {"sentence1": "Goed, jy het ons aandag.", "sentence2": "Alright, you've got our attention. What is it you want?"} {"sentence1": "Hy vertoon 'n tydelike swakheid.", "sentence2": "He exposed a temporary weakness."} {"sentence1": "Jawel, sir.", "sentence2": "Yes, sir."} {"sentence1": "Ek het my lewe lank opgelei om my sintuie te bemeester.", "sentence2": "Trained my entire life to master my senses. Where did you train? On a farm!"} {"sentence1": "- Dit is groot nuus.", "sentence2": "What's going on? It's all over the news. You've gotta see this."} {"sentence1": "So ek is alleen.", "sentence2": "So I'm alone."} {"sentence1": "Dit is 'n genesis-kamer.", "sentence2": "This is a Genesis Chamber."} {"sentence1": "En my redder?", "sentence2": "As for my rescuer, he disappeared during the object's departure."} {"sentence1": "Vry om sy eie lot te kies.", "sentence2": "free to forge his own destiny."} {"sentence1": "Die vrae wat my redder oproept is skrikwekkend.", "sentence2": "to contemplate, but I also know what I saw."} {"sentence1": "So het hulle jou genoem... h\u00e8?", "sentence2": "That's the name they gave you, isn't it?"} {"sentence1": "Dusty.", "sentence2": "Jess!"} {"sentence1": "Ek is jou vader, Kal.", "sentence2": "I am your father, Kal."} {"sentence1": "Hulle kyk in my gees...", "sentence2": "- They looked inside my mind..."} {"sentence1": "Nog iets verder.", "sentence2": "Maybe a little bit more."} {"sentence1": "Dit is groter as wat hulle toe gehad het.", "sentence2": "considerably larger than anything we know they built back then. But here's the spooky part."} {"sentence1": "Ons kon die Phantom-projektor herpas tot 'n hyperdrive.", "sentence2": "We managed to retro fit the phantom projector into our hyper drive."} {"sentence1": "En as die geskiedenis 'n ding het bewys...", "sentence2": "And if history has proven anything..."} {"sentence1": "Dit het n\u00earens gelei.", "sentence2": "They didn't pan out, the story is smoke."} {"sentence1": "- Ja, pak 'n wapen.", "sentence2": "Yes."} {"sentence1": "Weet jy ook, waarom hulle jou wil h\u00ea?", "sentence2": "Do you know why they want you? No. But this General Zod, even if I surrender,"} {"sentence1": "Het hulle jou pyn gedoen?", "sentence2": "Did they hurt you?"} {"sentence1": "Nou ons mekaar pik het gemeet, wil ek sien wat julle ontdek het.", "sentence2": "So, if we're done measuring dicks, can you have your people show me what you found?"} {"sentence1": "Weg by die venster.", "sentence2": "Get away from the window."} {"sentence1": "Jy het jou aangepas aan die ekologie van die aarde, nie aan die van ons.", "sentence2": "You've spent a lifetime adapting to earth's ecology but you never adapted to ours."} {"sentence1": "Ek weet dat jy die Codex het gesteel.", "sentence2": "I know you stole the codex, Jor-El."} {"sentence1": "Ek, voel me raar.", "sentence2": "I...feel strange."} {"sentence1": "Waar hulle nie opkyk as ek na iets gevaarlik ga en vrae gaan stel.", "sentence2": "Where people won't look twice when I wanna go somewhere dangerous, or start asking questions."} {"sentence1": "Jy bly my die les lees, h\u00e8?", "sentence2": "Haven't given up lecturing me,"} {"sentence1": "Dit verkenner skip was een van die duisende.", "sentence2": "This scout ship was one of thousands launched into the void."} {"sentence1": "Ek gee my oor, maar slegs as jy haar vryheid waarborg.", "sentence2": "I'll surrender, but only if you'll guarantee Lois's freedom."} {"sentence1": "Nie om een van ons.", "sentence2": "you didn't say anything about one of our own. Shall I tell the General you're unwilling to comply?"} {"sentence1": "Hulle is buitengewoon gevaarlik en ons mag skiet om te dood.", "sentence2": "They are extremely dangerous and we have been authorize to use deadly force."} {"sentence1": "Maar ons het daar slegs dood gevind.", "sentence2": "But all we found was death."} {"sentence1": "Hy het ons gered.", "sentence2": "He saved us."} {"sentence1": "As hulle 't nie wil nie, dan moet 't maar dreineer.", "sentence2": "My editor won't print it, but if it happened to leak online..."} {"sentence1": "Wat s\u00ea jou gevoel?", "sentence2": "What does your gut tell you?"} {"sentence1": "Maar jou artikels toe u by die 1ste Divisie was...", "sentence2": "But those pieces you wrote when you were embedded with the First Division were..."} {"sentence1": "Dit is 'n vliegtuig van 12 miljoen.", "sentence2": "That's a twelve million dollar piece of hardware! It was."} {"sentence1": "Of jy sterf of ek.", "sentence2": "Either you die, or I do!"} {"sentence1": "Copilot, neem oor.", "sentence2": "Co-pilot's aircraft."} {"sentence1": "Maar wat as die skip daar nie geraak?", "sentence2": "What if the ship doesn't make it?"} {"sentence1": "Nooit.", "sentence2": "Never gonna happen."} {"sentence1": "En wat as ek dit nie wil?", "sentence2": "What if I don't want my story told? It's going to come out eventually."} {"sentence1": "Stoot.", "sentence2": "It's getting closer!"} {"sentence1": "Swak.", "sentence2": "Weak."} {"sentence1": "Julle is stommelingen, stuk vir stuk.", "sentence2": "you're a pack of fools!"} {"sentence1": "Nie gaan dwaal.", "sentence2": "try not wander."} {"sentence1": "Ja.", "sentence2": "Yeah."} {"sentence1": "As Krypton sal herleef, wat gebeur dan met die aarde?", "sentence2": "If Krypton lives again, what happens to earth?"} {"sentence1": "As jy so terugwerkt, ontdek jy 'n patroon.", "sentence2": "As you work your way back in time, the stories begin to form a pattern."} {"sentence1": "Ons kry net 'n noodsein van 'n olie platform.", "sentence2": "we just got a distress call from a rig due west of us."} {"sentence1": "Hier Lightning 1, mag ek die honde loslaat?", "sentence2": "North Com, Lightning 1. Request permission to unleash the hounds. Northcom, Lightning 1,"} {"sentence1": "'n Skoolbus wat die rivier in gery.", "sentence2": "a school bus that went in to the river?"} {"sentence1": "Ek gee my oor aan die mensdom.", "sentence2": "I'm surrendering to mankind, there's a difference."} {"sentence1": "Die Codex is Kryptons toekoms.", "sentence2": "The codex is Krypton's future! Abort the launch!"} {"sentence1": "Anders moet ek jou vra weg te gaan.", "sentence2": "Or...gonna have to ask you to leave."} {"sentence1": "Die ijsplateau versteur die eggo's, maar daar is wel deeglik iets.", "sentence2": "the ice shelf plays hell on the echo soundings, but there's definitely something down there."} {"sentence1": "- Ek wil hom nog even sien.", "sentence2": "Lara... Just let me look at him."} {"sentence1": "Weet jy wie Kansas koloniseerde?", "sentence2": "I asked you to tell me who first settled in Kansas?"} {"sentence1": "Op Krypton is die genetiese kode van elke ongebore baba vasgel\u00ea in die burgerregister.", "sentence2": "On Krypton, the genetic template of every being yet to be born is encoded in the registry of citizens. Your father stole the registry's codex"} {"sentence1": "Ek het dit skip ontwerp.", "sentence2": "I designed this ship,"} {"sentence1": "En jy voel die pyn, tog?", "sentence2": "And it hurts, doesn't it?"} {"sentence1": "Ek is van die Daily Planet en ek wil 't oor jou seun h\u00ea.", "sentence2": "I'm from the Daily Planet and I'd like to talk to you about your son."} {"sentence1": "'n Planeet met 'n barre leefw\u00eareld.", "sentence2": "A world with a much harsher environment than earth's."} {"sentence1": "Danksy die vernietiging van ons w\u00eareld, was ons bevry.", "sentence2": "And then the destruction of our world freed us."} {"sentence1": "Die probleem is, dat ek nie weet of die mense wat wel is.", "sentence2": "The problem is, I'm not sure the people of earth can be either."} {"sentence1": "Ek was wel onder die indruk.", "sentence2": "well, they were pretty impressive."} {"sentence1": "As hulle teen mekaar bots...", "sentence2": "and if we can make the two drives collide with one other..."}