--- language: - en license: mit tags: - natural-language-understanding size_categories: - n<1K task_categories: - summarization --- # Dataset Card for wbfns 2018 42 publicly-available document texts downloaded from the World Bank Documents and Report API. ## Dataset Details ### Dataset Description 42 World Bank document texts, related to Nutrition and food security, published in 2018. All documents are publicly available from the World Bank Project API, here: https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/api - **License:** mit ## Uses Intended to be used in very short text summarisation task. ### Out-of-Scope Use Not intended to be used for any other purposes. ## Dataset Structure "id" = World Bank document ID number. "admreg" = Administrative region. "count" = The country or countries covered by the document. "docty" = The type of document, such as 'Project Paper' or 'Working Paper'. "theme" = Comma-separated list of themes which the document pertains to. "docdt" = Date on which the document was published. "majdocty" = Document type according to main usage e.g. 'Project Documents'. "pdfurl" = Public URL from which the PDF version of the document can be accessed. "txturl" = Public URL from which the TXT version of the document can be accessed. "url_friendly_title" = Public parent URL at which the document is hosted. "projectid" = World Bank Project ID. "url" = Alternate parent URL at the document is hosted. "doc-text" = Contents of the 'txturl', above. ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale Serves as material for short sample exercise in text summarisation. ## Dataset Card Contact lodea@worldbank.org