This book was wonderful. The vast history in the book was very interesting. I couldn't put it down I had to finish it in one weekend. From reading reviews before I bought the book I thought It would be alot of gross out stuff, but it wasn't. This author really took the time to know what he was talking about. His research was thorough and he also gave credit to anyone who deserved it. This isn't just a book bashing the unhealthfulness of Fast Food, but rather a commentary on what the Fast Food industry is doing to economies and waistlines all over the world.I must admit my parents weren't big on Fast Food to begin with and I never ate that much of it, but now I will not be eating any of it. My husband is a fast food junky, but I am trying my best to steer him away from it. After reading this book, I made it clear that I better never catch him eating a Fast Food burger.Bottom Line: Extermely interesting book. This should be a mandatory book on high school reading lists. Pushing the Limits was a great, emotional read. I really enjoyed everything about it, from the characters to the writing to the story/background. Everything just flowed really well together.I thought both Echo and Noah were great characters. Katie McGarry added depth to both of their back stories so that they rose above the typical stereotypes of bad boy and good girl. These kids were damaged and the story tackled their problems and issues with aplomb.Echo is a good student, but she used to be part of the popular clique. One night the previous year, she was involved in an accident that she can't remember and it left scars on her, both physically and mentally. Because of this, Echo has retreated into herself. Noah seems to be the typical bad boy at first, but then we learn both of his parents were killed and he has been shuffled into some pretty bad foster homes. The one he is currently in isn't bad, but he is still separated from his younger brother and would do anything he can to get them back.Echo and Noah's relationship is very sweet and it was nice to see that they saved each other. Noah helped Echo to realize that she wasn't damaged and was the rock she needed to help her regain her memories. Echo helped Noah to see that he wasn't a loser and could accomplish anything he set his mind to. She also helped him to see that he did have other important things in his life than just his brothers. Though they came from different worlds, Echo and Noah helped each other in ways that no one else could.I really enjoyed Katie McGarry's writing and can't wait to continue on to book 2 in this series. Beth wasn't my favorite character, but I have faith that her book will be just as compelling as Pushing the Limits.Thank you to Netgalley and Harlequin Teen for providing a review copy of this book! Our culture does not appreciate quiet. We tend to equate social power with social prowess. The outspoken people seen are as the leaders in our culture. Susan Cain, however, seeks to dispel this notion that people with a quiet nature cannot be major influencers or leaders. She opens her book Quiet by discussing one of the most influential figures in the civil rights movement. Rosa Parks made an impact in the civil rights movement through her quietness. She chose to take a quiet stand instead of being outspoken. In doing so, she became a symbol of strength in the movement. This is the first of many examples of introverts that Cain offers to show the power of quiet in a world that likes to talk.Quiet is Cain's attempt to prove that, despite America's preference to extroversion, introverts can be extremely successful and influential in our culture. She begins by discussing the "Extroverted Ideal." Since the time that Andrew Carnegie taught us how to win friends and influence people, the ideal personality has be extroverted. In the world of business and leadership, the way to get ahead is to speak up and stand out. Cain visits Harvard Business School to understand how they teach students to succeed in business. It becomes very clear that Harvard teaches their students to speak up or they won't succeed. The issue that Cain finds, however, is that in all their talking, people aren't listening. In this first part of the book, Cain poses the question of whether or not the extroverted ideal is really ideal. What she finds is people being trained to talk the most, whether they are educated or not, in order to get ahead. Businesses promote group brainstorming which tends to favor the outspoken. Cain instead shows that often people who quietly, by themselves, and are allowed to think through the problems are more productive and effective that people working together in groups where people are fighting for attention. While the outspoken standout, they are not always bringing success and are often times talking over those who can give good ideas.The next part of here book looks at the biology and psychology behind introversion. Cain seeks to discover if introversion genetic. This section is much different that the first part of the book, but still interesting. I found this section of the book personally interesting because I read through it going, "Oh, That's why I am like that." Introversion and extroversion seems to be built into our brain functions even from birth. It effects the way we think and process information.The third part of Cain's book compares our culture with Asian cultures to see if the Extroverted ideal is apparent in all cultures. Cain shows that there are major differences between the two cultures. America sees extroversion as ideal, while Asian cultures see introversion as ideal. One of the primary differences is how success is achieved. Introverted cultures tend to succeed through persistence and perseverance, while extroverted cultures succeed but speaking over others and getting your ideas heard. Cain uses this to show the some of the people we see as successful succeeded because of persistence instead of outspokenness.Last, Cain discusses living as an introvert and with introverts. She applies what she's discussed in previous sections to having relationships, working in an extroverted culture, and raising introverted children. This section is a good balance to the rest of the book which is trying to show that extroversion is not the ideal. Cain reminds her readers that sometimes introverts do need to speak up, but should also not lose the good qualities that introversion brings. She also offers very good practical information on how to live in introvert-extrovert relationships and how to raise introvert children.Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking is a great book. Susan Cain does a good job of presenting how our culture favors extroversion and looks down on introverts. It may seem at first that Cain is trying to say that introverts are better than extroverts, but reading through the whole work she does a wonderful job of challenging introverts to grow in certain areas. She also challenges extroverts to consider the benefits that introverts are able bring. As an introvert myself I most appreciated the second and fourth sections of the book. I was very interested to learn about myself and why I am the way I am. The second section does a good job of explaining many the biological factors of introversion and extroversion. The fourth section is very helpful because of the helpful advice for living with extroverts and raising and teaching introverted children.I would recommend this book to just about anyone. If you are an introverted, you will find this book very helpful and encouraging. If you are an extrovert, you can learn why your introverted friends are the way they are and how to best interact with them. I would highly recommend this book to anyone in a business situation, this book can be really helpful in learning how to get the most out of the introverts in your office. I would also recommend it to my friends in the ministry along with Adam S. McHugh's bookIntroverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture. I hope that Cain's book will help people change their understanding of introversion. Introversion is not a weakness. There may be areas where introverts are weak, but there are always areas where introverts tend to be stronger than extroverts.I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. The Help is truly an astounding debut both because it is a great book of the modern times and it is focused on a very sensitive topic. The novel is set in Jackson, Mississippi and is written from the perspective of three women, two of them black maids to rich white families. The novel is depressing to say the least, specially for my generation, one which hasn't experienced this state of affairs during their lifetime. Despite the grim topic, it is the kind of page turner which would put the latest juicy fantasies to shame. The characters could not have been better, the story is based on something which in 1964 would have been nothing short of revolutionary and finally the writing style is smooth like calm waters. I had trouble putting this book down and between the tears, smiles and concentration, I incessantly marvelled at the author, who may spend the rest of her career in the shadow of the masterpiece that is The Help. The over 2,300 reviews to date with an average above four stars are not well-deserved, but an understatement. I'm at 3.5 stars, a very different reaction to this book than most other reviewers. There are some very strong points to the book, but also some weaknesses. On the strong side, the writing is superior and the post-apocalyptic world that Cole creates is imaginative and she builds it well. The book is reminiscent of Swan Song by Robert McCammon, which I highly enjoyed (these strong points maybe led me to set the bar a little higher than I might for other books). On the weak side, having built this great world, she doesn't do enough with it. This is a very slow book in places. We have slavers, "bagmen", cannibals, militia, and others, but they make only a few brief appearances - the book is two-thirds gone before we finally have a first hand encounter with a bagman that we been hearing about for 200 pages. So, in short, the book is long on dialogue and introspection, but a tad short on action, which may appeal to many, but may be less engaging to others. Also, the story centers on Evie and Jackson, but they spend the entire book arguing and fighting to the point where you just want them to shut up already. They have a painful, dysfunctional relationship and it got very tiresome for me by the end. Finally, the ending is . . . well, let's just say it's curious--I'm going to hold off on saying it disappoints until I see book 2. Speaking of which, this is only book 1 and there is certainly a lot of room for book 2 to improve on things. And while I do plan on giving book 2 a read, this trilogy is on a short leash with me. I love to read, & I'll read almost anything, but I am not a fantasy genre reader. On a whim I decided to start this series & it absolutely blew me away how much I loved it. GRRM world is so immense, so detailed, so believable. His dialogue rings true, and with such an expansive cast of characters, sometimes it can be hard to remember them all or they end up sounding alike, but all these characters are easily identifiable as themselves. The beginning of the book basically foreshadows central plot developments, then it delves into a slew of interesting characters. GRRM doesn't shy away from sexual situations or the fact that humans are not always totally good or totally bad. The books are much better than the HBO show, and the tv show's pretty awesome in my opinion! Lol. Be forewarned though, if you start this series, you will probably fall in love with it, so be prepared to be patient waiting on the next books to come out-GRRM is a very slow writer! Two friends of mine kept bugging me, "Read Martin!" but I was skeptical. I'm not a typical fantasy reader. All the swords and sorcery stuff usually bores me. I've tried on numerous occasions to put a dent in Jordan's first book but usually I fall asleep or my mind wanders. Give me King, Gaiman, De Lint, Tolkien, Keyes, Fforde, and Salvatore... any of these guys and I'm a happy man. But I try to stay away from straight D&D; fantasy. "He's not like that," they told me.Then, A Game of Thrones came in to our bookstore with a special price of $3.99. So I bought it. I'm a sucker for a good deal!Now, a few weeks later, I've finished it. And HOLY CRAP! That was GOOD! It was better than good it was GREAT! The characters are rich and fantastic and devious and wonderful and heart-breaking and maddening. This is character-driven fantasy. There are no huge plot points that are not created by the characters' interaction. Whether they are warring, backstabbing, screwing, avenging... everything in this book is driven by an amazing cast of characters. I found myself taking my time but wanting to know what happened next so damn bad my slow reading pace was killing me. Also, there are hints at things in side stories and small glimpses of what to come. And I can't wait! I'm going to take a small break from Martin but I've already bought Clash of Kings and can't wait to leap back in.If you've been hemming and hawing about reading his books, stop, and read them. You will not be let down. WOW, it has taken me so long to actually read this and I am at a lost as to what to write in my review. I was so addicted to this book that I just couldn’t seem to put it down. Daughter of Smoke and Bone is so uniquely different that I am still amazed. Laini Taylor’s creative abilities are awe inspiring; there are no other words for it. FULL STOP! Ms Taylor’s writing style was fantastic, easy reading and intriguing, with romance, what more can one want? But gee, there is so much more to this book….Karou has led an interesting life; she grew up in a little shop that dealt in human teeth. She learnt how to tell all the different teeth apart and what teeth is the best quality. Karou is no typical teenager living in Prague though, but she is trying to be normal and goes to art school. Karou has no memory of her childhood before coming to the little shop of horrors. Brimstone raised her and trained her on teeth. Every now and then Brimstone calls for her to run an errand. She goes collecting teeth from customers that cannot make it into the shop. The shop is running low on teeth and she must hurry, but doesn’t understand why they are so important.Running an errand for Brimstone, she finds a black handprint seared onto the portal door. Not understanding what this is about, Karou just carries on. Then in another location and another portal door she spots Akiva, a beautiful man with fire coloured eyes and another handprint. They are instantly attracted to each other, but they are also enemies.There is a war, Karou knows nothing of this war, but it is happening all around her. With time running out and the war becoming even more dangerous for Karou, she is determined to find the answers that have eluded her all these years. Why is her love for Akiva so forbidden? What is the significance of the black handprints? What is behind the door that she was never allowed to see through? Why are her tattoos so damaging to Akiva?I cannot wait to read Days of Blood and Starlight to find out the next chapter for Akiva and Karou. Their love for each other is unparalleled and I am anxious to see where it goes. The world, creatures and vivid detailing that Ms Taylor has created is amazing to say the least. Her characters have so much potential to evolve and have so many different directions they could take. With betrayal, magic, love, action, intrigue and mystery, what more can you ask for? This series is a must read for everyone and Daughter of Smoke and Bone was a fantastic introduction into this new world. Like many others that have written reviews here I grew up in the South in the 60s. I went to all white schools all my life and graduated from a 100% segregated high school and then went to the University of Texas in Austin that had very few blacks. In fact, UT won the National Championship of college football in 1969 with an all white squad. Impossible to do today. At that time we simply had very little day to day contacts with any blacks. It was not until I was drafted into the Army in 1969 that I had to actually work with blacks and get to know them one to one.This book ran true to my memories of the South. It really made me think and I enjoy books that do that. True, some of the characters are wooden and the men are not treated that well, but all in all it is the south I remember and it is the south that we need to leave behind. I don't want to spoil the book for you because it is such a great, intense read and you really need to discover the story and the characters on your own, so I'm attempting a spoiler free review. There are some quotes from the book and some bad words for all you youngins:The book follows Brooke who goes to an Underground Boxing Ring with her friend and finds herself completely infatuated with Remington "Riptide" Tate (Remy). In her words he's mesmerizingly perfect. :) And trust me, the way he's described in the book, um yeah I would say so.If you love your cocky, alpha male, bad boy, sexy as hell, fighter, then you are definitely going to love Remy.They have an instant connection and an intense first meeting to say the least, in front of everyone that is there to see the fight.Brooke has gone through some things in her past, being a former athlete, now into sports rehab. She is in between jobs and trying to find her place in a life that didn't turn out the way she dreamed.After their first encounter shes contacted by Remy's team and asked to come on the road with him to be his physical therapist. She's hesitant but Remy doesn't really give her time to think about it (hence the Alpha Male reference).You know they feel something for each other but their relationship starts off as just friendl and she works for him, but quickly feelings start to develop and get stronger. They share intimate moments, especially when it comes to sharing music with each other (it plays a big part for Remy, you'll find out why when you read) and Brooke is ready to throw herself at him, but he has some deeper, darker issues he needs to work through.The connection between Brooke and Remy is really just intense. The first half of the book I was like OMFG please just do it already. I was dying. The sexual tension between them is ridiculous. I will tell you there was no actual sex for about the first half of the book, but I was totally hot and bothered anyway. No sex required.And let me just tell you, the discipline that Remy has, freaking crazy! Especially when you discover some of the deeper issues he keeps hidden. I mean holy crap!!!And Brooke, I really loved her, but come on girl, with all the "stretching" and "therapy" she had to do for him, I would have had him flat on his back, clothes ripped of and been all over that! She was the definition of sexually frustrated if you ask me. But that's what happens when eventually all you're getting are insanely erotic kisses from Remy.The more you learn about Remy in the book, you fall deeper in love with him. At times my heart ached for him. The moments he was able to express himself I could just see how much he cared for Brooke and how he struggled with it.I don't want to give too much more away because you really, really need to read the book for yourself. But I absolutely loved it. I loved the authors writing style, how she pulled you in. I got involved with the story, so into it that I read it all in one sitting. It started off with the intense meeting and didn't let up. I really enjoyed it.I will tell you all, there is a HEA. There are some twists and turns along the way, outside sources causing problems, and Brooke also having a bit of an inner battle, and a big ole' case of miscommunication, but it definitely is a good ending.And you also get a tiny sneak of Remy as the Epilogue is from his POV.I definitely recommend!! I WILL be reading more from Katy Evans for sure. My favorite aspect of this book is the fact that the ending had my stomach in knots and gripped with suspense. I was also impressed and intrigued with the amount of historical and technical research regarding British history and cathedral building. Follett's character development is superb. His vivid descriptions and soul-searching situations make you feel intense emotions for these characters. They go through a lot of suffering and you'll suffer right along with them. However, you will rejoice in their triumphs as well. The outcome is richly satisfying. This book really got to me. What a great story line, I was totally surprised where it headed. I will definitely keep my eye out for this author. Her writing style and perspective was great. The book could have been a very small book. If He had not kept repeating himself over and over, I don't like it when authors ramble to just fill pages. He has some good info but I was just not overly impressed This book was definitely an exciting read, but I have to question many of the author's theories. I also felt that the characters were pretty one-dimensional and even unbelievable at times. The plot device of finding each clue and solving it got a little bit tedious at times. However, it was a quick and fun read. I thought this was a great story. Almost like a modern day David Copperfield. It is a long book but I enjoyed being with the characters so much and the writing is just terrific that I enjoyed spending the time with this book. The beginning was interesting. I was pulled in right from the start and I wasn't as annoyed with the story telling as I thought I would. Thankfully, our main character Kvothe remembered to take realistic breaks here and there to remind the reader, me, that he was telling a story, his story.Kvothe is a fascinating yet incredibly irritating character. He is suppose to be this amazing genius, yet he spends far too much time slumming it on the streets, yea, I know, he was in emotional shock, but still... he didn't utilize any of his teachings until he got to the University. From there it was a huge Harry Potter fiasco.The part that absolutely drove me nuts is the girl. The elusive Dana, I think I'm remembering the name correctly, was always in the picture yet never really there. Besides her being the reason why Kvothe accomplished ONE of his famed deeds, I don't understand his love/obsession with her. Especially, since she's always running from guy's outstretched hand to the next. I just feel that she had no real role in this book, but as Kvothe stated, the first book was just the first day of a three day story to set the stage for the meat of the story.And dear lord, there had better be something worth biting into in the next book because this book really just did not cut it for me. The writing was beautiful. The world was unoriginal, however it didn't bore me. It was just a little tiresome. So I guess Kvothe and I will simply have to settle for this love-hate relationship because honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that I was reading this book with friends, I probably would have set it down as a Did Not Finish (DNF). But I will admit that I'm glad I read it because, if this is just a substantially long prologue to real story, then I can't wait to get my hands on the next book in this series. At least that was true until I read Michael Shaara's "Killer Angels." Now I'm a goner. I have bought five more books on the Civil War including McPherson's "Battle Cry of Freedom," a huge tome that promises to fill me in on the whole historical context, time, place, politics, all of it. All this happened because I was interested in a single book. This is Michael Shaara's fault.It is of no consequence that the prospective reader may not have the slightest interest in war, the Civil War in particular, guns, Gettysburg, generals, muskets, artillery, smoke, fire, or death. All the reader need be interested in is a good book that is a pleasure, an enlightening experience, to read. If you like reading, if you enjoy books that captivate, that keep you turning pages, that won't let you sleep, then buy this book.Let me note here that the author indulges in several literary devices that might pain the true Civil War buff. He uses interior monologues which are, of course, pure fiction (though based on written material of the time). He also centers his story on two major fights that took place at Gettysburg: the battle of Little Roundtop, and Pickett's Charge, even though quite a lot of other great moments occurred there. Both these battles are told well, and the characters of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain - the commander of the 20th Maine who held Little Round Top against attacking Confederates to the "last bullet," and James Longstreet, commander of the I Corps of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia who had serious differences with his superior over the tactics used at Gettysburg, are explored at depth.By necessity, Shaara could not tell, in a single novel (for that is what this book is), all that happened those three fateful days. For those who want to know more I refer you to Shelby Foote's "Stars In Their Courses."I aim this review at those who are unsure of whether a Civil War novel is what they want to read. Be assured you will not be disappointed. This is a truly fine book, especially for the uninitiated, as I was. I recommend this book to all without hesitation. I found the history of the Roman empire were interesting and in line with what else I have read about it. The overall story was good, but not really intriguing to me. Killing Lincoln, and Killing Kennedy were much better reads. And there were quotes in Killing Jesus that I wonder who kept a record of them! Overall it was really just another stating of what we know through history reading and learning in schools and catechism.Overall , I expected more after reading Killing Lincoln and Killing Kennedy. Absolutely loved this story. I even recommended it to my mother! The characters are memorable and well written. The plot is great (even though I guessed the secret rather early on) and I was anticipating what would happen next. Highly recommend this if you are in the mood for a wonderful love story! Very interesting book!~~Possible spoilers!!!Amy is not who she leads you to believe initially. A fascinating dive into a very strange and twisted mind. Wow! The ending was interesting.. not sure its what I would have done, in Nicks place, however I can see his reasoning.Overall very interesting book. Not one for the "Favourites! I must read again and again...." pile, but it held my attention to the end. I've read quite a few books from King, novels and short story collections. Most fans will agree (I do) that King's early novels are much better than the last published books like From A Buick 8 and The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (I had a hard time getting through these).Cell is obviously different. I really enjoyed both the characters and the story setting. I do not agree about the fact that this story is a copy of The Stand (King's best masterpiece to my eyes). Cell has a much simpler story with a totally different approach. It is also more accessible and less complex.I found it to be a very entertaining book with plenty of surprises and action. The main idea seems weird and hard to develop at first but if you know King...Only scratch : Like for many others from King, the ending could have been better. Imagine living during the middle 19th century as a free man in New York State with a wonderful family and having the talent to play the fiddle so well that you are requested to play numerous venues for pay. This is the true story written by Solomon Northrup who was tricked into accompanying two men out of the North on the pretense of playing his fiddle for a job. Although there are very graphic descriptions of Mr. Northrup's experiences as a slave in Louisiana, his narrative is very interesting. This is a very personal story written by a talented man who never really planned to write a book. Therefore, there is not an urgency to read in order to find out what is going to happen. Instead, the urgency is to find out what actually did happen to him, how he survived and how he returned to the North and his family where he wrote his story. Remember that today an average person who has an extraordinary life experience usually narrates the story to another person who is an experienced writer, a collaborator. With this in mind one will be pleasantly surprised at how well Mr. Northrup describes details of his experiences and his surroundings during his twelve years as a slave. Some scenes will be difficult for the squeamish but necessary because they are truthful experiences. I particularly liked his very detailed descriptions of how things were made, used, and built on plantations in Louisiana.This is a great primary source and of interest to any one who wants to know about life in this very dark period of American history. I was intrigued by Solomon's resiliency, attitude and his dignity throughout his twelve year ordeal. We are so fortunate that he was willing to share his story. We are also fortunate that Steve McQueen and his wonderful cast made this book into a movie which tells the story. Whether or not you saw the movie and liked it or not, you should read the book. Even though it is a difficult topic and tragic situation Solomon and Bass prove humanity and resilience prevail when people choose the higher ground. Michel Thomas's, the Pimsleur series, and the Barron's version of the Foreign Service Institute course are the three top-selling courses on Spanish, and I did extensive research on the various high end courses before buying his. I don't have the Pimsleur one but I did buy the U.S. Foreign Service Insitute course in addition to Thomas's, and so I thought I'd make a few comments by way of comparing them in case you find them useful in choosing the right course for you.I have to say Thomas is a gifted teacher and he has a very interesting approach requiring no notes or rote memorization. He also stresses the importance of a natural, stress-free learning environment. Thomas is a savvy guy here as this is probably one of the major stumbling blocks for the new language learner, and so he puts the student at ease right from the very beginning--a nice touch there and I give him points for that.The second cornerstone to Thomas's method is the simulated classroom environment where you work along with two other people in the class, a man and a woman. The third, and perhaps most important aspect of Thomas's course is his memorization and note-free system of learning. Thomas starts with very simple sentences and builds up from there so the student acquires the syntax almost intuitively as he goes along. Thomas also discusses differences in pronunciation as he goes, too.You build vocabulary as you go along also, with Thomas empasizing cognates or words that are almost identical in the two languages initially. Overall, Thomas has done a very nice job here and I can see why people like Woody Allen and others say that his course is the only one that's ever worked for them.The Foreign Service Institute course is more traditional but also very good, and I like it, too. The audio tapes present the sentences and conversations while you follow along with the manual/workbook, which provides the translations. The workbook is very extensive and also has a more detailed discussion of the grammar than you'll get with either the Thomas or Pimsleur courses. There is an advantage to this since, although I think Thomas's method is probably fine for teaching the basic verb conjugations, such as present, past, and future, you're really not going to get a good idea of how the several subjective moods work in Spanish without some systematic study of the grammar there. English has the subjunctive, but it's practical a vestigial construction, but Spanish has it in spades and is a very active part of the language.On a side note, it would be interesting to see how Thomas's approach would work for a language with much simpler grammar than Spanish or French, such as Turkish or Japanese. Turkish has the wonderful distinction of being one of the few languages with no irregular verbs, and Japanese only has two. So at least as far as the verbal systems are concerned, they are much less complex than your typical European language, and the Indo-European languages in general. There are a few other more technical aspects to the two languages, of course, such as the case system in Turkish (which Japanese doesn't have), but verb conjugations are usually the most difficult aspects of the languages in most of the popular European ones because of all the irregular forms. And Spanish has at least 22 common verbs that are irregular in at least the present indicative tense, and many are irregular in several other ways.One other thing the Institute course does is to provide substitution drill sections where you're required to substitute a particular word, and then give the sentence, with any needed changes. This is useful for practicing the verb conjugations and other things. I have a pretty strong background in grammar and linguistics in general so I don't mind slogging through dry discussions of grammar too much, but if you're not someone who enjoys that sort of thing, Thomas's approach may be the one for you. Overall, this is an excellent course from a talented teacher with a unique approach to language learning. "Freakonomic" was an interesting read, but somehow I was expecting more than what it delivered. Though the individual sections were interesting, I was disappointed that there wasn't an overall theme. I cannot understand why so many people thought this was a good book. It has very little to do with life on an island taking care of a lighthouse. It has everything to do with the difficult decisions human beings may make and the painful consequences that may ensue. The idea for the plot is an interesting one. But, the characters were poorly developed, too cookie-cutter, eventually just annoying. The writing style was simple and went on and on and on. Don't good editors exist anymore? The ending was predictable. Blah! Evie has a special ability to see through any paranormal's "glamour". After coming back from a mission she sees through the glamour of the shape shifter who is impersonating her mother figure character, Raquel. Turns out the shape shifter is named Lend. He's male. He's hot. He is the love interest. Unfortunately you also have Reth (Lorethen) who is the evil/beautiful/scary Fairy who is basically trying to stalk her. I might add right here that I much prefer fairies over vampires and find it so sad that they are used more in literature. Oh, and if your teen loves vampires - they LOOK like nasty rotting corpses to Evie. You might want to warn the teen in question.Anyhow this is the first book in a series so of course we don't get real closure. The whole idea of being able to see through glamour is not unique - it's in all the older fairy tales I'm glad to see it's making its way back into literature. The way the idea is portrayed though makes it make sense. I won't ruin the story by giving out spoilers to the rest just know that someone is killing paranormals as well as killing a large group of the International Paranormal Containment Agency (Evie's group).At the same time though I admit that some of the story felt very Mary Sue-ish. Finding Evie forces the whole Agency to become an international one as EVERYONE wants access to Evie. So in that - the book fails. Overall very good book, and I felt it was thin enough that you could probably get away with giving it to reluctant Readers.Before I forget- 4 stars for me means that I enjoyed reading it, but would not have it on my own personal shelf. So beautifully written, so uplifting, I am so happy that I gave this book a chance.Thank you Rachel Van Dyken for such an inspiring and amazing story of love and courage.I love Wes. He is wise beyond his years and has such a good heart. He is definitely at the top of the list for best book boyfriend.To all my fellow readers please give this book a chance. You will not be sorry. Have you ever seen the movie, Misery with Kathy Bates? Well then you don't need to read this book.You never have any connection to the characters, the chapters are incredibly long and anybody can figure out exactly how the book was going to end about halfway through the book. So I took a chance and jumped ahead because I was so bored and sure enough, That was exactly what happened at the end of the book.So anybody who wants to rip me for not reading the middle of the book go ahead. That is why I gave it one star because I hated it. This book was recommended by a few friends of mine, but I kept putting it off because I thought it would be too political. Was I EVER wrong!! This was one of the best books I have read in a long time....absolutely impossible to put down. All the characters are so rich in their descriptions that I feel I would recognize them on the street if I was to run into them. Loved the way the book was written since I really feel I was there in each and every home and situation. Please do not hesitate to read this wonderful, and I believe classic, novel!!! You will not regret it!! When I saw this book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain, I knew I had to choose it for my review. I am an introvert and was interested to see what Mrs. Cain had to say about it.To be honest, I did not finish reading this book. I pretty much sped read through the last half of the book. I was getting a bit bogged down with reading it. I think my favorite section was the introduction. In the author's introduction she mentions Rosa Parks and a few other famous people. There's a questionnaire to find out whether you are more of an introvert or extrovert or in-between. For myself, I definitely am an introvert. She also explains the psychology of introversion/extroversion.There are four parts to this book. In Part Two: The Extrovert Ideal, Susan Cain mentions Dale Carnegie and the changes that he went through and became a great public speaker. Shealso talks about the Tony Robbins seminar (he was driving be bonkers), the Harvard Business School, Saddleback Church, plus many other studies and examples.Part Two: Your Biology, Your Self? has many example of people who were/are extroverts/introverts. I did finally find a nugget that I liked. On page 173, it says,"If you are an introvert, find your flow by using your gifts. You have the power of persistence, the tenacity to solve complex problems, and the clear-sightedness to avoid pitfalls that trip others up....So stay true to your own nature. If you like to do things in a slow and steady way [I do], don't let others make you feel as if you have to race."Part Three: Do All Cultures Have An Extrovert Ideal? and Part Four: How To Love, How to Work, I will not write much about. I skipped over most chapters.The conclusion has a quotation that I like. It's from Anais Nin and it says, "Our culture made a virtue of living only as extroverts. We discouraged the inner journey, the quest for a center. So we lost our center and have to find it again."Susan Cain shares some ideas for those who are extroverts wanting to help introverts or those who are introverts themselves. I like this, especially since I myself was a quiet child and my children are more quiet (in public anyway): "If your children are quiet, help them make peace with new situations and new people, but otherwise let them be themselves. Delight in the originality of their minds. Take pride in the strength of their consciences and the loyalty of their friendships. Don't expect them to follow the gang. Encourage them to follow their passions instead. Throw confetti when they claim the fruits of those passions, whether it's on the drummer's throne, on the softball field, or on the page."Overall it's a good book with some great nuggets to remember.I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers for my honest review. -- A Romantic Book Affairs ReviewOkay, I've obviously lost cool points for not reading Hopeless sooner. I saw the hype on every blog imaginable. My Goodreads feed was bogged down with hundreds of emotional status updates. And nine out of ten reviews were five stars. But I still put off reading it until my co-blogger read it and loved it and told me I MUST read it. So I did. And I loved it. Now, the problem I'm having is writing a review that will do this book justice. I'm feeling defeated by this task. How do you write a review for a book that leaves you feeling dizzy with awe, breathless, speechless, gasping for air? So instead of writing a full review, I give you my...Top Five reasons why I fell hopelessly in love with Hopeless:1. Two words: Dean Holder."Dean Holder? Messy brown hair? Smoldering blue eyes? A temper straight out of Fight Club?"Holder, with his Hopeless tattoo on his arm, is the kind of bad boy that you will fall hopelessly in love with. I fell hard for him. He's passionate, complicated, confident, fiercely protective, and witty. He has lickable dimples and a coma-inducing hot body. And every time he walked on to the pages, he gave me butterflies. And last, but certainly not least, he cuddles. Yep, Holder is book boyfriend worthy."When I touch you, I'm touching you because I want to make you happy. When I kiss you, I'm kissing you because you have the most incredible mouth I've ever seen and you know I can't not kiss it. And when I make love to you--I'm doing exactly that. I'm making love to you because I'm in love with you." - Holder2. Sky Davis, our heroine, is a wonderful, smart, saucy, technologically challenged, snarky, broken but strong, brave, book lover, kind of weird in a cool way, beautiful inside and out, and I would love to have been friends with her in high school. Sky has never felt much, or anything, with a boy the way that Holder makes her feel. Up until they meet, any other boy has made her feel numb. And Holder made her feel everything...especially lust. Lust is a whole new feeling to Sky and she didn't know what to do with it at first. It was awkward for her. And her confusion over her new feelings was endearing and funny at the same time."I've never been swept off my feet. I don't get butterflies. In fact the whole idea of being swooned by anyone is foreign to me... Somehow, in the course of sixty seconds, this guy has managed to swoon me, then terrify the hell out of me." - Sky3. The passion and fire between these two is so incredibly real and intense. The way they felt towards one another is beautiful. Almost magical. And holy sexual tension... these two have the best non-kiss ever. I think I held my breath the entire time they non-kissed. Holder is one sexy mofo with his teasing kisses on Sky's neck, cheek, eyebrow, shoulder...everywhere but the lips. That scene melted my butter."Sky, I'm not kissing you tonight but believe me when I tell you, I've never wanted to kiss a girl more. So stop thinking I'm not attracted to you because you have no idea just how much I am. You can hold my hand, you can run your fingers through my hair, you can straddle me while I feed you spaghetti, but you are not getting kissed tonight. And probably not tomorrow, either. I need this. I need to know for sure that you're feeling every single thing that I'm feeling the moment my lips touch yours. Because I want your first kiss to be the best first kiss in the history of first kisses." - Holder4. The secondary characters. Six is Sky's first best friend in the whole wide world and she is absolutely the coolest chick. She walks to the beat of her drum. I love her blasé attitude. I love her uplifting texts to Sky. I love how she loves Sky. I love how Sky and Six are so different but also so much alike. And they simply accept each other for who they are. This is a true girl-mance at its best."Sky, you are beautiful. You are possibly the most exquisite creature in the universe and if anyone tells you otherwise, I'll cut a bitch." (Text message from Six to Sky)"Only one day at public school and the bitches already made your locker rain?" she laughs. "Impressive." - SixAnd then there is the sassy, bold, and funny Breckin. On Sky's first day of school, he befriends her right away and becomes her second best friend in the whole wide world. He's gay, Mormon, and proud. Breckin rocks."Breckin shrugs. "I'm new here. And if you haven't deducted from my impeccable fashion sense, I think it's safe to say that I'm..." he leans forward and cups his hand to his mouth in secrecy. "Mormon," he whispers." - Breckin5. The writing is amazing. Miz Hoover knows how to write an emotionally-charged story that made me feel every single word deep inside my soul. My mind went through a smattering of emotions that range from smiling and laughing (a lot!), lust, falling in love with the characters, sadness, shock, worry, nervousness, disgust, grief, acceptance, and contentment. The writing is flawless. It flows from word to word smoothly, keeping me enthralled from the beginning to the very last page. Miz Hoover writes my kind of snarky and snappy humor. I laughed out loud on several occasions. The humor adds charm and lightness to a story that could've potentially been overly dark. And the characters are so vividly real, I felt like I was living their life. Oh, and the twist. When we learn about the twist about halfway through the book, my jaw fell on the ground. It was completely unpredictable.In case you haven't noticed by now, I loved this brilliantly told story. If you are one of the few people left, who love new adult romances, and hasn't read Hopeless, read the freaking book now! I can guarantee you are missing out.With that said, I will leave you with one of my most favorite scenes. Sky is my kind of gal. I love the way she thinks..."My locker seems to have become the hub for sticky notes and nasty letters, none of which I ever see actually being placed on or in my locker. I really don't get what people gain out of doing things like this if they don't even own up to it.Like the note that was stuck to my locker this morning. All it said was, "Whore."Really? Where's the creativity in that? They couldn't back it up with an interesting story? Maybe a few details of my indiscretion? If I have to read this s*** every day, the least they could do is make it interesting. If I was going to stoop so low as to leave an unfounded note on someone's locker, I'd at least have the courtesy of entertaining whoever reads it in the process. I'd write something interesting like, "I saw you in bed with my boyfriend last night. I really don't appreciate you getting massage oil on my cucumbers. Whore."I laugh and it feels odd, laughing out loud at my own thoughts. I look around and no one is left in the hallway but me.Rather than rip the sticky notes off of my locker like I probably should, I take out my pen and make them a little more creative. You're welcome, passersby." - SkyRating: AHeat: Warm Story line was very interesting. Lots of red herrings not confusing tho. Some of the dialects were hard to understand, but not so bad as to put one off the story. By now, I'm sure everyone is aware that this is a very different novel than anything John Grisham has published previously. This book evokes a particular time and place: the Cotton Belt of the early 1950's, and, like "To Kill a Mockingbird", the story is told from a child's point of view; in this case, a fast-maturing 7-year-old. Unlike "Mockingbird", of course, there are no lawyers or courtroom scenes, although crimes are committed.I highly recommend this book. Nothing much happens in the first 70 pages, but then things get really interesting. In a culture where conservative Christianity is an integral part of every aspect of life, this 7-year-old is quickly faced with a dilemma: lie and be guilty of sin, or tell the truth and risk his family's livelihood (and possibly his own neck). Indeed, the mixed messages that he receives concerning religious beliefs are confusing for a child (and for honest grownups as well). Even more confusing are the early stirrings of sexual attraction toward a girl ten years his senior. This subject is handled in a very tasteful manner, and it inevitably leads, of course, to childhood heartbreak. (Not as serious a heartbreak as the baseball season ending with his beloved Cardinals in third place, however!) He witnesses things a child should never have to see (including two murders) and, as a result, has to grow up faster than most kids his age. His whole style and use of language is fairly mature for a 7-year-old.Unfortunately the last several chapters are not quite as gripping as the middle part of the novel, and the story sort of fizzles out at the end, keeping me from giving it the highest rating. Still, it is very good and worth the time and money. This may not be the Grisham most people are used to, but give it a chance and it will win you over. Whether or not you believe in heaven, this story is exceptional! The journey that this little boy took is absolutely amazing and worth the little bit of time it will take to read. I cannot recommend this book enough! Enjoy A good story is not easy to find. That was a good story. Actually both together made for a great two part story of a lawyer and his life. The characters were interesting and the history was sad and powerful not only the history from 80 years ago but from the communication just 40 years ago. Powerful stuff. Going to keep me thinking for a long time. Confession time! I know you guys just love it when I start a review off like that – but there’s usually a good reason. This time it’s because I’m just a teensy bit hardheaded. You see, I get lovingly ‘bullied’ into reading books a lot. For some reason, those books seem to be the ones that I pick up last. I have no reason and definitely no excuse. That just seems to be the way things go. In the case of Darkhouse it’s even worse, I’ve had a couple people recommend it. I even had one of my blogging buddies offer to buy me the entire series if I would just pick this book up and read it. That was a pretty reasonable, no strings attached request considering it was already on my kindle (and has been for over a YEAR.) Not to mention the fact that it was FREE. *hangs head in shame* Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I can move on with the review.Darkhouse wasn’t at all what I expected. From the moment I ‘met’ Perry I was hooked. All good characters have flaws. If they were perfect the average reader wouldn’t be able to relate to them. For me, Perry was much more than relatable, she was real. I loved her. I loved her ‘voice,’ I loved her personality and I loved her spunk. She was lacking in self confidence and she didn’t have a lot of support (even from the people who loved her) but there was just something about her that made me like her. I just knew that once she found her niche things would turn around for her.Then there was Dex. I’m still not quite sure about how I feel about him, but to be fair, neither was Perry by the end of the book. Coming into the Experiment in Terror series late, I know that there is a lot more to come and to be honest, he kind of grew on me. There’s a lot to be learned about Dex and I’m willing to be things get a whole lot more interesting.As far as the story goes… yeah, it was just scary enough to keep the pages turning. Karina Halle definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. I’m not sure if I would have gone to the lighthouse the first time much less the times that Perry and Dex returned, but if they hadn’t, there wouldn’t have been a story, so who am I to argue. (I’m also a confirmed chicken and not afraid to admit it. )The characters were great, especially Dex and Perry. Out of all of Perry’s family members, Ada and her uncle Al were the ones that I liked the most. Her parents irritated me, for a lot of reasons. You’ll have to read the book to understand why, but if you still don’t know exactly why, feel free to ask. Some of it is because of not wanting to give anything away and a lot of it is because I didn’t like the way Perry was treated. Something tells me that Perry and Dex are going to be good for each other in more ways than one.So yeah, I definitely enjoyed Darkhouse and could kick myself for waiting so long to finally pick it up. I’m sure I will be getting a lot of ‘I told you so’s’ from my blogging buddies. *sigh* On the plus side there are currently 8 books in the series, so I don’t have to wait to read the next one. Red Fox is the second book in the Experiment in Terror series and it’s already on my TBR list. I have to review along with everyone else, even though I know my review will be swallowed up among the thousands of other reviews of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The book and all of the hype around it is just too fascinating.First of all, I think that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (and all of the other Harry Potter's) is marvelous. J.K. Rowling is a very good writer. She creates some complete characters alongside some comical stock characters. She uses some brilliant word play, and the atmosphere created in the book is extraordinary. It, at least, is incomparible to any other children's novel. She is very good at incorporating pieces of Greek mythology into the novel. The plot is vastly entertaining.There has been a lot of backlash against the popularity of the Harry Potter novels. But, this really happens to anything that becomes popular. Sure, there are better fantasy novels, and there are much better fantasy novels written for children. I don't think that there is a better place to start reading children's fantasy (or children's lit. for that matter). I also think that any fan of children's fantasy would have to enjoy this whether or not they think there are better books out there....Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a great book, and I think all of the controversy and hype just make it better and more appealing. I think everyone (including adults) should read this novel. It is well worth the time and money. Then, I think fans should definately move on to some of the other great childrens/adult fantasy classics like Lloyd Alexander's perfect Prydain Chronicles, C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Smith of Wooton Major, and Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea Trilogy. Spoiler Alert:I find myself annoyed that the ending worked out the way it did. There was such a build-up for the battle that I was aching for some action. I was almost certain Aro would bring on the chaos. But no, peace prevails, and they live happily ever after. Perhaps Meyers went this route since it is a young adult series. But it seemed like an easy way out. Had she wanted to continue the series, the battle could have occurred with us not knowing the outcome while Jacob flees with Renesmee. A cliffhanger that would have us all waiting with baited breath for the next release. And here she did so well fleshing out many of the newcomers toward the end. But for what? Plus, she fails to resolve that fact that Bella and the Cullen's are okay with letting their kind continue slaughtering humans. I would have extended the series with the golden eyes growing in numbers and a show down coming against the crimson eyes. If Bella is such a good person, a natural protector, a shield for others, how can she just go on forever living blissfully knowing her own mother and father, or members of the pack could be slaughtered by vampires that don't care about them? I just see so much potential in the story once the plot gets beyond Bella's gawking of Edward and her remorse for Jacob. I daresay it is almost idiotic to go into so much detail about the Volturi and all these vampires and then just say 'the end.' I see why the reviews are less than the other books, although I have a different set of reasons than most. The birth scene didn't bother me, nor did the lack of romance at the honeymoon. People get hung up on the most banal things. I actually think this was the best book by far as it was easily the most compelling. But Meyers blew it by wrapping everything into a nice little bow and ending it so suddenly. I am not against happy endings, but in this case it is just too much. Even fantasy worlds wouldn't have endings like this. Come on. That and the gaping moral loophole that I mentioned just leave me thinking Meyers got tired of the series and threw in the towel. The Volturi should have been destroyed. They are murderers! Hello? And then the Cullens should have become the new rule setters and forced their breed to go 'vegetarian' or be torn apart and burned.Anyway. I recommend Gabaldon's Outlander series to you all. She makes Meyers look like the amateur(albeit talented) author she is. Gabaldon's depth and understanding of romance makes Bella and Edward's look silly in comparison. You will not be disappointed. This novel was absolutely outstanding and more than worthy of rewards received. In depth look at North Korea from the author who went there. Character development is very intricate, as is the story line. This is literature at its finest.The culture comes alive with all the differences, fears and brainwashing. Control of a people and gradual shifting of Jun Do and others' who come to understand their lives mean little.This is a very deep read and one needs attention to detail. To fully enjoy and appreciate the subtleties. So we all know there is major hype with this book. And like all curious minds, I caved figuring it had to be at least halfway good considering all the mad crazy eyed people singing its praise. Unfortunately, about midway into the book I kept questioning if I was reading the same thing. From all the craze, I expected great writing, engaging characters, an interesting plot, and namely all the ingredients for a good novel. What I received in reality was a subpar erotic romance with one dimensional characters, and an iffy plot.Fifty Shades of Grey starts with the main character, Anastasia, or Ana as she likes to be called, who is on the cusp of graduating college. She's a clumsy, nave, young female, who never wears makeup, tries to hide in a crowd, and doesn't see her own beauty. And, because she is so utterly sweet, is cajoled into interviewing Christian Grey, a mega rich, surprisingly young man with a million dollar company, for her best friend's school paper. From that moment forward, it seems Christian just can't keep his eyes off little Miss Ana, and manipulates a few non-chanced meetings. Things seem to get hot and heavy between them, but Christian tends to frighten Ana, especially with his needs and intense nature. As an adopted orphan, he went through his own living hell, and has the emotional and physical issues to prove it. But Ana is slowly losing her heart to him, and can only hope that she has the stamina and strength needed to not only help Christian, but to see if he can learn to care for her as well.**Slight Spoilers**With the synopsis, such as it is, out of the way, let me start by saying I still don't understand the hype. If people are reading this for the erotica alone, then I pity them as there are tons of authors who actually know how to write to keep a reader engaged, and the love scenes are way hotter. If you don't believe me, just check Amazons kindle section in fiction. They have enough variations in erotica for all kinks of life. Now if you are going into this for the romance/plot...I still hold by my "there are way better authors out there" mentality. The plot isn't new or unique by any standard, and the writing was subpar at best. It all boils down to Christian having major issues from being abused as a child, and because of this he uses BDSM as a form of management for his internal struggle. It's like he has to have control over everything as an adult as he couldn't control anything as a child. (think Sleeping with the Enemy without the husband being totally psychotic) Ana is totally innocent in all things sexual, and Christians kink causes such a big shock that she doesn't know whether she likes it or not. So nearly the whole book is a revolving "yes, no, yes, no" with her. And speaking of the characters: I found that Christian had more personality than Ana, and that's saying something as this is told in first person from Ana's point of view. Christian is definitely an alpha male (which I do love alpha males), but his personal demons cause him to be slightly cruel in my opinion. Ana is a complete spindly individual who was written so nave that it held me in shock. She doesn't understand some of the innuendo or "devices" Christian wants to use that even if you aren't in the world of BDSM you've at least heard of. If I could, I would give this book two and a half stars, as it wasn't horrible, but it could've been written a lot better. It did cause me to want to know what happens at the end, so I'll give it that, but all in all Fifty Shades of Grey just didn't do it for me, and I feel slightly duped for giving in to my curiosity. Like everyone else who read it, I loved "Seabiscuit". Loved it. I found this surprising given the fact that I had never had any interest in horses or horse racing before. But from the first sentence, the prose in that book is as beautiful and engaging as prose can be."Unbroken" is not "Seabiscuit". Don't get me wrong, the story is remarkable, and it's exhaustively researched. You can't sneeze at 397 endnotes. But Laura Hillenbrand's writing in this outing is less like poetry and more like reporting. Jammed with details, the book reads like the world's longest New Yorker article.The topic is hardly new. WWII has been pretty exhaustively covered, and this particular story has been told before. The hero of the book, Louis Zamperini, published his own memoirs only a few years ago. The hardships of war and the cruelty of the Japanese come as no surprise.Louie's story is so remarkable and so detailed that, frankly, it strains the limits of credulity. I'm not challenging the facts; I'm just saying that it's a lot to remember. Personally, I wouldn't even want to. I wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes drifting in that life raft. I would have eaten all the chocolate and stuck my head in a shark. How anyone could remember the ordeal in hour-by-hour detail is beyond me.Ultimately, I couldn't finish the book. I feel bad that I didn't have the strength to read the experiences someone else had to live, but I gave up on about my third POW camp. Starvation, deprivation, cruelty, disease, humiliation, I got the picture. Repeated cycles don't necessarily make for a great story; it just makes for a tedious narrative.Which made me ponder the purpose of the book. As a moving story, it's too detailed to carry a theme. As reporting, it's redundant and profoundly out of date. What's the take-away message supposed to be?I tried to skip to the end, but the `redemption' part just didn't grab me. It's not hard to believe that someone who lived this life would be scarred forever. I practically got PTSD just reading it. It's also not hard to believe someone who got that scarred would find religion. But, redemption? In don't know.Sometimes people just go on living, and there's no telling why. Calla is a werewolf or well she prefers Guardian. She saves someone by feeding him some of her blood (surprise! werewolf blood has healing properties). This is the first event in a series seemingly designed to bring Calla's carefully organized life down in shambles. She's supposed to marry Ren, but now there is a Shay. What you expect happens.The consensus seems to be that it's full of awesome, but quite honestly I thought it was awful. It gets a star because the cover is so pretty.Where do I start? The exchanges between Calla and Shay are so incredibly contrived. "Hi! I just met you and telling you things is going to get me killed but let me pour out EVERYTHING about what I am and how my society functions anyway." This happens at least twice which really detracts from the rest of the story in general. The author really should have found a better way to give the reader that information without resorting to such unnatural dialogue.Calla as a whole comes across as ambivalent. She doesn't have much of an opinion on what is going on besides that both Ren and Shay are incredibly attractive and fill her with longing (well, she does hate skirts and frills). The earth shattering revelation that her masters are lying to her doesn't seem to have much impact. Only when Shay is endangered, does she have a reaction.So... I didn't like this book, and I can't recommend it. This was a fun read. I couldn't put it down. The characters were entertaining and the banter was witty and hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud many times throughout the book. Great summer book! Nora is your mostly typical high school sophomore. She goes to class, tries her best to earn top grades, has a good relationship with her Mom, and a best friend she is almost constantly with. In comparison, Patch is almost an anti-hero. He is dark and mysterious. He seems to have just shown up out of nowhere, with no real past (at least that he is willing to talk about), no friends and no family.Nora is both drawn to and appalled by him when they first meet. Nora's feelings about Patch don't change much throughout the rest of the story. In most books when the heroine just cannot figure out the hero, the reader has at least some insight into what he is really like and we wait patiently for her to GET.A.CLUE. This is so not the case in this story. Patch is as elusive to us as he is to Nora. This also, does not change much during the story. And while we learn about a lot of his past, he ends the story still being somewhat mysterious.I really liked Nora's character. She seemed like a real teenage girl, with real emotions and a solid backing to her actions. Her inexplicable attraction to Patch makes her do things she normally wouldn't, but you can see her trying to fight it for a long time before she finally gives in totally. Patch, on the other hand, seems almost insincere in his feelings. I didn't really buy it when he first told Nora how much he cared about her. His actions really seemed to say otherwise: he taunted and teased her, refused to share any personal details about himself, and was sometimes creepy in a stalkerish way. At the end of Hush, Hush I still didn't feel like I totally `got' Patch. (I'm hoping more of him is revealed in the next book, Crescendo.)Oh, and did I mention? Patch is a fallen angel. After lusting after a mortal girl, he was banished to Earth, wings ripped off, to live with no feeling. He can feel emotional things - sadness, happiness, lust... especially that last one, but physical sensations are completely lost to him.After being assigned as partners in Biology Class, Patch and Nora's subsequent encounters are fraught with danger, mystery, and not a little attraction. There is also another new boy; his mostly silent, totally creepy best friend; trips to a pool hall; that prickly feeling on the back of your neck; a crazy Angel ex-girlfriend; several cases of mistaken identity; teenage sleuthing; and did I just see what I think I saw?! Phew! Nora and Patch do wind up together in the end, but not in a traditional way. I won't say more, because I don't want to give away the big twist at the ending. ;o)I would definitely recommend this book. It was different from other YA books I have read recently, in a totally good way. I can't wait to read Crescendo (out now) to see bad boy Patch's new softer side.~Review by: Book Addict from When Pen Met Paper [...] I've been reading this series from the first month the first book hit the shelf. I thought the cover was interesting the idea was unique. Yet, I always believed that the books were not as huge and wonderful as everyone made them out to be. They were okay and interesting, but that's it. Now, reading all the reviews I have to laugh. You've only noticed where this was going now? You haven't picked up on all the inappropriate propaganda until now? Ooookaaaay.What got me with this book was how it started off with the baby vampires. I was getting flashbacks to "Salem's Lot" by King. You know, that scene where they remove the floorboard to find the young couple with the baby vampire in their arms. Ewww! There are some places where you just shouldn't go and messing with babies is one of them. Jake's imprinting on Nessie didn't bother me so much. It was explained that the werewolf would be whatever his intended needed him to be. And if it means a caregiver when they are infants and children, then that is what he will be. What did bother me was the get married and need sex at 18 aspect. Very juvenile. Other than that it was good, not great, but good--like all the others. I highly recommend any readers who enjoy dystopian novels to READ THIS NOW if you have read DIVERGENT(it picks up immediately after the end of Divergent), AND immediately follow it up with the final book ALLEGIANT.Do NOT look at SPOILERS for the books, and read the books for yourself and make up your mind with regard to them! If you enjoy the Dystopian Genre, these are the best of the best!!!There are so many reviews here, that I'm not sure adding my voice will make a difference. But Tris continues making a difference when she was one person in a conflict of many and so I'm going to share just my general thoughts.Again, the author's done an amazing job of world building in dystopian Chicago. Tris & Four/Tobias join the Abnegation survivors at the Amity farms. Later they visit the Candor HQ. So now we have visited the 5 factions, & we end up getting more familiar with the factionless as well, and the world is incredibly detailed and again believable.Tris, in the 'calm' after the storm of the Erudite simulation resulting in the murders of half of the Abnegation, is reeling from the deaths of her parents. Recognizing that they sacrificed themselves because they loved her, she feels guilt over having left them along with PTSD dealing with aftereffects of seeing them killed. Even more troubling, Tris is engulfed in guilt and PTSD from having shot and killed her friend Will while he was in the simulation.Tris is keeping secrets, especially the depths of her distress and is making it very hard for Four/Tobias to be a good boyfriend. Four/Tobias has been keeping a BIG secret of his own and as secrets are revealed back and forth the fledgling relationship between them suffers. They still are drawn to one another and love each other, but their trust is being taxed and their reliance on the strengths of the other is not assured. Motivated by guilt, depression and trauma, Tris makes some destructive decisions, is betrayed by someone you will never suspect, and is helped by the person you least expect.The reasons will be revealed for Erudite's 'hunting' of Divergent's, the attack on Abnegation, and their ongoing pursuit of power.The huge twist at the end of Insurgent is shocking to the people of all factions (and to the readers). It makes them question everything they have ever known and opens their world to completely different possibilities and problems.I believe that I enjoyed Insurgent even more than Divergent, which I wouldn't have thought possible. I was frustrated by the secrets and tension between Tris and Four/Tobias, was captivated by the action and twists and turns throughout the book, and I still was rooting for Tris throughout the whole book. I was also rooting for Tris and Four/Tobias to work out thier issues.Do not stop after reading this book.... immediately move on to Allegiant for the surprising and action packed final book in the series. I went through a whirl wind of emotions while reading this book. It was absolutely terrifying being inside Anna's head while the play was going down. You could feel the real emotions that she was feeling as if you were in that same situation. While some people are reluctant to read this book because of the age difference between Anna and TJ, don't let that stop you from reading! The characters have an amazing relationship and nothing happens between them until after TJ is a legal adult. All in all I laughed, I cried, and got super connected to these characters. I loved the way the book ended and wouldn't have changed a thing. I really liked that the romance with the conflicts it had was quite believable.....not just the wine and roses and the crazy lengths of character development with their thoughts and conflicts that sometimes go on and on! I truly loved the character development and it was a refreshing change. A great read! Without a doubt, this is one the best books I have ever read. Although the author is a medical doctor, he possesses a special talent in writing. The story was very absorbing, engrossing, and riveting. I started the book one day around noon and I could not put it aside. I felt a strong urge to finish it as soon as possible and the next day, the book was over.The story in this book is so real as if somebody has gone through all these and is writing them. You can find all basic human emotions here together, love, hate, fear, friendship, betrayal, loyalty, selfishness, generosity, honor, piety, arrogance, deception etc.The two main characters in the story, Hassan and Amir, happen to be close friends, yet they have really distinct and different personalities. The one, who is more advantageous from almost all aspects over the other, Amir, is a superficial, unfaithful, coward boy. In my opinion, at the age of 38, he actually becomes a real man, i.e. a man of honor, righteousness and loyalty. The other character, Hassan, is genuinely, perhaps, the most decent human being you can ever come across out there. If you ever happened to have a friend like him, stick to him like you have no one in the World. He possesses all the good qualities that a human being may have, i.e. loyalty, courage, diligence, decency, integrity, faithfulness, you name it!This book is able to unearth all the humane feelings you might ever have lost and will enable you, by all means, to learn the meaning of being a genuine human being again. This is one of the best books I've read in a very long time. How Ms. Tartt was able to get into this young man's psyche is incredible! Her writing style is superb and I hated to see the book end. I have recommended the book to many friends. I hope to see more from this author and hope she continues with her excellent character development. Oh, wow! Wow!I very rarely read thrillers, but this book is going to make it to the ones I enjoyed most.I thouroughly enjoyed this book for the past three days and I am sorry it's over, but I had to rush through it for two reasons:1. I couldn't put it down2. It had to be my last book of 2012I am one of those readers who skim quite a bit when reading fiction, esp. mainstream fiction, but this book I read cover to cover, i pondered over her statements, I marvelled over it's philosophies (cool girl, anyone?) and underlined many pharagraphs on my Kindle. And it is not a book I expected to need to underline.It is such a clever book, all the details neatly come together, every detail is of some importance, the writing is straightforward, but amazingly descriptive, the characters are so realistic ( I actually know people like them and I felt like every single one of them from time to time)I loved Amy all the way through and I loved Nick. I wish Go was developed a bit more, though. Her I just liked. The secondary characters were amazing too and not cliched at all, except for, maybe, Amy's lovey-dovey parents, but they were fairly fitting to the story.The ending made sense, too. It wasn't a huge twist everyone was talking about, I didn't see it coming, but I wasn't shocked by it either. It was fitting. The characters were developed enough for me to be able to accept the outcome.All in all, what a great book to complete my 2012 'books read' collection. Dan Brown's book includes a good deal of information about a world that has been hidden in plain sight for a very long time. To a greater or lesser extent depending on the denomination, Christian religious practices include many pagan rites and rituals. The most obvious center on pagan holidays such as Samhain (Halloween = hallowed eve of All Saints Day) or the example in Brown's book that involves the rites of spring. Those with art history and/or comparative religion backgrounds will be familiar with most of the `occult' information Brown shares (if you can find it in books I guess it isn't too well hidden).However, it is important to keep in mind that Brown's tale is a work of fiction, and as such, the comments and thoughts of the protagonist (Robert) and other characters may or may not be accurate. For example, the purported millions of people burned at the stake for "witchcraft" is exaggerated as are the assertions that they were all women and the Roman Catholic church was responsible for all the deaths. Research conducted in the 1990s shows: 1) The numbers of "witches" burned at the stake was much lower than previously thought; 2) Many of those executed for "witchcraft" met their fate in Germany, Denmark, and Scotland (nominally Protestant countries at the time of the witch burnings); and most of those executed were not killed by church or secular authorities, but by apparently hysterical illiterate villagers who were both Catholic and Protestant (i.e. Salem in the New World). Perhaps as a result, Italy-a nominally Catholic country-is purported to be the home of the "evil eye" and many modern witches. (Raven Grimassi, a hereditary Italian witch, has written extensively on this topic).Fiction versus non-fiction aside, my one irritation with Brown's storytelling is that he pulls his punches in the denouement-probably because the editors wanted to increase book sales. I can't say more without giving away the plot-but this book is not THE NAME OF THE ROSE.While I admit to reading the book non-stop, I wasn't "scared" after the first few pages. I read on because I found Brown's weaving of occult information, art history, pagan lore, technology, Templars, Masons, and Paris fascinating. I have a personal interest in the machinations of Rome and the Knights Templar. My grandfather was a very high ranking Mason (as have been most of the male members of my mother's family) and my grandmother was a member of the Eastern Star (as have been most of the female members of my mother's family). On the other hand, I was raised Roman Catholic because my father was RC (and a Knight of Columbus). To say I absorbed a good deal of conflicting information during my growing up years is an understatement. I could really identify with Sophia. Rather pedestrian plot and writing. It didn't really hold my interest and I found the characters to be one-dimensional and rather dull. It's rare that a book makes me literally laugh out loud and/or sob my eyes out... this author accomplishes that more than once in this remarkably told story. Perfect development of the characters - the bond they build is palpable, believable and quite beautiful. I literally bought this book a little over 24 hours ago and what can I say, it really keeps your attention. If you are like me and love a good romance novel then stop reading reviews and just buy it right now because you won't be disappointed.PROS- Great character development. I could mentally imagine every single character and fell in love with some of them, could relate to some of their problems and literally cried when they cried at times.- Good story line. There was drama when there needed to be. There were comical moments, many sad moments and some very happy times as well. The story developed into something that really touched my heart. Dealing with death is not something to easily write about, however, Young elaborates on it beautifully and shows how to deal with and get over the loss of a loved one.- Heated romance. Need I say more?CONS- The only two bad things that I can really say about the book is that first of all, it was somewhat predictable. The hinted foreshadowing is far from subtle. Although there were a few moments in the book that I was actually caught by surprise and wasn't expecting it to happen.- Secondly, there were a lot of similarities between this book and the Fifty Shades series. Both had characters that were really mentally messed up. Both have the main male character being drop dead sexy, rich businessmen that are very protective over the women they love, and have also been through terrible tragedy. Both main male characters also get into bar fights. However, as I got deeper and deeper into the book, I was finding more and more differences between them where I was able to mentally separate them, but in a good way. Now that I have read the entire book, I can say that although it does share some characteristics with Fifty Shades of Grey, On Dublin Street differentiates enough from it to make it unique and a very very good read.In my opinion, it would make an excellent movie that would really teach an important life lesson. Remorse, forgiveness, and love. Suzy Wilson's review Apr 23, 20135 of 5 starsbookshelves: dystopia, strong-female-protagonistRead in April, 2013I received a copy of this novel as an electronic Advance Reader Copy from NetGalley and Houghton Mifflin, in return for an honest review.I liked it so much, when it came out in hardcover, I bought the book.Honestly, I loved this book.It is not difficult to see elements of other works in this novel. Like The Hunger Games and Divergent, The Testing is a post-apocalyptic dystopia - the world is rehabilitating, several generations after the bombs were dropped. Food is growing again; the water is being slowly cleaned and the badlands are being reclaimed from the radiation and mutations. Things are tough, but it is much better than it was.Cia lives with her family in a small outpost, isolated from other communities. She lives in a large, apparently happy family invested in re-engineering order from the chaos. We pick up Cia's personal narrative at the point where she is about to graduate from high school. Bright, plucky and full of promise, Cia has hopes of following her father to University to continue and build on his legacy of research and service. However, places at the University are limited, and to gain entrance, suitable candidates are recruited from the various settlements to undergo the Testing - a series of entrance exams. Few from Cia's home community have been favoured with selection in recent years, and she is determined to break back amongst the chosen.The novel follows Cia and three schoolmates chosen to represent their colony in the Testing. However, all is not as it seems. Cia's father, a graduate of the University, warns her on the eve of her departure, to trust no-one. Haunted still by nightmares, he shares with Cia what knowledge he retains of his own testing - including a warning that each successful candidate's memory is wiped at the end of their Testing. His fear is not of what he remembers, rather the nightmare of what he cannot. Like 1984's behindthink, it isn't what your conscious mind remembers that is the problem - it is the messages from the shadows that haunt your dreams.Cia departs, and the Testing begins.The story, while slow to start, gathers pace during the Testing. Like the candidates, I, as the reader, was shocked by the brutality of the Testing - not so much by the graphic descriptions of the challenges, but more the underlying horror of the choices and the realities experienced by the candidates. It isn't what Charbonneau draws for us with her words, rather what is left unspoken, unlit and subverted that speaks the loudest.I found the novel compelling. The characters are finely drawn and complex. The world-building is achieved early and well, without superfluity. Cia is perhaps the only truly honest person in the book. Everyone else has something to hide. Cia's challenge is to learn to limit her trust in others, while remaining true to her own ideals, and staying alive. Without introducing too many spoilers, I really enjoyed the ending of the book. I think the unmasking of the final subterfuge is masterfully done and I can't wait to read the next instalment. I read this as it is on my students booklist. I always enjoy the themes involved in this book. It's clearly teen-fiction in the way it's written. The plot moves along at lightening speed which is the both the success and perhaps the loss in the story. You can't help but being engaged in the story as Katniss is catapulted into the hunger games arena; being swept along with her are a number of other characters who have varying degrees of involvement.This is my only problem really, in that the other characters feel quite undeveloped - i don't feel I know, or care about them very much. Having said this, I'm aware it is book one of a trilogy and expect the other characters to be developed for good and bad in the other two books, so I take this book as a great set-up for the trilogy and involving some really interesting themes both ancient and modern. The type of mystery I'm used to starts off with a bang and takes you on a wild ride. This wasn't that. I found the first chapter kind of boring and the first third plodding. Then I hit page 219. This book's pace feels a little like the first hill of a roller coaster ride. It chugs up the hill and you wonder what all the hype is about, then at p. 219 it starts a free fall down the hill gaining momentum until the end. I read the first 219 pages in a week and the last 370 pages in two days.Plot summary:Reporter Blomkvist is hired by rich patriarch Vanger to examine the cold case of how his niece Harriet disappeared 40 years ago. In their research Blomkvist and his unorthodox assistant Salander uncover gruesome family secrets.My opinion:Holy cow is this good. The story is complex, rich, and in-depth. Most of the details you think are just color are actually significant so pay attention. Larsson may have written one of the most fascinating characters in fiction in Lisbeth Salander the goth, brainiac hacker. Blomkvist is an odd hero; he's ethical as a journalist though morally suspect in a Bohemian kind of way that is a lot more forgiving in a 25 year-old than in a 45 year-old. The characters may not be likeable to some, but they are complete, well-rounded, fascinating and complex. The plot is compelling if gruesome and disturbing at several points. Be warned.There were some writing style things that bugged me personally: A lot of the scenes start in one POV and end in someone else's POV (the pivotal office scene on p. 220 is an example). The names can get very confusing. Where most authors try to avoid even using the same letter in naming their characters, Larsson uses names like Henrik, Harriett, and Harold living on Hedeby Island off Hedestad. He'll refer to a character by three names such as: Berger, Erika and Ricky, but despite some of these minor annoyances, the story and characters are excellent.This book is compelling, fascinating, unique, unpredictable and not to be missed. It's complex and adult -- and definitely not for the under 21s in my opinion. The concept was so unusual, I really liked it. Having a female as the hero was a great idea. Women are always stronger than men. The writing was really well done and the characters were realistic.Will recommend this to all my friends. This series leaves you wanting more. They have great character development! This book had me hooked and on the edge of my seat. This is going to be a short review b/c I've been a little generous with my time for these lately! I really enjoyed this book, I am a huge fan of the vampire themed stories, and this was really just a great read. Kagawa sucks you in from page one with an eerie, disturbing setting for this story, and I liked that we get to know Allie as a human before all of the action starts. Her life pretty much just sucks, and when her decision to lead her friends out in unsafe lands for food leaves her alone and dying, her saving grace is a vamp that can turn her. If she chooses it. So, she becomes what she hates in order to survive, and her world will never be the same. Kanin, her sire, trains her in the life of a vampire, then she sets off on her own into the outer lands, where the rabids roam free and kill anything in their path. There she meets up with a group of humans that are traveling to find Eden, a rumored city where they will be safe from the rabids. Allie has to hide what she is from these humans if she wants to survive, but with nosy Ruth hating her and a mutual attraction for the steamy Zeke, it may not be easy.This story was full of action and twists, it was virtually non-stop thrills or drama once Allie is in the outlands. I loved that Allie was totally bad-ass, even though she tended to be a little selfish before she met up with the humans. I was upset with how she put Kanin in grave danger and then just left, but I'm hopeful that she can redeem herself later!! She grows so much throughout the story, putting the needs of others before hers and really owning what she has become. There were so many upsetting moments in the story, characters I grew to care about losing their lives or suffering. But the journey they take was exciting and an absolute blast to read, and I actually like the way things wrapped up. Nothing's set in stone, yet we don't get that 'happily ever after' feel since there's so much more of the story to come. Will be looking forward to the next book in this series!! Ironically, my first instinct seeing this book was that it would probably be a collection of subjectitvely picked research to back some unconvincing hypothesis of overstated importance. Well of course part of that was true, after all Gladwell is a journalist and not a scientist. However, in general, he does a great job in describing the research and its relevance to our everday lives.Blink focuses on 2 seperate but related concepts. The first is that of "time slicing", which demonstrates how important information can be encoded in a very short period of time. Most of Gladwell's examples are socioloical, and the most striking of which was research which aimed to predict whether married couples would get divorced after analyzing a single conversation with them.The other concept is how the brain acts subconsciously to certain stimulus. Gladwell's proposal is that if we can recognize this power of the brain we'd make the world a much better place and all sorts of other grand things. So, although not perfect, this is a good and interesting book. Right from the very start I was hooked by Gone Girl and as is the way with a good mystery, you can never assume that you know where it's going because it's filled with twists and turns that will keep you moving from one page to the next. Gillian Flynn has a great writing style and her characters are perfectly and realistically twisted. A real page turner. This book has many problems. The characters are completely unbelievable in their roles. The profiler (Kyle) is a felon and psychiatric patient but is trusted with sensitive information and allowed to lead a police investigation. The lead detective (Nicole) is totally inept as a police officer and has more than a few loose screws. She seems not to understand investigative or police procedure. Along with the other law officers they display all the ineptitude of the Keystone Cops but none of the humor. Both Kyle and Nicole are emotionally immature and mentally unstable (although the author attempts to portray them as 'misunderstood'). Their relationship is not at all believable. The plot begins reasonably enough -- a serial killer preys on women and takes a trophy -- but turns bizarre and then ridiculous. I suppose that is the word I would use to sum this book: 'ridiculous'.The author has enormous flights of fancy unconstrained by matters of law, psychology, or medicine. The novel belies the lack of fact checking. For example, scenes in the book break many rules of police procedure with regard to crime scene investigation, chain of evidence, and apprehension and questioning of suspects. One example of another type of error is when a police officer shows a picture of a woman who has a "split lip" after being beat up. The police officer states that it took 27 stitches to close the lip. That's quite a "split lip". Sutures average about 5 stitches to the inch; slightly more for the face. An incision requiring 27 stitches would be about 5 inches long, and that is longer than a lip. It's about the circumference of the mouth. Another medical misstep occurs when the author states that Kyle had his blood drawn every hour to be tested for mad cow disease. First, there is no blood test for mad cow disease. Second, one would not check blood every hour for any infectious disease -- it simply isn't useful. Apparently the author thought that 27 stitches or testing blood every hour sounded extreme and so used them. However, these (and many other things in the book) are beyond extreme: they're ridiculous. A bit of research would have prevented such bizarre errors.As another reviewer stated, there's a reason this book is self-published: no reputable publisher would have printed it. Too bad a reviewer can't give zero stars: I would have. I think this is the most underrated book on Amazon! But I think I know why the bad reviews were created.The book is amazing, and I would definately would have given it 5 stars but for certain aspects of the book, but I think parts of the book made some people, especially men, uncomfortable given the extremely detailed romantic impulses and actions of the female protagonist and her lover. OTHER THAN THAT this book was the best book I have read in YEARS and thoroughly enjoyed it. In most of the incredible fiction books I have read the romance and feelings of possession of the main characters stops at a certain point and is not a featured part of the book, but this book definately may make you hate that friend you have that might be obsessed with her boyfriend and vice versa.However, this book kind of reminded my of a super-upgraded version of Twilight, and was so glad it was longand there are two more books on the way! After reading a lot of disappointing novels in the past few years andtoo many that were aimed at young adults, this was a welcome change! I just think a lot of adults might think vampire novels like Anne Rice novels are more mature, and the feelings of the protagonist could have been minimized and more action in the story could have been involved in the place of the feelings of possessiveness/and or romantic obsession. Being a person who rarely reads fantasy, I was a little uneasy about reading this book, especially when I looked at the character log in the back, with all the houses listed and its history. Oh shoot, I said, I won't be able to keep everyone straight.But I couldn't believe how entertaining it was. The plot is fresh and exciting, with interesting twists and turns nearly every step of the way. I must say that there was only two or three characters I was absolutely in love with, one of them being Princess Dany. I took off half a star in rating because I did not see enough of her in the book that I would have liked. Also, I found it hard to believe that the author killed off the characters that he did. NOTE: There is no happy ending to the first of this series.The writer is very talented and he is definitely one that will forever be remembered. If you like historical fiction, especially with a medieval setting, then you will like this, despite it being of a fantasy genre. Can't wait to continue the series. I stayed up way too late because I just couldn't put this down. The tragic story of a woman with 5 young children who, by way of her death from a particularly vicious cancer, should help save the lives of probably almost every one of us, is positively fascinating. I also like the author's style as she weaves the stories of the past and the present, along with updates on the people we've met in the book and an afterword discussing the moral and legal implications of the issues in the book, and they make a very satisfying read. Yes, there are similarities to Fifty Shades, but they are few. Billionaire falls for a girl and likes to be in charge of all aspects of his life. Both characters have a past. Ok, that's where the similarities end.Yes, Gideon does a few things that are over the top (like the recreation of Eva's bedroom), but he is a very intense guy. Eva falls for him quickly and their relationship turns hot very quickly. The sex scenes are hot. Eva is a sassy, no-nonsense type of person that puts Gideon in his place a few times.This is a great summer read! 4.5 starsMiss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is one of those books that is completely unexpected and almost swathed in mystery. I had only the slightest clue what it would be about, but was thoroughly absorbed the moment I began. Jacob is a sixteen year old loner - not by choice - who spends a great deal of his time with his Grandpa, Abraham Portman; a man who escaped nazi-invested Poland as a child and moved into a peculiar home off the coast of Wales. Grandpa Portman claims the home was full of peculiar children with special gifts, but Jacob lost faith in that story years ago.After Grandpa Portman's death, at the hands of what Jacob thinks is a monster, he ventures - with his father - to the island where the home stands. This is when things start to get better and better. The sense of mystery, and even a little trepidation, jumps off the page. Jacob isn't sure if he's just a little crazy or if he should believe the stories his grandfather told him. He flips between the two thoughts and being a part of his uncertainty creates an eeriness. I never knew what to expect or what was going to happen. Each detail is revealed slowly and with care. Learning more about Jacob's grandpa unravels the mystery about the island and the children, but also about the person that Abraham Portman once was.The photos that go along with the peculiar children are creepy and help to bring the story to life. Ransom Riggs has this descriptive writing style that vividly introduces the island of Cairnholm and makes it a character all on its own. I don't want to give anything away because Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is a book that screams `read me.' Like its title, it is a peculiar book, full of peculiar children, and peculiar happenings, but it is also a daring and imaginative story that will captivate the reader and fully immerse you in the dreary, rainy world of Cairnholm.Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is part character driven, part historical foray, and part paranormal mystery, but completely fascinating and beyond interesting. Ransom Riggs has tied two forms of art together to create quite the story. It is the perfect balance of creepy and coming of age; meaning, it may give you nightmares, but it will also make you smile. Any book that can do that cannot be bad. Jodi Picoult's The Storyteller is a fictional account of a young woman-Sage- who befriends an older gentleman-Josef- she meets at a grief group. Both Sage and Josef are lonely and seeking companionship, and both are stuggling to cope with secrets that have led them to the therapy group. As the novel progresses, Josef reveals to Sage that he was a member of the SS who held a high position at Auschwitz- the largest death camp in all of Europe during WWII. Josef has hidden his secret for many years by hiding in plain sight. He is an upstanding member of the community and a beloved neighbor, teacher and friend. As he nears the end of his life he seeks forgiveness for the atrocities he committed during the war. Sage, the grandaughter of an Auschwitz survivor, grapples with the idea of forgivness throughout the text.In the seven years I have spent as a classroom teacher, it never fails that my students ask me the following questions: How did normal citizens become Nazis? Why would any person allow such horrors to happen? Over the years, my answer to them has evolved. I have come to believe that all people are capable of both good and evil, depending on their environment. It is interesting fodder for a debate on nature vs. nurture that always sparks their interest. The Storyteller also zeros in on this idea. Is someone that commits unspeakably evil acts a monster? Can one ever be forgiven for such things? Told multiple perspectives, Picoult has obviously done her research. Wrapped within the stories of the characters is also an allegory written by Sage's grandmother as a young woman. Essentially Picoult has written two novels in one in a way that is absolutely masterful.I have read many pieces of Holocaust Literature- both fiction and non-fiction. It is a genre that I feel absolutely compelled to read. Though it did have a few minor flaws, this particular piece was especially well done. I had some reservations about buying this book. I knew little about it except that it was the love story between a girl and a werewolf. As it is a YA I'll admit I was worried it would be a little too Twilight, which I loathed. The beautiful cover was what was sucked me in and I certainly don't regret it.Shiver is everything Twilight isn't, a truly believable romance with believable, equal characters, and above all it is beautifully written. Maggie Stiefvater is an artist with words, creating stunning pictures with just a few sentences. A true wordsmith.Sam and Grace's relationship is just beautiful. I have found recently that YA paranormal romance can actually provide a much ore meaningful relationship than adult paranormal romance. Adult paranormal romances have sex and intense sexual attraction to keep the pace briskly moving along. In YA paranormal romance relationships are expected to be more chaste which means even a little thing like handholding can become incredibly significant and touching.I loved that Sam wasn't an alpha wolf. He was just an ordinary guy with an extraordinary secret. It made him wholly believable and made his falling in love with Grace all the more believable too. I'll admit I found it a bit odd that Sam apparently fell in love with Grace when she was 10 and she with him when she just knew him as a wolf but once these two characters are together, you really don't care about how they fell in love, simply that they are in love. Their relationship was rich with meaning, every look and touch leaping off the page. It is rare that two characters complement each other quite so well and I laughed with them, cried with them, held my breath for them. They were so excellently portrayed that I really felt like I knew them both and cared so badly about what happened to them.The secondary characters were equally wonderful; fizzy Rachel and introverted Olivia, who I'm sure we'll see more of in Linger, Shelby, who again may have more to contribute and my favourite, Beck. My only complaint about him is that there wasn't enough of him! What was so wonderful about Beck was that he actually only appears in person in a very small part of the book. The rest of the time he is only being spoken about, primarily by Sam to Grace. It is testament to Stiefvater's writing skills that I really felt like I was in Grace's shoes at this point so by the time she and Beck actually met, I felt that I already knew him. Paul was perhaps the one character I didn't much care for. He didn't have much to contribute to the story and what little page time he occupies he seems to be getting attacked/injured. I didn't find him very impressive considering he is supposed to be the pack alpha.There is no trite love triangle in Shiver, though Stiefvater has opportunity to evolve one with the character of John. This is, quite simply, a love story between two brilliantly portrayed people who want nothing more than to be together but who both know they might not have much time.The book alternates between Sam and Grace's point-of-view, cleverly evolving both characters at an equal rate. The pacing isn't brisk but fluid and I simply couldn't put the book down. Stiefvater is perhaps the only author I have ever read who can write chapters that are, at times, half a page long, and actually not annoy me. Normally this is one of my biggest turnoffs when reading but Stiefvater's skill with words not only pulls it off but made me realise the book couldn't have been written any other way.A truly exquisite love story. I can't wait to read the sequels. I picked up this book simply because I was looking for something new to read on the same day I happened to hear it won the Pulitzer. I'm glad I did, however, because it was exactly what I was looking for. Engaging, well-paced (especially for its length), with interesting and (mostly) well-rounded characters. I took me a bit to get into it, but once I did I was hooked entirely--often reading it when I really should have been doing other things. Tartt excels as exhibiting Theo's journey so naturally and seemlessly, that every action he takes makes complete sense for his character. You completely understand why he gravitates to the people he does, why he needs to self-medicate the way he does, why he follows the path he follows. Many authors tend to shoehorn these details into their characters in order to further their plot, but with Theo, his causes and effects made perfect sense.My problems with the book, while I adored most of it (particularly Theo's youth), the last bit--the ending--felt off. There was a lot of exposition, which the reader needed for closure, but it came off as quite the "info-dump". The last scene with Boris, followed immediately by the last scene with Hobie--it was very much one character telling us everything we needed to know, while Theo stood in for the reader asking the questions we had in a very "so then what happened?" manner. Yes, we got our answers, but given how great the book had been, I was just hoping for it to play out a bit differently.Also, there were time where the lengthy descriptions of unnecessary things (furniture, for example) got so detailed that it would take you out of the book; I'd find myself skipping paragraphs a time and losing nothing from the story. The book probably could have been 200 pages shorter if an editor had simply trimmed some of the superfluous descriptions down.Lastly, I didn't find any of the female characters to be as fully fleshed out as I had hoped. Each of the more prominent ones seemed to filling a very particular place hold in Theo's life, but I knew very little about any of them outside of that role. In turn, you look at characters like Boris and Hobie, who also hold specific roles in Theo's life, but yet their characters also stand on their own two feet outside of Theo. I would have loved that for more of the females.Enjoyed the book on the whole, however. Would recommend. Let me say right off that I found "Divergent" to be compulsively readable and enjoyable. I don't think this is close to another "Hunger Games" but it shouldn't be. Who wants to read the same book over and over again? "Divergent" has an amazing plot and I think its a fairly unique one when you think about how many dystopian novels are hitting the shelves. The story is basically about a world where there are five different 'factions' that people are associated with. They live for these factions and work for these factions and have their entire belief systems set up to define the type of person an individual is. Tris is a teenage girl who has been raised to be Abnegation, a selfless faction whose core belief is putting other before yourself. When she comes of age and is able to choose for herself she decides to leave her family and faction and join the Dauntless, the brave and fearless faction who runs patrols around the border to ensure everyone's security.I had several important questions that never found sufficient answers and that is why I ended up giving the book three stars instead of more. What is Divergent? That question is never really answered. Sure its a person who has more than one faction that they show aspects of. Yet so do other characters in the story who are not considered Divergent. Also why is this world the way it is? How did these factions come to be and why are the citizens so easily manipulated into these factions? Why are people rebelling?I did like the characters a lot and as I mentioned earlier the plot moved along at a nice pace. I especially like that the heroine is not a girly girl and is mentioned as having a childlike body and few curves. I think that made her feel different than some of our other YA heroines. I never really felt like Tris's friends were really friends and perhaps thats the way the story is intended.The resolution to the story is a little too quickly wrapped up and yet it was positively a thrilling conclusion and I think the author made some very brave choices in where to take the story and the characters. Things are wrapped up pretty nicely although of course not everything is resolved so that the reader is left wanting to know more. I just hope that the follow up gives up more background and also makes the explaination for a Divergent more clear. I felt like the story told us what to believe but didn't really explain why we should believe. I'd like to see all that acknowledged so we can move on with the story and focus on the intriguing plot. This book has a lot of the factors included in your typical NA book. But doesn't. The mystery and the romance combined are just perfect. It ended a bit abruptly for me but, hey, maybe that's because I wanted more. It took half the book to develop the main character. Story was slow and boring. I felt this was a waste of my time!! I keep thinking the stories for this group of friends couldn't possibly get any better. Any more involved it beautiful. And each time I eat my words! Don't ever ask me to pick a favorite bc I don't think I can. I love this series. I love that each one is so completely full of drama you find yourself wondering if love can conquer all. Can these people possibly make it out of these scenarios alive, unscathed. Just when you think there's no way out, your kicked back and realize you were wrong all along. I'm so glad Cain finally found his happiness. I'm so glad he finally found love. I found myself pulling for him from book one. There was just something about him that makes you want him to save himself for once. Stop saving everyone else and save himself. And Charlie. Holy baggage claim. I didn't think wed ever get to the bottom of her craptastic life with Sam. It seemed to never end. The guy just wouldn't let her go. The author does an amazing job of reeling you in throughout the whole story just to spit you back out. Gotta love it! Just an amazing story! I love the way it ended!! Divergent is most definitely one of my favourite books. I don't think I can sing enough praise for it because it is just pure brilliance. From start to finish, the characters are solid and the plot is perfectly planned and paced. There is never a dull moment which lets the novel fall into the "must read in one sitting" category.'ve seen 32945 positive reviews? Rest assured, you'll be feeling the same. The concept of a society separated into coveted virtues is so alluring and intriguing. Living your life in a certain way because you had to? Not telling lies, not allowing yourself to look in the mirror, not fearing death? What. A. Way. To. Live.The novel begins in Tris' faction, Abnegation, as she prepares for a test which will help her decide her fate. We easily see that she is not able to live her life completely, having to always put others before herself and sparing herself of luxuries. Factions were created to eliminate undesirable qualities but on the contrary, it simply forces people to go too much the other way. Blunt, self-denying, reckless, ignorant and superior - doesn't sound as good, does it? At her chosen faction, Tris is thrown into many exciting situations, ones you'll be begging for more of. Divergent is fast-paced and entirely gripping. The action sequences are written wonderfully and you'll constantly feel a thrill shooting up your spine as you anxiously await more.Tris is an amazing heroine. Though skinny and weak at first, she becomes resilient and takes things day by day, being mentally strong and taking us on a long emotional journey. I think the character development in this novel was excellent. As Tris fights for what she wants, she matures and becomes a very different person, or rather, discovers who she really was to begin with. The secondary characters are also very enjoyable to get to know as they each have a distinct personality. All of the characters evoked many strong emotions from me, good and bad, going to show how great of an author Roth is.There's an amazingly good romantic subplot in the novel and that in itself was a mystery! We meet a few male characters early on and for every single one I asked the question, "Is this her love interest?". Unlike many novels where it's obvious who the main character will end up liking, this one comes as a surprise and is not obvious from the very beginning, which I loved! Her love interest turns out to be someone who is complex, intelligent, strong and hot. Where can I get myself one of those?I felt that this book was similar to The Hunger Games in that it's an action-packed adventure. This book also deals with sacrifices and the idea of doing things you normally wouldn't in order to survive and gain. In saying that, the similarities end there. Divergent is a unique book that will keep you on your toes. Unexpected things happen that will make your jaw drop and heart fracture. You'll be left wide-eyed after the twists. This highly-anticipated novel most definitely lives up to all of the hype and more! Fantastic characterisation and an always exciting plot. What more could you ask for? My opinions on this book are based solely on the book's writing style and plot. I don't know the accuracy of the claims in the book and I find them irrelevant in that I consider this book a work of fiction meant solely to entertain. The author only mentions that the societies mentioned in the book (the Priory of Scion and Opus Dei) are real societies.The Da Vinci Code is a thrilling roller-coaster ride of events that surprise the reader at every corner. Brown often ends his chapters on a suspenseful note which leaves the reader anxious to read on. He starts off the novel with the murder of Jacques Sauniere, a prominent man working at the Louvre. The plot continues as Sauniere leaves a message for his granddaughter Sophie Neveu and Harvard professor Robert Langdon at the scene of his death. Neveu and Langdon are sent on a sort of treasure hunt (where symbols and clues are everywhere they turn) to learn why Sauniere and others have been killed and to find the Holy Grail.I find that the plot is excellent in terms of its riveting sequence of events. I found myself involved, trying to figure out the clues along with the characters. Some of the things Neveu and Langdon find are very controversial. But, they don't shatter any beliefs I had before. If anything, the claims about the church and about Jesus make me want to investigate the issues for myself.For readers who can get past the controversial nature of the book, this is a suspenseful page-turner that keeps you hanging every step of the way. I must confess I had to listen to the audio version of this because I'm not allowed to open my Kindle until Christmas. Either way, this was the best book I've "read" in a very long time. I think I could understand Jacobs feelings about being in the nursing home since I had to deal with my mom being in a nursing home. His description about sitting in the dining room was so real. Do yourself a favor and enjoy it. Also, it has a great ending. I really liked this book. The story line was easy to follow and while it was difficult at times to like Joss, the main character, I fell in love with Braden and Ellie! I felt that Joss was over thinking some situations and not letting things fall into place naturally, but hey, she's a girl and I can understand. I also didn't feel that Joss' character was fully developed and the problems about her past were not dealt with. I don't think taking a trip fully allows one to grieve but there is a second book so maybe we'll understand a bit more laterI thought the relationship between Joss and Braden was great. Their remarks were witty and funny at times and other times I wanted to swoon. I really liked Braden's character-he seems honest and a good guy. I was rooting for them from the beginning and don't think that I stopped doing that. In other books, there's always a character that messes up and causes a breakup but I thought that this book did a better job at making situations realistic. While there was drama, it was drama that was honest and relatable... not drama that I had to roll my eyes at.I would recommend this book to others. It was a fairly quick read. I was able to do read it in a couple of hours. I was so engulfed in the book that I didn't want to put it down! Also, the *mature* scenes were well written, as well as the text messages and dialogue that were exchanged between characters ;) I don't understand the negative reviews. I really loved this book, and thought it brought together the characters endings in a lovely way. The beginning scenes of the wedding and honeymoon are lovely, and tho, I, too, hesitated at the first sign of the 'little nudger', I thought the storyline was handled well. It kept me very interested, even if it was a little gruesome - hey, aren't we talking vampires here?? And the final part was great - with Bella so triumphant as a vampire, finally unburdened by her clumsiness, and we feel Edward's love for her so much more because he loved her when she was so imperfect and so breakable. I loved it, loved the ending, think it was a great book. I even love the fairytale cottage. I also didn't need a romance-novel love scene with specifics. This one was perfect. Amazingly enough, I didn't read this series when it first came out, and I've read a lot of books (of a wide variety of genres). Now I've read the first 3 of this now and I think it's interesting to read the reviews now vs the time they were written.Just sticking to this 1st book, overall I agree with the reviews and ratings. It's an excellent story and excellent writing. The one thing that is different now than then is that it is no longer unique. Many fantasy books (and more importantly perhaps, movies) have created whole new worlds and I don't find Jordan's that different really (replace Orges with Trollocs and Clerics with Aes Sedai, etc). Sure it's different, but not amazingly so. Also, the 3 main character theme vs the traditional one is now old hat thanks to Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and decent supporting cast TV shows (Stargate, Firefly) and movies. So again, at the time, this was all breakthrough and wonderful, but reading it now it's great, but not shocking is all.What I actually find great about these books is the pace at which they move, given the sheer size of each book. The interest, suspense and action all keep moving and while each book is a story in its own, also ties to the larger arc. Well done there.Jordan captures the gender stereotypes well also. Again, new at the time to have main female characters and strong female characters, but old now (and somewhat overdone, especially in TV/movie areas). What might be nice is to see smart male characters. What I find lacking in a lot of fantasy novels is any real politics/trade discussions. Ok, so not as exciting as swashbuckling perhaps, but would be nice to have more depth from time to time.Anyway, based on only 3 books of the series, this is great overall and I'm looking forward to more. But in that I'm also looking for more character and world development along with arc continuations.Edit:Now I've read the 1st 6 books and I can say the story has kept up it's good pace and intrigue, and characters have changed, developed, which is good. I particularly like that we see more of the world and its politics and slowly see more of the Dark One's plans/actions.I suppose at this point there are only 2 things that are bothering me. First, the repeated and dominant use of the device of Person A believes that Person B needs to be protected (from others and themselves) and doesn't need to be asked/included in discussions - the condescending paternalist attitude that constantly leads to missed communication and crossed goals. Once or twice, fine, but it's always there.Related to this is the constant Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus aspect. One might expect the average person in the story to adopt these views, but these characters are not average. Perhaps it's a reinforcement of the story setting where no one is enlightened and all kings are blood-thirsty savages with no brains that need Aes Sedai to guide them and all women are helpless and need men around to protect them, but I seem to have higher expectations.Edit update: 1/3 of the way through Book 10Ok, things did slow down a bit. Part of the issue is that there are so many players and so many tangents that it takes forever to tell one and get back to another. Still, petty good overall so I'll try and finish it out. Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire is exactly as the title says. It's a beautiful disaster. The characters can be abrupt and violent and codependent and you know some of the things they say or do are totally wrong. But at the same time they're sweet and somehow make you fall in love even despite all of their issues. There were so many things I loved and hated about Beautiful Disaster, I'm pretty sure the internal conflict it presented me just made me enjoy it even more.Abby was a really cute character at first. Don't get me wrong, I still liked her as the book got into the swing of things, but she was pretty hypocritical. She was mad at Travis for playing games with her and accusing her of playing games with him, yet she really did play with him the whole time they were friends. The second he started to have real feelings for her she used them against him every chance she got. Either she's got really bad timing, or she is a queen of manipulation. Still, I liked her, but I can see how some people might get annoyed with her.Travis is super sweet and sexy... for most of the book. Somewhere around the middle he gets almost violently obsessed with his relationship with Abby. He's super jealous of everyone and Abby does little to help things. He's got issues. And I'd just like to warn anyone thinking of reading Beautiful Disaster of these issues, because this book will not be for everyone. I can see a lot of people getting so fed up with Travis's behavior that they refuse to finish the book. But you have to know he means well. I'm not saying it's right for him to be so possessive of Abby or to get mad at every little thing (personally I'd never have put up with that sort of thing), but he has his issues and he does try to work them out throughout the book. I think he comes a long way from the beginning of the book to the end. Beautiful Disaster is about Travis and Abby's love, imperfections, stupid decisions and all, and I enjoyed reading every second of it.Travis and Abby's relationship was so sweet, yet completely frustrating. But that's what made them so awesome to read about! It was like watching a girl date one guy, but then come home to her husband every night. And both guys know what's going on. It could be amusing at times, and sometimes just plain old cruel. Let's just say, this girl takes playing hard to get to a whole new level. Their whole relationship was like watching a train wreck. No matter what kind of horrors you see, you can't seem to turn away. If nothing else, it hooked me in and kept me reading to the very last page. Beautiful Disaster goes places I never expected when reading the synopsis. It was completely addicting!Beautiful Disaster is a book that I'm sure many people will love. I loved it. I had some issues with the characters behavior toward one another (the irrational possessiveness, and dependency that bordered on stalking mostly), but that's who these characters are. That's how their story goes and I appreciated that. I definitely recommend Beautiful Disaster to anyone who likes contemporary or romance, but this is definitely a book for the older YA crowd. It's not too explicit, but it has it's moments. I truly enjoyed this story. Mr. Zusak has a wonderful and unique way with words. He is a gifted and talented storyteller. I found myself thinking of his writing style as poetry gone novel. I am definitely looking forward to what else Mr. Zusak has in store for my imagination. This book will touch your heart and leave you in a different frame of mind. There is a lot of loss in this story and if you have lost someone you will understand the feelings that these characters go through, it may even help you with your own grief. Make you look at the loss in a whole new light.The love story was beautiful, the characters loveable. It's a must read. In this wonderful book, set in Jackson, Mississippi in the years 1962-1964, we meet three unforgettable women: Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, a young white woman, who is 22, a budding social activist and writer; Aibileen, a black maid raising her 17th white child; and Minny, Aibileen's best friend, who has just lost another job for speaking out to the white woman she worked for.Taking turns, each of these women tell their personal stories.Skeeter has a college degree, but is held back by her mother, who won't be satisfied until her only daughter is married, and by her family's position in the town. Unable to bear the bitchiness of the other young women of Jackson, she determines to go to New York to persue a writing career. Advised by an editor to write about things that "disturb" her, Skeeter makes friends with Aibileen, and through her, Minny, and begins the writing of the book that will change all of their lives.Aibileen has been a black maid in Jackson for many years, raising 17 white children, yet unable to even use the same bathroom as her white employers. She has experienced many injustices and indignities in her life. She has also known tragedy. Her son, Treelore, was 24 when he died in a work related accident. While loading timbers onto the loading dock at the mill where he worked, he slipped off the dock, falling onto the asphalt. A man driving the tractor to the dock rolled right over him, crushing him to death, while his boss and fellow workers stood by and did nothing. Now, she is devoted to Mae Mobley LeFolt, the small daughter of the white woman she works for, a child that her mother resents and ignores most of the time.Minny, Aibileen's best friend, is married to an abusive man and has five children. She can cook like no one else, but she is the sassiest maid in Mississippi, and has a real problem saying nothing when she is insulted and abused by the white women she works for. At her last job, after suffering numerous insults and charges of stealing, Minny has taken revenge on the daughter, the Terrible Awful Thing, that she tries to keep secret and that has gotten her fired for the umpteenth time. Now she works for a woman so new in the town that she is ignored by the long time residents and doesn't know about Minny's "secret."Seemingly as different as can be, and kept apart by the cultural and social boundaries of the town, these three women will come together in secret to create a book that will destroy their lives as they currently exist, and yet will also empower each of them to break the boundaries, give them pride in themselves, and the hope and courage to pursue their dreams.These characters are so real, their voices so vivid, that they make you feel as if you know them, and can laugh and cry with them. Their life experiences are, by turns, touching, heart-wrenching, and historically accurate. These three strong, courageous, and hopeful women make this a book that you cannot put down and do not want to see end. I truly loved this book, and highly recommend it. When Jacqueline follows her high school sweetheart, Kennedy, to the college of his dreams she thinks that they are the perfect couple but just months later he tears her heart out by breaking up with her and she falls into a deep depression. After two weeks of wallowing she knows it is time to start rebuilding her life again, she needs to start having fun and making new friends and she needs to catch up on her classes before she is kicked out of college. After a party one night she is attacked by someone she thought she could trust, saved by a stranger she just wants to forget about everything that happened but when her attacker starts making threats she realises that she has to stand up for herself. As she grows closer to the boy who saved her she begins to re-build her confidence but what kind of future can they have if she discovers the secrets he is keeping from her?I'd heard a lot of great things about Tammara Webber's debut novel Easy so when I was offered a review copy I jumped at the chance of reading it. I have been loving the recent influx of new adult books and Easy is up there with the best that I have read. The author doesn't shy away from tackling sensitive topics such as attempted rape but she does it with sensitivity. The scenes where Jacqueline was attacked made for difficult reading, you felt her fear, shock and horror right along with her and I think most women will be able to identify how weak she felt because she was unable to fight her attacker off on her own. As horrific as the incident was Jacqueline was lucky that Lucas came along at the right time to save her. Unfortunately a lot of other women don't have a rescuer so one of the things I appreciated most was the way the author included tips on how to avoid getting into that situation. Yes, a lot of the things mentioned are pretty obvious when you think about it but I'd be willing to bet that most of us have put ourselves into a dangerous situation at some point in our lives (I know I did as a teen and probably even have as an adult), even if we were lucky enough not to have anything happen to us. Using common sense doesn't guarantee your safety but it does make it less likely you'll find yourself in Jacqueline's situation. I think it's important to raise the issue that rape isn't just something that happens amongst strangers, it could be the boy next door, your best friend's boyfriend or even the boy you are dating. Of course not all men are potential rapists but that doesn't mean women and girls don't need to be careful and aware of their surroundings. I also think that self defence classes are something that should be compulsory for teenagers - I wish I'd taken a class like the one Jacqueline joined. In fact, if I could find one locally I'd join it now!As much as Jacqueline's attack was an important part of the story I don't want to make it sound like this was a depressing read because it really wasn't. It was about Jacqueline's journey to find herself, she had built her dreams around those of her boyfriend and when he dumped her she had to remember what she really wanted from her life. Jacqueline had her moments of depression but overall she was a strong woman and she refused to let her attacker intimidate her even after he started a campaign against her. The attacker was one of the most vile characters I've come across in a long time so I was pleased to see him get what he deserved. Another thing I loved was the fact that Jacqueline's best friend Erin was so supportive, she never once questioned that Jacqueline was telling the truth about her attack and she stood up for her friend even though it cost her. An important message to take from the book is that if you are attacked it isn't your fault, there is no such thing as "asking for it" and there is NEVER an excuse for anyone (male or female) to attack someone else. One of my favourite lines in the book was "I could blame the alcohol . . . but no. Alcohol removed inhibitions. It doesn't trigger criminal violence where there was none before." I think that was one of the most sensible things that Jacqueline said!I can't write this review without telling you how much I loved Lucas, he was incredibly sweet and protective but at the same time he didn't want to smother Jacqueline - he wanted to empower her so that she was able to protect herself and I think that was what I appreciated most about him. Yes, he would do anything to save her pain but he wanted to make sure she was safe even when he wasn't around. The back story with Lucas just about broke my heart, he had been through so much and deserved to find happiness as much as Jacqueline did. I had guessed part of his secret fairly early on but that didn't spoil my enjoyment of the story in the slightest even though I was practically begging him to open up and tell her the truth.In case you haven't already gathered Easy is a book that I would highly recommend to any fan of the new adult genre. Tammara Webber has a great writing style that will suck you in from the beginning and this isn't your standard romance. These characters are three dimensional and so real to me I felt like I was losing friends when I finished the book. I can't wait to get started on Tammara's Between the Lines series - I'm pretty sure I've found myself another favourite author! What ugly, disgusting language used over and over and to no disernable purpose. Would think this famous author capable of telling a story without such constant vile language. The characters quickly became boring and uninteresting. I consider this novel a complete waste of money. At over 700 pages it isn't a quick read, but GRRM does a great job of making an already excellent story even better. The characters are getting more complex by the end of this book, struggling with real moral dilemmas.Something very interesting I have noticed as a watcher of the TV series is how this book starts to diverge from the first one. I won't go into detail because of spoilers. However, I understand why HBO is doing it the way they are at this point in time. There just is too much story to tell.Great book, definitely worth your time. The first maybe 50-100 pages of this book were slow. There's a lot of information that you'll find useful later, and a lot of events that set the stage for the rest of the book (and the series). The characters are rich and wonderful and the imagery is immersive. When you finish this one you won't be able to not read the next. And the next, and all the rest after that- only to get mad at GRRM for not writing the next installment fast enough.He writes epic fantasy that the average reader and fantasy reader alike are unable to put down. I totally enjoyed Wait for You and it’s exactly the perfect book if you are in between reads. What you can expect from J. Lynn (a.k.a Jennifer L. Armentrout) is solid writing, a great push and pull between Cam and Avery, witty banter and a touching story. However, even though I love J. Lynn and I hate to say this…the story is not unique. It’s been done before. It’s predictable and there’s nothing wrong with that but I wanted her to WOW me like she has in the past. Now, before everyone starts throwing tomatoes at me, I will reiterate that I enjoyed this book!This is a very sweet story about overcoming your past and allowing yourself to fall in love. What’s not to love about Cam? He was perfection and there was nothing he could say that would make me do an eye-roll. Between him making her breakfast, baking cookies and calling her sweetheart…I was all warm and fuzzy throughout this entire story!Where do I start with Avery? She had a tough little exterior but not really and all she wanted was to overcome her past. Who helps her do that?? You guessed it, Cam! There is no insta-love which I very much appreciated and their friendship turned into much, much more but it happened gradually. Cam asked her out every dang day and the way he would make her laugh would make anyone overcome their past!! Clearly, all I’m doing is writing about Cam but he made a huge impact on me.This is a brief review about a book that will make you feel good and put a smile on your face. It’s the kind of book that has the perfect amount of angst, great dialogue and amazing chemistry. You will fall in love with Cam and that makes this book worth reading! This character has a very disturbing life. It was hard to read some of this, but the character development was excellent. It's hard to write about this book. I loved it. I read the first book so I thought I was ready for the bad part, but it really was hard to accept. After a while the storyline went a certain way and there was little chance at that point to avoid the things that happened. I honestly considered giving 4-4.5 stars rating, but it wouldn't be fair. This book was amazing with strong characters and a great story. Though my heart bled a lot."Just a simple girl, really, in too deep with a boy way out of her league. What else could I do but fall in love?"Dovey Beckham was an amazing, strong heroine. She did everything for the future, to make her dream come true. She decided at a really young age to be a professional ballet dancer. She grew up with a mother who didn't care and a dad who was mostly absent. With only two people to count on - two old lady; a dance teacher and a neighbour - she survived childhood. Now all grown up she puts them before herself. That decision comes with all the bad things you could think of."Are those dandelion seeds?" I asked in awe, tracing my finger over the glass where the puffy white stalks lay. "Yeah," he said. "You mentioned how much you loved them, and, well, I had this idea to put the seeds in a necklace, so you'd always have your wishes right next to your heart."Cuba Hudson grew up in a privileged way, had a family with wealth and all the pretty girls at his feet. At least everybody things his life was that easy. He actually had a hard way coping with loosing important people in his life. Cuba blames himself for the bad things that happened. He is smart, tries to be a doctor to help others. He is a totally lovable man, he just don't accept it."I mentally slapped myself. Hold your horses, Dovey Beckham. This boy was wicked."Cuba and Dovey had a short-term relationship 1 year prior to the beginning of the book. (You can read about their getting to know each other in Very Wicked Beginning.)He broke things of and went on with his life. For her it was really hard to get over him, because he didn't give a reason, just take the things he wanted and left without an explanation. So a year later they're forced together in class and there are a lot of issues they should talk about.As they started to open up to each other other things came between them, forcing them apart. On one side there was Cuba's life, with lots of superficial friendships, easy and mean girls and future. On the other side there was Dovey with debt to the wrong people, friends wanting more and seemingly no future. They didn't fit, but their love was beautiful."Does doing a wicked thing make you bad inside?"The bad part of this story was really bad and we actually get to see it. It didn't happen in the past, no we go through it with Dovey. Honestly I think I cried through a whole chapter. I can't describe the things I felt, but I was devastated. I so wanted to reach in the book and shake her, tell her to ask for help. I thought about it a lot why she didn't, but pride can kill people. At that point I believe she felt she didn't have anyone, so she did what she thought she had to.I loved Cuba, how accepting and supportive he was. Once he get through his issues everything was about Dovey to him. Though we get a little epilogue in the future I would love to read more about them."And he said the one thing that blew me away. It took me up into the heavens, dropped me and I spiraled down, afraid of crashing but having no way to stop. "Don't you see what's going on? Dovey, we don't need sleep... because we're falling in love." Wow!!!!!! Such and amazing book! I couldn't put it down. The setting and characters are perfect! Worth the read, just try it. I think "the hunger games" is a great book. The writing is very good. The plot is entertaining and I was easily hooked. The characters in the book are very likeable and you can very easily sympathize with them. I would recommend this book to anyone twelve and up.Publisher-Scholastic, IncMy Score: 5 STARS!Reviewed by~Nikki Reynolds *Potential spoilers in review*I read Hopeless a while ago and had trouble reviewing it. I still haven't quite figured out my issue outside of a strictly personal opinion, so take that for what it's worth.I loved the first half of the story. The characters are interesting, the plot moves forward well, and the way the twist is revealed definitely keeps you wanting to read more. I like that the characters felt real.Then came the end, more so the last few chapters. While I suspected the 'secret,' so to speak, all along, I don't think it was handled well. In fact, I was completely and entirely turned off by Sky's request, and even more by the fact that Holder actually goes along with it. It's completely against his character and just...dirty. I really, really hope it's not something the author hasn't personally experienced (as I wouldn't wish that on anyone), but I did find myself wondering, because it felt offensive to me. I didn't want to read more after that particular motel scene.Regardless, I did finish, and while the ending felt a bit rushed and oddly wrapped up, I do like the final bit with her mother and all the revelations there. I wish that one scene had been cut, and then the book would have been one of my favorites. Simply amazing, it's packed with sensual tension,the constant banter between Colton and Riley is full of sexual innuendo that will make you blush, tickle you pink and get you hot and bothered. The worldly, handsome, millionaire car racer Colton Thomas relentlessly pursued the beautiful Riley Thomas, though smart but naive, didn't stand a chance when it comes to Colton's seduction. This man never gives up, knows his ways around and the quickest way to get in women's pants. Oozes with sex and charm, rolling in fame and dough, women just easily fall on his feet. That would have been great and exciting to be chased by a man like Colton Westin except he has his own demons. His past is so dark that haunts his dreams, so dark even he has great fear confronting it.Riley Thomas is smart, softhearted and beautiful, also has her own demons caused by a traumatic tragedy in the past. As hard as she fought her attraction to Colton, she has deeply fallen. And therein lies the problem, she can't give him what he wants, he can't give her what she needs.This story is captivating, has enough angst which make for a good story, it has romance, the dialogue between Colton and Riley is witty and playful and filled with sexual tension. Their sex scenes is hot and steamy and smokin! it's way up the top you'll get caught up in the heat between them.This is impressive for a new writer, it's well written and has great substance, she ended it with a cliffhanger that's not anti-climatic but still make you looking forward to reading! the next book. Well done Ms. Bromberg! Have you every started a book and it just wasn't good but you read through it because eventually it did or because the rest of the series was good, well that's not the case here. This was awful from start to finish. Katniss is simply an "unlikeable" character from the get go, sure she has some redeeming qualities in the first book, but she slowly starts to lose them and before I even got mid-point in this book I totally stopped liking the character and everything and anything to do with her made me cringe, which was pretty much the whole book.She spends most of her time hiding, being whinny, and the fact that not until past half way through the book did she even consider trying to save Peeta, she was to wrapped up in her own world. Especially since Peeta sacrificed so much for her. Hell she didn't think of anyone else but herself and Gale really, and it wasn't about love or him knowing her, it was about sheer selfishness on her part. And Gale was never a likable character for me at all, he was always to full of hate and destruction from the beginning. I think Peeta would have been better off without her.The book just went on and on about descriptions of rooms living, sleeping, bathrooms, hallways, outside, inside, hiding places, it was just awful. I think Collins ran out of ideas before getting to the end, didn't have enough material for the last book slow she dragged everyone through a painful death to have to read it.The first book was fairly good, different, book 2 was a little less likeable, book 3 should never have happened. This could have been a 2 book deal and it would have been a lot better.Last time I go with the hype and read something just to see what all the fuss is. I've had these books since they first came out and could not get past the first 3 or so chapters of the first book and decided not to read them... I should have gone with my gut and stayed away.I've never given a book 1 star, I always try and find something redeemable about it, but this one has too much wrong with it to use that to help boost the star rating. Nope 1 star it is. This was recommended to me by another bibliophile who loves a good yarn, great plot development and real characters. Its been awhile since I have had to tell myself, "enough, go to bed already", but somehow I always managed to read another chapter.He sets out a great story line and in a different, exotic setting. For an American, the setting in Sweden developed a great sense of place and I didn't have anything else with which to compare. I found myself going to Google maps to get a better sense of where the plot was taking place.I judge that the pace is great without experiencing that sense that you are being rushed through plot development just so the character can do something 30 pages from now. Mr. Larsson has a great sense of plot development and continuously takes you to places in the story line you didn't think about ahead of time, but makes great sense when they happen. I am anxiously looking forward to reading books two and three. My son has been diagnosed with autism, and I feel like the author really does get what autistic people are like.But the thing I liked most was how he managed to portray Christopher as the only character with real depth and texture. Where Christopher has his very obvious and real limitations, his parents are enmired in equally debilitating and more stupid squabbles and jealousies. Christopher's issues come across to me as more real. He doesn't like people to touch him for a very good reason - because it hurts. He was certainly the most sympathetic character in the book, but also the bravest, the most honorable, the smartest, the wisest, the fairest, the one with the most interesting life. Everybody else in the book was sort of flat and predictable by comparison. He was the hero. He had a future you wanted to know about. At least that's how I saw it. And in real life, as I experience it, it can really be that way. For that reason, autism isn't this gigantic tragedy to me. Yes, you wonder who will hire him and love him when you are gone, and no, he wasn't prom king. But there are plenty of compensations if you can get past all that.I've read some reviews about how Christopher fails to understand the tragedy of his parent's divorce, because autistic people have no empathy and so on and so forth. I beg to differ. Christopher is initially motivated by his love for a dog, and a sense of the injustice done to the dog. But his other big move is to go to London, which wouldn't have happened if he hadn't cared about his mother. He explains that the reason he has an easier time with animals is that they don't lie to him. He understands their minds and can trust them to be faithful and honest... it's not about lack of empathy for people. Every autistic person I know well is deeply empathetic. Because of (for example) the stupid fights he sees his parents go through, people have to do more to gain his trust. Autism is seen as a disability, because people like Christopher don't get some really big things, like that his father isn't going to kill him. But Christopher doesn't get his father for the same reason his father doesn't get him - because their brains are wired differently. In this sense, Christopher isn't any dumber or less empathetic or less rational than his father, and Haddon conveys this beautifully.Christopher and his father are thrown into this world with different brains, but with the same desire to create a meaningful life. The mind of Christopher's father gives him certain advantages toward this end, but Christopher's mind gives him equally big advantages, and Haddon leaves you genuinely wondering which mind you would rather have. It was just great. When I started this book I had high hopes and the information about Berlin and the change to Nazism and the often cruelty and attacks on American citizens were very interesting. Also the interplay of characters, Nazi and not. What I was very disappointed in was the free spirited sex life of Martha, the daughter. Here was a woman who was married (somewhat) but proceeded to have an active sex life with practically anyone who came along. She might have been the daughter of the ambassador but she was no lady. IF the author wanted to present the whole story, then reactions and actions of Bill Jr and the ambassador's wife would have added to the story. Rather the book was more about the daughter and her affairs than the presenting what was really going on in Berlin This was a book club read and I did love it. It was a great story, The characters were wonderful, I just didn't want it to end. It reminded me a little bit of the HELP. There was humor, sadness, joy, love and the food sounded just wonderful! The only thing missing was the recipes. I will look for other Beth Hoffman books. Occasionally I see these 2.99 books, with good reviews...that just suck. There are a few authors on amazon who have obviously bought their reviews. This one had a surprising number of pretty high reviews so I was kind of suspect to be honest. I hadn't read the other book by this author, but...this one just sounded interesting enough that I figured why not.Score. I loved it. This is one of the books on amazon that has earned its score. If you liked books like starship troopers, or any military science fiction this is a good choice. Well developed characters, fun plot, etc. I had been hearing good things about Wither before I even received this book. The cover is really pretty (though am I the only one who thinks the cover model looks like Mandy Moore?) and draws you into the story. I totally got sucked in while reading. The characters are what really makes this book stand out. While the overall plot is fascinating, if the characters didn't come alive to me then the book would have been meh to me. As it stands however, DeStefano makes Rhine, Gabriel, Jenna, Cecily and Linden all become real to me.Rhine's character is very conflicted throughout the book yet she is a likable character. I don't know what I would have done in her situation. I can't even fathom knowing that I would be dead in a few years. What makes her different from the other wives is that she knows what the real world is like and she knows what having a real family is like. Therefore unlike everyone else, she has hope and she is doing all she can to live for that hope.Jenna's character is devastatingly tragic for me. I really wish we could have known more about her. When we're introduced to her, it's almost like she's already doomed from the start. She's quietest of the three wives and the one that keeps to herself the most. She loves reading which made me relate to her the most. Since she pretty much knows her fate already, she just takes each day one at a time. Also as the oldest, she seems to be the wisest of the group. This is drastically different from Cecily, who at the youngest, seems to be the most flighty and immature. Yet it is her who has the biggest influence on Linden's father due to her circumstances. It's quite sad to read about what she has to go through afterward and how she is kept from what she loves most. The thing that got me is that Linden is not a bad guy. I was so ready for him to be like his father and for me to hate him, but he wasn't and I didn't. I felt immensely sorry for him throughout most of the book. His father on the other hand, oooh it's almost like reading about Umbridge all over again. Still when you know WHY he's doing it, it makes sense though his obsession with finding a cure makes his character seem unloving towards his current son.Overall, Wither is an absolutely fascinating read. The world that DeStefano has created seems to be a bleak and hopeless world for the young. However for characters such as Rhine and Gabriel, there is resistance and a fighting chance for survival. I cannot wait for the next book in the series though since this is a trilogy, I bet the 2nd book will have an even worse cliffhanger. Even if you don't like other dystopia book, I really think you should try this one. It's an engrossing read and will keep you glued to your seat as you frantically turn pages. HIGHLY recommended. Incarnate by Jodi MeadowsPrint Length: 400 pagesPublisher: Katherine Tegen Books (January 31, 2012)Sold by: HarperCollins PublishersASIN: B005GG0K80My Review~The cover is stunning!! I love love love the cover! The colors, the movement, and the feel of it had me dying to delve in the depths of the pages so that I may figure out what the cover represents. This is a new book and feel about things that we read alot about like dragons, souls, reincarnation and etc.. The author has done an amazing job with the unique world that she has created. I'm tickled pink to say that I stayed up all night read this book because I couldn't put it down and didn't want to stop. I wanted to figure out who was after Ana and Sam and also who was following them. I simply can't wait to read the next book in this series and I hope that it is better than the first, because I'm reeling about the ending....Okay if you haven't figured it out yet I LOVE LOVE LOVE this read! The author has done a great job on the characters with the descriptions, personalities, and love the dialogue. The unique world was so wonderful that I could just imagine myself right there with Ana while she struggles to become something better than a no soul. The romance of Ana and Same even made it the story even better with the tension filled talks between them and the hormonal issues that every young adult faces. This book is as unique as the cover and as beautiful and breathtaking as a butterfly.Amazon Book Description~New soulAna is new. For thousands of years in Range, a million souls have been reincarnated over and over, keeping their memories and experiences from previous lifetimes. When Ana was born, another soul vanished, and no one knows why.No soulEven Ana’s own mother thinks she’s a nosoul, an omen of worse things to come, and has kept her away from society. To escape her seclusion and learn whether she’ll be reincarnated, Ana travels to the city of Heart, but its citizens are afraid of what her presence means. When dragons and sylph attack the city, is Ana to blame?HeartSam believes Ana’s new soul is good and worthwhile. When he stands up for her, their relationship blooms. But can he love someone who may live only once, and will Ana’s enemies—human and creature alike—let them be together? Ana needs to uncover the mistake that gave her someone else’s life, but will her quest threaten the peace of Heart and destroy the promise of reincarnation for all?Jodi Meadows expertly weaves soul-deep romance, fantasy, and danger into an extraordinary tale of new life. I do not think I will finish this book, its so "out there" and feels like it was written by teens with over active imaginations. The two main characters, Anna and Christian are not believable and to me, annoying. Chris is on some kind of sadist ego trip and Anna comes across as a very immature and awkward girl. I was on a long waiting list for this book and I am very disappointed, Im glad I got it at the library and didnt buy it. This is just my opinion, you might like it, but I was very excited to read it and that excitement crashed very early on in the book. What a funny, funny read. It’s very rare a book makes me laugh out loud but this book certainly did!! The flirty, sexually charged banter, the texting and Caroline’s hilarious internal dialogue had me rolling around in stitches from beginning to end.The story is about an interior designer named Caroline Reynolds who after an unfortunate experience with an ex has lost her O and she doesn’t seem to be making an appearance any time soon. To add insult to injury she is quickly discovering her new neighbour, that shares her bedroom wall, enjoys nocturnal activities of the loud variety and with a “harem” of different women. Women that Caroline refers to as Spanx, Purina and Giggler (take from that what you will!!).I have to be honest, I think I fell in love with Caroline when she fell in love with her new Kitchen Aid Mixer, a housewarming gift from her two best friends Mimi and Sophia. She just came across as so normal and relatable. She loves her job, loves her friends, loves to cook and loves her cat Clive. She does’t however love Wallbanger and after one too many nights of listening to him deliver the goods she decides to confront him. When Simon Parker, aka Wallbanger, opens the door she is confronted by a stunningly sexy man wrapped in a towel riding too low on his hips and this is where the fun begins. From here the pair bicker and banter with each other and through a series of events the exasperated neighbours call a truce, which eventually turns into friendship (nooking and tonnes of sexual innuendo included) and then dating before O finally decides to make her stunning reappearance.Simon turns out not to be the manwhore that you initially think he’ll be. Yes, he can make the bed bang and the woman scream his name but everyone involved is on the same page. He doesn’t do the relationship thing because of his work and he makes that known from the get go, that is until the night Caroline shows up, banging at his door in her sexy pink nightie. Simon is a photographer who loves to travel (and does a lot), loves to cook, loves good music and adores Caroline's goodies (the baked ones of course!!). As their relationship progresses and they have their fair share of ups and downs Caroline realises Simon has a deeper more sensitive side and even though he tells here he doesn’t know how to do the relationship thing she thinks he’s doing a damn good job:“He was wooing me. And I was letting him woo. I wanted the woo. I deserved the woo. I needed the wow that would surely follow the woo, but for now, the woo? It was whoa.”The support characters stories were fun to read too. I really liked Mimi, Sophia, Neil and Ryan and Jillian and Benjamin and I hope we get to see lots more of them in the future. I am waiting with bated breath for the sequel, Rusty Nailed, to be released Jun 24 2014.If your looking for a funny read filled with flirty banter, sexual innuendo and great, loveable characters…..look no further. This is for you. Perhaps one of the most powerful ideas in this book is the idea of defiance, of standing up to those who mean you harm. That is the spirit that Katniss Everdeen embodies. She is the big sister that puts her own life on the line so that her sister, Primrose, does not need to fight in the dreaded Hunger Games.There are many out there who lambaste Collins for seemingly copy-and-pasting "Battle Royale" word for word, but there are enough differences between the two for this book not to be blatant copy, perhaps merely another author's rendition of a similar source work. Of course, the purpose of this review is not to compare two books side-by-side, but to review Suzanne Collins's "The Hunger Games" as a standalone novel.The premise is simple. Every year twelve districts all around the totalitarian country of Panem must send one boy and one girl as "Tributes" into the Hunger Games, a contest between the districts that awards the winning district with fame and glory and lots and lots of resources from the government. What an excellent concept this is, from a political standpoint. It keeps the upper class citizens of Panem, who reside at the capital, happy and entertained, while the bottom of the pyramid, the Districts, fight against each other, making a full-blown rebellion all but impossible. Of course, this year's Games is not like any of the other games. There can be only one victor, but it is Katniss's defiant spirit that causes the greatest upset to the games Panem has ever seen.As a first-person limited novel, much of the history of Collins's world is left to conjecture. Katniss is a strong observer, but not an omniscient one, not by a long shot. She can only provide her own guesses, which we adopt and add to, as to what is happening outside of the Games that she is currently participating in. However, the strength of this perspective lies in giving us, the readers, unlimited access to the deepest recesses of Katniss's mind. We effectively become Katniss Everdeen, the defiant girl who started a spark of revolution throughout the nation.The character development is good. We get to know not only Katniss, but also the characters she comes across. But perhaps it is Haymitch's character that steals the show. His attitude toward life, teetering between sarcastic scorn and PTSD, reflects the attitudes of some soldiers who return from combat. According to Collins, such is actually her source material for the characters and plot, the exploration of combat and its effects on young soldiers. As this is the first novel in the series, we still have yet to see any significant development of Gale and Peeta, both of whom remain rather static throughout the novel. Peeta starts off weak, he ends off weak, getting wounded and hiding in the mud as opposed to Katniss, who becomes a huntress of people.The plot and pacing are good, though it's a little slow for the first third of the book. Collins uses this first part to develop the main backstory of Panem, dedicating the latter half to the actual Games itself. Once we step into the arena, however, it's no holds barred and everything you've ever known just flies out the window.This is by no means a thorough review of the novel. I have only read it once and that was over a year ago, so I'm going on very shallow memory right now. Overall, it is an enjoyable novel, the start of something that could have been, but failed to launch with Mockingjay. Finally finished this mammoth book, and I think it's better than the television show. The characters have more depth, and the jumping from place to place makes more sense. It does have its slow parts, but in the end, it's a very rewarding read. I'll be reading the next book after a short break with another novel. I could not rest until I finished this book! I read in some reviews that William Landay's characters in Defending Jacob are underdeveloped, and I disagree. They are fleshed out more than well enough, as the plot of necessity relies -- Landay intended it to rely -- more on the swift action provided by any excellent legal thriller. If I have any criticism, it's minor; he could have tightened up the editing by skipping quite a bit of the routine procedural courtroom exchanges and I'd not have missed a thing. But then, Stephen King could use a stricter editorial hand and I doubt he's lost many readers for it. Bottom line: It's clear this author cares deeply about producing quality work. That the story concluded after such a pitch-perfect, unpredictable crescendo I particularly appreciated. Glad to have stumbled upon Landay's book. Now onto his first two novels! I'm a total history lover, so anytime I can read something that is not only true, but interesting, I'm all over it. Erik Larson has a unique ability to write about historical events in a truly intriguing way. He writes non-fiction that flows and seems less real than some novels I read.In the Garden of Beasts is about William E. Dodd, an American ambassador in Germany circa 1933. Dodd moves his family to Berlin at a pivotal point in history when Hitler is rising in power. You can only imagine the chaos that surrounds this family as they try to assimilate in a very difficult time and place in the world.If you love history, or just need a non-fiction book to read, I highly recommend this one. I hated the constant drug scenes but the writing language and character development was exceptional and kept me going. She is a writer in charge of her craft. I read the entire book in one night.Brutal in so many ways, yet without causing damage to the reader, and certainly no dwelling on pain, suffering, or violence just for the sake of it.Compelling, cool story, solid character development, and well-constructed plot. Not the most original concept for a story, but certainly has enough angles, twists, and depth in and of itself to make for a very worthwhile read. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and enjoyed the pure escapism it offered. This book is one of those rare novels that creates a level of intimacy with its characters that remains in tact long after the story is finished. The characters are complex and unpredictable, extremely human and occasionally divine. The storyline is fascinating and compelling. While I was reading, I didn't feel manipulated by the plot construction or falsely enticed by cliffhangers or manufactured suspense. The characters pulled me forward, not with a shallow lust for more, but with the fluid movement of art and masterful character development. This book will never be one that I see a few years later and can't remember what it was about. Like all masterful art, its impression on me is here to stay. I'm not sure when it happened, but its characters feel like intimate friends rather than casual acquaintances. One of the things that continue to amaze me about the quality of the books by Roth is her age and the fact that these are her first two books. It took a bit to remember what was going on when I picked up Insurgent, since I'd read the first book several months ago. That said, once things got going I finished the book in a few hours.The pacing is excellent, and the mystery in the book keeps feeding you enough clues to keep you interested. Additionally, I loved the struggle that the main character faced in choosing between what she believed what right, even though it would hurt those she loved most.Can't wait for the next book. I have to admit, I had reservations about this book. The cover and the title made it seem a bit cheesy and the synopsis didn't really grab my attention. I'm not a huge fan of contemporary romance anyway so initially I decided to pass this one up. Then I saw some super early reactions from bloggers whose opinions I generally tend to agree with and I decided to go ahead and give it a shot. For being a book I wasn't even interested in trying at first I was really blown away. The story was not cheesy in the least, the characters were dynamic and interesting and the drama sucked me right in. I fell in love with Echo and Noah and found myself devouring this story. Best of all, the book had real depth and the romance was not the least bit one dimensional. I loved this book!LIKES:Story is told from both Noah's and Echo's perspectives: I really love it when stories are told from multiple perspectives. It really adds to the reader's understanding of a story and makes it feel more dynamic. Echo and Noah each had their own unique voice and their own story to tell and it was really great to be able to understand Noah's view on the evolution of their relationship and not just Echo's. I think this writing style makes you more attached to the secondary characters as well and therefore more invested in the story as a whole.McGarry shows the humanity of all characters, even the "villains": I was a little worried when I first started this book that the author would focus on the short-comings of Echo's parents and ignore the fact that their life experiences and concern for their children influenced their parenting decisions (this is a common pitfall in a good portion of YA literature). McGarry left me pleasantly surprised when she really delved into why Echo's dad (along with other secondary characters) acted the way he did and why he made the, sometimes wrong, decisions that he made.Realistic romance, not star-crossed lovers: Echo and Noah are from different worlds and they certainly don't seem like they are meant for each other at the beginning of the book. Their relationship is tumultuous and they have completely different personalities. I was very happy that instead of a perfect, simplistic "bad boy falls in love with good girl" romance they had a real connection and realistic arguments about their relationship. I didn't feel like their love story was over-idealized. Their issues and fights were all the more heart-wrenching because of this realism and it allowed for an even bigger pay-off.DISLIKES:An abundance of f-bombs: If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times: don't overuse the f-bomb. Whenever you use a word over and over it takes away its meaning and impact. This is especially true with "shocking language". After awhile it just gets old reading "eff this, eff that" constantly. For me, it isn't a matter of offensiveness, it's a matter of creativity.Not enough closure: I felt like there wasn't quite enough resolution with Echo's mother. I would have liked to see that explored and settled more. Then again, I suppose that was on purpose.I am so happy I gave this one a shot. There is enough suspense and drama to keep everyone interested but the romance is realistic and sweet. Even if you don't love contemporary romance I would definitely pick this book up. You won't regret it. I was excited to read these books due to all the hype. But to be honest after reading the whole trilogy I have got to ask where they hype came from. I did not find the first book interesting at all but decided to really give it a shot and read all three. It was like reading the same awful book three times in a row.1) Characters:The characters are uninteresting and boring. They are taken directly from twilight but made worse. It was almost laughable how much the characters were like their twilight counterparts. But on top of that the hero is abusive. I am not sure why anyone would find him a heart throb. The heroine is a wimp.2) PlotThere is none. Simple as that. I will admit in the second and third books there is a bit more plot but in the first book there is absolutely no plot at all.3) SexWhile I admit the first couple of sex scenes were kind of fun by the end of the first book I was so tired of reading them they just got plain boring. It was the same sex scene over and over again with just a small twist. But they became predictable. The reader knew exactly what would happen, what would he say, what would she say etc... and this does not change for three books. Not to mention the characters have sex like 5 times a day every day. I was begging for them to stop having sex and have a plot but this does not happen. (If I ever hear the phrase inner goddess again...)I honestly could not recommend this book or book series to anyone. There was nothing interesting. Please save your time and $ if you plan on buying these. At least I got mine from the library but that doesn't help the fact that I wasted so much time reading these books. I first learned about this book through the National Novel Writer's Month website -- this book was listed as being written by a NaNoWriMo participant, and the author stated that this book was a product of said event. Being a NaNoWriMo writer myself, I was heartened to learn that someone had not only published a book produced during the event, but said book had been successful enough to warrant bestseller status and a movie deal. So I decided to check it out for myself, and see what a fellow NaNoWriMo writer had turned out.In the end, I found myself torn over the book -- I love it to pieces, but at the same time it frustrates me, though not enough to make me want to give it a negative review.The titular "Night Circus" is actually called Cirque de Reves (Circus of Dreams), a uniquely built circus open only at night and with attractions and acts that straddle the line between fantasy and reality, between the fantastic and the outright impossible. Behind said circus are two magicians -- Marco, assistant to the circus' proprietor and the secret power behind maintaining and organizing said circus, and Celia, daughter of a famous stage magician and serving as the circus' illusionist. Both are bound to the circus and are pitted against one another in a mysterious contest by their enigmatic instructors... but both end up falling in love, and seek to defy the rules of the game with potentially disastrous consequences for the rest of the circus. Meanwhile, a farm boy named Bailey becomes entranced with the circus in general -- and with Poppet, the clairvoyant daughter of the big cat trainers, in particular -- and finds his own fate becoming entwined with that of the circus.Let me begin with the one thing about this book that frustrates me -- the main characters, Marco and Celia. They are some of the flattest, blandest, most cardboard characters I have ever come across in a work of fiction, second only to Bella from the "Twilight" series. They aren't annoying or pathetic characters, but they are so devoid of personality that it becomes difficult to care about them. Most of the other characters, even the minor ones, have at least some personality to them, and I found myself more concerned with their fates than with the lovers/competitors who were the story's spotlight. In particular, I loved Bailey, Poppet, and Poppet's twin brother Widget, and dearly wish they had been the focus of the story instead of Marco and Celia. I was always heartened to see another Bailey chapter in the book as I read, while the Celia and Marco chapters didn't hold my interest as well, as the characters were too lifeless for me to be emotionally invested in them.That's my only quibble with this book, however -- the rest is one of the most enthralling and beautiful fictional worlds I have ever come across in a work of fiction.The circus is so grandly described, so beautifully built through Morgenstern's wordcraft, that I find myself wishing it existed in real life so I could pay a visit. She describes not only the sights of the circus, but the evocative smells -- as one character in the book states, the sense of smell is an under-utilized but powerful sense. And she makes it all seem entirely plausible and real, to the point where I find myself wanting to visit the Paper Menagerie, attend a Midnight Dinner, purchase a chocolate bat and a cocoa and go watch the illusionist or the contortionist at work, or even simply light a candle on the Wishing Tree.Of all the characters in the book, I think my favorite, besides Bailey and the twins, would be Friedrick, a clockmaker who becomes enamored with the circus to the point that he builds what can only be called a fandom around it (much like Trekkies are to Star Trek). The collective friendship and brotherhood among these reveurs, as they call themselves, reminds me of the same friendship and brotherhood that exists among fellow fans of some of my own geeky interests, and so helped me identify even more with the titular circus.All in all, I love this book so much that I can't give it a negative review -- it's marvelously written and builds a beautiful world that sucks the reader in and makes them never want to leave. But sadly, the main characters are so flatly written, so bland and uninteresting, that I can't give this five stars. I do not regret reading this book, though, and despite the unengaging leads I will happily recommend it to those who like light fantasy and marvelous worldbuilding. Despite the language (is it really necessary to use the f-word so often?), I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Suspenseful and well-written, Gone Girl is a real page turner. I wanted to keep reading to find out what happened next, but as I neared the last pages, I didn't want it to end. And then when I read the last word, I thought, "Huh? Is that it? Are we to believe that this couple is going to stay together? Or wait, maybe Amy has something up her sleeve. Or maybe the pair from the Ozarks will arrive and throw a monkey wrench into everything."On the surface, the novel appears to be a boy-meets-girl story in which the characters are going to live happily ever after. They're both nice looking, educated, employed, and in love. But soon the reader learns that there's trouble in paradise and that things aren't always what they appear to be. They lose their jobs and move back to hubby's hometown to help care for his parents, her with cancer and him with Alzheimer's. That's when things really get interesting, and the reader doesn't know what to believe. Is Amy really an angel in disguise? Is Nick a cad? How can Amy be so callous in her thoughts about her parents, the people who have spent their adult lives writing about her and elevating her to fame?Gillain Flynn is masterful in creating such a suspenseful thriller. Seriously, up until the very last page the reader is wondering what's going to happen next. The scene setting, the character development, the plot twists, and the dialogue are all superb. I did wonder about a few things such as why no one listened to Desi's mother or what happened to Andie. Those are minor questions in the grand scheme of things, however.It's a powerful book, especially for those interested in the inner workings in the mind of a sociopath. You'll never see the people around you in the same way again, not even those whom you think you know best. ***May Contain Spoilers***To start off, I have to gush about this cover. This is hand-down the most beautiful cover I have ever seen before (and I have seen some pretty beautiful covers before like "Fallen" and "Torment" by Lauren Kate, "Halo", and whatnot). When I originally bought the book I thought that if the book wasn't that great, I would be okay with that, just because the cover is so beautiful... (which thankfully I didn't have to worry about).Anyways, on to the story. This book is very much the case of girl and boy meet, as they look at one another/ touch one another they fall madly and deeply in love (all within an hour of knowing one another). I hate when this happens in books, mainly because it is not realistic whatsoever, and I personally believe that the stuff that happens as two people fall in love is extremely interesting. However, I didn't fully hate that this happened in this book. I mean, it did bug me, but it didn't completely turn me off of the book (*cough, cough, "Halo" by Alexandra Adornetto)... I think that what made up for this occurring was the boys....Oh, the boys... It's weird, lately while reading books where the female character has to choose between two boys, I haven't been able to choose which boy I prefer, or if I do choose between the two boys, I only like one over the other by a fraction (ie. Gale and Peeta in "The Hunger Games" trilogy) and in the first half of the novel, I, for the life of me, could not choose between Ren and Shay. I also found it weird that I liked Ren in this book. Usually I am anti-player boy, but with Ren, I was almost able to overlook the fact that he was a player, mainly due to the fact that he clearly cared about Calla and when he was a sweet, he was a really sweet (ie. giving her the ring). On the other hand, well, Shay was the perfect snarky/ sarcastic boy who also clearly cared about Calla. So how is a girl to choose? I did end up picking my favourite between the boys about halfway through the novel, but I still felt really bad for the boy that I didn't choose (the one who Calla didn't end up with in the end) and I think that because of his sacrifice at the end of the novel he still might have a chance with her.While reading this book I found myself growing more and more frustrated with Calla. I felt like she was playing both boys way too much in this book. I understand that she was confused and everything, but there was another option available, she could have isolated herself from both in order to think over the decision carefully without having any outside influences impacting her decision (as opposed to making out with both of them, making them both think that he was the one she was obviously going to choose in the end).I did find that this book was pretty predictable in some matters, but not in others. When it was first discovered that Shay was the Scion and that the Scion was a "gift" or something or another, I groaned, predicting (correctly) how this was going to play out with the union between Calla and Ren. On the other hand, I did think that what happened between Calla and Shay in the cave would eventually happen, I just didn't think that it would happen that suddenly or in that instance. I wish that in that part that it had been more elaborated upon, I found it to be quite rushed (it only took up a couple of pages at most), I would have loved hearing more about the process of transformation and whatnot. So it was nice that some things were still able to take me by surprise (and I am sure that lots will take me by surprise in the next novel in the series, "Wolfsbane", as so many questions were left unanswered in this book).I loved the secondary characters in this book (which is also quite surprising as I typically loathe them). I found them to be so dynamic and multi-faceted. For instance, Sabine, the obvious bitchy/ slutty girl, who despite it all, is obviously an extremely caring person as she does everything in her power to protect her pack member, Cosette, from the big bad world, Neville, the quiet boy whose music and poetry speak volumes, and Ansel, the little brother, who throughout the novel is discovering himself and what he wants in life, all the while, protecting his older sister, no matter the cost to himself.All in all, this is a great book (both the story and the cover). This book is perfect for the reader who loves a balance of the paranormal and romance (seriously, this book is an extremely hot YA novel). I just loved this book. It is in my top two and I will probably read it again which I rarely do. The story was really good and the characters were excellent. This author will go far. I can hardly wait for her next novel. I loved every second of this entire novel! Enough said! No really, the characters are fabulous and addictive. I felt the heartbreaking tale of Joss' loss and subsequent lifestyle. I loved every step of her journey. ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’ by Robert Galbraith – a pseudonym for J. K. Rowling, is the first in the mystery series ‘Cormoran Strike’, titled after the main character.We meet Cormoran Strike when he’s down on his luck, so much so that he’s taken to living in his office – a long fall for the man who used to be in the army. Then, luckily, John Bristow walks into Strike’s office with a job for him – prove the police wrong by discovering his sister’s killer. The case was ruled as a suicide, but Bristow is adamant that couldn’t be true, and he hires Strike to prove it.Armed with a new assistant and finally with a little money to his name, Strike sets out to do his job. The fact he’s investigating a supermodel means he’s soon pulled into the lives of those rich and famous, but even Strike’s steady head and nerves aren’t quite ready to deal with what is soon thrown at him.I honestly kept forgetting that the author is our favourite Rowling as I read this – I even thought at one stage that I needed to look up the author to see if he had written anything else. The writing may not be out of this world, but it was a comforting loose, enjoyable read, and I love books that capture the feel and echo of London. Rowling manages to write characters that aren’t exactly likeable, yet she still manages to make them likeable, if that makes any sense at all. They’re real and flawed but entirely realistic.The book itself is very much grounded in reality. While not teeming with original ideas, it is unmistakably a very well written and clever detective novel and I look forward to more, though it’s a pity Rowling was ‘outed’ as the author against her wishes as it sort of skews perceptions of the book when the author is such an acclaimed one.Perhaps I’ve been watching too much Luther, but if they ever develop this series for the screen, please let Idris Elba play Strike.Our protagonist is quick-minded and easily likeable and is what makes the whole book so very entertaining as he puts the puzzle together bit by bit.It might be a little typical story-wise but that’s by no means a bad thing. In fact, it’s exactly what the book is supposed to be, and it’s very good at what it sets out to do. Rowling makes a tired story somehow refreshing and above all else, very, very entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and its sequels.I found that she captured the essence of the moral ambiguity that life offers.Her characters,while engaging, live in shades of grey.Unlike Harry Potter- while extremely engaging- the morally expected outcome is not cast in stone.Characters are flawed- seriously so- and the hook is complex: her characters are both compelling and flawed.And isn't that life? While directed at a teen audience I found these books to be not just palatable but riveting to an older audience- we are engaged because we have ( many of us) observed,first hand, the complexities and ambiguities of our lives and decisions.I heartily recommend these books- these are not Twilight- (porno bland) but these serve I believe to challenge us with important question couched in a drama palatable to all: why are we here? what is true? and what,fundamentally,do I stand for? Just the word "maze" incites an instant mental picture of adventure, mystery, danger, and bravery. James Dashner's, The Maze Runner, has screamed at me from bookshelves for the past six months. At last, when I found an extra $9.99 in my pocket, I purchased it.The story follows a teenage boy named Thomas who wakes up in what seems to be a never-ending pitch-black elevator that deposits him into the center of a maze--a maze that's kept over 50 boys prisoner for several years. With a faulty memory and determination to find answers, Thomas seeks knowledge in every nook and cranny of the hundred-foot walls surrounding the only safe square to live in--the Glade.He has a rough entry into the created Glade culture, where boys take little pity on newcomers and everyone has accepted the fate of what seems to be an unsolvable maze. Every Glader has a duty--farming, cooking, healing, etc. Thomas wants to be a Runner--an explorer of the maze who spends all day seeking answers. Instead of welcoming him with open arms, the Gladers suspect him when things start to change. Boys remember him, but they don't know why. A girl shows up in the elevator-box (the first one ever). A message is received from the Creators. And Thomas somehow has bravery and answers no one else has seen before.When the "end" is triggered, the boys are forced to fight for their lives, their friends, and their sanity against the dreaded enemies called "The Grievers". Time is running out and escape options dwindle like a trickling waterfall.This book was a quick read--took me less than a week, which is saying a lot in my busy schedule. The plot was intriguing and many of the character emotions were deep and believable. I felt confused with Thomas and frustrated with his fleeting memories. The adventure is constant and page-turning, but a little on the darker side. Many children die over the course of the book and there are other things like sacrifices and torturing sickness.The end was rather dark and a little depressing. Not a lot of hope is left or achieved. The "last battle" of sorts is graphic, sad, and slightly disturbing with the knowledge that all the screams and deaths are those of teenage children. Throughout the novel, I found Thomas's lack of compassion in certain situations disturbing, like when a boy is sacrificed to the Maze.The plot had a lot of potential. It built and built and built to something I hoped would be great, but turned out to be predictable. It didn't feel unique, which then didn't seem to match the rest of the book. Once I discovered the answers behind the existence and purpose of the maze, I was sorely disappointed. It wasn't believable to me. It kept the imagination-cogs turning through the novel, but in the end weakened the story.The characters came off sadly bland and inconsistent. Thomas in particular seemed lacking in emotions and somehow managed to succeed at most of what he tried. While the reader wanted to see the characters eventually succeed, I felt a lack of inner conflict. Thomas just had a lot of outer conflict that was "conquered" with just a little average thinking.The "culture" created in the Maze lacked hope and compassion and the only clear theme running throughout the novel was "never give up." But once we reached the end, no hope was reached. The book had so much potential--cool title, catching first chapter, and who doesn't like the idea of a giant creepy maze? Overall, I found the read interesting, but mediocre. It's doubtful I'd read it again. Starts a little slow but builds into a good story. Several twists and turns keeps interesting. Found it difficult to put down. Nice weekend read m This probably wasn't the best of the trilogy...perhaps the worse. I was disappointed in all the action that resulted in...nothing. The action parts leading toward the end was the author got lost in thought and direction...alot of running in circles...perhaps even felt like the third installment of this trilogy was only a draft version rushed to print without being polished and properly editted. I love a well written book, but this just didn't do it for me. There were interesting twists throughout and the very end of the book was sweet, and I did like it over all. But again, very disappointed in several parts leading up to the end. Hoping the final movie version will be fixed by the director to make it more interesting than this final book. That's my humble opinion. I really like this book - the character were likable, it was a good length, there wasn't too much angst and it was engaging until the end. I'm definitely looking forward to Landon's story and would definitely recommend reading 'Easy' first. Brynne is a beautiful American girl studying at the University of London. She is also a part time model. Due to her troubled past, she is working hard to get her life back on track and so far, things are going great until she meets Ethan Blackstone. Ethan is a very successful businessmen and falls hard for the women in the portraits. He is gorgeous, a bit demanding and somewhat overbearing but not in an annoying way. The chemistry between them is undeniable. It also doesn't help that her therapist is pushing her towards this potential relationship. Brynne has reservations about Ethan, she knows he wants her in all ways but he also has a secret, a secret that can end things just as quickly as they began. It is a whirlwind romance , emotions are high but when the secret is revealed, Ethan stands to lose the one thing he loves the most.. Brynne.I really enjoyed this book, the writing was good and I loved the characters. Ethan is definitely up there with Mr. Grey and Gideon.My only complaint is that this book was too short and I felt things were a bit rushed but it didn't stop me from enjoying the story. OMG talk about a cliffhanger! I look forward to reading book 2!A job well done by Raine Miller! I was pleasantly surprised reading this novel. I was expecting just another teen romance, and got a dark fantasy, action-adventure with interesting and unique characters. A sixteen year old begins to see things that can't possibly be real, but then can't deny the strange occurances when her four year old half-brother is replaced with a faery changeling. Then, to top it all off, her best friend turns out to be none other than Robin Goodfellow (Puck).Meghan is determine to save her brother and gets Robbie (Puck) to take her into the fae world to save him. Yet, she doesn't realize until it is too late just how dangerous the fae world can be. Especially since the fae see humans as little more than meat.Super, great, fast-paced book. Other than of a few swear words in the book and a bit of gore and fighting, parents should not have a problem of buying this book for their teens. The romance is very light and sweet. The heroine has morals and makes good decisions in hopes of hurting no one. I had a hard time putting this one down. I'm so glad I chose it in my Vine selection, and I look forward to reading the next one in the series. Yes, there will definitely be a next one according to the ending of the first. I wanted to like this book and I do... The love story is very believable. I can totally see how Lou and Will could have fallen in love with each other. However, some of the characters feel very contrived. Lou's family members are presented as happy, loving and accepting people even tho they struggle financially and are living in very tight quarters. I get the feeling the author wanted to create the perfect family who focus on the right things but are just too poor, but there's not enough human flaws. She gave them enough personality to be charming and slightly comical. Will, too, was the perfect man before his accident. He was independently wealthy by the age of 33. He had traveled the world and partake in so many exciting and romantic travels and activities. For a guy who spent so much time doing so many fun and wonderful things I wonder how he found the time to build a massively successful company. If you built this successful business, you must have enjoyed that process, perhaps you can still work on it as a quad. Since his business dealings weren't physically demanding. It's feasible he could continue to have a fulfilling business career in spite of his handicap. I know people who live with ALS which leaves them less physical functions than a quad, but they still work and find fulfillment in other aspects of life. As I read the book, I could totally see a movie made by Hollywood to be the perfect romantic comedy with a tear jerker ending. I do like the point made by Will that he no longer has a voice since the accident and he does have a choice when it comes to his life and the people who love him should respect that choice. Suzanne Collins has already proven her talent for storytelling with her recently completed Gregor the Underlander series. In that series, she showed she was able to create strong characters, move plot along quickly, deftly control the rise and fall in tension, and create moving scenes. While there were some weak sections in the series (sometimes the pace moved too quickly, settings often could have been more detailed, and a few characters could have been more richly drawn), by the end she had crafted one of the best YA series to hit the shelves the past few years--a thoughtful, often dark, almost always rewarding series.I'm happy to report that with book one (and it is a book one--fair warning to those who prefer not to start a series until it's already completed) of The Hunger Games, there is no sophomore slump. In fact, she returns with a starting book that is more tightly focused, more moving, more quickly paced, more thoughtful and provocative, and more fully and constantly tense throughout.The premise for the Hunger Games is admittedly somewhat derivative and one could come up with dozens of possible Hollywood-pitch-like pairings: "it's Survivor meets Running Man", "it's The Lottery meets The Most Dangerous Game", "it's . . . ". None of it matters. What very often counts in a genre novel, where many of the same old premises, same old tropes, same old formulas, appear and reappear over the years is not the original starting point, but what you do with it. What Hunger Games is, is good.The opening whisks us right through the premise in a few brief pages. We're in a post-apocalyptic North America--in a dystopia named Panem--a dystopia formed out of the remnants of civilization. Panem is ruled from a rich Capital and has 12 districts that provide what is needed--food, coal, etc. Outside the Capital the people are barely surviving, many starving and the rest close to it. Years ago the 12 districts (actually, 13 at the time) rebelled and were brutally put down. As "repentance" and as a form of cold reminder, every year each district sends one boy and one girl (chosen by lottery) to the Hunger Games-- a televised kill-or-be-killed event set in a huge arena.When Katniss's younger sister, Prim, is chosen by lottery, Katniss volunteers in her place, joining Peeta--the chosen boy from her district--in the Games. All of this happens very fast in the book, as does the few days of training prior to the Games themselves. Though the background is quick, it is efficiently concise. We get a clear sense of much of what we need to know: what life is like for those in Katniss' district, what she is like, her relationship with her best friend Gale, her place in the family (she's become the one taking care of the family since her father died in a mining accident), the contrast between life in the Capital and life in the districts, etc. There isn't a lot of detail, and some readers will probably wish for more explanation, but what we have is sufficient.By the time the Games themselves start, we have a solid footing. Which is good, because once the Games do start, it's all pretty breathless as Katniss tries to survive. There are a lot of action scenes--fights, things blowing up, desperate attempts to save wounded people, etc.--but Collins isn't interested in simply an episodic line of battles, one after the other, showing off various combat skills until the winner is left alone.Katniss faces many complex decisions--to what extent does she "play" to the watching crowd (a "popular" contestant can gain sponsors who can pay for gifts that can be the difference between life and death), can she really kill another human, whom can she trust, what motivates the people around her, what is her relationship to Peeta or Gale, what debts does one human own another, etc. The third person point of view focuses on her actions and thoughts and so we struggle with those questions even as she does, all while we root for her to "win" through the discomfort of realizing what this means is that we're rooting for her to kill.We also come to care about Peeta, even as we wonder just what game, if any, he is playing. And the relationship between the two of them is a major point of interest and tension. And while the other contestants, with one significant and moving exception, aren't painted in any sort of detail, we do get enough quick, concise brushstrokes for several of them to have distinct personalities (though one does wish more was done in this area).Along with getting us to care about the people, and not just the plot points, Collins also offers up some clear social criticism as well as some hints at much larger issues than these few characters or these single Games, both with regard to this created world and our own society. And while the book ends resolved and can be read without fear of a cliffhanger, there is enough left hanging in the air that the reader wants to see what happens afterward.There really is very little to criticize in this book, though one point should be made clear. Collins does not shy away at all from the premise of 24 kids placed in a kill-or-be-killed situation. There is no deus ex machina that swoops down and stops the games before anyone is killed or miraculously cures/revives the killed contestant. People die in this book. In fact, most of the people die in this book. And our main character kills some of them. And not by accident. Hunger Games is as dark as its premise promises and therefore it is not for the very young.A strong main character and several strong supporting ones. Crystal clear if not particularly beautiful prose. A constantly suspenseful plot. A quick pace. Moving scenes. A grim tone that adds to the sense that actions matter. An author who has the courage of her ideas. Social criticism. Hints at a larger story to come. A first book in a series that ends with enough resolution that reader can stop here and be satisfied. 400 pages that pull you along effortlessly. These positives more than outweigh the few very small negatives. Highly recommended. Could not put this book down! The pace is so good, not too fast or too slow. The developing romance was really to be believed. I loved having the story be truly complete. That it was not over the second they found relief. Best book I've read in a long time. My kind of love story!The history was interesting and new to me. The characters were delightful, both the main character and all the others. Because of the number of characters and how they were presented, I did have a little trouble remembering some of the minor characters. I like the way the story line was slowly revealed and the end result was unfolded.And it was absolutely my kind of love story. To explain: I am not fond of "love at first sight stories", or the "war and peace love stories (they fight until they fall in love)" or the "forbidden love" kind. All those formulas have not appeal to me. But this one had three potential lovers, two with very good prospects. Then they were both eliminated as prospects and the winner was slowly revealed. And it all tied up nicely at the end. 3 “Riptide” “Mine.” “Racer“ KissesI am torn. Conflicted. Frustrated. I don't know what to do. Well...I know what I have to do but that doesn't mean that I am going to like doing it. When you know the capabilities of an author...a character...a story line...and when you love it so passionately, anything less than amazing is not good enough. That's what I'm faced with here. I feel like Real set the bar of what I was expecting for the whole series…and Mine did not measure up in my book. Stone me now…curse me if you will, believe me, the words that I have to say are not fun for me to admit…but I can’t lie about how I feel.Brooke Dumas...did I love everything about Brooke in Real - not exactly but I got over it because for some reason, on some level I connected with her and felt for her. So all the annoying stuff kind of...didn’t matter. I know it doesn't make a lot of sense but it works in my crazy brain. Well in the beginning of Mine, Brooke drove me about 10 shades of crazy with some of her antics and logic. If you are going to make decisions and then get mad at the results of those's time for you to grow up! She was being completely irrational and utterly annoying at times. Drove me bonkers! Because that's not the Brooke I loved in Real. Then, it was like a heavenly light opened up and finally I got my Brooke back. She was strong, not only for herself but for Remy, I loved the way she handled him and their relationship and just…everything. I was proud of her and how far they had come together.‘I’ve been broken and put together again.I’ve been loved, and I have loved.I’m in love, and I will be forever changed by this man. I used to dream of medals and championships, but now I dream solely of a blue-eyes fighter who one day changed my life, when he put his lips on mine…’Remy...Remington Tate deserves a million stars. Ten million. Alright infinity stars -'s settled. He is not perfect...he has flaws...he has issues and he is no where near infallible...but the man is so freakin’ in love with Brooke it makes my heart soar. Remy is like no other book bf…he defies categories and logic because even his wrongs add up to so much right. The #1 thing that has me excited about Remy is the prospect of being in his head. He's just...*sigh*...there are no words. Well...there are actually lots of loving, strong, protective, kind, sexy, alpha, dominating, endearing...he's just so complex and the more I get to know about him the more I crave him. There are so many layers to this chess playing, @#$ kicking, Brooke loving lion. He's like a drug and I totally want to be on a Remy high...forever.‘And I want him like my next breath.I want him more than any one of these screaming women wants im.I want every fragmented part of him. I want his body. His mind. His heart. His beautiful soul.He says he’s mine, but I know that there’s a part of Remington Tate nobody will ever have.I am his, but he is untamable and unconquerable.The only one who can defeat Remington Tate is himself.’The thing that kept this book from being another 5++++ book was the repetitiveness. It was out of control...enough to the point where I was rolling my eyes. A lot. I loathe repetitiveness...I've stopped reading books because of it. What do I mean by repetitiveness? A few examples...talking about ‘his hair’, ‘his abs’, ‘his eyes’ – I get it…the dude’s gorgeous, I’m aware. I love his looks…but I don't need to be reminded of them all the time, and it was constant. If that was all the repetitiveness then maybe I could have handled it better, but it was also using the same words, over and over, to describe the same things. I didn't understand the point and unfortunately, I needed more than that. They have this great and amazing love and connection – build off of that. Expand! They’ve not been in a relationship for that long, I wanna see all of those moments! So what kept me going? One word. Remy. Plain and simple. That's it - his character completely carried this book and made it worth reading for me. Because any other time I would have stopped reading before I reached 50%. I hate saying that. I hate thinking that. It‘My lungs ache for breath and the rest of me aches for his hands on me. And when my gaze flicks upward to find those blue eyes pinned on mine, his face hurt and sweaty, all the testosterone in the world courses through him, pulling and enveloping me, so I can barely take living right now I want him so much . He makes me feel this all-consuming, soul -searing, heart-wrenching, painful need for him that’s more than physical, more than emotional.’I was warned about the repetitiveness I was prepared to possibly hate it and maybe that softened the blow a little bit because while it grated on my nerves, I was able to shrug it off and push forward. If I am being honest, I probably would have DNF’d it had I not been prepared. That makes me want to cry. But despite the annoyance, I was glad I did read it because there were fleeting glimpses of the amazingness that was in Real. Like the amazing quote worthiness...I did swoon and love all my special little Remy moments...he and Brooke still blew me away with their love and devotion to each other. But then that only makes me wonder if the repetitiveness hadn't been so bad...what could this book have been? It's a sad thought to ponder...‘His words caress me.Nobody ever taught him how to love.He does it instinctively.’I can't lie...this book did evoke emotions out of me, even though the half of the time the emotions were usually out of frustration, that wasn’t all I felt… I already admitted I swooned, but I cried, I gasped, it got to my little I did have love for this book and that does mean something to me. I am an emotional reader and if an author can still pull emotion out of me even when I'm at my wits end with frustration...that's saying a lot IMO. I did not see a lot of this plot coming, which is another positive thing. I don't know what I was expecting but the story line was definitely unpredictable and I appreciated that it kept me on my toes. And seriously…the prologue…L.O.V.E.D. every word.“Remy . . .”“This is the last time I live without you. I’m half mad already and halfway into the f^@$ing grave. I don’t like this. Every single monster in my head tells me you’ll run and I won’t be close enough to catch you. Every instinct in me screams at me to go get you. Every bone in my body tells me you are MINE—not a part of me, but my brain understands why the hell I sent you away from me. The rest of me can’t take it. You can’t convince the rest of me being away from you is right.”“Remington Tate, I swear to you— I swear— that when I’m able to get up from this stupid bed and run again, you’re always, always, going to be the one thing I’ll run straight to.”I will always have a deep love for Remy and Brooke and their story...but I am nervous about what to expect from Remy because I am hearing similar things to what I heard with Mine. So once again...I will prepare myself but keep the hope alive that even though I may not like everything, that my love for the characters will save me from too much disappointment. :-\ Soooo, let me start this review by saying that wherever I put the word “duck,” I mean a similar word! I don’t think I’ve ever said the word “duck” so much while reading a book in my entire life as I did while reading Bang. It went from “what the duck am I reading?” to “why the duck am I reading this?” to then just one word “duckkkkkkkkkk!” Duck is seriously the best word to describe this book.The synopsis for Bang is quite vague and that had me seriously intrigued. And, the cover definitely had me interested. And, while those things are important to me when choosing what book to read, the content is by far the star. It was unexpected, took me by surprise and had my mind all over the place.“They say when you take revenge against another you lose your innocence. But I’m not innocent.”Right from the beginning, the reader is warned that this book is about revenge and the loss of innocence. The events that led up to Nina plotting her revenge are completely deplorable. I was actually gasping while reading certain parts of her story. And, while some of it may seem extreme because this is a work of fiction, I kept telling myself to remember, “this isn’t too far-fetched because there are some sick ducks out here in real life.”Bang is dark, twisted, and a complete mind duck. I have so many passages highlighted on my kindle, but I refuse to post any spoilers. This is not a happy-go-lucky book. I only had a warm, fuzzy feeling maybe once or twice. This book is as advertised with it being a psychological thriller. If you are a sensitive person, then let this serve as your disclaimer that this may not be the book for you.Bang will not leave you happy. Bang will not make you smile. I have absolutely no idea what could have been going through E.K. Blair’s head when she writing, but Bang in a very sick way is a masterpiece and it truly goes out with a BIG BANG!!! Just a tiny note first to say that I just re-read this amazing book. <3 And posting below will be my new book recommendation for it :) Which you can also read on my blog, here: Reboot made me happy. And I'm so glad that I finally decided to do so. I've been meaning to re-read it ever since I downloaded Rebel for review back in January. But I was nervous. I was nervous about not loving it the same way this second time, as it has been more than a year since I first read it. But I shouldn't have worried. Because I loved it so much. I still think Reboot is an amazing book. It is exciting and fun and full of amazing romance. I'm so happy that I finally read it again. It's awesome.I'm not going to recap the book in this recommendation of mine. Because I feel that I would end up talking for ages, lol. But I will say that the plot in Reboot is amazing. I enjoyed it so much. It's exciting and surprising and full of action. And the romance. Swoon. More on that soonish. There is a lot of death in this book. But I didn't really mind. Except for this one death. That broke my heart. But it also made sense, and I think I would have made the same choice. Sniffs. But yes. It was very heartbreaking.Reboot is told from the point of view of seventeen year old Wren. Who is all kinds of amazing. I loved her. And I loved reading about her. At first she doesn't feel all that much. Which I didn't mind. But then Callum arrives and she starts to change. And I loved that so much. I think she ended up an even better person. But anyway. I adored reading about her. I adored her scars, even though they shame her. I think she's beautiful. And agh. I really loved reading about her and cannot wait to get to know more of her.Wren is a Reboot. There are a lot of them in this book. And that was such an awesome plot twist. I loved getting to know stuff about them. How much stronger they are than other humans. How fast they heal. How different they are as well. So awesome. Wren has been dead for 178 minutes, which is the most at the moment. What she had to go through was so heartbreaking to read about. Yet I wanted to read more and more. Sigh. I just love to torture myself, don't I? lol. But yeah. I thought the Reboots were amazing.One of the things I loved the most about Wren was her roommate and friend, Ever. I adored her as well. But I really loved their friendship. It gets better and more real after Callum arrives. And they are just too cute. Sigh. Ever is amazing. Though holy crap. Such awful things happen with her. Heartbreak. But also so interesting to read about. It was amazing. Sigh. There are a few other characters in this book that I liked as well. Like Addie. Would like to get to know her more as well. She did seem awesome.Then, of course, there is Callum. Who is a Twenty-Two. Which is a very low number for a Reboot. It means that he has more emotions that the others, and is more human. And sigh. I loved that. Because Callum is amazing. I loved reading about him so much. And I loved getting to know him. I loved how he was with Wren. He is horrified with how many she has killed, but I feel like he accept her. I hope. The romance is very sweet in this book. It made me grin like crazy. Callum is just all kinds of amazing.I don't want to say more about this book. Just that it is incredible. And I need you all to read it. Especially since the last book, Rebel, is coming out in less than a month. <3 Though, yeah, I'm reading it in a moment since I have a review copy of it :D And I cannot wait. I need to know what happens next. Anyway. Reboot is a stunning novel. I loved it. And I loved the writing as well. Just loved everything about it. Sigh. I also cannot wait to read more books by Amy Tintera. She's pretty amazing as well.~He slid his hand into mine and leaned over to press a soft kiss onto my cheek. I shifted a little closer, until his warm arm rubbed against mine, and lowered my gaze to hide the goofy smile spreading across my face.---I first read this book on February 21st 2013. You can find my review here: I'm skeptical of "libris populi," books that suddenly wash over society to public and critical acclaim. I was really burned by "The DaVinci Code" (we all were), about how new and exciting and different the writing was, and you have to give Dan Brown credit; he took an idea that was floating around for years and brought it to the public's attention. But the book itself was nothing but a whole chase novel and it wasn't a surprise that it was quickly made into a movie. Recently "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" has been creating the same sort of public reaction. Fortunately, there's a little more in "Girl" to hold a readers attention and worth the price of the trip that author Stieg Larsson takes you on."The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" is the dual story of Mikael Blomkvist, a crusading financial reporter in Stockholm, and Lisbeth Salander (a play on salamander?), an anti-social possibly mentally ill but gifted private investigator.As "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" starts Mikael Blomkvist has been found guilty of Swedish libel laws because he wrote a story about a prominent industrialist that he couldn't back up with documentation. Mikael takes a leave of absence from his magazine, Millennium, until the heat is off. Mikael accepts a position from Henrik Vanger, the head of another prominent industrialist family to ostensibly write a chronicle of the Vanger family history. Mikael's actual assignment is find the killer of Harriet Vanger who disappeared off an island at a family gathering while the island was cut off from the mainland. The classic murder in a locked room scenario. As Mikael crawls through the Vanger family history he discovers a family that put the dysfunction in dysfunctional. There are Nazi's in the family, religious zealotry, abusive parents, promiscuous children, relatives who embrace the family and relatives trying to disavow the family connection at all costs. A little bit of something for everybody.The parallel story is, of course, Lisbeth Salander's. Lisbeth is literally "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Lisbeth is a ward of the state, although in her mid 20's, her life has been held in check because of a mysterious childhood incident that has put her at the mercy of a failed system and corrupt guardians. Lisbeth has a very subjective moral code that deals mostly in black and white assumptions of people. Her saving grace is her abilities to find information via computer (a hacker) and her job as a freelance private detective.I don't read a lot of mystery's, but I found a lot of the plot points to be pretty transparent that details seemingly mentioned off handedly by characters are going to be important in the solution to the mystery, almost like having it highlighted IMPORTANT POINT HERE! The motivating reason for Mikael to move to Hedeby, to solve the mystery of the missing and presumed dead Harriet is predicated on an obvious bit of misdirection in a basic misunderstanding of motives. I think it is assumed by the author that the reader will assume the interpretation of the characters is correct.The title of the book when it was published in Sweden was "Men Who Hate Women." I read an interview with the U.S. publisher of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" and the title and cover design were made more intriguing for the U.S. audience. But "Men Who Hate Women" (if not as catchy and intriguing) is a more apt and descriptive title of what the book is about. Early on Lisbeth is given very little to do with the main plot of finding the murderer of Harriet Vanger, but she runs into her own man who hates women. The development of Lisbeth's character is slow in coming, the bits and pieces of her back story are intriguing and develop a mystique around her; Larsson is slow to get her into the central mystery of the story.You're probably thinking that with all those shortcomings this is an unfavorable review. No, despite these shortcomings "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" works. The story is simple but elegantly constructed and I found it to be entertaining and readable. The main characters are sympathetic despite their flaws. The bits and pieces we're given of Lisbeth at the beginning are intriguing, like lightning flashes in the dark, we want to see more than her silhouette. Mikael for his faults is a sympathetic character and as he lurches about in the Vanger family history we learn he's basically a decent person, but compared to the Vanger family, most other families would be considered normal. We're also given villains to be shocked at, and not one, but at least three love stories. As all the threads of the mystery are pulled together they seem natural and organic to the characters, no details of the mystery are obscured from the reader, there's no left field revelation that appears out of no where in the solution of the mystery and there's no dues ex machina in it's solution.The proof of the success of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is, is the reader interested in the characters enough to go along and see what happens in the next book of the trilogy? I am.The DVD for "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" comes out July 6th. This book has some good, reasonable advice. It is primarily about how, very generally, to take care of your baby. (It offers little advice for sicknesses, etc.)However, it's not worth buying. It's one of those books where you get the impression that the author had about 10-20 pages worth of stuff to say, but spread it out over a whole book instead. Skim through it in a bookstore rather than buy it. I loved watching rom-com movies, so having found a book that fits that genre was a delight for me. Alexandria "Alexa" McKenzie made a wish to Earth Mother asking for a husband, one who is handsome, is a generous lover in bed, loves animals, and is a Mets fan. And did I mention he also had to have $150,000 available? Her family fell into a tough financial situation, so in order to save her family home, she is willing to enter a marriage of convenience in exchange for money to help her family.In enters Nicholas "Nick" Ryan, the brother of Alexa's best friend. Consequently, he is also in the market looking for marriage. When his Uncle Earl passed away, the terms of his will dictated that Nick must marry in order to gain control of Dreamscape, the family's architectural firm. Growing up in a environment where his parents used their children as pawns, he doesn't believe in happily-ever-afters. And potential marriage to Alexa, the girl who teased him throughout his childhood, didn't sit well with him.Having grown up together, they had a chemistry that most married couples get after decades of marriage. But years of falling out of contact with one another also brought clashes. Their banter and bickering is very amusing, displaying the differences in their personalities.The characters are very endearing and lovable. Jennifer Probst did a wonderful job of fleshing out her characters, making the reader love them as they fall in love with each other. And when complications arise that threaten their marriage, you find yourself hoping that they'll end up together in the end because Nick and Alexa complement each other so well.A wonderful story to read and judging by the end of the book, it seems like a sequel is coming. I cannot wait to read about the story of the Italian count and Maggie, which should be out on June 15. I'm counting down my days! Mr. Larsson spends almost a quarter of this book setting up the murder mystery. That amount of background is appropriate because this is far more than just a murder mystery. There is a financial mystery to unravel as well. As one gets to know tha main character, Mikael, it is inevitable that both mysteries would occupy him. He has been professionally shattered as a journalist after writing an unsubstantiated story about a crooked financier (resulting in jail time). He is then hired by a wealthy industrialist to solve a decades old mystery the industrialist believes to be a murder.At the outset there is also a parallel bio of Lisbeth, the girl with the dragon tatoo. She has some major mental problems and is under guardianship, but we also see early on that there is some sort of genius within. Watching her progress and overcome some of her demons is worth the price of the book alone.Eventually Mikael and Lisbeth join forces. Both mysteries are terrific (particularly the murder) and, by the end keep the pages turning.Both characters are very engaging, particularly Lisbeth, whose off-the-wall characteristics contrast well with Mikael's starightforward economic journalist tendencies.I gave this only four stars because although all the background was necessary, it took a while for the book to really take off. Once it did, it was terrifically engaging. I look forward to the next installments of the trilogy. These characters, especially Lisbeth, are well worh following. I have a lot of issues with this book but I will not go into details (yet) as I have other more important things to do than rant about this piece of bull. However, I feel the need to express my utter revulsion for this over-hyped trilogy because I finally discovered my final line of tolerance for double, triple crap books. This is only the second time IN YEARS that I wish a zero-star rating was possible.In a nutshell: I will never understand how, and why it would take a whole book for Ana Steele to figure out that Christian Grey is after all a control freak and a psycho. I thought it had been obvious all along but apparently his ridiculously beautiful face is enough to make her stay and do all the things she's told. Some love, huh.Now of course, there are a lot more things I would like to point out but I'd have those out another time. Cinder is a cyborg, the best mechanic in New Beijing, and unafraid to get her hands dirty. She's an endearing character, especially when it comes to her genuine love for those who she cares about. The narration switches mostly between Cinder and Prince Kai, giving a well-rounded view the events taking place as the intimidating Queen Levana of the Lunars visits....and things get pretty complex once she shows up. As the story begins to delve into political conspiracies and the illness sweeping New Beijing, it only becomes more intriguing. Meyer has a way with words that keeps you turning the pages, eager for more. Building off of the bare bones of Cinderella's story, Meyer shapes Cinder into something unique and spectacular.HIGHLIGHTS: Despite being inspired by Cinderella, Meyer takes smart creative liberties that work very well. A few moments, especially with the Lunar queen, had me hooked as the suspense built. One the largest highlights involved the characters - Iko (an android), Peony, and Queen Levana. Even the fact that not all the characters were safe from harm was an interesting aspect that I respect.LOWLIGHTS: Some aspects of the plot were extremely predictable (Personal bias - I hate obvious twists), and not just the Cinderella aspects. The story also had a slow beginning. And the ending was a bit unsatisfying - too many loose ends, even if this is a series.OVERALL: It's a solid beginning to a series and a very fun novel to read. I'll definitely be checking out the sequel! The big numbers speak for themselves. When you see over 3,000 4 or 5-star reviews (over 90% of the total reviews), then this book has to be good - and it is! The author managed to package the unique and very interesting life-story of Louie Zamperini in an attractive and highly readable format that will make you lose some sleep over the two days reading it. It is such an engaging read that it is difficult to put down, a real page-turner.The reader is presented with Mr. Zamperini's story, from his early childhood until his life after retirement well into the new century. Most of all, it's a story about his POW experience during WW II in the Pacific as a prisoner in Japan. Now, just the description of his long and tortuous years surviving the savage Japanese POW camps would have been interesting enough, but the author's real contribution in my opinion lies in all the explanations we find throughout the book for the various behaviors, and how he manages to cope with the brutal treatment in an almost elegant but definitely entertaining way. Writing about the worst human emotions and behavior is certainly not easy, and do it in such a way as to finish with an entertaining book even more.It has to be said that there is a long time between Mr. Zamperini's war years and the writing of this book, which casts some doubts about some details and descriptions included, but this does not really distract at all from the story and from the value of the book. If the author took some literary liberties during the writing process, it was done discretely so as to fit in the overall narrative style.Overall, this is a very interesting story told in an engaging style that without a doubt deserves the title Bestseller - highly recommended. At first, the writing style was so different that I was not sure I would like the book at all. That the storyteller was "Death" was also strange for me. But as the story unfolded and the characters became so real and special, I began to fall in love with the book. As my title states, the Book Thief, is beautifully written. This writer is gifted with a powerful command of words. Lyrical words that thrust you into the story and make you really care about the characters. This book stayed with me for days. It raised the bar for future reads. It's been a long time since I read a book that falls so squarely into the adult-psychological-thriller category, and to be honest, I doubted whether I could really enjoy it. I often find that books in these categories are either a) completely unbelievable and I get eye strain from rolling my eyes so often, or b) the characters are so flat and transparent that I really don't give a fig about what happens to them.In Gone Girl, however, Gillian Flynn has created a story that is both believable but also stretched my imagination as a reader and characters that although definitely not in the likeable category were anything but flat.The story smacks of tension right from the beginning, and as the story progresses I found myself more and more drawn into the world of Nick and Amy and wanting to know more about them - their families, their relationship, their whole history together and how it related to what was happening in the current day.Gone Girl has some really good points for more thought too - were Amy's parents' overbearing and more than slightly over-protective nature so damaging on her psyche, or was she simply born the way she was, hard-wired into her brains? Was Nick's upbringing and his father part of the reason he felt it so difficult to connect with and empathise with his wife? Do we ever really know the person we are partnered with, or do they have a side that we never really see? Such questions are what makes this book a true psychological thriller, and so very hard to predict exactly what will happen next.My only criticism, and it's not even that, it's more a warning to other people that need to like at least one main character is that I found none of the main characters particularly likeable at all, with perhaps the exception of Nick's sister Go, who with her unique personality and sarcastic, dirty sense I felt quite an affinity with and I do wish she had played more of a part in the story. But for the most part, Nick, Amy, their parents and friends are either quite self-centred, arrogant people or they don't play a big enough role to really have an impact.And the million dollar question - the ending? I anticipated it because I wanted to know what happened, yet dreading it because I was really enjoying the twists and turns of the story, but in the end I can say I was pretty satisfied as a whole. It didn't feel rushed, contrived or unbelievable, and that's a true testament to the way that Gillian Flynn writes. This book was interesting to read but I was disappointing in the subject matter. I was expecting to have more of a medical explanation of the near death experience - since this occurred to a neuro surgeon. One good thing I received from the book - other than the standard explanation for the NDE was the referral to the book "Irreducible Mind" - which I since purchased and this is more of the material I was looking for on NDE's. This is a book that makes you think about life and how it used to be. To me,the emotions in this book runs very true to the time of the story. It could be disturbing, maybe, to some, but I chose toread it for the story itself. The characters are strong women, and triumphant. Good book! I am an art lover and this book is a story of a stolen piece of art and the mystery surrounding the people involved. The book has great depth and requires you to figure out how the characters are related and involved. I stayed up far too late at night because I couldn't put the book down. Unfortunately since his first book Nassim Taleb has become more and more unbearable from my perspective. The original insights given in Fooled by Randomness were valuable as people often mistake noise for signals (the Signal and Noise is an excellent book on this which was published before anti-fragile). But with each subsequent book the content goes into greater philosophical rambling and deterioration of content. The author goes to great lengths to insult academics and those in the business community and to elevate himself in a one sided dialogue with the reader. Its baffling and childish. Antifragile is about things which gain in strength from volatility (or more broadly do well from uncertainty). The author argues that people generally misevaluate the distribution of outcomes and as a result unerappreciate the uncertainty we face and put themselves in positions that are brittle to change. That in itself is a relatively useful insight, though it is not original despite the author constantly trying to convince everyone he is the only person who understands this idea.The author seems to spend 95% of his time reading classics rather than what people in the modern world write and research and seems to have had some horrible interpersonal relationships with his former colleagues in the bank and in academics (probably because he can't articulate his points properly and doesnt have a logical process when making arguments). The result is that he spends a lot of time insulting people on his perception of their beliefs when in fact most people appreciate all of his points and have made the same arguments a long time ago. The author is not mathematical but tries to make out that he is and talks about the non-linearities of phenomenon which any literate person knows is not linear and claims these are very insightful ideas. For example much time is spent about dropping objects from small heights multiple times vs dropping the same object from a great height and the fragility of the object is non-linear. Ideas like this are trivial and a function of kinetic energy, among other things, which, yes, is non linear with respect to velocity. To lecture and insult technical people about a high school physics idea and claim no one gets it is beyond unimpressive. The author constantly tells the reader his professors were all fools who didnt understand what they were teaching because they only think in the context of their fields. He talks about how he fooled his business school professors by using language they didnt understand. He talks about how he knew the same things as Mandelbrot despite never reading it (which reinforces the fact that perhaps the author is less informed than he realizes). He talks about how no one gets it (when they do because the points are simple). I try to be an avid reader and even works where the authors tone was condescending I try to look through it to measure the content. This is the first time I found it almost unbearable to finish. If you want the best overview of what this book is about read the few page article by Taleb in This Explains Everything. There are some important ideas in this book, relying on models creates risk biases which create fragility. Distributions of outcomes for social sciences are poorly understood, hence trying to be formulaic can be naive. But overall these ideas have other more articulate authors (Knight, Minsky, Hayek, Keynes, Mandelbrot, Shiller to name a few) who have less anger towards everyone. Something has happened to the author in the last few years and it is very unhealthy... Once the big reveal happened that Amy was framing her husband, the book became really predictable. I thought the initial idea of the Amy diary was clever and how she framed him, but it left everything else lackluster and dragging on. I never found myself rooting for any of the characters. I felt the ending was flat and without any impact. I would have ended it with someone dying or something. Them continuing a fake relationship was not satisfying to me. Overall it could have been good but instead just became annoyingly predictable. I have no idea what book the other reviewers read, but I sure didn't read the same one because I thought this book was horrible. The Silent Wife: A Novel was amateurish, seemingly written by a high school student, and devoid of the depth necessary to make the characters interesting.The story itself was appealing because I thought it was going to be a mystery of sorts. Sure, you know the main storyline from the book description, but I figured there would be some energy or plots twists to make it exciting. Instead, I quickly got bored of Todd and Jodi and didn't care what happened in their relationship. Especially since the title is misleading - Todd and Jodi are not married so Jodi is not a silent "wife."One of the main reasons for my dislike of this book was the needless introduction of flashback of Jodi's therapy sessions with Gerard. That side story goes absolutely nowhere and doesn't really fit into the overall plot. It just wastes pages and detracts from the plot. Yes, there is somewhat of a revelation at the end of the book that has to do with Jodi's therapy sessions, but that has nothing to do with the way she behaves in the story and doesn't shed light on anything at all. Also, some of the conversations in the book are ludicrous! For example, Todd (one of the main characters) gets into an argument with his best friend, Dean, and Dean calls Todd a "blockhead" and a "stinking turd." Now remember, these characters are in their late 40s. Who the heck calls someone a blockhead or a stinking turd unless they are still in elementary school?? At another point in the book, the author says, "Jodi's brother Ryan was 6 yrs younger and a boy." Uh - duh!! You just wrote "Jodi's brother," that by definition means Ryan is a boy. And another time, the author writes about Jodi's "disuse of chambers of her heart." What the heck??? Such language is just plain silly.And then, unless you are a high school student, you would know that there is no way in the world characters in their 40s who have been together for 20 yrs would act so stupidly. The only person in the book whose actions seemed to make sense were Natasha's and that's because she was in her early 20s and still in college. The other characters were just too stupid to be believable - especially since Jodi has a doctorate degree and is a psychotherapist. I felt like I was reading a movie script for a tween television show that would be aired on ABC right after some so-called "drama" like Pretty Little Liars! That's not a good thing.It's true that the switching back and forth between the point of view of Jodi and the perspective of Todd does add a neat feature to the book, but it's definitely not enough to justify paying more than $0.99 for this book.I just cannot recommend "The Silent Wife" by A.S.A. Harrison. The characters are superficial, the story is contrived, and the writing is sloppy. The characters and plot line in this novel are very entertaining and thankfully, clean and upscale. I needed something light-hearted, and this definitely fulfilled my expectation. At times one does tire of the references to ice cream, but it makes the story realistic to a certain point. Still reading it, but am thoroughly enjoying this up-to-date story that makes witches out to be a little more down-to-earth than the Harry Potter books!! I know so many people who have read THE HUNGER GAMES and loved it, that when I picked it up I was kind of nervous about not loving it. It's more common that, if the general public loved it, I'll love it too, but I was still worried.I was most surprised by how much "before the Hunger Games" there was: the reaping, the parade, the training, etc. I expected it to get to the Games pretty quickly. The before stuff was still good, it really gave us a good chance to see the Capitol as a whole and the role that they played in the story. It was also a great time to lay character foundations. I think that the whole first half of the book is evidence that THE HUNGER GAMES is not a stand-alone novel. There's just too much setting up for it to get far enough into the story that it'll be done at the end of 374 pages.The fact that Collins did spend so much time in character and plot development really is a plus. It definitely gives the reader time to connect to the characters. Even though we don't see Gale for long, we know that he's the most loyal best friend there is. And through the things Katniss remembers about Prim and her mother, we can definitely see what kind of people they are. Other characters like Haymitch and Cinna all add their own elements to the story.Katniss herself was a very strong female lead. Her main goal is to stay alive, and you can't have any flimsy girly-girl in an arena with 23 other tributes, fighting for her life. Katniss was the perfect heroine. Peeta was a great character, too. Although he seems half-useless in the Games, you can also tell he's a really great guy. What I loved about him was how he cared so deeply, and seemed like a genuine human being throughout the novel. No matter what the Capitol, or anyone else, threw at him I always felt like he was an honest, caring person.Since the majority of the book was about Katniss fighting for her life, there really wasn't a chance to develop much romance. It's constantly in the undercurrent because of their strategy, but any real romantic connection between Katniss and Peeta seems improbable and far-fetched. But I understand that. Either way, I'd almost like to announce myself as Team Peeta, but I feel like we aren't far enough into the love story to make any definitive conclusions ;).Overall, THE HUNGER GAMES is a whirlwind of a story that takes you on the incredible journey of a girl fighting to live. Although the pacing makes it evident that this novel is the first in a series, there is a lot that happens. It's definitely the perfect beginning to a series. I'm pretty excited to see how the story is going to continue. This book goes where few books go in terms of both depth of thought and spiritual insight.Aiuthor Eckart Tolle provides thoughtful perspective on the ultimate questions about life. The book describes how to connect with your true conscious, or essentially God, by rising above the stream of thoughts that occupy our minds.I read the book very slowly. Usually I just read one section, 1-2 pages a day, so I could reflect on what was said.On the negative side, I felt that the book spent too much time covering the ego, and its negative aspects. I felt it got a little repetitive.However, there are so many brilliant nuggets in the book, that it's easy to overlook this minor flaw.As I flip through the book and revisit some of the parts I underlined, some of the best quotes include:-heaven is not a location but refers to the inner realm of consciousness-everything is not only connected with everything else, but also with the Source of all life out of which it came-medical treatment is the third-leading cause of death-not what you do but how you do what you do determines whether you are fulfilling your destiny-make sure your vision or goal is not an inflated image of yourself and therefore a concealed form of ego, such as wanting to be a movie star, a famous writer, or a wealthy entrepreneur. Instead see your self inspiring countless people with your work and enriching their lives. (Yikes! As a writer that one hit home with me.)Living in the present is a key component of Tolle's philosophy. As Indian spiritual teacher J. Krishnamurti said "This is my secret, I don't mind what happens." He was in alignment with the present moment no matter what it was.Overall, if you are looking for answers to the big questions in life, or just some really good food for thought, this book is well worth reading.Other recommended reading:Create Your Own Reality - The Ancient Wisdom This was a very disappointing mystery/thriller. The entire plot was lame only to be surpassed by a terrible ending. It was a total waste of time and money. I found the star choices of "I like it" (4 stars), and "I love it" (5 stars) inadequate to describe my feelings toward this book. I was fascinated by the premise, but there was no star choice for that. So I am giving it four stars, and this explanatory review.This book has no business trying to be whatever it is the author turned it into. In my opinion, it is a thesis disguised as a novel. I would have found it much more interesting if it had been written as scholarly paper rather than trying to weave it into a story. The meat of the book, the message, was interesting enough all by itself without having to have been dressed up inside a "story." The mechanics of the story telling are appalling, with the interview, question-and-answer format extremely trying on the patience. And invariably, every time one character asked a question, the other repeated the same information in the answer. The actual narrative was enough to drive the reader crazy! But the information in the book is truly fascinating and worth putting up with the clumsy format to dig it out.I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the underlying subject, as long as you feel up to plowing through the extraneous and repetitive text to dig out the informational gems buried deep inside. REVIEWED BY LAURAFirst of all, let me address the elephant in the room. There's been a lot of buzz about the fact that this book wasn't popular when it was by an unknown author and then became bestselling after people found out it was written by J.K. Rowling. This has led to speculation about what this means for the publishing industry, what it means for unknown authors trying to get published, etc. I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT. True, I may not have picked up this book if it hadn't been written by Ms. Rowling, but regardless, I did read it and I liked it, so there you go.Also, my husband kindly bought a copy of this for me on our recent trip to London, so I technically read the "British" version--I'm sure some things have been "Americanized" in the version available in the U.S., but I'm guessing there aren't any substantive differences.All disclaimers aside, I thought this was a really, REALLY well done private investigator procedural. The plot was exciting, and I thought the characters were marvelous. J.K. Rowling is such a keen observer of people, I think, and it really shows in her writing. Cormoran Strike, our hero, is perfectly flawed in just the way I love characters to be.There was such an interesting dynamic between the two main characters, unlike any I have ever read. Cormoran Strike is the private investigator, and Robin is a temp who shows up at Strike's office on a Monday morning. However, Strike thought he canceled the temp arrangement, due to the fact that he has pretty much no money. The scene where Robin and Strike meet (actually physically crash into each other) is just so perfect. There's nothing overtly hilarious about it, but I love how Rowling uses subtle humor. For example, soon after Robin arrives for her first day of work, a client shows up (an extremely rare event). Robin does not want to let on to the client that she is not the regular secretary, thinking it will reflect poorly on Strike. So she suffers through Strike calling her Sandra multiple times, and then asks them very professionally if she can get them anything to drink. They both ask for coffee with sugar:-------------He saw her mouth twist as she closed the door behind her, and only then did he remember that he did not have any coffee, sugar or, indeed, cups.-------------I know what you're thinking--oh the characters get together and it's a romance, too! Nope. That's part of what I loved about it--it's such an unusual relationship to write. The down-on-his-luck PI trying to solve a difficult case and his temp secretary who he's just met trying to assist him. So original.The central mystery of the story is very well done, and I kept flipping the pages faster and faster to try to get to the bottom of it. At one point, I remember thinking to myself, "There are literally 15 people who I think are possibly guilty at this point." That's like Agatha Christie level of skill, people. It's Murder on the Orient Express, except, you know, without the train. And the way it did end I thought was completely masterful. Twist after twist and turn after turn, there is no way you will see it coming.We know Strike has a huge backstory, most of which we only get in bits and pieces throughout this novel. I guess that is my one and only complaint about this one--there were a lot of things that felt unfinished (and some parts that seemed like digressions from the main story)--but I suppose this makes sense for the first book in a series. I can't wait for future installments to find out more about what exactly happened to him in the army, why he left, more about the history between him and his ex-fiancée, and to see if anything except mutual respect ever develops between him and Robin. There were also some interesting things alluded to about Robin's past, and I hope those are also explored in more detail.To me, the fact that this book is written by J.K. Rowling doesn't come as much of a surprise. Good writing: check. Well-developed characters with room for more development: check. Intricate and detail-oriented plot: check. Also, I read somewhere that if you think about it, the Harry Potter novels are sort of like thrillers/mysteries. So it's not surprising to me that Rowling can keep the page-turning suspense going, just using a slightly different medium.BOTTOM LINEI LOVED IT. I consumed like 100 pages of this book at a time. Seriously, if you are a fan of detective fiction, good writing, excellent characters, and a book that will continually keep you guessing, you should pick this one up. I personally can't wait to read more about the adventures of Cormoran Strike, PI, and am anxiously awaiting the second book in the series! Do you ever finish a book and then just really miss the characters and wish you were still reading it? And even if you pick up another book that is quite good, you sort of glance longingly at the previous book, remembering all the good times you had together? Anyone?RATING: A- If you want a laugh, a good mystery, a few ghosts and some romance, this is the series you want. The characters are funny, and monologue between them is hilarious! Once you finished the first, you won't want to wait for the next and the next and...... The Hunger Games is set in a postapocalyptic world in a not too distant and very dismal future. The world is divided into 12 nations and the Capitol. Every year, each nation must send 2 children between the ages of 12 & 18 to the Capitol to fight in the Hunger Games, only one child can survive.The book is extremely well-written, I couldn't put it down. The characters are believeable and the plot line moves along at a good pace. Given the violence, I was surprized that this book is aimed at children as young as 12. Another mom loaned this book to me and I think children in their late teens would like it, but I would not give it to a 12YO. Don't let the cover fool you: Paranormalcy is not another dark, melodramatic paranormal novel. Unfortunately, the cover doesn't even hint at the humor, fun, and originality inside.I was charmed by this book by page two-- including a taser in the opening chapter of any book will automatically make me fall in love. And the taser on page two wasn't even the best part! Even when Evie wasn't zapping paranormals, I was completely entertained. Her relationship with Potential Boy, Lend, was adorable and so innocent that it was refreshing to read-- I'm getting a bit tired of "epic" romances. The paranormal aspect of the book is also refreshing, as it is totally original-- I mean, have you ever read about a paranormal containment agency? Didn't think so. Two other fabulous things about this book: Evie and the funtimes plot. Evie is so cute, so fierce, and so funny-- three things that I hardly ever find in female YA protagonists. The plot is fast-paced and full of plenty of twists, which made it a blast to read.The only thing I didn't really like about Paranormalcy is that I still have so many questions! Most of the things I want more of are spoiler-y, but I must mention that many aspects were not as developed as I would have liked. Maybe it's because the plot jumped around a bit and some people were absent for long periods of time, but there were a few things and people I wanted much more from.I bleeping adore this book. It was such a refreshing read for me-- I love fun, and this book delivered plenty of it. If you like your reads a bit more epic and intense and deep, you might not like this one as much, but if you're like me and need something purely fun and original every once and a while, I bet you'll at least like it. It's been quite some time since I've read Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instrument Series, but I have to say, I think I like the Clockwork Angel Series better. The plot, characters, and setting is much more interesting and developed than the other series.When I first started Clockwork Angel, I was immediately drawn into the plot. This plot was more interesting and well thought out. Just when you think you may have figured something out, a twist in the plot happens that takes you completely by surprise. This book really kept you guessing and really keeps you interested. I absolutely loved it!The characters, though, are what really made me love this story. I actually loved Tessa. She was still a "lady" but learned to trust her instincts and be brave in the face of danger and she could be just as much of a smart aleck as the boys when she wanted to be. But now to the love interests...Will and Jem...*swoon*. These boys were like light and dark, yet went so well together. Their relationship made this book really enjoyable. Will, the dark and handsome bad boy. I absolutely loved him. But you wanna know who stole the show for me? Jem. That's right, I love Jem. Jem is the real...gem of the story (corny I know, but at least you get my point).He is so amazingly sweet and kind and always knows exactly what to say to make a gal feel better. Now don't get me wrong, I love Will, with his arrogant and witty attitude, I just love Jem more. Every time he talked I just melted! And his history! OOoo I just love that boy! Honestly, he made the story for me. Forget Tessa, I'll have him for myself!Between an intriguing plot that really pulls you in and makes you want to know more, and the great characters, this book truly is amazing. However, there is a cliffhanger! Good thing the second book is already out :) I generally don't, for the most part, enjoy YA books and try to steer clear of them. Too much high school, too much hormonal angst, too many feelings close to the surface. Pushing the Limits turned out to be an exception to the rule for me. I enjoyed it enormously! In fact, I bought and sent a Kindle copy to a friend when I found the book wasn't Lending Enabled. I have a feeling she'll enjoy the book also. When I had only a few more chapters to read I went back to Amazon and looked to see if the author had any other books published, since I enjoyed this one so much. It appears the answer at this time is no, but a couple are due out this year. The book itself is well written and edited (a plus in any book these days) and the characters are well rounded. The story line for me was fresh, and the pacing was good. I am famous for making it to the halfway point of a book, losing interest and flipping to the end to read the last few pages and then calling it a day, never to go back and read the rest of it. Such was not the case here and I was sad to come to the end knowing I'll have to wait for the next books to be published. A friend sent The Help to me for Christmas and it was one of the best gifts I received in 2009! The characters are rich, complex, and pull at your heart on every page. I have passed along this book to other friends who have had the same reaction (walking, eating, sleeping with this book). I also think it is a particularly poignant book for the generations born in the 70s, 80s, and 90s who can't believe the degree to which bigotry and racial cruelty was an accepted part of American life in the early 60s...not very long ago, indeed!Read this book and pass it along! Dan Brown has the ability of combining fiction and reality resulting in an interesting blend of suspense and intrigue.The book is filled with facts about ancient artifacts and their coded meanings that really keeps the reader interested.Whether his facts are correct or not it really dosen't matter. It's just a fun read and a book I feel is a must read. I really enjoyed reading this series of books compiled into one purchase. The story was a bit slow for me at first, but once I became invested in the characters and plot, I could hardly put it down. I thought that the author interview at the end of the book was hilarious. I have read another book by the same author (Book 1 in the Molly Fyde Series) and was not disappointed. I have purchased several other books by Hugh Howey and eagerly look forward to reading them all. Check him out at [...]. Older novels seek to develop depth and substance in the characters in the books. Consider the works of Charles Dickens. His characters are full of life and substance. As you read, you are drawn into the issues of the novel and experience them for yourself. You have to think and contemplate. Reading an older novel is an educational experience.Not so with Brown's "The Da Vinci Code." Like much of the newer genre of novel writing, Brown builds interest in his work through mystery and action. That can be entertaining and fun, but the educational value is limited. You may "experience" the drama with the characters in a newer novel, the action, excitement and violence, but you aren't stirred deeply inside beyond the thrill of the moment.I enjoyed reading The Da Vinci Code, but was disappointed with historical inaccuracies, theological inaccuracies, and the constant barrage against the Catholic Church (and I'm not Catholic). A great irony concerning the secret societies in the church is that in "real life," most of the secret societies that work ill will against church and society work outside of any church.Another great irony is the concern for the "bloodline" of Jesus. The Pharisees in Jesus day laid great stress upon bloodlines. "We know who we are descended from - Abraham." Jesus changed the stress from bloodline to that of the Spirit. Could we search as diligently for the "Spirit" of Christ, that Spirit which led him to give his life as a ransom for many?One character, Teabing, sees our current cultural shift as being away from the thought control and dominance of religions telling us how to live. Now, we are moving into a new age, "the Age of Aquarius - the water bearer - whose ideals claim that man will learn the truth and be able to think for himself." (P.289-90). Many today are abandoning our 2,000 year religious heritage rooted in Christ, including his ethic of personal integrity and service. Is society any better for that abandonment? We'll see! This book started out with such promise. It was witty and made me laugh out loud several times in the first chapters. The writing is quite good. Unfortunately, the story went on way too long. It could have been shortened by about 100 pages. All the characters were unlikable and very flawed. The only reason I finished the book was because I had to for my book club. At the end I was glad it was over and I realized that I hadn't learned a darn thing. A waste of time in my opinion. I enjoyed City of Bones very much. It was funny, witty, and just fun altogether. I loved the characters' personalities more than anything. The characters were original, but deep down just like every other teenager. The problems the characters got themselves into were creative and fun.The flaw was simply that this book is much like the other books that are currently being published. Many of these books include vampires or werewolves or even witches. This book contains all of the above. While these are fun things to read about, this book is not very original. Sure it is exciting, but so are a lot of other books.In some areas however, the other is very original. Such as the drawings that the shadow hunters tattoo on their body.Half of the time I felt as if I was reading Star Wars, the relationship between Clary and Valentine are similar to Luke and his father.Thus the book being like a lot of other books, I really liked it. This was an exceptional book. The book dealt with the attitudes behind what makes someone successful in life. Typically, one believes that success is the result of amazing talent and ability. One believe that those who are successful have been given a special gift of talent or ability. Gladwell refutes this concept by introducing some key principles that lead to people becoming successful. He studies the ideas of 10,000 hour rule, family background, plain luck, and family history. Success is the accumulation of events that lead to the breakout. The book is a wonderful read. Gladwell is an amazing writer. The book is interesting and worth the time invested. If someone is looking for an informative read that is inspiring and interesting, this is an excellent book. It is one of the best books that I have read in the last little while. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. If you like books that keep you guessing all the way through, you'll enjoy it too. I find that my favorite books are the ones where none of the characters are all good or all bad. Real people are multi-faceted and so are the characters in this story. I'll look for more of her books for sure. I really thought that this book was going to be a home run; however, I can't say this was Rowling 's best. The first half was super slow and it wasn't until the second half that the character s came together and the story line rolled on. Bibanon1 wrote:"Jacob's grandfather is killed under mysterious circumstances, Jacob decides to investigate his grandfather's past by going to the orphanage where he grew up. Once there, Jacob discovers that the people...and monsters...might be real after all."And then, "The vintage images in this book are haunting and set the tone perfectly. The mystery is creative if a bit inscrutable. I loved Jacob's search for the truth but the explanations were fuzzy and the bad guys a bit over the top. I was a little disappointed that the book wasn't MORE whimsical."I would say that's exactly the case. I would have liked to see more thorough character development of the unusual children and the addition of more whimsy. The characters are a little flat and do not offset the undercurrent of the very dark themes. It starts to really take form when a teen witnesses the body of his grandfather after he is viscously murdered. The trauma affects him so deeply that he ends up with nightmares and in therapy. Interestingly, this is the lighter half of the story. It was not always a comfortable story but was not challenging enough to make me feel as if I might have grown from enduring the events, as some less comfortable stories do. I did enjoy this book as it kept me wondering what might happen next.While I do recommend this book, I also recommend stopping this series after this volume. The next one does not add in the way I had hoped it might. The Kite Runner is very easy to read, because it keeps your interest throughout the entire book. The characters are wonderful, and the story is so well told and educates you about the culture. I loved this book! (This is not my account I'm using my parent's right now because I lost my old one)To start off, Breaking Dawn was AMAZING. I could not put it down; it had so many surprises and twists that I was just on edge the whole time. I LOVE THIS BOOK.Don't let what others say make you shy away from this book or series; some people, it seems, get a little too into a story and forget that this is only a fiction piece. I understand that many readers come to identify with one character throughout the story and don't get the ending they wanted. They claim it's too "easy" and ending or that it's not realistic. Well, let me be realistic for them: the Twilight series is an AMAZING work of fiction, folks. Like Harry Potter, it's just not real. It has a realistic setting and characters, but face it, vampires and werewolves aren't exactly a realistic norm in society, right? So give the books a break.(SPOILERS AHEAD)One review claimed that the story didn't teach good morals. Only... why would you even try to get morals from a fiction book?? I know I keep repeating that about fiction but... why?? Bella and Edward have a baby. They end up together in the end. Jacob finds someone for him, even if it is their baby. It's not like he's a pedophile, he wants to protect her and be there for her. Be anything Renesmee needs him to be. That's just how it is. The ending is satisfying- everyone stays as family. And If you are somehow looking for morals in these books, what more could you ask for? Family protects family; family stays with family no matter what. People not satisfied with that ending would have wanted more death? If Jacob or Edward or Bella or any of the Cullens had died, would more fans have been happy? That just doesn't seem likely.(END SPOILERS)Breaking Dawn is a great book. It's simply amazing. It's written wonderfully and creatively through two different perspectives, which made it more interesting to me. It won't let you down, as long as you don't become too intent on your own "perfect ending" for the story. Don't let the other reviews get you down; they just didn't get what they wanted. READ THIS BOOK! Honestly I had never heard of The Hunger Games until it came out as a movie. I'm in my 40's I'm not exactly in the demographics for this book. Recently I caught the movie on Netflix and really enjoyed it. Figured the book had to have more information about everything (books are always better than the movie) - so I picked the book up (well rented it on my Kindle Fire). AND I COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN. I had seen the movie, I knew actually how it ended, but I was so totally enthralled with the story. It is a very interesting and very well written story. As soon as I finished it, I wanted to start reading the second book. In fact, I just started reading the second book yesterday. I sat and read for 7 hours last night. I only stopped because it was 1:30 a.m. and I had to work today. I am glad that I saw the movie first to put some of the descriptions of the people in The Capital in perspective, but not really necessary. If I didn't already have a great appreciation for the Seals, and the great men and women that also serve, this book really enhances my understanding and gratitude. It does not compromise national security or seek personal agrandizement. Sadly it also helps to understand why this man, and others like him, are no longer Seals. Don't miss it. You'll be glad you took the time. I absolutely loved Ms. Tartt's other books, "The Secret History" and "The little Friend". I was expecting the same with her third book. Her writing and depth of characters is amazing. She describes everything like you are there without going overboard where you get tired of the description.I give this book a solid 3. It kept me engaged at times and it lulled at others. I actually put this book down and read another in between because I was getting a bit bored, but as I read in another review, Tartt's characters are so deep that you can pick up right where you left off and I did.Would I recommend this book to someone? I don't know. I guess if they had the time for an extra book I would, but this was not Tartt's best work as far as the story went. I got hooked on this series years ago, and it only took this first one to earn my dedication. Robert Jordan has a great ability to create wonderful, believable fantasy characters, and then to let them each develop personally as a human being and develop unique fantasy characteristics. All I can say is that, like so many before and after me, this book captivated my interest and set up some great characters, and in the books to come, the new characters to arrive are all at least as cleverly developed... and let me just say that, if you are a fantasy-lover newcome to Jordan, you will UNDOUBTEDLY enjoy this and the next 2-3 books.If you like fantasy, you will not regret buying this book... though some day you may regret becoming hooked on this seemingly infinite series. Though this is part of an apparently infinite series, this first volume of the million-ogy is most certainly worth your money. There's plenty of reviews here already, so I'll focus in on the bottom line for me: Although this book gives short shrift to certain aspects of Jobs' personal life, and so is really a partial biography in that sense, from a business perspective, it is excellent, and a book anyone in business should read. The insight into how Jobs made decisions, how he pulled off the deals he pulled off, his successes and failures, and how they both shaped Apple, are amazing. His attention to detail, design, and the customer experience, and his merging of intuition, art, and technology, are stunning. It's a good read too - he was a difficult man, with the temperment and sensibility of an artist, not an engineer, which makes for good drama in the narrative of his life.This is also an amazing historical account of the forces that have changed our world in the last 30 years. From the birth of personal computing, through the internet, to mobile devices, the individuals such as Jobs that drove innovation during this time have been the true 'masters of the universe.' The other players that Jobs dealt with - Bill Gates of course, as well as the founders of most of the major technological players of our time - are all featured here, and it makes for a fascinating tale. I was actually quite fascinated, and in the end touched, by the relationship between Gates and Jobs, perhaps the two individuals most responsible for the nature of our world today (one could argue, far more so than any political or social leader during this time, when one considers how technology has transformed world politics as well, in terms of our global connectivity, Twitter, etc.)I would have personally loved more on his personal life. For example, his love of Zen Buddhism (an interest of mine) and how it impacted his design aesthetic is covered, but the exact nature of his practice and the teachers he studied with are not. His marriage and family life are barely covered, although of course by Jobs' own admission, he worked all the time and missed a lot of family life, so perhaps the percentage of space it is given in the book is proportional to the time he gave it in his life. But really, this is a business biography - a record of how he built Apple and Pixar, and all the products they spawned. And Isaacson definitely has a perspective - Jobs saw himself as a visionary at the intersection of the arts and technology, and creator of the most influential company on earth, and Isaacson grants him that legacy. I am a knitter and was drawn by the titles, but knitting really has nothing to do with the story.... no matter, the premise of the story is clever. I can't wait to read more. No spoilers here... lots of other folks have done that already. =) What's more is that I didn't even know this was an Oprah's Book Club pick until after I finished it and looked for reviews on Ammy. That said, I am impressed with Wally Lamb's writing, because he genuinely fooled me into thinking he was a female writer. It also helped that I got the audio book featuring the performing talent of the impressive Linda Stephens.Delores Price is a sad person whose life story begins in 1956 when her family gets a TV set as a gift to her family through the courtesy of her philandering father's mistress. Delores recounts the destruction of herself and her family from that first day when she is merely 4 years old, a dismal tale of a child who goes largely ignored after her mother has a miscarriage, effectively ignoring her little girl, and her father begins to become more verbally and physically abusive. Her father eventually leaves Delores and her mother until her mother has a mental breakdown and our poor little heroine is sent off to live with her grandmother, a racist, Bible-belting harpie who makes her success with other neighborhood children virtually impossible. Eventually, Delores's mother comes back home from the hospital, gets a new job, and starts dating lots of guys--including sleeping with the married boarder upstairs who ends up raping a 13 year-old Dolores. From there on things get worse. Dolores gets fat, her mother fights with her constantly until she is killed by a drunk driver, and then Delores goes off to college, suffering one embarrassing situation after another until a family friend pays for a seven year stay in a mental institution. Through unfinished therapy and a bad marriage, this girl goes through everything you can imagine, and then some. This book is fast paced and throws in every situation imaginable until it plays out like a controversial and tacky miniseries. That's not necessarily a bad thing, however. Along the way, Lamb puts in some great laugh-out-loud dialog along with some truly disturbing and tear-jerking moments.If you love very highly charged stories with lots of tragedy and trash, you will love this book. There are some very touching people in this story, and Lamb shows that people are neither good nor bad--we all have moments of weakness as much as our better traits--and nobody is infallible. If this book seems too trashy and rediculous to swallow, I would recommend somebody more on the level of Meg Hutchinson. Personally, I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't get it for keeps. I tried this book because it averaged well and it was free, well that was a mistake. The writing was choppy and poor and the characters were never really defined. I also felt that the authors style of writing was that of a high schooler. At first I kept reading because I thought it was exciting but I quickly grew irritated with how the author tried to portray the characters and situations by telling you how to feel ex) so and so said this in an exasperated tone... the situation in the book should portray that tone without the author telling you . anyways I tried to keep going but I just can't put in any more effort to read such poor quality. I don't usually read mysteries or thrillers, but I started this one and came across this great quote in the first few pages:I do not believe in the court system, at least I do not think it is especially good at finding the truth. No lawyer does. We have all seen too many mistakes, too may bad results. The jury verdict is just a guess--a well-intentioned guess, generally, but you simply cannot tell fact from fiction by taking a vote. And yet, despite all that, I do believe in the power of the ritual. I believe in the religious symbolism, the black robes, the marble-columned courthouses like Greek temples. When we hold a trial, we are saying a mass. We are praying together to do what is right and to be protected from danger, and that is worth doing whether or not our prayers are actually answered.Wow, right!? I assumed the rest of the book would be full of similar kinds of insightful metaphors, but I was mistaken. It is a compelling read, one you hate to put down, but in the end, that just wasn't enough for me. The characters are all one-dimensional and flat. By page 200, the story had become a Lifetime Movie with caricatures instead of complicated and complex characters. It was a good story and an interesting premise, but the story telling itself left much to be desired. This is the first book in the Trylle trilogy by Hocking. It was a fun and engaging read about something you don't usually get to read about, Trolls. Great start to this series.Wendy's mother tried to kill her when she was a little girl, so now she is being raised by her aunt and brother. At seventeen years old she still doesn't fit in and people seem to automatically dislike her; then Finn enters her life and tells her that she is a Trylle. Now Wendy is entering a world she never knew existed and she's not sure if it is any better than the world she left behind.The story was very engaging and the characters well done. It was fun to read about something other than werewolves, fairies, and vampires for once; Wendy is a Trylle or troll. There wasn't a ton of high school angst in this book, Wendy is off to the Trylles pretty quickly, so I enjoyed that.Wendy is a complicated character who is dealing with a lot of emotional trauma since her mother tried to kill her and she has so much trouble fitting in with other people. I liked how independent she was and how willing she was to accept the big changes that happened in her life.Finn was a wonderful and mysterious male lead. It bothered me some that his relationship was so on and off again with Wendy and that his personality changed so much. Despite that I still look forward to learning more about him in future books.The book was engaging and well written; basically a fun light read. The ending is a total cliffhanger though and that was pretty irritating. Luckily the next book is already out, so you if you like this book, be ready to read the next book ASAP.Overall this was a fun and engaging read. I loved the creativity of having trolls as the main paranormal element. The characters were all well done and fun to read about. I recommend this book for people who enjoy young adult paranormal books. Just beware that it ends on a cliffhanger without much resolution. I will definitely be reading the next book in the series, Torn. Eric Ries presents a radical, innovative way to assess and manage businesses. Do the strategies work? I implemented three different strategies described in the book in my own companies, and I am ecstatically pleased with the results. His ideas provide a highly effective way for any company--large or small--to identify new opportunities through applying the basic components of the scientific method. This allows a company to explore new opportunities in highly scaled ways and then to make reasoned assessments of their value. This is powerful stuff, as I have found out. One of the big secrets is to scale the opportunity, set up hypotheses regarding the change, and (best) develop a means of assessing the value and success of the opportunity. Each of his concepts are accompanied by detailed real-life examples. The book is well organized around Ries's key concepts and provide a very sensible approach that, if implemented accordingly, will result in success. Again, after applying several of the concepts myself, I appreciate the power of these approaches. They work. And I really like the way they work. He definitely is onto something here.But the reader is left to figure out a lot of the details for implementing the concepts. The "how" of the approach is all but missing. As a result, the book has more the feeling perhaps of a series of general overview lectures that provide occasional nuggets that an attendee takes home. I want to see many more details (and perhaps fewer examples) of how a business person can set these ideas into motion. More, for example, like the approach used in "The Entrepreneurial Mindset."So I am left highly jazzed about the concepts presented here, but hungry for more detail as an actual user of the concepts. Regardless, the general approach he is advocating is square on the mark. They work and they are powerful. I liked this serie very much! I found it poetic and sensitive. The romance was quite cute and had depth.I run through them quite quickly and I'm very excited about Forever (book 3).Already read reviews on it and my fear of a poor ending seems quite unfounded. Grace/Sam are a great couple and Isabel/Cole is promising.More to say, when I'll read Forever this week-end...More reviews on my blog (link on my profile page) A very good story that appealed to my senses of right and wrong;good and bad. I think I really enjoyed the intense difference in the theme. Not the same old story in a different version and there was no way for me to figure anything out ahead of time. The characters are excellent and their personalities are very individual. Like the raw humans that we are, most of us can't leave well enough alone;and there is always someone wanting to rule the whole world. I look forward to the sequel and will be one of the first buyers. Seriously, this is amazing science fiction. The story is gripping and well-written, but it's the characters more than anything else that kept me coming back. The author has a real gift for characters, and these characters made an already interesting story jump out even more. I could not put this book down, because I had to know what happens next. The 5-volume style at first was a little off-putting, but around midway through the third "book" I started to appreciate how the author used that serial style to his advantage, made me anticipate certain things, surprised me when he changed other things up.And the story? Superb. More realistic than I would expect, given the initial premise, and once you accept that premise everything else that follows feels not only natural but almost unavoidable.Seriously, get this book. Loved this book. The plot keeps you interested and guessing the whole time. Such a departure from her Harry Potter books. The character development was great. I have vivid pictures in my mind of what they looked like. I think this might become a series the way it was left. Will make a great movie too. I couldn't get past the first chapter, it was so horrible. I guess I just have higher standards! I prefer fun Xtoriez like Go Get The Girl. But I digress. The characters were bland; the writing poor; and the imagination was unimaginative. There are so many better things to read. The good:The case is great for the more upright positions. The slots on the inside of the case ensure that the iPad doesn't move while in those positions.The quality of the leather is good and looks very professional.The case seems very durable and I feel like it provides good protection for the ipad.The surface is completely open because the plastic backing fits snuggly around the sides.SmartCover works perfectly.The bad:The case was much thicker than I had expected. The reviews made it sound like it was very thin. I don't think it is that thin.The plastic case makes it harder to use the volume buttons, but I don't use them all that often.I don't like the way that the case/cover unfolds to the point where half the bottom is detached. In other words, if you lift the ipad by holding the cover, the back/bottom doesn't have much support.For the price, I would have shopped around more. I don't really care that much about the smartcover functionality. If I had to do it over again, i would have gone to Fry's or Best Buy to check out different cases. Even Costco had some that looked ok. The price on the HDMI cable says that its only a few pennies, but with shipping and handling it's about 3 bucks. Compared to what you're saving however 3 bucks is EXTRAORDINARY! It connected my laptop to my HD tv without a problem and didn't have any connection lag. This is a MUST BUY at this price and I feel like i'll need to buy one for my uncle. The length is also good @ 2 meters I had a similar case for my iPad1-but rushed to get a cover for the iPad2 that replaced it. Always a mistake to rush.So seeing my error I RAN to vet on Amazon what was out there. This cover came up with wonderful reviews...for a very good reason, it is protective and real leather too. This cover is solid, well designed to let the iPad stand freely without flopping over. Travel with this safer in a backpack on airlines too. Again, this baby is built to last and protect your investment.Absolutely delighted. The lens has a great zoom range, and takes nice clean, sharp pictures thanks to the image stabilization. However, the auto-focus doesn't work all that well if the lighting isn't perfect. Given a nice sunny day, the auto-focus is very responsive and accurate. If you're indoors, or shooting at dusk, be prepared to wait up to several seconds for the focus to be set; if it can acquire focus at all. I find that if I am dealing with dim lit shots of a static subject, manual focus is much more effective.Upon the first use of this lens, I thought something was broken. This is because the image stabilization makes a light grinding noise. While the noise can be annoying while taking pictures, it can be catastrophic when recording a video. Consider that the grinding noise is coming from a lens directly attached to the camera. This grinding travels very well to the internal microphone, and is forever recorded with your video.As a side note: It would also be nice if Canon started putting their lens caps on leashes. For those that don't like a dangling lens cap, they can remove it. For those who like it, we wouldn't have to buy a new lens cap! You can't go wrong with this lens. Because I am not a professional photographer who gets paid to shoot, my budget is limited. This lens is one of the least expensive, quality lenses that could find. The result will surprise you.This lens is now my favorite when shooting portraits. Because of its wide aperture, you can really blur the background, even indoors. It's great for low-light shots for the same reason (wide-aperture).I highly recommend this lens to all amateur photographers as their first prime lens. Some people compare this lens with the more expensive lenses but I don't think you can compare apples with oranges because this lens is not in the same price range as other lenses. Frankly, the images are generally fuzzy. Some are ok, but at least half are out of focus. This is just not acceptable for a camera at this price. This thing is awesome. The only downside is that there aren't many apps that support it yet. The biggest problem is that my amazon app doesn't support it. I have to open up chrome from my computer and stream amazon through chrome. It still works but I really wish Amazon Prime was directly compatible with chromecast. Its fun to sit around the television with friends and let them all queue something up to watch from youtube. Good job Google. The 17.3" Samsung laptop I purhcased was getting pretty hot near the keys so I ordered the largest cooler I could find on Amazon. Cooler Master has a great reputation, so I figured I'd give this one a shot.The laptop cooler is HUGE. Seriously, they say it's for laptops up to 19" (didn't realize they made them that big) but there is extra room around my 17 incher. The design is pretty industrial, with the only flourishes being the light which you can thankfully turn off. There are ugly rubber pieces all around the base, these allow for you to slide in your cables, and actually works well to reduce the clutter.The unit comes with a USB cable, a power adapter, and the stand itself. The unit has 4 built in USB ports which are pretty awesome at reducing wear on your laptop's ports. They're 2.0, they have a 3.0 version but it was unavailable from Amazon when I purchased this unit. The fans are very large and can be snapped out of the unit for cleaning.Performance of the cooler is amazing, the fans blow incredibly cold air towards the laptop, through a metal mesh grill that keeps airflow moving. My laptop doesn't have large enough vents on the bottom, so they don't really work at cooling it down at all. Before you buy this you should make sure your laptop has bottom vents that could appreciate the extra airflow, otherwise it's just cooling down the base of your unit without helping your processor or graphics card.I'm giving it 4 stars and keeping it because the build quality is great, and the unit would work with the right laptop. It also works as a great stand for keeping your screen at a comfortable eye level. Just double check your unit before ordering, otherwise you might not be getting what you need. (should be sucking in air through the bottom, NOT blowing out- if they blow out, this will have a negative impact on your laptop's cooling system) This is a very sturdy, elegant and functional Bluetooth keyboard case for your iPad Mini. It is designed for people who want to use their iPad Mini in some very rough and physically demanding environments. It is also a stylish case that will not be out of place in your hip neighborhood coffee shop.One of the first things you notice about this case is that it's pretty heavy, much more so than some other such case/keyboard that are on the market right now. If you are looking for a very light accessory for your iPad Mini then this case is not for you. The case is also pretty hard to open up and insert your iPad Mini into. You need to pull back the rubberized outer cover, and then carefully pry open several small plastic hinges. You will probably not want to take your iPad Mini in and out too often.The case is indeed very sturdy and it covers your iPad Mini almost completely, including the plastic screen cover. It imbues one with a confidence that the case will protect your iPad Mini from most falls and bumps, although I have not been brave enough to venture an actual physical test. The case detaches from the keyboard, and it allows you to use the iPad by itself. All ports are covered with rubberized plugs, but they are easily pulled back and allow the ports to be easily accessed with chords.The keyboard paired up with my iPad Mini very easily and without any hitches. It also maintained connection for the duration of use. The keyboard is charged through a micro USB slot on the side. (An Apple compatible charging port might have been a more appropriate choice, but knowing how reluctant Apple is to let the third-party vendors use its ports, this was likely not going to happen.) The keyboard is very responsive, and I for the most part like the key action. However, this sized keyboard is VERY cramped, and you really don't want to be using it for composing longer documents.The arm that attaches the case to the keyboard allows for your iPad to rotate through an arbitrary angle. However, only the portrait and the landscape orientations will be useful for the most part. I found the landscape orientation to be unstable though - I either had to allow the iPad Mini to "dangle" above the keyboard, or pull it out so far that the connecting arm becomes detached. If you are planning on typing in an on-the-go situation far away from a desk, then all of this is less than optimal.The case/keyboard combo is very well made. It is also competitively priced, and if you are looking for a rugged device/accessory of this kind then you will not go wrong with this New Trent model. I highly recommend it. The Gladius mini is a durable case. It has a screen protector and is very thick. It gives you a sense of security when standing with your device. The leather strap is a nice touch and it fits so nice once you adjust it. This makes it so much easier to hold your ipad. This would be perfect for someone who has to walk around while doing stuff on the job. Perfect when you're trying to look at plans or lists while carrying out tasks. It's near impossible to drop this thing. You can also rotate the strap so you don't have to twist your wrist off to view it in a different orientation. The one thing though I had so much trouble opening the kickstand due to the fact that I didn't realize the angle I had to pull to open it. Also the case is rather unattractive if you don't account the leather strap. It just seems weird to have a nice strap and then have an ugly exterior. I give this a 4 out of 5. Durable and secure. But needs some aesthetics worked on. I love my Samsung LN46A650. The picture is amazing. It is so clear and sharp. I upgraded from a 32 inch Vizio. I had no problems with that set, I just wanted something bigger. I read lots of reviews and looked at lots of TVs in stores. It is beautiful. I've had it for about a month now. I haven't tried tweaking the settings, because so far, I am totally satisfied. If you are looking for a great set, this one may be the one for you, too. My video games look amazing on this set. Blu-ray movies are fantastic. I watched Wall-e, and it was like looking through a window at this wonderful movie (one of my favorites from 2008). Wow, wow, wow! The case is very sturdy and works well it was a little thicker then the MoKo case for my 2012 Nexus 7. I don't know if that is do to the finish option I chose or if the 2013 model was just thicker. I did not like the Carbon Fiber option as much as I thought I would. It was ruff on my hand at first. I like it still. I bought a Green one for the 2012 Nexus and it looks Good. The bokeh when shooting wide open at 1.8 is absolutely amazing! The images are so crisp and sharp! This lens is a must have!!! I had to buy a new router before the streaming media player started to work. Too slow. Not Google's fault. The product itself and the documentation are as good as it gets. I already had Roku which can deliver more media choices, but the Google Chromecast concept of streaming whatever you have on your Chrome home page is simpler and will soon have more media. I miss the possibility of Amazon streaming, but if I want it bad enough, I use Roku.Easy as pie to install and works exactly as advertised. You won't get the free NetFlix promotion because "He who hesitates pays more", but I, as an earliest adopter, payed a net of less than $10 for this useful and cute gadget. Up until a couple of weeks ago, I had never heard of a headphone amp. Well, I guess part of the reason is that I never owned a good pair of phones. I recently bought a pair ofSennheiser HD-595 Premier Headphone(here on Amazon), which are tight (see my review). The Senns have pretty high impedance (50 ohms), and my netbook and ipod don't have enough juice to power it. Therefore, the need for a headphone amp arose.One of the first HP amps that I came across was the FiiO F5. I had never heard of this brand. I think a reviewer mentioned that its Chinese. Anyhoo, The features that hooked me was its price, size(it's the same size as the iPod shuffle), and simplicity. Seeing a majority of positive reviews, I decided to go for it. I received it in 3 days from Head-Direct (which I would recommend since it was under $25 with shipping, and they use Amazon for payment).Upon first trial through my iPod, I was a little miffed because there was a high frequency "noise", is the best way I can describe it. But it went away when I played the music, and it never recurred. I played music with, and without the amp, and the difference is quite remarkable. With thew FiiO connected, aside from a big boost in volume, the depth is also enhanced. The bass boost is subtle, but noticable. I would recommend maxing out the volume on the amp and controlling the volume from the source, as the button is quite small and right next to the output plug.Other than the sound, the things I like about it is its size, internal rechargeable battery, on/off button, clip, and blue/red light, which indicates when it is on/off or charging/charged. It also comes with a 6" and 3' cord, and a USB to mini USB charging cable.The only things I can think of that I don't like is the fact that it charges through the computer, which means that, 1) you need access to a computer, and 2) the computer has to be on. I also find it a little disturbing that the instruction manual states that the battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times, BUT the battery will eventually wear out and is irreplaceable. Hopefully, it will last 25 bucks worth of charges! Which brings me to question how long the charge will last. And since I just got it, I have yet to figure that out. Highly recommend it. Used three of these for some new TVs I purchased. Picture quality is great as well as the quality of the cable Purchased this router to replace an existing Netgear AP that was getting unreliable, with hopes of better range. The built-in management software felt almost exactly the same as the old Netgear's. The nicest feature I saw in the default firmware was that the guest networks had straight-forward bandwidth limiting control (if you're into that kinda thing).I ultimately flashed dd-wrt onto this router with no issue, and it's been as solid as can be throughout the entire experience, before and after flashing.Oh, and the range is pretty good too. Not sure how much better it can get on a consumer device. I purchased this monitor February the 8th and received it quickly. It has an amazing picture and beautiful contrast. I was really enjoying my monitor until the On Screen Display started popping up randomly. The buttons on this monitor are WAY TOO sensitive. They are 'touchscreen' type and there is no physical surface. It just appears the buttons are flush into the glossy bevel. You don't even have to be touching them to get the OSD to respond, which seems to be the problem. I can activate them by hovering my finger about a quarter of an inch away. I have nothing below the sides of the buttons and the O.S.D. still pops up randomly every few minutes. I need to figure out how to return it or exchange it for another one. I went onto Viewsonic's customer service website, and wasn't too impressed. Tis a shame...Please help me if you have any clue what to do. Thank You for your time. I purposely bought this camera and housing for SCUBA. After spending $100 to $1,400 on cameras, I was stunned to see how great the pictures and videos came out. The description of all the other functions of this camera are listed, but I think the first reviewer here nailed the camera's qualities. It is an easy point `n shoot camera with some extras. The GPS is a gimmick, but it does work well in placing your photos if you want to display them on GOOGLE Earth. However, the housing restricts that feature. The 12.1 megapixels are great for even posters or flat screen televisions (I use mine through my Blu-ray disc player for YOUTUBE). The function set, display, menu and the dial are all easy and intuitive. The zoom is remarkably steady (I recommend a small tripod). I've never cared for Optical Zoom, but the 20X works as well as any.This is really a remarkable camera for the price. I have yet to test the stereo microphones, but I can imagine that for the family filmmaker, this might be fun to watch and listen to on a television with stereo speakers. The software that is included is also very simple but important. The features are numerous and it's nice to have something that directly deals with the camera features other than just `Windows Movie Maker". If you ski, snorkel or particularly SCUBA, you will love this camera. This is a very basic item but the price was good and I do prefer SanDisk. I am happy with purchase. I have had this item for less than a week and am still becoming more familiar with it. Having said that, my initial impressions are very positive and are as follows:Pros1. The case is very beautiful, stylish, rugged and well designed. It is lightweight and adds little bulk to the device. It fits my iPad Air like a glove and all ports are accessible. In addition, all ports have covers which helps protect them from damage, dust, etc.2. The specs say that the case is shock proof and water resistant. Although I had no chance to verify this personally, the fit seems tight and it would be difficult for water or dust to penetrate the case.3. The built in screen protector works very well. I removed the original screen protector from the iPad and then applied the built in screen protector. This did make it easier to install the iPad Air in the case and there were no bubbles or grids, as some people experienced, on the screen. In addition, the touch screen feature of the iPad was very responsive and performed as if the screen protector were not there.4. With the case on, I found that the power, the home and the volume buttons were very responsive to light touch. There was no need to exert substantial pressure to get them to function properly.5. In my opinion, the star of the show is the leather hand strap on this case. It is very stylish, elegant, gives added protection from accidental drops of the device, and makes holding the device very comfortable. It is adjustable to fit most hand sizes and rotatable to various angles for easy and comfortable viewing of the device. This feature reduces the fatigue of holding the device for long periods. Makes me wonder how did I live without this feature before.6. The kickstand is made of metal and is very sturdy. It has a bottle opener on it. It is a good feature to have, but not necessary for my purposes.Cons:None that I would consider a deal breaker.Conclusion:All in all, this is an excellent case for the iPad Air. I rated it a 5/5. Up to now, advanced hobbyist photographers had to make a tradeoff between portability and quality. No more. This camera can take shots as good -and sometimes better- as my trusted DSLR.Take a look at my sample shots at [...]PORTABILITYThis camera fits in my hand, in my pocket and in my laptop bag. In fact, I am using the case for my wife's Lumix TZ8. I can bring this camera with me anywhere.One big advantage is safety: if you travel to places that are not 100% safe, any potential robber would mistake it with a cheap $200 camera. More importantly, you will nevr have to leave this camera in a hotel room, on the trunk of your car, or will have to carry a big backpack with camera and accessories.Why this is size so important? You miss 100% of the shots you can't take because you cannot bring your camera. Because this is a camera you will carry anywhere. There have been many business trips, weekend opportunities and just in the moment photo opportunities where it was not practical or safe to bring my big DSLR. That is no longer a problem with a portable camera like this that gives me all the quality and control I need as an experienced photographer.The only downside to size it that it looks pretty ridiculous to have this camera mounted on a tripd (as I did last night taking skyline shots at dusk) and that you don't have the `professional' look of sdomeone carrying a large camera with a big lens, which sometimes is useful getting access to normally unavailable areas for tourists.QUALITYSony has been improving the quality of its digital cameras steadily for the last few years. In February of 2011 I got a HX5V which was quite impressive, and delivered quality images even when compared with a DSLR except for low-light and other tricky situations. I traded it for a Canon PowerShot S95 which was a step ahead but still suffered from high noise levels in low light settings.What makes this camera unique is a 1" CMOS sensor. It is the only camera in this class or in similar size with a sensor this big. The law of physics is very simple: larger sensor, higher quality and lower noise. Sure you could get a NEX-5 with an even bigger sensor for slightly better quality but you would be stuck with a much, much larger camera, especially because of the size of the lens, and a much higher price.Combined with a minimum aperture of f/1.8, Carl Zeiss optics and a lot of cool features from Sony such as the Auto HDR and very cool camera effects, it is an amazing camera. After a week of playing with it I am wondering why would the average person need anything more than this camera.Last, I really love the on-screen information (and the quality of the display), especially the level indicator that helps you shoot straight pictures.EASE OF USEDon't let the power scare you away from this camera. As most point and shoot cameras, this one has an `auto' mode that is usually quite good at getting the right settings for each shot. If you ar enot an expert, you will feel at home with the Sony RX100 camrea having used any pocket digital camera, and you will enjoy the high quality it delivers.I found the menus to be intuitive, the camera feels solid and built with high quality materials.AREAS OF IMPROVEMENTProcessing speed takes a few seconds, but given the quality of the effects I would be surprised if they took significantly less time. Still, often you have to wait a second or two after a shot if you use advanced in-camera processing such as HDR.The 3.6 Zoom goes to 105mm I think, which is fine for most situations but could be nice to have a 200mm 9equivalent) zoom. I know adding such a zoom would require a larger lens so I rather keep the portability as is. Further, with 20 megapixels, you can zoom in to your photos easily in post production.Overall, if you are an experienced hobbyist or a semi-professional photographer looking for a camera to take always with you, or a backup/alternative to your big clunky DSLR, don't look any further. This is it. The case is built well. It does not seem like it will fall apart or break from normal daily use.Setting up the case was very easy. It took less than 30 seconds to pair the case and then use it. After the initially pairing, the iPad and keyboard case automatically sync when Bluetooth is on and the device is on.The keys are responsive and are great for reducing wear and tear on the iPad because you can use the home and lock buttons directly from the keyboard.The ability to orient the case in landscape or portrait mode allows you to customize the iPad’s position to your liking. Also, the case can be moved to multiple angles for different uses like watch movies and typing.The battery life lasts for a long time and it was used right after unboxing the product and has not needed to be charged yet. But it does come with a micro USB charging cable for charging.The case is compact for a keyboard case and it is about twice the size of the iPad Air by itself. It fully covers the iPad, but allows access to all the ports and camera. Also, when not in use, the case closes like a clamshell to protect the iPad. The keyboard portion of the case has four rubber pads to protect the iPad screen from the keys.The iPad was fairly easy to extract from the case so the iPad was not scratched or damaged when detaching from the keyboard case.It would be nice to have the iPad case part detach from the keyboard when not in use, but this is a suggestion not a problem with the case. The sound cancellation and quality are awesome on these ear buds. The shape of pieces fit my ears perfectly. It cancels out noise and you don't have to have it turned up so loud to do so. This is the second pair bought... Hubby likes them too! At its discounted price, this TV was a good deal. Much thinner and lighter (12 lbs) than old TV sets, though not as thin as newest sets. The picture is not as good as plasma in terms of clarity when looking a people's faces, but it is a fine picture. Using installed apps to access netflix, hulu, etc is terrific. However, there is a discrepancy between what I thought internet access means and what the set actually offers. If you had planned to catch up on PBS programs or latest missed network TV shows by accessing their sites online or using comcast infinity online, forget it. During setup you find you cannot update the adobe flash player. That update is necessary to continue to play those online archives. Curiously, the content of the network players ran just fine the first time I accessed them until the update notice popped up. After several flash player update failures, the browser refused to run any flash enabled ABC network content except for the introductory ads. Other folks have had problems accessing any internet content requiring latest flash player. What is odd is that I had access until I attempted to update. As mention by others, the web browser is clunky and manipulating a TV remote to access its features is frustrating. We simply attach an old wireless capable laptop with an HDMI cable to play internet content. For us, the netflix and other apps offer minimal increase in internet functionality over our old setup with our old TV and a laptop. A lot of adapters for this provide great isolation. The bendy wire attached to the ear bud makes it hold tight to your ears. The clip is pretty useless, and the pouch is really small.The sound is decent. Not great. It's a little tinny and lacks any real base, but everything is audible and there isn't a lot of noticeable distortion.I purchased these to replace a pair of Shure isolating ear buds. Let's be real. They are a cheap replacement. The audio quality is no where near the Shure set. They do well at work and the gym but I won't brag about them. Nor will I harp on the audio. Also, when I put this set through the dryer, I wont be so angry with myself.If you want the best audio out there, ridiculous comfort and amazing isolation, pay more and get more. If you want to spend a few bucks so you don't have to hear grotesque noises from the cubicle next to you or the person on the next treadmill, these will do the trick.I'd recommend them. These headphones are totally stylsih and sound great. I don't know all that much about headphones, but I can tell you that these are of excellent quailty, appear very professional, look awsome and sound good too. You won't be disappointed if you buy these headphones. In my opinion they are worth the steaper price than some of the others. These are much better quality than the cheaper ones available. I really like the case, the protection offered by the kindle is very good. However, from my point of view it becomes a little heavier than other cases, one of the reasons that I love the kindle is so light, but not too much weight with this case without a little for my taste. In short, good case, much protection, smart function goes on. I like the Zune. I got the brown one (the case has a translucent exterior giving a doubleshot of green around the edge when viewed in the right light). I wanted something like this and pretty much knew I needed to have video.When compared to the other choices I wanted to make sure I did not have to convert my library over (its 50% WMA and 50% MP3) and that it did decent video. I also wanted FM. The obvious choice was the Creative Zen Vision. Alas I am not the type to buy something expensive without first checking it out. I was never able to see one. No Brick and Mortar store carried one for me to look at. So I delayed for months before bying anything. Then I got an opportunity to play with the Zune. Here is what I liked.Its a good form factor for me. I know people love their skinny iPods but for me that would encourage putting in places it will get bent and none of these devices do well with that! Also, I like the size of it because my hands are big and I have something to hold on to.I like the big wide screen but don't be fooled, its still a 4:3 ratio and not 16:9. The best films to rip are fullscreen not wide screen. I've used the AVS DVDtoGO software for that. The picture quality is great. Very colorful and sharp. The size of the screen means my eyes can see it well.The software is good. It takes a bit of getting used to. I was expecting to drag and drop files onto a file system but that isn't how the Zune works. You create a library and it synchronizes. You get a lot of options on how you want to view this library and you get a lot of options on how you create playlists. It took a while to figure out how to keep some files off the Zune (like screenshots for work that I had in My Pictures) but once you figure it out it makes sense.The sound quality is excellent and the reception on the FM radio is also excellent! It uses RDS to get song information and station identification. The interface is very clean and easy to use.Things that are missing that you should know about: The Zune cannot act as a USB hard drive. This is probably a big surprise to many. Also, the Zune cannot record either voice via microphone or its Digital FM signal.I like the Zune quite a bit. Its easy to use and shows quality workmanship. There are some missing features and the software has a short learning curve but for me the combination of its advantages are a real bonus. Great case! I was very skeptical when ordering this case as it was only $11, but boy was I surprised. The case fits my Nexus 7 perfectly and has a very professional and expensive look to it.All the necessary cutouts are prefectly done to allow for the charging cable, headphones, camera and speaker.The lid of the case is magnetic, so once you open the lid the Necxus 7 screen turns on and when closing the lid it turns the screen off.In my opinion this case runs circles around the $20 case Google is selling on the nexus website. The Smart TV is great, and at a very fair price. The setup was explained well and straightforward, even the network setup and interface to peripheral devices. Had it up and running in an hour or so.The picture and sound are fine. Through the smart hub we can browse the web and play youtube videos and music for free. Have not tried the pay services yet; may not need to. I suggest that you use a USB mouse instead of the remote for the on-screen keyboard, it is much faster and easier. Just plug it in and go.Overall, we are very happy with our purchase. This drive is very fast, the included software from Samsung is pretty good, including the imaging software which is fast and easy to use. Beware trying to use USB to Sata adapters if your going to image a drive to this SSD. (like switching out your boot drive to this like I did.) IF your using the included Samsung software, as I did, it will not recognize the SSD connected to any of the three that I have tried, but your mileage may vary. Works great on my computer and console, just plug in and you are ready to go, it has a decent range, i can now control my pc from my couch as well as my consoles, and the backlight is nice. I searched in many other places and the prices were way too high. This one is a great price and includes the HDMI cable. I mounted my 55" Sanyo with no problem. Easy to install. Would recommend. Easy to use. You have three different angles to use. Nice feeling of cover and easy to operate when opening and closing. I bought this case to hold my Seagate Expansion 1.5 TB USB 3.0 HDD (STAX1500102). It fits perfectly, snug with no room to move around. The cable also fits just right in the left side sleeve. The fact that the case is hard means it is great for travel and means no worries when putting it into a backpack or carry-on. So, a one star is pretty harsh.Especially considering that I still use the G13, and aside from the Nostromo (before Razer took it over), it's the best out there of its kind. Fortunately for Logitech there aren't many companies bothering to design these types of keypads.It's made well enough. No complaints regarding the build quality.The problems lay in the design.I don't know who designed the thumb stick, but if you don't replace it yourself (which requires taking the device apart, or gluing/sanding) it's just terrible as a AWSD input. Anyways, I would fire the designer of it. He clearly is not good. Even the five star reviews will tell you that.The LCD is a gimmick. I don't know what else to say about it. The only reason you'll probably use it is to swap profiles, which I'll mention in the next part.The software is terrible. Sometimes you'll have to program the device every time you boot up, because the file won't save correctly. Even worse is that it will sometimes revert back to an older setting, or lose a profile, months after you thought it finally was working.So, what does this all mean. Well, because the Nostromo is no longer as good as it once was, we're pretty much stuck with the G13. On the other hand, Logitech did a terrible job on it, considering the price point. It's basically a bunch of keys, a worthless LCD screen, a terrible joystick, and bad software to make it worse.Hopefully a competitor will go into this niche field and design something better. Logitech is obviously more interested in making it look fancy, than having it work well.***EDIT***Well, at the time of this editing "0 of 7 people found this review helpful." It's possible that all of them work at Logitech; who knows. I've adjusted the review to now be 3 stars, mostly because I was probably a little overly harsh. The fact is, I still own and use my G13. It's not perfect, especially considering the price point for what is essentially a mini keyboard with a silly LCD and bad joystick, but it's still the best product in the niche field (once modified by the owner). That said, if Razer goes back to the quality of the original Nostromo produced by Belkin, then I will be switching brands. KeyboardThe keyboard on this case is very nice. The keys have a really nice feel to them. It is small because it is the width of the iPad, but it is still very functional. I really like the extra function buttons (home, brightness adjustment, volume adjustment, copy, paste, and media conrols. I find myself using the volume controls a lot - much better than finding the right side of the iPad with the controls and hitting the wrong one by mistake! I am typing this review on the keyboard and it is working really well. I havee also used the keyyboard forr several hours and have not neeededd to charge it once yet.Case/StandThe case overall is very sturdy. It has a nice solid, slightly heavy feel to it. I assume the weight is due to the battery. The case closes tightly and has a nice latch to keep it closed. Another positive with the case is that it is very configurable. There are a lot of different orientations that you can place the iPad in (portrait, landscape, folded over on top of the keyboard). There is a groove at the top of the keyboard for resting the iPad in so it doesn't move when you touch it. Unfortunately, I have found it slightly awkward to get the iPad in the groove because it requires sliding a latch on the back of the keyboard and pulling the stand part of the case sligtly out of the keyboard.My favorite way to use the case is on a table. I pull the iPad and stand completely out of the keyboard and place it several inches behind the keyboard. It makes it very easy to sit down and knock out some emails withough having to use the on-screen keyboard. It is very handy to be able to remove the iPad but keep the stand attached, without needing the keyboard. I have used it several times this way as well.The case also has the ability to detach the iPad from the keyboard and stand entirely. It is very quick and easy to remove it by using a camera lens cap type of connector. The iPad itself sits in a thin plastic case that wraps around the sides and back of the iPad. it's not incredibly protective and I'm not sure how it would handle a drop, but it's much better than no case and does offer scratch protection for the back of the iPad.OverallThis case works well as a case for a family iPad. It can be used with the keyboard for doing text-intensive work, then with just the stand for watching videos or playing games. It's also quick to pop off of both to hand it to the kids to use, while still offering some protection. The keyboard feels and works great and the case is solid and very adjustable, with just a few small quirks I love this trackball. I wasn't sure if I would...I was a user of the old mouse plug & then the USB model of the red ball model way back in the mid & late 90's before they had a scroll just had 3 buttons. This one is great but I still find myself looking for 3 buttons from time to time...but really love how I can use it on my Idea Pad y510p which has a horrible touch pad (although everything else about the laptop is great!). It makes surfing the web or doing work on the sofa much easier since I can rest the trackball on the arm of the sofa. I really love this bag. Its not too big neither too small the size is just the proper one. I have a Nikon D5100 and it fits very well and I like the fact that the camera with the kit lens on doesn't reach the bottom of the bag. Also the camera feels safe and tight in place. Also the pockets are very helpful and the straps to hold a tripod seems to hold well a tripod there. Also is very comfortable to wear it. However if you have a lot of stuff you might need something bigger, for me works fine since I don't have to many this to carry there yet (1 DSLR, Kit lens, 1 remote, 1 charger, the cables, lens cleaning kit, sometimes cell phone, etc). While I dont like paying $10 for a cable, I suppose it's understandable for new technology. The cord is really nice, very well built, and works very well. For the price, it's an excellent cord. It is sturdy feeling, well constructed, it doesn't look cheap and it seems to be of a high quality. I was skeptical, as I usually only buy high quality wires, but the HDMI cables by those manufacturers where extremely expensive. I dont think I would have seen a tremendous difference in performance from say a Monster Cable and one of these. I think its worth the money for sure. :) This cable is very good quality, and my picture is stunning. I changed this cable with one of those Monster cables and could not tell a difference. This is a difference in picture quality but the human eye can not tell the difference. Unless your a cable snob, get this cable. I recommend spending the extra $50 and getting the HD version. The picture and sound is incredible!! I would definitely recommend!!! I read other reviews about this model but was hoping I wouldn't experience the same issue. Out of the box, set the TV up in my bedroom, and the TV kept turning "off" on its own! Called Samsung and I'd have to take it about 15 miles to a repair shop (under warranty). Since many others on here stated they had this constant "turns itself OFF" flaw with this model, I'm returning it via UPS tomorrow.If there is good news, the picture looked great and handles returns quickly via this website.UPDATE AUGUST, 2013: I ordered another via Amazon's refurbished/returned models and this one works great. Picture quality is clear and I used other's settings mentioned on here for the picture adjustments. I would recommend this model now. I was skeptical when ordering this product. I had never before heard of TP-Link. Because this router is available for less than $70, I had real reservations on just how well it would do in a real working environment.I was pleasantly surprised to find out from a performance standpoint, there was not much difference from the "big names." After EASY set-up, I began using the router in my small insurance agency. I didn't tell my Office Manager I had changed routers. I waited for her reaction. She never even noticed the difference between the TP-Link N600 and our previous Netgear WNDR4500 which, incidentally, was double the price.The wireless performance of the N600 router turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Even though the router is less than half the cost of some of the "big name" routers, there is no lacking of performance whatsoever. You may not like the look of a router with its external antennas, but there is no doubt the router utilizes the design effectively. The speed is outstanding and the range is exceptional.All in all, TP-Link N600 comes equipped with ALMOST every major function you could want from a router. It is MISSING a 'Guest Network' feature which allows you to have separate security and access restrictions for guests accessing your network. Other than that, I believe this router can certainly compete with the "big names."Adding to my satisfaction, the TP-Link N600 comes complete with a 2-year limited warranty.The TP-Link N600 is a very impressive dual-band router that performs like the "big names" but costs about half the price. It doesn't have the most attractive interface, but it isn't lacking many features. Those looking for a best buy for the money, the TP-Link N600 is really hard to beat. This bag is soo perfect for my Canon XS camera. And I'm so confident with it, that when it falls, I don't worry. It has a suspension system inside, that keeps the camera away from the sides. I don't regret nothing about this bag. Initial thoughts: The v1.0 of the Airbender while a capable case, lacks some of the features of its v2.0 counterpart. Namely a rubberized/anti-slip external surface and a more complete structure for surrounding the iPad, including a screen protector. However, in a closed position, the iPad is enclosed in the case.A major feature which I’ve found lacking in other manufacturer’s options is the full keyboard with two shift keys. For anyone who has any typing skills, a singular shift key will frustrate you after a very short time.The Airbender v1.0 like v2.0 has the ability to tilt the screen at various angles. One feature that is present in v1.0 and not in v2.0 is the very pronounced groves to rest the iPad in while fully opened. There are two groves that can accommodate various viewing angles.Additionally the iPad can be rotated between landscape and portrait to accommodate varied applications.The LED’s for CAPS, CHRG and BT are very bright and serve their purpose well. By comparison, other cases I’ve used have very dim LEDs making it very difficult to see if one is illuminated.Final thoughts: I give the Airbender v1.0 a rating of 4/5. While lacking a few features, the Airbender v1.0 is still a nice case and has features that excel when compared with some of its competitors many of which cost more. With the rotatable screen, various viewing angles and the full keyboard, this case is quite functional. I purchased a few of these since they are small, well priced, and designed well. The loop on the end can be used to attach the device to a keychain or lanyard. I especially like the all-metal simple design. I didn't want a huge plastic USB stick that would be awkward to carry all the time, so this worked out well. The design is simple and elegant, and the device works as advertised. It's USB v2.0, but it isn't advertised as a v3.0/SuperSpeed device so no surprise there. The 16GB version is hardly more costly than the 8GB (at least when I purchased it) so it's definitely the way to go. These speakers are one of a kind!They are perfect for their price!The quality is a solid 9/10The sound (Loudness without distortion) 9/10The price is exceptional 10/10The durability is a strong 10/10 (The speakers have held up for over a year and sound as new)Now, of course you can purchase a much higher quality set of speakers at a much inflated price, but for $40 these are by far superior to any otherThere is little to no distortion when music is loud.My favorite part about these speakers is the ability to toggle bass input at a simple movement!A definite must have for many individuals! After being disappointed by a $50 pair of Sony headphones, I snagged these Audio-Technica's based on the reviews here on Amazon. I'm very impressed with the quality of these headphones. The cord is very long and durable, the jack is strong and well constructed. The headphones themselves are very comfortable, block out a ton of background noise, and aren't too bulky or heavy. They're very durable and can take a beating.The sound quality for a non-amplified pair of headphones is nothing short of amazing. The majority of headphones in this price range are boomy, obnoxious headphones with poor midrange and high end performance. The ATH-M30 is incredibly well balanced with heavy lows, comfortable mids, and stunningly clear highs. I can't recommend a better pair of headphones in this price range. I have an Apple TV and an original roku. I was so excited to see this roku 3 when it was released. What an improvement from my last roku player. Super fast and I never see problems with buffering like my older roku had at times. I highly recommend buying this streamer. The only problem I personally have is that the 700+ channels aren't all great. But the ones that are are well worth buying his streamer. It has so much potential for more channels to come to this device. As a heavy apple user and Apple TV owner I do miss that there isn't an airplay mirroring feature like apples but there are so many more features that make up for that. Such as a USB slot and micro sd slot to play your own movies and music. Overall this streamer is packed with features, speed, and channels . I highly recommend this unit as I have tried the rest... This is the best.... This keyboard feels solid and sturdy, very comfortable to type on, and offers many customizable keys that you can program for different tasks. The front of the keyboard is elevated; at first it felt a little strange, but I got used to it quickly. Now it has become the most comfortable keyboard I've ever used. For reference, this is my setup:Time Warner Cable in Austin, Texas with gamer speed, on really old shared wiring that is so bad there isn't enough power to get actual cable--I just have cable internet; a MediaLink router; a four-year-old Korean re-branded Viore monitor without a working antenna, but with three HDMI ports; and, a two-year old basic Dell, factory setup laptop.Having said that: my cable service, despite paying for "gamer speed", is pretty shoddy during peak hours. HuluPlus and Amazon on Demand seem to have packet streaming that deals with that pretty well--I have to restart movies during peak hours, two or three times, but other than that I don't have much interruption.But, I thought this didn't work at all with a two-year-old Dell laptop because it couldn't connect during peak hours. (It wouldn't work at 10 p.m. on a Monday night). Then, my boyfriend got it to "Cast" using a Samsung phone at about 11:00 p.m.. We like to watch very old Led Zeppelin videos on YouTube, and it did work well for that. The video and audio with even really old footage is excellent.The next day, I had no problem at all getting it to cast at 1:00 a.m., from my laptop. As of this writing, though, I don't think it works unless your cable is really good.If you have bad internet, this isn't worth the money. The free Netflix is nice, though. Love the ease of use of the chromecast, stopped using PS3 for Netflix cause this thing is so nice and easy to use. This case deserved all 5 stars! the case feels good in terms of material and the magnetic sleep/wake functions perfectly, and the case is sleek and slim enough to not be bothersome. This mouse feels great and operates nicely when it is working, but I use mine for work and multiple (15+) times a day, the mouse starts jumping around the screen instead of moving smoothly. This goes for clicks, movement, scrolling, etc. The mouse and receiver are about 2 feet away from each other, so it's not a distance issue, and I've tried it on multiple surfaces with no difference.I googled the issue and it seems like a very common problem that has gone unanswered but Microsoft (surprise... not). I tried all of the suggestions (rebooting, reinstalling drivers, changing batteries, etc) but none of them worked. I plugged in a different mouse and when this one starts getting jumpy, the other does not, so it's definitely THIS mouse that is the issue.I bought a Logitech Anywhere MX mouse, and it works great. I'll be returning this one. This is a nice case that provides more than adequate protection---but considering the price and design, that should go without saying... For me, the pros did not outweigh the cons with this one.It easily doubles the weight of the iPad (generations 2 and 3 are sized and weigh the same), making it cumbersome to handle and carry. I can see why people and their kids are dropping it with this thing on, and the solid heavy weight and bulk it created made it more prone to being knocked around in my bag. In fact, it barely fit into my bag with this thing on. I mean, it's thicker than my MacBook! This is because the shield (that doubles as a stand) juts out about half an inch to keep the stand inside from resting against your screen when you have it on to travel. In terms of weight and size, I would say it's the difference between lugging around a heavy hardback book (and trying to stuff that in my bag) instead of having just a slim trade size paperback (as with a folio case).The other thing I disliked about the shield/stand thing was that I found it difficult and noisy to remove and set up. You've got to pry the shield off corner by corner by either bracing the iPad against something or pulling the shield in one direction and pushing the iPad in another. I was having to do it all the time, (which just made it more likely that I'd drop it) and there was also always this obnoxious creaking/clicking sound as i did it. That sort of thing bothers me because---okay this will probably piss off some of the over zealous reviewers but, I wouldnt want to draw any more attention than the case already does on it's own, as it is embarrassingly overprotective and makes your iPad seem like some mysterious giant tablet or you know, like some kind of fisher price tablet... .i mean, i know some reviewers are saying that people often admire their otter cases and ask about them...but I think it's more like they're admiring your giant Fire and thinking wow, the Fire really IS like the iPad! Maybe I should get one... Maybe it loosens up after a while, but the design is so solid that this seems unlikely. It won't bother you if you only use the shield as a stand or to travel, but the screen protector is just a clear sheet of plastic like any other screen protector so I guess I just prefer to have the sort of cover that I can just close over the iPad like a book cover when i carry it around casually.All that aside, the case is still nice and the fit is PERFECT, but I think it's overkill unless you actually need this sort of protection---like if you have little kids that will be using it, or you use it in a job where it'll be abused on a daily basis--otherwise there are plenty of cases out there that fit just as nice but are more convenient (not to mention better looking). This also isn't the sort of case you will want to be taking on and off; it's difficult to remove so you can't just switch to this one for work/travel and use a more comfortable one for at home. I bought this projector for the current price and have been very happy with it. It was nice to see how bright it was even during the daytime, windows all on one side of the room but no strong light as it is the start of winter and a basement. Summer time it would be good to have curtains for light control like any projector. When I get curtains up I am sure that will take care of any issues during daytime, even in summer. Of course as with any projector the more control over light in the room the better the picture. I did a lot of research before purchasing this unit. As a projector unless one has a totally dark room meaning zero light and dark walls then ANSI lumens are important, this one with its 2000 ANSI LUMENS is great and use this to compare with other projectors, if less I would be weary.I wanted to have a NATIVE 1080P RESOLUTION which I do not regret and would not get a projector with lower resolution. One may notice that a projectors specs say they can do 1080 but this is misleading as this is not NATIVE resolution, meaning they try to upconvert to a 1080i (i=interpolated) and it is not the same thing, not even close. I want to see blu rays in their full resolution which this does. One may also purchase an A/V receiver to upconvert the source material for best picture quality, my Blu Ray player also does this upconversion, but it is still not a true 1080P. While not as good as the 1080P one will see when playing a Blu Ray disc for example, the picture from HD cable channel which is 720P is still AMAZING just as good as the picture on my 42 inch LCD HDTV and better than my older 55 inch rear projection HDTV. High Def video from a home video source such as full 1080P from an AVCHD format camcorder for example is stunning and home movies look as good or better than store bought if done properly. The input source is of course going to dictate how good the picture is, so it will look as good as the source input, this is not always the case with all projectors, they have to have the capacity to project the image at full input resolution such as this one. Most projectors that have this resolution cost more and a flat panel in the screen sizes this is capable of are going to be many thousands of dollars more.I do not use the Eco setting but the bulbs last 3-4000 hours and are only around 120.00 and you only need one which is a very good deal. One of the great and unique features of this projector are the LENS SHIFT adjustment wheels, this projector does not have to be dead center on with the screen as those knobs can shift the picture both vertically and horizontally, at least several inches or more depending on how far the projector is away from the screen, in some situations this could mean the difference between having a projector and screen work in a room or not. The lens shift moves the picture left to right or up and down keeping it in focus. So your screen can be way off from being centered with the projector and still fit dead on. The projector itself has plenty of features and adjustments but it did not take long to find a good setting close to out of the box. While this has 2 HDMI inputs I only use one with all of my components running through my A/V receiver, a Pioneer Elite VSX30 for 275 with 7.1 surround which I am very happy with.I got the Peerless mount that I think was a good choice, it fits this projector and is good quality with two nice pitch adjustment knobs. It is white and matches the color of the projector well. Since it is ceiling mounted it is up and out of the way of my dog and one has to be right up close to the screen before one would block the picture at all, standing in between the projector and screen with this set up does not shadow the screen.If one is going to ceiling mount this you may wish to purchase a longer power cord. I bought a 15 foot power cord for this for about 8 bucks so it is long enough to plug in to my power conditioner, extension cords are a bad idea. This worked great for my ceiling installationCables To Go 09482 18 AWG Universal Power Cord, IEC320C13 to NEMA 5-15P (15 Feet)One can run cords through walls or you can do as I did and use conduit such as the product here which hides the cord and sticks on and requires no nails.Wiremold C210 White Cordmate II Kitso it looks like a nice clean installation.I also being on a budget bought the Favi 100 inch 16:9 widescreenFAVI HD-100 16:9/100-Inch Electric Projector Screenwhich works great and provides an awesome picture with this projector. My set up surprises everyone that it did not cost much more. It comes in various sizes but 100 inches was the biggest that would fit. There is information here on the pages of the FAVI screens for sale which will show you the dimensions of each screen size to help determine the size screen that will fit in your room. In my case both the horizontal fit as well as how far the screen came down was important information.While all my components are capable of 3D I have not really liked 3D that much in the theater and decided I would not want to play much 3D content at home so I concentrated on brightness and the 1080P resolution and the adjustment features of this projector and zero regrets. If I were to change my mind in the future when the technology has progressed I can revisit that, but for now this is all I could ever want.I like this better than the movie theater. As the screen is smaller it is easier to get a high resolution picture. The surround sound speakers which are the Energy Take Classic 5.1 set with the Energy CF-30 floor standing speakers (I got a great deal for 150 each new) make for wonderful sound. There is plenty of great home theater equipment out there but this was the best for my budget at the time. I would highly recommend a good audio set up to go along with the amazing picture quality you will have with this projector.If you purchase this and want some set up help there is a web site projector central (...) where you can enter your projector model and screen size and it's contrast ratio and seating location and other information and it has a wizard that will tell you the optimum distance to mount the projector from the screen and ideal seating distances and details such as that. Very helpful in a successful installation. I used their calculations with perfect results.I also got a Harmony 1100 remote so that I don't need 6-7 remotes,Logitech Harmony 1100 Universal Remote with Color Touch ScreenI got that new for 200.00 (heck of a deal) and extra batteries on Amazon for 8.75 eachLogitech Battery for Harmony Remote Control 1000 1100 1100i 3.7V 1250mAh. That works like a charm with it's touch screen. I even got a IR dimmer switch that runs off its own remote or the Harmony remote. I also got the RF accessory so I can use either RF (which is not line of sight) or RF to IR for all the components, helpful if your components are behind your seating location.I highly recommend this projector. I would not settle for one with lower resolution or lower lumen output, you would never obtain as high resolution as a full 1080P projector and you would not get the brightness necessary for daytime viewing if you do not have a room that is completely dark. On the other hand for $1050.00 you will be quite happy with the picture you get from this especially if the source is at least HD (720P) or using its full capability of 1080P quality like a Blu Ray. t Not that it is bad with a regular definition channel or regular DVD, but you get your most amazing picture with the best input source just as is the case with any projector or TV. I can't emphasize enough how much the 1080P quality is worth. This projector is simply the best deal for the money I could find. Consider this, if you want a large picture you can get a very large screen such as the Favi or many others that are at least 120 inches, this projector could potentially display a giant 300 inch picture if you have the space to do so. But even at 100 inches like I have what else can you get for that money in this size with this resolution aside from a good projector? Very little and it is going to cost a lot more. And if you have an electric screen that moves out of the way you take up very little space when not in use and the projector itself takes up very little space. Also unlike a flat panel TV you have a set picture size. With a projector like this you can just change your screen size while using the same projector and go smaller or larger with the screen size if you change the location which either constricts the size of the screen you are able to use or enlarges the space to allow for a larger screen. This is a flexibility you will only find in a projector. And with the lens shift of this particular projector you have even more flexibility for placement of the projector.Also consider that this weighs about 16 pounds out of the box. An LCD flat panel HDTV would likely weight 100 plus for a large one. So this give you a great portability. The 100 inch screen I am using only weighs 27 pounds. Both of which can be carried by one person. That can not be said about a flat panel. Flat panels are great. I use them in smaller sizes at reasonable prices in locations they make sense. But for a home theater you can't beat this for anywhere near the price and you will be stunned by how great the picture is from it.I can't say enough how happy I am. I took a month to research all this and made this decision. The first time I put a show on the screen I instantly knew it was all I had hoped for. It gets used on a daily basis and I have now used it for about 500 hours (the projector keeps track of lamp hours used) without a single issue. In about one minute I have a projector which is always out of the way on the ceiling taking up no usable space in the room along with a screen also not taking up any usable space to having a 100 inch incredibly high resolution viewing experience night or day. The only adjustments I make are to the projector by selecting "Dynamic" during the bright day time to "Living Room" which is slightly dimmer to avoid seeing any pixilation at night and that only takes a few seconds from the remote to change.UPDATE: I have been using this projector for over a year now. No problems at all during this time, and still no regrets that I purchased this unit. I do find that I still prefer either an HD video source or BluRay whenever possible but that would be the same with any projector or HDTV, particularly one with a very large screen such as this is capable of. I still only use the two settings, one for daytime and one slightly less bright for night to avoid seeing any pixilation artifacts.BULB LIFE: Well my bulb finally went. It lasted exactly 2837 hours. Epson says that it will last between 3000-4000 hours so it was close. Keep in mind that I have never used the Eco setting only full power. I would urge anyone buying a replacement bulb to ONLY USE EPSON. There are lots of knockoffs out there which are cheap and will not have the performance, life, possibly explode or other negative things. Only the Epson lamp is worth buying. It is of course the most expensive and I found a new one for about $60 less from another camera supply site than Amazon is offering it for right now. But no regrets. I have had some awesome viewing of countless movies and football games and tv shows and whatever on the huge screen with a great picture for all this time.To extend the life of your lamp make sure that it has plenty of room for air to circulate around the projector, particularly the back where the air intake and filter are. Vacuum the air filter from time to time and replace it with a new one when you change the bulb. Also make sure to allow the lamp to cool down before moving the projector if it is not mounted on the ceiling like mine. Those things will help give you the longest life. I have read of people having significantly lower lamp life and I suspect they are not doing all those things. I also have a in room air cleaner to help keep dust down in the room I have my projector and components for the home theater. Keep it cool and clean and you will get the best lamp life. I really like the Airbender Pro. It's an excellent improvement over the Airbender 2.0. The Airbender Pro has a thick and very protective rubber case that protects the iPad Air and the bluetooth keyboard. It's somewhat thick, which helps to make it extra protective. It protects all the ports and has a built in screen protector. It also has holes for the speakers so you can still listen to music. The case is shock and water resistant. It is not water proof. It would be really great to have a waterproof case. If I am outside in the snow or rain and want to use my iPad, it would be nice to have it in a waterproof case. The bluetooth keyboard is a full keyboard. It pairs easily with the iPad Air. It's very easy to type on. The keys are comfortable. It could use a mouse. If the keyboard was rearranged, and the keys were moved up, there would be room for a laptop style mouse or a pencil eraser style mouse. The way in which the port coverings attached to the case seem somewhat flimsy, like they could fall off after a few months of everyday use. The keyboard has an internal battery and can be charged using a micro USB. The battery will last all day long. I use this case and keyboard everyday, both at home and at work. I perform Human Resources and Payroll functions at my job. I do a lot of work on the Internet and send and receive a plethora of email throughout the day. This case would be great for anyone in any occupation that needs a bluetooth keyboard for their iPad Air and a protective case. This case really turns the iPad Air into a mini laptop. I have gotten several really nice compliments from co-workers about how attractive the case is and how useful it is. This case has a really rugged metal arm that won't break like the plastic arms that some of the cases have. With this protective case on my iPad Air, I feel that I can take it more places. It's also more usable with the keyboard. Sometimes the bluetooth keyboard does make my iPad freeze up when I check my email on Microsoft Exchange. Other than that the keyboard has been great. Sometimes if I let the iPad sit for awhile, it will lose its connectivity to the bluetooth keyboard and I have to reconnect. I give this case and keyboard a rating of 4 out of 5 stars. This is definitely an excellent improvement over the Airbender 2.0. The case on the Airbender 2.0 was thin and flimsy. The Airbender Pro is awesome, durable, and rugged. It is definitely built to last. I highly recommend this case to anyone with an iPad Air. You will not be disappointed. I was looking to build up my entertainment room, I had a 32" tv and wanted something much larger. After standing in a big box store last night looking at the various options I came across this one. The picture on it was not good, but I figured it had to be the store had some funky settings. It was next to another LED Tv that cost around $200 more, but I went with the vizio anyways thinking I could change the settings to make it work.I got it home in the back of my honda ridgeline truck, it fit perfectly in the bed with the tailgate closed, we got it carried upstairs easily with the wifes help and unboxed it. The TV is massive and when you first turn it on it walks you through a setup wizard.Once the TV was up and running the picture was good, but not great. At least not for watching Hockey. I went into the settings and found the TV had many sport modes, but hockey was not one of them! Anyways, after flipping through the various settings I found the "Vivid" setting and that made the picture of the hockey games crystal clear, you could see the ice clear as day, including the skate marks across the lines. The player uniforms popped. It was really amazing how clear the picture actually is.I've only had this tv going on 24 hours now but so far I love it. Yes the sound is not phenomenal. It's not bad but I had a sound bar I hooked up to it and use that. The Flip MinoHD is the kind of camera you either love or hate. If you're a videophile and analyze specs and features then this camera isn't for you. Using the Flip MinoHD reminded me of why I was skeptical about buying an iPhone when Apple first launched it and why I ultimately bought one and why I feel the iPhone is a fantastic device despite all of it's limitations. Now on to the Flip...There's not much in the box (camera, soft case, strap), the battery can't be changed, and the memory can't be expanded. There's no CD included (the software is on the device) and no cables are included (or needed for most users). There are almost no settings to play with: set the date, time, beeps on/off, recording light on/off and you're ready to go. The ergonomics are ok. It's tough to make a small device easy to hold and use and the display is small but that's to be expected of such a tiny package.For many products this kind of simplicity would suggest that the manufacturer tried to cut costs (e.g. Apple not including an AC Adapter with iPods). In the case of the Flip the message I heard was clearly different: you don't need any of these things. Since there's not much fiddling to do with settings you're left with actually using it!I tried it outdoors and indoors and took videos of the kids and of scenery. It perform wells in all lighting conditions including low light. Based on on my experience low light is the weak point for the HD Video Mode in my Panasonic P&S; as well as in the mini-DV HD Cameras that I own. The Flip outperforms them all. The audio isn't bad at all and the picture quality is better than anything I've seen in a P&S; and is very comparable to what I get with my Canon mini-DV HD Camera.Overall it's easy to pocket and a pleasure to use for making small video clips. I have been using this lens for about a month. Here is what I like about it.1. The USM gives me better auto-focus performance. Worth the price diff between the f1.8? ... I'm guessing not, but on the other hand, candids of two active boys might be helped by a speedier auto-focus.2. The f/1.4 gives me a noticable margin for low light situations3. The f/1.4 version is slightly better built and does produce better bokeh than the cheaper f/1.8 models.Here is what I dont like1. I have noticed that the lens is very soft on the wide end between 1.4 and 1.8. There is some kind of "flaring" around the bright spots.2. I have taken identical photos with my L17-40 f4 and dont see this. Although the 50/1.4 is a lot faster than my L lens.. I am sending this lens back either to Canon for calibration or to Amazon..3. The ring of the 50/1.4 appears to be loose. I dont know if this is supposed to be this way.. however for an expensive lens Canon should construct this lens like a tank. but no.. it appears to be cheap.4. The 50mm/1.8 is only about $70 so it's hard to beat. I find the picture quality is around the the same as my 50/1.4. I got this to deal with the inconsistent power in my apartment. I first looked at APC but then I found this one. I get more power and battery life for my buck and this thing is excellent quality. It is a little big but that is the battery. I have my 1000w PC, 23in monitor, modem and router hooked up to it and I can get 25min of battery power out of it!! The software that comes with it is great, it shuts down your computer safely when the power has been out for how ever long you tell it to, and has an option to turn off the alarm when the power goes out which is nice. The LCD screen is off and turn on when you push a button to see the data. This is nice because then you don't have your room glowing blue. Overall I am very happy with this product and would buy it again. Great value and quality for your money. I've setup lots of projectors in the past and this one for the price has a great picture especially for under $1200.00. I just have to say that I am impressed and I am not easy to please. The picture this thing has to offer is unbelievable. It's also quiet and super simple to setup. You can't go wrong with this. Bought this today and installed it--fairly easy--needed the builtin WiFi cause we have no wired connection available upstairs--thought to get a 40" same model from Costco vs Amazon cause Costco has sale on but when we got there and saw how large the screen was compared to the older model "tube" tv we were taking out, it was no brainer to go with 32 and save some more money...not as cheap as Amazon's price but we get extra year's warranty from Costco for free...Anyway--easy to install--put stand together and got batteries in remote...diconnected the older tv and moved this onto shelf in armoire...nicely balanced in the 37 inch shelf--40" would have fit but probably looked too big for the space...Easy to connect the WiFi eventhough our hub is downstairs...Once I connected the cable box I was able to change the viewing options over to the HD 1080p and got a great picture...I may try to calibrate using some suggestions on other reviews -- I did change some levels but even just out of the box the picture was so much better than what was there that making adjustments is the least of the worry...Took a while to download the Samsung apps for Netflix and Amazon Prime (and some others that apprear to be mandatory like Hulu and UTube which I don't use)--there is a memory ceiling with this so if you wanted to get all crazy and download all available I don't know you could but the only other one I might want is Skype and need camera for that first...The sound seemed very clear using TV speakers--and there are some options o the meny to change setting so you can fiddle with dynamic quality there too...The only thing that is a little offputting is going back and forth between watching U-Verse cable and using the SmartHub for Netflix and Amazon Prime...Once I touch the SmartHub button and get those options showing--IF I want to go back to cable viewing my option is to either go BACK< BACK<BACK<BACK< however many times it takesor to use the SOURCE button and go back to the HDMI1 for cable...I didn't spend much time reading instructions so maybe there is easier way--I was able to easily tie the Samsung remote for ON/OFF and volumn to my U-Verse (silver) remote but I will still need the Samsung for going to/from the SmartHub choices...didn't want a DVD player for this room--have blu-ray and Xbox and Wii in gameroom upstairs and one (Sony smart blu-ray) for main tvgetting better quality flatscreen w/built in wi-fi just seemed smarter way to go for this particular room--and it is light enough that we can take it outside in summer if we want and watch on the patio...have cable run there already... This camera is just all right at best, The pictures are poor and the videos are worse. The worst thing is it saves the videos in .mov format. If you own a PC everything has to be converted, Its the typical apple/sony proprietary mentality. Do your self a favor and buy e real camera....Canon etc. It's not widely known among most consumers, but not every HDMI-labeled cable meets the full HDMI standard. This caused me a lot of head-scratching with my first Roku box, which would mysteriously blank out the video (but continue to stream audio!) after it had been streaming for a few hours. Turned out my TV set wasn't getting the right signals, assumed there was no video, and was going into screen-saver mode. It took me a fair bit of searching the web to figure this out.You'll have no such problems with this cable. It meets the latest HDMI 1.4 standards, and should work fine with any HDMI compliant video device- and at a very attractive price, too. When I first saw this, I was a bit snobbish about it. It looked like a toy, and unlike my other Zoom (H4n), this one does not work with XLR microphones and it does not have half the features of the bigger model.As it turns out, I was wrong. This is a serious recorder. It may lack a lot of the key features of the H4n, but it more than makes up for it on simplicity, weight and sound quality.Essentially although Zoom stripped out a lot of features (and weight), they left the most important features intact... two perfectly matched microphones and outstanding recording quality.The most popular use for the H1 is to record separate audio for DSLR videos. Because it's so small and light, you can easily get a mount to attach it right on top of your camera.Two things you should know about.1. There is no wind screen, so either use it inside or get one. The microphones are super sensitive, and can pick up the smallest sounds... so wind will be a problem if you don't get a good windscreen.2. The case itself is sensitive... The microphones pick up the sounds of your hands holding it. If you are not mounting it, try not to move your hands too much; it will pick up everything. We were trying to live simply and watch less television. We also wanted to save some money by discontinuing our Dish Network service. At first, I was thinking about purchasing an external HDTV antennae but was daunted by the installation. I then decided to look at indoor antennas and came across the Mohu Leaf. I was intrigued that it got excellent reviews. I wasn't very hopeful because of our location. I live in Apex, NC and our subdivision is surrounded by a lot of trees and we get poor AT&T; cellphone service. But I was encouraged that Mohu has a great return policy. I figured that if it didn't work, I will just return it.I plugged it into my HDTV and had the television do a channel search. The first time I did this, I did not get a lot of channels but after moving it a couple of times (and having my TV do another channel search after each move), I was able to get 19 channels! Among a few minor channels, I got the major networks including PBS, CBS, ABC, Fox, NBC, and The CW. And guess what, at normal viewing distances, the picture quality is comparable to Dish!I'm even contemplating of buying a DVR. There are a few devices that don't even require a monthly subscription. But I'm still thinking about this. It's very tempting to be able to record all the network shows like Fringe, Desperate Housewives, or Dancing with the Stars. My main goal, after all, is to watch less television.Very soon, I will cancel my Dish service and this $44 antennae is going to save me lots of money. I've been using an HP wireless keyboard/mouse combo for a year...the combo came with my new computer and I finally had enough of wonky functionality (the receiver was literally inches away from the keyboard/mouse yet it would still cut out at times). I received the MK550 as a Christmas gift through my Amazon wish list and the combo is better than I thought it would be. First of all the receiver is SMALL; I connected it to one of my front USB ports on my desktop and you can hardly see it (it also comes with an extender in case you need it). The keyboard and mouse haven't lost their connection once so far, the keyboard is high quality and feels nice to the touch, and the mouse is equally comfortable with a quiet click.What makes me laugh is that the keyboard has a "Media Center" button that links to a Windows Media Center application (reminds me of Hulu with free TV shows, etc.). I NEVER knew that came installed on my computer and now I'm having fun watching some of the sitcoms I missed this year. I like the headphones for the most part. It has good sound and fits comfortablly in my ears. The only thing that I did not like about it was that the cord is either too short and too long. Too short that you have to place the player near your chest area or too long where you have to coil the cord when you attach the player to your waist. This bag is awesome! Has a place for everything and holds so much! All the pockets and little places to put things is great and the inside compartments are moveable so that you can adjust to different sized lenses and cameras. I wouldn't trade this for anything! The straps are adjustable and it's comfortable to wear as well. Ah, the mysterious world of WiFi devices. This Adapter works great to bring N to a b/g laptop. Don't expect to always get the 150Mbps, but your upstream connection to the internet is probably slower than that anyway so you won't even notice. I would recommend this product. OK, I could have given this case 3 stars for some of the cons. I did not because of the way Amazon markets the case on their site probably clarifies what you are buying. The key here is THINNESS! And many people love a thin LIGHT case. Amazon designed this case to be the thinnest, and Amazon may very well have achieved that. I think this is a good thing. So good, that I have given this case 5 stars. Just know, you are buying thin.5 stars for thin and protective case... about half an inch with the FireHD 8.9. (hard to measure, I need calipers!). I will tell you why I think some of the one star ratings are given...and they fall in two areas: One, the case looks cheap when you see the lower half inside. Two, the case can not be propped at a low angle to one's desk and still type well on it. We will look at both of these items... there are, I am sure, other reasons for low rankings, some due to perceptions of "a good case."First, everyone has (perhaps) their own perceptions of what a good case is: My brother has a big Otterbox case (sturdy, shock resistant case) on his thin cell phone. I do not... I have a thin, easy to grip case. Why? Is it because I don't want my phone (and tablet) protected? Sure I do. But I am an adult, and I know how to take care of things. The case is there, just in case. :) But, I don't need to protect it to the level of an OtterBox case, in my view. So that is my preference. If this is not your preference, you are going to hate this thin, beautiful case.Amazon advertises thin, and they deliver thin. And I agree with those who think if they wanted a one inch thick case around their tablet, they would have a netbook or similar, not a tablet (since tablets should be thin and light). But... but... but... (you may object)...Yes, I know. This case doesn't look like a 50 bucks+ case. In fact, many have said it is not even leather. I don't know for certainty, but I don't doubt that it is leather. But let me describe the construction and you will see. And why does the bottom half look like it is just plastic!? Read on.The case is a very light plastic shell... and this very thin shell can be seen on the inside of the lower half, so the perception is cheapness. But, the question should be, what is the purpose of this case and what is being accomplished by this plastic? In short, it is providing needed protection and absorbtion for drops around every square inch of the tablet... notice the complete wrap around, form-fitting shape on the bottom half. Look closely at the bottom half, which has been structured to fit the Fire HD 8.9 like a glove, with perfectly cut openings and stylish design), on the outside of this casing is a wrap around leather covering. Once your tablet is in this case, you never see the plastic, as it is holding your Fire HD 8.9. Then, on top of the shell is a thin, very thin, leather covering that looks like it has been steam fit and glued on top of the plastic. Then a black thread has sewn the edges down so I doubt it would ever come loose. By necessity then, the leather is not soft to the touch, since it is attached to a plastic shell. But, it is very likely leather and the reason some think it is all plastic is because of the shell material.The sizing to the actual Kindle Fire HD is what is so amazing. The bottom of the plastic case just snaps over the bottom of the Fire and then the top lays on the glass of the tablet. Magnets (with Auto Wake and Sleep) keep the case shut (though it might not be good enough to stay shut in a fall).THIN AND LIGHT?Now, I purchased a Moko Case from Amazon too. It was thin, as was my preference. My Moko Case is about 5/8 of an inch with tablet). This case is 1/2 inch, plus maybe a tad more than half an inch. But, clearly, this case is thinnest of any case that I have seen.Is it lightest? IT IS NOT. My Moco case is lighter, even though it is tad thicker. Why? This Amazon case wraps completely around the entire tablet (it doesn't leave any edges exposed. My Moco case does. Still, the slightly thicker padding on the Moco probably provides a bit more protection... but who knows... I am not going to drop test. :) Suffice it to say they are both thin and light weight. One a tad more than the other in each area.THE STAND:The stand on this case has been where many people have commented. Here is my take.First, the stand does work well. It may not be the best if you like to type on your tablet in a standing mode (as finger pressure would certainly knock the stand over on some surfaces).Remember thin? Well, one thing that makes many cases thicker is the stand mechanism. Make the stand (or base) too thick and it adds bulk. Make it too thin and it just doesn't stay up. So, this was the design challenge. Amazon went with a LACK OF A BASE for their stand.... as well as a lack of a Kick-0ut stand mechanism. How does it work? Simple, just fold it over and let the case form a A shape that supports the tablet to stand. Oh, I can hear it now. "That won't work reliably!" Well, what they did is make the outer edge side out of a sticky, rubbery material, so that when you prop it opens, it holds quite nicely. This saves them a lot of weight and thickness. Some don't like it... but I imagine it is people that want to type on the tablet with it propped up in standing position. I think that if the feet are kept fairly clean, they will grab onto any descent surface and hold the tablet upright... and at about any angle that you want.I like this case. I like the design. I like the thinness. The jury still out on the stand (over time) and the magnetic closure (during a potential fall). I can't do less than five stars, because it does everything it states. Yes, I like my Moco case a bit better, but I bet this case will still be going strong long after my Moco case needs to be replaced. And now I have a wonderful replacement.JJI will update this review over time.Update: One con is the interior material of the case (the part that hits the screen) is not super-soft Micro-fiber cloth, rather a thin cloth that doesn't scratch the screen. A Microfber cloth interior might help keep the screen cleaner, but it would have added thickness. I have seen one reviewer say that cat hairs stick to it. I have not had that problem, and we do have a cat.Update: Price vs. Quality. Boy, I really wanted to stay out of this discussion. Everyone has their own comfort level with price, so I just try to review the product. But yes, if you are looking at cases in the sub-20 market, this case is pricey in comparison. But, I doubt that anyone who wanted the features of this case, would then think the given price was too much to pay. Key features again?Protective covering that covers the entire tabletConnects to the tablet all the way around, so it isn't going to pop out.Very thin (the thinnest?) and exceedingly lightExtremely easy to open, use, get access to all ports... and even easy to remove, if needed... all while being thin and attractiveLove the wonderful design for the volume rocker and power button. Nice design makes these a breeze to use (unlike my cell phone case).Leather coating (though not soft) seems durable and easy to grip.Speaker vents are perhaps the best I have seen on any case... it doesn't limit sound.Stand is simple and quick to use, because it uses a rubbery material that simply clings to most (but not all) material (I have tried on wood and formica top desks, table cloth, papers on top of a desk (not as good, but works), glass top tables, and wood and ceramic floors). The only time this failed was when I had it on the side of some rubbermaid containers... slipped on that slicker, dustier surface). You can get a nearly straight up position fairly readily, the only real issue is with a low angle such some people like for typing on a tablet. If the surface isn't ideal, the tablet will simply slip down to the table (flat), when you try to type. The benefit is that you have just about every other angle (degree) that you might want to have. That is great if your trying to avoid a glare on the screen, for instance. I was disappointed with this purchase because I felt mislead on what I was looking for. Last year I built my first P9X79 Deluxe system using the Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced Full Tower and was very happy with its quiet fans. With a Nuactua NH-D14 CPU cooler. This thing is almost silent. Because I need all the processing power and memory I can get within a budget, I opted to build a second similar system to add as a render Farm box. I bought a base P9X79 with the exact same 3930K, 64GB memory, power supply, CPU cooler and SSD drives. Not needing all the bells a whistles from the deluxe board I also decided to get the midsized HEF 922. Having a quiet computer is very important to me and this is the reason I chose to stick with The HAF series. Once I got the new system assembled, I was very disappointed to hear the roar of fans from the fans in the 922. The noise levels from the fans stated on the website do not match those printed on the owners manual. (23dBA vs 19dBA) The HAF 922 is far louder then the 932. What ever Cooler master changed in terms of cooling fans, it is clearly not at the same quality of the 932. The noise level is not something I can live with every day so I had to decide weather to return the box at my own expense and time to disassemble, pack, ship and reassemble, or buy some new fans. In order to get a similar low noise level enjoyed by the 932, I have to replace all three of the factory fans and add an optional 200 mm fan to the side. I understand there is a fine line between the open air design of the HEF for cooling and vs noise level but the HAF 932 design is almost the same as the 922 and vary quiet if all other components are low noise. Cooler Master claims the same quality in a mid size tower. All said and done, I should have bought another HAF 923 and save myself the time and dissatisfaction with Cooler Master. At this point, the only thing Cooler master could do for me is send me new fans or reimburse me for the price I paid for 19dBA versions. I like these better than APC and Tripp which have very similar units. Much more info on the screen and nicely built at a better price. Noticed Cyberpower also won an award recently from resellers. I really like this case, it feels sturdy and fits the paper-white perfectly. The pocket does not hold much, but that is not a big deal to me. Sometimes it does not seem like the cover is closed, but every time I open the cover the device was in sleep mode, so it must work. i bought the chromecast with the specific intention of using it to stream from my nas media library. i waited until recently to get one because i wanted to make sure the android apps were available to meet my needs. as it turns out, i found two apps to do this perfectly: NAS Cast ($1.67) and LocalCast (free with paid ad removal). now i can stream all my local content without having to fire up the ps3!as an added bonus, i received my chromecast on the first day of the coachella music festival, which was streamed live all weekend on youtube. using my chromebook, i cast the youtube live feed to the chromecast and enjoyed free, live music all weekend!ok, bottom line. everyone interested in a chromecast has a pretty good idea of what it can do. with the potential of this device, the price tag makes it an easy choice over roku, wd live, or appletv. i'm considering adding one of these to every tv in my house! the cost of a couple more is about the same as i used to pay every month for cable tv, and with the ever-increasing compatibility of the chromecast with media sites and services, this thing could very easily become the main media delivery device in my home. Being that there are so many cases for the iPad 2, it was confusing. I know that there was a very complete, comparative review by "spyreix" that I found very helpful. I've had my case for several weeks now and LOVE IT! It retains the sleek feel of the bare iPad. The 30/60 degree kickstand works great and easy to do. I know there WERE some cons about the case regarding the leather encroaching the screen and there not being a magnet on the flap to take the unit in and out of hibernation. I emailed Bear Motion and asked them about these 2 things. They said that for their first generation case, this was true. However, the current cases, these issues have been remedied. They were correct as my case is awesome. Highly recommended. Son's computer doesn't have many usb ports this makes it easy to plug everything in especially when everything takes a usb port.Has 4 extra usb ports this is great. Case works perfectly, keyboard feels great and the hotkeys are amazing! I was going to buy another case for 100 dollars at BB, but found this one on Amazon, and I am so happy I bought this one.One thing I do wish it had was magnets on the two bottom resting metals that hold the ipad when it is standing in landscape or portrait, cause if you accidentally tilt the ipad to much backwards, then the ipad has no locking mechanism to stay put and may fall backwards. This is really not a deal breaker for me cause i already know its like that so Im just more careful. Only problem maybe when someone that doesnt know about it, may pickup my ipad and not realize it and it may fall backwards. So a magnetic strong enough force to keep it standing would be an awesome upgrade.Overall, I am so happy. Many walk by and say, hey that is a nice little Pc, then I tell them its an ipad. they say WOW, that is so awesome. Case looks really professional and protects the Ipad big time!I recommend anyone to buy it! especially at this great price! Lots of decent, well-reviewed cases are out there for the Acer Iconia A100. This one was slightly cheaper (I paid $18.95) and still had free Super Saver Shipping when I bought a micro SD card at the same time.Case fits well, and makes all the difference as far as holding the tablet. Without a case, the tablet is somewhat "slick", feeling like it is easier to let slip from the hands. The case fixes all that (as I imagine most cases would). The crease that allows the front flap to fold is in the perfect spot for the thumb to nestle into when gripping.All cutouts were good, especially the one for the camera and LED in back (stylish, shaped cut-out, yet plenty of room for the camera lens). At first I thought the basic fold/insert way of holding the tablet in would not be enough, but it is. The tablet feels very secure and snug once the internal flap is folded around the tablet -- the friction works well.The case closes by using four magnets, two of which are embedded in the part of the case close to the tablet. I had heard that some case magnets interfere with GPS/compass operations. This was not the case for me. For compass apps that only use magnetism, I think this may be true true, at least to some extent, but for full-on GPS, the magnets and case do not appear to cause any issues. I fired up GPS Status after not having used GPS for several weeks, and satellites started becoming visible almost immediately. With A-GPS assistance, I had between 7 and 11 locked in under a minute (I was outside under a clear sky but still in Wi-Fi range from my house). So, GPS and wireless definitely work fine and I have not noticed any degradation since putting the tablet in this case.So, why only 4 stars? Well, the stand functionality leaves a little to be desired. First of all, the plastic slot in back where the leather flap is meant to insert (to create the stand) is very inflexible. So, it is hard to get the flap inserted, and the leather has to deform a bit to get in there. I have not seen any blemishes on the case, but I imagine that over time the flap might warp a bit, and/or if the leather smooths it might pop out of the slot. Also, trying to stand up such a small tablet (7-inch) is a bit wobbly in this case, but that is mostly due to the nature of the folds being so close together and the leather still being fairly rigid.Overall, though, a great case for the price. I like the stylish white stitching, and the case is well-built. And like I said, several cases are sold in the 20-25 dollar range, so it is nice that this one clocks in at below $19 (though that price is subject to change, I suppose...) This cable appears to be able to satisfy the wiring requirements of adapting USB A to USB B. I only have one piece of equipment(Video camera)that uses USB B and I could not perceive any difference between the transmission speed or quality between this cable and the one I had been using. The cable does not have gold contacts which I believe to be of little value because the gold is usually gold plated at the minimum thickness possible. All it takes is a few connections/disconnections to wear through the gold plating to the metal conductor unserlying the gold. A high quality steel connector is better in the long run. Also, the wire is not unusually thick which means that it may lose conductivity with longer cable runs. This cable is only 10 feet long and therefore is probably well within the length where any loss of signal strength is likely to be incurred. The plastic/rubber outer coating on the cabel is quite flexible which probably means the cable shielding within the wirea is also quite flexible. I am a person that through experience does not throw money away on cabling and I would suggest one spend the time understanding learning what types and quality of cable are necessary to produce virtually lossless sound. For digital signals, a reasonably price cable is probably more than enough. For non-amplified analog signals, good cable is necessary. For amplified analog signals, regular priced shielded cable should suffice. For unamplified signals such as electric guitar, a lower guage high quality shielded cable is absolutely necessary, particularly if you are usinf a cable of 25 feet or more. It is these signals which are week and are more than likely to pick up noise or frequency drop off that you would want to use higher qualities of cable. Remember, most of the cable that "Monster" makes is not neceassary for your purpose and many times the only person who can hear the difference is the salesman and the poor guy who overspent on cable based upon his recommendation. Generally the lower the initial signal strength, the better your cable may need to be. If the initial signal strength is strong, there is a good chance you can use less expensive cable. Cable from the amplifier to the speakers should be of lower guage but does not to be the best since the cable runs are relatively short.To close, the cables here are of decent quality good for their length and would seem to be a reasonable deal. If your scared to buy this because you have to modify it, dont be. It was really easy and there is even a video on youtube on how to do this [...]After I modified it, it worked great. Easy to pair with my iphone 5 and it works even while my iphone was charging in my bedroom and the receiver was in the living room.The unit itself is super tiny and after I connected it all I just hid it in the back of the TV & stereo among the other wires.Also if your worried about this thing not having a auto off or power button, it only uses 5 volts DC @ 1 amp. For comparison USB ports use 5 volts DC @ 2.1 amps, its not much to get excited over. If you are that much of a penny pincher, you should probably be using a power strip to turn off your TV, DVD Player, Stereo, etc... also since those things all suck power while not in use.Thanks everyone for your comments. Its what makes buying from Amazon great! The cord itself is great, its long, and it isn't stiff, so its quite useful, but the micro end of the cord is just odd. The plastic around it is MASSIVE in comparison to every other cord I have ever seen, which causes a problem in that it seems like that end of the cord is too heavy for a micro usb port to really handle. When plugged in, if I don't have the cord supported by something, it really seems to sag down, which worries me that it will eventually cause problems for the phone its plugged in to. It just doesn't make a solid connection, and wobbles back and forth. Its really worrying. I purchased this camera bag for a trip that I wanted to have extra protection for my camera. I feel that the padding is very good and there are more than enough little areas to hold lenses, camera bodies, chargers, memory cards, etc... One of my favorite features of this case is that it contains Velcro inside that allows you to resize the compartments. This is a great option that really makes it versatile for all types of lenses.I can fit about 5 lenses and a camera body in this case.The case seems to be fairly water resistant, but I would not feel too confident in a heavy downpour! There is a flap that covers the zipper all the way around and this would act as a line of defense between the inside and the rain.This case also has a tripod strap that allows you to strap a tripod onto the backpack, I do not have a great tripod, but when I used this with my tripod it worked fine for the most part. The only issue I had was that it did not hold the tripod in position, it seemed to slip out more to one side or the other while walking at extended distances. To be fair I might have just not had it strapped in tight enough.Overall a great case for ANY SLR camera, I have since switched from Canon to Nikon and as you would expect the case works great. I know this may be obvious, but this is not ONLY for Canon cameras. It will work great with any brand. The case overall is nice. I got it mainly just to protect the screen. If you plan on dropping your nexus on or more times then i'd go with something more expensive. The case feels nice and holds the nexus nicely, I can just see the thing popping out if dropped (sorry I don't feel like testing it). If your case comes defective read below!The first one I received was defective. When the front cover was flipped around and against the back, the magnet would put the device to sleep. Contacted amazon and the sent me a label to return it and allowed me to reorder using one day shipping. They then refunded me the shipping charge! I thought that was pretty awesome. I bought this for a trip to Europe - it was very easy to use and the size is perfect for sticking in a backpack. It's waterproof, so I didn't have to worry about it getting damp on rainy days (and I hope it will be useful at the beach and when skiing). I saw some reviews about the software being hard to use but when I plugged the camera into my Windows Vista laptop the software installed as advertised and I uploaded some to YouTube very quickly and easily to share with others on our trip. I've already gotten comments about how good the picture was for "that tiny little camera you were carrying around". Too early to comment on reliability or support, but so far it's done exactly what I wanted it to do. There is no way of telling if this drive will stand the test of time, but so far, this thing has been excellent. The drive and outer casing seem really well made, and the Seagate software it comes with was a snap to configure. Right now, I have the drive sleeping during the day, and then turning on at 4 am to back up any changes to my system, and it has been doing so flawlessly since I set it up about a month ago. I have always been a WD guy, so I was a little hesitant to buy this drive, but based on the reviews, I took the plunge and so far I am very impressed with it's performance. I'm also impressed with the speeds I;m getting using USB 2.0. I can't wait to update my board to 3.0, and watch this thing really scream. In closing, great drive at a great price.Highly recommend. This cable is good quality and is a steal for the price. Works great with my Toshiba HD-A3 HD-DVD player and Toshiba 30HF66 Tube HDTV at 1080i. Picture quality is simply stunning and there were no problems. Of course, there is no such thing as the perfect camera. But man, does this come close! I have never been so happy with a camera -- and I've owned quite a few.Right off the bat, the sensor size is larger than on your average P&S; (point and shoot) camera, but the resolution isn't any higher. This allows the camera to take MUCH better pictures in low light. And you will be amazed at how good this camera is in low light! Short of a DSLR camera, it has no equal.In addition, this camera is built for the serious enthusiast. Full manual controls make it almost like having a DSLR in your pocket! And there is a control dial plus a control ring -- making it much easier to control your settings. Plus, a fast lens and the ability to shoot in RAW ... no wonder so many photographers consider this the best pocket camera available. And yet, you can keep it in Auto mode and treat it like any other point & shoot.Oh, and the LCD is truly beautiful!The main thing that keeps it from being "perfect" in my estimation is the limited zoom: less than 4X. I need much more zoom. But I'd give it all up for this camera! And, if you want to use the camera as a camcorder, the standard definition video mode is a bit disappointing. Why not high-def, Canon?The main problems with the camera are pretty minor. The control dial on the back is very loose and you have to be careful not to accidentally change your settings. It's also a shame that you can't independently set the control dial and control ring for whatever you want: instead, you have to choose among a number of pre-sets. It's a little disappointing. And, if you are very serious, it's worth noting the serious barrel distortion in RAW; but the camera takes care of that in processing JPEGs, so most will never know.Some people complain about the build quality. Trust me, it's perfectly fine. It's light, which can be misleading. But there's nothing wrong with the build quality. Perhaps they expect more for $400. I guess I can understand that. But I'm perfectly comfortable with the build quality.The competition for this camera are the Panasonic LX3, the Fujifilm F200EXR, and maybe the Sony WX1 or TX1. The Sonys are good low-light cameras, but have no manual controls. The LX3 and the F200EXR are more serious cameras, but they are no better than the S90 and much more difficult to use. The S90 seems to get things right right out of the box more often than these others ... from all that I have heard, anyway. I don't have any of these cameras. But don't discount ease of use when you consider the competition.I give this camera the highest recommendation possible, even if it's not quite perfect! This router is very good, and has very good range. Read the smallnetbuilder website for a good review of it, if you don't believe me.My previous router was an RT-N56U, which also is a very good router, but the only reason I purchased the N66U is because it supports open source firmware, and it also has much better QOS control that actually works well once you get it set up correctly.A review below said they have problems getting it to work with the DD-WRT firmware, but I just wanted to let you know it works great with the Tomato open source firmware. I'm using the Shibby version of Tomato. I would have stayed with the stock firmware, but the open source firmware offers so many more features. But I do like the looks of the stock firmware a lot, and it is good also.I'm using a longer flat cat6 cables I purchased online, it looks better on the router because it bends down farther when you stand it upright. It helps appearance wise. The NT38B Airbender is revolutionary in iPad keyboard cases. There truly are very few real competitors here. This case's flexibility makes it a leader as it swivels, and detaches, allowing seemingly unlimited combinations of viewing and portability. The set-up (the way it positions/stands) also allows rigidity for users who want to use the iPad like a laptop, with screen fixed upright in place. Unlike most iPad cases which require you hold the unit still, or leave on a flat surface, the NT38B Airbender stays in position. The case is also quite rugged. As a tech guy, I've experienced many cases that promise to protect, but at the end of the day protect only from scratches. This case is rugged, solid. Another phenomenal option is the ability to easily detach the iPad from the keyboard while keeping the iPad in it's case. The iPad then can stand alone in various positions while you type. The battery is also quite reliable. I've had the unit for weeks now and have not had to recharge yet. Two items that could improve this product, which I have NOT seen in other "like" items: grip surface on outside of case, and further improved keyboard experience. Most iPad keyboards have the same issue: the keys do not tap as well as they do on a Macbook/laptop. Overall, a SOLID product. I needed a longer cable that would work with my wife's Droid and my Samsung Galaxy. Those that have the Galaxy know that the face where the USB port is located is slightly angled and the larger mold of some cables at the micro USB end makes it difficult to connect. This cable is perfect. It's well made and heavy-duty. I'd buy it again. This is a great wireless mouse, as are most of Logitech's products. You plug it in, and it works. No software to download, no buttons to program, it just works. Tracking is excellent and it slides smooth across the desk. After about a week of use I've decided I don't really like how it feels in my hand. This mouse curves in quite a bit on both sides; the "thumb" side is fine, as I rest my thumb comfortably in that position. The other side, however, is not as comfortable as I don't like having to wrap my ring and pinky fingers down around the side. Every other mouse I've used has been "flat" on that side, which is why the M510 feels so different, perhaps a bit small, in my hand.I use a "fingertip" or "claw" grip on my mouse, and this mouse is better suited for a "palm" grip, or possibly someone with smaller hands. I'm going to try a G9x or a Cyborg RAT7 instead. Oh my word I cannot say enough about this Tv. the picture on it is beautiful. the sound is excellent. Its just the most awesome Tv. you really must upgrade to this tv..........Smart Hub is awesome. I haven't used everything that it has as of yet but what I have has been spot on perfect. Im so proud of it. I bought this monitor nearly 2 years ago. I use it daily for typical home use - web, music, email, viewing/editing documents, watching videos.The Good:+ Great performance+ Less power consumption (LED)+ Base tilts up+ VESA compliant so you can use a different stand or wall mount+ InexpensiveThe Bad:- The connections (VGA, DVI, and audio in) are a little difficult to access (although once you get them hooked up you can forget about them)- There is no HDMI connection- It is too bright at nightPerformance:I think that the performance (colors, contrast, brightness) is very good for home use - it looks great surfing the web, looking at pictures, or watching movies. Images and text are clear and crisp. 1080P video looks fantastic. Thanks to the LEDs it stays cool and consumes very little power.The blacks in movies and images look pretty good, vibrant colors from pictures are not washed out or too enhanced, and it is easy on your eyes even after multiple hours of viewing (during the day or in a well-lit room). The one complaint I have is that even if you turn down the brightness to zero, at night in a dark room it is too bright. I wish the brightness could be turned down even more.Design:The base allows the monitor to tilt up which is nice, and it is VESA compliant so you can remove the base and hook it up to a wall mount or a multiple monitor mount.When trying to hook up the cables they are a little difficult to access - I had to tip the monitor down on it side to be able to get them connected. Once everything is connected you won't have to worry about it.It does have built in stereo speakers which are OK, but similar to most built in monitor/tv speakers, they don't provide very good sound. I have a cheap set of 2.1 channel computer speakers that I use that sound much better.Summary:Overall this is a great monitor for the price, and I would highly recommend it. It has worked flawlessly for the over 2 years I have owned it so far. I wish the brightness could be turned down even more, but I can live with it. the usb on the back caused my mac to restart when i would plug something into about 50% of the time. very annoying but the fan is really really good! I replaced my Trendnet 633GR router because I had a lot of high volume devices that were all consuming bandwidth and bogging each other down (Netflix, XBOX, Slingbox, laptops, etc. etc) I wasn't getting full "G" speed with the Trendnet 633GR on my primary laptop so I figured I'd try out the Netgear WNDR3700.The big plus for this router is the 680MHZ CPU. Even though I can only get data from my broadband router just so fast, the router seems to be effortlessly routing everything in my network without any slowdowns. Unfortunately, I didn't get any range improvement in one area of my house and my main laptop is still around -60db (and about 1 MB/s) I was hoping to get a little more but the faster router processor seems to keep the data flowing very steadily. If I use a USB network adapter on my laptop, I get full speed. I suppose I could blame my laptop network card for a weak antenna.As for the 5GHZ secondary band, I didn't find any use for it. If I got further than 30 feet from the router and had any obstructions, the signal was just about useless. I was -90db at 40 feet thru one wall and the ROKU XR failed to hook up. I eventually just turned the 5ghz radio off on the router.One other thing I like is a guest network feature. I can turn on a generic guest network when we have visitors and let them get on the internet. I still have all encryption methods available.Overall, very solid router, I am happy and this router will probably last me a long time. I found that Amazon actually beat Newegg prices by 15$...UPDATE 2/4/2010 : I had a VPN server running with no problem on a Windows 7 64bit machine and a Trendnet 633GR Router. I switched to this WNDR3700 for reasons listed above. The WNDR was ALMOST perfect except I was simply unable to get the WNDR3700 to passthru a VPN connection. I have to have VPN for my situation so the router is going back. I noticed after a lot of hair pulling that others are waiting on dd-wrt firmware to rectify this VPN issue. I'm surprised that this router couldn't do VPN, it seems so necessary?? I suppose I'll try it again when it has VPN capability.UPDATE 9/10/2010 : Somehow during a firmware update VPN is now working in Windows 7 64bit. My network is flying. 5ghz is turned off because the range is so short that it is practically unusable. 5 STARS otherwise. okay so it does but for me this lens is my walking around lens, so much better than the 1.8, this has metal construction and I love the speed of primes I pretty much agree with what others have said about the metadata and the wifi, things could have been better. But it is quite good as is. My only real gripe is the app. It is stuck in HD mode with no way to switch to a lower video quality when conditions merit. I have a pretty fast connection, but during prime time congestion, even it bogs down. And MLB gave up, said I had to watch the game later when the bandwidth was better. What about a lower bitrate feed? What about adaptive streaming? To adjust to the varying bandwidth conditions? As it is, MLB isn't going to get much of my money, it is very frustrating. I bought this lens mostly for video, as the STM lenses have almost completely silent autofocus, which helps tremendously when shooting video with the internal mic, or a camera-mounted mic. The kit Lens that came with my camera is completely silent, and I have yet to hear any camera noise picked up hen shooting video, even in quiet, indoor shoots. I bought this lens for the same purpose, as well as shooting photos, as it is a great focal length for video, and the low aperture is great for low-light photos. Here are my conclusions:For Photos: This lens is incredible. The pictures are razor sharp, and when you shoot with the aperture wide open, the bokeh effect you can achieve is really cool and makes for some beautiful, intriguing photos. The autofocus is quick and responsive, allowing you to quickly frame and shoot. The only downside to this lens is since there is no Image Stabilization, you have to be very steady when shooting hand-held, especially if you get below 1/100th shutter. Adjusting the settings, you can usually find a clear shot, it just may take some toying. On a tripod, you have nothing to worry about, obviously. This was definitely a good purchase for photos.For Videos: The quality of video produced by this lens is great. It lets in some serious light with the f/2.8 aperture, so you can do some good low-light shoots. The focal length is ideal for most video applications, but the lack of zoom does make for some walking around to frame the shot properly. The downside with this lens when compared to the STM 18-55mm is that the autofocus motor makes some noise. I was used to complete silence with STM lenses, and this one, although quiet, can still be picked up, especially when shooting with the internal mic. It's nothing compared to a non-stm lens, which are much louder, but it is audible and can be picked up in quiet shoots. Not a huge deal, but it is worth noting, if this lens is being purchased with that function in mind. If you are using any kind of external micing, you should be fine.Pros:Crisp, good color, fast autofocus, solid construction, light-weight, small form factorCons:Autofocus a little noisy This New Trent Airbender case is a remarkably lightweight keyboard case and while it doesn't feel heavy duty by any stretch of the imagination, it also doesn't seem cheap or flimsy. Aesthetically speaking, it's nice enough, with a slate-colored matte finish and a smooth feel that is not polished or slick, so that it will not inadvertently escape your grasp.I generally don't like any case (with or without a keyboard) that is intended to be used essentially as a permanent home for the ipad because the form factor and tactile experience of a naked ipad is so nice and enjoyable that it usually cheapens the experience when it's in a protective case. (For instance, the Otterbox cases cases certainly offer good protection, but it's such a chore to get the ipad secured into it in the first place that you never want to take it out --- so i actually got rid of my eexpensive Otterbox case.) The ipad snaps very easily and quickly in and out of place in the Airbender case, however. Even better, you can simply detach the iPad enclosure from the keyboard portion of the case and hold the iPad normally. This makes it easy to envision using the case on days when one is going to do a lot of typing, such as note-taking in meetings, but popping the case off when you want to sit with the ipad on your lap in the evening for some casual web browsing, facebook, or watching a movie, etc.Overall, I find this to be a nice product that is very competitively priced.PROS:- The keyboard responds well, connection via bluetooth is easy and fast, the battery life is on par with other similar products, and the fact that it allows for rotating the iPad to portrait mode is a nice plus.- It's great that you can utilize this case in so many different positions, with the iPad and keyboard each attached or detached, in portrait or landscape mode, etc.- Lightweight, and does not add a lot of additional bulk to the iPad.CONS:- My biggest complaint with this case is that I found the placement of the "lock" button on the small keyboard, just above the "delete" button to be a bit of a flaw. Far too often, when I tried to correct a misspelled word by using the delete button I mistakenly hit the lock button, and then had to stop typing, and unlock the ipad using the slider on the screen. Like all keyboard cases, it's a product best used by someone with hands small enough to successfully type on a compact keyboard. I tried on several of these headphones in the stores. They were the most comfortable I had ever worn. Sound is great and noise cancelling is excellent but after wearing for 20-30 minutes they start to hurt my ears. I do have big ears and they stick out from my head so I guess it is partially my fault. I use this lens on my 5d ii and have been quite happy with it for outside photographs. I am a professional photographer and I love the 24-105 zoom -- it allows me to get environmental portraits -- i.e., a couple in front of a church or a small child on a beach -- and then I can zoom in for a more traditional portrait (the bokeh is quite nice at f4 105). I find this zoom range essential for event photography.Indoors I am not quite as happy with this lens -- I have to ramp up my ISO pretty high as I am rarely on a tripod indoors (weddings and events). If this lens came out in a 2.8 I would replace it in a heart beat, but I am not interested in the 24-70 2.8 because I would miss that extra focal length.Anyway, this is a great all around lens and is my favorite for event photography and as my personal "walkabout" lens when I'm on vacation. Not too heavy, very versatile, and it takes excellent photographs.update: Indoors with a studio setup, this lens is also FANTASTIC and is on my camera 80% of the time. Because of focal length focusing issues, I can't use my 70-200, but I can get pretty close to my subjects and fill up the frame with the 24-105. Using this as a WAP, and not a router. While it is advertised to have superior range, I find it pretty average at best. This is across multiple devices. Also, I've experienced (with multiple devices) intermittent problems just getting connectivity. I'm not satisfied enough with it to keep it, and plan to pack it up and return it this weekend. It just is not that great. Does it work? Pretty much. Do I find it in any way superior? No way. Considering the price, it just is not worth it. This the coolest flash drive I have used by far. I have been using them since they first came out and were MB not GB. The device works as it's supposed to and it doesn't junk up my key chain. It is tiny yet has a sturdy feel to it. I have read a lot of negative press about this lens, but I have to tell you I think this is one of the best manual focus lenses you can buy for a full-frame camera.On my Nikon D800 it rocks. The bokeh is 'creamier' than you're used to compared to Nikon or Zeiss lenses, but I like it. As a video lens it has terrific long focal throw with hard stops.Nailing focus takes a lot of practice, but when you get it - perfect. NOT a great run and gun lens but I have used it that way. I love this product for my iPAD Retina! I use the iPad for personal and business use which is why I need the keyboard. The keyboard does take some time to adapt to as the keys are not quite as contoured as those of a regular keyboard. I have adapted well and I would be lost without the keyboard. The case is very convenient with the several different options available for display. I have found that it works best if you hold on to the bottom of the ipad screen when adjusting the prop on the back to get the best angle. In addition, when opening the case for use, it works best if you hold the screen portion up and pull down on the keyboard, rather than the normal procedure for opening a laptop. The ability to completely disconnect the iPad portion from the keyboard is also a nice touch. The keyboard holds a great charge and I can go a full week before it will need a charge. As most of the reviewers has already commented on the characteristics of the drive I will keep my review simple and mentioned that I agree with most of the reviewers about the super speedy response of this drive. The drive itself is very well constructed. Passively cooled however for reducing noise (It has vents on the top) and very well shielded inside and in my tests it indeed is very fast in data transfers thanks to the USB 3.0 interface.Almost close to what you would expect on a SATA internal interface (Generation 2) is seen on this drive which I consider very speedy for an external enclosure such as this one.It comes with AC adapter 12v 1.5A and USB 3.0 cable which is backward compatible with USB 2.0 interface.PROS[+] Speedy drive (7200RPM)[+] USB 3.0[+] You can take the bottom part (USB 3.0 Controller electronics) out and use it with other drives! (Go-Flex design)[+] When you eject or your Desktop goes to sleep it spins the HDD down[+] Low Power consumption[+] Two year SEAGATE warrantyCONS[-] Shinny Glossy which acts like a dust magnet.See the pictures I have posted on Amazon for package details. It is nicely constructed and works right out of the box. No issues seen. If someone wants more details about the internal drive (Made in Thailand) as I took it apart to see the contents please free to comment and I will answer them.2 Terabytes is still a lot of storage if you ask me. But if you do take a lot of Hi-Def camcorder recordings and have a huge collections of super high quality digital pictures then I would suggest that you go for a larger size which is a better value.Highly recommended. this case is awesome. its sturdy and protects the kindle very well. i love that it can turn the kindle on when you open the front cover. good quality. Got this bag free with purchase of T4i Canon and thought it would match. It has plenty of space inside and can hold everything. However, the bag is huge, so big I can fit my DSLR, Camcorder and even a point and shoot camera. It is not something I would carry everyday and now have to buy a smaller carrying case to compensate for this golf bag sized camera bag. I like the bag but it is just not feasible to carry daily. This is a great case for the 2nd generation Nexus 7. The craftsmanship is excellent, all seams are straight with no loose thread, the fit is excellent as is the overall appearance. The case has magnets to turn the tablet on and off and the magnets seem to work well at keeping the case open when you fold back the cover. It also has a strap to secure it in the open position, but the magnets work well enough that I've never had to use it. Even has a strap to make it easier to hold the device one handed. Highly recommended. Because we like to try out electronic cables and devices for a while before drawing a conclusion, I have made sure to test out this cable for several months now. The verdict is in- this cable is a very high quality cable which works beautifully with no problems at all.Despite it being thick and a little tricky since you can not bend it at a sharp angle, it is easy to work with by looping a bit as the 6+ft of cable gives us plenty of room to do so, but I would advise you to check out any holes in furniture or other small areas that the cords might have to pass through to be sure you have enough room to pass this cable through if there is any question- BEFORE you install it.We have checked this cable with various devices- PS3, HDTV, Blu-Ray player and most recently it is being used from a high quality amplifier to a very high level audio-visual computer system. In all cases, the picture/sound has been top notch, with no disintegration of information flow or integrity of signal.The quality of this cable is definitely high and equals or surpasses the performance of cables that are much more expensive on the market but have brand names that people are more familiar with. We have a LOT of cables and cords in our house as we have an electronic addict in our home, so we have a lot of HDMI cables and devices to test and compare with. This cable is also a good choice for future equipment upgrading as it will be compatible.The frustration free packaging is brilliant, by the way. Makes life a LOT easier!I highly recommend this cable, as long as you are not required to make a sharp angle for installation with no extra cord to loop around, or as long as your cable does not have to pass through a very tiny space (as is often the case when you have multiple cables running through holes in furniture, or other small spaces. OK let me start by saying I have studied antennas pretty extensively as a hobby. Living in Wisconsin, I am a die-hard Packers fan, and being a nursing student, cable is just too expensive for me. I started researching this antenna out of desperation because the antenna tower setup at my rental house is very outdated, and the cable connecting the antennas that are at the top of the 60ft tower is so thin, it looses an immense amount of signal. Anyway, I live about 36 miles from the Milwaukee towers, and about 50 from the Chicago towers. I already had the Antennacraft HBU33, which is an absolutely PHENOMENAL antenna if you are more then 40 miles from a tower (I have never used it for signals more the 50 miles away, so keep that in mind). This antenna (ANT751R, and make sure the "R" is at the end of the model number, as the model with the "R" is optimized for digital signal, as opposed to the older model which was more for analog signal) is designed for signals within the 40 mile range. I used my old antenna for Chicago stations, and bought this antenna for the Milwaukee stations. The setup works very well so far. I use both antennas with a signal combiner (a splitter that works both ways) and a RCA TVPRAMP1R for a pre-amp, and the picture so far is awesome. This antenna is so small, it seems like it would be ineffective, but WOW, its works like a champ! I will warn you that it does not pick up the lower VHF stations very well (2-6), so I had to modify it with coathangers to pick up those stations (Fox is channel 6 here, which a majority of Packer games are on). I did have to change the location of the antenna after not getting good reception on fox, even with adjustments with coathangers, to a higher place with fewer obstructions (the original place was clamped to the antenna tower as high as I could reach (which was about 10 ft up with a ladder), and was obstructed by the house next door, so your antenna may not have the low VHF issue, but I am not willing to take off my coathanger modification to find out if it works without it (if it ain't broke, don't fix it) in the new location. It is now on the roof of my porch, which is about 20 feet in the air. I also installed this antenna in the attic of my friend's 1 story house who is about 15 miles form the Milwaukee tower, and he reports perfect reception even without any sort of amp. Keep in mind that he was using a radio shack amplified set-top antenna before with a 15-20db amp built in, and on windy days, the reception would be choppy at best. He checked the reception on the day that the winds from hurricane Sandy were really bad in his area, and reported the signal was completely solid, so there you go. When installing this antenna, I would HIGHLY recommend using quad-shielded type f coax cable, to minimize signal loss. I would recommend purchasing the cable from monoprice, they were the lowest price when I installed my friend's antenna. Also, be careful with amplifiers, they can actually destroy your signal if your signal is already strong, so just keep that in mind. If you are at the very edge of the reception zone for this antenna, and your antenna is in a low place, or in your attic, then you may want to look into a pre-amp, otherwise, don't even bother.So to recap: This is a fantastic antenna that may not pick up the low VHF stations very well. I made a long loop with a coathanger and used hose clamps to attach them to the end of the VHF elements to get better low VHF signal, but that's just a suggestion. If you are putting the antenna up high, you may not have anything to worry about it. USE QUAD-SHIELDED TYPE F CABLE FOR YOUR SETUP TO MAXIMIZE GAIN AND MINIMIZE SIGNAL LOSS. This case is super slim, super sleek, and fits the Nexus 7 perfectly. All my coworkers love my case and love the handle in the back. The fact that this case can also prop up as a stand is a plus! Extra points for the sleep and wake feature. If your looking for a case with no branding and looks good. Look no more! The Linksys EA2700 is a good midrange router. If your only goals for it are connecting wirelessly with your phone, tablet, or laptop it should perform flawlessly.I tried to set it up as someone who is not too familiar with routers. The instructions that come with basically say to insert the included CD into your computer, plug the router into your computer, and then follow the prompts. This is what I did and the entire process was painless. Everything worked perfectly when I disconnected the cable and attempted to connect wirelessly. I then proceeded to add the router to my phone's wifi and my tablet's wifi. Everything connected without a hitch. The only surprise was the the process of setting up the router took about ten minutes. Granted almost all of that time was spent staring at my laptop waiting for the software to finish (no interaction required from me). Still... It took longer than expected.If you're familiar with good ol' 192.168.x.x then that works fine too. If that made no sense, don't worry about it, the included software takes care of everything for you.Personally, I feel that there is not much that is worth the premium price for the router. It's not that it's bad--it's just not amazing.Apparently, there is an Android app that is available that can also adjust settings but, for the life of me, I can't see how that's very useful. Instead, I wish it included a USB connector so I could print wirelessly. That's becoming a common feature in "better than low end" routers, these days.On the plus side, the setup software is easy and it's attractive. I like the internal antenna design and haven't noticed any degradation of signal compared to my other two routers (both with dual external antennas). Got this one for the price and the supposed magnetic closing feature. The latter barely works (at least for me) but otherwise the case is fine. It protects my tablet and is more of the "book" type case that gives it a little more heft. The extra viewing angles are nice as well. This is a very nice addition to the Canon EF line-up. Since my DSLR has an APS-C sensor, I needed a lens that would get me close to 50mm. A cropped sensor makes this 40mm lens the equivalent of a 56mm. I like the fact that the lens is very compact and light weight. The optics are "Can-tastic". The focus is great in auto mode or in manual and I very much like the option of switching back and forth. I also purchased the Canon UV filter and the Canon lens hood. The Canon 40mm f/2.8 STM has a very snug fit, but is easily and quickly swapped. I have only had use of the lens for a week and have posted my very first photograph to this web page where other reviewers have posted sample photos. I feel like this will be my "go to" lens for indoor family events like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am also planning to use it for a maternity shoot. For the focal length and the money, this Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 is a great value. No regrets. This product is perfect for what I needed it for. Providing a ton of memory in my Samsung Note 10.1 in a small package. This case is beautiful, inside and out. It holds the device firmly, and provides optimal protection without sacrificing the sleekness of the tablet itself. It also has a hand strap, stylus loop, and a stand feature that is very sturdy. There are holes on the back for the speaker, and every port, button, and mic is easily accessible. Received my New Trent Airbender a couple of days ago. I am completely satisfied with it. I didn't think I could improve my iPad! The keypad is awesome, it did take a little getting used to though. The fact that the Airbender can be used as two separate pieces is great. If I just want to play, I can use it as a stand with the keypad detached. It was easy to set up the Bluetooth and easy to use. I would highly recommend this accessory for everyone. The way the case protects the iPad is great! This case is from what I can tell the best bang for your buck. The case fits snug to the device and allows for good support and viewing angles. The leather isn't the highest quality but it doesn't have a cheap glossy feel to it either. The clasp keeps the cover closed well but isnt a pain to take off and the magnet has never given me a problem as others are describing. Overall, best case by far for the money. just going to sum this up real quick..Your computer will wait on you instead of you waiting on your computer.Even if you have a new computer, you have NOTHING until you have a SSD.WORTH...EVERY...PENNY. These cables are great! The HDMI cable works great! No issues at all. The cable is of quality build and the signal is great. Ha, with a title like that I got your attention didn't I? This is a review of the 16GB Zune HD. You will not see a comparison or mention of any Apple product here. I am a 39 year old male and this review is for the Zune HD and what it is like to OWN one so that others may decide if they want one. First off, you will notice that this review is "Amazon Verified" - yes, I purchased the Zune from Amazon and waited a couple of weeks to actually USE the product before submitting a review of it unlike some of the others here. Enjoy....Packaging:The Zune comes in a nice small black box that slides open to reveal the contents which are the Zune HD, headphones, USB cable and some paperwork. It's very stylish and nice. Not much else to say as the box has been tucked away ever since opening.The look and feel:Ever since the first time I saw pictures on the net of the Zune HD I have wanted one. Being a previous owner of a couple of different MP3 players the Zune was a must have just for the looks alone. It really has nice lines and the color is just right; black and silver. I hate this new term "sexy" and cringe when I hear a guy say it about an electronic device. It does describe the Zune but I won't call it that. The weight is very nice and it feels good in your hand. I love the modern look and if they ever turned this device into a phone I would by one in a heartbeat! I sometimes hold it to my ear and think, "WoW what a cool phone this would be." The Zune logo on the back and a simple "ZUNE" on the front - very elegant. On top is a power on button, the left side a volume rocker and the home button on the front. The bottom is where you plug in your headphones and next to that is where the docking connector/USB cable plugs in. It's the kind of device that has looks that will never get old and you want to just keep staring at it. Very pleasing to have something you want everyone to see.The screen:OLED - it's the big talk these days. I have a few pictures on my device right now and I have to say they look great. The blacks are true blacks because the device shuts down the pixels where there should be black so you see true blacks and vibrant colors. Outside I agree with most folks about the glare. I have the brightness turned all the way up and it looks nice inside but outside the glare on the glass makes it as if you want to look at the reflection then back to what's on the screen. I don't see this as a problem as I can't imagine any other electronic device no matter what it is not having this same problem. For me, I can still see what is on the screen and have no problem with it. It is just the right size at 3.3 inches.UI interface:Although inside the box there was no manual you would really have to be pretty stupid if you couldn't figure out how to navigate on this device. Also, on the Zune web page is everything you need to know about how to work this device - who needs paper these days anyway??? The transitions from screen to screen are so fluid, smooth and animated. The touch only needs to be light and it works flawlessly. After using the device for a few minutes you get the idea of how to navigate. You start off with a list of items to choose from on the main menu; pictures, music, apps, ect, etc. As you click one you dive into that section and dive even deeper as you work what ever you have chosen clicking/touching away. At all times the home button on the front will take you back to the main menu. The accelerator zips from landscape to portrait very fast and smooth. I really like that and feel the tegra chip inside is working for me without strain when I see this - video especially. Multi touch works well and tapping is fine too especially on the web browser. Everything is laid out nicely and there is no confusion about how to find something. This is a plus for first timers and experienced users alike.Zune software: (APPS & Marketplace)This is a free download and helps you manage the Zune contents and updates. The software mimics some of the icons on the Zune so you quickly identify the UI and what you need to click. Syncing is a breeze and Zune will let you customize what content you want on the device and what you want Zune to do with it. I have all of my MP3's in my music folder on my computer and it grabbed all of them when I plugged in for the first time with no problems. There are some complaits about the software and how it takes forever to download - not true. There are not a lot of apps right now. I hope this blossoms as the months go by. I have downloaded all of them so far as they are free but would gladly pay for any others if they should come about and would be useful. The weather app is nice and lets you add as many cities as you want and shows you not only current conditions but a five day forecast as well. The calculator well is a calculator. The games have been just OK - I feel they do not utilize the Tegra chip but in the future I am sure the games will utilize the chip as it would be a waste if they didn't. There is a chess game, Texas hold em, space ship shooter, a Bejeweled like game, soduku, and some game where you try to figure out where an item is hidden after mixing up three robots. All are fun for a short while but I wait for more advanced cool games. Also the games have ads just before they start - we are talking about 5 seconds of a video clip. For a free download I think they have every right to put this here. Also, FOUR to FIVE SECONDS is what we are talking about. Is it that much time??? Patience!!!! The marketplace is just something you need to experience. Music, Videos, Podcasts and more.... EVERYTHING is here for you to choose from. There is an option for a Zune pass and for $14.99 a month you can go nuts with this and download as much media as yo want - you get to keep 10 songs a month too. This alone is worth buying the Zune HD. There is so much content at the market place that I can't really explain. Imagine walking into a store that has no one in it but you and the inventory consists of basically every kind of music you can think of as well as tons of other types of media just for you alone to walk up and down the isle to choose from. I just hope for more apps in the future and (I know) this thing just came out so while I wait for apps I will enjoy my Zune....Docking station:I went with the basic Zune HD sync doc ($49) and lucked out with it. There is an A/V dock you can purchase too($89). I will tell you the only difference between the two is 1) the price and 2) the A/V doc comes with the HDMI and optical cables. So if you already have these cables, which most of us do, save $40+ dollars and get the regular sync doc. I have a review on the doc here on Amazon (where I purchased it) so check that out. It is nice to just plug it in and sync and charge. Also I can hook it up to a TV if I wanted or a receiver and utilize the Zune to transfer music and video to my home entertainment center. The doc compliments the Zune and is very stylish looking and most importantly - Functional.Battery life:The OLED must be doing what it is supposed to do - save power. I take the train every day to work from Milford, CT to Greenwich, CT and I can go about a week without charging using the Zune about an hour or so a day. Wonderful! The only thing I have noticed is the back gets warm when in use. Very strange. I have been impressed with the battery and hope it stays that way.Screen protectors:I never had one before and at the time I received my Zune there was only Ghost Armor available. I got one screen protector and had no problem putting it on but being a noob I didn't spray my fingers and my finger print was stuck on the adhesive side. So I took it off. Ghost armor was very nice and sent me a replacement but instead of just the screen protector they sent the full body armor - how nice of them! This time around I was very careful and it went on with no problems BUT....I noticed the screen protector was about an eighth of an inch too short on top. It was enough to bother me so I took it off. (I know you are thinking I am nuts) So I looked and found BodyGarudz on the net. Not only do they sell TWO screen protectors for the price of ONE but it also fit perfectly. I used the squeegee and applicator solution from Ghost to put the BodyGaurdz shield on - why? Because BodyGaurdz's applicator solution wasn't as good as Ghosts and Ghost's squeegee was much better than BodyGaurdz. So my insane suggestion - go with BodyGaurdz for the screen protector. One other thing - the Ghost armor seems thicker - I can feel the sharp edges of the plastic now on the Zune because it has full body protection. I hope they come out with some cool cases so I can rip this stuff off and throw more cash down the drain...! The BodyGaurdz screen protector is thinner and looks great.Internet: (WiFi)The browser works well on the Zune HD. I connected to my home network in seconds and at work it's even quicker. You can tap and multi-touch to zoom in and move the pages around. The keyboard is OK and can be used in landscape or portrait mode. You can store pages in favorites and check AOL mail and what not. It uses Bing to find what you are searching for. I use it mostly for mail as at work the computers are restricted but WiFi is open. You can sync via WiFi and download too which is very nice.Music (Sound):There is an internal equalizer with different settings depending on what type of music you are listening too. It works OK - the music sounds fine to me. I didn't use the supplied headphones as I have a pair of Sony Ear buds and they work better for my ears. The music sounds great and the interface is cool - volume can be operated via the rocker on the side or touch screen. Filtering music, making playlists and and just listening is a pleasure - this is what I got the device for - MUSIC - so everything else is just an added bonus to me. I haven't bothered with the HD Radio much but it is cool to have. Remember...added bonus....Conclusion:I just love this Zune HD. It really is functional for what I need it to do and the style, look and feel are just so right. I hope this review helps you in your decision. I will continue to update this review in the future so check back and best of luck to you and take care! 1. The material used was high grade. The case fits well and was easy to attach.2. The iPad felt very well protected in the case.3. I really like the different configuration options.4. Bluetooth pairing was flawless.5. The case looks very professional, not a cheap plastic case.6. The detachable keyboard / case makes a great product. Advanced carpel tunnel syndrome makes holding a phone for more than 5 minutes painful. I've tried various earphones but never liked them. This headset is perfect! People I'm talking to can't tell I'm using it, the sound is quiet and clear. Very lightweight and comfortable, phone can go in my pocket and I can do anything I need to do while talking. Still can't believe the price. I bought this lens for my Canon 20D digital camera and have found it to be a great all-purpose, everyday-use lens. Here are the best features from my perspective:1. The range of telephoto zoom is adequate for 90% of photo opportunites. 28-135 mm telephoto in digital photography translates into 48-230 mm in SLR film photography. Since a standard camera lens is 50-55 mm, the starting range of this zoom lens equals that and then has the added versatility of zooming up to 135 mm (or 230mm in old style camera figures). In my opinion, this added range of framing a shot gives the photographer so much more creativity, as well as being able to bring objects into closer, more intimate range. I mentioned that this lens is good for 90% of all general camera shots; the missing 10% are those pictures that require a better zoom (more telephoto zoom), and those pics that need a wider field of view. You may find that for group photos in close proximity, you want to take a step backwards to get everybody in the frame. This is not a problem unless you simply don't have the room to take that step back. I solved this problem by switching back to the original 18-55mm lens that came with the camera. For the more distant shots that can't be drawn into the 135mm zoom of this lens I purchased a better telephoto zoom.2. The lens has autofocus and IS stabilization technology. For one used to manual focus lenses in SLR film photography, the addition of a fast autofocus lens is a terrific feature! I used to miss those spur of the moment shots because I was trying to achieve focus. With this lens, you make those shots, because within a milisecond of depressing the shutter down halfway, the picture snaps into focus! I absolutely love this feature! The focuser has many points of potential focus, so it adapts easily to virtually all focusing situations. For the really difficult focusing shots, there is the option of manual focusing. While nice to have, I rarely use this option. The Image Stabilization feature is a handy one in the longer shots. "IS" lets one get away with a bit of camera shake without too much out-of-focus smear on the picture. Canon does not recommend using the IS feature on tripod shots, so there is a switch to turn off the IS if desired.3. The lens takes sharp clear pictures. I have not been disappointed with the quality of the lens at all.Drawbacks1. While there are not too many drawbacks to this lens, I think the major one is that the lens is bigger and heavier, in fact, much bigger and heavier than the standard 17-55 mm lenses that come with SLR cameras. For me this is not a problem, however, for one that wants to have a lighter-weight camera, this could be considered a serious drawback. On the other hand, a SLR camera like the Canon 20D or digital Rebel is not designed to be a smaller pocket-sized camera. It is a larger format camera and of course the lenses will be larger (and heavier) as well.2. Cost. At just over 400 dollars, this lens is an investment. Again, one has to weigh the obvious financial outlay, but the 28-135 mm lens is so superior to the cheaper 18-55 mm lens, that in my opinion, it is well worth the cost to upgrade.With this product, Canon made a great everyday camera lens. From my perspective, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages and I do recommend this lens to be your everyday standard camera lens.Jim "Konedog" Koenig Good Flash at a great price.I use two off camera with and w/o umbrellas or softbox. Works great when paired with the Yongnuo RF-603 N3 triggers on my Nikon D5100.I use 2 RF-603 transceivers. Place one on the camera, one on a 560 set in M mode and the other 560 in S1 mode. You must make sure the slave widow on the flash can see the command flash of the other.Solid enough build quality, feels sturdy. If an all manual flash is what you want then get this!You may want to checkout the other Yongnuo versions before you decide.The YN-560 III, has built in wireless receiver, so if your camera sends wireless you might go this route. If not, you'll still need a trigger or use as slaves.The YN-565 and YN-568 are I-TTL/E-TTL models. Cable is nice and long, and flexible ... but the lightning connector is TOO WIDE to fit the OtterBox opening for an iPad Air. Will need to file down the sides to use this. DLO makes good quality accessory cases for the iPOD touch, although they are a bit pricey. This product has a belt holder (clip) and an inside pocket for a credit card or driver license but not much else. I found another DLO "Folio" case for the iPOD touch w/o belt holder to carry in my pocket. I like this style even better because you can fold the flip cover back over itself and maintain a nice slim profile w/o the belt clip in the way. However, it has an orange stripe and inside lining for more of a two-tone look. The "all-black" case inside and out looks better, but does not hold the iPOD touch inside quite as snugly. You can't go wrong with either style DLO case for you precious iPOD touch. Both styles are highly recommended. You can get excellent sharpness and great soft backgrounds with this lens. It's quite a stunning thing to see photos with this lens shot with a little XSi. Once you have enough skill to get your modes set right you can be shooting portraits, animals, flowers, product shots (I do a lot of that) and a ton of other great stuff with this bit of glass.If your shooting a crop body like I do, you'll need a wide angle lens for those landscape and indoor shots where this thing doesn't get wide enough. I use a Sigma 20mm f/1.8 for those times. It's a great standard lens for crop bodies, the sharpness and depth of field effects you can get from opening up that big 1.8 aperture are stunning.But this Tamron zoom is no slouch either when it comes to bokeh and sharpness. Stop it down to 4 or so and in decent light it will give you excellent sharpness, contrast and color. I find I seldom reach for the 20mm except when I want to get right up next to a flower or insect or maybe a piece of jewelry in a product photo, open the aperture and get really smeared backgrounds.You can do that with the Tamron. But the Sigma seems to produce the better backgrounds in those situations. You just have to get real close and personal with the camera.Last fall we were camping at a local reservoir in central PA during the height of the fall colors when I found a huge spider in a fully formed, quite beautiful web. It had recently rained and the web had a lot of those nice dewy droplets on its filaments. I was able, with this Tamron, to get very close to spidey and web, choke off a lot of depth of field and soften the water and multicolored trees in the background to a beautiful palette of color with only hints of shape. That was one of the best series of shots I've ever taken, and it was with this lens. Stopped down a bit to give more form to the background and spidey was in a whole new light.This lens works for weddings and birthdays, school plays, picnics, tourism, whatever.If you need more zoom than this, maybe you should buy a telescope. I can see needing a wider lens than this, but if you can't zoom close enough, shoot RAW and enlarge. This zoom range is perfect for 90% of my image composition within the range it shoots.It's much easier to compose than with my 20mm Sigma prime. Any prime lens will have you walking around, backing up, moving in, trying to get that frame right. The payoff is unbeatable sharpness and speed per dollar.However, this 2.8 zoom lens is plenty fast, and very sharp as well.I bought this lens a couple years ago for under $400. The Sigma prime cost more than that, and I only use it for about ten percent of my shots.This thing is so far beyond the price in terms of capability, that I will buy another one if this one ever breaks.Recommended. Lost the last stylus I purchased but this one is great. The cord to keep it attached to my iPad helps so that I'll never lose this one. Good quality. I give it 5 stars for indoor antennas. I went from 7 stations and 15 channels to 17 stations and 43 channels. The furthest is +55 miles. Another is 42 miles... NO problem with either. However most of my stations are with in 22 miles and mostly in one direction. I would say if all your stations are out +40 miles this should work but you might start to thing about an outdoor Bow-Tie antenna. HOWEVER it depends on your house and terrain. If your house is wood, drywall, vinyl siding, with antenna near a second floor window facing toward the station, good to go. If you are in the middle of a brick building, no windows, you can expect less than spectacular performance (I am assuming). OUTDOOR antennas are always better, but I am very impressed. I am an engineer and my hobby is radio and antennas.Since most of my stations I care about are all in one direction I can just set and forget. However if your stations are scattered to the four winds it could be a hassle always having to aim it. Most stations are South East but one is West. It comes in no matter what direction I turn it. It is the strongest station at 17 miles. Two of the distant stations need the antenna to be aimed; they are in different directions and need the antenna to be aimed, but for the most part 90% of my stations are all in one direction.There is no real solution for stations in many directions, even with an outdoor antenna, which would need a "ROTOR" to turn it to different direction. With the Terk HDTVa the further out the station the more you have to aim it. This is OK and what gives the antenna it's power and low noise. However it is NOT an omnidirectional antenna. Typically omni directional antennas don't have the performance, as they are a compromise for convenience. You will never get range with an omni direction antenna. Even basic rabbit ears are bi-directional.The two petty gripes others always mention and I will repeat, is the base is narrow so it's tippy side to side. Also because the rabbit ears (the dipole whip antennas) are angled back, you have to give it room, 10" much more depending on the angle of the base to the wall and how wide you have the whips spread out. My microsoft mouse broke just like my last microsoft mouse... So I went to bestbuy to find another mouse and they wanted $49.99 for there Logitec and I got this one for for $19.99 first Logitech I tried and its the best mouse ive ever had and it doesnt have to be 12 inches away from your pc to work I got this one to work from more then 15 feet way and works fine. Works on every surfice ive tried. this mouse is awesome! I will say I do not use all the features these headphones offer.What I can tell you is that the Sound quality is very good but not as good as my wired Senheisser.I use the in the Office to listen to music, make phone calls, etc…These are a “MUST HAVE” if you ride a motorcycle. Being ear buds they work like ear plugs.Plus you get the added benefit of listen to your favorite music while on a joy ride, or your commute to the office. Bought this for my dad to watch TV at his own volume without disturbing everyone else. He loves them. He had some cheaper in ear wireless headphones and were not good. He actually said "I have never head such good quality sound. They're AWESOME". Range is excellent, gets reception over 50 ft away. No interference or crackling/hissing. Durability we'll have to see about over the long term, but seems good.Highly recommend After purchasing a Nikon D70S with the Sigma 18-200mm lens, I recently purchased a Nikon D200 and a Sigma 10-20mm ultra wide lens. This lens is one of the best I have ever used on any kind of camera. It not only has a good professional look and feel to it, but it works flawlessly with the smoothness of lenses in a much higher price range. Images are clean and crisp, and the autofocus is butter smooth. I paid a bit over $500 for mine and I doubt there is a nickels worth of difference, except in price, between the Sigma brand and a comparable lens bearing the Nikon name. This lens is a keeper for sure!! The matte finish is great, it reduces fingerprints more than anything else. Also, it gives the phone a cool blackout look. However, the privacy is minimal, at most it obscures any direct view. This is ridiculously fast. I was upgrading to Window 8.1 and decided might as well update my hard-drive with the SSD over the decent 7,200rpm disc hard-drive. Well Window 8.1 installed in around 10 minutes compare to like aalmost an hour. Boot time i sa few second, faster then my tablet. I also have another sony vaio laptop with a ssd, this one is faster then that one by a little (this one has a faster processor too). This USB is great for having music in your car. Upload the songs to this flash drive and then you don't have to worry about removing it in and out since it's very tiny. If you hook it to your laptop, it's hardly visible. It's hard to damage tiny drive such as this because it's not a long stick where you can just bump into it and it snap out of your laptop or worse, breaks. The main concern for this product is that it will likely disappear on you if you're not careful where you left your things. So the best use for it is on something you don't often remove it from. That way it won't get lost and can fool a naked eye. I had it in my car stereo no one notice it's a flash drive.Here are some suggesting for going with this flash drive or a standard size.Reasons for owning this drive. Store it for fun things like music, photos, video clip, or things you want to share with others. Buy the 8GB or 16GB version so you don't have to stored too many things in one place. If you needed a bigger space, get a portable hard drive. Flash drive isn't meant for large storage due to the slow speed. You wouldn't want to upload HD contents because it will take you longer then you would expect. If you want it for storing songs for your car, the smaller the size the better. Reason is your stereo play have limitation to number of folder and size. It make no sense have large space when you're stereo cannot handle it. Small files will do nicely on this kind of drive.Reasons you shouldn't buy it. If you're planning on storing sensitive data, I highly recommend you to look for something that's hard to lose or have a very strong attachment to your keys or other belongings you often carry with you. If you lose this drive, the chance of you finding it is slim to none in public places.The price is great for a tiny device like this. It's very useful base on the size and what you want to use it for. After all my years in the computer industry, its become a very high expectation of mine that hardware and software be easy to setup and get started with. That being said the Roku 3 is the fifth Roku I have personally installed. It is amazing that its ease of setup continues to get ever better. Take it out of the box, peel off the protective plastic, hook up the HDMI cable to your TV or monitor and the back of the Roku 3, connect the power brick and a Ethernet cable and you're done. That's it, you can't complain about 3 cables now can you?Unlike many other products, the Roku has no power button, it consumes so little power it really doesn't need one. This means when you are ready to watch a show, there is no waiting. I knew from previous models (Roku 2) to put batteries (included) in the remote prior to going through setup. This ensures the Roku finds the remote and synchs up with it right away. Speaking of the remote, the new Roku 3 remote has an earphone jack built right into it's side. What a great feature, now when sitting in bed you can easily add earphones so as to watch TV without ever bothering the other half. The volume control is handled by two buttons on the opposite side of the remote, just where they should be. It is features like this that demonstrate the folks at Roku actually use their own products and pay close attention to detail. Small things like this really make the experience much more pleasurable.Once you have powered on, the mostly automatic setup is a breeze and super easy to deal with. Just for the sake of seeing how well it worked, I connected the Roku 3 through both a Ethernet cable and over wireless to my dual Netgear wireless router. Added the Mac: address to the router and had it reserve an IP. Ran the wireless detection and it configured first time through without a hitch. Then I switched the cable for the faster speed over the gigabit network. I can always fall back on the wireless in case something goes bonkers with the cables.Once the Roku 3 was up and running with my Roku account, it downloaded the new firmware, updated all my channels and I played a game of Angry Birds Space. Love the new remote, really works well for playing games like Angry Birds. As much as I like Angry Birds, it was time to put the Roku to it's best use, watching movies in HD on my 27" monitor. Went straight to Amazon Prime, linked the new Roku to my account and rented SkyFall in full 1080P. The picture was outstanding, not one hiccup or stutter, and no buffering at all, not once. skyfall is a killer movie by the way, I highly recommend it:)All in all, the Roku 3 is just another prime example of how to do things right. Check out the new interface, search capability, and channel store look and feel, you won't be disappointed. Changing settings has never been easier. With a great new interface which allows you to go right where you need, to change between network types, interface themes, audio modes, time, etc. you'll be watching and playing within minutes of opening the box.This new Roku is a real pleasure to use, never even looked at the literature that came with it and was watching a new release HD movie in under 15 minutes, and two of those were waiting for the popcorn in the microwave. Next ill try the USB channel with one of my slim drives with all my media, but I have a bunch of movies to catch up on first! You can't go wrong with the Roku 3, the best Roku yet, five stars at least! I bought a charger from eBay for a few bucks, thinking it was MicroUSB and it would do the job just fine on my Moto Droid. Well, the charger I previously had took forever to charge the phone (when using my phone as a GPS it actually never picked up charge, just stayed flat) and also didn't fit just fine and the charger would work / not work.This charger looks good, and functions great, and the price can't be beat. My phone is full charge in a quicker time with this and I never "lose" the power or have to jostle with the micro USB connector. I'll be sticking with OEM chargers from now on. this mouse is pretty good i ordered it for a good price it shipped fast and got it in a few daysa few things about this mouse is1. the blue led lights in it stay on no matter what i have it plugged into the back of my pc2. the dpi switch is 400/800/1600 i have mine on 8003. the scroll wheel you can feel the bumps in it but there soft bumps not hard clicks4. it came in its own box but all the papers in it were in chinese not english Not only does this work very well as a speakerphone (with two microphones for better noise cancelling) but it can send anything from my phone via FM to my radio (I have an older car without a direct connect). The FM feature was a very pleasant surprise! I bought a biggerKindle Fire HD 8.9", Dolby Audio, Dual-Band Wi-Fi, 16 GB - Includes Special Offersfor the bigger display, so I had to buy a new case. Usually, I'll buy an Otterbox case; however, because it adds weight to the Kindle I decided to try a different, slimmer case. There were only a few choices when it came to cases for the 8.9 Kindle Fire HD, but I went with theAmazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Standing Leather Case, Fuchsia (will only fit Kindle Fire HD 8.9")because of the color. The case is sturdy and although it doesn't feel like your typical leather case I actually like it. It stands perfectly and it's sleek design doesn't add weight so I carry it in my purse comfortably. I also love that I can wake and put my Kindle to sleep by simply opening and closing the case. If I have to have a gripe it would be 1. That I now have to buy a screen protector and 2. The case is a little pricey. Otherwise, I'm in love with it. The keyboard fits well for my hands and my wrists receive less pressure using it. The mouse is stable and comfortable to use for big hands. Recommend. I had kinda low expectations, but this thing is PERFECT in every way. Durable, light, thin, big trackpad, perfect for media PC's, just the right size....and the wierd thing is it works great for FPS games which is not what I got it for, so that kinda blew my mind! I've been a Canon customer since 1978, when I bought the 35mm Canon A-1, and I've had a Canon SLR ever since. Getting the new flagship model every three or four years was something I did for a long time, but when D-SLRs came along, I began downsizing after the EOS 1Ds I got in 2004. In 2007 I moved to EOS 40D and, although losing the full-size sensor was a sacrifice, it was a step in the right direction. With my recent purchase of the T3i, it's another move away from the professional models.Why would I do that? It's not so much the cost of new cameras that has shaped my decisions to downgrade; it's the size. While professional equipment is important to me, so are professional looking photos. And the truth is, after the newness wears off a D-SLR, I tend frequently to leave the big gun behind and rely on an advanced compact or ultrazoom for most of my shooting. As a result, I have more point-and-shoot pictures than I do pro quality ones.This tendency has ended with the purchase of the T3i. The camera is modestly sized, and I never leave home without it. With the 18-55mm kit lens (very nice little lens for its specs) or 24-105L, it's not any bigger than the Fuji Finepix HS10 I leaned on for most of my shooting this past year. And while the HS10 is hands down the best ultrazoom camera I ever used, the difference in image quality, performance and even video between it and the T3i is night and day.The T3i may not be blazing fast like my 1Ds or the 40D, but 90% of the shooting I do is not that kind of photography, anyway. What the T3i excels at is image quality. I have a whole raft of photos that, eked and tweaked to maximum effect in Photoshop, are only a little better than average because they were taken with a point-and-shoot camera. This camera's image quality, I'm happy to say, is superlative! So are the videos. Rebel T3i is almost too good to be true.An articulating LCD is something I've come to insist upon, and this one is by far the best I've ever used. I don't use Live View every time, but I've certainly been in that mode a lot more frequently with this model than with the 40D! In review mode, the refresh rate is a bit slow when zooming in to look at details, but it's not as slow as reviewing pictures on, say, Panasonic DMC-ZS7. (I did test Canon EOS 60D at Best Buy and noticed that the refresh rate is much faster on that model--perhaps because of the larger battery--but it's really not enough of an issue to deduct a star.)The resolution of the LCD is superb, and because it can be tilted and twisted to advantage, it can be viewed even in strong sunlight.Although the nine-point autofocus system is getting criticism for lagging behind Nikon, focus is swift and accurate. At 3.7 fps, burst mode is cut nearly in half from my 40D's 6.5 fps, but so far this has not hampered my ability to catch fast moving subjects.I appreciate the Lighting Optimizer function and use it a lot under the harsh lighting conditions in the desert where I live. It is of incalculable value.I have yet to haul out the owner's manual, thanks to the on-board guide. Of course it helps that I've owned Canon D-SLRs before, but adjusting settings on this camera is a lot different than on my previous ones. There have been some settings I would have normally needed to consult a manual for, but it hasn't been necessary because the answers are in-camera. (I never shoot in Auto, by the way. I'm a manual mode kinda gal.)Because images are very clean up to ISO 1600 and are usable even at ISO 6400, taking along the Speedlight flash so far has not been necessary. Yet another plus with this Canon iteration.There's something about blown highlights that really sets my teeth on edge, but that has not been a problem, thanks to the T3i's Highlight Tone Priority function. Dynamic range is very good to excellent, even a hair better than my 40D. Colors are more accurate, too. I prefer the contrast one stop under the camera's default setting, which is, admittedly, fairly punchy and will result in a blown highlight here and there. Reducing contrast just a tad fixes that.Eighteen megapixel resolution is outstanding.Sometimes I think about the EOS 60D's speedier performance, more advanced autofocus system and that wonderful electronic level and wonder if I made the right choice. But then I remember the heft and bulk of that camera and all the times I've left my SLR at home for those very reasons, and I know the T3i was the right decision. I really, really like this new camera--and I take it everywhere! I have a new thin Ultrabook and I wanted a thin mouse to go along with it, so that it would all fit nicely into my thin case. It just arrived and I find myself feeling comfortable with it right off the bat. Now...let me comment on the most common issue that reviewers have raised. Are the buttons hard to push?To me they're, more firm that average and I'd prefer them to be easier to press. But, it's far from being a deal-killer. As well, as one reviewer said, if you place your fingers so that they're extended out, instead of cupped, the press sensitive is actually normal.UPDATE:Been using it for several hours. I have medium sized hand and I have no problem extending my fingers to the "sweet spot" button press area. So really, the button thing is becoming a non-issue for me. (Update)This mouse suddenly started working for me after months of the frustrations I listed below. The cursor will flake out every once in a while but it's usable as a mouse at this point. I am still going to give it a low rating because the battery only lasts a few weeks at a time and this is unacceptable to me. If this doesn't bother you then you should buy the mouse today.(Original Review)I'm a pro photographer and my computer is as important as my camera. I work on a Mac and I was looking for a great mouse, Sadly this mouse is barely functional on Adobe CS4 products if you are using new hardware and new software. For the folks working on older equipment I can't speak for them. The mouse software locks up my Adobe software mostly Lightroom and Photoshop, who do I bill for down time, my customer or Logitech, looks like my customers and I lose here. However InDesign does not seem to suffer. Apple Safari does not work if you want use the scroll wheel but it's still mostly functional. General use is very unpredictable, you will need to adjust to the mouse rather than making adjustments to suit your needs.A few positive remarks: The build quality is top notch and the mouse is more comfortable than anything else I've used for important tasks. A very nice feature is it uses a AA battery so you can toss a freshly recharged battery while you recharge the one that you used up. I typically get about 4 weeks per charge working 7 days a week.Save your money and wait for an update in a few years. Stick with Microsoft mice for now, even though they are a bit irritating they only cost $30 and that's $70 less irritating. I loaded it up right away with movies and it didn't take much time at all.It has a really nice look to it and fits perfectly in my case. Small (despite the 2T tag), very portable (like other small portable ones), lightweight, and fast!Arrived very quickly as well, Thank you!! I have had a pair of Linksys WRT54G wireless routers since around 2005 or so and they were rock solid for years. One was the main router and the other was an access point connected to the first via Ethernet cable. In the past few months, one of them started acting up and I decided this was a good time to upgrade. After reading lots of reviews, this was the router I chose and I bought two of them.The entire experience couldn't have gone smoother. After turning off my old routers, I opened one of these and set it up to be the main router. The order of turning things on in the manual didn't work out for me, so I just unplugged everything and started them in order from the cable: cable modem, router, then computer. Doing that, everything talked fine. I ran the quick setup, then went back to change the settings to the choices I wanted. I upgraded the firmware, set an SSID for each band, turned on WPA-Personal and set keys, played with a few other settings (setting IP and hard-coded DNS servers) and restarted everything again with all of my wired Ethernet devices plugged in. I left choices that I used to make manually, like channels, to auto. It worked perfectly right off the bat.Then I set up the second router as an access point. This router has a particularly nice feature in that you can just tell it that you want it to be an access point, rather than a full router, and it makes all the changes to the settings for you. If that's not enough, when in the access point mode, the WAN port becomes a LAN port so you don't have to waste one of your four wired ports on connecting the two routers together. Very nice! I turned off all the various server functions, gave it an IP, set it up with the same SSIDs and keys, took it upstairs, plugged in the wired peripherals and turned it on. Like the first one, it just worked.It's just been one day, so I can't speak to things like longevity, but the set up was easy and the routers seem really solid. As expected, the 2.4GHz band gives me greater range, but that range is greater than what I used to get with my old Linksys. The 5.0GHz band has about the same range as my old Linksys... perhaps a tad smaller. As it turns out, while I did have some speed problems on the old setup, both bands here give me fast, reliable connections, so I really don't see much effective difference between connecting to the 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz bands in practice. Since I run my streaming video via wired Ethernet, I guess that makes sense. I probably didn't need a dual-band router, in hindsight, but I'm happy with this.Also, the combination of this change, and a new cable modem, have resulted in about a 20% increase in my Internet speed. I can't say which component(s) are responsible, but I'm happy with the result. In the end, I can't imagine anyone asking for more in terms of ease of setup or short-term performance than this router. I recommend it.**UPDATE**January 2 2012I bought these back in August and by mid-December, I started having problems with connectivity to the Internet. Some things would work (like web browsing) and others wouldn't (like checking email). If I left it alone, eventually, it wouldn't pass along any traffic at all. Whenever it happened, a quick unplug and re-plug would solve the problem. I won't go into all the details of the troubleshooting, but it turns out that both units I bought have gone bad. I have shipped one back to ASUS for replacement and am limping along with just the one (and having to restart it all the time). When that one is replaced, then I'll send the second one back. I really like the features on these routers, but I can no longer recommend them. When two out of two have failed, then it's hard to think that it's just one of those things. I have lowered by rating from 5-stars to 3.January 23 2012The stars just keep falling on this for me. I still haven't received the one back that I sent for replacement/repair even though their web site status says it was repaired weeks ago. (They received it Jan 5.) They just won't bother shipping it back to me. In the meantime, the other one finally became unusable, so my investment in two of these relatively expensive routers has ended up for nothing. I just ordered an RMA number for the second one. Since it's not working, I may as well see if they'll actually fix it and return it. We'll see. To ASUS's credit, their tech support people are friendly and helpful and one guy did offer today to see if he can get the repair people to ship mine out. I can't live without Internet access, so I ended up buying a factory refurbished Linksys E2500 for about one-third of the price of these. It's running brilliantly and now I'm not even sure I want these ASUS routers back in service once they're fixed. I'm seriously considering buying a second Linksys and selling these when they come back. I've reduced my rating to 2-stars. What's the point of buying high-end products if they keep failing?February 16, 2012The first router is finally on its way back to me. They promise 10 day service, but by the time I get it back, it will have been 42 days. In the meantime, I bought a second refurbished Linksys E2500, and I am not putting the ASUS ones back in service when they do get back. The Linksys routers work much better, have stronger signals and (most importantly) are working reliably. My Netflix used to pause and stop to re-buffer all the time. I never knew if that was about the routers, the cable modem or the Internet service itself, but that hasn't happened once since putting the new routers in place. Yeah, the last star is falling away. I'm getting better service from routers that cost one-third of what these do, so I'll be selling these when they get back.December 3, 2012I've been using the Linksys routers as described above and had left my two Asus routers, returned from repair, in their boxes. I had intended to sell them, but never got around to it. Recently, I decided to set up a media server and thought that gigabit wired Ethernet would be a good idea (the E2500s are 10/100 routers). Cable Internet doesn't come into the house fast enough for that to matter, but moving HD video around the house might. I figured, since I have these two repaired Asus routers sitting here, I'd go ahead and swap out the Linksys ones for them. The Asus ones do have a lot more features. So I upgraded to the latest firmware (, set them up from scratch and put them to work. The good news is that the new firmware does support IPv6 and it works fine. The bad news is, they only lasted two days before acting up again. After working Saturday night and Sunday, I sat down with my iPad tonight and, despite a 4-bar signal, it wouldn't open a web page reliably. I switched it from the 2.4 GHz to the 5 GHz network, and it worked again for a while, then stopped working again. Then I tried to play a show on Netflix from my Apple TV (wired, not wireless) and for the first time since my last update, the show kept stopping to reload the buffer. I swapped the two Linksys routers back into the network and all problems cleared up instantly. Apparently these work for some people, but even after repair and an update to the latest firmware, I am having no luck. Now I'm reluctant to sell them, since they don't really work, so I guess I'll finally write off this loss and give up on Asus altogether. I bought a Canon 20D just over 2 years ago and thought it was a brilliant camera. I've never had problems. I saw the 5D come out and didn't see a need to "upgrade" to it. But the new 40D is just something else. I have it about 5 days now and I'm like a child at Christmas.There is just so much to praise about this camera - large LCD screen which is very clear, faster focusing, especially when using centre focus point, larger burst rate - ok, this has now caused me no end of problems, like firing off a burst of 20 images when I really only needed 3, and filling my memory card in no time.This camera is well worth it's price. It's a brilliant step between the 400D and the 1D. I don't have the need (nor money) for the 1D Mk III. This new 40D is just what I need.My first day of shooting with it was at a horse racing event. I was between two other photographers - one using a 30D and the other using a 1D. I felt like mine was capturing just what I wanted and in brilliant clarity. Ok, not the same fps as the 1D, but my friend with his 30D kept looking at me and laughing - it was because he would get 2-3 shots and I was taking about 20.For anyone thinking of this camera - try it out. You will not fail to be impressed. Methods: I tested my current indoor antenna while attached to a Samsung TV, which has the strongest receiver of any of the TVs in my home. I first scanned for channels with my current antenna attached. I then disconnected my antenna and immediately attached the Winegard FlatWave. I oriented it in the same direction used for my current antenna, which is toward the closest major city (about 30 miles away). I also placed the FlatWave as high as possible in the room. I then re-scanned for channels.Results: My original antenna picked up 31 channels. The Winegard FlatWave picked up 12. The difference is that the Winegard antenna picked up only stations from the direction the antenna was pointed, while my current antenna also picks up stations from 3 nearby cities in other directions.Discussion: My current antenna is a DB4 multi-directional type and much larger than the FlatWave. Considering the size of the FlatWave, it performs very well. Depending on the direction the FlatWave is pointed, you will pick up any nearby stations within your area, but just not at the same time.Conclusion: The Winegard antenna does what it says it will do. It picks up stations within the distance specified (actually a little further) and along the orientation direction. However, my current antenna is multi-directional and picks up stations that are twice as far and in various directions. It is not surprising that it performs better, but I was very impressed by the FlatWave. I bought this for my mom who didn't have cable at the time. It picks up way more channels than I thought it would and the picture quality is awesome. FREE TV! The potential for this once pandora and chrome (from Android) casting is available is why I bought it. I don't use netflix and I use youtube sometimes so reall this is fairly limited at the moment.The ability for it to turn on your TV and swap inputs for you is awesome. Note that turning the TV on is only possible if the USB power is on while the TV is not (usually will mean external power source) and I believe it requires the latest HDMI standard. The input switching should work for most everyone.I love that it streams from the net itself so your phone isn't rendering or DLing anything. Saves my battery while I still get to use it as a remote and browse whatever else I want to while the thing I "cast" is on the TV.Awesome device, awesome price, awesome potential. Needs more apps to reach 5 stars. This is a very nice and well thought out keyboard. Since it is from Logitech, the build quality is fantastic. The size and feel is similar to a laptop keyboard and that (for me) is a good thing. The track pad is multi-touch so you can use two fingers to scroll and pinch to zoom in supported applications. It doesn't have a crazy amount of useless buttons on the top like most multimedia keyboards. By far the best thing about this keyboard is the form factor. It's small, light weight, has smooth lines and will feel just as comfortable on your lap as it will on your desk. There is also a convenient on/off switch located along the top edge, so if you want to throw it under the couch and forget about it until you need to see who that actress in that one show is, the batteries will still be good. Range is excellent, Basically if you can see the words you are typing on the screen, you will be able to type them. No missed keystrokes so far.Con: It is not back-lit, but it never claimed to be and neither is the Kindle.Bottom line: It's well made, inexpensive and works great! Been using it for more than a month and so far it's been working like a charm. Initially, the highs were decent, mids were great and lows were a little below average. Also, my ears hurt after 10 minutes. Then I realized I was wearing it wrong (silly me) and now the lows seem much better. It performs exactly as the cost would indicate and you cannot expect much more.For the people who complain about wire quality causing knots, I suggest you coil the wire by wrapping it around your index and little fingers in figure 8s and then twist the last bit of wire around the waist of the 8. Pretty much reduces if not eliminates the knots. I actually bought this case for my Nintendo DS XL. I have to say this case is perfect. The size, material, and quality is great. I would recommend this product to anyone reading this review. Stop reading and just buy this case. I was concerned about reading how the size of the phone-end of this cable would be too large. But it works with my iPhone 5 case, the RINGKE FUSION Apple iPhone 5 / 5S Case, and the quality of the plug housing is very good.Of course, your mileage may vary for your phone case.Nice job Amazon! I was looking for an ergonomic wireless mouse and I purchased this one after all the positive feedback. Boy was I happy I did! The mouse is very smooth and easy to use. It comes with easy to use software so you can set the buttons to whatever you like. I just use the defaults though.The recharging cable is Micro-USB so when the mouse battery dies you just plug it in and keep going! I like the rechargeable battery so you don't have to stock up on batteries. Also, it comes with a Wall-to-USB adapter so you can charge the mouse in the wall if you don't have a USB slot available. It also works when plugged into the wall.The best bonus I wasn't even aware of is the screen toggle button located in the thumb area. It minimizes all the windows on screen into miniature and shows them all so you can switch your open windows with ease.I would highly recommend this mouse to anyone. IN fact I am buying a second one for my husband! I fell in love with the lens the moment I started using it. sure, the build quality is cheap. it's all plastic and the focusing sounds like a blender, but the quality of the pictures is amazing for a 120 dollar lens. saturation of colors is excellent, no noticeable chromatic aberration, great sharpness. I prefer this to the t2i stock lens since the colors are more saturated and picture is sharper, not to mention the 1.8f aperture. Some people say they don't use the 18-55mm since they found this lens. I have to disagree. The 18-55 is too versatile to be substituted with this prime 50mm. but this lens definetely takes better pictures than the 18-55 at 50mm.I have a t2i and 3 lens: the 18-55, the 55-250 and this one. I'm not a pro, just a hobbyist and this lens is great for me. I bought two, one to have when the other stopped working The one that came with the MP3, was lousy, it broke and sounded lousy after a short time, but this one is great! The wires are sturdier, it comes with 3 sizes of ear buds, and sounds great! I'd buy it again. This backpack camera bag is an excellent buy. Don't be fooled by the price since it is exquisitely made and quite solid. There's lots of pockets and it's easy to customize the interior. Most of all, the bag is comfortable on the back and can be carried by the handle as well. The only concern I can think of is that I wish it had some extra padding although I have found this not to be a problem despite some rough handling with the backpack full of my Canon lenses and 10D body. Solid is the key word here.The goods:Firstly, the sound performance of these headphones are solid. The sound they put out is crisp and clear with the bass coming out sharp. You can easily turn off that nasty EQ stuff on your iPod/iPhone/Android/ just don't need the Bass boost with these. I was listening to my music at a higher bit-rate compared to the nasty ole MP3s, so if you want to test the performance get a "lossless" format to test. (don't blame crappy sounds on crappy music format) I digress, these are great sounding headphones.Secondly, the build of these headphones are solid. You are going to have to be pretty hard on these headphones to break them; normal use even through travel these should hold up a long time.The bads:I knew going in that these weren't active noise canceling, so I wasn't expecting a miracle. They are good for blocking some noise, my old Bose over-the-ear phones performed about the same. So Noise-isolating might be stretching it a bit...they block more sound just by being over your ear.They are heavy...solid construction yes...but they are heavy.Alternate Comfort: On my head for a few hours at a time, they were just fine. Though for me, I at times wore around my neck, and these are not comfortable; so if you imagine yourself wearing them around your neck at all they are not good.Wrap-up:For the price these are absolutely great headphones; the sound alone competes comparably with the more expensive phones out there. I was lucky to be able to upgrade my camera kit and spent a lot of time shopping and debating. I originally was going to get the 24-70mm f/2.8 lens, but someone in one of the forums suggest I look at this one. Though I lost a stop of light, I was very much sold on the IS idea (hands shake) and the cost difference between the two allowed me to invest in the Canon 430 EX II flash, which was something else I really needed to invest in, so I decided the trade-off was worth it for my purposes.I've been using the lens now for about a week, experimenting with the IS, the focus, depth of field, etc. I wanted to be pretty sure I knew what it could do before I wrote a review.Focus and focal range: my camera focuses very quickly with this lens, and the full-time manual focus is great for those moments when the camera "guesses wrong" and focuses on, say, the post beside the bird instead of the bird itself. I was pleased that 24-105 is workable as an indoor lens on a crop sensor camera. I didn't run into any "have to back up to get that picture" moments so far. It definitely isn't an ultra-wide lens on a crop sensor body, but can be used comfortably every day. The zoom works well for the across the room zooms when you're trying to just get the subject's face in the camera, making this a great choice as a walk-around lens for most people photography.Sharpness: I bought this at the same time as the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM lens, so I have a much sharper lens (the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II is a definite "wow" lens) to compare it to, so I will say this lens is acceptably, moderately sharp without a lot of post-processing. Not as sharp as the 70-200mm f/2.8L lens (it also costs half as much), but sharper than the kit lens and the 55-250mm lens that I had with my T1i, requiring less post-processing to get a sharp image. The colors are rich and the contrast is excellent, creating a pleasing image.Build quality and feel: if you are someone coming from the consumer lens category you will immediately notice the difference. From the weight of the lens to the "feel" of the focus and zoom rings and the more quiet, assured zoom you realize there are reasons why L glass costs more beyond just the research and engineering required to make a higher quality image. The IS also runs more quietly than the IS in the consumer-level lenses. The lens is built dust and weather resistant, meaning that it can stand up to a little weather here and there, etc. Additionally it comes with a pouch and lens hood included. Unlike what I can research about the consumer hoods, the lens hood on L-glass comes with a flocked interior, which absorbs light better than the plain matte-black plastic.I am very pleased with my choice, and would definitely probably do the same thing again without hesitation. Now I am debating between the 16-35mm f/2.8L II and the 17-40mm f/4L. Decisions, decisions... The only thing that I wanted to add to the existing reviews on this item is that unlike theCase Logic VNA214 14.1-Inch Laptop Attache (Black)which has three toploading slots, this unit has only two toploading slots. I had the VNA214 for several years and love it. It has room for my accessories, and a slot for the notebook, and a separate slot for paperwork. The VNA216 does not have this last slot. I found this out the hard way when I got a new larger notebook. I thought that the same model family of cases would have the same design, but this is not the case. It's still a good case, but at this size, but does not have the extra slot for paperwork which I miss. I have been shooting motorcycle track photography for about 3 years now. The fist year I shot with a Canon Rebel T2i (AKA 550D) The image quality was good on this camera but the speed was lacking.What I didn't realize until I got the 7D was how much the speed was lacking. The T2i is a great camera in it's own right and for consumers it's very good. When I bought it I thought, hey it has virtually the same sensor as the 7D this should be good enough.Well, I had no idea how much difference the 19 cross type AF points would make, or how much faster 8 FPS was. My keeper rate went up immediately. Now, I realize there are other features I could mention, like the 7D is able to control off camera flashes without the use of a 500 series flash, but really the reason to buy this camera is speed. This is Canon's best crop frame sensor camera body, hands down, nothing else comes close. For my purposes the cropped sensor is an advantage as it multiplies my effective focal length by 1.6 and ISO performance is not terribly important as I'm shooting in daylight. But, I've spoken with many other photogs that have the 5D mk2 and mk3 and when they shoot outdoor sports they still use their 7D, it's AF system is just faster, as is it's frame rate and the added low light capability of the 5D is moot at 2pm outside. Further, I shoot this camera with the double battery Canon vertical grip. It makes for a big camera. This fits my hand very well and the whole system feels very rugged and sturdy. Much more so than the plastic bodied rebel. If you are to read my other reviews you may be sensing a theme here. Value. This body is no exception.It's expensive for the novice and relatively inexpensive relative to other pro bodies but it defintely earns it's xD (single digit D) Canon designation. It is a true pro body and at $1700 it's still a great deal, just look at how much you have to spend to get a 6D, 5D, or god forbid a 1D, and the 1D series are the first bodies to start to compare in terms of AF performance as the other cameras are more wedding cameras. For the money, you can't beat the Al Servo performance of this camera. Of course if money was no object I'd have a 1Dx and all the big boy primes but for me money matters and for my money this camera delivers pro quality. I'm only excited now to see what the 7D mk2 looks like when Canon decides to best this legendary Camera body. After having this TV for almost a year, it's flaws become pretty apparent. The TV is perfect except for the following things.1) Sometimes the letter buttons on the reverse side of the remote will just stop working. So if you are using the built in YouTube, you might find that you have to manually use the arrows to go to each letter on the screen even though you have all these letter buttons on your remote. They just randomly don't work sometimes.2) Netflix is fine, but YouTube and other apps have serious difficulty streaming for extended periods of time. Even on a 50mbit internet connection, the TV can't seem to buffer the video far enough into the future, and videos play extremely choppy. But this seems to happen more on the 3rd or 4th video you watch, almost like the older videos are being stuck in cache somewhere and now the cache is full, so quitting the app and reloading it makes it better for another two videos... it just seems like they didn't test their included Apps. Maybe this app is provided by YouTube and not vizio, but it is still a part of the TV.3) Automatic volume adjust doesn't work after awhile... the volume will be great, and then sometimes the volume auto adjust feature that is supposed to maintain a constant volume on all content gets screwy, and the volume goes up and down and up and down and up and down while watching movies or videos. Extremely annoying. It can be rectified by either turning the Smart Volume off, or resetting to factory defaults (but then it may randomly return). Turning the Smart volume off would be fine, except when you do this, you may find for certain videos or movies, you will turn the tv volume all the way up to 100% and it will still be quieter than it was when the smart volume was working at 30 or 40%. Basically, your overall maximum volume is seriously reduced. I would say this is the most annoying issue of all with this TV, and if I had known this before hand, I would not have purchased this TV unless I had also purchased a separate audio system.4) About once every 2 months the TV just completely freezes, won't turn off or on until you unplug it. Something about the software on the TV I guess, just has some kind of error and if you are watching TV at the time, the picture gets stuck, and the buttons stop working. You need to unplug the TV and plug it back in. Sometimes it happens when the TV is off, and you can't turn the TV on until you unplug it and plug it back in. This happens without rhyme or reason, but it is rare. Still, it is very annoying when it does happen.5) 3D auto detect is a little poor. It detects fine with certain things like PS3 games, but other things like streaming movies it doesn't detect so well. I'm not sure if other TVs are better at this. It could be a fault of the source.Otherwise, this is a pretty nice TV. I do think it was worth the price at the time I bought it, it was very cheap for the included features. The picture is just fine, and it's big, and the 3D looks good. I have to say that this is the perfect case for my kindle fire hd. Does it give the best protection like an expensive otterbox that has a rubber layer, plastic layer and screen protector? No but the amazon kindle fire hd case is the thinnest, lightest and coolest looking case and also like $25 less. Sure I am sacrificing some protection for style and size. I can fit my kindle fire hd with the case inside my inner jacket pocket while I know that I can't do that with the rest of these larger cases. Does it have the best stand? No. I would think that a stand that clicks into place would be better but this case does have rubber grips and it has never failed me. Some people may want to use the stand and push on the screen with their finger or stylus and it could be an issue there but I even use my stylus with the stand and it held up. Where this case compensates and has the edge over the other cases is.... 1. It snaps in and fits so well that the kindle fire hd and case appear be one piece together. It makes it so light and thin. 2. The case wakes up or puts to sleep the kindle. 3. Magnetic cover keeps it close and I think it is strong enough. 4. The pebble look leather looks real nice and fancy and inside the case there is a "denim looking" cloth that protects the screen. 5. The speaker is covered and protected with designed openings. There isn't a simple cutout or it isn't covered over to muffle the sounds. 6. The inputs like the power button, volume, charging port and headphone jack all work very well for me. I know some people complained about the headphone jack being too small but it fit fine for my ipod headphone and even my larger headphone that has larger size hexagon input. 7. While it may not be the best protection, it still gives you very good protection. I take good care of all my electronics and was more concerned with scratches/scuffs on the screen rather than impact falls so I think this case will be fine. Even if I dropped it on hardwood floor from 4 feet, I think it will hold up and protect the kindle fire hd. I am happy with case but I think a stylus loop on the front cover would make the case better. Putting the stylus on the spine wears out the spine and makes the cover a little crooked when closed. I give this case a 4.5 stars out of 5. .When I first got these earbuds there was a bit of a learning curve to connect with my iPhone 5s. I also connect to a Bose Sound Link mini, a JBL Flip and a Kinovo bluetooth receiver in my car (all of which are excellent!).When I first got the GOs I would always have to activate bluetooth in the iPhone to connect tp the buds. Then I re-read the instructions and I realized that I was holding the activate button on the GOs too long so they would always go into pairing mode. Now I can go from any bluetooth device to the other without pairing.The sound is excellent for earbuds, the ear fit is good with the medium sized inserts and the buttons work well with my iPhone. I bought a 25' Mediabridge cable to connect my computer to my TV and it does the job with no problems at all, the picture on the TV is clear with no interruptions. It's a cable, not rocket science, so all one needs is a sturdy, well-constructed product that does the job and this certainly does that - because of the way I use it, the cable gets plugged and unplugged from my computer numerous times and the connection is still firm. What more could you ask from a cable? So nice to see a company focus on offering a high-quality product at a great price. Mediabridge has distinguished itself in this regard, unlike some other brands whose cables are flimsy and prone to break down or those that try to convince you there's something 'extra-special' about their cables and charge exorbitant prices for the same thing (I think the word "monster" in Monster Cable refers to the price rather than any difference in performance compared to other high-quality cables like the Mediabridge I bought) UPDATED: 5/20/2011: I used my D700, and only my 50mm F1.8 to capture my Grandson's first haircut! I posted an image here. And, on the way home following the haircut, a clearing storm brought some gorgeous bluish-black clouds at dusk so I swung down towards the river and shot a couple of shots with the 50mm. I posted one here called "Blue Hour". Enjoy. Seriously, can't go wrong -- though the price seems to be creeping upwards...This 50mm 1.8 is an excellent purchase at around a hundred bucks. I hate to use the word investment, because we know camera equipment is definitely NOT an investment. I bought it because I heard so much about it, and, I had a 50mm back in my old film days. I have not been disappointed. I will agree with many here who say that at F1.8 the results are less than stellar. This is true--- there is a lack of contrast, not necessarily sharpness (at least in my copy of the lens) that you will notice. Since I know that as a fact going in to a shoot or session, I set my aperture at F2.0, or F2.2 on my D700, or D300. This solves the problem. The resulting images at F 2.0 and above are amazingly sharp, and clear. Don't get me wrong, I love my 16-35F4VR, and my 24-70F2.8 but this 50mm rocks as a standalone lens when the situation demands fast lens. As a matter of fact, in a few hours I'm heading off to my grandsons first haircut of his life. What did I pack? The D700 (for better high ISO performance than the D300), and my 50mm 1.8.For the price (which seems to have risen lately and rightly so) you can't go wrong. Even if you have other zoom lenses that cover this range as I do, this lens is unbelievably useful in low light to no light situations. Personally, I'm lazy and hate zooming with my feet, but I'd much rather do that with this lens, than either using flash, or blurring photos of important events.The lens finish is plasticy but so what? Are you going to be banging it around on a regular basis? My 50mm travels with me just about everywhere either in a camera bag, or in my North Face Recon backpack (not a camera backpack) just about everywhere, and I pump about 80,000 images a year per body, between landscapes, motorsports, portraits, etc. So far, so good. It does stand up to a beating. I do not use any protective filter on it as the glass is relatively well recessed on this lens.When I do need to use filters such as polarizers, or ND's, I have step-up rings that take the lens from the 52mm size to 77mm which is the standard size of all my filters. It does look "strange" having the tiny little 50mm lens hidden behind a huge 77mm filter, but it WORKS.Again, if you are looking to make an investment -- there's that ugly word again, make that acquisition, to your photo gear you can't go wrong at this price point; If you wind up hating it, there's always the ability to return it, or sell it on eBay.Enjoy. This mouse is excellent for gaming. The only draw back is that the mouse wheel jiggles ever so slightly under quick movement but most times it's not noticeable. It's rechargeable and has all kinds of settings. The feel is great and buttons galore I started using this router - the beginning of August, 2012. I had heard that the new software (Cisco Cloud Connect) was very intuitive and easy to use, despite some early controversy about it. By the way, many of the 1 star reviews are based on concerns about privacy that have been put to rest by the manufacturer.This router is among a select few "state of the art" routers offering multiple but simultaneous operation on both the 2.4 and 5.0GHz bands - each band is capable of 3 streams (connections). This is a so called 900 router (the current gold standard for home routers).Much has been written about the new software - some of which was full of praise (including a glowing CNET review) and some of which is quite damning (including many 1 star reviews here on Amazon). The bottom line is that this software is wonderfully easy to use and any concerns that Cisco might be monitoring your internet activity have been put to rest by the manufacturer. Cisco has revised and clarified their policies to make it abundantly clear that this is a NON ISSUE. See Cisco's remarks posted right here on Amazon. So many of these 1 star reviews are quite dated.Also remember that Cisco allows you to opt out of this software altogether and administer your router locally with no connection to Cisco or the cloud (internet).What we have here is a "top of the line" advanced router that is very easy to set up thanks to its intuitive software. That is exactly what I wanted ---- because routers can be quite difficult to setup/manage, particularly the very best (and most advanced) ones. The EA 4500 is very easy to setup and is a true "set and forget" type of device.So, what is not to like? The software and router are great and the fact that it can be managed in the cloud (meaning the router can be accessed via the internet) is largely unimportant. You will, most likely, just like me, simply set it up (using all or most of the simple software defaults) and forget about it! But for those of you who have the rare need to manage a router once it is set up , then you can access your router via any internet connection if you have passed Cisco's extensive security measures.As of August, 2012, the other competing routers you should look at are the Asus RT-N66U, WD (Western Digital) N900 and the Netgear R6300. I based my choice on Cisco's very intuitive software and very good range. While it may not always be the best (according to professional reviews), it has a better than average range.What may confuse many future buyers is that there is a new DRAFT (meaning far from finished) standard that is coming to Wi-Fi and routers. You will see, no doubt, many new routers coming to market boosting of conformance to the "draft" or the unfinished AC standard (802.11ac). The fact that NO clients (meaning there is NOT ONE real world receiving device) that exists for this new and yet to be finished standard is never pointed out. While meaningless, every router manufacturer will start to bring out new devices, or firmware upgrades to claim "compliance" to this new DRAFT standard of AC. You can, at least for the next couple of years, largely ignore this spec.If you want a high performance router that simultaneously operates on both bands, can easily handle 3 simultaneous signals per band and works with all current standards and devices - then this is the one for you. If you want a set and forget type of device that is easy to setup ---this is also the one for you. Highly recommended.I should add this router also creates a GUEST network (a network that can never access your home files).Yet, if friends come over, they will be greeted with an easy Wi-Fi connection. You can turn off this feature easily in the setup but it is a real convenience that most people will like. Frankly, I doubt there will be many that turn it off since it is both secure and really convenient for guests. Yet to be fair, most other new high end routers now also offer this same feature. So it is not unique to this router yet a welcome addition to the feature set of most newer high end routers.I'm hesitant to give performance figures. What I can say is that I have a large home. This router is located on the second story of my home, in the north most corner. I routinely connect on the first floor, on the south most corner, with excellent results. By accident, I had created a worse case scenario - yet I get top-notch results. There may be even better performing routers available but I'll take the easy set-up of this one versus all comers.I guess you could say I am happy with my purchase. I bought the model with the Canon EF mount to use with my 5D Mark III body. The lens is tack sharp wide open and focuses quickly and quietly with the center AF point. Unfortunately, in my tests using a tripod and shutter delay, shots that are recorded as in focus on the camera using a peripheral AF point are soft throughout. After noting this I found other reviews and forum comments with this same complaint.Tamron evidently needs to update the firmware to communicate better with the 5D Mark III (and perhaps other bodies as well). If all I wanted was to use the center point this lens would be great, especially with stabilization, but that's not what I wanted and I returned the lens. I was looking at smaller ones for use in the living room. I'm glad I got this one instead. It's plenty compact and lightweight. However, the keypad is full size so typing is effortless. The touch is good and the touchpad works perfectly. I could hardly wait to offer my review of this television.I was a bit worried about the purchase for a few reasons:Since it wasn't the 240 hz refresh rate, I worried that the picture wouldn't be as clear and sharp as my Samsung 47" with the 120 hz rate. I, so far, have been proven wrong about that. The picture is excellent any way you look at it.Now, I'm not a big gamer. I'm too old for that (although I do own both an Xbox with Kinect and a Wii). So I can't verify the issues other reviewers stated about the slower refresh rate causing their video to lag while playing. As of yet, I saw no lag in anything I viewed to date. I truly believe that unless you are going to be one of those ultimately picky people that I have come across in other reviews, whether you choose to purchase this TV with the 120 hz rate of the 240, I feel you will enjoy the picture either way.One comparison I have between my Samsung 47" and the LG 55" is that it seems with all the reviews of these TV's, people are complaining about the light LED bleeding especially from the corners. I saw that very sugnificantly with the Samsung. But, I have to say with my experience of owning this TV in the last week, there is no such bleeding to speak of. The upper left corner seems to display a slightly lighter glow than the other three but nothing to really be annoyed about. After watching the movie "Cowboys + Aliens" last night, I was awe struck by the clarity of the picture and the true to life colors. No, it wasn't a blu ray copy, just the standard DVD copy and it was still awesome. I felt as if I could walk right into the screen and be part of the movie. With my theatre sound and that picture, I felt as if I was back at the theatre watching it for a second time. Oh, and it was also not in 3D mode either.I am not sure I am all that big on the local dimming option either because I was a little annoyed that when the scene went dark, and I had the room dark with just the christmas tree lights on, the picture would darken. Then when some sort of lighting would appear on screen, the picture would lighten back up to normal. I thought this was odd as to me, shouldn't the picture, in a brighter setting then become dim instead of brighter? I don't know maybe I was seeing it incorrectly, not sure.As other reviewers have commented about the 3D for this television, in a way I do find it kind of gimmicky, (if that is a word). But, that too, is still a very awesome feature for home theatre. By gimmicky, I found that while using the 3D mode during regular television viewing, if the frame of actors was still with not much movement, then the picture appeared 2D. But once the scene got more active and there was more background motion, then one can very much so see the depth of 3D. I also noticed that when viewing a program in true HD, if in 3D mode, the sharper the picture, the more the 3D depth stands out. Now, movies and videos that are shot in 3D are awesome! I have TRON Legacy in 3D. With the purchase of this TV I also purchased an LG 3D blu ray player. It was so awesome being able to view that movie feeling as if I was at the theatre watching it for the second time in 3D. It is so cool also, with the passive 3D, one can view movies and shows in 3D without worrying about a second box or if the batteries are going to die. You just put the glasses on when switched to 3D mode and totally enjoy!The LG apps are ok. There could be more. One reviewer totally put down the Netflix app. I found nothing wrong with it. It loaded my shows just fine and I actually watched and episode of "The Munsters" in 3D. Very cool. I dowloaded the 3D Zone app. It's a cool app if you want something to give you the feel of what your 3D watching experience should be like. The videos are streamed over the internet connection and since my wireless seems a bit hoaky at times where it is located, I had to wait for each 30 second set of video to keep downloading. I also didn't like the way the producers of these 3D vidoes felt it necessary to combine the logos for the videos with actual moving background videos. The whole experience was very annoying for me to watch with all that misplaced movement going on. Once you get passed the logos and the actual video begins to play, then it's pretty cool to watch in 3D.My whole experience with the product at this point is in one word "Awesome"! Unless some failure happens with it or I notice other anomolies, I would definitely recommend this product to others. It's a very fun and enjoyable home theatre experience. Reviewers are mentioning how the TV cuts the resolution in half for each eye so you still get the 1080P HD picture. Well all that is way too techincal for this reviewer to worry about. All I know, from my experience the last few days, this product, whether in 3D or not, gives a very sharp, clear, wathable picture. It has a whole suite of picture setting options, some even I don't understand what they do.Oh, and I also find the magic remote quite useful. I prefer using it with the pointer on the screen as a "one click and point" button solution over trying to go through the menu options and trying to find all the right keys on the regular remote, especially if you can't see them in the dark. It's so much easier to use than the standard remote control. So, for me, the magic remote is a huge plus!The only drawback I found annoying, as others have mentioned, the speakers for these thin tv's have a bit to be desired. But what can one expect. I felt that once you adjust all the sound options, you can get some pretty good sound out of the built in speakers so again that function isn't even too bad. But, I want to be able to add my first sub-woofer for added bass during regular TV viewing, without having to run it through the stereo reciever where a second sub-woofer is already connected. The only option I could find on the back for an external audio out connection was the headphone jack. I tried plugging my sub-woofer into that jack but because it is labeled as a headphone jack, the tv "smartly" disables the on-board speakers and doesn't offer the user the option to do so his or herself. The TV warns you that you have plugged something into the headphone jack and the the speakers turn off. Then I can get some bass through my sub-woofer but now without any sound from the TV. Hmmmmm.... The Samsung at least had not a headphone jack but a labeled audio out jack and didn't disable the internal speakers unless you opted to do so through the options screen. So, now I have to research another way to get sound to my first sub-woofer without the need to turn go through my stereo receiver first.I also noticed people were complaining about the digital fibre optic output and that it didn't pass through the 5.1 audio. I haven't hooked anything up to that yet so I am not going to review or comment further unless I do.All In all, I think the TV so far is awesome and I do say go out and order it or buy it if you have the cash!!!!Update, 1.5 months after purchase....I still go with all the above except now I have tried the 5.1 optical output. I tried playing some dvd video files with 5.1 surroumd sound still encoded and the sound was produced just as it was with the original movies through all 5 speakers. I found that to be awesome!I also don't see where people FREAK out about the saying the resolution is being cut in half when viewing 3D. What exactly do you people feel your eyes are actually capable of detecting when watching television? Geez!! I felt when veiwing 3D, the picture looks every bit as sharp and clear as it did when viewing 2D. Maybe I'm not as picky as some of you but when you expect something more than your own eyes are able to detect in the first place, that is going too far in my book! Just watch it and enjoy!I personally love this television and I personally NOT going to wait a year for some other technology to come out. As far as I am concerned, the next technology will have to be when they make the images holographic and appear in the middle of my living room or viewing area without using any glasses or wearing anything extra for veiwing what-so-ever. Until they master that feet, I'm pretty satisfied with what I have now. Just hope it doesn't blow up on me in the next 5 years or so! :-) These headphones are amazing. When you plug them in, you can clearly hear everything you are listening to and they have good bass response. The microphone is handy when talking on the phone, but it's not always at the most convenient place. The phones themselves are so good both my sons immediately purchased their own sets (minus the microphone). They sit very securely in your ear and work great. i have a macbook pro so i don't have many usb ports and this works great and was really cheap! Used this for 6 months, using both bands as well as the Gigabit ports, very reliable, no reboot, no reset. Same with my last 2 TP-Link G routers. Working right out of the box. No updates needed. Signal is better than my previous Linksys E2000. I used to use Linksys router exclusively, but their routers often need some update or tweaking with the firmware to get reliable performance out of it. Now I know what my future routers will be.Tried adding a dirve to the USB port, but speed is too low. This is a fantastic lens considering its price, its zoom range, its compact size, and its light weight. It's by far the cheapest lens I own (the others are the $700+ Canon 15-85, the $400+ Canon 60 macro, the $400 Tamron 28-75).I considered getting the Canon 70-200mm f/4 IS L lens but for 5x the price you get less zoom range, a heavier and bulkier lens, and perhaps a little more snob appeal with the white barrel and that precious red ring. No doubt the L lens surpasses this one when you photograph test charts (how often do you do that?), and its weather sealing allows it to withstand thunderstorms better, but frankly speaking, if you're not a pro who pushes the envelope, who cares?If you have a crop camera, this lens lets you take advantage of the smaller sensor - you're not paying for (and lugging around) all that extra glass. Maybe the extra $800 you spend on the L lens will make a difference in 1% of your photos, but you realize the benefit of the lighter weight and smaller size 100% of the time. Plus you're more likely to bring it with you.Yes, at longer focal lengths you lose one f-stop compared to the L lens. But at those focal lengths, DOF is short anyway, so you can still get portraits with blurred backgrounds at f/5.6.Sure, the front element rotates and the autofocus is slower, and you can hear the IS at work, but are those worth $800? Pretty basic ear peices! They have great bass for being small and cheap. However I can't figure out how to replace the foam? The size they come with, the medium, seems a bit big for me...Hmmm... My only other complaint is that the L and R are microscopic. If I had but one regret, it's that I couldn't afford the larger version! Picture is absolutely incredible! Set-up was simple (even a caveman can do it), and the Magic Remote is quite functional - operates similar to a Wii controller. I even have it programed to operate my HD cable box, albeit for the simpler tasks like Guide, channel and volume. Smart TV feature is well received, really wish they'd add Amazon Prime to the roundup.Wireless network connectivity was a breeze - like any wireless network, you need a strong signal. I have a booster antenna on my wireless router, so I have an especially strong signal anywhere in the house, and other than an occasional hiccup from my ISP, no issues with streaming movies or music.All in all, extremely satisfied with the LG 42LM6200, a must buy if you're in the market for this size TV. I just wish I could have afforded the 55! With all the fancy stereos in my house, I find myself using this radio the most. The reception and sound are great for a radio this size, and because it's light and has batteries, I can carry it from room to room, wherever I need it. Excellent quality for the price. I have been using my desktop for over a month now with this SSD as the main drive, and I am incredibly pleased with its performance. Keep in mind, I came straight over from primarily using HDDs for my mass storage devices, thus the difference to me was more noticeable than for someone moving between SSDs (depending on their quality, of course.) For those who are more technically inclined or interested, I will paste benchmark data for the drive's performance at the end of the review.The design of the drive is very sleek and stylish. It boasts a smooth, polished, black exterior to house the powerful internals. You see what you expect out of an SSD: a lot of performance using a very small amount of space. I was a little bummed when I had to install it out of view as it was quite pleasant to look at.Installation is simple just like any other SATA drive; plug it into your motherboard and power supply, and you'll be smooth sailing from there.I'll discuss performance in terms of what's visibly noticeable, and following the conclusion, as aforementioned I will post benchmark results. From the moment I power on, to when I reach the login screen is only a span of about ten seconds or so (possibly slightly less); this is honestly a very quick process. If I didn't have a password lock, I would obviously boot into my system much quicker without having to input the keystrokes for the password. After I log in, I am instantly able to begin opening programs, and they load quickly. Anything from Firefox or Chrome, my large Steam library, or large movie files. I have not attempted to utilize any hungry video/photo editing programs, but you can rest assured that your loading times with those would be low as well. Furthermore, I play very high performing games such as Skyrim with high-res texture mods, Battlefield 3, and Anno 2070 to name a few.When considering this SSD for purchase, keep in mind the cost per GB when thinking about what size of SSD to get. Of course, if you just want to boot your OS quickly and some important high performance programs, you are likely better off with a smaller SSD with a larger HDD to store other files. In my case, I've installed the OS, all of my programs, and games to the SSD, while having a couple of other much larger HDDs to store the large movie files, music libraries, etc. Keep in mind, I don't install all of my games simultaneously to allow more room for other purposes. I purchased this SSD during a sale, thus granting me a better value per GB of space on this 256gb drive. If budgeting is important, considering waiting for a big sale as an option. Should money not be a concern, Samsung will be releasing high performance 1TB SSDs to the market for a much higher price point, but you will be able to get HDD storage sizes with the incredible speeds of an SSD.In summary, purchasing this SSD will not disappoint you or your wallet. You get a nicely designed product with stellar performance at a great price point, especially during a good sale. If you're coming from primarily using HDDs, you will be blown away by the colossal difference in speeds. In most cases, price will be the major deciding factor between what size of SSD to purchase. With this particular drive size, it would behoove you to consider using it in tandem with a HDD of a much larger storage capacity.Pros:-Amazing, noticeable performance, especially if coming from HDD usage-Stylish design-Great value per GB, especially if purchased during a saleCons:None encounteredBechmark:As promised, here are the results I obtained from running CrystalDiskMark:Sequential Read : 503.236 MB/sSequential Write : 478.656 MB/sRandom Read 512KB : 447.499 MB/sRandom Write 512KB : 154.937 MB/sRandom Read 4KB (QD=1) : 31.125 MB/s [ 7598.8 IOPS]Random Write 4KB (QD=1) : 99.221 MB/s [ 24223.9 IOPS]Random Read 4KB (QD=32) : 337.172 MB/s [ 82317.5 IOPS]Random Write 4KB (QD=32) : 141.240 MB/s [ 34482.4 IOPS]Finally, as a reference point, these are the specs of the system I use this SSD with:Gigabyte Z87X-UD4H moboIntel i7 4770k 3.5GhzCoolermaster Hyper 212 EvoGigabyte GeForce GTX 770 4GBCorsair Vengeance 2x4GB (8gb) 1600mhz 9-9-9-24Samsung 840 PRO 256gb SSD(primary)Seagate barracuda 500gb 5400rpm HDD (data storage)Western Digital 1gb HDD (data storage)Samsung 24x DVD driveCorsair HX750Coolermaster Storm Trooper I've gotten accustomed to having the web on the go with the free 3G service, however the HD doesn't support it so boo hoo hoo.And how is it possible for me to buy a book yet I cant download a video nor a game because its not offered in my geographic area???!!! !!!WHAT!!!Because Iove to read in bed the back-light feature is awesome. I JUST LOVE IT I recently purchased 3 of these for my home theater setup which contains an Onkyo TX-SR606 receiver, an Onkyo DV-BD606 Blu-ray player, a Playstation 3 game console and a Roku Digital Video Player. I initially purchased a 6ft HDMI cable made by Monster Cable for around $80 for the the connection from the receiver to the TV and needed 3 additional HDMI cables for the rest of my media centers connections. After some extensive research and shopping around I decided on these and I could not be happier. The build quality of these is exceptional. They are thick and well shielded and the picture and sound quality is equal to that of the 8x more expensive Monster cables. Also, one important consideration is that these are certified to be compliant with the HDMI 1.3 specification, meaning that they have greater bandwidth and are capable of transmitting via bitstream Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio (2 newer Lossless or uncompressed audio formats) as well as supporting xvYCC and Deep Color (essentially these 2 newer standards make colors look more vibrant and real), all necessary for today's HDTV's and for lossless audio for surround sound systems and blu-ray players that support these newer standards.Here is a link explaining the new HDMI 1.3 standard:[...]I spent a lot of money on my home theater setup and wanted to ensure I was getting high quality cables that would provide the highest throughput for the best quality picture and sound possible. These definitely fit the bill and saved me over $200. If you need HDMI cables, these are the best I have seen at this price point with specs and build quality equal to the much more expensive Monster cables. So, save your money and get these, you won't be disappointed. Got the UN32EH4003FXZA model at a big box store, due to the sharp picture, great price, and previous experience with Samsung. Unfortunately, this model was a big disappointment: The picture is great, but the sound was very tinny & flat. And this particular model, which is at virtually every major retailer, has no audio output jack, such as a headphone jack. So no easy way to add a soundbar or some other speakers to augment the weak TV speakers, without getting a stereo amplifier, etc.Got another brand, for the same price, and am very happy with it.So check carefully which Samsung model you are getting if you plan to use with external speakers. Using the "inSSIDer" tool, this antenna ranked equally with the built-in antenna in my IBM Thinkpad T60 listed a -35dbm antenna signal in the same room as the top-of-the-line DLink 300 "N" class WiFi router.However outside, in my car placed this unit on the dashboard, and I was picking up signals from blocks and blocks away.I purchased a 15' USB extension cord to use this, but the signal is not strong enough for the unit to work using the extension.The cord is reasonably long enough, and the full-sized USB connector to your computer is durable given that I've already bumped this connector numerous times.Product design enhancement would be nice if the USB plug mounted flush with the grommet for the wire. The USB cable sticks out pretty rigidly before the grommet allows the cable to flex around.. This seemed like a great mouse from everything I read but in the end it hurt my hand. I had gotten used to the feeling of theLogitech Marathon Mouse M705and also theLogitech Anywhere Mouse MX. Both are low profile, small mice with comfortably positioned 4 & 5 buttons. I think that maybe this mouse is simply too big for someone with small hands such as myself.For me, this mouse was a loser nearly out of the gate, but someone with meatier paws might have better luck. The strap could be softer and wider, that's why I gave it 4 stars. The bag itself is perfect for my needs, indeed the best I have ever had (and I had some...). It is a pity that the strap is so poor. I changed it for a far better one I had from other camera bag. I enjoyed this system so much I decided to try logitech's z-5500. I figure if 2300 has this much power, the 5500 must have even more power. Well, 5500 does have more power. But here's the thing, for some reason, using my PC and other small devices I preferred the z-2300 over the z-5500. I live in a 2900 square foot home and even when I'm in the opposite end, the bass from z-2300 could still be heard and felt. So here are the test results when I made these brothers fight:Clarity.....tiePC (stereo setup).....z-2300/PC (5.1 setup).....z-5500 (DUH!!!)Home theater.....z-5500 @ 100% (2300 started clipping at 50% maybe less)IPOD.....z-2300 (due to ipods and mp3s having just stereo out, even at 100% the z-5500 sounded weak)Price.....z-2300 (you can get 2 z-2300 with the price of a z-5500)User friendly.....z-2300 (there's only one audio cable and 2 satellites)Mobility.....z-2300 (self-explanatory)Power.....z-5500 (good for bigger devices with coax/optical ex: home theater, PS3, XBOX 360... not so with small audio devices; it's like using a 100 watt amp to kick dual 10" JL audio W7, dull sound no boom)BOTTOMLINE: IF 2.1 IS WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR...LOOK NO FURTHER. DON'T TRY TO COMPARE JBL OR BOSE WITH THESE, THERE ARE NO COMPARISONS. HEARD THEM ALL AND Z-2300 ALWAYS COME OUT ON TOP. EVEN HAD A LOYAL BOSE FAN BOW DOWN TO THESE BABIES. This lens is awesome. Great all around lens, fast focusing, sharp as a tack, super clarity, I highly recommend this lens.Dave Have a Nikon DX DSLR? Then you need this lens in your collection. Period. Don't debate it any longer, just do it.This is a wonderful little lens that will give you levels of sharpness, color, and image quality that will blow most consumer (non-f2.8) zooms out of the water. If all you've ever used are f3.5-fwhatever zoom lenses, you're in for a real treat with this lens. AF is as fast as any other Nikkor AF-S lens, and the fast f1.8 grabs shots in low light that will blow your mind.Of course, it's just a fixed 35mm. A prime. So if you've fallen into 'composure-apathy' that can come from owning a zoom lens, you're going to have to use to learn to to use your feet and actually think about composure a bit. You've got to walk. Get close. Step back. Think. Compose. Shoot. It's more work, but the rewards can be magnificent.Lenses are tools. 'Kit' zooms are like a good folding pocket knife; a set of little screwdrivers, a couple of knives, maybe a saw, maybe some scissors, a nail file, etc. Nice little tools that can come in handy in many situations. Throw it in your pocket and go. But when you need a good screwdriver to remove a stubborn screw, or you need to chop down a tree, or remove the engine from a '67 Mustang, that pocket knife isn't the best choice. A prime lens is like a perfectly weighted and well-made single-purpose tool. A solid screwdriver. A perfectly balanced pair of pliers. A well-engineered ratchet. It's simple, it's basic, and it's a joy to use.And that's the simple elegance to using a prime lens.Lenses like this and the 50mm f1.8 are small and light. They barely add anything to the weight and bulk of just the camera body itself, especially if it's a higher-level Nikkor DSLR (D90, D300s). It's just effortless. Compared to some of the heavier zooms (16-85, 18-105, 18-200), it'll make your camera feel weightless. Fantastic for all-day wandering-around photography, assuming you don't need serious wide-angle or serious telephoto.However, this lens is a 'gateway drug'. It and the 50mm f1.8 both fall into this category. The low price and amazing IQ hooks you. ;-) Use it for a while, and you'll begin to want *all* of your glass to be fast f2.8 (or better), rather than the slow 'consumer' level variable aperture lenses. And that can quickly become an expensive proposition. :) So Logitech recently had a sale and I had been eyeing the G13 for almost a year but was on the fence as far as how much it would really do for me. On sale, it was the same price as the Nostromo and I am a huge Razer fan and can't live without my Naga and Vespula. That said, I have always only used Logitech keyboards and headsets and I love them just as much. This truly was a difficult decision for me and I pored over the reviews of both for days.I'm so happy with the choice I made. I can't speak to the Nostromo as I haven't used one, but I can't imagine life being any better than it is with my G13 right now. Let me say straight out, this is not as valuable for non-MMO type games which require a ridiculous number of hotkeys to perform at your best. Games like Skyrim where you're basically just moving around with WASD and attacking with two buttons will not see the huge improvements that your MMOs will experience, but it's still a very nice upgrade in terms of comfort, especially for laptop users. The G13 will serve you well in any game that requires the keyboard because it allows your wrist and arm to be in a more natural position. I can completely relax my arm rather than have to try to hover over the keyboard for long gaming sessions. I have found that the G13 works amazingly well even when not on a flat surface. I regularly play in bed on my laptop and I usually rest the base of the G13 against my thigh so that it's at an angle to the bed (if that makes sense!) and this is surprisingly awesome. I have no loss in control over playing on a flat surface and my arm can be completely relaxed at my side the entire time. It's easily tied for the best accessory you can buy for your gaming laptop, equaled only byRazer Naga MMOG Laser Gaming Mouse. Paired with aRazer Vespula Dual-Sided Gaming Mouse Matyou will only have to touch your keyboard if you use text to chat. If you use voice chat over Ventrilo or Teamspeak, your keyboard will be collecting dust from lack of use. What I love about this setup is the ability to have both of my hands at my sides when I'm using my gaming laptop and I'm supremely comfortable. Mobile gaming is the future and I want to be able to take my games with me and be comfortable wherever I play while still being as effective as possible. The G13 is a huge part of what makes this possible.Now don't get me wrong, I also love my G13 with my desktop PC. The profiles are stored on the gameboard so I can easily move it from computer to computer with no issue. It works great on a desk being nicely weighted and with a good grip on the base. It doesn't slip or give without excessive force (and no one games THAT hard!). The design is also perfect. I was truly concerned because I have smaller hands and that is actually a big factor behind this purchase. With smaller hands, it's hard to reach across a keyboard to hit all those hotkeys. I read a lot of reviews claiming the G13 is not kind to small hands but I have not found that to be the case. With my palm resting comfortably on the designated rest, I can easily reach the top row of keys. The furthest on the left and right are a bit of a stretch for constant use but I find G1 in the upper left is perfect for TAB and targeting mobs. The one just below is nice for SPACE or jump. I use the top five center keys for 1-5 and the five directly below for 6-10. I have no trouble accessing any of them at any time and I adjusted to the new positions really quickly, faster than I learned to use my Razer Naga by far. I mapped the keys near the joystick to M and L for map and quest log. And of course, the joystick has completely replaced my WASD keys for movement. Moving with a joystick is so natural, especially for console gamers, even casual ones like myself. I have none of the issues others have mentioned about it hurting their thumbs or being hard to push. A very gentle push is all that's needed to continuously move forward. Diagonals are possible also. I tend to hold forward on the joystick and mouse steer because that's what I'm used to, but I find myself turning with the joystick more and more and it works great. Now my fingers are completely free to access my primary hotkeys rather than trying to contort my hand to reach WASD keys and hotkeys simultaneously. I have my secondary hotkeys assigned to my Razer Naga and I'm good to go with split second response time thanks to all keys being within my natural reach without straining.The best tip I can give new users who are having trouble accessing keys is to remap them manually for each game that you play. It really only takes a few minutes to do and once it's done, you don't have to worry about it again. By default, WoW's map is set up so that the center keys on the gameboard are assigned to WASD. This made no sense to me because I wanted to get away from using my fingers for movement and do it all with my thumb on the joystick. The key profiling software is very user friendly and easy to understand without ever looking at the manual. You just click the G key you want to change in the interface, and then press the key you want it to be. Easy. I remapped all my keys so that they would work for ME. I appreciate all the effort Logitech put into pre-designing key layouts for so many games, but ultimately what's going to work best for you is a layout you choose yourself. Pick keys that are easy to reach (which should be most of them, even for small hands) for your primary abilities and use the ones that are a bit of a stretch (if any) to lesser used functions, like map, bag and quest log. I've seen so many reviews where people complain that the keys aren't in the right place. Change them!My only regret is that I didn't buy one sooner. The G13 has changed my gaming for the better, and with kids, school and work, I want the most out of my game time, and now I have it. Thank you once again, Logitech! The mouse is very excellent and easy to use has a battery operated for a long time.Thank you and Thank Guys. This is the best media player for the price. But when it comes to other features such as apps and the Zune software used to load music/movies, this is where it is limited. I was looking for a cheaper replacement for my old ipod touch, which ran out of storage quite quickly, the Zune Hd was a near perfect fit. The lack of camera and built-in speakers was disappointing, but the cool features and unique navigation really shined. The complete lack of apps in the app store was quite disturbing, only 50 or so apps, most of them pretty bland.Compared to the ipod, the Zune Hd has EXTREMELY fast start up times (5 to 8 seconds usually) , the battery is amazing and it hardly ever crashes.While the Zune Hd may be lacking some features,they are not deal breaking features, I still have to give the Zune 5 out of 5 stars. The build quality and quality for the price are amazing. This product surprised me in every way (except the crappy app selection). MOUSE: This is a very nice mouse. It looks large and has an unusual shape, but I have at most medium size hands and it doesn't feel too big. The functionality is very good as a "basic mouse" with great laser control, etc. Frankly I rarely remember to use the special side buttons to do things like previous/last windows in a browser. It's still a very good, top end smooth mouse even with out using every possible bell and whistle. I use a laptop a great deal and this is the first time I've really bothered to like a mouse enough to bring on a hotel trip.BATTERY: I understand it has an extremely high quality or state-of-the-art brand of AA rechargeable battery. In a pinch you can use any AA battery though. I don't know how often it needs to be recharged - probably not more than every couple weeks. It gives you a "low battery" warning - a little PC popup - which supposedly comes on intermittently for nine days as its charge gets low, suggesting the full life must be a few weeks if the last phase of low-charge, is nine days. (Logitech experts note the prior Revolution mouse had a built in battery, which I assume would eventually get tired.)RECHARGING: Recharging is trivial as you just plug the supplied, or any, microUSB cable into the front. If you use a thin microUSB cable, even if you are computing during the charging phase, it is no more inconvenience than any good corded mouse. It gives three nice progressive (rolling) green lights on the side as it charges, progress-bar style. As far as I can tell there is no need to use the "off" button (I think it sleeps when not touched rather than running its battery down) but the instructions aren't clear.WIRELESS. It works with a very tiny wireless dongle. It doesn't come with much documentation but it stores a Mouse App in the system tray (lower right corner in Windows) which has a lot of information. Supposedly, if you get into the Mouse App, there is a "star" symbol tab option which gets you into the "Unifying Wireless" app. In the Mouse App, click "star" tab at left then click "Open Unifying Software" and it gives you instructions to connect with other Logitech devices (typically by turning them On and Off in the proper Unifying Software mode.) I have been a headphone fanatic for thirty years and have owned and used a variety of headphones over those years, to include Stax SR-5, Sennheiser HD-424 and HD-580. The Sony MDRV6 excells as the best value of any headphone that I've ever owned. They are especially good at producing natural-sounding deep bass, and the overall octave-to-octave balance is excellent. The sound quality is all in all comparable to other headphones that cost considerably more.The MDRV6 is especially well-suited for travel due to the collapsible design, and for noisy environments or for quiet environments such as a library where the sound emitted by open-back headphones would distract others.The MDRV6 is not quite as comfortable as some other headphones, but the comfort can be improved enormously by replacing the pads with the velour pads from BeyerDynamic. The pads that come on the MDRV6 have a non-breathable cover, and significant additional discomfort is caused by the way that the thin foam cover is glued to the pad around the inner circumference of the pad, which prevents the top and back of your ear from slipping into the space between the pad and the face of the headphone. This forces the pad to rest on the back of the ear, which compresses the ear and eventually becomes uncomfortable. I read on a web forum where several people had replaced the pads (which eventually come apart) with a velour pad made by BeyerDynamic, and after I did this replacement on my one pair that had a damaged pad, the increase in comfort was so great that I immediately did the other pair. The thin cover can be glued down to the headphone face if needed to hold it in place, which then allows the top and rear of your ear to naturally slide under the inner circumference of the pad, which is considerably more comfortable. I can recommend this trivial modification without reservation to anyone who owns these headphones. Even if you don't replace the pads with the BeyerDynamic velour pads, I suggest removing the pads anyway, then carefully separating the thin cover from the pad, and glueing the cover directly to the headphone surface. I have used the Etymotics ER6i most of the time and other cheaper headphones for running and general listening on the move. For me, these headphones are BETTER and half the price of the Etymotics. The sound quality is excellent and the sound issolation is almost dangerous it is so good. To top it off, the curved portions of the cord fit very well over my ears and I don't have to keep pushing them in every 5 minutes to keep them in place. I'm ordering another 2 just in case they change the model design. First, thank you to all those who take the time to write customer reviews. I was going to buy another USB fan and changed my mind after reading your reviews and I am glad I did.This fan is surprisingly sturdy (and heavy) and very quiet and good.I got it for my wife as a gag gift (she loves fans and has them everywhere), and she loves it. For that matter, I love it too and put it on my wishlist for her to get one for me.Of course, Christmas isn't exactly fan weather here, but I'll want to use it someday! I got a pair of these headphones a few months ago and they still provide a fantastic range of sound. Aside from the quality of the sound these earbuds deliver, they seem to fit my ears superbly and that makes a huge difference for me when it comes to headphones.The highs are crisp. The mids sound great. The lows aren't shake your skull with vibrations good, but the CX 300's provide a clean low with no distortion and a little kick in the ear. I've played with equalizers and bass heavy music and you can reach a deep low that the headphones manage really well.The length of the left ear cord is half the length of the right ear cord. This is to wrap the right ear cord around the back of your neck and keep the whole cord running down only one side of your body. I personally like this feature, but it's worth mentioning if you don't want that difference and would prefer equal length cords.These headphones come with a small carrying case that I use daily. It's a nice touch to throw in with the purchase. I think it helps prevent my headphones from becoming too tangled in my pocket.Bottom line: I use these headphones daily and they sound fantastic. Purchased a few of these for a conference room at work, mainly because they were long enough and cheap enough. Used them to hook up an Apple TV and a laptop. Picture looks great and no issues. I would highly recommend purchasing these and may purchase a few for home in the near future. Another one returned! Sorry Canon, I really like your products, but KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES for goodness sake!!!! (Excuse the rant) I've tried just about EVERY point and shoot that takes some kind of video, plus countless other digital cameras over the years. The HD P&S;'s I've tried are: Canon TX1, Panasonic TX5, several flash drive camcorders that also take still pic's, Sanyo HD1000 & HD700, Samsung HV24HD, and ALL the Kodak's that take HD Video. Plus there has been other camera's - too many to mention (i.e. Canon 550, 770, etc.)Anyway, I just bought (and returned) the SX10. I really wanted to love this camera, but will stick with my Sony T500 for now (check my review of the T500 - that little baby is a keeper).To keep it short, the still pictures are what you would expect from a Canon, but actually, I think my old Canon G7 takes better pictures. But here are the grips (I prefer the cons in a review more than the pros) in no particular order.1) The Camera is BIG. Easy to hold but BIG. Love the flip screen - but the camera is BIG. Great lens - but BIG. I guess what I'm trying to say, the damn thing is BIG, almost as big as a DSLR. This is something that you can not just slip in your pocket and run! I guess I would put up with the BIGness of the camera if the video was better (see below).2) Battery: some might like it, but I did not. Four "AA" batteries! I had to buy a rather expensive charger and rechargeable batteries. Come on, what's going on here! Now adays with all this new technology, Canon couldn't come up with a small battery that holds a decent charge! I know the Sony T500 has poor battery life, but at least the camera is small - you would expect that! Who wants to schlep around 4 extra "AA" batteries - not me! This one was my fault, I did not ever read about the batteries before I bought the camera, but like above, if the Video was better, I could look the other way.3) Video: This was pretty important to me (again check out the T500). What is up with only the small video format when EVERY other camera company is opting for new 16:9 widescreen format? Again, my old G7 takes just as good "small" video and I can play/edit it with anything! Actually, the video from the SX10 is not all that good, except the fact that you can zoom all the way in (actually that is pretty cool), but not worth keeping it. I was hoping that even though the SX10 was not widescreen 720/1080, it would take decent "HD like" video with the new .MOV video format. Why Canon did not bring the SX1 out first I'll never know; because then if the videos were good - I might have kept the Canon. As many other reviewers have mentioned, I just don't understand these companies or their marketing plan. If they need any help, all they have to do is ask a few geeks like me - I'll tell em' an ear full!So all in all, I'm keeping the Sony T500 - even if the pictures are not quite as sharp. That little camera is all I need - "right now"! Just my opinion Canon lovers. Shipping was quick and installation was average. The instructions were easy to follow giving the right color of wires to cut and splice.After it was installed the programming was easy and took right away. It works well with my Pioneer AVH-P4400BH. A very high quality bag for your DSLR, lenses and accessories. I use a Crumpler Five Million Dollar Home bag for my day to day shooting - A DSLR body and a couple of lenses and accessories. But there are many times when I want to carry much more than that - 3 or 4 lenses, a battery grip, a reflector, a speedlight, cords, extra memory cards - and carry all this gear safely and comfortably.This bag is compact, with great ergonomics but cavernous in capacity. I had no problem fitting my Nikon D300S, battery grip and 35, 50, 70-300 lenses and a SB-700 speedlight. The pockets easily hold a folded reflector, ND filters, memory cards, lens caps, straps, etc. The Velcro dividers allowed easy customization of the main compartment for snug and safe storage of each piece of equipment.The padded shoulder and waist straps give a very comfortable and secure carry with 15-20 pounds of gear.This bag lacks some higher end features like a rain cover or more flexible outside storage of a tripod or attach point for other bags and pouches. But considering the price and utility of this bag, that's an acceptable compromise.Highly recommended! I just purchased the New Trent Airbender Keyboard Case for my iPad 3. Mostly bought it for the keyboard as I already own 2 cases one of which is the Pong. Setup was a breeze, barely had to look at the instructions. Mostly because I know when an accessory contains a battery, it should be brought up to full charge first. The User Guide is simple, easy to understand and use. Pairing the keyboard to the iPad bluetooth was straightforward and the connection is persistent when the case and iPad are separated and reunited.The feel of the keyboard is nice and even with my large hands the key size feels comfortable. The case is surprisingly light for its seemingly durable construction. Only time can test the actual durability but I have no initial concerns about this. The magnetic auto shutoff works great but you have to remember to keep the landscape orientation in the right direction. I rotated the case so that the charging cable could feed from the other direction and simply closed the case after use. I was surprised when I reopened the case and the battery was almost completely discharged. It took me a little while to realize what I had done. Easy lesson learned.I like the adjustability of the stand support but sometimes when it is in the case, it takes a little tweaking of the positions to get the iPad to sit solidly. A small price to pay for the flexibility of position choices. Bottom line, I bought this case for the keyboard, and to my surprise I received a light, durable case that gave me an incredible number of choices for positioning my iPad, even free standing. In this dimension AirBender surpassed my Pong Research case with its "Origami" design which I have found to be unstable in many of its orientations. I have only had the remote for 3 days, so these are just preliminary findings. This remote is being used to control : Hitachi 32HDL51 TV, DishNetwork DVR-625, Sony STR-DA7ES receiver, JVC HR-S9911U VHS, HP Z540 computer, Archos AV-500 PVR and an X10 light controller. So far the only problem I've had is with the X10 controller, but I haven't put any time into debugging it.The computer I am using for programming the remote is a Dell E521 ( AMD 64X2 5600+ processor ) running Windows XP Pro SP2. Installing and running the software was quite straightforward ( I'm on a 3Mbps DSL connection ). I find the software to be fairly intuitive, but did note the "strange" English that other reviewers have mentioned.The only glitch I ran into when doing the initial setup for the remote was that the software wanted to "read" some of the signals for the DVR-625 and the Sony receiver though I had checked before buying the remote to make sure they were supported. It then occurred to me that both of these units have TWO remote controls ( both have two-room capability ). The software was just checking to see which remote I was using. BUT that showed me that the folks who have complained about the remote's learning capability have legitimate concerns. I have had a number of teachable remotes, and this is the first one I've had a problem with. The main problem seemed to be lighting - I had to turn off a lamp about 3 feet away before I had any success at all. Then, if I had the remotes about 3" apart, and pressed the button for no more than 1 second, the signals were received ok. This is the main reason for a 4 star rating rather than 5 star.I spent most of today setting up the "favorite channels" on the remote. The only reason it took so long was that I searched the web for appropriate icons to use, then had to edit them to get 75x44 pixel images ( don't try to use any other size - the icons "stretch" to fit 75x44 ). A really good source for "nice" icons is [...]After getting the icons, setting up the favorite channels feature was a breeze. And, best of all, it actually works.As far as the physical design of the remote, I find it very easy to use. A lot of thought went into the placement of the buttons, and I have no trouble using it with "one hand operation". The remote I replaced with this one was also a touch-screen ( rather old Sony one ), so I have no problem with the touch-screen. I also have fairly small fingers, so that may help! It is a fairly small screen. I find the lighted buttons to be extremely useful, and it's pretty neat that they turn on as soon as you pick up the remote. I can't comment too much on the battery life, since I've only had it for 3 days. But the battery indicator hasn't moved very far from full during that time.In conclusion, I'm quite satisfied with this remote. Before buying one, make sure it will control your components with a minimum of "teaching", because that's a real bummer. You can check all your components on Logitech's home page.Added after initial review: Just noticed the remote wasn't really turning the DishNetwork DVR on or off. The "help" and "device" could turn it on/off, but not the "activity". I wasn't able to correct the problem with any of the adjustments, but the setup allows one to add steps to activities. I added a "select" to turn it on and "power toggle" to turn it off. Now it works fine. This flash was great as a secondary unit that I use with radio triggers. You have to shoot in manual mode since there is no E-TTL available as far as I can tell. There is only one pin on the hot shoe plate so I'm pretty sure if it's attached to your camera it doesn't do TTL. I think there is something about TTL off camera in the manual that is written in Chinese first then English so it wasn't quite as clear as it could have been. It really isn't a bother to me since I do shoot in manual mode when I set up the portable studio and the home studio as well but that's a whole other story. If you're in need of a bright flash of light for your photography then this can do it for a little cheaper than a Canon or Nikon flash. It has a solid build and feel to it and seems like it will last a while even with some banging around. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that it is much longer than my Canon 430EXII and took up some real estate in the camera bag. I think it is comparable to the Canon 580EXII. I can get over that since it worked so good. It has great wireless range, is fairly compact yet fully functional. Touchpad is nice too. Would recommend. Some of the other keyboards are just too large or too small. This one is just right. I bought this for myself as a Christmas present this year (hey, if you can't take care of yourself, who can you take care of?). This was absolutely the best purchase I ever made on Amazon (and I have been a loyal, dedicated customer of Amazon's for over 14 years. I have nothing but glowing things to say about the Fire. The picture is amazing, displaying everything in crystal clear images. The 16gb storage is large enough for my use (audio and video downloads). The unit is easy to use (especially for someone like me who can occasionally be technically challenged). And, the best part is the kindle feature and all the freebies I get being a Prime member. Thanks, Amazon, for making this the best Christmas ever! I bought the Canon Powershot SD780 IS Digital Elph a couple of weeks ago and couldn't be more delighted. First off, it is tiny and light weight, smaller than a deck of cards or a pack of cigarettes. The LCD screen on the back is crisp, clear, and bright so you can see it even in daylight. There is also a viewfinder should you prefer. The camera has numerous settings for portrait, view and etc, and an automatic face finder which focuses on faces. Because it is 12 megapixels, the clarity of the photos is amazing. The lens pops out quickly, and there is a simple button at the top of the camera which allows you to bring objects in tight or wide. I had actually been considering buying a big SLR (the Nikon D5000) which is nearly $800 and obviously does much more, but this little camera (which also shoots HD video) is so wonderful, I am beginning to doubt if I want the bigger one. I love being able to slip this into my pocket (it is smaller than my iPhone!) and take it everywhere. Great camera!Canon PowerShot SD780IS12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Black)Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Silver)Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Deep Red) This product is easy to set up and works in my 2007 Pontiac G6 Convertible. The Harness the product refers to is that of the radio and you can find out if your vehicle is compatible by using the Axxess website. Got a pair of these, and I sit in front of them for far too many hours each day, mostly with browsers and spreadsheets, and a video here and there. The contrast and brightness are great, and my eyeballs are happy. The stands are a little wobbly, and coupled with my wobbly desk, that was a problem. But a stack of Post-its under the corner solves it, so it's not a big deal. I think a twin-post stand would be a better design, though. So the fan is almost silent and you can turn off the light if it is bothering you. It works great but I have 2 issues with it which you need to be aware of. I have a 17 inch Viao and the USB is on the right side. The cord you get with this cooling pad is not long enough. The other is that I have an extended battery which raises the computer up and makes it harder to stay on the cooling pad because the pad is angled. It has 4 grip spots but with my battery they don't work for me. I have to put the battery off the edge to lay the computer flat on the pad. This makes the computer off balance and fall off sometimes. You can get cheap usb cords on amazon but I had trouble finding a USB to USB cord in stores. I am content with this purchase but I should have done a little more research for my specific needs.Update: It died on me and it has only been 6 months. I used it almost daily and for multiple hours everyday. This is an excellent case for the Nexus 7. It fits perfectly on the Nexus and it does not feel cheap. It also has some pretty cool features. The coolest is the auto wake/sleep feature. I'm assuming there is a magnet within the clip that keeps the cover closed that tells the Nexus to wake up when the cover is open and to sleep when it is closed. This feature works like a charm. The ability to use the case as a stand is also useful. Overall this is a great case for the Nexus 7. I cannot think of a bad thing to say about it. Personally, I thought it was going to be more difficult to setup from what I've read, but It was actually a breeze despite not being very intuitive. Had everything working, connected wireless, and accessible over the internet with Foscam's free DDNS in less than 15 minutes. Granted, I'm somewhat tech savvy and knew a thing or two about setting up stuff like this. Someone else might have a difficult time with it though.Also, it doesn't make sense why they disable presets by default. Had to enable them in PT Settings.Overall I'm very satisfied. I was skeptical at first, such inexpensive headphones with good reviews. Well the reviews weren't wrong! Best 7$ I've spent on headphones ever! The sound quality is clear and the bass loud. I just wish the cord was slightly longer, but I don't have any regrets. If you're looking for new headphones then these are the ones to get! Panasonic Lumix cameras are super--this is my third and I wouldn't buy any other type. When my old Lumix finally died, I wanted something with a better optical zoom and a viewfinder (LCD screens don't work when the sun is out). I liked this camera but was worried that it might be a bit big for hiking and backpacking. Well, it is a bit larger than my older camera, but it isn't very much larger and it does so much (smaller than it looks in the picture)! I've been using it for almost a year now and have found it to be the best Lumix I've ever had. The photos are clear and bright, and the "distance" photo options produce really clear pictures even when it is a bit hazy. I do a lot of close-up photos of plants and have found that the close-up lens isn't as good as my old Lumix, but I've also found that standing back a little and using the fantastic zoom more than makes up for this shortcoming. And, I don't have to get down close to the plant (a plus for us "seniors")! I've never tried the video beyond seeing how it worked, but one of these days I'll do it. It does really good video from what I can tell. I'll buy another when this one turns in its lens! I just recieved my news lens on yesterday, four days before it was actually due to me and I am not currently in the USA so that was a great start for me. This lens is great and the images that are produced are stunning. The price is very good as well. My friend purchase the more expensive lens and there is almost no difference in the image. You really have to sit and stare at the images to really tell a difference. During that time you can be out taking more photos. Do your research and find what works for you and you could actually save yourself a lot of money and the long run. Every photographer is different so go to your local photo store and test out the equipment and then make your choice. The choice for me was right on with Nikon 85mm 1.8g AF-S. I recieved the airbender bluetooth keyboard and have some pros and cons about it.ProsThe airbender case is very comfortable. It controls the iPad very well with its dedicated macro buttons.Being able to swivel the iPad is very useful in situations where you'd like to type in portrait mode. Being able to disconnect the iPad from the keyboard is very useful and the case has proven to be very helpful. Don't trust it to protect it from a drop but it certainly is better than nothing. And the overall battery life is very good. I didn't find myself charging it too often honestly, which shocked me.ConThe Preview photo button seems to have absolutely no use. It will unlock the iPad but doesn't open anything and while the iPad is unlocked it does nothing. It just seems redundant as there is an unlock button already.The page up and down buttons don't seem to work in safari, nor any other browser I've tried. There might be other apps where they work but I haven't found them yet. Disconnecting the iPad from the keyboard isn't as easy as I was hoping it would be. As awesome as the concept is there needs to be better grips to take the iPad off.Opening the keyboard with the iPad is a pain. As you try and open it the iPad practically slips over the keys and flings out. The iPad swings a little too freely and doesn't exactly support the weight of it too well.All in all the airbender keyboard is awesome and is worth the money. Though it has much room for improvement, it proved its use while writing emails and memos. This small briefcase can be used for netbooks from 7-10 inches. I originally intended it to be used for my husband's netbook; however, after it came I liked it so much that I bought another one for my Kindle, even though the Kindle is so much smaller. The reason I did this is because the case is really sturdy, very well-constructed, and convenient. The padding in it is outstanding without being bulky. Despite not having hard sides, this case has great protection (via the padding and design) for my Kindle; in the additional section I can also carry my chargers, my fountain pens, and my journal. My husband is thrilled to use it for his netbook (which is a special proprietary one for electronic medical records) and its accessories. It serves both of our needs really well.The case has two parts, one to hold the netbook or other rectangular flat electronic device, and another part with pockets to hold bulky chargers, writing implements, and other items. The way this latter part is constructed, it bulges away from the netbook part so that it will not impinge upon the netbook (this is really nice). On the outside of the case (you can see it in the picture) there is yet another pocket that opens on the front of the case with a vertical zipper. It is very well-designed. It has short handles for regular carrying and a detachable shoulder strap. It's very lightweight as well.This is a fine looking, very convenient, quality case.Highly recommended.***** My son has been wanting a new TV for some time now. Bought this one and he loves it. Picture is sharp and crisp. He watches many movies on it and the up-close imagery is astounding. He also plays videogames on it and said it has been impressive. This has been a very good purchase and I highly recommend Haier. It has many good features in it and it is also simple to operate. In most demanding games, my GPU will consistently soar to 90-93 degrees Celsius. I didn't like seeing temps in the 90s so I figured I would pick up this Cooler Master for a shade over $20. Is it worth it? I think it is.My Sager NP8130 is 15.6" and this cooler fits it just about perfectly - I have maybe 1" of extra room. My laptop's rubber stops on the bottom keep it anchored pretty well, and the fan itself isn't super loud. There is an adjustable dial to change fan speed, but when I'm gaming, I generally just have it on max, and when I'm not gaming, I turn the cooling pad off altogether.The one thing I would make sure you do is use the little legs on the bottom of the cooling pad to prop it up an extra half inch or so. It makes a world of difference in how much more air can flow through under the pad and up to your laptop. Also, beware of using this on top of a table cloth - it seems to impede air flow as well. With the legs propping up the cooling pad, my GPU temps only hit about 84-86 degrees, but without it propped up, my GPU is still 90-91 degrees.Overall, it's a small ~$20 investment to potentially increase the life of my laptop as a whole. I hope you have better luck, it has gotten a lot of great reviews, but first the sticker(!) covering the contacts on the back fell off, then the card died completely. Hopefully it's an isolated incident, but I'm trying a different brand in case its a bad batch. To me, there is little special with any cable modem. This modem is DOCSIS 3.0 which is the most important feature to know. I learned from others that the White version is the one you want, the black version is older and perhaps not updated regularly with firmware updates.I strongly encourage users to buy this product as opposed to those that include wireless in the modem itself. Multi-purpose devices have a tendency to live shorter lives. I have this device plus a standard router and a Apple Airport Express, which is a great combination for a home network. So, got this last night and was extremely glad it and the cable I purchased enabled me to use my phone GPS. Since I am an electrician by trade, I decided to make sure it was adequately constructed prior to using it since a lot of my fellow customers seemed to have an issue with the screw cap falling off and getting stuck in the outlet. So far, not had an issue with that and it seems put together well.I can attest that the blue LED is extremely bright, but luckily my outlet is located inside the center console of my car so I can't see it when driving. I ordered these headsets to go with my phone (Samsung S4). They paired with my phone without any issues and they sound great. I was very surprised to find out that these headsets actually speack and inform you of incoming calls and text messages. They read out the message as well. I love them so much that I tried them with my Apple Ipad while watching a movie. The sound quality is amazing. You have to try. I am sure you will fall in love as well. I have every electronic device currently available, now and in foreseeable distant future. Nothing streams HD like this little box. My 3 year old Roku HD finally stopped working. I thought I would resort to using my streaming bluray player. Wishful thinking. Picture quality was terrible. Panasonic Plasma TVs are the best if you have one then you know what I am talking about. Roku players seem to work especially well with them. The image displayed is breathtaking. Roku simply is the best. I find it amazing, ABSOLUTELY amazing that so many people are complaining because it isn't REAL leather....Does anyone with a brain, actually think that they are going to get a cover like this for $30, and it is actually going to be REAL leather.The main difference between the quality FAKE leather and real leather is the wear factor.....If you have a nice leather case, and you take care of it, it will last a lifetime....Fake leather-not so much....And for $30, if it lasts you a year, thats a cup of large coffee a MONTH at Starbucks....Get a life for goodness sake.The workmanship looks pretty good, and the stitching was perfect....Got this item for my IPad 4, and it fits perfectly....The magnetic tabs hold the case closed....The "stand" holds it open....And it looks decent......And if it does gets scratched, or thrashed, it's a small investment. UPDATE: 5/17/14 - PORN is stronger than the NETGEAR Nighthawk!I don't usually put my updates at the beginning of a review, but after writing such a stellar one only days before I felt it important to 'share' to warn off others.After setting up Parental Controls to 'custom' and checking off 'downloads, adult, nudity, and porn', I expected my home network would be porn-free, as it was with theBelkin N750 Wireless DB Dual-Band Gigabit N+ Router With High Speed HD Streaming & USB (F9K1103); which while slower - it's also a quarter of the price I paid for this one. Needless to say last night I learned that porn is stronger than the Nighthawk.Parental Control Problems:1. If you set the router on the highest setting for network protection it filters porn, however it also filters out pretty much anything but first grade friendly material. A no-go for a house with a teenager who has reports to do for school and needs internet access.2. In the Parental Control interface you can setup strict browsing for the family and an override account for those who don't need or want it, but using 'custom' settings is frustrating and seems to be hit and miss for porn specifically.3. In the Parental Control settings you can add up to 25 sites you want blocked. That's it - and it's not enough for all trash on the internet!4. In the Genie dashboard under Advanced - Security you can add keywords and domains (yuck dot com, dot net...) to block. When those are set, if a user attempts to go there they get a black screen with red stripes that says 'Firewall Blocked' user.5. Removing a 'keyword' is a joke too! You have to clear the list and start over, as it won't let you delete just one word like 'porn' to eliminate all sites with that keyword in the title from opening.You can set things up so that the administrator gets emailed every time one of the blocked sites gets a 'knock, knock' by a user on your network. Unfortunately, this too has a limited number of sites and/or keywords that can be added, and it's just not enough for the price you pay for this router!The speed and stability is great, but I hate that with this expensive piece of equipment and user-interface that seems to be so helpful - these limitations are put on the device.I didn't buy this router to limit porn, but it is one of the things I like to do on my home network. I'm not a prude, but I should be able to surf securely if that's part of what's promised at a premium price.Oh, and the way I found this out was that I periodically go onto a browser like Bing or Google and type in random words and phrases to see what shows up. When it's something related to porn and I know I have the filter set, I click to make sure they are blocked. Last night, it wasn't and I spent nearly 3 hours learning the limitations of the NETGEAR Genie software.Maybe this is something that can be addressed by the NETGEAR Team in an update? It will definitely have to be improved upon to be considered a safe router for households who are concerned with Parental Controls, and I would not recommend this router for this reason.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a huge, pricey wireless router which is worth every penny if you're living in a big home, have multiple devices all wanting WiFi, want to be able to take command of your network in darn near every way possible or 'all of the above'.WHY I CHOSE THIS WIRELESS ROUTER...I purchased this router with some trepidation due to the high sticker price. It's twice as expensive as the most expensive one I've previously purchased and also twice as big. Despite these things, I was looking for a router to replace myBelkin N750 Wireless DB Dual-Band Gigabit N+ Router With High Speed HD Streaming & USB (F9K1103), which while OK, was struggling to keep up with the growing WiFi demands of my family.With 15 wireless devices used on the network (laptops, desktops, streaming devices, smartphones, gaming systems, etc...), if everyone was connected, we all experienced signal drop offs. When streaming video it was not uncommon to get lagging connections and/or encounter buffering issues.After reading a bit about higher end routers, I decided to get a simultaneous dual band router. This one works well as you can set the (QoS - Quality of Service) to uploads (for gaming) or to downloads (for streaming). These two things opened up a whole new level of enjoyment in this cord cutter household!Having written a book on cord cutting:Simple Guide to Over-the-Air Free TV, and using myRoku 3 Streaming Media Player,Google Chromecast HDMI Streaming Media PlayerandApple TV MD199LL/Ato supplement my over air HD TV network programming, I know the importance of a solid WiFi network and this NETGEAR Nighthawk beautifully gets the job done. Netflix, Amazon Prime Instant Video and Hulu Plus all load more quickly and offer great picture quality and stability.In addition to this router's awesome performance and range, this NETGEAR product has a fantastic software utility suite (for both PC and MAC) with free iOS and Android apps. The software is easy to use and highly customizable. I love the Parental Controls, which can be set for the whole network, or just for specific devices.THE PROS:+ Exceptional range.+ Outstanding speed (*more than doubled my download speed from 33Mbps to 68Mbps) with simultaneous dual band (2.5Ghz and 5Ghz).+ Excellent security settings, which are setup for you at installation. **NOT true - see update!***+ Whisper quiet.+ Lights can be turned OFF in NETGEAR Genie (Settings - Advanced - LED Control Settings) or have them blink, or remain solid - your choice!+ QoS settings make customizing your network a breeze for the things you do most whether they are gaming or streaming; by group or per device.+ Can set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access your network from anywhere.+ Lots of options for tweaking the setup, if you desire it.+ READYSHARE for printers or for network storage and back-up is a great feature.+ Guest network setup is optional.+ At a glance access to all the devices on your network by app or PC with NETGEAR Genie software.+Setup Wizard in 'Advanced' area of NETGEAR Genie works to effortlessly get you online.+ You can set up FTP storage.+ DLNA enabled for media server functionality; including iTunes library.+ USB 3.0 port for connecting external storage or media server.+ Ability to block specific sites or sites by keyword, in addition to Parental Control settings which are highly customizable.+ Ability to block services on a schedule.+ Ability to have WiFi turn off during scheduled times during the day or by entire days of the week.+ Ability to set up email alerts when devices on the network attempt to connect to specific sites.+ Ability to enable wireless repeater function.+ Ability to see traffic loads (upload/download) on your network.+ The router can be hung on a wall or sit on a desktop.+ Very cool to the touch, with excellent ventilation on the sides of the device.+ You can set password recovery questions when you reset your password from the default 'password' at start up.THE CONS:- It's HUGE, and the 'wingspan' with the three antennas attached makes it about the same footprint as a 15" laptop. (I have mine hanging on the wall with the cables coming out the top for easy access.)- Initial setup even with NETGEAR Genie did not go smoothly for me, and I'm an intermediate to advanced user. Small tweaks here and there in the NETGEAR Genie got all of my devices to play well together eventually though.- The price is hefty compared to other wireless routers for home use, but its features and speed are impressive.THINGS TO NOTE...Firmware updates must be made out of the box; Advanced - Administration - Router Updates and then 'Apply'. (You can get the latest prior to setting up your router and install it by finding the file on your computer, or let the router connect and obtain it.)There's an iOS app called 'Net Analyzer Lite' that I found to be very useful in identifying some of my devices by MAC address. This in addition to the NETGEAR Genie app are both free, and well worth the downloads.This is an impressive package both in terms of hardware and software. I'm very pleased with this purchase and I highly recommend it to those who want a feature-packed router with top notch speed and security settings. I think it would be ideal for a small business, multi-level or large home, or any sized home with lots of devices (10+) who are all competing for bandwidth.Highly recommend this one if you can afford it!UPDATE: 5/11/14 - I'm loving this router! Netflix flies through shows using 5Ghz and no buffering with a Roku 3. I can download an album to the Amazon Cloud in about 15 seconds and every web browser: Chrome, IE, Opera, Safari... loads pages faster. I'll be hooking up a Seagate USB 3.0 external drive with movies to use the DLNA feature and will update this review after that use.Overall, I can't say enough good things about this purchase.UPDATE: 5/17/14 - That 'love' was short lived and the 5 star rating was dropped to a '2' star based upon porn getting through and the limited ability to add blocked sites or keywords for added security. Paying this much for a router - it should have solid security as well as speed. The idea is good, but the execution is pretty bad.Pros: the only popular option for Amazon Instant Video. The box is small. Seems to have more content to offer than competitors.Cons:1. No audio volume control. Imagine you open some Amazon instant video and the volume is too loud, the only solution is to grab the other remote. Notice this is not a cheap remote, which embeds some kind of motion sensor. Some reviews defend this by saying something like no way to control the volume over hdmi or the box is not responsible for the audio, a joke.2. Sometimes when playing Amazon video the box would not response to the remote, which means you cannot pause or skip when you want to. I gusss the bluetooth connection is lost. Whatever the reason is, a bug.3. Must have a credit card to set up the box and account, in the name to make it easier for you to purchase something. How come?4. No way to turn the box off. To me, this means I have to use the other remote the turn my TV off.5. No support of youtube. The unofficial one has been off the limits of new customers for half a year. Maybe the new guys they hire need tons of time to read the source code.6. The user interface leaves a lot to improve. When I was trying to input something in the search box, I would guess a remote with qwert keyboard or some convenient way to input characters will make the majority miserable. By the way, if you have many channels, do not get tired when scrolling the main menu, as there is no way to sort out your channels.7.In short, this is not product designed for normal users.Buy a tv that supports netflix, Amazon video and youtube. This lens is awesome, for the price you can not beat. It is plasticky but who cares as long as it performs and believe it performed. I used it on a Wedding and it blew me away! I would highly recommend this product. This is a lens that you must have. I wear in-ear headphones a lot, every day, probably 12 hours a day while I work, yard work, driving, while I walk the dog and while I sleep. I generally buy the cheapest earphones I can find because they end up really abused and only last a few months before the cord gets loose at the earphone or at the jack. Even if they last a little longer the cord will eventually get stiff from body oils and such. Not these headphones, I have been using them for 6 months at this point and they have 100% held up. I will be ordering more because nothing is indestructible.Another little nicety of these earphones is that the rubber cup that fits in your ear does not come off easily so in and out of pockets you don't lose the rubber cup. I've found this case to be very durable and reliable. Unfortunately, it is slightly cumbersome just for day to day use, but if you use the iPad rigorously this case is perfect. The material used for this case is high-quality, and it feels comfortable to hold because of it. The hinge offers different viewing angles and the clip offers 360 degree rotation of the iPad. One of the best features is that you're easily able to detach the keyboard and hinge by squeezing the two clips together. The in-built screen protector is wonderful and smooth, but initially it felt a little rough on the fingertips. Also, the all of the ports are covered with rubber, so it is protected from spills. Unlike the majority of cases sold, this case has a built-in chiclet keyboard that feels like a laptop keyboard. The keys are made out of solid plastic and are very responsive to type on.If you need a case for light use, I recommend New Trent's newer Airbender 2.0. If you need a case for heavy use, I recommend this case! This product is very good and offers an good alternative to traditional chips which unfortunately come with more calories. The chips are very tasty and have good texture. The only issue is they are a bit salty to be a health alternative, otherwise, they will be a hit in eating alone or with your favorite dip. I eat it, the dog eats it, the horses eat it. This stuff is amazing. Allegedly it has antiviral and antibacterial properties but adding this to my diet and going paleo in the foods I eat has taken 15 years off my age in how I feel! The smell and appearance of this coffee are very attractive when first opened. The bag is vacuum sealed. The coffee is very finely ground and has the soft texture of clay. The aroma is rich and delicious.Opinions will differ on taste. While I liked it, my husband wasn't so keen on the flavor. I guess it depends on your feelings about chocolate.Still . . . Folgers Gourmet Selections makes a decently priced chocolate coffee that smells just as good and tastes slightly better. My initial impression of the sauce is that it has a rich ruby color speckled with raspberry seeds. It has a thinner consistency than I had envisioned - I liken it to a raspberry syrup found at a pancake restaurant - but was glad to find it clung to the meat with ease. The sauce starts out sweet and finished on a medium spicy note. I used it as an accompaniment to steak and plan to try it on both chicken wings and pork. The bottle comes with a mini recipe booklet with more ideas. One recipe I plan to try out on Super Bowl Sunday is one that uses a block of cream cheese and the sauce. Highly recommended. Will purchase again. I was so excited to see the box of 18 snacks arrive, and my whole family eagerly dug in. The combination of the salty cashews, sweet pomegranates, and vanilla is delicious and very flavorful. My husband, two teenagers and I gave the product two thumbs up, initially. The problem is that the taste is so strong and distinctive that you get tired of it quickly. After a few days, we left the remaining snacks in the box. No one wanted to take them to school or work. We eventually finished the box, but it did take quite a while. This product is probably best purchased in smaller quantities. Pu'erh tea is black tea (fermented green leaves) but fermented in a way that natural microbes plus pressure and aging give special properties. It's believed to have health benefits. A friend introduced me to this tea at a Chinese herb shop in Thailand. It came in cubes, sort of pressed, and tasted slightly of earth and camphor, which I later found out meant it was particularly good. This tea was not pleasant to drink but if you were feeling "punk" with a cold coming on, it would set you up almost immediately. I've run out of it and haven't been back to Asia in a decade. So I was motivated to try Numi's variety of Pu'erh.The Numi Ginger Pu'erh is a lot milder and pleasant to drink; it doesn't have a too-pronounced strong, mushroomy, earthy taste but it is there in the background. I wish the ginger were stronger--but that is easily fixed. I tried throwing in a slice of fresh ginger, crushed slightly and it made for a very pleasant drink that felt nice on a raw Spring day.I find tea for me has medicinal benefits for me (your results may vary.) I was reluctant to try Pu'erh tea again because you can't tell if it's genuine or sort of a fast-process to get it to market. I notice that on Numi's website, you can buy loose Pu'erh tea and even the brick form, which is the the traditional fermented, pressed form that improves with age. Since they are taking the trouble to sell Pu'erh in various authentic forms, I feel better about using their brand. Typically, bag tea is the worst quality leaf--the "fannings" or the broken leaves and dust that gather when you process tea. They work for bags as they steep quickly. I'm thinking I'd like to try their loose or pressed tea and see if I can find something similar to that tea we used to purchase in Bangkok at that Chinese herb store. Meanwhile, this is a good tea that I like especially when I have a cold or am just tired and need a lift. I love the packaging and ability to make the drink as strong as I want. The flavor isn't as great as the packaging, though this is the most appealing of the three I've tried. Definitely for people who don't mind artificial sweetener taste. The tea is good but not very strong. I feel the need to use two bags a cup of tea. It would be better if it could be a little stronger. When I saw this Savory Tea, it looked appealing. I drink 2-3 cups of tea per day and the concept of a savory tea seemed interesting. The flavors even sounded good, at least most of them: tomato mint, spinach chive, fennel spice, carrot curry, broccoli cilantro and beet cabbage. Unfortunately, none of them appeal to me when brewed.Tomato Mint: Not a combination I would normally consider. I don't prefer it as tea either. The mint, to me, overpowers any hint of tomato.Spinach Chive: Kind of a neutral taste - not heavy on the chive side and more like green tea with a hint of chive.Fennel Spice: I love fennel and this one was probably my favorite. Notes of fennel but not overpowering.Beet Cabbage: Really? Both have very earthy flavors and together they are not drinkable. Smells & tastes like a cabbage patch.Carrot Curry: Curry is naturally overpowering and it remains so in this blend. I am not a big curry fan so this one did not appeal to me at all.Broccoli Cilantro: Not much cilantro in this (I cook with cilantro daily) - more like broccoli juice. Not for me.This is not a product I would buy again. I'll stick with my normal tea. I was searching for a lotion for my husband's psoriasis and the search engine brought up coconut oil! I thought that was unusual, but decided to start researching coconut oil and its uses. Wow! This natural oil has so many uses and is extremely healthy! It is anti-bacterial, anti-microbal, anti-viral, and anti-fungal.I've been putting it on my husband's psoriasis for three days, but it hasn't been long enough to tell yet whether it will help; I'll keep you posted.Awesome moisturizer--I've been using it for the last week as a body oil after I shower and everynight on my face before bed, and my skin is so smooth and soft! It soaks right in as long as you use it sparingly with no greasy feeling.Natural deoderant--I found a homemade deoderant recipe on the internet today and will let you know in a later post how it works.Toothpaste Booster--Since it has anti-bacterial properties, I have been using 1/2 and 1/2 of my usual toothpaste and coconut oil to brush my teeth! I know that sounds disgusting, but coconut oil does not feel oily in your mouth...honest!I have been taking 1T morning (with my calcium pills because it's supposed to help your body absorb nutrients more efficiently), noon and night without changing what I eat and lost two pounds in a week! I was pleasantly surprised when I felt full for longer periods of time and was also eating less at each meal because I felt satisfied. Another plus was that I was no longer constantly snacking in the evenings, which has been my worst habit to break but now I don't even feel like snacking! Some people mentioned theyI found my dog loves licking my skin after putting on coconut oil, so I've been researching to find out if it's good for dogs. From what I've read so far, it is just as healthy for her, too! My husband is a big chocolate fan and he loves his cookies. I like choclate chip cookies with white chocolate in them, so these sweet and chewy cookies are a nice compromise. I like the crunch, he loves the fudgy center, that, when slightly chilled, make the cookies even more delicious.The package arrived rather abused, but that was perhaps because for a week our mail was on hold while we had to evacuate for a wildfire. These cookies still get crumbly and on a hot day the gooey dough make them even stick together like one sculptured chocolate piece of art.These are definitely a winner, and any chocolate lover will give these two sticky-gooey thumbs up. This isn't my favorite tea ever, but it does have a unique flavor that I've never had before - really original, which is hard to come up with in a tea. I'll buy it again, plus I'll try some of the other interesting looking flavors that Lipton has come out with recently. Who knows, I may like one of those even more. This tea is aromatic, smooth, and pleasant. Happily, the taste is not overly strong, as cardamom can be. It's a mellow tea perfect for a relaxing evening. The fact it is organic and non-GMO is a huge plus--even more appreciated--the note on the back talking about its fair labor practices. Good tea with a conscience! I don't usually like plain almonds; when I eat almonds they are usually highly sugared, covered in cinnamon or gooey'd up in honey like the ones you can get warm at the mall. When I saw this product, I thought it sounded yummy, so I thought I'd give them a try, turns out I was right. They have just enough cocoa to satisfy my sweet tooth, but not too much that it covers up the flavor of the nut. It's not as sweet or as sugared as those mall almonds, these have a more subtle taste.I have been trying to snack in between meals and found grabbing a small handful of these was both delicious and satisfying. Even my husband and son enjoyed them. I was pleasantly surprised with this product and can see me keeping these in my pantry for my little midnight snack attacks.Cherise Everhard, June 2008 I tried this The Switch Black Cherry flavor as well as the Watermelon Strawberry. I happen to like black cherry as a flavor for beverages, so keep that in mind as you read this review.FLAVOR:The beverage was sweet, but not overly sweet, and not at all tart. It tasted similar to other black cherry carbonated drinks I've had. I would compare it in taste to Knudsen's Black Cherry Spritzer with Switch being a tad more "soda" tasting. It is much lighter tasting than actual black cherry sodas I've had, such as Dr. Brown's.INGREDIENTS:The Switch is advertised as 100% juice. It is, but it is juice from concentrate. I prefer juice squeezed from the fruit or vegetable itself. In the case of The Switch the concentrate is filtered sparkling water. I'm fine drinking concentrates and I drink soda too so I'm not being a health fanatic, but be aware if you are expecting actual juice, this product is filtered water used to reconstitute the juice concentrate. The juices uses are apple, grape, acerola and cherry. If you aren't familiar with acerola, it is a cherry like fruit, but with three lobes. Acerola is high in Vitamin C.NUTRITION:One 8.3 ounce can of The Switch Black Cherry contains:* 130 calories* 15 mg sodium*35 g carbs (33 g sugar)So keep in mind while it has no added sugar it still has the sugar content from its ingredients. It has more calories than a can of Coke Classic! It does not have any corn syrup or added sugars though.It also contains 100% of the recommended level of Vitamin C.PRICE:The product costs more than soda, but the ingredients are better. It costs a little less than Knudsen's Black Cherry Spritzer product. I use this comparison because the Knudsen product is similar in taste and basic content (filtered sparkling water, fruit concentrate), but a little different in ingredients (no acerola, using pear, pineapple and plum instead), with The Switch having a slight bit more carbs and sugars.Overall, this is a tasty drink. It is somewhere between a soda and a health drink, definitely better for you than a soda, but not quite as "natural" as say all natural juices. However, if you want a carbonated drink, The Switch is better for you than soda. I am an avid black tea drinker. And while I've had unflavored pu'eh tea, I've found that it tastes rather like dirt. It is very well suited, though, to be the base of a flavored tea. And that is why I wanted to give this a try.First, the good. The spicing is absolutely appropriate. I've had some 'chai' teas that are WAY over-flavored. This tea's spice is great. The cardonon is very flavorful without being overpowering.But I must say that I was expecting a more robust tea all around (pu'eh may taste like dirt on its own, but it is a pretty full-flavored tea). Even though the spice was decent, the pu'eh seemed very weak as a 'base' in this tea. So, the taste is spice and nothing behind it.I was also amazed that this tea is packaged as 'higher caffeine' because I wouldn't have known that from drinking the tea. IF there is more caffiene in here than in my customary Irish or Scottish Breakfast, I couldn't tell.So, there you have it; a 3 star tea. That may just say more about my personal taste for robust and strong teas, but if you have similar preferences, this tea may not be your cup ot tea. I was excited to receive a package of Quaker Soft Baked Cookies through Influenster to try out. I was surprised at how reasonable the ingredients were and how low in fat the single serve package was. The cookie itself tasted fresh, soft and delicious. I would definitely buy these for myself as a little treat and for the family. Try them for yourself! These are little airy and delicious nuggets of goodness...except of course, they aren't nuggets, lol. Really though, these chips are nice and crunchy while also being light and airy. The salt and vinegar flavor is just right...not too strong, but never lacking. Actually, my only real complaint is that i find it difficult to stop eating them. However, that is simply my cross to bear.Enjoy! Overall, I liked the cookies for their flavor, pleasant aroma and texture. However, while somewhat moist and pleasantly chewy, they did taste a little dry. I had a few with my usual coffee, and they paired quite well. I also had a few with milk, and that didn't turn out well.The cookies actually reminded me of a few of the high-fiber energy bars on the market. The cookies themselves were heavy on the oats and quite generous with the chocolate (but not the almonds). Each cookie was quite substantial and just two of them with milk could be a satisfying meal.The cookies were soft and chewy, but not at all gooey, like eating a jelly bean or peanut butter. The oat content had good consistency and the total cookie was pleasing to nibble on.Would I buy the product if given the chance? Probably not, as it is not a good dippin' cookie. I tried pairing it with milk, and it did not dip well (it fell apart when wetted), though it did taste good with milk. Still, the fiber content and heft alone have their merits, and in a pinch, I would definitely take a few bites. Back to Nature provides foods directed at a health conscious consumer market. The box is 100% recycled content and promotes BTN's commitment to sustainability and endorsement by The Nature Conservancy. It is a product line of processed food giant Kraft foods, so when we see 100% natural on the product we need to look closer. The product does have added sugar (it uses cane juice, honey, sugar, and brown rice syrup as sweeteners, when honey and rice syrup would have been plenty of sweetness and more natural than adding isolated sugar). There is natural flavoring added, which isn't specific and could be misleading. The product is not organic or certified non-GMO either, so it really isn't 100% natural even though they can legally use that description. That being said it is more natural than most crackers on the market and these are tasty crackers if you like apple-cinnamon. The grains are whole grains (wheat and oats) and there are no artifical preservatives. I like these crackers but if I were eating a lot of crackers I'd find something that is more natural and less sweetened than these. The texture reminded me of the center of a Fig Newton cookie but slightly moister. I would use these on a camping trip or hiking event but would not use on a daily basis. The flavor was bland and I did not care for the texture which I found to be pastey. Tended to stick to the roof of my mouth and was a little hard to swallow. Did not get a distinct blueberry flavor. The most flavorful was when a bite would contain a nut. The actual appearance of the bar is not appealing in the least. I almost threw half of it away but then went ahead and forced the rest down. Organic healthy snacks can be healthy and taste good but not this bar. I kept thinking of wet soggy flavored cardboard. When Paul Newman was alive his big foodie project was salad dressing - and it was GOOD.Then his daughter got into the mix and decided to peddle foods that are on trend with certain diets (vegan, organic, gluten free, etc.) and the results are dismal.Overpriced small portions that aren't particularly good or even when not awful are not better than other brands. These cookies are NOT good.Small in size I couldn't help but notice how everyone in the bag was uniformly burnt on the bottom. Surprisingly flavorless for a gingersnap UNTIL you bite into the candied ginger. Then you have a sudden burst of flavor stuck like a gummy candy to your teeth while the rest of your mouth is trying to process a hard cookie. Not my favorite sensation. Normally I love to dip my gingersnaps in milk, unfortunately even this did not improve them for me. I did not finish the bag and will not be recommending them to anyone else.If you love Paul Newman & want to support his charities - stick with the salad dressing.If you want a great gingersnap that is awesome with milk - get Stauffer's! I am a tea drinker. Lately I have been enjoying different flavored teas and herb teas. This tea has a mildly sweat citrus flavor that I enjoy with a hint of a green tea flavor.As I have moved from black teas to flavored teas and herb teas I have learned that the name of a product and the box cover does not always represent the flavor. In this case it does a good job.I get a sweet taste that I assume comes from the jasmine and a slight tangy sweet taste from the citrus. I also get a hint of a green tea flavor as well. The flavors are mild but I have found this to be the case in most teas like this. I actually was concerned the Jasmine might make this too sweet but thankfully it was not. I wish the citrus was a bit stronger but overall this is a good tea.I do like that fact that Lipton cares about the environment and people who work to cultivate tea and lists on the back of the box that the tea is "Rainforest Alliance Certified." I did a search on the web and this means that farms that are "Rainforest Alliance Certified" meet set criteria when it comes to protecting the environment and ensuring employees on the farms are paid a decent wage and have good working conditions. I am neither an expert on the environment nor wage and work criteria but this seems to be a good thing and I feel better drinking a tea like this knowing workers were treated decently and thought was given to protecting the environment.I gave this four stars because I thought the citrus flavor could have been a bit stronger but this is still a good tasting tea. I had great fears this tea would be somehow too heavy on the vanilla as it seems every product that's labelled as having some vanilla flavoring overdoes it a little. I was pleasantly surprised to find the vanilla is subtle and does not take focus away from the tart blackberry flavor. It's a nice balance. I can now rest at ease and happily drink the rest of the box. I usually buy Celestial Seasonings for any of the flavored herbal teas (drink Yorkshire for the black teas) but the Lipton herbal teas are also perfectly palatable and I will probably work a few of the Lipton flavors into the rotation. I tend to make larger cups of teas (~12 oz per bag) and one bag of this tea worked for all my water fine with a good level of flavor. I think I still prefer Celestial, but I wouldn't turn my nose up at a cup of this Lipton. Go on and give it a try, it might surprise you too. I love me some oatmeal cookies. Throw in some chocolate chips instead of raisins and you have the ultimate experience...sometimes. These cookies by Quaker are quite soft but taste very dry and bland. I tried one cookie and doubt that I will ever have another taste. As an addicted coffee drinker, I love trying out new flavors. I have, of course, drank Starbucks coffee before, as well as Vanilla flavored coffees. However, I have not had the two combined together into one coffee. I can honestly say that I was not disappointed with Starbucks Natural Fusions Ground Coffee, Vanilla Flavored. The package is incredibly well sealed and upon opening, the scent is mouth-watering and fresh.The amount used is the same as with any other coffee - 2 TBS per 6 oz of water. This, of course, can be adjusted for each individual's preference. The scent is heavenly, as the coffee is brewing and the taste is very robust and holds a light flavor of vanilla. The vanilla flavoring is a very gentle and light taste, almost a whisper soft hint. In addition, the taste is not bitter, but smooth and delicious. I am one who drinks with a bit of sugar and cream, rather than straight black, as well as being rather picky on my coffee, as it bothers my stomach if it is overly acidic. I had not problems, at all, with this particular coffee.I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a full-bodied coffee with a slight hint of a vanilla taste. This makes for a delicious drink any time of the day. I love coffee, but prefer mild blends. My husband on the other hand, loves 'smack you in the face" bold coffee. I thought I'd give this a try to see if the low acid version would make my stomach feel better.It has a very strong, deep aroma. Very much like being in a Turkish coffee house. I found the taste too strong, even when diluted in half with mild. It's pretty potent! My husband however, thought it was fantastic. So if you love a bold, deep coffee but can't deal with the stomach pains it can create-give this a try.I'd be interested to try some 'lighter' blends if Puroast creates any. I do appreciat the low acid aspect, and I think they could reach a wider audience with different blends and perhaps even flavored options. I wasn't sure what to expect with these cookies, but I was happy with them after I tried them. The cookies are crisp and crunchy and taste much like other vanilla/sugar cookie type cookies. The filling has a light, creamy lemon taste. It is a nice combination and overall a light flavor. The cookies themselves are not overpowering with flavor and neither is the lemon filling. I will look for these in my local grocery store. Pretty good for something different than the usual chocolate chip or Oreo cookies. This is an interesting pack of organic herbal tea. Based on the tea alone, I would give this product three stars. I simply didn't like it enough to warrant a higher rating. But I'm giving it four stars because this "Garden Pack" is really a sampler of the company's different flavors that allows customers to test out which flavors they might like. I would recommend this product to people who like to drink their tea "neat," that is, without milk or sugar. All the flavors have an earthy taste. Some of them benefit by having the flavor softened with milk, but I'll leave that to your own experimentation. If you like veggies and earthy food in general, this is really good stuff. It makes me imagine I'm drinking the organic isle at the grocery store! These are the little cups that you use for the tea machines. If you haven't seen one, I have encountered quite a few in use at local doctor's offices where they offer various types of tea drinks, sort of a high-end treat for the patients. I got one of the machines at The Goodwill Store for a few bucks, (lots of them there! I think people get these machines but they get tired of fooling with them pretty quickly. I really like the one I got.)Anyway, the tea itself is excellent and it provides the great flavor that we have come to expect from Lipton. The product is easy to use and I have found it very convenient.Highly recommended. This is one of the worst products I have tried. Though I am not a regular tea drinker, I do enjoy a cup of interesting tea from time to time, so this assortment sounded unusual, but intriguing and I was eager to try the various flavors.The aroma of the tea is quite pleasant, reminiscent more of broth than tea. However, the flavor of each of the selections was simply awful. Specifically, each cup was VERY weak despite allowing the tea bag to steep for several minutes. The flavor barely comes through and is like weak, nearly flavorless broth. At best, they taste like the vegetable or herb was dipped in for a short time.I believe the use of the word "tea" is quite misleading. Even as a broth, it is sub-par. I would strongly suggest sampling one of these teas before investing in an entire box. It's the kind of product that will probably wind up on a back shelf in your pantry and eventually tossed out. Hollywood Safflower Oil is our go to oil for most cooking. The smoke point is higher than olive oil, so I set off the smoke alarms less often. It's also very good for making popcorn. I am a big fan of all types of cookies, including all varieties of Fig Newtons. These Fruit Thins are not exactly a thin Fig Newton, they are a thin, circular cookie with bits of fig and a honey flavor. The taste is reminiscent of the original Fig Newtons, but there is no soft, paste filling.The cookies are perfect for a light treat with a cup of tea, and the thinner size keeps them from being too sweet or filling. I think you could compare them somewhat to a sweet biscuit instead of a full size Fig Newton. Light and crisp, my husband and I both enjoyed these cookies, and have already bought another bag. I'm a tea junkie. This unique flavor is perfect served hot or iced. The smell alone is enough to make my mouth water!I like the new bag, as well. I think the shape allows more flavor to seep through. I am not one to play the race card, but when it comes to tea I stand firmly on my Britishness. Tetley's British Blend is real tea, not the pallid, anemic apology for tea that skulks in silly little bags (twee bags) with strings and tags and staples and other absurd paraphernalia attached, in a vain attempt to disguise the uselessness of trying to extract any vestige of taste from the contents. These are round, robust bags that sit purposefully at the base of the cup and mean business. They contain real tea with real taste. Make sure the water is boiling hot when you pour it on, give the bag a minute to soak - encourage it with a little squeezing - then add a drop of low-fat milk or a slice of lemon and enjoy a true cuppa, taking time to sneer at the poor, deluded fools around you, sipping at their pathetic rosehip infusions or vanilla flavored Lobsang Souchang Rama Gupta, or whatever it is.The shelf life is long enough for you to buy it in bulk, and Amazon's price is good, so treat yourself to a proper cuppa. Coffee can only start your day. Tea can make it. Everyone has their own personal tastes, but to me this is a Wow. Why so? First I love the taste. It reminds me of the days when I was young drinking Boones Farm Apple wine on a Friday night. Some may prefer, or liken it to champagne.I'm on a diet, lost the first 10 pounds in 12 days. It is a simple diet, eat as much natural fruit, and vegetables, and salads as I want, and limit my sandwiches at lunch to whole grain bread with lean meats, like chicken, fish, or Boka/Morning Star (soy) burgers, and the same type of meat entree at night for dinner on top of a pile of steamed veggies, and Olive Oil. Yeah lots of olive oil. (Not to excess though) My sandwiches, and dinner's meats/steamed veggies always enjoy piles of sautéed onions, bell pepper, etc. to put on top of them. You could say that it is not a fast, but rather a feast. One of the key ingredients is I have all the fruit I want. At night time if I get hungry, I will eat a whole small jar of natural apple sauce. No sugar added. Oh, and I drink plenty of water. Eight glasses a day? Probably, I don't measure; I just walk around with a large plastic mug, filled with water, and sip all day long.So what does all of this have to do with the IZZE sparkling apple? Namely this. It is a special treat.I would not call it diet food, because in order for fruit to be dietetic, it must be in its natural state. It can be cut into chunks, and fresh frozen, and blended into smoothies, which is my preferred method; eliminates spoilage, and adds to the fun. But you have to avoid concentrating it, thereby increasing the sugar content. In this case, it is from concentrate, but then they add sparkling water. So it is kind of teetering on the fence. That is why I call it a special treat.So for those who may not agree with my dieting methods, or the fact that I easily drop 20 pounds in the spring, and have been doing it for well over 25 years, (Yes I have lost over 500 pounds in my lifetime) and are more interested in having a good time, let's talk about the Wow factor.This stuff tastes great. I quit drinking some 10 years ago, but this is an opportunity to live it up. Whenever I open a can of Izze, it is like a celebration. By the way, I am talking about the apple, and am curious about the other flavors as well. One thing is certain, I will be purchaing more of this when my current case runs out.When dieting, the big enemy is cane sugar, which is fattening. Fruit sugar in its natural state is immediately absorbed by the body, and does not convert to fat readily the way cane sugar does. (All I know is when I eat cane sugar I immediately gain weight, and when I eat all the fruit I want, I lose it)If you are looking to break the canned soda habit, Izze is the way to go. Canned soda has some ungodly amount of cane sugar in it.Another interesting factoid, according to Dr Weil M.D., the nutritional, and natural healing guru, the main benefit from drinking wine is not in the alcohol, but in the grapes. By getting Izze apple, the primary ingredient is grape juice, then apple, etc. So help your heart, or arteries, or whatever they espouse about the benefits of drinking wine, and get some Izze. I'm sold. Once you taste it, many will be too.I think the Izze people are really on to something here. Highly recommended. Fig & Honey Newton Fruit Thins are a graham cracker-like cookie made with whole grains, real fruit, and no high fructose corn syrup. A healthy alternative to the all-time favorite Fig Newton, the nutritional value is a good selling point. Unfortunately, the taste does not live up to the hype. The tiny bits of fig are similar to the skins of popcorn kernels which get stuck in your teeth. The honey flavor seems to be missing. Overall, the cookie is bland. On the plus side, the packaging is quite nifty with the re-tie clasp top. Perhaps the Blueberry Brown Sugar or Raspberry Chocolate varieties are better options. As a beef jerky fan, I was excited to try out Mr. Z's Teriyaki Beef Jerky. Overall I would say the jerky was good, but not exactly amazing, either. The size of the pieces, the texture, and the portion size were all good. However, the flavor seemed a little weak compared to other kinds of teriyaki beef jerky that I have had. The jerky had a good, sweet teriyaki flavor, but in my opinion, the taste could be much improved with even a small amount of black pepper flavor.Mr. Z's Teriyaka Beef Jerky proved to be "okay," but certainly not the best jerky that I have had. I'll be the first to admit that neither my husband nor I are what you'd call health freaks. Yes, we like to eat healthy food, but we don't have a problem with eating some non-healthy foods either. And we can both be a bit skeptical when it comes to "organic", because we've had many different organic things that were disappointing, to say the least.This bar, however, wasn't horrible at all! It tasted quite a bit like a nutty blueberry muffin, which is always pleasant to taste! The texture was good - not too hard, not too soft. We've eaten some bars that were far too hard to eat and made you think you were going to break your tooth on them! This bar, however, was nice and moist (which my husband particularly enjoyed).And we were both in shock to find that there was absolutely no sodium in this bar - astounding!For a health food bar, we both consider it to be absolutely wonderful. The only reason we gave it 4 stars is because my husband wished that it would have had a bit more taste to it - he likes strong, bold flavors, and this was more of a muted, sweet flavor. I, however, thought that the flavor was perfect. The thing that we both agreed upon was that we would definitely eat more of these, and will be looking into other flavors for our children (they don't care for nuts) - they'd be a great snack for them, and for us as well! This product has a wonderful mix of flavors and textures in every bite. It is a mix of whole grains, blueberries, and flax seeds that are then lightly flavored with vanilla. The different ingredients all have different tastes and consistencies that make this mix feel good in your mouth. It has a very lightly sweetened taste that makes it delicious as a "munchy". It's also wonderful on top of yogurt or eaten like a cereal. It's very healthy and keeps well over a period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend this product. The nuts are what make this bar tolerable. The texture without them is unpleasant. I guess that's because there is no egg, flour or corn syrup used to hold it together. It reminds me of an Atkin's bar I tried once. Water to wash it down is a MUST!Certified Organic Ingredients include: Organic Dates, Organic Cashews, Organic Walnuts, Organic Rice Protein Concentrate, Organic Wild Blueberries (With Organic Apple Juice Concentrate and Organic Sunflower Oil), Organic Agave Nectar, Organic Almonds, Organic Lemon Juice Concentrate, Organic Blueberry Flavor.3 STARS: I gave the taste a 1 and added 2 stars for the healthy factor. These sound so good for you that I wish I liked them. I love coffee and continue to drink it occasionally even though I have a sensitivity to caffeine these days. It took me THREE mornings to finish this tiny 6.8-ounce can, about 2 ounces a day to where I was feeling that buzz. This stuff is strong. It's billed as a coffee drink, but it really is more of an espresso, so keep that in mind. I appreciated that the caffeine content was listed on the can, 152 mg, which is higher than a lot of coffee, which tends to be 100 to 120 mg per serving.It definitely has a strong coffee taste, with no sweetness at all, not even an artificial sweetener. With only the three ingredients, it's your basic straight-up stuff. The tea has a nice spice flavor, medium dark reddish brown coloring, and light aroma. I did not find the tea to be as spicy as some other brands, but it was delicious none the less. First off, there isn't very much tea in the bag, less than 1/3 full. Regular lipton black tea is usually half full of tea leaves (I added an image to show) And it takes quite awhile to steep, but once the flavor starts to get into the water you can start to smell a fruity smell, like blackberries.I use the same mug I usually drink my lipton black tea in every day. And the same amount of water with that tea, I get a lot of flavor. But, with this tea it tastes very watered down. I feel like I have to put another tea bag in it to get more flavor. It barely changes the color of the water it is like a very light peachy color. I get a hint of flavor when I take a sip. I had to add two bags just to get more of a color and taste to it. Started to change to a more blush color.It is a bit bitter, so I added honey in it to really make the flavors sweeten up.I can taste the blackberry, but not the pomegranate. But after looking at the ingredients I can see why, there isn't any pomegranate even added. Why call it pomegranate if there isn't any?It is okay, I do like the taste once honey is added but I have to add honey and two bags before I really get a taste. This tea has a warm, spicy flavor to it, sort of like chai. Chai is not one of my favorite kinds of teas, but if you like it, then you'll probably like this. This tea is pretty strong, which I like. Best with milk and sugar. These cookies would be better if they were made with rolled oats instead of oat flour. The crumbly and mealy texture does not provide an enjoyable experience. I was disappointed with the taste of Ritz Crackerful Multigrain crackers. I love Ritz crackers, but these are dry and crumble easily, as other reviewers have said. They don't have much taste. They're convenient to carry for snacks, but I really don't want to waste my calories on these. I am not a huge fan of coffee, however, this coffee is excellent. The aroma while it is brewing is outstanding and it really delivers once you take a drink. The vanilla flavor is strong, but not overpowering, the coffee has a nice full taste. I have served this to a few friends and they all loved it as well.Highly recommend if you are looking for a nice flavored coffee! The flavor is excellent and the tea bag is a pretty cool design. I like tea with caffeine, but I still enjoyed this one because the flavors were robust. It was pretty close to having loose tea, but in the convenience of a tea bag. The infusion was very good.I would buy more boxes. ...this would be what it would taste like.As a mom to a newborn, I am looking for any pick-me up. I jumped at the chance to try this via the Vine program, as I am fond of many of the Jamba Juice smoothies and I like apple flavor. The initial taste was quite pleasant, and the drink smells good when you open it. Unfortunately, the initial taste is followed by a flavor that is not good and is very reminiscent of bitter medicine. (While stevia, which is used as a sweetener in this beverage can have a bitter taste, that is not the flavor that I experienced.)What I liked:* No artificial green coloring. I imagined it would look like absinthe when I poured it, but it is more similar to a sparkling apple cider.* The smell is nice.* 70% juice* 90 calories per serving - not bad in terms of energy drinksWhat I didn't like:* The aftertaste.* What energy jolt?* The aftertaste.* Feeling like I needed a chaser after each sip.* The aftertaste.The aftertaste was bad enough that I felt it was a chore to drink the entire beverage. I didn't experience any major pick-me-up that was noticeable, either. I am sorely disappointed and certainly wouldn't recommend this product to people that I like. I'm not a real big sauce person, but once in a while, I like to try something different (especially if it might have a little spicy nature to it). So, when I got the chance to try the Taco Bell Jalapeno Sauce, I thought, jalapenos may have a bit of a zing; lets try it. Well, although the sauce is tasty and creamy, there is very little zing (hence the 4 stars). Even my 3 year old liked it and she does not like anything spicy. This sauce wasn't my favorite on Tacos, but I did like dipping carrots and celery into it as a little snack. Cant wait to see what else we use it for. Lipton Herbal Pyramid Tea Blackberry Vanilla is an interesting hot beverage; an herbal and fruit- enhanced product with only a small amount of real tea flavor and a taste that is dominated by rose hips, hibiscus, and berries. This flavor is one of a dozen or so in the pyramid tea family: A family of teas so named because of the pyramid shaped tea bag that is more like a net than a traditional tea bag, allowing the water to flow more freely and the tea to steep more thoroughly.Lipton Herbal Pyramid Tea Blackberry Vanilla has a nice aroma that features herbs, vanilla, and dark fruit with some tea lurking in the background. It certainly smells nice and the taste is good as well. But the problem is the same thing others have stated: There is no real flavor of vanilla. I expected the vanilla taste to be more noticeable, especially considering the scent, but it just isn't there.The lack of vanilla is a bit of a letdown, but if you can get past the fact that the product uses the word vanilla on the label, you will find that this is a nice cup of tea and it makes a good choice when you want a hot, after dinner drink that is somewhat dessert- like in its taste. Actually, it seems like the perfect companion to a piece of berry pie and the herbal ingredients and lack of any calories make it a good choice when you want to drink something that tastes good and not feel any guilt.Tea is one of my favorite drinks and Lipton Herbal Pyramid Tea Blackberry Vanilla is a good- tasting product from Lipton, the world leader in tea. I would probably like it better if there was a greater component of vanilla in the taste, but this is still a good tea and certainly worth a try. This will be the bottle that you grab from the fridge if you are really thirsty! The bottles are big! I like that about them because I can grab one and drink from it for a couple of hours and really stay hydrated. The taste is just cool, clean and refreshing. No aftertaste at all. This is good water. Firstly, making a cup of tea (when you've grown up in an English environment) is an art. You just don't dunk a T-bag in boiling water for a second and then drink. The best way is to make put into a tea-pot about 3 teaspoons of loose black tea then let it steep for at least 5 minutes. Then add a tiny amount of sugar and milk (if you like it white and sweet). Oh also...milk.....that's cream to Americans! But cream to us is what rises and sits on top of the milk when it's in the vat after just coming out of the cow and waiting to be picked up by a tanker and taken to a dairy factory to be put into a box to go to the market). K-cup tea is an amazing thing! The tea comes out perfectly without having to steep it . This particular tea is very nice and I would recommend you try it. I love chocolate. If a manufacturer wants to guarantee that I'll toss a box of their product into the basket at the grocery store, just add some chocolate. Well, unless it's bacon, bacon doesn't need chocolate.When I saw this Nature's Path, I thought it would be a great replacement for my typical evening treat of Cocoa Krispies. And health-wise, it is a step in the right direction. A definite plus, because I can now say "healthy" and "chocolate cereal" in the same sentence.Unfortunately, I have finally found something that I consider too rich and chocolaty. The actual cocoa-saturated oat clusters are very good, not too sweet, just the right amount of crunch (if you eat fast enough). If they'd added more than a thimbleful of the dried strawberries, I think the taste would be darned near irresistible. Unfortunately, there's not enough of the tangy berry to offset the very rich and sweet chocolate. The addition of actual chunks of dark chocolate just really take it over the top.This does make me want to try some of Nature's Path other cereal offerings, the quality of the product is very good, and the ingredients are healthy. 2.75 starsThis dressing/sauce is pretty good. The ranch flavor isn't very pronounced, but it has a slightly spicy kick to it. I don't think I would use it regularly because it had an artificial taste. However, it's not horrible and I could see those who are tired of the same old ranch dressing giving this a try. Numi Teas are the most wonderful teas I've tasted in a long time. I recently became acquainted with them at an event where they were the tea of choice on the dessert table. I used to love Tazo but Numi is my new favorite. First off, as soon as you open the box, the fragrance of the tea hits you. And cardamom has to be one of the most glorious fragrances on the planet. It's a sweet, gentle fragrance that affects my mood and makes me happy. It also tastes good (cardamom, in general, tastes amazing in everything - I wonder why we Americans don't use it more regularly). This tea also has a slightly spicy flavor but not as spicy as say a strong chai tea. I have tried this with a little milk but prefer it without in general.Pu-erh Tea is a tea that is fermented as opposed to oxidized. I believe traditional oolong black teas and green teas are oxidized. Oxidized teas do have a lot of health benefits but apparently, fermented tea also has numerous benefits without the punch of caffeine. Fermented tea is reportedly better for the digestive process than oxidized teas but I don't know what the science really is on that.Delicious, richness in a cup. Price is a bit high but it really is a lovely tea. Maybe as a treat. Lipton To Go Stix Iced Green Tea Mix is convenient and refreshing. One "stick" makes 16 oz of iced tea when mixed with water. (Note, the nutrition information shown on the package is for 8 oz, so you need to double the nutritional values if you consume the whole beverage.)The tea crystals do not dissolve easily, it will take some time to do it right. The flavor is variable, from sweet to sour to bitter at times.The sweeteners include honey, sugar and suclarose (Splenda.) Blackberry and pomegranate is an odd combination, but is not too bad. The packets are small and easy to carry around with you. If you like, you can just dissolve a packet into a 16 oz container of bottled water on the go. It is an ok drink, but I wouldn't go out of my way to find it. These are very rich, I ate 2 and was satisfied. The fudge is good, not waxy, and the mint is not overpowering. I like that there is only one side of the cookie in these, but those looking for more crunch may want to get the regular fudge dipped oreos, I do not know if they make a mint version of those.These are definitely an occasional treat. There are 170 calories for three of these cookies, which I thought was pretty high, but I reminded myself that Oreos are chocolate cookies with frosting sandwiched between them -- what do I expect? :)I think anyone who is a chocolate mint fan would like these. I would support Girl Scouts and buy their mint cookies first, but if they are not selling them these Oreos would be a good alternative to keep in the freezer when your stash of Thin Mints have run out. No, I do not have a daughter in GS or know anyone who does; I'd just rather give them my money over Nabisco if the option is available. The sampler pack contains a bunch of different products with diverse uses. The oils are nice and pack some flavor. The syrups and other desert flavors were less successful for me. Perhaps I just don't know how to utilize them well. I don't really find it a good value for the money. Each bottle really is a sampler size and not enough for more than a few uses. It seems like a 'savory' sampler or 'sweet' sampler might make more sense. I was sort of looking for a product like this and luckily for me, this one became available.The actual Taco Bell Restaurants used to have a taco salad that I liked and, unexplainably, they discontinued it -- but by incorporating the ingredients that they formerly used and by topping the salad with this dressing, it tastes much the same to me.Over and above that, if you're tired of the same old Italian or Ranch dressing on your green salad this will bump it up a notch. It's especially good if you include sliced boiled eggs in your salads. You can also use this dressing (a small amount) to infuse an entirely new flavor into your home-made coleslaw.Everyone in the household who tried this product liked it so you're not going to be stuck with something unwanted if you give it a try.Recommended. Was not sure what to expect, as the box was a little basic and the instructions were pretty short. Just brown your beef in oil, remove, and then add the coconut powder, water and the solid curry paste and then stir. Once the mix was boiling, I reduced the heat and added the beef back in. Very simple and easy.But, surprise of surprises-- its really good. I served it up over brown rice and green beans, and received rave reviews on the meal. The curry and coconut milk flavors are strong, and the big chucks of spices really pay off in the taste of the curry. If I had been served this in a restaurant I would have been happy. To make it at home in about 20-30 minutes was really nice. I think the sauce kit also would have been good with chicken or pork as well.I am looking forward to trying more Prima Taste stuff based on how good this was. Highly Recommended! I got this for my hubby, who is the real coffee drinker around here. The smell when it's brewing is so delicious. It smells sweet and kind of caramel-ish. The coffee is smooth, and the flavor is subtle but definitely there. We brew it in a Keurig machine using the filter attachment. Definitely worth repurchasing. I love the flavor of this! At first, I wasn't sure and the combination of raspberry and chipotle sounded weird, but I have been converted! This is fabulous on grilled meats and the smell is wonderful. My only gripe are the calories. This is not low-cal. Actually, far from it and you could easily rack up 100-200 calories on this topping, alone. If you can accept the caloric intake, then try this on your next grilled chicken and you will not be disappointed. The kernels are big and fluffy and coated with white cheddar cheese - yummy! The popcorn was lightly salted and there weren't any "old maids." Perfect for snacking. I've purchased the dried apples from this company before and figured I would give the clusters a try.I appreciate the fact that this food id USDA organic, gluten free, corn free, and vegan. In fact, the ingredients are simple: organic apples, organic apple juice concentrate, organic potato starch, organic cinnamon.In a 1/4 cup of these apple clusters, which remind me of rolled up oats ans/or hemp cereal, you receive 60 calories, with 0 calories from fat. There is no cholesterol, no protein, 1% of calcium, 2% of vitamin C, 2g of dietary fiber, 10 g of sugar, and 14 g of total carbohydrate.All in all, a healthy snack. The packaging makes it convenient for the on the go snack -- it is in a resealable 2.1 oz pouch (60 g), or four servings per package. Just enough to tantalize the senses, but not enough to pig out.The clusters are sugary bowls with a tint of cinnamon and a crunch reminiscent of cereal.Honestly, I prefer the taste of a real apple or the dried apples this brand sells at Starbucks, but in lieu of that, this is a good healthy snack alternative.Allergy alert: If you are extra sensitive, beware that this food is processed in a facility with nuts, dairy, wheat and soy. Have been enjoying this tea with the warmer days here. Easy to mix and toss in a couple of ice cubes.If not for the following two complaints, I could give this product 5-stars:1) Half a pouch is deemed a serving. Okay, 5 calories vs. 10 calories isn't a big deal, but seriously who is only going to use half of one of these tiny tubes? Most people don't even understand how little 8oz is. Starbucks serves 8oz short drinks, but they don't list it on the menu and people would probably laugh when they saw the size...just as an example.2) Advertising that there is NO aspartame is hugely misleading because it 'suggests' there is no artificial sweetener since honey is prominently displayed and listed. Yes, there is no aspartame, but there's sucralose, which is also an artificial sweetener. And WHY even have an artificial sweetener when honey is the very first ingredient listed?I don't get why it's difficult to reconcile such issues as the ones I've noted here.Like I said, the tea is tasty and refreshing, but those who make the product, package the product and market the product need to get real. My husband and I use a lot of organic coconut oil for baking and as an addition to vegetable dishes. This particular brand is certified organic and non-GMO. It has not been processed with hexane or bleach and it is cold-pressed. It has an excellent aroma and flavor.Normally I use Garden of Life because it comes in a glass jar. However, the plastic used here is free of BPA's.For those with allergies: The label on the coconut oil warns that it may contain trace amounts of tree nuts, sesame seed, and peanuts.Coconut oil is a good substitute for non-organic butter and margarine made from hydrogenated fat (which produces inflammation in the body).Coconut oil adds an exquisite taste to almost any food it is included in, but especially curries, baked goods and homemade ice cream.Coconut oil is excellent for the skin. It moisturizes, protects and heals the skin, and it functions as a mild sunscreen. Its natural smell is heavenly, and it makes a wonderful massage oil. It can be used to condition the hair. When used as a mouthwash, the fatty acid it contains, lauric acid, kills harmful microbes, thereby helping prevent cavities and gum disease.We have, fortunately, moved past the era when consumers were wrongly warned to avoid coconut oil in their diet because it is a saturated fat. As it turns out, liquid, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and, worse, hydrogenated, solid PUFA, which consumers were advised to substitute for saturated fats, are truly awful for the health. Among other problems, they suppress thyroid and immune function and spread free radicals in the body. Coconut oil, on the other hand, has so many health benefits, it is now classified by many health experts as a "superfood."Research has indicated that coconut oil is helpful in treating and preventing Alzheimer's, and it helps prevent epileptic seizures. It is protective of the thyroid. It satiates hunger so you crave less food when you eat, and it raises the metabolism so that the body is more efficient in burning fat, especially the most dangerous kind, visceral, abdominal fat. It raises the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and lowers the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood.In addition to the fatty acid, lauric acid, that coconut oil naturally contains, during digestion the body creates from coconut oil a monoglyceride called monolaurin. Both of these fatty acids have the ability to kill harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses in the body. This means that if you regularly consume coconut oil, you are less likely to become sick from food-borne illnesses, flu and colds. It also insulates you from the effects of Staphylococcus Aureus (a very dangerous pathogen) and Candida Albicans, which causes yeast infections throughout the body.Coconut oil is classified as a "fruit oil," and they are considered the healthiest oils around. Other fruit oils include avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, grape seed oil, and olive oil. Technically nut oils are also fruit oils, because a nut can, by one definition, be seen as a "one-seeded fruit." However, the reverse is not true of a coconut. Though a coconut is a fruit, is not truly a nut. A true nut, for example an acorn, does not open up when it is mature in order to release its seeds. Instead, the seeds are released when the walls of the fruit decay or it is eaten and digested by an animal and released onto the ground in the midst of animal waste. In contrast, a coconut has three pores or "eyes" at one end. Within these pores the coconut seed germinates and a shoot emerges from the pores much in the way shoots emerge from the "eye" of a potato.DISCLAIMER: I received a sample of this oil from Viva Labs in order to test it out. I was under no obligation to write a review. I love my Keurig brewer. I mainly use it for coffee, but I also wanted to try making other beverages with it. I am a big tea drinker, so I jumped at the chance to use my Keurig to make tea. This tea is very aromatic. It has a very smooth flavor. Others have noticed that it is very sweet, and it is more sweet than black tea normally is. I like sweet tea, but I did find that I was using less sugar with this because it was a bit sweet on its own. I suspect they must have added some form of artificial sweetener to it. With this pack I got 19 K-cups. That is more than you usually get when you buy a pack of these. I like the tea a lot. I just wish they did not make it so sweet for a black tea. But overall it is good, and I love the convenience of using the Keurig brewer to now brew tea. As other reviewers have also mentioned, this cookie is very crumbly. A lot of them actually were broken upon receipt (which isn't Nabisco's problem). When you actually start eating them, they crumble at the first bite and make quite the mess. I wouldn't want my toddler to eat these in the living room, for example. The Fruit Thins are a great alternative to a regular processed cookie, however, and are 140 calories and only 5 grams of fat for 3. Compared to some others, this is quite a bit better nutritional profile.I wish they were a tad more moist and chewy, which I expected from a Newton cookie. But overall these are still very enjoyable and a nice change of pace from other cookies. I really liked the Strawberry Banana Jamba Juice Energy Drink. It has a naturally sweet flavor without being artificial or too "sticky" sweet. It was super easy to drink and my only complaint is that it didn't come in a bigger can!Whether I had more energy after drinking this versus not drinking this at all is perhaps debatable, but I didn't feel tired nor did I feel jittery. (Drank around 1:30 PM). I highly recommend this fizzy concoction whether or not you're looking for an energy boost. It's very tasty and refreshing. Green tea is usually too light for my taste buds and I think it tastes like weak watered down tea. But this tea is great once I let it steep for about 3 minutes in hot water and I add a half teaspoon of sugar which enhances the lemon notes. I recommend this green tea because the lemon adds to the flavor and brings out the best in the tea leaves which makes the tea taste bright and lively. I would love to try other flavors from this brand simply because this tea impressed me that much and I usually shy away from green teas and favor black teas but this one could convert me. It is yummy iced too! The tea has a nice spice flavor, medium dark reddish brown coloring, and light aroma. I did not find the tea to be as spicy as some other brands, but it was delicious none the less. These were a little too gooey for me. Parents should have napkins readily available for young children as there may be quite a mess, especially if it was hot weather. Also, having been through the shipping system, many of the cookies were broken. Of course if you can find these in the store, you probably won't have this issue. One thing you could do is refrigerate them and then you will have a nice soft cookie that doesn't seem to melt on your finders. My recommendation is to purchase these in winter months only. In the last few months, I've reviewed two books that touted the value of coconut oil and its many uses. When I searched for "coconut oil" in Amazon books, I got several thousand hits. It's definitely a hot topic these days, yet I can remember when the consumption of coconut oil was widely disparaged because of its saturated fat. Fast forward a few decades, and although some health authorities still don't like coconut oil, the tide has turned and the oil is being praised for its many benefits, both internal and external.The Viva Labs product is "extra virgin." Since it hasn't been refined or heavily processed, it has a very mild coconut taste and aroma, both of which were very pleasant to my palate and nose. The melting temperature is about 76 F, so at most room temperatures, the oil has a soft creamy texture. I tried a spoonful, and it's quite tasty. I then fried some breaded shrimp in the oil, and it was delicious. I'm looking forward to substituting coconut oil for olive or canola oil in some of the recipes my wife and I use.Healthwise, because much of the saturated fat of extra virgin coconut oil is in the form of lauric acid, coconut oil is considered to be a better alternative to partially hydrogenated vegetable oils when solid fats are required. In addition, virgin coconut oil is composed mainly of medium-chain triglycerides (aka "healthy fats"), which may not carry the same risks as other saturated fats. Recent findings indicate that daily consumption of coconut oil may boost brain performance and could even help to prevent Alzheimer's.The two books on coconut oil that I reviewed also mentioned the external uses of the product for improving skin moisture and appearance, and for aromatherapy and massage therapy. It can even be used as a restorative treatment on hair.Coconut oil is definitely a hot product today, and my experience with the Viva Labs Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil has been very positive. I tried the sister product, theTaco Bell Jalapeno Saucein August, and wrote a review for it. Overall, this is a slightly better product, with better color and a better taste making the small difference.As with the jalapeno sauce, this product appears to be trying to cover too many bases. It's "sauce," which means it could go into anything, in cooking or in serving, so it seems to be landing as both a cooking ingredient and as a table condiment. And it could go on anything from your breakfast eggs to your mac `n cheez for dinner, which makes it a table condiment for breakfast, lunch, dinner, any time. And its "bold," the American euphemism for something that's not really spicy, is marginally beyond the typical bland and boring that most Americans rely upon. It's got the tiniest tinge of spice, but isn't powerful in the least; the taste of this product does not qualify as "bold." Now, the taste ofCheez-It Hot & Spicy; they got "bold" with that one.The bottle's copy says the same as the jalapeno sauce, that it's perfect with "tacos, Mexican salads and sandwich wraps." In our house it went on pork roast, couscous, green beans, Brussels sprouts, meatloaf, and french fries. My kids (13 and 15) both liked the sauce and declared it was definitely better than the jalapeno sauce.The basis of this sauce is a mayo/buttermilk dressing-type mixture. I don't know, but it strikes me that all of the Taco Bell sauces start with the same plain base, and the respective flavors are just dumped in at the factory. The sauce is not chunky in the slightest, and squeezes right out of the bottle.The pluses in this product are the color and taste. Where the jalapeno sauce faltered because of an unappetizing color of mayonnaise-off-white with mysterious green flecks, this one's smoky-creamy orange color is far more appealing. It looks better in the packaging, and it looks much better on the plate and on the food. The taste also is better. Jalapeno is a very distinctive taste, and those who know it and seek it out want that hard burst of powerful, earthy jalapeno punch, the chipotle taste is one that is more subtle, not nearly as strong, and as such works much better in this sauce. The taste of this product is slightly smoky, with a good tang--not bold, mind you, and not even close to spicy.The sauce is just a bit too runny, though. Yeah, it's in a squeeze bottle and it's got to have the right consistency to actually flow out of the packaging, but at the same time, it's a bit too runny when it gets on the plate. Taco Bell needs to thicken it up just a little bit more to get it to the right consistency.This sauce is not bad; it does not taste bad. It just doesn't deliver on what I'm looking for when it comes to spicy. If I were starving on a desert island, I'd slurp this stuff out of the bottle and call it the Food of the Gods.Bottom line: "Creamy" this sauce is, but "bold" it is not. Our family knows hot and spicy, and a lame American "bold" doesn't cut it for us. If we want Scoville-graded heat with our food, we'll go for theSriracha,Crystal,Cholula, etc. If we want creamy, we'll go for the all-American ranch dressing or straight-up mayo, and we'll leave this product on the shelf. These are diced-dried organic apples with a dash of cinnamon; they are tasty and have a nice crunchy flavor. I especially like the cinnamon flavor, but as other reviewers have noted, this is a little hard to bite. I also find that the serving size is small and the product is a little pricey. I would rather eat some sort of fruity cereals or dried fruits from the local grocery or drug stores.1.Love Grown Foods Oat Clusters and Love, Apple Walnut Delight, 12-Ounce (Pack of 3)2.Leila Bay Trading Company Apple Cinnamon Granola 6 Pack [Misc.] I really enjoy the flavor of ginger, so I was really hoping that the ginger flavor would be prominent in this tea. The Pu'erh tea has a pleasant taste, but the ginger is not as strong as I would have liked. I recently tried theCardamom Pu'erh Tea Bags, 16-Counttea and I honestly like it better than the ginger version.Pu'erh tea is supposed to have some great health benefits (aids in digestion, weight management, and energy). I can't say that I've noticed a big difference in those areas, but if nothing else, it's an enjoyable cup of tea - just be aware that Pu'erh does have a rather distinct flavor compared to other teas. These cookies are made with recognizable ingredients. I really enjoyed the taste and flavor. I found the cookies to be light but just slightly on the dry side but it wasn't enough to make me not want to eat them. I think these are a great alternative to all the fake foods out there and would choose these over other alternatives. Two cookies have 140 calories, and saturated fat is 15%. The product description fails to mention that these may contain peanut and tree nuts, so if you have nut allergies you should avoid these. This product is very good. The connection with Taco Bell adds a familiarity. The packaging is excellent as is the color of the product. The color and the taste are consistent, which is good. The flavor is very balanced in body, mouth feel, acidity and spiciness. It has a genuine peppery flavor with just enough temperature but not too hot. The only thing that needs to be changed is that it is way too salty. I added a little to way under seasoned food and it was just right. Otherwise, adding it to food of normal degree of seasoning would be too salty. It is a shame because the taste is so good. You want to use a fair amount but that would make the food too salty. Less salt will let the nice flavors come off better. Salt helps to bring up flavor except if there is too much. Then it obscures and overpowers the intrinsic flavor of the product itself and ultimately the dish that it is being added to. I'm not much for flavored coffees but wanted to give this a shot. I actually had to go higher than the recommended 4 teaspoons to 8 ounces of water because the flavor was just simply too weak. Adding another couple teaspoons had it in the wheelhouse of the typically stronger coffee I like to drink. The flavor is pleasant and not overly sweet, and the peppermint flavor is obvious but not as strong as I expected- a good thing, in my view. Overall, it's a fine drink, but because I am a black coffee drinker, it's not for me. Recommended for those who like sugar or creamer in their coffee, and who are looking for something Christmasy to drink for the holiday/winter season. I bought a multi-box of flavors but this was the absolute best flavor (IMHO) in there so it's the one I'll comment on. Spicy, sweet, flavorful, fun, crispy, lower fat than chips, I loved it. I'll be buying more but only of this flavor. The other flavors weren't so great (salt & pepper and cheddar aren't too bad) but this one rocked. Very taste little cookies with rich chocolate fudge. The cookies were fresh and delicious. When trying to look for a cheaper brand, the cookies tend to taste greasy but these Keebler mini cookies didn't have that greasy feeling. They don't have high fructose corn syrup or trans fats, both a plus. A container is good for 2-3 people as a snack. Like with any other food item, I recommend reading the ingredients list and the nutritional value before purchasing. These Honey Dijon chips bring a terrific balance of salty, tangy, sweet and crunchy. Other brands I've tried use too much mustard flavor, which overpowers the Honey Dijon pairing.These chips make a great side dish on a BBQ plate with baked beans, coleslaw or potato salad and grilled meat. Naturally, they also go down great with beer.As an Oregonian, I'm proud to share these delectable snacks with friends, especially those living outside our state and who haven't experienced gourmet chips. I tell them Kettle Brand does for potato chips what microbrews did for beer.Kettle Brand potato chips are unmistakable--a light gold color, rich flavor and amazing crunch. Kettle Brand chips are also a healthier snacking option than the major chip brands. Kettle Brand chips don't have trans fats, MSG or artificial flavors and colorings. The company also has a line of organic potato chips and all of their products are certified Kosher.I also recommend these other Kettle Chips flavors:Kettle Chips Sea Salt & VinegarandKettle Chips Spicy Thai.Annette Solomon, a reporter for the Salem Statesman Journal recently noted that a glass of wine goes nicely with these chips. Solomon wrote, " could be missing out on a wonderful pairing. These chips are spicy, so you would want to select a semi-sweet white wine. Also, a moderate amount of acid will subdue the strong flavors of ginger, lime, garlic and cilantro without over-powering them. Classically, a German-style Riesling fits these parameters perfectly." The Numi packaging and advertising is a little over the top, but that shouldn't take away from the tea. Pu'erh tea goes through a 60 day fermentation process, so it's not going to be a flowery fluffy desserty type of a tea.There are hints of cardamom in this, but just like theGinger Pu'erh Tea Bags, 16-CountI have a hard time finding spiciness in the flavor.The package contains 16 individually sealed non-GMO biodegradable tea bags. The outside container has a perforated area at the bottom, so if you gently press through the part on the front of the packaging, you get a nice re-closeable box for the tea bags. The package includes an expiration ("Best Before End") date.The inside flap includes a recipe. This one is for a jelly, the Ginger for iced tea. I opened the box using the perforation so I didn't even realize there was a recipe in the inside flap. A quarter-size sticky keeps the flap attached to the main box, so you don't even have to open it that way unless you want the recipe.Every tea bag has a small indentation, a hint as to where to tear it open. Each bag includes brewing instructions (3 to 5 minutes). But I was disappointed that each tea bag is attached to its string with a small staple. I am sure there are better ways of doing this without the need for staples!Being stingy, I can get two 8oz cups of tea from each tea bag. Obviously the first one is stronger but because this is a strong and dark tea, the second cup still looks dark. I steep the first time for 3 minutes (using a timer). Given its strength, this is good as iced tea as well.The package says that it has higher caffeine but it doesn't provide a number. I usually get a caffeine kick from coffee, but I did not get a kick from this one. Caffeine-wise, it felt like green tea. Some people claim that tea caffeine is slower to enter the bloodstream than coffee caffeine, and tea typically has less caffeine than coffee. This certainly explains my reaction to it but caffeine reaction varies, so it's hard to tell how it will affect others. Viva Labs' coconut oil was my first venture into cooking with coconut oil. It comes cold-pressed and has the consistency of hardened shortening. But, that is where the loose resemblance to shortening ends. Viva Labs' coconut oil smells great, tastes great, and adds a hint of coconut/sweetness to whatever I cook. I have also eaten teaspoons right out of the container & the coconut oil has a pure coconut flavor - a light flavor that is quite pleasing.Overall, the coconut oil does not leave my food greasy & the added, subtle flavor addition really enhances some of the meals that I cook - I've used this coconut oil with chicken, popcorn & oatmeal cookies. Everything was quite tasty.I am almost finished with my container & coconut oil will stay on my shopping list now that I've discovered bow much I like it.**Disclaimer**Viva Labs sent me their product for review purposes. The review is my own opinion & Viva Labs did not request/require a positive review. "Sitting on the porch of a bungalow on a tea plantation in Darjeeling, you can see the peaks of Everest and Kanchenjunga as you sip a cup of this exquisite brew. Life is good." ~tea packetIf you want a subtle tea with a smooth, soothing flavor, then Darjeeling is an excellent choice. The slightly floral flavor is much milder than an Earl Grey. I especially love this blend when eating a Caramel Apple Cobbler Clif Bar. For some reason, the flavors mingle nicely.While many of the Tazo teas are blends of a variety of teas, this tea is purely a blend of Organic Black Darjeeling teas. The tea is grown near India's border with Bhutan. There are only "true Darjeeling" tea leaves in this tea.This tea is just perfect when blended with an Organic Sucanat: Natural Sugar Cane. You might also want to try using "milk powder" instead of cold milk with your tea. I find it helps to keep the tea strength and adds a creamy element to the smoothness of this tea.Darjeeling is a very satisfying blend for morning tea. You might also enjoy AWAKE and Earl Grey if you enjoy this tea.I just love the packaging of the Tazo Teas. The individual wrappings have a nice crinkly sound and the colors are all so soothing and quite beautiful. These teas are definitely for the aesthetically aware. Drinking Tazo teas literally becomes a magical experience. There is something mysterious going on here. The teas even seem to have a magical glint or luster to them. When you drink Tazo teas the world looks more beautiful and you feel much more aware of life itself. I find that my creativity soars after drinking Tazo teas.For more information on the mysteries of Tazo Tea, read the review for the Tazo Assorted Teas.For a calming experience try the Tazo Calm Herbal Infusion which is perfect for quiet evenings, after completing a yoga workout or just to sip on while you write in your journal.~The Rebecca Review This tea is really different. I taste chocolate if I think about it, don't notice the orange, cinnamon or vanilla at all and find the nutmeg to be the strongest flavor. Take the word "strongest" with a grain of salt....I found this tea to be very watery with little body. Perhaps I added too much water - I used about 8 ounces. I even just left the bag in the mug, hoping that if it steeped longer the flavors would intensify. No luck. Even my favorite tea, Stash White Christmas, which is made with white tea, has more body than this. I can make that in my 12 ounce mug and still have a good cup of tea. I don't see myself ever reordering this tea; it's just too strange a flavor and too weak for my taste. 2 stars.After further review I've found that just 2 drops of stevia made a difference in the flavor; made it more palatable. I also gave the teabag a good squeeze and that helped slightly. I raise my rating to 2.5 stars, rounded to 3. First I was pleased that the cookies arrived not only fresh but I good order; nothing broken. The cookie advertise all natural and they are good. It taste like a shortbread cookie with chocolate chips in it. These would not be my first choice but I would consider buying them if my first choice was out of stock. Enjoyable. Chip's Ahoy Chewy Gooey Megafudge cookies are the latest addition to the family of Chip's Ahoy cookies. The picture on the front shows a soft cookie gently being split in two with gooey chocolate oozing out. Random chocolate chips, both dark and white are scattered about. Should be chocolicious.The cookies aren't bad. There was no discernible liquid goo in the center, but more of a sensation of slightly underbaked cookie. The texture is OK, it definitely is a very strong chocolately flavor, and overall will satisfy the need for a chocolate cookie. If you have no other options.Generally, a homemade cookie will beat out a packaged cookie every time. So, lets just compare this cookie to other packaged cookies. Nothing holds a candle to Oreo's because they are in a class all by themselves. Compared to the rest of the cookies out there, these are pretty good (note 3 star rating).They are packaged in an extremely noisy resealable package, ostensibly to keep them fresh. You won't be sneaking anything out of this package, in fact, don't go looking for one in the middle of the night because you'll wake up your whole household, and possibly your neighbors. The reseal option is nice, keeps them safely contained and might add to the freshness. With the number of preservatives listed on the label, not sure if freshness will be an issue.Overall, not bad, not great. Kids will love them. Well, I like a bit of heat. I live in Arizona and I grow my own peppers. Keep that in mind. I like this stuff. I used it as a sauce on chicken. It has a wonderful flavor. Now, if you think a bottle of Tabasco is a lifetime supply, pass on this, but if you don't mind a little heat, give it a try. Based on my previous great experience with Newman's Own products, I got the Pomegranate Licorice. Opening the package treats you to a wonderful aroma. The licorice itself has a beautiful rich color and is made from cane sugar and tastes like real licorice unlike some which are more waxy and tough and lacking authentic flavor. This is tender and tasty and a real treat. The package is just the right size for a snack. Glad I got them! Now excuse me I need to get back to chomping licorice. There is very little tea taste, you can taste a fruity flavor and a little honey BUT it does contain sucralose which is NOT natural. I would think this is false advertising if you claim a product is all natural and has ingredients that are not natural??? It is overly sweet and really doesn't taste natural to this is a Warning that this product contains sucralose (splenda)I had thought it would only be sweetened with honey because that is the only sweetener mentioned in the description. As a consumer I make a point at eating quality food and care about what I put in my body. I search out organic and I am willing to pay the price for it.I am an avid buyer of Newman's Own products, and like their other products. The pomegranate was high quality and tasty.Compared to the major brand licorice, Newman's own pomegranate has 10g of sugar and 2g of protein compared to 18g and 1.3g respectively. The first ingredient in Newman's own is Organic Wheat Flour while the other licorice is corn syrup.The taste of the Pomegranate licorice is strong and sweet. The Elderberry added is more pronounced than the pomegranate. Non-organic corn syrup is in the product(third ingredient).I can taste the quality in the product and recommend it. First, in the interest of full disclosure, even though I love them raw, I'm not a huge fan of cooked or processed apples. I requested this from Vine because I like the idea of a health, organic crunchy snack. This does indeed meet that specification. It is made from only four organic ingredients: apples, apple juice, potato starch and cinnamon. It has no added sugars, fats, sodium or preservative. It's also relatively low in calories, coming in at 60 calories per serving, or 240 calories per 2.1 oz bag.My take on this is that if I am in the mood to snack and can't find anything else, this is better than nothing. It's not terrible, but it's not great, either.I didn't think it was as hard as some other reviewers. The overall size and texture is similar to a cluster in a cluster cereal, like Honey Bunches of Oats. The dried apples have a texture similar to puffed wheat, which I thought was kind of odd. It's not very sweet, something else I thought was odd. Dried apples are usually much sweeter.I liked it enough that I would be interested in trying other flavors, but I don't think I will be buying the apple clusters.Edited to add: I will give them one thing, my dog loves them and since they don't have added sugar or other ingredients that are harmful to dogs, afaict, they should be fine as dog snacks. This snack definitely gets my vote. It tastes great and is a real departure from the usual snack. As the name suggests, it has a crisp texture to it that is very interesting--it's almost like a cookie but it has a soft inside. The 100-calorie pack is very convenient--it's perfect for an afternoon snack, or as a substitute for a granola bar in the morning. Both my wife and I have found it fits perfectly into our diets. A nice surprise! Personally I'm not a big lemon fan one way or another, just find it okay - it's not my go to flavor when shopping. But my girlfriend, she loves lemon flavored everything. I got these for her & they didn't disappoint. The flavoring is not overly strong, so don't assume these to be tart. The flavor is sweet, but with a nice lemon hint to the icing. I think the outer cookies were great as well, so no complaints from me - and I wasn't even planning on liking these. My girlfriend already wants to put these on the next shopping list, so I guess I found a winner. Starbucks is known for the very strong, almost burnt, flavor. TheStarbucks Vanilla Flavored Ground Coffeeis something different. On their web site, Starbucks bills it as "A blend of high-quality coffee with just the right touch of luscious, natural vanilla." They also say "Enjoy with: A crumbly butter cookie (or two) and a pool of late-afternoon sunshine."How well do they pull it off? The coffee has a very strong aroma of vanilla, a lot like freshly baked cookies. The flavor is a mixture of the traditional Starbucks taste with an equal amount of vanilla. For me, the two tastes do not do well when mixed together. The appeal of coffee and cookies to me, Starbucks web page ideal, is the contrast between the strong coffee and sweet cookies. How many people would like their coffee to smell and taste like cookies? There may be some, but I cannot go for it.As for the claim of all-natural ingredients, corn maltodextrin is listed on the package as one of the ingredients. The US FDA says this, "Maltodextrin ((C6H10O5)n, CAS Reg. No. 9050-36-6) is a nonsweet nutritive saccharide polymer that consists of D-glucose units linked primarily by [alpha]-1-4 bonds and that has a dextrose equivalent (D.E.) of less than 20. It is prepared as a white powder or concentrated solution by partial hydrolysis of corn starch, potato starch, or rice starch with safe and suitable acids and enzymes." I guess it depends on what you mean by natural. Not caring for regular tea or the caffeine, I drink herbal tea exclusively and am always on the lookout for fun new flavors. This Blackberry Vanilla sounded delicious,, not a flavor combination I had seen before. I should also mention that my true test for how well I end up really liking a tea's flavor is whether or not I need sweetener. If I need it then the flavor is most likely too bitter for me.Out of the box, the tea bags have a bit of a dried flowers smell, not very fruity. However, when it is brewing the fragrance is delicious! The berries wake up, and the vanilla too.I tried this tea both hot and iced. As a hot tea, the flavor was alright, but it was like there were too many herbs and not enough berries. I did end up needing a bit of sweetener, as I felt the flavor was too earthy. The vanilla was too subtle to detect.It was when I tried this tea iced that I found I really enjoyed it. The cold seems to suit the berry flavors nicely, I can taste the vanilla, and I didn't need any sweetener at all.I have never cared for Lipton's pyramid tea bag packaging. There is nothing protecting the tea bags inside of the box, such as a paper liner, and since the pyramid shaped tea bags are too awkward to be individually wrapped, it's just open tea bags sitting together in a paperboard box. Also, the bags and string are some sort of plastic-like material, so I cannot put them in my compost bin.As an iced tea, I liked the Blackberry Vanilla. But the flavor as hot tea and the less-than-desirable packaging keep me from getting excited about it. I have tasted many energy drinks and they all tasted unnatural or like medicine. This one is definitely different. I immediately tasted the banana and strawberry juice (since it is made with 70% juice)and had a pleasant, natural flavor I liked a lot. I had it after my morning run and it was very refreshing. Also, I noticed that my alertness increased after having it. I know it was the caffeine that did this, but I would rather have the natural caffeine that all the chemicals other energy drinks have. I am a big fan of all types of cookies, including all varieties of Fig Newtons. These Fruit Thins are not exactly a thin Fig Newton, they are a thin, circular cookie with bits of fig and a honey flavor. The taste is reminiscent of the original Fig Newtons, but there is no soft, paste filling.The cookies are perfect for a light treat with a cup of tea, and the thinner size keeps them from being too sweet or filling. I think you could compare them somewhat to a sweet biscuit instead of a full size Fig Newton. Light and crisp, my husband and I both enjoyed these cookies, and have already bought another bag. Those with an exotic palate may find something to like in Numi's Organic Savory Tea (Garden Sampler). There are six blends: Carrot Curry, Spinach Chive, Beet Cabbage, Fennel Spice, Tomato Mint, and Broccoli Cilantro. I sampled the Beet Cabbage, Tomato Mint, and Carrot Curry before writing this review.Numi is far off the beaten path of Lipton's. This is a tea that smells of soup. The good news is that it does not taste like soup. It is a full-bodied tea that takes 10 minutes to steep. The Beet Cabbage was enjoyable and mild next to the Tomato Mint. Both of them were jarring at first sip, due to the contrast with humdrum teas. Carrot Curry was the most flavorful, but many will be turned off by curry--still sparingly used in Western cuisine (and never in Western drink). The downside is that Numi tends to be extremely strong at the bottom, making for an uneven cup. Your mainstream tea gets stronger at the end, but nothing like this. The last 1/4 cup was of Tomato Mint was undrinkable. Potential buyers should be aware that Numi's tea does not tint the water as most teas do.. Your cup will be indistinguishable from hot water, except by smell.All Numi teabags are biodegradable. The tea is decaf, and works equally well night or day. Those looking for something very different from big-box corporate tea might find Numi's Organic worth a try. This reviewer will go back to the tried and true. Soup's proper place is not in a teacup. 3/5 stars. As part of the Amazon Vine program, I received a Cherry Cashew bar to sample and review. My normal breakfast routine consists of green tea and a Luna bar, so I was interested in comparing and possibly having a different alternative.The ingredients are good: it's certified organic, gluten-free, has protein, Omega-3 added in, and it's vegan. There is no gluten, dairy or soy for people who are allergic to those. Of course, there are cashews, which are frequently processed in plants with peanuts, so I'd recommend people with peanut allergies steer clear of this bar.It has slightly more calories (200) than a standard Luna bar, and 9 grams of fat. That seems a little excessive, even accounting for the cashews in the bar itself. There are 4 grams of fiber, which is decent. The other nutrients of measure in the bar itself are mostly minimal, which makes it hard to believe the claim that the bar contains a "full serving of fruit". It is low sodium, to boot.The flavor, as other reviewers have commented, was very much reminiscent of fruitcake - only a little more dry, and with nuts. If you are a fan of fruitcake, you might like this. Starting with the most important factor in reviewing a tea ... taste ... it is pleasant. I have a difficult time putting much credibility into a review for a food/beverage product which claims the product "tastes great" or "tastes awful" since taste is 100% personal and subjective. I also won't pick apart how authentic the flavors are, because again, personally I think the taste is pleasant and I would make it a point to purchase this flavor in the future.Possibly because of the tea bag material, or maybe because of the chunkiness of the tea, it brews fast, making a drinkable cup of tea in just over a minute. On the plus side, if I leave the teabag in until I finish the entire cup it still does not become bitter. My personal choice is about 3 - 4 minutes.Speaking of the teabag, there are some interesting opinions about it. Frankly it doesn't mean a lot to me. On the positive side it has an attractive look to it which helps dress up serving tea at an informal dinner party. On the more negative side I have to wonder about any "plastic" product that may leech into my beverage. Each time I have to peel the string off the side of the teabag I wonder what's in the glue that holds it there.Lipton is very respected in our household so the bottom line is I'm not so concerned about the material that's used to make the teabag to not buy it, and overall this is clearly a bit more of a premium tea than average. I believe it is getting rated fairly at 4-stars for "I like it". I'm a coffee drinker and have tried various brands. The price was great for this but in the variety pack there might have been a few 'bold brew' that tasted like coffee. The others were incredibly weak. The flavored coffees were awful. Would not recommend this to anyone that enjoys coffee. The taste was okay. The cookie is thin and light and crispy. You can really taste the blueberries, which is a good real honest to goodness blueberry taste. But overall, the sweetness level was okay, the cookie was just meh. I don't know it's like a cookie that was trying too hard. We have been crumbling it up and putting it in ice cream, yogurt, mixing it in with granola. The other problem that we have ended up having with these is that I did not know prior to purchase that the cookies had flax seed in them but not all of the seeds were finely ground, which means that well one the health benefit is lost but also the family members in my house who have diverticulitis got really ill after eating these cookies.I can't put my finger on what I didn't like about them. Perhaps because the serving size is 3 cookies or thins and that is not at all satisfying as a snack and so it feels like another junk food disguised as a health food. Taste wise they are okay. But since they aren't really that healthy, I'd rather pop a real fig newton. The Switch Orange Tangerine sounded delicious when I ordered it. I thought it would be very refreshing on these hot summer days. And it would be if the taste were better. Perhaps the other flavors might be better but the orange tangerine had a bad aftertaste. Stick with the real juice if you want that flavor. The sparkling juice idea is good, I liked the carbonation as it was refreshing.But the biggest drawback for me is the sugar. There was 34g of sugar in that little 8 oz. can. There is 40g in a 12 oz. can of Dr. Pepper. Way too much sugar.The other drawback for me is the price. I wouldn't buy it because it works out to be almost a dollar a can. If I'm going to pay that much, I would rather buy the regular juice (real, not reconstituted) in the store. I now have tasted about a half a dozen of these "flavor enhancers" by MIO and for the most part I have been very, very impressed. This low to no calorie drink is a great way to give water an extra boost of flavor. However, this "sweet tea" flavor befuddles me a bit. The reason being is it doesn't really taste like sweet tea. I sort of taste the tea aspect and I sort of taste a sweeten aspect, yet they don't seem to blend together to create "sweet tea". I tried MIO's peach tea flavor enhancer and that tasted just like peach tea. So again, I am a bit befuddled. I will say that the flavor is pleasant and it is nice to drink, but I don't see any conduit between the taste and the flavor proclaimed on the bottle. I drink a lot of tea of many varieties and found theLipton Herbal Pyramid Tea Bags, Blackberry Vanilla, 18Count (Pack of 6)to be rather mediocre. The pyramid pouch is attractive but I think other fibers decompose more quickly and would prefer those or a reusable strainer. It's not a deal breaker, just an observation. If you like the scent, you can use it unbrewed as a sachet I guess. Being that it's a fruity herbal tea or tissane, I personally find that it needs no sweetening and I've yet to add milk. It's lovelier as an iced brew for my preference, and I think the vanilla essence is lacking unless I steep the tea for a longer time than usual. I also have found that a single brew is best as opposed to a second dip which is possible for other tea bags. The tea isn't bad, I just think it's average and haven't awarded it a higher star rating. If you are looking for a fruity tea that is even better iced, give it a try. I'd bet that kids would like this tea, and would encourage this over a soda or high calorie juice. I like Lipton herbal teas and enjoy trying different varieties, but found this particular one wasn't at the top of my list. I've wanted to try dry rendang for a long time. I've heard it's wonderful. This wasn't dry, but that's OK--it left me lots of sauce to pour over rice. If I licked the bowl when I was done, I would never admit it here.I didn't follow the instructions. (I'm terrible at following instructions.) I started at the supermarket, while choosing the beef. This calls for thin slices of beef tenderloin, but that's not exactly in my budget. I went with chunks of a fairly tough cut of beef. That meant long simmering, which is not what the instructions call for.I lightly browned the beef and set it aside. (The instructions tell you to pan-fry until medium-done.) I added the paste and coconut and brought it to a boil. (Hey, I got something right!) The "coconut premix" was a powder that clumped pretty badly. I think next time I'll add the coconut premix and the water, so I can see the clumps to break them up, then add the paste.I added the beef back to the pan and covered (which you're not supposed to do,) and let it cook for about an hour and a half. With tenderloin it would be ready in a few minutes, but if you're broke like me, the sauce holds up well to cheap beef and a long slow simmer.The smell in the house was absolutely wonderful. The flavor was wonderful as well. It was a good blend of spices, with no one spice stealing the show. I know that rendang is supposed to have hot peppers, but I don't know exactly how hot it's supposed to be. This was extremely mild. Leftovers may meet a littleSrirachato warm things up a bit. Next time I make this I may introduce some hot peppers before simmering.But oh yes, there will be a next time. FLAVOR:While eating the bar, I could definitely taste the cherries. While I could feel the bits of cashew, I didn't taste them until after...there's definitely a lingering flavor of cashew after you're done. The cherries were delicious, and they really tasted like cherries, not like cherry flavoring. Every bite tasted like a cherry, though it was balanced with a neutral flavor that kept it from being overwhelming.TEXTURE:The outside of the bar is sticky. The bar itself, as you bite into it, feels firm and chewy. There are nut bits distributed throughout which give a little bit of extra firmness.SIZE:The bar itself is around 3 inches long and around an inch wide. It's a little more than a quarter of an inch thick.SATISFACTION:I used this bar as a breakfast bar, and it kept me feeling reasonably satisfied for ~4 hours, which is about all I ask of a breakfast bar.NUTRITION:I'm no expert in this area, but I do like that this bar has no refined sugar and has a good amount of protein. I've been trying to find tasty bars that have protein for the morning, and this is one of the first I've found. I also appreciate that it's only 190 calories, versus the 220+ that many other bars give.OVERALL:Overall, I'm going to be buying a few packs of these in different flavors as soon as I finish this review. I'm really glad I got the opportunity to try it, and I definitely recommend it if you like fruity and chewy bars and are looking for a high protein breakfast alternative. i drink alot of tea, so i decided to try this. i measured exactly 8 ounces of water for the cup. i like my tea strong & this bag gave a very satisfying brew. the taste is good, a bit tart, slightly sour. i think the hibiscus flowers give it the sour taste, but i grew to like it. the vanilla taste is subtle, not overwhelming which is good. the bags are a new design to me. they're little plastic triangles which i think allow more water to seep more thoroughly. good idea.i recommend this tea & i think i'll seek out other flavors in this line. We got our bag of ginger snaps this afternoon and I am ashamed (but happy) to admit that they are almost gone already. These cookies are fantastic! I have long been a fan of ginger snaps but have often been disappointed by the bland, tasteless versions I found in the stores. Nothing was as good or as flavorful as Mom used to make. It seemed that all the really flavorful brands slowly slipped away from the grocers shelves. The only really great ones were imported and the exchange rate made them ridiculously expensive. Then I found Newman's Own. I have always loved their salad dressings (not so crazy about their salsas but that is another review) and now I love their cookies. With s satisfying snap! and a crunchy texture they also have delicious chewy ginger pieces inside to make them super flavorful. The low heat of the ginger is just right and they are not too sweet. They are fabulous and I now need to order more or find them at the local grocer. Buy these and you will not be sorry! I'm a tea drinker, and this Bigelow Green Tea is of my favorites. This green tea is mild, and has a very light color and a smooth taste. I try to stay away from too much sugar, so I sweeten mine with a few drops of stevia sweetener.I especially go to this tea when I'm sick. It's great hot, and soothes sore throat even better than chicken soup. Tea comes in sealed packets. Last time I ordered this pack was at least a year ago. I just finished my last box, and this one was as good as my first. If you like black tea, try Darjeeling from Bigelow, it's my favorite black tea. This tea is so delicious, so fragrant, that for the first time, I choose to drink a hot tea without sweetener of any kind. I usually use honey or splenda, but they just destroyed the delicate essence of this lovely tea. It really is sweet and fragrant enough without any embellishment.I usually drink Numi teas. I have many varieties, and I love them. But this tea is especially lovely. From the long, thin white tea leaves to the jasmine blossom petals, what a treat for the eyes, nose, and palate. The fragrance hits you as soon as you open the container and lasts throughout the cup. I followed the directions and steeped the tea as suggested. The first cup was heavenly, the second brew delicious, but the third was a bit weak. It was never bitter, never harsh, and never "too green."Yes, it's expensive, but it is organic, hand-picked, authentic, whole white tea leaves and whole jasmine petals. A little goes a long way. I guess it all comes down to what your passion is and what you can afford. I do hope I can afford this in the future, and I am tempted to try other varieties as i finish my Numi stash. This herbal tea is well balanced and pleasant. It tastes to me like good real lemon, but not acidic. The ginger seems just enough. Bonus; you can use the bag twice and get a good cup of tea the second time. Also, it's nice to steep this with black tea, and get a bit of caffeine if you choose, along with the ginger / lemon flavors. wow! i like it! it arrived in good condition. the sauce tastes good. it is very fresh with a freshness date best by september 2014. italian sauage ravioli in a hearty tomato and meat sauce. it contains no preservatives or msg and is a good source of protein. i looked over the list of ingredients. i don't see too much bad there at all. the price was great too. i am very happy with this purchase and i ordered several more cases to put into the pantry for future use. i can add to the sauce if i need some variation. Numi Organic Savory Tea is unlike any sort of tea I've had before. I had no idea what to expect but was intrigued by the idea of organic vegetables and spices blended together to create brand new experience. Numi Tea has created six blends to appeal to those brave enough to try it & what better way the with the Savory Tea Garden Sampler.The box contains 6 flavors and 12 tea bags, so you can have a cup for yourself and share if you so choose. The blends you'll find are Carrot Curry, Beet Cabbage, Tomato Mint, Spinach Chive, Brocoli Cilantro, & Fennel Spice. The tea is 100% organic as well as non-GMO verified. Each flavor inspired from recipes around the world.I think the sampler is a very good option if interested in trying these teas out. I say that because I honestly really liked some better than others. To each their own taste, I say though. My favorite out of all six is the Spinach Chive! It leaves an aftertaste like if you were have spinach and chive dip just without the added sour cream. And the Tomato Mint was another that I liked, being the mint lover that I am. I was kinda upset I didn't like the Carrot Curry flavor more. I felt it needed to be a bit spicier and the carrot stronger in taste.The flavors of the teas aren't overly strong as one would have assumed from smelling the tea bag. I was a little shocked thinking they would have tasted more like broth or soup. I was hoping it would have been a bit stronger. I will state that each flavor tasted exquisitely fresh and quite distinct though. No sugar or cream is needed and the teas can be drank hot or cold.I'd recommend trying them out if you are looking for something different. They compliment certain meals in my opinion quite well. I think they may also be an interesting addition to your cooking. You may just discover and brand new tea obsession. But do try out the sampler pack first! I'm not much of a juice drinker, but my daughter is so I bought this for her to try out. I wasn't expecting much, so I was very happy when she announced that she really liked it! It is essentially a carbonated fruit juice, but it is nice to have some different flavors for the kids. So, it was a hit at our house and we'll definitely be buying more. This were a hit with everyone I shared them with. The ingredients are all natural, so it's a snack I feel comfortable serving to my children. The packaging includes a portion that is reasonably sized, and easy to pack for a snack on the go. The cashews are sweet enough to satisfy a craving for sweets, but the snack is primarily protein.I will definitely purchase these again. I'm not sure exactly how qualified I am to review spaghetti sauce but since that's part of the trade off here let me give you my qualifications. I'm approximately 12.5% Italian and yes I know the Chinese created pasta but we're (us 12.5% Italians) are the ones who eat it. Next I'm married to a Puerto Rican, so I'm used to very flavorful (spicy but not spicy hot) food. That said, I did grow up eating bland food and I have to say I enjoy a good can of Chef Boyardee about once a month. I do, however, draw the line at no-brand spegettios and the like.On to the sauce. I made this for myself and 3 little whippersnappers ages 2.5, 4 and 9. They all loved it. The directions involved 3 very easy steps which is good because I'm pretty much lost on cooking anything that involves more than 2 ingredients. The package was convenient and saved some dirty pans. I thought the taste was decent, not acidic, and sweet enough for me (but see my strict regulations on spaghetti sauce above). My wife couldn't really taste the basil and she thought it was bland.So let's put it this way. No self-respecting cook or chef is going to just serve this stuff out of the bag. They're going to add spices, veggies whatever... BUT I think anyone that is buying this for convenience probably isn't a big connoisseur of fine Italian (Chinese) cuisine. So 4 out 5 stars for appealing to an audience that appreciates convenience more than taste, with a product that focuses on convenience rather than taste. I am reviewing this product for Amazon, I received it as a gift for that purpose. After examining the ingredients list I noticed this has an awful lot of sugar, the first ingredient is Water, then Cane Sugar, do not let that make you think of wow that is good sugar. Sugar is sugar. Yes sugar is sugar but it tastes good and yes it has calories but how many really? there are 80 cals per serving in this bottle. This product used real sugar and yes it is over processed but it tastes good. It aids in the flavor of this drink.As I opened this chilled drink I was mindful of the aroma. Grapefruit, that is what it was screaming to me but there was a more complex scent, passion fruit maybe? Yes indeed it is flavored with passion fruit and very nicely, I am drinking the second half of the bottle right now and I can tell you I love it.I just cannot seem to wrap my mind around the fact it has so much sugar, with that much sugar anything would taste this good. Ok so I am testing it, (right now as I write this review) it says it has 19 grams of sugar per serving.Wait a minute, I just checked the label again, it is very hard to see letters since they are so small and the ingredients list is written in an obscure font and made a little hazy, to hide the fact is has 19 grams of sugar per serving? Hmm what is this, it is not one serving per bottle, it is 1.5 servings per bottle,why do they give you 1.5 servings are you going to share it with 1.5 people? So that means this entire bottle (only 11.5 oz.) has not just 19 grams of sugar but a hefty 27 plus grams of sugar.Do you know what 27 grams of sugar equates to in teaspoons?Now this is not a scientific experiment by any means but I just used a very reliable scale and found that it takes 7 tsp. of sugar to come up with 27 grams of sugar and that is what is in this drink I just consumed. Wait let me reduce the stars on my rating to 3.....When I need a magnifying glass to see the ingredients list that makes me pause, and ask why? I guess we now know why, I never use more that about 3 tsp. sugar in any form per day I just used up my next few days.Let's see a cola drink has less sugar than this drink, why would I drink this, for a sugar high? not likely. I would give more comparisons but I do not used many processed foods to look on the labels.Diabetics stay away, this is not for you, in fact it is not for me, is this your kind of drink that you would want or better still, give to your children?The only thing right now that has anything going for it is the taste, so if you don't mind the 27 grams of sugar per bottle then be my guest you will enjoy it, it has a wonderful bright light flavor. Know that it also has a lot of pulp going through it, and according to the label it has natural flavors and not real fruit, so what is that stuff floating in it, it is not real fruit hmmm...The aftertaste is not so bad, I guess you can just cover that up by drinking another bottle of this sugar water.I am sorry folks but this review went down very fast, I am sorry I cannot recommend this drink due to it's over use of sweetener. In fact I will not be finishing it myself. This stuff was amazing. It is very simple to use and the flavor was just fantastic. We used it on chicken instead of beef and it was some of the most delicious curry I've had. And I've spent a lot of time working and living in the Middle East and Asia. I was very impressed with how good it was, but also how easy it is to prepare. If you can make Hamburger Helper you can use this, and the results are much better. I will be buying more in the future for sure. Hmmm. What does it mean that these chips are popped? I don't know. What I do know is that these chips are very good - crispy and airy, and not at all like baked chips (which I never did like).I really like these chips, both the taste and the texture. Low in fat, no preservatives, no trans fats, I think they are great! Very taste little cookies with rich chocolate fudge. The cookies were fresh and delicious. When trying to look for a cheaper brand, the cookies tend to taste greasy but these Keebler mini cookies didn't have that greasy feeling. They don't have high fructose corn syrup or trans fats, both a plus. A container is good for 2-3 people as a snack. Like with any other food item, I recommend reading the ingredients list and the nutritional value before purchasing. I was surprised by how rich and full of body this tea seemed since it's not what I usually expect from tea. The flavor is strong and enjoyable if you like ginger and dark, caffeinated drinks. I can be a little sensitive to caffeine at times (thus why I mainly drink tea instead of coffee) and this did make me a little nauseous because of the caffeine. It really is like drinking a coffee substitute instead of tea. Aloe. Green Tea. Passion Fruit.Choose any two. (Also, make the Passion Fruit less dominant than it is.) By combining all three flavors, it becomes too much. Especially since the passion fruit flavor is so overwhelming. Despite that, the aloe and green tea flavors are still discernible. (And the aloe obviously has aloe texture.)With regard to ingredients, it is apparently made with "all natural ingredients". There's no high-fructose corn syrup, for those of you who are into that sort of thing. The flavors are purportedly all natural. There's nothing on the ingredient label that an eleven-year old couldn't pronounce, so there's that.As a side note, and warning to anyone who might not know, aloe, while really good for your skin, should be consumed internally with moderation. For one thing, it's an allergen. So, before you buy a case of this stuff, buy a small sample and find out if you're going to be allergic. There is also a long history of aloe being used as a laxative. So...moderation. In the past to make some tea I'd have to get out a tea bag and a tea pot, boil some water. steep the teabags, and then add the sugar, cream, etc, before enjoying a cup of tea. Now with my K-Cup coffee machine I can take one of the Lipton K cup Iced Tea Lemonade packets, put it in my machine and get a perfect cup of lemony, citus flavored tea with little effort. Add a little ice and your're all set.In addition to being very easy to brew, the tea is very tasty. It has a rich deep flavor which I'd compare to any Ice Tea recipe of any Southern Grandmother. I like it so much I reccomended it to my Mother in law. I really enjoy it and will buy more and probably try different flavors. I like the fact that this little bottle contains 15 grams of whey protein, along with the equivalent of 3 servings of fruits/vegetables. Being lactose-intolerant, I also appreciate the fact that it does not contain lactose. However, I'm not sure if those positives outweigh the taste and consistency of this RTD, which I did not care for. I was not able to drink the entire bottle at one sitting. I'd certainly give it a go if another flavor was available, but Mango just didn't do it for me. This Coconut Oil is organic and comes in a 15 ounce container. It is absolutely pure, fresh and smells amazing if you like coconut. I personally love coconut and was happy to try cooking with it. However I wondered whether or not it would be useful for very many things. I am still fairly new to coconut oil but I have been experimenting with it a lot in recent months and have found it to be my new favorite oil to cook with. I have used it to fry things in a skillet like ham. I wondered if it would taste weird but it didn't at all and I actually preferred the taste to using vegetable or canola oil. I have also used it in deserts and that is what I prefer to use it for. I have used it to make homemade fudge and it turned out really good. Yesterday I used it to make chocolate chip cookies and they were some of the most amazing cookies that I have ever had. Coconut Oil can also be used as a beauty product. If you take a little bit of it and rub it into your skin it moisturizes and makes your skin very smooth. My hands always dry out and crack as the weather turns colder out. A little bit of this coconut oil makes them feel like new again and it smells great too.This is only the second type of coconut oil that I have tried but it seems perfect quality to me. It also has a long shelf life of about 1 1/2 years according to the expiration date on the top of the container. Coconut oil may not be for everyone but I love the taste and it's much healthier than many of the other options.Sample provided for review. This has been my typical morning coffee ever since I first tried it in December 2011. So, a year and a half later, and I'm still liking it - and recommending it.The pods were novel back in 2011, and the price of other K-Cups had gone up much more than I liked, so I decided to give this brand a try. I'm glad that I did. I really enjoy this Fog Chaser variety, and the Subscribe & Save price (~$25 right now) is good for 80 cups these days. Plus, they started including a plastic container in each 80-pack that you can store your pods in after you open up one of the eight-count bags. I had already bought an air-tight container to keep them fresh (I originally just used zip-lock bags), but it's a nice touch.In my Breville brewer, these pods do take longer to make a cup than a regular K-Cup. Maybe it's just my brewer, but perhaps there's more flow resistance in these. Not a huge deal, but I thought it was worth mentioning.I'm not sure how much less plastic these have versus the original K-Cups. They don't have the plastic cup, but the rim is a lot thicker plastic on these, and they come in plastic bags with a plastic container in each 80-pack. But, I don't buy them because I think there's less plastic. I buy them because I like the taste and the price is good. The blackberry vanilla tea has a nice aroma and a great taste. I can taste the berry and a hint of the berry. Also, makes a great iced tea. Caffeine- free means I can enjoy in the evenings. Also not that the ingredients include rosehips, hibiscus flowers, blackberry leaves, dried blackberry and raspberry pieces. It comes in a triangle-shape mesh bag, so you can see the ingredients. Very enjoyable. This is the best barbeque and all around sauce ever. It has a sweet and spicy taste to it that is wonderful. But you have to like both of the separate flavors to it. It is not too spicy -- our big kids and little kids like it. I have used it on hamburgers and steaks, before they go on the grill or after or both, letting the flavors get grilled in. I have used it on chicken -- both as a marinade (watered down) and while grilling or baking. This sauce is also good on pork chops and ribs.The flavor is very strong though so I would recommend trying a small bottle if you can find one in your grocery store before you make a 120-ounce commitment. Some people have really disliked the flavor so I don't cook for them anymore. (If I go to the trouble to cook, the best idea is for people to eat.)My nephew used to ship these to me from Denver. He was so cute when he wrapped each bottle in tons of paper and then put bubble wrap around them. He is a true barbeque fan(atic) and he didn't want a single bottle broken. I can get these locally now, but it's still a distance for me so I am happy that I will be able to order the bottles from Amazon! All you need is a regular bottle of spring water or whatever you want to use, in goes the powder and voila, instant iced tea drink (well, instant in that you have to shake it first). The flavor (mango pineapple in this case) is very tasty and refreshing. Powdered drink mixes in this form aren't exactly a new found invention but if it tastes as good as this does, I have no problems recommending it to anyone. It's perfect for storing in your desk at work, taking it on the go or in just about any manner you can think of. I'd never seen or heard of caffeinated water until this product popped up on Vine a few weeks ago. I sat there staring at the screen, wondering who the heck even thought up such a thing."Water's ok...but it needs something. Something to make it...BETTER. I know! Caffeine!"I reluctantly ordered a bottle, and I'm trying it out right now as I type this up. For some reason, even knowing that it was just regular water with caffeine in it, I kept expecting it to taste like Sprite or something. But the truth is, it tastes just like any regular bottled water. No aftertaste either! Each bottle has 90mg of caffeine, and the whole bottle is one serving. There aren't any vitamins pumped into it or anything to make this an energy drink. That's a good thing.The cons are that the price is a bit high for this in two ways. One- you can save a bit just by getting regular bottled water and caffeine tablets. Two- only twelve per pack at this price? Yeesh.This water is a nice little pick me up, but not something I plan on buying. When I get bored with ice tea and coffee, I will usually opt for a fruit flavored powdered mix packet that I add to ice water. Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink Fruit Punch isn't overly sweet & is similar in flavor to the powdered drinks, but also contains added vitamins, minerals & caffeine. However, I have a hard time getting the correct amount without measuring it. The serving/squeeze equals one tbsp or 3 tsp for 8oz of water.Each serving of Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink provides vitamins C, B3, B5, B6, B12, Chromium, Zinc, Taurine, Electrolytes & 40 mg of caffeine. I felt a slight energy boost when I drank a couple servings during my midday slump.For best quality refrigerate & use within 30 days after opening. Shake well before each use. I love dark chocolate, so I was excited to try this Newman's Own Dark Chocolate bar. First, I was impressed that the bar, which is smaller than other specialty chocolate bars but still a generous six squares, is just a single serving size. At 330 calories, 22 grams of fat, and 28 grams of sugar, it is still an indulgent treat, but if you choose to share the bar (as I did), you can satisfy your sweet tooth without feeling too guilty about it.I definitely enjoyed the taste of this bar as well; I found the chocolate to be rich and smooth. At 54% cocoa, it is definitely not as dark as many other dark chocolate offerings out there--in fact, I found the taste to be a bit sweeter, more reminiscent of semi-sweet chocolate than true dark chocolate. Although this was fine by me, some dark chocolate lovers may be disappointed. So, unless you need your dark chocolate to be of the extra-dark variety, I would definitely recommend this product. I would have given this a five star but the price kept it down.I drink Lipton iced tea and this tea is great but I thought it was a little to expensive. I have a confession. I really like the ready-made meals like hamburger helper. They are comfort food and easy to make when you are too busy to cook something from scratch. Usually the meals from a box are good, but not excellent. This meal was different. I thought this cheesy skillet with broccoli was so yummy, I went back for a second helping!It takes a few minutes to sauté the chicken bits to get them nice and brown, and we bought some extra broccoli to increase the veg content. And voila! A tasty meal that my entire family praised, including my finicky older father enjoyed. Even my health-conscious older sister commented the meal was very good, and she is usually a bit snobby about premade food.Cooking time can get a bit irksome if you are in a hurry. You do spend time browning chicken, stirring, and getting the meal ready. To cut back on that you could cut the chicken and bake it in the oven at 350 for about 30 minutes, thus saving you the sautéing which sometimes I do not like to do. I really liked it and recommend it. Okay, if all you are looking for is a GREAT tasting portion controlled snack and don't care about anything else then this is it! I also like that the ingredients are pretty good, brown sugar, corn syrup, cocoa, popcorn, oil, vanilla, whey, noting terrible and all pretty darn natural. BUT, we will not be buying these again which is why despite amazing taste and good ingredients I am only giving it 3 stars. First off, each box only has 5 pouches, so for a family of four one box is gone like in an instant. Next and foremost, we try to limit sugar per serving on our sweetened cereals and snacks to no more than 9 grams, each of these Snackwell pouches has 18 grams of sugar! We are used to eating Angie's Caramel Corn which for a whopping 2.5 cups serving size has only 9 grams of sugar and 150 calories. If Snackwell really wanted people to 'snack well' they'd take Angie's caramel corn and drizzle fudge on that and put it into their little pouches to reduce the sugar per serving. These are the little cups that you use for the tea machines. If you haven't seen one, I have encountered quite a few in use at local doctor's offices where they offer various types of tea drinks, sort of a high-end treat for the patients. I got one of the machines at The Goodwill Store for a few bucks, (lots of them there! I think people get these machines but they get tired of fooling with them pretty quickly. I really like the one I got.)Anyway, the tea itself is excellent and it provides the great flavor that we have come to expect from Lipton. The product is easy to use and I have found it very convenient.Highly recommended. I obtained a sample and when I opened the package the aroma was not inviting at all. Well, I brewed it up anyway on a regular Cuisinart coffee maker and used the sample bag with enough water for 2-3 cups to make a stronger cup of coffee. Nevertheless, it tasted weak to me and didn't smell any better after brewing it. It was drinkable and ok, just not very satisfying to me as it didn't have a richness or depth or good aroma to it. Admittedly, I am not a big French Roast fan as it tends to taste bitter to me and acidic. This one may be better than other French Roast because while I thought it tasted weak and bitter it presumably is lower acid. If you need a low acid coffee, then this is okay, but if not you may not find this satisfying, especially if you like dark, full flavored strong coffee. If you are looking for a water flavoring product, there's been a lot of powders out there to choose from. Somewhat recently, there's been a new trend of liquid additives that you can put into your water to make it less boring. The obvious advantage of a liquid additive is that you don't have the mess and hassle of powder spilling everywhere. It's quick, convenient, and easy.Now, what sets this Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink apart from competitors such as the MIO things? Well, mostly price. I noticed that this is a much larger item, and per ounce, is a much better value. As for taste, I've had tastier water flavorings. In fact, if you can believe this, the tastiest thing I've tried is an off-brand MIO knock-off (I believe the brand was Fit & Active). The taste of this Vitamin Squeeze flavoring is sort of bland (but also calorie free, so that's nice), and then if you increase the amount used, just gets too strong. There's just never a point where I felt like it was just right, even though I experimented with how many squeezes to use. That being said, the taste is tolerable and not too bad.All in all, I wouldn't buy this drink flavoring just for it's taste alone (although you may want it for the vitamins in it). I would, however, recommend it just for being the best value that I've seen so far for a product of its type. If you need a liquid water flavoring at the best price possible (as of this review writing), this is the product to go with for sure. I took this to work and shared it. The comments I got were:bland; I wouldn't buy this; the texture is different than "Twizzlers". Nobody raved.I thought the flavor was mild but pleasant. The aroma is good. I might buy this if it was on sale AND I had a coupon for it; Newman's Own stuff tends to be a bit pricy for me. While this coffee is lower acid than a normal French roast, the flavor isn't quite as deep and rich as you'd expect from a French roast. French roast is typically my favorite type of roast. The aroma is nice after brewing, but smelling this coffee right out of the pack it smells plastic-like. Also, I found that this coffee had a quite strong bitter taste.Though, I did notice that this coffee did seem to be easier on my stomach. I'm sure this might work well for someone who loves coffee, but, has a sensitive stomach.Overall, a basic French roast nothing too spectacular. Might be good for someone who wants a low acid coffee who is willing to sacrifice the typical French roast depth of flavor. Though in my opinion this coffee is way overpriced as the flavor is lacking and it still manages to be bitter. I didn't have particularly high hopes for this product-- I figured it would be the usual chewy dried apple type of thing. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized how crunchy and flavorful these actually are. They remind me of the dried fruits you get from the health food store that come in the plastic pint and quart containers called "JustFruit" or something like that. Anyhow, these are just as good, they are just clustered into a little ball.Something about eating dried fruit that is crunchy, as opposed to chewy, makes me feel like I am eating junk food. These kind of taste like apple potato chips. I didn't notice too much cinnamon flavor, and the flavor tasted natural, as opposed to chemically sweet.Overall I think these are an excellent snack and tastier than any other I've had outside of the JustFruit brand. I usually find bottled teas to either have very little flavor or leave a bad aftertaste.The Chantea Aloe Vera Green - Passion Fruit was both delicious and left no after taste.Warning on your first drink - there is pulp of the passion fruit in the tea, and it took me by surprise in my first mouthful.I enjoyed it so much, I will be purchasing more. I was quite excited to try Lipton's new Tea & Honey To Go packets. While I was a bit skeptical of the five calories proposed for each 8-ounce serving, seeing as how honey is a fairly high caloric sweetener, I figured I'd give it a go anyway. So after receiving the tea, I mixed it up per the instructions and took a sip. Yowzas! The tea was super sweet with a bit of strawberry flavor and no tea that I could taste. I ended up watering the tea down enough that one packet, which is usually two servings, ends up as four or five 8-oz. servings. The berry flavor became very diluted while there was still that taste of icky sweetness. Overall the berry flavors and tea are weak, even undiluted, and I noticed no honey flavor what-so-ever, so took a look-see at the ingredients where I spotted sucralose (an artificial sweetener) thrown right in the middle of things. Now that is where the sweetness is and don't take kindly to that addition, as I avoid artificial sweeteners whenever possible. Seeing as how Lipton is sneakily claiming this is sweetened with honey (And look! NO aspartame!), with no mention that in actuality the sweeteners are honey granules, which are made from both honey and sugar, and sucralose except by viewing the ingredients list, makes me angry because I've been swindled. Yeah, this is natural all right. I'm definitely not going to trust Lipton's marketing from now on and urge them to think about switching to a natural sweetener such as stevia. So if you like your food natural, best to skip this, but if you're not so picky and don't mind artificial sweeteners in your food, then give it a go if you're interested. I'll not be trying any other flavors of this product. Not what I would call a cold season tea, Blackberry Vanilla Caffeine Free Herbal Tea from Lipton has a very interesting fruity flavor, more reminiscent of a spring day than the upcoming fall season.The tea has a strong tart side so I would recommend reducing the brew time from the recommended 4 to 6 minutes. Do not be put off by the deep red color, it makes you think raspberry but that is not the flavor that you will taste.For a change, I brewed four pyramid bags in three cups of water and after it cooled, poured it over a glass of ice. This is my preferred method of drinking it. I do not like sugar in my tea, but decided to give it a little whirl. Something happened with this mix, because I came away with an artificial aftertaste. If you prefer more of a black tea taste in you iced tea, add an extra Lipton orange pekoe bag. A perfect combination.Overall, a good product for warm weather drinking, excellent iced and the tart flavor hits the right spot. I originally purchase this product to use in my hair as a moisturizer (mixed with water) during my transition of going natural and it works great. It made my hair very soft and easier to manage. Afterwards I mixed in with my body lotion, and I must say my skin has never felt softer. I purchase the 32 ounce jar for my daughter and now she's hooked. She uses on her and her children's hair and she loves it. THIS PRODUCT IS GREAT! Tea isn't a beverage for me, it's an event, starting from boiling the water to when the last drop vanishes down my esophagus. Therefore I usually buy loose leaf as it is less processed, I can see and smell what I'm buying and I can better control the strength of my tea. I first tried this when I obtained a few complimentary bags.On the matter of taste, I find it very good. The Bigelow EG appeared to be very strong in color and taste.Tea bag teas are usually cut very fine so the bags can be packed flat, and because finely cut leaves have more surface area than big leaves, you don't need to steep the tea as long. In fact the instructions say to steep only 1-2 minutes as opposed to the usual 3-4 mins.To me, Earl Grey taste has two components, the tea taste and the bergamot taste, and it takes a lot of skill to blend and make a tea that has a pleasing combination of the two tastes.For example, I've found that Taylors and Harrogate has a mild tea and bergamot taste, Whole Foods loose leaf has a strong bergamot taste, etc. Your run of the mill EG usually has a strong tea taste that overshadows the bergamot and you don't taste it at all. Bigelow has a very strong tea taste, but it doesn't overwhelm the bergamot, which you taste at the end. So I like it very much because I've never had a strong tea that didn't overwhelm the bergamot. And it's definitely not a mild tea, it's very robust and strong. It's not a light handshake, it's a full body hug and kisses on both cheeks when you drink this.In conclusion, if you want a very strongly flavored Earl Grey with a strong tea taste, but also a strong hint of bergamot, this is it. Update: Since I wrote this review, which is 5 years ago, I've often bought this brand and it tastes as good as ever. This 6-pack is another great deal from Amazon, especially when purchased on a subscription basis.Bigelow's decaf green tea is smooth and not bitter. I've found green teas can be easily "burned" if you boil your water before steeping, so be sure to stop heating your water before the boiling point (I just use a Chantal ceramic teapot & heat a cup of water in it in the microwave for just 2 minutes, then steep in a cup--perfect. I like to sweeten it with a package of Sweet Leaf Stevia==healthy antioxidant heaven & no caffeine!).Also, don't steep any green tea too long--about 3 to 3-1/2 minutes is just right for green tea--otherwise, it WILL be bitter, regardless of brand.I love the fact that these tea bags are individually packaged in foil-lined packs; tea stays fresh and delicious until you're ready to enjoy a cup. Good quality decaf green tea is really hard to find in my local area; thanks again Amazon! Well, first off I should say that I'm not new to tea. I'm not sure I'd describe myself as a "tea connoisseur" but I'm pretty experienced with tea. I've tried just about every type of tea out there (white, black, green, herbal, even puerh tea!), and I regularly make my own custom blends using loose leaf herbs and spices. I'm a pretty big fan of tea, so I naturally jumped at the chance to get some nice chai tea. I already have my own homemade chai recipes that involve simmering loose spices and adding in milk and sugar, and it's great, but I've always wanted to try some plain chai without the milk.So I got the Higgins and Burk Chai in the mail and decided to brew myself a cup to try out. I steeped it a full 10 minutes because I steep all my tea for 10 minutes (I suspect a lot of people would find this too strong for their tastes, but that's how I like it). My first impressions of this tea is that it's pretty weak for a chai style tea. I felt like the strongest taste was the cloves, and it really could've used stronger notes of ginger and cinnamon. Not to mention, the black tea portion of it tastes a bit not-so-good to me. It's difficult to describe, but I'll explain it as best as I can. I once bought a huge box of cheap crappy pekoe black tea and it tasted terrible. It was just lacking in good flavor and only tasted of bitter tannins and blandness and nothing else. This tea is not nearly as bad as that one was, but the black tea portion of it seems to have a bit of that taste to it. I had my own Assam tea (before I used it all and ran out) and it seemed to taste much better than this - even plain with nothing else in it! Of course, it could've been because of the source of my teas/spices (I get everything from the mountainroseherbs website); maybe the tea is better from there. Anyway, the other spices in the tea hide it well enough so it's not a big deal. I did decide to make my own homemade blend to see how it would turn out using the same ingredients (I used 2 parts black tea, 1/2 part cinnamon, 1/8 part cloves, 1/8 part cardamom, and 1/2 part ginger). Then I did a side by side taste test using the exact same amount of sweetener. The Higgins and Burke version is not terrible or anything, but I still think my version won by a small margin.Anyway, if you're a casual tea drinker, this tea will probably be fine for your tastes, and far more convenient than making your own loose-leaf blends. In addition, if you are the sort who prefers a less spicy chai then this tea would be great! In the course of further usage, I also discovered that the Higgins and Burke tastes better as an iced tea. Go figure! Well, my overall opinion of the Higgins and Burke Black Chai is that it is a decent choice for anyone who wants a mild pleasant chai in a convenient tea-bag option, but I think I'm going to personally stick to my own homemade formula because I love making loose leaf tea blends! This tea is perfect as an iced tea (3 bags for 2 quarts) or for a nice cup of hot peppermint tea to settle the tummy or clear your nose/throat. I love the flavor of it as an iced tea, and that it is purely herbal and caffeine free. Even though I let the tea bags steep for 20 minutes for my iced tea, they didn't disintegrate or break open. They held up perfectly, even when I squeezed the last drops of tea out. I'm looking forward to enjoying it over and over again. By itself, this tea is very strong and bitter (almost soapy). However, with a little doctoring to include cream and sugar, this is not so bad. I think I would have rated it higher if it tasted better by itself, but it did not. I don't think I would get this type of tea again. This Higgins & Burke tea is pretty tasty. The Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, and Verbena work well with the green tea, taking away the 'dry' aspects of green tea and making it a bit more 'green leafy' and lemony.I liked it as-is. Then again, I generally don't add anything to any green tea. Not sweetener nor milk.I think you're more likely to like this Green Tea mix if you don't set your tastebuds for straight green tea as the overall flavor is radically different. But if you are looking for something really pleasant to have after dinner, or along with a snack, this might be the thing.Pam T~ Normally I prefer plain chips, even though I don't eat them often. The chili lime is pretty good, great with some guacamole. These chips are very crisp, with a strong potato flavor, but also have a slightly burnt taste. What can I say, these cookies are yummy! My husband and I loved them. I'm not sure how to describe them: He thinks they're similar to Girl Scout's thin mints but I think they're more like large, crunchy junior mints.They're not healthy for you. Serving size is three cookies and you get 25% of your daily saturated fat. But then, cookies very rarely are healthy right? Indulge! I am a tea drinker and love to try new varieties of tea. The Blackberry Vanilla from Lipton is a lovely, naturally decaf tea. I love the Pyramid tea bags and do think they make a difference when brewing herbal teas. Herbal tea (which actually contains no tea at all) generally has larger pieces of the ingredients than traditional black or green teas. The pyramid shape of the tea bag allows those pieces more room to spread through the water so the infusion of flavor is stronger.The Blackberry Vanilla tea is a beautiful purple color which is actually from the hibiscus not the blackberry (although I'm sure the blackberry does contribute some of the color). Despite the name the hibiscus is also the dominate flavor which is true of most herbal infusions. The blackberry and vanilla flavors are undercurrents and I wish these flavors had been a bit more prominent.Overall I enjoyed the Lipton Blackberry Vanilla tea and I'm sure it will be a variety that I will purchase in the future. Loved it. Got the box yesterday and have already used 4 teabags... I use each teabag twice. Flavor is very mild, with only a hint of ginger and only a very slight caffeine buzz. I can't speak to its properties that are supposed to help with diet and digestion but from what I know, they should be mildly helpful. I guess that's the theme, mild... no bitterness. Remember, don't pour boiling water into your cup. Let it cool for a minute. Your tea will be better. This tea is great. It smells great it taste amazing. It even turns the water a very pretty color. I like my tea with creamer and it goes well with a vanilla. The flavor is not too strong it it perfect for a warm drink. Illy's coffee drink has exactly the right balance of sweetness and coffee flavor. Drinking it ice cold on a hot 90 degree day is refreshing.This is a beautiful coal black liquid. The espresso flavor comes through very nicely, good intense coffee flavor, with a hint of tartness. Sometimes I like syrup sweet drinks, but mostly I drink coffee black. I've tried iced coffee before, and generally don't like it. This drink, on the other hand, has just exactly the right hint of sugar sweetness (not sweetener or high fructose corn syrup sweetness). The drink has a good mouth feel, slightly thicker than water with a creamy finish. The aftertaste is surprisingly nice, a good coffee flavor.What I particularly like about this drink, it has an authentic espresso coffee flavor without being masked by heavy cream, milk, or sugar. Compared to any Starbucks drink, this is head and shoulders better. A wonderful cold beverage for the summer. I loved the taste and the texture. The popcorn was fluffy, had just enough caramel and fudge, and was not too sweet. To submit a proper review, I consumed three 5.3 oz packages during one evening. I had to be sure; yes this is an item I will be buying. I also shared them with my family; same review. I highly recommend this snack item. Vitamin Squeeze Energy drink is a concentrated fruit punch flavored water additive. The taste is very similar to Kool Aid. The Vitamin Squeeze is a nice change of pace and can really spruce-up tap water. Vitamin Squeeze is also very good at masking any chlorine-taste that tap water sometimes has.The only word of caution I have about this product is that a little bit goes a long way. It is fairly difficult to control portion size. The bottle claims that it contains 24 servings, but I found that a natural squeeze-serving gave me about 12-14 servings. It is very easy to squeeze too hard.That said, there are zero sugars, zero calories and a host of vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin C). With all the positive health benefits of vitamin C and none of the calories of juices, the Vitamin Squeeze is a good product. I am not a big fan of the traditional Butterfinger bars, because I find the peanut butter entirely too crisp for my liking. However, I really like this product. I find that the chocolate is incredibly creamy, and the peanut butter center is not as crisp as a traditional Butterfinger bar, but creamier with just enough "Butterfinger crunch" to add interest.I like how they are packed. Unlike competing peanut butter cups, there are no paper wrappers around the candy. The candy is simply formed in the shape of a cup. I like this because it's less packaging and requires less effort to unwrap and consume.I consider this product a treat -- a candy product, after all. So I'm not going to belabor the nutritional value of the product. However, I am surprised that the entire package only clocks-in at 230 calories, which makes it ideal for an afternoon pick-me-up. I wouldn't eat these every day, of course, but a couple times a week wouldn't be too bad.These were a great surprise, and I recommend them if you enjoy peanut butter cups...or Butterfinger bars...or both. The Fischer & Wieser Mango Ginger Habanero Sauce does add flavor and sweetness to food. I think it has a good balance of sweetness and doesn't overpower the food, but I love sweet sauces - that's just me. :)It is different, and I like to try new sauces, and I will purchase it again. Like any food product, your opinion of the product will depend on your taste preferences and also your expectations. I think if the product were closer to my expectations I would have ranked it higher.The cookies are thin and crispy. It says that on the package, but I had expected something a bit different. There is simply not that much fruit in the cookies. I think the best way you could describe the fruit would be to call it very small chips or pieces of fruit. You get a hint of fruit but not enough to really satisfy any real desire for the fruit. I suspect the name "Newtons" and the fact that it has figs lead me to expect a taste somewhat like a Fig Newton. The cookies taste nothing like the soft, fig laden Newtons I am used to.The cookies are not that sweet. There is a strong taste of honey but they remind me more of an English Tea Biscuit than a cookie.The package has resealable clasps on the end which makes opening and resealing the package easy and it keeps the cookies fresh.There is nothing wrong with the taste. In fact they cookies taste very good. But if I want the taste of figs, I would prefer Fig Newtons.I cannot know your taste preference and I would suggest that my taste is probably different than yours. Therefore if you understand that the cookies are thin and crisp, not too sweet and with just the hint of figs, you will probably be pleased with them. If you are looking for a softer, sweet cookie with lots of figs, this will disappoint you. My favorite tea isYogi Green Tea Mint Garden, which is just green tea and some mint. It's great. So, with an opportunity for a new, somewhat similar type of tea, I was excited that it sounded almost like a cross between Chai Tea and their own Mint Garden. And I wasn't disappointed.To me, this tastes like a cross between their Mint Garden tea andOregon Chai, Original. It's not sweetened by itself (OK, maybe a little with the Stevia leaf, but it's a very robust tea that has all the mint, plus all the spiciness of chai teas. Overall, the taste is excellent.The only downside I can think of is somewhat personal: I enjoy drinking tea at nighttime, and this contains a fairly hearty code of caffeine: just under a cup-of-coffee amount. So, this tea is perfect for everything, except nighttime drinking.Would recommend. The beverage has a really delicious spiced smell. However, just a sip made my entire mouth feel stung. The sensation faded to a tingle and finally passed, but for me, this drink is too strong. The taste was fine, just not the sensation. A second sip was all to similar to the first and so I passed on the rest of the cup. This tea is very good. It has a spicy & sweet taste without any sugar! I cannot believe that it is available online at such a great price, too! When I opened the first pouch for the Ginger Pu'erh Tea Bags by Numi, the aroma was a bit off putting with an odor that seemed slightly bitter and earthy. However, when brewed, it was surprisingly sweet and soothing and one of the most delicious teas I have tried. Its purported health benefits (antioxidants, aid in digestion, energy with a lower amount of caffeine, etc.) are overshadowed by what is a great flavor. Often teas alleged to have health benefits taste terrible or have no real flavor. This one makes a great tea to have with meals. It is easy to see why Pu'erh tea was a favorite of Chinese emperors. Pu'erh is an odd tea. The smell is very mild, in fact you'll need to purposely put your nose close to your cup in order to get a scent but when you do it's mildly unpleasant...a bit like rotting garbage unfortunately. The tea doesn't taste bad. I can't think what to equate the flavor with. I've heard others describe it as smoky so maybe that's apt. I might have used the word muddy or earthy especially when describing the aftertaste. There are no bright notes. It's very mild and smooth tasting both on its own and when honey and milk are added. I'm left with a neutral reaction. Perhaps this is one of those tastes that gradually appeal more with greater exposure? These got a mixed review at my house. My hubby is not a chocolate fan and he thought these were quite good. I love chocolate and thought these were so-so. The candy is creamy and smooth with the caramel swirls blended in at the same consistancy as the chocolate so there's no problem with caramel sticking to your teeth. On the other hand, the chocolate is overly sweet, kind of waxy and doesn't have a very rich flavor. I might buy these on impulse if they were on sale but they aren't good enough to be considered worth the calories on most days. I am a raw vegan with a heavy load of health issues, including Celiac Disease and food allergies. I but rarely eat commercially prepared snack/nutritional bars because typically they don't meet my dietary requirements. I much prefer the nutritional bars I prepare myself but being chronically ill and disabled, I don't always feel well enough to go through the effort. But living in hurricane country on the Gulf coast of Florida, I do like to have some kind of food bar on hand in my hurricane pantry along with my other emergency supplies.I was excited to findPure Bar Organic Chocolate Brownie, Raw Fruit & Nut Bar, 1.7-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12)and have not been disappointed in the least. First of all, PURE meets all my dietary requirements for food bars: it must be organic; it must be raw; it must be vegan; it must be gluten free; it must not contain GMOs, preservatives, soy, refined sugar or trans fat; it must taste good.These chocolate brownie bars are the best! I agree 100% with reviewer Tennyson E. Stead who stated so well that these are the "closest thing I've ever experienced to eating a brownie fresh from the oven in a packaged food." Really! A brownie doesn't get better than this! The Pure Bars are small but dense and quite satisfying although I could easily eat two at a time. They are moist, chewy, naturally sweet and have no added sodium. The chocolate is rich and not compromised by carob, the fruits are flavorful and sweet, the nuts fresh tasting. All the flavors are bright and nicely balanced without a trace of rancidity or moldiness, a problem I've experienced with other bars, particularly Larabar.The Pure Bar label is easy to read and contains all the nutritional information I like to see. I'm happy too that PURE Bar is certified organic and a supporter of the Celiac Disease Foundation.I am definitely going to stock up onPure Bar Organic Chocolate Brownie, Raw Fruit & Nut Bar, 1.7-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12)on a regular basis because I indulge in them often, not just during hurricane season! Amazon's Subscribe and Save Program is THE way to go too! I am also signed up forPure Bar Organic Wild Blueberry, Raw Fruit & Nut Bar, 1.7-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12)andPure Bar Organic Cherry Cashew, Raw Fruit & Nut Bar, 1.7-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12)which are also wonderful. But hands down,Pure Bar Organic Chocolate Brownie, Raw Fruit & Nut Bar, 1.7-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12)is my favorite and I love it best! Numi Organic Pu-Erh Ginger Tea has a very mild ginger flavor, but the more you sip the tea, the more the flavor builds. It tried it first without sweetening, and the taste was not bitter. I then added a spoon of sugar, my normal way to drink hot tea, and the taste was very pleasant. However, with my second cup, I added honey and lemon juice, and then the tea became delightful and soothing. Very relaxing and comforting after a hard day at work. I drink coffee and tea every day, and I look forward to finding new varieties to enjoy. Numi Tea has an admirable mission statement: "Numi inspires well-being of mind, body and spirit through the simple art of tea. Our company is rooted in the principle of creating a healthful product that nurtures people and honors the planet. With all of our company initiatives, we strive to foster a healthy, thriving global community while bringing you the purest, best-tasting organic tea." The tea is certified organic, claims many health benefits, the tea bags are biodegradable, and the boxes are made with recycled materials. The Ginger Tea is a pleasant cuppa, and I will definitely try other varieties of Numi Tea. I have tried more than 6-7 lipton flavors and each one of them is good in its own way. Each of them have pure all natural ingredients.It is very relaxing and definitely worth trying. I typically alternate between different flavors. This chocolate is only 54% cocoa solids. Given that many of the better bittersweet or dark chocolates have 65-80% cocoa solids, that gives a lot of room for other ingredients, which in this case is sugar. Although being organic, you get the high falutin sounding "evaporated cane juice", which is, of course, sugar. Although the chocolate flavor is good, this bar is on the sweet side. So if you are looking for something stronger or with a sharper edge, you should avoid this one. However, if you have a sweet tooth, and want a good fruity chocolate flavor, this chocolate would be to your liking. I am very impressed that there isn't any type of sweetener or salt in this Baby Gourmet Organic baby food. It is surprisingly difficult to find baby food without salt and some type of sugar. The ingredients in this formula are: Organic pear, organic broccoli, organic spinach, ascorbic acid, organic lemon juice concentrate.The packaging lists it as 2 servings, but I think most babies can/will eat the entire package. This is not always the case, though, so the twist on/off lid makes it very convenient for storing in the refrigerator. The one thing I don't like is that it's difficult to see/feel if you've really gotten all of the food out of the pouch. The food is quite expensive, and I don't like the thought of not being able to get every little drop out of the packaging.All in all, this is a great food -- tastes great, has wonderful ingredients, doesn't have unnecessary additives, and is very convenient. I love to have meal bars in my purse because they are great when I don't have time to stop and eat a snack (and might otherwise reach for fast food). However, many of them have long ingredient lists or leave something to be desired in flavor. These Pure bars address this completely. Much like the Lara bars they have a short list of minimally processed ingredients. If you're tried of bars with lots of additives or ingredients you cannot pronounce you will likely find this refreshing. The taste is also pretty decent. Granted, it's all a matter of personal preferences, but I find these okay to eat. It's not something I would excitedly eat over dessert, but i's definitely palatable and reminds me of a blueberry muffin. If you've tried the Lara bars I would say the flavor and consistency are very similar. That said, they are definitely not as tasty or texturally appealing as the bars that have more ingredients (i.e. Odwalla or Luna). Of course, it's all about making tradeoffs so if a long ingredient list doesn't bother you, you may prefer the other two brands. However, if you're looking for somehting with a short ingredient list that is raw, vegan, gluten-free, or certified organic this is a good choice.The bottom line is this. I personally think it's hard to make a bar with only a few ingredients that are all natural that tastes as good as the more processed bars, but overall this one does a pretty good job. Flavor: It has a reasonably bold flavor, which I like (I find k-cups are often weak in flavor relative to what you'd get at a coffee shop for instance). And it doesn't have a much acidity or after taste - clean finish. I wouldn't call it complex or particularly interesting - just a good basic coffee.Packaging - regular box. Would have preferred a perforated top that can store in the cabinet without pulling it out to get the kcups. As we've all seen, there are numerous energy drinks out there. Many of them are loaded with artificial chemicals. For those who are interested in something more natural, Nestle has released this drink and you should consider it.As far as the ingredients go, they are all natural (with the exception of added carbonation which isn't a big deal). The first ingredients are apple juice and lemon juice so that should tell you something. No artificial colors or flavors. If you like apple juice, this one tastes pretty good. It's not a strong apple flavor as there is no added sugar other than what occurs naturally in the apple juice.As far as energy? What can I say? It works. Charged me right up and I didn't crash afterwords which is nice. The cans are 90 calories each which is from the natural sugar in the apple juice. Of course, this means you shouldn't drink half a dozen of these in a day as those calories will rise pretty quickly. All in all, this is a great, natural energy drink that won't drain you after two hours. When I have a choice of potato chips I always choose a thick cut kettle cooked chip like these ones. Locally we have a company that does this type like very well, but Kettle brand chips are always a close second favorite.The Sriracha flavor of this one is very close to the real thing, but a bit more mild. I didn't expect to be able to finish the bag with a real Sriracha heat, but I didn't have a problem with these.Overall the chips are tasty, they have very nice potato flavor and a great crunch! I like the bag size also as it satisfies my chip craving without eating too many. It's very tasty but very high in calories. I use a little in my yogart instead of a bowl of cereal; because of the calories. The ingredients are healthy, lots of good stuff.The recommended serving size is only 1/3 cup and that's 130 calories before the milk. it has 3.5g of unsaturated fat, 5g fiber but only 6g of sugar; it's loaded with carbs 22g and only 20g of sodium. It's whole grains (oats, brown rice, buckwheat,amaranth, millet, quinoa) flax seed, cane juice, canola, molasses, cinnamon, sea salt with added vitamin E, chicory root,and it's glutten free The color of the bar isn't appetizing; however, the taste is pleasant though a little too nutty for my preference. I have organic products in the past...and well...this definitely superior to those..this one actually tasted good....many of the others left a cardboard sensation with a nasty medicinal aftertaste. This one did not. No added sugar as far as I can tell. The kids didn't like it because it wasn't sweet enough...but isn't that the point of being organic...getting away from processed sugars and stuff. First, I am not a HUGE cookie fan. I tend to like savory or salty snacks, or cake. But I do love chocolate and peppermint patties (York,or the former "After Eight" thin mints)/ These cookies were a pleasing surprise for me, because it combines both, while leaving the cookie moist and flavorful. Some cookies that include mint, are just a little too dry for me. Since there is actual peppermint filling, as opposed to just peppermint-flavored cookie, I liked these cookies very much. I gave these cookies a 4/5 due to the texture and flavor based on my tastes. If the chocolate was a tad sweeter I may have given them a 5. Overall, a fun, refreshing and different snack-give them a try! Not what I would call a cold season tea, Blackberry Vanilla Caffeine Free Herbal Tea from Lipton has a very interesting fruity flavor, more reminiscent of a spring day than the upcoming fall season.The tea has a strong tart side so I would recommend reducing the brew time from the recommended 4 to 6 minutes. Do not be put off by the deep red color, it makes you think raspberry but that is not the flavor that you will taste.For a change, I brewed four pyramid bags in three cups of water and after it cooled, poured it over a glass of ice. This is my preferred method of drinking it. I do not like sugar in my tea, but decided to give it a little whirl. Something happened with this mix, because I came away with an artificial aftertaste. If you prefer more of a black tea taste in you iced tea, add an extra Lipton orange pekoe bag. A perfect combination.Overall, a good product for warm weather drinking, excellent iced and the tart flavor hits the right spot. I have been drinking a lot of green tea, every day, for about 8 years, when I heard that it might help with allergies. I have terrible dst/pollen allergies which manifest as an itchy throat and uncontrollable cough, and have never found anything to control it. And green tea works.Lipton regular green tea is good, and with the blackberry and pomegranate flavors added, this is a super good-for-you and a super delicious drink. I drink it hot and cold. Try it with a little honey!!! I just tried this Puroast Low Acid Coffee and from first impressions the coffee is very nice and the low acid nature helps with the sour-y aftertaste that I generally experience when drinking black coffee.I tried the coffee several different ways; black , with cream & sugar, and even with condensed milk. The coffee was made in aKeurig B-70 B70 Platinum Single-Cup Home Brewing Systemwith the my Solofill Cup, Refillable K-Cup For Keurig K-Cup Brewers, Red k-cup filter that allows me to use the coffee of my choice. In all instances I filled the my k-cup to the brim of the filler pod and gently tapped but not tamping the grounds. the water temperature is set to the max (which i believe is about 208 F) and made the largest serving available. This is how I usually drink my coffee in the morning whether in a my k-cup or using the disposable kcups so its the best for me to judge the difference.Even in the largest serving, the coffee is still plenty bold and has great aroma and body. I generally avoid drinking black coffee because of that acidic aftertaste that I don't particularly like. That is the reason that I generally use both cream and sugar. With this low acid blend, I can definitely drink this black if that's what I'm in the mood for. The best thing about this mint-mocha coffee is that the flavor is more subtle than in a lot of flavored brews. I generally drink my coffee black and enjoy even the cheapest brands, so I'm not looking for added flavors to overwhelm the basic taste. This one is mild but still distinctive.On the other hand, at $2 a pod I'd never buy it for myself. We'll finish this sample and then not ever purchase it. This version of the water flavor enhancer has too little flavor for too much money. My husband took half of the bottle to work with him to use during his breaks. He said he used the entire half bottle in one regular bottle of aquafina water. It gave it so little flavor it just made it undrinkable. I would buy other flavors of the MIO but not this one! This is the first time I've used this brand. It appears to be the same as other brands I've tried (Trader Joe's and Harvest something?), and they all seemed about the same to me - I never had two side-by-side to do a taste or cooking test, but using them one after the other, I was unable to distinguish between them.I know the Trader Joe's brand was half the price of the first brand we tried, but I don't remember how their price compares to Viva Labs.My mother-in-law, who happened to be here when we opened the Viva Labs jar, said it was far more coconut flavored than the brands she has tried. For some things, I'd count that as a positive, but most recently, we made home-made Magic Shell, and the coconut flavor was a bit too strong for putting on flavored ice creams.But, in short, next time I go to buy a jar, I'll check this brand out and see how it compares price-wise with what I get locally.Note: I was given this jar by the manufacturer in exchange for a review (whether positive or negative). I really liked these. The apple and cinnamon flavors are mild and natural-tasting, and the texture of the crackers is very good. They're not as crumbly as regular graham crackers -- perhaps because of the added oats. While I used this package just for snacking, I think I'll try making a cheesecake crust with my next package. I think it will add a delicious "kick" to the crust. The tea has a nice spice flavor, medium dark reddish brown coloring, and light aroma. I did not find the tea to be as spicy as some other brands, but it was delicious none the less. I got theses yesterday, tried a couple, and put them out on the counter. Everyone in the house has been grabbing one as they walk by. There are only three left.These cookies are light,crispy and flavorful. They're just sweet enough to satisfy without loading you up with sugar.These are a winner. I'm going to snag one of the last ones now while I have a chance. I got into herbal teas a few years ago and went crazy, trying many different flavors. I eventually realized that there were two general classes of teas: those padded with hibiscus and rose hips, and those more pure (less flowery) in flavor. Lipton Blackberry Vanilla falls into the former category, with an immediate taste and fragrance of rose. If you drink herbal teas, you likely already know if this is a good or bad thing to you. Otherwise, the color is dark and beautiful, and the blackberry flavor is pronounced and good. The vanilla is appropriately subtle.Whether sweetened or straight, I found this tea very pleasant and soothing. If you don't mind eating a bouquet, it will likely please you too. It is nearly impossible to get my teenager to drink water, so these Mio flavor enhancers are a lifesaver in our house! I personally prefer the peach tea one because it has a more natural flavor, and I think this one is a bit sharp on the throat if you use enough to get a good flavor (not really a burning sensation but you feel it, if that makes sense). My younger son doesn't like them at all because he feels they're either too weak and they bother his throat if he makes it strong enough. We now have five flavors in the house to give my teenager variety and to keep him drinking water. They are definitely worth a try, as each person will have individual tastes. I'll confess I've never heard of the Pu'erh tree, and since I am an herbal tea, rather than a black tea drinker, I had some reservations about whether I would like this because I was afraid it would taste too much like black tea. I'm pleased to report it does not. It has a unique flavor that I really don't know how to describe. The box describes it as "earthy" and that's as good a description as any. The other flavor it is infused with is ginger. It was the addition of the ginger that prompted me to try this as I love the flavor of ginger, so I was disappointed to find that I can neither smell nor taste any ginger in this tea.What I like about it is that those are the only two ingredients: Pu'erh and Ginger, both organic. You can't get purer than that, and I like that there are no hidden ingredients I have to worry about. While the flavor is earthy, it is not strong, even when I leave the tea bag in to steep while drinking the tea. I find it sometimes bemusing to write reviews on tea, this being my second or third review of various teas. However, that said, I am no expert conesour when it comes to tea so my review is completely from a layman's perspective. This tea is nice with a strong hint of fruitiness. It is not bitter and does not leave a filmy aftertaste in your mouth like some do. Overall, it is pleasant to drink and, given all the benefits of green tea, I highly recommend this as something a little different if you enjoy green tea. thanks. Whew! These things... man, these things are delicious.If you like white chocolate, buy these. At the price (a quarter a pop) they're well worth it.The white chocolate shell on these is soft, sort of flexible. Inside is a white chocolate filling that is DELICIOUS. Several guests have tried these, and it's fun watching their eyes go wide when the flavor hits. These make for a decadent treat and look really classy left in a bowl for guests. Of all the individually wrapped bonbons or truffles I've had, I think these are my favorite. The white chocolate really is just so luxurious and delicious.FIVE STARS! I'm a big chile head.I fancy myself as a connoisseur of hot chiles, an aficionado of hot stuff, if you will. Let's say it right off the bat, this sauce is not that hot. Considering that the chile ingredient is Habanero, which is a 10 on the hot temperature scale, I was quite surprised. I grow many different type of chiles, including Habaneros and use them for cooking, sauces etc. The Habanero is very difficult to work into a sauce. even a salsa because it is so hot and dominate. Not so with this sauce. There is just a taste of heat, mostly as an afterburner that hardly effects the overall taste.The fusion of exotic ingredients creates new flavors that work quite nicely. So if you think this might be too hot, fear not, it is just very tasty. It is an excellent grilling sauce. It works well with fish and chicken best but do not limit your choices. Anything that you want to perk up will benefit from this delicious sauce. I recently ran out of my favorite New Mexico chile honey for my breakfast toast(I told you I was a chile head)so after reading the ingredients of this sauce I decided to spread some on my toast. It was an outstanding flavor for the toast, with just a hint of heat. The first two listed ingredients are sugar and honey so you see it is actually rather sweet. Another use for this sauce I tried, that is a little unconventional too, but not for a chile head though, is to mix it in a soft cheese,like goat cheese. Try this spread over crackers for a real treat. Anyway, I thought I would just throw in a few suggestions that I tried this flavorful sauce on that you might try. I highly recommend this sauce to spice up your life! I don't care if it is just juice concentrate, reconstituted with carbonated water instead of plain water -- the stuff tastes good! The carbonation makes it taste nice and light, instead of super-sweet or -strong like many juices. As a heartfelt devourer of all things cherry, I really liked this Switch black cherry drink.On the other hand, it was so tasty, so light, so refreshing, that I easily could have knocked down three or four of these SMALL 8.3 ounce cans. However, seeing as the primary ingredient is (reconstituted) APPLE juice (that's right, NOT cherry!) and the tiny can has 130 Calories of sugars (natural to the juice, I'm sure, but still) - it is probably a good thing the can is so small, or I'd have had 500 calories just like that! Even Coke only has about 100 calories per 8 ounces!Anyway, Switch tastes awesome. When I get more, I want to try it as a mixer with vodka. And I wish the flavor was a little bit more cherry and less apple/grape. This aromatic tea is pure pleasure - spicy, fragrant and relaxing, while at the same time being an ideal first-tea-of-the-day wake-up. Its warming tones mellows out any irritations you might wake up to and the scent of the tea as it steeps is heavenly. The only drawback is the fact that it only has 16 bags in the box!! This could easily become a fixation tea for me, if I wanted to totally break away from all the other great teas in my collection. A truly wonderful addition to my tea pantry, and one I plan on keeping in stock. I was pleasantly surprised by this drink. It really doesn't have any added sugar, and the flavor is very natural. The carbonation is light, so if you're looking for something with a lot of kick, this might not suit you. But I think it compliments the fruit flavor nicely.Two things took me aback: First, that the can was just a bit over 8oz, which is small for those of us used to normal-size carbonated beverage cans. And second, in spite of having no added sugar, it's really quite sweet. I found it almost too sweet for my taste.It's a nice change from soda, but given the amount you get for the price, I don't think it's a great deal. OK, let me start out by saying that I love nuts and none more so than cashews. Whenever there is a bowl of them at a party, you will find me nearby happily munching away. And so when I saw that these cashews came “lightly roasted with natural sea salt and a hint of pepper,” let’s just say that I was intrigued.I got the canister of the nuts (I like the new packaging that Emerald has come up with), I cracked it open and poured out a handful for inspection. What I noticed right off the bat was that there wasn’t a hint of black pepper on these nuts, there was a shout! That’s right, at least with the nuts I got, there was more pepper on the nuts than salt.Never one to turn my back on cashews I started munching. As other reviewers have said, the taste of pepper was very strong, making eating them an entirely new experience. Depending on what you are drinking, these hot little nuts might really do it for you. But, when my entire family had gathered around it was found that I was the only one who found them to be edible. They are quite different and quite interesting, but they are definitely not for everyone.So, while my family gives them a firm thumbs down, I give them a guarded thumb’s up. Are they terrible, ruined cashews? I don’t think so...just know what you are getting. I brewed the Gevalia Dark Chocolate Truffle coffee both in a Cuisinart automatic brew coffee maker and a french press. I followed the instructions on the package - 1 rounded tablespoon for each 6 ounce cup of coffee. I found the same taste results with both methods. I like a good cup of black coffee but am not fanatical about it. I do grind fresh bold or medium body beans each morning and use filtered water to prepare the pot.As someone who usually adds a little espresso or instant espresso powder to most chocolate recipes I know this flavor combination is a wonderful marriage. Depending on the percentage of espresso to chocolate, the result is either a deep mocha flavor with the coffee playing a major role, or a small addition will result in complex chocolate flavor with no obvious coffee component. Unfortunately, with the Gevalia Dark Chocolate Truffle coffee the merger of coffee and chocolate adversely affected both the coffee and the chocolate flavor.There is a definite aftertaste from the artificial flavor, and the coffee itself is bitter and acidic. I do not know if the artificial flavor affected the coffee or the coffee is bitter and acidic on its own but, after each sip I had an involuntary puckering reaction, not my lips, but the inside of my cheeks as if I was consuming something containing acetic acid, like vinegar, not that it tasted like vinegar - it didn't. The flavor was remarkably unpleasant, and when the cup cooled off, it tasted worse. Even the aroma while brewing smelled artificial.The other reviewers who mention how greatly improved the flavor became once cream was added is an indication of a consistent problem. I love the taste of coffee and like it unadorned - no cream or sugar. I only add cream if I am in a restaurant and the coffee doesn't taste good. I use the cream to doctor-it-up in hopes of salvaging some of the flavor and masking the poor aspects whether caused by bitterness or coffee that's been sitting in the pot too long. This coffee is no exception, the cream vastly improved the drinkability, but the action is akin to smearing butter on a day old roll. Underneath it is still a stale roll, and although the butter tastes delicious, it would not be accurate to call the combination a buttery delight.On the positive side, flavored coffees are usually light body and the Gevalia is definitely medium body. The packaging is quite attractive and the name is clever, but in the end may work against the product because Dark Chocolate Truffle evokes a clear taste profile for most people and the coffee doesn't live up to the name. I am rating the coffee three stars instead of less because if the purchaser always uses cream in their coffee, many of the taste issues I encountered should be if not resolved, at least mitigated. I like the texture of these chips. They are lighter and crisper and less dense/hard than typical tortilla chips and therefore much kinder to the interior of my mouth. These chips remind me of Bugles, not in shape but in texture. To me the chili lime version is too spicy hot but my daughter and son in law don't agree. We all liked the ranch flavor, both straight from the bag and with hummus. The chips are good and I appreciate that they have less fat and fewer calories. But they are not so great that I would go out and buy more. I'm trying my first bar of PURE Organic Cherry Cashew Raw Fruit and Nut Bar as I type this. The package contains all vital information including ingredients, and a list of all the positive things it has in it (rich in Omega 3's, etc.) as well as a list of what it does not have (like gluten, diary, soy, transfats, etc.). The bar itself is dark brown and fairly soft. As I bite into it, the texture is pleasing and right away I can see a few small bits of nuts and dates. The taste is pleasing, with tart cherries balancing the taste of dates. Fortuantely, there is no "sawdust" feel as I swallow, just a bit of grainyness that you might expect from a healthy raw fruit and nut bar. All in all, a very pleasant and tasty experience. This back to nature cereal with summer berries was delicious but gone in 2 1/2 bowls. Maybe I have really bigbowls? It has an excellent flavor, much better than other cardboard varieties and the berries seemed real, notrubbery. Flakes soaked up milk quickly and weren't scratchy. Just right amount of sweetness unless you are addicted to sugar. Didn't have that dry musty taste of high fiber cereals. Initial responses:Sight - looks like a green tea in color. Realize that there are solid chunks in the drink (I think it might be the aloe). I like the fact that all the ingredients are recognizable. I think the only thing that might be acting as a preservative is the citric acid.Smell - floral and citrus - smells really good.Feel - the chunks are noticeable in the mouth when drinking. Somewhat difficult to drink as the chunks either get stuck in my teeth and block the flow of tea (not joking) or get stuck on the outside of my mouth. Otherwise refreshing.Taste - The chunks are like little explosions of flavor. I am fairly certain that the chunks are aloe vera. The green tea taste is distinct but not overpowering. The passion fruit flavor gives this a very floral taste. Sweet to the taste. Leaves a lingering bitterness/tartness after drinking. Somewhat unpleasant.Overall impressions:This is a relatively low calorie (80) and somewhat refreshing drink. However, the amount of sugar within (and this is a considerable factor) and the related taste associations keep me from giving this more stars. This drink has 19g of sugar, the equivalent of about 1 1/3 tablespoon. It is the second ingredient listed. Granted, some of the sugars may come from the Aloe Vera (or even perhaps the passion fruit flavor?). But based on the Mayo Clinic's analysis of 2010 Dietary recommendations, by having this one drink you've already had over 1/9 of your daily recommended sugar for men, and over 1/6 for women. This is a little disconcerting, in my opinion. When you look at something (especially like tea, and aloe, and passion fruit) like this drink, you think of things that are generally healthy. There's just so much sugar in this that it becomes difficult for me to give this a more positive review.I think that the only redeeming aspect of this is that the calories are not ALL empty calories (like a soda) as you're assumedly getting antioxidants from the green tea - but why not just drink green tea in that case? I loved these savory teas. Granted, I've not tried other brands, so I've no comparison. I thought each of the flavors was clear and strong--though I steeped mine quite longer than the recommended 10 minutes. At the recommended time, the flavor was just piquing. Letting them go about twice that brought them to a fullness I enjoyed.I take mine with just a pinch of salt, enough to enhance both the savory and sweet notes, and the flavors were delicious. I will definitely buy these again, and will keep my eye out for other combinations. Very pleasant tea-drinking experience indeed from beginning to end.From the start, the tea bags are quite exotic and classy looking.The aroma of the tea as it steeps is "berry" mild, while the color is vibrant!The flavor of the tea is quite powerful even with very little sweetner added. My husband Patrick & I enjoyed the experience immensely.One caution, since the color is so vibrant, be careful of staining opportunities. It is a perfect cup of tea to replace a soup. I drink it hot with a sandwich for lunch or dinner. It has all the savory flavors of the soup without heaviness and calories. Numi Teas are the most wonderful teas I've tasted in a long time. I recently became acquainted with them at an event where they were the tea of choice on the dessert table. I used to love Tazo but Numi is my new favorite. First off, as soon as you open the box, the fragrance of the tea hits you. And cardamom has to be one of the most glorious fragrances on the planet. It's a sweet, gentle fragrance that affects my mood and makes me happy. It also tastes good (cardamom, in general, tastes amazing in everything - I wonder why we Americans don't use it more regularly). This tea also has a slightly spicy flavor but not as spicy as say a strong chai tea. I have tried this with a little milk but prefer it without in general.Pu-erh Tea is a tea that is fermented as opposed to oxidized. I believe traditional oolong black teas and green teas are oxidized. Oxidized teas do have a lot of health benefits but apparently, fermented tea also has numerous benefits without the punch of caffeine. Fermented tea is reportedly better for the digestive process than oxidized teas but I don't know what the science really is on that.Delicious, richness in a cup. Price is a bit high but it really is a lovely tea. Maybe as a treat. This is a very good tasting granola. The almonds in the "banana nut" flavor are very hard, so if this is not a problem go for it and try it out! The cost is high for such a small amount of granola and it doesn't last long even buying it in bulk packages of pack of six in 12 ounce packs. It's all natural which is good, but for the cost I think it would be worth the time to buy the ingredients yourself to save some money. Taste? Ok. The strawberry and banana flavors weren't bad, but there is an acidic bite to the drink as well. Tastes like Red Bull mixed up with Hawaiian Punch.Healthy? Naw. 20 grams of sugar. All natural ingredients . . . but I doubt it is any healthier than your average soda.Energy? Yep. Same caffeine as a cup of coffee.Overall: If you want to wake up in the morning without drinking coffee or Diet Coke, this could be your drink of choice. The flavor is not great, but its comparable with the other energy drinks out there and you will get your caffeine fix. Compared to other teas, this has a light spicy flavor. I tried it after a large meal and it did help the food digest. It is a pleasant way to end a meal. No need to add sugar to this tea. It does not have the deeply bitter taste of most black teas. Will be buying this and other Puerh brands from now on. I am an avid black tea drinker. And while I've had unflavored pu'eh tea, I've found that it tastes rather like dirt. It is very well suited, though, to be the base of a flavored tea. And that is why I wanted to give this a try.First, the good. The spicing is absolutely appropriate. I've had some 'chai' teas that are WAY over-flavored. This tea's spice is great. The cardonon is very flavorful without being overpowering.But I must say that I was expecting a more robust tea all around (pu'eh may taste like dirt on its own, but it is a pretty full-flavored tea). Even though the spice was decent, the pu'eh seemed very weak as a 'base' in this tea. So, the taste is spice and nothing behind it.I was also amazed that this tea is packaged as 'higher caffeine' because I wouldn't have known that from drinking the tea. IF there is more caffiene in here than in my customary Irish or Scottish Breakfast, I couldn't tell.So, there you have it; a 3 star tea. That may just say more about my personal taste for robust and strong teas, but if you have similar preferences, this tea may not be your cup ot tea. I have been trying Viva Labs #1 Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in several recipes the last two weeks. It has enhanced each one of them like no other coconut oil I have used in the past. The flavor explosion that came through when used in a spicy shrimp and spaghetti dish was wonderful. I used it to make a coconut and lemon rub for a baked chicken that seemed to come out with extra juice. Even the gravy made from the drippings had a hint of coconut to compliment it.In addition, I used a small amount in an oil warmer. It allowed the room to have a tropical smell for hours and made for a peaceful setting. Aside from the Young Living essential oil line, this seemed to have the longest and most pungent aromatic quality to it. As long as the price becomes reasonably close to other brands, Viva Labs has a winner on their hands! I got a package of these to review for the Amazon Vine program. I'm not normally a big fan of these add to water drinks. But, this one is really good. It's not as much green tea as it is mango and pineapple. If you're a tea lover, you might not like this so much. It's very fruity. I like the fact that it's not all artificially sweetened even though it does contain an artificial sweetener. At least there is some honey in it. I would definitely buy these. I couldn't keep them away from my daughters and my wife. Since I am a fan of flavored coffee, particularly coffee flavored with natural ingredients, I knew I had to try this coffee. As soon as I opened the package to brew a pot, my kitchen smelled of hints of vanilla (my four year old son even asked me if I was baking something). If anything, the aroma is most satisfying when drinking this coffee, but the taste isn't too strong. In sum, this coffee is good because of its aroma and delicious taste. I am certainly impressed with Starbucks' new vanilla addition, and I will most definitely continue purchasing this coffee. For a two pack purchase on Amazon, the price is quite reasonable. Bottom line: if you enjoy drinking a nice scented coffee, this one is a must-try! This tea has a nice orange aroma to it. The flavor of this tea is somewhat subtle even though I let it steep for several minutes. The color remained pale. I like the pyramid shaped bags of this tea. Besides being cute, the pyramid shape is supposed to help the tea flavors infuse better.While this tea is not bad, as far as orange flavored teas go, I much prefer theBigelow Decaffeinated Constant Comment Tea. I loved these savory teas. Granted, I've not tried other brands, so I've no comparison. I thought each of the flavors was clear and strong--though I steeped mine quite longer than the recommended 10 minutes. At the recommended time, the flavor was just piquing. Letting them go about twice that brought them to a fullness I enjoyed.I take mine with just a pinch of salt, enough to enhance both the savory and sweet notes, and the flavors were delicious. I will definitely buy these again, and will keep my eye out for other combinations. Practically perfect like Mary herself! Boy these cookies are awesome - it's a good thing I got only one cookie cup - I can see eating these for ten days straight. Very fresh with just the right cookie to fudge ratio.Winner! So much so I gave them out at Halloween! The larger percentage of the ingredients in these bars seems to be the fruit, but it is not extremely sweet. The texture reminds me of a thick fruit-roll up with some nuts and other ingredients pressed in to it. The flavor is just okay. I wouldn't buy them for their flavor but I would if I really needed a fast and healthy gluten-free snack handy. If you enjoy flavored coffee and like dark chocolate this is the coffee for you. The chocolate flavor is super rich. In fact, for my taste I made the coffee a second time and stronger because at first the chocolate flavor seemed to diminsh any taste of coffee.Strong it makes a very nice espresso and we especially like it for after dinner coffee due to the sweetness.It's not my morning brew but later in the day delish! These Peeled Snacks Organic Apple Clusters are a healthy choice if you want something sweet with a good crunch. My wife, two kids (6yo and 3yo) and I all enjoyed this snack. The clusters have a strong apple flavor and are pretty sweet. The flavor is almost exactly that of the Kirkland freeze-dried apple snacks I have purchased from Costco in the past. Organic apple juice is the second ingredient, so it looks like the manufacturer has naturally sweetened this snack. Some may find the sweetness too much, but my family enjoyed them. The clusters are very crunchy. Some may think they are too crunchy. I would purchase these and would like to try other flavors. QUICK SUMMARY: This highly fudgey cookie is addictive and was gobbled up at a party in no time. However, the cookies themselves are relatively small (just slightly larger than a Thin Mint or Oreo in diameter), and I/we did note a chemical taste not unlike that found inChips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies. You'll go through a package quickly both because of the deliciousness and that you really only get 15-18 relatively small cookies. More details follow...PACKAGING:(Note - I received this product through the Vine program and it is possible that packaging will change between the review version and final launch.)The outer wrap is a relatively standard Chips Ahoy pack. Opening it involves lifting a tab on the front, which reveals three rows of cookies. While the cookies in my package were intact, I was initially shocked by how much air is in the package. Nabisco clearly re-used the tray from other cookie products, and these cookies do not fill the space. As such, they're probably prone to bounce around and crumble if treated poorly in shipment. The package can be re-sealed by pressing the flap back down and running a finger along the edge to adhere. The cookies didn't last long enough for me to judge whether the package truly prevents the cookies from becoming stale. The seal seems a little looser than I'd like.VISUAL IMPRESSION:The cookies look kind of shabby, to be honest. They don't look like they'd be very chocolaty. Also, the smaller size is quite striking if you're used to the size of a standard Chips Ahoy. (This smaller size likely accounts for the large amount of airspace in the packaging.)FLAVOR:I was blown away by the taste of these. While there is a slight chemical taste, it is the same chemical taste found in any soft-style packaged cookie. The chemical taste is quickly replaced by an explosion of chocolate. One guest I shared these with noted that the cookie tasted a S'more minus the marshmallow. (Idea for Nabisco: S'more flavor!) I was initially concerned that the cookie would be too sweet, but the chocolate filling is kind of dark and semi-sweet which compliments the cookie perfectly. The cookies are also quite rich, and I found myself satisfied after a smaller quantity of cookies than normal.NUTRITION:Well, it's a cookie. You shouldn't be expecting a health food here. It's 150 calories per serving, and a serving is roughly 2 cookies. That seems fairly calorie-dense to me, but your perception may vary. Each serving has 21g of carbs, with 13g of those coming from sugar. There's no trans-fats, and the ingredients list sugar, not HFCS, as the main sweetening ingredient.QUANTITY/VALUE:At $4.32 a package, that's roughly 24-28 cents a cookie or around 50-56 cents a serving (2 cookies). While I didn't pay for this product directly, I have to say that I would not pay over $4 per package for these given the low quantity of cookies. I'd watch for a sale or lower price. This is not the best herbal tea, but it is decent. When hot, it is a bit tart. It tastes a lot better as an iced tea. It also has a pretty red color when brewed. Though it is labeled as blackberry vanilla, I did not taste any vanilla flavor, nor is vanilla listed as an ingredient. You can get better tasting herbal teas elsewhere, but if you are just looking to grab something caffeine free at the supermarket, this is not too bad. It does contain rose hips as the second ingredient which makes a very healthy tea, high in vitamin C.I don't understand the appeal of using mesh bags for teas. They do not filter tea any better than biodegradable paper tea bags. It is also difficult to get them out and squeeze them with a spoon. At last a really delicious bread mix that tastes like real bread. I used coconut oil instead of vegetable oil and added 5 tablespoons of ground flaxseed. I don't have a bread machine and it was a bit tricky to mix with my old hand mixer but it rose beautifully and baked up perfectly. The smell of freshly baked bread was wonderful. We couldn't wait and cut the loaf before it was completely cool. No problem! The loaf was moist and tasted like real bread. Maybe the flaxseed and coconut oil helped. The bread was fresh for days right up until the last crumb was gobbled up. Sliced thinly, it makes great toast too. I'm not a fan of those bean flours and this bread was much better than the others I have tried. Izze Sparkling Pomegranate is not too sweet, but it is just as refreshing and fun as sugary soft drinks. The cans are small and stylish, perfect for carrying in your purse or backpack. Kids like it, and the smaller size makes it a more sensible serving.The company is ecologically and socially responsible, too.What's more, this flavor is very nice with a touch of Cointreau for a sophisticated and festive cocktail.An excellent alternative to sodas. If you think teas is just for when you are sick, you are saddenly mistakenIf you think decaf tea is "weak", I urge you to try again with the Twinnings Irish Breakfast decaf. This isn't a herbal tea that tastes like your neighbors' old grass clippings. This is real tea.This tea has a rich, strong flavor without bitterness. It has a more robust flavor than Twinning's English Breakfast, which is also quite good. This tea is quite good in the morning as a wake up for those of us who have to avoid caffeine. And of course it's great at night because it doesn't have caffeine to keep you up.I recommend everybody and anybody to try this tea. It is yummy. I would have given this a five star but the price kept it down.I drink Lipton iced tea and this tea is great but I thought it was a little to expensive. A little smiley sweet-tart candy on a note with a fun design. That's all these are, and I really like the idea. The paper is very similar to the quality of those Valentine's Day card packs for children. The candy is good, if nothing special, and is small enough to even please those on diets. I think most people would like to find one of these hidden in a lunchbag or desk drawer. I see complaints that they don't include a tape strip, but that would make it difficult to pop the candy out of the back. The question is how much these will cost when they go on sale. Given what they are, I don't think they should ask for much. It actually makes more sense to me to sell them in 30-packs for a low price, which would be more useful for teachers. Savory Tea? As a person who drinks several cups of tea a day, the concept intrigued me. I can typically be found drinking English Black Teas (Earl Grey, Darjeeling, English Breakfast) and Chai. I've been enjoying Numi teas lately because they make an excellentNumi Organic Tea Golden Chai, Full Leaf Black Tea, 18-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 3)and they are one of the few mainstream purveyors ofNumi Organic Tea Emperor's Puerh, Full Leaf Black Tea, 16-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 2), an excellent aged Chinese tea. In fact, one of my favorite teas right now isNumi Organic Tea Chocolate Puerh, Full Leaf Black Tea, 16-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 2), a wonderful combination of aged Pu-Erh and Chocolate that Numi is marketing.That being said, this is a review for the Numi Savory Tea. Who would have thought to combine all of these vegetables with tea? Well, Numi decided to, and here is the result.First, I was surprised the Amazon listing didn't show the kosher symbol like most of the other Numi boxes. If this is a concern for you, rest assured that these are certified Kosher by Rabbi Reuven Flamer at Natural Food Certifiers, shown as the Apple-K (symbol is on the bottom of the box) They are also certified as USDA Organic, Non-GMO, Carbon Free, Certified "B" Corporation, and Halal. Unlike many other organic teas (like Celestial Seasonings), they still individually wrap the tea bags which preserves the flavor and keeps them fresh longer. The bags are stringless however.I would highly recommend you try a sampler pack before committing to a whole box. Numi has done an excellent job here, with 2 flavors each of 6 flavors in the sampler pack. The teas are not just vegetables but include decaffeinated tea as well (two are black, four are green).The black teas are "beet cabbage" and "tomato mint". Unless you are Dwight Schrute or you grew up on Borscht, you likely have the same feelings towards the smell of beets as me. It's good for an indicator of acid/base, but not much else. I brewed it and wasn't surprised I didn't like it. The Tomato Mint was quite a surprise and very interesting. I experimented a bit with it, and found that instead of adding Splenda or Honey, adding Salt greatly brought out the flavor. In fact, it was a bit like a dilute tomato soup, with a kick from the tea and mint. Maybe I should add some tea to my tomato soups in the future?The green teas are Carrot Curry, Broccoli Cilantro, Spinach Chive, and Fennel Spice. Of note is that the Broccoli Cilantro actually contains 90% of your daily requirement of calcium and Fennel Mint contains 50%. So these teas have benefits if you are trying to increase your calcium intake. The green teas were all pretty good, with each improving with the addition of a bit of salt. I know it sounds weird to add salt to tea, but trust me, it brings out the flavor.So why only 4 stars? I have to be honest - I didn't enjoy any of the teas enough to buy them again. Interesting idea but not my "cup of tea". But Numi is a class act and if you like this sort of savory tea, then they have done probably the best job possible of packaging and producing vegetable savory teas for a mass market. I didn't think I would like this, and I didn't. Now I give it four stars to be fair. FOR a stevia product, I think it's better than most I've had. My husband enjoys the 'taste' of stevia and says this stuff is good. For anyone who hasn't had it, in my opinion, stevia has a sort of "nutrasweety" aftertaste. I don't care for it, but I know others do. If you don't mind stevia flavor, then I think you'll be happy with this. This is a very smooth tea that blends in the cardamon flavor very well. I could not tell much of a demarcation between the flavors, which is a mark of good tea for me. While the flavors are blended well together, the overall flavor is fairly mild, even with a good amount of steeping. So while this is better than generic tea, it doesn't quite get to the same level as the flavored loose leaf tea from the local shop. The taste of this bar is OK but not that great. I guess it is just a matter of preference. I have tasted other organic fruit and nut bars and they had a lot more flavor. The ingredients are good for you but with not nuch flavor. I like hot drinks like coffee & tea, and I like the flavors of lemon and ginger.This drink has a pleasant aroma and a spicy/sweet flavor. The ginger flavor is very strong -- almost like eating a Ginger flavored Altoid. The ginger's spicy flavor lingers in the mouth for a while after each sip.This drink is great for cold days and I bet it'd be super soothing if you had a cold or a sore throat. I may pick some more of this up if I see it at the grocery store. Are your children asking for soft drinks, but you don't want them to have all that added sugar? This is a wonderful alternative. It's 100% juice with no added sugar. The sugar comes just from the natural juice. The carbonation makes it taste just like a black cherry soda. Also the 8.3 ounce size is ideal for kids or adults who don't want to fill up too much on the typical 12 oz. can of soda. It's not exactly a health drink and you still want to limit your intake of natural sugars, but it gives you the great taste of a soft drink without artificial additives that you find in most soft drinks. Also, with this being real juice you do get some vitamins that you don't in regular soft drinks. The downside for calorie counters is that this 8.3 oz can has about the same calories as a 12 ounce can of soda. Numi's cardamom Pu'erh tea has a nice spicy scent, but the smell doesn't carry over to the flavor, which isn't bad, but it is bland and lacking in taste. From what I've read, I believe Pu'erh tea is supposed to have health benefits, which is always a benefit.I tried this plain and with added lemon and honey, but just didn't enjoy the taste. I am always looking for healthy, low calorie snacks, so when I heard about Popchips, I was intrigued. They are crunchy chips that are not fried, and not baked, but created using heat and pressure to make them pop into being. Since I love sweet potato chips in general, I thought I would give these a try.The first thing I noticed was the color. They looked a bit lighter in color to other sweet potato chips I have tried, and I think this is due to them not being fried. They really looked the same color as fresh, cooked sweet potatoes. I did not notice any particular smell, other than good old sweet potatoes. So far so good.In terms of taste, I thought they tasted great. The chips were nice and crispy, with only a hint of salt, so you really got to enjoy the naturally sweet flavor. I can really see that these will help satisfy cravings for something crunchy, something salty, something sweet, and especially something that is all three.The texture is definitely not that of a typical potato chip. They are lighter, crisper, and airy, not as dense as a rice cake, but not as greasy as a typical chip. All in all, I was really pleased with them. Someone looking for a healthy replacement, or enjoys other veggie chip type snacks would really like these, I think. For a die hard chip lover, these would might not satisfy you upon first taste, but give them a couple of chances; personally I loved them.With the snack size bag being 100 calories, I am pretty sold on these as a healthy snack alternative. This would be a great addition to a sandwich for lunch, or an in-between meal snack. I am happy to add Popchips to my snack rotation. My kids really loved this cookie, perhaps because we don't buy many soft baked cookies. The cookies are moist and soft, with a layer of chocolate in the center. Since it was warm when they tried it, the chocolate (there's a lot of it) easily melted. My kids thought this cookie was great, lots of chocolate! I found them a bit grainy and lacking in texture, making them merely okay. Since I'm not used to soft baked cookies this might just be a personal preference. Overall, it's a cookie; of course it is good! Yet I wish it was just a bit better. Sill, if you enjoy chocolate you might enjoy this. I love raspberry anything, and I already was thinking this would be good, not usually a good thing, as my expectations sometimes get the better of me, and then I am let down. Not so in this case. The woodsy taste of this sauce is just right. It isn't overly sweet, and has a nice blend of flavors. As I am a BBQ nut, I used it last week on a piece of venison I had in the freezer. I marinated it for two days and then grilled it up (just missing a very heavy snowstorm...though snow wouldn't stop me). I was pretty impressed with the way the venison came out. It really did a great job taking away any of the gamey taste, without having to use a better wine or brandy (what I used to use). The sweetness was a very nice addition, and well balanced. It was not overly acidic, and the meat was very tender. I have tried this on salmon, and again, I was very happy with the taste. I usually prefer a milder fish like Chillean sea bass, swordfish, tuna, or even fresh cod. This may end up being my new Ketchup (put it on anything and it tastes better). :-) The cost does seem a little high, but really, you get what you pay for, and here, you are paying for quality. I have also tried this as a salad dressing with pistachios and walnuts, feta cheese, spinach, pear slices and lettuce, and it was also great. If you are not allergic, try it, it's a great alternative for tradition mixes and flavorings! Right out of the wrapper, this bar doesn't exactly appear appetizing. Taking a bite of it, though, I found it to be pretty good. This is definitely not a good snack for anyone with nut allergies, as it's studded with nuts. If you're not allergic, it may make for a nice snack, if you are not bothered by the following.First off, the primary flavor of this bar comes from the ground dates. While I could taste the blueberry in it, it was more something that would sneak up on me every few bites or so. Mostly, it tasted like I was eating a ground date bar. The nuts provide a nice crunchy contrast but, like the blueberries, I only encountered them every couple of bites. If you're a big fan of dates, you would likely really enjoy this bar. If you don't like dates, this is definitely not for you.The thing that really held me back from truly liking the bar, though, was the texture of it. I liked the crunch of the nuts, but the bar has a very grainy texture, which is also a result of its being mostly dates. With each bite I took, I liked the flavor and really wanted to like the bar, but I just couldn't get past the texture. I like the concept of it, but I think it would have tasted better if it had fewer dates and more grains, giving it more of a granola bar texture. I received a free container of this product to try. To test it I waited until the weather turned cold & my skin began to feel dry. To test it, I used this product on left leg & arm, and Sebamed moisturizing lotion for sensitive skin on right arm & leg. I applied these products once a day - before bedtime, for 3days. At the end of this test both sides of my body felt equally moisturized.Pros of Viva Labs product- it will definitely last longer than a lotion moisturizer & lack of multiple ingredients reduces risk that your skin may react to it.Cons- it comes in a tub & it takes some patience to apply because the product is hard until the warmth of your fingers melts the top layer. It of course made my body smell like coconut, but in the morning the smell had declined enough that I don't think anyone standing near me would notice. Finally, I usually avoid any skin product that comes in a tub because each time you put your fingers in it you are transferring bacteria into it. I am not a chemist & don't know if harmful types of bacteria are likely to multiply in coconut oil.If you favor organic products or skin care products without a lot of chemicals, & if you are not allergic to coconut, this seems like a good option. And of course, if you have a partner or spouse at home, make sure she or he is okay with the smell of coconut! So yummy and it's pretty too. There are little chunks of straight chocolate mixed in with the granola and berry bits, so you could pick the chocolate out if you are so inclined. (And I am!) The whole mix of flavors is nice and this stuff is very crunchy. You don't want to eat it in a movie theater - the folks next to you can hear the crunch. My Mother was delighted about the organic aspect, but I don't care one way or the other personally. I want a snack that tastes good and feels satisfying and the Love Crunch does that very nicely. The only complaint I have is when compared to average grocery store granola snacks, thie Love Crunch is VERY expensive. We'll probably buy this now and then as a treat, but it's just too pricey to be a staple in our pantry. We're pretty rabid coffee and hot chocolate drinkers at my house. The Maxwell House International products aren't something we normally buy, but I figured this could be a really nice alternative to the coffee pods in hurry. Sadly, the Peppermint Mocha Latte experiences left us a bit wanting.First and foremost, the flavor of the Maxwell House Peppermint Mocha Latte isn't bad; however, at the recommended amount of powder to water (4 tsp per 8 oz of water) the flavor is really, really subtle. I would not recommmend using their recommended amount of powder unless you're looking for something more akin to a tea.When we upped the ratio of powder to water, the product was much better. The flavors of the peppermint weren't overpowering, and you still get the flavor of the latte coming through just fine.Overall, it's a middling product. It isn't bad at all, but I think there are better mixes out there if you're really looking for a nice flavor experience. This is good coffee - not weak, and not overly strong, but the vanilla flavor is a little strong for my preference. On the plus side, there was no funny aftertaste like many vanilla flavored coffees have. Simply put, if you like a strong vanilla flavor, this is a good choice for you. If you prefer the actual coffee to be the focus, and the vanilla to be more of a background note, this is not the choice for you. The light lemony taste is very refreshing. The cookies arrived fresh and in good shape. Well worth a try. I will certainly be buying more of these. When my one review pack arrived, I thought I'd have a quick taste just to see how it compared with the Kashi GoLean Crunch that DH has been eating to replace the decidedly NOT heart-healthy snacks that his cardiologist says he can't eat anymore. Why not? I could just zip the bag back closed. Well, I tell you, I had to sit down right there and pour myself a bowl with milk. Wonderful. And now we have something that can be sprinkled over greek-style non-fat plain yogurt, which he IS supposed to be eating more of. The evaporated cane juice provides just the right hint of sweetness without being too much sugar, and the high level of fiber will certainly be a boon to healthy dieters. The flax seed is an added benefit for heart health.My 60-year-old teeth are sensitive and weaker now than they used to be, so I often have difficulty chewing some of the granolas. This Kind blend is chewy and substantial, but not so hard that it's risky for me to try to eat it out of hand. Softened with milk, it's no problem at all. I'm not on a gluten-free diet, but I have friends who are, and this product would be just fine for them. The mix of whole grains has an interesting texture and taste, and the whole blend tastes so good I'd warn you not to sit down with the whole bag in front of the TV. It WILL be gone before you know it.Cost is my only problem with this product, but not because it's not worth the money. Healthy food costs more than junk, as it should, and it's clear to me that Kind is very healthy indeed. We're on low fixed income, though, so this would have to be an occasional splurge item for us, used more as a condiment on aforementioned yogurt than as a complete meal. I can stretch $5 worth of beans or chicken a lot further than I could one of these 11 oz. bags. I might, though, try it mixed in with oatmeal.In short: It's good food. The K cups just makes things easier and maybe even more acceptable to drink tea at the office. Gift it to the men in your life. Tea is so darn healthy for them. I've had some pretty good pu'erh tea before, especially in Yunnan, China, which is the center of pu'erh. Good pu'erh tea is fermented then aged for several years and has a very complex flavor, and can command rather high prices. The pu'erh in these bags is obviously not of that caliber. While the brewed tea has a rich, dark color, it lacks the layers of flavors of a good pu'erh tea. The ginger is predomindant, but it's the flavor of dried ginger instead of fresh. The pu'erh flavor notes are limited to a little bit of earthy/woody, and lack the bit of natural sweetness and additional complexity that I've noted in good pu'erh before. Good pu'erh also allows itself to multiple steepings, but this tea lost most of the pu'erh notes and tasted merely of dried ginger when it was steeped a second time. There's nothing really offensive about this tea, but it's kind of boring. Gevalia flavored coffees have been kind of hit & miss for me with all of them having a marvelous aroma but being little short on quality considering the price. Not so this new Dark Chocolate Truffle flavor. Attractively packaged in a dark purple and brown box suitable for gift-giving, this ground coffee brews up nicely in my drip maker and in my fancy French Press. It's a little bit bitter as a black coffee but once you add some steamed milk and just a touch of sugar, you wind up with a superb Cafe Au Lait suitable for after-dinner dessert coffee or just for a special weekend brunch. It fills the kitchen with its scent. I could see this making a great base for an alcoholic dessert coffee by adding some Kahlua & Cholcate curls atop the steamed milk. My leftover drip-brewed coffee made a nice Ice-blended the next day.I'm not sure I would but this regularly due to Gevalia's price but I would definitely keep some on hand during the Holiday Season! It has a nice, rich Chocolate flavor. Overall, this was quite the pleasant surprise. I drink tea every day and I love green tea and all sorts of chinese tea and earl grey, etc. I like ginger tea as well, but this one is strong. I had stomachache after I drink 2 cups of it (with the same teabag). I'll have to try it again but I am a little scared to. I like these better than the Chips Ahoy Chewy Gooey Megafudge cookies. There's still a slight aftetaste to these cookies, though. Yes, the cookies are soft, but they really aren't as "gooey" as the name implies. The packaging, with its resealeable flap, is a good idea. It will keep the cookies fresher longer. If you like Chips Ahoy cookies, you will likely enjoy these too. For me, they were just okay. I enjoy this blend of herbal tea. Blackberry and vanilla make a good combination. I also like the fact that this tea is caffeine free. I can drink this any time day or night. Yes, the tea bags looka little bit different than other tea bags, but they steep just fine and the tea tastes great. I'm not too sure about the product description of hints of having deep earthy flavors or having my mind invigorated as I'm not too much of a tea snob. I do, however, like this tea and thought it had a good taste with no aftertaste like some teas, and unlike other teas with a ginger predominance the ginger didn't overwhelm me or leave a bad aftertaste. A co-worker who is a tea snob said this one was very good and ordered a package for himself so that's a pretty good recommendation to me. I've never tried pu'erh tea because I've heard that it has unique or pungent flavor that not everyone likes. Numi ginger flavored pu'erh surprised me! The flavor is very deep and earthy - very complex. I think it has a hint of smokey flavor that is almost wood-like. The ginger flavor compliments the earthy flavor of the tea and makes a very delicious combination. Unlike some other ginger teas I've tried, the ginger doesn't overpower the other flavors in this tea. I just finished a cup and I'm already craving another. I'm planning to try Numi's other varieties of pu'erh tea. This was a nice experience. If you like ginger then you will love this drink. The aroma is amazing. I think if I had a cold I would feel better just smelling this stuff. It is very strong and I would make 2 cups from package rather than one. I would give it 4 stars if it weren't for the heartburn. Okay, I got these cookies on Saturday and have already demolished half of the package. That is, what wasn't already demolished when the cookies arrived, thanks mostly to the United States Postal Service, with some help from Amazon packaging. (The cookies arrived in a huge box with air pillows that were supposed to shield the cookies but failed to keep the package from shifting all over the place while the box was in motion--and probably upside-down at times as well. I think only six or seven cookies survived intact, the rest were in variously sized crumbs.)Now, biting into one of these cookies, you won't immediately think, "Gee, I can't tell if these are homemade or store-bought!" You can definitely tell the difference. That said, the cookies have a purity of flavor that's usually lacking in most store-bought treats. They also have a distinct absence of any sort of metallic aftertaste or any other "off" flavor. Probably because there's no multisyllabic ingredients or preservatives which are usually responsible for such "off" flavors. These really are simply made, with ingredients any home baker would use to make chocolate chip cookies.The serving size is two cookies, giving you 140 calories and 7 grams of fat, 3 of that saturated fat. Personally, I haven't exactly been following the serving size suggestion as it was far too easy to pick up a piece and then another piece and then a crumb or two and say, "That must be only half a cookie, surely!" thanks to the demolished state in which the cookies arrived. However, no matter the size of the piece, the cookies have a pleasant crumbly texture, rather like a pecan sandie, but nothing too crispy or mouth-abrading. They've also got a nice buttery flavor, with yummy chocolate-y goodness sprinkled throughout.All-in-all, I am rather loving these cookies and have a feeling I will be turning to them for my next cookie fix. I'll also be looking into other Keebler products as a result. I've never really paid attention to Keebler, or any of the other major snack food producers, because of my aversion to the multitude of chemical ingredients crammed into the foods they produced. Now, though, that these big companies are wising up and cutting back on the "junk" they put in their junk food, I'll be more apt to occasionally buy a package whenever I'm jonesing for a snack food fix and don't feel up to baking it myself. This is a very tasty and spicy beverage, which may not be your cup of tea, so to speak. The smell of ginger is strong when opening the pouch and the taste is rather strong and piquant. For many people not used to a strong ginger flavor, this may be off-putting and even unpleasant. If your idea of ginger stops at Canada Dry ginger ale, you will probably not like this product. I grew up with ginger in my foods, so I love this! The closest thing I can compare this to is IndonesianTing Ting Jehe Chewy Ginger Candy. This is basically a liquid version of the candy. Very sweet and spicy, it tickles the throat going down. I've juiced fresh ginger root (with other ingredients) and this tastes like the ginger-infused juice I've made. The pungency is not diminished during manufacturing.Served hot, it is perfect when you're sick. I often make ginger tea with honey when I'm under the weather, and this is a more convenient way of having a tasty hot beverage. Ginger and honey both have been used for thousands of years throughout the world for their health and medicinal benefits. The lemon flavor I couldn't detect however. Okay, I got these cookies on Saturday and have already demolished half of the package. That is, what wasn't already demolished when the cookies arrived, thanks mostly to the United States Postal Service, with some help from Amazon packaging. (The cookies arrived in a huge box with air pillows that were supposed to shield the cookies but failed to keep the package from shifting all over the place while the box was in motion--and probably upside-down at times as well. I think only six or seven cookies survived intact, the rest were in variously sized crumbs.)Now, biting into one of these cookies, you won't immediately think, "Gee, I can't tell if these are homemade or store-bought!" You can definitely tell the difference. That said, the cookies have a purity of flavor that's usually lacking in most store-bought treats. They also have a distinct absence of any sort of metallic aftertaste or any other "off" flavor. Probably because there's no multisyllabic ingredients or preservatives which are usually responsible for such "off" flavors. These really are simply made, with ingredients any home baker would use to make chocolate chip cookies.The serving size is two cookies, giving you 140 calories and 7 grams of fat, 3 of that saturated fat. Personally, I haven't exactly been following the serving size suggestion as it was far too easy to pick up a piece and then another piece and then a crumb or two and say, "That must be only half a cookie, surely!" thanks to the demolished state in which the cookies arrived. However, no matter the size of the piece, the cookies have a pleasant crumbly texture, rather like a pecan sandie, but nothing too crispy or mouth-abrading. They've also got a nice buttery flavor, with yummy chocolate-y goodness sprinkled throughout.All-in-all, I am rather loving these cookies and have a feeling I will be turning to them for my next cookie fix. I'll also be looking into other Keebler products as a result. I've never really paid attention to Keebler, or any of the other major snack food producers, because of my aversion to the multitude of chemical ingredients crammed into the foods they produced. Now, though, that these big companies are wising up and cutting back on the "junk" they put in their junk food, I'll be more apt to occasionally buy a package whenever I'm jonesing for a snack food fix and don't feel up to baking it myself. Back to Nature delivered a really healthy cereal (and for me, snack food for late nights that won't keep me awake). A nice mix of berries (dehydrated) and crunchy, crunchy cereal that has a slight sweetness but none of the prefab who-knows-what of supermarket cereal.I grew up enough to know what is good for me but still appreciate a fun cereal and this is one of them.I will admit to adding fresh apples, banana and blueberries (just buy em and freeze em and add a few now and then) to my morning cereal blends. Summer Berry Blend is good "as is" without tinkering with other cereals to add zest. Well done, Back to Nature! you hooked me! I love raspberries and hot sauces, so my expectations were pretty high. But the first taste was better than I expected.The lightly sweet raspberry taste is front and center, with a hint of smoky flavor and a touch of gentle heat. The ingredient list is short and simple--the first three ingredients are sugar, red raspberries, and jalapeños. There are no preservatives and no corn syrup, so this simple sauce lacks the added funky flavors and aftertastes that many other sauces have.The flavor of this sauce is so uncomplicated and good that I want to try other Fischer & Wieser sauces. I've just subscribed to theirUltimate Sauce Gift Pack,a pack of six bottles including two bottles of Raspberry Chipotle. I'm not a big fan of blueberry (ok, I admit I'm planning on giving that one away,) but the other sauces look promising. especially the Asian Apricot Stir Fry & Dipping Sauce.To try this sauce, I seasoned boneless pork ribs with rosemary and put them on the grill. When they were done, I coated them with this sauce. There was no need to cook the sauce, I just let it get to room temperature so it wouldn't cool the hot food. The flavor was perfect with pork, but I can see that it will work well with chicken, and would be great on a salad, mixed with some rice wine vinegar or balsamic or cider vinegar.I've got to save what's left of this bottle, though, because friends will be visiting soon and I plan on drizzling this over cheese and crackers. The included recipes suggest cream cheese, but I'll try it on brie and cheddar, too.4/5/09 UPDATE: I smothered a huge wedge of brie with this sauce and brought it to a party. An hour later I wandered back into the room with the food, and I'd swear the platter had been licked clean. Other foods were still available, so I know it wasn't desperation that drove people to polish this off.My only regret is that I didn't get a photo of the person doing the licking. Oh well, better luck next weekend. If you've never heard of cashew juice join the club. I like to try new things, but I really didn't think I would go crazy over this product. I loved it (so did my wife) and hope I can find a good source for getting more at a decent price. It is kind of hard to describe the taste, but it has a nice balance of sweet and tart. It is very refreshing and apparently very nutritious. The taste is great. The price is great. I use an 18-count egg carton to store the pods, so they don't lose their flavor, as they do not have the plastic case you see in most pods. This is the 3rd time I have purchased this product because I was very pleased with the taste and texture of the oatmeal. Just to make sure the price was good I shopped in 3 health food stores and the price was almost double. I keep it in the freezer and it keeps until I order again. If you like steel cut oats you will love this. I've tried to write this review three times now, and every time I get a power blip or something happens to the browser and I lose it. One more time.I made this carefully, and it is not tasty. It has a big packet of spices that has a lot of whey, onion, and cheese and spices like black pepper are lower than an ingredient that is listed as "not more than 2%.I've eaten tasty mac and cheese, and I've even eaten decent hamburger helper, likeHamburger Helper, Cheesy Nacho, 7.9-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 6). That stuff is cheaper and tastes better.This stuff is easy to make. You brown one pound of beef (I weighed it to be sure I was following directions) and then drain it (pouring out the tasty juices, I won't do that again), then add the misnamed seasoning packet and the pasta, along with two cups of water.Bring it to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and cook for 11-13 minutes.Then remove from the heat and mix in the velveeta packet.They suggest that you add lettuce? Or chopped tomatoes, so I added Ro-Tel to part of it - the other part I kept pristine so that I could taste it as made. I used hot Ro-Tel, and, other than the flavor of the Ro-Tel it was bland. I have to think that the pasta is sort of bland and the spicing in the packet is lacking. It could have some more onion flavor, or more than 0.5% garlic or something.The value in this is what I believe to be parboiled pasta that can be cooked in this fashion.The net weight of this stuff is 12.8 ounces - with a pound of beef, it makes 5 one cup servings. My wife guesses that it serves three adults, or six-eight toddlers (if you were making lunch for a day care, say).Now, this is my suggestion:Suppose you buy a piece of velveeta in the store, some cream, some beef, and a little garlic powder, some onion powder, and some pasta.Cook a quarter pound of pasta in one pan, boiling and draining normally, and then brown a pound or two of beef with a bunch of onion and garlic powder, to taste. In a third pan (or in the one you boiled the pasta in), grate or cube about a pound of Velveeta and heat it gently with a 2 tbsp of butter, stirring frequently until melted, then add about 1/4 to 1/2 cup cream a little at a time while stirring. Add a little white pepper and 1/8 tsp nutmeg, if you like it. Or use sour cream instead of whole cream, or put a little beef broth into the beef after it has browned.Now combine the cheese sauce, the pasta (use more or less to taste, the beef (please don't drain it unless you are on a low fat diet, and then do so carefully - if you have one of those old fat brushes, use that, try to save the juices). Then add a whole can of Ro-Tel, to your family's taste, hot, mild, lime-chili, whatever. Taste it - and if it is bland, fix it.Dust the top with paprika before serving it.This dish will taste good, and it won't take you much longer to make it than it would to start with this mix. And if it is bland, you have only yourself to blame. You can put more or less salt, pepper, herbs, and whatever - you don't need to use a mix to make a cheese/macaroni/beef dish. This stuff really isn't that hard.Now, there is nothing wrong with Velveeta. It melts nicely, it makes a great cheese sauce. It usually has some flavor. And there is nothing wrong with this stuff except that it is just tasteless, and almost anyone can do better. Seriously, YOU can do better than this bland product. If you like Velveeta, use it. If you don't like Velveeta, well, making it yourself allows you to make your cheese sauce from a different type of cheese. Mexican melting cheese is good. Heck, Sargento six cheese is great.If you don't want to do it yourself, save money and buy Hamburger Helper.I can't rate this less than 3 stars, far as I can tell, it is wholesome and it doesn't actively taste bad. It doesn't actively taste of much at all. So it gets three stars, and a suggestion that you can do so much better by doing it yourself that you should try.If I had some of this stuff I had to use, I'd:Add a half tsp of white pepper, a half tsp of paprika, garlic powder to taste and onion powder to taste. I might consider a knorr garlic cube. Or Chipotle. I would always add the Ro-Tel, this is the biggest fix you can make to this stuff. Paprika to dust the top before serving. And, well, beef broth instead of water - that "seasoning" is really, really bland. A dollop of sour cream when you put the cheese sauce in, and a tablespoon of butter.Because as shipped, it is horribly bland. OILS: Rancid is a process of mother nature and has nothing to do with organic, conventional, GMO or the type of seed since rancid has to do with oil. It is not important if the oil or the tablet is even frozen at the time of production till you consume since any seed, and I mean any type of seed regardless of the brand will go rancid once ground and cracked open since the shell, the protection is removed which will allow air and moisture access the oil of the seed much quicker than when the seed is in a complete un-hulled form. The best example of rancidity is brown rice. Place some brown rice in freezer and you will notice in few months it will not even cook since the oils have gone rancid even if it was kept in a sealed container in the freezer regardless. Chia is the only seed that does not need to be ground in order for human body to digest and get the nutrients and can be stored for longer time than any other seed without going rancid. Sesame seed, flax seed, etc. are so dense that will pass through human body when not ground making it absolutely worthless since human body can not digest it in its natural form.FIBER: Fiber is essential for body since fiber absorbs the unwanted liquid in the gut and body has to defecate that blown up fiber which in return lowers cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, etc. and brings comfort and efficiency to human body unlike fat which stays in human body unless needed for energy. Flax is high in fiber.MINERALS: Flax is one of the kings of nutrients when it comes to minerals and so important to me as a whole delicious seed; highest ALA, high magnesium, high potassium, calcium with the healthiest fat.Accordingly for 100gr servings size of;SESAME__FLAX__CHIA__AMARANTH__QUINOA__HEMP__PISTACHIO__ALMOND__CASHEW__PEANUTCALORIES565__534__490__371__368__567__557__575__553__585SAT FAT34__18__16__7__4__17__27__19__39__34CALCIUM99__26__63__16__5__0__11__26__4__5MAGNESIUM89__98__0__62__49__167__30__67__73__44POTASSIUM14__23__5__15__16__167__29__20__19__19ZINC48__29__23__19__21__83__15__21__39__22FIBER47__109__151__8__11__4 __41__49__13__32PHYTOSTEROLS714__0__0__0__0__N/A__214__0__0__0FRESHNESS: Fresh means nutritious and delicious. I consume lots of seeds, beans, grains, vegetables, etc. and freshness is a priority regardless of the brand so I always purchase my food ingredients in small quantities from reputable sellers with high turnover. When fresh, food is nutritious and that goes for any food in any form, from frozen to canned. Fresh food is nutritious as well as delicious since nutrients give food its delicious taste. When old or rancid, nutrients are gone and any food item becomes an empty calories with no taste and absolutely worthless regardless of the brand or price, organic or conventional. For few years I consumed seeds in oil form since physicians advised me to do so not knowing that majority are not aware that seeds hardly offer any nutrients unless; seeds are fresh, not old which means rancid, not in oil form, not in supplement form, not hulled, ground and consumed within few days, kept in dark cold temperatures, away from light-sun-moisture since the oil in seeds and nuts go rancid regardless. That is why brown rice which has its nutrients will go rancid even if kept in freezer while white rice will last for years at room temperature since it hardly has any nutrients or oil. I ground in my coffee grinder sesame, flax, chia, amaranth, hemp then add cocoa, isolate protein, soy milk and consume it before my workouts on daily basis for its vitamins, minerals, protein and many nutrients, without much spike in my glucose. Un-hulled seeds are full of nutrients. I never consume hulled seeds which are empty calories, absolutely worthless since the nutrients have been removed.OMEGA-3: You will never see ALA on any fish you purchase. Infact you will never see ALA on any fish oil supplement either, you will only see EPA and DHA. ALA is not the same as EPA or DHA. That is true for any brand of flaxseed regardless if such flaxseed oil is in solid form, oil form in a bottle or in a capsule form. Greens, veges, nuts, seeds and fruits do not offer any Omega-3 in form of EPA/DHA since omega-3 EPA/DHA is an animal source. There are two major types of omega-3 fatty acids in our diets: One type is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in plants the other type, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is found in fatty fish. The body partially converts ALA to EPA and DHA. There is no proof what percent of ALA gets converted by human body to EPA or DHA. You can consume all ALAs that you want and depending to your genes it may never turn any into omega-3. Blood test is the only way to see the affects. I get omega 3 from sardines although flaxseed is an important part of my diet since flaxseed offers so many nutrients. Flaxseed offers more ALA than chia for $1.99 a pound not $15 a pound, 22.8gr vs. 17.8gr. There isn't much more to say than what has already been said by other reviewers. It is firm but not hard, so you actually have something to chew on and the taste is amazing.My only complaint is the price. Taste? Ok. The strawberry and banana flavors weren't bad, but there is an acidic bite to the drink as well. Tastes like Red Bull mixed up with Hawaiian Punch.Healthy? Naw. 20 grams of sugar. All natural ingredients . . . but I doubt it is any healthier than your average soda.Energy? Yep. Same caffeine as a cup of coffee.Overall: If you want to wake up in the morning without drinking coffee or Diet Coke, this could be your drink of choice. The flavor is not great, but its comparable with the other energy drinks out there and you will get your caffeine fix. I have always been a fan of the No Fear energy drinks and this one is no different. The flavor is great and it doesn't have a nasty after taste like some of those other energy drinks. I will be picking up more of these very soon! This is a nice tasting tea with really strange looking tea bags. It has a nice berry flavor and is less tart than some berry teas I have tasted. I do wish the box sealed better.The tea has a strong sweet berry flavor. I tend to stay away from some berry teas because the flavor can almost be tart tasting. Perhaps because of the vanilla the berry flavor is on the sweet side.The pyramid tea bags look strange. Aside from the shape the tea bags are made of a material that looks different from most tea bags. These tea bags are made of a mesh like substance. I looks like it allows the tea to flavor flow more easily out of the tea bag.I do wish the box would seal better once opened. The tea bas are not individually wrapped in any sort of covering. The box does not have any inner wrapping to use as a seal. Once opened the only way to seal the box is close the cover and there does not seem to be any mechanism to keep the cover closed. I use a piece of tape to keep the box closed.This is a nice tasting sweet berry tea with uniquely shaped tea bags with a box that needs a better seal. I wasn't really sure what to expect from this tea. I enjoy ginger but it's one of those flavors that can easily be overdone and become overpowering - fortunately that was not the case here.This tea has a very earthy aroma with ginger undertones and what I recognized as a bit of almost a wine scent. I found the aroma to be very complex and pleasant.If you like a bold tea, the flavor here will not disappoint. This tea has a strong earthy taste with a touch of ginger bite. Again, I was concerned that the ginger would be too much but it's just right in this tea. I found the tea to have a lingering earthy aftertaste as well.Overall I'm impressed with this tea. I enjoy earl grey, English breakfast and Irish breakfast teas and found this tea to be on a similar plane as those. I've made this tea both plain and with cream and sugar and it is delicious both ways. The strong, bold flavor may not be for everyone but I personally really enjoy it. If you like the above breakfast blends and enjoy bold flavors I highly recommend this tea. I really like the flavor of this tea. The green tea is not bitter (as many are) and I think the lemongrass helps with that. The price is pretty good as well. I've always been a fan of Good Earth products and this one holds up to the name. At just 50 calories in a 6.8 ounce can, it seems almost impossible that the drink should be this good. At once slightly sweet with the bitter tinge of a good cup of coffee, illy issimo rivals the Starbucks' espresso shots for quality quick canned coffee drinks. Aftertaste is minimal is the drink has a good color and consistency (not too watery and not too syrupy). This is my first time trying PURE fruit and nut bar. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe the taste of a regular trail mix bar. It's hard to describe what the PURE bar (blueberry flavor) tastes like, but it's not an unpleasant flavor. The fruity flavor is obvious, and the nuts do not overwhelm the tastebuds. I like that the bar is soft and chewy, and not too sweet. Also, it's made out of all natural and organic ingredients, with nothing processed. That to me is worth having a bar that doesn't have the conventional taste of other energy bars. The taste is not bad, but it's not delicious either. However, the bar is filling and doesn't make you feel guilty about eating it, because the ingredients are so healthy.I would recommend these bars as snacks, but they do have plenty of calories, so I wouldn't eat too many of them at once. But that's true of any kind of snack. Numi Organic Pu-Erh Ginger Tea has a very mild ginger flavor, but the more you sip the tea, the more the flavor builds. It tried it first without sweetening, and the taste was not bitter. I then added a spoon of sugar, my normal way to drink hot tea, and the taste was very pleasant. However, with my second cup, I added honey and lemon juice, and then the tea became delightful and soothing. Very relaxing and comforting after a hard day at work. I drink coffee and tea every day, and I look forward to finding new varieties to enjoy. Numi Tea has an admirable mission statement: "Numi inspires well-being of mind, body and spirit through the simple art of tea. Our company is rooted in the principle of creating a healthful product that nurtures people and honors the planet. With all of our company initiatives, we strive to foster a healthy, thriving global community while bringing you the purest, best-tasting organic tea." The tea is certified organic, claims many health benefits, the tea bags are biodegradable, and the boxes are made with recycled materials. The Ginger Tea is a pleasant cuppa, and I will definitely try other varieties of Numi Tea. These cookies are soft and chewy just like you'd expect from Chips Ahoy, but they also contain gooey fudge inside. They are definitely yummy and not too chocolatey, but I will say I expected more "gooey" from them and really inside the fudge is thicker and not really gooey at all. Overall though they definitely satisfied my chocolate craving and I love that they were so soft. Okay, I can't really speak to Essentia's claims regarding its 9.5pH balanced water. I just know that it's refreshing and tastes (if water has a taste) pure and satisfying. No off flavors or odors. I know that it has some additives to bring the pH to 9.5, but I can't detect them. One of these large 1.5 liter bottles lasts me all day.If Essentia's claims are accurate and it does help with things like maintaining normal blood pressure, restful sleep, heart health, muscle strength and boosting the antioxidant properties of your immune system, then so much the better. It does seem to hydrate well and absorb into my system faster than regular filtered or spring water. I also get occasional heartburn after certain meals and find that its more basic pH helps alleviate such symptoms without me having to take antacids.Essentia does cost a bit more so I will reserve getting it for when I find it on sale or can get a bulk discount. Aside from the price, I have to say it is my new favorite 'brand' of water. I like the taste and find it thirst quenching. Any added health benefits are a bonus.~ Kort BACK TO NATURE'S CHOCOLATE DELIGHT GRANOLA tastes really good and has the perfect blend of crunchy and sweet that makes this a tasty snack, either as a cereal or right out of the bag.It's made from natural ingredients and doesn't contain artificial flavors, preservatives, hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup.But here's the rub... the BACK TO NATURE CHOCOLATE GRANOLA, like all granola, is high in fat. Some of it is the good fat, Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated, but it does contain 6g of total fat--2g of that Saturated Fat. It also packs 220 calories per 1/2 cup serving, which is about 2 1/2 handfuls, and it's very easy to keep eating it.Since opening the bag, I've probably eaten three servings already, because it's that good, but that can't be good for my waist!OK, I shouldn't be that harsh and deduct 1-star from BACK TO NATURE... for my own lack of will power, but many customers will see the words "nature" and "whole grain" and think "healthy treat." The small serving size of the granola is also deceptive because many will think "this is such a tiny amount that I'll just eat a little more" because it really does seem like you're eating a small amount, but then next thing you know you can't zip up your jeans.On the plus side, that means that the product is delicious but just be aware of serving size and portions. Otherwise, it's a good alternative to say a 180-calorie cookie that's full of high fructose corn syrup and sugar and no fiber. I'll be the first to admit that neither my husband nor I are what you'd call health freaks. Yes, we like to eat healthy food, but we don't have a problem with eating some non-healthy foods either. And we can both be a bit skeptical when it comes to "organic", because we've had many different organic things that were disappointing, to say the least.This bar, however, wasn't horrible at all! It tasted quite a bit like a nutty blueberry muffin, which is always pleasant to taste! The texture was good - not too hard, not too soft. We've eaten some bars that were far too hard to eat and made you think you were going to break your tooth on them! This bar, however, was nice and moist (which my husband particularly enjoyed).And we were both in shock to find that there was absolutely no sodium in this bar - astounding!For a health food bar, we both consider it to be absolutely wonderful. The only reason we gave it 4 stars is because my husband wished that it would have had a bit more taste to it - he likes strong, bold flavors, and this was more of a muted, sweet flavor. I, however, thought that the flavor was perfect. The thing that we both agreed upon was that we would definitely eat more of these, and will be looking into other flavors for our children (they don't care for nuts) - they'd be a great snack for them, and for us as well! The brine in the olive package has been different in succeeding orders which is very apparent after they have been opened and refrigerated. Whatever the oil is, it coagulates easily because of the cold. Too much oil for my taste Still like em and the price is decent.. This is a nice snack, when you are craving something crunchy, but do not want all the fat and salt of potato chips. Nothing artificial. Delish! But what pissed me off, that the bag had 4 servings (which I did not see, till I was half way down)!!! I wish, the bags were smaller. Who has the will power to stop before the bag is empty?! Ginger Pu'erh Tea Bags. The taste of this tea is peppery and earthy. I had to get used to the peppery and earthy taste, but it is worth it. I do love tea, and I love trying different types and flavors. This is indeed a type and flavor that I've never had before, and it is quite different.I did try it both hot and cold, just to be fair. I will tell you that I am not a hot tea drinker (it makes me feel like I'm drinking tobacco), but I do love cold tea. Needless to say, I did not like the tea hot (but what tea do I like hot?), but I loved it cold.However, if you are normally a hot tea drinker, you will, I'm sure, like this tea hot.I bet this tea would be nice around Christmas with peppermint sticks. (I would drink mine cold.)According to the box, Pu'erh is an anxient healing tea picked from 500 year-old organic wild tea trees in Yunnan, China. How cool is that?And check this out: the product is organic and kosher; the box is recycled & recyclable, biodegradable tea bags; the programs lower and offset carbon emissions, including a solar facility; organic tea cultivation protects the environment.But best of all: the product is fair trade, so that the people can be paid a fair salary so their families can be okay; the tea cultivation takes care of and protects the farmers and their families. Now that is the best part of all. I love the tea, and if I can do anything to help these people, just by buying their product, then I will do so! On average, I drink about two bottles of water every day but I've never tried drinking Smartwater before. After drinking it, I can say that I'll definitely buy this brand of water in the future. There was no taste, yes even though water doesn't have a taste, some brands can have a slight taste to them that is not so good. The electrolytes are an added bonus. The water is on the pricier side but I still recommend giving Smartwater a try. I was looking forward to trying this beverage mix. I mixed it as directed with 250ml (8 oz) of hot water. It dissolved quickly. And just FYI, the color of the drink was darker than that pictured on the box. It was a murky brown color. As far as flavor goes, the ginger was just too strong and nasty. I didn't like it at all. I don't like sugary cereals in the morning; I prefer a hearty cereal with a hint of sweetness. This cereal was perfect for that. The flavor was delicious and it was a filling and all in all pretty healthy.My flakes were tasty and the berries were bursting with flavor. My issue with the cereal is that the flakes were too crunchy and the berries too mushy. I don't mind a crunchy flake, but these bordered on being hard. Even after letting them soak a bit in the milk they were too crunchy for me. And while the berries retained their flavor in milk, they turned almost immediately to mush. The contrast of the two was not a good experience in my mouth.The box is really small and the price is a little hefty for the amount of cereal you actually get. But like I said, the flavor is good. So if you don't mind a little mush and a lot of crunch, this tasty cereal is for you.Cherise Everhard, January 2009 There are four things to consider with this product.First is taste - The taste is fine. I feel the cracker texture is excellent but the actual taste was rather bland. The cheese on its own has a nice sharp taste but it gets lost in the blandness of the cracker. (I would suggest some rye in the cracker to give it an accent.)Second is packaging - Inside each box is 6 individually wrapped snacksize crackers. I always have an issue with over packaging (packaging within packaging.) But the ideal use for this product is for an on the go snack or late night cram session snack. The individual wrapping is necessary for this use. And the exterior box is plain cardboard, so I guess I am okay with this.Third is price - which at $4 for a box of 6 is only a fair price.Fourth is use - Based on the above, this is not an everyday snack. You could buy nicer and less expensive crackers and use a good cheese spread like Kakuna Club for a more tasty everyday snack. But this would be good for an on the go snack, something to carry around in a backpack, purse or glove compartment for a snack on the go. Or for parents sending their kids a care package for finals week.This is a good not a great product. I am drinking this Red Espresso Rooibos Tea as I write this. It has a unique flavor....strong but not bitter though it does have a bit of an after taste. I had to stain the tea because, despite the package instructions, I found it to be too gritty and twiggy when just mixed into water. Even after staining, just looking into the drink shows lots of bits and pieces but NOW I do not taste or feel them as I drink it. It's like drinking a really dark roast or real expresso cup of coffee but it's really tea. I've never had this type of tea before but I find it rather interesting and tasty. Since it has no caffeine, I will be able to drink this after dinner without worries of being kept awake. I love the fact that it is loaded with antioxidants! I wish I could find the words to describe the flavor but if you like really strong dark tea, you'll like this one. I recommend this strong flavored tea! Numi Organic Pu-Erh Ginger Tea has a very mild ginger flavor, but the more you sip the tea, the more the flavor builds. It tried it first without sweetening, and the taste was not bitter. I then added a spoon of sugar, my normal way to drink hot tea, and the taste was very pleasant. However, with my second cup, I added honey and lemon juice, and then the tea became delightful and soothing. Very relaxing and comforting after a hard day at work. I drink coffee and tea every day, and I look forward to finding new varieties to enjoy. Numi Tea has an admirable mission statement: "Numi inspires well-being of mind, body and spirit through the simple art of tea. Our company is rooted in the principle of creating a healthful product that nurtures people and honors the planet. With all of our company initiatives, we strive to foster a healthy, thriving global community while bringing you the purest, best-tasting organic tea." The tea is certified organic, claims many health benefits, the tea bags are biodegradable, and the boxes are made with recycled materials. The Ginger Tea is a pleasant cuppa, and I will definitely try other varieties of Numi Tea. I have always found pure green tea a bit bland, so I ordered this to see how it tasted. I find it to be a nice blend with a citrus overtone, not bitter at all, but with a taste that is not to my personal liking.This is a blend of green tea, lemon grass, lemon balm herb, and verbena leaves. The overall effect on the taste is of a green tea (which is already not as strong as black tea) and a definite (but not overpowering) overtone of the lemon. The verbena leaves are commonly promoted to help relaxation, but the box makes no such claim; it is just supposed to be a nice blend. The box suggests steeping for 3 minutes. I tried that, and also tried it steeped longer. It did not seem to get bitter even when the bag was left in until the cup was empty. I like the fact that the bags were individually wrapped, since I think this makes the tea stay fresh longer.Summary: If you like lemon tea and you like green tea, this may be the blend for you. I recommend it for the high quality brew it produces, but only if those two flavors are to your liking. Excellent meal replacement bar.I really really really enjoyed the cherry cashew date nut bar. I merely liked the blueberry bar. It has no chocolate (thank god! I've always hated granola bars and protein bars and all the rest that have a coating of awful chocolate on it) but lots of fruit and a healthy sweetness (not artificial, just good, if a little on the sweet side for my taste). I would buy the blueberry bar again if I get tired of the cherry cashew, or to swap it out a bit, but not because I particularly like it.You *will not* be hungry until your next meal after you eat this bar. And it's a lot healthier than most other bars out there.Note: if you do not like the taste or texture of dates, DO NOT buy this bar.Also note: I really hate most protein bars, granola bars (except quaker and nature valley), clif bars, odwalla bars, luna bars, zone bars, etc. None of those really taste good. This one DOES and it's good for you. But buy the cherry cashew instead, it's a lot better. This has an intense lemon and ginger taste. Much much more intense than lemon and ginger teas which I am a fan of and drink often. And since I love ginger and lemon flavors, I love this intensity. You can't get it from just the lemon-ginger teas -- and I've tried quite a few brands so I know. That's the good news.The con, for me at least, is that there must be a high calorie count for this as it's loaded with honey and fructose. I would prefer this to be non-sweetened so I could add my own non-calorie sweetener if I want.It's also a little expensive compared to teas, but then the flavor is unique and something that just can't be gotten with a regular tea.I won't hesitate to buy this in the future -- only I will look for a non-sweetened brand/type first.One other thing -- I put way more water into this beverage than they asked for. Maybe about twice as much. And the flavors were still so much more intense than a regular ginger-lemon tea. So feel free to dilute it and I don't think you will be diminishing the experience at all. Gave my mom a cup of this tea and she loved it. She noted that while many herbal teas have a bitter edge this tea does not. She also noted that it had a subtle sweet quality. My mom has a very sensitive system and the fact that she liked this is impressive! For some reason, known only to the powers that make such decisions, this bland, Twinings Prince of Wales Tea is not longer readily found on supermarket shelves. You can still find it in variety packs, but It has been sometime since I have been able to find a whole box of the stuff. That is a pity, but as I am what you might call a "tea hoarder," I had two boxes in my stash and was rationing it slow out. You can imagine my delight when I found you could purchase this product through Amazon!Prince of Wales tea has a nice robust taste but no bitterness. It is one of the few teas I can (if I so desire) drink without adding some sort of sweetener. It never use mild or cream as my wife does, so for me that is a nice factor. I simply like the flavor of this tea.Twinings has been around (It is based in England) for a bit over 200 years now and there is a reason for this...they provide a fine quality product. We are constantly trying new teas as we locate them, but it seems that over the years we keep coming back to this brand. Now as has been noted by another reviewer here, this stuff is NOT packaged in England; it is packaged and distributed here in America. This does not magically change the flavor of the tea though. Tea is tea is tea. Tea is NOT grown in England, so to say that tea that is packaged in England is better than that packaged in America is simply codwollop! Yes, you might get "stale" tea here, but I doubt it. If you keep your tea under proper storage conditions, i.e. out of the light, no moisture and away from heat, it will last quite some time...I can assure you that the producers do this simply because they want to sell you the best tasting product possible. We in this country may not be as adept to brewing tea as our English brothers, but I doubt it. No, the difference in the taste is more than likely all in the drinkers head.The biggest problem I have and the biggest problem I have noted in our country when it comes to drinking tea made using tea bags is that we seem to be a very, very impatient people. We simply do not, generally speaking of course, do not let it steep long enough. A tea such as the one being reviewed here needs to steep no less that three minutes; preferably at least four. I find myself getting in a bit of a hurry at times and end up drinking very weak and rather tasteless tea simply because I did not wait long enough.Note: Cost wise, this is on the rather high end for tea bag my opinion it is quite worth it though.Anyway, enough of my babbling...this is a good tea. Is it the only tea I drink or ever will drink? Of course not. 3/4s of the fun of being a tea drinker is continuing throughout life trying different blends and brands. I will say though that I most certainly have not grown tired of this stuff...yet.Don BlankenshipThe Ozarks I gave up diet soda years ago. I don't enjoy fruit juice because it has too many calories. Lipton Blackberry Vanilla Tea is now filling that void. The most important thing is, it's DELICIOUS. The first ingredient is Hibiscus Flowers. Even Dr Oz has talked about the benefits of Hibiscus Flowers. There are also Rosehips, Sweet Blackberry Leaves, dried Black Currant, Blackberry, Raspberry and Blueberry pieces. All of that explains its remarkable fruit flavor that is not too sweet.The pyramid shaped tea bags allow water to infuse the little bouquet from several directions at once. The bag is not paper so it's sturdier and nothing pokes through.It's caffeine free so I've enjoyed it in the evening.Blackberry Vanilla tea smells scrumptious and looks beautiful,This is my new favorite beverage. I LOVE it. This tea is great. It has a smooth taste, is priced right, and tastes great iced too! Many friends love it too. When I opened the first pouch for the Ginger Pu'erh Tea Bags by Numi, the aroma was a bit off putting with an odor that seemed slightly bitter and earthy. However, when brewed, it was surprisingly sweet and soothing and one of the most delicious teas I have tried. Its purported health benefits (antioxidants, aid in digestion, energy with a lower amount of caffeine, etc.) are overshadowed by what is a great flavor. Often teas alleged to have health benefits taste terrible or have no real flavor. This one makes a great tea to have with meals. It is easy to see why Pu'erh tea was a favorite of Chinese emperors. The beverage has a really delicious spiced smell. However, just a sip made my entire mouth feel stung. The sensation faded to a tingle and finally passed, but for me, this drink is too strong. The taste was fine, just not the sensation. A second sip was all to similar to the first and so I passed on the rest of the cup. Numi Cardamom Pu'erh tea is a delicious and flavorful treat for tea lovers. It has a delightful aroma and a smooth, earthy, and slightly spicy flavor. There is just the right amount of cadamom to give the tea it's unique flavor without being overwhelming. I tend to shy away from pricey organic products because often they aren't that much better than their less expensive counterparts (and I often recommend those less expensive alternatives in my reviews!). But after sampling this tea, I'd happily spoil myself by buying this blend (and hording it from my co-workers by keeping it in my locked desk). Excellent with honey for sweetening. This tea is absolutely delicious! Normally I am a tepid fan of fruit flavored teas, but I do tend to like vanilla so I thought I would give this a try. I tried to go into it with a positive attitude, but I have been let-down by so many before that it was difficult. My outlook improved greatly as the smell of blackberries filled the air as I waited, a little impatiently, for the cup to be ready. I was thrilled with the outcome. The berry flavor was strong and excellent, with the vanilla adding a touch of smoothness to counter-act the sharp blackberry. With my second cup, I decided to dress it up a bit and the results were amazing. I added a touch of sugar and a bit of milk, and managed to get the taste of blackberry cobbler with a dollop of vanilla ice cream! For those of us minding our figures, it makes a great dessert all by itself. I suspect that the addition of a nice slice of Angel or pound cake would make the experience complete. This is a nice cookie for snack time if you don't want a really big and sugary cookie. It is thin like some teatime cookies but is made with real fruit and whole grains (whole wheat flour and rolled oats but also bleached wheat flour). They also don't have any high fructose corn syrup. The cookies are crispy but also crumbly, if you know what I mean. The flavor is nice and orangey citrusy with little bits of real cranberries. I really like this flavor but haven't tried the other flavors yet.Nutrition facts: Serving Size 3 cookies (30g)All information below based on serving size of 3 cookies:Calories 140 from fat 45Total fat 5g, no trans fatTotal Carbs 22 g, Dietary fibre 1g, Sugars 7gProtein 2gCholestrol 0mgSodium 95mgPotassium 40mgThese cookies are for $2.49 for the 10.5 ounce bag on regular price at my local supermarket. May be cheaper at a supercenter. The Amazon price seems to be too high. This 6-pack is another great deal from Amazon, especially when purchased on a subscription basis.Bigelow's decaf green tea is smooth and not bitter. I've found green teas can be easily "burned" if you boil your water before steeping, so be sure to stop heating your water before the boiling point (I just use a Chantal ceramic teapot & heat a cup of water in it in the microwave for just 2 minutes, then steep in a cup--perfect. I like to sweeten it with a package of Sweet Leaf Stevia==healthy antioxidant heaven & no caffeine!).Also, don't steep any green tea too long--about 3 to 3-1/2 minutes is just right for green tea--otherwise, it WILL be bitter, regardless of brand.I love the fact that these tea bags are individually packaged in foil-lined packs; tea stays fresh and delicious until you're ready to enjoy a cup. Good quality decaf green tea is really hard to find in my local area; thanks again Amazon! These bars were okay. Not great. But I suppose that people who are accustomed to eating gluten-free products will find these bars tasty. The main problem I had was the high sweetness factor which I assume was used to cover up the taste of the non-traditional ingredients required for the bars to be labeled gluten free. There was a bit of a aftertaste.Also, the consistency of the bar was just a bit too chewy for my taste - more stickiness than I liked.Not bad but I'd buy a single bar to try before purchasing a full box. Very reasonably priced, though. If you enjoy a wide variety of coffees and often have company sitting at your table, you might have a Keurig or aBosch Tassimo T47 Beverage System and Coffee Brewer. Tassimo has a very wide variety of T Disc coffees, many of the old-time reliable ones that people have enjoyed for years. If you like Gevalia, Maxwell, or Tim Hortons, Tassimo has them all. In fact some of them are bestsellers in the single-serve disc department.This Tassimo Medium Roast has a very nice taste similar to a breakfast blend I had recently. It has a really enticing aroma and didn't have that burnt taste that you sometimes experience with some of the darker roasts. This is not a gourmet coffee by any means, but rather a regular coffee with a smooth taste. I tasted it black and then added a bit of cream and sugar to enhance the flavor.What's nice about the Tassimo system (I borrowed the use of one) is that you receive a consistent cup of coffee every time. The only difference is when you begin to add to it. The temperature and taste don't change. If you drink a lot of coffee, you probably would want to take a pass due to the expense of the T Discs. If you enjoy a cup or so now and then or one a day, I think being able to select a wide variety of down-to-earth coffees makes it an excellent choice.TASSIMO:Tassimo King of Joe Dark Roast CoffeeTassimo Yuban 100% Columbian CoffeeTassimo Maxwell House Cafe Collection House Blend CoffeeTassimo Gevalia CappuccinoTassimo Corner Coffeehouse Sweet Latte, CaramelTassimo Tim Hortons CoffeeTassimo King of Joe EspressoTassimo Gevalia Dark Italian RoastGevalia Kaffe 15% Kona Blend Coffee I finally got around to sampling the product. The ingredients are interesting and what I understand of the manufacture are quality ingredients. However I don't like the taste. Not that the taste is bad but I think my personal likes have changed over the years. I like beverages now that are straight-up and not flavored. If I want lemon I will add freshly cut lemon to water. If I want ginger (which I love shaved from a ginger root on a Japanese salad) I will shave my own. However I just don't like flavored mixes any longer. So I won't mark it down for personal preference. I'm sure some people will find this refreshing and down their alley. Having lived my entire life in the great state of Louisiana, I've always been partial to local coffee brands such as Community Coffee and Mello Joy. I try to make a point of buying these local brands for the simple fact that the money stays in Louisiana and both of them taste very good. To me, Starbucks has always been an overpriced and overhyped brand with a brilliant marketing strategy that put them on the map. Still, I sometimes visit the local Starbucks for a frappucino or even an Earl Grey latte when I have a bit of extra spending money on hand.I picked up Starbucks' Natural Fusions Ground Coffee, Vanilla Flavored, via the Vine program. I have to admit that it's a very good coffee as far as flavored coffees go. The scent of the vanilla intertwined with the coffee hits you before you even open the bag, but do not use that as a device of judgement until after you've brewed a few cups of this coffee.As I've already said, the smell of vanilla is strong, but the actual vanilla flavor is very slight. In fact, the vanilla is very hard to taste at all.I decided to brew this coffee in two separate ways: 1) Per the instructions on the bag (two tablespoons per six ounces of water) and 2) By my normal method (three tablespoons per six ounces of water).After brewing the coffee, I drank each brewed cup in three different ways: 1) black (which is my normal method of drinking coffee), 2) with one teaspoon of cream and one teaspoon of sugar, and 3) with two teaspoons of cream and two teaspoons of sugar.What I immediately noticed was that the bag's brewing instructions suited my personal taste best. My normal brewing method made the coffee stronger (as I like it), but didn't alter the taste at all.When I drank the coffee black in both brewing cases, I noticed almost no difference in the taste, although the coffee's body was a bit heavier in the second brewing method. The vanilla flavor was miniscule.With one teaspoon of cream and one teaspoon of sugar, I found that the vanilla flavor stood out a bit more, but was still fairly weak. The overall taste of the coffee was good, though.With two teaspoons of cream and sugar, the vanilla came into its own a bit more, but could not overtake the coffee's taste itself.Overall, this is a coffee drinker's flavored coffee. If you want a fuller, sweeter vanilla taste and less coffee taste, look elsewhere. If you only drink flavored coffees as a treat but prefer the taste of medium to dark roast coffee alone, this brew will be right up your alley.I personally enjoyed this coffee, and plan to buy more of it soon. Nutritionally speaking this is a decent package, but it was in no way good enough to justify the price. The salmon spread was fishy, the chocolate was waxy and the crackers were flavorless. The only great thing in here was the roasted soy nuts, which I can get elsewhere. Not worth retail, that is for sure. Tea is my favorite beverage for just about any occasion. I'm always looking for good teas and new flavors to try, but I cannot drink caffeinated beverages after around 3PM, or I just don't sleep well at night. So I was curious to try this, as herbal teas tend to fit the bill nicely for an evening cup to relax with after the kids are in bed. Unfortunately, the tea was nowhere as good as it sounded like it could have been.When I opened the box, the smell was delicious. Primarily blackberry, with the teeniest hint of vanilla. I boiled some water, and let the tea steep for what was supposed to be 5 minutes. I got a little distracted, so in actuality, it was probably closer to 8 minutes before I took the bag out of the cup. The color was absolutely gorgeous - a deep purple that you would associate with the blackberry flavor. The smell was pretty good, though no vanilla could be detected. I tasted the tea without sweetener first, and it while it was decently sweet on its own - it had very little flavor! After an 8-minute steep! I could detect a little bit of the blackberry, and no vanilla. I tasted it 3 times this way, including using the tasting method that professional tasters used. Then I added 1 tsp. of sugar. Interestingly, this did bring out the vanilla flavor a little bit, but I still ended up with little more than sweetened water.I am bummed, as this sounded like it would be a delicious addition to my tea cabinet. However, while I will finish the box (probably with longer steep times), I will not buy another box of this. There is just not enough flavor to be worth it. I always enjoy how a flavored coffee or tea smells. I've usually found that the taste is never as good as the smell. In the case of Lipton Blackberry Vanilla Herbal Pyramid Tea Bags, this has been my experience. The bag is an eye-catching design that entices because of the texture of the tea and infusions. The smell is amazing! I would make this into an air freshener in a heartbeat! The flavor wasn't bad, but it was overpoweringly blackberry. I couldn't even taste the vanilla.This would be an outstanding blackberry tea, but this product doesn't live up to the description on the carton. USDA organic, non GMO, high in Antioxidants, recyclable boxes made of 85% post consumer waste - sign me up!This tea is good, and even better it comes from a company that knows healthy products and minimizes the environmental impact of their operations. The tea has a pleasant dark coloration, and a strong "earthy" taste. I wasn't able to taste the cardamom that strongly, but still appreciated the flavor of this tea.I tested the tea to see if it would become bitter if the tea bag was left in, and even after 15 minutes it still did not pick up the nasty flavor that dark teas usually infuse after the tea bags are left in too long. Great for someone who is not looking to time their tea to the exact second when making it.A word of caution - they are not kidding when they say "higher caffeine" on the box. I would be careful drinking this near bedtime if you are sensitive to caffeine.Overall a great product from a great company. Peeled Snacks Organic Apple Clusters Cinnamon Crunch didn't agree with my taste buds and I didn't enjoy the taste of these at all. I ate a few of the apple clusters and couldn't really take the taste of them any longer, so I drank a little water and tasted them again but that didn't help.The apples are really tart which make them difficult to enjoy and the crisp of the clusters did very little to improve the taste of these snacks. I tried these by eating them straight out of the bag but when I saw that the taste was not good I tried mixing them with my favorite yogurt and yeah that didn't help any. Good concept but very poor execution. I love cardamom, and the smell of it from opening a packet of Numi Cardamom Pu'erh Tea was promising. However, the tea itself was disappointing. I let it brew for 10 minutes but the flavor was weak: both the tea component and the cardamom. Indeed it was hard to tell there was much cardamom at all in the brewed tea. The flavor on the whole was not bad, but certainly not anything I would pay extra for. This is a wonderful quality white jasmine tea. Rishi has done a fantastic job of selecting tea leaves for this product. The quality is excellent. The whole leaves unfurl beautifully to a lovely fresh green while brewing. The aroma is so fresh and inviting (a light airy jasmine, not a heavy heady jasmine) and the tea is smooth and soothing. Very nice, I will buy again!Is this review helpful? Let me know, please vote. :-) I love Ginger and used to like it when the Chinese restaurants I went to when I was young always served a nice pot of Ginger Tea with ones meal. This tea brought me right back to those days, it has a pleasing aroma and nice ginger taste without being overwhelming. If you like ginger teas, I don't think you can go wrong with this blend. Please note that since it a black tea it most likely has caffeine, though I can't seem to find any reference to it--that's okay with me because I like caffiene, but if you're looking for a caffiene free herbal tea this may not be the one for you. I would also like to note that I did not get this tea for it health supplement claims, so I can't either endorse or deny that it does or doesn't do what they claim. All I know is that it tastes good and I like it, any health enhancing qualities are just icing on the cake. . . . my family liked!As noted in previous reviews, my family has tried all three of the new Taco Bell sauces. The Jalepeno and the Ranchero met with decidedly mixed reviews, and I don't have any particular intent to purchase them again.This sauce, however, my family, especially my kids, really liked. We eat a fair amount of "Tex-Mex" at our house, and the fridge is typically full of sauces of various types. This one was spicy -- but not overpowering, and had a really nice flavor.This one will be a repeat purchase. This is NOT your usual type of tea. I do not think this actually qualifies to be called a "tea"in the real sense of the word. I doubt if the sachets contain much by way of actual tea leaves at all. So don't expect the usual flavored tea. This is more like a brew of actual garden vegetables. The taste of the vegetables is clearly defined and strong. It has a taste similar to what you will get if you drink the water of boiled vegetables. Not many people will like that. I would call this a vegetable brew rather than a tea. I like it, but not for an every day drink. Just for once in a while when i want to shock my taste buds. I've been using coconut oil for a while and have tried 2 different brands. This is the third brand I taste and so far, it's the best one. I made some veggie chips and they turned out so crisp and flavorful. Though the oil does not have a strong coconut flavor, it enhanced the flavor of the vegetables I cooked, they were so good. It makes great popcorn and gives salmon a delicious touch. I've also used it on my skin and face. It absorbs fairly quickly and leaves my skin so smooth. I really like it. Chips Ahoy! Chewy Gooey Chocofudge / B004U43ZO0I received these cookies and their extra-chocolate counterparts at the same time, and I'm a little disappointed with both.I was skeptical that packaged cookies would be soft, but these cookies actually are very soft around the edges. Unfortunately, the mouth-feel is very unpleasant to me: they feel a little like wet bread in my mouth. Once the edges have fallen off, you hit the center core of fudge -- it's basically a hard chocolate disk inside the cookie that needs warming for a second or two in the microwave beforehand.These aren't the worst cookies I've ever eaten, but I didn't enjoy them at all and really wanted to throw them away after the first few had been eaten -- there's a strange aftertaste that I don't much care for. There's also a bit of a "fake chocolate" smell to the cookies that is unpleasant -- my husband took one sniff of each package and refused to try any, saying that they "smelled bad".I really like the idea these cookies represent, and I hope that Chips Ahoy can get the recipe right in their next attempt -- it's a good idea, but just doesn't quite come together in execution.NOTE: This review is based on a free Advance Review Copy of this product provided through Amazon Vine.~ Ana Mardoll In one pouch, there is 1.4g of sodium which is 60% of the recommended daily maximum.This soup is moderately spicy. The consistency is thick. The vegetables (except the corn) and chicken get lost in the heavy soup. There was a good amount of Chorizo but I really didn't taste any chicken. I'm sure it's in there -- I just didn't taste it.Even though I never heat anything in plastic in the microwave, I followed the label instructions and nuked it for 2 1/2 minutes. It worked.I got this for free when orderingLundberg Wild Blend, Gourmet Blend of Wild and Whole Grain Brown Rice, Gluten Free, 16-Ounce Bags (Pack of 6) Package May Vary. That's ironic since this product represents everything I dislike about prepared food unlike the rice which is excellent.Campbell's seems to be targeting the hip, young, generation with this product. When will they get the message that their soups are too salty? I showed this to my college age child and he said he wouldn't eat it. This Higgins & Burke tea is pretty tasty. The Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, and Verbena work well with the green tea, taking away the 'dry' aspects of green tea and making it a bit more 'green leafy' and lemony.I liked it as-is. Then again, I generally don't add anything to any green tea. Not sweetener nor milk.I think you're more likely to like this Green Tea mix if you don't set your tastebuds for straight green tea as the overall flavor is radically different. But if you are looking for something really pleasant to have after dinner, or along with a snack, this might be the thing.Pam T~ Man, this stuff is just great. When I first got it, I wasn’t sure where it was going to get the most use—in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Coconut oil is well known to be a tremendous beauty product, and I thought my wife would want to claim it as a moisturizer and to use on her hair. I was more interested in it as a cooking oil, for which coconut oil is equally famous.Ultimately, the kitchen won and this “Viva Labs #1 Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil” has become a permanent resident next to our stove. It’s amazing. It works perfectly as a butter substitute, greases up a pan better than Crisco, and has become my wife and I’s favorite handy cooking oil. It has a nice, subtle scent and imparts just a hint of coconut taste that we both really love. We use this for Sunday morning omelets, for frying vegetables, for baking, for popping popcorn , for … just about everything.It’s sooo lovely to cook with. About the only thing I can compare it to is duck fat, which melts in about the same way and also adds a nice unctuous flavor and undertones.And yes, it also makes a great moisturizer and hair product. There is a reason why coconut oil is an ingredient in so many beauty products. On its own, it is just as effective. And you get that nice, subtle coconut smell … mmmmmm, does it make my wife smell yummy!I got a sample of this from Viva Labs for review, but I will definitely be placing an order for some more. It’s that good. And probably two tubs next time; one for the kitchen and one for the bathroom. I chose Numi Organic Tea's Cardamom Pu.erh tea because it claimed to have more antioxidants than green tea and I have always drunk green tea because of its health benefits.What I liked about this tea on my first sip is that it is a solid tasting tea the way tea used to taste before they started adding flavors and other taste supplements. After swallowing the tea there is a lingering taste remindful of some kind of herb, which I suppose is the cardamom.Cardamom is a plant popular in India and Guatemala that is related to the ginger family. I liked the lingering taste, whatever it was, and appreciated the no-nonsense taste overall.Numi Organic claims this tea is an ancient healing tea because pu.erh is picked form 500-year-old organic wild tea trees in Yunnan, China. The teabags are biodegradable.The only issue I had with this product is that the only way I could open the individual packages holding the teabags was to use scissors (they were too tight for my teeth to handle). But I suppose that makes them air-tight which is a good thing. I really like this tea and will try it again after using up the 16 teabags that come in the box. Fair Trade is more expensive than none Fair Trade product. I just wish it was a Fair Trade product since many producers sell organic which is the most common form of quinoa sold anywhere but a very limited Fair Trade organic quinoa and this certainly is not although a good quinoa. Prices of red quinoa has been going up to $10 a pound, which is the most expensive quinoa, than black, rainbow and yellow.KEEN-Waah... A complete protein source, a seed related to other healthy cousins like spinach and beets. In a pot I place quinoa, frozen peas, carrots, corn, add water and tomato paste. Spinach is added at the end the last minute. Stewing tomatoes for a half hour increases the cancer fighting lycopene content by 35 percent. Cooking also unlocks another nutrient, beta-carotene, in corn and carrots since heat breaks down the fibrous cell walls, releasing more of these antioxidants. The same goes for spinach but then you need to get your vitamin C from something else since that is the first vitamin which is depleted with heat. I saute lots of onion separately then in ten minutes I add paprika, cumin, dillweed, gram marsala, crushed red pepper, turmeric and lots of garlic2 x 2 Pound Fresh Garlic USA California Heirloom Monviso Gilroy Finest (4 Pounds Total), mix it well and add the mix to the pot and let it sit without heat for five minutes. This is what vegans consume instead of beef since it is a complete protein. Greens, vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. may have protein but the fact is that only quinoa has a complete protein and all others do not since all others are missing few amino acids here and there but not quinoa. I rarely ever consume beef, chicken, etc. so fish and quinoa are the only source of complete protein with all amino acids for me. Organic, whole grain, very fulfilling due to some starch with host of vitamins, minerals that no beef or chicken can even come close to. Cooks in ten minutes with some water, no fat, no salt, no sugar... I consume it with eggplant, onions, okra, smoked hearings, curry type dishes with lots of spices and delicious juices. I never ever have to wash and rinse before cooking either. I keep the uncooked portions in double zip lock bags in freezer. I consume so much that I never have to worry about the unused portion going rancid and unlike brown rice which loses its oil in less than six months and becomes worthless even if kept in freezer, quinoa will last longer. Obviously I never ever do that with any food since I only purchase what I need in order to get the nutrients which are a healthy portion of my diet. Gluten free, the best product for me when I go camping since all I do is add lemon and tomato and that way I never have to worry about paying arm and leg for that lousy, awful tasting dry foods. I ground chia+flax+sesame, mix it with cocoa+isolate+soy milk before my workouts every single day or no workout regardless. Three tbsp of quinoa in my power drink offers me 4gr of pure, complete protein with all amino acids. I add organic paprika to regular yellow quinoa and it turns the dish into a beautiful red color. Healthy, healthier and healthiest of many seeds, delicious sprouts only in 3 days with all amino acids. I am an athlete with a healthy diet. I used to consume brown rice heavily years ago but no longer. I can consume quinoa with tomato and lemon juice and it is the best food I can take with me anywhere on any sports trip and I do not even have to wash it either. Delicious, delicious, delicious.FRESHNESS: Fresh means nutritious and delicious. I consume lots of seeds, beans, grains, vegetables, etc. and freshness is a priority regardless of the brand so I always purchase my food ingredients in small quantities from reputable sellers with high turnover. When fresh, food is nutritious and that goes for any food in any form, from frozen to canned. Fresh food is nutritious as well as delicious since nutrients give food its delicious taste. When old or rancid, nutrients are gone and any food item becomes an empty calories with no taste and absolutely worthless regardless of the brand or price, organic or conventional. For few years I consumed seeds in oil form since physicians advised me to do so not knowing that majority are not aware that seeds hardly offer any nutrients unless; seeds are fresh, not old which means rancid, not in oil form, not in supplement form, not hulled, ground and consumed within few days, kept in dark cold temperatures, away from light-sun-moisture since the oil in seeds and nuts go rancid regardless. That is why brown rice which has its nutrients will go rancid even if kept in freezer while white rice will last for years at room temperature since it hardly has any nutrients or oil. I ground in my coffee grinder sesame, flax, chia, amaranth, hemp then add cocoa, isolate protein, soy milk and consume it before my workouts on daily basis for its vitamins, minerals, protein and many nutrients, without much spike in my glucose. Un-hulled seeds are full of nutrients. I never consume hulled seeds which are empty calories, absolutely worthless since the nutrients have been removed.STARCH: Some carbohydrates, such as sugars and most starch are rapidly digested and absorbed as glucose into the body through the small intestine and subsequently used for short-term energy needs or stored. Resistant starch on the other hand, resists digestion and passes through to the large intestine where it acts like dietary fiber. Sugar, honey, maple syrup, white flour, white rice, whole-grain pastry flour, packaged cold cereals, commercial fruit juices, and fruit-juice sweetened beverages are the same foods some dentists claim rots the teeth from the inside out by changing the balance and ratio of calcium to phosphorous in the bloodstream. Your immune system goes down when you wolf down sweets, especially around events and holiday meals. High Glycemic foods quickly turn to sugar in your blood stream, causing excess insulin to pour into your blood to get rid of the excess sugar. The excess insulin pushes the calcium and fat into your arteries, especially if you have only a few cholesterol receptors on your liver (which is genetic). Whole wheat and white bread have essentially the same impact on blood sugar so I try to consume bread with whole sprouted grains, even flourless breads, and no-yeast breads. Black beans, northern beans, navy beans, red kidney beans, lentils, split peas, black-eyed peas, brown rice, rolled oats, millet, corn, black rice are all Resistance Starch. King of starch for me is quinoa and Navy Beans before and post expedition trips, 17.6gr vs. 15.4gr for 100gr serving. No wonder the price of quinoa is going up, up, up... Please see "tea.jpg" photo on this page. The color once steeped is tremendous, a really great ruby-red that looks like it's out of a 1940s Technicolor movie. The aroma is very pleasant, sweet and floral. The taste, however, leaves a bit to be desired. The aroma is promising you the moon and your brain is going "Yes, yes, yes!" and then the taste doesn't have the goods, you know? Kind of thin-tasting. I've had a locally-produced hibiscus tea which has a more assertive flavor (if not the incredible color). I'm going to let this cool down and make some iced tea later and see if that doesn't help this tea out a bit. Another sip. The aroma is heavenly. But the taste is absent.This comes not in a teabag, but a clever little synthetic-material pyramid for some reason. Very novel. Novelty is valuable. Really just the fact that this stuff is so different and comes in a little pyramid tea infuser would make it a nice stocking-stuffer type gift for the tea lover(s) in your life. Or "teabags" as a British ex-roommate once described dedicated tea drinkers. Another sip. Still kind of weak-tasting, but I wonder if you couldn't put this stuff in a room humidifier... (don't try this, it's just a thought because this tea smells so great)...The flavor is growing on me, but it's still thin-tasting compared to the incredible aroma...---Unfortunately, this tea wasn't very good as iced tea. Kind of tasted like watered-down fruit punch. These all-organic snacks have natural ingredients and no preservatives. One serving, 1/4 cup, is 60 calories, counts as one serving of fruit, and provides 8% of your DV of fiber. The clusters are made of finely chopped dried apples and have a nice cinnamon taste that is reminiscent of an apple pie. They are pretty crunchy, and I found some of the pieces to be a bit harder than others, so those with soft or sensitive teeth may want to tread carefully. Overall a yummy snack that I felt good about eating. Numi Organic Savory Tea is unlike any sort of tea I've had before. I had no idea what to expect but was intrigued by the idea of organic vegetables and spices blended together to create brand new experience. Numi Tea has created six blends to appeal to those brave enough to try it & what better way the with the Savory Tea Garden Sampler.The box contains 6 flavors and 12 tea bags, so you can have a cup for yourself and share if you so choose. The blends you'll find are Carrot Curry, Beet Cabbage, Tomato Mint, Spinach Chive, Brocoli Cilantro, & Fennel Spice. The tea is 100% organic as well as non-GMO verified. Each flavor inspired from recipes around the world.I think the sampler is a very good option if interested in trying these teas out. I say that because I honestly really liked some better than others. To each their own taste, I say though. My favorite out of all six is the Spinach Chive! It leaves an aftertaste like if you were have spinach and chive dip just without the added sour cream. And the Tomato Mint was another that I liked, being the mint lover that I am. I was kinda upset I didn't like the Carrot Curry flavor more. I felt it needed to be a bit spicier and the carrot stronger in taste.The flavors of the teas aren't overly strong as one would have assumed from smelling the tea bag. I was a little shocked thinking they would have tasted more like broth or soup. I was hoping it would have been a bit stronger. I will state that each flavor tasted exquisitely fresh and quite distinct though. No sugar or cream is needed and the teas can be drank hot or cold.I'd recommend trying them out if you are looking for something different. They compliment certain meals in my opinion quite well. I think they may also be an interesting addition to your cooking. You may just discover and brand new tea obsession. But do try out the sampler pack first! The first thing I did when I received this product was take off the top and inhale. The blend of herbs inside smells wonderful. So far I have used it to season chicken, fish and vegetables and have had good results. I also made a balsalmic dressing per the directions on the label and I think it tastes really good.As other reviewers have said, this is a versatile product. You can make eight 8 oz. portions of salad dressing from one bottle, or use it to season various foods. Either way, the results are very good, in my opinion. I also like the fact that while sea salt is one of the main ingredients, the product does not taste salty. I bought a couple of Costco/Kirkland seasoning products, one for fish and one for steaks, and the salt is very apparent in both. This is a much more balanced product. Tasty, and nothing dominates in the blend.I liked it so much that I ordered the Napa and French versions of the seasonings from this manufacturer and can't wait to give those a try. I give this two thumbs up for taste and value.(added on 7/3/08): I had to update my review. This and the other two flavors, the Napa and French, are soooo good. Yes they are sort of pricey but compare the quantity to those little 1 oz or less containers they have at the store selling for $5 and these really are not a bad value at all. I've been using these on all kinds of food and they are great. Very flavorful, not too salty. These are my "go-to" spices now. Licorice tea? You're crazy! NOPE, this stuff is my favorite tea now and I can't recommend it enough. I have given several packets to my friends over the years and each one has enjoyed it. Also, the price was decent - I'm happy. Our family goes through a lot of graham crackers. We always buy big packs, and are partial to our name brand (H. Maid), so I was eager to try another brand.Likes:- Smell: these smell fresh, wheat, cinnamon, and apple aroma.- Texture: these are a little firmer and crunchier than our usual name brand.- Flavor: good overall flavor. These are very slightly sweeter than the plain (honey) variety by this brand. Cinnamon is not overdone, thankfully. My 2 year old and I love these.- Nutrition: good. Similar amount of sugar as brand names, but more fiber (2g versus 1 for name brand).- Ingredients: maybe slightly less processed than name brand. I personally consider evaporated cane juice to be 99.99% the same as "sugar".Dislikes:- The box is a little small for our family of graham cracker fanatics. 10 ounces can go pretty quick here. The crackers are a bit more dense though so they seem to last well.Overall a very tasty graham cracker. The great flavor and extra bit of fiber make it a win in our book. This tea is good, but important to only leave it steeping for about two minutes- Otherwise it will be really sweet! I have a large mug also. When I didn't over steep it was nice, fresh and perfectly sweet! If you couldn't tell, it's a bottle of water. A really big bottle of water. It has a slight taste to it, like one person said kind of a tap water taste, but I didn't think it was bad. I didn't particularly find it any more refreshing than any other water. I don't know if I truly felt the effects of the "best available pH" (9.5). It did have a pretty silky feel to it as I drank it. It is supposed to have electrolytes in it so if you want to be able to have hard workouts in the heat where electrolytes are truly needed and you don't want the sweet taste of sports drinks or Vitamin Water AND you don't mind the high price, this may be for you. There are several things a coffee lover looks for in their brew.. the aroma, the color and the taste are what I look for. When I opened the individual pack, I was hit with a wonderful coffee scent. The pod looks typical, and are made for a pod machine. When I made my first cup, since the aroma was strong, I filled the machine with a good sized mug's worth of water, and made a cup. When it was done, the color was fairly light, so I only added a small amount of milk. Still, the flavor was a bit too bland for me, and I like a mild coffee. For the second cup, I used a smaller mug, and in return got a darker, more flavorful cup, so that is my recommendation with this brand. Some other things I love about this brand: it's organic, sustainably grown and Fair Trade certified. That's a lot of benefits for only about 75 cents a cup. The even have their own foundation to support youth soccer programs. This is a good deal. The only thing that I would change is the individual wrap, which seems like an excess of packaging for a company dedicated to the environment. All of the "Sparkling ICE Spring Water" flavors are delicious. Unfortunately, for medical reasons I have been told to curtail my use of anything carbonated, so I will probably not be purchasing them again. If you have no medical reason to avoid carbonated drinks, I thing you will find these very satisfying. They are large, so the price, to me, is reasonable. I love peach tea (and anything peach flavored), but this has has a cinnamon flavor that is too strong. I wanted so badly to give it 5 stars, but I wouldn't be honest if I did. I don't like the cinnamon flavor. To me, peach and cinnamon don't belong together. Peach is summer and cinnamon is winter. This tea might be better in the winter as hot tea, but then again, not, because peach is too summery. Cinnamon would go better with apple flavor. As soon as I finish this box, I will not buy it again.The cinnamon is way too strong. It made me sick at my stomach, and the aftertaste is horrible. The first taste of the black coffee was somewhat bitter with a clean chocolate after taste. The addition of Sugar mellowed it out and eliminated the bitterness. The addition of milk turned it into ambrosia. I kind of expected to be disappointed because other chocolate flavored coffees I've tried have not been very good. This is good, the chocolate flavor is excellent. The smell is absolutely delightful,it drew family members into the kitchen to ask what that wonderful fragrance was.The lovely aroma was so enthralling that the family member who dislikes/hates coffee insisted on having a cup. She loved it sweetened with milk added and will drink it again. We joked about using it as a room freshener or wearing it as perfume. This is a very fine grind, a rounded tablespoon of coffee to 6 ounces of water makes a very strong brew. It can be diluted and retains its flavor. My husband loved it too and wants me to buy it when it is available. I think this tastes best sweetened. You need a pod maker capable of making this. Maybe I'm a retard but I didn't know that based on the vine description. Doesn't smell all that great.Honestly none of the instant coffees are any good, just get up 5 minutes earlier and make a pot of real coffee, hello. This is an updated review to reflect my having finally gotten an unsugared version of issimo.Finally, a can of coffee without sugar. I'm a big fan of illy coffee, and hated writing the previous review, but now that there's an unsugared version (and there might always have been, I just hadn't seen it) I can say that I'm a fan. Yes, it's still canned not bottled and yes it's still a smallish can to those of us who would cheerfully sign up for IV coffee delivery, but those things aside, what shines out now is the good, clean, smooth flavor of the coffee. I was able to drink it black which is pretty unusual for me.The price point is a bit lower now, which is a good thing, but it's still a bit steep for less than seven ounces of something you can brew at home. Granted illy has always been a premium-priced coffee, but it's still cheaper to make it yourself. However, by comparison those god-awful energy drinks, I think illy wins the portable caffeine contest hands down. And while it's really convenient to carry a can with you, it's not nearly as inexpensive as stopping at your local S'bucks for a tall coffee. I never thought I'd have occasion to write that...Bottom line is that this stuff tastes pretty good for what it is, but a lot of my original objections still stand. See the following for my initial review.***I really wish I knew what was up with this country and sweeteners. These days you can barely get a cup of coffee somewhere without someone dumping sugar into it without asking. So along comes Illy's ready-to-drink "espresso-style" coffee and I imagine I should have guessed that it would be sweetened. I didn't. It was an unpleasant shock,not only because I hate sugar in my coffee, but because you have to check the ingredient list to find the sugar. Okay, fair enough, you should look at the ingredient list on everything you put in your mouth, but it should also say "pre-sweetened" on the front of the can. I'm just sayin'.All that aside, and making an honest attempt to evaluate the stuff in spite of the sugar, I'd have to say that it's a good, smooth, tasty brew. I've always liked Illy coffee and this brewed stuff isn't half bad for something that comes out of a can. I think I'd prefer it from a glass bottle, but what are the odds of that happening? As it is, the flavor of the can isn't a huge problem, but it sure doesn't add anything to the experience.Tiny can doesn't go very far either. Presumably the reason why Illy has produced a ready-to-drink brew is for people who want to grab a can out of the fridge and swig it down. If they're going to heat it... well no, I don't even want to think about that. Ugh. So it's meant to be drunk cold. Twelve ounces would have made more sense in that case. This isn't a tiny cup of hot espresso we're talking about, it's a cold beverage. If Illy is going to bow down to the Sugar Gods of America, they can darn well do a bit of homage to the Gods of Conspicuous Consumption, too. But $2 for less than 7 ounces of coffee? Thanks but no thanks as Sarah Palin famously remarked. @2 for a 12 oz can is still a bit high, but more acceptable overall.So kudos to Illy for using sugar instead of HFCS, but points off for using any sweetener at all. Good flavor and body, but cans just don't lend themselves to a good coffee-drinking experience. Cans are too small and the price is too high. Buy a tin of Illy and brew your own. It'll taste better and you'll save money. I first saw these cookies at "Big Lots" discount store. They were on sale there for $1.80. Their appearance in Big Lots means that they didn't sell especially well or too many were made so they were shuffled off to an outlet store. This doesn't have to be a bad sign, but it often reflects that a product isn't the most popular among consumers.These are not the best that Keebler has to offer in their cookie line up, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. On the plus side, the cookies have a decent texture and are crispy and fresh. The filling has a good lemon flavor, albeit an artificial one. They're also very sweet, but most sandwich cookies with a cream-style filling are. That's often the purpose of the filling, but it can be overpowering cumulatively if you're not having a drink along with them.Usually when I sample a product which I'm not crazy about, but I think it's generally okay, I wonder who the target market is supposed to be. Given the Keebler brand mascots, I tend to think they're targeting children, but lemon isn't that popular a flavor among kids (who tend to prefer chocolate or vanilla). My sense is that these are not going to really appeal to most kids are are too sweet for most adults. This may explain why they're on sale at Big Lots. Though not a bad cookie, I wouldn't go out of my way to have these again. This is my first time trying PURE fruit and nut bar. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe the taste of a regular trail mix bar. It's hard to describe what the PURE bar (blueberry flavor) tastes like, but it's not an unpleasant flavor. The fruity flavor is obvious, and the nuts do not overwhelm the tastebuds. I like that the bar is soft and chewy, and not too sweet. Also, it's made out of all natural and organic ingredients, with nothing processed. That to me is worth having a bar that doesn't have the conventional taste of other energy bars. The taste is not bad, but it's not delicious either. However, the bar is filling and doesn't make you feel guilty about eating it, because the ingredients are so healthy.I would recommend these bars as snacks, but they do have plenty of calories, so I wouldn't eat too many of them at once. But that's true of any kind of snack. As I'm writing this review, I'm drinking a bottle of water that I've used this product with. The fruit punch flavor is nice, and having this product sure makes it convenient to add those "vitamins" to your drink. Overall, I'm very happy with the product, but only have two complaints. If indicates 1 squeeze for every 8 ounces. What exactly is 1 squeeze? Is it a long squeeze? A short squeeze? I don't feel I've completely found the happy medium yet. The first time I tried the product, I found I had to squeeze it about 3-4 times to get enough saturation in the drink to actually taste the fruit punch and act more like I'd expect it to be. Subsequent uses I've done longer squeezes, and that seems to do the trick. Sometimes I do find I've squeezed too much though, and have more flavor than I'd prefer. The other complaint I have isn't necessary due to the product itself, but due to water bottles. They're filled to the brim when you get them, so in order to use this product you have to drink some. Not a big deal, and not really a fault of the product itself, but is definitely an inconvenience. Overall, however, this is a great way to add some flavor and vitamins to your drink without having to pickup vitamin water or a sport drink. Just buy the regular bottled water, and when you feel you need some flavor, just squeeze a decent amount in, and you'll be set. I like the fact that although there is the suggested amount for 6 to 8 oz of water, you can add as much as you want. It can be as weak or strong as you want. I like it a bit stronger, so I added an extra teaspoon or two and added it warm milk instead of water and it worked well. The flavor of peppermint is not very strong. I think it is just right, not over powering. It definitely ideal for the Christmas, especially since I live in Upstate New York and at Christmas, we will most likely have snow on the ground and it will be cold. It will be nice to have something nice to drink, since I am not a big coffee drinker, I am the type of person that likes something a bit more fancy. I am a huge vanilla flavor fan. I love anything vanilla flavored. So naturally, I figured that I would love this coffee. The aroma is great when I open the package and dumped the ground coffee into my coffeemaker. I had high expectations for this.The coffee itself, once it is made is actually only decent tasting. I could only taste a very small hint of vanilla in it and it might have been because of my creamer and not the actual coffee itself. It was a bit bitter compared to other coffees that I have had and very rich. I usually take my coffee with cream and a small amount of sweetner and never really had problems with it being still too bitter.Next time, I guess I'll just use more cream and sweetner. Don't get me wrong, this is not completely horrible and I still enjoy Starbucks. It just surprised me as how bitter it was. I usually drink real tea, but from time to time I like an herbal tea, especially iced. This has a great aroma and a nice flavor, though more just generally fruity than discernably blackberry. As with any food or drink, the taste is personal and subjective.I do like the pyramid bags- they seem to infuse faster and of course they do look prettier than flat bags.A nice variation on herbal tea both hot and iced. Looking for a way to spice up your drinking water and getting tired of adding lemons or limes? Lipton's Tea & Honey mix adds a flavorful new option already divided into individual serving packets, which makes it easy to add to a water bottle on the go or a full glass of water at home.This particular flavor is quite different from the standard powdered mixed drinks, having a strong honey taste with a light strawberry twist. There isn't much sugar in it either, at only 2 grams per packet, so it's an option to consider for diabetics or people watching their sugar intake.Plenty of other reviewers have noted there is a small amount of sucralose (Splenda) in here, which is something to consider if you don't care for artificial sweeteners. As the husband of someone with Type 1 diabetes I've gotten quite used to it and find it to be a very enjoyable flavor, so it didn't personally bother me at all.If you don't have time to brew up iced tea at home and want a quick flavor boost for water, this is a great option, and is an excellent way to make bottled water more exciting on picnics or car trips. I've never heard of Pu'erh but apparently it has more antioxidants than regular green tea. That's always nice to hear, especially since I'm not too much of a fan of green tea. The tea has a very nice aroma, without it smelling like potpourri. The taste is subtle and pleasant. I drink it with scones, or croissants, but it really could go with just about anything. It's not very overwhelming which is a huge plus because I can't stand strong, fragrant teas. I will be purchasing more of this in the future. I'm actually not much of a tea drinker - I don't really like the taste of hot tea itself, as I often find it rather bitter, and it's associated in my memory with medicine, since my parents often gave it to me when I was sick. I do like some flavored teas, especially cinnamon, which cover up some of the tea taste and once in a while I will have some chamomile tea to relax. This tea sounded rather intriguing. Blackberry and vanilla sounded almost more like a dessert than a tea. So I thought I would try it.And I'm glad I did. The blackberry and vanilla flavors do indeed cover up the tea taste, while at the same time not being overpowering. Both flavors are distinctive. I had my husband try a sip without telling him what it was. He got the vanilla right away. He knew there was a fruity flavor which he guessed was "lemon? No, wait, raspberry or blackberry". The tea also has a pleasant, rich but mellow aroma.This tea comes in rather interesting pyramidal-shaped tea bags. I'm not enough of a tea expert to know how that affects the flavor, but these teabags don't get that unpleasant, soggy used teabag feel after being steeped, which is a plus in my book.The instructions suggest steeping for 4 to 6 minutes. For my first cup I tried 4 minutes, but that made a rather weak brew for my tastes. Six minutes worked well for me. While I was preparing my third cup, I was also preparing hot chocolate for my daughters, and when I added milk to their drinks, I inadvertently added milk to mine as well. Sometimes I like milk in my tea (to cover up the tea taste), but I don't recommend it with this tea - it doesn't go well with the blackberry flavor. I also don't think sugar is necessary, as the vanilla and blackberry both offer a hint of sweetness on their own.I don't know what a tea purist would make of this tea, but as a non-tea-lover, I found it to be just the right combination of bold and mellow with just enough sweetness to help the "medicine" go down. Recommended. I tried the wild blueberry organic pure bar. It was okay. The smell was overwhelmingly blueberry - almost synthetic smelling - but I checked and the product is all natural and all organic. Our household is a Lara Bar household so it was interesting to compare this to our normal fare. The PURE bar is very greasy, which I thought was kind of weird. The taste was okay. Not great. There were nice chunks of nuts, much bigger than you would find in a Lara bar. I definitely won't change brands, but it is nice to know that there are other options out there if you find yourself in a place that doesn't carry the Lara Bar. You do have to know that these types of bars have plenty of fat, nuts and thus calories in them, a bit under 2 ounces and a bit under 200 calories. They are much denser than your regular run-of-the-mill granola or fiber bar and they are definitely "healthy" tasting. All in all, just okay. I'm sticking with Lara Bars. About this product, it must be said: I didn't have very high hopes. I'm not into the whole "flavored water" thing (my choice of flavored water being Diet Coke), and I think the energy beverage craze is a joke (you want high energy levels? GET MORE SLEEP!), and so ultimately this product, at least for me, comes down to one thing: taste.In that area it's merely ok. It tastes kind of like Kool Aid fruit punch, only not quite as good. It also has a vaguely medicinal taste about it, and as I mentioned in the headline, a lingering aftertaste. Whether that taste is good not depends on how much you like the flavor. As it is, I'm wishing I had some Diet Coke around.This isn't by any means a bad product, but I'm fairly sure that you could get the same effect with sugar-free Kool Aid or the like, and probably spend a lot less money. Or, alternatively, get a good night's sleep, drink plain water and eat an orange. You'll have pretty much the same outcome. As a lifelong Oreo lover, I just had to try these, even though I rarely eat refined sugar anymore. I was not wild about the flavor, which was not really that similar to the classic Oreo flavor. I did like the texture of the cream in the center, but I was simply not wowed by these. I missed the crunch of the cookie, too. This entire cookie is soft. It has a distinctly processed flavor, in my opinion, rather than the truly chocolatey flavor I wanted. I got the mint, and I love mint, but all in all I would not recommend this cookie. Possibly for those who are used to eating a lot of sugar and processed cookies, these might be the ticket, but I'll stick with the classic Oreo, which has a rich cocoa flavor and has never disappointed me. I was excited to try these once I got a whiff of the contents upon opening the package. I'm a fan of good licorice...note: Twizzlers are just okay to me.The smell and consistency of this licorice are good, but the flaver is quite disappointing. It has a very weak taste of Pomegranate and for some reason I got a hint of peppermint in every bite. Maybe just the way my taste buds interpreted the licorice mixed with a little pomegranate juice (can't be much in there).I like these more than Twizzlers, but I would buy a number of other brands before these.FYI: Below are the listed ingredients and nutrition facts.Ingredients-----------Organic Wheat FlourOrganic SugarCorn SyrupOrganic Tapioca SyrupVegetable GlycerinSunflower OilElderberry ExtractCitric AcidNatural FlavorPomegranate Juice ConcentrateLicorice Root ExtractNutrition Facts---------------Servings per container: About 3.5Calories per serving: 130Total Fat 0.5gSodium 5mgTotal Carbs 32g- Dietary Fiver 2g- Sugars 10gProtein 2g Against my better judgement, I tasted these cookies. My good judgement told me that I might have a problem eating just one. That was very true. I had a problem stopping at three.....These cookies are tasty, with no hidden trans-fats (zero grams doesn't mean that there aren't any, but in this case, there are none). I wouldn't agree that these cookies are actually gooey. They are in fact very soft and have a great chocolate taste. These cookies are very good, and I would buy them again. I just have to figure out how to hide them from myself. :) Perfect with hamburgers or a sandwich, these chips are crispy and tasty! Full of flavor other than just salt, they don't have the sort of burning-your-face-off heat that masks any other taste. There's just a nice, slow, sweet warmth of flavor.Yum. I hate to write a not-so-good review of a product since it's based purely on taste ... which is such a relative thing.Anyhow, I personally prefer my coffee to be sweetened, and this drink wasn't sweet enough for my taste. Since it's in a can and I drank it on-the-go, I dind't have the opportunity to pour into a glass and sweeten it some more (and who really pours this sort of drink out of the can anyhow?).Now the good stuff ... The portion size was great and would be easy to double stack in most fridges. The coffee didn't have an artificial flavor and was actually quite good. I shared a sip with a friend and she liked it very much (again, back to taste being such a subjective thing).Enjoy! This is good coffee. It has a nice chocolate taste and nice aroma. My husband and I both really like this. We will be ordering it again. Love it! I use this for making pancakes at least once a week. You can make more with it like coffee cakes and so on, but it's just nice to have a GOOD pancake when being gluten free. I am a HUGE tea drinker, which stems back to the days when I worked as an intern on The Hindustan Times in New Delhi. I rotate my teas and last year when I did a special school tour under my entertainer incarnation I drive 49,000 miles, did 260 school shows -- and traveled with an electric kettle and about six kinds of teas. I have NEVER had Pu'erh tea before -- and it was not just a revelation due to its richness and rich flavor, but due to the wonderful aroma and the energy I had after drinking it. I'm a huge cardamom fan so that made this tea a plus. Since I never had this before I tried adding my usual sugar -- and actually that was TOO MUCH. Due to the cardamom I found (for me) that the tea is excellent if I just add a small amount of sugar. This tea will be a regular now in my rotation but it may well be my regular morning tea, with others rotated in place sparingly. WONDERFUL! I'm actually not much of a tea drinker - I don't really like the taste of hot tea itself, as I often find it rather bitter, and it's associated in my memory with medicine, since my parents often gave it to me when I was sick. I do like some flavored teas, especially cinnamon, which cover up some of the tea taste and once in a while I will have some chamomile tea to relax. This tea sounded rather intriguing. Blackberry and vanilla sounded almost more like a dessert than a tea. So I thought I would try it.And I'm glad I did. The blackberry and vanilla flavors do indeed cover up the tea taste, while at the same time not being overpowering. Both flavors are distinctive. I had my husband try a sip without telling him what it was. He got the vanilla right away. He knew there was a fruity flavor which he guessed was "lemon? No, wait, raspberry or blackberry". The tea also has a pleasant, rich but mellow aroma.This tea comes in rather interesting pyramidal-shaped tea bags. I'm not enough of a tea expert to know how that affects the flavor, but these teabags don't get that unpleasant, soggy used teabag feel after being steeped, which is a plus in my book.The instructions suggest steeping for 4 to 6 minutes. For my first cup I tried 4 minutes, but that made a rather weak brew for my tastes. Six minutes worked well for me. While I was preparing my third cup, I was also preparing hot chocolate for my daughters, and when I added milk to their drinks, I inadvertently added milk to mine as well. Sometimes I like milk in my tea (to cover up the tea taste), but I don't recommend it with this tea - it doesn't go well with the blackberry flavor. I also don't think sugar is necessary, as the vanilla and blackberry both offer a hint of sweetness on their own.I don't know what a tea purist would make of this tea, but as a non-tea-lover, I found it to be just the right combination of bold and mellow with just enough sweetness to help the "medicine" go down. Recommended. I really liked this drink. It's 100% juice with no added sugar, so even though the sugar content is a little high, it has more nutrients than soda will have any day. Switch tastes like tangy, carbonated orange drink, and that's fine with me! I didn't notice any aftertaste, and I could feel safe drinking something fizzy (and tasty, unlike sparkling water) without feeling guilty about it. But beware - each can is only 8.3 ounces, a little more than a cup. You decide if it's worth it. I have recently lost over 60 pounds following theThe Dukan Diet: 2 Steps to Lose the Weight, 2 Steps to Keep It Off Forever. A component of that diet is daily oat bran.We've tried a couple of different brands, but we like Bob's Red Mill the best. Both the flavor and texture are superior, and I like that it's organic. I also like the company - having seen them profiled in the news. They treat their employees well and even basically gave partial ownership to their workers.For use with the Dukan diet, I find the easiest and tastiest way to prepare is to put two tablespoons in a bowl, pour in just enough skim milk to cover, then microwave for about 60 seconds. I add in organic cinnamon (cinnamon is good for blood sugar). My first impression was that it tasted like unspiced homemade applesauce (you know, right before you can't resist adding cinnamon and nutmeg), which is kind of unusual. I looked at the ingredients and, yes, it has apple puree listed along with apple juice. I also sensed an artificial sweetener in a slight blowback of an aftertaste and, yes, there is stevia in it. Good call X2, palate. There's a calculated "crisp" flavor that a keeps it from getting bland and must be coming from a blend of apple and lemon juices and it must be due to the right apples because you can't taste lemon. It is a carefully constructed drink, an urban take on "the apple."It's enthusiastically carbonated when you open the can which gives it a little wow factor, but it loses the fizz pretty quick and in ten minutes it's flat, probably because it's more viscous than typical carbonated beverages. Sweet in a warm apple way (22 gm carbs, but would be higher in carbs without the stevia), it comes in a cool tall "apple green" energy-drink styled can that has a nice hand feel. It's not the carbonated apple juice you bring in for the kids and nondrinkers on New Year's Eve, and if you are looking for a caffiene hit it doesn't have the perfect bite and gorgeous flavors of Coke or Pepsi, nor the flavor range of Starbucks coffee drinks. It probably wouldn't "go" especially well with any food or snack because it's too particular of a flavor and more viscous than pop, but it's a nice enough stand-alone flavor. If you really like flavor concept of apple sauce mixed with apple juice and are trying to get your heart rate up (80 mg caffiene) you might really like it. During the cooler months, I love to drink a good cup of tea. But there's nothing worse than getting everything ready to find that your tea bag broke and your have leaves floating in your tea. So now with the Lipton Pyramid, you won't have that problem anymore. The pyramid itself is made of a mesh material that's very strong so it won't have a problem with breaking. And the tea itself is delicious. The flavor of it was very delicate and relaxing. Overall it's a much better way to brew tea. I have never heard of a savory tea, so when I heard these, my curiousity was in full set. Instead of thinking of these as a tea, think of it as a sipping broth. These teas would make great soup broths or a simmering liquid. Some of these teas were black teas, while others were green teas. Here are my thoughts on each of the six flavors:Fennel Spice (Green Tea) - This is the first flavor I tried. Fennel tastes reminiscent of licorice, so I thought it would be a safe try. After brewing this tea, I was a little hesistant to try it. It had a strong earthy scent, and I thought it would be too strong. Luckily, the taste of the tea was not earthy, but it was pleasant fennel taste (as one would expect). This tea would make a great base for a vegetable soup, but this one works well on its own too. My main complaint is just the smell. - 4/5 starsBeet Cabbage (Black Tea) - This one has a rich vibrant red color. The first thing that hit me with this tea was again, the smell. I shouldn't be surprised though, as cabbage has a notoriously strong scent. The scent was so bad, that I was tempted on to try the tea instead. Instead, I took a few small sips. This tea tastes the way it smells. I couldn't really taste beet, but I definitely tasted the cabbage. - 1/5 starsSpinach Chive (Green Tea) - Another horrible smell. At this point, I've decided that all of these will not have pleasant smell. It's not like vegetables are known for their wonderful smell. This one tasted okay. The spinach and chive was well balanced, but I'm not sure this would be a good tea to drink on its own, as it is a strong taste. - 3/5 starsTomato Mint (Black Tea) - Surprisingly, this one had a pleasant smell (just when I cad come to accept that these teas would not smell good). It smells like fresh mint and tomatoes, and I mean fresh, not like canned tomato or mint flavoring. I'm a huge fan of mint, and I like tomato soups/juices as well, but I've never had them together. Unfortunately I was a bit disappointed. The mint came off like tasting like toothpaste, and I couldn't get pass that. The tomato flavor was okay, but it was overshadowed by the mint. - 1/5 starsCarrot Curry (Green Tea) - I enjoyed this tea. Along with the carrot, this one has ginger as well. Like fennel spice, this one can standalone as well. - 4/5Broccoli Cilantro (Green Tea) - This one reminded me of the spinach chive tea. The cilantro adds a bit of zing. Like the spinach chive one, this is probably a bit too strong to drink alone. - 3/5 starsMost of these teas are passable, but my favorites were fennel spice and carrot curry. Averaging the ratings, I get about 2 2/3 stars, so I rounded it up to three. These cookies tasted fresh and crisp, with a subtle vanilla butter flavor that is good, but didn't insist I eat more. They're satisfying with a cup of coffee when you want something a bit plainer, without the frills and extras. I'll eat and enjoy them, but not sure I'd buy them often. They're good; they're not quite tempting. I prefer loose teas. There is just a remarkable variety of teas available and in general their flavor is a bit more intense. But I also like the convenience of bag teas. This tea is a nice compromise. The 'pyramid' bags really do seem to help give a flavorful tea. They maintain their shape when put in hot water and you can visibly see more room, they act like a tea infuser.And the combination of flavors is very good. There is enough vanilla to smooth out the blackberry, the combo works well together. I personally would like some more blackberry taste, but these still quickly became one of my favorite bagged teas. So easy to use. Pour it in a standard water bottle and drink. The flavor is delicious and it's very refreshing. While not a huge consumer of canned iced coffee drinks I was excited to try Illy's Issimo Cappucino Coffee Drink. Other canned coffee drinks I have tried have ranged from acceptable to retched. As Illy is a respected "high end" brand of coffee, I had higher hopes than usual and overall, I was not disappointed.I poured the contents into a glass with two ice cubes. It smelled good with a light coffee fragrance. The initial taste was neutral, with a medium coffee flavor and chocolate overtones. It seemed a bit watery as well. I cannot say that it tasted a lot like a cappuccino, but overall was agreeable. After finishing the drink, I noticed no unpleasant aftertastes that can sometimes plague canned coffee drinks. The ingredients did not read too much like a chemistry experiment, so that comes as a relief.Overall, I'd rate this an enjoyable drink, not exactly something that I can say that I crave, but one that I would choose over other competitors if I wanted a cool pick me up in a pinch. I do see that they are priced on the higher end of the scale of the competition, but I would say that it merits the extra change required. Usually I find graham crackers to be a little soft for my taste. Back to Nature's grahams are crunchy and have a great taste. In this case, apple cinnamon. The flavoring is present but not overpowering, which I enjoyed. The product is natural, I'm never sure what that means, but it usually seems to indicate a bland product, that is not the case here. I ate mine both by themselves and with a little peanut butter, I imagine that some nutella would go well them as well. Great for breakfast or a snack. The coffe pods are quite different from the traditional all plastic k-cup design and fit perfectly, Best of all, they brew a consistently great cup of coffee and I am able to put them in our recycle unit. I get this coffee from my Amazon subscribe program and the price is excellent. This coffee is full of soothing vanilla flavor along with the bold taste of the great coffees Starbucks makes.The package directions are for very strong coffee so I am able to use half the coffee for the amount of water. This creates a rich (but not overly strong) soothing vanilla flavored coffee. It is a cup that I love having on a rainy afternoon (or evening) with a fire going in the fireplace and a good book. My cats and I curl up in a mound of blankets and pillows and read, enjoy the warmth of the fire and the great taste of Starbucks coffee. I used 2 of these packets in tea and got rid of the rest. I found the taste to be unpleasant - didn't seem sweet, more tart and fruity than sweet. And, I sensed a metallic like aftertaste. I thought it was terrible. But, I recognize that everyone's taste is different. You may like this just fine and you may have an entirely different application for it than mine. I also don't like Splenda, so you may like this product better if you're a Splenda fan. I just wouldn't buy a truckload of it before you sample it. I never buy pre-ground coffee, we grind our own; however, I was tempted by the "low acid" offer, since I often have heart burn when I drink coffee. I was extremely surprised with how GOOD this coffee tasted. Seriously, I had very low expectations, and I was blown away not only by the fact that I had less heart burn, but the taste was great! It not only didn't taste like "low acid" coffee, it didn't taste pre-ground. That said, I was reviewing the prices for the low acid coffee, and it is waaay expensive. Not sure I'll be buying it - probably just stick to my big mug of sweet tea. If you can't leave coffee alone and you have heart burn, however, go ahead and try it. Recommended for taste and low acid, not for cost. Cardamom Pu'erh Tea Bags, 16-Count*Rich pu-erh tea blended with spicy cardamom*Pu-erh is traditionally used as a slimming tea and to aid digestion*100% real, organic, non-GMO verified tea and ingredients*Pu-erh has more antioxidants that green teaAh, my first time trying Cardamom Pu'erh Tea. this caught My eye: "Pu-erh is traditionally used as a slimming tea". :)When steeped, as per instructions, the tea is not pleasantly aromatic, if ya ask Me. I would almost describe the initial steeping scent as acrid. But, I do like the finished product -- a bold, spicy taste -- especially with a little sweetener.The rich tea color is really pretty served in a clear glass or cup.Does Cardamom Pu'erh Tea sound like what you may be looking for? :) Highly Recommended! --Katharena Eiermann, 2013 I have mainly used this product to marinade chicken breasts; we have used it for grilling three times so far this spring/summer. The flavor is fantastic. My husband is the grilling king, but even he gives some credit to the sauce, the chicken breasts have been so tender and juicy.The sauce is sweet with a little heat. None of the flavors are overpowering and the combination is surprisingly superb. The combination of sweet Mango), heat (Habanero) and the little kick of spice (Ginger) is perfect, you don't need to add any other seasonings to your meat. I have been sticking chicken breasts in a Ziploc freezer bag and then coating them with the sauce, we marinade for at least four hours in the refrigerator, turning the bag every now and again to make sure they are evenly coated. Then my husband has been putting them on the charcoal grill cooking them using the indirect method. They truly are succulent. When the chicken breasts come off the grill I brush them again with a very light coat of the sauce over me and my husbands' chicken breasts. My son finds the sauce a tad too spicy for him with the extra coating, but perfect without it.We have had one jar and have used it for approximately 12 breasts. I have also used a little to go over cream cheese on a cracker; delicious. It is a unique flavored sauce andI can't wait to try it on some grilled fish this summer. This is new favorite in our house and something we will keep on hand.Cherise Everhard, June 2009 This is pretty good cereal. The flakes have more texture and crunch that Raisin Bran-type flakes, and there are generous amounts of fruit in the cereal. The fruit looks dehydrated, but comes to life in the milk. The box is kind of small - like a Grape Nuts box - so there's really only 2-3 bowls of cereal in the box. But it's good stuff. These are really good licorice: chewy, sweet, GREAT flavor. Certainly better than the average store-shelf flavored licorice. However, they have an odd aftertaste that I could never quite pin down; somewhat biting, somewhat off-putting, but never quite bad. Not sure where that comes from, but it was the only reason for a 4-star instead of 5-star rating. Would I get more of these? Possibly, but if other flavors had that same aftertaste, I wouldn't get them too often. Numi Organic Pu-Erh Ginger Tea has a very mild ginger flavor, but the more you sip the tea, the more the flavor builds. It tried it first without sweetening, and the taste was not bitter. I then added a spoon of sugar, my normal way to drink hot tea, and the taste was very pleasant. However, with my second cup, I added honey and lemon juice, and then the tea became delightful and soothing. Very relaxing and comforting after a hard day at work. I drink coffee and tea every day, and I look forward to finding new varieties to enjoy. Numi Tea has an admirable mission statement: "Numi inspires well-being of mind, body and spirit through the simple art of tea. Our company is rooted in the principle of creating a healthful product that nurtures people and honors the planet. With all of our company initiatives, we strive to foster a healthy, thriving global community while bringing you the purest, best-tasting organic tea." The tea is certified organic, claims many health benefits, the tea bags are biodegradable, and the boxes are made with recycled materials. The Ginger Tea is a pleasant cuppa, and I will definitely try other varieties of Numi Tea. Since I drink my coffee black without any creamer or sweeteners, the taste of the coffee itself really matters to me. This vanilla-flavored coffee comes ground, which saves me the step of grinding the beans myself. Even though the beans are pre-ground, the flavor after brewing was still deep and rich, and the aromatic fragrance of vanilla still permeated after I opened the vacuum sealed bag.The flavoring of the vanilla in this coffee is subtle and mild. I mention this because with some flavored coffees, a particular flavor can be quite distinct and strong, and dominate the taste of the coffee. For me personally, that can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the particular flavor; I like pumpkin spice strongly flavored, while I prefer cinnamon and vanilla to be more subtle. So, if you are looking for heavily flavored vanilla coffee, expect something a bit more subtle with this flavor.At 11 ounces, this is not a terribly large quantity of coffee for the money. That said, however, Starbucks has never been the bargain hunter's choice for economical coffee, and this is reasonably priced in relation to other speciality coffees. I heard about this on a news program. Was delighted with Season One. It was refreshing to watch from the other series I'd been watching, not that they were bad, just a bit violent. This was a new idea on an old premise, but very intriguing. Very comfortable and with great stories. The costumes are magnificent and they wear them more than once to give the Granthams and Crowleys more of a reality.Well Done! I love this movie! All the actors are just wonderful and I am a big fan of Colin Firth. I think he does a wonderful job as Mr. Darcy and Jennifer Ehle does a wonderful job as Miss Elizabeth Bennet. This is one of my favorite Jane Austen movies. I think it is really close to how the book was. And I really enjoy BBC television. If anyone is a Jane Austen fan, read the book first and then watch this movie. I don't think you will be disappointed. I wasn't really interested in this when it came out in theaters. But I decided that I would like to give it a try since it was free. I really liked it. It was really creepy and funny. The movie ending was great. The foreshadowing that I really didn't pick up on til the end was great. The actors were really good and believable. I loved it and highly recommend it. I have now watched the entire nine season run of "The X-Files" from start to finish on DVD and my primary reaction to the final season was that it was not Mulder that I missed for most of these last 20 episodes but Scully. Gillian Anderson's character is in most of these season nine episodes, but far too often she comes a bit unglued regarding her absent former partner. Granted, we have enjoyed every one of Scully's emotional outbursts throughout the years, but the explosions strike me as being excessive. When Scully is forced to play the true believer opposite the skepticism of Doggett, in the more mundane cases investigated this final season, things are fine. All things considered, the episodes that focus on Agent John Doggett (e.g., "John Doe," "Underneath," "Release") are the most interesting in the ninth season.As the final season begins Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) has once again disappeared, but this time of his own choice since he knows his presence is putting Scully and their son William in danger. Agent Doggett (Robert Patrick) is trying to find Muldar ("Nothing Important Happened Today") as part of his investigation of Deputy Director Kersh (James Pickens Jr.), but Scully and Assistant Director Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) finally convince him to drop the matter. Scully is now teaching at the FBI Academy, helping Doggett and Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish) from time to time, but fully aware that William is in danger. It is William's fate, even more than Mulder's disappearance, that defines the arc of this final season.While watching these episodes again, at midnight each night, I found myself wondering if the season could have been stronger if not only Mulder but also Scully had been jettisoned and the season had been about agents Doggett and Reyes. As a general rule in the final seasons I intended to enjoy the standalone investigations (e.g, "Lord of the Flies," "Scary Monsters"), than those that focus on the show's mythology (e.g., "Provenance," "Providence"). The final season is a mix of episodes where one week the focus is primarily on Reyes ("Audrey Pauley") and the next almost entirely on Doggett ("John Doe"). Sometimes Dogget and Reyes work together ("Daemonicus") and then again it could be Reyes and Scully ("Hellbound"), or maybe all three ("Underneath"). Things are clearly progressing more quickly with Doggett and Reyes on the romantic front ("4-D," "Release"), but then you would be hard pressed to name a couple that took longer to be a couple than Mulder and Scully. In the comedy department that standout episodes is clearly "Improbable," which features Bert Reynolds as a checker-playing God (Einstein always said God did not play dice with the universe, but he never excluded any board games).With one exception, the twisted Brady Bunch tale "Sunshine Days," the final episodes that aired are all about tying up lose ends. "Jump the Shark" becomes the final ride of the Lone Gunmen, "William" finds Scully reaching a fateful decision regarding her son, and the best of the bunch, "Release" brings closure to the unsolved murder of Doggett's son. "The Truth," the double-episode finale, proves to be unsatisfying, but I think expectations were so exceedingly high that it was impossible for fans to view the end with anything other than regret. I like the final fade out, but the trial of Mulder is clearly a mockery, which means we are treading water for most of the story until the big finish because nothing that happens there matters. There is a big bang near the end, but the saga of Mulder and Scully really ends with silence and a set up that will allow Chris Carter and the gang to do anything they want with the planned second "X-Files" movie. Final Note: It would be my recommendation that you watch all of "The Lone Gunman" episodes before or concurrently with "The X-Files: The Complete Ninth Season," so that you end you "X-Files" experience with "The Truth" and not watching "Jump the Shark" a second time. Gripping action packed thriller of a futuristic game in which only one survivor is allowed. The tributes (forced to participate contestants) must contend with each other, the weather and days in a technologically controlled battlefield in which the goal is to try and survive while killing all others. The contestants are watched by the viewers in this life and death reality game show, where wagers are made and analysts predict the outcome. The film is well worth seeing! Saw this one on television. Scenery and costuming are pretty good. But overall I really don't care for it. There really is nothing funning about the Holocost. Indeed the scene best showing this is when the child of the main character is briefly lead away by an Aufseherin. She is wearing a starched clean white nanny apron over her uniform complete with black boots, her face devoid of warmth; which pretty much describes the reality of this film. I'll first start out by saying that I generally have a pretty wide range of movies I like. I rarely ever "dislike" a movie, I'm willing to watch any genre from any period at any budget, and I'm not one to harshly criticize...I generally try to always find good aspects in a movie...but this movie was absolutely terrible. About 30 minutes in I was SO bored! I would have just turned it off if I had been the only one watching it. The acting was so cheesy, the story line was lacking, the effects were poor, there were a ton of "3D" effects that were waaay over the top (we did not watch it in 3D--because we hate 3D--so it was even worse because of that). There were several plot holes and very little character development. All of these factors together = a poor film. Don't waste your money or your time. The sets are spectucular, the costumes are so authentic I lose myself and think they are really from that period instead of a dramatization. A good entertaining movie. The portrayal was amazing. The acting was very good. The attention to historical accuracy was superb. What a great movie! Being a fan of the classic Universal monsters, I find that this fits in nicely with those movies, even though it was made independantly. It's obvious that this movie didn't have the budget of those, but it has a lot of heart and charm. The story revolves around a young couple, a plantation owner, and a zombie master played by Bela Lugosi. The young couple are to be married, and the plantation owner has invited them to hold their ceremony at his plantation, but he has other plans. He tries to woo the young lady away, but to no avail. As a last ditch effort, he enlists the aid of Bela Lugosi. Well, it turns out that Bela's character has plans for the young woman also. For the rest, well, you will just have to watch and see....the picture quality on this edition is quite crisp and clear, with a couple of minor distortions here and there. This is my first time veiwing this movie, and from what I read, this is the best copy available. The sound quality isn't as good, and I noticed a few drop outs here and there, but considering the age and scarcity of the material, I think the Roan Group did and excellent job in restoring this fine film. All in all, these minor flaws in quality did nothing to reduce my enjoying the movie. The sets are amazing and the movie positively exudes atmosphere. I would recommend this to anyone interested in classic horror movies. "Open Water" is a low-budget, mildly thrilling shark flick. Sure, it has real shark action in it (except for the biting parts), but there isn't quite enough here in the way of character development to warrant more than three stars. The beginning of the flick introduces us to Susan and Daniel, two of the most annoying young adults you'll ever run into. They constantly bicker, even when they're in the middle of the ocean. I was really gunning for the sharks to take a nip of both of them just to make them shut up.The movie is rather short, but what can you really do to fill up more than about eighty minutes of a story about a couple stranded in the ocean and terrorized by sharks? It isn't as if the sharks can scheme together on how they'll make Susan stop whining. The bulk of the flick is Susan and Daniel either whining about being cold and hungry or blaming each other for being in their seaworthy predicament. This makes the film rather boring since the dialogue and acting isn't that great.The film gets good when the sharks pop on screen. They are the only reason I'm giving this film three stars. They're shown cruising beneath their victims, butting their victims, and rolling their victims. It's rather eerie to watch on the screen.Other than the shark action, however, this movie is pretty dull. The sharks really do save this picture from being a complete dud.Only recommended to fans of low-budget, "indie scary" flicks like the "Blair Witch Project." This film is much better than that one in my opinion, though. This movie tries to act oh-so-sophisticated. But the story is a half-hearted attempt at a prequel. The script was inane. The acting was overdone. The only valid conclusion possible is that David is most definately a relative of Ash (Alien 1979). Wow, down to the severed head and everything. That's as good as it got. This film stinks on ice but it sure cures insomnia.Better off not even viewing it and just watch Alien and Aliens once again. Sorry Ridley... and it was called "Battle Royale".I just want to say I stand firm on my opinion and review of this movie despite the barrage of spiteful and extremely petty down votes from over obsessive fans of this series looking to smite anyone who has something other than praise to give this adolescent film.I completely loved Battle Royale as it was an amazing and unbelievably good movie. It's hard to watch this and not see the similarities and also knowing that Battle Royale came out 10 years before this movie or book was even thought of. I didn't exactly buy into the hype of this movie because of so and actually took my time before deciding to sit down and watch it for the first time. This movie I think was just a bunch of hype the same as Black Swan and all those others than pop up out of no where and all of a sudden seem to capture the attention of the box office. Maybe it's one of those pictures where the book is different and much better but as a movie this one feels overly long and quite boring in a lot of parts. If you've seen Battle Royale or have not, you should definitely watch it. It goes into detail about the things this movie skimps over and explores the characters on a much deeper level. Watching The hunger games I felt I was watching almost like a B-movie rip off of Battle Royale, or how can I put it... it's a lot more toned down and that's which kills the shock value of the story. I think this is one of those movies you only enjoy if you've read the book and get to see it come alive. As for me it just didn't cut it especially since I've seen this done before only better with a much better plot. I'm sure there's die hard fanatics for "The hunger games" but if you've never seen "Battle Royale" than you really are just praising a false idol.What makes this movie even more painstaking to watch is that it is long and not very engaging. I found myself pausing the video and running off to do other tasks, and then coming back to it. The movie just seemed to go on and on and on dragging out scenes forever and then having the nerve to give you one of those open endings. This movie is over 2 hours long and the story hardly has any real dialogue to it. You'll find yourself more mesmerized by trying to figure out the ridiculous fashions of this futuristic world. To me that was the more interesting part to watch especially the awkwardly shaped beard of one of the head figure characters. What also struck me was the character Rue and the uproar about the casting for that character. I couldn't believe how nasty people were over the casting of a cute little girl to play her character that basically only had a couple of lines to say. I mean I think if you blinked you'd miss her role in this movie. It really goes to show just how petty certain people can be over absolutely nothing (probably some of these people randomly down voting reviews). Especially in the case of a movie where the race of characters was never described. The biggest surprise was seeing Lenny Kravitz in the film. I didn't even know he was in to acting but his character was random enough so whatever.The one thing I think that really hurt this movie the most was the lack of explanation in the film. The state of the society is never really explained. Why there are 12 districts and all of them are basically low class working districts and the city is lush and rich is never explained. What the "hunger" part about the entire game/story is about. They only hint at a scene where the main character is starving in flash backs or surprised to get a piece of bread from a friend saying "is this real" but that's all you get. No explanation at all as to why these districts are basically laborers that provide necessities for the well to do but live in poverty themselves. Just from the hints and I mean very few hints in the movie the children fighting all come from these repressed low class labor societies where they are picked at random to fight in these games and chosen to be the victor (btw that plot is never explained you have to piece it together yourself throughout the entire movie). It looked like the participating districts were rewarded with food or something if I saw correctly in the riots (also unexplained) but whatever. This is just a bad movie for lots of reasons but mostly for not explaining things that should be explained like the background for the story at least. There is just a simple clip shown in the movie about a war and the games sort of being like the Olympics to show that courage and strength still exists (yeah, still very pointless).Here's where Battle Royale does everything so much better. The plot of a group of students being forcefully captured by the government and thrown into a Military war/social project called "The Program". The kids are handed weapons and supplies at random and told only one of them can survive and they have to kill all of their classmates if they want to make it home alive. The kids don't really understand what is going on (not even the bombs/tracking devices) around their neck. They at first are hesitant to participate in the game but when others start killing each other it suddenly becomes a game of instinct and survival. Some of the kids form social pacts to survive, some like to survive alone, and some just enjoy killing whomever they can find, and some just refuse to participate and try to find another way out. Battle Royale does the story better because its almost like a study of human survival. You get a chance to learn about the background on the characters and their relationship to the other characters which is what makes seeing one of them die or get killed more personal. You don't get to explore any other characters in The Hunger Games but the two main characters "Bow girl" and "Guy who is useless". There's also Rue who character depth includes "These are Mocking Jays we use them to signal time in my district" and that's about as much as you get. For a 2.5hr movie I find The Hunger Games to be extremely vague in a lot of areas it shouldn't be.So basically overall... if you want to see a GOOD movie about Young adults being forced to kill other young adults watch Battle Royale. The plot is pretty simple. Kahn (from the original series) is back and he's not to happy. Once he escaped from his exile, he could go anywhere he wanted to. Instead of doing that, he wants to go after Jim Kirk. Kahn's obsession leads to his downfall.I really liked how Kahn's need for revenge is his down fall. When Chekov is in the Botany Bay, you see that on the shelf are a lot of book. One book that really stands out is Moby Dick, kind of forshadows what's going to happen to him.With all of this is doing on, it seems that some scientists have created something called, "Genesis". Genesis can literally create life from nothing. However for this to happen, it has to destroy whatever life in on a planet or moon for this to work. In the wrong hands, it can be a weapon.It's up to Kirk and Company to stop Kahn and to save Genesis.Seeings how this is such a old movie, the transfer to blu ray is beautiful. The sound is crisp and clear and during the battle scenes is very impressive. The images on this blu ray are fantastic! The images are sharp, crisp and very clear. I was really impressed with how smoothly the transfer really went. It has some really neat extras that I haven't seen before. I really liked it.I just have one small complaint about the blu ray. The menu screen wasn't all that great. It seems that all of the Star Trek movie menu screens just have the Star Trek symbol, that's it. I feel that they could have but anything up there, but they didn't and really dropped the ball.Again, this is a fantastic transfer, I highly suggest it. If you know a Star Trek fan in your life, they'd love to have this. I watched this last night. Still choked up today. Casting was superb, very well chosen. Acting was tremendous. Some reviewers criticized the singing of some of the actors, but in this adaptation I think the acting skills mattered more. Where voice talent was needed most, it was supplied by Ann Hathaway and Samantha Barks. Ann Hathaway (Fantine) delivered such a powerful and sadly too short performance-that's the character-though she reappears at the end as a heavenly apparition. Her performance alone is enough to want this movie. A tale of almost superhuman Christian forgiveness and charity-could be a parable. A definite must see. The first season was pretty good. There were some changes from the book, but the story still flowed. Season two is just getting on my nerves! The changes made are absolutely ridiculous. The Jon Snow and Ygritte scenario made me stop watching and I'm not sure if I can continue. I sorta wish I didn't read the books because then maybe I would enjoy this series more.The actor and character of Theon's sister is atrocious. The story of Daenerys is horrible. The battle between the Kings guard and the Black recruits was way underplayed, and the flow of Arya's journey was cut and changed way too much. I could go on and on. I know I should expect changes, but this was written and directed as if both writer and director did not read and love the books. And I truly don't understand how the ratings are high from people who did read the books.Well, finished watching, finally. I'm totally disgusted. I just have no words to say how bad it is. A bitter disappointment. There is no magic whatsoever, like there is in the book. None. Director John Huston takes into the underworld of crime in 1950 with ASPHALT JUNGLE. This is a dark film in all senses of the word with very few likeable characters. It's a world of illegal gambling, violence, dishonest cops and crime on all levels.Enter a mysterious older gentleman named Doc played by San Jaffe. Doc is just out of prison and is planning one last huge heist before returning to Mexico and a life full of pretty young girls. A big heist requires a skilled crew and lots of money for planning. "Upstanding" citizen Alonzo Emmerich is the answer. He supposedly has the money and connections. The plan is all set or is it? Can a criminal mind trust other criminals? Let the heist begin.I had no background on this film other than knowing it was one of Marilyn Monroe's first films. She has a small but noticeable part as Angela, the young beautiful lady being "kept" by a much older Emerich. Although her role is small, Marilyn is in all the advertising material. Her fame has that power.I didn't find a lot to like about this very dark film. As in typical film noir, it is shot in shadows and mostly at night. There is always a dark and ominous feeling to the film. No one is any good and no one can be trusted. It's a sad journey in to human failures and distress. Lovely Jean Hagen has a bittersweet role as Doll Conovan. There's not doubt she has had a bad run in life but her heart seems pure and she is madly in love with thug Dix Handley played by Sterking Hayden. Dorothy Tree as Emmerich's long-suffering invalid wife is another character who makes an impression. She is so desperate for her husband's love and attention that it is heartbreaking. Emmerich has what really matters in life yet he turns to younger woman and a gang of criminals for recreation.It's hard to watch this film when there seems no hope of redemption for anyone. The characters have all fallen to pieces in some way or another. There is no light of day or fresh start. It was a great movie to watch. the suspense was great. It kept you attached to the movie and the snacks!!!!! "Jeepers Creepers" is a movie I remember hearing a lot of mixed buzz about. Some people\critics hailed it as one of the scariest movies ever! While others said it ranks among the worst ever made. I had wanted to see "Jeepers Creepers" when it was firsted released,but, just never got around to it. Then, one day I just decided to rent it, since I'm a fan of the genre."Jeepers Creepers" is a movie I think that does have some suspenseful moments. I also think the film's first half bour is brilliant. And by that I mean, it's set-up is wonderful. The suspense slowly builds up because we don't know what kind of movie we are in for. We have no way of knowing where this plot will take us. As for dialogue well, the film suffers, and the movie has too many loop holes that don't bring the movie together, plus, it just gets plan silly. But, I'm getting ahead of myself here."Jeepers Creepers" starts off as a brother and sister Trish (Gina Philips) and her brother Darry (Justin Long) are driving home from school. Soon they encounter a strange driver on the road who nearly runs them right off the road. As they drive on, they see him again, this time, he's off the road, and they see him throwing bodies down a pipe. Now, all of this believe it or not works. But, what happens inbetween this, doesn't work.First of all, the two kids start talking about their mother. Okay, what about her? I don't know. They say that she's change, that she;s not herself anymore. OK, why? Does she have a physical problem? Is she breaking up with her husband? Did her husband die? Or is she just lonely? We never know. Information is given to us, but, it's never completed. We know Trish (Gina Philips) breaks up with her boyfriend, why? The writers were just trying to make this characters have a conversation for the film doesn't become boring until the action happens. But, why make the characters talk about things that won't have anything to do with the movie. We don't want to hear it. Why not try writing USEFUL dialogue?After the first half hour, the film become odd, but, I was willing to go along with it. We find out something about the driver in the begining of the movie (don't worry I won't spoil it). And then we start to second guess our opinion of why we rented this in the first place. So now, the film just becomes silly. Here's an example, the kids are soon told they whenever they hear the Harry Warren song "Jeepers Creepers" expect trouble. Never in all my life would I have expected the song "Jeepers Creepers" to represent evil! Also, we are told that the "crepper" attacks ever 23 years! And the funny thing is, no one else knows about this. That leads to another question. Exactly how long has this been going on?Director Victor Salva is not a talentless director I feel. He might be able to actually make a good, scary horror flick one of these days. He just needs to prepare himself better. That's what really breaks this film. The elements are there for a good movie, but, they just weren't used properly. Maybe "Jeepers Creepers 2" will be better. Who knows. I personally would advise you not to watch this movie. If you like the teen horror genre I prefer "Scream", "I Know What You Did Last Summer", and "The Glass House".Bottom-line: Suspensefull, but ultimately silly horror film that just doesn't scare us enough but makes us think of what could of been. Decent acting, so-so scrpit. This is a well made movie of the all time great musical, based on the Gaston Leroux novel, which was published as a serial in 1909-1910.It's an excellent transformation from the stage to the screen- the changes to make the stage production "cinematic" are sensitive.The performances are excellent. The costumes and staging are superb, and the direction is sensitive to the subject matter.For anyone who loves the Lloyd Webber musical, this is a must- as a movie you can watch to enjoy in its own right, as well as a reminder of the play and its music.At the Amazon price, it's excellent value! I really was moved by Brokeback Mountain. It is a sad and often touching film, that should be seen at least once by anyone interested in cinema. The direction by Ang Lee is flawless in almost every frame.I was angered by the film for not giving a clear explaination for one of the character's death. I now feel differently. It is best for the viewer to think what they want about it. It was the death itself and how it affected the other characters that was important in the film. The death itself will affect the viewer, and Del Mar's reaction to it is heartbreaking.Some reviews mention the makeup, cloths and other superficial aspects of the film. They are not important to enjoying the film.The acting, direction and story are why the film should be seen and even studied.A student will find writing a thesis on the story, the film or book a great challenge. There are things in the film, subtle things, that get missed during one viewing. If you want to know what I am talking about, see the film again. Look closly at every scene; take it all in. I have not yet read the book.Brokeback Mountain is a wonderfully sad and disturbing film. It may have it's amusing moments, they are few. This film is about love, lust and life. Live's without committment, where lies do more damage than aweful truths. This is what DVD's are made for. The plethora of special features makes this possibly the best put together DVD out there right now, all DVD's should be made like this, but now onto the movie itself. From the start, Episode 1 had a lot going against it. Few people thought it could live up to the original trilogy, combined with the hammy acting and excessive CGI effects, not to mention everyone's constant bitching and moaning about Jar-Jar Binks, I was surprised it made as much money as it did (then again its a Star Wars movie). Ewan McGregor is great as the young Obi-Wan, while Liam Neeson brings a strong, silent edge in his role. Jake Lloyd however, can't act to save his life. All his lines sounded so forced and unconvincing, not to mention the fact this is the kid who is supposed to become Darth Vader, I just can't see that cute little kid becoming such an evil force. Ray Park is good as Darth Maul, only I wish we could have seen more of him, and the final fight scene is great as well. George Lucas has totally commercialized the Star Wars saga, and it shows here which drags the movie down a lot (he had said he thought about casting N*Sync as Jedi Knights in Episode 2 to please his daughter), and the total credibility that the series once had quickly fades away by the time the credits start rolling. However, I'm thankfull that Episode 2 is much better than Episode 1, but hardcore Star Wars fans will love it either way. Bottom line: great DVD, ok movie. Spoilers thar be, Maytees.Is a man created by man still a creature of God or is it a monster? Do we have the right to create meta-human life? What if we are the children of unknown fathers? For answers please consult Frankenstein. For self-important, barely comprehensible drivel please consult Prometheus.Great direction can save poor scripts. A director seduced by CGI shooting an incredibly weak screenplay by an overrated pair of writers will not. How on Earth Lindelof and Spaihts got the gig is beyond me. There are strong writers in Hollywood and others trying to get a break that could have done a better job, a MUCH better job.Ridley Scott, like Spielberg, has forgotten what making a raw, honest movie is like and is far too distracted with how excessive CGI can make it look pretty. Alien was a dark, cold, spartan film set in a bleak, merciless universe. The budget and effects limitations at the time meant that Scott had to use his imagination to create dread. Here he has all the money and effects he can ask for and the resulting film is the polar opposite. Less is more. A filmmaker like Scott should know that. All 4 Alien movies were filmed on a soundstage (save for one 'beach' shot in Alien 3). They were confined and claustrophobic. Prometheus is set in massive, wide-open spaces, which I assume is supposed to make us feel desolate and isolated. But when it cuts back and forth between interior and exterior so much the opposites negate each other, meaning we feel neither confined nor abandoned.The story is set a number of years before Alien in which a bunch of expendable characters (including a lot of nobodies) travel to a distant planet (a 4-year round trip) to find the beings that created life on Earth. When they get there they discover...a load of confusing, muddled nonsense that is far from frightening and is only just barely above mildly interesting.Alien was populated with 7 single or double-syllabled characters that felt real and authentic thanks to their quiet interactions and dialogue. We learned their names and positions quickly. Prometheus has more characters than I can count (some appear out of nowhere and quickly disappear as fast) with some of them not even being coherently named. Not that coherence is this film's strong point.Noomi Rapace is cute as Elizabeth Shaw, the lead scientist who believes in 'The Creators' (the Space Jockey creatures), but she's very miscast. Michael Fassbender as android David is the only other character who gets a notable amount of screen time. You'll care about none of them.Scott once said that the film wasn't a prequel to Alien (after originally announcing that it was) then changed his mind a short while later. If this was supposed to keep us intrigued it didn't work. If anything it only got the confusion going before anyone even saw the movie.It has some lofty ambitions, and succeeds at neither of them. The opening scene of a Creator sacrificing himself at an indefinite point in history to create mankind by putting his DNA into our water is nonsense. Was disintegrating himself the only way of doing this? Could he not have just bled into the primordial soup? Did he create the dinosaurs too? Was it a scene set just after the last ice age? Did they accidentally create primates in the process? Why did they create us in the first place? How did the early civilizations learn of the Creators? Did they visit? Why did they have a star map that led to a planet that was just a testing field?The creation of the famous Xenomorph Alien is so convoluted and preposterous. Let's see if you can follow this:Android David finds a vase of goo in the pyramid/mountain place. He touches it to his finger. He deliberately puts his finger into Holloway's champagne, infecting him as he ingests. Holloway gets sick. Before the symptoms become obvious he mates with his infertile lover Elizabeth. She becomes pregnant and quickly goes into labor. She aborts her 'hell baby' by caesarian section but just leaves it there in the operation room. Some time later the angry Creator is attacked by the full grown hell baby and is consumed by it, to a degree, for unknown reasons. That dead Creator then births a primitive Xenomorph.Pardon me, but that is a load of garbage. I honestly cannot believe something that ludicrous made its way into, what is essentially, an Alien movie. The original had so much purity and mythos. Did Ridley Scott not even watch his own movie for pointers? Lindelof and Spaihts have really painted themselves into a corner with that dumb ending too. When Shaw gets to the real Creator planet she will be the only human being in the film, if that is the way the speculative sequel will go.The mystery of the Space Jockey has been completely ruined. It could have been so much better. But Scott needs to be brought back down to Earth (pun intended) and he should have chosen his writing team more wisely. Still, it was nice to hear Jerry Goldsmith's Alien theme, albeit briefly. This movie was fantastic! Jennifer Lawrence's performance really warranted that Oscar win...and even though I loved "Lincoln" and Daniel Day Lewis's performance was superb, after seeing Silver Linings I was really disappointed that Bradley Cooper didn't win instead. Phenomenal performance!!! The academy owes him for this one. If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend!!! HIGHLY!!! ***1/2 Anyone even remotely contemplating getting involved with drugs, either legal or illegal, would have second thoughts after seeing "Requiem For a Dream," a cautionary tale brilliantly directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring the magnificent Ellen Burstyn in an Oscar-nominated performance.In confronting the issue of drug addiction, Aronosky (who co-wrote the screenplay with Hubert Selby Jr.) has chosen to tell two stories that, although they run along basically parallel tracks for most of the film's duration, do occasionally intersect. That point of intersection is the mother/son relationship between Sara Goldfarb, a lonely widow living in a rundown tenement in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, and her son, Harry, a ne'er do well loser hooked up with a couple of junkies, one of whom is his girlfriend, Marion. Harry and his friends are well on their way to becoming addicts when the movie opens and, until the supply suddenly peters out, the three of them are having the time of their lives. Unfortunately, once they hit hard times, all hell breaks loose and their lives quickly become a downward spiral into withdrawal, crime, prostitution, illness and prison. This is the more conventional side of the screenplay. Where the film really charts new territory is in the concomitant half which is focused on Sara, a well meaning woman whose obsession to lose a few pounds results in her becoming addicted to doctor-prescribed amphetamines. For Sara, this leads to an eventual descent into disorientation, hallucinatory episodes and, eventually, madness.Some may find Aronosky's blunt directorial style to be overemphatic, hammer-like and off-putting. To approximate the feeling of dislocation caused by the various drugs, the director employs a wide variety of cinematic techniques at his disposal: sped up motion, jarring quick cuts, visual distortion etc. Though it can become a bit much at time, one has to admire the effort to bring the viewer as much into the minds of the characters as is conceivably possible using the resources of filmmaking. The film is both unsparing and unflinching in showing the physical and psychological damage drugs can cause. The last section of the film, though it could be accused of lacking subtlety, nevertheless becomes a harrowing journey into a world filled with confusion, despair and pain.Burstyn makes Sara a compelling and sympathetic figure from the very start. Alone in her drab room, she watches T.V. all day, dreaming of the time when she will matter to someone again. Burstyn does a brilliant job in showing how, thanks to her increasing addiction, Sara slowly loses her grip on reality and slips over into schizophrenia and madness. And though we are appalled by the anti-social behavior both of her son, Henry, and of his cronies, we come to see even them in three-dimensional terms, especially through Harry's obvious love of his mother and the tenderness that develops in Harry and Marian's relationship. The revelatory moment occurs when Harry realizes that his mother is also addicted to drugs, yet how hollow his words sound as he admonishes her to kick her habit. Even he can do little but break down in tears during the cab ride home and return to his own self-absorbed drug addicted life. (This is the last time we ever see them together as their lives diverge to follow their own paths towards mutual self-destruction).Special note should be taken of Clint Mansell's subtle and haunting musical score, which brings an air of melancholy uneasiness to this strange world of the drug-addicted mind.Brilliantly acted and superbly directed, "Requiem For a Dream," though not always easy to watch, reveals uncompromising truths that cannot be ignored. I can understand why everyone would want this to succeed, but there are three reasons why it didn't. First of all, you would think Warner Brothers would learn from the reinvention of the Batman franchise they nearly killed. I always thought the target audience should be adults, and then would eventually make it down to kids. This kind of campy storytelling will not be tolerated by the public at large anymore.Secondly, I felt there was some sentimental value attached to this film due to the passing of Christopher and Dana Reeve to not allow a more objective critique of the film. I'm not coming down on Brandon Routh at all. I think he did a wonderful job taking the Superman mantle. Aside from a few poor casting choices (Bossworth and Posey). The cast carries out very good performances. Not surprising was Kevin Spacey's marvelous performance as Lex Luthor. While clearly differing from Hackman's performance. Spacey offers a more jubulent take which adds more depth to the character.And third, what made this film lose its cohesiveness was the direction of the story. Bryan Singer did a great job of re introducing the characters. But after that failed to take the movie in a clear direction. So in truth, you only need to see the first half of the film. After the second half you might end up scratching your head.A shout to the people at Warner Brothers. You boys clearly don't have a clue wether you have a good thing or a bad thing so I'll make this real simple. Either hire a competent writer to tell a good story or sell the rights to make these movies. Superman is a good character with a wealth of material in the mythos to use. And it shouldn't be butchered by the likes of you. Take notice folks, Donner's films are going to out gross this one too. When Aileen Wournos was at large, I was in my teens and living in Central Florida, following the story with sick fascination. I grew up in Marion County, and the first thing I looked for when I saw this movie was accurate depiction of the area, accents, and overall look of the sets. Gotta say, I felt like I was home again.Charlize Theron goes through a major transformation for this movie, where she plays Central Florida serial killer, Aileen Wournos. Not only is the make up and the extra thirty pounds striking as she was uglied down for this role, but her mannerisms, accent and general attitude complete the illusion. Charlize looks so much like Aileen Wournos that when you put her picture next to the real killer's, the resemblance is so uncanny that it gives chills. She also looks a lot like James Hetfield of Metallica fame, but then, so did Aileen Wournos.Her performance is perfect, and Christina Ricci as her selfish, lesibian lover gives a performance that is also well worth watching. Ignorant of her lover's crimes, she pushes her to make more money for them, never realizing until much later that the money is coming from the dead men that are appearing all over Central Florida.Are we expected to feel sorry for Aileen Wournos now that we have the background on how and why she snapped and became this monster? Are we supposed to be sorry that we went to the electric chair? No. While this movie shows us that Aileen's first murder was in self defense, and the second murder was made easier by the post traumatic stress of her first experience, we also see that the other killings are completely calculated and her victims were generally innocent people. Briefly, we see her anguish at killing during an especially disturbing murder scene, but Wournos was not that sorry, so that scene doesn't inspire sympathy for her so much as it leaves a person feeling cold.I would have given this movie five stars except for one thing. The relationship she has with Shelby (Ricci) is too drawn out and slow in developing at first. Then, it seems to be more important than the murders, because we have more screen time with Theron and Ricci making out, arguing, or otherwise planning their next move than we do anything else, which seems to put the murders on the backburner.However, if you want disturbing non-fiction, this movie disturbs on two levels. The first is Charlize Theron herself. She is freakin' amazing. The second is the actual story. It is very hard to watch, but you will be glad you did. Brian De Palma's Body Double is an underrated gem of a suspense/thriller. Released in the early 1980's, it was bashed for being too derivative of Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window and Vertigo, plus being too sleazy at the same time. But in all honesty, I feel these aspects actually worked together to make a truly tight, suspense-filled, edge of your seat thriller.Jake Scully (Craig Wasson) is an actor who thinks he has it all until he discovers he's been fired from his current work and his girlfriend Carol (Barbara Crampton in a 5 second cameo) is sleeping with another man. While looking for work, he encounters a guy named Sam Buchard (Gregg Henry), another actor looking for work. Sam, noticing how unhappy Jake is, offers him the chance to sit a house that belongs to a friend of his. Jake gladly agrees for he has no home to go to. After the first night in this new home (it's actually a cool one too) he peeks through the telescope by the window and sees the neighbor (Deborah Shelton) doing an erotic striptease and masturbation dance. This continuous observation leads Scully to the world of pornography and a porn star named Holly Body (Melanie Griffith), who may hold the answer to a crime he witnessed.It was late around midnight when I watched this film and I was feeling a bit sleepy but Body Double kept me wide awake and in suspense for all of its 2 hour running time. Honestly, I never expected this movie to be that good. Primarily, the most important aspect is if the movie delivers suspense, and that it does. Extremely well, too, might I add. Brian De Palma can be thanked for this. Who can forget the tunnel scene, the venture into the mall, the crime Scully witnesses, and the really creepy climax. Brian De Palma is truly one of the modern masters of suspense and should direct more films like this. What makes the suspense work is mainly because of the fact that Wasson is alone in his investigation. It creates a strong foreboding atmosphere. The great musical score doesn't hurt either. Another asset are also some surprising and unpredictable plot twists that occur. I was surprised I didn't have it figured out toward a certain point despite some good clues (and the fact that Wasson's character figures out part of the mystery with the same amount of hints and clues as the viewer has). Watching the movie again is also fun just to re-examine the twists and see how they worked out.Yes, the film does have a countless amount of nudity in it but it's actually vital to the movie. After all, how would Wasson's character witness the crime if he didn't have the proper motivation to peep on his neighbor. It's an interesting look at voyeurism and how it affects a person. Yes, some moments are a bit sleazy such as when Wasson is watching the X-rated channel. But I can cut that part some slack since it is actually quite humorous and it also leads to another plot twist.Speaking of humor, that's another element that surprised me. I never expected it, but Body Double does have its humorous moments that lighten up the tone a bit. Some of its subtle while other parts are actually quite hilarious (especially if you watch it with a friend), especially De Palma's portrayal of X-rated films. Don't think that the humor hurts because it by no means meanders the suspense. It just makes the film more entertaining.Acting wise, Body Double is quite good. Craig Wasson is terrific as the everyday guy who gets caught up in some events beyond his control. Melanie Griffith is also fine as Holly Body though her character wasn't quite developed well enough. Deborah Shelton is okay as the neighbor Wasson constanly peeps on. She actually develops into a likeable character despite the fact that you know what her fate is early on in the film. Look for Dennis Franz as an independent horror film director.In the erotic thriller genre, Body Double certainly ranks at the top. It feels genuinely suspenseful and it never manipulates the viewer like so many other films of the genre do. And as a sidenote, watch the movie at midnight for the full effect, just like I did. It'll make the scenes at night with the Indian a whole lot creepier. I was really shocked when I watched this film and realized that it made no sense at all. Vronsky the lover, is so pretty, he competes with Anna for good looks. The one saving grace in the film is Jude Law who plays his part perfectly. But he isn't in the film that much, it is mainly her, Anna, who slides in and out of stylized sets looking much like a wax figure at a museum display. She does this very odd thing with her face throughout the film, twisting her lips into what looked to me like fake snarls. It was very disconcerting to see such a lovely woman deliberately make her face unattractive. The costumes and sets are gorgeous, and it's fun to watch if only for that reason. The story itself is a big disappointment. And I say I wasted 1.5 hours because that's all of the movie I could sit through. I didn't even bother getting to the end. The worst thing is that this movie had a roster of great actors (Michael Shannon, Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Russell Crowe, Chris Meloni, Lawrence Fishburn) but couldn't do anything with them. Their talents were wasted in this flick. The script was poor and the storyline didn't make sense. Did anyone who produced this movie read the Superman comic books? One of the main parts of the original comic that makes Superman fascinating is the fact that no one knows who Superman is, particularly Lois Lane. The Clark Kent alter ego makes the story interesting. Instead they make Clark out to be some drifter with no purpose in life. What nonsense!!Also, what made the original Superman movie (and other big budget films of the 70s like Star Wars and Close Encounters) was that less is actually more. Its time for Hollywood to get off its CGI addiction and get back to simple, down to earth special effects. Back then, the production effort was spent on characters, storyline and special effects. These days its all about the visual graphics and not about the story. Its a direction for disaster. Its why low budget films like The Kings Speech make $100M and run away with Oscars and Man of Steel lays a fat egg at the box office and burns a hole in the movie studio's wallet. I received it in good time and so far I haven't had any discs fail. The picture quality and sound are fantastic, and I didn't find any green tint in the movies. THis is what comedies are all about. This movie is an example of how a comedy can be really great. The cast is in top notch performance, the special effects are fantastic but not overwhelms the movie, God, everything is fantastic here. You can see clearly that all the actors,. the director, everyone involved believe in what they are doing and are havin fun doing it. Congratulations !! Greatest movie from Disney since the Lion King! The plot is great and the two princess are extremely lovable! It is great for children and adults alike! As a college student, my friends and I frequently watch this movie on girls night, and everyone loves it and can sing along with pretty much every song! Wonderful movie that I would eagerly recommend! Season two was very interesting. Some of the plot was a bit disappointing. When will lady Edith ever find happiness? Spider man 3, the final installment of spider man was, as expected, overdone. it followed the footstep of X-men and Pirates and other trilogies that wanted to end with a gigantic finish...except that the gigantic part was gigantic in all the wrong start off, 2 villians do keep us entertained...if they actually make sense that is. But both don't. the writers kept it a little too big, basically made both villains nearly invinsible, then at the end gave us a laughable end-of-villian finish. For example the sandman, after he's been bombed at, flushed at, shot at, beat at, thrown at.... and still live on to create more destruction, he just SUDDENTLY realized that what he was doing was wrong and then went like: "I was wrong, okay now I'm gonna go gone with the wind now" WHAT?!the venom was about the same thing, an invinsible being who is scared of bell sounds???? it's as ridiculous as saying a dragon is scared of the color red. Not convincing at the least.the theme tried to stick to the whole "superhero can't have girlfriends and normal life thing" but it still failed. Because the reasons were pretty damn weak: Peter got bad because he was infected by the venom; Mary-Jane breaks up with Peter for saving his life. none of these things actually SHOWS convincingly that superhero CAN'T have a normal life, just that when new villains came, relationship gets screwed up (the venom just HAPPENS to fall where Peter and Mary Jane is, RIIIIGHT)...which doesn't even make much sense.overall this was a huge disappointing follow-up of the last one, which was the best super-hero movie I have ever seen. the only reason I gave this movie 3 stars is because of its special effects, and Toby dancing of course. Great Movie. Bought this for my wife as a chick flick. Found myself watching it several times.Movie has s few gross scenes that could have been left out. From the widespread raves, you'd think this fairly thin coming of age tale was Shakespeare. It's not. It's an adaptation of a book I never read, but the title was slapped onto the movie to help sell it without any true reference to it in the film. Meryl Streep is the one to watch here. Her performance is outstanding. But the rest is rather cliched slapstick. I expected something more sophisticated. Silly me. Having quickly become a modern classic on stage and in acting circles, Closer-the film is also a landmark.Thirty years removed from Carnal Knowledge, Mike Nichols deftly guides this present day expose of how men and women damage each other in relationships, how impulse and instinct conflict with emotion and the heart, truly the ultimate of matters for us all.The acting is stellar, in particular Portman and Owen (both nominated for Academy Awards) as the initial foils for their partners Law and Roberts, respectively. But these are equal opportunity betrayals, put over on each other over the course of four years. The use of Damien Rice's "O," the direction by Nichols, and the film adapted screenplay by the play's writer/creator Patrick Marber are also excellent.This isn't remotely a comedy, despite moments of levity-particularly Owen-and is a sad case for the complexity of cosmopolitan culture and attitude, an absence of obescense and perspective other than whimsy and vengeance-traits that usually result in damage, especially in relationships.Such an expose, an introspection, an analysis makes this the standout it is. This will hold up over time too, because simple, direct subjects, like how and why and what happens when people struggle against each other in intimate relationships, is a subject that will never be tired. I find it sad that reviewers such as "A Kid's Review" (only one of quite a few) found it necessary to use personal attacks as a way of conveying their lack of spiritual understanding of or enthusiasm for the film. (Saying over and over again that they wish Mel had made another Mad Max film only shows they did not have the ability or desire to consider what the film was about. You probably should not have seen it since you are clearly unable to grasp the truth of His message.)That said, I will not lower myself again to the same level as other reviewers who attack differing personal spiritual views as a means to criticize the film - I can only suppose it is because they are threatened by the message. If you didn't like the film, say why you didn't like the film. Don't call people who DID find the film a profoundly moving experience idiots because you can't understand our faith. It is only demonstrating your own ignorance to do so. If you choose not to believe that Jesus was who he was portrayed as in "The Passion of the Christ" and in the Bible, that is your opinion and you are welcome to it. But save the intellectual drivel about how anyone who does believe is deluded and cannot think for themselves. Learn to read and research and you might be surprised at what you learn. And - By the way - I am a Christian (NOT Catholic) who was brought up Unitarian. I know how to read and think for myself! I'm not being blindly lead. Free will is a basic point of Faith. I use my free will to believe. You use yours to ridicule. I'm sad for you.In terms of visual message, this film was spectacular. The cinematography is amazing. It truly conveys the anguish most involved experienced - not just Jesus and his followers. For those who claim that His message is missed in the film, I call your attention to the last moments on the Cross when the other men there had the chance to choose their path - the redemption one received while the other continued to ridicule. That is the bottom line message - the redemption and forgiveness that is available to all.I have seen many reviews that criticize Mel for making it too violent. I find this ironic. Have you watched the violence out there on film, in video games, even on TV? I certainly have plenty of it in my film library. Our culture has become immune to it. I expect that had the violence not been portrayed so graphically the film would have lost substantial impact. That said, it was the most difficult film I have ever watched and I cried throughout the film in the theater, but I purchased the DVD. I will watch it again when I feel I need to be reminded of the sacrifice that was made on the behalf of all who believe - and all who do not. A movie with such a title that is about the scary and dark void called "space," you'd expect to be thrilling. Well, I have to tell you this movie is beyond thrilling. This film is a perfect combination of "Matrix" and "Inception" and will pump your adrenaline to a maximum level! "Gravity" is a life time experience that everyone must see! If you add to the mix that Sandra Bullock and George Clooney star in it as main characters, it just doesn't get better than that!Since this movie has so many genres, it's hard to tell its main one. This movie has adventure, comedy, sorrow, suspense, thrilling scenes, intense scary scenes and so much more! The main one out of all these fantastic genres is definitely suspense. You walk in feeling bored and tired and you walk out feeling like Ryan Stone in the movie. (Sandra Bullock)The thrilling adventure begins when a young medical engineer named Ryan Stone goes up in space to help with installations for the Hubble Telescope. It seems like a casual spacewalk, but when she gets stranded away from her ship, "Explorer," she needs to get back to Earth by hitching a ride on a different station. If you want to find out how and if she and her co-worker, Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) make it back to Earth alive, you have to watch the film.The movie has so much adventure and so many impressive and clear graphics, it's hard not to like it! You feel like you are right there, experiencing whatever the main characters experience. The acting is amazing and there is deep meaning behind it - what would you do, if you were alone in the deepest and darkest part of this entire universe, with nobody but yourself? What would your thoughts be? Would you be able to remain hopeful or just give up and let Space take you? The camera work is the best I've ever seen. Alfonso Cuarón, I give you standing ovation for directing this masterpiece.My favorite scene is when Ryan is stuck in a damaged escape pod with no fuel. She thinks she's stranded. Before she decides to give up and loose hope of returning to Earth, she starts to see Matt. Matt gets in when she does not have her helmet on and shows her that she can get back. As soon as his statement is over, he's gone. She hallucinated him but the plan worked! It's a very interesting and important scene in the movie and that's why I like it.The movie is rated PG-13 and I honestly think it is appropriate for age 12 to 18. I give it 5 out of 5 stars and it is showing in theaters everywhere right now. I may be wrong, but I predict Oscar nominations for the cast and director of "Gravity." Let's see what happens in 2014!Reviewed by KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Gerry O. For more youth reviews go to Couples are central to BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER throughout its seven-year run, so how might one pair the seasons themselves?If Seasons One and Two of BUFFY are Origin Years-- establishing the show's mythos in Season One, then stretching and deepening them in year Two-- then Seasons Three and Four are definitely Years of Consolidation, playing with, clarifying and reorganizing the show's fictional universe and strengthening the bond between show and viewer before diving into the darker, riskier events of Seasons Five and Six (which we might call Years of Daring and Yearning). (What about Season Seven, you ask? Well, let's just leave it standing alone in the corner, looking at its shoes and crying because no one wants to hang with it (and can you blame them?)."Consolidation" has a compromised tone to it, but that's not what I mean. Seasons Three and Four are excellent. It's not a question of quality, which on Buffy was almost always high, but tone-- these are more playful seasons than those that precede and follow, and there's a wittiness to the way in which series creator/auteur Joss Whedon puts his characters through their paces. Season Three, in particular-- from "Band Candy" and "Homecoming" through "The Zeppo" and the mayor's speech in "Graduation Day"-- is full of humor.The brightness extends to the show's look-- Buffy switches from darker 16mm stock to 35mm, giving the show a brighter look. We see more of Sunnydale, here too-- coffee shops, town streets, and the glowing green sign of the Sunnydale cinema. Darkness doesn't disappear-- the show, particularly in the first half of the season, is forced to grapple with the events of the season that preceeded it-- but this is certainly Buffy's most optimistic season, and that optimism may account for its popularity with fans. Season Three was the highest-rated of any Buffy year in the Nielsens, and this year and the next were the height of the show's media buzz.It speaks volumes about how Buffy juggles tones that I can write the above with absolute conviction and then turn around and tell you that the show grapples, in its first four episodes alone, with teen suicide, homelessness, broken families, the dark underbelly of fundamentalism, the return of a murderer, the arrival of a rival slayer, and a mayor who has cheerfully sold his soul to demonic forces. To say nothing of such Buffy staples as the horror of high school, the mendacity of teenage cliques and the glorious pain of doomed love.So, ok, "optimism" and "wit" are relative terms. There are moments in Season Three that are heartbreaking, times when characters must grapple with fear, loss, betrayal and disappointment. The genius of Joss Whedon and his writers is that they give the fans exactly what they want...exactly when they *don't* want it. Whedon is not a moralist (a type that almost always comes in for criticism and mockery on his shows), but his work does have an ethics to it-- there are consequences to actions, and every moment, good or bad, always contains an element of its opposite. Ambiguity reigns in the BuffyVerse, and Season Three, for all its humor, contains moments when even the most seemingly "innocent" of Buffy folk are held up for sympathetic scrutiny.Still, moreso than any other season, Season Three ultimately grants its characters a level of grace and closure unusual for this normally open-ended show. Even the "villains" are more sympathetic than usual, and far more out in the open. It normally takes the show several eps to establish what fans refer to as "the big bad" for the year, but here, in keeping with the lighter, open tone, it's established early on (by the third episode) that the season's uber-villain is the Mayor, a deceptively young-looking family man who was granted eternal life and great power by demonic forces. The mayor is my favorite of all of the program's "big bads," a testament both to the ability of the writers to throw curve-balls at their audience and to the great humor and geniality that Harry Groener brings to the role. Whether he's expounding on the genius of the FAMILY CIRCUS ("That PJ!") or telling hard truths to Buffy and Angel, Groener always makes his villainy charming, almost incidental-- you *like* him, and he, like every one on the show, is granted moments of humanity and understanding rare in television characterizations (incidentally, it's been mentioned in interviews that the Mayor is based on series writer/producer (and later ANGEL co-creator) David Greenwalt, and once you know this, it is impossible to watch one of the many greenwalt interviews on the Buffy/Angel sets without laughing).I don't want to give away any plot twists, but I do want to make brief mention of: the arrival of Wesley-Windam Price, a character who will become more important in the program's spinoff, ANGEL; the real-world arrival to the show of writer Jane Espenson, who will write more great Buffy eps over the remaining seasons than anyone aside from Joss Whedon; the wonderfully expanded role of Buffy's mom, played by the fabulous Kristine Sutherland, who has more good moments here than in any other year; the rough charm and deep passion Eliza Dushku brings to Faith, the rival vamp slayer; and the usual outstanding work of series regulars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Charisma Carpenter, David Boreanez, Seth Green, Nicholas Brendan, Alyson Hannigan, and the always amazing Anthony Stewart Head.The other way to divide the history of the show, of course, is between high school and post-high school seasons. Season Three marks the dividing line between these two periods, and had the show ended here, it would have been logical and fulfilling, if also deeply disappointing. The remaining seasons of Buffy find the characters shifting, growing, regressing, and hitting new depths (and the show, new heights). Challenges lay ahead, for both characters and fans, but that was good-- after all, no one wants to be happy *all* the time. I really wanted to like this movie, and, admittedly, there are some good moments. But seeing as the studio gave Bryan Singer all the money in the world, plenty of time, and quite a bit of creative control and artistic license (I cannot imagine that DC comics was eager to have Superman portrayed as a deadbeat dad!), there should be more than just a few good moments. Here are the main problems, in no particular order:1) Brandon Routh is not a good Superman. When he is Clark Kent, he mostly closely resembles Max Fisher from `Rushmore.' But Max Fisher would have been a better actor. The worst thing is, and I don't know this was Routh's idea or Singer's, but he does a note-for-note impersonation of Christopher Reeves. IMO this is just plain ghoulish, considering that the beloved Reeves died just 2 years before this movie. The various James Bond actors have all played the character with at least slight differences. Each actor playing Superman has, up to this point, played the character very differently: Kirk Allyn, George Reeves, Christopher Reeve, and Dean Caine each brought a different interpretation of the character. Why in heaven's name Singer had Routh simply ape Reeves is beyond all comprehension, unless Routh is simply so horrible an actor that he could not be allowed to make the role his own. On the plus side, Brandon Routh has caused me to give greater respect to Kirk Allyn, and to put George Reeves and Christopher Reeve upon even higher pedestals.2) Kate Bosworth is simply the weakest, blandest, most boring Lois Lane ever. Not only is there no chemistry with Routh, she has no chemistry with anyone. She appears simply to have been cast for physical attractiveness and demographic appeal. But on the upside, she enhances my already great appreciation of Noel Niell, Phyllis Coates, and Margot Kidder.3) Kevin Spacey is usually a good actor, and I guess you could say he gives a good performance here, but ultimately I think he is not quite what Lex Luthor should be. But maybe if he'd had a decent script. I don't object to Luthor being played as a closeted gay, Lyle Talbot played Luthor that way in the 1950 movie serial. But ultimately Spacey is a little camp in the role, even more camp than Gene Hackman in 1978.4) Ultimately, the script is bad. [SPOILER ALERT:] As much as it must have simply reeked with dramatic temptations, the idea that shortly after bedding Lois, Superman would just fly off into space for 5 years is absurd and offensive. The real Superman, being raised on Kansas farm, would have too much Midwestern sexual guilt to permit him to just desert Lois for 5 years while she incubates his baby and marries someone else. This is creepy. Also, there is a scene in which Superman uses his X-ray vision to spy at Lois, her husband and baby in their home. I'm sorry, but Superman should not be a Superstalker.5) Speaking of the script, there is a lack of internal logic regarding kryptonite. [SPOILER ALERT:] Supposedly the kryptonite in Luthor's artificial island makes Superman as weak as drugged kitten. Yet 15 minutes later, Superman is supposedly able to lift the whole daggum island up and carry it into outer space.6) There is the reuse of Marlon Brando's voice and John Williams' musical score from the 1978 Superman movie. While these things were good in the original context, in this film they, along with his star's attempt to channel Christopher Reeve serve to create the impression that Bryan Singer really has nothing new to add to the Superman mythos, that he is flailing blindly here, creating sound and fury, but signifying nothing.And that is the thing. Nothing that is new in this film is any good, and all the good things were already done in various, earlier celluloid incarnations. And so, the upside is that this DVD has sent me happily back the `Adventures of Superman' TV show. You are far better off viewing those concise and charming episodes than in owning this pretentious piece of grave robbery. THE LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING is an epic movie in every way. I normally don't like fantasy-based movies but this one just blew me away. I enjoyed every minute of the 3 1/2 hours. I was hooked from beginning to end. It's rare that a movie of that length would keep anyone interested for that long. BUT IT DID! It was awesome. Visually it was excellent but the characters and the storyline is what will keep you hooked. The Characters are awesome. The acting was amazing. It was dramatic, emotional, and action-packed. The basic plot is about a hobbit (played oh so well by Elijah Wood) that acquires a ring of dark power and he has to destroy it. A lot unfolds along the way. THE LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING is pure magic and the ending leaves you craving parts 2 and 3. I thought this movie was fantastic. As good a picture as any Pixar film. The animation is very special and in 3D it is wow.I loved this movie. It was thoughtful and full of action and funny and scary and wise. It had everything. Plus it was a realoriginal. I just loved it and thought it was everything I would want in an animated film. It had guts and it had heart. I didn't bother to see this at the theater because I was so disappointed with Spider Man 3. Man was I wrong to resist it. This is by far the best of the 4 movies. The acting was much better, the script was emotional, but not hokey. Sure, they made teenagers seem like 30 something adults when it came to love and responsibility (I don't remember being that in control of myself), but there was also a giant lizard/human involved so reality was not the point. Great movie. After much hype and anticipation, the whimsical world of Harry Potter is finally brought to life on the big screen in its first feature film. When Warner Brothers bought the rights to the famous children's book series, millions waited in utter anticipation for the adaptation of the first book and executives at the studio were just biting at the bit to accept the money of Mr. Potter's legion of loyal fans. But this was far from an easy task for the movie studio. Why? In order to produce a magnificent achievement for the paying customers, the movie must remain true (to an extent) to the books created by J.K. Rowling and the whimsy and fantasy of those tales must remain no matter the cost. For if this does not happen, Warner Brothers executives can kiss those potential profits on sequels good-bye.The story focuses on the adventures of a young boy in England who discovers he is actually a wizard in training and that he is to be taken to a school, far from the world of the muggles (or non-magical folk) that he has grown up with all his life. After losing his parents when he was a baby, Harry Potter now resides with his terrible adopted family that consists of his boorish uncle, his snippy aunt, and spoiled, brutish cousin. But one day, he learns that he has been accepted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When he arrives in the magic world of wizards and witches, he is overwhelmed to find out that he is one of the most famous sorcerers of all time m due to his confrontation, and evidential defeat of, the evil Lord Voldemort as a baby. But he no sooner puts he foot through the door then the trouble starts, whether it be the up-tight Professor Snape or the spoiled Draco Malfroy. After many strange events around the school, it is up to Harry and his new friends to stop an evil creature from stealing the Sorcerer's Stone which could bring about the re-generation of Lord Valdemort. The story for Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone is done marvelously well but not based on material from the book. When going to see this film, don't go into it basing it on the book. You'll only be left with disappointment.Though most of the performances were played out by young actors and actresses, those performances were done in such a way that they were sophisticated for the age of the performers and therefore surprising. Daniel Radcliffe fits perfectly into the lead role of Harry Potter but the real determining factor will be if Radcliffe can keep that outstanding persona in this role as he matures through the sequels. Overall the performers seem well suited to their roles but that is not fully realized in the beginning. Only over a period of time in the film do the actors feel fully comfortable in their roles. The only disappointment has to be with John Cleese's Sir Nicholas, which was shown as nearly as much as he probably should have been.Overall, the mystical and extraordinary world of Harry Potter is brought to life in a way that many wouldn't have thought possible years ago and, though the film may differ from the book from time to time, even the most hardcore of Potter followers will be happy with this first film adaptation. Not to say it is absolutely perfect, there are some minor things to complain about. The time length, which stood at two hours and thirty minutes, seemed way too long for a feature at younger children. Granted they probably won't care too much since their eyes will be glued to the screen but that can problem based on potty breaks or something to that effect. Another problem deals with the editing of the movie. As an example, the burnt roof of Hogwarts that was not present in one scene was shown in the next with no explanation to what happened. But outside of those small problems, Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone is a delightful treat during the holiday season but not near the same level as Disney/Pixar's Monsters Inc. but a great film none the less. I had to reconsider both my original review of this flick and "Clones" after having actually watched both movies w/I a week of each other. After the initial letdown of "Episode-I", I was ready to jump on the "Episode-II" bandwagon. In retrospect, while they both share some flaws, in many respects "Menace" is actually superior to "Clones"."The Phantom Menace" has a comparatively simple plot - an intergalactic commercial group called the "Trade Federation" suddenly turns militant in the face of burdensome taxation. They blockade the backwater world of Naboo, threatening an all-out war if their demands aren't met. Why the Federation has taken that strategy is a mystery to the ruling government - the Senate of the Intergalactic Republic. Because the galaxy is largely at peace (except for pockets of lawlessness) there is no standing army. Instead, the Republic relies on the Jedi Knights - warriors schooled in the power of The Force - to maintain peace. When Jedi Knights Qui-Gon (Liam Neeson) and Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) find themselves unable to forestall a war, they rescue Naboo's elected ruler Queen Amidala (Portman) from certain capture. Having escaped the Federation, Amidala's damaged ship is forced to make emergency repairs on an even more remote planet - Tatooine. Needing parts to fix their ship, and with nobody willing to accept their Republic Credits (even when prodded by Jedi mind tricks), Qui Gonn and Padme (one of the queen's loyal handmaidens) enlist the help of a local slave named Anakin. He's just a kid, but even Qui-Gonn can tell that the boy has the power of the force flowing through him. Soon the quest to repair the ship and escape to the Capitol of the Republic includes a mission to save Anakin as well, determine the nature of the Force energy coursing through him and to evaluate him for entry into the Jedi.This flick was a letdown in many ways, but it does have some qualities that survive repeat viewings. Visually, it is spectacular - the final dogfight between the Federation and the Naboo was not topped or even equaled in "Clones". Both films have epic battles involving computer-animated combatants, but the Gungans have more character than the clone army (though I wouldn't want to face-off either side, ridiculous characters are better than none at all, and the clones are utterly lacking in that area). The story is simple - though the more complex plot of "Clones", with its many continuity lapses and gaps reveal that its makers have a narrative problem which is best served by keepings things simple. Both films are marked by an epic Jedi duel, though the one in "Clones" was strikingly unspectacular. Christopher Lee as Dooku also demonstrated that he can function quite well as an all-around lord of Evil in "The Lord of the Rings", but the script gives him little to do, and the story can't make up its mind as to whether we're supposed to think he might be good, or banish any idea that he's not utterly evil. In contrast, Ray Park as Darth Maul is utterly drenched in evil, his face and body language communicating a very palpable sense of the Sith - the force of evil Jedi ready to tear the galactic order to shreds. Maul's battle royale - alone against Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan easily rivals that between Vader and Luke from "Return of the Jedi" in its narrative coherency, and is only clearly topped in that respect by Luke and Vader's duel from "Empire". While we can lament that "Episode One" wasn't the kind of film that grabbed us from our first viewing (like "Star Wars" or "Raiders") it's still a film that can grab us. Just make sure you give it some room, and wide-screen DVD with which to do it. In the summer of 2010, Illumination Entertainment's animated flick, Despicable Me, decimated the box office, earning $543 million - not to mention garnering praise from fans and critics alike. A family-friendly film, Despicable Me follows Gru, an evil super villain, as he adopts three girls with hopes of using them to one-up a rival super villain. Instead, he falls into the role of devoted father, giving up on his evil ways. Most notably, the film also introduces the Minions - Gru's short, yellow workers that speak gibberish and often find themselves engaging in an endless amount of comical hijinks. Now, Gru and his Minions are back, along with Agnes, Edith, and Margo in the animated sequel, Despicable Me 2.Directors Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud return to direct Despicable Me 2, which once again stars Steve Carrell as Gru - a now retired super-villain that's attempting to create his own brand of jelly. At the same time, a mysterious villain has stolen a chemical recipe that can turn living things into indestructible purple killing machines. Desperate to stop the mysterious villain, the Anti-Villain League (AVL) enlists Gru's help, pairing him with an AVL agent, Lucy Wilde (Kristen Wigg), to track down the villain and stop them before they unleash the recipe on the world. The voices of Miranda Cosgrove, Dana Gaaier, Elsie Fisher, Ken Jeong, Russell Brand, and Benjamin Bratt also star in supporting roles.To be honest, I found Despicable Me to be so light-heartedly entertaining and enjoyable that's it's easily at the top of my animated feature list (just so you know that I'm being biased here). With that being said, Despicable Me 2 has been one of my must-see movies all summer long...and it didn't disappoint me one bit. As an easy target for slap-stick comedy (and I'll give you one guess who my favorite comedy trio is), the Minions are good for wholesome unadulterated laughter. As usual, their antics and gibberish talk will have you laughing to the limit - but only if you're interested in that sort of thing. It's easy to imagine Despicable Me being everyone's favorite animated feature, or quite honestly the animated film you'll never want to see again. Just because The Three Stooges brand of humor is my thing doesn't mean it's going to agree with everyone's style of humor. In fact, it's pretty easy to imagine someone describing a film of this nature as being "dumb" or "pointless." However, if that's how you felt about the first film, I couldn't disagree with you more.While the first film focused more on the girls and their quest to find a home to call their own (and a father to care for them), Despicable Me 2 focuses much more on the Minions. In fact, at a short 90 minutes or so, it almost feels like the girls are absent from the film entirely. Speaking of a reduced role, Russell Brand's character, Dr. Nefariou (although important to the film's climax) is also absent for the majority of the film. However, that's not to say the film isn't without enjoyable characters. Between the Minions and the plump villain in question, Eduardo Perez (originally voiced by Al Pacino, but changed to Benjamin Bratt just months before the film's release date), there's no shortage of memorable moments. At the same time, there's love in the air throughout the film with the introduction of the ambitious Lucky Wilde, who (if you couldn't tell from the film's trailer) has a pretty memorable first meeting with Gru.There's not a whole lot to say about this film that wasn't said about the first film. It's a family-friendly flick that absolutely anyone can enjoy. The animation is sharp, colorful, and pristine. Plus, the characters will have you giggling virtually nonstop. While I'm admittedly not a huge Steve Carrell fan, it's hard to imagine anyone else in the role of Gru - so with that being said, this is the one exception where I would be writing someone a letter on Mr. Carrell's behalf if for some reason he was ever replaced. Regardless, the characters are clearly catching on in popularity - especially the Minions who will be getting a movie of their own, called Minions (hitting theaters in December 2014). And, as long as the plot is solid (which it is) and the Minions are funny (which they are), Illumination Entertainment can keep punching out as many Despicable Me films as they want.P.S. - Make sure to stay through the credits. The Minions will be taking auditions for their new film next year.Grade: While not a great film, and surely nothing groundbreakingly original, "High Tension" can least bost it is the first movie in a long while in which its title acurately depicts the film it is attached to. More suspenseful and disturbing than technically scary, "Constant Tension" might be the only better way to describe this efficient little thriller that gets going quick and never stops until its unfortunate head-scratcher of a conclusion. But the simple fact that it continues to move is more than you can say for most horror movies now-a-days (witness the hour it takes for anything to happen in the recent and dreadful remake of "House of Wax"), but the film's pleasures are far more than its pace alone.With no self-indulgent over-length, or grandiose attempts at unnecesary plot and character development, "High Tension" is smart enough to follow the less-is-more storytelling path and realize the best and biggest scares are the most primative. Hollywood, in all its bigger-is-better wisdom, never seems to learn that melting houses of wax and special effect spirits that attack from within the TV set will never be a substitute for, or as effectively frightning as, the idea that any of us can be brutally attacked at any moment, no matter what, if some one is fearless and dermined enough to do so. No, I would not want to meet-up with Freddy or Jason, but I think my chances of avoiding them, at least in this lifetime, are pretty safe. Some crazy guy breaking into my house and slaughtering my whole family, stalking the house, not leaving until he has made sure to horribly kill eveyone... That is not only possible, but terrifying as hell.Obviously it is not a pleasant scenario, but "High Tension" is far from a pleasant film. Truth be told, this movie is not for everyone. Even horror fans may be put off. This movie is not for the Freddy, Jason, "Scream," or "The Grudge," type of horror movie fan. "High Tension," is of a sicker, more brutal mold. It is more akin to "Texas Chainsaw Masacre," or "Last House on the Left," although perhaps more gory and terrifying than either. (I know, "Texas Chainsaw" is famous for having very little actual blood, but everyone assuming there was a ton because of all the violent images and the movie was so terrifying and twisted; well "High Tension" is terrifying and twisted and DOES have a ton of blood.) The violence and gore are severe and off-putting, which is a shame because the movie is such an effective suspense thriller beyond these moments that people who are looking for nerve-frying suspense of a classic nature, but can't stomach the carnage will be missing out.I have seen some reviews here that make light of the violence; many saying the film is laughable and stupid because of it. I agree, it is over the top. In a movie like "Kill Bill" or "Evil Dead," for instance, a neck spewing blood after the head is severd gets a laugh because the tone of the film is satiracle. "High Tension" is not playing its violence for laughs. The senarios in which the violence is prestented here make it quite jarring.It is to the director's credit that "High Tension" so realistically creates an atmosphere of dread and desperateness (hence the 'tension'). There were a couple of times when I was pleasantly surprised to find what I thought I knew was going to happen didn't, or moments I thought were implausible or a leap of logic were explained away with later plot developments.The only thing I take issue with in this film is the big twist ending, which, looking at reviews here, seems to be what everyone is questioning. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that it doesn't work. And it is also rather pointless. In a film this straight-forward about its scares and old fashioned in its execution, it is surprising it felt the need to slap on a gotcha! ending. It isn't a total abomination, though, and it hardly ruins all the suspence the movie provided for the previous 90 minutes. I do wish filmmakers would learn, though, somethings don't need to be explained. Some people are just crazy, sadistic and evil. And if there must be an explination it doesn't have to be the most surprising thing that the writer can think of. Often this means it is also the most outlandish and implausible thing he could think of as well.I still respect the ending on a small level though because at least it is trying to do something unique and clever. Even though it ultimately fails, it is more than I can say for most movies of this type and gets an A for effort.I watched this movie right after the insipid "House of Wax." That movie was pure drivel. An insulting waste of time that existed for no other reason than to cash in on a familiar title, the current crop of teen-slasher flicks and Paris Hilton. There was nothing new or good about any moment of it. Yet every few weekends Hollywood turns out a movie similar to it. For a fraction of "Wax's" budget, with a fraction of its set pieces and none of its recognizable names, "High Tension" has 100 times its suspense. With them both staring at you from the video shelves this Halloween, make sure you make the right choice."High Tension" may not give you nightmares for weeks to come, and it may be too slight a fixture in the marketplace to ever be considered a true classic, but while it has you tied up and along for its disturbing, fast-paced ride, it will always keep your nerves frazzled. This is a must see film, Rachel Weisz and Ralph Fiennes are excellent in this and the film is very well written. My only complaint is the choppy camera work, it was disracting and made the movie seem cheap, perhaps they thought it would be artsy but I just thought it was annoying. A film of conviction and heart, powerful story's like this don't get made everyday. Amazing record by Ron Howard - has managed to ruin every movie he's directed so far. Way to go! Can take a great, cool story, and load it with triteness and cliche-ridden cinematics, pacing, and story.I was quite excited to see this movie when I bought it - I knew it was about a famous mathematician, that it had won awards (or been nominated, anyway), and I like movies and plays about math and science. And lest you think I didn't like this because it was ron howard, I didn't know it was Ron Howard when I watched it. After watching this and feeling that I had been taken for a ride, with every emotional response I'm supposed to have being telecasted to me through script and music (like a Spielberg movie but without the artistry), and being taken so far from reality, I and my friend who watched it together felt abused and misled."Who directed this thing?" I asked. "Ah - Ron Howard. That explains why this movie, which has a great and compelling human story underlying it and could have really been a greaet movie that people would watch over time, sucks."Though I give it two stars, let me give 5 stars to the cast - incredible acting, especially from Russel Crowe. Ed Harris great as always. Rest of the cast, brilliant. This movie has some tremendous acting. It's just too bad that Mr. Howard felt the need to manipulate us, tell us what to feel and think, and tug at the emotional heartstrings intentionally, instead of letting the story itself do that for us.The story of a person's life, told truthfully and accurately, without manipulation, is *far* more compelling than any fictional story we could think to invent, and certainly far more interesting than taking a person's story and adding in some fictional components to make it "sell" to the movie public. Sorry, but the movie public just ends up feeling abused. Nash's story could be told on grainy black and white film, with the same cast, but with no special effects, and audience would be riveted, because Nash's story *itself* is riveting.Please stop adding fiction to real-life stories; please stop manipulating the viewers, Mr. Howard.On the DVD itself: 3 or 4 stars for the DVD. Lots and lots of extras, but not of much interest. The transfer of the movie onto the DVD was done *beautifully*. This is an excellent transfer.This is one for renting, not owning. "Signs" is the next thriller, offered by director/writer/producer, M. Night Shyamalan, who also made "The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable".PLOT SUMMARY: "Signs" takes place in the rural farm area of Pennsylvania, where a retired Preacher lives with his two children and younger brother. Mel Gibson stars as Father Graham Hess, who has lost all Faith in God ever since his wife died in a terrible car accident. One day, Graham thinks his children, Morgan and Bo (Rory Culkin and Abigail Breslin) are missing in the corn fields. He and his brother, Merrill (Joaquin Phoenix), go out searching for them and discover the legendary Crop Circles in the field. At first, Graham and Merrill insist that it's nothing but teenagers playing jokes, but things start getting creepy when they watch TV and find out that Crop Circles are being found all across the Globe, according to the mysterious news that keeps on being repeated on every single radio station and television channel. When the family dogs start acting up, they are put outside and not much later, one of them dies. Other strange occurences that happen on the farm are that they keep on getting strange signals from Morgan's walkie talkie and someone--or something--has been tresspassing onto their land every night. Morgan keeps on insisting that it's "extra terrestrials" trying to make contact with Earth, but Graham won't believe it. However, when nothing else in Graham's theories seem to work, it all adds up to the fact that maybe--just MAYBE--Morgan might be right.MY OVERALL THOUGHTS: M. Night Shyamalan has taken the elements of religion, science, fiction, and even a little bit of horror, twisted them together, and turned them (along with top-notch acting performances, great special effects, and a superb storyline), into a spectacular and spooky film. Mel Gibson gives one of his best performances to-date, as the retired minster who's lack of self-belief in religion really nearly drives him to insanity with the Crop Circles. Joaquin Phoenix also gives a superb performance as Graham's younger brother who came to live with the family after Graham's wife died. Rory Culkin and Abigail Breslin are amazing as the kids who believe what's really causing the Crop Circles to form are aliens trying to give Earth signals, as there are only a limited number of them and they are basically the same. The supporting cast does well, too...and M. Night Shyalaman even makes an appearence in the supporting cast, as he usually does in his films. The special effects are wonderful, and the storyline and plot are solid and strong--holds your interest to the very end. A real "thinker's film", and still manages to keep you entertained...and maybe even a little spooked.The DVD includes a nice package of extras including a six-part documentary on the making of the film, five deleted scenes, storyboards, and a featurette on Shyalaman's first alien film. The DVD is available in wide screen format.I highly recommend "Signs".Score:100/100A+ I have seen a lot of horror flicks and suspense/thrillers in my day and the first 21-mintues to When a Stranger Calls easily rates as possibly the very best first act I have ever seen. From the way it was written, shot, scored and acted there is for me no doubt it's just simply perfection. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. The phone calls may not be the scariest in the sense that the caller at first doesn't say anything threatening or even sexual.Each minute of the first act raises the tension unlike any horror flick I have ever seen. By the time you reach the end of the first act you'll be held in such suspense that scaring you is now simple. Any filmmaker can create a jump scene where the killer or ghost or whatever pops out of the corner. Most of the time jumping back is just simply a reaction. How many movies have you watched where you jumped back, but weren't scared at all? It's just a reaction and any filmmaker can do that regardless if they are good or a hack.That is why I normally prefer movies like this that are a bit more subtle. Problem is though after the opening act business does indeed slow down. Most people say the middle sections are boring and it's kind of hard to argue with them. Though I will say the middle sections of When a Stranger Calls does get better on multiple viewings. The filmmakers did such a great job in the opening act that we the audience are on such a high that anything afterwards is bound to be a let down.The screenplay written by Steve Feke and Fred Walton was overall pretty good; the first act was very well written and extremely creepy, but after that the movie changes focus. It seems the story will be built around Jill Johnson played by Carol Kane, but instead the movie focuses on the killer Roy Duncan played by Tony Beckley and a private detective named John Clifford played by Charles Durning who is on the hunt for the psychotic killer.When a Stranger Calls isn't the typical horror movie, yes I consider it a horror flick for the sole reason the movie does aim to scare you. Not in the typical horror movie way, but with more suspense. Some suspense flicks have nothing to do with horror where as others play off some kind of primal fear often found in the horror genre. The 2nd half becomes more of a crime drama. We follow Roy Duncan and to be honest the guy is quite pathetic.Feke and Walton take an interesting approach; Duncan is obviously a psycho but he's so pathetic we almost feel sorry for him. But the man is a child killer and I cannot feel for them. They are the lowest of the low. He's homeless, broke we see him get beat up and later beg for money. Hardly the typical movie villain; problem though is he's just not an interesting enough character to follow around. Tony Beckley does an out-standing job. There is no denying his talents in this movie as an actor. But the character just simply was not interesting.Charles Durning does a great job though at carrying the movie. He is the more interesting of the two characters and his obsession with finding the killer is entertaining. But what went wrong with the middle sections? Simple it goes back to the killer just not being interesting enough. For almost an hour of the movie it's John Clifford hunting down Roy Duncan. While it's not as boring as some people make it out to be, I do think Steve Feke and Fred Walton could have done more. Their screenplay does seem to drag in some spots and by a certain point the movie does sort of repeat itself, but thankfully the final act gets back to Jill Johnson.I didn't hate the middle sections, but they weren't as strong as they could have been. I personally always felt the movie should have been Jill's story with Roy Duncan being in the movie a little less. It would suck to lose the scenes with Charles Durning because he was so great same goes for Tony Beckley, but I personally think making it Jill's story and use Clifford and Duncan as more of a sub-plot would have worked better. The remake attempted to do just that and failed big time.As stated earlier the opening act was just brilliant; director Fred Walton gets the most out of every single shot and raises the suspense and tension unlike any movie I have ever seen. Like I said anybody can do a clichéd scare movie, but it takes real talent to do what Fred Walton did. The 2nd half while yes does lose a little bit of steam, Fred Walton is still able to keep the suspense level at a decent level. The scenes with Colleen Dewhurst who plays Lisa are well done overall and remind us what kind of movie we are watching. The hour mark features a great and creepy scene with her and Roy Duncan. Though when all is said and done the Lisa character seems nothing more than filler scenes. It never really goes anywhere, but does provide some decent suspense.The final act is when things really pick up and we return to Jill Johnson who is now married with 2-kids of her own. Besides the opening act, the final act is the most solid. It goes back to being very creepy and while it does lack compared to the opening it does give us some chills and thrills. Like I said before I do believe When a Stranger Calls is a movie that needs multiple viewings. The opening act was so brilliant anything afterwards is bound to bet a let down. It might be boring at first, but when you see it again you might be able to appreciate it a little bit more. I've come to enjoy the middle sections even if it wasn't as good as it could have been.Carol Kane was great and I do believe the movie might have worked better had the focus been more on her and use Duncan and Clifford as a sub-plot. Kane does appear in half the movie actually. It's just she's used in the opening and ending, which results in roughly 40-minutes or so screen time, but since it's so far between it seems like she's barley in the movie.Despite some problems with the middle sections, When a Stranger Calls is a highly suspenseful and very creepy movie with excellent performances. I'd advise those who felt the middle sections were boring to give it another try. It does grow on you and for those who haven't seen it just expect more a crime/drama with some suspense thrown in during the middle. But the opening and closing act just might be the best you'll find in this genre. I had three reasons to wanting to see this movie, badly.3. Its a drama about depression. And I really needed a good, sad movie.2. I had read the book.1. Nicole Kidman starred.I loved the book, and because Nicole Kidman played Virginia Woolf, maybe I am a bit bias when I say, the movie is so much better. Which says a lot because the book is wonderful, groundbreaking. Could anything but win a Pulitzer prize? But the shockingly real performances of the three starlets was amazing. A movie that should have been boring, never lost its pace and always held your ineterest!BRAVO! I thought the movie had an interesting look and feel to it right from the beginning and it involved me right away. The acting of Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman was absolutely amazing. They both gave powerful performances and looked sincere and genuine at every moment. I think the live singing made the film much better than most musicals and (hopefully) set a new standard. I loved the quality and naturalness of the sound.I'm generally not a big fan of this sort of epic-level drama, but the actors pulled off the dramatic ending well, and I found it very moving. I think this movie, overall, is precedent setting and an artistic success. X3: The Last stand is the Last Straw for Shawn James. The X- trilogy comes to a horrid finish under the lens of the inept Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner is to X-men what Joel Schumacher is to Batman. In ten years people will be denouncing this X-Trilogy the same way they do the first Batman Saga. Unfortunately, there won't be a Chris Nolan and David Goyer or a Sam Raimi around to rectify the mistake this time.Ratner makes a total 360 from what little story Bryan Singer tried to build in his first two films. The convoluted plot involves a "Cure" for mutation, the Pheonix, rising from the ashes, and a war. Each of these stories would make for a great movie in and of themselves, but Ratner throws them in a blender and makes one big mess. There are too many stories, too many characters and no focus. But Storm needs more screen time, the studio needs Halle, and Ratner just uses CGI special effects to patch up the plotholes and totally derive from the course of the comics being adapted. In the first ten minutes Ratner uses the Phoenix to Kill off Cyclops and Professor X, characters crucial to the X-Saga. I guess this is so Storm can be leader and have more screen time. Thank you Miss Halle Berry. Someone in your entourage should advise you this old Broadway adage: THERE ARE NO SMALL PARTS ONLY SMALL ACTORS. It's not how much screen time you have, but what you do with it. Sadly she gives the same flat uninspired performance she does in every movie post Swordfish.Due to Halle's insecure need for more screen time, Ratner's incompetent directing and Fox's need to beat WB's Superman Returns at the box office, X3 falls completely apart over the course of 90 odd minutes. Ironically, these three political forces behind the camera sabotage the intriguing political stories in the movie. The movie strays way off course from the comic storylines it's adapted from and heads into Batman and Robin territory. In the comics, Jean who loved Cyclops so much she held back the evil Phoenix force and sacrificed her own life, Kills the man she loves with impunity. Wolverine loved Jean so much he couldn't bear to kill her. But in this movie he slaughters her with ease. But this change of story course from the comics is nothing compared to the numerous strays from the original two movies. Rogue who struggles and deals with her inability to touch others by finding another way to connect with them (emotionally), just cops out with a wonder drug. Iceman just decides to date Kitty Pryde because it's convenient to the plot. During the big battle sequence, Magneto abandons a cured Mystique, his loyal lieutenant of two movies. Six X-men take on an army of morlocks so storm can get her big battle sequence. And Magneto, the brilliant military strategist doesn't have enough sense to throw a force field around himself while Six X-men are shooting "cure" darts allover the place. Hey, he always keeps a magnetic force field around him in the comics, but in this movie he just decides not to. And when the war is all done, thousands of lives lost, billions in property damage, both sides shake hands and back to business as usual with a Don't ask, Don't tell policy. But these plot points don't matter. It's a necessary compromise so Storm gets more screen time.When you think about this movie it truly is the "Wolverine and Storm" of the X-Franchise a complete and unmitigated disaster. The entire movie feels rushed and sloppy; it seems like Fox just wanted to get a product out before Superman Returned; quality be damned. The acting is flat and one-dimensional because characters aren't' written with any depth. To cover up the bad acting and bad writing, Ratner overloads the movie with special effects. Yes, the special effects are dazzling; seeing the Golden Gate Bridge torn apart is amazing. But there's no story behind them and no build up to that big final sequence to make us care. Thanks to the political forces behind the camera, The X franchise has a forgettable ending and will be a footnote in superhero movie history like the first Batman Franchise.Skip this movie and look for the two episodes of the old X-Men cartoon: Apocalypse Rising and Come the Apocalypse. They actually tell this same story better in one hour than this confusing movie does in 90 minutes. The "Phantom Menace" discusses the beginnings of the Star Wars universe and their problem with evil droids trying to take over the Republic.The special effects are excellent as is the underwater adventure.The droids are enemies of the Republic, who want to change it and take it over; thereby, enslaving its inhabitants.I rate this movie only 4 stars because the plot is somewhat lackluster, and the movie isn't long enough.However, on a positive note, while the plot is relatively simplistic and short, the special effects and the characters are both memorable and excellent.Bottom-line: The actors did a great job acting, but the movie needed a more complex plot and needed to be longer. Instead, it's rather short and leaves you wanting more excitement and adventure.*Highly recommended for anyone over 13 due to violence. First off, amazing, the film is just flawless. The acting on all parts was a joy to watch. I feel Paul Bettany was overlooked at the oscars, as was Russell Crowe who deserved that oscar a million times over. His performance was moving and emotional, a flawless piece of art. Jennifer Connelly well deserved her oscar. She was stunning as usual and she was well matched with Russell since the two of them steal every scene they embody. This is just a great film, period. The film revolves around the true life story of John Nash, a famous mathmatician who suffered from scizophrenia. The movie starts while John is in college searching for his origional idea. He finds it, and ends up working as a teacher/informant kinda sorta for the government, making frequent trips to the pentagon. He meets and falls in love with a student (Connoly) and they are married and soon she is pregnant. That's when things get hard. Nash gets a little paranoid beliveing the Russians are trying to kill him. Soon he is in the hospital undergoing some primative electric-type therapy to cure him of his mental state. The balance of the movie shows Nash's road to redemption and that road is long, hard and bumpy, but worth the ride. Crowe's dedication to his roles is evident in the enjoyment you recieve from watching him on the screen. Keep it up Russ. This film ends on a happy note, a note actually so happy and heartwarming it may bring you to tears or at least give you the motivation to get up and clap. If you want to see a film that will make you think, make you cry and make you smile then this is the film you should see. All I can say, it was fantastic. The acting was terrific and it is very emotional. This film really makes you think about how people perceive others, and makes you think about your own feelings as well. Guillermo del Toro knew there is a huge audience for movies that emphasize flash-bang wizardry over substance. He knew he was making a fantasy film with fauns and fairies and secret underground kingdoms, featuring a twelve year old girl as the central character. He knew lots of Americans hate reading so much they wouldn't think about going to a film with subtitles, even though he directed the well-made English language "Hellboy". He knew the amount and intensity of the violence of this film would make it unsuitable for children. Yet he made the film anyway - and thank goodness he did.I see many reviews here complaining that this absolute fantastic movie is "boring" and they had to "read for two hours". Oh my! Pity the poor audience, forced against their will to, dare I say it? Read. So - if you aren't a Spanish speaker and don't want to "read" for two hours, keep on moving.In fact - if you don't want to see a movie filled with thrilling adventure, stunning visuals, evil fascist villains, brave female heroines and beautiful photography with sharp editing - stay far, far away.You still there? Maybe El Laberinto del Fauno is for you. I join the large number of positive reviewers standing in line to sing this film's praises. Yes, Ivana Baquero is an amazing child actor. Not yet a teenager, she reminds me of the sixteen year old Jennifer Connelly in "Labyrinth" twenty years ago. The resemblance of the two young actresses and the name "Labyrinth" aren't the only similarities. Both films are fantasies featuring young women who must complete a "quest" to save their baby brother. But the newer film is superior in every way, for the appropriate audience. Where Labyrinth featured Connelly interacting with David Bowie and an army of Muppets, El Laberinto has young Ivana moving back and forth between an underworld of fairies and fauns and her "real world" of Spanish Fascists. The real world elements of the story make you care very deeply about what happens to young Ofelia and her mother and baby brother.Ofelia's father has been killed in the Spanish Civil War and her desperate mother marries the cruel Vidal, played by Sergi López, one of Franco's captains, who (as has been written repeatedly) joins the screen's pre-eminent villains. He is cold and cruel to his own family and soldiers. To his enemies, he is far worse. Maribel Verdú, previously wonderful in "Y Tu Mama Tambien", is strong and compassionate as Mercedes, a servant of the cruel Vidal, but also the sister of one of the Republican Spanish freedom fighters the Captain has been dispatched to snuff out. Ariadna Gil is tragically noble as Ofelia's mother, Carmen. She has married to provide for her family but, realistically, she would like for things to "work out" between the Captain and the rest of the family. Gil's work here reminds me of Allison Janney's in "American Beauty" as a wife beaten down by life with a domineering military man. Álex Angulo reminds me of a Spanish Paul Giamatti as a kind Doctor who has been conscripted onto the evil Captain's staff, but like Mercedes, is secretly helping the freedom fighters with his life continuously at risk. Doug Jones gives two of the most memorable performances in the film under heavy makeup as the titular Faun Pan and as the horrible "Pale Man" a flesh-eating beast that Ofelia must retrieve a magic dagger from.My only regret watching this film is my own limitation at not understanding Espanol. I would imagine that this fantastically rich film is even more delicious in its native language. I really wanted to see this in theatres and never got the chance, so I finally have seen the movie and am not sure what to think. I was expecting something that was maybe a little Romeo & Juliet with the Vampire vs. Werewolf thing going on, but I don't know. This movie really didn't pay any homage to old Vampire/Werewolf mythology, it didn't really have much action, and the Romeo & Juliet thing is not really expressed and there's only one kiss between the two main people. Kate Beckinsale is alright as the main Vampire, but Scott Speedman (you may have seen him in Dark Blue, an excellent movie) really doesn't have much to add to the film, and was sort of a waste. I thought the Vampire Werewolf hypbrid would be kind of cool, but the transformation was alot cooler than the end result which looked like a guy painted gray with sharp teeth and claws, very creative. The end result of this movie was a boring anticlimactic piece that is something like The Matrix was, starting its own trilogy, which is what I think they're doing. It really has nothing new to offer now that Blade has shown us another view of Vampires, and it sure as heck isn't funny. I can't really say you won't like it, but I can't say you will either. First,hats off to the director for using various camera tricks and techniques in engaging the viewer. It took me a few minutes to realize why the camera lens was in a severe state of vertigo the first 15 minutes into the film. Thank goodness however the entire movie was not filmed using this technique ! Probably would have passed out. The reason for the swirling and sickening motion of the lens and the droning of the high tech synth sound of the soundtrack in the beginning is to capture the madness of the moment of how one man and his friend are seeking vengeance for a heinous crime (rape) committed against his girlfriend. It also transports you into his head.The entire story is told in a backwards sort of chronological order leading to previous possible events and circumstances that led to Monica Belucci's character becoming a rape victim. The rape scene is one of the most graphic I have seen in any film in my entire life ! You will begin to actually wonder if the scene indeed was real or not. The rape scene alone is one that can haunt the viewer for time to come. Other violent acts are just as equally shocking and extremely believable due to excellent makeup, special effects, and possible cg effects. There is frontal nudity of both male and female actors that may offend some viewers (this is definitely not for children, either)!The biggest mind trick played on the audience is how the movie progresses in real viewing time, yet, you must keep in mind that the story is unfolding backwards. Hence leading to the beginning and not the end. As we follow Belluci's character and the others one soon almost forgets the first 15 shocking minutes of the film, including the underpass rape scene, and start to think that there is a happy ending. There is NO happy ending (nor beginning for that matter)...I went out on a limb to see this one, particularly since Roeper and Ebert raved about it. Well, in all honesty, it is a very brutal movie to sit through the first time and it is definitely not one I will be seeing again. Due to the filming and stroytelling techniques and all too realistic effects it does merit some attention but only by viewers who can stomach it !... If I were asked to list the top scary movies of all time, I would place John Carpenter's Halloween at the top of my list. It is much scarier than Psycho and The Exorcist, in my opinion, and the likes of Jason and Freddy pale in comparison to Michael Myers. Its influence on the genre can hardly be overstated; countless slasher films have been released over the last two decades plus, wherein each filmmaker consciously or unconsciously has tried to duplicate the force and power of this 1978 masterpiece of terror and suspense. It is this movie's genre-defining influence that earns it first place in my rankings.Is the movie scary? Yes, emphatically so. All these years later, with audiences having a number of other slasher films under their belt, Halloween may not seem as frightening as it had to have been when it was released, but it is deliciously scary nonetheless. The groundbreaking point of view shots Cameron employs only adds to the incredible suspense of the story. Watching this movie alone in a dark room is probably a pretty bad idea, as is going to bed immediately afterwards. Nick Castle's portrayal of Michael is brilliantly subtle, and the photography and soundtrack are superb. The image of the featureless, pasty-white mask hovering above a dark set of clothes is unnerving, and the early sightings of him in Haddenfield are amazingly effective-even when you know he is there, it is sometimes difficult to spot him. One of the best scenes later on has Michael creeping out of a darkened room; it is as if the mask just somehow emerges out of nowhere from the shadows. Even Michael's walk and method of suddenly sitting straight up out of a prone position are amazingly impactful. He really does seem to represent true evil, a force of nature that keeps coming and coming all the time yet is entirely human. He is everywhere and nowhere. The musical score is beyond outstanding; the famous Halloween theme is immediately recognizable whenever you hear it, taking you directly back to Haddonfield. Halloween was the first true horror movie I ever watched. I was probably around twelve at the time, and I decided I was going to watch my first horror film the proper way-in the dark, late at night. I am embarrassed to say that I never even made it through the opening credits. That jack o'lantern and incredibly creepy music scared the daylights out of me.While Michael is horror's most terrifying killer, Halloween would not have seen nearly as much success had it not been for Donald Pleasance's character Dr. Loomis. Loomis' brilliant acting and forceful presence gives Halloween something its imitators don't have, and his almost philosophical musings on Michael's innate evil give this killer a depth that other slasher villains just don't possess. Jamie Lee Curtis, of course, was also fabulous in this, her first movie role. No other scream queen can boast of such advanced acting skills. I didn't think the acting jobs of the other teenagers were very good, but those characters were in the movie for one reason only, and it wasn't to steal the show.The extra features on the limited edition release are pretty good. The "Halloween Unmasked" featurette from 1998 delivers interviews with cast and creators (including an unmasked Nick Castle, who looks more like a professor than a "killer"). The extras also include several scenes shot in 1982 and added to the television version of the movie. The first of these provides more detail about Michael's original transfer to a minimum security institution and Dr. Loomis' attempts to prevent it from taking place. The second one is a great scene featuring Loomis telling the teenaged, pseudo-comatose Michael that he may have fooled the hospital administrators but he hasn't fooled him. The third offers a bit of unnecessary data on Michael's motivations. The fourth scene features some extended dialogue between the movie's three teenaged girls and is forgettable at best. What I found most interesting was the story of Halloween's origins. Many have forgotten or never even knew how much of a surprise hit this movie was in 1978. It was filmed over the course of just three weeks with a total budget of little more than three hundred thousand dollars. Donald Pleasance filmed all of his scenes in a mere five days. The history of Halloween is really remarkable, especially when you consider the importance and influence of this movie on the genre. John Carpenter managed to bring together everything a horror film needs to succeed, and the entire industry has been trying to match his efforts without complete success ever since. Though Peter Jackson had always claimed that the 208 minute (roughly equal to "Seven Samurai" in length) DVD version of "Lord of the Rings'" first installment was not a director's cut, its vast superiority to the shortened theatrical release becomes clear immediately.For those initally dissapointed with "Fellowship's" overly fast pace (skipping over characterizations and details for the sake of action) , the seamlessly integrated 30 minutes of footage works wonders.Here are some Improvements:1) Instead of a mere adventure movie (or a cgi cartoon, some may argue), Jackson's FOTR now feels closer to the spirit of Tolkien's world. Through more maps, longer stays at various crucial locations, more journey time, more geographic and historical references, one finaly begins to get a sense of original work's epic scope. In fact, there are a few scenes where the dialogue is copied almost verbatim, and that's always a welcomed addition.2) Every character (even Gollum) gets at least some additonal exposure and all are considerably fleshed out. Aragorn benefits the most, now seeming more like a full-fledged human being (within epic conventions, though), rather than a straight-forward action hero. Galadriel, called a "radioactive psycho" by some, has other scenes here showing her true regal nature. Merry, Pippin, and especially Gimli, are more than buffoons to liven up the proceedings. Ian Holm's Bilbo, who was one of my favorite character portrayals in the film, also gets more screen time in the beginning, just like Tolkien wrote.3) The overall themes of the book are now much more apparent - the ring's temptation, the weakness of humans, the appeal of a simple lifestyle over industrialization, and the dissappearance of civilizations (elves). The Passing of the Elves scene, is quite amazing - a shame to have been cut in the first place, as it is fairly short.4) Some of the choppier and confusing parts of the theatrical version are elaborated upon and some questions are answered, such as "How did the Ring betray Isildur ?", or "Why is Boromir so preoccupied with the Ring?" Although Sam is not explicitly introduced as Frodo's servant, he is at least shown gardening at Bag End.Many complaints that I, and other fans of the book, had with the theatrical version are now fully resolved, and by all standards, as a whole this is a much better film, already approaching that sought-after but seldom-attained classic status in the sci-fi/fantasy genre. Approaching, but still stopping short of perfection, because many of the fundamental issues persist.Here are my remaining Problems with FOTR in order of annoyance:1) Gratuitous use (or abuse, rather) of slow motion - esp. in the "Noooooooooo" scene right after Gandalf's fall in Moria, and the "drowning" of Sam scene. Cheesy and detracting.2) Overbearing, generic, omni-present score. Some scenes, like Boromir's attempt to take the ring, and his death, while well-acted, should have been fine without the bathetic, cringe-worthy accompaniment. Sometimes, silence can be just as effective in generating the proper emotions. Granted, the music is not all terrible, it's just excessive - but the cliched chanting has got to go.3) While I can forgive Merry and Pippin's all-too-fast integration into the Fellowship, The Council of Elrond scene, even with the additions (which help) still doesn't quite work. Oh well, at least we get to hear the actual "ash nazg durbatuluk" speach by Gandalf. And, there's a funny hidden parody of the scene on one of the DVDs.4) Saruman is still the cartoonish villain, with no extra depth.The Extra materials on the DVD are top-notch, and as you may have heard, go into minute detail regarding all the aspects of production. They will take hours of viewing, if you care enough to investigate. Some of the audio commentaries are interesting as well - it looks like the presence of Philippa Boyens who was a harder Tolkienite than the action-oriented Jackson, helped steer certain scenes into the right direction. And without Richard Taylor, Alan Lee and John Howe, the visuals (best thing about the film in the first place) would not have been possible. We also get some discussion about New Zealand (interactive map provided) and the filming locations.In summary : if you even remotely liked the film you saw a year ago, were hoping for an improvement, and did not make the mistake of purchasing the theatrical DVD in August - by all means get this one! ...and that's what I think I liked best about it. Some complain that there is no plot and no jokes, yet wonder why so many of us like it enough to give it 5-stars (or offer it so many Academy Awards). The truth is what makes this movie such a gem is that it doesn't need to come out and smack you in the head with the type of dull, predicatable nonesense like most movies do these days. It reminds me of older films; not in content or style, necessarily, but in its honest simplicity. Why is it funny? Not because its a constant joke machine, but because its just the opposite. Does someone need to fall down, curse, get hurt, or otherwise make a fool out of themselves in order to be funny? Well, to most people yes. The reason why this movie is so funny is the same reason certain scenes in Casablanca are so funny, despite the seriousness of that film's subject: dialogue. Because I haven't watched the movie lately, I'll leave it at that, and asure most of you that if you just relax and don't expect to see slapstick or stupid voices or people acting foolish, you might actually enjoy a movie that is funny in its simplicity.Another thing worth mentioning is Bill Murray's performance. Many people, including critics who enjoyed the film, thought that Murray's Oscar nomination was unwarrented; that he was simply "being" Bill Murry. That's like saying (to use the Casablanca reference again) that Bogey was just being himself and didn't have to act to be Rick Blaine. I strongly disagree. Murray's performance isn't in your face like most of his, or other actor's , performances. True, he doesn't really have to "become" anyone, but he still has to act. He has to be convincingly lonely, upset, tired, and frustrated, all the while being funny. He doesn't just do it, it does it better than most actors could. I'd hate to see Sean Penn try that, or even Jaime Fox a great actor, but when he does "funny" he can only seem to do a certain kind of in-your-face funny...that's not what this movie needed, and thank God thats not what it tried to do.Finally, the script. Like its humor, its simply good, and charming. All it asks of us is to give up two hours to watch to lonely Americans who find themselves in the same place, waiting for things to happen. In the end, they become great friends and they decide to go out and make things happen. It doesn't need a caper of any kind. It doens't need explosions or any kind of love affair. This is a character driven Comedic-Drama (or Dramatic-Comedy) and the chemistry between the Murray and Johansen is perfect. I can't wait to see this movie again. Firefly is a geat show. 1st the characters/actors are awesome. Each actor has had or currently owns a major role in a television/movie. Nathon Fillion is the main character he is currently on the show Castle. Kalee, Jewel Staite, was also on the show Stargate Atlantis for a awhile. Also, lets not forget Joss Whedon himself, if you liked the new Avenger's movie then you should like this show for they are both his work. My point is the cast is strong, so the comments on bad writing and acting is unfounded. As for the Western aspect of the movie, well in the show they didn't just come out and say it but there is a good reason why it has a western feel to it with a touch of Chinese heritage. Lastly, after this show was cancelled, unjustly, this show had a "HUGE" fan base. So much so that Joss Whedon felt he had grounds to finish the series in a full length feature film and he did. The Full length film finishing the Firefly series is called "Serenity" and currently holds a 4 1/2 star rating here on Amazon out of 1800 + reviews and was rated a 7.9 on IMDB out of 143,000 people.Let me explain the Western aspect and the Chinese influence to this show for those people who might find merrit in this argument. Joss Whedon doesn't just come out and say it in this show he wants the viewer to watch and come to their own understanding of why modern society in Firely has a Chinese and old western style to it. Most of Frefly's fans understand it but for those who don't let me explain...nerd moment beware....In this show Earth is no more or if there are people still on it, its a LOOOONG ways away. The Alliance is the major power in Firefly, from what I understand the Allaince is comprised of what were the remnants of the Earth's western powers(United States/Great Britain) and China. When they settled on their new worlds they formed an Alliance. This is why you see and hear people in Firefly wearing chinese clothing and speaking Chinese while still using English as their base language. Inara, who plays the companion is a great example of this and is almost always wearing a gown that has a Chinese or oriental style to it. Lastly the western feel to the story, Joss Whedon actually explained this in the show better then the Chinese part alot better, you just have to pay attention. In the Pilot episode they clearly state that after the Alliance TERRAFORMS a world they throw settlers on them with almost no resources and a few small herds and minor supplies. This is why the show has a Western Feel to it, the inner Alliance Core worlds are the Metropolitan mega cities you might be expecting in a Sci-fi show which appear later in the series while the outer rim worlds have the desolate wild west aspect. That is the story plot for the western feel to the story. However, I suspect budget played into this part aswell. Almost every TV show out there costs several million dollars just to air one episode, so the production costs of creating a futuristic city in every episode or space battles and what not probably would be to costly from a producers stand point. The movie Serenity makes up for the lack of production restraints in Firefly and spares no expense when it comes to CGI effects and scenery. I am a long time fan of the web head and was not sure if the movie would do the long time comic hero justice but it did in a huge way. The special effects are almost unbelievable. The characters are cast with great care and the main character, the web slinger (Tobey Maguire)does the part justice. The movie starts out slowly building the characters and half of the way through the movie you will want to restart it again. If you are a fan of Spiderman or if not you will want to get this on DVD and VHS. No collection is complete without this one. 1999...a great year for films. The Straight Story, Fight Club, and The Sixth Sense were released that year. And this one, the swansong from Stanley Kubrick. I was so excited when this film was announced. I counted the days (even taking off July 16th, 1999) so I could see it on its opening day. I have never done that with a film. I am a massive Kubrick fan, and I could barely sleep the week this film was released. Seeing the opening credits have me fidgeting in my seat. And seeing "a film by Stanley Kubrick" was heartwarming. And I wasn't disappointed. Again, even after his death, Mr. Kubrick managed to confound expectations yet again. Why did people hate this film? Pacing, no really hot sex, slow, long....I don't know. All I know is that I loved it, and it's one of Kubrick's best. He really creates a great dreamlike atmosphere that creates a sense of dread and claustrophobia. The pacing is very slow, which was really bold in 1999.There were some people who felt the film was dated in its attitude towards the war between the sexes. It isn't. It's a universal struggle, and that there will always be conflict between men and women. This is one of Kubrick's most visually stunning films, shot mostly in primary colors. There are 4 sequences that equal the great sequences in other Kubrick films. First, the opening party sequence is gorgeously shot and edited, the orgy scene, the scene in the hotel with Alan Cumming majorly flirting with Cruise (it's absolutely hilarious), and the climatic scene between Cruise and Pollack. These 4 scenes are quite long, but they are so well put together and really create a tension (especially the Cruise/Pollack one) that transfixes you. As for the controversy as to whether this film is actually Kubrick's final cut, it is. I recently saw Leon Vitali, Kubrick's long time assistant, at the Lincoln Center in NYC and he said this was the final cut of the film. Aside from the digital figures inserted into the film to avoid the NC-17 rating, it wasn't altered in any way. Reportedly, this new 2 disc edition is the NC-17, unaltered director's cut of the film, which is a wonderful development (I have seen the unaltered orgy sequence before, and the digital figures are annoying in the censored version). The cut that Terry Semel, Bob Daly, Tom Cruise, and Nicole Kidman saw 4 days before Stanley died was the film he wanted to be played in cinemas. I have seen this film many times, and it gets better every time I see it. It will be re-evaluated soon. Like the series and this season was a good follow up to the first. all seasons are worth watching on Amazon. The Prestige (2006)Drama, Mystery, Thriller, 130 minutesDirected by Christopher NolanStarring Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Michael Caine, Rebecca Hall, Scarlett Johansson and David BowieChristopher Nolan takes chances in an industry which usually plays it safe. The Dark Knight was so much more than a comic book adaptation and Inception was not a typical blockbuster. These stories had mass appeal, but Nolan treated his audiences with respect. Both films have a complexity which is lacking in most popular movies.If you go back to 2000 and take a look at Memento, you can see that Nolan has always believed that his audience was capable of figuring things out. One of his most complex films is The Prestige and I had to include it in this list. I've resisted the temptation to include multiple entries by one director for the most part, but Nolan is an exception because his films are so diverse. He's not using an established formula or focusing on one genre. In that respect, he's like a modern Stanley Kubrick.Cutter (Caine) explains that a magic trick consists of three parts: The pledge looks at something, the turn alters that thing and the prestige is the payoff. One example would be seeing a bird in a cage (the pledge), seeing it disappear (the turn), and finally seeing the magician produce it from his pocket (the prestige).The whole film plays out like a magic trick.The Prestige is a complex story, set in Victorian England, with one significant twist and a number of minor surprises. It deals with the story of two rival magicians, Robert Angier (Jackman) and Alfred Borden (Bale). Borden inadvertently ties a knot which results in the death of Angier's wife when she fails to escape from a tank of water. The ensuing rivalry lasts for the remainder of their lives.The two both enjoy periods of success, but are continually striving to find the ultimate trick. Both men become obsessed with success and each has a deep desire to outdo the other. We are shown other magicians and learn that success often comes at a high price. It may even result in the magician keeping secrets off the stage which limit his personal freedom.Eventually, Borden comes up with a trick that Angier can't figure out. It involves Borden entering a box on one side of the stage and emerging from a box on the other side of the stage moments later. He calls it The Transported Man.In an attempt to come up with something even better, Angier visits Nikola Tesla (Bowie) in Colorado. As you may know, Tesla was an inventor who experimented a great deal with electricity. Angier asks him to build a machine which might be used in his act. Unfortunately, science is not completely predictable. Tesla delivers, but Angier has to be willing to pay a high price that goes beyond money.I don't think I need to say any more about the plot. Bale's performance is superb and I think it's the best of his career. Jackman is also very convincing and the supporting cast is flawless. I'm always impressed by Rebecca Hall, but Bowie's cameo as Tesla was a revelation. Michael Caine holds the whole thing together and has important scenes at the beginning and end of the film.Although the running time is in excess of two hours, you'll barely notice. There's always something important happening on the screen. What elevates this film to the level of greatness is its replay value. The first time you see it, you'll miss the relevance of some of the dialogue. On repeat viewings, you'll see how clever the screenplay is. The big reveal is hinted at in the first 20 minutes of the film and you'll smile when you realize what you missed. Like Scorsese's Shutter Island, events have new meaning when you see them with full knowledge of the facts. It's clever stuff. ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***A historical costume drama with some powerful performances, THE DUCHESS is the study of The Duchess of Devonshire and her battles with The Duke during their strained marriage.Little known director Saul Dibb gets a dream cast in Keira Knightley (Atonement) as The Duchess and Ralph Fiennes (The Constant Gardener) as The Duke. Thanks to Fiennes' uber-talent as a powerhouse actor, he helps pull the entire production up several rungs. Knightley shines unexpectedly bright in her role as the clothes-designing Duchess who steps into royalty and a marriage of the times; that is to say, something completely foreign to those of us in today's world.By contract, she is to be honorable and deliver the Duke an heir: a son. But three girls later and the Duke is becoming restless. He finds lust wherever his loins take him and the Duchess must simply bear it. A friend and confidant, Bess (Hayley Atwell), soon turns into a lady of conflict as she sleeps with, and then moves in with, the Duke. The Duchess tries to settle the matter but the Duke's power won't allow her any leeway.When a past love arrives in the Duchess' life, a powder keg erupts. Mr. Charles Grey (Dominic Cooper,Mamma Mia!) turns the Duchess' life upside down, and when she becomes pregnant with his child, the Duke's orders force her into an impossible situation: give the baby up (and give up Mr. Grey) or never see your children again.The terrible power wielded by The Duke is pulled off exceptionally well thanks to the high performance of Ralph Fiennes. Surprisingly you loathe him and then, as the film progresses, you actually pity him when he says things like, "Look at them. To be that free." His job and title have strapped him down and drove him into this role.The forced and eventual consummated acceptance of the Duke's power is probably Keira Knightley's strongest reveal for her since I've been watching her flicks.The costumes and sets are stunning in their elegance and appropriateness, as is the believable love that future Prime Minister Grey (yes, he actually becomes Prime Minister) and the Duchess feel for one another, even when forced apart by society and their own lives.This is a wonderfully done film with plenty of eye-candy sets and dark characters to make most movie watchers delight. Well, as many reviewers have said, this is a simple release, with no special features. I could care less about commentaries, behind-the-scenes, or any of that stuff, though I do like seeing trailers and deleted scenes. As for the missing scenes, I can't remember exactly what is missing, since it's been so long since I've seen it. For those of you that CANNOT LIVE without that stuff, look away. The movie itself: Wow! The scenery is beautiful, colorful, and it tweaks your imagination. Floating mountains---cool. And instead of being connected to nature, the people are actually connected to the planet. That is a somewhat new and enjoyable twist. Despite what critics say, it was a really great movie. For those that choose to blast the movie because it is a recycled story: waa, waa, waa. So what if the story isn't very original? Robin Hood, Braveheart, and Dances with Wolves were all stories about people who were persecuted for a stupid reason and fought back. It's a story that never gets old; the previous movies mentioned were all great movies, and will be forever. So, keep your boohoos to yourself and enjoy a different approach to a really good storyline. Noone is making you spend money to have this movie. If you didn't like it, review the disc only and spare all the open-minded moviegoers the time. The only reason I reviewed it is because I liked it. Noone wants to read a 5-page review about everything that sucked about it. If you didn't like it, say so and move on. We liked it, and we want to know the quality of the disc and not the movie, otherwise, we wouldn't be looking at it to begin with. The 3 seasons have been wonderful. The writing is great, casting couldn't be better, story keeps you wanting more. Just sorry season 3 is over. The finale was not what I was expecting. Waiting on pins and needles for season 4. You can't go wrong watching this series. The Twilight Saga is unavoidable in both film and book form. The books, which I've never read, were bestsellers and the recent release of "New Moon," the film is breaking records. Teenage girls are absolutely gaga for the star Robert Pattinson and it finally intrigued me enough to watch this film. I do have a slightly biased opinion as the entire premise of the film seemed ludicrous to me, but I found a glimmer of hope in the film's director Catherine Hardwicke, who was responsible for the very honest look at teenagers with the film "Thirteen."What really surprised me about this film is that it doesn't have much of a plot. Kristen Stewart plays Isabella "Bella" Swan, who moves from Arizona to Forks, Washington to stay with her father (Billy Burke). Bella inexplicably begins school moments after arriving in Forks and discovers The Cullen's, a group of mysterious foster kids from Alaska. Even more mysterious and intriguing, to her and the rest of the student body, is Edward Cullen (Pattinson), a quiet, pale, reserved 17-year-old. Bella starts to notice the Cullen's are more than just a little different and when Edward stops a van from running her over, she realizes that he may not even be human...99% of the world knows that he's a vampire, but not a vampire of the typical, blood-sucking variety. The Cullen's are "vegetarian" vampires who only snack on the blood of animals. There's a story here, obviously but nothing really happens in it.Almost everything here is underwritten, characters and plot included. The characterization is particularly hollow and calling the characters "characters," is inaccurate; these are names with pretty faces attached to them. We're talking about a film here with an uneventful plot and characters completely void of depth. Twilight is supposed to be a supernatural love story geared towards a teenage demographic, but where's the emotion or poignancy that a love story needs in order to work as one? It's certainly not here. The dialogue in this movie is so melodramatic, I almost felt nauseous. The conversations between Bella and Edward are particularly embarrassing to watch. This does not sound like the "Romeo & Juliet" of the 21st Century, but the banter of two prepubescent children. A quick example; "Beautiful? This is the skin of a killer, Bella."As for the performances, no one seems to be putting any effort into them. Pattinson looks uncomfortable and his facial expressions, as well as his delivery of the film's dialogue sound pain fully forced. I do believe Hardwicke is a talented director, but she made a lot of poor creative choices here starting with her decision to direct such a poorly written script in the first place. One of her most annoying directorial decisions was her overuse of the slow-motion to illustrate the anxiety of a character. I can say only one positive thing about the film's production value and that is the somber, gray color palette utilized by the film's cinematographer...It could've been really effective if the tone of the overall film had been altered. Anyone who doesn't agree with what I'm saying about the film's poor quality need look no further than the baseball scene. How horribly executed can a scene be? The acting, the dialogue, the choice of music, Pattinson's snarl, and the cinematography are so bad it's embarrassing. Finally, this scene has no relevance to the plot of the film. It's muddled, meandering filler slipped into the film as an excuse to bring the character's to a different conflict in the story. If I was not aware of the inescapable Twilight frenzy, I would swear this film was a direct-to-DVD release; no one with a knowledge or appreciation of American cinema would call Twilight a good movie.Quite frankly, watching Twilight was like watching a high-school play written by a socially inept teenager. Obviously, my opinion isn't going to affect the success of the series. Twilight is one of those things that strikes some chord with young American audiences and has become a record-breaking smash success. I guarantee that Twilight will not remain a part of the American moviegoer's consciousness for any prolonged amount of time and just like hugely successful boy bands, this is a phase that will fade away in time.Twilight left me shaking my head so many times in the two hours I was watching it. I was not fascinated, intrigued, or stimulated about anything going on in the film and the only way I can imagine someone being those things is if they were not educated. That last part is sarcasm, but quite honestly this is a film that people will look back on ten years from now and think "how did I possibly think that was any good."GRADE: D For other old timers out there who may have seen the film when it was released in theaters in '87, I wanted to mention that this print is excellent, the transfer to Blu-Ray is nearly flawless and the experience is just about guaranteed to be better than what we saw in movie theaters when it was released. In particular, kudos to the quality of the sound reproduction, which I've found to be excellent whether pushed through a 5.1 home theater or stereo headphones. del Toro's visual imagination is present in Pacific Rim, but his storytelling definitely is not. At least the first half of the film is made up of voice over narratives, time jumps, and flashbacks. It doesn't have a story so much as a vast sea of clumsy exposition, meant to establish extremely rote character arcs while instructing the audience on what everything is. Charlie Hunnam's and Rinko Kinkuchi's characters both must overcome a lame contrived trauma beset on them by the Kaiju, giant CGI aliens/sea monsters. Unfortunately, the dialogue is clunky when the characters talk to one another as well. The actors must constantly fight del Toro's scifi mumbo jumbo to try to convey humanity. Overall, Pacific Rim leaves the impression that its ideas were way to big for one movie, or simply not thought through. Actually, "Dennis the Menace" is probably the better movie, in retrospect.I just saw "Revenge of the Sith" last night, and it reminded me how awful "Attack of the Clones" truly is; not because "Sith" is a good movie, but because it was pretty much on the same level.Anyway, two stars for "Clones" may indeed be on the generous side; I will concede the two for the amazing CGI (which, simultaneously, is part of the reason why this film is so terrible). Terrible acting? Got it. Terrible directing? Gotcha. No intelligence, heart, emotion, or, well...anything else aside from CGI? Done. Lucas has really outdone himself with this film; it may even be worse than "The Matrix Reloaded" and comes darn close to matching "Terminator 3" for worst prequel/sequel ever made. The power of hype in our society is truly astounding; despite the fact that not even a labotomized twelve-year old (for whom, according to Lucas's pathetic excuse, the picture is designed (minus the labotomy, of course)) could keep their eyes open long enough to witness this spasm-inducing lethargy, it made nearly $300 mill. at the box office. Of course, the power of hype made the original "Star Wars" the biggest success of all time (inflation-adjusted, it's nearly double "Titanic"), despite the fact that that movie really isn't all that amazing either (that's another story...).The problem with "Clones," and "Menace" and "Sith," (and even the original "Star Wars") is George Lucas. Good writer, he is (note "Indiana Jones"); good director, he is clearly not. He should have handed this series to Spielberg, but naturally his ego got in the way. Too bad, because had "Menace" been the great film it needed to be, this could have become the most popular trilogy of all time. Like the new "Matrix" and "Terminator" "films," all we can do is simply forget that these pre/sequels exist, so that we can retain some enjoyment from the originals (in regard to retaining enjoyment from the "Star Wars" series, I'm talking about episodes 5 and 6, the only two good movies of them all).A side note: the line of dialogue refering to Anakin's dislike for sand may just be the most laughable ever spoken in an American film. At least Lucas will be remembered for something...? I think everyone judges every Star Wars movie by what is considered the best of the batch, the original Star Wars of 1977 and "The Empire Strikes Back" of 1980. Compared with those movies, this movie is not so great. Compared to the other two prequels, it is the best of the three. It turns away from the tortuous details of Senate politics that infected its predecessor, "Attack of the Clones", and tries to get back to the action, relationships, and moral dilemmas that are at the heart of the "Star Wars" series. However, this film has many flaws that could have been eradicated with more of a conscientious effort by creator, director, and writer George Lucas.It basically forms a straight line, plot-wise, from Episode Two to Episode Four with no surprises and little character development, and depends upon what you already know about the entire Star Wars mythology to invest you in this movie and its characters rather than the action and dialogue of this one particular film. Also, there is little use made of either Natalie Portman's Padme Amidala - who actually has very little screen time - or the excellent Samuel L. Jackson, who is completely wasted given the small part that his character has in this film. Why employ such a great actor if you are going to give him lines that any extra could deliver?Additionally, for someone who has spent the last ten or fifteen years learning and living the ways of the Jedi, Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker seems to have very little inner turmoil making a sudden and complete transformation from protector of innocents to the apprentice of evil. He irrationally uses his desire to ensure his wife's safety - when there is no perceivable threat to her health other than his own premonitions - as an excuse to savage anyone who might get in his way and even some who couldn't if they wanted to, such as the "younglings" that he slaughters in the Jedi temple at Palpatine's behest. Thus the so-called transformation into Darth Vader is more like the flipping of a switch - more binary than analog.The best performance is that of Ian McDiarmid as Chancellor Palpatine/"The Emporer". He has a serpentine smoothness about him as he subtly plants doubts in Skywalker's mind about who is really on the side of evil while deftly handling all of the warring factions of the Republic so that people will actually be grateful when he takes complete power.In summary, if you have seen all of the other Star Wars films you will probably enjoy this one because it fills in all of the gaps and answers all of the remaining questions. However, with some more effort in the direction and writing, those questions could have been answered with much better dialogue and characters that were more three-dimensional. When the entertainment industry pokes fun at itself sincerely, the results can be hilarious. Such is the case with the cornball science fantasy movie "Galaxy Quest.""Galaxy Quest" was a science fiction television show with more than a passing similarity to "Star Trek." As with the latter show, "Galaxy Quest" was cancelled. Now the dispirited actors seem doomed to an endless cycle of overzealous fans at "Galaxy Quest" conventions. Adding to the actor's torment is the attitude of Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen), who played Commander Peter Quincy Taggart in the show. Nesmith's cheery attitude and self-importance have worn thin on his fellow cast mates, Gwen Demarco as sexy Lt. Tawny Madison (Sigourney Weaver), Alexander Dane as brainy Dr. Lazarus (Alan Rickman), and Fred Kwan as Tech Sgt. Chen (Tony Shalhoub).Interrupting their doldrums is a group of individuals who would appear weird to anyone outside a science fiction convention. As members of the convention they appear to be about as strange, or normal, depending on your point of view, as anyone else. However, Jason Nesmith soon learns that this strange foursome is more than they seem as they spirit him off to their genuine spaceship, NSEA Protector.At first Jason is somewhat excited at the opportunity to be on a genuine spaceship, and eventually brings the rest of the crew, including bit part player Guy Fleegman (Sam Rockwell), back to the ship with him. However, the aliens crewing the ship, the Thermians, have a very real, very ruthless nemesis to contend with, and the former crew of "Galaxy Quest" discover they are out of their depth.The Thermians brought the crew of "Galaxy Quest" on board because they discovered certain "historical documents" that were transmitted into space many years earlier. The somewhat innocent, though highly intelligent and creative, Thermians were unable to recognize the television show "Galaxy Quest" as being make-believe.The movie moves forward with a number of creative and often humorous moments, alternating between hilarity and seriousness, with even a few moments of compassion. Every cliché and stereotype from the original "Star Trek" is exploited for a laugh. In the climax the actors rely on hardcore fans for their in-depth knowledge of the show to save them. It is difficult to avoid enjoying the ending, even if you are not a fan of science fiction."Galaxy Quest" is an excellent companion movie to the original "Star Trek" television series. Even non-Trek fans will pick up on most of the gags. There is a lot of action and you can expect the usual implausibilities that tend to accompany television science fiction. However, the results are humorous and enjoyable. You will find this movie worth more than one watch. This review is for the blu-ray transfer only and not the film itself. The blu-ray version of Blade Runner: Final Cut is superb. Despite the fact that it is an older movie and shot primarily in lowlight conditions, details are sharp, colors are vibrant and blacks are deep. While there is some film grain in certain scenes, it is soft rather than gritty. It did not call attention to iself. The sound was initially a little weak on my system, but I cranked it up a notch or two and then it sounded fine. I highly recommend this blu-ray transfer. If you are considering an upgrade from DVD, it is totally worth it. While watching "The Ring", the last thing I wanted to do was to draw comparisons with the original Japanese "Ringu". Simply because I wanted to enjoy it as what it is, rather than a revisited English version of a same film. Unfortunately, I found comparisons to be inevitable. Not saying that "The Ring" is either superior or inferior, but it stayed very truthful to the original material it was based on, too truthful.For viewers who haven't had a chance to see "Ringu", you will find idea of "The Ring" wholly unique, nevertheless bizarre and ridiculous at the same time, depending on your cynicism level. But for those who have seen the original, you may think that the story of this US remake unfolds in an almost identical way, even though some incidents along the way were inserted or slightly altered to cater for the vaster audiences. In certain cases these alterations are actually an improvement that contributes to the mood of the story, as well as providing hints and clues of the final conclusion. In Japan, like in China and many other countries in Asia, they have long history that consists of countless mythical tales and legends about the spiritual realm, so a cursed video may seem vividly possible, while seems far-fetched and hard to swallow to the English-speaking world. But in order to retain that sense of myth, a lot of elements converted (or rather not converted) into the US version do feel quite out of place.Verbinski, while flaring some ingenious camera setups, did not tackle the subtlety a movie that is largely atmospheric requires. "The Ring" is a material which M. Night Shyamalan could probably do while he sleepwalks, and his knack for psychological thrills and minimalism style would surely be effective here. Perhaps looking at Verbinski's résumé (Mousehunt, The Mexicans), he may be too cynical for a subject that deals with a video tape that kills people. However with the limited amount of Gore (no puns intended), he did succeed in letting some genuine chills creep into the audiences at the sublimal level.Where "The Ring" did fail is, not having convincing characters. Naomi Watts serves up a decent job as a career-driven news reporter, but she did not look frightened or concerned enough for a single-mother who knows her exact time and date of death. There was no sense of emergency that she is desperate to find out how to lift the curse, instead she spends the entire time questioning who was involved in the sad story behind the video. By the end of the seventh day the audiences are left to wander off somewhere forgetting why she needs to find out about the origin of the video in the first place. Secondly the son Aidan is too creepy, and without a trace of innocence for us to really care about what will happen to him. He shares no chemistry with his mother, spending the entire time staring into the far place, drawing dark pictures, or mumbling something about a imaginary friend. In another word, he seems more like a possessed puppet than your little nephew you would like to take to the carnival. In Alejandro Amenavar's "The Others", in Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining", or even in the most obvious example, Shyamalan's "The Sixth Sense", children's straightforward manner and innocence proved to be far more effective in creating sense of peril, and in that matter, way more disturbing. Another disappointing performance is from Martin Henderson as Noah. He has great presence, but again he does not convey any chemistry with the other actors in the film. The expression he has for not believing the nonsense of a killer video is not so different from the one he knows his life could be in threat. Is he helping Rachel because he does have feelings for her, or does he just hope to get laid again because she is still hot? It was not explained, nor do we really care much.Though the number of extras on this DVD is disappointing, what it does offer is in fact quite neat. The picture is sharp and crisp, providing a good contrast of the grayish grim look of the film, with the bursting colors at times that will permanently damage your retina (in some way it actually distracts you from the mood the film is supposed to have). While the sound may not give your system a throughout workout, the localization is quite well defined, and provide a good dimension for the otherwise monotone sound effects, therefore making the few shock-tricks exceptionally powerful (needless to say the DTS track again proves to be the champion of cinema sound).An advertised "never-before-seen short film" could be seen by selecting the "Don't look here" option on the main menu. It is in fact a collection of deleted and extended scenes, featuring a few more graphic sequences trimmed from the theatrical release. Without commentary or additional information, it doesn't really reveal any more insights or secret than the film itself, but would definitely affect the rating if they were incorporated back into the film as an "uncut edition". Yet whether it would be a better viewing experience is another question. Also included is a very brief trailer of the original "Ringu" on DVD (also released by Dreamworks, surprise, surprise!), a theatrical trailer of "Catch Me If You Can", and an "8 Mile" DVD promo spot. If you are patient enough to play around with the remote a little bit more, you may find a not so pleasant easter egg! Overall "The Ring" DVD is a nice little package that will make your collection looks that your phone ringing? "Master and Commander" is a film of great integrity. It follows through on its promises, commits its characters to both the heroics and the sins of their natures, has the courage of its convictions and portrays nobility of spirit without maudlin sentiment. In short, it is a wonderful balancing act. The fact that it has intelligent plotting, literate dialogue, classical themes, inspired acting and is both well paced and superbly filmed only adds to its many virtues.Intelligent restraint is in evidence throughout this film. Peter Weir shows restraint in his decision to let the story tell itself. Both Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany show restraint in their superb understated acting. Together, they are like a thinking person's Gene Rodenberry, Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy. Think of these archetypes stripped of their overacting and most egregious tendencies and you will have some idea of the qualities conveyed by the three principals in this film.The plot and setting have been well summarized in other reviews, but those are poor reasons to view a film such as "Master and Commander". It is really a film about timeless qualities now hopelessly out of fashion: things like duty, honour, loyalty, friendship, mutual reliance and the questing spirit. Cynics will hate this film for its proud and unapologetic portrayal of old fashioned values. The rest of us will not only love it, but find it inspirational.I am both hopeful and apprehensive of a sequel. On the one hand, I look forward to further adaptations of Peter O'Brien's work. On the other hand, this first adaptation has set such a high standard that I fear the next film making a complete hash of things. I'll review the movie in a moment. What I want to share first is how pleasantly surprised I am at the extras included. Sure, they could have given us more--four different kinds of trailers, costume design boards, a scene from every Phantom movie thus far, interviews with Crawford and Brightman, not to mention commentaries. But hey, isn't that what Christmas is for? :)However, I was enthralled by the story of how the musical came to be. We get not only plenty of airtime from Lord Webber and Stilgoe & Hart, but we see the original stars in footage that we would never be able to see otherwise. Sara Brightman singing "Pie Jesu" in what looks to be a cathedral, Michael Crawford doing light comedy--light comedy!--on a British show and performing in the circus. We're taken into Webber's estate to view the singers who first performed the Phantom material as it was being constructed, and are enlightened as to how Britain charmingly previewed the musical, via music video, to the rest of the nation as what looked to be, quite literally, a rock opera. (Well, it WAS the 80s.)The other extras that focus on the movie production are also quite good. I thought it might be only a slightly longer version of one of those HBO First Looks, but it was super-informative. In it you get a look at the premier, at part of Emmy Rossum's screen test, the fun of trying to understand Jennifer Ellison's (Meg) accent, Patrick Wilson singing opera in sport pants, the Mask of the Red Death swigging from a water bottle, plus a look at the outrageously elaborate costumes and what the chandelier falling looked like in real life. There's so much more I can't remember, but trust me, it's worth it.I'm not sure sure about the additional scene. I'm glad they didn't keep it in. While it's a lovely song, the Phantom was too soft, not at all obsessive or dangerous. And we don't want that, now, do we?And, about that movie. Emmy Rossum has a perfectly capable voice even at her age, just as Christine is supposed to be quite young. But her face had the same expression on it--trancelike--almost the entire time. When she saw Raoul caught in the Punjab lasso and cried out, I was like, Finally! And then she went back into the trance. I wish they had coaxed more expression out of her.Gerard Butler. Either you love him or you hate him. We all know he's hot. I was really surprised at first sight of the Phantom, because from the stage shows you get the impression that even with the mask on, he's a crowish figure of no less than forty years. I enjoy watching Butler, but if they had used someone less attractive I don't think it would have taken anything away from the movie. As for his voice--I whispered to my mom at one point that he sounds like a rock star. And yes, Butler was indeed in a rock band. He's no Michael Crawford. And sometimes his treatment of phrases isn't the best. But on the flip side, sometimes it's just as uncomfortable listening to a stage Phantom sing in full-on operatic mode. It's...whatever you like, I guess.Of course, the sets are lavish and the costumes lush (and vice versa). I love Minnie Driver in the Carlotta role, and the men who played the managers were really a delight. I know people gripe about all these different things--the addition of scenes, speaking dialogue that was previously sung, the misplacement of the chandelier's big scene, a colorful masquerade being clothed in black and white. But in the end I still think the movie is more than worth it. Why?Because you can see it whenever you want to now. Because the full orchestra sounds heaven-sent. Because knowing all the words to a musical is a big deal. Because it's beautiful. Because it's a full-on experience that requires nothing less than your full attention. Because snow and confetti falling never looked so perfect. Because my first exposure to the musical was on a cassette tape with half the second act missing and it was still so potent that I stayed up to listen to it again. Because the Phantom's hot (oops).So, that's what I think. If you truly love the musical, you'll like the movie. If you knew nothing of the musical before, then you'll probably like it, too. I bought the extended version of "Gladiator" on DVD, although I already have the widescreen signature edition and I never regretted it. Many of the deleted scenes those which I already knew from the signature edition and some additional ones were added. This additional footage is an absolute gain for the overall brilliant story line. There is also new bonus material on the second and third disc. All the documentaries provide an interesting insight into the making of the film."Gladiator" is on second position among my all time favorite movies. The cast is outstanding. Russell Crowe's performance is absolutely brilliant. Connie Nielson, Oliver Reed and Joaquin Phoenix are also perfectly chosen for their roles and too give a great performance, just to name a few. I have watched "Gladiator" countless times. After each viewing I could just watch it all over again. It's a masterpiece of its genre with the most magnificent and brilliant special effects I have ever seen. There are so many scenes which are pure joy to watch. The dialog and the score are pure "ear-candy". I am not a fan of Roman or Greek empire movies, but "Gladiator" is different from all the other old and new films about this period. There is something special in "Gladiator", something I have never seen before. Just as Maximus (Russell Crowe) says in the movie: "I'll give them something they have never seen before". Well, here we go again. Tobey Maguire spins the web again. While I feel the Spiderman films of today are strictly for the teenagers, I am a Spiderman fan from way back. The comic books of the 1970's, the cartoons and "The Amazing Spider-Man" tv series with Nicholas Hammond as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Spiderman still holds my interest.Now they got Spiderman delivering pizzas. Peter Parker is shown more human and clumsy in the film. Even has a heart. His stronger side will be tested again by a new villain, Dr. Octavius (Alfred Molina). To make matters worse, Peter occasionally keeps losing his spidey powers in mid-flight and Dr. Octavius has four metal tentacles to deal with.Most of the cast fromSpider-Man (Widescreen Special Edition)(2002) return for this film, including Cliff Robertson as "Uncle Ben". Stan Lee and Bruce Campbell have cameo appearances.The film is more enjoyable if you fast-forward through the scenes with Kirsten Dunst.Disc One includes two audio commentaries (cast & crew, technical), webisodes, the music video "Ordinary" by Train, Blooper Reel, previews, and a cool feature "Spidey Sense 2" in which you turn on and you will get Factoids and trivia during the film.Disc Two includes making of..Featurettes. "Enter The Web" shows you different angles of a particular scene.Easter Egg: Disc Two, Gallery Screen, Press up twice. If you see the Spiderman sense, press Enter. You will get Alfred Molina doing "If I Were a Rich Man".Followed by:Spider-Man 3 (Widescreen Edition)(2007).The Amazing Spider-Man(2012)The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro (2014).The Amazing Spider-Man 3 will be released on June 10, 2016.The Amazing Spider-Man 4 (2018). Seriously. Just watch Hangover (the original) again. This movie is not funny at all. I love most of the people in the cast, but it was a definite let-down. I went to see this in the theaters the opening weekend on Haloween this past fall. I'd have to say that this movie is false advertising. Haloween movies have always been cheesy and bloody and thats how I like them. I was expecting this kind of urban horror movie with all sorts of nasty violence/blood and a decent plot. Dont get me wrong- I'm not a sick f***, but sometimes thats the kind of movie i wanna see. This was a serious dissapointment. "Saw" tried to pack way too much plot into 100 mins running time, confusing the hell out of me. The ending was absolutely awesome, it makes the experience not so empty and wasted. If your looking for a gorefest, this aint it. Sure, it got an R in US 18A in Canada, but there's other horror movies at your local store that surpass this easily.If your looking for a movie to make you think, this aint it either. Confusing the viewer doesnt lead to thinking IMO.All in all, not what it tried to be or could have been. I honestly cant recommend this. Ok, so all these people are saying the film isn't funny. They're saying it's stupid has no intelligence....Well jeeze the stupid person is you! This movie is classified under Stupid funny humor. IT's not trying to be annie hall or anything. This movie is showing off Will Ferrells comedic talent. IT has a lot of funny lines. IT is random but's supposed to be. Two thumbs up. It's a lot of fun. Dale Denton (Rogan) is a process server and a stoner. He has a girlfriend in high school (Heard), and likes to hang out with his dealer, Saul (Franco). One evening, Dale witnesses a murder. The murderers, a drug lord (Cole) and a crooked cop (Perez) are soon on his tail. They trace a joint left behind at the scene, a variety called "Pineapple Express" back to Saul, and soon Dale and Saul are running for their lives."Pineapple Express" is yet another film from the Judd Apatow machine, and on par with "Superbad." Rogen and Franco have good chemistry and comic timing. Franco is more at home in dramas, but is genuinely funny here. Despite being a "stoner movie", it is a buddy movie at heart. Action is not what you would expect from Rogen, and although he handles it well, especially in the last 30 minutes, the action packed ending does run a bit long. Overall, "Pineapple Express" delivers what it promises: a funny stoner comedy. This series I bought from Amazon, but seasons 2 and 3 I have actually seen on TV. As it turned out, in my opinion (because the series has ended now) it was a down played spin off of "THE TUDORS". I'm not particularly into the Renaissance, but the history of the Catholic Church during that time does intrigue me.I have tried not to compare it to THE TUDORS, but I didn't succeed there. Like THE TUDORS the actors and actresses were all first rate, excellent actors and actresses. Jeremy Irons is a living legend and the most known of the cast. Colm Fiore is an excellent actor, and the rest of the cast was no less radiant. The sets and costumes were spectacular without a doubt.But unlike THE TUDORS, THE BORGIAS series still lacked "something". I want to say that it didn't have quite the same sexual tension and intrigue that THE TUDORS had. And, I want to say that the cast of THE TUDORS was just a "little bit better". JRM almost "over acts" as Henry 8th, but his sex appeal and magnetism makes that series. And quite frankly, THE TUDORS was in no short supply of beautiful people.The only thing that made me uncomfortable was the season ending. I won't mention exactly what made me uncomfortable because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't yet seen the whole thing, but I will say, I felt that the series ended rather quickly and abruptly. Over all though, it was a very fine series. The third installment is much better and more memorable than the first two films. It's tough adapting an excellent book into an excellent film. Things are left out and new things are put in. The first two films left me wondering why more wasn't cut out of them to make for better movie viewing. It was like they were trying to cram as much of the book in as possible, resulting in drawn out stories. In stark contrast, this Potter film moves along at a pace I can stand, isn't as long (great for the attention span of children), is better written, directed, and played out.The three young actors (Radcliffe, Grint, and Watson) have finally come into their own and look like they know what their doing. Radcliffe (Harry Potter) gives his best performance yet, and I'm sure we'll see even more growth in the coming movies.In this installment, we learn that Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban Prison and is after Harry Potter. That's the shortest version of the plot (there's more to it, but I don't want to be too long-winded), and I don't want to reveal too much more for the sake of those who may not have the read the book.Fanatics of the book may not appreciate that some of the book was left out, but if the entire book was adapted to film, the movie would be 10 hours long. For the sake of entertainment purposes, I'm glad director Cuaron took the edgy route. He gives us an excellent film, the best Potter film yet. Even the vision of Harry Potter is different. I thought this film had a better feel for the book, even if it left stuff out.I've seen it twice, once in a regular theater and once in an IMAX. If you can get to an IMAX to see this one, I highly recommend it. What an awesome experience. Either way, I highly highly recommend this movie. It's absolutely breathtaking. A very good DVD production of the movie. The "Lost in Space" feature was interesting although short. The deleted scenes are very funny and I think a lot of them should have been retained in the first cut. The deleted scenes also help explain some of the incongruities, such as why Sigourney Weaver suddenly is showing a lot of cleavage toward the end of the film. Reads the books, and the movie did not disappoint. I was extremely skeptical at first, not wanting to get sucked into a fad, but the books and movie(s) are genuinely good, with great actors and superb visual effects. Definitely recommend. This is one of the cutest, funniest sports/girl power/rousing comedy films I have seen in a while! For starters, it is laugh-out-loud funny, and definitely holds your attention. I think it was really geared at young teenagers and pre-teens, but I saw it with my mother, and I was twenty years old at the time and we still had fun. Jess (Parminder Nagra) just wants to play soccer, but her traditional, Indian parents won't hear of it. They want her to go to college, become a lawyer and be a good Indian wife--let's not forget the cooking lessons her mom wants to subject her to, so she can cook all the curries, breads and assorted fried pastries. The young Indian-English girl won't hear of it, and while her sister is preparing for her own wedding, the headstrong girl continues to sneak out and play soccer with the guys. Another young lady (Keira Knightley) sees her playing, and invites her to join a girl's team. They both proceed to develop crushes on the coach (Jonathan Rhys Myers), and then things get a little say the least....also, the whole soccer matter can't be kept under wraps forever.Even though I was never any good at soccer, and don't know much about the game (though, I knew who David Beckham was and that he played for Manchester United at the time that the film came out.......there is even a scene with Jess watching David--or, as her mom likes to call him, "That skinhead boy," play his "corner"), I had great fun watching Jess triumph in game after game, and enjoyed the Indian flavor that generously sprinkled out this film like fine haldi (tumeric, for those who know it by its Western name) in a savory and spicy curry, meant to be enjoyed with friends and loved ones. Please give this one a go..........Also, encourage any young women and girls to watch it. It is definitely an inspirational film for women of all ages, though. I know this the most successful animated movie to date. The animation is elegant and beautiful. The music is wonderful. The story is sadly lame and contrived. I really did not connect with the characters in Frozen the way I did with, for example, Ariel or Belle. Enough said. FARGO is a modern classic of cinema. Period. One of the things that I enjoy most about the Coen brothers' movies is that they both understand their art form: movies are primarily visual works of art. Many films forget this fact. While the plot of FARGO is, in many ways, simple and somewhat predictable, the cinematography is amazing. The blanket white landscapes that the Coen brothers paint gives the film the elegance of a black & white film with the beauty of a work in color. The white makes the colors "pop" on the screen.FARGO introduces us to another one of William H. Macy's masterful performances. He plays the perfect Everyman, someone who is absolutely despicable and, yet, manages to win our sympathy. It is perfect because we see a glimmer of something in his sad existence that reminds us of our own. He has been pushed around all of his life and one gets the feeling that the world would little remember him if he just fell off the face of the earth. In a surprising act of agency, he hatches a scheme to accomplish two goals: to gouge his father-in-law for a lot of money (a man whom he has never earned respect) and to gain the necessary funds to fuel a business plan of his own. The plot is simple: hire two men to kidnap his wife, collect the ransom money from his father-in-law, and give the henchman a fraction of the ransom in exchange for his wife back. But in FARGO, as in life, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. One thing after another goes wrong and the body count rises.In the end, FARGO is about following normal, everyday characters (the type William H. Macy was born to play) and placing them in ordinary (yet, at the same time, extraordinary) circumstances and seeing how the haphazardness of life plays with them. Watch this film. It is unforgettable. real gore, no bad language to express how they were really feeling and half the story and edge gone due to editing. I was so glad to hear it was coming out on DVD and was suprised to find out that it was gonna be packaged with another movie called Terror Tract. I had never heard of it, but found out that John Ritter was in it. Ultimately, both movies are very good in different ways. Cherry Falls is a dark, sadistic slasher movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The extremely talented Brittany Murphy is in it as well as the very funny Jay Mohr who plays it serious in this one. This movie - comparable to Scream, Heathers and American Pie, will have you guessing who is killing the town virgins and why. Unlike most horror movies this movie never tires or bores and has very good acting and a very good script. It's a shame it didn't get a theatrical release, but at least the DVD isn't a butchered version like the basic cable version one was. Terror Tract reminds me alot of Tales From The Crypt; Very spooky and silly at the same time. Its about a real estate agent trying to sell a newly married couple a home and each house they visit has a horrifying tale about why the previous owners moved, leading into little short stories. Not as smart or as clever as Cherry Falls, but very entertaining and very eerie. There aren't any special features on this dvd... And both movies come on just one its easy to have yourself a night of chills without getting up. And you might not wanna watch these alone..... first of all, for Aliens versus Predator, you have to go in with an open mind, don't go in thinking of Arnold or Danny Glover and their role in this movie, cause it won't work.with that, here is my take on the movie and how it starts off solid, satelitte belonging to Weyman corporations gets a heat plume in anartica, so he gathers a team involving the best diggers in the world, an archelogical team, and an ice tour guide to lead the team. they end up isolated in an island a 1,000 miles from land where they discover a tunnel was made 24 hours prior to their arrival by somebody, and this leads to an underground pyramid, where the heat source is coming from.they enter the pyramid, and set off a chain of reactions, releasing the Aliens, then mess up big by taking the predator's weapons, and this is where the actions really kicks in.only 3 predators are sent against a handful of aliens and people. as for the storyline, here is how it goes.the predators taught humans to build pyramids and used them for sacrifice to help create the aliens, which they would then turn around and hunt down.if they beat the aliens, then they proved themselves worthy, but if they lost, then they blew up everything. in doing this, they captured the alien queen to make eggs then lured the humans for sacrifice, but when a couple of the predators get killed by the aliens, everything is left to one predator and one human.the movie is awesome, the build up to the fight scenes is awesome, and best of all, the aliens-predator fight scenes are awesome. they fight in these awesome battles to the death, and some of the battle scenes and who dies and how is surprising.overall, the movie is awesome, and the ending is clever too, which leads to a possible AVP 2. This movie showcases the true talent Christopher Nolan posses. He wrote AND directed this movie which I find just amazing. The script was good and the story is mind bottling :) That being said, the movie is confusing and full of minor goofs. If you don't believe me, look at what IMDB has to say: [[...]] The movie was enjoyable and for once in a long time I feel I need to see it again. Highly recommended. The best Star Trek movie in years. The new crew is excellent and the story is good, although it brings back a couple of old enemies in this new reality that skirts off the true nature of their reality and did not explore it suffiently in my opinion.. I will not tell you who this is referring to. All the actors are on their game and seem to understand what Trekkies need and want and don't deviate too much from the original concept.A worhty note:Simon Pegg-EXCELLENT! What a gifted actor. This movies is fast and entertaining. You love it. I've seen the stage play and found the movie version very moving and quite wonderful too. The individual performances by the actors were stellar in every way. I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end...I would highly recommend this movie ... I think it's a Must happy I viewed it....I will purchase it for my Movie Library.... Is there any role Phillip Seymour Hoffman couldn't have played? I don't think so. Without being over the top, his performance is amazing. i received this yesterday on blu-ray and was VERY impresssed... for what i paid ($[...] with free shipping), it was an AMAZING deal. the extended edition is awesome. you get to see a lot more of pandora and get better explanations and back stories of alot of things. i, like MOST of the population, don't have a 3d tv... so 3d movies arent really of interest to me... i am not at all upset with this release... the packaging is VERY cool. everything is just perfect. havent looked into the special features just yet but they look promising. overall i would DEFINITELY recommend this release, even if you already bought the bare bones release (i did and i am very happy i upgraded)! picture quality is OUTSTANDING (but i would expect nothing less from this movie). this is such a timeless classic, I love it. comes with lots of bonus features too. The picture looks great!!! Thank you! "Thank You for Smoking" was an entertaining movie. I enjoyed the portrayal of corporate shenanigans and its satire of Hollywood types. The acting was good and all players did their jobs well but I was a bit put off by the smirking 'we're so smart and hip attitude' of the movie. A bit of humbleness is appealing you know. Some say the subject matter in this film i.e. to smoke or not to smoke is equally weighed. I personally didn't feel that way at all. I felt the overall tone for the movie was geared toward smoking. Personally, I don't smoke but I don't mind that this film is for smoking. What I liked about the film is that it kept my brain going. And like I said majority of this film is predictable, but you do begin to question how free the rights of the American Public are? Should smoking be banned or should smokers have their rights too? Like stated in the film people know smoking is bad yet they still do it. Why? The movie puts a nice spin on the importance of information and looking at things from alternative views.It's nice to see Aaron Eckhart play a good solid role for once. I think his performance in this film was excellent and extremely believable. I think after this role we will be seeing him in more movies. William H. Macy also stars and shines yet again. Macy is one of the best actors in Hollywood who for years still never got the appreciation he deserves. Also Katie Holmes does a decent job although her character is extremely predictable. I personally think Holmes does a good job at playing bad girl roles like her role here and in "The Gift". The reason I think that is because she looks so innocent so when she comes out saying something like "I want to f*** you, when I watch you on TV" it seems out of the ordinary for her. This is also probably another reason why Tom Cruise loves her; she's probably a very bad girl outside the public eye.Even though this is Jason Reitman's first feature film he is one to keep an eye on. I feel as the time goes on he will become a very big director just like his father. Being that "Smoking" is his first film, I think he has already hit a home run. I think the guy has talent and as long as he keeps making good movies he will be just as big as his dad is someday.I like the message behind "Thank You For Smoking" but not the overall subject matter of the film. This movie provides its audience with fine acting, a good script and some nice directing. The film's idea also keeps its audience thinking. It's a good movie to watch with someone and then have a nice long talk with about it afterwards. It's a satirical look at the smoking issue although I still feel it tilts more towards one side than the other. But at the end of the day, it's a good independent film which you will be able to enjoy and appreciate. This film is almost flawless - the acting, the sets, the script, the special effects, the originality. As the writer indicates in the documentary, 'Alien Saga', the creature was inspired by a drawing of H.R. Giger and was intentionally intended to disturb the subconscious of the target audience (males aged 18-24) by the use of imagry that resembled the violence of male rape (forced oral invasion, resulting in impregnation, followed by a deadly painful birth of a phallic-shaped, flesh colored predator). Unlike previous genre films, the protagonist also ends up being the female character - Ripley. In any case, this is one of the best horror films of all time.Of special note is one of the deleted scenes included on this DVD (and presumably in the 'Alien: Director's Cut' to be released this month). In this scene, the ship's captain who disappeared chasing the alien earlier in the film is found by Ripley, barely alive, cacooned by the Alien for insemination by a waiting egg. Of course, we find out in the next installment that only the huge queen alien can lay alien eggs. It may be Mat Damon himself. Surely the leading man in a film of this kind is important, but at first glance, Damon has none of the obvious traits. He isn't killer handsome. Neither has he the body of a circus ariealist. What he's got, it seems to me, is the ability to remind you of a younger brother who enlisted in the Navy and somehow wound up in the Seals. Nobody had any idea. One minute he's the hot-shot of the High School Baseball team, the next minute you're watching him get decorated dressed in whites. You're so proud of him, even if you don't know what it is he does, precisely, and all your family loves him.So, as I say, no International Lounge Lizard with nouveau riche tastes, or a necklace of Euro-Trash beauties around his neck.But, when the movie begins and they haul him out of the sea, nearly dead, you see it. And as he recovers from his wounds, it becomes clearer. He's one of the brightest and the best; clean as a whistle, sharp as a tack. Dad's favorite boy, memory clouded, somehow, and on a mission even he doesn't remember. And whithout making any judgment about it, you've got a great deal invested in him; in seeming him safe and his enemies identified and routed. Therefore, when the action begins, and it does immediately, one watches him negotiate the thorny mazes of predicaments of incredible complexity and menace, with ingenuity and dispatch. One of the best demonhstrations of what he can do happens when he arrives in Paris, after getting his money and passports out of a Swiss bank. ANd himself and a German girl of some sort with a car, out of the American Embassy trap. Well, an assassion crashes into his Paris apartment before either of them can catch a breath, and there's a life and death flght which ends when the failed assassin thorws himself out of the window and dies on the sidewalk below. That is the prelude to as brilliant and harrowing a demonstration of trick driving as I've ever seen, as Borne and the girl drive her Cooper Mini through the mazes and tangles of fast, congested Parisian traffic, followed by police cruisers and motorcycle mounted cops. Thrilling! And that's just the first third of the film.Rather than describe the remainder of the story in detail, I will say, instead, that the director does not allow the project to make any fatal mistakes. He doesn't flirt with us; doesn't try to seduce us into liking the movie with mugging or stupid action jokes. He doesn't use kids that way. Or animals. Or any people. There are no faux literary pretensions anywhere. Although there are people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds in the film, there's no ethnic or racial humor. There are no shameful and insincere attempts to conjure up a facile moral to the story by juggling religioius symbols. The sexual attraction of the hero and heroine to one another isn't either lewd or tricky, but grows inevitably out of the inter-reliance that builds between them as they cling to life and avoid discovery. What attracts her is his freshness, frankness, fearlessness and his determination to protect her from enemies that are really his alone. Their care for each other becomes as artless and as inevitable as sunrise.The sound track is good and the intercut POP music is as one would expect it, but the music is never distracting.Seems to me I've watched this show 3 times now, and it looks better and better every time. The complex entity that IDENTITY is has been handled with such deftness and skill that no shot or sequence appears to have been derived from any shot or sequence in any other film. And the editing is flawless. Flawless! In this witty comedy, two struggling musicians, Joe and Jerry (Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon), inadvertently witness the St. Valentine's Day Massacre and need to get out of town fast. They dress up as women and join an all-women band headed for Florida. Along the way, Joe courts Sugar Kane (Marilyn Monroe), and a millionaire courts Jerry.This film has a little bit of everything in it, murder, romance, and humor, lots of lots of humor. The dialogue is sharp and the acting is excellent. Marilyn Monroe is perfect as Sugar Kane, Tony Curtis' Cary Grant impression is one of the funniest bits in the movie and Jack Lemmon is also perfect. Joe E. Brown, as Lemmon's would be suitor almost steals the movie and gets to deliver the last line, one of the funniest lines in the movie.I recommend this movie to those who like a good laugh. For those of us who just love the theatrics, lush beauty, and drama of theater, we cannot help but be mesmerized by this movie. However, the reaction this film received in the movie theater I attended best sums up the overall reception. About forty minutes into the film, about 4-5 people walked out of the theater. When the movie ended, though, it received applause from the audience -- that speaks for itself because, come on, how often do you get applause anymore these days for movies? (In Los Angeles, mind you.)Strangely enough, right after listening to the chorus of cheers, I walked out and listened to a young woman complain: "I take back what I said about her [Emmy Rossum] sounding like a 16-year-old, she sounds like a 12-year-old." Personally, I wanted to take her aside and ask her whether she knew what a 'soprano' is or not, that sopranos are supposed to sing high, and the character of Christine called for a soprano... but that's a story for another day.So there you have it. Some loved it, some hated it. I love entertainment in all its forms and I don't really subscribe to the elitist attitudes a lot of movie snobs tend to display, so I absolutely fell in love with this gorgeous movie. The same quote used to describe Andrew Lloyd Webber could be used here to describe his movie: "Let's face it, no one in the world loves Andrew Lloyd Webber but the public." Critics and the like have a reputation for snubbing him, but still, his works appeal to those of us with more common tastes, it seems, which is just fine by me. Even more amusing is that while Roger Ebert slammed the movie, he perplexed even himself by still recommending it towards the end of his review because of the sheer spectacle and look of the film is undeniably fantastic.The look of the film is fantastic. It's gorgeous, the sets are gorgeous, the costumes are gorgeous, and the so are the actors. Some may say while it's got appearance, it lacks substance, but seriously, one could have said the same for Moulin Rouge. Both are rather simplistic stories with high-amped visuals.The movie remains rather faithful to the theater version and serves as a wonderful way to make up for not seeing Phantom on stage. I was disappointed with Attack of the Clones. It was barely better than Phantom Menace. Once again the movie relied heavily on special effects and the plot was weak. In the 2nd edition of the trilogy, the Republic is faced with a new separatist movement. Amidala once a queen is now a senator and has become a target of assassins. Both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin are called to protect her. It has been 10 years since both Amidala and Anakin have seen each other. Once they see each other the romance begins. I found the chemistry between Amidala and Anakin was poor at best. The movie moves along at a slow pace. The special effects are once again incredible, but I fear Lucas has relied on them too much. The only bright spot in the movie was that Jar Jar Binks was reduced to cameo performance. Writer/director Paul W. Anderson should stop making movies.His movies are so bad. I don't even want to talk about what he did with Resident Evil 2. The movie is so bad the people in the theater I was at actually booed toward the ending of the film. This movie does not deliver any scares at all from either creature. It doesn't stay true to all the movies in the series. Because of the pg-13 rating there is not much gore plain bad.The acting and dialogue is not good either. If you are a fan of the series you will be very dissapointed with this stinker. And then you will be thinking of what could have been if someone else made this film. Okay many have said Lucas made many many many flaws. First off, you people just can not accept a new world of Star Wars. Everyone wanting Episode One to be Anakin discovered at an older age, be a great pilot (no podracing), and in Episode 2 everyone wanted Anakin to become Vader, and in Three they wanted the Purge of the Jedi, and how Obi Wan escpaes, etc.. Well thats not what happened. And Many fans must realize that your all ignorant. Its like when People went to go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Everyone had their mind on the orginal and many hated this new version. Get the sequels out of your head and have an opened mind.Yes Revenge of the Sith had minor flaws, but it is deffinently something new and better than what we have received.Spoilers May Appear!-----First off, Revenge of the Sith has its strong points--Anakin becomes Vader-The Jedi Purge Begins-Palpatine becomes Emperor-The Emperor duels Yoda-The Clone Wars come to an end-The Rebellion starts to formEverything we wanted was in 2 horus and 10 minutes. Now thats what I have to complain about. If Revenge of the Sith was just slightly much longer, like the longest of them all, it would be just as perfect as Empire Strikes Back.Lucas's scenery is beautiful, and the Emperor's performance is astonishing.I loved the entire final duel. I never felt my hair stand up like that when I saw Obi Wan vs. Anakin, as Yoda vs. Sidious, since The final Duel in Return of the Jedi. I liked the idea of having several endings, it completed everything and truly feels Star Wars is complete.There's just a few minor things I wish I have seen:-More of the Death Star being built-More scenes as the Jedi Temple is attacked-A little more dialogue scenes-The Explanation of the Chosen One-Palpatine's background of being a Sith- And seeing Qui Gon's spirit which would have been nice. oh well.So This is my view of how the Star Wars films fall into-From Best to Not So Good :-)1. A New Hope2. The Empire Strikes Back3. Return of the Jedi, Revenge of the Sith < Its a Tie4. The Phantom Menace5. Attack of the ClonesSo thats my view :-) My, and I believe nearly everyone's favourite "Star Wars"-movie is Episode V-"The Empire Strikes Back". Not only because it was visually the most dazzling, it also had far more sense of wonder and magic than the other Episodes. Never had a "Star Wars"-film a greater emotional impact."The Phantom Menace" is definetly not on par with that film, nor has it the originality of "A New Hope", but still I liked this film a lot. I actually found it better than "Return Of The Jedi". Even those who dispised the movie must acknowledge that it has its merits. The special effects are fantastic, and in contrast to other films with superior FX, they are also highly imaginative because they create entire worlds of their own. Individual action-setpieces are among the most exhilarating of the decade (the pod-race or the final lightsaber-duel among others) and John William's score is one of the major assets again.Many complained that Jar Jar Binks is too silly and childish. This criticism is understandable though I think many people overreacted with their hatred towards this character. He actually has some funny moments. That the film doesn't have a villain that is as effective as Darth Vader is true and false. The villain does not YET appear as the villain which will (hopefully) make him even more evil in the next pictures. The decision to conceal the true menace (careful viewers still found it of course) is already implied in the Episode's title, so it was obviously deliberate. This must be the reason why Darth Maul is used so rarely. The character has just no significance for the whole saga. One must not forget that TMP is not a film, but the first two hours of a 13-hour-saga. It was therefore inevitable that it would be less dramatic as "Empire".The bottom line is that despite some shortcomings, Episode I effectively sets up the future Episodes. I agree with those who say that George Lucas should have underlined some of the darker aspects of the story more than he did. Let's hope he will do so in the next two chapters which have the potential to become even stronger movies. If the new trilogy finally sucks, it won't be because of "The Phantom Menace". This is a truly terrific caper movie, one that works well by both showcasing the emerging star power of both Donnie Wahlberg and Charlize Theron and also having a terrific storyline. It is also a smart and well-photographed movie that proves the old adage of depending on the use of a great story and then embellishing on it with all the bells and whistles. The plot is as believable as anything can be that posits the existence of people so smart, so devious, and so daring as to be able to do some of the things that are done here. Yet the qualms about believability quickly fade with each nosiy and exciting revving up of the action, which is well choreographed, full of pyrotechnics, and absolutely fresh and new, adding to the charm of the movie.The cast adds immeasurably to the charm of the movie, with Donald Sutherland, Ed Norton, and several notable others lending both credence and a certain gritty feel to this tale about life on the margins, on the far side of the law. I also got the impression that given the box office success of this film; much of the crew may be back to thrill us again in an inevitable sequel. I am up for it. After all, given the aplomb and cool they displayed in driving a trio of Metros through the streets, sewers, and tunnels of Los Angeles at rush hour, and added into this mix was a certain level of style and intelligence often missing in such caper flicks, it would be fun to consider a series of such films. Compared to other recent offerings at the theater, which have by an dlarge been disappointing affairs indeed, it would be a relief to consider more caper flicks like this. Enjoy! This movie was very depressing, had me choked up half the time, crying, and upset that there is just too much bad things that happen........ I don't usually write reviews for films I buy from Amazon, but I just had to jump in on this one.I've read too much Lucas bashing and non-theatrical version bashing so it comes down to this --I don't watch Star Wars films everyday, so I couldn't tell you the difference between theatrical version vs. director version or whatever ...I actually own the BluRay set, purchased from Amazon. I still don't understand how people write reviews about items they don't own or haven't seen, or items that haven't been released yet.Bottom line you get six Star Wars films on BluRay plus hours and hours of extras (9 discs total) for $79.99. Picture and sound are awesome.The only thing is that the packaging could have been a little better. If you want to, you can buy individual cases.If you like the films, buy the set. If you don't like the films, don't buy the set.End of story ... End of review ... The Rocky series is my favorite series of movies hands down. I know they are cliche and campy but I just adore them. This transfer is one of the best I've seen IMO. Now don't expect to watch Rocky I-V and it look as good as the Avatar blu ray because it just won't. But they are great transfers and the sound that is picked up on them that I've never heard before watching the old DVD releases is just amazing. If you like Rocky and are a fan of HD then you owe it to yourself to get this. The packaging looks great as well...And enough about the price drop. Seriously. If you want to complain, blog about it. Create a discussion on this product. Don't rate the product poorly because YOU paid too much. This film presents a very good and deep insight into the world of drug addiction. The movie is so chilling that repeated viewings send chill down one's spine. It really allows us to understand what drug addiction is really light, how the victims fall prey to their addiction and eventually lose their way. And drug addiction here doesn't mean hardcore drugs, it could even be an addiction to cosmetic drugs such as slimming pills as very cleverly presented in Requiem For A Dream. Obviously, such a movie features a very strong cast of actors and special mention goes to Oscar-nominee Ellen Burstyn whose performance is superb and very apt. My husband and I just watched this with our kids (ages 18 and 21) and we loved this movie! I especially loved this movie because I loved the original daytime show. I, like Johnny Depp, would run home from school and watch Dark Shadows. I loved it because it was unique. Let's face it, TV in the 70's was terrible and Dark Shadows, even though they considered it a soap, was refreshing. All the actors do an excellent job and the movie is hilarious! The only way they could have pulled it off was making it a comedy and the only people who could pull that off are Burton and Depp. I loved the music throughout the movie so much that I immediately bought the soundtrack. My kids never saw Dark Shadows and they both loved this movie. I don't think it would have worked if they had done a serious, soapy type movie. It would have been just another Twilight. Who needs another Twilight! If you grew up in the 70's, you will love the way they poked fun of that time. It was like going down memory lane. One of my favorite scenes is with Alice Cooper. I love Alice Cooper and he has a great sense of humor. They also left it open for a second film. I hope they do another one soon! I highly recommend this movie. Like every child I was raised with The Wizard Of Oz in my VHS collection. I remember watching it over and over and over to the point where the tape would bounce due to auto tracking. After years of not seeing (or owning) it I decided to buy this dvd...and it was worth it! The clarity is unbelievable, the image is nice and sharp all cleaned up and restored. The sound also got a boost from the original mono track to stero, and the special features have me intrigued. I give it a full 5 stars, and a good reccomendation. Pick up a copy if you don't have one already! :) 1978's " The Deer Hunter " is pure character driven drama fueld by explosive and unforgettable scenes of turmoil , isolation , destruction , and hope. Michael Cimino's formula of providing the characters room for development ( or lack thereof ) ensures that each person in this unforgettable story comes full circle. Whereas , the film has tendancies to drag out scenes , the attention to detail actually makes the film's story stronger. The acting is superb. Played out by a steller cast featuring knockout performances by John Savage , Meryl Streep , Robert DeNiro , John Cazale , George Dezunda , and an electrifying personofied tour de force performance by Christopher Walken. The latter ( Walken )winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Too many detailed scenes to nail just one , although the film's most controversial and famous scene involved a violent/unpredictable game of russian roulette. * Whereas , a game of russian roulette might not have ever happened in a Vietnam prison camp , this scene totally nails the isolation , fears and savagery inflicted upon US p.o.w.'s.Micheal Cimino's direction is superb as he unflinchingly captures lightening in a bottle through realization by shooting small stolen moments ( that any other director would've edited out , during post production ) and leads us to a significant and powerful clixax. If every director has his masterpiece , this was certainly his. And it is still a film that no other film has come close to comparing to except for Oliver Stone's Vietnam portrait Platoon. But even that film can't compare fully. " The Deer Hunter " is on a level of it's own for it's concentration on the characters. It's unlikely that another film will ever be shot like this again. It's simply not Hollywood formula. And it has a feel like it was produced and written by people who were passionate enough to focus on the story and let it unweave into a series of mezmerizing images and goes to never ending depths of character development.The cinematography is excellent and captures the resolute beauty of the character's steel mill town , to the rustic mountains , to the contrasting brutality and harsh climates of Vietnam. The score is composed brillantly and will be forever connected to the film.In an era far gone but not forgotten , " The Deer Hunter " sets it's story in a sleepy Pennsylvania steel town and focuses on a core group of friends that have made their lives around this dreary yet true american blue collar existance. However , with three friends soon leaving for enlistment into the military to do their part in the Vietnam campaign , things gradually and drastically change. A true American tale and a truly amazing production.One shot stats :Winner of 5 Academy Awards in 1979.Best PictureBest DirecterBest Supporting ActorBest SoundNominated Oscars ( but no win )Best Lead ActorBest Supporting ActressBest CinematographyBest Screenplay*There are many more accolades , nominations , and various awards for this production. Too many to name here. Needless to say , " The Deer Hunter " isn't a film to be taken lightly or missed. I highly recommend the film , as it is in my personal top 3 films of all time. The growing trend up until this point was that Buffy the Vampire Slayer seemed to get better after each season. The first season was a great start to the show, the second season was amazing, and the third season somehow managed to become even better. Over the course of the rest of the show, there would be some fantastic seasons. But, season three has managed to remain the best season of the entire show.The relationship between Buffy and Angel is brought to a whole new level in this season, because of the events that took place in season two. Season three also introduced a beautiful and renegade slayer named Faith(Eliza Dushku) whose love for killing would eventually cause her to become an excellent villan, as well as the evil mayor of Sunnydale ( Harry Groener)that would definately practice the age old metaphor of "killing people with kindness". The suspense for season three is intense, because there is a countdown throughout the season that comes to a head on Graduation Day in which the mayor wishes to ascend to a higher level of being to destroy the world. There were so many great episodes in season three, that it is hard to choose a favorite. There were so many in fact, that 20 out of the 22 episodes were fantastic. The overall direction of season three was fantastic, and each episode seemed to build off the last one. Among season three's best episodes are - "The Wish" ( my all time favorite episode), "Dopplegangland","The Zeppo","Lover's Walk", "Band Candy", "Homecoming", "Lover's Walk", "Revelations", "Amends", "Earshot", "Prom", and "Graduation Day" PTS.1&2.Overall, this is a must for any fan of the show. This would be worth owning just for the season itself. However, the DVD set is fantastic as well. You get commentary on several episodes, as well as five featurettes, and more.A solid 5 stars... Star Wars Episode 1 would have to go down in film history as the biggest disappointment ever. What a piece of rubbish! The script is appalling, the acting non-existant (everyone just stands around saying their lines, without any feeling or emotion, looking like they desparately want to know what's happening on that green-screen behind them), and the computer generated FX so overwhelming that its like having spectacular fireworks let off in your face for 2 hours ... my brain went into fatigue-mode after about an hour.George's excuse for my above comments? I would imagine him saying something like this - "The script is bad because I hate writing scripts; the acting was bad because it was nearly all shot in front of a green-screen; and the CGI was so over the top because we had to take the audience's eyes away from the bad acting."And we can only hope that Jar Jar Binks is sliced into little pieces by a lightsabre during the opening of Episode 2 ("Attack of the Clowns .. er, Clones??? Please pass the bucket ...... ). As well as hoping that George isn't directing Ep 2. Lets face it, Georgie ... just sell the Star Wars license to someone who knows how to make a good movie, because you've forgotten how to.In closing - 'Star Wars' (I can't bring myself to call it "A New Hope") was fantastic; "Empire Strikes Back" will be looking on in 50 years time as a movie classic; "Return of the Jedi" was a let-down, but great anyway; "Phantom Menace" was complete (pretty) garbage! The script was good. The magic, the twists were all great. I like how they deceive the wealthy man in on of their shows. After a horrid third film and a suprising fourth, superman returns for a fifth film. Dont get me wrong i am a superman fan. but i read the comics and was very disappointed with the suprising release of Superman Returns in 2006. I was one of the first into the theater and one of the first out. The Film focuses on special effects and not story OR superman. The story is short but they maneged to twist it to last two hours. Brandon Rauth does an OK job but is not believable as The Man of Steel. I was very disappointed with its release after waiting such a long time for a new age film. this time they did it to new age and took away story for Effects. I did not think that this show would be able to continue to churn out good episodes. It proves I was wrong! This show just gets better and better!! Burlesque was AMAZING! I fell in love this the movie! Dancing, singing, storyline, acting, directing the whole set up was wonderful.Cher is BACK! yes she is! She is LOVELY and fit the role properly. Christina was amazing, she used her God given talent and exceled in so many ways.Story:Cute small town country girl seeking to live the life of a Sexy city girl. Moves to New York to start a new life. When her hopes were down she happen to waltz into a popular club called Burlesque.Everyone but the bartender doubted her, but she was destined to be in the spotlight.Great movie! I will have to add this to my movie collection and place it right beside Devil wears Prada and Sex In the City! I've been a Superman fan for 40 years. With so many movies being made about lesser heroes, I was excited for this. The trailers looked great. And then as the film rolled I sunk lower and lower in my seat until I just couldn't stand it anymore and left when the final battle got underway. Believe the negative reviews from many of the professional film critics. Nolan might have been involved as a producer, but he wasn't the principal script writer and he wasn't the director, and that makes all the difference. The script was terrible. The direction was terrible. The only reason I can come up with for the film's popularity among so many Superman fans is that they have been so hungry for a film that they would have liked almost anything. I give it 2 stars for at least trying to make Superman relevant again.The thing to remember is that even though Superman has Kryptonian abilities, his personality is 100% human. He was raised since infancy on a farm in Kansas. He might feel different, but at heart he is a small town American and this film completely missed that. In focusing on the 'alien among us' angle, they gutted Superman's personality that was so well portrayed by Christopher Reeve and Brandon Routh. The Clark Kent we have all come to know and love through the years was completely missing. There were so many elements of the plot that made no sense. There was CGI overkill. Superman Returns had some plot problems, and could have put Superman in a few more action scenes, but overall that movie was far more faithful to the origins of the Superman character.The fact that Avengers was so successful should prove that a superhero movie doesn't have to copy The Dark Knight to be a hit. A superhero movie can be light, it can be funny, it can be human, and still be a fantastic movie. I have nothing to say about the relationship of this movie to recent comic book adaptations or graphic novels. As a movie, it is no better than all the other CGI-fests out there with tons of explosions and destruction. Superman is supposed to be special. The acting is unbelievable, amazing, and very convincing. I see why the lead and supporting received Oscars. however, the subject matter was depressing and took me back to the 80's when hatred was brutal and dark. Great PPV. Probably the most anticipated PPV in history. Unfortunately, it was hyped up so much, the expectations were huge. It was disappointing, just because of the hype, but still an amazing event. The DVD is actually a 2 disk set.Watch the intro at the beginning. All WWE PPV's intros are good, but Wrestlemania has the best one.1. Big Show vs. John Cena (U.S. Title)Good way to start off the show. Cena really got the crowd going. Decent match between these two. (7.5/10)2. Rob Van Dam & Booker T vs. Dudley Boys vs. Mark Jindrak & Garrioson Cade vs. La Resistance (World Tag Titles/Fatal Fourway)It is the better of the two tag title matches, but it is not that good. It could have been, but it was a little too short. Half of these guys are now on Smackdown. It was nice of Vince to try to fit everyone into the show. (7/10)3. Chris Jericho vs. ChristianThese two built up a great fued. Great match. Second best of the night. There are some pretty sick spots in the match. Jericho puts the "Walls of Jericho" on Christian and eventually keeps the hold all the way out onto the arena floor. Trish Stratus makes an appearance. Shocking ending. (9/10)4. Evolution vs. Rock 'n' Sock Connection (Handicap Match)This match was put together to get The Rock and Flair into a match at this event. Otherwise, it would have been Foley/Orton. Good match. The Rock and Flair put on great performances. Surprising ending. It comes out of nowhere. (7.5/10)5. Torrie Wilson & Sable vs. Stacy Keibler & Miss Jackie (Evening Gown Match)Very disappointing. I thought there would be a lot more to this match. (4/10)6. Cruiserweight Open (Cruiserweight Title)Participants included Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Ultimo Dragon, Jamie Noble, Billy Kidman, Shannon Moore, Nunzio, Funaki, Akio, & Tajiri. There are a lot of sick spots in this match, especially the Shooting Star Press by Billy Kidman off the middle of the top rope to the arena floor. Unfortunatley, it is a short match and the wrestlers are not in the ring that long. (8.5/10)7. Goldberg vs. Lesnar (Stone Cold Steve Austin as Guest Referee)This match was so hyped up and ended up being awful. It was Lesnar and Goldber's last match in the WWE and one of Austin's last appearance. The crowd made the match by ripping on Lesnar calling him a "sellout" for leaving for the NFL. Horrible match. (3/10)8. Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Basham Brothers vs. APA vs. World's Greatest Tag Team (WWE Tag Title/Fatal Fourway)Not a very good match. Just an attempt to get all these guys on the show. (6/10)9. Victoria vs. Molly Holly (Women's Title/If Molly Loses, She Has To Shave Her Head)Not the best match, but good ending. I don't want to tell you what happens. (3/10)10. Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero (WWE Title)I thought this match was going to be one of the best in a while. It was a little disappointing, but it was only that reason because Angle was hurt and he never revealed it until after the show. It was still a good match. The crowd was really into it. The end is terrible. (9/10)11. Kane vs. UndertakerThis match marked the return of the Undertaker as the Deadman. Nobodby really cared about the match, they just wanted to see Taker. Amazing entrance. It is one of the most surreal moments you will ever see. The crowd goes crazy. Not the best match, but it is worth it for the entrance. (6/10)12. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H vs. Chris Benoit (World Heavyweight Title/Triple Threat)Great match. Best match of the year so far. They say it may be the best main event in WWE history. Fantastic, fast paced match with a lot of emotions. Great spots with HBK doing a Moonsault off the top turnbuckle to the arena floor. Another sick spot with the double suplex on Benoit through the announce table. Amazing ending, with a lot of near falls and high emotions. Great energy in the match. (9.5/10)As I said, this is a 3 disk set. Some of the best extras is the special hosted by Flair which featured highlights of the top ten matches in 'Mania history as voted by the wrestlers. Definately watch the movie of Wrestlemania 19, especially the Angle/Lesnar segment and The Rock/Austin segment. They are both very, very emotional, especially Austin/The Rock segment.Definatley buy this DVD, it is worth it for the extras alone.Overall Rating: 9/10 I wanted to start working out again, but as a working mom, I don't have much time. In 20 minutes, Jillian gets me going and sweating and back in shape. I've been doing it for a couple of weeks and have been very happy with the results. My friends and husband have noticed the difference in my body, too. Safe to say this film was very poor. Considering recent comic book adaptations have for the most part been excellent of late this was a major disapointment, I would consider Batman and Robin more entertaining.Acting wise the movie is poor, Eric Bana's accent is bad considering how poor his fellow Aussies do with accents thats saying alot. The emotions run from depressed to really depressed, to super depressed, their was no range of emotions, no smiles, just constant monotone sadness. Nolte seems drunk or on drugs in the film which probably isn't short of the truth. The bad guy actors seem to have little to no motivation in the film and have absolutely no reason to act in the manner which they do. Whats worse is you have no reason to care for the good guys, their is no sympathy engendered towards them.Length, its about an hour too long, this film would be fine in the span of 80 to 90 minutes, short and sweet but its just way too long.Special effects are poor considering what is currently out there, they seem fake.The split screen effects are just arty and makes the film seem even longer.All in all my friend recomended this film, I will reconsider any recomendation he gives in the future.View with Caution This is the most perverted, disorganized movie I ever saw. I bought it based on reviews that were better than Bridesmaids--Bridesmaids may have been perverted as well, but the acting and comedy were actually very funny. I could not sit through this trash though. It should not get any stars. I am burning this video--not worth selling it back for what Amazon wants to pay for it. Sound,video, avengers, Marvel Magic. What's not to love???? The door is wide open for future episodes and movies with more of the old Marvel Comic characters. The movie Chicago has it all. Music, Dancing, Sexiness and Style. I watched the movie in theatres hoping that it will exceed my expectations and it did...a lot. The movie has many sleek and cool musical numbers, that have just the right amount of 'punch' that it never gets boring. When the music came on right in the beginning (5,6,7,8) I knew that I was in for a good long ride.The performances given by Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee Zellwegger, Queen Latifah and Richard Gere are perfect! With Catherine standing out a little bit more, because of her musical background (she deserved the Oscar). Her opening act of 'All That Jazz' was flawless, and really got you in the movie. Her vocal tone is very strong and her dancing was right on the money! She's incredible. Renee Zellwegger's 'Roxie' performance and number is prestine, complete with mirrors and dancers behind her. She got those notes right up the there, with that moment being her's all the way. Queen Latifah gave her role of Miss. Mama Morton a bit hit, with her tough talking fast attitude performance that was a complete scene stealer. And finally, Richard Gere's tap-dancing interlude is a knockout with him doing all the tapping himself. I was left speechless.The Cinematography and Art Direction of this film is completely right out there. Though, maybe not as big as Moulin Rouge, (another musical that I love) It was completely accepted. The difference between Moulin Rouge and Chicago is that Moulin Rouge has a bigger scale that covered a lot of the Big Paris Landscape of 1899. While Chicago is more intimate and set in a bar like atmosphere that feels very musky and dark. I liked it :)Anyway, the movie is AMAZING! (as you all might have guessed) There are plenty of musical numbers that shows off Rob Marshall's Exceptional Choreography and Direction in this film. He took his dream of making Chicago a film, and he did it, giving him enormous amounts of awards and critical acclaim. Very surprising to know that this was his first film, and with that amount of success, we know we'll see a lot more of him in the near future. Great Work Rob!!The Musical Numbers in this film are all too much and all too good, but the one's that stood out was: All That Jazz, Cell Block Tango, Mr. Cellophane, Roxie, We Both Reached For The Gun, When Your Good To Mama and Nowadays(Finale). Those numbers were cool, then again all of them were! I love the script with many quick back to back dialogue that is fast and right up to the point.Chicago Is a film that Is another hit at the big musical genre that is now coming back. So check this movie out and you'll see what Chicago has up it's sleeve. The book was entertaining and full of facts and images hard to duplicate in a movie. Still, a fun movie but if you really want to get the whole experience, the book has so much more to offer. I'm going to make this review extremely short because I don't have much to say about this film other than the fact that it is one of the most incredibly brilliant films I have seen this year. It is an absolutely amazing thrill ride, with the most unique directing style I have ever seen. The film moves along at a lightening scene, quickly shifting scenes, so a great deal of attention must be paid...the performances were outstanding and extremely believable, Ellen Burstyn should have recieved that Oscar, she was unbelievable....this film is definitely recommended, but please be warned that it is extremely painful to watch and I had to turn my eyes away for a couple of scenes...this is powerful stuff unlike anything I have ever seen know a movie is great when it stays in your mind long after...this is one of the movies to do very disturbing and emotionally powerful...this is not a fun movie, but an important one... "Star Trek Into Darkness" is excellent! This is how the story goes: When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.The cast led by Chris Pine (as Captain James T. Kirk), Zachary Quinto (as Commander Spock), Zoe Saldana (as Lieutenant Uhura), Karl Urban (as Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy), Simon Pegg (as Commander Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott), John Cho (as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu), Benedict Cumberbatch (as John Harrison), Anton Yelchin (as Ensign Pavel Chekov), Bruce Greenwood (as Admiral Christopher Pike), Peter Weller (as Admiral Marcus) & Alice Eve (Dr. Carol Marcus) is excellent. The directing by J.J. Abrams (who also produced) is excellent. The story & screenplay (based on the TV series created by Gene Roddenberry) by Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman & Damon Lindelof (all three also produced the film, as well) is excellent.The music by Michael Giacchino is excellent. The cinematography by Dan Mindel is excellent. The film editing by Maryann Brandon & Mary Jo Markey is excellent. The casting by April Webster & Alyssa Weisberg is excellent. The production design by Scott Chambliss is excellent. The art direction by Alan Au, Ramsey Avery, Steve Christensen, James Clyne, Kasra Farahani, Natasha Gerasimova, Michael E. Goldman, Andrew Murdock, Harry E. Otto, Lauren E. Polizzi & Jason Baldwin Stewart is excellent. The set decoration by Karen Manthey, set dressings by Rich Andrade, Maxwell Britton, Jack Cornelius, David Ladish, Steven Ladish, Chris Larsen, Michael C. Magno, Merdyce McClaran & Edward J. Protiva, set designs by Lorrie Campbell, Tim Croshaw, Kevin Cross, Robert Fechtman, Tex Kadonaga, Tammy S. Lee, Jeff Markwith, Karl J. Martin, Sam Page, Anne Porter, Andrew Reeder, Scott Schneider, Easton Michael Smith, Randall D. Wilkins & Jane Wuu is excellent. The costume design by Michael Kaplan is excellent. The special make-up effects design by David LeRoy Anderson is excellent. The creature designs by Neville Page are excellent. The special effects coordinated by J.D. Schwalm, supervised by Burt Dalton is excellent. The visual effects coordinated by Maren Dolzmann, Thomas Furukawa, Ali Ingham, Perry Kain, Zhunan Li, Mona Mohr, Trina Renee, Cara Samuels, Marlies Schacherl, Adrian Steel, Yinai Sun, Bill Wang, Shanshan Xie, Sarah Yunrong Yu & Momo Zhan, supervised by Kevin Baillie, David Burton, Simon Carr, Urs Franzen, Ben Grossmann, Jorn Grobhans, Alex Henning, Thomas Lautenbach, Sven Martin, Saku Partamies, Jason Richardson, Patric Roos, Benjamin Seide & Michael Wortmann is excellent. The stunts coordinated by John Stoneham Jr., fights coordinated by Marcus Young is excellent.This is an excellent, well-made and well-crafted (thematically and visually) movie and sequel that is just as entertaining and interesting as its original, possibly better than it. This is also another impressive entry in the Star Trek franchise. Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto, among others, are back, reprising the roles from the original, just as well, possibly, better than the first time. Benedict Cumberbatch's John Harrison is an excellent and well-done villain, right alongside the Star Trek villains of the past. J.J. Abrams has crafted another entertainingly done film that is among one of his best movies of his career, beside the last "Star Trek" & "Super 8", also another well-crafted sequel on Abrams' resume, alongside, "Star Trek" & "Mission Impossible III & Ghost Protocol". This is one of the best movies of the year, so far, and it is also one of the best movies of the summer season, so far, as well, possibly, the best summer movie yet. A lot of King fans will want to bash my head in after saying that, but this director took what I found to be a long, drawn out story, and sculpted it into 96 minutes of a highly entertaining film.Of course, as was stated in other reviews here, Johnny Depp really pulls this one off as in most of his films. They really took you into Mort Rainey's cracked world within the peaceful lake house. They had a different ending here than was in King's story and it worked fabulous. This ending should have been King's ending and I usually never say that about a printed piece of work from an author; but here I think we have a better ending in the movie, rather than on paper.Final perks of the DVD: Watch the bonus features but not before watching the movie first!!!! It will ruin the ending for you. But, the bonus material is first rate. You get a book to film feature, an inside story type feature, and a last one adding up to about an hour of interesting interviews on how the film was made. Usually only on special editions and bonus discs these days. Here you get your money's worth.One last note: be sure to check out the deleted scenes for the longer ending!!5 STARS *****. If I want to watch Star Trek on my tv I don't have to subscribe to a costly cable service or watch first run mediocre psuedo-Trek for free on UPN. No sir, I have the complete first season of the ONLY GOOD STAR TREK SERIES, Star Trek!Kirk, Spock, McCoy their names are legend as is their ship, the Enterprise.Shatner, Nimoy and Kelley a better threesome has never been cast on ANY Trek series.The stories so fun and exciting and fresh compared to the turgid retreads of modern "Trek".I am so juiced that I have this set to watch that I may never find my way out of my parents basement and by God am I happy!Berman can go throw himself out a window the real Star Trek is here, he and his imposters can go burn. This Star Trek is quality stuff and quality is a rare commodity in modern Trek. This film has undeniable merit which others have described better than I, but I can't resist warning you.... this is extremey rough stuff. I'm hardly a prude, I celebrate both nudity and sexuality in all cinematic shapes and sizes and varieties.... and I don't condemn violence in film if it makes a point or moves along a story or a character's development... and I sincerely applaud directors who aren't afraid to go to the edge.And I'm an absolute believer in artistic freedom.But for the first time in my entire life I watched a scene in a film and had the immediate reaction that it should have been censored. Not by a government or by legislation, but at least by common sense. By common decency. What's been referred to as the "tunnel sequence" is, by a mile, the single most violent scene I've ever witnessed on a screen. In a twisted way it's a credit to the actors and director that the scene is so disturbing because it achieves complete reality, complete believability. But to what end?We all have our darker tastes and I'll admit to having rented a few exploitation flicks over the years like "Hostel II," all the way back to "Last House on the Left"... but in all these films you're able to say "It's only a movie."The tunnel sequence couldn't be more real if it actually was. And frankly I'm not sure that is wasn't. Don't watch this film unless you're ready to have some deeply, deeply horrifying images (and sounds) branded into your consciousness. This is a film I truly regret having seen. I went to see Love Actually three times in the theaters. It was heart-warming and wonderful, sad and depressing, silly and did I say wonderful. It never failed to perk up my depressed heart and reduce me to tears at the same time. The episodic flair of the plot weaves many famous English actors in varying degrees of love. Love that is failing, love enduring, and of course love just starting. I did think that the young guy looking for (...) felt out of sync with the rest of the movie. The love between two friends was a nice twist for the ending. My favorite part was Emma Thomson's realization scene. I cried almost every time I saw it. Emma Thompson is heartbreaking in her crying scene that threatens to steal the movie in a movie of many great scene stealers. In other words, her scene is awesome.It is hard for anyone to stand out in this ensemble cast because everyone stands out.On the whole this movie is made of 12 20 minute dramedies that intersect. All are funny, many have great moments, and it is definately worth buying. This show is addictive. Can't watch just one. One of the best shows ever.You will want to watch all the seasons. Maybe not exceptional, but I found the movie to be fairly true to the book. Enjoyed it. I have read most of the other reviews on this page. They run the gamut from begrudging tolerance to a downright obnoxiously snotty kid's review. So why all the poison? People usually act this way when they're discussing politics or religion. What the heck's going on here?Something amazing. Most people come away from this work deeply impressed, moved and transformed for LIFE. They feel it is THEIR musical. It is a totally personal, life-changing revelation. It MUST always be the way they experienced it the first time. Hence all the negative rhetoric about the film not being enough of this or that, as opposed to the original cast stage version.Not all musicals achieve such status. Chances are "Phantom" will touch you as deeply as it did me.Perhaps you will feel as I did when you see this DVD...that the music and singing are glorious, you will feel that the songs were always a part of you, that the camera seems to lovingly caress every sumptuous set and costume, that the story is poignant and moving beyond tears.The film is stunning on its OWN terms. I for one love it (yes, in spite of having seen the stage production and loving it too.) Let the crabby-appletons out there grouse their heads off. The film is wonderful. Well, this really will be a needle in a haystack of reviews. On the whole, the film isn't bad -- it's well produced, with an eye for period detail and excellent casting. The actors are all fine, with Bryan Cranston and the six diplomatic escapees-in-hiding turning in particularly excellent performances. Kyle Chandler bears a remarkable resemblance to Hamilton Jordan. The sense of constant but not always nail-biting tension is maintained expertly, even though you know they're all going to get out. There are a couple of flaws, in my estimation: First, as an historical film the movie ignores or distorts real events and people. Second, the hairbreadth escape at the very end is, I'm sure, manufactured just for the sake of the film and strikes me as quite artificial and overly melodramatic. To be honest, I don't think this deserved the Oscar for Best Picture. Still, it's a good picture and worth seeing. This is a film that both my daughter and I were interested in seeing, given the acclaim that Bill Murray's performance had drawn. Moreover, the film itself had drawn critical acclaim. So, when my daughter was home from college one weekend, we decided to hunker down and watch it together. When we both fell asleep while watching it, we decided that we were just tired. So, we decided to give it another go around the next evening. Well, unlike love, it was not much better the second time around, though we managed to avoid falling asleep, yet again.Quite frankly, if Sophia Coppola, the writer and director of this film, were not the daughter of legendary director Francis Ford Coppola, I am convinced that this film would have quickly vanished without a trace. In fact, I doubt that it would even have been made. When her acting career fizzled, after making her less than memorable acting debut in her father's film "Godfather III", Sophia Coppola apparently turned her hand to directing and was let loose upon an unsuspecting public.While this film has good production values, it simply meanders along in a loosey-goosey sort of way. If focuses upon two individuals, Americans who find themselves in Tokyo, alienated from their surroundings and, seemingly, from life in general. One of these individuals is Bob Harris, a film actor on a career downslide, who now finds himself shilling whiskey in Japan for mega bucks, while his movie career is at an impasse. The other is a beautiful twenty-five year old woman, a Yale Graduate with a degree in philosophy, who is in Japan with her husband, a photographer who is working on a shooting assignment.Bob Harris, played with wry bemusement by Bill Murray, is a man who is alienated from his family and, quite frankly, just plain lonely. His is a stark universe, as he seems to have a myopic view on life, seeing little beyond his luxury hotel's bar, where he like to go and drink. Charlotte, played with surprising maturity and flair by eighteen year old Scarlett Johansson, feels bereft and set adrift, as she struggles to keep herself occupied while her husband is ostensibly working. It is these two souls whose worlds collide, coloring their perspectives on life when an unlikely bond forms between them.The film, which takes place in Tokyo, Japan, appears to mock the Japanese. Its stereotypic portrayal of the Japanese people, generally as buffoons, is reprehensible and a cheap joke. Sophia Coppola apparently thinks that the way Japanese people speak English is funny, as it is a running, unfunny joke through out the film. Since the film takes place in Japan, perhaps it might have been funnier to see Bob (or Charlotte) attempt to speak Japanese, rather than turn Bob into the quintessential ugly American.The film meanders along lacking a definitive narrative and any real profundity of thought. While there is definition about the characters' exterior selves, the film never delves into their inner selves in defining their present state of affairs. There are no big or traditional cinematic moments. Unfortunately, there are no small ones either, as there is really no introspection by either of the two protagonists. This is a film that viewers will either love or hate. I fall into the latter category. "Lost in Translation" is simply lost on me. Grab a box of tissues, a snack, and sit back to watch a movie that'll change your life in my opinion, so much that you'll never be the same. Courageous is the story of four policemen who are also after a time, four brothers in the Lord. The Police scenes are all very realistic (and I am one who once spent a lot of time around a police station working where I did.) and some scenes will have you hanging on to your seat! There are happy moments, very sad moments (thus the tissues!), lots of drama both as Policemen in uniform and at home with their families. Along the way, a 'handy man' named Harvee' becomes "adopted by their group" as character Adam Mitchell played by Alex Kendrick, one of the movie's writers, put it, after being hired to help Adam (Kendrick) build a garage as he is praying for work and Adam is actually waiting for a handyman referred to him by his fellow officer/best friend Shane - named Harvey! A VERY funny scene where Harvey is working on the garage when the guys are out for lunch and Shane reveals that his friend Harvey is in the hospital! Same name - different Harvey, another funny scene that goes into the saddest scene of the film. (which I won't give away) After the mix up though, they become good friends and Harvey begins a full time job that Adam referred him for and the test given him is one given to many in real life, yet as the actors say, few can seem to pass it. You find yourself cheering Harvey's character on throughout the movie for his job searching, deep faith, and his portrayl of one the "Street Kings." (prepare for a laugh until you cry moment!) Personally,that's one of my favorite scenes! Many poignant family moments combined with police on the job action and a main storyline woven in as smoothly as silk with a message so powerful about fathers and family that your own life may be changed in that area. Many scenes in this movie softens hearts and for me anyway, gave me the desire to be the best woman/Christian/wife/mother I can possibly be. I've seen amazing changes in my husband, and that's seldom seen just from seeing a movie but - the message of being the BEST father and husband that leads his home by the Word of God Courageous is SO very powerful and makes you feel every emotion you possibly feel. Whether Christian or not, I HIGHLY recommend Courageous. My husband and I watch our copy at least twice a week, it's THAT good. Best news is, it has so many powerful scenes that while watching with several non-Christians, two gave their lives to Christ after seeing it with us! Whether a couple in their 50s with children and grandchildren like us, or a Church group - young or old, I just cannot recommend Couragous more! I PRAY that the Kendrick brothers actually read these reviews, as we would LOVE to see MANY MORE movies written/made by them. Lots of talent, both in storylines and in acting. Actors & actresses chosen completely fit the parts and this also is the same with their other films: their first, Flywheel, also Facing the Giants (watching as I type this!) and Fireproof. ALL wonderful in their own ways. We HAD to own them all! You'll NOT be sorry viewing and purchasing this gem, whether Christian or non. Thank you, Kendrick brothers, for wonderful family entertainment - Christian or non -Courageouswith a message that touches hearts and leaves us craving much more! A MUST SEE! For us, 5 stars isn't enough, it's THAT good! Many fathers, especially Christian fathers, will have a difficult time remaining seated in the final scene, when Adam is speaking at church about dads and their being Godly and Courageous dads, husbands, and men during the call for such dads who are among those the most courageous for God and family.By the way -- ALL the actors are members of a Sherwood Church in Albany,Georgia. I think that's AMAZING! (I pray that the town is correct - I forget the denomination of the church, but all the actors are members of that church, also all their movies are made with ONE camera - this is info from one of the extras parts of the DVD - and to me that's far MORE than just another amazing blessing!) This was my first bluray of a Disney classic and I'm totally sold on animated films in the format. Picture and sound were crystal clear and the disc had more special features than Disney DVDs I've bought in the past. I would have liked a digital copy but that's not really a selling point for me. If I really want or need one I would just buy that instead if a bluray. Very highly recommended. By far one of the best Cold War psychological dramas ever made. The fact that this was made before the era of CG graphics,shaky cam effects and ear-splitting soundtracks for effect only show how unnecessary they are when you have an excellent script,backed by an outstanding cast and great director who lets the story tell itself. The choice for Black & White enhances the suspense. Frank Sinatra gives a moving and powerful performance as he frantically tries to beat the clock in what is to be,unknown until the very end,the assassination of the presidential candidate, and the insertion of a puppet senator controlled(unknowingly) by Communists in his place.The idea of McCarthy era Communist hunts and brainwashing tactics,common to the era,gets the viewer involved right up to its conclusion. This is but a few of my favorite movies which I can enjoy time & time again as freshly as the first time. See it once and I think you'll agree! OK, so visually this movie has some amazing scenes, but overall Gravity is terribly boring. The characters are not well established from beginning to end -- so you honestly don't care whether they live or die. Also, I think they put George Clooney in this movie because you're so familiar with his character and he's instantly likeable (because the other characters are so underdeveloped). Unfortunately he's in the movie about 20 mins -- and that's it. The story is very thin and repetitive. Sandra Bullock does an OK job in this movie, but there's not much to the "acting". I wouldn't go out of my way to rent this movie or recommend it others. Love the movie and the delivery was so quick, I let my son watch it the day it arrived. Liam Neeson is great and the story itself is very poignant. Thank you The acting is good. The sets are good. The direction is tight. The action is violent. The plot is fairly straight forward. However, after the movie is done, it makes you think. The father talks to the son about a fight the son got into at school. The father does not know the son has been bullied all year at school so the father doesn't understand. The father's own violent actions was the "occasion" for the fight. The boy, who appears to go out of his way to stay out of fights, after the diner incident, knocks two bigger classmates' heads off. Obviously, the movie has a lot to say about what we passed down to the next generation. How can a father discipline his son for fighting when his own past is so violent. Is the propensity for violence inherited?The movie also has a lot to say about identity. Is Viggo's character Tom or Joey? Who does the wife love Tom or Joey? Does she really know Joey? Joey spent more time as being Tom in his life than Joey. He just wants to return to this life of non-violence. Is identity by choice or heredity?Mortenson handles the action sequences and playing the decent man very well. Hurt has a great part later in this movie and he delivers. Ed Harris is as competent as always. The movie is very violent and has some sexual content so be warned. I enjoyed the movie and I recommend it. The Dark Knight is the sequel to director Christopher Nolan's outstanding and uplifting Batman Begins. The depiction of the story in a gritty urban millieu gives it much greater gravitas than the standard superhero film. At times, it feels like one is watching a legal procedural drama like Law and Order. The Dark Knight acts chiefly as a showcase for the Joker character, played by the late Heath Ledger. Ledger's performance is solid, but the other characters are ill-served by a script that places them firmly in supporting roles. After awhile, the omnipotence (and omnipresence) of the Joker in this long film becomes truly annoying. He seems to be everywhere, planting hundreds of fifty-gallon drums of gasoline and fuses faster than Batman and the police can react. The film also suffers the "two-villain syndrome" of most Batman features; attorney Harvey Dent is an integral part of the plot, but his Two-Face alter-ego is a late afterthought. Two-Face's skeletal half-face is certain to traumatize impressionable children long afterwards. After the Joker has killed, corrupted, or defamed everyone in the film, one walks out of the theater numbly depressed; "Why did I pay to go through this?" Good question. Literally just stumbled on this in our hungered state. The title of Canadian Comfort Food drew us in. Waiter was fantastic and sold the dishes very well. I ended up trying 2 local beers, Mill St ale (red), and another IPA. My conclusion is that Canadian beers are nothing to write home about. The food however was outstanding! We started off sharing the Pickerel Taco + cucumber apple salad. Great starter. It had some delicious white fish in a chinese style steamed bun. Great starter. Next we shared the Roast Duck Poutine pizza. If you like well flavored duck, french fries, cheese, and gravy, this is your dish. We were kinda skeptical on smashing all these wonderful flavors together, but the waiter sold it well and it was amazing. Pretty large portion so definitely share. We ended with the Canoe Fireweed Butter Tart. Sweet (but not too sweet) honey tart with blackberry and cream sauce. Very good and different than your standard sweet fare. Overall a good experience and fantastic wait staff. Patria does up a really lovely Spanish tapas experience.First up, the place is beautiful. High ceilings, big windows and open space are made cozy with quirky sort of vaguely religious (maybe?) art, good lighting and big candles. The tables are as little or big as your group might want, so this is a good pick for both big parties and a date with someone you're up for hanging with for at least 45 minutes while your paella cooks. Service is good- the staff are attentive and understand the menu well; our server made great recommendations for both what to order and around how much to order, which is helpful for lazy people (me) in tapas places with long menus. The food n' drink is top notch. We had the dates wrapped in bacon (very good would eat again), something involving a large circle of goat cheese and honey (delicious) and a seafood house paella, which takes awhile but is big enough for two and worth the wait. At this point I was too full for dessert and had had one too many manhattans to stomach anything else sweet, but the options looked promising. Recommend! What can I say about Byblos? Possibly my favorite dining experience ever, even better than Splendido and Gramercy Tavern in NYC (my next hostess was very pleasant and helpful, our server was efficient and very personable, and the manager James was a great host, checking in often to see how we were doing. Top notch service in every way!The We started with a very nice salad and a fantastic artichoke and yogurt dish (I don't even like artichoke) that we devoured. Next, succulent lamb ribs with a coriander based (I think) crust on them that is similar to the excellent bread that they serve. Delicious!Wagyu beef on a cauliflower hummus that just bursts with flavor in every bite. Cooked perfectly and seasoned according to the rich fat of the wagyu to combine for the perfect bite of steak, IMO. A creamy lobster dish, some exceptional short ribs and some phenomenal Israeli couscous (and Brussels sprouts with haloumi cheese and bacon!!!) and we were pretty much stuffed, but James the host also provided us with three small desserts that were also fantastic. We also had one of their chilled alcoholic teas, and wow, does that ever finish a meal off perfectly. Can't say enough about our experience at Byblos. My wife and I are now presented with the challenge deciding how long we should wait before going back. We love trying new restos and don't like to overdo one spot, but I don't think we can wait much longer! Why did no one decide to bring me here until now? This place is a hidden gem and I quickly learned from the friendly lady at the cashier that Kaiju is one of the top restaurants in the GTA. Trust me, she wasn't lying. We ordered the classic chicken katsu curry with rice. What I like about the katsu is that it is fried perfectly crisp but doesn't feel oily. As well, the coleslaw is a nice touch to balance the flavour-filled dish. The cherry on top to the great food was that the service was amazing despite this being a food court. The lady at the cashier (assuming the owner) was super cute bringing the food over and checking up on us after the meal. As a side note, on Saturdays, they also offer tofu cheesecake which I will be back for next time! This is a really good restaurant with an awesome staff! The place is awesome and the food is just delicious! Is not way expensive but the food comes in a small portions. Even with that everything is perfect! I hate to give such a highly-regarded place three stars, but here goes nothing.In the thralls of finding a restaurant to celebrate my mom's birthday, it was with serendipitous timing that enRoute magazine unleashed its Best New Restaurants in Canada upon the web. Top of the list? Edulis, a local restaurant, thus relieving me of any need to continue my search. (They also made MacLean's Top 50 Best Restaurants in Canada.) A couple emails later, and our table was booked. (They say an online reservation system is coming soon.) Cozy and charming, this intimate restaurant is tucked away on a rather nondescript stretch of Niagara St. just south of King. The juxtaposition of the best restaurant in Canada facing onto a large co-op housing complex is worthy of note, and could serve as an archetype for boosters of mixed-income urban planning near and afar. Anyway, I digress.Debating between the smaller ($50) or larger ($70) tasting menus, our waitress indicated that the former would be sufficient to fill our bellies. We opted for the latter, and were prepared to have to undo a few buttons. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. Look, I get that higher-end restaurants skew towards smaller portions; I have no problem with that, and come to expect it. But if I'm ordering a seven-course tasting menu, I expect to be reasonably satiated by the end of the journey. Am I completely off base here? Alas, if it weren't for the constant re-filling of our bread basket (great home-made bread, btw), we all would have left hungry - and it's not like we have huge appetites to begin with. The blame I think is two-fold: First, many of the dishes were protein-heavy, with very little in the way of carbs. This is regrettable, as the one significant starch I do recall (a side of potatoes in a Djion vinaigrette) was phenomenal. Second, there was way too much downtime between some of the courses. Easily 20-25 minutes passed between some of the courses. Had the intervals been a bit shorter, I think we would have been okay.Not to say that service wasn't exemplary. As soon as we entered service was fantastic. Water was constantly topped off, fresh cutlery was brought out every meal, and the table was kept spotless. Presumably the bottleneck was in the kitchen. That being said, the actual food when it came was superb. Of the seven dishes, four consisted of seafood (herring, mussles, tuna, some white fish), two of meat (veal and sweetbreads, duck two ways), and dessert (ice cream and cookie, shared baba au rhum cake). I'd try to describe them in more detail, but would be doing them an injustice. The food was outstanding - I just wish there were more of it.Next time I think a better strategy would be to order a few dishes à la carte, and share those. I saw some tables adopting this strategy and the serving sizes seemed substantial. It would also eliminate some of the waiting between courses.8/30 I'm not going to pretend to be a coffee connoisseur, but I am a caffeine-addict as well as a coffee shop lover. Cute cafés are my jam! Jimmy's Coffee was a very average experience, however.Jimmy's uses the unsweetened almond milk from Silk, which is horrible because the unsweetened version tastes incredibly salty, and this definitely transferred to the taste of my almond milk latte. They use a rather acidic strain of coffee beans (re: sour), and the double shot macchiato was hard to swallow. Also, no latte art. Whaaaaat? The barista used some hand motions that made it LOOK like she was doing latte art, but in reality it looked like a white, unidentifiable blob in the middle of my tiny cup of coffee.There are three floors, yet there is zero place to sit down. The third floor has a conference-room style table, the second floor with a hodgepodge assortment of furniture, and the first floor has a severe lack of chairs. Good luck trying to enjoy your coffee inside!Jimmy's Coffee is an alright café, and I may drop by to try their other items. However I won't make a special trip for Jimmy's because there are better shops in my neighborhood, thanks. 3.5 starsPrice: More than an average dt ramen place at $14 a bowl. I got the Shoyu Ramen. Noodle: Al dente, bouncy.Broth: Amazing. I usually don't drink the broth but the Hokkaido's is so flavourful. Asked for less salt which was perfect. When you walk into the restaurant, the first thing that hits your nose is the smell of pork bones simmering away. You can also ask for less lard but why. Toppings: I love bamboo, glad it's included. I also had seaweed, slice of fish cake and green onion. Extra toppings are pricey (corn is $2.50, egg $1.80) which I didn't opt for. Chashu: Seems like I got the chashu two small chunks of meat cut along the grain and a slab of pure fat. While it was tender, it was upon leaving the restaurant and seeing the display of noodles that my friends told me that they both got 2 regular slices of chashu. What the. Service: Friendly. Fairly quick turnover of tables. Bathroom: The sketchiest bathroom I have ever been in. My friend said it was like being in a horror movie and I had to agree. Dim eerie staircase leading to a dark dirty bathroom with a low ceiling. Given how popular and clean the restaurant is, they definitely could have forked over a little bit of money to improve the washrooms! Cheap, filling and fresh tacos in a variety of flavours! I keep getting baja fish tacos $5 from here and they're so good! There are 3 different salsas that you can put on your tacos - all delicious! I keep wanting to try their other tacos but I always make it an hour before they close so they are usually out of more popular items by then. Tip: come earlier for more choices!There are usually several people in line here since the staff make the tacos on the spot, so pack some patience with you as wait. Usually about 10 mins wait until you actually get your food, which isn't too bad! Also only a handful of seats but that's not a big deal since you could always eat it at the nearby park. Not your run of the mill Thai restaurant. Interesting decor with upbeat music playing in the background. Not a fan of dimly lit restaurants. I know it's supposed to set the mood but it only makes me sleepy lol. I sat at one of the tables with bar stools and it wasn't very comfortable. There are hooks on the side of the table to hook your bags and jackets to but I think it would have been better to have hooks on the walls for jackets. Weren't a lot of hooks and if you were wearing a long coat, it'll drag on the ground. My friends got the Khao pla tawt (fish) and Khao soi, and I got the ox tail. No complaints about the fish and the only thing my friend had to say about the khao soi was that it was a little too creamy for her but if that's your thing then give it a try. I enjoyed my ox tail dish very much! The sauce was amazing and there was more meat than I expected. Meat was fall off the bone so very very tender. Haven't tried anything else there but definitely planning to!It's a nice touch that they added the Wi-Fi password and network on the menu but unfortunately, it didn't work when I was there (Dec 15). Playa Cabana is a great spot for dinner and drinks. Here are a few highlights from my experience...1. Like others who have mentioned this, I did feel rushed to order, then to order more, then to leave. This was slightly annoying, but we were having a good time anyway, and didn't really think much of it until after we left.2. The tacos are a bit small, but they are fresh and delicious. I would order the chicken tacos again. (Be warned! Some of the table sauces are quite spicy!)3. If you like guacamole, you will love their chips and guacamole. The chips, which can be a tinge greasy, are tasty and made in house.4. The service, aside from being a bit rushed, was good. The recommendations for food and drinks were perfect.5. The vibe is loud and fun. I noticed that there was quite a diverse crowd here, which is nice as well.6. They have indoor and outdoor seating. To be mere steps from the corner of Davenport and Dupont, the outdoor patio seems quite removed from city traffic and noise.This is a great spot. There probably aren't many places in Toronto that can match Playa Cabana for Mexican food. It's a nice atmosphere and service is not bad. I enjoyed the first time I was there so I decided to buy the Living Social deal for a brunch back in October 2014. I was excited to use it but due to work and travel the coupon reached the expiration date. They refused to take the coupon after expiry even though newer/exact same deal was on via LivingSocial. I left a voicemail with the manager who never contacted me. I may have lost the $35, but sadly, I don't feel like supporting a business that doesn't appreciate repeated customers. My advise to those buying these deals: make sure you can stick to the reservation before the coupon expiration date. Cibo will not budge. You can however use the face value anytime. But then again will I really be excited to use the expired coupon just so I can get my money back? I will be happier at so many other deserving restaurants that offer great food and service. Found this place after googling best date restaurants in Toronto - truth.It was indeed a neat date location for a Friday night. Good vibe, neon décor, online reservations, delicious tapa style dishes and a menu of tequila tastings.What we ate (after the complimentary bucket of corn chips): Food:1. Guacamole dip - $11 for a regular (6/10) - hard to do guac wrong but nothing to write home about, get it if you want an excuse to eat more corn chips2. Sopes de tinga $15 (5/10)- this appetizer was unique but the fried, breaded cheese tart overpowered the taste of the chicken3. Tuna Ceviche $11 (7/10) - fresh ahi tuna in a fantastic fusion of mango and cilantro, wanted another one because the portion size was not meant to be shared4. Pulpo carnita $16 (8/10) - well cooked confit of octopus, not too chewy or dry, exactly what you expect from a well cooked octopus5. Carrillera en mole negro $15 (6/10)- extremely tender, 24 hour braised beef cheek - however the tar looking sauce definitely requires an appreciative pallet Drinks: 1. Mojito Reposada $10 glass -perfect concoction of Milagro Resposado, muddled mint, and fresh lime - not usually a mojito drinker as I find they're often too sweet or the tequila is overpowering, but this was simply delicious2. Tequilla tasting: Vertical Flight 1.3 oz - $19 - Avion Silver / Avion Reposado / Avion Anejo - fun addition to the meal, however I'm by no means refined in the art of tequila tasting - all I can say is that they were smooth and worth the order3. Tequilla tasting #2 - Barrel Aged Horizontal Flight - $22 - Tromba Anejo / Avion Anejo / Cazadores Anejo- ditto to my comment above - although I enjoyed this tasting a bit more as I found the tequila to be bolder and the neutralizing sides added some spiceRating Summary: Food: Average of 7/10 for the main courses as noted aboveAtmosphere: 9/10. Fun, posh Mexican vibe - definitely feeling the vibrant décor and music Service: 9/10. The Spanish speaking servers add to the atmosphere. Our server had his corn chip service in check; our chip bucket was never empty. Service was difficult at times to wave down and we would've liked the staff to be more educated in the tequila being served. Pulling out my phone to take photos would have been a date faux pas, hence no photos to share in this post. Will definitely come back during patio season! My second experience at Pai was great on a few fronts. This place is quite popular on weekdays and weekends so for big groups, a reservation is a must. By the time our group of 10 left, there was a line up the stairs and just at the door.The service staff were friendly and swift with taking our orders and the kitchen staff was just as quick to bring the food to our table all at the same time. :-)I like the street market atmosphere that they are trying to bring to the space in the restaurant.My favourite points of the meal were:1. the deep-fried squash fritters (the grabong) were crunchy and lightly fried and also tasted sweet like a sweet potato. It was great even without the garlic tamarind dip which provides some more savoury flavours.2. this was the first time I had khao soi and I think I will want to come back to have more in the future. The noodles had the right bite to hold up against the spicy and creaminess of golden curry. Bonus: ask for a container to bring the soup home if you want to enjoy it with some rice for lunch the next day!3. the thai milk ice tea is preferred over the lemongrass ice tea since the lemongrass is so subtle that I could barely detect it next to the stronger flavour of the thai milk ice tea.Only small issue is the lack of coat hooks for the larger tables that use stools instead of chairs. There is no convenient hook or coat stand nearby for guests at those tables.Till next time. Beautifully designed restaurant with equally well crafted sushi. It feels clean, minimal, and modern. The staff is very friendly and attentive.I recommend ordering the seared sushi if you want to try something different from your normal sushi. The sampler is also quite extensive and a good deal for $30. All the fish is incredibly fresh and tasty. This place is garbage. I get it, you're a big place but that's no excuse for poor service and food. Feels like a tourist trap. Guacamole is decent, drinks are ok,the rest is a mess. If you are in the distillery, do yourself a favour and spend your money elsewhere. Drew was wearing an underarmor sweatshirt and they still let us in even though a sign out front said proper attire was required so good on them for that. It's incredibly obvious that this is a place where people go to find a sugar daddy. I don't know how else to put it but when you have two 20 something's grinding up on a 40 year old in an Armani suit, you know there's a plan. Aside from that we were surprised by how cheap the drinks were and the Moscow Mules, although a bit sweet, were very down-able. If you like a club that has a good vibe and alternates between Drake and Bieber every other song then this is your place. Always impressive service, whether it's brunch or dinner. Great drinks, wonderful gluten free and dairy free options - I would take a picky eater there anyday! The atmosphere is super laid back and young feeling. The only complaint I'd have is that it's too loud, but that's because it's so popular. I always go with my boyfriend and we're never let down. Prices are quite reasonable too. The waitress actually noticed that I didn't eat chili peppers on the tacos so she made sure that the rest of my taco orders didn't have peppers on them either - without me saying a thing. Such positive experiences here! Good service. Tables a little narrow and awkward. The slaw was superb. They recite all 26 ingredients in it. The main course was not to die for. A little bland. Great ambiance and sitting outside we got to do my favourite activity, people watching. We came for Winterlicious dinner, so we were expecting it to be busy. Still, the restaurant did a great job in keeping everything well organized. The servers were very attentive and took time to describe what we were about to eat when they brought the food. Food was top notch! I got the Fogo Island Salt cod for appetizer, beef tenderloin / chuck flat for main, and sea buck thorn yoghurt for dessert. Some places don't really give good value for Winterlicious, but Canoe was definitely worth it! I would come back on any regular day / night. Overall, great food and even better service. The food was delicious. We definitely had some things that were out of the box thinking but must say it wasn't necessarily the best French food we have ever had. Our server, Brooke, was very helpful and always stopped by to see how we were doing. We also never felt rushed and were able to finish our wine before we even had to think about ordering dessert. Atmosphere is great... Not too loud and the decor is stunning. Will definitely return! I have been here twice now. The first time being the end of May. The weather was beautiful for a late Friday night. The patio was busy (as usual) but the ambience and service was good. We were here for a work friend's birthday group of 8 or 9. We ordered drinks and food and it was all delivered with speed and accuracy, considering it was a busy Friday night. The food was great. I ordered a burger and fries. My sister ordered a chicken flatbread.My second experience, left me a bit unsatiated, as we left without eating. We were there for the RedPath Waterfront Festival at Sugar Beach and wanted to have a sit down meal. Our group of 5 asked for seats on the patio, at around 7:45 pm. We were given pagers and were told the wait would be about 45 minutes. We expected that, so we walked up and down the lakeshore. We were finally seated at about 8:30 and ordered food and drinks right away. At 9:30, we still hadn't received our food. It's not like we ordered huge meals, we ordered two flatbreads, a salad to share, and shrimp something. We flagged down our waitress, and she informed us that we would have to wait ANOTHER 20 MINUTES. We had somewhere to be at 10, so we said forget the food, bring us our drink bill. The manager came out and apologized for the wait, he explained a large party had come in and unexpectedly backed up the kitchen. He took care of our drink bill and gave us a $25 gift card to come back again. Even though our service wasn't the greatest, the fact that the manager came out and took care of our bill and even gave us a gift card, showed us that this doesn't happen often, and they were generally upset for us.We will go back, not only because of our gift card, but because the patio is so nice, the drink menu is quite extensive and the food is pretty decent. Funny how they call it salad king but only have 1 salad on the menu.It's located right by Ryerson, so it's definitely convenient for students on a budget. The atmosphere was like a cafeteria, but a pinch more upscale with cuter decor than a typical highschool lunch hall.Like most Thai places, they had sizeable portions. My friend and I ordered the pad thai and the panang curry to share. Overall, the food was meh. It made me full, but not the happy kind of full. The panang curry was too sweet but not rich, and the pad thai was a little dry. Highly recommend hot sauce if you're thinking of eating at this place.But I wont go back again. The last experience here when we came out was absolutely wonderful. I would give five stars but it is still quite a wait. They did text us when a table was ready For a heads up so we were able to grab a drink nearby which was nice of them. The food we get this time was fab- shout of for the spicey beef and the chicken dish we had it was wonderful flavour and totally yum. and I do appreciAte how they have a legend for how spicy. I love the communal mixed drink bucket so come of your a sharing is caring type of personality. Our server this time was totally over attentive in a great way and checked in frequently to make sure our experience was going well. And last shout out goes to the music playlist here .. All the songs were a nice mix of classics and I swear it was right off my iPod. Fantastic food and relatively inexpensive, butternut fritters for starter were great and the pad thai was extremely tasty. Glad we went with this place. Cool atmosphere inside with some great older hip hop playing... Love the atmosphere! All the dishes we tried were so good! We got the lamb and it was unreal and good drink menu. If you're looking for a new place to have a special dinner or just feel like switching it up I'd highly recommend. Would definitely come back. Nice ambiance, atmosphere, good food and wine. Noise level was moderate so you could have a conversation. I would recommend. Went there yesterday (august 13th 2016). It was my 2 year anniversary and I was worried because of the few bad reviews regarding the food. But honestly everything was delicious! Me and my boyfriend both had the steak and lobster and it was cooked perfectly! Wish they put more mashed potatoes on the plate because those were so yummy too and not enough. But I loved the whole experience! The view is incredible and our waitress was down to earth and very accommodating. We had the smoked salmon appetizer and the oysters as well and was all really fresh and good. I truly enjoyed my experience and will be returning next special occasion Went her for brunch. Got the eggs Benny with smoked salmon for $20. Eggs a bit overcooked and not runny. Expected better but great location and good patio. Service was great. I have been meaning to come here for awhile, so when a Groupon came up, it was the perfect opportunity. It seemed a little expensive at first glace for the amount of food you received, but I was pleasantly surprised at how filling and delicious everything was. The place was a lot bigger than it looks from the outside. There were patio seats at the front, a bar that you could sit at, and then a number of seats that stretched down the hallway to a big back area. I had the lamb burger and dressed it with tzatiki, feta, onions and tomato. It was cooked perfectly with generous toppings. I added the panko crusted onion rings. OMG so delicious. The portion was pretty big, so next time I would probably share the side. I was delighted to see the variety on the menu. It wasn't just burgers. There were a number of other things I wanted to try. I was also surprised to see tons of drink specials. I didn't realize that it really had a bar atmosphere (my bad, considering it says bar right in the name)Service was friendly and fairly quick. Lots of people there watching the hockey game - which you could see from any seat in the house on big flat screens. Definitely one of the best gourmet burger joints I've tried in Toronto so far. Came here recently with the SO - I had been talking about this place with him, and knew that he would love the vibe. And course, he did! The spot is trendy and kinda indie, with charming lights and paintings from local artists. Oh and a great drinks list. It's popular so make reservations possible! They have an easy online system. Crab cakes - deliciousChicken thigh sandwich - tastyShrimp linguine - really flavorfulIceberg drink - refreshingBlush mojito - good, once the ice chilled it and diluted it a bit. Overall great experience. This spot is perfect to catch up with friends, first (or 2nd, 3rd) dates, and have some great food/drinks. I had to take off one star because it seemed like none of the staff knew whose food went where and brought the wrong dishes to multiple patrons. They brought us a salad we didn't order and then realized it was for the table beside us... Except it was the wrong salad for them too. This kinda thing happened throughout the night. However, the staff were really nice and swift about making the appropriate the changes. We are a couple of beer lovers and tend to seek out beer spots whenever we travel. My bf spotted this place before leaving on our trip and had it on his list of places we must try. We came here for an early evening dinner after tiring ourselves out with wandering Toronto by foot all-day. This place has a very cavernous feel to it as you have to walk down a flight of stairs to get to the dining and bar area. There's plenty of space for large parties and cozy enough for folks to explore their beer selection. I thought most of their drafts sound interesting but was disappointed to hear they did not offer a sampler of any sort. Instead, we went with a house-made coffee porter and a blackberry wheat (which was not made in-house). Both brews were fine but nothing worth writing home about. However, for dessert the bf opted for a pint of their Chocolate Orange beer which was really interesting and tasty. The service was attentive and the food was okay. I really liked all their vegetarian options but unfortunately I went with a bland jambalaya and he went with a bison burger. Skip the dishes we ordered and come by for a great take on craft beers. You're whisked away from the Disneyfied cobblestones of the distillery to an equally out-of-place 1885 Parisian bistro. The decor is fantastic. The rumour is that they spent a million dollars on the interior. It shows.Delicious food, shiny people. C'est dommage. The environs make you want to dress up in period costume. At one point you find yourself screaming 'Bon jour de Mères!' as loud as possible as they bludgeon you with heaps of butter. How could one complain? I love the look and feel of this place, as well as the location. I've been here a few times for brunch and dinner. I've never had to wait for a table for brunch. The space is huge and there's lots of open air in the summer. Going here is a great excuse to have prosciutto for breakfast! The frittatas are nice and fluffy, and the scrambled eggs are ok. I think this would be a nice choice for a big group.This place gets packed at dinnertime, and it's a fun place to meet up with people for drinks. The food is fine and the prices are reasonable, but none of the dishes I've had were very memorable. I have gone to Jacobs a few times over the past couple of years and I always come out with the same content feeling after a fantastic steak meal. The atmosphere of the restaurant is nice and intimate, with the dining area on the 2nd floor. The 1st floor is where you are greeted by the hostesses. There is a bar area with a piano lounge while you wait.It is NOT a cheap meal, but if you want good steak, it is well worth it. Instead of Ruth's Chris, try Jacobs. There are a wide variety of steaks, different each night. The waiter was very attentive and willing to make recommendations depending on your mood. I love the wagyu beef that they have. The steaks are served with a selection of sauces and salts to enhance the flavours of the steak.Certainly try the caesar salad that's made table side. I can no longer eat caesar dressing that is not made fresh anymore. Sides need to be ordered for the steak and I recommend duck fat french fries!One of my favourite parts of the meals come at the very end when they deliver breakfast muffins for the next day. I'm so happy when I'm munching on it with a cup of tea, reminiscing about my yummy steak the night before. Their most expensive menu, the full rack of baby back ribs were extremely dry. I felt like I was chewing a rubber. Maybe it was supposed to be dry. I'm not a rib expert so maybe the baby back ribs were supposed to be dry. I was going to try out their side ribs to see the difference but I was scared that I might get the $34 rubber. But wait, how come the ribs selling in The Keg are somewhat juicier and tender compared to this place's. I know they don't make the greatest ribs in the world so what's going on. Is it because they use side ribs and side ribs are supposed to taste better than the baby back ribs? I'm confused so educate me.Also tried their Cobb salad and bacon had this odor that I could immediately tell it wasn't fresh. This place is a hit or a miss. There are times when I come and the food and drinks are amazing and times where it is not so great.The most consistent thing is the service - which is always good. If there is anything wrong with your food or drink, the waiters will make an effort to make it right again. My favourite beer is the blonde for that crisp, fresh, cold taste. And the bbq pizza is also one of my go-to's. It is a good place to experience if you are in the area and it has a really nice patio in the summer. Make reservations because it does get busy. This place is very hit or miss, and unfortunately, my most recent time was a huge miss! To start off positively, it is a nice, clean location offering ACYE which seems like an anomaly in the downtown area. Service is typically average and menu has a decent variety. Unfortunately, last time my boyfriend and I went, the staff misplaced part of our order, leaving us sitting for over 20min after being served our first portion. When we told the staff, they acted quickly; however, the food they brought looked rushed and did not taste fresh. Both my boyfriend and I ended up feeling sick for a few days after. Probably won't be returning, but can't say every experience has been awful. I really enjoyed Sunny Morning!They do have tiny tables for two peeps (what is UP with that breakfast places?!) and it was very busy when we arrived around 11am on a holiday Saturday.Our server was very pleasant, I believe his name was Brent. The girl filling our coffees and grabbing us ketchup seemed to hate existing in this world but I just ignored her foul attitude, everyone has an off day you know! ;)Since this is the New Year and I was trying to behave a bit, I ordered the lighter menu option, which came with poached eggs, cottage cheese, toast, and fresh fruit. Coffee was good was was refilled (although we did have to ask). I enjoyed my breakfast and so did my bae. The fresh fruit was actually delicious, juicy and flavourful, which sometimes doesn't happen at breaky places - yay!!Overall, this is my favourite spot (to date) in Etobicoke for breakfast/brunch. Excellent!! From our waitress to the management, we were treated with so much appreciation and respect. Great customer service. I went with my newly fiance' (engaged that night) and when we told our waitress she congratulated us with celebration and jubilee. Then the management offered us a couple glasses of champagne on the house!! Very generous. The place is real quaint and cool. I like how its dim lit. Great date place. We were also impressed by the food. The Chicken Linguine. 5 stars!! im a foodie, its hard to impress me usually, but the pasta was cooked to perfection. the sauce was rich and savory. The tomatoes added a bit of acidity and sweetness that the dish needed. The perfect dish to end the perfect night. Highly recommend. Came here late one night with a large group. Tables were all occupied, but we were still able to find a spot by the bar to gather around. Plenty of space in the restaurant I noticed for big groups if you're able to come at a good time to grab a table. Good selection of beers on tap, and menu seemed like there were a lot of comfort food type options. Some of what we ordered were sweet potato chips and calamari. Chips were good, calamari was less than average. My friend's chicken wrap was good as I was told. Food was brought out with good timing, and drinks the same way. Service was average and as expected from being at a casual restaurant. The only annoyance of our experience at C'est What was with one of male bartenders that served us occasionally. He seemed to favour being sarcastic with his service responses. And that's perfectly fine, we appreciate fun sarcasm but his sarcastic replies weren't helpful nor were they in good humor. Being sarcastic doesn't mean that it's a free pass to be rude. All in all, wouldn't mind coming back here for a casual drink or bite to eat. Just avoid sitting at the bar. Earls Kitchen + Bar on King Street offers good food and an enjoyable dining experience. I dined there for lunch two Sundays ago and ordered the Bacon Cheddar Burger ($16.50) with a side of Truffle Fries (extra $2.00). I also shared a Mojito Pitcher for $20.00 (cheaper because of the Cool Summer Pitcher Happy Hour + Sunday Special) with three others. The burger was huge, mainly because of the oversized brioche bun. Both the burger and the fries were really good. I did wish there were more fries but in the end, I was happily stuffed so no complaints. The mojito, on the other hand, was quite disappointing. It was extremely watered down and flat. I could barely taste any rum and the mint leaves were likely not even muddled prior to mixing the drink. I might as well have been drinking water instead. In retrospect, I should have sent it back. We dined on the patio and it was very comfortable and relaxing. I highly recommend dining outside if you love patio dining. The indoor dining area was clean with an urban modern setup. Our server was clearly new and at times slightly frazzled. He did not know what glasses to use for our mojitos and left the pecans out of my friend's salad due to a mild nut allergy, even after my friend clearly insisted pecans were absolutely fine. Otherwise, he was a nice chap and we had no real issues except the occasional awkwardness. All things considered, I would definitely dine at Earl's Kitchen + Bar on King Street again. The last time I came here was approximately 20 years ago and the only thing I remember is that the prices were insanely outrageous. I find the location to be very suspect. Although, it is located inside the hotel, the only way to have outside access is through the elevator that runs directly into the restaurant. If you were to enter through the hotel, you would have to go downstairs to the lower level where the meeting rooms are located and turn left and walk to one end of that level in order to find the entrance, which is preceded by a long hallway. Interestingly, the hostess station (and I say hostess station because I didn't see any hosts) faces the elevator entrance and not the hotel entrance, which is off to one side before the bar. The hostesses were attentive enough but not too bright, as I described the person that I was looking for to be in a bright red dress and they weren't sure. So, I proceeded to give the name under the reservation. They quickly took me to my table. The restaurant is quite dark and doesn't look like it has been renovated since the opening; however, this doesn't seem to be an issue, as everything seems very well appointed. The bar was quite cramped and there were a lot of people waiting inside. Although, it was only 6:30 pm, the restaurant was filled, so, if you are going, perhaps, a reservation would be in order. I'd hate to be cramped inside that little bar. The place is loud, so, if you are on your first date, this place may not be for you.As we were a large table, we were located on a stage type area with 2 seat tables lined up to infinity. I am not sure whether they had a table that was big enough to seat our entire group, but it didn't seem to be a problem. Even the people located on the wall had enough room to walk behind a seated person. Remember this point.It took the waiter awhile but eventually, he came by to insure that we had water. Drinks were not offered at this point. When my whole table arrived, many of us were surprised that the water wasn't filled sooner. When it came time to order, the waited tried to efficiently start from one side and go to the other; however, that side wasn't ready, so, he skipped to my wife and I, who were seated on the outside middle of the table. We ordered and I accidently placed my drink order and was surprised to find that the waiter was rude about it. He wasn't ready to take drink orders. By the time the orders were completed, the waited left to put in our order. It was at this point that we discovered that there was a kid's menu that NO ONE had told us about, including the waiter. So, we had to place a second order into the kitchen. The kid's menu comes with a main course, side, dessert and drink. Once again, the waiter was rude to me when I placed the drink order for the kids, telling me that I needed to wait, as he wasn't ready to take the drink orders. The meal came, and there seemed to be confusion over who had what. It was made worse, when the kid's orders came and the waiter didn't know who it went to. I saw no attempt for the waiter to try to get to the side with the wall, they just claimed that they would pass it over, as it was too far. The waiters also need re-training, as they would move their body between you and your meal and ask for forgiveness later, rather than asking before moving. I recognize that the meal is hot; however, this is no excuse for the lack of etiquette at this location.Needless to say, the meal was delicious. Although, I said delicious, I didn't say it was right. Almost no one at the table got what they ordered in terms of how the steak was cooked, unless you had ordered it well done or medium rare. We didn't bother to send it back, but needless to say, we were disappointed. We were surprised that the kid's meals, which were about $23 each were SO LARGE! Then again, the price tag was high too. The chicken fingers came with 5 large chicken fingers and burnt fries. The children's filet came medium rare, she wanted it medium with tons of mashed potatoes. Someone ordered julienne fries, which turned out to be similar to hickory sticks. I ordered the steak fries and they were overcooked with one end on each burned. The mushrooms were well cooked. The $12 salad was large with fresh cheese, no side salads at this place.All in all, our total was over $1000. The starting price for a steak was $60, with the average price about $75. There are other things on the menu that aren't as pricey, such as the chicken, which was about $34. So, So overall, the waiter is rude, the food is undercooked, the prices are high. The restaurant is clean, which includes the restroom. There were 3 restaurant reviewers at our table. 33% would not come here again, 66% were unhappy with aspects of the food and 100% of us were dissatisfied with the service. The wait for a Wednesday night was long but understandable given the small space of the restaurant. The place is crowded meaning patrons waiting their table will be (im)patiently watching you eat from the sidelines, so eat quickly and don't hang out after your meal! Overall I had no complaints but nothing stood out as exceptional to me. The menu is simple--about a dozen traditional main entrées, about a dozen appetizers, and dessert of the day. The Northern Thai sausage platter appetizer was an unexpected item - it reminded me of steamed Chinese preserved sausages but with more grit and lemongrass. The bean paste sauce that came with it was tasty but didn't tip me over the scale of wanting to order the app again. The green curry served in a coconut was fragrant and satisfying, the option to select spice level suits every palate. The accompanying bowl of jasmine rice was a good size to go with the curry, but on the dry side. A decent selection of beers and other drinks are available, which suits the casual and ethnic atmosphere well. The Thai iced tea is a crowd favourite and many patrons ordered one as they waited for their table - it's on the sweet side but complements perfectly with the spicy menu. I have been here a few times and the food is pretty good. The only thing that wont have me coming back this time is their horrible service. The waitress we got was impatient, rude, sarcastic, and just a horrible server. Our food took forever to come out and came out of order. She only spoke in Chinese and even gave us our bill in Chinese and when we asked her for a bill in english so we could see what we were being charged for she made a huge fuss about it and took forever to bring us another copy. When she did she over charged us 95 dollars for things we didn't even order. She insisted we did order. At that point we paid the RIGHT amount and left. as we got up to go she demanded a tip. She actually DEMANDED we tip her. I don't tip unless I feel like I should. And in this case i definetly did not feel like tipping her. This is by far the best restaurant in the city , the food is always amazing , the service is fantastic . I always recommend this place for any special occasion or just a great dinner ! The view is breathtaking , This is a huge restaurant! We came as a group of 5 on Sunday afternoon, sitting out on the patio. The back of the patio is under shade which was really nice, very pleasant sitting right by the water. My partner and I got chicken fingers and fries (off the kids menu, $9, great value!) and some beers. Overall decent quality and value. Service wasn't great, we didn't see the server as often as I would've liked, but I think he did the best he could considering how busy it was. Overall a good spot to stop for a beer and snack (as long as you don't mind waiting in line to get in)! I got the lobster roll with the frisco fries upgrade. The lobster roll was alright. The sauce or lack thereof was a bit bland but the bread was tasty. The house slaw it came with was decent. I highly recommend the frisco fries though. That was by far the tastiest part of the entire meal. I think if I didn't opt for that, I'd have given this place a 3/5 instead. The place is pretty small with very few seats so don't bring a group of friends here. It's also pretty cold in the winter because of the small space and constantly opening/closing door. At the encouragement of one of our group members, my 5 friends and I decided to hold our exchange reunion at Pai, as opposed to another popular Thai restaurant (hint: it starts with a K and ends in Road; y'all know who I'm talking about). The wait was a reasonable hour for a party of 6 that arrived at 6:30 on a Saturday evening (reservations were booked at least one week out) because they allow you to put your name down and go your merry way until your table is ready. The ambiance is hip and reminds you of the hostel you wish you stayed at in Thailand. The server was friendly and helpful with the recommendations. I got the beef Pad Gra Prow (mild because I'm a baby). It consists of spiced ground beef over rice and topped with a fried egg. The spice level was just right--spicier than I expected for mild, which is great because it pushed me and when combined with the taste of holy basil reminded me that I was eating Thai food and shouldn't be such a baby. The yolk was perfectly runny and when punctured provides the fat and flavor needed to mellow out and complement the ground beef while dialing up the flavor of the jasmine rice. The only mistake was a user error: I thought it was a great idea to pour all my chili infused fish sauce over my dish halfway and was left with something that was too soggy and too spicy to enjoy. I guess if you like a wetter, spicier rice dish, go for it, but I was pretty sad that like Freddie Prinze, Jr. in 90's classic She's All That when the nerdy girl discovered that she was a bet and gets mad at him, I ruined a very good thing.Ok now for the real reason I'm even writing this review: the Thai Iced Tea. So I'm kind of a Thai Iced Tea (or cha yen if you're being pretentious) conosseiur; I mean it was 50% of the reason I visited Thailand...ok 60%. This one is nice because it's served over a glass full of crushed ice. The tea is also stronger than your usual Thai Iced Tea, which is great because then the overall drink is not overpowered by the sweetness of the condensed milk. TLDR: Make reservations at least 2 weeks in advanced. If you absolutely cannot stand spice, ask for no spice. Get the Thai Iced Tea if you're into that kind of thing. I finally had the opportunity to try Byblos after struggling to secure a reservation on a weekend a number of times. Settled with a 6:30 pm slot on a Monday evening and although it was relatively busy, you could probably take your chances doing a walk-in on a weekday.Contemporary decor but still had a very classy vibe. Lamb Ribs ($14) - These were delicious but tiny!! 3.5 small lamb ribs (the 4th one was more like a twig with barely any meat) that are tender, mildly flavored with a crispy texture. Not exactly the best value but taste-wise, 4/5 Roasted Red Beets ($13) - I debated whether or not to order this dish pretty much until the very last minute when I decided to just take a leap of faith and trust my fellow Yelpers. So glad I did as it was the highlight of the night. I was hesitant because my boyfriend and I aren't the greatest fan of red beets but you can hardly taste it when mixed with the labneh which had the perfect consistency and creaminess. Served with some delicious barbari bread, this dish is one you don't want to pass up on. 5/5Crispy Squid ($13) - This one was a decent portion but the individual pieces of squid are very small. Lightly fried and the spices and garlic sauce (toum) give it a nice kick. Very flavorful dish overall and tasted great with our rice. Probably one of the least traditional items because frankly, it's basically calamari with some Eastern Mediterranean seasonings. But I wasn't there to judge (nor would I know) how authentic their food was, so 3.5/5 Turkish Manti Dumplings ($14) - I was looking forward to this the most but it ended up being the biggest disappointment of the night. Such a shame. The dumplings were underwhelming to say the least. I actually didn't even know they were filled with eggplant until the fourth one or so because the ones I ate prior had nothing in it. The molasses balanced the yogurt really well but other than that, nothing special. 2/5Tartufata ($30) - Probably the most expensive rice I've ever had.The truffle and mushrooms were decadent and the fried chick peas were amazing. Crispy and flavorful. The rice itself is very ordinary. So all things considered, I can't say it was completely worth it. I wouldn't order it again because I'd like to try their other rice offerings which looked and sounded just as appealing. 4/5Seared Cauliflower ($8) - It's considered to be a side so I'd recommend ordering this with one of their meat dishes (ribeye, lamb shoulder, etc.) because I think it'd compliment it quite well. We just thought cauliflower with duck fat sounded awesome so we couldn't resist and ordered it anyway. I prefer stronger flavors so I loved this but heads up it can be a bit heavy. 4/5As for dessert, we had the Loukmades ($12) - Fantastic! We were pretty full and while waiting, we kept negotiating how many bites each person would take to finish it. Ended up fighting over the last piece. Pretty much burnt honey icecream on a krispy kreme donut (but a different shape). So good and a must-order!! 5/5 Service was lackluster. Our server was kind and filled our water pretty often but eventually disappeared. We found ourselves waiting a lot - to order dessert, to ask for the bill and to pay. Service shouldn't end after the customer finishes their main course but rather when they walk out the door. Also, typical of many high-end restaurants, they explain what's in every dish but it was spewed out so quickly that a lot of it was incoherent. Didn't really add any value to our dinner. A little overhyped but I'd come back because their menu still has a few other interesting items I'd like to try. I'd definitely recommend this place to anyone who's looking to celebrate a special occasion or somewhere nice to go for a first date. Just don't expect to be blown away. Great atmosphere and drink specials!At night, the inside looks amazing. The tables have candles and I really like the lights above the bar!I've been here twice now. In May, I tried one of their 10 after 10 specials. That night was calamari sliders with a beer for $10 after 10 pm. I didn't like the sauce it came with much, unfortunately, but it was good otherwise. There was a different special every night. Highly recommend for late night eats!Most recently we came for drinks only. Caesars are on special for $5. Also, after 10 pm, certain beers and liquor are $4. Sounds like a good deal to me!The waitress was very friendly and prompt. We didn't have to wait very long for service. And she noticed our empty glasses right when we finished and asked immediately if we wanted another drink. Perfect!Excellent recommendation from my BFF. Hope I'll be back again to try out more of their food! Love their selection of deals! Maybe we will get their price fix next time - $25 for three course in August :) and judging from other reviews, brunch looks good too! I like the patio here, and the pizza is pretty good. I haven't ordered much here, I mostly come for drinks on the patio.I have had the spicy mussles which were really good, White wine, onions and jalapenos. Not too spicy but good flavour. I'd order them again. The house wine Sangiovese was nice and light to go with our sharezies. The pasta dishes coming out of the kitchen looked OK. I am a stickler for pasta and don't think I'd order it from here. I've seen better dishes elsewhere. It's not an expensive place, and the service is relateively good here so I will continue to come back for drinks and mussles on the patio.I ordered a margarhita pizza, it was basically a cheese pizza with some chopped basil and garlic on top... but the crust was really nice and I enjoyed it nonetheless. School's current average rating of 3.5 stars is spot-on. The atmosphere here is cool, unique, and playful - way better than any school environment I've ever been in. The theme runs well throughout the restaurant with drinks and syrups served in beakers, fake grass padding some of the picnic tables in their patio area, a wall of clocks (like those you'd see in a typical school), chandeliers with papers hovering near the lights, shelves with books and pieces near the bar, and an envelope with your bill - your individual progress report served at the end. At the time my friend and I went, she ordered a Brunch Bowl ($18.00) and I ordered the good ol' classic insta-worthy Black & Blue flapjacks ($16.00). The brunch bowl was plated and served nicely with tortilla slivers and a sunny-side up egg on top of the main goods. It was an overall delicious dish that made my friend full (and we entered with empty stomachs) however it was missing something to make it an amazing one. The flapjacks are oh-so-good and are stacked high. They're fluffy too which I prefer and are served with a side of brown sugar butter, vanilla whip cream, and Ontario maple syrup. These are definitely recommended for those with a sweet tooth and a love of pancakes - both of which I have. School is a must-try - it's especially nice checking out during patio season because the patio area is well-shaded with umbrellas and some sections lining the walls come with comfy pillows. Service is relatively quick considering the amount of people that were there and the food aesthetic is beautiful. School gives you better treatment that you'd find in any school and the food is beyond cafeteria-quality. I have always wanted to try this place and have been asking my friends to come here. Came here on a Saturday night with a couple of friends. When we got in, it was pretty busy but after 10mins of standing, we managed to bag ourselves a couple of seats at the bar. I ordered the BetterBeer (which is the Harry Potter inspired Butterbeer) and it was so yummy!! I don't normally like ale but this one tasted nothing like it as they add ginger ale and topped with cream and a skewered marshmallow. YUM!!Place is really small for what I'd expected and despite being a 'Harry Potter inspired' bar, the cocktails were presented pretty bland. I had hoped for weird presentations with dry ice, the whole shabang. But overall, really enjoyed this bar and will definitely come back for the BetterBeer again! Miku has been floating around in my bookmarks for years. It was always a combination of too expensive and too inconvenient that made it a faraway dream. But I took advantage of Winterlicious 2018 to finally give in. Ok. I get it now. I finally see the light.I was surprised to find out that Miku was as fusion-y as it was. You don't get a lot of quality Asian fusion places, especially ones that do sushi/sashimi with the same high standards as really good Japanese restaurants in the city. They've got an extensive alcohol list and unique cocktails for the adventurous. I got the non-alcoholic Ginger Basil Smash, which was a little sour, a little sweet, and very smashing indeed. Despite the higher end dinner price tag of $53, I still believe Miku is one of the best Winterlicious offers out there. Firstly, $53 for a QUALITY 3-course meal is pretty damn good. Don't believe me? Let's break it down: 1) Aburi Sampler Platter - (6 pcs, originally $18) - How special can torched sushi be? Apparently, really special when it comes to Miku. The flavour was stronger than any other Aburi sushi I've had. I contemplated getting more of the torched salmon at regular prices, but I was too full by the end. 2) Bacon Wrapped Beef Tenderloin and Pan Seared Foie Gras Rouge - Not from the regular menu, this was a piece of Winterlicious originality. Everything on the plate tasted amazing, even the brussel sprouts. I can say for certain though that my first bite into the foie gras was the best, most orgasmic bite of the entire meal. It's also pure fatty goose liver goodness so even though you only get 3 small medallions of beef tenderloin, everything together made me quite full. 3) Green Tea Opera - (originally $14.5) - I was more than happy to see their signature dessert on the menu. It's really something special. Rich green tea mousse with crunchy hazelnuts. Served with a tiny scoop of fragrant house-made green tea ice cream. My fiancé had the Japanese Tiramisu. Tasty, but we both agreed the opera was better. Given the prices of the appetizer and dessert, that puts the beef and foie gras dish at $20! Sometimes, you can't even get a liver pâté dish at that price, let alone a whole piece of foie gras. On top of that, everything was cooked and flavoured to perfection. The prices might be high, but I think the talent behind the cooking justifies it. Quality over quantity makes Miku my Winterlicious winner. Now if only I could get a reservation at Canoe...(10/100) - 2018 Food quality degraded since last year. This is a Chinese owned Japanese restaurant and you can tell ... The sushi chefs are loud and trying to make their Chinese accents sound Japanese. They mutter under their breath after they welcome you in. The waitresses are a bit clueless and the sushi is not fresh- actually chewy... The miso soup was too salty and the fried chicken is likely one chicken thigh cut up into tiny pieces and fried up... And I actually suspect it isn't even chicken. I will not be coming back ever. It took a lot of dessert to get rid of the after taste in my mouth. I went here with high expectations. The servers are nice but they need to smile more; there was one server that wore gym shorts and apron while the rest of the customers wore dresses and casual clothes. Should I go back to eat lunch here again for $18.00 with three course meal? (Apetizers, main dish which are ramen, dessers). Probably not. My pork ramen needs more improvement; it lack tge Japanese ramen taste. It taste bland. I think cup noodles were tastier if I'm going to compare. The lamb bun was great! I will rate it as 4.5 over 5 stars especially the coffee dessert. Also, the washrooms we're dirty that time but when you go inside the women's washroom they have a private cubicle inside the washroom itself. It's like when you go to bayview village washroom. It was different but nice. The restuarant was clean and stock up which is good. Update: The lurid smell I formerly complained of is gone. My ex from Chicago loved this place and we came here every time he visited. We wanted to get a place around here and come here all the time. Then we broke up. Now there are way too many memories and I haven't been coming around as much. I also don't live as close.It is totally full on a Friday or Saturday night; anticipate a 20 minute wait after 8pm. Made my ex try poutine here. He didn't like it, and thought gravy was terrible too mix with cheese curds and fries but it was a solid, savoury, melty poutine and not too drenched in gravy. However, its not really a thick-cut like Poutini's.Drink prices have gone up by 50cents or a dollar, but that's concurrent with price inflation all over the world. This is a reliable location for wifi, as Green Beanery doesn't have it and a sign on their door says they have a regular thief right now. (and still. REALLY, Toronto?)It's nice to come here for working on your laptop or to throw a drink back before ambling over to Altima for an ominous dental cleaning. It's also great for a friends date and one drink easily turns into two. Because of how close the cubby lounge chair-table units are... you will overhear a lot of OKCupid dates going on and that can be quite hilarious.Now onto the good: coffee and alcohol. The coffee is always strong, they make a firm cappuccino. The craft cocktails are an economic and easy buzz. Ask for the secret hidden vintage cocktail menu that's only on 15 menus in the whole place. These drinks are both potent and delicious... But not too sweet. If you like bitter I recommend the sazerac or corpse reviver#2, if you like sour then paper airplane or pisco sour. Bonus stars for having fernet and cognac cocktails too. I went on a Sunday evening in October with friends before we saw a movie at the TIFF after dark festival. I was with 2 guys, one came later than we had planned so we waiting for him to order. I ordered the fried fish (with rice and 2 sauces) and the sweet potato tempura. Both came quickly and were extremely delicious. Some things I would improve: -the initial service (when ordering drinks) they asked us 6 times in 15 min. -when we ordered drinks it took them that same about of time to bring it Other than that I liked the atmosphere and the vibe. Would def go back. Good tasty Mexican food, portions on the smaller side for some dishes - for e.g. The scallops and pork tacos could be bigger. Ambience is nice and the bar is awesome. Drinks are good - I enjoyed this spicy drink diablo something. The only problem I have is that when the waitress took my card to run it on the machine she already put in 18% tip herself and I had no idea what I was paying as the only thing I saw on the screen was enter pin. Had I not asked for my receipt I would not have known that she charged 18% tip. This was a backhanded move, and not appreciated. Note: our party was not more than 8 people where they automatically incl gratuity. (note - we had a party of 5)additional note per OpenTable: For parties of 8 or more an automatic gratuity of 17.5% is added and one bill is required. Reservations are held for 15 minutes. Parties must fully arrive within 30 minutes of their reservation timeSo I would suggest that either the restaurant update the website whether its 6 or 8 people they charge the gratuity for or inform the customers up front. Went here a couple weeks ago, just remembered to review. The vibe and decor of the place is really cool. Wish we could have sat at the bar. We used the Yelp check in to get the korean style cauliflower as an app which was sooo good.I had the octopus dish with beans and and egg, was really yummy and filling. My friend had the brisket burger which I had a bite of and it was amazing, and I think my other friend had some type of mini wraps...we also ordered the corn bread which was amazing and a couple other apps I can't remember, but everything was delicious. A bit pricy but it was an enjoyable experience overall and there was a bunch of other stuff on the menu I remember wanting to try. Will come back in the future. I've been here twice. The food here is fantastic. By far one of THE best restaurants in the province. The staff are very friendly and accommodating. The presentation of the food was just extraordinary, and the taste...simply unforgettable. The ambiance is great, and it suits just about any occasion. The view is also breathtaking. I'm just gushing over this restaurant because despite its steep price it's simply perfect. It deserves every cent it charges. Also do the desert, get the spiced apple cake. You won't be sorry. One of the better dim sum restaurant in Chinatown. The dim sum here is actually quite good, better than what I had expected. Each of the dishes we ordered came out nice and hot. Service here wasn't to bad either, it didn't feel like we were being rushed out like what happens in most Chinese restaurants. I will definitely come back here when I'm craving for dim sum again. I almost completely walked by this place had I not looked inside and saw the crowds of people... every other restaurant I walked by on Adelaide was just about empty. The neon blue sign is almost illegible! I came by myself after a coworker had suggested it and ate at the bar. No, it wasn't awkward like some places can be when you eat by yourself.I was pleased to notice that all the workers in the kitchen were of Asian descent - not sure if they were Thai, but it's a start towards authenticity, I guess. All the waitresses were chatting away in Thai as well. I ordered a Thai tea to start - I noticed that they actually use condensed milk in their Thai teas, making for a much sweeter and thicker tea than I would prefer. Most places sweeten their black tea directly and add half and half. It tasted better when the ice melted. I'd suggest asking for extra ice in your drink.I ordered tha Khai Soi, as I'd never heard of any dish like it before. It seemed to be the most popular pick, so I went for it - just regular spicy. Geez, I always forget Thai spice scales are 5000x the levels of other places. I would have been happy with a medium and I can handle quite spicy things. I was sweating and it was in the negatives outside.The first half of the Khao Soi dish was delicious, but it was definitely one of those dishes that you get kind of sick of eating towards the end. It's extremely rich, as its got tons of coconut milk in it and with the extra spiciness, it was getting hard to eat. I liked the different textures of the dish, from the fresh and delicious egg noodles to the added crisp of the crunchy noodles. Could have had more cilantro and scallion, though. There was an abundance of beef (chunks, not sliced) as well. Overall, good food and a cool place to try if you are in town. Love this place! Great food and atmosphere, drinks are okay priced but really really good. Best tacos are the steak and fish. Probably one of my favorite places in Toronto for Thai food... If not my favorite. I remember the first time I went to Khao San Road years ago (when it was at the previous location), I told them to make it actual **spicy**, not North American spicy. That was a mistake. I tapped the table and cried mercy. (For what it's worth, I can eat very spicy food). But ever since then, I've toned it down, ordered food like normal people would and it tastes so very good!Several things I really like about it here. It's bright! Most of the seats are communal, so you get plopped wherever without having to wait too long. There service is also fast as well, so it's not like we'd have to order and wait forever before we can eat.Oh yeah, and the food has really clean and fresh tastes to it. The problem are pretty big. We were commenting that maybe next time instead of doing one entree and two mains, we could swap and get two entrees and one main... (To be honest, we didn't finish our 1 entree or any of our mains, so maybe 2 entrees is too large too). But the entree came pretty quickly, and we had plenty to nibble on until the mains came. We didn't wait forever for our drinks either. Their Thai ice tea was really good, as was the mango juice. We felt the food was reasonably priced. We saw some notice about prices and minimum wages etc on their walls, but I didn't really process what the message was. I just hope they're able to keep prices and services the same here. This place is great! Gets really busy on a weekend night especially but worth the wait. We luckily didn't have to wait too long. Got the bar seats for two. Probably the best seats since you get to watch how the drinks are made. We ordered the Essenes of the fall and their signature martini. Both out of this world amazing, flavour wise and presentation, really worth every penny. The drinks smoke out of the cups, the scent is amazing (essence of the fall, really feels like you're drinking a cocktail in a forest). The servers are really welcoming and upon bringing you the cocktail explain the drink and what's in it. When you first walk in to the CN Tower, and you have made reservations, you can bypass the lines and enter into the tower by going through a concierge area to the right of the ticket purchase kiosks in the lobby. After this, you are directed down the hall and around a corner where you would be greeted by very friendly staff. The staff members then confirm your reservation and give you a piece of paper (pass). After this, you are directed down the hall to a waiting area where you wait for the elevator to arrive. An attendant verifies your pass so that you may go on an elevator and up to the restaurant for reservation. Once you're up on the floor, you show your paper slip at the entryway of the restaurant again, your reservation is confirmed. Once it is confirmed, you are directed by a waitstaff to a table. We were lucky that it wasn't super busy when we went. I recommend getting there about 15 to 20 minutes prior to the reservations so that you have time to wait if there is a lineup to get onto the elevator to meet your reservations. The staff from the greeters all the way to the restaurant are very friendly.The food itself and the menu probably change based on seasonal preferences but I found the menu to be good. I liked the fact that the restaurant used local or Canadian-based ingredients. Being from the metro Detroit/Windsor area, it was nice to see that part of their salads had Leamington Roma tomatoes. That's pretty local from my neck of the woods. The options at the restaurant include various food options that are also vegetarian friendly which is very important to me. At the restaurant, you may order à la carte or, you can do a two course or three course meal. We were able to schedule our reservations online and were able to specify seating. Any seat in this restaurant has an amazing view as the floor is revolving. Although not all the tables are along the window, I would recommend if you have the ability to request a table by the window, do it. In my opinion, a seat by the window is better than some of the seating that is a little bit further away from the window (although you still have a view) We had a great experience in the food was fresh it was beautifully presented and it was full of flavours. The desserts at the restaurant were mediocre l, but the presentation is beautiful. We came here for some brunch at lunchtime. We ordered the pub breakfast and the butter chicken sandwich. The butter chicken sandwich was pretty good. The pub breakfast on the other hand was a very standard extra-greasy breakfast. You can eat indoors or in the patio, which is shaded and pretty large. Overall, the food in general wasn't anything special although the butter chicken sandwich was good. Nothing outstanding though. The service was quick and friendly. I've been to Gusto 101 several times and absolutely love it! They have a gorgeous patio which is heated in the winter. I only wish the restaurant was slightly less popular so that it wouldn't be so hard to get a seat! House wine (red or white) is just $1 per ounce, and you can order at any increments. The alcoholic demon inside of me is leaping in excitement!Now onto the food!Polipo ($14.50) - Grilled octopus, chimichurri, olive tapenade, piquillo puree, arugula and fried capers. I'm not always a fan of grilled octopus, but this one was done well. The exterior was marvelously charred in the most delicious way, and the octopus itself was quite tender. Bruschetta Guanciale e Taleggio ($10.95). Overall, I found this bruschetta to be a little salty, and I needed something to offset that salt.Arancini ($9.95) - wild mushroom risotto, fontina cheese, tomato sauce. These risotto balls are practically $5 each so I found that a little pricey. Aside from that, I did enjoy the arancini a lot, especially when they were served piping hot.Lasagne ($17.95) heirloom tomato, wild mushroom, italian eggplant, yellow zucchini, kale butter. We visited on a Sunday and luckily for us, lasgane was the special for the day! This was a very solid effort- the pasta layers were thin and delicate, so overall the dish didn't feel overly heavy, as lasagne often do. The sauce was also delectable and there were no complaints at the table. Mushroom fettuccine ai funghi ($17.50) - portobello, porcini, oyster mushrooms, truffle paste, light cream sauce. Hands down, one of my favourite pastas in town. I am particularly fond of mushroom pasta, but this was one of the best I've had! The al dente pasta was perfect for soaking up all the deep, earthy flavours of the mushrooms. This is a must try!Overall, the food was amazing, the atmosphere is lovely and you really can't beat $1 per ounce wine on tap! I will be back for sure. So disappointed. If you're a NKOTB fan girl or fan of the Wahlburger show, then check it out but be prepared for lacklustre food and mediocre service. My out of town sister wanted to see this place since she's what I've described above haha. And I knew the minute we walked in, she wasn't the only out of towner. This place evokes the same atmosphere as Hard Rock Cafe or Niagara Falls. I wouldn't be surprised if no locals eat here. We were greeted at the door and explained the two different routes we could take: full, sit down service or head to the back for fast food. We chose to sit down and take in the whole experience. It took forever to get our drink orders in. There were probably 2-3 servers working and maybe 5-6 tables with customers but we waited really long just for the initial order. We watched customers arrive and head to back, order and head up stairs with food before we got served.Once we did order, we found the portions small and the food mediocre. They serve the food in baskets and provide metal utensils which I found odd. The burger itself is dry and nothing special. I enjoyed eating the tater tots though they could be a bit more crispy and warm. Save yourself money and just head to Burger Priest or PnL for a quality burger that's probably cheaper. Lets just start by saying YUMMMAfter reading the reviews I came here on a Saturday around noon expecting a huge line up, which there was. I was told it would be an hr wait , which wasnt a big deal because things seemed to be moving well. We decided to go dwn the street to timmies for a tea while we waited as they took our number dwn and call you when the table is ready. We came back after about 30mins and were told that they called( which was B.S because phone did not ring once). Luckily they didnt make us wait at the end of the line and said next table wold be ours. Which took about 15mins or so. Once seated I went with the pancakes , I'm not a fan or ricotta or cooked fruits at all. But... these pancakes were amazzzzing. The lemon flavour in the ricotta was just perfect w the bluberries. I didnt even need syrup on my pancakes as the flavour was just perfect. My partner just got the reg ol eggs toast potatoes and substituted his meat for a fruit salad that i ate. Hes not into fruits and only other substitute was pork items which we dnt eat and salad. One of the negatives is if you dont eat pork theres no alternatives, no turkey bacon and even the beans hve pork in it which was a disappointment. To help I ordered him a biscuit w homemade jam which was out of this world. Everything was great and cooked to perfection. A bit overrated. Thought the food was okay. Servers were really nice and helpful. Good place to hang with friends. Great restaurant, the oysters were awesome, Mike our waiter was very helpful, nice and friendly. Coming from St. Louis Mo USA , the oysters and service was the best. Great BBQ, Great time, I've had pretty much all the meats they have on offer and love them. The brisket is one of the best I have had in Toronto. Got seated 10 minutes before our reservation time - yay! But our night didn't escalate that much after that...I asked for window seating in my reservation and was given a seat in the centre. We still had a view of Toronto but I wish they adhered to our seating preference, or at least notify us beforehand that there was none available for that moment. We were greeted by our waiter and he placed our napkins on our laps; I felt like a princess. The menu for the night:- White wine - Pinot grigio- Daily bread and chick pea spread - Coastal half dozen oysters- Rabbit saddle - Risoni risotto - Screeched tarte au sucre I appreciated how our server poured both my guest and myself some wine to taste. At other restaurants, typically only one guest would taste. As for food, I had everything besides the rabbit saddle. The bread was warm to touch with a firm crust. The spread reminded me of hummus - why don't they just call it hummus? It was nice how another server continued to bring us more bread while we were waiting for our mains, which did take a while to reach our table. Oysters were oysters - they tasted fresh.Risoni risotto - I enjoyed this a lot. It was different from other risotto dishes I've had as the rice was more flat and long. The risotto itself seemed to be loose. To explain, the rice would not stick together. However, I preferred this because it didn't make me feel like I was eating baby food. The kale crisps were divine - they were crunchy, thin, and added just enough texture compared to the star of the dish, the risotto. Screeched tarte au sucre - This reminded me of a creme brulee, but less sweet and less torched. Would have liked a bit more crunch on the top though! The crust tasted slightly undercooked but overall, good flavours in the dessert.One thing that would've made my experience better is having the menus labelled for persons with dietary restrictions. I had to ask the server whether 'kohlrabi' was a meat. EDIT:Another thing I forgot to mention was how I almost slipped 3 times while walking on the hardwood floor! Although I was wearing heels, I was able to walk in the lobby and to my car comfortably for 30 minutes. Unsure if my shoes or the flooring...but I vote for the latter. Yes, the drink are expensive BUT the experience is worth it! As soon as you walk into the place it has a unique sweet aroma, like incenses but not quiet. Each of us ordered a different $25 drink to try the various types.The Mad Man was served in a very cool pipe shaped glass, the drink was strong but smooth. It was accompanied by a leather aroma smoke which was please to the senses and cubes of jelly as chasers. I enjoyed this drink thoroughly because it was completely new to me.The Mojito is a safe choice for people who want to simply enjoy a drink and the order the first recognizable drink on the menu. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't special either. This drink also came along with a aromatic smoke diffuser. The best tasting drink was the daiquiri, served in a real coconut on a bed of sand with cute umbrellas. The cool factor of this drink was that it was served with frozen alcohol pellets on the side, similar to those dotted ice creams you would at the movies. 2018.01.29Here is an update to my last review. Since going to Baretto for the first time, it has become one of my favourite Coffee / Breakfast and Italian lunch places. I have over the last two years become closely acquainted with Manuelle and his wife, Cristina, the owners. They are such lovely people and they put out the freshest and most delicious Italian food in the city. Its simple, fresh, homely and FREAKING DELICIOUS!!!The coffee .....ohhhh the coffee...... If you have never heard of a Ginseng latte (i didn't), you absolutely need to go here and get it. Things my wife and I have tried here so far: All the pizzasLasagnePastaBoth the antipastoCaprese SaladIced milk with mintCroissantSfogliaItalian Cream puffGinseng LatteRegular LatteI give all of the above a 100/100I give the service a 100/100 Original review....I was in the Don Mills area and wanted a quick breakfast and was about to head to McEwans when I came across this place on yelp. It is located in the rear or this rather inconspicuous medical building. Let me start by saying that Yelp does not have the number of stars that I would like to give this place. The barista is a true gentleman named Manuelle who really makes you feel welcome. The place looks wonderful and there is another room as well that is a little more intimate and private. I had a coffee and a croissant and it's was delicious x . The place is clean, open and really relaxing. Will come back here for the food and post another review. 4.5 stars!The menu at JaBistro has 3 sections - sushi, sashimi and bistro which included items such as black cod, ebi shrimp, calamari and angus tartare. Before I go any further, this really isn't your typical sushi joint. While the décor and atmosphere doesn't shout fancy and expensive, don't be fooled. The prices are high... if you're ordering sushi or sashimi, you'll be spending a lot. But you get what you pay for.What went in my belly:Kamo - smoked duck breast, burdock, onsen tamago ($14) which came in the form of a salad. The duck was tender and had a subtle smokey flavour to it. The dish was centered around a poached egg with a yolk which spilled into the dish after being cut into. I liked it!Sashimi Platter ($100). There's also a $50 platter. I inquired about the difference between the two and was told it isn't a difference in quantity but rather a difference in the quality of fish. It was a special occasion so we decided to splurge. The sashimi was served on a slate and the sashimi included uni, toro, salmon belly, amberjack, sea bream, lobster and fish jelly. Everything was incredibly fresh and just ridiculously good! Yes, the price is quite steep for not a whole lot of food but the quality really is top notch!Lobster Miso Soup. I'm not usually a fan of miso soup but I ate the entire bowl of this one! JaBistroll - salmon, snow crab, uni, cucumber and tobiko ($22). Like everything else here, it's pricier than your average roll but well worth it. It had a bit of a smoky flavour, saltiness from the tobiko, crunch from the cucumber...and deliciousness from the salmon, crab and uni. A real flavour punch!Aburi - 7 sushi pieces blowtorched ($27). This sampler of sushi came with a combination of nigiri - sea bream, amberjack, sweet shrimp and salmon belly and pressed sushi - tiger shrimp, mackerel and tamago. My favourite was the mackerel (next time I'd just get an order of this only).Like I said, the place is save it for a special occasion! I loved this place. Easily my new favourite Thai restaurant and I can see what all the rave reviews are about. We started with the spring rolls (best I've ever had), and then shared three main dishes: chicken pad Thai, pork pad gra prow and beef khao pad thamada. All of the dishes were so delicious that I was stuffed to the point I couldn't eat anymore (at which point I usually don't want to think about food for at least half a day), but this time I was craving more within the hour. The pad gra prow was definitely my favourite, the way the flavours all melded together was perfect. I had to try it mild because my friend doesn't do well with spicy good but I think it'd be even more delicious with a kick of spice in it. The other two dishes were good, but can't say they blew me out of the club water like this one.We also had a pitcher of sangria which was decent. Extremely limited menu options that are all very highly priced for what they are. We had a caprese salad which consisted of three tomato slices and three pieces of cheese for $19. However if your looking for somewhere with a fantastic view over the lake and city this would be your place. Why come here? The sushi. It's very good and the sushi/sashimi lunch specials are especially good for what you get. Disclosure - I go to Japan every year and my wife is Japanese. It's getting better but what still passes for sushi in Toronto makes me wonder why most are still in business. AYCE sushi is a Chinese owned restaurant buffet gone wrong. If you see Bulgogi or Kalbi on the menu, it's a Korean restaurant serving sushi. This is why I was so impressed and so was my wife when I heard the owner is actually Korean. No doubt this chef trained in Japan. Excellent fish and excellent sushi. Great job on getting it done right! Everything about this restaurant was excellent. From the food (best steaks in Toronto!), the friendly & extremely professional staff, and the warm ambiance. Make sure to splurge on the Wagyu steaks (you won't be disappointed). You come here for the experience, not so much for the food. It was my first time visiting the CN Tower and dining at the 360 Restaurant the best way to go about it. If you eat at here, you do not have to pay for admission to the CN Tower. I'm okay with an mediocre meal for a great view.We made reservations in advance and luckily got seated right next to the window! We came here for dinner and the view was amazing! The ambiance is great as well - very romantic. The waiter told us that if you are there for 72 minutes, the restaurant would have done a complete 360. This is such a breathtaking view, especially during sunset.We both got the $65 prix fixe (Heirloom Tomato Salad, Caesar Salad, Pan Seared Atlantic Salmon, Citrus Glazed Boneless Half Chicken, Dark Chocolate Tower, and the Mixed Berry Tart). Food was average for the price - it wasn't horrible, but wasn't amazing either. No complaints really except in my Heirloom Tomato salad I had a bad tomato that wasn't fresh. However, service here was great for us. Our waiter was very attentive.Definitely a must see if it's your first time in Toronto! But I don't think I'll do it again unless I was bringing someone that has never been here before - it's one of those once in a lifetime things you do. Very cool place.I love the interior (Very dark, lots of candles, black/leather furniture). Amazing!I went last night (valentines day), and they gave out a free complimentary martini which was nice.The food is pretty good here! If I wanted to nit pick, I would say that the hamburgers could have used some lettuce or something (to give it some crunch), and the arancini (risotto balls) could have used a little more salt (bland).Otherwise food was great. I recommend the olives!The drinks were nice, some better than others. They have some interesting things that you couldn't find anywhere else, but in the end everything is quite average with a couple of twists here and there. The molecular drinks are fun as well (great presentation).So in the end, it's a great place to bring friends (birthday, a quick dinner/drink, etc).But come with a big wallet :) because the most expensive thing for what you get, is the food. So if your hungry, just be conscious about how much everything costs!Will be coming back for sure! My favorite thing about this place would have to be the serving style... if that makes any sense. What I mean by that is every dish is fairly inexpensive and it's the perfect serving size for two people. This gives you the opportunity to order more and try many different dishes without having to pay a fortune or be overwhelmed by too much food. The food itself was good too. I recommend the takoyaki balls, not so much the black cod though. The place is very loud and noisy with the waiters constantly screaming in Japanese, which makes for a fun environment and a good place for a group of friends to get together and eat and drink. With that being said, I definitely wouldn't consider it a first date night type of place, unless you want to be able to not hear the other person talk ha - Very nice place, extremely authentic decoration.(Tip, the inside is completely different from the patio so make sure you see both places before you choose where to be seated but both are veeery nice)- We ordered a gringa and some other tacos and they were the most authentic I have tasted in Toronto so far, they don't have carnitas in case you were wondering, only the classic pulled pork you will find everywhere.- The amount of food you get per plate is very small (I know it is supposed to be a tapas kind of bar but Tapas is Spanish NOT Mexican and you are still paying a huge amount of money for a small amount of good food.- The menu has a lot of different options and covers a lot of different regions of Mexico so that's cool.- The only downside is that it is very crowded so the service is really slow, people are willing to wait more than an hour standing outside in the line so keep that in mind. I live in Orange County California, and must say I was overwhelmed with the take on mexican cuisine. People: When we first walked in around 10pm or so, we asked for a table for 2 outside, which was supposed to be a 30 minute wait. That 30 minutes was about 3 so can't complain other then coordination needs work. We had one server who introduced us and said she would be right back to take our order for drinks, we never saw her again. Instead we waited for about 5 minutes for someone else, who was then our new server. Last comment about staff was we ordered a second round of food, which was placed. However the server said kitchen was closed so we ordered desert. Having prepared to have desert, it was kind of a shock to have it come at us last minute.Place: The dining atmosphere, ambience at night a beautiful sight. Sitting outside was extremely enjoyable and awesome to have a fire pit close by. The lights provided a very dynamic and interesting feel that brought the place alive. Awesome music, that tied everything together. Must say outside was glorious.Food: Im no amateur to tapas style dining, and for two people the variety and quality was outstanding. Favorites included both ahi and foie tostadas, camorone ceviche, tacos al pastor and bajas. Also a fan of the beef short rib. For desert we enjoyed the sampling plate and would go back for the churros..Damn those were good.Margaritas: all I can say is the Mayan was my choice over the traditional. Had a few too many and after the desert, definitely left happy. The price point was quite steep but I honestly haven't had a better mexican dining experience other than hole in the wall mexican places and food trucks in LA. It was a pleasure dining, but for being only open a month I understand staff need work. Coordination with the hostess, getting served beverages when seated should be top priority of any diner. Would love to see a manager come by and check up, being open only for a short while. My first yelp review and wanted to share my thoughts, hope this helps. Not a great evening out. Met friends after work for dinner and they suggested El Catrin. We sat on the patio which was questionable because it was too cold and very windy. The fire pit was burning and the heaters were trying to keep us warm but it wasn't working. We were cold but decided to stick it out. We had margaritas which were pretty good. We mentioned to the waitress we were heading to a show at 8, she said no problem that she would mention it to the chef. We started with the guacamole- delicious, I mean really good. The rest of the food arrived reasonably quickly. Because it's tapas, the first few dishes arrived. My wife asked for napkins and cutlery, I'm guessing the server must have mis-heard because she brought 2 cocktail napkins. Since our table had 4 people, my wife asked for more, the server than disappeared. Our next meal arrives via a different server, again we asked for cutlery and napkins, and the second server seemed surprised by the ask. He brought cutlery and napkins, by the time he returned the meal was starting to cool down. Now the first server returned with more cocktail napkins. The food was pretty tasty, but portion sizes were way too small for the price, IMO. And now the bill. We waited and waited, but our waitress was no where around. We finally asked another server to get our bill, she tracked down our waitress and she brought the bill and promptly disappeared again. She returned a few minutes later. Not great service. The patio is nice. (Trying to be positive)Overall, mediocre at best. I will not return. Small portions and alil pricey but Delicious food and every dish had a flavourful palette. Pros: Cheap food (everything on the menu is $5 and the portions are decent - between myself and my boyfriend we ordered perogies as a starter to share & a burger for mains each and we were full - he had the works burger & I had the pulled chicken sandwich - all yummy, I highly recommend the sandwich, next time instead of a starter though I think we'll share a salad with our mains) & really fun vibe (there was a live DJ when we went who was playing cheesy 90s tracks). Cons: Drinks are pretty expensive (that's how they make their money I guess), the music inside is blaring (like, uncomfortably so - you can barely hear people), they don't take debit - just cash or credit (like, not even Visa Debit!?) & the service isn't great (our server was obviously overloaded & she got snippy when 1 of our friends asked for his drink which he had ordered 20 mins beforehand & when she was collecting the plates, she spilled food onto my lap (not a big deal but there was no apology or acknowledgement even). I'll definitely go again, for the cheap food if nothing else, but I'll just wait for a spot on the patio where the music won't be so loud (& I'll make sure I have cash on me!). This has to be my favourite Thai restaurant. The food is superb, the staff is welcoming and the decor gives a great warm home feeling. The curry here is the best I've ever had. The Tamarin curry is exquisite and a culinary perfection. Their fried squash appetizer is a great meal to share and is full of flavour. The food came out quick and the servers were very generous. I liked the unique posters and paintings scattered around the restaurant for the decor. I live an hour away from this restaurant and I still drive the distance because of the top notch quality of the food. Was looking for a place for a group to eat at on a Saturday, and was so glad to stumble upon Pai! The location is really nice, very convenient if you're downtown. It is a very busy place, but they do have a room in the back with communal table, which is where we ended up. The service was really good, and the food was very flavourful. I got a curry with braised beef, which was very good. Will be back for sure! OH MY GOD this bar is every Potterhead's dream! It's very small (only about 4-5 tables) so get here early or on an off-night. My friends and I came on a Sunday night so it was pretty much empty except for two couples. Our bartender was very friendly and talked us through the drinks menu.I was really sad that they didn't have any Better Beer that day (they were out of the secret ingredient). Instead we got a Befuddlement Draft to share, which was still pretty cool and delicious. I also wanted to try the Dementor's Kiss, a shot of ghost pepper infused tequila. I thought I knew what I was getting into - the bartender even made sure that I knew how spicy it would be before serving it - but wow I was NOT prepared for that. The shot was fine going down but then continued to burn my mouth, my throat, my stomach in the minutes after. Thankfully, my table had ordered a plate of baked brie and bread so I stuffed 3 slices of cheese bread down my throat to try to counteract the spiciness. Roughly 30 minutes later, I finally felt normal again but be warned! This shot is NOT for the lighthearted!The decor of the place was so cute. They have drawings and quotes written all over the walls and one of the shelves have the Harry Potter Funko Pop! dolls all lined up.Keep in mind though that this is not strictly a Harry Potter bar. It's just a normal bar with Harry Potter decorations and themed drinks. Don't expect to walk into the Leaky Cauldron or the Three Broomsticks - you can get that at Universal Studios' Harry Potter World. But for a place that's not officially associated with Harry Potter, this bar is awesome. I'd definitely come back again to try their other drinks! No doubt this is a five stars restaurant for the food however, the 3 stars is for the attitude of the restaurant. They know right away that we are not local so they said either cash or Canadian debit card. When the bill came, they tag on 10% to the bill and charge us extra for the seafood ( because the crab n lobster weighted more than what the combo meal listed). The rude part was the server was staring at us when we were counting the money for the bill. Just be prepare for that if you are not from around there.Reservation is recommended. I really enjoyed this place and actually ended up coming back around 3 times during Pan Am weekend. I really like the service here from the beautiful waitresses and cool bartenders. Drinks are a little pricey but that is to make up for the $4.95 food menu which isn't bad. I highly recommend the honey garlic and hot sauce wings. Not to mention that the music is great with 90's hip-hop which is what I grew up to! This place is good for drinks with friends. Went here for my birthday and the service and food were fantastic. Food was great value for the price. It was family style and the platters were a hit for everyone. Table was great for 8 guests. Round table allowed everyone to socialize. Ambiance was great and large open concept. Drinks were unique but expensive and if you want to overindulge this wouldn't be the place. Ive been going to duffs since i was a young gun. Its always delivered on amazing wings. Whether you are taking out for a wing feast at home or munching down with your buddies, it just cant be beat for atmosphere, wings and honey garlic sauce. So good The food is delicious! The service is good and the atmosphere is inviting. I had the braised beef peanut curry and green papaya salad. I still think Thai Country Kitchen on Spadina has the best green papaya salad and sticky rice but they are in different categories. I can't wait to go back and try other things! In my many years of living in Toronto I've probably been to over 50 restaurants. I would easily place this one in the top ten. The food is great. My family and I ordered the slaw to start and the cod, braised beef and lobster ravioli for entrees. The portion sizes are a bit small so be prepared for that. I liked the braised beef and cod the most. Service was incredible. Really loved the sangria which was made and served at the table. Went here for dinner Thursday night at 5pm, party of 5. It's a great atmosphere, the waiters shout welcome whenever someone walks in the door, the service is impeccable and the menu is very unique. It's an excellent restaurant for groups because you are able to sample a larger number of dishes (the dishes are pretty small so you only get 1 or 2 pieces each, but if you order a lot of dishes, it provides a good variety). I recommend the baked brie and the octopus balls! The cocktails are also very good and reasonably priced. Delicious breakfast and plenty of it! The first time my friend and I went, we had an amazing, friendly, chatty and funny server. Love everything about the Senator and can't wait to go back. I'd hate to say it but I'm a little suspect of all of these five star reviews. I can't properly review this place because I was only here for a drink but here are my initial impressions. That said, I think this place needs to be taken down a notch. At the end of the day, it's tapas. VIBE Club impresario Charles Kabouth is behind this operation so it's going to be a scene here --starting with its clandestine location behind Weslodge (oh, surprise! we couldn't get in there). The interiors are gorgeous and obviously a lot of detail went into it. I'm a fan of the bar and the bar seats are quite comfortable! You'll definitely want to stay a while. The hostess was a bit of a snot. We were just coming into the bar and she didn't even greet us - she just kind of waved us over to the bar. Another thing: I've had friends trying to call to get a reservation before and he had quite a bit of trouble doing so. The bar staff were much more receptive. And surprise! Everyone working here looks like a model. WE DRANKSangria. It's expensive, yes but it's boozy and you need to take your time with it. It was very good Sangria. Kind of reminds me of what Nyood was doing a few years ago. Average cocktail prices here are $15. OBLIGATORY CATCHY REMARK Good sangria. I'm not sure about paying $30 for imported iberico ham (from what I've seen/heard). It's overpriced. That said, I'm curious to try to their tapas. But if you want to impress and be part of the scene, then this is a good place to do so. Love this place, reservations make it easy to book unlike Khao San Road which is not saying anything about their delicious menu options.Came here with the bf and ordered a pad thai and khao soi curry. We practically licked the plates and bowls they came on. I've been craving for authentic thai and he's never had much outside of canadian thai so I was glad Pai delivered for both of us!I really want to go back to try their coconut curry! We had a beer and sake which was good and fairly priced. The service was a little absent, took us forever to get her to take our order, give us water (pad thai was nice and spicy) and give us our bill. So the 1 star is for that. Love the atmosphere but wish the tables weren't so squished together that i had to turn sideways to sit down. Will definitely be back! This place had such great reviews, so at the very least, I expected the food to be enjoyable. Boy i was wrong. The four of us were so excited when we looked at the food and drink menu. Everything looked great! Once we started our meals, we all shared the same disappointed look. A unanimous ehh. None of us finished our food. The icing on the cake though, was that 2 of us actually got sick. I myself, threw up in their bathroom. While my friend did hers back at our hotel. Completely ruined our last night in Toronto. The ONLY reason i did not give this place one star was because my drink before my meal was delicious. I had the tom yum caesar. Spiciest drink i've ever had, hands down. I loved it though. So much flavor and spice. Seems like the drinks are great. So I recommend going their for drinks and appetizers. Stay away from the entrees. Every time I visit Toronto I love taking in the views of Lake Ontario and Cityline from the harbour, from the island and looking down from the 54th floor of the TD tower. With Summerlicious and PanAm games crowds, walk-in bar seating was perfect. Bar bites were reasonably priced and bar staff (Jane) was attentive and extremely helpful with recommendations. Bread with white bean and beet spread was hardy and a nice change to see something other than oils or fats with bread. Duo of Tartare of beef & salmon was a perfect portion of meats and baby bannocks. If there's foie gras on a menu I have to order it. The S'mores foie gras was a balanced combination of savoury and sweet. This starter is a must have when coming here. To finish something light the apricot mousse from their Summerlicious menu. Stewed apricots with an airy mousse was smooth ending to my mini-tasting menu. With a glass of wine my bill with tip came close to $100. Highly recommend visiting Canoe if not for a full meal come for a drink or cocktail in the bar and enjoy the view. For a three star place, I really enjoy coming here. They have a fantastic patio in the summer. It's usually full so come early! The drink menu is standard, but the have a decent beer variety also.The reason I'm writing a review now is because yesterday I ordered delivery for the first time. It was okay. The chicken parmigiana was slightly drier than usual, but still good. The panini: sad face. The panini had brown lettuce! Brown! I know usually lettuce doesn't hold up well to heat, but maybe send it separately. The chicken was cooked well. The bun: sad face number 2! It wasn't really an appropriate bun for a panini and it wasn't 'grilled' like usual panini's. Truthfully it felt like a microwaved bun with bad lettuce. I will probably never order from here again, but will continue to visit all summer! Great patio! Khao San Road relocates to Charlotte St behind MEC, bigger place with two storeys and high ceiling. The new place has more natural light and can accommodate bigger groups with many long tables. There is a waiting area with benches that you don't have to wait outdoor anymore. Upstairs have additional space and it will be a take out / snack bar as per the staff. We came on Tuesday, one week after the grand opening, and there was no wait. The waitress service was quick, but the kitchen was slow. We waited for 15-20 minutes for the food arrived after placing orderWe ordered the signature Bangkok Street Style Pad Thai and Khao Soi with mild spicy. The food was authentic and delicious as before. I could taste the flavour of different spices. Since the restaurant is bigger and can fit more patrons, I hope the wait won't be as long as before and I will go back more often! The food at Byblos is phenomenal and unforgettable. I have been twice now and both times I've been so very pleased with the experience. The setting is intimate, cozy and comfortable. You can carry on a conversation without raising your voice. The service is excellent: friendly, helpful and attentive. I highly recommend Byblos for a wonderful and unique dining experience. excellent customer service. the owner is very friendly & was helpful. jerk chicken poutine is something to try. got the fried chicken but I didn't like the corn, and mash potato.. tasted sweet for some reason must try their house spicy sauce! & funnel cake was gooood I will be back on a weekend day to try brunch aka chicken and waffles This place is really good on weekends because of the vibe and the awesome drinks. The foods good and the waiters are okay. It gets really busy especially on weekends where it turns into a social bar- literally- where you can't find a spot anywhere and the patio is open during the summer. Good vibes here! I came here for dinner with my boyfriend and his relatives that were in town. I would say this place is average. The location is very convenient as it was near the Yonge and College subway station. When I entered into the restaurant the hostesses were very friendly and helpful. In general the service at this place was good, our server was very friendly and attentive (attentive meaning, the server was attentive to our needs and wasn't overbearing). The food on the other hand, I thought was average for a restaurant of similar caliber. We ordered two sociable size pastas and the charity bread as the appetizer. I didn't care much for the charity bread, it was too hard and a bit salty. As for the pasta, we ordered one chicken pesto, which I liked, the flavors were good. However, the other pasta that we ordered, which was a seafood marina sauce pasta, I thought the flavors were bland. I would say this is a good place for a nice casual dinner with friends. But the dinning room that evening was rather loud, so I did have a hard time listening to the conversation that was going on at our table. Overall it was a good experience. This place has to be one of the most interesting restaurants that I have ever been to! The service and food is extremely unusual, but I love it! (of course, this is coming from a white person, maybe it's not as unusual as I think!?).Anyway, the menu is full of really random and interesting things to choose from. If you're in the mood for sushi, the selection is small and I'd recommend going somewhere else. As a vegetarian there were a few options to choose from (and I'm not complaining, I'm used to having a small selection), but all of these items were completely different and unusual. I ended up having the KINOKO CHEESE BIBIMBAP which was VERY tasty and did not disappoint! My only complaint is that the waiters did not tell me that the bowl they served it in was VERY hot (stupid me, I probably should have realized this) and I had to burn myself to find this out on my own. EDIT: I just recieved a message that the cheese bibimbap is NOT in fact vegetarian in the way they prepare the mushrooms. Unfortunately I won't be eating this again, but I would still recommend to anyone who does eat meat =]The atmosphere is VERY different from usual. When walking in we were greeted by the entire staff, and when walking out they all said goodbye! While I found this to be really cute and interesting, this can also get annoying when the whole staff is constantly yelling out greetings and food orders. My recommendation is not to come here if you have a headache!Overall, I am definitely going to come here again to try the rest of the vegetarian dishes! The place was very busy, so try and book a reservation if you can! (We had to sit at the bar which was uncomfortable, but we agreed to it since we were in a hurry). Pearl Diver is a neighbourhood seafood eatery. The wooden booths and rustic decor gives the place an east coast vibe. The service is friendly. I have been to Pearl Diver several times and I have never been disappointed. The food is delicious. To start, we had the mandatory dozen oysters. You cannot go to an oyster bar and not have oysters. The oysters were fresh and succulent. For mains, we also had the steelhead trout and coconut mussels. The trout was served in a savoury ginger & kelp broth with soba noodles, shitake mushrooms, baby boy choy and a sesame honey glaze. It was not what I had expected, but it was a delicious and a pleasant surprise. The mussels was delicious. The broth was savoury. You will need to ask for bread to mop up the broth. For dessert, we had a pumpkin spice cheese cake and chocolate cake - great way to end a great meal.I would highly recommend Pearl Diver if you are in the area. good food and reasonable price. I ordered panang curry with shrimp. It had a lot of shrimps that tasted yummy and the curry was great. I ordered the chicken lemon grass soup but not very impressed by that. wouldn't order it next time. And I really hope they could have STICKY RICE with curry. authentic thai curry should go with sticky rice! first time caller...long time listener anyways...this restaurant came very very VERY highly recommended from a co-worker. as far as im concerned, when an Italian tells you something is good, don't question it. he really had me at when he explained to me they make their own mozz... i wanted to come here on a very special occasion, so i decided to go for my first anniversary with my girlfriend. finding this place was a bit ackward, on google maps it has it listed on the intersection of yonge and gerrard, it is infact just a bit north west of the intersection.we did not book a reservation(my line of thinking was, its the Thursday before ones going to show up...WRONG!) the wait was very minimal, 15 minutes at the most. very very intimate setting, dim lighting and very romantic setting(candle light). we were greeted by our server named Jeff, Extremely friendly and amazing with his professionalism/manners. asked us if it was our first time within the establishment, and all sorts of other formalities. he also explained that they make the cheese everyday as a niche of the restaurant (and he wrote the name of the guy making the cheese...the name escapes me, as well side note my back was to the cheese making so i missed the whole thing) we wanted to celebrate and get a drink to celebrate the occasion. i was very impressed with Jeff's honesty, Jeff had explained that he needed to get back to me with what brand whiskey they had, due to a vendor change they had earlier in the week. drinks were ordered and we were looking at the menus. i couldn't help but notice all of the nice accents to this restaurant, the old school light bulbs, the exposed ceiling, and the jars of sauce/peppers designed and placed so properly balanced throughout the place. jeff returned with our drinks and we ordered the food, obviously i went with the fresh mozz...being a cheese lover that i am, it would have been pretty foolish to pass it up. when the app's came, i was blown away by the sizing, it was a decent size, but by the time i came to finishing the app, i was feeling satisfied. the mozzarella is amazing and should never be passed up.(i am also aware that they only offer it during 5-11pm) no sooner our apps were done, and jeff was back with our mains. i was slightly disappointed in the sizing, being a big guy i always worry about a main being enough food, however by the time i had finished the main, i was done for the night. my significant other had an issue with her main salad, which we had brought up to jeff, when we brought it up, jeffs manager deducted that main down from full price, which was a very nice gesture, considering the main was perfect, it was the side garnish that was not. we contemplated dessert but were too full to partake. a side note to my story as well: i was approached 3 times, by three different workers (managers i assume) asking if the service was up to a good standard, and if i was ok. this is how good business is done. im very proud to say, jeff worked his butt off for us on this amazing evening, actually took the time to know us, and congratulated us on our very happy year, with more years to come. i have no problem saying i gave jeff the biggest tip i've ever given to any server. just perfect from start to finish. pros: very romantic, fresh cheese, good portions, excellent qualitycons: wait time, a bit loud, all cheese sucks if not fresh :)this is the best sit down dinner i've ever had the privilege of eating at. I went here for a late dinner. The restaurant has a nice patio, which was really busy and usually there's a wait to get seated outside. The place was happening after 8 pm, and got livelier as it got later.I was pleasantly surprised by the food. I had a merscatto wine, which was sweet but I really liked it. I do tend to like the sweeter wines, so if you like something sweeter this is a good choice. They have a good selection of cocktails and different drinks. We ordered the calamari and the fish tacos. The calamari was nicely battered and flavourful. The calamari batter was crispy, crunchy and cooked just right. I also enjoyed the fish tacos. The pineapple and jicama slaw with cheddar and chipotle sauce nicely complemented the deep fried basa. I enjoyed the food and the atmosphere and I'd be back. SUPER DISAPPOINTED IN MAY - THIS PLACE WAS A CROWDED MESS!I was in Toronto with hubby for our anniversary and we wanted to go big for our special weekend so we decided - on the spur of the moment - to try Lee. We like watching Top Chef and we're super foodies - so we thought why not!WHAT A MISTAKE! We got there at 6:30pm on a Saturday and the host looked like someone had threatened him with a sawed off shot gun! We realized it's probably a busy place but it seemed even worse than that. We knew we had no chance of getting a table so we hit the bar for some cocktails and appetizers. The place only got more zoo crazy after that - it was like watching a horror film.LOADS of people crammed in trying to get a table - the host often all together DISAPPEARING! (This was funny to watch from the bar in a sick way) From chic to geek tons of people tried to jam in there. I was glad we had a little bar table and thinking this was a genius move! We had beer and champagne by the glass cause the cocktails were just outright ridiculously priced. The decor was unique and cool- very east meets west. And to my surprise Susur Lee was there darting in and out of the kitchen, greeting tables, and SEEMINGLY terrorizing the staff! We watched as staff would go out of their way to not get near him - go around the whole dining room almost in a way just to avoid him. He smiled when meeting guests and taking pictures but at all other times seemed pissed. I thought it might be cool to try and get a photo with him before we left BUT then we had some of the appetizers and I decided IT WAS A WASTE OF ANYMORE TIME - CAUSE THE FOOD WAS AWFUL!We tried SUSUR'S FAVORITES PEDESTAL which consisted of:EDAMAME = Always tasty YET I could make this at home WHIPPED CHICKPEA DIP = Flavorful but could have easily been surpased by a gourmet store dip SALMON CEVICHE = only OK - not memorable or unique PEKING DUCK ROLLS = only good thing on the plate (probably cause it's fried?!) HUNAN CHICKEN WINGS = a total joke CHEESEBURGER SPRING ROLLS = HORRIBLE! Tasted strange and as if one too many herbs were in the mix.After having a Cheeseburger Springroll I didn't want to order anything else ( even though I had already asked for a Singapore Slaw) I was officially turned off.I had just had enough of the whole experience. I was turned off that the great Susur Lee seems to be pandering to the masses. THIS WAS NO MORIMOTO'S! Maybe it was an extremely busy night but the place just seemed chaotic. Like the computers were down BUT THEY WEREN'T!I'm glad we didn't get a table - I'm glad I didn't spend lavishly on a whole meal there cause the dessert from my hotels room service was amazing that night compared to everything at LEE RESTAURANT! Loved it!!!AMBIENCEI really like I was like n Thailand. The place is underground and it was a cool place. It had ample seating and a sizeable bar for a nice hangout if you were going for drinks. My guests and I sat at the tall tables, group of six. There's is cell phone charging station, very safe and useful I left my phone charging over dinner. A nice place to hangout with friends or a date night.SERVICEI like the staff, there was cool and took care of us. We also had a canteen of water and our food always was served hot and fresh. It was just the way I like it.FOODSo gooood!!! Starter - grabong = squash fritters; paired with a tangy sauce. Not oily and nice and crispy.Plah Nua - beef salad. Roasted rice with some lime sauce. So good!!!Som Tom Tad - papaya salad. Perfect citrus levels.Entree - gaeng kiaw wan in a coconut. Green curry was served a coconut, it was so good. Creamy, savoury and perfect balance. I ate all of the way down to the coconut meat. So my favourite.Dessert - mango sticky rice. It was good not something that really stuck out. I don't think I would eat. Just not my preference.I am looking forward to returning again, soon! This review is for dinner and I speculate that brunch is a different (and hopefully better) experience altogether.We visited Cluny Bistro on a Thursday night. It is quite a sizeable restaurant in the Distillery District and the decor and design of the restaurant is romantic and lovely, somewhat reminiscent of a bistro in Paris. The atmosphere is what potentially will draw me back to try brunch on the patio in the summer. However, the food unfortunately did not live up to the beauty of the restaurant itself.I would also like to note that despite the lovely display of various breads in the center of the restaurant, the bread served to our table was not as crunchy and soft as we expected. On the bread spectrum, it was more on the hard crust and dense interior side of breads, unlike what we would expect from a Paris bistro.We started with the salt cod donuts for an appetizer. It was served in the cutest little iron skillet with a side of smoked potato dipping sauce. The donuts had a thin crispy shell and a creamy inside similar to mashed potato. Despite being cod donuts, I could not really taste the cod, however they were pretty tasty overall with the creamy smoked potato dipping sauce. For main dishes, we had the hunter's stew with rabbit, pheasant sausage, and beef cheek and the veal meatball tomahawk, which was tomato braised and served with a side of gnocchi. The hunter's stew was served in a small bowl, with a side of mustard sauce and a flaky pastry bread. Although the meats were tender, the flavour was lacking depth and it was a forgettable dish except for the fact that it was quite small. The veal tomahawk was also tender, slightly better in flavour, and larger in portion. I enjoyed the side of gnocchi (garnished with parmesan and basil, to the best of my knowledge) better than the veal tomahawk itself. For dessert, we had the most disappointing praline profiteroles. Three profiteroles were beautifully plated, accompanied by chocolate chantilly, caramel crunch, hazelnut, and strawberry coulis. Unfortunately, the pastry itself was very hard and dense to the point that I had difficulty splitting the profiterole for a more manageable bite. The profiteroles were not very sweet but the delicate flavours were overpowered by the exceedingly sour strawberry coulis. The only part I enjoyed of dessert was the hazelnut and caramel crunch but I would not recommend this dessert.Honestly, I wish I could love this place based on concept and atmosphere alone, but the quality and taste of the dishes at Cluny did not reflect the price point.Overall rating: 2.5 stars This place is beautiful and very sophisticated. The patio is gorgeous as it looks over liberty and is very airy. The food is good, but nothing to rave about. The pizzas are fresh, which is nice, the Cobb salad is kind of just a salad (with no blue cheese :[). Overall, food is good, but it kind of feels your average run of the mill chain restaurant. Come here to drink after work for the views if anything. we called on our way into the city and made a reservation about an hour in advance. when we arrived the decor was fun but a bit busy, our table was ready and the hostess cheerfully showed us the way. we waited a bit to get our drink orders in and they took a few minutes to arrive but the bar was busy and the bartenders didnt stop moving. the drinks were a bit complicated but very tastey, i had the mojito brasilia (looked swampy with the heavy mint, execellent flavour tho) and the mayahuel (strong but well balanced), my girlfriend had the blackberry frutas frescas magarita (tasted the tequila and the berries) and pepino diablo (spicey and flavourful excellent recommendation from the server). we ate the 9 course tasting menu and loved every tiny course that arrived. the corn dish was phenominal, fish tacos were simple but fantastic and the ceviche was a favourite. the portions were a bit small but fit with the tapas experience, we were full by the end of our delicious churros (although i could've eaten a million more of them!). our server katlyn j was knowledgable and made excellent suggestions for food and drinks. we are looking forward to returning and trying out the patio. I dig Bellwoods! They brew a number of different styles right in their location on Ossington, all quite tasty. I particularly enjoyed their Saison. The food is good, nothing too special, this is a spot to come for beers and if you're hungry the food is good. But it's not a good only destination in my mind. The patio is GREAT. Definitely a great spot for a summer drink, come early as seating is limited. My fiance and I stayed in a crash pad a couple of nights in May and were very pleased. Its small (as the name implies) but with lots of character. The staff were friendly and accommodating, and we enjoyed getting breakfast and meeting up for drinks with friends at the cafe. Its definitely not the cheapest place to stay in town, but I'd have to say it was worth it for a special occasion. Khoa San Road is probably the best Thai food that I have ever had in Toronto.I came by at about 7pm on a Monday night with my friend. The weather was lovely outside, so it was pretty busy. We waited about 20 minutes for a table for 2, which I was told, was not bad at all. The hostess almost forgot that we were there before another table that was waiting to be seated, so while she almost seated them before us, we proceeded to grill her with our eyes and she got the message. She seemed a bit frazzled, but I don't blame her for having such a long line-up out the door. Just be a little more organized next time (this was my only problem with the place, was the hostess' lack of organization at the front, but other than that, my experience was amazing!). We were seated at one of the communal tables, which didn't bother me much, but the spaces are quite tight in between, so get acquainted with your neighbor!We were greeted by a very friendly waitress and we decided to order the garlic tofu to start, then the gaeng massaman and chef's special pad thai to share. Some of my highlights:-Garlic tofu: super yummy and came with a great dipping sauce on the side. The tofu was medium firm and seasoned quite well. The panko bread crumbs added a great touch to them-Gaeng Massaman: I'm not a huge curry fan (especially when there's coconut milk), but this curry was awesome. Super thick and rich with slight hints of tanginess. I'm a huge carb-lover so the potatoes were also a great touch-Chef's Special Pad Thai: I love pad thai, but I love this chef special even more! You definitely taste the sweet, sour, and savory flavors all at once. There's also tiny tofu bits in there which add some more texture. Everything was super flavorful and presented well. I was very happy with the service here. Everything was delivered to our table quickly and the waitress made sure to come by and check up on us and see if we were enjoying the food. Very friendly staff, very good crowd, just a great time overall. Great food (tasting menu) and great service (Greg and Seth) combined for a special meal. Started with the famous slaw salad which was fresh and delicious and made our way through 8 other dishes. In addition to the slaw, our favorites included the cod, lamb, top chef masters chicken, and short ribs. A couple of the dishes came out a bit too fast and the timing of the wine pairing was off a bit. Tables are too close together but it gave us a closer look at what our neighbors were enjoying... Best restaurant in terms of everything. I always have such a great experience. The staff are extremely friendly and positive and make you feel very welcomed. The restaurant itself is stunning with a huge plant wall/waterfall at the back. The sound of the falling water is so serene. The food is always cooked to perfection (I recommend their buffalo mozzarella, steak as well as their gnocchi). What I enjoy about this restaurant the most is how creative they are with their menu. Their flavours are always unique and exceptional and you can tell they have fun preparing their menus which transfers to customers that order from it. Just great positive vibes and always a wonderful experience when I go there. Recommend everybody to try this restaurant at least once! Honestly, I've had this place bookmarked ever since it opened so I was pretty excited to finally try it today.After reading fellow Yelper reviews, I just about expected everything. So yes, I can testify to the comments about how the store is run by a friendly and cute little Asian couple. The lady on the till was very nice and personally came to our table (in the food court) to ask how we were enjoying the food. So overall service was pretty great.However, I found the food to be a bit disappointing. Having maintained such a high rating after so many months of running, I was anticipating a dish that would wow me. Despite the photos that would argue otherwise, I had hoped that the taste of the curry would trump it's presentation. My verdict: ehhhh.. I would give the food a 3.5/5. I had the chicken karaage curry ($9.61 tax included) and it was just alright. The chicken was moderately tender, not the melt in your mouth type, and the curry was a bit on the sweeter end. I've definitely had better karaage and the overall dish wasn't as hot as I had hoped it to be. Why I rounded down to a 3 star, however, is because of the rice. My greatest complaint would be that the rice was too soggy and had clumped together instead of standing alone as individual grains. I also would have appreciated more coleslaw as I felt the meal was lacking in vegetables.The other reason why I rounded down is because I am now insanely thirsty. I haven't been able to stop drinking water since this meal and now my lips have this mild burning sensation. Owing to the deep fried nature of the karaage along with the MSG in the curry, I probably should've seen this coming. Regardless, this is definitely not a pleasant feeling. After spending a long day travelling we arrived in Toronto with the intent to eat near St. Lawrence market but due to Buskers Festival, there was no parking. Frustrated we finally found parking down at the docks and discovered Against the Grain totally by accident.It was a Friday night and really busy on the patio. We were tired and hungry and were about to turn away when the manager, Teresa Wilson, immediately took charge and managed to seat us quickly. We enjoyed one of the best tables on the patio, great food and the best service we have experienced in awhile. Our special thanks to Teresa and the great staff that night for the memorable experience. And we were delighted to finally find a beautiful setting on the Toronto waterfront to eat. Will definitely return. Very tasty, Good pad thai and northern style food. I have to say I was little disappointed after reading such great reviews. It's worth a visit but I wasn't blown away.Also goo prices with the portions you get. I want to like this place a lot but I find it quite hard too as every time I've gone here I've been disappointed. Severely.This basement bar is full of beer. Lots of it, which is why I want to like it. There are different pints from different places with a nice mixed crowd to boot. The decor is average. Small reddish wood tables and chairs, a nice big bar, dull lighting, a few pool tables at the back, and a lot more carpet than you would expect.The food here is food. Let's just say it tastes just how it looks. Sometimes under seasoned and other time way over seasoned. It's nothing fancy so I don't get how it is just so sub par but it is a bar known for beers after all. Shame they couldn't serve up some nice food to go along with the great beer selection. Service here is blindingly slow. We're talking turtle speed. No wait. A turtle with arthritis and missing one of its legs speed. The beer and food barely crawl into your hands. On top of that the service is just non existent. Wait staff don't care nor can they bother to. They are doing their job and I think they hate it. It makes me angry that I don't love this place. I mean, there is a huge beer selection. It is very hard for me to not like a place with great beers to choose from. C'est What? managed to do it though. Sad, really.Overall, this place is super cheap for drinks and food. The price of food reflects the quality but the same cannot be said for the beers. Come to drink the night away on a small budget but you might want to stop off somewhere else for food. Service is dismal so seat yourself at the bar so you can at least see that someone is pouring your beer.C'est What?C'est fail, that's what. it's not bad but you could probably find a better AYCE in toronto.the service is alright... we had to wait for a good15 to 20 usually for our second orders... it kinda sucks when i left my earphones there.. i called them and they said they have it.. when i got there they said that they dont have it anymore.. Boooo!!!! they're sushi is average nothing really special.... This place is garbage. I get it, you're a big place but that's no excuse for poor service and food. Feels like a tourist trap. Guacamole is decent, drinks are ok,the rest is a mess. If you are in the distillery, do yourself a favour and spend your money elsewhere. I decided to try this place based on other reviews. I found the food very average to poor. We had the BBQ ribs and beef brisket. The ribs were over cooked and dry. The beef brisket had very little flavor. They advertise their smoking but both the ribs and beef brisket had no smoke flavor to them. The only flavor was in the sauce. I will not be going back based on the high price for very mediocre BBQ. The wait time was long but definitely worth the wait! It's a super busy place and very small, but very cozy and nicely decorated! Nice for a small group of 2-3 people. My friends and I had the Chicken Sandwich and The Max and both were very flavorful and filling! The portion size was just perfect and the staff was also very accommodating and friendly. I would like to go back and try some of the other dishes. Its hard to find good brunch places in Toronto and i havent been impressed with my search until now. 'Insomnia' - my search is over!! You guys rock. The food is really amazing, ambience & decor is classy and contemporary, coffee is really delicious, mimosas are such a nice addition too. All in all, one of our favs in Toronto! My husband and I stayed at the Cow Hollow Motor Inn for 9 days. We liked the place because it is a great value - very clean, free parking (unusual in the city), free internet (also unusual), excellent housekeeping, great food choices within steps of the hotel. The hotel staff was great - my husband was on crutches and we were given everything we asked for - extra blankets and pillows, HP parking next to the elevator, and an HP accessible bathroom. The corridors are inside, there are two elevators, and ice machines. The room was well appointed with television. coffee maker, hairdryer, soap and shampoo, and the bathroom was modern and clean. The bedding and towels were new and clean, the rugs are brand new, the pillows were great and everything about the room smelled good. Nice, good quality furniture too. We like fresh air and appreciated that the window opened. The only shortcomings, and these were minor, were that the mattress wasn't plush and our room was near the elevator, the stairs and the ice machine, so it was noisy. We are coming back to San Francisco for 10 more days in May and will definitely stay here. My 3-day stay at the Andrews Hotel was a pleasant one overall; I was satisfied with the clean, comfortable room (a "cozy double") and generally good service. I booked the room directly with the hotel, getting them to match the rate of $79 for weeknights, $99 for weekends, that was quoted by several web booking sites. Note that if you use the hotel's own web site or call the hotel to ask about rates, you're likely to be quoted something higher, so you need to do price-checking on your own and ask them to match the best rate.My room was quite small, as expected, but everything worked well and was clean. The only thing that bothered me a bit was the stained cushions on both the armchair and desk chair. The tiny TV got somewhat inadequate reception of the limited channels available. The room faced east, along the side of the building, so was quieter than front-facing rooms, but there are still bound to be city noises like sirens at times, so it's best to have earplugs on hand. I appreciated the ceiling fan and the two windows in the room, which provided excellent ventilation. The room size was perfectly fine for me, but I think a couple would feel quite cramped in a cozy double room.The Andrews is a small hotel, so there's only one person at a time staffing the front desk. Be prepared to wait if they're already helping someone else. I found almost all the staff to be helpful and professional (esp. Oscar), but the nameless guy on duty when I checked out seemed indifferent to the point of rudeness (he had a friend waiting outside, so seemed to resent having to work). I had to point out to him an error in my bill, and he grudgingly corrected it. It left a somewhat negative impression on what had been a very pleasant stay.Things I especially liked about the Andrews: free breakfast served outside my door each morning; plentiful, high quality, convenient. Things I didn't like: cost of local phone calls; cost of high-speed Internet access. My daughter and I stayed at the Handlery Union Square on a week-end in May. Our room was giant! Two beds, a desk and chair, a large sofa with a table and a cushioned bench with shelf space underneath were all in our room. We also had a walk-in closet big enough to change in as well as a large bathroom. The location was excellent, close to the cable car stop, art galleries, shops and Union Square. The staff was friendly and courteous and even let us check in two hours early. The hotel itself was charming and clean. All this for only $99 on a special rate from TravelZoo. As per other reviews, the Americania is a pretty decent hotel. Our room was clean, well appointed, if a little snug and comfortable. The bathroom wasn't brand new, but was just fine. Service was very good overall. We had to wait a bit too long for our room, but the staff did everything they could to get it ready for us as quickly as possible. As everyone else has noted, no A/C! This was pretty awful, as the rooms get quite warm, especially the smaller ones. If you left the fan on all day, it helped cool things down a bit.Our room was the very last one in the hotel (450) so we were on the main road side, which was quite noisy at night. Lots of sirens and road cleaners going past at all hours. Also, the free wireless didn't reach that end of the hotel, so if that's an essential feature, ask for something more in range of the front desk, maybe. Custom Burger was very expensive, and not at all worth the price in my opinion. The shakes are fantastic though! Right across the road at the Good Hotel, is a pizza place on the bottom floor. Good pizza, good prices and friendly staff, esp Ashanti. Eat here over CB anytime. The location isn't great, but we walked toward the "bad" part of town in daylight hours and had no problems. It's roughly a 90min walk to Pier 39, allowing for photo and coffee stops along the way. However, it's all flat, so it was an easy walk. I would stay here again, but definitely request a different room. We enjoyed our three night stay at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. The room was very small but clean and unique. We spent most of our time sight seeing so it was not a problem. We enjoyed 4 days staying at the Chancellor. Staff were extremely helpful and polite. Location was fantastic, so easy to go anywhere. Union Square was nearby, plus shops and many many restaurants. The cable car passed in front of the hotel.The rooms were very comfortable, not huge but still very nice. We did not eat breakfast at the hotel (optional in our booking) as most days we were heading out somewhere different. Great bonus of free tea and coffee in the foyer plus oat biscuits. There is a bar in the foyer and big screen TV.Very close to Chinatown, and the BART station is at the bottom of the street. I actually left a small jewellry conainer in my room and hosuekeeping found it. When I contatcted them they were very good in Fed Exing to our next USA address at our cost.I would highly recommend staying here. The hotel was absolutley horrible. We booked through at one hotel and was told this hotel was comparable at $165.00 a night. We were told it was a family suite with two bedrooms. A suite is a room with a living room and small kitchen area. What we got was two rooms, connected by a common hallway. The rooms had trash in them, urine on the toilet seats. Used toilet paper, blood stains on the curtains, and stains on the carpets. The bathrooms were delapitated and showers were dirty and had used dirty bath mats. The furniture in both rooms looked like it was picked up at a junkyard. It was the most disgusting room I ever stayed in. The room was so bad I went to another hotel. I was very dissappointed. I told the Manager what I was paying and the going rate was actually about 70-80 a night. Definitely not a place to go. Well my trip was on memorial weekend, and yes i did expect it to be a little noisy.the room next to me was so loud. i called the front desk so many times and yet they really didnt do anything. the check in staff was very rude, and when i would go down to ask them a question they looked at me with distain. Holy moly this isnt the some super high end hotel. give me a break.ok so the ups. comfy bed, decent resurant if you can get in. I booked the Serrano as part of a trip as a present to my Mother for her 65th birthday.She was a bit nervous at first as this was her first visit to the USA, but within minutes of arriving she felt right at home.All the staff we came across were friendly and welcoming, and the service we received from the doormen, check-in staff and restaurant staff was excellent from start to finish.We stayed in on of the 'Luxury Suites' on the 14th floor. The rooms were big and clean with a 32" flat screen in the bedroom and living room. The 'Honor Bar' was well stocked and the bathroom was a tidy size. The nighty wine reception in the lobby from 5 to 6 was also a great bonus. Don't let the comments about the location worry you, it's only a couple of minutes walk to Union Square and we never felt threatened around the hotel once.I would have no problem recommending this hotel to anyone and would definetally stay here again if I was lucky enough to visit San Francisco again.Thanks once again to Mr Flores and his staff for a great stay. Very comfortable corner room. It felt like home for our 5 day stay. The location near Union Square was great for us and it had resonably priced overnight parking. Lots of natural light and a comfortable king bed. The things we didn't like; the TV in a box. The sound from the back of the TV was trapped in the box and sounded terrible. And breakfast at the hotel restaurant, it was terrible and overpriced. There's a great family diner across the street for breakfast. The staff was really nice and we enjoyed the tea/lemonaide in the lobby. We would stay here again. A small hotel in a great central location. The staff are very personable and helpful. Continental breakfast is a bonus and the free wine & cheese sessions each evening provide a great opportunity for exchanges with other guests. The room was very comfortable - no view, but then we did not expect one as we were out and about - not sitting in the room. Our stay was only a short one of 3 nights, but we have no hesitation in recommending this great little hotel - and of course we booked the Inn on Union Square based on other reviews in Trip Advisor. Super service from entry court on up. Room gorgeous with view to the West, almost could see China in the distance. Needed "early arrival" room which exec gal arranged. Weneeded rack of lamb for dinner, concierge found just the right restaurant for our needs.A perfectly splendid trip. Hope to be back soonest... Had a lovely time at the Sir Francis Drale. It was in the heart of the city, near to shops, malls, Chinatown, trollies, public transportation and food. The service was friendly and I enjoyed the atmosphere. The reviews are right, the location of this hotel could not be any better. You are surrounded by everything you need. It is located 1 street over from the cable car line and BART station. The is a mall one street over and the hotel is surrounded by numerous stores of all varieties, all within walking distance, if you enjoy shopping. For dining there are 2 restaurants located on the 2nd floor of the hotel or there is a Burger King and a Carl's Jr directly across the street if you prefer fast food. The hotel offers a nice 24 hour fitness center on the 5th floor. The staff is very friendly. They normally charge additional for 2 queen beds instead of 1 king but upon request at check in we were given the 2 beds at no additional charge. We did rent a car so did take advantage of the valet service. It is $44 + 14% tax a day. I believe that is an excessively high price but you have all day in and out privileges and it never took longer than a couple of minutes for them to bring our car up and they were always very friendly and courteous.The rooms are decorated nicely and the beds were really comfortable with lots of comfy pillows. Do be prepared that you are in a city and will hear city noises! There is a fire station located within a few blocks of the hotel so you will hear sirens in the night or very early morning. Ear plugs are provided with their toiletries. There also is an extremely large homeless population in San Francisco and the hotel is surrounded by them so do be prepared to be begged for change. These are things to expect at any hotel in San Francisco however are not vacation spoilers.I would definitely stay at this hotel again! For the great service and very reasonable rates I would highly recommend this hotel. The actual hotel itself is OK, the issue we had was the location. This section of Market Street is full of homeless people and they are quite intimidating at times. we arrived at midnight and were advised by the hotel staff to order food in rather than go out and get it as we had planned to - thi was quite a shock to us as having just come from New York we thought we were hardened travellers who could face any streets! The next day we realised that actually, the hotel staff were so very right - I was woken up at 6.30 by someone threatening to kill someone else, and along the 1/4 of a mile or so walk to the nearest phone box the only people we saw were homeless. Hmm, nice... If you're a brave soul who isn't bothered by tramps etc then go for it,the hotel is nice enough and all the staff we dealt with were helpful. The decor in the rooms is a bit old fashioned but the main problem is the terrible location. Union Square wasn't up to much either, don't be fooled by the books as I was! Everything about this place was excellent. For the very low price you pay you get a large room, great facilities, free breakfast, the most helpful staff i've ever encountered. I cannot recommend this place enough, it may not look anything from the outside but it certainly makes up for it when you step inside. I have very mixed feeling about Petite Auberge (stayed 6 nights). There is much to love and a few things that just should not be at this kind of property. First the positives: great staff - very helpful front desk, service at the wine reception and breakfast was great and our housekeeper was absolutely delightful. The afternoon wine and nibblies were great and breakfast was the best we had during our 3 weeks in Northern California. The neutrals: we had one of the smaller rooms (cosy queen) and it was adaquate but nothing special (rather basic). For such a great location, the value was good by having the smaller room. Now the negatives: the biggest is the internet service. Petite Auberge is the only property that charged for internet service ($7.99/night) on our 3 weeks in Northern California. This was not disclosed (that I saw) on the Web site. At a property of this stature, I feel that this is a bit cheesy. The second issue is that many rooms face the back alley. Because nights in SF, even in the summer are quite cool, having the windows open is a delight. [BTW - I did not see A/C availability in the room but it might have been - open windows were great]. In the back alley, every morning around 5 a.m. is the garbage pickup. For about 10 min. there is quite a racket that you will not sleep through. So if you have a back alley room and do not have the windows closed and the heat on, I would inquire about the A/C and if available use it. I stayed there mid-July and was very pleased with everything. Yes, the parking can be expensive, but worth it. They had the car there within 5 minutes the few times we needed it. Yet, it is only a few blocks from the BART station, and close to bus lines (which I highly recommend). It was a nice walk down to the Ferry Building for a casual dinner and an easy walk to MOMA. The room was very clean, with a nice view of the hills. Our maid was so accomodating and provided extra toiletries without asking. Food is so-so in the restaurants, but convienent. My 20 year old son met me in SF, so I appreciated the coin laundry....! The concierge and the front desk were very friendly and helpful. I definitely appreciated the fact that I made a reservation at a chain I had used before and it didn't let me down. If you want a clean, reliable hotel with a decent location, this is the one for you. Five of us stayed for four nights and the hotel were great sorting out the accommodation, they put us in two adjoining rooms which was perfect. We were in the older part of the hotel and on the 6th floor which was fine. Catherine the receptionist was a great help when we were trying to check in online to return. Fantastic location for Westfield Shopping and Union Square.We hired a car and drove to the Gilroy outlet center which was about 80 mins away, great bargains, the following day we went to Sausalito which was fabulous. Spent the rest of the time enjoying San Francisco, Alcatraz, Fishermans Wharf etc. Drove down Lombard Street which was fun. Walked a lot as well, easy city to get around by foot or car. Willl definitely go back and would stay at Handlery. I stayed at the Cartwright for 3 nights in late November. The hotel is centrally located and was great for shopping at Westfield, Macys and all that Union Square has to offer. I liked the free internet and 24/7 coffee. The room (as expected) was small. The bathroom had louvre windows which seemed to allow the street noise into the room. I expected the area to be noisy however the room was loud. One thing that I was aware of before I stayed at the hotel is that they use real keys. I didn't expect it to be a problem however in hindsight it would be a major factor in me considering another hotel on my next visit. If you are not careful you can inadvertently leave your room open (you have to lock the door with the key when leaving). I was also constantly worried about losing the key when out of the hotel. You are able to leave the key at reception, however they were often busy which meant waiting for the key everytime I returned to the hotel. I much prefer the card system and feel that a hotel of this standard should update. It is also possible to be locked in your room. Be careful not to lock your partner in the room. If you leave individually do not lock the door with the key - it is not possible to open the door from the inside when it is locked from the outside. All in all, the stay was ok, however I would probably experiment with another nearby hotel on my next visit. Stayed in the JW Marriott on the last night of our holiday as a treat! We did the rest of the trip (which included Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco the previous weekend, Yosemite and Santa Cruz) on a budget and decided to blow the budget on the last night as we had to catch two flights home the following day which was to take about 20hours in total. This hotel is lovely. It was worth every one of the $249 we paid for it. We arrived at 1pm to check in which was 3 hours earlier than the normal check in time but this wasn't even mentioned to us as we checked in. The room we had booked was not available when checking in so we were given a better room which was fine with us. (I imagined the room would be slightly bigger with maybe a couch or something!) Well when we opened the door to the room we got a shock. We were given a suite which was huge! The bed could have slept 6 people it was so big (it was super comfortable)! Seperate dressing room, huge bath room and tons of space. This was the icing on the cake to a fabulous holiday. The staff in the hotel were lovely. Friendly but not in your face all the time. We used the valet parking at the hotel and found it fantastic. It was a bit of a novelty using the valet parking as its not common where we come from! the hotel was just one black from Union square which was great. We did not eat in the resturant but it looked nice. We had some drinks at the bar when was very plesant. Overall I would have no hesitation in reccommending the JW Marriott in San Francisco and would stay in it again. You know, when you get what you pay for, this is it!. My husband and I normally dont stay at a more modern hotel, but we were so glad we did. Every gadget you can imagine to make our stay perfecto was a fingertip away. Want the blinds down to make your room pitch black in the middle of the day, just push a button on the side of your bed! Want your butler to run an errand, iron your clothes, or in my case just to come to my room so I can ask his what other people have him do?? (I am not used to butlers).Wow! This place is way cool. Loved every second of it. Bathroom: cool, Bed: comfy, great pillow. Best of all: all the comforts at your fingertips..........literally. How fun!!! Go treat yourself next time you are in San Fran. We also were skeptical after reading some of the reviews for this hotel, especially since it was a new addition to the RCI Point system. We had a week long reservation for a queen room (all that was available at the time) and needed one night before our week started. Having looked at the photos on the website we noticed that the beds seemed really "square (in our experience that means hard) and the pillows very flat in the standard rooms so we upgraded for our single night stay. Our king bed was the most comfortable we have slept on, the pillows great and the room had a pool view with a balcony (this was a premium room for $60 upgrade). I wouldn't say the staff isn't friendly, they are just "job focused" and not people focused. They don't make conversation easily, but after a week we managed to get smiles and a few sentences out of them. If you ask for information about the city, you do get it in a concise sentence which is what some people may consider the rudeness, but really, most people we ran into in San Francisco were the same way-not very conversational. When it came time to check into our "real" room with RCI the clerk asked if we would just like to stay where we were (bed upgrade and room upgrade) and that it would just be the same $60 extra per night. We agreed, paying 60 a night for a hotel in San Francisco was unheard of. Sure we could have moved to our standard room and stayed for free, but this was vacation! All in all we liked the hotel, especially the central location and nearness to the California St.cable cars just 4 blocks to the north. One warning, DON'T go walking from the hotel to Union Square via Geary or O'Farrell-this area is very dicey and really looked like the set of a New York cop show. Many homeless, prostitutes and drug users in the doorways. No one hassled us (we obviously didn't belong in the neighborhood) but it was uncomfortable. Walk 4-5 blocks NORTH to California St (and Starbucks!) and get on the cable car to go to Union Square. You MUST eat at Mel's diner on the corner! Definately the cleanest shiniest diner we've ever been in! We would definately use this hotel again (and stay in a premium room). Clean and quiet. Great location--walking distance to LOTS of fun spots. I loved the all natural bath products they left for us, plus the fact that they had a recycling bin in the room and seemed to care about conserving resources. The free glass of wine was also nice, and Dave the bartender treated us like old friends. Don't get too excited about the "cozy" bathrobe, however, because it was about as cozy as a dishtowel and not a whole lot bigger... Got a great rate from Hotwire and stayed at the Clift for 3 nights. Staff was friendly and always smiling. My wife and I traveled with our 2 year old toddler and we felt very comfortable in the room. Room size was small for a four star hotel and also the bathroom. But everything was clean and housekeeping is very courteous and helpful. Ipod dock in room was a nice touch as I left my charger back home. Don't expect too much from the room. It has a king size bed, comfortable sheets and comforter. The table in the room is a little small, television seems like it was bought from a surplus shop back in the early 90s but DVD player was appreciated. (movie rentals are available for about 12 bucks a night it would make more sense to buy a DVD disc at Borders or Virgin which are both a few blocks away.) There was also a serious lack of storage space in the room.Bathroom was tight. I mean real tight.Noise from the street is real bad. Once of the drawbacks of being in the city, I guess.Overall, we enjoyed our stay at the Clift and would stay there again if given a competitive rate. Location was perfect for a weekend of just lounging and shopping. We just returned from a 5 night stay at the Cartwright Hotel. We had read the reviews and therefore knew what to expect i.e. small rooms but clean. The bed and pillows were very comfortable. The bathroom is tiny and the tiles in our room were old and some cracked but clean. Watch your head when exiting the bathroom to avoid the hanging TV... they have foam on the side but you can still see tweetie birds if you are not careful. The high speed internet was great and the complimentary breakfast was awesome and made it worth the stay. The location is excellent right by US. This is a great hotel if you are just looking to spend time in your room to sleep. If you like to hang out, you may want a bigger place although the Cartwright Hotel has some bigger rooms as well. We would definitely return as the location and value are hard to beat. My wife, son and I stayed at the Mayflower June 11-14. We arrived a few hours early, the clerk let us keep our bags there while we went out exploring. That was a nice gesture. When we arrived at our room, however, we were put in a one bed room, when we clearly booked a 2 bed room months ago. That caused some tepidation. But the manager was called and made it right, giving us the first night free. I can understand why guests do not like being on the Bush Street side of the hotel. That street is very loud and alot of traffic. The room we stayed in had no air conditioning and in the 80 degree weather we experienced, we were very warm all night. Thank God for the ceiling fan Many reviewers mentioned the friendly staff. We did not experience this. The clerks went about their business, but were never friendly, and a couple clerks kind of glowered at us when we would first enter the lobby. Two asked us what our business was in the lobby, and we had to tell them we were guests in their hotel. I didn't care for their tone. The breakfast was meager. It looked like they went next door and bought bread and peanut butter and instant oatmeal. It was very plain and no imagination at all. One day after returning back to our room after a day in the 90 degree weather, the housekeeper had turned our ceiling fan off. The room never did cool down. Also, the cable was very basic, and a few channels were always very fuzzy. But you get what you pay for. We never felt unsafe, and we did get to keep our bags at the hotel when we first arrived. Plus, we were reembursed for the first day miscommunication, which was a plus. Would I come back again? Only if I couldn't get a hotel closer to the Wharf. We went to S.F. from Sept. 25th, 2009 to October 2nd, 2009. Yes, the room the smallish, but the rest is incredible. You hear nothing from the street below, the bed is comfortable, the employees are super nice. A1Wine tasting every afternoon from 5pm to 6h30 pmTry the Midi Restaurant, 10/10Would go back tomorrow.Very central, we walked everywhere no need for bus passes. In the traways, please please please wait until the car has stopped. I was thrown off the traway by a big conductor who taught me a lesson. He was scary! Beautiful city, people are lucky to live there! I just wanted to let everyone know that the Handlery Union Square is a very nice hotel in a fairly decent area of San Francisco. There seems to be a serious problem with homeless people and beggars in San Franciso, but there were not any on Geary, I think because of the harsh wind that whips up that particular street.The hotel was exactly as it represented itself, except for one of the front desk people. She was very stern and less than friendly. Actually just a little too stern, and bordering on the verge of rude. I was actually reprimanded by her on checkout to stand away from the desk until others before me were finished checking out. She made me feel like a small child who had done something wrong. Not quite the proper handling of guests as far as I am concerned. Even the couple waiting behind me commented on her behavior towards me. There was no smiling at all from her when she checked us in or when she checked us out.Beyond that, the only thing that I was surprised about was that the hotel does not at this time have a microwave oven available to guests except in the employee lunch area. I find that when I travel, restaurants always serve too much food, and so I bring it back to my room with me. Most hotels have a microwave available for guests to use. Maybe that is just a temporary situation, but my pasta would not have been very good cold and I didn't feel comfortable intruding on the employees to warm my food.The bed was very comfortable and the room was clean. I liked the location and appreciated the fact that there were no homeless people hanging around outside the hotel, as they seem to cover every block of the entire city. I personally think the city should do something about the constant harassment for money by them. It really gets to be quite overwhelming and tiresome after a couple of days. The Grand Hyatt in San Fran is an awesome hotel - big rooms, great bedding, fitness center on 6th floor. The view from the 36th floor bar is excellent - very cool. Expensive breakfast. I stayed for two nights at the Harbor Court Hotel. The selling point for this hotel is its location and views. I had a room with a view overlooking San Francisco Bay, and the windows open so you could have fresh sea air in the room. This sells the hotel all by itself. The hotel is also convenient to the Embarcadero BART station (San Francisco's subway system), since it is about 4 blocks away from it. The hotel is also a few blocks from the Ferry Building, which has a variety of lovely shops and restaurants. The hotel rooms are small, and the desk is not really useable for a long period of work. The rooms are clean and attractive, and the bed is comfortable. However, there is not a coffee maker in the room so you have to go downstairs to the lobby to get a cup of coffee in the morning - a minor irritation but irritating nonetheless, considering what the hotel charges. What really sells this place is the view over the Bay and its proximity to the BART station, city bus lines, and the Ferry Building. We got an excellent deal at the Adagio through Travelzoo. I booked a Deluxe Junior Suite and was pleasantly surprised by the size. The decor is hip and minimalist with fresh retro elements. The bathroom is nice, but the space for our makeup, shaving stuff etc was pretty cramped around the sink. I thought the shower tiling could use an update. Other than that, it was perfect. They have three Apple computers with Internet access for hotel guest use. The first 15 minutes is free. There is WiFi in the lobby only. The hotel restaurant looked cool, but we didn't dine there.The staff really made our stay enjoyable. We received three great restaurant recommendations from the front desk and they always provided us with accurate directions to our destination. The location is great -- within a few short blocks of the shopping in Union Square and the #38 bus at your doorstep. You must eat at Dottie's True Blue Cafe for breakfast. It is a 2 minute walk away. Prepared to wait in line, but it's worth it. The food is fantastic.There are a lot of homeless people on the walk along Geary (in fact, there are a lot everywhere in San Fran). I live in Toronto so I'm used to homeless people, but the SF homeless can be aggressive. A great stay overall! Thanks Adagio! I spent three days at the Cartwright; it was my second trip to San Francisco, and after a bad hotel experience on my first tip a few years ago, I chose the Cartwright because of the good reviews here.I had a deluxe King room which was tastefully decorated with real hardwood furniture. I appreciated the fact that the windows could actually be opened, a feature not found on most of the more modern hotels. My room was on the 6th floor on the front side, which means that the traffic can be heard. Living in a big city myself, I didn't bother. The good location has been mentioned quite often here, but what really makes the Cartwright different is the management. The manager's wine reception is a nice touch, and the chamber music group playing after our arrival on friday was a welcome surprise. The breakfast is better than the usual Continental, the waffles deserve a special mention. If I had to suggest an improvement, I would make the coffee somewhat stronger (you guessed it, I'm from Europe), and provide real glasses and mugs instead of the plastic tableware. We simply brought our in room mugs down to the breakfast buffet and were happy.I could go on and on to mention the many small details that make this hotel different, like the free water bottles or the cozy library room next to the lobby. The management is attentive to detail, which is a great plus if you have come to know uniform hotel chains. I would also like to mention that the reservations desk was very helpful and courteous. I had a good feeling about the Cartwright even before I arrived, and I was not disappointed. I would definitely stay there again. I love hotels. Always have! Pre-internet, I used to write to hotels for their brochures :) That's how much:) But today, this is not enough...and why we are here on tripadvisor.Our first trip away together as a couple had to be something special...and the choice of hotel in San Francisco caused me much research and debating :) Final choice: The Mandarin Oriental...mostly because of the views. We stayed in the Bridge to Bridge suite....And we were not disappointed! On the contrary!! Of course people stay in hotels for different reasons...but to me it has to have something to do with the place I am visiting...and in San Francisco, I think the views are IT!As they say...a picture is worth a thousand words, so have a look at the photos attached...all taken from our room. Enough said!!! :)But I must also add that the staff was faultless...from the Reservations staff (Andrew!), to the reception staff, to the wonderful concierge team - all so efficient, polite, helpful and friendly. They helped us with everything from hiring a car before we had even arrived at the hotel, to securing tickets to a fantastic comedy show, as well as dinner reservations.Room service was also excellent as was the breakfast in the lovely Silk Restaurant .Verdict - A wonderful choice and most recommended :)! We recently enjoyed a weekend stay at The Fairmont San Francisco through Disney Vacation Club points usage. As a quintessential San Francisco property, there is much to this property as well as nearby.We stayed in room 590, the Dunkirk suite. It is a corner accomodation with great city views. It is well appointed in the classic sense; elegant Napoleonic decor along with modern touches like large flatscreens and two full baths. Along with numerous lounges and restaurants, I would recommend the Tonga Room. It is a Polynesian themed lounge and restaurant replete with thatched roofs, tiki iodols and rain falling from the ceiling accompanied by thunder from the loudspeaker. A true nostalgic experience!This hotel is ideally situated at the intersection of two cable car lines, and walking distance to Chinatown. It boasts an enviable location atop Nob Hill, and the service aspect from the staff is one of total service.This hotel is ideal for couples or families on a holiday, all the way to conventions. As it is a classic hotel, it will not have all the wired amenities of newer properties like a W Hotel, and Nob Hill is a bit far from the airport or Silicon Valley. However, if you enjoy classic hotels, this is among the best. We were here for a long weekend to celebrate my wife's birthday . Our greeting upon arrival was very warm and check in went without a hitch . My room requirements were done perfectly . Our dinner reservations at French Laundry and Gary Danko were arranged before hand by Jacque the concierge . Our bridge to bridge bay view room had a incredible view . The rooms had been nicely refurnished . I wouldn't be concerned with the bathrooms not being up to 5 star standards . They were more than adequate. Our bed was the most comfortatable bed we had ever slept in . This hotel is for those who want the best hotel views of the bay and for those who want the best service . Its in a very quiet part of the city which is perfect for our needs . The lobby needs a lot of work but I did find out that its being renovated soon .The service was perfect in every matter . My requests were easily handled . I should mention that this was our 3rd stay in a Mandarin Hotel in the last year, the other 2 being in New York City.The San Francisco Mandarin is far better in service and comfort than that of New York . We look forward to returning to this Madarin . They do a perfect job here . We stayed at the Westin St Francis from the 29th June 2009 for 4 nights. We were in the old building on floor 12. The room is quite small but is perfectly adequate for somewhere to sleep and get ready, by no means is it cramped. The standard was as expected at a Westin. My only complaint was that the walls are thin and I could hear a conversation in the next room through the air conditioning vents in the wall. We did not interact with the hotel staff on many occasions but when we did they were pleasant and helpful. The location of the hotel is fantastic. We arrived into San Fran via the BART, from the airport, which stops at Powell Street, this stop is only a 5 minute walk from the hotel and was extremely easy and cheap to use. Next to the hotel there are many shops, a few hidden bars and restaurants. We purchased a 3 day passport for $18 each will allows you unlimited use of the cable cars, trolleys and buses, which is all you will need to get around San Fran to Fishermans Wharf, Golden Gate Bridge, China Town etc. If we returned to San Francisco then I would definately use this hotel again. We did go up the glass elevators in the new building to see the view, which was great as long as you are not scared of heights! March 2005My second time, staff very friendly, great views and location is awesome. My only complaint is the complimentary continental breakfast could use a bit more variety. But it is free!!Room clean, and always made up during the day. The rooms have stove, refrig. and microwave which can be great bringing home doggie bags from the fantastic restaurants that are in the vicinity.I'd book again no problem. Just stayed at this hotel recently. I have lived in SF for years and wanted to stay but since I moved away I was able to. This hotel is very funky and fun. The staff are very cool, nice and knowledgeable. The price is about average for SF and the renovated rooms are very comfortable. This is especially a good place for people into live music (many bands stay here) and want a true San Francisco experience. It's close to all the things most people want and even have a map to the best live music venues. Just ask the staff for any help and they will oblige. If you are looking for a fancy, overpriced hotel, this is not the place for you. It is very comfortable, the continental breakfast is good, people seemed to be enjoying the heated was 48 degrees outside so we passed on that but there were people still partaking. I've heard that the restaurant and nightclub is very good altho we had just danced our "*&^es" off at the Warfield so we were quite beat. All I can say if you want a fun experience, give the Phoenix Hotel a is a better choice for those young or young at heart! I was hesitant to book a stay at the King George due to some of the previous reviewers' comments regarding the small rooms and the thin walls... However, the hotel was much better than I expected, and I would stay there again!It is true that the rooms are very small - however, the space is used very efficiently, and I never felt cramped. In fact, the closet and safe were much more spacious than those provided in larger hotels.It is also true that the walls are very thin - but this was a minor inconvenience, and a non-issue with good ear plugs :)The hotel was suprisingly clean, the bed was very comfortable, and the shower was great (good water pressure, plenty of hot water, etc.). There are two fitness centers within a couple of blocks, and the hotel can provide special pricing for a day pass. They offer a continental breakfast for a fee, but there are also several diners in the area (one right next door) that serve breakfast. There are also several convenience stores nearby.The customer service was wonderful - top notch. The staff was very friendly, attentive, and helpful. This alone would bring me back to the King George.The location was fantastic - very close to Union Square, shopping, and the cable car line - and easy walking distance to Chinatown and other downtown attractions.There are dozens of other hotels in the area, and the more expensive choices are probably more luxurious with better amenities - but the price, cleanliness, and warmth of the King George make it a worthy choice. My Husband and I chose this Hotel for out New Year's Eve "gettaway" based on the great reviews from Trip Advisor and we were not dissapointed! I booked a standard king room and was up graded to a premier king free of charge upon our arrival. The staff were very nice. The wine hour in the cozy lobby was great. Enjoyed talking with fellow travelers by the warm and inviting fireplace. Our room was very nice. We expected the room to be small based on all the reviews but it was very nicely decorated and super clean. The bed was very comfortable and the room itself was very quiet. The hotel is walking distance to many attractions. We ate at the Italian restaraunt located in the hotel and the food and service was outstanding. Check out the following morning was fast and flawless as we enjoyed fresh coffee and biscotti served complimentary in the lobby. I will go back to this hotel again! We stayed here over Labor Day for 3 nights in a deluxe queen room. The room wasn't huge but it was a good size for two people. The bed was a true queen size and very comfortable with nice bedding. The room was nicely decorated and had a medium size TV, a desk, 2 chairs, cd player with cd's, AC, and a small fridge. The room was very clean and housekeeping did a wonderful job cleaning everyday. We had our bedding and towels changed every day. Although you have the option of not having them changed everyday to save water (good idea!). They also have a turn down service and left yummy chocolates on our pillows. The bathroom has a small hairdryer and Aveda products. Our room didn't have much of a view but we didn't mind since we didn't spend much time in the room anyway. The hotel staff was very friendly. We were allowed to check in early and they asked if we needed help with restaurant reservations or general information about SF. There are free maps and guidebooks in all tourist spots so no need to bring your own. The hotel also has free computer access and a room where you could either work or read. The restuarant is very small and didn't have a chance to eat there. I think there are less than 20 seats. So it's wise to make a reservation or arrive early. There was also a bar/lounge area. The elevator is fairly small and if there were other people waiting, we just took the stairs. The hotel is within walking distance from the BART station. Exit Powell and it's about ten minute walk. The fridge is fully stocked but like any other hotel, the prices are high. There is a Walgreens down the street from the hotel where you can stock up on water or snack. There are a lot of restaurants in the area. Some a bit expensive but it's expected as SF as a whole is expensive. There are 3 Starbucks coffee houses near the hotel. If you like to shop, the hotel is minutes from Union Square and is also within walking distance to Chinatown. We actually walked from Pier 39 and it didn't seem far at all. SF has reliable and efficient transportation that is fairly priced in case you don't want to walk. I don't recall the exact price for parking since we flew but most of the hotels charge from $40 and up per night. Overall we had a great stay at this hotel. I highly recommend it and would stay here again. Just came back from four night stay at Hotel Monaco. We have a family of four and we enjoyed our stay. The Hotel is beautifly decorated and was immaculate in condition. We stayed on the 7th floor. It was so quiet, you would think we had the hotel to ourselves! The room was a bit small for the four of us, but that is expected in city hotels. The bathroom however was big and spacious. Decor was unique and bright. The only drawback was the area as although we never felt unsafe, there were a lot of street people in the area. I think this basically applied to all of union square area. We ate at Loris diner a block away several times. Food was basic but excellant. Tried to go to Dottys one morning but lineup was too long. Have no problem recommending this hotel for those looking for a nice place to stay. We just returned from a 3 night stay at the Rex. We had originally planned to stay at the Serrano but found a great last minute deal on Travelocity for the Rex. I am glad we ended up at the Rex, especially liked the location. Our last visit was at the Warwick (which was good w/kids because we had a small "suite"). The Warwick area is definately on the fringe! The Serrano is even more on the fringe...the Rex is only a couple of blocks away but feels much safer. We enjoyed the hotel. The rooms were extremely clean. Beds comfie and we had an A/C. Our view was looking into a bricked up courtyard (no view!) but it did give us a really quiet room & lots of privacy. The front desk is friendly but maybe not so knowledgeable on places to go (this includes restaurants, shopping, transporation issues). We did enjoy the lounge & the afternoon wine. Cafe Andre was really good & very reasonable! Had a great breakfast. Went to Dotties for breakfast - it didn't seem as good as last time we were there. Took the BART from SFO. That was easy & so cheap! We had to leave on the 6am BART & I was kind of nervous since it was so dark out but no problems at all. Highly recommend the BART. Also...had dinner at a fantastic place called Cafe Zuni. So good!!! and a fun vibe. We took the bus there but cabbed it back to the hotel. Other good places: Marios Bohemian Cigar in North Beach. Had a quick drink & split a foccacia sandwich. Very good. We took the ferry to Sausalito. Nice trip; avoid Scomas (sp?) as it was overpriced & fair food, at best. Went to the Thirsty Bear: good beer, ok food; Pipperade is a great small place on Battery Street - we enjoyed our evening there. The walk along Union Street is fun as there are lots of cute shops (pricey, though). We had terrific weather so were able to walk most everywhere. Buses were easy, though. Overall, the Rex is a great place. Will stay there again. Good location, great prices, great rooms (not luxe, but clean, cute & comfie), friendly guests & staff.... We arrived at the hotel a little after 10:00 in the evening. Parking is valet and no one was available to help with the bags or take care of the cars that jammed the entrance. I squeezed in the car to park and we took care of our own bags and checked into the room. First impressions were not good... However, the location is great for shopping in Union Square. I also liked theStarbucks on the corner and the convenience store a half block away. Cable car is right out front. The bathroom had an institutionalized feel with the walk in shower and stark pedestal sink - no where to put make-up, hair dryer, etc. when getting ready. The shower was more than adequate with good water pressure. On the second and third night the valet parking situation did improve and personnel were very accomodating. The room is small and does have a slight smell which I just associate with old buildings. Overall, I would stay here again due to the location. Hubby & I stayed here for a few days in November 2007. My biggest problem was our room. We were on the 2nd leg of our journey but if I had the energy I would have asked to be moved. Our room looked most like the photo of the room done in red,black and white without the red velvet couch in our room. It was very very small. We were facing the street and it was a bit noisey at times.The thing that bothered me the most was the bathroom was very dated. On top of that the wall paper was actually peeling. I am so dispapointed that I can't remember what room # it was becasue apparantly after reading other reviews, there are some newer and nicer rooms.I felt we paid too much for the particaulr room we got. Now on to the good: Location location location! Also, the wine hour is very nice and I don't even drink wine. A hot tip from the bell boy: arrive in the lobby about 10 minutes before wine hour begins. They usually bring in a deep dish pizza from the restaurant which is gone in a flash. We did and enjoyed it very much. In the morning a nice touch along with coffee and hot tea was hot chocoalte. Now would I stay here again? Well...maybe. If I got a really nice room like some of the other writers describe with a fridge too...perhaps...I still wonder if another hotel in the same area would have been a better deal. The other thing that I found disappointing was I can't remember the exact details but something like the charge they quote for parking (very pricey) was even more than that because there was some sort of a tax... The hotel was in a GREAT location, close to all the downtown shopping.but once we walked in the room was average. we stayed on the 32nd floor and had a great city view. but the tv was likely a 10 year old tv. The Bed was great.the bathroom was average, and had a small 5" tv. that was long and likely from 1990.there is NO pool.. I just assumed a 4 star hotel would have a pool.the view from the 36th floor restaurant was amazing, but you could stay at motel 6 and come eat up here as well.the lobby is just average.I travel a bunch, and this would easily be a 3 star hotel. Our family (2 adults and 2 teenagers) stayed here for 3 nights at the end of July. The room was fairly typical and nothing special but it was clean. The hotel is in a very safe area and we felt perfectly happy walking around at night. The staff were incredibly helpful. The hotel has interesting touches around the lobby, bar and lounge areas which are copper/brass items placed around, e.g. a pair of slippers in front of the fire and a cat curled up. The pool was very nice (if smaller than I expected) and there was a small terrace outside that overlooks the central courtyard. The courtyard itself was a pleasant place to sit and all the public areas were well kept up. We didn't eat in the hotel as it was expensive but there were lots of places within walking distance to eat at. I would recommend this hotel. We stayed this past weekend (Feb 05) for 3 nights. We had a suite which wasn't as large as our suite when we stayed in Arizona, but you have to consider the place....for SF it was large. It had a small frig and micro which is nice. It had a queen bed and pull out bed in sitting couch - which was nice. Breakfast was convenient and good. Our only complaint would be to have cable TV, as we had our 5 year old with us and there is only so much walking you can do. We had to "buy" a movie 2 nights for him in order to keep him quiet and entertained in the room. Cable with cartoons would have been nice which we have gotten w/most other motels. The decor of the room was more than adequate - very nice. The staff was very nice and helpful. I'd say great place for adults and older kids - five stars and for couples with younger children - four stars. I stayed at Hotel Carlton for four days during my recent visit to San Francisco. I am very pleased with the hotel. The best description for the room was "no frills." It was very clean and had a good view of Sutter Street. The location of the hotel is great. There are 3 bus lines that pass by the hotel. I was able to go to Downtown, Union Square, Chinatown, Japantown and Market Street by bus.The daily complementary wine service was great. But make sure you get there before 6 PM. The hotel closed down shop on the complementary wine at 6:01 PM.The walls are thin; I was able to hear my neighbors' conversations and knew when they were getting a phone call, because I could also hear the phone ring. This was a bit annoying.Over all, Hotel Carlton is a good place to stay and it is a good value. Just back from a two night stay at the Grand Hyatt San Francisco, June 23rd & 24th, 2007. I really have no complaints about this hotel. Valet parking at the entrance was always very convenient. Was able to call from the room to have the car at the door in 10 - 15 minutes. Pricey parking at $43.00 per night, plus tax, but not much more than the other garages around the hotel. I liked walking out the door and climbing right into the car each time we needed it. Front Desk staff was courteous and efficient. Our room on the 26th floor faced West and had a beautiful view. Room was clean, nicely sized with a King bed, large desk, two comfortable chairs, and adjustable end table. Furniture a bit dated and worn, but nothing I would complain about. Bathroom was roomy and clean, albeit again a bit dated but decent. Marble counter in bath. Excellent shower head with great pressure. Love the Portico bath products! Small, funky looking TV that I enjoyed watching the news while using the bathroom. Hallways were kept clean. Generally very quiet. No issue with noise. Elevators didn't have unreasonably long waits, usually under two minutes if that. Property was generally very well kept and felt upscale. Not top notch luxury, but very nice for what it is. Ate breakfast both mornings at the Grandview restaurant on the 36th floor. Most incredible views of the city. I suggest going up there just to have a look. Food was pricey as is usually the case at a hotel restaurant, but we wanted the convenience of being able to grab a quick bite as we had a busy schedule. Wait staff was very good and friendly. Food tasty, no complaints. We paid $159.00 for our room booking directly on the Hyatt website, using the Senior Citizen rate. I believe the AAA rate is the same. For the money it was an excellent value. I recommend this hotel and most likely will consider this hotel as a first option on future trips to San Francisco. Best point, location, location, location, and if you can get a high floor, the views. This was our second stay at the beautiful and inviting White Swan Inn. The service at this hotel is excellent and since we had stayed here before we knew about the wonderful breakfast, the warm fireplace, the cookie jar and the great people at the front desk. Everyone made us feel so very welcome.The room was very clean and tidy. They have new Lather bath products which are heavenly to use. I even asked for a couple of extra bars of the soad to take home.Andy was his usual helpful self! He brought us a bottle of wine as it was my Birthday--he did this last year also. Andy is an icon at the hotel----seems he's been there for years, always giving directions, assisting with luggage, and just brightening everything up with his great smile.We will, of course, be back next year, and can't wait to hear all about the new Joie de Vivre happenings.Diane & Leroy Stayed in San Fran for 4 nights in the Tuscan Inn. The hotel was good, room was a little small but very clean and the bed was very comfortable. The location was excellent- so close to all the touristy things. The manager was a little grumpy when we first checked in but the rest of the staff were extremely friendly and helpful. I would recommend this hotel to anyone. Bring your woolies though coz San Fran is sooo cold!! The photos on Trip Advisor are of another motel! Very misleading! We had a group of friends with 5 rooms and each room was disgusting. Dirty, moldy, smelly!! Some rooms had working phones, tvs, lights, other rooms didn't. Very inconsistant. Bedding was dirty, one towel in one room, none in the others. The Managers, who live there with children, were VERY rude!! They called everyone 30 minutes prior to check out to tell us to leave. They charged us $10 more than what we booked on their website - and then argued with us when we brought it to their attention. DO NOT STAY HERE!! Very dishonest people!!! We stayed here for a long weekend trip and were very pleased. The Courtyard by Marriott is excellent for a quick weekend getaway in San Francisco without having to rent a car. This location is primarily intended for business travelers and has few tourist amenities. The rooms were clean comfortable and affordable. They feature large flat screen TVs and free wired Wi-Fi. In the lobby there is a Starbucks that is open during the day till 2pm. Our room was on the top floor and had some nice bridge and city views. The hotel also has a small snack bar next to the front desk. The hotel restaurant and bar looked much underused on the weekend but San Francisco has too many good food choices in any price range to consider hotel food. We did try an Indian fast food restaurant and a Chinese restaurant that were two blocks away and open weekends. Both were very good and inexpensive.The Hotel is very centrally located in the financial district. This means on weekends, restaurant choices are limited and the streets are quiet in the evening. The hotel is walking distance to a trolley line, bus lines and the Montgomery BART station. We purchased a three day MUNI bus and trolley pass at the airport and had no problem getting to all of the sights.If you are a tourist seeking a clean, comfortable inexpensive place this hotel fits the bill. Be sure to check out the special weekend rates. The staff is very friendly and helpful. The room is roomy and the beds are comfortable. We stayed for 7/4 fireworks, the shuttle was only two blocks away, it's very convenient. Our expectionas were high and we were not disappointed during our recent three night stay at the Serrano. The decor was fabulous, the personnel were top notch. Always a smile and a greeting, the evening wine bar and snack from Ponzu restaurant were excellent, the chair massage and tarot card readings during happy hour were tons of fun. Our morning paper was always there and maid service was excellent. The location was ideal. We can't wait to stay again. This was a nice hotel, the rooms very a little on the small size but very pleasant. It is very centrally located within walking distance (5 minutes) of union square. There was also a diner next door that did a very good breakfast. This hotel is located in a fabulous location near Fisherman's wharf. Walkable to pier 39, Ghiradelli Square and just a few steps from the old F-line trolley. Fire pits located right adjacent to the driveway often had "out of order" signs posted and the remainder were surrounded by patrons with cigarettes. The rooms were spacious but the strange rectangular "pillow" in the bed just created a nuisance and the lack of separate light switch for the room with the toilet (separate from the space with the sink) lit up the entire room during nighttime use. This hotel has been nicely updated with very modern decor. Front desk staff were very accommodating and wiling to help out with sightseeing plans.Overall this was a very nice hotel, a good value and a great location. I would stay here again despite the comments above. Wow, where do I start?We arrived to the Hilton Financial District and were immediately cringing at the "industrial" look and bland exterior of the Hilton. so much for first impressions!We walked into a pleasant lobby with few bells and whistles but a VERY effecient staff. I work for a 4 star resort in Carmel, CA and I know when a hotel staff hates their job. This staff seemed very happy and far, nothing great. Then we hit the room! What a GEM! The rooms were obviously recently remodeled and were very nice. But the physical characteristics of the room was not the star...that belonged to the view!A beautiful, stunning view was waiting for us when we opened the blinds.Picture this. A view of Chinatown to your extreme left. Alcatraz to your middle left. Coit Tower in the middle. The San Francisco Bay to your right and Treasure Island to your extreme right. By far, the greatest view I've ever had in my numerous trips to SF. I have thought about that view at least ten times a day since leaving. You must ask for a higher floor when staying. It's essential!From that point on, our trip and our hotel stay were a dream. The amazing king bed with a featherbed mattress was to die for! These beds rival the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay and Quail Lodge in Carmel (routinely known as the best beds in the area)! Room service was fast and effecient, plus the food quality was above average. All requests to the front desk were fulfilled promptly and swiftly. Now, you may be wondering why I would give the hotel 4 stars after an obvious 5 star review. Well, like all hotels in SF, the Hilton institutes a ridiculously overpriced parking fee. This time, it was $44 nightly and then there is a $6 parking tax on top of that! That's right folks, $100 for the "privilege" of parking. Luckily, I got a great deal on the room rate to compensate for this. But until SF hotels change their ways and institute REASONABLE parking charges, I will not give any hotel 5 stars in SF. Upon check-out we did have a minor issue. We were never given a ticket when we handed the car to Valet. We figured it would be sorted by room number. So after we checked out, we were asked for our ticket. When I explained we didn't have one, the valet service was quite rude and said, "Oh YOU WERE GIVEN A TICKET!", like I would lie about it LOL. Luckily for this guy, I had already had a wonderful trip and felt it wasn't necessary to engage in a ummm pee pee contest with him (no swearing in reviews). Plus I overheard he had 308 checkouts that day so, all is forgiven!So all in all, stay here! There are too many bad decisions you can make when booking a hotel in SF, go with a sure thing. Plus, it's well below the other hotels in the area in terms of price. What more do you need?Thank you for reading my long winded review. We (me, my hubby, and 5yo) stayed at the Grosvernor Suites for 9 days (7 of the days we were there with my parents). We all stayed in a corner, one bedroom suite (separate room with 2 queen beds and living room with a sleeper couch). You can tell that the building is older, so there is wear and tear (e.g., a small rip in the couch cushion and trim along bedroom floor coming off the wall). However, the structure itself is very sturdy. I believe that the place was originally a condo (there are currently some residents who still reside there), so the walls are thick and we never heard our neighbors (although I could hear from the hallway that they had a young and loud child). Given the bedroom, the dining area and the living room, we had plenty of space for the 5 of us. The rooms also have a small kitchen with full size refrigerator, small stove, sink, toaster, and other necessary kitchenware. We were in a corner suite in the 13th floor and our views were fabulous (we had windows on both sides). It was great to see the fog rolling in and out of the city. Overall, the service was pretty good. Front desk staff was extremely polite and helpful, on the phone and in person. They were very helpful regarding sites and places to visit, making sure we had extra towels/pillows, and allowed us to check out late (2pm rather than noon). They were very accommodating: I had a phone meeting at a time when everyone else in my party was napping so they opened the breakfast room for me to use. Housekeeping staff was o.k.; I definitely didn't get the same friendly vibe and they were not as responsive.The location was great. Very safe (Nob Hill is considered one of the high ends of town). One block from both the Powell and California cable lines, about 3 blocks from Chinatown, and two blocks from the Grace Cathedral and a great little park. The park has a playground and is the place where local Nob Hill residents take their dogs to play. We took our 5yo to this park a lot to burn off energy and watch the antics of the dogs playing with each other. As other reviewers have noted, it is on Nob 'Hill', so you get a great view, but even if you take the trolley, you will have at least one block of an uphill hike. Given how much we ate during the vacation, this wasn't a bad thing for us. Speaking of places to eat, other than Chinatown, we didn't find too many places really close by (although you can easy access them by cable car). The exception is the Nob Hill Cafe which is about 3-4 blocks and has great Italian food. The hotel offers a continental breakfast, with juices, cereals, bagels, and fresh pastries every morning. The pastry person will load up your tray with goodies for you to take back to you room if you don't want to sit in the breakfast room. There is also a laundry room in the basement with 5-6 washers and dryers. There is a gated parking area behind the hotel isolated from the street. It wasn't cheap to park, but you can enter and leave as much as you want. In addition to a computer terminal in the very small info room by the front desk, there is free wireless in the rooms. Compared to other places that we have stayed at in SF and given all the amenities, we got a pretty good deal. I did make reservations way in advance and I did it directly from their website (they offered an online rebate for multiple nights so we saved $20-25/per night). For reservations not made in advance, I heard a front desk person telling another potential customer to check the online travel websites for just-in-time deals that would be better than booking with the hotel directly. What I liked most about the hotel is how attentive they were to our needs as a family (given the location, kitchen/refrigerator, breakfast, and laundry). It was a very comfortable and convenient place to stay. The thing that they could improve on is fixing up and updating the interior a bit, but for us, this wasn't a big deal at all. My 81 year old Mom visted. We are seasoned travelers. We loved The Mark Hopkins. Sort of older style hotel... but very classy, comfortable, clean etc. Rooms are great, beds are great. Staff is short handed when check check out is crowded, but they are very attentive. The best prices believe it or not are on their own website. Same price we got on Priceline. The $169 rooms are almost the same as the $189 rooms. The $169 room have a lower floor view. Both are great.If you go to The Top of The Mark Rest.... do it for drinks and the view. The food is very expensive. Breakfast while ok was too much money. Take the cable car down to Union Square or walk and go to smeoplace like Sears or The Diner.dcr, Middletown, Ca I chose to stay at this hotel because of all the excellent reviews I read at tripadvisor. I am not sure whether all the excellent reviews are *real*, however what I can say is that - this inn is average and - the inn has met my expectation. * STAFF - excellent - friendly staff* LOCATION - average - Definitely NOT walking distance to the wharf or Chinatown. You won't want to walk it, even the 2.5 blocks to the cable car are long and steep. I drove around the city, so it was not a probably for me.* SAFETY - average - the area seems relatively safe. However, I am a bit uncomfortable with the fact that anyone can take the elevator or stairs up/down without passing through the office or front entrance. And the main office closes at 11pm. * AMENTITIES - average - towels are clean, but feel a bit used. The frig, microwave are pluses!!!* HOUSEKEEPING - excellent - room is very clean.* PRICE - excellent ($85 weekday, $95 weekend)* PARKING - excellent - it's free. It's a bit tight getting in and out, but hey, it's free!* BREAKFAST - OK - nothing to rave about, they serve packaged pastries and granola bars! The only good thing I got was a banana. Based on the glowing reviews here I booked a three night stay as part of an extended family vacation. As anyone who tries to stay in San Francisco knows, it is exceedingly difficult to find a hotel with free parking and queen beds (traveling with teens!). Upon arrival the look on everyone's face pretty much told me I had made a mistake. Let's start with good: Location is really steps from Pier 39, parking is free. Now the bad: This is hotel has no AC, which considering the temps in the bay area should be no problem. However, the rooms have only one teeny-tiny window (about 1ft square) to allow air into the room. The overhead fan doesn't do much to help pull fresh air in either. As a result the rooms are roasting hot, even when the high temp for the day is 69 degrees. And the location is extremely noisy. Our third floor room faced the Sheraton and we could hear every bus, every car, constant noise day and night. I'm used to having some noise in a hotel room.. but this was ridiculous. In short, we checked out after one night an moved to a hotel out of the city. Oh yes, the elevator broke that night also. The management was very understanding and helpful... but there really isn't much they can do to make up for this hotels shortcomings. If you really must stay in the city, try finding a deal at a higher class hotel through hotwire and then pay for the parking. Very comfortable corner room. It felt like home for our 5 day stay. The location near Union Square was great for us and it had resonably priced overnight parking. Lots of natural light and a comfortable king bed. The things we didn't like; the TV in a box. The sound from the back of the TV was trapped in the box and sounded terrible. And breakfast at the hotel restaurant, it was terrible and overpriced. There's a great family diner across the street for breakfast. The staff was really nice and we enjoyed the tea/lemonaide in the lobby. We would stay here again. We stayed in this hotel as the last leg of our golden triangle trip, it was very clean and bright, much newer than the other two hotels we had stayed in, although it seemed very business like.The room was large, with 2 double beds, a nice bathroom and cleaned daily, although if you wish to stay in your room later than 8am I would hang the privacy tag on the door as the maid knocks early and loudly!!!!The breakfast is basic, but free, so very convenient. The location of the hotel is great, I much preferred being by the wharf as opposed to staying near Union Square in down town.....The one thing I will complain about is the valet parking, this may be more of a complaint to take up with my travel company as we were not fore-warned that we had to pay $35 per day valet parking, with no other options open to us.The transportation was fantastic, and cable cars are great fun!!! Would definately recommend San Francisco!!!! We stayed at Hotel Abri at the end of May for a weekend. Here are a few things that might help if you are considering this hotel. Getting there: We flew in to SFO and simply hopped on the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transport) which takes you straight into the city. Hotel Abri is just around the corner from Powell St station, we were jet lagged this was a god send just how easy it was to find and the BART is by far the cheapest option to get to and from the Airport. The cable car line turnaround is at the end of the street and the the street car/tram/trolley whatever you want to call them right behind that. Transport was a breeze. There is a booth near the Cable Car turnaround where you can get a daily transport passport giving you unlimited rides on all the buses cable cars and street cars for 11 bucks. Hotel Check-in/staff: The staff were absolutley fantastic. Hillary the concierge was fantastic, its not often that you there service is so good that you can remember the persons name. There was a problem with our airport connection (we had a really early flight out ) and when they contacted the hotel through the night she rebooked our transfer for us so as not to disturb us. Housekeeping left the room spotless. The hotel is definitely well run. Amenities: No Gym or Pool but this didnt worry us at all there, is an adjoining italian restaurant which was delicious. Complimentary internet/PC use was so helpful. In room safe (many hotels are reverting to only having deposit boxes at reception - worth checking). Everything in this hotel was new - nothing dodgy at all. Room: The king size bed was divine, decent linen, funishings were new with a decent size bathroom - (Loccitane products). Room wasnt large but this is usual in nearly all the San Fran hotels I've stayed in. If you are a light sleeper they also have an inside room option it was nice to open up the window and watch the world go by outside. Noise: The hotel is away from the cable car line however there is a nightclub just across the road, and it did get a bit noisier on Saturday night, not from music but people out on the street. If you are a light sleeper take your earplugs or request an inside room. Shopping : Westfield San Francisco Centre is a minute away and union Square is just up the hill. No shortage of options at all. Food Options: EVERYWHERE catering to every budget, theres a cold rock ice-creamery next door too. yum. If you are looking for a nice place for lunch on a sunny day the I recommend the Cheesecake Factory on top of the Macy's building, it has an outdoor seating area looking down into the square. Great location. The hotel has a breakfast listing of the best places nearby to head out for breakfast - We went to a place a few blocks away called Dotties - food was delicious but get there early we were there before it opened on Saturday and there was already a line. The place is small and cosy but well worth a visit. The Farmers Market is also a great spot to walk through for brunch if your're looking for a gourmet biteBooking: I booked through expedia and got a great rate. Following a mishap on the plane on our arrival in SF, my hotel itinerary was destroyed so when we arrived at the Hotel, we were hot and bothered. Within a short space of time, I was able to use the free internet access and was able to print all the papers I needed for my holiday. During this time the staff were very sympathetic and helpful. Our room was not extra large but we would only be sleeping there. A fridge would have been very helpful and tea bags for those who do not drink coffee. (fortunately we had brought our own). The big plus about this hotel is its location. It is just around the corner from Union Square and all the best shops and restaurants. It is two blocks away from the cable car start point and for $5 each (one way) it will take you to Fishermans Wharf, the area from where everything begins. Do take a Bay cruise and view the Golden Gate Bridge from underneath. Also make certain you visit Alcatraz. It is an amazing experience. Due to its brilliant location, the hotel allowed us to use it as a base from which to start our SF experience. The complimentary breakfast is more than adequate and is a great start to the day. Brilliant choice and would certainly recommend it to stay in. This is the first night after many nights sleeping in rock hard hotel beds that could have passed for doors, that I finally got a good night sleep. The room was very clean, updated, with a cool view of the city below. We stayed three nights in late April 2008. The hotel is a bright spot in a not-so-nice area of SF (I believe the tour guide referred to the area as 'The Tenderloin'.) The hotel was inviting and attractive though. The decor is modern. We were able to check in a couple of hours early and the woman at the check in desk was very gracious and efficient. We scored a great price per night for our stay via the hotel's Website, too, which helped us to absorb the $33 per night valet parking fees (plus tips.)The room (on the 11th floor) was fairly large and clean and offered a king bed, a pull-out sofa, a refrigerator, desk, TV, radio, a small dresser and a large closet. The bathroom was a good size, too, and the water pressure for the shower was very good.There was a restaurant located on the first floor of the hotel, but we didn't have an opportunity to sample it. The hotel offers coffee and tea and apples in the lobby in the morning and late afternoon.It was a short walk to Union Square, but the hotel itself is not part of the Square. There were many homeless folks in the area, but none of them were "nasty" folks (meaning aggressive or insulting.) One fellow was kind enough to tell me that the meter I fed where I parked the car before checking into the hotel was for commercial vehicles only and the car could be towed while I was away. I wished that I had more cash on hand to give him for saving me from a potentially costly problem.Earlier reviews indicated that there was a lot of noise at night. Most of the time we didn't have this problem, but one night we heard very loud motorcycles starting up around midnight. After they drove off, all was quiet enough again. I stayed there with my sister, my mom and my 5 year old - and we all loved it. The rooms were big and the service was warm, friendly and efficient - the hotel service hat trick! Good location, just a couple of blocks from Union Square. We stayed at the Hotel Rex for four nights in early November. The check in staff were extremely helpful and friendly and we found all staff were the same high calibre. We had a deluxe double double room and found it plenty big enough even with our cases laid out on the floor. The beds were very comfy and the shower wonderful. I would've liked to have had a coffee maker in the room but complimentary tea and coffee was available in the bar area in the morning. Also, missed a complimentary breakfast. Cafe Andree, next door, served breakfast but it is quite pricy in comparison to local restarants. The complimentary wine of an evening was great though!The hotel was in a great location, a block or so from Union Square and with a cable car station in the adjoining street. The hotel staff are great for recommending tours and restaurants. We'd recommend Lori's diner for breakfast and great coffee and Puccini and Pinetti for dinner.Overall, we'd recommend the Hotel Rex for a stay in this wonderful city. I stayed at this hotel for four nights in late April 2004. The lobby of the Ramada is quite cool (it used to be the old City Hall), but the rooms are fairly run down and not particularly clean. All in all, it wouldn't be too bad for the price, but the neighbourhood was not very safe or pleasant. There are not too many businesses in the area (most of the places are shut down permanently) and it is a haven for homeless people. As a single woman, I felt very unsafe in this area after dark and didn't particularly enjoy walking around in the daytime either, because I was asked every 10 feet for money. The Parc 55 just completed thier $30 mil renovation and it really shows how well the rooms and lobby area really is. Wonderful staff with easy check-in check-out, we did leave the housekeeping a nice tip for the quick turn down service each day. The high floor rooms need time to cool off, but if you close your curtains and remember the sun does shine during check-in at 2pm it all cools off by the time you arrive back from dinner in the evening. The hotel location is great and I would return again for the great rates and wonderful rooms at this hotel. I liked this hotel. The location was good. You can walk to Chinatown in 10 minutes, to the Embarcadero Bart station in 10 minutes, to the Powel /Market Street cable car in 15 minutes. Union Square was about 15 minutes walk away. THere were lots of coffee places nearby. THe room was a little on the small side, but acceptable. The bed sheets were really comfortable, and the bed was also really comfortable. There is free unlimited purified water with free bottles you fill yourself. THe adjacent restaurant Elephant and Castle was good and not expensive for what it was. There is free internet in the lobby lounge, and free wifi throughout. My room was quiet, but the room doors were not as solid as you might want. Nice amenities in the bathroom: great soap, shampoo, mouthwash.THere is a nice desk/work area. The financial district location was good for me. Others may prefer to be closer to Union Square, but it wasn't too far away.THere was a sign in the lobby that sometimes you can get an upgrade to a suite for only $25 a night, most likely on weekends. Crowne Plaza was sold and this hotel is now known as the "Hotel 480". Having stayed here before the change and now for 5 days after the change, I have a comparison that is not very favorable for the new ownership. LOCATION LOCATION LOCATIONBefore I go any further let's state the obvious. You cannot beat the location of this hotel, regardless of who owns it or what name is painted on the outside. Located one block north of Union Square, right on the cable car line and with ample public (read - much cheaper than the hotel parking) within a block - visitors to the city will appreciate the central location. We parked the car on arrival and had absolutely no need to use it for the whole week until departure.Now the not so good news.,, Hopefully it's just the pains of transition causing some service issues but I have to say the majority of negatives with our stay were associated with the service. We had troubles with housekeeping opening a door clearly identified as "Do Not Disturb", phone calls from engineering at 6am about problems we never reported, etc. We were here with MacWorld and selected the hotel because it claimed free internet access for conference attendees - this was not so. This may be a problem with the MacWorld folks though. But once connected for the internet "broadband" - you're better off taking your chances on a modem. The internet access is terrible and in tremendous need of upgrade. The onsite restaurant is outrageously overpriced even for Union Square. We recommend Lori's across the street for a more reasonable (although not gourmet but still good) breakfast or lunch. We're hoping the sad state of the hallways on the 9th floor were due to intended/scheduled remodeling because if not - the condition of that floor is not anything a $199 a night hotel should be proud of regardless of it's location. Minor issues like a TV that continually shut itself off and on again can be overlooked if it wasn't for the $199 a night price. Speaking of the TVs - the small TV provided is kind of strange considering most major hotels upgrades to flat screens and larger models.Having said all that - We hope that this hotel gets it together and may try it again for a one or two night stay in the future to see if things improve. It would be such a waste to have a hotel with such a great location and enthusiastic staff to be hampered by a lack of infrastructure maintenance and management.So we'd be interested to see future reviews from Trip Advisor folks as to the state of this hotel in transition. We stayed at the Clift for three nights this summer (July 23 - 26, 2004). My wife and I had often stayed at the old Clift Hotel before it was taken over and renovated by the Ian Schrager group. The old Clift may have been showing its age, but it had spacious, elegantly furnished rooms in a convenient part of town. What a disappointment it was to see what has been done to this once great hotel ! We booked an Studio Jr. Suite which was described as an "L" shaped room. We quickly discovered that this was one of the former spacious rooms from the old Clift that we remembered so fondly, but it had been chopped up into two rooms ... creating a window-less bedroom area and very cramped sitting area. The decor makes abundant use of petroleum based synthetic materials (think plastic draperies, plastic night stands & tables, plastic covered furnitiure) and has most opposing walls covered floor to ceiling with tinted mirrors. The mirrors tend to give the room a subtle feeling of nausea and the hard bench type furniture was uncomfortable. The bedding was of good quality but they must have contracted with a lumber company for the mattresses. My wife was particularly disappointed in the bathroom. It was cramped, with barely enough room for one person to turn around. There was no counter space and even the tub was scaled down to fit in such a small space. The old Clift had spacious, well appointed, marble bathrooms.The lobby and public areas have very dim lighting, which seemed stylish and attractive at first, but then became annoying. The elevator compartment was so darkened you could not even see the person standing next to you.They have even ruined the famous Redwood Room Bar. All of the warmth and intimacy of the old Redwood Room is missing, replaced by garish lighting and hard, uninviting bench type seats. The hostess greeted us at entrace with "Oh .. are you here to inquire about reservations?". Acutally, we just wanted a glass of wine before going to dinner, but after seeing what has been done to the ambiance, I was almost in tears.Unless you are attacted to dark spaces and synthetic materials, I would give this hotel a pass. We certainly will not be back. So me and my boyfriend went back to San Francisco as we love it there. We wanted somewhere central, and easily acessable, and the Mosser was definitely that. The location is perfect, right off Market, so you have all the shops and food places you need around you, as well as the Bart and Muni stations right across the street. We had a very early flight to SF, and online the hotel said check-in after 3pm, but we went and spoke to them when we arrived and they got a room ready for us for 12pm, which was fantastic as we needed a nap! Also the guy on front desk (young guy with glasses) was super friendly and VERY knowledgable about the area, he was a great help when we needed directions.There was a couple of problems in the room; when we got there, the toilet blocked after 1 flush, we called front desk and they sent a plumber up promptly. Sadly it wasn't really "fixed" as it kept blocking again and again, so we had to use the hallway, shared bathroom, even though we payed extra for our own. There was no free internet, and it was something like $20 a day, which is crazy when you just want to check your emails. Also a minor niggle; I really would have liked a few more toiletries! But that's just my opinion from previous hotels giving away much more!Also the rooms don't have air con, just a ceiling fan, which meant we had to sleep with the windows open which was very noisy.All in all the hotel was fine. It was very very clean, spotless in fact, and all the staff were very friendly (we loved Joe, the bag handler!) the location was amazing, and the room was comfy enough, so I would recommend to a friend for sure. We stayed here for 1 night prior to our trip to Yosemite. The room was very clean and well furnished. The bed was comfortable. Free parking is a definate benefit in San Francisco and the location so near to Fishermans Wharf was great. The room had free wifi and there is free coffee in the reception. On the downside, the walls were a little thin and you can hear people outside, however this did not affect how we slept. The hallways and stairs leading to the rooms were also not the most attractive but we would definately stay again if we were in san Francisco. My husband and I stayed at the Villa Florence over Labor Day weekend, and it was a perfect spot. No need to have a car, the BART is near if you are coming in from the airport, as well as the trolley just down the block and cabs are plentiful. We loved the complimentary wine and the decor of the lobby. We received friendly help with restaurant recommendations and were pleased over their suggestions. Loved the Aveda products and even though the room was small, it was cozy and it's not as if you are going to the city by the bay to stay in your room the whole time anyway! I have recommended to friends to stay there and will definitely return to the Villa Florence. It reminded me of European boutique hotels that I've stayed in. It was just a one-night trip, visiting friends. I had no choice, since it was booked via Priceline the day before.First off the positives in no particular order: IPOD alarm clock, plush bed and linens, tastefully decorated.Lastly in no particular order: Mini frig, even though it's inside the TV armoire, was particularly noisy. The key for the minibar was broken, so I'm not sure an employee or a previous guest ate or drank something. Room was small, even though I seemed to have one of the bigger rooms on the floor, based on the emergency floor plan. My room number was 709 facing O'Farrell. I had a view of the Columbia Hotel (rundown) and a view of the Hilton kitty corner to the Serrano.The bathroom was small. There was no room to place toiletries. I had to use part of the bathtub and the top of the toilet to place toiletries. The toilet location was awkward. You couldn't close the door to use it, if you know what I mean. The shower pressure was excellent.The rooms along O'Farrell don't have enough sound insulation from the road noise below. I can't imagine what it must sound like on the lower floors.Room service selections sparse for a supposed 4-star hotel and you must order between 5-10pm for dinner.The area isn't too bad. Just don't go west or south (Tenderloin). Go north, and you hit Nob Hill. Go east, and you hit Union Square.If you need parking, park across the street at the California Garage for $32 total. It was advertised as $26 with in and out privileges, but there is a 25% tax on parking (RIP OFF). But it's better than paying $44 at the Serrano.What else? The fitness center was well equipped. It had 2 treadmills, a recumbant bike, 2 elliptical trainers, and I think it was one of those ski things. Anyways, the cardio equipment were equipped with personal cable TV's. It had a small area for free weights, had one multi-purpose lifting machine, and a weight bench. It was satisfactory.The business center was pay per use.Check-in was friendly; however, checkout was not after expressing my dissatisfaction with the outside noise on the O'Farrell side of the hotel.Overall, NOT a 4-star. I would maybe rate this as a 3.5 star. I would only stay here, if it was priced under $100 a night. Pros- Comfortable modern hotel (like all other Marriotts)- Nice beds and room decor (quiet with no street noise)- Lots of taxis right outside the door- Most rooms have a sofabed and either a King or 2 Queens so you can accomodate 3-4 adults in a pinch-Free internet access - staff were attentive, courteous and professionalCons- Location - too far from the happening Union square area and is consequently dead at night- Breakfast is not included so you're stuck with their overpriced buffet (avoid at all costs - the pastries were old and stale) or alternatively head into the Starbucks and grab a morning snack. Unfortunately, due to their location there are no breakfast eateries close by.BottomlineI would have no problems recommending this hotel or staying here again on a future visit to San Francisco. Not a good hotel and not a bad hotel. It goes to what is important when you are on a business trip. Parking is $55.00 per night. Drive one block up from the hotel and there is the parking garage that the hotel uses. Self park there for $20 per night. Internet is $17 per day. Three doors down at Starbucks it's free. Noisy. Requested a room on one of the upper floors. Got the 18th floor and we could hear music and revelers from the bar across the street and streetsweepers woke us up at 4am. The inconvenience for business travelors doesn't make this place competitive with the customer service oriented, comparably priced boutique hotels that surround it. I expected more from the Sheraton. Their staff was rude, the beds were hard, and if they didn't forget to leave tea bags, they forgot stirring sticks, sugar, or cups. One day we returned to our room and there were ants all over the coffee counter because the maids did not clean up.Parking was extremely expensive at $30 something a day. We could have stayed at a less expensive place for the same exact quality or even better.For a better stay I recommend the Nob Hill Hotel. The rooms are tiny, but very clean and comfortable. It feels very San Francisco. We met up with a friend in San Francisco and he booked this hotel for us so the first I knew of it was when we arrived (after spending 2 weeks driving from New York). The hotel is in the business district but is good looking with a nice lobby. The area has a few bars and restaurants but it's also well located for public transport to all the other areas so it's a decent location. The inside of the hotel is clean and well decorated, the rooms are spotlessly clean but are tiny - most have the sink in the bedroom as the en-suite shower room is a (well) converted cupboard. The beds are also small by American standards but are comfortable. Unfortunately we did encountera few problems whilst staying here - firstly, when we arrived we were given our electronic room key (swipe card style) however when we got to our room it didn't work. My husband went back to the lobby and returned with a member of staff who also tried the key before agreeing that, we were right, it didn't work. My friend sympathised as he had experienced the same problem when he had checked in the day before. The staff were helpful though and immediately moved us to a different (slightly bigger) room, where the key worked perfectly, until we returned from a night out! We tried to get into our new room and had the same problem as earlier. My husband and I returned to the lobby and explained our problem to the receptionist who had some issues understanding us. For some reason she insisted on checking her computer and then announced that there was no one staying at the Mosser that night with out surname! This was quite a surprise as, we explained, all our belongings were currently locked in a room several floors above our heads! After repeating ourselves several times (each time met with a polite if slightly irritating smile!) before my husband had to go out for some air. I decided to write our surname down for the receptionist in case she had been spelling it wrong (mishearing our M's for N's perhaps?) and finally had some success - she found our details and called for a security guard with a master key who escorted us back to our room and let us in. All in all, this place is nice, clean and well situated but make sure you prepare yourself for malfunctioning room keys and slightly confused (but always polite!) reception staff! We read reviews on this hotel on trip advisor and picked the hotel because of them. I am glad we did! This hotel is fantastic, I am almost afraid to let people know about it, because I want it to remain the same price and have availability next time I go. The location is perfect and we were able to catch a bus or trolley easily to anywhere we were going, just a few blocks away. Great restaurants nearby. Whenever we return we will always stay at this hotel! The owners are great and our 4 year old loved talking to them every day. I travel to San Francisco often for work; the St. Regis is the nicest and coolest one I have stayed at yet! The decor is modern, but not over the top modern, just contemporary. Beautifully appointed entry and very welcoming staff. They walked me up to my room to explain the new technology - which is highlighted by a digital device that controls everything from room service to lighting to the do not disturb sign, all with bedside convenience. The beds are fluffy and obviously extremely clean. The place was spotless. Bathroom necessities smell amazing, was tempted to swipe them! The gym is great, not huge but certainly new and good equipment. There is also a huge pool, if you are a swimmer be sure to visit. I did not use the spa during my stay but the menu looked extensive. There is a Japanese restaurant inside the hotel that had amazing sushi. The price is pretty high, but well worth it in today's market, especially for business travelers. My only complaint is that my friend parked there for 2 1/2 hours and it cost her $36. I'm from NYC and I think that is pretty insane. Overall, fantastic. I booked this based on Tripadvisor comments. It's in a handy location if you are fairly fit and don't mind walking. There were myself and my wife plus 2 teenagers, 18 & 16. It was about 15 mins walk to Fisherman's Wharf and 30 mins to downtown. Rooms were clean enough and comfortable but were a bit gloomy. Staff were very friendly and helpful. There is car parking if required and the hotel is in an OK location but don't stray too far away at night. No problems but just didn't impress me particularly but the rates is very good for SF. First of all the staff is top notch and the location is amazing! Unfotunately thats all this hotel has on it's side. We had a room on the 2nd floor and stayed for 2 long nights. The rooms are tiny, very old, and LOUD. We could hear pipes rattling from toilets flushing and random noises keeping us up all night. The room looked and sounded like the hotel is held together with thick layers of paint. The room windows looked out onto a tin roof with pigeons at eye level. We felt after the first night that we should find another hotel. Because we were only staying the weekend it would be more hassel than it was worth. The elevator from the lobby is impossibly slow and the stairs are a spiral staircase of death if you choose to walk them.Don't let the pictures and the fancy lobby fool you.....this is not a 3 star hotel!!!! The Handlery was an exceptional Hotel. Right on the edge of Union Square in the middle of Downtown. Couldn't ask for a better location. the Hotel staff was friendly and always helpful. Our room was always keep clean and neat. We stayed in the older section of the Hotel in a small but comfortable room. It has been well maintained for its age. Your within walking distance to many attractions including Chinatown, the cable cars and Union Square itself. Dozens of restaurants are also within walking distance. Yes, there were plenty of panhandlers around. But that is true for the entire City. None of them bothered us. If your used to the City this hotel would suit you just fine. It's no secret that the Parc 55 Hotel is in the path of lots of street noise, especially if you are facing Market Street. The sirens are the biggest culprit at all hours of the night, but it's something you get used to pretty quickly. The hotel is really nice and the rooms are comfortable. The views are amazing. We are certainly in the category of budget travelers who were pleasantly surprised that this hotel showed up on a Priceline bid.We were double upgraded at check in. Our Priceline rate assured us a Deluxe Room (up to the 19th floor with a king bed). We asked for a high room and got a 20th floor View Room (20th-26th floors) with two double beds. The double beds are considered an upgrade at this least price wise. We were very satisfied. No problems at check in, but we did not get in until 8:30 line at all.We liked the 37" flat screen TV and the 5 soft pillows on each bed. The noise kept us up the first night, but we did better with our sleep from there. No problems with housekeeping. The room was very clean. Thanks to the great information on Trip Advisor, we knew not to rent a car. We were glad to avoid the very high nightly parking rates and the hotel is right on The Powell Station for BART and the cable car turnaround. It was easy to get around town. We bought a City Pass at the Visitor's Center at the Powell Station and it was a reasonable value.We did not use the Internet service or the restaurant. There was a nice mall acroos the street with cheaper dining options. The business center would have cost us $20.00 to print out our boarding passes, but the Concierge did it without charge.....and we tipped for the courtesy. The bellman was very accommodating and held our bags after checkout so we could sight see with free hands up until 2:30 p.m. when we needed to head for the airport.We were pleased with the hotel. It met everyone of our very basic needs and was in a really nice location for wide eyed tourists like us. We would certainly stay here again. I was concerned about trying a new hotel in the Union Square area. I was drawn in by the web site and decided to go ahead and take a chance. From the superior front desk staff, on site parking, its proximity to shopping and trolley, variety of dining choices, contemporary decor, very comfortable bed, clean bathrooms I was so pleased by it all. Union square is a busy, noisy place late into the night and early morning however I was not bothered by the street noise with a courtyard room, or a third floor street side room my guess is that the windows are insulated well. I enjoyed the rain shower head and flat screen TV. I missed the evening wine hour but did enjoy the coffee bar in the morning. I will definitely stay again. If you are concerned about noise, view or air conditioning call the hotel at booking because several different room amenities are available just let them know your preferences This hotel is amazing: checking-in is a breeze, everyone is extremely helpfull and friendly! We stayed here 8 nights from 24th August untill 1st September 2004 according to their long stay package: we had a deluxe bay view king room: amazing views, definitely worth having a room facing the bay! Ask for a West Tower room, overlooking Transamerica Pyramid, Coit Tower, Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz,... you name it! The staff is so friendly, everyone knew our name after two days... roomservice is great, housekeeping is wonderfull, location of the hotel is really good for shopping and exploring the city on foot: we went to Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz, Coit Tower, Pacific Heights,... the hotel is located nearby....the food & breakfast are unbelievable... enjoy this hotel for the time you're staying there, cause it will be over before you know it! Great hotel! It was such a delight to stay at Petite Auberge for two nights. It is centrally located and the walk from Market/Powell is about ten minutes. As a Joy of Life Member (apply for free on the hotel's website), my boyfriend and I were upgraded to a queen guest room with a fireplace. We were also given a complimentary split of red wine and bon bons which was included in the free membership. The evening reception was fantastic (gourmet cheese and crackers, vegetable tray, apple streusel, and wine (red, white) and sherry. Bottled water is free. The complimentary breakfast was delicious (scrambled and boiled eggs, sausage, quiche, danishes, scones, croissants, assortment of breads (great sourdough, wheat, white), fresh cut fruit, coffee, tea, orange juice, and cranberry juice). The local paper was delivered every morning and they had USA Today available in the lounge with a fireplace. The hotel is very quaint and cozy and really does feel like a small French country inn. The hotel staff from the concierge to housekeeping were friendly and knowledgeable. The front desk recommended a great tapas place in the Mission District and also printed by boarding passes for me.I met a couple during the evening reception that told me they stayed at Petite Auberge 16 years ago. I can understand why they returned and I certainly plan to do the same the next time I visit SF! We stayed here as our first stop from Australia on American holiday. I was not sure what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. Location is excellent less than 2 blocks from fishermans Wharf & easy walking distance to cable tram and other attractions. We have 2 children 11 & 14 and it was a great location with low noise and comfortable facilities. The free breakfast was simple but nice & fantastic cost saver to start our holiday.There is a great bar acrooss the road called Knuckles and if you like beer you must go to Jac's bar which is easy walking distance. San Francisco was great and this hotel excellent way to see it all from... This was our third stay at the Grand Hyatt, San Francisco, so we are obviously pleased with the property. We find the overall location perfect, right at Union Square, close to the BART, Westfield Mall, walking distance to the Embarcadero, North Beach and Chinatown. We ended up walking almost everywhere we needed to go, except for a taxi ride to a Russian Hill area restaurant.Our room was as expected, on the Gold Passport Floor with a pleasant upgrade allowing us access to the Regency Lounge. This is a very nice lounge overlooking the city for coffee in the morning, drinks in the afternoon and dessert in the evening. A nice place to relax while reading the newspaper and talking over plans for the day.Service from the front desk and concierge was pleasant and efficient. We had the opportunity to stay at the new Intercontinental and also the nearby Fairmont for this visit, but chose the Grand Hyatt, mostly because its location was ideal for what we wanted to do and we are comfortable with the level of service and amenities. I stayed here in June of 2008 and the customer service was awesome, bed was comfy and the location can't be beat in terms of walking to shopping, museums, etc. The room was a bit small but given the prime location it is understandable that a builder would want to create as many possible rooms while still maintaining comfort. I would stay here again - I like kimpton hotels and liked this even better than the palomar (where I stayed on a prior visit). My 18-yr old dtr and I just returned from staying 4 nights at the Tuscan Inn in San Francisco. We had never traveled there and booked the trip thru Priceline. Tuscan was wonderful! The rooms were clean and nicely decorated. The rooms were also quiet and we felt safe. The location was great, just a few blocks from Fisherman's Wharf. One day we got a day pass and took the cable cars and buses to view other parts of the city such as Chinatown, Golden Gate Park, Painted Ladies houses. The bus line we needed was just across the street and the cable car was a block away. Again, the location was great! The 5-6 pm complimentary wine hour was a nice feature. They did have soda for younger people, but ran out so my dtr didn't get anything to drink. In the morning there is complimentary tea, coffee, hot chocolate and biscotti. We arrived at the Oakland Airport and took BART to get to SanFrancisco and then the f-line muni to get to Fisherman's Wharf. It was ok, but it took a good hour to get to our motel. It cost about $8 per person to travel this way. We decided to take a shuttle back to the Oakland Airpost. There was a shuttle that advertised $23 for one person and $10 for additional it cost $33 which was worth it. It only took about 20-25 minutes by shuttle to get back to the Oakland Airport. I'd definately stay at the Tuscan Inn again. Other places I'd recommend seeing include Alcatraz (audio tour), Muir Woods tour, and biking the Golden Gate bridge. I have nothing but good things to say about the Carlton. We did not really know what to expect when we booked rooms for my husband and myself, and one for our two college age sons, except that it had good reviews, was moderately priced (by San Francisco standards) and was well located in the city. From the moment we entered the attractive lobby and were greeted by the friendly, personable staff, we knew we'd made a good choice.The excellent, friendly service continued throughout our stay. The managers had helpful guides to city attractions, and made very good suggestions for local restaurants and cafes. There were many great breakfast places within easy walking distance, and a small grocery store and a Rite Aide, as well. Taxi service was swift and convenient. The Carlton also offers a wine bar happy hour each day.The rooms were attractively furnished and immaculate. The hotel also uses green practices, conserving water and energy which we appreciated. Last but not least, the Carlton has personality. So many chain hotels feel generic, but the Carlton instead feels unique and privately owned, although it is part of the Joie De Vivre chain. Based on our experience, I would seek out their hotels in other cities.Overall, we had an excellent experience and highly recommend the Carlton! This is not a bad hotel. The rooms are a bit small, but not unusual for San Francisco. The location is quite good:close to excellent restaurants and the waterfront for walking. Not far from shopping. But... the service is poor, and for those used to staying in Kimpton hotels... this Kimpton is a real surprise. The staff attitude ranges from perfunctory to rude.( Example: a staff member named Mark actually snapped at me at the wine tasting when I tried to find out what kind of wine was being offered. Problem was I don't just order by color.)There is simply not the service-oriented feeling one is used to in this hotel group. If you want the attentive, upscale experience of the Kimpton group, try the Argonaut. We went there to make reservations for dinner and walking through the lobby were greeted by the doorman and two people at the front desk. Yes, those "little touches" do make a difference and they are worth paying for. We've learned our lesson. The staff were very friendly when checking in. The decor was fresh and atmospheric. The room was large and comfortable. The location is fantastic with restaurants, shops, diners very close. If I picked fault then I would say that the sanitary fittings were a bit worn and the air con unit (which we needed) was noisy. But all in all it was great value and I would not hesitate to recommend the Rex. We were a little worried about staying at this hotel because of poor reviews we had read online. But the price was so much cheaper than anything else in the area, that we decided to risk it. We needn't have worried! The location was fine--downtown SF is downtown SF. We never felt unsafe, even as we walked a mile to see a show late at night. The room with a 2nd sofabed was humongous! I've never had such a large hotel room without paying much more. It was perfectly clean, and the furnishings were very nice and elegant. There was a coffee maker, blow dryer, fridge, microwave, clock radio and internet access! The continental breakfast was great, the pool was beautiful, and the free parking was...well, free parking! The staff and other guests were extremely friendly and helpful.I would most definitely stay here again, and recommend it to all my friends. This hotel was excellent. The staff including Brandy who checked us in the hotel, made sure everything was correct and special. We had a great view of the ocean..alcatraz and even the top of the golden gate bridge. Our room was extremely neat and clean each and everyday. The bed made, carpet cleaned, bathroom sparkling. The breakfast was a wonderful way to start the day of sight seeing. It was always busy and always well stocked. Internet access throught their computers was fast and we were even able to print directions. Checking out was a breeze. We stayed nine nights and we can't wait to stay again!!!!Bob and Donna...Tn fans in the land of the golden hotel Had a corner room, high up, with a nice view of the city. Fairly close to Union Square and the financial district. OK check in, nothing too friendly, but accomodating. Marble-style lobby with lots of black and brown. Rooms had the usual amenities, were quiet, and bathroom was nice. Room was in good shape. Didn't eat at the restaurant. Hallways were bright. Elevators were quick. Decent gym. Overall, a good stay. We stayed at the Hotel Rex and the rooms were clean and neat and the hotel staff are very friendly, helpful and provide you with exceptional customer service. The bathrooms are a very nice size and bedroom was a good size, TV is small. Our only drawback was the too soft bed, but the linens made up for it. The location is perfect and close to everything. We found this hotel a very good deal as we purchased the "buy 2 nights and get the 3rd night free". We would recommend staying there. Spent two nights at the W and it was just what I would expect from a W. The front desk was friendly and efficient. Even though I was early, they were able to get me into my room right away.I was on the 29th floor and had a great view of the city. The room was very clean and had nice amenities (ipod charger, conveniently located electrical plugs, books about SF, DVD player). Love the bliss products in the bathroom. As usual, for a Starwood property, the bed was soooooo comfortable. The location was great, very centrally located for shopping, dining and public transportation. The hotel definitely caters to a younger, hipper crowd than I, but I never felt out of place. I had a drink at the hotel bar and the bartender was friendly and made a great cocktail.I liked it better then some of the other W's I have stayed at and would definitely stay there again. My wife and I stayed here on our honeymoon for 2 nights in early March and had a great stay.I had booked a room at another hotel on on Jan. 6th though. Then 4 days before we were to start our honeymoon in San Fran., send me an e-mail to say they had to change my reservation from a hotel downtown to a hotel at the airport. I rufused and was given a refund and no hotel. There was a huge 30,000 person convention in town at the same time so all the hotels were full. I got lucky though and was able to book a bay view room at The Argonaut. This was the best thing that could of happened to us! This place was amazing! We arrived at the hotel around 12:30pm and were able to check in right away! The staff were all so nice and called us by name whenever they saw us. The room was amazing! We had a beautiful view of Alcatraz Island and could even see the golden gate. Internet worked great and the TV was fine. It's not a big fancy TV, but we didn't fly all the way to San Fran. to watch TV anyway. What made our stay so great was the concierge. There was a wonderful young lady there that recommended 2 wonderful resturants for dinners and an amazing dim sum resturant for lunch. We enjoyed San Fran. way more then we ever thought we would and we owe that to The Argonaut Hotel and there staff. We can't wait to come visit again. I think all the positives, and negatives, described here are true. It is a quaint, maybe quirky old hotel in a decent location. Nicely decorated and excellent personal service. The breakfast was good, although the "hot" items were lukewarm. The bed was comfortable. Yes, the fixtures are old, wood/tile floors are old, there's some rust in the bathroom. If this bugs you, don't book here. My biggest complaint was the street noise in the second floor room. About every hour, we awoke to a new sound: car horn, loud talking on the street, arguing, garbage truck, tires skidding, etc. I wrote the hotel and recommended that they get dual paned windows. The hotel replied that I should have asked for a higher floor. So, if this is the kind of place for you, either wear excellent earplugs at night or get as high of a floor as possible. This was our first trip to San Francisco and Nob Hill was a great hotel for us! The staff was excellent---helped us with getting our MUNI pass; setting up day tours for us for two of the days we were there and the tours were superb; told us where to eat on Polk street and gave us other numerous suggestions.The hotel is in a quiet neighborhood, which we preferred to downtown or other parts of town and the cable cars and buses were very easy to access. The price was great considering that of other places, the kingsize bed very comfortable and the continental breakfast was very satisfying as we set out each day. I would definitely return and recommend it. Judy and Frank and their staff are very helpful. We stayed at the Hotel Whitcomb (formerly Ramada (@ 8th & Market) in San Francisco during Easter weekend 2007. We read the previous reviews that said this hotel was not very good and it was in a bad area. That could not be further from the truth! Yes, there are some homeless people walking around, but they do not bother you! They are mostly around the touristy parts (near Union Square, etc.). The hotel was recently refurbished, very clean and well kept. Our room was nice and clean. It was not huge, but how much time do you really spend in the hotel?? The girl at the concierge desk wasn't as bright and knowledgeable as she could have been, save your time and get a map yourself. We paid $80 a night (Friday/Saturday night AND during a holiday weekend), that was the AAA rate. Not bad considering the Holiday Inn just around the corner was $200/night. The BART drops you off right in front of the hotel, it's about a 3-block walk to catch the trolley/cable car, or you can catch the street car right in front of the hotel to Market and Powell, where you catch the cable car. Also, another tip that we found out while we were there, yes ride the cable cars because of the novelty, but the "F" Street street car goes directly to Fisherman's Wharf and back. You may find yourself waiting an hour or more to catch the cable car down by the Wharf! Just hop on the street car and you'll save some time!Overall, this was a good hotel at a decent price. We will absolutely stay there again!!! This is an excellent little motel in a great location. The cable car stops 2 blocks away, buses right outside. You can walk to Fishermans Wharf and Downtown in about 15/20 minutes. Room was very big with loads of storage space. The couple who run this motel are very helpful and friendly. Loads of nice shops, bars and restaurants right around the corner in the Russian Hill area. Would recommend this place for anyone looking for a good, quiet location, but who doesn't want to spend a fortune. Would definitely stay there again. My family and I have been traveling all over California for our vacation of the year. When we were in San Francisco we decided to take advantage of the free breakfast, good location, good rate, and free wi fi and decided after a few choices to go with this hotel. The room was very clean, but some rooms that are on the side have the view of the other side of the hotel because it is oddly shaped. So if possible try to get a room with a view. The room was very nice we got a room with double beds. The bathroom was tiny and the shower took some time to get hot. The breakfast was complementary but our family likes to sleep in a little so when we got to the breakfast there was limited choices because most things got used up. So get there early. There is wi fi in the room but it is a plug in which was still ok but in the lobby it is wireless. We liked that the hotel was in Fisherman's Wharf and that it was near the cable cars and things. We liked this hotel but the service was okay we asked for extra towels through the phone and the towels came about 1 hour later so the service is ok not the best. I will defenitly stay at this hotel again. I attended a meeting last week organized by my company, and had no idea what the Hotel Monaco was all about. I'd never heard of it. I can only say that it was the most unique, comfortable, stunning hotel I've ever had the pleasure of checking in to. The room was decent size but the decor was beyond outstanding. Colorful, fun, cozy, warm and inviting. The front desk staff were great. There's a restaurant that has an impressive two story ceiling with incredible light fixtures, display kitchen and decent if short menu. On my next visit to San Francisco I will definitely stay at the Monaco. Excellent hotel in a very excellent location. I have to admit that our room was right next to Lombard, so a little noisy, but not bad. The hotel was great and the service outstanding. Our room was small but very unique and quaint. We walked almost everywhere from the hotel and had no problems. Highly recommended. I stayed here for a conference. The staff were helpful and the Atrium is quite a grand place. The room was fine - clean and spacious. Slightly odd smell to the hotel, probably something in their cleaning fluids? The hotel is close to the Piers and everything you want to see is within walking distance. Some of the reviewers have complained about the high price of breakfast. There is a croissant/bun shop ('Les Croissants') just across the road from the hotel entrance, I'd recommend buying breakfast from there. Incredible location. Very comfortable rooms and beds. Great place to stay! My first trip to SF and on quiet the budget. My friend and I stayed here for a week and we had no problems. We got a room with shared bath. The bathrooms were very clean and we didn't have any problems with them being to busy. The toliets were tight. Need to suck in that belly to close the door. That really didn't bother me at all. I just loved the great location and the excellent price. Very safe and easy to use the public transportation less than a block away. This is a great budget place to be. Don't expect the glitz. If you have it, go spend your $200 plus a night somewhere else. I am tired of people expecting a 5 star hotel at $70 a night. This hotel is perfect for those on a budget but still expect reasonable standards!The staff were excellent, very friendly and helpful. The location is very convenient. The rooms are very clean and have everything you might need for your stay.We did find it quite noisy with traffic. We stayed there this past weekend and LOVED it! The front desk was friendly and prompt. The 24 hr. valet was fast as well. We had an ultra clean, large corner room with views of Coit Tower and the Wharf. The location was perfect for a walk to the wharf and North Beach. Morning coffee and biscotti was a nice touch as well as the all you can drink free wine hour in the evening. You will not go wrong here! Got a great rate from Hotwire and stayed at the Clift for 3 nights. Staff was friendly and always smiling. My wife and I traveled with our 2 year old toddler and we felt very comfortable in the room. Room size was small for a four star hotel and also the bathroom. But everything was clean and housekeeping is very courteous and helpful. Ipod dock in room was a nice touch as I left my charger back home. Don't expect too much from the room. It has a king size bed, comfortable sheets and comforter. The table in the room is a little small, television seems like it was bought from a surplus shop back in the early 90s but DVD player was appreciated. (movie rentals are available for about 12 bucks a night it would make more sense to buy a DVD disc at Borders or Virgin which are both a few blocks away.) There was also a serious lack of storage space in the room.Bathroom was tight. I mean real tight.Noise from the street is real bad. Once of the drawbacks of being in the city, I guess.Overall, we enjoyed our stay at the Clift and would stay there again if given a competitive rate. Location was perfect for a weekend of just lounging and shopping. The hotel is in a great location and the staff are excellent, very helpful and friendly. The rooms were a good size with all the amenities you need. The hallways could do with a bit of modernisation as they are very drab and dark. My only complaint is the noise level!!! Due to the great location the noise levels in the early hours of the morning are very high and we were awoken from our sleep on several occasions. The staff were very obliging and moved us to a different room where the noise was not so bad.I would stay here again as the location and staff far out weighs the excessive noise. I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend stay at Hotel Rex.Staff were excellent and helpful. Room was clean and well equipped. Excellent location for "getting out on foot" to see the City.In that I prefer to spend money on a weekend trip on excellent food and other activities, this hotel at $135 was every bit as good for the purpose as would have been the Marriott, where I moved to on Monday to attend a conference, at $249, (and I don't recall the Marriott offering a couple of free glasses of wine per day either!) This hotel was foisted on us by RCI time-shares, and was presented as an up-scale establishment. When we pulled up, I was very worried, but the lobby was in excellent shape, and seemed promising. What a disappointment! When we checked in, I specifically asked for a quiet room, as we have a kid with sleep problems. So, of course, they put us on the Van Ness side of the building which is incredibly noisy. Everything you read in the negative reviews is true. Frankly, the people who say this place is okay for the money are dreaming. After we got to our room, we had a lengthy discussion about checking out and moving to the Courtyard, where you at least get free internet. Cathedral Hill has Wi-Fi only, at a cost of over $15 per day. Even the Holiday Inn up the street had free internet service.Negatives: Rooms and hallways are filthy. We asked housekeeping to at least take care of the mildew mural in our shower. Was never cleaned up. Last 2 days of our stay one of the elevators was out of service and consequently had extremely lengthy waits to get downstairs. Absolutely NO amenities beyond a blow-dryer, iron and coffe maker. No refrigerator, no free internet, absolutely THE MOST uncomfortable beds I have slept in in 20 years of traveling for business. I want to know who the people were who posted the review that said they had wine in their rooms! What hotel was that?! And the icing on the cake: I heard people requesting refrigerators, so we asked for one to be sent to our room. Bien sur! Only $5 per day to have a refrigerator in your room. Outrageous. I'm surprised they didn't charge for the air we were breathing.Also, because of the proximity to the Tenderloin, there really are a tremendous number of homeless people around the hotel, and some of them are pretty aggressive about working the tourists.Positives: 1. Hotel security and the guys working the garage were very nice and very helpful. 2. It's across the street from Tommy's Joynt restaurant, absolutely the best meal buy in town. Tommy's Joynt consistently ranked as Best Cheap Eats in town by SF Chronicle. Van Ness Bakery across the street is a great bargain for breakfast. 3. You can get the bus to ATT Park right in front of the hotel.Net/net, no way is this a 3-star hotel. I have stayed in Super 8s that were far cleaner and better appointed.P.S. Mel's Diner is over-priced and over-rated. We thought it extremely expensive for the quality and quantity of food served, and either the wait-staff or kitchen are unbelievably slow. I have very mixed feeling about Petite Auberge (stayed 6 nights). There is much to love and a few things that just should not be at this kind of property. First the positives: great staff - very helpful front desk, service at the wine reception and breakfast was great and our housekeeper was absolutely delightful. The afternoon wine and nibblies were great and breakfast was the best we had during our 3 weeks in Northern California. The neutrals: we had one of the smaller rooms (cosy queen) and it was adaquate but nothing special (rather basic). For such a great location, the value was good by having the smaller room. Now the negatives: the biggest is the internet service. Petite Auberge is the only property that charged for internet service ($7.99/night) on our 3 weeks in Northern California. This was not disclosed (that I saw) on the Web site. At a property of this stature, I feel that this is a bit cheesy. The second issue is that many rooms face the back alley. Because nights in SF, even in the summer are quite cool, having the windows open is a delight. [BTW - I did not see A/C availability in the room but it might have been - open windows were great]. In the back alley, every morning around 5 a.m. is the garbage pickup. For about 10 min. there is quite a racket that you will not sleep through. So if you have a back alley room and do not have the windows closed and the heat on, I would inquire about the A/C and if available use it. I stayed at this hotel for a week. We had nothing but problems. When we first arrived our room had a filthy bathroom, no hangers, and a broken window which we had to tie a belt to so no one would crawl in. We were able to change rooms the next day. This room was cleaner but the ceiling fan was broken. We were given a small table fan which did not help. Despite asking to speak to the manger for a week he was always "unavailable". The location is fantastic and within walking distance of the Fishermans Wharf area and Lombard Street. The continental breakfast is okay and the staff there were very nice, often letting stragglers in after the posted 9 am closing.The bar and restaurant have been closed and abandoned leaving empty rooms which give a ghettoish appearance. parking after 8 pm was a challenge as there are not enough spaces for all of the cars.Although the price was cheap for San Francisco and the location was good I would not advise anyone to stay here. The hotel is very worn, in great disrepair and management clearly could care less. Please do not stay here. An environmentally conscious hotel. The staff are efficient, helpful, and friendly. The room was clean and comfortable. Great value for location and service. If you enjoy "old school" service and city elegance, you will love the Omni San Francisco. The decor is elegant and the service friendly and impeccable. From the moment we arrived, everyone on staff bent over backwards to accommodate every request and everyone down to the maintance guy in the hall had a cheerful greeting for you. The concierge, Lex ,was incredibley helpful. The room was well-appointed and the bed with crisp sheets and duvet very comfortable. Sign up for Omni' frequent stay program and enjoy benefits on your first stay including complimentary beverage (you can choose both coffee and juice/bottled water per person) and choice of newspaper delivered each morning at the time you choose. Yes - the bar and restaurant are on the expensive to the OMG side - especially if you dive into the steak menu at dinner ($54 for a veal chop - wow!) but have to say I had a wonderful burger in the bar one night and did not begrudge the $19 price tag because it was so good. Breakfast was also pricey (and not as outstanding) but you can add pastries, fruit and even a breakfast sandwich on to your complimentary breakfast beverage order for not too big a hit so we went that route and enjoyed a more affordable breakfast in our room. As for location, you cannot beat this spot for convenience to the Ferry Building, Union Square, China Town and all other points. Buy a three-day pass ($18) from the front desk and you can ride the trolley (stops right in front of the hotel), the vintage buses and regular buses to your hearts content. Also, if you plan to go to the Tut exhibit, ask the concierge if they have any leftover VIP passes. They cost a few bucks more but you can go whenever you want and bypass the long line by using the VIP line once inside the museum - you just have to promise the concierge that you will be discreet and not a big blowhard about having a VIP pass..... We had a great two night stay in Dec 2008. Hotel staff were very accomodating with our 18 month old- providing a cot, toy and stroller for him. The staff were friendly and upbeat. Our room was also upgraded. Our only dissappointment was the food at the downstairs restaurant- way too expensive and did not meet expectations. Loved everything about the stay - there for the Nike Woman's Marathon - Lovely location would go again - very nice - I love the Mosser Hotel! This was the PERFECT hotel for my weekend adventure in San Francisco. Located conveniently on Fourth St, the hotel within walking distance to BART and the #30 & #45 city bus known as MUNI stops within several yards of the Mosser's front door. How convenient. I did not need my car for the entire 3 day/2 night stay. The #30 bus (Stockton) is down the street on Market and Third, and this will take you all the way to Chinatown. If you want to continue to Fisherman's Wharf, the Marina District and the Palace of Fine Arts / The Exploratorium, the #30 will take you there too.The entire staff at this hotel is professional, courteous and attentive. They answered my questions and provided information on restaurants and bus routes. My room had a queen bed and I chose the shared bath for the price. Next time I will upgrade for a few bucks more and get a room with a bath. Upon entering my room, the temperature was warm, but luckily there was a ceiling fan and a window to open for some breeze. The bed was comfortable and a small tv was located at the foot of the bed. My room was nicely decorated and modern looking. Closet was small, but adequate. In my room, the hotel provided a blowdryer, lotion, shampoo and a small bar of soap. The shared baths were very clean and there were bathrooms designated for male and female. The shower room was clean. Not once during my visit did I have to wait. There is a restaurant/bar attached to the hotel called Annabelle's, but I did not get a chance to try it. In the morning, the hotel offers coffee and muffins and there was always a lovely basket of red delicious apples through out the day at the reception area. The hotel's elevator is large and efficient and runs well. A snack machine and a vending machine for water/sodas is located on the bottom floor.The location is wonderful. There are loads and loads and loads of stores to visit and shop til you drop within walking distance of the Mosser. Bloomies, Ross, Old Navy, Westfield Shopping Center within a stones throw of this hotel. There is a Denny's and a Mel's Drive In Restaurant and Starbucks just around the corner too. What I liked best about this hotel is the proximity of it's location to stores, bus routes, BART, Union Sqare, restaurants. It was absolutely perfect.Upon check out, it took no more than 15-20 minutes for the valet to bring my car to the front door for me. I honestly do not have one negative thing to say about this hotel.The Mosser Hotel Rocks and I'll be going back real soon. Just got back from a long weekend at the Inn at Union Square. What a wonderful place! We booked a queen room, but got a small suite at the front of the hotel - the bed was a little smaller, but it had a separate sitting room with a sofa, chair and desk and a second plasma flat screen tv. But the great thing about this inn is the extras, which are offered free of charge. First, breakfast is served each morning until 10 or so on each floor on the third and fifth floors parlours. The quality is good, with fresh high quality pastries and coffee as well as cereal, boiled eggs, bagels, cheese, fruit, tea, etc. It is served on china and cloth napkins with nice breakfast trays to take back to your room and small tables to eat in the parlour. Also, there are fresh apples and cookies in each parlour all day long. At 5 or so, they set out multiple bottles of wine with really good cheese and fruit and stemware and napkins again and welcome you to a drink before you go out to dinner. There are also other cold drinks set out. All free of charge. There is wireless internet available free of charge, as well as a small business center. At night, the maid leaves bottled water and chocolate. At the end of the weekend, we had not a single incidental charge. The staff is young and enthusiastic and they are genuinely helpful. Be warned - this is an inn more than a hotel - it is narrow and the hallways are narrow as well. The elevator is small and there is no grand lobby, just a number of small parlours. But the rooms are tastefully done with good linens and the furniture and tvs are of good quality. There is no noise from room to room, and our room was right outside the parlour where folks on our floor had breakfast. There is some noise from the street - it is 500 feet off Powell and those streetcars do make noise, so if you really like it quiet, get a room in back. The rooms in front offer a nice view to compensate for the noise. In the last five years, we have stayed at the St. Francis (fancy, but not great service), the Fairmont (grand old gem, but so big), the Villa Forence (really nice boutique hotel), the Hotel Griffon (great location, unfriendly staff) and the Holiday Inn Gateway (utilitarian, no frills). This was by far my favorite. It is for those who like privacy and value. If you want a grand lobby, you will have to cross the street to the St. Francis. But they won't give you all the food and extras and they will charge you more. We stayed here for 3 nights and found the room to be just what we needed. The rooms were very spacious and we found them to be exactly as pictured on the website. No surprises there. We booked the parking package through, which was an excellent deal. The staff were very helpful and courteous. We especially like Steve who helped with check-in. We called down for ice every night for our 2 rooms and was brought up in a couple of minutes. We also had to retreive things from our valet parked car a number of times with no problems. Hey, we are a group of ladies over 60 except one in her 40's, we forget things. But, we had a great stay. We will be back. My fiance and I stayed at the Palomar Hotel on June 19th, 2006. This hotel was great, and I recommend it to anyone. It is centrally located 3 blocks from Union Square and is clean and quiet. The Serrano Hotel, by contrast, although also a Kimpton Hotel, was very disappointing. My negative experience began with the reservationist who booked a King Room for us, I doubly confirmed this because I knew that the city was extremely booked at this time. When we checked in, the woman at the front desk was thoroughly overwhelmed and seemed anxious. She was very rushed and curt. Also, when we arrived we found our room to have only a queen sized bed instead of a king, and the room felt so cramped we were feeling clausterphobic as soon as we walked in. The bathroom was clean, in good working order, and had nice ammenities and fixtures but it too felt cramped. The room we stayed in was on the 4th floor and it was rectangular in shape, the foot of the queen sized bed reached the wall, not leaving much room around it. The comforter has loose threads and appeared worn, and the sheets looked dusty and had lint on them. It was extremely noisy in the area from construction and the windows did not block out any of the noise. We immediately called the front desk to inquire, and they left us on hold for so long that the line disconnected, and when I called again, another woman said the original person was on hold with someone else and she would have them call us back. However, we did not receive a call back for ten minutes so we decided to get out of the room and go to the front desk immediately.When we inquired about why we were given a queen room, we were told that all the king rooms had been booked. I assured her that we had booked a king room and she said there was nothing she could do about it. When I told her that we would like to check out and find another hotel, she said that was fine but that our credit card would be charged anyways for the stay and that there was nothing she could do about it. When I asked to speak with the original reservationist, he did some research and told us that they had no king rooms available, but that one might open up later, but they couldn't promise anything. I explained that he had not told us this from the beginning and that we should be able to leave without getting charged, since it had been their mistake. He finally said the manager would take care of us and let me go. Pam, the fron desk manager, apologized profusely and I overheard her on the phone booking restaurant reservations for a guest and she seemed wonderfully helpful. She was the only positive experience in the 45 minutes I spent in the hotel. All of that being said, if you are willing to spend $215+ during peak season for a small queen room that has a Victorian feel in the lobby, then these are the benefits:*4 blocks to Union Square*Attentive Bellman (At least the one who was there at the time, he was the only one who asked if he could be of any help)*Game tables in the lobby, a fireplace and a restaurant (we did not eat there)*Some of the higher rooms may have nice views, we were told that they did by the reservationist because they have more than 17 floors*Pam, the front desk manager, who seemed very interested in making everyone's stay a great one*Updated bathroom*Victorian feelI would definitely recommend the Hotel Palomar over Serrano, we paid less for more space, better customer service, and awesome amenities. Definitely join Kimpton In Touch before you book a room, it gives you great benefits and a better rate. Perfect for me.. Loved my stay. Great location and breakfast was great. Your going to love it there. Our family ( 2 adults with 2 teens) from Calgary, Canada stayed in Hotel California for an entire week from August 23 to 27, 2007. We couldn't have asked for a better place to stay, especially for the price. The staff were not just helpful but even enthusiastic. We were greeted very pleasantly when we first walked in the door and every time thereafter. Every day they gave us wonderful recommendations on places to dine close by (something difficult to do among all of the terrific establishments in San Francisco) and great tips on how to get around and things to see that most tourists don't experience. We booked a family suite on the 5th floor which was perfect for us. Not large rooms but enough so that there was a bit of privacy for everyone. The rooms were well kept, clean and even happy with the wonderful colours, San Francisco quotes hand-painted as borders and framed posters. Art and historical photos are sprinkled throughout the hotel. Every evening there was wine and cheese in the lobby which we definitely took advantage of because we met many people from all over the world. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their stay. If you don't want to go out The Millenium vegan restaurant in the hotel is excellent. That takes a lot to say since we are part of a competition barbeque team, but it was a highlight.If there is a downside, it is small. The hotel is on Geary Street which can get a little noisy from time to time, particularly when the lounge across the street lets out. But then, perhaps the solution is to join the crowd as we two adults did one night when the teens were tired and wanted to "veg". We made up for our "sins" by joining the congregation at The Glide Church a couple of blocks away for a Sunday service like nothing we've ever seen anywhere else. Loads of fun.Hotel California is ideally located 3 blocks from Union Square, cable cars, Chinatown and a whole lot of fun. We are very grateful to the staff for helping us with one of the best family vacations we've ever had. Highly, highly recommended. We will definitely be back. We arrived in San Francisco late so we just booked a room at the airport for one night and head into the city the next morning. The Clarion Hotel at the airport was absolutely aweful! I would say if rated lower than a "terrible". Hotel was dirty, room was small, smelled like smoke although we asked for a non-smoking room.,So it was a wonderful experience going to the Pan Pacific and being greeted by the valet. The concierge service was so helpful in getting a rental car and the room was fantastic. Breakfast was overpriced but what do you expect for a 4 star hotel.... Everything is always expensive. Enjoyed the down comforter in our room and the LCD. The location to Union square was great too. It was only 1 and 1/2 blocks away. We spent 2 days shopping and had a great time. Will definitely stay at the Pan Pacific next time we return to San Francisco. I just returned from two nights at the Villa Florence with my boyfriend. We had a wonderful time staying here. The location is superb-- right in Union Square. There are tons of shopping nearby and good restaurants. Our room was very comfortable. We had a down comforter and soft sheets. Aveda products in the bathroom were a nice extra touch. Although it is not a spacious hotel room, it was sufficient for two people travelling together. The lobby of the hotel is elegant. There is a bar and an upscale Italian restaurant.For the most part, staff was pleasant. One gentleman at the concierge didn't do a very good job of recommending restaurants for people on a budget, or assisting us make reservations, but he was an exception to the others who were mostly kind.We did hear sufficient noise outside our room from the street below in the early morning hours. I would have preferred an inside, courtyard room-- but those rooms were full when we checked in. I was a little disappointed that this could not by accomodated since I had called ahead one week to request a quiet room. I think there was some difficulty requesting this because I reserved this hotel through Priceline (but at $64 a night I wasn't going to complain!)Other nice amenities are the complimentary robes and a complimentary yoga basket to borrow during your stay. I would highly recommend this hotel to others! The Galleria Park hotel is in a perfect location for travellers visiting San Francisco. The location is a walking distance from Union Square and the Montgomery BART stop. You do not need a cab from the airport to the hotel, you can easily get on the BART and walk less than a block. The bathroom in the room we stayed in needed remodeling and they need to do a better job with the centralized heating system. It was a little chilly in SF the weekend we were there and they only turn on the heat at 10PM or so. The rooms are a little small but the front desk was friendly and helpful. For breakfast please vist Posh Bagel less than a block up on Sutter. They have the most delicious breakfast bagels you can imagine! After a lot of research, we decided to stay at the Hotel Vitale for our San Francisco trip. Let me just say, we were not disappointed. It was fantastic!We arrived from the airport around 10:00 am and they had a room for us! We had only paid for the courtyard view, but they upgraded us to a Bay View because that room was ready. It was fabulous. The view really just added to the atmosphere and I highly recommend it. The room itself was a bit small, but the space was utilized very well in my opinion. The bathroom was spacious. The tub in the room was huge. Definitely one of the best hotel tubs ever. Fresh bath products were a very nice and appreciated touch.The hotel did nightly turn down service and left bottled water and chocolates. They also turned on a nice CD. It was always a great thing to come back to.The Vitale offers a complimentary Town Car service within a mile of the hotel, which is very nice. We used it a few times. If the car is unavailable, it's still very easy to get around. Buses and street cars stop right next to the hotel and the California Street cable car is only about 2 blocks away. The location is a bit off the typical tourist path(s) of Union Square and Fisherman's Wharf, but it was not an issue for us.We travel to San Francisco at least 3 times a year and since we know our way around, being slightly removed from the "main" tourist drag was really a non-issue and overall, we preferred it. I highly recommend the Hotel Vitale. We will definitely stay here again. This is a great hotel! I loved the nautical decoration! The room was immaculate, very comfortable and we didn't have any issues with noise. The location is great, especially for a quick stay as you are close to the tourist attractions. There are countless kiosks in the area for different tours and attractions. We took the cable car tour around San Fran and over the Golden Gate Bridge. The ferry to Alcatraz is a 10-15 minute walk away from the hotel. There are loads of restaurants nearby. The restaurant attached to the hotel was great for breakfast. I would definitely recommend this hotel. I stayed at the Hyatt for a conference for 4 days and was not at all impressed for the pretty high group rate we were paying. Minuses: rooms are pretty small, bed was extremely uncomfortable, tiny bathrooms(showers don't even compare to Holiday Inn Express for instance), rooms and overall hotel were not very clean, decor is outdated and the fare was just that, fair. Not all what you would expect from a Hyatt or comparable chain. Pluses: Helpful concierge and valet attendants, having a club level room that was on a higher floor, a small but nice balcony, and the view of the bay. From other attendees at my conference I was extremely lucky to garner a room with a nice view, even on the club level, as most were said to be very limited. I would not come back to this hotel for pleasure. My boyfriend and I travelled from London to San Francisco and checked in for 6 nights at the Carlton.It's a relatively cheap hotel and good value for money, in a fairly central location (if you don't mind walking - which is what you do in San Francsico anyway!).Our room on the first night was nice and clean and decor good, but we had the worst night's sleep due to noisy neighbours and VERY thin walls. Lack of sleep coupled with jet lag was not a great start to our stay! First thing the next morning we told reception our complaints and they were SO helpful and friendly and booked us into a different room and had all our luggage moved whilst we were out for the day. The second room was bigger and again nice and great decor - admittedly we decided to pay a little bit extra per night for this room (only about $10 i think) in the hope that we would get more sleep. Although our new neighbours were no where near as noisy as the first set, because of the thin walls we were repeatedly woken up from people returning to their room, or the plumbing of of an adjacent room's bathroom - and well, we just didn't sleep that well (which we should have done with all the sight seeing throughout the day!). It was fairly disappointing and we decided not to return to that hotel, as we had previously booked, after a week in Yosemite and Lake Tahoe.On the plus side, we thought the breakfast was great (although you can get it cheaper elsewhere) and the staff were so nice and helpful. A good value for money hotel in a very convenient location. We chose the hotel for its central location and free car parking. It is only a short walk to the cable car where you can catch a ride to Pier 39 & Fisherman's Wharf. The cable car museum is also a short walk. There are various inexpensive but good restaurants nearby (Milano, just up the road, is recommended) and reception will be happy to point some out to you. The rooms themselves are not too flash - a bit small, the decor is quite dated and unusual, no bath - but they seemed clean enough and the beds were comfortable. The complimentary breakfast, that you collect on a tray from reception and bring up to your room, is not much - just coffee (no tea), some sweet pastries/iced donuts (for breakfast?) and some whole fruits (a banana or apple). Overall an OK hotel but we didn't expect too much considering the price and we were happy with the location. We got a great deal on this hotel on Priceline for 3 nights in mid February 2009. The location is awesome and you can walk everywhere in Union Square. When we checked in, they were extremely helpful and polite, which isn't always the case when they see you paid a lower rate for their rooms. I even asked how booked they were to see if we could have a room with a view. They happily obliged and gave us a room on the 25th floor facing Powell Street. Actually, the Starlight Room was directly across from us so it was kinda fun watching the parties over there from our window. The room was spacious, quiet, bed was comfy, staff was polite. I couldn't ask for much more than that for the great rate we got. We would definitely stay here again when in SF. Just got back from a long weekend at the Inn at Union Square. What a wonderful place! We booked a queen room, but got a small suite at the front of the hotel - the bed was a little smaller, but it had a separate sitting room with a sofa, chair and desk and a second plasma flat screen tv. But the great thing about this inn is the extras, which are offered free of charge. First, breakfast is served each morning until 10 or so on each floor on the third and fifth floors parlours. The quality is good, with fresh high quality pastries and coffee as well as cereal, boiled eggs, bagels, cheese, fruit, tea, etc. It is served on china and cloth napkins with nice breakfast trays to take back to your room and small tables to eat in the parlour. Also, there are fresh apples and cookies in each parlour all day long. At 5 or so, they set out multiple bottles of wine with really good cheese and fruit and stemware and napkins again and welcome you to a drink before you go out to dinner. There are also other cold drinks set out. All free of charge. There is wireless internet available free of charge, as well as a small business center. At night, the maid leaves bottled water and chocolate. At the end of the weekend, we had not a single incidental charge. The staff is young and enthusiastic and they are genuinely helpful. Be warned - this is an inn more than a hotel - it is narrow and the hallways are narrow as well. The elevator is small and there is no grand lobby, just a number of small parlours. But the rooms are tastefully done with good linens and the furniture and tvs are of good quality. There is no noise from room to room, and our room was right outside the parlour where folks on our floor had breakfast. There is some noise from the street - it is 500 feet off Powell and those streetcars do make noise, so if you really like it quiet, get a room in back. The rooms in front offer a nice view to compensate for the noise. In the last five years, we have stayed at the St. Francis (fancy, but not great service), the Fairmont (grand old gem, but so big), the Villa Forence (really nice boutique hotel), the Hotel Griffon (great location, unfriendly staff) and the Holiday Inn Gateway (utilitarian, no frills). This was by far my favorite. It is for those who like privacy and value. If you want a grand lobby, you will have to cross the street to the St. Francis. But they won't give you all the food and extras and they will charge you more. My husband and I just got home from our first trip to San Francisco and we had a FANTASTIC time! The BW Tuscan Inn is a very charming hotel with an excellent location if you want to be within a 5 minute walk to Fisherman's wharf and Pier 39. The front desk was very friendly and our room was very comfortable. We stayed in room 411 with a slight view of the flower filled courtyard. Since we wern't in our room much, the view really didn't matter to us. The bed was comfortable and the water pressure in the shower was sufficient enough to rinse conditioner out of my long hair without use of the ice bucket.We stayed 2 nights July 11 and 12. Parking at the hotel is expensive at $32 plus tax per night but the up side is that you have in/out privilages. The garage kitty corner from the hotel is $22 plus tax but does not offer in/out. We did take the car out once for a spin around the city and a drive down lombard street. What fun that was! Not much traffic going down the hill. My husband kicked me out of the car at the bottom so I could get some great pictures of the crooked street from the bottom of the hill.Parking in the city is a royal pain! If you don't need a car take cable cars or muni. I think everyone already knows this. The Tuscan Inn was perfect for us as far as location. No kidding, less than 5 minutes walk and we were right at Fisherman's Wharf. The only slight complaint I had about the Tuscan Inn was when we checked in, we were given a key to the honor bar but when I opened the door to the bar, it was completely empty. No big deal for us as it's too expensive to eat out of it anyway. Was just curious to see what they would stock it with. I'm a travel agent so I'm pretty picky about my hotel rooms but I have to say I will be suggesting this hotel to my clients. The rooms are on the small side but if your not traveling with a big family or a lot of luggage, these rooms are just fine. I really enjoyed my stay here and if/when I go back to San Francisco, I will probably stay here again. Front desk staff even took the time to call a restaurant at pier 39 to inquire about the dress code for me even though they had a couple of people also waiting to ask questions or to check in. My husband and I both enjoyed our stay very much. My husband and I stayed at the hotel last week. My husband was there for a conference and I was on holildays.The hotel looks good. The lobby is quite nice. We were in a king room in the older part of the building. The room was a good size if not big. The decoration was simple and a bit tired but pleasant.The location is really what made us choose the St Francis. Being right on Union Square it is hugely practical. Cable cars at the front, BART at the end of powell street and plenty of buses around for those wanting to catch public transport. Cabs always easy to get for the others. The walk to Fisherman's wharf takes about 25 minutes (Powell street is very steep!) and walking to the ferry terminal (to go to Sausalito) takes 10 to 15minutes if you go down post st and then market st.On the cons side, the service was poor. Sitting at the bar at the front if the hotel we had to wait 15 to 20 min for a drink. The other bar in the lobby wasn't very attractive and was very noisy. It felt like you were sitting at the check in counter. Concierge seemed quite annoyed when we asked for restaurant recommendations! Being more of a business hotel, it was quite noisy for 8am onwards.I would probably not recommend this hotel for a vacation. The public rooms in the hotel are beautiful but the bedrooms and bathrooms clearly have not had the same attention. The decor appeared more the result of one of those TV makeover shows than that of the revered Phillippe Starke. The bathroom was clearly an afterthought on the design front. The room was way too small to have a bath, which should ahve been ripped out and replaced with a decent shower unit.........a true design feature would have been a small wet room with a screen dividing the shower from the basin and toilet. The front-of-house staff were all very helpful and friendly. However, the waiting staff in the bar and restaurant leave a lot top be desired and clearly were employed for looks rather than ability (as is often the case in these designer hotels).I even took the drastic step of not leaving a tip, so disgusted was I with the wait for drinks and the inability to get it right first time. We stayed at the Marriott Fisherman's Wharf for a mini-vacation. We chose this hotel for its convenient location near Fisherman's Wharf and close proximity to BART so we could go to an Oakland A's game. We took a short cab ride to the Embarcadero BART station to get to the game. The valet was very helpful in getting our cab and the taxi fare was relatively inexpensive. The location is within walking distance to everything in the Fisherman's Wharf area. Our room was very nice, it was in a recently remodeled section and everything was very clean and new. The bed was very comfortable. There was a large flat-screen TV and internet access. Staff was courteous and accommodating. We did receive a bit of a shock when we looked at our hotel bill upon check-out. We expected a valet parking fee because every hotel has a fee for parking. However, a fee of $45.00 per day was added along with $6.33 in parking tax on top of that. This parking fee was not disclosed at check-in. Unfortunately, there are few options if you are driving and plan on parking. There is no street parking available so if you plan on staying, be sure to factor in this $51.33 fee per day into your hotel budget. We just returned from a 3 night stay at the Hotel Drisco. The hotel is very nice and is in a nice neighborhood. Parking is not difficult to find, but be aware that there is only a 3 hour limit on parking anywhere near the hotel without a permit which the hotel does not provide. The bellhop was nice enough to move our car for us when we were gone all day. Initially we got our room for $195 from hotels, when we arrived we were dissappointed to find out that this is for the very least desirable room on the basement floor of the hotel. The room was tiny and it was very hot that day and this hotel does not have air conditioning. Be aware that these rooms look absolutely nothing like the ones in the brochure or the website. We did upgrade to a suite which was very nice and comparable to the pictures on the website. But we did have to pay an additional $70 (they tried to charge us an additional $139/night). The service was very good and the bellhop and maids were very nice. There was one particular person at the front desk who was very stuffy and not welcoming to us. The breakfast was very average. Probably would not stay here again but the suite was very nice. We picked this hotel because it was close to the Union Square and Chinatown areas. Also, because expedia was having a great deal whereby we got free parking. However, the hotel impressed me. The rooms were probably a bit small, but really that was a non-issue for us. The staff was very friendly and accommodating. I would stay here again. I would have given them a 4-star rating, but because of their attentive, friendly staff, I gave them 5. This is a great little inn with a fantastic wine & cheese hour and great continental breakfast. We stayed at the Westin St. Francis (right across the street) the next night and I wish we would have stayed at the Inn at Union Sq. both nights. Not only a much more charming experience, but also a better value. Great rooms and very comfortable beds. I lived in San Francisco for 11 years (25 years ago). I miss three distinctive sounds of the city, the foghorns, the barking seals and the clanging of the cable cars. Over this past holiday season I spent 3 lovely nights at the Chancellor Hotel with friends. From the moment my wife and I arrived we were met by a friendly, attentive staff and our check-in was a breeze. Our room had a queen size bed with a choice of different pillows, a safe, a flat screen TV, wireless internet, a large walk-in closet, a nice bathroom with plenty of towels and toiletries including a rubber duck for your bath(Nice touch). The room was very quiet and comfortable and at night I could hear the sound of the clanging cable cars. I can't wait to return! So after reading amazing reviews of this hotel i was expecting a great comfortable place to stay after a tiring 2 weeks sightseeing in Europe. i was pleased to find comfortable beds, but we had no hot water in our shower. a toilet which was running constantly and bad towels. the toilet was fixed after 3 hours and 2 phone calls to be made to reception. a long tiring check in- they told us everything we didnt want to know after a 13 hour flight. would not return. Hotel is close to China town and Union Square, a little further walk to Fisherman's wharf. Cable car stop just outside. Room was amazing. Beautiful views of the city. Bathroom was luxurious. Service was outstanding. The slightest request brought swift and curtious responses. Only thing was the dining room was closed when we arrived at 6pm for some reason, and valet parking added $50 a day to an already expensive bill. Booked through Hotwire. 2 nights as $230. No king size available, but they "upgraded" us to a Club room. (no difference from the non-Club room) Room was small, kind of dingy and smelled musty. Toiletries were substandard. All of these things were ok since the room had a great view of the city and the location is stellar........until the next day we noticed a stain on one of the beds - on the bottom sheet. After pulling it back, it seemed that someone, who stayed there previously, vomited on the bed, made it up and it was not checked by the maid. It soaked through the mattress and was disgusting. We reported to the front desk and they promptly changed us to a different room. Funny thing though, when we returned to the original room to gather our belongings, the room had been cleaned. we checked the bed and the maid had not changed the sheets! Even though we left the bed with only the bottom sheet on and the stain was exposed. Obviously, the housekeeping staff needs some updated training. The room we changed to was similar in size and amenities, but with a dirtier window. Aside from all of that, the staff was very courteous and the location cannot be beat. Will not return. Many hotels in this area and no need purchase off of hotwire again for this area. The doorman seemed confused which resulted in a 10 minute ordeal trying to get our car picked up by valet and assistance with out luggage. The doorman actually let the heavy front glass door close on me! The desk clerks were nice but not overly friendly. The friendliest person was the housekeeper who did a fine job with room cleanliness. The free wine hour was great but the lobby was overcrowded with people due to lack of chairs. The elevator's limit was 4 people, however, most people didn't abide by this and crowded in anyways (we took the 4 flights of stairs when this happened). The rooms: the bed was very small (short in height and length), the bedspreads were thin, the wallpaper in the bathroom was peeling and a tile was missing; the bathroom mirror was tarnished; at 9:15pm on a Sunday night, I heard a trashtruck beeping and dumping trash outside my window. The hotel guest book stated the restaurant was not open on Sundays, so we took skipped breakfast. However, upon passing the restaurant, we discovered they were "now serving brunch!" On Monday morning, we attempted to eat at the restaurant and found it closed......a restaurant employee apologized and said they had a late night and would be open in 10 min......we were in a hurry, so we ate up the street instead. We will not stay here again. It was a step up from a Motel 6. We were looking for a nice full service hotel and this was not one. My husband and I are just back from our first trip to San Francisco. I chose the Chancellor based on reviews on Trip Advisor, and we were not disappointed. I e-mailed the manager, Wes Tyler, several times prior to our trip with questions and he always responded promptly, which was a nice touch. I'm not sure one would get this at a larger hotel. EVERYTHING about our stay at the Chancellor more than met our expectations. We had booked shuttle service from the airport with Lorrie's, which I found on the hotel's website and which I'm sure saved us considerable time as we were unfamiliar with getting around San Francisco. We arrived early in the morning and our room was not yet ready, but we had expected this and left our bags to go on an Alcatraz tour. When we returned, we went to our room which, as requested prior to our arrival, was a corner room with a view of Union Square (room 1203). Surprise! Waiting for us was a bottle of sparkling wine, two Chancellor wine glasses, gift-wrapped photo frame, and nice note from the hotel staff congratulating us on our recent marriage. What a way to welcome your guests! The room was painted in lovely shades of green and taupe, with nice prints on the walls. The bed had a soft white comforter and many pillows. Television, armchairs, dressers, lamps, etc. were more than adequate. The bed was extremely comfortable and we slept like babies for the four nights we were there. The bathroom was plenty big for the both of us, and well-appointed with soap, shampoo, lotion, tissues, cotton balls and Q-Tips, hair dryer, and makeup mirror (plus the rubber ducky was a cute touch!). The ceiling fan and open windows provided more than enough ventilation. The large closet was much appreciated, as was the iron, ironing board, and in-room safe. The room was very quiet at all times, and street noise was not bothersome. All of the staff that we encountered were efficient, friendly, and helpful--particularly Steve (helped us with restaurant reservations), Susie (answered transportation questions and arranged shuttle service back to SFO), and Matt (brought our bags to the room). Everyone that we saw truly seemed to enjoy working at the hotel. We visited both the bar and restaurant and had pleasant experiences along with moderately priced, tasty meals/drinks. As many reviewers have previously noted, the location of the Chancellor can't be beat for just about anything a tourist would want to do in San Francisco, particularly shopping and dining. If we ever return to San Francisco (which I sincerely hope to do, because I fell in love with it), there is no way I would stay anywhere other than the Chancellor. THANK YOU! We've stayed at Fairmonts before, and all have been luxurious, but this one WOWED us! The front lobby is so gorgeous--you feel you've entered another world with the soaring peaks of dark wood, marble, brass, luxurious velvet sofas and chairs, and fragrant flowers that scent this idyllic room. The front desk falls over itself to welcome you, and we were asked if we'd like a free upgrade to a better view of the city simply because he could offer it (we are members of the Fairmont frequent traveler club)! The rooms themselves were plush, with linens you felt you could float on--fluffy down comforters, tons of pillows. The carpeting was clean; walls, doors were scrubbed (no sticky handprints or someone else's toothpaste spray on the walls) marble floors and fixtures in the bathrooms. And the Tonga room was really fun--Polynesian drinks, an indoor "rainstorm" added to the charm. Too bad the band didn't play Polynesian/Hawaiian tunes instead of soft rock/oldies. Regardless, beautiful, lovely place, and we would definately stay there again. Beware of the parking fee--the daily fee is astronomical. My wife and I stayed here during Memorial Day weekend. If you're looking for a cheap place to stay in a great location, this is it. The rates were very reasonable ($70 ish), rooms were a bit snug, but we didn't plan on spending much time there anyway so it didn't make difference. It's an older building with a bit of charm, but everything was clean and the rooms even included a mini fridge and microwave.The location is right in the heart of the city in a cute and safe neighborhood. It's a couple blocks from GG park and Haight Ashbury. Plus the MUNI (subway) line goes right by the hotel, so you can get to anywhere in the city just by walking out the front door. Very convenient. The noise of the trains was not bad at all in my opinion. And we even slept with the windows open.You won't find a better value. Everything about this hotel is perfect. The location is superb, near the sights but quiet at nightime with a trolley stop almost outside the door. Rooms are spacious, clean and comfortable. The staff are amazing, everyone of them went out of their way to be friendly and helpful. One of the best hotels I have stayed in, can't wait to go back. After reviewing numerous hotels for my three day trip to San Francisco in June, I chose the Mosser for the price and location. I read the reviews and was a little apprehensive, as some of them talked about a "sketchy" location, noise, etc. - especially since I was going to be a solo female traveler. I was pleasantly surprised when I checked in to the hotel - the lobby is very charming and the location was perfectly fine?! The rooms are definitely small, so as people have said, there is not a lot of space if you were going to be there for business or you had more than two people with suitcases. But for my purposes of just needed a cheap place to stay while I toured around, it was a great, great find. I did the shared bathroom and I never had a problem with anything. The bed was comfortable, fan worked well, the cleaning staff did their job, and I never really had a problem with the noise. The hotel staff at the front desk was very friendly and helpful in giving directions and helping me to get a cab when I left. They seemed to enjoy their jobs and working with the guests. Re: location. It was similar to any other large city - NYC, Chicago, Boston...yes, there were homeless individuals in the area near restaurants/shopping/tourist places - but I never felt unsafe coming and going by myself, even later at night. It was very convenient to the BART lines, cable cars, the train to and from the airport (maybe 7 min walk to the hotel). I would definitely recommend the hotel to friends or people I know that are planning to go to SF. I was traveling to San Francisco with my parents and we booked Hotel Drisco based on the great reviews from Trip Advisor, making our reservation nearly two months before arriving in SF. When we made our reservation we were torn between booking two separate non-suite rooms or the adjoining two bedroom suite. We ended up going with the two separate rooms because of the giant cost difference. When we arrived at Hotel Drisco to check in, we were told that my parent's room had been upgraded to a suite, however both rooms were located in the basement, down the hall from the service entrance, across from an ice machine and the breakfast room. Our windows overlooked the kitchen of the hotel and the rooms were very dark. Needless to say we were disappointed and considered switching hotels, however the desk staff was able to move us both into an adjoining two bedroom suite on the corner of the top floor. The new rooms had beautiful light, gorgeous views of the Bay and Alcatraz and it was like we were staying in a completely different hotel. We loved, loved loved our new rooms.The adjoined two bedroom suites are great if you're traveling as a group, however one of the bedrooms in these two bedroom suites has no bathroom attached. You have to cross the private hall (to which both bedrooms in the suite have access) to get to the bathroom. If the person staying in the other bedroom is not traveling with you, you could conceivably be walking out of your shower into your room and pass a stranger in the hall. It was a bit bizarre. I would recommend this hotel ONLY if you are given a room on the top two floors. It would be quite loud otherwise, and much less private. The only problem is, you are given no guarantees as to where your room is until you check in. It's a bit of a gamble. Also, beware. The prices of rooms fluctuate. When we were moved to the double room suite, the price we were quoted at the desk was nearly $100 less per night than what we were quoted when we originally made the decision to stick with the smaller, single rooms. That said, bathrooms in both suites and non-suites were beautiful and large, the breakfast were very nice, and Thanh (sp?) the bellhop/doorman was so kind and friendly. We loved the private, neighborhood feel of Pacific Heights. There are some great nearby restaurants (try Sociale) and the buses run frequently if you're wanting to go further afield. There's also a complimentary town car service running to Union Square every morning between 7 and 9, which is handy. This hotel was great to stay in, the staff were extremely helpful and friendly and the standard of service provided was exceptionally good. Overall the hotel provided good value for money along with a great location. Highly reccomended. Good location near chinatown. About 45 min brisk walk to fishermans wharf, we didn't use any public transport but I heard from others it's very efficient. We spent 3 nights in Vintage court and it was very clean and comfortable. Rooms on the the small side but it is a town hotel with a lot of character. Beds very comfy with lovely pillows, free in room safe gives peace of mind. Ask for a quiet room, our first night was a room near the road and with the sidewalk outside the window it was quite noisy. The hotel staff were great though and gave us a quiet room the next day. Breakfast is basically coffee, juice and a cake not a true 'continental' breakfast but it's not a complaint. Great place to stay and not too expensive. Definitely recommend Booked this hotel for three nights via Expedia for under $500 Canadian.Good:- Free wireless Internet- Excellent location - less than a block from Union Square- Comfortable bed and great pillow "menu"- A rubber ducky in the bathroom - hilarious!- Large walk-in closetBad/Ugly:- Room was quite cold (San Francisco was going through a bit of a cold spell) and the central heating system was not very reliable. Thankfully there was an electric portable oil heater in the room.- No coffee or tea in the room- Bathroom looked very dated and tub was chipped and discolored- Ironing Board cover was extremely discolored - I was afraid of ironing my shirts in case the stains would transfer from the cover to them! My husband, young daughter and I stayed for four nights over the July 4 holiday and I cannot say enough about the hotel. It was a beautiful place. We had a lovely, quiet room, spacious quarters, a terrific bathroom and lots of room. Our daughter loved the pool and I thought the location was great. The only disappointment for us was the annual closing of the Courtyard Restaurant fell during our stay so we didn't get a chance to have tea there (which we had hoped to do).The very best part was I had booked this hotel three weeks before we left for our vacation. I had been on every website possible looking for a nice place that was safe and comfortable and affordable, logging about 4 hours a day. I found this hotel on several websites but couldn't afford the price. On a whim I went to the hotel's own website and was able to get an unbelieveable price of $149 a night for a two queen-size bed superior room. Completely worth it and then some! I would definitely stay here again. A great place to stay, well located and the staff was very helpful! We never got lost because of them. The rooms are wonderful, clean and have everything you need and if you are missing something just call the butler... windows are a little outside noise might be a factor It was about what you would expect for this area - overpriced, parking ripoff, noisy accomodations. I thought the room was small and the beds worn out. I did like the breakfast which is a real time & money saver if you are traveling with kids. I asked a couple of questions at the front desk and found the staff apethetic at best. The Marriott across the street is nicer, and if you get the room/park combo it's about $10 less expensive per night. Just returned from a week in San Francisco, staying at the Handlery Hotel.Fantastic location, being very close to Union Square, China Town, all of the major shops, the Underground (BART) and the cable car to Fishermans Wharf. You can take a train from the airport, to Powell Street station for $4.95 (then walk up 2 blocks to the hotel), saving a huge amount on cab fares! As the weather was so pleasant, we frequently walked all the way back to the hotel from Fishermans Wharf, taking in all of the sights along the way.When we first arrived, we were given a small room overlooking Geary Street, which proved to be extremely noisy (street performers, dust carts, sirens etc. etc.) So after a sleepless night we asked if we could move, which was no problem at all. The very helpfull staff at reception moved us to a much larger room overlooking the pool area, which we found to be excellent (considering what we paid and the fact that the hotel is only a 3*).In terms of eating, there are some fantastic 'diner' type places all within 5mins walk of the hotel or you can wander into China Town or even through to Little Italy where you will find some excellent restaurants.Overall, we loved San Francisco and thought that the hotel was very good, considering the price and location. We would stay at the Handlery again. I travel to San Francisco often for work; the St. Regis is the nicest and coolest one I have stayed at yet! The decor is modern, but not over the top modern, just contemporary. Beautifully appointed entry and very welcoming staff. They walked me up to my room to explain the new technology - which is highlighted by a digital device that controls everything from room service to lighting to the do not disturb sign, all with bedside convenience. The beds are fluffy and obviously extremely clean. The place was spotless. Bathroom necessities smell amazing, was tempted to swipe them! The gym is great, not huge but certainly new and good equipment. There is also a huge pool, if you are a swimmer be sure to visit. I did not use the spa during my stay but the menu looked extensive. There is a Japanese restaurant inside the hotel that had amazing sushi. The price is pretty high, but well worth it in today's market, especially for business travelers. My only complaint is that my friend parked there for 2 1/2 hours and it cost her $36. I'm from NYC and I think that is pretty insane. Overall, fantastic. The best thing about this hotel is the location. It's in easy walking distance to Fishermans Wharf which is where most of the touristy stuff goes on. We did venture into downtown SF, but felt a lot more threatened there than at fishermans Wharf. The hotel itself is quite bland, but clean and comfortable. If you are not planning on spending a lot of time on your room then this is fine. But whilst we were there it poured with rain most of the time, and we found the room quite small when we were trying to dry out our soggy clothes. In this hotel we also got a complimentary breakfast which was a good variety, and a good start to the day. We dont like to get up too early when on holiday so the fact that the breakfast was available until 9.30 was a plus for us! I knew SF was hilly, but they still surprised me - and thank god for the cable cars and trams!! We had a great time here, but mainly becauise we were out and about rather than because the hotel was great. The hotel is basic and functional - clean and the breakfast was good, and a convenient location, but otherwise I dont think we would stay here again. Mainly because we like to stay in different places each time, but also because the room was smaller than we had hoped, and that it just seemed very bland. Booked a room here on Priceline for $125; at that price, this is a steal. Excellent location (1 1/2 blocks from Union Square), very stylish design that has retained some of the feel of an old building. Room was on the smallish side, but perfectly adequate. Only complaint was weakish water pressure. I like stylish hotels, this is why I chose the Adagio and here are my comments:Room: not too big but very well furnished and decorated. The design is modern and simple, there is an excellent selection of tea and coffee and the minibar has low prices. The bathroom was just OK, nothing special. Staff: I really can't understand why everybody liked the staff. We found the front desk staff very impersonal and not courteous enough. I work in a deluxe hotel in Rome and know exactly how it should be, so I even get more angry when guests are not treated in the proper way because I know what are my rights and what I should expect. When we checked in the boy was not at all friendly. The following morning I called him to say that our sink was not working properly and he told me that it would be fixed in a few hours. When I returned back in the evening, of course nothing was done and nobody apologised. As I expected, the following day as well no action was taken. I did not complain further, as I only had to stay for 4 nights in total. Parking: it is really expensive in San Francisco. In this hotel we had to spend like 35 dollars per night, which is really not comparable to the good rate we had for the hotel. Anyway, you don't have any choice if you have your own car.Restaurant: service there is excellent, the staff is great and the food is good. After 2 weeks of fast food and Mexican food, we really had enough, so we wanted to try a few restaurants in San Francisco. We noticed that there were a lot of local clients, not staying at the hotel, which is always a good sign. Food was very good, price adequate.I would definitely return to this hotel, despite the front desk staff. My husband and I stayed at the Best Western Tuscan Inn at Fisherman's Wharf for 3 nights in August and loved it so much that we booked for an additional 2 nights on our way back through San Francisco. We took the advice of the people who had submitted reviews on this site and we did ask for a courtyard room. We received this category of room both times and were very happy with the fact that we did not hear any street noise at all! Every evening from 5:00 - 6:00 they have complimentary wine and beer in their lobby by the fireplace. It really is a great atmosphere. The hotel is close to Fisherman's Wharf and the cable car lines. We were also able to walk to North Beach (a must do) as well as Lombard Street. The staff is wonderful to deal with and very helpful if you need directions or advice. I would definitely recommend this hotel. We booked a very last minute reservation to San Francisco and selected the Westin St. Francis through Travelocity because of the combo price of airfare and hotel. We've stayed in numerous luxury hotels in the city and this one rates right up there with the best of them. To our surprise, it was a suite. We are not disabled, but the room was quite spacious and the bathroom was well equipped for someone who was. The location of this hotel is wonderful, you can't beat Union Square for shopping and theaters and a bustling nightlife. We especially loved being right on the cable car line. Their service personnel, including the doormen, the concierge and the front desk were professional and efficient. We highly recommend staying at the Westin St. Francis on your next trip to SF. As a side note, booking through Travelocity made this trip a breeze. We've booked in every possible way imaginable online, and I think Travelocity is one of the best. Their guarantee of a specific room type, non-smoking, all taxes and fees prepaid, made this trip even better. In our experience, this has not been true in the past of other online travel companies. Thanks to the great reviews about the Columbus Motor Inn, we spent a very pleasant and cheap evening here. Refurbished nicely and immaculate. Windows opened to fresh air, sounds of nearby North Beach and views of Coit Tower and church spires. Many restaurants just blocks away in a safe and interesting area. Note that there is a famous nitespot next door that is open for special events a few times a month. If you are early to bed, request a room on the other side of the hotel. We had a terrific breakfast at the Columbus Caffe at 901 Columbus. Be sure to request the waffles and artistic latte. Spent two nights at the SF Marriott and had an excellent stay. I was attending a conference at the hotel. The location is very convenient, from the restaurants, to the high end shopping district, to the nearby BART station. The staff was very friendly. I requested a high floor & got a room with a spectacular view of the city. They are currently renovating the bottom floor but it's hard to tell because they've modified operations to work around the temporary lack of space. Nothing bad to say about my stay here. We simply took BART from the airport and then walked a couple of blocks to the hotel. Location is great. Right in Union Square. Great shopping, cable cars go right by, plenty of restaurants and fantastic people watching. Staff was very friendly. I liked the size of the common areas of the hotel; lobby, bar, breakfast area. There was complimentary wine tasting in the bar each night; which was very relaxing and fun. Our room was a junior suite, and it was very very nice. Great central location allowed us to get around the city very easily using public transportation. We will stay there again on our next trip to San Francisco. The Hotel Whitcomb is a great hotel at a bargain price. I am a clean freak, and this hotel was very clean. There were no bugs....bed or any other kind. The furniture is dated, but we did not care. The beds were comfortable. TV was great/ If there was anything we needed, the staff was extremely prompt in responding to our requests. Our room had a huge closet where we stored our luggage, so we had plenty of room to move around. There is air and heat in the room, contrary to other reviews. Our room faced Market Street, and we did hear the traffic, but we were really just in our room to regroup and sleep, so it wasn't a big deal. If you are a light sleeper, request a room that does not face Market Street, or take ear plugs. Les concierge were fabulous, Jan and Ryan. There is a little gift shop with some necessities, also. There were homeless people everywhere we went, not just outside the Whitcomb. In fact, there were very few homeless people outside the Whitcomb, and we felt very safe. It's a great location with public transportation right outside the hotel.We did a lot in San Francisco. The Whitcomb is across the street from the Orpheum where Wicked is showing. If you go over there around 5:00 PM, you can put your name to be drawn in a lottery for two tickets (Orchestra seats!) for $25 each ticket. My daughter won, so we sent my son and daughter to the musical. They had a great time! You can try each day. Be sure you have ID, and if you have a child under 17, you can vouch for him/her. Each person in your family can put his/her name in for the drawing.Buy the pass and get to know public transportation. You do not need a car. San Francisco was great! Eat across the street at Sam's. Good food and attentive servers....I would definitely recommend Hotel Whitcomb, and I am very picky. After reading the reviews before my stay I made sure that when I checked in I asked for a renovated room. The front desk staff said that all the rooms have been completely renovated. The room I stayed at was the best Marriott property room I ever stayed in. The rooms are big, the beds are wonderful, 52 inch flat screen TV, the color themes in the room are warm and relaxing and the bathroom I must say is a work of art. The brown marble walls and showers are beautiful. The doormen were always there opening the doors as you entered or exited the hotel, asking if transportation was needed, they were just wonderful. The front desk staff could not have been any nicer than what they were, and the staff walking around the hotel were very attentive. My first night there I was walking around the hall with my ice bucket not knowing that all you had to do was call from your room and someone would bring some ice to you, well as I was walking a staff member noticed my ice bucket and asked what room I was in and he would have someone bring me some ice, with in 3 minutes someone was there with ice. How wonderful is that.I guess the lobby and restaurant is going thru renovation and will be completed by end of March but you would never know it. They have the check in area so concealed from any work that you would never know that work was being done. The area around the hotel is safe and so many shops and eating areas plus any type of transportation is a block away (trolley cars). I cant wait to go back.... I just wanted to add my two cents. My wife and I purchased three nights at the Drisco from one of the luxury deal Web sites and stayed there in late October-early November of 2004. We had a suite with an unobstructed view looking southward -- nothing particularly spectacular, but still quite nice in that it gave the room a very airy feel. And the room itself was drop-dead gorgeous, just like the photos they publish on the Web site. It was very clean (and the hotel cleaning staff were very nice too), and we felt quite taken care of there. The breakfast was wonderful, probably the epitome of "continental breakfast" -- everything was fresh, and the atmosphere was first-rate. The front desk staff was a little hit or miss -- sometimes imperious, other times very accommodating -- but that was a minor quibble. It was so nice to be away from the downtown noise; the early morning hours there were downright serene. As another reviewer mentioned, parking is hard to find, but it's not impossible.One thing I'm picking up from all the other reviews -- if you're going to stay here, you probably need to get a suite. There are a few horror stories among the reviews, and it seems like all these bad stories come from those who didn't have a suite.If we can afford it or find another deal, we'll definitely be staying at the Drisco the next time we go to San Francisco. The hotel itself was one of the high points of our trip. My husband and I were just going to be in SF for 1 night on our way to a wedding so we just wanted something inexpensive. What a bargain! I got a room at one of the funkiest hotels I have ever seen. The color scheme is great, room was cozy. It was a little noisy since we were next to the stairs and on the street but who cares! The pool/courtyard was great. The free breakfast was decent. The front desk staff was very friendly and helpful. He pointed us to a great restaurant only a couple of blocks away. And have I mentioned that they have free parking. My Silverado wouldn't fit in the on site parking but they have a free lot across the street. We are definitely staying here on our next trip to SF. Great room and perfect view! The location, service and ambience of the hotel were great! So close to Union Sq and Chinatown. The view from the 16th floor was amazing...especially at night. The trip was a surprise for my girlfriend and she also loved the hotel! The staff at the Larkspur is exceptional. They made my husband and I feel very special. It's a charming hotel with beautiful rooms in a perfect location. I highly recommend this hotel. My husband and I stayed at the Hotel Rex over Thanksgiving. We chose the hotel, in large part, due to the great reviews it got on Tripadvisor and it did not disappoint. The location cannot be beat. It is two short blocks from Union Square and a couple blocks from Chinatown. You can also get to all sorts of public transportation with just a short walk. The staff was friendly, the room was cute although the comforter was a little dirty (the sheets were clean). Most importantly though - the room was quiet. My husband is a very light sleeper, so this was a major plus. The daily wine reception is fun and a lot of guests attend. We loved it and will definitely go back. Very close to the Wharf. If you like to run, location is also accessible to nice running area of the city. Room itself on the small side but more than reasonable. Coming from NYC, actually seems more spacious than some NYC hotel rooms! Hotel is well maintained. Complimentary breakfast is basic and they do have hot food, which is good enough. The work out room is quite sad and pathetic. No pool. WiFi worked flawlessly. We LOVED White Swan! The service was exceptional (kudos to Brendan and Kevin), the rooms so spacious and complete, housekeeping staff thorough and honest (thanks to them a few missed items found their way back to me). We loved the beds and linen! They offer a full and delicious breakfast, an evening happy hour with yummy hordeurves and wine not to mention friendly setting to share experiences with fellow travelers. The location is perfect, just a quick walk up hill to enjoy the quieter neighborhood setting. Such old world elegance... We cannot wait to return! Reasonably clean, great location by attractions but horrifically noisy, both from street traffic and denizens of the hotel itself. Staff was very nice. Room cleaning products very smelly, so be careful if you are sensitive. Parking an issue - not enough spots by the end of the day. Bottom line: because it was so much less expensive than any other property in the area (approximately $100/night less) we would likely stay here again if we couldn't find a better deal elsewhere. This boutique hotel is ok, but could be great with some updating. The staff here are exceptional....the concierge was so eager to assist with our plans and making reservations. Everyone from the valet to housekeeping greeted you with a smile. I booked two rooms, one for my husband and me, and one for my parents. Each of our rooms cost the exact same however, my parents room was very small, and the bathroom had a stand up shower with no tub that could use a serious scrubbing. Our room was much larger with a fireplace and a tub shower. The sink in our room was a little questionable with the dry wall behind it crumbling a bit from water damage, nothing a little caulk couldn't fix. I would only go back if I knew I would get the larger of the two rooms. There was a lot of street noise and noise from the people next to us. On the other hand, the location was excellent, and the staff was so pleasant, I was able to forget about some of the negatives. We stopped through here with no notice, the staff was super freindly and got us a room quickly. The rooms were clean, and the atmospere was comforting. Overall the hotel was very decently priced, the staff was freindly and attentive, and the rooms were super clean. I will definatley be staying here again! My first impression was this place is beautiful. When I walked into the room, It was immaculate. It is the best and most beautiful hotel I have ever stayed at. Everyone was very courteous and charming. I definately would recommend to anyone to stay at Hotel Drisco and hopefully I will stay here again. We stayed at the JW Marriott San Francisco the week of April 21st. We were greeted by a very friendly doorman and front desk girl. We were checking in very early (9am) and she offered us an upgrade to a suite at 50% off (someone had just cancelled their reservation). We took it and were so glad we did! The room was awesome. The bathrooms are fantastic and the beds are extremely comfortable (even my "mattress critic" husband thought they were great). The only renovations still happening at the hotel is the restaurant and that was no big deal since we rarely eat at hotel restaurants anyways. We did try the hotel food once and it was very good. The hotel seemed very busy with room service orders.The customer service was not notch, probably second only to the Four Seasons hotels. They have a butler button you can press in the room and they send someone up to your room. I don't think we waited more than 3 minutes each time we used it and we used it at least once a day. Every evening we ordered up some ice. We found that by the third night or so that they started to bring up the ice automatically when they did our evening turn down service. Great service!The had refreshments in the lobby, which varied depending on the the time of day. I tried out the pink lemonade and it was great. Very refreshing on a hot day.The location is awesome. So close to Union Square. The walk was about a minute long. I would certainly stay at this hotel the next time we get a chance to visit San Francisco. We were first time visitors and this hotel made our experience very memorable. The good:1. Friendly staff at check-in2. nice view of Telegraph Hill, and Washington Square area and Coit Tower3. It's newly redone.4. Good valet service and very friendly and polite.5. A great king bed and v. good llinens. Good towels in the bathroom.6. Free wi-fi in the lobby area. Works good too. 7. New, fast, elevators. One slight catch is that you have to swipe your room keycard before you push the floor button or it doesn't accept your push. The price of 9/11.The Bad:1. Noisy outside. Drunks all over the place when the bars close.2. Five in the afternoon and unable to get clean towels. They ran out(??)3. Generally overpriced. Want to spend $35 on breakfast?The Ugly:1. Parking will be about $100 for two nights (we're still here as I write this). SF is always expensive, but this is out of line. In summary:I got this room for $90 on Priceline. Good deal for that price. If I had paid rack rate or anything like it, I'd really be sore. This is a made over Holiday Inn, and looks like it. The rooms are furnished with IKEA-level stuff. Nice for a young person's apartment, but not for a 4 star hotel. Popcorn (acuostical) ceiling -- they just couldn't spend the $$ to take this out and it looks really dated and ugly. We had stayed here when it was a Hol. Inn, and that's about the level of hotel it still is--only more expensive. Interesting, Hilton is trying to lose the Chinatown identification. Was the Holiday Inn Chinatown -- now the Hilton Financial District. Never mind that all the businesses outsite the hotel have their sineage in Chinese. This place only makes sense at under $100 and it's a good value for that. The reviewers who rated this place higher than two stars did so because of the hotel's location. Let's not give credit to a hotel for the development of its surrounding community. This hotel is bad and is not a value at the price of about $70 a night (+ $22 per day parking).As soon as I opened my room's door the smell of dirty old man body order pierced through my nose making my eyes water. On the floor was an open box of trojan condoms, an open bag of chips, and a pretzel. This place is not clean. The walls are super thin, so you can hear large trucks pass by the building and workers yelling outside early in the morning. A patron uptairs kept walking around all night and I could hear every amplified step. They have these old radiators that crack and hiss all night even if they are turned off. Forget about sleeping at this place. Oh and their linens are dirty and torn. Don't be lured in by their nice photos either, they must have used a wide angle lens to give the impression of space; these rooms are tiny. Their showers are as tiny as coffins so don't drop the soap because you'll twist like a contortionist to recover it.I've stayed in cheap hotels all over the world including in tijuana and I can say that any hotel in tijuana will beat this hell hole of a hotel; the location does not make up for this horrendous hotel experience. Recently stayed at the Palomar Hotel during a weekend birthday celebration. The front desk staff is exceedingly pleasant and thoughtful and they make every effort to make the check procedure as fast and easy as possible.The room is well appointed, with every amenity. The beds are comfy, the sheets soft and everything is spotless. They offer free wireless internet, which lots of hotels charge $10/day extra for.The exceptional thing that happened is that I had mentioned being in town for my birthday. About an hour after checking in, there was a gentleman at the door with a complimentary half bottle of wine and a box of truffles from their restaurant, The Fifth Floor. It was so wonderful and thoughtful and truly made the day special.In terms of location, you can't do much better in San Francisco. It's a two block walk to Union Square, all the shopping is in close proximity, and there is a BART station a half block away. There are many hotels in this area, and I have stayed at a few others, but for a total package in terms of price, location, amenities and service, would definitely give the Palomar top marks. This motel has very nice, newly renovated rooms with plasma TV. But parking is $43, plus a tax of $6.00 on the parking itself, in addition to normal room tax. Internet costs $15 per day plus a tax on the internet of another $1. TheRaddison, across the street has cheaper parking and free internet. Also be sure to ask for a room near the elevator. The motel is very large and you can end up in a room which is a very long walk to the elevator.the motel. Hallways are unheated and chilly. Bathtubs are very uncomfortable (no slope to lean back on). Location is outstanding, just a block from Fisherman's Wharf. Staff is friendly and helpful. We stayed in the Gran Hyatt for four nights last week. Upon arriving at the hotel, I was not pleased with the check-in service. We had to wait 15 minutes to be waited on, then we were told to hold on a minute while the clerk answered the phone. They need a few more clerks for the crowd. Although clean and simple the lobby is pretty boring. There isn't anything but the check-in desk and the elevators. One upstairs, we were very pleased with our room. the room and the bathroom were spacious, comfortable and clean. The best part was the view. We were on the 25th floor and had an amazing view of the bay, Coit tower and Alcatrez. Couldn't have asked for a better room. The bar and restaurant on the top floor offered an amazing view. We had a drink, but couldn't afford anything to eat ;-) There is not free internet in the rooms, or in the business center. It is $5 for 15 mins. The hotel was in an amazing location, right in the middle of Union Square, shopping mecca! Any name brand department store and designer you are looking for is right around the corner. My husband and I stayed at the Cow Hollow Motor Inn for 9 days. We liked the place because it is a great value - very clean, free parking (unusual in the city), free internet (also unusual), excellent housekeeping, great food choices within steps of the hotel. The hotel staff was great - my husband was on crutches and we were given everything we asked for - extra blankets and pillows, HP parking next to the elevator, and an HP accessible bathroom. The corridors are inside, there are two elevators, and ice machines. The room was well appointed with television. coffee maker, hairdryer, soap and shampoo, and the bathroom was modern and clean. The bedding and towels were new and clean, the rugs are brand new, the pillows were great and everything about the room smelled good. Nice, good quality furniture too. We like fresh air and appreciated that the window opened. The only shortcomings, and these were minor, were that the mattress wasn't plush and our room was near the elevator, the stairs and the ice machine, so it was noisy. We are coming back to San Francisco for 10 more days in May and will definitely stay here. I stayed at Whitcomb for an unbearable night (Jun 6).If you're interested in quality, cleaniness and fresh air, steer CLEAR of this barely 3 star hotel. Our room was dark and dreadful. Did I mention the horrible, musty stench that your nose just doesn't happen to get used to?I was on the phone with hotwire FIRST thing the next morning ready for my 9am checkout. We were then moved to the Westin (Market Street). This was a MUCH better choice as the rooms were newly renovated and we got a fantastic view (and a Phillips flat screen - lovely).I believe in budget traveling, but I also believe in quality and hygiene. If you feel the same way, avoid Whitcomb like the plague. PEACE While an impressive looking property in a wonderful location, the room was small, stuffy, clean in a cursory sense only, and stuck off a back stairwell. The "view" was of a brick wall, which is to say there wasn't one. The concierge was polite and helpful.Other front of house personnel seemed stressed, disinterested, or otherwise occupied rather than focused on genuine guest service and courtesy.The doorman reprimanded me for hailing my own cab while he "tended to" other guests. He explained it was "...his job to get the cabs, that's how we do it here...". I found his attitude and manner toward a guest of his hotel less than acceptable. Given the look and professed grandeur of the hotel, I expected more in the way of service, room amenities, and front of house courtesy. With the other options available in the Union Square area, my future SF travel plans will not include the Westin St. Francis. What an outstanding hotel in every way! The rooms are so beautiful, clean and comfortable, I would say they are beyond compare. The staff is thoughtful in a way that they anticipate your needs before you even think of what they are. Michael is exquisitely kind and helpful, without us even asking. That is the kind of service that pervades the hotel. Michael's associate, Eduardo, at the front desk, provided us a gorgeous upgraded room. We were stunned when we entered the suite, because Eduardo gave us the upgrade without taking credit for it. It was only when we went downstairs to thank him that it was mentioned. This gracious behavior is a trait of every employee in the hotel. The afternoon wine service was so relaxing and delicious and Julio was wonderful. Another staff member, Eduardo, fixed our internet access! I could go on and on, but most of all, the natural, unspoken kindness that is an obvious philosophy of the hotel is simply an example to all of us. I hope we have an opportunity to stay at this jewel again soon. After driving 9 hours to San Francisco we were met by a very rude individual at the front desk. My wife and I were exhausted. We are also large adults. We have never been able to sleep on a queen size bed. The clerk could see this and informed us that we would have to sleep on a queen size bed unless we paid an aditional $160.00 up grade. Our original reservation for a kingsize bed woud not be honored at this hotel at the agreed price. We had no choice but to pay an aditional $160.00. We were also lectured why we should never use Actually," this was our own fault". Over all, the Hotel was okay, but we did feel cheated. I would never recommend this experience to anyone. Customer service is also very poor. We met several rude staff. Management has a real problem here. This all reflects on poor leadership. The clerk went on to explain that this happens all the time here. What this means is that Cathedral Hotel does it all the time. Buyer beware. I booked this hotel after looking online. I didn't have a clear idea of which neighbourhood I wanted to stay in. For going in blind I couldn't have been any luckier than finding this great hotel! It ended up being the perfect location for me, close to all transportation, and withing walking distance of so much. I always felt safe, no matter what time of day I came or went. I LOVED the room, and the staff were beyond helpful. There was a great restaurant next door, and when I come back to San Francisco, I won't even look for a different hotel. I'm staying here again! My wife and I recently stayed at The Mosser for 3 days on business. The downtown location cannot be beat for its proximity to San Francisco's mass transit system (within one block to the Bart and Muni, and one block to the famous Powell Street Cable car). We stayed in a shared-bath queen which was small but very clean. The bath/shower and separate bathrooms were clean and well maintained. Our room had a closet,sink, bath robes, towels, soaps, ironing board and iron, a cute little TV with cable/pay movies, and CD radio. The room was a little warn the first night, but after running the overhead fan and opening the windows (no AC), the room temperature became tolerant. It was a little noisy outside but noise from other rooms was virtually non-existent (a nice surprise for me). Breakfast was minimal (coffee, tea, and excellent fresh muffins), but was included in the room rate. Speaking of room rates, you would have to be a travel agent to get a better deal in downtown SF than our rate booked through their website ($55/night + tax). At check-in we were offered an en-suite queen upgrade for and additional $20 but declined. I'm glad I did and the money we saved was well spent elsewhere in the city. The hotel also stored our luggage after we checked out, and the front desk agent even made a reservation for us at the restaurant next door. We would definitely return to this hotel if we travel back to San Francisco. We live only 25 minutes from SF and decided last minute to go one night Labor Day Weekend. We took our chances on to get a room w/ balcony. But no luck. Room was on the smallish side, but clean. The sleep number bed is truly a joke. My seven yr old found it hilarious to take it down to zero..too much like a toy. Still, if you have to share and sleep on the edge it's like having a 2x4 in your back. Yep, parking is $35 with a small parking lot that brought out the worst in folks when trying to get a stall. However, they let you check out and leave car until 7:00 at no extra charge. So we went to lunch and took a cable car ride before heading home. If you do this, you must check out and get a new key card to get let yourself out of the garage. First time I've encountered an establishment who really heats the pool, and we had a nice swim. Pool area clean with tables, lounges and towels.Location to Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf is fantastic.So much fun just to ride down the elevator and be there!We found the staff to be accomodating with requests and the concierge was working his rear off to help everyone out.Though there are plenty of good hotels very close in distance to this, I would absolutely go back and just make sure I get the balcony room. That's one bonus most of the others can't offer. I just returned from two nights at the Villa Florence with my boyfriend. We had a wonderful time staying here. The location is superb-- right in Union Square. There are tons of shopping nearby and good restaurants. Our room was very comfortable. We had a down comforter and soft sheets. Aveda products in the bathroom were a nice extra touch. Although it is not a spacious hotel room, it was sufficient for two people travelling together. The lobby of the hotel is elegant. There is a bar and an upscale Italian restaurant.For the most part, staff was pleasant. One gentleman at the concierge didn't do a very good job of recommending restaurants for people on a budget, or assisting us make reservations, but he was an exception to the others who were mostly kind.We did hear sufficient noise outside our room from the street below in the early morning hours. I would have preferred an inside, courtyard room-- but those rooms were full when we checked in. I was a little disappointed that this could not by accomodated since I had called ahead one week to request a quiet room. I think there was some difficulty requesting this because I reserved this hotel through Priceline (but at $64 a night I wasn't going to complain!)Other nice amenities are the complimentary robes and a complimentary yoga basket to borrow during your stay. I would highly recommend this hotel to others! This place doesn't have to try too hard to be ultra hip or cool. The fact that the hotel doesn't even have to put a sign on the building or the door will tell you that. With that being said, a stay at the Clift can transport you to a hip and trendy city lifestyle, which is exactly what I wanted for a weekend getaway from suburbia. The rooms are clean, light, and tastefully decorated in a very modern style; very comfy sleigh bed with superior down and cotton bedding. I'm pretty picky about my sheets, and I was tempted to buy these to take home with me. The hotel has the bedding custom made for them and new sets are available for sale. A stay at the Clift can be pricey. This is a trendy five-star hotel after all. However, packages can be found with good discounts for people not wanting regular chain-like accomodations and adventurous to try something different. I opted for a deluxe room at the Clift and was glad I did. There were three large windows in my outside facing corner room allowing lots of light and pleasant city sounds to filter in. The Clift's location is not ideal for sweeping views; but this was acceptable with me when selecting the hotel. A nice touch to the decor of the room were the mirrors and floor to ceiling curtains adorning the walls. No need for artwork that way, just the pleasant mix of colors, fabrics, glass, and contemporary furniture. Is the decor what I might select for my home? Probably not, but the change of scenery sure was fun for a evening. The room had candles and matches ready to go and the warm indirect lighting helped make this a contemporary romantic getaway. The CD player had excellent sound and the DVD player was a nice touch. Some might find the tv a joke as it's only a 19" model, but then again, I wasn't shelling out big bucks for watching tv. The location of the Clift is excellent for the theatre/shopping crowd and getting a cab is not too difficult. The front desk staff and the doormen were very friendly and helpful. The only thing keeping this stay from being an excellent experience was the breakfast at the Asia De Cuba restaurant. The decor and the food are nice, but they must have been understaffed the morning I decided to go, although the restaurant was not even 25% full. Breakfast was included with my special package rate, so this is where I was going to dine no matter what, but I expected decent, if not excellent and courteous service at such a fine restaurant. I could barely get a refill on my iced tea. The table next to mine was getting very impatient and almost downright rude about the slow service. All in all, I would steer clear of breakfast, unless it's included in your rate. Reviews for lunch and dinner seem to be maybe someday I'll check it out, but with so many other choices in the city, the Asia De Cuba left a bad impression on me and it will be some time before I return to eat there. Some people leaving reviews have complained about noise, smelling smoke in the hallways, and having no dresser in the room, but I did not encounter any problem with these. I found the closet adequate for my luggage and unpacking of my necessary items so as to reduce wrinkling. As for noise, this is the CITY, not a country getaway, so I anticipated I'd hear some noise at some point in my stay, but honestly, I was never disrupted by noise in any way. I definitely rate the hotel very high in terms of a nice stay and felt I had a good value for my money. This is a lovely hotel with nice rooms, easy access to all the tourist spots in San Francisco and some of the worst service I have ever experienced. I am a regular traveler, staying in hotels about once every other month or so for several days, and I have stayed in several other hotels in SF that are rated the same as the Parc 55. The biggest difference between these hotels is that the Parc 55 really doesn't seem to value customer service. There was a convention going on during my stay, but from what the staff said there is usually a convention going on. This might have had an effect on my service, but if conventions are a regular event, then I doubt the service improves much from week to week.The good: I got a Club room on the 29th floor and the room and view were beautiful. The breakfast was delicious and varied and I was very glad I upped my reservation for this alone. The bad: The service in general was awful, but be especially wary of the bell staff. When I first arrived my luggage was loaded on to a cart and taken up to meet me at the 2nd floor registration. During the 5 minutes of travel time a small bag containing cash and other valuables went missing. When I pointed this out I was asked to check my car, person, etc. to make sure I had not misplaced it. I did and the bag was just gone, but I know for a fact it was on the cart. This was dismissed by the staff when I brought it to their attention and I was not even offered an apology. Then, on my last day, I had a bellman up to my room to collect my bags and AGAIN during the trip from my room to the bell staff area downstairs THREE items were lost. I was again told to check my room, person, etc. to make sure I hadn't lost these items. Unlikely, as the missing items were a fedora hat, a foam pillow and a t-shirt that was on the pillow. I did as I was asked, but my items were nowhere to be found. I was then berated by a bellman who insisted that I had lost the items on my own. I asked repeatedly for the bell staff to check the service halls and elevator for my missing items, but I was told they were not there. I spoke with managers, bell staff, housekeeping, everyone they could shunt me off to, but no one was helpful at all. I finally had to leave without my items, but I took the names and phone numbers of those involved. I called the next day and spoke with another manager who SHOCKINGLY said, why yes, those items are sitting here in our lost and found. I had to drive nearly two hours to pick them up because the hotel refused to mail them.I will never stay at this hotel again for obvious reasons, but if you choose to do so PLEASE DO NOT USE THE BELL STAFF!!! FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR LUGGAGE BEWARE!!! I spent two whole weeks for business travel at this Hilton in July 2009. The hotel is very nice overall, close to Union Square neighborhood, cable car on Powell street and public transportation at Market/Powell bus and metro/BART. I enjoyed a fair sized room with a fabulous view from the 43rd floor. I also enjoyed the excellent fitness center. Since I am a Hilton Honors Diamond level member, I was able to enjoy the higher floor and the fitness center without paying extra. The maid service was quite good (don't forget to tip daily if you want VIP treatment). The Urban Tavern restaurant offers interesting fare and some nice wines at usual center city hotel prices. There is a Starbucks in the lobby, priced higher than most of course. The rooftop pool and hot tub looked lovely, but it was too cold outside to take a dip. Those things aside, the downside to this Hilton is threefold. 1. Do not stay at this hotel if you want to use the fitness center and are not a Hilton Diamond or higher as the hotel charges $15 per day for the privelege of entering the Spa fitness center. This is not stated on their website; you just see the little fitness center icon. 2. The neighborhood is really the Tenderloin district, quite a down-and-out neighborhood, not really Union Square area as advertised. Walk to the east when leaving the hotel, and avoid the streets to the left and behind the hotel. 3. If you need to rent a car, the hotel charges a ridiculous upcharge to arrange a rental. Cross the street in front of the hotel, and rent a car directly from any one of 4 rental car vendors. It is cheaper to rent a car each day than to park at the hotel ($54/day to park at Hilton). We spent 2 nights at the Ritz San Francisco over the Memorial Day weekend holiday. Overall, it was a fantastic experience. From the greetings as we entered the grand lobby area (the smell of fresh flowers is truly wonderful), to the beautiful room, we truly enjoyed the experience.Pros: Excellent room service & food items offered; top quality bath and room amenities; very friendly staff; the Fitness Center (fruit-infused water, steam room, pool--need I say more?); bottled water provided when you valet and take your car out.Cons: I would have preferred a separate tub and shower, but I think due to limited space in the city, it needed to be done this way. We had a special order of water and cheese, but it was not in our room when we first arrived, and it took 2 phone calls to get it up there (and it was missing requested items, such as lemons and ice). I also visited the spa, and they were 10 minutes late in getting to me, which I think they should work on. Also, the valet attendant nearly gave another couple our rental car (!), very random. If it wasn't for my husband arriving to the scene a few seconds later, someone else would have driven off with our car (so be sure you are there before your car arrives). Just got back and felt this was a very good hotel for the money. Very clean and staff was helpful. We reserved a bay view room for $149 (floors 9-11) but unfortenatly the FOG blocked most of the views... the hotel is about 10 blocks from the bay so we could see the houses and businesses all the time!We arrived way early (930 am) and our room was ready so we got to check in! Breakfast was ok.. cereal, boiled eggs, fruit, juices, bagels... nothing super.. but plenty.We flew into SFO and took BART ($4.95) to Powell station, then bought a 3 day UNI bus/trolley car pass for $15.. took Powell-Hyde trolley (we packed light) to Lombard street and walked 3 blocks down to hotel. It is true, busses nearby.. I was a bit nervous about finding my way around but the front desk staff extremely friendly and had a map of a few major routes... found out 1 block away bus 30 goes by fishermans warf area, then china town, then financial district, then by Powell station. It comes about every 7 minutes! So we rode 30 about 20 times. So excellent location for using public transit.. and staff is helpful.Only compliant is that the windows are not mirrored at all... so close the drapes for privacy... we discovered this later in the day when we went out for a walk.. a little too late.Again, we would stay in a heartbeat again here... very clean and in good shape.. they also use newer keys than the old magentic cards. They even held our bags the last day all day long for no charge! Returning after three years to this lovely hotel, we weren't disappointed. Again we had a very pleasant stay. The staff was as welcoming and caring as during our first visit. Breakfast was abundant. We enjoyed our morning newspapers and our daily workouts in the little Drisco gym. But the biggest surprise was - that upon request - we received our favourite room. All this, combined with it's charming location in one of the most attractive cities of the world, makes the Drisco a true gem. And so, once again, we will most certainly return. Dear Drisco staff: we are in love. First off, the hotel is quite charming. The lobby is ornate, and the rooms have character! It's in a bustling neighborhood that is a great location for getting about San Francisco. It's also even a little on the inexpensive side, especially considering the great value.That being said, checking in was a nightmare, with no fault to the hotel itself. (Long story short, my bank decided the charges from multiple locations looked suspicious, and after much pleading with the bank, things were mostly taken care of.) Although this was quite an embarassing situation, the lady at the front desk mixed the right amount of compassion and humour, and eventually, everything worked out fine.So, bottom line? Lovely hotel, comfortable rooms, great front desk lady! Fantastic hotel, in a great location. When we arrived check in was very quick with great staff. The room was amazing and in fantastic condition with great decor. This was the same throughout the hotel. Couldn't really comment on the food as we ate out in the various restaurants close by. The main city is not that far away, particularly by tram.Would recommend hiring a bike from the place close by and cycling over the Golden Gate Bridge and get the ferry back. What makes a great hotel experience? In my opinion it's the personal comfort level, the suitability of the accomodations for your purpose as well as exemplary customer service, the kind of service that anticipates your needs and fulfills them graciously.My business partner and I meet in SF several times a year for a few days. Three years ago we lucked upon the Hotel Rex. The remodeling wasn't complete and things were a little crazy but our room was perfect cozy for hanging out and business planning - spacious, with arty literary furnishings - and the staff bent over backwards to compensate for any inconvenience. We had forgotten toothpaste and there was none at the front desk - oh well - a knock on our door came shortly after and there stood the hotel night manager who had brought us his own toothpaste!We were hooked! Since then, remodeling complete, the Rex has turned into our cosmopolitan home-away-from-home- we have stayed there 10+ times. The restaurant is fabulous, the menu is smallish, but the food is impeccable; the bar and downstairs lounge perfect for relaxing and entertaining clients; the staff has had very little turnover and they remember us by name and treat us like family.The Rex is a boutique hotel - not a slick, high-end, luxury hotel. If that's what you crave, try The W or the St. Francis - both are wonderful. But if you want a place to kick your shoes off that's close to a perfect location for ambling around The City that will leave you refreshed and happy, the Hotel Rex is the place to be. We stayed at the Adagio at the beginning of August. It's very well placed for visiting San Francisco and the receptionists were very helpful about giving addresses for restaurants. The room was big and the bed was comfortable although I thought the bathroom wasn't really up to the standard of the bedroom itself. My husband and I were at the back of the hotel so it was quiet but my eldest daughter was at the front where it was noisier. One night she was woken by one of the many homeless who was singing at the top of his voice. Free tea, coffee and lemonade in the lobby is great. The breakfast was a bit expensive but you can always go out and have breakfast in one of many restaurants nearby. I am a Hilton Honors Diamond member and I've been staying at this hotel for years. After my last stay I have to say that I will never stay in this hotel again. In the past I was always given an upgraded room on the top floors of tower 1. This time I was on the 16th floor of tower 1, right by the walkway to tower 3. I couldn't even open my draperies because everyone on the walkway could look right into my room.The room itself felt dirty. The carpeting was old and very yucky. Everything in this room felt old and very outdated. I have to believe that the rooms are the same size in this tower but it felt much smaller than the rooms that I have been in in the past. They have closed the concierge lounge at this hotel which is really a shame. It was on the top floor with beautiful views of the city and was a great place to relax after a long day of meetings.The one thing I still like is the gym. It's very nice with great equipment and not over crowded. I honestly do not know what's going on with Hilton at a corporate level. I spend an average of 15 nights a month in Hilton hotels and have noticed a serious decline in customer service across the board. I realize that times are tough in the travel industry but they have to start treating their best customers better. The colleague I was travelling with had the exact same feeling. The St. Francis has the best location in the City, overlooking Union Square and next to the City's best shopping. Rooms are huge, and when we stayed the hotel had just put in flat screen TVs in all the rooms. The room service was also excellent--extremely speedy. I had the Kobe beef burger and fries. Both were fantastic, and surprisingly about half the price normally charged by hotels in this league. All around best hotel experience I have had on the West Coast. Stayed at the Cow Hollow Motor Inn just one night as we were in town to watch the Giants play (got to see Barry hit #750) . Motel is very well kept, room was large by SF standards , lots of counter space in bathroom, good water pressure. Place seemed very secure , you have to use your room key to access elevators. Best of all parking is free in a enclosed parking lot, parking space is a premium in SF , with most hotels charging $35-45 dollars per day for parking. Heck we paid $30 to park at the ballgame and another $12 to go to the farmers market at the ferry building. As noted by other entries there are numerous places to eat within 2 square blocks of motel including Mels Diner ( of American Graffitti fame) right across the street. We had a 3rd floor king w/ city view , nice view however if you open the windows the noise from Lombard Street is very loud , once closed noise barley audiable. Staff were very effeicent check in and out took less than 5 minutes. All in all the motel met all our needs and we will not hesitate to stay here again. I stayed at the hotel in October - not at a small expense -$180 dollars/night. The room had an aweful musty odour, furniture and soft furnishings looked tired and the carpet was in a terrible state. After the first night , I woke up with a very itchy rash. This deteriorated as the days went by and by the time I got back to the UK, the rash was covering my entire body including my face. Uncertain of what was happening to my body, I was in a great deal of distress fearing the worst.The rash was so itchy and so unsightly that I was obliged to cancel all my clinics ( I am a doctor) and research work. I saw a dermatologist who immediately and without any hesitation diagnosed bed bug bites. I believe that this is absolutely unacceptable and shocking!! Bed bug bites are known to be a source of transmission of Hepatitis B and Chagas disease which are both potentially fatal conditions. There have also been reports of death by anaphylactic shock in the unlucky few. However, what is even more appalling is that I have paid good money ($180/night) only to suffer this very horrific outcome which has caused me great distress and affected my productivity at the conference in San Francisco as well as affecting my work, my patients and my income. It has also essentially ruined what has been a very expensive and potentially rewarding trip to San Francisco.There is also a risk that the bed bugs may have been transported to my home in my suitcase with a hazard to all at home and a great deal of expense and hassle to eradicate.Phoned management who said they will get back to me but they haven't despite emailing them and also notifying them in the post. We arrived after a long day's travelling from the UK and were delighted to find that the hotel exceeded our expectations. The room was very well appointed with quality furnishings and it was decorated in a classy and individual style, not what you normally expect from a chain hotel in a touristy location. It had more of a boutique hotel feel to it.After settling in and getting freshened up (great Tea Tree and Avacado shampoo by the way) we enjoyed the complimentary wine hour, where we were encouraged to sample all the varieties on offer. Suitably fortified, we set out on our first evening feeling very positive about the hotel, San Francisco and the world in general!The King size bed was longer and wider than the equivalent in the UK and extremely firm and comfortable - we're now shopping for a replacement at home using this as the benchmark.Morning coffee, tea and biscotti in the lobby was very convenient and as with the evening wine sessions, provided an oppurtunity to chat with other guests and swap tips on where to go and what to do.I'd seen a previous review recommending getting a room on the top floor in order to minimise traffic noise. We did and it was indeed very quiet (although the traffic didn't seem particularly heavy in the first place).All in all, an excellent stay over 4 nights and very good value for money. Great room, friendly staff, superb location - just a couple of blocks away from the hustle and bustle of Fisherman's Wharf and 2 minutes from the cable car turnaround that takes you straight to Union Square.We'll definitely stay there on our next visit to SF. I had the most wonderful stay at The Parc 55. recommended by my sister as amazing value for money and excellent location in the heart of all the shops and things to do. Catch the trolley to the Quay or just shop until you drop. It is all there. Ericka at Reception checked me in and Hanif is an encyclopedia about where to go and how to get there. he is calm and so professional.Thanks to Ericka and Hanif for an amazing stay. see you soon! Manny , Vancouver, Canada We stayed in Hotel Rex for two nights in July. The only other boutique hotel we've stayed at in San Francisco is the Serrano, which for some reason we were able to book amazingly cheap rooms for in 2007 (had a look at Serrano for this trip and rates were well over $200 a night). So with the Serrano as our only point of comparison, I'd say the Hotel Rex is a good value boutique hotel for San Franciso that might not knock your socks off, but for the money has enough going for it to still make it a great place to stay. Our room was stylish with contemporary linens and funky framed art, if a little on the 'cozy' side. The bathroom was also a bit small but nice enough. Room was a bit stuffy but we opened up our window (so great to be able to do that!) and used the fan that was provided in the room and I slept like a rock both nights. The window was facing the street, but we were far enough up that noise wasn't really a problem (especially with the fan going). The location is great - very central and always felt safe walking around the area. In terms of service, found everybody friendly and helpful enough, but nothing extraordinary (I think that was what had really 'wowed' us about the Serrano...)What I liked most: the fun, funky decor and being able to open our window.What I liked least: It felt a bit 'cramped' everywhere - in the hallways and the room. If you enjoy "old school" service and city elegance, you will love the Omni San Francisco. The decor is elegant and the service friendly and impeccable. From the moment we arrived, everyone on staff bent over backwards to accommodate every request and everyone down to the maintance guy in the hall had a cheerful greeting for you. The concierge, Lex ,was incredibley helpful. The room was well-appointed and the bed with crisp sheets and duvet very comfortable. Sign up for Omni' frequent stay program and enjoy benefits on your first stay including complimentary beverage (you can choose both coffee and juice/bottled water per person) and choice of newspaper delivered each morning at the time you choose. Yes - the bar and restaurant are on the expensive to the OMG side - especially if you dive into the steak menu at dinner ($54 for a veal chop - wow!) but have to say I had a wonderful burger in the bar one night and did not begrudge the $19 price tag because it was so good. Breakfast was also pricey (and not as outstanding) but you can add pastries, fruit and even a breakfast sandwich on to your complimentary breakfast beverage order for not too big a hit so we went that route and enjoyed a more affordable breakfast in our room. As for location, you cannot beat this spot for convenience to the Ferry Building, Union Square, China Town and all other points. Buy a three-day pass ($18) from the front desk and you can ride the trolley (stops right in front of the hotel), the vintage buses and regular buses to your hearts content. Also, if you plan to go to the Tut exhibit, ask the concierge if they have any leftover VIP passes. They cost a few bucks more but you can go whenever you want and bypass the long line by using the VIP line once inside the museum - you just have to promise the concierge that you will be discreet and not a big blowhard about having a VIP pass..... Fantastic rate can be found on PRICE LINE or HOT WIRE. The location is SOMA but close to China Town and Union Sq. IT IS VERY CLOSE to several MUNI public transportation stops so it's really easy to get around. It is close to some convention centers as well. The beds are comfortable and clean. The rooms are roomy and nicely appointed. We would highly recommend this hotel to those tourists who want to stay at a nice place at a great price (just over $135 per night if you get a good PriceLine quote).Recommend dining at LULU just 2 blocks east of the hotel --- Great food!!ALSO: Don't rent a car in S.F. The MUNI public transportation is fantastic and cheap. get the 1 day or 3 day MUNI pass. It is well worth it! I have to admit that the location and view was perfect. But the overall experience was not. We made two reservations with them. One for a friday and saturday check-in but found out that we could make it over on thursday so we called to extend our stay or to get an earlier stay. Not only did they price us double the price we orginally got but also did understand the connection of having already booked a room for the next two nights. So instead I called priceline and booked a room for a much lower price. I have to admit I rather deal with priceline than direct service with Hyatt. Which says alot about Hyatt's overall customer service. But the bummer or reason for this low review is that after we left on Sunday they charged two charges on a debt card that was only used for the bar. This debt card was not used to hold the rooms nor were they given to the front desk. We called to ask about the charges and they say they could not help us. Only the accounting department could help. We asked them how was it possible not to be able to tell us what the charges were for. The lady on the line say its because they we a high end hotel therefore other departments took care of such things. Told us the accounting department will call us. They did not after two days! Only to reverse the charges 3 days later without a call or notice. I think this has to be the worst customer service I ever recieved from a hotel Econolodge even has better service. They charge for everything! No free internet/no free business center/ 45 dollars per day for parking. For 150 dollars a night you would think at least the internet was free. Loved this hotel, will stay there next time I am in SF. Staff was great. Loved the wine reception every night in the lobby with music. Nice clean spacious rooms, looked newly remodeled. Close to Union Square but in a nice quiet neighborhood. Lots of small bistros to eat nearby and restaurant in hotel was delicious. Very international clientele. We spent 2 nights at the Powell. The hotel staff was friendly, and parking was reasonable ($31/day). Our room was very small and it had a musty smell. We opened the windows to bring in some fresh air. However, because this hotel is next to the cabel cars, there is a lot of noise outside. We kept the windows open the 1st night (because there was no air conditioning) and we could barely sleep with all the noise. On the 2nd night, we decided to keep the windows closed. The room was stuffy, but we slept better without all the noise. The shower head was at a hight of about 5 feet, 5 inches, and my husband is over 6 feet...he had to do a back bend to wash his hair. The lock on our door was not screwed in properely, and the door was sticking. We informed the hotel staff, and within an hour our lock was fixed and someone came to shave some paint off our door, so that it would open easily. The hotel is in a very convenient location for tourists and close to lots of shopping. Trip was Aug. 14th - 16th. Do not drive in SF. My fiance came in through SFO via the BART. Best way to go. The Civic Center station was not far from the hotel. A nice walk by the City Hall building. Felt safe at night on Van Ness. I checked in earlier that day. Lots of foreign tourists. I asked for a quiet room with Carlo. Carlo gave me a room on the 5th floor in the back. It ended up being too noisy because it was right across from an elevator. I went down and tried for another room with another front desk clerk which I was given a room on the 2nd floor. I believe it was room 208. It was an inner room facing Myrtle Street. Very nice. I liked this room much better. Very roomy. Comfortable bed. Checked the sheets, very clean. Toiletries included a packet of shampoo and lotion and one small bar of soap. Ice machine was on the 3rd floor. Plastic cups. Double pane windows kept street traffic at bay. TV worked fine. Didn't try the internet. Mel's Diner on corner (street level). Deluxe Continental breakfast was mostly bread items and some fruit. Great weekend. Kept luggage with them after checkout. Hotel not far from California cable car line. Must buy a City Pass if seeing the sights. The 7-day MUNI pass in it was worth the price alone. Didn't know about any bed bug stories until I got back. Saw the reports. We had none. Our room was just fine and a great value, especially in SF on a weekend. Would stay there again and would recommend it to others. While not worthy of the 3.5 stars given it by hotwire (2.5 to 3 are more like it), there's nothing really wrong with this financial district hotel, if you can get it at a reasonable rate. Rooms are smallish, but adequate for a business stay, or a weekend, tho romantic, it ain't! The main problem is that it just isn't close to anything. Tadich Grill is the only "name" restaurant nearby, altho the hotel's own restaurant isn't bad, if you like beer and pub food. Skip the expensive breakfast there and go to McDonald's a couple of blocks away. Hotel is close enough to Muni and Bart so it's easy to get anywhere. A couple of desk clerks didn't speak English very well, and/or were very busy, so it was easier to go across the street to the Meriden and ask the concierge there for assistance.I'd stay here again for the $89 Hotwire rate, but I wouldn't be excited about it. We reserved this hotel through priceline and paid $150 a night for it. We stayed there for 3 nights in July. I was very satisfied with my experience at The Argent. My husband and I came to San Francisco for vacation, and even though The Argent seems to be more of a business hotel, it was great for tourists as well. For starters, the location is unbeatable. We were able to walk to some great cafe's for breakfast (cafe venue and boudin). The conceirge's provided us with helpful restaurant recommendations and directions to sights. The hotel was clean and staff friendly and helpful. We were upgraded to the 19th floor with a great view of the city (no extra charge, though we did have to ask for it). The bed and tolietries are my only complaints -- the bed in our room was HARD and uncomfortable and the pillows were very small. They didn't have very good shampoos, soaps, or conditioners. I felt the hotel would more appropriately considered a 3 1/2 star hotel as it lacks the plushness and amenties that a 4 star hotel has. But for the price, location, and service, and if you get a good price on a room, it's worth staying. The Andrews Hotel rooms were very small, but nicely decorated & furnished, the cleanilness was excellent. The service was really good & the hotel restaurant superb & very popular with the locals. The free continental breakfast put out on each floor was excellent and the free glass of wine in the bar each evening of you stay was well worth getting back for (served between 5.30 - 6.30). The hotel is a long walk from Fishermans Wharf, but very close to Union Square. The roads are a bit of a killer with them being so steep, but is it not advisable to drive in the city as the parking is very limited. The cable car service is pretty good if you don't fancy walking everywhere. I wore my stepper & on the day we walked over the Golden Gate Bridge we did 41,000 steps (approx 36.8km) so if you like walking it is ideal!! I would definately recommend this hotel to anyone, the room had one of the best showers I have ever used & the bed one of the most comfortable I have slept in. Typical cramped motel room and overpriced ($109). But it was in reasonably good condition, the beds were comfortable, it was quiet at night (being two blocks from Highway 101), we had a fridge and microwave, and there was plenty of hot water. And the best part--the location! Chestnut, the "main street" of the Marina District, was just around the corner with plenty of cafes and shops and a real hometown atmosphere. Also, the Palace of the Fine Arts, and the waterfront were nearby, and you can take a public bus to Chinatown and Downtown. There is a reason this hotel is ranked 210 out of 238 in San Francisco. It was disgusting! I don't know how anyone could give it 5 stars. In fact, the two most recent reviews that give it 5 stars were writted 2 days apart and both sound like they came straight out of their brochure, and from what I understand, it is recently under new management. Coincidence?My girlfriend and I stayed here over Memorial Day and our room was disgusting. It smelled like urine and we could see the wet spot on the floor! They didn't even bother to clean it up. There were feces stains still in the toilet. It obviously hadnt been cleaned between guests either. We checked out and were lucky to get a room at Comfort Inn down the street for the rest of our vacation. Think about it. There are only 28 hotels in San Francisco WORSE than this one. There are 209 that are better. Stay in one of those. This hotel is reputed in San Franciso to be the #1. For one, the location, right at the top of Nob Hill, is beautiful. However that is also the biggest drawback... The walk back to the hotel is very steep, long and tiring! Unless you drive...Rooms are big, beautiful, clean... nothing unexpected of the Mark Hopkins.The decor, lobby, etc is grand. Staff is quite helpful. Rooms are pricey though.When at the Mark Hopkins, be sure to check out their famous "Top of the Mark" restaurant. Great ambience, wonderful view, exquisite dining experience.To be honest, I wouldn't stay there again, if only because of the walk up the hill. There are cheaper alternatives, such as the Hotel Mayflower two streets down, at a third of the cost. And you would be able to walk up two streets along the hill to the Top of the Mark, of course! We traveled with our two older teenage children and they had their own room which was a vacation within a vacation. I've been to San Francisco 4 times and this was my best stay yet. Yes it was a little noisy, but it's a city. If I wanted quiet I would have gone to the country. The location was fantastic. One block from the trolley and the bus. Great restaurants within walking distance. The room was large, bright and airy. The bathroom was large enough and everything was spotless. The beds were very comfortable and according to my children, so was the sleeper sofa. The staff was incredibly helpful. We didn't eat the breakfast because as I said, we traveled with teenagers who think waking up at 10am. is early and really, I'm in San Francisco, why would I eat a continental hotel breakfast anyway. Just the fact that it was included in the room price is pretty unusual for a hotel in a major city. My only complaint were the pillows. There could have been a few more and much firmer. Overall, it was a fantastic vacation at a wonderful hotel. I just had to weigh in on this hotel -- I am actually writing my review while staying in the hotel. I come to San Francisco at least 5 times a year on business, and I always stay at the Hotel Monaco. The location is perfect in that it is very near Union Square, shopping, restaurants, but also near the business district. I have always found the staff to be attentive and pleasant. I have always found the rooms to be spacious (for SF), clean and comfortable. There is a fitness room, a spa, a business center (though I must suggest that the hotel install the Wordperfect converter on their Word software, I couldn't open my document this morning) that has both Mac and PC's. Also, the hotel is always nicely decorated (beautiful, in fact, at Christmas) and the salon where the nightly wine happy hour is held is comfortable with a fire place and overstuffed furniture. So, I love this hotel and think everyone should give it a try. And I am a Kimpton in-touch member, which I think is a great program. I've gotta admit that the location of the hotel is very good. Close to the train station, shopping area etc...But the rooms are terrible. I was about to book a package with Hilton but chose to buy Nikko since all the reviews were very good. But i made a huge mistake of not getting the Hilton across the street. We bought the air+hotel package from expedia for a "Petite Queen" room. We checked in and asked for an upgrade. The representative was nice and offered us an upgrade but told us to check the "Petite room" before we upgrade. So we went and checked the room we originally bought. The room is very petite. The hallway from the door to the actual bed is very tiny. The bed was horrible. We sat on the bed and we could literally feel the springs on the bed. So we decided to go for an upgrade. Upgrade of "Petite" was "Deluxe" and then "Club room which comes with a continental breakfast". We decided to check the Club room. One thing we noticed was that all three rooms had a 19 inch tv despite the size of the room. Club room was very spacy but the bed felt the same. Bathroom was ok with usual stall shower and a bathtub. There are alot of coffee shops around the block so we decided not to get the club room. So we decided to go for the delux room. I've gotta say all the beds in all the rooms were same despite the upgrade. We could feel the springs by sitting on the bed. At this point, i was very disappointed with the quality of beds in the hotel. The marble on the sink area was very worn out which made it look like the counter top was not clean. We finally checked in the delux room. The room was alot spacier than the "Petite" room. But the quality of the bed was the same. We slept on that bed the first night, i could not get a good night sleep. I was tossing and turning all night long. Next day we told them about the bed and the service representative said that she'll have the housekeeping put a mattress pad on the bed. If we still don't like it, she'll upgrade us. Not that the club room had any better bed. We come back in the room the next night and there was a full size mattress pad on a king size bed. At that point we really didn't care of having another upgrade and moving all our stuff to another room which had the same quality bed. Also, the stall shower door made a mess on the bathroom floor. I will really suggest that if you're picky on beds and like a good night sleep after having a nice day: "DON'T STAY IN NIKKO". Its not worth the money. I've learned my lesson of not trying new hotel and sticking only to "Hilton, Westin, Sheraton hotels". There are alot of nice hotel in the same block. I'd suggest stay away from Nikko if you want a good night sleep. This hotel is obviously trying to sustain excellent client service. Check-in was a breeze as was check-out. The concierge is so knowledgeable, and courteous. They recommended both a French and Italian restaurant and both were within walking distance and just delicious (Fleur de Lis / Fino). Rooms were very comfortable and the large TV was a bonus. There is a Starbucks adjacent to the hotel which we loved. There are a lot of homeless in the city so just be very aware. Be friendly but keep moving. We stayed here for one night and found it to be good value for money. The hotel is not located in a particularly nice area, but the centre of town is 2 minutes walk. Hotel staff were very friendly and helpful. We changed the room due the first room being very small, the secret is to ask for a room with two beds and these are a good size and the beds are both doubles. Also ask for a high floor out the back of the hotel and you will hear very little noise. Rooms are comfortable and have been recently refurbished. Free wine reception on Fridays and Saturdays, worth going. Just return from the Hotel Nikko this afternoon and can't wait to write this review. The hotel is not a bad hotel,but it's not that great at all, room was small (170 sqf?), so I upgraded to the deluxe King and it still small (250 sqf?). But it is clean and quite. My family and I visit San Francisco many times we stay in many of hotels, this hotel rooms are small (the other small hotel we stayed before it was Palace Hotel, but Palace are Old, Classic and Luxury same price I pay for Hotel Nikko)!! Other than that, we have a great time. The staff are nice, doorman always open door for every guest, and the hotel staff are always smile and greeted. The location is not bad at all, two blocks away from the MUNI and Bart, plus Cable Car. In the center of shopping area, if you love shopping, and don't want to carry your bags, this hotel is the one for you since you are not too far away from the shopping center. Many hotel around SF area, you really need to know what you will like to do when you planning your visit. Lots of hotel offer the good package, check them all out before you book them. Arrived Sunday for a 3-night stay. Rooms were a little small-ish but very comfortable. CP's relaxation/sleep program is very conducive to a good night's rest. Very convenient to Powell St. Transit Station, and cable car line stops next to the hotel. Restaurant is on the pricey side, but there are plenty of less-expensive options within walking distance. Will stay here again on future trips. The photos on Trip Advisor are of another motel! Very misleading! We had a group of friends with 5 rooms and each room was disgusting. Dirty, moldy, smelly!! Some rooms had working phones, tvs, lights, other rooms didn't. Very inconsistant. Bedding was dirty, one towel in one room, none in the others. The Managers, who live there with children, were VERY rude!! They called everyone 30 minutes prior to check out to tell us to leave. They charged us $10 more than what we booked on their website - and then argued with us when we brought it to their attention. DO NOT STAY HERE!! Very dishonest people!!! I truly enjoyed my stay at this quaint hotel. The rooms are very small, but well appointed. My friend and I shared a room with two double beds and our "biggest" complaint was that there weren't enough electrical outlets for us to charge our wireless phones and Garmin gps units. Seems almost silly to mention that now. We were on the top (8th floor) facing Powell Street and at night we were serenaded by street music and cable cars. It was loud with the windows open, but the noise was dramatically reduced when we closed them. The ceiling fan kept the room cool enough at night thanks to the mild temps while we were there. The staff was incredibly helpful with all of our questions regarding the public transportation. Take the Muni to AT & T Park for $2 one way...such a deal (fun to see our LA Dodgers win at the Giants stadium). I had fun taking the cable car from directly in front of the hotel down to the wharf. I also liked walking most of the city. Tad's, just a couple of doors down, serves a bargain steak dinner for $13.79. Nothing fancy, but if you are bargain minded like I am, the steak dinner is just right. I kind of wish we had more time to go back there to try something else. The complimentary breakfast served at the hotel was sort of weak, but we didn't care too much about that. They served hot tea, coffee, juice, apple muffins, toast...The muffins were good! Overall, if you are looking for a comfy, clean place to flop after a day of sightseeing, you will enjoy this place. If you are one of those high fallutin' types, then pick another place because this just won't do it for you. Of course, you will also pay two to three times more. Personally, I'd rather spend my money on jewelry or clothes or at the many fun restaurants in the city! The Grand Hyatt is a great hotel but maybe a little pricey. We stayed for two nights in October of 2006 and had a great time. The location was awesome and we enjoyed walking to Union Square and all the shops. The hotel was completely sold out but they seemed to be able to handle that number of people comfortably. Parking was out of control at $43 per night when other hotels in the area charge less than $30. Overall we had a great time and the staff was very nice to us on our special weekend away from home. I'm a frequent visitor to San Francisco, and have used Priceline on a number of occasions to find rooms. I've generally bid on a "four-star" room, and have ended up in such typical business hotels as the Hilton and the Holiday Inn in the Financial District. My one bid on a "three-star" put me in the Pickwick, which turned out to be a decent enough experience. I turned to Priceline over Labor Day weekend after I discovered that my favorite "budget" hotel, the Castle Inn, could not accommodate me. I was unable to get a "four-star" or a "boutique" room on my latest attempt, and my offer of $72 a night for a "three-star" was finally accepted. When I was given the name of the hotel, I read the reviews here, and although I was taken aback by what I read, I hoped for the best.Unfortunately, the general consensus on the place turned out to be correct. I arrived at about midnight, and even though Priceline had guaranteed a late arrival, the desk clerk made a snide comment about my arrival time. The king room I requested was not available, and she claimed that the only room left in the hotel was a queen. She assured me, however, that I would be getting a non-smoking room, and I decided to reserve further judgment until I got upstairs.I knew I would be disappointed as I walked down the hall to the room--the wallpaper was marked and dirty, and the paint on the doors was marred and chipped. When I arrived at my room (659), I was greeted by a broken switchplate and the odors of both mildew and cigarette smoke. The lights came on to reveal cheap, scratched furniture with cigarette burns, worn and dirty carpet that was well overdue for replacement, and a rock-hard bed with a worn bedspread. The tub had rust stains, and the vanity was stratched and burned as well. The ventilation system was literally decades old, and during my entire four-day stay, I could not get any airflow in the room.The service was no better. Both the night and the morning desk clerks insisted that no other rooms were available, and since I was preoccupied with business matters, I eventually gave up and resigned myself to staying in the room. For two of the four nights there, I received no linen service, and my call to housekeeping went unanswered. Garage parking was $23 per night, including tax, which was well in keeping with prices throughout the city.I realize that $72 isn't a lot of money for a hotel room in SF, and I don't have a problem staying in budget accommodations. However, I do have a problem with the place being advertised as a "three-star" establishment, which, according to both Priceline and AAA, is one that offers special amenities. Quite simply, the hotel is in desperate need of renovation (both the physical plant and the front office), and unless you have no other option, I would give it a wide berth. Spent first two nights and last night of trip at the Carlton. Late change of choice from the Chancellor driven by the collpase of Sterling and the incredibly competitve rates on offer at the Carlton. Great service even before I got there in offering me the discounted rate for a three night stay even thought my nights were not consecutive. Hotel is comfortable, excellent food at the Saha restaurant, and the staff, as many other reviewers have highlighted are simply first rate. Location is fine - no need to go into the Tenderloin unless you choose to do so and only a 10 minute walk downhill to Union Square. Service and value for money cannot be faulted. Evening wine reception is a nice way to relax before dinner after a full day. I would not hesitate to stay again. We stayed three weeknights in The Donatello on family vacation with two teenagers. The room was great size for the four of us. We read the tips on the pullout couch and was semi-worried going in - but it was perfect! The room rate was reasonable and the location is the best - Union Square. So much walkable and accessible nearby.The service was top notch and front desk very helpful and friendly. The only knock was the workout room - very subpar. One treadmill and bike won't cut it at a major hotel property. Did find an outstanding three mile run downtown through Union Square area - excellent! The breakfast area was also crowded and was confusing if it was complimentary or you needed to pay. Didn't matter as two of the best breakfast places are very close and walkable - Dottie's and Crepes.Overall - very favorable stay and would recommend to friends! My boyfriend and I went to San Francisco to celebrate New Year's and stay at the Fairmont despite the Trip Advisor review. The decision was based on a raving recommendation of a friend that lives in San Francisco. While the lobby and some other rooms are gorgeous, the sound quality of the rooms (you really can hear everything) and the majority of the Fairmont staff are not up to standards. We were overcharged for room service (3 breakfasts rather than 2) and got zero assistance from the concierge. Our bellhop, on the other hand, was very helpful and informative - they really should switch jobs. Save your money and use it to stay in another hotel. I'm really sorry to say that but it's the truth - our friend had never spent a night in the hotel and had only gone in for dinner/drinks. That's all you'll want to do here. This is my second stay at this hotel. My husband and I decided to do some sight seeing before a wedding we attended in wine country. We stayed two nights. We stayed on an upper floor in the new tower. The rooms were fine but nothing spectacular except the view. You are really paying for location with this hotel. This is also a historic hotel, so please do not expect it to look like the Westin in Hollywood Florida. The bathrooms are small and not really up to "heavenly bath" standard. However we found the staff to be polite and helpful. The concierge was great. If you are new to the city then you will definitely want to start there. They will give you a map and tell you which cable car to hop on. The cable car by the way stops right outside the hotel. Do yourself a favor and catch it outside the hotel, not down the hill where there are tons of lines!Over all I really like this hotel for the location and friendly staff. The Cartwright is just four blocks from Union Square, with theaters and shopping nearby. Standard rooms (and bathrooms) are tiny but nicely appointed and well maintained. Parking is at a commercial lot a block and a half away; validated by the hotel, it is $25 a night. A decent, self-service breakfast is complimentary. Good location, nice hotel but on initial first interaction with receptionist I found her very rude and abrupt. Customer service is a big part for me so if I hadn't been travelling all day I would have just left. However after chatting with my boyfriend I went back to book and managed to get a different receptionist - Ginnifer - who was the complete opposite - very helpful and pleasant. We got a nice room, with a good view of the city but unfortunately we woke every morning with really sore throats from the air conditioning which we couldnt turn off and there are no windows to open to let some fresh air in. I really liked the floor to ceiling windows though. Apart from the aforementioned the 2 night stay was good enough but what really put a downer on the whole thing was the bell boy's having a go at us as we were leaving because we went ahead and used their trolley's (that were outside our room!!) to transport our luggage into the taxi. They were annoyed we didn't use their services but frankly we did not have time to wait for them to get to the 18th floor as we were in a rush to get to the airport. We were a party of 3 adults, in a two double bed room. Price was great 212$ per night including tax. (relative to other hotels from same class). Room was nice, with all the amnities you need. The hotel is located an walking distance from Union Sq, adn othe SOMA attractions! Booked thru Hotwire, got a great rate for SFO. Hotel lobby & decor is beautiful, great lighting. Check-in quick and easy. Room looked down at 3rd St, no view of the bay or bridges, but I'll sacrafice that for a great rate. Restaurant was pricey as hotels are. They ran out of empty refrig's to replace our pay-mini-bar, but allowed us to remove and replace items without a charge to store our leftovers & drinks. Beds were comfy with lots of fluffy pillows. Valet staff was more friendly and helpful than concierge. Parking, valet only, was $42/day + $5.50 tax. May look into public parking across street next time. Very close to subway stations, large mall, & trolley stops. We spend the weekend after Thanksgiving in San Francisco, and had a great stay at the Rex. We were in a large king room which looked out over a courtyard of trees--surprising in the middle of San Francisco! Hotel staff were uniformly nice, complimentary wine was of reasonable quality and served graciously. We ate in the small restaurant for breakfast, twice (great granola with fruit and also three-grain pancakes!). We also enjoyed a couple of appetizers before going to the theatre which were served promptly, and were tasty. Rates were reasonable, location excellent, housekeeping superb. Free internet, and touches such SF Jazz Festival cd's and a player, as well as having high intensity desk lamps available made it feel like they cared.I would fault only the noise of the toilet flushing (tank less type) which you can hear from other rooms. Excellent location!! I was on the 26th floor with a view to die for...the Bay, Coit Tower, Alcatraz...and everything within walking distance. After working all day, I wanted to get out and stretch my legs. I went from Chinatown (at your doorstep) to Downtown, the Embarcadero, Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, North Beach and Little Italy....wonderful walk! The hotel staff are all very friendly, rooms are actually good sized for the Bay area, free snacks in the bar at night and a great continental breakfast for Hilton Honors members....definately recommend this hotel (but leave your car at home if possible...parking is around $50 a night)!! This was a great alternative to all the other big name hotels in the Square district. It's tiny (but quaint) lobby is a bit disconcerting at first.... but our room (an exectutive King w/ fireplace) was quiet large and comfortable. I can't comment on the standard room. But for the rate we paid (129$pn) Go for the biggest room you can get. You'll be paying 250+ to stay at the Westin across the street. I was really pleased w/ the little extras. They had a very nice continental breakfast and evening wine & snacks in the common areas of each floor everyday. The fireplace was usually burning which was nice since San Fran can be a bit chilly. The location was perfect. Had no problem walking around the city, catching a cab or taking a trolly. Would definitely stay there again. We enjoyed our stay here. We payed extra for the view and it was worth it. The breakfast was good, particularly the waffles though not a full buffet. The location was handy - we were able to walk everywhere. The only slight criticism was one girl on the front desk who didn't smile but the others seemed friendly enough. We really enjoyed our stay at the Hotel. The entire staff were wonderful, the room was clean and a good size (we had 2 double beds for our family of four) and the hotel's decor was clean and fresh. The front desk staff were helpful, the cleaning staff did an excellent job cleaning our room daily and the breakfast staff did a fine job of replenishing food during an always hectic breakfast. The breakfast was excellent with a number of different choices (both hot and cold food available). One of my daughters' suffers from asthma. Unfortunately we could not book and be guaranteed a non smoking room through Hotwire in advance. However I contacted the Hotel on the morning of our arrival to request a non smoking room and upon our arrival later that day they had met my request and our non smoking room was ready for us(before 3 p.m. check-in) Our only concern would be the room location given to us. The room faced Beach St. and the F Line Streetcar roars by on Beach St. starting around 5:00 a.m. The Hotel's sound insulation was good but we often were still awakened by the sound of the streetcar in the morning. However we most certainly thought we got excellent value! The location in Fisherman's Wharf was excellent with easy access to public transit (both Cable Cars and the streetcar line). We rented a car for 3 of our 7 day stay and were able to find overnight street parking near the hotel every night which allowed us to save about $40 per night had we parked the car in the Hotel garage. My wife and I are both runners and we used the Hotel's fitness facility. As well it was a short run from the Hotel to the waterfront where we could run along the Embarcadero for several miles without worrying about vehicular traffic. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the Holiday Inn Express in Fisherman's Wharf. I would HIGHLY recommend this Hotel. If you enjoy "old school" service and city elegance, you will love the Omni San Francisco. The decor is elegant and the service friendly and impeccable. From the moment we arrived, everyone on staff bent over backwards to accommodate every request and everyone down to the maintance guy in the hall had a cheerful greeting for you. The concierge, Lex ,was incredibley helpful. The room was well-appointed and the bed with crisp sheets and duvet very comfortable. Sign up for Omni' frequent stay program and enjoy benefits on your first stay including complimentary beverage (you can choose both coffee and juice/bottled water per person) and choice of newspaper delivered each morning at the time you choose. Yes - the bar and restaurant are on the expensive to the OMG side - especially if you dive into the steak menu at dinner ($54 for a veal chop - wow!) but have to say I had a wonderful burger in the bar one night and did not begrudge the $19 price tag because it was so good. Breakfast was also pricey (and not as outstanding) but you can add pastries, fruit and even a breakfast sandwich on to your complimentary breakfast beverage order for not too big a hit so we went that route and enjoyed a more affordable breakfast in our room. As for location, you cannot beat this spot for convenience to the Ferry Building, Union Square, China Town and all other points. Buy a three-day pass ($18) from the front desk and you can ride the trolley (stops right in front of the hotel), the vintage buses and regular buses to your hearts content. Also, if you plan to go to the Tut exhibit, ask the concierge if they have any leftover VIP passes. They cost a few bucks more but you can go whenever you want and bypass the long line by using the VIP line once inside the museum - you just have to promise the concierge that you will be discreet and not a big blowhard about having a VIP pass..... I found a fantastic deal online for the Cartwright. It's a nice hotel overall with great location, plus the fact that they include an evening wine reception and breakfast was just amazing. The drawbacks are that the hotel is a bit older and the rooms are on the small side. Parking for the hotel is a couple of blocks away. Lucky for us, it was not raining. The positives were that the staff was fairly friendly and rooms were nice and clean, though again, a bit on the small side. The wine reception was fun, as we sipped on wine and chatted with other guests. Breakfast was a nice add, with cereals, waffles, coffee, etc. The locations is good, with plenty of things to do within walking and ease of finding a cab for the things that weren't close. Overall, an unbelievable deal for a weekend night stay in San Francisco! We have just returned from a trip to San Francisco, CA. We stayed at the "Heritage Marina" hotel for 5 of these days. It was not our first choice, but everything was booked this week. It was a less than pleasant experience. Did not look anything like it does on the websites! We checked into our first horrifying room to find it overlooked the trash & homeless person going thru it. It did not include a fridge or microwave as requested. We were then moved to a second room that neither ourselves or the desk person could enter. Our third room was a smoking room (we had requested non-smoking!). We were finally moved to a fourth room that overlooked the pool which, by comparison was much better than the others. Next problem- the t.v did not work? After this was taken care of, we noticed the room was remarkably hot. We did not want to complain again so we dealt with it. It never got below 85 degrees in there which was strange as we were on the bottom floor- does heat not rise? There was construction going on that was not mentioned when we booked. We were woken bright & early every morning to the sounds of hammering! Also, the walls are VERY thin!! We could hear more than we wanted from our neighbours (beware those with children). The room was not clean at all. In fact I don't think they cleaned it once while we stayed except to make the beds. I don't think it was ever vaccuumed (don't look under the beds or behind anything). The yellow 70's bathroom bothered me the most as it was very dirty. For example the shower curtain & tub had mold on it & the towels were grey & old. Forget about hot water in the morning. We didn't book the hotel to hang out in but I did want a clean comfortable place to spend the night! Overall the best thing going for this hotel is the location. It is very central to everything, close to the bus stop & it seems a fairly safe area- but make sure your expectations are low! Mine were, but I was still disappointed. Maybe some rooms are nicer than others...... First of all the location of this hotel is great...Right on Union Square. It's affordable, charming, and the staff is friendly. The complimentary breakfast is great, and the rooms are large. I had a suite with a separate living area...We even had a balcony that looked out onto Sutter Street. It was great. They bring ice to your room, or any other thing you may need. The showers feel like cascading water on your back...There's no AC, but in San Francisco you really don't need it. Open some windows and let the city air cool you off. I loved this hotel, and when I return to the city it will be at the top of my list...It's a great find. We stayed in this motel for 3 nights. Good location. Clean big rooms, but a bit old fashioned. Free parking. Simple breakfast. Average service. Good restraints nearby. Good choice for travelers who need place to sleep. We stayed at this hotel the last weekend of 2007 to attend a Bowl Game. We booked the hotel as part of an Alaska Airlines Vacation Package. We were not disappointed. Upon a late evening arrival we were greeted by cheerful staff. Everything around the hotel was closed and the staff brought us a complimentary bottle of wine which we enjoyed with our travel companions. This is an old hotel, but has a lot of character. It is clean and our bed was comfortable. We enjoyed being on the back side, not on the street and having our window open for fresh air and not having to listen to the noise of a heating/air unit. Being on Sutter Street, we walked to the main part of town often. We had breakfast in the restaurant and it was very good. We enjoyed the evening wine event one night. The lobby is very cozy and there are many places to sit and visit. Know that this hotel is old and the walls are paper thin. I think one thing the desk could do at check in is to advise people of this. You really have to use quiet voices. So if you don't like to do this, then you probably would not enjoy your stay. Again, friendly, helpful staff that truly make you feel welcome. Choose the hotel as it was very near to where my meetings were to be held. Must say the service,staff and location were amazing. Very helpful staff always ready to arrange a cab and give directions. Have already made my next reservation for a conference i have to attend in October. Our family of 4 stayed in a Parlor Suite. We were there with two other families, who also had Parlor Suites. The Suites were great! The bedroom had two very comfortable queen beds and the living room had a comfy murphy bed. Lots of closet space, although more hangers would have been good. Lots of drawers to store your stuff if you don't like living out of a suitcase. We didn't use the kitchen for any cooking, but it was definitely nice to have the fridge and freezer for storing stuff and the microwave to heat up left overs. The honor bar prices were very reasonable. The bathroom was HUGE, with a great jacuzzi tub/shower and two sinks at the counter. Our bathroom didn't have any under counter storage, but our friends' rooms did. The continental breakfast was a nice starter. There is a little convencience store across the street to get some milk, yogurt, cereal, fruit, etc. if you want more. Across the street is a delicious Italian restaurant and wonderful Thai restaurant!We would definitely consider staying there again if we ever return to San Fran. We had two rooms with family and a 13 month-old baby. Staff, especially Sam, were very efficient, courteous and cheerful. Our rooms were quite large and impeccably clean. The decor and furnishings are current and very tasteful. The food and staff in the grill and Jasmine Room were excellent. Overall, it was a wonderful stay in San Francisco Recently had the pleasure of spending the weekend with my family at the Hotel Monaco on Geary St. in San Francisco. What a gem of a hotel in the city. Yes, it is a little $ but--great customer serivce. Loved the quaint rooms and decor. Had stayed at many hotels in downtown San Francisco, but what sets this hotel apart is the excellent service. We had a problem with the hot water one morning being a little on the cool side. Immediately it was taken care of and the manager called to see if we were getting hot water. The staff were very personable and gave tips on places to eat etc. Probably will stay there again just because of how well we felt they took care of our family. The hotel had a great cafe next to the hotel called Grand Cafe we had a really great breakfast there. The only drawback was the overnight parking but that is par for downtown San Francisco. There is a garage up the street on Jones and Geary that is less expensive. We only stayed for 1 night but we enjoyed the hotel. The location is great. We took the sightseeing bus right from the front of the hotel. The area is full of stores and restaurants.Te breakfast was great (not included).We got a room on the 36th floor and the view was great.The parking is pretty expensive! Stayed here for 3 nights in Feb. Rooms clean, warm and comfortable beds. Good sized bathroom with separate room having bath with shower over, and the loo. Shower was great - lots of different settings you could choose from. The massage one was great after walking up and down all the very steep hills! Location is good - it took us about 20 minutes to get to the beginning of Fisherman's Wharf, and about 25-30 minutes to Union Square (but beware there are some EXTREMELY STEEP HILLS if you do decide to walk!) Breakfast was very basic, muffins, pastries, cereal bars, juice and yoghurts. You take what you want back to your room as there is no dining area at this hotel. Very helpful staff and they even looked after our cases for us on the last day as we had to be out by 11 but weren't getting a flight till the evening. Also free WI FI internet in the rooms was a bonus. All in all, a simple and comfortable hotel which I personally think represents excellent value for money. This hotel provided excellent value. The location is very convenient(just off Union Square), close to museums,shopping and restaurants galore. The room was spacious,included coffee maker and bathrobes. Our rate also included a very adequate continental breakfast. My boyfriend and I stayed for two days at the Mosser from 8/23 - 8/24. We had room 608, which had a queen bed with bathroom and closet. The room was neat and clean with stylish, modern decor, but it was extremely tiny, although I expected that from reading other people's reviews. Just be prepared for a 2-3 foot perimeter around the bed, and that's it. Not much of a view, but you're in the city center, so that was also expected. It was reasonably quiet, in any case. Nice TV with cable, CD player, a chair or two, trashcan, and a nighttable was all that was in the room. There is no A/C, so we kept the windows open, which was fine. San Francisco usually has pretty temperate/cool weather.The bathroom was also tiny; standard tub, toilet crammed in right next to it, and sink across from that. Decent water pressure, plenty of hot water. I didn't much care for the sink though. It is about the size of a urinal, and there is a shelf right above it, so you can't splash your face with water without hitting your head on the shelf. Also hard to spit when brushing your teeth. Overall, it wasn't too bad though; just annoying.The lobby looked really nice, and the staff were friendly and pleasant. Breakfast was minimal - just coffee and muffins in a basket in the lobby, but the muffins were pretty good. We went around the corner to Mel's Diner on Mission St to supplement our breakfast - great food, cheap. Annabelle's Bistro was right next to the hotel, so we stopped in there for drinks in the evening, and it seemed like a good, local hangout. The location was good in the center of downtown. It was one block to Market Street with tons of shopping, restaurants, big office buildings, just a few blocks from San Francisco Bay. You can get to/from the SFO airport easily using the BART subway system, which has a stop just around the corner from the hotel on Market St; it was a $6 ticket/25 minute ride straight there. We used the MUNI system of trolleys to get around otherwise, which was also just around the corner and cheap at $1.50 anywhere you want to go on the line. The F line was our friend and goes all the way out to Fisherman's Wharf in about 15-20 minutes with stops at the piers along the way. We paid cash (exact change required) to the driver each time, but you can also get a MUNI card, which might be a little cheaper, depending on how many rides you take. As far as fun things to do, we had a car for two days ($35/day to park at the Mosser) and traveled to the Napa/Sonoma area one afternoon and hit a few of the wineries for tastings. It took about an hour to get there, and most of them close by 5 pm, so don't get up too late. Beautiful scenery, nice wines, tons of vineyards to try. The next day we drove to Muir Woods, which is an ancient sequoia forest with a walking trail. That was amazing; I felt like a dinosaur would come lumbering out from amongst the giant trees at any moment. We also hit the five-course Cirque du Soleil-style dinner show, Teatro Zinzanni at Pier 27/29; great food, great show - not cheap, but we thought it was worth it; book ahead. My favorite sidetrip was a bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito. We rented bikes from Blazing Saddles at Fisherman's Wharf for around $45 each, and it was a simply astounding ride past Ghirardelli Square to Fort Point, over the bridge, and down to the cute, little village of Sausalito, where we took the ferry back across (ferry ticket included in price). Took about 2-3 hours total. Okay, back to the hotel. We also stayed four nights at the Queen Anne in Pacific Heights about 1.5 miles away, and both of us liked the Queen Anne better to be honest. The price was about the same (~$150/night), but the Queen Anne seemed more authentic to San Francisco, extremely cool, relaxed neighborhood (Fillmore district) with lots of neat boutiques and no chains, the rooms were 5x bigger, they had a better, more expansive breakfast, better bathrooms, and very reasonable access to transportation. However, if you really want to be in the bustling city center, convenient access to everything is the most important factor for you, and you don't mind being in a more corporate-y area, then the Mosser is the place for you, and is very reasonably priced for its location, especially if you get the rooms with the shared bathroom in the hall. I was looking for a reasonably priced room rated 3 stars. I'd checked out the Trip Advisor reviews and the website and the rooms looked cosy and clean. We checked inand were given a room I think on the 4th floor. The room was so tiny I couldn't believe it. There was literally no room to put our 2 suitcases. The bathroom was the size of a shoebox and had no bench space. I have never seen a room that small. It also looked nothing like the photos and the decor was old and worn. It looked like a room in a hostel - 1 star rating at best. Without a doubt it was the worst room I have ever seen. My husband went downstairs to see what could be done about changing rooms and they said they would move us the following day as the hotel was full. I started ringing other hotels as i said I could not stay one night in that room. They then said they had a room available on the first loor which was one of their renovated rooms. We went and looked at it and it was just like the photos on the website. Newly renovated and about 3 times the size of the room we had just been in. It was clean and renovated and was what I was expecting. The staff are friendly and the diner next door is excellent. The hotel is ina great location but there are a lot of homeless people out the front.The reviews on Trip Advisor seem to be really mixed for this hotel. I can only conclude that there are very different types of rooms in the hotel. Do yourself a favour and make sure you get a newly renovated large room. If you want to enjoy the best parts of San Francisco, there is no better home base than the Orchard Hotel. It's within walking distance of Chinatown and Union Square. The Powell cable car stops within 50 feet of the entrance, and takes you down to Fisherman's Wharf. The staff is very friendly, my room (King suite) was HUGE, clean, and quiet. The hotel is pricey, but well worth it. I will never stay anywhere else in San Francisco. Nice hotel, found a good room after changing a couple of times, away from the lifts and ice machine. Not a bad location, plenty of buses and only a short 10min walk to the water front. Be earlier to get the best car park, very small spaces and can be difficult to move the vehicle around. Would stay again. We have stayed in the Omni San Francisco before so it was the natural choice for a return visit. The staff in general were helpful particularly the door men - it is nice to get the door opened for you! We had a few probs - the keys issued to our party did not open the doors and we were left standing on the corridor with our luggage whist the security checked our ID again before they could re-issue our cards - no proper apology from the reception desk as I would have expected. Also we had one of our rooms booked for three but only one king bed !- they sent up a rollaway - at no extra charge - I would hope so as we had paid for 3 people!We had booked a suite and a bedroom and they put us in the corner suite area which was very handy - suite was quite spacious - flowers in bathroom and fruit were supplied - nice touch. Beware double beds are tiny and really do not fit 2 people. Thet now charge for use of their internet business room - so take your laptop - it is free for 'select guests ' in the lobby - you can print airline boarding passes for free for a restricted number of airlines - but would be better if they had access to international ones as well! Overall a nice hotel - though like many hotels in San francisco it is quite pricey - SF hotels are pricier than NYC or Boston Breakfast is expensive for what you get - much better value in the Omni in Boston! - which is hard to beat for breakfast! Located in the financial district, everything is closed over the weekend, have to walk that little bit further for coffee, etc. but it's not hideously far. The room is lovely, we were in a superior king room on the 47th floor, views of coit tower and beyond. The room was very nice; bed was comfy; lots of drawers and ample closet space; bathroom was lovely, Molten Brown products; windows that actually open, three telephones, lots of light. Staff all very pleasant and very helpful. Room service quality was good, menu is slightly limited - - especially the after hours menu. There are no movie channels, you can call down and have them bring DVD's up to you for selection - - -I believe these were free of charge. Overall excellent stay, would definitely stay there again. The "California" rate made it worth the money, having to pay full rack rate, I might think differently. I would recommend the Castle Inn to anyone looking for an inexpensive place with lots of ammenities. The location is great. Each room has a refrigerator, microwave, freezer, ironing board, iron, free wireless internet, and a comfortable bed. Clean. Friendly and helpful manager. Free parking. Small free continental breakfast of muffins, bagels, breakfast bars, coffee. Approaching the hotel looks very magestic and granduer. Reception very smart, but from there it goes down hill. The room was very basic and 80's looking, the place needs a big modernisation to bring it in to the 00's. Breakfast is reasonable, the only real plus is the location it is very close to all the main attractions. There is alot of outdoor work taking place so be weary of the views from these rooms. Bring a jumper when your in san francisco it does get windy and sometimes cold. Some friends and I recently stayed at the Villa Florence on our weekend getaway to San Francisco. It was the perfect location and so comfortable. The rooms are beautiful, the furnishings and color choices are great. You can tell that the building is historic, but everything has been updated so nicely, that it is a perfect fit for San Francisco. The staff at this hotel are very freindly and courteous, and there is enough staff in the lobby at any given time to answer all of your questions. The location really couldn't be better. You are right in the heart of Union Square, and the cable car runs right up Powell street in front of the hotel. Once you are done with the hustle and bustle of downtown San Francisco, the Villa Florence is the perfect spot to come back to and relax. While the hotel is upscale, the atmosphere is very casual and relaxed, also our rooms on the 4th and 5th floor were very quiet. We will definitely stay there again and reccommend it to all of our friends. My husband and I ended our honeymoon here and stayed only 2 nights. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. At check in, we were upgraded to a luxury king room and enjoyed complimentary champagne and chocolates. The room was like a small apartment! It was fantastic! We had a fire place (and since it was chilly in San Fran during our stay - the fire place was great!)Breakfast in the morning was nice. Fresh fruits, eggs, toast, cereals. The evening wine and muchies were great as well. We enjoyed talking with other guests and it really did become a bit of a social hour(s) :)The location is perfect as well. Only a block from the Powell line cable car stop and 2 blocks to Union Square. It was a great end to a great trip! Thanks!! Powell Hotel San Francisco is a wonderful place. I was there for 7 days after Las Vegas.//LocationPowell Hotel is at the terminal of cable-car (that antique nice train) which will bring you to Chinatown, Union Square etc. It is within 100m to the F-line bus stop (that cable bus) which brings you to Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39. It is also very close to the underground subway which brings you to airport. If you look at the map, Powell Hotel is at the centre of almost everything. It's within walking distance to Union Square, and along the walk, there are plenty of shops and small restaurants. It's the typical San Francisco life-style. You can experience it better in here, rather than the 5-star hotels (the four Big Four hotels in SF).//RoomPowell Hotel is a bit old. It's special because it's old. You can somehow get the unique nostalgic feeling staying here. The basic amenities are all available. The room is quite spacious and simple. Simplicity comes with comfort in Powell. And again, you really don't need to stay in those posh hotels to experience San Francisco unless you stay in your room 24/7.//ServiceThe staff were all very helpful and kind. I took a lot of brochures and information booklets from the counter. Tour arrangement can also be made at the helpdesk. However, I do recommend visitors to do their own research and review before deciding on which tour and agent to choose. There are a lot of agencies and prices do differ. Internet is available (wifi in room) and you can print in the lobby too.//FoodI didn't try the food at Powell Hotel. I went for different cuisine everyday around the area. Near Powell Hotel is a nice Indian restaurant which I highly recommend. The Thai restaurant nearby was fabulous as well. I'm a Malaysian and I've had plenty of experience with Indian, Malay, Thai and Asian cuisine. I must say that the Asian meals that I've tried in Downtown San Francisco were great.//ExtraI went for the Hornblower's Dinner Cruise which cost 100 dollars per pax. I think I was the youngest on the cruise (I was 24). It was a romantic and nice experience, to have your dinner by side of the Alcatraz Island and under the Golden Gate Bridge. But the dinner doesn't come to standard, I wasn't even full. But generally it was something quite worth-trying.//Fisherman's Wharf & Pier 39Seafood is a MUST try. There is a shop at the corner, right across the Fisherman's Wharf's statue, that sells VERY VERY nice clam chowder. I had 3 bowls of those. Trust me it's the best in the world! There are a lot of very interesting places in Pier 39 to visit. One or two days to be spent there, is just nice.I'm just too lazy to comment. :-pPeople, Powell Hotel, it makes San Francisco even more special. I stayed at the Rex in New Year's Eve . The room was nice, clean & confortable , facing Sutter Street on the 6th floor, with a fantastic bed (see picture). I had dinner at The Rex , the food was ok although it took a while to be served. Before dinner there was live music in the hall (jazz) which was rather cool. This hotel is all about location and it's staff. The staff was amazing, friendly and made one feel very welcome. Union Square is round the corner , as well as Cable cars ( corner of Powel & Sutter ). I had breakfast at Loris, it was great (check picture) . Good inexpensive food, free wireless ... can highly recommend it.I would have no problem at all to return to the Rex on my next trip to San Francisco . We stayed here for 4 nights - the staff were rude, the hotel was dirty and the whole place stunk like someone had died in it..... we asked for a twin room and it was tiny, 2 tiny single beds that were like a saggy lilo. Overall a horrible hotel and I won't be returning. San fran was amazing tho.. Location, service, accommodations and staff are excellent. Treat yourself and plan a stay here. We stayed for 3 nights over the July 4th weekend. The hotel has a fabulous location, great staff and service. They offered wonderful features like an evening wine & cheese hour and a great continental breakfast. We booked our room using Expedia, which makes me wonder if this had any affect on the location of our room assignment. We were located right beside the breakfast reception area. The noise from staff setting up the breakfast each morning distrubed our sleep. We were woke up at 6:45 a.m. to the sounds of clanging dishes and other usual kitchen noises. We also heard other guests enjoying their breakfast all morning long, as we tried to catch a few more moments of sleep. We did request a room change, but the hotel was fully occupied. But all this said - we would stay at this hotel again. I would just request a room towards the back of the hotel, to ensure a quieter morning. My husband and I just returned from a trip to SF and stayed 3 nights at the HI Express FW. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. The hotel was extremely clean, had a wonderful breakfast, the staff was nice and the location was perfect. We stayed at another hotel in SF for the first part of our week (wanted to stay in two different areas while we were in the city) and this one far exceeded the other hotel. The breakfast was especially helpful and saved us at least $20-$30/day. The staff was very friendly and helpful; even helped book our shuttle bus ride back to the airport. The location was perfect because it was one or two blocks from the main attractions; close enough to be very convenient yet not too close to all of the hustle and bustle. Overall, this was an excellent hotel and I would highly recommend it. We stayed at the Chancellor Hotel for 4 night at the start of our California trip. The reception staff were very friendly and helpful. We had asked for a high floor and got it and we had side views of Union Square. The room was nice but very warm in the evening and would have been better with air conditioning. The bar staff were friendly, drink prices were reasonable.and there was a good atmosphere. Cookies and coffee were available all day. We didn't have a car when we stayed at the Chancellor and we didn't need one. The location was ideal, right at the corner of Union Square and opposite the cable car stop. We managed to get around the city by cable car, walking and the hop on hop off bus. We would definately go back to the Chancellor hotel. This is a wonderful hotel. Our west facing room on the 5th floor was comfortable, clean, and spacious. Not luxurious, but cozy. I particularly enjoyed the large window in the bathroom that caught the Pacific breeze and also gave a discreet view of the city while I showered. The location is good, and the staff, while completely professional, are super friendly and full of good advice and conversation. We had dinner @ the Persian themed hotel restaurant and it was excellent. We are coming to the city again in August and will definitely stay here. From the moment the front door was opened on our way in to check in to the time the front door was opened on our way after check out, my girlfriend and I were treated like royalty at the Omni. I've been to San Francisco many times and the Omni is the BEST hotel I've stayed in. The service is exquisite. Everyone from the doorman to the front desk personnel to the housekeeping staff is exceptionally friendly, always upbeat, and very helpful. The hotel itself is very clean, elegant, and conveniently located close to Chinatown, North Beach, and the Financial District. The California Street Cable Car line runs past the hotel's front door, and the BART station is five blocks away. The room was large, clean, and well maintained. There was a nice flat screen TV and DVD player in our upgraded "signature" room, though not every room may be equipped similarly. Every morning our housekeeper would leave us a handwritten note wishing us a pleasant day. We'd write her back telling her of our travel adventures and leave her a well-deserved tip for her service. She even recommended a great place to try authentic dim sum! Staying at the Omni was definitely the key to a most enjoyable San Francisco adventure! I'll be back to San Francisco soon and, without a doubt, will be staying at the Omni again! We have stayed at the Petite Auberge several times in the past five years and have always been delighted with the ambience. The full, and I do mean full, breakfast in the morning is incredible and it's a chance to chat with guests from all over the world about their plans for the day. In the evening everyone gathers in front of the fireplace for wine and delicious hors d'oerves and for a chance to share their sight seeing adventures. Every time we go to Petite Auberge we are greeted warmly by staff and the whole time we are there we are treated like we are someone special. Only drawback is the expense of the parking garage that is associated with the hotel so we searched around for a place that was cheaper. One great thing is that Petite Auberge is only a couple blocks from the Cable Car . We happen to like to walk and have often walked to Chinatown, Union Square, and points beyond including many fine restaurants. We love this quaint little hotel and won't stay anywhere else! I have stayed at this property several times on business trips when I had a limited budget. Since I am working, I do not spend too much time in the room. Every visit, I have found the staff to be very friendly and helpful. If you take the right exit from BART, the Hotel entrance is just steps from the station exit. It is also a few blocks from Davies Hall, where the Symphony plays. The down side of the location is that this is not a great section of Market and most people probably will not feel too comfortable walking at night. So, take BART or the ample public transit. The hotel is nicely kept and clean. The building has some interesting architectural details. Still, it is an old and somewhat tired property and some of the remodeling is not the best. Same for the fitness center -- the room and equipment are older, but meet my needs. The food is good, but overpriced. If you are bothered by traffic notice, ask for a quiet room in back. The rooms in front overlook Market, which is a busy street. The staff, the price and the BART station make the difference for me. Understood renovations were accomplished; not as elegant as expected; did not has elete floor as told so had to wait in line in the lobby for coffee; rooms has 2 double not queen beds and NOT enough room for 2 people to walk around room; not enough room to get in one side of bed; the veiw was great; they did change molded shower curtain when asked; Great location! Tavern restaurant has good food and drink I almost would be writing a negative review of this hotel if not for some fast turn-around on the behalf of the staff of this hotel. I had a nine hour flight from NYC and was tired as I walked in. Lovely lobby, charming without being overly done, very warm and inviting. I was met with by a man at the front desk (Hamid) who immediately put me on the defensive by telling me he had no reservation under my name! I immediately brought out my written confirmation and then he told me it had been cancelled! I had just reconfirmed with the front desk the week before, so I had no idea how this had happened. He did walk me in, not honoring the rate I had confirmed and gave me my key. I again questioned this to which I was told,"You will have to fight it out with management tomorrow." As livid as I was I was in no mood to "turn New York" on him and went to my room. Room was nicely put together, king bed, desk, nice closet and on the inside right around the corner from the lobby so no traffic noise. Van Ness is terribly noisy so get one of these rooms if you stay here. Only drawback was a bigger dresser would have been nice as I stayed six nights. Bathroom was a nice size with good counter space, tub and shower were in a nice alcove. I was pleased with the room scheme and overall look. About a 1/2 hour later I received a call from the front desk from the overnight manager. She thought I was another guest who had extended and had no record of me being in the room! I immediately went to the front desk with my paperwork and couldn't have found a more accomodating and apologetic person to work this out. She was wonderful, honored my rate and also reprogrammed the key for six nights instead of only one as the guy before did. I then felt confident the rest of my stay would go smoothly, as it did. This is a wonderful hotel with nice rooms, wonderful breakfast each morning (the waffles are awesome) and close to everything. The rooms are kept clean and I would liken it to a "no-frills" Inn with a boutique feel. I would stay here again on my next trip to San Francisco. This is a really beautiful hotel. The rooms were small and I was not able to be upgraded (SPG GOLD PREFERRED) because the desk clerk said that they were sold out. My husband did not like the room. He felt that it was small and the bathroom was really small. We might have stayed in the older [part of the ghotel..I amnot sure. The lobby was beautiful and the location can not be beeat. I would stay there again but my husband did not think it would be worth a return trip to this hotel. The bed was really heavenly and the sheets were so soft. I slept just great. BTW, my husband also liked the bed and the sheets. I recently spent one night at this hotel. I travel a lot and usually get what I expect from a hotel due to my extensive research. I was very disappointed with my stay here. A previous poster stated the slow inattentive staff. I had the same experience. I showed up at 3:30. Check in is at 3:00. There were 3 staff members at the desk attending to things on the desk, not attending to guests. I stood there for minutes with a line forming behind me. No one at the desk looked up and even acknowledged us. I finally said "hello?" and the man in front of me looked up then and asked if I needed something. Unbelievable. It took more time to find out if my room was was after their posted check in time. I booked a club level room with the expectation of receiving a nicer than standard room accommodation. The room was horrible. The carpeting was covered with dirty stains throughout, windows were dirty, filthy marks on the leather covered chest of drawers. A floor lamp tilting like it was about to fall over at any moment, glaring bare bulbs over the bed with little shades above them that did nothing to cover the bulb. I had to laugh at the makeup lighted mirror on the vanity. They must have found it at some flea market 30 years prior. The room was so noisy from the bar across the street that we couldn't get to sleep until 2:30 am...after the bar closed! The windows on this side of the hotel should definately be double paned. I rarely write uncomplimentary comments on hotel comment cards but this time I let them know about all of this rooms problems. I am pretty tolerant of wear and tear etc. but this was a club level room and I expected it to at least be clean. There are many many hotels in this location so even though this hotel is in a great spot there are too many other nice hotels to choose from to ever make me book here again. I give this hotel 1-2 stars. I liked the furniture , bed and small bathroom as I was only in there in the evening. I was able to have a light breakfast and enjoyed the view of the city streets below. The staff were friendly and accommodating. First time booking with Expedia on a recent trip to San Francisco and was not really sure what to expect but our expectations were surely exceeded! Our flight plans remained exactlly as requested and our stay at The Hotel Adagio was wonderful. The hotel was a very quaint boutique style building, clean, great location, along with a very accommodating and friendly staff. Great places to eat and shop nearby and Adagio staff will gladly make any reservations for you from dining to day trips as well as offer helpful recommendations for getting to know the city if you are first timers to San Fran as we were. First Crush and Calibri's were two great restaurants Adgio staff suggested and we were very impressed as well as a day trip to Sasalito/ Muir Woods which they booked for us. I would highly recommend this hotel to couples or adults. As far as Expedia, we were also satisfied; I would just take time to confirm your travel plans with your hotel or airline and there should be no problems. My husband and I were just going to be in SF for 1 night on our way to a wedding so we just wanted something inexpensive. What a bargain! I got a room at one of the funkiest hotels I have ever seen. The color scheme is great, room was cozy. It was a little noisy since we were next to the stairs and on the street but who cares! The pool/courtyard was great. The free breakfast was decent. The front desk staff was very friendly and helpful. He pointed us to a great restaurant only a couple of blocks away. And have I mentioned that they have free parking. My Silverado wouldn't fit in the on site parking but they have a free lot across the street. We are definitely staying here on our next trip to SF. I stayed at the Powell Hotel at the end of October for 2 nights and was surprised that for more than $240 per night, which is what my office paid for the room, that it was old, tiny and had two small twin beds as a standard. The room was also not very well cleaned with dust on the furniture and hair in the sink and the bathtub. Also, the thing that I found most irritating was the valet parking that cost $30/night (which is pretty standard for that area) but took more than 30 minutes each time I needed to retrieve the rental car. There's no restaurant or bar in the hotel but since it's in Union Square there are plenty of other options. Since the hotel is right at the end of the Powell trolley line, I was unhappy to realize that my room was filled with the clang-clang late into the evening and early in the morning -- something of a wake up call, I guess. I'd recommend trying to get a room on a higher floor as I was on the 2nd only and the trolley and street noise was quite loud. I did like the line of freebie shampoo/conditioner/soap that they use in their bathrooms. Overall, the hotel was disappointing but in large part in relation to the high cost per night. If I'd paid $100 a night, I would've thought it was fine for a lower-end room in a high-priced town. i got this room with reward point.. when i got there, i was able to upgrade my room for higher floor with free internet acess and breakfast at starbucks for two very nice view. i was able to see golden gate bridge we loved the jet spa bathtub good experience in there! We stayed at HDS for 5 days from August 15. We have 3 children (5,8,10) and had a great set up. We had room 326 which had a room for the kids, and our room with small kitchen area and bathroom. Really clean and comfortable, very bright and cheery. The breakfast was basic but did the job. Missed a normal cup of tea though. Pool was good for the kids after a day sightseeing. Hotel was in a great area and we walked to Fisherman's Wharf one day. Only negative was hearing noise during the night from both the street and other rooms but I believe they are trying to recify that. Would definately stay there again. We got a really good rate of $109/night on hotwire. We weren't expecting much, but we really enjoyed our room. We had a huge, comfortable "heavenly bed", large flat screen television, huge desk and nice bathroom. We didn't eat in the restaurant or go to the bar. The location was convenient. Lots of shops and places to eat within walking distance. The only complaint was that parking was expensive, but that is typical to San Francisco. I would recommend this hotel, especially if you get a good rate. I'm surprised that this hotel has received such positive reviews; whilst it's not a disaster, there's certainly better options in the city. The location was my main complaint: it wasn't close to any of the tourist attractions, and thus required public transport on each occasion. Additionally, Market Street is very rough, and littered with undesirables - it didn't feel particularly safe.I also had to switch rooms after the first night due to excessive noise levels eminating from the main road (caused by vehicles and tramps wheeling shopping carts up and down the sidewalks). To their credit, the reception staff were very friendly and understanding, and fulfilled my request straight away (rooms at the rear of the building, whilst smaller, are far quieter).The rooms themselves were clean and comfortable, but a single room isn't overly spacious. You just about get what you pay for here, but if I were to return to San Francisco, I probably wouldn't stay here again unless I really had to. The hotel is at a fairly good location with easy access to the shopping district and a Walgreens a block away. The front desk was very efficient, and the concierge was helpful. However, the room had old and discolored carpet, the thermostat had a mind of its own, and the bathroom isn't clean. The shower stall was especially grime ridden. During my seven nights of stay, the cleaning staff always forgot something, be it forgetting to add soap, tea and coffee bags, or tissue paper. Though there is a big screen HDTV in the room, the few available channels were all NTSC quality and the TV doesn't do a good job of up-conversion. Aside from the room itself, everything else costs extra, the gym, the pool and internet connection are all additional daily-rate charges. You could do a lot worse for the money, but it's not a four star like advertised either. The Castle Inn is our favorite small hotel in San Francisco! We have stayed there on 2 occasions & the wonderful staff, convenient location, & clean, quiet rooms keep us coming back! Located at Broadway & Van Ness, Castle Inn is in a nice neighborhood with drug store, grocery, cafes & cute shops within close walking distance. It's also right on the bus line & is a straight shot down to Fisherman's Wharf. My dad & I stayed for 4 quiet & comfortable nights. We rented a car on our previous trip, but found that with a little planning, getting around on the bus was an easier & less costly option. The Castle Inn does offer free parking though, which is a real bonus in SF! Parking throughout SF is difficult, pricey & hard to find. For this trip, we purchased 3-day Muni Passes at the airport when we arrived, & used those to travel the city on busses & cable cars - a good value if you don't mind the challenges of riding city busses! Make sure you get a bus route map when you purchase your Muni Passes!Rooms at the Castle are clean & comfortable - not fancy or large, but decent & reasonably priced compared to many SF hotels. Our 2-bed room had a hairdryer, small fridge, coffee maker, free cable tv & table with 2 large chairs. Our 3rd floor room overlooked a lovely yard of trees next door & we could just see a bit of the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance. There is a nice little continental breakfast (coffee, cocoa, yogurt, fruit, pastries, granola bars) in the lobby. The best feature of the Castle Inn is our favorite hostess, Versa! She is always so pleasant, accomodating & knowledgeable with good advice about the city. They also gave us a chart showing busses/stop locations to go to various tourist locations throughout the city. Castle Inn also has a nice website worth checking out.If you want a clean, decent room to sleep in at night & a hot shower in the morning without a lot of pricey luxury, the Castle Inn is a little gem of a motel in a convenient location to get to the tourist attractions easily. I have & will continue to recommend San Francisco's Castle Inn to anyone considering a trip to the City by the Bay! area- nice in the day time. at night, the feel is totally different. doesn't feel safe anymore. we took a cab from the airport. on the way back, we took the BART- was very convenient and close to the hotel (but there were some delays on the BART so leave early).hotel- feels worn, but cozy. we stayed on the 6th fl, club room level and had to change to a diff elevator bank. some of the floors are like a maze, but we got the hang of it. the room was not very spacious, but worked for it. the windows open pretty wide. that was nice for us since we liked the breeze, but may not be so good for everyone, esp young kids. the room was clean. the beds, confortable. breakfast came w/ the room, which was nice even though there was nothing hot. our floor was very quiet, we could not hear any one else on the floor. My husband and I stayed at the Nob Hill Motel for 4 nights and found it to be clean, spacious, and comfortable. The couple at the desk were friendly and helpful (even allowed our son who lives in the city to park his car in their lot for a couple of hours).We had requested a room on the top floor and that's what we got. We slept very well at night; heard no noise from the street or other rooms. Didn't really take advantage of the free breakfast as it was just instant coffee and some donuts. There were two things about the room that I didn't like but would not keep me from returning. The cleaning solution or air freshener used by the cleaning staff had a sickening sweet smell . . . had to open the window upon entering each time. The bathroom fan operated with the light switch so the fan was on even while I was applying makeup . . . and it was very noisy. A separate switch for the fan would be nice.The area around the motel seemed very safe . . . even tho we did some some homeless people sleeping in doorways less than a block away. There are lots of restaurants within walking distance. We ate at The Bell Tower twice; very good food and very friendly waitstaff. I booked 4 nights here for our HM, one of which I used my Starpoints for. Upon check in the lady said she would upgrade us since we were staying 4 nights. She offered us a bottle wine since it was our HM, but we declined as we are not drinkers. She was going to give us a corner room on the 8th floor, but decided to give us a room on the 27th floor with a view of the Moscone Center. That room was nice. Bathroom was small. As soon as we got to the room, we called and requested a refrigerator which was delivered promptly; no extra charge. After coming back to our room later in the evening, a maid was cleaning a corner room and told us it was available. After a call to the front desk, we packed our stuff and moved over to the corner room with more views of the city. This bathroom was slightly more spacious; although neither had towel racks. We used the workout room. Headphones were provided and the treadmills had built-in TV's. Staff was very friendly. At checkout, my bill was for 4 nights, when it should have been for 3 since I used my points for one night. A call to the front desk fixed that and she gave me 1000 points for the inconvenience. We asked about late checkout and were offered 1pm as opposed to the normal 12pm checkout. Overall a good experience. It is more of a business hotel, not your traditional HM place, but it worked for us. It is located in a very good place, but not very secure neighborhood at night. The hotel is ok, but very old and not very clean. The room had much dust, e alergic tavelers may hav problems...The staf was very polite and helpful. Perfect location. Would stay again. Hotel was fairly new and very pleasant. The rooms were good size, comfortable, and stylish. The Continental Breakfast was quick and convenient. The cinnamon rolls were a family favorite! Excellent value. Visited the Holiday Inn Express 4/24 - 4/28. Overall, we were happy with the hotel. The location was perfect for us - close to the wharf and local transit. The hotel itself is very nice looking with a modern decor. Our room, single king bed, was more than adequate. Maid service was good. The breakfast was decent for a hotel complimentery breakfast. There was a good selection to get your day started - juice, coffee, tea, milk, cereals, toast, bagels, yogurt, bananas, eggs (either scrambled or omlette which seemed to be prepacked and microwaved), bacon and/or sausage. The hotel was full on the weekend and the breakfast bar was quite busy at times. I felt the hotel did a great job of refilling things and we never had to wait long for anything. We always also managed to find a table for our group of 4.There were a couple of minor things we noted. While the hotel looked great, it is very basic and didn't have any nice little "extras". I thought it would have been nice to have coffee/tea service in the lobby area throughout the day, not just until 9:30 am - we've had this at other Holiday Inn Express hotels and basic type hotels such as Quality Inns, etc. Some aspects of service could have been a little better as well. I wanted to have a tea in my room early one evening. I had forgot to take a milk back up to the room in the morning - tea with powdered whitener just isn't that great. I had hoped that the front desk could get me a milk - the breakfast room was just a few steps away - but they were unable to help as their "house man" was not on duty. While I was waiting at the front desk an older man approached and indicated that they had just returned from their day out and their room hadn't been cleaned. The gentleman at the front desk indicated that he "couldn't understand how that could happen, it had never happened before". He asked the guest if he was sure he didn't leave his Do Not Disturb sign on the door. The guest replied he was sure he hadn't. The front desk clerk then proceeded to tell the gentlemant there was nothing he could for him as the cleaning staff were gone for the day and again, the house man was not in. The front desk clerk didn't offer anything to the guest for the inconvenience - he just restated he couldn't understand how that could happen. To me, surely someone could have gone up and emptied the garbages and at least gave them clean towels? Also, don't forget that parking is very expensive, as is pretty standard with wharf area hotels. We didn't have a vechicle but noticed that the valet parking was over $40 per night. If we returned to SF, we wouldn't have any hesitation staying at this hotel again as any issues we had were really quite minor. Our stay at the Donatello exceeded our expectations. The location was right in the center of art galleries, fine restaurants, major theaters, and close to transportation that took us to all parts of the city. The room was quiet and spacious as well as clean. The beds were comfortable. Advice from the front desk was extremely helpful in getting directions and obtaining theater tickets. The breakfast in the restaurant bar was certainly adequate and effcient. We enjoyed being at the center of the city. This is the perfect little motel for people who are more interested in seeing the city than the inside of their hotel room. The parking is free. The rooms are clean. I slept great -- no excess noise from the street. There's a microwave and refrigerator in the room so you can store your snacks and have a few meals in if you want. The desk staff is extremely friendly and helpful. The location is actually Russian Hill between Polk and Van Ness on Pacific Ave. Walking distance up to Ghirardelli Square and the cable cars. We loved it. We booked and arrived within 24 hours as our holiday to Miami was cancelled due to hurricane Frances. A superb hotel in a great location. The staff are friendly, the rooms are a good size and everything is clean and modern. We have looked at some of the more expensive hotels around and would not wish to be anywhere else. The free internet access is great as you can checkout places that you want to visit and keep in touch with home. Haven't made the gym yet, but have been in the pool at the Holiday Inn next door. I would not hesitate to recommend this hotel. The location's great as it's near Union Square and Westfield Shopping Centre! Service was good and the room was clean. 5 nights in San Francisco April 23-27 2004. Stayed at the Grosvenor Suites. Room on the 4th floor northside facing Pine. That was fortunate because the city was having a record hit wave and our room stayed nice and cool. There is little street noise on that side, it is a residential area surrounded by 2 major hotels. Area is close to public transportation, BART (goes to the airport), cable cars and buses. In a great neighborhood. There is a full size grocery store a short cable car ride away on Cailifornia Street. We had 2 beds in the room a couch, a dining area with table and chairs. The small kitchen was spotless with all dishes and appliances needed. There was a light breakfast offered, the bagels were very good. The staff were genuinely friendly and helpful. I reserved a room at this hotel specfically due to this website and I am truly grateful to those that submitted their comments. Very enthused about the hotel and will return. I booked the flight and hotel through Orbitz before I checked Tripadvisor about the hotel. Then I worried if I made a mistake when I read some of the reviews about the thin walls and noise. That was wasted concern because the hotel was fantastic. The hotel was built in 1906 after the earthquake so the rooms are not huge but the are beautiful and clean. We didn't hear a peep from the rooms on either side, it was very quite. If you opened the window facing Market Street, yes there was traffic sounds. Close the window and all was fine. Maxfields Restaurant in the hotel was a total surprise.. the food and service were excellent as was the decor. Breakfast in the Garden Court was a little average,but the room is stunning!!! You should try it once. When I return to S.F., I will certainly stay at the Palace. The Hotel is in a great location, the staff are very friendly and helpful. The rooms are clean it met all my requirements. A wonderful oasis in the heart of the Union Square district. Once you enter the front door you would never know that you are in a major city. Quiet and spacious rooms, friendly staff and fabulous breakfasts. This hotel has great amenities...great location... and generally excellent service. We used points to offset a few nights cost...and the hotel treated us like royalty. It was an amazing experience...with a high floor corner room with a great view of the city and the bay in the distance. The hotel staff were friendly and very accomodating, and seemed genuinely pleased we had selected thier hotel to celebrate out 30th anniversary. The room (small suite) was large for a city hotel and very clean...smelled great. The bar (Level III) had a great open space with computers and a large fire place....needed after a cool windy day. In the morning the bar turns into a Star Bucks...also needed to start a busy day. The outside staff are always ready to help...getting a cab to/from the airport is not a problem...cost about $45 (same as car parkinging). Speaking of cars, there are several rental agencies within 2 short blocks....and within that same distance is a broad spectrum of shops (high end), Union Square, cable cars, Market Street and a huge mall (the San Francisco shopping center). If you have a shopper in the family, this is Nervana. The location of the hotel is great, because you are out of the rush but just steps away from clubs and shopping and public transit....including the Powel/Market cable car ($5 each way). We did not dine at the hotel, other than order the wine and cheese sampler "Best of San Francisco". We would not hesitate to return and highly recommend this hotel. I thought this hotel was wonderful! It was super clean, rooms were clean and nice and a good size. The bathroom was probably the cleanest one I have ever seen in a hotel. It was also very quiet. Alot of the reviews discuss the area - it was not a problem at all and I am easily intimidated but day or night - I was never concerned. The staff was always friendly and helpful. I woudl absolutely stay here again and would recommend it to anyone. The Inn is definitely one of the smallest hotels I have stayed in within the US within recent memory. You know, that can be good or bad. If you want to be anonymous it might be bad. I was in San Francisco on business, attending a conference at the Marriott but chose to stay here based on the reviews. The Marriott was a half mile walk, by the way. And the Marriott is a Marriott is a Marriott. Switching it up can be good.Check in went fine. They did not have my hotel website reservation in their system. After asking me if I had I confirmation, I showed them the reservation I had printed out and brought along from home. Not sure where the disconnect was, but this was a Monday and there were probably less than 10 rooms occupied. I don't know what they would have done if it was the weekend (they said they were going to be completely booked).The hotel is small. The lobby is small. The hallways are small. The room is small. The bathroom is small. The elevator is small and slow. But, the room is nicely appointed, clean and had a very large and really comfortable bed. When I first saw the shower I said "what?!?, you're kidding" as it is tiny by most standards. But, it got the job done and the water pressure could clean an elephant. The TV, a Dell flat-screen was nice and it didn't have that whole hotel interface crap on it, it was just a TV with channels like you have at home. Turn down service with water and chocolates was great!The touches that I really appreciated and don't find often if ever at a hotel:You see the same people working there all the time. They all ask how you are, if you need anything at all, and are super polite (from the front desk to the maids). Did I mention super polite? The wonderful and bountiful breakfast spread in the morning on each floor. I could smell the coffee wafting into my room from down the hall in the mornings. The fact they give you a real newspaper in the morning and not USA Today. The wine and hors d'oeuvres in the evening. The call you get from the front desk the night before checkout asking if you need a wake-up call or taxi. The cute little fireplace in the sitting room on each floor.I would definitely stay here again. I was traveling to San Francisco for business and I needed to stay in the financial district as the company I was consulting for was at 100 Pine. Walking into the hotel I was instantly transformed to another era. The lobby, bar, and restaurant have old and heavy wood pillars and paneling with dentals around the ceiling. Deep black and red tones accent the rooms. You feel the warmth of the place as a shelter to hustle and bustle of downtown. The rooms are comfy and include all the amenities you expect from a major hotel. The hotel includes a free ride to the office in the AM. Hotel Rex offers all this in a price that you would expect to be higher. Stay at the Rex, you won't be disappointed. This hotel was clean, quiet, modern and conveniently located. The staff was always helpful and the free continental breakfasts were quite adequate. The decor was something between art deco and modern/contemporary. Many restaurants were within walking distance and the view to the water from some of the rooms was fabulous. Internet access was easy and the excercise room was a pleasant bonus. We askedfor a handicapped accessible, no smoking room with a king size bed and that is exactly what we got. There were no strange odors or otherundesirable surprises. The only drawback was the $35 per day parking fee. But the parking valet service was swift and polite. I'd stay there again. This is the 4th year we have stayed at this hotel. The hotel is excellent and good value for money with good sized rooms and breakfast included, only a short walk to Fisherman`s Wharf and Pier 39, Regular bus services running past the hotel, and close to the Street and Cable cars. We would like to pass on our thanks to Joseph and all the Staff who do a great job in making you feel welcome. True it's not the best neighborhood, so I wouldn't recommend for a stay with young kids, honeymoon or other really special occasion, or someone with super-high standards wanting a high-class hotel. Be advised that there is a strip club across the street. It could probably get loud from traffice/street noise though we were on the top floor (7th) which cut down on the noise. But if you want a place centrally located in SF that's cheap (at least the rate I got on Priceline was), it is fine. The lobby is very nice and the staff are above average, very friendly and helpful. The room was clean and comfy enough although one side of the bed sagged. It's a no-frills, older style room. Just be on guard if you are walking around at night in this neighborhood but I don't think it's particularly dangerous really, since it is very close to a main street with lots of police and lights.I would not recommend it for the rates published on its website, but I got it for $40 plus tax online so look around first. Hotel Drisco, in the community of Pacific Heights, was outstanding in everyway. The neighbor setting, the houses, the quietness, everything was perfect. The room was outstanding - we were upgraded to a front room suite which looked towards the S.F. bay. The hotel staff were all courteous, helpful, unpretentious, and friendly. The continental breakfast, in a wonderful little room, was vast and plentiful. The front desk staff was able to make excellent suggestions for dinner, looked at the menus to ensure they could accommodate our tastes and gifted us a dessert at the restaurant (what a great surprise!)...Loved it all and I do not say this very often!!!! Thank you, thank you.... Great location--easy walking distance to lots of thngs and easy access to public transportation. The staff was absolutely the best--friendly and helpful. From Noah and Oscar at the front desk to Lina in housekeeping--everyone was accessible, happy and ready to answer any question or take care of any need. The free parking is an added bonus in this area. The room was large and clean. The view was great. My husband and I stayed at The Cartwright for a business meeting. We had just come from Napa, so we had high expectations! They were certainly met. Even though there was construction going on, we really didn't feel bothered by it. I loved the wine hour every evening-- we always made sure to be back at the hotel in time for it! And, the location of the hotel is perfect-- while my husband was at his meeting, I had TONS of shopping and restaurant hopping to do! I would whole-heartedly recommend The Cartwright hotel-- we definitely plan on coming back. My Husband and I chose this Hotel for out New Year's Eve "gettaway" based on the great reviews from Trip Advisor and we were not dissapointed! I booked a standard king room and was up graded to a premier king free of charge upon our arrival. The staff were very nice. The wine hour in the cozy lobby was great. Enjoyed talking with fellow travelers by the warm and inviting fireplace. Our room was very nice. We expected the room to be small based on all the reviews but it was very nicely decorated and super clean. The bed was very comfortable and the room itself was very quiet. The hotel is walking distance to many attractions. We ate at the Italian restaraunt located in the hotel and the food and service was outstanding. Check out the following morning was fast and flawless as we enjoyed fresh coffee and biscotti served complimentary in the lobby. I will go back to this hotel again! Superb. Lovely hotel and excellent location. Rooms (although I suppose small by US standards) were cosy but had everything you wanted inc. heating (yes in August!) and a clean bathroom. We were fortunate enough to have a courtyard room which I gather is a better option. Free coffee and biscotti in the morning is a nice touch but we never made it back in time for free beer and wine from 5-6pm. The valet guy was extremely helpful and very friendly but the check in/guest services staff on the whole uninterested and unhelpful. The concierge said we stood no chance of getting tickets to Alcatraz (walked around the corner and found an agency selling them) - perhap I should've offered him a $20 tip?! Tip - book NOW for Alcatraz - - for $16 pp rather than the inflated package costs of tour agencies. We got stuck with our car hire overnight and paid $25 to park - bit steep as there is a car park next door for less than that - doh! Overall though a top hotel in an excellent location. Make sure you make the 15-20 min walk up Stockton Ave to Little Italy and don't get totally distracted by Fishermans Wharf! My wife and I stayed here 2 nights for our anniversary. Booked it through Hotwire for $100 a night, which was a really good deal for this place. The room wasn't huge but had an awesome bed, an LCD TV, Bose clock radio, etc. Apparently that's standard with every room. The bathroom was also incredible. Marble walls and floors, color TV with remote, phone, separate shower stall. Everyone we interacted with was extremely helpful and nice. They have a courtesy car that will take you anywhere downtown during the morning or evening hours (you're on your own getting back). Hotel is just a block from Union Square and the Cable Cars. Hertz and Thrifty across the street too, which was handy. We would definately stay here again. Hotel was located close to Fisherman's Wharf and the Cable Cars.We had a really nice stay at the hotel. If you join the Priority Club, you get some nice privileges - just go to the Holiday Inn website and sign up.There was a Walgreen's close by which was really convenient - there was a Starbucks nearby also where you can sit and watch the streetcars come in. It was fun to watch them turn the corner and park.We were surprised that Fisherman's Wharf shuts down pretty early. No problem - we were tired from walking up and down the hilley streets. Cable Cars are a fun way to get around town. We bought the CityPass which was a good deal. It has a 7 day Muni Pass which gives unlimited rides on Cable Cars, Buses, and Street Cars. There are restaurants near the Holiday Inn. There's a good pizza place across the Street. Pier 39 is also close by. Fisherman's Wharf has the Rain Forrest Cafe and Boudin. We decided to go to Chinatown for many of our meals. Great Eastern restaurant on Jackson Street was excellent. Holiday Inn was very comfortable. It was clean and the staff were friendly. You can buy Mrs Fields cookies in the lobby after 5pm. Depending on what you're looking for, the Cartwright may be great or horrible for you. We just returned from a week vacation in San Francisco. We chose this hotel because it was NOT in Fisherman's Wharf where all the tourist traps are. It is in Union Square, which is close enough to everything by transportation. It was also reasonably priced for a nicer hotel. Be prepared though, because we were surprised when we arrived! The room we stayed in DOES NOT look like the one on the virtual tour from the website. We were shocked at how SMALL the room was! The room is very small. We literally had to move the television (hanging in the corner) a bit in order to open the closet door. This is NOT a luxury hotel! It seems as though not much has changed since it was built in 1913. That could be a good thing- it IS quaint, despite being in the middle of the city. But, for the price, we expected more. Again, the location is good, but it is like staying in Times Square meets 5th Avenue. Union Square is FULL of upscale stores. Macy's and a mall with Bloomingdales takes up a whole block. We were not impressed by that at all. However, there always seemed to be something going on in the Union Square Park, which was cute. The location is good because it is close to ALL the transportation- right on the trolley line, close to the subway, busses, trolleys, cable cars, etc. In addition, don't be fooled by all the high class department stores and boutiques. We were in a store when it got robbed. Once we settled in, the size of the room and bathroom being so small didn't bother us as much. The staff is VERY friendly and nice, but be warned that they did not seem to know much! They were happy to give advice when asked, but we usually wound up finding out better advice once we left the hotel.Pros: Location near all transportation and not in the middle of Fisherman's Wharf, quaint, yummy cookies every night, pretty good breakfast included, average price for hotel in the city.Cons: Much smaller room than we expected, with little drawer or storage space. Not many modern amenities in the room. View from our room (although quiet away from traffic) was to a alley way and other buildings. Although the staff was very friendly, they often gave vague and wrong advice about how to get places, where to go, the weather, etc. My best friend and I went to San Francisco for a girls weekend and had the best time. The hotel was fantastic. From greeting us with roses and first class service upon checking in, to our beautifully appointed room. It was a deluxe room with two double beds, marble bathroom, with no real views but very comfortable. We are wary of hotels but felt right at home at the Omni, as everything was clean and comfortable. I have stayed in Fairmonts and nicer hotels, and I would say that this hotel was at par with a 4+ star, it was great. My girlfriend celebrated a birthday during our stay and we only mentioned it to the front desk clerk when asked why in town, after dinner one night they sent up a bottle of champagne, two small birthday cakes and a personalized card. It was perfect! The gym was great, tv's on all the equipment and was never full, or even half full. Get your water there as there is complimentary water, and the bottle in your room is $6. Oh and there is also fresh fruit in the gym, which might be a nice snack as the mini bar and room service are quite pricey. Which isn't too much of a problem since the Omni is near alot of nice cafes, restaurants etc. (right beside the Omni there is a cafe which has everything and makes delicious panini's.... which are worth the trip back to San Francisco). We never ordered anything from the hotel.... except a bagel and fruitplate in the morning.... and it wasn't outrageous. No pool, no views, but what the hotel lacks in those areas, it completely compensates for in friendly helpful staff. It is close to China town, Union square, North beach and across the street from the Carmelian room which has amazing views while you dine. Become an Omni select guest member (free online) and you can get a complimentary morning beverage and paper, turn down service and upgrade after so many stays. Being on California street, alongside the cable cars, the Omni makes it easy to get around without a rental car. I would actually say avoid renting one if possible as parking in San Francisco is expensive and hard to come by. The hotel charges $45 I believe. So we rented one to drive up to win country, and returned it the same day, just to save us the hassle of paying for parking and returning it the next day. San Francisco is a fantastic city and the hospitality extends far beyond the hotels and tourist areas. Everyone is so nice and made our trip so enjoyable. The Omni is a great hotel in a great location. We will return and as soon as we can. After recovering from knowing that valet parking will cost us $50 a day (you need valet if you want your car back to cruise around town, $30 across the street but no in/out priveleges), we were welcomed by a very friendly staff and helped by a friendly bell boy to our room. We have a room with 2 beds, very tight! The view overlooking Union Square was spectacular. I hate to admit, but after being in the room for an hour, I started to notice things that I would not expect for the price that we paid for. AC was not functioning properly. Chair upholstery very poor and bathroom tiles grungy (minor maintenance needed and probably affordable by a Hyatt), closet doors were pretty banged up, no microwaves, no refrigerators and the worst, couldn't get any sleep at night due to construction (jackhammering) until 11 at night. We wanted to check out the following day, only to find out that they will charge us for the day and $50 penalty charge for checking out early. It's the Grand Hyatt! We've stayed at cheaper places and had better quality of rooms. Staff was excellent though, from the very second you get there.Rooms were average. If it wasn't for the staff, I would give Grand Hyatt a lower rating. I found the hotel to be warm and welcoming, and cool in its decor. The location is perfect for the theater, shopping at Union Square, has a fantastic restaurant, Cortez, and it was a totally yin and yang experience. I highly recommend! You might be a little skeptical about this place, because it is way, way, cheaper than hotels in the general area. For example, the Nikko is like, two blocks away. And you can easily walk to...that big square where Tiffany's is, and all that other stuff. Sorry, not really very familiar with San Francisco. The point is: the location is very excellent! Really! I would stay here with my young children. I would have to walk through perhaps a block of "possible weirdos" but after that it's like any well-policed metropolitain area. It'd be a great stay, and if I can ever drag my family to SF I would look this place up first and foremost, because the rates were a steal.Anyway, I was thinking that this hotel would be disgusting or dangerous, because it was so much cheaper than other hotels. But the room was really very nice, and I had no problems with the hotel staff, or mix-em-ups or anything. It was just nice! It was one of those times when you think to yourself: I am getting some kind of deal!So imho, don't hesitate, you can totally stay here (I was on business) and you will not get mugged or be disturbed by drunken revelers late into the night. We stayed at the Rex for 6 nights at the end of June 08. The location is fantastic, assuming you prefer Union Square to the Wharf. The decor is slightly tired, but it's clean and comfortable. The bed and pillows were really comfortable, the bathroom was large and the shower worked well. You get a bathrobe and slippers, for those who love those extras! There is a minibar fridge in the room, but no tea/ coffe making facilities - although they offer free tea and coffee every morning from 5am.Our room was at the back of the hotel on the second floor and was so quiet that we were able to sleep with the window open all night (there was no noise at all).The staff are genuinely friendly (as opposed to fake Californian friendly) and want to help you. Each night between 5 and 6 you get a free glass of wine, and after that drinks are pretty reasonably priced (for a City centre hotel). We didn't eat in the restaurant so can't comment. On the day we checked out they let us have our room for an extra couple of hours at no charge.One thing that hasn't been mentioned on trip advisor (that I can see) is that if you go to their website and let them have enough notice, they will arrange a free of charge personal tour with a Golden Gate Greeter. This is really worth doing - our guide was great and spent half a day showing us around - you tell them what you want to see/ your interests - and they tailor it to you.I would definitely recommend this hotel. Everything about our stay at Best Western-Tuscan Inn was great, location to the wharf, cable cars and everything we wanted to see and do. It couldn't have got any better for the price, will definitely return. Just arrived back from 2 weeks on West Coast. Spent 4 nights at Stratford Hotel (March 1st-March 5th). The location is fantastic, couldn't be better. We were given a room on the 7th floor, it faced away from the street which i assume is a distinct advantadge as it can get quite noisy with trams etc. Room was small but the bathroom was large but for the money who cares, we went there to visit the city not sit in our room. Everthing seemed very clean as well. Staff were helpful. Breakfast is limited to toast and muffins with plenty of choice with drinks though. Again for the money who can complain, just so long as we had something to keep us going. We walked around a lot, San Francisco has a lot of distinct neighborhoods (and hills!) so be prepared. People were great, very helpful and laid back. If you walk down Geary and Sutter about a mile or so you skirt the Tenderloin area and you can tell its a a bit run down there but don't worry i just wouldnt walk round there at night thats all. Stayed here June 18th - 22nd, 2009. Weather was great during this time. Read all the reviews prior to booking and arriving so we knew what to expect and we were not disappointed. King room was clean and comfortable, a little on the small side , but we were on the go and rarely in the room so it didn't matter. As with some of the other reviews we had a view of a cement courtyard. Breakfast was adequate but I hate standing in line for toast!!!! People can tend towards rudeness when they are hungry!!!!Short walk to Fishermans Wharf and with lots to see and do. Check out the "free" museum with all the old arcade games...awesome! We walked alot at night and felt very safe in this area.**Side Note** I was watching "Little People Big World" on TLC the other day. Amy goes to San Francisco with her sisters and they stayed at the Hyatt across the street. One scene when they come out the front doors shows the Holiday Inn Express perfectly. I tagged along on a business trip with my husband and we stayed here - very impressive! It is quite pricey though - good thing we could expense it! Rooms were quite large - very exquisite - excellent service and great breakfast. Would highly recommend! I stayed at the hotel in the middle of January and I picked this hotel since it was close to Fisherman's Wharf. My family reserved two rooms on the club floor and nothing was served on the club floor. It was no different from the other floors and I payed extra for the extra services. The rooms were connecting, but they were doing extra loud construction outside of the rooms. The hotel was not completely sold out so they could have put us on a quieter side. Another major complaint that I had was that the comforter was badly stained. I don't know what it was exactly, but who would want to sleep on a bed with nasty stains? I left a note on the bed for the housekeeper so they could change it, but when I returned it was left unchanged. The carpet was somewhat stained also, and the wallpaper was peeling (practically hanging) and it was not a great stay at all. One last thing was the front desk was very rude. The lady that helped us as we checked out was did not make us feel as though we were customers. She had a very bad attitude towards us. One of the worst experiences I have had staying at a hotel. I do not think they should even be apart of SHERATON because it will only bring the name down. I would not recommend this hotel to those that want a pleasureable experience. This hotel is a DUMP! The rooms are tiny, filthy, and stinky. The cable cars will wake you up every morning as they ring their bells. If you are able to sleep through this, you will wake up as soon as your neighbor turns on his TV. The walls are so thin, you can hear everything that goes on in the neighboring rooms. There is so much mold, dirt, and dust in this place, I have been sick for the past week. Stay far, far, away from this HISTORIC DUMP! Stayed here for 6 nights at the start of our holiday. Ideal location and is literally a 5 minute walk to Union Square and all the main shops. We were very impressed and booked for 2 nights at the end of our holiday.Our first stay was a back room which was a nice size and quiet. This was a special occasion which we mentioned when booking online and a bottle of champagne awaited us on arrival. The breakfast on each floor is simple but nice. The staff are friendly and helpful.The complimentary glass of wine in the cosy hotel bar is a nice touch. We ate once in the restaurant and it was excellent.Our second stay was a suite situated at the front of the hotel overlooking the main street. The fan in this room was not working which made it extremely hot and we found it very noisy. We would definitely recommend a back room. The Renoir was our first taste of San Francisco and we left it with mixed feelings after four night stay. The Hotel is well located on the fringe of the CBD in Market St and right next to transport. The Hotel Foyer, staff and check went without a hitch. It is an old Hotel that is definitely tired and needs a good refurbishment. Our room faced onto Market St itself right outside the tram and bus stop...which proved to be a bad location which will elaborate on later. The bathroom was big enough and above all clean...we had to get additional pillows for our bed but the big issue was the windows....they didnt close properly and the curtains certainly needed to be replaced as they were shoddy therefore letting in sun light.The worst aspect of this Hotel is its location in the poorer part of San Francisco with a number of homeless people wandering the streets day and night. Unfortunately they camped in the tram/bus shelters of a night time and kept up a constant barrage of abuse and yelling into the early hours of morning. Add to this the Hotel stands on the corner of two major streets which constantly seemed to have emergency vehicles or police blaring through the night. I dont think we got a decent night sleep whilst their The women in our party felt uncomfortable abt walking outside and because of the location their was a lack of reasonable good restaurants and eateries. We were even advised by police near the Hotel to avoid certain take away restaurants because of the problems with the homeless people so had to find a restaurant recommended to us further up Market St for reasoanble food. I wouldnt recommend staying at this Hotel for one big reason.....sleep as the noise in the streets is not well insulated from the Hotel itself. We stayed at this hotel in July for two days. We enjoyed the location of the hotel (5 minutes from Union Square). The breakfast was nice. We really liked the wine and cheese in the afternoon. The room was clean and spacious. The major problem was the noise. We were given a room on the second floor. You could hear extremely loud street noise until late at night. People outside on the sidewalk talking and screaming plus cars, buses prevented sleep. It was the noisiest room I've stayed at in a long time. I don't ask for much as a traveller. A clean and quiet room in a decent location is all I need. We switched rooms for the second night and moved to a higher floor. We were satisfied with the noise level the second night. Overall, I would stay at this hotel again but not at a lower room facing the street. The Handlery Union Square Hotel offers great rooms in the centre of San Francisco for a very nice price! Excellent value for money. Friendly personnel and top location! Highly recommended! Good location in town, decent sized rooms and pretty helpful staff. However, having two separate companies promoting their services at reception and the club level was a little weird. Rooms were OK, but not great. Cheap cutlery and questionable decor. The bed spread in particular did not look very clean. The breakfast was OK if you got there early enough. However, our biggest problem was the location of the room. Our room was on the first level of accommodation, near the end of the hallway above a banquet room. Traffic noise wasn't a problem for us, but the room was also accessible through our window via the flat roof of the banquet room, so security was a concern if we left our window open. The plumbing in this particular room was also very loud with pipes creaking and waking us up every night. The staff tried to identify the problem, but weren't able to sort if out while we were there. Overall the hotel was OK but not good. we booked the hotel as it was reasonable and apparently in a good central location. Like others we did not feel safe as soon as we left the hotel, even in the middle of the day. The rooms were not particularly clean and our final night was ruined by the incompetence of the hotel staff. They offered to check us in on line for our flight home but failed to print our boarding cards or seat us together. They did not try to fix the problem and we were left to go on the internet at $5 a go and stay on hold to the airlines helpdesk, the whole episode taking about 2 hours. We also had to get to the airport over 4 hours ahead of our flight to ensure we could get boarding cards and ended up paying a further $110 so that we could sit together. I would not recommend it to anybody. Searched for a hotel in our price range in the city and went with this recommendation from a friend. We were pleased with our stay in every respect. No troubles with reservation made through Expedia -- in fact, they confirmed; I did not need to. Staff were service oriented and friendly. Room was large, comfy, clean, great bathroom. Exceeded expectations. No noise and easy valet parking. A great stay! Stayed over President's Day weekend as a birthday surprise for my girlfriend. It was enjoyable and memorable.The hotel is in a wonderful location at the top of Nob Hill. We had upgraded to an upper floor room with city view, which cannot be beat. The valet service and the check-in were friendly and efficient, with our package details clearly spelled out. However, there was a snafu with the bags and I ended up having to go back downstairs to get them myself. The room was nicely appointed and clean. The room size was fairly small, not surprising for an older hotel but adequate for 2 people. Elevators were a bit slow, but acceptable considering the property is 80 years old.The Top of the Mark was great for late evening drinks (no kids allowed, drinks average $10 and proper dress is expected) with wonderful nighttime views of the city. Breakfast was outstanding, a high quality buffet with panaromic views stretching from downtown to Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge. There is a cable car stop outside which can get you around, otherwise you are looking at a VERY steep walk to get down to Union Square and a real killer to walk back up Powell to California Street. Checkout was a bit slow, but all charges were clearly explained, unlike some earlier posters who seemed to have problems. Maybe it helps to be an InterContinental member. The car was waiting outside with no delay.Overall, if you like a place with history and class, this is a great place to stay. The package value I received was outstanding, for $219 a great room, parking ($50) and breakfast for two ($52 value) included. Classic architecture, romantic history and a fabulous view of a wonderful city make for a memorable stay. We stayed at the Beresford Arms for four nights including New Years Eve. Could not have asked for more from a budget hotel in the Union Square area.. The location is great, about four blocks from Union Square. Staff is very friendly and helpful. Very clean and comfortable rooms, if a bit old-fashioned. The breakfast is fine i.e. not great but there was usually a good assortment of fruit and pastries and excellent coffee. The wine reception was so nice to come back to in the late afternnon. It involved more or less all the wine you cared to drink. We were at the Beresford Arms for New Years Eve and while there was nothing much going on in the hotel the lobby was decorated and we found champage and party favours in our room (no charge) - a very nice touch. We have stayed previously at the King George and the Andrews - no comparison at all, really. We stayed at the Hotel Whitcomb (formerly Ramada (@ 8th & Market) in San Francisco during Easter weekend 2007. We read the previous reviews that said this hotel was not very good and it was in a bad area. That could not be further from the truth! Yes, there are some homeless people walking around, but they do not bother you! They are mostly around the touristy parts (near Union Square, etc.). The hotel was recently refurbished, very clean and well kept. Our room was nice and clean. It was not huge, but how much time do you really spend in the hotel?? The girl at the concierge desk wasn't as bright and knowledgeable as she could have been, save your time and get a map yourself. We paid $80 a night (Friday/Saturday night AND during a holiday weekend), that was the AAA rate. Not bad considering the Holiday Inn just around the corner was $200/night. The BART drops you off right in front of the hotel, it's about a 3-block walk to catch the trolley/cable car, or you can catch the street car right in front of the hotel to Market and Powell, where you catch the cable car. Also, another tip that we found out while we were there, yes ride the cable cars because of the novelty, but the "F" Street street car goes directly to Fisherman's Wharf and back. You may find yourself waiting an hour or more to catch the cable car down by the Wharf! Just hop on the street car and you'll save some time!Overall, this was a good hotel at a decent price. We will absolutely stay there again!!! After reading reviews of bed and breakfasts in San Francisco we chose the White Swan Inn for our nine-day visit, and were very pleased with our choice! We found the front desk staff to be extremely helpful and friendly, with everything from restaurant recommendations to phoning in our airline confirmation promptly so that we had excellent seats on our long flight back to NH. Our hotel room (#31)was spacious and beautiful, and the Belgian chocolates on the bed each night, the bedside switch that blazed the fireplace, and rosemary/verbena lotions and soaps were added touches to the delightful overall ambiance. The breakfasts were wonderful; fresh fruit, croissants, fresh hot breads, quiches, sausages, scrambled eggs, french toast, as well as hot and cold cereals, juices, coffee and teas. We looked forward to the evening wine receptions in front of the fireplace or by the garden area before going out for the evening, with wonderful appetizers along with wine and sherry, and 40's style music playing softly in the background. All through this British-themed inn are evidences of the attention to detail that has been paid to guests' comfort and enjoyment. That, in addition to the central location, made this a perfect choice for a San Francisco stay! A wonderful oasis in the heart of the Union Square district. Once you enter the front door you would never know that you are in a major city. Quiet and spacious rooms, friendly staff and fabulous breakfasts. This is my third stay at The Mosser. I have stayed at a number of Boutique Hotels in The City over the years. I discovered The Mosser a couple of months ago when I was in town for a job interview a couple of blocks away. The location is outstanding for the convention center, SFMOMA, Yerba Buena Gardens, Union Square, and BART. The selection of ammenities is interesting and different everytime I stay. This time it includes a razor, toothpaste, and a couple of green products-- a bar of waste reducing soap with a hole in it and moisurizer in a biodegradable "plastarch" bottle. The rooms are tiny, very clean, and harken back to a bygone era updated with flat screen TV and platform bed. This time my room has a bay window that looks out on the Metreon. I will definitely be back for another Mosser Adventure! First of all, be aware that this hotel does not have parking. In fact, you have two choices: valet ($45/night) or public parking ($35/night). I wish I had known this before booking. With that said, the hotel itself was very clean, amenities felt new, and the staff was superb! From the moment we arrived, the staff was super helpful and cordial from the bell man to the restaurant staff. We had dinner at the Grandview Restaurant on the 36th floor, and felt pampered by the service (even though we had a very messy 10-month-old with us). The next morning, they let me stop by their buffet and pick up some pastries to bring up to the my room (for a very reasonable price). The staff even went out of their way to help me with my baby and stroller.The location was excellent... just a block away from Macy's and in the center of Union Square. I'm glad the hotel was kid-friendly after all. Downside - Wifi was $9.99, and of course lack of parking. Overall, I felt like everything was clean in the room, had a decent view (and we were only on the 5th floor), and didn't have any problems. We met up with a friend in San Francisco and he booked this hotel for us so the first I knew of it was when we arrived (after spending 2 weeks driving from New York). The hotel is in the business district but is good looking with a nice lobby. The area has a few bars and restaurants but it's also well located for public transport to all the other areas so it's a decent location. The inside of the hotel is clean and well decorated, the rooms are spotlessly clean but are tiny - most have the sink in the bedroom as the en-suite shower room is a (well) converted cupboard. The beds are also small by American standards but are comfortable. Unfortunately we did encountera few problems whilst staying here - firstly, when we arrived we were given our electronic room key (swipe card style) however when we got to our room it didn't work. My husband went back to the lobby and returned with a member of staff who also tried the key before agreeing that, we were right, it didn't work. My friend sympathised as he had experienced the same problem when he had checked in the day before. The staff were helpful though and immediately moved us to a different (slightly bigger) room, where the key worked perfectly, until we returned from a night out! We tried to get into our new room and had the same problem as earlier. My husband and I returned to the lobby and explained our problem to the receptionist who had some issues understanding us. For some reason she insisted on checking her computer and then announced that there was no one staying at the Mosser that night with out surname! This was quite a surprise as, we explained, all our belongings were currently locked in a room several floors above our heads! After repeating ourselves several times (each time met with a polite if slightly irritating smile!) before my husband had to go out for some air. I decided to write our surname down for the receptionist in case she had been spelling it wrong (mishearing our M's for N's perhaps?) and finally had some success - she found our details and called for a security guard with a master key who escorted us back to our room and let us in. All in all, this place is nice, clean and well situated but make sure you prepare yourself for malfunctioning room keys and slightly confused (but always polite!) reception staff! 5 nights in San Francisco April 23-27 2004. Stayed at the Grosvenor Suites. Room on the 4th floor northside facing Pine. That was fortunate because the city was having a record hit wave and our room stayed nice and cool. There is little street noise on that side, it is a residential area surrounded by 2 major hotels. Area is close to public transportation, BART (goes to the airport), cable cars and buses. In a great neighborhood. There is a full size grocery store a short cable car ride away on Cailifornia Street. We had 2 beds in the room a couch, a dining area with table and chairs. The small kitchen was spotless with all dishes and appliances needed. There was a light breakfast offered, the bagels were very good. The staff were genuinely friendly and helpful. I reserved a room at this hotel specfically due to this website and I am truly grateful to those that submitted their comments. Very enthused about the hotel and will return. Spent one night at The Argonaut and wish that we could have stayed longer. We even missed the free wine hour but what the heck, the staff was so pleasant and not in a superficial,' I don't mean it' kind of way. Valet was on top of their game and was very helpful with directions or anything we might need. The roofm was super clean and I was looking for dirt in the areas that sometimes don't get the best housekeeping job. I couldn't find as much as a crumb! We were on the fourth floor in a two queen bedded room as we were traveling with our two children. We were upgraded to a Cannery/Alcatraz view because of our membership in Kimpton's In Touch program but it was really just a view of the Mexican restaurant below unless you really, really cranked your head. Still nice to receive. We also had a note welcoming us and a big bottle of water but didn't drink it because it didn't say it was complementary. Overall a great experience and I wouldn't hesitate to return whenever I am in the San Francisco area. Great decor. This was our first stay in a Kimtpon property but I am going to seek them out from now on. This place was so great! The location was amazing and the free parking makes it even better. If you are looking for a nice place to stay for a really good price than look no farther. The people running the place act somewhat nice, they can be rude. It seems like they get asked the same questions over and over again and they have an attitude about it- who cares just don't rely on them. I suggest getting a muni pass before you come to SF b/c the inn will not help you get one. They will point you in the direction and if you ask them to repeat the directions then expect an attitude. Turn out of the inn and walk a few blocks to Hyde st. a trolley will take you down to the Wharf or up to chinatown/union sq. We used the trolley cars a lot. Be careful- they can get packed during certain times and will not have room for you. I felt like I had to write this review b/c I wanted everyone visiting SF to love it as much as we did. The location were we stayed I think had a lot to do with it. Tip- bring a coat, SF can get hot / cold throughout the day. Also, eat at Neptunes @ the wharf. SO GOOD!! Alcatraz is fun too!! There is a great pub down the road from the inn too. Friendly locals. major tip-- wear comfortable shoes!! We stayed four nights and couldn't have been happier with our choice. The hotel was only a short walk from Union Square and the location was very convenient. The staff was especially friendly and knowledgeable. Our room was spacious, comfortable and filled with light, and the fireplace added a wonderful romantic touch. The breakfast was excellent and featured homemade baked goods, and we enjoyed the little treats that were available in the lobby throughout the day. We'd stay again in a heartbeat! Based on reviews about this hotel, we decided to stay here the weekend of October 3rd to attend a wedding in the city. We were just as pleased with the hotel as the recent reviews and high ranking indicate.The Front Desk and Concierge were very pleasant and always willing to assist with questions. We had a great room with a very nice city view. Housekeeping was very detailed and the room was impeccably clean. I thought a very nice touch/detail was a personalized handwritten note from our housekeeper welcoming us. You dont see that too often.We did room service on Friday night and ordered off of the Bob's Steakhouse menu, which is the hotel's restaurant in the lobby. The food was awesome! The filet was so tender and by far the best baked potatoe and candied carrot I have ever had! The delivery was right on time, the food was hot and the server was very friendly. I travel alot for business and I find Room Service to be very poor even in the best hotels. Not here. They did a great job!They gym at this hotel is very nice with great cardio and weight machines. Little details like complimentary bottled water and a huge basket of fresh fruit are not forgotten.The location was very convenient and the price we paid was a bargain for the value and in comparison to most of the other hotels in the area since we shopped around before making our reservation. I highly recommned this hotel! We booked through a special advertised on travelzoo, due to the price, out stay was spot on. However, for the normal rate which is about twice as much as we paid - I would have reservations on the grand hyatt SF. The room was fine, basic but nice with a comfortable bed. Overall hotel amenities, were less than desirable. For one, there isn't a gift shop on site which means if you're thirsty, forgot stamps or want a snack - you have to leave the premises to find a drugstore, coffeeshop or the like. I travel quite a bit so the fact that I could not buy basics like bottled water without leaving the hotel was a first. Also, this appears to be a SF thing but the valet service costs a pretty penny. We opted not to rent a car because of this and since public transportation is readily available, we were fine. The location is fantastic - right in the midst of union square. In short - a suitable hotel in the perfect location. Recently stayed here for business meetings. I am glad that most of therenovations are completed, cannot imagine what it was like prior to these occuring. I personally like the new decor, especially the outside firepit area. Spent time each evening meeting with friends fordrinks and socializing in this area. The staff were quite friendly forthe most part, the concierge very helpful with directions and reservations. The Dollar rent a car on site was also convenient. It isonly 1 block to walk to Fisherman's Wharf. During our meetings each day in the various break out rooms, we did experience quite a bit of construction noise, even though they did cut back on this during our meeting hours. You can also hear and feel the F-line trolley's passingby when you are using several of the meeting rooms. The hotel room walls are quite thin, you can definately hear what "goes on" on the room next door, hear the people walking in the room above as well. The air conditioning unit needs to be placed in a recycling yard, it does ruin the look of the room and is quite noisy. Also the toilet area of the bathroom is very tiny for those that are built a bit larger. Overall a pleasant stay, but as with the previous review, would not spend my own funds to be at this location. My wife are from the UK and were travelling around the USA.This hotel was just right - in a convenient location for Fisherman's Wharf and local sights, the cable car stops, tours and walks. Nice rooms, reasonable buffet breakfast included, with plent to do nearby. This is my third stay at The Mosser. I have stayed at a number of Boutique Hotels in The City over the years. I discovered The Mosser a couple of months ago when I was in town for a job interview a couple of blocks away. The location is outstanding for the convention center, SFMOMA, Yerba Buena Gardens, Union Square, and BART. The selection of ammenities is interesting and different everytime I stay. This time it includes a razor, toothpaste, and a couple of green products-- a bar of waste reducing soap with a hole in it and moisurizer in a biodegradable "plastarch" bottle. The rooms are tiny, very clean, and harken back to a bygone era updated with flat screen TV and platform bed. This time my room has a bay window that looks out on the Metreon. I will definitely be back for another Mosser Adventure! Stayed 4 nights at the beginning of November after 3 nights in Las Vegas. Arrived at hotel and requested non smoking quiet room, we were given a tiny double room at top of building which stunk of smoke, went back to reception and he then moved us to another double room on 3rd floor which was slightly larger, smoke free but not enough room to turn in the bathroom and really dark and old fashioned. Again we went back to reception and asked about Club Rooms which I had read about on web site, he let us have a look at one and we took it. It was a lot better than the others, the room itself was big with a very comfortable bed and overlooked the swimming pool. The bathroom again left a lot to be desired and was very small but we had a small dressing area outside it so overcame that problem.The common areas of the hotel away from reception look pretty worn and tatty. The concierge was the most unhelpful person I know he did not seem to know what was going on anywhere or be able to advise on anything we wanted to know. The restaurant next door called Daily Grill serves some good food and not too pricey and always busy with good atmosphere. If you want a real American blow out breakfast suggest you go to Mama's by Washington Square. Overall the location is excellent you are right by all the transport and shops but the hotel is very average and not what we expected from an American hotel. Stayed 1 night. Got inclusive rate with parking and $25 for meals/drinks at hotel for $116. Thought it was great value. While rooms won't appeal to those who need luxury as they are a bit small and a bit 50ish in style -- (including the old fashioned glass doorknobs and pipe runnning along upper valence). They are well soundproofed, decently decorated and very clean. In addition the Chancellor is doing all the extra service right. Coupon for 2 drinks at 1/2 price in room at bar where quiet jazz played. Unexpectedly good breakfast oft an omelette, toast and juice for 2 for only a bit over $25. (even provided salsa when requested) Location can't be beat. I'd suggest staying here instead of a more expensive place and spend your money on a great dinner out. I planned a last minute weekend trip to San Francisco for me, myself and I after getting a great airfare through Virgin America. I then booked a room at this hotel using a special rate available through the Kimpton website. I spent more than I wanted to but thought that since the room available was on the "club" level, I would get some perks. According to the website, every evening, hors d'oeuvres would be available from Postrio, the restaurant located in the lobby and a well-known restaurant at that. The club level also included breakfast. The location is fantastic, 2 blocks from Union Square. The lobby is small but very nice and welcoming. The staff was friendly but not all together helpful especially with information regarding public transportation. As far as my room-- well, I must have gotten the last room available as I checked in very late. I also think I was given a regular room with club "perks." instead of a real club room. The room at first glance was very nice but then you can see real age. My primary problem was the creaking floors. I have never heard this before in any hotel, not even Super 8s. I looked forward to sleeping in on Saturday, 8:30! Well, beginning at 6 am all I heard were people walking above and around me. Every inch of that ugly, dirty carpet needs to be ripped up and every floor board needs to be screwed down. It is unacceptable that this noise pervades the hotel. I also didn't realize I was given a room diagonally across from the housekeeping room. 7 a.m. or so I would hear the maids talking and moving their carts. It was as if there was no door at all between me and the hallway. Needless to say, I got very little sleep any of the 3 nights I stayed at the Prescott. The bathroom also showed its age a lot, dirty grout. The L'Occitane products were excellent, however.Next, as far as club level amenities, there was a bar open at 4:30 pm but the hors d'oeuvres were non-existent. I do not consider a block of cheese, a bunch of grapes and a loaf of bread hors d'oeuvres. The continental breakfast was just fair but did the job. FYI, you can get wine and beer on the regular level rooms in the lobby for no extra charge and you don't need any of those fake hors d'oeuvres. For $50 more per night, the club level rooms are simply not worth it. When I'm in San Francisco, I want a room in a good location and I want to be able to sleep for whatever hours I'm in my room. The rest of the time, I'm not in the hotel. The creaking floors and poor sound insulation are competely unacceptable. I would not at all call this a 4* hotel. I would consider it 3* but no matter what, I will not stay here again if the floors are not fixed and I would not pay more than $100 to $119 for this hotel. A perfect location, can get loud outside, but overall would recommend hotel! I had been looking at small, upscale boutique hotels located in a quiet section of San Francisco. I had read some of the previous reviews and decided to try Hotel Drisco. It is worthy of all of the excellent reviews. The staff was more than helpful in every way. As I am a female traveling alone, I am very conscious of safety and security. The area is very safe and I felt secure at all times. The staff greeted me by name and always asked how I was doing. The amenities were also first rate. But the most impressive aspect of the hotel was the personalized service. All requests were met with a smile and without question from making restaurant reservations to small room repairs. One of the faucets in the bathroom was not functioning properly and I informed the front desk. I expected to have a washer replaced, but instead received a completely new faucet set. The breakfast that is provided was quite enough to satisfy my needs and very tasty. The only thing that people should be aware of is the only parking is on the street and is restricted during the day. I had no problem finding a space in the evening though. The Hotel Drisco was a great place and a great alternative to the large, somewhat impersonal hotels and I would stay there again without hesitation. Visited the Holiday Inn Express 4/24 - 4/28. Overall, we were happy with the hotel. The location was perfect for us - close to the wharf and local transit. The hotel itself is very nice looking with a modern decor. Our room, single king bed, was more than adequate. Maid service was good. The breakfast was decent for a hotel complimentery breakfast. There was a good selection to get your day started - juice, coffee, tea, milk, cereals, toast, bagels, yogurt, bananas, eggs (either scrambled or omlette which seemed to be prepacked and microwaved), bacon and/or sausage. The hotel was full on the weekend and the breakfast bar was quite busy at times. I felt the hotel did a great job of refilling things and we never had to wait long for anything. We always also managed to find a table for our group of 4.There were a couple of minor things we noted. While the hotel looked great, it is very basic and didn't have any nice little "extras". I thought it would have been nice to have coffee/tea service in the lobby area throughout the day, not just until 9:30 am - we've had this at other Holiday Inn Express hotels and basic type hotels such as Quality Inns, etc. Some aspects of service could have been a little better as well. I wanted to have a tea in my room early one evening. I had forgot to take a milk back up to the room in the morning - tea with powdered whitener just isn't that great. I had hoped that the front desk could get me a milk - the breakfast room was just a few steps away - but they were unable to help as their "house man" was not on duty. While I was waiting at the front desk an older man approached and indicated that they had just returned from their day out and their room hadn't been cleaned. The gentleman at the front desk indicated that he "couldn't understand how that could happen, it had never happened before". He asked the guest if he was sure he didn't leave his Do Not Disturb sign on the door. The guest replied he was sure he hadn't. The front desk clerk then proceeded to tell the gentlemant there was nothing he could for him as the cleaning staff were gone for the day and again, the house man was not in. The front desk clerk didn't offer anything to the guest for the inconvenience - he just restated he couldn't understand how that could happen. To me, surely someone could have gone up and emptied the garbages and at least gave them clean towels? Also, don't forget that parking is very expensive, as is pretty standard with wharf area hotels. We didn't have a vechicle but noticed that the valet parking was over $40 per night. If we returned to SF, we wouldn't have any hesitation staying at this hotel again as any issues we had were really quite minor. Enjoyed our stay here for 3 nights. Had a lovely room with modern decor and good view of Union Square. Bedding very good quality with pillows for any imaginable ailment. Plenty of storage space. Loved the coffee and the cookies for guests at reception. Excellent. Only complaint would be the breakfast which we had on 2 mornings. Did not enjoy them, but the ladies on the staff were lovely though. Reception staff very friendly and helpful. We have visited SF on two occasions and on both have stopped at this hotel.The hotel is is a good location (in some respects) as it is very close to Fishermans Wharf, and the accomadations are reasonably good.On the downside we had a few problems. One of them was that common hotel bugbear - people who let their doors slam no matter what the hour. This seemed to have improved by the time we revisited and the hotel had fitted better damping on the doors. Another problem was that as the hotel is only 2 or 3 stories high, you are never very far away from the street. In particular I would not be very comfortable on the ground floor especially as the area that the hotel is in is not the best. Noise is also a problem with one side of the hotel in particular being located adjacent to a bus depot and this was very noisy.The hotel is not particularly cheap and parking is extortionate ($30 a night) so I would never consider stopping there if I had a car.On the whole this hotel is OK and did not detract from our experiences in San Fransisco which we loved. On the final night of our tour of CA, we stayed at the JW in SF. We had asked for a high floor because of other reviews regarding remodeling. As of Nov. 17th - I think only the first 2 floors of rooms were still being remodeled and the manager had told us that the lobby was to begin the following week. The rooms were beautiful and we loved the bathroom. The bathroom had a separate shower and bathtub; the beds were extremely comfortable; flat screen TV; and the room was very spacious. We thought the lobby and bar was nice (2 fireplaces with comfortable chairs around them) -but he had said they were remodeling to make it more contemporary. The staff in this hotel was exceptional delivering anything we needed to our room. The only complaint we had about this hotel was the parking - it was $45 a day. Fortunately for us, we didn't really need our car anymore, so we returned it early instead of paying for the parking. Overall, this was by far the nicest of the 4 Marriott's we stayed at during our trip and was not the most expensive. I would definitely recommend this to anyone going to SF. We stayed at Castle Inn for 2 nights during our 3 week road trip. We were not interested in fancy locations and were interested in a place to clean up, sleep and not having to pay for parking (that's why I can't stand Chicago). Along with these requirements we wanted a place with easy access to the wharf and transportation. Castle Inn fit these requirements perfectly. Our room was clean, the owner was very friendly and helpful with directions, suggestions on places to eat and places to avoid. He even gave me his parking space near the elevator. We had requested a room away from the street and received the end room on the top floor which worked well. If you're looking for something that fits the description I have provided, this is the place. We would stay there again. Also, as a side not, if heading North out of the city, access to the Golden gate bridge route is real easy from here. We stayed at this hotel over our honeymoon!! we couldnt ask for better!! The staff were so helpful!! They upgraded us to a wonderful room!! This hotel was in the perfect location!! everything was on our doorstep or a short walk away!! The bed was massive and so comfortable!! We had a view of union square and it was fanastic wakin up in the morning to the fog layin on the top of buildings and at night lit up!! it was beautiful!! would stay at this hotel again!!! I only stayed at the Grand Hyatt for one night on business. I got a $110/night rate on Priceline. I bid in the Union Square East- Embarcadero area for a 4-star hotel.A cab ride from the airport is about $40 dollars. With the high price of valet ($43/day)...I ended up just taking cabs instead of renting a car. I feel like I saved money and it was easier than trying to drive around the city. The cabs are plentiful in front of the hotel. My flight left early in the morning (6AM). I called the front desk about 10 minutes before I was to leave. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to get a cab in time and had called a secondary car service that was basically the same price. I was impressed that had a back-up plan.I checked in around 1PM and my king bed room wasn't ready. I didn't have to time to wait so I opted for a room with two double beds on the 10th floor. My room faced the front of the hotel. I didn't think the view was very good. The view from the restaurant on the 36th floor faces another direction and it was very nice. Try for something facing that way! The rooms are on the small side, but typical for a city hotel. The room was very clean and I really liked the Portico bath products. There is a small TV in the bathroom, but it was rather old and I never did get it to work. The wireless worked great and is TMobile ($9.99/day). It is nice if you are around another TMobile site before the 24 hours expires because you can still log on with your hotel day pass (I was still able to log on at the airport in the Admirals Club.)I had dinner in the bar area of the restaurant. I must recommend the shrimp cocktail appetizer. It isn't your typical shrimp cocktail, but it was REALLY GOOD. It doesn't look like much, but when you taste will be glad you ordered it. They also have a decent wine list. The view is very nice and worth at least meeting friends up there for a drink. The food was expensive as you would expect in a downtown hotel. I also ordered lunch from room service and it was very prompt. The banana split was very yummy as well. :)The location is really is great if you are a shopper. Every store you can imagine is within a few blocks. I know there were restaurants in the area, but nothing that really interested me enough to walk in the rain. If I had been staying longer I would have wanted to take a cab to the mission district, etc.If you are in the area and you can get a good price, it is certainly a nice hotel and was set up nicely for a business traveler. What a great Hotel. We stayed here for 6 nights in August 2008 and we were completely blown away. The hotel is in a incredible location on Fisherman's Wharf with an approximate walk of ten minutes to Pier 39. There is so much to do here and everything is easily accessible as the trolley leaves just around the corner from the hotel.The room's were modern and very clean!! Spotless even!! The hotel staff were the best that I have ever encountered, they were so friendly and always willing to help us no matter what!Breakfast was included as part of our package and changed everyone morning but it was so yummy! Internet access was free the hotel even provided 2 computers for their guests to use in the lobby.The only thing that we were upset about was that our room did not have a fridge, we quickly got over that as we hardly spent any time in there.I highly recommend this hotel to everyone that is visiting San Francisco. This hotel completely ruined what was a lovely trip up until then. Our agent picked us this hotel and advised that it was a great place. It was a older hotel on the edge of the bad part of town "Tenderloin". Our first impression of this was the lovely girl at the desk telling us not to go around the side of the hotel but always walk out the front towards the street. We walked into our room and were surprised by ear plugs. Not a good thing. The room was not airconditioned and really stuffy. We tried to open a window to get fresh air but the noise was absolutely terrible. We were there for three nights and we needed sleep before coming home to NZ. We got none, either with the window open or closed. The homeless people made rackets all night, yelling and yahooing. You didn't feel safe walking around the streets. They were everywhere and were of a concern. The sirens went all night and other noises of people screaming banging etc. As well as that the room noises of a hole in the bathroom wall with a pipe that continually ran water most of the night which you couldn't close out. There was also plenty of noise in the daytime from construction outside our room.There were supposed to be movies showing at 7.30 and 9 p.m. each night. We ventured down to enjoy a movie to find nothing working. A big disappointment.The bed was okay but the bathroom was terrible. The sink was all cracked and looked like it was on its last legs. There was no towel rails to hang up your towels or anywhere to put your toiletries bag. The breakfast was nothing. If you arrived at the table after 9.30 a.m. you could expect nothing as they didn't refill the bagel or muffin container. The bagels were like they had been lying around for at least two days. The muffins (if you got one) were okay. Drink was only water or milk, tea or coffee. There was a drink machine there but was broken for the whole three days and no mention of trying to fix it. They did have a secure lockup room for baggage left before catching your flight home and we were able to use their security safe deposit. The hotel was close to the cable car and that was a bonus.We certainly would not recommend this hotel. Great location. Very close to Union Square. Very easy BART access. Next to the cable car stop! Excellent condition/maintenance of the hotel. Clean lovely room. Very nice ambiance. Good value for the price. The Drisco and their staff never disappoint us. This is the only hotel we stay in when we visit our old home town. After having to cancel two previous stays due to illness we were so excited to return to our "home away from home". The staff was so amazing. Marti greeted us as if we were family. We really appreciate everything she did to make our stay even more special than we could have expected. The entire staff and the general manager went the distance for us. The breakfast is perfect as is the afternoon wine and cheese. What a wonderful and elegant touch. We will return as soon as we can. Husband and I stayed 3 nights. Lovely comfortable room, tiny bathroom, courtyard view and rare thing you can actually open the windows of your room. The lifts are very slow. Check in staff were OK. Concierge I thought was very short and snappy with us when we ordered our shuttle to the airport and very monosyllabic. Not at all the kind of person I expected to be a concierge. Breakfast was fine. Nothing special, industrial type orange juice, the usual breads, fruits etc. Coffee fine by american standards. However the service was very poor especially on the sunday morning when the restaurant was packed. It continued to be poor on the Monday and Tuesday when the restaurant was much quieter. The gym was small and very clean. The biggest downside is the fact that you can actually hear people in the room next to you sneeze as well as all the noises in the bathroom (flushing toilet and having shower!). On the plus side, very convenient for fisherman's wharf area (obviously!), not far from trolley cars and public transport. We booked through a special advertised on travelzoo, due to the price, out stay was spot on. However, for the normal rate which is about twice as much as we paid - I would have reservations on the grand hyatt SF. The room was fine, basic but nice with a comfortable bed. Overall hotel amenities, were less than desirable. For one, there isn't a gift shop on site which means if you're thirsty, forgot stamps or want a snack - you have to leave the premises to find a drugstore, coffeeshop or the like. I travel quite a bit so the fact that I could not buy basics like bottled water without leaving the hotel was a first. Also, this appears to be a SF thing but the valet service costs a pretty penny. We opted not to rent a car because of this and since public transportation is readily available, we were fine. The location is fantastic - right in the midst of union square. In short - a suitable hotel in the perfect location. Horrible location, it's skidrow. Parking is a block and a half away so we had to park the rental car during daylight and take a cab everywhere in the evenings. What a waste. It made our mini vacation very stressful. There are homeless and drug addicts, I actually saw someone going to the bathroom in the street and he wasn't just peeing either and a woman asked me if I had methadone and I saw drug dealing going on - It was just horrible! For me, I'm fresh outta college (so I don't have much money to burn). I'm not high-maintenance. Sure, I like nice places, but as long as it's clean, I feel safe, & the price is right - I'm good to go.Now, I have stayed at this place on three different occasions over the past few years. I have come to realize that this place is a full-on crap-shoot. The room you get might be just fine & the one next to it might be a hole.So then - my stay last weekend:I get into the city & checked-in around midnight. Mr. Miagi, although a very nice desk man, is REALLY SLOW! He gives me my card key for room 317. I head up the sketchy elevator and around to my room. I walk in. Light bulbs are burnt out. Okay, I'll turn on the TV for light. No remote. Stumble in the dark to manually turn it on. I then go into the bathroom. The tub was backed up w/ 3'' of dirty, cloudy water & nails!Okay, that's it! I'm getting a different room. I go back down to Mr. Miagi at the front desk. He apologizes and says he'll give me "a nice room" instead. I'm given 532.Back up the SLOW elevator. The card key doesn't work! I just wanna go to bed! Back down to the front desk. I should note that despite the late hour, there's two or three other parties in the lobby w/ similar complaints.Mr. Miagi says there's nothing he can do about the card keys. He'll have to let us all into our rooms individually w/ regular keys. I go back up & wait for him.He shows up & lets me into the room - which is actually a pretty big suite w/ a kitchenette, roof-top access & a killer view. Normally, that would make me happy. However, the room still felt dirty. The Chain lock on the door was busted off (as if SWAT had recently busted in). The chairs' upholstery looked like it came off a porn set (suspicious stains). The towel bar in the bathroom hung about to fall off the wall. The shower (although clean) had the pressure of an 80 yr old man peeing. The bed (although a king-size) gave me the ibby-geebies.After taxes, the room was around a hundred bucks for the night. That's pretty cheap for S.F. The location of this place is really good - pretty safe neighborhood & easy Muni access. This place has soooo much potential!However, I think I've stayed at this place for the last least until I hear that some drastic changes have taken place here.If you opt to stay here, know that it's a bit of a gamble. You might get lucky w/ one of their clean & renovated rooms; or you might get something of the crack-house variety.Good luck! We are a family of four (2 boys agen 9 and 11) who were touring California this summer - and we stayed 3 nights at the Radisson Hotel at Fisherman's Wharf i San Francisco. The location is super - just across from Pier 39 and walking distance to Alcatraz pier, tram and many other sights. We did not book in advance and must say we had a very small and quite worn-down room facing the street. From 6 am in the morning the was a lot of noise from delivery trucks reversing outside so do get a room facing the court. We enjoyed our stay - the pool was also OK - the kids liked it though the air temperature was cool. But the hotel could do with new windows for instance ... This place was near perfect and much cheaper than the other hotels in the area. Rooms were big and clean and the beds were super comfy. My favorite was the little touches like free internet and a computer down in the lobby to print out your boarding pass. Staff at the front desk were very nice and helpful. All in all a great experience and I would stay there again if in the area! Nice clean rooms with two queen size beds, stayed on the 2nd floor so unfortunally no view, but this was possible if you pay extra. It took about 8-10 min. to walk to Fishermanns Wharf area, which was perfect. Also continental breakfast buffet is incl. at the hotel, really good deal compared to the price and the location. My first time in SF would've been better if we had booked a better hotel. This was the worst experience I've ever had in a hotel. Staff WAS friendly but the room was so small, smelly, noisy and it also came with a surprise underneath the bed. As we where packing up to go we found a condom wrapper, I felt so disgusted! I wouldn't recommend this hotel to anyone! We stayed at the Wharf Inn after several trips to San Francisco because of the location. You just can't beat it for the price and the free parking. You could stay at the Raddison which is right across the street, but expect to pay about $30-40 more then add $28 a day for parking, just not worth it. Now for some details, the rooms are very spacious, compared to the other 3 hotels that we have stayed in, and are clean. Although they do not advertise it, you can get free wireless internet service with no problem at the hotel. The desk staff was very friendly and knowledgable with any info. you may need for sightseeing and locations. The only problem that I could tell anyone about is that there is no air-conditioning in the rooms, while this may not sound like a problem due to the average temps in SFO being in the 50's and 60's, it is. There is only a very small window about 2x2 and it's located at the bottom of windows and behind the curtains. My solution was to buy a small powerfull fan for about $12 and put it in the window so we could get some outside (cool) air. If you want to be right in the heart of everything that SFO has to offer, then you will not find a better bargain. Most all hotels in this area are at least +$230 a night. So my suggestion is to book this on early, get a little window fan and use the money you save to enjoy all the wonderful fruits that SFO has to offer. If you need any more info on SFO or this hotel, I'd be glad to answer, just E-Mail me.