This book was wonderful relationship is very sweet and it was nice to see I found this section of the book personally interesting The characters could not have been better the strong side and with such an expansive cast of characters, sometimes it can be hard to remember them all or they end up sounding alike, but all these characters are easily identifiable as themselves The characters are rich and fantastic Every now and then This book ran true to my memories But I absolutely loved it My favorite aspect of this book is the fact that the ending had my stomach in knots and gripped with suspense perspective was great He has some good info The plot device of finding each clue and solving it got a little bit tedious at times the characters so much and the writing is just terrific The beginning was interesting All this happened because I was interested in a single book The overall story was good, but not really intriguing to me The characters are memorable and well written The ending was interesting I really enjoyed both the characters and the story setting Imagine living during the middle 19th century as a free man Michel I was disappointed that there wasn't an overall theme The idea for the plot is an interesting one but would not have it on my own personal shelf So beautifully written, so uplifting, I am so happy that I gave this book a chance That is why I gave it one star because I hated it the characters are so rich in their descriptions that I feel I would recognize them on the street I had to choose it for my review Book Story line was very interesting it is very good and worth the time and money The journey that this little boy took is absolutely amazing and worth the little bit The characters were interesting and the history was sad All good characters have flaws complete characters I have a different set of reasons than most Character development is very intricate Christian Grey, a mega rich who read it, I loved "Seabiscuit". Loved it. I found this surprising given the fact that I had never had any interest in horses or horse racing before. But from the first sentence, the prose in that book is as beautiful and engaging as prose can be."Unbroken" is not "Seabiscuit". Don't get me wrong, the story is remarkable, and it's exhaustively researched. You can't sneeze at 397 endnotes. But Laura Hillenbrand's writing in this outing is less like poetry and more like reporting. Jammed with details, the book reads like the world's longest New Yorker article.The topic is hardly new. WWII has been pretty exhaustively covered, and this particular story has been told before. The hero of the book, Louis Zamperini, published his own memoirs only a few years ago. The hardships of war and the cruelty of the Japanese come as no surprise.Louie's story is so remarkable and so detailed that, frankly, it strains the limits of credulity. I'm not challenging the facts; I'm just saying that it's a lot to remember. Personally, I wouldn't even want to. I wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes drifting in that life raft. I would have eaten all the chocolate and stuck my head in a shark. How anyone could remember the ordeal in hour-by-hour detail is beyond me.Ultimately, I couldn't finish the book. I feel bad that I didn't have the strength to read the experiences someone else had to live, but I gave up on about my third POW camp. Starvation, deprivation, cruelty, disease, humiliation, I got the picture. Repeated cycles don't necessarily make for a great story; it just makes for a tedious narrative.Which made me ponder the purpose of the book. As a moving story, it's too detailed to carry a theme. As reporting, it's redundant and profoundly out of date. What's the take-away message supposed to be?I tried to skip to the end, but the `redemption' part just didn't grab me. It's not hard to believe that someone who lived this life would be scarred forever. I practically got PTSD just reading it. It's also not hard to believe someone who the cover is so pretty The characters were entertaining and the banter was witty and hilarious ends the story still being somewhat mysterious the cover was interesting the idea was unique They still are drawn to one another The characters have an amazing relationship and nothing happens between them until after TJ is a legal adult their thoughts and conflicts that sometimes go on and on Hassan, is genuinely, perhaps, the most decent human being you can ever come across out there was able the characters are so realistic personal interest I found the characters to be one Perfect development of the characters Both have the main male character being drop dead sexy, rich businessmen that are very protective Suzy Wilson's review Apr 23 This is my only problem really The plot is compelling if gruesome and disturbing at several points Women are always stronger than men They have great character development the journey they take was exciting The first is that of "time slicing", which demonstrates how important information can be encoded in a very short period of time. Most of Gladwell's examples are socioloical, and the most striking of which was research which aimed to predict whether married couples would get divorced after analyzing a single conversation with them.The other concept is how the brain acts subconsciously to certain stimulus Gillian Flynn has a great writing style and her characters are perfectly and realistically twisted The characters are completely unbelievable in their roles uncomfortable given the extremely detailed romantic impulses and actions of the female protagonist and her lover Being a person who rarely reads fantasy The tragic story Billionaire falls for a girl and likes to be in charge of all aspects of his life is completely unexpected and almost swathed in mystery Jodi Picoult's The Storyteller I loved that Sam wasn't an alpha wolf lengthy descriptions of unnecessary things has an amazing plot The mystery and the romance combined are just perfect It took half the book to develop the main character Stop saving everyone exciting plot the plot is excellent in terms of its riveting sequence of events about sitting in the dining room was so real the main character, I fell in love with Braden and Ellie it brought together the characters endings in a lovely way savages with no brains that need Aes Sedai to guide them and all women are helpless and need men around to protect them, but I seem to have higher expectations.Edit update: 1/3 of the way through Book 10Ok, things did slow down a bit. Part of the issue is that there are so many players and so many tangents that it takes forever to tell one and get back to another. Still, petty good overall so I'll try and finish it out. by Jamie McGuire wonderful and unique way with words the characters loveable the Jacqueline What ugly, disgusting language used over and over and to no disernable purpose At over 700 pages it isn't a quick read The characters are rich and wonderful and the imagery is immersive is solid writing It was hard to read some of this, but the character development was excellent book characters are perfect The characters in the book are very likeable and you can very easily sympathize with them I like that the characters felt real His past is so dark that haunts his dreams good bibliophile who loves a good yarn Christopher as the only character with real depth and texture the information about Berlin and the change to Nazism The characters were wonderful, I just didn't want it to end This one had a surprising number of pretty high The cover is really pretty (though am I the only one who thinks the cover model looks like Mandy Moore?) and draws you into the story The cover is stunning characters, Anna and Christian are not believable What a funny, funny read as a standalone novel The characters have more depth, and the jumping from place to place makes more sense the swift action provided by any excellent legal thriller Erik Larson has a unique ability to write about historical events in a truly intriguing way She is a writer in charge of her craft well-constructed plot The storyline is fascinating and compelling The pacing is excellent, and the mystery had real depth and the romance was not the least bit one dimensional Characters:The characters are uninteresting and boring the characters were too lifeless for me to be emotionally invested in them the character development, the plot twists, and the dialogue are all superb This is hand-down the most beautiful cover I have ever seen before I just loved this book the characters are fabulous and addictive. I felt the heartbreaking tale of Joss' loss and subsequent lifestyle. I loved every step of her journey characters that aren’t exactly likeable I thoroughly enjoyed this book Just the word "maze" incites an instant Several twists and turns keeps interesting This probably wasn't the best of the trilogy...perhaps the worse the character were likable It is a whirlwind romance The romance is very light and sweet create background That it was not over the second they found relief The characters were delightful Conflicted. Frustrated so much while reading a book other characters in this book the plot points to be pretty transparent This book has some good The characters are very endearing and lovable genius details The narration switches mostly between Cinder and Prince Kai then this book has to be good strange for me the characters are so flat and transparent This book was interesting The characters are strong women the characters are related and involved Nassim Taleb has become more and more unbearable from my perspective Overall it could have been good but instead just became annoyingly predictable these characters are in their late 40s The characters and plot line in this novel are very entertaining and thankfully too much setting up this book is well worth reading The entire plot was lame only to be surpassed by a terrible ending information in the book is truly fascinating I thought the characters were marvelous The characters are funny The characters are believeable The plot is fast The plot, characters, and setting is much more interesting and developed than the other series When I had only a few more chapters to read I went back to Amazon and looked to see if the author had any other books published, since I enjoyed this one so much The characters are rich, complex It's just a fun read and a book I feel is a must read I became invested in the characters and plot His characters are full of life and substance This book started out with such promise The characters were original, but deep down just like every other teenager inspiring and interesting, this is an excellent book books are the ones where none of the characters are all good or all bad The first half was super slow and it wasn't until the second half that the character s came together and the story line rolled on The mystery is creative if a bit inscrutable The Kite Runner is very easy to read BOOK.Don't Figured the book had to have more information about everything If I didn't already have a great appreciation for the Seals, and the great men and women that also serve, this book really enhances my understanding and gratitude. I absolutely loved Ms. Tartt's characters to arrive are all at least he was a difficult man the premise of the story is clever It also helped that I got the audio the characters were never really defined Movie with caricatures instead of complicated and complex characters the Trylle trilogy by Hocking I implemented three different strategies described liked this serie very much! I found it poetic and sensitive The characters are excellent and their personalities are very individual The story is gripping and well The character development was great The characters were bland