diff --git "a/reference_files/paragraph-validation.txt" "b/reference_files/paragraph-validation.txt" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/reference_files/paragraph-validation.txt" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,665 +0,0 @@ -There's a little of Bernadette in all of us - the ranger, the avoider, the snob, the artist. The well-adjusted among us keep those things under control, and that's how Bernadette differs. She hardly ever tries - and never very hard - to suppress her urges. Thank goodness, or we wouldn't have such a good time reading about her. You'll find something to laugh about no matter what your own beliefs and convictions happen to be. Read this! -It's difficult to find the right words to even describe how good Hunger Games is. I would definitely place it on my top 5 list of all times and I have read hundreds and hundreds of books.Katniss is such an engaging character. The reader is drawn to her instantly, as we are plunged into a futuristic world of oppression, poverty and despair. Katniss has taken on the responsibility of caring for her family after her father died in a mining explosion and her mother shut down. Katniss is daring and ventures out into forbidden areas to hunt and gather food to sell to the people in her "district". Her only goal in life seems to be keeping her little sister safe.The government has set up a lottery in each of the twelve "districts" in this futuristic country. One boy and one girl are chosen to go fight to the death with the "tributes" from the other eleven districts. When Prim, Katniss's little sister, is chosen for the Hunger Games as they are called Katniss steps forward and volunteers to go in her place.Katniss goes to the capitol with the other tribute from her district, a boy named Peeta, and there they must put on a good show before the game begins. If they set up the right image they could get sponsors during the game, which means they will receive gifts and help once they enter the arena. Sponsors are the difference between life and death for many tributes so it is important to give the people what they want.The game itself is brutal. It reminded me a tiny bit of the show survivor, only in this game you have to kill off all the other players. Katniss has a slight advantage from her hunting and gathering experience, but she must also use her wits and bravery to keep herself alive. Foreign alliances with other players can be helpful, but true trust and friendship is practically impossible since there can only be one winner.The book drives its characters to the very edge of their abilities. We see how people react in the most primal and brutal situations: forced to kill or be killed. I loved seeing the tributes come up with different strategies for survival, and how the game makers who control everything in the arena throw the tributes at each other through force and bribery.I read this book yesterday, and had dreams and nightmares about it all night. While this book is reminiscent of "The Giver", "1984", and "Brave New World" it has its own voice and its own story to tell. At the end of the book you will be left starving for more and I can't wait for the next book to come out. I still can't quite capture the essence or brilliance of this book through the words in this review, so all I can say is go read it and you will understand. -I love this book! I was fortunate to receive an advanced copy of Louise Penny's latest mystery novel "How the Light Gets In", the ninth in the series about Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and the Homicide Division of the Surete du Quebec. I had already reserved a hard copy for the book's August 2013 release date because this is one author I buy in hardcover; the better to savor her writing. This truly gifted author has the ability to make you FEEL - so much so, that this is almost more novel than mystery - although there are three compelling mysteries entwined in this latest book.In talking about this book, Ms. Penny says "My books are about terror. That brooding terror curled deep down inside us. But more than that, more than murder, more than all the rancid emotions and actions, my books are about goodness. And kindness. About choices." I guarantee she will make you feel all this and so much more. She will bring you to the edge of your seat, make your heart pound in anticipation and ache as you feel the suffering of her always well-constructed characters. Because she also lets you feel hope and joy, the struggle between the light and the dark is that much more vivid.This book opens as Christmas approaches and the author deftly portrays the joy and anticipation of the season played off against the sadness as Gamache's elite squad is dismantled and scattered while unscrupulous forces are at work in the Surete. Who will settle for nothing less than Gamache's destruction? and that of his next in charge Jean-Guy Belavoir? A terrible alliance that has been 30 years in the making will once again bring evil into the heart of the tiny village of Three Pines and threaten all that the inhabitants hold dear.To those who have read all the previous books in the Chief Inspector Gamache series, you will not be disappointed, as her writing somehow is brought to an even higher level, her plots are even more complex, her characters more finely drawn. We know these people and we care about them; we feel with them.I highly recommend this book, but if you find yourself curled up in your chair, unable to stop reading far into the night, remember you were warned.... -This book is hilarious!! Laugh out loud, you’ll be rolling on the floor laughing so hard tears will be coming out of your eyes. And the banter…oh my…just fantastic.Simon & Caroline’s connection is fun and hot. Great anticipation. The story has the perfect mix of humor and romance leaving you wanting more. -This book is by far one of the best books I have ever read. I briefly had a problem adjusting to writing style but once lost in the story I was hooked. This author is exceptionally talented. Many other authors might fill several pages with description while this author paints extremely vivid pictures with only a few brush strokes. I also enjoyed the conversational tone of the narrative. As if, Katniss was telling her tale directly to me in my own home and if you know Katniss, she doesn't just trust anyone. So the illusion that I might just be a personal friend and confident to Katniss was truly impressive. And oh, did I feel her pain, her rage, her despair! Not very often there comes a story that is truly magic! I mean, Harry Potter, was a story about magic and has the place of highest honor on my bookshelves next to the Lord of the Rings books, but this one is entirely different. This book made me apart of the action. It made me feel like I know the characters on a personal level and once I was back in my own world I was left with a feeling like I'd just had a visit from an dear friend. I can't remember if I've ever read a book like it. -After Insurgent, the story picks up with Tris in trouble and Evelyn in control of the city. Soon, Tris, Four and some others choose to leave Chicago and pursue the meaning of the Edith Prior video. Most of the remaining story takes place inside a special facility a short drive from Chicago, where we find out what the story is about Chicago and the factions, as well as what it really means to be divergent. Three-quarters of the way into this story, I was very disappointed. It felt like the author was just going through the motions, and frankly, the story was boring and dull--lots of talking and philosophical introspection, but not much plot movement. The last quarter of the book salvaged things for me and raised the story from one star to 3.5. No, like a thousand others, I didn't like the ending, and I didn't think the ending was necessitated in any way by the story arc. It seemed almost as if the author realized the story about to crash and burn, so she tossed in this ending to slap us in the face. HOWEVER, the ending was well done and beautifully written, and it was quite evocative. I thought the writing went from passable and average to excellent and gripping. BUT, I'm only at 3.5 stars because the ending doesn't really fit the overall trilogy IMO. So, for those that want a 'they all lived happily ever after' ending, don't read this book. Stop with Insurgent and think up your own ending. For those of you, who--like Tris--aren't afraid to jump off the roof into the net below, you should read it and experience the pain. I just wish the first part of the book was written nearly as well as the ending. Yo, Tris, you...well, you know what i mean. -I am a big fan of Colleens' Slammed series and this book was just wow...amazing. I couldn't put it down. It kept me guessing and the story is just so emotional and touching. This is that book...the one I would recommend to all my friends and will most likely find myself reading again because I just need to "feel" it again. Thanks Colleen, well done!!! Keep them coming! -The reviews of this book frequently use the word "delightful" and that's an apt word. The characters are charming, the period voice feels right, there are enough painful stories from the war to make it feel real without having so many as to make the book unpleasantly grim, and well, this is just a nicebook to read.I'd especially recommend it for fans of Helene Hanff's 84 Charing Cross Road; the tone and the literary references are so similar I'd be shocked if that book weren't one of the influence on this one. (After all, even in England in 1946 were there all *that* many fans of Elia?)I'm subtracting one star for holes in the internal logic; I have some trouble believing that the island's inhabitants would be so happy to have a book written about them by someone they'd known for so short a time. People seem very quick to trust, in general, especially right after so many years of having to be so cautious of betrayal. I may be wrong, but I think the British reserve and the remnants of the class system would have played a greater role throughout than they do here; the language in the first part is perfect 1946 (I wasn't around; I'm using Hanff as a standard) but it's a bit less period-perfect toward the end of the book.It deserves four stars, though, because none of these things diminished my enjoyment of the book; they just left me thinking "But, wait-" afterward. -In 1933, the newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed William Dodd to be the first United States Ambassador to Germany, under Hitler. Dodd, at the age of 64, would have preferred to retire from his job as a professor of the history department at the University of Chicago, and complete his memoir "Old South." Out of respect for the President and duty to his country Dodd reluctantly accepted the appointment. With his wife, Martha, an adult son and daughter, set sail for Berlin, on July 5, 1933 shortly after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.Though appalled by Nazi persecution of Jews, Roosevelt refrained from issuing any direct statement of condemnation. He expected from Dodd to see to it that Germany pays her debts to the American creditors. Some of State Department's most senior officers harbored an outright dislike of Jews. William J Carr, an assistant Secretary of State called the Jews "kikes"; Russian and polish immigrants are filthy, un-American and often dangerous in their habits (P.30). It is very disturbing to read in the book the anti-Semitism that prevailed in 1930's among many Americans. Dodd complained that there were too many Jews on his own staff. The indifference and anti-Semitism in the U.S. obviously couldn't hinder Hitler's ascent and march of conquest with tragic consequences. Dodd was one of the few voices in U.S. government to warn of the true ambitions of Hitler and the dangers of American isolationists' stance. Most Americans wanted to stay out of Europe's squabbles. In June 1938, Dodd talked of Hitler's hatred of Jews and warned that his true intent was "to kill them all." (p.351)As a captive in Nazi concentration camp, I had been wondering; why the United States, a nation founded and populated by many oppressed immigrants, of different faiths, from many lands did not stop Hitler's genocide? Where were the good Samaritans among the American Christians? They were expected to have compassionate regard for all people, not just some people! Where were the fighters for human rights? How could their humanitarian reputation be maintained when our suffering became unbearable? Why civilized nation did shirk their responsibilities to show pity for us. I doubted if the faithful, of religious denominations, said a prayer for our deliverance! Was it not a betrayal of basic human solidarity? Was it not a failure of the entire moral fabric of society? Even mass demonstrations, in the democratic countries around the world would have forced the German to stop or at least moderate their policy of Ausrottung (the extermination) of European Jewry. If President Roosevelt had been more vociferous in expressing his and the American people's indignation, the nonchalant world would have been awakened and protested the slaughter innocent people.. The indifference enabled the Nazis to victimize every Jew; subsequently not every victim was a Jew. Winston Churchill said: the Holocaust was not just a Jewish tragedy; it was the world's tragedy, because the world did let it happen.THE GARDEN OF BEASTS is compelling and horrifying. Larson is a masterful storyteller. Although much given detail does not pertain to the core story, the book based on Dodd's diary and the ancillary writings of others, is extensively researched, and very well written. The book makes history come alive. -This was a book I didn't know what to expect at each corner. You get settled down with a cup of tea and right away the author draws you into the mystery of what happened to the main character. You get yourself captivated at each situation wondering if you would handle it the same way. I like the main character was strong And didn't just fall into the typical extremely handsome, rich, Moody male lead. The story line was good at keeping the reader encased but some parts of the final product fell flat. -Pushing the Limits is a brilliant addition to the burgeoning mature YA genre that has recently become one of my favorites to dabble in. This book takes two emotionally screwed up characters and tells the story about how they find salvation in one another. This is not a typical YA novel. Yes, main character Noah is self-confident, brash and tattooed, and main character Echo is beautiful, smart and funny, but that is where the similarities to normal YA-type teenagers end. This book contains copious amounts of swearing, drugs, sexual situations and heavily damaged people. This is not your run-of-the-mill light and happy read about teenaged angst.This book changes point of view quite frequently, telling the story from both Echo's and Noah's perspective. Echo and Noah are both assigned a therapist at their Kentucky high school for vastly different reasons. Echo has suffered an unthinkable crime against her, that her mind cannot bring itself to remember. She has been left scarred, both emotionally and physically from this crime. On top of this tragedy, she is dealing with normal high school angst - her social situation, her parents' divorce and her father's subsequent remarriage to her former baby sitter, her mother's disappearance, and her extremely strained relationship with her father and stepmother. Noah is a foster child that has been moved between families several times in the previous two years. Where he was once an all-star athlete from a Rockwellian American family, he is now considered a stoner and a punk. He's very intelligent, yet refuses to take school seriously. He hangs out with the "wrong" crowd and is best known for being gorgeous, yet a player. He is only into one-night stands and smoking pot.Noah needs help, though. He has two younger brothers in the foster system that he wants to gain custody of, and in order to do that, he needs to pass drug tests, pull his GPA up and find a job. Echo is in need of extra money. Although her father has money, he won't lend her any to finish fixing up the car that her deceased brother was working on before his death. Echo is asked to tutor Noah, therefore earning extra money.Soon after Echo was attacked, she came back to school as a social introvert. She was known formerly as the popular, beautiful girl who dated the captain of the basketball team. When she returned to school after the episode, she had broken up with her boyfriend and was seen as a social outcast. Her friends have been trying very hard to get her back into school society, and having any contact with Noah the stoner is a social faux pas. The relationship between Noah and Echo gets off to a rocky start. He sees her scars, which she usually keeps hidden. Echo is afraid that Noah will tell the entire school about them.Noah has a chip on his shoulder, too, although he does not care about what his classmates think about him. Noah came from an idyllic family. He had loving parents, a home, a place in his school's society before tragedy struck him. He is used to keeping his guard up, because the state foster system has not been a good experience for him. Noah, though, is ready for a girl like Echo, and he's been waiting for her.Noah and Echo travel a path of lows and highs in their relationship, each one trying to hash out their personal lives without hurting the other. They fall hard for one another, but sometimes love just isn't enough. Noah is still attempting to reunite his family, and Echo is still trying to reconcile what tragedy happened to her and who's fault it was. Echo is struggling with her desire to be loved by those that matter most to her, while Noah is struggling with a never ending loneliness, a hole in his heart that he can't seem to fill.I have to mention that both of Echo's parents are not model parents. We do meet Echo's mom and although she has issues that are out of her control, she is one of the worst mothers I have come across in literature. She is selfish and unrelenting. Where once Echo holds her mom in high regard, we learn how truly wrong Echo was. While Echo is only looking for acceptance and love from her father, we learn about some terribly bad decisions he made that will affect Echo for the rest of her life.The ending of this book is action packed and emotional. The two things that these characters are fighting for, Noah for his brothers and Echo for her memories and sanity, come quickly to a head. We learn a lot about the pasts of these characters, and we see how they grow up and change through this novel. Although both Noah and Echo have less than desirable pasts, they find refuge in one another and it's a beautiful thing. This book is an excellent study in character development and I urge you to run to the nearest book store and pick up a copy. -The Book Thief (New York: Albert A. Knopf, 2007), a novel by Australian writer Markus Zusak, accomplished a rare feat for Holocaust literature: the novel won numerous literary awards and became a long-standing international best seller, including being on the New York Times best seller list for a record of 230 weeks. What’s even more surprising about the novel’s success is not only its somber theme, but also the fact it’s a work of literary fiction (as opposed to genre fiction), a style of writing that rarely becomes a mainstream hit. Although the distinction between literary fiction and genre fiction is not cut-and-dry—for instance, Elizabeth Kostova’s novel, The Historian, fits both genres--I’d say that genre fiction places emphasis upon a fast-moving, interesting plot, while literary fiction privileges psychologically nuanced characterizations and a unique narrative style.Death characterized the Holocaust, and Death is the real narrator of the novel, which begins with the heroine’s end: Liesel Meminger’s death, many years after WWII, after she’s lived a full life and had children and grandchildren of her own. As Death carries the elderly woman’s soul to the other side, it also takes and narrates her childhood diary.In the late 1930’s and early 40’s, Liesel is a young adopted girl living in Germany. She has her first encounter with Death when her brother, Werner Meminger, who is also given up for adoption along with her, dies on the train to Molching. He’s buried by the railway station. That day, Liesel’s obsession with books—and death--begins. She picks up The Grave Digger’s Handbook, a book dropped by the funeral director at her brother’s funeral.Shortly thereafter, the distraught girl joins what might be seen as a typical German family, with whom she bonds quickly. Liesel’s adoptive father, Hans Hubermann, is a loyal German, who served during WWI, but is not sympathetic to the Nazi regime. Despite his reservations, Hans is enlisted in the German army during WWII. Artistic and sensitive—a painter and accordion player--Hans probably characterizes the attitude of a vast majority of Germans who were not anti-Semitic yet were forced to participate in the Nazi regime. His wife, Rosa, is a no-nonsense woman with a sharp tongue and a loving heart. She washes people’s clothes to supplement their income but gradually, one by one, her customers fire her.Liesel also meets Max Vandenburg, a Jew hidden by the Hubermann family from the Nazis, whose father fought during WWI alongside Hans Hubermann. Liesel befriends him. When Hans becomes ill, she reads to him. He eventually recovers, in part, the novel suggests, because of the power of friendship transmitted through the act of reading. Liesel and her family have a close call with the Gestapo, as soldiers search their house to see if they can use their basement as a shelter. Fortunately, they deem it too shallow and they leave.In all respects, Liesel blends in with her adoptive family. Their hardships and struggles become hers as well. She becomes especially close friends with Rudy Steiner, a blond “Aryan” boy a few months older than her, who develops a crush on her. Although the girl refuses to kiss him, together they embark on many adventures, which bond them to one another. Together, they become book thieves when the Mayor and his wife also fire Rosa. Their love of books and of the forbidden, representing a kind of protest against the Nazi regime and against injustice in life in general, binds the two children even more.Perhaps the strongest character of the novel is Death itself, its main narrator. Death may be brought about by war and by the savage murders perpetrated by the Nazis, but it is not sympathetic to them. Rather, Zusak depicts Death as a kind of Humanist, philosophical character: humane and disapproving of senseless violence, hatred and destruction. In parts, Death touches upon the comic and the absurd, needing “a vacation” from its job during the war.I think the strength of this novel lies in its complex characterizations: the German characters in particular are nuanced and multifaceted, not stereotyped in any way. They too struggle with the evils perpetrated by the Nazi regime and try to help victims, as much as they can. In the end, however, they too become victims of Hitler’s war, as Rosa, Hans and Rudy all die when the Hubermann house is bombed. Rudy doesn’t even get to experience Liesel’s first kiss, dying seconds before she finally declares her love for him and kisses him. Only Liesel survives and gets the chance to have a full life.If I were to identify any weakness in the novel it would be in the narrative style. Since style functions as a kind of author’s unique fingerprint in literary fiction, it’s largely dependent upon each reader’s subjective taste. The choppy, short sentences and disjointed, subjective structure of the novel weren’t to my personal taste, particularly since I usually look for a dense, sweeping and well-informed description of lived history in Holocaust literature. This novel, however, is impressionistic in both style and structure. But these stylistic features also made The Book Thief popular with readers of all ages, particularly with young readers, who could identify with the characters and appreciate its accessible form. Due to its literary success, The Book Thief was recently made into a movie directed by Brian Percival, released in November 2013. The movie, however, unlike the book, received mixed reviews.Claudia Moscovici, Literature Salon -I think I'm about the last person on the planet earth to read this book, and also about the first person not to absolutely adore these books. I had been told to read them for ages, particularly from Gail. The last 100 pages or so is really what redeemed it for me.My big issue with this book was the writing. It seriously almost made me put it down, but every time I was about to do that, the book would redeem itself slightly. The first third to half of the book was awfully slow. It was slow reading, but at the same time intriguing. I didn't really understand all of what was going on, so I wanted to know everything.I loved the characters. Most of them all had such depth and were wonderful. Rue was absolutely my favorite character of the book. I adored her. Peeta was a character I liked right off the bat. Katniss was an interesting character, but I found her a bit annoying. I just didn't like her thoughts. I found her flat and I didn't like her at all.Another thing about The Hunger Games I really did like was the world. I thought it was simply fascinating and I loved how Collins set it up.This was overall a good read, but it just didn't live up to what I thought it would be. I have heard nothing but glowing things for it, and while I loved all the character (minus Katniss some of the time) and thouht the plot was original and intriguing, the plot was slower and I really wasn't a fan of the writing. The ending though, was ace, and has me extremely excited for Catching Fire. -As I was reading the publishing page in the front of the book in preparation for this review, I noticed that the hardbound copy is printed on acid free paper. I know why the publisher went to extra effort and expense in printing this book- it simply is a modern masterpiece of devotional literature that you will keep for a lifetime.My first copy of The Purpose Driven Life, was audio. Each morning as I walked my dog along the river, I would listen to another chapter. Almost immediately I realized that the audio book was the wrong format for me. Rick's insights into scripture are so good that I wanted to read them again and again. Three weeks later, I bought a hardbound copy.For pastors, this book is a must. To be sure, it is pretty basic stuff; but Rick's genius is to communicate the basics in a very delightful and insightful way. As I listened on my MP3 player, I kept trying to make mental notes, saying to myself, That stuff will really preach. For a pastor, there is a years worth of sermon ideas and outlines you will be able to expound on.Most devotional books I find to be disappointing, so much so, I gave up reading them. I am sure glad that I gave Rick a chance. Every Sunday I beg my congregation to purchase this book, telling them that it will give them a foundation to build their Christian life.By the way, I was especially appreciative of Ricks use of multiple translations in his quoting of Scripture. It gives the reader (or hearer) a fresh perspective on already familiar passages. Good job, Rick, you done good! -If there is one author on this planet that doesn't get enough credit for her genius, it is Colleen Hoover. With every book she has published, I swear she can't possibly get any better, could not possibly top herself. And yet she does. Every. Single. Book. is better than the last. And that says a lot considering her first book was Slammed. I mean, seriously?? How does she do it? I am in complete awe. I say it every time, I know I do, but my admiration and respect of this author has reached New heights.Hopeless was a phenomenal book. The story was heartbreaking... the story of Hope/Sky and her life literally broke me. The love story between Sky and Holder was a beautiful one, undeniably so. But Losing Hope just took all my love for this story and multiplied it exponentially.First off, we met Dean Holder again but we get to know him in a whole new way. A way that makes me love him even more than I thought I already had. His telling of his sister's suicide was possibly the most heart wrenching depiction of a suicide I've ever read. Suicide is always tragic, of course... But unless you've lived through that kind of personal loss, I think we take the depth of this kind of tragedy for granted. Well Colleen Hoover takes you there. Dean's story shredded me. I found the entire story line surrounding Les... Her childhood, her utter hopelessness, her subsequent death... I found it almost more heart breaking than Sky's story. It just struck a chord with me this time around that I will never get over. Colleen Hoover really nails you in the gut with Les' suicide, it's agonizing to think of what lead Les to this place of feeling absolutely nothing anymore and her willingness to give it all up. I could taste Dean's feeling of hopelessness, of second guessing everything he could have said or done differently to save his sister from something that seems so preventable but in reality, was near impossible to save her from. I felt every ounce of anger he felt toward her about what she left behind, his anger toward her for what he and her family were left to deal with, the pain that never went away. And the letters... the letters made me laugh, cry, get angry... they were perfect. They kept Les alive in her absence, they created this amazing dynamic within the story that would have been virtually impossible to achieve any other way. We got to know Les, we grew to know the relationship between the siblings through these letters, we felt the range of Dean's emotions through his writing. It was just a perfect element that added so much to this book.Getting to relive the love story between Sky and Dean again was an amazing thing... But there's just something magical about getting it all from Dean's point of view. All those blanks filled in, all those stones unturned. You just get the whole package with a sequel from the other partner's perspective and it really gives you completion and satisfaction and closure that the love you know Sky felt for Dean is reciprocated tenfold. But knowing what Dean felt for Sky, what he felt for Hope, and knowing the pain he had lived with for years in between literally stole my breath away. It's a miracle this guy came out of all that he endured... all that he carried on his shoulders since he was practically a toddler, really. Yes, Hope disappeared when they were five. But he was her rock for years before that, just holding the pinky of the sad little girl next door. And with Losing Hope, you're treated to this amazing miracle of how he felt finding her again and how truly miraculous it is that his love for Hope and his love for Sky were both independent from each other, but yet undeniably connected. It's as if no matter where Hope went, had she never even gone anywhere, or whether or not Hope did or didn't end up as Sky, Dean Holder was meant to love her.This story is so layered. I'm still sitting here trying to get my chin off the floor as I go over and over the web that Colleen Hoover has woven with this book. The links between these characters, no matter how separated they thought they had become, how lost they believed they were to each other... their lives were so tied up in each other. Aside from the obvious, that Dean and Sky lived within miles of each other without ever knowing so, so much about how severely their lives overlapped, how one's decisions and choices and actions effected the others without ever consciously knowing it... it's absolutely awe inspiring to think about what Ms Hoover created here. Brilliant is really the only word I can use and I still don't believe that does the book justice. You live this book.I think too often an author attempts to retell a story from the male perspective and it becomes a story of cut and paste. You come out of it feeling like you just reread a story you already knew. This book is like reading an entirely different story. You think you know this story, you think you know the plot because you read Hopeless... You believe you know these characters and their story of how it began, how it ended and everything in between. But here's a bomb... You know nothing. You know nothing until the very last page of Losing Hope, when you finally have all the pieces, the completed puzzle... You have closure, you find peace with this story. You learn forgiveness in this book, you regain hope. This book is amazing. This book is a masterpiece of epic proportions. -Wow. I didn't intend to read Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl when I did. Two other books sat on the top of the reading pile, begging for a thorough read, the Amazon reader review thing, and so on. But one dark day, I needed a book with an edge to it, and having peeked at a sample page of Gone Girl already, I knew where to find that edge.Gone Girl is the story of Nick and Amy, a seemingly perfect couple to anyone looking in from the outside. But at the start of the book, on the couple's fifth anniversary, when Nick comes home to a ransacked living room and a missing wife, the marriage has already deteriorated to a far from perfect state. Talk about your love hate relationship. Nick and Amy have one in spades at this point - mostly hate, but with love so excruciatingly painted around the edges you can't imagine a better combination.Nick's clumsy handling of himself during the police investigation and an accumulating, increasingly-damning pile of evidence soon point the finger at him as the murderer. We, the readers, don't know whether he is one or not, even though we've been reading most passages from his first person point of view.So is he or isn't he? I won't spoil it. Let me instead touch on two compelling aspects of this novel. First, Gillian's voice is one that many writers would kill for (bad pun, I know). Through the first half of the book she alternates her passages from Nick's point of view (written in a Jess Walter voice, and you never think for one second that hmmm this is a woman trying to write from a man's POV), and Amy's point of view as found in diary entries written before the climactic murder or abduction or whatever actually happened (because I still refuse to tell). Amy's voice is much different than Nick's and I love that. She's brilliant and has a fascinating perceptiveness about each of those many people who just can't help but revolve around her irresistible gravitational force.The other can't-put-it-down aspect of this novel is the quick pacing both before and after a sudden switch in plot halfway through. By that point, as a reader, you think you know the whole story and how it will all end, and you can't imagine what the second half of the book will be for. Why isn't this a novella? What's coming next?What's coming next is motive, and true circumstances, plans going awry, plans being reshaped, and a remarkable elevation of compromise to an art form.I loved this book.Joe -It's 1962, a time when escalating tensions are rising between African-Americans (then known as "coloreds") and their white employers and neighbors! Told from three different points of view, this story probes the intimate thoughts about what it's like for the maids of wealthy and middle class white people in Jackson, Mississippi. It's more than just hard, hard work; it's trying to survive in a constantly demeaning, life or death survival environment! That may sound trite, but trust this reviewer - these accounts are absolutely riveting, heart-stopping and poignant in ways that put new definitions on these commonly used terms!A young woman, Miss Skeetter, wants to be a journalist while her family and friends believe that finding a husband is all that matters, no matter what one's educational background is. Her first question that opens the central plot is to ask if one of the maids, Aibleen, wishes things were different.Aibleen never gets to complete the conversation, but she remembers the comment as she continues to care for three-year-old Mae Mobley. Aibleen, like other hired "help," is more of a mother to Mae Mobley than her own distant, punishing mother by birth. The pain Aibleen feels over this coldness is stunning when one learns the numbing background of her own deep loss. Yet through it all, Aibleen's quietly muttered thoughts and written prayers to God make the reader roar with laughter and ponder what's important in the schemes and nonsense of daily family life. It is she who provides the impetus for Miss Skeeter's project, to get a few black women to talk about the joys, sorrows, challenges and downright insanity of their service employment.Then you'll meet Minnie, another maid who doesn't keep jobs too long because of her outspoken, funny, but offensively blunt comments to her employers. When that doesn't work, lies will do to get rid of her since she obviously doesn't know her "place" in this cold, tough world! Her challenges include a violent home life and an employer who is from the seedier side of Southern life, what used to be called "white trash." Miss Celia is lonely and constantly striving to fit in, but it's clear she doesn't have a clue about much!The project begins on a wrong note and seems doomed to die before it gets going, but tragedy will change all that. Then the reader will be just as stunned at the gritty, fiercely determined nature that arises in a dozen women to tell their tale despite what just might be brutally lethal results. They express their fury and their hysterical barbs as well at the turn of a plan by whites to create toilets for the "diseased" help.So many other characters and events fill these 464 wonderful pages. This reviewer hardly ever says this about any book, but this is a book you will not be able to put down and will be so, so sorry when it's over. It will change hearts and minds wherever it's experienced!This is Kathryn Stockett's first novel, a brilliant, potent celebration of astonishing and noteworthy hope for light to surmount darkness, be it in a person's color or behavior! The Help is a wonder to behold and cherish!Reviewed by Viviane Crystal on December 29, 2008 -Re; the Girl with the dragon Tattoo & the Girl who played with firehave read both and note that the new novel 'the girl who played with fire' is much better. it makes the characters believable by going in detail into their history and resulting psychological profiles, at the same time it is a white knuckles thriller.I strongly recommend this book.for some strange reason it was available in English prior to Christmas everywhere except USA. cant wait for the third book in the series, will there be a fourth? apparently Larsen wrote half of the 4th before suffering a fatal heart attack. -Story is intriguing though incredulous. But I felt the book dragged on a bit too long. I did not feel compelled to any of the characters. -When I first started reading Gone Girl, I almost stopped after discovering it is a dual narrative. To put this in perspective, the last book I had finished was Allegiant, of the Divergent series, and had it been an actual paper book I was reading rather than the kindle app on my iPad, I would have set it on fire. It was the worst experience I've ever had as far as books go, and a large part of that was due to the dual narrative.I am so glad I didn't stop reading because let me tell you, HOMEGIRL ROCKED THE DUAL NARRATIVE.It was like an illness. I COULD NOT STOP. I kid you not, I called in sick for work one day because I reached an especially exciting point in the book the night before, and couldn't bear waiting another 8 hours before continuing.And then I thought I would crap myself once the second part started.And then the third part started and I was just slack-jawed at the insanity exhibited by these two.It's a horrifying tale of "if I can't have you nobody can" wrapped up with some soul-crushing dependence, all told through a who-dun-it type of story. I will read this again and again, that is for dang sure. -I usually choose my yearly 100th book to read based on it meaning something to me, but this year I couldn't come up with anything, but then I remembered this book. I have a few friends, one in particular (hi, <a href="[...]">Lisa</a>!), who have been hounding me to read these for a while. Honestly, it's YA, it's somewhat SciFi and the description just didn't seem to grab me. But I decided that my 100th book would be a nod to my friends and family that are always telling me "Oh, you HAVE to read this book". So, then...I got about 5% into the book and was completely disgusted. I think I may have called Lisa a very bad name. You see, I could NOT PUT THE BOOK DOWN. It was darn well nearly physically attached to my hand. I lost sleep, I gasped in certain places, I yelled "no!" a few times, I was, in short, insane for the day it took me to read this one.The author completely sucks you into this world of the future. Of kids dying as sacrifices to the capital. Of a love triangle. Of family bonds. Of humanity. There is so much going on in the book that it seems like it would be confusing, but in reality, you are so caught up in the entire story that it doesn't matter. It's all-encompassing. It's all-consuming. It's, as Lisa told me, un-put-down-able.There are scenes that rip your heart out in this book. I had to remind myself when I was done that it was YA (Young Adult) because I enjoyed it immensely. Most YA material I can take or leave but this had me hitting the "buy" button for the next in the series within 2 minutes of finishing it.This one makes my must-read list for 2010. I also do not know how to recommend this for, I simply cannot come up with anyone that might not enjoy it. I am not sure I would let my 7-year-old read it, but my 10-year-old would probably enjoy it just as much as my mother or my 70-year-old grandmother would. Read it. Seriously. -I was anxious to read The Host because i wanted to try a Stephanie Meyer book that wasn't Twilight related. I thought the book started out good and interesting but it definately slowed down in the middle to the end. I was worried i wasn't going to finish it but i did and i am glad. First off it did not feel like a romance novel i'm pretty sure she didn't try to write it that way. I like Wander side alot more then melanie to. The characters did get confusing at times. This book wasn't terrible but i didn't fall in love with it. -Has hilarious stories! If you ever need a good laugh, this is the book you should pick up. Made my dad and I laugh so hard. -The concept for this story is exciting. The execution by the author though failed to meet my expectations. The characters are thin and the plot flails about without direction. -I don't understand the negative reviews of this book. This book is entertaining. It has a happy ending. What more could anyone want? It's almost as if people wanted Bella or someone else to die. I hate when people I love in books die. I'm all for happy endings. I also think some of the people who didn't like this book are not a fan of the series and are getting a kick out of bashing this book. I think other people who dislike this book might be concerned Moms who think the book is a little too mature for their teens to read. I'm so glad my parents never banned books for me. I think that's ridiculous. The only parts of this book I disliked was Jacob imprinting with Renesmee. Can I get a big eww? I'm not thrilled with the idea of grown men imprinting with baby girls. It's nasty. I don't get how anyone can think that is ok. It's just wrong. I also though Jacob's "book" within the book was way too long. The book dragged towards the end when the vamps were all gathering together and preparing to fight the Volteri vamps. I hated the name, Renesmee. I thought it was a joke at first. It's awful. I loved that Bella and Edward had a baby. Renesmee was adorable. I loved her. Her "talent" was pretty cool. My favorite part of this book was definitely the begining when Bella and Edward got married. I was shocked when I realized she was pregnant. I loved how the book took a dark turn when the pregnancy was difficult and how she born etc. I loved that this book was a little more adult than the previous books. I hope Stephenie Meyer realizes she has many adult fans and writes more books in the future for us. I enjoyed reading Bella as a vampire. I loved how she wasn't a typical newborn vamp. All in all, it was a good book. I'm satisfied. It's not a 5 star book, but most books aren't. -The characters were different. There was a bit of mystery, a bit of the supernatural, a bit of magic. The ending leaves you wanting more and leaves the story open for another book. -This is a suspenseful, first-person account of the raid that took down Osama bin Laden in May, 2011. The author, writing under the pseudonym of Mark Owen, was one of the elite SEAL Team Six operators that participated in the raid (his real name has since been revealed as Matt Bissonnette). The book debuted at number one on Amazon. It does not disappoint.The first half of No Easy Day covers Bissonnette's work in SEAL Team Six prior to the Osama bin Laden raid. After a cliffhanger opening that anticipates the climax of the book, the story backs up several years to Bissonnette's Green Team training. He was already a Navy SEAL at this point, but he was trying to become a member of the elite Seal TEAM Six, which is composed of the "best of the best." We follow his deployments in both Iraq and Afghanistan, where the recounting of certain missions serves to establish the proficiency of the author and his team at their job. This is rather standard fare for the subgenre.The latter half of the book is devoted to the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound, including the extensive preparations and some of the political aftermath. The actual raid is told in almost moment-by-moment detail, transporting the reader to the compound in Abbottabad. The scene is described so richly that it feels as though we are climbing the stairs with the team as they close in on bin Laden. Several maps and charts help us to picture the location.No Easy Day focuses almost exclusively on Bissonnette's training and deployments. We learn very little about his personal life, which--combined with his intentional pseudonymity--makes it harder to connect with him emotionally. This information was omitted for obvious security reasons. He does share the toll that SEAL life takes on family life, however. "Many of my teammates suffered through bitter divorces. We missed weddings, funerals, and holidays. We couldn't tell the Navy no, but we could tell our families no. And we did often. . . . Work was always the number one priority. It took everything out of you and gave back very little. . . . everything else in the world took a backseat" (106-7). For those wanting a fuller portrait of a Navy SEAL's personal life, see the excellent book by Eric Blehm,Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown, which details the life of SEAL Team Six operator Adam Brown.Bissonnette does not engage in self-aggrandizement or bravado, which has marred some earlier books by former Navy SEALs. The author seems to have a realistic view of himself. He says at one point: "I am not unique or special" (298). He does not hesitate to share instances in combat when he was afraid or made a mistake. He occasionally engages in self-deprecating humor. He regularly dishes out praise for his teammates. Bissonnette says that today's SEALs have "evolved past being egomaniacs" (289). Such professionalism is appreciated.Bissonnette states in the introduction that he has sanitized the book so that it presents no threat to national security. The identities of those involved are masked; special tactics and technology are not revealed; and certain information is generalized. The author says, "If you are looking for secrets, this is not your book" (x). Yet none of these precautions affect the impact of the book. There is still enough specific information to make the action riveting.Despite Bissonnette's precautions, the book is nonetheless generating controversy. Some special operators have challenged his decision to reveal details about the mission, breaking their traditional code of silence. The Department of Defense has threatened to sue because he did not present the book to the Pentagon for inspection prior to publication. The author has responded by pointing out that many people, from the President on down, have revealed details about the mission. He says, "If my commander in chief is willing to talk, then I feel comfortable doing the same" (298). He claims that everything in the book has already appeared in other unclassified sources (xi). I for one am glad that the book was released. It shows that those who commit acts of terror will suffer retribution--perhaps even deadly retribution--for their evil. This should serve as a warning to our enemies.At the end of the book are the names of those SEALs who have paid the ultimate price since September 11, 2001. Bissonnette claims that he is donating the majority of the proceeds from the book to charities that support the families of these fallen Navy SEALs. He encourages readers to donate as well.The book is well-written and a page-turner. Even though the outcome of the book was already known, it maintains a high degree of suspense throughout to see how the situation actually played out. I read it in one sitting. Highly recommended. -Welcome to the world of Amy Elliott Dunne and her husband Nick Dunne. On their fifth wedding anniversary, a day Amy always celebrates to the hilt, she disappears under mysterious circumstances. Nick is the prime suspect and does nothing to make his family, the media, or the public think differently. Thus begins a highly suspenseful tale loaded with twists and turns to keep you eagerly turning the pages. I am in awe of author Gillian Flynn's clever plotting and now anxious to read her two previous books. To go more deeply into the story line would involve spoilers, so I will avoid that and just say Amy and Nick are two of the most dysfunctional, psychotic people you may ever come across. Their story is riveting, appalling, and highly readable. A smart and stylish golden couple who complete each other in every way, their story and the inside look into their marriage will have readers mesmerized from romantic beginning until the stunning finale. -Wow. just wow.I had no idea what to expect when starting this but I knew I had to read it right away because I absolutely loved Slammed and Point of Retreat. It exceeded any expectations I had. Easily one of my favorite books of the year. The story was so touching and had me guessing the entire time I was reading. I was almost positive I knew the way the story was going to play out and was proved wrong with a seriously shocking and great twist. This book was written with so much emotion it was literally jumping off of the pages and consuming me. I am so glad this was released early because I was already having a hard time waiting for this!5++ stars. Another success by Colleen Hoover. -Definitely the best book of the series but all 3 are highly engaging and worth reading. I didn't know anything about this book when I bought it, but I had heard of it and wanted a good book to put on my brand new Kindle. I seriously could not put it down, and finished it in one day and immediately purchased the other 2 books in the trilogy.I was surprised to find out that this was meant for kids! It is so captivating, and fairly gruesome. Definitely the best book I have read in a long time, I would recommend this to any and everyone! -If you aren't up to date on the publication and release drama surrounding the Cuckoo's Calling author, I'll give you a second to catch up. Good? Okay. The Cuckoo's Calling by J.K. Rowling was orignally masqueraded as a excellent debut novel by newcomer Robert Galbraith. In the statement "debut novel", critics reveal a bias toward letting some flaws slide and overlooking the less-than0stellar details of the book, while praising the good things it does well. Now that we know Robert Galbraith is not a newcomer, and no less he is the great J.K. Rowling, I think it's time we all looked at it through the lens of a regular critique: that this is the third outing of a well-known author... and it is also her weakest.The Cuckoo's Calling concerns itself with the apparent suicide of super model Lula Landry, who jumped out of her third floor balcony due to depression. Our detective is Cormoran Strike, a one-legged veteran-turned-private-eye, who finds himself randomly teamed up with a young woman named Robin, who was sent over by a temp service that he forgot to cancel. After receiving the assignment from a worried brother of Lula's, the two hit the streets of London to find out what actually happened the night the model died.The plot is surprisingly feeble, especially for a murder mystery. From the first few pages of the novel, there isn't anything particularly gripping or suspenseful about what is going to happen. You know two things from the get-go: there is a mystery and we will get a resolution eventually. There never was a "how are we going to figure this out?" or "what will we do if we can't?" moment-- Strike lines up a list of suspects and witnesses and goes through them, one by one, for 400 pages. Each suspect lasts one to two chapters, they tell there side of the story, and then Strike moves. Absolutely no clues are given to the reader during this time, and then somewhere around page 400, a surge of true information comes out and then the book is neatly wrapped up. This makes the plot structure very weird, like one long expository flatline and then a huge drop of a sudden resolution.But despite the plot, the writing in here is superb. It's what you'd expect from the first person to make a billion dollars writing books. The writing is tight, clean, and clinical at times, matching the investigative nature of the story. At first, this may seem a little jarring, and hard to get in to. A few of the paragraphs do tend to go on a sentence fragment or two too long. But the writing does it's job, never gets in the way of the story, and pulls the reader along the way... even if the plot doesn't.The dialogue in this book is phenomenal, easily one of it's strongest points. Each line of each character's speech is carefully written, hand picked to reflect their background, their views, and their characteristics. It is truly a treat to visit each and every witness or suspect and get their side of the story, even if that story isn't compelling. From Tansy Bestigui to Guy Somé, each character has distinctive speech patterns, a feat which does not go unnoticed after working through each of the novel's 40 or so characters. Sometimes the author even writes in Dialect, which goes well in every case except for one particular one (Lula Landry's birth mother, who's cockney drawl was a headache to read and interpret, especially for an American).After sifting through the various things this book has to offer, you finally get to the end. Many readers and reviews before me have praised this part of the book, but in my opinion, it was nothing special. The loose ends get tied up in a satisfactory way, but nothing shocking or surprising really happens, and, in truth, some of the motives for one specific character get a little murky and quite silly. Of the eight hundred million things that are clarified and revealed to the reader in the final forty pages, only one of them managed to actually surprise me, and it wasn't the "oh dang!" moment I was expecting from a mystery with this many high reviews.I'm not sure if my opinion on this book is going to change your mind over whether or not you read it. I mean, come on, it's JK Rowling, it's the talk of the month. You're going to read it. But I hope that my points inspired some thought in you over whether or not you enjoyed this book. As for me? I'm surprised this is the one all the hubbub is about. Personally, I thoughtThe Casual Vacancywas a much better book with a way more solid ending. -I have a friend who was actually an orphan and on an orphan train, so this book is meaningful to me. I think the writing and the content is very good. -This was a great book, until the end. Some parts were dark. Twisted. But after reading all those pages, some of which were redundant, it just stops. Like there should be part 2 which I would not read. Readers deserve closure. BIG waste of my time and money -The Time Traveler's Wife never appealed to me because of the title. I don't usually care for science fiction and time traveling, but my friend recommended the novel and gave me a copy as a gift, so I tried it out. Just as I expected, I didn't care for the time traveling. I found the first thirty pages terribly confusing as dates and ages jumped around. For me, The Time Traveler's Wife had a rough start, but it picked up after the first hundred pages or so once I figured out the time structure of the story, and it culminated with the final scene as the best scene in the book.The book tells the love story between Henry, a librarian plagued with a genetic disorder that causes him to involuntarily time travel, and his wife Clare. The story and concept are unique, interesting, and captivating. They touch upon a wide variety of philosophical topics, such as love, free will, age differences within relationships, sex, waiting for love, and genetic therapy. It provides a lot of material for both self-reflection and discussion with others.Although I enjoyed reading the novel and became engrossed in the storyline, I also found many faults with the book. My main complaint is that the characters were flat. The story is told with the alternating perspectives of Henry and Clare, however, I oftentimes could not remember whose perspective I was reading. The two characters are too similar and are poorly developed as separate individuals. Henry is clearly the main character, and Clare simply waits for him throughout her entire life. Some people might find her relentless waiting as a testament to her love for Henry, but I found it pathetic and irritating. She has no personality beyond Henry. Furthermore, I found Henry interesting because of his time traveling predicament, but he is not at all what I would envision of as a romantic hero in a love story. The author sets up numerous situations in which she could have explored their deeper emotions, but instead she only skims the surface. Similarly, the author sets up some great supporting characters, but fails to give them any depth.In the end, The Time Traveler's Wife is not a bad book, but it's not a great book either. The story and concept were captivating, but unfortuantely, the characters were disappointing. -Weird, weird book. Very surprised considering its popularity. Had to finish it, though, and it was okay. I hate to say I wouldn't recommend it to a friend. Both characters were very odd and had several issues of their own. No real "good guy" I guess. Left me with a big ole question mark dangling at the end of this one. -I was in the mood for some light beach reading. This book was perfect for that. It was entertaining throughout and I laughed out loud a lot! The characters were likeable and I could not put this book down. -So beautifully written that you literally have to stop and close the book for a few minutes savoring what she's written. Her prose is so clear, so direct and yet so humorous that you smile through every paragraph.Gilbert is a born writer and one of the few I've read lately that make you turn immediately back to the first page to start over when you finish one of her books. Highly recommended. -I have little respect for authors that borrow characters from other work (-5 stars) of their own, give them new names and toss them into a different story. No matter how interesting the storyline (4 stars) I feel as if the author is cheating, lazy and looking to turn a quick buck ( or meet an impossible deadline etc). The concept is intriguing (4 stars) and the pace satisfactory ( 3 stars) but it lacks the depth it needs to be exceptional. I was a bit confused at the beginning, thinking I was reading a second or third book in a series (i did check to make sure). The reader is dropped into the story with no introduction (-3 stars). It did not make sense. I ignored this issue thinking the story would evolve in a way that would explain. I later found that it was not important. There were times when I did not want to put it down and was looking forward to my reading time (5 stars). The ending is completely set up for a sequel and when it is released I will read it with hope that she put a little more effort into it. -The best thing about this book is: it is so simple to read and understand, and hence easy to remember. The concepts laid down are so simple, and yet sometimes surprising. Mr. Collins did not complicate the findings, and use very simple terms and stories to illustrate his findings. Since the results are driven from detail researches, it adds certain credibility to the overall framework. Ignoring the notes of the researches, the book only has +200 pages. This is a must read of even the most busiest executives. -As I write this, there are already over five hundred reviews of this book in ahead of me, so there would not seem to be much I can write about it that hasn't already been written. Given these circumstances, I'll cut right to the chase. This is a terrific book, and it is apparently just the first of six that will make up the entire "Fire And Ice" series.Tolkien is the standard by which I measure adult fantasy and, while my experience in this genre is limited, "A Game Of Thrones" is the most compelling and well-conceived tale I've found since Tolkien (and I liked Kay's "Tigana" and Brooks' Shannara books very much). It lacks Tolkien's deft touch of humor, but the plotting is intricate and multi-faceted and the characters have real depth, with elements of both good and bad in their personalities. Some are at once likeable but on the wrong side, and vice versa. Further, the "good guys" in this story are just as much at risk as the "bad guys". Death can strike down anyone, and it sometimes does so with stunning suddenness.The plotting is truly fascinating. Most immediately, the political and personal intrigue within the seven kingdoms is fast-moving and treacherous. But, beyond that, there is the Princess Daenerys, the last suviving member of the previous ruling house of the Seven Kingdoms, who dreams of returning from exile and reclaiming the throne for herself. Lurking beyond even that, however, is the ominous threat that "winter is coming". The great northern ice wall separates the Seven Kingdoms from a vague danger that is, as yet, only hinted at but which seems to be perhaps the greatest danger of all.This is great storytelling. A real page-turner. There's never a dull moment and, as a reader, I was always anxious to see what was going to happen next. I have the next book (#2), but book #3 doesn't come out in paperback for a couple of months and the remaining books in the series are farther down the line. I'm resisting the urge to plunge right into #2 for this reason, but I guarantee that I won't wait very long. Read this book. You'll be looking forward to more, too. -When my dad read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo a while back, every time I walked by him he looked up (or didn't, because he was so insanely engrossed in the novel) and said, "Natanya, you HAVE TO READ THIS." Although I knew that I would not be as blown away by it as he was (my dad spends most of his time reading emails, not novels, and he's a computer geek), I knew I had to see whether the novel lived up to the hype. And now that I've read it, I can say that the majority of it did. The real meat of the story--the main mystery--is quite the thrill ride, and I found it pretty impossible to guess who the "culprit" was until the end. I loved Salander and her various methods of getting information or making things work to her advantage. Blomkvist was a little blah at times, but that didn't really hinder the novel very much--he provided a pretty good contrast to Salander's unpredictability.However, the mystery is framed by this financial libel disaster that Blomkist got himself into, and, consequently, I found the beginning and end of the novel to be very boring. While I was largely able to ignore Larsson's often excessive amount of detail for the bulk of the book (some of which became relevant later, others which were really not necessary), I had to force myself through the first 75 pages or so of detail and financial crap that was relevant to Blomkvist's life, but entirely irrelevant to the rest of the book. I suppose it is better that Larsson fleshed out the context rather than just throwing it in as a wimpy reasoning for why Blomkvist could spend a year on this mystery, but, honestly, I have little interest in the financial world.But, while this boring frame (and maybe it was just boring to me) made the novel a bit less enjoyable, the bulk of it is much more applicable to a college age girl (at times terrifyingly so), and is also far more graphic, shocking, gruesome, and totally gripping. As a warning, though, it does get pretty gross at times, and I had a hard time falling asleep a couple nights after reading this. So you may not want to read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo right before going to sleep, but if you like mysteries or thrillers, or are just looking for a hold-onto-your-pants ride of a novel, do read it. -I really loved this book. It's got a great blend of science fiction and 80s nostalgia, all wrapped together in a plot that moves like a roller coaster.In 2044, most of humanity is plugged into a virtual world called OASIS, the brainchild of a genius named Jim Halliday, who was raised in small town America and was a child of the 80s. Halliday, before his death, left a series of puzzles and clues that would lead one lucky player to his fortune. Wade Watts (nee Parzival) wants to be the first to find this treasure, and does find and solve the first of many puzzles. Now the world is watching. Wade's friends Aech and pseudo-girlfriend Art3mis aid him, and he meets up with other virtual warriors (Daito and Shoto). However, a large corporation, IOI, led by a man named Sorrento, also wants to find Halliday's fortune and they've got the firepower and resources to do it.The characters are all likable (with the exception of Sorrento) and the 80s nostalgia is amusing (Halliday codes his puzzles with dialogue from 80s films like 'WarGames'). The pacing is brisk; once Wade finds the puzzles, the action starts and doesn't really stop until the conclusion, where Wade must solve the final puzzle. The author thanks several movie executives in the acknowledgements, and I truly hope this book is made into a film. I can't tell which I'd rather watch first: this, or "Robopocalypse."This book is highly recommended. It doesn't matter if you're a diehard gamer, an 80s child, or a WoW guild member. Even if your only exposure to video games was watching "Wreck-It Ralph" in theaters last year, read this book; you will not be disappointed. -This book was good, and I really did enjoy it (already started the second one). There were a few things about the characters that bugged me, but no one is perfect. I have read a lot of NA books and it was up to par, the sex scenes were hot and good (a little repetative at times but still good), better than fifty shades but no where near as good as "Rush" (the breathless series), that by far is my favorite. Overall it was a good book and an easy read (finished it in a day or so). The characters I hope will grow a little more in the second novel. -This story line is amazing. I love the sacrifice. That author did an amazing job building characters and plot. Great read. -The final book in the Divergent Trilogy left a lot to be desired... That being said, the book wasn't necessarily bad and I feel that most fans of the series will ultimately be at least satisfied with the trilogy's ending. (In other words, it could have been a lot worse.) There's not much I can say about the story without giving too much away; the action and intrigue that comprised the first two books is still present in Allegiant. Also present is the ensuing romance between Tris and Tobias. Despite having the core elements that made up the first two books, there were a few things that I took issue with in Allegiant...For one, this book is told from the perspectives of both Tris AND Tobias. I was initially very excited about this aspect of the book. However, I just feel that this idea was better in theory. The dual perspective was not executed very well. There was no real distinction between the voices of Tris and Tobias. If you were to open to a random page and read it you would not be able to distinguish who was speaking (except for use of pronouns, names, etc.). I feel that Roth should have spent more time developing a clear voice for Tobias instead of using the same writing style she's used for Tris's voice.I was also a little disappointed about what was "beyond the fence." Don't get me wrong, it was interesting and thought-provoking, but... I just expected more! I feel like the explanation for the secrets behind Tris's world were just very bland (for lack of a better word). The previous two books were just so mind-blowing that I expected the same sort of pizzaz from Allegiant, but it just wasn't there.Despite these errors, Allegiant really is a decent ending to the trilogy. Even though it doesn't necessarily end the way you want it to. However, its flaws keep it from entering the realm of 5-star books like its predecessors, Divergent and Insurgent. -The series takes some very unexpected but not unpleasant twists in the second installment. This one is hard to put down. -I rate books on how much of an impact they have on me and whether or not I will think about or want to discuss the contents after I've read the last page and closed the cover.The Roadis a post apocalyptic novel that will stay with me a very long time. The bleakness of the journey that this unnamed father and son embark on is quickly evident -- they are going south but have no real plan and no endpoint or destination in mind. They traverse an unrelenting and very bleak landscape of ash and burnt out flora, fauna and civilization -- devoid of any life except for the occasional creature that bears little resemblance to what was once humankind. The man and the boy stick to the endless blacktop, the road -- the only somewhat permanent residual marker in a very changed world. They walk by day, pushing a metal grocery cart full of their meager possessions, avoiding the marauding bands of cannibals and even the lone survivors as trust is not a trait they can afford to have when it is survival of the fittest at stake.Though the story is very grim, the love and protectiveness that the father has for his son is the only light in this otherwise very depressing narrative. They are all unto each other -- there is no one else and nothing else. Memories that the man has are soon discarded as his reality is faced with plugged determination -- a search for food, water, warmth -- merely to survive another day.I'm eager to see the movie based on this book and hope it's a faithful adaptation. This is definitely a novel that I will think about time and again as it haunts me with its stark portrayal of whatever comes after "the end of the world as we knew it."I gave this 5 stars, not because it was a pleasant story, but because of the impact it had on my psyche and my senses as I read it.I can't really say I LOVED this book, but I did live it.Recommend. -If you're not DARING TO BELIEVE GOD for the impossible,you may be SLEEPING THROUGHsome of the BEST PARTS of your Christian Life.I really thought this book was thought provoking and insightful. The writing style is very easy to follow. Furtick uses a lot of great illustrations. He also uses a lot of scripture to back his points. The book really challenges us to pray big prayers and expect God to do big things for us. He uses the term "Audacious faith" a faith that challenges you to live with boldness. I love the statement he used "A lot of Christians I know stagger through life in a daze. Suffering from posttraumatic faith disorder, they hunker down in the basement, open a can of Beanie Weenees, and wait for the end of the world." This has a great and challenging book.I received this book free from Multnomah Books as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." -What a great book and start to an awesome series.Characters: 5/5Cassandra knows how to create great characters. The good ones are nice, the snarky ones are awesome and the bad ones wind you up. I love the humor she brings into the scenes as well.Clary - I like her from the start. Clary is easy to connect with and she is smart. Sometimes she can't see what is right in front of her but she keeps it together and is determined to find her mom.Simon - Simon is Clary's best friend and I love his humor and optimism. He is an awesome character. He is so witty and kept me laughing throughout the book. I really enjoy the comfortableness that is there in his friendship with Clary.Jace - I love his snarky and badass wit. He is smart, brave and just a great character. On the surface he is serious, honest and smart - underneath Clary brings out a more sensitive, caring side. Just like Alec says - Jace thinks he needs to save the world.Isabelle - I love Isabelle's way. She isn't out rightly a nice person but she isn't a mean person either - just really honest and a bit arrogant. My favourite scene with her is right at the end with Clary - where have a beautiful bonding moment.Alec - Initially Alec comes across really rude and offish, especially towards Clary. I could see why Alec seemed put out by Clary. It's as if Jace doesn't need him anymore and is utterly absorbed by Clary. I could see his troubles and I think great things will still come for Alec.Magnus Bane - I loved Magnus in The Infernal Devices. I don't feel he played a huge part in this story but I do think (and hope) to see more of him in the rest of the series.Hodge - Hodge is such a misunderstood character, I felt so sorry for him. I don't think he really knows where his loyalties and heart lie. He may have started off on one side, but near the end he makes some decisions to help people, regardless of what is in store for him.I cannot say I have one favourite character - I love them all!Plot, Pace, Writing style: 5/5The plot was captivating and gripping. Cassandra has a beautiful way with words and is an amazing writer. The pace is perfect and there is so much to build on in the books to come.Cover talk: 5/5 I love the covers in this series! They are beautiful and original.Final Thoughts: I am really excited to continue this series -This is a groundbreaking book, at least to me. I have read plenty of marriage and parental improvement books, but none that I recall address the potential pitfalls and methods of working with introverted individuals. Cain has an engaging writing and storytelling style that makes this book an easy read. I didn't necessarily think of myself as an introvert until I began reading through the checklist she put together at the beginning of the book. I knew I enjoyed my personal time to read, enjoyed expressing my feelings in writing and sometimes just had to get away from others, but only as I read this book did it dawn on me that these traits put me largely in the introvert camp. As the father of a possibly introverted child, there are some good take aways for me from this book as well. And the conclusion - talk about a life's manifesto! Overall, well done and fascinating read. -Nell Hawthorne is an ordinary girl sweet and well educated. Kyle Calloway is only days older than her, for many years he is her best friend, until he admits his feelings changed and he becomes her great love. Their life is pure bliss until a tragic event rips them apart forever.The void he left and the guilt she feels make her life painful and she has troubles coping.When she meets Colton Klyle's older brother for the first time, he seems to accept and understand her. Some years later when they meet again their scared souls seem to recognize each other. Colton teaches her how to cope with the pain, how to let go and accept the pain.The love they develop is deep and fragile. Together they learn to love again to accept their pain and to, sometimes enjoy life.Oh Mrs. Wilder what did you do?I enjoyed your book wounded a lot and now you create two more characters that are amazing. I really enjoyed the rhythm, the characters, the story and the blazing hot sex scenes. I loved the fact that the reader understood the feelings without you having to explain and show everything. At the end I noticed that I was going to underscore every single sentence of the last pages... so I just enjoyed reading then and bookmarked the pages.Thank you a lot for this book I am really waiting for your next one.I hope you will enjoy the read as much as I did.Please keep feel free to comment. MBTM -One of my new favorite books of all time!!! Colleen Hoover just writes perfection. My words cannot accurately describe how I feel about this book. It's brilliant. I loved it, everything about it. Holder is freaking amazing. Sky is the perfect book heroine. The story is fresh. I would recommend to anyone and everyone. So butterflying fantastic! -Cade MacKenzie is a marked man. After his cover was blown while working to take down the del Fuego cartel, he saw the woman he was in love with taken away. He is no longer the man he once was. There is darkness in him that wasn’t there before, but when he moves in next door to Bayleigh Scott she awakens something in him that he thought was long dead.Cade is the definition of alpha male. He is hard, sexy, and in control. Yet his past leaves a trace of vulnerability that is very attractive. He is also cocky in a way that is a total turn on instead of off putting. Bayleigh is a tough one in her own right, but her insecurities are a little clearer. I love the way Cade just sends her into a tailspin!Hart delivers her readers a very sexy suspense, and I completely ate it up. Of course I have read romantic suspense before with the emotionally wounded alpha male, and the woman who brings him redemption. It is a fairly common formula, but it is for a reason. Readers respond to it plain and simple. Cade’s story reached out to me, and I fell for him right along with Bayleigh. This is a couple that can crank up the heat! The scenes between the two are both sexy and erotic. The element of danger was also a plus. I must say Hart did a wonderful job. I giveCade: A MacKenzie Family Novel 4 masks!After finishing the book my first thoughts were of Cade’s brothers and how I need to know about them. This isn’t the first MacKenzie family novel, but Cade stands alone really well.. My second thought was I want to review every one of them! All of the lovely readers out there who have been braving the subzero temperatures need to grab this read and let Cade warm you up on a winter’s night!**Reviewed by Teresa D. for ThatsErotica.com** -I appreciated the way data was presented - very readable and engaging. There is a little bit of a "Venus vs. Mars" feel to it but the book is helpful toward understanding different personality traits and provides good advice regarding how to navigate them, whether in personal relationships, parenting, teaching or workplace settings. I did find it a little repetitive but the book is clearly well researched and accessible. -I love books by Micheal Crichton and buy all of them. I think his best were Jurassic Park and the Andromeda Strain. This book is entertaining and offers some interesting insights into 13th century mores,but the science discriptions were missing and the story was not really compelling. While I do recommend it, I just wish he would write something really gripping again. -***ARC received by Simon & Schuster for review***"You're trying to save him, and he's hoping you can. You two are a disaster."I smiled at the ceiling. "It doesn't matter what or why it is. When it's good, Kara...it's beautiful."This quote describes Beautiful Disaster perfectly! I had read a couple of good reviews about this book and when I saw Beautiful Disaster on NetGalley a couple of weeks ago, I decided to get it and planned to squeeze it my reading list sometime in the next couple of months. But after reading a particular review by Debbie at I Heart YA Books, I just simply had to put all of my other books aside and I HAD to read it right away! I started reading this book around 11:30pm and I stayed up until 2:30am reading half of the book (even though I had to wake up at 5:30 the next morning) and finishing the whole thing the next night. So yes, this book was simply unputdownable. (Is that a word?)Let me start off by saying that this book is not perfect and at times it was a bit of a disaster but that's why I loved it so much. Travis and Abby were two very flawed characters with a lot of issues to work through. For some reason these always become my favorite types of characters. To me, it makes it even more special to see them grow and change and I feel like the payoff is even bigger at the end. I know a lot of people really didn't like Travis but I absolutely and completely LOVED him, everything about him! The good and the bad. Yes, he can be a jerk and he has one hell of a temper and some major jealousy issues but all of these flaws just made him even more realistic to me. Don't worry because he doesn't stay that way throughout the whole book. Once he meets Abby he slowly starts changing, sometimes for the better, sometimes not. But the important thing to me is that he tries to be a better person for Abby. There is another character in this book, Parker, who is somewhat a love interest to Abby. He was pretty much perfect: good looking, rich, nice, good manners, Harvard-bound...and I absolutely could not stand him! He was such a bore. Maybe it's just me and maybe I'm not right in the head but I like reading about the messed up characters. The more screwed up they are, the better I like them. (Most of the time)Abby was a very complex character. She has a shady past and has worked hard to move on from it. But from the moment she meets Travis, she can't help but feel drawn to him. Don't worry; this isn't one of those insta-love stories. In fact, it's the completely opposite. It's one of those almostexcruciating but awesome slow build-ups that pushes them together one moment only to have them ripped apart the next. Abby and Travis have such a complicated and messed up friendship and their relationship is even more messed up. Just like the quote above says, when things are good between them it was such a beautiful thing. But when things went bad, it was definitely disastrous. At first, I really liked Abby because she was really tough and she would stand up to herself to Travis and didn't take any of his bullshit. But the closer they got, and the more blurry the line between friendship and romance got, she did some very stupid things which made me want to reach into the book and slap her a couple of times. (Maybe more than a couple)It's official! I found my new favorite category: New Adult! I mostly read YA (hence the blog name) and as much as I love them I sometimes feel like there is something missing. Well I found out what that was: sex! This is another thing that adds a realistic element to the story. I don't know why but it always bugs me when couples in YA wait until the third book to finally have sex. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against waiting and I definitely love the sexual tension until then, but what is it about the third book that makes it ok then? The relationship between Travis and Abby is scorching hot without being graphic or inappropriate. It's also such a refreshing change to move away from the high school setting (and drama). All of these things including the language make it so much more real to me.The plot definitely took a couple of crazy turns but overall, I absolutely fell in love with this book! The only thing that I didn't like about the book was that Travis has this nickname for Abby: Pigeon or Pidge. It briefly gets explained why he gave her that nickname although it didn't really make sense (to me). I mentally programmed my brain to just read `Abby" every time the word Pigeon came out. I also loved Shepley and America who are Travis and Abby's best friends (and also a couple). Travis and Abby are one of my new favorite couples and Beautiful Disaster has made it into my top 10 all-time favorite books. I read on the author's blog that she is writing a companion to this book, Walking Disaster which is basically this story but told from Travis's POV! Travis has some serious issues and I can't wait to get inside his head. Counting down the days until we get to read a new perspective on Travis on Abby.Due to the content and language of this book, it is recommended for ages 17+. (New Adult) Beautiful Disaster is not for everyone. I have seen some pretty harsh reviews for this book and it looks like it's one of those books you are either gonna LOVE or HATE. It's raw and intense and very emotional and it tackles some pretty serious issues. Whether you love it or not, one thing is clear: everyone is talking about Beautiful Disaster! Read it and make up your own decision about it instead of staying away from it because of the bad reviews.5 out of 5 very sparkly stars!!! A MUST-read!Some of my favorite non-spoiler quotes from Beautiful Disaster:-"You're only making it worse by brushing him off. He's not used to that.""What do you suggest I do? Sleep with him?"America shrugged. "It'll save time."-He leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "I don't wanna sleep with you, Pidge. I like you too much."He walked past me to the bathroom, and I stood, stunned.Kara's words replayed in my mind. Travis Maddox slept with everyone; I couldn't help but feel deficient in some way knowing he had no desire to even try to sleep with me.-I clinked my bottle against his. "To being the only girl a guy with no standards doesn't want to sleep with." I said, taking a swig."Are you serious?" he asked, pulling the bottle from my mouth. When I didn't recant, he leaned toward me. "First of all...I have standards. I've never been with an ugly woman. Ever. Second of all, I wanted to sleep with you. I thought about throwing you over my couch fifty different ways, but I haven't because I don't see you that way anymore. It's not that I'm not attracted to you, I just think you're better than that."-"Abs?" What are you a workout video?" he sneered."Pigeon?" I said with the same amount of disdain. "An annoying bird that craps all over the sidewalk?"-I yanked his shirt over his head, fumbling in the dark with his belt buckle. He jerked it open, ripped it off, and threw it on the floor. He lifted me from the mattress with one hand and unzipped my dress with the other. I pulled it over my head, tossing it somewhere in the dark, and then Travis kissed me, moaning against my mouth.***Read more of my reviews at:Nereyda @Mostly YA Book Obsessed -The book captures the reader from the beginning. I liked watching the movie n going back to the book and rereading it again n knowing the book is so much more detailed than the movie. Of course I know u cant put everything from the book into the movie but its fun to pick out the movie in the book -I red this book that I had been anticipating for some time with a mixture of excitement and drowsiness, which I guess comes of making a wal-mart run at midnight and reading until 4 A.M. then starting again 6 hours later. I thought that overall it was good, but not as good as book 4. It felt like throughout the series people were growing and changing, and yet either we took a step backwards or the people were always static. Of course some of the background characters have really matured and changed, like Neville, and some things we've been reading about in the other books finally pay off, but it almost feels like what is revealed in this book could and should have taken place in a much earlier novel. The beginning of the conflict between good and evil was sadly anticlimactic. However the talk between Harry and Dumbledore has some truly tense and interesting moments.While I truly enjoy the entire series, This one seems like the weak sister of the group. -I was fascinated by Bill O'Reilly's book on Jesus's life and death. Part 'straight from the Bible' and part 'straight from the history books', this rendition of Jesus's life and the convoluted and trumped up explanations for that brutal death (and yes, this book pulls no punches about exactly how brutal and horrifying the crucifixion he suffered was) is not for those looking for an easy read. I won't say I "loved" this book, because that would dilute its power and honesty. I will say it's one of the most memorable and visceral renditions of Jesus's life and death that I have ever read. However, the reader must be aware of exactly what kind of old world 'justice' this is about. Do I recommend it? Oh yes! But know what you're getting into. -Every character in this book is odd. The plot is odd. And I must be odd myself because I kept coming back for more. Although I may not read any of the Odd Thomas sequels, I don't regret experiencing this one....no disgusting sex or language earns an extra star from me. -With all due respect to the 5 and 4 star reviewers, I am not sure that I read the same book. I will not get in a long drawn out review as to why this book deserves only 1 star I will just keep it short and sweet. The ending of this book is terrible! I actually set there holding my kindle wondering what just happened. Terrible -This fourth book in the Harry Potter series blows the first three books away! Harry finally comes face to face with his enemy and is forced to use everything he has learned to survive. This book is slightly "darker" and more frightening than the other three, but even more engaging. Though this book is over 700 pages, I found myself wishing it were even longer. Incredible! -This is an exceptionally well written, well-researched book about two events that were intertwined, the Chicago World's Fair and the crimes of a serial killer in late nineteenth century Chicago. The book is rife with period detail and highly descriptive passages that give the reader a taste of what living in Chicago was like at that time.The book provides a fascinating look at the enormous work and planning that went into creating the Chicago World's Fair, making it into one that was truly remarkable for its time, given some of the problems that the architects had to overcome. It also provides a fascinating look into the lives of some of the key players involved in its creation.Meanwhile, an enterprising and charismatic killer was also at work, his story being tied into that of the creation of the Chicago World's Fair itself. His story, however, is the weaker part of the book, as it lacks the detail that is evident in the other segment of the book. Still, it provides an interesting look into the life of a serial killer who seemed to go about his grisly business with impunity, as well as a look at crime, law enforcement, and the state of criminal justice in late nineteenth century Chicago.The photographs that were included in the book are excellent and illustrative. The only problem is that there are not enough of them, as the few that are included simply make the reader desire more of them. Still, those with an appreciation of history will enjoy this work of non-fiction and look forward to reading more by this author. -Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick."This book is not a snuggie. The words on these pages will not go down like Ambien. I'm not writing to calm or coddle you .... In short, I'm out to activate your audacious faith. To inspire you to ask God for the impossible. And the process, to reconnect you with your God-sized purpose and potential."Steven Furtick writes this book to challenge us to see the immense power of God and to claim it in our own lives and ministries. Expounding Biblical principles of audacious prayer from the story of Joshua praying for the sun to stand still in the midst of battle, Furtick shows that God is waiting for us to ask Him to do incredible things ... but too often we don't believe God can really help us.Along with solid Biblical insight, Furtick weaves powerful stories (many from his personal life) about praying audacious prayers and seeing God answer. At a very young age (I think he is still under 30), Furtick planted the Elevation Church in Charlotte NC. In about 4 years, this church has become one of the fastest growing, most influential churches in America, with over 6, 000 in attendance. As I said, he has prayed for miracles and has seen miracles happen.Sun Stand Still is not a heavy theology book. It is an easy read that is written for the church audience at large (not just church leadership. The book didn't really have many new insights into the power of prayer, but it is a book that reminded me of how much God wants to do in my life ... more than I usually take time to consider.Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. -this was a great read I thought the suspense and action was good. I like James Rollins way of keeping you reading right to the end. -If your looking for real love plus a little bit of intimacy you must read this book. My heart feels so full of love after reading this love story. It is a.must read!!!!! -I first watched the movie and then decided I needed to read the book. Whether this story is completely true or not it was a wonderful read. I enjoyed it thoroughly and then decided I had to re-watch the movie. Liked the book much more than the movie and would highly recommend it.Book also arrived in excellent condition and within 2 days of being ordered. Great service! -"The Eye of the World" is probably the most famous fantasy novel written in the last generation, but it doesn't deserve to be. About the only thing that's going for this novel is the terrific ending, with a huge surprise waiting in the final line. But to get there, you have to wade through about 650 pages of tripe, and that's in the hardcover edition.For most of the book, the plot is fairly straightforward. There's a group of eight people who need to get from point A to point B, where point A is called The Two Rivers and point B is called Tar Valon. Meanwhile, an archvillian known as The Dark One sends overwhelming sinister forces to stop them. This portion of the book isn't developed with much skill, which is what makes it pretty boring. All that the good guys have to do is swing their swords around a few times and they can easily defeat entire armies of bad guys. One top of that, the good guys are led by an Aes Sedai (a female wizard) who can do more or less anything, so there's never any real sense of danger. The action scenes also grow very repetitive. For instance, there's one scene where our heroes are being chased by a horde of villians, but luckily they're able to run into a magic place where the bad guys just aren't willing to go. This exact same scene gets repeated twice later in the novel.Many people seem to think that the characterizations are one of this novel's strengths, but I don't agree. The main character is named Rand al'Thor, and the novel is supposed to show him changing from an ordinary farmboy into a great warrior. The problem is that he doesn't act like an ordinary person at the start; none of the five characters who grew up in a small down do. They all acts like soldiers right from the start. They're willing to plunge into battle without any hesitation, and the children always act totally grown up. I found the characters to be largely static and unbelievable.This certainly isn't a terrible novel. As I mentioned, it does have a wonderful surprise ending. Just don't expect to be swept away by it. Also, be sure to read the gloassary at the end, which is more entertaining than most of the book. -"Help" is a perfect name for this book. As you read it you will realize why and it will blow you away. I agree with the readers that from the very beginning this book grabs you and does not let go. After I finished the story I re-read it to study the minute nuances because it is such a haunting tale. It is a story about relationships in the south at the beginning of the civil rights movement. Not just relationships between white women and their black help, but also about relationships between white women and their husbands, white women with each other, white women and their mothers from another generation, black women and each other, black women and the white children they raised and so much more. To only have seen the one relationship between white women vs the black help is to have missed out on many of the lessons taught within these pages.The plot of the story is about a young white woman, Miss Skeeter, who realizes that to fulfill her dream of becoming a writer, she must dig deeper within herself and write about what matters to her. She decides to write a book about the relationships between white women and their black female helpers as a way to better understand the love she felt for her own helper, Constantine who had abandoned her under mysterious circumstances. With clandestine meetings with her best friends' helpers she is able to interview a dozen other black women employed by white families and learns of stories both good and bad. I admire the author for not writing in graphic detail any sort of absolute acts of injustice or inhumanity such as rape and police brutality, which of course did frequently take place in those times. It is in the consistent subtle mistreatment which causes the most harm and it is also the small kind gestures that have the strongest ability to heal one's soul and shine the brightest.Regardless of whether or not you think the writing is bad, this is a story that needs to be told. To think about who the President of the United States is today emphasizes just how important this story is. The story reminds us of where we were and the kind of progress and transformation this nation has made that would've made the characters of this book paralyzed with shock. Some with joy and some with horror. Recognizing this progress gives even more hope to the leaps and bounds possible for our children's future. The accessibility of this story outweighs any criticism I have for the actual writing and character development. There were times that I found the book to be predictable as another reviewer mentioned, but that is where the importance lies, in the remembering and not in the discovery. After all, this is historical fiction. This book opens up a dialogue that many of us are no longer having but desperately need. The evidence of this point is illustrated by the number of those who gave it 1 star vs those who gave it 5.Needless to say, I highly recommend this book. -I don't know what to say about this book. It's definitely has the steamy sex and a waydifferent romance but I'm so confused. Jesse is mentally unstable but I feel Ava is also. I'm not sure if I'm going to buy the next book, I'm sure I will but like I said I'm so CONFUSED!!!!!!! -This is one of the most hyped books of last couple of years and this reviewer cannot see why. The story has a cast of too many just for the sake of confusion. The plot is plodding, the prose is poor and from a standpoint of a mystery, only the confusion of the many characters can mask the whodunit.The main characters are cold, quirky and barely likeable. There are many times when things just happen to go our "heroes" way. Without giving anything away, it is inconceivable that one person could do all of the high tech damage being done without any training at all. And not only was this person perfect with a keyboard, but was simply able to outwit an entire corporation and the banking system in Switzerland.The plot was hung up on religious fervor and then, suddenly, it wasn't. The finale was satisfying but hardly described. The financial attack was basically an overview without any detail at all. This is from an author that needed nearly fifty family members to smoke screen the mystery earlier in the story. I guess the editors woke up and decided that enough was enough.Other Scandinavian authors have written better novels that bring the atmosphere of that region to the reader. The locale of this novel could have been anywhere for as much as the author used it.I am rounding it up to three stars for an adequate plot and at least a satisfying ending. -I found this book to be a beautiful and emotional tale of a young women's rediscovery of locked away memories and second chances. There are so many revelations along her journey that truly make this an amazing story and I'm struggling to not give any spoilers, but convey how great this story was. Read the book synopsis and know that if you love NA Romance you will love the story and journey of Sky and Holder. I highly recommend this book. -Karou is a seventeen year old art student in Prague. Well, among other things. She's been raised by a non-human bearing the ominous name Brimstone and runs errands to do rather grizzly things for him. With her blue hair, Karou stands out, anyway, but by her skills and background, she is even more unusual than appearances would dictate. Taylor develops the story well, beginning with the art student, and gradually expanding our knowledge of her and her skills, `family', and other activities. Through her life with Brimstone and others in their difficult to access nooks around the world, Karou discovers enemies and peers she wasn't aware of. In fact a goodly part of the story involves Karou's working to find out who and what she is. She makes mistakes based on curiosity and impulsivity, but does so mostly through good intentions. She befriends fellow art student Zuzana, and finds a badly needed loyal tie. Karou faces many challenges, some from romantic feelings, some from obligation to Brimstone and her surrogate family, some to higher principles, some to humans and non-humans of unsavory lives, Taylor weaves these all deftly to create a very novel world beyond Karou's Prague home and develops a complex and enjoyable young woman in a well-sequenced way so that the reader unfolds her and her challenges gradually and engagingly. The created other world and its animosities are also believable in their sentiments, if a bit farfetched as appropriate in a fantasy story, and frightening for Karou. Too much happens to comment further on events of the story. That said, while I usually don't consider fantasy my genre of choice, in YA books there seems to be a difference for me. I thought this worth reading and recommending, and have already purchased its sequel. -This is a return to form for Brown. It has the same mechanical plot development as usual but the premise is interesting, being based on the work of Dante. With settings in Venice and Florence, references to "Moonraker" (where Bond throws the bad guy through a Venetian clock) and a famous painting of Dante thrown in, and many many more, this is crammed full of thoroughly-researched aspects of Italy, Italian culture, evil plots to destroy the world and modern science.Thorough research is one thing, but Brown is one of those writers who has to show you all the research he did, and that, in addition to the way he frequently stumbles down winding side alleys of unnecessary thought-associations, make the book a little wearying, now and again.That said, the strange similes, the show-off piling on of irrelevant detail have always been part of Brown's repertoire, without greatly harming the volume of his sales. So you can't exactly blame Brown for giving his readers what they want, can you?Robert Langdon's new female assistant bears some remarkable similarities to the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, a leather-wearing, sassy, spiky haired chick with attitude and an itchy trigger finger. But that's either coincidence or a sign that such heroines are a dime a dozen these days.Even if it is a hokey kind of plot, Brown's new book has some interesting, forward-looking elements, and so you keep turning the pages. It may not be especially intelligent or eye-opening, but it does entertain you when you're in that lazy, hazy mood for unchallenging, easy reading.So I would recommend this to all Brown fans - this is a return to form and the standards he set in his finest works. -I'm new to Neil Gaiman, having only read "Good Omens" before, about four years ago. With "American Gods" I might become inspired to truly dive into this author's rich body of work. This book has a very creative treatise. Old pagan gods still live on as destitute characters in the real world, as long as a few isolated pockets of people still venerate them. Meanwhile, really old gods that are completely forgotten by humanity have disappeared into oblivion. The major religions couldn't even obliterate these decrepit old pagan gods for good, but the real gods of modern America may finally do it - the harsh gods of money and technology. The straight man in the novel is a hapless ex-con named Shadow, who eventually realizes that the bizarre characters he keeps running into are those decaying pagan gods who need his help in their struggle. Shadow also eventually bumbles into the realization that these gods are allying themselves with him for a greater purpose. The concepts behind this book are indeed fascinating and highly creative. Unfortunately the book must be docked one star because the action peters out towards the end, and the anti-climax takes way too long wrapping up a bunch of boring subplots. But still, Neil Gaiman is clearly one of the modern masters of innovative, speculative fiction. -I regret investing the money and time in this series. I started by wanting to see what all the fuss was about, and kept going because I kept thinking it would get better and I'd already paid for it. It's a rip-off combination of Twilight and Pretty Woman, and not as well done as either of them. There is no basis for why these characters come together, back story is provided only when it's required by a new absurd event, plotting is thin and unrealistically paced, and threads and characters are left dangling. Anastasia is bland and two-dimensional. The shame is that it really had the potential to be fantastic. The real ending is boring and unsatisfying, and the add-on ending proves that the author and editor know they screwed this up. They should have started over with Christian as the main character and told it through his eyes. As they handled it, they were a day late and a dollar short. -I liked this legal mystery for several reasons. First and foremost, it has a great plot that flows well despite many twists and turns. Equally good is the cast of fully-fleshed out characters that populates the book. Virtually the whole cast is multi-dimensioned and nuanced. The author skillfully sets up a conflict between good and evil, but there is nothing over-the-top in either direction--these are real people reflecting their times and circumstances. It gets pretty ugly when the story dips into the racial history of the South--Mississippi in particular--but there is always the hope of redemption held out for contemporary characters who are the heart of the book.So "Sycamore Row" is, at its base, a very, very entertaining story. Very hard to put down in any of its section, and impossible to stop reading in its last 150 pages. Highly recommended. -Subject matter is difficult, of course, but through the eyes, heart, and mind of a an adolescent girl, this book is beautifully and hauntingly written. It is crucial that we truly know this truth of our humanity and history. -I was excited to come across a book that has over 4000 reviews, and still have 4.5 stars at that, so I knew it would be good...I didn't know it would be INCREDIBLE! This book was NOT written hastily, it is apparent how well thought out and planned, and ultimately executed with every turn of the page. The banter between the characters is also hilarious, especially at the beginning, I found myself laughing out loud so often I was happy I was just sitting on my couch reading it! It is also a complete book from beginning to end (that can't be said for a lot of releases with similar young couples in the romance novel category around the same time frame) so that's worth a bonus star at this point too! This was just a really good read, and would also be a really good movie too! -(Spoiler alert)I just finished reading Mockingjay and had to write a review because I am floored at how bad this book is considering I absolutely loved the first two books in the series. I understand that war is not fun and that this series is not Harry Potter, but I never expected this book to be so dark and well, just flat out not fun. The first two books were serious, but action packed and had a certain momentum that kept the pages turning much the same way the Harry Potter series did. But this book is so far different in tone from the other two novels in the series that it's really shocking. There is no momentum whatsoever and there were substantial portions of this book that I started to skim out of sheer boredom, which never happened when I read the first two novels. This book is so strange that the only thing I can really compare it to is the movie Apocalypse Now because it is such a pyschological nightmare and of course the theme in both is that war is hell ("the horror, the horror"). The only difference is that I loved Apocalypse now, but Mockingjay is one of the worst novels (and sequels) that I have ever read. The things Katniss has to endure in this book (district 13 basically as bad as the capital, Peta becoming crazy, her sister being killed in the end, Katniss being burned basically from head to toe) is just flat out brutal. I guess I am naive because I expected this book to be kind of Star Warsish with the districts (the rebels) taking on and beating the evil capital in a thrilling conclusion. I figured Gale or Peta would die heroically and Katniss would live happily ever after with the survivor. But instead Katniss ends up broken both mentally and physically. I assume the author was not satisfied with writing something that was just a fun piece of popular fiction (like the Harry Potter series) and instead wanted something that would be remembered with the great works of literature (1984, Brave New World, Ender's Game, etc), but if that was the attempt then she has failed miserably. All I can really say in conclusion is that like a lot of people who loved the first two books in the series and I had very high hopes for Mockingjay, but in the end it is one of the most bizzarre, truly ugly novels I have ever read. It is so bad in fact that it will forever cloud my opinion of the series as a whole. -I try to read fiction interspersed with all the non-fiction reading to give myself a break from harder reading and so I decided to give `Hunger Games' a go after seeing that the movie was going to come out and asking my mom if the book was worth it. She said to read the series. I read the book in two days. I found the topic interesting in that the future where a small group of elite control everything and live high off the hog while basically enslaving the rest of the people to work and live in squalor is actually, if you read around off the beaten path, a goal of the powers that be psychopaths running the show currently. If you read what is being funded by the government (think DARPA) you will see the technological horrors presented in the book or something along the same lines are being furiously pursued by the elite. They want total control and are pursuing a means to that end.And so it was with that in mind that I think the book has relevance not only for entertainment. I think it shows what the future holds unless people of conscience stop wanting to just have a quiet life without the responsibility to question and champion the causes of liberty and freedom. The hunger games parallel the dog eat dog entertainment we are presented with as normal, such as Survivor, and it is high time take the blinders off and see the crap presented by the elite for what it is. Sad to say the final touches on total National Security State are being put on as I write (NDAA, Executive Orders for full confiscation powers, Patriot Act renewal, etc). It isn't for the majority of peoples benefit where something akin the life portrayed in this book is a rosy picture as compared to what is actually coming down the pipe. -EEEEKKKKK, Colleen Hoover has done it again. Hopeless is one of my all time favorite books and I thought there was no way she could top it. But boy was I wrong, I think I love Losing Hope just a smidge more!! Dean Holder, oh how do I love thee. You stole a little bit of my heart in Hopeless but oh in Losing Hope you stole the whole damn thing. Losing Hope is not just Hopeless retold in Holders point of view, it is so much more. We learn so much more about the day Hope was taken, the day Les dies and how everything unfolds through Holdens eyes. I was a crying mess while reading this book. The emotions that are brought out are simply amazing. Holder is truly a special character and will forever be number 1 in my heart. I cant even continue this review, no words I will ever write will do this book justice. I don¡t want to spoil anything and yet I want to tell you everything. All I can say is thank you Colleen Hoover, your gift with words is simply amazing.One Million Star review************************************************************************************************************** Sophie -We've read the stories of the holocaust before, the terrors brought to Germany and the rest of Europe by Hitler, the horrific plight of the Jews during World War II. This is not a new story. Think a reverse Anne Frank without the naivete. But you've never read it like this.Markus Zusak uses the point of view of Death to tell the heartbreaking story of Liesel Meminger, a nine-year-old soon-to-be orphan at the beginning of the book. Death is intrigued by Liesel and follows her throughout her daily tasks for the five years during the war.Because of a promise made during another war, Liesel's foster parents take in a young Jewish man, hiding him in their basement. The young man and Liesel become friends by sharing words.This is a story of words: how they are used for creation and destruction, stolen and given, how they bring life to some and death to others. Markus Zusak cradles and loves every word he writes, just as Death cradles the souls he collects. The Book Thief brought me to tears more than once, not just because of my empathy and support of Liesel and her loved ones, but because of the sheer beauty of those words. There were several times that I had to stop reading, go back and reread a sentence slowly just to let it dance in color and brilliance between my eyes for a minute.The description of Death was chilling - not terrifying, mind you, but chilling. He was a likeable, realistic, empathetic, and surprisingly nurturing character who has a love / hate relationship with his job.I would highly recommend The Book Thief to anyone. Its descriptions of this terrible war are realistic and historically accurate without being gory, the story is a wonderful page-turner, the characters were believable and lovable, and the writing is superb. It is one of the best books I've ever read. -I thought this book was incredible and definately worthy of the Booker. Many of my friends feel the same and we have had long debates about our various 'theories'. In saying that I currently have a friend who just cant get through it - yes it seems a bit pointless at times, even a bit ridiculous ( a tiger in a boat !)but people if you dont get to the end you miss the WHOLE POINT ! It has a brilliant 'oh my god''moment' right in the last few pages - so seldomly found(successfully) in many novels. Very clever - thought provoking, you may need to go right back to the beginnning. To those who didnt like it I would guarantee you DIDNT FINISH IT! -Oh god, this book. This book gave me all the FEELS. I knew this book would be dealing with some serious stuff but I didn’t expect to feel such a wide range of emotions. I laughed, I bawled my eyes out, and even got angry. So many feelings that I wasn’t expecting.Pushing the Limits was so much more than a romance story. While the romance was smoking hot, I have to say I enjoy learning more about Noah and Echo as characters and seeing them overcome their struggles more than the romance. Both Echo and Noah are very trouble characters and have dark secrets they have kept buried inside. Katie McGarry was not afraid of tackling the nitty gritty and serious issues, which I really liked. She was able to capture the emotional struggles Echo and Noah were facing so well that I was in tears for these poor, poor characters.Normally I am not a fan of alternating points of view, one of the characters always seem to come off as weaker or it just does nothing for the plot, but in the case of Pushing the Limits the alternating point of view worked perfectly. I loved getting into both Echo and Noah’s head. The writing helped create these characters who you come to care about and get emotionally attached to. Katie McGarry wrote these fabulous characters and as a reader you were truly was able to get into each of their heads. When a chapter ended and switched characters it didn’t feel awkward, the story flowed and it didn’t feel like head jumping (thankfully!).Now Noah and Echo, man, I just wanted to give them a hug. And boy, do they need one. Noah is the boy everyone warns their daughters against, but he’s so much more. While he has the tough, bad boy exterior, Noah is one of the most caring, motivated, strong teenagers I’ve seen. Despite all the struggles he’s had to face, like losing his parents and growing up in foster care, he’s extremely dedicated to his two brothers who have been separated from him. Noah’s devotion to his younger brothers, oh god. It was the sweetest thing. The scenes with Noah and his brothers made me tear up so much, I’m not afraid to say it. He loves them so much and will do anything for them. Noah gives everything to those he loves and will do anything to protect those he loves, such an admirable trait. I loved that aspect of his personality so much. I loved how he grew as a character over book.And then there is Echo. That poor poor girl. She definitely has it rough. Her father is overprotective and overbearing, she is not allowed to see her mother because of an event Echo cannot remember but left her with horrible scars over her arms. Despite everything, Echo still wants to remember the horrible event that almost killed her and still cares for her mother. Her struggle to learn the truth about that night was hard to read. All she wanted was to know. When she finally learns the truth, I was in tears with her. Like Noah, she grew so much over the story. She was willing to come to terms with what happen and open up to those around her, thanks to Noah. While they might be the two messed up character ever, they were so adorable and perfect together.The romance in this book was electric. Noah and Echo’s chemistry jumped off the page and you couldn’t help but want them to be together. They needed to be together for each other. But the romance did not define this book. Yes, it might be how they market it, what with the cover and all but it was so much more. The emotional struggles in the book are what really made me love it. The romance was a nice bonus.If you read one book this year, it definitely should be Pushing the Limits. Its such a great read that captivates you with its amazing characters and draws you in with their struggles. I’m super excited to see what Katie McGarry writes next because she has me next. A companion book staring a secondary character for this book is being published so I’m super excited for that! Hands down, Pushing the Limit is a must read.P.S. I think these lines from the Broadway show Next to Normal define what Noah and Echo both are ultimately working toward in their struggles: “I don't need a life that's normal—/ That's way too far away, / But something...next to normal / Would be okay. / Yeah, something next to normal— /That's the thing I'd like to try. /Close enough to normal / To get by...” -Amazing. This story was so intriguing, so emotionally intense. Strange that I grew to like the narrator so much, knowing who he is and all. Everything from the point of view to the characters and the way the story was told made this novel unique. The characters felt so real to me. Their story is deep, tender and painful. I laughed, I cried. Stories with some historical truth like this one--especially those set in the Holocaust era and the like--always make me cry. So unjust. So sad. This is a story I will remember. -I would recommend this book to anyone, this series is great. My daughter in law recommended this book to me because she new that I read and liked 50 shades. -This story was AWESOME!!!!!! I couldn't put it down. I knew from the beginning the pretend wouldn't last. I just love the way they adore each other. PERFECT in every way. -Humanity is almost obsolete on earth. The human body now serves as a "host" to unseen invaders from another life form. These invaders plan to take over and make the earth a more civilized place, and it won't be tainted by things like war, sexual perversity, hatred and other human complexities. "Wanderer" invades the body of Melanie Stryder. It should be simple enough. At first, the Wanderer will experience some withdrawal, where the former soul refuses to succumb and the invader experiences thoughts and memories that are not her own. But as Wanderer goes on with her life and career, she realizes that Melanie lives within her, tormenting her thoughts. The reason to the host's refusal to move on dawns on Wanderer: Melanie is looking out for two humans, one of whom is the love of her life. Things reach a head, and Wanderer can no longer distinguish between her thoughts and Melanie's, and soon their feelings for Jared are in synch as well. How will it all unfold?Stephenie Meyer once said that she was a better storyteller than she was a writer. I think I get what she means after reading this book. I bought this a year ago, began to read it, then put it down after about one hundred pages. Now I dust it off, open it to the dog-eared page, and carry on reading it. I didn't have to reread the first hundred pages, for it was not difficult to pick it up where I'd left it off. The first two hundred or so pages are extremely dull. It is nothing more than a series of flashbacks and Wanderer having an internal dialogue with Melanie. Things pick up after this rather tedious beginning. However, things drag on and on to a point where I almost throw the book to the nearest wall in more than one occasion. This book should have been at least two hundred pages shorter. The redundancy is extremely exhausting. Science fiction has never been my favorite genre. I cannot imagine green-colored men and aliens with six or seven eyes that are found in those books. (I do like paranormal fantasy though, which is why I enjoyed Meyer's Twilight series better.) However, this one is entertaining and at times compelling. If only it had been better written and edited. But oh well. I needed to know why this book was so popular (still in hardback and an NYT bestseller after over one year), and so that's out of the way. Read it if you must. -After reading this book, I had a flashback to a conversation I once had with an old German woman at a bus stop. We were both tourists in Sweden and after some small talk she mentioned that she had been living in Dresden during the firebombing of WWII. I tried to press her for details, but it was clear that the mere mention of that event was opening up horrible memories for her and she couldn't bear to talk about it anymore. This was in 1995 -- 50 years after the event.Mockingjay is a remarkable novel, because it brings the reader deep inside the psyche of a person like that woman on the bench. Through Katniss, we are able to see a person transform from a little girl learning about the forest from her father into a woman whose nightmares are almost unbearable, and which will never go away. Most admirable is that this important lesson about the long term cost of warfare, is being directed at a Young Adult readership.The transformation of Katniss felt real, and it felt natural, and it felt like something that was in the plans from the very first pages of this book. I remember that when I first met Haymitch, I found his negative attitude irritating. By the end of this book, I was left feeling like I could totally understand where he was coming from. In fact, by understanding Katniss, I even found myself finally having a better understanding of what might have driven Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain to suicide in 1994.I am very grateful to Suzanne Collins that she did not make this a story of a little girl transforming into a superhero. War heros are real, but even in the most justified war situation, war heroes leave the battlefield scarred for life. Collins knew this, because her own father was a Vietnam vet who had a lifetime of nightmares to contend with. The best way of honoring these people, like her father, is to depict this depressing reality of the unavoidable cost of war.Reading Katniss's story was so compelling that I found myself able to overlook many of the unsatisfying aspects of this book. My chief problem with these books is that as Katniss ventured further and further from her beautifully depicted home in District 12, the environment she found herself in felt less and less fully realized and more and more contrived. These gripes began in earnest with the second book, and contined with this third book. The biggest offender here is The Capitol, which is described in much more detail than before. I am sure the author has good reasons for why the city planners of The Capitol needed to fill it with booby traps. For me, the place just felt like a silly videogame, which detracted a bit from the very serious drama taking place on the streets of that city. Still, these are minor issues that I found myself able to overlook. It is only because the psychological storylines are so strong that I wish this book's description of environment was as detailed and satisfying as it was in Tolkein's Lord of the Rings, but I realize that this is an unrealistic expectation.I am surprised by the many negative reviews written about this book. So many detractors of this book seem to be let down by the negative tone of this book. It is interesting how these negative reviews contrast so sharply with the near universal praise the book has received from adult book critics. I do think that older readers probably have more personal life experiences to help them appreciate the negative tone of this book. Us older people understand that there are some sad memories that never go away, and that life can be worth living anyways. So, to those young readers depressed by this book, I only implore you not to despair over the fact that Katniss's life didn't turn out as nice as you hoped, but instead take heart in the fact that so many adults have embraced these books. I would venture to say that almost all of us adults who are parents have some dark corners buried in our psyche that can keep us awake at night, but like Katniss we have all found our own ways to cope with the inevitable disappointments that life has thrown us, and for the most part we all eventually find a way to enjoy life despite all the lousy stuff that we have to step through along the way. -I totally disagree with those who do not like this book. I found Christian to be a very sweet, sensitive (SEXY HOT) man who while having a dark past, struggles daily with his issues while truly putting Ana's feelings first. Ana, as innocent and young as she is, accepts the fact she is totally in love with a complicated man. Their romance is sexy and fun.Yes, at times the author is a little repetitious but I take into consideration the fact that this is her FIRST book and quite honestly, I think she did a great job. I've read all 3 books and will read them again and again. -I would love to read more from this author, if only she would use a more traditional means of writing and pay attention to editing and correct word usage. I really had to struggle through this book and almost deleted it more than once. If the story line had not been good, I would not have finished. I hope to see a better presentation from this author, as I believe she has great stories to tell. -Worked as advertised. I have not had any of the issues with the case putting my device to sleep when folded back. This is a great buy. Even though it does not llok like my Nexus & is protected on the sides it is. The side are open but the catch the hold the device in seem to be strategically positioned so as to protect the device in critical areas if dropped. The case is not bulky and actually fits in most of my pant pockets. Only issue is the first angled notch is not quite deep enough and does not stay in place well. -I first fell in love with Klipsch in the 80s when I purchased a set of Klipsch Cornwall II speakers. I was expecting good things from them for a computer speaker system but was blown away by the ProMedia 2.1s. Highs and mids are crystal clear and BIG. Bass booms, a little more than I am use to, so I backed the sub off a little until it was what I wanted. These speakers are more than I expected am am more than satisfied with their performance thus far. These are high quality speakers both in sound output and construction. -The Keyboard:The keys are very soft and smooth, they do not make a huge clicking sound when you type. At first I thought the smaller flatter keys would make my typing a lot less accurate because its harder to feel out individual keys but I actually type a lot better on this keyboard! The F and J keys have raised bumps on them to help you find where you need to put your pointer fingers. I love the full-sized backspace key (my old keyboard had a tiny one) but I wish it also had a raised bump on it to find it easier. The capslock key has a tiny green light to indicate it is active but the scroll and numlock keys do not have indicators.On the top of the keyboard are media keys - to adjust the volume on the right side, and play/forward/backward on the left side. The F keys double as hotkeys via the FN key next to the right-side alt. There are keys to open your browser, media player, and even restart your pc! On the right side there are even more useful keys! keys for going forward and backward in your browser, opening your bookmarks menu, and opening the calculator. the calculator key is really handy for me as I do my math homework online, and i love that it is right above the number pad!The keyboard is pretty big and has a ledge on the bottom to rest your wrists on I guess. My keyboard tray is a bit small so I would prefer if the keyboard did not have this ledge! I keep my keyboard at an angle and it is just inconvenient. This is really my only complaint about the keyboard! Everything else is great.OH! one last thing to mention about the keyboard is that the keys are nestled tightly on the board so its a lot harder to get crumbs stuck in there! That's a definite plus for me because I have major night eating habits..The Mouse:the mouse is not tiny but also not huge. It is very basic, two buttons and a scroll wheel. It fits very comfortably in my small hands. I've used it both right handed and left handed and its very ergonomic! It only runs well if you have it on a mousepad, which is my only complaint because with other mouses I've used they have worked fine without a mousepad on my keyboard tray. But on the mousepad it runs very smoothly and comfortably.Overall I think this is a great combo! I bought it at Fry's and there was a rebate, so I think I paid $30? for it. I normally do not buy expensive keyboards because I tend to break them a lot..But this combo is definitely worth it. Its of great quality and very sturdy. I drop both components all the time and have not ever even experienced lag!I just want to edit this review to say that the keyboard has lasted 1000000000000000 times longer than any other keyboard I've owned. It is covered in nail polish and many parts are melted from spilling acetone on it. The paint on many keys has rubbed off from greasy and acetone covered fingers. The media button for going to the previous song got something sticky trapped around it so it is pretty much unusable. I have thrown this keyboard on the floor and across the room probably a thousand times. It falls off my keyboard tray onto my chair or the floor just about every time i get up. It sometimes does become unresponsive for as much as a minute at a time, which is unbearable. I hit it furiously when that happens. Crumbs HAVE managed to find their way through the cracks between the keys but its cool. I really think this keyboard is great for what I put it through.The mouse is in...gently used...condition. It works fine. -I bought these speakers to replace some older Altec Lansing speakers with a subwoofer. In short they simply outperform a lot of the more expensive 2.1 speaker sets out there. These speakers won't annoy the neighbors any time soon, but they produce a deep bass and the sound is very clear and crisp. So if I am listening to music or playing games I am very happy with these speakers. While other speaker sets with a subwoofer actually have the speaker cone exposed without any protection while this one is completely enclosed. It may not be important to others, but since you usually put the subwoofer on the floor I appreciate the extra protection. -This is a good mouse I epically like how you can unlock the scroll while that will let you scroll through pages as fast as you want also the back buttons are good and easy to use when going back and forth in between web pages. The only down side for this mouse is the battery life is real short maybe about a week at best then you need to charge it other then that it is a nice mouse. -This is definitely a high quality product. The leather is soft and the material on the inside feels very nice too. The bonus is that there is a stylus holder-this was not mentioned in the description. It holds the iPad tight and allows all ports and buttons to be accessible. The pictures do not do it justice. If you are on the fence about buying this product, just go ahead and do it. -These speakers ROCK. I've tried Cyber Acoustic products against Logitech and Altec Lansing, and these speakers are by far the best in their category.Firstly, the satellite tower design includes two speakers per tower, which helps distribute sound over a greater area than with single speaker designs. This greatly improves the listening experience, as the "sweet spot" area has widened so listeners perceive full-sounding stereo from a variety of locations in a small room. Additionally this avoids the pitfalls of "small" computer speakers which sound small, like music playing from a tin box. (the CA speakers 1 level below these with a single speaker design by comparison sound MUCH worse).Secondly, the bass and speakers are very powerful for their size, and have little to no distortion even at full-volume.The sub-woofer volume is adjustable independently of the other speakers. This lets you boost bass for music genres with a lot of low-frequency sounds, such as electronic/dance or hip-hop/rap, and likewise decrease bass for genres like classical and acoustic where the bass could overwhelm the instruments or vocals.The cord is conveniently long ans contains a circular volume control with a headphone jack and aux input.NOTE: I have two of these speaker systems because a roommate dropped a satellite speaker and broke the plastic foot. They are plenty sturdy if you respect them and should last a long time if handle them carefully. I guess that also shows how good these speakers are, that they broke and I bought them again.I'm a recording enthusiast, and these speakers satisfy my needs. They are not studio monitors but it's definitely possible to create good mixes on them. They take up considerably less space than professional studio monitors and are hundreds of dollars cheaper, but the sound quality is not significantly worse than monitors I've tried. They are easily 10x better than integrated speakers in TVs, laptops, etc. and they are a few steps above every speaker set in the less than $70 price range. -I've been running the Dell Venue Pro 8 daily for about a week now so I'll give you my brain dump.The form factor really appeals to me. Super light, almost pocketable size makes it really easy to just pick up and go anywhere with it. 10" tablets always make me think (albeit only briefly) about were I'm going to stash it.Battery life has been pretty much right on the "all day" claim, assuming that you stop to eat every few hours and aren't playing online games and pooping in a diaper. I can surf the web essentially all day, at least as much as I can stand.Screen is good, but I've seen way better IPS panels than this one. Brightness is good when you disable the auto-management function. People who bitch that the resolution is too low have NO idea what they're talking about. The screen is only 8 inches! Any higher resolution and you'll need a magnifying glass to see the menus. Seriously. This is Windows, not Android and it handles DPI differently.Performance is impressive considering there's no active cooling at all on this. The combination of quad-cores and SSD makes everything very snappy. The processor benchmarks similarly to a Core2Duo and just under some of the slower Core i3 chips. Processor heavy apps won't be impressed (haven't tried Photoshop or anything like that) but everything else runs smoothly.Really does cold boot in seconds and resumes from sleep instantly.Single micro USB port can't simultaneously charge the device and run USB peripherals without a little trickery. That said I've seen video of it running quad external displays with a keyboard and mouse all through the one USB port no problem. If you're really determined you could run it as a dockable desktop. I got a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse for mine to eliminate that concern.Windows 8.1. I don't use Metro apps much, they either don't have what I need or suck 80% of the time. I set mine to boot to desktop. Having said that the Metro apps that don't suck are GREAT. Netflix, Adobe, Amazon, and a few random games rock.Built-in Office 2013 works well with touch and you can tell they put some thought into it.Bottom line: Good performance and the most portable full Windows experience money can buy. Small screen hinders getting heavy work done so you have to ask yourself which side of the "portability versus visibility" balance you prefer. I'm happy. -I've been an iPad user since the original came out. I also have an iPad 3. I have worked in IT for the past few years so I would say I am pretty good with technology and fancy new devices. With that introduction out of the way, I will be reviewing key points that I have seen touched upon in other reviews. Here goes...BUILDThe device feels nice and solid. I'm a little surprised at how heavy it is, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The rubberized backing is always nice for added grip. It's not as nice as say unibody aluminum, but it's not $500 either.SCREENThe screen is fantastic. But my problem is the same as when iPad got Retina Display, other than the OS, most apps look rather pixelated. A lot of the games I tried are not high definition, at least not high enough to look smooth on this screen. Hopefully apps get updated to higher resolutions.LOCK SCREEN ADSYeah there are ads on my lock screen. I'm not sure why this is such a big deal. How much time do people really spend looking at the lock screen? The first thing I thought when I saw the ads is WOW the pictures are really crisp! The ads are there to subsidize some of the $200 price tag. I might pay the $15 to get rid of them so I can customize it, but I might not. I feel like this has been blown out of proportion by other customers.SOUNDThe sound from the speakers is great. Much better than you would get from more expensive devices, very crisp and clean. I have the official Amazon case on and it has not affected the sound at all. Nothing much else to say, I doubt anyone will complain about this.CRASHINGI've had two apps crash on opening. I don't know if it is the app or the OS. It's probably somewhere in the middle. Again, not a big deal for me. If it crashes, then I just tap it again and it works. I've also watched a few movies using the built in player as well as Netflix and Amazon Prime. No crashes for me at all. I'm sure OS stability will be improved as time goes on.OVERALL SATISFACTIONCompared to my iPad 3, obviously the Fire HD is not as "good" so to speak. I mainly got it because I wanted something smaller. I also mainly used the iPad to surf the web, watch videos, and play some simple games. The Fire HD accomplishes this and does so much more. If you are expecting an iPad killer, or a desktop replacement, or a productivity machine, then you should look elsewhere.I bought this to be a media device, and I believe that is what Amazon meant this to be. In this regard, I think this is a great device. In fact, I decided to keep this and sell my iPad 3, which will give me another $200+ to spend on other things. Just remember, this device is not for everyone. If you want a media device, you will be happy with this. Do not expect an iPad for $200.UPDATE 9/18/12Just wanted to add a few more things I have noticed over the past 24 hours.- Power/Volume Buttons: There are a bit hard to press, which is somewhat alleviated by having the official case. Maybe it's because I'm a longtime iPad user, but this will definitely take some getting used to.- Screen Glare: It took me a little while to notice, but I was playing a Seek & Find game while on Caltrain, with the bright Palo Alto sun shining right on me, and didn't have any trouble seeing the screen. I remembered that Amazon mentioned how the screen was changed to reduce glare, and they did an amazing job.UPDATE 9/20/12Two days later and I am still very happy with the device. Here are some more thoughts from me:BATTERY LIFEI have been playing Enigmatis (a hidden object game) for about an hour and a half each day on my commute. This drains about 15 - 20% of the battery with the screen brightness almost at the highest setting. Again, not iPad gold standard, but still very good.SYNCING MUSICI have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and used an app called Easy Phone Transfer to get all my music from iTunes onto the phone. It transferred everything, including album covers, and I was hoping to find something like that for this device. I tried iSyncr, a $3 app, which did the job, but did not sync over album covers. I uploaded all my music into the Cloud, then downloaded it from Amazon, which increased the audio quality for a lot of my songs and added artwork, but this still did not show up on the device.I got very frustrated getting all the album artwork over and eventually just gave up. It's not a big deal but I am kind of anal about those kinds of things. Just a heads up if anyone else out there is crazy about it like I am.UPDATE 09/21/12I got a call from Amazon Customer Service about this review, which surprised me very much. They advised me the best way to get the artwork to show up is have the songs in both the Cloud Player as well as the device, which I know does work fine. I was hoping to have the artwork show without needing things in the Cloud, but not a big deal any more.I am more impressed with the fact that Amazon called me to give me advice on how to remedy the situation and ask if there were any other questions I had on the Kindle. The representative said he wanted to make sure I was happy with the Fire HD. This is one of the big reasons I went with the Kindle, and with Amazon in general. I have had great experiences with their customer service, who have always been able to handle my issues quickly and efficiently. No need to set up an appointment days later with a wannabe IT guy with a hugely overstated job title.So this update is not really for the device itself, but sometimes it's not just the device, it's the company that offers it that makes a difference. This is why I no longer have any Apple devices, as cool as they may be. But it's not 100% gravy, as I have noticed lately that the keyboard keeps popping up randomly on screens where there is nowhere to enter text, ie. while playing a game. I just have to press the Back arrow to get rid of it, but maybe a bug the Amazon engineers want to take a look at.UPDATE 10/05/12So I don't know if it was always there, but over this past weekend I noticed a dead pixel on my Kindle's screen. I called Kindle Support and after a short 5 minute call, they sent me a new Kindle, no questions asked. So once again, very happy with Amazon customer service. I am still very happy with the device, and have some more thoughts on it:HDMI CONNECTIONI bought an HDMI cable to hook up the Fire to my 46" Samsung and was quite impressed with the results. The quality was very good, not Bluray quality of course, but better than SDTV on an HD screen. You actually see every single thing you do on the big screen, like you are using a giant Kindle.GOOGLE PLAY APPSOne of the main drawbacks in my opinion is, or should I say was, the lack of all the Google Play apps available on the Kindle. With a little research, I found out how to add apps that are not available in the Amazon store. It is pretty easy to do and works very well with the apps I tried. This greatly improves my opinion of the Fire HD.PLASTIC AROUND THE SCREENThe outer most edges of the Kindle are plastic. I noticed some kind of discoloration on the corner of mine, and just thought it was some dirt to scratch off. So I rubbed my thumb nail on the area, and noticed there were visible marks on the plastic. It appears this plastic can scratch some what easily, but I think this is just cosmetic as not of the plastic actually flaked. If you are not very anal about how your stuff looks, you probably won't notice it.OS CHANGESHere are two small gripes I have with the OS that I'm sure could be fixed with an OS update:- Battery Meter: It would be nice if the battery meter could show percentage instead of just a graphic bar. Some people have mentioned Battery HD, but you still have to swipe down to see the percentage, so this makes it easier but does not solve the issue I had.- Personal Videos: The mp4 videos I put on the device are located in the "Personal Videos" app, which shows screen shots of all the videos I put in. The problem is, all that is shown are the screen shots. You can get more info by holding your finger down on each video, but when you have multiple seasons of a show on the Kindle, it can get confusing. Ideally we should be able to look at videos in a list like our music.UPDATE 11/15/12Still very happy with the device. Here are some more thoughts:LEFT HAND MODEI did't think this would be a problem until I played a Solitaire game that DID have a left-handed mode. As a lefty who usually uses the Fire in landscape, I often have to reach across the screen to access the Settings or Home button in the menu. It's a small grievance, but can be really annoying when watching a movie or reading something. If there was an option for a left-handed layout with the menus on the left side of the device, that would be great.PERSONAL VIDEOS APPI had earlier complained about this app, as it did not list my movies and crashed playing a pair of them. I recently drove down to LA from SF, and put 5 movies on device, only to find that 4 of them would not play! I was pretty mad, until I remembered a simple solution, download another app. I downloaded Avia Media Player, which is not the greatest either, but it played all the movies I put on the Kindle. My faith was restored.GOOGLE PLAY APPSA lot of people have asked how to do this. If you are not having luck with Google searches, try this:[...] -I tried this out because it would be nice to see the keys in the dark (I always hate when I can't see the keys at night), but I don't care for the design. There is not enough space in between the keys, and the keys feel like those of a laptop. What I mean by that is that they aren't raised high enough. I have big fingers and need keys that are spaced far enough apart and that are raised somewhat so it's comfortable to work with. I'll stick to my old board. -Did I get a dud? I had a broken set of rabbit ears hooked to my brand new 55" LED TV and could pick up some channels perfectly. I got this because on windy/stormy days I had issues and I wanted to get more channels. I hooked it up per the instructions along with the power USB cable and I got exactly zero channels. Yes, I went through the channel scan on my TV. I consider myself tech savvy and fiddled with this thing for way too long. Maybe I have a unique situation or my unit was defective. Either way, I gotta calls it like I sees it. -First of all, it is not a miracle device. What Chromecast does is to cast "cast-supported" apps from your smart phones, tablets, and stream media from your laptops and PCs to the TV on the same local network (LAN).Setup is easy and straight-forward. Connect Chromecast to your TV, download Chromecast apps from Google Play / iTune to your device, making sure Wifi-is on, setup Chromecast's Wifi connection via your mobile device, and it is done. Setup only needs to be done once. Other supported devices connected to the same local network will then all be able to use the same Chromecast.Now Google Play has a section dedicated to Chromecast compatible apps. For some reason, this section is only shown via Google Play app, not browser version, but going to chromcast.com/apps would also give you the list. Currently the selection is quite limited, with a great deal of them just variations of apps for streaming media from your local computers and media servers to Chromecast. Others like YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and so on frequently requires paid subscription to truly make a difference.Basically, Chromecast combines your mobile device and TV into a fast-response SmartTV.The Touch-Ups which could potentially make Chromecast a perfect device:Currently, the only way to cast PC Desktop screens onto Chromecasted TV is to download the Google Chrome extension "Google Cast" by Google (sorry, mobile Google Chrome is currently not supported). It gives your the option to stream a dedicated browser Tab or cast the entire desktop screen. However, there are some flaws:1. In general, casting would mess up your Google Chrome "non-maxed" window size. It is a mild annoyance, but still annoying anyhow.2. Tab cast mode has no option to display mouse cursor. Not an issue for portable laptops, but a serious issue for a casting PC from another room.3. Desktop cast mode does display mouse cursor, but it could only cast the whole desktop. If you have a multiple monitor setup, it practically makes the cast useless.4. Neither Tab mode nor Desktop mode have build-in PC control mechanism. Although this could be easily fixed by using app such as "Unified Remote," it is still one extra step.*How 4. works, Google Cast to cast PC desktop + Unified Remote on your tablet/smart phone to control the PC -> result displays on TV**Better solution: Chomecast app integrates with Google Cast. It still needs PC, TV, and mobile device to work, but require one less app to install.If the above touch-ups could be implemented, Google Chromecast could be a potentially monopoly-accused TV casting device. -These Earbuds have very good sound, they're cheap, and colorful. The sound is VERY clear, from the bass, the mids, and the high treble. The sound isolation is great: i can't hear my parents yelling at me, which is really saying something. These are just plain awesome. I'm thinking about buying a pair of headphones from Skullcandy too. Like any earbuds, you should take care of them. I have friends that say Skullcandy sucks, i don't agree because these are amazing. -I really like this keyboard. I give it 4 stars because it doesn't have a CAPS LOCK key so I never know if my caps are on. But for the price, it really suffices as a wireless keyboard. I have very large hands and this keyboard is compact, but I have no complaints. -I got this to replace my aging Logitech MX700 (still running strong since 2001). Mouse feels great. I might have appreciated a rubberized feel to the sides of this mouse rather than the textured hard plastic, but it's just as effective.This mouse lost a star due to a couple annoyances I have.First off, this does not use the Logitech universal receiver that the company uses for other wireless keyboards/mice. It's receiver polls at a much higher frequency. This paired with the fact that the mouse runs off of one AA NiMH battery, means the battery life is pretty abysmal; few hours at most. They've cleverly designed the charging cable to turn the mouse into a cabled variant which is convenient, but I now find myself almost exclusively using the mouse in this way rather than via wireless which defeats the purpose.Secondly, I lift my mouse off the mat while using it quite often. It's a habit I've had for 15 years or so. When I do that with this mouse, I almost always push one or two of the bottom thumb buttons. It's been enough of a problem that I've had to manually set these buttons to do nothing in games and the Logitech software (it would affect the DPI of the mouse). This probably won't affect twitch gamers or anyone else that doesn't have this habit though. -This particular card is fast and reliable. No problems so far. We will see with time if it holds up as well asthe San Disk Pro and Lexar Pro. -Reading many of the reviews on here, they recommended to use these headphones for at the very least 24 hours straight before giving them good field use. Turns out, they're all correct.When I first bought the Image S4's at a local best buy, they sounded "pretty" good out of the box, but they also sounded pretty painful in certain frequency ranges -- in the treble most notably. "S" and "ch" sounds in lyrics would punch my ears in the face and make me wince. Songs had a certain shrilling tinny quality to it, that was definitely not comfortable. Well, I left the S4's on my desk plugged into my Zune HD overnight, playing music at random. About 18 hours later, I can already hear a massive appreciable difference in the sound quality. The treble has softened back to a beautiful balance with the mids, no more shrilling pain from lyrics, and the bass has solidly found its place without trying to overpower the whole track. At lower volumes, the bass, mids, and treble are easily audible and full -- which was not the case before, where the bass would drop out, and the treble would overpower the mids.My opinion on the S4's went from "If things don't improve, I will return them," to "FOUND A KEEPER HERE." -- And that's only with about a three-quarters of a day worth of burn-in! Most people recommend at least two to three days worth of burn-in to get the truly wonderful sound these headphones are capable of producing. I'm interested to see just how much they'll get from here in the coming hours.Elsewhere, the S4's fit my ears superbly. The oval tips on the buds fit perfectly into my canals. I don't get any discomfort from the build of pressure as I push them in -- the design seems to allow excess air to escape very well. This also means that then I put them in, I've yet to hear the speaker "crinkle." The other nice part about the oval design is that if I pull the muscles around my ear to make my ear stretch upward, the seal on the buds are not lost, which always happened on my old Lenntek Sonix. I would have preferred to have seen a braided cord on these, and the buds made from milled aluminum billets to really add some durability value to these, but they're quality isn't lacking as-is. The cord feels a bit thin, (not weak, just thin,) but at least klipsch added some of the best stress-relief shielding I've seen on a pair of buds. You won't see your cable weaken and drop signal on these for a long, long time -- if ever.I've trusted Klipsch before to impress me with my choice of desktop / entertainment center speakers, so when it was time to get new headphones, I thought I would place trust on them again -- and sure enough I'm not disappointed. -This monitor was purchased as a gift for my father, but I couldn't help myself, and opened it up to "test it out" for him, for a few days. Anything to make sure dear ol' dad has a Merry Christmas!The construction seems very solid for the price payed, especially considering that they had to budget in an IPS screen. The stand swivels and rotates, so that you can use it in portrait mode if you so choose. Little notches on the base tell you the angle that the monitor is at. I don't know how often I'm going to use this feature, but it's nice to have.The screen looks great next to my older, non-IPS monitors. They all look dark and bluish in comparison. No amount of picture correction made them stand a chance to the ASUS, though they were much older and cheaper monitors to be fair. the screen is also matte, which is the only way to go. No annoying reflections from lights in the room.The USB ports are a nice feature. Not sure if I will use them, but I like having the option.Finally, the price on this monitor is rock-bottom for something of its caliber. It isn't a touch screen, and won't bedazzle your desk with its style, but it appears to be a solid workhorse that won't get in your way. To me, an ideal product is one you don't have to fuss over for years to come, and this looks like a good candidate. -I read numerous reviews about the OM-D E-M5 before making the purchase (from another vendor as Amazon now charges sales tax to CA residents). It has far exceeded my expectations. Beautiful to look at (I went with the silver) with its retro styling, very comfortable to hold, and and an incredible amount of customization. The IBIS is as good as people say, and the pictures are stunning especially when used with good glass. The kit lenses (14-42, 12-50) are ok, but you won't get the benefit of the great sensor with them. I'm using my OM-D with the Pany 25/1.4, Oly 45/1.8 and Oly 60/2.8 macro and am amazed at my results. And if you are on a budget, definitely take a look at the Sigma 19/2.8 and 30/2.8 being sold together for an unbelievable package price from the famous NY dealers. Both of them have excellent image quality and for 2 bills for the pair of lenses, you can't beat the price for 2 high quality primes. I just ordered the combo package as well though I will likely use the previously mentioned 3 on my OM-D and the 2 Sigmas on my Pen E-PL2 bodies (1 visible and 1 IR).And yes, after getting the OM-D, I realized I didn't want to lug around my heavy arsenal of Nikon bodies (D300, D7000) and lenses any longer. The image quality from the OM-D with the primes listed above far exceeds what I ever got from my Nikon setup so I had no hesitation in selling it all. And with my new setup being so small and light, I find I am much more likely to take it with me. The OM-D and Pany/Oly prime lenses have renewed my interest in photography and I am enjoying every minute.Note: The resolution, noise levels, and dynamic range of the OM-D are very comparable to the newest high end Nikon crop sensor bodies. It still doesn't compare to Nikon Full Frame bodies, obviously the sensor size does limit that, but given the cost of a FF body and FF (FX) lenses, not to mention the weight, I think 90% of photographers would be fine with this set-up.I hope this is helpful. -As with most Microsoft products, great hardware, poor software, but oh well.Now I'm using this thing right now, and I never noticed the spacebar thing, but it's true, if you don't press the spacebar correctly and press it on the upper area, it's hard to press down. I've always pressed spacebars as they were meant to be pressed so I had no issues adjusting.The largest challenge with this keyboard is using home row correctly, Microsoft puts out products based on the standard, and has done this with its' Natural line since the start. I use my left hand correctly, my right, on my Logitech Elite, went all over the place; I can only imagine how wrong my right hand usage was. This keyboard forces you to relearn typing, for typing classes, a Natural keyboard would be perfect, it makes you type correctly. I don't much like the N key, but I've learned to use it and the M key correctly, no more hitting my enter key while going for quotes either.The zoom function is novelty, not necessity, it's fun to use normally but mostly useless otherwise, really exclusively for the always-in-office user, what they need to do is make it a scroll button too, it's highly sensitive and easy to use, which would make scrolling silky smooth in a way only overpriced mice manage.Therein lies the problem, the software is inferior to my cheapie Logitech Elite(Which had more functions I might add as well as better software.), there is hardly any customization to be had. There is no taskbar icon; most of the remapping done is through an interface integrated into the already well-hidden Keyboard area under the control panel. Remapping options are less than fantastic, the favorites keys are useless, the back and forward buttons will work with either a browser or a media player, not both, zoom cannot be reconfigured, and Mail only allows one indicated program to be opened.This is what is wrong with the favorite's keys, they allow but five programs to be opened, you cannot indicate that you wish to open a menu of programs to select, merely one program per key, same with all of the other keys. The lack of "My" keys for the F# Buttons is annoying, but that's just a design decision for a non-media keyboard, and I don't mind much.This keyboard would've done better to have more configuration and just a couple more media keys, but I suppose it's my fault for asking that much of it, it's designed for the office, not a music listeners hands. I'll go into the aesthetics of this baby now to round it off.Some may notice the shift keys are smaller, and the enter key even smaller, the right of the keyboard is larger than the left in the way of keys, which seems fine, to me at least, I find reaching the Backspace key uncomfortable, placing your hands on this keyboard is like a match made in heaven, seems a shame to reach so far away and break off from paradise.That leads me to this palm rest, wow, sick of those cheap detachable plastic palm rests(Read: Wrist Destroyers)? This is your ticket, so soft, yet strong, it's the cashmere of palm wrests. The 2x3 layout is back to normal, which I very much enjoy, insert is back home and delete is too. The keys above the numpad offer more functions that I have yet to use, but are nice to have all the same, the curvature of the keys takes getting used to, particularly the aforementioned N key and it's sibling the M key. The Alt, Ctrl, Windows, Menu, and Start keys are all gigantic and hard to miss, they feel pretty great.The spacebar, apparently if struck correctly, is amazing, it's designed for this keyboard in a way that no spacebar has ever been, it's almost destructive of what you're typing looking down while you type, seeing it all functioning the way it does, it's almost like some kind of alien technology, which is why I don't look.The...crappy plastic attachment that comes attached(Oddly enough) to this masterpiece is best taken out(Easily) and forgotten, it's all personal preference of course, I didn't like it, the slope of the keys makes leaving your hands where they are painless and then very comfortable. The prop-ups on the back make it more conventional and I rather like them, but now the size.This keyboard is undeniably the largest keyboard I have ever laid eyes on, the sheer width and height is enough to make a laptop user gawk for moments at a time, it is critical you have a large amount of desk space to place this on, I didn't, and I had to move my entire PC over more to the left just to manage a nice cozy fit. When the legs on this baby are propped it also reaches monitor height, I.E., it will not fit very well under a monitor, which is why it is best used in a keyboard tray, though I'd worry about it's large scale hurting the tray after a long enough time.In conclusion, this is a masterful piece of hardware, and it has virtually no flaws, the software is pathetic at best and obviously designed for the dullard worker drone, it's a pity really, all the same, it deserves four stars, here's to hoping they manage to improve the boring, bland software.8/10 (Not an average) -These headphones are strong, well built, good looking. Sound wise they are quite capable of sounding loud and full based on hooking up to a ipod nano. They are bassy. If you like bass, you will like the sound of these.What I didn't like about these is the fit. Even though the band has stretched after certain period of time, I still find them uncomfortable. I can listen to these for an hour or so. Then I find my ears feel hot and these headphones are pressing my ears. Then again I am spoiled by the comfort and lightness of the bose OE2 which has become my default over the ear headphones of choice.So if you like bass, ad are used to over the ear headphones that are of a tight fit, you will likely love these. For me personally, I use them less often as they are uncomfortable for me. These are the design and I can't hold it against the manufacturer. Therefore I minused only one star. -Outstanding fit and finish. A must have for the Nexus 7 FHD. The materials are strong and the magnetic screen sleep works as advertised when you close the screen cover. Angled viewing positions keep the tablet in place and its very comfortable to use and manage. I highly recommend this Stand Cover. -I've only been using this charger for a week, but in that time I've had no issues with it. I mention this because I have heard that accessories like this tend to work great in the beginning and then die suddenly after 2 months, and I also plan to follow up on the review. For now, I will say that this charger is great. It is designed really well and tastefully- the black and silver look sleek and the illuminated blue "M" is beyond nice. The quality of the materials exceeded my expectations- it's not cheap or flimsy feeling at all. I use it to charge my HTC Incredible 2, and it does so quickly and without problems. The cord is a comfortable length and the coil keeps it from becoming an annoyance. Love it so far!**Update: After 3 months of daily use, I've run into a problem. The plug seems to not fit the por quite right anymore, and now charges only if it is in the perfect position. Not happy about that. -This cable is excellent. I have not had any type of problem with it at all. The cable has worked on every product that I have used it on. For the price of the cable, you can't beat it. There is no point in buying an expensive cable that is only going to be outdated in a few months. This hdmi gives you the picture and the quality that you need for any component. Highly recommended that you buy it. -I bought this for my digital point and shoot as it needed a class 10 card to do HD video. The price was perfect. This was just what I needed -These headphones are my first pair of Bluetooth ear buds. The ear pieces themselves are huge! You really need to adjust it correctly in order to keep it in. Then again, my ears are pretty tiny. I don't know about the other reviews that say the bass is rubbish, when it's amazing. It's not $200 headphones, were you would except the best bass, but the bass is excellent for the price. The fact that it's water resistant is even greater. The battery life is okay for me. I only listen to music about 1-3 hours a day, so it's perfect for me. Call quality isn't that great though. My friends had a hard time hearing me. Still, the best ear buds i have owned in general. I would recommend it. -Still getting used to the menu so four stars. I ordered from Amazon warehouse used like new and saved a good amount. Charged it, did a firmware update (on windows 8 it worked better with with a manual update), put some audio books on and put some music on a micro SD card and put it in. Starts where it left off, has good sound quality, weighs almost nothing, takes Micro SD cards. Costs less than $20. This thing is great for working out, mowing the grass, in the car for WMA books from the library, etc. -If you have a big house with multiple floors and/or outdoor areas of your home where you would like to receive good wifi coverage, this is a great choice for a range extender. Probably would be a good primary router as well, but I use it as a range extender. I now get 3 bars downstairs where I used to get zero signal, and 4 bars out on the deck.I wish I could say the set up was easy, but because my wifi router is 7 years old and was set to WEP security it wasn't the simplest to get it to work. I had to call tech support. Thankfully the woman was incredibly helpful. She walked me through switching my router's security type to WPA and then the set up for the Almond Securifi was a breeze. So if you've got a newer main router to begin with, or at least one not using outdated security types, you'll probably just plug it in, click on the signal from your current router in the list, enter your router password, then wait 30 seconds for the Almond to do the rest. You'll then see a graphic showing the connection and can just direct your devices to the new signal instead of the old one. She was also going to show me how to merge the listings for the two signals, so that only one would show instead of ABC and ABC_almond, but I actually prefer seeing the two separate.I love that you can visually see the connection, and that each morning when I plug both devices in again, since I unplug both devices overnight (don't want to expose myself to more electromagnetics than necessary), within just seconds it finds all its settings and there are those green visuals showing the connection again. No need to reconfigure anything.It's also quite small and sleek looking, so not an eyesore in the middle of the kitchen (the halfway point in my house). I like it so much that when I decide to retire my old router I will definitely be getting a second one of these. It's signal is also not quite strong enough to cover my entire property with just one (has range of 100 ft), but with two of them I'll be in great shape.Special bonus, if you are a T-mobile cell user, you already know you can use your wifi connection to make calls and send texts/surf the web. So extending your wifi range to all of your property, not just where your computer is, will be even more worthwhile. Just be sure to unplug all this wireless stuff when everyone goes to bed at night if you're going to amp up the coverage so that it's hitting the bedrooms too. You'll sleep better. (Test it yourself and see if you don't.) -These wireless headphones are really awesome! The base unit comes with a phono plug to 3.5 mm headphone jack adapter, and then a 3.5 mm headphone jack to left/right RCA audio adapter. The base unit has nice, long RCA cables on it. They are not heavily shielded or anything, but they are on par with a good set of headphone wires.The wireless has worked awesome for me! No static or noise or any interference! I was worried that there might be a slight amount of static due to all of my computer and electronic devices planted only inches away from the Sennheiser base unit. I have not had a single issue at all! Amazing!The headphones have a on/off switch on the left ear cup. It also houses the 2 x AAA batteries (rechargeable ones that were included). The right ear cup has two dials. One for volume, and one to tune the headphones. The volume is fine, no problems. However, I find the "tune" dial to be a little archaic. The base unit itself has a toggle switch that lets you select between 3 channels. I have 3 units, all set to different channels, so I can tune into which ever one I want to at the time, and my brother and sister can too. I would have preferred a similar switch to have been present on the headphones, even though it is easy as pie to tune the signal in, and you have a good wide range where you get superb sound (unlike some tuning devices where you have that magical sweet-spot that is harder than a fruit-cake to get perfect so you don't have static). The headset itself is also a bit heavy, so if you plan on leaning forward with them on, be ready to keep them from sliding off your head. Not too bad, considering they have batteries and all.The price is not too bad! And, being made by Sennheiser, these headphones are great! If you are looking for a wireless headset, I recommend these, unless you are looking to spend MUCH more, or are willing to gamble on quality. I was amazed to find the Sennheiser RS120's at such a great price and such awesome performance! -I have an AMD FX-8120 8-Core Black Edition and the stock fan was noisy and not very effective. I mainly play Black Ops 2 and I was starting to worry about overheating from a few hours worth of game play. Part of it has to do with your ambient room temperature, but that fan just couldn't keep up.This liquid cooler was easy to install, looks great, and was very affordable. The mounting is likely to be more solid than the standard flip down lever because you are able to tighten with thumb screws on an AMD board. You do want to tighten them down a little at a time so you don't have one side lifted or put more pressure on one side than the other.Others said that the instructions were poor but I didn't have any issues following. It was easier to assemble than anything I have gotten from IKEA and that stuff is usually easy to assemble.I would buy again and for sure recommend it to anyone that wants to protect their investment. -The Belkin QODE Portable Bluetooth Keyboard Case for All New Kindle Fire HDX 8.9-Inch is a very nice accessory to have for your Kindle. I don’t like typing on the Kindle so this is a very beneficial product.Pros:+ Holds the Kindle securely+ Provides a lot of utility+ Good battery life+ Keyboard is responsive+ Pairing was easy and fastCons:-Magnets fell off. Easy fix with glueOverall Assessment:The Belkin QODE Portable Bluetooth Keyboard Case is a convenient accessory if you do not like typing directly on the Kindle. The keyboard is easy to use and works great. -It worked at times but not consistently. Price was good, delivery was fast but it only worked sometimes. I tried different cables with the same results. -I always like to buy Cisco products if the prices are right. This item does take a little away from speed but not even noticeable if you are on a faster network. It certainly works as described and fairly simple to set up. I had a little trouble the first time I tried and had to reset to clear the settings I put in but once it was reset I was able to go in and successfully set it up no problem. Now I have almost full signal all through my house and a good ways around it too instead of the front two rooms that I got with the stock wireless router. Bought this in the past and would certainly purchase again. -I'm always in search of a solid USB drive that won't break off of my key chain that I keep clipped to my hip. It's a very small, all-metal enclosure, which I don't see bending or breaking. I did read that some people had the electronics slip out of the bottom (which upon inspection seems completely possible if the glue gives up), so I put a small piece of tape around the bottom as insurance against that. It's not the fastest writing drive, but a slightly slower drive is better than a drive that has broken off my key chain and has gone missing completely! -Been looking for a keyboard for my ipad for a while and happened upon this. I've had good luck with New Trent's stuff so I thought I'd give it a shot. I really like the fact that it doubles as a case (hence the clamshell) when closed up. The Blutooth keyboard pairs in a snap and works great. Love the added function keys (home button, etc.) and found the size more than comfortable to type on. I've had this on my ipad for a while. I thought this would be one of those things I'd use solely for travel but the truth is this case/keyboard has stayed on my iPad since I bought it. The matte finish is nice and I love that it's not emblazoned with stupid logos. Doesn't add a lot of weight and I really like the adjustability of the screen angle. Battery life is pretty terrific, too. One other nice thing - I like being able to 'detach' the iPad and set that up as a separate piece from the keyboard. There are some other nice touches - the rubber feet, the fact that you can change from portrait to landscape. Once you remove the iPad from the arm, the hard plastic case stays with it so conceivably you could just travel with that. It's not perfect - I realized carrying it in my bag that it is just a little heavier than I would like. And it would be nice if the hinge had a ratchet action. But overall this is a really nice set up, and I've had experience with a number of these types of keyboards. All in all, I'm really happy with it. -I had been looking for a replacement for my old Sony monitor headphones.I was thinking about 5.1 or wireless ones and then a few days ago the V-MODA was a today's deal.After reading the reviews and checking some Audiophile review sites I decided to give them a try.Checking the packaging and carry case top notch and the two braided kevlar cables are the best I have seen on a set of cans.Now the sound excellent right out the box blows the Sonys away.I have two pairs of Ultimate Ears that have great sound the V-Modas beats them.I use Flim & the BB's Tricycle to test any audio components because I know what its supposed to sound like.The highs are crisp and the bass sounds the way it's meant to be.Some say the bass is overpowering I don't think so not like Beats that sound terrible.I'm burning them so the sound should get even better.I very happy with this deal. -I really love my macbook air, and I seriously considered buying another one for my kids to use. Then this little guy showed up. I was sold when Engadget said it was 80% of the macbook air experience at a fraction of the price. I'd say it's more like 60% of the macbook air experience, but that's still an incredible deal for the price.Drawbacks:You can't print. You can set up google cloudprint but I haven't gotten it to work yet. You can't do anything that isn't inside a web browser. 95% of my computer usage is inside google chrome anyway, so that's not a huge deal for me as a second computer. You can't edit video or do anthing else that requires more than a simple file system and a web browser.Advantages:The keyboard and touchpad are near-mackbook quality. That makes them better than 70 percent of all laptops out there. Not a small thing. I love the two-finger scrolling which you can reverse so it works like a mac. Google calls it simple scrolling. There is two-finger right click too.The screen is fine. I wish I could put the bottom-of-the-screen launcher bar on the side of the screen to save precious vertical pixels.Interface is good. I set up separate user account for each of my kids. Not as smooth as a mac but smoother than windows 7.Build quality is better than your average laptop but not up to macbook standards. Considering the price it's amazingly well put together.Bottom line: For someone like me who spends most of my computer time in chrome for mac, this is a natural second computer. It would be great for a student computer. If you want to edit videos or do other things that don't work very well in a web browser you should look elsewhere.You could easily spend three times this much and get a computer with a lesser keyboard, lesser touchpad, and inferior build quality. -I purchased two of these, one for my desktop computer the other for my downstairs TV. The sound is awesome, better than I expected for the low price. I'm very pleased! -This product has amazing speed and range. Even from my patio I can receive a fairly strong internet signal -- and sometimes even after exiting the condo itself! I highly suggest and recommend. The set up is easy. ASUS has done it again! -Lasts a full charge and some! Orange to green light charging and will stop charging when the battery is full. Works perfectly. -Other than some confusion when configuring the various settings, this wireless/broadband router has been great. Performance and coverage has been great everywhere in my home. I have no complaints about how this works. We've even seen a drop in overall electrical usage over the previous router we had.The one issue I have with this router is in the configuration. There are a large number of options that aren't described well. Without a deep knowledge of wireless/routing terms I would have been lost. I also would have liked the firewall in this router to have a stealth mode like my previous routers (see grc dot com for a description of stealth mode). But, it works, and once configured, there are no problems. -I've owned 4 Kindles so far and they all perform very well. The one major drawback is the power cord connection. It is not durable at all and you have to be very careful not to move the Kindle while it's plugged in. I had to replace 3 Kindles in the last 2 years and thankfully it was under warranty. I don't have the the new version HDX Kindle yet so I can't comment on those. -The first one of these I bought was over a year ago for a home office. Job changed so the monitor became part of a multi display home office along with a Dell monitor from years ago.The difference in picture quality is enough that I got another Asus to replace the dell. The Asus monitor is much brighter, higher contrast, and deeper colors. Text is easier to read. This is in all ambient light conditions I've had to deal with. These are the VS247H-P 23.6 inch displays.About the stand. It is not up to the job. If your desk is rock solid it will hold the monitor, but if you have desks that shudder every time someone passes by, or when you nudge it inadvertently, the monitor will wobble annoyingly. Dell does have solid stands on the monitors they sell. So when I ordered the second I didn't bother attaching the stand. Instead I removed the "neck" and attached both monitors to a two monitor VESA compliant stand: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002R9HQLI/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc;=1Now they are both rock solid (or at least as solid as the cheap desk they're on). If you get a single monitor consider one of the monitor stands Amazon sells for single displays.Haven't attempted the rebate process. I'll report back on that. -It's much too difficult to navigate and download files. Everything needs an app. I have discovered that I don't have much use for it. I thought that I would be able to use this chromebook as a sort of easy-to-carry backup for my desktop. I am able to download files but I am not able to access the information. For three days all I did was download one app after another as instructed and I am still not able to access file download from my desktop. Fortunately, I have found someone willing to purchase this item for less than I paid along with the two books I purchased to help me learn to use it.Lesson learned: I really needed to do more research before buying another notebook or computer. -I was interested in using this router to replace a DLink-655, which has been having intermittent connection failures requiring a reboot. I have a fairly large area that i want to cover. Note that unlike a typical router user, I specifically wanted to use this as an access point, thus my use case and experience are a bit different than typical.Overall, I was very pleased with this router.Because I couldn't figure out from the documentation how to set it up as an access point, i contacted tech support. I expected a response within a day or so. They responded in less than half a day with detailed instructions.Setup an install was very fast and easy. Basically, needed the router to the LAN and replace the internet connection on a computer, then access it via IP. This was all very simple to do. After that, needed to configure the two wireless band configurations and a few other settings. The overall menu system on the router is well laid out, with good explanations and has a good depth of controllable features. Responsiveness is quite fast. For the configuration i was doing i needed to do a software reboot, and that kept the connection nicely throughout.Once i setup the router, connections were strong and solid. I've used both bands without issues. Signal seems good and stable. I'm also running a number of direct lines from the router as well as the wireless connections. All is good. -I purchased one of these drives to replace a drive that died in my parents computers (drive that died was ~5 or 6 year old Maxtor.) I've always been a fan of the Barracuda line and the price was right so I jumped on this drive. My parents need almost no storage to check their e-mail and surf the web so this drive was perfect! -AmazonBasics are a fantastic value for quality of cable you get. No need to spend any more money on a "high quality" name brand cable for even the most demanding AV equipment. AmazonBasics will perform just the same, as they must meet the same specifications and the signal is digital. A digital signal, is simply there, or not.I've purchased a few of the AmazonBasics optical interconnects, HDMI's and now this HDMI to DVI. All great! I highly the digital cables. -I got these on amazon about a day ago, i got them to work out with, not the best choice i know but i love good sound quality and with a Trusted name like Klipsch that is what i got. The sound is great, good bass nice Sound isolation due to the rubber ear molds. They sit differently then any other headphones iv had and even running on my readmill they have yet to fall out of my ear. I also got them on sale for 55$ due to them being open box from a Vendor on amazon so that was key in buying them also. The one flaw with this product that I see has already been mentioned is that the Cord is very thin... thin to the point that im worried i will break it or pull it loose at some point. Other then that these are great and the sound isolation is very good. -I bought the H100 as part of a new gaming computer setup. Living in Texas means a base temperature indoors of about 80F for much of the year and I've had some bad issues with overheating and crashing on my previous rig when playing games.Installation on an Intel based mainboard was painless (AMD looks slightly more intimidating from the manual). In fact, it was not harder than installing a stock cooler and absolutely nothing when compared with the complexity of traditional waterbased cooling systems. It comes with pre-applied thermal paste that does the job just fine, although I suspect you could get even better cooling results with high end thermal paste. The H100 installs very conveniently in the case and does not clutter up the interior at all, which I consider a definite plus.The cooling performance of the product is excellent, and better than what Corsair advertises on the box. The difference to the stock cooler that came with my processor is dramatic, double digit degrees on all settings. The H100 has three speed settings for the fans controlled via a button located on top of the part attached to the CPU. Unless you have an easily accessible case, you will likely not be changing fan speeds very much. There's apparently an additional hardware product that can be used to control the fans from an optional front panel, but I have not found it necessary to change speed away from the minimum setting unless I seriously overlock my CPU.The noise profile of the device is great, but certainly not silent, as long as it is not set to it's maximum speed setting.Some words of caution: This cooler requires some serious space and there are not many cases on the market that will work with it outside the box. On my Level 10-GT gaming case installing it meant removing one of the 210mm fans that came preinstalled to allow installation of this one. Do yourself a favor and do some research if your case has space for the H100 (The grill slightly larger than the 2 fans attached to it).Bottom line: Excellent cooler, comparatively easy installation, decent noise profile. Easiest water-cooling solution I've ever installed. Acceptable price. -Short answer: good quality, reasonable price, excellent customer service.I have zero complaints about these cables. I bought two: one for the XBox 360 and another for the 3D Blu-ray player in the bedroom. The construction quality is as good, if not better, than the more popular branded HDMI cables. These cables are thick and feel durable.As far as performance goes, I haven't noticed any lag or problems for either 3D gaming or 3D Blu-ray movies.The shipping was fast. The cables came in minimal packaging (no excessive plastic shells to cut through or overload of marketing garbage that tell you zero about the technical specs.The price was what HDMI cables should cost. I'm not sure why Blu-ray and HDTV manufacturers can't include an HDMI cable with their products; it has to cost about the same to manufacture an HDMI cable as it does to make the set of composite cables they still include for some reason. Mediabridge seems to have found the perfect balance of quality and cost--I hope they don't change their prices as they gain popularity.I was also surprised to get a thank you e-mail for choosing these cables. I usually don't like getting e-mails from companies about products, but this one was short and to the point. It thanked me for my purchase, and listed a customer support number, should I encounter any problems. There was no mention of their other products or services; no attempt to sell me warranties or anything else I'm not actively looking for.It's nice to see a company put customer service and satisfaction ahead of their investors and shareholders. It seems that most companies have forgotten their biggest and most important investors are their customers. -I've had the Chromecast for about a week now, and despite a few little hiccups have been incredibly impressed and pleased. Considering the price, I feel like this is a no-brainer purchase if you enjoy streaming shows from Netflix, clips on Youtube, and/or movies out of Google's store.Setup was a little more complicated than I was expecting. I have a dual-band router, both with the same hidden SSID. The Chromecast has an option to enter in your hidden SSID so it seemed like there'd be zero issue. Entered it correctly, verified, and it just couldn't find my network. I went back and tried a few times, thinking I must have been fat-fingering a button. No luck. I un-hid my 5ghz SSID, tried connecting, no luck. It only worked after exposing the SSID on both 2.4 and 5ghz bands before it would connect. Somewhere on the device page it says it does work with 2.4ghz hidden SSIDs, and I may try re-naming that band and hiding the 5ghz again. But I hear that's not actually too terrible a thing to break through if somebody's actually seeking to get in so I might not even worry about it.Anyway, once setup, it's worked great with my HTC One. Finding content through Netflix, Google Play, and Youtube on your phone is so much more convenient and intuitive than searching on the apps on your TV, or 360, etc. Basically - any box where you have to fumble with a remote to do searching and navigation, this is better than. You kick off a movie/clip, cast it to your TV, and the phone is free to do whatever else you want while the content plays. At any time you can get back into the casting app and pause/resume content. Super slick.I tried out the casting extension on my chrome browser, and it works about like you'd expect. You can cast a tab, and all content on that tab is sent to your TV. Works reasonably well for me, and I can definitely see the use cases (photo sharing, watching things you can't get to through the other mediums you have). I tried streaming a movie through my Amazon Prime account, and while it worked, the audio wasn't 100% synced up. And of course if you want it full-screen, you have to give up your laptop while the movie plays. Also - my laptop (retina MBP) got really hot, and really noisy. My recommendation would be to not expect to use this feature on a regular basis for streaming content.One other downside I noticed is that while casting a netflix movie, the netflix screen takes up the entirety of my lock screen. I received a phone call, and the phone was ringing but the caller information was missing, as were the 'Answer' and 'Ignore' buttons. Had to "back" out of the netflix info (which is just weird on the lock screen to have to do) before they showed up. Google Play Movies did not have this problem, yet still allowed you to pause/resume from the lock screen.Anyway - I really can't recommend this thing enough. It isn't perfect, but it's also not expensive enough to expect perfection. If you like Netflix, Youtube, and Google Play content to be on your TV, this is the easiest and cheapest way to get it there. If you have other ways to get it there, this is still a worthy investment as it's infinitely more pleasing to use than a TV-remote based application.Very, very pleased. -Well, have had this thing for a couple of days now.Been doing lots of testing with it in various configurations, drivers, BlueTooth adapters, etc via phone, voip on computer and cell... bottom line is this:SOUND QUALITY (ie: in your ear)- Music : GREAT- Computer Sounds and Video : GREAT- Bluetooth connected calls : Tinny and Shallow; no warmth, fullness or body to the voiceCALL QUALITY (ie: calling someone else on it)- Cell via Bluetooth : Tinny, but liveable.- Computer via Bluetooth : Very Tinny and no mids/lows, no warmth or body to the voiceCALL QUALITY (TO THE PERSON YOU ARE CALLING... the IMPORTANT PART) - TERRIBLE!And I quote here from some of my calls over the past 2 days with it:- You sound like you are talking through a Paper Towel or Toilet Paper Tube- You sound like you are in another universe, and I can hear everything and everyone around you too.Bottom line for me, given the amount of time that I spend on conference calls, and want a comfortable headset, AND more importantly, that the person on the other end of the call can hear me CLEARLY and PLAINLY without sounding muffled, in a well, echo chamber or via a Paper Towel Tube...So far NOT a happy camper with this one,I LOVE design of this, but need a much more superior call quality to the caller, and thats where this one falls short.I may see if its usable for my son on his PS3, but for use in a professional situation... this is a no go.>>>>> UPDATE NOV 7, 2012 >>>>>1. I did try it out with my son's PS3...- It did connect.- It did work within the games for communication to the other remote players in the game- It WILL NOT also work to route 100% of the GAME SOUNDS and GAME AUDIO to the device. Note: This is NOT a limitation of the device, its the audio implementation on the PS3 consoles. To route GAME AUDIO and In-Game Communication to a wireless headset, you need $250-500 bucks for the high end and uber-expensive Turtle Beach rig.2. After lots of trial and error and comparing notes with those in the office that have one also...- The device that you are connecting it to, and its Bluetooth audio capabilities have A LOT to do with the call quality of it.- Via a computer with NATIVE Bluetooth or an aftermarket Bluetooth USB adapter... its still not going to sound as good as a Plantronics Blutooth device that has a custom audio functionality built in. My Plantronics BT300M sounds like you are right there as far as your vocals to the person on the other end of the call. It sounds like you. It doesn't sound like a highly compressed tin can. The LG HBS700 on the other hand... you are in a compressed, metallic sounding mode.- The device via a cell phone depends on the cell phone. I recently switched from an LG handset to a Samsung Galaxy SIII and that made a HUGE difference. The LG sounded tinny. The Samsung sounds wonderful and realistic.Bottom line, this thing WEARS like a dream. Battery life is incredible. Music plays wonderfully. Call quality will depend on whatever device you are connecting it to, and even at that, its just trial and error.If LG or Plantronics want a market winner here... THEY NEED TO COLLABORATE!!! LG for the device, PLANTRONICS for the Call Quality! -I pre-ordered the PS4 after both Sony and Microsoft had their presentations at E3. I haven't had a Sony console since the PS2 and my most recent console was the Xbox 360. The console arrived on time for launch day and was a breeze to set up. The Playstation Network (PSN) was more than a bit congested due to the massive number of accounts hitting it within the 24 hour launch day.I was able to set up my console and download the initial software update with no problems. Getting my PSN account logged in took a bit of time, but that was to be expected given the high demand for the system and large network traffic. Since I couldn't access the store from the console, I opted to use the nifty feature of purchasing a digital game through Sony's website and setting it to download to the PS4. That bypassed the traffic and immediately started the download to the console. The play while you download feature is nice, but be aware that you need to download a specified portion of the game before you can start. With a retail size game, that still takes time. My example was Battlefield 4. 6GB is necessary to start playing. You can then play single player while the remaining 33GB downloads.The hardware itself is pretty great. I love the simple design of the case and the power is a sufficient leap over the previous generation of consoles that it makes it worth it. The DualShock4 controller takes a bit of getting used to if you have been using an Xbox controller, but it's a great controller. I haven't used the touchpad yet, but it's a potentially interesting feature. The triggers are different, but I think they are quite adequate for my primary gaming need - shooters.The user interface is simplistic, but everything seems sorted into logical areas. I've only got about 8 hours into usage, so my experience is still that of a new user.Included in the box is a 30-day trial for PS+, which is required for online multi-player. You also get some pretty great games free every month. I already have a favorite launch game and it was free - Resogun. There is also a 30-day trial of Sony's streaming music service. I tested it out briefly and it works well, though I'm not sure I'd subscribe to it after the trial is up.The best part is that I was able to set up a PSN account for my wife so she can access everything I can but there is no fee for her account. Also, Sony has not put any of the media streaming services not owned by Sony (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant, etc.) behind a paywall. This simplifies multiple accounts on the console accessing streaming media.Overall, I'm very satisfied with my purchase and I highly recommend a Playstation 4 to people looking at upgrading to a next-gen console. -I really do feel like this mouse was designed from the ground up just for me! I have always been a fan of thumb buttons since my first mouse that had them, the original Microsoft Intellimouse explorer. This has 4 thumb buttons, that are easy to use, and in the perfect spot for me. All of the buttons are easy to access, and fully programmable. Overall, it it very comfortable, and I love the thumb rest. This is the mouse I would have designed for myself.I use it for playing World of Warcraft, and while the game does not directly recognize any buttons beyond the first 5, you can program and macro the rest of the buttons, giving you very quick access to lots of stuff.I also really like the scroll wheel. Being able to switch between free scrolling and normal scrolling is great. I like free scrolling while web surfing, it lets me get to the bottom of a page very quickly, but free scrolling sucks in games, because your camera view can be accidentally moved very easily. The button for switching scrolling modes is right behind the scroll wheel, making mode switching super easy and quick. My cordless 620 had the mode switch underneath, which was a bit of a pain.The build quality is excellent, the rechargeable battery included is of the best quality, and the finish texture gives a secure grip.I tend to be very critical and picky, but so far the only slight cons I have with it is, its a bit heavy. It does move well though. The price is a bit steep, but I have no regrets so far. -Decent sound, but there are negatives to considerThe quality of the construction and materials seems average. I would prefer if they were a little better built, but they're acceptable for the price. The fabric used on the ear pieces and the head padding is the same fabric they use in fabric lint rollers. It's soft enough, but collects lint accordingly. The mic boom is flexible rubber and decent quality, but it doesn't allow you to adjust its location in and out and sits further from the mouth than expected.Pros:Sound - The sound quality is very decent. I'm not an audiophile so take it with a grain of salt, but both games and music are quite enjoyable for me with this headset.Comfort - At first I found these uncomfortable and pinching which after an hour of use caused significant discomfort. However, once I lowered the ear pieces to wear this a bit loose (more loose than I normally prefer headphones) they fit much better. After hours of use they are still comfortable for me.Microphone - The mic is very sensitive and picks up sound really well.Cons:USB - The USB interface is one you want to avoid for headsets if you have a good soundcard. USB headsets include their own audio card built-in to the device in order to work. Therefore, using these will bypass the soundcard in your computer. Also, the USB cable is quite short. This device isn't compatible with USB 3.0. Since I only have 3.0 on the front panel of my computer I would prefer a longer cord to run it from the back.Dolby - The simulated 7.1 is not appealing to me. It simulates surround by making the audio more `spatial'. This doesn't add to the audio quality though; it makes the sound worse in my opinion. The default setting is off,Volume Control - The volume control is a rocker switch in a convenient location on the back of the left ear-piece. The rocker switch is annoying. You rotate and hold it in one direction or the other to change the volume. I would prefer a dial instead of holding a switch.No Audio Controls - This device has no equalizer to adjust the audio. The audio levels it ships with is okay, but if you wanted to customize your sound you should purchase a different headset.Microphone - The mic is overly sensitive and even on low input volumes it picks up any background noise like you mouse and keyboard, breathing, etc.In summary, decent sound and comfort for the price, but has some limitations. -I've had this remote for a month now and really like it. It didn't set up very fast and took a number of tries to get the macros right for turning on the TV and switching input devices, but once it was set it's been great. My kids are 12 and 15 and are thankful for the remote. They don't have to ask for my help to play video games or watch a DVD anymore.A few particular features I like about the remote:1. The keys for the most part are backlit and when you move the remote the display and backlight are activated, you don't have to push a button.2. It is rechargable. I hate having to replace batteries every few months. It lasts almost a week on one charge... but I put it on the charger after about 3 or 4 days. I don't want to chance being without this baby.3. It will learn commands from my other remotes. This was very helpful when setting up the macro for switching TV inputs. Even tho I put the TV make and model in it didn't know how to switch from SAT input to DVD input without a little learning. This all depends on your TV. Mine is a Mitsubishi WD-65733. I also had to tell it what the inputs were called and which ones were listed in what order. Beware... I think it was case sensitive in setup.4. If you want to go into the advanced features of one of your devices without using the macros to do what you want to do you can still do that. Just a double click of a button and you can set the surround sound on your stereo receiver or modify the night display on your DVD player... and so on.5. It controlls my HD DVR from DirectTV so I can still FWD,RWD, pause, and record without any problems. It does everything the remote for the device did.6. You can upload your own photos to the remote and set them as the background in the display.What I don't like???There are really only two things I would change about it and that's the feel of the buttons and the ease of setup. Some buttons are very small and they're hard plastic. Some remotes have the nice big rubber buttons and for some people they really like those. I don't know how you could make it easier but I did have to get it to learn a few commands from my TV remote. Some people just aren't into computers and electronics much and could get frustrated by this.Over all, this is one sweet remote. My friends are jealous when they come over. A co-worker went out and had to buy the same one because he liked it so much. I highly recommend it. -I have had the router for a few weeks now in the office. My initial impression of the product out of the box was very good. It has a quality look and feel to it. As soon as I powered it on, the first thing I did was update the firmware. That was a very easy process.Pros:The user management interface is very nice and user friendly.Performance is amazing! I have it hooked up to a static gateway, which splits up my modem's connection to two other routers. The bandwidth tests I have ran over WiFi with the Asus are showing higher speeds on average than the other router which the PC's are physically connected to via Ethernet. That alone is pretty impressive. It'ss also very reliable and I haven't had any problems with it till this point. Still early, but only time will tell. The WiFi range is very strong. Two previous wireless N routers did not even come close to the range I am getting with the Asus. And even at the edge of the range, the bandwidth is still decent.Cons:Some parts in the QOS section were a little confusing, but Asus support was able to clear up the confusion for me after an email. This is really not a con because they just verified what I was assuming anyway, but I wanted to ask the questions to be sure.Price was a bit high, but other high end routers are in the same price range.I would highly recommend this router for those looking for a highend, wireless router. All WiFi dveices used on my network are N devices, so I have not yet been able to take advanatage of the AC performance gains, so I can't comment on that. I can't comment on wired performance either. -I am still getting used to this speaker set, but for the price, it is great so far. No it is not like some super concert hall quality set, but for the price it really delivers. I have seen all the various reviews of people complaining of anemic performance(not about this product, but in general) and I always wonder what people expect out of a 2.1 system. For I would say 80% of one's general audio needs, this is a great buy. If you want to shake the pictures off the wall, then maybe go for another package.On a basic user level, I like this unit because all the controls are located on a remote that sits on the desktop. Having to reach under the desk to adjust the bass is not necessary. Also, the various inputs/outputs are located in the same remote. The only complaint I have is that ergonomically, the remote is a bit unbalanced in the various controls - the volume knob is huge and the base is a bit hidden on the side. But that is really small potatoes overall.Regarding the actual sound, it is fine for what it is. Decent bass, the highs and overall frequency balance is fine. As with most audio setups, if you do not have an equalizer on your computer, see about getting one. While this unit is ok in its flat response, it certainly can use some tweaking to get it just right.Overall - especially in terms of price to performance - this is an A+ product. If you are some crazy audiophile, you may not be completely impressed. But for the vast majority of users out there, this is a very affordable and effective computer audio solution. -Why pay Apple prices when you can get the same thing in black for less? Just follow the instructions published here and everywhere to format the drive when you first get it to work efficiently with your Macbook. It is small, light and does not require a wall wart. I hate wall warts and any product that does away with them is a plus in my book. Put all your excess junk, Logic files, photoshop (if you are still using photoshop anymore) and all the big stuff and free up your hard drive. Access is fast and 1 TB is quite a bit of storage! -Pros - Easy setup, lots of apps, GREAT little remote, Android app has great functionality, small footprint, stylish.Cons - Zero.Honestly, it never freezes, holds a great connection to my 5 Ghz wifi connection, the remote is durable and it's a little unit. Does everything I wanted it to do. -Tablets of all kinds are a lot of fun for me, and as an owner of last year's Asus Google Nexus 7 Tablet (8 GB) - Quad-core Tegra 3 Processor, Android 4.1, I was keen on giving Google and ASUS' most recent effort a short. The tablets I've owned that I could compare this one to included theHP TouchPad Wi-Fi 32 GB 9.7-Inch Tablet Computer, the original Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1,Apple iPad MD366LL/A (16GB, Wi-Fi + AT&T; 4G, Black) 3rd Generation,ASUS Transformer TF300 T-B1-BL 10.1-Inch 32 GB Tablet (Blue)(with matching dock), the aforementioned Nexus 7,Google Nexus 10 (Wi-Fi only, 16 GB), and myMicrosoft Surface (32GB). The Nexus 7 has turned out to be a worthy addition to this collection. Here's why.PROS+ Lightweight build. Last year's Nexus 7 was hardly a slouch in this department, and was more than portable enough for most. The iPad Mini (which I purchased as a gift) is slightly thinner, but it doesn't really make any drastic improvements. This device is markedly lighter than both, which makes it surprisingly easier in the hands. You wouldn't think there was much room for improvement here (given the first generation was quite nice), but ASUS managed to pull it off.+ Great, understated looks. Sure, the top and bottom bezels are a little larger, but compared to last year's Nexus 7, this device has a lot more "class" to it. The exterior bezels now lack the bright silver banding, which helps the screen melt away into the bezels. That's all the better, since as an LCD panel (which won't achieve the same black-levels as a AMOLED display from Samsung) is the centerpiece of this device, it's best to keep your focus on it. The back is nice and smooth, with the word "NEXUS" inscribed into the back. The branding is non-obtrusive and otherwise non-existent on a device that all around has a sophisticated, matte look to it.+ Powerful performance. Without getting into too much technical information, the processor in this device (a rebranded Qualcomm Snapdragon 600) is significantly more powerful than the Nexus 7's Tegra 3 in every way. It's also more power efficient, so you can watch your movies and games for longer, all while enjoying stunning looks. Which brings me to the next two points...+ Beautiful screen. This is a Full HD (1080p) panel in a 7" package. The best effort prior to this was Amazon's own Kindle Fire HD 8.9, which had a 1080p panel as well. At present, this device has the sharpest screen (in terms of PPI) of any device, even compared against Apple's iPad 3 and Samsung's Nexus 10. Colors are sharp and vivid and the screen has no motion blurring or ghosting. My unit also doesn't have any light bleed, although I've seen some people complaining about it.+ Better hardware for longevity. You may have heard of the recent kerfuffles around last year's Nexus 7, which has started to slow down and lag for many users. The problem lay in how the device managed its onboard storage-- which, to put it mildly, was poor. If you didn't mind tinkering and rooting your device, you could fix the issue, but that should never be a requirement in a consumer product. Luckily enough, the refresh's hardware boasts better memory and Android 4.3 will automatically keep things in good shape, so you won't have to worry about this.+ Sound is pretty good for a small device. It gets plenty loud without much distortion. Unfortunately, ASUS elected to keep the speakers on the back for some unknown reason (especially with nice bezels on the top and bottom that could have provided stereo in landscape-- which is where you'd need those speakers most). This is especially perplexing considering how well-reviewed the speakers on the Nexus 10 and HTC One were-- both packed front-facing stereo speakers.+ Android 4.3 under the hood means you've got a faster, more secure mobile experience than any previous version. Even if you're primarily an iOS user, the Nexus 7 is definitely worth a look. The Play Store's got almost all the heavy hitters you'd use on a tablet (such as Amazon Kindle, Netflix, a YouTube experience second to none, and the full power of Google's own services as an example), as well as some amazing Android-exclusive apps (such as Press, a beautiful RSS reader for those who prefer to take their news this way). Many people have griped in the past about Android and tablet apps, but...+ You'll also find a mature and solid ecosystem waiting for you. As a 7" device, the refreshed Nexus 7 sits between traditional 10"-class tablets and the smartphone, meaning it can use apps designed for either very well. Although most Android apps are still designed for phones, they scale up very well on the Nexus 7 (nothing like Apple's frankly laughable 2x zoom mode available on the iPad/iPad Mini). Android tablet apps are also getting better by the day, so unless there really is that one killer app you can't leave behind, give it a whirl!+ Android 4.3 also provides multiuser support, so if you have this tablet in any social settings (having friends over, throwing a party, and so on), you can easily set up a guest profile for friends to use while keeping your own stuff under lock and key. It's also great as a family tablet-- share the device among multiple members while keeping everyone's stuff separate. Things have also gotten a lot faster since the 4.2 days, so if you had any issues before, give it another go.+ Notification light! Hoorah! Long-time Android users will instantly recognize how useful these things are, and as a casual device to leave lying around your desk, the light makes things much better. Let's say you're walking by a coffee table and you receive an e-mail. With an iOS device, the screen will light up for a few seconds, and a pulsing icon will let you know that you've got a message of some sort. And both iOS and Android handsets without a light (such as last year's Nexus 7) will beep or produce a tone to let you know the same. But if you happen to walk by after those time out, you'd never know that you have something waiting for you. With a notification light, you get a persistent, unobtrusive and instantly-visible way of seeing that something's waiting.+ Great battery life. Although the battery's smaller than last year's Nexus 7 (probably to slim down the build), Android 4.3 and the newer Snapdragon processor make for quite a powerful (hehe) package that will run all day and then some without trouble. I have yet to charge mine after receiving it two days back, and I'm still looking at 50% remaining after heavy use.Of course, this isn't all sunshine and daisies. Make sure you're making an informed purchase. Here are some cons I've noticed.CONS- The cameras are forgettable. Good enough for video calling, but it won't even replace most smartphone cameras.- I'm having screen lift issues in the upper left hand-hand side of my tablet, which means the back creaks a little if I press on it. It doesn't impact functionality at all, and hopefully it may go away after a while, but my launch-day 8GB Nexus 7 from last year also had this issue. needless to say, I'm a little annoyed that they weren't more rigorous this time around. Not something you should have to deal with as a consumer.- Top and bottom bezels make the device a little larger than it has to be. Depending on how you use this device, it could actually be a major pro for you (as wider bezels give you a better surface to grip without accidentally touching the screen). For me, it's a definite con, since I think it makes the device look a tad silly.- Slightly less grippy than last year's model. The refresh loses the dimpled texture of the original, which makes it a little more "slick" in the hand. It's not awful by any means, but do keep in mind that it can slide a little more on surface than you'd expect.- The buttons. Are maddening. They're basically flush with the chassis, and while there's solid feedback on all three (power, volume up, volume down), they're very close to one another and feel exactly the same. Expect to hit volume up a lot trying to wake this device up.All in all, I'd say buy this one with confidence. It's well worth the upgrade if you're on the fence, and if you're new to the Android tablet land, this is an amazing place to start. As a Nexus device, it'll get long software support and fast upgrades, so you'll always be getting the latest and greatest. Questions? Let me know in the comments below! -First, the price is nice, if it were $10-15 more I would rank it a 3, as in, "it's okay" or better but a bit too pricey for what it is. However, at this price, "I like it" a lot. If it is durable it may earn my "I love it" -- especially since I will probably use it pretty hard (8-12 hours a day, in and out of a laptop bag nearly every work day), and since it is a $15 mouse I won't be all that careful about it.It is my main mouse for a desktop replacement laptop, both travel with me to work most days. So, I will see how it holds up and update if it wares out or develops problems - if I don't update that means that it is still going strong and I still stand by this review. If it lasts into the 5 year range I will update and probably change it to 5 stars.Next the review points:Pros:To start, I like this mouse. It feels good in my medium-large man hands. The grip on the thumb side feels good; although, I had to push mine into place as it was peeling on arrival and it continues to be somewhat loose or prone to getting pulled out of place, it sits to high above the surrounding plastic [Edit, this continues to be "loose"]. (I do wish there was a thin strip on the pinky side.)The adjustable DPI will probably be nice for some light game play and some situations, but I generally just keep it on the lowest setting. But having the option is a bonus.The mouse is nice and responsive and I have not noticed any lags (I'm using it on an Ivy Bridge I5 3230m in a Toshiba Satellite L series, Windoze 8 and will be dual booting Kubuntu, when I get a chance to set it up; if I don't update the mouse works fine as a native in Ubuntu as I expect it will [edit, confirmed, works in every distro I've played around with lately (all Debian/Ubuntu forks)]).The back and forward rocker works great and is also very nice to have.The mouse moves smoothly and works on every reasonable surface I've tried it on, including the number pad on the side of my laptop keyboard, which is nice.Range is good, as advertised about 15 feet through walls, etc and about 25 feet in the perfect situation (in the same room or outside).Cons:I wish it had a real off switch since it wakes the Laptop up on button click, until the mouse shuts itself off; you have to take the dongle out when you are transporting the laptop or shut off the wake up settings.This boarders on nitpicking and is related to the previous point: I wish it had a clip like some Logitech mice do so that it clips to the back of my screen and when clipped it shuts off the mouse so that it doesn't wake up the pc -- [edit, I really, really wish that it had such a clip]. This is a good thing because it protects the mouse by ensuing that it is in the padded case with the laptop, rather than just thrown into the bag or outside pocket to get banged, bumped, and (maybe) broken. I really don't understand why anyone would manufacture a wireless mouse without this feature. It just makes good business sense and is relatively cheap.Finally, the mouse does feel a bit less high end. As I mentioned the grip pad for the thumb was out when I took it out of the box, but other things don't quite fit right. One corner of the battery cover sticks out and is a bit stiff to remove (feels like you might break it), but hopefully I'll only replace the battery ever year or so.Overall the mouse feels just solidish. As in, somehow I suspect it isn't as durable is my partners beat up 3-4 year old Logitech that is still going strong. But only time will tell and that Logitech was almost twice the price.Nit-picking (in order of importance):The scrolling wheel is a little high and I wish it was closer to the tip of my middle finger.This boarders on obnoxious nitpicking, but the material you touch is that slick glossy plastic and I wish it had a bit of texture.The slick material feels, sweaty or something, I don't know, I don't like touching it as much as other mouse textures -- yeah, it is nitpicky, I know.At this point I strongly recommend this product. I like it a lot right now for its price, but if it proves durable that may make me love it (as in 5 stars).If you are a cheap-skate like me and looking for a good mouse, I think this is it. If you are a high-end type, this isn't it.I will update when the battery dies, currently it has one AA Eneloop that was fully charged when installed.[Edit, a month after purchase, I like it okay, but I think the 4 stars will stick and I very much wish that I'd gotten one with a off switch and/or a clip - I would've payed $10-15 more for these things.] -Didn't use it for a really long time yet, but from the little I saw it has great quality, very sharp image and dark blacks, incredibly neat monitor! -Batteries are excellent and the eneloop does hold a charge longer than older style re-chargeables. 1 star off because it is suppose to charge AAA. If so I can't determine how. -Love/hate with this product.For all the positives it has, I ended up returning it because of its' construction.Pros:- great connectivity, battery life and comfort. The earbuds fit well and the sound is very clear. It also holds a charge through a solid 5 hours a day. I would charge it at the end of every day, so not sure how much longer it would last if I kept using it.Cons:- Although it is very comfortable and easy to wear during active runs and gym sessions, it just feels flimsy to me.The little earbuds are supposed to be held onto the neckband with little magnets. These magnets are far too weak and barely hold them in when they are stationary. They are also not the easiest to fit in place while the neckband is still around your neck.If you do manage to fit them in, the slightest head movement causes them to fall out.This is not only frustrating, but with them just dangling there, they easily got caught on my jacket, shoulder strap of my purse and scarf.It was an accident waiting to happen and I just knew they'd get torn off one day soon.Another concern was how they'd hold up being toted around in bag. If you don't want to walk around with them hanging around your neck, there's really no easy way to transport them. I'd wear them on the train to listen to music, but didn't want to leave them on once I got to work. I'd put them in my bag, but then had to wrestle with a tangle when I retrieved them.Overall very disappointed because although user unfriendly, the sound and comfort of these were great. If you're just going to be using them at home and not taking them with you, they will suffice. A bit pricey for being limited like that though. That's why I ultimately returned them. -I ordered two of them to hook up to two amps. a high end pioneer and an older onkyo.At first I didn't really notice the sound was bad as I was playing dub step and other electronic music... but when alanis morisette came on I noticed something... it sounds like a bathroom or hall effect has been added to the music. Most will probably not notice this unless you have good speakers..but I could hear it...I then tried it on my pioneer sc09 and high end speakers and it was really bad. Since I had two units I tried swapping them out but both exhibited same poor sound quality. Well the quality wasn't all bad...just that annoying bathroom echo effect ...also this device does not auto connect when your within range but rather requires you to go into Bluetooth settings and pair every time you want to use itRange was not bad about 20-30 feet throug a couple of interior walls much better than expected -This keyboard is decent enough and for the price - it's hard to complain. My only issue is the keys get stuck very easily - if a little bit of something falls into the crack between the keys and the base pf the key board, you get pppppppppppppppppppppppppp all across the screen until you get the 'p' key unjammed (for instance) -Anyone who wants to listen to tunes while working, these are the ticket. No more wires getting snagged, tangled, ripped, or in the way. The battery lasts for DAYS. sound quality is incredible. From voice clarity listening to talk radio app, to the stones, to pitbull...all sounds as good as any wired earbuds ive ever heard. hands free phone calls are crystal clear. Very durable. Ive recommended them to several of my friends and coworkers, and they swear by them as well. I work for a telco, so these have been through some tough areas. Working on a pole in the rain, running data wires for call centers, crawlspaces, attics, whatever...they hold up..cords for the earbuds have an adjustable strap to keep cords out of the way and out of harms way. Ive had mine for a long time and they are in fantastic shape. -This will be a ramble - I am generally well satisfied with this product but there are a few things to be aware of. Firstly, I purchased the product as a refurbished unit and only paid $75 including shipping - I added two additional batteries quite inexpensively through eBay.It is easily portable and seems to have fairly good battery time - here's a sample of 720 P quality - not bad. [...]I suspect that this is a generic criticism as the small microphones embedded in this type of a video recorder has no resistance to wind. What you can expect is that if you are moving and experience when passing across the microphone you will get wind noise.My original intention was to use this video camera on my bicycle and to that end, I constructed a helmet cam mount. This would probably work but I found that the additional weight on top of my helmet was unacceptable - the camera weighs 4.4 ounces - seemingly trivial but noticeable on top of your head. At five megapixels, the still picture capability is adequate but nothing special. I chose to get a ZX3 as opposed to the newer ZX5 - there were several reasons for this choice:The ZX3 has removable batteries, the five does not. The charge coupled device is larger on the ZX three and quite a few sophisticated reviewers felt that the ZX five was a downgrade in some respects. And then there was the issue of a dramatically lower price.Summarizing, this camera is good enough and portable enough that I will often carry the camera in situations where I would have been lugging my Canon T1 I. Go for it! -I recently purchased this and use this to back up my pictures and as a USB hard drive for my Wii. So far it works great and the noise is low. It has a on and off switch and I have had no problems with this Item. I would recommended this item to a family member or a friend. -I am very much disappointed with this product considering how many stars it received.From the moment opening the packaginig it was disappointing because you can see that thes cheap with leathery piece glued onto it - you can see the glue that makes it look even cheaper. And some other reviewer mentioned, the cover is stiff and N7 will NOT stand. To be fair it fits well and every "outlets" are in line with N7.To sum it up, I would NOT RECOMMEND this product if you are expecting something nicer. -product had been opened and programed. Password had been changed and there were finger prints all over it. What I ordered was supposed to have been new and this had obviously been opened and used by someone but all the parts were there. A novice would have ended up returning this item in the condition it arrived. Had to reset it so that the default password would work and I could get into it, after that it worked fine. Interface is not user friendly to set up. It is all there just not friendly. I have worked with a lot of routers and this one seemed to have a confusing interface. The help files were helpful. There are easier routers out there. This one has really good range. Set up is kind of awkward. I bought it for the range and it is a good router just the interface is not intuitive. -I was scared about the price I will not lie. It is in fact a great buy though. Installed in a breeze and handles the weight on the tv. The levels that come with it is great! Planning on buying another real soon -I heard a lot of good comments about this tablet, but for me, the jury is out until I get one in my hot little hands. It's in my hands now and I like it! It's very fast and I really think the screen resolution and clarity of display is very good! It's also very light, and lighter than my iPad (4th gen).I feel this is a product worth considering as an alternative to the iPad (starting with cost) and you can do a lot with it. -This thing is awesome, especially now that it supports HBO Go. Just be sure you have an extra outlet or a USB device to plug it in. Google is hella shady in their marketing and doesn't show the GIANT CABLE sticking out of the back. Thankfully the product works really well. -The Anker Astro E5 is a great external battery for anyone's Apple and Android Device. The Astro E5 size is exactly the same size as it predecessor, the Astro E4. The weight of it is pretty heavy holding it in your hand but not anything that is noticeable if you have a bunch of stuff in a bag with this battery in it. The on/off button is quite easy to press and easily pressed if it is stuffed into a bag. The flashlight in the external battery is a big plus. It is a bright LED light that works well if the power is out or looking for something in the night. The light is easily turned on because of the easily pressed on/off buttons. The flashlight is activated by pressing 2 times fast on the on/off button. This battery has 2 USB ports. One is 5 volts at 2 amps and the other is 5 volts at 1 amp. There are 4 LED's that tell how much power the battery pack has left for charging other devices. The battery has a smooth, shiny, reflective and stylish finish which looks awesome. The finish on the battery also attractions a lot of fingerprints which could make the battery look bad if not cleaned every so often.This battery has a massive 15000mah lithium ion battery in it that is packed in a small casing. This battery is smaller than most other external batteries I have researched in the past which is ideal for packing in a small bag. I use this battery to charge my iPhone 5 and my iPod touch 5. I can charge both these devices simultaneously.This product is ideal for someone who travels a lot and uses a smartphone for their business when traveling. This battery is also good for people who go camping and are not around power that watch movies and play games on their device for long periods of time. Other than the buttons being easily pressed this is the perfect external battery for those looking into buying one to use for a long trip or power your friends device and keep your devices charged in case of a black out.The Anker Astro E5 is closely comparable to the Astro E4.Anker Astro E4 13000mAh External Battery Pack Portable Power Bank Charger for iPhone 5, 4S, 4, iPad 4, 3, 2, Mini, iPods; Samsung Galaxy S4, S3, S2, Note 2; HTC One, EVO, Thunderbolt, Incredible, Droid DNA; Motorola ATRIX, Droid; Google Nexus 4, Nexus 7... (This has a 13000mah lithium ion battery) Both of these batteries look identical from the looks to the locations of the ports but the Astro E5 has a 15000mah battery that puts it over the top of the Astro E4.Overall the Anker Astro E5 is a great external battery that can charge your smartphone to 100% and do it again 6-8 more times and has a modern look most smartphones have today. You won't have to worry about your phone dying for more than a week when using this external battery.So far i have charged my iPhone 5 twice and it still has 4 LEDS.Another Update: i have charged my ipod touch 2 times and my iPhone 5 3 times and it now has 1 LED and can still charge my devices.I was supplied a sample for test and evaluation, and I promised that my review is fair and honest. -It works well. My only complaint is, for it to act as print server you have to download software for you to connect. Not a true server like i hoped. Wifi signal is very good, webgui is nice. -I bought this unit to replace a similar device that stopped working. This unit seems well built and is easy to setup but the sound quality is terrible. Going to return and try a different one. -This tablet has exceeded my expectations. The screen is very bright and vibrant, its processor is very fast. Video playback is excellent. I find myself using this tablet for everything from surfing the web to creation of documents. Another plus point is that is has Android ICS on it, which in my opinion is way better than the previous versions. I like the metallic styling, seems more durable than the plastic casings most tablets have. The touchscreen is very responsive & quick. The battery life is excellent, I can use it almost all day with a full charge, this include watching lots of videos. I don't care too much for the camera on it, it's lacking, but I dind't buy the tablet because of the camera so it's not a big disadvantage for me. I was frustrated when I found out the difficulties involved with getting picasa albums to sync with the gallery, but once I got it to sync it's been no problems since. I really don't know how I got it to sync, but I went into the gallery and saw that my picasa albums were synced. The keyboard is also nice, its keys well space for my big fingers & paired with the very responsive touch screen make it second nature to type on, to me it feels almost like typing on my desktop keyboard. I can't wait to find out the endurance of this tablet, I'm hoping it will last a long time.03/14/2014: After a year I'm still pleased with this purchase. The tablet works just as good as it did when I got it. The battery life is great, I use this tablet more than my PC. My only gripe with it is sometimes it's slow to come out of sleep mode, other than that I'm overly pleased. I'm thinking of purchasing about 3-4 more. -Perfect for 10.2 Gbps data transfer. I have a 4k Ultra TV and it works great. I purchased a few of the 19 Gbps cables and they're not necessary as far as I can tell. Maybe if you're doing some gaming online in 4k Ultra they're necessary, but I haven't encountered it yet. Promptly shipped and the price was really good! -This remote is excellent.. It was easy to setup and it has so many features that you can use. I replaced all my 4 remotes with this one. Excellent product with an excellent deal... -Yes, there is always a 'but'. I bought 3 of these drives mainly because I was getting tired of using external hard drives that required their own power supply, and like the idea of a portable, USB powered backup.I've had WD drives before and not experienced any issues with them (I've got a couple of their 'powered' drives). But these little buggers have been frustrating!ALL 3 WORK independently. No issues there. The trouble begins when you try to daisy chain and use more than one at a time! A single 2TB drive was not going to be enough, so the plan was to link these together using a powered hub.My system: HP 19" laptop, running windows 7, 64 bit. 4 GB RAMHow I prepared and set up the drives:1 - The drives are ready to go out of the box. The cables that come with them are PATHETICALLY SHORT. About a foot long.2 - For each drive, I plugged them in one at a time and went into the properties to give them a unique drive name as to not confuse the computer, and keep them straight in windows explorer. To keep it easy, I named them "My Passport 1", "My Passport 2", and "My Passport 3". (I get the same problem I am about to describe if I have spaces in the name, or not)3 - To link them together, I made use of the following:a - HDE 2 Port USB 3.0 54mm Express CardB0046XUMDWb - Anker USB 3.0 7-Port Hub with 36W Power AdapterB006TT91TWc - AmazonBasics USB 3.0 A-Male to A-Female Extension CableB008EQYRRY4 - I tested the cable (3c Above) first by plugging each drive into the female end, and the male end into the express card (3a above). the drive spun up, computer recognized it with no issues. All 3 drives checked out OK.5 - I then tested the powered hub (3b above). Plugged it into the Express Card (3a above) directly, the other end into an outlet. I plugged in each drive one at a time (tested individually)... no issues. all drives recognized.6 - next, I tested the hub WITH the cable. I plugged the cable (3c) into the express card (3a), then the Hub (3b) into the cable (3c), AC adapter into the outlet. The PC recognized the hub with no issues.This is where it gets puzzling:7 - I plugged "My Passport 1" into the Hub (3b). Little blue light on the hub came on. The hard drive started to flicker, computer made the 'discovery' sound, and windows explorer opened showing the new drive, and it appeared as 'My Passport 1" in the directory tree. could access the drive with no issues.8 - I plugged "My Passport 2" into the Hub (3b). Little blue light on the hub came on. The hard drive started to flicker, computer made the 'discovery' sound, and windows explorer opened showing the new drive, and it appeared as 'My Passport 2" in the directory tree. could access the drive with no issues.9 - I plugged "My Passport 3" into the Hub (3b). Little blue light on the hub came on. The hard drive started to flicker, computer made the 'discovery' sound, AND THAT WAS IT. windows explorer would not see the 3rd drive, yet the computer must, because you get the audio tone as you did with the first 2. I clicked on the properties for the drivers; on 'manage'; checked in 'device manager' - no way on earth to get to the 3rd drive. yet you can pick it up and feel it is running.I installed the software that came with the hub, rebooted after installing each drive, nothing seems to work.10 - I ruled out a bad drive by repeating the procedures above, but changing the order of the drives being connected to the hub. I started with 'my passport 3' - fired up, recognized no problems (yet in #9 - the computer would see it based on the sound, but that was it). plugged in 'my passport 1'. it also fired up, computer recognized - windows explorer opened - good to go. plugged 'my passport 2' into the hub, behavior was similar to #9.things I have not tried yet: 2 drives in the Express card and one drive into the onboard USB2 port, but what sense would THAT make? all 3 USB 3.0 drives will boot individually with the hub, but no more than 2 of them.ANYONE else had this problem or have a solution? you should be able to plug all 3 drives into the 7 port hub with no issues. I can plug 2 drives into the hub, and then plug an older USB 2.0 drive into the hub, 2 thumbnail drives - all work in harmony. but 3 WD 2TB drives? haven't figured that one out yet -The airbendar case is an excellent accessory for the ipad. I am using it with an ipad 2. I purchased it after I was happy with two other iPad keyboard purchases. The Airbender is lime having three accessories in one. First it functions as a keyboard, second as a case; and third as a stand. The nearly unlimited amount of positions the keyboard/case can be configured is awesome. The entire Keyboard can be separated from the iPad half of the case which is perfect for users that desire a little more distance between the two. The iPad can be used independent of the keyboard while still retaining half the case to protect the bottom and sides. It uses a pinch lock mechanism to quickly unsnap it. Other keyboard case solution areMuch more tedious. The keyboard has worked flawlessly since purchase. It was extremely easy to pair with the iPad. Feedback on the keys is excellent. Much better than those keyboards with the soft rubbery feel. The keyboard is also larger then most iPad keyboard which makes using it much, much easier for people like me with large hands. I charged the case once and 8 days later and its still working off the initial charge. I have no doubt that it will stay charged for weeks or months. Another great feature is the Airbender functions as a stand and can be configured in portrait mode for typing documents or landscape mode for games and movies. The case also shuts off the iPad when closed with the magnetic switch. The case looks great open or closed. I brought it to work and had several people asking me about it and where I got it. It has a very cool functional design. The iPad is held securely in place and all ports and switches are easy accessible. I highly recommend this keyboard/case combination. -I'm not a sound enthusiast so I can't give an expert opinion on the sound quality - but, it certainly isn't anything to complain about (as a gamer). The price was well within my range and I haven't had any issues after a few months.The headset is comfortable enough that you can wear it for several hours, the mic is up to par, and in-line audio controls are always a plus. The sound seemed a little hollow to me when I first started to use these but I would hardly say so anymore.I have two complaints about this product, first. the cord is obscenely short and will only reach the front audio jacks of a desktop. If this is not an option, then get an extension cable. Secondly, they hardly hold sound in at all. Even listening to music at a moderate level I can remove the headset and hear it a few feet away. This isn't an issue for me because I do not share the room with anyone, but if you're around someone who might be bothered then you may want to find a different headset. -I read all of the reviews and bought these headphones. I knew the Sennheiser name so felt I would be on the right track. I have 3 pair of headphones. A pair I bought at Radio Shack 5 years ago for $27 (bedroom), which died and is the reason for my purchase. I also have the Sony headphones for $150 (TV room). These cost $75 (bedroom). My $27 headphones were the best in every way; sound, no problems, always worked. Radio Shack no longer has the headphones. When I first got the Senn headphones they worked 50% of the time and it was very frustrating. We found out that when we had them plugged into the back of the TV (brand new LCD TV), that was the reason for them working only 50% of the time but when we plugged them into the back of our DVR, they work 100% of the time and we have had no more problems. The only thing I don't like about these headphones is that they are not comfortable and fall of my head easily. I didn't know they weren't the type that covers the whole ear. The type that covers the whole ear are the most comfortable and the sound is better because your ear is encased. Also they don't fall off. When I'm sitting in bed watching TV with my head against a couple of pillows, it moves these headphones forward slightly off my ears and the sound is not as loud. As for recommending these headphones, I would say get the headphones that cover the ear whatever brand. -I bought this router after reading the review on smallnetworkbuilder.com, where it was rated the fastest WIFI router at the time. The review has been accurate in my case and I have seen an improvement in both range and performance over my previous WRT 350N router.On the downside like many reviews I read I found the firmware to be unstable. That is within the first 24 hours the router had dropped all the wireless connections in the house and devices were not able to connect consistently. Having read many reviews and some forums I knew this was a possibility but I also new that I had options. There are 3 alternative firmware versions available that will all work on this router so if the stock asus firmware is not fitting the bill you have a choice of Merlin, Tomato or DD-WRT. At this point however a simple update to the latest Asus firmware resolve my problem and the router has been stable since that time.There are some other things I do not like about the Asus software:Parental Controls - The only option here is to set a calendar of access times. The Web 2.0 interface is awkward and you must set a different schedule for each MAC address. I found it time consuming and problematic. I would have preferred to create an access class assign the schedule to the access class and then assign the MAC address to the class. But at least I was able to disable WIFI during nighttime hours so my children aren't watching HULU or worse all night in bed.Static IP - While it gives you the ability to create leases, you cannot name them. And as such the DNS from the router will not serve a name for them. This has been a feature I have used for a while and has been available on every previous router that I have purchased. It makes it easy to setup a static entry for my ReadyNAS, and networked Xerox printer and then access them in a browser by name instead of IP. All of the alternative firmwares provide this capability so I will likely switch to one of them, going to try Merlin first as it has the best performance.QoS - I really don't get it, why would you invent your own version of QoS when a standard 802.11Q already exists and would make your device compliant with other devices that also support the standard such as my 24 port gigabit switch. The lack of this feature has effectively nullified the capability on my 24 port switch as I have no congestion within the switch, only when accessing the internet. Instead they provide a very dumbed down custom QoS implementation that has been very buggy by all reports. I am hoping that I might be able to get 802.11q with DDWRT or Tomato, but doubt that Merlin will provide it.In general the interface is just simplified, and it is clear that it was intended for the novice user. Some advanced features are available, but for the most part it is designed for the non-technical user.To be clear, I find the problems above endemic across all SOHO offerings. They are adequate, but dumbed down for grandma to the point they do not work the way a technologist would expect. Based on the performance I am seeing with update firmware, I can highly recommend this if you need a Dual Band WIFI router, I have deducted 1 star because you will need to flash the firmware to get it to be stable. -This Router is excellent! Installation is painless and fast. It comes with a CD but you do not need it! The quick start guide is all you need and you have wifi in 10 minutes :-)! This is so much faster and more consistent than our old netgear router. -It was and excellent tablet and I loved it however I had to return it for a refund because in less than 1month, out of know where it just stopped working, no power, wouldn't charge, it just stopped. Luckily they were very quick and awesome about giving me a quick refund. Seller was great, loved my tablet but I think it was just a malfunction and not anyone's fault. Thanks for being great about my return guys. -From the beginning:I had been interested in a wireless speaker for awhile and had gone to the Apple store as well as Best Buy to look at some products in person. I wasn't really able to tell a big sound difference between them in store at the time.I ended up purchasing a Jawbone Jambox as it was considerably cheaper and I enjoyed the different color options. At first I enjoyed the sound, and it was of good quality. The speaker felt solid in your hand, but the one thing I noticed is that there was not a large amount of bass that came out of it.After sending it back, I ordered the Bose SoundLink Mini.Having owned it for over a month now, I am very, very happy with my purchase. This speaker is made very well, it has a full metal body that surrounds the outside of the speaker and its contents. The bass is very powerful and the sound quality is, as you'd expect from Bose, phenomenal.I get decent range with bluetooth in my house, about 30 feet. I have never had the speaker die due to the battery just draining. I charge it maybe, once a week, if that.Overall it is a well designed portable speaker that is aesthetically pleasing, has great sound quality, and well worth the price.I would recommend this to anyone looking for a portable speaker but unsure which one to choose. -The first one of these I bought was over a year ago for a home office. Job changed so the monitor became part of a multi display home office along with a Dell monitor from years ago.The difference in picture quality is enough that I got another Asus to replace the dell. The Asus monitor is much brighter, higher contrast, and deeper colors. Text is easier to read. This is in all ambient light conditions I've had to deal with. These are the VS247H-P 23.6 inch displays.About the stand. It is not up to the job. If your desk is rock solid it will hold the monitor, but if you have desks that shudder every time someone passes by, or when you nudge it inadvertently, the monitor will wobble annoyingly. Dell does have solid stands on the monitors they sell. So when I ordered the second I didn't bother attaching the stand. Instead I removed the "neck" and attached both monitors to a two monitor VESA compliant stand: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002R9HQLI/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc;=1Now they are both rock solid (or at least as solid as the cheap desk they're on). If you get a single monitor consider one of the monitor stands Amazon sells for single displays.Haven't attempted the rebate process. I'll report back on that. -We just returned from a trip overseas and brought both the S95 and the SX260. We have owned the S95 for the past 2 years and really liked the camera but we wanted to get another camera as a backup and also to get one with a higher optical zoom. We tested both cameras in multiple situations on the trip and came to the conclusion that the S95 takes better night shots but the SX260 takes better shots in the day and the 20X optical zoom is extremely useful. The S95 allows you to go full manual but the SX260 gives you many options to play with your photo taking. Overall, if I could only take one camera I would take the SX260 because the optical zoom and picture quality is great. The night photos were pretty good too but not as good as the S95 (obviously if you are planning on taking more night shots, then the S95/100 would probably be better for you). On a side note, the GPS on the SX260 sucks battery life very quickly and the camera has a difficult time finding the GPS signal (we left it off for most of the trip) -I have been using this for the last three months and it is working really well. I had bought 2 cheap ones on ebay and it stopped working in a month. This has worked in my car as well as in laptop and I dont have to worry about adjusting the cable or any of that sort. The cable is quite thick which gives the wear and tear. If someone is looking for a good quality cable at a cheaper price than from Apple store, I would recommend this. -I ordered my new NewTrend Airbender Pro NT610KR from Amazon. I received it a few days later. It was great timing because I was just getting ready to leave on a business trip. I rapidly removed it from the box. My initial impression was great. Starting from the cool box to the wireless keyboard case. The case looks great. It feels very sturdy and nice looking. It is little thicker than my old case (another great case from NewTrend Airbend 2.0 (NT510K)).Next, I had to charge the case to use it. I had only a few hours left before I left. Now the charging process is a little strange. The manual says that the light indicator should be lighted in RED, but I never saw it. I waited and eventually the light turned BLUE (maybe the RED indicator only shows when the battery is dead. I will have to post an update once the first charge is over).Then came it came to placing my iPad Air into the new case. I struggled a little. The case is very tight. It is harder to take it apart. Putting it together was very easy once I figured out how to take it apart. Each of the important input places are protected by a small tab which fits perfectly and makes the iPad well protected. The case comes with a screen protector which is nice (I already have my screen protector), but I figured it will provide a double protection. Now I had everything ready for my trip.When I boarded my flight, I was finally ready to use it. First I needed to open the case to the position that felt most comfortable. There is a release button in the on the side of the case that releases the extension arm. I pulled it too far and it came apart. It was no problem. Pressed the button and placed the extension arm to the right level. Now, I was truly ready to use it, but before I use it I had to pair the wireless keyboard and my iPad Air (updated to the last iOS). First, I could not figure out how to turn on the keyboard. I did not read the manual, but I eventually figured that I need to hold the on/off button for a few seconds to turn it on and off. Then I pressed the pairing button which connected easily to my iPad. Used extensively the keyboard during my 10 hours flight. I wrote emails and made notes in preparations for my upcoming client meetings. The keyboard felt nice. It was not clunky and was a good size. With my first Airbender 2.0, I had some problems with the keyboard freezing my iPad which this worked perfectly. During my trip, the passenger next to me commented about the case too. He said it looks really nice.During the week and my flight back, the case was still working perfectly. So far, no problems. I took some pictures with iPhone 5s. These may not be the greatest pictures, but it will provide you with some sense of this great case. If you have iPad and wants it to be protected and a great wireless keyboard, you must consider the Newtrend Airbender Pro (NT610KR)!Durability~5 (so far, no issue to report)Functionality~5 (it has all of the options I would want)Quality~5 (so far it has been great and fun to use it)Protective Capability~5 (this is a fantastic case)Shipping of product~5 (the box is pretty cool too) -Really impressed. Even for the price i paid these are LOUD with great quality sound. The bass is great, i love the little control unit as well.The one drawback i'd include with this is the speakers are a bit too sensitive to whatever direction theyre facing. That is to say, if the speakers aren't directly facing you, they suffer a great deal of clarity unless you jack the volume much louder than necessary. -My previous router would continuously drop and have to be rebooted, so after reading all the reviews decided to purchase this Medialink. Although, I was not familiar with the brand the price was very good, and the reviews were generally very positive which is hard to find especially about routers. Well, the router is great, works as described, fast, good range, easy set up, strong internet single, does not drop or need to be rebooted... so glad I upgraded, this perfect product even if the blue lights are a tad bright. I can finally enjoy my internet access without frustration. I love this router! -These are great! I bought 8 to house all my old drives. The plastic is sturdy, the design is simple and minimal, none have gone wrong yet. Really easy to pop them open again and swap a drive out.In my experience these enclosures can break whether they're an expensive Lacie or G-Drive or a cheap Orico, it's all pot luck, and I've had USB controllers die in every kind of enclosure and device. So for $12 you can't go wrong. -I thought the description mentioned that the drive would need to be re-formatted for Mac or Linux, however I must have miss-read the description. Apparently the drive is simply unusable with the Linux OS and since I use Virtual Windows Systems inside a Linux host, the drive was useless to me.One thing I will mention is that I did test it on my nephew's Windows 7 laptop (USB 2.0 only) and it appeared to load (after a bit of a delay) and work properly however I wasn't able to do much testing with it unfortunately. It seems like a sturdy little drive and the capacity would've been nice. If I used Windows or Mac natively on any system, I probably would have kept it. -I bought this for my wife for Christmas and she just loves it. The video quality of the HD is awesome. -These cables are extremely well made, have the extra feature of incorporating an ethernet path and are a really great buy. I was able, by using this cable, to eliminate a full 4 pair cable run for the ethernet connection to my flat screen TV. I highly recommend this cable. -I thought these were good. I like the butter cookies that come out in the blue tin around Christmas, and these tasted similiar. They weren't too sweet. I liked the ingredient list a lot. They weren't that sweet. They were a hit with a particularly picky vegetarian girl that I had along on a trip. Afraid they ruined her diet because she ate about 1/2 the bag at once. I made the mistake later of thinking I'd try one with some nutella - that is dangerous beyond belief. These are crazy good with just a bit of nutella. I'd probably buy them again just to put nutella on. They crumble a bit but the bag we had was not that bad - the cookies don't really crumble as much as they leave crumbs.The bag is resealable on the top. -I realize that doesn't sound overly compelling, but I expected these healthful crackers to be dry as dust. Instead, they've actually got some nice flavor and body to them, and aren't any dryer than any other graham cracker I've ever eaten. I added some Nutella to these and they made a stellar snack! I would definitely be just as likely to purchase these as any other graham cracker - even for s'mores! -I'm one of the few ones that actually like drinking water and do it not just for the health benefits but it's actually my drink of choice. I buy all different waters and this one is perfect. It's clean tasting and smooth. It has no metallic taste or aftertase.Just a great water... -The South Beach Living Fiber Fit Mocha bar comes with 5 to a package. At 120 calories, they make a great choice if you are watching your weight. They taste pretty good for a bar with so much fiber. These bars make a nice healthy choice when you are in need of a snack. Mocha isn't my favorite flavor, but these bars are still quite good. -The Keebler Town Pita cracker (Sea Salt) is definitely a little on the salty side - which means that I would make my hummus with less salt than usual. The flavor is nice and the cracker is quite crunchy. It was a little much salt to eat without a dip, so in the future, I'll be sure to make a dip to go with them. I thought they were an interesting alternative to regular crackers and butter crackers, so I was pleased with them on the whole. -First off, the taste is pretty awesome. I smelled it and automatically thought that it smelled like cough syrup and wasn't going to be any good, but it surprised me and was actually pretty tasty. This does give you a little energy and I noticed if I took it about an hour before I worked out, I felt better while working out. Over all I would buy this product. I also noticed my allergies haven't been as bad as they usually are.12-10-12:I prefer this instead of taking daily vitamins. I was taking vitamin c (I still will take a couple extra a week, its flu season now), vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin A, magnesium, and Echinacea, I much prefer to grab a bottle of water squirt this in it and call it a morning. Has all those vitamins plus more, I'm a full-time student so I try and take vitamins, since not everyone is clean sanitary at college...works great, I stopped taking it for about two weeks, taste gets boring after a while and I ended up with strep throat. I've been taking it ever since then and I feel fine and haven't gotten sick since then. This says a lot for me, since the last time I got strep I got it three times in one year.... -These cookies are only OK. The texture is fine, but the flavor is quite bland, not nearly as chocolatey as I expected given that the cookie itself is chocolate as well as the filling. Despite the name, the filling is not particularly gooey, but I don't consider that to be a drawback. As noted on the package, these cookies are soft - very soft. Often, I find that soft cookies tend to stick together in the package, then break apart when you try to separate them. These cookies, however, did hold together fairly well.The cookies come in the resealable package, which I like very much.I probably wouldn't buy these cookies in the store because the flavor was so bland. -I like a pretty wide variety of cereals, and I'm a proud member of the "cereal is good for any meal or snack at any time of day" club. Having tried this new product, I'll be adding it to my (admittedly lengthy) cereal shopping list.The taste is fairly sweet, but not overly so. When looking at the amount of sugar in a serving, bear in mind that the natural sugar here is not the same crap as the processed white sugar and corn syrup found in less healthy foods. The flakes and dried fruit are distinct, and don't mix together in a single sugary flavor like sweetened kids' cereals often do. However, at least in the box I got, the fruit was a little sparse. If I were designing the ideal mix, I'd probably increase the ratio of fruit pieces to flakes.The glazed flakes are very thick and very crunchy. In fact, I get to the bottom of the bowl before they start to get soggy at all. This distinguishes this cereal from other, similar products with thinner flakes. Those who have trouble chewing and prefer a soft cereal probably won't like it. The slightly powdery dried fruit is closer to what you find in other cereals of this nature.The rather substantial flakes make this cereal pretty filling, more so than you might think from looking at it (it lies somewhere between other flake & fruit types and granola), but the box is still pretty small. Those who, like me, generally eat a large bowlful will go through a box in about three servings tops. At the time I'm writing this, the product is "currently unavailable," so I don't know what the price will be when it returns to Amazon. So bear in mind that this 6-box pack will probably give you about 18 bowls of cereal when considering the cost. -This is a cute little packet and an easy way to find a simple lunch when you're on the move and don't like fast food. What's even nicer is that these are heart healthy and contain no MSG, HFCS, or trans fats. It's a definite treat to find them all in a one portion lunch kit.This has a good little selection of items in it, the salmon and crackers, a fruit and nut mix, dry roasted edamame, and a small piece of dark chocolate. Although I was a little suspicious of salmon in a plastic container, it is tasty. The salmon has a little kick to it that keeps it from tasting like tuna fish. The dried fruit and nut mix are surprisingly good. The edamame? It's alllll riiiiight if you like that sort of thing. Put enough salt on it and I'll eat it. A small piece of chocolate brings this lunch to a sweet and dark end.I'm planning to get a six pack of these to keep in the car. So many times when I'm out running errands, I dig around the bottom of my purse and end up having a smushed protein bar for lunch. This is an awesome replacement. -I got a package of these to review for the Amazon Vine program. I'm not normally a big fan of these add to water drinks. But, this one is really good. It's not as much green tea as it is mango and pineapple. If you're a tea lover, you might not like this so much. It's very fruity. I like the fact that it's not all artificially sweetened even though it does contain an artificial sweetener. At least there is some honey in it. I would definitely buy these. I couldn't keep them away from my daughters and my wife. -I was looking forward to trying this cereal, because not too long ago I was able to try a wonderful granola cereal by Nature's Path, which I liked very much.So, I expected to like this cereal too. Unfortunately I don't! I poured alittle bit of the cereal into a bowl. On my first bite what I tasted seemed salty to me. I also do not really taste a vanilla flavor, or much of a vanilla flavor.I love the flavor vanilla, especially if it's real vanilla flavoring, but there is also another mainstream brand of cereal that also came in a vanilla flavor that so many people also seemed to love, and I didn't really care for that cereal either.It does look interesting when you pour the cereal into your bowl, different shapes, which consist of corn, rice,flax, quinoa, buckwheat and amaranth.When I read the nutrition facts, except for the fact that this cereal is organic, which to me is major, the health benefits really are no better than even alot of mainstream cereals, this cereal is no higher in important nutrients.The total carbohydrates per 2/3 Cup serving is 25 grams, which is 8%,dietary fiber is 3 grams, which is 12%, and sugars is 7 grams. The sodium level is only 130 mg, which is only 5%. There is only 1 gram of total fat, and 4% iron. I would call this a reasonably healthy cereal, and it is gluten free.Iam not impressed. I wish I were. It does not keep me from wanting to try other Nature's Path products, but Iam disappointed to find that I did not like this cereal after reading such wonderful feedback about it.Maybe I just don't like vanilla flavored cereals? -Simply put, this drink is delicious, and I didn't reach this conclusion on my own. I introduced Izze's Sparkling Apple to more than three people, and everyone who tried it loved it. Even my dad, who's pretty picky about drinks, really liked it a lot. It's not too sweet, it's not too carbonated... it's like apple cider with a twist! It's great!It smells delightful, and I liked the packaging as well. I thought the cans were some of the most appealing I've seen in awhile.I definitely recommend Izze's All-Natural Sparkling Apple, and I'm sure you'll like it too! -It seems like none of these superfood/supplement powders ever taste GOOD. Some of them have made me downright sick. This one is about the only one I've found that is drinkable by itself. There is an earthy, grassy undertone to it that is a bit rough, but I mix one scoop of this (about a heaping teaspoon's worth) and one tablespoon of Ovaltine to 8 ounces milk (sometimes soy milk) and it's delicious. Sometimes I'll mix it with the Bolthouse Farms Chocolate Soy Protein drink. If I know I'm going to have a busy day I'll mix it with milk and a half-scoop of whey protein powder.No matter what powder drink supplement/meal replacement mix you choose, you'll want to invest in one of these:LaCuisineTM 18oz Tornado Portable Mixer. Add a little liquid, start blending, add your mix and then fill with more liquid. Your drink is now smooth and if you're a slow drinking like me you can zap it before a sip to keep your drink smooth all the way.Beyond taste, after a week of using the Amazing Grass Chocolate Superfood and changing nothing else in my diet or activities, I find myself having less trouble falling asleep, and I'm waking up earlier and with more energy.If you're wondering exactly what the difference is between this and the Amazing Grass Meal, the answer is about 100 calories and I'm not sure what else. The scoop in the meal can is about three heaping tablespoons (the superfood scoop is about a heaping teaspoon). The taste is almost identical. -Looking for a change from your typical coffees & teas? Well, let's give Gold Kili's Instant Ginger Lemon Drink to see if it's worth a rank among the staples of hot beverages.This caffeine-free lemon drink comes individually packaged in foil packages, though the name ("Instant Ginger Lemon Drink") is a bit too generic in my opinion. Still, it's up front about what you're getting.The instructions are simple: Pour contents, add hot water (250 ml), stir, and serve instantly. Upon first opening the packet, the smell of the mix isn't overly appetizing. The oddly coloured crumbly mix isn't very appealing either. Also, after the pour, I realized that the 250 ml it calls for isn't even a full cup. Maybe that's a good thing (it is).The timing to try this out couldn't have been better. My sore throat looking for a bit of relief. Unfortunately, this drink just made things worse. It was just, for lack of a better word. . . nasty! The first moment it hit my tongue, I felt my lips pucker and my throat constrict. Lemon & ginger are both powerful flavours, but they can be used well together. This is not an example of that. Instead, it has an overpowering taste of that fake lemon flavouring you'll find in low-quality desserts and drinks. I even tried adding a bit more hot water to dilute the flavours a bit, but to no avail.Overall, just avoid this toxic concoction. It's not at all worth it. -I sampled Kali Ginger and Lemon drink mix on a cold wintry day when my throat was a bit inflamed and sore. I drank it hot as directed on the foil pouch. To be honest, the first few sips burned quite a bit as they went down due to the ginger, but as I continued to drink, the lemon and honey flavors came to the fore. After finishing the whole cup, my throat felt a little bit better, and I realized that overall, I had liked the beverage.That said, the big question is: did I like it well enough to order more? And my honest answer is: probably not. Gold Kali Ginger & Lemon is one of those products that I might enjoy on a rare occasion, but not one that I'm tempted to stock up on and make part of my regular diet. There will definitely be a group of consumers that this spicy drink will appeal to, and to them, I heartily recommend it. But as for me, a man who enjoys more traditional warm and cold beverages, let's just say that it really isn't my cup of tea. -I just wish it was a Fair Trade product since that protects employees. I do not buy rainbow quinoas since they sell for a high price without having enough red or black but more of white but C & F sells one of the best white and red mix since C & F offers more red than white in the mix. I usually buy the white, red and black separately and mix as I wish as well since quinoa is just an important part of my diet.KEEN-Waah... A complete protein source, a seed related to other healthy cousins like spinach and beets. In a pot I place quinoa, frozen peas, carrots, corn, add water and tomato paste. Spinach is added at the end the last minute. Stewing tomatoes for a half hour increases the cancer fighting lycopene content by 35 percent. Cooking also unlocks another nutrient, beta-carotene, in corn and carrots since heat breaks down the fibrous cell walls, releasing more of these antioxidants. The same goes for spinach but then you need to get your vitamin C from something else since that is the first vitamin which is depleted with heat. I saute lots of onion separately then in ten minutes I add paprika, cumin, dillweed, gram marsala, crushed red pepper, turmeric and lots of garlic2 x 2 Pound Fresh Garlic USA California Heirloom Monviso Gilroy Finest (4 Pounds Total), mix it well and add the mix to the pot and let it sit without heat for five minutes. This is what vegans consume instead of beef since it is a complete protein. Greens, vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. may have protein but the fact is that only quinoa has a complete protein and all others do not since all others are missing few amino acids here and there but not quinoa. I rarely ever consume beef, chicken, etc. so fish and quinoa are the only source of complete protein with all amino acids for me. Organic, whole grain, very fulfilling due to some starch with host of vitamins, minerals that no beef or chicken can even come close to. Cooks in ten minutes with some water, no fat, no salt, no sugar... I consume it with eggplant, onions, okra, smoked hearings, curry type dishes with lots of spices and delicious juices. I never ever have to wash and rinse before cooking either. I keep the uncooked portions in double zip lock bags in freezer. I consume so much that I never have to worry about the unused portion going rancid and unlike brown rice which loses its oil in less than six months and becomes worthless even if kept in freezer, quinoa will last longer. Obviously I never ever do that with any food since I only purchase what I need in order to get the nutrients which are a healthy portion of my diet. Gluten free, the best product for me when I go camping since all I do is add lemon and tomato and that way I never have to worry about paying arm and leg for that lousy, awful tasting dry foods. I ground chia+flax+sesame, mix it with cocoa+isolate+soy milk before my workouts every single day or no workout regardless. Three tbsp of quinoa in my power drink offers me 4gr of pure, complete protein with all amino acids. I add organic paprika to regular yellow quinoa and it turns the dish into a beautiful red color. Healthy, healthier and healthiest of many seeds, delicious sprouts only in 3 days with all amino acids. I am an athlete with a healthy diet. I used to consume brown rice heavily years ago but no longer. I can consume quinoa with tomato and lemon juice and it is the best food I can take with me anywhere on any sports trip and I do not even have to wash it either. Delicious, delicious, delicious.FRESHNESS: Fresh means nutritious and delicious. I consume lots of seeds, beans, grains, vegetables, etc. and freshness is a priority regardless of the brand so I always purchase my food ingredients in small quantities from reputable sellers with high turnover. When fresh, food is nutritious and that goes for any food in any form, from frozen to canned. Fresh food is nutritious as well as delicious since nutrients give food its delicious taste. When old or rancid, nutrients are gone and any food item becomes an empty calories with no taste and absolutely worthless regardless of the brand or price, organic or conventional. For few years I consumed seeds in oil form since physicians advised me to do so not knowing that majority are not aware that seeds hardly offer any nutrients unless; seeds are fresh, not old which means rancid, not in oil form, not in supplement form, not hulled, ground and consumed within few days, kept in dark cold temperatures, away from light-sun-moisture since the oil in seeds and nuts go rancid regardless. That is why brown rice which has its nutrients will go rancid even if kept in freezer while white rice will last for years at room temperature since it hardly has any nutrients or oil. I ground in my coffee grinder sesame, flax, chia, amaranth, hemp then add cocoa, isolate protein, soy milk and consume it before my workouts on daily basis for its vitamins, minerals, protein and many nutrients, without much spike in my glucose. Un-hulled seeds are full of nutrients. I never consume hulled seeds which are empty calories, absolutely worthless since the nutrients have been removed.STARCH: Some carbohydrates, such as sugars and most starch are rapidly digested and absorbed as glucose into the body through the small intestine and subsequently used for short-term energy needs or stored. Resistant starch on the other hand, resists digestion and passes through to the large intestine where it acts like dietary fiber. Sugar, honey, maple syrup, white flour, white rice, whole-grain pastry flour, packaged cold cereals, commercial fruit juices, and fruit-juice sweetened beverages are the same foods some dentists claim rots the teeth from the inside out by changing the balance and ratio of calcium to phosphorous in the bloodstream. Your immune system goes down when you wolf down sweets, especially around events and holiday meals. High Glycemic foods quickly turn to sugar in your blood stream, causing excess insulin to pour into your blood to get rid of the excess sugar. The excess insulin pushes the calcium and fat into your arteries, especially if you have only a few cholesterol receptors on your liver (which is genetic). Whole wheat and white bread have essentially the same impact on blood sugar so I try to consume bread with whole sprouted grains, even flourless breads, and no-yeast breads. Black beans, northern beans, navy beans, red kidney beans, lentils, split peas, black-eyed peas, brown rice, rolled oats, millet, corn, black rice are all Resistance Starch. King of starch for me is quinoa and Navy Beans before and post expedition trips, 17.6gr vs. 15.4gr for 100gr serving. No wonder the price of quinoa is going up, up, up... -I got these crackers for my husband since I do not like cheese and he eats Ritz crackers and cheese for snacks every day, so I thought he would enjoy these.Here's his review:If you've ever purchased cheese and crackers from a vending machine you've eaten one of these. Even though they are packaged air tight the cheese was crumbly and the cracker seemed like it was staler than it should have been. This cracker would normally be a little hard, but this was more so. I didn't care for the multigrain. I was really surprised at the quality of this cracker because I eat the original Ritz crackers every day. I only ate one cracker and that's plenty. -We've had this on chicken, pork ribs and as a dipping sauce for some cheap chicken nuggets and it was good with all of them. For a habanero sauce this is actually quite mild and the ginger aspect of it is more of an aftertaste than a prominent flavor.All in all it is well done. My only gripe is that it doesn't have much kick too it, something I have grown to expect from most things containing habanero peppers. -My wife has occasional heartburn with drinking more then one cup of coffee, particularly with bolder blends. I got this for her since she likes dark roasts, but doesn't like the problems associated with them. After two cups, she found that the coffee wasn't bitter and was very smooth for a dark roast. No heartburn at all. The overall flavor wasn't bad, but it wasn't something that she would be drawn to in the future. Might try other flavors though. -I love these snack sized and portable bags of almonds. They're great for throwing into my purse, and the almonds inside are fresh and tasty. My mom is a huge nut fan and went crazy for these, though we both agreed they could have used a little more salt. -Interestingly, even when comparing with other sauces, this immediately brought to mind Taco Bell. I never realized their sauces were so distinctive.With regard to the sauce itself, the consistency is thick, tasting like a mayonnaise base with some BBQ Sauce added and then mixed with some chipotle (minus the seeds). Mildly warm, extremely creamy... certainly not bad... more like comfort food - what you would grab in the middle of the night, not what you would feed to honored guests.So... it fills the bill for standard fare, but would be just as easy to make your own and cut down some of the fat and salt (of which this sauce has a ton of both!!!) and pick up some extra flavor and "freshness". Hope this review is helpful.All the best,Jay -Unfortunately I only received 1 Organic Cherry Cashew Bar, so I shared it with my father and my friend. The reviews were mixed. I really liked the tart and tangy taste and texture. It was very cherry-licious and chewy, so it made me feel more full than I really was after all that chewing. My dad, who is 88 years old and loves everything (foodwise)thought it was "super", while my friend Keiko liked the way it tasted, but she didn't care for the way it smelled. It reminded her of oatmeal. So, all in all we thought it was very good and we will definitely be buying more of these, especially since they are gluten free, organic and relatively inexpensive. -While I'm not a licorice fanatic like some of my friends, I do enjoy a licorice twist now and then! I really liked the Newman Pomegranate twists. They are sweet, but not too sweet. The texture is smooth and not grainy. The licorice was fresh and tasty. I'll definitely buy this for a low calorie treat in the future! -I am an admitted tea and coffee snob but was looking for a product that I can travel with and also prepare in different ways. I normally use Nescafe Classic Freeze Dried coffee when using instant coffee but these new packets of Taster's Choice are so convenient, travel well, are easily opened, dissolve completely and the taste is quite satisfactory for a freeze dried product. I have prepared it hot, cold (iced) and used it in coffee flavored ice cream drinks. NESCAFÉ TASTER'S CHOICE is made with a blend of Robusta and Arabica beans. That is, just real beans used to make real coffee then the coffee itself is freeze dried for your convenience.Here is my recipe for iced coffee - I prefer milk in mine...2 tablespoons hot water1 packet of NESCAFÉ TASTER'S CHOICE Instant Coffee GranulesIce cubes6 oz.cold water or milk1 tablespoon sugar (optional)Combine hot water, sugar, if desired and coffee granules in tall glass; stir until coffee is dissolved. Fill glass with ice. Pour cold water or milk over ice; stir to combine.Here is my recipe for an Almond Coffee Shake -1 packet NESCAFÉ TASTER'S CHOICE Instant Coffee Granules2 tablespoons hot water1/2 cup milkdash of almond extract or flavoring1 cup vanilla ice creamCombine coffee granules, almond, and water, stirring until coffee dissolves. Stir in milk.Pour into blender along with and ice cream; blend until smooth and frothy. Pour into tall glass; serve immediately.This product is great for camping and travel and tastes as good as a freeze dried product could ever taste! -I had low expectations as I'm usually not a fan of health food bars. These, however, were quite good. I enjoyed the slightly chewy texture and the fresh nuts. The bars have a bright and fruity flavor that is very pleasant. I also tried the blueberry, but preferred the tart flavor of these a little more. I would definitely buy these again. -I could smell the chocolate wafting through my house on Sunday morning as the coffee brewed and hoped that it would taste as good as it smelled. Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised that it was just as delicious. Now, caution to those that are not big flavored coffee drinkers....this one may not be for you. I love coffee, flavored, not flavored, with sugar, black if I must, just caffeinate me, and make it a nice cup of good coffee.This coffee was delicious for Sunday, but would also be a lovely dessert coffee with a bit of cream and sugar. I drank it black with sugar and it was a nice rich cup of coffee. Very smooth, and as I sit writing this I am just enjoying the scent of the dark chocolate. I do love a coffee that I gives me a full experience, good scent, good flavor and that leaves me satisfied.I would definitely like to try more of their coffee flavors in the future. -Vanilla to me is like licorice: one of those flavors with so many artificial, bad-tasting imitations that it's a pleasure to experience the real thing.Starbucks new Natural Fusions line of flavored coffee may say 'a hint of vanilla' but to my taste, the natural flavoring is richly aromatic and full-bodied. I take coffee with milk and no sugar; the vanilla adds just enough sweetness without detracting from the coffee itself.Many flavored coffees are over-flavored, probably on the assumption they're competing with large amounts of sugar. The vanilla in Natural Fusions complements the fine coffee taste rather than competing or overwhelming it. It's all about balance. You want to preserve the experience of the main component while taking it to a new level. I think Starbucks got it right here.If you're trying to cut down on sugar (or you know you should but aren't), give Natural Fusions vanilla a try; you may find you don't miss the sugar as much as you think.Instructions: Raise the cup to your lips, inhale, take a sip, inhale again. Repeat to your heart's content. -Our family [Father (39), Mother (40), Son (12), Daughter (9)] taste test this advertised 'All Natural Nestle Jamba Energy Drinks deliver great benefits'.Father "Too sugery tasting - why would someone drink this."Son " Kind-a natural tasting, sweet" and he drank his whole portionDaughter ' Ugh and spit it out screaming it was making her tongue numb."Mother , I drank my portion had a green apple flavor but the after taste was terrible.Over all my family asked that we not buy the product. -Dark chocolate taste is delicious, satisfying and not sweet.Nutrition as per the nutrition panel is good.This is not a sweet, sticky granola bar as many tend to be.I'm more of a milk chocolate lover but this bar was very good. -At around 4 bucks a box (about 16 bucks for a pack of 4 boxes), and 6 crackers per box, these crackers run about 67 cents apiece. For a dollar, I can get a 2-ounze bag of cheez-its, a nature valley granola bar, a 2-pack of pop tarts, animal crackers, or chips out of the vending machines at work.I usually don't eat snack foods, but when I do, it's usually because I get hungry at work... so I think comparing the pricing of these individually-wrapped crackers w/ work vending machine prices is valid. Bottom line there is price seems equivalent to, or maybe slightly higher than, similar snacks from a vending machine.These crackers are tasty -- the cracker is crispy, the cheesy filling is flavorful -- but I'm not that impressed with them overall. I'd rather go full-junk-food and have a nice bag of Cheez-Its, or stay healthy and eat carrots or fruit for less $. -No complaints whatsoever. This is a tasty coffee drink. The coffee is strong and good and the sweetener is perfect - just sweet enough without being that kind of sickly sweet that mars something like Starbucks' pre-made iced coffee drinks. Just about perfect. Refreshing and a nice boost for the afternoon. -I tried this The Switch Black Cherry flavor as well as the Watermelon Strawberry. I happen to like black cherry as a flavor for beverages, so keep that in mind as you read this review.FLAVOR:The beverage was sweet, but not overly sweet, and not at all tart. It tasted similar to other black cherry carbonated drinks I've had. I would compare it in taste to Knudsen's Black Cherry Spritzer with Switch being a tad more "soda" tasting. It is much lighter tasting than actual black cherry sodas I've had, such as Dr. Brown's.INGREDIENTS:The Switch is advertised as 100% juice. It is, but it is juice from concentrate. I prefer juice squeezed from the fruit or vegetable itself. In the case of The Switch the concentrate is filtered sparkling water. I'm fine drinking concentrates and I drink soda too so I'm not being a health fanatic, but be aware if you are expecting actual juice, this product is filtered water used to reconstitute the juice concentrate. The juices uses are apple, grape, acerola and cherry. If you aren't familiar with acerola, it is a cherry like fruit, but with three lobes. Acerola is high in Vitamin C.NUTRITION:One 8.3 ounce can of The Switch Black Cherry contains:* 130 calories* 15 mg sodium*35 g carbs (33 g sugar)So keep in mind while it has no added sugar it still has the sugar content from its ingredients. It has more calories than a can of Coke Classic! It does not have any corn syrup or added sugars though.It also contains 100% of the recommended level of Vitamin C.PRICE:The product costs more than soda, but the ingredients are better. It costs a little less than Knudsen's Black Cherry Spritzer product. I use this comparison because the Knudsen product is similar in taste and basic content (filtered sparkling water, fruit concentrate), but a little different in ingredients (no acerola, using pear, pineapple and plum instead), with The Switch having a slight bit more carbs and sugars.Overall, this is a tasty drink. It is somewhere between a soda and a health drink, definitely better for you than a soda, but not quite as "natural" as say all natural juices. However, if you want a carbonated drink, The Switch is better for you than soda. -I bought these because the price was excellent and my husb sometimes drinks 5 cups per day. He has a home office and a stressful job!My husb never complains about the coffee but with this one he asked me what it was and that he didn't really like it much and to not order it again...!Also, I found myself reaching for Tully's or Deidrichs and not using this one. It is OK but the flavor is not quality to where you feel special while drinking it...ya know? Hard to explain but it's just plain ole coffee.However, I decided to go for the blue label Martinson, Brazilian, and that one is much better.I do have to say that we both really like the new Brooklyn Beans...price is EXCELLENT and the Fuggetaboudit is great! but they just can't seem to keep it in stock. Unfortunately, I see a price increase as their heads enlarge. -Good and bad points from this product:Good: I thought the taste was good - the packaging describes the chocolate as velvety and I think that's a pretty good word for it. The size is also larger than I realized it would be from the box - you get three pieces in one package and the package overall is about the same size (in length) as a regular candy bar would be, although the pieces are thinner than you average candy bar.Bad: I think that for most people trying to maintain or attain "skinny," this product is not going to be that useful. If you're cutting calories, having a snack or dessert that is 130 calories without doing much to fill you up is not helpful. The product also contains 7 grams of fat and 0 grams of fiber (eating food with fiber is important if you're losing weight because it makes you fill fuller and less like snacking again later in the day). Honestly I wish the chocolates came individually packaged so that I could just have one for 1/3 of the calories instead of having to eat the whole package.Personally I wouldn't buy this product because I'd rather eat a chocolate with less calories (these would usually be significantly smaller) or at least one that has more fiber and thus is more filling (like the Fiber One brownies). -Illy makes great coffee and I did enjoy the taste of this beverage. But buys should beware that what they're getting when they order this product is not so much a Cappuccino, but a regular slightly flavored can of coffee. This did not taste like an iced cappucino.Whether you choose to purchase this product is likely based on your preference for canned coffee. I can tell you that illy excels at the canned coffee product. Their coffee does not taste artificial or fake, like many of the other products. I cannot drink the Starbucks Double Shot espresso without gagging and that largely put me off the stuff. I'm not sure if I'll continue drinking this stuff, but it wasn't bad.Canned coffee is expensive if you consider how cheap and relatively easy it is to make iced coffee. But if you're a believer in canned coffee, you'll probably like the taste of this one. Even if it's not really Cappuccino, at least it tastes good. -This coffee smelled great, but the taste was less impressive. It wasn't that the coffee was too bitter or strong, it was that the taste was sort of blah. There was nothing remarkable about the flavor, it really was quite boring, if one can call a coffee boring. This coffee would do the job in the morning if I didn't have any better stuff to drink, but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it. It's just not very flavorful. If it tasted like it smelled it would have been so much better. -These bars are so convenient and so healthy. Most bars have added chemicals or flavorings. These bars are just cashews and dates which means pure God made food. We like how these are grain free as well. -The ginger in this drink is almost overwhelming. It is so strong that when I would go to take a sip, I would almost choke before I even had the drink in my mouth from the fumes of it. Then, after swallowing, my tongue and throat were still burning. The ginger tastes like actual ginger root, not artificial. Under the very strong ginger taste, you can taste a little bit of lemon and the drink is sweet. I can't say that I would buy this drink in the future, but if you really like the taste of ginger, you won't be disappointed in this drink. It was easy to prepare and dissolved nicely in hot or cold water. The ginger taste was much stronger when the drink was hot. -This microwave popcorn comes from my favorite brand of popcorn, which I usually make in my hot air popcorn popper.This tries to incorporate a nifty bowl into the bag, by opening in such a way at the top that the bag becomes a ready made bowl. In this regard it is an epic fail. The "bowl" bag has a red strip that you pull which supposedly causes the top of the bag to open widely into a bowl shape. I could not manage to pull the top red strip in the way shown on the package, and instead had to rip the entire top of the bag off. I had to then pour the popped corn into a big bowl to eat it, the same as any other microwave popcorn. I consider myself very handy at most such tasks too. This simply doesn't work the way it was intended to.The popcorn is almost delicious if you like a lot of salt on it. There is no butter flavor at all that I could detect, but since I never put butter on my popcorn I didn't miss it, but still, I was expecting to taste at least a bit of butter in this.This fully popped and was almost starting to burn in the microwave in under two minutes, although the directions say to pop it for 2 - 2.5 minutes.Even if I had managed to get the top of the "bowl" open as directed, there was no flat bottom on it that would have allowed it to stand up on its own. The taste of the popcorn is very good however so for that I gave it two stars. There were more unpopped kernals than I would have liked.I don't recommend this. Left a bad taste in my mouth for a long time after I ate it---yicki. -I tell you what, the very first bite I didn't like the bar at all. The texture was odd and the flavor was odd too.By the end of the bar I was sold though. I've eaten other bars with much worse texture and plenty with worse flavor too. The thing about this bar is that, as I said, I liked the bar by the time I'd finished it. Not so with others where I didn't care for it from the first bite.Plenty of blueberry flavor and crunchy nuts with no bad aftertaste. The texture takes some getting used too but I think part of that is knowing what to expect. Kinda like taking a sip of tea when you expect coke. I don't eat organic food but I could appreciate the experience of feeling pretty close to nature with this bar. Sounds corny huh.Anyway, as an alternative to a candy bar it is excellent. Better in every way and not even super expensive compared to candy prices. I like the serving and a half of fruit you get too.Darin -I usually buy high quality coffee such as Pete's, or Tully's because I like my coffee strong, and rich, but not bitter or burnt tasting. (Thats why i don't like Starbucks) Since this is dark roast, I was a bit apprehensive because often dark roast can have a bitter edge. This Community coffee was very smooth, rich and deeply flavorful. No bitterness at all. I was very happy with it. You can make it as strong as you want, and it just tastes rich and smooth. The price is also great. tastes like much more expensive brands. I am so glad I tried it. I will definitely buy it again. -Sauce is really good. Can make a quick meal in less than 10 minutes depending on the type of pasta that is used. This was just enough for a family of 3 but might have to use a couple for larger families. Great idea. -This product is very easy to use. Just squeeze into your water. I like that you can control the amount of sweetness. If you like your drinks sweeter, just add a bit more. The fruit punch flavor tastes just like Kool-Aid's fruit punch flavor. It is zero calories. One serving is one squeeze. It contains 24 servings per 12 ounce bottle.Each serving contains:40 mg CAFFEINEVitamin C 120%Vitamin B6 40%Vitaimin B5 40%Vitamin B3 40%Vitamin B12 40%Chromium 10%Once the bottle is opened it does need to be refrigerated. It also says that it should be used within 30 days after opening.The sweetener used in this product is sucralose.I think a big drawback of this product it that there are 40mg of caffeine per serving. I try to limit the amount of caffeine in my diet, so this product is not something I will be using again. Also, this makes it something I would avoid giving to kids. -I generally love the "natural" cereal brands. I am not adamant about my food being organic (please adjust the DNA to my taste), but I find that the products are typically made with more care and simply make me feel good. I am not quite sure, then, what went wrong with this little box of cereal. It is made of recycled paper. It looks like it was made by cute little hippies in hemp clothing! How could it not be amazing!?Well, it doesn't feel like the hemp endowed chefs even tried to make it taste good. It is extremely basic "cereal 101" in flavor and feels like a first attempt at throwing some generic ingredients together, rather than a finely tuned flavor combination. Unlike other reviewers, I did not find it too sweet or lacking in nutrition (fiber is always good). I just found it edible, decent, and nothing more. I am sorry to say that while you may enjoy the box to some degree, I can't recommend it outside of a very good sale. -Knorr roasting bags and seasoning is a pretty simple way to bake tender chicken. If my sister had made this, I would call it a hit with my low expectations of her cooking, but at the end of the day, I prefer my own seasoning. First off, the directions are easy to follow although I was running out of room wiggling the pieces apart from one another. I also would categorize it as roasted, but more steamed. The result is a very moist and tender chicken so I have no complaints there. I think the ideal combination would be my own seasoning baked in a roasting bag. -I have tried most flavors of Switch and I think Watermelon Strawberry is hands down my most favorite.When you first sip it, the flavor of fresh watermelon (not candy sweet watermelon) is crisp yet light and enhanced by the carbonation, this is quickly followed by a strawberry flavor that can best be described as identical to the strawberry juice at the bottom of the bowl. Even though this doesn't have added table sugar, the strawberry sweetness (enhanced by other fruit juices) does taste like strawberries with a little bit of sugar sprinkled on them- so the juice at the bottom is sweet but not syrupy thick and sweet...Delicious and carb wise I would use this as a tasty alternative to regular sodas. Good stuff. -If this water tastes like your tap water, we should all live where you live! My tap water is terrible and this is some of the best tasting water I have had. I am already a regular drinker of PH water but it is 8.4 and this particular one is 9.5. I have found that PH water really does give me more energy and I have found that it allows me to eat some foods I love that I used to have more problems with because of the acid, like tomatoes and uncooked apples.I know this water is man made but they do the job right with reverse osmosis. I love the extra things added to this water because many of us need them so much in our busy lives, things like electrolytes and potassium. I will buy this water as an extra when I am out and about or when I run out of water but I am sticking with my 8.4 alkaline water because it is cheaper, has the same smooth, good taste and is natural as well as less expensive than this one. -Feeding my great nephew while babysitting is a joy. I adore him.But getting him to eat green vegies has been a challenge. When Ihad the chance to try this, I jumped at it for my sake as much as for his!First time out, Baby Gourmet Organic Simple Puree got his seal of approval.I wish I could have posted the picture I have of his enthusiastic endorsementof the product.Of course I had to taste it myself, and I have to say that I agree. This is atasty choice for your little one, and if Owen could talk ( or type ) I am pretty sure thathe would add his recommendation to mine.One last thing, the packaging is brilliant, space saving and simple. Veryeasy to toss into a travel or diaper bag. Well done Baby Gourmet!ETAI put this food into a bowl and feed him with a spoon. -Disclaimer: I am NOT into organic, I am NOT into diet foods, I am NOT into the new craze to be a celiac, I am NOT into raw foods- unless they taste good. This does!This bar is tasty but not at all too sweet, the bar does not contain cane sugar (though, by the way, cane is a natural growing sugar) there are a lot of other things this bar does not contain also: no preservatives, no gluten, no dairy, no trans fat.It has a full serving of fruit, it is rich in omega-3s, it is certified organic, and vegan.A single bar has 190 calories, 8g fat, , 3g fiber, 17g sugar, 7g protein, 5mg sodiumBut never mind all that, just enjoy it guilt free as a great snack for its tasty cashews, dates, cherries and walnuts. It is chewy in a very satisfying way. Great to tuck in a purse or back pack for a quick delightful snack on the go. -This is a nice little gift set for you favorite chocolate lover. The ingredients are organic and Fair Trade Certified. The gift box also states it is suitable for vegetarians. The collection consists of twelve miniature chocolate bars that measure approximately 2 1/4 inch by 1 inch. The bars are 1/4 inch thick. You get two of each flavor in each box. The collection consists of Dark 70%, Milk, Toffee, Almond, Ginger and Cherry flavored bars. The Milk, Toffee, and Almond bars are milk chocolate. The Dark 70%, Ginger and Cherry are dark chocolate. My favorite was the ginger bar which boasted a subtle ginger flavor, with bits of crystallized ginger incorporated in the chocolate. The dark chocolate is good without being overly bitter like some dark chocolate can be. The milk chocolate is smooth and creamy in flavor. I enjoyed each flavor.This collection is a bit pricey as most good chocolate is, but I think it would make an excellent gift. The box has a wonderful presentation and the chocolates are delicious as well! It is a gift you can feel good about giving! I know I would be happy to receive a box of these chocolates as a gift! -This is for the health conscious who doesn't like reading a list of ingredients which are clearly not good for you. It consists of juice and carbonation. The taste is clean and refreshing. -The ALOE GLOE Natural Aloe Water drinking water has a noticeably distinct taste compared to the regular bottled ones you buy in the store. And I say this from a bottled-water drinker perspective. Water in my part of the country is specially hard, even when applying consumer filtration. That is why we have regular drinking water delivery. But after trying ALOE GLOE, I have a brand new perspective of what drinking water should be. Nothing beats water that is organic and contains the right minerals and ph balance. It is also gluten-free which is good for people who is intolerant of gluten. Unlike other consumer grade bottled drinking water, the ALOE GLOE is organic, free of any preservatives. This a truly long lasting hydrating liquid is that it is infused with electrolytes and life essential minerals that you cannot get with consumer-grade bottled water. ALOE GLOE hydrates better making drinking water fun and far in between. Very highly recommended!! -I've purchased the dried apples from this company before and figured I would give the clusters a try.I appreciate the fact that this food id USDA organic, gluten free, corn free, and vegan. In fact, the ingredients are simple: organic apples, organic apple juice concentrate, organic potato starch, organic cinnamon.In a 1/4 cup of these apple clusters, which remind me of rolled up oats ans/or hemp cereal, you receive 60 calories, with 0 calories from fat. There is no cholesterol, no protein, 1% of calcium, 2% of vitamin C, 2g of dietary fiber, 10 g of sugar, and 14 g of total carbohydrate.All in all, a healthy snack. The packaging makes it convenient for the on the go snack -- it is in a resealable 2.1 oz pouch (60 g), or four servings per package. Just enough to tantalize the senses, but not enough to pig out.The clusters are sugary bowls with a tint of cinnamon and a crunch reminiscent of cereal.Honestly, I prefer the taste of a real apple or the dried apples this brand sells at Starbucks, but in lieu of that, this is a good healthy snack alternative.Allergy alert: If you are extra sensitive, beware that this food is processed in a facility with nuts, dairy, wheat and soy. -I ordered these about three months ago for the first time and then put them in my pantry closet without even trying them because somewhere between the point of ordering them and getting them I stopped being excited by the thought of consuming them. I guess I figured that I would ultimately be disappointed since that's has often been my experience when trying a k-cup coffee for the first time. I "found" them a few weeks ago and thought why not eh - I was tired of drinking the same old coffee.And what a nice surprise it was. This coffee smells good when its brewing - quick as that brewing experience is in a Keurig coffee maker. The first sip - with half and half and a small teaspoon of sugar sealed the relationship. This is simply said a well balanced cup of coffee. A fully body taste without the bitterness that coffee can often contain. No lingering after taste, a huge plus for me in a coffee. And I drink this cup of coffee completely - something I haven't done since leaving dunkin donuts behind in New York ( there is literally just one dunkin donuts in all of Colorado and its about 20 miles away - a little further then I think is reasonable to drive for my first cup of coffee in the morning.).So "cheers" to Coffee People for this really yummy coffee and to Amazon for the frustration free packaging and the subscribe and save option. -I am an iced coffee (particularly mocha flavored) connoisseur. No, I am really, really serious about it! Not the coffee shop $5 a piece kind - the ones you buy in glass bottles or cans. When I say "connoisseur", I mean drinking one almost every day for the past eight years kind of connoisseur. Having stopped drinking one popular brand, and not being able to find a substitute - I ended up resorting to blending my own. However, this completely killed the portability that I loved, as well as the ability to grab one our the fridge and head out the door.Then I was asked to try this brand. Let me just say I am immediately putting this on "subscribe and save" for a monthly delivery.What makes it good is its balanced flavor. You know you are drinking coffee, not chocolate milk someone put into a used coffee cup. Not black coffee some tried to flavor a bit too late with a sugar bomb. This drink is well blended and the flavors are well balanced.While I absolutely appreciate they kept calories down (100 calories a serving) - I think they accomplished this by using quite a few "ingredients", many I needed to look up to see exactly what they were. While they don't sound life threatening, it makes the list of ingredients twice as long as a Starbucks Frappuccino in a glass bottle (although it does have 80 less calories than the Starkbucks brand at only on ounce less drink per can)coffee, lowfat milk, sugar, cocoa powder, potassium bicarbonate, cellulose gel, potassium citrate, cellulose gum, carrageenan. Caffeine content: 81 mgSo, if you are a person who really doesn't like a lot of chemicals or funky science going on in their food - you may be tempted to skip this one. There are other drinks one doesn't need a chemistry degree to ingest.With that said, the taste is smooth and balanced. I new I was drinking coffee - although it had the chocolate and milk flavors that I crave as well. I didn't get the shakes from too much caffeine and the price is reasonable compared to what you would pay in your average grocery store for similar products. Like I said, I am putting it on subscribe and save. However, I will probably still be on the lookout for iced coffee products that use more natural ingredients. It really is a good tasting product!Also, for those curious. This is a Cocoa-cola product that is a product of Denmark. -This baby food has very simple ingredients: no sugar added, no preservatives (lemon juice only), no coloring. It is mostly all pear however. There is very little iron (2%), that I though it should have had from spinach, and virtually no protein - again, I though broccoli would add protein to this mix. It does have 70% of vitamin C however. Taste good: not over the top sweet from the pear and not over the top tart from the lemon juice. I really wish it would have more greens in it though. -I don't have a cold right now but since I often take ginger and honey for a sore throat, I thought this might be a nice alternative.It might be, in a pinch.The ginger is strong. Strong in a good way if you have a sore throat but you may not be that accustomed to it. When I make ginger tea I use perhaps 3-4 thin slices steeped in a cup of water for about 5-10 minutes with a tablespoon or two of honey.I used about cup hot water for a pouch instead of the cup. The ginger is nice and strong, lingering in the mouth and back of the throad.Unfortunately it's a bit sweeter than I would prefer (even when brewed to the recommended level) and there's really no lemon taste- just an aroma.There's also a somewhat bitter aftertaste that I'm not so fond of. This taste is not chemical, more like an herbal bitter note. I'm more of a coffee person so you tea drinkers out there might actually prefer it.I'm having a hard time deciding between three stars and four. It's good, not great. Probably 3 for flavor (It's OK) , four for convenience (I like it) -I really like cashews and this bar has large pieces of them in it, which made me really happy. The bar is a good size for an afternoon snack or a pick me up while exercising/hiking at 1.7 oz. The ingredients are very natural with organic dates, cashews, cherries, walnuts, almonds, agave nectar and rice protein being the entirety of them. The cherries are a bit tart which helps give the bar a good flavor with enough sweetness added by the agave nectar. The bar is rather soft, but firm enough to hold. It is a tad sticky but won't leave a residue on your fingers. I really liked this bad. -For now, my search for a good de-caf coffee is now complete. I've tried many brands and this is the best I've come across. This coffee is smooth and flavorful with no aftertaste. -My wife and I have seen the Krave cereal in stores, but we havenever bothered to pick it up. She's pretty much a chocolate Mini-Wheats person and I am more a Honey Nut Cheerios person (Unless they bring back Smurfberry Crunch). We had a choice of either box as an Amazon Vine option and I chose to do the double chocolate thinking the wife would like it better. Little did I suspect that we would try a few handfulls dry for a texture and taste sample...and then proceed to eat nearly the entire box in one day. Both of us are pretty physical fit people that watch our wastelines and exercise regularly, buy man oh man, did we keep coming back to the box for "just one more taste." This cereal is delicious and we'll be picking up another box (and probably the other flavour) until we get sick of it or Kellog's decides not to make it any more (ala General Mill's and my beloved childhood favorite Fruity Yummy Mummy).I was really happy to see that there was no high fructose corn syrup in Krave and that it's actually pretty nutritous for a chocolate cereal. It's low in fst, has no cholesterol and has a decent amount of fiber. A single serving is only 120 calories and there are only 10 grams of sugar, whichs urprised me as it has a nice sweet taste to it. There really is no downside to the cereal. Our household is really happy with it (even the rabbits!) and we'll definitely be getting this again. -We love Honey Maid grahams in our house. This new packaging is nice. My kids especially liked that the grahams were in the squares, smaller serving, easier for smores or peanut butter graham sandwich. I liked that it was a smaller stack, keeping the grahams from getting stale also easier to put in tupperware/rubbermaid container to pack as a snack. Convenient, delicious product. -I was not overly impressed with this flavor of raw fruit & nut bar. It was okay... not bad but not great. I don't think I would buy this flavor. There was a lack of nuts and the cherry and cashew flavors just did not seem to go together that nicely. The texture was fine (aside from the lack of nuts).The Wild Blueberry Pure Bar is definitely my favorite and worth seeking out. Cherry cashew - not so much. I still give the cherry cashew version 3 stars because it is organic and contains all recognizable ingredients and is pretty healthy. -I must confess to being completely taken by this juice. I adore the packaging, the name, and even the story behind its birth.The taste is delightfully refreshing and different. And while it does nothing in aiding the diet or lowering your sugar intake, it does make you feel better about drinking it since it is not a soft drink per say.My husband who hates all things that could potentially be healthy would allow me to put this into his lunch. It was a huge deal that he liked these. Again, it's better than the Mountain Dew he constantly drinks otherwise.Fun, fruity, and unique... we do buy this juice occasionally. However, it too is hard to find and expensive when we do to carry it as a regular grocery staple. -Taste? Ok. The strawberry and banana flavors weren't bad, but there is an acidic bite to the drink as well. Tastes like Red Bull mixed up with Hawaiian Punch.Healthy? Naw. 20 grams of sugar. All natural ingredients . . . but I doubt it is any healthier than your average soda.Energy? Yep. Same caffeine as a cup of coffee.Overall: If you want to wake up in the morning without drinking coffee or Diet Coke, this could be your drink of choice. The flavor is not great, but its comparable with the other energy drinks out there and you will get your caffeine fix. -I love granola-like snacks, especially when they are more healthy! These apple clusters--which come in a convenient resealable pouch--seemed to fit the latter, as they are made from real organic apples and just three other ingredients (organic apple juice concentrate, organic potato starch, and organic cinnamon; they are gluten-free, too). Each quarter-cup serving (quite small; there are just 4 servings in the tiny bag) is 60 calories, with no fat, 10 grams of natural sugar, and 2 grams of fiber.Okay, so these apple clusters are generally healthy, but I found the taste to be disappointing. The clusters are small and round, and I found them to have a pleasant crunch. However, I detected somewhat of an odd flavor; to me, it tasted almost like mustard, but perhaps it was just the particular apple variety? Whatever it was, it overpowered any apple or cinnamon flavor, making these clusters a disappointment and not something that I would-repurchase.I believe taste is very individual, so others certainly might like these; there are enough positives here to make them worth a try. -This is one of those cereals that isn't just for breakfast. Generally it can be very filling and the flavor is excellent. The fruit really is an added bonus. Milk doesn't make this a soggy cereal. The crunchiness is nice to have as I really enjoy the texture. I think this cereal would be excellent any time of day you need that extra pick me up. The fact it's all natural makes it that much better. Although the boxes are smaller than the standard cereal aisle selections one box should last an individual about a week. Overall this has become one of my favorite cereals that doesn't need anything to be excellent. -This is a very rich and flavorful chocolate that can add some excitement to your morning cup of joe. The dark chocolate truffle flavor is not too overpowering, just strong enough to make this a very unique-tasting coffee. Coffee is very rich and smooth, but not too strong. If you are looking for a gourmet coffee i would very strongly recommend that you try this one. I am exceptionally satisfied with it. -The tea is a hardy, warm tasty brew. The taste of the tea is strong and not delicate but its flavor is very nice. It is similar to Earl Grey tea. I added a little milk and sugar to the tea. The tea goes great with toast and other breakfast items such as danish or croissant. Very appealing and nice to drink. -This sauce is spicy enough..just doesn't really taste that good. The texture is creamy as advertised, but I wouldn't pour it on my taco or tortilla chips..ever. Might be good as a sauce over boneless skinless chicken. Somewhere in the taste, it makes me feel like mayo has been added..or something I can't identify exactly. Make yr own salsa, you would be better off. -At first these two ingredients really do not go together. Granola is often thought of as a healthy food and chocolate - well, not so much.The taste is not really one or the other - but a good break if you feel like something mildly sweet and somewhat solid. A rare craving - but if you have it - then it is good stuff.The chocolate is tasty and seems to have just enough to make you want more. Not too much to drown out the granola ... -First, let me say that I have only tried the Chocolate and Raspberry flavors so far, but love them! I have added the chocolate to my diet coke and it is really good- I like the fact you only need about 1/2 a cupful to get enough flavor. I have also bought carbonated water and added the raspberry flavor to it- an instant 'pop'. These bottles are quite large, and I would certainly recommend at least the two flavors referenced. I'll try to remember to review the others as I try them! -I'm pretty picky when it comes to cheese and crackers. I love to have something like this in my purse for long days when snacks are a must, but many brands are small, with little to no flavor and no crisp crackers (or crackers that taste stale).I tried these because they were Ritz brand. The crackers are excellent! The cheese filling... not so much. It was gritty, with a strange aftertaste.However, overall, these are better than other brands on the market. They are big, with a sharp crunch. If I can find the crackers sold separately, I'd buy them and make my own with Laughing Cow or goat cheese. The crackers alone would also be excellent with hummus. -Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger and Lemon is a powdered drink mix that can be served using either hot or cold water. The fine powder dissolves quickly and the beverage is mixed and ready to drink in less than one minute.I like the taste of lemons and ginger, but I wasn't prepared for the taste of this beverage. I admit that it does have a nice, enticing aroma and the combination of these two ingredients sounds appealing, both for the potential flavor and for the settling effects on the stomach. However, the taste of this beverage is not what I expected. It doesn't taste as natural as I thought it would and it has a certain harshness that is most evident in the back of the throat. I followed the directions and added a cup of hot water, but considering the harsh flavor, perhaps I should have used more water.Among the flavors present, the ginger is the one most noticeable and it's the spicy finish that creates that harshness. I was able to finish mine off by taking only small sips at a time, but I can understand why some would have a difficult time drinking this instant beverage. My enjoyment of spicy foods and drinks made it a little more tolerable for me, but I would bet that others would have a difficult time consuming this drink.Ginger and lemons might be a nice combination, but they don't mesh very well in this instance. I won't be buying this drink again, as I found it less smooth and less enjoyable than its taste combination promises. -I'm a big fan of organics as well as dark chocolate. When the Newman's Own Dark Chocolate bar arrived, I was going to pace myself and have just a little and save some for the next day. Ha! After I took the first bite, that wasn't going to happen. This chocolate, unlike other dark chocolates I've tried, was creamy and totally delicious. There was no bitter aftertaste. Best chocolate I've had in a long time. -This is a extremely tasty drink, but I am partial to watermelon flavors. The flavor is subtle, but you absolutely pick up the watermelon flavor. Its not drowned out by the strawberry, which is usually the case in strawberry-watermelon flavored food items. This drink is lightly carbonated, much less than a standard cola drink, but the carbonation transforms the drink from a juice-like, powdered drink type to a much more refreshing, original beverage. The drink is not overly sweet, but just enough to enhance the watermelon-strawberry flavor, and not too caloric. I am anxious to try the other flavors. (its a small can, but the price is not too bad.) -Some say this sauce is too sweet, some say it is too spicy; but for the average person, this sauce is amazing! Every dish i have made with it or poured it on has been delicious. It's great with beef, chicken, pork and fish, and I even tried it on a salad once (not recommended though). I love this sauce and even though i am not a huge fan of "raspberry" tasting things, this sauce is great and adds a very nice sweet flavor to your savory dishes. -This review is for Quaker Real Medleys Apple Walnut Oatmeal.Each container in the package is good for one serving. The cooked contents filled up 60% of the container.There was an ample amount of dried apple and walnut in each serving, and there were even quite a few pieces of dried cranberry. The apple, walnut, and cranberry pieces all tasted good. The cooked oatmeal was a bit mushy, and with 22 grams of sugar in a relatively small amount of oatmeal (each serving is 75 grams), the whole thing came out just a bit too sweet for my taste, and I'm not too crazy about the 290 calories you get per serving either. -Lipton's Half & Half tea and honey is a very sweet drink. It prominently displays 5 calories on the front of the box; however each on the go package makes a 16.9 oz. drink which then equals 10 calories. That's still not a lot; however I do not appreciate attempted deception and to me that's what this is.The drink itself is nice if you like very sweet tea/berry drinks. You do not have very much of a tea or berry taste - just sweetness. It still has that powdery taste of ice tea mixes, but it's pleasant to have in order to add to water bottles for flavor - just make sure it's a 16 oz. bottle or the sweetness would be too cloying. -After receiving these today, I once again gathered the household testers together (aka, the missus and munchkins) to try these cookies.First, let me describe them. (The cookies, not the testers! :-) ) They are about two inches across, maybe an eight of an inch thick, and are a darker brown than shown on the package. Inside the cookie is a thin layer of fudge. The cookies have a bit of a dampish-texture and were all stuck together.The taste of the "outside" part of the cookie was slighly similar to soft-baked chocolate chip cookies. However, the texture was a bit "grainy", somewhat like an soft oatmeal cookie. The fudge layer on the inside was tasty, but was a little overpowered by the rest of the cookie. It wasn't quite as firm as the layer you'd find in an oreo cookie, and was more like a spread.I love chocolate chip cookies, and I love fudge, so I had high hopes for these. My wife has similar tastes and also thought they'd be a good cookie to try. However, the testers and I unanimously agree that they are somewhat mediocre in taste and appearance. While they aren't terrible by any means, they didn't grab me enough to make me want to go out and get more. Everyone's taste is different, though, so you may love them. I give these cookies a three star rating ... that is to say they're not good, they're not bad, they're only fair.As an aside, I received these cookies to evaluate as part of the Amazon Vine program. The Amazon shipping container was very well protected and undamaged, but when I opened the pack of cookies, about a third of them had been reduced to crumbs, and only two thirds of them were in a condition to eat. (And those were all stuck together.) I don't know if that was due to rough handling or excessive heat during shipment, so I didn't consider it as part of my rating. I only mention it as something to watch for in the event that it's a flaw in the cookie itself. -Interestingly, even when comparing with other sauces, this immediately brought to mind Taco Bell. I never realized their sauces were so distinctive.With regard to the sauce itself, the consistency is thick, tasting like a mayonnaise base with some BBQ Sauce added and then mixed with some chipotle (minus the seeds). Mildly warm, extremely creamy... certainly not bad... more like comfort food - what you would grab in the middle of the night, not what you would feed to honored guests.So... it fills the bill for standard fare, but would be just as easy to make your own and cut down some of the fat and salt (of which this sauce has a ton of both!!!) and pick up some extra flavor and "freshness". Hope this review is helpful.All the best,Jay -Original review:I love Gevalia coffees. I used to be a subscriber to their coffee service and would look forward to my monthly shipments. For the most part their coffee is simply stellar. This coffee smells delicious out of the package, and while brewing, but the chocolate taste is too much for my palate. Never thought I would say that something is too chocolatey but this is! If you are a choco-holic this might be the perfect coffee for you. It is a chocolate truffle so I guess it is to be expected.Update to this review:A couple of weeks later I returned to this coffee. But with one difference. I halved the amount of coffee I brewed with and voila! The flavors came right out in a very pleasant way. The mistake was definitely mine. I like my coffee strong yet I was defintely making this coffee too strong! I say, if you love chocolate and coffee you should give this a shot but make it with about half of what you use to make regular old coffee. The flavors just come right out in a balanced way. My original review was three stars, I have upgraded to four. Could be a 4.5. I would definitely buy this coffee again.I have written many reviews and have never updated one. I was so surprised by how good this coffee turned out that I felt impelled to re-write my review. My original title was: "Smells great but way too chocolatey" and it just doesn't apply once I got the right quantity. -This is not the ideal or the most nutritious of drinks, but if it stops you from drinking sugary drinks, then it is definitely an alternative to consider.The taste is mostly strawberryish in a Kool Aid kind of way. I diluted it in water (dilutes fairly easily) and then added ice cubes for an icy cold drink.Each box comes with ten individually wrapped packets. The corner of each packet is pre-cut, so it is easier to open and you don't have to hunt for hard to find perforations. Each packet is good for a 16oz drink. If you find it too rich, you can always increase the amount of water or use one packet to make drinks for multiple people.One packet has 10 calories, all sugars. There is no other nutritional value on the label.If you are cautious about artificial sweeteners, this one has sucralose.The green tea is decaf, and indeed I did not feel a caffeine kick.The outside box is nice and colorful, but the drink definitely doesn't taste as good as it looks in the picture.The bottom of the outside box and the individual packets show an expiration date, but it is not written in a straightforward fashion from a consumer's perspective.The overall rating is closer to 3.5 stars out of five, but closer to a 4 than a 3. It gets bonus points for reasonable taste and convenience, but sucralose brings it down. -Essentia is a good tasting water. There are some botteled waters out there that have a horrible metallic taste to them but this isn't one of those. It has a good refreshing taste that I really enjoy. If I see this the next time I am needing some botteled water I will definitely buy it again. -These new Newtons Fruit Thins are delicious. They have a really natural fruit flavor, and the texture is very light and crisp. Perfect for a snack, because they are not too sweet like so many other cookies. I think they are especially good with a cup of tea. They are my new favorite because they are not overly sweet but have a real fruit taste. -I love cherries and cashews and this organic Pure raw fruit and nut bar. I am always looking for a bar that I can take on the go that won't MELT in my backpack from spring and summer weather. I love that it contains raw ingredients meaning nothing is processed and is completely organic. I was afraid the cherries would be too tart but I found the balance of the nutty cashews mellowed the cherries. I typically don't like dates but I didn't find them overwhelming in this bar. I think it is great and healthier alternative to many other convenience foods (bars) on the market. -What a pleasant surprise Kraft Velveeta Chicken and Broccoli Skillets Dinner Kit provided! I was a little leery, having tried a number of boxed dinner kits that were bland and disappointing. I wondered if I should spice it up a little, but decided against it because I wanted to review the product without tinkering.Kraft supplies everything but the chicken, and there is a spice packet, but I still wasn't convinced this was going to be much more than mac & cheese with a few pieces of broccoli and chicken. WRONG!On a night when dinner was left to the last minute, I prepared the Chicken & Broccoli skillet and served it with fresh picked tomatoes and basil. Not expecting much, we were amazed how good it was, certainly as good (if not better) than a meal from a family restaurant. It is superior to the frozen skillet and microwave steamer dinners we've tried (and we've tried a wide variety). As for spicing it up--that's totally unnecessary. We both thought the meal was delicious. In fact, we couldn't wait to have the leftovers (which were still good). -First off, let's start with the product description for these cashews that appears on the product page: "Lightly roasted with natural sea salt and a hint of pepper - Value added seasoning for the consumer who is tired of plain old cashews." From reading that description, one would assume that these cashews have "a hint of pepper." That is not the case. These cashews are LOADED with pepper. When I first opened the container and saw these nuts, it looked like someone had wet them and dredged them in black pepper. And believe me...You can taste the pepper; and it stays with you. Very, very spicy. Too much so for me. I also agree with other reviewers who have said the nuts are too salty. WAY too salty, with 270mg of sodium in a single 1 oz. serving. Now, back to the "value added seasoning" description...Nowhere in the product description does it mention that these nuts have SUGAR added to them. Sugar? With salt and pepper? Add that to the "granulated onion" that also appears on the list of ingredients and maybe you can understand what I mean when I say that there's just a bit too much going on here flavorwise. You can't even taste the nuts!! I love cashews. And I love seasoned cashews. But these just don't make the grade. I think my biggest complaint is definitely the amount of pepper that are on these. It's WAY more than a "hint." Stay away from these nuts unless you want to make your taste buds very, very angry and give yourself some major heartburn. -Firstly, I am picky with water. I do not like Aquafina or Dasani because I think they taste like the plastic bottle. My favorite waters are Deer Park and Poland Spring. Both have a clean, crisp flavor, with no funky after taste or odd plastic taste.Essentia has a nice clean, fresh taste. Just pure clean water. No after taste, no odd tastes overall. I love the bigger sized bottle. I cannot attest to the benefits of drinking pH water specifically because I only tried the one bottle and of course did not see any benefits or notice anything spectacularly different from any other water.I suppose if you have great interest in the long term benefits of drinking Essentia with its 9.5pH and if you do not mind the price, it is worth it. I myself cannot see spending so much on bottled water, although it does have a very good, pure taste. -I got these for my husband, since I don't really go for graham crackers.His thoughts:The crackers have a wholesome, natural flavor and satisfying crisp, though a little sweeter might be nicer; the honey-cinnamon flavor is a little subtle for me. They don't have the artificial aftertaste some others have. 3 stars from me, as in "ok"Mine:I like that they are not to sweet. I find most graham crackers obnoxious because of the overly strong flavor and, as he mentions, the aftertaste. Because of the neutrality, they play well with other accompaniments like preserves, or even cheeses. 5 stars from me, oddly enough. I don't like this type of snack, but these were good.This makes an average of 4 stars between us.Some nutritional information:(per serving of 2 full cracker sheets in % daily value)110 Calories, 20 from fatTotal Fat 2.5g (4%), 1.5g from monounsaturated "good" fats that are heart-healthyNo cholesterolSodium 130mg (2%)Potassium 85mg (2%)Carbs 21g (7%)Fiber 2g (8%)Sugars 7gProtein 2gOverall, the fiber content is pretty high, and the ingredients list is short and simple. NO high fructose corn syrup or refined sugars, no artificial coloring:Graham flour from whole grains, whole grain rolled oats, evaporated cane juice, safflower oil, honey, raisin paste, brown rice syrup, leavening, sea salt, cinnamon, vitamin E to protect flavor. -Not only does this product taste great, it is good for baby. These are very handy to carry in a diaper bag, and can be eaten without a spoon. Remember to keep an eye on the expiration date because their shelf life is relatively short due to the fact that they are organic. I just rec'd this last week and it expire in July -- only 2 months. I would highly recommend this for anyone interested in organic baby food, but it is rather expensive. -The soup is rich and tasty, but DON'T buy it from Amazon. The packaging is so poor that the cans arive dented as did the replacement shipment. I got my money back but now have to pay more to buy this wonderful soup from my local grocer. -I can't say I truly enjoyed these "meals". First, this is not really a meal, it's a snack at best. Sure, if you were trapped in the wilderness you may enjoy this, but for most regular people, this isn't the size of a meal.The GoodThe food is nutritious as far as fiber and protein.The crackers were good.The dried fruit wasn't too bad.The BadThe salmon doesn't taste good in my opinion.The size is too small for a meal.The package expires within months...I expected the shelf life to be longer I guess.Bottom Line: I would pass on these, or at least buy one package and try it out first before buying this multiple pack. -ADDENDUM, Sept. 2013: It looks like Amazon combined all of the GoPicnic product pages into just one page. This review is for "Sunbutter and Crackers" and was originally posted on that product's own individual page.------If you've already tried GoPicnic meals before, you know basically what to expect here: a main dish, a couple of side items, and a dessert.While all GoPicnic meals are gluten-free, this meal is designed to avoid SEVEN types of allergens: wheat, dairy, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs. It's also completely vegan. Just about anyone should be able to eat each of the included components of the meal.The main dish isSunButter Creamy Sunflower Seed SpreadwithCrunchmaster Multi-Grain Crackers.The sunbutter is pretty interesting- you have to sort of knead it before opening the package to make sure it's nice and mixed and pliable. It tastes a lot like peanut butter and is similarly sticky. The texture is more on the smooth side than the crunchy side. The crackers are pretty good- they're crisp and have a mild, subtle flavor.The side dishes are a seed-and-fruit trail mix and a fruit snack.The trail mix is really good- it'sMountain Mambo Nut Free Trail Mix, Gluten, Dairy & Nut Free, the main ingredients of which are pre-shelled sunflower seeds and bits of dried fruit (raisin and apple). My only complaint is that there's only 0.75oz of it, so it goes really quickly. The fruit snack is Niagara Natural Simply Fruit Tropical Bites (no Amazon link, sorry). They're shaped like little pellets or logs and have a flavor and texture that vaguely reminded me ofFruit Roll-Ups. They're mostly made of apple-based ingredients, but a few other fruit juices are also included.The dessert is aEnjoy Life Double chocolate Crunchy Cookie). The cookie is definitely crunchy! I was surprised when I bit into it, though not really in a bad way. The flavor was okay, but honestly, I'd have preferred a little square of real chocolate like you get in theGoPicnic Hummus + Crackersmeal.One thing to note, though, is that this all ends up being a little light on protein. This meal has 12g, versus 25g forGoPicnic Hummus + Crackers. Also, a word of warning: although the meal is pretty healthy, it doesn't skimp on the fat. This little box crams in 26 total grams of fat.Bottom line:Pros: Gluten-free and nut-free; even picky eaters should enjoy every item; high in fiber and low in sodiumCons: Not very filling; flavors, while good, aren't very exciting or varied; dessert is good, but not great; fat content is surprisingly high([...]) -I was excited to get this product for review. Yes, I am a sucker for nuts, raisins, and walnuts. To have all three in a yummy chewy bar sounded like heaven. Then I looked on the back of the package.Carbs. TONS and TONS of carbs. Now, I admit I am biased since I have Type C Diabetes. But it is because of my diabetes that I check labels. Pamela's may SAY that these bars are healthy, and the ingredients listed are pretty good -- but it was the carbs and sugar contents of each bar that deterred me from being able to fully enjoy my sample.Size. Pamela's Products Whenever Bars are small. Very, very small. The bar itself is chewy and tastes great. I don't agree that it would keep a person from being hungry or that it could be used as a meal. Did I mention that the bar was tiny?Price. These babies are expensive.While I enjoyed the couple of bites I was able to experience, the excess of carbs in each tiny bar and the expensive retail price will definitely keep me from buying more.Natalie S. -This sauce really has unique flavor: predominantly mango with some ginger and just right amount of hot Habaneros. It is medium spicy and goes very well with fish. My only criticism is that the label follows the letter but not the spirit of the law: print is so small that you need a magnifying glass to read it! -I was already familiar with the Honey Maid crackers and always enjoyed them. The flavor is always consistently good. This option is better because the box contains six individually wrapped packages with about eight or ten crackers in each pack. It's great because you don't have to open the whole box with worry about the remainder of the crackers getting stale. The individually wrapped packs would also be good for snacking on the run. It's easy to just grab a package of these and put them in your purse for later. The only drawback is that sometimes eight crackers is just more than desired for a snack and there is no way to really seal the bag to save them for later. But, overall, this cracker is a delicious snack choice, especially if you are on the go. -I like the texture of this coconut oil. I use it on my hair, for cooking and I even put a spoon full in a smoothie. I also put it on my skin under makeup. I have dry skin. -I'll make no qualms about the fact that I love graham crackers and graham cracker like products like Teddy Grahams. Almost nothing beats a cup of hot chocolate and a graham cracker or two on a cold winter evening in my book.That said, I recently had the opportunity to try out Back to Nature 100% Natural Golden Honey Oat Graham Crackers. My verdict? They're a delicious and healthier way of eating graham crackers.The size of the product is similar to Nabisco's Honey Grahams. Each cracker is perforated into four evenly sized pieces. The texture is much rougher and heartier than what you would find in Honey Grahams with oat pieces that are discernible in the crackers. Because of the texture and heartier composition these grahams are a bit more brittle than Nabisco's product. Though my box arrived with mostly intact crackers.I found the taste of the Back to Nature grahams to be comparable to Honey Grahams but not nearly as sweet or intense. Personally, I'm willing to compromise some of the taste for a healthier snack and these crackers fit the bill perfectly. Back to Nature proudly labels the front of the box with "no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors and no high fructose corn syrup". Sounds good to me!Each box contains 3 individually wrapped packages containing seven graham crackers. One serving equals two full crackers sheets with 110 calories, 2.5g of fat and 21g of carbs.Recommended. -These single-serve pods are everything good; Eco-friendly, "Ethically Farmed * Artesian Rosted," organic, and when you're done, it's ready for the compost bin. Other than the "This Side Down" printed on each pod, there are no directions on the package, but they are intended for use in most home and office brewers....and I guess perfectly acceptable to use like a tea bag, which I tried and got a very tasty cup of coffee from it.The aroma when you break open the individually wrapped little pod package is tantalizing, and the flavor very robust. The box is full of references to the great Bob Marley, and the company is owned by his son. There are other icons on the box too, from the coffee producers, ITAL, who are "...committed to sourcing the finest quality 100% Arabica beans" and "Kicks for Cause" which sends a portion of the proceeds to charity.All in all, this "Exotic Floral and Berry" blend makes a very nice cup of coffee, and is extremely handy if you are busy, so get your One Love pod in a brewer or cup and enjoy! I'm factoring the convenience of the product into my rating. If this was loose coffee, it would get 4 stars. -There are not many k-cups that deliver true espresso body and flavor, but this one comes very close to what you might get in a coffee shop. Using a Keurig model that makes a 4-oz. cup of coffee, this k-cup produces a rich, dark, full-bodied espresso that can be enjoyed as is or used to make espresso drinks. If you use the 6-oz setting, the coffee will be strong and rich but will not have the body of espresso. I've tried just about every other dark, Italian and French roast k-cup on the market and I definitely prefer this one for espresso. One caveat: if you don't like Starbucks' dark roasts, this may be too strong or dark for your taste. I tried this as a brew-over-ice, but did not like it as much, as the cold temperature seemed to bring out bitter and muddy flavors in the brew. However, for a hot espresso or espresso drink, I always keep this k-cup on hand. -This was an enjoyable and refreshing treat on a hot summer day. I poured the coffee over ice to enjoy it colder and it was very good. It has a strong, bold coffee flavor, not bitter, and is slightly sweetened but not very sweet. You could always add more sweetener to suit your taste, but I personally didn't find it necessary. At only 50 calories a can this is a nice light drink. -I have to say I loved this film. Principally, because I empathised so much with Hawke's character that I spent at least the first hour of the film trying to make excuses for Washington's character's behaviour. Perhaps I am just slow or naive, but I genuinely could not decide whether Washington was good or evil or just human in this film until the last half hour or so, when it becomes very obvious. I was sitting there debating with myself; is that truly the only way to approach this? Is there no other? I study Criminology and as such, the film was fascinating. I make no pretence that it was a particularly deep or thought-provoking film, only that it did address issues that I am interested in.I fully admit that I am no expert on crime on the streets of L.A. and so I make no judgement about how realistic this film was, except to say that while probably overdramatised, the issues raised are extremely relevant and far more common that you might believe. -This movie is one amazing feat. Aside from the insanity that was involved during the making of this film, the movie looks amazing. Each scene is memorable and filmed with such expertise. The DVD version looks great in the widescreen format. The extras are nice, but what is really great is the movie itself. One of the most powerful films ever made, it is also one that is a marvel to watch again and again. Please buy it. -Don't get me wrong this is a great show and the boys are in fine form. Trent Reznor damn near makes your ears bleed and the sound and picture quality is awesome. Filmed during the North American tour in 2006 it's also complete in terms of its song selection and the price is reasonable. However if you're looking for some insight into the band, interviews or backstage footage it just isn't here. The concert has also been filmed from a distance which wasn't really what I had in mind when I bought this. Instead of actually seeing Trent, Josh, Alessandro or Jordie performing for most of the DVD you get a really long shot of a small blurry person on stage and a bunch of waving arms and heads covering the bottom half of the TV screen. Occasionally someone will crowd surf past obscuring things even more. The picture quality although great is dark, grainy and smoky. Towards the end of the concert a giant gauze screen comes down and covers the stage entirely then we get to see pictures of amoebas, random animals and world atrocities but again No Band.The extras aren't much better in terms of insight just footage of the band rehearsing in 2005; Everyday Is Exactly The Same and Love Is Not Enough. We also get a couple of music videos; The Hand That Feeds and Only and a stills gallery shot during the performance.Unless you're a die-hard fan I'm sorry but I can't really recommend this and I know you'll hate me for it. But I bought this hoping to at least see the band perform or possibly speak during an interview or random backstage moment I didn't expect to once again feel like I've got a bad seat to the show. I've already seen the crowd shots, outstretched arms and tiny man on stage. Maybe we just aren't meant to get close to NIN, maybe they are an enigma. -First of all, I couldn't decide whether to give three or four stars. I finally decided four just could not be justified, so it's really more like 3.5/5 from me. So, as you know by now, this is not a great movie, but it's better than Episode I by a considerable margin. The special effects are great and seamless (moments in Episode I and especially the ones added to the 3 original SW films were quite flawed). The asteroid chase and rain planet and Yoda's lightsaber duel were all memorable. I noticed some grainy scenes in the theater, but everything looks good -- almost TOO good -- on the DVD. The plot this time around is less convoluted and more coherent and flows more naturally from scene to scene. The video and surround audio are both reference quality on this DVD, and there's enough extras to keep the most ardent fans busy for a long time. 'Nuff said about that -- no complaints at all there.But alas, the characters and their interactions with each other, is the film's downfall, due to poor acting, directing, and screenwriting. I appreciated trying to add some romantic facets, but the dialogue is laughably bad in many scenes, and certain actors are so blandly disinterested they cannot overcome the material to convince us otherwise. Hayden Christiansen is simply awful, there is no other way to put it. The annoying, forgettable, hokey child actor in Episode I has been replaced by an annoying, forgettable, hokey teenage actor here. Natalie Portman is only slightly less wooden than in Episode I, which must be blamed on the direction, because in other places she's proved herself to be a competent actor. And although I generally like him, I never quite bought Samuel Jackson as a Jedi Knight. He goes through the entire film with an odd look on his face and I get the distinct feeling he was always on the verge of breaking into laughter reading his lines. Christopher Lee and Ewan McGregor are the only actors worthy of the roles, along, of course, with the vocal talent that gives the CG Yoda life. Thankfully the insipid Jar Jar Binks is less prominent in this film, although even after five seconds he begins to grate on you. I guess he had to put in an appearance so they could pump another action figure into Toy 'R' Us stores around the world. As for the direction, Lucas needs to just give it up and let someone who knows what they are doing handle it. He is NOT a great director. His two best films, Empire and Raiders, were directed by someone other than him. There was some great screen chemistry in the original Star Wars but it must have just been stars-aligning dumb luck, since he has never been able to reproduce it since.Reading this you might think I hated this movie, but I actually didn't. You just need to let yourself become a kid again for a few hours and ignore the bad things. Then it just becomes fun, and if you are expecting something more from a Star Wars film then you aren't being realistic. The first three Star Wars films also had lots of bad acting, bad screenwriting, uneven direction, cheesy special effects, and a ridiculous plot but we never saw that, because we were young and unjaded and had no preconceptions or expectations for the films to live up to, and we were experiencing instead of analyzing as we watched. If you can force yourself to do the same here, you'll enjoy it. -I think this movie was introduced in the Arts. Not a popular one. but its so well done and quirky and funny and the scenery is amazing. I will watch it again. The father of a 40 year old man goes to France to pick up his sons body, who died from a hiking accident. you see him in flash backs. by the real father and son actors Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez. He decides to walk the trail his son died on carrying his ashes and scattering them along the way. He meets up with a chain smoker strange lady, a writer with writers block and 2 others that share the trail with him off and on through out the movie. Its so funny and fun to watch. very well acted by all. I think you will like this movie. I do not recommend it for kids. A stroll though France and Spain. if for nothing else see it for the scenery. You wont be sorry. -About a month ago I bought a Samsung UN75F7100 3D LED TV set. About 2 weeks ago I bought an OPPO BDP-103 3D Blu-Ray player on Amazon. Of course, I didn't have any 3D Blu-Ray disks to play so I bought Avatar. Wow! If you got the equipment to play this you gotta' get it. Picture and sound quality are excellent and the 3D is only as good as a movie originally shot in 3D could be. I'm afraid that any other move shot in 2D and processed up to 3D will not stand up to this one. Oh. By the way. I thought the movie was great! Hope there will be a sequel. (In 3D of course.) -From my perspective as a long-time, rabid fan of horror, I have to say that Cabin Fever is simply a dreadful horror film. I'm not talking about a few bad scenes, either; this film starts out bad and goes downhill from there. Just because you put a bunch of kids in the woods, throw in a few crazy rednecks, dump buckets of blood all over the place, and rip off a number of scenes from old horror classics, it doesn't mean you've made a good horror movie.I hardly know where to start on this one. I knew there was going to be a problem from the very start. You have a bunch of kids celebrating the end of exams by going camping for a week, then you can't help but notice the woods covered with fallen leaves. What kind of school has final exams in autumn, for Pete's sake? And these kids - each one is very different from the others, yet they are all equally impossible to like. "Frat Guy" man is one of the most annoying characters I've ever encountered. Normally, when you watch horror, there's at least one character you fervently hope lives through the ordeal - not so here. I was ready to see all five of the main characters taken out after spending just a few minutes with them.I guess I should mention the premise of this thing. Basically, these five kids have their good time ruined by some strange hermit with a serious skin condition - he can't keep his skin on his body, to be exact. It's a similar setup to Evil Dead, only the source of the trouble here is a flesh-eating virus. As you might expect, the kids start getting the same disease one by one, begin to turn on each other, blah blah blah. Their efforts to get help are thwarted by their own incompetence as well as the attitude of the local rednecks they encounter. I was desperately pulling for the virus, and it could not do its work quickly enough to satisfy me, as this film felt like it would never end. There is a lot of blood in Cabin Fever, and that's normally a good thing, but once you've seen some walking rotten corpse projectile-vomiting blood a few times, it loses some of its appeal. I guess I can say that the special effects weren't too bad overall, though. The music, though, was awful. I have to question the whole vision thing of young director Eli Roth; it's as if he periodically inserted a few silly montages and highly discordant music for no reason other than to make his movie look slightly artistic.Many of the gorier parts of the film come straight from classics such as Evil Dead, Night of the Living Dead, and Dawn of the Dead - as such, they did not impress me at all, especially those that happened during the very late and supposedly climactic moments of the movie. The so-called comedy that is interspersed throughout Cabin Fever is not even groan-worthy for the most part. There is one exception to this, though, and this is the closest thing this film has to a saving grace of any kind: the very last scene is absolutely hilarious - and that's all I'm going to say about it.When it comes to the Special Features, let me just say that I watched them so you won't have to. There's a half-hour documentary on the making of the film, a really stupid Family Friendly Version of Cabin Fever, really low-quality (and thankfully short) video of a martial artist wannabe, and three short animated films starring The Rotten Fruit - rotten is truly the key word here. There are five commentaries of the film, but there's no way I could sit through this film a second time, let alone five more times. There's also a Chick-Vision option for watching the film.All in all, in almost every way possible, Cabin Fever is just a very unimpressive horror movie. It's not scary, it's not funny, the gore does nothing to instill squeamishness, the script is weak, and the soundtrack is a constant source of annoyance. Doggone it, I looked forward to seeing this film, expecting good things from it, and I was just bitterly disappointed. -You would expect more out of Academy Award winning, Peter Jackson. But it seems we were expecting too much. The film is visually stunning. It's worth seeing just for that reason. But the overall film suffers in many areas, resulting in a mediocre remake.First of all, the casting was bad. Often the actors are very out of place in their roles, even though they give good performances. Some of the selections are very peculiar, Jack Black for instance. Very strange, although he is quite good in his role.It has some memorable moments, but the majority of the film is boring and pointless. It seems Jackson feels the need to make every movie as long as possible, and the film really suffers because of this. Even with the strange casting, the film still could have been great. The length is what really knocks it down a level. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a 3 hour long movie as much as anyone else, but the extra length was pointless. It didn't add anything to the movie.As I said before, it's worth a watch for the special effects. Just don't go in expecting an amazing film.Rating: 2 1/2 StarsThank you for your time. -Wow kids, thanks for the trivia but what does that have to do with how wonderful the movie is!?"Chicago" is a very well written musical by Fred Ebb, John Kander and Bob Fosse that is still playing on Broadway today in its revival incarnation. In 2002, Mirimax released the wonderful motion picture adaptation. Catherine Zeta-Jones sings and dances Velma Kelly just as well as previous Velma, Chita Rivera and ever better than Bebe Newirth. Richard Gere, although nasil, does a wonderful job as Billy Flynn. Renne Zellwegger plays Roxie nicely, like a Kewpie doll, only problem: if she'd open those eyes!John C. Reily is great at Amos. I wish he were given more to do. But the real scene stealer is Queen Latifah as Marton Morton. She is a true musical performer who has great comic timing.Rob Marshall's direction and choreography is excellent. The editing is even better. Bill Condon's screenplay is brilliant. The two men have put together a brilliant spin on the great show."Chicago", like previous reviewers have said, won 6 Oscars including Best Picture. A film this good and this sucessful (most finanically sucessful of all Mirimax films) deserved a two disc set. When it was released on DVD in 2003, I for one was shocked. It got a single page chapter guide and one flimsy disc with the movie, the cut song "Class", an audio commentary and a commerical of a "Behind-the-Scenes" look.Now, we finally get a THREE disc "Chicago" set. Hopefully it will include some info on the wonderful, if ignored, Bob Fosse directed 1975 production and some information on some of the breifly mentioned in the commentary ideas for the cut songs "Me and My Baby" and "My Own Best Friend."I'm really looking foward to this great DVD transfer of this great film! -I specially liked the interesting twist to the legend of King Arthur. Good effort to add more "facts" to the script, particularly regarding the origin of knights, King Arthur and other characters of Arthurian legends, including Merlin, Lancelot or Guinevere (Percival is badly missing here though). Some of this ideas has been somehow treated more recently in movies such as "The last legion". I liked the excellent depiction of saxon invaders and the effort to fit the whole story with the historical anglo-saxon invasions to British Isles. Finally, the movie has a good pace, great battle scenes, good photography, and a nice soundtrack.The bad things include the acting of Clive Owen and too much "freedom" exclamations, the "battle horse" of nowadays arguments to justify invasions all over the planet..., but you can easily skip that garbage. Finally, stop the the movie at about 4 min before ending and view the alternate ending provided on the extras. Even so, you will appreciate how Hollywood directors do not learn how to end movies.In short, King Arthur went beyond the expectations of somone whose favorite King Arthur movie still remains John Boorman's Excalibur. Plus, a good deal for the price. -Every episode is interesting. Creative characters, and very addictive series.Looking forward to Season 3!As far as rating Amazon Video goes, what a great service. I hope that Amazon Prime customers always have this because it's wonderful. -This set collects some of the best shows to air on television. The set also comes with funky retro packaging that would make any self-respecting geek drool in a way that will insure their being single until the next season of Star Trek is released (giving them more time to enjoy this collection). Sadly, Paramount is squeezing us Trekkies/Trekkers/Addicts like members of the mob would squeeze an inner-city grocery-store, with their outrageous prices. $85.00 AFTER a 35% discount? Ironic, being that in the show they're selling, money is no longer used. Another thing that's bugged me in ALL the Trek DVD sets is the horrendous chapter break that happens after opening credits. It jumps you about five minutes into the actual episode. There is no way to skip the credit sequence, without missing a good chunk of the show. Sure, it's fun the first 135 you narrate along with Captain Kirk talking about the Final Frontier, but it gets old by the 140th session, unless you really start adding variety by sucking in a balloon full of helium before speaking the words William ... Shatner ... reads ... with ... such ... high ... melodrama. The picture quality is decent. Probably not what you'd expect for the price. Paramount didn't send in a restoration team to make this look as pretty as something released today should. You know something wasn't done right with this set when these shows from the 60s look WORSE than Chaplin movies from the 20s do, in the Chaplin Collection (now THAT'S restoration). What makes this worth the purchase are the compelling stories, great chemistry between the cast, nifty mini-skirts, cheesy alien outfits and finally getting to own the original episodes on DVD. Is that worth $85.00, when you can still watch any of these shows for free on television? It's your call. At these prices, I've only purchased season 3, 4 and 5 of The Next Generation and this set of The Original Series. I've rented each season of Deep Space Nine (at a more reasonable price, I would have bought them) and stopped, pointed and laughed wildly at the first three seasons of Voyager, whenever I pass them in the store. You make the call and make sure you make the right one, because the execs at Paramount would just assume stomp a Tribble with bare feet than they would issue you a refund because you feel ripped-off, after opening the set and realizing you're basically getting a sort of washed-out collection of episodes in neat packaging and nothing more (the extras are weak).5 stars for the shows. 2 stars for the value. 3 stars overall. -Wedding Crashers is the kinda film alot of people will love because it is stupid but alot of others like myself, won't enjoy. two womanizers fall in love, one because he finds out that his gf is not actually a virgin, like first off, what does virginity have to do with love? & second, who would actually believe that she was telling the truth when she said that she was a virgin? & then Owen Wilson's character fall in love with Rachel's McAdams character and well, that's the usual predictable romance plot. the problem with this film is it's not that funny. it seems to think it's better then it is. I don't think I hardly laughed during this film. the part about the "supposive" gay guy like people think he is gay so therefore of course, because it's this kind of film, he ends up being gay and of course, he tries to hit on Vince Vaughn's character in a scene that is beyond creepy. lets just say that "gay" guy is prob one of the worst actors I've seen. & then we get a cameo from Will Ferrell, alot of people I know find this guy "so" funny. but I don't get it. it just wasn't funny to me. u know, I loved the classic, "American Pie" that was just stupid for its own good but it delivered the goods to make it a great comedy! this film wasn't so much funny as stupid. & for the most part, I'm not going to remember this film in 5 years from now because it's just an average film. -This is without a doubt the best feature film anime around. All the action and suspense you come to expect in this genre. The storyline is intriguing, to say the least. You will not regret getting this movie, watching it numerous times. -Basically all the criticisms of this movie upon its release are on point. The story is choppy and confusing; the special effects are terrible, even for 1984; and the appearance of the film in general leaves you wondering if the intent was not to make a serious recreation of the novel but rather something campy, like "Flash Gordon" -- except that it is much darker, with occasional gory intrusions. What you're left with is basically all the novel's mumbo-jumbo ("Bene Gesserit," "Maud'Dib," "Kwisatz Haderach") but nothing of the sense you get from the best science fiction of a complete, alternate time and place. In addition, some of the acting is downright terrible, especially Brad Dourif's (Piter de Vries), whoever he is. Sting too, while bringing back memories of his hairstyles from that era, is pretty unconvincing. Poor Max von Sydow cannot but come across well, but he's killed after about 10 minutes on screen. There's really no saving this movie: fans who wanted it to work, and wanted David Lynch to do it well, can maintain that it was brutal editing that caused the problem, but it's just not the case. No amount of additional scenes would have made this a good movie. It is definitely a disappointment. On top of it all, this DVD release (I am reviewing the "extended version," with the theatrical cut on side A and the "Alan Smithee" version on side B) looks very poor. It's been put into a Dolby Digital 5.1 mix, which sounds fine, if uninspiring, but the picture quality looks rough and aged. One suspects that given the source no one thought it was worth the time to restore. They were probably right. Two stars: One for Toto, one for Sean Young, cornerstone of 80's sci-fi babedom. -I marginally liked this film when I first rented it, but somehow it resinated with me, and I recently bought it. I didn't even know it was based on a video game. I thought the cinematography was fantastic, and the score was mesmorizing and haunting. The whole film plays out like a mystical dream or a bad nightmare, that all depends upon your style. The special effects are fantastic, it puts you in that demon world. Radha Mitchell is one of those obscure actresses. She also plays in "High Art", which is another fantastic film. Hopefully there will be another "Silent Hill", the script leaves more to the imagination. -A great (albeit short) first season of a very funny show. Although the best episodes are in the third and fourth season, the first season is more consistent. All the episodes are funny. Probably the best ones are "Hell is Other Robots" (which features the voice of Homer as the Robot Devil in a musical number), "A Flight to Remember"(a spoof of Titanic, featuring the hilariously pompous Zapp Branigan), and "When Aliens Attack" (which spoofs television and introduces the Omacron Persei aliens). All in all a great show with talent voice acting and well-written scripts. -BATMAN (1989) is the one Tim Burton film where his directorial style worked in perfect synergy with mainstream Hollywood. Many of his other earlier films, including BEETLEJUICE (1988), EDWARD SCISSORHANDS (1993), ED WOOD (1994), and ironically BATMAN RETURNS (1992) are 100% TIM BURTON! They are all great in that Burtonesque way. While Burton's first Batman film BATMAN has obvious Burton touches: odd and disturbing characters, dark tone, neo-noirish look, the film still manages to be generally accessible to the mass audience. It moves at a fast, breezy pace and has an epic, Hollywood feel to it, with a satisfying conclusion. But that, in this case, is not a bad thing! I have re-watched this entertaining flick so many times it isn't funny! It just works. Can't say that for many of the superhero films in this new PC, uninspired generation of films.I actually saw BATMAN (1989) when it first came out in movie theatres and was blown away by it's originality and scope...still am. Even more so now since it holds up 20+ years later as great entertainment. In retrospect, Michael Keaton was the perfect choice to play the fractured, flawed antiheroic Bruce Wayne AKA Batman. But I always felt he was the right choice! Keaton captures the guarded loneliness of the Bruce Wayne character, while still being very convincing as a tough guy who can hold his own when donning the cape and cowl! Mr. Burton...you made the right choice!The other inspired (and perhaps more obvious) choice was casting the legendary Jack Nicholson as Jack Napier AKA The Joker. Nicholson is convincing as high-level "yes man" thug Napier who through a nasty accident becomes facially scarred and assumes the Joker persona. And Nicholson really looks like The Joker in this! He has so many memorable lines that I think about all the time. The hero-villain chemistry between he and Keaton is electric.Kim Basinger (at her most gorgeous!) admirably plays nosy photojournalist Vicki Vale, who arrives in Gotham City to unlock the secret of the mysterious Caped Crusader who has been "terrorizing" low level criminals throughout the city. She ends up falling in love with Bruce Wayne (lucky bastard!). Basinger is the weakest link of the main actors, but she still does a good job of emoting, being simultaneously fascinated and repulsed by Batman and Joker's antics. She screams a lot, but look at the freaks she's dealing with! Can you blame her?The solid supporting cast includes Michael Gough (wonderful turn as Alfred, Bruce's ever-so-reliable and dependable butler and caretaker), Robert Wuhl (in an energetic turn as Vicki's fellow reporter Alex Knox), Billy Dee Williams (as DA Harvey Dent), and Pat Hingle (as world-weary Police Commissioner Gordon). In particular, Keaton and Gough have an effortless chemistry as though they have been close their whole lives. Gough came back for Schumacher's cartoonish campy films and he had none of the chemistry with either Kilmer or Clooney that he had with Keaton in the Burton ones. It was weird watching Gough's Alfred interact with those tepid versions of Bruce Wayne.As previously stated, I am amazed at how Burton's style fused perfectly with more conventional Hollywood touches and created something special out of it. It could have been a monumental failure, but instead ended up being a template for all future superhero films. -C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia" with its seven allegorical books is becoming the latest film franchise. This first movie based upon the second book in the series is filled with talking animals and mythical creatures like centaurs, satyrs, fauns, gryphons, dwarfs, a wicked albino witch, and four charming and innocent British school kids. The movie is entertaining, but it does not seem to resonate with any great significance or meaning despite Lewis's reputation as a Christian polemicist.The four siblings who have been evacuated from the London blitz during War II are staying with a rich man in his country mansion. The youngest, a girl, travels to the snowy land of Narnia by entering a magic wardrobe. She meets a faun and the wicked witch. The most important creature in Narnia is Aslan, the lion.The film is entertaining, well-cast and well-acted, has some great special effects as well as a few hokey ones, the voices of some famous stars, but there's no there there; it lacks the underpinning of a substantive reason for being.William Mosely who plays the older brother is every teenage girl's heartthrob. It's a fun movie for kids as well as adults who'll get a kick out anthropomorphic animals and mythological creatures. Holds your interest. -There have been a lot of half-crazed movie characters in film history, you know the one; the kind of vaguely insane person that the movie truly revolves around, with the other characters only there to provide stark contrast with their recognizably sane posture. They're also there to wonder aloud to themselves and each other, "What's the matter with him?" To which someone usually responds, "I don't know, but there's something about him that I like." The thing about those movies (a lot of them came out of the 80's and early 90's, I know because in school we all imitated them), was the the core of those movies was the zany character exploration, and that was just about it. See what kind of situations we can cook up and then throw this crazed, witty personae in there and see what happens.What's different about Pirates of the Caribbean, and Jack Sparrow in particular, is that the world he inhabits gave birth to him. In the crazed personae movie--the nut-job seems to come out of nowhere, completely unexpected, which is half the fun but also half the shortcoming. In Pirates of the Carribean, we expect Jack Sparrow to come sailing out of the horizon and to suddenly arrive in that world, and what a world!I think what lends Sparrow such credibility is his mixture of characterization. Yes, he's wild and I suppose "free," but there are moments where he gets serious (saluting the dead pirates), moments when he has to act and can pull through (like jumping in to save Elizabeth), moments where he has to educate (telling Will Turner the truth about his father). When this happens, we give the character Sparrow something we don't give the hollow, crazed personae; respect. Give Johnny Depp all the credit for being able to switch between these modes as well; being serious and respectable while maintaining the aura of Jack Sparrow; that he'll stick his tongue out at us and run off with the gold at any moment, but not without his effects.The world of "Black Pearl" is lush and surprising. I didn't expect to believe the world of pirates, where all the exsists is ocean and the few ports that you can sail to. Come to think of it, we only really see three locales during the whole movie, and the rest of it is on water. How'd they pull that off? My favorite scene is in the pirate pub where the bar-fight is perpetual; Jack Sparrow and his cohort (can't remember his name) sit and talk about ports, treasures, old pirates, schemes, boats, etc. all in the warm glow of candles and wood as they chug ale. A pirate's life for me!Geoffery Rush, brilliant as ever. When he says, "Too long have I been without the taste of food or the comfort of a woman" I believe him. The man is a pirate outright, but in his eyes you can see the years of torment on a man from the curse piling up on him slowly. Notice too how he rolls his eyes perfectly when he's at the moment of breaking the curse, and somehow Jack Sparrow convinces him not to. How? Maybe "Curse of the Black Pearl" is really how Jack Sparrow has dogged Barbossa his whole career.The supporting cast is good, even Orlando Bloom who is still in Legolas mode. Even though he played up Will Turner nicely as a bright-eyed, talented, somewhat intense young man (who has serious anxieties about his lineage, but why not? It would bar him from his chances of Elizabeth), I did keep expecting him to jump up and go, "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn!" He does have a great moment where he jumps onto a ship with Sparrow and goes, "Aye, avast!" to which he's promptly laughed at. -I had 48 hrs to watch this movie and the sequel. But for some reason it kept pausing and pausing and it got stuck and it was long pauses like 5 minutes and then it would start and pause after a few minutes. If I can figure out I would like to get a refund or a re rental. Other than that the movie was very graphic as far the joker but the concept was good. -If that's even possible. I loved the first one, and I was absolutely in love with this one even more! Wolverine and Nightcrawler are probably my favorite characters, both in the movie, and in the comics. So the fact that this one had Nightcrawler made me extremely happy. The story in this one is even better, the action is more intense and exciting, and the effects are brilliant! Nightcrawler's ability looks absolutely real, you actually believe that he's teleporting, and it looks awesome. Great great movie. The only sore spot, if any, is Halle Berry.....I've never liked her, but luckily she's not in this one much, and I've heard rumours that she's not in the next one at all. Fine by me! -There are two things I love: pirates and Johnny Depp. Putting those two together is a dream come true. And to have Depp play a pirate is even better. I loved Pirates of the Caribbean. This entertaining action-adventure film is a roller coaster ride of action-packed scenes and a feast for the eyes as well. Set in eighteenth century, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl tells the story of Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and the governor's daughter Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) and their adventures after they encounter the rather bizarre and enigmatic Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp). Jack wants to find the ship Black Pearl and his nemesis, Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) and settle an old score. But Barbossa has his own plans -- he wants to reverse an old spell that has left him and the other borders of the Black Pearl living as immortals that keeps them from enjoying the simple pleasures of life (like eating, drinking, etc.). This puts Elizabeth in danger and Will Turner will be there to rescue her, but in doing so he discovers a few things about himself.I had my doubts about this film at first because... well, it's a movie inspired by a theme park ride, for crying out loud. But since I love Johnny Depp and all things that are remotely set in a different time frame, I decided to give it a whirl. This film is such a fun treat! Both children and adults could enjoy it and the special effects are wonderful. I love the cast, especially Depp and Bloom. Johnny Depp is gorgeous (even in over the top pirate regalia) and so talented. He's a chameleonic actor who once again showcases his abilities to portray a character flawlessly. Orlando Bloom is another gorgeous specimen and I enjoyed him a whole lot. The weakest link to me is Keira Knightley, but fortunately the story doesn't completely revolve around her character. The supporting cast, namely Jack Davenport, is also great. I loved this action/adventure flick and I look forward to watching the sequel. -The show is interesting, with a good assortment of supernaturals (Wesen) which kept my interest. What got the 3 star rating is the packaging for this particular season on DVD. I don't know if the blu ray is different (I hope so) but the package is some of the worst I have ever encountered. The discs slide into flimsy plastic (feels like grocery bags) sleeves that are tucked inside the cardboard folder. I was so confused by this that at first I tugged until I pulled one of the plastic "bags" out of the cardboard. Trying to return the discs to the package is painful, as the plastic does not hold its form at all, and the disc tends to just crumple the plastic up at the back of the cardboard sleeve, which causes me to have to shove my fingers into the cardboard to retrieve the plastic, and the glue holding the cardboard into a sleeve eventually fails. It is the first of my hundreds of seasons that I am actually considering repackaging, or selling off and buying the blu ray to get rid of the terrible packaging.The characters are sympathetic, the acting is good, the plots are good to fascinating. Monroe is my favorite character by far so far. -I never knew I could love a superhero movie so much. What made this film great was its action, story, and great characters with came together to form a near-perfect film. Usually I don't understand superhero movies; I watched all three Spider-Man movies and I still don't understand, I didn't get the second X-Men movie, and I didn't like Fantastic 4. But The Dark Knight takes a different approach for all movie goers. It's easy to understand (Usually I need a superhero guru of knowledge to explain things to me), it didn't focus too much on relationships (Unlike Spider-Man), and it was more about action than talking.WHAT IT'S ABOUT: Batman (a.k.a. Bruce Wayne) is considered a fugitive by Gotham City, and is wanted despite his heroism and getting scum off the street like the mob groups. He eventually forms an alliance with the police and the district attorney Harvey Dent, and even his former girlfriend Rachel, and together they remove several mob groups and hundreds of fugitives are arrested. All seems to be well for a small period of time until a person known only as The Joker shows up and starts killing people, all in return for Batman to reveal himself or more people get killed. Batman becomes the most despised person in Gotham over the fact that people's lives are being taken every day because of him, and there is nothing they can do about it. So Batman must hunt down The Joker and save his friends and the citizens of Gotham City, only this movie doesn't end how you'd predict it to.MUSIC: The music is fantastic and goes great with the already near-perfect film.DISTURBING FACTOR: I never expected a superhero movie to be this creepy and disturbing. There are some scenes which make this film borderline an R-rating for how violent some of them are. Heath Ledger really does a great job at portraying Joker as a complete psychopath who you'd be terrified to come across.ACTION: Lots of shooting, lots of hand-to-hand combat, lots of vehicular mayhem, lots of explosions, and even more! This is one of the best action films I've seen in quite some time.ENTERTAINMENT: This film has a lot of unexpected scenes, even things occurred that I would have never been able to predict. This film is a roller coaster ride of plot twists, adrenaline-rushing action scenes, and it's even suspenseful, all the way to the bizarre ending. This is without a doubt one of the best films I've seen in quite some time, and is a definite must-see for any movie buffs. You don't even need to be a fan of superheroes to enjoy this kickass movie, just go watch it... NOW!OVERALL: The beginning of the movie is slow with some relationship problems and a few other things, but when the ball starts rolling it doesn't stop and you don't want it to end any time soon.THE GOOD: Great story, great actors, great action, surprisingly disturbing, little focus on relationship problems, and it's an overall kickass movie.THE BAD: The beginning is slow and goes into relationship problems, but it ends quickly at least. -Joss Whedon's unmistakeable flair comes clearly across in this popcorn movie. The dialogue is crisp and witty, and it genuinely looks as though the cast is having fun making it. I loved the gag reel, too. I can't wait for the next one to come out! -What would it take to make a movie as timeless and as enjoyable as the Wizard of Oz? Talented directors and actors have for decades taken stories from OZ and brought them to us in that attempt. Most of the time the story is warm and enjoyable (as is this one), but cannot touch the classic.There are enough interesting scenes in this movie to make it watchable. There has obviously been some heart put into it. I, sadly found the acting a bit 'off' and never could accept any of the actors in their roles.I can only say the movie is watchable and maybe if they had attempted to film it the old fashioned way with no CGI, it would have given it more of a prequel feeling of the classic.Anyone notice that they DID leave a story untold for a sequel? They still must tell us the tale of the Ruby slippers........... -Read the book in high school. While it's been done many times they never came close to following the book which was always disappointing. This one is the only one to follow the book as they took the time ( 6 episodes) to develop all the characters fully. They clearly spent the money to be true to the book. The many supporting actors ( at least 25) were all outstanding and perfect for their respective parts. Colin Firth and Jennifer Uhle were certainly outstanding but the supporting cast makes this movie.Add to that the outstanding music that was chosen and this is about as prefect a presentation that you can get. Since we bought this, we've probably re-watched it a dozens times- it's that enjoyable. -It's been years since I've read _The Vampire Lestat_ or _Queen of the Damned_, so I remember only bits and pieces of detail from them. This probably contributed greatly to my enjoyment of the film, because the screenwriters largely mangled the plot from both of those books, combining them into one movie. If I had looked forward to the actual QotD plotline, I would've been disappointed.Akasha actually has a relatively small role in the film, and Mekare is entirely absent. Maharet is alive and well in the Mojave Desert. Still, it all comes together, and focuses primarily upon Lestat, his transformation into a vampire, and his career as a rock star (his singing voice is Jonathan Davis, the lead singer from Korn, who is perfect for Lestat.)For those unfamiliar with Rice's books, Lestat is a bad boy, even by vampire standards; he likes to cause trouble, and lots of it. We learn why he has a hard time being a vampire, and what he yearns for most of all. In the first few moments of the film, he awakens from a 100-year nap to find an entirely different world - a world in which he can cope much better. He outs himself as a vampire to the whole world, becomes the biggest rock legend around, and begins giving away the secrets of the vampires living among humans. The other vampires are, needless to say, a bit peeved about this, and they come after him. There are several driving forces in the film - Lestat himself, the covens coming after him, Akasha's awakening and subsequent quest for a lover, and Marius, who in this film is Lestat's sire.While the last 20 minutes are somewhat less than gratifying, the rest of the movie is fairly sound and enjoyable. It felt shorter than it actually was, strangely enough. Large sections of the original plot are left out entirely or are incorrectly depicted, and if one were to focus on that point alone, one would probably not enjoy this movie at all. I went into it with the sole intent of just enjoying a movie that looked like it was very beautiful - and it was.Aesthetically, this film is top-notch. The costumes, make-up and special effects are wondefully done. The acting is very good, and the screenplay itself isn't bad, either. Aaliyah did a fine job as Akasha, and Stuart Townsend was a great Lestat - much, much better than Tom Cruise. The settings are appropriately dark and moody, filled with beautiful sets, sensual people, and a wonderful soundtrack, and there is an almost dreamlike quality to much of the film.The one problem I had with the film was that too much was cut out of it for a lot of details and characters to make a great deal of sense. When many of the ancients arrive on the scene, many questions hung in the air, chiefly "ok, who *are* you guys, and why are you helping this person?!" The DVD features many scenes that were cut, though, and includes notes on why the filmmakers removed them. Many of them help things come into focus more clearly, and it's unfortunate that they were deleted. Perhaps someday, an extended version will be released, reintegrating these scenes.Overall, it was a very enjoyable movie experience, and I think even Anne Rice fans will enjoy it, if they can look beyond the liberties taken with the storyline, and just try to enjoy a vampire movie that's better than most. -Even if you don't like pirate movies, I recommend you seeing this one. The actors were wonderful and the action was plentiful. Johnny Depp as Capt. Jack Sparrow will have you cracking up out loud. The twists in the story line make this movie not your average pirate seeking gold movie. Rent this one!!! -I am outraged at the negativity toward a brilliant film. Not only does this movie nail the 70's in so many ways, but mirrors current events (New Jersey) in such perfect concordance, that it seems completely predictive of a thousand news stories circling the planet. How current does a movie have to be when it looks deep in the heart of darkness in American politics and then it all plays out right in front of us?American Hustle is an excellent and entertaining Comedy/Crime Drama that combines great direction,a terrific cast,a wonderful script and a fantastic soundtrack all of those elements make American Hustle a great film that has to be seen.Set in New York City in the late 1970s,American Hustle tells the story of two con artists,Irving Rosenfield(Christian Bale)and Sydney Prosser(Amy Adams)who have been forced by FBI agent Richie DiMasso(Bradley Cooper)to participate in a FBI operation called ABSCAM,a sting operation to set up corrupt politicians including Camden,New Jersey Mayor Carmine Polito(Jeremy Renner)and gangsters. As the stakes become higher and with danger coming at every corner Irving and Sydney have to figure out how to get out and survive.Throughout the history of cinema,con artists and Grifters have been covered in movies ranging from The Sting(1973),The Grifters(1990)and now American Hustle,an amazing film from beginning to end that keep your attention with fantastic movie making that never stops. Right from it's weird and offbeat opening American Hustle is a movie that combines Comedy,Crime Drama and a true life tale that is funny and quirky and at other times serious and intense giving viewers a movie that plays by it's own rules and creates it's own world. With American Hustle David O'Russell gives us a movie that is dazzling bringing viewers into the crime world of the 1970s showing the personal and professional lives of con artists,federal agents,politicians and gangsters never knowing where the story or it's characters will go and even though AH is a fact based story the movie is not too dark. When you look at AH you will see that the movie was obviously influenced in many ways by Martin Scorsese's classic Gangster epics such as Goodfellas(1990)and Casino(1995)with the way the camera moves,the style and look of the film and the use of narration replacing Gangsters and Mobsters with con artists but O'Russell takes the style and makes it his own. The Comedy in AH is great and hilarious because the laughs are never forced on viewers or telling them when scenes are funny but lets the viewers figure out when scenes are funny whether it's in some of the scenes or in the main characters dialog or actions. The Comedy is balanced out by the Crime Drama elements as well which are done with attention and detail like a other Crime Dramas and you are gripped with every scene that involves cops and crime. But the Crime Drama element isn't always serious and is entertaining. The beautiful photography by Linus Sandgren and amazing production design by Judy Becker truly add to the film and give AH a realistic look and feel of the 1970s with vibrant colors and sets that pull you into the world that AH wants to portray and it's one of the reasons the movie succeeds. The main characters in the film whether it's the con artists,federal agents are fascinating and interesting with laughs and depth because with each main character everyone wants to succeed at what they do whether it's good or bad. Also,with the characters there is no black and white but a gray area that is complex and real and you will relate to some of the characters in some ways. The screenplay by Eric Singer and David O'Russell is impressive and well-done with dialog that is a mixture of funny and serious. The ending of American Hustle is wonderful,surprising and unexpected and fits with films about con artists and Grifters. An outstanding conclusion to a great movie.The whole cast is amazing. Christian Bale is excellent and at his best as Irving Rosenfield,with Bale bringing intensity and emotional(and physical)depth to the role. Bradley Cooper is brilliant and funny as FBI agent Richie DiMasso,with Copper being offbeat and dramatic. Amy Adams is terrific and beautiful as Sydney Prosser,Irving's partner in crime and has great scenes with Bale,Cooper and Lawrence. Jeremy Renner is outstanding as Mayor Carmine Polito,a New Jersey politician. Jennifer Lawrence is amazing and sexy as Roselyn Rosenfield,Irving's attractive but overbearing wife. Also,lookout for a great uncredited appearance from Robert De Niro in a great performance as Victor Tellegio,a high level gangster. Louis C.K(Stoddard Thorsen),Jack Huston(Pete Musane),Michael Pena(Paco Hernandez),Shea Whigham(Carl),Alessandro Nivola(Anthony Amando)and Paul Hermane(Alfonse Simone)give good performances as well.The direction by David O'Russell is brilliant and stylish,with O'Russell always moving the camera with tracking shots,close-ups and a nice visual style. Terrific direction,O'Russell.The score Danny Elfman isn't always used but good when it's heard. The film has a great soundtrack with songs by Elton John(Goodbye Yellow Brick Road),Wings(Live And Let Die),The Temptations(Papa Was A Rolling Stone),Duke Ellington(Jeep's Blues)and more. Outstanding soundtrack.. -I always enjoy this movie! It is very fun, entertaining, and Julie Andrews is absolutely amazing! A classic film for every generation and those to come. The blu ray surprisingly looks really well but not perfect. It does contain some scenes that are grainy, but they still are very enjoyable. The sound is significantly better and colors are brighter and more vibrant than the DVD version. A must own classic! -"The Phantom Of The Opera" is impressive! Gerard Butler is impressive as the Phantom. Emmy Rossum is equally impressive as Christine Daae. Patrick Wilson is also impressive as Vicomte de Chagny, aka Raoul. The music is magnificent. The directing by Joel Schumacher is excellent. The screenplay by Schumacher & Andrew Lloyd Webber (on whose play that the movie is based on) is excellent. The visual design of the movie is beautiful. -The trailer was great...most trailers are. They find all the best parts, put them together and then you want to see the movie. Sadly, you know from the first five minutes how this movie is going to go. There are no big surprises here and the movie just doesn't work. I wanted to like this movie...really I did. -Wes Anderson's third film, "The Royal Tenenbaums," is nothing short of amazing and was easily the best film of 2001. Why it wasn't nominated for more than Best Original Screenplay at this year's Oscars is beyond me. The same went for his sophomore effort (and what I feel is his best film of the three) "Rushmore."One of many of Anderson's gifts lies in his appreciation of and ability to identify deadpan humor. My three favorite moments of the film are when Richie suffers a breakdown at his tennis match and tosses his racquet at the returned ball he lightly served over the net in the first place, when Chas holds a mock fire drill and tells his boys that they all would have died, including their dog, because it took them four and a half minutes to get out of the house, and when Raleigh St. Clair replies to the question "Can the boy tell time?" with "Heavens, no."He also has the uncanny ability of accompanying his films with the perfect music (though he has been ostracized for not including certain songs that appear in his films on the actual soundtrack.) He did it in "Rushmore" with British Invasion songs and he doesn't falter here. The absolute best moment of the film (in a depressing, psychotic kind of way) is when Richie attempts to kill himself by slicing his wrists. The reason for this wholly rests on the fact that the entire montage was accompanied by Elliot Smith's haunting song "Needle in the Hay."The other reason Anderson gets good marks is because of the fabulous ensemble cast. Gene Hackman, Anjelica Huston, Danny Glover, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bill Murray, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson are all at their best here.Kudos to everyone involved in this film; it is sure to gain classic status years from now. A worthy addition to anyone's DVD collection. -First off, Reservoir Dogs is a wonderful movie. It's funny, smart and entertaining. The dialogue is superb, as is Quentin Tarantino's other masterpiece Pulp Fiction, but the characters in Reservoir Dogs are just great. Even though they're criminals, you can relate to many of their dilemmas and motives during the course of the movie. The acting is also top-notch, and, for a movie where the actors had to wear their own suits to the set, very proffessional looking. Watch this movie.The DVD packaging is a pretty cool concept, with the different character covers, but if your going to buy this DVD just for that, don't. The advertisements boast "a booklet with many memorable quotes and photos". Sure there are quotes, but I wouldn't consider TWO being many. Well, maybe they consider two many when they repeat each one TWICE, but I sure don't. The photos are nice, but each one is the size of half a page, so there aren't all that many. The extras are good, but not really great.All in all, the movie alone is worth buying this DVD, and the extras are just an added bonus to an already wonderful experience. -Its too bad because this film could have been great. The special effects were awesome but as VanHelsing proved , it takes more than that to make a good film. There was just too many scenes that were over the top and unrealistic, like the Brontosaurus scene with our actors running between their legs but incredibly never getting hurt. Cmon guys. In the end You never really care enough about Kong to get sad because there were too many scenes that were ridiculous. The most important element to the film was the romance between woman and beast, and this could have worked, in fact I was praying it would, but it failed because there were too many implausible scenes earlier on, too many ridiculous scenes involoving humans outrunning dinosaurs and what not. Worth seeing, but Ive got to give it a thumbs down. More than anything I was disappointed. The synopsis of the film was: ape meets girl ,ape loses girl, ape tries to get girl back but falls off big building. -Having just seen Kill Bill, Vol. 2, I can confirm that the interviews and press reports are accurate: By splitting one film into two, what you get are two halves that each has its own very pronounced merits, but need each other to survive. In fact, I think if the two volumes had cross-pollinated a little more, you wouldn't have had just a good movie and a half, but two great films.But for now, Kill Bill Vol. 1. It's the "action" half of the twins, and it dazzles right from the start with an audacious, extended extreme close-up on Uma Thurman's face. The scene after, the duel between The Bride and Vernita Green, is classic Quentin Tarantino, heralding a return to his outrageous, dramatically intense roots. Probably the strongest scene he's directed since the Mr. Pink-Mr. White altercation in Reservoir Dogs. Unfortunately, after The Bride wakes up from her coma, the dramatic content flies down the meter, with a lot of posing and one-liners but very little in terms of character or emotional satisfaction. Which means it's up to the endless action set pieces to grab our attention. And they do. However, I find them a little too bloody, even though I've spent the last 16 months digging through Shaw Brothers films (through the excellent Celestial Pictures VCD and DVD releases). The endless bloodletting in Kill Bill Vol. 1 is shocking in the beginning, but after about five minutes in the extended climactic massacre, it's numbing.And for the record, Kill Bill Vol. 1 is not a Shaw Brothers kind of film, despite the Shaw logo which opens the film. You would have to wait until the "training" sequences in Vol. 2 to get Shaw Brothers-style cinema (which Tarantino appropriates very well there). Vol. 1 is much more a paean to the Japanese style of filmmaking: Extremely saturated colours courtesy of cinematographer Robert Richardson (even Shaw films didn't go this far in terms of garish colours -- we're in '80s Kurosawa territory here), emphasis on extreme wide shots, the very long builds, the brilliant music by The RZA. And the martial-arts sequences are modern in their multi-angularity and speed cuts; Shaw Brothers action as epitomized by Chang Cheh's style focuses much more on choreography and mise en scene than multi-angularity, letting long medium shots capture the movement of the actors and fighters, relying very little on cuts.All in all, the most lacking element in Kill Bill Vol. 1 is still story and character. Uma Thurman has some great moments (such as when The Bride first wakes up in the hospital), but after those blazing first 30 minutes, she will mostly become a statuesque hellfire angel who doesn't have a great deal of emotional advancement. You will get that in spades in Vol. 2, which is hands down a superior story and film -- without the visual eye candy and endless action of Vol. 1, but with such powerful dramatic moments that it barely matters. Again, I think if Tarantino had been able to meld the action and the drama a little more, rather than separate them into two movies that contain most of one and almost none of the other, he would have made both films greater than what they are. As it stands, Vol. 2 will be what truly burns these characters and Tarantino's vision into your mind, while Vol. 1 is the adrenalized thrill ride with energy to spare, but without much in terms of thematic depth. -I was very optimistic when I watched this film. I expected a good or excellent movie. WOW was I wrong. First of all, I was totally baffled by the main character, played by Matt Damon, as he was lifeless and only had like three lines in the whole movie.This is the only movie I've ever seen where the main character didn't speak. Why were women attracted to him? I've never been attracted to mutes myself. Also the plot was a confusing, jumbled mess. I think this film committed the worst crime possible-it didn't give the viewer a reason to care about the characters or the plot.It was also a very boring film.Considering all the critics' hype I was expecting at least a marginally enjoyable film. Alas, not so.Also, wierdly, the deleted scenes are also very long and boringI hope Ocean's 13 and The Bourne Ultimatum will be more enjoyable. But I'm not holding my breath. -I'm curious about why so many reviewers made a point of saying this movie was nothing like The Ring other than the fact that both are Americanized remakes of the Japanese originals. The two films are very similar in that they are both ghost stories...very Japanese ghost stories. In fact, I kind of wish I had seen The Grudge before I saw The Ring because the Grudge (and the DVD interviews with Sam Raimi and Takashi Shimizu) explains why both films were so creepy and disturbing.At the heart of both film's effectiveness is the difference between Western and Eastern ghost tales. In the West, there is almost always some type of redemption: the wicked are punished, the innocent are damaged but wiser, and the ghost is at peace. In Eastern stories, ghosts (at least those of a person who died confused and angry) are always hungry for revenge and can never be at peace. In addition, anyone is fair game no matter how guilty or innocent. One of the shockers in The Ring is the false conclusion where we find out that what we thought put the ghost at peace had no effect at all other than to solve the mystery of how the girl died.The demons are also very Eastern: not the ugly, leering Christian demons from hell but ones that are unsettling and watchful. More portents of distruction than bringers.I actually appreciated the restraint with CGI and gore after having seen Exorcist: The Beginning just the night before. Although the thinking behind films these days seems to be that the audience expects lots of gore and special effects (otherwise they won't pay to see the film), I think the over-the-top approach usually detracts from the story as was the case in Exorcist I (which had potential but ended up being an abortion of a movie).The non-linear approach to telling the story didn't bother me; in fact I enjoyed it because it sustained the mystery. In another inevitable comparison to The Ring, I think The Grudge, is far more satisfying it it's explaination for why the vengeful ghost and why the seemling indiscriminate selection of victims.One more plus, the DVD interviews with Sam Raimi and Takashi Shimizu were a lot more enlightening than the typical gushing sound bites you find on most DVDs. They seemed to have left the over the top superlatives to the American performers.The movie has some weaknesses which is why I gave it only three stars.First, the pacing seems glacial: there aren't many extreme emotional events for the first 30 minutes. Even events that seem like they should be disturbing, left me feeling "why should I care?" Because Sam Raimi ("Evil Dead" and "Spiderman") isn't exactly the most understated of filmakers, I imagine the quietness and pacing of the film was a deliberate decision. For me, it didn't work.Second, the lead played by Sarah Michelle Geller, seemed to be not much more than a one-dimensional vehicle for keeping the story moving. If you're expecting Buffy kicking demon ass, you'll need to look at reruns or DVD compilations. Buffy is no where to be found in this movie.Bottom line: I recommend this movie IF you are open to the fact that it is a Japanese ghost story and with the exception of casting American actors, does little to Westernize the film. If you're expecting The Ring (the Westernized version) you'll be disapointed. -Wow. And I don't mean to bore you with details, so I won't. But there's a lot of ground to cover.First, some context. Believe it or not, I never read or was read "The Hobbit", though I own it on audiobook (but I keep falling asleep while it's playing). I also never bothered to watch any of the "Star Wars" movies (no, none of them). Therefore, I have no comparison point to the book or Jar Jar Binks which everyone else seems to want to throw this under. I did watch the extended editions of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and I will do some comparatives there.For those that don't know the book, this has actually little to do with the book itself. In fact, while it shares the name and the basic premise, there is a lot of fluff thrown in for 'good' measure. It is important that you approach this movie the way I did: It is essentially a prologue to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, a device to help explain what happened before the "Fellowship of the Ring". While the book is supposed to be the same, there were a lot of missing elements in the story due to J.R. Tolkien not living long enough to get everything tied up. His son tried, but this movie is really the first time we see the puzzle pieces fitting together. The end result is rather confusing, so try best to follow along.The movie begins with a voiceover from Bilbo Baggins, who is writing what will eventually be "There And Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale", seen at the end of the "Return of the King". What he is speaking is found in the letter that he has left for Frodo at the end of his adventure. It then goes to the now infamous starting line from the book: "In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit..." and the whole first few sentences. It then goes to a brief conversation between Bilbo and Frodo (yes, Elijah Wood). This culminates into a first meeting with Gandalf, and the dwarves who are embarking on an adventure.I had a number of problems with how this started. It felt like Jackson was trying desperately to match what was said in the book - down to the corny diatribe from Gandalf to Bilbo - even though none of it matched the character. Yet, the full duration of the movie is full with blatant attempts to be a prequel to "Lord of the Rings". As such one would expect somewhat clear personality similarities, especially with Gandalf, that simply aren't there in the first parts of the movie. Secondly, while I wasn't as upset with the dwarf-at-hobbit-hole scene as other reviewers, I had tons of questions. Why are they not questioning their being sent there? Why are they simply trusting of Gandalf that this hobbit is the right person? And why was Bilbo so eager to join the squad? Again, from what little I recall from the story, Bilbo is constantly reluctant to go on the adventure the entire time. Yet in the movie this is brushed off as just a brief hesitation.Once the real adventure begins, the movie starts a sharp divergence from the story. It still keeps certain elements but there are many others that were simply patched in from other Tolkien stories such as "The Silmarillion" and "Unfinished Tales". For example, there isn't a serious session with Saruman and Galadriel with Agent Lord Elrond, with Saruman chewing Gandalf out for making the party (BTW, when Elrond said "purpose", he WAS Agent Smith. Poor Hugo). There's no epic battle with Albino orcs. The list goes on and on, and clearly the intent is to maintain the same level of majesty found in the trilogy, so it's understandable why fans of the book might be miffed at some of what's thrown in, nevermind exposing certain characters that were never in "The Hobbit" to begin with (aka Frodo and others).The remainder of the movie is wrought with the same amount of orchestral marching scenes panning gorgeous landscapes in New Zealand as are found in the trilogy. Thinking of this movie in a different angle, you might not expect this since the book itself is quite short and not the epic adventure that the movie portrays it to be; this is precisely why I say that you must set aside that expectation before approaching the movie. Seen as simply a prequel to the trilogy, everything makes perfect sense and obviously that's how Jackson saw the endeavor. He wasn't trying to turn the book literally into the movie (though the first 30 minutes would convince you otherwise).Much has been made of Radagast the Brown. Turned from a couple of colorful sentences in the book to a larger-than-life character, Radagast's parts could easily have been excluded entirely. He adds nothing to the story except finding a certain sword that is shown to Saruman (and thus dismissed as unverified). I didn't have as much issue with how the character was presented with bird droppings in his beard and down the side of his face; indeed, most book-to-movie attempts result in the exact same (see "A Wrinkle in Time" by Disney as a perfect example). As with the aforementioned, if the target is to appeal to the children that read the book rather than the child that is now an adult watching the movie, sometimes it's better to leave well enough alone.Regarding the Blu-ray...my TV, an Insignia that I got about 3 years ago at a really good deal, has the ability to closely emulate the 48fps that the movie was presented at in theaters; just not in 3D (I hate 3D). So I was able to experience the "speed" of things that people were talking about. The best way I can describe it would be like a play, or a live action event where you are watching things right there on set while they're filming it. It didn't bug me too much since Back to the Future Blu-ray did the same thing at times, but where it got weird is any scene that was filmed with obvious fake props. The most notable I saw was a scene where they panned over a landscape that was obviously not real; fake trees stuck into fake grass rather than a real area. Also, when Gandalf is talking to Galadriel, the pillars to her left and right were too fake looking. Gandalf himself, it was just seeing Ian McKellen in makeup all the time, unlike the trilogy where he blended into the character so well. Overall, the quality was so clear and clean that you were easily able to see such imperfections and it took you out of the movie, combined with this new filming speed.If I had to name my biggest complaints, it would be the fight scenes; every last one of them. They're all the same: party gets stuck into some sort of impossible situation with enemies twice or larger their size. Even with so many dwarves they still manage to get beat down and either tied up, incapacitated, or stuck. In every situation except one, Bilbo is the one that saves them. This is stark opposite of the trilogy where Frodo didn't do hardly anything. In fact Frodo was more of a coward than Bilbo in the movie even though the book has Bilbo being less willing to chip in and save the day.Then there is the introduction of Bilbo to Gollum. A lot of people applaud this as the best scene in the movie, but frankly it was nothing special. The Gollum character was played well, and the creepy mannerisms are something to behold, but the scene itself was quite unremarkable.Frankly, it was not a bad movie nor was it too long. I didn't get the same sense of overall fulfillment from it that I got from Fellowship, nor did I gain much from the Bilbo character here. Bilbo in the trilogy was a lot more entertaining overall, and "The Hobbit" at times felt mislabeled; as though it should have been called "The Dwarven Quest" because they dominated the screenplay almost exclusively. This might have been in response to complaints about Frodo and Sam dominating the trilogy; I'm not sure. In any case, as long as you don't bring book bias the movie is worth a watch. But don't expect it to blow you away. It's a decent movie, not a great one.If you buy the Blu-ray be sure to opt for the triple set with 3D Blu-ray, regular Blu-ray, and DVD. It was 2 bucks more than the non-3D version. If you do get a 3D TV in the future then you'll already be set. I wouldn't worry about the extended edition unless you're so fan clouded you must have it, but I felt the movie was quite long enough. -Hot-shot pilot moves in expensive, cutting edge fighter jets, wide-scenic shots of Tom Cruise on a motorcycle...get "Take My Breath Away" out of your head - we're talking about Oblivion here! While the similarities between Oblivion and Top Gun end at the aforementioned, there is no question that "Maverick" has all the right moves to portray galactic mechanic, Jack Harper in the most visually dazzling film of the year so far.Oblivion opens in 2077 after an alien threat has left Earth a barren wasteland fit only for extracting a few vital resources before humanity abandons the planet altogether to start a new existence on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Cruise's Harper is a glorified serviceman who supervises and repairs the various resource-extraction devices along with his partner Victoria (Andrea Riseborough). As the two near the completion of their jobs on Earth, Harper begins having visions of his life prior to the mandatory memory-wipe that is required for service-workers. These visions lead him on a chain of events that cause him to question everything he thought he knew about his life.Director Joseph Kosinski creates a vividly rich and nuanced futuristic environment where much of the technology feels like what truly is on the horizon. Kosinski directed 2010's under-rated visual spectacle, Tron Legacy, and it is apparent that he has his finger on the pulse of crisp, sci-fi style. Narrative-wise, Oblivion is a much more complex story than is likely expected. The complexities do provide some depth to the film and force the audience to pay close attention; however, the juxtaposition between the style and the narrative is not smooth. Occasionally, the film is forced into a lull as it tries to tie up its intricate plot points without sacrificing its visual pageantry. This is most apparent in the scenes that develop the sub-plot involving a human resistance leader named Beech (Morgan Freeman) and a mysterious NASA survivor named Julia (Olga Kurylenko).Oblivion's chief attributes are clearly its visual elements. Freeman and Kurylenko's characters are thinly developed and the actors are mostly unremarkable. However, it is becoming more and more apparent that any film that features Morgan Freeman in any role is most likely not a bad movie. Thematically, the film is successful at developing some intriguing ideas about discovery and purpose. The film acts as a subtle homage to familiar films like Alien, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and even Wall-E. Speaking of familiar, the score is oddly reminiscent of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight films. This is simply an observation, but having Morgan Freeman in the film as well certainly makes one wonder if this is some form of statement. Regardless, while some will no doubt be puzzled or dissatisfied with the conclusion, Oblivion mostly works as an epic and visually alluring entry into the science-fiction canon. B+On a side note, seeing the film in IMAX or an XTREME screen is recommended as the film has so much to offer visually. Oblivion is rated PG-13 and runs 125 minutes. -A lot of the parts are at night or in the dark. It seemed like the end was anti-climatic. Tom Hanks is great. -I am going to try to refrain from writing a lengthy review for this film, and keep it as succint as possible, although for a film like this, the task almost seems impossible. Many reviewers have already said some things that I am going to say, and would have liked to say, but the review will go on, anyway.This is a powerful movie, in which it's main theme centers around drug abuse & addiction, and the dangerous consequences that may follow. But, the film centers on more than just drug abuse and addiction: to me it also centers on life, and how the average folk go about trying to embellish what seems like the emptiness of life. To try and enhance (and possibly) facilitate the meaning of that last sentence, think about this: many people do -- and/or try to reach for -- things that are supposed to make one's life more meaningful and complete: getting married, experiencing the birth of one's first child, going to college, becoming wealthy and/or famous, et al. In society, we are basically brought up to believe that if we follow along certain patterns (e.g. becoming wealthy, etc), we will be happy & fulfilled. One of the many things this film shows us, is that sometimes, what we are brought up to believe, can be a devastating illusion, or at least, there is a strong possibility of this.This story focuses on four main characters, and their addiction to drugs. The story is also cleverly told over the course of four seasons (three, technically), and like another reviewer pointed out a few pages back, the mood of each season correlates with the psychological and circumstantial happenings of each character (or vice versa.) The film starts with the Summer, which correlates with adolescent feelings. In this case, these four characters seemed as if they were happy (or at least we may think they are happy), and seemed to be filled with laughs, smiles and confidence in their future and dreams. In the Autumn, which represents added responsibility, and preparation for "darker times", things start to slowly go downhill for the gang. We can see their circumstances beginning to spiral, and their dispositions begin to follow downward as well. By, Winter (which represents "death" or the "ending"), each of these four members seem to meet the "finality" of their fates, to disturbing effect, to say the least. Spring, which represents birth, and fresh, new beginnings, never arrived. Heavy stuff, there.Some reviewers have complained about the camera techniques used in this film to be nothing more than flash for flash's sake, and similarly, some have said that some of the disturbing scenes found in the film were there for shock value only. I couldn't disagree more. For starters, like another reviewer has pointed out, the "speeding up" and "slowing down" techniques are supposed to correlate with the "speeding" or "raciness" of the characters' thought processes while under the influence of...well...speed (and other drugs.) I found this to be very clever and fascinating. Secondly, while there *are* indeed disturbing images in the film, I didn't necessarily find the images to be the most disturbing aspect of the film, but rather *how* these images were shot. In other words, it's more *psychologically* disturbing, than it is *graphically* disturbing, if that can be basically understood. The way this film was made alone, should not be taken lightly, and it is indeed clever and noteworthy filmmaking. You'd have to see the film for yourself to possibly get a better understanding of what I am talking about.Jared Leto, Marlon Wayans and Jennifer Connelly did wonderful and convincing jobs in their respective roles. Their performances truly helped to make the film what it was, and it wouldn't have been as complete without them. Ellen Burstyn's performance seemed to get a droves-worth of accolades, and deservedly so. Her performance was undoubtedly the most frightening, disturbing and heart-wrenching thing about this film. In moments, her character made me laugh, want to cry, and at other times, made me want to turn my head away from the screen altogether. The whole movie is powerful indeed, and the last segment (Winter) is indeed the most intense and hellish part of the movie.I watched this film with another member of my family, and by the time the "Winter" segment had arrived, we were *both* saying things like, "I will *never* watch this movie again. It's a little *too* much reality." Nightmarish, disturbing, cautionary, thought-provoking, and moving, this film will stay in your mind long after it has ended, and many will gather their own responses as to what the movie meant to them. And, if some of you think that what happened to these characters can't happen to anyone in real-life, think again: it's *very* real, and *can* happen (and no doubt *has* happened to some in real-life.) Indeed, reality can be too much at times.Before I close out this review, let me share a brief story with you about someone who used drugs: it was documented in a program (I can't remember the name of it right now) that a female experimented with a drug, and not too long after that, her friends were quick to comment that she was becoming excessively paranoid and delusional. She was sent to a specialist who did a brain scan on her. When the doctor took a look at the scan, we the viewers (and no doubt the girl, and her mother, who happened to be alongside her) saw something *very* disturbing: there were various holes -- large holes -- throughout her brain: like the equivalent of looking at a piece of cheese after a mouse had nipped through it quite well. The result? This girl now suffers from acute bipolar/manic-depressive disorder. And you know what else? This was the result of her experimenting with a drug: after ONLY ONE TRY! That's right, this girl is now stuck with a "psychotic disorder" for the rest of her life, as the result of her experimenting with a drug after only *one* try. Yes, indeed, reality can be a bummer. I recommend seeing this film at least once; this goes for everyone. -This film is about a group of seniors who all find them selves on their way to India to retire and live because for one reason or another, they can no longer afford to retire in England, their home. This is a timely, realistic story for today with some fun characters. There are some wonderful Indian actors and fantastic dependable English ones too! The cast is fantastic ( Maggie Smith & Judy Dench) and charming. I really enjoyed this one! -I didn't really love season 4 like I loved 2 and 3. It had some new ideas and concepts and some of them didn't really work in the right ways for me. But it did have some brilliant episodes, and got us more interested about the military involvement in vampire slaying.WARNING: THERE MAY BE SPOILERS!Here's my episode-by-episode guide to Season 4#1 THE FRESHMAN - 4/5. A very good opener. Lots of comedic scenes and also shows the estrangement of your first few days of college nicely.#2 LIVING CONDITIONS - 3.5/5. Funny funny episode! I wasn't really all that happy with how it turned out, but it keeps the laughs coming on in, and the editing techniques were great.#3 THE HARSH LIGHT OF DAY - 4/5. This episode gets better with repeated viewings. Lots of good insights on relationships and such. Good music too, and seeing Spike in the sunlight was a treat.#4 FEAR, ITSELF - 4/5. Genuinely creepy episode with great production design. Also some good foreshadowing for the rest of the show.#5 BEER BAD - 2/5. Stupid, pointless episode. But I did kind of enjoy it's silly qualities. Quite funny in parts but overall - just lame and unneeded.#6 WILD AT HEART - 4.5/5. The girl who plays Veruca was atrocious and brought this episode down from a 5. Everything else was excellent!#7 THE INITIATIVE- 4/5. We finally learn about those damn commando guys! A good episode with many funny scenes that got the story-arc going.#8 PANGS - 2.5/5. Gets worse everytime I watch it. The story isn't really needed to the arc of the season, and seems just pointless...#9 SOMETHING BLUE - 4/5. Awesome comedic episode, with great performances by Sarah Michelle Gellar and James Marsters.#10 HUSH - 5/5. Brilliant episode of BTVS - one of the best ever if you ask me! Joss did a brilliant directing and writing job. A unique, very frigtening, funny and just excellent and enjoyable hour of TV!#11 DOOMED - 4/5. Keeps getting better with every viewing. Written by Marti Noxon, Jane Espenson and David Fury - this mixes all of their talents together - drama, comedy and action. Good episode, if not perfect.#12 A NEW MAN - 4/5. Very almost a 4.5, maybe after more viewings. This episode was hilarious and finally Giles got his own little story arc. It didn't really move the story-arc along or anything, but fun all the same.#13 THE I IN TEAM - 4/5. In which we are introduced to the big bad for season 4, and a questionable big bad he is...but the rest of this episode was 4.5 material!#14 GOODBYE IOWA - 3.5/5. Didn't hold my interest as much as the previous episode, but this one definitely gets the big bad's story-arc on the road as we learn more about him. Marc Blucas' acting is also brilliant here.#15 THIS YEAR'S GIRL - 4.5/5. Praise FAITH! She is just an amazing character and I can't explain how great it was to have her back. Everything about this episode was enjoyable - one of the best of the season!#16 WHO ARE YOU - 5/5. Just when I thought it couldn't get better than This Year's Girl, they give us a true Jossian episode with Who Are You. It's a weird idea that could've gone awry, but instead it turns out to be a brilliant one that furthers our knowledge of the characteristics of both Faith and Buffy. Funny, dramatic - brilliant!#17 SUPERSTAR - 4/5. Groovy little episode that gets better every time I watch it. Danny Strong did a great job and the alteration to the credits is just classic in the best sense of the word. Great job!#18 WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE - 0.5/5. Even worse than Superstar. This episode gives a good reason for people to say why they don't like BTVS. This is probably the worst episode of the show ever.#19 NEW MOON RISING - 4.5/5. Thank God for Oz! After those two HORRIBLE episodes beforehand, on comes Oz for his final episode of BTVS (I think, you never know with Joss). The acting here is great, and there is a lot of brilliantly written drama by Marti Noxon.#20 THE YOKO FACTOR - 4.5/5. Good good good! A funny episode that prepares us for the showdown with Adam and the Initiative. Very well done and with great acting by Marc Blucas and David Boreanaz.#21 PRIMEVAL - 4/5. Lots and lots of great action sequences here, and it was awesome to see the gang working as a team once more. The fight with Adam is just classic!#22 RESTLESS - 5/5. One of the most amazing episodes of the show. Though it doesn't quite beat out Hush for best episode of the season. It is very close though. There is a lot of character development here, and the directing job is probably the best the show will ever have. A great way to finish S4!--- DVD REVIEW ---This DVD is great and gives you deeper insight into the ideas for the season. The writers and directors give you a lot of good insights into the episodes they wrote. I love this DVD package. You can buy it in NZ on Region 4 and it is excellent, so when it comes out in the USA, all you American BTVS fans better order a copy from Amazon! -I saw the first Star Wars film in the summer of 1977 - before George Lucas knew he had a hit on his hands and started retroactively numbering the sequels - so I started in on the ground floor with Episode 4: A New Hope. I recommended the film to a relative and we saw it together. Then I saw it with a friend, then with another, and so on, until I had seen the (still-unsubtitled) film ten times. I eagerly awaited the next (fifth) episode (The Empire Strikes Back, 1980), and impatiently anticipated the "third" (sixth) episode (The Return of the Jedi, 1983). Afterward known as the Star Wars Trilogy, I was thrilled with the action and adventure, although the quasi-religious "Force" they talked about seemed irrelevant to all that, if not downright ridiculous.Then something happened. Maybe it was a sequel too far. Maybe I got older, maybe the characters weren't as interesting, or maybe the films just got more and more ridiculous. By 1999, when Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace came along, I had had enough of that George Lucas world a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. In this latest installment of his tired series, Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, I was disappointed to find no image, no line of dialog, that didn't disappear from my memory as soon as it dissolved from the screen.Oh, yes, Episode II is a technical marvel: here, the sets are totally computer-generated; the aliens are truly inventive and all computer-generated; the visual effects are seamless and brilliantly computer-generated. I even liked seeing tiny Yoda dancing with his light saber in battle with the evil Count Drac-, er, Count Dooku (played with CGI face by Christopher Lee!). But I felt double-crossed by the dialog and cheated by the characters. Ewan McGregor as the young Obi-Wan Kenobi - played memorably in Episodes 4-6 by the late Sir Alec Guinness - was at least entertaining to watch. But the love dance between the maturing Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) and the Princess Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman, who actually has talent) was entirely bland and unconvincing. Get a clue, kids: love means passion.The Star Wars franchise George Lucas created inhabits a godless-yet-spiritual universe, with an uneasy alliance between technology and a pop-theology. Among people made uncomfortable by human progress and the dizzying advance of technology, perhaps this is more comfortable - also more masculine, that is, more appealing to male teenagers and less intellectually demanding - than the more explicitly god-free universe of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, however cool it is to see Jedi priests swing their light sabers. Personally, I prefer Trek to Wars, principally because I see more potential for improving the human condition with technology than with theology - even the generic, anti-intellectual, anti-technology, anti-progress variety called The Force.That is my objection to Star Wars in general. As to Attack of the Clones in particular, I see Lucas's deep investment in Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) that might as well be cartoons for all they help the film. I am not opposed to CGI per se. But I do think it should work to elucidate, not invalidate, the story and the characters. The subtitle contains less poetry than truth. -This a pretty good movie and it had A LOT of blood. However, it did not have enough depth. They could have added some more to the movie but it was alright anyway and it makes you want to watch the sequel. The movie did have some good fight scenes though. Overall it was pretty interesting to watch so if you are looking for a good action movie, this is a good one to see. However, warning, this is not for the faint of heart. There is much blood and gore. But if you don't mind watching someone getting their head chopped off and then seeing the blood spill out of their lifeless body then by all means this is the movie for you. By the way all of the blood looks extremely fake and seems to be made the same way the blood was made for the comic book scenes. What a pity. -I suppose I was nave to think that this third installment of the Twilight cultural phenomenon would be any better or more interesting than the first two "films" in the series. To be honest, I watched this (and read the first three books) out of a sense of pop culture obligation--I do need to stay abreast of the popular trends in YA literature and culture. Sometimes that obligation is enjoyable and rewarding (e.g., the Harry Potter novels and films), and sometimes that obligation is an excruciating act of penance (e.g., any and all things Twilight). What can I say to express the profound artistic void that this film represents? That the acting is wooden and hammy? That the story is about as interesting as watching bread mold? That the script is amateurish and insipid? That the film looks as if it were shot in a teenager's basement and backyard? That the special effects are, in effect, anything but special? That the only thing worth looking at in this entire film is Taylor Lautner's bare torso? I shudder to think that the final installment of this series will be divided into two films. Please, have mercy and end this entire Twilight fiasco already. -Okay, so I don't actually drink tea. But I must admit, I really don't care for this movie that much. Personally, I don't understand what all the hoopla's about concerning HSM. Sure, the songs are not bad, and the actors are kinda cute, and you gotta give those guys credit for putting a lot of time and effort into this movie. But for some reason, this little teenybopper flick just doesn't turn me on like it seems to do with everyone else. Just about everywhere I turn, it's always "High School Musical this" and "High School Musical that", and all I can say is: "Give me a break." -It's outstanding! I bought it for my dog and she enjoyed it enormously. The service and price were excellent. I bought this movie for my dog. My cat said it was childish and didn't like it. But my 4 year old dog loves it. She's watched it many times. -Jennifer Lawrence could read the phone book and I would be fascinated. However, the plot of the Hunger Games is rather weak. Predicting the future has always been a stumbling block for most science fiction writers. We've seen plenty of versions regarding how terrible the future will be... going all the way back to Huxley and Wells. This one divides the country (I presume it is America) into the very wealthy and the very poor, with one poor person given the chance to survive a publically broadcast games that pit children against one another until only one is left standing. This is about as likely as never happening. The premise is so weak as to make the rest of the movie a joke. Supporting performances are also weak. The film relies almost entirely on special effects and the performances of Lawrence and veteran Donald Sutherland. While I love science fiction, I found the end did not justify the means. The plot is weak throughout and solution is open ended, hence Hunger Games, two - will Jennifer end up with her true boyfriend; will she have to volunteer for the games again (she'd have to survive because I believe there is a book three!!!!). Unfortunately, it did well at the box office and Hollywood loves a winner so there will be more coming... but I will not be watching. -Always been a Trekkie and this movie is awesome! I loved it from beginning to end and would watch it repeatedly if I could get away with it! -If you aren't a Brenden Fraser fan, stop right here and search for another film.If you are, you'll like "Journey".This is a good family film. We were able to watch it very comfortably with our 9 year old grand-daughter.The movie, which is about three people trapped far beneath the earth with prehistoric plants and creatures, is both exciting and funny. The main characters are all likable, and Brendan Fraser is at his charming and funny best.Sadly, even if you do all the work to correctly track down the 3D dvd version of this film and the 3D glasses. it won't do you much good. The home 3D presentation doesn't exactly jump off the screen at you, so my advice would be to skip the extra trouble and expense that I went through to that end.Suspension of disbelief is no greater for this 'follow-up' film than it was for the Verne book or for the original movie with James Mason and Pat Boone. The special effects are good, and the same solid dinosaurs about to eat people type that you've come to appreciate ever since Jurassic Park. The story is NOT meant to be a cover of the Verne book, it is sort of a sequel, in a way. That element of the movie was handled in a very interesting fashion.This is not the best movie you've ever seen, but it is enjoyable, and one of few you can enjoy with the family, so it does have value. -I agree with the other haters on this one. I like Tarantino's work generally but this movie fell flat. There are scenes that seem to go on forever with a bunch of uninteresting characters spouting boring dialog about things you don't care about. ALL IN SUBTITLES! Pitt's character is ridiculous as is the entire premise of the movie.I know it is a fantasy but it comes off as silliness as the plot and the situations portrayed in the film are completely asinine. It is also mildly disturbing that the horror of WWII is trivialized somewhat, if only it would have been that easy to kill the Nazis.I truly don't understand the rave reviews here. Tarantino rips off himself and other film cliches that have been done a million times before only better. He is a spent force. -"Pocahontas" was not exactly what I expected from Disney. (For one thing, the princess doesn't wind up with the "prince" -- a little closer to Pocahontas' real life story). That said ... the music, animation, and so on are all outstanding. One of the real surprises in this film is Mel Gibson's talent as a voice actor and *singer* - he's extremely good. Gibson describes himself as a "shower-only singer," and I think that is a real misnomer.Pocahontas has her amusing animal friends, Flit (the humming bird) and a truly humorous little raccoon whose name escapes me at the moment. It is because of her friendship with these animals that she works so hard to convince John Smith (Gibson) of the importance of living in harmony with the land.I think the film carries a couple of good messages, along with its high entertainment value. The first is, of course, to live in harmony with the land. The second is that "savage" is often defined by which side of the line you happen to stand on - people often see those who are different as "wrong." "Pocahontas" goes a long way toward teaching young people the importance of shedding that viewpoint. -Action was fun to see but storyline was blah and of even their cheesy lines you expect to hear were poorly placed. -RUSH IN RIO is a excellent 2-disc DVD set. I really don't get into live cd's or dvd's but I make exceptions. I went to see them on there 30th Anniversary Tour on June 2 and that by far has been the best show I have seen, every time I watch this DVD it remains me of the show I seen, this is like the show I see but different cause of the setlist and location. This DVD is excellent, besides the show I really enjoyed the documentary on the 2nd disc is very good. I would like to see a documentary on the whole band cause I would think that would be intresting. Rush is a excellent live band, what's cool about there live music is that it changes from time to time, you listen to "Closer To The Heart" on A Show Of Hands and Different Stages thou the lyrics are the same the music is slightly different and that's what I like about Rush's live stuff is that they evolve musically and it very cool to listen to. -I watched this film with high expectations, you would expect a star wars film to be nothing less than extravagant, but this time round it was not the case. First of all my interest started to drift from this film, when I spotted acting flaws in both hayden and Ewans performance. However after talking to many people who have watched the film and reading other reviews, it seems i'm not the only one who spotted bad acting. The worst performance came from Hayden Christensen, especially on the emotional scenes. I have read that George Lucas was initially going to take on Leornardo DiCaprio to play Anakin, which in my opinion was a much better choice. Not only DiCaprio looks like the boy in Phantom Menace, but he is a better actor and would've held a stronger screen presence. Surprisingly, Ewan's performance wasn't as strong in this one, as it was in the Phantom Menace, I think maybe he was too relaxed in his role. I think Lucas focused so much on special effects and the digital yoda, that he forgot what makes a good film in the first place, and thats 'performance.' After watching the documentaries on the dvd, Christopher Lee said that despite the fact that the effects have taken over a fair bit, there is still a strong need for performance, however since Lee's character was played by a body-double in most of his scenes, I find this ironic.Now the positive aspects of the film. Well done ILM, for bringing digital Yoda to life. Superb scene, with Yoda fighting with his light saber, but I dont think this was enough to save the film from its demise. The soundtrack was the strong hold of the picture, I think John Williams scored superbly, bringing the feel of love into the story.The film wasn't all bad, but you would expect better from a Star Wars film, and the bad acting did let the film down dramatically. I hope Lucas can pick up on his mistakes from this one, and improve on his next film. -"Brokeback Mountain" is the story of two all-man cowboys that find love in each other. The film is unique because it is not the typical gay stereo-type; perhaps it is the first mainstream film ever made on this topic?Ennis Del Mar (played by the very talented Heath Ledger) is a very quiet and rough around the edges kind of man. He doesn't show his feelings very well and is somewhat of a loner. Jack Twist (played by the equally accomplished Jake Gyllenhaal) is more vocal about his feelings and emotions, but can still be pushed around (although I did enoy it when he stood up to his bigoted father-in-law).What makes this tale so bitter is that their's is a forbidden love. It is reminiscent of "Titanic" or Romeo and Juliet. Please keep in mind that the picture took place during 60's, 70's, and early 80's, in Middle-America where no one was openly gay, much less a cowboy. But, despite all their differences and personal demons both men loved each other more than life itself.Anyone with connected eyeballs can tell that Ennis and Twist were deeply in love (this was not an affair, rather it was a serious relationship that lasted over two decades). It was proof that Twist loved Ennis when they were on the hill getting ready to leave after he playfully lassoed and punched Ennis. Twist looked so sad to have intentionally inflicted pain on his lover. But Ennis holed off and punched him, because no one was gonna make Ennis his fool. And it was evident that Ennis loved Twist when he sobbed like a baby on the street after they departed Brokeback Mountain separately.The cinematography in this picture was absolutely stunning. The soundtrack is also amazing. I am certain that this picture is very Oscar-worthy.I saw this movie about a month ago and I still can't get it out of my mind. It is a very full-toned and haunting picture. To say that it was the very best film that I have ever seen would simply trivialize it, because it is much more than just a movie. -The packaging and the quality of each and every video is AWESOME! If you love Laurel and Hardy, this package will please you beyond words. Worth every dime spent! Even though the disks are NOT Blu-Ray, I played them on a Blu-Ray player. The quality of these videos is quite evident. Enjoy them folks. Like Laurel and Hardy, this package is one of a kind. -Who would have thought Disney still had it in them!? I found a couple instances where I would say they tried a little to hard to make something funny, a classic Disney 'he just stepped in the #2' moment that made us laugh the first time and now it's just old, then again it is a kids movie more so and simple humor is sometimes best.I loved right after she gets out of the tower, it was perfect. Yep, she's definitely a woman, then the guy half trying to figure out what he should do. Yep, that guy is a man. -Firefly has the same problem that all of Whedon's shows have. It is unfocused and meanders for far too long. You can throw away about eight episodes a season because he does not know where he wants to go with them. He spends too much time fumbling around in the dark looking for a purpose or a plotline to follow and that is what happened with Firefly. The only difference is that he spends more time world building in this one instead of creating a purpose for the season.After seeing all of the episodes, well it does not live up to the hype. The characters are generic Whedon archetypes. It spends too much time with its being cutesy poo dialog, which is not witty or clever. It spends way too much time explaining insignificant details of the universe that will never pay off. I would probably have enjoyed the show, but the diehard Firefly fans ruined any enjoyment I might get out of it. They built this show up to be one of the greatest shows ever made, proclaimed every episode is golden and chided a network for acting like a business.And nd no, I'm not some lone warrior looking to start a fight. I'm just speaking to the truth that a lot of you are in denial about. Firefly failed not because of some correct order nonsense. If the producer had an idea where he was going, the show would have lasted longer. The general science fiction fanbase saw a badly made show that was confusing to follow. They saw a show whose producer did not have the decency to give them a reason to tune in the following week.Before you spout your correct order nonsense, the science fiction audience had an opportunity to see it in the correct order when SciFi aired for the 13 weeks leading up to the Serenity movie premiere. They did not watch it then, nor did they watch when it was on 13 hour marathons. It was the lowest rated show on SciFi. Ridicule it all you want, but this was from back in the day when SciFi still showed quality science fiction, like Galactica and Farscape. If it did poorly back then, what should that tell you about the show.I am sorry if you Whedonites do not like hearing this, but that is reality. If the show was good, then it did not matter the order it was aired. If the show was good, it would be in its 8th or 9th season. If the show was good, it would not need your wishful thinking and vitriolic responses to keep it alive. If the show was good, it would have expanded beyond the Whedonite audience. Sorry, but the show was not good and you are doing a disservice by hyping the hell out of it. -To my surprise, T3 didn't turn out to be as bad as I thought it would have been. I had low expectations of this film due to all the factors that gave reasoning for this to be a bad film such as the absenses of James Cameron and Linda Hamilton. But after I saw this film, I was BLOWN AWAY from all those thoughts. This film was terrific! It would have been nice Linda Hamilton and Ed Furlong (the kid who played John Conner in T2)to return but not everything is perfect in life. This easily one of Arnold's best movies he has made in years. But compared to the first two, this is the worst Terminator movie yet, but it is still a mind blowing action-packed thrill ride. Atnold's back and better then ever and has his mind set on a new intense adventure as a machine. Anyway, here is the plot..It has now been ten yrs since skynet was blown away. Sarah Conner is now deceased and John Conner is now basically doing whatever he can to avoid the life he was destined for. He basically does what he can to stay alive and keeps traveling hundreds of miles but really has no idea where he is going. Nut it turns out that blowing up Skynet doesn't prevent Judgement Day; it only postponed it. That means that the Terminators will still exist, and now there is one a new and very advanced one. It is called the T-X (Terminatrix), played by Kristanna Loken who is wicked hot! She is Faster, stronger,and can control and heavy machinery with her mind . As in she can drive a car, but she won't be in the car, she will be somewhere else while her mind will be controlloing the car. This Terminator is sent to do the obvious-Kill John Conner. But that is not all. Conner isn't going to be the only general in the war against the machines in the future. There will be other generals in the war and the T-X must kill everynody who will become a general in the future right now so they won't be able to fight in the war. Also a T-850 (Arnold Schwarzenegger). It is slighlty more advanced then the T-800's that were sent back in the first 2 films. His mission is of course protect Conner and his fri9end Kate Brewster (Clare Danes). It seems that Brewster's father is the man who will create Skynet and is almost finished with the project. Now it is up to them to stop that from happening and before the T-X can get to them and terminate them. One other thing, Earl Boen makes a small reappearence as Dr. Silberman (the guy who treated Sarah Conner in the first 2 films)Anyway, T3 is loaded with instense action and lots of destruction. This film had the most destruction out of the 3. The only thing that keeps that this film from getting a perfect 5/5 is that part is confusing and there are some things in this movie that seem ridiculous. Things such as the T-850 kicking an ambnulance and cousing it to tip over. This film however doesn't come close to as good as the second was. T2 was way better, even the original Terminator (1984) was better. But this is still good and should be ssen while it is still in theaters. -This series is great, it dose start out slow and a little less scary but it dose make it up for that later on. The story is great and the characters are awesome. I thought when it came out the same time Once Upon Time it would be canceled and never be spoken about every again but its up for third series and I think its better than once Upon a Time. they use the fairy tell creatures wisely. NO TWILIGHT WEREWOLF'S wannabees and no kid friendly creatures. I am happy and a shamed to say this but Disney doesn't have its pixie dust hands all over this like they do with Once Upon a Time. This is how Once Upon Time should have been. Its dark its well designed and the graphics don't look like it belongs on the set. Everything fits and looks good. Its okay to have fairy Princesses but when mix with our world you want it to work, look awesome, and keep the Grimm stories true with reality. And the Grimm series dose just that. I recommended you watch this show and buy it you will love it. -Let me start off by saying that I am one of the people that saw Avatar multiple times in theaters and loved it. The CGI , as well as the 3D technology infused, were by far the best I have ever seen. James Cameron and all of the people who participated in the making of this movie did a tremendous job. Weta workshop is taking its place at the top of the mountain, as far as visual effects companies go. Watching this movie was like being transported to a different universe. I was completely immersed throughout the almost three hours I was in the theater.As for the story and acting for the film, I am probably in the minority on most of these reviews. The story for me, while predictable and reminiscent of other movies I'd seen previously (What movie isn't nowadays?), was extremely enjoyable. Watching this made me feel young again. It made me forget about all the worries that an adult life brings, and just enjoy myself in the moment. Many people argue that the acting in this movie was subpar. These people say that the portrayals of the characters were downright cartoonish. I would argue strongly against that. For the type of movie that this is, the good versus evil portrayals given by the actors works in the movie's favor. Sam Worthington especially does well. If you haven't seen him in Terminator: Salvation, do so. He made the movie worth watching.Now, to get to the actual product at hand. I ordered the Blu Ray / DVD combo pack from Amazon. From the moment the menu came onto my screen, I knew this was going to be something special. When I pressed play, there was no turning back. Over the next three hours, my senses were completely assaulted and my mind was dumbstruck. Simply put, James Cameron's Avatar on the Blu Ray format is the best picture and audio we have seen or heard to date. I have a feeling it will be years before anything better is brought to the table. Watching the visuals was more stimulating than looking at a real life forest. Every detail could be seen from far and away. The walls of my house shook, and I just hope the neighbors did hear. I would tell them to buy the movie themselves and experience it.With this release comes certain issues. While I don't have any of them myself, I will still talk about them as it would be uninformative of me to not. This release of Avatar is not in 3D. Many people complain about this, and a large percentage of those people do not even have the right equipment to properly experience 3D yet. The technology for home theater 3D is very new and very pricey. Next year, after all the quirks have been worked out, is when we will likely see Avatar in a home release 3D format. Another gripe is the complete lack of special features. This again has a good reason. In the Special Edition coming later this year, there will be scenes incorporated into the movie not even visually completed yet. Documentaries in high definition have to be put together. A commentary track needs to be recorded. No one is being forced to buy this "stripped" edition, however. I am one of the people who will knowingly double or triple dip on this. The reason for that is because I love it so much.Now to the biggest complaint. During the initial release, many people were complaining that Avatar would not play in their Blu Ray players. The reason for that seems to be some new copy protection put on the disc. While I was not one of the people with this problem, I can certainly sympathize with those who did. A new firmware update is all it will take to fix the issue. My PS3, which serves as my Blu Ray player, had a firmware update ready for me before I watched the movie.So if you are one of the millions who loved Avatar when you saw it in theaters, or one of the people who didn't get around to seeing it, now is your time. Pick this movie up right away without hesitation. Keep an open mind, and let yourself become immersed. You do not want to miss what many people believe is one of the top movies of all time. -This is a neat show... it has a few very long episodes so it's one you need to be prepared to sit for a while to watch, but the season is very short. The characters are very quirky which I enjoy. The main characters are consistent and well developed, and all other characters are just minor roles that are there to pop in and out... not well developed and overall fairly unimportant. Sherlock is written in a unique way for an investigative show... as in you see him quickly pick up on all the clues all at once (the way this is shot is different). -As one of the most awaited movies in history, it would be very hard to live up to the hype that surrounded Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. But it does - and does so very, very well. If Episodes I and II were the appetizers, Episode III is the main course and the desert for the Star Wars prequel trilogy.If you don't know, the Star Wars prequel trilogy was designed to be the story of a good man's decent into evil - eventually leading him to become one of cinemas most iconic villains: Darth Vader. In Episodes I and II we see glimpses of this character as Anakin Skywalker fights off his inner anger and fear in the face of turmoil. In Episode III, these feelings become even stronger because of the love he has for his secret wife, Padme, and his allegiance to Chancellor Palpatine. As the Republic falls apart at the hands of Palpatine, so does Anakin. It is truthfully painful to watch our hero's decent to the Dark Side of the Force, but the part is played magnificently by Hayden Christensen.Anakin is truly and thankfully the central character of this movie, but the other characters in the movie are pivotal as well. Ian McDiarmid (the aforementioned Chancellor Palpatine) delivers a wonderful, Oscar-worthy performace as Skywalker's "friend" who twists Anakin's mind and heart leading him to his eventual destruction. Ewan McGregor also does an incredible job as Obi-Wan Kenobi, as he did in Episodes I and II, who plays a pivotal role in the movie as a protector of the galaxy and as Anakin's mentor, friend, and conscience. The scenes between Anakin and his wife, Padme (played by Natalie Portman), are very good, heartbreaking, and touching. Anakin discovers Padme is pregnant (with twins, unbeknownst to them - eventual Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia) which makes it all the more difficult for them to continue this marriage in secrecy. Portman delivers a wonderful performance, although her screen time is limited compared to the previous two prequels. Both of the droids, C3PO and R2-D2, are back as well, as well they should be. They are as essential a part of the saga as anyone is and any scene that they are in is definitely enjoyable. The supporting cast of Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu, Christopher Lee as Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus, and the voice acting of Frank Oz as Yoda are wonderful as well.Being the last of the Star Wars films and the movie that connects the prequel trilogy to the original one, anyone familiar with Star Wars can see the end in sight when watching Episode III. As George Lucas has said, this movie has most of the plot that he had envisioned when he decided to go back and do a prequel trilogy - and the plot does shine. This movie totally pulls you in from start to finish. From the awe-striking space battle, through the multiple incredible lightsaber and ground battles, through Anakin's heart-wrenching struggle to choose what is most important to him and all of the confusion that these choices cause, and to the heartwarming, yet tear-jerking end - this movie is absolutely incredible and one for the ages.If you are a Star Wars fan, or even if you have never really checked it out before - this is an incredible movie for all audiences. It may be a little scary and violent for younger viewers (hence the series' first PG-13 rating), but all of these movies are incredibly clean with no objectional content whatsoever (other than what I would call "mild" violence with no blood or gore). I would recommend seeing the others before seeing this one, but this movie can definitely stand alone as a truly great movie. This is definitely a MUST SEE, in my opinion, and is a MUST BUY for anyone who has been on the incredible ride that Lucas started in 1977 with a little movie that no one thought would succeed called "Star Wars". -The Hunger Games is the start of another franchise of movies based a series of teen books. However, I did not think the movie was that bad, but actually quite good. I do not think it is as good as the Lord of the Rings films, Narnia films, or the Harry Potter films, but still fairly enjoyable. Compared to the string of teen fantasy movies that have come out recently like Percy Jackson or Twilight this movie is god.The story is pretty simple. It takes place in the distant future. There was once a big civil war which has left North America in ruins. Instead of countries there now exists twelve districts. Each year the capital of Panem forces either a boy or a girl from each district to compete in the Hunger Games where they all battle to the death. From District 12 a girl named Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) is chosen to compete along with her friend/love interest Gale (Liam Hemsworth).People accuse this film of ripping of another film called Battle Royale. Firstly I have not seen Battle Royale so I cannot say which film is better. Secondly, I'm sure that Battle Royale was not the first of its kind either. Everything is inspired by something. There have been movies and TV shows that have come out after this that have a similar premise of people put somewhere and are forced to fight to the death. For all anime fans out there, there is an anime that came out last year (the same year that the Hunger Games came out) called Btooom that has pretty much the same premise yet I do not see many people complaining that that show ripped-off Battle Royale.Plus the film is still well structured, well, acted, and can be entertaining. The characters are pretty solid. I do like Katniss and it is easy to sympathize with her given the situation. The stuff that she goes through is pretty scary and intense. I can say that I would be dead in the first ten minutes if I was put in the Hunger Games.The movie has some great effects, decent actions scenes, and an interesting world. I cannot comment on the 3D because I only saw the film in 2D. There is one complaint I have and that is the middle portion. I found much of the middle of the film to be kind of boring. The middle mostly focuses of the political aspect of this world and preparing Katniss for the games.Overall, the Hunger Games was a pleasant surprise. I did not expect much upon going to see it. I basically saw it because my mother made me see it. I have to admit it was much better than I thought it was going to be. It was nothing incredible but it was still good. -There is no substitute when it comes to King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table. This movie is simply the one to watch. The story truly captures the dirt and grime of medieval times and the fantastic legend of the sword in the stone. It has an incredible cast and the chosen musical score is superb, including Carmina Burana and excerpts of the funeral march from Die Valkyre by Wagner (it has the best use of Carmina Burana I've yet seen (the Doors is a close second)). Truly a must see, great film. -This is a wonderful depiction of the lives of a wealthy British Lord, his family and friends in the 19th century. The characters have been cast perfectly, the acting is marvelous and the filming (on location at an actual mansion) is simply perfect. -Very funny movie. This talking Teddy Bear is a hoot. Makes you want a teddy bear that could talk. I recommend this movie to any on who has a good sense of humor. -If you like violence and comedy then watch the Expendables 2, just as funny and outrageous as the first. Take a bunch of washed up action heroes and give them guns and look out. The action is fast and furious. If you are looking for reality, skip this movie as nothing real about it. If you are looking for plausibility, skip this movie but if you want laughs with intense ridiculous action then you might like this movie. -"Galaxy Quest" is one of the most fine and fun Sci-Fi Vids. Altho, meant as a spoof -- with many archetypical Sci-Fi aspects -- it actually demonstrates good Sci-Fi Vid production values. The plot, drama, dialog, romance, acting and actors are excellent -- as are the scenes, effects and Hi-Tech. The sets and settings are grand and galactic. Also, as are the audio effects and dramatic music. Also, as are the wheels-within-wheels of Sci-Fi reference aspects -- to "Star Trek", "Star Wars" and many other Vids -- and action-adventure in general. Also, as are the reversed archetypes. Especially great are the starships of the good and bad folks. As are the appearance of the good and bad folks. The Sci-Fi Con scenes are way funny -- as are the young geeks and nerds, who give critcal assistance to the "real" good folks. This Vid is a great Ideal of movie production in general -- that many folks can enjoy -- may The Farce be with you +++ -Slasher films are a dime-a-dozen. HALLOWEEN. NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET. The list is lengthy. Some of them introduce new characters that send goose bumps up our backs. Others tread over old material and put a fresh spin on them. But THE DESCENT doesn't do any of that.Comically labeled as "Six Chicks With Picks," this cave exploration thriller has the obligatory fright scenes (you know the kind ...where something weird suddenly and loudly burst toward screen), the attractive die-off cast, and themes trodden over time and again (from ALIENS to the horrible film THE CAVE.)For some reason this flick has gotten several positive reviews by professional film critics, but I fail to see why. There's nothing original. Nothing that lingers after watching it. No truly memorable cast members.That we're supposed to sympathize with Sarah (Shauna Mcdonald), the main character, is rammed down our throats (and through her husband's head) when a car accident takes Sarah's family from her. A year later, a group of girlfriends get together to go spelunking and to try and heal the wounds left by the death of Sarah's husband and child. There's a touch of deceit going on as Juno (Natalie Jackson Mendoza) was obviously having an affair with Sarah's husband before the accident. Whether Sarah knows of this or not is up for interpretation.As the group of six descend into the cave we quickly learn that this is an unexplored hole. And when a cave-in happens, they're forced to find another way out. But with them in the caverns is something pale and insidious (think about the Morlocks from THE TIME MACHINE and you won't be far off). But are they really there? Is it possible that Sarah's had a meltdown and only imagined seeing these creatures?It isn't the question of Sarah's sanity that'll put you off The Descent, but rather the ho-hum attitude most will have after seeing the film. It just doesn't have any emotional impact. You don't care whether these gals live or get their stomachs ripped open.The filming is also very dark and it's often difficult to see what exactly is going on. Although caves are dark and difficult to see in, this doesn't necessarily translate well to an entertaining movie experience.Still, those with a fear of enclosed spaces will probably be pretty freaked out by The Descent. The claustrophobia is easily felt, and when you add to that some bizarre ghost-like creatures with Spiderman-like crawling abilities, some might find this a lightly entertaining creep-fest. -Like most Star Wars fans, I literally counted down the days until this was released. Then, on opening day, I saw it. And all the magic I experienced as a kid was gone. Sure it has great visual fx, but my God! The story was horrible! The Trade Federation is blockading the planet of Naboo? Huh?! What the hell does that mean? How many kids are going to understand that? At least in the original trilogy the story was easy to comprehend. An evil empire. A big, bad Death Star that can destroy entire planets. A princess that needs rescuing. It was simple, but it worked. With this new trilogy, George Lucas seemed to think that computer fx was all he needed to make a great movie. The story, obviously was secondary. As was the acting. I swear, there were times I literally cringed when certain dialogue was spoken. Ok, enough of that. It did have a few good things to offer us "old fans", but not enough to give this even a 3 star rating. Here is where I think the film succeeded and where it failed.The good:1) The visual fx. Wow. The film sure looks good. The vehicles, the digital characters. It sure makes the fx in the first trilogy look antique.2) The pod race. Holy crap! The was ten times more exciting than the speeder bike race in "Return of the Jedi".3) Darth Maul. Need I say more?4) The lightsaber battles. Finally we get to see what the Jedi (and the Sith) are really capable of.5) The origin of C-3PO. So, Vader/Anakin made him huh? Cool!6) R2-D2. As usual, he pulls everybody's fat out of the fire.Now, the bad:1) The acting. Ugh! Awful. It looks as if everybody learned their lines five minutes before they went in front of the camera. Natalie Portman is especially bad here. Sorry, but it's true. Her acting is horrible.2) Yoda. While it's great to see the old Jedi Master again, he doesn't look like the Yoda we remember. He looks...well, I'm not sure. But does have fat lips. And a strange head.3) The story. As stated earlier, it's too confusing and many times just makes no sense. Why would the Trade Federation blockade Naboo of all planets. And why would the senate condone it? The whole story just seemed forced.4) Anakin. Boy, is he annoying.5) Jar Jar Binks. He's the worst one of them all. He's a very stupid, annoying and just plain dumb character. He's not funny. He adds nothing to the story. Sure, the film needed some humor, but not like this! Lucas may as well have put digital versions of the Three Stooges in here!Okay, I've been a little harsh, but I was expecting so much more from George Lucas. It was fun at times, but overall, it actually embarrassed me. Sorry, but that's the truth. -GREAT movies, Great Blurays, love em!FELLOWSHIPPQ - 3.5-4/5AQ - 5/5MOVIE - 5/5TWO TOWERSPQ - 4-4.5/5AQ - 5/5MOVIE 5/5RETURN OF THE KINGPQ - 4.5-5/5AQ - 5/5MOVIE - 5/5Fellowship is a little soft, but that is because it is the first film, the budget was lower, but is an improved upgrade from dvd, it still looks great, I give it a 3.5-4 on the picture quality. Two towers is better, much sharper, 4-4.5 on picture quality, And Return of the King is the best, solid 4.5-5 on the picture. Some say DNR was used, but I am not seeing it, facial detail and hair detail, clothing detail is all there in all 3 films. The sound on all is awesome. CGI issues, this is not a problem with the transfer, but I feel the CGI gets better with each film. DVD hides CGI flaws, lower resolution, Blu makes things stand out even more, at the beginning of Towers, Gollum seems to float above the ground in some scenes. But by ROTK, Gollum is integrated into scenes perfectly. All the CGI has nothing to do with the transfers, it is how they were made and just not noticable on dvd. In all 3 films there are dark scenes that are a little washed out, like they filmed it too dark and spot lightened an area of the frame, they do this all the time in movies now, but it just flattens that area. This is the best LOTR has ever looked I am not disappointed in anyway for getting them.The extras, I am giving it a 3, since they are the same as the dvd, my gripe, they should have been in HD, not standard def. I've seen them all on the original releases and the EE releases. I expect them to be in HD, upconvert them, do what every, they should be in HD.The Mbps on the EE dvd's is 6-7, The Mbps is 20-30 on the Blu rays. That's 6 times better then the EE DVD's. For those who says there is no differance in the DVD's to Blu, you must have a crappy tv or bad eyes.Would rather have had both versions in one package, YES. But i am happy with the theatrical versions, the versions that one 17 Academy Awards, until the EE come out on Blu ray in 2012 -Ever since "The Lord of the Rings" ended, fans have been clamoring for "The Hobbit" to be adapted as well.Well, it took nine years of obstacles, but now we have "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," the first part of a trilogy of "Hobbit" movies. It has some few flaws (enough with the comedy!), but overall feels like a pleasantly familiar return to Middle-Earth -- fire, elves, orc-killing, a magic ring and lots of sweeping New Zealand landscapes.Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) is a nice boring gentlehobbit who has no interest in adventures. Then the wizard Gandalf descends on Bag End with thirteen dwarves. They are setting out for the lost city of Erebor, which the dragon Smaug stole many years ago -- and now Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) wants to reclaim it. Also, Gandalf has volunteered Bilbo as an expert burglar.Despite Bilbo's initial reluctance, he soon finds that the world outside the Shire is a pretty dangerous place -- trolls, goblins, stone giants and an albino orc who wants Thorin's head. And in a deep, dark cave, Bilbo encounters a grotesque creature known as Gollum...At the same time, Radagast the Brown Wizard (Sylvester McCoy) warns Gandalf of something that is poisoning the woods and animals of the Greenwood. Even worse, it's moved into the old fortress of Dol Guldur, and has the power to summon the dead.It took me two viewings of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" to really generate a valid opinion. The first time I was overwhelmed with fan squeeing over the spectacle, as a moderate-to-obsessed Tolkien nerd. The second time, I was able to more objectively view the movie's pros and cons.Peter Jackson has to be admired for managing to whip the first third of "The Hobbit" (plus chunks of "Unfinished Tales") into a three-act narrative structure, especially since the story is very small-scale and linear. It's a lighter story than any of the "Lord of the Rings" movies (the dwarves raiding Bilbo's pantry), but there's always a dark undercurrent reminding you that there is serious stuff afoot.And Jackson does a typically brilliant job evoking Middle-Earth's danger and majesty, sweeping us across glittering mountain citadels, murky forests and rotted fortresses. There are some absolutely stunning action scenes, such as Thorin stalking down a fallen, burning tree to fight his mortal enemy. He also fleshes out the storyline by exploring the Council investigating the Necromancer (three guesses who he is!), and a prologue showing everything that Thorin's people have suffered and lost. They're depicted as a proud people who have lost everything, and it adds a powerfully tragic undercurrent to the story.However... there are some problems with the movie. The comic relief characters (the trolls, the singing goblin king) simply don't work. And it needs some serious fat trimmed off, with some scenes (the stone giants) that could have been cut completely. It should have been maybe a half-hour shorter, with those scenes reserved for the extended edition.But the actors are pretty much all brilliant. Martin Freeman is the perfect mix of fussiness and gutsiness as Bilbo, and we can see him slowly growing into his friendships with the Dwarves. Richard Armitage is similarly brilliant as a butt-kicking dwarf prince who can be prickly and crabby, but who has also suffered a lot of humiliation and loss.And of course, we have familiar faces like Ian McKellen as the delightfully grumpy Gandalf, Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett and Christopher Lee. McCoy is adorably scatterbrained as a wizard who likes animals more than people, and the various dwarves are all given personality and development to make them distinctive. That's a pretty impressive feat with such a large main cast.As for the extended special edition, this only has twelve minutes of new footage -- and since it was a long movie from a duology-turned-trilogy, that isn't surprising. But it will have the vast wealth of extras that we've come to expect from Peter Jackson: "The Appendices," a massive documentary that explores the entire filming of the movie. NINE HOURS OF EXTRAS, including audio commentary from Jackson and Phillipa Boyens.The comedy can be a bit grating, but "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" is still a beautiful, intriguing start to Bilbo Baggins' journey. And the journey will only get more epic and dark. -** This review contains spoilers for the book and the movie. **Katniss Everdeen lives in poverty stricken District 12 with her sister Primrose and her mother. The Reaping is approaching fast and Primrose is frightened she will be chosen even though it will be the first time her name is in the drawing. When Prim's name is called, Katniss volunteers as tribute to take part in the Hunger Games, where 2 young people (boy and girl, aged 12 to 18) from each of the 12 districts fight to the death for prestige and goods for their district. Only one victor survives. Katniss is plunged into a completely different world where being memorable and likeable will mean her survival. She will do what it takes to survive, but will it be enough?I read The Hunger Games a couple of years ago and it was never my favorite in the series. I felt it was a Battle Royale ripoff and the later books explored the dystopic world better and went beyond the obvious comparisons between the two works. This film made me forget all that. I was completely blown away and I really want to watch it about 20 more times. I haven't felt like this about a movie in a really long time. The ensemble cast was amazing, giving believable portrayal of characters I feel I know very well after reading 3 books about them. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen acted wonderfully. She always had an air of sadness yet responsibility. She made the tough heroine believable and relatable because her emotions were close beneath the surface despite her hard exterior. Elizabeth Banks as Effie Trinket provided much needed humor that alleviated the emotion and drama of the story. The other most notable actors were Woody Harrelson as Haymitch (more comic relief and makes Katniss realize the gravity of the reality TV aspect) and Isabel Fuhrman as Clove (sociopath and career tribute that left me with a chill every time she was onscreen).This film did 3 things extremely well that made it one of the best book to film transitions I've ever seen: capturing the emotions, humanizing the otherwise unlikeable characters, and working out timing. Two scenes in particular were very emotional for me. The scene where Katniss volunteers as tribute for her sister was absolutely heartwrenching even though I had seen at least some of the scene hundreds of times in the past month from the commercials. The other scene that made me bawl like a baby was when Rue died. It was so sudden it took me a few moments for her death to process. I had cried at the scene in the book, but it's different seeing it on the screen. It was captured perfectly and there wasn't a dry eye in my theater. The other tributes were well humanized despite being portrayed as villains, especially the career tributes. Marvel at the end made a speech about how even he won he would be doomed because the Games are all he was good for. It showed that the other tributes aren't the real villains; President Snow and all those that perpetuate these sadistic Games are. I was surprised at how well the film flowed from scene to scene. About half of the film was dedicated to portraying the world, the assessing of the tributes, and the reality television aspect of the Games. The Games took up the latter half. I was never bored and I never thought any of the scenes ran too long. Although every single scene of the book wasn't included in the film, the essential scenes were preserved and given a satisfying amount of time.The most important triumph of this film was that I was never distracted by analyzing each and every difference from the novel. I was completely immersed in the cruel and depressing world of The Hunger Games and wondered at the characters' capacity for hope in the face of a bleak totalitarian regime. The only drawback at all was the shaky cam got a little extreme at points. Usually I'm against it on principle, but it let the film keep a gritty edge without pushing the boundaries into rated R territory by showing graphic scenes of children killing each other. I did not consider this book the best in the series and this movie was simply amazing. I can't wait to see what great films will be made of Catching Fire and Mockingjay. -This will not doubt be compared to "Red Eye" since both came out so closely to the same time and both take place aboard an airplane. Both are also psychological thrillers. But the plots and details are very different.In Flight Plan, there are not flying on just "any" airlplane. It is the new two story plane that is the worlds largest which in reality will start flying this year. Jodie Foster's character is no ordinary person. She is a propulsion engineer who had a big role in designing the plan. Where Red Eye takes an average flight with (apparently) average people and puts them in a great plot, Flight Plan makes the lead character a powerful person. To me this is a negative. I'm sure the fact that she is an engineer, a job which few women hold, helped its political correctness score.But back to the movie. I gave it four stars because it was very entertaining. But like so many have said, it falls apart on closer scrutiny. Wouldn't SOMEONE have seen or noticed the little girl coming on the plane? Wouldn't someone have seen her being taken? The "plot" had been planned out so thoughtfully by the antagonist (the air marshall), but what would have happened to the plan to take the girl if Foster's character had not fallen asleep. There are only some of the problems with the movie.A strong part of the movie is that it sets up a very dreadful mood on the plane. We can almost feel the emotions that Foster is feeling. I could almost put myself in her position under those cicumstances. One reviewer (not to give away more info. but I assume most people reading this review have already seen the movie) mentioned that the movie seemed to be going in the direction that she WAS dillusional and there really was no girl to being with. Some viewers would have been angry at a "sad" ending like that, but it also would have bold and surprising.To me it would have make it a much better movie. As it is, sit back and enjoy the movie, just don't try to make too much sense out of it. And try not to be too dissapointed by the ending. -Hotel Rwanda sheds light (as it should do) on the 1994 Rwanda genocide that led to the deaths of close to a million people while the world looked on.The manager of a Belgian owned luxury hotel, an ethnic Hutu, tries desperately to save his Tutsi wife and children as the world around him descends into chaos and madness; a nightmare where hatred and slaughter are the order of the day...Don Cheadle, Sophie Okonedo, Joaquin Phoenix, Nick Nolte, Jean Reno and the rest of this AMAZING cast have truly outdone themselves with their performances, which are extraordinary to say the least! All the actors, without exceptions, give it their 100% and it really shows (the chemistry is something else)! Very well written and very well presented, the movie is without a doubt guaranteed to provide important insight not to mention more than a few tears.More relevant than ever, the movie does a great job as an eye-opener to one of the darkest events of the twentieth century. The film provides the necessary background as well as an accurate description of conditions on the ground during the few months that the conflict lasted. The world's reaction, or lack of it, (especially the American and British hypocrisy and inaction, and the French support of the Hutu perpetrators) is briefly touched upon.Moreover, it could have been and it should have been much more graphic in showing what really took place in Rwanda's "killing fields."Hopefully more will be done to stop the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Western Sudan and we will not have to wait for another movie to come out after it's all over before people become aware and do that which is humane.Similarly to movies like The Lord of War, The Last King of Scotland, and Blood Diamond to name a few, Hotel Rwanda draws attention to some pretty important issues facing Africa.In short, Hotel Rwanda is a movie definitely worth watching and one to seriously consider adding to your movie collection! -Wow! Having enjoyed X-Men thoroughly, I was pleasantly surprised to see that its sequel, X2, was actually better! Now, the only thing stopping me from a full 5 stars is the fact that the plot is simplistic and rehashed from similar movies. You know the type - bad guys (once good) were wronged by the good guys and now seeks ultimate revenge. Had the plot been more original, it would boost the score one notch. Then again, it's based on a comic book series so how deep can it really get? I feel no particular need to explain the story as it's been done thoroughly by other reviewers and I never like to divulge the story line or it spoils it for the rest.However, having said that, I was so impressed with the characterization, acting, and special effects. The latter was amongst the best I've viewed bar none, particularly for the genre. It totally makes up for the lack of originality in the plot.Do yourself a favor, whether you are a die-hard comic book fan or a person who tends to dislike sci-fi or action movies, this flick will not disappoint! See it on the big screen. After being awed, purchase the DVD when it comes out. I plan to do so! -Well, this movie is like any other ever made. Because of its religious nature, it is nearly impossible to judge it simply as some flick to go see. However, I'll first judge the film on whether or not you should go out and see it in the theatres, then on its movie merits, and I'll conclude with some thoughts on what this movie means theologically.If you are looking for a film to escape into, or looking for great entertainment value, or basically most of the reasons we go to see movies, The Passion is not the movie for you. Firstly, this film is horrifyingly graphic and violent. It is an accurate reflection of life as it was. Outside of the graphic nature of the film, the 100 minutes of cellulite that represents that sum total of Christ's sacrifice is agonizing. Though Mel Gibson breaks some of this up with flashbacks from Christ's earlier years, it's just so intense that if you don't understand the theology of the film, you won't enjoy this at all. Simply said, this film was made for Christians that are committed to their faith, not for agnostics, atheists, or the average filmgoer.I don't mean to imply that this film is somehow "too good" for atheists, agnostics and non-believers. I simply mean to state that this film is not attempting to be entertaining, or thought provoking, or anything else. Christ's teachings are skimmed over, and not really mentioned, the consequences of the crucifixion are not expelled upon. Simply, this is a portrayal of The Passion of Jesus as He went through what was destined.The merits of the film as a film are not lacking by any stretch of the imagination. Though the film is based on the Gospels, as a story the life of Christ is far from boring. Betrayal, skepticism, murder, conspiracy, love, belief, purpose. All are part of the story of His last day.Similarly, there aren't any plot problems, subplot problems, theme issues, or major holes to speak of. The accounts of His crucifixion take less than three pages of text per gospel. As such, simplicity prevents questions of direction and purpose.Mel Gibson directed this film quite well. The film flows together quite well. Mel's vision of the last day of Christ is well done. I am at a lack for words when it comes to describing the thanks I have for Mel Gibson for doing this film in the way he has. His choice to be the man who nails Christ to the cross is important, and all but avoids silly questions about the anti-Semitic nature of this film. Gibson's vision of the humiliation and struggle on His last day are awakening. As a convert from atheism to Christianity, this movie has helped me in ways innumerous.Mel Gibson aside, the acting in The Passion is extraordinary in itself. The highlights are Hristo Shopov's portrayal of Pontius Pilate. Also, kudos are needed for Rosalinda Celentano's thankless portrayal of Satan. Ms. Celetano's performance was visually spectacular . Finally, James Caviezel gives an unbelievable performance of endurance as Jesus. These actors deserve a lot of credit for making this film what it is.What is this movie? An attempt to show the earthly pain that God as Man went through for us, all of humanity. He carried our sins, the sins of all Mankind in an ongoing sacrifice. That burden is incomprehensible to us as humans, but we get a taste of it here in this film. Thank you Mel Gibson. -This movie is gripping hardcore, shocking, scary, and very emotional. You will never look at flight crew and airline pilots in the same way again. All of the action takes place in the first 30 minutes of this 2 hour movie. There is a moral principal to this movie. The rest of the movie is all administrative investigations. All parents beware that there is full on female nudity in this movie, not recommended for kids under 16 unless you want to be embarrassed. The nudity is at the very beginning of the movie. I was shocked by nudity, as it did nothing for the movie. I hate it when producers do that, what if you're with family members??? Can we say awkward!!! This movie has solid acting, a great storyline, good cinematography, and sound. All CGI effects are solid A+, very impressive, true realism effects. ALL sets and props are solid. This is a stunning movie and I do recommend on Blue Ray. Thanks -This series is fun to watch and enjoyable. In the mode of Dowton Abbey, the period dresses and suits are fun to watch and enjoy. Acting is very good with Jeremy Piven leading the way. The plot is good but does wander a bit toward the end of the Season 1, nevertheless it is worthwhile watching. Looking forward to season 2. -My granddaughter loved this movie. The songs especially! It is perfect for young children...imaginative, humorous, and tuneful! It allows children to flex their imaginations. They can sing along and pretend ... Something very important in development. Imagination is very important in the creative process. The color and film quality were excellent. It just never gets old! -Life isn't always what it seems, and it doesn't always turn out the way we had envisioned or hoped. In this movie, we watch the inner lives of several characters "of a certain age" unfold and expand. With the bloom of youth past, retirement upon them and circumstances inducing radical change, all of them decide to retire in India at the Marigold Hotel. When they arrive, they find that the hotel isn't the luxurious retreat for the elderly that was described in the brochures that led them there. It is not without its charms, however, and the manner in which the retirees meet both the good and the bad of their new home lays the groundwork for their blended individual stories. The dialogue is excellent, the cast and the acting is brilliant, and the message is hopeful without violating believability. Baby boomers will see themselves in one or more of the characters' situations, and they will come away from the film with a renewed sense of hope and worth.The film's perspective on two ways to grow older is beautifully executed. Not all the characters "make it." Given the same opportunity for adjustment and change as their companions, a couple of them cannot forgive, hope or move forward. Others, however, find a new beginning by embracing change and welcoming a future which is completely different from the past they left behind.In all, the movie is provocative. It is funny, sad, engaging and substantive. A refreshing change from saccharine happily-ever-after or hopeless all-is-doomed films, this is a thinker's must-see for people in their sixties and a please-see for the young. (The young people in this movie are wonderful, too.) Kudos to the writers, producers, directors and actors for a job superbly done. -This is one of my favorite scary movies, and one of Kubrick's best! Everyone in the cast gives great performances, and the direction is super, but the real star of the film is the Overlook Hotel. WOW. Creepiness. The way the camera ventures around the place is totally freaky, cause you have no idea whats going to be around the next corner...Basically, its about a man driven to insanity when he and his family volunteer to be caretakers at the Overlook for the summertime. Gradually, Jack Nicholson becomes very hostile towards his wife and son, all brought on by "cabin fever". As the spirits that live within the hotel begin to appear to Jack, things get weirder and weirder. This all leads to the cat-and-mouse finale, which is horrifying.You must buy this horror classic on video or DVD! Highly recommended! -Everyone knows this story so I will be brief. 1979 version w/ Jessica Lange had a stronger sexual element to the monkey/girl relation, but was very touching nonetheless. The relation here is more of an 'obsession' with a prized possession to protect, that the gorilla has with the girl, versus some type of purely sexual interest.I hate to say it, but here goes, fellows, we have all been that ape at one time or another. You know what Im saying. So the story is universal in that we can identify with the feelings of the protagonist, even if it is a monkey.Certain scenes are visually unforgettable. Such as when Kong escapes the theatre and finally sees the Girl again in NYC, walking smokily down a blue lit street in pitch black winter. You can see his expression go from fear it wont be her, to calm, and sad acceptance. Throughout, Kong looks doomed and aware of it, even on the island. He seems to be an older creature, and tired of the throne, which makes the protector relation to the girl more convincing.Really, a true classic. Snubbed at the Oscars, but then LOTR was grossly overpraised, so it evens out. Do not miss this. -8-9-02:I have changed my rating from four stars to five. The quality of the transfer is so good it makes an improvement on the big screen. The scenes in Moria are clearer and you can see the balrog much clearer. The negatives I wrote in the earlier review seem to be much less noticeable or important now. The extras on disc two are interesting and the previews for the extended version and TTT accomplish their purpose extreemly well.***original review below.***First the bad.The movie CHOPS 20% of the book -in one big chunk- (muttering a chapter title doesn't count!). The story of how Merry and Pippin become involved is cut and CHANGED. The old forest and the Barrow Wights are also missing. Some of Tolkien's best descriptions are found in the forest scenes (gnarly, old, and aware trees; gloom and darkness; spiders and other creatures lurking! The Galadriel scene is BAD. And there are two things wrong with Moria. 1. The cave troll scene is too long and it should have some texture on its skin (of fur). 2. I would have liked to see a bit more of Moria. The special effects when the ring is worn are overdone. One too many sweeping helicopter shots of the river. Finally, the scene where Sam goes into the river at the end was done all wrong!***Now for the GOOD***The history of the ring is told very well. Many scenes show a great deal of very good creativity. The Shire scenes are wonderful. Good humor (except in Rivendell, and taht the "conspiracy unmasked" was cut out). ***The reactions of Gandalf and especially Boromir to being near the ring really helps display the evil power of the ring. Their acting (and the direction in these scenes) is PERFECT!*** The wraiths were also done very well.The special effects and music are teriffic. The color and "tone" of the river and the huge statues at the end are especially tastefully done. Shrinking the Hobbits was just plain unbelieveable when they were running around several other characters. The scene at Orthanc was visually spectacular and the duel was creatively and tastefully done.Substituting Arwen for Glorfindel neatens things. The moria scenes (except for the above criticisms), are superb -especially when Gandalf "defeats" the balrog.[All of the smaller plots of the book could have been done except it would have confused and blurred things for the unread, and the movie would have been five hours long! Maybe six movies would have been required for everything???]***The DVDs' extras look extreemly promising!*** -Road House is one of the worst movies ever made--it's poorly acted, badly written and sloppily directed. But that's why it's so much fun!Patrick Swayze plays a bouncer named Dalton who has a degree in philosophy, carries his medical history with him and is known as the best bouncer in the country. The owner of a hick bar approaches him to help him clean up his establishment since he's come into a large sum of money and wants to improve it.Dalton's efforts lead to some of the most unintentionally funny lines ever used in movies. A bouncer having sex with a female patron in a closet tells her "Yeah, you're gonna be my regular Saturday night thing!" just before Dalton walks in on them and fires the bouncer. In another scene, a bouncer Dalton fires shoots back with "You **expletive**! What am I supposed to do?" Dalton answers "There's always barber school."Co-starring are Ben Gazzara as a sadistic rich guy who owns nearly the entire town (a role he hams up with glee), Kelly Lynch as a doctor and Dalton's love interest (though she's really just there as eye candy) and Sam Elliott as Dalton's friend and mentor who comes to help out when Dalton realizes he's not going to pull the job off alone.The movie is predictable and formulaic, but for fifteen bucks, it's good dumb fun. For a good double bill of movie trash, watch this with Anaconda! -When I was little my father would play Johnny Cash records and I distinctly remember "I Walk The Line". While watching Joaquin Phoenix perform the song, you'd swear that it was Johnny Cash, himself.Walk the Line is a great movie. When you watch it, you feel as though you are watching Johny Cash in person. Phoenix has done an excellent job capturing Cash, the man. Not the legend and not what everyone thought he would be. What made Johnny Cash such an icon was that he was an "everyman" and Phoenix gives his all to not only capture every subtle nuance but also to make him believable as a flawed human being. Reese Witherspoon's performance, as well, is surprisingly good. There are precious few points in the film where you remember she was in Legally Blonde, and her vocals and live performances are stronger than many I've seen from Hollywood actresses in recent years.The music performances are enough to make this film worth seeing. But the love story between these two, the way that June and her family helped him back from his drug addiction are what gives the film its heart. I would recommend this film to anyone, Johnny Cash fan or not. If you don't like him now, you will when the movie is over -So why the 5-star review, you might ask?There is just something about this movie that I can't put my finger on. The actress playing Dale Arden (sp?) is painfully bad, especially during the football fight scene where she claps her hands, joyfully egging Flash on with "Go, Flash, go! Go, Flash, go!" Topol (Fiddler on the Roof) is over-the-top as the mad genius scientist who is the only one on Earth to realize that all of the natural disasters are a direct result of an alien attack. Max von Sydow plays his villainous role as Ming the Merciless with "muhahahahaha" glee. Timothy Dalton doles out his dalliance as Prince Barin, ruler of Arboria. Brian Blessed is priceless as Vultan, leader of the Hawkmen; how he got through the enitre movie wearing what had to be uncomfortable (and very upsetting) leather shorts is admirable.The effects are cheesy (although, at times, brilliant - The Sea of Fire near the beginning is still eye candy for me). The acting is campy. The drama is laughable.So why does it continue to fascinate me? Despite its horrible trappings as a stand-alone movie, it truly is an embodiment of the Saturday morning serial (which Star Wars PROFESSES to be, but has degenerated into a contest of making something fake look real). With THAT in mind, the movie plays out as good, cheesy campy fun and always has you wondering how the hero continues to cheat death in a nearly 2-hour movie (as opposed to the next weekly installment). The matter-of-fact discussions about Earth's imminent destruction, our hero and damsel-in-distress somehow instantly falling in love and the inexplicable onset of early jealousy after having only traded about 10 lines of dialogue, the sometimes brilliant lines of dialogue delivered by Max von Sydow (especially how he discusses with Zarkoff why it's HIS fault that Earth is being destroyed), etc., brews an unusual beverage of serial episode fun that was purely misunderstood back when this was released. That, and what has to be one of the most unusual (and quite good!)soundtracks by Queen--especially the In the Space Capsule theme--has me coming back and watching just another curious addition to a catalog of Dino de Laurentis films. -Some scenes were gross and inappropriate particularly the bag of poo while having dinner and adamant and borat fighting in bed. -Arguably the best crime film of 1968, and certainly one of the most influential films of the genre...."Bullitt" established new directions in the mood and style of crime thrillers, and firmly established McQueen as one of the key anti-hero stars of the 60's. Based on the gritty novel "Mute Witness" by Robert L. Pike, this was the first, and only, time McQueen portrayed a police officer (albeit a maverick one) in his movie career. In 1968 Steve was then riding high on the success of his previous heist film, "The Thomas Crown Affair", and "Bullitt" just propelled his star even higher into the cinematic heavens !The plot is tight, economical and well crafted....taciturn, moody Detective Frank Bullitt (McQueen) is charged with the protection of a key witness vital to an upcoming trial involving Mafia connections. Whilst hidden away in a supposed secure location, the witness and his police guard are brutally gunned down by unknown assailants. The heat is turned up on Bullitt by his tough Captain (Simon Oakland) and the manipulative, opportunistic politician Walter Chalmers (Robert Vaughn) to come up with the right answers fast ! Between the draining investigation, Bullitt struggles to maintain his relationship with his cultured, sensitive girlfriend, Cathy (Jacqueline Bisset)Primarily coming from a TV series background, Englishman Peter Yates (directing his fourth movie) did a commendable job as director on "Bullitt"...producing a complex, intense crime thriller with a unique style that would ultimately influence many other films. Yates would later to go onto direct tough guy Robert Mitchum in the excellent 1973 "sleeper" crime film "The Friends of Eddie Coyle" !And of course "Bullitt" is reknowned for it's now legendary car chase between Frank Bullitt's 390 GT Mustang and the two hitmen in their black, Dodge Charger 440 Magnum barrelling through the city streets and highways of San Francisco....just don't pay too much attention to how many times they pass that slow-moving, green VW Beetle !!The DVD transfer is excellent in both sound and picture quality, and the Limited Edition Collectors Set with the additional goodies (Single sheet poster, shooting draft, lobby cards etc.) is a real bonus for keen film fans !!One of my favourite cop thrillers....McQueen sizzles on screen !! -The cast was outstanding and included the Indian star from Slumdog Millionaire. He is an excellent actor. The movie was a real treat for me as I'm going back to India this year, and I am about the age of most of the main characters. -Just watched this again on TV the other day. The acting is simply astounding. I can feel for the actors, as the dialogue is so atrocious that it's almost beyond belief, but still. Were they physically prevented from doing the thing that we normally think of when the word "acting" is mentioned? I mean, blurting out some dialogue, or reciting it as if you're making an emotionless statement, that's not acting. Seriously, this is what I expect from fifth graders appearing in their very first school play. It's just astonishes me every time one of the characters says something. It's like a big, dumb, obvious summary of what's going on at the moment. "Mom, I'm not a slave any more!" Mom: "All your dreams have come true." Said with all the emotion of "Oh, you remembered to pick up the potato chips from the store." Probably 80% of the dialogue in this movie is like this. Most first-time script readthroughs on a soap opera must be far superior to this. Seriously, Scooby Doo has better acting - much, much better. I honestly can't remember ever seeing anything like this, except maybe in the worst of the worst of Sci-Fi Originals. And even then, it's not every member of the entire cast like it is here.Then of course there's Jar Jar, the baby talking donkey. I guess Lucas was really reaching out for the 2 and under audience. And the big battle at the end, with a villain we hardly know, so there's really no drama there (except what can be created with CGI), and he looks downright silly in that Halloween face paint. Oh, let's not forget the story, as Annakin's fighter gets hit, causing him to go out of control. He ACCIDENTALLY flies into the space station, then while shooting at some droids, ACCIDENTALLY hits the main reactor, which nicely waits for him to get to a safe distance before exploding. Good grief, it's too stupid and pathetic to even bother criticizing.Overall, this is an astonishingly bad movie, with dialogue that keeps one in a constant state of "What the **** did I just see?". I mean, constantly,. throughout the whole film. The action is much the same, dumb, silly, dopey. the tone of the movie goes from "epic drama" to dopey silliness, back and forth, pretty much every thirty seconds. Dopey droids are vwooshed in half by the increasingly boring sounds of light sabers, which now look more like a fluorescent tube than any sort of weapon. And then they chop another two dozen in half, then another three dozen, then another dozen. Then another two dozen. -Batman: Under the Red Hood was better than I thought it would be, the animation was good but not great, and the story was very good. I was afraid I had wasted my money on another bad dvd. I was surprised to find that it was really a good story even though the joker was didn't have very many shining moments. The animation was typical for a batman animated film but was not something to get excited about. The thing about this dvd that got me truly interested was the story. the opposing veiws in the philosophy of Batman and Red Hood were what created the conflict in this story. overall it was a really good dvd. -I am an average SW fan. Not a fanatic. But I did love the originals. I think people remember the original trilogy when they were like 12 and so nobody minded all the unrealistic and childish elements then. As kids, Star Wars was flawless. The scene in "Empire Strikes Back" still irks me, where they land inside a giant worm's stomach and of course, there is air pressure and gravity just like on Earth, even though they are in an asteroid! Nobody even checks to see if its safe to leave the ship.Episode I was superior in many aspects. NOTHING in the old trilogy is anywhere near as visually stunning as Naboo and Corusant. Those two things alone make the movie worth watching. The costumes, and the ships are much sleeker and more believable than the originals ever were. The light saber duel was ten times more exciting than anything in the first trio. Even John Williams' score "Duel of the Fates" is unforgettable and far beyond any of the original music. As for Jar Jar being annoying, yes, he was annoying, but that didn't bother me a bit! Because he was PLAYING an annoying character! He was SUPPOSED to be annoying. He annoyed Obi and Qui-Gon too. That was part of the necessary comic relief to play as a foil to the stoic Jedi.As for the Jedi acting stiff, well of course they were, THEY ARE JEDI! Jedi aren't supposed to be emotional. And still I really felt for Qui-Gon in the end. Anakin I must admit didn't act all too well. But what really irks me about TPM are the small things. The robot going; "Roger Roger" made me want to scream; "IS THIS SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS?" And what I hated most, the way most people felt about Jar Jar, is how I felt about that dumb two headed announcer. I mean he looked so cartoonish, and he sounded just like Howard Cosell! That was simply too much of a stretch of the imagination. But the plot, in my mind, was superb. Those who didn't like it didn't understand it maybe. It was rather deeper than the others. Basically it involved a corrupt Galactic Senator trying to get himself elected to a higher position by creating a Trade Dispute with a foreign planet, putting himself as the person who would "save the day" when in actuality he is the cause of the dispute. You could even argue that after Episode 1 the bad guys actually won.As for buying this VHS, I really think we should all unite as Star Wars fans and send a clear message to Lucas that; "We are not going to fall for these stupid business tactics! We know the only reason you won't release TPM on DVD is because you KNOW we will buy the VHS and the DVD." Let's not allow him to manipulate us this way, his faithful consumers.Nick -This movie was my first taste of Jane Austen. I have to admit, when it first came out I was a kid, so I wrote it off as boring and didn't bother to watch. In my teens I realized that I actually liked period drama's, and this movie quickly became a favorite of mine!The movie itself, as a period drama is first class! Although it isn't completely faithful to the book, it is my favorite of the adaptations I've seen ('07, and '81). The casting is superb (although 2 of the actors were a bit older than their book counterparts); and their acting leaps & bounds better than the '81! The scenery, and stately homes are stunning!! Also, the soundtrack fits the period, and compliments the storyline very well.Most likely, if the viewer hasn't read the book, the alterations, and missing characters shouldn't affect their opinion much._______**SPOILER ALERT**As for the (most notable) missing scenes/parts:- Willoughby's visit, and conversation with Elinor at Cleveland (during Marianne's sickness). The movie tried to rectify it by way of Col. Brandon. After his revealing Willoughby's seduction of his ward to Elinor, he proceeds to tell her he inquired, and has reason to believe that Willoughby's intentions were not entirely as dishonorable toward Marianne...It's not quite as satisfying as hearing it come from Willoughby himself though.- Edward's week stay, not long after they arrived (on his way back from visiting Lucy in Plymouth). The book scene conveyed the troubled mind of Edward, and his internal conflicting feelings as regards Elinor, and Lucy.And provided a hint of what was to come, with the lock of hair seen by all in his ring (which he passed off as Fanny's, and the Dashwood sisters supposed he somehow obtained a lock of Elinor's without her knowing).- The dinner party with Mrs. Ferrars & Jennings, the Dashwood's, Steels', and Middleton's. Not a major loss there, being that Fanny made it clear at the beginning that their mother expected Edward to marry a woman of means and fortune, otherwise suffer being disinherited.And before revealing her engagement, Lucy told Elinor she finally met Mrs. Ferrars (after being invited to stay with the J. Dashwood's in London).______The missing characters:I personally don't mind the fact that Lady Middleton (& children) were left out (the movie stated Sir John was a widower).In the book, Miss Austen describes her as "(though perfectly well bred,) she was reserved, cold, and had nothing to say for herself beyond the most common-place enquiry or remark".With that said, it wasn't that much of a loss to leave her out being that she and Mrs. (John) Dashwood were so much alike ("there was a kind of cold hearted selfishness on both sides, which mutually attracted them; and they sympathized with each other in an insipid propriety of demeanour, and a general want of understanding").In the book, all she really did was dote on her children, and play hostess.They also left out the other Miss Steel, which wasn't a big deal either. They just had Lucy out herself to Fanny instead. -I'm speechless, this BLU-RAY/DVD set is, without question, one of the best transfers ever. I love everything about JAWS, and the extras are great. Get it! -Had friends from out of province visiting and this was top on my list as the old courthouse has some of the best interior design in the city. Great ambiance with hip hop music playing in the background. Arrived for dinner on a week night, reservations recommended but not necessary for small groups. Extensive menu with a huge pizza selection and daily specials. Average to higher prices but excellent service. Ordered the special ravioli di malale (with braised pork) and pesto. It wasn't amazing, the pesto tasted a bit bland and could have used a bit more garlic. The ravioli was pretty standard and slightly chewy. But the Tonnarelli alla Norine was delicious! Generously covered in black truffles, it was filling and flavorful with each bite. The pastas are generally more chewy which was perfect to my friend's liking. Tiramisu was not special, probably wouldn't order again but the hazelnut gelato was amazing. So rich and creamy, immediately regretted ordering my go to Tiramisu. The menu has lots of options which brings me back every time. Would really say 3.5 stars but can't give half stars on here. -We went here with our expectations quite low. After all, this was, and still is, a restaurant for kids. And one that I quite liked when I was one. I was hoping the same would be the case for my 3-year-old. He liked it. And I liked the decor. Same charming antiques that I remembered still lined the place. The difference? A wait staff that seemed to be annoyed by customers that decided to look at them. Apparently, we were getting in their way. Fair enough. But hey, perhaps the artifacts that line your restaurant should come down if you down if you actually don't want our eyes on them? But then that would mean you'd only have your food to rely on. Our server was just as cold. We felt like we were at Arby's on the side of the highway. No how are you doing or Is everything ok. Just rushed, abrupt, unfriendly, almost annoyed service. It was as if she assumed that we were tourists and therefore could treat us like she'd never see us again. Well, we're not tourists, but I assure you, this was definitely our last visit. As for the food..where do I start. My wife's salad looked like it was fished out of the Mcdonald's trash bin. My soup was a step down from something in a can. And our pasta tasted like a Michelina's minus the microwavable box. I'm sentimental. Very much so, actually. But when the service and food is this bad, next time I'll get my fill of nostalgia on Youtube. -I like the atmosphere of the entire place. When you enter the restaurant, they will greet to you loudly in Japanese-style welcome. Although they greet to every customers who enter of leave, you may feel they are crazy. Its really a what a izakaya feels like.The food is truly fantastic and the service is professional as well. We ordered deep fried chicken knees, cheese oysters (which I like the most), Udon and unagi rice. I would strongly recommend cheese oyster which tastes amazingly delicious. For the next time, I would order more side food because after around 1 hour, I felt hungry again.Anyway, this is the place you can't miss and you want to go more than once after you tried the food there. -This place was suggested to my wife and I by some foodie friends on a recent trip to Toronto. Give yourself plenty of time. We waited about 30 minutes to check-in and another 30 or so to get seated. We were able to find a corner of the bar to grab some drinks for the wait. Great atmosphere and decor. Be sure to read the story behind Pai that is in a few places of the restaurant. Our food was really good and we left with full, happy bellies! -Absolutely gorgeous restaurant! This is your standard Keg restaurant only it is located in a HUGE mansion, making for an amazing ambiance and a gorgeous setting. I went here for a friend's birthday on a Saturday night, we were a group of 15 and since they don't take reservations on Fridays or Saturdays we were certainly in for a long wait (we were told about an hour). After our wait had exceeded an hour and we asked for an update we were told we would be seated shortly and the manager would do something for us. Figuring our group was on the verge of starvation (which we were) the manager came to us with a plate of canopies topped with a goat cheese bruschetta, absolutely delicious! A few minutes later she comes with a giant plate of fully loaded nachos, and these may have been some of the best nachos I have ever had! Loaded with lots of cheese (and high quality cheese at that) made them warm and very gooey, lots of jalapenos added a nice kick, I would definitely order these when I go back! When we were finally seated everybody seemed to enjoy their food. It's the standard Keg menu so you are guaranteed a good steak. I had the French Onion soup to start and this was mind-blowing! So much cheese on top that was perfectly melted without being greasy, the broth was very rich and had a good beef flavour while the onion added a nice sweetness. I have never had a bad steak at the keg, and this occasion was no different. New York strip was cooked to perfection and was so tender it practically melted in my mouth, this time I tried it cooked Chicago style (meaning it is charred on the outside and cooked to order inside). This added a nice charred crust to the steak and actually did a better job of sealing in the juices; this cooking style is definitely worth a try. For sides I always go for the twice baked potato; bacon, cheese, and baked potato how could you go wrong? This place gets bonus marks for letting our huge group split the bills and not adding an automatic gratuity (which most restaurants do for large groups). Definitely a great place to go with a large group, on a special occasion, or simply for a nice dinner. Overall great food, beautiful restaurant and good service! *My only complaint is the drinks were pretty expensive, bought a shot for my friend and it was nearly $9 for a standard shot! That's pricy! -I think we found the best tacos in Toronto. Great tasting big tacos for a reasonable price. Faves were the mahi mahi and baja fish. Gobernador was a bit too salty for me. Cool drinks available too to wash down the tacos. Only open for lunch or early dinner, but awesome place. -The Monarch Tavern is a place that you can bring in your lunch or dinner from one of the many great local eateries (California Sandwiches, San Francescos, Bitondos etc). There is now an in house option.Caplansky's is in the back of the second floor of the Monarch Tavern. The menu is very limited, but it makes up for its size in quality. The owner brines and smokes beef to come up with a truly great smoked meat. It's not like any deli meat I've had in Toronto, Montreal or New York. It's a deli meat but much more smoky, yet not overly so. If you like deli, go to Caplanskys for a sandwich. His hand cut fries are pretty good too. -Amazing food with amazing servers!! The menu was filled with different dishes that everyone can enjoy. I cant eat no pork nor shrimp but in Pai they have multiple dishes that suite my needs. The server we got was Jason and he's amazing!!! My sister knows him personally so he hooked us up with dessert. Jason was very informative and knew all the dishes as well as gave his personal opinion on certain foods he likes. The atmosphere had a chill vibe with some cool indie pieces. The restaurant was situated underground and near a cool district with lots of other cool restaurants. Food,I went for the vegetable spring rolls as a starter and boy oh boy it was very tasty. The dipping sauce it came with was a winner. The roll was your typical vegetable spring roll with a hard crispy breaded coating that delivers an incredible taste. Next is the main appetizer, I got the Chicken Pad Thai in medium. Slightly disappointed because I expected it to be a bit more spicy but nonetheless it was still tasty! Not your typical pad thai for sure. Generally I dont finish food from other restaurants but Pai was an exception. Every bite I took from the pad thai made me want to get another. The portion you get was massive, enough to feed two but if you're really hungry then this should be a good size portion. Lastly the dessert, I'm saddened to think, I actually forgot the name of the dessert but if your Filipino it was a twist on suman. The dessert was sticky rice but it had a sweet taste to it. The taste wasn't a sweet overpowering dessert it was quite subtle. It had mango on top. Overall Pai is the best Thai food i've ever ate in my life. If you need to impress someone or need a place to eat, make sure to check out this place. Dont forget to ask if Jason could serve you, he's awesome! Coming back for sure. -Banh Mi Boys is fast food at its best. Cheap & tasty like my women. Love this place. -I give two stars for the view only. The attitude of the server was very terrible because I was NOT satisfied with the dish he presented. The dish was made for at least 4 people and he did not warn us how big the dish it would be. Aside from the size of the dish, the taste is beyond horrible. I grew up eating oyster and I immediately noticed how unhealthy the color and the taste of the oyster was. We asked him to bring us a plate of fresh cracked oyster after the complain and this time he actually brought us fresh oyster and it looked completely different from the oyster he gave us originally. Also the muscles were empty, literally. We found more than 15 shells and they were all empty.. where did my muscles go? The salmon is smoked and baked and tastes very dry. Over all the service was ok and the food I give it 1.8/10 -Glorious! Unlike every other Japanese style restaurant in Toronto, Guu is definitely an experience with its decor to the way it greets its customers. More importantly, the food was divine and the Japanese wine was unlike other wines I have tasted. As Will mentioned, the dishes span from $4-$11. In my party of 8 people, we ended up ordering I think 3/4ths of the menu + alcohol. Unfortunately, I came in after my party ordered (I was running late), hence from my pictures I have no idea what dishes we actually ordered. Altogether, our bill came out to approximately $250 which I thought was reasonable considering how much food we all ate. Surprisingly, we all cleared our plates but suffered (at least I did) a bout of food coma. I will definitely be back for another round. -I really enjoyed my meal at Momofuku Daisho and was very impressed with the food and service. I came with a party of 6 and our server was very helpful in making sure we ordered enough food and the right dishes. We ordered the buttermilk biscuits which were the best biscuits I've ever had in my life and I don't even like biscuits. We also got the heirloom tomato salad, the poached cod, the beef short ribs, the rice cakes and the chanterelles. My favourite dish was definitely the rice cakes, they were spicy but not painfully spicy. All of the food was really good and I would recommend someone to order our exact order except maybe the heirloom tomato salad as that didn't really wow me. My only complaint about Daisho is the cocktail list. I expected a higher level of drinks available- more unique tasting cocktails with fruits, flowers, etc. I had the lavender lemonade and it literally just looked and tasted like a normal lemonade. Other than the drink list I would happily return to Daisho! It was oddly affordable too we split all of our dishes between 5 of us and I had two cocktails and my bill was only $60. -My boyfriend brought me to Byblos for my birthday celebration! We loved our experience at Byblos and decided to revisit :) Service was excellent. Our server had great recommendations for popular items on the menu and was very friendly. The atmosphere is candlelit and dim, good for dates!ORGANIC HOUSE LABNEH (5/5)(Fennel + Honey + Olive Oil + Barbari Bread)Tasted like a very yummy humus haha! It's soo delicious! The bread was covered with different types of sesame seeds so eating the bread itself was already very tasty. Adding the labneh was a plus! Loved it!EGGPLANT KIBBEH (4/5)(Zucchini Flower + Baharat + Chickpea Batter + House Yogurt)I was super excited to try this crispy eggplant again but I realized they cooked it differently from how they did before. I'd prefer the crispy eggplant than this way of cooking. Both are still good.WAGYU LAHMEH PIDE (5/5)(House Turkish Paste + Fior De Latte + Toum + Basil Cress)How can flat bread taste so good?! I'd order this again and again. The wagyu paste was delicious and the bread itself was very chewy. This dish wasn't dry at all because a lot of cheese was drenched on top of the bread. The smell makes you even more hungry.GRILLED WHOLE BRANZINO (5/5)(Chermoula + Saffron Toum + Watercress)We came back for more of this!! I told my friends to order this dish at Byblos and all their reactions were like..Fish..?! Yes! Fish! They make it so good! The fish meat is drenched with flavour and the best part of this is.. It's boneless! DESSERTS:LOUKOUMADES (5/5)(Attiki Honey + Walnut Praline + Burnt Honey Ice Cream + Halva)Tasted like chewy donuts dipped with honey glaze. It tastes really really good - especially the burnt honey ice cream! I suggest eating each of these little bits separately first. Each one has its own flavour. Once mixed together, it creates another type of texture!PIZZELLE (3/5)(Baklava Ice Cream + Salted Caramel + Cous Cous Praline)The Baklava ice cream was amazinggg! The cous cous praline on top of the cookie was also delicious. The only thing lacking was the cookie itself. It was kind of soggy. -This place is over priced for their food and the food has no quality. Bad service the manager was rude asking us to pay 20% tip the seatings are not enough about lucky not coming back. They wouldn't clean the table very terrible experience -Bad Service. Excellent food. Too bad the service was horrible. Because the service was so bad, I even downloaded this app, made an account and am writing this review because it was that bad. The waiter was rude as ****. Here is why. When my friends and I were ready to order, we called the waiter over and he told us to wait so we waited. It turns out he was getting the card machine for the table next to us. After he gave the card machine to the table next to us, I asked him again because now I had a question about the menu and he responded to I told you to wait. I was shocked because I had a question and he was just standing there waiting for the person at the other table to be done with the card machine. In all honesty, I had a question about how many pieces the sashimi and sushi was. So my friends and I waited until he came over. When he came over, I asked him how many pieces the sushi and sashimi came in he told us. Knowing that the sushi came in two pieces and sashimi came in three pieces, i momentarily asked my friends to clarify what we wanted - it was less than 10 seconds - and the waiter told us to call him when we were ready and he chucked his notepad at the bar table (which was right infront of our table). The tone he was using was unbelievably rude, disrespectful and discourteous. I was shocked that he had the audacity to treat us perhaps because we were just some university kids and were not grown ups which does not mean the waiter could treat us that way. It was ridiculous. Not only that when it came down to the bill, when I was in mid sentence to telling him that we were going to split two ways, he took off who knows where when the restaurant was empty. I was absolutely shocked. There were so many other things I would have tried but because of the terrible service my hunger ceased immediately. For a high end restaurant, to have such a rude server was just very sad and disappointing. Compared to Jabistro, Jabistro's service and food were on par. However, this restaurant was just too disappointing. -Best ramen in Toronto , great service and consistently great broth! The beef curry is also amazing! -I was really excited to try the food at Khao San Road, since I had heard such great things and seen the Yelp ratings. And, the raves about the food are absolutely correct. The food is good (but even still, I've had better Thai). Unfortunately, the owners and the service I received completely ruined my experience. I was staying at a local hotel, which made reservations for our party (and I heard the concierge make the reservation). When we got to the restaurant, they first couldn't find our reservation; after waiting 10 minutes, they tried to seat the four of us at a table for two in the back corner. There was no way the four of us could fit around this small table. So, the OWNER (note: not just an employee) apologized and offered us a round of drinks on the house to make up for the delay. We were finally seated, but again the owner came over to our table to tell us that we didn't have a reservation and basically called us a liar. We asked him what he would like us to do - we already had appetizers on the table, so he told us to stay (so what was the point of him harassing us again?). The bill came and our drinks were not taken off the bill. We called the two co-owners over and they told us we all must have misheard and that had never said anything like that. Blatant lie. He then called us liars and told us we were trying to get out of paying. He then proceeded to charge our credit cards twice, so somehow I now am paying three times what I should have been paying (since those drinks were never taken off). As a customer, I've never been treated so poorly. So, yes, the food is good, but there are equally good / better places out there that don't treat their customers so horribly. Do yourself a favor, avoid the crowd and wait, the insults and harassment, and go eat somewhere else. -Came here for a lunch with colleagues. I've been here a couple of times before and always had a good experience. This time was no exception. I had heard from another yelp elite friend about some dish off the menu called Islamic noodles and decided to try it. And I have to say that it was absolutely delicious! It's basically noodles with vegetables and your choice of protein tossed in a nicely seasoned creamy curry sauce. Sooo good!! This is a dish I will definitely order again. On the bad side, the water quality here is really really bad. I normally just have tap water with my food but the water here tastes chlorine! It's like drinking diluted bleach. I don't know why the water tastes so bad here because everywhere else in Toronto the water quality is good. I think Salad King should look into this because it really brings down the food experience. Because of the poor water quality I rate them 3 stars, although food alone would get 5 stars. -Loved it!!!AMBIENCEI really like I was like n Thailand. The place is underground and it was a cool place. It had ample seating and a sizeable bar for a nice hangout if you were going for drinks. My guests and I sat at the tall tables, group of six. There's is cell phone charging station, very safe and useful I left my phone charging over dinner. A nice place to hangout with friends or a date night.SERVICEI like the staff, there was cool and took care of us. We also had a canteen of water and our food always was served hot and fresh. It was just the way I like it.FOODSo gooood!!! Starter - grabong = squash fritters; paired with a tangy sauce. Not oily and nice and crispy.Plah Nua - beef salad. Roasted rice with some lime sauce. So good!!!Som Tom Tad - papaya salad. Perfect citrus levels.Entree - gaeng kiaw wan in a coconut. Green curry was served a coconut, it was so good. Creamy, savoury and perfect balance. I ate all of the way down to the coconut meat. So my favourite.Dessert - mango sticky rice. It was good not something that really stuck out. I don't think I would eat. Just not my preference.I am looking forward to returning again, soon! -Amazing from start to finish!We sat on the back patio, which has a great atmosphere, on a weekday for an early dinner. The patio is all communal tables which adds to the casual and social feel. All of the front of house staff were charming and welcoming. They were attentive and friendly without being obtrusive or fake. I had the jesus juice cocktail, which was tasty and refreshing and had just the right amount of sweetness for a very hot summer day. We had a bunch of the tacos, and all were perfect. A big standout for me was their shrimp taco. The shrimp inside was breaded and fried, which made me nervous that it would only taste like batter and oil. I was so wrong. It had a wonderful shrimp flavor that was perfectly complemented by the sauce. The beef cheek was also a highlight. Although there are lots of places to get cheaper tacos in the city, I will definitely be back to Grand Electric. The patio, service, cocktails, and variety of delicious taco options make it absolutely worth it. Would recommend to anyone. -I have mixed feelings about this place. Although I love the ambiance, decor, and the food... I wasn't a fan of the service. Once we had arrived, it took a while for the host(ess) to notice us and have us seated. After ordering there was some confusion and delay as well. The food was really good.... we ordered the charcuterie board and I think the Diavolo pizza. I loved the cured meats (every bite!) and the lightness of the pizza. The drinks are really good too! I've been here on a couple of late nights and the patio is the perfect place to be on a warm summer night. -If you want cheap Thai food this is the place to go! This place is always packed and there's always a line. But the wait isn't too long. People come and go really quick. If you don't have much time it's a good place for take out too. Came here a couple of times already and decided to write a review. Most of the time I ordered the curry. The curry here is delicious but the rice that comes with it isn't too good. Portions for the curry is a little small. Needs more rice. The fried rice dishes here are also pretty good. The tom yum soup here is cheap but is lacking flavour. It really sour and spicy. Wouldn't recommend it. I've also ordered the Thai street noodles. The portions are huge. There's a lot of rice noodles. But the broth lacked flavour even though it's cooked with shrimp and chicken. It was just too sour. It's so sour that the noodles taste sour. It's not salty enough. The only thing you can taste is sour and spicy. Really would not recommend. They need to make major improvements to the recipe of this. Additionally, there's a problem. The water here is tap water like most places but it has a really weird odour. You should ordered a drink instead..... The Thai ice tea is good. Overall, good for the curries ! -After all the hype - just ok. View was FANTASTIC and the revolving part was really great. We dined about an hour before sunset so we saw the city in the day, dusk, and after dark, all lit up. Service wasn't very good - I think it was kind of busy, but that's not really an excuse. It seemed like they wanted it to be a very fancy dining experience (prices, decor) but it came off as pretty touristy. There were lots of families there with loud children and people wearing jeans. For ~$100/person I would have expected better service, food, and atmosphere. The food was alright - ate from the pre fixe menu and it was normal 'fancy food' salmon, small salads, chocolate cakes, etc. The worst part was that near our side of the restaurant, we happened to have a great view as the sun was disappearing, so lots of other people crowded around our table to take pictures of the sunset against the glass - rude. Good for the view, but maybe just go up there to have drinks? Much better view that the observation deck (which we stopped at on the way down) TERRIBLE view..it was all fenced in for safety I assume, but it made for an awful view. -Been here twice. First time was quite a while back but I had their fried chicken dinner and it was phenomenal!!!! Must try if you haven't yet. My dinning companion at the time had a burger, it was a solid, big burger. But of course the fried chicken was better. Yesterday I finally went to the Stockyards again so I can try their ribs. Some bits were dry and chewy, but overall good value for what you pay for ($15 for half rack, $30 for one rack). My dinning companion had the pulled pork sandwich. I tried a bit, it was veryyyy good. Bottom line: fried chicken is a must get. -The Thai food scene in Toronto has taken off lately. If you are aching for some really good Thai food, this place might not be for you. Having that said, Salad king is a fine place for a bite for run-of-the-mill Thai dishes.My favourite dish here is their golden curry which is quite tasty. Prices are cheap and you can get a decent dish for around $12-13 (after tax+tip)The place is quite busy on weekends, and it is almost always quite loud. Communal seating in the middle of the restaurant can be charming and annoying at the same time.A thing I do notice here is that service tends to be slow. Food comes fast once you ordered, but the hard part is waiting for your server....and the same happens when you want to pay. If you are in a rush and think this is a place for a quick meal, you might be disappointed. -I've been hearing a lot about this place, but have been hesitant about going because a lot of people have said it isn't worth the extra money compared to the regular $2 Banh Mis on Spadina. They are wrong. Although the $2 Banh Mis are a steal, and make for a quick lunch, you are certainly getting what you pay for when you go to Banh Mi Boys. My sandwich came up to $6.77, which was very reasonable for what I got. This place must have an immense amount of pressure to keep their prices down given a) the competition in the areab) the fact that most people who know what a Banh Mi is are used to paying $2 on SpadinaTherefore, the fact that they can offer what they do at this price point is impressive.The Food (Pork Belly Sandwich):- The bread was very fresh, tasty, and was toasted perfectly (not too hard, not too soft)- There was a decent amount of tasty, tender meat. It was a little fatty, but this is to be expected from pork belly- The meat was of good quality; leaps and bounds better than the mystery meat of the classic $2 Banh Mi. - The vegetables were also very fresh, and I enjoyed how there was a pickle in the sandwich which I have never had before- The hot sauce was great as always (I'm a big fan of this sweet hot sauce in Banh Mi sandwiches)- I asked for spicy, and the hot sauce was unevenly distributed with one half being medium and the other half being very hot. This isn't a deal breaker, but just an observation.The atmosphere:- Loved the music they were playing in here. Great old school hip hop playing at good volume- The decor was decent. I liked the lamp shades on the lights- The staff was friendly and helpful.- The cleanliness of the place was pretty poor, and this is why the place gets a 3, instead of the 4 it would have received if it was cleaner. There were discarded napkins and food under every single table, with as many as 10 or more discarded napkins under some tables. The 2 tables that were free had varying degrees of mess on the tables from previous customers. There were no tables whose tops were completely clean. I can understand that some customers are quite messy and that the employees may not have had time to clean up after these people, but given that there was a mess under and on every table indicates to me that staff had not cleaned in while, and did not care about the establishment's general cleanliness. One of my biggest pet peeves at a fast food joint is when the place is this messy, because it makes me feel like I'm eating in a barn.That being said, the food here was great, and I will go back to this place, and change my review if the place cleans itself up. This restaurant is a welcome and significant improvement to the other fast food options on this corner, being McDonalds, A&W and Hero Burger. -It seems like many of the Yelpers concur that Jacobs is the place to be. From the moment they accommodated me by placing the roses I ordered at our table, to the time our evening ended, it was amazing. Pure class! It's not your typical dark dungeon of a steakhouse. Dimly lit but you could see who was around you. First when we arrived, the provided us a with complimentary glasses of champagne to celebrate our anniversary. The server gave us a moment and then explained the types of steaks that were on the menu. The bread was freshly made and would have ordered more if we wanted plenty of carbs. It was so deelish. The bread was shaped like a large muffin. It was light and melted it your mouth. Then came the ever popular Caesar Salad made right at your table. The person serving it to us explained what went into the salad. I would never order another Caesar Salad from a restaurant again. The person mentioned that there is a video of how to make their version of the salad. I'm gonna do it. Then came the steaks. For sure you will pay a pretty penny for them, but they are to die for. I got the 10 oz Wagyu steak and my gf got an 8 oz aged steak. As always, she said mine was better. :) We shared ice cream for dessert. You have a choice of three of the six flavours. We chose mango, white chocolate and dark chocolate. In the end, they provide you with 2 chocolate chip muffins.The food and the service was definitely excellent. I would definitely recommend this restaurant and would go back in a heartbeat. -I used to love this place. Gorgeous view of the lake, cute chairs and blankets, yummy burgers, and a live DJ. I even came here to celebrate St. Patrick's day last month and had a great time. However, it seems as though the reception is handled by unprofessional hostesses who make old customers feel very unwelcome. I'll tell you why I say this. We came down here at a semi busy time, but from what we checked, there were plenty of empty tables both upstairs and on the patio on both sides of the restaurant (The restaurant has 2 different entrances). We were greeted by a hostess who told us that the wait time to get a table is about 30 minutes. When we told her there are plenty of empty tables, she said that there are people ahead of us on the waiting list, when clearly there was nobody around waiting to be called! As a matter of fact, we saw a guy who came and told her that they never called his name and he got angry when she said she had called his name and there was no response.My boyfriend did not like her attitude and neither did I. We ended up sitting at the loud bar, instead of the more spacious area upfront. Now, I'm not going to ignore the fact that the waiters are very good at their job and that I like their food and beer. That's why I'm giving them a 2 stars instead of 1. You see! A terrible hostess with a crappy attitude can change the whole game. -Definitely lives up to the hype! It's busy at all times but if you're a small group it shouldn't be too hard to get a seat. They pack people in tight like a can of sardines so don't expect much privacy or quiet. Service was about what you'd expect in a packed place, food came quicker than i was expecting and appetizer arrived in minutes.Food was amazing. We ordered the Fresh Rolls as a starter, which is a pretty standard thai dish but their dipping sauce was really impeccable (just the right amount of heat for an appetizer). As our main course we shared a chef's special pad thai (chicken) and a pad gra prao (minced beef on rice). The pad thai was greasy and delicious, I like how they put a twist on the standard pad thai (noodles+sauce made it a bit soggy but i think that was on purpose because it tasted awesome). The pad gra prao tasted good as well, but was kind of overshadowed by the pad thai. It's a pretty common dish, but i enjoyed the way they made it (nice and filling).If you like spicy you might want to go hotter than medium, which was more of a slow burning aftertaste, than a sweating forehead hotness. -MMMKKKAAAYYYY here comes the review I've been putting off for a while, because I don't have enough words to describe and I get lost in thought. So here's point/numbered form:1. We waited for 2.5 hours on a Saturday night, we got here around 730 and got to eat at 10pm. Went to Queen and Beaver after putting our name down. They're supposed to call you if you're next in line but we just showed up.2. It was PACKED, looud, crammed, full of happy laughing people. 3. Every time somene leaves the restaurant the whole place screams and waves at them and it's amazing and hilarious4. They have 1L jugs of Sapporo. HOLY MOTHER OF GOOODDDDD!!!!! I was in heaven. 1L jugs of anything are ma kinda jugs5. We ate the following: deep fried brie, shrimps (battered), cheesey mushroom rice in hot stone pot, beef tongue, beef sashimi, pork cheek, deep fried chicken, fried calamari... I think that's it. I discovered a burning, passionate love for tapas bars...i was so worried when I was coming here that I would just get to try one or two dishes. PHEW! The brie and beef sashimi were my favorite, the calamari were disappointing.6. All that food, 3 1L beers and two of those glass bottle drinks (where you have to pop the glass ball in to drink it) and the bill came to appx $150. Now cheap but there were 4 of us, a lot of the dishes come with 4 pieces so it worked out perfectly. Bathrooms were amazing, they have mouth wash, cream, hair spray, etc - so cool! and clean! Great experience, I would go here again...I don't mind waiting and hitting up a bar before dinner either :)) -I had heard rave reviews about Wish and decided to make a reservation for Sunday brunch, which was my first mistake. After arriving with a small group at this cute little restaurant, I gave my name, but was warned by the customer ahead of us in line that reservations don't mean a thing at Wish. She was right: we proceeded to wait 45 minutes to be seated. As for an explanation, the manager couldn't get her story straight. She told me that our table was being set up and would be ready any minute, while another person reported she had said (moments later) that our table was still occupied and they couldn't kick out other patrons, even if they were taking forever to pay. In truth, they were overbooked and understaffed.When we finally got to our table, there was no apology or acknowledgement of the situation or how long we had to wait, even with a reservation. The food (which, unsurprisingly, took forever to arrive) was decent but not worth the headache and certainly not the best brunch I've had in Toronto. We all left with the impression that because Wish is so trendy, they don't care about providing any actual service. You feel like you're just a number, which is surprising for such a cozy, intimate space. I know that brunch places can easily get overwhelmed on Sundays but if the staff had acted like they cared and not like they were doing us a favour, it would have made a difference.Also, be warned, if you're seated in the front part of the restaurant, it will be so noisy that you can hardly hear the people you're with. What you can hear exceptionally well is the bell chiming from the kitchen and cooks yelling orders to each other, but I'm assuming it's a deliberate attempt to be edgy.Go elsewhere for better food and way better service. -Probably one of the best meals in a while! Was taken here by a lover and had absolutely no expectations. When I first entered Byblos I was endeared by their lovely decor and ambience, you could tell that great thought was put into the design, flow and layout of this place. The place fills up real quick during the nights and the night I came had many tables reserved. The food portions are adequate and fills you up without leaving too heavy of an after taste. The flavor pairings of the dishes were very well though out beginning with waitress' recommendation of fig salad; the herbs and leafs in this was so fresh I almost felt like I was eating it straight from the plant. The sauces and seasoning was so eloquently used that everything balanced out so well, not ashamed to say that I quickly chowed down the entire plate in mere seconds. Next I had the crispy squid, similar to calamari but a little lighter and smaller tentacles. Also had the steak tartare paired with greek yogurt (they call it labneh) which melted in your mouth, albeit being a little plain. The lamb rib felt a little stingy; each bone was probably one bite-size, nothing special.Probably the best dish tonight was the oxtail basmati rice, a little on the heavy size, it was aromatic, creamy and rich. The flavour of the oxtail was imbued into each scoop of the yellow golden rice, while the kale offered a variation in texture with every mouthful. This I am definitely coming back for.To finish had the chocolate mousse and burnt honey ice cream. Mousse was typical, but the ice cream was interesting - I actually don't know how they got that flavour so on point! Must try (and it's only $3).An amazing discovery I had tonight was dukkah: crushed hazelnuts, coriander seeds, sesame seeds, cumin. The texture and aroma of this garnish is addictive, and Byblos isn't afraid to abuse their dukkah. I left craving for more, and now I'm in the search for making some at home. -This place looks like a really expensive restaurant that is classy and upscale...BUT rest assured, it's not that pricey. With that said, I really enjoyed my visit to this restaurant. The moment you walk in you can see how classy and elegant the design of this place is. My wife made reservations for two on a Saturday evening. From the door at the main entrance I was amazed. We walked in, the staff took us to our table and sat us down. We ordered our appetizers and dinner at the same time after taking in the view and deciding from the excellent menu options. To our surprise the dinner and the appetizers came out at the same time. It was weird at first but then all we had to do was request that the appetizers come out before the main course. So that wasn't a big deal for us and we didn't mind at all. The food was very delicious.The restaurant becomes a lounge with good music as the evening progresses. There is a lounge area that has beautiful couches and throw pillows where you can enjoy drinks with friends in a great ambiance. All in all, a great dining experience with great service. The food doesn't deserve a 5 star (maybe a 4 star) but I rate this a 5 star for the experience and feeling that my wife and I felt as we left the restaurant. -I went here and loved it. One of the best dining experiences I've had in awhile. Despite the pre-selected menu, you do have many options. Don't come here for the ambience. Its a tiny place with minimal decorations. The presentation of the food was beautiful. I prefer pretty food that smells heavenly to flowers on the table. The food was tasty and seasoned well, portions were big, service was warm. Food truly was healthy. Fresh produce was used and you see them cook your meal as the kitchen is next to the dining area. I like to watch my food being made. The chef was exceptional. Don't come here if you don't like veggies or fruit though. I left full and happy. Such a great experience that I wanted to tip well but couldn't leave as much money as I wanted because I ran out of Canadian money. Bottom line I have payed more for not as good a meal. -This is one of the most interesting restaurants to dine in downtown! The decor is great and the old courthouse space makes for good conversation while waiting for your order to arrive. I came here with a large group and we had a room all to ourselves, so the noise factor was reduced quite a bit. It was rammed at 6pm on a Saturday night and there is a lot of seating here so come early if you want a good table.I thought the service was great and the pizza and pasta were both excellent - I had the seafood pasta and the smoked salmon pizza. The bathrooms are a bit small and cramped but I guess they face the basement problem that most downtown restaurants have here. I had the chocolate-covered gelato in espresso for dessert - delicious! -My fav thai place with another location! Less busy / more space, food that is on par with the other sukhothai locations but with more variety, and friendly staff. Loved the ox tail curry, papaya salad, and the mango sticky rice -I really like this place. The first time my friend took me here, though, I had a better experience than the second time. The first time was a definite 5 star, and the second a 3 star, so here we are!The food is overall, great. It is really reasonably priced -- as long as you don't over-order. The first time I went I had the chicken soup and shared the spring rolls with my friend and everything was super delicious (5 stars!). The second time I went, I ordered the large thai beer and it was huge -- way too much beer, and my boyfriend ordered the basil beef on top of the soups and spring rolls to share and it was way too much food (not to mention not that great in itself). But, all in all, the food is really great and extremely inexpensive for what you get. A definite recommend! -FABULOUS. :)a little house tucked in from the hustle of the yonge and york mills interesection. the moment you reach the gorgeous white double french doors, you feel special walking into a countryside home with BEAUTIFUL Ambiance. It's as romantic as it gets!The newly renovated decor truly lives up to the auberge name (french for 'inn').Glorious service that spoils you to no end beginning with their sweet hosts and knowledgeable servers. My friend was a vegetarian and they catered to her needs with zest. The food was intricate, beautiful, and delicately balanced, and every bite was a big bang and wow in your mouth. Each dish was full of bold and big flavoured organic ingredients. at one point our server recommended a spruce birch non alcoholic beer, and we tried it and i am still dreaming about it -- it was amazing.YUM YUM YUMfrom the articoke spread for your freshly baked ethereal bread that comes out fluffy and crunchy at the perfect temperature with olivesto the passion fruit granita,amuse bouche soup octopus terrineorganic greens, and the amazingly sauted kimpachi --every bite was memorable. and that is definitely a mouthful to say. ;)esp in toronto.highly recommended for a nice night out.~$70-100/ person -The food is fine,weekday Lunch AYCE for $17.99. But their dishes and water mug are not really clean. The service is not satisfied.Our waitress is an older woman, she forgot our items and rush to leave before we finish our order. -Came here with family for a birthday and though the price was higher than other AYCE sushi places, it was probably worth it, though we would not indulge like this very often at $23 a head. It seemed that service was quicker for the hot items and desserts than for sushi, sashimi, and rolls, but perhaps more people ordered sushi. Was very impressed with variety and taste of dinner menu items included in the AYCE, the variety of the rolls especially. Had silly little items such as a small piece of fish with a bit of sauce served on a Pringle chip, and deep-fried scallops with a dollop of katchup on them. Come hungry and as I recommend for every AYCE joint, go with friends to maximize the number of unique items you can order and be able to taste more of a variety. Try to make a reservation if you will be more than three people- the place was packed and it was a Tuesday night (albeit the week of Christmas). -I can't say enough about this restaurant. The food is amazing and the service is fantastic. I loved their quails and it was my most favourite dish but they have recently removed that :(The only bad experience i had was a couple of years ago when we decided to celebrate my husband's 30th birthday there. I called ahead of time and brought them a bottle of rare wine we had brought with us from South Africa so they could open it and let it breath prior to dinner. I personally spoke to the sommelier and discussed it with him. But when we got there for dinner I noticed they hadn't opened our bottle that they so insisted I bring hours prior to dinner. But all in all it is a fantastic restaurant with great food. Highly recommended. -I really like the food. The chicken was pretty tasty and perfectly cooked (tender). Other reviewers had complained about the relatively small portion. That, I concur. Chinese places always undercook their chicken, but not this place. Btw, The fried chicken skin were divine. Next time I will eat in and enjoy their cocktails. -Horrible service. Manager was very rude. Will never return. Anyone who is deciding to go here, be smart and try any of the other 100 restaurants in the area. You will be very disappointed with the service. The food was also very greasy. Also, they will try to pack your boys with extra calories. TOURISTS BEWARE! -I finally had the opportunity to try Byblos after struggling to secure a reservation on a weekend a number of times. Settled with a 6:30 pm slot on a Monday evening and although it was relatively busy, you could probably take your chances doing a walk-in on a weekday.Contemporary decor but still had a very classy vibe. Lamb Ribs ($14) - These were delicious but tiny!! 3.5 small lamb ribs (the 4th one was more like a twig with barely any meat) that are tender, mildly flavored with a crispy texture. Not exactly the best value but taste-wise, 4/5 Roasted Red Beets ($13) - I debated whether or not to order this dish pretty much until the very last minute when I decided to just take a leap of faith and trust my fellow Yelpers. So glad I did as it was the highlight of the night. I was hesitant because my boyfriend and I aren't the greatest fan of red beets but you can hardly taste it when mixed with the labneh which had the perfect consistency and creaminess. Served with some delicious barbari bread, this dish is one you don't want to pass up on. 5/5Crispy Squid ($13) - This one was a decent portion but the individual pieces of squid are very small. Lightly fried and the spices and garlic sauce (toum) give it a nice kick. Very flavorful dish overall and tasted great with our rice. Probably one of the least traditional items because frankly, it's basically calamari with some Eastern Mediterranean seasonings. But I wasn't there to judge (nor would I know) how authentic their food was, so 3.5/5 Turkish Manti Dumplings ($14) - I was looking forward to this the most but it ended up being the biggest disappointment of the night. Such a shame. The dumplings were underwhelming to say the least. I actually didn't even know they were filled with eggplant until the fourth one or so because the ones I ate prior had nothing in it. The molasses balanced the yogurt really well but other than that, nothing special. 2/5Tartufata ($30) - Probably the most expensive rice I've ever had.The truffle and mushrooms were decadent and the fried chick peas were amazing. Crispy and flavorful. The rice itself is very ordinary. So all things considered, I can't say it was completely worth it. I wouldn't order it again because I'd like to try their other rice offerings which looked and sounded just as appealing. 4/5Seared Cauliflower ($8) - It's considered to be a side so I'd recommend ordering this with one of their meat dishes (ribeye, lamb shoulder, etc.) because I think it'd compliment it quite well. We just thought cauliflower with duck fat sounded awesome so we couldn't resist and ordered it anyway. I prefer stronger flavors so I loved this but heads up it can be a bit heavy. 4/5As for dessert, we had the Loukmades ($12) - Fantastic! We were pretty full and while waiting, we kept negotiating how many bites each person would take to finish it. Ended up fighting over the last piece. Pretty much burnt honey icecream on a krispy kreme donut (but a different shape). So good and a must-order!! 5/5 Service was lackluster. Our server was kind and filled our water pretty often but eventually disappeared. We found ourselves waiting a lot - to order dessert, to ask for the bill and to pay. Service shouldn't end after the customer finishes their main course but rather when they walk out the door. Also, typical of many high-end restaurants, they explain what's in every dish but it was spewed out so quickly that a lot of it was incoherent. Didn't really add any value to our dinner. A little overhyped but I'd come back because their menu still has a few other interesting items I'd like to try. I'd definitely recommend this place to anyone who's looking to celebrate a special occasion or somewhere nice to go for a first date. Just don't expect to be blown away. -All I can say is wow! Impeccable service. You are made to feel very special here, and the service is down to earth and unpretentious. We were literally thanked by 20 people on the way out. The steak is delicious, the Caesar salad (made at your table according to your specifications), the mushrooms, asparagus, potatoes, and fries too. The chocolate cake was unbelievable. They made me a fruity drink that wasn't on the menu; it was tropically delicious. Loved it! One of the best dining experiences I've had in Toronto. We weren't rushed, and were given complementary muffins for breakfast, complimentary chocolate, and champagne as our friends were celebrating their anniversary. -My cousin took me here for my belated birthday lunch and she has officially ruined normal GTA sushi for me. The crazy 5 star ratings is 100% deserved here and I can't wait to take my boyfriend very soon for a special lunch date. This is how sushi should be done and presented! The food was visually stunning. They've put a lot of thought and care into the presentation which really makes the entire experience all the better. The staff are very knowledgeable and take the time to explain the specials and dishes to you. I really appreciated that!We ended up getting the chef's special *Miku Zen* which differs, so you should ask the server first. Ours had a tofu salad (I hate tofu and I ate the whole thing.. didn't taste like tofu at all and well seasoned), beef, fish, and a spin of fish & taro chips. It came with 5 pieces of chef select Aburi (torched) sushi. Each one was delicious and the flavours are already there. You will not be using any soy sauce of wasabi for this sushi meal. We also got the Kale Goma-ae salad which was also very delicious.Dessert was the best. For a limited time, they're having this mochi dessert that's got condensed milk whip on the inside and a walnut cookie base. The mochi comes with a scoop of black sesame ice cream (my favourite) and drizzle of tarragon honey & various fruits. The mochi is so soft and fluffy it's like eating a cloud!!!!Everything was well seasoned and balanced and the chefs really take care to present and create each dish so every bite is a whole new experience. The decor is fantastic, service is excellent, and the food was just outstanding. Not an everyday type of lunch spot, but a nice treat once in a while. We all deserve to be mind blown by amazing food!!! -Truly the best Thai restaurant in the city. We arrived around after 7 on a Wednesday night which was prime time. They do not take same day reservations. The wait was just about under an hour and decided to wait. You may sit by the bar and there is also a bench in another room that you can sit and wait. We waited about 45 mins unil we got to our table.The vibe is very loud and they played great music. The decor was very cozy as if you are at your friend's house for dinner. I loved all the photographs on the wall.They have daily drink specials. I ordered mango juice and and my bf ordered a beer. We could not decide on an appetizer so we had asked the server their favourite dish to which she suggested the battered squash. BTW unfortunately I do not remember the Thai names.When it arrived, it looked like fritters and shoe strings. The dip was like a mixture of sweet chili sauce and fish sauce. It was so delicious. What a great start to our dinner.For our mains, we ordered the Khao Soi and or course, a curry fiend.. the Coconut Green Curry. It is served in a coconut.My Coconut Green Curry was definitely the BEST in the city that I have ever had. I can also scrape off the coconut which soaked in all the flavors. The Khao Soi was also so delicious.I cannot wait to go back and try the other dishes. Also an awesome place for after work drinks! !! -I love visiting Colette Cafe not just for their delicious teas and caffinated beverages but also to admire their beautiful interior design and decor. For those who know me, my absolute favourite colour is blue. They just make everything look so elegant and precious. I'm literally obsessed with every detail they have from tiles, paint, furniture and fixtures. It's very European, which they are, and I absolutely adore. I never really had the chance to pick out anything other than their hot beverages and a buttered almond croissant here and there, but they most certainly offer items such as baguettes, cupcakes, special donuts, cake, macarons, quiches and salads. Honestly I get so focused and fixated on their restaurant designs that I lose focus on the actual menu itself. I'm don't have much of a sweet tooth so I'm not necessarily drawn to the sweet items like most of my friends do. Other than that, if you enjoy tea they have a wide selection of aromatic teas to choose from. Colette also has a really great patio which is open during the warmer months. It is located on a smaller street in Toronto so if you like a more quiet, outdoor environment to do work you may want to check this place out. -Great atmosphere, awesome cocktails, SUPER fast service and delicious food. Win!Really enjoyed all the food and drinks we ordered! -Ambiance is on point. Beer is on point. Food is on point. Neighbourhood is on point. This is a great spot to chill and have drinks. A great spot to come for dinner. There are a lot of other bars and restaurants around so you could jump around and binge on excess. -My husband took me here for my birthday, and I loved everything about it! We had reservations on a Thursday night at 630pm. Once we walked in, our jackets were taken and coat checked, and we were quickly seated. The ambiance great! Our waiter came quickly, was very friendly, and took his time to explain the menu to us as it was our first time there. We started off with Aburi Beef Carpaccio, which was awesome! I loved the shoyu eggs, it was perfectly cooked. The baby green and pear complimented the beef very nicely (although a lot less greens would have been good). The beef carpaccio itself was amazing, it melted in my mouth and was packed with flavour! We then had the Kaisan Soba, which was basically a seafood soba. You can choose to get it mild or spicy. I got it spicy, which I thought was a very nice kick, I didn't find it too spicy. I was surprised with the generous amount of seafood that came with the soba. There were clams, mussles, prawns, scallop and squid. The seafood were all huge, and super fresh. The soba had a very nice texture to it, definitely one of the best soba I've had. Keep in mind this isn't your traditional soba dish though, it seemed a bit more stir fried. Anyways, overall it was super yummy!Miku is known for their Oshi Sushi (aka the blow torch pressed sushi), so I definitely had to try that. I had the salmon and mackerel. Both were amazing! The rice was very sweet and soft. And both the salmon and mackerel were torched perfectly. The salmon sushi came with a small jalapeno on top, which adds a bit of a kick to it. My husband really liked that touch, I personally took it off before eating the sushi. We also ordered the Miku roll, which was to die for. This roll literally melts in your mouth. What I loved the most about it is that there was such a thin layer of rice around the roll, with each bit, I mostly just tasted the salmon and uni and tobiko, which was awesome!!! I would recommend that everyone must try this roll!! Everything was plated beautifully. I thought the price actually quite reasonable for the quality and ambiance of the restaurant. I can't wait to come back again! -It's good. But not *that* good. Not good enough to wait for two hours. Definitely not good enough to wait for two hours when it's cold outside. If you're going to do the no reservation thing, at least have a phone/text system to alert people. The food is really reasonably priced. And there are lots of interesting items on the menu - but nothing that made me feel that the super long wait that I endured was worth it. I'll give it another shot when the 2nd location is open. -Friendly staff, fast service, great toppings. Finally ordered a pizza with all the toppings. So good! Need a location close to my work or home... -Best sushi spot in Toronto. Great service and location. Staff always welcomes you with great suggestions on their favourites and explanations on the freshest items on the menus. Their cakes are a must -This place was quite good by my ramen standards. Up there with Santouka and Orenchi (a hometown favorite in Santa Clara, Calif). They offer two kinds of noodles - the thick one looked better. -It was amazing experience, I suggest to try the lobster pasta and especially mushroom ravioli. It was savory, creamy, and the entire plate had a whimsical texture to it. We came in at unusual hours of 4 pm to have lunch and service was on point. We also bought a jar of their own hot sauce, which we paired with oysters there. Worth the try! -Great food and beer! Fantastic service! -Favourite taco joint in the city!The interior is cozy and eclectic often with rap music playing in the background. My go-tos include their Baja Fish taco (every time! the fish is so light crispy and delicious!) , their coconut cream pie (not sure what those white marshmallow pieces sticking out of the pie but it's THE best), and a bottle of Mexican beer to compliment the food.I've had their ceviche, chips and dip, as well as other offerings, but I still gravitate towards the tacos as they are always fresh and flavorful and never disappoint. -Still till this day my fave spot to grab Italian food. I went here with my fam and ordered the seafood pasta, gnocchi tomatoes pasta, pear and white sauce prosciutto pizza as well as the tomato sauce one. Delicious! All the pastas are done in house so the aldante texture is surely there. The sauce is flavorful and thick not watery at all. I have had the pear pizza before so I knew I had to get it since it was so good. The caramelized pear thinly sliced on the pizza gives it that sugary and honey flavor. I highly recommend that pizza! It's not your everyday pizza. If you are a fan of things pizza you will surely love it.The service as usual was excellent! Friendly and professional. -Good food, clean, affordable. More spacious than other restaurants I've been to in Chinatown. -This place has an amazing vibe! duck fat friest are a must! favourite sausage is the venison! wild boar is also really good and its cooked perfectly, spicy and a great texture. Kangaroo is a little on the dry side, nice to try just to say you had it but not up to par with the other game meats. Kangaroo hardly has any fat so what do you expect.Place is amazing and love the bench tables structure. great for a lunch with coworkers or a night out before partying! -I went to this place expecting a lot. Ramen being one of my favourite things. Was here on a wednesday night with a few friends. i was really looking forward to the ramen. i feel the interior design was nice and spaciousi ordered a spicy pork miso ramen. the soup in the ramen was very salty, and MSG taste. basically i couldn't drink any soup becuase it was really over salted. the noodle feels like instant noodles. and the pork is average. the egg was good, which i had to pay extra for. The ramen was really missing a lot of toppings and literally this regular sized ramen only had 1 piece of pork. my feeling is for the price they are charging, and the flavour it wasn't worth it. The taste is not good. and the portion is not a deal at all. there are so many ramen places in the area. which is why i'm surprised why this one had such a high rating, because it is really not good or worth the money. i would not recommend this to anyone, as there are much better ramen places in the area, and as well in the city. it is not worth it taste wise or price wise -The thing about scaddabush is that you enter and are immediately expecting a great night - the decor, personable hostesses, vibe, even price points are all great. The issue with this place comes with the service -- which is slow, slow, slow. Ive been here twice in the last two weeks and both times the service is less than desirable. Which is hard to understand as there are a plethora of servers working the floor. -This place is usually packed so better to reserve or go at not a peak time. Pretty much everything on the menu is delicious. Must try the Pad Thai and any of the Currys. Quick service. Once I had a hair in my curry and they apologised and gave me my meal for free. Not at intimate place to eat, gets very loud during peak times. Shared tables if you come in twos. -If I could give this place zero stars I would. Just another below average mall chain restaurant headlined by a celebrity chef charging outrageous prices for dishes that my Italian neighbour could make better. We only came here as a backup bc joey's yorkdale could not accommodate a group larger than 10. Beware - they also take your credit card for reservations and state that they will charge you $20 per person for no shows... Who the heck does that?! I ended up ordering a bunch of sharables w my friends. Crispy squid and mushrooms fritti aka battered mushroom spears. They were average... Not very many pieces. We were going to order the tomatoe bruschetta until the server told us it was only 1 piece of bread and not very sharable ($10 for 1 slice of bread - wtf?!). So we resorted to the garlic bread w sundried tomatoe and olive tapenade.. It was ok. Then we ordered the fungi, Margherita, and Parma pizza. They were the size of a small pizza.. Cut into 4. Honestly, you're better off going to Pizzaville and ordering their Margherita pizza and paying 4 bucks compared to this place. Or if you want great pizza.. Go to libretto downtown. Overall, this place doesn't deserve to be a part of yorkdale. The food is not flavourful, expensive, small portions. It looks nice, wooden decor, legs of Proscuitto hanging from the ceiling of the bar. Looks rustic, but everything else is a disappointment. Could not pay me to ever come back and eat here and would not recommend to anyone... Spend your money elsewhere. -Location: On Dundas just east of Yonge-Dundas square. Parking lots are available but pricey. The lot right next to Santouka is $10 flat on weekends. The one behind Santouka is $6 flat on weekends. Facility: Fairly small, almost always packed, very little waiting room. The corridor fits only about 5 people before it starts feeling cramped, then you'll have to stand outside. Floor to ceiling windows and an open kitchen. Washrooms are nice but TINY. Anyone taller than 5'9 may have to duck.Food Quality & Price: Meat was soft and tender. I was impressed by the presence of crunchy bamboo shoots and black fungus in my shio ramen. The egg was also very well done, marinated just right with a yolky middle that wasn't cold at all. I personally didn't like that the default noodles were so thin (almost like instand noodles), but they were cooked well enough. The regular/small size is a decent portion and really hit the spot. The only negatives about this ramen is that there is noticeable MSG in the soup base and it is very salty. While I don't doubt that the soup has been simmering for days, I think it would be just fine without MSG. You can ask for LESS salt and LESS fat, but I'm reviewing the default dish that you get without customization. Service: Good service with a smile from both the ladies and the gents. Fast, and checked in on us just the right amount of times. Didn't feel rushed.Overall: I would return to Santouka if I was in the area. I do believe that Santouka caters to general ramen eater who prefer a great deal of flavour and artificiality in their soups. So while it appeals to the masses, I find that it's a bit of a cop out. While the location boasts of Japanese locals seeking out their establishment, I think it's just a matter of decent food at a prime location. They earned a solid 4 stars but could improved by automatically reducing the amount of salt and removing MSG from their soup. -So this was my second time coming to Insomnia! Just wanna try their brunch before 3pm!We sat in the comfy sofa at around 1.50pm and ordered Charlotte, Heaven on Earth, black coffee and hot chocolate.Hot chocolate and coffee came first. Disappointedly we didn't have the hot chocolate but a warm one, despite the fairly good glass that holds the chocolate. Black coffee is normal. Although there are just few tables of customers, the food came long after we finished the chocolate. So we also got a jar of water that came slow. At first when I was yelping and saw the Heaven on Earth french toast photo, I thought the cheese inside was ice cream but no. So I then ordered a ice cream topping too for my french toast since I think ice cream with any french toast is the best combination ever for me!! And yes, this combination never goes wrong.As I am not a cheese person (I can accept cheese like in grilled cheese), I think the thick cheese that stuffed in the french toast is too much for me. This would be a little reminder for some of you like me, to be careful of it haha. Stuffed Blueberries and strawberries are OK. One interesting note is that the french toast has a quite unique texture than most of the typical ones. The egg-like texture is soft and thick..with crispy corners of the bread. Perfect with maple syrup alone or the addition of ice cream.The salmon egg benedict was great too. The side potatoes are like potato fries; they won't occupy much of your stomach but instead giving you a crispy outer layer and hot and soft potato crust. The salmon was fantastic and it makes me speechless. I wonder how they cook it. Muffin below reminded me of McDonalds' muffins. Eggs were well-cooked; they are like poached eggs. Good for those egg lovers!Maybe because we went there late and finished our brunch late like 4pm, the waitress got us the bill once we finished our food. We didn't even have some time to rest or chat since she just came and asked us if we have anything to order, we said no and she said okay just the bill and she went to get us the bill right away. We felt weird or funny that why everything happened so fast lol haha. But all in all that was a quite good experience comparing to my last time late night dinner here. (If only the food came faster and we had more time to just stay, cos there were almost no one in there - or will they close before dinner hours?) -Most ultimate restaurant for a lovely lunch with girlfriend (and babies or not), friends, colleagues or clients. The space is big so you are not side by side with another table. The service is always impeccable, the food divine, and ou HAVE TO try the pancakes as a dessert (ask for a smaller portion if you can't do the full dish;-) -I should probably preface this by saying I am related to the owner, but that only adds to the appeal! So what if I get a free beer once in awhile? I come here anyways!Having lived in Belgium, I come here to relive some of my favourite Belgian foods and beer (although, I am admittedly not much of a beer drinker). The cheese fondue and frites are authentic standouts, as well as the pulled pork sandwich even if it's not really Belgian. You have to ask for the pulled pork as it's not on the menu, but it should be since it's so popular. Maybe I should see to this since I have the connection and all! -Their steak is really good AND it doesn't break the bank if you wanna have a nice dinner. There are different sauce flavours you can choose from as well!The table next to us had a mussels appetizer and the portion looked huge! Definitely eyeing the all-you-can-eat mussels and fries for next time.. it's just such a deal for $22! Or.. maybe I should listen to my boyfriend who always says my eyes are hungrier than my stomach and just order the appetizer.... Also the match stick fries are delicious, make sure you order that as a side -3.5*. While the food was just okay, the ambiance was great and really made the experience here worthwhile. Located in the heart of the Distillery District, we visited on a Thursday evening and had the choice of sitting on the patio or indoors - it wasn't too cold, and we chose the patio which is heated. They also provide blankets for you to wrap around yourself in case the heaters aren't enough for you. First, parking. There are several Green P's located in the area surrounding the Distillery District (on a weekday evening, the average was around $4.50 an hour, or around $8.00 flat for the evening if you arrived after 6:00 PM).Second, ambiance. Beautiful, inside and out. Pretty lights, an intimate setting amongst a good sized space. This restaurant is a great option for both group dinners and dates. Plus, they take reservations.Third, the food. We had the guacamole (which they mash in front of you), Baja Fish Tacos ($15.95 for 3 tacos), Campechanos Tacos ($15.95 for 3 tacos), Costilla Courta ($16.95 - braised short rib), the Love Boat ($14.95 - fried plantains with braised beef), and Churros. Overall, the Baja Fish Tacos were the best item we ordered (nice, crispy, light, with decent flavor). The tacos were an okay size, but a bit on the small side. The guacamole was just okay (I wish it had more of a kick and body). Generally speaking, the food was just average, but it was the environment that made the experience enjoyable. A wonderful atmosphere for our group dinner, with great service (thanks so much to our awesome server, Christina, for a nice evening!). We would definitely come back here again for the ambiance, but it's not our first choice if we were strictly looking for the best Mexican food in Toronto. -Came here a few times and loved it each time. How can you complain about all you can eat fresh meat. Service is fine. Ambiance is great! Love the dancing ladies. The Parmesan beef thing was ridiculously good. This place is not for cheapos. In fact I think all cheapos should not eat out at all. They should all cook at home and be cheap to yourselves and not bother anyone else. The salad bar for all you vegetarian losers is good also. Not that a vegetarian should even step one foot inside this place. -Not sure why just west of Yonge & Dundas is becoming Toronto's 'hypebeast Asia-town'. In the area, there are line-ups for ramen, bubble tea, matcha, and Japanese cheese cake/tarts as a lot of global Asian brands are opening locations here -- and Asian kids just love lining up for trendy Asian food. These businesses are completely sustained by IG-'foodies'.Anyways, I don't know too much about Pablo - other than it being a Japanese chain that specializes in cheesetarts. I didn't really have interest, but the lady wanted to try it out and there were no lineups.We got a full size cheese tart for around $15 and it was about 8. The texture of the filling is similar to flan or pudding - taste was very light (not eggy or cheesy at all). Most of the flavour comes from the apricot topping. The crust was pretty flaky. Neither of us will try it again - just not a great value proposition (their 'premium' cheese tart is the same size but $25 with a creme brulee topping).Although not the same, Uncle Tetsu is probably their nearest competitor (geographically and figuratively). I'm not a huge fan of sweets, so I do prefer the more subtle taste and better texture of Tetsu's 'cheesecake' (which I probably won't have again anytime soon either). However, with Tetsu, it's hard to find a good substitute -- with Pablo, I rather have a good Chinese egg tart or a Portuguese egg tart... and I won't have to pay $15 - $25 for either. -Quick update to my review...I came back with two friends during the summertime and had a BLAST again. This time, I sat at the bar right in front of the chefs who were quite amusing to watch.Note to all -- GO ON YOUR BIRTHDAY! It is amazing to see these chefs and waitstaff whip out silly glasses, do a silly dance, and sing you an original happy birthday song. They have so much energy. I can't do the explanation justice.The waitstaff and chefs also shout a LOT, so be prepared for the loudness. However, listening to their amusing little side songs and comments in Japanese made for a very fun evening. We loved our experience there!The food was good and filling. One surprising tasty dish was the gomaae, spinach with sesame sauce. So delicious! The deep fried pumpkin with egg inside was prepared interestingly and it was very satisfying to eat. My friends loved the ramen... they said the pork was done perfectly! I had some of the broth and that was pretty tasty.Saba and oden are always great staples here too.I heart this place! -Heard great things about this place, but slightly disappointed overall.For a start, the service was great and our waiter was very attentive. Appetisers wise, we ordered the squash fritters, the chicken wings, and a starter bowl of tom yum soup. The chicken wings were amazing, and I especially liked that the tom yum soup was slightly sweet instead of being too sour like it is at most places. The squash fritters were tasty, but the portion was huge - way too much for 2 persons, and more suitable for a party of 4 or 5. For mains, we ordered the green curry in a coconut and the basil pork. The green curry was great, but we waited about 30 minutes for it. We also specifically requested it to be served piping hot, but to our disappointment, the curry arrived to our table at room temperature. This was the same for our tom yum soup, which was unfortunate. The basil pork was good, but I have definitely had better. Sangria was great - refreshing and tasty. The Thai iced tea was way too sweet, but not too bad. Restaurant had a trendy, eccentric hipster vibe, and was overall not a bad dining experience. More towards a 3.5 stars. -This place started out at a four star review, the food was very good, the service was not awful (hence the four, instead of five star original rating) then, out of nowhere, the lights were dimmed and the most awful top 40 rap started blasting!!! We then couldn't find our server because she was so busy serving tables like ours who were trying to get the heck out of there ASAP!!!! Had to sit for 20 minutes in the midst of a sudden club atmosphere when I was just trying to have a nice, laid back dinner and some drinks. (Drinks menu is great, I just CAN'T understand why they would turn it suddenly into a club!!!) awful. -If you're looking for a hip place to have some amazing seafood and drinks with friends, this is the place. I went on Thursday where you can eat 100 oysters for $100. Every oyster was shucked to perfection and the servers kept the hot sauce and vinegar toppings coming. I also ordered the mahi mahi dish with coconut rice (amazing!). It melted in my mouth and was just the perfect amount of fish to rice, along with the savoury seasoned veggies (which were all cooked perfectly and not limp).I brought my 6 month old baby here and it was a by too loud for him but this is definitely not the type of restaurant that you should bring a baby to. The one thing I would suggest is for the servers to refill the water a bit more often. We put the water container on the outside part of the table, hoping a waiter would notice because they just kept whipping by (it was packed) but no one noticed until we eventually stopped someone. My parents had the calamari and loved it! I will definitely be coming back here again to try some more menu options (sans baby!) -A tad small (my only complaint, but hey its Kensington Market) but sooo damn tasty. Don't bother with one- YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST TWO! The blackened mahi mahi was incredible! Highly recommend it. Note: very limited seating (around 4) and some places to stand, so either be prepared to stand and eat or savor the food experience somewhere outside - either way it will be an unforgettable. I will be back to taste the others. -Its a little frustrating to rate this restaurant as we had a fantastic time here. The setting, decor and ambiance is just lovely, I went here with a friend for food and cocktails. Cocktails were fab, we had one at the bar while waiting 15mins for our table and another with our meal. While our food was slow the waitress recognised this and was very attentive keeping us up to date.The big but is that the food just isn't great, we both found the meals bland, the table side guac was the same and the chips were stale. Maybe 3 is a little unfair and if this was a bar not a restaurant I could forgive the food. But this is a restaurant and it is not a cheap one so this is too disappointing to ignore. -Location: On Dundas just east of Yonge-Dundas square. Parking lots are available but pricey. The lot right next to Santouka is $10 flat on weekends. The one behind Santouka is $6 flat on weekends. Facility: Fairly small, almost always packed, very little waiting room. The corridor fits only about 5 people before it starts feeling cramped, then you'll have to stand outside. Floor to ceiling windows and an open kitchen. Washrooms are nice but TINY. Anyone taller than 5'9 may have to duck.Food Quality & Price: Meat was soft and tender. I was impressed by the presence of crunchy bamboo shoots and black fungus in my shio ramen. The egg was also very well done, marinated just right with a yolky middle that wasn't cold at all. I personally didn't like that the default noodles were so thin (almost like instand noodles), but they were cooked well enough. The regular/small size is a decent portion and really hit the spot. The only negatives about this ramen is that there is noticeable MSG in the soup base and it is very salty. While I don't doubt that the soup has been simmering for days, I think it would be just fine without MSG. You can ask for LESS salt and LESS fat, but I'm reviewing the default dish that you get without customization. Service: Good service with a smile from both the ladies and the gents. Fast, and checked in on us just the right amount of times. Didn't feel rushed.Overall: I would return to Santouka if I was in the area. I do believe that Santouka caters to general ramen eater who prefer a great deal of flavour and artificiality in their soups. So while it appeals to the masses, I find that it's a bit of a cop out. While the location boasts of Japanese locals seeking out their establishment, I think it's just a matter of decent food at a prime location. They earned a solid 4 stars but could improved by automatically reducing the amount of salt and removing MSG from their soup. -Amazing cheesecake! I waited in line and it was totally worth the wait. Sooo good. I also tried their Angel Hat original cheesecake, a small sized one for 10.00. It was really moist in texture and a bit different from the original cheesecake but still just as good. Then headed over to their match store for some Madeleines which where tasty for breakfast. =) -Miku is one of those places where it's correct to boast it's cultural dishes. The dishes were a bit pricier than the usual a la carte sushi but it was definitely worth it. You wouldn't be wasting a penny on the food or service.We had the sashimi lunch platter which had red tuna, salmon, yellow snapper, and scallop. It was fresh and tasted perfectly seasoned even without the soy sauce and wasabi. Which is what I feel sashimi should actually taste like.The Miku four dish spring set was made with seasonal food and had a variety of seared fish (tuna, red snapper), salad, and ingredients native to Japanese dishes. The dessert was amazing, perfectly balanced in sweetness and tartness. Would definitely come back when the sushi craving strikes! -I can see why some people would rave about this place, but personally wasn't impressed. The food wasn't bad, but it wasn't something I would go nuts about. Especially since I hate Kale.I have been a couple times as my date would want to go but won't make reso.The place is crammed which I hated and super loud. The steak tartar was good though. Pizza was okDrinks though were on point -Surprisingly decent quality food for a good price. Really fast service at a convenient location. Will return. -The food here isn't too bad, but it also isn't excellent. When I ate here I had by far some of the WORST service I've ever had. To start off, I am really against the idea of ordering off iPads. Especially when we had a larger group who had to pass around one iPad to order. It took forever to place our orders because of the size of the group (over 30 minutes). I see the iPads being good for one or two people, or if everyone in your party was going to order all-you-can-eat. But it all became very confusing, very quickly. Our food was coming at the most random times and they ended up giving me the wrong food. It was all very confusing. To top off all the frustration and confusion, our waiter spilt hot soup on someone at our table. I get it, mistakes happen...but with everything that was happening we were not impressed. When it came time to get our bills it took ages to sort everything out. We were already running behind from the slow service and we didn't have time to wait another 20 minutes for them to sort the bills out. We were finally able to pay and get out of there. I was not happy with the price I had to pay for the mediocre food I had eaten. I will NEVER be coming back here again. -My friend has been telling me about this place for about 2 months now. She works in the area and goes at least twice a week. So last night, just before we went to the movies, we finally tried it. We were in a group of 3 girls. Seating is very limited, so your best bet is probably to get take out and eat it on a nearby bench. That is my only negative for this place, hence the 4/5 rating. From here on in, it's all amazing all the time!My mouth was watering as I stood in line and checked out the menu. I'm obsessed with Korean food, so the Kalbi beef Bahn mi caught my eye immediately...as did the Kimchi fries. My heart hurts a little as I write this, because at the very last second, I opted to get the sweet potato fries instead! I know...shocking! My reasoning for such a heinous act? My two girlfriends don't eat meat...so I figured we could at least share them. The Kimchi fries have pulled pork on them...totally unshareable with Veggie Friends. i wil get you next time, Kimchi Fries...oh yes...I will!Each bite was delicious! And for a person who loves spicey food like me, thie kalbi beef bahn mi had just the perfect amount of kick to it. My mouth is actually watering as I write this and it's only 9:42am...I think this might what the beginning stages of a drug addiction must feel like!I digress. For first timers gearing up to visit The Boys...here are a few little things you should know...that I didn't...and kinda felt like a very green rookie.First of all, don't call it a sandwich...it's a Bahn Mi.... So call it that. I felt like I kind of insulted the guy taking my order when I almost said can I get the Kalbi Beef...sand... He promptly corrected me (not in a rude way at all...just totally informatively) that it's called a bahn mi.Also, they ask how spicy you want it just before they make your order... I got the Thai Red Chillies....DELICIOUS!Next time, I'm going to tackle a couple of the tacos. And then the time after that I'm going get the Steamed bao...then, the time after that.... -We revisited here again. This time is for our dinner time. Same things, great food and great decor. I enjoy the quiet and gentle atmosphere in a restaurant and definitely it wins my heart.We ordered green curry with veg, khao sow with chicken, tom yum soup with shrimps, mango sticky rice and ginger tea and a beer.Food: Authentic Thai Street FoodPrice: $$ ReasonableService: Friendly and Welcoming and Fast Speedy Cooking time (considering there was 3 more tables at the same time) A surprise to us was that we got a free appetizers , what a lovely owner!! :) Thanks Jatujak @ Victoria Park Will recommend this place and so missing Thailand and here I can find the taste again!! We are the fan from now -To be honest, I had higher expectations for this place. I am not vegan myself, and typically I don't eat at vegan places. However, I was in the area and a friend recommended it so I thought I'd try it out.The restaurant has a very elegant, chic feel. The décor is amazing and the setup is very aesthetic. Loved the circle tables, comfortable chairs, and earthy feel with the plant wallpaper. I ordered the Sweet Mess Tacos and for its price, the portion size was very small - only two tacos! However, it did taste very good. I'm not a fan of cilantro so I took it off my plate but the beans, sweet potato, and avocado blended together very well. I usually eat chicken or beef tacos, but these were so good that I forgot it was vegan!The service was also amazing. There were plenty of servers who refilled our water constantly. And our food came in a timely manner as well.All in all, this place is definitely on the pricey side. Since I am not vegan, I don't exactly see the value in paying almost $15 for two tacos. It was a good experience, but I don't see myself coming back. -Today we went there for lunch with a group of 10 people. TERRIBLE SERVICE! WillNot return. The restaurant was not busy and still no one helped us. They sat us down and didn't give us menus. We asked three different people for menu. Our main waitress had an unhappy face and very rude. She gave us menus then no one brought tea. They force you to accept very large lobster with very tough meat. We ordered extra friend rice and noodles to eat with the lobster but they never came until the end. No one offered water, waitress was never found. We had their congee - bland and watery. We asked for soy sauce and it was brought out in rice bowls, 10 bowls of soy sauce!! Never before have we seen such thoughtless service. We brought a family of friends there for Father's Day lunch and were so embarrassed that we chose this restaurant. Our food took too long to come. Not going back there. -Came here for my birthday and saw $1000+ steak...which they were sold out of!!! I can't even imagine what that steak tastes like but it must come wrapped in bills. OK, I'm kidding.Anyways, the place was packed...we had no reservation...dropped in the last minute and did I mention it was right before Xmas. The hostess did a walk around and found us a table at the upstairs bar. They were the last seats in the house and the best seats in the house!The place looks like a steakhouse and feels like a steakhouse...or what a modern one should be. It's pretty slick. We sat down and our bartender/waiter was awesome. He helped us through some of the drinks and we ended up ordering 2 steaks, 1 from Alberta and 1 from the US, as well as beefsteak tomatoes and the potato gratin. The steaks came cut in strips (we made the request) and were cooked perfectly! I do prefer the American beef over Alberta beef, sorry Canada, I hope this doesn't make me a terrible Canadian! Both steaks were excellent though. The tomatoes (feta and thyme) and potatoes were excellent as well. After our meal we got a small tour of the see through steak fridge and some explanation of steaks are aged. It's a pretty cool ending to a great meal. The service is excellent and food does match it. It was one of the best overall experiences I had in 2013 which was filled with amazing experiences. -LOVE LOVE LOVEI came here a while back in the summer and was blown away here!My hunni loves seafood, so I chose this restaurant downtown when I knew we were going down for errands. When you walk in you are greeted by a beautiful and dim restaurant. It has a bit of a romantic feel, but with more energy. It can be a great date place if you don't mind it being a bit loud. We were seated promptly ( since I made a reservation) and were lucky to get a booth that was like a bench, where we sat on one side with the table infront of us. Making it a bit more intimate for us (which was nice). The waiter was helpful and knowledgable with the menu and was attentive and excellent during our meal. Now the food:Of course, one needs to order the seafood tower at pearl diver, because you need to bask in it's holy glory at least once in your life. The tower is damn beautiful, with two tiers of seafood beauty.On the top tier you have your shrimp cocktail, salmon and king crab legsOn the bottome you have your assortment of oysters with 3 dipsFRESH AF pretty much sums up the tower. JUST TRY IT. Chicken Liver & Oyster PateI really enjoyed this, but my hunni thought it was a bit weird. I mean it seems like a weird combo, but I thought it was a great savoury dish. So i think this is probably a hit or miss item. It's pretty difficult to explain the taste of the pate, but it's oyster so... if you're adventurous or an oyster lover, go for it!Cured Fish PlateAssorted and served with rye breadFresh. not the highlight but still a great appetizerSticky Toffee PuddingThe hype about it is true. It's a decadent dessert that really hits the spot after the meal, the pudding is soft and melts in your mouth. ** we also ordered two cocktails but I forgot the names, but they were both very good and would 100% recommend**Overall, I had a great time here !! I liked the food, atmosphere and had a great waiter. This place also seemed to be great for birthdays since I saw a large table in the back celebrating a birthday and another birthday celebration in one of the booths as well. -The last few visits were very disappointing!A waste of time, drive and money!From poor SLOW service, and OVERPRICED to bland mediocre food. And terribly long waits to get seated outside!We're talking 1 hour! (I can think of hundreds of other activities I'd rather do on our night out then stand in a line up for bad food and service) or how about go next door? ? Our pre last visit was a disappointment as our child had gotten a bone in his food and hurt his tooth, the manager approached us had a chat and tried to make it better by offering other foods, and invited us back with no wait.We took him up on his offer, We had returned as a family of 5, were seated promptly and had the visit from the manager, he had gotten our child order inn right away and was pleasant, however as soon as he left it all went down hill! The servers were not pleasant/ actually quite rude and moody! Our food took extremely long to arrive! As a comparison, the table next to us arrived after us! As they were enjoying coffee and dessert we had still not gotten our main meals!?? Our servers did not clean our tables from dirty plates, we had to keep calling them over for that, to clear our dirty plates were piling up from apps and dirty cups from drinks... they did with attitude for some reason...We had contacted the manager and had tried to fill him inn on the poor service and food quality (which I had sent back my food, as it arrived after most people around my table finished their food, and mine wasn't even good after all that wait for a tiny 4oz or so fish- ridiculous)he served also had the nerve to argue with me, trying to put the blame on me as he claims he warned me it would take longer- I had 4 others at my table witness this and that it's a lie- as well as it's the smallest plate and should not have taken THIS LONG! the manager had read our messages. And weeks later still had not reached out.Very disappointing, a let down really...we feel we've given this place enough try's to finally say- other then the decor there's nothing good here! Nothing to return for. And was a huge waste of our time and money! It used to be better, a few years back. From quality to service- had truly gone down!! A shame. -The interior is similar to a dive restaurant. It's fairly clean with a mix of high seat tables or regular tables. Having come on a friday night at 8:30pm it was quite busy. The wait was well over 45min, but the server said he could text me when my table was ready. Luckily my friend suggested we sit at the bar as the servers had no problem serving food there. We got our menus and have to say that this place is a little more on the expensive side. It won't break the bank, but can you put that much added value?We got the Gaeng Hunglay - Ox Tail, Pad Thai, and chicken skewers. the food came out really quick even though the restaurant was so busy. The skewers tasted great and it came with peanut sauce and a sweet/vinegar based dip with thai chili's inside. The peanut sauce was well made and authentic instead of taking a glop of peanut butter and blending it with some hot sauce. The vinegar based sauce tasted great as well and my friend practically drank the sauce. The pad thai tasted as expected, the portion wasn't too big, but satisfying. A good mix of chicken, sprouts and everything else evenly throughout. Nothing stood out from it and the foreigner spicy translated to mild. The Gaeng Hunglay was something else though, think curry, but a little sweeter and hints of ginger. I thoroughly enjoyed that dish more then the pad thai Thai cuisine doesn't have a lot of expensive ingredients, the pad thai costs around 15$ and it wasn't special or outstanding enough for me to order it again. However, the Ox tail was delicious and if I were to come again and I would definitely order something along those lines.For authenticity this place would be 4.5/5 for Thai cuisine -I will agree that the soup is on the salty side. But the ramen is still really good!We got the spicy tan tan and the tonkotsu with thick noodles (curly, great for slurping and retaining the soup). I loved both the broths. The tonkotsu had a good pork bone flavor with this creaminess that comes when it's cooked with the ramen. The tan tan was spicy, but just enough that you want to keep on slurping the ramen and drinking the soup! By the way, there is only one slice of pork belly for the tan tan but two for the tonkotsu.Adding any extras, like shitaki mushrooms, will cost you more, but I definitely recommend adding the mushrooms because it has a sweet flavor that complements the salitness very well.I would NOT recommend getting the gyoza - it's mediocre for the price really, and their star is the ramen. Would want to go back again for the ramen! -The tacos are delicious - no doubt - and the taco included a very generous portion of fish. We got the basa fillet taco and the spicy shrimp one. The basa fish was a tiny bit bland but the fish tasted very fresh. The shrimp was deliciousssss... a bit sloppy since the sauce was dropping all over the place... but packed with flavour and just a hint of spice. The shrimp is definitely a must try! I also loveeee their flour tortillas which tasted very fresh and they double up the tortilla per taco. Four stars for in total since $6 is a bit pricey for one taco (even $5 is a lot better) but compared to some of the other taco joints, their tacos are definitely top notch in Toronto. Warning though, there are really no seats in this place, mostly just a pick up and go -The ambience was nice and the food was good too. Giving it 3 stars because I had really high expectations and the salad I got was subpar. -What can I say about Byblos? Possibly my favorite dining experience ever, even better than Splendido and Gramercy Tavern in NYC (my next favorites...now).The hostess was very pleasant and helpful, our server was efficient and very personable, and the manager James was a great host, checking in often to see how we were doing. Top notch service in every way!The food...wow. We started with a very nice salad and a fantastic artichoke and yogurt dish (I don't even like artichoke) that we devoured. Next, succulent lamb ribs with a coriander based (I think) crust on them that is similar to the excellent bread that they serve. Delicious!Wagyu beef on a cauliflower hummus that just bursts with flavor in every bite. Cooked perfectly and seasoned according to the rich fat of the wagyu to combine for the perfect bite of steak, IMO. A creamy lobster dish, some exceptional short ribs and some phenomenal Israeli couscous (and Brussels sprouts with haloumi cheese and bacon!!!) and we were pretty much stuffed, but James the host also provided us with three small desserts that were also fantastic. We also had one of their chilled alcoholic teas, and wow, does that ever finish a meal off perfectly. Can't say enough about our experience at Byblos. My wife and I are now presented with the challenge deciding how long we should wait before going back. We love trying new restos and don't like to overdo one spot, but I don't think we can wait much longer! -An excellent addition to this saturation of mediocre restaurants close of king street. A perfect pre or post theatre dinner or drinks. Love how it feels like I've walked into a tropical island and left the city. Right now their menu still seems to be finalized. There were items that weren't on the menu like the ox tail curry and pork belly everything. I found the portions small at first but it was a good size in the end for two people. We had the ox tail curry which was excellent and the fried fish with tamarind sauce. It was delicately fried and not greasy. For dessert the mango sticky rice was really good and recommended. They have a nice mat kneeling area good for A good size group. Also a small nook to the left and a private party room begin the bar ? Lots of options for drinks and fun. No liquor license yet! -I haven't tried many Thai places in Toronto, but I was born and raised in Chicago. When it comes to food I'm critical. Pai indeed lives up to my expectations! Taste and quality is amazing. It's reasonable priced especially during lunch hour. I always get my pad Thai with tea ross, but green curry is amazing too! -Authentic Japanese home-cooking and premium-quality sashimi. Karaage is outrageously moist and crisp, while beef sukiyaki houses a variety of deliciously fresh ingredients in a rich and aeronautic broth. Staples like gyudon and katsudon are comfort foods not to be missed. Finish off the meal with some of the city's best cakes, meticulously crafted to a Japanese master's standards. Tofu cheesecake, earl grey chiffon, and matcha are some of many standouts. -Great little place with delicious food! Has a really homey, comfort feeling to it. I will definitely be going back. A must go to if you're in the area! -A Jack of All Trades, but a Master of Noneis the perfect figure of speech to describe the the Pickle Barrel at Young and Dundas.The first thing that you notice when sitting down is that the menu is roughly 10 pages long and they have nearly every type of eats from thai and chinese, to all day breakfasts and seafood, not to mention Rose Reisman's healthy choices (which are undoubtedly the best picks on the menu, albeit slightly more pricey, and are excluded from a lot of the bashing the rest of the establishment is about to take from me). The large selection is about the only good thing about this particular restaurant. Which isn't especially saying much since the large selection comes with the large prices, with most entrees looking to put you back $15-30.The service... I don't even know why they bother hiring the hostess (VERY loosely used term) upstairs because she's obviously there for show. The last two times I've entered through the upstairs entrance I had to wait for the hostesses (these were two different people by the way) to finish texting before telling me to walk downstairs and through the restaurant in order to have the downstairs hostess put my party on a list for a table.I can deal with that, just enter through the downstairs entrance through the Atrium, better service. Once in the basement though, which is sort of drab, dreary and just uncomfortable as fine dining atmospheres go, all the waiters I've had have been excellent.Now the food... All I can say is mediocre at best.Their calamari is decent as a large appetizer. Yet beware, their batter is incredibly rich and takes on a lot of oil (over-fried) so expect to feel some bloating.I personally had their eggs benedict today which was horrendous. If you want a benedict, go somewhere else (yes, even Golden Griddle who had a surprisingly good benedict last time I dropped by). Eggs were overcooked and didn't seem like they were freshly made, the bacon was obviously heatlamped, and the english muffin tasted stale. The only good point of the breakfast was the potato latke which was nothing like a latke and was more like a hashbrown, yet it tasted good, albeit a little salty. In the past I've had their a few of their steak and pasta items. I'd highly advise against the steak (dry, overcooked, tasteless), though the pasta is definitely passable.I saved the best for last. The dessert.I'd personally recommend the Killer Milkshake at $4. It's massive. You'll probably be able to find a better milkshake in town, but not one that size, and not one for that price.I know a lot of my friends love their brownies and cake, I haven't tried them though so YMMV.In closing, Pickle Barrels isn't a place I'd particularly recommend to go. It definitely has the menu, but the food ruins it by being mediocre. There are so many better eats for better prices in the area. -if you are meat lover and like to try different kind of meats and flavours then this is your paradise. abundant of tender meat made to perfection served at your table and don't mis the pineapple it's so delicious -This place is ALWAYS busy. It is a fast food Vietnamese restaurant. And don't expect 5 star food. But for what it is it's great! My boyfriend and I go here when we are looking for a quick bite to eat. For both of us with a drink its $20. You order at the till an have a seat, 2 minutes later they have the food in front of you. I love it and recommend it. -Guu has really good food, amazing cocktails and nice staff. Try the sake in bamboo! -I came here for breakfast with my family. The menu is full of egg puns. Nevertheless they do have a fruit salad plate which is vegan. Fruits are fresh, colorful, and very filling. Display is a work of art! Booths are comfy. Staff is friendly and very accommodating. I wish they had more vegan friendly options like tofu scrambles. Feel free to order toasts / potatoes with no butter. Coffee is bottomless. -Their Kalbi Beef tacos are addicting with the perfect ratio of meat to veg and any of their steamed baos are the perfect cure for you hunger or hangover pangs. I've only every gotten takeout but they have me hooked! delicious but no cheap eat -Quite the disappointment. Had high expectations for a restaurant owned by Oliver & Bonacini. Service was slow, the kitchen was slow, and the food was underwhelming. -I came here to celebrate my birthday a few days ago because of all the great things I've heard about it! I was extremely excited, and rightfully so. This restaurant has a fancy upscale vibe to it and looks stunning on both the inside and outside. The atmosphere is perfect for a celebration, but still OK for a casual meal. I came mainly to try the aburi sushi, and it truly was the highlight of my dinner!The service was GREAT. Everyone was so polite and friendly from the moment we walked in to when we walked out. The servers are incredibly attentive and the food expeditors really make sure to describe what your dish is made out of as they come out. I really liked the detail in these descriptions. The place is pricey, but it's worth it for the quality of food and service. Overall, I had an amazing time at Miku!Here is a small breakdown of what I ordered and my thoughts on it:Albacore Tuna and Wakame Tartare ($18) - thought this tasted pretty good. The tuna was fresh, and it came with avocados which is my favourite. It was a cool item to try, but I probably wouldn't buy it again.Salmon Oshi Sushi ($17) - this was the best part of my dinner and I would honestly come back just to buy this again. I absolutely love it! And you probably won't be able to find aburi sushi like this in Toronto (other than at JaBistro).Red Wave Roll ($18) & Miku Roll ($22) - got 1/2 of each. Both were must haves!! I personally enjoyed the red wave roll much more though (not a big fan of uni, but I LOVE tuna). Aburi Sushi Sampler ($20) - perfect dish to start off with because you get to try a variety of different things! I'd totally recommend this to anyone who's in for trying something new.Atlantic Salmon Sashimi (6 pieces for $16) - salmon sashimi has always been one of my favourite things to eat, but I didn't find anything too special about the sashimi here. Tasted great, fresh, but not TO DIE FOR or anything like that! Just average.Uni (Sea Urchin) and Cho Toro (Tuna Belly) at market prices - I LOVED the tuna so much!! I want to go back just to have more! Didn't enjoy the uni at all though. It was my first time trying it, and it tastes extremely seafoody! It's a bit of an acquired taste and was certainly not right for me.Green Tea Opera Dessert ($13) - the green tea ice cream tasted pretty regular to me, but the CAKE with many layers to it was absolutely delicious! Must try if you're into the green tea flavour. -Guu is the hottest little piece of culinary wonder to have hit Toronto in a really long time. The buzz about this place has been absolutely ridiculous. I am not really a follower in this aspect, usually I would just get disappointed and feel ripped off. Guu was really a great surprise for me. A girlfriend and I have been eying this place for a while. Usually, I would wait until all the hype dies down but for this restaurant I don't think it's going to die down anytime soon. Regardless of the day or time, this place is always packed but trust me the wait was absolutely worth it. I guess what made this place really stand out is the environment. Once you step through those doors, you are literally transformed into a different world. It felt like you just nested into the heart of small Tokyo bar. This place is really ALIVE with all the sights and sounds of what a real Japanese restaurant should be like. Just on the environment alone, I already fell in love with this place. I wish we sat at the bar however, it would be so fascinating to watch the cooks & staff interact with each other. They seem like the really love what they are doing and just by that, you know the food would definitely deliver.So, we ordered a couple of things. Here's my take on them:TAKOWASABI: You have to be a true fan of wasabi to like this dish because it really hits you in the face. ABURI SALMON: The texture of this dish was amazing - the salmon melts in your mouth and the fried onion chips really added that extra something-something to it.HOTATE CARPACCIO: I loved this dish, it was light and refreshing but I really wish we got this dish first. With all the other overwhelming flavours of the other dishes, this dish found itself on the bland side. Pity really because the presentation was beautiful.SOY SAUCE MARINATED B.C TUNA: Literally MELTS in your mouth but it didn't stand out to the other dishes. However, still some of the best tuna sashimi I've had to date. TAKOYAKI: MUST MUST MUST try. Once I had one, I just wanted more. Enough Said.KABOCHA KOROKKE: This is probably my favourite dish, maybe because I am a huge pumpkin fan however, I was slightly disappointed. I was expecting the outside to be a lot crisper. Maybe it was just ours. Will have to try it again!! & TOFU CHEESECAKE: Yum. Yum. Yum. Period.It was just overall an amazing experience and I really can't wait to head back. There's still a lot on the menu that I would still love to try out. Although the food & environment was amazing, the icing on the cake was the staff. They were fast and ran like a well oiled machine. The waiters were cheerful and helpful. A small incident happened at Guu, a waiter accidentally broke a glass bottle behind my friend and in literally 10 mins, the mess was cleaned up and the boss came out to apologize and offered us some complimentary edamame. That, there my friends is what you call superb customer service. We ordered 8 things and it came up to be $50 dollars. Honestly, thats an amazing deal for the quality and services Guu provided. Folks, all that hype from this place is there for a reason. Guu is really really Guu(d)! -Fusion kitchen at its best... We got the chef's menu. They kept bringing all these dishes while we enjoyed the food and the company. The Singapore slaw is no any slaw.. It's the slaw of slaws. We started our meal with slaw and ended it with slaw, not to mention all the great dishes that were in between. I was filled up to the brim by the end of the night. -One of the best friend chicken and bang for your buck. At one point, my boyfriend and I were so hooked, we went twice in a week - we must've went to the gym twice as much that week too.So why is the best? The skin is a major reason for me. It's so crispy and perfectly salted, you can probably get a heart attack from it tbh. But I'll still eat it. The chicken is second. Tender and cooked to perfection. It's steaming hot when it comes to you and as much as you want to let it cool, you can't help it and you burn your fingers and tongue trying to eat it in the first 5 mins. Thirdly, the fries. Those crispy, crispy, fries. It's like their deepfried 3 times or something. And you get so much of it, you likely won't finish it. Aside from the food, their service is awesome - quick, no chit chatting and friendly. Ahh.. Fried chicken... I am salivating just writing this review. -I appreciate the variety offered, but in terms of taste, the dishes I had were solidly average. spring rolls, Pad Thai, curry chicken, sticky rice. None stood out, really. -Good thai food downtown, nice and spicy, service was good and turn around was quick, portion was a decent size. nice flavours! -Great breakfast (ginger pancakes and eggs benny)! Fast service, delicious food and simple but solid breakfast/brunch menu. Highly recommended. -So happy that Yelp led us to possibly the best Thai food in Toronto! There is definitely a vibe in this restaurant - the music was a little loud, the tables were very close together, and it seems to cater to younger people, but we had no problems with it. It was packed during lunch time, and I expect probably during dinner time as well, so plan accordingly.The menus were colorful and descriptive -- my boyfriend has a deadly shellfish allergy, and they were able to accommodate his allergies by taking out oyster sauce and shrimp paste (with no detriment to the taste), so A++ for that. We ordered the chicken pad thai (YUM, BEST EVER!), and the braised beef Khao Soi. I've never had such good Khao Soi -- they said that they were sold out of chicken drumsticks, but I bet it's even better with the drummies. The prices are a little expensive for lunch, but it is SO WORTH IT. Would absolutely come back again! -Get the cheese dishes! They're the best!! Other tapas are good too but a little overpriced to be honest. Servers were really nice and attentive. Our server was very patient when explaining the menus to us and making recommendations. Really nice decor as well. -Neo Coffee Bar is a spacious, modern cafe near old town Toronto. The decor is filled with industrial materials, concrete and wood. Soft, fluffy cake with yummy creamy filling; Neo's roll cake are delicious. Most of their pastries are made from whole wheat pastry flour, organic free-range eggs, organic milk and organic cane sugar. Everything is made from ingredients sourced from local purveyors. There seems to a wide range of healthy, gluten-free and vegan options. My companion and I shared the infamous Matcha and Aduki roll cake. The cake is made with Kyoto matcha and organic red beans. We devoured it within seconds. Great drinks, delicious treats, fabulous atmosphere - this little tucked away cafe is one of the best places to work out of! -The food is very fresh and surprisingly good. Not cheap. But worth the price for sure! The uni I had was extremely sweet and full of flavour. Will go back again. Remember to book the reservation since it's very tiny space. -Overall had a pretty disappointing experience with the service. Food was average but I am from Vancouver so quality of Japanese food in Toronto can't be compared.We ordered the omakase sushi .. on the menu it says 18 pieces. Chef selection. No substitution. When it arrived..there were only 17 pieces. We asked the server about it. She counted twice to confirm it is indeed 17 pieces and said it was because uni and ikura are considered premium sushi so they give us one piece less.I find it pretty ridiculous... The menu says 18 pieces yet that can give us any amount they want? Neverthrless, is it THAT costly for the restaurant to give us that 1 extra piece of sushi? I'd say its false advertising. Service was not great either-water was never filled-never offered to order drinks when we sat down -expected us to make room for the server to put down the food- didn't even place the plate properly in the right directionI spoke to the manager and told him I was very disappointed with the service I received and all he said was I am very sorry without even asking what went wrong. Unbelievable.If they position themselves as a higher end Japanese restaurant, as reflected in the price, I am expecting a better dining experience. -Dim sum was tasty, but was not spectacular, service was bad for fine dining. I thought there's an early bird special, probably outdated pic from yelp. So I did check with the mgr before I ordered, and she said yes they have the special, so I ordered thinking there's a special flat price for small, medium, and large. For the total of 6 dishes I ordered, the bill including a 15 percent tip and tax was $40. This gotta be the most expensive dim sum I have ever eaten lol! ESP considering I don't have much left over and I didn't order a special kitchen dish like BBQ or fried noodle! So for slight better in ingredient and taste, I would agree with fellow yelpers that this place is not worth it. If u have lots of cash and would like the better ingredients and decent taste, then it's probably ok. Luckily my work is footing the bill, but that means I have $15 left to eat lunch and dinner the rest of today :p -We went as a party of four for dinner without a reservation. The place was packed but the hostess was very nice and found a booth that could accommodate us within 15 minutes or so. We had a drink at the bar during this time.Once we got our table, we ordered 24 assorted East Coast oysters. Personally, I liked the ones from Martha's Vineyard best. The oysters were fresh and tasty. For the main course, I ordered sesame seed ahi tuna and it was delicious. The tuna was cooked perfectly and the side was a wasabi mashed potato which was also great. We finished things off with a cheese platter that was good but sadly didn't live up to the rest of the experience.The food was good if a bit pricey for what you get, the service was good and accommodating and overall it was a rather pleasant experience. The atmosphere was great and the music was good. I will definitely go back at some point. -We had a disappointing experience at Cluny last night which is what is prompting me to sign up on Yelp and write this review. Although I am new to writing an official review on Yelp, my husband and I are no stranger to frequenting a variety of top restaurants in Toronto and around the world for that matter. Last night was our first time at Cluny and we were both very excited to try it out. When we walked in, we were immediately impressed with the quaint French bistro décor and overall feel and ambiance. Loved the little bakery at the front of the restaurant. When we arrived, we were not greeted by anyone (restaurant wasn't even busy at this point 6:45 Monday evening), after about 5 mins of standing there looking around, someone that looked like he was one of the Chefs (who happened to be getting something in the stock room/closet, finally said someone will be with you shortly. We were greeted by the hostess with a less than impressive hello. After we were seated, it took about 10mins before we were acknowledged by our Waiter for the evening. Again, was not impressed by his demeanor and lack of interest in us as guest. We've probably had better service at a local Chain restaurant or a drive thru for that matter! Our appetizers came relatively quickly (Oysters, Cod balls and Caesar salad). The Caesar salad was a complete disappointment, perhaps I had high expectations but when you proudly call a dish Cluny Caesar with a price tag of $13+ I would expect a little more than 2 branches of Romaine barely drizzled with dressing and 4-5 chick peas and feta lining the bottom. We ordered Oysters and when it was brought to us, the Waitress was trying to explain the different Oysters and said Oh and I forget what this one is called.... Anyway, I don't want to get too lengthy with the review here but all in all I would rate the food quite good (minus the Caesar salad) at this restaurant but the underwhelming service takes this place to a whole new low. The atmosphere in terms of décor and ambiance were excellent, very reminiscent of a bistro in Paris which is a rare find here. The service was beyond below average. Our waiter (middle aged male, appeared quite sloppy if I can be honest) was inattentive, unpleasant and simply unprofessional. He did not check on us until our dinner was done and did not even utter a Thanks or good bye when we paid the bill. This is definitely a very poorly managed establishment with very disengaged, unprofessional/untrained staff, you can see it in their demeanor and even the way they are dressed. I think the hostess was wearing running shoes and some other waiters were dressed in black golf shirts or sports bra like gym attire. I am disappointed because this place has potential. -Inspired by Munich style beer halls, Wvrst opened mid last year in the Toronto King West area, serving up some exotic sausages and a wide variety of beers. I've been wanting to try this place since it opened and luckily I was able to find someone who was yet to have tried it. Thanks for coming with me Justine H! In a nutshell, this place is like Oktoberfest, and now you can have it everyday at Wvrst!Wvrst definitely has flavours of a European sausage and beer hall, and really reminded me of Oktoberfest (except nicer). It's spacious and dimly lit with with ceiling strung lights --a casually comfortable place.Wvrst MenuScattered around the hall tables were these long sheets of recycled paper which would be the menu. If you're looking for something other than fries, sausages, and alcohol, you're probably at the wrong place. The menu is simple, but the numerous options lie in the type of each you fancy.At the back of the establishment there is a long open space that leads up to a rather small counter where you order and pay. I imagine this empty space is filled up by a line up during busier lunch hours. It wasn't too bad on the Tuesday night that we went.Sausage Display CaseThe display case is neatly organized with all the different sausages that they have. If you're in the mood for some exotic meats, then you're in luck. They have everything from kangaroo to venison, rabbit to guinea fowl. Justine H and I weren't too appetized looking at it, but after we managed to get over its appearance we went up to the counter to order.DrinksThey have quite a number of beers here, bottled and on tap. Definitely not as many as a place like Beer Bistro might have, but more than just your commonly seen brews. Justine opted for the San Pellegrino Orange, and me an Austrailian beer Stiegl. Figured it was only fitting that I had a beer in the given setting!Bratwvrst ($6) -Veal, Pork, and WineDuck ($9) -Maple and Fois GrasThese contemporary European sausages for the most part were quite good. Juicy and full of flavour. Didn't feel like I was eating a super artificial chunk of meat like I do having hot dogs from street vendors. In terms of flavour, I think it really depends on the sausage you order. You could definitely taste the fois gras in the Duck sausage, which was something Justine H didn't enjoy too much. I didn't mind it and found it to be an interesting combination, but I definitely liked the Bratwvrst more. I'd like to add that these sausages are quite small, and even with my small appetite I was unsatisfied having just the one hot dog.Duck Fat Fries ($4.50)Lots of other food enthusiasts raved about these fries, so we ordered a serving to share. Perhaps it was the heightened expectations from all the amazing reviews, but these duck fat fries fell just a bit short. They were full bodied, thick, and buttery, but they just weren't amazing. To be honest, I couldn't differentiate what difference the duck fat had on the fries compared to the ones made in regular oil. The order of fries comes with one dipping sauce, and the Wvrst Spicy we chose was great. Definitely not the best fries I've had, but they are quite tasty still, and would easily satisfy those random starchy fry cravings.One last thing to note, is that they are big on leafs games here! They have a ticket giveaway at around 6:30pm the night of every Leaf's game at the Air Canada Center. With TV's all around the dining hall and tables that encourage conversation, it would be a great place to go catch the game along with a couple of drinks. But be warned, it might get pretty rowdy later in the night with cheering Leafs fans who've had a couple drinks or two! -I went on a Wednesday night (during great patio season weather) for a table of 4 and there was no wait time.The prices were great, the best part is that tax is included in the price. That being said, this is a snack bar, and the portions are quite small and not intended to substitute dinner (which was what I originally intended to do). I ordered the KFC (which was just okay), the steak tartare, and the foie torchan. My favourite was the steak tartare!! I would come back again if I wanted a quick stop for a snack and a drink with friends. -Fantastic beer, delicious food, relaxing ambiance (speaking more to my recent, winter and spring month experiences, sitting inside, upstairs). This is the very first choice when thirst and hungry strike at the same time.The inside looks tiny here, but there is an area upstairs that overlooks the front of the restaurant and the back brewing area. Service is always great up there even though you feel like you're tucked away in your own private alcove.The beer list changes a fair bit and I appreciate the detailed descriptions on their menu card. I've tended towards trying the IPAs and have loved them all.While Bellwoods gets a standing ovation for its beer, the food has to be applauded loud and long. This is not just a brewery with food, these are really well thought out and well prepared beer accompaniments. I wouldn't be surprised if people come here for grub who don't order beer. Me and my DC have mostly always ordered the same items on every visit and they've been consistently excellent - the kale and ryeberry salad, the duck meatballs - sometimes the fries, and the corn cobs when they're available... all are unique in their own way. We tried the queso fundido last time - surprisingly scoopable and so decadent with the chicharrones. Portion sizes are spot on.We've only really had one food miss here - the smoked bratwurst (which seems to have disappeared the lamb sausage with fennel curry, which we really loved). It is difficult to eat and not worth $14. Everything else on the menu is elevated though it's pretty simple fare, and this one seems a spin on the, IMO, now-overly-prevalent genre of fancy-not-fancy junk food. -After MANY suggestions I finally decided to try and brought my mom and sister along. The food was really great, we had the duck confit, the short rib tacos, cheeseburger spring rolls, truffle fries and the chicken and waffles. Despite being good, the service was awful. It started out well, but then we got a table beside us with four people. The server must have known them. They got their food before us, despite arriving a half hour after us. The server was very attentive to them gave them each a dessert for it being their birthday, when they expressed that it was intact only ONE of their birthdays. So they all got dessert with a candle. We were still waiting for our last entree. They had all 8 of their plates come out and we were waiting for our 5th. It took 25 minutes to get the bill and the server went to the group beside us to cash them out first. It was extremely frustrating seeing everyone getting their food and special service. The food was great but the service seriously put a damper on the night. I honestly won't go back, there are way better restaurants with great and attentive service. After all, it's a part of the ambiance and experience. -Byblos is one of those restaurants you're always reading about but somehow you just never get around to visiting. But given that we had theater tickets one Friday night, the time was finally right to sample Byblos' much-ballyhooed wares.We arrived at around 6:15 and we promptly shown to our reserved table near the front. Our very helpful waitress appeared shortly after and we began the slow process of figuring out just what to eat. We ultimately chose six items:Duck Kibbeh (dried fig + date molasses + tahini): This was easily the highlight of the entire meal. I've eaten plenty of kibbeh over my lifetime but this is unquestionably the tastiest version of this venerable dish I've ever had. Everything was perfect, from the delectable spices to the unctuous, melt-in-your-mouth meat to the note-perfect sauce. Just astounding.Spanish Octopus (fingerling potato + biber chili vinaigrette + preserved lemon): Although the octopus was cooked about as well as I've ever had it - the octopus at Bar Isabel, for example, was far chewier - there was nothing about this dish that really stood out. Perhaps it's because it came on the heels of the sublime Duck Kibbeh, but there was nothing here that really blew me away in terms of flavor - although the presentation was quite nice.Sujuk Pide (turkish paste + persian feta + za'atar): I'm a big fan of sujuk (a spicy Middle Eastern sausage), so I was especially excited about this one. It's very good. All the components work extremely well together and the enveloping crust is baked perfectly. I suppose my one complaint is the sujuk itself, which, in addition to not tasting like any sujuk I've ever had, is completely lacking in the heat I've come to associate with the sausage.Mejadra (lentil + hung yogurt + fried shallot): Again, this is something I've been eating my entire life and I have to say, unfortunately, that this dish just didn't measure up. Despite the aforementioned dollop of yogurt, the rice is just dry as heck. It's been cooked in a skillet, which allows the side and bottom rice to get crispy - an idea which sounds great in theory but doesn't really work here. Far more problematic is the fried shallot on top. Traditionally, the shallots (or onions) are taken beyond the point of caramelization, which lends the dish a rich flavor that's unfortunately completely absent here. This was definitely the biggest disappointment for me.Seared Cauliflower (duck fat + tahini sauce + sesame + coriander): This is a very tasty side that's almost workmanlike in its execution. It's well done but it's nothing special, sadly.Turkish Manti Dumplings (smokey eggplant + yogurt sauce + molasses): This incredibly rich dish admittedly goes well with the Mejadra, as it cuts that dryness I mentioned. But it might be just a little too rich; between the heavy yogurt sauce and the sweet molasses, it's impossible to taste the smokey eggplant supposedly contained within the dumplings.All in all, I quite enjoyed my meal at Byblos. The ambiance is inviting, the service is flawless, and the food is, for the most part, quite above average. And I'd sure as heck go back just to eat that Duck Kibbeh again. -This place feels like a Toronto classic with a fusion twist on Asian classics! My go to here is usually kimchi poutine, or one of the sandwiches. All the food is always hot and fresh (probably because of how busy they are), and the ingredients taste authentic, even though the dishes are fusions. The spaces are usually small, and definitely not intended for long stays. I usually take my food to go and find a nicer area nearby (parks and public spaces abound). Definitely good for quick eats! -Very charming hotel with artsy interior, located in the perfect part of town for sightseeing. The staff was extremely helpful and responsive. The room was lovely -- only problem was a wall air conditioner that didn't work very well in that the "low" setting was a full-on cold air blast. The room was stuffy and warm or getting blasted with cold air, so that wasn't so great. Otherwise, comfy bed and loads of amenities. Definitely eat at the hotel's cafe -- delicious high-end fare at incredibly reasonable prices. Loved our stay -- we will come back again... in the winter! -Great location on Union Square, booked twin and king both with city views. Rooms both good size. When checking in worth asking for a room on higher floor, The restaurant and bar on the top floor is well worth a visit. We had a drink there in the evening, fantastic views, equally so in the morning for breakfast which was very good value. Expensive valet parking but when you dont know your way around a city there isnt really any other option. Watch where you book these rooms. The hyatt website proclaims to offer the cheapest rate and offers a price promise however when I found a cheaper rate elsewhere which met all of their published criteria they started quoting other criteria that I had to meet which wasnt published on their site. As we were travelling from the UK I had booked with Virgin holidays who were much cheaper than anyone else. -My daughter and I stayed 5 nights at Hotel Whitcomb during her spring break. My husband suggested this hotel because of the special rate at the time and the fact that the BART stopped right outside. When we saw the pictures on their web site we were both psyched to stay there. It turned out to be a great choice for us. I didn't want the bother of parking a rental car in SF. We took the BART from the airport and got a Muni Passport which allowed us unlimited rides on the cable cars, buses and the subway. Right outside the hotel was a stop for buses and cable cars, down stairs was the subway. With the map the hotel provided we could find our way to anywhere in the city. The hotel was charming, clean and except for sirens, quiet. The staff was friendly. Our room was small, but the beds were super comfortable. We joked that we had a suite. The closet was really big and we used it for a changing room. The only thing we missed in the room was a coffee maker. However, there is a Starbucks downstairs and a couple of places the next block down that had even better coffe and a great selection of doughnuts. There are good places to eat across the street - Sam's Diner, Munch Haven Cafe. Even though I am from a tiny town, I never felt threatened outside. A special bonus - Wicked was playing at the Orpheum on the next block across the street. We both had a fantastic time!I highly recommend this hotel. -Disappointed in rooms. After checking out the huge beautiful lobby we were excited about the rooms. Rooms in need of repair. Closet mirror doors falling off track and ridiculous to open. Bathroom tile and grout old and chipping. I thought counters were dirty, but just old and can't clean. Something removed from wall and metal parts still there. No ventilation fan in bathroom so had to keep tossing bags or ice bucket on the floor to keep the door open a crack for air. Internet and parking way overpriced for the quality of the rooms. Lucky to have a good view in one of the rooms and although the furniture run down, the bedding and towels were nice. Location was great though, and the employees wonderful. We never did find the "Lobby Bar". Nobody was at the front desk to ask so assuming the only bar is in the restaurant which closes too early to go to after theatre. -Thanks to Jesse the Mgr for making our 12 yr post-honeymoon/pre-anniversary trip to SF the best getaway we've ever had! The hotel was in the perfect location, reasonably priced, and everything fell into place. We were pleasantly surprised at how close we were to the pier (Bus#47 was our 2nd home), in fact we traveled down there twice a day with a bus transfer. Yes, we did the whole trip w/o a Rental! From the Airport we took the BART and Bus!! So yes, the transportation was safe, and we even ventured out past the hotel (on Polk). As a result, we experienced the charm of SF. We ate at the Victor's Pizza (who will deliver to your room) and Chai-Yo (excellent dessert). We searched on yelp.com and locked in the hotel's address, and read the reviews of those in the neighborhood. We can kick ourselves for not trying the Greek restaurant, down on Polk St., but we'll definitely be back!!We planned our whole trip on transit511.org from our room (yes via the internet access). I can go on and on, but I wanted to share our wonderful experience and thank everyone for their wonderful reviews in helping us to find the HI gateway, because we'll be returning REALLY SOON!! Thanks Jesse and the HI Staff! Oh yah! Tell the cleaning crew that next time we won't lock ourselves in the room so long that they can't come in and clean it! HEE HEE! -We stayed at the Hotel Rex for four nights in early November. The check in staff were extremely helpful and friendly and we found all staff were the same high calibre. We had a deluxe double double room and found it plenty big enough even with our cases laid out on the floor. The beds were very comfy and the shower wonderful. I would've liked to have had a coffee maker in the room but complimentary tea and coffee was available in the bar area in the morning. Also, missed a complimentary breakfast. Cafe Andree, next door, served breakfast but it is quite pricy in comparison to local restarants. The complimentary wine of an evening was great though!The hotel was in a great location, a block or so from Union Square and with a cable car station in the adjoining street. The hotel staff are great for recommending tours and restaurants. We'd recommend Lori's diner for breakfast and great coffee and Puccini and Pinetti for dinner.Overall, we'd recommend the Hotel Rex for a stay in this wonderful city. -Stayed at Hotel Serrano for 5 nights (Jan. 06). Location is a block or two off of Union Square--ideal for first-time visitors and returnees like me. The suites and exec. king rooms(we peeked in a few) were well laid out, not huge but not small. Our suite had a decent sized living room with a view of the city and a peek of the bay far, far away, very nice to wake up to. The bathroom tub was large, but the bathroom was small and had no counter space (we moved a table in from the living room). This hotel is part of Kimpton chain, with fun bathrobes and Aveda bath amenities in our room. The 24 hour dry sauna was delightful (there's also a small gym and 2 computer terminals for web browsing. Wine was served at 5pm in the lobby, but only pretzels to nibble on. Morning coffee and tea was a nice touch. Staff was helpful and accomodating. We had a B&B package that provided an OK (not exciting) continental breakfast at the adjacent restaurant. The only drawback is that the cost of parking (adjacent to hotel or at a different lot across the street) is very costly ($30 per 24 hours). THere is no available neighborhood parking so if you are driving there, be forewarned . -We stayed here for 4 days when we arrived for a 3 week trip to california. Our room was on the same level as reception and we had a view over the city. We knew it was located in Pacific Heights and not near Downtown but it is a beautiful neighbourhood with amazing views over the bay, golden gate bridge and Presidio within just a short walk. The staff were fantastic - couldn't have been more helpful - they gave us good recommendations for restaurants and were able to give us clear directions and a map of bus routes (which made getting around town very easy), they were also extremely pleasant and welcoming. The wine and cheese in the evening is a lovely treat after a day on the go! Our room was very clean and the bathroom was excellent. We stayed one more night later in the holiday and were given a room on the dining room level - admittedly this room wasn't just a nice as the first one we'd had but it was just for a night and we were fine with that. Thank you Hotel Drisco - it was an absolute pleasure staying with you! If we're back in SF some time we'll be back to stay with you! -We stay at this hotel often when we visit friends and family in the area and it is still terrific. As other people have noted, the lower rooms don't have the great views the upper floors do, but the rooms are all still large (by Union Square standards) and clean. Everyone from the front desk, the concierge, the maid service and valet -- is always polite and prompt to take care of our many requests (we travel a lot and tend to be picky). The location is great. For shoppers, Union Square is paradise. The main entrance to Chinatown is a short 2 blocks walk away. North Beach is a 10 minute cab ride, F'sherman's Wharf and Pacific Heights are about 15 min by cab. The Ferry Bldg with its fabulous new weekend market is about 5 mins away. There are also a variety of public transportation options at Union Square. What's the only downside? You don't need a car if you're just touring San Francisco (the public transportation is fabulous), but if you have one (we visit outside the city) parking is OUTRAGEOUS all over San Francisco. Valet at the hotel was $42 a day (ouch!) -The motel is very nice with renovated, spacious rooms. It is situated in walking distance to wisherman's warf. We really can recommend the hotel. It was the best quality of rooms that we had during our trip and all that for a very good rate.Thanks again for the hospitality and kind service!If we are back in SF we definately will stay again at Redwood Inn!Manuel&Tabea -I go to San Francisco on business several times a year and have usually stayed at the Stanford Court. My last couple visits were less than satisfactory. I recommended the hotel to other co-workers who stayed there and they did not receive complimentary coffee. When I wrote to the management, it was checked out and determined that one WAS delivered (tho the time stated was after the guest checked out!!) and the other one just "slipped through the cracks" or some such thing. I was told that on my next visit, I would be given an upgraded room with a view. When I stayed there again (Feb 2005), I brought the letter that said I'd be given an upgraded room and was told that the manager who wrote the letter no longer worked there. The room I got was an interior room with NO view! The following day, I stopped at the vending machine on the 2nd floor to get bottled water and the machine dispensed soda instead. I brought it to the front desk for either a refund or replacement and the clerk asked a bellboy to get me some bottled water to replace it and he said that there was none in the fridge. The clerk then told me that WARM water was better for me than cold anyway. I just said that I had paid for cold water. I went back to my room and a while later, housekeeping brought me some warm bottled water. As others have said in reviews, the location is great, but the hotel itself worn and tired, some of the staff ok, others indifferent at best. Personally, I won't stay there again. Grosvenor Suites is right around the corner and a better deal. -I like both an overall review and details when I use this site, so I'll do both here.HILTON STAFF WERE AMAZINGThe staff at this hotel were wonderful. Scott in reservations was incredibly gracious to us when we were in a bind and made magic happen before we even arrived. He saved our trip.The rest of the staff had the same can do attitude, from checking in to constantly being greeting in the elevators and hallways, all the way to the end when we retrieved our bags.ROOMS WERE GREATThe rooms were also nice, well appointed. The bathroom and closet area is a little tight but a small thing considering all the views. Our friends had an AMAZING view of the bay and downtown. We also had so much fun with the views. I love to people watch down on the street; this view afforded that opportunity. The bed was medium in terms of firmness and the pillows a mix of feather and non. All very nice.There was a long desk area by the window and a chair with ottoman by the bathroom wall so, plenty of places to lounge and store things.We are light sleepers but were a little surprised by the road noise, especially bc we were on one of the highest floors. However, turning the AC unit to "on", playing music and/or using ear plugs solved the problem.FITNESS = FUNThe amenities were great as well. Being into hotel fitness centers, I was elated at how nice this one was! Treadmills, stationary bikes, weight machines, etc. Even apples and water in the room, all with a great view in front of you.LOCATION WAS IDEALThe location was perfect for us. Chinatown is right there with plenty of restaurants. We ate at E Tutto Qua which is .2 miles from the hotel and it was lovely. Not a bad walk to Union Square, the BART, etc. Just enough away from all the big touristy areas. We walked the whole time from the hotel, only taking a cab once and the BART to and from SFO. It's a great location.OVERALL - THANK YOU, HILTON!This was a great stay. All six of us in our group had a wonderful time. It was always nice to go back to our rooms each day after playing hard. The Hilton did it right and we tremendously enjoyed it! -This was a wonderful experience. A pal helped me book and got me a room for $90. Even if it had been $200, I'd still give this place great marks. First, the place was truly modernized and had really fresh, design-y furniture, bedding, accessories. Second, my view - I think I was in the 20-something floors - was magnificent. I had a beautiful wide view of the north side of the city, including North Beach, Golden Gate Bridge, etc. Just wonderful to wake up to. My main complaint is the high cost of parking - $42 for valet or self-parking. That's downtown SF for you. I found my own lot - there's one just across the street - and paid a bit less. -Teriffic location; fantastic bar with complimentary wine every afternoon. Rooms more than adequate; and best of all, a very competitive price. -Hotel is close to China town and Union Square, a little further walk to Fisherman's wharf. Cable car stop just outside. Room was amazing. Beautiful views of the city. Bathroom was luxurious. Service was outstanding. The slightest request brought swift and curtious responses. Only thing was the dining room was closed when we arrived at 6pm for some reason, and valet parking added $50 a day to an already expensive bill. -Great hotel! Excellent location. We walked everywhere. Front desk staff was friendly, knowledgeable and really helpful. Room (double/double) was lovely: clean, quiet and well-appointed. Take the stairs to your room and enjoy reading quotes from famous writers on each floor. Maximo the pug is an extra special addition. Every hotel should have such an ambassador. -A fantastically central hotel. Close enough to shopping and Union Square that we felt comfortable leaving our kids off to shop on their own. Wonderful concierge service. We did have a bit of a mess up when we tried to change rooms for an interconnecting room but overall we can live with that. I would recommend asking for a high up room on the 1st Tower as the views are great. A small point of note we were on the 25th floor. I can't speak for the other floors but the odd numbered rooms are smaller than the even on that floor. I know of people that stayed on the even on the 44th floor and they said that the views were stunning. Overall can't fault it.. Very busy but quiet at the same time away from the foyer. -Reading the reviews on TripAdvisor, we contacted the Drisco and booked a triple room for my husband, my elderly mother and myself. Although we were kindly warned by the staff that the room was too small to comfortably accomdate three people, we were pleasantly surprised. The room was spacious, with the most comfortable beds we had ever tried, a huge bathroom, and all the possible amenities. The staff is extremely gracious and ready to help with suggestions for places to go shopping or dining, the best transportation options, and even doing the booking on your behalf. There is nothing they do not go out of their way williningly to do for their guests. I have to single out Bob, with his warm friendly attitude, big smile and exhaustive knowledge of the neighborhood and extreme kindness to my elderly mother; the well read Julio and the extremely cooperative Tan. The hotel is in a lovely picturesque neighborhood with several options for dining and shopping - even just walking up and down the streets - although steep - is a pure joy. The hotel provides a filling breakfast with plenty of options that keep you satisfied easily through lunch and also offers a wine and cheese hour by which you can easily skip lunch simply have only dinner. Coffee is available 24/7; even at 3 in the morning, you can count on freshly brewed coffee in the lobby.If you are going to Frisco, there is no other place to stay. Don't look beyond the Drisco! -My husband and I stayed here on our wedding night after a terrible fiasco at the Inn Above Tide in Sausalito (awful place) which forced us to find another hotel ASAP. We chose the Hotel Monaco and were so happy with our choice!We stayed in a Monte Carlo Suite, which looked EXACTLY, if not better, than it did online. Our suite was #323, and was two rooms, with large floor to ceiling windows, fabulous and fun decor, enourmous bed with down comforter, huge plasma TV, free wireless and a large bathroom with elegant fixtures and a two-person whirlpool tub. Not to mention plentiful Aveda bath products, which were refilled daily.Everything about our stay was top-notch. Excellent customer service from valets, front desk staff, room service staff, housekeeping. They have a great wine hour from where they offer free chair massages and tarrot card readings. We took advantage of both and had a great time. Also, they offered a large selection of fine wines and were very generous with the amount they poured.We oreded a room service dinner and it was wonderful. It is served from the Grand Cafe located in the hotel and we were very pleased. They also offered a nightly turn-down service which was a nice touch. We cant wait to come back for our 1 year anniversary. Keep up the excellent work, Hotel Monaco!!!PS - I would share my photos of the room, but they look exactly the same as the ones online. For once, a website which actually shows what you get! -My friends and I have our quarterly Girlfriends' Getaway and this getaway was special as it fell on our birthdays. The stay at the Inn was FANTASTIC--EXCEEDING OUR EXPECTATIONS!!! From the moment we walk in the door we were treated as though we were royalty. Joseph, Tony, Wayne Olson, Heidi, Omar, and our favorite, Josie, were very accommodating in providing not only great service, but recommendations on what to see, where to go, where to eat, etc. The nightly wine and cheese reception was a nice touch and very relaxing after a day of sightseeing and shopping. Wayne and Heidi made certain we had everything and spent time chatting with us about the sights of San Francisco. Tony and Josie were great and made certain we didn't want for anything. Joseph and Omar provided great tips on where to eat, shopping areas (not that we needed help on that one) and took the time to ask how our day went when we returned to the Inn. We stayed in the Penthouse and never bumped into each other as we each had plenty of room. The continental breakfast provided healthy choices and again, was so relaxing you hated to get up. We will definitely return to the Inn. Thank you all for making this one of our best weekend getaways! -I just returned from a week-long stay at The Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, and my experience there was great. The view from the room I was given at first was not what I expected, and the room was also in a noisy location. However I contacted the front desk and they promptly upgraded me to an even larger room, that had a breathtaking view of the bay--for the same cost. The service at the hotel was wonderful--everyone I encountered there was very accomodating and professional. I especially enjoyed the exceptional room service. The room service menu was extensive and the food was delicious. The hotel's restaurants were also quite good. The Tonga Room was a very unique restaurant with an interesting atmosphere and refreshing Asian-Polynesian cuisine. The room itself was wonderful. It was very clean, and well kept, and was also decorated nicely. The bathroom was large and spotlessly clean.The beautiful lobby was another thing about this hotel that I loved. It had a very classic feel to it, with marble floors and lovely furnishings.The hotel felt safe and secure and it was also in a good location within walking distance to Union Square and close to Cable Cars. Overall, the hotel was wonderful and I look forward to returning to it for my next visit to San Francisco. -We enjoyed our four-night stay here in late July. We had a "Grand View" room on the 25th floor in the tower, with a great view stretching from the Golden Gate Bridge on one side (when visible) to Coit Tower and some of the bay. The room was spacious for a city hotel, and nicely done, with a large, attractive bath. (This is clearly a hotel where booking a better room category makes a big difference in your experience.) Views from the Tower elevators were equally impressive, although in a different direction, and made each elevator ride a real treat. The lobby of the tower building was very elegant and attractive, while the lobby of the main hotel maintained a nice mix of the historic architecture and modern decor. We took advantage of the mid-week special dinner menu for St. Francis guests at Michael Mina, which was wonderful, and a fraction of the cost of the more extensive normal menu. The breakfast buffet at the Oak Room was very good, with lots of fresh fruit and excellent pastries (great chocolate croissants and banana nut muffins) as well as the usual hot items. (Although not listed on the menu, the cold buffet is available for less than the full buffet.) Some mornings we just picked up good pastries and coffee from the small bar in the lobby of the tower building, with plenty of spacious seating. The spa is convenient, and I was able to make bookings on less than a day's notice. The services and locker room/facilities were fine, but this is clearly a convenience offering, not a "destination spa." While this is a huge, busy hotel (often with lines for the concierge), our floor and rooms were very peaceful and quiet, and the hotel has both history and personality. Go speak to the delightful gentleman who runs a shoe-shining service near the Oak Room - he will surely put a smile on your face, and may even sing you a song! -we stayed here for 4 nights before travelling on to vegas. we went for a honeymoon and it couldn't have been more perfect. very friendly staff on arrival. Ice bucket with champagne in our room. very comfortable room, very clean. The hotel was in an excellent location right in the centre of union square so you will never get bored! The hotel swimming pool is a nice area although we didnt really get to use it because of the weather! The hotel restaurant "the daily grill" was excellent food and very good value for money! Reception staff were very friendly and helpful!All in all a wonderful trip and I would definitely stop at this hotel if I went back to San Francisco -We just spent three days at the Clift and found the experience mixed. The good:1. Location--can't be beat.2. Front desk crew--helpful and friendly.3. Bed and bed linens--comfy.The OK:1. Lobby decor2. Doormen--friendly enough, but rarely open the door for you.The bad:1. Lighting--terrible in the lobby and in the rooms. Hard to even read.2. Storage--essentially none. They use funny plastic cubes as nightstands and have no dresser available.3. Room size. Pretty small for a good hotel. SMALL bathroom.3. Charge for internet service. -If you are not on an expense account this is a simple, clean, quiet and centrally located place to stay. Beds were comfortable and the showers had great water pressure and heat. Continental breakfast was sufficient to get you going before taking the bus right outside to Fisherman's Wharf or walking 5 blocks to Union Square. Great mix of Americans, Europeans, Football Fans and Airline crews all who came and went during the day. Staff was friendly and helpful. No need to drive as the hotel is a short 10-15 minute relatively flat walk from BART which directly connects either to SFO or OAK. A great find. We will be back. -This is the perfect place to base your trip to San Francisco. The Hotel is literally in the middle of it all and is incredibly easy to find from either car or public transport. This is an historic gem of a Hotel. We stayed on the twelth floor of the old tower, which according to my research was built in 1908. Yes it is old, but well kept and in excellent condition. I appreciate the 'old' smell. The Hotel staff seemed nice enough although we had no interactions with them except for at check in and check out. Pros: Historic PropertyProximity of cable cars/BART/ F LineAt the center of it all feelingQuick walking distance to shopping and restaurantsCons:None!Would definitely stay here again as there are always cheap deals to be found online. -This is a hard to find hotel in the financial district. When I arrived the bellman said " you couldn't park there." I said "what I am checking in this hotel" he said "you are going to get a ticket.. " I said "Can I get my baggage out of my car?".. Finally I went to another bellman and said that guy said I cant park her but I need to check in.. He said "sorry" and when and got my luggage. I don't know if the was a language problem or what? But it not the usual greeting I get at hotels. I complained as I checked in and got a cool response apology. It was Valentine Day weekend and stayed in the Lotus Suite. I had flowers delivered and I noticed the bell man had them in his hand in a box.. I quietly said to him why do you have the flowers in your hand in a box, it supposed to be in the room as a surprise. He seemed not to understand as he puts the flower down on the dresser, I ask can I get a vase? It was a weird start to a trip at a 5 star hotel. The trip got better because the Lotus Room was simply beautiful and the view was spectacular out each window. I say through out my 3 day stay, I didn't find the front desk to be that friendly like other 5 star hotels, but the room made up for the lack of good customer service. A week after I the trip I received a request for a customer survey like many hotels send. I gave the hotel great marks besides customer service. When I marked down customer service then the survey ask me why low on customer service and I told them what happen when I arrived. Within a week I received a scolding letter from the hotel customer service supervisor mad because I marked them down in customer service. I couldn't believe it? They were saying will we investigated and they were making excuses for the bellman and said the bellman said he was sorry. Which didn't happen the other bellman said sorry for his co worker. But it wasn't just that incident that made me give low grades on customer service, it was the overall way they treated us. They didn't greet you as you pass the lobby, didn't rush to open the door as you came and they weren't that friendly or welcoming. I wasn't going to write a review on this hotel but when I got a scolding letter from the hotel because I marked them down was very insulting. When I wrote back and told them well I thought the customer service could be better and that I never got a apology from the bell man, they NEVER wrote back or responded to my letter it was like they just want to tell me off about my survey answers. The hotel has great views and the bed felt wonderful but just don't look for excellent customer service!!! -This Hotel is a great choice. It is very comfortable, very european and is just plain fun. The hotel is only 4-5 blocks from Union Square and the Embarcadero BART Station. They have a wine and beer hour 5-6PM. The Ponzu Restaraunt attached is great too. Next door is first class wine shop. The only down fall is that is right next to the Tenderloin District, but don't let that stop you. This place is a great value and awesome place to stay in the City. Also check out the lepoard print fun wear in the rooms. -What a pleasant stay. We have been to San Francisco several times before and expected very cramped accomodations. We were pleasantly surprised. We booked 2 rooms for 2 nights and had the staff open the door between as our daughters were next door. Nicely decorated, excellent staff, and very comfortable atmosphere. Matresses could have been better but they were bearable. The weather was cool and the room heating was nice. Again, the lobby and staff were just so pleasant. I definitely recommend this hotel. Also, we enjoy walking and had a nice walk to Union Square, China Town, and other surrounding areas. The staff made good recommendations on areas to visit and to avoid. Parking is tough but we utilized the parking directly across the street. Pricey but again... it is San Francisco and you must expect that. -My four-day stay at the Hotel Monaco was fabulous. Because I was in San Francisco to attend a conference, I wanted a place that was quiet and comfortable. My accomodation requests, made months prior through a centralized conference coordination system, asked for a non-smoking room far away from elevators and other noise-making devices (like electrical/mechanical rooms). With other hotels, this request is rarely granted (or it is ignored entirely). Even though the Hotel Monaco was booked solid when I checked in--and late at that, since my flight was delayed--they had reserved a room for me that was ideally located, per my requests. Amazing!The hotel staff were courteous, friendly, and pleasant. The atmosphere was welcoming, and rarely have I felt so relaxed at a hotel. Coming back to my room after hours of sessions, or just sitting by the fireplace in their lobby, felt like returning home rather than returning to "the hotel." -Got the Columbus Motor Inn recommended through Trip Advisor and glad we decided to stay there. Just returned from 4 night stay and would definatley stay there again. In ideal location just two minute walk from Fisherman's Wharf, Lombard Street and Washington Square. Free parking was excellent. Busses stop right outside and the cable car was two minutes away. Staff were really helpful and gave us lots of tips for getting around etc. -I traveled to the Hilton for a conference, I thought the location was great, close to the Powell Street BART. The amenities were good. The restaurant was good. I wish there was free internet available. -This hotel is not for everyone, but I got the sense of that after reading about it on their website and on Trip Advisor. We needed a place to stay for one night before we flew back home, so I figured I'd give the Phoenix a try.We got in later in the evening. I was tired from being in the car all day. Parking was difficult - very small lot and not enough spaces, but we got the car squeezed in and checked in. The front desk clerk was pleasant, but definitely had his own "style," which I could see might put someone else off. I was too tired to spend much time chatting. We had a lot of stuff to take out of the car and repack for flying the next day, so the fact that there was parking right there, easily accessible, was a plus. Our hotel was on the first floor - opens right into the courtyard. It was Friday night and the Bambuddaha Lounge was rockin'!! It was such a vibrant scene of young people partying. We thought it was pretty funny and if we hadn't been so exhausted, would have gotten changed and checked out the scene. The heated pool was small, but very funky. It is open late, which is nice, and their were young kids playing in the pool, right near all these hip young party-goers, which was neat to see.The hotel is so funky - decorated with lots of interesting art. The rooms are standard '60s motel rooms repainted and furnished to make them seem hip and current. The room was big and comfortable. My only critique would be the bathroom needed a little updating - but even that was fun with a funky shower curtain and kitchy duck decales in the tub.The noise from the club was pretty loud. If you are looking for a quiet retreat, I wouldn't recommend staying here on a Friday night. I think they close down at 2 a.m., we had no trouble getting to sleep, but the big windows don't block out all the noise. We had fun listening to drunk people try to carry on conversations and pick up girls/boys. I woke up around 4 a.m. and could still hear people talking outside.We took advantage of the continental breakfast by the pool. A very nice spread for a continental breakfast and it was nice to have it right out the door by the pool. They have these cool "cabana" type things set up with curtains and people were having their breakfast there. We opted for poolside chairs. The best part was that they included Pop Tarts in the offerings - how cool is that?!Overall, it was a fun experience. The neighborhood was not a great one and it was bit off-putting to get a note about car vandalism and theft when you got your parking tag. I'm not sure I would rush back to stay here next time I'm in San Francisco, but I'm not disappointed I tried it. If you are young, like to party, and can appreciate the kitchy fun atmosphere, I say, go for it!!! -We stayed at the hilton for two nights as part of a Caravan tour. unlike other viewers who say the hotel was noisy, we stayed in a section which faced a courtyard, and the room was very quiet..others in our group did face the street and commented that it was a bit noisy there......the room was clean and relatively new, the staff was pleasant and helpful, and went out of the way to help us with a problem we had with a piece of luggage that was damaged at the airport...the location is fine if you want to be near fisherman's wharf, but if I had a choice, I would have stayed up near union square, I think that is a better location overall....but I have nothing bad to say about this two story hotel, everything was just fine, including the breakfast there which is quite good. -On first sight the Castle hotel is not great, but the rooms are fine and the location is good once you get your bearings.Varsa, the hotel manageress was wonderful.She advised us to buy an 18 dollar , 3 day public transport pass which was well worth the money and enabled us to use the bus and trolley system all day long.If you are looking for luxury then the Castle is not for you, but for a clean, convenient place to stay its great. -We stayed one night at Le Meridien on Memorial Day weekend. The room was fantastic, well decorated, with a fantastic view. The service from the check in staff was exceptional. We really enjoyed our time there, we would definately go back. -The Mosser Hotel in San Francisco, was recommended to us by friends. We were looking to stay at a great boutique hotel with some charm and history. The experience was great. It's beautifully renovated in keeping with the original details. The staff is very personable and accomodating. The hotel's consideration of the environment was another plus. Adjacent to the hotel is Anabelle's Bar & Grill, which has been there since 1913. Definitely recommend going there. We can't wait for our next visit to the hotel. -Stayed over President's Day weekend as a birthday surprise for my girlfriend. It was enjoyable and memorable.The hotel is in a wonderful location at the top of Nob Hill. We had upgraded to an upper floor room with city view, which cannot be beat. The valet service and the check-in were friendly and efficient, with our package details clearly spelled out. However, there was a snafu with the bags and I ended up having to go back downstairs to get them myself. The room was nicely appointed and clean. The room size was fairly small, not surprising for an older hotel but adequate for 2 people. Elevators were a bit slow, but acceptable considering the property is 80 years old.The Top of the Mark was great for late evening drinks (no kids allowed, drinks average $10 and proper dress is expected) with wonderful nighttime views of the city. Breakfast was outstanding, a high quality buffet with panaromic views stretching from downtown to Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge. There is a cable car stop outside which can get you around, otherwise you are looking at a VERY steep walk to get down to Union Square and a real killer to walk back up Powell to California Street. Checkout was a bit slow, but all charges were clearly explained, unlike some earlier posters who seemed to have problems. Maybe it helps to be an InterContinental member. The car was waiting outside with no delay.Overall, if you like a place with history and class, this is a great place to stay. The package value I received was outstanding, for $219 a great room, parking ($50) and breakfast for two ($52 value) included. Classic architecture, romantic history and a fabulous view of a wonderful city make for a memorable stay. -As others have noted, Hotel Nikko is located in a great neighborhood. Steps from Union Square and the Powell Street Bart Station. Shopping is literally steps away. I followed the advice of other tripadvisor members (exiting right out of the hotel, rather than left) and was able to avoid the Tenderloin (which is apparently very close).The hotel itself is clean and has all of the normal amenities. The rooms are on the large size for San Francisco. Flat panel TV was nice. As others have noted, the mini bars are the kind where if you take something out, it ends up on your bill. Don't think about buying a soda and then replacing it later.The staff were friendly and helpful. The hotel was busy, but check in was quick and efficient, and staff were available when I needed help or information.The adjacent Starbucks is convenient and opens early (if you're an east coaster who is up and needs caffeine).The only trouble I had was with the hotel's wireless. I never was able to connect to the internet (never even could get to the place where you enter the credit card). I suspect that they must use javascript (or something else that my company deems a security risk).All in all, a please (albeit short) stay. -After reading the reviews on this site, I was terrified of my choice, but had already paid in full through Expedia. The hotel turned out better than I expected and I completely relaxed. Room was charming, although it was the absolute smallest hotel room that I have ever stayed in, and the bathroom was really itty bitty!Didn't have much contact with the staff, but what contact I did have was pleaseant. I arrived at the hotel at 11 a.m. was allowed to check in, which helped me enjoy a full day in San Francisco without worrying about check in times, etc.I took Bart from the airport and highly recommend it over taking a $40 or more taxi ride. -We stayed at the Grand Hyatt a few weeks ago, on the last leg of our 10 day vacation. I thought I had found a great bargain in an expensive city (I had a discount for $100 off a 2 night stay) and was prepared to give this hotel 4 stars. After reading other users' reviews, I've changed my opinion--I think I'm going to have to start using Priceline! Hearing that people stayed here for $75 a night makes me feel like I got ripped off since we paid just under $200 a night (without the discount). We figured for that price, the location, and the Hyatt name, it would be worth the price. Thinking back, the hotel was really nothing special. It was ok as far as decor, and the room wasn't THAT small. We were only on the 5th floor, so we had no view. Also, you could hear people talking in the hall and in adjacent rooms, which was annoying. I don't think the hotel has a pool (not that we found, anyway) which would be an amenity you would expect to find at most of the larger hotels. The parking fee was outrageous! The staff was friendly and helpful with directions and suggestions of where to eat. I really wish that we had stayed closer to Fisherman's Wharf, because that's where we ended up spending most of our time anyway. All in all, we had a pleasant stay, but now that I look back on it, I don't think we got our money's worth. -The hotel was in a GREAT location, close to all the downtown shopping.but once we walked in the room was average. we stayed on the 32nd floor and had a great city view. but the tv was likely a 10 year old tv. The Bed was great.the bathroom was average, and had a small 5" tv. that was long and likely from 1990.there is NO pool.. I just assumed a 4 star hotel would have a pool.the view from the 36th floor restaurant was amazing, but you could stay at motel 6 and come eat up here as well.the lobby is just average.I travel a bunch, and this would easily be a 3 star hotel. -The hotel is proximate to a lot of interesting things -- it's at the terminus of the cable car line to Chinatown, there's a BART stop right out the door, the Moscone and MoMA are three blocks away. The disadvantage of this location is the location: that part of the city is very noisy. The staff were top notch in helpfulness and enthusiasm. The room was small, but comfortable with a lot of pillows on the bed and a ceiling fan for cooling. For amenities, there was a flat screen TV (basic channels), free wireless, coffee maker, and hair dryer.As for minuses: the bathroom had mini-blinds whose louvers weren't adjustable, but pointed down. The problem was the hotel across the street would have a [bad] into the activities in the bathroom. -I had a great stay at this beautiful, historic hotel while in San Francisco for a meeting. My room which was reasonably priced had a lovely view and although near the elevator was very quiet. I enjoyed the Tonga room and am sorry to hear that it will be closing . The only reason I did not give the hotel 5 stars is that on more than one occasion personnel seemed to be steering me to specific restaurants and/or tour companies. -This is one of the best hotel experiences we have ever had - stunning views of the city, top notch service, and very nice rooms with all of the amenities you would expect from a Mandarin Oriental. The courtesy car was a pleasant surprise and helped us save on taxi fares when going out to dinner at night. Highly, highly recommended. -I had high hopes for our trip to San Francisco and staying at the Drisco ensured a wonderful trip. From my first contact with the staff to make our reservation, everything went incredibly smoothly. The staff is exceptional, always willing to go the extra step. They are professional yet friendly and if they can't answer a question immediately they will find the answer quickly. The actual number of staff is also impressive. The hotel is located in a magnificent area in SF and while it is not in the center of all the action, the view from the hills of Pacific Heights is far more exciting. The hills are rigorous but we also had a car and we had no trouble parking. You do have to move the car every three hours but the staff offered to do it for us if we weren't around! We had no trouble getting a cab as the hotel called them for us and they were there within 10 minutes. You are also near the Fillmore Street and Chestnut Street shopping areas which are a lot of fun. Our family stayed in a lovely two bedroom city view suite, which gave us ample room and stunning views. The bathrooms are large and well appointed. The continental breakfast and wine and cheese hour included for all guests makes the Drisco even more special and affordable. The dining room and sitting rooms are quite comfortable and inviting. We stayed a week and were extremely happy and would not even think of staying anyplace else when we return to SF. -We just returned from our Easter trip. My family was pleasantly welcomed by the door man "Ken" He gave us tips on the area and chatted like he was a dear friend.Next we approached the front desk and again, greeted warmly ! Then our sweet "Benji" took us to our room (Our home- sweet- home for the next 4 days)We requested a gold fish for our 8 year old daughter. She was thrilled with "Spacehog" THANKS !!We were amazed at the warm greetings (by name) each time we passed by staff. Rooms are charming and have style. Great wine hour. Nice restaurants. A perfect hotel and I'm VERY picky. Tuscan Inn and MacArthur Place could learn from this place. Miss the Monaco already ! -My family stayed for two nights in August at the Marriott Fisherman's Wharf at the start of our California trip. We arrived about noon and had easy check-in with the very courteous staff up front. Our room was small but clean and nice. The location is excellent, right near the Wharf and close to North Beach and Chinatown. Easy to walk everywhere if you enjoy exercise!The staff here was really great..friendly and professional. We were amazed at the international feel of the guests...it was fun to hear the different languages.The lounge area downstairs is nice...great bar with microbrews on tap and big screen TV.No pool or spa...only markdowns for that and rooms are a little small..otherwise a great place to stay!. -This is an boutique hotel with small rooms and an excellent location. But the hotel has a weird smell... Like being in a horse stable. I don't know what they use for cleaning, but it doesn't smell nice.When we arrived, we discovered that the top blanket on the bed was dirty with stains. We went to the front desk and asked for another, and he sent op a man to remove it.The bathroom was clean but needed a remodeling, it seemed pretty outdated. The complimentary breakfast was not even a breakfast, but only three kinds of pastry and coffee/tea. Thats too poor for a 3 star hotel. No free internet. But the location is very good and close to everything. -I really have no complaints about this hotel, the staff was courteous, the room was clean (although very small). The sheets on the bed were sub-par, which I wouldnt complain about except for the fact that we were paying $180 a night. Overall, my stay was plesant but I would only stay here again if I got a significantly discounted rate. My advice is to check out the Chancellor Hotel...its closer to union square, has the same size rooms and service, but is half the price. The only difference between the two is that the Chancellor's lobby isnt as nice, and the carpet is older at the Chancellor as well. -This hotel is really well located - it's next to a BART station so it's easy to get to and from the airport without having to get a cab; it's one or two blocks from all the great shopping at Union Sq; it's around the corner from the cable car; it's walking distance to some good bars/restaurants. Getting to Pier 39 was no problem as it's just a short cab ride away. China Town is also walking distance - about 10 minutes or so as long as you don't mind walking up steep roads! It is best to get a cab to go to Golden Gate Bridge - and get their number so you can call for a cab back as it can be difficult to flag down a cab here!The rooms are well equipped with the basics. We booked a standard room which was compact but prefectly fine. Rooms are clean. The bed is big and really comfortable. The bathroom could do with an update as they are really old. It's not a fancy hotel, so if that's what you're looking for don't stay here. However, the hotel does have lots of pluses, location being one of them and which is why we chose to stay here. -My husband and I stayed for a long weekend in September with our 6yr old son. We got a good deal through Hotwire, $220/nt. The room was comfortable and well appointed, if a bit small. The service was great. The concierge was very helpful recommending terrific restaurants every night. We also used the nanny service they suggest and they are great! We have only 2 complaints: 1) the ice maker on our floor was broken. This was fantastic for our son who loved riding the elevator down a few floors to get ice! 2) Room service and restaurant hours are short. We would stay there again if we could get another good deal. . -I can't believe I booked this room at a rate of $189.00 per night.. I must have had the same room as the reviewer from Germany. The staff was nice enough but this place smelled horrible, had ratty bedding, and no air conditioning. Noisy room with a view of a brick wall. Since there's no air conditioning all windows in hotel were open which allowed for cigarette smoke, sirens, and other guests noise to float right into my room. If you are a woman traveling alone I would avoid this place. The doors were not very secure and there was so little staff in the lobby there's no way they had any real security. This place was so bad I left after the first night and moved into the San Fransico Marriott a few blocks away. -Got a great deal: paid the state rate and then got upgraded to a jr suite in the best tower with the best view. The room was very large. It had a computer desk chair to die for. i loved to sit in it and just look out the huge picture window. Employees were friendly, my room steward was great. She took really good care of me the four nights I was there. The place is huge. I enjoyed it. Nice lobby and other features such as a Starbucks. Great conference hotel. -My 81 year old Mom visted. We are seasoned travelers. We loved The Mark Hopkins. Sort of older style hotel... but very classy, comfortable, clean etc. Rooms are great, beds are great. Staff is short handed when check check out is crowded, but they are very attentive. The best prices believe it or not are on their own website. Same price we got on Priceline. The $169 rooms are almost the same as the $189 rooms. The $169 room have a lower floor view. Both are great.If you go to The Top of The Mark Rest.... do it for drinks and the view. The food is very expensive. Breakfast while ok was too much money. Take the cable car down to Union Square or walk and go to smeoplace like Sears or The Diner.dcr, Middletown, Ca -Perfect location. Would stay again. Hotel was fairly new and very pleasant. The rooms were good size, comfortable, and stylish. The Continental Breakfast was quick and convenient. The cinnamon rolls were a family favorite! Excellent value. -There is not much to add to the previous glowing and detailed reviews. The service is friendly yet professional. Our room was immaculate and nicely decorated. The breakfasts and evening wine tastings (including cheeses, crackers, almonds, dried fruit and chocolate) as well as the hot cider and cookies were greatly appreciated. And the location was perfect. I have mixed emotions writing this review because I'd like to keep it my little secret but I think the word is out. -My husband and I stayed here for a night in December when he had a business trip of SF. The front desk staff was very nice and upon hearing it was my birthday, they upgraded us to a corner room on one of the high floors, so we had a beautiful view and a larger room. The rooms are nice, clean and beds are comfortable. The bathroom was nice sized as well. The hotel itself is modern (kind of sterile feeling). It is close to Union Square and a couple blocks from Chinatown. If you are travelling with kids, I would recommend staying closer to Fishermans Wharf, but for adults visiting, this is a nice choice. -I have been a regular visitor to the bar and restaurant at this hotel for many years, back when I used to live in the Bay Area. Recently I booked a 1 year anniversary trip with my wife and decided to stay here. We had some sort of large suite that was very spacious, but very sparse. The bed was not exceedingly comfortable, but wasn't bad either. The rooms are edgy but cold. The bathroom was huge but felt like a hospital and had a serious issue with the water from the shower ending up in the hallway.The lobby is fantastic and the Redwood Room Bar and Asia De Cuba restaurant are some of the cooler spots in the entire city. We returned nightly to long lines of people waiting to get past the ropes into the bar, but the staff remembered us by sight and let us through quickly with a pleasant hello. Most staff remembered our names even though we were only here for 4 days. The staff were as good as any Four Seasons or Peninsula. Surprisingly the incredibly loud bar scene of the lobby did not make it to our room on the 5th floor. Street noise, however, had no problem at all getting into our room at all times and woke us up every morning. The location is excellent.Ultimately the hotel will guarantee a pleasant and exciting stay- but not a quiet and luxurious one. Like most Ian Schrager properties (hotel owner) the aim is for a Cool, Hip, Edgy feeling, not pampering. The staff are great though- no edge at all just awesome service. We knew what we were getting into and liked it. Probably would have been more appropriate for another type of trip, rather than a 1 year anniversayr because "romantic" doesn't come to mind- but we had a great time anyway.No spa onsite. We went to the Ritz for that. -Me and my friend checked in the hotel on August 15, 2007 and checked out on August 18, 2007. I was nicely surprised to find a spacious room with a nice size bathroom and a walk-in closet(something rare for SF). Everything was extremely clean!!! The staff was very friendly and attentive. The hotel has a cozy lobby with a fireplace and couches. In addition, the hotel is environment -friendly. The hotel is located in a very safe place, close to downtown and Union Square; however, it is a 30+ min walk to the bay. There is valet and self parking available in the hotel (something like $30/$20 per day). There is in/out up until midnight.Later on our trip, me and my friend stayed in a Ramada Limited hotel in Santa Cruz, CA ($150 per night) where the room was bigger but lacked the clean feel of the room in Carlton. Also, stayed in a Carmel hotel in Santa Monica, CA ($130 per night) where the room was tiny, very dated, and not as clean as the one in Carlton. Both of these hotels were same price or more expensive than the Carlton (paid on average $130 per night) and not worthed the money at all.I would definately recommend this hotel to everyone. You will enjoy your stay!!! -My wife is picky about hotels and not easily impressed. The lobby was a good start-- easy on the eye, jazzy techno in the background. The staff was friendly and helpful with hints like "don't waste your time at Pier 39." But when the missus entered our room, she exclaimed: "Oh, hell yes." Cool furniture, nice bed and bathroom. Plenty of space. There was even a small couch and an i-pod adapter on the nightstand. I'd done well picking this place. -We started staying at the Pan Pacific 15 years ago on our Honeymoon night. Every once in a while we try a different hotel in SF and are dissapointed and go back to Pan Pacific. The rooms are typical size for SF but the luxury is there in every room. It is not only clean and beautiful, but the service is perfect and we stay there probably 4 or 5 times a year and it is always consistent. I am a very picky traveler and this hotel fits the bill. If you stay here you won't be disspointed. -We stayed at the Mark while attending a Holiday Party. My boyfriend won a free stay in his company raffle, and as we live 15 miles away, we went ahead and stayed the night.The hotel is pretty average for San Francisco standards. A small room, nicely decorated, with breathtaking views. The staff was a disappointment, when I called to confirm the reservation, I was transferred 4 times and then hung up on. They weren't much nicer in person.Parking runs something like $48.00 a day. That's (unfortunately) about normal for San Francisco. However, we shopped around online and saw that you can park at the Nob Hill Masonic Center, which is located at 1111 California Street (apprx. 1 1/2 blocks away) for $27 for a 24 hour period. And that's only if you need to drive. San Francisco has fantastic public transportation, so usually a car is not necessary.The rooms were okay, the room service prices were ridiculous, $18 for a cheeseburger!! (but that's par for the course, I guess). The only reason I would recommend this hotel would be for out of town visitors who want some views and don't know which parts of the City to avoid (we do have our problem areas). The hill leading up to the hotel is one of the steepest in the City, so I don't recommend this hotel for anyone who has trouble walking.Overall, we weren't really impressed with the hotel, but we didn't pay anything for it, so it was okay. I'd stay there again, but only if the room was free. -We stayed at The Holiday Inn at Fishermans Wharf for 3 nights at the end of April 2006. This was our first stop on our tour of California. We had flown all the way over from the UK and was absolutely exhausted when we arrived. We were greated by a friendly Bell Boy once entering the main reception and were checked in by a helpful and friendly receptionist. We were told that we were in the Annex building on Beach Street which is just opposite. (It would appear that the Brits package holidaymakers are put in the annex building - we booked through Virgin). The building hads a 24 hr Dennys restaurant on the ground floor and it also has a reception area, however it wasn't always manned when we were there. The Denny's restaurant is really handy, and the staff very polite and courteous. It was a little more expensive than the other Denny's restaurants that we have used, but the food and service was excellent. Our hotel room was in very good/ clean order and it would appear that it was newly refurbished. The carpet was like new and the general decor in very good order. There is a in room safe, iron and Ironing board and tea making facilities provided in the room. In the main building, there is a little gift shop, coffee bar, restaurant and bar. It is also very well located to Pier 39, and the restaurants and shops etc locally. This is a all round excellent hotel, and would definately stay here again. -Beautiful hotel, both inside and out. We got an excellent rate using expedia. The hotel is located in union square, making it extremely convenient to get around. -I booked the Hotel Whitcomb for a one-night stay on Hotwire for $73 and then read the reviews on TripAdvisor and was a little skeptical. However, my stay at the Whitcomb was great. I guess I lucked out with a good room. The customer service was excellent. The staff at the check-in desk were very friendly and enthusiastic. The lobby is very impressive and beautiful. Sure, the hotel is not in a great neighborhood, but it's SF - neighborhoods change block by block. Plus, with the BART entrance literally steps outside the hotel entrance, it couldn't be more convenient. My room was on the 7th floor at the back of the hotel (not facing Market St). It was quiet and decently-sized. The bathroom was very small, but I was traveling alone, so it was fine. The bed was comfortable and the room had all the amenities I needed. It seemed to be very clean. The decor was nice, I felt like the hotel had a lot of character. I travel to SF on a regular basis for work and will plan to stay at the Whitcomb again. -My husband and I stayed at the Handlery in May this year for 3 nights. The location of this hotel is fantastic being right outside Union Square. We had a standard room which was nice, a king bed which was really comfy, and it also had a mini fridge. The concierge was extremely helpful and went out of his way to help. Their on site restaurant "The Daily Grill" is really good for breakfast or dinner. I highly recommend the Key Lime Pie! -We chose this hotel because of its location, the price and the good reviews on Trip Advisor. We were not disappointed.We used the BART to and from the airport - a couple blocks walk from the Powell station to the hotel. Lots of great restaurants, theatre (live), and MUNI stations very close. The location is great.The price was very reasonable. We were given a room on the "historic" side of the hotel - the older side. Our room had one double bed and it almost filled the room - that was fine with us as we don't need a lot of space. We actually don't spend much time in the room anyway - other than sleeping. The room was very clean, the bathroom was very clean and it had a good shower, good lighting, hot water and lots of water pressure. The bed was comfortable. Our window looked out to an inner courtyard, but mostly we could just see hotel walls and windows around the courtyard - not a good view, but that is not what we were after. The staff were all very helpful and courteous. We used the adjacent Daily Grill for our breakfasts and it was very good - food and service. We would definitely book here again and would readily recommend the hotel to others. -The Palce Hotel is everything we were hoping for. The hotel is a piece of history, very beautiful and the staff was great. -We stayed in this hotel for 4 nights in August. The front of house staff member was unsmiling but efficient at check in.Our two rooms were "Club " rooms and overlooked onto the street which had a pub virtually opposite. Unfortunately the noise from the pub was loud and meant most nights we were disturbed. Maybe triple glazing would help.The hotel has a room in the lobby area with computer terminals available for use at $5 for 20mins, ideal when travelling with teens. The rooms themselves were large with comfortable beds and co-ordinated soft furnishing. There was adequate tea and coffee making facilities and each room had a small fridge for milk if you did not want to use the powder milk provided. The bathrooms were provided with toiletries and bathrobes, towels appearred to be changed daily irrespective of wether used ones had been hung up. The pool area had loungers and chairs but no pool towels available. Unfortunately this also appearred to be the area that was used by smokers resident in the hotel. This hotel is very well placed for shopping and sightseeing and the concierge was extremely helpful with maps, and advice. I would stay at this hotel again, but I would ask for a pool view room next time. -Very nice hotel in Fishermans Wharf, close to all amenities. Arrived at the hotel at 10.00 pm and was greeted by a very friendly receptionist, we got a room on the 3rd floor, the room itself was nice and big but the bathroom was tiny. The hotel is in a great location in Fisherman's Wharf, close to some lovely bars and restaurants, the food and drink in the hotel is quite expensive so worth while having a walk around, especially around Pier 39, it is only a block from the hotel. I would definately stay here again. -This is a great little inn with a fantastic wine & cheese hour and great continental breakfast. We stayed at the Westin St. Francis (right across the street) the next night and I wish we would have stayed at the Inn at Union Sq. both nights. Not only a much more charming experience, but also a better value. Great rooms and very comfortable beds. -I made the mistake, apparently like every other person who has left a review about this hotel, of going without checking the other reviews left online. But THIS review is more about what they put us through AFTERWARDS then during....(not putting any names in this review, but now, we knew that entire hierarchy by name, as you will later see)Our stay was starting on August 11th. My two friends and I arrive after our flight at 11AM, so we decide to drop off our bags in the lobby and go around town before check-in at 3PM. We get to the lobby, and my friend, who has major asthma, asked if we could get a peek at one of the rooms. The woman at the front desk was kind enough to give us a key to take a look. We opened the door, and the smell of mold hit us in the face like a brick. My friend was nervous, because she didn't think she'd be able to handle the smell, but we decided to wait to see if the room they gave us was the same, or if this was just a fluke.3PM comes, and we check in, and the room that they gave us is the same exact way. My friend already starts to feel a slight reaction, so we go to the lobby to see about a switch. According to the same rude and horrible Indian guy that everyone else describes working there, there are no other rooms available. I say that she cannot stay in that room because of her condition, and he says that his supervisor will be in in a half hour, if we want to talk to him. I said that we'll wait to ask about a refund, and suddenly, he had another room for us to check out. THAT room, however, was even worse! The door didn't lock fully, a light didn't work, the mold smell was even worse, and there was what seemed to be cat hair all over the single chair and the countertops. Now, the fun starts:We go back downstairs, and we say that we absolutely cannot stay there, and we want a refund. Apparently, we booked the non-refundable rate, the money was already taken out and there was nothing we could do about it. I said that we'd wait for his supervisor, and suddenly, he wasn't coming in anymore that night. He wasn't answering his phone, and we had to call back the next day between 9AM and 1PM. (Obviously, with the line of people out the door still waiting to check in with the horrible service, they didn't want any problems in the lobby) We said fine, and spent the rest of our first day in San Francisco looking for another hotel.Tthe next day, the woman who answered the lobby phone said that the supervisor DID come in about an hour after we left, and got off at 8:30 in the morning, RIGHT BEFORE we were supposed to call. I asked when he was going to be in again...she said 3:00. I asked for the manager's number. She gave me a different phone number and a different name, and asked me to explain the situation to her. I did, and she suddenly said that the supervisor wasn't coming in anymore today because he was tired, and I don't have to call the manager, but to deal with the supervisor, who will be in TOMORROW between 10 and 2. I called back at 3, and again, the Indian guy answered, and said the supervisor was around, but it was hard for him to get to a phone, and he'll do his best, but he doesn't know if he'll be able to talk. To make a long story longer, the supervisor never called back. We called the manager several times, and we are STILL being given the run around to get a refund for our non-stay. This hotel is the worst experience I have EVER had in ANY hotel. It should be closed down immediately, people should not be subjected to it, and the people at the front desk and in charge should never be allowed to work in a hotel again. I spent a total of about 20 minutes in this place, and the stress and trouble they are causing us now to get a refund for a time we didn't spend there is awful (especially since it's not like we didn't show up....we did, and they expect to just take our money for nothing, because WE have some sort of decency and hope to sleep comfortably without bed bugs, mold, and sickness).Please avoid this hotel at all costs....I would give it negative stars if possible...... -Our family (2 adults and 2 teenagers) stayed here for 3 nights at the end of July. The room was fairly typical and nothing special but it was clean. The hotel is in a very safe area and we felt perfectly happy walking around at night. The staff were incredibly helpful. The hotel has interesting touches around the lobby, bar and lounge areas which are copper/brass items placed around, e.g. a pair of slippers in front of the fire and a cat curled up. The pool was very nice (if smaller than I expected) and there was a small terrace outside that overlooks the central courtyard. The courtyard itself was a pleasant place to sit and all the public areas were well kept up. We didn't eat in the hotel as it was expensive but there were lots of places within walking distance to eat at. I would recommend this hotel. -I stayed at the Omni for 2 nights over Memorial Day weekend. I got a great weekend rate at $169 a night. LOCATION: The location could not be any better. We took the BART and walked 4 blocks (10 minutes) to the hotel. Just make sure you don't have too much luggage. The hotel is also within walking distance of Union Square and Chinatown. There are also Muni lines and cable car lines very close by.HOTEL:I knew that it was an older hotel, but I guess I expected the rooms to be nicer. It is very clean, but there was no "wow" factor that I have seen at other hotels like Novotel Singapore or Venetian in Vegas. It was a regular room with regular t.v. with nice amenities but nothing ultra-modern. The bed was very comfortable. The rooms were very quiet, although you could hear some hallway noise, but nothing from outside the building. I guess that is why they are not considered a 5 star hotel. Minus one star for the room.SERVICE:The service was very good overall. Check in was quick and all the staff were extremely friendly. We are a select guest, so we get morning beverage service (you are supposed to get a card outside your room and you hang it out with your beverages). Since this is our first stay, we had no idea how this worked. We never got a card and got no beverages in the morning. When I called the front desk, they forwarded me to room service, and I got my beverages. I also told front desk that I didn't get a beverage card, just a room service, when they asked if I hung it outside. Well, for a #1 rated Tripadvisor and 4 star hotel, I would expect a select guest beverage card the following night, but no. So, minus one star for that. However, when I wanted coffee the next morning at 11:00 a.m. (they have a pot of coffee in Bob's every morning until 10:00 a.m.), the staff got me one, so add one star.Overall, this is a great hotel with great service. I can see why it is not 5 stars, but the service really makes it above the rest.HOTEL TIPS:Get free water and fruit in the fitness room. There is also free fruit in the afternoon and free lemonade in the lobby. There is free coffee in the morning at Bob's bar until 10:00 a.m. But, you get free beverage service delivered to your room if you sign up as a selected guest.RESTAURANT TIPS:We found two great restaurants within walking distance of the hotel. Both are highly rated on yelp. The first is Bix. It is on Gold St., which is about 5 blocks north of Montgomery (10 minutes walk). It's in a small alley, and the food is awesome and moderately priced (entrees $25 to 35 range). Their appetizers are incredible, and the atmosphere is very nice. The second is Great Eastern in Chinatown for dim sum. This place is located on Jackson St. by Kearny. It is very clean compared to the other Chinatown places, and you order off of a menu with pictures (no carts). Service is a bit slow, but if you are looking for an adventure in Chinatown, definitely try dim sum there. Go early (before 11:00) to avoid the crazy crowds! -We stayed at this hotel for a week in late February. We chose the Regency club, which meant we were on a higher floor and breakfast was included. Great hotel and staff. Rooms are very comfortable, view wonderful! Would definitely stay there again. -After being delayed on the way to SF we didn't check into the hotel until just after midnight. We were made welcome by Tove on front desk who even though it was late answered any questions which we had and also gave us a menu for a takeaway because we'd not eaten properly for almost 15 hours. We got up for breakfast which was ok (it was a free breakfast so don't expect a huge variety) it had selve serve waffle makers which always had a line, mini muffins, boiled eggs, bread for toast and tea and coffee making facilities. The room was spacious, we had bay views, a television with a variety of channels. The bathroom wasn't very big but it was ok. The hotel itself is in a great location about 6 blocks away from fishermans wharf and in a good location for bars and restaurants in the evening. I would recommend this hotel it is a great base, not the most luxurious in the world but a good option and the staff are really nice. -We stayed here over Labor Day for 3 nights in a deluxe queen room. The room wasn't huge but it was a good size for two people. The bed was a true queen size and very comfortable with nice bedding. The room was nicely decorated and had a medium size TV, a desk, 2 chairs, cd player with cd's, AC, and a small fridge. The room was very clean and housekeeping did a wonderful job cleaning everyday. We had our bedding and towels changed every day. Although you have the option of not having them changed everyday to save water (good idea!). They also have a turn down service and left yummy chocolates on our pillows. The bathroom has a small hairdryer and Aveda products. Our room didn't have much of a view but we didn't mind since we didn't spend much time in the room anyway. The hotel staff was very friendly. We were allowed to check in early and they asked if we needed help with restaurant reservations or general information about SF. There are free maps and guidebooks in all tourist spots so no need to bring your own. The hotel also has free computer access and a room where you could either work or read. The restuarant is very small and didn't have a chance to eat there. I think there are less than 20 seats. So it's wise to make a reservation or arrive early. There was also a bar/lounge area. The elevator is fairly small and if there were other people waiting, we just took the stairs. The hotel is within walking distance from the BART station. Exit Powell and it's about ten minute walk. The fridge is fully stocked but like any other hotel, the prices are high. There is a Walgreens down the street from the hotel where you can stock up on water or snack. There are a lot of restaurants in the area. Some a bit expensive but it's expected as SF as a whole is expensive. There are 3 Starbucks coffee houses near the hotel. If you like to shop, the hotel is minutes from Union Square and is also within walking distance to Chinatown. We actually walked from Pier 39 and it didn't seem far at all. SF has reliable and efficient transportation that is fairly priced in case you don't want to walk. I don't recall the exact price for parking since we flew but most of the hotels charge from $40 and up per night. Overall we had a great stay at this hotel. I highly recommend it and would stay here again. -Although my stay was only one night, it was great! Located right next to the Chinatown gate, I couldn't have asked for a better location for my final night in San Fran. I loved the fact that it was a green business as well- not many hotels go to the lengths they do to be green. The bed was fabulous with extremely comfortable and fluffy bedding. The service was great- all questions and needs were taken care of. Wireless access in my room and a printer available downstairs in the business center were convenient. ~4 blocks from BART (montgomery st station). Very clean and well kept hotel. -A Pleasant surprise ---the Galleria Park HotelDate : July 23, 2008Reviewer: Las Cruces, NMMy wife and I have just returned from the Galleria Park Hotel and had a pleasant surprise. A great hotel with a fantastic staff situated in almost a perfect location.Mind you this is a simple euro style hotel with basic amenities. If you do not mind walking it is ... Four blocks from Chinatown Five from Market Square, 15 from the Ferry Building. The wine hour from 17:30 -18:30 was nice and the staff offered great sightseeing ideas and helpful hints for dining , coffee and nightlife. Truly a great stay ! No breakfast but great coffee ! If you are interested in SEEING San Francisco ... I would recommend not taking a car into SF as most hotels charge $35 - $50.00 a night for parking. Lorrie Taxi will pick you up at the airport and take you to you hotel. Also the "MUNI " pass for $11 a day or $18.00 for 3 day will get you around SF via bus/ cable car / trolley and train. -The location of this hotel is great. Lots to see and do and just a short taxi ride to see the San Francisco Giants! The hotel staff was friendly and the breakfast buffet was nice in the morning. The biggest problem was the noise...and the people by us weren't even noisy! The walls and ceilings are very "thin". You could hear EVERY word anyone said next door and above us..much more so than other hotels we have stayed. This could be a risky hotel to stay at if you are wanting a quiet night, fortunately for us our neighbors turned the tv of before midnight each night. -I've stayed at many Marriott locations around the world and this was my first time staying at a JW Marriott. The hotel is beautiful. A great lobby but this is matched by equally great spacious rooms which are tastefully furnished. I stayed there on points so I'm not sure if its really value for money if you're going to put your credit card down.There was one problem with the girl at the check in desk but that was a one off. (See had a bit of an attitude and got my room specifications wrong. It took a few phone calls to straighten it out.) However all other staff were great. They even refunded my the full bar tab when there was an issue with the bill. Concierge was great. Very knowlegable and informative. The hotel is central. Everything you need/want is around you or in walking distance.One of the best chain hotels I've stayed at....globally.Yes it was that good! -Just returned from 3 nights at the Sheraton Fishermans Wharf. A nice facility in the heart of Fishermans Wharf. Our double room overlooked a/c units on the roof (I don't think any of the rooms have much of a view). Room was well appointed & clean with great beds. Bathroom was extremely small as stated by other reviewers, contained tub and commode. My only complaints are no free wifi in rooms and ridiculous prices at coffee bar in lobby. -We stayed for one night after an international flight. We were so tired we stayed at the hotel for most of tour stay. We booked directly.We have ambassador status and our upgrade request was honored.1) Rooms 4/5 - This was a historic hotel and the rooms were designed that way with modern conveniences. The bathrooms had marble floors and granite tops. I did not like the tub area because it looked old. The views were great. The room was not as large even with the upgrade. 2) Customer service 5/5 - it was excellent, they checked us in early at 9 am. Porters were busy but tried to help as much as they can. Their concierge was helpful with directions and arranged an airport limo which was the same price as a cab ride.3) Location 4/5 - excellent and safe but it was difficult to walk around due to the steep incline. Otherwise, Nob hill is a good place to be.Overall, if you like historic hotels, this is one of them. Customer service is great and the views are one of the best in San Francisco. -I arrived midday during a business trip and needed to get some work done and found myself in a beautiful room with all the amenities to make my "office time" great. Sunny, spacious, and supremely comfortable. Fantastic, gracious staff...very personal...almost felt like I was staying in a private inn or B&B. Wonderful neighborhood. This hotel entirely changed my view (literally and figuratively) of SF, as I'd only stayed in downtown hotels on past visits.I'd recommend to colleagues, family or friends (and already have!). I will definitely visit again when returning to SF. -We stayed at this hotel for two nights on a vacation. It was awful. My own complaints are very similar to the other reviews. We booked on priceline. We also called to confirm a smoking king room (and also emailed). When we checked in we were told we could not have the room we had requested (and they confirmed). The hotel manager (sounds like the same one discussed in earlier reviews) told us "thats what you get for booking on priceline" and said that we should have booked through them instead. The front desk staff was extremely rude. This is no four star hotel. The rooms are dirty and dingy. Ours faced the driveway on the ground floor. All night there were cars driving in and out, idling their engines. Our window was blocked by a wooden beam and cement post. The washroom was tiny and the tiles were caved in around the faucet and appeared to be rotten underneath. The rooms are also extremely small. I do not know if this is all rooms, or just the second class rooms that they relegate people who do not book directly through their site to. We asked for guest robes and were told we would have to "sign them out" (again, duplicating the treatment of an earlier reviewer who felt like a criminal). The location is the only positive feature...but it is not worth it! There are so many nicer (and less expensive) hotels in the area with the same location.When we checked in (in the early afternoon) there were still dirty breakfast dishes (with dead flies floating in the orange juice) left outside our door in the hallway. It was dirty and dingy. We requested an in room fridge (none were available) and to get ice we had to walk to a different building, and then up an elevator and down a hall. I felt very poorly treated. For the amount of money that they charge, this hotel is not worth it. It is not the same class or standards that you might expect from other hotels in the Sheraton line. It was awful. Do not stay here. -After getting this hotel on Priceline, I read some of the reviews from other travelers and was a bit "scared" about what I was in for.....I was prepared for a horrible room, snotty desk people, hard beds, etc.. I was plesantly relieved! We payed $80.00 for a nice room. I called the hotel in advance and requested a king bed which they gave me with no problem. We did not have a view of the street, but their courtyard. The desk staff and concierge were wonderful. The hotel was extremely quiet and was located right next to two of SF's most expensive hotels on Nob Hill. We walked down the STEEP hill to Union Square for breakfast at Sears Pancake House. We had wonderful Swedish pancakes and made the walk back to the hotel....WHEW!!! A real workout. The only downfall is the parking fee of 43.00. But that is SF, parking is expensive. I would recommend this hotel again. -The mosser hotel allowed us to stay in the middle of union square for a more than reasonable rate. The service was amazing as was the location! The staff were warm and friendly!! Loved it and will be back -We were very unhappy with this hotel. The location is not great, close to the Civic Center and Van Ness, the area is frequented by crack heads, prostitutes, drunks and homeless. The hotel itself is very outdated, carpets are dirty; the hotel, including rooms, smell of cigarette smoke and sour mop. Of course the pillows smell bad, too. The bed cover was absolutely filthy with many cigarette burns. We had no other choice since all hotels were fully booked due to a conference in town. We woke up in a freezing room, the heater had no knobs to control the temperature. We requested to be moved to another room but were told that the hotel was fully booked although their web site suggested that number of rooms were available. Also, the hotel was very noisy throughout the night and early morning. I will definitely stay away from this place. -Let me be clear... this is NOT a new hotel! It's a refurbished old high rise close to the "Tenderloin" district. It's close to Union Square alright, but it's also very very close to lots of shady places in town. The immediate neighborhood looked dirty. Overall, the hotel has received a nice face lift, but there are definitely some issues here: the water pressure is god-awful, the furniture - though stylish - looks a bit cheap; elevators can take awhile; and parking really sucks. Staff is nice, but I frequently overheard casual conversations between the bell staff and the front desk employees (subject was usually cars) and some comments from the Maintenance crew (about leaks). The restaurant is great. Loved the bar! Very busy, too, so make sure to call ahead for reservations. -Stayed at the Grand Hyatt on Union Square with my sister for a fabulous weekend 9/25/08-9/29/08. It is conveniently located close to Union Square shopping, the Mason St cable cars and the streetcars on Market down to the wharf. The hotel was very nice. The accomodations were clean and comfortable. There was individual air/heat control in the room-not one of those awful noisy wall units. The concierges were amazing. They knew the best ways to get around. They recommended a wonderful Hop-on/Hop-off tour of the city with the tickets good for two days at a very reasonable price. They recommended a fabulous little Italian restaurant "Fino" about 2 blocks walk away and made the reservations for us. They had an appropriate solution to any question or challenge we presented them. They went above and beyond the call of duty in all things. The staff in the breakfast area were very accomodating also and made sure our needs were met in a timely manner. Housekeeping was superb-when asked to bring an extra towel, they were there within 10 minutes. I would certainly stay in this wonderful hotel with this fabulous staff again. As a matter of fact, I am trying to talk my husband into a trip there next year. The beds are comfortable with down comforters and plenty of pillows for all tastes.We were hesitant based on some of the previous reviews. Once we realized that some of these reviews were 3 to 4 years old and when we saw the hotel and the quality of the service, we were sure we made the right choice. -We visited the Mandarin Oriental the first week of October. It was our first trip to San Fran and without a doubt will definitely return to both the city and the hotel. We don't even want to consider another hotel.We had a Bridge to Bridge view room (worth every penny) with outstanding views of Golden Gate Bridge, Bay Bridge, & Alcatraz. The bathroom was large with beautiful tile and really nice amenities (scale, slippers, Frette linen hand towel, nice size amenities, & where else do they give you a loofah sponge with bath gel?) The service was very good and prompt; staff was friendly. The welcoming tea service was a very nice touch and the maids always offered lots of bottled water. The decor had an Asian influence which was nice for a change, and it wasn't too overboard. Can't wait to return. -We spent the weekend at the Westin St. Francis. We arrived at the hotel via BART from SFO, it is only a short 3 block walk up Powell and if you are looking to save a little money riding BART is not a bad option. Once at the hotel there was a short check-in line, but there was an employee greeting people in the line and thanking them for their patience. Once thru the line we were quickly checked in and head up to our room on the 26th floor. It is definitely worth the little extra for a higher room because of the view, but mainly because of the glass elevator ride each time you go to and from the room. The room was a nice size and had a flat screen TV (with actual HD programming) and of course the heavenly bed was great. We used the concierge a couple of time and Glen was great giving suggestions for things to do and places to eat, and remembered our names the second day we saw him. However one of the other concierges was not as friendly and he acted as we were inconveniencing him with numerous questions. The location is great right on Union Square, close to shopping and adjacent to the cable car line. If you are spending multiple days get the MUNI 3-day pass it is only $18 and you can ride the cable cars, electric street cars and buses as much as you like during the 3 days and save some money, as it is $5 to ride one way on the cable car. -My wife and I took two trips to San Fran in 2004 and stayed at the best western both times. The first was for a week in January. The hotel location was great. We flew in to San Fran airport, took the BART downtown, and then took a cable car to a stop 1 block from the hotel. We didnt have or need a car so we didnt have to deal with parking a car I believe it is $30 a day-- par for the city. The hotel is clean and neat, our room was clean and comfortable. If I had to be critical the room could use a little updateing, but not a big deal. The front desk was friendly, however not terribly knowledgeable--I would assume high turnover. The location is great, if your an active person you can walk everywhere from this hotel, in fact we took a long run up the shore --crissy field and accross the golden gate bridge. North Beach starts a block away and heads north, we skipped the touristy fishermans warf area. Restaurants are everywhere, however we did not eat at the Tuscan restaurant in the hotel. As far as convenience--the cable car stop is 1 block away and that along with the outstanding bus system will get you everywhere you need to go. We plan on visiting the city often, and we plan on staying at this location for the foreseeable future. -Our recent weekend stay at The Palace was a mixed bag overall. Here's my take on the pros and cons of this hotel:Pros: Central location is fairly handy, lobby area was quite classy and beautiful, room nicely appointed/furnished, great view of Market street from our large window that opened, nice linens, superb showerhead, valet parking was VERY quick and the housekeeping staff was exceptionally friendly. Pool/spa area on 4th floor looked nice though we only walked through to take a peek. Cons: Standard room was quite small -(common in S.F, I know) a nice chair with ottoman was so close to bathroom door you usually bumped right into it on the way out, vanity area was very small - just a very small amount of room around sink in bathroom, awful hallway noise after midnight - could clearly hear people talking in the halls and a couple of slamming doors jolted me awake more than once during the night, price was a bit steep at $199 per night and the buffet breakfast in hotel was outrageous at $21.99.Overall, a classy yet overpriced hotel for what is delivered. I have definitely stayed in less expensive hotels in S.F. and was much more satisfied with my overall experience so I will not be returning to The Palace unless someone else is footing the bill. -A lovely boutique-type hotel 3 mins from Chinatown, Nob Hill right next to the Hyde-Powell cable car stop. Was here for 3 days on business and got upgraded to a suite (room 301). Great space and a gargantuan bathroom. Hotel staff were wonderful, pleasant greeting from door staff through to the cleaners, really top notch. They couldn't have been more helpful.The hotel is very central and on my one day off, was a great starting place to walk through Chinatown to North Beach and Fisherman's Wharf. Room itself was clean, tidy, well decorated and the bed was fantastic, if I could've sneaked it out of the room and to my house, I would have. Would definitely come back again. -I attended a conference in town and stayed here. Initially, I was going to stay at a different hotel in Union Square, but I'm so glad I chose the Hilton instead! I got into town early and I was able to check in early. The service at the front desk was prompt and friendly. I was given a room on the 22nd floor. The staff were helpful in guiding me to the nearest MUNI stops - there is one a short walk around the corner of the building. This hotel is located right in Chinatown and close to the Financial District. It is a nice 10 minute walk to the nearby Embarcadero Center (where you can go shopping). This hotel is about 15 minutes from the SF airport. The room was very clean and I was very impressed with everything. The bed was soft, as were the pillows, and the comforter. I wish my own bed was as nice! The towels were fluffy and the bathroom had Evelyn Crabtree amenities. When I left the hotel and asked for a cab, the staff were prompt with getting me one. They went out in the streets and hailed each taxi that drove by. I had a very nice time here and would definitely stay here again on my next visit. -The rooms are compact but well organized with very comfortable beds and pillows, good lighting and adequate storage. There is a flat screen TV and free wireless connection in a spotless, modern setting. The bathrooms are well appointed with Aveda products. The water pressure seemed weak, perhaps to save water.The windows do not open which is a drawback when you just want fresh air. Although the AC/heating system worked well, it was very noisy. Also, avoid a room with an adjoining room door. The doors are not very soundproof, but the efficient staff moved us right away to a quieter room. We also prefer the rooms facing the street than some of the rooms that have the wall of another building as your view.The buffet breakfast was disappointing and boring. Better to get a rate without breakfast and eat elsewhere (french cafe across the street). Also, the gym is very small and claustrophobic.In many respects we prefer their sister hotel, but the hotel's LEEDcertification and emphasis on sustainability is very appealing. Hopefully, it will become the industry standard. Overall, the staff was very helpful and friendly making our stay enjoyable. -We have just spent 4 nights at the Handlery hotel in the Club section overlooking the pool. The king room was a good size for the two of us and the bed was comfortable and pillows soft. The bathroom was clean I always like to see really clean towels which they were. A small downside was that our room (316) was a little too near the elevator and although there was no noise from the elevator itself there was from guests coming and going at early/late hours. Staff made us feel at ease and answered all our enquiries and requests quickly and were very helpful. We ate both breakfast and dinner in the attached Daily Grill and were not disappointed by either the prices or the quality of food served. The pool area is a lovely sun spot and the pool was warm to swim in. Altogether a very nice hotel (Club Section) with helpful and willing staff. Would stay again if visiting the Union Square area again. -This is a very modern "Green" hotel - rooms had separate bins for bottles, paper, trash, etc. Everything seemed very clean and well maintained. Front desk staff were friendly and attentive. Beds were very clean and comfortable, especially with the down comforters. Housekeeping staff were almost a bit too attentive (just be careful when using those "Do Not Disturb" cards - one side says "Please clean room early!") Hotel itself is VERY small - lobby has no lounge area, just the front desk and the restaurant. Rooms also have dvd players, which I wasn't expecting. Free dvds are available for rent if you ask at the front desk - not a huge selection though. Room service is extremely expensive for what you get - I would not recommend that. Otherwise, hotel experience was generally good. -What a wonderful hotel. My husband and I were from the San Francisco area and recently moved to Hawaii. We were back for the holidays and stayed here right before Christmas and we loved it! The staff were so pleasant and greeted us each night when we came in. We felt like they went above and beyond to be pleasant. The location is close to all, near Union Square and close to good restaurants. I will definitely stay here again. -I LOVE this clean, economical, funky hotel in the Marina District! The property is cool, the neighborhood is fantastic (short cab ride to any attractions you can't walk to, but you can walk to plenty!). The front desk staff make the Del Sol the BEST choice. They'll set you up with all the info you could ever want, from practical needs like laundry and dry cleaning, to day trip ideas/restaurats/bars that aren't in the guide books. They all go above and beyond to ensure a great stay. Frasier, in particular, is knowledgeable,friendly and super helpful - he's always a star! I discovered the Del Sol over a year and a half ago, and have been back SEVEN times since then. I'll never stay at another hotel in SF. FREE PARKING - that's unheard of! My only advice for making a good stay even better is to bring earplugs if you'll be there on the wkend, but that's good advice no matter where you're staying. -We have just return from our stay in Omni. Hotel was beautiful. Service was unbelievable. Bathrobe and slippers were provided. Everyone was extremely friendly. Very convenient location, in front of the cable car line, but very quiet on the weekend. We walked to Chinatown, the Coit Tower, Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf. You can also take a bus to all the tourist attractions. Great shower in the bathroom. Loved our stay. -I was travel to SF for business for a few days and vacation for the last few days. I had a few friends meet me up there and I was excited to stay at a hotel that I thought would live up to all the standards of a 4-star hotel.Room Quality - horribleWhen we arrived in on our floor, we were disappointed to find the hallways had a musty odor. We figured it was an older property, so we looked the other way until we arrived in our room only to find the same. The room smelled very musty and the carpets looked horrible. Our view of what they call a "courtyard" is a view of the roof with some astroturf looking material. The bathrooms were not the cleanest and very small. And if someone can tell me why they would even leave the 1970's TV in the already small bathroom, is beyond me. The room is very outdated, with what seemed to be Hawaiian headboard, flowery-printed drapery, and asian lamps and pictures on the wall. I've seen nicer rooms at college dorms. The beds were very uncomfortable and it seems that the mattresses were extremely old (perhaps purchased at the same time as the TV in the bathroom!). I shared a bed with my sister and the bed was so saggy that we ended up rolling into the middle of the bed - making for an unpleasant evening with a lovely backache to start off the day. They did have the feather-down comforter and pillow, but that can only do so much.Poor customer service - horribleWhen I arrived at check-in, no one even greeted us to check in. I had to ask the person at the front desk for some assistance. I received a $500 Marriott Travel Card for recognition from my employer. No one on the front desk staff new how to process this card. They then tried to call the number on the back of the card to verify that I really had a $500 balance on the card. There was woman who worked at the front desk who assisted me after the initial person didn't know what to do with the travel card. I can't remember her name but she had big glasses and short spiked grey hair. She seemed impatient not only with me, but with the front desk associate who originally assisted me. I mentioned to them both that I had received and used these travel cards in the past and how they were processed. They continued to tell me that's not what they do, and then told me I would need to surrender the travel card. My two nights stay would not total $500, so I questioned why I would need to give up my card that would still have a balance remaining after my stay. Again, the front desk staff didn't know how to handle this and instead tried to credit my room with $500. After my apparent frustration, they called the manager out and he wasn't quite sure how to handle it, but said if there was a credit balance, he would just credit one of my credit cards or send me a check in the mail. I knew this was probably not supposed to work that way, but had already stood at the front desk for 15 minutes and did not want to debate with them any longer. About 15 minutes after arriving in my room, I received a phone that I needed to come down to the front desk and pick up my travel card. I went back down, picked up my card. The next morning, the message light came on, and it was the front desk telling me they needed to see me because they didn't properly obtain a credit card at check in. This was all extremely frustrating as I tried to handle all of this when I originally checked in. I had 2 guests with me, and I can honestly say that we will never stay at this property and perhaps a Renaissance property again. I also called for a wake up call, and thought I would take advantage of the complimentary hot coffee and hot chocolate service that came with the wake up call. We received the complimentary beverages 30 minutes before the 9 a.m. wake-up call (only because my friend heard them through the paper-thin walls). When the beverages arrived, coffee and tea had been delivered. We had requested hot chocolate, so I called down to the front desk to inquire about this. They said they had me down for tea. I informed them I specifically asked for hot chocolate as I do not drink tea. Their exact words were in a very abrupt and rude voice, "Well it says here you requested tea." I very politely informed her that I had requested hot chocolate and wanted to see if we could have some sent up. Her response to me was, "You can't have this unless you request it the night before." I then told her that I had requested this the night before, that is how I received this service in the first place. She then sighed and said she would send some hot chocolate up. The concierge staff was rude and didn't even want to try and help us. I must say however, the driver with their complimentary car service was the only highlight of our stay.I definitely would stay far, far away from this property. Thank goodness I didn't really have to spend much time in my room during the day. It really is a depressing room. Its too bad, as I stay in Marriott properties at least 15 times a year. The location is great, but too much of a sacrifice in my mind. -I stayed at the Mark Hopkins Hotel for 7 days last July and I had a wonderful time. The service was excellent, room service was great and the food was so good. My Mom always say "You get what you pay for." That's exactly what you'll get at Mark Hopkins. You pay a higher price for an excellent hotel stay. You will not be disappointed. In fact, I have made another reservation to stay at this hotel while I am in San Francisco for business. I don't think I can ever stay elsewhere. I highly recommend this hotel. -This is a beautiful hotel, befitting its name. We parked at the Walnut Creek Bart station on a Friday ($1 for the weekend, and $8.50 round trip) and took Bart into SF; the Palace was less than a block from the Montgomery station. The history of the Palace is explained in little exhibits throughout the lobby. We found the room where President Warren G. Harding died when we went to get ice. We didn't eat at the Garden Court, but it was very lovely to see so many people enjoying brunch there Saturday, such a light and airy place. We had a great crab cake at the Pied Piper Bar with our wine Friday evening before setting out for our evening's entertainment. Although we were staying for a $139 rate, offered by the hotel on the Internet, the check-in and service were superb, as was our room - very quiet and comfortable. We have used promotional rates at other supposedly fine hotels in SF and have been stuck by the elevators or ice machines, but not here. -This hotel is in great location close to Union Square, and all the major shopping areas. The employees are attentive, friendly and provides excellent service. And the room is very clean with nice amenities. Strongly recommended for leisure or business stay. Cheers -The Palace Hotel is a lovely building with beautiful public spaces. The rooms have high-celings and nice (if a bit worn) empire furniture, but they don't seem as grand as the rest of the building and they don't live up to the Luxury Collection expectations I had when I checked in. The service here is merely adequate, not bad, but not really good either. I was, frankly, surprised, as my experiences at other Luxury Collection properties have all been marked by very good to excellent service. My stay at the Palace (earlier this month) was fine, but I doubt I'd stay here again. I would suggest Starwood either rebrand this hotel as a Sheraton, or work with the hotel's owners to freshen the rooms and revitalize the service. -Stayed here for four nights on business last month and it was a pleasant although not perfect experience. Location is great, right next to Chinatown and close to Union Square, lots of places to walk to for food and coffee.The room was good, got upgraded to a superior king with a view to Bush street. Room was very quiet, bed and linens were great, loved the recycling bins right in the room too. The bathroom was large and laid out pretty well but I prefer more water pressure in the shower, I have long thick hair and it felt like it took me a half hour to wash it! Loved the EO products provided, especially the grapefruit mint glycerin soap. Would have preferred to receive USA Today rather than the local paper, and never saw the USA Today available in the lobby as was mentioned in the room, but oh well, that's no biggie.Fitness center had nice machines but there are only three (!) - one bike, one treadmill and one elliptical plus a small area with a mat and an excercise ball. I know it's not a big hotel but IMO there should be more machines available, a minimum of two treadmills and at least some free weights. Also thought it was gross that there was no sanitizer to wipe the machines with - yuck. Luckily, there is a lot of cardio available from the city itself :)Did not have room service since there are so many options nearby - Starbucks kitty corner from the hotel, Working Girl's Cafe going the other way (awesome place) and Cafe Amici down the block (wouldn't really recommend that one). Favorite restaurant of the trip? Capurro's down at the wharf - great seafood, pizza and steaks, awesome happy hour and fabulous service. We liked it so much we went there three times in four days! Had lunch at Nonna Rose down by the wharf and liked it alot, and went to the trusty Boudin for tasty and inexpensive food too. Also went to the Irish Bank Bar and Restaurant which I would never recommend to anyone - horrible food, service and the place was dirty. Two out of three of us got a stomach ache after dinner here. All in all, I would choose to stay at the Orchard Garden again. It's not my favorite hotel but it certainly fills the bill for a business trip. -The staff and rooms here are great. We spent Sunday, Monday nights and a Friday night. The rooms are not huge but definetly big enough for us. They are clean. Our only complaint was the noise level at night. The hotel is located right on the highway leading to and from the Golden Gate Bridge. The traffic noise in the front of the hotel was very loud on Sunday and Friday nights. Also if you call the hotel you can get a better rate (for us $25/night) then if you go through one of the web sites. Overall it was a nice experience and a very clean hotel with great staff. -spend 4 days there for business. try to get a room with a view over the bay: I was overlooking Alcatraz Prison! the hotel has a great history as it is probably one of the first luxurious hotel of SF. Many famous people, from US president to actors came there. You feel the history with the rococo design. a bit kitschy but perfect for a romantic stay and great if you like this kind one hotel which reminds you the French Riviera. The staff was very helpful. the rooms are big, bathrooms nice with bath and shower, 32 LCD TVs. the lobby is huge with lots of private space if you need to meet people. There is a bar where you can have a big breakfast in the morning or have a drink later in the day. there is also another bar in the former swimming pool with an Tahitian theme where you can have cocktails or diner. didn't try the food but the cocktail were good (and pricey as it is a first class hotel). the gym is ok but you have to pay, sthg like $10 or $15/day. the hotel in on top of a hill so if you are a lazy type person you will have to take a cab or the tramway to come back or find another hotel downtown! it s a 5 min cab ride to go downtown and there are always cabs waiting at the entrance. the concierge has great restaurant recommendations. indicated me an awesome tapas place in the Spanish area. I would definitely come back even if they lack a pool....(I was there in the winter so not so inconvenient).last thing: have a drink in the hotel next door, in the tower: great view over SF -The location is good, close to pier 39 and to the cable cars stop. The room was ok with comfortable beds. The car parking is very expensive 49$ per night . We felt that it was a rip off and they should have reduced the rate for hotels guests. There is a public car park near by that charges 25$ per night. Not sure that we would stay there again. -This hotel was absolutely horrible! I always read trip advisor before staying at a hotel. However, considering we were in San Francisco for a cheer competition, we thought it would be in our best interest to stay at the Whitcomb with the rest of our daughters team. I just could not take it! As we checked in , I thought to myself that the hotel did not seem too bad, the lobby was descent. But oh my goodness....when we went upstairs, it was terrible. I never stayed somewhere like this! The rooms and beds were so small, I wondered how my 6'2" husband would fit in these beds. The shower area was just disgusting! And the smell was just undescribable, it sort of smelled like mildew. I literally began to fell nauseated. This hotel needs to go under serious renovations. I do not recommend this place to anyone. We stayed in this room all of 2 hours and went to the Hilton approximately 5 minutes away. The rate was only $20 more a night. Well worth it! The Hotel Whitcomb has given me a new appreciation for nicer hotels. This website is an awesome source for information concerning any hotel. -Great setting at the end of the wharf (so your not in the midst of all of the craziness associated with the shops/bars). Very close to a lot of things....and reasonable cab ride to any SOMA, Marina, or Pacific Heights restaurants you may want to try out. There is a Starbucks at the back of the building....just in case you like a quick cup of coffee to help you get your day going. No complaints - really happy with what this hotel offered for the price. It's not the Mandarin Oriental or Four Seasons (these would be 5 star, excellent hotels) - but it is a quality 4-star hotel that allows you to start your San Francisco visit off on the right foot! We ventured off to Sonoma, Muir Woods, Sausalito, Alcatraz, SOMA/Mission District, and Pacific Heights...we never once felt inconveniences or let down by our hotel - the guys at the front door and front desk are very friendly and helpful as well. -Our room was very clean! The beds were really comfy in my opinion with goose down pillows and the sheets were changed every day! Our room was on the 16th floor, which I really LOVED! The view was awesome at night and during the day. The flat screen TV was a nice bonus, too! The bathroom was very clean as well. The hotel was awesome in regards to keeping the noise level down. It felt like we were the only ones there. So quiet and peaceful; the Japanese style sliding doors that covered the glass doors that led to the balcony allowed for virtually no light to peak through so it was very dark at night and kept noise out of the room from outside. The neighborhood seemed very safe. Overall, we really liked this hotel. My two kids and husband enjoyed it just as much as me! I would definitely recommend this hotel again. Just don't pay their $35 a night parking for valet. There is a parking garage adjacent to the hotel for $16 a day, but you have to pay to go in and out. Just park along the street during the day and pay $16 overnight. -I just completed a 13-night stay here while I was in San Francisco on business. The original reasons I decided to stay at the Diva were the 10,000 frequent flier miles my airline was offering for the stay, and the free wireless internet service they offer in all the rooms (if you have a laptop). While the internet was nice and convenient and I was happy to get tons of airline miles, the hotel itself left a lot to be desired. The floors creak like you wouldn't believe, and when your "neighbor" takes a shower at 6 AM it sounds like a loud freight train, making it impossibile to sleep. Speaking of 6 AM, I must mention the morning they gave me an unrequested wake-up call at 6 on a Saturday. A SATURDAY. The one morning I was able to sleep in and they screwed it up. The room and the entire hotel had this really strange odor which never really went away the whole time I was here, and the TV had far fewer channels than practically every hotel I've stayed at before.The excercise room was okay. Nothing special but it had everything I needed (treadmill and stairmaster) so I can't complain too much about that. As I mentioned, the in-room wireless internet was nice but it sure did break down a bunch, at least twice a day. It was always back up and running an hour or so later, but still an inconvenience. I should also mention that the room was pretty quiet (besides the creaky floors and loud pipes), since they gave me a room that faced the "courtyard" instead of Geary Street, but I've heard it can get really loud if you get a room facing the street so definitely keep that in mind if you decide to stay here.The only reason I give the hotel 2 dots out of 5 instead of 1 is due to the free internet as well as the decent location. The hotel needs a major overhaul, and I seriously doubt I'll ever stay here again no matter how many miles my airline offers me. -I have stayed at this property several times on business trips when I had a limited budget. Since I am working, I do not spend too much time in the room. Every visit, I have found the staff to be very friendly and helpful. If you take the right exit from BART, the Hotel entrance is just steps from the station exit. It is also a few blocks from Davies Hall, where the Symphony plays. The down side of the location is that this is not a great section of Market and most people probably will not feel too comfortable walking at night. So, take BART or the ample public transit. The hotel is nicely kept and clean. The building has some interesting architectural details. Still, it is an old and somewhat tired property and some of the remodeling is not the best. Same for the fitness center -- the room and equipment are older, but meet my needs. The food is good, but overpriced. If you are bothered by traffic notice, ask for a quiet room in back. The rooms in front overlook Market, which is a busy street. The staff, the price and the BART station make the difference for me. -I have used trip advisor for several trips now and I have not been disappointed. I have found that you are the best source to find a hotel. My family and I were traveling to Yosemite and decided to stay three days in San Francisco. It was a hard decision to make but after reading your reviews decided on the Pan Pacific in San Francisco. What a wonderful decision. The hotel' s location is great -- it is within walking distance of many many stores/shopping. It is a short distance (5 minute walk) to the cable cars, Chinatown (walking distance a little longer), if you are renting from Hertz I believe they will do that for you (at least I know they will return the car for a $5 fee), and many other restaurants for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are also close to several drug stores and mini markets. The hotel is beautiful inside and the rooms were roomy for 2 adults and 2 children with 5 pieces of luggage. The service and concierge were exceptional and went out of their way to do extra things for us. I cannot say enough about this place and the people who are working there. After going to Yosemite and several others places we needed to return to San Francisco for our return flight home and wanted to stayed again at the Pan Pacific which we did. The concierge printed our boarding passes for our airline and even arranged for a cab to be downstairs at a certain time to take us to the airport. This hotel even offers free car service during certain times of the day and several times instead of a cab they offered us the car for our own use. We loved this hotel and its location and would definitely stay here again. Finally, although a little more in price I was able to go on the Pan Pacific web site and get an internet special for several nights. Even if you pay a little more for this hotel -- you get what you pay for! -Stayed at the Chancellor recently for 3 nights. What a find. Can't beat the location. Staff very helpful and the suite we had on the 14th floor was great with 2 bathrooms and a great view. Our room wasn't ready when we arrived so we went down Powell for a cafe lunch. We're pretty low maintenance hotel guests as we prefer to do our own research on sightseeing, restaurants, etc but everyone at the hotel was pleasant from Alice in housekeeping to Matthew who helped us with luggage at check in . For a hotel that's been around since 1914, the Chancellor has been kept in good condition and has a comfortable, quality feel to it. Don't know what the other reviewer meant by thin walls, but we didn't hear a peep from any other guest. Rooms are updated as well with flat screen TVs and free wireless internet. Can't wait to return! -We moved here after an awful experience at Hotel Monaco and were grateful to get in for the three nights we stayed. The hotel is located in the middle of SF on Market St, which was very central for all of the sights and good restaurants. I'm sure there are other more trendy areas of SF to stay, but this was ideal for getting to all the places we wanted to. Service was impeccable and reliable - all our requests were accomodated and we were shown a couple of different rooms on check-in. We found Market Street typical of SF - quite noisy - and it was nice to be 10 stories or so up - good view and relatively quiet. Rooms are not the most impressive of the FS I have stayed at but decent size and very acceptable. Public areas nice and bar okay but nothing special compared to other FS. Concierge hugely helpful and everything felt relaxed - what you pay for with FS. I'm sure there are plusher and more trendy hotels in SF - and possibly better value. But there are certaintly far worse in our experience and the FS did everything it says on the tin. You simply don't have to worry about poor room, poor location, poor service or stress. Solid but expensive - but you won't go far wrong. -Location in Japan Town was excellent and close to great food and culture. Hotel was OK but nothing out of the ordinary. Lobby and Garden were as described and quite beautiful but the rooms were basic and standard at best. My number one complaint was the popcorn ceiling. Really?...in this day and age? Scrape that old stuff off! The bathroom perplexed w/too many doors that actually hit each other if opened all at once. The restaurant had great decor but the Sunday breakfast buffet was forgettable. $18 dollars for powdered eggs? Luckily, we were there for the City and not the Hotel. But, would have liked to have been 'Wowed'. One last thing...the advertised 'welcoming tea' was non-existent. :-( -I stayed at Hotel Vitale for a bachelorette weekend and it was wonderful. The service, decor and beds were awesome. The staff was at our beckon call and we loved sleeping in the beds!! The hotel was kind enough to give us a bottle of champagne and a tray of gourmet cupcakes for the group which was super sweet. We loved the rooftop terrace (what a view!) and overall the hotel was great. Overnight parking was $$ at $40/night but that was my only complaint....we went to the bar in the hotel and had a lot of fun there as well. Next time I go to this hotel, I am going to do a more romantic trip as the hotel is good for both scenarios...great stay overall. Thanks Hotel Vitale! (more specifically Nicole Muller) -Loved the location - so close to Union Square and you can walk to so many key locations. Loved the authenticity - felt like I was part of the history of San Francisco. The hotel is old but it was clean, the bedding was fresh and the bathroom sparkled. Loved the service - the people at the desk were helpful and went out of the way to ensure we got everything we needed. Loved the free breakfast and wine reception - the free breakfast was a great way to save a bit of money and the waffles were great - the wine reception helped reduce our wine bill at dinner and was a great place to meet others and share the day's experiences. Loved the price - the hotel honoured a great deal that was briefly available on the internet even though I had already booked our rooms. $110.00 U.S. a night. Only problems - there was some work being done outside our rooms during the day which was a problem for those trying to get a catnap in late in the afternoon prior to going out for dinner. As well, we were there during an unbelievable cold snap and gettingthe temperature just right in the room was a bit difficult given the age of the hotel. Cheers -Exceptional service. The concierge will respond to your every request very promptly and eagerly. I was very impressed with how they responded when I asked if they could get a rental car for me. Within 20 minutes there was one waiting outside the hotel and I just had to sign the contract and take the keys. If you like to not have to lift a finger when you are on a vacation/getaway, this is a great place to stay. Also very clean and comfortable room with a great view. -I was traveling on business but with a significant other, so this trip was as much a vacation as anything. I booked this hotel on Priceline for a quarter what it was selling for on the open market. From what I can tell Priceliners usually get a very cramped room with no view in the "old" section. That was still fine with me, as the spectacular location, gorgeous public spaces, fantastic staff, and Heavenly Bed and Bath were good enough for me. And regardless, for about $60 a night they would have upgrading into the newer section (still a good value). We checked in late and, I'm assuming as a result, were given an upgraded room in the "new" tower on a high floor. It was magnificent. Spacious, clean, modern and with great views of San Francisco... it transformed out trip. As I mentioned, all Westin rooms (including this one) had wonderful beds and bathrooms. The front desk staff was friendly and more importantly polished - something I find less and less of these days. The room service, cleaning staff, and doormen were all excellent as well. I find the reviews complaining about extra charges at a four star hotel a little lame. It is, in fact, really annoying to pay high fees for internet, the business center, parking, fitness, breakfast etc. However that high end hotels charge for these services is no secret - avoiding them is a big part of why so many business travelers stay at places like Courtyard or Hilton Garden Inn. While those hotels might be a better value, they simply cannot touch the heritage and, frankly, class of the Westin St. Francis and its staff. They actually succeeded in turning a hotel stay into a memorable experience for my partner and me - something very hard to come by for otherwise budget travelers. -We recently enjoyed a weekend stay at The Fairmont San Francisco through Disney Vacation Club points usage. As a quintessential San Francisco property, there is much to this property as well as nearby.We stayed in room 590, the Dunkirk suite. It is a corner accomodation with great city views. It is well appointed in the classic sense; elegant Napoleonic decor along with modern touches like large flatscreens and two full baths. Along with numerous lounges and restaurants, I would recommend the Tonga Room. It is a Polynesian themed lounge and restaurant replete with thatched roofs, tiki iodols and rain falling from the ceiling accompanied by thunder from the loudspeaker. A true nostalgic experience!This hotel is ideally situated at the intersection of two cable car lines, and walking distance to Chinatown. It boasts an enviable location atop Nob Hill, and the service aspect from the staff is one of total service.This hotel is ideal for couples or families on a holiday, all the way to conventions. As it is a classic hotel, it will not have all the wired amenities of newer properties like a W Hotel, and Nob Hill is a bit far from the airport or Silicon Valley. However, if you enjoy classic hotels, this is among the best. -Yep, I have to agree with all those folks who gave the Castle Inn 5 stars. Spacious rooms, clean and tidy, and modern furnishings in excellent condition. No noise or security problems. Central location in a decent neighbourhood, and pretty close to just about anywhere you might want to go. Walgreens just around the corner for all your bits and pieces, and you can catch the 49 and 47 buses (to get you to Market Street) two minutes from the hotel. Very friendly and helpful folks on the front desk. And very reasonably priced. Overall, excellent value for money and highly recommended. -Hotel is close to China town and Union Square, a little further walk to Fisherman's wharf. Cable car stop just outside. Room was amazing. Beautiful views of the city. Bathroom was luxurious. Service was outstanding. The slightest request brought swift and curtious responses. Only thing was the dining room was closed when we arrived at 6pm for some reason, and valet parking added $50 a day to an already expensive bill. -We stayed at this hotel for two nights while recently in San Fran. Be warned the photos you see of this place on the web and in magazines make it look A LOT nicer that it really is. Art hotel, sure. Boutique hotel, noooo way!Rooms are surely individual and uniquely painted, but that is all that they have going for them. Contemporary beds and the room furniture were nothing more than plywood construction w/ a nice coat of black paint. At least our chair was from Ikea. The carpet is dingy + we wore sandals the entire time for fear of foot-born illness. There was graffiti on our toilet seat. Sick. I can't imagine what it would have been like had we not splurged for the private bath.Worst of all...I woke up in the middle of the night w/ really itchy legs. After being awakened at 6:30 am by someone using a saw in the building next door, I noticed my calves and thighs were covered in bites that i didn't have prior to getting into be there. Bed bugs to the max!!! We found the staff to be quite unhelpful and not friendly. They seemed like they just don't want to be there. This place is totally a hostel in disguise. Setup and facilities aside, be aware of the lack of cleanliness. Take your money + go elsewhere. -We had a wonderful time at the J.W. Marriott. The staff was top rate, very attentive. For e.g., when we checked in, the computer showed our room was not ready but the staff went to the room personally to check on it and found that it was ready, saving us the wait. I asked for extra hangers for the closet and they were delivered in a matter of minutes. The hotel is in a nice location, and has great amenities inc. their concierge room. We stayed in a room not yet renovated, but still very clean and pleasant. -A friend and myself visited San Francisco for 4 days. We booked rooms at the Whitcomb through Orbitz and had a very reasonable rate for staying in the City. The hotel is classic and the rooms were quite nice with high ceilings and fully furnished. The bathrooms are huge. It is an historic hotel and with that you would expect high ceilings and larger rooms and that is what you get. At check in, I requested rooms at the front of the hotel overlooking Market St. I am so glad I did that. We both had rooms with a view of City Hall and at night it was wonderful to have this view. As is typical of older city hotels, this hotel does have rooms that overlook nothing or a wall. Always ask for rooms at the front of the building. The Starbucks in the lobby is quite nice and the service is totally fast Starbucks. Other people here have reviewed this hotel and complained about the homeless population around the hotel. Well, guess what? There are homeless everywhere in San Francisco, this is NOT a reflection of this hotel. The neighborhood is safe and equal to any in the City. The transportation outside the front door is wonderful, you can go ANYWHERE in the City from this hotel front door. My encounters with the concierge desk were wonderful. They were friendly and quite helpful, AND they knew what they were talking about. There was no "Hmm, I don't know". It was like staying in a hotel in Europe for me, the hallways were huge, so old style. And the elevators were there in seconds. They all worked and did the job well. The staff was friendly and helpful. Thank you for a nice stay. Only problem I could come up with is that the internet service seem to be overwhelmed, so slow to download, but that is the fault of the service that they contract with, they could try another service. And I was on the 6th floor and the ice machine was missing, so I had to hoof it to the 5th or 7th floor for ice. But maintenance is maintenance. -My stay at the Hotel Adagio provided me with the opportunity to experience the best of San Francisco. Within short walking distance to Union Square, excellent dining, shopping and theatre Hotel Adagio is a wonderful retreat. It's spacious rooms, wonderful views, hip decor and professional, friendly service make it hard to leave. The atmosphere at Cortez, Adagio's restaurant is fabulous and the food even better. I look forward to my next visit! -My boyfriend and I stayed at the Nikko July 4 - July 8. The price on Expedia was a better deal than what the hotel's website was directly offering so I called Nikko and they matched it. Upon arriving we checked in and were immediately helped by the very friendly staff. No lines and it took only a few minutes.Our room was 1523 and yes the room was kind of small but we were never in the room so it didn't matter. The bed was VERY comfortable and the flat screen tv was an added bonus. We didn't have a spectacular view but a hotel room isn't the reason we decided to come to San Fran. The bathroom is on the old side but served it's purpose fine. The only issue we ever had is that they didn't clean our room one day. We even called twice during the day and asked them to come clean it and when we arrived back to our room at 11pm it still hadn't been cleaned. But other than that, no problems.The location is absolutely perfect. Very easy to get to the cable cars and shopping. Taxis are always lined up on the street between the Nikko and the Hilton. We had drinks at Farleys across from Starbucks and First Crush which is on OFarrell and Cyril. Very dark and romantic and very nice service. We sat at the bar and saw a couple get engaged behind us. We never made it to Anzu although we heard it was great. Starbucks every morning and there is always a line but it goes very fast. Check out was very easy b/c we had no problem with our bill and could just check out through the tv. Overall, great stay! -After months of research and obsessing over which hotel to book for our 15 yr. annversary trip, we chose the Westin St. Francis. We could not have been more thrilled! What a beautiful hotel. We stayed in a Grandview room in the newer tower rooms. To die for beds, awesome views and great room service. We ordered room service one evening and was delivered quickly and was DELICIOUS. For breakfast one morning, we ordered from the menu that you leave on your doorknob the night before and choose your delivery time. It was delivered right on time and was the best breakfast I have ever had! And the location is unbeatable. The cable cars, buses and BART are just short steps away. The hotel is really beautiful, convenient and safe. Take time to explore this historic beauty. I will NEVER stay anywhere else!!!TIP: You can walk to Chinatown or hop on the bus on Stockton Street. The 30 and 45 will take you to Chinatown, North Beach, Fishermans Wharf... get a muni passport for 3 or 7 days and ride unlimited rides on the buses, BART, cable cars and street cars. Alcatraz - Awesome, book tickets online if you can. Fills up fast. Bike the Bridge - If you are up to it. It is really a wonderful experience. The map is easy to navigate. Ride is beautiful and you ride a ferry back with you bike from Sausolito. If you eat breakfast out of the hotel, Sears Fine Dining is just up the street on Powell (Bkfst, Lunch, Dinner). There are several Lori's Diners up and down from the hotel. -I stayed here for 3 nights on our trip through California. Overall, was very impressed with the Hotel Whitcomb, a beautiful building - must have been a very grand hotel back in its day. Yes, it has aged but they have done a great job at keeping it maintained.Rooms are a little small but the beautiful high ceilings certainly make up for it. Bathroom is also a good size and was clean and neat. Beds were super comfortable and big TV. Aircon worked well too!There is a good business center downstairs if you don't have a computer with you ($5 minimum for 20 mins), if you have a laptop, wireless in rooms works ok but can be a little tempremental.Really enjoyed our stay here, however, I would caution anyone travelling on their own that its not the best location to be roaming around on your own after dark. Its in a little bit of a sketchy area of town but the metro stop is literally right outside the door as does the F Line street car which takes you straight down to the Fisherman's Wharf. Location is very close to Union Square only about 5-10 minute walk and 5 minute walk from the Powell Street station where you can catch the cable cars if you want to.My only complaint would be about the restaurant (a little bit too up market for the location and bit too expensive), we are budget travellers (hence our choice to stay at the Hotel Whitcomb) and felt that food wise, it was a little more expensive then what we would have liked. Ended up having Starbucks breakfast most mornings and got Subway in the evenings (just across the road).Apart from that I would definitely recommend the Hotel Whitcomb for any budget travellers out there. Just be aware of the area you are staying in and take precaution after dark. -I would recommend this hotel as a place to stay, it has really friendly, welcoming and knowledgable staff, is situated in a lovely part of San Fransisco and the room we had was perfect - clean, large and very comfortable - I loved the bathrobes !We arrived from the UK having been travelling for most of the day and it was great to get such a warm welcome from David at the front desk. Registration was carried out very efficiently and we were impressed with the spacious, clean and welcoming room we were given.We asked David for advice on where to eat and he gave us four recommendations, all of which we tried over the following couple of days - Max, Scampos (I think the name was) , Four Seas and Finos. The breakfast buffet was really good with a choice of cereal, croissants, bagels, pastries, yogurt, fruit etc. All of the staff were very friendly and more than willing to give us a hand with our luggage and order and hail taxi's for us The hotel is ideally situated in San Fransisco within walking distances of public transport and near some great shops. When we mentioned to one of the other staff that we were going to Macy's he gave us a 10% off voucher that proved very useful.If we ever come to San Fransisco again we would definately stay here and I have no problems recommending this hotel -I used an online discount site (Priceline) and after submitting my request for a 4 Star Room etc I was assigned the Mark Hopkins. Only stayed one night as was in town for office party. Check in was simple (once you were able to get their attention). Since I booked through a discount site, had to call ahead and request double bed smoking room (not guaranteed) and that's the room I got. Sadly, I saw no difference between this room or one at a Hyatt. Actually, looked exactly like a Hyatt room. Was small and basic and a disappointment. Not that the room was awful, but should not be advertised as a 4 Star at all. Would not recommend if your looking for a 4 star room to spoil yourself or do something different, or are accustomed to 4 star lodging. Room service was good, food was delicious but also pricey. Two cheeseburgers with fries= 55.00. Went to the Top of The Mark (hotel rest and bar) for a nightcap but they were shutting down and it wasn't even midnight! Neighborhood is nice, but beware and either take the bus (1 California) or take a cab, because the hills are steep....very steep. Think mountain. -I was traveling to San Francisco with my parents and we booked Hotel Drisco based on the great reviews from Trip Advisor, making our reservation nearly two months before arriving in SF. When we made our reservation we were torn between booking two separate non-suite rooms or the adjoining two bedroom suite. We ended up going with the two separate rooms because of the giant cost difference. When we arrived at Hotel Drisco to check in, we were told that my parent's room had been upgraded to a suite, however both rooms were located in the basement, down the hall from the service entrance, across from an ice machine and the breakfast room. Our windows overlooked the kitchen of the hotel and the rooms were very dark. Needless to say we were disappointed and considered switching hotels, however the desk staff was able to move us both into an adjoining two bedroom suite on the corner of the top floor. The new rooms had beautiful light, gorgeous views of the Bay and Alcatraz and it was like we were staying in a completely different hotel. We loved, loved loved our new rooms.The adjoined two bedroom suites are great if you're traveling as a group, however one of the bedrooms in these two bedroom suites has no bathroom attached. You have to cross the private hall (to which both bedrooms in the suite have access) to get to the bathroom. If the person staying in the other bedroom is not traveling with you, you could conceivably be walking out of your shower into your room and pass a stranger in the hall. It was a bit bizarre. I would recommend this hotel ONLY if you are given a room on the top two floors. It would be quite loud otherwise, and much less private. The only problem is, you are given no guarantees as to where your room is until you check in. It's a bit of a gamble. Also, beware. The prices of rooms fluctuate. When we were moved to the double room suite, the price we were quoted at the desk was nearly $100 less per night than what we were quoted when we originally made the decision to stick with the smaller, single rooms. That said, bathrooms in both suites and non-suites were beautiful and large, the breakfast were very nice, and Thanh (sp?) the bellhop/doorman was so kind and friendly. We loved the private, neighborhood feel of Pacific Heights. There are some great nearby restaurants (try Sociale) and the buses run frequently if you're wanting to go further afield. There's also a complimentary town car service running to Union Square every morning between 7 and 9, which is handy. -I stayed at the Fairmont in San Francisco once before about eight years ago and had memories of outdated decor and paper-thin walls. I decided to give it another try for a recent overnight stay, enticed by a good rate, and was thoroughly impressed. Usually when I come into town I stay at the Campton Place hotel on Union Square, which I have always liked for being an upscale but smaller and more personal hotel with great value rates. While the location for the Campton Place is better (the Fairmont is at the top of Nob Hill and while it has stunning views it can be a bit of a hike to get someplace, or you need to take a taxi), I was impressed with the Fairmont this time around and would stay there again.I was given a beautiful, large renovated room on the 6th floor with a view of the garden courtyard and a distant view of the Transamerica Tower. There was not a problem with noise this time around and I did not hear anyone in the surrounding rooms. Room service was efficient and very good, and the quality of everything from the bed linens to the bathroom fixtures was very luxurious.Parking is expensive at $57 a day and I paid it because I needed access to my car for business appointments outside the city. If you can avoid it, you should, as getting a taxi was very easy through the nice doormen at the front of the hotel.The business center is accessable with your room key and has internet access, printers and fax machines. It has not been renovated like other areas of the hotel but I found it quite functional, albeit no frills. -The Palace Hotel is a cool place. It has a grand elegance and appears to have history. The location was great for us. It is within easy walking distance to the Ferry Building. The staff was great and the room was clean and comfortable. Two things to know. The walls are thin. When the folks next door decided to watch TV at 11:30pm, I could hear every word (we had to get up at 4am for a flight!). Also, the charge to keep your car in their valet garage is $48 per night! They don't tell you this until they have possession of your vehicle. Beware! -Hotel Drisco was two blocks away from where we were attending a 50th Anniversary Celebration and was a joy to come home to. We could not have been happier with the Concierge Marti, the front desk Michael and Bob who helped with everything. The breakfast was excellent and fully staffed. Everyone else has said it all. Top quality and fabulous staff. -Traveled to San Francisco with my wife and friends. We all stayed at the Drake. We found this to be an extremely enjoyable experience and would recommend it highly to anyone looking for a unique experience. Yes the rooms were a bit small, but they were nicely furnished and comfortable. From our room we could see the bay and part of Union Square. We will stay here again! Our friends also enjoyed this hotel! -My first impression was this place is beautiful. When I walked into the room, It was immaculate. It is the best and most beautiful hotel I have ever stayed at. Everyone was very courteous and charming. I definately would recommend to anyone to stay at Hotel Drisco and hopefully I will stay here again. \ No newline at end of file