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 The well- adjusted among us keep those things under control , and that's how Bernadette differs.
 The reader is drawn to her instantly, as we are plunged into a futuristic world of oppression, poverty and despair.
I love this book! I was fortunate to receive an advanced copy of Louise Penny's latest mystery novel "How the Light Gets In", the ninth in the series about Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and the Homicide Division of the Surete du Quebec.
This book is hilarious !!
This book is by far one of the best books I have ever read.
After Insurgent , the story picks up with Tris in trouble and Evelyn in control of the city.
 It kept me guessing and the story is just so emotional and touching .
The characters are charming , the period voice feels right, there are enough painful stories from the war to make it feel real without having so many as to make the book unpleasantly grim, and well, this is just a nicebook to read.
Although much given detail does not pertain to the core story, the book based on Dodd's diary and the ancillary writings of others, is extensively researched , and very well written.
The story line was good at keeping the reader encased but some parts of the final product fell flat.
 On top of this tragedy, she is dealing with normal high school angst - her social situation, her parents' divorce and her father's subsequent remarriage to her former baby sitter, her mother's disappearance, and her extremely strained relationship with her father and stepmother.
The Book Thief (New York: Albert A. Knopf, 2007), a novel by Australian writer Markus Zusak, accomplished a rare feat for Holocaust literature: the novel won numerous literary awards and became a long-standing international best seller, including being on the New York Times best seller list for a record of 230 weeks.
I adored her .
As I was reading the publishing page in the front of the book in preparation for this review , I noticed that the hardbound copy is printed on acid free paper.
The story was heartbreaking ... the story of Hope/Sky and her life literally broke me.
Two other books sat on the top of the reading pile, begging for a thorough read, the Amazon reader review thing, and so on.
It's 1962, a time when escalating tensions are rising between African-Americans (then known as "coloreds") and their white employers and neighbors! Told from three different points of view , this story probes the intimate thoughts about what it's like for the maids of wealthy and middle class white people in Jackson, Mississippi.
I strongly recommend this book.for some strange reason it was available in English prior to Christmas everywhere except USA .
Story is intriguing though incredulous .
It's a horrifying tale of "if I can't have you nobody can" wrapped up with some soul-crushing dependence, all told through a who-dun-it type of story.
Honestly, it's YA, it's somewhat SciFi and the description just didn't seem to grab me .
I thought the book started out good and interesting but it definately slowed down in the middle to the end.
Has hilarious stories !
The concept for this story is exciting .
I loved that this book was a little more adult than the previous books .
 There was a bit of mystery, a bit of the supernatural, a bit of magic .
 Highly recommended .
 Their story is riveting, appalling, and highly readable.  A smart and stylish golden couple who complete each other in every way, their story and the inside look into their marriage will have readers mesmerized from romantic beginning until the stunning finale.
The story was so touching and had me guessing the entire time I was reading .
Definitely the best book of the series but all 3 are highly engaging and worth reading.
A few of the paragraphs do tend to go on a sentence fragment or two too long .
I think the writing and the content is very good .
Like there should be part 2 which I would not read .
The story and concept are unique, interesting, and captivating.  They touch upon a wide variety of philosophical topics, such as love, free will, age differences within relationships, sex, waiting for love, and genetic therapy.
Very surprised considering its popularity .
The characters were likeable and I could not put this book down.
Highly recommended .
The concept is intriguing (4 stars) and the pace satisfactory ( 3 stars) but it lacks the depth it needs to be exceptional.
The best thing about this book is: it is so simple to read and understand, and hence easy to remember .
Tolkien is the standard by which I measure adult fantasy and, while my experience in this genre is limited, "A Game Of Thrones" is the most compelling and well-conceived tale I've found since Tolkien ( and I liked Kay's "Tigana" and Brooks' Shannara books very much ).
While I was largely able to ignore Larsson's often excessive amount of detail for the bulk of the book (some of which became relevant later, others which were really not necessary), I had to force myself through the first 75 pages or so of detail and financial crap that was relevant to Blomkvist's life, but entirely irrelevant to the rest of the book .
I really loved this book .
Overall it was a good book and an easy read (finished it in a day or so).
This story line is amazing .
and I feel that most fans of the series will ultimately be at least satisfied with the trilogy's ending.
This one is hard to put down .
Though the story is very grim, the love and protectiveness that the father has for his son is the only light in this otherwise very depressing narrative .
I really thought this book was thought provoking and insightful .
The good ones are nice , the snarky ones are awesome and the bad ones wind you up.
This is a groundbreaking book , at least to me.
Kyle Calloway is only days older than her, for many years he is her best friend, until he admits his feelings changed and he becomes her great love .
One of my new favorite books of all time !!!
The scenes between the two are both sexy and erotic .
I did find it a little repetitive but the book is clearly well researched and accessible .
I think his best were Jurassic Park and the Andromeda Strain .
(Is that a word?)Let me start off by saying that this book is not perfect and at times it was a bit of a disaster but that's why I loved it so much.  Travis and Abby were two very flawed characters with a lot of issues to work through.  For some reason these always become my favorite types of characters.  To me, it makes it even more special to see them grow and change and I feel like the payoff is even bigger at the end.  I know a lot of people really didn't like Travis but I absolutely and completely LOVED him, everything about him!  The good and the bad.  Yes, he can be a jerk and he has one hell of a temper and some major jealousy issues but all of these flaws just made him even more realistic to me.  Don't worry because he doesn't stay that way throughout the whole book.  Once he meets Abby he slowly starts changing, sometimes for the better, sometimes not.  But the important thing to me is that he tries to be a better person for Abby.  There is another character in this book, Parker, who is somewhat a love interest to Abby.  He was pretty much perfect:  good looking, rich, nice, good manners, Harvard-bound...and I absolutely could not stand him!  He was such a bore.  Maybe it's just me and maybe I'm not right in the head but I like reading about the messed up characters.  The more screwed up they are, the better I like them.  (Most of the time)Abby was a very complex character.  She has a shady past and has worked hard to move on from it.  But from the moment she meets Travis, she can't help but feel drawn to him.  Don't worry; this isn't one of those insta-love stories.  In fact, it's the completely opposite.  It's one of those almostexcruciating but awesome slow build-ups that pushes them together one moment only to have them ripped apart the next.  Abby and Travis have such a complicated and messed up friendship and their relationship is even more messed up.  Just like the quote above says, when things are good between them it was such a beautiful thing.  But when things went bad, it was definitely disastrous.  At first, I really liked Abby because she was really tough and she would stand up to herself to Travis and didn't take any of his bullshit.  But the closer they got, and the more blurry the line between friendship and romance got, she did some very stupid things which made me want to reach into the book and slap her a couple of times. (Maybe more than a couple)It's official!  I found my new favorite category:  New Adult!  I mostly read YA (hence the blog name) and as much as I love them I sometimes feel like there is something missing.  Well I found out what that was: sex!  This is another thing that adds a realistic element to the story.  I don't know why but it always bugs me when couples in YA wait until the third book to finally have sex.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not against waiting and I definitely love the sexual tension until then, but what is it about the third book that makes it ok then?  The relationship between Travis and Abby is scorching hot without being graphic or inappropriate .
I liked watching the movie n going back to the book and rereading it again n knowing the book is so much more detailed than the movie.
I red this book that I had been anticipating for some time with a mixture of excitement and drowsiness, which I guess comes of making a wal-mart run at midnight and reading until 4 A.M. then starting again 6 hours later.
I was fascinated by Bill O'Reilly's book on Jesus's life and death .
Every character in this book is odd. The plot is odd .
The ending of this book is terrible !
This fourth book in the Harry Potter series blows the first three books away!
This is an exceptionally well written , well-researched book about two events that were intertwined, the Chicago World's Fair and the crimes of a serial killer in late nineteenth century Chicago.
 The book didn't really have many new insights into the power of prayer, but it is a book that reminded me of how much God wants to do in my life ...
this was a great read I thought the suspense and action was good .
If your looking for real love plus a little bit of intimacy you must read this book.
Liked the book much more than the movie and would highly recommend it.
 All that the good guys have to do is swing their swords around a few times and they can easily defeat entire armies of bad guys.  One top of that, the good guys are led by an Aes Sedai (a female wizard) who can do more or less anything, so there's never any real sense of danger.  The action scenes also grow very repetitive.  For instance, there's one scene where our heroes are being chased by a horde of villians, but luckily they're able to run into a magic place where the bad guys just aren't willing to go.  This exact same scene gets repeated twice later in the novel.Many people seem to think that the characterizations are one of this novel's strengths, but I don't agree.  The main character is named Rand al'Thor, and the novel is supposed to show him changing from an ordinary farmboy into a great warrior.  The problem is that he doesn't act like an ordinary person at the start; none of the five characters who grew up in a small down do.  They all acts like soldiers right from the start.  They're willing to plunge into battle without any hesitation, and the children always act totally grown up.  I found the characters to be largely static and unbelievable.This certainly isn't a terrible novel.  As I mentioned, it does have a wonderful surprise ending.  Just don't expect to be swept away by it.  Also, be sure to read the gloassary at the end, which is more entertaining than most of the book. 
As you read it you will realize why and it will blow you away .
It's definitely has the steamy sex and a waydifferent romance
 The plot is plodding, the prose is poor and from a standpoint of a mystery, only the confusion of the many characters can mask the whodunit .The main characters are cold, quirky and barely likeable.
Read the book synopsis and know that if you love NA Romance you will love the story and journey of Sky and Holder .
 The created other world and its animosities are also believable in their sentiments , if a bit farfetched as appropriate in a fantasy story, and frightening for Karou.
It has the same mechanical plot development as usual but the premise is interesting , being based on the work of Dante.
The concepts behind this book are indeed fascinating and highly creative.
There is no basis for why these characters come together , back story is provided only when it's required by a new absurd event, plotting is thin and unrealistically paced, and threads and characters are left dangling.
 First and foremost, it has a great plot that flows well despite many twists and turns .
Subject matter is difficult, of course, but through the eyes, heart , and mind of a an adolescent girl, this book is beautifully and hauntingly written.
I didn't know it would be INCREDIBLE !
(Spoiler alert)I just finished reading Mockingjay and had to write a review because I am floored at how bad this book is considering I absolutely loved the first two books in the series .
 I found the topic interesting in that the future where a small group of elite control everything and live high off the hog while basically enslaving the rest of the people to work and live in squalor is actually, if you read around off the beaten path, a goal of the powers that be psychopaths running the show currently.
 All I can say is thank you Colleen Hoover, your gift with words is simply amazing .One Million Star review************************************************************************************************************** Sophie
We've read the stories of the holocaust before, the terrors brought to Germany and the rest of Europe by Hitler, the horrific plight of the Jews during World War II.
In saying that I currently have a friend who just cant get through it - yes it seems a bit pointless at times , even a bit ridiculous ( a tiger in a boat !)
While the romance was smoking hot , I have to say I enjoy learning more about Noah and Echo as characters and seeing them overcome their struggles more than the romance.
This story was so intriguing , so emotionally intense.
I would recommend this book to anyone, this series is great .
This story was AWESOME !!!!!!
 I bought this a year ago, began to read it, then put it down after about one hundred pages .
Reading Katniss's story was so compelling that I found myself able to overlook many of the unsatisfying aspects of this book.
I found Christian to be a very sweet, sensitive ( SEXY HOT ) man who while having a dark past, struggles daily with his issues while truly putting Ana's feelings first.
 I really had to struggle through this book and almost deleted it more than once .