Which is the longest of the four streets? How does Columbia University believe increased involvement of local jurisdictions and civil society will happen? When did the Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe fall? How many Marshall scholarships has Pitt won since 1995? In what year did New York City unite with 3 adjacent counties to form the City of Greater New York? When was the number of people allowed on a hockey team decreased? A bas-relief is also known as what? What's the specialty of flywheel energy storage? Statins last about how long? Most early United States settlers came from which christian denomination? Which man led the Puritan settlers from Massachusetts to Connecticut? How many centuries was Istanbul the capital of the caliphate? Among what social status did the custom of women changing their names after marriage begin? During which era was Constantinople considered the richest city? How many support ships were present ? When did Churchill gave the order for Maclean to join the Partisans near Drvar? What is notable about Oxford's buildings? What is β-tin's stable temperature? What US president preceded Taft? What preposition would a woman use to add her husband's surname to her father's surname? Which language uses initial syllables to abbreviate moreso than English? What was Sax's original keywork for the left hand based on? Which version was the first to receive broad commercial success? what kind of democracy do Libertarian Socialists prefer? From where do people come to Connectitcut? What is the main problem with the equation E(X)X=X+1 ? What was Fiona McHugh's position? Who was the leader of North Korea during the Korean war? The first world championship of ice hockey occurred in what city? How does D.C rate in homless amount other cities in the US. What is the title of the member who controls how a party member may vote. How many ways was the trust territory divided? In what date was Belgrade liberated with the help of Red Army? What disease caused high mortality to newcomers in the Southern colonies? What angle is the Star Spangled Banner Flag displayed at in its current home? What was the flagship paper of the Kemsley Newspapers Group What led to the addition of 'Y' and 'Z' to the alphabet? Which is the second largest airport in northeast India? Compactness theorem is a core tool of which theory? What group of people were persecuted by the Partisan forces? When did Somalia became Marxist-Leninist state? Universal prescriptivism claims tat morality comes from what? Where is the city centre centred? The Death and Life of American Cities was written by who? What was in high demand in the Irish linen industry? How would Tiger Bay Village acquire food? Tacitus described the Mare Suebicum sea as what during the spring months? When did the Battle of Poljana ended? What type of relief are objects placed in the foreground? Who has supported alternate energy in order to achieve energy independence for the U.S.? Long term Particulate matter exposure increased rates of what? Internet Explorer 5.0 was released with what operating system? Before surnames were common, what were women in the lower classes called? Which philosophy "of" departments at Pitt are renowned? 'The Lift' is positioned between the south of Rotterdam and where? The Hodgkin-Huxley model describes what facet about the electrical signals of the brain? When did the Atlantic slave trade take place? Which metal in a tin/lead alloy cools faster? When were the Articles of Confederation established? In Manipur, how many explosions were recorded in 2012? When was the population of Germany expelled from all areas east of the Oder-Neisse line? The demonstrations put on by print workers in front of the new plant came to be known as what? Who said the communist utopia was impossible? What was the official position of the individual that ended Australia's constitutional crisis in 1975? What were the characteristics of early tin agreements? What is the first country mentioned in the paragraph? What has traditionally been the most popular sport at Pitt What is the largest ethnic minority in Istanbul? Where is the Living Latin movement available? What is the qualification for Medicine and Surgery in Ayurveda? When did Sabiha Gokcen International airport begin operations? What caused the main acoustic problems on the original saxophone? Which field relies on multidisciplinary expertise in mathematics, mechanics, and materials science? Who were American forces supporting in South Vietnam? was there any event that sparked a big problem? Where is Green Spain located? Which group has close similarities the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom? What is the most life-threatening health problem that is associated with diabetes? What was the name of the group working to preserve the Yugoslav monarchy? Did Fermat publish the discovery? Which discipline extensively relies upon instruction in materials science? What percentage of domestic investment in Britain came from slave trade profits? Are all earthquake proofed structures strong? Building knowledge was retained by whom? What is the neighborhood of Chelsea known for? Who is the formal governing body for international ice hockey? How tall are the arches that surround the Nationality Rooms? In what year was New Amsterdam founded? What alternative approach may have more efficiency than a non-centralized model? Did the homeless numbers decrease? Which ocean is responsible for tempering Connecticut's seasonal climate extremes? What did Friedan attempt to use to to enforce more job opportunities for women? Why do the large ice crystals fall through the atmosphere? What is the main market force responsible for the growth of the Hague Airport? What has exposure effects on heart disease? How many of Istanbul's Jews are Ashkenazi? Will vitamins help prevent cardiovascular disease? What was the actual motive for European expansion? Who will be declared winner after the sixth shot? Tin fluoride is added to some dental care products as what? Who was the Apple Lisa actually named after? How did they get buildings to stay up? Who did Patrick Manning criticize for for being too speculative? How many medicine faculties is situated in major cities of Tunisia What method is effective in assisting plate design or application? Who also reverses the order their names for customary reasons? Where did the colonist first attack the Pequots after declaring war? When was the dam built at Rotte? When was the first organized indoor game of hockey? Who was the first to rename their previous medical research doctorates? Do conservatives support labor unions? In 2008 report what percentage of sheltered homeless population had disability? What is unilateralism? How many carbon atoms are found in the carbon chain? Can reliefs be diverse in their presentation? What type of support for touch does Windows 7 have? The city center has a much larger pool of educated people and higher what? What was established in 1900? Which declension adjectives are declined? What's the third objective of the bill as summarized by the Congressional Research Service? The three heavier halides are what type of compounds? When was the first set of approximate colors for the U.S. flag shared to the public? What happened with the Cold war after Stalin died? What sources does the AHAR rely on? What emerged to counter traditional elitist and technocratic approaches to urban planning? Where is the CHP the strongest? Which influential minds helped unite Silicon Valley pioneers? What did Gregory have a vision of? In what section of Article IV authority of the Congress over U.S. territories is defined? The Hudson River Park Trust owns which heliport? Do any states opt to not maintain this list? What organization is considered a major donor to the university? What do the scholars debate on it's effects to African societies? Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? What does an interpretation of a first-order language assign? What is the name of the village Michael E. Arth hopes to build? When was Windows introduced? What kind of artists does the Chelsea neighborhood showcase? How does the lack of circulation of deep waters effect the oxygen levels? The mayor serves as what on the Metropolitan Executive Committee? What is the climate like in Cape Horn? what is the range of homlessness in San francisco? What languages is the word Tin shared among? What kind of problems does India face? What is the largest professional neuroscience organization? What generally happens historically when infrastructure investments are made? Who was the first to engage in the New World slave trade? What is Turkey's most widely circulated paper? What is term synonymous with "dual sovereignty?" What is the maximum tax credit? Which Northeastern state currently does not consistently vote Democratic? What sources are the natural products found in that polketides compromise? What are end-dates for laws referred to as? What is believed to have played an even larger role than geologic factors in locating the skyscrapers near mid-Manhattan? What policy is taxation and government spending? What is X called in the function? What group performed the initial Atlantic naval explorations? What is Marx famous for saying? What does the surplus line supose to do ? In what year did the NHL make the two-lane pass legal? What may be omitted when there is little chance of confusion? What are most universities in Istanbul backed by? Does the Convention protect only the waters? When did the case of United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association happen? Under who did European migrants colonize the Canary Islands? What were goods exported to the West Indies traded for? What kind of shot is made directly from a pass? When did the Smithsonian Institution first gain access to the Star Spangled Banner Flag? What was TNL plagued by? What percentage of the state's people practiced Folk religions? What is it called when land rises after glacial ice melts? What is a subroutine in computer programming terms? did the church stay in once place or move? What disease was prevalent in the United States in the early 20th century? Who had to listen to the many different interest groups? Which wars wreaked havoc on the colonies frontiers? Which is the most southern east coast city that upheld British culture? What book was commonly used for the creation of secular objects in lower relief? What is the only state to have a higher percentage of Italian Americans? Paragraph 14 of the SSAP matches what paragraph of the FAS 113? When was the learning tool called as "the horn" developed? What type of variable does first-order logic use? What type of force do columns carry? What men were excluded from receiving land that was big enough to support a family? Which European people brought the most slaves to the Caribbean in 1778? What did Jerry Morris use to study cardiovascular health? What is the southernmost state in New England? How many people were arrested during the Great Purge of 1936-1938 In which state state universities are designated as autonomous jurisdictions? What year did Stalin's educational reform occur? Was the country able to maintain law and order during this time? What is the largest non-Sunni Muslim sect? Mention one university located in Manhattan? Graphs are useful in calculus to understand the nature and behavior of what? Who has jurisdiction over American embassies? What is the name of the lower end of the fen stream? Which city is Connecticut's center of population? What was Microsoft AntiSpyware renamed to? What was the unemployment rate in December of 2015? What kind of town was Boston considered to be? How long has The Sunday Times been under common ownship? What does "BPM" mean? What did participatory model aim to do? What is the colloquial phrase used to refer to the ratio? On what date is Kut celebrated? Is there a way to multiply vector to obtain another vector? What was a cause of the Atlantic Slave Trade? What is the upper level of Australia's Parliament Which type of forces do catenary constructs bear via deflection? Wheat at the oldest site was dated by Willem van Zeist and who else? What do most people occasionally engage in? In what season are thunderstorms most frequent in Connecticut? What is Tin in Swedish? What's the highest numbered street in Manhattan? There were two on staff at launching, who were they? What name did the Europeans use when speaking of the whole city? What is attached to an ice hockey stick shaft? How is Connecticut abbreviated in documents sent through the post? What kind or series of saxophones were designed for the military? What Soviet leader had taken a more experimental approach towards education? Where did Meadowcroft Rockshelter excavation take place? Where is the NASDAQ located? Who maintains exclusive jurisdiction over embassies and consulates in foreign countries? Is myocardial perfusion imaging necessary? How many variables can be determined using the algebra of Cartesian coordinates? How long they are practicing the irrigation technique? Who led the small Army of Spaniards? Under what condition would the predicate P be true? When coalescence continues and drops become heavy enough to overcome air resistance? Who has a dual mandate to reduce unemployment and get full employment while maintaining a low rate of inflation? What was the name of The New Haven Colony's constitution? What was the name of the first attempted settle that the English made south of Virginia? Which approaches has the scope of neuroscience broadened to include? Who states that decentralization is "more than a process"? What does NYSE stand for? How are practical advantages for both parties determined? How many Partisan soldiers did the escapees from the camp show up with the next day to free the rest? When was Samuel Pierpont Langley chosen as director of the Allegheny Observatory? In what year was Windows Vista released for consumers? when was naval forces of resistance ? What are citizens who argue for lower taxes and reduced regulation called? Are surplus line insurers regulated? The Aghia Sophia was converted into a church for what religion? What was viewed as a commercial, political, and religious threat to European Christendom? What does i stand for? Where did merchants export products to? During 2008-2009 what fraction of the homeless population stayed in the shelter or transitional housing? Who falsely authenticated the Hitler Diaries as genuine? What is the purpose of a structual design for a buiding? Cities and the Wealth of Nations believe that cities have the right to do what? The idea that all morality comes from a centeral source is called what? In which region of colonial America were wives almost never allowed to work with their husbands in the fields. What is a good descriptor for the era of postmodern design? When was Detroit founded? When were the first cardiovascular health studies actually published? What is neuroscience? Which departments did Istanbul University establish in the 19th century? Who invented the compound achromatic lens? What is the most imporant thing when designing a structure? What damaged Oxford in 1066? On what was based their ancestor worship and animism? Croatian Partisans recruited many people of what religion? What are categories businesses can compete with government services on? Where is the High School for Math,Science and Engineering located? How many families were threaten by these proposed cuts? What was the result of requisitioning the grain away from the peasantry? In 2008 report what percentage of sheltered homeless population were non-Hispanic whites? The state made large purchases of what? What organization is the largest non-government employer in Pittsburgh? What is the unique facet of groups not necessarily shared by the larger division of the collective group? What organization took on the role of Yugoslav wartime deliberative assembly? Where is the city of Tikrit located? Where does the location name O Creachmhaoil come from? How many jobs were created by President Clinton during each of his Terms? How is a rectangular coordinate system defined? What were women able to make illegal by changing social attitudes? Originally a socialist society was the same as what? A similar naming convention system of that of the requiring of patronymic and family name is similar where? What do programs start in initially? Who founded the Pitt Jazz Ensemble? Which is a common notation for binary connectives? What causes the ice crystals to appear white in color? How many tonnes does the mine at Bisie produce? At what university did Francis O. Schmitt establish a Biology Department? What was discovered in 2009? Other than physical and financial aid, what's another way that Non-governmental organizations help the homeless? Which other school curriculum is Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine using? How do modern compilers reduce overhead? What does the term DNB stand for? What is the most basic forecheck system? What does neuroendocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology focus on? Who was the non-communist leader of the Russian Federation? What does moral epistemology mean? What is a negative sign of the US labor market? oceanic climates and found in along which coastlines? Large quantities of seeds where found where? By how many votes did Joe Lieberman and Al gore lose in the Electoral College? The Manhattan translation was derived from which language? What shapes are typical for glasses? Who governed Maryland? Who ranked them best app in the world? What did the oral contraceptive pill accomplish? Wet summers and arid winters are aspects of what type of climate? What is a well-known example of Punched tin lanterns? What types of homeless populations are identified by the Annual Homeless Assessment Report? What is the Blackfeet Nation subdivided into? The name De Luca like arose from where? How many troops were stationed on Yugoslavia's soil after the war ended? What units make sense to use when entering 3D coordinates all over the Earth? What was created as a result of communist revolution in Mongolia? Who does the old view suggest should not become nurses? What are one of the issues the Municipal Council is responsible for managing? is the Armenian church more western or eastern orthadox? Who is more likely to be afflicted by coronary heart diseases, middle-aged men or women? What is used for real image recording? What does the most common convention have the same effect as? What does HEARTH stand for? What proportion of electors use the "above the line" system? When were games held in Vancouver? How did African sailors exhibit superiority over European invaders? how does an Armenian priest become a member of the brotherhood What medical facility's growth is attributed to Nordenberg's tenure? Where is the first fully developed manifestation of the entire Neolithic complex seen? What program helped Connecticut get out of the Great Depression? Who are helping reduce the homeless number on the steps of the SF library? What can begin to develop in the heart at a young age? What does the constructor that accept only color call in return? When was the Incas defeated? Who overthrew the rule of Fulgencio Batista with Castro? Why were so many immigrants coming to the United States in the mid-19th century? Why were most denied? What season did the varsity teams join the ACC? How many people were present at the Bowery Mission according to an article from November 8, 1880? What groups of people made up the puritan communities? How is the sentiment on free trade in the US? What types of ends are found in fatty acids? The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? What is GDP? How is the church recognized by the state? Can a musical piece be both modernist and postmodern? Why is the Star Spangled Banner Flag kept in dim light? How is a point that is a Cartesian coordinate usually written? Import from which country had an unifying effect on British colonies of North America? Which university operated a project regarding the structure of local governments? What are the uses of Tin? What did Mussolini rename the portion of Yugoslavia that Italy occupied? Why is the craze of getting an MD at a peak currently? Who sponsored the most dramatic discoveries, according to Thornton? The Van Nelle fabriek, the Jugendstill clubhouse, and Feyenoord's football stadium were notable types of modern architecture in Rotterdam in what century? How many individuals are part of the State Senate? What is relief as it relates to art? Vasoactive agents are also harmful in patients with what disease? Who was the first armed group in Manipur? What was the highest number of slaves that could be found on an individual ship? Jonathan Edwards was a leader of what? Can a subroutine return a different result when it is called? What year did Frans van Schooten and his students translate the work into latin? Who is the chair of RGA in 2014? Where is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella from? What is required to make a catadioptric system? After forming in 1964, where did the Knicks play their fist home games? Where can example of high relief be found in India? What is the name of the tour in the UK for drum and bass that lasts a week each year? What network did the Roots television miniseries premier on? How many rivers deposit into Loktak lake? What lead to the secularization of Istanbul University? When were Cartesian planes invented? Who repressed opposition political parties? How is the term f(x) spoken? What did laws passed in the 1950s allow? Peterson and Seligman claim that what prevails across all cultures? What is the most tonally resonant of all metals? What is a synonym for "family name"? Which Lord inspired the Manipuri dance? After centuries of non-participation, who rejoined the trans-atlantic slave trade? What year do most agree feminism began? When was Boswell's founded? Marxism-Leninism's new pro consumerist policy has been called what? Architecture from what period of Istanbul's history is absent from the city? What are redistributable and available for download from Microsoft if the user chooses? When did Obama sign the HEARTH Act? Who created the McCarran-Ferguson Act? Which group of Europeans held strong grienvences about the war? What does structural engineering history contain? What are areas of the US called that are not part of states or the federal district? What is the most common tin/lead ratio in their alloy? How can two functions be written? How many major efforts have been made to improve the original fingering system of the saxophone? What was the first hockey team to employ professionals? What was one of the countries that were liberated by its own forces during WWII? Who created the AHAR? Why were the negotiations cut short? How many planning regions are there in the state? What was the word that preceded a surname known as in French Canada? What other Rotterdam native did Ma Braun coach? What The Sunday Times team has won awards? How long was the siege of Constantinople in the 1400s? What year was churchills request? What former Pitt alumni is the founder of the company BikeBandit? What is a lens? Which state hosted the three of world's 10 most visited tourist attractions in 2013? When did the revival of low reliefs occur in Western art? Worldwide each year how many people per hundred thousand met violent unnatural death between 2004 and 2009? What name is Portuguese for mountain? What is the purpose of cognitive neuroscience? What defines Manipur? What is the reflection of the point (-x, y) across the second coordinate axis? Who argued that the export of people crippled Africa? What mode could Windows 3.0 applications be run in? What options do Connecticut residents who register have What year was the battle of poljana fought in ? What type of depth is showcased in mid-relief? How many local inhabitants did the Germans shoot to avenge death of one German soldier? How large was the lot that an average tenement stood on? What was "war communism"? Who argued that social change and stagnation was caused by domestic factors? What has increased the speed of the counting of the votes? Who took over in China when Mao died? In what category have the foreign coverage reporters received recognition at the British Press Awards? Who supported the proposed changes to senate elections? How many possible directions does the z axis have? How many Partisan fighters managed to escape to Bosnia from Serbia and Montenegro? Where is the official climate data for Manhattan recorded? In the first year students take biophysics, biochemistry, anatomy, ethics and histology which are considered to be what type of classes? Who wrote history of the dividing line? By is the first way by which Texas v. White allowed some possibility of divisibility? What is the dedctive system used for ? Why did most users operate an administrator account? Who issued the report on the failures of the party in 2012? What is the half-life of isotope 126Sn? What animal has been demonstrated to show empathy? When did it become legal for a husband to adopt his wife's surname? How many breweries were in Oxford by 1874? where is tin commonly mined? What is the input to a function called? Which group is streamlined with the ideologies of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom? What activates the temporoparietal junction area of the brain? What might it be associated with? What tier is Oxford United in initially? Statins don't have as long of an effect on what? What effect occurs because glass lens are shaped into spherical surfaces? Which chancellor's administration is best known for eliminating Pitt's debt from the 1960s finanical crisis? What are the two possible coordinate systems determined by the z axis direction? What was the first alloy used on a large scale? In what year did the number of Istanbulites double? Who was mayor of Los Angeles in 2015? What location in the Sierra did the later plutons form? Structural engineers need what type of degree? What types of companies have fallen victim to redundant acronym syndrome? Who also reverses the order their names for customary reasons? What is a good atmosphere when standards will reflect what the economy is looking for? What English intellectual weakening the view that husbands were rulers over their wives? What publication medium has no search tools? When do public buildings display the flag? Who did the Paiute tribe have occasional disagreements with in the mountains of Sierra Nevada? What percent of global deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases? how many armed ships were present ? How much does one pay for an interface language in Windows? What is a Euclidean plane with a Cartesian system called? Who originally owned the lands of Emirgan Park? Lee is a romanization of what chinese surname? How old do archeologists believe Istanbul's peninsula is? Does the Bridge-tunnel impede navigation? What does the making of right and wrong judgments coincide with? Why did people settle at the Rotte River? What did Vista feature that fixed the administrator account issue? What type of relief are objects placed in the background? What types of work use more low-relief sculpture? How long do statins prevent death? Who played a big part in the creation of drum and bass with their dark, baseline sounds? What is structural building engineering closely affiliated with? Do any states use indirect elections? cases of poisoning from tin are what? What were the main produce of the Canary islands after European occupation? What was the name of one of the churches in Constantinople? What is the average high temperature in Windsor Locks? How many first-team All-American players as Pitt produced? What is it called when in all models, all provable statements are true? What was the time frame of the Atlantic slave trade? What kind of checking makes use of the player's shoulder or hip? After a new state is added, on what date do new flag designs become official? The second smallest county by land in the united states is where? What utimately caused lack of unity among the British and the colonist? Who ruled in the case of United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association? In which topographical region is Kona? What is the name of the smaller administrative regions that states are divided into? What will the use of vasoactive agents cause? What is programmers' advice if such coupling is not necessary? What do the tests of contracts measure? What level of government is responsible for insular areas? Are statins more effective against death or lipids? When did the custom of a woman changing her name after marriage solidfy across all classes? When was the new economic policy started as a backwards step from war communism? How have republicans changed since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage? In what region would a married woman drop her mother's surname and add her husband's surname to her father's surname? What is the reason for abbreviation redundancy? When did Charles stay at Oxford? Do both spouses refrain from changing their names? What makes first-order logic different from propositional logic? In the repatriation at Bleiburg, where did the Armed Forces of the Independent State of Croatia retreat to surrender? Why did they impersonate Brown? What did Reince Priebus call Republicans to do? Why is Polish notation rarely used? In what region of the U.S.A. can one still find liberalism with in the Republican party? Who started the policies of radical political reform in the Soviet Union? According to Section 15 of the constitution, what will fill a casual vacancy of a State senator? What is it called when hail gets larger as the liquid outer shell of hail collects other smaller hailstones? What area receives the least rainfall? What were the differences between slaves in Africa and those abroad? What kind of principles was Georgia established on? Where is Istanbul's seaport? Who founded Morrell's? What gas is released by the anaerobic bacteria in the dead zone? How many people died through means of the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff? Who founded Robert College? What was the name of the operation that gave support to Partisans in 1944? Has the salary of the average American woman increased? What machinery counts the votes? What does MCh stand for? What is recently featured in Beyoğlu's nightlife? Where is tin mainly traded? What was the slave population in 1860 according to the 1860 census? When did Abgar V become Christian? What forms when a layer of above freezing air is sandwiched between layers of sub-freezing air? What kind of power do hybrid buses use? What is it called when the ref calls a penalty on the team that doesn't have the puck? Who submitted the winning submission to the national architecture contest? Out of the German, Dutch, and English settlers, which of them gave the least amount of legal power to women? Where was the wooden Sawat saxophone made? What else is included in moral philosophy? Where does sunk relief originate from? Which region became an important mercantile area? What year did the American Colonization Society send a ship to Liberia? What were the men at the Redding encampment vererans of? The Baltic states on which shore were acquired by the Soviet Union? What did the 1967 Executive Order do? How many miles is Silchar from Imphal? What type of motion is required for precipitation to occur? What did Hardt and Negri state was not the main reason for to end the slave trade? What's the longest-running theatre show in Pittsburgh? What kind of predicates are understood as the divider of the domain of discourse? What is the third largest airport in Rotterdam? Principles of what kind of engineering are applied to a variety of mechanical structures? When did the first insurance company in the US come into existence? What is a noteworthy feature of the central plain? What kind of music is played by Kenny G? How would "complete" be defined in first-order logic? What do social psychologists believe social and emotional development is based on? By which decade lawyers became prominent in American politics? In what areas will mangers and officials need technical assistance for decentralized functions? Where do physicians obtain their registration number? What are matrices that satisfy the conclusion known as? Statins last about how long? Where do you go to add Chinese in Windows XP? What rank was given to the Rotterdam School of Management in 2009? Horizontal and vertical integration are good for the customer how frequently? When did the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands end? In what book can you find, a harmonious blending of the Eastern and Western cultures? Who effectively replaced the great lord in American society? When did Connectitcut move down to the 30th most populous state? When dis League of Communists of Yugoslavia collapse? Where were the slaves housed while awaiting shipment? What is an example of a clan name? What makes liberals frequently argue for action on ? How do i-stems behave? What exhibition is currently home to the flag? What period are afternoon thunderstorms especially common? Who bought the slaves? What portion of white American men were able ot vote in the colonial society? How many years program degrees of Docto6of Medicine and Master of Public Health does Ateneo de Zamboanga University of Medicine offer? How many years does the Master in Medicine take to complete? What did the missions introduce to the indigenous peoples of california? What is the head of Eastern Churches called? What was the name of the plan that transitioned Russia into communism? Which floors of the Cathedral of Learning house the Nationality Rooms? How many officers were stationed on the 25 vessels? When did the adoption of surnames become common The Republicans had a net loss of how many seats? What initiative was used to prevent homelessness? What did merchants often by from farmers? How many call sites can a subprogram have? What is the purpose of the HEARTH Act? ingroups are far more commonly used by what political ideology? What are the numbers used for the correct red and blue for the U.S. flag in the Pantone Matching System? Which public office did Newt Gingrich hold in the past? Which political party failed to gain control of the Senate? How were chromatic saxophones ordered? What were the first medical schools to issue academic degrees and diplomas? What are some other daily newspapers? Are claims filed against/to the insurance group? what did the NCH called those acts? What made ocean travel difficult and risky for ships? Which author wrote of the nature of agency within a decentralized structure? What is the name of the long-existing electronica show in Seattle? What foundation partnered with the Society for Neuroscience to cosponsor the Brain Awareness Week? What did not specify any specific arrangement of the American Flag Who wanted to make changes to the system for electing senators in 2013? What does the Merritt Parkway and Wilbur Cross Parkway form? Is Catholico higher than Patriarch? How many soldiers did the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia have by 1942? What jobs do Bittle & Johnson hold? What year did Reagan leave the office? When food was secured, who was able to spend time on other endeavors? What can happen to macronyms when they are nested? A windward side of the island receives more or less rainfall than leeward sides? After 330 CE what purpose did the city serve? How large is the Pittsburgh campus? What is the definition of postmodern music? In addition to improved practices, what has been brought forth as a result of structural failures? Who established borrowing from Latin in the sixth century? In the function f(x) = 1/x, what is f? What was New England's population in 1725? How wide is the Bolivian flexure? How many stripes are on the American flag How long is the typical study at one of the seminaries? When is clinical sciences studied at medical schools? Wages are set by what? What does spherical aberration cause in an image? who expressed concerns over amendments Where is the Dolmabahce Palace located? What group threatened to close down the papers? What are some of the benefits of the DASH diet? What style is low relief considered to be? Who founded Mellon Bank? From what years was Istanbul Europe's largest city? What does the Armenian Orthodox Church argue? Since when does Oxford have the largest urban park and ride networks in the UK? Who's reforms caused economic liberalisation and made China one of the fastest growing economies? Which penalty does not usually result in a power play? What are some major differences between men and women physiologically? How long does the Roosevelt Island Tramway take to make the trip between Roosevelt Island and Manhattan? Who was the most recent Republican to win 59% of the Manhattan vote for president? Have evangelicals voted more Republican or Democrat since 1980? What year did the Central Florida Commission on Homelessness conduct a study on how much was spend a year on covering salaries of leo's to arrest and transport homeless individuals? Does the Republican party support gay rights? In what year did the theatre win an award at the Edinburgh Festival?? How did the suppression of slave trade affect Africa's population? What kind of operation is overriding? What is the oldest example of Byzantine church architecture in Istanbul? How many African rulers signed the Anti-slavery treaties? Define one type of function? Who provided the land on which Providence Plantation was founded? What organization did The Sunday Times expose for corruption in 2010? The name ben adam can also be described as what? What kind of non-glyceride lipid components are also found in biological membranes? What year did the last ship land on American soil? Which app in Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 included a counterpart setting? What was a result of agriculture and food production? Which political party supported a law created in 1947? What caused a demand for housing? Which issue might affect transparency in making choices in the leadership structure? What of the United States are subdivided? Where was the Meissner effect first discovered? Why does Drum and bass remains most popular in the UK ? What was lacrosse also called by some people in Nova Scotia? How is beware! represented? Where have studies about morality been done? In which state are completely independent from the county in which they would otherwise be a part? What is Oxford's leading club? What did Jo Freeman attend in June 1967? What shoreline in Connecticut was devastated by the storm? How many countries have ice hockey federations? How did the Andes form during the Triassic period? How many jobs does Pitt support? What act was the key center of the debate? What areas can increased spending result in jobs? Which threatened members of the rodent order inhabit the Andes' alpine regions? Where can the language of Windows be changed? What European nationalities were involved in Atlantic naval explorations? What is the usual representation of an infinite formula? What are subs? The global averaged annual precipitation is 39 in, how much of that falls over land? What countermeasures are recommended to protect Windows? What substance was being mined? What year was the the high rise White House office building in Dutch Witte Huis completed? How often does Microsoft publish updates? What kind of animal was considered more useful than horses? What does immigration do to Connecticut? What print section was added in 2001? Most people in New York do not actually spend a lot on what important expense, relative to their income? What was the name of the puppet state controlled by the Germans? how further does the state recognize the church of Armenia? Who served on the board of trustees? Which magnification is less important for visual telescopes or binoculars? In what convention are names followed by the father's name? In what type of mythology is Balder named after? In model theory, countability or uncountability of what language cannot be characterized? what did the (NAIC) adopted ? What event caused a shift in how regions of the country voted? Where did surname originate from in historical times? How many hours of sunshine does Connecticut average annually? What's the important question answered by both morality and politics? What is the most common shape of lenses? What style of music were early mouthpieces designed for? What rank does Istanbul rank among the world's largest cities? What is an example of structual desgin? What's the name of the tampa bay team? What types of courses are taught in Latin at pontifical universities? Why did some places adopt Latin phrases in some areas? How many districts does Istanbul have? Windows 1.0 does not allow what? What was the earliest year in which the UConn Huskies won two national basketball titles? In which states are towns treated as equivalents to townships? Where is the source for much of the sedimentary rock in California? What organization officially owns flag designs? What would you do to a true compound surname to avoid ambiguity? What department houses the BIA and OIA bureaus? What was one of the most important Revolutions? Heart failure is linked to exposure from what Particulate matter? What is the name of the international airport in Manipur? Rotterdam is a city in which country? Why is the Baltic more vulnerable to damage from oil spills? At what temperature do snowflakes form in threefold symmetry? what compounds can be as toxic as cyanide? Who suggested a 10 percent chance of a 10 percent loss? How many years of degree is accepted by University Grants Commission for practicing medicine? What is the major geographical body that divides the east from the west? How much has it grown in the last decade? In what logic does a single universal quantifier may arbitrarily bind many variables simuteneously? What sentiments were held by both the colonist and Britains after the French war ended? who is responsible for the structural design and building? What is extremely important for all claims to include? What are the two main terminals for the New York City area commuter rails? How many countries can a Pitt student study abroad in? What term is associated to Samuel Peters? What do neuroscientists focus on? Until what century in French Canada did families adopt surnames in order to distinguish branches of their family? What year was hockey believed to be mentioned in a proclamation? When did the Reconstruction take place? What is the lowest point at the crest near Lake Tahoe in terms of feet? What is one of the many prestigious private prep schools located in Manhattan? What name does Alaska use for county? What are examples of bass lines performed with a bass instrument? What was implied by the report? Were all satisfied with the ability of the Senate to do its work of oversite? How can one view "Socrates is a Philosopher" vs "Plato is a philosopher" in propositional logic? When you change the interface language, what happens in apps like Mail? Which school has strong and well regarded departments in mathematical and philosophical logic, metaphysics, history and philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind and psychology, and semantics? What is Istanbul's high temperature average? How many major storms hit Connectitcut in 14 months? What professional baseball team is from the Bronx? What does a predicate do? Do Jews vote more Democrat or Republican? There are two ways a surname can be spelled, how? What is the most common application of pierced tin? What did Mayor Bart Peterson endorse? What did the staining procedure lead to? What are some of the things that are produced in Istanbul? Who was the grandson of the 1814 commander of Fort McHenry? By the conclusion of the 18th century, how many people lived in Istanbul? Who created the algebraic formulation of mythological transformation? What type of agencies work for the insurance industry? In December of 2015 how many U.S. workers were emloyed? Who is eligible for the MS or MD course? What happened to the Greek population? In standard orientation, in which way does the z axis point? Is the West 30th Street Heliport a private or publicly owned heliport? how many were lethal? Is caste the only reason for surnames in India? What kinds of forces can structures become subject to? What are the characteristics of "Jungle Techno"? How are unknown coordinates denoted? Which position does Pitt hold globally in the 2015-2016 QS World University rankings? What is boarding? In Portuguese-speaking countries, what is the most common naming convention? What theories of structures did they use? Qualification for Medicine and Surgery is called what in Sidha? What year did Tito died? How might it be functional? What is not a vestigial body> What is the second major political force in Istanbul and the country? Who owns News UK? What will using alternate fingerings accomplish due to the modifications to the saxophone? The surname lee is used in chinese and what other culture? Who held a monopoly on media broadcasts? Can the Xbox One play Xbox 360 games? What does immoral behavior jeopardize? In what year did the Baltic Sea become a great gravesite? What was the main starting influence for Drum and Bass? To which levels of administrative entity might a central government decide to delegate responsibilities? How many votes were for the motion to abolish the Atlantic slave trade? When was the first hockey game in Montreal? To what number did circulation increase under John Witherow? What is a tin/lead metal alloy referred to as? The bourgeoisie are aligned with what, according to Leninist policy? If X is infinite and there is more than one element in Y, then how many functions are from X to Y? What have MBBS titles been replaced with? What is another name for the "Connecticut Compromise" of the 1787 constitutional convention? what is necessary to do if the variables of t becomes bound ? In what year was Constantinople reclaimed by the Byzantines? Which team joined the NHL first in the US? what is the meaning of the abbreviation NCH? What language is the word "Pera" derived from? What represented a move towards something stable, structured, and rationalised? What two avenues traverse the University of Pittsburgh campus from west to east? What is Radcliffe now known as? The campus is adjacent to which section of the Carnegie Public Library? When was the Supreme Plenum of Liberation Front active until? In what region is Istanbul located? What composer is know for challenging the music common to Modernism? New York City had strong business ties to which region of The United States? What helped to stabilize the languages of Spain, France, Portugal, and Italy? Who threatened the colonies during the 1640's? To whom did physicians and surgeons in these hospitals give lectures? who are the people affected by higher rates of geriatric syndromes? Where is the major influx of migrant labour in Oxford going? From 2002 how much was the increase of families relying on shelters? The tetraorgano derivatives are less common than what? In what year was the Sequoia National Park formed? Name 7 countries where the revolution of Communism took place in the Americas. What lifeform can survive in pockets within the ice? What's the second objective of the bill as summarized by the Congressional Research Service? What type of music spawns from the ragga inspired jungle music of the 1990s? What is the most minutes a player can receive for a string of plays? How long was Sax's patent valid for? What conference center at Pitt was chosen as a historical landmark? What bill was passed on the last day of the 30th Congress? Each Australian state gets what kind of representation regardless of population? What metric of the population differs from city area to area? What is created when miniture cloud droplets become frozen? What location did the Bonneville Expedition see before any other non-indigenous people? What major ammendment did feminism attempt to get passed that was defeated by Phyllis Schiafly? What is the name of their city aquarium? What is believed by libertarian Socialists brutalizes the user? Since how long ago has there been deregulation of industries? In 1936 who came to conclusion about logical validity of arbitrary formulas? What governmental position did Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. achieve in 1990? What dynasty followed the Nguyen dynasty in Viet Nam? Where absentee member of parliament was common? Who has a lower likelihood of developing heart disease if both have diabetes, the female or the male? What is plano-convex? Territorial morality is negative according to what author? What is the most popular type of relief found in Hindu and Buddhist art? In what field has progress been made via first-order logic? What kind of low reliefs does the Ishtar Gate of Babylon contain? Mao led which country? Which institution summarized the bill? What was the minimum wage per hour in 2009? How does SnO2 form? Where did the flag resolution appear from What kind of scale does a nanostructure use for dimensions? As a result of discovering historical knowledge and memory, what happens to some dominant histories? What is another phrase for alphabet agencies? What district is under the authority of Congress? How many cubmic meters of water did the Kırkçeşme water supply network provide? Which town features the Nothnagle Log House? What is the term neuroscience interchangeably used with? When was the Valley and Mariposa Grove ceded to California? In what year did Yale University and John Hopkins University play their first ice hockey matches? What is the meaning the act to be a "Surplus" ? When did Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College develop a system of sharing residential colleges? What did it mean to have an on-side game, as opposed to an off-side game? Which major industry brings visitors to Connecticut? What levels can you study the nervous system on? What community was created when the material was used to extend Manhattan near West Street? What does YABA stand for? What are Hellenstic reliefs cut with? how many reported violent acts were committed? Non-sphereical lenses are called what? What percentage of residents speak english? What are conservatives supportive of? Mention one procedure used if a game is tied? Were there more Democrats or Republicans among those who had an education of high school or less? Who was director of the Museum of the Mother See in 2013? What entity took over the role of sheriffs? Other than KNO which other organization supports the Kuki insurgent groups? Towns are subdivisions of which entity? What are interns referred to as in some Commonwealth nations? How many known unstable isotopes are found in Tin? What are the four respected schools in Manipur? What type of skyscrapers are the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and GE Building? What kind of ice is driven by the wind? What is the longest amount of time that an argument can be presented orally in the Supreme Court of Connecticut? What kind of platform was the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation? Where was Gregory consecrated? Thomas E. Dewey received what percentage of the Southern popular vote? What does the suite of behavioral capacities include? What is the City of Groton part of? Who made the discovery of new tin deposits? How often does FENS hold a meeting? What is the second coordinate axis? Who converted Finland to Christianity in the twelfth century? Which country did not directly deal with the slave trade but licensed traders? In which region are counties primarily used as judicial districts? What does Microsoft use to distribute patches? What does the Apple Newsstand platform do? How many stories tall is the Park Row Building? What are the names of the fortresses that are the oldest known examples of Ottoman architecture in Istanbul? What was the venue for the first organized indoor game of hockey? Who often gave people the mean names? What is the MoMA refer to? What song played a big part in popular culture and for women and the feminist movement? Fatty acids are created by what? How many non government Senators have to vote for legislation for it to pass? Who returned to prominence in the 1970's and 1980's? How big has the newspaper become? What are five of the subgenres of Drum and bass ? Which city did New York become more populous than in 1925? What material are 200mm (8 inch) rain gauges made of? When did the NAEH create plans to stop homelessness? What year did the Supreme Court legalize same-sex marriage? What characteristics of neurons are studied in order to understand how they relate to different types of behavior? What might have been a reason for the Samis not seeing any transformation of their names? New deposits of tin are reported to be where? When was Pitt Arts founded? Hyphenation in of true compound surnames is common what sphere? What kind of cost is incurred in higher-order logic expression? When was record keeping started for floods? What diploma French medical sudents' get after defending their thesis? What did prominent republicans do in the aftermath of the loss? What is the name of a mountain pass where obsidian arrowheads can be found? What is one school subject that was inspired by the Neolithic Revolution? How were sax and brass sections used in 1930s swing bands? Who did Frederick Beer hire as editor of The Sunday Times? What name does Louisiana use for county? What do drills allow for? What did Boston Tea Party dump into the Boston Harbor? Does precipitation increase or decrease with height? How are the votes determined? What organization did Friedan pressure to use Title VII of the Civil Rights Act? What political party founded the Peoples Republic of China? Long term Particulate matter exposure increased rates of what? How many species of vascular plants live in the Andes? In the past how did African-Americans vote? What is the Tempio Malatestiano in Rimini? In what year was Windows 8 released generally? When was same sex marriage legalized? In 2006, how much was spent on Homeless Assistance Grants? What was the main export item of Virginia in the late 17th century? How much has homeless decreased among families since 2007? Why would New England farm families live in wooden houses? What broad rate includes part time people who are working but don't make enough to live on called? What type of race is held on Saturday during E-Week, prior to the e-ball finale? What are the guidelines for when a flag has tattered edges? What is the simplest shape glass can be ground and polished into? Are common nouns capitalized in English? Did slaves arrive in El Salvador or Florida first? What reacts with tin to make SnCl4? How many years does medical education lasts for? Of what kind of music did Charlie Parker a major player? What has aided recent theoretical advances in neuroscience? What are considered the "central objects of investigation" in most fields of mathematics? How much do the articles cost? What type of cardiovascular disease can be preceded by untreated strep throat? What percentage of GDP did U.S. Corporations pay in 2011? What are the examples of the dedctive system ? Marxism-Leninist cultural policy promotes what? What has ended unsuccessfully? How are masculine forms declined? In what scenario would someone who works in New York still owe Connecticut income tax? How many teams were in the NHL in 1999? Any point in a three dimensional space can be specified by what? What was the second ranked cause of homelessness mentioned by the mayors? What other nation did the British compete against in the sugar colony business? What in some instances often comes to replace the original family name? When was Marxism-Leninism created? What did the the neural network related to moral decisions overlap with? Which country was the last European State to convert to Christianity? where is often described as the cultural and financial capital of the world? In the Gallup Poll, what other problems did Republicans cite as most important in the US? Windows XP was based on what operating system? how did the church start at the beginning? What is a characteristic of many grad figure reliefs in Ancient Greek sculpture? The process of converting carbohydrates into triglycerides is known as what? What kind of functions are developed to find derivations quickly? When was the Ottoman Stock Exchanged established? What are two examples of programming languages? What place in Germany expressed interest in hosting the Grand Depart of 2010? What kind of movements stress a common morality? Who persecuted Armenian Christians? What risks were associated with arsenical bronze? What part of Connectitcut is like New England? Which engineering model can be utilized in the composition of a dome? What are some types of medicines specifically address diseases of the nervous system? How many last names are used in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries? Which area has high earnings in the US? What is the official enumeration of the state's population called? Which school does not follow this model? In the 2010 midterms, did women support either Republicans or Democrats more, or were both candidates supported equally? How many civilians were killed due to Germany invading the Netherlands? The styles used to build the European embassies later influenced the architecture of what palace? How much more rapid was population growth of North American Slaves compared to England? What book supported Quebec leaving Canada? What is another term for organotin hydrides? Where did Irish immigrants take slaves to in 1651? Who was the first Structural engineer that history knows by name? How much rainfall can a tropical cyclone bring to a dry region? What are three mechanisms that can produce precipitation? What theory is the aciomatization of set theory? What does physical activity assist in? When did New England's mos destructive storm in history occur? What level of precipitation does Istanbul have? What did African leaders see in terms of slave trade? When is private creation of standards a good idea? The Monastery of Stoudios was converted into what? How many national championships has Pitt football won? What year did Britian abolish the Atlantic slave trade? What is the Municipal Council advised by? In 1981, who was appointed at the The Times as editor? lipoproteins containing fatty acids are secreted from what organ? When was Roots: The Saga of an American Family published? Where was the Sunsas Orogen? What is the long-chain fatty acyl CoA converted to? In what year was Abraham Lincoln's Copper Union speech? Who controls the campuses of the state universities in Michigan? What is the relationship of high levels of drinking and cardiovascular disease? How high must the psychometric exam grade be in Israel for acceptance? What do migratory birds that fly long distances without eating use to fuel their flights? How many years was the plan of Opening Doors in the prevention and stop of homelessness? In what year did the British military mission in Slovenia report seeing a steady trickle of escapees from German POW camps? What hormones do carbon (C21) contain? What is the name of the weekly feature? What did the Georgian Church disagree with? Most of the University of Pittsburgh lies in what district? What is the hall? How many parts can be derived from the National People's Congress? How can one describe the relationship between cardiovascular disease and drinking? What percentage of economic activity did the real estate industry account for in Connecticut in 2009? When did literary magazines appear? Who paid Capt. Abraham for his coat Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? Which school was created by Bard college? What is postmodernism often associated with? why does some family fail to report their homelessness? Can you convert them perfectly, to be used on screen? Did the soprano saxophone remain popular in jazz after Sidney Bechet's time? How did the population of Africa change in relation to Europe and Asia? What does the ordered pair represent? What did the owners try to remedy the situation? What position did John Witherow hold before becoming editor in 1994? What is the oldest medical school in Tunisia? What types of wages are the object of Connecticut income tax? What describes an angle? what is the meaning of the abbreviation NCH? How many spectators could attend the hippodrome? What's a technical term for beams and columns? When was Windows 95 released? When did Gloria Steinem gain a large amount of popularity? What is included in the federal insurance regulation ? How many counties are there in New York City? In what country are the paternal and maternal surnames are often combined using y or i? Transition from hunter- gatherer way of life was moved to what? What bestselling book did Betty Friedan write? Who argues that the effects of slavery were deleterious? What needs to be clicked for an application to have full privileges? What print section was renamed InGear in 2006? What is a typical interval of time between observations when using low orbit satellites? What were thinkers who moved away from the strict interpretations of structuralist ideas called? What is it called when a DJ spins a record back and restarts the record at the build? Other than jobs, what was the next highest ranked items for Democrats? What day of the week is the parade during E-Week? What is the name for the set of all permitted inputs for a given function? Where were the slaves sold? What gives upper management more control? Who is the jazz pioneer named as a possible influence? if José GARCÍA Torres and María) ACOSTA Gómez had a child named Pablo, what would his full name be? Who replaced Evans as the editor at The Sunday Times? What number was the peak of circulation for The Sunday Times? WHat is the reason for orographic precipitation happening? Which school curriculum is Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine is using? What characterized the Initial Bolshevik economic policies from 1917 to 1918? How many officials enforce the rules of the game? What other issues were given attention in second wave feminism? What does the engineering of an arch secure inside its own extent? Where does cassiterite often accumulate? The First-order logic distinguishes itself from this logic because this logic does not use quantifiers. Who was the first European to visit the Manhattan are? What are types of nutritious English grass? In how many ways is each Indian Reservation subdivided? Why was Rotterdam selected to host the 2010 event for the Tour de France? What is the name of the museum that Frank Loyd Wright designed?? What is an academic physician called when they focus their work on research? Who said this process has been going on since the Stone Age? Where did the collapse of the communism occurred? What moral value were liberals found to value least? What kind of decentralization is done via a combination of authorities and localities working together? Who did the Bolsheviks conquer in 1921? What source of influence outside of a troubled nation might be placated by adopting a decentralized model? The formula for distance is called what? Where have the quantitative large-scale meta-analysis of brain activity changes been reported? What was the 1777 resolution probably meant to define What did Bush implement in 2001? Recorded robbery and burglary amounts have decreased by how much? Which Party prefers lowering taxes? Which European country carried the greatest amount of slaves across the Atlantic? What was transformed into the artistic center of the city? What is the primary function of the Connecticut Supreme Court? What does amābit mean in Latin? What country is ice hockey the national winter sport? Which small shopping centres are there in the city centre? Who receives gifts at this festival? Which Party prefers more help for small businesses? What plant crop could not be grown efficiently, leading to mass famine? What term describes an engineering approach to interpreting complex systems? Which two states proposed variations of the bicameral legislature? What else could it mean? In which century did Christianity was brought by missionaries to Manipur? What influences the Andes Mountain formed? What is the concept that aims to explain why people still feel they are moral individuals despite engaging in immoral behaviors? What was the death rates of Cheasepeake colony during early days? Where did Constantinople push Roman power? What term describes inexpensive solutions for the poor people of the world? What type of disease is myocardial infarction? what kind of models were used in the late 1990s with QPFs to simulate impact to rivers? Has the Senate become moribund in its oversite of the government in recent years? Who was the lieutenant governor of Connecticut in 2011? What is the name of the executive department in charge of the environment? What did the Duke of York capture to end the uncertain colonial limits? What commission reported the most recent retrieval of chemical munitions? What does mutualism involve? How many national champion wrestlers has Pitt produced? Who made further developments in the Saxophone? By is the second way by which Texas v. White allowed some possibility of divisibility? What type of account is made for the first user? Where are New Canaan and Darien located? Comatic aberration can also be referred to as what? What is the father's name of a Russian named Ivan Andreyevich Sergeyev? Under the First-order logic, sentences can be used that contain what? The 50 states combined comprise what larger entity? What portion of all district council members represent their districts in the Municipal Council? What kind of support is built into Windows? What does it mean when a DJ plays something pitched up? What is another name for Constantinople? What is the rule when it comes to abbreviations that are spoken as words and letters? What was the official unemployment rate in Detroit in 2009, even though the Detroit news claims nearly half of the working age population was unemployed? When were homeless shelters first built? What country is mentioned here as having difficult relations with adjoining countries due to slavery? What year did the Varsity Walk carving tradition start? In what year did the IPHL disband? In which year was the constitution of Connecticut adopted? Who is responsible for standardizing insurance laws? What is hellenizing? What do Americans believe are the two most important issues in the country? Where is Pitt ranked in the most recent Webometrics rankings? What is thought to be the most frequent types of injury in hockey? Should disc and discs have the same acronym? What is the name of the oldest remaining Byzantine church in Istanbul? Which group accused Marxism-Leninism of establishing state capitalism? What is the current trend for women changing their names after marriage? What other event happens at the same time as the IIHF tournament? What are two types of suspensions? What is the four-official system? When was Connectitcut's population mostly rural? What was questioned in the controversy? Where is Oxford located? What year did Angola became Marxist-Leninist state? What does the new category in the latest verson of the AQF change? What is the name of the study of interpretations of formal languages? How many children are homeless in a year? what does the officials use for stoppage of play? What is required for foreigners to have free education in Tunisia? Women were able to integrate into what clubs by changing social attitudes? What expanded due to the railway links in Oxford during the 1840? what subclass of glycerophospholipids contain four acyl chains and three glycerol groups? What is the shape of a snowflake determined by in broad terms? What myth is perpetuated by Iberian leadership? Who is the current moderate Senator of Maine? What does RAM stand for? When did the population of Istanbul increase sharply? What did Hume say was often found to coexist with piety? What is the most basic degree required to practice medicine in Canada? Which U.S. president opposed mandatory caps on carbon emission? what are the differences in the reactions? What is the total value of New York city property? How did Africans take part in the slave trade? How many nations other than the United States are included in the insular areas? The Holodomor largely affected what country? What is one of the theorems that First-order logic satisfy? Which geographic area of Connecticut has a panhandle? What was the school originally named? Name at least three individuals from the New Left that identified with decentralization. After the recession hit, how much did new start-ups go down by? What part of Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's name would not be referred to as his surname alone? What is ignored by the restricting view? Do you have to install language components manually in Windows? What was released in January of 2005? What is useful as a technique to reduce the number or inference rules or axiom schemas in deductive systems? What amount of people do not speak english at home? What caused homelessness to become widespread? What habits are linked to cardiovascular disease? What do stack frames contain? If you receive this degree upon graduation from medical school, which country's ancient traditions are you following? What happened to many of the rescue workers after the attack that eventually led to their deaths? For how long are the fiberglass panther's given to a campus group? In the UK, what kind of degree does someone need to practice medicine? The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? What was below its historical average in 2012? What political figure tried to coordinate defensive military matters? Does inflection change the semantic element? When did the first slaves reach Colombia? What's the name of the list of the best-selling books in Britain? Other than decision problem of first-order logic, unsolvability of what problem was discussed by Alan Truing? What is the most common employed semantics for second and higher-order logic? When was there a crisis in regards to Australia's constitution? How much is the amount of uplift in the Gulf of Bothnia? How are molecular biology and genetics useful? is there a defined separation of church and state? Is total fat intake an important risk factor? What do most people think about morality's dependence on religion? fatty acids are oxidized in a way that resembles what in reverse? What new section was the last to be added to the paper under Neil in 1992? What percentage of people cite jobs as the nation's most important problem? What is the parent name that is adopted by the child called? In which year British Parliament took control of the taxes in American colonies? What European country places their surname first? in animals excess carbohydrates are converted into what? How many years of training might be added to training, depending on a physician's chosen field? What is the important artifact of the state based insurance regulation ? Name one of the characteristic features of superconductors. What is the Dolmabahce Palace? Who won the power struggle between Tito's Partisans and the chetniks? How is an initialism pronounced? What was able to provide work energy for accomplishing agricultural tasks? What park is next to the Bosphorus Bridge? What do the 13 stripes on the U.S. flag represent? When was Wheelock's book first published? Many American academics consider post-structuralism to be a part of what other movement? what does 90 percent of the New Yorkers believe? what is the metabolic process for breaking down fatty acids to generate acetyl-CoA known as? how is tin made? When was the Brooklyn Bridge opened? The Cartesian coordinate system in two dimensions can also be referred to as what? what act is helps to break down the barriers homeless students receives? What did Spain get in exchange for Florida when they traded it to Great Britain? Who bought the 132 Morrell's pubs in 1998? Where was King's College School located? What is the meaning of "cordel"? As people started to live in one place, what did people start to collect? The name Manhattan was derived from which word? How much did the Mayor proposed to cut? Who manages Istanbul's water supply? What was completed in New York City despite the Great Depression? What is one of the major daily newspapers that serve Manhattan? What type of structure includes launch vehicles? When was the Paz Miño family active? In which century the main waves of settlement entered America? Is a recursive subprogram considered to be reentrant? Where did migrants come, from that resulted in a bigger population? What opportunities for experience does Pitt offer? When did the Ministry of Post, Telegraph, and Telephone come into existence? What is not used to determine a two-line pass infraction? What are the purpose of dendrites? Logical consequence relation of systems weaker than which order logic are decidable? What was Samuel Brannan's occupation? When were blacks given the ability to vote? How many women were in the Antifascist Front of Women (AFZ)? What types of nature are the images set in, Linear or Dynamic? Which country was the last to ban the Atlantic slave trade and what year? What do many observers see figure 8 as flipping in and out between? What park is the location for the highest peak of the mountains in the Sierra Nevada? In 2004, which zip code gave the most political contributions to the presidential election? In what year was the International Professional Hockey League (IPHL) formed? From which parent do children take their surnames? What companies have their Dutch headquarters located in Rotterdam? What was a lasting effect of the avant-garde movement? How do you manage homelessness? Which Metro lines service the Thracian side of town? What is the risk factor of injury when playing ice hockey? What Englishman created many converts during the Great Awakening? Who appoints a replacement if the State Parliament is in recess? What were the main types of weapons the Partisan were able to capture? What phrase is the word "cop" said to be derived from? Can any form of life exist in the so-called dead zone? What was famous for taverns before being changed? Who converted Finland to Christianity in the twelfth century? Where are the world's highest mountain ranges? Which president added $100 billion to the deficit by reducing Social Security payroll tax? What religious aspect is promoted by Marxism Leninists? When did the Royal Africa Company cease to have a monopoly on the slave trade? What was the price of tin in the free market environment? What is included in moral philosophy? When did the title of the newspaper change to the Independent Observer? What is the reason that Nevada is the driest state in the United States? How much magnetic fields can a 3Kg superconducting weighing magnet produce? What's the biggest dance event during Greek Week? What has increased as a result of the NHL strictly enforcing its rules? What kind of movement is initiated from the individuals or localities? What is α-tin's stable temperature? How many countries trade on the exchange? What is the final level sceondary school called? What was founded near the city? How many seats were there? What is the national church of Armenia? What type of building was built on the south side of Third Street and Cherry Avenue? Who was the Erasmus University Rotterdam named after? What do third-conjugation stems end in? What did early views on the function of the brain regard it to be? Who passed the House Joint Resolution Number 728? By 1943, what term was used to refer to abbreviations as words? How many slaves died in transit across the Atlantic? In which years do the students need to pass the federally administered exam? On what satellites may a microwave sensor be equipped? What was the established religion of Georgia? What was family homelessness number in 2007? When was the final Ottoman sultan exiled? What do the numbers in an ordered pair mean? Who was defending New York City? Who gave out plots of land to male settles or proprietors? Who is responsible for submitting documents for member insurers? What major point did Simone de Beauvoir challenge about women's place in society? What is a nickname for pond hockey? What does the term "de" refer to? What percentage of the Manhattan vote did George Bush receive? How is water supplied to Manhattan? How many homeless veterans were there in 2013? What body is charged with ranking universities regarding a universities programs? How many pounds of material were reported found in 2005? What percentage of inhabitants resided within Istanbul's metropolitan municipality city limits in 2007? What kinds of units of measurement can be associated with different axes? What is began represented by? What reasons are some acronyms chosen? What jobs do the other one or two officials have? In what year did the USA finalize the Louisiana Purchase? When was the House Joint Resolution Number 728 passed? What is responsible for depositing fresh water on the planet? When was Zaman founded? What type of purchase had an sales tax exemption reversed? What is the most densely populated district on the Asian side? In the event of a tie, how many points will each team be awarded? How many vehicles per day use the Lincoln Tunnel? What are Istanbul's major highways called? Who stated that the material of the reed has little effect on sound? What action could help create more higher-paying jobs? How old is Mr. Silva Neto? How much does Interpublic reserve every year for company acquisitions? What list is marijuana currently on with the DEA's classifications? In which markets is insider trading rampant? From where is Chicago coming home from? What did Mr. Lukyanov say? How many people can seat the Broadway theater? what two countries seem to dominate the race? What did the Daily Mail calculate? Where was the briefing for boosters and news media held? Who was the painting commissioned by? What are students less of? What is the job of Dan Warthen? Who died in July, shortly after thier last performance? What date was the Mexican Grand Prix held? At what rate did consumer prices fall in November? what forecasting firm does Gregory Daco work for? What is the name of the Union Carpenter from Meta, Mo.? What was the first Roman Catholic Cathedral in Brooklyn? How are items often viewed in the Living trilogy When is Merkel expected to hold further talks to reach a deal with Turkey's leaders? In which color the actually said word was written ? Who had had military attacks deplored on them? What makes it easy to follow sitcoms? What is a growing source of Gawker Media's revenue? How much might the developer pay in real estate taxes for the first decade? Where was RBG located during 1962 and 1963? How many followers does Omar Shalabi have on Facebook? What time does the musical start? What group did Mr. Kohlberg, Mr. Kravis and Mr. Roberts attempt to form within Bear Stearns? What state levied $54 in civil penalties against the Department of Energy? How many centrifuges does Iran hope to obtain? Which prescription drug issue is at the forefront of the presidential campaign? Who was more concerned with driving home? Who is Australia's most wealthiest person? Who was the chef of the restaurant? What did Mr Baquet think they too readily agreed to as far as government requests? What did that take to get to the airplane hanger? What was the author taking refuge in, instead of being present? What is Shannon's profession? For how long has Douglas Elmendorf been director of the C.B.O? When were Rand Paul's Facebook avatars, meme's and etc made available to his supporters? How did Mr. Hague want to be greeted? On which network does "Scream Queens" currently air? Who attended Pope Francis' visit to Congress last month? Where is the Barclays Center located? In which presidential administration did the Supreme Court hear this case? Who already faces existential questions about adult diaper sales beginning to overtake baby diapers? Why is the Afghan Police Program being expanded? Who assigned the writer the first foreign assignment What is the slogan on the clothing James wore? What was name of the alliance the rebels formed? What might fairies place in the crib instead? how large is the neighborhood? What has happened with Israel's methods? What is the name of the troupe that specializes in the extreme? Besides being precious what was another attribute of the stones Ms Mizrahi-Rubel was trained to work with? Which companies other than Tesla offer apps to unlock cars? Who is the dean of Brooklyn Law School? How long was Siddhartha sheltered from the harshness of the world? Who was the first to explain chemical reactions involving petroleum compounds? What is the chief distinction of the choreography? What was the defense lawyers name? Which is not only analysis the tone and the rhythm of music but also engages procedural memory ? What fills the walk in freezers of contemporary Honolulu restaurants MW and Pig and the Lady? Where were the Chanels sent instead of prison? What moved over to play center field? Who had their walk on to the stage covered up? How many photographs did MS. Simpson take between 1987 and 1996 or drag performers? When Fidel Castro softened his stance on the church, it energized whom? Who wrote he movie School of Rock? What is promising us some dramatic nighttime theater? What are the two authors that wrote the stage version of the classic Pinocchio? Who are the hosts, referred to as "Mr."? Where did Mr. Kim go to college? Who was the Secretary of State during this time? What year did Lorraine's mother buy the North Slope townhouse? What are venture capitalists funding? How far apart were the two works written? Why was the collaboration being seen as one of success? Where does the fourth bedroom have a balcony to? When did Obama announce the result of the drone strike? Which direction is being looked in? What game did LeBron go to in Texas? What did the Clinton Foundation do in Haiti? How many years did Mr. Ghani live in Washington? Who was Emily angry over picking a date so soon? What kind of agreements were they? How many days later was Mr Apontes interrogation? Why did he want to show the film to others? Who was the producer who also worked with Beyonce? Who thinks it's a dancer's gift that makes them succeed? What was the study population? Who play Alex? Who suggested some recommendations t reduce accidents? Which brewer's beers had more of a yeast aroma than that of Black Sheep's? Lucius Clay and others helped to feed children from Japan and where else? Who influenced the meat preparation of al pastor? What will be the year of the super PACs? What is the record of the Islanders right now? How many classes are provided by the United States Army? What number should I call to purchase "Explorations of Love and Lust" tickets? Who does Mr. Norris credit his release to? A major current issue for Europe is a high what? What company owns Lucasfilm? In what year did the narrator first meet Eva Chow? Who performed research? Who will Khamenei not let be interviewed? Who was the coach of the Seahawks? What is the main subect? When did the knock out blow happen? Is Woods a public figure? What position is played by Larry Fitzgerald? What supplies does the lodge buy locally? Who quoted a poem by Fred Chappell? who experienced playing pro basketball in Russia? Who is Kyrgios's older brother? Who told Stan Wawrinka that someone was sleeping with his girlfriend? How many arrests did D.E.A. agents make for synthetic cannabinoids last year? What came sooner than Ms. Andino expected? What did Mitch Pugh create? What is said to have killed the economy? Where was Annu Matthew born? What would the farmers be allowed to do in the wet years? What is the name of the oldest member of Al Qaeda that was tried in the US? What tests did Eichel perform the best in? At its peak, Pertrobras accounted for what percent of Brazil's GDP? What type of man is Mr. Bridges? Who wrote an Op-Ed about Davis on Tuesday? What did Paul Buttler call the captured video of police cameras? What is Manuel the president of? What did Obama pledge in a speech two years ago? Who worries that bodycam footage will not be made public? What country has done most of the fighting for the past two years? In what year, did Vladimir Horowitz double up on a solo recital? How many seats did the governing party win? What jobs does the writer have? What is the name of the spokeswoman for the Diocese of Brooklyn? What is Davis's scheduling strategy? What language does Mr. Mortensen also speak other than Arabic and French? What is the name of the shopping district close to OSU? Where might the attackers have been from? Who will be surprised by the fact that there isn't a risk of overconsumption of cholesterol? What is the last name of the person sued by Ganek? What is a concern the United States has regarding the intervention? Who is the union president? Who is Mr. Ingrasselino? What was the United States' goal for Afghanistan? Who did the monk batter with? What type of drinks did the two meet over? What is on the second floor? What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? When does the exhibit featuring Samurai and other Japanese culture leave New Haven? Who did Engles meet with? What building was completely emptied? Is Ms. Miller's character the main? What words did Brahms use to described his Three Intermezzos? How many apprentices were named at City Ballet? What were the jokes about that Porzingis laughed at? What is Gawker.com? Who is the president of Hill-Rom? Among the gifts that Joe DiMaggio received, there were 300 quarts of ice cream and what? The family has had its share of divorces and what other thing? On "Broad City" there was a wedding for who? Who was the last USA player to be in a high ranked league? How often would Sandy go in for her treatments? Where has the diva returned to? What is the International Center of Law and Economics about? How much money was raised by the event in total? How much of Syria's population roughly has been displaced by it's civil war? What was the main demographic of Chinese households that bough stock directly? Why do students feel overwhelmed? Kenneth Bragg holds what position in a politic party? A director of what is James Roundell? What is the name of the church congregation in the story? John Kasich was advised politicians of which state to accept the President's health coverage program? Why should the bureau direct more water into rivers? What kind of shrimp is served? How many countries banned auto racing after the incident? What does Jean-Marie Le Pen believe immigrants will do? You can download itunes stuff to multiple computers as long as what? What was the public reception like in response to Apple's new iPhone release? Who is not so different from Heidi? What makes for an enjoyable read? What's farm house is accredited with being inspired by "Wurthering Heights?" The Afghan safe haven was home of who? The Iran government has imposed huge fees on Turkish what? Does Mayor Bloomberg consider New York a safe city? Why is Dr. Ohayon treading gingerly? What does research demonstrate about preventive care? Who did Mr. Robins represent? What does the park run along? What is the phone number for the Powell Fine Art center? Where is the office of the United States attorney located? When is the Jean Linville exhibition in Litchfield? When was Shelly Silver up for re-election? According to the article, the employment classification of who is being questioned? Who are the two heroines of the film 'Frozen'? Who is the star point guard for the Oklahoma City Thunder? Which research has Dr. Ohayon returned to? How many people were seriously injured? What does Vanity Fair pride itself on? Who released a report highlighting how fast funds have grown? What city did the brides father work in? The district attorney from which county is arguing for the death penalty? Who did Adrienne travel to America with? Who is the Director for the movie, "Digging for Fire"? What did Mark Tapson accuse Ms. Pelosi of trying to do? When did Colon allow 3 hits? What city and state did the recent interview take place? What year did Silver become speaker? Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? Where are the Chibok girls? What was the previous cost of Apple TV? What is Ms Sabbagh a member of? When can you see Victor Leger's work at the Oliver Wolcott Library? What was leased? Which of Shakespeare's tragedies were included in the course? What is Rosario Candela responsible for? What did The Wirecutter comb through? Who read the book, The Second Sex? What are the theatrical production values to promote? When was porcelain invented? Who was the 17 year old student killed by police officers? Who published Ms. Slaughter's book? When is the Emergence show at Flinn? Who will Mr. Cameron be under increased pressure from, to "revist the question of independence from Scotland?" What was Sam Youngs justification for voting against his district who wanted Milne? How long will Stephan be out? What was the first Bitcoin ransomware that was spread throughout the world? What country is the United Nations host country? What sort of business can be harmful in bad times? What would happen when someone delivers groceries or packages to a trunk? how old was Ms English ? What are more American's doing to improve their lives both materialistically and educationally? What French author is published by Little Brown Bear? What year was Game 163 in Boston held? What event was held at the house of the parents? What might be controversial about body cam footage? Who presented the Otro Teatro last year? How old was the baby? What parent company is DDB Worldwide a division of? What is the aluminum-and-steel sculpture modeled after? How old was Mattingly when he was forced to quit? Who hit his 399th career home run? Who was the church obliged to evangelize to? Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? How much do the author talks and book signings cost? What year is Senator Gillibrand attempting to get elected again? What is the name of the organ in the brain of trunk-crown lizards that is used to detect polarized light? The author would prepare a meal to her mother and finish it off with a single English what? Where did the Republican debate take place? What does Nicholson say everyone on the team has? When was Amtrak created? What has used a process called static scoring until now? What animation house produced "My Neighbor Totor" and "Grave of the Fireflies"? What is the average out-of-pocket cost for a patient with dementia? What are the conflicting reports about the missing soliders? What agency releases the figures on personal income and spending? Pratt Institute's brick pathways lead through what? What are Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiators attempting to pry open? What group potentially displays security threats? Where does work James Sherk? What did the manager off to send them? What is the name of the prison located in Beacon, New York? What kind of experience republican are requesting their candidate has? What will allow Mexicans to be able to smoke marijuana without buying or selling it? What kind of power or capability does Iran want, as briefly as possible? Who made a recent rule change? What type of job did Ms. Harper have? What style of beer typically falls in the range of 4.5 to 5.5 percent alcohol? What does the food waste dilemma require? What is the name of the team that finished third in Lorient? What is the name of the Princess? Where is the Federal Reserve located? How much bacteria can live within the tubing of a duodenoscope? What big event did Johannsson play a big part in for his team? What is the main drag on banks' performance? What does Ms. Sandberg say is the reason for doing nothing in minor arguments? When did the Lawyers say that the Government's stance on Same-Sex Marriage change? Who missed the exposed reef and what was his role? What is the meaning of Noreetuh in Korean? Ms. Clyne wrote her program with what choreographer in mind? What year was she appointed interim sheriff? Which bank does investment analyst Terry Haines represent? Why did Pascal Dupuis retire? What country has extradited persons for financial crimes? There is disagreement about what fact about Lillian Ross? Who wrote the biography for Ty Cobb? Bonobos compares where they ship orders and where they ship what? What does Francis do when discussing market based things that replace people who work? Which areas have devoted more spending on state-of-the-art high-speed trains? What has happened to Davis's legacy? Who is the chief executive of Eaton Vance? Who was convicted of tampering with a police investigation? What is the shortest name for the building that appears to be the topic of the reading? What was tapped to perform the first musical number on Tonys broadcast The membership of the united Methodist church was misstated as being what number of people worldwide? How large was the promised lobster? How many accidents since 1975? Which Amendment did defense lawyers argue barred superseding state laws by the federal government? How many deaths occurred after protesters attacked officers in Jaleswor? Why did Newberg feel consideration for others as being unfair? What historian wrote about the organization, National Front? How did Mara expected to get his message to Pierre-Paul? When did Mercedes withdraw from the race? Who did Syndergaard strike out twice? How many bulbs does the chandelier have? What nation was occupying the Palestinian territory? When did the results for get released? Who provided Hicklin with a "crazy" list? In the Hunger Games what character is played by Jennifer Lawrence? How old is Mr. Chow? John Kasich believes that it is a mistake to act on an idealogical basis when doing so can cause people to lose what? What seed are the Dayton Flyers? What is the health department distributing to influence parents? In which Correctional Facility was imprisoned Samuel Harrell? Did Sidney Loeb come up with this idea on his own? Please elaborate. What is the main incentive for the company to change? What type of essay did Mr. Chauvin write? How many years is the 3 percent increase in spending on military suppose to occur? Which college's student body has more pupils with Pell grants than all the ivy league schools put together? In what year did the IRS issues guidelines how to legally automatically enroll their employees in a 401(k) plan? What has North Korea gained from double-defector propaganda? What sort of company was Goldman Sachs before it became a global pubicly traded company? Who were referred to as little green men? How large is the shop? Who was George Benjamin's mentor? what time frame does shareholder activism play out in? Where was the KLM Open held? How legislators did not vote? Who dragged him to the retreat? How far away from the Canadian border was Mr. Sweat when he was caught by the police? What is described as infrared? Where was the the three-foot alligator seen? How much of an increase did Mr. Clancy want to the Secret Service budget? How many World Series Championships do the Yankees have? What things did Singhal ask about? Who was interviewed in the video released by Pyongyang's propaganda officials? What will preventive services not be allowed to charge under Obamacare? How many misdemeanors were the sky divers convicted of? Who did Oklahoma City defeeat in overtime? What did fines and settlement produce as a consequence? What did Intuit put in place so that electronic filings could continue? How often did the dessert menu change? Who was the former prosecutor at FIFA's ethics committee? Will Mr. Corbyn's program receive support among his party? Who is President Bashar al-Assad sending to help? what used to be done with searches 5 years ago? What do Puerto Rico and Greece have in common? Who would run against Clinton if possible? When was Cobb's biography published? what entity filed suit to prevent the college from closing? Who did Mr. Hincapie say beat a confession out of him? Where were the previous two Grand Slams held? What subject does Schumer take on directly? Who directed "Steve Jobs"? Where was the trial located ? What products does HP Inc, primarily sell? Who is the lawyer representing Mr. Disisto? What did Kiev request that went nowhere? What ABC sitcom is coming back to Lifetime as a unauthorized story? What bracket of the tournament were Nishikori and Warinka competing to enter? Where was the man pronounced dead? The Decision Maker app works on which operating systems? What sort of mansion was built for Bon Ami? How many troops did Russia deploy? What is corinthian college? Who won the game? What artists influenced Kate Tempest early on? What event is celebrated as an example of Polish resistance? When do you have hope for the coming season? What part of his leg did LeBron hurt? What country needed instructions from the Americans? Which college is involeved in fruad? What kind of maneuvers is accredited to the current prime minister? What has loosened? When did Investigation Discovery make its debut in the United States? What state is Charlie Baker the Governor of? What is the name of the app? Who appointed an employee to interview the children? What species is a close cousin to Zhenyuanlong suni? What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? Reclaiming the site would keep faith with what? At the Bilkent University near Ankara, who is the dean of economics faculty? Across which city has trash pilled up the side walks? Who agreed to accompany Helen to the hanging? Who are known to be great leaders on and off the courts? Who was Mr. Kravis and Mr. Roberts mentor? What is the name of the person which says that various Giants officials had contacted Pierre-Paul? How many points were the Irish behind at halftime? Along with the police, who escorted the Yankees to exit the terminal? Who else was trailing the brothers? Which candidate does May have concerns about when it comes to Putin? What's the name of Greece's backsliding exit? How did workers describe their views on the negotiation? Which are not hallucinations ? Which direction does Mattarella sway politically? How old was the person that was attacked? The Cabaret Cinema series will end with what movie? What kind of injury one guard did suffer from? How many Islamic State fighters were killed What was Jason Disisto impeding when he was arrested? What emotions are elicited in the subject of the passage? What changes do some of the new bills want to make to lawmakers pay? How many Long Island trains have been held up this year because of problems or congestion? What has not happened for 32 years? What does McConnell point to as evidence of his success? What type of reform did Mrs. Clinton propose? When did Ms. Simpson first start wearing drag attires? What have router manufactures recently done? What does Needles sit above? What should be done next time it happens? What longtime family friend of the Bush's served in the first Bush administration? In the mother's mind, the morals she scribbled ended with her serving her mother's what? Which artist is featured in Roxbury's "Stillscapes" exhibit? Who became prime minister in 2007? How much did it cost to provide bodycam video per hour in Florida? How old was the nurse? Where was the war? What are retailers trying to make catalogs into? What does Unilever expect to achieve by pushing hard to market sustainable brands? Who else has Garnett sought to help with their game? Why did the White House want to take the drone operations away from the C.I.A? What is the name of the New England team? What mystery was deepened by the surprisingly simple technical fixes proposed by Volkswagen? What was the price that represented the first "art boom" prices? What nationality had Israel taken action against? What did a report ask Lundqvist about pregame What was Mark D. Luschini first quote? What kind of surgery did Matt Harvey have? What belief system is this grandfather known to espouse? What do some European groups need to do? Where is the New York Gallery? When did Faust become CEO of Eaton Vance? Is it likely or unlikely that the flower called Spike will pollinate? Which country's CAC had risen to a percentage of 0.4? How many times does Alastair estimate he had watched the movie School of Rock? Does the condition of the image matter to its worshippers? What were his hardest years? When did the plaintiff trade away his truck? It costs 3 times as much in the what areas? What was Tiziano Terzani's occupation? What does the paragraph claim that once assembled the words suggest? Ben Carson believes the pyramids of Egypt were built to do what? What was the Ukrainian Choice ad about? what is Ohio States ranking? Why do the banks manufacture and issue short term bonds? Who wrote "A Cure for Suicide"? How many goals did Quick give up What were the men doing? What century's technology did Sally immerse herself in? What question did the writer have who wrote in? What do regulators say that Deutsche Bank didn't spot? What material did Ms. Enger build a mantel out of? What causes dead trees to lose their branches and turn into stumps? Mr. Wolf said the age of clients moving downtown is what? What team did he throw the pitches against to get to his record? How many note cards made up Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings? What is more easily understood now that an era of multidisciplinary collaboration has been entered? What did Posner call the patent system? Which political party does Nita M. Lowey belong to? Which two words does the Wanderu app's home screen display? How much was donated in 2013? How far back are these emotions said to originate? Siem Reap is known for having more than 100 of what? What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? How much money has Trian invested in DuPont? How many mobile users does the United States have? Who was the reconciliation agreement signed with? What extremist state do American official's decline to compare Riyadh to? What is Marcelo studying to be? Where is the World Economic Forum held? Who said people considered gender equality to not be of value? How many trials showed an effect on death from cardiovascular causes? What site were victims of malware sent to to pay ransom? Who suffered a career-ending concussion in November of 2013? What type of business is HP hoping to help? The proposed bill would expand what? How much rise in income do economists believe can be expected for personal income in October? Who was assaulted? Who was Israeli trying to reduce tensions with? Who is the chief executive of Identity in Malta? Where did Didion grow up? What dissapeared during the Revolutionary War? What does OK Go have an innovative eye for? What team does Rep. McMorris Rodgers serve on? How long did Mr. Cruz delay his event to travel to Washington for a vote? armstrong on tours abroad as good will______? Who supplied the information on the Covington and Fried Frank attacks Refugees from what country are having problems with accessing food? Where was Pablo Picasso before he left for Paris in 1904? What was he convinced was therapeutic? What does the rise of apps diminish? Do residents pay federal personal income taxes? Who is a glam rock star in this play? The waitress asked Steve Jobs and his friend what they wanted for what? What was notable of the person's parent's houses? In 2010, Brazil's economy expanded at what percentage? What is the name of the professional basketball team in Arizona? Who pledged to overhaul the drone operations by the C.I.A? Who is the senior Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee? Where does Jessie run off to? What did Mr. Rylance say was the difficult was with his character? What year did the author begin their career? What did paleontologist, Catherine A. Forster, and colleagues recover? The fourth season of what show was released on Netflix? Who is a competitor of ESPN? Which law firm does Martin Lipton work for? What is the online or street value for one Bitcoin? What type of force is Google, in one way? In which year James Roundell represented the winning Japanese bidder while working for Christie's? How much more potent can synthetic marijuana be in relation to organic marijuana? How were LL Cool J's shirts designed and produced? Which moniker has Rodriguez accepted from fans? What is the phone number for the International Festival of Arts and Ideas? How much increase did Full Sail see in the amount of applicants from 2012 to 2013? What is ms. pierpont able to convey within her paragraphs? What does Prince expect to be more common in restaurants as the Mets gain popularity? Where is "Ocular Concepts" being shown? Who founded Gawker? Who is Bayern's goalkeeper? What drove through the streets without any customers? What kind of students has the University of California been accepting fewer of? Where did the team see Fells on the big screen at? What happens if one borrower cannot pay? How many athletes that evaded doping tests were to compete at Rio de Janeiro games? What is almost more satisfying than anything else? Where did Garcia go twice a week? What color was Sandy's upstairs study? How many children does Lamesa White have? What is the show a string of? What hashtag was used for the debate? Where does Mr. Papantoniou feel things are heading towards? Up4NYC is what kind of group? Which famous ice cream brand with sustainable practices did Unilever promote? Which organization claimed the video was stock footage used for dramatization? What is the name of Mr. Capponi's business partner? Who is Afleet Alexs son? Who was Secretary of State? Who was Rob Scuderi traded for? What has brought buyers and sellers together? Who would Sandy cuddle with? What city was nearby from the old tree-shaded house? What kind of policies of prisons does Mr. Neto criticize? Who directed the movie, "The Last Waltz"? What did the couple do in Amman, Jordan? What is the supermax penitentiary also known as? Who went with Dempsey to the M.L.S? What did the Obama administration suspect Venezuelan officials of doing? Who is the Chancellor of Germany? What is the opening number for "Something Rotten!"? What kind of show is the mini series, "Spiral?" Why would bodycams be beneficial to the public but not necessarily officers? What nationality of people are looking for an independent state? What country is Turkey's second largest market for export? What do Joe Swanberg's characters struggle with? For what crime does Mr. Pearson was incarcerated? When did Bernie Sanders start backing Canadian Medication purchases for US citizens? What are Leive and their associates never short of? What year was the ruling against Microsoft? What is the profession of Azza Soliman? When will the scavenger hunt begin? what was during his? What is the name of the movie that stars Michael Keaton and Rachel McAdams? Who did Mr. Clinton ask to help Mr. Rodman get a job? What research did the Department of Transportation support? What does pasinski have medical experience with Where were Sandy's treatments located? How are co-borrowers treated? What country does Li Keqiang represent? What does the United Nations audience usually do after the United States President gives their speech? Who was detained under suspicion of involvement with arson attacks? What type of style is the fair trying to achieve casually? What job does Willoughby Britton have at Brown University? How much has the Zexi No. 3 fund index gained this year? Why did Nick Kyrgios receive a $10,000 fine? What kind of illustrations did PIcasso share in his letters to the Reventos brothers? Who is Michelin chef? What feature does the home have that moves up and down? Which painting of Wiharso's is 10 feet long? According to Ms. Jefferson, where is Mr. Harper-Mercer's big problem? The Hurricades beat which team? Who was in charge of the Jesuit religious order in Cuba from 2010 to 2012? Who is Gizmodo's new editor? How did Alberto Youseff's marriage end? The Passat uses what chemical to neutralize nitrogen oxide? How big is the building? How many people does Indian Railways employ? How many people are estimated to live in Marble Cliff? Who claimed that they won the battle in Northern Syria? Penn & Teller tell the audience to turn on what during their new Broadway show? Who is paying $2.1 billion in cash and shares for Kythera Biopharmaceuticals? How many percent stake did CVC funds acquire in Virgin Active in 2011? What percentage of women gamers identify as gamers? What day does the new administration take office? Where are cannabinoids chemicals imported from? When did HP split into two companies? It seems like the plane was supposed to be departing from what airport? When do the playoffs begin? What is Germany's signature bank? What was the course about? What is the name of the head-up display created by DD technology? Erika Kirby is a professor of what subject? What kind of student is Alex? What was Malta's G.D.P in 2004? What genre of music does the photo book focus on? What time did the boat stop? What does Leive also like asking? What is the third force at work that the economists referenced to? What other countries besides Russia does ADV do business in? What right does academic censorship violate? What disease does NeuroLinx explore nerve damage on? Who have abused the A.L.P. for their own purposes? Which two phone types does Wanderu support? What are you likely to see when you watch T.V. commercials? By 2020, how many years will it have been since the financial crisis began? what subjects has John Jay been recognized for? How much is a seat on Virgin Galactic? What did the canine do? Who was hiding behind tennis's genteel code of conduct? Which Presidential administration worked to ease the burdens of Same-Sex couples? Who made the recipe for chewy chocolate snowcaps How many games did Notre Dame win in a row? Where was the Giants game moved? What is a priority for president Obama? What is the Twitter hashtag used for the detainees? What could Simmons create something similar from? Where did the author see an image of Pope Pius X II? What decreased according to the survey? What did Kiev request that went nowhere? What does Alley of Ghosts sell? In what city was the blood drive being held? what did Fahs put up on her walls where she lived? How does she make you feel? Which country was described as had been having democratic aspirations? How many seats were contested since they are controlled by the military? What genre was Lost And Found: New? How long before a firearms dealer can sell without background check? who is England's test captain? Mr. Sisi's government has been unable to resolve violent insurgency in what region? What do women that sell sex face in the community? What seems possible and reasonable? What can Bitcoin be exchanged for that makes it so appealing? Who no longer drinks? What is Cobb's image seen as? Who made the six to nine month time assessment? Diane Rainey works as a spokesperson for which company? What foreign currency is often accepted in Siem Reap? Which Cleveland Cavalier had 8 turnovers? Which country traditionally opens the United Nations General Assembly? Who did the extortionists try to target for ransom to prevent the leak of personal information? What do Dr. Lam and Dr. Ohayon start with? Another woman that is listed as a proper candidate for U.N. Secretary General is Christine Lagarde, What organization does the head? Where does Forza Italia stand politically? What street is Infinity Hall Hartford located on? Who was the Ginger ring named for? From what airport were the Uighurs trying to leave china? Other than Mr. Huang's district, where is another museum with similar purpose? What position is Odubel Herrera? What is Nowruz? Which is team is scrappy underdog? how much has the Save Sweet Briar campaign brought in so far? What is the real embarrassment of the city? What was the street entertainment? How old is Nadal? what kind of outer garment did Georgie wear while being elected? What does Khamenei think the interview will mean? What is the problem with the caterers? How many Vermonters attended the committee hearing in the statehouse? Who did West's bid help? What did Madonna mention happened in December that caused her to be later for everything? What sate is mentioned in the last few sentences? On what side of the vehicle was the detective seen berating the driver in the onboard footage? When did the daughter of Tiziano Terzani Married What was the name of the first professional baseball team? What is going to be passed soon by Montgomery County? What sort of show is Emergence: Insight Out? Who's awareness is raised by estimating sales tax in the prices? Why does De Veers make synthetic diamonds? Who is playing on June 26th at 9 p.m.? Where they returned to the public market? During what season did Rose got another injury? What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? Where was Tariq taken before returning to the United States? who is the chief exclusive? How old is Adam Voges? What company bought Sprout? What kind of feature is iMessage? J.C. Penney is using what unlikely advertising strategy? What was promised by Britain to be renewed? Where was the Massey Energy Company trial held? Who is Brian M. Kolb speaking negatively about? What can cause banks to raise their rates? Who is the Labour leader? What were the farmers using to monitor their farms? The response of the crowd grew what during the match? Who was a Columbia Graduate? Did women have a warning for Viagra? Where was Mr. Harper-Mercer placed when he didn't take his medication? Background checks would be expanded to cover what type of sale? About how many scenes did Mr. Rylance say there were per episode? What kind of music is played at the Stanhope House? Who made Allach porclain? What service does Hicklin want to provide in hotels in the future? What was the cause of death? What other option do you have to hear a person's voice? What motivated Mr. Cooper's character going to London? when did the Probate judge schedule the opportunity for the motion to be heard? What was Wilkins granted a patent for in 1988? What is the quality of childcare? How long was the longest N.F.L.'s home skid? What did Mr Heastie believe could be done to fix the scandals that have shaken Albany? Who star as Adam Jones? Which day does the show A Sure Hand close earlier? How many patients were infected with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital? What race is overindexed to Twitter? What have colleges done to prices? what is redstone's meal of choice? What does Nadal say the sport is? What did Kiev request that went nowhere? Who plays Igor in "Victor Frankenstein"? What was the name of the distant relative of the Triceratops that was the size of a spaniel? What type of training did Ayub received? Who contributed from England? The group "Icona Pop" has what nationality? What is the other major form of beer beside lager? What kind of shop has totems? When did Gallardo join the team? Amtrak's relationship with which state soured last week? What does Ross have a lot of with regard to her subjects? What kind of funds are E.T.F.s? What player didn't receive the Most Valuable Player award, but probably should have? Who's story is this movie? What does Fred Alnajjar hope the new contract includes? What was the name of the officer who shot VonDerrit D. Meyers Jr.? What effect do video cameras have on police behavior? Who seized two television stations? who is the president of the European central bank? Which senator is the majority leader? Independent studies found what strikes had more of what than officials admitted? In what year was "Only Yesterday" released in Japan? Who is the managing director of the Shanghai-based consultancy Automotive Foresight? What evidence is indisputable? What did Shin Dong-Hyuk confess to last month? Who played interference? What is the first and last name of the leader of the Golden State Warriors? Who was the first Asian to model for Valentino? mayor bill de Blasio's housing plan is set to take how long to finish? In how many situations does giving someone health care actually end up saving money? Who was the rest left up to? What would cause a distraction during the case? Which fared better, Mr. Ades's "Origin of the Harp" or George Benjamine's "Three Inventions for Chamber Orchestra"? Which team did Bulls play in their Game 1 of playoff? Which party did Kevin Rudd belong to? Clint Dempsey will regain the captaincy after what event? What subject should Christians treat with sensitivity? Why is groundwater unsafe to use? When did Times talk to Dawkins? What type of arrangement was scrapped? When was "The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum" completed? Which fiscal quarter is being discussed in this article? How many people did the terrorist attack injure? did julius erving play on 2 different basketball teams? What aspect of riding the rail lines might worsen in the years ahead? What is always preserved ? Why did the prosecutor say that Mr. Hincapie's story didn't make any sense? Who insisted on firing the woman who rightly accused Thomas of harassment? What time the one of the largest corporate scandals of the automotive industry start What new generation of equipment is HP looking to deploy? Where is High street on market? What is Ball's story about? What did Mr. Fox fail to mention in his statement? What can a Christian never be? When did John Rakis wife die? Whom was the movie Citizen Four about (who's life story?) What is the main job of the Export-Import Bank? where did they place the photos of there love interests? What show is known for the visceral pull of mystery and violence? What is the name of the Facebook spokesman that is quoted? What is the group that wrote this letter? how much was Ms. Wisniak's condo in Clinton Hill? What day was there a tentitive plan set up? What type of motive do officials think is most likely for the theft? how does the officials react for the question? Those who speak Maltese are predominantly what religion? Who do coloring books seem best suited for? What happened in the territory that the lizards had just been removed from? What was the title of Lucia Berlin's work that was published after her death? What are the names of two tourists who were stranded in New York during the blizzard? What does the natural gas from fracking displace? Who is the co-chief executive of Deutsche Bank? what is the name of the prime minister? What city did Mr. Brezner later work out of? what is the name of the stadium the mustangs played at? What agency in the US used quantitative easing to push down market interest rates? How long after Sandy was initially diagnosed did her disease develop into Alzheimer's? Which German manufacturer had Red Bull directors talked to about getting a new engine for their cars? What is the first most-watched sports series on Showtime? Who will gain competitive advantage due to the weaker euro? What killed Dr. Shatz? What town was the mass grave found near? On what day did Obama speak to a crowd in Idaho? Who's pavilion is reminiscent of Noah's ark? What was the name of the lesser-known work that came after the subject in the passage? Who shot the ball that Neuer tried stopping but still passed the goal line? What is McDavid's communication style? Is the writer in the majority of user opinions on this essay? What happened when Joseph Stalin came to power? The Nun's Story takes place around the time of what war? What does Land's End use to obtain sales? Which practices specifically led to Unilever saving money at its factories? According to Tempest. what used to be the stories that we used to explain ourselves? What does Puerto Rico receive from the Federal Government? What is the run time of Meet the Patels? What act about the couple is incriminating What was Rolling Stone's newsstand sales in 2004? what county office did Mr. Constantine join? Who was 16 when they arrived on this tour? Who is the director of the Critical Gaming Lab at Eastern Kentucky University? Who was shut out in the previous two games? Who was Dead's frontman? how long have US women have gone without winning the marathon? What degree did Harper claim her son had worked on? What is the name of the student that just started a two-year program at Brooklyn Law School? Who is the star of "People Places Things"? What is easy to confuse with causation when reading epidemiological studies? Why did the board give a warning? Why is Long island an attractive market for solar? Who does the author think is responsible for solving the conflicts? where were defendants put on trial? Who else said the practice was a bad idea? When is the device of Navdy delivering its first line of products? Who played the Queen? When did mastodons become extinct? What is the name of the punk band playing in Asbury Park? When does Ann Getsinger's exhibit leave Roxbury? For what was Mattingly once fined and benched for? Which other movies of Swanberg's also have appealing honesty and low-key comedy? Where are Bosso army detachments posted? Where was the event held on Sunday? Who did the rhino lose its horn to? What prevented Mr. Disisto from being charged with a crime? What charges did Mr. Yu face? In how many districts in Tianjin's driving restriction in effect? Where is iSight partners based? What were the 10 Turkish citizens and two Chinese Citizens accused of? What did the Jewish extremists wanted to avenge? How did Lundqvist look during their scrimmage? Who scored a run in the 11th inning with an all-out sprint from first base? what is the primary issue for most people? The US national team needs what player badly? Who did Dawkins remind people of? Who lost the game? What were traffic problems caused by? If Exxon is prosecuted for hding data about climate change, what will the charge be? How old is the child of the family? When was he introduced to the world? What's the caveat? Who won the Walker Cup again? what errors should be avoided? Who is the vice president of Sterling Brands? On what channel is "TransAmerica" shown? What is another alternativa for Maduro and the Assembly? What is the name of the ship? Who did Motorola Mobility file a civil anti-trust suit against? When was the last time Corea and Hancock toured together? Who gave information regarding the risks of consuming meat? What number should I dial if I want to phone the Stamford Art Association? What was the play that Ms Moss had a role in? When did Jamie Dimon issue annual letter to shareholders? What city did all this take place in? When the new National Assembly will be sworn? Which movie did not score well with audiences in test screenings? What year was The Legend of Pale Male opened? What is the size of the white clapboard Colonial Revival-style? Which country is now the leader for Tupperware sales? What was Darryl Dawkins nickname? How were many of the items featured in the Swedish Wooden Toys exhibition produced? What kind of weather were New Yorkers subjected to this week? Where was Sidney Blumenthal testifying? When is the book discussion? When did Americans stop winning in Women's World Cup? How long did it take for Mr. Capponi's restaurant to be built? What threshold was required for the purchase of F-35 fighter jets? What two items did Ms. Upi say she bought with her new earnings? How does the future look? What's Google's favored fomain? What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko What stylist designed Michelle Obama's dress? How many stops did officers conduct in the first 3 months of this year? Which political party(s) wanted to reform misleading vehicle safety ratings? What is the name of the Denver flower? Who did the Timberwolves lose to on Friday? What percentage is viewership up this season? Whose mother presented disappointment over a less than perfect report card? who aimed to leave the cortez? In what country is global warming misunderstood? Name the performers from Thursday that performed in Act III? When did Kiev ask the US for help? Who did Jeb Bush falter in a debate against? what does Poliuto confess what was the father failing to do for his son? Who were the private interviews with? China has a plan to keep banks in check, what is it? How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? What American city is mentioned? Why does Mr. Sharif say he pays so little for his electricity? What does Mohamed refused to do? How many guilty verdicts has the decade-old United Nations-backed tribunal given? What is the name of the team? What is the most segregated place in the country? For how many years have the dangers of smoking been known? What city did the subject of this passage work? What time is the Vikings and Broncos game? What is the name of a federal appeals court judge and a prominent legal theorist? how many fans showed up for the Mustang game? What would the NO. 1 rule of transporting wolverines be? What other feminist dissident group are the Chinese compared to? What year was The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 released? What religious group is the terrorist group Boko Haram associated with? In what city are Racines and Racines 2 located? What government ask the US for help? what nationality were the negotiators? What feature of the train track would have prevented the incident in Spain? Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? What position does Mark Tapson hold at Truth Revolt? Who is Tony Dutzik? Hoe many states and cities passed sick leave policies during the past year? How did Brian McKenzie write about the less than admirable work locations for ride-sharing? What city does Francis T. Cullen work in? Which American President is hesitant to engage with Putin? Which countries are threatening the security of the US? Who was Bugun TV a main platform for over recent months? What did Mrs. Clinton claim is a part of many American communities? Is the plan to change things firmly in place? How many casts are being brought to the Metropolitan Opera House this week? What kind of job did Mr. Norris want? who came in first in the Boston Marathon? Who is highest ranked in the draft? What health problems did Mr. Harrell suffered in the past? what was the name of the obscure law adopted in 1789? What is the name of the prison? What market collapsing is adding to the downwards pressure on the Euro? Who was leading the attack against the Capitol in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1? Who has the second biggest economy? What day was the grand jury's decision announced? And why was the director of field operations suspended? Was he popular with game moderators? What is the address of the theater that the play is taking place? The "autonomous" driver for most Rolls customer is called what? Who poured in fan mail to Ms. Basford? Where did Buzzfeed and Vox get $200 million from? What Interstate is being upgraded? "Art by Whit" features work from who? What state is trying to show people that the last season was a fluke? Where do Roy Smith and Brad Hintz teach? Where does Nicholas Lardy work? What book does Ms. Smith feel is impossible to top? Which science is predicting that there will be even less water in the future? What political party does Elmendorf have a past connection to? When did "Enchanted Forest" come out? What is the address of the "Mourning Lincoln" event? What is the name of the former head of the Russian atomic energy ministry? How old is Maher Bawady? What do people love and go? Who is responsible for controlling water distribution along lower Colorado river? Other than his wife, what is the name of the singer that Kayahan performed his final concert with? What company does Larry Robbins own? What did Picasso try to establish himself as when arriving in Barcelona? Ms. Klum was attending the event with whom? What kind of refrigerator was the kitchen renovated with? How many fish did Mr. Jones deem too small? Who has been Keflexghi's Coach Since his College days? Where is Rohit Deshpande a professor? Who had comeback to tie the game? Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? What is Mr. Putin focusing on to the exclusion of Russia's problems? What is the phone number for the Bruce Museum? When did John Davis die? Who discontinued the Monster Shark Tournament? What is the name of one of the suspects grandfather? What month were body cams first used in Seattle? who filled the shoes of Bobby Knight? What was suggested that Jennifers Grandmother make? Closings for Marquand began when? How much did HP pay for each Aruba share? What is the neighborhood's centerpiece? What is the name of the Law firm that filed the affirmative action case? What did Richard A Oppel Jr from the New York Times write about? Which organ is responsible for our perceptions to be constructed ? Does the United Nations have the authority to prosecute or punish a country's soldiers? How many people were killed in the November Paris attacks? What sort of relations have blossomed and wilted between Russia and Netherlands? Who declined to consider gun regulation lawsuits 70 times since 2008? What did Johannsson think of the Bundesliga? Who is facing a moral quandary? What was the boy suspected of? What is the name of the church? For which university does Robert Stern work? What is the toughest federal prison? What did Toby Gad say Madonna likes? Who did McConnell acknowledge as President? How much loss did Britain and it's FTSE 100 finish up with? Pierre's results get to the very what? how many percent of the companies offered stock units as part of director pay? What were Republican measures to require photo identification stymied by in recent years? What perils have they learned? What was the status of the Ad on New York Times Which ethnicity are most of the tourists to the village? Where did the N.J.I.T find a temporary spot? What do the experts favor instead of dams? Who is the chairman? What was the water ratio used to collapse the walls? Where did it happen? Who is Mark Ryan? Was Sidney Blumenthal's testimony public? Where in Brooklyn did Joan Shelley perform? Where did Gant graduate from? What will persistent pumping of well result into? Which year did Gary A. Rizzo graduate from college? What given to the tenants to create value? Why did the nurse administer overdoses of heart medication to patients? Which institution conducted the China Household Finance Survey? What is it that Is claimed Italy is living on? What political party did two of the candidates exit from? Which newspaper tried to assess how well the candidates were doing? How many women were law students in Sweden? What is Marcelo studying to be? Feelings you get from the film would be? What did sale did the Pentagon recently approve? What church has 1.8 million members? Where was this read a bestseller? What group wanted the state court to overturn the law? In which New Jersey city is the US attorney's office? What did Westbrook think of himself in response to the 'cat or dog' question? Who's stance offers a reason to explain the benefits of monitoring wages? When were the appliances replaced? What is the abiding interest that Joe Swanberg shares with Woody Allen? Where is open mike night? Who argued that bond E.T.F.s are good for the markets in general? When did Jo Ann Soderquist graduate? What type of album Mr. Bridges recorded? What is his first request? Where was Mr. Cradle arrested on drug charges? Which actor gets naked in Joe Swanberg's new movie, "Digging for Fire"? Did the rise cause some sell offs? Where were the 2014 Olympics hosted? At what age European girls started to play competitive against boys? Who created the visuals for Don Quixote de la Mancha? What use if taking on debt? What is the position of Andrew Berman? What does Australia's political turmoil date to? Who said he was tired of the government? Who was the Ukrainian officer? Who will be broadcasting for the NBA this year? How many oil paintings are there? Where was the boat rebuilt? In what city or area is the market that was attacked? What did Israel managed to do? What is the soccer league that Liverpool plays? Who is starting an investigation into Exxon Mobile's foreknowledge of climate change? What are police departments equipping their officers with? What benefits all readers? Which party is being blaimed for right-to-work not passing? What is AMC reluctant to switch? What 3-part series began on PBS Wednesday? What will be in their hands? Who committed the shooting? What is the highest grade the Berkeley Carroll School teach? What did Vince Gilligan appreciate helping with? What did the sign-up sheets say? How long has Pace Gallery been a company? What is Search Engine Land about? What other job did Huckabee previously hold? What is the position of Deborah J Glick? what did the star pianist present on his solo recital? Who was a poet but not a novelist? When did the civil war start? Who was the losing team in the 1990 World Series? Looking out his bedroom window growing up he could see what on the river? What were customers buying at Zaro's? What did President Obama once say? Who was a poet from Ukrain? What can the iPad replace? Who will perform on June 28th? What is the name of the show that is hoping to be renewed? What type of victims do these criminals choose? Who is the director of Love? Who is calling for an overhaul of housing programs? What did Cindy Whitehead make the first of? How many points did Michael Gbinije score? What is the name of the Mozambique ruby and diamond ring? What has Mrs. Obama done as well as any other first lady? How old is Alastair? Who had their first session of Parliament as prime minister on Tuesday? What is the first thought on "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl"? Which coach had a solemn demeanor? How did the officers approach Mr. Hammond? What has a tight and inescapable link? What position did Sepp Blatter hold? What did Dawkins like to wear? Who gave Dr. Schatz the Distinguished Alumni Award? What team currently has Ethan Werek under contract to play for them? Approximately how much will the budget cuts be? Who plays the role of Eilis Lacey? Where did Leive get contributions to her magazine from? who was one of the Mr. collingsworth targets ? What building recently reopened as the American embassy? What series is the performance part of? What seed was Providence? What physical obstacle did Kayahan overcome in order to perform his final concert? What did the research lead to believe about chimpanzees? What event called the link between the sports? Which company's stock is worth more, Barnes & Noble or Netflix? Which Catholic magazine published Hannah Arendt essays and W.H. Audren's poetry? Wat group have APF worked with? what does Elikena Fieilo do for work now? Has the number of Swedes in favor of a ban on the sale of sex increase or decreased? What was the name of the American trainer What do fairies use to replace babies placed in a crib? Alberto Youseff suffered which potentially fatal ailment while incarcerated? What team did St. John's beat? What Christmas-themed movie stars Diane Keaton, John Goodman, and Marisa Tomei? How many games has Towns played in his career so far by Mitchell's estimation? What does criticism cause? What was the House committee recommendation for Courser and Gamrat? According to the article, how many people hold the same wealth as the worlds 3.6 billion most impoverish people combined? Who did important historical work on the Holocaust? Who is the NHL's director for central scouting? Who does stop-and-frisk unfairly target? How much royalty does Daata pay the artiests on each sale? What did a donor ask the girl scouts to return? What beer does Atlas Brew Works produce? when the biggest setback happeend for this type of litigation What was the title of an antifracking movie (documentary)? Who does Gus Wenner seek advice from? What is Freescales market capitalization? When was Virgin Active founded? When did the sun rise? What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? What is a common occurrence now against the board? Who heard Mr. Harper-Mercer pacing until 3 or 4 in the morning? what was the rate of inflation in November? How many years of experience does John Abraham Davis have? Which professor did the author of post meet? What did the suspects give the children after the abuse? What is considered the most classical ballet of all times? In what country did the vote on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict take place? Who spent the 4th quarter on the bench? Which are likely to capsize meaning ? At the end of the fiscal year, what was Aruba's revenue? Who advocates for uniform concussion policies for all members? Who could potentially collaborate with New Jersey Transit on a new rail project? Which actor takes on the role of Steve Jobs? What type of tofu should you use? What part started the chaos? What name was proposed as a spin off of the show "Scream Queens?" Periodically, the movie starts to sound like what other genre? The statements that Boulez made were what? What is Ms. Smith's ambition? What app is free on IOS? Where the engaging of procedural memory and emotional centers are happening ? How many points ahead has Bayern regularly been of the next closest team during the Bundesliga this season? On what day did the mentioned news article come out? Who is in charge of Pace Gallery? Who is the bride's father? Who would front the money to purchase the necessary land? Who does the writer blame for creating the class system? Where was the location of the reef where the boaters were stranded? What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? How many council members must support the legislature for it to pass on to congress. What is another name for the front cannon? How was Samuel DuBose's death captured? What two groups of fighters retook the town of Sinjar on Friday? Who used to be a division of Mortorola? When did Alyssa Grogan suffer her concussion? What was the name of Boulez's performance? Since when has uber contested the filing of the suit? The emerging markets are having difficulties because of slowdown in where? How many departments did Cruz mention in total? What agency was the child protection officer from? About how many search results that Google handles are mobile? What did she further add about Minsk2? What country is this story set in? What place were the Penguins in for goals per game? What did Mr. Harrell learnt in 2010? What street did the railroad tracks cross? What was stuffed with eggplant and pickled onion? What name did Lyft give to their ride shares? What is Mr. SIlver's first name? Who did Britain and Ireland beat? What position did Donald L. Massey hold within the mining company? Who is the ruler of russia What is Quin Ivy's occupation? How many pieces are in the exhibition? How many miles is the channel? Which firms did the Citigroup report mention? How much money is the plaintiff trying to get from the lawsuit? Which station requires a transfer to get to Stepney Green? What kind of unexpected event occurred, briefly? What is an unreliable indicator of the job market's strength? What is Heinrichs's achievement? Why can't Mr. Obama shut down the Guantanamo Bay military prison? What is the name of the day when Star Wars toys started to be sold? For whom the Metropolitan Transportation Authority wants to maintain a friendly environment? What is the main topic of this passage? Which type of competition had Venus won twice? What is the name of the officer who suffered from a medical emergency? For how many years has banking regulation grown? Who lost their re-election that forced Boehner to put off his retirement plans? Who is there a large reservoir of respect for? What was breached at the personnel agency? How much money came from Blackrock's iShares E.T.F. Unit? What is the occupation of Mr Matuska What does Keith L.T. Wright consider not reforming rent regulations and 421-a? What operation was this associated with? When did Ms. Harper and her ex-husband divorce? Who is one of Greece's main creditors? How much did Davis make after Wilson's election? What was the size of AMC's setback in the last few years? On which team does Colin Kaepernick play? What was the first assignment for the writer What inspiration does the stilt house take from? What is the first political virtue? What did Mrs. Clinton urge broad policies regarding? What did Gus Wenner say was key to doing anything right? what titles does Arizona hold? What would mild cognitive impairment eventually lead to? What is best known for its use in Wong Kar Wai's luxurious film? What is Addyi referred to? Who is trying to raise taxes to raise government revenues? What is the name of the collection? What aspects of this person's generation are they proud of? Who is the Secretary of the State? What time is "Workaholics" on? How many times did the Cavs turnover the ball? What were Ms. Basford and her publisher surprised to learn? Where is the Sarah Newman Center? Who should Catholics not try to convert? What does Amtrak claim most payments from New Jersey go towards? What did one of Xinhua reporters do? Who runs itunes? What would be a victory for Mr. Putin What sport does Kyrgios play? What place has only produced very few basketball players to play in the USA? When did the Corinthian Colleges collapse? What pitcher for the Cubs is considered a war horse? What source was the rally going on for? What is the most recent year riots were a major issue in Cincinnati? What team did James play for Tuesday night? Who explains how a story works? The foundation choose who to be in charge of the exhibit? In what year did Land's End reduce catalogs mailed out? What is W. McIntyre Burnham's profession? Who had grown appointed with "established" science? What is the name of the exhibition at the New Haven museum through June 21? Before the 401(k) and IRAs, who took on the risk of saving for an employees retirement? How many candidates were there originally? What is the name of a character that is glum, pudgy blob? What is the name of Red Bull's second team? What does the French left wing party accuse the right wing party of being? On what day of the week will "Paris" premier? What gesture did Towns make after hitting his 17 foot jumpshot? How many Ivy League colleges are there? Which city started a YouTube channel for officer cams? Who did Mr. Moyer say that his company would be committed to serving? What city does Loki terrorize? At the time of this article, who was the interim president of the Rainforest Alliance? Why did Mr. McCarthy rise through the republican ranks so quickly? What did Willis Carto raise funds to finance? Which area operates a policy that creates "historic districts" within it? Which craftspeople located the specialized pipes for St. Joseph's organ? Which New York borough had the highest percent of new chain stores between 2014 and 2015? What group published a list of candidates that features detailed bios of world leaders from different backgrounds? How can I reach the Roxbury Minor Memorial Library? In what year of his career is Muhammad? When did Roger Cohen write "Counterrevolutionary Russia?" What percentage of catalog shoppers are women? Who fell off a cliff in 1975? Under which mayor did the the Fund for Public Schools see a decline in fund-raising? What might help DuPont, as with most other sizable corporations? Who was Tziano having a familiar chat with? What trumps strong teaching Who is the minority leader from the Finger Lakes region? How long had it been since the record was broken before Clayton? What was the original topic of the paper? GreenTech Automotive was owned by Terry McAuliffe, who held what government position in Virginia? What year did the outbreak at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital occur? Who owns Sky? What is the name of the terrorist group that struck across Nigeria's border into the Niger for the first time on Friday? Where, at Univ. of Conn. can I see "Summer Exhibition"? Rueben Randle and Odell Beckham Jr. both play what position for the Giants? when did Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher abolish tenure? How many meals a day are many families in South Sudan living on? When did the Governor's office made the request? What two weapons was used to break down a door? What is the updated version of Unfished Buisness: Women Men Work Family called? What place and in what time did Keflezighi finish at his first Marathon? What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? Where is the town of Glover located? What is Cook's title? According to Mr. Canby, what can you find today in Fifth Avenue mansions and public libraries? What proof was there of the deplorable conditions? What doctor is concerned with misused findings? Who was Robert E. Lee's personal photographer? Who expected them to know much of the basics? Who does Ball have the logic of? Who noted that the board "never said" that two casinos in the Southern Tier could not work? How much has China Resources index rose since 2010? What village did Mr. Chauvin spend his holidays in? What got him off the court? What was the assailant wearing? what day did the federal judge inform the Rowan County Clerk? Who is Lindsay Miller? What kind of feeling is derived by the author when reading work books? What movement from 50 years ago did the American rabbis reference in their letter declaring the need for environmental action? How many individuals are currently in their pool? What is the stadium that doesn't have good beer? What was Deutsche Bank's former target for return on capital? What city did Tian travel to after his customer became an informant? What is an evil name? What level of dress is Jessie often out at the farm? What party was debating Tuesday night? Which city was included in a suit because their schools did not get Achievement First? did Harris enjoy the tests? When should you make the stock? What type of license may 19 1/2 year old drivers license pilot program obtain? What was the persons ethnicity? Why what reason is the change in age thought to be beneficial? What has replaced presses? How many parents receive the payments? What type of art does Sally look to for her imagery? Who is Tennessee hoping will take them to national prominence in their third season? What is the website address of the Mattatuck museum? What group was trying to enforce changes at the jail? What kind of home does the robot have? Who is Marcelo Aguirre? How many magazines did Playboy produce at its peak? What happened to the New York City Department of Education and the New York State Education Department for not being able to get Achievement First? The image of a conductor is molded on who? How did farmers survive the droughts? What makes the patent protection period so profitable? When did Pablo Picasso leave for Paris? Who is the director of Bridge of Spies? Kathleen talked about Mr. Rasputin in a what? What did Mr. Carson oppose fiercely? Streaming allows for audiences to read recap and do what else? Why do students socialize less? Which city did the Boko Haram attack after crossing the Komadougou River? Where is the Stepney Green Underground station? Who was the visiting team? When are trunk-crown lizards usually quiet? The drop in price for China's marble also reflected the drop in what? What is the lastest work credited to Peter Doctor? What nationality is the speaker's grandmother 9 out of how many Americans support universal background checks? How many companies will be allowed to proceed with listing in the coming weeks? Where does Steve Cainas work as a production assistant? Who blasted Mr. Bush? How many world powers hold permanent seats on the Security Council? what would have happen to Mr. Saleh if he would have stayed? If Mr. Christie became president, what other state did he say should share in the cost of building the tunnels? What is the name of the movie? How many vignettes are in the Killing and Dying Graphic collection? Who bought Business Insider and for how much? what did trump say about mexico? Who had a one man show on Broadway in 2013? What is the name of Ms. Basford's follow up book? How are DuPont's earnings in 2015 expected to compare to its 2011 earnings? Markets expect a less accommodative monetary policy in what country? Who hit a two-run homer? What organization does not track spice use? Huang feels that all Taiwanese and Chinese people are of what roots? What position did Sepp Blatter use to hold? What two Asian countries did Mr. Hatz speak of? What is Steven Spinola the president of? What is the name of the professional basketball team in Cleveland? What are the most searched inquiries on travel? Who did Mel Mermelstein see driven into the gas chambers in 1944? Who is the fire chief of Cisco? What company was the groom's father the owner of? Who attacked Planned Parenthood in Wednesday's debate? Do they need to stay in dropbox? How many Americans have been killed by spice? What river was outside of Mr. Chauvin's bedroom window when he was growing up? How soon will the new listings proceed? What prescription antidepressant is not safe for teenagers? What band played the song the show ended with? What sport is growing and evolving through quicker and stronger players? What team did Lionel Messi practice with while he was injured? What do the Knicks have a troubling history of? Who hit a three-run homer in Game 163? Who is playing on June 27th at 8 p.m.? What is the name of the game that is a circle version of the original game that children will play? who had niceness sand sense of humor Where did Bin Laden live during the 1990s? How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? What is the name of the new gaming winning tactic that Hector Bellerin created? NXP used to be a division of what company? What forced Mattingly to retire prematurely? How much in today's value the most expensive picture ever been sold cost? What party is now leading the government in Athens? About how many visitors has the musuem had already? Who created Decision Maker? Who is Heinrichs? How many girls are members in the western part of Washington State? The euro reached its lowest level against the dollar when it hit what amount? Who conducted the research study about the gaming community? How many sold out stadium shows where there? How many bedrooms did the house need to have? What are men afraid of when looking for women who sell sex? Who was it that created the legal district of Peculier of Masham? Who is Diane Bryant? Where do farmers and cities search for groundwater when none is provided by the rivers and lakes? Do they want their lawsuit to change slowly or quickly? What did the experience change into? which year armstrong was at the height of his popularity? Who described the EU as the modern heir to Germany's Third Reich? Who is officially meeting President Obama? On what day will Hewlett-Packard realease its fourth quarter earnings for 2015? Where is "An Epilogue for Otro Teatro: True Love" performed at? What is being used to influence parents? Roughly how many Russians are known to have joined the Islamic State? Why was Mr. Rodman in court? What year is the oldest photo in the book? Who is being paid to find security issues on business websites? How long was Tiant away from Cuba? what day of the week does Parliament face a confidence vote? Who did she inherit it from? What field does the school emphasize? Who is Clegg and GM working with? When and what dental procedure did Mike Isaac have done? How long has Aruba been manufacturing networking equipment? Which news outlets reported on the fine that G.M. received? How many nominating contests had Huckabee won at this point? Who wrote "Counterrevolutionary Russia?" When is Mr. Shane's book due for publication? what date will outdoor art projects by available unitl? Commonly referred to as Obamacare, what is the official name of Obama's flagship healthcare reform act? What are the countries called now that used to be Yugoslavia? What was Rolling Stone's newsstand sales in 2014? What design is the inside of the house? What did supporters of the bill argue? What organization is mentioned in the passage? when anne gary pannell retired ? What country could resume a military training agreement with Nigeria? What person said he texted Pierre-Paul shortly after the accident? What was Tariq holding when the officer chased him? Who coached Bayern Munich? How many blocks is the shopping district in Siem Ream? Where does Northern European artists come from? How long has it been since Vladimir Putin visited the United Nations? What was more perplexing than the pizza dishes? What is topic of a similar case, filed by the same Law Practice, that will heard next week? What did Silver delgate duties to? Visa might have to pay a premium to bypass what? What is the main institution that turns unskilled individuals into skilled ones? Her mother would eat her favorite sea food in a five-star restaurant and in grimy what? How old is Xabi Alonso? What position did Trevor Knight fail to procure this season? How many routers did the Wirecutter use? Who did Dr King write his letters to? What is one argument against lowering the voting age? What do people do repeatedly? Who is going to act as transportation commissioner when Mr. Fox departs? Who contributed fom England? What is the name of the venue in Hartford that conducts ghost tours on June 26th? Kythera is focused on what market? Who is the director of safety of the ERA? Is the writer a frequent traveller? Where does police not want to put themselves into? What did defense lawyers argue about marijuana's Schedule I classification? Who did Ms. Mizrahi-Rubel collaborate with during her career? How many times did Boehner have to tell McCarthy that he was retiring? What do they feel about the quality of education and their society? Is there a guarantee of definite safety from the use of Navdy's device? What time does the show air? What type of sentence was Alberto Youseff given by Judge Moro? Who obtained internal audit regarding soldiers abroad? Why does every computer, tablet and smartphone ship with built-in browsers? How many tests did Eichel win in? What kind of weekend is Ms. Kushner planning? Who previously played the character The Flash before Grant Gustin? What kinds of information gets projected by Navdy's device? Where is Itamar Harel a researcher? How long do you cook it for? What book does he encourage to other to read? what percent of goods travel through Ukraine Where does Brooklyn play their games? In which state is Rev. Brian Sauder from? Mr. Cardin normally supports which senior official? Who is the largest maker of A.T.M.s? Where is the start-up for website security located? Slovenia erected a razor-wire fence along its border with what country? What color were James Holmes' pants? What is the final date of the show? Who was Tziano having a familiar chat with? do current rules for hourly workers stay intact? When did the imprisonment occur? Who has to approve mayor bill de Blasio's housing plan for it to begin? Who is George Brauchler? What is the current trajectory of China stock market? What is Chancellor Angela Merkel doing with big business? According to economists, how much will spending increase? Was Pederson a veteran player or a rookie? For what organization was John Jones an officer for? What is running from Friday through Sunday? What do officials say is the number of police forces that use body cameras? What period is the second figure of Buddha from? Who were the city's last two Republican mayors? What demographic was the original target for Instagram and Facebook? Which online news outlet ran the Ben & Jerry's sponsored post? Which devices is the Archer C7 faster than over longer distances? What other kind of diamonds are being produced? What other species have the same genes known to influence aging as the turquoise killifish? What phrase was written inside the hospital? What girls are missing? Where did the police posted a picture of the three-foot alligator? What was Youseff's former occupation? Where did Archibald Motley live? What was the name of the voter that was 63 years old that was interviewed? What is Snow White allergic to? What Medicare proposals were amended or dropped by the government? Where is Snowden now? Who provided a quote in regards to the type of language used to describe something? How did Mr. Neto begin turning his life around? What is predicted to hit earth in the next six days? What is the film dead wake about? Who specifically might really like dinners at Noreetuh? What is the address of Spectrum? What team does Matt Harvey play for? What was it's circulation for 6 months ending December 2014? What happened to the water in the Zayanderud River? What did the re-examined case show? Who does the US fear? Why did Asian-American groups blast Mr. Bush? Which comedian tested the phone system in May? What was Ms. Mitchell accused of? Where do farmers try and seek water first? How many places did Mr. Heastie stop at during his travels? Who is David Murphy? Is the table set? What does Mr. Chow claim not to be? Where did Mr. McCulloch defend his handling of the case? How much did it cost per hour for one child for a sitter? The US dollar has risen how much since September? When did McConnel think the white house should push the Pacific Trade Agreement? What descent is Rosina Sfyridou of? What is the name of the prisoner? What does the Fourth Amendment protect ? Who reported that there was a 2.3 percent annual pace in economy expansion? Which photographer became star because of Rolling Stone? What was Cookworthy's first successful piece of porcelain? What is Deborah J. Glick's position? what was terrence collingsworth's profession ? When was "Three Inventions for Chamber Orchestra" completed? What is the EU afraid of happening if the A.L.P. is expanded? How many member of the inmate council signed the letter? What kind of activities are the tourists content with doing while in the city? What is the unemployment rate? After Seattle led by 24-14, how many touchdowns did New England score? How can you protect files in your personal computer? Who compose Viva Navarra? what drawing styles were present in the room? Who designed the graphic memoir "Fun Home"? What was the first reason Mr. Heastie gave for traveling to central New York? Who portrays Lili Elbe in "The Danish Girl"? How much was Bruno's plate of bread? To which part of the Government does the Same-Sex marriage decision apply? Who is the assistant executive secretary-treasurer in the article? What was the average percentage rate white teaching candidates received on the LAST-2? Approximately how much will the budget cuts be? What was the speed of Syndergaard's fastest pitch? Who is president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia? Who was Rousey chasing? What Raptor player extended the lead with a pair of free throws? what was the purpose of practice? What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? What becomes of the time frame for running out of water What is a smart business move? Who hosted Scorned: Love Kills and Deadly Affairs? What were the diplomats that condemned the raid? Who is the star of "The Nun's Story"? Did Dawkins play outside of the US? What is Lundqvist's record in the Garden for game 7's Where was he talking? What is LeBron's last name? What contemporized Miró? Who is the director of Eclipsed? How did James travel to and from Texas? What role does John Skipper play at ESPN? What is the name of the Cavalier's coach? What kind of change was this person's generation responsible for? Is it likely or unlikely that Putin will want to offer to send troops to fight in Syria? Who provided the information for this article? What is the analogy used to describe the people mentioned in the passage? How much in corporate taxes do some foreign companies pay? Which catalog company recently filed for bankruptcy? Who is Munich's new Brazilian winger? Which firm is a division of FireEye? Who released the report on the increase of sex ads online? peppered him with questions about ________relations upon his arrival? Whta is the banner of the opposition in Venezuela? What did the Democrates say McConnell benefited from? Where and how long was the race? Under what party does Huckabee plan on running? What's located in Charleston South Carolina? Who was quoted as saying that the bank will "avoid trying to be all things to all people"? What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? Mention the two states with the most severe water crises Who took financial responsibility for rebel region? Which nation is given the chance to cheat? How much does this amount to per year? How old is Kyrgios? What political party does the president of the Auvergne region belong to? What did the research implied that chimpazees could do? What genre of music does Tina play? Which model is twenty-six years old? Who is the book Splendid Cities by? What does Ms. Wisniak's boyfriend do for work? Who is Mr. Sacca in relation to Twitter? What country is Darnah in? Where do concussions rank among injuries in women's hockey? Who is the executive director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights? What did they prescribe her after she left the hospital? Where are A Shares traded? Which political party does Harold Rogers belong to? Where is The Civil War Through The Eyes of Thomas Nast shown? Where did LeBron play before returning to Cleveland? Who wanted their photograph for a residence card? what were trumps statements? Which artist was known for political and sexually provocative shirts? How old is Huckabee? Who is an example of how to be a really, truly good person? Is Zion Amir's client an legal adult? what did Mr Lapointe and his associates behave like? Who did Towns impersonate during one of his interviews? Which bank withdrew from the global financial system and now looks like less dominant? Who was a hypochondriac? How many times was Neuer beaten? What does the association that Mr. Stewart work do? What was the number of this Art and Film Gala at the Museum? what is the very important indication? Who directs the Hurlyburly show? What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? What year did Mike Tyson lose? why did the Nook performance suffer? How many people need to be tested in order for a single heart attack to be prevented? How did the story begin? When did Willis Carto die? What groups are lobbying the government to amend its Same-Sex Marriage policies? What have middle-class investors been asking the Chinese communist Party? Who is the vice president of the National Right to Work Committee? How many euros does it cost to become a citizenship of Malta? According to the author, which fanbase has strong feelings about Rodriguez? What did George say when offered to go to Princeton? What position does Scott Flanders hold with Playboy? How many more jobs are needed to match pre-recession levels? What place did the team come in Lorient, France? What was Mr. Fox supposed to secure money for? How many Republicans joined 45 Democrats in opposition? In what was every incidental character identified? On what day is the celebration being held? Who is the creator of the popular WeChat messaging app? Who is the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve? Who was responsible for two runs? Which team was accused of deflation? Does the legislation reprimand groups on the basis of their religious beliefs? Where is the button for the doorbell located? Who was presenting evidence against two motorcyclists? What decorations were Rep. Ryan and his children hanging? How many rinks did the hockey complex have? Who were reunited when Alex confessed that she and Holden are in danger? What did the person start in junior high? Who was the last of the six person relay? How many bases in Germany does BRAC not apply to? What bug is the author facing when they arrive to the viscounts? What opinion has the poster formed of Dropbox Paper? what recent holiday has made the writer excited about change? What is the nationality of the person? Why did they choose those particular character types? What sync software if the poster using on their phone? Why does the writer not want to tell people of their success? What is the name of the hidden city? Which pokemon has a bullet punch? How many bases exist on the new map? What is the cycle of the routine? The author is inquiring about what to check out? How old is their child? What kind of therapy is this person going through? What have they been told is a smart idea? What are they considering selling? The ran what on their top competitors? What should you view before posting links to your works outside of this subreddit? Which state is the person asking for tax information about? What book is missing a page? How often does this thread occur? What settings are off? how long have you had Puppy for? What is he getting in a couple of weeks? What does the program do? what material was received for the holiday? Which two games have numbers in the titles? What is the concern about the Asus Strix Fury? What does the author say about his experience being on a plane? Did the game work before you sold it? How does the commenter deal with fire enemies? What does Google images show? How many hypered cards does the author have? What game runs pretty well for this person? When might Bungie give rewards? What month did Holly Woodlawn died? What is this person filing an application for? What is another question they asked about? what year was this full read planned? When will the livestream start that reveals the winners? What topic has the writer been reading about? What was he/she ok with? What kind of valve did this person change? What time of day will the discussion posts be posted? What operating system are they using? Imperials learned it was not a good idea to train who? How often do they use Haskell? Why is the speaker moving? What does the writer not know how to do on mobile? How many people typically come to the games? What kind of matches are they asking about to rewatch? Which character does the author of this comment think is more iconic? What type of tips are given? What does the writer know about already? What happens when the user taps a bear in friend town? When do they end up dead? How long have they had chinchillas? What kind of question does he have? What was the name of the girl that this person met? What do I not want to use? Does the Mayport 4 port adapter work in ANY mode? What would the author like to do when he beats the game? What did he post on? What won't turn on now? What field does the poster claim has little growth? what country is the writer in? The author recently got _____ 16 The author has a problem with what? What was Nikkens new products? When does the error occur? What can you do with gift cards? What has Marvel been publishing lately? What Calculus classes has this person taken? What date was the thread started? What should you wear on your hands? What processor does the writer want? Which website did the poster buy something on? What kind of advice is the user looking for? What events take place in the painter's art? What decade is the vehicle from? Why does the commenter want to add another character? Who can solve this problem? What does this person want to send to his friend? what game is the writer having problems with terrain loading using the external hdd? How did this person determine it was the lens? What does the monk use for weapons? What is the other going to buy during the next session? What is Hip HOp 101 Book Club discussing this month? What has the user tried besides different browsers and a cellphone? What is the authors main question? How much storage is the author able to use? What is the writer asking for in return? What does Lamba contain? What is the budget of the writer? What type of goal is the author pursuing? How many times will coinbase charge your card? How does the author appraise their skill level? Who is questioned will tolerate a free state when there is peace? Who can use an ability mid jump? What form did the DM allow him to take? Who is the owner of STC Records? What time does the bank open on Monday? What program refuses to launch? Has the headaches gotten better? What does the poster spend the majority of time doing? did the user stay with the same case? How big are the Phillips monitors? What would be improved if they had greater visibility? What did the poster paste into the little box on the AMZ site? What information do you need to apply? what is the phones charge 8 hrs after charging to full? What happens to my ping? What is the primary question they have? What did her sensitivity default to? What kind of relationships is this person looking for? Who should you mentioned you were referred by when applying? Where is the search located? What type of question does this new resident of San Juan ask? What does this person typically not do with their music when playing it over speakers? Where was he left behind at? What does the cup the next day contain? What is this player's name? What game is the user trying to play? Where did he purchase a second pipe? What will I check at the stores later this year? Why was the GPU left out? How fast did he gain ranks? Does the ChefSteps Joule device have controls on it? Who is Miocic fighting? What kind of equipment are they interested in? What is the game in question that the player wants information about? What variety of games did they play? What type of group do they want to join? How long does it take to play/pause a song? Why does the poster have limited playing hours? what is the race of the current character the writer is playing? What is the best way to use over cooked vegetables? Does the store have any of the jackets in stock? What the mailman deliver? what show is the writer unable to imagine without Richard Hatch ? Does he owe bank or any other debt collector money? What Class is the one of the headphones? Which item did the writer ask about in regard to narrowing down choices in colors? What issues are with the usage? What vintage vehicles would they like seeing in the game? Where was they considering bringing the Airizer Air? What legal stream are available for The Official D. Gray-Man rewatch? What is this problem throwing off? What does the poster want to switch to? What is the poster's primary question? What did the speaker have to do to get push notifications? How many losses has the poster suffered? How much did the Kenwood KD-9XB sell for on eBay? What kind of name are they looking for? What year is the writer's IRA? What type of account is the author hoping to open? Why is Vinegrappling Protector 2GGGG Rare Creature a big protecting creature? What was the first annoyance? Which hues are needed for the person's spouse? What contains information on North American Indians? What adjective does the author of the post use to describe the story? What kind of guy does the speaker say he is? Which program prevents getting OSX re-installed? How many playthroughs were done? How many directions are on the poster's D-pad? Where is the author planning to go? Power Pylon and what are fixed? How many videos had they posted to YouTube? What did the poster delete? What are you trying to enter into the program What was the writer's opinion of the server based on what he saw on the subreddit? Who hasn't been to the North Pole? What genre does the author like to read? How many days left on the trip are there? What does the narrator ask for about the listed items? Why are they poor? What was hardly found online about the company? What was being used when first selecting the power off option? What type of radio does the author also have? What did the user first update to? What type of villain are they picturing? What is the name of the scammer? What company makes the fake driver licenses? How many watts is his PC spec? What is javascript? Which match is this? What urge does he get when watching videos? What size bra does the poster currently wear? The writers house sits in what geological feature? What is the free gift? What came with no instructions? Is the person writing this post underweight or overweight? What monitor does this person use? Awake: The Rise of Mannimarco is a mod for what game? What saga is mentioned other than the Arek saga? How often is there a winning round during a loss streak? What does this person need help drawing? how many of the PCI slot broke? what item does the writer love? Who was one of the previous houses of the week? What disc have they not gotten past? What is this person's budget? Does the author have any cavities? How long has the poster gone without smoking? The writer believes he made a terrible deal because he traded away what for one year? What file sets the attack move function? Teresa worked for what magazine? What issue is the user having? Who is he asking about hiring animators? What products did they have stop working in the past? What version of knife has the writer been searching for months but in vain? What is CHIRP used for? How much percentage of completion has the author done? What state is the electron in? Why do they want to model? What was the author's reaction to oxidized beer after aging? According to the author, what varies quite a bit in content? What kind of points does this person think are not helpful or motivating? Why did a girl turn the author down for a date? Where has the author looked so far? Which instrument was the authors "first love"? What play through did the author get to the burial blade on? What is the problem with the xbox one external hard drive? What are they building to use in local matches? What is your age? What was the author watching his friend play? What is in your breakfast? What percentage does this store take in commission from items sold off the shelf? What can't they find? What can be used to prevent MIM attacks? What is the writer's problem? How does the author describe the experience of playing the instrument? What is the name of the example criminal? What are they thinking of doing? What kind of teacher was the author? What device does Halo not run on? Is the author male or female? Which movie was the ship preferences survey conducted three years ago about? What is the poster studying? What type of campaign is the author and their friends wanting to play? According to the writer what sucks for English support in foreign countries? What is the title of the Daredevil recommended for a good origin story? What budget did the friend give for the PC? What did college football introduce recently? Which kind of wobs is the author looking for? How did they use to categorize their folders? How did they describe the rates? What did the buyer tell the seller to do in regard to the question? Which function is the poster having an issue with in terms of it redrawing? What kind of bonds are being discussed by the author of this paragraph? What was the writer's favorite part of the game? What audio editing software was mentioned? What is their goal for the post? When is the TR dominant? What type of disposition is the preference for for new guild members? What is the possible cause of the snowmobile not starting? What did the poster recently pick up? Where type of beans did the author already buy? What does MHS stand for? What is the charge for going over their data under 50 gb? What was the final step in the game? What is the name of the author's main character? How long has the problem lasted? What channel where they watching old videos on? What would be three reasons this person is wanting to travel? What does the poster suggest needs to bet started on the sub-reddit? What is the HDD/SDD of the poster's computer? What specific clicks don't always register? Who is Finn's supposed father? What social media does the gamer use to play games? Who is the head of the Order of the Golden Lion? How many members will be logged in at one time? What size will the bracket hold? How much does WoW charge per month? besides the writer who else helped plan this full read? What time does the Michigan State game start? How long has the person been on Reddit? How many winning rounds are there in a row before losing loads? What has the author been buying? What is the name of the compilation they are trying to produce? What is in short the question being asked? what fps was the writer at before adding mods and running S.T.E.P.? What chapter group is this person a part of? What type of games are to be avoided? Is this contest closed or open? What do they want to know the Tigercat is worth? What kind of player is the writer? How many Mbps is the author getting from their modem? What malfunction is causing the author problems? How much is the commercial drink per ml? What have they not installed themselves? Who does the poster want to analyze Freddie Mercury's powerful mix? What is the author looking for? what is opined that the electorate would respond to? Which bug makes you hard to kill? How many days has he been dip free? Lack of what is bothering him? Whats the minimum payment accepted? Why does this person not want a tock? What old games does the author think he is looking for? What is a card that is roughly 12 dollars? How many 'second games' is it for Anaheim? How old is their system? What is "Grandmother Fish"? The MECs should only be used in which cases? would these headlights work with a C class benz? Are indie developers still making 2D games? When is she finishing her Bachelors? What event is being discussed? Which part of the instrument gave the author trouble at first? Where would Brandon Whent like for Lord Mooton to send a representative? What graphic settings does the person what to play the games in? What do they want for their HC Cyclone Maurader? When did SirMallock go missing? What point was technology on in the last decade according to the poster? What do they want to do before the tornado comes around again? what setting is the writer looking to change? What color was the product's background? Where did they apply last year? What is the authors credit score range? what is he looking into? What does he go to Log.e for? The author describes what word as being used frequently currently? How many of coaching topics does Drew offer? What items did the writer say she may need to limit? What kind of spinner is mentioned? Who was it that cast the Dark Mark? What format is the Uncharted 4 game in? what does the writer use their pc for that requires a lot of button pushing? What company is closed for the holidays? how tall is the writer? What is the questioner trying to find game apps for? What type of pump is the author needing? Did they restart the MacBook? How much time will go on before deciding to make the purchase? What did the scammer switch in his user name? What is the alcohol percentage of a Monks Stout Dupont beer? What state do I want to know about? What occupation does the narrator hold? What did the poster really enjoy of the SAO? What piece of equipment is the user planning on upgrading? What did they try for the first time ever? How much money was there when when reviewing the account? What price quality does this person want for the keyboard? What is the person field of study? What game did he bet on? what the top slotted surface is made of ? What specific supplies will this person donate? What can the speaker work with besides knockout and react? What is the main issue? What is the name of the kingdom? Does No. 9 remind the poster of Megaman X? What is desperately being looked for? What costs a lot of money? What kind of cell phone does the posters niece have? What didn't she want to do? What have people been complaining about? What do they like to focus on? What was the author's major in college? What animal is the pet owner worried about? What specific version of Windows is user asking about? what is being appreciated? What appliance is running even though the appliances are off? What month is the family planning a road trip to SW BC? What kind of snipper game is the author interested ? a type of format for building a team? What topic is the question regarding? What was the error given? what is the name of the post-sorceress? What did he realize while trying to achieve his goal? How much storage capacity did the USB device have? What phone is being bought as a replacement? After finding a cave, what rank did they farm? What would you call a goal of sales versus buying product? Is the person a veteran gamer? What does the poster consider himself to be? What did the user purchase? What mod does this person have? You were to inherit how much money? When did they make the post? In the author's example, what is response is there when someone is annoying? Which day of the week do people get banned? How long did it take us to get all the liquid off? What is one type of drink given as an example? What doesn't work? What is the writer aiming to do What type of computer do they have? what mod has the writer been using? In what country is the university? Who doesn't play Rainbow Rush anymore? What are some good examples of 2D games? Roughly, how many matches have been played? which camera is more expensive? What happened when he/she gave a little force? One can do what in regard to spots on the described game? What does the Reddit account have enough of now? how much is the termination fee? What does it take way too long to launch? What recently built thing worked fine for a week? How much would it cost to keep the PO Box another six months? When is the song in question thought to be from? What can be done if the default specified do not match your seizure types? What is up for trade by the poster? Who is the post about? What is the gender of the gamer in question? What do I not know? What is the best way to contact this person? Where are events, challenges and other highlights listed? What is the minimum age for a car rental in florida? According to the author, Ciri is like the female version of who? What type of being is Dex? Does the writer have savings? who compiled a variation of seemingly common calc 1 question? What is the average age of the members? How big is the monitor? What does the poster want removed from the game? what has caused the participation and enthusiasm to drop? Who are reporting that the authors credit score has plummeted? Which year did the player initially start playing Call of Duty in? What would this person want to attach to a rack over the back tire of their bicycle? What does the writer want money for? At the time of this article who is winning the vote? What kind of motherboard does the user have? What kind of games is the player used to? Where does the writer live? How often does Wolfie appear? What would they like to drink? Which app did the author already look at? What is missing? How much does he want to spend maximum? How many years did the hard drive last the writer? Where did the robots place the human? Which party focuses more on problems that are within the society? What was the speaker wondering? How is the user input taken? Why does the author not join the group? How does the writer describe the final few wrestlers in the match? What was the sub record for iZBOT World 1 that the writer tried to beat? What mode does the player want to use with a keyboard? how much fps is the writer getting in outside areas? How does one join the Cerberus Assault clan? What is their main query? How long is the book that the author mentions? When did they used to watch TOMT animated movie? What is being purchased in bulk? What might be the reason people don't like my dating profile? What year is the friend's computer from? How much does this person's fiance contribute to a Roth IRA? Who is the chat window opened with? At what time will the book club meet? How much money did the author deposit in June of 2015? What does type of bra does the author usually wear? What build does he name to compare to his own build? How long has the lockbox been left? Do the products come in a box? Which specific line does the poster not understand How many levels have been uploaded in the last month? When did this person first leave home? What is the middle name that is relevant to this person's culture? What are the defects of the products? For approximately how many weeks will the thread be up for? What platform is the author using? What is the problem? What type of tournament? In how many unnamed countries did the father work? How many months after the mother was threatened to have the police called on them did they make contact again? What type of Husky is it? What game does GagStrategists stream on Twitch? When was this? What happened to the characters focused on? Where are new users directed to get information? What was Rubio elected as? how long they are dating each other? How is the author feeling? What can be attributed to the author's difficult in meeting people? What does the author collect? What substance was produced in a large enough quantity as to cause alarm? What is the poster looking for? What is a friendly place for original Indie games according to the poster? Who does not accept pit bull breeds? How long ago was channel critique requested? What was the annual income for 2015 for this person? Should Alice have known Bella's mental condition in New Moon? What did he/she grow up on? What does the writer seem not to be able to start? Where is the person taking in their phone? what product did the writer recently purchase? Does the commenter believe it was appropriate to be on site and digging up evidence? they have done a fairly thorough play-through as what? What kind of partner is he looking for? Why did the Sheriff's department rescue itself from investigating the crime scene? Where was the condo bought? what bone was broken? Who has no rivals in the democratic party? Where did first want to hike? What about the other apps is the user not sure they'll have? What kind of beer does the author want to drink? What should they do when they retreated the are? What does an entry need to include? Which part works correctly? What does the chairman already have? What is the poster claiming he is not trying to do? What happened when the author put in LED lighting? How the length of time for the game compare to that last time? Who is replaying the game? How many inches was the drop hitch? what countries did stalin see the second front as too little to late for? Why did I feel hugged and love the feeling? What book is the author currently reading? Who should you hire to clean your windows? What platform is the game the author speaking of for perhaps? What have they unlocked so far? When did the daughters realize not all men are able to fix things? What genre are Caves of Quad, ToME4, and ADOM? What am I installing termite on? what subreddit is the challenge on? what is it called when you only use magic attacks? What does the poster play at? What is enabling the author to make so many posts? Riptide has how many points? What needs to be proven? What was adjusted at the bike shop? How long has he played drums? What course did the user sign up for? What kind of activity does this person want to do in the game? What does endothermic mean when referred to animals? Who teams up to take on the DC universe? How many minutes has the system been saying 'please wait' for? what is the name of the revamped MECCA arena? Why did these spots open up? What degree is music are they working on? What time is the author leaving Dublin? Where do they live? Whats their current income? What would the author of this post prefer is added to roguelikes? How far back does this person want to see discoveries? What is the author's favorite team? What product is the poster looking for? What about the percentages increased for wealthier people? What server does he play on? Who are they looking for a partnership with? How many nights is the writer planning on spending in Buenos Aires? What mode do they want to create the world in? When is the contest? What is the name of the film? How much is the Kenwood unit listed for? What program is the poster announce the availability of? What does the runtime error say? What is the author's life ambition? When is the dog owner moving? What is the name of the person that is like Robert Downey Jr? How long has it been since the individual logged in and played regularly? What happens to the battery if the attachment does not have adjustable threads? what was Bernie doing in the video? What did the package include? Which prestige was the gamer's level in BO3? Who owns the website the author is looking for preview pieces on? Who pledged Brandon Whent a force of light cavalry? what does the writer need help with What was my impression that a tuxedo should have? What solution was posed to stop characters from being overpowered? What is the author developing? What happened to the car when the person went to school? Where does the writer experience the problem? What does the boss transform into in the third phase? What remakes is the poster anticipating coming out? What was the argument against him not using his tentacles? When will the author try brewing? What type of account does the friend have? What is the format of software being used now? What makes the accuracy questionable? Why is the author selling the belt? How many times will the unit cycle before shutting down? Who is asking the questions about stage management resumes? What have I been having? Which character in Mass Effect 3 is the player focused on recruiting? what type of vest is the player using currently? What could not identify the song because there was not a clean sample? Does the auxiliary jack work? What does the commentator want to move to his wallet after the fork? What holiday was being celebrated? What year does the poster see as being the best? how many years experience does the writer have in logo/web/illustrations/media/print design? How many pieces are in the Victorian cruet set? The writer asks if you can prosecute who for increasing auto insurance premiums? Who is Assassin Creed Champion? The author wants to know if they can purchase Rift on what popular website? what did the player try with steam? How much does it cost to open a Hookah lounge? Which country will the author have to stay for a week or so if transfer flights arriving at Bangkok on 20th are taken? What system do they play on? Which part of the files did the buyer NOT download after receiving their order? What kind of car is the author leaning towards? What was discovered with the Lost? Who was the author's friend attacked by twice? What was the library programmed in? What are some reasons organizations fail How many things have the author done so far? What resolution does this person intend to stay at for now? What did the writer said they brewed in the paragraph? what kind of seeds do birds eat? What does the speaker have questions about? What is complete? What must the controller be compatible with? Who wrote The Flicker Men? what format does he want to use to write text? How many times did this person rewatch a particularly enjoyable anime? What is wrong with the USB? which key does the game ask to be pushed to skip? What have I already searched in? What OS is the writer using on their computer? What organization is a newly formed Free Company and a member of the Knightly Order of Ultros? What is the main request of the author stated at the end? What is the goal of this thread? What did the author's aunt urge others to do for their resolution? What do I need for a cruet set and what to put in it? What attempt number is this of the poster trying to submit? When did he/she start experiencing this problem? Who is Michigan State playing in the basketball game? What seems to create a greater impact? How would this addition achieve this function? What else are they doing at the time? what on twitter could you compare this feature to? What type of music was tired of the western civilization? What CPU does the computer have? what size is the belt? What breed of puppy is being discussed? Where has the author lost muscle mass? Where was the megathread posted? What device brand do I have? How many times do the macro keys work before glitching? Paul does what to see his self in a new light? What operating system does this person have? The volume is always what according to the author? Did the author attend post high school education? What version of Windows did they recently update to before this problem started? is it broken? How long does it take for a spear to disappear? What got a new install on the Thinkpads? Who was forced to give closure? Why was a survey taken? What type of problem is the laptop experiencing? which three months have a lot of primaries? Which combination of items are required to unlock the gun for use? What size xbox was bought over the holidays? What will the laser surgery do? What kind of guy has he never been? What episode is a good example of high audio quality? What is the author now tracking for the current season? Who did they want to thank? What is the author doing? What space do they want to make for what app? What type of block did they decide to use? What are some examples of nostalgia video games today? What did he never see? Why are they stuck, after following the steps? Which game is described in the text? What happens after you update the categories from settings page? How much karma is require to contribute to the wiki? Where is this person planning on moving to? Where their their significant other go? What is applied to the bias in this equation? Does the author have work experience coding? what size aluminum spacers was the writer trying to install? What do they want the dossier to give you? Why is the person not fixing or replacing the chip? What do they need to install? What is needed? What does she want? What am I confused about? What bonus is included with the orders? What is the purpose of the WCIF TS2 mod? What kind of bulbs did the author receive? What type of team is this user building? The author knows that the climate of Calgary is what? What was the defensive setup? What did they get for christmas? The author mentioned that their height is what? Where does the tablet get stuck when connecting to the router? Which family member does this person have a strained relationship with? What do artists like soundcloud the most? What languages do they speak? What did they do to try to remedy the problem? What kind of existing account does the poster have? What are they looking for? How does Nintendo sell its games? What is a sauce that he love? What type of boat does the author currently own? Who does he say has guns? Whats the first question brought up? The writer wants to compare what aspect of two handed weapons and shields? How does the person like to mix their relationships by being? How much was the second, unexpected check worth? What level was the item the poster bought? What did the author take pictures of that they made themselves? What kind of issue are you facing currently with your computer? What three games is the author deciding amongst? what kind of companion is the writer looking for? What charity letter trick are they trying to replicate? What does this person want to always allow for specific programs? What kind of servers does the user play on? What did the writer get for a gift that they wanted to try out? What season are they buying? What is the final selling price in the author's example? When does the mission stop playing perfectly fine? What does the player want to know before recruiting Kaidan? What is webrtc's upload speed? What is the poster having trouble with doing in the game? What has user already done? How many users do they want to have simultaneously? What did Alexander hear of? What reddit thread were they active on? What date was this thread posted? What is the specific date of the Official D. Gray-man rewatch? What does the main character find in the film? What is the user's questoin? Where was this person trying to go? Who is looking to expand? How should one contact the gamer? What does the poster say is the difference between Geological engineering and Geotechnical engineering? What type of chat is interfering with in-game chat? What role would be ideal to see on the big screen? What was his AC after the roll? What happened to the status of the buildings after the tornado? What did the neighbors do? Is this person a mechanic? The author wants to utilize what? When the Reddit user plays in full screen what is their average fps? What was attempted at one time to change settings? What type of client is mentioned repeatedly in the error message? What state is this person from? What happens when you reduce your calorie intake? Which parts of the song were heavily modified? What part of the game does the writer not want to play? what could happen if the climber isn't under the first bolt? Who was his teacher? On what date did the episode air? Which fish is Dakuwut represented by? the writer attended what games at the MECCA in the 80's? When will additional information be released? What are they thinking would be a good solution? What do you do with the oil when the steak is down cooking? what video game does the writer want a book similar too? What is the minimum age of the account required for the giveaway? what coupon does the writer currently have to use for the next hour? How long has the poster been practicing psychotherapy? What button can remained pressed when moving the camera around? Why does the writer think those videos testing Kerbal Spaced Program with sp4 and sp3 are bad? What is one of the game modes the author is wanting to play online? In what area is Sonya looking for work? Which state is the author living in? Which type of app is currently used to send messages through Siri? What devices has the author previously gamed on? How do the modules need to teach? Which party focuses more on problems in the society? What artists will the new album feature? What will guide you during the finally setting up of the device? What game is the author seeking advice on? How much did they spend? How much oregano goes into a recipe of Chicken Cacciatore? When does the pursuit take place? What are the second two class options the author is considering? What did they dream about around midnight? Why do US have a clear advantage? Who sent him an IM? what rankings mean something now? What does the rewards program use to make purchases? What did the writer earn last January? Why were they interested in a possible scientific explanation for the dream? What is the 12th season of survivor called? What happed to the beekeeper's hive? The poster's "live" expired, what do they need someone to send them? What problem is the author having? What do the flaws regarding the authentication requests allow? what units was the player concerned with in respect to game balance? What is the price point mentioned in this post? What does the speaker think there is a lack of understanding about? What did they just buy? What is the writer's source? Does the friend have a Mac or PC? What is the game usually played with? A woman is making what sound? What is their character type? What pictures did the person telling this story take? Why did they choose those particular character types? What brands are being phased out? how many rounds in the tourney Is fluoride dangerous? When was phase one complete? What kind of library does this person have? What is the poster's goal? Where is the NPO group planning to volunteer? How many does it take for a league? When driving, what is the pedometer registering? How does this person want to use their computer as? What was this person hoping a recaptcha would filter out? A small group in this game might be called what? What kind of vibe did the description of Kingdom Hearts give off to you? Who wrote Against heaven? What is he playing later today? What can you use to store the burrito? What is the author's current system rated in bits? What leanings have I had lately? Who is Sciguymjm guilty against? Where is substantial regulation found? What is in the plastic cup? Will the Swiss relinquish control if they say no? How should Drew be contacted if interested in learning more about the program? What are they having trouble placing? What is the first question? When is the issue most prominent? What year is the letter for? How many times has he tripped? what monitor setup does the user have? When did this person last visit the store they are looking for? What percent discount did the user receive on the game? The author is wondering if the skill learning will make them what? What is the authors current cycle? Where did the author look for answers on social media? What was xXParkboboXx's first chose in usernames? How does the author feel about the forum site as time goes by? What time will the meet up be? what is the name of the event? what innovation he was doing in garage for winter When did she change her sensitivity What is the author visiting? What was needed to be entered in order to access the DLC map? Why is there an error on the phone? What leader-boards do they believe need to go? What is my degree When was their birthday? What are they looking for? what is shown on the players hover menu? What does the author want to make themselves as? Who do they feel puts alot of emotion intheir character? Where are all of the validations? Where did it fall? Where can various Pueblos be found? This iteration of Inkstorm is the last one before what begins? How long will it take them to reach the Manistee River trail? What was the flavor of the beer after aging? What results did they expect to achieve by this point? What is their profession? How many days are they wanting to stay? What type of animation do they want to add to the emblem? Who sent a scarf? What team do the kings play against in February? How often does the author's aunt send? After staying at the hostel, where are they planning to go the next day? What confuses the poster? Are they paid extra for working on holidays? What happened when I tried to configure the controls for this game? Where does the first scene of the demo take place? What was the prototype's engine originally designed for? What wouldn't fall out of the camera? What is this person's budget for their computer? In what campaign did he play a monk/druid? what rank do they posses after logging in last night? What is estimated to take much longer than anticipated? What does the author want to buy for the Board Game Club? Which colors aren't acceptable to wear as white belt? How large was the update? What is the chalk used to mark? what color should the LED actually be? What broke after two days? What is the author looking to gain information on? What kind of feel does this person wan't to get from the film? When did the author go to a local library and checked out a book? what is being brought from there apartment? What is the common individual registration for men's indoor soccer leagues? What firearm is the author asking about? What subject are they specifically looking at online in MS programs? What is the goal of working out extra hard? What is their question? How much RAM do they have? Which authors of Daredevil are recommended for action? How much will it cost the author for the 2 weeks in Europe? What does the user want to know works with the wireless adapter? What kind of binge has the author been on lately? Which event number was just eliminated from the contest? How many days of free time will the author have? What is the first steps for setting up MFR Planter with ME interface? What should users have handy? What can the authors zoom into? Who does this person want to intervene? What was the author surprised by? Does the student have scene shop experience? What distance does the person prefer to run? What is the issue with the server? What does the author need help with? What move failed to damage his opponent when fighting? What is user unable to see? What used gun do I plan to buy? What method of payment was sent incorrectly? How much was paid for the Kar98k? What type of device was making loud sounds? What does the random Black Mage bring? What did the speaker think would be neat? Where did the author get a quote for a photo booth? What two types of characters is the commenter deciding between? Which atom bomb took less time to build? Where does this person live? What level in arena is required to join the rising guild? What have they read? Who will be putting on a month long exhibit? What version of Chrome is being used? What four cities are being visited by this person? What is the name of the being that fans are critical of? The author thinks that what is cool? What gaming console has been collecting dust for years now? What is the author asking for? When did the neighborhood lose power? What kind of music did more than one party like? Which video was too long for the author? The creator of this mod also made an expansion for what other game in this series? What swimwear store is recommended? Who is the authors alternate? Who is the author worried about? how much does the writer need to pay their bills? What day is this broadcast? What time zone is this person in? how did the bone get broken? what should volunteers have ready to link? What month is the events thread for? What are people digging for? When was this posted? What do I need? Who is getting a phone? What is the disagreement over the name Elliot(t)? Did you terminate the program with task manager? There is a limited time remaining to register for what game? What instrument do they play? What does the speaker consider more advanced than changing the color? What no longer is operating? When was the first streaming marathon held? What position are they referring to that may affect performance? What solution was attempted to resolve the decreased performance? What does the error message tell the author to do to continue? what did he found on youtube? How long ago did they move here? When will the office staff be in? What game is this debate about? who created Skipjack? What should you download? What was recently reworked with the Aatrox character? When does Winter Ryegrass die out? What is the author complaining about having poor battery life? What did the inquirer try doing with their tv? Was there a winner in this contest? If so, who was it? The second 6 star mastery game for me is? What group of people does she pose her tax question to? What sea king episode was watched? How many did he play in? What is the crust of the self serve rolls like? What scene does he have a question about? What must be the picture be of in the contest rules? a type of format for building a team? Where are the people installing NBN during the second quarter of 2016? What did the user didn't load in two days? whose house was the writer at when his mic was working last? In the author's example transaction what is the approximate profit? What hasn't the poster received that is causing the poster concern? What power source might Gen IV reactors have? Is using the Crest mouthwash a new addition to the author? Where are we to go for fashion help? What started to break on Bailey Van Der Veen? The author proposes that Bloody Crow of Cainhurst should only be available to fight after completing which quest-line? What was the issue causing slow speeds? Where did they place the port tube? What cars exterior looks great, but interior is dated? what does the student want? When is their 1st trip to Whistler? In which grade is the writer from? The store model this person is interested in takes in about how much money in dollars? What number anniversary is it? What did Kylo Ren say? Why does the author want to wait. On what day did the poster open their bottle of Monks Stout Dupont beer? Where do they live? How can you grow your business? Who was the free Indigo Dying offered to? Where are they competing? What are the two phones choices did the buyers narrow down to? What question is the speaker wanting to answer? Which unit was already sold? What sources will be used for this compilation? how much of Generation Hope was read? What kind of group are they looking for? What is force acting on the crate? What kind of question is it? What topic is of interest to the author? What kind of advice is the poster requesting? What kind of painter is this person? what is the goal of the problem they are solving? What model of SSD does he own? Did the team split up? how many posts a day are seen about taking action? What should players be allowed to customize color-wise? How long has Samuel been participating competitively? What mode does the first adapter run in? Of what does the person not have too often? Which year did the author deposit money into their Roth IRA? The 970 has a higher clock-speed and what else? what is their current level? What is the purpose of the quest? What item(s) did the buyer purchase that they are currently having issues with? What did they do to the headphones? What is the steam group name? Where are they located? What website will help you find IEMs? What is the main pipe being offered for sale in the post? How much money are they looking to spend? Mauvais Genre is by who? How much debt does the author say they have? What is the benefit of playing with a soft ball? What is the tag for game you have you are willing to trade? Is the condo complex big or small? What other remedies has the speaker tried? What did the person find that helped? What's one of the reasons that he did not take college courses? What is it the writer is trying to accomplish? What does the author want to do with acquired 3d movies? In what sort of building was the video taken in? What was the filler essentially? How will the poster provide more info? What, specifically, is this person looking for, in terms of this movie? What primary character does the commenter have? Who deleted this comment? How does this person describe their undergrad GPA? how much weight cant the writer bench press? What is the posters ultimate goal? How deep can you scuba dive currently? What was WW ranked at? What is one of the commodities that can generate 1500+ cr profit per transaction? Did the author accept the update? What will be appreciated again? What does gaming represent to the author? What type of check is the author doing? Who's guitar was it? What happens in Apocalypse Rising? What do they want to upgrade their video card to? What cannot have two instances at the same time? What is the issue with the fans? What did the author think you could pick up while playing? Where am I playing Dying Light? What is the user afraid has happened? What icon displays while playing a game? what he used for making the frame for the switch? What does the user want to know works with the controller? What type of advice are they asking for? Who is protective about their characters? Who should the community consult? What country was the posters friend in? Why is the player looking for a Silver+ Top laner? Which level of courses can have that expectation? What subreddit did this post get ignored in? Where can you find armor that you don't have? What year did Wrestlemania 32 take place? What game has the writer been playing? How long has the RDA been used? What scene is the poster looking for? What weapon has the poster been using, perhaps unfairly, in the Iron Banner?` What is an example of boot misbehavior? Where is reward information in the spreadsheet? What score is this persom thinking of giving the film, they want to do a review on? What is being described as thought of as possible outdated? What kind of ban should be imposed if caught cheating, according the gamer? What do they want to ask if they are good? When are the headaches not as bad? Who has been boxing in the poster when they spawn in a server? Which app is the narrator having difficulties with? why is the baby's schedule thrown off? The author wants to do what with other players of the game? What are they doing with an Airizer Air? What part on the bike is needed to be changed the most? What does this person want help presenting? What style did the user used to play? what does his friend watch now ? Which program only lets the host interact with rigidbody objects? What time of day does this person play? How many students are on the project? Is their a high supply for Frankfurt items? How much Fallout 4 data has the gamer lost? What must you be to be considered by FUITA? Why is he concerrned about getting a SysAdmin job? How much is the writer's cabin worth? Which baseball team do they mention being unefeated? What does ectothermic mean when referred to animals? Is this person an experienced editor? how many packs will be opened? What kind of hill occurs in the dream? What was Ronaldo's goals per game in 2014? What mod is the WCUF TS2 similar to according to the gamer? When was the last time they had jet lag? how did the user get windows 10? What is their personal project rooted in? Where did they get one save? How much time has the player been able to put into the game? What didn't function all the time as far as running? how many original concepts is the writer offering with the logo? What level is their male character? What is harder to find now? What problem were you having with your computer? What day did was their drain removed? What are they asking for? What is the person's budget for the PC? What item does they want to buy? What kind of keys is the buyer looking for? What issues are they having? What type of sound system does the roommate own? What do they want to do once the Patch goes live in 2.4? Which semester is he currently on? For how long has the poster been playing? What is the topic of this post? How experienced is the player? Who would have better mobility with a wing, as compared to a BCD? Can you enter the contest two or more times per person? What is the authors concern could stop them from joining? What weapon did they find very useful? What type of ventures the author is doing this year? How many surgeries was done on the person's knee? What item creaked due to the morning cold? What does the writer assume that the tv is equipped with? What is the name of the executive file? What movie will be screened at the party? What adapter came with the Pi? What kind of video did the poster create? What have they ran before? What expensive item is the person trying to avoid purchasing? does the player think its a new idea? What will the poster need to do after researching relevant online articles? What do they recommend to help anxiety? What model year is the posters motorcycle from? Which entity offsets most of their additional deduction? What was the last week spent doing? What family custom is discussed? They asked about the quality of what show? How big is the data on the server Who was betrayed by the investigators in the Avery case? What is the author having trouble installing? What is Ghost's demeanor? What does it mean if the pH hasn't changed? How much snow was on the ground? Do they understand the builds of the game? What is there highschool marks? what can't the user fit in the newer case? What is the player currently using as a handbrake? When will further details about the games be announced? what does the writer need to know about the server to join it? What is the writer's new GPU? Whats a reason the videos such a great resource? What is the user hoping to find that will translate vocals to notes? Where does the author already have a checking account? Who can you leave feedback for? What did Infamous win? Who makes a normal salary? What items make up their Keroro Gunso collection? How many make it through the legitimacy check? Who is an active member of Taylors girl squad Around what time are they hoping to travel? How did you come to be able to join the new forums? The author has the latest of which version of the app? This person is interested in what type of exercises? What device is being used in this paragraph ? What is the authors gamer tag? Was the salesman helpful? How many pipes does the seller own? What kind of image is the writer requesting? what country are they looking for the organization in? What program did the online reccommened to use? At what round did the author observe the odd AI behavior? Why is this article for good people learning Javascript? Who did the player hope to get answers from? What program did the author not find helpful? What is the operating system the user has? What figure did they recently purchase? Where did they book a hotel? What disease did the fish have? When did the writer originally want to move? What is the poster concerned with? Which world war had the axis at the start? What control panel is not opening? When is the hotel booked for? What rifle is mentioned by the author as being affected by aim assist issues? What is the title of the game? Who is addressing this occasion? What isn't in working order? Did the mom if thier bed time was too early Where are the friends and the author meeting? Are the cages next to each other? What aspect of the Inquisitor character does the commenter want to restore? What does the new app do? What did the interviewer offer to doctor? Why couldn't the user remap the buttons? What types of music does the author not like as much as others? After turning on the computer and getting onto the internet what did Tom do? Which animation studio do they mention? What are the good for? What does the project start wizard not give? Who are they looking for to look over commentated arena? What should someone send to an officer in GW2 if they want an invite? What tier should the new commanders be if there looking to work together? I've seen a lot of INT based do what? What kind of clay is this person looking for in their search for tea pots? What year did the break up take place? What year did the SummerSlam classic with Kurt Angle take place? What was purchased to help? Would it solve some PvE issues? What is the abbreviation for Frames Per Second? what's the name of this "Thread"? What does the author have runes of? What quality can be used to qualify tribalpedia? How much time must pass before profits are paid out after their rental contract expires? Which three venues featured the show "Gandhi is that you?" What quest did they just started? What is their base of operations? What is required to avoid a trade waiting period? Which message apps were mentioned in the paragraph? After access is denied, what happens when the gamer logs back in? What are they not entirely up to speed with? What format of information would they like? What does meet cute mean? On what quality are the games being compared? What was the person wanting to trade? When were the stocks moved to (SABHA) ? What is the other name that is being considered? What did the dad find? What size bets would the author want to make? What does the poster have? Which episode of volume 3 is this rewatch skipping? What new position does the author have at work? What type of game is played on kik? Have they looked into this themselves? What type of advice are they looking for? What country is offering a great price? What was the author not expecting? Who has the Polestar V60 in stock? What month did they contact the school back? What posts annoy the commenter? What operating systems does the adapter support? How big was the population of the game? Where is she getting a degree from? What is this person's goal in life? How many incoming offers did the user have before he had this problem? What is the date for this pact supply? What does the computer do? Is the commenter certain of Steven's innocence? What threat would the party cause? What must top-level comments be Is there something wrong with the way I look? What game was being played? Who was the #1 player? What does the user absolutely love? Where was everyone sleeping? How many hours per week will the writer be working? What did the person use to check his exercise? Mettaton's idea was to get what? What does the author not want to game on? Where is the player that knows what they are doing? Where did the author look for help already in addition to the sub's front page? What did the author lose interest in? Which perspective does this person study theology from? Which character has one sword? What does the author have less patience for? What is the writer asking to do about the Blitzen Incident? where would he welcome other suggestions from? Is their current formation working? How long has this person been watching Gintama? All models start in the same options in 2015 and what year? What are they looking for recommendations on? What is the color of our 5 piece Victorian cruet set? What did the writer use to clean their iPhone with? What tier does his eugene level have? what type of controller does the writer use? Who created the video? what is the name of the squad? What is your primary issue with the Mayport 4 port adapter? What inspired the buyer to consider buying the OnePlus X? How many people are in the group's Facebook group? What is the name of the zombies map in question that that cannot be found? How is the authors character setup? What lead the author to the Hitman game? What trophy was earned? Where will the poster be until end of March? What was the error message in version 6.0? What is the 20 year old looking for? What countries declared war? Where does this person live? What building is next to Polk Street and Market? What body part is now too fat? What is the the writer doing in this paragraph? What do the people in the subreddit recommend as a starting point for drip machines? what type of device is the post about? which year is the thread from? Overall, what does the poster think has happened to things because of technology compared to the last decade? The poster advises readers to send their resumes through what? What is found after the "Hash" line? They advise not looking at what? What does the author want to do? A big problem with the archetype is what? What level is the person with the male character? how many EX bars does the writer think would be interesting for players to start with? How long was it before the string broke? If the box is marked up or damaged what happens to the collectibles? What is described as lighter than air? Why is the author selling the belt? Who asked her on a date? Which one is the apprentice level of this user in trading? They might as well start what? What game does the writer play the most? What subscription does this person have? What personal devices of internet access does the poster have? What kind of Theater System did the author receive? How do Cerberus Assault members communicate with each other? What is the Twitch streamer's name? How long are they going to attempt to stream for? How old is the commentator? What were some of the team members names? One can do what in regard to spots on the described game? What platforms do I use? What will the poster be hunting for this season? Between what times in the film is the writer interested? What kind of video card do you have? Is the author confident he/she found the issue? What has never happen to one of the poster's videos before? What build type does he compare his build to? What type of account does the bot require you to have? The author doesn't know if their learned material is what? What was too big for the fan to fit? What kind of game is Chronicles of Elyria? When with the author be changing residences? What program can unblock your xbox by changing your IP address? Where did this person have a tumor removed? What feature would the speaker like access to? How old are they now? What type of link did the author recently come upon? What does the story hearken? What did the sidetrack conversation include? What injury does Edelman have? The suggestion for draft pick roles is for what selection? what console is the person who wrote this post playing the game? which music video has the speaker loved? What is the maximum output from the solar panels? How will people get selected for specific teams? What kind of television does the narrator have? What day was this comment posted? Who is the guy in charge of the Solo League? What position are they trying to obtain? What is the debate? How long did it took me to play Epic boss fight? Where did the narrator see that they're still being charged for the service? Where can you place a smart folder? What is the second question? What did they decide to watch instead? How can you avoid the disease? Who confiscates fake licenses? Which type of tablet is the poster using? What stage of education am I at? The author describes the possibilities as what with VR? What do you do with the rocks once the process is complete? What is the annual percentage rate on their first card? Who drains Joseph Joestar's blood? How much does the letter say he owes? How did the film seem? What fields have they worked in? How did the Sephora rep treat the poster on the phone? What kind of flight controller do they want to use? Who's brain does the rabbit control? Where is the router located? Where does this person want to move to? Have they always been competitive? People who signed up to the what was given the free gift? Who were they eaten by? Where can we go to find armor? What style of photography does the target artist use? How much will updates to the house cost? What fell into his lap after trundling about? What was the player wondering? What is broken? What version is the biggest update of all time? What is the father look to change? How interested is the author in any ideas of where this card came from? what is the list going to consist of What is the name of the movie? Did she fall for any traps? What do you call the added downloads that are unnecessary? What do I want it to be more capable of doing? What did Machi do when Killua tried to fingerclaw her? What is he studying? Where did this person get the idea that resting the toypad on the console was okay? Why did tinder ask for a mobile number confirmation? Who does the author steal the wii U from? With how much did the user start? Which feature is the author searching for on personal finance apps? How long did the neighborhood lose power? is he running other debugger? What site is giving the user difficulty in posting? Because they also had cats, what would have happened if the person telling the story had let the neighbor's cat in? Why is the player seeking a group? What does their second line have in it? when does challenge week 8 start? Who does this person want help from? What did the author upgrade to make master runes? What is their budget? How do you cook the rice? What did the poster have a few of? What does the student currently have access to? Where can you go to help out? What town is the writer from? What app is the writer using for viewing the pictures? How was the energy company given the address? Where do the people that join the U.K. Pub Company work and live? What abbreviation is used near the end of the sentense for the entry saga to the planetouched wilds? What is Haruna? What kind of lounge can you get by yourself? How is the person multi-lingually talented country-wise? The author identifies his or herself as having what level of expertise? Why does the author think a lot of people will downvote this post? What must be preserved to validate the use of advanced tools and detection techniques? What happened after the queen became imprisoned? Who are Natsu's rivals? What is the authors main issue? what book are the writers doing a full read of? What subreddit did they not understand? How long ago did the author start mTurk? On which website has this request being posted? How did the tech say the signals were at the home? Where is their new job? How many searches on YouTube for the phrase "breaking bricks"? What might be true identity of Jane? What is his ethnicity What does the poster looking to do? What are the background applications mentioned by the poster? Why was this post made? Who is Lucky Yates? How long did the computer run till it crashed? What level is the writer at? What is the writers main source of income? What did the poster put away after a few games? Which one is the choice that looks better? The author is wondering if there are subscription boxes out there with what features? The user is looking to get advice on how to better do what? For long did the pattern of being the top ranked player in the game last? What got modeled? How long does the headaches last? What mission is the poster having trouble with? What can't they choose between? Prior to 1860, the cities of Savoy and Nice belonged to which kingdom? Where would the narrator like to put the sonic wall? Is the author interested in acquiring a laptop? Who is his/her follower? How far is the drive? Which problem has been identified with the modem? Kozilek is where? How much was the item when first purchased? Is the community a substitution for medical professionals? Where do Webinars rank among marketing tactics? What is the name of the item for sale in the post? What will the winner be in? Are they playing single player or co-op? What is the main topic of this post? What are the three 3D platformers mentioned by the posters? In which states does Sonya hold a licence to be an Esthetician? The items have been what? What does he thank them for? When will the final date be posted? What type of problem is the author struggling with? What will the store do to the phone to bring it back to its original state one returned? What is the author asking for with his post? What could not be replicated? What percentage increase do you get for a perfect 3 star attack? What is the other type of exam in addition to the theorie one? Is Cheryl younger than Larry? What is not included in the validations? What catastrophe almost befell the poster whilst they were charging? if you press and hold on the components what comes up? People who signed up to the what was given the free gift? what brand of car does the writer have? What is the first question the person asked? What has the writer played twice? What is the speaker hoping for? Which British actors were mentioned who actually perform with American accents? What game is giving the error? What is the highest frame variance the user has seen? What incentives have been given to be a support? What schools can I apply for? what is the name of the story this is an excerpt from? Why was a emergency HOA meeting was called? Who wrote this comment? What do they currently own? When did they get married? What were the pictures of? What did the teams have going for them? What occurred several months ago? What is the poster's gamertag? What is acceptable to wear as white belt? What is the name of the service used to list the parts? What type of place is the author looking for that might have the information they seek already laid out? How tall is the author of the post? What missions are too hard? Which card would require a more powerful pc? how many forums has the user written in? How does the game feel now? What did the author recently flash? When will the author resume their challenge? What does the motor go to? Who can Interrupt Darius? What has the person run out of? What has been added to the En Masse website? What attribute would a mini map allow tracking? How has NL's voice gotten worse? Why did they want to get rid of them? What deck does Trump often play? What version of windows does the writer want to know about? What game has the author's boyfriend been trying to play? Where has the person been for the past 45 minutes? What is the actual degree this person wants to get? what is not helpful? What rpm does the car drop to when stalling? What kind of games does the gamer play? What happened to the author in August? what team is the writer a fan of? What to do if you want to discuss a sensitive topic? What is the last question? What application are they using? How do you contact this person? What song's lyrics are displayed? Which question is the author referring to? Who won the Glenfiddich? Do the male chinchillas fight? Who is criticized? What type of sporting event is it played at? One reason to NOT react angrily to someone being annoying is to avoid what? What are they not super passionate about? How does part of the song go? What phone did he/she use? What kind of poker player is being interviewed? What do you include? How would you avoid eating fast food for the elderly? Which nationalities standards is the writer saying would change the current calendar? what does the writer believe is always on and preventing the phone from dozing? How many on going series does Saudi Knight have on his youtube channel? Which browser is problematic for the user? What type of hand cleaner are they using? What does the speaker need help with? where do they want a growler from? What class is better than others? When will the event occur? Is fluoride in drinking water safe to consume? What type of credit card was this person applying for? What holiday time does this posting suggest is recent? For how many episodes has the audio quality been diminishing? How many runs are being done? Which towers does is the guild interested in attacking? What was he trying to get at first? Which list have they tested? What does the author normally fold to? Where are the solution to this problem? Which output is not working? The user has had how many successful smokes in the past? At which location did they see this character? What is this person inviting the reader to rewatch? What variety of games did they play? The writer claims that without Hinduism, Indian mentality is left with what? Whats a sign that the ARG hasn't been solved? What does Blizzard Support provide through their Twitter? What kind of figure did this person buy? What is the writer looking for? how many days until Iowa? When does the gym membership run out? What project is used for rebuilding the chevy 350? What is the author wondering about crossroads trading? How does he prefer his outgoing emails to send? How is the person asking someone to elabotate? What city are they looking for salary information on? What was needed to get the Apple llc outputting to a modern LCD panel? Why did he fail to deliver the video on time? What does this person need advice on? What is going alongside an email address? What did they decide to name their fish? What is the person trying to accomplish for their fitness journey? How many anti flexion exercise do I suggest? what is the name of the story this is from? What is Windows 10 being upgraded from? What is the name of the platoon the poster created? How tall is this person? Do kids who play Triforce Heroes enjoy sending messages? What was wanting to be reduced? What is the writer wearing? When will the author fly to Bangkok? how old is the writers baby? Where can we find the "additionally, in the half-life 2 modification Dystopia"? What currency is the budget in? What advice was given to them on the sub reddit? Why does the author want to have a contest? What does the poster think the series is going to be ended with? What is the main question that the author wants to know? Where, physically, could this person not use their item? How much money are they looking to spend? What was the main color used on the mystery site? How often will the game be played? What kind of sound did the squirrel make? How is the taste of hot cocoa when frozen? What does the author want to write? When did they start playing World of Tanks? When did the 6P come out? did uninstalling the antivirus software help? what position is Gold II looking for? Who wrote The Real Story of What Happens to America? When do the monitors not sound the best? Who left reddit? Where does the writer live? what build of character is the writer going for? What is the presentation for? What does the user do after muting their physical microphone? What does she appreciate? What is provided through the author's university? which game did they both played alot of? What website does the author not want the credentials uploaded to? Where is the application continuing to show up despite the individual's attempts to delete it? Is the writer disabled? What does the film capitalize on? What did they check to make sure everything working? What is the best solution for using a USB hub? What is the author wondering about crossroads trading? When are they going hiking? Is the gun dirty? "Where is the Holy Grail?" is a documentary on which channel? The 980ti is thought to be what? The author describes that their is how much explanation on the subject? What does the author think the plausible option because of the increase in price? What issue is this person having concerning inventory stock for teapots on the web? What temperature had the poster's phone reached when they found it? Why doesn't the author have reservations about going out? What medical condition does the woman have? What recipe did the reviewer use to practice canning with this product? What type of batteries does this product use? How does the reviewer feel anyone would feel about having this scraper in their kitchen? What location in the reviewers home is the furniture kept? What does the pan hold and distribute well? What do the measuring cups not do? What part of the product makes some noise while it is turned all the way up? What length does the buyer claim the strap is? What is the volume level is this vacuum? Where did the user try using it? How many colors are included how much you rate for the product? As it turns out, why did others also by these two bowls? What types of meat were causing problems while slicing? When should the cork be thrown away? What is my suggestions for the storage towers? Are attachments available? What was not taken into consideration when purchasing? What knives don't seem to hold as well in the holder? was the knife purchase a good or bad value? When did they get the item? What's the recommended minimum amount of rice to cook in the 10 cup model? Where did they order the item from? What feature did the consumer miss having on this item? After how many years the reviewer updated her review? What vacuum brand did they buy? How long has the item been owned? In what year was the second mattress purchased? Where can the humidifier sit in a hotel? What kind of dwelling is it? What is being reviewed? Where did they buy the bread machine? What holds the bags to the trash can? What do the knives come in? When was the review updated? How long was the water in the hot car? What does the writer notice about the battery compartment of the opener? What would have been nice to have? The stream press made the shirts look like they came from where? How much juice was lost using OXO slicer? What does it hold more of? What part of the assembly did the reviewer struggle with briefly? The customer states that the vacuum does not need charging for how many minutes? What's the pot's bottom described as? Where is the Hoover made? How is the pricing of the Mavea filter? What else did the speaker to go along with the salt grinder? How does the reviewer describe the instructions? how does it perform? What was wrong with the pan when he first got it? Should I get a smaller model? What's one downside? What kind of inserts do the bags have? How is the alarm described as? how many pans has the author bought How many quarts does it hold? What is my favorite mug? what size pot is included in this set? How many pets does the author have? Where did the person order a prior gasket from that was thinner than expected? What does the french have included with it? What aspect of covers does the teen son dislike? What does the poster do while juicing? How are the towels? Did they order a second set? How do you have to store the eggs in this container? What filters do we highly recommend for the coffee maker? how good does it look? What does the pan excel with as stated by the reviewer? What source of information that is included with the product should not be relied upon? Is the groove suitable to perfectly cook bacon? Being that it is plastic it the beater as strong as the metal beaters? What did the reviewer purchase? What is one drawback to the stackable cooling racks? What material did Pyrex and Anchor Hocking stop using? Is this a glass or plastic blender? What item does the reviewer want to be sucked up better? How did the skinny people who sat in the chair describe it? Where does the leak end up between? How long has the writer been using the old kitchen ceiling fan? Is the set of high quality? What seems to be higher in their area? What is the lever? is it considered a traveling tumbler? What does the writer say is nice about the product? What makes the item easy to clean? What did they find on sale? Who does the writer not want to depend upon? were the sheets soft or hard? How many cubes did the other purchase? What type of fruit can this blender handle? Why didn't they buy one? What type of food was made? What day was the queen size bed ordered? What do both mattresses do? According to the reviewer , what can be a bit of a surprise if you are not careful? What can their next topic of conversation be now? What size are the portions when using these containers? How long have they been using this product? According to the reviewer, is the more expensive keurig better than the less expensive one? Why don't these sheets pop off the bed? What became stronger? What is nice about the perforated loaf pan? What brand of kettle does the author prefer? How long does the product stretch the life of the wine? What did the author say about the size of the mats? What did they previously use that was more expensive? What could be ruined if not careful with rejoining the two pieces? How many times did I use the pad? What did the author replace in order to try to get the product to work? What size is the grinder? Which item is the poster impressed with? How frequently does the reviewer consume yogurt? Which of the mitts is in almost pristine condition? What is wrong with their pitcher? What is the height of the product? What did the waffles we made taste outside? how the juicer looks like? Where did the reviewer find the 10" knife holder? Is it silent? For Thanksgiving what was the only think not cooked in a slow cooker? How much did the full size bed cost? Does the reviewer believe that she got value for the product? Where is the it kept? what size is this toaster compared to how it was advertised? What did this person buy? Are the cages flimsy? What happened a day after using the Swiffer? What are a couple good things about this product? What brand of knives did the reviewer buy the knife holder for? How many cups of coffee can this coffee maker make at once? What information is stamped on the bottom? What's the purpose of the space bag? How many vanes did the writer fix? What else can you peel besides apples? What are the fan blades made of? What color are the light of the device that are to bright? How does the author describe their vacuum? Which kitchen tool is a little stiff? Why did you buy this model of tv mount? Do not put the pads in the dryer because what might happen? What fresh produce did the user seal before they went limp and squishy? What color is the cooktop base? How old is the Cuisinart? how long does it take to dry the comforter What did the author purchase? How often do they vacuum? How much was paid for the knife? What part breaks Who was the product bought for? What did the author use to treat the product? How is the cleaning? What must the reviewer do because of these deficiencies? What does the writer say about clean up? What grade of silicone is used for the spoon? What is the tip coated in? A definite must-have for who? What did I bought? What is one feature considered to be great? Who ended up finishing putting the tv stand together the next day? Which model of product does the reviewer use? Where was the insulation damaged, possibly due to arcing? Is the stand child safe? What did this person buy? What does the pan look good on? How is the scale? What can you put in the toaster? What didn't happen despite the cupcakes being cooked? how you know about the working process of the product? How does the writer describe the look of the coffee maker? What is the best thing about this pie slicer? How does the speaker feel about the price? What is the limitation of the new mug? How many cups does the water dispenser hold? How long does it take a glass of water to settle? what does the author think is a product you just can't really improve on What is the reviewer's issue with the smaller tongs? What does the person advise against leaving in the pan during cooking? Why does the poster still like it, regardless of taste? How long have I been drinking pu-erh tea? How much pork shoulder is used in this recipe? What are they going to do? How much can the ExcelSteel hold? What test did they do with them? What can be done if the two piece feature is undesirable? What color are the wooden dowels? What does the curtain not have What is the item? What is wrong with the coating? what is the condition? What shape is the item? What is the main reason that the reviewer does not like the product? What works best for grout? what is the persons favorite type of coffee? Which tea device is easier to clean if you let the leaves/grind dry out before removal? Uprights are really only good for what? Some other blenders make little noise, so they are good for using during what time of day? What did the reviewer return several of? What heats coffee quickly? What is the noise level of the filter? What item is the person reviewing? What does the author use the racks in? What was the purchased based on? What brand of pots and pans did the writer's wife buy? Why was the office not happy? What was the decanter doing that people didn't like? What kind of animal does the vacuum work well for? how much bottled water has this pitcher replaced? Where is the trash can in the kitchen? How does the reviewer feel about the product? How does this person use the toaster oven? What word does the author use to describe the dehumidifier? how many pieces are in the set the writer bought? Is the image accurate for space? How did this person transport the vacuum? What will be hard to do if you like to drain your foods? What color was the mixer? What is the operating volume of this heater? Will the replacement filter from other brands work for this system? where was the measurement mark on the cups before it was washed off? What is important for the towel? How old are the products that the user owns? How many times did they have to go to the store? How much is the santoku knife? How can the new knives be washed? What is short on this item? what is the build quality of the product? What does some complain about the egg timer? What kind of blend does reviewer use the product for? What happened to the arm of the tp holder? What would happen if the cup fell on your foot? Which setting is quiet? What kind of cooking appliance was also purchased? What was a small problem the reviewer had with the problem? Why wouldn't the reviewer put sugar or flour in the product? How much does the Staffordshire Terrier weigh? What other negative experience has this user had with the product? how its works? Why is the writer indecisive about whether to buy a new kitchen fan or not? Which product is better according to the reviewer? What part worked well enough? How do the sheets feel? What was the reviewer's first problem with the iron? What does the on/off switch help? In what water temperature should the product be washed? If you hold the shakers upside down what will you get a lot of? What does the product not work good for? How long have they used the coffee maker? Does this fit in the standard sink? How many mugs without a handle did they buy? what product is the writer reviewing? How many pieces are the spatulas themselves? How much less are the electric bills compared to before? What are the glasses good for? what characteristics describe the bodum? How heavy is it? What setting does this kettle have? What do they like to do while eating dinner? Even natural cleaners like vinegar can leave the floor looking what? What kind of set did the reviewer get? What does it make great? What will happen if you are continuously exposed to melamine? What has rusted badly? How many 4-place dinner settings are in the organizer? What are the fan parts made of? how much did the product cost? Why shouldn't you use this product? what materiel lids are kept as an alternative? The customers new infuser is made from what? What city were the gift recipients going to? Does the item protect silverware? What are needed to install the system properly? What is soft and cool to the touch? What is the color of the filters they always use? What do I suggest to use for making several cups of coffee at a time? Can you change the angle? What are the containers made of? what is the one flaw of this spoon? How big of a family does the author recommend the set of pots for? what is the reviewer's favorite aspect of the product? How many times have they purchased this product? What does the author say about refilling the shakers? How long before the Reviewer began having problems with the product? How long has the person been using this item? What type of burners are these covers made for? What brand iron was priced great and was a brand that is favored? What color do similar products turn? the writer owns what size of chef's knife? What happens when the clove comes out of the tube? What was used to secure the carrot? How did it come out? Where can the writer refill cylinders? What is the product's main use for this customer? What kind of arm does the product have? Where did they store the vacuum? What was the original product rating? What did she want for Christmas? How are the steam vents? Is the head level higher or lower of this pan's handles compared to other pots? What did the reviewer not know existed? What is going into the return vents? What kind of creams have worked out? What did I buy to clean my B60? What does it not have? What does this screen fit? How are mason jars described? How hot does it get? Why does the writer strain their oil? What size items will he pick up with the tongs? What happens in the office during the summer Are there any sounds when you lay on the bed? Does it accurately weigh you? What kind of floors does this vacuum work on? Can anything slip off of it? Why is it difficult to fill in-sink soap dispensers? What are large meals cooked for? What did I buy? What is the main problem with the product? What is the second benefit the reviewer mentions? The customer praises this vacuum for having lots of what? What is the bottle made of? What didn't I use? What is the writer's recommendation about the new mug? What does the user love? How soon after making popcorn in the Nordic Ware bowl is it being put into a different container? How many did they order? What type of product is described? Which room of the house is the set designed for? What do they use to keep the bag on the product? The author knew what was going to be tight when going off to college? What is the quality of the construction? What is the name of the company that manufactured the Green Earth Wok? In what direction does one operate the peeler? What promise did the purchaser break? What concern does the consumer have about the frame? Why did they buy the product? Who did the reviewer by the crockpot from? How has yogurt been made in the past? What product is this? Where is the Benriner made? Overall, how does the reviewer feel about the product? Where does the person use this mat? What might be difficult to manage? What aspect of the product is hit or miss? What was the rating for the product by this review? Where has Oxo branched off too? What space has little storage? How much did the product cost the author? How many order did they make of each? What do they recommend to use with the duvet insert? It is safe to put these inside a what? How many of the product has the user broken? how much more expensive are enclume racks? What size are the mugs the person bought? Why does the bathroom need organizers? Where do you put the eggs to poach them? What was wrong with the grind size? Why did I purchase this steam mop? What type of product did the person buy? When is the travel mug mostly used? What are the pillows made of? How are the sidewalks of the glass? Why was the product bought? What are the reviews like for this product? How many ounces does the handy size hold? What type of product is this? What is the product that they purchased? Does it use hand pumping? How hot can you wash it in without damaging it? How is the mandolin easily cleaned? Which material was the handle of the knife made out of? What part of the processor is a bit odd that the requester stated? What is the basic function of the product? How long does the author hope the mattress will last? What word did they use to describe how well it is made? where in the dishwasher does the user recommend placing the glasses? What is important? How long did the coffee stay hot in the thermos? What product is the writer reviewing? What does the product have that allows it to easily move? What did this person buy? How long ago did the reviewer buy this pan? what item is the writer reviewing? Would a stove be more or less efficient than using this oven? How does the crusher work? How long does a charge last? Where are the tags for this product located? How many quarts is the bowl? When did their opinion of this product change? What number was the tested tap water? Does the hold attach to any wall? What did the writer do in response to the circuit flipping? Where did the author purchase the item? What is the cost of the dehumidifier? How long does it take to heat the bedroom up to 80 degrees? What item was suggested by Cooks Illustrated? What could you make with the OXO product that would be fun? What was the author sick of? What liquid was the roast deglazed with? what kind of shipping did they choose? What time of day did the reviewer's husband constantly ask her to make him a cup of coffee? What was the ice pack not bought for? What does the French Press work superbly? What brand did the reviewer recommend? What longer-handled things do not work well with this spoon rest? Can you baked cookies on it? Is the tea ball a good buy? Is the fan strong? Where does this person buy their Tully's products? How much did this product cost originally? Even thought the product is labeled as a larger room heater, the reviewer describes it as what? Why should you score the bread? What are rust free? What shape is the slot to the right of the widest slot? What other milk can you use? Where does the user find many of her recipes? Where did this person try spaghetti eis? How may members are there in my family? Who liked the bedspread alot? What piece of the non-breakable carafes actually ends up breaking? The product was long enough for what kind of mattress? Did the steam come out sufficiently to use? What starts to bend and create clogs? What is the size of the mat? For what occasion did the person receive this product? what is the reason for the 3 star rating? What was one major complaint about the toaster? Why Sunbeam replace it? How might one clean the tablecloth? What sort of cleaning tool is this? How much did they pay for the vacuum? What to cook on the weekends? According to the reviewer, what would you combine the poster with to create a unique experience? Where is it used? What do they dislike about it? What separate item does it come with? Where do I clean the cutting board? How much faster is the Breville compared to the GE oven? What is in the utensil compartments that disgusts the writer? Why is the reviewer unable to use fine coffee? what product is the user reviewing? How does the coffee taste? What needed space when the hook was used? how many times a day do they use a pan? What does the Thermos travel mug do? Who is this product good for? What would be better to use instead? How much is the item? What color is the battery case lid? what do they wish? What did they try to do to fix that? What was wrong with the coffee grounds Whom did the reviewer purchase the product for? What kind of mode is this person in? Where can you mount the organizer? Does the vacuum have a long cord? How did I justify the misleading count of the pieces? Is the light dim? What was purchased along with the protector? What kind of safety feature does the iron have? What did the writer do upon receiving this set? What is a problem with the glasses? What size rooms can this heat? How is the quality? Why is the customer returning the kettle? How did the purchaser describe the quality of chicken cooked in the fryer? What was made in Portugal? How big is the tank? What is not modern? What types of fruits would the product be good for juicing regularly? In addition to my technique, what do I think these issues are due to? Who made these lids? how much did you like the product What did I do to my aged and shabby oven glove? How does the towels feel when rubbed? What keeps things in the organizer from moving and rattling? How long does it take to cook brown rice? How large are the openings? After what did she purchase the product? Whats something the blade does not do? When using the item, what does one have to pay attention to? How many ounces do the giant cans of tomatoes have? What does the reviewer want a rice comparison chart for? Is cleaning the Primula easy? What other vacuums does the reviewer own? Who did the author gift one of these to years ago? What do you have to hold down on the jar opener? where did the writer buy their old computer? When does the person use the product? What does the person now find indispensable? how the porcelain pan is useful? What kind of moka pots did they once own? What does the brush take up? What type of lid does this coffee cup have? What are the two rooms the purifiers were placed in? Who wanted some with wood? How many packs was broken? What kind of grip does the shelving unit have? What is the capacity of the stick? what brand do they usually buy? What did other users have problems taking off? What is brand of the oil? How long does the ice pack stay frozen? How wide is the product? How do these cubes compare in size to regular ones. The product bought was used to? How did the purchaser describe the travel mug in their hand? What did owning a bar mean for my rest? What do you need to make sure is removed the milk film from? is the knife dull or sharp? What gives it its cotton-like comfort? What brand is their mattress? Who did they have a potluck bbq with? What were they hesitant to buy? Why does the user like the spatulas? What brand is the air purifier? What does the bowl have that makes it easier to use? What does this user substitute for flour? According to this user, for what purpose is the product used? What did the writer make with the blender? What type of device is the Roomba? What size is the product? What is the brand name of measuring cups? how long ago did the writer buy the product? What is wider? what makes juicing tasty? Is the price reasonable compared to other pan covers? What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? What was purchased as an add-on to the mattress to try to get a more body conforming feeling? What will happen if my son helps prep food? The new features of the Breeze have what, over time? How do you clean the container? The customer bought this item for his daughter because of what reason? What makes the shears easy to clean? What is the powder used to harden? What is the brand of the kitchen scale? What was on the side of the box? How soon did after ordering did the unit arrive? What is this spoon rest made out of? What color is the product? What is wrong with the reservoir? What are they made from? What are the main measurements of the Joey? What should you do if you wash with hard water? What does the user say about the product? What is its size? Who is the reviewer a fan of? What did the reviewer notice on newer toaster ovens? How many glasses did the reviewer buy? What kind of adventure did she go on with her 3 dogs? How many sets did they order? How was the customer service? The reviewer boasts that they have never has what kind of issue? What is the problem with the silicone roasting rack? What were they afraid would break? What did this person buy? Besides the anchors what other items comes with this item? How does it look the color of this product? How much clorox do you need in order to clean the kit? does the mattress cover fit a king size mattress? How long did the person vacuum for? How much chocolate is needed to get this going correctly? What would be a better material for the tool? What is the material of the cover? What setting did the author use over several days? What happens in the oven Why are the bowls from Amazon better? After understanding how it works, it's quirks, and it's worth how do they cook now? What does the author compare the sandwich maker to? what is the noise level of the fan? What is fragile? What type of baked goods does the person enjoy making? What will the product protect the mattress from? What is considered to be well written? How did the reviewer feel upon receiving this product? What did the zenith have a lot of? Does the single wall provide a lot of insulation? How long after first using it did the user's opinion start to change? What causes too much noise? what washed off the measuring cups in the dish washer? What color is it? What happens if you put the mixture in too soon? What fits really well in the bags? what item did the writer order on amazon? What is included in the set? How many additional products did the user buy for others? According to the reviewer , what does the blanket have ample amounts of? which magazine recommended the knife purchase? What sizes of copper core pans does the writer own? What did they upgrade to from the KCup system? what is lacking in order to set the temperature? What did this person decide to try? What kind of tasks is it good for? What is unique about the handles and bottoms? what additional software does the writer need for the old computer? Where is the room with the new purifier in it? Where was the item? Which utensil from the bamboo set is plentiful? How much more did they roughly have to spend to make all worth while? What does the inside coating appear to be? What additional item costs an extra $23? What is one of the negatives of the juiceman? What is top notch? Where did the writer find the product? How quickly was the product received? Why does the lid almost always stay on? What kind of pet do they have? How do you set the clock on this product? Where do I put the pieces in the closet? Why don't the Haan pads need to be clamped on? What's the problem with the product? For whom did this reviewer buy this lunchbox? What piece of the equipment warped? Where do the dirt hide in spoons and cups in general? Where the noodles are stored? Where is it easy to move? What size bottle did the person order? How long has the reviewer had the knife so far? How many storage towers did I buy? What is the best part of buying this item? How many tanks did they run before use? What color are the sheets this user bought? How many of this product did the writer buy? What three things does the reviewer state are the best attributes of the product? How long did the purchaser say was the warranty? What did the reviewer really like about the new three-piece measuring set? Why are slippery surfaces on this product a negative? where are the cut marks located on the old spoon? Where did the reviewer order her item from? What has held up well so far? Which kind of casings are used to make sausage? What country of origin could this product have potentially originated from? what product is the writer reviewing? Is it shallow or deep Is the pan too small to use? How long can the product keep rice warm for? How is this item described compared to the older one? how does the writer describe the look of these pans? How long did the reviewer have the unit? What are the edges of the blade described as being? Where do they hold the hose? What kind of kitchen utensil is being reviewed? Why the kitchen towel looks cheap? How is the flexibility of these mitts? What part of the chair was painted over? What does the review say about how well the rice is cooked? What does the author love? What is good about the vacuum? What's the name of the newest model from Cuisinart? What does the person use to cover the holes in the lid? What sort of grip do these hangers use to hold onto a pair of slacks? What has to be clean? What size comforter was the purchaser hoping to hold with this? What products has the reviewer been dissapointed with? is the yogurt put in the fridge or stove? What will they be trying to apply? What does it burn into your toast? What was a con of the towels? What got caught in the Vitamix? What size are these sheets? What is the rating do I give for the coffe maker? How tall is the appliance? What was produced in a good quantity? What on the knife holder does not lie flat? Can it be used in a narrow space? What works great? What does it not have? What would happen if the product came down onto the cat? What is good to serve in this mug? Will i need to clean out the basket after each cup? What was purchased? How many pieces did this box arrive in? What is the product? What type of salad was made using the Potato Ricer? When do the dishes usually get nicked for the author? What kind of pattern did the mugs have? What product is being discussed in the review? Why did the reviewer purchase the product? What was the person's initial feelings toward the item? what is one of the concerns about the vacuum What color wee the sheets supposed to be? What comes with the blender? How long does it take to make a full pitcher? What was the original delivery estimate for the product? What is suggested by the author to cook spaetzle with? How quickly was a replacement catch sent? what did they suggest to dust the mold with? What is being used to warm the chicken during lunch break? How did the purchaser describe the feelings buyers of the mason jar would feel? What is the brand of the mixer? What design perk does the cord have? How many of the KitchenAid did they purchase for gifts? What size is the cup? what is the model of the mixer? What kind of tops do the skillets come with? What has the daughter tried? How much does this mattress cost? What causes the thin plastic to flex? Why did the reviewer buy the "animal" one? How long was it rubbing before it finally ripped? How many more grinders did the customer order? How long will the product run before it is full? How much counter space does these people have in their living space? What do the gloves offer for storage? is the product sturdy? Was calibration hard to do? How big was the piece of paper with the instructions on it? How well does this utensil holder work? How do they describe the lid? how long did the writer look? How did the purchase describe the items? What gets burned? How many pieces come in Classic White Dinnerware Set? From what company might the reviewer purchase another of these? What does it sound like? What is the only thing that could work against one's perception of the product? does it take up space? What color is the blade on these? What where they suprised that the 24oz. was able to store easily? What product did they switch to after using Cuisinart for a year? What is the color of the boxes? How old is the writer? How did the reviewer wash the mat? The rack fits neatly back into what? How long has the author owned the dehumidifier? What is being reviewed? What are storage options for the stand and charger of the hand vac? What did the reviewer do with the jar? What sharpener did I have before buying the new one? How is the product powered? What does the author feel like they are wearing? What two optional add-on dishes did the author also order? What was the best aspect of Starbucks travel mugs? where is the mail left to remind the husband? What happens if the hopper and lid are not in place? How did the problem with the fan was handled? What are two things they really like about the trashcan? What shape cutting heads are mentioned? What item is this? How does it compare to a traditional oven? What type of vacuum does he own? which model would the writer not buy again? In addtion to the DC27, what brand vaccum cleaner do I have? How much of the apple is hard to peel? What are the measurements used on the measuring cups? How long has the user owned the pan? How many dogs does the reviewer have? When was the foam supposed to show up? What other product does BedVoyage sell on Amazon? Is anything included with it? How much did I pay for the pan? How many points do you need to get free stuff? What tool makes drink making easier? How long has the reviewer have the Copco cup for? It's big enough to warm what? Are the ice trays durable? What kind of metal is the pan made out of? When was the iron first bought? In regards to power, the Nutribullet 600 and 900 watt models are very what? How does the reviewer feel about the vacuum cleaner? How long did it take to make a fine powder with the product? What do they like bringing with them on trips? Does the filter fits perfectly? What brand is the grater? What didn't they like about the silicone oven mitts? What will they no longer buy? How much of the bottle can you use for product? what material flipper did he not want to use? Considering the size, why is the product good? What kind of item that wasn't too loud was needed? How long will the Cuisinart set last if they are used properly? The item slightly less noisier than what brand? Where does the reviewer use the trash can at? Will all my cables fit under the cable covers? How many watts does Max Burton 6200 use? What did the author learn to make a few years ago? Which pan material would be recommended for mini pie baking? How many sandwiches have been prepared? What is happening with the slats after a few months? What did the customer say about assembly? What brand are the writer's knives? Why did the reviewer change to a 5 star rating? How are they washed? Who got the present? How old was their old set? How does the item cut? What feature works well on the Kuhn Rikon? What is the plastic on his model? How do new baking sheets make baking easier? how often do they clean their home? What is their wife good at making? What was the color of the mixer? How many years have they been using the bread machine? How often did reviewer's mom used to make tea and coffee? Why can't you use oil sprays? When was a replacement sent? How does the product's handle feel? Where did they buy their product? How long ago did the reviewer buy the product? Where were the metal shavings from? how are you rate quality of the product ? how durable is the steamer? What type of room is the fan suited for? What does the reviewer find more convenient, than use this product? How long are they traveling for that requires them to bring it? What was the author in search for? How did the author touch up the bed ruffle? What helps with drying? What did the customer like on the canister? What do they make with the processor? How thick is the is the frame? What is the scale being reviewed? How close to the unit do you have to be to use the remote efficiently. What will happen as a result of the item getting colder? what is a drawback of silicone mats in general? What will happen if you don't use a pot holder when handling the lid? What is she impressed about? Who do they watch on the Food Network? Why is the box useless? What items can you cook in the oven? How much does popcorn kernels cost? When did the author first use the muffin pan? How would the person characterize the pan's appearance? What room is especially well cleaned with the vacuum? What kind of brushing is used to clean the soft filter? What is the button cover made of? What product did they get for free? what kind of hands does the writer have? What is the usual method of cleaning the Roomba? Who's help did the author not need to install the product? What was wrong with a couple of the bowls? How loud was the blender when new? How well do both Thermoworks function? What old appliance color did the reviewer compare the jar to? How long did it take to cook bacon? Which tea product leaves no single tea leaf in the brewed product? Can you fill your mug while the coffee is brewing? Is there an additional tool recommended? How does the product work in the dishwasher? How is the knife for cutting? The interior of the kettle is what? What happened to one of the trays that caused the purchase of the new one? What do they love? How long has the writer been using the product? Why do they recommend it? What about a vacuum made them hate vacuuming originally? The knives under review are sharp, but not what? What product is the author talking about? what keeps the napkins secure Is the spoon suitable for deep items? What cooking method does this person use for foods that are preserved? How many mitts were ordered? How heavy are the pan covers? What is the number of the different handle sizes? what occasions is this good for? What do they never need to do? What is is made out of? How many emails did this person send the first time around? Was the wok expensive? What was giving the husband back pains? What is it free of? Besides a nice grip, what other features does the handle have? What is easy to clean? how large is it writer's daughters room? Where did the tortillas rest? What type of food was the person initially unable to cook in the RV? what were hard to insert properly? What activity can you do when the Roomba is set to clean? What were they looking for? Up to how many ounces can the Vue brew at once? What price does the lunchbox sell for as of the reviewer's update? What makes this product foolproof? What is the author reviewing? how did the user have plates organized before? What is the minimum length of time the author hopes to use the product before having to replace it? How many tablespoons of coffee did they use per cup? What did I buy? What language was the instructions pamphlet written in? What part of the appliance gets in the way? How many did the author purchase? How many speed settings does this blender have? What capacity is this processor? How long is the cord? Is the author pleased with the product? How long has the author had one of these products? How many years supply of sea salt does the product have? What did they end up throwing away? What is being reviewed? How can the nozzle on the vacuum be described? What was used as an ice cube tray? How is the writer pleased with the food cooked with the electric wok? What brand makes this vacuum? How did the coffee taste to the author? What type of material is the lid? What happened to the item after the weekend guests used it? What did the writer do when receiving this item? With the older fans, about how many nights' use do you get on battery power? what is an easy way to make sure you are getting the recommended fruits and veggies each day? How many does he own in various sizes? What is a downside of the new iron? how many sets were purchased? what kind of heating is provided by the pans? What did the speaker not particularly like about the gift? How long does the device have to stand during use? How much does the mesh catch? What location would this microwave work best? Do the pillows have support? Why did the reviewer have to store the pitcher on the lower shelf of the refrigerator? What items would be a good addition to one's bar? What is being reviewed? Should you score the bread before baking? Is the bottle sturdy? What do you need to do before you purchase the juicer? When did the person first purchase the product? How much of the reviewers house is carpeted? Where was the product purchased? Where should you check for recipes according to the reviewer? All 10 items are stamped with what words? What allows the person to get started without any spillage? how many clothes racks did they buy? items that need a longer cook time should be placed where? What cooks evenly? How would you describe the easy of cleaning? How does the seal work? How hot does the temperature have to be before the Reviewer feels discomfort? What brand of skillets does the author use on a daily basis? What is the writer's main complaint with the item? How high does it sit compared to a regular bed? What did the author say that you shouldn't be slowed from doing? How many minutes will you spend trying to lock it in place? What did the author say was a positive thing about the grinder? Waht brand tumbler did I buy? How does reviewer describe the quality? What will no go back on the cans? What is the overall quality of the Cooper Cooler? Who received the grill as a birthday gift? are you new for the product? What is my previous iron? What type of mattress does the reviewer prefer? The customer stated that they were so sharp that they scared who? What does the author's business produce? where was the coffee maker purchased? What did the author want to use to heat the chicken? Has there been any issues? What added feature does this item have? What was rarely used? what can't be placed on the new product? What does the customer wish the item had? When would the person have liked to purchase the product? Who refund the purchase? What brand iron did my mother-in-low use before? what did they break trying to remove label? How will they use it? What kind of attachments were included What is negative about the air holes? How does the lid fit? What is the type of writer the writer is? What type of closet does the author have? What did they read from cover to cover? What did they buy? How long is destined to last this wok? What foods are bad to reheat with the R-230KW model? how difficult is it to build the night stand? How long have I used the Melitta 80395 Burr Grinder? How deep is the pot? What is always on the wrong side of the machine? What can they also be used for? were the pieces thick? What can be filled without spills? What did I mostly toast? What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? How many jars did the user seal after the product's first charge? what tool does the writer suggest you use to clean this product? What feature is the oven missing? What does the writer think about paper filters? Why was the carafe a disappointment? What brand did they represent? How much water should be added to 1 to 2 scoops of protein power in the mixer? What is the product? Who bought the item for the reviewer? What size is the unit? How do you keep it from falling over? What did they buy for sale on black-friday? What are they stuck with? What is the best option on the machine? What cleans very nicely? What type of businesses does this person own? Why would the reviewer not use the smaller tongs for serving bread? How much dirt does it suck up? What could crack the plastic? What is the item in question? How many minutes does the product take to cool beer in a can? What did they measure? How many cups were they making? What is the condition of the Calphalon mitt currently? What does it keep the house from smelling like What company did the author contact? Are the towels absorbent? How many dollars more do you need to spend to get a decent product What is a bit small on the holder? What is the only complaint? What is a quality of the handle? Besides allergens and dust mites; what other bug does this protect against? What falls from the author's car window? what is the author able to limit the use of Is the reviewer's husband healthy or disabled? What would make the the box more efficient? Using what item will muffle the sound? How glad are they that they ordered it? What type of lemons come from China? How long is the greek yogurt left to sit in the bowl? Can the shears be used by left handed people? What did this person order that wasn't intact? What did I finally use to clean the kitchen? What is it the CALPHALON NYLON TURNER? About how many drinks did he sell within three hours? What type of mess did the cleaner pick up in the bedroom? What made me doubtful about the towels? What had lint remove in the dryer? What does the baker love doing? How high does it sit compared to a regular bed? for what did ou get the roller? How many lbs was the lean roast beef? What is one of the main reasons you would use this product? During what typical daily activity could the product's failure to keep drinks warm be an issue? What product I used to clean the tablecloths? In addition to myself, who else did I buy a Panasonic iron? What do they not own, but still makes these very easy to clean? What is a problem with the hand-held vacuums the customer previously ownded? What kind of fan is the reviewer writing about? What is it? What three things does the reviewer say right away? How long does it take to cook meat on a Foreman grill? What is the name of the manufacturer? What position does she normally sleep in? How many implements did I need to assemble the shoe rack? What have they struggled with for years? What is the manufacturer's name? How is the power of the juicer compared to the super-duper juicer? Why does the writer love silicone pans for baking? The customer really likes this function of the griddle? Why did the reviewer purchase this item for the kids? Why did this person buy these products? Which brand did the reviewer call the best brand they had owned over the years? what was the problem with the sunbeam buzzer? What brand are the liners? In which way is the new one different from the Smith's CCKS 2-step Knife Sharpener? What food can you cook on the pan? How does the coffe made by the French Press taste? What is the brand? What did I buy? Would this customer say that the bowl was aesthetically appealing? What did I order? How full does it need to be to work well? How many stars were given to the item? What are these towels made out of? Why am I giving it two stars? What does the steamer in an iron do to clothes in order to avoid taking them to the dry cleaner? From what material is this person's other soap holder made? What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? What fits the bathroom appeal of many? How much of the powder was added for the fondant? What is one of the cons? What brand name has gone beyond just being a simple brand name? How is the wight of the pan described? What kind of mop is being reviewed? What fits well in spaces that do not have much room? What kept going off? Who did the reviewer buy it for? Harder items should be accompanied by what? How does this customer think the ice balls look? Does the holder work with different brands of razors? Who did the author get this for? how many years have they made saurakraut? Where is it safe to wash the stick? What is this good for? What is used to stir the Cream of Wheat into the boiling water? What type of rice requires a special feature on the rice cooker? how does the actual product differ from the photo? What was purchased 4 years ago? what do you need to get? What was the first thing used to chop? What substance is recommended in case of burns? What's the product made of? What brand of dish is this? If you lose power and regain it again, what happens? When was the product purchased? How many pillow covers come with the sheet set? How often have they used the device? What kind of filter bags does the product come with? What is this product? What magazine had a review of the product? What does it not make worse? For how many hours does a one gallon tank last? Is the author happy with his purchase? What does the writer use the products for? What kind of meat do they use this thermometer for? What is the product known for being in the market? What does the author describe as 'solid'? what did the they lay down to watch one night? How does this garlic press work? What brand coffeemaker is amazing and easy to use? Where does the author keep the disc holder? Where did the person buy travel mugs in the past? How many buttons does it have? What retailer did the person use for purchase of their new blender? What keeps items from falling off this door rack? What is a must have weapon of war in the fight against pet hair Who recommended this juicer to you? What is it ideal for? Where is this product made? Do you need to buy special beans for the accessory? How does the user describe this products ability to be cleaned? What material were the reviewer's previous measuring cups made of? Steamers are great for hardwood floor, because it allows them to be thoroughly cleaned without using what? What is being reviewed? When did they buy these bags? What is the brand? What type milk has a milder less tart taste? What features a folding design and removable drying sticks? Where does it fit perfectly at? What is the volume of the Bodum Chambord coffee press? Is the user going to keep this product? How can be sealed cork be tested? How long is the smaller product? Where was the Ionizer made? When was this product purchased? Who does the user need a new mattress protector for? What problem does the Bodum Bistro Large Electric Water Kettle have? how well did the product cook the food? What is the size of the grinder? How many other rice cookers does the author own? What is a Brita filter used for? What meats are too big to be baked using a silicone roasting rack? What is it perfect for displaying? What do they feel good about? How many plys does the pan have? What product is the reviewer writing about? What was the rating the reviewer gave for the product? What does the writer say about the parts? What kind of sifter works pretty good? What can you juice in this juicer What could this be used to hold at dinner? Where did the customer purchase the oven thermometer? What item is this How long is the warranty? When did the person most recently buy the product? Who was the device purchased for? What type of noise will the bolts create after some time of usage? How does her position change over the night? What did the product produce after being washed and dried? Why is the user looking for a replacement? What vaccum have they owned for many years? What did they buy for making baby food? What brand was their previous vacuum? What type of coffee maker did the writer use prior to purchasing a Vue? What happened to the author when she was washing the pan? What would they not work well for? What type of phone does the reviewer have? What kind of reputation do they still count on to prove reviews wrong? What did they compare it with? What is the best purpose for this blender? What happened to the old fan? What kind of surface does the reviewer not recommend this be used on? What does the ricer not have on the sides? What type of bowl is this? What didn't they want to splurge on? What used to get tangled in the wash? How much leftover pineapple from the shell using OXO slicer? What was the Freshware pan made of? What is the capacity? How many shots of espresso will this make? Why is it easier to clean? what did the Wusthof come out with? What filters should you use to get much better results? what color are the jars? What helped them decide on this product? Which vegetables joined the pot roast? How often is the reviewer pleased with the results of using this machine? What era will this device bring the user back to, metaphorically? Is shipping something I should be concerned with when ordering the product? what brand is the pie crust maker? What could chill really quickly with just the water pump? Where did the writer buy things to repair the blinds? who else wanted a shoe rack? What kind of floor does it not work well on? How often do they now rotate their mattress? How long has the reviewer had their cooker? How many cups do they make at a time? What does the manual say to never use on the new model? Which method of cooking works best for the user? How long as this pillow lasted? what brand name is the product? How did the pillows hold up after 30 days? How does the reviewer describe the weight of the cutting board? What are these products for? How many come in a set? What is this coffeemaker described to be like? How many days did the vinyl smell take to dissipate? Is the price good or bad for this unit? What is the capacity of the bottom space? What will happen to the food if you do not pack it properly? How does the olive oil come out? What is the MIU France Ceramic Nakiri Knife lacking that would prevent wear and tear of the handle? What makes this item could rate 5 stars? What's the outside made of? What kind of mold is it where its wider on the top? Where is the air filter located? What advantage do these measuring cups have over plastic ones the reviewer previously used? What is the best timer I have ever used? What did 2 of the 3 stones look like that the reviewer received? Where did the customer place the grinder once the herbs were placed in it? What might happen to food that is exposed to hot spots? What has to be frequently emptied when grating cheese? Which size pans are more practical if you are cooking with items on more than one burner? What did I buy? What did I bake that come out great same as the big oven? Where was the damage on the product? How many sellers did the author buy cheesecloth from? How was the delivery of the Aladdin collapsible steamer described? What does Roomba encourage? How many cups of coffee does it hold? Why does the mesh seal help make this a better product? What does a Contractor's bag cost? What clings to the skillet when cooking? What rating does she give the product? What do they like? How was the corkscrew described? what is the easier solution to the pump problem? What item other than adding something non liquid into the mix could decreased the combination time? What part of the range did they want to replace? What kind of tea I am using? What were they bought for? What did I never want? Who did the customer purchase the product from? What did I use to make pancake? What is best avoided to ensure that the glasses will not break? What type of kit did the author previously purchase? What problem occurs when you wash the towels? What does this replace? What does the reviewer preheat the thermos with? What is the longer side supposed to do? What doesn't the author want to have to buy? Which part of the product scared the little boy? How is the quality of this set? What humidity level is the lowest that has been tested? Which item will protect the dishes? How many people are in the author's family? How long did it take to install? What is the product's noise level? What did the color of the sheet set resemble? What should you do if you want the water level feature to be useful? Why were the toasters returned? What makes cord handling a snap? What do they use on the silicone pans? What is purchased in small pre-ground quantities? What does it do when you change the temperature? The review was especially impressed by this characteristic? where did the model the writer bought go after months of bickering? What did they read reviews about? What is one prominent characteristic of the user's cabinets? Where does the batter get stuck? what is happening to the waffles made with the product? What was confusing about the product? What activities does the person undertake while storing wine in their backpack? What about the lid is hard? What does the writer say about the durability of the product? What kind of serving item did this person order? How do the bags fold up? What makes the Pinzon Hotel Stitch shower curtain stand out? What do the cookie press recipe's cookies taste like? What is the size of the thermos? What did the reviewer like about the iron? What does the authors particular set have? What material is it made out of? How many can you make? Does it work on all cans? does the product need to be washed after use? Who does the person fight over the knife with? How would the person have preferred the color to be? How many people does the reviewer cook for? What is the size of this product? Which types of shirts should you not use the product with? how is it textured? What was the kitchen appliance that the purchaser decided against buying? What tools are important? What type of handle does the brush have? How many of these products did the author purchase? How much is a piece of oven glove? How quickly did the user use the item? What type of quality is the dresser? What are some perks of Fiestaware? How many penguin soap pumps are at the kitchen sink? Was the vacuum worth buying? what do they wash out for recycling? What is the excellent review based on? What mode does it work well in? In order to use the squeeze, what is the direction of the fruit supposed to be? What setting worked fine for toast? Why is the customer unhappy with their purchase? What was the least amount of time that was tried to make popcorn? What do they say about the tool storage? What color is the plastic on this product? On what surface have they found the Roomba ineffective? What did this person buy? How many stars did this person rate the knife? what product is the user reviewing? How many glasses come with the 7-Piece Whiskey Gift Set? How long is the warranty? How many surfaces does the cutting board has? It's great for those that have trouble doing what? What old design shape has the new product moved away from? What hasn't the author bought in decades? What aspect of the bottom of the pan is extremely important? Why is this buyer getting her purchase refunded? What will happen if you bake something with lots of oil? What nationality does the knife originate from? what are the actual dimensions of the new wine cellar? What size is the item? What is the author's normal stick? What culture does the reviewer's grandmother come from? What should you do when you want to reseal the jar? What hadn't the author done the first time using the product? What is the tool made from? How would this user change the water reservoir? Does this person have a husband or wife? What size job is this used for? Why was it difficult to cut? Why should you plan your counter top space? What is too much of a hassle? What is made well? What was the box like when the package arrived? What brand did they eventually buy for their neice? What kind of bag is the soap in? When is the dehydrator mainly used? How long do you spend in bed? What is one downside to the bottle? How much does this cost? where did they put the sheets? What kind of pattern does the curtain contain? What is the cup's primary material? How often does the writer grill meat? How many hooks does this product have? What type of furniture was the author given by someone else? What must be done first before activating the bread machine? What do they freeze? Whic store should carry Finazzle but does not? Does the item have any accessories? How do the sides of the wok look? What should you not do with the new three-piece set? What is the item in question? According to the reviewer , what do you need to have if you want a perfect cooked meal? which part doesn't work that well? What kind of mug is the person using? How many ounces does the larger thermos hold? The teaspoons are too small for eating what? What was the first thing the reviewer noticed ? How should you store the dishes? What made the manufacturer cut corners on product? How long before reviewer threw the pillow away? Who does the poster give credit to for a job well done? What fabric does the bottom of the product feel like? What type of filter does the brew and go machine have? When was the vacation? Other than tea, what can be put in the IngenuiTEA? What part of the device is very sharp? What did the customer say is the problem with playing with fan speeds and lights? What is the manufacturer of the storage towers? Who do I expect the system for? How many sq ft is the largest room this reviewer uses the product in? How many inches was the knife blade? Where was the oven bought from? how much was did this timer cost? How many signs did the reviewer purchase? Why is the writer unable to rate the filter? How long does it take? What type of hangers are best for ironed clothes to prevent wrinklage? What do they fancy about the product? Can you decorate the panel? Why does the reviewer think the cord is so short? Why can the gasket be easily lost? What is the reason for uneven cuts? Where is this item kept? What rating does the writer give to The Dorkfood? For which reason the author wants to get better quality fans? How much more does the device cost than a standard mop and bucket? How long has the buyer had their new one now? What amount of stars does the reviewer give the maker? What kind of cup does the reviewer own? Is the garlic press recommended as a good gift option? What brewer did the reviewer compare this one to? What is not an eyesore? What can happen to your skin if you touch the handle? How does the kettle look in the kitchen? Which pets are trying to be kept away from the pillows? where will the shoe racks fit? What happened with the first order? How long can the new travel mug keep whats inside it hot? What is key 1 to a good result? What does the author want to accomplish with the drain? How tall is is when it's folded flat? What kind if dinnerware did the user already own? what extras does the machine come with? how many of the product did the writer buy? How long does it take to put together What does the writer use to clean the inside of the burr grinder? what kind of diet is the writer on? What size canning jars did this person purchase? What ruins the rack? For what items does the blender not work well? what product is the writer reviewing? What can the product puree? What should you push through the cork? How quickly does this microwave work? What needs to be experimented with? Will i need to buy a larger pan for the 18 by 13 mats? Which brand is highly rated as compact and affordable? how long have they been grinding coffee When did I buy the toaster? How is the feeling of the towel? What towel set did the user purchase? What kind of opener is it? What issues was the reviewer having with thier closet? How long did it take for the carpet to dry with the new one? What do they love? how does the product look like? What is the original brand? What does the writer expect the manufacturer to do if a big version of the silicone roasting rack is made? What does the writer like the pot the most? Who is it for? What happens if the chillsner is inserted too quickly into the beer? The author says not to wake up what? What would the reviewer never try to do with the immersion blender? What is attached to the wine bottle? How did they describe the lock mechanism? How do you turn off the heating element? Is it a lot of work? Did the two thermometers measure the same temperatures? What is it made from? Do you have to put the cupcake holder together? What color is the thermometer? What is the dogs name? What other brand would have been preferred to this model? How much weight can it hold? What types of drinks is the user fond of making? At what speed does the base need to be poured? What would the reviewer find useful? How long did you wait to purchase? what type of oil does the writer prefer? What does it do when you change the time? What happens if you try to make too much coffee with the grinder? What season did the person use the space heater for? What quality is the product? What kinds of ties do I own? what product is the writer reviewing? What makes the product lighter if it is removed? How many sets have the couple purchased? How do they describe the cutting board? What did they purchase after getting the skillet? What should the soap be diluted with? What fondue do you like? What can the processor do to salad dressings quite well? How many pieces come in the Farberware set referenced by the user? what do they wish was longer? What brand is the spoon from? What is measured out with this product in the bathroom? What kind of capacity does the product have? what color of appliances does the product look compliment? What type of item is it? What monthly expense did the reviewer not want increase with their purchase? Why does the author want to gift this product to his grandmother? what store did the writer find the pie crust maker at? How big is the air purifier? What should you do after adding lard? Who recommends the Kitchen aid power 5? what brand product is the review about? At what distance can the author feel a breeze? How long did they have their old one? Which direction are riced items aimed into the bowl? What brand does the author say they will be ordering? Whats benefits does a stronger juicer bring? What product did I swear I would never buy years ago? Why don't they get hot? What was the exact date that the bowl and colander set arrived? A lot of times what would co-workers help themselves to and take? Who bought the squirting dish brush? What item was purchased? What can you do to the popcorn? What room was this item the most useful in? What don't they use? What was on the outside of the decaf canister? What did the reviewer like about the product? How long do the mini-loaf need to bake? Does the cooker poach eggs evenly? What is the brand of this product? How does the product compare to the picture? Who did the reviewer call for help with their broken product? What does the writer like about the product? What is being reviewed? What is our relationship when he gived me the gift? What kind of set of pillowcases and sheets was purchased? what size bag did the review use to send to his sister? One word says how many spares can usually be stored in the TP-Holder? Is the mattress too soft? which unit is quieter? What percentage of use does this cover? What splatters out of the spout? Is this item inclined to oxidize? Who came to the author's rescue? Where is the spinning mechanism? Is the item durable? What was warm to the touch after being plugged in but off for awhile? Does the author find the bags easy to use? What knives made the beginning of his collection? Is there a color requirement for the product? What kind of briquettes should you use? Would the reviewer buy another dispenser? What does the reviewer like about the hangars? What brand of chocolate does not need to be thinned out? What two type of scales were compared? What color is the comforter? What kind of reviews put the buyer off? Does the vacuum use bags? What prevents dirtying the scale? What kind of meats does the author make on the mat? What food do they scramble in the pan? This pillow doesn't put what to sleep? What product was needed for the kitchen? Where was the ice pack left for a few hours? Why did the author buy this device? what brand of product is the user reviewing? What is the result of smaller ice cubes? What pillows am I going to order? What suggestion does the person give when transporting the tray to the freezer? What happens when you cut the pizza What was the product being reviewed? What works well for most every pie? How long is it suggested to take the breads out of the breadbox for, daily? What is the author's suggestion on buying the cooking top? Does the heat disperse evenly while cooking? Which vegetable did the reviewer try to chop up first? When did problems start? Why does the reviewer decide the comforter looks the way it looks? How noisy is the juicer? How long should the shower curtain last? Which is the only one they used? What did the incident involve? Who was the Amazon seller the filters were purchased from? Has the writer used the product? What does the product brew directly into? What shouldn't you do with such cookware? What does the lid have that attaches it to the bowl? what solutions didn't work for the wife? Of what quality does the finish seem to be? How many people are in the author's family? what happened to the blades on the cutters? How much does a 4 pack of bags cost on Amazon? area you already owned the juicer? What do I like to cook with all the vegetables? Does it have a pleasant sound? What is slow? What color fan does the author own? Where do the vermin try to live in the fall? What did I bake using this pan? How long should the bags last? In addition to Amazon and fancy department stores, where did I look for a decent pitcher? What is the brand How long has the author had the blender? What material is the pad constructed from? What was liked so much that a rice cooker was purchased? Their second unit still works, but it happening to green power light? What rice dries out if left on the warm setting? Where do they have the heater mounted? What do I want to cook at same time? Why are the deep ridges nice? how long has the user owned this product? How high of a setting can the cooking sheets be used in the oven? What function is disabled by cleaning? How many pounds of potatoes did they use with this product? What material is used to make the fireproof cover on the new mattress? Where did the user's wife do research? what happens to the surface of the pan that might make it less attractive? Why would you get this product? What version of the timer does the speaker prefer? How does the reviewer feel about buying this mattress? What does the product do when the water is done being heated? What drys the carpet just fine? What were the sizes? For how long was the Roomba operating optimally? How much does it cost the bottle opener? who arrived? Are there any disadvantges with this pot? What about the humidifier is nonexistent? How does the humidifier work? What on the front of the box is open at the top and bottom? How old is the kid in the family? What room did they put the tv stand? What was the condition of the product upon arrival? How long did it last? Where can this product be found besides Amazon? What popper does the author recommend? What else can the bamboo utensils be used for beside travelling? The product is good for what? Which kitchen item did the user decide to spend less money on? what version did they get? what appliance is being used to hang these spoons on? What product is being reviewed? What is the brand name of the bowls that were bought? What is their favorite way to use these? What colors did they order in? What are mixed? How long should be waited for the mattress to expand before sleeping on it?? What feature helps with the balance of this pan? Which type of pans did they buy from NordicWare in the past? What do the shelves get? Does it make cleaning easy? How long will the space bags keep air out? What did they replace? What kind of material is the cover? How does the writer feel about the product? what is the model of air conditioner? What size pans do they work perfectly on? What is bad about it? what kind of coating does the pan have on its surface? Where can I get a crock pot recipe book? What has the author never previously utilized? How much does the writer weigh? What brand of coffee maker had a much lower temperature? What did Amazon do quickly? what material is the product made out of? Which is cheaper Wusthof Gourmet or Wusthof Classic? Who makes this toaster? How would you describe assembly? What type of bread works best with this? What does the author proclaim that the globe of corks will do? How does the writer feel about cleaning the Juicer? Where did the writer buy a new meat thermometer? Where did they order the product from? How long will the humidifier last usually? Which piece of the disc holder is child resistant? What online website did they buy their set through? What made the set up a nightmare? How many years is the warranty? What did the previous review complaining about? what setting haven't they use? What is recommended when using this? What did they previously own?