The primary political unit of the United States is the state . In the first treaty between the British East India Company and Meidingu Chingthangkhomba (Bhagyachandra) signed in 1762, the kingdom was recorded as Meckley. Bhagyachandra and his successors issued coins engraved with "Manipureshwar", or "lord of Manipur", and the British discarded the name Meckley. a Spanish -speaking country, it is also composed of other varied European influences, such as Italian, French, Russian, German, etc. Istanbul is primarily known for its Byzantine and Ottoman architecture, but its buildings reflect the various peoples and empires that have previously ruled the city. A total of 132 Allied prisoners of war were rescued from the Germans by the Partisans in a single operation in August 1944 in what is known as the Raid at Ožbalt . These were wooden cupboards of various styles and sizes – either floor standing or hanging cupboards meant to discourage vermin and insects and to keep dust from perishable foodstuffs. At its peak during World War II, the Yugoslav Partisans' Navy commanded 9 or 10 armed ships , 30 patrol boats, close to 200 support ships, six coastal batteries, and several Partisan detachments on the islands, around 3,000 men.[citation needed] On 26 October 1943, it was organized first into four, and later into six, Maritime Coastal Sectors (Pomorsko Obalni Sektor, POS). A small group of critics has put forth a range of theories that aim to describe culture or society in the alleged aftermath of postmodernism, most notably Raoul Eshelman (performatism), Gilles Lipovetsky (hypermodernity), Nicolas Bourriaud (altermodern), and Alan Kirby (digimodernism, formerly called pseudo-modernism). Latin influence in English has been significant at all stages of its insular development. Within these small farm families, and English families as well, a man had complete power over the property and his wife . However, other options, such as reducing employers' payroll taxes (especially if limited to firms that increase their payroll), increasing aid to the unemployed, and providing additional refundable tax credits to lower-income households, would generate more jobs per dollar of investment than infrastructure. Pera (from the Greek word for " across ") was used to describe the area between the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus, but Turks also used the name Beyoğlu (today the official name for one of the city's constituent districts). One can use the same principle to specify the position of any point in three-dimensional space by three Cartesian coordinates, its signed distances to three mutually perpendicular planes (or, equivalently, by its perpendicular projection onto three mutually perpendicular lines). The Bolshevik government established the Cheka, a secret police force dedicated to confronting anti-Bolshevik elements. That is an increase of 80% from 2002. The Armenian Apostolic Church presently has two catholicoi (Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia), and two patriarchs, plus primates, archbishops and bishops, lower clergy and laity serving the Church. A typical New England farmhouse was one-and-a-half stories tall and had a strong frame (usually made of large square timbers) that was covered by wooden clapboard siding . Some of the best-known New York City public high schools, such as Beacon High School, Stuyvesant High School, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School, High School of Fashion Industries, Eleanor Roosevelt High School , NYC Lab School, Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics, Hunter College High School and High School for Math, Science and Engineering at City College are located in Manhattan. In 1970 there were 300,000 more low-cost rental units (6.5 million) than low-income renter households (6.2 million). Istanbul-based Star TV was the first private television network to be established following the end of the TRT monopoly; Star TV and Show TV (also based in Istanbul) remain highly popular throughout the country, airing Turkish and American series. New deposits are reported to be in southern Mongolia, and in 2009 , new deposits of tin were discovered in Colombia, by the Seminole Group Colombia CI, SAS. In this circumstance the team with possession of the puck is allowed to complete the play ; that is, play continues until a goal is scored, a player on the opposing team gains control of the puck, or the team in possession commits an infraction or penalty of their own. However, the main body of settlers came in one large group in 1636 . An October 2010 Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll reported that: "[M]ore than half of those surveyed, 53% , said free-trade agreements have hurt the U.S. As of 1778, Thomas Kitchin estimated that Europeans were bringing an estimated 52,000 slaves to the Caribbean yearly, with the French bringing the most Africans to the French West Indies (13,000 out of the yearly estimate). β-tin (the metallic form, or white tin), which is stable at and above room temperature, is malleable. In contrast, α-tin (nonmetallic form, or gray tin), which is stable below 13.2 °C (55.8 °F), is brittle. The death of Tito in 1980 and the subsequent vacuum of strong leadership allowed the rise of rival ethnic nationalism in the multinational country. New Sweden (Swedish: Nya Sverige ) was a Swedish colony that existed along the Delaware River Valley from 1638 to 1655 and encompassed land in present-day Delaware, southern New Jersey, and southeastern Pennsylvania. This was the start of the optical industry of grinding and polishing lenses for spectacles, first in Venice and Florence in the thirteenth century , and later in the spectacle-making centres in both the Netherlands and Germany. Lenses are used as prosthetics for the correction of visual impairments such as myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, and astigmatism. Manhattan is the economic engine of New York City, with its 2.3 million workers in 2007 drawn from the entire New York metropolitan area accounting for almost two-thirds of all jobs in New York City. This restricting view ignores the oppressions women faced determined by their race, class, and sexuality, and gave rise to women of color feminisms that separated from the women's liberation movement, such as Black feminism, Africana womanism, and the Hijas de Cuauhtémoc that emerged at California State University, Long Beach, which was founded by Anna NietoGomez, due to the Chicano Movement's sexism. Formal regulation of the insurance industry began in earnest when the first state commissioner of insurance was appointed in New Hampshire in 1851. Human morality, although sophisticated and complex relative to other animals, is essentially a natural phenomenon that evolved to restrict excessive individualism that could undermine a group's cohesion and thereby reducing the individuals' fitness. The entry-level first professional degree in these countries for the practice of medicine is that of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS, MB, MB BCh BAO, BMBS, MBBChir, or MBChB). Muir successfully lobbied for the protection of the rest of Yosemite National Park: Congress created an Act to protect the park in 1890 . An emphasis on the defence of ethnic identity was shown by naming the troops after important Slovene poets and writers, following the example of the Ivan Cankar battalion . The borough is the most important source of funding for presidential campaigns in the United States; in 2004, it was home to six of the top seven ZIP codes in the nation for political contributions. In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev rose to power in the Soviet Union and began policies of radical political reform involving political liberalisation, called Perestroika and Glasnost. In order to be eligible to apply for an MD degree from a UK or Commonwealth University one must hold either an MBBS, MBChB, or an equivalent US-MD degree and must usually have at least five-years of postgraduate experience. These slaves were managed by a factor who was established on or near the coast to expedite the shipping of slaves to the New World . Economically, Puritan New England fulfilled the expectations of its founders. The 843 -acre (3.41 km2) park offers extensive walking tracks, two ice-skating rinks, a wildlife sanctuary, and grassy areas used for various sporting pursuits, as well as playgrounds for children. Most of western and southern Connecticut (particularly the Gold Coast) is strongly associated with New York City; this area is the most affluent and populous region of the state. At retail, Windows XP was now marketed in two main editions: the "Home" edition was targeted towards consumers, while the "Professional" edition was targeted towards business environments and power users, and included additional security and networking features. However, it needs very good conditions to survive long in unmaintained buildings – Roman decorative plasterwork is mainly known from Pompeii and other sites buried by ash from Mount Vesuvius. Surnames were uncommon prior to the 12th century, and still somewhat rare into the 13th; most European surnames were originally occupational or locational , and served to distinguish one person from another if they happened to live near one another (e.g., two different people named John could conceivably be identified as 'John Butcher' and 'John Chandler'). London pirate radio stations have been instrumental in the development of Drum and Bass, with stations such as Kool FM (which continues to broadcast today having done so since 1991), Origin FM, Don FM (the only Drum and Bass pirate to have gained a temporary legal license), Renegade Radio 107.2FM, Rude FM, Wax Fm and Eruption among the most influential. In addition to serving as a primary component of cellular membranes and binding sites for intra- and intercellular proteins, some glycerophospholipids in eukaryotic cells, such as phosphatidylinositols and phosphatidic acids are either precursors of or, themselves, membrane-derived second messengers. For an example of newly arrived able-bodied young men, over one-fourth of the Anglican missionaries died within five years of their arrival in the Carolinas. Its first building was erected in 1678–1683 to house a cabinet of curiosities given to the University of Oxford in 1677. Murder rates that had reached 2,245 in 1990 plummeted to 537 by 2008, and the crack epidemic and its associated drug-related violence came under greater control. The ancient peoples of the Andes such as the Incas have practiced irrigation techniques for over 6,000 years . The language for both the keyboard and the interface can be changed through the Region and Language Control Panel . Using this approach, lipids may be divided into eight categories : fatty acids, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, saccharolipids, and polyketides (derived from condensation of ketoacyl subunits); and sterol lipids and prenol lipids (derived from condensation of isoprene subunits). In Ethiopia and Eritrea, a child adopts the given name of one of their parents, usually the father , as a pseudo-surname. Due to the plasticity of the human brain, the structure of its synapses and their resulting functions change throughout life. In addition to the colossal brilliance and virtuosity of Parker, the alto sax was also popularized in the 1950s by top saxophonists such as Sonny Stitt, Cannonball Adderley, Sonny Criss and Paul Desmond (latter of the Dave Brubeck Quartet). Improvements in public health and education, provision of child care, provision of state-directed social services, and provision of social benefits are deemed by Marxist–Leninists to help to raise labour productivity and advance a society in development towards a communist society . Arches carry forces in compression in one direction only, which is why it is appropriate to build arches out of masonry . The major commercial application of organotin compounds is in the stabilization of PVC plastics . In short, most winning candidates have won the endorsement of the applicable "major"-party convention; nearly all of the rest have won with a "professionally managed" primary-election campaign; and successful minor-party candidates are almost without exception major-party figures like Lowell Weicker whose minor parties disappear after that success. The largest non-Sunni Muslim sect, accounting for 4.5 million Turks, is the Alevis ; a third of all Alevis in the country live in Istanbul. This alphabet has continued to be used over the centuries as the script for the Romance, Celtic, Germanic, Baltic, Finnic, and many Slavic languages (Polish, Slovak, Slovene, Croatian and Czech), and has been adopted by many languages around the world, including Vietnamese , the Austronesian languages, many Turkic languages, and most languages in sub-Saharan Africa, the Americas, and Oceania, making it by far the world's single most widely used writing system. Its commercial and historical center lies on the European side and about a third of its population lives on the Asian side . In 1960 the Food and Drug Administration approved the combined oral contraceptive pill, which was made available in 1961. Constantinople began to decline continuously after the end of the reign of Basil II in 1025. The 17th century saw an increase in shipments , with Africans arriving in the English colony of Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. Ultimately, a crowd announced by UM as 113,411 , the largest in the stadium's history (including football), saw the homestanding Wolverines win 5–0. The New Economic Policy was started in 1921 as a backwards step from war communism, with the restoration of a degree of capitalism and private enterprise. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, a growing nightclub and overnight outdoor event culture gave birth to a new electronic music style called rave music , which, much like hip-hop, combined sampled syncopated beats or breakbeats, other samples from a wide range of different musical genres and, occasionally, samples of music, dialogue and effects from films and television programmes. By 1729 , the proprietary government had collapsed, and the Proprietors sold both colonies back to the British crown. The remaining Seven Sisters decided against coeducation . The view that the heart was the source of consciousness was not challenged until the time of the Greek physician Hippocrates . In Michigan , the state universities are constitutionally autonomous jurisdictions, possessed of a special status somewhat equivalent to that of metropolitan municipality. Although short-lived due to a lack of infrastructure , this was the first instance of a resistance movement having its own air force. . The Commission on Social Determinants of Health recommended that more equal distributions of power, wealth, education, housing, environmental factors, nutrition, and health care were needed to address inequalities in cardiovascular disease and non-communicable diseases. In college games, the penalty is still enforced even if the team in possession scores . The compactness theorem states that a set of first-order sentences has a model if and only if every finite subset of it has a model. While this process usually is called fiscal federalism it may be relevant to unitary, federal and confederal governments . Oxford is the junction for a short branch line to Bicester, which was upgraded to 100 mph (161 km/h) during an 18-month closure in 2014/2015 - and is anticipated to be extended to form the East West Rail Link. It is a silvery, malleable other metal that is not easily oxidized in air, obtained chiefly from the mineral cassiterite where it occurs as tin dioxide, SnO2. In the aftermath of the failed revolution of 1905–7, Bolshevik revolutionaries were forced back into exile in 1908 in Switzerland as well as other anti-Tsarist revolutionaries including the Mensheviks, the Socialist Revolutionaries, and anarchists. Some biologists, anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists believe this in-group/out-group discrimination has evolved because it enhances group survival . The appearance was up to the maker of the flag . The major international music labels such as Sony Music and Universal have shown very little interest in the drum and bass scene though there have been a few signings, most recently Pendulum's In Silico LP to Warner. By 1660, French fur trappers, missionaries, and military detachments based in Montreal pushed west along the Great Lakes upriver into the Pays d'en Haut and founded outposts at Green Bay, Fort de Buade and Saint Ignace (both at Michilimackinac), Sault Sainte Marie, Vincennes, and Detroit in 1701. The earliest written records of lenses date to Ancient Greece, with Aristophanes' play The Clouds (424 BC) mentioning a burning-glass (a biconvex lens used to focus the sun's rays to produce fire). After he explored this region in 1614, Dutch fur traders sailed up the Connecticut River (then known by the Dutch as Versche Rivier – "Fresh River") and built a fort at Dutch Point in what is present-day Hartford, which they called "House of Hope" (Dutch: Huis van Hoop). In 1795, the number of stars and stripes was increased from 13 to 15 (to reflect the entry of Vermont and Kentucky as states of the Union). Several plant species, the "pioneer crops" or Neolithic founder crops were named by Daniel Zohary , who highlighted importance of the three cereals, and suggesting domestication of flax, pea, chickpea, bitter vetch and lentil came a little later. .Rotterdam was voted 2015 European City of the Year by the Academy of Urbanism. The continued existence of a group may depend on widespread conformity to codes of morality ; an inability to adjust moral codes in response to new challenges is sometimes credited with the demise of a community (a positive example would be the function of Cistercian reform in reviving monasticism; a negative example would be the role of the Dowager Empress in the subjugation of China to European interests). For example, amābit, " he or she will love ", is formed from the same stem, amā-, to which a future tense marker, -bi-, is suffixed, and a third person singular marker, -t, is suffixed. The Australian Senate typically sits for 50 to 60 days a year.[a] Most of those days are grouped into 'sitting fortnights' of two four-day weeks. Joseph C. Miller has argued that the social change and demographic stagnation (which he researched on the example of West Central Africa ) was caused primarily by domestic factors. In March 2013 , National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus gave a stinging report on the party's failures in 2012, calling on Republicans to reinvent themselves and officially endorse immigration reform. The ice reaches its maximum extent in February or March; typical ice thickness in the northernmost areas in the Bothnian Bay, the northern basin of the Gulf of Bothnia, is about 70 cm (28 in) for landfast sea ice. The thickness decreases farther south. For instance, former Chairman of the Supreme Military Junta of Ecuador , General Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella, has Luis as his first given name, Telmo as his middle name, the true compound surname Paz y Miño as his first (i.e. paternal) surname, and Estrella as his second (i.e. maternal) surname. About two to three million residents of Istanbul are Kurdish, meaning there are more Kurds in Istanbul than in any other city in the world. The state lies at a latitude of 23°83'N – 25°68'N and a longitude of 93°03'E – 94°78'E. The total area covered by the state is 22,347 square kilometres (8,628 sq mi). Precipitation, especially rain , has a dramatic effect on agriculture. Vista's server counterpart, Windows Server 2008 was released in early 2008 . One of his more famous basslines (Reese – "Just Want Another Chance", Incognito Records, 1988 ) was indeed sampled on Renegade's Terrorist and countless others since, being known simply as the 'Reese' bassline. The Jewish population is concentrated in the towns near Long Island Sound between Greenwich and New Haven, in Greater New Haven and in Greater Hartford, especially the suburb of West Hartford. The clothing company French Connection began referring to itself as fcuk, standing for "French Connection United Kingdom." The first official U.S. flag flown during battle was on August 3, 1777 at Fort Schuyler (Fort Stanwix) during the Siege of Fort Stanwix. The medications niacin, fibrates and CETP Inhibitors, while they may increase HDL cholesterol do not affect the risk of cardiovascular disease in those who are already on statins. Walter Rodney argued that the export of so many people had been a demographic disaster and had left Africa permanently disadvantaged when compared to other parts of the world, and largely explains the continent's continued poverty. Economically, Puritan New England fulfilled the expectations of its founders. Voters liked Ike much more than they liked the GOP , and he proved unable to shift the party to a more moderate position. Rescue missions offering " soup, soap, and salvation ", a phrase introduced by The Salvation Army, sprang up along the Bowery thoroughfare, including the oldest one, The Bowery Mission. This is the case in Hungary , parts of Romania, Bavaria, Austria, South India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and countries in the East Asian cultural sphere including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and China. Celia Green made a distinction between tribal and territorial morality. The Germans were executing Operation Schwarz (the Fifth anti-Partisan offensive), one of a series of offensives aimed at the resistance fighters, when F.W.D. Deakin was sent by the British to gather information.[citation needed] In 2001, Mayor Bart Peterson endorsed a 10-year plan, called the Blueprint to End Homelessness , and made it one of his administration's top priorities. Indeed, many insurers and reinsurers still apply this " 10/10 " test as a benchmark for risk transfer testing. Arts, Music, Film and Cultural festivals were established at the end of the 20th century and continue to be hosted by the city today, and infrastructure improvements have produced a complex transportation network. In Germany, admission to medical schools is currently administered jointly by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung ( SfH ), a centralized federal organization, and the universities themselves. The socialist state, representing a "dictatorship of the proletariat " (as opposed to that of the bourgeoisie) is governed by the party of the revolutionary vanguard through the process of democratic centralism, which Vladimir Lenin described as "diversity in discussion, unity in action." The College of Physicians & Surgeons of Bombay, India (Established 1912) also awards higher postgraduate degrees in clinical and pre-clinical specialties, called FCPS; it involves three years of study and the successful completion of an examination, which includes both theoretical and practical elements, and a research thesis and a viva. Critically endangered populations of Atlantic white-sided dolphins and harbor porpoises inhabit the sea where white-colored porpoises have been recorded, and occasionally oceanic species such as bottlenose dolphins, orcas, and beaked whales visit the waters. Free market ideas popular in the 19th century, such as those of Adam Smith returned to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s. It receives an average annual rainfall of 1, 467.5 millimetres (57.78 in) . In Lithuania, if the husband is named Vilkas, his wife will be named Vilkienė and his daughter will be named Vilkaitė . In 1898, the 45-metre (148-foot) high-rise office building the White House (in Dutch Witte Huis) was completed, at that time the tallest office building in Europe. It considers Monophysitism, as taught by Eutyches and condemned at Chalcedon, a heresy and only disagrees with the formula defined by the Council of Chalcedon . Elections are held in Marxist–Leninist states for all positions within the legislative structure, municipal councils, national legislatures and presidencies . Its function is typically to ensure a reliable supply of essential resources , especially for animals living in a habitat where food quantity or quality fluctuates unpredictably. About 10.5 million slaves arrived in the Americas. These developments—re-evaluation of the entire Western value system (love, marriage, popular culture, shift from industrial to service economy) that took place since the 1950s and 1960s , with a peak in the Social Revolution of 1968—are described with the term Postmodernity, as opposed to Postmodernism, a term referring to an opinion or movement. After Constantine the Great made it the new eastern capital of the Roman Empire in 330 CE , the city became widely known as "Constantinopolis" (Constantinople), which, as the Latinized form of "Κωνσταντινούπολις" (Konstantinoúpolis), means the "City of Constantine". Goaltender's equipment has continually become larger and larger leading to fewer goals in each game and many official rule changes . England made its first successful efforts at the start of the 17th century for several reasons. Based on earlier theories by Eric Williams, he asserted that the industrial revolution was at least in part funded by agricultural profits from the Americas. The discipline of object-oriented programming is based on objects and methods (which are subroutines attached to these objects or object classes). Other materials have been tried with varying degrees of success, such as the 1950s Grafton plastic alto saxophone and its recent successor, the polycarbonate saxophone, VibratoSax . Thus figures in the foreground are sculpted in high-relief , those in the background in low-relief. The oldest representations are four panthers that guard each corner of the Panther Hollow bridge. In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, Poland, Denmark, and Sweden fought wars for Dominium maris baltici ("Lordship over the Baltic Sea"). The Andes are a Mesozoic–Tertiary orogenic belt of mountains along the Pacific Ring of Fire, a zone of volcanic activity that encompasses the Pacific rim of the Americas as well as the Asia-Pacific region. The Andes are the result of plate tectonics processes, caused by the subduction of oceanic crust beneath the South American plate. But towards the turn of the millennium its popularity was deemed to have dwindled as the UK garage style known as speed garage yielded several hit singles. The Suebi eventually migrated south west to reside for a while in the Rhineland area of modern Germany, where their name survives in the historic region known as Swabia. The father's paternal surname becomes the child's own paternal surname, while the mother's paternal surname becomes the child's second surname (as the child's own maternal surname). The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (Imp.) of 1900 established the Senate as part of the new system of dominion government in newly federated Australia. The Old Right sharply attacked the "Second New Deal" and said it represented class warfare and socialism . This is represented on an interaction chart and is a complex non-linear relationship. Sphingolipids are a complicated family of compounds that share a common structural feature, a sphingoid base backbone that is synthesized de novo from the amino acid serine and a long-chain fatty acyl CoA, then converted into ceramides, phosphosphingolipids, glycosphingolipids and other compounds. Much of the campus, including its centerpiece 42-story Cathedral of Learning, falls within the Oakland Civic Center/Schenley Farms National Historic District . In 2014, Manhattan was home to six of the top ten zip codes in the United States by median housing price. These developments provided the basis for densely populated settlements, specialization and division of labour, trading economies, the development of non-portable art and architecture, centralized administrations and political structures, hierarchical ideologies, depersonalized systems of knowledge (e.g., writing), and property ownership[ citation needed]. Obviously, it is more difficult to operate an insurance group than a single insurance company, since employees must be painstakingly trained to observe corporate formalities so that courts will not treat the entities in the group as alter egos of each other. For example, all insurance policies and all claim-related documents must consistently reference the relevant company within the group, and the flows of premiums and claim payments must be carefully recorded against the books of the correct company. Since New York and Massachusetts have higher tax rates than Connecticut, this effectively means that Connecticut residents that work in those states have no Connecticut income tax withheld. One lasting influence of the avant-garde movement has been the exploration of non-western ethnic sounds on the saxophone , for example, the Africanized sounds used by Pharoah Sanders. It was the original home rink of the Boston Bruins professional team, itself the oldest United States-based team in the NHL, starting play in the league in today's Matthews Arena on December 1, 1924. The term "melting pot" was first popularly coined to describe the densely populated immigrant neighborhoods on the Lower East Side in Israel Zangwill's play The Melting Pot, which was an adaptation of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet set by Zangwill in New York City in 1908. By the middle of the 18th century, New England's way of life was threatened by overpopulation, going from about 100,000 people in 1700 to 250,000 in 1725 and 375,000 in 1750 thanks to high birth rates and relatively high overall life expectancy (a 15-year-old boy in 1700 could expect to live to about 63). For three-dimensional systems, a convention is to portray the xy-plane horizontally, with the z axis added to represent height (positive up). Since 1986, considered the 100th anniversary of the rivalry, teams of the two colleges play for the Carr-Harris Cup . Their first settlement was founded in 1784 by Grigory Shelikhov . The procedure used a silver chromate salt to reveal the intricate structures of individual neurons . The armed forces and government agencies frequently employ acronyms; some well-known examples from the United States are among the "alphabet agencies" (also jokingly referred to as " alphabet soup ") created by Franklin D. Roosevelt (also of course known as FDR) under the New Deal. Shallow-relief or rilievo stiacciato, used for the background areas of compositions with the main elements in low-relief, was perfected by the Italian Renaissance sculptor Donatello. Several plant species, the "pioneer crops" or Neolithic founder crops were named by Daniel Zohary, who highlighted importance of the three cereals , and suggesting domestication of flax, pea, chickpea, bitter vetch and lentil came a little later. New deposits are reported to be in southern Mongolia, and in 2009, new deposits of tin were discovered in Colombia, by the Seminole Group Colombia CI, SAS . The Silahtarağa Power Station, a coal-fired power plant along the Golden Horn, was the sole source of Istanbul's electricity between 1914, when its first engine room was completed, and 1952 . A lens with two concave surfaces is biconcave (or just concave). Forms of slavery varied both in Africa and in the New World. In Chile, marriage has no effect at all on either of the spouses' names, so people keep their birth names for all their life, no matter how many times marital status , theirs or that of their parents, may change. The first major settlements were established in the 1630s by England. Frequent consumption of high-energy foods, such as processed foods that are high in fats and sugars, promotes obesity and may increase cardiovascular risk. An oceanic (or maritime) climate is typically found along the west coasts at the middle latitudes of all the world's continents, bordering cool oceans , as well as southeastern Australia, and is accompanied by plentiful precipitation year round. Istanbul also became the heart of Turkey's nascent film industry, although Turkish films were not consistently developed until the 1950s . The West responded to the Soviet military actions by boycotting the Moscow Olympics of 1980 and providing clandestine support to the Mujahideen, including Osama bin Laden, as a means to challenge the Soviet Union. The West responded to the Soviet military actions by boycotting the Moscow Olympics of 1980 and providing clandestine support to the Mujahideen , including Osama bin Laden, as a means to challenge the Soviet Union. This granite is mostly found east of the crest and north of 37.2°N. In the Triassic and into the Jurassic, an island arc collided with the west coast of North America and raised a chain of volcanoes, in an event called the Nevadan orogeny . The first human settlement on the Asian side, the Fikirtepe mound, is from the Copper Age period, with artifacts dating from 5500 to 3500 BCE , On the European side, near the point of the peninsula (Sarayburnu), there was a Thracian settlement during the early 1st millennium BCE. In Track and Field, Pitt has produced several Olympic and NCAA champions such as 800 m Olympic gold medalist John Woodruff, two-time 110 m hurdle Olympic gold medalist Roger Kingdom , and seven-time NCAA champion and 2005 World Champion triple jumper Trecia-Kaye Smith That leadership later gave rise to the myth that "the Iberians were the sole leaders of the exploration". On September 30, 2014 , Microsoft announced Windows 10 as the successor to Windows 8.1. T in does not occur as the native element but must be extracted from various ores. PC World considered Windows ME to be one of the worst operating systems Microsoft had ever released, and the 4th worst tech product of all time. The total area covered by the state is 22,347 square kilometres (8,628 sq mi). The capital lies in an oval-shaped valley of approximately 700 square miles (2,000 km2) surrounded by blue mountains and is at an elevation of 790 metres (2,590 ft) above sea level. D.C. ranks eighth regarding total homeless population among other major American cities. The inner cylinder is filled by 25 mm (1 in) of rain, with overflow flowing into the outer cylinder. In the Philippines, the Maoist-oriented Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New People's Army, have been waging armed revolution against the existing Philippine government since 1968 . Over the contiguous United States, total annual precipitation increased at an average rate of 6.1% per century since 1900, with the greatest increases within the East North Central climate region (11.6% per century) and the South (11.1%). Each surface can be convex (bulging outwards from the lens), concave (depressed into the lens), or planar (flat) . In almost all races, the two major parties have some practical advantages granted on the basis of their respective performances in the most recent election covering the same constituency . Figure 8 is another attempt at depicting a right-handed coordinate system. In telephone directories the surname is used for collation . At present there are a number of medical schools in the Philippines, notable examples include the University of the Philippines College of Medicine, Our Lady of Fatima University, Far Eastern University – Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation, Saint Louis University International School of Medicine , De La Salle Health Sciences Institute, University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, UERMMMC College of Medicine, St. Luke's College of Medicine–William H. Quasha Memorial, Cebu Doctors' University, Cebu Institute of Medicine, Mindanao State University College of Medicine, Southwestern University, West Visayas State University in Iloilo City, Davao Medical School Foundation in Davao City, Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, Dr. Jose P. Rizal School of Medicine in Cagayan de Oro, Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation in San Carlos, Pangasinan, and University of Northern Philippines in Vigan. There is relatively little information regarding social patterns of cardiovascular disease within low- and middle-income countries, but within high-income countries low income and low educational status are consistently associated with greater risk of cardiovascular disease. The number of computable functions from integers to integers is countable, because the number of possible algorithms is . It also organises The Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival, held annually, and The Sunday Times Festival of Education , which takes place every year at Wellington College.[citation needed] About 30,000 species of vascular plants live in the Andes, with roughly half being endemic to the region, surpassing the diversity of any other hotspot. By this point the 13 colonies had organized themselves into the Continental Congress and began setting up shadow governments and drilling their militia in preparation for war. The rise of immigration near the turn of the 20th century left major portions of Manhattan, especially the Lower East Side , densely packed with recent arrivals, crammed into unhealthy and unsanitary housing. Even as private companies and corporations have worked to have such services contracted out to or privatized by them, others have worked to have these turned over to non-profit organizations or associations , The soprano saxophone was popularized by Sidney Bechet in early jazz, but then largely fell out of favor on the jazz scene until John Coltrane began to feature the instrument.[citation needed] Popular smooth jazz/contemporary pop musician Kenny G also features the soprano sax as his principal instrument. Manhattan is one of the highest-income places in the United States with a population greater than one million. Life expectancy was much greater in the North American colonies ( because of better food, less disease, lighter work loads, and better medical care ) so the numbers grew rapidly by excesses of births over deaths, reaching 4 million by the 1860 Census. This bids up bond prices, helping keep interest rates low, to encourage companies to borrow and invest and people to buy homes . A subset of occupational names in English are names thought to be derived from the medieval mystery plays. With its high population and significant contribution to the Turkish economy, Istanbul is responsible for two-fifths of the nation's tax revenue. This change was partly due to the decision of a key Croatian Peasant Party member, Božidar Magovac, to join the Partisans in June 1943, and partly due to the surrender of Italy. David Livingstone , took the opposite view, arguing that the fragile local economy and societies were being severely harmed by the trade. The physical sciences underlying structural engineering began to be understood in the Renaissance and have since developed into computer-based applications pioneered in the 1970s. If a subprogram can function properly even when called while another execution is already in progress , that subprogram is said to be reentrant. The hunter-gatherers ' diet was more varied and balanced than what agriculture later allowed. The corresponding depletion of water vapour causes the droplets to evaporate , meaning that the ice crystals grow at the droplets' expense. Since ignition can be achieved even with a poorly made lens, lenses have been used as burning-glasses for at least 2400 years . However, most Senate votes cast in Western Australia were subject to a formal recount . It has a number of digital-only subscribers, which numbered 59,000 by March 2014. Eventually they reached Semič, in White Carniola, Slovenia , which was a Partisan base catering for POWs. Since the Stars and Stripes are mounted with the canton closest to the pole, that section stayed to the right, while the stripes flew to the left . National Highway 53 (India) connects Manipur with another railway station at Silchar in Assam , which is 269 km (167 mi) away from Imphal. An iPad edition was launched in December 2010, and an Android version in August 2011 . Beyoğlu was the first area of the city to have its own director and council, with members instead being longtime residents of the neighborhood. The first official U.S. flag flown during battle was on August 3, 1777 at Fort Schuyler (Fort Stanwix) during the Siege of Fort Stanwix. Magnesium supplementation lowers high blood pressure in a dose dependent manner. A March 2011 Gallup poll reported: "One in four Americans say the best way to create more jobs in the U.S. is to keep manufacturing in this country and stop sending work overseas. Structural engineering dates back to 2700 B.C.E. when the step pyramid for Pharaoh Djoser was built by Imhotep, the first engineer in history known by name. The former railway lift bridge De Hef ('the Lift') is preserved as a monument in lifted position between the Noordereiland ('North Island') and the south of Rotterdam. Its ethnic makeup included the original settlers, a group of rich, slave-owning English settlers from the island of Barbados; and Huguenots, a French -speaking community of Protestants. On the other hand, a relief saves forming the rear of a subject, and is less fragile and more securely fixed than a sculpture in the round , especially one of a standing figure where the ankles are a potential weak point, especially in stone. These questions include how signals are processed by neurites – thin extensions from a neuronal cell body, consisting of dendrites (specialized to receive synaptic inputs from other neurons) and axons (specialized to conduct nerve impulses called action potentials) – and somas (the cell bodies of the neurons containing the nucleus ), and how neurotransmitters and electrical signals are used to process information in a neuron. The metopes of the Parthenon have largely lost their fully rounded elements, except for heads, showing the advantages of relief in terms of durability . For example, the main crossover of the Andes between Argentina and Chile is still accomplished through the Paso Internacional Los Libertadores. This period saw the first instances of crossing the floor by senators since the conservative government took office in 1996 : Gary Humphries on civil unions in the Australian Capital Territory, and Barnaby Joyce on voluntary student unionism. They were cultivated around 2500 BC . A backronym (or bacronym) is a phrase that is constructed "after the fact" from a previously existing word . He demanded that five thousand households needed to be transferred to Constantinople by September. On October 29 and 30, 2012 , Hurricane Sandy caused extensive destruction in the borough, ravaging portions of Lower Manhattan with record-high storm surge from New York Harbor, severe flooding, and high winds, causing power outages for hundreds of thousands of city residents and leading to gasoline shortages and disruption of mass transit systems. Structural engineering depends on the knowledge of materials and their properties, in order to understand how different materials support and resist loads. Thomas Hooker led a band of followers overland from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded what would become the Connecticut Colony; other settlers from Massachusetts founded the Saybrook Colony and the New Haven Colony. By the time of the last, or Eemian Stage (MIS 5e), the Eemian Sea was in place. James H. Ward of Hartford was the first U.S. Naval Officer killed in the Civil War. The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963 , when "Mother of the Movement" Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique, and President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality. More recently, Walter Truett Anderson described postmodernism as belonging to one of four typological world views, which he identifies as either (a) Postmodern-ironist, which sees truth as socially constructed, (b) Scientific-rational, in which truth is found through methodical, disciplined inquiry , (c) Social-traditional, in which truth is found in the heritage of American and Western civilization, or (d) Neo-romantic, in which truth is found through attaining harmony with nature and/or spiritual exploration of the inner self. Executives and managers face a constant tension between centralizing and decentralizing information technology for their organizations. Sax's original keywork, which was based on the Triebert system 3 oboe for the left hand and the Boehm clarinet for the right, was very simplistic and made playing some legato passages and wide intervals extremely difficult to finger, so numerous developers added extra keys and alternate fingerings to make chromatic playing less difficult. Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution defines the extent of the authority that the U.S. Congress exercises over the territory of the United States: The Congressional Research Service summarized the bill as follows: "Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act—Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) exempt from employment taxes for a 24-month period employers who hire a employee who replaces another employee who is not a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and who performs similar duties overseas; (2) deny any tax deduction, deduction for loss, or tax credit for the cost of an American jobs offshoring transaction (defined as any transaction in which a taxpayer reduces or eliminates the operation of a trade or business in connection with the start-up or expansion of such trade or business outside the United States); and (3) eliminate the deferral of tax on income of a controlled foreign corporation attributable to property imported into the United States by such corporation or a related person, except for property exported before substantial use in the United States and for agricultural commodities not grown in the United States in commercially marketable quantities." Beer appointed his wife, Rachel Sassoon Beer , as editor. Manhattan was on track to have an estimated 90,000 hotel rooms at the end of 2014, a 10% increase from 2013. In addition to conducting traditional research in laboratory settings, neuroscientists have also been involved in the promotion of awareness and knowledge about the nervous system among the general public and government officials . Many towns center around a "green," such as the Litchfield Green, Lebanon Green (the largest in the state), and Wethersfield Green (the oldest in the state). a temperature gradient . Indeed, nearly a century passed before Ross' grandson, William Canby , first publicly suggested the story in 1870. The outflow of population turned around, as the city once again became the destination of immigrants from around the world, joining with low interest rates and Wall Street bonuses to fuel the growth of the real estate market . By 1902, the Western Pennsylvania Hockey League was the first to employ professionals. The Catholicos Sahak commissioned Mesrob to create an Armenian alphabet, which he completed in 406 . Tin, with its three common isotopes 116Sn, 118Sn and 120Sn , is among the easiest elements to detect and analyze by NMR spectroscopy, and its chemical shifts are referenced against SnMe4.[note 1] The output of a function f corresponding to an input x is denoted by f(x) ( read "f of x" ). Functions that send integers to integers, or finite strings to finite strings , can sometimes be defined by an algorithm, which gives a precise description of a set of steps for computing the output of the function from its input. Rodney contended that the profits from slavery were used to fund economic growth and technological advancement in Europe and the Americas. The Sunday Times has acquired a reputation for the strength of its investigative reporting – much of it by its award-winning Insight team – and also for its wide-ranging foreign coverage. Approximately 10% of cardiovascular disease is attributed to smoking; however, people who quit smoking by age 30 have almost as low a risk of death as never smokers. The U.S. economy created between 18-21 million jobs in each of the three decades from 1970-2000, an average of approximately 165,500 /month during that span. Mainstream support for Windows 95 ended on December 31, 2000, and extended support for Windows 95 ended on December 31, 2001 . Germany occupied northern Slovenia , while retaining direct occupation over a rump Serbian state and considerable influence over its newly created puppet state, the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), which extended over much of today's Croatia and contained all of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina and Syrmia region of modern-day Serbia. In order to preserve the lake's clarity, construction in the Tahoe basin is currently regulated by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency . Before 1791, British sugar had to be protected to compete against cheaper French sugar. Soldiers cut up their shirts to make the white stripes; scarlet material to form the red was secured from red flannel petticoats of officers' wives, while material for the blue union was secured from Capt. Abraham Swartwout 's By the end of the 19th century , Istanbul had established itself as a regional artistic center, with Turkish, European, and Middle Eastern artists flocking to the city. Some observers hold that individuals apply distinct sets of moral rules to people depending on their membership of an "in-group" (the individual and those they believe to be of the same culture or race) or an "out-group" (people not entitled to be treated according to the same rules). One study indicated that a 1% increase in the unemployment rate can increase mortality among working-aged males by 6% . A grandson of King John established Rewley Abbey for the Cistercian Order; and friars of various orders (Dominicans, Franciscans, Carmelites, Augustinians and Trinitarians) all had houses of varying importance at Oxford. In Hawaii, Mount Waiʻaleʻale, on the island of Kauai, is notable for its extreme rainfall, as it has the second highest average annual rainfall on Earth, with 12,000 millimetres (460 in) . .Many grinding stones are found with the early Egyptian Sebilian and Mechian cultures and evidence has been found of a neolithic domesticated crop-based economy dating around 7,000 BP . The first stock insurance company formed in the United States was the Insurance Company of North America in 1792 . Armenia is an early center of Christianity, and it was the first country to adopt Christianity as its official religion in the early 4th century (traditionally in 301 AD), by establishing this church. In India , surnames are placed as last names or before first names, which often denote: village of origin, caste, clan, office of authority their ancestors held, or trades of their ancestors. The storekeepers of these shops sold their imported goods in exchange for crops and other local products including roof shingles, potash, and barrel staves. Both projects may be completed as early as 2015 , although environmentalist groups worry that the third bridge will endanger the remaining green areas to the north of Istanbul. In the dissenting opinions, Justices Harry A. Blackmun, Warren E. Burger, Lewis F. Powell, Jr., and William H. Rehnquist suggested that the result of this ruling would be the elimination of publicly supported single-sex educational opportunities . It allows the use of sentences that contain variables , so that rather than propositions such as Socrates is a man one can have expressions in the form X is a man where X is a variable. The bulk of the city's trash ultimately is disposed at mega-dumps in Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Carolina and Ohio (via transfer stations in New Jersey, Brooklyn and Queens) since the 2001 closure of the Fresh Kills Landfill on Staten Island. Thousands of state, local, and volunteer groups mobilized for the war effort, and were coordinated by the Connecticut State Council of Defense . Only by holding a Medical Title can the postgraduate student apply for the Doctor degree through a Doctorate in Medicine program approved by the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation. The 6 -mile (9.7 km) road circling the park is popular with joggers, bicyclists and inline skaters, especially on weekends and in the evenings after 7:00 pm, when automobile traffic is banned. In particular, no first-order theory with an infinite model can be categorical . An interpretation of a first-order language assigns a denotation to all non-logical constants in that language . Authors Bittle & Johnson of Public agenda explained the pros and cons of 14 job creation arguments frequently discussed, several of which are summarized below by topic. However, the European demand for slaves provided a large new market for the already existing trade. Each reference line is called a coordinate axis or just axis of the system, and the point where they meet is its origin, usually at ordered pair (0, 0). It was not until the Moorish conquest of Spain in 711 cut off communications between the major Romance regions that the languages began to diverge seriously. Connecticut permits a credit for taxes paid to other jurisdictions, but since residents who work in other states are still subject to Connecticut income taxation, they may owe taxes if the jurisdictional credit does not fully offset the Connecticut tax amount. It is a 3,400-square-foot (320 m2) facility located in the Woods Mullen Shelter . His technique was used by Santiago Ramón y Cajal and led to the formation of the neuron doctrine , the hypothesis that the functional unit of the brain is the neuron. Membership in both the Bolshevik and Menshevik ranks diminished from 1907 to 1908 and the number of people taking part in strikes in 1907 was 26 percent of the figure during the year of the revolution in 1905, it dropped in 1908 to 6 percent of that figure, and in 1910 it was 2 percent of that figure. However, the buffer stockpile was not sufficiently large, and during most of those 29 years tin prices rose, sometimes sharply, especially from 1973 through 1980 when rampant inflation plagued many world economies. Unemployment tends to rise during recessions and fall during expansions. ( If some free variable of t becomes bound, then to substitute t for x it is first necessary to change the bound variables of φ to differ from the free variables of t.) The most prominent of the festivals that evolved from the original Istanbul Festival is the Istanbul Biennial , held every two years since 1987. These claims are documented in the Journals of the Continental Congress and George Hasting 's This plan would both rid Great Britain of its undesirable elements and provide her with a base from which to attack Florida . More specifically, the status of "major party" is usually reconfirmed every four years, as belonging to the two parties that polled best, statewide, in the gubernatorial column; this status includes the benefit of appearing in one of the top two rows on the ballot provided the party has at least one candidate on the ballot. The new European immigration brought further social upheaval . Radcliffe is now the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study in Women's Studies at Harvard University. Irregular verbs may not follow these types, or may be marked in a different way. The UConn Huskies play NCAA Division I sports and are popular in the state. Devastated by European diseases to which they had no immunity and civil wars, in 1532 the Incas were defeated by an alliance composed of tens of thousands of allies from nations they had subjugated (e.g. Huancas, Chachapoyas, Cañaris) and a small army of 180 Spaniards led by Francisco Pizarro . This contrasts with the Dutch approach, in which graduates are literally 'basic doctors' (basisartsen) who have yet to decide on a specialty. As the name suggests, the postmodernist movement formed partly in reaction to the ideals of the modernist. British Prime Minister William Pitt the Elder had decided to wage the war in the colonies with the use of troops from the colonies and tax funds from Britain itself. The contemporary sport of ice hockey was developed in Canada , most notably in Montreal, where the first indoor hockey game was played on March 3, 1875. Glycerolipids are composed of mono-, di-, and tri-substituted glycerols , the best-known being the fatty acid triesters of glycerol, called triglycerides. Post modernism is a late-20th-century movement in the arts, architecture, and criticism that was a departure from modernism. John Newton, author of Complete Conduct Principles for the 21st Century compared the Eastern and the Western cultures about morality. At some other universities (especially older institutions, such as Oxford, Dublin, Cambridge and St Andrews), the MD is a higher doctorate (similar to a DSc) awarded upon submission of a portfolio of published work representing a substantial contribution to medical research . While fewer than 1% of British men could vote, a majority of white American men were eligible. A subroutine is often coded so that it can be started (called) several times and from several places during one execution of the program, including from other subroutines, and then branch back (return) to the next instruction after the call once the subroutine's task is done. This plan combined the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan to form a bicameral legislature, a form copied by almost every state constitution since the adoption of the federal constitution. In most cases, however, Congress has granted considerable self-rule through an Organic Act , Unemployment was virtually eliminated in the country during the 1930s. Her 1984 book Cities and the Wealth of Nations proposed a solution to the various ills plaguing cities whose economies were being ruined by centralized national governments: decentralization through the "multiplication of sovereignties", i.e., acceptance of the right of cities to secede from the larger nation states that were squelching their ability to produce wealth. Slovenia was during WWII in a unique situation in Europe, only Greece shared its experience of being trisected, however, Slovenia was the only one that experienced a further step — absorption and annexation into neighboring Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Hungary . The argument that acronyms should have no different plural form (for example, "If D can stand for disc, it can also stand for discs") is in general disregarded because of the practicality in distinguishing singulars and plurals . He believed that the brain was not only involved with sensation—since most specialized organs (e.g., eyes, ears, tongue) are located in the head near the brain— but was also the seat of intelligence . Owing largely to the prominence of the religious right in conservative politics in the United States, the Republican Party has taken positions regarded by many as outwardly hostile to the gay rights movement. a 10-acre (4.0 ha) site on the North Side's Observatory Hill at the location of its Allegheny Observatory. The New York Mets played in the Polo Grounds in 1962 and 1963, their first two seasons, before Shea Stadium was completed in 1964 . However, the compactness theorem can be used to show that connected graphs are not an elementary class in first-order logic, and there is no formula φ(x,y) of first-order logic, in the logic of graphs, that expresses the idea that there is a path from x to y. Connectedness can be expressed in second-order logic, however, but not with only existential set quantifiers, as .....Σ..1...1.....{\displaystyle \Sigma _{1}^{1}}.. also enjoys compactness. IR works best in cases of deep, vigorous convection—such as the tropics—and becomes progressively less useful in areas where stratiform (layered) precipitation dominates, especially in mid- and high-latitude regions. The more-direct physical connection between hydrometeors and microwave channels gives the microwave estimates greater skill on short time and space scales than is true for IR. The processes of decentralization redefines structures, procedures and practices of governance to be closer to the citizenry and to make them more aware of the costs and benefits ; it is not merely a movement of power from the central to the local government. It is possible then to abbreviate this as M's P. (or similar), as used by former Australian Prime Minister Ben Chifley . The name İstanbul (Turkish pronunciation: [isˈtanbuɫ] (listen), colloquially [ɯsˈtambuɫ]) is commonly held to derive from the Medieval Greek phrase "εἰς τὴν Πόλιν" (pronounced [is tim ˈbolin]), which means "to the city" and is how Constantinople was referred to by the local Greeks. Postmodernism has also been used interchangeably with the term post-structuralism out of which postmodernism grew, a proper understanding of postmodernism or doing justice to the postmodernist thought demands an understanding of the poststructuralist movement and the ideas of its advocates. Throughout the war the Partisans used any weapons they could find, mostly weapons captured from the Germans, Italians, Army of the NDH, Ustaše and the Chetniks , such as the Karabiner 98k rifle, MP 40 submachine gun, MG 34 machine gun, Carcano rifles and carbines and Beretta submachine guns. The Pilgrims were a small Protestant sect based in England and the Netherlands. Then each point P of the line can be specified by its distance from O, taken with a + or − sign depending on which half-line contains P. These elections are not competitive multiparty elections, and most are not multi-candidate elections; usually a single communist party candidate is chosen to run for office in which voters vote either to accept or reject the candidate. Where there have been more than one candidates, all candidates are officially vetted before being able to stand for candidacy, and the system has frequently been structured to give advantage to official candidates over others. Many of the countries neighboring the Baltic Sea have been concerned about this, since a major oil leak in a seagoing tanker would be disastrous for the Baltic—given the slow exchange of water . The more likely source of the nickname "Constitution State" comes from Connecticut's pivotal role in the federal constitutional convention of 1787, during which Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth helped to orchestrate what became known as the Connecticut Compromise, or the Great Compromise. Per Article XV of the state constitution, Senators and Representatives must be at least 18 years of age and are elected to two-year terms in November on even-numbered years. Turabian would therefore prefer "DVDs" and "URLs" and " Ph.D.'s ", while the Modern Language Association explicitly says, "do not use an apostrophe to form the plural of an abbreviation". The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) records the first printed use of the word initialism as occurring in 1899 , but it did not come into general use until 1965, well after acronym had become common. Mussolini's Italy occupied the remainder of Slovenia (annexed and renamed as the Province of Lubiana ), Kosovo, and large chunks of the coastal Dalmatia region (along with nearly all its Adriatic islands). They can be initiated from the centers of authority ("top-down") or from individuals, localities or regions (" bottom-up "), or from a "mutually desired" combination of authorities and localities working together. The widespread, frequent use of acronyms across the whole range of registers is a relatively new linguistic phenomenon in most languages, becoming increasingly evident since the mid-20th century. In Yugoslavia, the communist Yugoslav Partisans led by Josip Broz Tito , held up an effective guerrilla resistance movement to the Axis occupiers. It comprises 30 teams from the United States and Canada. The problem was partially solved by Sony . The ancient peoples of the Andes such as the Incas have practiced irrigation techniques for over 6,000 years. The several hundred settlers were centered around the capital of Fort Christina, at the location of what is today the city of Wilmington, Delaware . The Baltic Sea's salinity is much lower than that of ocean water (which averages 3.5%), as a result of abundant freshwater runoff from the surrounding land, combined with the shallowness of the sea itself; indeed, runoff contributes roughly one-fortieth its total volume per year, as the volume of the basin is about 21,000 km3 (5,000 cu mi) and yearly runoff is about 500 km3 (120 cu mi). It is most commonly discussed as an alternative to transfers of capital-intensive technology from industrialized nations to developing countries. In such an oblique coordinate system the computations of distances and angles must be modified from that in standard Cartesian systems, and many standard formulas (such as the Pythagorean formula for the distance) do not hold (see Affine plane). Turkish citizens are entitled to subsidized healthcare in the nation's state-run hospitals . The population of Istanbul began to rapidly increase in the 1970s , as people from Anatolia migrated to the city to find employment in the many new factories that were built on the outskirts of the sprawling metropolis. It has been identified as having "inspired some of the most important developments in human history including the invention of the wheel , the planting of the first cereal crops and the development of cursive script, Mathematics, Astronomy and Agriculture." On May 20, 2009, President Obama signed the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act into Public Law ( Public Law 111-22 or "PL 111-22" ), reauthorizing HUD's Homeless Assistance programs. The word commonwealth in this context refers to the common "wealth", or welfare, of the public . Early 19th-century paintings depict shinney (or "shinny"), an early form of hockey with no standard rules which was played in Nova Scotia.[citation needed] Many of these early games absorbed the physical aggression of what the Mi'kmaq in Nova Scotia called dehuntshigwa'es (lacrosse). The Yugoslav National Liberation Movement claimed 6,000,000 civilian supporters; its two million women formed the Antifascist Front of Women (AFŽ), in which the revolutionary coexisted with the traditional. Towns in New York and New England are treated as equivalents to townships by the United States Census Bureau. where .....i..=...(....1.....0....).....{\displaystyle \mathbf {i} ={\begin{pmatrix}1\\0\end{pmatrix}}}.., and .....j..=...(....0.....1....).....{\displaystyle \mathbf {j} ={\begin{pmatrix}0\\1\end{pmatrix}}}.. are unit vectors in the direction of the x-axis and y-axis respectively, generally referred to as the standard basis (in some application areas these may also be referred to as versors). With over 500MB of content every week, it is the biggest newspaper app in the world. It was there that in 1139 Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote his History of the Kings of Britain, a compilation of Arthurian legends. A location on the Equator is needed to define the X-axis, and the Prime Meridian stands out as a reference direction, so the X-axis takes the direction from geocenter out to [ 0 degrees longitude, 0 degrees latitude ]. His children, therefore, would inherit the compound surname "Paz y Miño" as their paternal surname, while Estrella would be lost, since the mother's paternal surname becomes the children's second surname (as their own maternal surname). Winter is colder in Istanbul than in most other cities around the Mediterranean Basin, with low temperatures averaging 1–4 °C (34–39 °F) . The major political parties debate appropriate solutions for improving the job creation rate, with liberals arguing for more government spending and conservatives arguing for lower taxes and less regulation. Since 1976 , liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts. The language for both the keyboard and the interface can be changed through the Region and Language Control Panel . In Indianapolis, Indiana, as many as 2,200 people are homeless on any given night, and as many as 15,000 individuals over the course of a year. In English, abbreviations have traditionally been written with a full stop/period/point in place of the deleted part to show the ellipsis of letters – although the colon and apostrophe have also had this role – and with a space after full stops (e.g. "A. D."). Since the 1990s , specialist software has become available to aid in the design of structures, with the functionality to assist in the drawing, analyzing and designing of structures with maximum precision; examples include AutoCAD, StaadPro, ETABS, Prokon, Revit Structure etc. The Fertile Crescent region of Southwest Asia is the centre of domestication for three cereals (einkorn wheat, emmer wheat and barley) four legumes (lentil, pea, bitter vetch and chickpea) and flax. On 2 October 2012, The Sunday Times launched Sunday Times Driving , a separate classified advertising site for premium vehicles that also includes editorial content from the newspaper as well as specially commissioned articles. Louisiana uses the term parish and Alaska uses the term borough for what the Census terms county-equivalents in those states. In 2013 that number jumped to one out of 30 children, or 2.5 million . A second alternate qualification, termed DNB [ Diplomate of National Board ], is considered equivalent to the MD and MS degrees. That includes the taxes of 37 billionaires based in Istanbul, the fifth-highest number among cities around the world. The top soil on the steep slopes is very thin . About of a third of the population in the 21st century descends from the Spanish settlers. Jonathan Kramer posits the idea (following Umberto Eco and Jean-François Lyotard ) that postmodernism (including musical postmodernism) is less a surface style or historical period (i.e., condition) than an attitude. In many countries, political, economic and administrative responsibilities may be decentralized to the larger urban areas, while rural areas are administered by the central government. Low- and mid-range hotels tend to be located on the Sarayburnu ; higher-end hotels are primarily located in the entertainment and financial centers north of the Golden Horn. They each raise over $100 million per election cycle, and play important roles in recruiting strong state candidates, while the Republican Governors Association (RGA) assists in state gubernatorial races; in 2014 it is chaired by Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey. Microsoft releases security patches through its Windows Update service approximately once a month (usually the second Tuesday of the month), although critical updates are made available at shorter intervals when necessary. The design of a column must check the axial capacity of the element, and the buckling capacity. Manhattan is also home to some of the most extensive art collections in the world, both contemporary and historical, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Frick Collection, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Guggenheim Museum. Estimates by Patrick Manning are that about 12 million slaves entered the Atlantic trade between the 16th and 19th century, but about 1.5 million died on board ship. The use of the saxophone in dance orchestras and jazz ensembles put a premium on dynamic range, projection, and tonal richness, leading to rapid innovation in chamber shape and tip design, and metal construction . Unlike within the States, sovereignty over insular areas rests not with the local people, but in Congress . Southwestern Connecticut is served by the Metro-North Railroad's New Haven Line, operated by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and providing commuter service to New York City and New Haven, with branches servicing New Canaan, Danbury, and Waterbury. Top-down decentralization may be motivated by the desire to “ shift deficits downwards ” and find more resources to pay for services or pay off government debt. Geological surveys show that before the Pleistocene, instead of the Baltic Sea, there was a wide plain around a great river paleontologists call the Eridanos. a tin /lead alloy, with 50%/50% being the most common. In March 2010 , there were protests about the Governor's proposed cut of $65 million in annual funding to the homeless adult services system. Some of these instruments produce a virtual image when applied to the human eye; others produce a real image that can be captured on photographic film or an optical sensor , or can be viewed on a screen. The subject of reliefs is for convenient reference assumed in this article to be usually figures, but sculpture in relief often depicts decorative geometrical or foliage patterns, as in the arabesques of Islamic art, and may be of any subject. On 27 September 1964 , the Business section was launched, making The Sunday Times Britain's first regular three-section newspaper. As part of the economic policy of Barack Obama, the United States Congress funded approximately $800 billion in spending and tax cuts via the February 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to stimulate the economy. Particularly well regarded programs include Pitt's Department of Philosophy, which has long been renowned in the U.S. and worldwide, and is especially strong in the areas of mathematical and philosophical logic, metaphysics, history and philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind and psychology, and semantics. For instance, former Chairman of the Supreme Military Junta of Ecuador, General Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella , has Luis as his first given name, Telmo as his middle name, the true compound surname Paz y Miño as his first (i.e. paternal) surname, and Estrella as his second (i.e. maternal) surname. US Helicopter offered regularly scheduled helicopter service connecting the Downtown Manhattan Heliport with John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens and Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, before going out of business in 2009. On 28 February 2014 it was announced that the half-Senate election in Western Australia would take place on 5 April , which returned 3 Liberal, 1 Labor, 1 Green, 1 Palmer. For example, in Lκ∞ , a single universal or existential quantifier may bind arbitrarily many variables simultaneously. Novelists who are commonly connected with postmodern literature include Vladimir Nabokov, William Gaddis, Umberto Eco, John Hawkes, William Burroughs, Giannina Braschi, Kurt Vonnegut, John Barth, Jean Rhys, Donald Barthelme, E.L. Doctorow, Richard Kalich, Jerzy Kosinski, Don DeLillo, Thomas Pynchon (Pynchon's work has also been described as "high modern" ), Ishmael Reed, Kathy Acker, Ana Lydia Vega, Jachym Topol and Paul Auster. An iPad edition was launched in December 2010 , and an Android version in August 2011. Italian is the largest ancestry group in five of the state's counties, while the Irish are the largest group in Tolland county, French Canadians the largest group in Windham county. The first of these institutions was opened in Baghdad during the time of Harun al-Rashid. Windows 98 SE added Internet Explorer 5.0 and Windows Media Player 6.2 amongst other upgrades. Amidst civil war between the Reds and the Whites, the RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against Germany that was ended a year later with an armistice. In general, a bundle of parallel rays passing through the lens at a fixed distance from the centre of the lens are focused to a ring-shaped image in the focal plane, known as a comatic circle . It became increasingly apparent that simply providing services to alleviate the symptoms of homelessness (i.e. shelter beds, hot meals, psychiatric counseling, etc.), although needed, were not successful at solving the root causes of homelessness. Now extinct Atlantic grey whales and eastern population of North Atlantic right whales that is facing functional extinction once migrated into Baltic Sea. This may be caused by the women's smaller body size and arterial dimensions which are independent of menopause. Nieuw-Nederland , or New Netherland, chartered in 1614, was a colonial province of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands in what became New York State, New Jersey, and parts of other neighboring states. Blues artists like Lead Belly, Robert Johnson, Charlie Patton, Muddy Waters and B.B King have also been cited by producers as inspirations. Kilometers are a good choice, since the original definition of the kilometer was geospatial...10,000 km equalling the surface distance from the Equator to the North Pole. Magma formed through the subduction of the ancient Farallon Plate rose in plumes (plutons) deep underground, their combined mass forming what is called the Sierra Nevada batholith . Throughout its history, Pitt has been committed to a liberal arts education with a well-rounded curriculum in the arts, sciences, and humanities. "In 2004 the United States Conference of Mayors... surveyed the mayors of major cities on the extent and causes of urban homelessness and most of the mayors named the lack of affordable housing as a cause of homelessness.... In the mid-1800s Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that the French Revolution began with " a push towards decentralization...[but became,]in the end, an extension of centralization. " In 1863 retired French bureaucrat Maurice Block wrote an article called “Decentralization” for a French journal which reviewed the dynamics of government and bureaucratic centralization and recent French efforts at decentralization of government functions. The parts of the subject that are seen are normally depicted at their full depth , unlike low relief where the elements seen are "squashed" flatter. By the middle of the 18th century, New England's way of life was threatened by overpopulation, going from about 100,000 people in 1700 to 250,000 in 1725 and 375,000 in 1750 thanks to high birth rates and relatively high overall life expectancy (a 15-year-old boy in 1700 could expect to live to about 63 ) During 2011, there were 98,379 workers covered by petitions filed with ETA. In March 1945 , the Slovene Partisan Units were officially merged with the Yugoslav Army and thus ceased to exist as a separate formation.[citation needed] Naval forces of the resistance were formed as early as 19 September 1942 , when Partisans in Dalmatia formed their first naval unit made of fishing boats, which gradually evolved into a force able to engage the Italian Navy and Kriegsmarine and conduct complex amphibious operations. These first kidnapped Africans were classed as indentured servants and freed after seven years . The unemployment rate has varied from as low as 1% during World War I to as high as 25% during the Great Depression. Goaltenders wear specialty goalie skates , (these skates are built more for movement side to side rather than forwards and backwards) a jock or jill, large leg pads, (there are size restrictions in certain leagues) blocking glove, catching glove, a chest protector, a goalie mask, and a large jersey. This led to the invention of the compound achromatic lens by Chester Moore Hall in England in 1733, an invention also claimed by fellow Englishman John Dollond in a 1758 patent. Tin is also used as a negative electrode in advanced Li-ion batteries. The civilian population increased by roughly 10 million during that time, with the labor force increasing by about 2 million and those not in the labor force increasing by about 8 million. Father Junípero Serra , founded the first missions in Spanish upper Las Californias, starting with Mission San Diego de Alcalá in 1769. In contrast, it is now well-established that consumption of trans fats , such as those present in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Pitt Jazz Ensemble, founded in 1969 by saxophon ist Dr. Davis, has performed internationally. In addition, this feature enables readers possessing knowledge of the abbreviations not to have to encounter expansions ( redundant to such readers ) Germany occupied northern Slovenia, while retaining direct occupation over a rump Serbian state and considerable influence over its newly created puppet state, the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) , which extended over much of today's Croatia and contained all of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina and Syrmia region of modern-day Serbia. Catenaries derive their strength from their form, and carry transverse forces in pure tension by deflecting (just as a tightrope will sag when someone walks on it). Windows NT 4.0 and its predecessors supported PowerPC, DEC Alpha and MIPS R4000 . This was connected to another distinction: slavery in West Africa was not reserved for racial or religious minorities, as it was in European colonies, although the case was otherwise in places such as Somalia, where Bantus were taken as slaves for the ethnic Somalis. He presented numbers showing that Africa's population stagnated during this period , while that of Europe and Asia grew dramatically. The first human settlement on the Asian side, the Fikirtepe mound, is from the Copper Age period, with artifacts dating from 5500 to 3500 BCE, On the European side, near the point of the peninsula (Sarayburnu), there was a Thracian settlement during the early 1st millennium BCE. By May 2013 , U.S. employment had reached 98% of its pre-recession peak after approximately 60 months. These Georgian houses had a symmetrical façade with equal numbers of windows on both sides of the central door. This may be secondary to a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors . The colony survived and flourished by turning to tobacco as a cash crop. In French Canada until the 19th century , several families adopted surnames that followed the family name in order to distinguish the various branches of a large family. Inadequate sanitary practices and the domestication of animals may explain the rise in deaths and sickness following the Neolithic Revolution, as diseases jumped from the animal to the human population. President Reagan averaged over 7 million in each term during the 1980s, while George W. Bush had negative job creation in the 2000s. Sheets of sound, tonal exploration, upper harmonics, and multiphonics were hallmarks of the creative possibilities that saxophones offered in the new realm. Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles ("SSAP") 62, issued by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners , applies to so-called 'statutory accounting' – the accounting for insurance enterprises to conform with regulation. It remains the official ideology of the ruling parties of China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam, and was the official ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the other ruling parties making up the Eastern Bloc. According to a recent area analysis, the city centre has a singles population of 70% , between the ages of 20 and 40,[citation needed] considerably more than other city areas. Brancati holds that decentralization can promote peace if it encourages statewide parties to incorporate regional demands and limit the power of regional parties. This result was established independently by Alonzo Church and Alan Turing in 1936 and 1937, respectively, giving a negative answer to the Entscheidungsproblem posed by David Hilbert in 1928. The word "decentralization" came into usage in the 1820s. "Centralization" entered written English in the first third of the 1800s;.mentions of decentralization also first appear during those years. The New York City Subway, the largest subway system in the world by number of stations, is the primary means of travel within the city, linking every borough except Staten Island . The definition of a function as a triple defines a function as a type of correspondence , whereas the definition of a function as a set of ordered pairs defines a function as a type of relation. Economically, Puritan New England fulfilled the expectations of its founders. The collectivisation policies resulted in economic disaster with severe fluctuations in grain harvests, catastrophic losses in the number of livestock, a substantial drop in the food consumption of the country's citizens, and the allegedly intentional Holodomor famine in the Ukraine. The Löwenheim–Skolem theorem shows that if a first-order theory has any infinite model, then it has infinite models of every cardinality. High blood pressure results in 13% of CVD deaths , while tobacco results in 9%, diabetes 6%, lack of exercise 6% and obesity 5%. The main administration building of the Ottoman Empire was the "Sublime Porte" or BaabiAli a huge building in the old City. While meditating in the old capital city of Vagharshapat, Gregory had a vision of Christ's coming to the earth to strike it with a hammer . The most common European name in this category may be the Irish name " Ryan ", which means little king in Irish Gaelic. Further, the reasons for persons leaving the labor force may not be clear, such as aging (more people retiring) or because they are discouraged and have stopped looking for work. It has been widely believed that the depth to bedrock was the primary underlying reason for the clustering of skyscrapers in the Midtown and Financial District areas, and their absence over the intervening territory between these two areas. The first substantial modification was by a French manufacturer who extended the bell slightly and added an extra key to extend the range downwards by one semitone to B♭. The flag is currently on display in the exhibition, "The Star-Spangled Banner: The Flag That Inspired the National Anthem" at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History in a two-story display chamber that protects the flag while it is on view. In 1664, the English conquered New Netherland and renamed it "New York" after the English Duke of York and Albany, the future King James II. Most cardiovascular disease affects older adults . Lipids may be broadly defined as hydrophobic or amphiphilic small molecules; the amphiphilic nature of some lipids allows them to form structures such as vesicles, multilamellar/unilamellar liposomes, or membranes in an aqueous environment . These rivers are corrosive and assume turbulent form in the rainy season. Since the 1970s there has been deregulation of some industries, like banking, trucking, airlines and telecommunications which resulted generally in more competition and lower prices .[citation needed] According to Cato Institute, an American libertarian think-tank, some industries deregulation of aspects of an industry were offset by more ambitious regulations elsewhere that hurt consumers, the electricity industry being a prime example. Areas around İstiklal Avenue were filled with grand European embassies and rows of buildings in Neoclassical, Renaissance Revival and Art Nouveau styles, which went on to influence the architecture of a variety of structures in Beyoğlu—including churches, stores, and theaters—and official buildings such as Dolmabahçe Palace . The kings of Dahomey sold war captives into transatlantic slavery; they would otherwise have been killed in a ceremony known as the Annual Customs. Some acronyms are chosen deliberately to avoid a name considered undesirable: For example, Verliebt in Berlin (ViB), a German telenovela, was first intended to be Alles nur aus Liebe (All for Love), but was changed to avoid the resultant acronym ANAL. With peace in Europe from 1815, and British supremacy at sea secured, the Royal Navy turned its attention back to the challenge and established the West Africa Squadron in 1808, known as the "preventative squadron", which for the next 50 years operated against the slavers. The paper publishes The Sunday Times Rich List, an annual survey of the wealthiest people in Britain and Ireland, equivalent to the Forbes 400 list in the United States, and a series of league tables with reviews of private British companies, in particular the The Sunday Times Fast Track 100 . Estimates of tin production have historically varied with the dynamics of economic feasibility and the development of mining technologies, but it is estimated that, at current consumption rates and technologies, the Earth will run out of tin that can be mined in 40 years . The election of Bobby Jindal as Governor of Louisiana has been hailed as pathbreaking. Tourism is vital to Manhattan's economy, and the landmarks of Manhattan are the focus of New York City's tourists, enumerating nearly 60 million visitors in 2015. A recent increase in large-scale catastrophic wildfire like the Rim Fire in Yosemite National Park and the Stanislaus National Forest and the King Fire on the El Dorado National Forest, has prompted concerns about losing large tracts of conifer forest across the Sierra Nevada. Since the mid-1930s, Marxism–Leninism has advocated a socialist consumer society based upon egalitarianism, asceticism, and self-sacrifice . Through this series of agreements, the International Tin Council (ITC) had a considerable effect on tin prices. In July 2011 The Sunday Times was implicated in the wider News International phone hacking scandal which primarily involved the News of the World, a Murdoch tabloid newspaper published in the UK from 1843 to 2011. Since July 2012, the digital version of the paper has been available on Apple's Newsstand platform, allowing automated downloading of the news section. With over 500MB of content every week, it is the biggest newspaper app in the world. For example, there is no absolute prohibition on killing in Hinduism, which recognizes that it "may be inevitable and indeed necessary" in certain circumstances . After the bachelor courses, students are allowed to enter the 'master in medicine' courses, which consist of three years of theoretical and clinical study. As nested calls accumulate, a call stack structure is formed , consisting of one activation record for each suspended subprogram. According to the Tax Foundation, the 2010 Census data shows Connecticut residents paying the 2nd highest average property taxes in the nation with only New Jersey ahead of them. The cultivation of rice was introduced during the 1690s and became an important export crop. One side of the ground floor contained a hall, a general-purpose room where the family worked and ate meals . The Turkish Offshore Racing Club also hosts major races, with its most prestigious being its race for the Marine Forces Trophy. Other changes include increased integration with cloud services and other online platforms (such as social networks and Microsoft's own SkyDrive and Xbox Live services), the Windows Store service for software distribution, and a new variant known as Windows RT for use on devices that utilize the ARM architecture. This system continued beyond the founding of the Turkish Republic, with the province renamed a belediye (municipality), but the municipality was disbanded in 1957 . Istanbul and its picturesque skyline have also served as a backdrop for several foreign films, including Topkapi (1964), The World Is Not Enough (1999), and Mission Istaanbul (2008). These are divided into two tense systems: the present system, which is made up of the present, imperfect, and future tenses, and the perfect system, which is made up of the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses . Many commonly used anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, and anti-cancer agents are polyketides or polyketide derivatives, such as erythromycins, tetracyclines, avermectins, and antitumor epothilones. The vast majority of people across Turkey, and in Istanbul, consider themselves Muslim, and more specifically members of the Sunni branch of Islam . By mid-2014, Accelerator, a biotech investment firm, had raised more than US$30 million from investors, including Eli Lilly and Company, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, for initial funding to create biotechnology startups at the Alexandria Center for Life Science, which encompasses more than 700,000 square feet (65,000 m2)* on East 29th Street and promotes collaboration among scientists and entrepreneurs at the center and with nearby academic, medical, and research institutions . Between 1600 and 1800, approximately 300,000 sailors engaged in the slave trade visited West Africa. an 80-minute exposition of Emperor Ashoka's redemption.[citation needed] There is relatively little information regarding social patterns of cardiovascular disease within low- and middle-income countries, but within high-income countries low income and low educational status are consistently associated with greater risk of cardiovascular disease. At the first headquarters camp reached, details were taken of the total of 132 escaped prisoners for transmission by radio to England. These entities form the domain of discourse or universe, which is usually required to be a nonempty set. For example, in interpretation with the domain of discourse consisting of all human beings and the predicate "is a philosopher" understood as "was the author of the Republic", the sentence "There exists a such that a is a philosopher" is seen as being true, as witnessed by Plato. Nobel Prize–winning economist Friedrich von Hayek emphasized that free markets themselves are decentralized systems where outcomes are produced without explicit agreement or coordination by individuals who use prices as their guide. This agreement was observed by both sides until war erupted between England and The Netherlands in 1652. In 1664, the English conquered New Netherland and renamed it " New York " after the English Duke of York and Albany, the future King James II. According to former Prime Minister Hrant Bagratyan religion and state management "have completely gotten mixed up". Article IV , Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution defines the extent of the authority that the U.S. Congress exercises over the territory of the United States: The practical sciences were of great interest to colonial Americans , who were engaged in the process of taming and settling a wild frontier country. That is, as bodies corporate, they operate as though they were municipalities, but they have autonomy from legislative and executive control. In June 1967 Jo Freeman attended a "free school'" course on women at the University of Chicago led by Heather Booth and Naomi Weisstein . Although variations of the bicameral legislature had been proposed by Virginia and New Jersey, Connecticut's plan is the one that was in effect until the early 20th century , when Senators ceased to be selected by their state legislatures and were instead directly elected. The three heavier members are volatile molecular compounds , whereas the tetrafluoride is polymeric. Players are permitted to "bodycheck " opponents into the boards as a means of stopping progress. Finally, spherical nanoparticles have three dimensions on the nanoscale, i.e., the particle is between 0.1 and 100 nm in each spatial dimension. The remarkable growth was, and still is, largely fueled by migrants from eastern Turkey seeking employment and improved living conditions . The federal government also exercises exclusive jurisdiction over overseas military installations and American embassies and consulates located in foreign countries. The exhibition Postmodernism - Style and Subversion 1970–1990 at the Victoria and Albert Museum (London, 24 September 2011 – 15 January 2012) was billed as the first show to document postmodernism as a historical movement. Fons Trompenaars, author of Did the Pedestrian Die?, tested members of different cultures with various moral dilemmas . The new national government established programs that served to orient Turks toward musical traditions , especially those originating in Europe, but musical institutions and visits by foreign classical artists were primarily centered in the new capital. This was inaugurated with the visit of US President Richard Nixon to the PRC in 1972 and the US supporting the PRC replacing the Republic of China as the representative of China at the United Nations and taking its seat at the UN Security Council. The "foibe massacres" draw their name from the "foibe" pits in which Croatian Partisans of the 8th Dalmatian Corps (often along with groups of angry civilian locals) shot Italian fascists, and suspected collaborationists and/or separatists. The Kuki insurgent groups want a separate state for the Kukis to be carved out from the present state of Manipur . This particular study followed 107 long-term-homeless residents living in Orange, Osceola or Seminole Counties. Such a function is called an empty function . The brotherhood makes decisions concerning the inner affairs of the monastery . However, other options, such as reducing employers' payroll taxes (especially if limited to firms that increase their payroll), increasing aid to the unemployed , and providing additional refundable tax credits to lower-income households, would generate more jobs per dollar of investment than infrastructure. A one-timer is a shot struck directly off a pass, without receiving the pass and shooting in two separate actions. In March 1917 , Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne and a provisional government quickly filled the vacuum, proclaiming Russia a republic months later. Earthquake-proof structures are not necessarily extremely strong like the El Castillo pyramid at Chichen Itza shown above. Beginning in the early 20th century , the saxophone became popular in dance orchestras, which were not jazz ensembles but influenced the format of the big swing era bands that were soon to follow. In China, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Madagascar, Taiwan, Vietnam, and parts of India, the family name is placed before a person's given name. Langley was professor of astronomy and physics and remained at WUP until 1891, when he was succeeded by another prominent astronomer, James Keeler. The Partisan movement in Slovenia functioned as the military arm of the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation, an Anti-Fascist resistance platform established in the Province of Ljubljana on 26 April 1941 , which originally consisted of multiple groups of left wing orientation, most notable being Communist Party and Christian Socialists. During 2009, the minimum wage was $7.25 per hour, or $15,000 per year, below poverty level for some families. One of two objectives of the movement, which was the military arm of the Unitary National Liberation Front (UNOF) coalition, led by the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ) and represented by the Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNNOJ) , the Yugoslav wartime deliberative assembly, was to fight the occupying forces. Executives and managers face a constant tension between centralizing and decentralizing information technology for their organizations. The Ottoman Dynasty claimed the status of caliphate in 1517, with Istanbul remaining the capital of this last caliphate for four centuries. However, in some circles, it is still customary for a wife to use her husband's name as reference, as in "Doña María Inés de Ramírez" (literally Lady María Inés (wife) of Ramírez). In Cuba in 1959, forces led by Fidel Castro and Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara overthrew the regime of Fulgencio Batista and established a communist regime there with ties to the Soviet Union. Republicans next highest ranked items were lowering taxes and reducing regulation , while Democrats preferred infrastructure stimulus and more help for small businesses. They are usually shaped to fit in a roughly oval, not circular, frame; the optical centres are placed over the eyeballs; their curvature may not be axially symmetric to correct for astigmatism. Beams are elements which carry pure bending only. Held in November, this is a social festival of the Meeteis and many communities of Manipur where married women (Ningol) are invited (Chakouba, literally calling to a meal ; for dinner or lunch) to a feast at their parental house with their children. There are two key types of legal expressions: terms , which intuitively represent objects, and formulas, which intuitively express predicates that can be true or false. The phenomenon of reciprocity in nature is seen by evolutionary biologists as one way to begin to understand human morality. Ideas of liberty and decentralization were carried to their logical conclusions during the 19th and 20th centuries by anti-state political activists calling themselves "anarchists", "libertarians," and even decentralists. The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963, when "Mother of the Movement" Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique, and President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality. The urban heat island warms cities 0.6 to 5.6 °C (1.1 to 10.1 °F) above surrounding suburbs and rural areas. The Walker party probably visited either the Tuolumne or Merced Groves of Giant Sequoia, becoming the first non-indigenous people to see the giant trees, but journals relating to the Walker party were destroyed in 1839, in a print shop fire in Philadelphia . As of 2011 [update], more women earn bachelor's degrees than men, half of the Ivy League presidents are women, the numbers of women in government and traditionally male-dominated fields have dramatically increased, and in 2009 the percentage of women in the American workforce temporarily surpassed that of men. A similar system is used in Greece . In June 1944, the Allied escape organization began to take an active interest in assisting prisoners from camps in southern Austria and evacuating them through Yugoslavia. It brought Christianity to the slaves and was an apocalyptic event in New England that challenged established authority. The objectives of the rival resistance movement which emerged some weeks earlier, the Chetniks , were the retention of the Yugoslav monarchy, ensuring the safety of ethnic Serbian populations, and the establishment of a Greater Serbia through the ethnic cleansing of non-Serbs from territories they considered rightfully and historically Serbian. Municipalities are typically subordinate to a county government , with some exceptions. First year consists mainly of theoretical classes such as biophysics and biochemistry, anatomy, ethics or histology . In order to stem the tide, education and awareness that cardiovascular disease poses the greatest threat, and measures to prevent or reverse this disease must be taken. At this level, tools from molecular biology and genetics are used to understand how neurons develop and how genetic changes affect biological functions. Tulihal Airport , Changangei, Imphal, the only airport of Manipur, connects directly with Delhi, Kolkata, Guwahati, and Agartala. From 1890 to 1973, the world's tallest building was in Manhattan (with a gap between 1901 and 1908 , when the title was held by Philadelphia City Hall), with nine different buildings holding the title. The benefit derived from trading slaves for European goods was enough to make the Kingdom of Benin rejoin the trans-Atlantic slave trade after centuries of non-participation. By the late 1930s, the princely state of Manipur negotiated with the British administration its preference to be part of India, rather than Burma.[page needed] These negotiations were cut short with the outbreak of World War II. On 21 September 1949, Maharaja Budhachandra signed a Treaty of Accession merging the kingdom into India. One key result of the multi-satellite studies is that including even a small amount of surface gauge data is very useful for controlling the biases that are endemic to satellite estimates. The difficulties in using gauge data are that 1) their availability is limited, as noted above, and 2) the best analyses of gauge data take two months or more after the observation time to undergo the necessary transmission, assembly, processing and quality control. In other words, for every x in X there is exactly one element y such that the ordered pair (x, y) is contained in the subset defining the function f. High blood pressure results in 13% of CVD deaths, while tobacco results in 9% , diabetes 6%, lack of exercise 6% and obesity 5%. If the Senate twice in a three-month period refuses to pass the same piece of legislation that was initiated in the lower house, the government may either abandon the bill or continue to revise it, or, in certain circumstances outlined in section 57 of the Constitution, the Prime Minister can advise the Governor-General to dissolve the entire parliament in a double dissolution. Following the model of French cities , this religious system was replaced by a mayor and a citywide council composed of representatives of the confessional groups (millet) across Istanbul. Three Pitt alumni have been awarded the Nobel Prize: Paul Lauterbur '62 for his work in magnetic resonance imaging, Philip Hench '20 for discovery of the hormone cortisone, and Wangari Maathai '66 for founding the Green Belt Movement. Windows NT 3.5 was released in September 1994, focusing on performance improvements and support for Novell's NetWare, and was followed up by Windows NT 3.51 in May 1995, which included additional improvements and support for the PowerPC architecture. Thus, the Bible and Liturgy were written in Greek or Syriac rather than Armenian. Pitt has an increasing emphasis on undergraduate research experience and for providing real-world opportunities such as co-ops and internships . Unlike the multi-purpose space of the yeoman houses , each of these rooms served a separate purpose. No scholars dispute the harm done to the enslaved people but the effect of the trade on African societies is much debated, due to the apparent influx of goods to Africans. Manhattan is often described as the cultural and financial capital of the world and hosts the United Nations Headquarters. Recent research showed that only some crystalline facets of tetragonal (beta) Sn are responsible for undesirable electrochemical activity. Despite its roots in the UK , which can still be treated as the "home" of drum and bass, the style has firmly established itself around the world. Catenaries derive their strength from their form , and carry transverse forces in pure tension by deflecting (just as a tightrope will sag when someone walks on it). On 20 October, the Red Army and the Partisans liberated Belgrade in a joint operation known as the Belgrade Offensive . However, a number of very large studies, including the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial, an eight-year study of 49,000 women, the Nurses' Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, revealed no such links. In the United States, "ice polo", played with a ball rather than a puck, was popular during this period; however, by 1893 Yale University and Johns Hopkins University held their first ice hockey matches. First-order logic is the standard for the formalization of mathematics into axioms and is studied in the foundations of mathematics. The "last battle of World War Two in Europe", the Battle of Poljana, was fought between the Partisans and retreating Wehrmacht and quisling forces at Poljana, near Prevalje in Carinthia, on 14– 15 May 1945 .[citation needed] In 1989 he founded "Ranganiketan Manipuri Cultural Arts Troupe", which has approximately 600 performances at over 300 venues in over 15 countries. However, following the successful release of Windows 3.0 , the NT development team decided to rework the project to use an extended 32-bit port of the Windows API known as Win32 instead of those of OS/2. According to the NYC Department of Homeless Services, 64 percent of those applying for emergency shelter in 2010 were denied. Authors Bittle & Johnson of Public agenda explained the pros and cons of 14 job creation arguments frequently discussed, several of which are summarized below by topic. Starting in the 2015-16 season, the single five-minute sudden death overtime session will consist of three players plus a goalie. Multilingual support is built into Windows. While Denver's homeless population is much lower than other major cities, the homeless residents have often suffered when without shelter during Denver's infamously cold winters . However, since 2012, because of the massive growth of smartphones, Windows sells less than Android , which became the most popular operating system in 2014, when counting all of the computing platforms each operating system runs on; in 2014, the number of Windows devices sold were less than 25% of Android devices sold. A deductive system is used to demonstrate, on a purely syntactic basis, that one formula is a logical consequence of another formula. There are many such systems for first-order logic, including Hilbert-style deductive systems, natural deduction, the sequent calculus, the tableaux method, and resolution. A classic real-world example of this is the name of the predecessor to the Apple Macintosh, The Apple Lisa, which was said to refer to "Local Integrated Software Architecture", but was actually named after Steve Jobs' daughter , born in 1978. The number of teams grew, enough to hold the first "world championship" of ice hockey at Montreal's annual Winter Carnival in 1883 . There are other significant ethnic minorities as well, the Bosniaks are the main people of an entire district – Bayrampaşa . The capital lies in an oval-shaped valley of approximately 700 square miles (2,000 km2) surrounded by blue mountains and is at an elevation of 790 metres (2,590 ft) above sea level. The slope of the valley is from north to south. With the introduction of the Intel Itanium architecture ( IA-64 ), Microsoft released new versions of Windows to support it. The campus is situated adjacent to the flagship medical facilities of its closely affiliated University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), as well as the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Schenley Park, and Carnegie Mellon University. Buildings in Oxford demonstrate notable examples of every English architectural period since the late Saxon period . It does not confer degrees, but awards certificates of attainment to degree candidates in the University's schools and also operates certificate programs in African Studies (undergraduate) and in Global Studies (undergraduate & graduate). Due to the typical structure of the atmosphere, cloud-top temperatures are approximately inversely related to cloud-top heights, meaning colder clouds almost always occur at higher altitudes . Efforts at common defense of the colonies (principally against shared threats from Indians, the French, and the Dutch) began as early as the 1640s, when the Puritan colonies of New England formed a confederation to coordinate military and judicial matters. Specifically, the colors are "White", "Old Glory Red", and "Old Glory Blue" . Firms may prefer decentralization because it ensures efficiency by making sure that managers closest to the local information make decisions and in a more timely fashion; that their taking responsibility frees upper management for long term strategics rather than day-to-day decision-making; that managers have hands on training to prepare them to move up the management hierarchy; that managers are motivated by having the freedom to exercise their own initiative and creativity ; that managers and divisions are encouraged to prove that they are profitable, instead of allowing their failures to be masked by the overall profitability of the company. The next major consumer-oriented release of Windows, Windows 95, was released on August 24, 1995 . Or they may be "surplus", meaning that they are nonadmitted in a particular state but are willing to write coverage there. Surplus line insurers are supposed to underwrite only very unusual or difficult-to-insure risks. Though it is widely accepted that the movement lasted from the 1960s into the early 1980s, the exact years of the movement are more difficult to pinpoint and are often disputed . The larger is Istanbul Atatürk, 24 kilometers (15 mi) west of the city center. However, there were 76 explosions in 2013, compared to 107 explosions in 2012. Today, mobile and landline service is provided by private companies, after Türk Telekom, which split from the Ministry of Post, Telegraph, and Telephone in 1995 , was privatized in 2005. The choice of an "reasonable and appropriate" discount rate is left as a matter of judgment. A rough comparison of September 2014 (when the unemployment rate was 5.9% ) versus October 2009 (when the unemployment rate peaked at 10.0%) helps illustrate the analytical challenge. First, suffrage was the most widespread in the world, with every man who owned a certain amount of property allowed to vote. Republicans and Democrats agreed that bringing the jobs home was the number one solution approach, but differed on other poll questions. As literacy rates rose, and as advances in science and technology brought with them a constant stream of new (and sometimes more complex) terms and concepts, the practice of abbreviating terms became increasingly convenient . The complete oxidation of fatty acids provides high caloric content, about 9 kcal/g, compared with 4 kcal/g for the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins. Women's ice hockey players can have contact but are not allowed to body check . V Recordings also played a large part of the development of drum and bass.[citation needed] Roni Size, Krust and DJ Die produced some of the first tracks to be considered[who?] mainstream drum and bass tracks.[citation needed] At its peak during World War II, the Yugoslav Partisans' Navy commanded 9 or 10 armed ships, 30 patrol boats, close to 200 support ships, six coastal batteries, and several Partisan detachments on the islands, around 3,000 men.[citation needed] On 26 October 1943, it was organized first into four, and later into six, Maritime Coastal Sectors (Pomorsko Obalni Sektor, POS). SFR Yugoslavia was one of only two European countries that were largely liberated by its own forces during World War II. Alexis de Tocqueville was an advocate, writing: " Decentralization has, not only an administrative value, but also a civic dimension, since it increases the opportunities for citizens to take interest in public affairs; it makes them get accustomed to using freedom. Besides being a direct source of food, certain animals could provide leather, wool, hides, and fertilizer . Others are acronyms, such as TriBeCa (for "TRIangle BElow CAnal Street") or SoHo (" SOuth of HOuston "), or the far more recent vintages NoLIta ("NOrth of Little ITAly"). The beginning of this process in different regions has been dated from 10,000 to 8,000 BC in the Fertile Crescent and perhaps 8000 BC in the Kuk Early Agricultural Site of Melanesia to 2500 BC in Subsaharan Africa , with some[who?] considering the developments[clarification needed] of 9000–7000 BC in the Fertile Crescent to be the most important. In plants and algae, the galactosyldiacylglycerols, and sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol , which lack a phosphate group, are important components of membranes of chloroplasts and related organelles and are the most abundant lipids in photosynthetic tissues, including those of higher plants, algae and certain bacteria.[citation needed] The settlement at the lower end of the fen stream Rotte (or Rotta, as it was then known, from rot, 'muddy' and a, 'water', thus 'muddy water') dates from at least 900 CE. Before 1932 leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt , Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evan Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris, Hiram Johnson, and Fiorello La Guardia. Social psychologists such as Martin Hoffman and Jonathan Haidt emphasize social and emotional development based on biology , such as empathy. It remained quite windy and open until the city councils from the 1980s on began developing an active architectural policy. The repatriations at Bleiburg (although scholars disagree on how many people died and no number has been officially recognized or agreed upon) of retreating columns of Chetnik and Slovene Home Guard troops, and soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Independent State of Croatia and thousands of civilians heading or retreating towards Austria to surrender to western Allied forces, have been called a "massacre". The compactness theorem states that a set of first -order sentences has a model if and only if every finite subset of it has a model. The last survivor of the voyage was Cudjoe Lewis, who died in 1935 . This is extremely important considering that 1 in 3 people die from complications attributable to atherosclerosis. At present there are a number of medical schools in the Philippines, notable examples include the University of the Philippines College of Medicine, Our Lady of Fatima University, Far Eastern University – Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation, Saint Louis University International School of Medicine, De La Salle Health Sciences Institute, University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, UERMMMC College of Medicine , St. Luke's College of Medicine–William H. Quasha Memorial, Cebu Doctors' University, Cebu Institute of Medicine, Mindanao State University College of Medicine, Southwestern University, West Visayas State University in Iloilo City, Davao Medical School Foundation in Davao City, Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, Dr. Jose P. Rizal School of Medicine in Cagayan de Oro, Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation in San Carlos, Pangasinan, and University of Northern Philippines in Vigan. It received significant assistance from the Soviet Union during the liberation of Serbia, and substantial assistance from the Balkan Air Force from mid-1944, but only limited assistance, mainly from the British, prior to 1944. Following a significant drop in the stock market and pressure from a variety of sources, a second vote passed the bill in the House. Casting has also been widely used in bronze and other metals. They planted nutritious English grass such as red clover and timothy-grass , which provided more feed for livestock, and potatoes, which provided a high production rate that was an advantage for small farms. A mediterranean sea of the Atlantic, with limited water exchange between the two bodies, the Baltic Sea drains through the Danish islands into the Kattegat by way of the straits of Øresund, the Great Belt, and the Little Belt. The intensity of a storm can be predicted for any return period and storm duration, from charts based on historic data for the location. The term 1 in 10 year storm describes a rainfall event which is rare and is only likely to occur once every 10 years, so it has a 10 percent likelihood any given year. Both groups gave care the highest over-all weighting , but conservatives valued fairness the lowest, whereas liberals valued purity the lowest. Of these, the most abundant ones are 120Sn (at almost a third of all tin), 118Sn, and 116Sn, while the least abundant one is 115Sn . One of the most influential tracks in drum and bass history was "Amen Brother" by The Winstons which contains a drum solo that has since become known as the "Amen break" , which after being extensively used in early hip hop music, went on to become the basis for the rhythms used in drum and bass. It seeks the development of socialism into the full realisation of communism, a classless social system with common ownership of the means of production and with full social equality of all members of society. In decentralization the principle of subsidiarity is often invoked. However, it is possible for the controlling team to mishandle the puck into their own net . Pre-season tournaments include the European Trophy, Tampere Cup and the Pajulahti Cup . Its first known mention is from the 1773 book Juvenile Sports and Pastimes, to Which Are Prefixed, Memoirs of the Author: Including a New Mode of Infant Education, by Richard Johnson (Pseud. Furthermore, there is a convention to orient the x-axis toward the viewer, biased either to the right or left . According to Herodotus, the first step of mummification was to " take a crooked piece of iron, and with it draw out the brain through the nostrils , thus getting rid of a portion, while the skull is cleared of the rest by rinsing with drugs." Extratropical cyclones can bring cold and dangerous conditions with heavy rain and snow with winds exceeding 119 km/h (74 mph), (sometimes referred to as windstorms in Europe). New businesses account for about one-fifth of new jobs added. GSM cellular networks arrived in Turkey in 1994 , with Istanbul among the first cities to receive the service. The edition also contains a weekly "Scottish Focus" feature and Scottish commentary, and covers Scottish sport in addition to providing Scottish television schedules . In particular, most later "high reliefs" contain sections in low relief, usually in the background . This growth in population comes, in part, from an expansion of city limits—particularly between 1980 and 1985 , when the number of Istanbulites nearly doubled. a renegade militia and produces 15,000 tonnes. As of 2010[update], 59.98% (902,267) of Manhattan residents, ages five and older, spoke only English at home, while 23.07% (347,033) spoke Spanish, 5.33% (80,240) Chinese, 2.03% (30,567) French, 0.78% (11,776) Japanese, 0.77% (11,517) Russian, 0.72% (10,788) Korean, 0.70% (10,496) German, 0.66% (9,868) Italian, 0.64% (9,555) Hebrew, and 0.48% (7,158) African languages as a main language. The practice of enslaving enemy combatants and their villages was widespread throughout Western and West Central Africa , although wars were rarely started to procure slaves. In other words, for every x in X there is exactly one element y such that the ordered pair (x, y) is contained in the subset defining the function f. Stannane (SnH4) , where tin is in the +4 oxidation state, is unstable. In addition to the historical phases, Ecclesiastical Latin refers to the styles used by the writers of the Roman Catholic Church , as well as by Protestant scholars, from Late Antiquity onward. As a lighter and often jazz-influenced style of drum and bass gained mainstream appeal, additional subgenres emerged including techstep (circa 1996–1997 ) which drew greater influence from techno music and the soundscapes of science fiction and anime films. U.S. corporations paid approximately 1.2% GDP in taxes during 2011. For President Obama , between February 2009 and December 2015, the private sector added a total of 10 million jobs. Such software may also take into consideration environmental loads , such as from earthquakes and winds. Manhattan has many energy-efficient green office buildings, such as the Hearst Tower, the rebuilt 7 World Trade Center, and the Bank of America Tower—the first skyscraper designed to attain a Platinum LEED Certification. The classical saxophone quartet consists of the soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, and baritone saxophone . In Europe, these games included the Irish game of hurling, the closely related Scottish game of shinty and versions of field hockey (including " bandie ball ," played in England). A Cartesian coordinate system is a coordinate system that specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates, which are the signed distances to the point from two fixed perpendicular directed lines, measured in the same unit of length. At the very beginning the Partisan forces were small, poorly armed and without any infrastructure , but Spanish Civil War veterans amongst them had some experience with guerrilla warfare. Two months later in late October, the " Halloween nor'easter " dropped extensive snow onto trees, resulting in snapped branches and trunks that damaged power lines, with some areas not seeing electricity restored for 11 days. The MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery) degree represents the first (graduation) level of training required to be licensed as a physicians, and the MS or MD degree is a higher postgraduate degree, representative of specialty training. The British Cambridge University Press is a major supplier of Latin textbooks for all levels, such as the Cambridge Latin Course series. There are many such systems for first-order logic, including Hilbert-style deductive systems, natural deduction, the sequent calculus, the tableaux method , and resolution. Pitt also maintains regional Pennsylvania campuses in Bradford, Greensburg, Johnstown, and Titusville, as well as a Computer Center in RIDC Park in Blawnox, the Plum Boro Science Center in Plum, the University of Pittsburgh Applied Research Center (U-PARC) in Harmarville, and the Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology in Linesville. Ice hockey is one of the fastest growing women's sports in the world, with the number of participants increasing 350 percent in the last 10 years. Mechanisms of producing precipitation include convective, stratiform, and orographic rainfall. Convective processes involve strong vertical motions that can cause the overturning of the atmosphere in that location within an hour and cause heavy precipitation, while stratiform processes involve weaker upward motions and less intense precipitation. Historically speaking, the Republican base initially consisted of northern white Protestants and African-Americans nationwide, with the first Presidential candidate, John C. Fremont, receiving almost no votes in the South. An emphasis on the defence of ethnic identity was shown by naming the troops after important Slovene poets and writers , following the example of the Ivan Cankar battalion. Alternative sources of labour, such as indentured servitude, failed to provide a sufficient workforce . Nieuw-Nederland, or New Netherland, chartered in 1614, was a colonial province of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands in what became New York State, New Jersey, and parts of other neighboring states. Between 1912 and 1918, Congress debated three times to protect Lake Tahoe in a national park. Its major effort was the attempted passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the United States Constitution , in which they were defeated by anti-feminists led by Phyllis Schlafly, who argued as an anti-ERA view that the ERA meant women would be drafted into the military. A biomedical equipment technician (BMET) is a vital component of the healthcare delivery system. After Constantine the Great made it the new eastern capital of the Roman Empire in 330 CE, the city became widely known as " Constantinopolis" (Constantinople), which, as the Latinized form of "Κωνσταντινούπολις" (Konstantinoúpolis), means the "City of Constantine". He also attempted to promote the name "Nova Roma" and its Greek version "Νέα Ῥώμη" Nea Romē (New Rome), but this did not enter widespread usage. Structural engineers are responsible for making creative and efficient use of funds, structural elements and materials to achieve these goals. Based on an individual's occupation or area of residence , a byname would be used in situations where more than one person had the same name. Mehmed declared himself as the new " Kaysar-i Rûm " (the Ottoman Turkish equivalent of Caesar of Rome) and the Ottoman state was reorganized into an empire. In addition, they must be rigid and tough to protect the skater's feet from contact with other skaters, sticks, pucks, the boards, and the ice itself . Choosing a Cartesian coordinate system for a one-dimensional space—that is, for a straight line—involves choosing a point O of the line (the origin), a unit of length , and an orientation for the line. These societies radically modified their natural environment by means of specialized food-crop cultivation (e.g., irrigation and deforestation) which allowed extensive surplus food production . Postmodernism is a late-20th-century movement in the arts, architecture, and criticism that was a departure from modernism. Wages are set and differentiated according to skill and intensity of work . The idea of this system was developed in 1637 in writings by Descartes and independently by Pierre de Fermat, although Fermat also worked in three dimensions and did not publish the discovery. There may be an economic trade-off between unemployment and inflation, as policies designed to reduce unemployment can create inflationary pressure, and vice versa . The idea of this system was developed in 1637 in writings by Descartes and independently by Pierre de Fermat, although Fermat also worked in three dimensions and did not publish the discovery. Istanbul was also an occasional stop on the F1 Powerboat World Championship circuit, although its last appearance on the Bosphorus was in 2000 . The most common convention is that a formula with free variables is said to be satisfied by an interpretation if the formula remains true regardless which individuals from the domain of discourse are assigned to its free variables. At the First Council of Dvin in 506 the synod of the Armenian, Georgian, and Caucasian Albanian bishops were assembled during the reign of Catholicos Babken I. In response, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) adopted several model reforms for state insurance regulation, including risk-based capital requirements, financial regulation accreditation standards and an initiative to codify accounting principles. As more and more states enacted versions of these model reforms into law, the pressure for federal reform of insurance regulation waned. In versions of Windows after and including Windows 2000 SP3 and Windows XP , updates can be automatically downloaded and installed if the user selects to do so. It mixes very slowly with the upper waters, resulting in a salinity gradient from top to bottom, with most of the salt water remaining below 40 to 70 m (130 to 230 ft) deep. Leopold Kohr, author of the 1957 book The Breakdown of Nations—known for its statement “Whenever something is wrong, something is too big” —was a major influence on E.F. Schumacher, author of the 1973 bestseller Being among the first to adopt agriculture and sedentary lifestyles, and neighboring other early agricultural societies with whom they could compete and trade, both Europeans and East Asians were also among the first to benefit from technologies such as firearms and steel swords . By the mid-1880s, it is estimated that 11 million ounces (340 t) of gold (worth approximately US$15 billion at December 2010 prices) had been recovered by "hydraulicking". Some of the earliest domesticated animals included dogs ( East Asia , about 15,000 years ago), sheep, goats, cows, and pigs. For example, one common rule of inference is the rule of substitution . It is not found in other branches of Indo-European , except by borrowing from Germanic (e.g. Irish [tinne] error: {{lang}}: text has italic markup (help) from English). The state (with the exception of the Town of Stafford in Tolland County) is also divided into 15 planning regions defined by the state Office of Planning and Management. Organotin(II) compounds include both stannylenes (formula: R2Sn, as seen for singlet carbenes) and distannylenes (R4Sn2) , which are roughly equivalent to alkenes. Drum and bass has influenced many other genres like hip hop, big beat, dubstep, house music, trip hop, ambient music, techno, rock and pop . Morrell's was founded in 1743 by Richard Tawney. The chromatic, or linear fingering, saxophone is a project of instrument designer and builder Jim Schmidt, developing a horn maximizing tactile and logical consistency between every interval on the horn regardless of key, and avoiding the acoustic problems associated closed keys below the first open tone hole. Major initiatives and events that have occurred during his tenure include the construction of the Petersen Events Center , a major expansion of on-campus housing, the growth of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the restructuring of its relationship with the university, and a series of disruptive bomb threats that occurred in 2012. In other cases structural failures require careful study , and the results of these inquiries have resulted in improved practices and greater understanding of the science of structural engineering. Such a trend might derive from U.S. departments of Comparative Literature . Bits of liquid or solid water in the atmosphere are known as hydrometeors. It is an innovative medical school which patterned its curriculum from the College of Medicine in the University of New Mexico and the University of Calgary in Canada yet, evolving it to be suitable and unique to the Philippine setting. Over the long term, improvements in technology have been the primary drivers of progress. Within the wide range of moral traditions, religious value systems co-exist with contemporary secular frameworks such as consequentialism, freethought, humanism, utilitarianism, and others. The foremost intellectuals were Dwight and Noah Webster , who compiled his great dictionary in New Haven. Very rarely do children adopt their mother's given name, who in any case would retain their "pseudo-surname." Short, intense periods of rain in scattered locations are called " showers ." Moisture overriding associated with weather fronts is an overall major method of precipitation production. Tin shows a chemical similarity to both neighboring group-14 elements, germanium and lead, and has two possible oxidation states, +2 and the slightly more stable +4 . Turabian would therefore prefer "DVDs" and "URLs" and "Ph.D.'s", while the Modern Language Association explicitly says, " do not use an apostrophe to form the plural of an abbreviation ". The band of precipitation that is associated with their warm front is often extensive, forced by weak upward vertical motion of air over the frontal boundary which condenses as it cools and produces precipitation within an elongated band, which is wide and stratiform, meaning falling out of nimbostratus clouds. 'Rotterdam' is divided into a northern and a southern part by the river Nieuwe Maas , connected by (from west to east): the Beneluxtunnel; the Maastunnel; the Erasmusbrug ('Erasmus Bridge'); a subway tunnel; the Willemsspoortunnel ('Willems railway tunnel'); the Willemsbrug ('Willems Bridge'); the Koninginnebrug ('Queen's Bridge'); and the Van Brienenoordbrug ('Van Brienenoord Bridge'). A deconstructive approach further depends on the techniques of close reading without reference to cultural, ideological, moral opinions or information derived from an authority over the text such as the author. The origin is often labelled with the capital letter O. In analytic geometry, unknown or generic coordinates are often denoted by the letters (x, y) in the plane, and (x, y, z) in three-dimensional space. Each Armenian celibate priest becomes a member of the brotherhood in which he has studied and ordained in or under the jurisdiction of which he has served . On the large scale, the highest precipitation amounts outside topography fall in the tropics, closely tied to the Intertropical Convergence Zone, itself the ascending branch of the Hadley cell. The history of structural engineering contains many collapses and failures . In 1980, federal funds accounted for 22% of big city budgets, but by 1989 the similar aid composed only 6% of urban revenue (part of a larger 60% decrease in federal spending to support local governments). From 1872 , there exist regular and reliable records of water levels in the Baltic Sea. In his book Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond argues that Europeans and East Asians benefited from an advantageous geographical location that afforded them a head start in the Neolithic Revolution. The causes, prevention, and/or treatment of all forms of cardiovascular disease remain active fields of biomedical research, with hundreds of scientific studies being published on a weekly basis. This property is known as unique readability of formulas . As well as expanding the market for Oxford's brewers, railways enabled brewers further from the city to compete for a share of its market. The depth of the elements shown is normally somewhat distorted . The MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery) degree represents the first (graduation) level of training required to be licensed as a physicians, and the MS or MD degree is a higher postgraduate degree, representative of specialty training. The first fully developed manifestation of the entire Neolithic complex is seen in the Middle Eastern Sumerian cities (c. 5,500 BP), whose emergence also heralded the beginning of the Bronze Age. Raising the minimum wage would provide households with more money to spend, in an era with record corporate profits and a reluctance of corporations to invest. The computer that was running Windows XP Service Pack 2 was not compromised. He wanted it to overblow at the octave, unlike the clarinet, which rises in pitch by a twelfth when overblown. An instrument that overblew at the octave, would have identical fingering for both registers. Today, drum and bass is widely promoted throughout the world using different methods such as video sharing services (YouTube, Dailymotion), blogs, radio and television , the latter being the most uncommon method. There is however a convention that senators do not have access to the files and records of previous governments when there has been an election resulting in a change in the party in government. These intense war-time riots are counted among the worst incidents of civil disorder in American history, with an estimated 119 participants and passersby massacred. Minor penalties last for two minutes, major penalties last for five minutes , and a double minor penalty is two consecutive penalties of two minutes duration. On 21 December 1941 they formed the 1st Proletarian Assault Brigade (1. Proleterska Udarna Brigada) – the first regular Partisan military unit, capable of operating outside its local area. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has remarked that the "Party is going to be torn on this issue" with some constituents "going to flake off". In regard to Christianity, he states that the " Bible can be read as giving us a carte blanche for harsh attitudes to children, the mentally handicapped, animals, the environment, the divorced, unbelievers, people with various sexual habits, and elderly women", and notes morally suspect themes in the Bible's New Testament as well.[e] Christian apologists address Blackburn's viewpoints and construe that Jewish laws in the Jewish Bible showed the evolution of moral standards towards protecting the vulnerable, imposing a death penalty on those pursuing slavery and treating slaves as persons and not property. The mixed halide-alkyls , which are more common and more important commercially than the tetraorgano derivatives, are prepared by redistribution reactions: While the origin of this title is uncertain, the nickname may either refer to the Fundamental Orders of 1638–39 or possibly the "Great Compromise" ("Connecticut Compromise") of the 1787 Constitutional convention. The town yielded to Parliamentarian forces under General Fairfax in the Siege of Oxford of 1646 . This promoted the rapid expansion of the legal profession, so that the intense involvement of lawyers in politics became an American characteristic by the 1770s. The oldest Medical school is a faculty of the University of Tunis . The Bronx has the Yankees (American League) and Queens has the Mets (National League) of Major League Baseball. The major virtues they identified include wisdom / knowledge ; courage; humanity; justice; temperance; and transcendence. CBPP reported in September 2011 that both employment and GDP grew faster in the seven-year period following President Clinton's income tax rate increase of 1993, than a similar period after the Bush tax cuts of 2001. Ultimately neuroscientists would like to understand every aspect of the nervous system, including how it works, how it develops, how it malfunctions, and how it can be altered or repaired . In the Visual Basic 6 language, subprograms are termed functions or subs (or methods when associated with a class ). Christopher K. Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall review other works that detail these cycles, including works which analyze the concept of core elites which compete with state accumulation of wealth and how their "intra-ruling-class competition accounts for the rise and fall of states" and of their phases of centralization and decentralization. Although the logical consequence relation is only semidecidable , much progress has been made in automated theorem proving in first-order logic. the Commission of Trade set up in 1625. The University of Pitt sburgh (commonly referred to as Pitt) is a state-related research university located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Memorial Cup, a competition for junior-level ( age 20 and under ) clubs is held annually from a pool of junior championship teams in Canada and the United States. Tin(II) fluoride is added to some dental care products as stannous fluoride (SnF2). The idea of an optional federal charter was first raised after a spate of solvency and capacity issues plagued property and casualty insurers in the 1970s. This OFC concept was to establish an elective federal regulatory scheme that insurers could opt into from the traditional state system, somewhat analogous to the dual-charter regulation of banks. As of 2013[update] about 58% of registered voters are enrolled (about 1% total in 18 third parties minor parties), and ratios among unaffiliated voters and the two major parties are about 8 unaffiliated for every 7 in the Democratic Party of Connecticut and for every 4 in the Connecticut Republican Party. Her 1984 book Cities and the Wealth of Nations proposed a solution to the various ills plaguing cities whose economies were being ruined by centralized national governments: decentralization through the "multiplication of sovereignties", i.e., acceptance of the right of cities to secede from the larger nation states that were squelching their ability to produce wealth. Sir John Hawkins , considered the pioneer of the British slave trade, was the first to run the Triangular trade, making a profit at every stop. This was connected to another distinction: slavery in West Africa was not reserved for racial or religious minorities, as it was in European colonies , although the case was otherwise in places such as Somalia, where Bantus were taken as slaves for the ethnic Somalis. The style of having both a family name (surname) and a given name (forename) is far from universal. There are many models of soprano saxophone that have a key for high G, and most modern models of baritone saxophone have an extended bore and key to produce low A ; it is also possible to play a low A on any saxophone by blocking the end of the bell, usually with the foot or inside of the left thigh. Decentralization in government, the topic most studied, has been seen as a solution to problems like economic decline , government inability to fund services and their general decline in performance of overloaded services, the demands of minorities for a greater say in local governance, the general weakening legitimacy of the public sector and global and international pressure on countries with inefficient, undemocratic, overly centralized systems. Over 10 million jobs were created in each of President Clinton's two terms during the 1990s, by far the largest number among recent Presidents. Biologists contend that all social animals, from ants to elephants, have modified their behaviors, by restraining immediate selfishness in order to improve their evolutionary fitness. Haidt found that Americans who identified as liberals tended to value care and fairness higher than loyalty, respect and purity . Another review of dietary salt concluded that there is strong evidence that high dietary salt intake increases blood pressure and worsens hypertension , and that it increases the number of cardiovascular disease events; the latter happen both through the increased blood pressure and, quite likely, through other mechanisms. The Republican Party has since been defined by social conservatism, a preemptive war foreign policy intended to defeat terrorism and promote global democracy, a more powerful executive branch, supply side economics, support for gun ownership, and deregulation. Although it is traditional in Eastern churches for the supreme head of the church to be named 'Patriarch ', in the Armenian Apostolic Church hierarchy, the position of the Catholicos is higher than that of the Patriarch. The first national college-level basketball championship, the National Invitation Tournament, was held in New York in 1938 and remains in the city. Canada won six of the first seven gold medals to 1952, the exception occurring in 1936 when Great Britain won. The Sunday Times iPad app was named newspaper app of the year at the 2011 Newspaper Awards and has twice been ranked best newspaper or magazine app in the world by iMonitor. The primary medical degree is completed in 7-7.5 years . The Sunday Times iPad app was named newspaper app of the year at the 2011 Newspaper Awards and has twice been ranked best newspaper or magazine app in the world by iMonitor. Major initiatives and events that have occurred during his tenure include the construction of the Petersen Events Center, a major expansion of on-campus housing, the growth of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the restructuring of its relationship with the university, and a series of disruptive bomb threats that occurred in 2012 . During December 2012, Wells Fargo Economics forecast that the unemployment rate would be 7.8% in 2013 and 7.6% in 2014. Since it is held in the spring, the tournament coincides with the annual NHL Stanley Cup playoffs and many of the top players are hence not available to participate in the tournament. Republicans believe corporations should be able to establish their own employment practices, including benefits and wages, with the free market deciding the value of work. Over 100 POWs were transported from Stalag XVIII-D at Maribor to Ožbalt each morning to do railway maintenance work, and returned to their quarters in the evening. In Germany its foremost spokesman during the Peasant Wars was Thomas Muenzer; in England, Gerrard Winstanley , a leading participant in the Digger movement. The use of vasoactive agents for people with pulmonary hypertension with left heart disease or hypoxemic lung diseases may cause harm and unnecessary expense. There may be up to three registered tickets for each party. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) wrote in March 2009: "Small business employment rose by an average of 2.3 percent ( 756,000 jobs) per year during the Clinton years, when tax rates for high-income filers were set at very similar levels to those that would be reinstated under President Obama's budget. Crowds seem to like fighting in ice hockey and cheer when fighting erupts. The major political parties debate appropriate solutions for improving the job creation rate, with liberals arguing for more government spending and conservatives arguing for lower taxes and less regulation. There is also a lack of tactile consistency moving between key centers. Typical suggestions include deploying Microsoft Windows behind a hardware or software firewall, running anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and installing patches as they become available through Windows Update . Location names, or habitation names, may be as generic as "Monte" (Portuguese for "mountain"), "Górski" (Polish for "hill" ) or "Pitt" (variant of "pit"), but may also refer to specific locations. Tiridates declared Gregory to be the first Catholicos of the Armenian Church and sent him to Caesarea to be consecrated. Some macronyms can be multiply nested: the second-order acronym points to another one further down a hierarchy . Private universities were officially outlawed in Turkey before the Constitution of 1982 , but there were already fifteen private "higher schools", which were effectively universities, in Istanbul by 1970. Inc. magazine published 16 ideas to encourage new startups, including cutting red tape, approving micro-loans, allowing more immigration, and addressing tax uncertainty. The high quality of healthcare, especially in private hospitals, has contributed to a recent upsurge in medical tourism to Turkey (with a 40 percent increase between 2007 and 2008). .Another international organisation is IABSE (International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering). Most visitors enter Istanbul by air, but about half a million foreign tourists enter the city by sea each year. a complex non-linear relationship. This was followed by the October Revolution by the Bolsheviks, who seized control in a quick coup d'état against the Provisional Government, resulting in the formation of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) , the first country in history committed to the establishment of communism. The controversy that surrounded these examples demonstrated both the importance of backbenchers in party policy deliberations and the limitations to their power to influence outcomes in the Senate chamber. This is called the " Pilkington process ". Radiational cooling occurs due to the emission of infrared radiation, either by the air or by the surface underneath. Precipitation has generally increased over land north of 30°N from 1900 to 2005 but has declined over the tropics since the 1970s. The survey found support for investments in prevention, rental assistance and permanent housing for the homeless . Rotterdam's swimming tradition started with Marie Braun aka Zus (sister) Braun , who was coached to a Gold medal at the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics by her mother Ma Braun, and 3 European titles 3 years later in Paris. Only by holding a Medical Title can the postgraduate student apply for the Doctor degree through a Doctorate in Medicine program approved by the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation . Recently, integration into the EU and increased communications with foreigners prompted many Samis to reverse the order of their full name to given name followed by surname, to avoid their given name being mistaken for and used as a surname . Evans tried to organise a management buyout of The Sunday Times, but Thomson decided instead to sell to Rupert Murdoch , who he thought had a better chance of dealing with the trade unions. Upon Stalin attaining power, Bolshevism became associated with Stalinism, whose policies included: rapid industrialisation, Socialism in One Country, a centralised state, the collectivisation of agriculture , and the subordination of interests of other communist parties to those of the Soviet party. the red ferruginous soil in the hill area and the alluvium in the valley . They are also often constructed in corrosive environments, such as at sea, in industrial facilities or below ground . For example, the novelist and critic Anthony Burgess once proposed that the word "book" ought to stand for " Box Of Organized Knowledge ." After the Fall of Tarentum (272 BC), the Romans began hellenizing, or adopting features of Greek culture , including the borrowing of Greek words, such as camera (vaulted roof), sumbolum (symbol), and balineum (bath). The leading theologian and philosopher of the colonial era was Jonathan Edwards of Massachusetts, an interpreter of Calvinism, and the leader of the First Great Awakening . There is a direct relationship between high levels of alcohol consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease. Drinking at low levels without episodes of heavy drinking may be associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Fully expanded, "RARS" thus becomes: "Regional Advanced Television Infrared Observational Satellite Operational Vertical Sounder Retransmission Service" . The power of Congress over territorial divisions that are not part of one of the states is exclusive and universal . However, the Massachusetts charter had been revoked in 1684, and a new one was issued in 1691 that combined Massachusetts and Plymouth into the Province of Massachusetts Bay. By the mid-1880s, it is estimated that 11 million ounces (340 t) of gold (worth approximately US$15 billion at December 2010 prices) had been recovered by " hydraulicking ". The largest ethnic minority in Istanbul is the Kurdish community , originating from eastern and southeastern Turkey. Many Japanese surnames derive from geographical features; for example, Ishikawa (石川) means "stone river", Yamamoto (山本) means "the base of the mountain", and Inoue (井上) means "above the well." This theorem was proved first by Kurt Gödel as a consequence of the completeness theorem, but many additional proofs have been obtained over time. The state enthusiastically supported the American war effort in 1917 and 1918, with large purchases of war bonds and a further expansion of war industry, and emphasis on increasing food production in the farms. Some Republican candidates have supported development of alternative fuels in order to achieve energy independence for the US. Since these animals live in close-knit groups over many years, an individual can count on other group members to return the favor on nights when it goes hungry (Wilkinson, 1984) On 21 September 1949, Maharaja Budhachandra signed a Treaty of Accession merging the kingdom into India. This merger is disputed by groups in Manipur as having been completed without consensus and under duress. At the molecular level , the basic questions addressed in molecular neuroscience include the mechanisms by which neurons express and respond to molecular signals and how axons form complex connectivity patterns. Originally and for a long time the concept of a socialist society was regarded as equal to that of a communist society . One of the oldest international ice hockey competition for clubs is the Spengler Cup, held every year in Davos, Switzerland, between Christmas and New Year's Day . The first, Radcliffe College, merged with Harvard University . The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH),a federal agency contained in the Executive Branch, was established in 19 87 as a requirement of the McKinney-Vento Act of 1987. In most Marxist–Leninist states this has taken the form of directly electing representatives to fill positions, though in some states; such as China, Cuba, and the former Yugoslavia ; this system also included indirect elections such as deputies being elected by deputies as the next lower level of government. Dawn Brancati finds that political decentralization reduces intrastate conflict unless politicians create political parties that mobilize minority and even extremist groups to demand more resources and power within national governments. The works of Dutch composer Louis Andriessen, for example, exhibit experimentalist preoccupation that is decidedly anti-romantic . There are typically two linesmen who are mainly responsible for calling "offside" and "icing" violations, breaking up fights, and conducting faceoffs, and one or two referees, who call goals and all other penalties . This result was established independently by Alonzo Church and Alan Turing in 1936 and 1937 , respectively, giving a negative answer to the Entscheidungsproblem posed by David Hilbert in 1928. Hartford is the poorest municipality in Connecticut, with a per capita income of $13,428 in 2000. In 1833, a subgroup of the Bonneville Expedition led by Joseph Reddeford Walker was sent westward to find an overland route to California. The imperial mosques include Fatih Mosque, Bayezid Mosque, Yavuz Selim Mosque, Süleymaniye Mosque, Sultan Ahmed Mosque (the Blue Mosque), and Yeni Mosque, all of which were built at the peak of the Ottoman Empire, in the 16th and 17th centuries. The states are divided into smaller administrative regions, called counties in all but two states. In 1763, Louisiana around New Orleans and west of the Mississippi River was ceded to Spain. Ice hockey is one of the fastest growing women's sports in the world, with the number of participants increasing 350 percent in the last 10 years. Among the oldest surviving examples of Ottoman architecture in Istanbul are the Anadoluhisarı and Rumelihisarı fortresses , which assisted the Ottomans during their siege of the city. Manipur may be characterised as two distinct physical regions: an outlying area of rugged hills and narrow valleys, and the inner area of flat plain, with all associated land forms . The internet is an example of an extremely decentralized network, having no owners at all (although some have argued that this is less the case in recent years). " No one is in charge of internet, and everyone is. " As long as they follow a certain minimal number of rules, anyone can be a service provider or a user. Benjamin West was a noteworthy painter of historical subjects and two first-rate portrait painters emerged in John Copley and Gilbert Stuart, yet all three men spent much of their lives in London . Indeed, the call stack mechanism can be viewed as the earliest and simplest method for automatic memory management . At its four th and last session, held on 24–25 July 1945 in Zagreb, ZAVNOH proclaimed itself as the Croatian Parliament or Sabor. In September 1966, Thomson bought The Times, to form Times Newspapers Ltd (TNL). In those without cardiovascular disease but risk factors statins appear to also be beneficial with a decrease in the risk of death and further heart disease . Likewise, the Computer Literacy and Internet Technology qualification is known as CLaIT , rather than CLIT. In October 2013 Father Asoghik Karapetyan , the director of the Museum of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, stated on television that an atheist Armenian is not a "true Armenian". For example, between 1 January and 15 October 1944, according to statistics compiled by the US Air Force Air Crew Rescue Unit, 1,152 American airmen were airlifted from Yugoslavia, 795 with Partisan assistance and 356 with the help of the Chetniks. Tin shows a chemical similarity to both neighboring group-14 elements, germanium and lead , and has two possible oxidation states, +2 and the slightly more stable +4. There is, however, a great disparity in incomes throughout the state; after New York , Connecticut had the second largest gap nationwide between the average incomes of the top 1 percent and the average incomes of the bottom 99 percent. Winters are generally cool to cold from south to north in Connecticut, with average January temperatures ranging from 38 °F (3 °C) in the coastal lowlands to 29 °F (−2 °C) in the inland and northern portions on the state. For surgical superspecialities the degree awarded is MCh ( Magister Chirurgiae ), like MCh in Cardiac Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Neurosurgery, Gastrosurgery, Urology, Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Surgery etc. Polish notation is compact and elegant , but rarely used in practice because it is hard for humans to read it. Facing leadership challenges from the "Forward" group, Lenin usurped the all-Party Congress of the RSDLP in 1912, to seize control of it and make it an exclusively Bolshevik party loyal to his leadership. With Allied air support (Operation Flotsam) and assistance from the Red Army, in the second half of 1944 the Partisans turned their attention to Serbia , which had seen relatively little fighting since the fall of the Republic of Užice in 1941. About 253,000 tonnes of tin have been mined in 2011, mostly in China (110,000 t), Indonesia (51,000 t), Peru (34,600 t), Bolivia (20,700 t) and Brazil (12,000 t). The genre places great importance on the "bass line", a deep sub-bass musical pattern which can be felt physically through powerful sound systems due to the low-range frequencies favoured. There has been considerable exploration of different timbres in the bass line region, particularly within techstep. Home and Professional were later accompanied by the "Media Center" edition (designed for home theater PCs, with an emphasis on support for DVD playback, TV tuner cards, DVR functionality, and remote controls), and the " Tablet PC " edition (designed for mobile devices meeting its specifications for a tablet computer, with support for stylus pen input and additional pen-enabled applications). Many advocates for the homeless contend that a key difficulty is the social stigma surrounding homelessness. After arriving in New York, many new arrivals ended up living in squalor in the slums of the Five Points neighborhood, an area between Broadway and the Bowery, northeast of New York City Hall . The history of the city proper begins around 660 BCE,[a] when Greek settlers from Megara established Byzantium on the European side of the Bosphorus. In Spain , a 1995 reform in the law allows the parents to choose whether the father's or the mother's surname goes first, although this order must be the same for all their children. Benefits from replacement with polyunsaturated fat appears greatest; however, supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids (a type of polysaturated fat) does not appear to have an effect . After the death of Mao on 1976 , Peruvian Maoists associated with the Communist Party of Peru (Sendero Luminoso) coined the term Marxism–Leninism–Maoism, arguing that Maoism was a more advanced stage of Marxism. All are polymeric solids . The first studies on cardiovascular health were performed in year 1949 by Jerry Morris using occupational health data and were published in year 1958 . This however changed in 1953 with the Trieste crisis , a tense dispute between Yugoslavia and the Western Allies over the eventual Yugoslav-Italian border (see Free Territory of Trieste), and with Yugoslav-Soviet reconciliation in 1956. Diversity.Norman L. Johnson writes that diversity plays an important role in decentralized systems like ecosystems, social groups, large organizations, political systems. This still happens, in some communities where a surname is particularly common, for example on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, many residents have the family name MacLeod (son of Lewis) and so may still be known by a surname symbolising their occupation such as 'Kevin the post' and 'Kevin Handbag'.[citation needed] Historic flood events were the All Saints' Flood of 1304 and other floods in the years 1320, 1449, 1625, 1694, 1784 and 1825. Though it is widely accepted that the movement lasted from the 1960s into the early 1980s, the exact years of the movement are more difficult to pinpoint and are often disputed . In March 1917 , Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne and a provisional government quickly filled the vacuum, proclaiming Russia a republic months later. In the Gothic period the carving of ivory reliefs became a considerable luxury industry in Paris and other centres. Many organizations today have Latin mottos, such as " Semper paratus " (always ready), the motto of the United States Coast Guard, and "Semper fidelis" (always faithful), the motto of the United States Marine Corps. Major financial industry employers include The Hartford , Travelers, Cigna, Aetna, Mass Mutual, People's United Financial, Royal Bank of Scotland, UBS Bridgewater Associates and GE Capital. As a further demonstration of this commitment, Pitt is one of the country's leading producers of both Fulbright scholars and Peace Corps volunteers and one of fewer than 20 American universities to claim five or more area studies programs that have been competitively designated as National Resource Centers by the U.S. Department of Education. However, by 1924 , considerable economic progress had been achieved and by 1926 the economy regained its 1913 production level. Most of the world's tin is produced from placer deposits, which may contain as little as 0.015% tin . From its roots in the UK , the style has established itself around the world. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (Imp.) of 1900 established the Senate as part of the new system of dominion government in newly federated Australia. French writer Simone de Beauvoir had in the 1940s examined the notion of women being perceived as "other" in the patriarchal society. She went on to conclude that male-centered ideology was being accepted as a norm and enforced by the ongoing development of myths, and that the fact that women are capable of getting pregnant, lactating, and menstruating is in no way a valid cause or explanation to place them as the "second sex". During the more than 100 years of competitive football at Pitt, the University has helped pioneer the sport by, among other things, instituting the use of numbers on jerseys and desegregating the Sugar Bowl . The glycerophospholipids are the main structural component of biological membranes, such as the cellular plasma membrane and the intracellular membranes of organelles; in animal cells the plasma membrane physically separates the intracellular components from the extracellular environment.[citation needed] After the meeting, a handful of women formed Seattle's first women's liberation group . The United States Supreme Court in Texas v. White held that political states do not have the right to secede, though it did allow some possibility of the divisibility " through revolution , or through consent of the States." In recent years, very small, but with an increasing rate, humpback whales migrate into Baltic sea including mother and calf pair. Vista's server counterpart, Windows Server 2008 was released in early 2008. Before 1932 leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt , Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evan Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris, Hiram Johnson, and Fiorello La Guardia. Fundamental results of computability theory show that there are functions that can be precisely defined but are not computable. Sax was also a maker of the then-popular ophicleide, a large conical brass instrument in the bass register with keys similar to a woodwind instrument . Prior to final assembly, the manufacturers usually apply a thin coating of clear or colored acrylic lacquer, or silver plate , over the bare brass. Following the model of Rome, the historic peninsula is said to be characterized by seven hills, each topped by imperial mosques . The United States Congress passed the Slave Trade Act of 1794 , which prohibited the building or outfitting of ships in the U.S. for use in the slave trade. Tulihal Airport, Changangei, Imphal, the only airport of Manipur, connects directly with Delhi, Kolkata, Guwahati, and Agartala. In short, most winning candidates have won the endorsement of the applicable "major"-party convention; nearly all of the rest have won with a "professionally managed" primary-election campaign ; and successful minor-party candidates are almost without exception major-party figures like Lowell Weicker whose minor parties disappear after that success. American scientific activity was symbolized by David Rittenhouse, who constructed the first planetarium in the Western Hemisphere, New York lieutenant governor Cadwallader Colden, botanist and anthropologist, and Dr. Benjamin Rush, the celebrated physician and social reformer and member of the American Philosophical Society founded by Benjamin Franklin , who had contributed important discoveries to physics such as electricity, but was more successful in his practical inventions such as stoves and lightning rods. Approximately 59.4% of the population over the age of 25 have a bachelor's degree or higher. It is interesting to note that Félix Guattari, often considered a "postmodernist", rejected its theoretical assumptions by arguing that the structuralist and postmodernist visions of the world were not flexible enough to seek explanations in psychological, social and environmental domains at the same time. Puritans in New England and Quakers in Pennsylvania opposed theatrical performances as immoral and ungodly. In 1963 , freelance journalist Gloria Steinem gained widespread popularity among feminists after a diary she authored while working undercover as a Playboy Bunny waitress at the Playboy Club was published as a two-part feature in the May and June issues of Show. On 28 February 2014 it was announced that the half-Senate election in Western Australia would take place on 5 April, which returned 3 Liberal, 1 Labor, 1 Green, 1 Palmer. In 1952, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley presented a mathematical model for transmission of electrical signals in neurons of the giant axon of a squid, action potentials, and how they are initiated and propagated , known as the Hodgkin–Huxley model. The amount of tin in the pipe defines the pipe's tone , since tin is the most tonally resonant of all metals.[dubious – discuss] When a tin/lead alloy cools, the lead cools slightly faster and produces a mottled or spotted effect. Off the coast of Africa, European migrants, under the directions of the Kingdom of Castile, invaded and colonised the Canary Islands during the 15th century, where they converted much of the land to the production of wine and sugar. In addition, there are 29 known unstable isotopes, encompassing all the remaining ones with atomic masses between 99 and 137. Sherratt argues that this phase in agricultural development enabled humans to make use of the energy possibilities of their animals in new ways, and permitted permanent intensive subsistence farming and crop production, and the opening up of heavier soils for farming. To avoid such mistakes, Esteban Álvarez Cobos, would become Esteban Álvarez-Cobos , to clarify that both are last names. The senate contains an even number of senators, so a tied vote is a real prospect (which regularly occurs when the party numbers in the chamber are finely balanced). However, this position has changed since the 1980s and the administration of President Ronald Reagan , who labeled environmental regulations a burden on the economy. The arrangement as expressed in the Australian Constitution , however, still leaves the Senate with the power to reject supply bills or defer their passage – undoubtedly one of the Senate's most contentious and powerful abilities. More recently, Walter Truett Anderson described postmodernism as belonging to one of four typological world views, which he identifies as either (a) Postmodern-ironist, which sees truth as socially constructed, (b) Scientific-rational, in which truth is found through methodical, disciplined inquiry, (c) Social-traditional, in which truth is found in the heritage of American and Western civilization, or (d) Neo-romantic, in which truth is found through attaining harmony with nature and/or spiritual exploration of the inner self . Along with this, they also captured native Canary Islanders, the Guanches, to use as slaves both on the Islands and across the Christian Mediterranean. A more significant potential instance of floor crossing was averted when the government withdrew its Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill, of which several government senators had been critical, and which would have been defeated had it proceeded to the vote. Insurance companies were, in large part, prohibited from writing more than one line of insurance until laws began to permit multi-line charters in the 1950s. Here, the argument is denoted by the symbol x, but different symbols may be used in other contexts. The first Africans imported to the English colonies were classified as " indentured servants ", like workers coming from England, and also as "apprentices for life". In some cultures, including those of most Western countries, the surname or family name ("last name") is placed after the personal or given name (" first name "). This U-shape has become a distinctive feature of the saxophone family, to the extent that soprano and even sopranino saxes are sometimes made in the curved style, even though not strictly necessary. On the other hand, certain organotin compounds are almost as toxic as cyanide. Theater was more developed in the Southern colonies, especially South Carolina , but nowhere did stage works attain the level of Europe. Moisture is removed by orographic lift, leaving drier air (see katabatic wind) on the descending and generally warming, leeward side where a rain shadow is observed. Rigidity also improves the overall maneuverability of the skate . The intelligence gathered by liaisons to the resistance groups was crucial to the success of supply missions and was the primary influence on Allied strategy in Yugoslavia. Now, the centre line is no longer used in the NHL to determine a two-line pass infraction, a change that the IIHF had adopted in 1998 . Topped by a dome 31 meters (102 ft) in diameter, the Hagia Sophia stood as the world's largest cathedral for centuries, and was later converted into a mosque and, as it stands now, a museum . One woman, Manon Rhéaume, has played in the NHL, as a goaltender for the Tampa Bay Lightning in pre-season games against the St. Louis Blues and the Boston Bruins. The UConn women's basketball team holds the record for the longest consecutive winning streak in NCAA college basketball at 90 games, a streak that ended in 2008.[citation needed] The UConn Huskies football team has played in the Football Bowl Subdivision since 2002, and has played in four bowl games since. Prominent liberal Republicans, 1936 to the 1970s, included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller , Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker, and Jacob Javits. Prior to the 2005–06 NHL season, play was stopped when a pass from inside a team's defending zone crossed the centre line, with a face-off held in the defending zone of the offending team. Terpenes and isoprenoids, including the carotenoids, are made by the assembly and modification of isoprene units donated from the reactive precursors isopentenyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate. In turn, brokers presented by clients with those risks can immediately "export" them to the out-of-state surplus market and apply directly to surplus line insurers without having to first document multiple attempts to present the risk to admitted insurers. Some films of ancient settings, such as Sebastiane and The Passion of the Christ, have been made with dialogue in Latin for the sake of realism . Although the term lipid is sometimes used as a synonym for fats, fats are a subgroup of lipids called triglycerides . Since the mid-1930s, Marxism–Leninism has advocated a socialist consumer society based upon egalitarianism, asceticism, and self-sacrifice. In the 10th century, Oxford became an important military frontier town between the kingdoms of Mercia and Wessex and was on several occasions raided by Danes . For instance, using a magnifying glass of 5 cm focal length, held 20 cm from the eye and 5 cm from the object, produces a virtual image at infinity of infinite linear size: M = ∞. They fled England and in America attempted to create a "nation of saints" or a "City upon a Hill": an intensely religious, thoroughly righteous community designed to be an example for all of Europe. By 1893, the University had graduated its first African-American, William Dammond . Both cultural and educational policy in Marxist–Leninist states have emphasised the development of a "New Man" —a class conscious, knowledgeable, heroic proletarian person devoted to work and social cohesion as opposed to the antithetic "bourgeois individualist" associated with cultural backwardness and social atomisation. Modern monotheistic religions, such as Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and to a certain degree others such as Sikhism and Zoroastrianism, define right and wrong by the laws and rules set forth by their respective scriptures and as interpreted by religious leaders within the respective faith. Selling off or leasing lands can be profitable for governments willing to relinquish control, but such programs can face public scrutiny because of fear of a loss of heritage or of environmental damage. In particular, Mussolini's policy of forced Italianization ensured the first significant number of Croats joining the Partisans in late 1941. This has been interpreted by some historians from Windsor, Nova Scotia as reminiscence of the days when the author was a student at King's College School in that town in 1810 and earlier. In 1820 , they sent their first ship to Liberia, and within a decade around two thousand African Americans had been settled in the west African country. The generic term callable unit is sometimes used. In 1975, the team signed Pelé , officially recorded by FIFA as the world's greatest soccer player, to a $4.5 million contract, drawing a capacity crowd of 22,500 to watch him lead the team to a 2–0 victory. The low reliefs of 2nd-century BCE to 6th-century CE Ajanta Caves and 5th to 10th-century Ellora Caves in India are rock reliefs . However, as the lower-pitched instruments would be unacceptably long if straight, for ergonomic reasons, the larger instruments usually incorporate a U-bend ("bow") at, or slightly above, the third-lowest tone hole. Radio broadcasts in Istanbul date back to 1927 , when Turkey's first radio transmission came from atop the Central Post Office in Eminönü. When an application requests higher privileges or "Run as administrator" is clicked, UAC will prompt for confirmation and, if consent is given (including administrator credentials if the account requesting the elevation is not a member of the administrators group), start the process using the unrestricted token. There are also 21 cities , most of which are coterminous with their namesake towns and have a merged city-town government. From all over the Islamic empire, prisoners of war and deported people were sent to the city: these people were called " Sürgün " in Turkish (Greek: σουργουνιδες). Firms may prefer decentralization because it ensures efficiency by making sure that managers closest to the local information make decisions and in a more timely fashion; that their taking responsibility frees upper management for long term strategics rather than day-to-day decision-making; that managers have hands on training to prepare them to move up the management hierarchy; that managers are motivated by having the freedom to exercise their own initiative and creativity; that managers and divisions are encouraged to prove that they are profitable, instead of allowing their failures to be masked by the overall profitability of the company. When the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem is applied to first-order set theories, the nonintuitive consequences are known as Skolem's paradox . The sampled-up jazz break on Carl Craig's Bug in the Bassbin was also influential on the newly emerging sound, DJs at the Rage club used to play it pitched up ( increased speed ) as far as their Technics record decks would go. Around 1150, large floods in the area ended development, leading to the construction of protective dikes and dams , including Schielands Hoge Zeedijk ('Schieland’s High Sea Dike') along the northern banks of the present-day Nieuwe Maas. NHL Lockouts Further on down the line in 2004, there was turmoil in the NHL between the owners and the players over the rapidly rising payroll costs . A separatist movement has been active in Manipur since 1964, when United National Liberation Front was founded. Several groups have used violence toward achieving their goal of a sovereign Manipur. The population of the city has increased tenfold since the 1950s, as migrants from across Anatolia have moved in and city limits have expanded to accommodate them . With the death of Stalin in 1953, Nikita Khrushchev gradually ascended to power in the Soviet Union and announced a radical policy of de-Stalinisation of the Communist Party and the country, condemning Stalin for excesses and tyranny. Beer appointed his wife, Rachel Sassoon Beer , as editor. Large-scale construction of new churches in the independence period and the negligence of endangered historic churches by the Apostolic church (and the government) have also been criticized. The U.S. economy created between 18-21 million jobs in each of the three decades from 1970-2000, an average of approximately 165,500/month during that span. The mission was founded in 1879 by the Rev. and Mrs. A.G. Ruliffson. For example, the main crossover of the Andes between Argentina and Chile is still accomplished through the Paso Internacional Los Libertadores . But as far as most layperson customers know, they are simply dealing with GEICO . In 1967, the National Hockey League doubled in size to 12 teams, undertaking one of the greatest expansions in professional sports history. The medications niacin, fibrates and CETP Inhibitors, while they may increase HDL cholesterol do not affect the risk of cardiovascular disease in those who are already on statins. Estimates of tin production have historically varied with the dynamics of economic feasibility and the development of mining technologies, but it is estimated that, at current consumption rates and technologies , the Earth will run out of tin that can be mined in 40 years. Fundamental results of computability theory show that there are functions that can be precisely defined but are not computable . The Interior Department has a wide range of responsibilities (which include the regulation of territorial governments, the basic responsibilities for public lands, and other various duties). The area they controlled , consisting of nearby villages, was called the "Miners Republic" and lasted 42 days. (Although some these platforms implement 64-bit computing, the operating system treated them as 32-bit.) Coinciding with this cultural reemergence was the establishment of the Istanbul Festival, which began showcasing a variety of art from Turkey and around the world in 1973 . After the Fundamental Orders, Connecticut was granted governmental authority by King Charles II of England through the Connecticut Charter of 1662 . The above limitations for language packs are however still in effect, except that full language packs can be installed for any edition except Single Language , which caters to emerging markets. There are three magazines (The Sunday Times Magazine, Culture, and Style) and three tabloid supplements ( Travel, Home and Driving ). Vaishnavism school of Hinduism became a dominant force in Manipur in the eighteenth century when the king, Garib Niwas (1708–48), declared it as the official State religion. Four states (Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky) call themselves " commonwealths ." This degree typically requires between four and six years of study and clinical training, and is equivalent to the North American MD degree. On the large scale, the highest precipitation amounts outside topography fall in the tropics , closely tied to the Intertropical Convergence Zone, itself the ascending branch of the Hadley cell. The armed forces and government agencies frequently employ acronyms; some well-known examples from the United States are among the "alphabet agencies" (also jokingly referred to as "alphabet soup") created by Franklin D. Roosevelt (also of course known as FDR) under the New Deal. For example, in banking, Cato Institute believes some deregulation allowed banks to compete across state lines, increasing consumer choice, while an actual increase in regulators and regulations forced banks to do business the way central government regulators commanded, including making loans to individuals incapable of repaying them, leading eventually to the financial crisis of 2007–2008 .[unreliable source?] In the case of two players being assessed five-minute fighting majors , both the players serve five minutes without their team incurring a loss of player (both teams still have a full complement of players on the ice). Additionally, decentralization may not be as efficient for standardized, routine , network-based services, as opposed to those that need more complicated inputs. Structural building engineering is primarily driven by the creative manipulation of materials and forms and the underlying mathematical and scientific ideas to achieve an end which fulfills its functional requirements and is structurally safe when subjected to all the loads it could reasonably be expected to experience. The Partisans gained an effective air force in May 19 42, when the pilots of two aircraft belonging to the Air Force of the Independent State of Croatia (French-designed and Yugoslav-built Potez 25, and Breguet 19 biplanes, themselves formerly of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force), Franjo Kluz and Rudi Čajavec, defected to the Partisans in Bosnia. Maize was also an important crop for these people, and was used for the production of chicha, important to Andean native people. They found that self-described Democrats had a +8 advantage over Republicans among college graduates, +14 of all post-graduates polled. In parallel with this research, work with brain-damaged patients by Paul Broca suggested that certain regions of the brain were responsible for certain functions . In German communities in Pennsylvania, however, many women worked in fields and stables. The United Nations Development Programme report applies to the topic of decentralization "a whole systems perspective, including levels, spheres, sectors and functions and seeing the community level as the entry point at which holistic definitions of development goals are most likely to emerge from the people themselves and where it is most practical to support them. Daring and new styles of apartments, office buildings and recreation facilities resulted in a more ' livable ' city centre with a new skyline. In 1867 the U.S. purchased Alaska and nearly all Russians abandoned the area except a few missionaries of the Russian Orthodox Church working among the natives. Thunderstorms are most frequent during the summer, occurring on average 30 times annually. On December 5, 1848, President James Polk confirmed the discovery of gold in an address to Congress.:80 Soon, waves of immigrants from around the world, later called the "forty-niners", invaded the Gold Country of California or "Mother Lode". Because the negative effects of slavery on the economies of Africa have been well documented, namely the significant decline in population , some African rulers likely saw an economic benefit from trading their subjects with European slave traders. The name "Manhattan" derives from the word Manna-hata , as written in the 1609 logbook of Robert Juet, an officer on Henry Hudson's yacht Halve Maen (Half Moon). Advancing technology may allow decentralized, privatized and free market solutions for what have been public services, such utilities producing and/or delivering power, water, mail, telecommunications and services like consumer product safety, money and banking, medical licensing and detection and metering technologies for highways, parking, and auto emissions.[clarification needed] However, in terms of technology, a clear distinction between fully centralized or decentralized technical solutions is often not possible and therefore finding an optimal degree of centralization difficult from an infrastructure planning perspective. The frequencies in use range from about 10 gigahertz to a few hundred GHz. Channels up to about 37 GHz primarily provide information on the liquid hydrometeors (rain and drizzle) in the lower parts of clouds, with larger amounts of liquid emitting higher amounts of microwave radiant energy. The first leader to exploit such nationalism for political purposes was communist official Slobodan Milošević who used it to seize power as President of Serbia, and demanded concessions to Serbia and Serbs by the other republics in the Yugoslav federation. By recovering histories that have been erased and overlooked, new forms of consciousness are created, establishing alternative registers of moral and political meaning and authority through what Maylei Blackwell termed "retrofitted memory." Between 80,000 and 100,000 people were killed in the partisan purges and at least 30,000 people were killed in the Bleiburg killings, according to Marcus Tanner in his work, Croatia: a Nation Forged in War. The flag has been displayed on every U.S. spacecraft designed for manned flight, including Mercury, Gemini, Apollo Command/Service Module, Apollo Lunar Module, and the Space Shuttle. The study of the interpretations of formal languages is called formal semantics . The death of Mao eventually saw the Deng Xiaoping politically outmaneuver Mao's chosen successor to power in the People's Republic of China. These questions include how signals are processed by neurites – thin extensions from a neuronal cell body , consisting of dendrites (specialized to receive synaptic inputs from other neurons) and axons (specialized to conduct nerve impulses called action potentials) – and somas (the cell bodies of the neurons containing the nucleus), and how neurotransmitters and electrical signals are used to process information in a neuron. The only diagnoses that can be validated through large enough brain studies are those on serious brain damages and neurodegenerative diseases that destroy most of the brain. Held in November, this is a social festival of the Meeteis and many communities of Manipur where married women (Ningol) are invited (Chakouba, literally calling to a meal; for dinner or lunch) to a feast at their parental house with their children. A lens is a transmissive optical device that affects the focus of a light beam through refraction . Other daily newspapers include AM New York and The Villager . On some U.S. military uniforms, flag patches are worn on the right shoulder , following the vehicle convention with the union toward the front. These storms can be severe, and the state usually averages one tornado per year . Specific examples of uncomputable functions are known, including the busy beaver function and functions related to the halting problem and other undecidable problems. While spatial apps employ identical units along all axes, in business and scientific apps, each axis may have different units of measurement associated with it (such as kilograms, seconds, pounds, etc .). From October 2010 to November 2015, the U.S. added a total of 12.4 million jobs, with positive job growth each month averaging 203,000, a robust rate by historical standards. Oyster harvesting was historically an important source of income to towns along the Connecticut coastline. its more than 200 art galleries that are home to modern art from both upcoming and established artists. Its application is somewhat limited by the fact that some tin surfaces[which?] catalyze decomposition of carbonate-based electrolytes used in Li-ion batteries. First-order logic is the standard for the formalization of mathematics into axioms and is studied in the foundations of mathematics . The relationship between "town and gown" has often been uneasy – as many as 93 students and townspeople were killed in the St Scholastica Day Riot of 1355. In addition, tribal peoples have demanded division of the present state into two or three Indian states along ethnic lines. This is considered one of India's "sensitive areas", due to its political troubles and isolated geography. These were often round mirror-cases, combs, handles , and other small items, but included a few larger caskets like the Casket with Scenes of Romances (Walters 71264) in Baltimore, Maryland, in the United States. Guinness World Records list the world's largest snowflakes as those of January 1887 at Fort Keogh, Montana ; allegedly one measured 38 cm (15 inches) wide. American scientific activity was symbolized by David Rittenhouse, who constructed the first planetarium in the Western Hemisphere, New York lieutenant governor Cadwallader Colden, botanist and anthropologist, and Dr. Benjamin Rush, the celebrated physician and social reformer and member of the American Philosophical Society founded by Benjamin Franklin, who had contributed important discoveries to physics such as electricity, but was more successful in his practical inventions such as stoves and lightning rods. Some cities are consolidated with, and coterminous with, their counties, including Philadelphia, Honolulu, San Francisco, Nashville, and Denver—that is to say, these counties consist in their entirety of a single municipality the government of which also operates as the county government . In 1943 , the Kemsley Newspapers Group was established, with The Sunday Times becoming its flagship paper. A deductive system is used to demonstrate, on a purely syntactic basis , that one formula is a logical consequence of another formula. Of the compounds of tin, the organic derivatives are the most useful commercially. The major international music labels such as Sony Music and Universal have shown very little interest in the drum and bass scene though there have been a few signings, most recently Pendulum's In Silico LP to Warner. As the genre became generally more polished and sophisticated technically, it began to expand its reach from pirate radio to commercial stations and gain widespread acceptance (circa 1995–1997 ) In 2001, the NAEH along with the U.S. ICH encouraged communities to create and implement state and local strategic plans to prevent and end homelessness, focusing on Housing First initiatives to house the chronically homeless population who have many barriers to stability, a cost-benefit analysis of state- and local-level resources, best practice engagement and service innovations, and prevention. When players are substituted during play, it is called changing on the fly . The report, which revealed great discrimination against women in American life, along with Friedan's book, which spoke to the discontent of many women (especially housewives), led to the formation of many local, state, and federal government women's groups as well as many independent feminist organizations. Upon discovering new lands through their naval explorations , European colonisers soon began to migrate to and settle in lands outside their native continent. In Europe, the spread of the Neolithic culture has been associated with distribution of the E1b1b lineages and Haplogroup J that are thought to have arrived in Europe from North Africa and the Near East respectively. They also possess the ability to engage in deception , and a level of social politics prototypical of our own tendencies for gossip and reputation management. that Cornwall in the first centuries AD was the main source of tin. Throughout this decade, homeless service providers and the Federal government have been able to reduce chronic homelessness and homelessness among Veterans with targeted efforts and interagency cooperation on initiatives like the HUD-VASH program . However, party members believed that Stalin had improved his reputation in 1923 and ignored Lenin's order . In worldwide evaluations of universities, Newsweek ranked Pitt 37th in its "The Top 100 Global Universities." Using [ longitude = −73.985656, latitude = 40.748433 ], Earth radius = Every new doctor must then proceed to a Diploma of Specialised Studies (Diplôme d'Etudes Spécialisées or DES) to mark their specialty. This OFC concept was to establish an elective federal regulatory scheme that insurers could opt into from the traditional state system , somewhat analogous to the dual-charter regulation of banks. The Sunday Times occupies a dominant position in the quality Sunday market; its circulation of just under one million equals that of its main rivals, The Sunday Telegraph, The Observer and The Independent on Sunday , combined. It is estimated that 90% of CVD is preventable. Morality (from the Latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behavior") is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and those that are improper .Long, A. A.; Sedley, D. N. (1987). Beta oxidation is the metabolic process by which fatty acids are broken down in the mitochondria and/or in peroxisomes to generate acetyl-CoA . There is also sunk relief, which was mainly restricted to Ancient Egypt (see below). U.S. corporate after-tax profits were at record levels during 2012 while corporate tax revenue was below its historical average relative to GDP. Discussing primarily white women, she explicitly objected to how women were depicted in the mainstream media, and how placing them at home limited their possibilities and wasted potential. The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963, when "Mother of the Movement" Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique, and President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality. On May 10, 1779, Secretary of the Board of War Richard Peters expressed concern "it is not yet settled what is the Standard of the United States." To the west, the Andes end at the Pacific Ocean , although the Peru-Chile trench can be considered their ultimate western limit. Warren G. Harding was the most recent Republican presidential candidate to win a majority of the Manhattan vote, with 59.22% of the 1920 vote. In 1929 , Stalin seized control of the Party. Many feminist scholars see the generational division of the second-wave as problematic. In other cases, the goal is producing the best instantaneous satellite estimate, which is the High Resolution Precipitation Product approach. In either case, of course, the less-emphasized goal is also considered desirable. New York City became the most populous city in the world in 1925, overtaking London , which had reigned for a century. Armenian.religious minorities and human rights groups also expressed serious concern over the amendments, with human rights activist Stepan Danielian stating "the Armenian Apostolic Church today wants to have a monopoly on religion". The Armenian Church defines religious groups operating outside its domain as "sects" and, in the words of spokesman Bishop Arshak Khachatrian, considers that "their activities in Armenia are nothing but a denial of the creed of the Armenian Apostolic Church, which is considered the national religion of the Armenian people". Art Encounters provides trips to arts events for undergrads that include free tickets, transportation, a catered reception, and encounters with international artists and thinkers. The standard way of measuring rainfall or snowfall is the standard rain gauge , which can be found in 100 mm (4 in) plastic and 200 mm (8 in) metal varieties. The keys are activated by keytouches pressed by the fingers, either directly on the pad cup or connected to it with levers, either directly or with joints called "linkages." The protest ended in failure in February 1987 . A 2011 study led by Dr. Rebecca T. Brown in Boston, Massachusetts conducted by the Institute for Aging Research (an affiliate of Harvard Medical School), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program found the elderly homeless population had "higher rates of geriatric syndromes, including functional decline, falls, frailty and depression, than seniors in the general population and that many of these conditions may be easily treated if detected". However, it is also possible to admit generalized signatures in which function and relation symbols are allowed to have infinite arities, or in which quantifiers can bind infinitely many variables. If the separation distance is equal to the sum of the focal lengths (d = f1+f2), the FFL and BFL are infinite. Pitt's study abroad program, under the auspices of UCIS, helps to facilitate student study in over a hundred different countries, and oversees a variety of programs including the Panther Programs , which are course taught abroad that have been developed and are accompanied by faculty of the university; two-way exchange agreements with foreign institutions; and Pitt-recognized, third-party exchange programs. Pitt ranked 133rd globally in the 2015/16 QS World University Rankings. Loafing , also known as cherry-picking, is when a player, usually a forward, skates behind an attacking team, instead of playing defense, in an attempt to create an easy scoring chance. All plants need at least some water to survive, therefore rain (being the most effective means of watering) is important to agriculture. Large-scale construction of new churches in the independence period and the negligence of endangered historic churches by the Apostolic church (and the government) have also been criticized. Amtrak provides inter-city passenger rail service from Penn Station to Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C.; Upstate New York and New England; cross-Canadian border service to Toronto and Montreal; and destinations in the Southern and Midwestern United States. It is common to divide the symbols of the alphabet into logical symbols, which always have the same meaning , and non-logical symbols, whose meaning varies by interpretation. Marx ism–Leninism as a philosophy and a political movement has been criticised over the years from widely different ideological currents, due to its relations with Stalinism, the Soviet Union, state repression in Marxist–Leninist run states and classical Marxism. The near-complete destruction of Rotterdam's city centre during World War II (known as the Rotterdam Blitz) has resulted in a varied architectural landscape including sky-scrapers, which are an uncommon sight in other Dutch cities. In the United States each year, there are around 3.5 million people who live their lives without shelter or a stable occupation. In the 1990s, the Kop van Zuid was built on the south bank of the river as a new business centre. Bush also publicly opposed ratification of the Kyoto Protocols which sought to limit greenhouse gas emissions and thereby combat climate change, a decision heavily criticized by climate scientists. There were about 643,000 sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons nationwide in January 2009. Acyl-carnitines are involved in the transport and metabolism of fatty acids in and out of mitochondria , where they undergo beta oxidation. Weighing gauges with antifreeze should do fine with snow, but again, the funnel needs to be removed before the event begins. The Bush Administration established a national goal of ending chronic homelessness in ten years, by 2012. A new biomedical research and development hub, called Bio Istanbul , is under construction in Başakşehir, and will host 15,000 residents, 20,000 working commuters, and a university upon completion. The Nothnagle Log House in present-day Gibbstown, New Jersey was constructed in the late 1630s during the time of the New Sweden colony. On 27 September 1964, the Business section was launched, making The Sunday Times Britain's first regular three-section newspaper. Coalescence occurs when water droplets fuse to create larger water droplets, or when water droplets freeze onto an ice crystal, which is known as the Bergeron process . Italian collaboration with Chetniks in northern Dalmatia resulted in atrocities which further galvanized support for the Partisans among Dalmatian Croats. The report, which revealed great discrimination against women in American life, along with Friedan's book, which spoke to the discontent of many women (especially housewives), led to the formation of many local, state, and federal government women's groups as well as many independent feminist organizations. Human Rights Watch (2010) identified emancipated teenagers in California as a new homeless population. It is also known as first-order predicate calculus , the lower predicate calculus, quantification theory, and predicate logic. Meanwhile, Dr. Jonas Salk had set up the University of Pittsburgh's Virus Research Lab in the basement of what is now Salk Hall . In 2013 , a Central Florida Commission on Homelessness study indicated that the region spends $31,000 a year per homeless person to cover "salaries of law-enforcement officers to arrest and transport homeless individuals — largely for nonviolent offenses such as trespassing, public intoxication or sleeping in parks — as well as the cost of jail stays, emergency-room visits and hospitalization for medical and psychiatric issues. Linguist David Wilton in Word Myths: There are several risk factors for heart diseases: age, gender, tobacco use, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, obesity, family history of cardiovascular disease, raised blood pressure (hypertension), raised blood sugar (diabetes mellitus), raised blood cholesterol (hyperlipidemia), psychosocial factors, poverty and low educational status, and air pollution. While some differences can be explained by which volcanic zone a volcano belongs to, there are significant differences inside volcanic zones and even between neighbouring volcanoes. Despite the Great Depression, some of the world's tallest skyscrapers were completed in Manhattan during the 1930s, including numerous Art Deco masterpieces that are still part of the city's skyline today, most notably the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, and the GE Building. NAIC model acts and regulations provide some degree of uniformity between states, but these models do not have the force of law and have no effect unless they are adopted by a state. They are, however, used as guides by most states, and some states adopt them with little or no change. This finally happened during the Northern Crusades : Finland in the twelfth century by Swedes, and what are now Estonia and Latvia in the early thirteenth century by Danes and Germans (Livonian Brothers of the Sword). Tin is unique among other mineral commodities by the complex "agreements" between producer countries and consumer countries dating back to 1921. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's 5th Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress estimated that 1.56 million people, or one in every 200 Americans, experienced homelessness and found shelter between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009 (p. iii). Both Stagecoach and Oxford Bus Company now operate numerous hybrid buses in the city. Pitt Arts is a program founded by the University in 1997 to encourage students to explore and connect to the art and cultural opportunities of the City of Pittsburgh via three programs. Most music had a religious theme as well and was mainly the singing of Psalms. Connecticut levies a 6.35% state sales tax on the retail sale, lease, or rental of most goods. In the light of political changes and developments in international environmental and maritime law, a new convention was signed in 1992 by all the states bordering on the Baltic Sea, and the European Community. Employed primarily by hospitals, BMETs are the people responsible for maintaining a facility's medical equipment. This issue arose most clearly in reinsurance , where the use of Financial Reinsurance to reengineer insurer balance sheets under US GAAP became fashionable during the 1980s. In the United States, the success of Alex Haley's book Roots: The Saga of an American Family , published in 1976, and the subsequent television miniseries based upon it Roots, broadcast on the ABC network in January 1977, led to an increased interest and appreciation of African heritage amongst the African-American community. This area was also the first region to domesticate the dromedary camel . .The last country to ban the Atlantic slave trade was Brazil in 1831 . This however changed in 1953 with the Trieste crisis, a tense dispute between Yugoslavia and the Western Allies over the eventual Yugoslav-Italian border (see Free Territory of Trieste), and with Yugoslav-Soviet reconciliation in 1956. The University was chartered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1787 and it operated as a fully private institution until an alteration to its charter in 1966 at which point it became part of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education. On September 14, 2000, Microsoft released Windows ME (Millennium Edition), the last DOS-based version of Windows. In the United Kingdom, the Classical Association encourages the study of antiquity through various means, such as publications and grants . In Argentina the First Degree of Physician or Physician Diplomate (Título de Médico) is equivalent to the North American M. D. Degree with six years of intensive studies followed by usually three or four years of residency as a major specialty in a particular empiric field, consisting of internships, social services and sporadic research. The McKinney-Vento Act paved the way for service providers in the coming years. In common with other newspapers, The Sunday Times has been hit by a fall in circulation, which has declined from a peak of 1.3 million to just over 800,000 . The report, which revealed great discrimination against women in American life, along with Friedan's book, which spoke to the discontent of many women (especially housewives), led to the formation of many local, state, and federal government women's groups as well as many independent feminist organizations. Prior to obtaining independent practicing license from a provincial regulatory body, students must complete the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination to obtain the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) qualifications. The saxophone was developed in 1846 by Adolphe Sax, a Belgian instrument maker, flautist, and clarinetist born in Dinant and originally based in Brussels, he moved to Paris in 1842 to establish his musical instrument business . The above definition of "a function from X to Y" is generally agreed on,[citation needed] however there are two different ways a "function" is normally defined where the domain X and codomain Y are not explicitly or implicitly specified. Prior to the formation of the conservative coalition, which helped realign the Democratic and Republican party ideologies in the mid-1960s, the party had historically advocated classical liberalism and progressivism. The party is a full member of the conservative International Democrat Union as well as the Asia Pacific Democrat Union. The NYSE MKT (formerly the American Stock Exchange, AMEX), New York Board of Trade, and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) are also located downtown. Saxophonists who follow the French school of classical saxophone playing, influenced by Marcel Mule , generally use mouthpieces with smaller chambers than Rascher style mouthpieces. These societies radically modified their natural environment by means of specialized food-crop cultivation (e.g., irrigation and deforestation ) which allowed extensive surplus food production. Homeless individuals report mental illness as being the number three reason for becoming or staying homeless. On January 6, 2005, Microsoft released a Beta version of Microsoft AntiSpyware , based upon the previously released Giant AntiSpyware. Cassiterite ( SnO2 ), the tin oxide form of tin, was most likely the original source of tin in ancient times. "Centralization" entered written English in the first third of the 1800s ;.mentions of decentralization also first appear during those years. It mostly uses seaports in eastern Argentina and Uruguay for international trade because its diplomatic relations with Chile have been suspended since 1978 . In Poland , if the husband is named Podwiński, and his wife takes his surname, her last name, and those of their unmarried daughters, would be Podwińska. Unrest and eventual collapse of communism also occurred in Yugoslavia , though for different reasons than those of the Warsaw Pact. The earliest forms of drum and bass clocked in at around 130 bpm in 1990/1991, speeding up to around 155–165 BPM by 1993. The bass saxophone in B♭ is called for in some concert band music (especially music by Percy Grainger ).[citation needed] Undergraduate degrees can be earned as Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Philosophy . During Neil's editorship, a number of new sections were added: the annual The Sunday Times Rich List and the Funday Times , in 1989, (the latter stopped appearing in print and was relaunched as a standalone website in March 2006 but was later closed); Style & Travel, News Review and Arts in 1990, and Culture in 1992. This was a successful wartime strategy, but after the war was over, each side believed that it had borne a greater burden than the other . As with the design, the official colors are only officially required for flags produced for the U.S. federal government, and other colors are often used for mass-market flags, printed reproductions, and other products intended to evoke flag colors. The lines are commonly referred to as the x- and y-axes where the x-axis is taken to be horizontal and the y-axis is taken to be vertical . This irregularity in the boundary is the result of territorial disputes in the late 17th century, culminating with New York giving up its claim to the area, whose residents considered themselves part of Connecticut, in exchange for an equivalent area extending northwards from Ridgefield to the Massachusetts border as well as undisputed claim to Rye , New York. The most notable Oxford act is Radiohead , who all met at nearby Abingdon School, though other well known local bands include Supergrass, Ride, Swervedriver, Lab 4, Talulah Gosh, the Candyskins, Medal, the Egg, Unbelievable Truth, Hurricane No. 1, Crackout, Goldrush and more recently, Young Knives, Foals, Glass Animals, Dive Dive and Stornoway. In November 1942 the movement was renamed into the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia (Narodnooslobodilačka vojska i partizanski odredi Jugoslavije, NOV i POJ), a name which it held until the end of the war. This was followed by the October Revolution by the Bolsheviks, who seized control in a quick coup d'état against the Provisional Government, resulting in the formation of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) , the first country in history committed to the establishment of communism. Only 28 percent of the city's residents are originally from Istanbul. By the late 17th century, Virginia's export economy was largely based on tobacco, and new, richer settlers came in to take up large portions of land, build large plantations and import indentured servants and slaves. The city has its own orchestra, the Rotterdam Philharmonic , with its well-regarded young music director Yannick Nézet-Séguin; a large congress and concert building called De Doelen; several theaters (including the new Luxor) and movie theatres; and the Ahoy Rotterdam complex in the south of the city, which is used for pop concerts, exhibitions, tennis tournaments, and other activities. In Germany its foremost spokesman during the Peasant Wars was Thomas Muenzer ; in England, Gerrard Winstanley, a leading participant in the Digger movement. In the Spanish tradition, usually the father's surname comes first, followed by the mother's surname , whereas in Portuguese-speaking countries the father's name is the last, mother's coming first. Political decentralization aims to give citizens or their elected representatives more power. It may be associated with pluralistic politics and representative government, but it also means giving citizens, or their representatives, more influence in the formulation and implementation of laws and policies. Central Park is bordered on the north by West 110th Street , on the west by Eighth Avenue, on the south by West 59th Street, and on the east by Fifth Avenue. For the children, some bear only the last surnames of the parents . If the edges become tattered through wear, the flag should be repaired or replaced . Inspired by system and cybernetics theorists like Norbert Wiener, Marshall McLuhan and Buckminster Fuller, in the 1960s Stewart Brand started the Whole Earth Catalog and later computer networking efforts to bring Silicon Valley computer technologists and entrepreneurs together with countercultural ideas. Windows XP 64-Bit Edition , released in 2005, is the last Windows client operating systems to support Itanium. Recently, some saxophones are offered with abalone or stone keytouches . President Barack Obama proposed the American Jobs Act in September 2011 , which included a variety of tax cuts and spending programs to stimulate job creation. Using an inappropriate measurement of magnification can be formally correct but yield a meaningless number. Despite the early successes NOW achieved under Friedan's leadership, her decision to pressure the Equal Employment Opportunity to use Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to enforce more job opportunities among American women met with fierce opposition within the organization. Subarctic climates are cold with continuous permafrost and little precipitation. The widespread use of subroutines with side effects is a characteristic of imperative programming languages. Location names, or habitation names, may be as generic as "Monte" (Portuguese for "mountain"), "Górski" (Polish for "hill") or "Pitt" (variant of "pit"), but may also refer to specific locations. There is thus a trade-off between the ease of working within the formal system and the ease of proving results about the formal system. Their works were published in manuscript form before the invention of printing and now exist in carefully annotated printed editions such as the Loeb Classical Library , published by Harvard University Press, or the Oxford Classical Texts, published by Oxford University Press. The last of these, World War I, resulted in the British, French, and Italian occupation of Constantinople. A memorial at the site was opened to the public on September 11, 2011, and the museum opened in 2014 . Also, the " Panther Sendoff " is a free annual reception typically held in Alumni Hall to congratulate each year's graduating class and wish them well. The grey seal is adapted to reproducing also with no ice in the sea. In its descriptive sense, "morality" refers to personal or cultural values, codes of conduct or social mores . Its five sites have a combined capacity of 4,930 car parking spaces, served by 20 Oxford Bus Company double deck buses with a combined capacity of 1,695 seats. The Sinan Erdem Dome , among the largest indoor arenas in Europe, hosted the final of the 2010 FIBA World Championship, the 2012 IAAF World Indoor Championships, and the 2011–12 Euroleague Final Four. The goal posts were 8 feet ( 2.4 m ) apart (today's goals are six feet wide). The school took the name the Western University of Pennsylvania, or WUP, and was intended to be the western sister institution to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia . This resulted in a surge of Slovene and Croat nationalism in response and the collapse of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia in 1990 , the victory of nationalists in multiparty elections in most of Yugoslavia's constituent republics, and eventually civil war between the various nationalities beginning in 1991. will often substantially reduce the cost of developing and maintaining a large program , while increasing its quality and reliability. In Lithuania, if the husband is named Vilkas, his wife will be named Vilkienė and his daughter will be named Vilkaitė. Control was by Spain ( 223 years ) The newspaper's foreign coverage has been especially strong, and its reporters, Marie Colvin, Jon Swain, Hala Jaber, Mark Franchetti and Christina Lamb have dominated the Foreign Reporter of the Year category at the British Press Awards since 2000.[citation needed] Marie Colvin, who worked for the paper from 1985, was killed in February 2012 by Syrian forces while covering the siege of Homs during that country's civil war. Many bandy players switched to ice hockey so as to be able to compete in the Olympics. In vertebrates, the nervous system can be split into two parts, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and the peripheral nervous system . Choosing a Cartesian coordinate system for a one-dimensional space—that is, for a straight line—involves choosing a point O of the line (the origin ), a unit of length, and an orientation for the line. Woodbine Parish and Joseph Barclay Pentland surveyed a large part of the Bolivian Andes from 1826 to 1827 . The radioactive 100Sn is one of the few nuclides possessing a "doubly magic" nucleus and was discovered in 1994. In 1995, out of 135,000 Muslims, 5,704 had matriculated from secondary school. In 2012, The New York Times reported that "the income gap in Manhattan, already wider than almost anywhere else in the country, rivaled disparities in sub-Saharan Africa. ... By 1876 , the first international mailing network between Istanbul and the lands beyond the Ottoman Empire had been established. If there is a loss of economies of scale in procurement of labor or resources, the expense of decentralization can rise, even as central governments lose control over financial resources. In the very elderly, age-related large artery pulsatility and stiffness is more pronounced among women than men. This may be caused by the women's smaller body size and arterial dimensions which are independent of menopause. The slave traders would try to fit anywhere from 350 to 600 slaves on one ship. Above the line voting greatly speeds up counting which is now done by computer . During the mid- to late-19th century, an acronym-disseminating trend spread through the American and European business communities: abbreviating corporation names in places where space was limited for writing —such as on the sides of railroad cars (e.g., Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad → RF&P); on the sides of barrels and crates; and on ticker tape and in the small-print newspaper stock listings that got their data from it (e.g., American Telephone and Telegraph Company → AT&T). John Witherow, who became editor at the end of 1994 (after several months as acting editor ), continued the newspaper's expansion. The belief that hockey was mentioned in a 1363 proclamation by King Edward III of England is based on modern translations of the proclamation, which was originally in Latin and explicitly forbade the games "Pilam Manualem, Pedivam, & Bacularem: & ad Canibucam & Gallorum Pugnam". President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first proclamation on March 1, 1954 , standardizing the dates and time periods for flying the flag at half-staff from all federal buildings, grounds, and naval vessels; other congressional resolutions and presidential proclamations ensued. In many countries, it is common for ordinary people to have only one name or mononym. The climate in the Andes varies greatly depending on latitude, altitude, and proximity to the sea . The Congressional Budget Office projected that such sharp deficit reduction would likely cause the U.S. to enter recession in 2013 , with the unemployment rate rising to 9% versus approximately 8% in 2012, costing over 1 million jobs. At football games, the "Football Tunnel" occurs where student organizations, carrying standards, form a tunnel for the football players to run through as they enter the football field from the locker room; The Varsity Walk, a walkway between the Cathedral of Learning and Heinz Memorial Chapel, is carved each year the names of former Pitt athletes (each year since 1950) who have promoted the University through their athletic ( Panther Award ) or academic (Blue-Gold Award) achievements. Functions of various kinds are "the central objects of investigation" in most fields of modern mathematics. The paper began publication on 18 February 1821 as The New Observer, but from 21 April its title was changed to the Independent Observer. By the late 1930s, the princely state of Manipur negotiated with the British administration its preference to be part of India, rather than Burma. [page needed] These negotiations were cut short with the outbreak of World War II. Requiring laws to have sunset provisions (end-dates) would help ensure only worthwhile regulations are renewed. On January 1, 1914 , the New York state legislature created Bronx County, and New York County was reduced to its present boundaries. The campus is adjacent to Schenley Plaza, the main branch of the Carnegie Public Library, the Carnegie Museums of Natural History and Art and the Carnegie Music Hall, as well as portions of Carnegie Mellon University. Whereas first-wave feminism focused mainly on suffrage and overturning legal obstacles to gender equality (e.g.., voting rights, property rights), second-wave feminism broadened the debate to a wide range of issues: sexuality, family, the workplace, reproductive rights, de facto inequalities, and official legal inequalities. The name "Connecticut" originates from the Mohegan word quonehtacut, meaning "place of long tidal river." There are dramatic variations from one insurance group to the next in terms of how its various business functions are divided up among its subsidiaries or outsourced to third party corporations altogether. Crimes traditionally punishable by some other form of punishment became punishable by enslavement and sale to slave traders.[citation needed] According to David Stannard's American Holocaust, 50% of African deaths occurred in Africa as a result of wars between native kingdoms, which produced the majority of slaves. By 1925, Bowman had settled on a design by Charles Klauder for the "tall building": an attention-getting 535-foot (163 m) tower whose great height, with open spaces all around , would suggest the "character that ought to be in an educated man." Here, i is the imaginary unit and is identified with the point with coordinates (0, 1), so it is not the unit vector in the direction of the x-axis. The Cartesian coordinate system in two dimensions (also called a rectangular coordinate system ) is defined by an ordered pair of perpendicular lines (axes), a single unit of length for both axes, and an orientation for each axis. Recently created in the United States is a genre called ghettotech which contains synth and basslines similar to drum & bass. In Asia , a number of Marxist–Leninist regimes and movements continue to exist, though their practices depart from 20th century Marxism-Leninism in major respects[citation needed]. Doctor of Medicine ( MD or DM ), or in Latin: Medicinae Doctor, meaning "teacher of medicine", is a terminal degree for physicians and surgeons. It is possible that Pliny refers to an island named Basilia ("kingdom" or "royal") in On the Ocean by Pytheas. Overall, long-term PM exposure increased rate of atherosclerosis and inflammation . In the Spanish tradition, usually the father's surname comes first, followed by the mother's surname, whereas in Portuguese-speaking countries the father's name is the last, mother's coming first . However, the changing of social attitudes towards women is usually considered the greatest success of the women's movement. And the fifth declension , with a predominant ending letter of e, is signified by the genitive singular ending of -ei. Decentralization ideally happens as a careful, rational, and orderly process, but it often takes place during times of economic and political crisis , the fall of a regime and the resultant power struggles. MD degree is a higher postgraduate degree and in Sri Lanka awarded by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine after completion of a postgraduate course and examinations. In China, the government refused to negotiate with student protestors resulting in the Tianamen Square attacks that stopped the revolts by force. Coronary heart diseases are 2 to 5 times more common among middle-aged men than women. The Bolivian Orocline area overlaps with the area of maximum width of the Altiplano Plateau and according to Isacks (1988) the orocline is related to crustal shortening. The specific point at 18° S where the coastline bends is known as the "Arica Elbow". Massachusetts , which from its 1691 charter had particularly low requirements for voting eligibility and strong rural representation in its assembly, also had a strong populist faction that represented the province's lower classes. For instance, .....a.(.⋅..)..2...... {\displaystyle \scriptstyle a(\cdot )^{2}} .. stands for the function .....x.↦.a..x..2......{\displaystyle \textstyle x\mapsto ax^{2}}.., ......∫..a....⋅...f.(.u.).d.u....{\displaystyle \scriptstyle \int _{a}^{\,\cdot }f(u)du}.. stands for the integral function .....x.↦..∫..a...x...f.(.u.) Daniel Bell's The Coming of Post-Industrial Society discussed the need for decentralization and a “comprehensive overhaul of government structure to find the appropriate size and scope of units”, as well as the need to detach functions from current state boundaries, creating regions based on functions like water, transport, education and economics which might have “different ‘overlays’ on the map.” Alvin Toffler published Future Shock (1970) and The Third Wave (1980) . A woman may adopt her husband's surname(s), but nevertheless she usually keeps her birth names, or at least the last one . The American Legion and other organizations regularly conduct flag retirement ceremonies, often on Flag Day, June 14 . The California and Sierra Native American tribes were predominantly peaceful , with occasional territorial disputes between the Paiute and Sierra Miwok tribes in the mountains. These may be a simple first name such as "Wilhelm," a patronymic such as "Andersen," a matronymic such as "Beaton," or a clan name such as " O'Brien ." The Partisans later established a permanent air force by obtaining aircraft, equipment, and training from captured Axis aircraft, the British Royal Air Force (see BAF), and later the Soviet Air Force.[citation needed] The collectivisation policies resulted in economic disaster with severe fluctuations in grain harvests, catastrophic losses in the number of livestock, a substantial drop in the food consumption of the country's citizens, and the allegedly intentional Holodomor famine in the Ukraine . The tin whistle is so called because it was first mass-produced in tin-plated steel . Rotterdam (/ˈrɒtərdæm/ or /ˌrɒtərˈdæm/; Dutch: [ˌrɔtərˈdɑm] (listen)) is a city in South Holland, the Netherlands , located geographically within the Rhine–Meuse–Scheldt river delta at the North Sea. Stalin unleashed the Great Terror campaign against alleged "socially dangerous" and "counterrevolutionary" persons that resulted in the Great Purge of 1936–1938 during which 1.5 million people were arrested from 1937–1938 and 681,692 of those were executed. Marx explained that in a society immediately after the revolution, distribution must be based on the contribution of the individual , whereas in the upper stage of communism the from each according to his ability, to each according to his need concept would be applied. It is not clear which of these companies include tin smelted from the mine at Bisie, Democratic Republic of the Congo , which is controlled by a renegade militia and produces 15,000 tonnes. In other cases structural failures require careful study, and the results of these inquiries have resulted in improved practices and greater understanding of the science of structural engineering . Multiple surnames may be derived from a single given name: e.g. there are thought to be over 90 Italian surnames based on the given name " Giovanni ." One can in principle dispense entirely with functions of arity greater than 2 and predicates of arity greater than 1 in theories that include a pairing function. In 1945 , the Baltic Sea became a mass grave for retreating soldiers and refugees on torpedoed troop transports. After these products had been delivered to port towns such as Boston and Salem in Massachusetts, New Haven in Connecticut, and Newport and Providence in Rhode Island, merchants then exported them to the West Indies where they were traded for molasses, sugar, gold coins, and bills of exchange (credit slips). Judicious use of subroutines (for example, through the structured programming approach) will often substantially reduce the cost of developing and maintaining a large program, while increasing its quality and reliability. For decades, Chile claimed ownership of land on the eastern side of the Andes. The United States Supreme Court found in the 1944 case of United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association that the business of insurance was subject to federal regulation under the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. One of these was whether the driver of a car would have his friend, a passenger riding in the car, lie in order to protect the driver from the consequences of driving too fast and hitting a pedestrian. In addition, the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation has designated the following Pitt buildings as Pittsburgh Historic Landmarks: Allegheny Observatory, Allen Hall, Alumni Hall, Bellefield Hall, Chancellor's Residence, Cathedral of Learning, the Cathedral of Learning interior rooms, Gardner Steel Conference Center, Heinz Memorial Chapel, Thaw Hall, Salk Hall, Schenley Quadrangle residence halls, Stephen Foster Memorial, the University Child Development Center, and the William Pitt Union. However, Windows 2000, the successor of Windows NT 4.0, dropped support for all platforms except the third generation x86 (known as IA-32 ) or newer in 32-bit mode. All representatives on the Committee are appointed by the metropolitan mayor and the Council , with the mayor—or someone of his or her choosing—serving as head. In 1947–48, the Soviet Union attempted to command obedience from Yugoslavia, primarily on issues of foreign policy, which resulted in the Tito-Stalin split and almost ignited an armed conflict. The nearby Park Row Building , with its 29 stories standing 391 feet (119 m)* high took the title in 1899. Although originally an Islamic school, the university established law, medicine, and science departments in the 19th century and was secularized after the founding of the Turkish Republic . The goods were the products of slave-labour plantations and included cotton, sugar, tobacco, molasses and rum . Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system . A surname with the prefix "Fitz" can be spelled with the prefix as a separate word, as in "Fitz William", as well as "FitzWilliam" or "Fitzwilliam" . The word " triacylglycerol " is sometimes used synonymously with "triglyceride". One introduces into the single-sorted theory a unary predicate symbol for each sort in the many-sorted theory, and adds an axiom saying that these unary predicates partition the domain of discourse. Thus the "correct" way to view Figure 8 is to imagine the x-axis as pointing towards the observer and thus seeing a concave corner. Starting in the 1960s , the game spread to universities. The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963, when "Mother of the Movement" Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique, and President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality . C-reactive protein is a common inflammatory marker that has been found to be present in increased levels in patients who are at risk for cardiovascular disease. Historic structures within, adjacent to, or near Pitt's campus, but not belonging to the university, include the Carnegie Museum buildings, Frick School, Forbes Field wall remnant, Magee Estate iron fence, the Schenley Fountain, Mellon Institute, Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens, the Pittsburgh Athletic Association, St. Paul's Cathedral, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Schenley High School, Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall, and the Stephen Foster sculpture. Meltzer 's When the Senate had an odd number of Senators retiring at an election (3 or 5), 51% of the vote would lead to a clear majority of 3 out of 5 per state. The Aberdeen Pavilion (built in 1898) in Ottawa was used for ice hockey in 1904 and is the oldest existing facility that has hosted Stanley Cup games. The Queens-Midtown Tunnel, built to relieve congestion on the bridges connecting Manhattan with Queens and Brooklyn, was the largest non-federal project in its time when it was completed in 1940; President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first person to drive through it. The Bloomberg administration announced an immediate halt to the Advantage program, threatening to cast 15,000 families back into the shelters or onto the streets. is also meant to point towards the observer, whereas the "middle" axis is meant to point away from the observer. More recently, Walter Truett Anderson described postmodernism as belonging to one of four typological world views, which he identifies as either (a) Postmodern-ironist, which sees truth as socially constructed, (b) Scientific-rational, in which truth is found through methodical, disciplined inquiry, (c) Social-traditional, in which truth is found in the heritage of American and Western civilization, or (d) Neo-romantic, in which truth is found through attaining harmony with nature and/or spiritual exploration of the inner self. The paper publishes The Sunday Times Rich List, an annual survey of the wealthiest people in Britain and Ireland, equivalent to the Forbes 400 list in the United States, and a series of league tables with reviews of private British companies, in particular the The Sunday Times Fast Track 100. According to the Community Service Society, "Two-thirds of poor New Yorkers and over one-third of near poor households—up to twice the poverty level—spend at least half of their incomes on rent…and place millions of low-income New Yorkers at risk of housing hardships and displacement." It is made up of 36 voting members: Chancellor, 17 Term Trustees elected by the Board, 6 Alumni Trustees elected by the board on nomination from the Alumni Association Board of Directors, and 12 Commonwealth trustees. On January 6, 2005, Microsoft released a Beta version of Microsoft AntiSpyware, based upon the previously released Giant AntiSpyware . A similar approach was used in computers whose main input was through punched cards . In 2009 , the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria has written an open letter to all African chieftains who participated in trade calling for an apology for their role in the Atlantic slave trade: "We cannot continue to blame the white men, as Africans, particularly the traditional rulers, are not blameless. Logging occurs on both private and public lands, with controversial clearcut methods used on private lands and more science-based thinning logging on public lands. It has been modified extensively several times in its history and is used today by Northeastern University for ice hockey and other sports. There has been considerable exploration of different timbres in the bass line region , particularly within techstep. In other words, for every x in X there is exactly one element y such that the ordered pair (x, y) is contained in the subset defining the function f. Phase behavior is an area of study within biophysics and is the subject of current academic research. Miners lived in tents, wood shanties, or deck cabins removed from abandoned ships. One can use the same principle to specify the position of any point in three-dimensional space by three Cartesian coordinates , its signed distances to three mutually perpendicular planes (or, equivalently, by its perpendicular projection onto three mutually perpendicular lines). In America , pie safes and food safes came into use in the days before refrigeration. Throughout ancient and medieval history most architectural design and construction was carried out by artisans, such as stone masons and carpenters, rising to the role of master builder . A significant shift has occurred in homeless services over the past five years[needs update] which has changed the emphasis from "managing the problem of homelessness" with emergency shelters, soup kitchens and health clinic to ending homelessness by housing individuals who are experiencing homelessness. There are also more subtle limitations of first-order logic that are implied by the compactness theorem . If enough moisture and upward motion is present, precipitation falls from convective clouds such as cumulonimbus and can organize into narrow rainbands. In fact, tin was one of the first superconductors to be studied; the Meissner effect , one of the characteristic features of superconductors, was first discovered in superconducting tin crystals. The Princes' Islands , 15 kilometers (9 mi) from the city center, are also popular for their seafood restaurants. The porphyry mineralization further benefited from the dry climate that let them largely out of the disturbing actions of meteoric water. Coma, or comatic aberration, derives its name from the comet-like appearance of the aberrated image. In 1763, Spain traded Florida to Great Britain in exchange for control of Havana, Cuba, which had been captured by the British during the Seven Years' War . The dew point is the temperature to which a parcel must be cooled in order to become saturated, and (unless super-saturation occurs) condenses to water. The niobium-tin compound Nb3Sn is commercially used as wires for superconducting magnets , due to the material's high critical temperature (18 K) and critical magnetic field (25 T). The Thai medical education is 6 years system, consisting of 1 year in basic-science, 2 years in pre-clinical training, and 3 years for clinical training. In October 2013 Father Asoghik Karapetyan , the director of the Museum of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, stated on television that an atheist Armenian is not a "true Armenian". By contrast, tribal morality is prescriptive, imposing the norms of the collective on the individual. Norman Johnson of Los Alamos National Laboratory wrote in a 1999 paper: "A decentralized system is where some decisions by the agents are made without centralized control or processing. It is also estimated that by 2030, over 23 million people will die from cardiovascular diseases each year. In the 1980s there was a sharp rise in the number of homeless families in certain parts of the United States; notably New York City.[citation needed] Most homeless families consist of a single mother and children. In computer programming, a subroutine is a sequence of program instructions that perform a specific task , packaged as a unit. For Proudhon, mutualism involved creating "industrial democracy," a system where workplaces would be "handed over to democratically organised workers' associations . In English, although the usual order of names is "first middle last" for the purpose of cataloging in libraries and in citing the names of authors in scholarly papers, the order is changed to "last, first middle," with the last and first names separated by a comma , and items are alphabetized by the last name. Guam uses the term Village and the U.S. Virgin Islands uses the term Districts , American Samoa uses the terms district and Unorganized atolls. Oxford is one of the most diverse small cities in Britain: the most recent population estimates for 2005 showed that 27% of the population were from ethnic minority groups, including 16.2% from non-white ethnic minority ethnic groups (ONS). It remained quite windy and open until the city councils from the 1980s on began developing an active architectural policy. The Icelandic system , formerly used in much of Scandinavia, does not use family names. Monin and Miller (2001) examined the moral self-licensing effect and found that when participants established credentials as non-prejudiced persons , they were more willing to express politically incorrect opinions despite the fact that the audience was unaware of their credentials. The flag is customarily flown year-round at most public buildings, and it is not unusual to find private houses flying full-size ( 3 by 5 feet (0.91 by 1.52 m)) flags. These include sphingosine-1-phosphate , a sphingolipid derived from ceramide that is a potent messenger molecule involved in regulating calcium mobilization, cell growth, and apoptosis; diacylglycerol (DAG) and the phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PIPs), involved in calcium-mediated activation of protein kinase C; the prostaglandins, which are one type of fatty-acid derived eicosanoid involved in inflammation and immunity; the steroid hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and cortisol, which modulate a host of functions such as reproduction, metabolism and blood pressure; and the oxysterols such as 25-hydroxy-cholesterol that are liver X receptor agonists. In the extreme south a major transform fault separates Tierra del Fuego from the small Scotia Plate. It spread in the late 19th century in the upper classes, under French influence, and in the 20th century, particularly during the 1930s and 1940, it became socially almost obligatory. Convective rain, or showery precipitation, occurs from convective clouds, e.g., cumulonimbus or cumulus congestus. The rate of immigration from Europe grew steeply after the Civil War, and New York became the first stop for millions seeking a new life in the United States, a role acknowledged by the dedication of the Statue of Liberty on October 28, 1886 , a gift from the people of France. They may manage them through government operations or leasing them to private businesses ; or they may neglect them to be exploited by individuals or groups who defy non-enforced laws against exploitation. In short, most winning candidates have won the endorsement of the applicable "major"-party convention; nearly all of the rest have won with a "professionally managed" primary-election campaign; and successful minor-party candidates are almost without exception major-party figures like Lowell Weicker whose minor parties disappear after that success. Comparing employment rates in 2000 vs. 2011, the Brookings Institution found that younger workers had much lower rates of employment (higher unemployment) while older workers had higher rates of employment (lower unemployment). In 2000, the National Alliance to End Homelessness released " A Plan, Not a Dream: How to End Homelessness in Ten Years " which encouraged communities to develop and implement 10-year plans to end homelessness in their communities. The intensity of a storm can be predicted for any return period and storm duration , from charts based on historic data for the location. Only by holding a Medical Title can the postgraduate student apply for the Doctor degree through a Doctorate in Medicine program approved by the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation. Following a significant drop in the stock market and pressure from a variety of sources , a second vote passed the bill in the House. A fight will also break out if one of the team's skilled players gets hit hard or someone gets hit by what the team perceives as a dirty hit. Economic developments in the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1941 included the acceleration of collectivisation of agriculture. As a further demonstration of this commitment, Pitt is one of the country's leading producers of both Fulbright scholars and Peace Corps volunteers and one of fewer than 20 American universities to claim five or more area studies programs that have been competitively designated as National Resource Centers by the U.S. Department of Education. Organotin compounds , sometimes called stannanes, are chemical compounds with tin–carbon bonds. In the Presidential election of 2012 , the Republican nominees were former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts for President, and Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin for Vice President. .Microsoft updates Xbox One's OS every month , and these updates can be downloaded from the Xbox Live service to the Xbox and subsequently installed, or by using offline recovery images downloaded via a PC. Republicans are divided on how to confront illegal immigration between a platform that allows for migrant workers and a path to citizenship (supported by establishment types), versus a position focused on securing the border and deporting illegal immigrants (supported by populists). Early 19th-century paintings depict shinney (or "shinny"), an early form of hockey with no standard rules which was played in Nova Scotia.[citation needed] Many of these early games absorbed the physical aggression of what the Mi'kmaq in Nova Scotia called dehuntshigwa'es (lacrosse). In modern mathematics, a function is defined by its set of inputs, called the domain; a set containing the set of outputs, and possibly additional elements, as members, called its codomain ; and the set of all input-output pairs, called its graph. that, prior to Windows Vista, the first user account created during the setup process was an administrator account , which was also the default for new accounts. Shallow-relief or rilievo stiacciato, used for the background areas of compositions with the main elements in low-relief, was perfected by the Italian Renaissance sculptor Donatello . Akmerkez was awarded the titles of "Europe's best" and "World's best" shopping mall by the International Council of Shopping Centers in 1995 and 1996; Istanbul Cevahir has been one of the continent's largest since opening in 2005; Kanyon won the Cityscape Architectural Review Award in the Commercial Built category in 2006. Convective rain , or showery precipitation, occurs from convective clouds, e.g., cumulonimbus or cumulus congestus. Lithuania was the last European state to convert to Christianity. German artisans created intricate carved designs on their chests and other furniture with painted scenes of flowers and birds. Facing leadership challenges from the "Forward" group, Lenin usurped the all-Party Congress of the RSDLP in 1912 , to seize control of it and make it an exclusively Bolshevik party loyal to his leadership. This led to the invention of the compound achromatic lens by Chester Moore Hall in England in 1733, an invention also claimed by fellow Englishman John Dollond in a 1758 patent. The cost of this expressiveness is that second-order and higher-order logics have fewer attractive metalogical properties than first-order logic. One introduces into the single-sorted theory a unary predicate symbol for each sort in the many-sorted theory, and adds an axiom saying that these unary predicates partition the domain of discourse . However, Republicans were not able to gain control of the Senate, continuing their minority status with a net loss of 2 seats . Aside from typical Turkish cuisine like kebab, Istanbul is also famous for its historic seafood restaurants . The paper began publication on 18 February 1821 as The New Observer , but from 21 April its title was changed to the Independent Observer. Structural engineers are most commonly involved in nonbuilding structures, as well as building structures, but they can also be involved in the design of machinery, medical equipment, vehicles or any item where structural integrity affects the item's function or safety. The postmodern impulse in classical music arose in the 1960s with the advent of musical minimalism. The Guyanese historian Walter Rodney (1972) has argued that it was an unequal relationship, with Africans being forced into a "colonial" trade with the more economically developed Europeans, exchanging raw materials and human resources (i.e. slaves) for manufactured goods. It became useful for international communication between the member states of the Holy Roman Empire and its allies . Precipitation is a major component of the water cycle, and is responsible for depositing the fresh water on the planet. Their ancestor worship and animism was based on Umang Lai – ethnic governing deities worshiped in sacred groves. On November 6, 1971, "after reviewing an exhaustive study on coeducation, the board of trustees decided unanimously that Mount Holyoke should remain a women's college, and a group of faculty was charged with recommending curricular changes that would support the decision." Smith College also made a similar decision in 1971. Istanbul's persistently high humidity reaches 80 percent most mornings . Modern Architecture, as established and developed by Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier , was focused on the pursuit of a perceived ideal perfection, and attempted harmony of form and function, and dismissal of "frivolous ornament." According to the original Commissioner's Plan, there were 155 numbered crosstown streets, but later the grid was extended up to the northernmost corner of Manhattan, where the last numbered street is 220th Street (Manhattan). When Eva Duarte married Juan Domingo Perón, she could be addressed as Eva Duarte de Perón , but the preferred style was Eva Perón, or the familiar and affectionate Evita (little Eva). Recently Rotterdam was listed 8th in The Rough Guide Top 10 Cities to Visit and was voted 2015 European City of the Year by the Academy of Urbanism. A penalty shot allows the obstructed player to pick up the puck on the centre red-line and attempt to score on the goalie with no other players on the ice, to compensate for the earlier missed scoring opportunity. In March 1917 , Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne and a provisional government quickly filled the vacuum, proclaiming Russia a republic months later. Language Interface Packs (LIPs) are redistributable and may be downloaded from Microsoft's Download Center and installed for any edition of Windows (XP or later) - they translate most, but not all, of the Windows interface, and require a certain base language (the language which Windows originally shipped with). Modern Architecture, as established and developed by Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier, was focused on the pursuit of a perceived ideal perfection, and attempted harmony of form and function, and dismissal of "frivolous ornament." Critics of modernism argued that the attributes of perfection and minimalism themselves were subjective, and pointed out anachronisms in modern thought and questioned the benefits of its philosophy. Free market ideas popular in the 19th century , such as those of Adam Smith returned to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s. The Andean segment north and south of the orocline have been rotated 15° to 20° counter clockwise and clockwise respectively . The localization of function hypothesis was supported by observations of epileptic patients conducted by John Hughlings Jackson, who correctly inferred the organization of the motor cortex by watching the progression of seizures through the body. In the very elderly , age-related large artery pulsatility and stiffness is more pronounced among women than men. The largest palace, Topkapı , includes a diverse array of architectural styles, from Baroque inside the Harem, to its Neoclassical style Enderûn Library. In September 1966, Thomson bought The Times, to form Times Newspapers Ltd (TNL). The main forms of precipitation include drizzle, rain, sleet, snow, graupel and hail . At levels of 100 mg/m3 , tin is immediately dangerous to life and health. Winters are cold and damp, and prevailing wind patterns that blow offshore minimize the moderating effects of the Atlantic Ocean; yet the Atlantic and the partial shielding from colder air by the Appalachians keep the city warmer in the winter than inland North American cities at similar or lesser latitudes, such as Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis, helping to moderate the amount of snow, which averages 25 inches (64 cm) each year. The hydrolysis of the ester bonds of triglycerides and the release of glycerol and fatty acids from adipose tissue are the initial steps in metabolizing fat. Even though we have a sense of responsibility to pursue moral purposes,[according to whom?] we still, at least occasionally, engage in immoral behaviour . The HEARTH Act amends and reauthorizes the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act with substantial changes. Currently, PM2.5 is the major focus, in which gradients are used to determine CVD risk. In those at higher risk the evidence for screening with ECGs is inconclusive . From January to November 2012, the U.S. added approximately 151,000 jobs per month on average. For instance, former Chairman of the Supreme Military Junta of Ecuador, General Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella, has Luis as his first given name, Telmo as his middle name, the true compound surname Paz y Miño as his first (i.e. paternal) surname, and Estrella as his second (i.e. maternal) surname. In 1963, freelance journalist Gloria Steinem gained widespread popularity among feminists after a diary she authored while working undercover as a Playboy Bunny waitress at the Playboy Club was published as a two-part feature in the May and June issues of Show. In contrast, only some matrices, which satisfy formula 2, happen to satisfy also formula 5, whereas others, also satisfying formula 2, do not; therefore formula 5 is not a logical consequence of formula 2 . The gleaming expanse of ice is similar to the Arctic, with wind-driven pack ice and ridges up to 15 m (49 ft). Headmanning the puck, also known as breaking out, is the tactic of rapidly passing to the player farthest down the ice. Much of the Asian side of the Bosphorus functions as a suburb of the economic and commercial centers in European Istanbul , accounting for a third of the city's population but only a quarter of its employment. Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 introduces a new Language Control Panel where both the interface and input languages can be simultaneously changed, and language packs, regardless of type, can be downloaded from a central location. In Albany and New York City, a majority of the buildings were Dutch style with brick exteriors and high gables at each end while many Dutch churches were shaped liked an octagon. This led to the invention of the compound achromatic lens by Chester Moore Hall in England in 1733, an invention also claimed by fellow Englishman John Dollond in a 1758 patent. This book, first published in 1956 , was written by Frederic M. Wheelock, who received a PhD from Harvard University. Tourism is vital to Manhattan's economy, and the landmarks of Manhattan are the focus of New York City's tourists, enumerating nearly 60 million visitors in 2015. Physicians and surgeons at these hospital-universities gave lectures on medicine to medical students and then a medical diploma or degree was issued to students who were qualified to be practicing physicians. The Congressional Budget Office projected that such sharp deficit reduction would likely cause the U.S. to enter recession in 2013, with the unemployment rate rising to 9% versus approximately 8% in 2012, costing over 1 million jobs. Some townships have governments and political power, others are simply geographic designations. Hoa Kỳ (" Flower Flag "). The average yearly snowfall ranges from about 50–60 inches (1,300–1,500 mm) in the higher elevations of the northern portion of the state to only 20–25 inches (510–640 mm) along the southeast coast of Connecticut. Despite that, many authors drop the specification of the domain and codomain, especially if these are clear from the context. There are many deductive systems for first-order logic which are both sound (all provable statements are true in all models) and complete (all statements which are true in all models are provable). The Marshall Islands is divided into atolls and islands. The ruling did not require the university to change its name to reflect its coeducational status and it continues a tradition of academic and leadership development for women by providing liberal arts and professional education to women and men. The Bolshevik government established the Cheka, a secret police force dedicated to confronting anti-Bolshevik elements. Diversity. Norman L. Johnson writes that diversity plays an important role in decentralized systems like ecosystems, social groups, large organizations, political systems. west of the Allegheny Mountains. Chromatic aberration is caused by the dispersion of the lens material—the variation of its refractive index, n, with the wavelength of light. Since, from the formulae above, f is dependent upon n, it follows that light of different wavelengths is focused to different positions. Structural engineering depends on the knowledge of materials and their properties , in order to understand how different materials support and resist loads. The Baltic Sea's salinity is much lower than that of ocean water (which averages 3.5%) , as a result of abundant freshwater runoff from the surrounding land, combined with the shallowness of the sea itself; indeed, runoff contributes roughly one-fortieth its total volume per year, as the volume of the basin is about 21,000 km3 (5,000 cu mi) and yearly runoff is about 500 km3 (120 cu mi). A second subway, the Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) system, connects six stations in Manhattan to northern New Jersey . In science, functions are sometimes defined by a table that gives the outputs for selected inputs. In particular, the identity function of the empty set is defined, a requirement for sets to form a category . None of the colonies had stable political parties of the sort that formed in the 1790s, but each had shifting factions that vied for power, especially in the perennial battles between the appointed governor and the elected assembly. Structural engineers often specialize in particular fields, such as bridge engineering, building engineering, pipeline engineering, industrial structures, or special mechanical structures such as vehicles, ships or aircraft. In English, abbreviations have traditionally been written with a full stop/period/point in place of the deleted part to show the ellipsis of letters – although the colon and apostrophe have also had this role – and with a space after full stops (e.g. "A. D."). Exercise in those who are at high risk of heart disease has not been well studied as of 2014. One set was given on the website of the U.S. embassy in London as early as 1998; the website of the U.S. embassy in Stockholm claimed in 2001 that those had been suggested by Pantone, and that the U.S. Government Printing Office preferred a different set. In general, Republican thinking on defense and international relations is heavily influenced by the theories of neorealism and realism , characterizing conflicts between nations as struggles between faceless forces of international structure, as opposed to being the result of the ideas and actions of individual leaders. However, the Massachusetts charter had been revoked in 1684, and a new one was issued in 1691 that combined Massachusetts and Plymouth into the Province of Massachusetts Bay . CBO estimated in November 2011 that increased investment in infrastructure would create between 1-6 jobs per $1 million invested; in other words, a $100 billion investment would generate between 100,000 and 600,000 additional jobs. The "fat-soluble" vitamins (A, D, E and K) – which are isoprene-based lipids – are essential nutrients stored in the liver and fatty tissues , with a diverse range of functions. Now officials have said that this number has risen over the past few years. Examples include "Morgenstern" (" morning star "), "Safire" ("sapphire"), and "Reis" ("branch"). Although the logical consequence relation is only semidecidable, much progress has been made in automated theorem proving in first-order logic. In contrast, the report estimated the cost of permanent supportive housing at " $10,051 per person per year " and concluded that "[h]ousing even half of the region's chronically homeless population would save taxpayers $149 million during the next decade — even allowing for 10 percent to end up back on the streets again." For more than 20 years the paper has published a separate Scottish edition, which has been edited since January 2012 by Jason Allardyce . On 29 May 1453, after an eight-week siege (during which the last Roman emperor, Constantine XI, was killed), Sultan Mehmed II "the Conqueror" captured Constantinople and declared it the new capital of the Ottoman Empire. The first issue of The Sunday Times Travel Magazine was in 2003, and it includes news, features and insider guides. It never returned to being the world's largest, but remained Europe's largest city from 1500 to 1750 , when it was surpassed by London. It uses one table and two chairs, kept on one side of the performance space. Malaria was deadly to many new arrivals, especially in the Southern colonies. In the nineteenth century , 2 months appears to have been the maximum length of the voyage, and many voyages were far shorter. In fact, leading economists like Lawrence Katz, Richard Freeman, and Laura Tyson and businesses like Costco, Wal-Mart , and Stride Rite have supported past increases to the minimum wage, in part because increasing worker productivity and purchasing power for consumers will also help the overall economy." Of the 650,000 inhabitants of the South in 1750, about 250,000 or 40 percent , were slaves. Policies that have resulted in increased socio-economic inequalities have been associated with greater subsequent socio-economic differences in cardiovascular disease implying a cause and effect relationship . As a result, while estimates that include gauge data may provide a more accurate depiction of the "true" precipitation, they are generally not suited for real- or near-real-time applications. The Constitution of the United States establishes the political government for the Federal government of the United States, which includes, among other things, judicial review, power to regulate citizenship, power to coin money, power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, conduct foreign policy, and to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. In contrast, α-tin (nonmetallic form, or gray tin), which is stable below 13.2 °C (55.8 °F) , is brittle. C-reactive protein is a common inflammatory marker that has been found to be present in increased levels in patients who are at risk for cardiovascular disease . According to the Coalition for the Homeless, the homeless population of New York rose to an all-time high in 2011. By 1985, the advocacy group claimed that the number of low-cost units had fallen to 5.6 million, and the number of low-income renter households had grown to 8.9 million , a disparity of 3.3 million units The socialist state, representing a "dictatorship of the proletariat" (as opposed to that of the bourgeoisie ) is governed by the party of the revolutionary vanguard through the process of democratic centralism, which Vladimir Lenin described as "diversity in discussion, unity in action." Proponents of the slave trade , such as Archibald Dalzel, argued that African societies were robust and not much affected by the trade. The construction of the New York City Subway, which opened in 1904 , helped bind the new city together, as did additional bridges to Brooklyn. Firms may prefer decentralization because it ensures efficiency by making sure that managers closest to the local information make decisions and in a more timely fashion; that their taking responsibility frees upper management for long term strategics rather than day-to-day decision-making; that managers have hands on training to prepare them to move up the management hierarchy; that managers are motivated by having the freedom to exercise their own initiative and creativity; that managers and divisions are encouraged to prove that they are profitable, instead of allowing their failures to be masked by the overall profitability of the company. Aerospace structures typically consist of thin plates with stiffeners for the external surfaces, bulkheads and frames to support the shape and fasteners such as welds, rivets, screws and bolts to hold the components together. Thirty-one of the current 50 states were organized incorporated territories before their admission to the Union. Despite having a focus on high-value-added work , its low-value-added manufacturing sector is substantial, representing just 26 percent of Istanbul's GDP, but four-fifths of the city's total exports. Futurist John Naisbitt's 1982 book “Megatrends” was on The New York Times Best Seller list for more than two years and sold 14 million copies. Naisbitt’s book outlines 10 “megatrends”, the fifth of which is from centralization to decentralization. Some immigrants who just arrived purchased farms and shared in this export wealth, but many poor German and Irish immigrants were forced to work as agricultural wage laborers. Opening Doors is a publication of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, which worked with all Federal agencies and many state and local stakeholders on its creation and vision, setting a ten-year path for the nation on preventing and ending all types of homelessness. By 1904 , playing at Exposition Park, the University had its first undefeated football team. After 1945, the German population was expelled from all areas east of the Oder-Neisse line, making room for displaced Poles and Russians . Britain also gained Spanish Florida , from which it formed the colonies of East and West Florida. The climate in the Andes varies greatly depending on latitude, altitude, and proximity to the sea. By 1874 there were nine breweries in Oxford and 13 brewers' agents in Oxford shipping beer in from elsewhere. The highest court of Connecticut's judicial branch is the Connecticut Supreme Court, headed by the Chief Justice of Connecticut. For example, in physics, the velocity of some body, depending on the time, is denoted v(t) . It may be associated with pluralistic politics and representative government, but it also means giving citizens, or their representatives, more influence in the formulation and implementation of laws and policies .