diff --git "a/reference_files/question-test.txt" "b/reference_files/question-test.txt" --- "a/reference_files/question-test.txt" +++ "b/reference_files/question-test.txt" @@ -1,37691 +1,18844 @@ -is there a delegate? -how does the brotherhood make decisions? -how does an Armenian priest become a member of the brotherhood -what does the monastic brotherhood consist of -how many brotherhoods are in the Armenian church? -how did the church start at the beginning? -what year were things first established? -did the church stay in once place or move? -Did the church stay in any one place for an extended amount of time? -where was the city of Sis in todays map? -was the government seeing eye to eye even during communism in the first world war? -was the clergy seen as a communist sympathizer? -was there any event that sparked a big problem? -what happened after the assasination of this archbishop? -so was there a permanent division? -is the Armenian church more western or eastern orthadox? -what kind of clothing do Armenian bishops wear? -do they use full western priest garments? -what kind of church music is used? -are there musical instruments used during the service? -is there a defined separation of church and state? -How is the church recognized by the state? -is the church recognized by the state? -how further does the state recognize the church of Armenia? -has there ever been a legal challange? +Who elected the members of the assemblies? +When did Tarentum fall? +Since when has New people's army has been waging armed revolution against Philippine government? +Who founded Pitt? +Other than political power what other power a township may have? +Who died in 1953, giving rise to Khrushchev's rule in the Ussr? +What does Dominium maris baltici mean? +What provided primary influence on Allied Strategy in Yugoslavia? +Who wrote about "comparative benefits"? +What was New England's population in 1725? When was the First Council of Dvin? -Who assembled for this First Council? -What was the goal of the Catholicoi of Georgia and Albania? -How many bishops are in the Book of Epistles? -When was the 3rd Council of Dvin? -Who participated in the 3rd Council? -What did the Georgian Church disagree with? -Who did the Albanian Church remain under? -Why was the council held? -What does the Armenian Orthodox Church argue? -What does the church believe about Monophysitism? -What doctrine does the Armenian church follow? -How is this position defined/distinguished? -What is the plural form of Catholicos? -What is the head of Eastern Churches called? -Is Catholico higher than Patriarch? -How many Catholicos does the Armenian church currently have? -Any other current Armenian church leaders? -What are the 2 seminaries of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin? -How long is the typical study at one of the seminaries? -What degrees are awarded at completion of the seminary? -Which seminary does the Great House of Cilicia operate? -who expressed concerns over amendments -When were further constitutional amendments drafted? -What is considered the national church of Armenia? -What did Stepan Danielian state? -What is an untouchable organization? -Who annexed Armenia? -What revolution led to the annexation of Armenia? -What was closed down due to the annexation of Armenia? -What did article 8 do? -How many churches were restored or constructed by the Armenian Apostolic Church since 1984? -Who is criticized for their perceived support of the government. -What has the Apostolic church ignored? -What was Hrant Bagratyan's title? -What new construction has been criticized? -Who stated that religion and state "have completely gotten mixed up"? -Who has been involved in controversies? -What is the poverty rate in Armenia? -Who was accused of laundering money? -What type of car does Ktchoyan drive? -When was the Archbishop accused of laundering? -Who said an atheist Armenian is not an Armenian? -Who was director of the Museum of the Mother See in 2013? -Who said national identity and religious identity are not the same? -Who made a statement that received a lot of criticism? -Who disagreed with Karapetyan in an editorial? -What is the national church of Armenia? -What is the Armenian Apostolic Church part of? -What was Armenia the first country to do? -Armenia make Christianity it's official religion? -What is one of the oldest christian communities? -Who does the Armenian church say gave them apostolic succession? -Who did Thaddeus cure? -What was Abgar V cured of? -When did Abgar V become Christian? -Who started a nunnery in Armenia? -Who persecuted Armenian Christians? -What is called the most crucial step in history? -Who was the first to make Christianity their state religion? -Who were the Arsacid-Armenian rulers defying? -What king of Armenia was converted to Christianity by Gregory the Illuminator? -Who was the first Catholicos of the Armenian Church? -Who made Gregory the first Catholicos? -Where was Gregory consecrated? -Who helped Gregory build the first Armenian church? -What did Gregory have a vision of? -When did the Armenian church distance itself from the Roman church? -What grew stronger in Armenia during the 5th century. -What was translated into Armenian the 5th century? -When was the Armenian alphabet finished? -What was translated into Armenian along with the Bible? -What does a second-order macronym point to? -What is "RARS", fully expanded? -Which macronym stands for "Advanced TOVS"? -What can happen to macronyms when they are nested? -Which macronym was discovered to be the most deeply nested? -What event was the word colinderies based off? -In what century did acronyms pronounced as words become common? -What year was the word colinda used in? -Where was the Colonial and Indian Exposition held in 1886? -What is David Wilton's profession? -What president created what are known as alphabet agencies? -What military organization uses the acronym COMCRUDESPAC? -What does YABA stand for? -What is another phrase for alphabet agencies? -What do the first three letters in COMCRUDESPAC mean? -How does the College Scholastic Ability Test shorten their name? -What is an example of a school that creates an acronym based on their main subject? -Which school is referred to as KAIST in two languages? -What are the 3 most prestigious schools in Korea? -How did SKY form its acronym? -What does SMS stand for? -How many characters is SMS limited to? -What is the SMS acronym for girlfriend? -What does LOL stand for? -What is the acronym for download? -From which expanded term did the simplistic term "Changwei" derive? -Which terms did China borrow from Soviet Leninist translations? -How many parts can be derived from the National People's Congress? -From what lengthened term did "Standing Committee" first originate? -What task does having a key for acronyms in a publication eliminate the need for? -Why is an explanation of abbreviations a problem for people who already know them? -What is a common mode of reading? -What publication medium has no search tools? -What is another phrase for false etymology? -What phrase is the word "cop" said to be derived from? -What type of words are most likely to have false etymologies? -What word did the phrase "gentlemen only, ladies forbidden" supposedly lead to? -What is the full extension of Gestapo? -What is the shortened term for a "strange habit of abbreviating"? -Is the term "Gestapo" a syllabic or acrimonious term? -Which language uses initial syllables to abbreviate moreso than English? -Which governmental agencies often create acronyms? -Which military is particularly known for its frequent acronym use? -What subjects do police acronyms often reference? -What was Akademi Militer shortened to? -What does RAM stand for? -What does PIN stand for? -What does ATM stand for? -What does HIV acronym stand for? -Traditionally, what came after abbreviations? -What did the period of an abbreviation replace? -Nowadays what is used to indicate that a word is an abbreviation? -In acronyms, what did each letter represent? -What other punctuation marks were used to show abbreviations? -What does backronym mean? -What should "Book" stand for according to Anthony Burgess? -What was the Apple Lisa said to refer to? -Who was the Apple Lisa actually named after? -What is another way to abbreviate the word internationalization? -In the abbreviation i18n, what does the number 18 represent? -What does the word l10n stand for? -What is the letter used to represent an unspecified number of letters? -Using the x notation format, what is the abbreviation for crystallization? -What does it mean for acronyms to be contrived? -What type of company is French Connection? -What did French Connection refer to itself as at first? -What did fcuk stand for? -What is the common way a writer will pluralize an acronym? -When does Kate Turabian allow apostrophes to make plural acronyms? -According to Kate Turabian, how would you make Ph,D plural? -According to Kate Turabian, how would one pluralize the acronym DVD? -What does the Modern Language Association say about pluralizing acronyms using apostrophes? -What does DARPA stand for? -In what year did Wired Magazine report on DARPA -What was the objective of the DARPA programs reported by Wired Magazine -What were the acronyms for programs developed by DARPA -What is DARPA known for? -Why do many writers capitalize initials? -Does this also apply to English orthography? -How do most professional editors handle capitalization? -Are common nouns capitalized in English? -What reasons are some acronyms chosen? -What was ViB first intended to be named? -What would have been the acronym resulting from Alles nur aus Liebe? -What is the Computer Literacy and Internet Technology qualification known as? -Should disc and discs have the same acronym? -What are the abbreviations for United States? -Do possessive abbreviations take precedence? -Is a plural form needed when an abbreviation already identifies a plural form? -What are the different way to pluralize the acronym CD? -What is the possessive plural of the acronym CD? -What is another way to write SOS's? -What does the New York Times think about the usage of apostrophes in abbreviations? -At what point in publishing are initials and acronyms addressed? -What do editors use all caps for? -Do some editors use capitals for acronyms? -What is the reasoning behind this style of editin? -What is an acronym made from? -What are FBI and HTML an example of? -What is a dictionaries definition of an acronym? -How do you pronounce an acronym? -How is an initialism pronounced? -What are the two types of numbers? -How are numbers in names identified? -How are abbreviations made for words with repeated letters? -What style is used for large numbers? -What is one way to abbreviate the plural form of Member of Parliament? -Who uses the abbreviation M's P to represent Members of Parliament? -Who position did Ben Chifley use to hold? -What letter is used in the common way to make abbreviations plural? -What can happen when companies rebrand? -What types of companies have fallen victim to redundant acronym syndrome? -Do television shows suffer from this syndrome? -What is the reason for abbreviation redundancy? -What is the rule when it comes to abbreviations that are spoken as words and letters? -What is the dispute about when speaking the term URL or IRA? -What are two examples of terms that are verbalized as a blend of both words and letter names? -How are the terms URL and IRA pronounced? -What acronym-disseminating trend took off in businesses in the mid to late 19th century? -What does RF&P stand for? -How is American Telephone and Telegraph Company abbreviated? -Why did businesses start abbreviating their names in the mid to late 19th century? -What is the abbreviation for Sun Oil Company? -What is considered a new linguistic phenomonom? -In what year was the first recorded use of initialism? -How did all the new terms from technological advances affect abbreviation? -What is the abbreviation for the Oxford English Dictionary? -What year was the use of initialism put to general use? -What was A.W.O.L. called when pronounced as a word? -By 1943, what term was used to refer to abbreviations as words? -What language does the term acronym derive from? -What was the original definition of acronym? -What is the acronym UNIVAC derived from? -Does precipitation increase or decrease with height? -What climate is considered to be typical of the subtropical position at 32-34S? -Valley bottoms have no what? -What are the largest glaciers? -What is the climate like in Cape Horn? -The Andean slopes in western Peru are dominated by what natural feature? -What is the climate like in the Atacama Desert? -Does the Atacama Desert have much life or is it virtually lifeless? -How many species of vascular plants live in the Andes? -In modern times, has the clearing of forests accelerated or decelerated? -Which small tree is a source of quinine? -What are two important crops that originated from the Andes? -The polylepis forest and woodlands found in Andean areas are referred to by locals as what? -Guanaco can be found living where? -Which threatened members of the rodent order inhabit the Andes' alpine regions? -Does the Andean condor occur in high or low densities? -What is the largest bird of its kind in the Western Hemisphere? -Which species of hummingbirds can be seen at altitudes above 4,000 m? -Which two highly endangered species live in Lake Titicaca? -Few large what exists in the Andean forests? -What is another term for the humid Andean forests? -What is the elevation of Mount Aconcagua? -What location is the farthest from the Earth's Center? -Where are the world's highest volcanoes? -Where are the world's highest mountain ranges? -How high is the Ojos del Salado? -What mountain range are the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta a part of? -What is the origin of the word 'cordillera'? -What is the meaning of "cordel"? -What is the average width of the Andes? -How wide is the Bolivian flexure? -What is the Pacific Ring of Fire? -What caused the Andes? -Where do the Andes end in the west? -What ore is found along the Andes Mountain range? -What borders the Andes to the east? -What does the Bolivian Orocline overlap with? -What is the name of the 18 degree S coastline bend? -What is at the Southern tip of the Andes? -What is the Orocline related to, according to Isacks? -The northern Andean segment has been rotated how? -What does the Bolivian Orocline overlap with? -What is the name of the 18 degree S coastline bend? -What is at the Southern tip of the Andes? -What is the Orocline related to, according to Isacks? -The northern Andean segment has been rotated how? -When did the formation of the modern Andes begin? -How did the Andes form during the Triassic period? -How did the Andes change during the Cretaceous Period? -How have the Andes not have constant rise? -The breakup of what super-continent stimulated the growth of the Andes? -What the government sponsored? -When the inca civilization formed? -What axis the Andes Mountain formed? -What influences the Andes Mountain formed? -What are the construction that are still existed until today? -When was the Incas defeated? -Who led the small Army of Spaniards? -Which Inca sites that can never be found by the Spaniards? -What is the surviving languages of the Andean peoples -When they surveyed the Bolivian Andes? -How to crossover the Andes and between Argentina and Chile? -What made the Andes out of reach from neighboring countries? -What is the most transportation used? -Where to find the Paso Internacional Los Libertadores? -When the east and west have been connected? -Where part of Andes Chile claimed the land? -Who defeated the combined forces of Bolivia and Peru? +In what field has progress been made via first-order logic? +Will an ECG screen help for patients at higher risk of cardiovascular disease? +What does Pera mean? +What types of organizations aid the homeless community in the United States? +What professional club as won 14 national titles since the introduction of football in the Netherlands? +Which amendment is the idea of "dual sovereignty" derived from? +Which alphabet symbols always have the same meaning? +What does KPJ stand for within the context of Yugoslavia? +What is shallow-relief used for? When chile give up the eastern side of the Andes? -When the diplomatic relations with Chile got suspended? -Who claim the land on the eastern side of the Andes? -What is the technique that the Inca practices? -How long they are practicing the irrigation technique? -What is the very important staple crop they have? -What is the another important crop to these people? -What production they use the Maize? -What is responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions along the west coast of South America? -What type of event is caused by the Nazca and Antarctic Plate sliding under the South American Plate? -What is in between the Tierra del Fuego and the Scotia Plate? -How wide is the Drake Passage? -Which mountains are said to be an continuation of the Andes mountains? -What was overrode by the Andes? -In what area can the Pampean orogeny effects be seen? -Where was the Sunsas Orogen? -What is responsible for the evolution of the Magallanes Basin? -Where did the Magallanes Basin start out at? -How many volcanic zones are in the Andes range? -What was caused by the Nazca and Antarctic Plate sliding under the South American Palte? -What seperates the volcanic zones? -Are all of the volcanic zones the same? +In California, the word "town" is synonymous to which entity? +How are parts of the subject depicted? +What are the only two teams to ever win gold metals in these competitions? +What beat per minute interval is drum and bass usually between? +Who led the Partisan uprising in Serbia? +How do most organotin compounds, liquid or solid, appear physically? +In which parts of Africa was it common for slaves to be captured as a result of military conflicts? +What are the Un-official colors used on when pertaining to the U.S. flag? +What did social conservatives express dissatisfaction with? +What aspect of physical materials must a structural engineer comprehend? +What disease was prevalent in the United States in the early 20th century? +What large construction project helped to unite the city together? +How many Adult New Yorkers are low warn earners? +How many POWs snuck out of the camp at the end of August +Who is a famous writer whose name was used for the troops? +What is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's paternal surname? +Who will need training? +What office did Reince Priebus hold? +When was Zamboanga Medical School Foundation founded? +What else is common throughout the world when it comes to names? +What innovation allowed brewers not in Oxford to compete for a market share? +When food was secured, who was able to spend time on other endeavors? +What threatened New England's ideal of an independent society? +A person who has their last name indicated by their mother's first name is known as what? +What did farm women do to provide for the rest of the needs of the family? +What percentage of the inhabitants were slaves? +Most music had what kind of theme? Which belt has a large range of volcano-tectonic? -Where are hydrocarbons trapped in the Andes Mountains? -What type of climate is beneficial to the porphyry mineralization? -Who is the largest exporter of copper? -What does the ideal climate allow them to avoid? -What does the climate in the Andes create? -How constant is the climate in the Andes? -What determines the climate in different areas of the Andes? -What is the weather typically like in Columbia? -What can you find just a short distance away from Cotopaxi? -The temperatures of each are greatly affected by what? -What was another name for the Atlantic slave trade? -Where did the majority of the slaves come from? -When did the Atlantic slave trade take place? -Who sold the slaves? -Who bought the slaves? -Who was the first to engage in the New World slave trade? -When did the Portuguese complete the first transatlantic slave voyage? -What was one of titles the first Africans imported to the English colonies referred to as? -Where were the slaves sold? -What were the slaves considered? -Where did many slave traders establish outposts? -Who were the slaves purchased from? -Where were the slaves shipped to? -Where were the slaves housed while awaiting shipment? -How many slaves are estimated to have been shipped across the Atlantic? -What made ocean travel difficult and risky for ships? -At what point were the ships better equipped to deal with the tidal currents? -How many sailors engaged in the slave trade visited West Africa between 1600 and 1800? -Who coined the tern "disenclavement"? -What is disenclavement? -What combined to make Europeans the most likely people to explore the Atlantic and develop its commerce? -Who noted this fact? -What did European traders want to trade for? -What was viewed as a commercial, political, and religious threat to European Christendom? -What did Thornton identify as being the drive to find new and profitable commercial opportunities outside of Europe? -What proportion of slaves died in the Middle Passage? -How many Africans were killed during the voyages of the Middle Passage? -Who conducted research into the deaths associated with the Middle Passage? -What was the highest number of slaves that could be found on an individual ship? -What was the lowest number of slaves that could be found on an individual ship? -What subject does Raymond L. Cohn teach? -In what area has Raymond L. Cohn conducted research? -As the slave trade progressed, what happened to mortality rates among slaves on the voyages? -In what time period was the minimum length of many slave voyages 2.5 months? -In what time period was 2 months the longest amount of time it took for the slave voyages? -Where did Portuguese mariners explore in the 15th century? -What was the ethnicity of the people that were captured during the pirate attacks? -Who were the first group of people from Europe to use African slaves in the New World? -When did African slaves first come to Hispaniola? -By what year had the number of African slaves become larger than the number of Tupani on Brazilian sugar plantations? -What country was the leader of the slave trade? -Where was the Royal Africa Company located? -When did the Royal Africa Company cease to have a monopoly on the slave trade? -What British town produced the largest amount of guns at that time? -What were guns exchanged for at that time? -When did the first African slaves reach the area now known as the United States? -When did the first slaves reach Colombia? -How many colonists from Spain came to the area now known as the United States in January 1526? -When did the first slaves reach Costa Rica? -Did slaves arrive in El Salvador or Florida first? -What did William Wilberforce dedicate his life to as a Member of the British Parliament? -How many votes were for the motion to abolish the Atlantic slave trade? -What year did Britian abolish the Atlantic slave trade? -What year did the United States act to abolish the Atlantic slave trade? -When did the United States act to abolish its internal slave trade? -Who argued that Africans were being forced into "colonial" trade with the Europeans? -Who argued that Atlantic slave trade was not nearly as critical to the African economy? -What was the outcome of the economic trade agreement, between the Africans and Europeans? -What did John Thorton believe in contrast to other historians? -What did the "colonial" trade agreement consist of? -What was the trading of slaves called to South American colonies? -What is the asiento system? -What was the time frame of the Atlantic slave trade? -Which country did not directly deal with the slave trade but licensed traders? -What percent of slaves did the South American colonies account for? -Who established the West Africa Squadron in 1808? -How many officers were stationed on the 25 vessels? -How many African rulers signed the Anti-slavery treaties? -How many Africans were freed from the seized vessels? -How many ships were seized by the Royal Navy's Squadron? -What did African kings receive for each slave? -Who is the pioneer of British slave trade? -Where were the enslaved Africans taken? -What goods were brought back from the Americas to Europe? -What year's did the African kings take part in the slave trade? -What was a cause of the Atlantic Slave Trade? -Which group was first utilized as labour? -What was the Western part of Africa known as? -Why did indentured servitude fail in the New World, as an alternative to slavery? -For what reason did the Europeans need slaves? -What year did the last ship land on American soil? -What is the name of the last survivor? -Which country was the last to ban the Atlantic slave trade and what year? -When did Brazil itself end slavery? -Brazil and Cuba continued to accept a large number of enslaved people until when? -How did Africans take part in the slave trade? -Why were criminals sold as slaves? -Who refused to do business with slavers completely? -Other than raids, what was another way to obtain slaves? -Where did the captives who were sold usually come from? -Which European country carried the greatest amount of slaves across the Atlantic? -Which United States President outlawed the slave trade? -Who is Walter Rodney? -What does Walter Rodney say about why the British made the decision to end their participation? -What year was the slave trade outlawed with the United States? -What did Hardt and Negri state was not the main reason for to end the slave trade? -What arguments played a secondary role for ending the slave trade? -What was one of the most important Revolutions? -What was the purpose of the more recent argument as described by Hardt and Negri? -What was one of the benefits of slavery? -What was the main negative effect of slavery on the economies of Africa? -What country was the exception to the controlling and preventing of enslavement? -What were the benefits derived from trading slaves? -Who was John Thornton? -After centuries of non-participation, who rejoined the trans-atlantic slave trade? -What African nation was exceptional in it's lack of control over its coast? -What did African leaders see in terms of slave trade? -How did the slave trade negatively impact Africa? -Why did the Kingdom of Benin participate in the slave trade after centuries on non-participation? -How much was the King of Dahomey earning in 1770 by selling captured slaves? -How many slaves were Europeans taking to the Caribbean each year in 1778? -In which century did the Atlantic slave trade reach its peak? -During which war did the Atlantic slave trade reach its peak? -Which European people brought the most slaves to the Caribbean in 1778? -In what part of the world was slavery inherited by a child born to a slave?? -In what part of the world was slavery not inherited by a child born to a slave? -In what area was slavery not confined to people belonging to a minority ethnicity or faith group? -In what areas was slavery generally confined to people belonging to a minority ethnicity or faith group? -About how many people were traded as slaves in the Atlantic slave trade? -How many slaves died in transit across the Atlantic? -How many Africans died in Africa after they were seized by slave traders?? -How many slaves from Africa survived the journey and made it to the New World? -What factor influenced African legal codes, as cited by Dr Nehusi? -What percentage of fatalities were a product of African military conflicts? -What type of events resulted in the majority of enslavements? -In which parts of Africa was it common for slaves to be captured as a result of military conflicts? -What country is mentioned here as having difficult relations with adjoining countries due to slavery? -During what period did Benin prosper from slavery? -What did the economy of the Khasso kingdoms have a major dependence upon? -What was one of the names given to Benin's coastline? -what happened in the 17th century regarding shipments ? -how long was the first african been kidnapped ? -where were the slaves shipped ? -who took the slaves to Montserrat ? -when was Chattel slavery codified ? -What year was chattel slavery codified in Virginia law? -What principle means that all children of slave mothers were made into slaves? -After how many years of work were indentured servants freed? -Kidnapped Africans brought into Jamestown, Virginia were not initially considered slaves but what? -Where did Irish immigrants take slaves to in 1651? -Which nation in 1800 had the most financial success in the West Indian colonies? -What other nation did the British compete against in the sugar colony business? -What important colony did France lose to a slave revolt in 1791? +What did the Congressional Budget Office project would happen because of the proposed changes? +What component joins converging portions of a truss? +At the molecular level of the nervous system genetic changes are studied in order to understand how they affect what? +What side of the mountain is usually the wettest? +In 1890, which city had the world's tallest building? +What percentage had said free-trade agreements hurt the US three years ago? +When did the naval forces of resistance were formed? +Are fats true lipids? +Who invented the compound achromatic lens? +Decentralization allows for divisions and manager to prove that they are what in relation to a company as a whole? +Why is the number of computable functions from integers to integers countable? +How many stripes are on the U.S. flag since adding more in 1795? +What may be omitted when there is little chance of confusion? +Who was one of the "qualified professional" planning new urban establishments? +What caused the spread of Latin without its natural spoken base? +What was the commending language of the Slovene Partisans before the last month of WWII? +What was the first college-level basketball championship called? +What mountain chain in North America is the wettest and snowiest? +Stalin repressed what social institution in his country? +Which country was the last European State to convert to Christianity? +Were Northeastern Protestants more likely to vote Democrat or Republican in 1960? +What is the nom-dit of a family branch that lived near a city? +Sony released what Li-ion batteries in the late 2000s? +When do Darüşşafaka students begin learning german or french? +How long will the Eurasia tunnel be when completed? +What french writer helped lay the ground work for second wave feminism? +What is the name of the default setting? +Why is cautious consideration required in utilizing mean collapse mechanisms? +When did the hospitals appear in Egypt? +How do modern compilers reduce overhead? +In computer science how can situations be modeled besides as a nodes? +Who is the Bolshevik party leader between 1908 to 1917? +How long did it take Norway to recover after the 1987 financial crisis +organotin compounds can be as toxic as what? +What did Kennedy's report reveal? +Why was the castle built? +When did the NHL have 12 teams? +Which university operated a project regarding the structure of local governments? +How many seats does the New York Icahn stadium have? +What's the name of the annual league table of best performing state and independent schools in the UK? +What location did the Bonneville Expedition see before any other non-indigenous people? +What are the examples of the dedctive system ? +Were service providers able to reduce chronic homelessness? +Who invented the saxophone family of instruments? +What location in the Sierra did the later plutons form? +When were the Articles of Confederation established? +As and aftermath of what results in difficulty expressing natural-language statements? +What would the formula be in the example given? +At what conference over Labor Day weekend in 1967 was a woman's caucus formed? +What was Abgar V cured of? +What accredidation agency is the University of Pennsylvania affiliated with? +What was necessary for the classics? +What kind of town was Boston considered to be? +What kind of movement characterizes this dance? +Why is the crust of the earth in that region depressed? +Before the American Revolution, who would have been the colonist equivalent to President of the United states? +What percentage of homeless population of Philadelphia's poor neighborhoods were white in 1960? +How many blocks per mile in Manhattan? +What does counter-relief imply? +Which region became an important mercantile area? +what two ways are used to verify forecast? +How much does the city spend on on homeless reated programs per year? +Who advocated anarchism in Germany? +What is the shape of a snowflake determined by in broad terms? +What type of student can earn a certificate in African Studies from UCIS? +What is the third largest airport in Rotterdam? +What career did Cadwallader Colden have besides being an anthropologist? +What is the altitude of the Manipur area? +What is labelled with the capital letter O? +Which tin halide is the most important commercially? +What is the name of another major international organization devoted to neuroscience? +In which year did the inhabitants of West Florida revolt against the Spanish? +When did the Panther become the school's mascot? +Early Egypt and Mechian cultures had crop economies around what time? +What needs to be removed from a weighing gauge before snowfall occurs? +What religion became popular in Constantinople? +What metric of wealth was the yearly minimum wage less than? +How long is the trip between Manhattan and Staten Island on the ferry? +Which Branch did the USICH agency belong to in 1987? +What year do most agree feminism began? +What is the term used for a subroutine returning to the next instruction? +What was the fault of the Petionvile school collapse? +The paragraph talks about implementing technologies in what manner? +What students are granted the title of Doctor of Medicine (MD)? +When did the Battle of Poljana ended? +Where is the source for much of the sedimentary rock in California? +State governments within the United States are allowed to do what regarding their own laws? +What was the first hockey team to employ professionals? +Croatian Partisans recruited many people of what religion? +What stretch of water divides the city of Istanbul? +Who was the first person to name it The Baltic Sea? +In India, what can surnames mean? +How long has it been publishing a separate Scottish edition? +What did French Connection refer to itself as at first? Was French sugar cheaper or more expensive than British sugar prior to 1791 and the French revolution? -What major technological advantage did Europe have over Africa? -What fueled economic growth in Europe and the Americas? -What did agricultural profits from the Americas help fuel? -Plantation owners from the Caribbean helped to fund what invention? -Whose theories did Walter Rodney base his arguments off of? -Who argued that social change and stagnation was caused by domestic factors? -What region of Africa did Joseph C. Miller research? -Who did Patrick Manning criticize for for being too speculative? -Who estimated counterfactual demographic developments in case the Atlantic slave trade had not existed? -Which historian's methodology and accuracy has come under scrutiny? -Which proponent of the slave trade argued that African societies were not affected by the trade? -Due to the slave trade, which societies received an influx of goods? -Which abolitionist argued that African societies were severely harmed by the slave trade? -What do the scholars debate on it's effects to African societies? -What book did Alex Haley write? -When was Roots: The Saga of an American Family published? -When did the Roots television miniseries premier? -What network did the Roots television miniseries premier on? -What is the name of the annual festival in Gambia? -When was the American Colonization Society founded? -When did the Reconstruction take place? -What year did the American Colonization Society send a ship to Liberia? -How many African Americans settled in Liberia? -Where did the 2001 World Conference Against Racism take place? -Why did some countries not want to apologize for past slavery and racism? -What did African nations demand for? -What countries didn't want to apologize for past slavery and racism? -When was the House Joint Resolution Number 728 passed? -Who is Bob Riley? -Who passed the House Joint Resolution Number 728? -When did the Governor of Alabama sign the apology? -Who wrote an open letter to African countries demanding an apology? -When did the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria write the open letter? -What did the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria suggest to African countries demanding an apology? -What was the the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria's stance apologizing? -What group performed the initial Atlantic naval explorations? -How did Thornton describe the "initial exploration of the Atlantic"? -Who sponsored the most dramatic discoveries, according to Thornton? -What myth is perpetuated by Iberian leadership? -What European nationalities were involved in Atlantic naval explorations? -What types of enslaved peoples did the Europeans purchase? -What did South Africans make a business out of? -What provided a large new market for the Atlantic slave trade? -What were the differences between slaves in Africa and those abroad? -Why were wars perpetuated in the African region? -Why did Europeans settle in lands outside Europe? -Under who did European migrants colonize the Canary Islands? -When did Europeans colonize the Canary Islands? -What did Europeans do with native Canary Islanders? -What were the main produce of the Canary islands after European occupation? -What was the actual motive for European expansion? -What type of people composed Europeans in the Canary Islands? -How were the Canary Islands used? -When did European trades begin to meet serious resistance? -How did African sailors exhibit superiority over European invaders? -What year did the Portuguese king reach an agreement with West African states on trade? -Who supported Portugal in their campaign to take over Southwest Angola? -What islands did the Portuguese attempt to conquer in 1535? -Who seized a French vessel in 1525 for illegal trading on the Kongo coast? -What country dominated the African continent until the 20th century? -What is a wildly contested thesis in Academia in regards to the Atlantic slave trade? -What percentage of domestic investment in Britain came from slave trade profits? -What is Stanley Engerman's estimate for slave trade profits in Britain? -When did investment from West Indian profits occur? -What are some of the associated costs of the slave trade? -Who argued that the export of people crippled Africa? -What explains the African continents wide poverty? -How did the population of Africa change in relation to Europe and Asia? -How was the African economy disrupted by Merchants? -How were lower levels of the population disrupted? -Who argues that the effects of slavery were deleterious? -How was the African economic model different from Europe's? -How did the suppression of slave trade affect Africa's population? -Prior to what did Africa's population increase? -Population reduction in certain areas led to what? -What were the "Religious Society of Friends" also commonly referred to as? -What country was the first to ban the slave trade? -When did Britain ban the slave trade? -What US Act banned the outfitting of ships for the slave trade? -In what year did Congress outlaw the importation of slaves? -In elderly women, what age-related condition is more prevalent than it is for men? -Why do women tend to have a more pronounced exhibition of age-related artery issues? -What are some major differences between men and women physiologically? -At what point do differences in artery pulsality become obviously different? -What is the contribution of menopause to artery stiffness? -What is a major form of smoked tobacco? -What is another way that tobacco becomes a risk to health? -What percentage of cardiovascular disease is attributed to smoking? -At what age can smokers stop smoking to have the same risk as non-smokers? -What is a way tobacco is a risk to health? -What kind of diet can decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease? -What is the DASH diet? -Can a high fiber also lower risk? -Which diet is the Mediterranean diet more effective than? -What are some of the benefits of the DASH diet? -How is insufficient physical activity defined? -What is the fourth leading cause of mortality? -What percentage of adults were insufficiently active? -By what degree is ischemic heart disease reduced in adults who participate in 150 minutes of physical activity a week? -What does physical activity assist in? -What habits are linked to cardiovascular disease? -How many deaths are attributed to low fruit/vegetable intake a year? -Frequent consumption of what food promotes obesity? -What is high sugar intake associated with? -What major food staple contributes to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, due to it's dietary salt intake? -Is total fat intake an important risk factor? -What do dietary guidelines around the world recommend reducing? -What type of unsaturated fat may increase cardiovascular risk? -Do Omega-3 fatty acids have an effect? -Should saturated fats be replaced with carbohydrates? -What does the relationship between alcohol and cardiovascular disease depend on? -How can one drink and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease? -What is overall alcohol consumption associated with. -What is the relationship of high levels of drinking and cardiovascular disease? -How can one describe the relationship between cardiovascular disease and drinking? -What does the Cochrane review suggest may be harmful to those with congestive heart failure? -Why was the Cochrane review criticized? -What was there moderate evidence of? -What did one review find strong evidence of? -Is Aspirin useful in those at low risk of heart disease? -Are those at really low risk for heart disease recommended to take aspirin? -What is there a risk of when taking Aspirin? -What are Statins effective in? -Why is the decrease of events more easily seen in man than women? -Should people without cardiovascular disease take Statins? -Who should take Statins according to a United states guideline? -In what time period does the risk of developing heart disease approximately triple? -What proportion of people who die of CHD are 65 or older? -What is the most important risk factor for developing CVD? -What can begin to develop in the heart at a young age? -After what point does the risk of stroke increase by a factor of two every decade? -What diseases become more likely as people get older? -How many explanations have been given in regards to why age is a risk factor for heart related diseases? -At what point does the increase in blood cholesterol levels begin to slow down in men? -At what point does the increase in blood cholesterol levels begin to slow down in women? -What increases in the blood as people get older? -Which general properties of the vascular wall become different with age? -What specific property of the vascular wall is lost with age? -What specific property of the vascular wall is decreased with age? -What natural process can lead to changes in the properties of the vascular wall? -What can ultimately result from age-related changes in the vascular wall? -What group of people are more likely to get heart disease relative to pre-menopausal women? -What group of people are less likely to get heart disease relative to men? -After what biological period in a woman's life could it be argued that she has a similar risk of heart disease compared to a man? -Who has a higher likelihood of developing heart disease if both have diabetes, the female or the male? -Who has a lower likelihood of developing heart disease if both have diabetes, the female or the male? -What effects poor countries more than rich ones? -Is there a relationship between heart disease and economic inequality? -What do we know about spread of heart disease in poor countries? -Who recommends more equal distribution to fight heart disease? -What other type of diseases could be caused by inequality? -What effects poor countries more than rich ones? -What do we know about spread of heart disease in poor countries? -Is there a relationship between heart disease and economic inequality? -Who recommends more equal distribution to fight heart disease? -What other type of diseases could be caused by inequality? -How much more frequently are middle-aged men afflicted by coronary heart diseases compared to women? -Who is more likely to be afflicted by coronary heart diseases, middle-aged men or women? -What hormone is produced in lower amounts following menopause? -What type of cholesterol level begins to lower in women following menopause? -What is the main sex related hormone in women? -What has exposure effects on heart disease? -The major focus of these exposure effects is what? -Which gender had a higher relative risk for the disease? -Heart failure is linked to exposure from what Particulate matter? -Long term Particulate matter exposure increased rates of what? -What has exposure effects on heart disease? -The major focus of these exposure effects is what? -Which gender had a higher relative risk for the disease? -Heart failure is linked to exposure from what Particulate matter? -Long term Particulate matter exposure increased rates of what? -Atherosclerosis develops in what stage of life? -What is Atherosclerosis? -Who determmined where the lesions appear? -Atherosclerosis occurs in kids how old? -The studies done are based on what? -How many die from complications related to atherosclerosis? -What measures against the disease should be acted upon? -Awareness of this disease and what else will stem the tide? -Aatherosclerosis is how important? -Heart related diseases pose what kind of threat? -The best way to predict a cardiac event is from what? -Why aren't Risk scores more common? -Otherwise, the next best possibility is from what other disease? -Why isn't family history a more useful predictor of cardiac events? -What is another name for myocardial infarction? -What type of disease is angina? -What class of diseases involve the heart or blood vessels? -Coronary artery diseases (CAD) are classified under what larger class of diseases? -What type of disease is myocardial infarction? -How likely are diabetics to die from cardiovascular-related health problems? -What is the most life-threatening health problem that is associated with diabetes? -What other diseases are linked to cardiovascular disease? -Cardiovascular disease is common if people have a history of what health conditions? -What percentage of cardiovascular disease deaths does high blood pressure account for? -What cardiovascular diseases involve athersclerosis? -What type of cardiovascular disease can be preceded by untreated strep throat? -What percentage of cardiovascular disease deaths does obesity account for? -What percentage of cardiovascular disease deaths does tobacco use account for? -Should those with low risk of cardiovascular disease get an ECG screening? -Should those with no symptoms of cardiovascular disease get an ECG screening? -Will an ECG screen help for patients at higher risk of cardiovascular disease? +What groups did Marc. Bekoff and Jessica Pierce argue have morality? +What does the Bolivian Orocline overlap with? What conditions must be met for an ECG screening? -Is an echocardiography necessary? -Is cardiac stress testing necessary? -Is myocardial perfusion imaging necessary? -Should patients who are low at risk and show no symptoms of cardiovascular disease get further testing? -What percent of cardiovascular disease is estimated to be preventable? -Treating strep throat with antibiotics can decrease the risk of what type of cardiovascular disease? -Before what age is aspirin therapy not advised in women? -Before what age is aspirin therapy not advised in men? -What United States agency makes recommendations regarding the use of aspirin therapy? -Are biomarkers useful in predicting the likelihood of cardiovascular disease? -What do biomarkers contribute to cardiovascular disease? -How can cardiovascular risk factors be determined? -Can you predict the development of cardiovascular disease? -What has not been more closely studied as of 2014? -Does improving diet and participating in physical activity change lifestyle behaviors? -What health conditions are associated with cardiovascular disease? -Does a diagnosis of periodontitis increase risk for cardiovascular disease? -In what country is cardiovascular disease not the leading cause of death? -What disease is the worldwide leading cause of death? -What percent of people in the United States over the age of 80 have cardiovascular disease? -What demographic group is typically affected by cardiovascular disease? -For which gender does cardiovascular disease onset typically occur earlier? -What is hypertension? -What is hyperlipidemia? -What risk factors for cardiovascular disease do not change over time? -What is diabetes mellitus? -CETP inhibitors increase what? -What is commonly known as "bad" cholesterol? -Statins last about how long? -Fibrates do not effect the chance of heart problems despite raising bad cholesterol if you are on what? -Statins don't have as long of an effect on what? -What is commonly known as "bad" cholesterol? -Statins last about how long? -CETP inhibitors increase what? -Fibrates do not effect the chance of heart problems despite raising bad cholesterol if you are on what? -Statins don't have as long of an effect on what? -What medications will increase HDL cholesterol levels? +What leader first created guidelines on when the flag should be flown at half-staff? +What is a good way of protecting against governments selling the land they own for profit? +Where did the 2001 World Conference Against Racism take place? +Which law allows for workers to not participate in unions? +Which proponent of the slave trade argued that African societies were not affected by the trade? +How much does it ran in Istanbul? +What is Oxford thought of in relation to Cowley during the 1970s? +What was Samuel Brannan's occupation? +What is the reason for abbreviation redundancy? +What are fatty acids directly linked to to make a saccharolipid? +The styles used to build the European embassies later influenced the architecture of what palace? +What color stripes were sometimes included on the early flags? +When the diplomatic relations with Chile got suspended? +What does the phrase "melting pot" refer to? +Lowenheim-Skolem theorem involves which theory of cardinality? +In what date was Belgrade liberated with the help of Red Army? +What is the first name of the person in the highest position of the highest court in Colorado as of 2015? +What produced most of the world's tin in 2007? +Mention one historical place in Manhattan? +what gained national attention? +What are sometimes called stannanes? +In 1959, who purchased the Kemsley group? +What state cannot be reached from a good state? +The Cartesian coordinate system in two dimensions can also be referred to as what? +How many meanings can be built from L(x,y) +What task does having a key for acronyms in a publication eliminate the need for? +What societal problem became widespread during 1980-1991? +What is amorality defined as? +What types of houses had a symmetrical facade? +What does the amount of tin in the pipe defines? +What is the main determining factor of it's ability to carry axial load? +What mosque illustrates the growing European influence on Ottoman architecture? +What is the Sierra Nevada snowpack a a significant source of for California? +What is an example of a true compound surname? +What was the outcome of the economic trade agreement, between the Africans and Europeans? +Unlike the Baltic ringed seal, the grey seal is capable of doing what without sea ice? +What type of account is made for the first user? +Which Bureau deals with island dependencies? +Who filled the gravesite of the Baltic Sea? +Which Chinese university has joined with Pitt to collectively create an institute and program? +What does Libertarian socialism deny? +What is the focal plane? +What video sharing services are used to promote drum and bass today? +When was the microscope invented? +what did the NCH called those acts? +How do most major insurers exist? +When were county governments mostly removed in Colorado? +Which thesis needs novel outcome? Will niacin, fibrates and CETP Inhibitors increase the risk of cardiovascular disease? -How long do statins prevent death? -Are statins more effective against death or lipids? -When were the first studies on cardiovascular health performed? -Who were the studies first performed by? -One was the data first published? -What is still actively researched today? -What type of medical research is it? -When were the first studies on cardiovascular health performed? -Who first studied cardiovascular health? -What did Jerry Morris use to study cardiovascular health? -When were the first cardiovascular health studies actually published? -How often are scientific studies of cardiovascular studies published? -What is C-reactive protein? -Where is C-reactive protein present? -What is NF-kB? -What is osteoprotegerin? -What is Chlamydophila pneumoniae? -What is Chlamydophila pneumoniae possibly linked to? -Why has the Chlamydia link with coronary artery disease become less plausible? -What are antibiotics used for? -What is melatonin? -What can help treat hypertension? -How are reductions of blood pressure observed? -What else can melatonin do? -What will cause consequences for the body? -Vasoactive agents are harmful when paired with what health condition? -Vasoactive agents are also harmful in patients with what disease? -What will the use of vasoactive agents cause? -What vitamins are considered antioxidants? -Will mineral supplements prevent cardiovascular disease? +Which Lord inspired the Manipuri dance? +What is the cost of the expressiveness of second-order and higher-order logics? +What defines the cognitive-developmental approach to moral development? Will vitamins help prevent cardiovascular disease? -What vitamin does niacin fall under? -What are the benefits of magnesium supplements? -What is the leading cause of death? -What percent of global deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases? -How many people will die every year from cardiovascular diseases by the year 2030? -Where are cardiovascular diseases most prevalent? -What percent of cardiovascular diseases will occur in South Asia? -What world organization fights for cardiovascular disease awareness? +What ocean is the Baltic Sea a part of? +When did the High Court hand down its decision? +When did Pitt become a public school? +What is at the Bayon temple? +What did the men at Redding encampment have to guard? What agency is working together with the World Heart Federation? -What factors contribute to cardiovascular diseases? -When did the Army first use fringe on a flag? -What leader has power of the use of fringe on a flag? -What organization officially owns flag designs? -Is fringe use on a flag symbolic? -When was fringe first used on a flag? -When do public buildings display the flag? -On what holiday is the flag flown at half staff? -What size flags are placed by war memorials on Memorial Day? -How big is a full size flag? -What type of holidays is flag use common on? -Where are guidelines on flag use written? -Who is the famous quote "this flag dips to no earthly king" attributed to? -What event was Martin Sheridan team captain of? -What nationality was the flag bearer who refused to dip his flag to King Edward VII? -What are the guidelines for when a flag has tattered edges? +How much air passenger capacity does Istanbul expect to add with the addition of the third airport? +What was believe to be the seat of intelligence at that time? +Where is pond hockey played? +Why were criminals sold as slaves? +What type of cooling occurs when the air comes into contact with cold surfaces? +What is the new trend in the United States for Hispanic naming structures? +What OS brought a redone version of the Windows 95 layout to the NT OS? +In which year did Bacon's Rebellion happen? +More upward motion can lead to an increase in what weather phenomenon? +What does the Armenian Orthodox Church argue? +What does the ideal climate allow them to avoid? +Which nominee did not represent states of red color? What is the recommended way to dispose of a tattered flag? -What group has flag retirement ceremonies? -When is Flag Day? -What is released when nylon or polyester flags are burned? -What type of landing did the Space Shuttle make? -On spacecraft that launched vertically, how was the flag displayed? +What does a Full Language Pack do? +Who argued that Africans were being forced into "colonial" trade with the Europeans? +What rank was given to the Rotterdam School of Management in 2005? +What percentage of the lower houses lived in the elected representatives' districts? +Which region of the world has the highest average precipitation? +How long does it take to achieve the primary medical degree? +What does "BPM" mean? +What two adjectives describe modernistic music? +was there any event that sparked a big problem? +What was the name of the newspaper when it first began? +What is the name of the famous church that represents the pinnacle of Byzantine architecture? +In what century did Russia and Prussia become leaders over the sea? +What is the year in which students have to decide in a specialty called? +What animal was the Middle East the first to domesticate? +Tin compounds are carboxylic acid derivatives of what chemical? +Neurotransmitter anandamide is what type of fatty acid? +What did the Ministry of Sound radio do in 2014? +How many of the top ten zip codes was Manhattan home to in 2006? +What is caused by projecting the three-dimensional coordinate system into the plane? +Why did the Samis start reversing their names? +What diseases become more likely as people get older? +What kind of coordinate system is figure 8? +What is it called when land rises after glacial ice melts? +Where were lenses used for in the past? +Who were targeted in killings in Backa? +Where is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella from? +What balance should be studied for the analysis of operations? +What is the main challenge with wild lentils? +When did the United States win in the world cup? +What percentage increase is estimated for Manhattan? +What does being a private institution mean for the University of Pennsylvania? +What is a synonym for "family name"? +How are outcomes produced in a free market? +The Singer Building was constructed in what year? +What has exposure effects on heart disease? +What replaced the Ali Sami Yen Stadium? +Who founded the American Philosophical Society? +What organization monitors whale and dolphins in the Baltic? +How are lipids defined? +What place in Germany expressed interest in hosting the Grand Depart of 2010? +Latin as a spoken language was pushed by? +Which company provides telephone service to Manhattan? +When did Europeans colonize the Canary Islands? +How many towns are in Connecticut? +What is the tactic called that involves passing the puck rapidly to a teammate that is farthest down the ice? +During 2008-2009 what fraction of the homeless population stayed in the shelter or transitional housing? +Why are large areas being reclaimed with only 8mm of uplift per year? +What are the two other names for first-order logic that both contain the word "calculus?" +In what unlikely form were roads designed like? +Where did David Rioch research the integration of basic anatomical and physiological research through clinical psychiatry? +In 2007 who noted that "declarations of postmodernism's demise have become a critical commonplace"? +What is included in moral philosophy? +What was emphasized in preaching during the Great Awakening? +What are important fatty acids called? +Where did surname originate from in historical times? +What is the most popular OS across all platforms? +What Allied country went to Slovenia and saw that more allied soldiers were escaping German POW camps? +What kind of religion are Islam and Christianity? +Where does cassiterite often accumulate? +Under what are all States equal in international law? +What are organotin compound stable to? +What was the name of the Yugoslav Partisans operation that rescued over 100 Allied prisoners from the Germans in August 1944 called? +Who started paying alot of attention to the needs of the homeless population? +What is a subset of the Cartesian product X x Y? +who started modern day anarchism? +What was the last version of Windows that was able to support Itanium? +Who is responsible for the most radical improvements to teh Saxohones's keywork? +In what year was Windows Vista released for volume licensing? +By what degree is ischemic heart disease reduced in adults who participate in 150 minutes of physical activity a week? +When did the NAEH create plans to stop homelessness? +What bit rate was Windows NT able to support? +Can there be a negative interaction between inflation and unemployment? +How do you often denote the image of a subset A ⊆ X? +What are Hellenstic reliefs cut with? +How many countries have ice hockey federations? +When was "war communism" enacted? +What is the name of the one express road travelling between the east and west side of Manhattan? +What did the Partisans form on August 10th? +What can Tin be use for? +Do you have to install language components manually in Windows? +What percentage of Vietnamese have the surname Nguyen? +Which city became a major center for crafting furniture due to great wealth from Quaker and British merchants? +What type of economics do liberals turn to during recessions? +In what season are both events held? +the domestication center for foxtail and broomcorn millet was where? +where is often described as the cultural and financial capital of the world? +Where was Byzantium located? +What do many observers see figure 8 as flipping in and out between? What spacecraft was the Saturn V launch vehicle for? -Which spacecraft were incapable of horizontal atmospheric flight? -What groups had a standard bearer in the early Army? -Where are military flag patches traditionally worn? -What direction did the flag of the standard bearer stream in early Army days? -What US Navy uniforms have the flag patch on the left shoulder? -When did the Star Spangled Banner Flag commence exhibition at the National Museum of American History? -Who was the grandson of the 1814 commander of Fort McHenry? -Why is the Star Spangled Banner Flag kept in dim light? -What angle is the Star Spangled Banner Flag displayed at in its current home? -When did the Smithsonian Institution first gain access to the Star Spangled Banner Flag? -What does flying the flag at half-staff mean? -When were the times for flying the flag at half-staff standardized? -What leader first created guidelines on when the flag should be flown at half-staff? -Are people allowed to fly the flag at half mast outside of official times? -Who declares that the flags of a state should fly at half mast? -What is the blue rectangle in the American flag called? -How many stripes are on the American flag -How many stars are on the American flag -What do the stars on the American flag represent -What do the stripes on the American flag represent -When was the first offical American flag flown during battle -Who provided the blue for the first American flag flown during battle -Where was the first official American flag flown during battle -Who paid Capt. Abraham for his coat -What material was the red part of the first official American flag flown during battle -What was the 1777 resolution probably meant to define -Where did the flag resolution appear from -What was each regiment to carry in addition to the national standard -Who expressed concern about the standard of the United States -Who was in charge of the appearance of the American flag -Who painted the earliest known example of the flag -When was the earliest known painting of the flag created -What did not specify any specific arrangement of the American Flag -What was a state's star sometimes replaced with -How were most early American flags made -What color stripes were sometimes included on the early flags? -Who described the flag in an October 1778 letter -Which author wrote the biography of Francis Hopkinson? -What naval flag designer and signer of the declaration of independence claims to have designed the U.S. flag? -Which state is Francis Hopkinson from? -In what year was Francis Hopkinson appointed to the position of Chairman of the Continental Navy Board's Middle Department? -What did Francis Hopkinson ask for as payment for designing the U.S. flag? -Who is often credited for designing the U.S. flag? -What is the name of Betsy Ross's grandson? -In what year did William Canby first claim that Betsy Ross had sewn the first U.S. flag? -In what year was the U.S. flag created? -According to her family, what type of business did Betsy Ross run? -In what year was the number of stripes on the U.S. flag increased? -How many stripes are on the U.S. flag since adding more in 1795? -Who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner?" -What exhibition is currently home to the flag? -What museum is currently displaying the flag as part of an exhibition on the U.S. flag? -What do the 13 stripes on the U.S. flag represent? -After a new state is added, on what date do new flag designs become official? -In what year was the flag changed from having 49 stars to having 50 stars? -In what year did Hawaii gain statehood? -In what year did Alaska gain statehood? -What is the Vietnamese term for America? -In what year did Citibank open a branch in China? -What does the Vietnamese term for America (Hoa Ky) translate to? -What is American Ginseng referred to as in China? -What is the Chinese word for "country?" -What are U.S. flags that are the prescribed 1.9 ratio called? -Who can you buy U.S. flags from that are flew over the Capitol? -What are the most common sizes for the U.S. flag? -What does the executive order on U.S. flags govern? -What does G-Spec stand for? -What are the specific colors to be used on the U.S. flag? -When were the colors formally specified for the U.S. flag? -Can you convert them perfectly, to be used on screen? -How were the relative coordinates for use on screen found? -Do the official colors for the U.S. flag have to be used on all flags? -Is the practice of using different colors on the U.S. flags a new trend? -What are the Un-official colors used on when pertaining to the U.S. flag? -What year did Taylor, Knoche and Granville write about the varying differences in the official colors and the reproductions? -What is used to get approximate colors of the U.S. flag? -When was the first set of approximate colors for the U.S. flag shared to the public? -What are the numbers used for the correct red and blue for the U.S. flag in the Pantone Matching System? -In what year did Texas legislate a specific color to be used in their flag? -Who gave the first set of approximate flag colors to the public in 1998? -What was the boys name that proposed the U.S. flag design as a school project in 1958? -How old was Robert G. Heft? -What grade did Robert G. Heft originally receive for his design project? -Did Robert G. Hefts teachers change his grade after the design was accepted by Congress? -When was the first time the 49 and 50 star U.S. flag was officially flown and where? -What was New England's population in 1725? -What was the life expectancy of a 15-year-old boy in 1700? -What was New England's way of life threatened by in the middle of the 18th century? -What was New England's population in 1750? -What did colonists in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island subdivide between farmers? -What was New England's population in 1725? -What was New England's population in 1750? -What was the life expectancy of a 15-year-old boy in 1700? -What threatened the New England society of independent yeoman farmers? -What did colonists subdivide between farmers? -What was New England's population in 1725? -What was New England's population in 1750? -What threatened New England's ideal of an independent society? -What did colonists do to their land? -What was a 15-year-old boy's life expectancy in 1700? -What did farmers obtain to create farms? -Who sold farmers plots of land in New Hampshire? -What did farmers buy from speculators in New Hampshire? -What did some farmers plant? -What are types of nutritious English grass? -Who provided services to the farming population in 1750? -What did blacksmiths set up in rural villages? -What did traders set up? -What were storekeepers goods sold in exchange for? -What kind of town was Boston considered to be? -What were goods exported to the West Indies traded for? -Where did merchants export products to? -What did New England factories do? -What was exchanged in England for manufacturers? -How did many merchants become wealthy? -What types of houses did the upper class live in? -What types of houses had a symmetrical facade? -What was a specialized room in a Georgian style house? -Who had multi-purpose houses? -In which year did Spain trade Florida to Great Britain? -What did Spain get in exchange for Florida when they traded it to Great Britain? -In which war did the British capture Havana,Cuba? -When was control of Florida restored to Spain? -In which year did the inhabitants of West Florida revolt against the Spanish? -Which Notable Spainish explorer explored the southwest from mexico? -In which year did the Pueblo revolt occur? -In which year did the Spanish reoccupy Santa Fe? -How long was Sante Fe in Spanish control? -How many of Santa Fe's population were decedents of Spanish settlers in the 21 first century? -Who founded the first missions in Spanish upper Las Califronias? -What was the population of indigenous Native Americans? -When were the missions disbanded? -What did the missions introduce to the indigenous peoples of california? -What was the El Camino Real also known as? -Who founded outposts at Green Bay,Fort Buade and Saint Ignace? -In which year did the region south of the Great lakes formally become part of the United States? -What was the population of Detroit in 1773? -When was Detroit founded? -When was French Louisiana first settled? -Who Founded New Orleans? -In which year was New Orleans founded? -How many French immigrants founded New Orleans? -What river did New Orleans become an important gateway to? -In what year was parts of Louisiana ceded to Spain? -Which river formed the western border of the United States in the 1780s? -Which country negotiated with the USA over navigation rights on the Mississippi river? -Who forced Spain to give Louisiana to the French? -In what year did the USA finalize the Louisiana Purchase? -What is the Dutch named for New Netherland? -The English captured New Amsterdam in what year? -New Amsterdam was renamed to what? -In what year was New Amsterdam founded? -On what island was New Amsterdam located? -What did the Swedish call New Sweden in their language? -New Sweden was founded in what year? -What was the capital of New Sweden? -What year did the Dutch conquer New Sweden? -What city is now located at the former site of Fort Christina? -What is the name of the Christian denomination that was introduced in America by New Sweden? -In which decade was the Nothnagle Log House built? -Which town features the Nothnagle Log House? -What is the name of the oldest European-built house in the state of New Jersey? -The Swedish people brought which style of cabin to the New World? -The Russian-American Company was started in which year? -What did Russia name their first Alaskan expedition? -The USA purchased Alaska from Russia in what year? -Who founded the Russian-American Company? -Who founded the first Russian settlement in Alaska? -What was the name of the first attempted settle that the English made south of Virginia? -Who financed the Province of Carolina? -When was the first settlement attempt in Carolina? -What commodity did the original South Carolina settlers establish lucrative trade in? -What crop was introduced to the Carolina's in the 1690s? -What language did the settlers from Barbados use? -Which wars wreaked havoc on the colonies frontiers? -What language did the Protestant settlers use? -What took place in 1715? -When did the proprietors decide to sell the colonies back to the British crown? -Which colony did James Oglethrope establish? -What kind of people were used to populate Georgia? -When was the Georgia Colony founded? -The British's fear of what country played a fear in the establishment of Georgia? -How would the Georgia Colony benefit Great Britain tactically? +How many foreigners visited Istanbul in 2000? +Who did Eisenhower defeat for the nomination in 1952? +The snowiest peaks in the USA are found in which mountain range? +What is the final structure remaining outside Oxford from the 12th century? +In what year did Mao die? +New deposits of tin are reported to be where? +Franz Joseph Gall's theory says that language was what? +What can policies that are meant to bring unemployment rates lower trigger? +Who was able to secure the protection of Yosemite? +In what year did a series of disruptive bomb threats occur at Pitt? +What type of structures can move significantly? +What does it mean for a structure if it is stiff? +Who was on the cover of the first issue of The Sunday Times Magazine? +Which country doesn't practice changing last names in marriage? +What shows that if a first-order theory has an infinite model, then it has infinite models of every cardinality? What was the initial decision for slavery in Georgia? -Why did the Georgians change their mind on things like slavery? -What did they do to help compete with the Carolina rice plantations? -What was the established religion of Georgia? -What kind of principles was Georgia established on? -Who created the commissions that governed the provincial government? -Who had the power to call a locally elected assembly in a province? -Who elected the members of the assemblies? -Who would advise the governor? -Who had the power to dissolve the assembly? -What was the name of the tool that was able to triple the amount of work done by farmers in one day? -Which two states came to be almost completely dependent on tobacco? -What kind of animal was considered more useful than horses? -What kind of crops did South Carolina produce? -Where were the settlers originally from that focused on mixed farming? -What kind of export trade flourished in Europe? -After 1720 what was there an international demand for? -What was in high demand in the Irish linen industry? -Where was there a high demand for corn? -How much did a bushel of wheat cost in 1770? -What two factors divided the Mid-Atlantic region in 1750? -What did merchants often by from farmers? -What were the nationalities of the immigrants that were forced to work as agricultural wage laborers? -What kind of work did the merchants have the newly arrived immigrants do in their homes? -What was the size of the farm that only made enough for subsistence? -What percentage of the inhabitants were slaves? -What were the three states that were dominated buy wealthy planters? -Who worked on the plantations? -What did the plantations grow for export? -What were you able to do if you were a white man that owned land? -What did much of Maryland's population consist of? -Around what year did the population begin to stabilize? -When did African women enter the colony? -What factors made family life impossible or unstable for colonists? -Who was often more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse? -What region was the trading hub between the southern colonies and Europe? -What region was more focused on cash-crops? -What region was based on farms that were self-sufficient and only traded for what they couldn't produce? -In which region was the economic standing higher? -Which region became an important mercantile area? -Where did the first Pilgrims settle? -What was the name of the first Pilgrim colony? -Who provided the land on which Providence Plantation was founded? -What type of constitution did Rev. Roger Williams establish with his fellow settlers? -What religion were the Pilgrims? -What was the name of the united colonies of New England, New York and the Jerseys under King James II? -What act inspired the 1689 Boston revolt? -In what year was the Massachusetts charter revoked? -In what year was the new Massachusetts charter issued? -What two settlements comprised the Province of Massachusetts Bay? -The top five percent of the white population of Virginia and Maryland had what occupation? -Where did the Irish and German Protestants move from? -What percent of white people in Virginia owned farms? -What substance was being mined? -What group controlled the local church? -What was the main event at the competitions organized by Sir Francis Nicholson? -What are three main aspects of gentry values? -What two things were necessary to maintain the status of the gentry? +For what type of measurement are hydrometeors relevant? +What might an Indian surname denote? +What is at the Southern tip of the Andes? +Who position did Ben Chifley use to hold? +When did the fed first relate unemployment and inflation? +Hockey pucks approach goaltenders at upwards of what speed? +Studying partial functions helps in what types of math? +What is the baritone and alto pitched in? +For what reason did the Europeans need slaves? +What was the maximum area of ice in 2011? +What book influenced Betty Friedan to write a bestselling book? +When was The Death and Life of American Cities published? +When was the McCarran-Ferguson Act passed? +What did Libertarian conservatives increasingly find fault with? +The massive air masses of tropical cyclones can be several hundred what? +While controlled by the British, Manhattan was damaged by what disaster? +What can two afocal lense form? +When did U.S employment reach 98% of it's pre-recession peak +Where is the Silchar railway station? +Where in Canada does Amtrak travel to from New York +Where did the Partisans started the fight? +What caused the second vote to pass the bill? +What was the outcome of the tests concerning moral dilemmas? +What are offensive tactics designed for? +What kinds of units of measurement can be associated with different axes? +What is the equivalent tothe North American M.D. Degree in Argentina? +What does a positive or converging lens in air do? +What type of artwork showed an earlier version of hockey? +How are ratios typically expressed? +What are two different names for the type of axis involved? +Where was the first transmission from? +Functions are definable by an algorithm called what? +In which century did the Ottoman Turks begin to cut off supply routes for Constantinople? +Who proposed the American Jobs Act? +Which gender represented the most number of homeless people in 2008 report? +Where was the contemporary sport of ice hockey developed? +What proportion of people who die of CHD are 65 or older? +What hurricane did the most damage in 2011 and 2012? +Which group has close similarities the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom? +How many explanations have been given in regards to why age is a risk factor for heart related diseases? +Which city is Connecticut's center of population? +What did some farmers plant? +What kind of tactic is checking? +What was not outlawed in all states until 1993? +Why were ticket sales stopped? +What amount of people do not speak english at home? +How many ways was the trust territory divided? +Who repressed opposition political parties? +Under the Constitution of the United States, what was the first capital? +Which group had their Muslim and Croat commanders' names changed to protect them? +What kind of structures always have the same geometry? +What is the City of Groton part of? +Before what age is aspirin therapy not advised in men? +What are two languages that do not distinguish between functions and subroutines? +What was the main starting influence for Drum and Bass? +When was the 3rd Council of Dvin? +How many individuals played on each team in the first organized indoor game of hockey? +Who wrote "Did the Pedestrian Die?" +In how many counties is Italian the largest ancestry group? +Which school is referred to as KAIST in two languages? +Who was the coach of the first two Helms Foundation Championship teams? +What year did the protest end in failure? +According to her family, what type of business did Betsy Ross run? +Proving the first-order logic has made much progress made in what theorem? +What major food staple contributes to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, due to it's dietary salt intake? +Before Republicans became conservative which ideologies did they promote? +What is the name of their city orchestra? +How many attacks against homeless people were reported in 2013? +On the Varsity Walk, what's the recognition awarded for athletic achievements called? +What does OSHA stand for? +Soybean was domesticated in northern china about how long ago? +What is the purpose of cognitive neuroscience? +How were lower levels of the population disrupted? +When did the Atlantic slave trade take place? +In terms of the Neolithic Revolution, what does the term sedentary mean? +What does the most common convention have the same effect as? +What seperates the volcanic zones? +What was the newly formed communist Yugoslav state called? +Kidnapped Africans brought into Jamestown, Virginia were not initially considered slaves but what? +New York county is only larger than? +Cereal grasses began with what? +How are the items alphabetized? +What group of people are more likely to get heart disease relative to pre-menopausal women? +how further does the state recognize the church of Armenia? +Who does the Armenian church say gave them apostolic succession? +How large is the auditorium (in acres)? +The Hodgkin-Huxley model describes what facet about the electrical signals of the brain? +What union is the Republican party in? +What type of "Factory" can be visited for free with a Pitt ID? +Can play be stopped if goal is knocked out of position? +What subdivided into municipalities? +What was the first naval unit formed from? +What was closed down due to the annexation of Armenia? +Do some editors use capitals for acronyms? +What kind of government was Stalin's regime? +Who wrote the book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism? +Who said this process has been going on since the Stone Age? +What is a lens? +Which performance is Oxford most notable for? +Jim Schmidt built several working prototypes of what kind of saxophone? +Why did Mount Holyoke College engage in a debate under the presidency of Truman? +Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? +When did publication of The Sunday Times resume? +How did the city combat the large floods? +What was the nickname given to the Xbox One software? +Where was the first teaching hospital opened? +Is a plural form needed when an abbreviation already identifies a plural form? +What percentage of domestic investment in Britain came from slave trade profits? +How are infinite formulas essentially identified? +How chairs are there in a Shumang lila stage? +On what island was New Amsterdam located? +What section of the SSAP is a near copy of the FAS 113 test? +What is the reason that Nevada is the driest state in the United States? +Transition from hunter- gatherer way of life was moved to what? +When was the Helsinki Convention signed? +What facilities were upgraded for the Olympic games in Istanbul? +where was the study conducted? +In how many races do two major parties have practical advantages? +What forms when tiny supercooled cloud droplets freeze? +On what date did New Amsterdam officially become a city? +How long did the initial invasion last? +What kind of decentralization is initiated from centers of authority? +What edition was later added to the Home and Professional editions? +How are the historical phrases distinguished? +Where do both of the surnames originate from? +How did Africans take part in the slave trade? +What is the final level sceondary school called? +What is the atomic number or the "magic number" that enables Tin large number of stable isotopes? +When did the first African slaves reach the area now known as the United States? +This tension is over what? +What may be longer than derivations in systems that include additional connectives? +In Marxism-Leninism, socialism transitions into what? +What two bodies of water does Istanbul sit between? +What invention did these works predate? +What is Atherosclerosis? +How many of the current states were territories before becoming states? +What happened to the new building after just four years? +What might it be associated with? +Who examined the moral self-licensing effect in 2001? +What minimises chromatic aberration? +What is another term for "is oriented"? +When were Armenian intellectuals deported? +What place was turned down as the host of the Grand Depart of 2010? +What group wanted to perform an ethnic cleansing of non-Serbs from what they considered to be Serbian territories? +Where is Kerala located? +How cold can it get in northeastern India? +give one theory used in first order logic +Where did the pierced tin technique originate? +How is thundersnow possible? +What organization creates the Annual Homeless Assessment Report? Who enforced hunting laws in England? -Who was allowed to hunt in America? -Which invasion was a threat to England in the 17th century? -Which English queen helped propell national assertiveness in the 17the century? -What was the major profession of immigrants to America after 1700? -How many convicts did the British ship to American colonies between late 1610s and the American Revolution? -In which century the main waves of settlement entered America? -Name the most notable American who was trained by British officers for battle. -What increased in American men and encouraged to live their own colony, travel across the continent and fight alongside other Americans?? -Which two groups of people increased their presence in American lives? -In what later war did the British training for battle benefit Americans? -What did William Pitt decide needed to be done to when the war against France? -Who were the main source of labor after Bacon's Rebellion? -Which group of labors African slaves replaced after Bacon's Rebellion? -In which year did Bacon's Rebellion happen? -What was the main export item of Virginia in the late 17th century? -When was Jamestown founded? -Which Canadian province was given over to the British by France? -France gave of up which region of North American? -Besides the territory that was formally ceded by France, what other land was given over to the British? -What is the major geographical body that divides the east from the west? -After France ceded what did the colonist no longer need? -What was the death rates of Cheasepeake colony during early days? -What the usual age of Cheasepeake colonists during early days? -With which country did the Cheasepeake planters trade heavily? -What did the Cheasepeake planters produce? -With whom did the colonial assembly share power? -Which colony absorbed the New Haven colony in the 17th century? -In which year the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded? -How many settlers founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony? -Which church did the Massachusetts Bay Colony settlers try to reform? -How many settlers arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony by 1640? -What utimately caused lack of unity among the British and the colonist? -Which group of Europeans held strong grienvences about the war? -What historical event utimately seperated the 13 conlonies from Britain? -What sentiments were held by both the colonist and Britains after the French war ended? -What did the colonist feel they had sacrifced the most for the war? -Which church did Roger Williams try to break with? -Refugees from which community were attracted to the Rhode Island Colony? -Which colony did Roger Williams establish? -Which continent did the Puritans want to set example for? -Which country did the Puritans flee from? -What percentage of British men were able to vote in the colonial society? -What portion of white American men were able ot vote in the colonial society? -Owning what was a prerequisite for voting right in the colonial society? -According to Bonomi what was the most prominent feature of colonial society? -Accoding to Bonomi talented young men were attracted to what in colonial society? -What did people need to own in order to vote? -What group had very few votes? -What was unique about colonial society? -What group was preferred in colonial elections? -What was the privilege of voting called? -What new philosophical period was adopted by the high class colonist? -Thomas Chippendale is most known for what type of art? -Which is the most southern east coast city that upheld British culture? -Although many of the upper class of Boston, New York, Charleston and Philadelphia had never been to Britian, what could have caused them to be heavily influenced by British culture? -What British ways of life did the upper class adopt? -By which decade lawyers became prominent in American politics? -At what rate Americans were suing each other? -Who effectively replaced the great lord in American society? -Who handled the land grants in the colonies? -Who handled public and private businesses in colonial times? -What did American do to each other the most during the 1700's? -Who would make the decisions during each trial? -What became an American characteristic during colonial times? -What kind of professionals had the most available work during colonial times? -Who were representing the American colonies? -What percentage of the lower houses lived in the elected representatives' districts? -Where absentee member of parliament was common? -Which families were in charge in Europe? -Who was in control of political decision-making in colonial America? -Who was in control of political decision-making in Europe during colonial times? -What kind of group were the Presbyterians? -What kind of group were Yankees? -Who had to listen to the many different interest groups? -From where did the colonies adopt many of their practices of law? -What is one political idea that was addressed argued prior to the American Revolution that still is argued today by civilians of Washington D.C. concerning Congress? -Before the American Revolution, who would have been the colonist equivalent to President of the United states? -What was the political ideology of the Commonwealth men? -The United States and Canada were both influenced by what of the English? -Who constructed the first planetarium in the western hemisphere? -Who founded the American Philosophical Society? -What career did Cadwallader Colden have besides being an anthropologist? -What group of settlers engaged in the process of taming and selttling in a wild frontier country? -Who contributed to physics and inventions such as stoves and lightning rods? -In colonial America, what subject was not as successful as the sciences? -In a European sense, what subject was nearly non existent in colonial America? -What was the main form of reading material in the colonies? -When did literary magazines appear? -Who wrote history of the dividing line? -Who wrote journals, pamphlets, books and sermons more than all of the other colonies combined? -Most music had what kind of theme? -Who was the leading theologian and philosopher of the colonial era? -Jonathan Edwards was a leader of what? -What occupation did Cotton Mather hold in Boston? -What two subjects were more successful than literature? -Where did Benjamin West, John Copley and Gilbert Stuart spend much of their lives? -What state did the Quakers who opposed theatrical performances live in? -Puritans who opposed theatrical performances were from what area? -What US state developed theater? -What area did the English Quakers found in North America? -Who tried to colonize the lost colony of Roanoke? -What area did European Puritans colonize? -What happened to the French Acadian inhabitants in Nova Scotia? -Where did the worth poor settle in the new world? -What fifth region was added by some historians who study the eastern United States? -What part of North America did the British settle first? -What happened to the people who already lived in the United states when Europeans arrived? -When did European settlers arrive in North America? -Who brought many of the deadly diseases that killed off many Native Americans? -Why did English do well in settling in the New World? -What year was the Commission of trade founded? -What was the earliest body convened to answer colonial/plantation issues? -Which countries had the strongest history of colonizing foreign lands before North America was colonized? -What year was the Secretary of State for the colonies officially named? -What basic policy did Britain force on it's Colonies from the 1660s? -What was it called when early American merchants tried to engage in direct trade with French, Spanish, Dutch and Portugese? -Which merchants did England protect to the exclusion of others during early colonization? -How did the English government exact payment from early American colonists? -About how many slaves were brought to what is now the U.S.? -Where did the majority of slaves go? -Why was life expectancy greater in the North American colonies? -What was the slave population in 1860 according to the 1860 census? -How much more rapid was population growth of North American Slaves compared to England? -What percentage of 6 million people brought to the New World were involuntary slaves? -Which region were there about 9,600 slaves in 1700? -How many more Africans were brought over in the next 50 years? -Which area of British America made up 60% of the total slave population? -How many salves in Virginia and Maryland were born in the colonies? -What groups of people made up the puritan communities? -Who gave out plots of land to male settles or proprietors? -What men were excluded from receiving land that was big enough to support a family? -Which citizens had a voice in town meetings? -What did the town meetings do? -What was the occupation of the majority of New England residents? -What did men have complete power over? -What could a married English woman not do when she was married, or even widowed? -How many children on average survived to adulthood? -What did farm women do to provide for the rest of the needs of the family? -Why would New England farm families live in wooden houses? -What did the large chimney provide? -What was the frame covered by? -What is the hall? -What is the purpose of the room adjacent to the hall? -What religious revival movement took place in the colonies starting in the 1730s? -These preachers that preached in a dramatic and emotional style called themselves what? -Which Massachusetts preacher wanted to return to the Calvinist roots of the Pilgrims? -Who disapproved of the "New Lights" movement and methodology? -What is one major college established during the Great Awakening? -What region of the colonies gained most of it's population from immigration? -By 1750 were there more German or Irish immigrants living in British America? -Who founded a colony based on policies of religious freedom and freehold ownership? -Which group of settlers headed the frontier and made up the majority? -What colony were Quakers attracted to? -What nationality influenced the architecture in Albany and New York City? -What building resource was readily available in Pennsylvania but ignored by German and Welsh settlers? -What shape were Dutch churches shaped like? -80 percent of all buildings in Germantown, Pennsylvania were made of what material? -What kind of homes did the Irish build? -What kind of designs did rural Quakers prefer, as opposed to urban Quakers? -Which national group were known for painting scenes of nature onto their furniture? -Which city became a major center for crafting furniture due to great wealth from Quaker and British merchants? -Wealth from Quaker and British merchants allowed for what activity to flourish in Philadelphia? -What political figure tried to coordinate defensive military matters? -Who negotiated the Covenant Chain? -Who governed Maryland? -Where were the first colonies to coordinate military and judicial matters located? -Who threatened the colonies during the 1640's? -What kind of factions represented the opposition of the governer? -What state had low requirements for voting? -What colonies had stable political parties? -What groups fought for power in each of the colonies? -What government bodies fought each other the most? -Most early United States settlers came from which christian denomination? -Which state had the most Catholic early settlers? -Where did most Jewish settlers to the United states settle? -What did the religious settlers insure as a basic American principle? -Where did most early settlers come from? -In which communities did the were the women expected to work outside in the fields? -Granting women control over property came into conflict with what? -Out of the German, Dutch, and English settlers, which of them gave the least amount of legal power to women? -In New England, which group did not have their wives usually participate in field work? -What was the name given to 18th century America's first major religious revival? -What powerful intellectual in colonial America was a key leader during the Great Awakening? -When did the Great Awakening sweep though colonial America? -What was emphasized in preaching during the Great Awakening? -What Englishman created many converts during the Great Awakening? -The Great Awakening created much division between revivalists & traditionalists in what region of colonial America? -Which small denominations of Christians were strengthened during the Great Awakening? -Which denomination of Christians were least effected by the Great Awakening? -What 18th century moment in colonial America brought Christianity to the slaves? -What were ministers called during the First Great Awakening that preached in a more passionate & personal manner? -Who was mostly reached during the Second Great Awakening? -What practice that became popular during the First Great Awakening decentralized the means of religiously informing the public? -What were preachers called during the First Great Awakening that preached in the old style? -Which people were the main focus during the First Great Awakening? -In colonial America divorce was almost impossible until what time period? -What English intellectual weakening the view that husbands were rulers over their wives? -In which region of colonial America were wives almost never allowed to work with their husbands in the fields. -What did women lose control of when marrying in early colonial America? -Which early immigrants to colonial America granted woman more control over property than others? -What was the percentage increase of British exports to North America between 1740 and 1770? -Who offered generous credit to customers? -At the end of which century did British economy grow very fast? -Which century saw overcapacity in small British factories? -Import from which country had an unifying effect on British colonies of North America? -Who were the First Nations? -Who explained the mechanism of so called Long War for the West? -Who played a major role in the flow of ideas across the Atlantic? -Which city was Benjamin Franklin from? -Who was a major figure in the Age of the Enlightenment? -In which year British Parliament took control of the taxes in American colonies? -When did the American revolution start? -In which year the Stamp Act was enacted? -What did Boston Tea Party dump into the Boston Harbor? -How many colonies protested against the British taxation in 1765? -In which year the Prohibitory Act was enacted? -Who started drilling their militia? -How many colonies started preparing war against the British? -Which act was enacted to counter Boston Tea Party? -In which year the Tea Act was passed? -In which century did Colonial physicians introduce modern medicine in cities? -What disease caused high mortality to newcomers in the Southern colonies? -What portion of Anglican missionaries succumbed to death upon arrival in the Carolinas? -Other than yellow fever and malaria what was the main cause of death for small children? -Who did people turn to when they were sick? -What name did the Europeans use when speaking of the whole city? -Besides the Europeans, what group of people had a special name for the walled peninsula? -What is the official name of one of the constituent districts? -What does Pera mean? -What language is the word "Pera" derived from? -What time period did the Greek phrase "to the city" come from? -What city was of great worth during the Ottoman time period? -Which syllables were potentially removed to come up with the name 'Der Saadet'? -What kind of etymology links the name Islam Bol to the capital of the Empire? -What century was the Evliya Celebi written in? -How old do archeologists believe Istanbul's peninsula is? -What time period do the artifacts on the Asian side date to? -What is the name of the first Asian settlement on the peninsula? -Where is the European side of the peninsula located? -What type of people settled in the first millennium? -When did Greek settlers begin recording the history of Constantinople? -Where were the Greeks who came to the city originally from? -Where was Byzantium located? -When did Byzantium join the Roman Empire? -What city turned against Emperor Septimius Severus? -Where did Constantinople push Roman power? -What religion became popular in Constantinople? -During which era was Constantinople considered the richest city? -How many spectators could attend the hippodrome? -What was the name of one of the churches in Constantinople? -What kind of change did Constantinople undergo? -What decades did most of the structural change occur in Istanbul? -What is the capitol of Turkey? -When did the population of Istanbul increase sharply? -What caused a demand for housing? -In what region is Istanbul located? -What stretch of water divides the city of Istanbul? -Name a landmark that has thwarted attacks in the past? -About how many square kilometers is the Marmara region? -What sea divides the city so the economic centers are on one side? -When were Armenian intellectuals deported? -Who was the final Ottoman sultan? -When was the final Ottoman sultan exiled? -What countries occupied Constantinople? -Constantinople ended with what treaty? -What was on top of the peninsula with seven hills? -Into what sea does Bosporus run in to? -What is very highest point in Istanbul? -In what unlikely form were roads designed like? -What structure was built on the Sarayburnu? -What plates is the North Anatolian Fault located in the middle of? -What year did the earthquake that caused a major tsunami occur? -A large tsunami caused the deaths of about how many people? -An earthquake near İzmit killed how many people? -What major fault is Istanbul located near? -What two bodies of water does Istanbul sit between? -What rank does Istanbul rank among the world's largest cities? -What two continents does Instanbul sit on? -What is Instanbul also known for historically? -What two bodies of water does Istanbul sit between? -What two continents does Instanbul sit on? -What rank does Istanbul rank among the world's largest cities? -What is Instanbul also know for being for the country of Turkey? -When was Instanbul founded and under what name was it founded under? -When did the city's name change again? -After 330 CE what purpose did the city serve? -What religious sect was this city paramount for it's growth? -When was Instanbul founded and under what name was it founded under? -When did the city's name change again? -After 330 CE what purpose did the city serve? -What religious sect was this city paramount for it's growth? -What is the name of the park known for its annual tulip festival? -What are the names of the two palaces that once held some of the grounds that have since been designated as public parks: -Which palace does the Fethi Pasa Korusu Park sit opposite from? -Who originally owned the lands of Emirgan Park? -Where can remnants of water reservoirs still be found? -What park is next to the Bosphorus Bridge? -What park began as private property? -For what two things is Emirgan Park notable? -During what era were the Topkapi and Yildiz palaces turned into public parks? -How large is Emirgan park? -In Istanbul what are the two primary types of architecture that are still found in the city? -What piece of architecture that was erected by the Romans still stands in Sultanahmet Square? -Who was the Roman Emperor that erected the obelisk? -A section of a water delivery system built by the Romans still stands and is known by what name? -Why was the Column of Constantine built? -When was the Valens Aqueduct built? -In what district can you find the Valens Aqueduct? -Architecture from what period of Istanbul's history is absent from the city? -What kind of architecture dominates Istanbul? -Where can you find Theodosius' obelisk? -What is the name of the travel way that Istanbul sit on? +What body is charged with ranking universities regarding a universities programs? +What gives users and sub-divisions more control? +What year did Stalin's educational reform occur? +What President released a major report on gender equality? +what happened after the assasination of this archbishop? +What is the qualification for Medicine and Surgery in Ayurveda? +What is the name for a collection of formal systems, used in math and other scientific fields? +What instrument has only had minor changes to it's fingering scheme since it's invention? +What are individuals or entities that have an insurance policy called? +The second printed example of these latin works is what? +What hourly wage was Congress encouraged to meet by the end of 2015? +What are the most useful compounds of tin commercially? +What is the usual order of names in English for cataloging? +What is one of the prestigious races? +In what year did the IPHL disband? +In what part of the world was slavery inherited by a child born to a slave?? +What is not subdivided into municipalities? +What type of climate favored plants with large seeds? +What is the name for the major sphingoid base of mammals? +Who was Rewley Abbey for? What year did Turkey establish the Turkish Republic? -Where did migrants come, from that resulted in a bigger population? -By the end of the 20th Century what did the city boast as it's attractions? -Who made Istanbul part of the Roman Empire? -What was the city called under the Roman rule? -What other names were it called during the time of Roman rule? -How do the modern day Turks feel about the Constantinople name now? -Whose reign over Constantinople ended in 1025? -Basil II ruled Constantinople until what year? -In which year was Constantinople sacked during the Fourth Crusade? -The Orthodox Byzantine Empire was replaced by what Empire? -The Aghia Sophia was converted into a church for what religion? -In which century did the Ottoman Turks begin to cut off supply routes for Constantinople? -How long was the siege of Constantinople in the 1400s? -Which Roman emperor was killed in Constantinople in 1453? -Which Sultan conquered Constantinople in 1453? -Which Turkish phrase translates to Caesar of Rome? -What is another name for Constantinople? -Muslims and other religious adherents moved into Constantinople from which region of Turkey? -How many households did Mehmed II intend to resettle in Constantinople? -What is the Turkish name given to prisoners of war who resettled in Constantinople? -Deported Greeks were allowed to return to Constantinople in which year? -In which year did the Ottomans claim they were the caliphate? -How many centuries was Istanbul the capital of the caliphate? -Suleiman the Magnificent began his reign in what year? -By the conclusion of the 18th century, how many people lived in Istanbul? -Who was the chief architect of Istanbul during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent? -Rebellion in Istanbul began in which century? -What is the name of the river that runs through Istanbul? -What is the name for the period of political reform in Istanbul that began in the 19th century? -When was Istanbul linked up to Europe via railroad? -Which Sultan of Istanbul was known for his progressive policies? -What is the name of the oldest remaining Byzantine church in Istanbul? -The Monastery of Stoudios was converted into what? -The Byzantines increased the size of what two churches in what is now known as Istanbul? -What is the name of the famous church that represents the pinnacle of Byzantine architecture? -How large is the dome on the Hagia Sophia? -In what year was Constantinople reclaimed by the Byzantines? -From what architecture knowledge did the Byzantines create their structures? -What does the Hagia Sophia currently act as? -What is the oldest example of Byzantine church architecture in Istanbul? -What can be considered the masterpiece of Byzantine architecture? -What are one of the issues the Municipal Council is responsible for managing? -What approach does the government operate under? +Where is it common to have surname in western cultures? +How many POW were transported from Stalag XVIII-D to Ozbalt everyday for railway maintenance work? +What is it known as if formula has unique parse tree? +What type of journalist was Gloria Steinem? +What city turned against Emperor Septimius Severus? +How many miles is Silchar from Imphal? +What group performed the initial Atlantic naval explorations? +What title doctors need for to practice privately? +What President released a major report on gender equality? +What is attributed to infrastructure investment? +How many jobs did the US economy create in each of the three decades from 1970-2000? +What is the default setting for Visual Basic 6 Language? +To whom did Connecticut give up territory in 1786? +What year did Reagan leave the office? +What type of accounting does the SSAP cover? +Why does the list of historical phrases have variants? +In what year did New York City unite with 3 adjacent counties to form the City of Greater New York? +Ice skates protect the skater's feet from what? +What was discovered in 2009? +Ethical subjectivism claims that morality comes from what? +What is the distance between the Equator and the North Pole? +What fields does neuroscience exert influence on? +When was Lenin usurped the all-Party Congress of the RSDLP? +What political party is divided over the topic of climate change? +The name for Connecticut is derived from an anglicized word coming from which native tribe? What is the Municipal Council advised by? -Who appoints the respresentatives on the Metropolitan Executive Committee? -The mayor serves as what on the Metropolitan Executive Committee? -What are the names of the fortresses that are the oldest known examples of Ottoman architecture in Istanbul? -Name one of the architectural styles found inside the Topkapi Palace. -The Nuruosmaniye Mosque was built in what style? -What styles were used to build the embassies along Istiklal Avenue? -The styles used to build the European embassies later influenced the architecture of what palace? -What palace in Istanbul is the biggest? -What is another name for the Blue Mosque? -At what time in history was the Ottoman Empire most powerful? -After what event did Ottoman architectural style get replaced by European? -What mosque illustrates the growing European influence on Ottoman architecture? -Who is responsible for waste management and construction projects in a given district? -Who reserves the right to review district decisions? -What portion of all district council members represent their districts in the Municipal Council? -How long are all council members and the mayor elected for? -Who has been the Mayor of Instanbul since 2004? -When did the Grand Bazaar open? -What brought about th -Which mall was given awards in 1995 and 1996? -What received awards for its architecture? -Which areas were repurposed for high end commerce? -The structure of the city Istanbul can be traced back to what period? -When the religious system was replaced with a mayor and council, what was the new system modeled after? -What area of the city was first to have its own director and council that was made up of members of that community? -When was Istanbul declared a province with nine constituent districts? -In what year was the belediye disbanded? -From what city does Istanbul base the organization of its neighborhoods? -What district in Istanbul was the first to be reformed? -In what year was the Ottoman constitution passed? -How many distinct areas is Istanbul broken into? -Before the Tanzimat reform, who was the head of Istanbul? -What two entities have equivalent jurisdictions? -The Istanbul Special Provincial Administration is similar to what? -The Provincial Parliment is part of what organization? -What are one of the duties of the Provincial Administration? -Who has been the governor of Istanbul Province since 2010? -By what year did Constantinople have the world's largest city? -What was one of the cities Constantinople jostled with for world's most populous city? -From what years was Istanbul Europe's largest city? -What city surpassed Istanbul for Europe's largest city? -What is remarkable in Istanbul? -What Islands do not allow cars? -What dish is typical in Turkey? -Who frequently goes to the Princes' Islands? -Where are the majority of Seafood restaurants in Istanbul? -The Turkish Statistical Institute estimates that Istanbul's Metropolitan Municipality was what number at the end of 2014? -What other estimate was Istanbul's Metropolitan Municipality's population? -What percentage of inhabitants resided within Istanbul's metropolitan municipality city limits in 2007? -Istanbul ranks where as the world's largest city? -What is Istanbul's annual population growth rate? -What area has been renovated for the night life? -What was famous for taverns before being changed? -What is recently featured in Beyoğlu's nightlife? -What areas feature foreign food? -When was Kadir Topbas first elected? -Who was an MP between 2007 and 2014? -When did the protests begin? -How many electoral districts are there? -Who is currently the a member of the Istanbul Parliment? -Where did Istanbul rank in 2011? -How long has the economy been one of the fastest growing? -How much is Istanbul responsible for the tax revenue? -How many billionares have been raised in Istanbul? -What was established in 1903? -Which teams won the Süper Lig tournament? -How many basketball teams are from Istanbul? -What teams share a rivalry? -What team is based in the European section of the city? -What are some of the things that are produced in Istanbul? -What is there a high focus on? -What was the worth of received imports? -What was the worth of exports produced in 2005? -What the Istanbul Stock Exchange originally established as? -When was the Ottoman Stock Exchanged established? -What was the financial center of the Ottoman Stock Exchange? -When did the Istanbul Stock Exchange move to the Sanyar district? -What is Istanbul home to? -What facilities were upgraded for the Olympic games in Istanbul? -What was completed in 2002? -What event was held at Atatürk Olympic Stadium? -What replaced the Ali Sami Yen Stadium? -What is one of the busiest waterways in the world? -How much oil passes thru the waterway each year? -How many major shipping ports are in Istanbul? -What was the biggest port until the early 2000s? -What is the fourth largest cargo terminal in the Mediterranean basin? -How many foreigners visited Istanbul in 2000? -How many visitors came to Istanbul in 2015? -Where are the low to mid-range hotels located? -What is one of their most visited museums? -How many mosques are there? -When did the cultural scene begin to stagnate? -What did the new government try to orient Turks towards? -Where were the musical institutions centered? -Where did Turkey have most of the cultural roots? -What fueled the Silahtaraga power plant? -When did the Silahtaraga plant begin operation? -When did Istanbul get its second power plant? -What was the maximum power output achieved by the Silahtaraga power plant? -When did Istanbul's first power plant close? -When was Istanbul University founded? -Which departments did Istanbul University establish in the 19th century? -What lead to the secularization of Istanbul University? -When was Istanbul Technical University founded? -How many universities are in Istanbul? -What are most universities in Istanbul backed by? -When were private universities outlawed in Turkey? -What research hub is under construction currently? -What is the first American school in existence? -Who founded Robert College? -How many schools were there in 2007? -What do elite high schools place a stronger emphasis on? -On average, how many students did each school have? -When was Galatasaray High School established? -What is the name of a foreign high school established in the 19th century? -Where is Kuleli Military High School? -What complements the military high schools? -How much is the education at the military academies? -What grade does Darüşşafaka begin at? -When do Darüşşafaka students begin learning german or french? -What did aqueducts carry? -How many cubmic meters of water did the Kırkçeşme water supply network provide? -Why was water from springs channeled to public fountains? -Who manages Istanbul's water supply? -When did government mail service begin in the Ottoman Empire? -When was it first possible to send a letter internationally from the Ottoman Empire? -When was GSM cellular phone service offered in Turkey? -When did the Ministry of Post, Telegraph, and Telephone come into existence? -When did Turk Telekom come into existence? -When did Istanbul establish as a artistic center? -When were more universities founded in Istanbul? -Where were the artists formally based? -What was transformed into the artistic center of the city? -When were the modern art museums opened? -How many public hospitals are in Istanbul in 2000? -Are Turkish public hospitals fully utilized? -Do public hospitals in Istanbul cost as much as private ones? -Are there many high quality hospitals in Turkey? -Does Turkey allow foreigners to be treated in that country? -Where was the first film screening held? -Where were most of the theaters located? -What has been featured as a backdrop for several films? -When did Turkish films begin to be consistently developed? -What movie was produced in 1999? -What are Istanbul's major highways called? -How many vehicles cross the Bosporus each day? -How long will the Eurasia tunnel be when completed? -When was work begun on the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge? -When was the Eurasian Tunnel projected to be completed? -What began showing art from Turkey? -When did they begin to show the art? -What was the focus of the festival? -What is the most prominent festival that evolved from the Istanbul Festival? -When is the Istanbul Biennial held? -How are transit fees collected in Istanbul? -When was Istanbulkart system initiated? -How many people use the Istanbul trams to get around the city on a daily basis? -When did the subway in Istanbul first open? -When were streetcars first introduced to Istanbul? -How many lines does the Istanbul Metro have? -How are the M1 and M2 connected to the M4? -Which Metro lines service the Thracian side of town? -Where is Istanbul's seaport? -How many cruise ship visitors arrive in Istanbul each year? -Where was the final of the 2010 FIBA Championship held? -Before the Sinan Dome was completed what was the primary arena? -What opened in 2012? -How many seats were there? -What has ended unsuccessfully? -What year did international train travel arrive in Istanbul? -Why was train service to Thessaloniki curtailed? -When did Haydarpasa Terminal begin operations? -Why was Haydarpasa closed in 2012? -How many daily travelers can be served by the Istanbul bus station? -What did Istanbul Park host? -When was the sailing club established? -Who also hosts major races? -What is one of the prestigious races? -When was the last appearance of the F1 Powerboat World Championship circuit? -What is based in Istanbul? -When did the Hurriyet Daily News begin printing? -When was Zaman founded? -What is Turkey's most widely circulated paper? -What is the Zaman's weekly distribution? -How far back do radio broadcasts go? -Who held a monopoly on media broadcasts? -Where was the first transmission from? -How many national radio stations are there today? -What is the only one based in Istanbul? -What is the first private network to be established at the end of the monopoly? -What is another station based in Istanbul? -What does Kanal D feature? -Who is NTV partnered with? -When did CNN establish Turkish-language CNN? -What is Istanbul's largest air transport center called? -When did Sabiha Gokcen International airport begin operations? -How many travelers did Istanbul Ataturk serve in 2013? -What year did Sabha Gokcen begin accepting flights from overseas? -How much air passenger capacity does Istanbul expect to add with the addition of the third airport? -What did Istanbul's population increase to during the 20th century? -In what year did the number of Istanbulites double? -Why did migrants from eastern Turkey migrate to Istanbul? -How many residents are originally from Istanbul? -What is the most densely populated district on the Asian side? -When did Istanbul become homogenized? -What is the religion studied in Turkey and Istanbul? -What does most Sunnis follow? -How many Sunnis follow the Shafi'i school? -What is the largest non-Sunni Muslim sect? -How many Orhtodox Christians are there? -Where has the Patriarchate been based? -Where is the headquarters of the Turkish Orthodox Church located? -What happened to the Greek population? -What religion made up half of the population in 1910? -What is the largest ethnic minority in Istanbul? -How many residents of Istanbul are Kurdish? -Bosniaks are the main people of what district? -What was formed during the Spanish Inquisition? -How many of Istanbul's Jews are Ashkenazi? -Who has won in every election? -Who was elected Mayor of Istanbul in 1994? -What is the second major political force in Istanbul and the country? -Where is the CHP the strongest? -How many districts does Istanbul have? -What climate zone is Istanbul located in? -What climates are found in Istanbul? -What level of precipitation does Istanbul have? -What climate is found on the Sea of Marmara? -What is Istanbul's humidity percentage? -What is Istanbul's high temperature average? -How many days does it rain in Istanbul? -When does it rain in Istanbul? -What is the average temperature in Istanbul during winter? -How many days does it rain in Istanbul? -What is Istanbul's spring and autumn like? -How much does it ran in Istanbul? -What is the Dolmabahce Palace? -Where is the Dolmabahce Palace located? -What was the Ottoman Empire's main building? -When were the chalet mansions built? -What is the purpose of the Asian side of the Bosphorus? -How big is the Asian side of the Bosphorus? -What does gecekondus mean? -How many people will the expansion of the city house? -What are categories businesses can compete with government services on? -What is the first way economic decentralization can be done by? -Who have worked to have government services like postal services contracted out? -Besides corporations and private companies, who else has worked to have government services turned over to them? -Since how long ago has there been deregulation of industries? -What has deregulation of certain industries generally resulted in? -What is the American Libertarian think-tank discussed called? -What was an industry that experienced more hurt than benefit from deregulation? -When did the financial crisis occur? -Who wrote about "comparative benefits"? -When is private creation of standards a good idea? -Why is private creation of standards better in some cases like public safety? -What is a good atmosphere when standards will reflect what the economy is looking for? -What entity can own large tracts of land? -How can governments control the resources contained in land they own? -What are three other ways governments can control private land? -How can governments make money from the land they own? -What is a good way of protecting against governments selling the land they own for profit? -What term represents a collection of beliefs tailored to a classless society without red-tape where no one owns private property? -What does a Libertarian socialist generally believe in? -As far as social organization where things are mandated, how does it look to Libertarian socialists? -What is Libertarian Socialism sometimes used as another term for? -As far as Libertarian socialism, what value does it espouse in the space of government? -What type of network is the internet? -Who creates the protocols for the internet? -Who controls the internet? -What is another example of a decentralized internet project? -What devices have expanded the use of decentralized networks? -Which influential minds helped unite Silicon Valley pioneers? -What kind of society did the 1960s Silicon Valley pioneers wish to establish? -What are other ideas that originated in the early Silicon Valley movement? -What term was used to describe the vision of a decentralized electronic community? -In which decade was the Whole Earth Catalog established? -Who is being quoted in this paragraph? -Owen believes what are manufactured and sold by firms? -Owen believes what about markets? -What is necessary when customer welfare and economic incentive disagree? -Horizontal and vertical integration are good for the customer how frequently? -What is believed by libertarian Socialists brutalizes the user? -What does Libertarian socialism deny? -what kind of democracy do Libertarian Socialists prefer? -What is antagonistic to individual freedom? -What do Libertarian socialists prefer to the government? -Which economist was the author of "Small is Beautiful"? -What term describes inexpensive solutions for the poor people of the world? -In what year did the U.S. establish the National Center for Appropriate Technology? -What technology transfer paradigm can "Appropriate Technology" replace? -What term did Schumacher use to describe small-scale technologies? -What political philosophies are described as libertarian socialists? -who started modern day anarchism? -Who advocated anarchism in Germany? -Who was a leader in the Digger movement? -When did the term anarchism enter the English language? -What does mutualism involve? -Who did Proudhon think workplaces would be given to? -what destroyed court-rule? -Who was president of Spain in 1873? -What was established in 1873? -Who believes the government is the source of all monopolies? -What gave power of the system of money to the rich bankers? -Who did state and local banks compete with? -What US president preceded Taft? -What US president passed the Federal reserve act? -What is an issue that can get in the way of a non-centralized approach? -How can a decentralized model negatively affect national policy? -What economic effect can a non-centralized approach incur? -What alternative approach may have more efficiency than a non-centralized model? -Under what economic circumstance might costs go up in a non-centralized system? -When was The Death and Life of American Cities published? -The Death and Life of American Cities was written by who? -Cities and the Wealth of Nations believe that cities have the right to do what? -What book supported Quebec leaving Canada? -The Death and Life of American Cities bashed what? -Where did anarchist communism exist in 1936? -What is the best known examples of an anarchist communist society? -Who did the Bolsheviks conquer in 1921? -When did the Spanish Civil War start? -What is the natural form of revolutionary socialism? -What sort of public figures might endanger a decentralized society? -Which public figures might feel unable to perform due to conflicts? -What pattern of politics might grow out of control? -Which issue might affect transparency in making choices in the leadership structure? -What type of nexus of control might get in the way of the project of decentralization? -When were free market ideas popular? -Who emphasized that free markets are decentralized systems? -Who returned to prominence in the 1970's and 1980's? -How are outcomes produced in a free market? -What individual right is part of the decentralization of the free market? -The paragraph talks about implementing technologies in what manner? -water purification and waste water disposal are targets for decentralization because of what? -Advanced tech will allow free market solutions for what emissions? -deciding how much centralization is hard from what point of view? -Free market money could exist because of what? -Who faces constant tension for their organizations? -This tension is over what? -What gives upper management more control? -What gives users and sub-divisions more control? -The balance between centralizing and decentralizing is based upon what? -Which author described decentralized systems as a significant trend? -In what year did Diana Conyers ask if the non-centralized model was merely a fashion? -Which university operated a project regarding the structure of local governments? -What perceived international trend did the Cornell project identify? -What term did Robert J. Bennett use to describe how modern governing bodies utilized public subsidies? -What model do students of decentralized social systems often utilize? -Which intergovernmental organization utilizes a multiple-system view in its analysis of decentralization? -Which element of society does the UN body perceive to be the likeliest source of appropriate targets for development? -What sort of interconnected means are crucial for establishing a decentralized structure? -Which author wrote of the nature of agency within a decentralized structure? -Which institution was Norman Johnson a member of? -What crucial element helps define an agent system? -In which year did Norman Johnson write a defining paper on decentralization? -Under what basic condition is a system considered to be well connected? -What issues are non-centralized approaches an answer to in any field? -In which arena is a decentralized approach most often examined as a source of issue resolution? -What societal monetary concern is potentially addressed by a decentralized approach? -Which social group might benefit in terms of increased representation in governmental concerns? -What source of influence outside of a troubled nation might be placated by adopting a decentralized model? -Which concept is drawn upon in the implementation of a decentralized model? -At what level of jurisdiction would a problem be undertaken under the subsidiary approach? -Of what essential nature is a decentralized structure relative to its component institutional elements? -What traits should be amplified in a system of government rearranged in a decentralized manner? -What does decentralization increase? -What do theorists believe are the basis of decentralization? -What can decentralization lead to? -What institute of Columbia University identified one of three major trends associated with decentralization? -How does Columbia University believe increased involvement of local jurisdictions and civil society will happen? -What facet is an important role in systems that are decentralized? -Who suggests that diversity is important in regard to decentralization? -What type of system is an ecosystem according to Norman L. Johnson? -What is the unique facet of groups not necessarily shared by the larger division of the collective group? -In what type of system can agents operate locally? -What quotes Chanchal Kumar Sharma? -Why is it difficult to measure? -What is difficult to measure? -What did Sharma quote as being taken into account? -What does decentralization offer and ensure to firms? -What does local information decision making through decentralization allow upper management to concentrate on? -What does decentralization allow for managers? -Why are managers motivated through decentralization? -Decentralization allows for divisions and manager to prove that they are what in relation to a company as a whole? -How have historians described the history of governments? -When was The History of Nations written? -Who said this process has been going on since the Stone Age? -Who was a master of organization? -Who else review works that detail these cycles? -What can help reduce or prevent conflict? -What does reducing inequality through decentralization help to do? -Who finds that decentralization in politics reduces conflict inside states? -Brancati suggests that what can be upheld if parties incorporate regional demand and limit regional party power? -What is the new public management? -What has both political and administrative aspects? -What may the decentralization be? -How might it be functional? -What might it be associated with? -What else could it mean? -What could happen depending on the country? -What does decentralization aim for? -What does Fiscal decentralization mean? -What is the process called? -What is it relevant to? -What is vertical balance? -Facets of governance such as structures, procedures and practices are redefined through what? -What does decentralization make the populace more aware of? -Who states that decentralization is "more than a process"? -What is described as "a way of life and a state of mind"? -What type of framework does The United Nations Development Programme provide in order to describe decentralization? -What kind of movement is initiated from the centers of authority? -What kind of movement is initiated from the individuals or localities? -What motives start a bottom-up decentralization? -What motives start a top-down decentralization? -What kind of decentralization is initiated from centers of authority? -What kind of decentralization is initiated from individuals, localities, or regions? -Does bottom-up decentralization tend to increase or decrease political stability? -What kind of decentralization is done via a combination of authorities and localities working together? -What is one reason for implementing top-down decentralization? -Define Decentralisation -Which practice is more widely studied centralization or decentralization? -is the meaning of decentralization static? -In what areas have we seen comcepts of decentralization applied? -When and where was the term "centralization" first used? -When did "decentralization" first come into useage? -When was "centralization" first used in the English language? -According to Alexis de Tocqueville what began the French Revolution? -What year did Maurice Block pen the article "Decentralization" -Who brought decentralization to an end? -What happened during the 19th and 20th centuries? -Was Tocqueville for or against decentralization? -Why is decentralization viewed to have a civic dimension ? -What is the most effective counter-weight against a centralized government? -Who was to blame for destroying middle class shop keepers in early 20th century America? -Whom did the decentralist movment attract? -Name at least three individuals from the New Left that identified with decentralization. -what did the decentralist movement in America promote? -Name the Author of The Breakdown of Nations and the year it was published -What quote was The Breakdown of Nations most known for? -What term did Alvin Toffler use to describe his new style? -What books did Alvin Toffler publish in 1970 and 1980? -How long was "Megatrends" on The New York Times Best Seller list? -Who must conduct analysis of operations when governments are implementing decentralization? -In what areas will mangers and officials need technical assistance for decentralized functions? -Who will need training? -What balance should be studied for the analysis of operations? -Is there a standard template countries can apply for decentralization? -In an ideal situation, what kind of process would decentralization be? -When it comes to decentralization, what views should be taken into account regarding the political interests of the country? -When does decentralization often take place? -Decentralization is generally based on what type of policies? -What term is used to describe decentralization that happens in the absence of reforms?? -What can cause inadvertent decentralization of power and resources? -What are two states that have experienced inadvertent decentralization? -Uneven distribution of decentralized power and responsibilities can be described as what? -What types of powers might a large urban area inherit under decentralization from the central government? -To which levels of administrative entity might a central government decide to delegate responsibilities? -What is one type of diversity that a nation might consider in determining its decentralization of government? -What kind of Parliament does Australia have? -What is established In Chapter I part II of the Australian Constitution. -What is the upper level of Australia's Parliament -What two elections are not required to happen together. -What other election is usually at the same time as House of Representatives. -Who has 33 seats in the senate currently? -How many seats are held by the Labor Party? -How many non government Senators have to vote for legislation for it to pass? -What parties besides Green have seats on the crossbench -how many Green seats are on the crossbench? -Who wanted to make changes to the system for electing senators in 2013? -Who proposed changes to the senate election system in 2016? -Who supported the proposed changes to senate elections? -When was the Senate reform legislation passed? -Who debated the Senate reform legislation all night? -What was abolished by the legislation? -What was introduced when voting tickets were abolished? -How many preferences are voters required to write below the line? +What would not be a good circumstance for gauge data driven estimates? +Did Croatia maintain an independent government during the war? +who conducted a study in 2004? +How many people speak German? +What are one of the issues the Municipal Council is responsible for managing? +What was the rating of denial for those applying for emergency homeless serve in 2010? +What is the name given to the fire in Yosemite? +What does U-PARC stand for? +At what level of the nervous system is the mechanisms by which neurons express and respond to signals studied? +What does Kurtz say values that cross cultural lines can be used for? +What portion is the Alava surname characterized by? +How much content per week does it have? +Which radio station has the biggest public radio audience in the nation? +What was the name of the collision that raised a chain of volcanoes? +What negative social structure does Blackburn say Hinduism is connected with? +What place was chosen as the host of the Grand Depart of 2010 for the Tour de France? +What is North America's longest running Jungle Radio Show? +What are carotenoids? +How many countries trade on the exchange? +When did the custom of a woman changing her name after marriage solidfy across all classes? +Which production was recent revived +Felix Guattari argued that structuralists and postmodernist visions were not flexible enough seek explanation is psychological, social and what other domain at the same time? +Who has a dual mandate to reduce unemployment and get full employment while maintaining a low rate of inflation? +What is mainly the focus of the feminist movement in history? +When was the entrenchment of Bolshevik power began? +How many times a year do Senate committees conduct hearings related to government's budget and operation? +What did all three storms cause? +What percentage of industrial enterprises were returned to private ownership? +Who suggested a 10 percent chance of a 10 percent loss? +Did the Congressional Budget Office make a prediction as to what the unemployment rate would be? What will fewer votes be classified as? -How many preferences should be written above the line? -What was federated in 1900? -What Act Australian Senate? -What was established in 1900? -What is not a vestigial body> -How many houses are there? -What are the two chambers of the bicameral legislature? -What was the later year of the two Parliament Acts? -What was the earlier year of the two Parliament Acts? -When was there a confrontation in Britain? -What two options does the government have if the Senate does not pass legislation that was initiated by the lower house two times in a three-month period? -In what part of the Constitution are certain circumstances outlined? -How much of the Senate would face re-election in the event of a double dissolution? -How much of the House of Representatives would face re-election in the event of a double dissolution? -When was the only instance in which a joint sitting of the two houses was held? -What written work denies the Senate the power to amend appropriation bills? -What powers are given to the Senate in this arrangement? -How is the Senate's power to reject supply bills or defer their passage characterized? -What written work denies the Senate the power to originate appropriation bills? -What does "supply" refer to in this text? +Would you consider the structual desgin a simple or complex process? +Polyketides compromise a large number of what? +When did Columbia University begin admitting women? +Where did many slave traders establish outposts? +What was the job of the person who came up with the idea for the name of the Republican party? +What force causes water vapor to fall in precipitation? +What is in between the Tierra del Fuego and the Scotia Plate? When was there a crisis in regards to Australia's constitution? -What was the cause of the crisis regarding Australia's constitution? -Who was the Prime Minister of Australia in 1975? -In what month did the crisis in regards to Australia's constitution end? -What was the official position of the individual that ended Australia's constitutional crisis in 1975? -How many candidates could there be on a ballot? -What machinery counts the votes? -What has increased the speed of the counting of the votes? -What is the maximum limit of registered tickets for each party? -What proportion of electors use the "above the line" system? -What is one of the duties of the Australian Senate? -When did the ruling party gain control of the Senate during the Howard's Prime Ministry? -Has the Senate become moribund in its oversite of the government in recent years? -Were all satisfied with the ability of the Senate to do its work of oversite? -Are the Australian Democrats considered a major party? -How are the legislators called to a vote? -What is one of the measures taken to ensure all the votes are submitted. -How are the votes determined? -About how long does a division take? -Do factions gain an advantage when an opposing member can't appear due to prior obligations? -Is it numerially possible for the ayes to be equal to the noes? -What happens when the ayes equal the noes in a vote? -Who decides tied votes for government official positions? -Which constitutional provision requires that a tied vote is automatically decided as a no? -What prevents resolution by random draw becoming a occurance? -What prevents party members from frequently against their own party? -What is it called when the party releases its members from control? -How effective is party control of their members. -What is the title of the member who controls how a party member may vote. -Compare the likelihood that members vote against their party's in the House and Senate. -When did the Australian Conservative take control of the Government at the end of the 20th century? -Are junior Senators without consequence viz a viz how decisions are made within the parties? -Did the Migration Amendment go to a vote? +What types of enslaved peoples did the Europeans purchase? +Who stated that religion and state "have completely gotten mixed up"? +Who is currently the a member of the Istanbul Parliment? +From which expanded term did the simplistic term "Changwei" derive? +Cite three of the main tribal groups +What can result when moist air tries to expel a mass of arctic air? +The northern Andean segment has been rotated how? +Why is satisfiability of formulas with free variables more complicated? +What are town or townships used as? +What did Kennedy's report reveal? Was there unanimity in regard to to the Migration Amendment -How can one party control of the legislative bodies effect politics in the country. -Were there clear winners in the election in Western Australia? -When did the election take place? -What was the outcome of the election? -When did the High Court hand down its decision? -What was the effect of the recount? -According to Section 15 of the constitution, what will fill a casual vacancy of a State senator? -A replacement senator must come from which political party? -If a vacancy isn't filled, what does Section 11 force the Senate to do? -Who appoints a replacement if the State Parliament is in recess? -How long after the State Parliament resumes sitting can someone who was appointed by the State Governor fill the vacancy for? -Each Australian state gets what kind of representation regardless of population? -What principle does the Senate not adhere to? -What size states have more power in the Senate? -Who once referred to the Senate's members as "unrepresentative swill?" -Which house has more political diversity? -Which government body is more likely to have a victory during a joint sitting after a double dissolution? -If an odd number of Senators are retiring at election, what percentage of the vote would lead to a clear majority? -If an even number of Senators are retiring at election, what percentage of the vote would lead to a clear majority? -Which government body has an advantage in joint sittings? -Which government body has an advantage in ordinary elections? -How many days a year does the Australian Senate typically sit for? -What are the days that the Australian Senate works grouped into? -What kind of sittings take place from February to April? -What kind of sittings commence with the delivery of the budget in the House of Representatives? -What day is the budget delivered in the House of Representatives? -How many times a year do Senate committees conduct hearings related to government's budget and operation? -What do senate committees examine during estimate hearings? -Who asks questions of minsters and public officials during estimate hearings? -When there has been an election resulting in a change in the party of government, what do senators not have access to? -Who refers matters that need to be dealt with to the committees in the Senate? -Has the Baltic Sea always existed as it is today? -What is the name of the co-located, primordial river that pre-dates the Baltic? -How was the plain transformed into a sea? -What do geologists call the sea that formed at the end of the Pleistocenecepoch? -Why is the crust of the earth in that region depressed? -How much is the amount of uplift in the Gulf of Bothnia? -Is the depth of the Baltic rising or falling? -Why are large areas being reclaimed with only 8mm of uplift per year? -What is it called when land rises after glacial ice melts? -What organization monitors whale and dolphins in the Baltic? -What endangered cetaceans are native to the Baltic? -What normally open-ocean species of cetaceans are known to visit the Baltic? +When are the conditions optimal for the use of IR methods? +Who is being quoted in this paragraph? +What specific property of the vascular wall is decreased with age? +When was the Triglavka cap worn? +What language does the term acronym derive from? +How many cruise ship visitors arrive in Istanbul each year? +Is Rodriguez Zapatero one surname? +When did Connectitcut move down to the 30th most populous state? +What techniques does deconstruction depend upon? +Who did Justice Sandra Day write an opinion for? +Which Turkish phrase translates to Caesar of Rome? +By what means, does the Classical Association encourage the study of the antiquity? What cetaceans are beginning to frequent the Baltic increasingly? -What extinct species of cetacean once traveled to the Baltic? -How large is the Baltic's dead zone? +What did Kennedy's report reveal? +Who is Walter Rodney? +What percentage of homeless population were minorites in 1986? +When do medical students learn the specialty they wish to pursue? +What happens if the traditional surname order is impossible? +What complements the military high schools? +In what years did states begin to legalize same sex marriage? +If your country follows the English tradition, what would your equivalent medical degree be? +is the church recognized by the state? +What is the interpretation of an n-ary predicate symbol? +What experience did the Spanish Civial War veterans have? +Ethics s a branch of what? +If a physician wants to specialize in a certain type of medicine, what must he or she complete? +What two ideas do post-structuralist thinkers reject? +What was created as a result of communist revolution in Mongolia? +What kind of plates do aerospace structures consist of? +group discrimination evolved because why? +What does a compound lens consist of? +What is the sales tax in Connecticut? +In what year was the Oxford University Ice Hockey Club formed? +What did Hume say was often found to coexist with piety? +Who also reverses the order their names for customary reasons? +Which colony did James Oglethrope establish? +What one of three ways would you casually refer to Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella? +What happens when snowflakes fall through a warm layer of air? +How many passages are used as entrance and exit in a Shumang lila stage? Why does the water at the bottom of the sea not circulate? -How does the lack of circulation of deep waters effect the oxygen levels? -Can any form of life exist in the so-called dead zone? -What gas is released by the anaerobic bacteria in the dead zone? -What transportation links most directly connect Sweden and Denmark? -Does the Bridge-tunnel impede navigation? -What role does the Baltic play in the international commodity trade -Why is the Baltic more vulnerable to damage from oil spills? -Why was an agreement signed regarding the Baltic? -When was the Helsinki Convention signed? -When did the Helsinki Convention fully take effect? -Who signed the Helsinki Convention? -Does the Convention protect only the waters? -When was record keeping started for floods? -Of what body of water are the records about? -What is the highest recorded water level? -In what year was the lowest average flood water level recorded? -When was the highest recorded flood? -What kind of ice blocks ports during the winter? -To enter a port blocked with ice, what kind of ships are required? -A ridge of ice can reach how many meters high? -What kind of ice is driven by the wind? -What kind of ice is first to form during the winter? -Where is the Bay of Gdańsk? -What bay is north of the Usedom and Wolin islands? -Where is the Bay of Mecklenburg? -What do the three Danish straits connect the Baltic Sea to? -Where do the seals that make the ice cover their home seek their food? -Which type of seal requires ice to feed it's young? -What lifeform can survive in pockets within the ice? -Where do the grey seal and Baltic ringed seal live? -Unlike the Baltic ringed seal, the grey seal is capable of doing what without sea ice? -Through what passage must the Baltic sea flow to reach the Atlantic ocean? -What does the Baltic sea dump into the North Sea? -By what principle does a layer of saline water move opposite the flow of the Baltic Sea? -In what direction does the Baltic sea circulate? -Most of the salt in the Baltic Sea is how many meters below sea level? -Who reported on the winters of 1703 and 1708? -What was implied by the report? -What happens during a severe winter in Sweden? -Which areas are typically frozen? -When was the report made? -How much of the Baltic-Sea is covered by ice at peak times? -How thick does the ice get? -In what months does the ice reach its maximum? -Do all areas of the Baltic Sea freeze at different times of the year? -What is the average salinity of ocean water? -Is the Baltic sea's salinity higher or lower than that of the ocean? -How much of the volume of the Baltic is from freshwater runoff? -Would drinking the water surface waters of the Baltic Sea's central basin hydrate or dehydrate the body? -Between what percentage is the salinity of the open Baltic sea? -Which area spotted floating ice in January 2010? -What was the maximum area of ice in 2011? -How many times has the Baltic frozen over completely? -When was the last time the Baltic has frozen over? -How much area was covered in 1987? -About how many rivers flow into the Baltic Sea? -From which direction does salt enter the Baltic Sea? -As you head north or east on the Baltic Sea does the salinity increase or decrease? -Which gulf in the Baltic Sea can fresh water species survive? -Along with salinity, what other factor limits the regions of the Baltic Sea where animal life can survive? -In what century did Russia and Prussia become leaders over the sea? -What brought Russia to the eastern coast? -Sweden was defeated in what war? -In what area did Russia remain a great power? -Who saw the strategic importance of the Baltic? -In what war did the British and French both attack the Russians? -What does Kronstadt guard? -What does Sveaborg guard? -Where is Bomarsund located? +Atherosclerosis occurs in kids how old? +Who had the power to call a locally elected assembly in a province? +What European country places their surname first? +What is the most common shape of lenses? +How many possible semantics are there for second order logic? In what year was Germany unified? -In what year did the Baltic Sea become a great gravesite? -What is regarded as the worst maritime disaster in history? -Who filled the gravesite of the Baltic Sea? -How many people died through means of the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff? -A scientific Russian group found over five thousand what on the bottom of the sea? -What have various nations discarded in the Baltic Sea since the end of World War II? -Who currently actually retrieves some of the discarded material? -How many pounds of material were reported found in 2005? -What commission reported the most recent retrieval of chemical munitions? -How many total pounds of material were retrieved in 2003? -When was the population of Germany expelled from all areas east of the Oder-Neisse line? -When did the Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe fall? -The Polish navy was on standby to invade where? -The German expulsion made room for people of what nationalities? -The Baltic states on which shore were acquired by the Soviet Union? -What is the German word for The Baltic Sea? -What ocean is the Baltic Sea a part of? -What is the northern latitude of The Baltic Sea? -What is the most eastern latitude of The Baltic Sea? -What islands does The Baltic Sea drain through? -Who was the first person to name it The Baltic Sea? -What did Adam of Bremen compare the sea to? -In what type of language is Lithuanian? -In what type of mythology is Balder named after? -The name of the island mentioned by Pliny is what? -The Baltic Sea was known as The Mare Suebicum or Mare Sarmaticum during what empire? -Who described the Mare Suebicum in AD 98? -The Mare Suebicum was named after what tribe? -Where did The Suebi migrate to? -Tacitus described the Mare Suebicum sea as what during the spring months? -What shore of the Baltic's was among the last in Europe to be converted to Christianity? -During what major event was the Baltic completely converted to Christianity? -Who gained control over parts of the south and east shore of the Baltic Sea? -Which country was the last European State to convert to Christianity? -Who converted Finland to Christianity in the twelfth century? -What shore of the Baltic's was among the last in Europe to be converted to Christianity? -During what major event was the Baltic completely converted to Christianity? -Who gained control over parts of the south and east shore of the Baltic Sea? -Which country was the last European State to convert to Christianity? -Who converted Finland to Christianity in the twelfth century? -Who was the strongest economic force in Northern Europe between the 13th and 17 centuries? -What does Dominium maris baltici mean? -Which 3 countries fought wars over control over the Baltic Sea in the 16th and 17 centuries? -Which country almost entirely controlled the Baltic Sea? -What area of the Baltic Sea in Latvia did Sweden not control? -What type of agencies work for the insurance industry? -Who is responsible for standardizing insurance laws? -Who would need to use the Insurance Services Office? -What does the Insurance Services Office create? -Who is responsible for submitting documents for member insurers? -What is taken away from the one insured? -What was questioned in the controversy? -What type of insurance raised the most issues? -What type of sheets were popular in the 1980s? -What was the name of the problematic guideline? -Who published the SSAP? -What type of accounting does the SSAP cover? -What section of the SSAP is a near copy of the FAS 113 test? -Paragraph 14 of the SSAP matches what paragraph of the FAS 113? -What is still left up to the user's judgement under the SSAP? -What did the FAS 113 and SAP 62 fail to define? -What percent chance is enough to be considered significant for a 10 percent loss? -Who suggested a 10 percent chance of a 10 percent loss? +In what year was Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 released as RTM? +What is term synonymous with "dual sovereignty?" +Who was the mother of the feminism movement? +As the slave trade progressed, what happened to mortality rates among slaves on the voyages? +What is controlled by a renegade militia? +Who helped start Rotterdam's swimming tradition? +When was World War I started? +Who was the grandson of Prescott Bush? +What category of elements would freezing temperatures be categorized in? +What news paper occupies a dominant position in the quality Sunday market? +How many feet tall is 40 Wall Street? +Science terms have Latin roots because of what? +The Sunday Times Rich List was a section in the newspaper added under which editor? +A column's buckling capacity depends on its geometry, material, and what third criteria? +How many Republicans lost House seats in the November congressional elections? +What are shells capable of bearing in multiple axes? +How many workers were covered by petitions with the ETA in 2010 +What year did Edison Electric Illuminating Company start delivering electric service? +What instruments are in a classical saxophone quartet? +What is the oldest extracurricular club on the University of Pittsburgh's campus? +To enter a port blocked with ice, what kind of ships are required? +What was the first step of mummification according to Herodotus? +Which country was the last to ban the Atlantic slave trade and what year? +What connected Oxford and London? +Where was the court of Charles I housed in 1642? +What governmental position did Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. achieve in 1990? +What were sunken reliefs used for? +Long term Particulate matter exposure increased rates of what? +What is the nuclide discovered in 1994 and has a doubly magic nucleus ? +Which United States President outlawed the slave trade? +Which theorem talks about infinite models of first-order theory? +What sea divides the city so the economic centers are on one side? +How many Republican lawmakers support policy dealing with climate that is created from international consensus? +What are FBI and HTML an example of? +Where did Marxist-Leninist regime and movement continued to exist? +Refugees from which community were attracted to the Rhode Island Colony? +What is the intensively used dynamic dispatch for method calls in object=oriented languages? +What nationality of structuralists considered themselves as espousing Relativism and Constructionalism? +What did the patent cover? +What groups had a standard bearer in the early Army? +When did the Spanish Civil War start? +Windows NT supported what platforms? +Where is C-reactive protein present? +What was federated in 1900? +What did prominent republicans do in the aftermath of the loss? +The formula for distance is called what? +How do you pronounce an acronym? +What sculpture near Pitt was chosen as a historical landmark? +What are the construction that are still existed until today? +What grade did the American Society of Engineers give infrastructure investment in 2013? +Which 2 states gave land to form the District of Columbia? +What other punctuation marks were used to show abbreviations? +What is boarding? +Why aren't Risk scores more common? +Where do colder clouds typically occur? +What was the total number of sheltered homeless people in 2008 report? +In the eastern side of the world where is surname commonly placed? +Who produced some of the first mainstream drum and bass tracks? +Where were the slaves housed while awaiting shipment? +What percentage of Muslims comprise Rotterdam's population? +What's the longest-running theatre show in Pittsburgh? +What is the average January temperature in Connecticut's inland and northern portions? +What rank does Istanbul rank among the world's largest cities? +What area receives the least rainfall? +Which direction does poleward refer to in the Northern Hemisphere? What meal was occurring when the 10/10 test was suggested? -What is shortened name for the iconic test for risk transfer? -What contracts are used for umbrella insurance? -What type of insurance uses similar contracts to umbrella insurance? -How are ratios typically expressed? -What is the colloquial phrase used to refer to the ratio? -Where was Lloyd's located? -What type of clause should contracts have? -Besides written, what type of side agreement might occur? -What must always be factored into a test? -What document includes all obligations, rights, and benefits between parties? -What do the tests of contracts measure? +What kind of strings can sometimes be defined by an algorithm? +What is the most effective counter-weight against a centralized government? +Which country had the top statutory tax rate in 2005? +What functions does the nervous system affect? +Vasoactive agents are also harmful in patients with what disease? +What occupational names are believed to have derived from medieval mystery plays? +What are the differences between house and rave music? +What is another name for an open subroutine? +How much does the urban heat island warm cities? +What extraction methods caused pollution of streams and rivers? +Specialty goalie skates are designed for more of what type of movement? +What event caused a shift in how regions of the country voted? What are two examples of pieces of property? -What is another name for an insurance fee? -What are individuals or entities that have an insurance policy called? -What is the official name for an agreement between the insurance company and the policyholder? -What is the name for the cost associated with an insurance policy? -When did the first insurance company in the US come into existence? -In what city was the first insurance company in the US founded? -In what state was the first insurance company in the US founded? -What area of insurance was the first insurance company in the US responsible for? -What was the name of the organization which Benjamin Franklin was associated with? -When did the first stock insurance company in the US come into existence? -What was the name of the first stock insurance company in the US? -What position was first appointed in New Hampshire in 1851? -What started with the appointing of the first state commissioner of insurance in 1851? -Who appointed a state commissioner of insurance first, New Hampshire or New York? -What were insurance companies in large part not allowed to do prior to the 1950s? -What did laws passed in the 1950s allow? -When did it start becoming allowed for insurance companies to write more than one line of insurance? -What types of companies were the most commonplace in the insurance industry prior to the 1950s? -What legal framework allowed multi-line charters in the 1950s? -Who ruled in the case of United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association? -When did the case of United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association happen? -When was the McCarran-Ferguson Act passed? -Who created the McCarran-Ferguson Act? -What portion of the U.S. Constitution was key to the ruling in the United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association case? -What is included in the federal insurance regulation ? -what did the (NAIC) adopted ? -What does this adoption include ? -what happened to the federal reform pressure regarding the regulation ? -What does the NAIC act as ? -To how much Are these laws or regulation are a must to do ? -Can states make their own changes regarding the law ? -What does the NAIC models provide ? -When do the models have the foece of law ? -When was the idea of the optionality of the federal charter was raised ? -What has the capacity issues plauged ? -When did these capacity issues happened ? -What is the idea behind the OFC concept ? -When did the Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall street reform and consumer protection act ?? -For which industry is the Dodd- Frank act significant ? -What authorization has been given to the FIO? -Who created the FIO ? -What is the important artifact of the state based insurance regulation ? -What is the meaning to be "addmitted" ? -What is the meaning the act to be a "Surplus" ? -What does the surplus line supose to do ? -How do states help insurers and brokers save time? -Do any states opt to not maintain this list? -What can brokers do when a client is associated with one of these risks? -What do these export lists represent? -Are surplus line insurers regulated? -What are the disadvantages of being insured by a surplus line insurer? -What is a nonstandard form of insurance? -What happens if a surplus line insurer collapses? -What is the best choice for someone who needs coverage for risks? -What type of insurers exist as a single corporation? -How do most major insurers exist? -What is an insurance group? -Do most insurance groups operate in the same manner? -Does GEICO have more than one insurance company? -Do you pay the actual insurance group or the specific insurance company? -Are claims filed against/to the insurance group? -Do customers know that they are dealing with one of many GEICO companies? -Which type of insurance company/group is harder to run? -Are there legal ramifications of mistakes within the group? -What is extremely important for all claims to include? -Do premiums get recorded to the group or individual company? -In what way is first order logic unlike English? -Why is first order logic completely formal? -What is one type of legal expressions? -What legal expression expresses predicates that are true or false? -What are the terms and formulas of first-order logic? -Which alphabet symbols always have the same meaning? -What is the property of a logical symbol? -Which symbols of the alphabet has meanings that vary? -What is the property of a non-logical symbol? -What word does the logical symbol ^ represents? -If the definition has parentheses what does it mean for each formula? -What is it known as if formula has unique parse tree? -What is one convention used instead of parentheses in formulas? -What must accompany an authors particular definition? -What is a less common notation convention used instead of infix? -What can be discarded when using Polish notation? -Why is Polish notation rarely used? -What is two attractive features of Polish notation? -Which is a common notation for binary connectives? -What logic can the term everyone loves someone use? -How would everyone loves someone be abbreviated in first order logic? -How many meanings can be built from L(x,y) -Which two formulas are unique models? -What is the dedctive system used for ? -How the deductive system works ? -What are the examples of the dedctive system ? -What are finite deductions are called ? -What they are also called oftenly ? -What is the common rule of inference ? -What is the result of replacing all free instances of X by t in Q ? -what can be concluded from the substitution rule ? -what is necessary to do if the variables of t becomes bound ? -How the restrictions on bound variables to be seen ? -What is the main problem with the equation E(X)X=X+1 ? -what to replace in the equation to avoid the previous problem ? -What rule demonetrates the common aspects of the rule of inference ? -Why a one can tell wheather if the rule is correctly applied without the appeal of any interpretion ? -What must be respected to preserve the correctness of divertions, when applied? -Why are these limitations are necessary ? -Describe the dedction in the Hillbert-style system ? -What assumptions to be told about the Hillbert system ? -What the logical axiom consists of ? -What the rule of inference enables ? -What makes the relation between te rule of inference and the HIllbert system typical ? ? -what is a collection of formal systems used in mathematics, philosophy,linguistics and computer sciences -first order is also known as what? -what does first order logic uses quantified variables over -what distinguishes first order logic from propositional logic -give one theory used in first order logic -What type of variable does first-order logic use? -What is the name for a collection of formal systems, used in math and other scientific fields? -What are the two other names for first-order logic that both contain the word "calculus?" -What are the two other names for first-order logic that do not contain the word "calculus?" -How does first-order logic differ from propositional logic? -First-order logic is also known as first-order predicate calculus, the lower predicate calculus, predicate logic, and what? -The First-order logic distinguishes itself from this logic because this logic does not use quantifiers. -Under the First-order logic, sentences can be used that contain what? -Except for mathematics, philosophy, and computer science, where else is the First-order logic used in? -What does First-order uses over (non-biological) objects? -What is "First-order logic"? -What is first order logic used in? -What is first order logic also knows as? -What does First-order logic allow? -How does propositional logic differ from First-order logic? -What are matrices that satisfy the antecedent known as? -What are matrices that satisfy the conclusion known as? -What do some matrices that satisfy formula 2 also satisfy? -Is formula 5 a logical consequence of formula 2? -What does an interpretation of a first-order language assign? -What does that interpretation also determine? -What is the name of the study of interpretations of formal languages? -What does game semantics agree with? -What is the interpretation of an n-ary predicate symbol? -What elements lead to tell whether the predicate is true? -What may be the set of pair integers such that the first one is less than the second? -Under what condition would the predicate P be true? -What does the second common approach to defining truth values not rely on? -How does one define truth for quantified formulas? -How is the interpretation indexed? -What does one do first, given an interpretation M? -Why is satisfiability of formulas with free variables more complicated? -What is the most common convention? -According to the most common convention, a formula with free variables is satisfied regardless of what? -What does the most common convention have the same effect as? -What kind of logic allows formulas of infinite length by generalization? -What is the most common way in which formulas can become infinte? -Are there any other methods to allow infinite arities? -What is the usual representation of an infinite formula? -How are infinite formulas essentially identified? -What can have any cardinality strictly less than k? -How can a subformula can be in the scope of infinitely many quantifiers? -Can there be any infinite number of free variables when a formula appears as a subformula of another for Lkw? -In what logic does a single universal quantifier may arbitrarily bind many variables simuteneously? -What other logic permits simultaneous quantification? -What kind of logic studies only one semantics? -How many possible semantics are there for second order logic? -What makes higher-order logic stronger than first-order logic? -What is the most common employed semantics for second and higher-order logic? -Is there any effective deduction system for second-order logic that is sound and compelete under full semantics? -What logic order is connectedness express in? -What is an other term for "directed graphs or states"? -What is used to show that connected graphs are non first order logic? -Is there a formula of first-order logic -In computer science how can situations be modeled besides as a nodes? -What can be used to show that connected graphs are not an elementary class in first-order logic? -Connectedness can't be expressed with existential set qualifiers but it can in what? -What does the compactness theorem imply about first-order logic? -What is the shortened form of directed graph of states in computer science? -In computer science, what is the other name for connections? -What state cannot be reached from a good state? -In first-order logic, which graphs are not part of elementary class? -In which order logic connectedness can be showed? -What is more expressive with full semantics than first-order logic? -What can we do with second-order logic that can uniquely characterize all the natural numbers and the real line? -What is the cost of the expressiveness of second-order and higher-order logics? -What becomes false when generalized to higher-order logic? -Is there another theorem that becomes false when generalized to a higher order? -What makes first-order logic different from propositional logic? -What year did Alan Turing establish that there is no decision procedure that determines whether arbitrary formulas are logically valid? -What year did Alonzo Church establish that there is no decision procedure that determines whether arbitrary formulas are logically valid? -Who proposed the Entscheidungs problem in 1928 -What did Alan Turing and Alonzo Church's results of arbitrary formulas do to the Entscheidungs problem? -In which year Alan Turing came to conclusion about logical validity of arbitrary formulas? -Who proposed the Entscheidungsproblem? -Other than decision problem of first-order logic, unsolvability of what problem was discussed by Alan Truing? -In which year David Hilbert proposed the Entscheidungsproblem? -In 1936 who came to conclusion about logical validity of arbitrary formulas? -What theorem proving system uses the development of computer programs that search and find derivations of mathematical theorems? -What is another way to call the derivations of mathematical theorems? -Why is sometimes finding derivations a difficult task? -What makes for a theoretically possible theorem be difficult to find derivations? -What kind of functions are developed to find derivations quickly? -What proof verifier insists on having a complete derivation as input? -What proof verifiers can take a sketch and fill in the missing pieces? -One way Mizar and Isabelle fill in the missing pieces is by? -How is the core that verifies the derivation called? -How are the results often formalized by these proof verifiers? -What shows that if a first-order theory has an infinite model, then it has infinite models of every cardinality? -Which extensions of first-order logic are more expressive and permit categorical axiomatizations of natural or real numbers? -First-order theories with infinite models can not be what? -Which theorem besides the compactness and downward Lowenheim-Skolem cannot hold logic stronger than first-order -Which theorem talks about infinite models of first-order theory? -Which theory involving infinite model cannot be categorical? -What axiomatizations of real numbers are permitted by higher-order logic? -What kind of cost is incurred in higher-order logic expression? -Which order logic is the strongest one that can be held by compactness theorem? -What is useful as a technique to reduce the number or inference rules or axiom schemas in deductive systems? -There is a what between the ease of working within a formal system and the ease of proving results? -What may be longer than derivations in systems that include additional connectives? -What do restrictions in deductive systems lead to? -In what systems do restrictions reduce axiom schemas? -What length of proofs incur in metalogical results by restrictions? -As and aftermath of what results in difficulty expressing natural-language statements? -What system benefits from restrictions by making results easier to prove? -Which systems derivations can be longer than additional connectives derivations? -what systems are many for first-order logic? -What is it called when in all models, all provable statements are true? -If in all models all statements are true and provable, what is it called? -The characteristic for logical consequence relation is that it is only what? -Proving the first-order logic has made much progress made in what theorem? -How would "sound" be defined in first-order logic? -How would "complete" be defined in first-order logic? -How would one describe logical consequence relation? -What is one of the theorems that First-order logic satisfy? -In what field has progress been made via first-order logic? -What theory with an infinite domain has the strength to uniquely describe a structure? -First order logic is the standard for the formalization and foundations of what? -Just like Peano arithmetic, what other theory are the axiomatizations of number and set theory? -Categorical axiom systems are possible to be acquired using stronger logics such as what? -What is First-order logic the standard for? -What theory is the axiomatization of number theory? -What theory is the aciomatization of set theory? -What system has the strength to uniquely describe infinite domain structures? -How can one obtain complex axiom systems? -In the domain of discourse, an input or an output that says true or false taken by an entity or entities is called what? -If two sentences are viewed as unrelated under propositional logic, what can happen to them? -What does a predicate do? -How can two sentences be denoted in propositional logic? -What does the use of predicates do in regards to first-order logic? -How are inputs and outputs defined? -How can one view "Socrates is a Philosopher" vs "Plato is a philosopher" in propositional logic? -What is another word for "Interpretation"? -What does an interpretation of a first-order model specify? -What do entities form the domain of? -What is the domain of discourse typically required to be? -What is another thing a first order formula can specify? -In sufficiently expressive theories, what symbols other than function can be restricted? -In pairing function theories, functions of arity greater than what number can be dispensed? -In pairing function theories, predicates of arity greater than what number can be dispensed? -What kind of pair does function of arity 2 return when it involves the domain's pairs of elements? -In case of projection functions of ordered pair, how many predicate symbols of arity 2 are enough? -What kind of sorted first-order logic would end up as a result of reduction of many-sorted first-order logic in case of finitely many sorts in a theory? -What kind of predicate symbol is evoked into the single-sorted theory in case of the many-sorted theory? -What is added in the case of the many-sorted theory? -What is said to be divided by the unary predicates? -What kind of predicates are understood as the divider of the domain of discourse? -Which order formulas of Bernays-Schonfinkel class are decidable? -Subsets of of which order logic are studied in regards to the framework of description logics? -Logical consequence relation of systems weaker than which order logic are decidable? -Propositional logic is weaker than which order logic? -Lowenheim-Skolem theorem involves which theory of cardinality? -What type of model is discussed in Lowenheim-Skolem theorem? -Lowenheim-Skolem theorem compares infinite cardinality to what? -In model theory, countability or uncountability of what language cannot be characterized? +Which numbers were used in "the horn"? +Did slaves arrive in El Salvador or Florida first? +What do speakers of American English call a tinplate canister for preserving food? +How many soldiers did the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia have by 1942? +What will cause consequences for the body? +What did American do to each other the most during the 1700's? +How have the brain areas that are involved when humans reason about moral issues been investigated? +One was the data first published? +What was a result of recovering histories that were overlooked? +what are the dangers of organotin exposure? +What is regarded as the worst maritime disaster in history? +What league does the gymnastics team compete in? +How are functions commonly defined? +What do evolutionary biologists see as one way to begin understanding human morality? +Where is this found in Windows 8.1? +What is the literacy rate among Muslims? +How many preferences should be written above the line? +What was a particular focus of the technical changes added to Windows Vista? +What was the name of the Yugoslav wartime deliberative assembly? +Which group dominated the domestic policies of Eisenhower's administration? +When were streetcars first introduced to Istanbul? +What happened to the First International Tin Agreement in 1985? +Why in the western hemisphere is surname commonly used with last name? +How many schools were there in 2007? +How long after the State Parliament resumes sitting can someone who was appointed by the State Governor fill the vacancy for? +With what two teams did the WPHL join with to form the IPHL? +What fatty acid is important for vision? Which theorem postulates about axiomatization of infinite structures? -Theory satisfied by the real line would also be satisfied by what models? -First-order theory with infinite model would have cardinality larger than what? -What paradox is involved in the application of Lowenheim-Skolem theorem to first-order set theories? -The compactness theorem discusses the presence of model in what order sentences? -What subset of first-order sentences are discussed in the compactness theorem? -Who came up with the first theorem regarding the aftermath of the completeness theorem? -Compactness theorem is a core tool of which theory? -What theorem helps with constructing models? -Hockey pucks approach goaltenders at upwards of what speed? -What kind of skates do goaltenders wear? -Specialty goalie skates are designed for more of what type of movement? -There are size restrictions in certain leagues for what type of goaltender apparel? -Larger goaltender equipment results in what? -Ice skates protect the skater's feet from what? -Speed and figure skates differ in what? -Rigidity in an ice skate protects the skaters feet but also improves what? -What is the width of most skate's? -What component of a hockey stick has a large impact on performance? -What does a hockey stick with a shallow curve allow for? -What does a hockey stick with a deep curve allow for? -What is attached to an ice hockey stick shaft? -What kind of hockey player is a less flexible hockey stick made for? -What is the risk factor of injury when playing ice hockey? -What is allowed in men's ice hockey but not allowed in women's ice hockey? -What is one thing that both men's and women's ice hockey share besides the game of ice hockey itself? -What are some injuries that are common in women's ice hockey? -When playing ice hockey, at what speeds are players moving? -What is thought to be the most frequent types of injury in hockey? -What accounts for an estimated 80% of all hockey injuries? -What is boarding? -What is head contact? -What is the most dangerous effect of a head injury? -What kind of tactic is checking? -What is checking? -What are the legal methods of using the stick to gain possession of the puck? -What kind of checking makes use of the player's shoulder or hip? -Most often what does the term checking refer to? -In what year did the NHL make the two-lane pass legal? -What are offensive tactics designed for? -What is it called when a player directs the puck towards the opposing player's goal? -What is being used when a team is trying to improve their position on the ice? -What is a deflection? -What kind of shot is made directly from a pass? -What is another name for breaking out the puck? -What is the tactic called that involves passing the puck rapidly to a teammate that is farthest down the ice? -What is also called cherry-picking? -What is forechecking? -What is the dump and chase strategy? -What are the main systems for forechecking? -What is the most defensive forecheck system? -What is the most basic forecheck system? -Cycling involves moving the puck along the board in which zone? -Which tactic involves creating a scoring position by fatiguing defenders? -What tactic attempts to keep the puck in the offensive zone by pressuring the opposing team's winger when they are breaking out? -What kind of pass is used when an opposing team's stick or body is in the passing lane? -What was the ethnicity of the soldiers and immigrants that came to the US and Canada? -Who made an expedition to the Arctic? -What was the official title of Archibald Campbell? -What types of people came from Britain to the US and Canada? -Where did Archibald Campbell hold an official governmental position? -What type of artwork showed an earlier version of hockey? -What group of people in Nova Scotia referred to lacrosse as something else? -In what capital city was shinney played? -On what body of water was an early form of hockey played? -What was lacrosse also called by some people in Nova Scotia? -Where did Thomas Chandler Haliburton go to school? -When was a written work of Haliburton published? -What chapter had a title containing the word hockey? -When was the earliest time in which hockey referred to a stick-and-ball game? -Where was King's College School located? -When was the first organized indoor game of hockey? -What was the venue for the first organized indoor game of hockey? -In what city was the first organized indoor game of hockey? -How many individuals played on each team in the first organized indoor game of hockey? -How wide were the goal posts of the first organized indoor game of hockey, in metric units? -When was the first hockey game in Montreal? -How many people were on hockey teams following 1880? -When was the number of people allowed on a hockey team decreased? -How many rules did England's field hockey organization have? -What sport did the Hockey Association of England focus on? -How often is the IIHF world championship held? -What other event happens at the same time as the IIHF tournament? -Are inexperienced players allowed int he IIHF tournament? -In what season are both events held? -How much are players compensated for playing in the tournament? -Which series were the first two that were major successes for the Soviet Union and Canada? -What event followed the Summit Series? -When did the United States win in the world cup? -When did the NHL play against the USSR? -In what year did Canada win the world cup? -What age group is the Memorial Cup designed for? -Where does the Spengler Cup take place? -When does the Spengler cup happen? -What tournaments happen before the league season? -How often is the Memorial cup held? -When did the National Hockey Association stop? -Which team joined the NHL first in the US? -Which teams left the NHL? -When did the first US team join the NHL? -How many teams were in the NHL in 1999? -How were the teams setup after 2013? -When did the NHL have 12 teams? -Who is the NHL's rival? -How many teams are in the WHA in 1972? -What was the first NHL season to not happen? -What caused the issues in the NHL? -What did the owners try to remedy the situation? -What caused the 2012 crisis? -What was the term used to describe the disputes? -What is the nickname for the American Hockey League? -How many teams are in the AHL? -What is the SPHL? -Who plays in the ECHL? -Where does the AHL operate? -What is a nickname for pond hockey? -When did the World Pond Hockey Championship start? -Where does the World Pond Hockey Championship happen? -Where is pond hockey played? -Whats the difference between hockey and pond hockey? -How many people actually attended the event? -Who set a record? How many people did the university claim attended? -What was the event called? -Why were ticket sales stopped? -What can be the reason for the stoppages? -Where is a player sent after breaking the rules? -What is the length of a minor penalty? -How long does a mahor penalty last? -What is it called when a team is down a player due to a penalty? -When did diving become a minor penalty? -What is the time limit for a double-minor? -Name the type of penalty that continues despite scoring a goal? -Which penalty can be a minor or major? -What is the usual deciding factor as to the severity of a penalty? -Which penalty does not usually result in a power play? -What is the minimum number of players a NHL team has on the ice? -What happens to a player that gets a game misconduct? -What is the most minutes a player can receive for a string of plays? -What happens if a player from each team gets a minor? -When is a penalty shot usually awarded due to an illegal action? -What happens if the goalie intentionally moves the goal? -What does a player get if the defender tries to cover the puck in the crease? -What happens if coach throws a stick at the puck carrier? -Where does the puck get placed for a penalty shot? -What play was an infraction that stopped play? -What happened if a two-line pass offside pass was made? -What is not used to determine a two-line pass infraction? -When did the IIHF stop using the center line to determine a two-line pass infraction? -The first world championship of ice hockey occurred in what city? -In what year was the first world championship of ice hockey held? -Which team won the first tournament? +How can one obtain complex axiom systems? +What region are the three cereals from? +What political party founded the Peoples Republic of China? +IN new york, ho much does a person need to make to have affordable houseing? +In 1975 who was known as the world's greatest soccer player that signed with the New York Cosmos? +What did Housing First provide? +Who has been the governor of Istanbul Province since 2010? +A replacement senator must come from which political party? +what effect does sodium fluoride have when combined with calcium compounds? +What was the total number of homeless people in Los Angeles in 2011? +What do the tests of contracts measure? +What's the second subdivision of the Navajo nation? +What station stepped up for the Drum and Bass community after the Ministry of Sound went in a different direction? +In the sense of cardinality, what are almost all functions from integers to integers? +Why is first order logic completely formal? +How many areas on Africa have differently developing agriculture? +Mid-relief is also known as what? +What is the northern latitude of The Baltic Sea? +What did those tribal groups formed? +How many performances has Ranganiketan performed? +Who made further developments in the Saxophone? +what was another one of the important observatioins ? +How might it be functional? +Why is the Star Spangled Banner Flag kept in dim light? +If a vacancy isn't filled, what does Section 11 force the Senate to do? +is the Armenian church more western or eastern orthadox? +What increased in American men and encouraged to live their own colony, travel across the continent and fight alongside other Americans?? +What is awarded after successfully completing FCPS exam part 2? +What gas is released by the anaerobic bacteria in the dead zone? +What does the Latin phrase Medicinae Doctoremet Chirurgiae Magistrum mean? +Are people allowed to fly the flag at half mast outside of official times? +Who started the Bowery Mission? +Who explained the mechanism of so called Long War for the West? +What was the name of the program that reduced homelessness among veterans? +What did the Harlem Renaissance add to the New York skyline? +What is the name of the metal that tin is most commonly alloyed with? +What doctrine does the Armenian church follow? +What country was the leader of the capitalist west? +What government bodies fought each other the most? +In the example, who did Eva Duarte Marry? +Who are some of the popular writers for The Sunday Times? +What were ministers called during the First Great Awakening that preached in a more passionate & personal manner? +What nationality influenced the architecture in Albany and New York City? +What do Libertarian socialists prefer to the government? +Who maintains exclusive jurisdiction over military installations? +Where was the Partisan base located to which the escapees went to after they were rescued? +What teams share a rivalry? +Of what body of water are the records about? +What does DM stand for? +In what years was the American war effort supported by the state? +What do these export lists represent? +What year did the EU ban the use of organotin compounds? +What did the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 do? +What kind of problems does India face? +On what was based their ancestor worship and animism? +What is the name of the weekly feature? +Where is the Nationality Rooms Open House? +What is the call stack mechanism known for? +What were the main produce of the Canary islands after European occupation? +Where did Istanbul rank in 2011? The winning team was awarded what? -In what year was the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada organized? -In what year was the Oxford University Ice Hockey Club formed? -Which team won the first match? -What was the final score of the first match? -In what year are the first photographs and team lists? -Queen's University and Ryal Military College of Kingston, Ontario play for what ? -Are player permitted to bodycheck opponents? -What is the function of the boards surrounding the ice? -What does Markings on the ice indicate? -Can play be stopped if goal is knocked out of position? -Who was the Governor General of Canada in 1888? -What did Lord Stanley purchase for use as a trophy? -In what year was the Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup awarded? -Which team first won The Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup? -What did The Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup later be known as? -In the US, what was "ice polo" played with? -In what year did Yale University and John Hopkins University play their first ice hockey matches? -Who is the father of hockey in the United States? -Where was the first collegiate hockey match in the United States held? -In what year was the first ice hockey league in the US formed? -How many teams were in the league in Europe in 1903? -Which country won the first European championship in 1910? -What was the name of the international governing competition founded in 1908? -Which sport had a lot of players switch over to ice hockey? -What did the Ligue become known as in the mid-20th century? -How many major rules limit the movement of puck in the game of hockey? -The three major rules includes? -what does the offside rule mean? -what does the officials use for stoppage of play? -Mention one procedure used if a game is tied? -Before the introduction of twenty-minute sudden death, how was game settled? -How many minutes are there in sudden death over time period? -How many points will be awarded to the winning team? -How many players involved in the sudden death game? -How many points will be winning team be awarded? -In the event of a tie, how many points will each team be awarded? -From 2015-16 season, how many players will be involved in sudden death game? -In what year was Montreal's Victoria Rink built? -Where is The Stannus Street Rink located? -In what year was Montreal's Victoria Rink demolished? -In what year was The Stannus Street Rink built? -What is the oldest existing facility to host Stanley Cup games? -what happens after the over time period and the score still remains tie? -Who will be declared winner after the sixth shot? -what happens after the sixth shot and the score still remain tie? -How many points will be awarded to the winning team after the shootout? -Does tie still occur in the NHL? -What is the oldest indoor ice hockey arena still in use today? -What university uses Boston's Matthews Arena for ice hockey and other sports? -Boston's Matthews Arena was the original home rink of what NHL team? -What is the oldest continuously-operating arena in the NHL? -In what year was Madison Square Garden built? -What was the name of the first fully professional hockey league? -What was the first hockey team to employ professionals? -In what year was the International Professional Hockey League (IPHL) formed? -In what year did the IPHL disband? -With what two teams did the WPHL join with to form the IPHL? -In an "off-side" game, what type of passes are allowed? -What did it mean to have an on-side game, as opposed to an off-side game? -When was hockey considered to be an on-side game? -What type of rules allow for a forward pass, allowing hockey to be more of a team sport? -In a hockey game, how many players per team are usually on the ice? -What is it called when an entire unit is substituted at once? -How many forwards are typically on a given hockey team? -When are substitutions allowed? -What is it called when a player is substituted during play? -How many countries have ice hockey federations? -What is the ice hockey league in North America called? -What is the highest ice hockey league in Russia? -Who is the formal governing body for international ice hockey? -What country is ice hockey the national winter sport? +When was the Annual Homeless Assessment Report first released? +When did the financial crisis occur? +How many United States citizens make up the civilian labor force? +When did the Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall street reform and consumer protection act ?? +How old are these drainage ditches estimated to date back to? +Propositional logic is weaker than which order logic? +According to Section 15 of the constitution, what will fill a casual vacancy of a State senator? +Why was this rock chosen? +Who else claims to have invented the compound achromatic lens? +Italians and Chetniks engaged in criminal acts together where? +What is the name of their city zoo? +What was the Trieste crisis? +How many American citizens did the HPRP monies help from becoming homeless? What was ice hockey believed to be evolved from? -What city was the first indoor ice hockey game played? -When did amateur ice hockey leagues begin? -What was the date of the first indoor ice hockey game? -Where was the contemporary sport of ice hockey developed? -What is another name for the national teams of six? -How many metals have teams outside the "Big Six" won since 1953? -In the annual ice hockey world championships, how many metals were awarded to the "Big Six"? -What are the only two teams to ever win gold metals in these competitions? -How many metals where awarded all-time in men's competition at the Olympics? -How do crowds react to fighting? -What activities are prohibited by the rules, officially? -What's the first reason listed why a fight might break out? -How long is the penalty for fighting? -What sport is being discussed here? -What is technically prohibited? -What level penalizes fighting harshly? -How long is the penalty for fighting? -What sport is mentioned here? -How do crowds react to fighting? -What year was the name hockey first mentioned? -What king wrote the proclamation that the game of hockey was believed to be mentioned in? -What English historian translated the proclamation of 1363 by King Edward III? -What year was hockey believed to be mentioned in a proclamation? -What book was the name hockey first mentioned in? -What sport are women playing? -How much has it increased in the last decade? -What is the first country listed? -What is the last league listed? -What sport is being discussed here? -What gender plays this sport? -How much has it grown in the last decade? -What's the first league mentioned? -Who holds the annual championships? -When was the tournament discussed? -Who played in the tournament? -What decade did organizations arise? -When was the game spread to colleges? -How many major leagues are there? -What Scottish game was the Irish game of hurling closely related to? -What middle ages game was played with a wooden curved bat, a wooden or leather ball, and two poles? -What game similar to hockey was played by the Norse? -What was the wooden curved bat in the game of IJscolf called? -In England, what name did the game "Hockey on ice" replace? -When was the first woman hockey teammate? -What's the name of the tampa bay team? -What position did manon play? -What woman played for the iron rangers? -How many women have been in usa minor league hockey? -What was the first year of winter olympic hockey? -How many medals did Canada claim at the olympics? -What is the first country mentioned in the paragraph? -What country won a gold medal in 1960? -When were games held in Vancouver? -What has increased as a result of the NHL strictly enforcing its rules? -What was the NHL's goal with all of its recent changes? -What hockey league has also introduced a new set of rules? -What does has the increase in penalties resulted in? -How has the NHL tried to speed up the game of hockey? -By enforcing stricter rules, what is the outcome? -What is the outcome of enforcing stricter rules? -What is the new rule system implemented by US amateur hockey called? -What is it called when the ref calls a penalty on the team that doesn't have the puck? -What is not possible for the team that doesn't control the puck during a delayed penalty? +Which areas are typically frozen? +What was the location of the first Opening Doors plan that was shown to the President and Congress? +How many years it takes to graduate from a medical school? +What does morality concern itself with? +Another facet of allowing migrant workers in regard to illegal immigration is what? +How many were killed in the riot? +What contracts are used for umbrella insurance? +When was the compound optical microscope invented? +What was overrode by the Andes? +Who else helped with the organizations of programs and housing for the homeless in collaboration with the library? +Besides written, what type of side agreement might occur? What happens if the team with possesion of the puck during a delayed penalty score a goal? -How does the rule where the team with possession of the puck scores a goal differ from the NHL in NCAA hockey? -When the team with puck possession during a delayed penalty pulls their goalie, what can happen? -What is the rule called when a penalty offense is committed by the team that does not have possession of the puck? +When did the Australian Conservative take control of the Government at the end of the 20th century? +When the inca civilization formed? +What did Adam of Bremen compare the sea to? +Spherical nanoparticles have how many dimensions on the nanoscale? +What type of jurisdiction does the federal government have over federal enclaves? +How many meters tall is Mount Whitney? +New York's subway does not cover what borough of the city? +Where are the majority of Seafood restaurants in Istanbul? +What percentage of cardiovascular disease is attributed to smoking? +Other than KNO which other organization supports the Kuki insurgent groups? +What happens if at least one candidate meets the petition threshold? +What sentiments were held by both the colonist and Britains after the French war ended? +What does the NAIC models provide ? +What style mouthpiece produces a bright sound with maximum projection? In what circumstance can the team in possession of the puck pull the goalie to use as another attacker? -When a delayed penalty is called, what happens? -In what year did the NCAA enforce this rule? -How is NCAA different then NHL in this rule? -How many officials enforce the rules of the game? -What are the jobs of the two linesmen? -What jobs do the other one or two officials have? -What are the jobs of off-ice officials? -What are the "jobs" in the three-man system? -What is the four-official system? -Besides the NHL, what are examples of other leagues using this system? -Besides North America, where else is this system in use? -Why is protective equipment mandatory and necessary? -What protection does a player wear on his head/face? -What is the female version of the jock called? -What is the only optional piece of safety equipment? -Which thesis needs novel outcome? -What is the name of French medical students' thesis? -What diploma French medical sudents' get after defending their thesis? -What diploma French medical students' pursue after getting their MD? -What is the other additional diploma for DES? -Other than the degree holders who get selected for the medical school quota for German medical schools? -What degree the Zweitstudium got? -What is the German word for a medical officer candidate? -Other than the universities who else is involved in German medical school admission process? -What level of government does the SfH represent? -How many months do the students usually engage in their clerkships? -In which years do the students need to pass the federally administered exam? -What exam do the students need to pass to enter the clinical stage? -Which year of the medical school is dubbed as the practical year? -In which academic year do the students take neurology course? -What is the title of a doctor who specializes in a field like surgery or pediatrics? -How many years it takes to graduate from a medical school? -What is the minimum title requied to practice medicine? -What title one gets if she completes her dissertation? -What title doctors need for to practice privately? -What is the final level sceondary school called? -How many years is the preclinical in the Netherlands medical schools? -How many years it takes to get the degree in medicine in the Netherlands? -What is the usual duration of clinical training? -In which place medical students conduct their clinical training? -In which country is the designation "Doctor of Medicine" most commonly used? -What does the Latin phrase Medicinae Doctor mean? -If you receive this degree upon graduation from medical school, which country's ancient traditions are you following? -If your country follows the English tradition, what would your equivalent medical degree be? -What is the abbreviation for Doctor of Medicine? -What were the first medical schools to issue academic degrees and diplomas? -Where was the first teaching hospital opened? -When did the hospitals appear in Egypt? -In which countries did the hospitals appear after Egypt? -To whom did physicians and surgeons in these hospitals give lectures? -Columbia, Penn, Harvard, Maryland and McGill were the first schools to grant which degrees? -Where were most of the physicians and surgeons who started these schools trained? -What was the first American university to grant the MD degree instead of the MB? -In which century did public bodies begin requiring practitioners in Scotland and England to hold dual medical degrees? -Which tradition are North American schools following when they grant the MD title rather than the MB title? -What exam do most schools require students to take in the US before graduating from medical school? -What is the minimum number of internship years a physician must complete in the US? -How many years does it usually take to earn a MD degree? -How many years of training might be added to training, depending on a physician's chosen field? -If a physician wants to specialize in a certain type of medicine, what must he or she complete? -Which medical school in Canada still awards the MDCM degree? -What does the Latin phrase Medicinae Doctoremet Chirurgiae Magistrum mean? -Which phase of training occurs after graduation? -Which exam must be completed to obtain the LMCC qualifications? -What is the most basic degree required to practice medicine in Canada? -Where do many MDs and DOs publish their research? -What kind of training program does the NIH fund at several universities? -What kind of degrees are both the MD and DO? -What is an academic physician called when they focus their work on research? -Besides the NIH, what other source provides funding to MDs and DOs for research? -What two types of degrees are offered for practicing medicine? -Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery are equal to what degree in North America? -How many years are required for a professional degree to practice medicine? -A professional degree to practice medicine is comprised of regular studies and what type of training? -In the UK, what kind of degree does someone need to practice medicine? -How many years of postgraduate experience is required to apply for an MD degree in the UK,? -What are interns referred to as in some Commonwealth nations? -What is a physician with an MBBS degree called? -Which University is introducing the new degree of MedScD? -What must be submitted before earning the MD degree? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -The MedScD degree is given based on what criteria? -What kind of published work is found in the portfolio? -What takes place at the end of the first year in the Medical University? -What is the purpose of the internal ranking examination? -What are some examples of the classes taken the first year? -How many times can a student attempt to pass their first year? -In the first year students take biophysics, biochemistry, anatomy, ethics and histology which are considered to be what type of classes? -What medical school does Philippines have? -Name one of the medical schools in Philippines -Provide name for one of Philippines medical schools -Can you mention any medicine school in Philippines? -Do you know any medical school in Philippines? -When was Zamboanga Medical School Foundation founded? -What other name is Zamboanga Medical School Foundation now known for? -Which school curriculum is Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine is using? -Which other school curriculum is Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine using? -How many years program degrees of Docto6of Medicine and Master of Public Health does Ateneo de Zamboanga University of Medicine offer? -How many years does medical education lasts for? -When are basic subjects taken in medical institutions? -When is clinical sciences studied at medical schools? -What year does students rotate in various hospital departments? -When are students eligible to take the Medical License Examination? -What degree is required in Sri Lanka to be licensed as a physician? -Who awards MD degree in Sri Lanka? -What degree is required to apply for MD courses? -What type of exam is part I examination consists of? -How many years of local training is required to get certified MD degree Board specialist? -What is the next set of courses student's are allowed to register for after bachelor courses? -What is different about the Dutch approach to medicine studies? -How many years does the Master in Medicine take to complete? -What kind of study does the three years of Master in Medicine cover? -What does the third year of Master of Medicine entails? Where do medical students have to complete internships? -Who allows graduates to decide on a specialty after graduation? -When do medical students learn the specialty they wish to pursue? -What year of medical school is pharmacology studied? -What is the year in which students have to decide in a specialty called? -What is the qualification for Medicine and Surgery in Ayurveda? -What is the qualification for Medicine and Surgery in Unani? -Qualification for Medicine and Surgery is called what in Sidha? -How many years of degree is accepted by University Grants Commission for practicing medicine? -What degree is accepted by University Grants Commission (Sri Lanka)? -How many years is medical education in Taiwan? -How many years is internship for medical education in Taiwan? -How many years is basic science and liberal art courses? -When did Taiwan's medical education began? -Medical education is how many years old in Taiwan? -How many years is medical education in Thai? -How many years is pre-clinical education training in Thai? -How many years is basic science in Thai? -How many years is clinical training in Thai? -How many years does newly graduated doctors have to serve in internship? -What is required for foreigners to have free education in Tunisia? -What is the oldest medical school in Tunisia? -What are the Tunis cities with major medicine faculties? -How many years curriculum is medical school in Tunisia? -How many medicine faculties is situated in major cities of Tunisia -What does the term DNB stand for? -When was the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Bombay, India established? -How many years of study are required for FCPS? -What else is required beyond the three years of study? -Who started handling the FCPS qualification after 2007? -When can one go for further specialization? -What does DM stand for? -What does MCh stand for? -What is the third alternate qualification? -Who offers the DNB? -When does medical education begin in Iran? -How long does it take to achieve the primary medical degree? -What are medical graduates awarded? -Who validates the certificates? -Where do physicians obtain their registration number? -What doe the majority of the schools follow? -How many years are in the program at the school that does not follow the typical model? -How high must the psychometric exam grade be in Israel for acceptance? -Which school does not follow this model? -What degree in the US is equivalent to a master'd degree in Israel? -What is awarded as the basic medical qualification? -How many years of schooling does the MBBS require? -Why is the craze of getting an MD at a peak currently? -What is awarded after successfully completing FCPS exam part 2? -How many years of clinical internship are required? -How many years of study does the medical degree require in Argentina? -What is the equivalent tothe North American M.D. Degree in Argentina? -How many years of residency in a specialty is required to complete the medical degree? -Who approves the Doctorate in Medicine program? -What must a student have in order to apply for the Doctor degree? -How many years of training does the MBBS course require? -Who is eligible for the MS or MD course? -What degree is granted after completing an examination in a pre-clinical or clinical subject of a non-surgical nature? -What degree is granted after completing an examination in a pre-clinical or clinical subject of a surgical nature? -What degree is the first level of training students must complete in order to become licensed as physicians? -What kind of graduate degrees are still considered Bachelor degrees in Australia? -Who catergorizes Australian medical degrees as undergraduate programs? -Whose traditions do Australian medical schools follow? -What students are granted the title of Doctor of Medicine (MD)? -What students are granted the title of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)? -What does the new category in the latest verson of the AQF change? -What have MBBS titles been replaced with? +In what month in 1863 did one of the worst civil disorder events in American history take place? +The Polish navy was on standby to invade where? +What is ethics used narrowly to mean? +What did Europeans do with native Canary Islanders? +What did the statement of December 1922 entail? +if José GARCÍA Torres and María) ACOSTA Gómez had a child named Pablo, what would his full name be? +What is the name of the river that runs through Istanbul? +What borders the University of Pittsburgh on the east? +What was the first NHL season to not happen? +The Andean slopes in western Peru are dominated by what natural feature? +Along with New York and Connecticut, which is the third state in the Tri-State area? +How many bishops are in the Book of Epistles? +Where absentee member of parliament was common? +Who once referred to the Senate's members as "unrepresentative swill?" Who was the first to rename their previous medical research doctorates? -What degree did universities re-assign to the MD title. -What new category does the latest version of the AQF include? -What government agency counts the number of homeless people? -How many people were homeless in 2012, according to the US government? -How many children are homeless in a year? -What organization did a 2007 study on homelessness? -How much has homeless decreased among families since 2007? -What states have the most homeless kids not living with their families? -How many homeless veterans were there in 2013? -What proportion of homeless adults are veterans? -How many children were homeless in 2013? -What proportion of homeless veterans are women? -Who was mayor of Los Angeles in 2015? -How many people stayed in New York City homeless shelters in 2015? -What city declared a state of emergency over homelessness in 2015? -How many Los Angeles City Council members supported declaring a state of emergency on homelessness? -How much did Los Angeles want to spend to fix homelessness? -When was the subprime mortgage crisis? -What issue increases homelessness for women? -What direction has wealth shifted in the past ten years? -When did the Occupy Movement end? -When was the Annual Homeless Assessment Report first released? -What types of homeless populations are identified by the Annual Homeless Assessment Report? -How has the amount of information about homelessness changed in the last 30 years? -What organization creates the Annual Homeless Assessment Report? -In what year did the homeless population of New York reach it's all time high? -From 2002 how much was the increase of families relying on shelters? -Who has been reporting on the status of the homeless population in New York? -About how many people from 2010 to 2011 returned for housng? -How much did the homeless population increase from 2002 to 2011? -What was the rating of denial for those applying for emergency homeless serve in 2010? -Why were most denied? -Give another reason for denial less known. -Who is the spokes person for Coalition for the Homless. -What main reason is how some becomes homeless in the United states -IN new york, ho much does a person need to make to have affordable houseing? -How much of a New Yorker incomes is spent on Rent? -How many Adult New Yorkers are low warn earners? -What year saw protest because of budget cuts in funding for the homeless -Who was responsible for the programs ultimately advanced? -How much did the Mayor proposed to cut? -Why were the cuts delayed until May 2011 -How many families were threaten by these proposed cuts? -Give the Percentage of people who already weree living in San Francisco before becoming homeless? -what is the range of homlessness in San francisco? -How much does the city spend on on homeless reated programs per year? -What year was the law passed disallowing sitting and lying down on public sidewalks? -What organization is helping with the fight for affordable housing? -What was the percentage increase in homeless in 2013? -How does D.C rate in homless amount other cities in the US. -How much did the city spend in putting families in hotels in 2012? -Where do they book rooms form the homeless in the winter time? -Who are helping reduce the homeless number on the steps of the SF library? -Who wassaid to make rounds with the homeless and offering heling services from mental help, to counstling? -What is the length of time for the vocational program to help the homesless. -how has things changes since the start of this program to help in gaining employment? -How many jobs did President Obama hope to save or create from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009? -What organization did President Obama give $1.5 billion to help with homelessness prevention? -What year did President Obama sign the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act? -What was the maximum time period that Emergency Shelter Grants had to be used? -What year did the economic recession start? -Who started paying alot of attention to the needs of the homeless population? -How were things changed in teaching in 2009 to help with more reading for the homless? -What was being taught as a base learning experience to help the homeless with employment? -Who else helped with the organizations of programs and housing for the homeless in collaboration with the library? -How many American citizens did the HPRP monies help from becoming homeless? -Which President was responsible for starting back HUD's programs that aided the homeless? -What was the Public Law number that is connected to the HEARTH ACT and renewed HUD's homeless aided programs? -What month in 2009 was the HEARTH Act introduced into Public Law? -What was the HEARTH Act trying to stop from happening to American citizens? -Which Branch did the USICH agency belong to in 1987? -What year was The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness created? -How many federal agencies are coordinated by the USICH? -What year did the USICH transform and become separate from the Executive Office of the President? -Which agency was created as a condition of the McKinney-Vento Act of 1987? -How many years was the plan of Opening Doors in the prevention and stop of homelessness? -What year was Opening Doors introduced to Congress and the President? -What was the location of the first Opening Doors plan that was shown to the President and Congress? -Which country is over the Interagency Council on Homelessness? -Which city is considered by many as having the highest amount of homeless people? -What was the number of Chicago's homeless that was documented for a single night in 2007? -Which state has the city that is reputed to have the most beggars? -What year did Chicago have a documented night count of 5,922 homeless people? -What act paved the way for service providers for years to come? -Were the services successful at solving the problem of homelessness? -Did the homeless numbers decrease? -In what decade did homeless shelters start popping up? -Were service providers able to reduce chronic homelessness? -What was family homelessness number in 2007? -What was family homelessness number in 2009? -What new group started to experience homelessness in the 2000s? -What was the name of the program that reduced homelessness among veterans? -When was the Ali Forney Center founded? -Where did the Center get its name? -How did Ali Forney die? -In what city is the Ali Forney center? -Have other states used these same plans? -When did the NAEH create plans to stop homelessness? -Who worked with the NAEH to create plans to end homelessness ? -What initiative was used to prevent homelessness? -What do homeless people have a higher incidence of, that never get reported? -How many attacks against homeless people were reported in 2013? -How many homeless people died as a result of attacks in 2013? -What were the ages of the boys charged with beating to death of 2 homeless men? -In what city did the beating of 2 homeless men occur? -How many people were homeless in 2009? -Where did a majority of the homeless say? -how many people used shelters between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009? -What percentage of those homeless were employed? -What is the name given of the area given to transients? -What is the name of the transient area in New York City? -What is a phrase coined by the Salvation Army for their rescue missions? -What is the name of the oldest rescue mission in the Bowery? -In what year was the Bowery Mission founded? -What was the address of the Bowery Mission when first established? -What is the significance of 36 Browery in history? -Who started the Bowery Mission? -How many people were present at the Bowery Mission according to an article from November 8, 1880? -What is the current location of the Bowery Mission that dates back to 1909? -What are the dates covered in the History of the United States? -What made up 22% of big city budgets in 1980? -By 1989, how much of federal funds made up urban revenue? -What societal problem became widespread during 1980-1991? -What caused homelessness to become widespread? -What did budgets did Congress cut in half? -What was HUD's budget reduced to by 1989? -What was a change that is attributed to the reduction of HUD budget? -What was the surplus of low-cost rental units in 1970? -How many low-income renters were there in 1985? -Who are newly categorized in California as homeless? -After whom the homeless act is named? -In which year the Stewart B. McKinney Act was proposed? -To be considered homeless what time of the day a person needs to lack a residence? -In which year Human Rights Watch declared California's emancipated teenagers homeless? -During 2008-2009 what fraction of the homeless population lived in the street? -During 2008-2009 how many people were homeless in the United States? -During 2008-2009 what fraction of the homeless population stayed in the shelter or transitional housing? -What age group is more likely to be homeless? -How many people out of each two hundred were homeless during 2008-2009? -In which year major cities' mayors were surveyed about homelessness? -What cause of homelessness was ranked the lowest by five mayors? -Which cause was ranked the highest by most mayors in the homelessness survey? -What was the second ranked cause of homelessness mentioned by the mayors? -What was the fourth ranked cause of homelessness found by the homelessness survey? -What percentage of homeless population of Philadelphia's poor neighborhoods were white in 1960? -In which decade the number of homeless families increased dramatically in New York? -In 1960 Temple University survey what percentage of the Philadelphia homeless population were found over 45 years old? -What is the usual make up of a homeless family? -What percentage of homeless population were minorites in 1986? -In 2008 report what percentage of the sheltered homeless population were homeless as individuals? -Which gender represented the most number of homeless people in 2008 report? -In 2008 report what percentage of sheltered homeless population had disability? -In 2008 report what percentage of sheltered homeless population were non-Hispanic whites? -What was the total number of sheltered homeless people in 2008 report? -Where was John Hickenlooper mayor? -What was Governor John Hickenlooper's main focus of his Mayoral Agenda? -In what year did Governor Hickenlooper speak on the homeless issue? -Why do Denver's homeless population suffer more than the homeless population in other regions? -Has Denver's homeless population risen in recent years? -Who is Michael E. Arth? -What did Michael E. Arth propose? -What is the name of the village Michael E. Arth hopes to build? -Where did Michael E. Arth hope to build his village? -How would Tiger Bay Village acquire food? -In 2008, what percentage of sheltered homeless people were located in principal cities? -What percentage of people in emergency shelters stayed less than a month? -What percent of homeless people came from institutional settings or other situations such as hotels or motels? -What percentage of people in emergency shelters stayed a week or less? -What percent of people entering an emergency shelter or transitional housing program during 2008 came from another homeless situation? -How many people are homeless in Indianapolis over the course of a year? -What did Mayor Bart Peterson endorse? -In what year did Mayor Bart Peterson endorse his 10 year plan? -How has Indianapolis criminalized aspects of homelessness? -What kind of shelters does Indianapolis have? -What year did the Central Florida Commission on Homelessness conduct a study on how much was spend a year on covering salaries of leo's to arrest and transport homeless individuals? -How much did the Central Forida Commission on Homelessness find that the region spends on leo's arresting and transporting homeless? -How much is estimated for the cost of permanent supportive housing for the homeless? -How much would the taxpayers save if half of the region's chronically homeless population was housed during the next decade? -How many long term homeless residents did the study follow? -How many people were sleeping on the street or in homeless shelters in Los Angeles County in 2013? -How many people are homeless in Los Angeles County at least one night of the year? -How were "precariously housed" individuals determined? -What was the total number of homeless people in Los Angeles in 2011? -What is Skid Row? -What is the number three reason reported by homeless individuals for becoming or staying homeless? -What is the fourth reason for becoming or staying homeless? -What is the name of a piece of legislation proposed, that intends to provide comprehensive treatement for the homeless? -What support is believed to be lacking, that makes medical, psychiatric, and counseling services ineffective? -What type of health care plan is absent, that could help those in need afford services? -What is the Weintraub Day Center? -When was the Weintraub Day Center opened? -Who opened the Weintraub Day Center? -How large is the Weintraub Day Center in square feet? -Where is the Weintraub Day Center located? -What types of organizations aid the homeless community in the United States? -Other than physical and financial aid, what's another way that Non-governmental organizations help the homeless? -Which organization goes to government officials and offices to speak on behalf of the homeless community? -Other than policy changes, what other thing do organizations advocating for the homeless community, call for? -In the United States each year, roughly how many people live their lives without shelter or stable occupation? -How much money was allotted to homeless programs ran through HUD in 2006 alone? -What does the acronym, H.O.P.E., stand for? -How many members are in the facebook-coordinated volunteer group, H.O.P.E.? -In 2006, how much was spent on Homeless Assistance Grants? -what has a tremendous effect on a child's education? -what is thought to be essential in breaking the cycle of poverty? -what act is helps to break down the barriers homeless students receives? -why does some family fail to report their homelessness? -why does many homeless students fall behind their peers in school? -who led a study in 2011? -where was the study conducted? -where was the report published? -who are the people affected by higher rates of geriatric syndromes? -who are the people phased as "aesthetically unappealing"? -what do Americans complain about the presence of homeless people? -who conducted a study in 2004? -what does the penn state study conclude? -what does the research show? -who conducted a survey in 2007? -what is the outcome of the survey? -how many percent are worried about being homeless as well? -what does 90 percent of the New Yorkers believe? -What else does the survey render? -what is the meaning of the abbreviation NCH? -how many reported violent acts were committed? -what gained national attention? -how many were lethal? -what did the NCH called those acts? -what is the meaning of the abbreviation NCH? -what gained national attention? -how many reported violent acts were committed? -how many were lethal? -what did the NCH called those acts? -When were homeless shelters first built? -The HUD and the Department of Labor teamed up to create what initiative? -What group vowed to end homelessness by 2012? -How much money did the Ending Chronic Homelessness through Employment and Housing offer? -When did Obama sign the HEARTH Act? -What does HEARTH stand for? -The HEARTH Act created what program? -What is the purpose of the HEARTH Act? -What year was Housing First created? -What did Housing First provide? -What type of housing did Housing First provide? -What demographic did Housing First target? -What does NAEH stand for? -What initiative the NAEH create? -How long were the plans to end homelessness? -How do you manage homelessness? -When was the Annual Homeless Assessment Report first released? -What does AHAR stand for? -Who created the AHAR? -What sources does the AHAR rely on? -What was the main starting influence for Drum and Bass? -What was the type of Bass and Drum known in mainstream UK? -What are some of the pioneers of Jamaican dub and Reggae sound? -What kind of African flow does Jungle have? -Who are a few of the performers whose music is built around funk or syncopated rock? -Who is the jazz pioneer named as a possible influence? -Who are the blues artists cited by producers as inspirations? -Who is the artist who made the influential track "Amen Brother"? -What is the name of the drum solo which became the basis for rhythms used in drums and bass? -What year was "Just another chance" released? -What was Kevin Saunders series of bass-heavy cuts known by? -In 1991-1992 what was the name of the UK hardcore style released by Kevin? -What does it mean when a DJ plays something pitched up? -What is now missing from drum and bass characteristics with hip=hop? -Who are some of the artists sampled regardless of their general influence? -What years were the tradition of breakbeat used in hip hop production? -Drum and bass share many characteristics with that genre of music? -What is "bass line"? -What are examples of bass lines performed with a bass instrument? -Where do bass lines most notably originate from? -What has there been considerable exploration of in the bass line region? -What beat per minute interval is drum and bass usually between? -What dance style is nu skool breaks apart of? -What is the beat per minute interval of breakbeat-based dance style music? -What is the beat per minute interval of the earliest forms of drum and bass? -Drum and bass tempos have stayed in what range since around 1996? -What is the section in a song where a switch of rhythm occurs and sometimes follows a build section and/or breakdown? -What type of points are began or ended with a drop? -What is used in between tracks to switch from one track to another track? -The combination of breakbeats is generally perceived of by DJs as what? -What is it called when a DJ spins a record back and restarts the record at the build? -What place is considered the home of drum and bass? -What is Sao Paulo called in relation to drum and bass? -What is "sambass"? -Where do the RE.set Label and Bogota Project put on events? -How many times a year is the event Radikal Styles? -Breakcore and digital hardcore where created around the same time as what genre? -Extreme drum and bass can be also considered as what type of genre music? -The DJ The Panacea, is what nationality? -What type of music spawns from the ragga inspired jungle music of the 1990s? -What genre type led to the creation of darkstep? -What popular rap rock group was influenced by drum and bass? -Apart from being influenced by drum and bass, how do some groups show their reverence to drum and bass? -Ghettotech and drum and bass share what similar elements? -Ghettotech was recently created in what country? -Which two groups used elements of Goldie's "Timeless"? -What are two major international music labels? -Who played a big part in the creation of drum and bass with their dark, baseline sounds? -Who produced some of the first mainstream drum and bass tracks? -Are major international labels interested in drum and bass? -What are two music networking websites? -What have record labels adopted recently to help promote drum and bass? -How was drum and bass previously broadcasted? -What is the most uncommon way drum and bass is promoted? -What video sharing services are used to promote drum and bass today? -What is the BBC's urban station? -What is the name of the tour in the UK for drum and bass that lasts a week each year? -What have London pirate radio stations been instrumental in? -Which Drum and Bass station gained a temporary legal license? -What did the Ministry of Sound radio do in 2014? -What station stepped up for the Drum and Bass community after the Ministry of Sound went in a different direction? -How long did the Ministry of Sound radio support Drum and Bass? -What day did the Ministry of Sound have Drum and Bass music on air? -What is North America's longest running Jungle Radio Show? -What is the name of the long-existing electronica show in Seattle? -Which Oklahoma rock station showcases drum and bass? -What electronic show in Tucson, Arizona plays some drum and bass? -Where does Drum and Bass originates from ? -Where does Drum and bass is most listened to ? -What genres did Drum and bass influenced ? -What are five of the subgenres of Drum and bass ? -Why does Drum and bass remains most popular in the UK ? -What new style of music came up in the late 1980s and early 1990s? -What does "BPM" mean? -What are the characteristics of "Jungle Techno"? -What other style of music combined samples and breakbeats? -What are the differences between house and rave music? -What year jungle began to gain mainstream popularity? -What name was given to the fans of jungle? -What did Jungle inherited from the UK's hip-hop scene? -In what city was the dancehall-based Jamaican music culture prevalent from? -Since what year Jungle started to be labelled as Drum and Bass. -Why does the genre began to expand its reach? -Name two recognizable subgenres it splitted into -During what years does the genre started to expand its reach? -What is the subgenre that drew greater influence from techno music? -During which periods the "techstep" genre emerged? -What are two other homegrown dance styles in the UK parallel to the Drum and Bass commercial peak? -What is the UK garage style also known as? -What are the common characteristics between Speed garage and Drum and bass? -What are two subsequent genres of Drum and bass? -What type of "garage" existed in the late 1980s alongside hip house? -What is the southernmost state in New England? -Along with New York and Connecticut, which is the third state in the Tri-State area? -Which state borders Connecticut's eastern side? -Which city is the capital of Connecticut? -Which city in Connecticut has the highest population? -Which state is the third smallest in the United States? -Which metropolitan area is found in southern and western Connecticut? -Connecticut is known as the Land of Steady what? -Which city is Connecticut's center of population? -Cheshire, Connecticut is located in which county? -Which European people were the first to settle in Connecticut? -Hartford, Connecticut was originally known as what? -Hartford, Connecticut is found at the junction of which two rivers? -The first major settlements in Connecticut were founded in which decade of the 1600s? -Connecticut Colony was founded by which settler? -Connecticut's rural areas are found in which corners of the state? -Town centers in Connecticut are named what? -The largest green in Connecticut goes by which name? -Which major industry brings visitors to Connecticut? -What is the name of the oldest green in Connecticut? -Connecticut has a panhandle in which county? -Which geographic area of Connecticut has a panhandle? -Stamford, Connecticut is found in which county of the state? -Connecticut relinquished their claim to which New York city? -New York gave up a territorial dispute in which century? -How many individuals are part of the State Senate? -How many individuals are part of the House of Representatives? -What majority is needed to override a governor's veto? -What is the minimum age, in years, for a senator or a representative? -In what month are senators and representatives elected? -What branch of government does the Connecticut Supreme Court oversee? -What is the longest amount of time that an argument can be presented orally in the Supreme Court of Connecticut? -What is the official title of the person who runs the highest court in Connecticut? -What is the first name of the person in the highest position of the highest court in Colorado as of 2015? -What is the primary function of the Connecticut Supreme Court? -Which state besides Connecticut does not possess a county government? -How many counties is Connecticut divided into? -When were county governments mostly removed in Colorado? -What entity took over the role of sheriffs? -When was the position of sheriff eliminated in Connecticut? -How many towns are in Connecticut? -Are there more towns or cities in Connecticut? -Are there more cities or incorporated boroughs in Connecticut? -What is the City of Groton part of? -Where is Naugatuck located? -How many total administrative bodies are there among all the planning regions? -Where is the Town of Stafford? -What subsection of the Office of Planning and Management is responsible for coordinating regional planning with the administrative bodies of the planning regions? -What governmental body is responsible for defining how the planning regions are divided? -How many planning regions are there in the state? -Where are New Canaan and Darien located? -What is the political leaning of New Canaan and Darien? -What kind of towns can New Canaan and Darien be characterized as? -What is the political leaning of Westport? -What was the political party of the congressional candidate that won the 2008 election in Fairfield County? -What was the political party of Lowell P. Weicker, Jr.? -Who was the son of Prescott Bush? -Who was the grandson of Prescott Bush? -What governmental position did Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. achieve in 1990? -What was the earliest year in which Prescott Bush was a senator of Connecticut? -In what league do the UConn Huskies compete in athletics? -When was the last time the UConn Huskies won two national basketball titles in the same year? -What was the earliest year in which the UConn Huskies won two national basketball titles? -How many games did the Huskies women's basketball team win in a row before finally losing? -When were the UConn Huskies women's basketball team prevented from winning 91 games in a row? -What does quonehtacut mean? -What tribe is associated with the word quonehtacut? -What did the 1st president of the US call Connecticut? -When did Connecticut pick up an official nickname? -What word can the name Connecticut be traced back to? -What word, according to a dictionary source, refers to people that are native or residents of Connecticut? -What is the official state song of Connecticut? -How is Connecticut abbreviated in documents sent through the post? -What term is associated to Cotton Mather? -What term is associated to Samuel Peters? -What parts of Connecticut are like New York City? -What part of Connectitcut is like New England? -When was Connectitcut's population mostly rural? -What is the most populous region of Connectitcut called? -What town in Connectitcut is most easily accessed by the entire population? -What does immigration do to Connecticut? -In 2015, by how much did Connectitcut's population decrease? -From where do people come to Connectitcut? -When did Connectitcut move down to the 30th most populous state? -What is the official enumeration of the state's population called? -What hurricane did the most damage in 2011 and 2012? -How many major storms hit Connectitcut in 14 months? -What did all three storms cause? -What storm dropped snow in late October? -What percentage of homes lost power during Hurricane Sandy? -Who won the most votes in the Electoral College in 2000? -What was Senator Joe Lieberman running for in 2000? -By how many votes did Joe Lieberman and Al gore lose in the Electoral College? -Why did Governor John G Rowland resign? -How many Connecticut residents died during the September 11 attack? -What percentage of U.S. armaments did Connecticut produce during World War II? -What weapon did General Electric invent to oppose tanks? -What two products did Connecticut produce the most during WWII? -What company produced aircraft engines in Connectitcut during WWII? -What program helped Connecticut get out of the Great Depression? -What was the state known for? -In New Haven the great dictionary was compiled by who? -In what year did The Hartford Convention fail? -In 1817 which party gained control? -What polarized the state? -What did Connecticut manufactures supply? -Who was the first U.S. Naval Officer killed in the Civil War? -How many men died from disease? -How many men did the state send to the Civil War? -How many full regiments of infantry were formed? -The New England railroads were financed by who? -How many employees did the New Haven operate? -The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad were called what? -What other name was used for the New Haven? -What was included in the purchase by the New Haven? -In what years was the American war effort supported by the state? -The state made large purchases of what? -Who where the volunteers coordinated by? -Why did the federal government agree to furlough soldiers? -Who joined the Waterbury company? +What does i stand for? +Where do the Andes end in the west? +Who allowed Lenin to travel across Germany and German-held territory into Russia? +about how much tin was mined in 2011? +When did CNN establish Turkish-language CNN? +How are neurons able to communicate with other neurons and cell types? +In the Soviet Union, what set of principles was used to determine if art and culture were acceptable? +In which years did Oxford suffer serious fires? +What is the most complex organ system in the body? +What was the main type of society which preceeded the Noelithic Revolutions? +What is the reflection of the point (-x, y) across the second coordinate axis? +What is an example of structual desgin? +What does the Stratiform process involve? +Why must the expression (f(x)-1)/(f(x)+1) be called twice? +What are political divisions of the United States also called? +How many characters is SMS limited to? +How far back do radio broadcasts go? +What is another name for the dioxide SnO2? +What religious sect was this city paramount for it's growth? +What took place in 1968 to help propel the re-evaluation of the Western value system? +Neolithic societies modified their natural enviornments to achieve what? +What fueled economic growth in Europe and the Americas? +What did stannum come to mean in the 4th century BCE? +What is "RARS", fully expanded? +What did colonists do to their land? +Using inappropriate measurements can technically be correct but yield a number that is what? +What does HIV acronym stand for? +What are the orchestral series? +How many years of study are required for FCPS? +What did they do to help compete with the Carolina rice plantations? +Who faces constant tension for their organizations? +What is the motto of the Coast Guard? +What does Sveaborg guard? +What was the main ethnic group among the Yugoslav Partisans? +What is one of the measures taken to ensure all the votes are submitted. +Which county has over $100,000 in per capita income? When did New England's mos destructive storm in history occur? -What was the name of the storm? -What shoreline in Connecticut was devastated by the storm? -What caused the river to flood downtown? -how many trees fell onto roadways? -What is the only state to have a higher percentage of Italian Americans? -In how many counties is Italian the largest ancestry group? -Which ancestry group does Connecticut have the high percentage of, compared to every other state? -Which ancestry group is the largest in Tolland County? -Which ancestry group is the largest in Windham County? -Which religious group has the largest following? -Near which body of water is the Jewish population the most concentrated? -Which Christian church has the largest number of followers? -How many members of the United Church of Christ are in Connecticut? -Which city' suburbs has a large Jewish population? -What was the per capita income for Connecticut in 2013? -Which state has a larger income gap? -Where does Connecticut rank in the number of millionaires per capita? -What is the ratio of millionaires per capita in Connecticut? -Which city is the poorest in Connecticut? -What types of wages are the object of Connecticut income tax? -Which neighboring states have a high income tax than Connecticut? -What does Connecticut allow if taxes are paid in other states? -If someone is given a tax credit from another state that doesn't fully cover Connecticut's income taxes, what could happen? -In what scenario would someone who works in New York still owe Connecticut income tax? -What is the sales tax in Connecticut? -What type of purchase had an sales tax exemption reversed? -When was the sales tax exemption for clothing less than $50 reversed? -What additional sales taxes can city and other local governments enforce? -How long is Connecticut's sales tax break? -What property is taxable in Connecticut? -What is the maximum tax credit? -In 2010, what state has the 2nd highest average property taxes in the nation? -What state had the highest average property taxes in 2010? -What percentage may the local government tax property? -What was Connecticut's largest industry in 2009? -What is GDP? -What percentage of gross domestic product did the finance and insurance industry account for in Connecticut in 2009? -What percentage of economic activity did the real estate industry account for in Connecticut in 2009? -Name a major financial industry in Connecticut? -What are two of the largest employers in Connecticut? -In 2006, how many jobs did the arts, film, history, and tourism segments generate for Connecticut? -Where are Foxwoods Resort Casino and Mohegan Sun located? -In 2006, how much money did the arts, film, history, and tourism segments generate for Connecticut? -What is one source of income for Connecticut towns along the coastline? -By 1911, how many pounds of oyster meat did Connecticut produce? -When did oystering really boom? -What is the sloop Hope? -What was the Connecticut coast known as in the shellfishing industry in 1911? -What is the Interstate highway in Connecticut known as? -What does the Merritt Parkway and Wilbur Cross Parkway form? -What caused Connecticut to get rid of its tolls in 1988? -What is one major artery in Connecticut? -What is Connecticut's average percentage of possible sunshine? -How many hours of sunshine does Connecticut average annually? -Which ocean is responsible for tempering Connecticut's seasonal climate extremes? -What type of climate does most of Connecticut have? -What type of climate does most of southern and coastal Connecticut have? -What is the average January temperature in Connecticut's coastal lowlands? -What is the average January temperature in Connecticut's inland and northern portions? -What is the average yearly snowfall in the higher elevations of Connecticut? -What is the average yearly snowfall along the southeast coast of Connecticut? -What interstate road runs through Connecticut? -What is the average high temperature in New London? -In what season are thunderstorms most frequent in Connecticut? -What is the average high temperature in Windsor Locks? -On average, how many thunderstorms does Connecticut receive annually? -On average, how many tornadoes does Connecticut average each year? -Who was the first European explorer in Connecticut? -In what year did Adriaen Block explore Connecticut? -What is the translation for the Dutch phrase, "Huis van Hoop?" -What was the Dutch name for the Connecticut River, meaning "fresh river?" -The name for Connecticut is derived from an anglicized word coming from which native tribe? -When did the first English settlers arrive in Windsor? -Thomas Hooker was a professor of theology at which university? -Which man led the Puritan settlers from Massachusetts to Connecticut? -In what year was the Connecticut Colony at Hartford established? -What was the name of The New Haven Colony's constitution? -What is Connecticut's state nickname? -In what year was Connecticut granted governmental authority? -Which king granted Connecticut governmental authority? -What is another name for the "Connecticut Compromise" of the 1787 constitutional convention? -Through which document was Connecticut granted its governmental authority? -In what year was the constitutional convention in which Connecticut had a pivotal role? -Which two people orchestrated the Connecticut Compromise? -Which two plans were combined to form the Connecticut Compromise? -Which two states proposed variations of the bicameral legislature? -Until when was Connecticut's plan in effect? -When is Amtrak's New Haven-Springfield Line scheduled to begin operating? -What proposed commuter rail service would connect New London with Norwich, Willimantic, Storrs, and Stafford Springs? -Southwestern Connecticut is served by which rail line? -The Metro-North Railroad's New Haven Line is operated by which company? -Who won the 2010 general election for governor of Connecticut? -On what day was Daniel Malloy sworn in as governor? -Who was elected as governor of Connecticut in 1974? -Who was the lieutenant governor of Connecticut in 2011? -In which year was the constitution of Connecticut adopted? -What is the name of the executive department in charge of mental health? -What is the name of the executive department in charge of utilities? -What is the name of the executive department in charge of veterans? -What is the name of the executive department in charge of emergencies? -What is the name of the executive department in charge of the environment? -What options do Connecticut residents who register have -As of 2013, how many of registered voters are enrolled? -How much is the ratio among unaffiliated voters on the Democratic side? -How much is the ratio among unaffiliated voters on the Republican side? -At which levels do elections take place in Connecticut? -In how many races do two major parties have practical advantages? -How many processes are in practice? -How are practical advantages for both parties determined? -How often does the status of major party reconfirmed? -What does the "major party" status include? -On which basis is the status of "major party" determined? -Where do minor parties appear? -What must be held in a major party? -Who attends the major party convention? -What's the objective of the convention? -What happens if at least one candidate meets the petition threshold? -How many winning candidates have won the endorsement of the applicable major party? -With what have the rest of candidates won with? -What change did the state law bring during Weicker's administration? -Who founded the Connecticut Party? -What was the land in present-day Ohio known as in 1786? +What bestselling book did Betty Friedan write? +By 1943, what term was used to refer to abbreviations as words? +What field are these works the subject matter of? +What did blacksmiths set up in rural villages? +In what section of Article IV authority of the Congress over U.S. territories is defined? +What formed at the edge of the continent in the Cretaceous? +What does the Latin phrase Medicinae Doctor mean? +In 1944, what percentage of the popular vote was Republican in the South? +How many sailors engaged in the slave trade visited West Africa between 1600 and 1800? +Who is responsible for fundraising for Senate races on the Republican side? +Lee is a romanization of what chinese surname? +what are some methods of mining tin? +Does tie still occur in the NHL? +Are all earthquake proofed structures strong? +What allowed parents to raise more children concurrently? +In addition to family structure, what other thing did the churches emphasize? +How many people are in Oxforshire? +What happens when droplets of water fuse and become larger or when they freeze? +Which syllables were potentially removed to come up with the name 'Der Saadet'? +What type of plate is used in producing the relief image? +Which school has strong and well regarded departments in mathematical and philosophical logic, metaphysics, history and philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind and psychology, and semantics? +How many major crime categories are tracked here? +What does a second-order macronym point to? +What is responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions along the west coast of South America? +For what kind of ensemble was the saxophone made? +After what point does the risk of stroke increase by a factor of two every decade? +When were blacks given the ability to vote? +In the Spanish tradition, what is the most common naming convention? +The major focus of these exposure effects is what? +What is the climate like in Cape Horn? +Which two things does the Republican Party oppose? +For which industry is the Dodd- Frank act significant ? +Where is The Stannus Street Rink located? +When did Obama sign the HEARTH Act? +Where does the AHL operate? +Providing additional tax credits to lower income households would accomplish what better than investing in infrastructure? +How many convicts did the British ship to American colonies between late 1610s and the American Revolution? +What other business besides Costco and Stride Rite support increases to minimum wage? +When was the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted? +What is the largest-selling British national "quality" Sunday paper? +Who was mayor of Los Angeles in 2015? +What is considered the atomic magic number in nuclear physics? +Why did The Sunday Times and The Times launch separate websites in 2010? +What was Pewter used for? Who settled the northern part of present-day Ohio? -Land from what other states did Connecticut claim? -When did Connecticut give up the Western Reserve? -To whom did Connecticut give up territory in 1786? -Who was defending New York City? -From where did 3,000 men launch their operations? -What were the men at the Redding encampment vererans of? -What did the men at Redding encampment have to guard? -What do some historians nickname Redding camp as? -The western boundary could not be closer than 10 miles of what? -Where was western boundary of Connecticut marked? -What broke the first agreement of boundary lines? -What did the Duke of York capture to end the uncertain colonial limits? -Over what county did Connecticut fight against Pennsylvania? -From what was the Connecticut Colony independent? -Of what was the Connecticut Colony considered a part of legally? -What brought back the Connecticut Colony to England? -Who granted liberal political terms to the Connecticut Colony and Quinnipiack?? -What part of the Connecticut Colony remained with the government of Hartford? -How did European settlers try to stop Native American aggression in 1636? -How did the Pequots respond that same autumn? -Where did the colonist first attack the Pequots after declaring war? -How many Pequots died after the first battle? -Where was the last battle of the war fought? -What type of language is Latin in traditional terminology? -What two things do latin words fuse? -Latin words include what in addition to objective semantic elements? -What kind of sentence elements does Latin produce? -How is "I Love" spelled in latin? -How can grammatical function be changed? -Does inflection change the semantic element? -What does word inflection do? -What does amābit mean in Latin? -All natural languages contain what? -How many declensions are there? -What is a declension? -What are declensions identified by? -What is the predominant ending letter of the fourth declension? -Which declension has a predominant ending letter of e? -Which declension adjectives are declined? -How are masculine forms declined? -How would you decline 'mortuum'? -How are feminine forms declined? -How many main conjugations are there? -What are conjugations identified by? -What is a conjugation? +Does the Andean condor occur in high or low densities? +What were women able to make illegal by changing social attitudes? +The Soviet legislatures were the Soviet of the Union and what else? +What amount of early Americans were killed by European and African diseases? +When was ZAVNOH created? +In which year did WLIB start broadcasting to the black community? +What is the ring-shaped image on the focal plane created by parallel rays called? +When did the war became Soviet equivalent of the Vietnam War to the United States? +What do Americans believe are the two most important issues in the country? +What has both political and administrative aspects? How is a present stem found? -What type of verbs may be marked in a different way? -What do third-conjugation stems end in? -What is the subset of the 3rd conjugation? -How do i-stems behave? -What languages can these stem categories be compared to? -How many tenses are in latin? -How many tense systems are latin tenses divided into? -Which tenses make up the present system? -Which tenses make up the perfect system? -When did Tarentum fall? -What is hellenizing? -What led to the addition of 'Y' and 'Z' to the alphabet? -Which culture transplanted Greek art to Italy? -What movies have been made in the Latin Language? -Why were these movies made in Latin? -What is the purpose of subtitles? -Why is Latin used? -What is the motto of the Coast Guard? -Who is Veritas? -What is the Motto for Michigan in Latin? -What does "Ad astra per aspera" mean? -How is classic Latin distinguished? -What were the long vowels marked by? -What letter is not marked by the apex? -In modern text what are the long vowels indicated by? -What do the sequences not always represent? -What else did the sequences represent? -What is began represented by? -How is beware! represented? -What was Latin deprived from? -What was it ultimately derived from? -What is one language the this alphabet has been used as the script for? -What is a language its been adopted by? -What do the languages of Spain, France, Portugal, and Italy have in common? -What helped to stabilize the languages of Spain, France, Portugal, and Italy? -What caused the languages of Spain to diverge from the other Romance regions? -In what year did the Moors conquer Spain? -What is the cause of the Romanian language diverging more than the Romance languages? -What is the name given to written Latin during the post-classical period? +The bourgeoisie are aligned with what, according to Leninist policy? +What direction do the numbered streets in Manhattan run? +What is the abbreviation for Sun Oil Company? +Lens are either long-focus lenses or wide-angle lenses depending on their what? +Who do Bittle & Johnson work for? +When are basic subjects taken in medical institutions? +Does all of Chile refrain from changing last names? +Which High school in Manhattan is named after a former first lady? +Soviet citizens were expected to be personally loyal to whom? What is unique about the Latin used by the educated and official world during the post-classical period? -To who did Latin become useful for international communication? -What lands did Latin spread to that had never spoken Latin before? -What caused the spread of Latin without its natural spoken base? -How are sum and eram used in Latin? -Without the Romans, what happened to medieval Latin? -Without the Romans, what happened to Latin? -Which form of Latin uses fui and fueram? -What period helped to secure Latin as a spoken language? -Latin as a spoken language was pushed by? -What group was usually led by clergy? -What did the Renaissance Humanists start the tradition of? -When did medieval Latin cease to exist due to the Renaissance Humanists? -What is the largest organization that uses Latin? -What mass is done in Latin? -What types of courses are taught in Latin at pontifical universities? -Where is the ATM that gives instructions in Latin? -Holy See official language? -When was the late Roman Republic? -What was another form of Latin spoken alongside classical latin? -What followed Old latin? -Who were Plautus and Terence? -When did latin become late latin? +After a revolution, distribution would be based on what at first? +In the eastern side of the world where is surname commonly placed? +When did the Oxide radio station start broadcasting in FM? +Is there a firm rule on how children are named? +What kind of magnification shows how much larger an object is seen in contrast to how it's seen by the naked eye? +How are transit fees collected in Istanbul? +What recent president did not add public sector jobs during his tenure? +How many acres is the University of Pittsburgh's main campus? +When did the Gallop poll begin to take number on how the country identified politically? +in what versions of Windows could you first change the interface and input language at the same time? +When dis League of Communists of Yugoslavia collapse? +What year did Taylor, Knoche and Granville write about the varying differences in the official colors and the reproductions? +When was Samuel Pierpont Langley chosen as director of the Allegheny Observatory? +When must the value of x be fetched again? +What type of medical research is it? +Law and order would fall under what virtue? +When was the revolts against Marxist-Leninist by Eastern Europe and China? +Is it necessary for the surnames to be joined by hyphen? +WHat is the reason for orographic precipitation happening? +What caused the issues in the NHL? +What is diabetes mellitus? +Which English queen helped propell national assertiveness in the 17the century? +What is the term for neurons in the brain that fire when another person is observed doing a certain action? +What did Trompenaars test concerning members of different cultures? +Which ancestry group is the largest in Tolland County? +The primary goal before full communism was what? +What was Connecticut's largest industry in 2009? +What is the last league listed? +At what temperature does tin melt? +When was the Valens Aqueduct built? +Who is a Dutch composer of postmodern music? +How can the player bend the pitch? +What is the purpose of the Asian side of the Bosphorus? +What kind of precipitation is found in locations that are above 1,800 m? +the U-shape became a distinctive feature to which family? +What sport is being discussed here? +Other than jobs, what was the next highest ranked items for Republicans? +What does depersonalized systems of knowledge mean in Neolithic societies? +Muslims who were mistreated by the Partisans thought that they were no different than what other group? +Around how many died in Yugoslavia during the Axis occupation? +What is the reason for different names for a subroutine? +Which military is particularly known for its frequent acronym use? +What US Navy uniforms have the flag patch on the left shoulder? +What was the final score of the first match? +Who is credited with developing Structuralism? +What is a discipline that addresses diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system? How many works of latin authors have survived? -What printed edition of the latin works is mentioned first? -What invention did these works predate? -The second printed example of these latin works is what? -What field are these works the subject matter of? -Who wrote a Latin Phrasebook? -What type of stories are in "fabulae mirabiles"? -Who stole Christmas? -Many popular modern books were translated into what language? -Why were these books translated into an unused language? -Latin influence in what language was significant? -Who established borrowing from Latin in the sixth century? -Besides Latin, what language were new English words created from the 16th to 18th centuries? -What were these new words called? -Imbibe and extrapolate are of what origin? -Why did some places adopt Latin phrases in some areas? -Who published Historia Naturalis? -Who was a major Roman doctor? -Science terms have Latin roots because of what? -Latin legal principals have stood the test of time in what form? -What was a crucial part of an education for those who wished to join the literate circle? -What was necessary for the classics? -What is a widely used Latin textbook in America? -When was Wheelock's book first published? -Where did Wheelock receive his PhD? -How are living languages taught? -Where is the Living Latin movement available? -Who is a major supplier of Latin textbooks? -Who published the books in Latin for children? -What is the Bell and Forte's children's book about? -By what means, does the Classical Association encourage the study of the antiquity? -What charity in the UK runs a Latin course? -What organization promotes study of the classics in the US and Canada? -How many members does the national Junior Classical League have? -Who sponsors the National Latin Exam? -According to legends, when was Latin established? -What can be concluded about the rules of classification of languages? -Why does the list of historical phrases have variants? -How are the historical phrases distinguished? -How might the Ecclesiastical Latin be described? -What is not true of vernacular Latin? -What led to the deterioration of the education in Europe in the late Latin era? -Where can we see the post-classical stage of Latin? -How did Latin change during the post-classical period? -How might have Romanized European populations developed their own dialects of Latin? -What theory shows that there are functions that can be precisely defined but are not computable? -Why is the number of computable functions from integers to integers countable? -In the sense of cardinality, what are almost all functions from integers to integers? -What is an example of an uncomputable function? -How do you often denote the image of a subset A ⊆ X? -What do some authors use to avoid confusion between the inverse image and inverse function? -What would an author write for the preimage of a set and a singleton? -When would you be unable to denote the image of a subset A ⊆ X with f(A)? -How is the value of x obtained? -How can you memorize the notation? -When is the composition g ∘ f only defined? -How do you read the notation g ∘ f? -What is the overriding of f: X → Y by g: W → Y also called? -How do you denote an extension of g? -What kind of operation is overriding? -What does being an associative operation also mean? -How do you denote the set of all functions from a set X to a set Y? -When X and Y are finite and of size |X| and |Y|, then what is the number of functions X → Y? -What field provides notations for sets based on their cardinalities in its convention? -If X is infinite and there is more than one element in Y, then how many functions are from X to Y? -What is a subset of the Cartesian product X x Y? -How many elements of y are there? -How many ordered pair in the subset? -What is in X? -What is contained in the subset defining the function of f? -What is a general function often denoted by? -How is signum function denoted? -What is denoted by the symbol x? -What may be omitted when there is little chance of confusion? -How is the velocity of some body in physics denoted? -What is often dropped by many authors? -What kind of context makes it okay to drop the domain and codomain specification? -What is the formula that agrees? -What would the formula be in the example given? -What is also understood implicitly ? -What is sometimes used as a notation to emphasize the expressions functional nature? -What kind of symbol may be assigned to the variable? -What stands for the function? -What kind of nature of an expression is talked about? -A symbol can be used as a what? -What send integers to integers? -What kind of strings can sometimes be defined by an algorithm? -Functions are definable by an algorithm called what? -What kind of algorithm gives a precise process to compute the greatest common divsor of two positive integers? -What kind of integers are used to process and compute the greatest common divisor? -What is the name for a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output? -How is the term f(x) spoken? -What are the input variables of a function sometimes referred to as? -How would one denote the output of a function 'f' corresponding to an input of 'x'? -What are considered the "central objects of investigation" in most fields of mathematics? -If a function is presented as a picture, what would it be called? -When functions are defined in science by a list of outputs and their inputs. what would this be called? -What is the name for a system that tells how to compute the output for a given input? -What is the name for a function's set of inputs? -What is the name for a function's set of outputs? -What is the name of all input-output pairs of a function? -What is commonly used to refer to a function's outputs, but is also sometimes used to refer to the function's codomain? -What is the name for collections of functions with the same domain and the same codomain? -For the example given, what four shapes does X consist of? -For the example given, what five colors does Y consist of? -When linking the shapes and colors of X and Y, what does the example refer to this function as? -In the example given, how many colors was each shape linked to? -What is the input to a function called? -What is the name for the set of all permissible outputs for a given function? -What is the name for the set of all permitted inputs for a given function? -What is the output to a function called? -How many different ways can "a function from X to Y" be presented? -What is X called in the function? -What is Y called in the function? -What makes f(x) = x2 different? -Define one type of function? -How can f:X -> Y be referred to? -Can you write a function that is a function whose domain is X and image is a subset of Y? -What type of function would f:X -> Y be considered a partial function? -How are functions commonly defined? -How is a relation defined? -How is correspondence defined? -What is a function as a triple a type of? -What is a function as a ordered pair a type of? -What is a type of partial function? -Studying partial functions helps in what types of math? -What is the value of X in the function f(x) = 1/x? -In the function f(x) = 1/x, what is f? -What is another name for homomorphisms? -What is morphism a key concept of? -What type of function is X x Y? -What function can f: X -> Y be? -Why is a identity function of an empty set defined? -What is (0,0) called on a Cartesian coordinate system? -What are the coordinates such as (3,1) called? -What is the spot an ordered pair points out called? -What do the numbers in an ordered pair mean? -What coordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates? -What is the point they meet at called? -How many axes are involved? -What does the ordered pair represent? -What are two different names for the type of axis involved? -Any point in a three dimensional space can be specified by what? -How many Cartesian coordinates specify a three dimensional space? -What type of planes are involved? -How many perpendicular planes are involved? -Who invented Cartesian planes? -When were Cartesian planes invented? -What can Cartesian equations describe? -What type of equations are Cartesian? -What is the foundation of analytic geometry? -Cartesian coordinates are the foundation of what type of geometry? -What is a familiar example of Cartesian coordinates? -What is the most common coordinate system in computer graphics? -What year was the idea for this system developed? -Did Fermat publish the discovery? -Who's writings helped develop this system independent of Descartes? -Who introduced the concept by translating Descartes' works into Latin? -What year did Frans van Schooten and his students translate the work into latin? -How is a point that is a Cartesian coordinate usually written? -What is labelled with the capital letter O? -How are unknown coordinates denoted? -Why are unknown coordinates denoted by characters found at the end of the alphabet? -What is denoted by letters near the beginning of the alphabet? -What does the z axis represent? -What is the convention for the orientation of the x axis in three dimensional systems? -What determines the z axis' pointing down and to the left or down and to the right? -If the x and y axis are shown vertically and horizontally, how should the z axis be shown in a diagram? -What do all laws of physics and math assume? -What is the reflection of the point (-x, y) across the second coordinate axis? -What is the first coordinate axis? -What is the second coordinate axis? -What is the reflection of the point (x, -y) across the first coordinate axis? -What describes an angle? -In standard orientation, in which way does the z axis point? -What determines the line along which the z axis lies? -In standard orientation, in what orientation is the xy-plane? -How many possible directions does the z axis have? -What are the two possible coordinate systems determined by the z axis direction? -What may create distortion in regard to coordinate systems? -What axis meant to point away from the observer? -What axis is meant to point towards the observer? -In what manner is the red circle to the horizontal xy-plane? -What indicates rotation from the x-axis to the y-axis? -What kind of coordinate system is figure 8? -What kind of coordinate system do you have if you see the figure as convex? -What do many observers see figure 8 as flipping in and out between? -What is caused by projecting the three-dimensional coordinate system into the plane? -What is the correct way to view Figure 8 -Unit vectors go in what axis's? -Standard basis may also be called what? -The x-axis and y-axis are generally called what? -What are the 3 axis's in in a three-dimensional system? -Is there a way to multiply vector to obtain another vector? -How do you identify point coordinates in a two-dimensional plane? -i is identified by a point with what coordinates? -What does i stand for? -What kind of coordinates have many uses in the real world? -How many steps are involved in entering coordinates on a problem application? -Distance units are decided by defining what? -What is assigned to a specific location or landmark? -What units make sense to use when entering 3D coordinates all over the Earth? -What is the distance between the Equator and the North Pole? -Where is a good location along the Equator to help define the X-axis? -What are the coordinates of the Empire State Building? -What equation do you use to determine the radius of the Earth? -What kind of apps employ identical units along all axes? -How many variables can be determined using the algebra of Cartesian coordinates? -What kinds of units of measurement can be associated with different axes? -What is it helpful to use when trying to determine in two or three dimensional relationships? -What is used to to show the relation of all points satisfying that relation? -What shows the graph of a function with all it's salient parts? -Relative extrema, concavity, points of inflection, and points of discontibuity are fully defined in what? -Graphs are useful in calculus to understand the nature and behavior of what? -Point O refers to what on the line? -An orientation involves one positive and one what? -How many dimensions does a single straight line exist in? -The distance of P can be specified from what point? -What is a one-dimensional space called? -The origin of the line is a unit of what? -What determines which half-line is positive and which is negative? -What is point O? -What is another term for "is oriented"? -The Cartesian coordinate system in two dimensions can also be referred to as what? -What kind of axes do not meet at right angles? -A pair of x and y refer to what variable? -X-axis refers to what direction? -What direction does y-axis refer to? -What is a two-dimensional space called? -What is the point where the axes meet? +What is one of the duties of the Australian Senate? +Who can you buy U.S. flags from that are flew over the Capitol? +For what two things is Emirgan Park notable? +How many people were killed during the New York Draft Riots? +Besides Fulbright scholars, what other program do Pitt students and alumni take part in more than most other universities? +Which country annexed Macedonia? +What kind of principles was Georgia established on? +What did The Sunday Times controversially argue had no role in causing AIDS? +Who is the author of 'Postmodernist Fiction'? +What is the Blackfeet Nation subdivided into? +What component of a hockey stick has a large impact on performance? +What is at the Southern tip of the Andes? +Who led the communist Yugoslav Partisans? +Normative ethics studies what? +What king of Armenia was converted to Christianity by Gregory the Illuminator? +How many French immigrants founded New Orleans? +In the US, what was "ice polo" played with? +What can you find just a short distance away from Cotopaxi? +Who is responsible for waste management and construction projects in a given district? +What's the biggest singing-related event during Greek Week called? +What's the objective of the convention? +Connecticut's rural areas are found in which corners of the state? +What year was the the high rise White House office building in Dutch Witte Huis completed? +What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? +What virtues are part of humanity? +What basic policy did Britain force on it's Colonies from the 1660s? +How much is the ratio among unaffiliated voters on the Democratic side? +What was the original name of The Sunday Times Magazine? +What portion of white American men were able ot vote in the colonial society? +What type of lipid is cholesterol? +What does First-order uses over (non-biological) objects? +How much area was covered in 1987? +Describe the dedction in the Hillbert-style system ? How is a rectangular coordinate system defined? -What did early systems allow? -What do you choose for a three-dimensional space? -How many units of length are there for all three axes? -Do you find the the coordinates of a point P by drawing a line parallel or perpendicular? -What does each axis become? -What is a Euclidean plane with a Cartesian system called? -The points of a Cartesian plan can be identified with what? -What is another name for tuples? -Are Cartesian coordinates similar? -What does a Cartesian coordinate allow? -How is each coordinate obtained? -What must be modified in an oblique coordinate system? -The formula for distance is called what? -What's the symbol for Tin? -How many isotopes does Tin have? -What is Tin similar to? -How do you obtain Tin? -Does Tin have oxidation states? -What was the first alloy used on a large scale? -What is a big application for tin? -What was Pewter used for? -What was tin used for? -What is tin? -At what temperature does tin melt? -Why does bending tin make noise? -What's the lowest temperature tin reaches? -What is β-tin's stable temperature? -What is α-tin's stable temperature? -Are there any more allotropes? -Can "tin pest" not happen? -What happens to β-tin at cold temperatures? -Why does tin resist transformation? -What happens to tin? -Which elements increase tin's hardness? -Can eutectic systems occur? -What is the name of the superconductor that is below 3.72K? -Tin is the first superconductors to do what? -Name one of the characteristic features of superconductors. -Where was the Meissner effect first discovered? -What is Tin known to resits? -What elements can Tin be attacked by? -What can Tin be use for? -What prevents further oxidation with Tin? -Tin acts as what when oxygen is in solution and helps accelerate chemical attack? -How many stable isotopes does Tin have in total? -What are the three most common isotopes of Tin? -What is use to analyze the elements of Tin? -What is the most abundant isotope in Tin? -What is the least abundant isotope in Tin? -What is the atomic number or the "magic number" that enables Tin large number of stable isotopes? -What is considered the atomic magic number in nuclear physics? -How many known unstable isotopes are found in Tin? -What is the nuclide discovered in 1994 and has a doubly magic nucleus ? -What is the half-life of isotope 126Sn? -The word Tin can be traced back to what? -In what other branches is the word Tin not found in ? -What languages is the word Tin shared among? -What is the Irish Germanic of Tin? -What is Tin in Swedish? -What did the Latin name stannum originally refer to? -What was the earlier Latin word for tin? -What did stannum come to mean in the 4th century BCE? -What is the origin of stannum? -What was the main source of tin in the first centuries AD? -To what year can the extraction of tin be dated back to? -What was tin or arsenic content of the earliest bronze objects? -Where did arsenical bronze objects first appear? -What risks were associated with arsenical bronze? -When did the quest for less hazardous tin ores begin? -What is the chemical formula for cassiterite? -What was most likely the original source of tin in ancient times? -Where does cassiterite often accumulate? -Cassiterite is harder and heavier than what type of rock? -Cassiterite is typically what two colors? -What are halide compounds known for? -The three heavier halides are what type of compounds? -What type of compound is tetraflouride? -What type of compounds are colored? -What type of solids are the four halides? -Which tin halide is the most important commercially? -What reacts with tin to make SnCl4? -What is produced from the reaction of hydrochloric acid and tin? -SnCl4 and Sn can be combined to create what substance? -What is the name of the process by which stannous chloride is produced? -What is the most common percentage mixtures of tin/lead alloy in metal pipe organ pipes? -What is one major advantage of using tin for pipes? -What is a tin/lead alloy refereed to as? -Which metal in a tin/lead alloy cools faster? -Which metal is the most tonally resonant? -What is the most common tin/lead ratio in their alloy? -What are most metal pipes in a pipe organ made of? -What does the amount of tin in the pipe defines? -What is the most tonally resonant of all metals? -What is a tin/lead metal alloy referred to as? -What is punched tin-plated steel also called? -What is the most common application of the pierced tin technique? -Where did the pierced tin technique originate? -Who was the Revere type lantern named after? -What is punched tin-plated steel also called? -From where does pierced tin technique originate from? -What is the most common application of pierced tin? -What is a well-known example of Punched tin lanterns? -Revere type lanterns are named after whom? -Which metal alloy form has tin been used with? -What are the primary uses of the solders with lead and tin? -When did the WEEE Directive and Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive come into effect? -What are the some of the problems of replacing lead in a lead and tin alloy? -What happens when a tin pest occurs in lead-free solders? -What are the uses of Tin? -When was a tinplate canister for preserving food first manufactured? -What do speakers of American English call a tinplate canister for preserving food? -The slang term tinny means? -Why is the tin whistle so called? -What is the name of the metal that tin is most commonly alloyed with? -What is the major metal in the American and Canadian pennies? -What do we call a metal alloy containing both zinc and copper? -What is phosphor bronze? -Name a copper-tin alloy containing 22% tin -What is the chemical symbol for the niobium-tin compound? -What is the main usage of the niobium- tin compound? -What is the nobium-tin compound critical magnetic field? -How much magnetic fields can a 3Kg superconducting weighing magnet produce? -Why is the niobium-tin compound favorable for use as wires for superconducting magnets commercially? -what is tin used for in a Li-ion batteries? -what is used as a negative electrode in a Li-ion battery? -what limits the usage of tin in Li-ion batteries? -carbonate based electrolytes are used in what kind of battery? -what compounds can be as toxic as cyanide? -organotin compounds can be as toxic as what? -cases of poisoning from tin are what? -what are the dangers of organotin exposure? -tin reagents are useful in what kind of chemistry? -what is a common reducing agent for the conversion of nitro and oxime groups to amines? -what reaction combines organotin with organic halides or pseudohalides? -The Stille reaction combines organic halides or pseudohalides with what compound? -Tin fluoride is added to some dental care products as what? -Tin fluroide has been shown to be more effective in controlling gingivitis than what commonly used chemical? -Tin fluoride has been shown to treat what condition of the gums? -what effect does sodium fluoride have when combined with calcium compounds? -what is the chemical formula for stannous fluoride? -Tributyltin oxide is used for what? -What year did the EU ban the use of organotin compounds? -organotin has had its use restricted in most nations to vessels of what size? -Tributyltin was found to have what major negative side effect when used on ships? -what company solved the problems preventing the use of using tin in commercial Li-ion batteries? -Recent research has shown what as being responsible for undesirable electrochemical activity in Li-ion batteries? -Sony released what Li-ion batteries in the late 2000s? -what problem at low electrochemical potentials does tin suffer from making it a problem when used in batteries? -what is the major commercial use of organotin compounds? -Tin scavenges what from PVC to prevent it from degrading? -what compounds are used to stabilize PVC plastics? -Tin compounds are carboxylic acid derivatives of what chemical? -dilaurate is an example of what kind of compound? -What does OSHA stand for? -What is the legal limit on exposure to tin in the workplace? -What does NIOSH stand for? -at what levels is tin immediately dangerous to life and health? -What can form many oxides, sulfides, and other chalcogenide derivatives? -What is another name for the dioxide SnO2? -How does SnO2 form? -What is it called when an element dissolves in both acidic and basic solutions? -The sulfides of tin exist in what two oxidation states? -What is another name for SnH4? -What is another term for organotin hydrides? -What is the element called where tin is in the +4 oxidation state? -What do organotin hydrides release? -What are sometimes called stannanes? -What are chemical compounds with tin-carbon bonds? -What are the most useful compounds of tin commercially? -The highly toxic organotin compounds have been used as what? -Who was the first organotin compound reported by? -How do most organotin compounds, liquid or solid, appear physically? -What are organotin compound stable to? -What geometry do organotin compounds adopt? -What are prepared using Grignard reagents? -How are mixed halide-alkyls prepared? -Mixed halide-alkyls is more common than what derivatives? -The tetraorgano derivates are commercially less important than what? -The tetraorgano derivatives are less common than what? -What is increasing the use of tin? -When was the last time the US mined tin? -When was the last time the US smelted tin? -How many tonnes did the US recycle in 2006? +The state made large purchases of what? +What is the opposite to morality? +In what year was Francis Hopkinson appointed to the position of Chairman of the Continental Navy Board's Middle Department? +What is the BBC's urban station? +What does the executive order on U.S. flags govern? +What are the guidelines for when a flag has tattered edges? +How did Brian McHale describe postmodern works in 'Postmodernist Fiction'? +Who demand for Berlin wall to be torn down? +Who was the early leader of the communist party in China? +What was the official unemployment rate in Detroit in 2009, even though the Detroit news claims nearly half of the working age population was unemployed? +How can governments make money from the land they own? +Who was the editor of The Sunday Times before Martin Ivens became acting editor? +In model theory, countability or uncountability of what language cannot be characterized? +What are the two main terminals for the New York City area commuter rails? +Who, according to the same study, is more likely to do random acts of kindness? +Out of the German, Dutch, and English settlers, which of them gave the least amount of legal power to women? +What is the reasoning behind this style of editin? +Most early United States settlers came from which christian denomination? +The start of modern morality is closely tied? +When did Adolphe Sax invent the saxophone? +What types of plants were not gathered at harvest? +What is the output to a function called? +When was the Incas defeated? +Where do physicians obtain their registration number? +What optimizes the inserted body? +What high school near Pitt was chosen as a historical landmark? What is another name for scrap tin? -In regards to tin, what is increasing greatly? -How many tonnes of tin was mined in 2006 in the United States? -When was the last year that tin was mined in the United States? -Where were deposits of tin reported? -What group discovered the tin deposits in Colombia? -In what year were new deposits discovered? -New deposits of tin are reported to be where? -What was discovered in 2009? -Who made the discovery of new tin deposits? -Where is tin mainly traded? -How many brands is the tin traded under? -How many countries trade on the exchange? -How many tonnes does the mine at Bisie produce? -Who controls the Bisie mine? -What produced most of the world's tin in 2007? -The mine at Bisie produces how much tin? -What is controlled by a renegade militia? -Where is most of the world's tin traded? -Why is tin unique among other minerals? -What happened to the First International Tin Agreement in 1985? -What group had a large effect on tin prices? -In what years' were tin prices rampant? -What makes tin different among mineral products? -What were the characteristics of early tin agreements? -When did the agreement created in 1956 and the agreements following collapse? -What is the ITC? -What was created in 1956? -Where was the learning tool called as "the horn" developed? -When was the learning tool called as "the horn" developed? -Which numbers were used in "the horn"? -What are the modern reproductions of "the horn" decorated with? -Where did pie safes and food safes came into use in the days before refrigeration? -What were pie safes and food safes? -What were the two styles of pie safes and food safes? -What were the two styles of pie and food safes meant for? -Where is the modern reproductions of pie and food safes popular at? -What is window glass often made by? -What does floating molten glass on top of molten tin produce? -Where was the floating molten glass held while producing the window glass? -What is the process of creating float glass called? -how dose tin occur? -is tin a native element? -what is an a important element of tin? +is the meaning of decentralization static? +What was burned in a fire that pertained to the Walker party and the Bonneville Expedition? +What do you choose for a three-dimensional space? +In which decade did specialized computing applications begin to extensively assist structural design? +What name does Louisiana use for county? +Which river is Rotterdam located within? +deciding how much centralization is hard from what point of view? +What does neuroendocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology focus on? +In what season are thunderstorms most frequent in Connecticut? +Connecticut is known as the Land of Steady what? +How did the Pequots respond that same autumn? +How much was the time warner center valued at in 2006? +What is an advantage of having multiple threads? +Which morality is more collective? +When was record keeping started for floods? +What are population centers organized into? +Which tenses make up the perfect system? +What is precipitation a major component of? +What building resource was readily available in Pennsylvania but ignored by German and Welsh settlers? +Central park has a road for joggers and bicyclists that is how many miles long? +How many total administrative bodies are there among all the planning regions? +What type of agencies work for the insurance industry? +What are the common characteristics between Speed garage and Drum and bass? +How many people work in Manhattan? +What was Friedan's objection to the nuclear family? what is the most associated mineral with tin? -is there more minerals associated with tin? -how is tin made? -what is the typical mass of the stars? -how do these stars form? -how much larger than the sun are theses masses? -what are the differences in the reactions? -what makes organotin compounds uncommon? -what makes up the stannylens in compounds? -where is tin commonly mined? -why is tin commonly found downstrem? -what are some methods of mining tin? -where is tin the most abundant? -what is the percentage of tin in these ores? -what country has the most tin mind? -about how much tin was mined in 2011? -what contributing factors to where tin is found? -will the earth run out of tin? -what are the factors that contribute to the probability of the earth running out of tin? -What was being aggressively sold in the late 1970s and early 1980s? -When did the ITC reach its credit limit in regard to tin market purchases? -In what years did a recession affect the tin market and industry as a whole? -What followed after the ITC reached its credit limit in regard to tin market purchases? -What was the price of tin in the free market environment? -Who does the old view suggest should become nurses? -What did Justice Sandra Day say about the number of women who are nurses? -Who does the old view suggest should not become nurses? -What did Justice Sandra Day say about a classification based on gender? -Who did Justice Sandra Day write an opinion for? -What was the last public university that was all male in the U.S.? -What tradition is continued at the Virginia Military Institute? -How does the Virginia Military Institute provide women academic and leadership development? -What did Justices Harry A. Blackman and others suggest would be a result of this ruling? -What is one of the reasons that feminism is criticized? -What is mainly the focus of the feminist movement in history? -Who founded the Hijas de Cuauhtemoc? -What is ignored by the restricting view? -In what way did Chela Sandoval refer to the women's liberation movement? -What is considered problematic by the feminist scholars? +What source of influence outside of a troubled nation might be placated by adopting a decentralized model? +What kind of cost is incurred in higher-order logic expression? +What is the name of the long-existing electronica show in Seattle? +When did the sites start charging for access? +What type of dump's is used by the city of New York? +What other saxophone is sometimes added to a concert band? +What was the boys name that proposed the U.S. flag design as a school project in 1958? +Where is tin mainly traded? +Who established a secret police called The Cheka? +how many people used shelters between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009? +What kind of ice blocks ports during the winter? +What OS first included Internet Explorer version 6? +What kind of checking makes use of the player's shoulder or hip? +How many of the arrested were executed? +What is ethics also known as? +Which type of forces do catenary constructs bear via deflection? +Arabic names referring to a city of of origin is one component of the surname called what? +What were the slaves considered? +Why is Latin used? +What is the main sex related hormone in women? +At what point do differences in artery pulsality become obviously different? +Why did some places adopt Latin phrases in some areas? +What year was the idea for this system developed? +When did joint commencement exercises begin between Radcliffe and Harvard? +How is correspondence defined? +What action could help create more higher-paying jobs? +What kind of scale does a nanostructure use for dimensions? +Are statins more effective against death or lipids? +Which two states came to be almost completely dependent on tobacco? +From what years was Istanbul Europe's largest city? +What was the focus of the festival? +What park is the location for the highest peak of the mountains in the Sierra Nevada? +When are students eligible to take the Medical License Examination? +What is the purpose of subtitles? +How does a Scientific-rational view truth? +In what developed countries has homicide not been drastically reduced in the past century? +What country most influenced the tradition of a woman changing her name after marriage? +Has the salary of the average American woman increased? +What type of academic rating does Pitt have? +Along with salinity, what other factor limits the regions of the Baltic Sea where animal life can survive? +In what year did the Partisans defeated the Armed Forces? +How much did the Mayor proposed to cut? +Who gave the Statue of Liberty as a gift to the US? +Has the Baltic Sea always existed as it is today? +How is the element depiction in low relief subjects seen? +How is Connecticut abbreviated in documents sent through the post? +How many men did the state send to the Civil War? +What is a problem with studies that are a basis for domain-specific diagnoses in neuropsychiatry? +What is the name of the study of interpretations of formal languages? +Did women maintain the first name-only status all their lives? +How many basketball teams are from Istanbul? +Where does the Spengler Cup take place? +Other than yellow fever and malaria what was the main cause of death for small children? +How much money did Accelerator raise by mid-2014? +Who was in control of political decision-making in colonial America? +What did the 1967 Executive Order do? +What is another way that tobacco becomes a risk to health? +What's the size of the city centre? +Vasoactive agents are harmful when paired with what health condition? +who is responsible for creative and efficient use of funds? +At what university did Francis O. Schmitt establish a Biology Department? +Which continent did the Puritans want to set example for? +Where might you find rainfall that is relatively unchanged during the year? +What was Kevin Saunders series of bass-heavy cuts known by? +When were the colors formally specified for the U.S. flag? +What caused the languages of Spain to diverge from the other Romance regions? +Why would New England farm families live in wooden houses? +How is signum function denoted? +How was the Partisan force at teh beginning? +What does RF&P stand for? +Which country almost entirely controlled the Baltic Sea? +When was the book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism published? +What year did the United States act to abolish the Atlantic slave trade? +What sport are women playing? +What is the name of the oldest European-built house in the state of New Jersey? +Who would need to use the Insurance Services Office? +What is the reflection of the point (x, -y) across the first coordinate axis? +What types of plants were selected for harvesting? +Who led the UNOF coalition? +Who was Marie Braun's coach? +What describes an angle? +How many call sites can a subprogram have? +What kind of ensembles were most influenced by the dance orchestra? +What age group is the Memorial Cup designed for? +Where is it common to have surname in western cultures? +Why do Eastern Asians reverse the order of their names? +In which regions mostly are townships used as subdivisions of a county? +What is the simplified Hodgkin-Huxley model called? +The balance between centralizing and decentralizing is based upon what? In what way are the second wavers essentialized? -In what era were many of the second-wave leaders born? -How were ideological differences considered? -When did feminist scholars revisit oral histories? -What was a result of recovering histories that were overlooked? -Who used the term "retrofitted memory"? -As a result of discovering historical knowledge and memory, what happens to some dominant histories? -What aided in the discovery of historical knowledge and memory? -What did first wave feminism mainly focus on? -What were legal obstacles to gender equality in first wave feminism? -What did second wave feminism focus on? -What other issues were given attention in second wave feminism? -What major ammendment did feminism attempt to get passed that was defeated by Phyllis Schiafly? -What did first wave feminism mainly focus on? -What did second wave feminism mainly focus on? -What other major issues did second wave feminism address? -What were some of the legal obstacles to gender equality addressed by first wave feminism? -What major law did feminism attempt to pass that was defeated by Phyllis Schlafy? -What french writer helped lay the ground work for second wave feminism? -What major point did Simone de Beauvoir challenge about women's place in society? -In what year did the FDA approve of the oral contraceptive pill? -What did the oral contraceptive pill accomplish? -What Presidential administration made women's rights a major issue? -What book influenced Betty Friedan to write a bestselling book? -What bestselling book did Betty Friedan write? -What were Betty Friedan's major objections in her book? -What name did Betty Friedan give to the issue of limited possibilities and wasted potential of women? -What was Friedan's objection to the nuclear family? -What year do most agree feminism began? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -What year do most agree feminism began? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -What year do most agree feminism began? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What year do most agree feminism began? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What year do most agree feminism began? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -What year do most agree feminism began? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -What President released a major report on gender equality? +What is the name for the cost associated with an insurance policy? +When was the first organized indoor game of hockey? +The Westermarck effect reduces what risky behavior? +What does the evidence suggest about the neural network underlying moral decisions? +What elements can Tin be attacked by? +Who were responsible for the successful and sustained evacuation of downed Allied airmen? +The campus is adjacent to which section of the Carnegie Public Library? +Which newspaper reported on Manhattan? +What month did the New York Herald announce the discovery of gold? +How many major leagues are there? +What has Marxism-Leninism acovated for since the mid 1930s? +The tetraorgano derivates are commercially less important than what? +How many last names are used in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries? +Which country won the first European championship in 1910? +Can the Xbox One be updated while not online? +What type of motion is required during convective processes? +Who founded the Communist Party of the Philippines? +What did the plantations grow for export? +What percent of cardiovascular disease is estimated to be preventable? +In what year did the NHL make the two-lane pass legal? +What type of climate does most of southern and coastal Connecticut have? +How much will other areas of New York grow? +Are the Australian Democrats considered a major party? +What bought The Sunday Times in 1887? +What type of impact often happens to the environment when jobs are created? +When did the revival of low reliefs occur in Western art? +Do possessive abbreviations take precedence? +What countries occupied Constantinople? +At the molecular level of the nervous system, tools from what two disciplines are used to study how neurons develop and how genetic changes affect biological functions. +How can you memorize the notation? +What two settlements comprised the Province of Massachusetts Bay? +What is descriptive ethics? +What does YABA stand for? +From where does pierced tin technique originate from? +Who is the safeguard for coordinator of production? +What are the most abundant lipids in photosynthetic tissues? +When was Windows 1.0 released? +What did the King Fire take place? +Who was the former prime minister? +In what logic does a single universal quantifier may arbitrarily bind many variables simuteneously? +Which country was the last European State to convert to Christianity? +Why are unknown coordinates denoted by characters found at the end of the alphabet? +Which sport had a lot of players switch over to ice hockey? +In the 2010 midterms, did women support either Republicans or Democrats more, or were both candidates supported equally? +Where is the major influx of migrant labour in Oxford going? +Who is criticized for their perceived support of the government. +What's another capacity that the design of a column must check? +Are those at really low risk for heart disease recommended to take aspirin? +What kind of study does the three years of Master in Medicine cover? +Occluded fronts are usually generated in what areas? +What discipline focuses on affective, behavioral, cognitive, and perceptual disorders? +What did Charles Dickens think of the Five Points neighborhood? +What type of sheets were popular in the 1980s? +Who had the power to dissolve the assembly? +What does moral ontology mean? +What theories of structures did they use? +Where were the Greeks who came to the city originally from? +What does the word l10n stand for? +On what body of water was an early form of hockey played? +What is the major university in Rotterdam? +What crop was introduced to the Carolina's in the 1690s? +What two bodies of water does Istanbul sit between? +What is hyperlipidemia? What did Kennedy's report reveal? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What year do most agree feminism began? +What did the missions introduce to the indigenous peoples of california? +Who did state and local banks compete with? +How many colonies protested against the British taxation in 1765? +Did more women or men vote in the 2012 election? Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? +In what war did the New York Campaign take place? +Besides performing standard art music literature, what other form of music does the University of Pittsburgh Orchestra perform? +How many jobs per month are needed to close the gap by 2020 +The Himalayas are located on what continent? +How many ideas did Inc. magazine publish to help the economy? +Where is the Bay of Gdańsk? +The polylepis forest and woodlands found in Andean areas are referred to by locals as what? +What is a bas-relief? +Why did businesses start abbreviating their names in the mid to late 19th century? +What do we know about spread of heart disease in poor countries? +When were the chalet mansions built? +Of what kind of music did Charlie Parker a major player? +Which office did Doug Bandow hold in the past? +October Revolution was carried out by which group? +Do conservative support government stimulating the economy? +Why do Eastern Asians reverse the order of their names? +What year did the West boycott the Soviet military? +When did the city's name change again? +Confidence can cause an increase in the likelihood of engaging in what kind of behavior? +When did composers start writing classical saxophone quartet music? +What is the effect that reduces mutual sexual attraction? +What act paved the way for service providers for years to come? +what year were things first established? +What is one of the oldest christian communities? +What was the surplus of low-cost rental units in 1970? +How much more frequently are middle-aged men afflicted by coronary heart diseases compared to women? +Do most insurance groups operate in the same manner? +What is the surname of the former Chairman of the Supreme Military Junta of Ecuador? +What habits are linked to cardiovascular disease? +Since what year Jungle started to be labelled as Drum and Bass. +What is this type of society based on? +What did Schmutz mean? +Should we use hyphens for these vocabularies? +What was Felix Guattari often considered to be? +Whose paternal surname would Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's children inherit as their second surname? +Who were the main source of labor after Bacon's Rebellion? +How many people were on hockey teams following 1880? +How often is the Memorial cup held? +How has the amount of information about homelessness changed in the last 30 years? +Where did Michael E. Arth hope to build his village? +What is postmodernism often associated with? +Who gave the 50 individual states sovereign jurisdiction? +Are biomarkers useful in predicting the likelihood of cardiovascular disease? +What organization is the largest non-government employer in Pittsburgh? What year do most agree feminism began? +October Revolution was carried out by which group? Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What year do most agree feminism began? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -What year do most agree feminism began? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? -What year do most agree feminism began? -Who was the mother of the feminism movement? -What did Kennedy's report reveal? -What President released a major report on gender equality? -What organization did Friedan lead? -Was there opposition within the NOW organization about using Title VII of the Civil Rights Act? -What did Friedan attempt to use to to enforce more job opportunities for women? -What organization did Friedan pressure to use Title VII of the Civil Rights Act? -When did Friedan step down as president of NOW? -When did Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College develop a system of sharing residential colleges? -When did Haverford become coeducational? -When did Columbia University begin admitting women? -Why did Columbia University initially not admit women? -When did Gloria Steinem gain a large amount of popularity? -What type of journalist was Gloria Steinem? -Glorida Steinem was working undercover as what? -What did Steinem conclude through her undercover work? +What kind of symbol may be assigned to the variable? +October Revolution was carried out by which group? +will the earth run out of tin? +What are two examples of infrastructure investment? +Where is the Bay of Mecklenburg? +What composer is known for writing pieces that include the b-flat bass saxophone? +What is the origin of the word 'cordillera'? +When did these capacity issues happened ? +Who was chancellor of Pitt from 1995 to 2014? What became the two most important objectives for feminists by 1968? -Why did Mount Holyoke College engage in a debate under the presidency of Truman? -What did the board of trustees for Mount Holyoke College decide in 1971? -What did the remaining Seven Sisters decide against? -What other college made a similar decision to that of Mount Holyoke in 1971? -What did the 1967 Executive Order do? -What did the 1968 EEOC decision ruling make illegal? -What was not outlawed in all states until 1993? -In what year did a law force the U.S. Military Academies to enroll women? -What is usually considered as the greatest success of the women's movement? -What college did Radcliffe College merge with? -When did joint commencement exercises begin between Radcliffe and Harvard? -When did students from Radcliffe receive Harvard diplomas? -In what year was Radcliffe College dissolved? +What was New England's population in 1725? +How many jobs did President Obama hope to save or create from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009? +Why would someone petition for trade adjustment assistance +When did feminist scholars revisit oral histories? +What is (0,0) called on a Cartesian coordinate system? +When did the western part of the Bronx County become part of New York County? +How many votes were for the motion to abolish the Atlantic slave trade? +What, specifically, is used to track crime in New York here? +What rank was given to the Rotterdam School of Management in 2009? +What axis is meant to point towards the observer? +What is another phrase for false etymology? +Which government body has an advantage in ordinary elections? +When is the festival held each year? +What is the 'Queen's Bridge' in dutch? +How did Modernism erode urban living? +how much larger than the sun are theses masses? +What year was The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness created? +Who invented the microscope and the development of a staining procedure? +Which city' suburbs has a large Jewish population? +what is the fatty acid derived eicosanoid involved in inflammation and immunity? +What types of powers might a large urban area inherit under decentralization from the central government? +What is the usual deciding factor as to the severity of a penalty? +Who was the leader of North Korea during the Korean war? +Who provides an unemployment rate forecast +The Empire State building is what architectural style? +What is the oldest medical school in Tunisia? +What is one language the this alphabet has been used as the script for? +When was Wheelock's book first published? +What impacted Western sculpture later? +What bridge connects Staten Island to Brooklyn? +Are these positions filled via direct elections or indirection elections? +To be considered homeless what time of the day a person needs to lack a residence? +Who expressed concern about the standard of the United States +Why do Hispanic's hyphenate thier parent's last names? +Who founded Cosa Nostra? +Who seized a French vessel in 1525 for illegal trading on the Kongo coast? +What does moralitas mean in latin? +What is the property of a logical symbol? +Why was the Column of Constantine built? +Cartesian coordinates are the foundation of what type of geometry? +Who are responsible for the public safety in the state universities in Michigan? +Who founded the Connecticut Party? +Where is the modern reproductions of pie and food safes popular at? +Where in Canada is the CIHR Canadian National Brain Bee held annually? +How many breweries were in Oxford by 1874? +The demonstrations put on by print workers in front of the new plant came to be known as what? +What did Vista feature that fixed the administrator account issue? +What is the name of the transient area in New York City? +What was the worth of exports produced in 2005? +In what year did the NCAA enforce this rule? +To what number did circulation increase under John Witherow? +Who took the photo for the cover picture of the first issue of The Sunday Times Magazine? +What was the new Chinese type of communism known as during the communist revolution? +In which century did public bodies begin requiring practitioners in Scotland and England to hold dual medical degrees? +Did Western medieval art contain bas-reliefs? +How many elements of y are there? +Who is eligible for the MS or MD course? +Without the Romans, what happened to Latin? +Is there a standard template countries can apply for decentralization? +What term did Schumacher use to describe small-scale technologies? +What did early systems allow? +What happened to GDP after the income tax increase of 1993? +When did saxophones become common in dance orchestras? +What was Governor John Hickenlooper's main focus of his Mayoral Agenda? +What was a cause of the Atlantic Slave Trade? +What is the technique that the Inca practices? +When did the cultural scene begin to stagnate? +On what island was a Dutch fur trading settlement founded in 1624? +Which president was the first person to drive through the Queens-Midtown Tunnel? +When did Miño become compounded? +Was it states or the federal government that legalized same-sex marriage first? +Structural engineers need what type of degree? +Although many of the upper class of Boston, New York, Charleston and Philadelphia had never been to Britian, what could have caused them to be heavily influenced by British culture? +What do the 13 stripes on the U.S. flag represent? +How did Marc. Bekoff and Jessica Pierce define morality? +Where is the city centre centred? +What kind of animal was considered more useful than horses? +Did white men with college degrees favor Republicans or Democrats? +When did use lenses become common? +Where did anarchist communism exist in 1936? +Wha letters does the labeling of Koppen classification span? +What is use to analyze the elements of Tin? +From where did Haplogroup J arrive to Europe? +Where do micelles and bilayers form in the process known as hydrophobic effect? +What is another term for the plumes that rose in the deep underground? +What can adversely affect economic growth? +Blacks moved into which party in the New Deal era? +How did European settlers try to stop Native American aggression in 1636? +During a recession what happens to the unemployment rate? +Who created the commissions that governed the provincial government? +What type of event is caused by the Nazca and Antarctic Plate sliding under the South American Plate? +When did Stalin seize control of the Party? +Which is an organization that typically classifies the political parties under certain colors? +What is Pitt's oldest varsity sport? +What kind of clouds are cumulus congestus? +Another facet of securing the border in regard to illegal immigration is what? +New York gave up a territorial dispute in which century? +What polarized the state? +Which types of logic does Pitt excel in? +Where were the slaves sold? +In which cylinder of a standard rain gauge is snow collected? +Why did most users operate an administrator account? +how does the brotherhood make decisions? +Have evangelicals voted more Republican or Democrat since 1980? +In what year did the U.S. establish the National Center for Appropriate Technology? +What was the murder rate in 1990? +What is another phrase for alphabet agencies? +The mine at Bisie produces how much tin? +Which ocean is responsible for tempering Connecticut's seasonal climate extremes? +When did the court rule against Bush administration on the topic of carbon emission? +In which year did Spain trade Florida to Great Britain? +The surname Saddam Hussein al Tikriti might refer to what city? +what year did partisans gain an effective air force? +What field of engineering is related to the design of buildings? +Which gangster of Jewish heritage was powerful in New York at one point? +What does Chakouba mean? +What do dietary guidelines around the world recommend reducing? +What was the name of the group working to preserve the Yugoslav monarchy? +what company solved the problems preventing the use of using tin in commercial Li-ion batteries? +where is tin the most abundant? +A multi-storey office building can be described as simple in what way? +What correctors are considered catadioptric systems? +What are some examples of corrosive environments? +What conference do all varsity sports teams, except for gymnastics, compete in? +What kind of diet can decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease? +How many jobs per million dollars are created? +How many parts can be derived from the National People's Congress? +How much control do Marxist-Leninist communist parties have over elections? +What was a surname preceded by in French Canada? +In Portuguese-speaking countries, what is the most common naming convention? +Tin acts as what when oxygen is in solution and helps accelerate chemical attack? +How long was "Megatrends" on The New York Times Best Seller list? +In what year did Texas legislate a specific color to be used in their flag? +How many years does the Master in Medicine take to complete? +Which type of members in the Republican Party encourage environmental protection? +What is the length of time for the vocational program to help the homesless. +What festival is held in January? +What expanded due to the railway links in Oxford during the 1840? +When was the report made? +Who has sovereignty over insular areas? +About how many U.S. Jobs were added from October 2010 to November 2015? +What was it called when early American merchants tried to engage in direct trade with French, Spanish, Dutch and Portugese? +Which states received land back from DC in 1846? +What does Windows NT protect? +What major technological advantage did Europe have over Africa? +Who catergorizes Australian medical degrees as undergraduate programs? +In which state does the violence takes part in? +What two suspensions are not actually precipitation? +What does mononym mean? +What factors contribute to cardiovascular diseases? +How were the teams setup after 2013? +How many counties is Connecticut divided into? +In what version of Windows can you not install a language pack? +What type of compound is tetraflouride? +What led to the deterioration of the education in Europe in the late Latin era? +In which mentioned year did the Soviets first make a significant change to their foreign policy? +What was ViB first intended to be named? +What do the scholars debate on it's effects to African societies? +Are there many high quality hospitals in Turkey? +When was the Archbishop accused of laundering? +Statins don't have as long of an effect on what? +In 2015, by how much did Connectitcut's population decrease? +When was the Ottoman Stock Exchanged established? +Who's writings helped develop this system independent of Descartes? +What is it called when a DJ spins a record back and restarts the record at the build? +In which state do towns form the primary unit of local government? +The Aghia Sophia was converted into a church for what religion? +Who did the Slovene Partisan Units merge with? +Which Inca sites that can never be found by the Spaniards? +Who defeated the combined forces of Bolivia and Peru? +How are the names separated? +What is difficult to measure? +What is Chlamydophila pneumoniae possibly linked to? +When did investment from West Indian profits occur? +How the restrictions on bound variables to be seen ? +How would everyone loves someone be abbreviated in first order logic? +Who was the Windows 9x operating systems intended to be used by? +What are machines subjected to? +What two avenues traverse the University of Pittsburgh campus from west to east? +What did South Africans make a business out of? +What is it called when in all models, all provable statements are true? +Does GEICO have more than one insurance company? +Moving between the key centers indicates a lack of what in the saxophone? +Where were millet species widely cultivated? +What is released when nylon or polyester flags are burned? +What was built on the south bank of the river as a business center? +Which series were the first two that were major successes for the Soviet Union and Canada? +What was the percentage increase in homeless in 2013? What is Radcliffe now known as? -How did second-wave feminists view popular culture? -What song played a big part in popular culture and for women and the feminist movement? +What kind of context makes it okay to drop the domain and codomain specification? +Noam Chomsky asks why what type of intellectuals do not respond like people in other fields when asked about the principles of their theories? +In the 1950s who dominated the presidential wing in New England? +Who developed the elements of the state for dismantling authoritarian? +did the church stay in once place or move? +Granting women control over property came into conflict with what? +When did Sax's patent expire? +What caused that bill to fail? +When did they begin to show the art? +Which President was responsible for starting back HUD's programs that aided the homeless? +Which two churches emphasize family structure? +Can the human body digest all forms of lipids? +Who used a Postmodern style of painting as a way to depart from French Impressionism? +What hormone is produced in lower amounts following menopause? +When did Gorbachev announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union? +Besides the NIH, what other source provides funding to MDs and DOs for research? +When were more universities founded in Istanbul? +What do editors use all caps for? +Each Australian state gets what kind of representation regardless of population? +What do migratory birds that fly long distances without eating use to fuel their flights? +Who describes postmodern music as an attitude? +Who has been the Mayor of Instanbul since 2004? +The Metro-North Railroad's New Haven Line is operated by which company? +What was a crucial part of an education for those who wished to join the literate circle? +What type of race is held on Saturday during E-Week, prior to the e-ball finale? +What written work denies the Senate the power to amend appropriation bills? +Are random number functions available in different languages? +What is another name for myocardial infarction? +Peterson and Seligman follow what view? +When did the agreement created in 1956 and the agreements following collapse? How did second-wave feminists counteract popular culture? -What was Reddy known as? -What was one of the main focuses of second wave feminism? -What did Jo Freeman attend in June 1967? -What was the free school course on women taught by? -At what conference over Labor Day weekend in 1967 was a woman's caucus formed? -Who was the conference director that refused to recognize the women or let the women speak at the conference? -What was the name of the newsletter that Freeman created? -In what year was a meeting told about white college men working with poor white men? -After the meeting told about white college men and poor white men, what was created? -In the meeting told, what did white college men and poor white men do to share leisure time? -At what university was a meeting told about white college men working with poor white men? -At what time period was it thought that women had succeeded in changing social attitudes towards gender roles? -Women were able to integrate into what clubs by changing social attitudes? -What were women able to make illegal by changing social attitudes? -What failed in 1982? -In what year did more women begin to earn more bachelor's degrees than men? -How many states have adopted constitutions or constitutional amendments providing equal rights for all sexes? -What percentage of Ivy League presidents are women? -Has the salary of the average American woman increased? -What percentage of the average man's salary is the average woman's salary? -In the Spanish tradition, what is the most common naming convention? -Which of the woman's birth names is most frequently kept when she chooses to adopt her husband's surname -In Portuguese-speaking countries, what is the most common naming convention? -When did it become legal for a husband to adopt his wife's surname? -Are naming traditions in Portuguese-speaking countries the same as in Spain? -Did most women change their names after marriage in the 17th century? -What country most influenced the tradition of a woman changing her name after marriage? -When did the custom of a woman changing her name after marriage solidfy across all classes? -What is the current trend for women changing their names after marriage? -Among what social status did the custom of women changing their names after marriage begin? -When were Jewish families in Central Europe forced to adopt surnames? -What did Schwartzkopf mean? -What did Schmutz mean? -What did Scweinmann mean? -Who often gave people the mean names? -When did poor women begin to acquire surnames? -Before surnames were common, what were women in the lower classes called? -What form of government in Brazil and Portugal spurred the ubiquity of children being given surnames? -Did women maintain the first name-only status all their lives? -What did Morgenstern mean? -What did safire mean? -What did Reis mean? -Many africans were forced to take surnames of who? -When did the adoption of surnames become common -Do all children get all of both their parents' surnames? -Are euphony and social significance the only factors in how children are named? -What are two of the most common reasons for a child being given a particular combination of parents' surnames? -Is there a firm rule on how children are named? -In India, what can surnames mean? -Where can surnames denote caste? -Are surnames always placed as last names? -Is caste the only reason for surnames in India? -In Maharashtra and Goa, how are surnames placed? -What is the standard naming order? -Is caste the most common reason for surname derivation? -What two states account for the most surnames? -Where is Kerala located? -Does a wife ever adopt her husband's first name? -What unusual name change often happens in Kerala? -Do wives alway adopt their husbands' family name? -What is the most common surname in Viet Nam? -What percentage of Vietnamese have the surname Nguyen? -What dynasty followed the Nguyen dynasty in Viet Nam? -Why are so many Vietnamese named Nguyen? -If a girl is named Papadopoulou where is she from? -If a girl has the last name podwinska, where is she from? -What would the sons of a man from poland with the name podwinski be called? -If a man in Lithuania is named Vilkas, what will his wife be named? -If a man in Lithuania is named Vilkas, what will his daughter be named? -What may be the most common European name in the category? -Lee is a romanization of what chinese surname? -The surname lee is used in chinese and what other culture? -What does Ryan mean in Irish Gaelic? -The name De Luca like arose from where? -Surnames were uncommon prior to what century? -What does MacLeod mean? -Where is the Isle of Lewis located? -Most european surnames were originally occupational or what? -Many people on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland have what surname? -What are "true compound surnames"? -Where can "true compound surnames" be found? -What is the surname of the former Chairman of the Supreme Military Junta of Ecuador? +What else is included in moral philosophy? +Orographic lift causes what to happen? +Where is the European side of the peninsula located? +How long was Chancellor Mark Nordenberg's $1-billion facilities plan? +What is melatonin? +In a hockey game, how many players per team are usually on the ice? +What President released a major report on gender equality? +In 2006, how much was spent on Homeless Assistance Grants? +Desert climate are due to? +What was named app of the year? +Other than decision problem of first-order logic, unsolvability of what problem was discussed by Alan Truing? +What is one of the most diverse small city in Britain? +Does precipitation increase or decrease with height? +Channels above what frequency manifest emission signals? +What percentage of gross domestic product did the finance and insurance industry account for in Connecticut in 2009? +What country is mentioned here as having difficult relations with adjoining countries due to slavery? +The MedScD degree is given based on what criteria? What is the full name of the former Chairman of the Supreme Military Junta of Ecuador? -Who was Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella? -What is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's paternal surname? -What is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's middle name? -What is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's second surname? -Where is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella from? -What portion is the Alava surname characterized by? -Where are these surnames generally located in Alava? -Why is "de" used with the second part of the Alava surname? -Where is Green Spain located? -What two cultures use two or more surnames? -Is it necessary for the surnames to be joined by hyphen? -How can a surname with a prefix be spelled? -There are two ways a surname can be spelled, how? -What is the anglicized way to spell a prefix? -What does an etymologist do? -What are the five categories used for surnames? -What given name has over 90 Italian surnames? -What is an example of a matronymic surname? -What is an example of a clan name? -What is an example of a patronymic surname? -In the United States, how many surnames cover 50% of the population? -What percentage of the population in the United States has the surname Smith? -1,712 surnames covers what percentage of the population in the United States? -What is the most frequent English name and an occupational surname -What system enforced the standardization of surnames in the United States? -In what areas is it the custom is for people to have two surnames? -How can one family member's relationship to another can be identified? -Where do both of the surnames originate from? -if José GARCÍA Torres and María) ACOSTA Gómez had a child named Pablo, what would his full name be? -In what country are the paternal and maternal surnames are often combined using y or i? -What language are the paternal and maternal surnames combined using y? -In what language are the paternal and maternal surnames are combined using i? -What region Spain would someone with the surname Dalí i Domènech be from? -In what country would a woman not change her legal surnames when she marries? -In what region would a married woman drop her mother's surname and add her husband's surname to her father's surname? -What preposition would a woman use to add her husband's surname to her father's surname? -What would be the legal name of a married woman drop her mother's surname and add her husband's surname to her father's surname? -From which parent do children take their surnames? -In Chile, what year was the law was changed to avoid stigmatizing illegitimate children with the maternal surname repeated? -In Spain, what year did the law allow parents to choose whether the father's or the mother's surname goes first for their children? -In what country did a 1995 reform in the law allow the parents to choose whether the father's or the mother's surname goes first for their children? -In 1973, what country changed the law of repeated maternal surnames to avoid stigmatizing illegitimate children? -What is a non-English occupational name for a tailor? -Where is the surname Vickers thought to come from? -Some English occupational names are thought to be from what type of plays? -What occupational names are believed to have derived from medieval mystery plays? -Until what century in French Canada did families adopt surnames in order to distinguish branches of their family? -What was a surname preceded by in French Canada? -What was the word that preceded a surname known as in French Canada? -What is the nom-dit of a family branch that lived near a city? -What in some instances often comes to replace the original family name? -What system does not use family names? -What will often be indicated by the first name of his or her father or mother in regards to that person as a child? -What is the other most common surname that belongs in the list with Hansen and Olsen, of Norway? -A person who has their last name indicated by their mother's first name is known as what? -The naming convention of parents names used in their child's name is shared by cultures such as that of Norway, Spain, Portugal and which other culture? -Where are location names thought to be derived from? -What element might describe a habitation name? -Types of Old English elements may be found in the second part of what kind of names? -Habitative elements may have different meanings according to what? -Besides enclosure, what might the Old English element tun mean? -Patronymic and family name are required parts of one's full name where? -What is the father's name of a Russian named Ivan Andreyevich Sergeyev? -What is the family name of a Russian named Ivan Andreyevich Sergeyev? -A similar naming convention system of that of the requiring of patronymic and family name is similar where? -What name is Portuguese for mountain? -The surnames London, Lisboa, and Bialystok are thought to have come from where? -Gorski is Polish for what word? -Where does the location name O Creachmhaoil come from? -A location name like Lucci could mean what? -One adopts the name of one of their parents where? -Which parent name is usually adopted by the child? -What is the parent name that is adopted by the child called? -How often do children adopt their mother's first name? -In Iceland, how would one refer to a person called Abraham Mesfin correctly? -Many Japanese surnames are thought to be derived from what? -What does Ishikawa mean? -What Japanese surname means the base of a mountain? -What does the Japanese surname Inoue mean? -In what convention are names followed by the father's name? -If a person's name is ben adam, what is their father's name according to the Hebrew patronymic naming convention? -What does Bar mean in Aramaic? -The name ben adam can also be described as what? -Arabic surnames sometimes depict what? -The surname Saddam Hussein al Tikriti might refer to what city? -Where is the city of Tikrit located? -Arabic names referring to a city of of origin is one component of the surname called what? -What countries other than Spain influence Argentina? -What is Argentina's primary language? -Where do combined names originate? -Are combined names common? -Which of the parents last names is commonly used by children? -Do state offices use only one name? -Why is using both last names practical? -What order for listing parents last name is common? -When was a law considered to change the order of last names? -Does Argentina use both last names? -What would the law change the last name order to? -Which countries use both parents last names? -Which country doesn't practice changing last names in marriage? -Does all of Chile refrain from changing last names? -Does the practice change after multiple marriages? -Do both spouses refrain from changing their names? -What is the traditional order for a child's surname order? -What are the requirements for a different surname order? -What happens if the traditional surname order is impossible? -Do children get to choose what surnames they use? -What one of three ways would you casually refer to Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella? -What would be a second way you would casually refer to Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella? -What would be a third way you would casually refer to Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella? -What part of Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's name would not be referred to as his surname alone? -Despite the fact that it is not a surname by itself, what part of Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's name is used as a surname by other people? -What is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's paternal surname? -What paternal surname would Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's children inherit? -What part of Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's surname would not be inherited by his children? -What is an example of a true compound surname? -Whose paternal surname would Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's children inherit as their second surname? -Hyphenation in of true compound surnames is common what sphere? -What started off as the maternal surname in Paz y Miño? -When did Miño become compounded? -What world is unfamiliar with compound surnames? -What would you do to a true compound surname to avoid ambiguity? -What is the smallest number of words that two or more compound surnames can be merged into? -What would members of the Pazmiño surname be related to? -What family do the Pazmiño and Paz y Miño descend from? -When was the Paz Miño family active? -What is an example of a merged surname? -Why do Eastern Asians reverse the order of their names? -Who also reverses the order their names for customary reasons? -What are two examples of Uralic people based on the passage? -What might have been a reason for the Samis not seeing any transformation of their names? -Why did the Samis start reversing their names? -Why do Eastern Asians reverse the order of their names? -Who also reverses the order their names for customary reasons? -What are two examples of Uralic people based on the passage? -What might have been a reason for the Samis not seeing any transformation of their names? -Why did the Samis start reversing their names? -What might an Indian surname denote? -What name is shown first on Indian passports? -What is one example of how the names are used in India? -Where in India do they use the surname before the given name? -Where in India is the use of two names not universal? -What might an Indian surname denote? -What name is shown first on Indian passports? -What is one example of how the names are used in India? -Where in India is the use of two names not universal? -Where in India do they use the surname before the given name? -What is the usual order of names in English for cataloging? -How are the names order in citations? -How are the names separated? -How are the items alphabetized? -In what situation does alphabetizing help? -What is the usual order of names in English for cataloging? -How are the names order in citations? -How are the names separated? -In what situation does alphabetizing help? +Prior to the 20th century, what were most reed's made from? +In 1340 what did Rotterdam grow into? +Besides corporations and private companies, who else has worked to have government services turned over to them? +tin reagents are useful in what kind of chemistry? +How many processes lead to air becoming saturated? +What movement is not defined by a set of shared axioms or methodologies? +Which group thought that Tito's pan-ethnic policies were anti-Serbian? +After how many years of work were indentured servants freed? +Who founded the Russian-American Company? +In which century did Colonial physicians introduce modern medicine in cities? +The HUD and the Department of Labor teamed up to create what initiative? +What is the dimension of Shumang lila stage in feet? +The sulfides of tin exist in what two oxidation states? +Tin scavenges what from PVC to prevent it from degrading? +What two things were changed in the new Language Control Panel? +What year was the law passed disallowing sitting and lying down on public sidewalks? +What sort of public figures might endanger a decentralized society? +When was Bronx County created by the state legislature? +All saxophones share the same what to produce a pitch? +What does precipitation deposit on the planet? +Who joined the Waterbury company? +What was the worth of received imports? +Which political group dominated the presidential republican wing in New England during the 195's? +What does the climate in the Andes create? +Where do bass lines most notably originate from? +What is not explicitly apart of the U.S.'s divisional political configuration? +Compare the likelihood that members vote against their party's in the House and Senate. +What is the only state to have a higher percentage of Italian Americans? +What is the name for collections of functions with the same domain and the same codomain? +What did Francis Hopkinson ask for as payment for designing the U.S. flag? +What prevents party members from frequently against their own party? +What part of an abandoned ship did miners live in when they came to the Gold Country of California? +Which Massachusetts preacher wanted to return to the Calvinist roots of the Pilgrims? +When was the game spread to colleges? +When did the complete re-evaluation of the Western value system take place? +Which field relies on multidisciplinary expertise in mathematics, mechanics, and materials science? +What solution does the Republican and Democrats both agree is the main priority? +What animal has been demonstrated to show empathy? +What is the name given to written Latin during the post-classical period? +Who made Istanbul part of the Roman Empire? +What effect occurs because glass lens are shaped into spherical surfaces? +What year was the battle of poljana fought in ? +Where was the final of the 2010 FIBA Championship held? +Can reliefs be diverse in their presentation? +In which year the Stewart B. McKinney Act was proposed? +What age group is more likely to be homeless? +What two things have some postmodern composers been influenced by? +How tall is the new World Trade Center building that was completed in 2014? +What does the Cochrane review suggest may be harmful to those with congestive heart failure? +What is the very important staple crop they have? +What is useful as a technique to reduce the number or inference rules or axiom schemas in deductive systems? +What percent of slaves did the South American colonies account for? +What is the goal of an engineer's structure? +What is the next set of courses student's are allowed to register for after bachelor courses? +In which countries did the hospitals appear after Egypt? +The British's fear of what country played a fear in the establishment of Georgia? +What is the name of the airport in Newark New Jersey? +Do all areas of the Baltic Sea freeze at different times of the year? +What did colonists in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island subdivide between farmers? +What does MacLeod mean? +In what year did the homeless population of New York reach it's all time high? How are the items alphabetized? -Where is it customary to have two surnames? -Who is Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero? -What is Jose's Luis' First surname? -What is Jose Luis' second surname? -What makes the surname the first surname? -Do many people confuse if the first surname denotes that father's family? -Is Rodriguez Zapatero one surname? -What does a child inherit as his or her surname? -What becomes the child's first surname? -What becomes the child's second surname? -What two famous people dropped their paternal surnames? -What portion of a Hispanic's name was usually dropped to fir into non-hispanic countries? -Why were surnames often dropped by Hispanic people? -Pablo Ruiz Picasso went by which surname? -Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero went by which surname? -What is the wife reffed to as? -Which two churches emphasize family structure? -In addition to family structure, what other thing did the churches emphasize? -What does "hermana" mean? -What is the new trend in the United States for Hispanic naming structures? -What common mistake is made by English speakers when it comes to Hispanic names? -Why do Hispanic's hyphenate thier parent's last names? -What would be the Hispanic correction for the name Esteban Alvarez Cobos when hyphenated? -Which code stated that both the legal and birth name are correct? -What country do women traditionally use thier husband's name after "de?" -What forms of identification use the complete name? -What does the term "de" refer to? -What name typically comes after "de?" -In the example, who did Eva Duarte Marry? -What full name would Eva go by after having married Juan Domingo Peron? -What does Evita mean? -What would be the preferred style of name should Eva Duarte and Juan Domingo Peron marry? -What is a synonym for "family name"? -What is surname in the western hemisphere synonymous with? -What is a surname? -Why in the western hemisphere is surname commonly used with last name? -How many last names are used in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries? -Where is the last name commonly placed Hungary? -Where is the last name commonly placed in China? -Where is the last name commonly placed in Japan? -Where is the last name commonly placed in Korea -What does forename mean? -What does mononym mean? -How common is it to have both a surname and forename in the world? -What else is common throughout the world when it comes to names? -Where did surname originate from in historical times? -What historical times did surname come from? -What was surname referred to in medieval times? -How far back does the practice of a surname go? -What would be done if a person had the same name in medieval times? -Where is it common to have surname in western cultures? -In the eastern side of the world where is surname commonly placed? -What is another name for personal or given name? -What Eastern Asian cultural spheres place their surnames first? -What European country places their surname first? -Where is it common to have surname in western cultures? -In the eastern side of the world where is surname commonly placed? -What is another name for personal or given name? -What Eastern Asian cultural spheres place their surnames first? -What European country places their surname first? -Where is it common to have surname in western cultures? -What is another name for personal or given name? -In the eastern side of the world where is surname commonly placed? -What European country places their surname first? -What Eastern Asian cultural spheres place their surnames first? -Which Windows XP edition was designed for consumers? -When did mainstream support for Win XP stop? -Which Windows XP edition was designed for business and power users? -When did extended support for Win XP stop? -Which Win XP edition was designed for mobile devices users? -In what two editions was Windows XP marketed in? -Who were the target users that the Professional edition was marketed towards?> -What edition was later added to the Home and Professional editions? -What edition of Windows was designed for mobile devices? -In what year did mainstream support for Windows XP end? -When was Windows introduced? -What are GUIs? -Which OS did Windows overtake? -What is the most popular smartphone OS? -What is the most popular OS across all platforms? -When was the first Windows model designed? -Who designed the first Windows model? -When was Windows 1.0 released? -What was the shell of Windows 1.0 known as? -Windows 1.0 does not allow what? -Early Windows versions are thought of as what? -What did early versions run on top of? +What decision did the Fed make regarding interest rates in the U.S. in 2015, December? +How did many merchants become wealthy? +What kind of predicate symbol is evoked into the single-sorted theory in case of the many-sorted theory? +When was the sales tax exemption for clothing less than $50 reversed? +Who's reforms caused economic liberalisation and made China one of the fastest growing economies? +The state is also known as what subdivision of the United States? +What is the purpose of the HEARTH Act? +Where were temporary classes held while a new building was constructed on Duquesne Way? +Tin fluoride has been shown to treat what condition of the gums? +When did the University of Pittsburgh adopt the panther as a mascot? +What perceived international trend did the Cornell project identify? +When playing ice hockey, at what speeds are players moving? What did early versions use MS-DOS for? -Users could use multiple graphical applications at once through what process? -Resources were thrown away when what happened? -When was Windows 3.0 released? -How many copies were sold in the first 6 months? -Which version was the first to receive broad commercial success? -What mode could Windows 3.0 applications be run in? -What did apps running in protected mode have access to? -When was Windows 95 released? -How many OEM service releases did Microsoft publish? -When did extended support for Windows 95 end? -What did Windows 95 introduce support for? -Program manager was replaced with what? -What operating system was released in 1998? -What operating system added Windows Media Player 6.2? -Internet Explorer 5.0 was released with what operating system? -When did all support for Windows 98 cease? -What was the last DOS based Windows version? -Windows ME ysed visual interface enhenacements from what OS? -Windows ME included framework to access photos from scanners and what other device? -PC World magazine rated what as the 4th worst tech product of all time? -Who rated Windows ME as one of the worst operating systems of all time? -Where does one go to change the language in Windows? -Do you have to install language components manually in Windows? -What languages might need to be installed manually in Windows XP? -What should you use if you don't like the way Windows inputs text in a particular language? -Where do you go to add Chinese in Windows XP? -Where can the language of Windows be changed? -What kind of support is built into Windows? -When are all of the multilingual support compenents installed in Windows? -What can be installed additionally if Windows does have the needed multilingual files? -What two things can be changed to suit the users needs when it comes to multilingual support? -What are the components for languages called? -How much does one pay for an interface language in Windows? -What version of Windows do you need to use an LIP? -What does a Full Language Pack do? -Where does one get a Full Language Pack? -What are redistributable and available for download from Microsoft if the user chooses? -What versions of windows are compatible with the language packs? -What versions of the language packs are only compatible with select versions of windows? -Where can these special language packs be obtained if not through the download center? -Which windows version does not support Windows Update service language pack downloads? -What OS first included support for the PowerPC framework? -Windows NT 4.0 came out in what year? -What was the original Windows NT OS known as? -What OS brought a redone version of the Windows 95 layout to the NT OS? -What company developed NT OS/2? -What is the 32-bit port of the Windows API called? -How was WIN32 like other Windows APIs? -The release of what OS led the NT development to rework the project? -in what versions of Windows could you first change the interface and input language at the same time? -In what version of Windows can you not install a language pack? -Where is this found in Windows 8.1? -When you change the interface language, what happens in apps like Mail? -For whom is the Single Language version of Windows designed? -Which versions of Windows introduced a new language Control Panel for users? -What two things were changed in the new Language Control Panel? -Which app in Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 included a counterpart setting? -Changing the interface language of Windows also affects which three pre-installed Window's apps? -What OS first included Internet Explorer version 6? -What OS came out in October 2001? -Windows XP was based on what operating system? -What Microsoft OS introduced a remote assistance function? -Who was the Windows 9x operating systems intended to be used by? -In what year was Windows Vista released for consumers? -In what year was Windows Vista released for volume licensing? -What was a particular focus of the technical changes added to Windows Vista? -What is the server counterpart of Windows Vista? -When was Windows Server released? -In what year was Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 released as RTM? -What was the predecessor to Windows 7? -In what manner of upgrade was Windows 7 intended to implement the Windows line? -What type of support for touch does Windows 7 have? -What is the name of the home networking system included in Windows 7? -In what year was Windows 8 released generally? -What design language was the user interface of Windows 8 designed around? -What types of devices did Microsoft's Metro design language optimize for? -What services did the new release of Windows 8 allow for increased integration in? -What did Windows 8 use for software distribution? -What was announced as the successor to Windows 8.1? -In what year was Windows 10 released? -What particular shortcomings in Windows 8 was Windows 10 intended to address? -In what year was Windows 10 announced? -What versions of Windows were said to be qualified to update to Windows 10? -How often is the OS updated? -What was the nickname given to the Xbox One software? -What does the Xbox One use for updates? -Can the Xbox One play Xbox 360 games? -Can the Xbox One be updated while not online? -What does Microsoft use to distribute patches? -How often does Microsoft publish updates? -When did automatic updates become available? -What was installed faster because of automatic updates? -What does Windows NT protect? -What type of account is made for the first user? -Why did most users operate an administrator account? -What ruined the idea of a multi-user operating system? -What did Vista feature that fixed the administrator account issue? -What needs to be clicked for an application to have full privileges? -What do programs start in initially? -How does a program start the process to get full privileges? -Which version of Windows started using a permission based file system? -What is a convenient feature of the AGLP/AGDLP/AGUDLP process? -What process allows for some static permissions to be assigned to users? -What systems use a static permission setup? -What was released in January of 2005? -What was Microsoft AntiSpyware inspired by? -What was Microsoft AntiSpyware renamed to? -What was Windows Defender merged with? -Other than Windows Defender, what does Microsoft Offer for security? -Who conducted a study in 2004 that timed how long before infection? -What countermeasures are recommended to protect Windows? -Who found that 80% of Windows users were infected? -What software only lasted 4 minutes before being infected? -What software was not compromised in the study? -Which version of Windows included support for several different platforms before the introduction of x86 based pc's? -Windows NT supported what platforms? -Which version of Windows dropped support some of the Windows NT platforms? -What client line does Windows NT still run on? -What bit rate was Windows NT able to support? -What was the last version of Windows that was able to support Itanium? -New versions of Windows were released to support what new architecture? -What is the abbreviate for the Intel Itanium Architecture? -What year was Windows XP 64-bit Edition released? -What is the last server edition of Windows to support IA-64? -The "pioneer crops" were named by who? -According to Hillman and Davies, how long would domestication of these crops take? -What is the main challenge with wild lentils? -Zohary preferred what number of domestication events? -Daniel Zohary highlighted the importance of what? -10000-9000 BP is when what became widespread in Southwest Asia? -Varied geographical areas were within what region? -What are the three cereals? -What type of climate favored plants with large seeds? -What region are the three cereals from? -Large quantities of seeds where found where? -Ohalo II is near what sea? -Ohalo II is dated to when? -The oldest site of agriculture is what? -Wheat at the oldest site was dated by Willem van Zeist and who else? -the domestication center for foxtail and broomcorn millet was where? -Soybean was domesticated in northern china about how long ago? -Rice was domesticated in what region of China? -Oranges and peaches where cultivated when? -Where were millet species widely cultivated? -How many areas on Africa have differently developing agriculture? -Early Egypt and Mechian cultures had crop economies around what time? -This evidence appears as what because of the sites being abandoned? -Name the independent agricultural areas on Africa. -The Nile River Valley developed agriculture from what event? -What was the main type of society which preceeded the Noelithic Revolutions? -The Neolithic Revolution included the adoption of techniques designed to produce what? -The Neolithic revolution resulted in the departure of a nomadic lifestyle, and the settling down into what? -Neolithic societies modified their natural enviornments to achieve what? -In terms of the Neolithic Revolution, what does the term sedentary mean? -What did Neolithic societies do to modify their natural environment? -What did modifying the natural environment provide for these societies? -What did Neolithic societies radically modify? -What does depersonalized systems of knowledge mean in Neolithic societies? -What was needed for property ownership? -What led to hierarchical societies, class struggle and armies? -Where is the first fully developed manifestation of the entire Neolithic complex seen? -The manifestation of Neolithic complex began which age? -Where are the sites of the earliest developments of the Neolithic Revolution? -The earliest signs of the Neolithic Revolution began when? -What is one thing the Neolithic Revolution inspired? -What is one school subject that was inspired by the Neolithic Revolution? -Where was the Neolithic Revolution found from 10,000 to 8,0000 BC? -Which region of the Neolithic Revolution is believed to be the most important? -Where was the transition from hunter-gatherer to agriculturist considered region-specific? -What region was the Neolithic Revolution evident in 2500 BC? -Transition from hunter- gatherer way of life was moved to what? -What became prominent when humans gained momentum in agriculture? -What types of plants were not gathered at harvest? -Cereal grasses began with what? -What types of plants were selected for harvesting? -What types of plants were seen as undesirable? -When was maize first domesticated in Mesoamerica? -Where were potatoes domesticated? -In what general area is the Guilá Naquitz cave located? -What was sedentary village life based on? -What is the second millennium BC also referred to as? -What does the evidence of drainage ditches at Kuk Swamp show evidence of? -How old are these drainage ditches estimated to date back to? -Where was the cultivation of crops such as bananas and sugarcane more favorable? -What is suggested as being the earliest cultivated crop in the world? -Who suggested that New Guinea and the surrounding areas of Indonesia were a center of early agriculture? -What lead it being more beneficial to keep animals close by? -What characteristics of an animal effected the desire for them to be domesticated? -What was a renewable source of protein produced by cows and goats? -What things could domesticated animals provide besides food? -Where were dogs first domesticated? -What animal was the Middle East the first to domesticate? -Who discovered and termed the Shepherd Neolithic flint industry? -What did Henri Fleisch suggest about the Shepherd Neolithic flint industry? -What forced many farmers to leave the Middle East? -Where did plant and animal domestication spread from the Fertile Crescent to? -Why is it theorized that the life expectancy of Neolithic populations shorter than that of hunter-gatherers? -How long are hunter-gatherers estimated to have had to work to gather enough food for a week? -Did the hunter-gatherers or the Neolithic populations have a more varied and balance diet? -What initially happened to the average height after agriculture? -When did the average human height come back to pre-Neolithic revolution averages? -What was a result of agriculture and food production? -What element of agriculture allowed for a social elite to develop? -What allowed parents to raise more children concurrently? -What happened to population when agriculture was introduced? -Agriculture created a by product of larger societies which in turn then created what? -What was able to provide work energy for accomplishing agricultural tasks? -What animal was domesticated in early agricultural times? -As people started to live in one place, what did people start to collect? -Stockpiling of food allowed for survival and expanded what activity? -When food was secured, who was able to spend time on other endeavors? -What began to spread when people started to settle into non-nomadic societies? -Influenza, smallpox and measles were all spread between humans and what? -What humans first developed immunities to diseases spread by animals? -What amount of early Americans were killed by European and African diseases? -What culture domesticated the llama? -What two groups shared temperate climate environments? -What type of society does not move from place to place? -East Asians and Europeans were among the first cultures to develop which weapons? -What is a disease that humans developed an early resistance against? -What continental mass had its central region exposed to easy attacks? -When the Neolithic culture dispersed to the Middle East, what was spread with this action? -What is the source of E1b1a? -What marker was dispersed with farming in Africa? -From where did Haplogroup J arrive to Europe? -What marker was spread into Europe by way of North Africa? -What is Kauai's average annual rainfall? -What time of year is Kauai most prone to rain storms? -In which topographical region is Kona? +About how many rivers flow into the Baltic Sea? +Who led independence forces in the war with the French? +What happened during the time between 2000 and 2011 for all workers ages 20 to 54? +Which team won the first tournament? +What family do the Pazmiño and Paz y Miño descend from? +What style and techniques is high relief similar to? +Distance units are decided by defining what? +What portion of all district council members represent their districts in the Municipal Council? +who is responsible for engineering and analysis? +What medical school does Philippines have? +What would the programmer do if he/she wanted the constructor to be able to accept only the color parameter? +What percentage of the Manhattan vote did George Bush receive? +What did agricultural profits from the Americas help fuel? +What would members of the Pazmiño surname be related to? +Which is the oldest museum in the UK? A windward side of the island receives more or less rainfall than leeward sides? -On which island will you find Mount Wai'ale'ale? -What kind of cyclone can see winds exceeding 119km/h? -What are extratropical cyclones sometimes called in Europe? -What can result when moist air tries to expel a mass of arctic air? -Which direction does poleward refer to in the Northern Hemisphere? -What happens to the frontal boundary of air as it cools? -What can result when cold air crosses bodies of warm water? -The rate of precipitation increases when a cloud becomes what? -Vertical clouds can result in what form of precipitation? -Lakes can store heat levels that are different between the water surface and what? -What does a tourism mean when they say green season? -Where might you find rainfall that is relatively unchanged during the year? -Wet summers and arid winters are aspects of what type of climate? -If you wanted to stay dry, what time of day would you go outdoors during the summer wet season? -What effects are found before first harvest in populations of developing countries? -Where is low pressure located in the air mass of tropical cyclones? -In the southern hemisphere, in what direction do cyclone winds blow? -How much rainfall can a tropical cyclone bring to a dry region? -The massive air masses of tropical cyclones can be several hundred what? -what grassland biome is located in a semi-humid climate? -Between what two latitudes do humid subtropical climates fall? -what is the minimum annual rainfall required to classify an area as a rain forest? -How much rainfall is usually recorded in tropical savanna regions? -what is a dry grassland known as? -what climates feature year round cold and continuous permafrost with little precipitation? -oceanic climates and found in along which coastlines? -oceanic climates border what kind of oceans? -what is the most effective means of watering agriculture? -what kills crops and increases erosion? -overly wet weather can lead to what infestation? -what do all plants need to survive? -precipitation has increased over the land north of 30 degrees north since what year? -The United states has seen an increase in precipitation annually since 1900 by how much on average? -precipitation has decreased in the tropics since when? -what climate region of the united states has seen the greatest increase in precipitation? -what was the only state to show a decrease in precipitation since 1900? -How much does the urban heat island warm cities? -More upward motion can lead to an increase in what weather phenomenon? -How much are rainfall rates affected in areas downwind of cities? -how much higher does rainfall increase at 32 to 64 kilometers downwind of cities monthly? -What does the abbreviation QPF stand for? -what kind of forecasts show higher skill than model forecasting? -what kind of models were used in the late 1990s with QPFs to simulate impact to rivers? -what two ways are used to verify forecast? -Which region of the world has the highest average precipitation? -The Intertropical Convergence Zone is what branch of the Hadley cell? -The snowiest peaks in the USA are found in which mountain range? -The Himalayas are located on what continent? -Which country in South America features the wettest places on Earth? -What causes Hawaii to be one of the wettest places on Earth? -In what country near the equator are the mountainous regions considered to be one of the wettest places on Earth? -What region outside topography receives the highest amount of precipitation? -What is the Intertropical Convergence Zone an ascending branch of? -What mountain chain in North America is the wettest and snowiest? -What is the standard tool used to measure rainfall or snowfall? -What material are 100mm (4 inch) rain gauges made of? -What material are 200mm (8 inch) rain gauges made of? -How much rain does the inner cylinder of a standard rain gauge hold? -In which cylinder of a standard rain gauge is snow collected? -Which type of rain gauge is the cheapest and most fragile? -What two types of rain gauges are least successful when measuring snowfall? -What will effect the accuracy of a rain gauge made at home using a cylindrical can? -What can happen to the snow in a tipping bucket gauge if the gauge is kept much above freezing? -What needs to be removed from a weighing gauge before snowfall occurs? -What are hydrometeors? -What type of precipitation evaporates before reaching the ground? -What types of precipitation are made up of hydrometeors? -For what type of measurement are hydrometeors relevant? -How many categories of satellite sensors used for precipitation are there? -What type of cloud tops are typically more vigorous? -Where do colder clouds typically occur? -What do thermal infrared sensors primarily measure? -In what way are cloud-top temperatures and cloud-top heights related? -What forms when tiny supercooled cloud droplets freeze? -In what type of environment does a snow crystal grow? -What is the process of ice crystals growing in size at the expense of the surrounding water droplets called? -What does the Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process result of depletion of water vapor cause the droplet to do? -Why do the large ice crystals fall through the atmosphere? -What is created when miniture cloud droplets become frozen? -Why are crystals able to grow so much? -What is the term for when frozen crystals grow to be hundreds of micrometers? -The worlds largest snowflake was found in what state? -What form do most ice crystals that fall to ground are? -What causes the ice crystals to appear white in color? -At what temperature do snowflakes form in threefold symmetry? -What is the shape of a snowflake determined by in broad terms? -What is another name for threefold symmetrical snowflakes? -What is the METAR code for snow? -When rain happens at intense yet short intervals in scattered locations what is it called? -What are the main forms of precipitation? -What two suspensions are not actually precipitation? -According to meteorology what is precipitation? -What two things cause the air to become saturated? -How many processes lead to air becoming saturated? -What are short periods of rain in scattered locations called? -What are two types of suspensions? -What force causes water vapor to fall in precipitation? -What do small droplets of water collide with in a cloud to form precipitation? -What is responsible for depositing fresh water on the planet? -How much water falls each year? -How much of that falls over the oceans compared to land? -The global averaged annual precipitation is 39 in, how much of that falls over land? -What is precipitation a major component of? -What does precipitation deposit on the planet? -How much precipitation falls each year? -Does more precipitation occur over oceans or land? -What is one type of climate classification system used to determine different climate regions? -What brings rain to the savannah climes? -How is thundersnow possible? -What causes heavy precipitation in mountain areas? -Desert climate are due to? -What is one major method of precipitation production? -What type of clouds does precipitation fall from? -What type of climate can exist on the leeward side of mountains? -What type of motion is required for precipitation to occur? -Where is thundersnow possible? -What are some of the mechanisms that produce precipitation? -What does the convective process involve? -What does the Stratiform process involve? +Who provided the land on which Providence Plantation was founded? +Raising what would allow households to spend more? +What paradox is involved in the application of Lowenheim-Skolem theorem to first-order set theories? +Peterson and Seligman claim that what prevails across all cultures? +A location name like Lucci could mean what? +What time period were the Martis people of Paleo-Indians in northcentral Sierra Nevada? +What category of instrument do the saxophone family of instruments fall under?? +How much has it increased in the last decade? +What was the state known for? +How many members of the United Church of Christ are in Connecticut? +What is the name of a foreign high school established in the 19th century? +When did the title of the newspaper change to the Independent Observer? +What is the beat per minute interval of the earliest forms of drum and bass? +What is the name of the travel way that Istanbul sit on? +The 50 states combined comprise what larger entity? +What was the first alloy used on a large scale? +What king wrote the proclamation that the game of hockey was believed to be mentioned in? +What pattern of politics might grow out of control? What are the three categories of precipitation? -What are the frozen forms of precipitation? -What are two types of liquid precipitation? -How many categories of precipitation are there? -What type of precipitation is snow? -What are three mechanisms that can produce precipitation? -What type of motion is required during convective processes? -What is the approximate frequency range for the microwave area of the electromagnetic spectrum? -Channels above what frequency manifest emission signals? -What is the relationship between liquid and amount of energy released? -What are two examples of satellite systems that utilize microwave sensors? -When are the conditions optimal for the use of IR methods? -Where in the world might IR be less practical to use? -On what satellites may a microwave sensor be equipped? -What is a typical interval of time between observations when using low orbit satellites? -In what climate region of the earth are IR methods most useful? -How long do good analyses of gauge data typically take? -What would not be a good circumstance for gauge data driven estimates? -What is an example of an expedient estimate method for studying precipitation? -What seems to be the consensus of the extant multi-satellite studies? -How would one define the return period? -How are storm intensities typically predicted? -What level of rarity would be assigned to a 1 in 100 storm? -What two pieces of information are input to make a storm intensity forecast? -How are Koppen classification areas typically defined? -Wha letters does the labeling of Koppen classification span? -What would a "C" designation of the Koppen classification signify? -What would a "D" designation of the Koppen classification suggest? -What is one example of a secondary Koppen classification label? -What is the definition of straitform? -The air mass of a weather front becoming dryer can result in what happening? -Occluded fronts are usually generated in what areas? -Percipitatiion on the planet Mars most likely is in what form? -Showery percipitation is also known as what? -What kind of clouds are cumulus congestus? -Why is the period that convective percipitation drops usually brief? -Cold fronts and warm fronts are examples of what? -The majority of tropical percipitation is what kind? -Where on the mountain does orographic precipiitation usually happen? -WHat is the reason for orographic precipitation happening? -What side of the mountain is usually the wettest? -Orographic lift causes what to happen? -The temperature at which air becomes saturated is called what? -On what type of particle does water vapour typically begin to condense? -What are three types of condensation nuclei? -What type of cloud deck is formed when cool air is trapped under warm air? -What are two types of cloud decks that are formed by lift due to frontal zone forces? -How many different main mechanisms are there for cooling air? -What type of cooling happens when air rises and expands? -What type of cooling occurs when the air comes into contact with cold surfaces? -What is it called when cooling happens because of the emission of infrared radiation? -What kind of cooling happens when moisture is added to the air due to evaporation? -What happens when droplets of water fuse and become larger or when they freeze? -When droplets freeze and form ice crystal what is that called? -What happens when air turbulence causes droplets to collide? -When coalescence continues and drops become heavy enough to overcome air resistance? -How large is the fall rate of very small water droplets? -What size are raindrops? -What happens when drops get larger than 9 millimetres? -What are smaller drop masses called? -When the size of raindrops enlarge what shape do they take? -Of what size are raindrops associated with melting hail? -What forms when a layer of above freezing air is sandwiched between layers of sub-freezing air? -what happens if sub freezing air is layered too thinly below falling precipitation doesn't give time to refreeze? What happens when snowflakes fall through a warm air layer? -What is most likely to be found in advance of a warm front during a cold season? -What happens when snowflakes fall through a warm layer of air? -What forms in clouds when supercooled water droplets freeze on contact with condensation nuclei (Like dust/dirt)? -To which part of a cloud is hail blown into? -What is the minimum size of hail? -From what French word is GR derived? -What is it called when hail gets larger as the liquid outer shell of hail collects other smaller hailstones? -When did the British begin sending large quantities of arms to Yugoslavia? -What organization took on the role of Yugoslav wartime deliberative assembly? -Who led the UNOF coalition? -Besides fighting occupying forces, what was the other objective of the UNOF coalition? -What does KPJ stand for within the context of Yugoslavia? -What was the movement that the Partisans were part of, on the military side? -Who was in charge of the UNOF? -What was the name of the Yugoslav wartime deliberative assembly? -When did British supplies start to arrive to help the AVNNOJ? -What group wanted to perform an ethnic cleansing of non-Serbs from what they considered to be Serbian territories? -Where did the April 1942 murders of Muslim women and children occur? -What group of people were persecuted by the Partisan forces? -What month and year marked the start of the conflict between the Chetnik's and the Partisan forces? -What was the name of the group working to preserve the Yugoslav monarchy? -Which group thought that Tito's pan-ethnic policies were anti-Serbian? -Which group had their Muslim and Croat commanders' names changed to protect them? -When did the full-scale war start between the Chetniks and Partisan groups? -What was the name of the group working to preserve the Yugoslav monarchy? -When did the full-scale war start between the Chetniks and Partisan groups? -Which group thought that Tito's pan-ethnic policies were anti-Serbian? -Which group had their Muslim and Croat commanders' names changed to protect them? -Who was killed at Gala? -What group did the Chetnik seek to ethnically cleanse? -What group called for unity among different ethnicities and religions? -What was the main ethnic group among the Yugoslav Partisans? -Italians and Chetniks engaged in criminal acts together where? -Which of Mussolini's ideas led to militarization among certain groups? -When did many Croatians begin to join the Partisans? -What Croatian group harassed the Serbian people? -Where did the Jews who wanted to be Partisans come from? -What group had had trouble joining the Partisans consistently? -Muslims who were mistreated by the Partisans thought that they were no different than what other group? -The Romanija Mountains are apparently close to what city? -Which mountain area had a particularly diverse group of Partisans? -What was the local name for the Croatian Parliament? -How many times did ZAVNOH meet? -When was ZAVNOH created? -Croatian Partisans recruited many people of what religion? -ZAVNOH was associated with what country? -Who coined the phrase "Croatian miracle"? -What group was Božidar Magovac initially associated with? -Croatian Partisans actually became majority Croatian by when? -Groups of Croatian Partisans in 1941 were mainly formed of people of what ethnicity? -Partisan demographics continued to change after which country surrendered? -Who garnered the support of the local population? -How many local inhabitants did the Germans shoot to avenge death of one German soldier? -Who besides the Germans was terrorizing the local population? -Did Croatia maintain an independent government during the war? -Was the country able to maintain law and order during this time? -What did the Partisans form on August 10th? -What was the Miners Republic? -How many Partisan fighters managed to escape to Bosnia from Serbia and Montenegro? +What are the modern reproductions of "the horn" decorated with? What was the name of the 1st regular Partisan military unit formed in 1941? -How many soldiers did the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia have by 1942? -What were the most important factors that determined the support for the Partisan movement? -Was the uprising in Serbia successful? -What act revived the Partisan movement in Serbia. -Who led the Partisan uprising in Serbia? -Where did first Partisan uprising occur? -What did Partisans stage? -Were Partisan forces well armed? -Which territory did the Partisans increasingly control? -How did the Partisans manage the territory they controlled? -What kind of industry was set up by the communists? -Who infiltrated Partisans and Chetniks? -Who won the power struggle between Tito's Partisans and the chetniks? -What was the name of the German Fifth anti-Partisan offensive? -What provided primary influence on Allied Strategy in Yugoslavia? -In the repatriation at Bleiburg, where did the Armed Forces of the Independent State of Croatia retreat to surrender? -What is another name that has been given to the repatriations at Bleiburg? -Who were killed in the foibe massacres? -Who were targeted in killings in Backa? -When did the killings in Backa take place? -What was the motto the Partisans were using in regard to their ideal for the Yugoslav nations? -Around how many died in Yugoslavia during the Axis occupation? -Around how many were killed in the partisan purges? -At least how many where killed in the Bleiburg killings? -Who is the author of Croatia: a Nation Forged in War. -From which defeated army did the Partisans acquire their first small arms? -Who were the main forces from which the Partisans captured their weapons? -What were the main types of weapons the Partisan were able to capture? -What two forces supplied the Partisans with weapons? -What weapons did the Partisan workshops create for themselves? -How many supporters did the Yugoslav National Liberation Movement claim? -How many women were in the Antifascist Front of Women (AFZ)? -What entities did the AFZ manage? -How many men served in Tito's Yugoslav National Liberation Army? -What imagery did Tito's Yugoslav National Liberation Army use to attract the partizanka? -What country shared Slovenia's experience of being trisected in WWII? -What happened to only Slovenia in WWII? -How did Slovenia emphasize its defence of its ethnic identity? -What countries absorbed and annexed Slovenia? -Who is a famous writer whose name was used for the troops? -What did Greece undergo in WWII? -What did Slovenia undergo in WWII? -What movement did Solvene support? -What emphasized the defence of the Slovene ethnic identity? -What sets the example of defence of ethnic identity? -How was the Partisan force at teh beginning? -What experience did the Spanish Civial War veterans have? -What kind of platform was the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation? -When was the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation established? -Where was the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation established? -When was the Supreme Plenum of Liberation Front active until? -How many members did the Liberation front plenum had on October 3rd 1943? -Who was the body of the Slovenian Liberation Front? -What was considered the first Slovene elected parliament by some historians? -What was the Liberation Front Plenum later renamed to as? -What was the commending language of the Slovene Partisans before the last month of WWII? -When was the Triglavka cap worn? -What replaced the Triglavka cap? -Who did the Slovene Partisan Units merge with? -When did the merge happen? -When was the Triglavka cap worn? -What was the commending language of the Slovene Partisans before the last month of WWII? -What replaced the Triglavka cap? -Who did the Slovene Partisan Units merge with? -When did the merge happen? -Who were responsible for the successful and sustained evacuation of downed Allied airmen? -What was the downed Allied airmen evacuated from? -How many American Airmen were airlifted from Yugoslavia between 1 January and 15 October 1944? -How many of those American Airmen were airlifted with the help of the Partisan? -How many of those American Airmen were airlifted with the help of the Chetniks? -Who were aggressive in battling the Germans? -How did the German army travel from Russia? -When did Churchill gave the order for Maclean to join the Partisans near Drvar? -Who suffered casualties and needed support? -German army were intercepted by whom? -what was one of the important observatioins ? -What year was churchills request? -what was another one of the important observatioins ? -who received the bulk of the support -What settlement in Slovenia were many escaped Allied soldiers airlifted from? -Who did the Yugoslav Partisans assist in escaping from German POW camps? -What country did escaped Allied soldiers pass though on their way to Bari in Italy? -Who assisted Allied soldiers that escaped from German POW camps before reaching Yugoslav Partisans? -In what year did the British military mission in Slovenia report seeing a steady trickle of escapees from German POW camps? -Who assisted Allied soldiers in escaping German POW camps? -What country did some Allied soldiers go through on boat to get to Bari Italy? -Where were most of the German POW camps located? -What Allied country went to Slovenia and saw that more allied soldiers were escaping German POW camps? -Who assisted the Partisans with free allied solider from German POW camps -What was the name of the operation that gave support to Partisans in 1944? -Where did the Partisans started the fight? -In what date was Belgrade liberated with the help of Red Army? -When did the Partisans controlled important parts of Yugoslavia, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro? -How was called the operation that liberated Belgrade? -What was the allied support called? -Who else assisted in the allied support? -What year was the allied support in ? -who was there attention toward ? -In what year did the Partisans defeated the Armed Forces? -How many partisans joined the fight against Armed Forces in 1945? -What was "the last battle of Wold War Two in Europe"? -When did the Battle of Poljana ended? -When was Sarajevo tales by Partisans? -How many were numbering in 1945 for armed forces? -what was the last battle of the war two in europe called? -Who was the battle of poljana fought by? -What year was the battle of poljana fought in ? -How many Allied prisoners were rescued by the Yugoslav Partisans in a single operation in August 1944? -What was the name of the Yugoslav Partisans operation that rescued over 100 Allied prisoners from the Germans in August 1944 called? -In June 1944 the Yugoslav Partisans began to focus on helping prisoners escape from camps in the southern part of what country? +What did Morgenstern mean? +Latin legal principals have stood the test of time in what form? +What neighborhood is the university in? +What is being demanded? +What was Latin deprived from? +What have London pirate radio stations been instrumental in? +What values did David Hume call superstitious? +how many were lethal? +What is the capitol of Turkey? +In 1817 which party gained control? +What was the main event at the competitions organized by Sir Francis Nicholson? +water purification and waste water disposal are targets for decentralization because of what? +What does AHAR stand for? +How many members are in the facebook-coordinated volunteer group, H.O.P.E.? +How do you obtain Tin? +How many days did the New York Draft Riots last? +Who are the main rivals of The Sunday Times? +The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? +What protection does a player wear on his head/face? +Which two people orchestrated the Connecticut Compromise? +When was the final Ottoman sultan exiled? +What is another name for adipocyte? +What are considered the "central objects of investigation" in most fields of mathematics? +Where is most of the world's tin traded? +What year do most agree feminism began? +What were at record levels during 2012? +How many cubmic meters of water did the Kırkçeşme water supply network provide? +When did Turk Telekom come into existence? +Who is the current moderate Republican of Maine? Where was the German prison camp called Stalag XVIII-D located? -How many prisoners were rescued in a mission in August of 1944 -What was the name of the organization that found camps were poorly guarded in which made the raid of Ozbalt possible? -What was the mission called that rescued POWs in August of 1944 -How many POW were transported from Stalag XVIII-D to Ozbalt everyday for railway maintenance work? -How many POWs snuck out of the camp at the end of August -When did the naval forces of resistance were formed? -What was the first naval unit formed from? -How many ships did the partisans Navy had? -How many men did the Partisans detached on the islands? -When were the first four Marine Coastal Sectors were organized? -when was naval forces of resistance ? -who were the first naval unit of fishing boats made? -How many support ships were present ? -how many patrol ships were present ? -how many armed ships were present ? -How many Partisan soldiers did the escapees from the camp show up with the next day to free the rest? -How many guards did they disarm during the mission? -How many prisoners were freed and made it to first headquarters camp? -How many prisoners were lost during the trek back through the evacuation route? -Where was the Partisan base located to which the escapees went to after they were rescued? -What was one of the countries that were liberated by its own forces during WWII? -What Air Force also contributed to helping Yugoslavia in 1944? -Who did Yugoslavia receive assistance from during the liberation of Serbia? -Who gave limited assistance to Yugoslavia during the war? -How many troops were stationed on Yugoslavia's soil after the war ended? -What did the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia disagree on after the war? -What was the result of the disagreements with foreign policy? -What prevented Yugoslavia from getting into NATO in 1953? -What was the Trieste crisis? -When did the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia come to terms? -In what year did the Partisan's become the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia? -What is the name most associated with the Partisans' during the war? -What were the proletarian brigades and other mobile unites called? -What is the Yugoslavian name for the National Liberation Army? -When was Yugoslavia invaded by Axis powers? -How long did the initial invasion last? -What city did the Luftwaffe bomb? -What ended the invasion? -Why were the Royal Yugoslav Army defeated so quickly? -What part of Yugoslavia did Germany occupy? -What did Mussolini rename the portion of Yugoslavia that Italy occupied? -What was the name of the puppet state controlled by the Germans? -What did Hungary dispatch to occupy part of Serbian Vojvodina? -Which country annexed Macedonia? -what year did partisans gain an effective air force? -why were they short lived? -what does baf stand for -how many bipalnes were there ? -What is the lowest point at the crest near Lake Tahoe in terms of feet? -What is the state that Mount Humphreys is close to? -What is the name of the location of the highest point in the contiguous United States? -What park is the location for the highest peak of the mountains in the Sierra Nevada? -How many meters tall is Mount Whitney? -What region can the oldest rocks of the Sierra Nevada be found? -What era are the metamorphic roof pendants rocks from? -What location is granite most prominent in? -What was the name of the collision that raised a chain of volcanoes? -Where is the source for much of the sedimentary rock in California? -What is the time frame when the plutons were formed? -What formed at the edge of the continent in the Cretaceous? -What location in the Sierra did the later plutons form? -What is another term for the plumes that rose in the deep underground? -Where in the Sierra did the earlier plumes form? -What type of climate of California influences the climate of the Sierra Nevada? -What kind of precipitation is found in locations that are above 1,800 m? -How much rain do the areas in the rain shadow receive per year? -What elevations of the Sierra would have an alpine climate? -What period are afternoon thunderstorms especially common? -What is the Sierra Nevada snowpack a a significant source of for California? -What century were the reservoirs built in the canyons of the Sierra? -What distributes Sierra water throughout the state? -What is the reason that Nevada is the driest state in the United States? -What two things does the rain shadow affect in the central Great Basin? -What has happened to many airplanes in the Sierra Nevada? -What are some causes of the atmospheric conditions that are caused by the geography of the Sierra Nevada? -Name two reasons that airplanes tend to crash in the Sierra Nevada? -What term is given to the three regions of Reno, Nevada; Fresno, California; and Las Vegas Nevada combined? -Approximately how many crashes have been counted in the Nevada Triangle? -What time period were the Martis people of Paleo-Indians in northcentral Sierra Nevada? -Were California and Sierra Native American tribes have many disputes or mostly peaceful? -What is the name of a mountain pass where obsidian arrowheads can be found? -Who did the Paiute tribe have occasional disagreements with in the mountains of Sierra Nevada? -What two tribes were located on the western side of Sierra Nevada? -Who was in charge of a subgroup of the Bonneville Expedition? -What river did the Bonneville Expedition route take place on? -What location did the Bonneville Expedition see before any other non-indigenous people? -What city was the fire where the detailed accounts of the Walker party were destroyed? -What was burned in a fire that pertained to the Walker party and the Bonneville Expedition? -Who worked for John Sutter? -What was the name of the person who shouted "Gold!" through the streets of San Francisco? -When did the news go out that gold was found from the American River? -What was Samuel Brannan's occupation? -What was in Samuel Brannan's hand as he strode through the streets of San Francisco? -What vital periodical first announced that gold was discovered? -What was the name of the United States President in 1848 -What part of an abandoned ship did miners live in when they came to the Gold Country of California? -What were the groups of immigrants from around the globe called who swarmed the "Mother Lode"? -What month did the New York Herald announce the discovery of gold? -In what year did gold extraction turn to more difficult locations? -What type of mining on ancient gold-bearing gravel beds? -How many ounces of gold had been extracted by mid-1880s? -What extraction methods caused pollution of streams and rivers? -What is a lasting consequence of hydraulic mining? -What caused population growth in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada? -Who was the head of the survey done on the Sierra? -Who did the state officially authorize to explore the Sierra? -Who was responsible for mapping the route along the crest of the Sierra? -Who was the first to climb Mount Langley? -When was the Valley and Mariposa Grove ceded to California? -When was Yosemite Valley first protected? -Who was able to secure the protection of Yosemite? -When did Congress officially create an Act to protect the park? -In what year was the Sequoia National Park formed? -How many times did Congress debate to make Lake Tahoe a national park? -In 1980, what was the population around Lake Tahoe? +Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? +Which country did The Sunday Times expose for developing nuclear warheads in a 1986 publication? +Do you pay the actual insurance group or the specific insurance company? +What degree is required to apply for MD courses? +Who was the first African-American to graduate from the university? +What kind of professionals had the most available work during colonial times? +Where did Radiohead come together initially? +How many less construction worker were employed during the 2008-209 recession? +In the event of a tie, how many points will each team be awarded? +How much is Istanbul responsible for the tax revenue? +Why do Denver's homeless population suffer more than the homeless population in other regions? +Who's visit to China and developed new relations with them in 1972? +Where did Turkey have most of the cultural roots? +What's the main league table with reviews of private British companies? +What was the earlier year of the two Parliament Acts? +How do crowds react to fighting? +Which act was enacted to counter Boston Tea Party? +What was viewed as a commercial, political, and religious threat to European Christendom? +what makes organotin compounds uncommon? +What is remarkable in Istanbul? +What two famous people dropped their paternal surnames? +Can a high fiber also lower risk? +What color would the states won by George W. Bush turn? +What does physical activity assist in? +is there a delegate? +Which critical attribute must a structural engineer possess? +What specialty type of classified advertising was it geared for? +What is also understood implicitly ? +What two groups shared temperate climate environments? +What are the coordinates of the Empire State Building? +Name a major financial industry in Connecticut? +What is the name of the saxophone's creator? +Which theory involving infinite model cannot be categorical? +What did the large chimney provide? +Who persecuted Armenian Christians? +In 1991-1992 what was the name of the UK hardcore style released by Kevin? What was an adverse effect of the development around Lake Tahoe? -How is the construction around Lake Tahoe regulated? -What is causing concern about losing forest in the Sierra? -What is the name given to the fire in Yosemite? -What did the King Fire take place? -What is threatening conservation that is happening on both public and private lands? -In which election was former Governor Mitt Romney a nominee? -Who did the Democrats nominate in the 2012 election? -How many Republicans lost House seats in the November congressional elections? -What did the campaign largely focus on? -The Republicans had a net loss of how many seats? -Which Republican nominee for the Presidential election of 2012 was a Governor? -Which political party failed to gain control of the Senate? -Who were the winners of the Presidential election of 2012? -Which political party kept control of the House? -Which Republican nominee was not from Massachusetts? -Where does some of the push behind conservative politics come from? -What is the Republican Party view on gay marriage? -Do Republicans want one federal law on gay marriage? -When was same sex marriage legalized? -Does the Republican party support gay rights? -Was it states or the federal government that legalized same-sex marriage first? -Which president served in 2004? -Republicans have traditionally taken what stand on same-sex marriage? -How have republicans changed since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage? -What mostly fueled republican stance on marriage? -In what years did states begin to legalize same sex marriage? -What ideology influenced the Republican party position on same-sex marriage? -What year did the Supreme Court legalize same-sex marriage? -Who was the president of the United States in 2004? -How have republicans responded to same-sex marriage since it became a legalized? -What helped the Democratic and Republican parties see things more evenly? -What union is the Republican party in? -What percentage of Americans identify as Republican? -What percentage of Americans identify as Democratic? -In what year did the Gallup poll begin to collect figures on party identification? -Before Republicans became conservative which ideologies did they promote? -Which two groups of political groups identify as economically and socially conservative? -Which group is streamlined with the ideologies of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom? -According to the most recent Gallop poll what percentage of the U.S leans Democratic? -When did the Gallop poll begin to take number on how the country identified politically? -Which group has close similarities the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom? -What percentage of Republicans identify as economically and socially conservative? -Before Republicans became conservative which ideologies did they promote? -What two conservative unions are supported by Republicans? -In what year did men begin to support Republicans more than women? -Did more women or men vote in the 2012 election? -In the 2010 midterms, did women support either Republicans or Democrats more, or were both candidates supported equally? -What groups of women were more likely to vote for Kerry in 2004? -Among college graduates, how much of an advantage did people identifying as Democrats have over Republicans? -Did white men with college degrees favor Republicans or Democrats? -Did women favor Republicans or Democrats? -Were there more Democrats or Republicans among those who had an education of high school or less? -When white voters were isolated from the group of voters with an educational background of high school or less, does the survey provide information about either Republicans or Democrats? -In 2012, did more white voters vote for Romney or for Obama? -In the recent national elections, what percent of the black vote have republicans been winning? -In what year were two African American Republicans elected to the U.S. House of Representatives? -When were blacks given the ability to vote? -What program made most black voters switch to the Democratic Party in the 1930's? -What percentage of the Hispanic and Asian American vote did George W. Bush receive in 2000? +What was the tallest office building in Europe in 1898? +What is the correct way to view Figure 8 +What is the name of the museum that Frank Loyd Wright designed?? +What kind of freedom did members have in elections? +What's the term used when reliefs were impressed by stamps onto clay for mass production? +Where was the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation established? +What kind of axes do not meet at right angles? +What were you able to do if you were a white man that owned land? +Who controls the internet? +Which influential minds helped unite Silicon Valley pioneers? +What country dominated the African continent until the 20th century? +What year did News International buy the two newspapers? +What state that begins with the letter "K" calls itself a commonwealth? +What are the two other names for first-order logic that do not contain the word "calculus?" +Who became the acting editor of The Sunday Times in January 2013 after John Witherow? +What is the most common percentage mixtures of tin/lead alloy in metal pipe organ pipes? +On top of education, these engineers need what else? +What does the ordered pair represent? +What did the Swedish call New Sweden in their language? +Are liberals supportive of unions? +Who aims to lead in the same footsteps as Reagan +What did Michael E. Arth propose? +From what lengthened term did "Standing Committee" first originate? +According to Hillman and Davies, how long would domestication of these crops take? +Which two private schools located in Manhattan are known to be the most diverse in the nation? +Why did the Georgians change their mind on things like slavery? +What is one of the major daily newspapers that serve Manhattan? +How many workers are estimated to benefit directly from increased wage? +Who paid little attention to legibility in design? +What type of precipitation evaporates before reaching the ground? +What was announced as the successor to Windows 8.1? +Cuba and the Philippines used to be territories but are now what? +What year was construction of Fort Amsterdam started? +Lewis Mumford said the destruction of Penn Station was an act of irresponsible what? +What music venues went out of business? +Cardiovascular disease is common if people have a history of what health conditions? +How much rainfall is usually recorded in tropical savanna regions? +Is caste the only reason for surnames in India? +What is the minimum number of players a NHL team has on the ice? +Who falsely authenticated the Hitler Diaries as genuine? +Which program helps offer scholarships for studying abroad? What percentage of the Hispanic and Asian American vote did George W. Bush receive in 2004? -Who was the first elected minority governor in Louisiana? -What percentage of Asian votes did John McCain win in 2008? -What percentage of Hispanic votes did John McCain win in 2008? -Were Northeastern Protestants more likely to vote Democrat or Republican in 1960? -Who voted for Bush more in 2004: weekly church-goers, occasional church-goers, or people that never attended church? -Did Bush win more votes from Protestants or from Catholics? -Have evangelicals voted more Republican or Democrat since 1980? -Do Jews vote more Democrat or Republican? -Whose political party was given recognition by the Republican Party? -Which two things does the Republican Party oppose? -What did people want the Republican Party name to not be known as a support of? -What was the job of the person who came up with the idea for the name of the Republican party? -What did Horace Greeley suggest the Republican Party name be known as a leader of? -Which nominee did not represent states of red color? -Which is an organization that typically classifies the political parties under certain colors? -What color would the states won by George W. Bush turn? -When did the color red begin to represent the Republican party? -Which political party is associated with the color red? -Which law allows for workers to not participate in unions? -Which entity do the Republicans believe should be allowed to enact whatever wages they see fit? -Which organizations generally oppose Republicans? -What do right to work laws do to unions? -Which political party supported a law created in 1947? -Who is responsible for the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency? -Which President's policies drove to the founding of the National Park Service? -Which type of members in the Republican Party encourage environmental protection? -Which party greatly opposes environmental regulation? -Who did not agree with environmental regulations because of financial matters? -which coalition controlled American politics for 30 years? -What year did the economy increase a sharp amount? -Blacks moved into which party in the New Deal era? -What stayed in effect until 1940? -Which region of the U.S.A voted Democrat in 1944? -In the past how did most African-Americans vote? -What event caused a shift in how regions of the country voted? -Name a northern state that does not currently consistently vote Democrat. -Thomas E. Dewey received what percentage of the Southern popular vote? -What event caused a shift in how regions of the country voted? -In the past how did African-Americans vote? -In 1944, what percentage of the popular vote was Republican in the South? -Which Northeastern state currently does not consistently vote Democratic? -Which party do Southern states support the most in presidential politics? -Since when year did the US conservative movement work to question climate science? -What is the percentage of American adults that believe that the warming of the climate is due to human activity? -What is around 97% regarding the notion that human activity has caused the warming of the climate? -What political party is divided over the topic of climate change? -How many Republican lawmakers support policy dealing with climate that is created from international consensus? -Who attacked the Second New Deal -Who was reelected in 1936 -Did things get better in Roosevelt's second term? -What year did FDR serve his third term? -Why didn't the old right like the second new deal? -Who broke from Republican practice by signing bills related to capping carbon emissions? -Which U.S. president opposed mandatory caps on carbon emission? -When did the court rule against Bush administration on the topic of carbon emission? -George W. Bush opposed the validity of what? -The Kyoto Protocols were designed to do what? -The Senator of which state change political partied due to conflict with President Bush? -Which political group dominated the presidential republican wing in New England during the 195's? -In what part of the country do most republican conservatives reside? -Which parties have Lincoln Chafee identified with throughout his political career? -Who is the current moderate Republican of Maine? -The Senator of which state change political partied due to conflict with President Bush? -What political ideologies did Lincoln Chafee embrace through out his career? -Who is the current moderate Senator of Maine? -It what regions are Republican conservatives dominant? -In the 1950s who dominated the presidential wing in New England? -What did Senator John McCain do regarding carbon emissions? -Who has supported alternate energy in order to achieve energy independence for the U.S.? -Senator John McCain's position regarding carbon emissions was thought of as what? -What does the Republic party reject altogether as a means to limit carbon emissions? -Some Republicans support added oil drilling where? -Who did Eisenhower defeat for the nomination in 1952? -After what year did the liberal wing fade? -Which group dominated the domestic policies of Eisenhower's administration? -In which century were Republican presidents such as Eisenhower and Nixon elected? -Did voters prefer Eisenhower or the GOP? -Directions on how to handle illegal immigration are what among Republicans? -In what year was an immigration reform passed by the White House and Senate yet not advanced by the House? -Another facet of allowing migrant workers in regard to illegal immigration is what? -Another facet of securing the border in regard to illegal immigration is what? -Republican thinking on international relations and defense is heavily formed by what? -What do some of those in the Republican Party support in regard to national security? -What is unilateralism? -Realist ideology is shown in what regarding George W. Bush? -What year did Reagan leave the office? -What year did the Republican presidential candidate win majority of the popular vote? -What year was President Bill Clinton impeached -Who aims to lead in the same footsteps as Reagan -When did the Senate regain? -When did the Democratic part regain control? -When did The Senate lose majority? -Who was been defined by social conservatism since the mid-term elections of 2006? -Since what year has liberalism taken a downturn in the Republican Party? -Which U.S. president was a progressive Republican during the early 1900s? -What do the liberal wing of the Democrat party and Republican party have in common? -In what region of the U.S.A. can one still find liberalism with in the Republican party? -Which Rochkerfeller was a prominent liberal Republican? -In what region of the U.S.A. can one still find liberalism with in the Republican party? -Which Rockefeller was a prominent liberal Republican? -In what year did liberalism begin its downturn in the Republican party? -Which president was a progressive Republican during the 1900 decade before 1932? -What ideology do both liberal wings of the Democratic party and Republican party share? -What did Libertarian conservatives increasingly find fault with? -Which office did Doug Bandow hold in the past? -Who criticized Republicans in The American Conservative? -What did social conservatives express dissatisfaction with? -When was a stinging report on the failures of the party given? -Who issued the report on the failures of the party in 2012? -What office did Reince Priebus hold? -What did Reince Priebus call Republicans to do? -How many reforms did Reince Priebus propose? -What age do Republicans who support legal recognition of same-sex marriage fall in? -Who said that "the party is going to be torn on the issue of same-sex marriage? -What is the main issue that the Republican party has? -Which public office did Newt Gingrich hold in the past? -How many republicans agreed they would attend the same-sex wedding of a loved one? -Who did Mitt Romney lose to? -Who was the republican candidate for President in 2012? -How many times in six elections had the Republican candidate received fewer votes than the Democrat counterpart? -What did prominent republicans do in the aftermath of the loss? -Who is responsible for fundraising for Senate races on the Republican side? -Who is responsible for fundraising for House races on the Republican side? -How much does each of those bodies raise per election cycle? -Who is the chair of RGA in 2014? -Who is in charge of fundraising for state gubernatorial races on the Republican side? -What island is linked to New York City's boroughs by bridges? -Which bridge links Manhattan to New Jersey? -What ferry is used to get from Manhattan to Staten Island? -Where is the Staten Island Ferry Terminal Located? -What bridge connects Staten Island to Brooklyn? -How many vehicles per day use the Lincoln Tunnel? -What river does the Lincoln Tunnel go under? -What was the first mechanically ventilated tunnel that connects Manhattan to Jersey City? -Which president was the first person to drive through the Queens-Midtown Tunnel? -What year was the Queens-Midtown Tunnel finished? -How many public heliports does Manhattan have? -Is the West 30th Street Heliport a private or publicly owned heliport? -The Hudson River Park Trust owns which heliport? -What is the name of the airport located in Queens? -What is the name of the airport in Newark New Jersey? -What company provides gas and electric to Manhattan? -Consolidated Edison can trace it's roots back to which investor owned electric utility company? -What year did Edison Electric Illuminating Company start delivering electric service? -What company provides cable service to Manhattan? -Which company provides telephone service to Manhattan? -How many brackish rivers is Manhattan surrounded by? -What year did the first aqueduct to Manhattan begin service? -Fresh water was initially supplied to Manhattan by which aqudduct? -How is water supplied to Manhattan? -Which department is responsible for garbage removal? -In 2001 which landfill on Staten Island was closed? -In what year did Fresh Kills Landfill close? -What type of dump's is used by the city of New York? -What is the northernmost U.S. city to be considered a humid, subtripical climate. -Where is the official climate data for Manhattan recorded? -How long is the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation? -Is New York colder or warmer in the winter than inland American cities at the same lattitude? -On what island was a Dutch fur trading settlement founded in 1624? -What year was a permanent European presence established in New Netherland? -What year was construction of Fort Amsterdam started? -On what date did Peter Minuit and Dutch colonists acquire Manhattan from the Native American people? -Establishing Fort Amsterdam on Manhattan Island in 1625 is now recognized as the birth of what city? -Who was the last Dutch Director General of New Amsterdam? -On what date did New Amsterdam officially become a city? -Who took over New Netherland in 1664? -The English changed New Netherland's name to what? -King James II was the inspiration for the name of what city? -What city was at the center of the New York Campaign? -In what war did the New York Campaign take place? -On what date was Manhattan abandoned by the Continental Army? -While controlled by the British, Manhattan was damaged by what disaster? -The British lost control of Manhattan on what date? -On what date was New York declared first capital? -What ordinance was used to allow new states to enter the Union? -In which hall was the United States Bill of Rights drafted? -Under the Constitution of the United States, what was the first capital? -New York City was the fifth of five capitals of the United States until what year? -How much did it cost to avoid being conscripted? -New York City had strong business ties to which region of The United States? -How many days did the New York Draft Riots last? -In what month in 1863 did one of the worst civil disorder events in American history take place? -How many people were killed during the New York Draft Riots? -In 1975 who was known as the world's greatest soccer player that signed with the New York Cosmos? -In what year was the New York Downing stadium torn down? -How much was Pele's contract for when he signed with the Cosmos on 1975? -How many seats does the New York Icahn stadium have? -How long does the Roosevelt Island Tramway take to make the trip between Roosevelt Island and Manhattan? -How long has the Roosevelt Island Tramway been operating? -How long is the trip between Manhattan and Staten Island on the ferry? -What days does the Staten Island Ferry take off? -How much does a ride on the Staten Island Ferry cost? -What are the two main terminals for the New York City area commuter rails? -Where in Canada does Amtrak travel to from New York -What line runs between New York and Boston? -What percentage of railway passengers in the country live in the New York metropolitan area? -How wide did the 1811 plan call for New York City's avenues to be? -What direction do the numbered streets in Manhattan run? -How many blocks per mile in Manhattan? -What's the highest numbered avenue in Manhattan? -How many streets were there in the original Manhattan traffic plan? -What's the highest numbered street in Manhattan? -Does Broadway run parallel to the other avenues in the grid? -Does Broadway end in Manhattan? -Where is the highest numbered street in the New York City traffic grid? -How many roads travel cross-town through Central Park? -What do the Pokey awards "honor"? -What is the name of the one express road travelling between the east and west side of Manhattan? -When was the width of New York City streets determined? -What streets bound Central Park? -Who was the most recent Republican to win 59% of the Manhattan vote for president? -What percentage of the Manhattan vote did George Bush receive? -In 2004, what Democrat ran against George Bush for president? -In 2004, how many of the top 7 zip codes for political contributions were located in the Manhattan borough? -In 2004, which zip code gave the most political contributions to the presidential election? -Other than the people on the planes, how many people were killed in the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th? -On what date was the World Trade Center memorial opened to the public? -What happened to many of the rescue workers after the attack that eventually led to their deaths? -In what year was the World Trade Center museum opened? -How tall is the new World Trade Center building that was completed in 2014? -Why were so many immigrants coming to the United States in the mid-19th century? -In the 1820's what was the Five Points neighborhood home to? -In New York, where is the Five Points neighborhood located? -What did Charles Dickens think of the Five Points neighborhood? -In what year was Abraham Lincoln's Copper Union speech? -What is the MoMA refer to? -What is Manhattan home to which are both contemporary and historical? -What is the name of the museum that Frank Loyd Wright designed?? -What is the neighborhood of Chelsea known for? -What kind of artists does the Chelsea neighborhood showcase? -What is the meaning of a New York minute? -When did Zangwill's play The Melting Pot first open in New York City? -What does the phrase "melting pot" refer to? -What year was the term Big Apple used in an ad campaign by the New York City Convention? -In what year did Hurricane Sandy strike the northeast coast? -Which New York borough did Hurricane Sandy cause excessive damage to? -How many New York residents experienced an electrical power failure due to Hurricane Sandy? -The aftermath of Hurricane Sandy led to a shortage of what commodity? -What have people discussed building in order to decrease the possibility of future storm damage? -What professional baseball team is from the Bronx? -What major league baseball team ids from Queens? -What year did the Yankees move to Yankee stadium? -When was Shea stadium completed? -What was built in the area where the Polo Grounds were located? -What was the first college-level basketball championship called? -What year did the New York Knicks start playing? -When was basketball's first National Invitation tournament held? -After forming in 1964, where did the Knicks play their fist home games? -What type of material was used to widen Lower Manhattan in the 19th century? -How much material was removed from the area during the building of the World Trade Center? -What community was created when the material was used to extend Manhattan near West Street? -How much park land was created as a result of the new Manhattan extension? -In what year was the material removed during the building of the World Trade Center? -In 1890, which city had the world's tallest building? -Which building was the first to be called the world's tallest? -What building was the world's tallest in 1908? -How many stories tall is the Park Row Building? -The Singer Building was constructed in what year? -What does the abbreviated name TriBeCa stand for? -What does the abbreviated name SoHo stand for? -What Dutch city is Harlem named after? -What specific roads give Alphabet City its name? -What popular description is given to the area known as Clinton? -In which year did Wall Street crash? -How many feet tall is 40 Wall Street? -The Bank of Manhattan is headquartered in what building? -The Chrysler Building reaches to what height? -The Empire State building is what architectural style? -Madison Square Garden replaced which station? -What arts style was Penn Station? -What year was Penn Station built? -Lewis Mumford said the destruction of Penn Station was an act of irresponsible what? -The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission started in what year? -What street borders Central Park on the north? -Central Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and who else? -How many acres is Central Park? -Central park has a road for joggers and bicyclists that is how many miles long? -At what time of day is traffic banned in Central Park? -How many people work in Manhattan? -Which US county has the highest weekly wage? -Manhattan is mainly what kind of workers? -Which county has the highest per capita income in the USA? -The majority of jobs in New York City are found where? +Uneven distribution of decentralized power and responsibilities can be described as what? +Who started the policies of radical political reform in the Soviet Union? +When was there a riot in Oxford? +In which years do the students need to pass the federally administered exam? +Where is the statue, De Verwoeste Stad located? +What is the common rule of inference ? +How long is Connecticut's sales tax break? +What is the hall? +Which versions of Windows introduced a new language Control Panel for users? +What do polls tell us most Americans think should be the most important government policy? +Why is it theorized that the life expectancy of Neolithic populations shorter than that of hunter-gatherers? +When was the number of people allowed on a hockey team decreased? +Why is the use of global variables generally deemed unwise? +What type of "garage" existed in the late 1980s alongside hip house? +What can a virtual image not do? +After whom the homeless act is named? +What is also called cherry-picking? +Which country was SFN founded in? +Until when was the view that the hart was the source of consciousness not challenged? +What was the unemployment rate in October 2009? +who is specialized in industrial structures? +how many carbons are in alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid? +How were ideological differences considered? +What is the name for the set of all permitted inputs for a given function? +What type of model is discussed in Lowenheim-Skolem theorem? +What is the ITC? +When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? +How many total championships did Marie Braun win? +Where were most of the theaters located? +What year do most agree feminism began? +how dose tin occur? +At what temperature do snowflakes form in threefold symmetry? +How large is the fall rate of very small water droplets? +Through an Organic Act of Congress, what can territories be considered? +What are the coordinates such as (3,1) called? +When was the University of Pennsylvania erected? +What is Tin in Swedish? +What other type of diseases could be caused by inequality? +In what country was the carved ivory considered being luxurious? +Who did the Slovene Partisan Units merge with? +What is the best known examples of an anarchist communist society? +What do the stars on the American flag represent +What kind of power do hybrid buses use? +What direction did the flag of the standard bearer stream in early Army days? +What were lenses used for? +How did the West responded to the Soviet military actions? +What city is now located at the former site of Fort Christina? +In what year did Canada win the world cup? +Which state borders Connecticut's eastern side? +What governmental body is responsible for defining how the planning regions are divided? +What direction does y-axis refer to? +What is a stack frame? +Which territory did the Partisans increasingly control? +What vitamins are classified as ubiquinones? +What does the U.S. Virgin Islands call municipalities? +What are examples of bass lines performed with a bass instrument? +How much is the education at the military academies? +What would be a third way you would casually refer to Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella? +What was the name of the group working to preserve the Yugoslav monarchy? +What was the school originally named? +What did the Cheasepeake planters produce? +overly wet weather can lead to what infestation? What geologic factor was the fundamental cause of locating Manhattan's skyscrapers near the middle part of the borough? -Between what streets does the bedrock base sink further down before rising again near Lower Manhattan? -What is believed to have played an even larger role than geologic factors in locating the skyscrapers near mid-Manhattan? -What districts are many of Manhattan's skyscrapers located in? -Which gangster of Jewish heritage was powerful in New York at one point? -What was Al Capone's first gang? -Who founded Cosa Nostra? -When did black markets formed under Prohibition stop being historically notable? -What is another term for the Mafia? -Recorded robbery and burglary amounts have decreased by how much? -What, specifically, is used to track crime in New York here? -How many major crime categories are tracked here? -The theft of cars in Manhattan has gone down by how much? -How many murders did Manhattan record in the year 1990? -Stricter fire codes were generally in place in New York by what year? -How large was the lot that an average tenement stood on? -Which part of Manhattan was considered to be especially cramped and dirty? -How tall was the average tenement building? -Landlords were exploited by greedy owners that they nicknamed what? -How many homes of any sort are there in Manhattan? -What percentage of people in Manhattan live in owner-occupied areas? -How many people live in each square mile of this place, on average? -Most people in New York do not actually spend a lot on what important expense, relative to their income? -New York's subway does not cover what borough of the city? -When, specifically, was the Fulton Center finished? -The PATH subway links New York to what other state? -What's the name of the card you might use on this subway system? -How many stations in Manhattan are currently being constructed? -How much will Manhattan's population increase in the time period? -What percentage increase is estimated for Manhattan? -What time period is being used to predict the amount of people in Manhattan? -How much will other areas of New York grow? -How many people are aging in the population? -What was the typical household size surveyed in 2009? -How much of the age 25 or higher population has a bachelor's or better degree? -What percentage of people were not born domestically? -Is English the primary language used? -How many people are Irish descendants? -Which area has high earnings in the US? -What area is mentioned to have horrendous economic inequality? -Which newspaper reported on Manhattan? -Which county has over $100,000 in per capita income? -What percentage of residents speak english? -How many people speak German? -Is Korean spoken in Manhattan? -What age group is surveyed? -What amount of people do not speak english at home? -Does Manhattan try to be eco-friendly? -Which building earned an eco-friendly certification? -What certification did the Bank of America Tower obtain? -Where is Central Park located? -What is the total value of New York city property? -How much was the time warner center valued at in 2006? -Which was the most expensive hotel ever sold? -How many of the top ten zip codes was Manhattan home to in 2006? -How did 450 Park Avenue sell for in 2007? -What is one of the major daily newspapers that serve Manhattan? -Where is the New York Amsterdam News based in? -What is the nations largest newspaper by circulation? -What are some other daily newspapers? -Which four major American broadcast networks are based in Manhattan? -In which year did WLIB become New York's first black-owned radio station? -In which year did WLIB start broadcasting to the black community? -Which station claims to be the primer hip-hop station in the United States? -Which radio station has the biggest public radio audience in the nation? +What was the frame covered by? +How many planning regions are there in the state? +What client line does Windows NT still run on? +Which tunnel is a rail way tunnel? +What do homeless people have a higher incidence of, that never get reported? +When was the Pitt Jazz Ensemble founded? +What are the three cereals? +What is a convenient feature of the AGLP/AGDLP/AGUDLP process? +Does the term commonwealth have any legal impact? What is a well known New York City public high school? -Which school was created by Bard college? -Which High school in Manhattan is named after a former first lady? -Where is Hunter College High School located? -Where is the High School for Math,Science and Engineering located? -What is one of the many prestigious private prep schools located in Manhattan? -Which two private schools located in Manhattan are known to be the most diverse in the nation? -What is the name of the only all-scholarship Catholic high school for boys in the country? -What is the only official Italian American school in the United States? -where is often described as the cultural and financial capital of the world? -Where is the home of two world's largest stock exchange? -Which city is the most economically powerful city? -one of the most expensive real estate in the world is? -When did the rate of immigration grow from Europe to the US? -What was the first stop for new immigrants into the US? -When was the Statue of Liberty dedicated? -Who gave the Statue of Liberty as a gift to the US? -What was one of the outcomes of the European immigration? -When did the western part of the Bronx County become part of New York County? -When was the Brooklyn Bridge opened? -In what year did New York City unite with 3 adjacent counties to form the City of Greater New York? -Which two boroughs did not join the Greater City of New York? -When was Bronx County created by the state legislature? -When did the western part of the Bronx County become part of New York County? -When was the Brooklyn Bridge opened? -In what year did New York City unite with 3 adjacent counties to form the City of Greater New York? -Which two boroughs did not join the Greater City of New York? -When was Bronx County created by the state legislature? -When did the New York City Subway open? -What large construction project helped to unite the city together? -What was the movement of large numbers of African-Americans called? -What did the Harlem Renaissance add to the New York skyline? -Which city did New York become more populous than in 1925? -What brought worker protections and wealth to the working class? -Who was the mayor of New York City between the World Wars? -What was completed in New York City despite the Great Depression? -What type of skyscrapers are the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and GE Building? -The second smallest county by land in the united states is where? -New York county is only larger than? -The most densely populated county in USA is where? -which city has the third-largest population of New York City's five boroughs? -When did crime rates drop in New York City due to police tactics? -What was the murder rate in 1990? -What was the murder rate in 2008? -What did low interest rates and Wall Street bonuses spur? -In 2015, how many tourist record was received in New York city? -Which state hosted the three of world's 10 most visited tourist attractions in 2013? -Mention one historical place in Manhattan? -Mention one university located in Manhattan? -The name Manhattan was derived from which word? -The word Manna-hata was seen in which book? -The word Manhattan was translated as? -The Manhattan translation was derived from which language? -The Manhattan are was long inhabited by which people? -Who was the first European to visit the Manhattan are? -What is the name of the European king elder sister? -What was the name given to the very bug river sailed by the European king? -What is the new name given to Bay of Santa Margarita? -What is considered to be Manhattan's most important economic sector? -What is Wall Street considered to be the headquarters of? -Which industry of Wall Street enumerated 163,400 jobs in August of 2013? -What was the average salary of people working in the securities industry in Wall Street during 2013? -How much did Wall Street investment banking fees total in 2012? -What does NYSE stand for? -Where is the NASDAQ located? -What did the American Stock Exchange get renamed to? -What does NYMEX stand for? -Who took over administration of the London interbank offered rate? -Where is Silicon Alley located? -How much do the New York City metropolitan area's venture capital investments amount to? -What helps bolster high technology startup companies in Manhattan? -Where is Verizon Communications headquarter? -What has Verizon wireless offered that benefited tech start ups in New York? -What helped the biotechnology sector to grow in Manhattan? -How large is the Alexandria Center for Life Science? -How much money did Accelerator raise by mid-2014? -Where is the Alexandria Center for Life Science located? -What kind of institutions does the Life Science center have located nearby? -What is considered to be the focus of Manhattans tourism industry? -How many visitors did New York City have in 2015? -How much did The Broadway League claim to make in tickets in the 2013-2014 season? -How much was the number of hotel rooms for tourists in Manhattan supposed to increase from 2013 to 2014? -When was the great fire that destroyed 20 square block of Pittsburgh? -Where were temporary classes held while a new building was constructed on Duquesne Way? -What happened to the new building after just four years? -When was Samuel Pierpont Langley chosen as director of the Allegheny Observatory? -What types of classes did Langley teach? +In what year was Windows Vista released for consumers? +Tributyltin oxide is used for what? How big was the University's campus on the North Side? -Who was the first African-American to graduate from the university? -When was the new Science Hall occupied? -Who served on the board of trustees? -What year did the football team win all the games it played in? -When was the Western University of Pennsylvania renamed? -How much land was purchased by the University in 1907? -Who submitted the winning submission to the national architecture contest? -Which of Hornbostel's buildings still exists? -When did the Panther become the school's mascot? -How large was the Frick Acres property? -What public company sponsored the Memorial Chapel? -What building features did Charles Klauder say would suggest the character of an educated man? -The flat top of The Cathedral is meant to suggest what? -How tall are the arches that surround the Nationality Rooms? -What disease was prevalent in the United States in the early 20th century? -Where did Dr. Salk do his polio research? -What types of patients did Salk test his vaccine on? -By what year had Salk's vaccine reduced the incidence of polio by 95%? -What research at Pitt is considered some of most important medical achievements today? -When was the Pitt Men's Glee Club founded? -What is the oldest extracurricular club on the University of Pittsburgh's campus? -Besides the United States what international place has the Pitt Glee Club performed? -Who are members of the Heinz Chapel Choir? -When was the Pittsburgh Women's Choral Ensemble founded? -Besides performing standard art music literature, what other form of music does the University of Pittsburgh Orchestra perform? -Who founded the Pitt Jazz Ensemble? -When was the Pitt Jazz Ensemble founded? -What instrument did Dr. Davis play? -When was the Pitt African Music and Dance Ensemble founded? -When did Pitt become a public school? -What neighborhood is the university in? -What caused a name change for the university in 1819? -What was the school originally named? -What name do most current students use to reference the scool? -What conference do all varsity sports teams, except for gymnastics, compete in? -What league does the gymnastics team compete in? -In what conference besides the Atlantic Coast does Pitt university belong? -What season did the varsity teams join the ACC? -When did the University of Pittsburgh adopt the panther as a mascot? -How many photo representations of Panthers are on the Pitt's campus? -How many fiberglass panthers are on the Pitt campus? -For how long are the fiberglass panther's given to a campus group? -How many Panther's guard the Hollow bridge? -What has traditionally been the most popular sport at Pitt -What is Pitt football best know for besides adding number's to the football jerseys? -What year did football start at Pitt? -How many national championships has Pitt football won? -How many first-team All-American players as Pitt produced? -What year did Pitt first sponsor varsity men's basketball? -In what years were Pitt's first two Helms Foundation Championships won? -Who was the coach of the first two Helms Foundation Championship teams? -When did Pitt join the Big East conference? -When did Pitt join the Atlantic Coast Conference? -In what race did John Woodruff win an Olympic gold metal? -Who was a two time 110 M hurdle gold medalist that attended Pitt? -In what year did Trecia-Kaye Smith win the world championships in triple jump? -How many national champion wrestlers has Pitt produced? -What is Pitt's oldest varsity sport? -How many Pitt alumni have been awarded Nobel Prizes? -What Pitt alumni won a Nobel Prize for his work in magnetic resonance imaging? -Who was the founder of the Green Belt Movement? -Who is regarded as the "father of television"? -What former Pitt alumni is the founder of the company BikeBandit? -How large is the Pittsburgh campus? -What medical facilities is the school affiliated with? -How tall is the Cathedral of Learning? -What type of architecture is featured on the Cathedral of Learning? +How might the Ecclesiastical Latin be described? +In what capital city was shinney played? +After the recession hit, how much did new start-ups go down by? +Name the most notable American who was trained by British officers for battle. +what is an a important element of tin? +What are the purpose of dendrites? +Which country is over the Interagency Council on Homelessness? +Which general properties of the vascular wall become different with age? +Which program has been ended after 20+ years? +How effective is party control of their members. +what kind of clothing do Armenian bishops wear? +What type of points are began or ended with a drop? +Which small denominations of Christians were strengthened during the Great Awakening? +Who where the volunteers coordinated by? +What term is given to the three regions of Reno, Nevada; Fresno, California; and Las Vegas Nevada combined? +Before the Sinan Dome was completed what was the primary arena? +Where were most of the German POW camps located? +What makes first-order logic different from propositional logic? +Why did Governor John G Rowland resign? +The Van Nelle fabriek, the Jugendstill clubhouse, and Feyenoord's football stadium were notable types of modern architecture in Rotterdam in what century? +The highly toxic organotin compounds have been used as what? +What does Postmodern planning aim to do? +What did the 1968 EEOC decision ruling make illegal? +What is the Latin origin and meaning of relief? +What word can the name Connecticut be traced back to? +How long was the train route to Bicester shutdown for in 2014? +What was the main source of tin in the first centuries AD? +When did Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College develop a system of sharing residential colleges? +What year do most agree feminism began? +What might an Indian surname denote? +How many categories of lipids exist? +What is increasing the use of tin? +Who ruled in the case of United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association? +King James II was the inspiration for the name of what city? +Why is a identity function of an empty set defined? +Where are the world's highest volcanoes? The Pittsburgh campus historic buildings are part of what district? -How much does the university spend each year on research? -What organization is considered a major donor to the university? -What organization is the largest non-government employer in Pittsburgh? -What type of academic rating does Pitt have? -What is the name of the academic association that Pitt is a part of? -Who founded Pitt? -What type of building was built on the south side of Third Street and Cherry Avenue? -What was the original name for Pitt? +What print section was renamed InGear in 2006? +What were the nationalities of the immigrants that were forced to work as agricultural wage laborers? +What would have been the acronym resulting from Alles nur aus Liebe? +Who was allowed to hunt in America? +in-group survival rates have been confirmed by what? +When a delayed penalty is called, what happens? +In addition to improved practices, what has been brought forth as a result of structural failures? +Extreme drum and bass can be also considered as what type of genre music? +When did the first English settlers arrive in Windsor? +In what year was the New York Downing stadium torn down? +Connectedness can't be expressed with existential set qualifiers but it can in what? +What are territories called that are NOT incorporated within the provisions of the constitution? +How much did The Broadway League claim to make in tickets in the 2013-2014 season? +Who was the leader of the Bolshevik faction? +When is private creation of standards a good idea? +East Asians and Europeans were among the first cultures to develop which weapons? +What method is effective in assisting plate design or application? +The United states has seen an increase in precipitation annually since 1900 by how much on average? +In 2008, what percentage of sheltered homeless people were located in principal cities? +What is the Bell and Forte's children's book about? +Who often gave people the mean names? +What were the "Religious Society of Friends" also commonly referred to as? +How many seats were there? +What caused the end of development in Rotte? +What is another name for an insurance fee? +How many partisans joined the fight against Armed Forces in 1945? +In which year was Constantinople sacked during the Fourth Crusade? +What ore is found along the Andes Mountain range? +When were free market ideas popular? +What was the earliest body convened to answer colonial/plantation issues? +What is in the Ashmolean Museum? +How did SKY form its acronym? +How much did the civilian population increase between October 2009 and September 2014? +What organization did Friedan pressure to use Title VII of the Civil Rights Act? +What do theories besides Christopher's suggest? +What did the 1st president of the US call Connecticut? +What are the three most common isotopes of Tin? +What reasons are some acronyms chosen? +What is the oldest indoor ice hockey arena still in use today? +How many times has the Baltic frozen over completely? +What type of structure includes launch vehicles? +Decentralization is generally based on what type of policies? +Where did Maoist-oriented Communisttd Party? +What failed in 1982? What was Pennsylvania considered as being in 1770? -Where does Pitt sit in relation to the Allegheny mountains? -When did the school achieve university status? -Who founded Mellon Bank? -What year did the founder of Mellon Bank graduate from Pitt? -What type of education is Pitt committed to? -Pitt was intended to be a sister school to another school located where? -Who placed these markers around Pitt's buildings? -Why have markers been placed around Pitt's buildings? -What did Pitt participate in at the Meadowcroft Rockshelter? -Why has a marker been placed by the Cathedral of Learning? -Where did Meadowcroft Rockshelter excavation take place? -Who selected the Pitt buildings as Pittsburgh Historic Landmarks? -What conference center at Pitt was chosen as a historical landmark? -What Observatory at Pitt was chosen as a historical landmark? -Which chapel at Pitt was designated as a historical landmark? -Whose residence on the Pitt campus was chosen as a historical landmark? -What historical fountain is located near Pitt's campus? -What high school near Pitt was chosen as a historical landmark? -What historical Orthodox Church is located near Pitt's campus? -What sculpture near Pitt was chosen as a historical landmark? -What are the historical gardens near Pitt's campus? -What neighborhood are the majority of Pitt-owned facilities located? -Where is the Pitt Computer Center in RIDC Park located? -What Pitt facility is located in Plum? -What does U-PARC stand for? -Where are the regional Pennsylvania campuses located? -What field house located in Oakland is part of Pitt's athletic facilities? -How much was spent to upgrade Pitt's sports facilities? -What is planned for future construction at the Peterson Sports Complex? -What two Pitt athletic facilities are outside the Oakland neighborhood? -What city in Pennsylvania is the UPMC located in? -What news and reports has reported the rank of UPMC? -Does this Hospital include a Children's Hospital? -Where is the the Hillman Cancer Center located? -What does a the title "Best Neighbor" mean when a university is given the title? -What year was University of Pittsburgh ranked second overall? -How much money does Pitt give in community support per year? -How many jobs does Pitt support? -How much money does Pitts research program bring in each year? -When was the University of Pennsylvania erected? -Is the University a private or puble institution? -When did the University become apart of the System of Higher education? -What does being a private institution mean for the University of Pennsylvania? -Who oversees the the University of Pennsylvania? -How many member are on this board that can vote? -Who appoints the trustees to the board? -How many meetings are there per year? -Who selects the university's Chancellor? -What are some of the duties of the Chancellor? -What position operate immediately under the Chancelllor? -What accredidation agency is the University of Pennsylvania affiliated with? -What is the annual traditional event held in the spring? -Who holds the Fall Fest? -What reception event is held in Alumni Hall to congratulate each year's graduating class? -What day of the week is the Nationality Rooms Open House? -Where is the Nationality Rooms Open House? -What sport does Victory Lights celebrate? -What color are the Victory Lights? -What building's lawn hosts the Pep Rally? -What year did the Varsity Walk carving tradition start? -On the Varsity Walk, what's the recognition awarded for athletic achievements called? -What's the biggest dance event during Greek Week? -What's the biggest singing-related event during Greek Week called? -Who organized E-Week each year? +What style of music were early mouthpieces designed for? +Which Metro lines service the Thracian side of town? +How are mixed halide-alkyls prepared? +What percentage of adults were insufficiently active? +Which building was the first to be called the world's tallest? +What medal did swimmer Marie Braun win in 1928 at the Amsterdam Olypics? +Between what streets does the bedrock base sink further down before rising again near Lower Manhattan? +What was family homelessness number in 2009? +Using the x notation format, what is the abbreviation for crystallization? +What is the name of Jorge Luis Borges's short story published in 1939? +What are one of the duties of the Provincial Administration? What day of the week is the parade during E-Week? -What type of race is held on Saturday during E-Week, prior to the e-ball finale? -When was Pitt Arts founded? -Which program visits various art events? +What types of precipitation are made up of hydrometeors? +What are made from plastic or mother of pearl +What is the name of the tour in the UK for drum and bass that lasts a week each year? +In what year was the Ottoman constitution passed? +What are lenses classified by? +Why were these books translated into an unused language? +Where was the Derg communist military junta created? +What metric of the population differs from city area to area? +Where did the Irish and German Protestants move from? +The DJ The Panacea, is what nationality? +The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission started in what year? +How are unknown coordinates denoted? +How does first-order logic differ from propositional logic? +Who did Thomson sell the company to? +Where were the first colonies to coordinate military and judicial matters located? +What does the Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process result of depletion of water vapor cause the droplet to do? +What health conditions are associated with cardiovascular disease? +Why do many writers capitalize initials? +What do some historians nickname Redding camp as? +What dish is typical in Turkey? +What percent chance is enough to be considered significant for a 10 percent loss? +What is the largest bird of its kind in the Western Hemisphere? +What can be installed additionally if Windows does have the needed multilingual files? +What type of material was used to widen Lower Manhattan in the 19th century? +Comatic abberation results in what kind of appearance in it's aberrated images? +What is hellenizing? +By enforcing stricter rules, what is the outcome? +How is NCAA different then NHL in this rule? +When did the National Hockey Association stop? +What would be the Hispanic correction for the name Esteban Alvarez Cobos when hyphenated? +What policy is taxation and government spending? +What part of Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's surname would not be inherited by his children? +What can be concluded about the rules of classification of languages? +How many reforms did Reince Priebus propose? +Theory satisfied by the real line would also be satisfied by what models? +How can one describe the relationship between cardiovascular disease and drinking? +What kind of ice is driven by the wind? +What is the poverty rate in Armenia? +Which specific department handles insular areas? +What was the ethnicity of the people that were captured during the pirate attacks? +What area of the city was first to have its own director and council that was made up of members of that community? +What is and example of genre in postmodern music? +Thomas Hooker was a professor of theology at which university? +What is the letter used to represent an unspecified number of letters? +What is sometimes used as a notation to emphasize the expressions functional nature? +Where did 20,000 people work in Oxford during the 1970s? +What percentage of U.S. armaments did Connecticut produce during World War II? +What organization promotes study of the classics in the US and Canada? +What did Russia name their first Alaskan expedition? +What do people typically base their moral judgements of intentional harms on aside from the action outcome itself? +When did the NHL play against the USSR? +What's the first objective of the bill as summarized by the Congressional Research Service? +What in some instances often comes to replace the original family name? +how many percent are worried about being homeless as well? +the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial showed no links between dietary fat intake and what? +What is Istanbul's high temperature average? +Which approaches has the scope of neuroscience broadened to include? +What type of reputation has The Sunday Times acquired? +What was implied by the report? +Which church did the Massachusetts Bay Colony settlers try to reform? +Where is the home of two world's largest stock exchange? +Since when does Oxford have the largest urban park and ride networks in the UK? +What transportation links most directly connect Sweden and Denmark? What program requires the students' Pitt IDs to visit musems? -Which Senator has a History Center that can be visited for free with a Pitt ID? -What type of "Factory" can be visited for free with a Pitt ID? -What's the name of the production company for public student performances? -What program shows elementary students classic theater? -What's the longest-running theatre show in Pittsburgh? -How many hours are given to write, cast, and rehearse the plays in the Redeye Theatre Project? -When was the Pitt Musical Theater Club founded? -Which one of Pitt's departments is renowned worldwide for a long time? -Which philosophy "of" departments at Pitt are renowned? -What body is charged with ranking universities regarding a universities programs? -Which types of logic does Pitt excel in? -Which school has strong and well regarded departments in mathematical and philosophical logic, metaphysics, history and philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind and psychology, and semantics? -How many Rhodes Scholarships have Pitt students won since 2006? -Which public university was the only one to claim both Rhodes and Marshall scholars in 2007? -How many Marshall scholarships has Pitt won since 1995? -How many Mellon Humanities Fellowships has Pitt been granted since 1995? -How many Truman scholarships has Pitt won since 1995? -What type of education can one receive from Pitt? -What opportunities for experience does Pitt offer? -Besides Bachelor degrees in arts and science, what other type of Bachelor degree can someone earn? -Which program has Pitt started to accompany someone's regular studies? -What color cord does someone receive for completing OCC? -How many Nationality Rooms does Pitt have? -Which floors of the Cathedral of Learning house the Nationality Rooms? -Besides Fulbright scholars, what other program do Pitt students and alumni take part in more than most other universities? -How many of Pitt's educational programs have been labeled as "National Resource Centers"? -Which governmental department has stated that Pitt has 5 or more programs labeled as "National Resource Centers"? -Which department is responsible for the curriculum for international education? -Which Pitt department does UCIS represent? -What type of award does UCIS give out? -What type of student can earn a certificate in African Studies from UCIS? -What two types of student can earn a certificate in Global Studies from UCIS? -How many countries can a Pitt student study abroad in? -What is the name of the type of class that is taught abroad but was established by Pitt faculty? -Which program helps offer scholarships for studying abroad? -Which program has been ended after 20+ years? -Which Chinese university has joined with Pitt to collectively create an institute and program? -Which position does Pitt hold in the Newsweek Top 100 Global Universities list? -Which worldwide position does Pitt hold in the 2015 Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of World Universities? -Which American position does Pitt hold in the 2015 Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of World Universities? -Which position does Pitt hold globally in the 2015-2016 QS World University rankings? -Where is Pitt ranked in the most recent Webometrics rankings? -In the 1980s, what field was Pitt established as a world leader? -Which chancellor's administration is best known for eliminating Pitt's debt from the 1960s finanical crisis? -Who was the Hall of Fame running back that led Pitt's football team's national championship season? -What state designated Pitt as a state-related university? -What led to a massive influx of new students and rapid expansion when Pitt became affiliated with the state? -Who was chancellor of Pitt from 1995 to 2014? -In what year did a series of disruptive bomb threats occur at Pitt? -How long was Chancellor Mark Nordenberg's $1-billion facilities plan? -What building was constructed during Nordenberg's tenure? -What medical facility's growth is attributed to Nordenberg's tenure? -How many acres is the University of Pittsburgh's main campus? -In what historic neighborhood is the University of Pittsburgh's main campus located? -What is the centerpiece of the University of Pittsburgh's campus? -Who has given the University of Pittsburgh serveral Green Star Awards? -Most of the University of Pittsburgh lies in what district? -What transportation is available to the University of Pittsburgh's main campus? -Where is the University of Pittsburgh's medical center complex located? -What borders the University of Pittsburgh on the east? -What two avenues traverse the University of Pittsburgh campus from west to east? -How many sections make up the University of Pittsburgh's main campus? -What historic recreation area likes across the east end of Junction Hollow? -What establishment west of campus is adjacent to the University's medical center complexes? -The campus is adjacent to which section of the Carnegie Public Library? -The main campus is in walking distance of what nearby neighborhood? -The campus is adjacent to portions of what other learning facility near the Carnegie Music Hall? -How many jobs per month were added in the U.S between January and November 2012 -Who examines the job gap -How often does the Hamilton project evaluate the job gap -How many jobs per month are needed to close the job gap by 2017 -How many jobs per month are needed to close the gap by 2020 -What was the worst recession since 1970 -How long did it take U.S employment to reach 98% of it's pre-recession peak -When did U.S employment reach 98% of it's pre-recession peak -How long did it take Norway to recover after the 1987 financial crisis -How long did it take Sweden to recover from the 1991 financial crisis -What can have adverse health effects -How much does a 1% unemployment rate increase increase working age male mortality -What was the mortality increase primarily driven by -What can add the equivalent of ten years to a person's age -Who provides an unemployment rate forecast -When was the unemployment rate projected to be 8.8% -Where is the unemployment rate forecast provided -Who predicted the unemployment rate would be 7.8% in 2013 -Who prepares an annual report on those petitioning for trade adjustment assistance -How many workers were covered by petitions filed with the ETA in 2011 -How many workers were covered by petitions with the ETA in 2010 -Why would someone petition for trade adjustment assistance -Why does the fed have a dual mandate? -Why are interest rate adjustments important? -Can there be a negative interaction between inflation and unemployment? -What did the 2014-2015 debates focus on? -What did the fed decide to do with interest rates? -What recession caused the fed to try and stimulate the economy? -What does printing money do for the economy? -What does a balance sheet expansion mean? -When was the balance sheet expanded? -When did the fed first relate unemployment and inflation? -What makes liberals frequently argue for action on ? -What areas can increased spending result in jobs? -Are liberals supportive of unions? -Are liberals critical of debts and budget deficits? -What type of economics do liberals turn to during recessions? -What are conservatives supportive of? -Do conservative support government stimulating the economy? +What was the maximum power output achieved by the Silahtaraga power plant? +What were the real "urban" problems characteristic of post-Second World War urban environments? +What must a student have in order to apply for the Doctor degree? +In the repatriation at Bleiburg, where did the Armed Forces of the Independent State of Croatia retreat to surrender? Do conservatives want more or less government restrictions? -Do conservatives support labor unions? -What type of economics do Conservatives endorse? -What group is least likely to support government interceding on high unemployment? -What is the other main issue of concern to the general public? -How much of the general public believe that unemployment is most important issue? -What percentage of affluent people think the government should guarantee jobs? -What policy is taxation and government spending? -During what years was the most recent U.S. recession? -Who has a dual mandate to reduce unemployment and get full employment while maintaining a low rate of inflation? -What decision did the Fed make regarding interest rates in the U.S. in 2015, December? -What can policies that are meant to bring unemployment rates lower trigger? -What are citizens who argue for lower taxes and reduced regulation called? -What do polls tell us most Americans think should be the most important government policy? -What did much of the 2012 presidential election focus on? -The Americans who advocate for more government spending are called? -About how many U.S. Jobs were added from October 2010 to November 2015? -The Americans who advocate for more government spending are called? -What are citizens who argue for lower taxes and reduced regulation called? -What do polls tell us most Americans think should be the most important government policy? -About how many U.S. Jobs were added from October 2010 to November 2015? -What did much of the 2012 presidential election focus on? -What is it called when someone is jobless AND they are looking for a job and available to work that job? -About what was the unemployment rate in 2015, December? -What broad rate includes part time people who are working but don't make enough to live on called? -How many United States citizens make up the civilian labor force? -What is the approximate TOTAL population of the United states? -During what decade did the U.S. Government begin collecting unemployment information by polls? -What was the unemployment rate during much of World War I? -What part of the U. S. Work force was unemployed during the Great Depression? -During a recession what happens to the unemployment rate? -What is the term for the slight changes caused by people changing places of work and new people just beginning their job search? -How much did the tax increases and budget cuts aim to reduce the deficit by? -How did the Congressional Budget Office describe the proposed changes? -What year were the proposed spending cuts for? -Did the Congressional Budget Office make a prediction as to what the unemployment rate would be? -What did the Congressional Budget Office project would happen because of the proposed changes? -In which U.S. Database can you locate the non farm employment levels? -About how many jobs were added in the private sector during Obama's term from Feb. 2009 until December 2015? -How many jobs were created by President Clinton during each of his Terms? -What President had negative job creation during the 2000s? -What recent president did not add public sector jobs during his tenure? -How many jobs were added per year during the Clinton presidency? -How many jobs were added per year during the Bush administration? -What was the percentage of employment increase during the Bush administration? -What happened to GDP after the income tax increase of 1993? -What did Bush implement in 2001? -What were at record levels during 2012? -What was below its historical average in 2012? -What percentage of GDP did U.S. Corporations pay in 2011? -Which country had the top statutory tax rate in 2005? -What countries had higher statutory tax rates than the United States in 2005? -What type of impact often happens to the environment when jobs are created? -Who do Bittle & Johnson work for? -How many job creation arguments did Bittle & Johnson explore? -What is attributed to infrastructure investment? -What jobs do Bittle & Johnson hold? -How many job creation arguments did Bittle & Johnson explore? -What jobs do Bittle & Johnson hold? -Who do Bittle & Johnson work for? -What type of impact often happens to the environment when jobs are created? -What is attributed to infrastructure investment? -What are two examples of infrastructure investment? -What type of infrastructure investment is related to energy? -What generally happens historically when infrastructure investments are made? -How many less construction worker were employed during the 2008-209 recession? -What grade did the American Society of Engineers give infrastructure investment in 2013? -What date and year was this Gallup poll conducted? -What solution does the Republican and Democrats both agree is the main priority? -Which Party prefers more help for small businesses? -Which Party prefers lowering taxes? -Americans feel that the best way to keep jobs here is to keep what in the United States? -How do Americans think more jobs can be created? -What do Americans believe are the two most important issues in the country? -In a Gallup Poll, what did 26% of Americans say was the most important problem in the country? -In the Gallup Poll, what other problems did Republicans cite as most important in the US? -According to Gallup poll, how many Americans say it's best to keep manufacturing in the US? -What percentage of people cite jobs as the nation's most important problem? -Who agreed that bringing the jobs home was the number one solution? -Other than jobs, what was the next highest ranked items for Republicans? -Other than jobs, what was the next highest ranked items for Democrats? -What percentage of Americans think that free trade agreements have done more harm to the US? -When was the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted? -What percentage of Americans across Party lines agreed that outsourcing production work to foreign countries is bad for the U.S. economy? What percentage of Americans now say that free-trade pacts has hurt America? -How is the sentiment on free trade in the US? -What percentage said that free-trade agreements have hurt the US? -What percentage had said free-trade agreements hurt the US three years ago? -How many of those surveyed agree that outsourcing of production is reason for US economy to be struggling? -Why did the initial attempt to pass the bill failed? -What act was the key center of the debate? -What was the total cost of the bailout package? -What was one of the key issues that forced a second vote to pass the bill? -What did the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 do? -What was the result of the initial attempt to pass that bill? -What caused that bill to fail? -What caused the second vote to pass the bill? -What can adversely affect economic growth? +Through observation of what type of patients was the localization of function hypothesis supported? +What is the fourth reason for becoming or staying homeless? +What could happen depending on the country? +what is the percentage of tin in these ores? +What does the use of predicates do in regards to first-order logic? +In what book can you find, a harmonious blending of the Eastern and Western cultures? +Do you know any medical school in Philippines? +What was the name of the tool that was able to triple the amount of work done by farmers in one day? +What does postmodernism seek to return to? +What are two of the largest employers in Connecticut? +When the east and west have been connected? +What is not used to determine a two-line pass infraction? +How much more does The Sunday Times sell than The Times? +The campus is adjacent to portions of what other learning facility near the Carnegie Music Hall? +What are the multiple entities that together form and govern the United States called? +What interstate road runs through Connecticut? +What was the ethnicity of the soldiers and immigrants that came to the US and Canada? +Which public figures might feel unable to perform due to conflicts? +What is a Euclidean plane with a Cartesian system called? +What happens when a subprogram calls itself due to recursion? +What woman played for the iron rangers? +Who was the mother of the feminism movement? +When did crime rates drop in New York City due to police tactics? +When did African slaves first come to Hispaniola? +In what year was the first world championship of ice hockey held? +What does pure communism mean? +Fresh water was initially supplied to Manhattan by which aqudduct? +What are the most common sizes for the U.S. flag? +Who are members of the Heinz Chapel Choir? +How can governments control the resources contained in land they own? +When was Morrell's founded? +What did the economy of the Khasso kingdoms have a major dependence upon? +Besides Bachelor degrees in arts and science, what other type of Bachelor degree can someone earn? +What is the advantage of separate functions? +When did the separatist movement begin? +Which public office did Newt Gingrich hold in the past? +What event was held at Atatürk Olympic Stadium? +In which year did WLIB become New York's first black-owned radio station? Along with creating more jobs, what other factors matter? -Has the union movement grown or has it shrunk? -What action could help create more higher-paying jobs? -What is a negative sign of the US labor market? -What factor is difficult to determine when measuring the level of underemployment? -What is a common reason people leave the labor market? -What was the unemployment rate in September 2014? -What was the unemployment rate in October 2009? -How much did the civilian population increase between October 2009 and September 2014? -How much did the labor force increase between October 2009 and September 2014? -How much did the those not in labor force increase between October 2009 and September 2014? -How many jobs did the US economy create in each of the three decades from 1970-2000? -What was the average monthly number of jobs created in each of the three decades from 1970-2000? -What was the monthly job creation average from January 2000 to January 2008? -How many jobs were lost during the Great Recession? -What was the average monthly job creation during 2011? -Who estimated a figure around 150,000 in January 2013? -What figure did Reuters report in February 2013? -What is the magic number of jobs per month to lower the unemployment rate? -What were the unemployment rates measured in the past three months? -What's the first objective of the bill as summarized by the Congressional Research Service? -What's the second objective of the bill as summarized by the Congressional Research Service? -What's the third objective of the bill as summarized by the Congressional Research Service? -Which institution summarized the bill? -Who proposed the American Jobs Act? -What was included in the American Jobs Act? -When was the American Jobs Act proposed? -How much money did the bill require? -Referring to CBO estimates, how much money would create between 100,00 and 600,000 jobs? -What year did the CBO make an estimate on investments in infrastructure? -Providing additional tax credits to lower income households would accomplish what better than investing in infrastructure? -How many jobs per million dollars are created? -Alternatives to infrastructure investment includes: reduced payroll taxes, providing tax credits to low income households, and what else? -In 2012, which act reduced taxes in relation to the expiration of Bush tax cuts? -Preventing higher taxes would encourage consumers to do what? -By lowering the cost of workers, employers are encouraged to do what more? -Which president added $100 billion to the deficit by reducing Social Security payroll tax? -Reducing corporate tax rate down from 35% to 20% is estimated to add how much debt over the course of a decade? -Raising what would allow households to spend more? -It's argued that increasing employment costs would decrease what? -What was the minimum wage per hour in 2009? -What metric of wealth was the yearly minimum wage less than? -What did the New York Times say should have be the hourly wage if it had kept up with the growth in average labor productivity? -What did President Obama advocate raising in February of 2013? -What hourly wage was Congress encouraged to meet by the end of 2015? -What other business besides Costco and Stride Rite support increases to minimum wage? -How many workers are estimated to benefit directly from increased wage? -Studies show that raising the wage leads to more earnings and decreases what, without compromising employment? -What are end-dates for laws referred to as? -Of the new jobs added, how many of them due to new businesses? -After the recession hit, how much did new start-ups go down by? -How many ideas did Inc. magazine publish to help the economy? -Which magazine promoted immigration in their suggestions to encourage new businesses? -which crises resulted int the 2007-2009 recession? -What was the unemployment rate in the U.S. in October of 2009? -What was the unemployment rate in December of 2015? -What was the "trough" of employment in 2009, (How many people were actually employed in Feb. of 2010? -What was the official unemployment rate in Detroit in 2009, even though the Detroit news claims nearly half of the working age population was unemployed? -What was Obama's policy/program to reduce spending and cut taxes in 2009 called? -When did employment rates begin to rise after Obama's policies took effect? -When congress funded the 2009 American recovery and Reinvestment Act how much did they appropriate? -How many jobs were added to the marked from March 2010 until September 2012? -In December of 2015 how many U.S. workers were emloyed? -According to the Brookings institute what rate of unemployment was documented for teens (16 - 19 yrs.) in 2011? -Which age group did Brookings find had lower rates of employment overall in 2011? -What was the percentage rate of unemployment for 16 to 19 year olds in 2000? -Between 2000 and 2011 what happened to the rate of employment for those who were over 55? -What happened during the time between 2000 and 2011 for all workers ages 20 to 54? -What is relief as it relates to art? -What is the Latin origin and meaning of relief? -Is chiseling a quick process? -Does relief provide fragility to the piece? -What are bronze reliefs made with? -Are reliefs made only in one style? -What does a high relief imply? -What does shallow-relief imply? -Where does sunk relief originate from? -What is the opposite of relief sculpture -What does counter-relief imply? -What are works in the technique refered to? -Should we use hyphens for these vocabularies? -What is an especially monumental sculpture called? -Where can we find reliefs around the world? -What are reliefs most suitably used for? -What helped define the forms of the reliefs? -Can reliefs be diverse in their presentation? -Are reliefs included in Islam? -Is it objectively possible to differentiate high and low reliefs? -Many figures keep heads in what type of relief? -What reliefs were normally "blocked out"? +What is a biconvex lens? +Where part of Andes Chile claimed the land? +What was Fiona McHugh's position? +Which penalty does not usually result in a power play? +In what league do the UConn Huskies compete in athletics? +What are the two primary groups neuroscientists are involved in informing about the nervous system? +What revolution led to the annexation of Armenia? +How far is it from Oxford to London? +On spacecraft that launched vertically, how was the flag displayed? +What doe the majority of the schools follow? +Stockpiling of food allowed for survival and expanded what activity? +Who was the mother of the feminism movement? +what kind of church music is used? +What period helped to secure Latin as a spoken language? Where do high reliefs contain sections of low relief? -What is a bas-relief? -A bas-relief is also known as what? -Where was bas-relief commonly used? -What occurs during low reliefs? -Where is the Ishtar Gate of Babylon located today? -What type of art was featured in Pompeii? -What kind of low reliefs does the Ishtar Gate of Babylon contain? -Did Western medieval art contain bas-reliefs? -What style is low relief considered to be? -When did the revival low relief occur? -What is the Tempio Malatestiano in Rimini? -Who designed the Tempio Malatestiano? -What material is commonly used to feature low relief? -When did the revival of low reliefs occur in Western art? -What type of relief are objects placed in the background? -What type of relief are objects placed in the foreground? -What is mid-relief? -Mid-relief is also known as what? -What type of depth is showcased in mid-relief? -What is shallow-relief used for? -Which artist utilized shallow-relief? -What is the most popular type of relief found in Hindu and Buddhist art? -What are the low reliefs in caves and India from BCE o the 10th century? -What are the reliefs used for? -What is relief example in Central Java? -What is at the Bayon temple? -What is another word for high relief? -What are examples of common undercut elements? -How are parts of the subject depicted? -How is the element depiction in low relief subjects seen? -What style and techniques is high relief similar to? -What is a characteristic of many grad figure reliefs in Ancient Greek sculpture? -How are elements positioned often in Ancient Greek sculpture? -How does Parthenon show advantages of relief? -Where did high relief also remain common? -What types of work use more low-relief sculpture? -What are Hellenstic reliefs cut with? -What do drills allow for? -Where are compositions that are crowded figures also seen? -What impacted Western sculpture later? -When did Very high relief come back? -What is less common in Hindu-Buddhist art? -What are elements that are provided by the connection to stella? -Where can example of high relief be found in India? -How does the Khajuraho temple show high relief? -What is a Central Java example of high relief? -What type of relief is very common to the Ancient Egyptians? -What were sunken reliefs used for? -What type of surface is the relief cut on? -What types of nature are the images set in, Linear or Dynamic? -What area does this method reduce the work in while allowing for normal relief? -What type of modelling technique used means "pushed-back" -In what type of medium is repousse used? -What type of plate is used in producing the relief image? -What method is widely used in bronze and other metals ? -In what era were reliefs in wax produced? -What represents the greatest amount of surviving secular art from Late Antiquity? -What period considered carving ivory to be a considerable luxury? -In what country was the carved ivory considered being luxurious? -What types of scenes were produced with small diptychs and triptychs? -What book was commonly used for the creation of secular objects in lower relief? -What types of small items were created during this time period? -What's the term used when reliefs were impressed by stamps onto clay for mass production? -What types of colours were used when painting the reliefs? -What mediums were used for larger decorative reliefs? -What type of architecture uses those larger decorative reliefs? -Who were the Communists fighting against occupation? -What was the newly formed communist Yugoslav state called? -Who was the early leader of the communist party in China? -Who was Mao Zedong fighting in a civil war originally, then cooperated to fight the Japanese? -Who led the communist Yugoslav Partisans? -What was the Tense time after World War II between Western Allies and the Communist Eastern countries called? -When was the Berlin Blockade created? -What country was the leader of the capitalist west? -Who was the leader of North Korea during the Korean war? -What political party founded the Peoples Republic of China? -Who died in 1953, giving rise to Khrushchev's rule in the Ussr? -What was the policy that was a big change, dismantling Gulags and reforming the USSR called? -What happened with the Cold war after Stalin died? -Who made a new effort to make communism more worldwide and stopped trying to keep Socialism and Commmunism in one country? -What were forced labor camps in the USSR known as, in it's early communist history? -Name 7 countries where the revolution of Communism took place in the Americas. -Who led Cuba during the time of the Bay of Pigs Crises? -What superpower was involved in the Cuban Missile Crises with the United States? -Who overthrew the rule of Fulgencio Batista with Castro? -Whom did the FLQ kidnap and kill during the October Crises in Canada? -What was the new Chinese type of communism known as during the communist revolution? -Who's visit to China and developed new relations with them in 1972? -Who took over in China when Mao died? -After the PRC split with the Russians how did the Chinese challenge them? -Who's reforms caused economic liberalisation and made China one of the fastest growing economies? -What is the main goal of the Marxist-Leninist economy? -Do Marxist-Leninist economists believe people should have to work for life necessities? -What is the advantage of having this freedom? -What does pure communism mean? -What elections are held in Marxist Leninist states? -Do any states use indirect elections? -Are these positions filled via direct elections or indirection elections? -How many candidates typically run for a position? -How much control do Marxist-Leninist communist parties have over elections? -What religious aspect is promoted by Marxism Leninists? -What do these types of atheists believe? -Bolshevik communists are what type of atheists? -How were religions handled in these Marxist-Leninist states? -When was Marxism-Leninism created? -Where does the ideology of Marxism-Leninism come from? -When was the Russian Social Democratic Labour Part founded? -Who was the leader of the Bolshevik faction? -What kind of freedom did members have in elections? -When did Lenin try to influence communist revolution? -Did Lenin encourage a civil revolution? -Why did Lenin encourage violence against workers? -This failed revolution influenced Lenin to do what? -Who defined the difference between socialism and communism? -After a revolution, distribution would be based on what at first? -What is Marx famous for saying? -Originally a socialist society was the same as what? -Marxism-Leninism supports what? -Public health is deeded by Marxism-Leninism to raise what? -Education is believed by Marxism-Leninism to advance a society towards what? -Universal education is said to give the proletariat what? -Marxism-Leninism advocates what type of economy? -Marxism-Leninist cultural policy promotes what? -A class conscious heroic person would be called what? -A selfish person who cares about nothing but themselves would be called what? -The bourgeoisie are aligned with what, according to Leninist policy? -The proletarian is devoted to what? -Who is the safeguard for coordinator of production? -Under Leninist policy, what replaces the market? -What prevents market forces from taking hold? -The profit motive is replaced by what? -Wages are set by what? -The primary goal before full communism was what? -In the Soviet Union, the economy went through what? -What has Marxism-Leninism acovated for since the mid 1930s? -What is this type of society based on? -Marxism-Leninism's new pro consumerist policy has been called what? -In what year was the new Soviet Constitution created? -Soviet citizens were expected to be personally loyal to whom? -The Soviet legislatures were the Soviet of the Union and what else? -When was the October Revolution? -Universal suffrage was eventually given to all Soviets above what age? -The Holodomor largely affected what country? -The vast majority of the territory in question was collectivised by what year? -What plant crop could not be grown efficiently, leading to mass famine? -What is considered to be the highest death toll of the Holodomor in any one given country? -Industrialisation in the Soviet Union led to urbanisation, which led to the general elimination of what in the country? -In the Soviet Union, what set of principles was used to determine if art and culture were acceptable? -What year did Stalin's educational reform occur? -Stalin repressed what social institution in his country? -What Soviet leader had taken a more experimental approach towards education? -What year did the Suddeten agreement occur? -Poland was initially invaded, starting World War II, during what month? -At one point, the Soviets had a non aggression pact with what power? -Who was in charge of the Nazi faction during World War II? -In which mentioned year did the Soviets first make a significant change to their foreign policy? -Who did the Soviet Union fight with in World War II? -Ukrainians felt as if they were being liberated by soldiers with what ethnicity? -The Allies fought against what coalition? -What kind of policies were adopted following early Soviet losses in the war? -China is ruled by what political philosophy? -The Soviet Union was part of what bloc? -Marx formed a political philosophy with which man? -Marxism-Leninism opposes which kind of democracy? -A vanguard party is the hallmark of what political ideology? -Marxism-Leninism was first found in what decade? -Joseph Stalin took over which political party? -What was the name of members of the Russian Communist party? -What was the name of the plan that transitioned Russia into communism? +What is the average yearly snowfall along the southeast coast of Connecticut? +Can "tin pest" not happen? +In the domain of discourse, an input or an output that says true or false taken by an entity or entities is called what? +Is northeastern India cold? The Communist International supported what in foreign countries? -A revolutionary vanguard is made up of what class of people? -The socialist state is called a dictatorship of what? -What is the name for those who oppose the proletariat? -In Marxism-Leninism, socialism transitions into what? -Communism advocates seizing the means of what? -Which group accused Marxism-Leninism of establishing state capitalism? -Who said the communist utopia was impossible? -Robert Vincent Daniels says Marxism was used to justify what? -E. Van Ree believed that Stalin generally followed whose political philosophy? -State repression was found in which communist country? -In which decade did Russia and China experience a split? -Mao led which country? -Who founded the Communist Party of the Philippines? -Mao Zedong Thought is also known as what word? -In what year did Mao die? -What characterized the Initial Bolshevik economic policies from 1917 to 1918? -When was "war communism" enacted? -How was Lenin committed to avoid antagonizing the peasantry? -What was "war communism"? -What was the result of requisitioning the grain away from the peasantry? -When was the new economic policy started as a backwards step from war communism? -What did the 1921 economic policy bring? -What percentage of industrial enterprises were returned to private ownership? -What's the key aspect that affected the Bolshevik regime? -In what had considerable economic progress been achieved? -Which statement did Lenin declare as he neared his death? -What did the statement of December 1922 entail? -When did Lenin die? -Was Lenin's order followed? -When did Stalin seize control of the Party? -What policies did Stalinism include? -When did Stalin enact harsh radical policy towards the wealthy peasantry? -What did the opposition to Stalin by Trotsky lead to? -What did Stalin accuse Kulaks of? -What kind of government was Stalin's regime? -Who underwent violent purges and terror campaigns at the hand of Stalin? -What did Stalin have personal control over? -How many people were arrested during the Great Purge of 1936-1938 -How many of the arrested were executed? -Who led independence forces in the war with the French? -During what war did conflict erupted between the East and West in Asia? -Who replaced French forces when they retreated from Vietnam? -Who were American forces supporting in South Vietnam? -What year was Tet Offensive by North Vietnam in the south? -Where did Marxist-Leninist revolution erupted from? -What year did Angola became Marxist-Leninist state? -When did Somalia became Marxist-Leninist state? -Where was the Derg communist military junta created? -Who led the war against white-minority rule in Rhodesia? -When did Mihail Gorbachev rose to power? -What is the Mikhail Gorbachev political liberation called? -Who started the policies of radical political reform in the Soviet Union? -Who developed the elements of the state for dismantling authoritarian? -What war was Gorbachev aiming to end? -When was the revolts against Marxist-Leninist by Eastern Europe and China? -Who demand for Berlin wall to be torn down? -Who refused to use Soviet forces in East Germany to suppress the revolt? -Which attack stopped the revolts? -Where did the collapse of the communism occurred? -Where did Slobodan Milosevic seize presidential power? -Who was the first leader to exploit nationalism for political purpose? -What year did Tito died? -When dis League of Communists of Yugoslavia collapse? -When did Soviet Union collapse? -Who was the non-communist leader of the Russian Federation? -Who prepared the country to become a loose non-communist federation of Independent State? -When dis hatfline communist leaders overthrew Gorbachev? -When did Gorbachev announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union? -Where did Marxist-Leninist regime and movement continued to exist? -Where did Maoist-oriented Communisttd Party? -Since when has New people's army has been waging armed revolution against Philippine government? -When did Maoist rebels in Mepal engaged in the civil war? -When were Marxist-Leninist unabated? -What year did Soviet Union intervened in Afghanistan? -How did the West responded to the Soviet military actions? -What year did the West boycott the Soviet military? -Who did West provided clandestine support for? -When did the war became Soviet equivalent of the Vietnam War to the United States? -When was Bolshevik revolutionaries forced back into exile? -Who is the Bolshevik party leader between 1908 to 1917? -When was Lenin usurped the all-Party Congress of the RSDLP? -What percentage is the number of people that took part in 1907 strikes? -When was Bolshevik revolutionaries forced back into exile? -Who is the Bolshevik party leader between 1908 to 1917? -When was Lenin usurped the all-Party Congress of the RSDLP? -What percentage is the number of people that took part in 1907 strikes? -When was World War I started? -Who wrote the book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism? -When was the book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism published? -Who allowed Lenin to travel across Germany and German-held territory into Russia? -When was World War I started? -Who wrote the book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism? -When was the book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism published? -Who allowed Lenin to travel across Germany and German-held territory into Russia? -When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? -October Revolution was carried out by which group? -What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? -The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? -When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? -October Revolution was carried out by which group? -What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? -The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? -When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? -October Revolution was carried out by which group? -What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? -The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? -When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? -October Revolution was carried out by which group? -What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? -The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? -October Revolution was carried out by which group? -When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? -What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? -The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? -When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? -October Revolution was carried out by which group? -What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? -The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? -When was the successful communist revolution occurred in Mongolia? -In what year was the failed Spartacist in Berlin? -What was created as a result of communist revolution in Mongolia? -When was communist revolution started in Germany and Hungary? -When was communist revolution started in Germany and Hungary? -What was created as a result of communist revolution in Mongolia? -In what year was the failed Spartacist in Berlin? -When was the successful communist revolution occurred in Mongolia? -When was the entrenchment of Bolshevik power began? -The Cheka secret police force is dedicated to confront what elements? -Who established a secret police called The Cheka? -How many uprisings did The Cheka reported? -Who repressed opposition political parties? -Which amendment is the idea of "dual sovereignty" derived from? -What is term synonymous with "dual sovereignty?" -The Tenth Amendment is part of what document? -Who are the powers referred to reserved to the states respectively, or to who? -What term or idea is the main topic of the paragraph? -Texas v. White held that political states don't have which right? -By is the first way by which Texas v. White allowed some possibility of divisibility? -By is the second way by which Texas v. White allowed some possibility of divisibility? -Divisibility was still possible to some degree by consent of what entities? -What court presided over Texas v. White? -Virginia is one of four states that calls itself what? -How many states call themselves commonwealths? -The word commonwealth refers to the welfare of what entity? -Does the term commonwealth have any legal impact? -What state that begins with the letter "K" calls itself a commonwealth? -How many states comprise the United States of America? -The list of states includes what other type of abbreviation? -What two types of abbreviations does the list include? -The list includes abbreviations for what type of code? -The 50 states combined comprise what larger entity? -What is the name of the smaller administrative regions that states are divided into? -How many states do not utilize counties? -What state beginning with the letter "A" does not use counties? -What regions does Alaska use instead of counties? -In which region are counties primarily used as judicial districts? -Which county does not have any additional subdivisions? -How many counties are there in New York City? -How many municipalities are there in the county in Nashville? -In Denver, the municipality government is the same as the government of which entity? -Towns are subdivisions of which entity? -In California, the word "town" is synonymous to which entity? +How does a Postmodern-ironist view truth? +How long was Harold Evans an editor? +What program helped Connecticut get out of the Great Depression? +What institute of Columbia University identified one of three major trends associated with decentralization? +In 2010, how many civilians died in Manipur because of militancy? In historical documents, what is the other word for townships? -In which documents towns and townships were meant to denote the same thing? -What are the main form of local government in New England? -What contributed to the emergence of townships in the United States? -What designations are represented by some townships? -In the United States, what entity was the product of Public Land Survey System? -Other than political power what other power a township may have? -State universities in Michigan have spcecial status comparable to which entity? -Who controls the campuses of the state universities in Michigan? -Other than executive control state universities in Michigan have autonomy from which control? -In which state state universities are designated as autonomous jurisdictions? -Who are responsible for the public safety in the state universities in Michigan? -Which article of the U.S. Constitution specifies authority of the Congress over U.S. territories? -In what section of Article IV authority of the Congress over U.S. territories is defined? -In Article IV whose authority over the U.S. territories is defined? -Which country's territory is dealt with in Article IV, Section 3? -What are areas of the US called that are not part of states or the federal district? -What did Congress pass that acts as a local constitution? -What level of government is responsible for insular areas? -Which specific department handles insular areas? -Who has sovereignty over insular areas? -How many nations other than the United States are included in the insular areas? -What are territories called that are incorporated within the provisions of the constitution? -What are territories called that are NOT incorporated within the provisions of the constitution? -Through an Organic Act of Congress, what can territories be considered? -In how many ways is each Indian Reservation subdivided? -What's the first subdivision of the Navajo nation? -What's the second subdivision of the Navajo nation? -What is the Blackfeet Nation subdivided into? -Who directly controlled the territories that were not admitted as states? -What year was the Northwest Territory formed? -How many of the current states were territories before becoming states? -When was Hawaii admitted as a state? -What current territory used to be a part of Hawaii before the admission as a state? +This evidence appears as what because of the sites being abandoned? +Who garnered the support of the local population? +What was Microsoft AntiSpyware inspired by? +What is the name of the oldest green in Connecticut? +Who was reelected in 1936 +How large is the Weintraub Day Center in square feet? +What level of government does the SfH represent? +Fatty acids are created by what? +In which year David Hilbert proposed the Entscheidungsproblem? +Why is the niobium-tin compound favorable for use as wires for superconducting magnets commercially? +What does bending cause in one part of a beam? +What term did Robert J. Bennett use to describe how modern governing bodies utilized public subsidies? +When did the Grand Bazaar open? +What kind of sittings take place from February to April? +What grew stronger in Armenia during the 5th century. +When was Bolshevik revolutionaries forced back into exile? +Which gender had a higher relative risk for the disease? +Which Sultan of Istanbul was known for his progressive policies? +Why have markers been placed around Pitt's buildings? +Statins last about how long? +In what year was The Stannus Street Rink built? +What is the chemical formula for cassiterite? +Traditionally, what has neuroscience been a branch of? +What President released a major report on gender equality? +Education is believed by Marxism-Leninism to advance a society towards what? +Who was the first European explorer in Connecticut? +What is a characteristic of imperative programming languages? +Do any states opt to not maintain this list? +What tradition is continued at the Virginia Military Institute? +German army were intercepted by whom? +Referring to CBO estimates, how much money would create between 100,00 and 600,000 jobs? +What helped Oxford's reputation? +Why did Columbia University initially not admit women? +What does Kronstadt guard? +Do Omega-3 fatty acids have an effect? +What are linkages? +isoprene units used to make Terpenes and isoprenoids are donated from where? +The state of Manipur wanted to be part of what? +Why did the initial attempt to pass the bill failed? +How many slaves died in transit across the Atlantic? +What is the nobium-tin compound critical magnetic field? +Which elements increase tin's hardness? +What percentage of railway passengers in the country live in the New York metropolitan area? +What was the name of the architect that collaborated with Derrida? +What brought worker protections and wealth to the working class? +What options do Connecticut residents who register have +When did the studies of the brain become more sophisticated? +What did Kennedy's report reveal? +What popular description is given to the area known as Clinton? +All structural engineering related to building design encompasses what? +What may create distortion in regard to coordinate systems? +What did The Times publish that was deemed to be fake? +Which state has a larger income gap? +In a European sense, what subject was nearly non existent in colonial America? +Which instrument designer developed chromatic fingering? +First-order logic is also known as first-order predicate calculus, the lower predicate calculus, predicate logic, and what? +At the end of which century did British economy grow very fast? +What are two of the most common reasons for a child being given a particular combination of parents' surnames? +In what decade of the 1900s was Structuralism developed? +What storm dropped snow in late October? +Who replaced Evans as the editor at The Sunday Times? +How long did it take Sweden to recover from the 1991 financial crisis +What component of fatty acids are considered lipids? +Who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner?" +The best way to predict a cardiac event is from what? +Who reported on the winters of 1703 and 1708? +How many job creation arguments did Bittle & Johnson explore? What are counties subdivided into? -What are town or townships used as? -In which states are towns treated as equivalents to townships? -In which regions mostly are townships used as subdivisions of a county? -What are political divisions of the United States also called? -What are the multiple entities that together form and govern the United States called? -The state is also known as what subdivision of the United States? -What is the article and section where the admission of states into the United States is authorized in the Constitution of the United States? -What are population centers organized into? -What are municipalities typically subordinate to? -In which state are completely independent from the county in which they would otherwise be a part? -In which state do towns form the primary unit of local government? -What are administered by the Federal government? -Who maintains exclusive jurisdiction over military installations? -Who maintains exclusive jurisdiction over embassies and consulates in foreign countries? -What other special purpose divisions exist separately? -State governments within the United States are allowed to do what regarding their own laws? -In what sense are state governments not sovereign? -Under what are all States equal in international law? -What of the United States does not possess international legal sovereignty? -State governments within the United States are allowed to do what regarding their own laws? -In what sense are state governments not sovereign? -Under what are all States equal in international law? -What of the United States does not possess international legal sovereignty? -What of the United States are subdivided? -What are the subdivisions of the States in the United States called? -What name does Louisiana use for county? -What name does Alaska use for county? -What is the primary political unit of the United States? -When were the Articles of Confederation established? -Who gave the 50 individual states sovereign jurisdiction? -What document establishes the political government of the federal government of the United States? -When was the independence from the British Empire declared? -When did the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands end? -How many ways was the trust territory divided? -What is the name of the islands the trust territory was partially divided into? -What is the name of the agreement between the United States and the Pacific Islands? -What subdivided into municipalities? -What is not subdivided into municipalities? -What does Guam call municipalities? -What does the U.S. Virgin Islands call municipalities? -What place uses the terms district and Unorganized atolls instead of municipality? -What is not explicitly apart of the U.S.'s divisional political configuration? -What are the states of Palau called? -What are the states of the Federated States of Micronesia called? -What islands are divided into islands and atolls? -Palau and the Marshall Islands are both what? -Cuba and the Philippines used to be territories but are now what? -When did the US Navy begin to hold the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base? -Who disagrees with the lease to Guantanamo Bay? -What is required for the United State's lease to end? -Why does Cuba claim to dispute their arrangement with the US? -When is a territory expected to follow any changes issued by the federal government? -What did state voted to secede from the US at the start of the Civil War? -What event caused the secession of West Virginia from Virginia? -What is the power of Congress seen as over non-state territories? -When was the Department of the Interior created? -What bill was passed on the last day of the 30th Congress? -Which department is charged with dealing with internal affairs of US territories? -Which government department deals with regulation of territorial governments, and the basic responsibilities for public lands? -What Bureau deals with Indian reservations? -Which Bureau deals with island dependencies? -Which department is not responsible for local government or civil administration? -What department houses the BIA and OIA bureaus? -Who has jurisdiction over American embassies? -Who has exclusive jurisdiction concerning overseas military installations? -What type of jurisdiction does the federal government have over American embassies? -What type of jurisdiction does the federal government have over federal enclaves? -What district is under the authority of Congress? -Which 2 states gave land to form the District of Columbia? -Which states received land back from DC in 1846? -Which group has exclusive jurisdiction concerning DC? -What act allows DC to have an elected mayor and city council? -What moral value were liberals found to value least? -What do conservatives and liberals agree is the top value? -Why is liberalism more valuable in areas on a coast? -What two values do liberals say are the most important? -What's the important question answered by both morality and politics? -To whose interests did the Chinese Dowager Empress subjugate China? -What kind of movements stress a common morality? -What type of reform revitalized monasticism? -What are codes of group morality used to regulate? -What might a group's ongoing existence depend on? -Ethics s a branch of what? -What refers to if something is right or wrong? -Normative ethics studies what? -Morality is what relationship to the culture of the person who holds it? -Divine command theroy states that morality comes from what? -Ethical subjectivism claims that morality comes from what? -Universal prescriptivism claims tat morality comes from what? -The idea that all morality comes from a centeral source is called what? -Who separated tribal and territorial morality? -Territorial morality is negative according to what author? -Which morality is more collective? -Which morality is more dependent on culture or region? -Private property would be respected by which morality? -What's the definition of religion relative to that of morality? -What is one thing religion and morality be called, according to the Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics? -What do most people think about morality's dependence on religion? -What's another thing the Dictionary calls religion and morality? -A racist might apply different morality to what kind of group? -group discrimination evolved because why? -Nationalism is part of ingroup/outgroup according to whom? -ingroups are far more commonly used by what political ideology? -in-group survival rates have been confirmed by what? -What is the basis of what's considered right and wrong in Hinduism? -Who finds the system of Hindu morality hard to grasp? -What kind of religion are Islam and Christianity? -What are consequentialism and humanism? -Peterson and Seligman follow what view? -Peterson and Seligman claim that what prevails across all cultures? -What virtues are part of humanity? -Law and order would fall under what virtue? -If you've known the answer to every question thus far, what virtue does that show? -How do religious people compare to non-believers in terms of compassion according to a recent study? -Who, according to the same study, is more likely to do random acts of kindness? -Is the view of murder based on religion a simple one, according to Gary Jensen? -In what developed countries has homicide not been drastically reduced in the past century? -Where has the homicide rate dropped a lot in the last century? -What values did David Hume call superstitious? -What did Hume warn against making assumptions about based on someone's religiosity? -What type of religions tend to be more black and white in their views of divorce? -What did Hume say was often found to coexist with piety? -What is the Hindu view of killing? -What values do Paul Kurtz say transcend cultures? -What does Kurtz say values that cross cultural lines can be used for? -What religion does Blackburn say has a harsh penal code? -What negative social structure does Blackburn say Hinduism is connected with? -Where does Blackburn say we can find negative approaches to old ladies? -When was Society Without God published? -What does Zuckerman say are the least religious nations ever? -What is the connection between religion and crime? -Where have studies about morality been done? -Are people in Denmark and Sweden generally honest? -Who wrote "Did the Pedestrian Die?" -One of the moral dilemmas Trompenaars tested was? -What was the outcome of the tests concerning moral dilemmas? -What did Trompenaars test concerning members of different cultures? -Mirror neurons fire in imitation of what? -What is the term for neurons in the brain that fire when another person is observed doing a certain action? -What year were mirror neurons discovered? -What is one of the defining characteristics of psychopathy? -What is the name of the cognitive neuro-scientist who thinks mirror neurons played a key role in the evolution of morality? -Who is the author of "Complete Conduct Principles for the 21st Century"? -What did John Newton compare in his book, concerning morality? -In what book can you find, a harmonious blending of the Eastern and Western cultures? -What did Newton, in his book, show that the Western world needed? -What defines the cognitive-developmental approach to moral development? -What do social psychologists believe social and emotional development is based on? -According to William Damon and Mordechai Nisan, what does moral self-identity lead to? -Which well-known psychoanalyst believed that moral development is the product of aspects of the super-ego? -What is the term for the aspect of the super-ego that relates to moral development? -What was the audience unaware of? -What kind of opinions did Monin and Miller discover people were more willing to express when their credentials were established? -What year did Monin and Miller examine the moral self-licensing effect? -Who examined the moral self-licensing effect in 2001? -What were participants asked to establish in order for Monin and Miller to observe the moral self-licensing effect? -What do most people occasionally engage in? -What does immoral behavior jeopardize? -What is the concept that aims to explain why people still feel they are moral individuals despite engaging in immoral behaviors? -What does moral self-licensing suggest increases the likelihood of engaging in immoral behavior? -Confidence can cause an increase in the likelihood of engaging in what kind of behavior? +what systems are many for first-order logic? +What percentage of Americans across Party lines agreed that outsourcing production work to foreign countries is bad for the U.S. economy? +What is the German word for a medical officer candidate? +From which state Kukis want a state for themselves? +What is commonly known as "bad" cholesterol? +Why did migrants from eastern Turkey migrate to Istanbul? +What age do Republicans who support legal recognition of same-sex marriage fall in? What is stimulated by transcranial magnetic stimulation in the investigation? -What did not disrupt the ability to make moral judgements? -What do people typically base their moral judgements of intentional harms on aside from the action outcome itself? -What is another theory for how moral judgements are made that do not take belief into account? -What did the researchers suggest disrupted the processing of negative beliefs for both intentional and attempted harms? -The start of modern morality is closely tied? -What evolved due to survival and reproductive benefits? -What type of biologists believe morality is result of evolutionary forces? -What is a product of the moral behaviors? -What are some "pro-social" emotions in regard to morality? -What does morality encourage? -How do animals improve their evolutionary fitness? -What is a natural phenomenon? -Why did human morality evolve? -What is founded on instincts and intuitions? -What is the effect that reduces mutual sexual attraction? -What helps offspring survive? -The Westermarck effect reduces what risky behavior? -What do evolutionary biologists see as one way to begin understanding human morality? -What is the function of reciprocity in nature? -Where is the function of reciprocity in nature especially seen? -How will vampire bats save a fellow bat from starvation? -Who can animals in close-knit groups rely on to feed them when hungry? -What groups did Marc. Bekoff and Jessica Pierce argue have morality? -What does the suite of behavioral capacities include? -How did Marc. Bekoff and Jessica Pierce define morality? -What animal has been demonstrated to show empathy? -Besides empathy, what other moral behavior have chimpanzees been shown to possess? -What did Christopher Boehm hypothesize was due to an increasing need to avoid disputes and injuries? -According to Christopher's hypothesis, what contributed to the need to avoid disputes and injuries? -What do theories besides Christopher's suggest? -Who hypothesized that the incremental development of moral complexity throughout hominid-evolution was due to the increasing need to avoid disputes and injuries? -How have the brain areas that are involved when humans reason about moral issues been investigated? -What did the the neural network related to moral decisions overlap with? -Where have the quantitative large-scale meta-analysis of brain activity changes been reported? -What notions did the results of the investigations of brain activity during moral reasoning support? -What does the evidence suggest about the neural network underlying moral decisions? -What does the making of right and wrong judgments coincide with? -What activates the temporoparietal junction area of the brain? -What is the abbreviation for the ventromedial prefrontal cortex? -What area of the brain does intuitive reactions to situations about moral issues activate? -What is morality defined as? -Which Latin word does morality derive from from? -In which language does the word morality have origin? -What does moralitas mean in latin? -What is included in moral philosophy? -What does moral ontology mean? -What else is included in moral philosophy? -What does moral epistemology mean? -What do deontological ethical systems adhere to? -What is the opposite to morality? -What is amorality defined as? -What does immorality mean? -What is defined as opposition to that which is good or right? -What is ethics also known as? -What is ethics used narrowly to mean? -What does ethics address? -What types of ethical theories distinguish between ethics and morals? -What is the word "ethics" commonly used interchangeably with? -What does morality concern itself with? -What does morality not connote? -What instead does morality refer to? -What is descriptive ethics? -Rotterdam is a city in which country? -Which river is Rotterdam located within? -Why did people settle at the Rotte River? -In 1340 what did Rotterdam grow into? +What is a deflection? +Is there any effective deduction system for second-order logic that is sound and compelete under full semantics? +What research at Pitt is considered some of most important medical achievements today? +What is a common mode of reading? +Why does Drum and bass remains most popular in the UK ? +In what conference besides the Atlantic Coast does Pitt university belong? +Where were dogs first domesticated? +How many first-team All-American players as Pitt produced? +Whose reign over Constantinople ended in 1025? +In how many ways is each Indian Reservation subdivided? +Did voters prefer Eisenhower or the GOP? +What increases in the blood as people get older? What is Rotterdam known for nowadays? -During which war was Rotterdam at the edge of destruction? -Rotterdam was voted 2015 European City of the Year by which organization? -Rem Koolhaas, Piet Blom, and Ben van Berkel are examples of what? -Rotterdam was ranked what in The Rough Guide Top 10 Cities to visit? -Eramus University is located where? -Rotterdam is ranked at which place in terms of port size compared to the rest of the world? -Which rivers give waterway access to Western Europe? -What's Rotterdam's nickname? -Rotterdam is ranked at which place in terms of port size compared to the rest of Europe? -What is a major reason why Rotterdam has logistics successes? -What does Rotta mean? -When was the dam built at Rotte? -What is the name of the lower end of the fen stream? -How did the city combat the large floods? -What caused the end of development in Rotte? -During which war did the Germany army invade the Netherlands? -Where is the statue, De Verwoeste Stad located? -Who was hoping that Germany could conquer the Netherlands in one day? -What date did the Dutch army surrender to Germany? -How many civilians were killed due to Germany invading the Netherlands? -What year was the the high rise White House office building in Dutch Witte Huis completed? -The Van Nelle fabriek, the Jugendstill clubhouse, and Feyenoord's football stadium were notable types of modern architecture in Rotterdam in what century? -What was the tallest office building in Europe in 1898? -Who designed the Van Nelle fabriek in Rotterdam in 1929? -In 2014, what building was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Rotterdam? -What year was the the high rise White House office building in Dutch Witte Huis completed? -What was the tallest office building in Europe in 1898? -The Van Nelle fabriek, the Jugendstill clubhouse, and Feyenoord's football stadium were notable types of modern architecture in Rotterdam in what century? -Who designed the Van Nelle fabriek in Rotterdam in 1929? -In 2014, what building was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Rotterdam? -What year was Feyenoord in Rotterdam founded? -Which club is the dominant of the three professional clubs in the Netherlands? -What are at least two other cups won by Feyenoord, besides the European Cup? -Which cup did Feyenoord win as the first Dutch club in 1970? -What professional club as won 14 national titles since the introduction of football in the Netherlands? -What place was chosen as the host of the Grand Depart of 2010 for the Tour de France? -What place in Germany expressed interest in hosting the Grand Depart of 2010? -What place was turned down as the host of the Grand Depart of 2010? -What organization is in charge of the Tour de France? -Why was Rotterdam selected to host the 2010 event for the Tour de France? -Who helped start Rotterdam's swimming tradition? -What medal did swimmer Marie Braun win in 1928 at the Amsterdam Olypics? -Who was Marie Braun's coach? -How many total championships did Marie Braun win? -What other Rotterdam native did Ma Braun coach? -What is the third largest airport in Rotterdam? -What is the main market force responsible for the growth of the Hague Airport? -What forces might threaten or obscure the growth of the Hague Airport? -What are the two other larger airports in Rotterdam? -What are the benefits of choosing the Hague airport? -What river divides Rotterdam? +How many Catholicos does the Armenian church currently have? +What does the relationship between alcohol and cardiovascular disease depend on? +In an ideal situation, what kind of process would decentralization be? +What kind of low reliefs does the Ishtar Gate of Babylon contain? +What area of insurance was the first insurance company in the US responsible for? +What happened to only Slovenia in WWII? +What is the title of the member who controls how a party member may vote. +What figure did Reuters report in February 2013? +There are size restrictions in certain leagues for what type of goaltender apparel? +What was the land in present-day Ohio known as in 1786? +How have the Andes not have constant rise? +what form does most of the fat in food take on? +When was the successful communist revolution occurred in Mongolia? +How many children are homeless in a year? +What region was based on farms that were self-sufficient and only traded for what they couldn't produce? +Hartford, Connecticut was originally known as what? +How many years of training might be added to training, depending on a physician's chosen field? +What do arches bear in a single direction? +What made up 22% of big city budgets in 1980? +What was the number of Chicago's homeless that was documented for a single night in 2007? What is the name of the railway lift bridge? -What is the local language name for the North Island? -What bridge is in the city besides the Willemsbrug and the Koninginne Bridge? -Which tunnel is a rail way tunnel? -Which river splits Rotterdam into northern and southern parts? -What does 'Erasmusbrug' translate to in english? -What is the name of a railway lift bridge that's preserved as a monument? -'The Lift' is positioned between the south of Rotterdam and where? -What is the 'Queen's Bridge' in dutch? -What decade represents the start of Rotterdamn's rebuilding? -What was built on the south bank of Rotterdam in the 1990s? -What award did Rotterdam win in 2015? -Who awards the European City of the Year award? -When did city councils begin their architectural policy? -What was built on the south bank of the river as a business center? -What was Rotterdom voted to be in 2015? -Before the 1980s and a new architectural policy, how was Rotterdam described? -New architectural policy starting in the 1980s made the city center of Rotterdam more what? -Rotterdam was gradually rebuilt from what decade up til the 1970s? -What companies have their Dutch headquarters located in Rotterdam? -What pharmaceutical company's headquarters is located in Rotterdam? -What consumer goods company's headquarters is located in Rotterdam? -What oil company's headquarters is located in Rotterdam? -What was the first pedestrian street opened in Rotterdam? -What shopping center is Rotterdam's most famous? -What is the more modern shopping center called? -What stores does the Kruiskade have? -When was the Lijnbaan first opened? -What metric of the population differs from city area to area? -How high is the singles population of ages 20-40 in the city center? -Which group has the highest concentration in the city center relative to the other city areas? -What percentage of homes are rented? -The city center has a much larger pool of educated people and higher what? -What is the major university in Rotterdam? -What rank was given to the Rotterdam School of Management in 2005? -What rank was given to the Rotterdam School of Management in 2009? -Who was the Erasmus University Rotterdam named after? -What is the name of their city orchestra? -Who is the director of the Rotterdam Philharmonic? -What is the name of their city zoo? -What is the name of their city aquarium? -Which city in the Netherlands has the largest amount of foreigners from third world countries? -Rotterdam is known for having foreigners from what kind of nations? -What percentage of Muslims comprise Rotterdam's population? -Who is the Muslim mayor of Rotterdam? -What part of Rotterdam is the China Town located? -What festivals does Rotterdam celebrate? -What music venues went out of business? -What years did Rotterdam have trouble filling pop music venues? -What festival is held in January? -What causes Chromatic aberration? +What level of precipitation does Istanbul have? +What other names were it called during the time of Roman rule? +What city was the first indoor ice hockey game played? +What does the Japanese surname Inoue mean? +Who is responsible for fundraising for House races on the Republican side? +What did colonists subdivide between farmers? +What is the percentage of American adults that believe that the warming of the climate is due to human activity? +What are fatty esters composed of? +what makes up the stannylens in compounds? +What was the name of the first Pilgrim colony? +Whose traditions do Australian medical schools follow? +How did all the new terms from technological advances affect abbreviation? +Who is regarded as the "father of television"? +What does MCh stand for? +What is the top soil on steep slopes like? +What kind of pass is used when an opposing team's stick or body is in the passing lane? +What role does a structual engineer play? What does chromatic aberration look like? -What minimises chromatic aberration? -What uses achromats in its design? -What works better than an achromat? -When are the FFL and BFL infinite? -What creates a collimated beam? -What can two afocal lense form? -What are used to transform beams? -What helps correct visual defects? -What shapes are typical for glasses? -What issues do eyeglasses correct? -What attenuates light? -What is required to make a catadioptric system? -What time of image does the human eye see? -What is used for real image recording? -What correctors are considered catadioptric systems? -How long have burning glasses been used? -What is used to burn an object at its focal point? -What are convex lenses used to increase the efficiency of? -Do convex lenses need to be well made to burn materials? -What is a lens? -What does a simple lens consist of? -What does a compound lens consist of? -What are lenses made out of? -When were lenses created? -Where were lenses used for in the past? -When were lenses first mentioned? -When were corrective lenses first mentioned? -When did use lenses become common? -When did the optical industry start? -What were lenses used for? -When was the compound optical microscope invented? -When was the refracting telescope invented? -Who invented the compound achromatic lens? -When was the compound achromatic lens created? -Where was the compound achromatic lens created? -Who else claims to have invented the compound achromatic lens? -What is the most common shape of lenses? -What are spherical lenses? -What are the different shapes of lenses? -What is the axis of the lens? -What kind of lens can project a real image even if it's negative? -If the object distance is negative then what kind of object does the lens see? -A virtual object can be seen when a lens is inserted into a what? -In this context, what does f stand for? -For visual telescopes or binoculars, what kind of magnification is more important? -What kind of magnification shows how much larger an object is seen in contrast to how it's seen by the naked eye? -Lens are either long-focus lenses or wide-angle lenses depending on their what? -What is the term for the reciprocal focal length of the lens? -Which magnification is less important for visual telescopes or binoculars? -If the angular magnification is 5, then how much larger does an object appear to the eye without the lens? -What magnification type is unimportant when shooting a picture of the moon with a 50 mm lens? -Using inappropriate measurements can technically be correct but yield a number that is what? -What is the focal length of a magnifying glass that's held 20 cm from the eye and 5 cm from the object yields an image of infinite linear size? -What effect occurs because glass lens are shaped into spherical surfaces? -What does spherical aberration cause in an image? -What is the simplest shape glass can be ground and polished into? -Non-sphereical lenses are called what? -What kind of lens is used to foucs a collimated beam which produces a much sharper focal spot? -Comatic aberration can also be referred to as what? -What is the ring-shaped image on the focal plane created by parallel rays called? -Comatic abberation results in what kind of appearance in it's aberrated images? -What are lenses classified as when effects such as spherical aberration and coma are minimized? -What are lenses classified by? -What is a biconvex lens? -What does equiconvex mean? -When is a biconcave lens? -What is plano-convex? -What does a negative meniscus lens have? -What determines if convex-concave lenses are positive or negative? -What does a positive meniscus lens have? -What do all real lenses have? -How do you obtain exactly zero optical power? -What does a positive or converging lens in air do? -What is the focal plane? -What is a point source of light placed at the focal point converted into? -How is an object at the focal length distance from the lens imaged? -What do the signs of the lens' radii of curvature indicate? -What does negative R mean? -What does a positive R indicate? -What does R1 > 0 and R2 < 0 indicate? -What does R1 < 0 and R2 > 0 indicate? -If S2 is negative, what does this indicate? -What can a virtual image not do? -What does a virtual image attempting to be projected appear like to an observer looking through the lens? -What does a magnifying glass create? -What happened between 1917 and 1939? -The state of Manipur wanted to be part of what? -Why were the negotiations cut short? -What treaty was signed? -What were the different names for Manipur? -What did Bhagyachandra and his successors do? -What was the treaty between British East India and Meidingu? -What did Dharani Samhita do? -When did the separatist movement begin? -What is being demanded? -What kind of problems does India face? -What must travelers do? -Who was the first armed group in Manipur? -What group was formed in 1977? -When was it founded and why? -When was PLA formed? -What happened in 1980? -What is the size of Manipur? -What are the coordinates of the state? -What is the climate like? -What's the area and elevation of the state? -How many rivers deposit into Loktak lake? -How is the water of the rivers draining the Manipur Hills? -Are the rivers draining the Manipur Hills calm? -Which rivers drain from the west? -Which rivers drain from the east? -How many rivers deposit into Loktak lake? -How is the water of the rivers draining the Manipur Hills? -Are the rivers draining the Manipur Hills calm? -Which rivers drain from the east? -Which rivers drain from the west? -What defines Manipur? -What is the total area of the lakes? -What is a noteworthy feature of the central plain? -What is the lowest altitude of the area? -What is the highest altitude of the area? -What are the soil cover types? -What is inside the valley soils? -What is the typical Ph values? -What is subject to high amounts of erosion? -What is the top soil on steep slopes like? -What is the altitude of the Manipur area? -How hot does northeastern India get? -Is northeastern India cold? -How cold can it get in northeastern India? -When does the area experience its coldest and hottest periods? -When does the state experience heavy rainfall? -What is the annual average of precipitation? -What area receives the least rainfall? -What area receives the most precipitation? -Where does the monsoon collect water? -Which insurgent groups demand a separate state for the Kukis? -From which state Kukis want a state for themselves? -What KNO stands for? -Other than KNO which other organization supports the Kuki insurgent groups? -Part of which state Nagas want to incorporate into their vision of greater Nagaland? -Worldwide each year how many people per hundred thousand met violent unnatural death between 2004 and 2009? -In 2010, how many civilians died in Manipur because of militancy? -In 2013, how many civilians died in Manipur because of militancy? -In Manipur, how many explosions were recorded in 2012? -In Manipur, how many explosions were recorded in 2013? -Where is the Silchar railway station? -How many miles is Silchar from Imphal? -Which is the second largest airport in northeast India? -What is the name of the international airport in Manipur? -Which highway connects Manipur with Assam? -What kind of weeds are used to create artificial islands in the Loktak Lake? -How many miles is Loktak Lake from Imphal? -In which district the Loktak Lake is located? -Which is the largest fresh water lake in the North East India? -Who live on the islands made out of floating weeds? -What is the dimension of Shumang lila stage in feet? -What does Shumang mean? -How chairs are there in a Shumang lila stage? -How many passages are used as entrance and exit in a Shumang lila stage? -Other than chairs what is kept beside the performance space of Shumang lila? -How many students studied in the schools of Iskcon? -How many performances has Ranganiketan performed? -When was Ranganiketan Manipuri Cultural Arts Troupe started? -In how many countries has Ranganiketan performed? -Which Lord inspired the Manipuri dance? -What kind of movement characterizes this dance? -What are the costumes like in this dance? -What is the name of Lord Krishna's love interest? -How large is the auditorium (in acres)? -How many years has the theatre been running? -In what year did the theatre win an award at the Edinburgh Festival?? -How long is the play Uttarpriyadashi? -What does Chakouba mean? -Who receives gifts at this festival? -Who is invited to the festival? -When is the festival held each year? -On what date is Kut celebrated? -What does the Kut festival symbolize? -Which tribes are the primary celebrants of Kut? -What festival precedes the Kut festival? -What percentage of Manipuri are Hindus? -Which school of Hinduism became a dominant force in Manipur during the eighteen century? -By which people is Hinduism mostly professed by? -What king declared Vaishnavism the official State religion? -Which population is heavily concentrated among the Meetei? -Which religion is adopted by 41.2% of the people in the state? -In which century did Christianity was brought by missionaries to Manipur? -What type of education did a few Christian schools introduced in the state? -Which religion is adopted by the majority of the population in the Hill districts? -What are the four respected schools in Manipur? -What percentage of the state's people practiced Folk religions? -What is the name of the ancient indigenous religion? -What god the Sanamahi worship is concentrated on? -On what was based their ancestor worship and animism? -What religions have a long history in Manipur? -What is the literacy rate among Muslims? -What was the number of Class 1 Muslim officers? -What was the number of women in the 51 Class 1? -What number of muslims had matriculated from second school in 1995? -What is the literacy state's average? -In which state does the violence takes part in? -Cite three of the main tribal groups -Beyond which two groups does the violence extend to? -What did those tribal groups formed? -Cite three of the main Manipuri insurgent groups -What type of patients did Paul Broca work with? -What did Paul Broca's research find in regard to certain regions of the brain? -Franz Joseph Gall's theory says that language was what? -Through observation of what type of patients was the localization of function hypothesis supported? -Who correctly found the organization of the motor cortex by means of observation of seizure progression through the body? -In what century was neuroscience beginning to be recognized as an academic discipline? -Neuroscience, as a field, was credited to have been established by who? -Where did David Rioch research the integration of basic anatomical and physiological research through clinical psychiatry? -In what period did David Rioch start research through clinical psychiatry? -At what university did Francis O. Schmitt establish a Biology Department? -In what year did Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley present the Hodgkin-Huxley model? -The Hodgkin-Huxley model describes what facet about the electrical signals of the brain? -When was the Hodgkin-Huxley model simplified? -Who modeled neurotransmission across synapses? -What is the simplified Hodgkin-Huxley model called? -Advance in what fields are the reason why the study of nervous system was greatly increased in the second half of the twentieth century? What are neurons? -How are neurons able to communicate with other neurons and cell types? -What happens at a synapse? -What are the long thin filaments of protoplasm that neurons extrude? -What two parts can the nervous system be split into with vertebrates? -Where does most of the complexity lie with the nervous system? -What is the most complex organ system in the body? -How many synapses does the human brain have? -What is the cause for the change of the human brain over time? -What is a problem that most studies in Neurology have in regards to their number of participants? -What do the large studies in neurology tend to find with respect to individuals with mental conditions? -What are the only diagnoses that can be validated through large brain studies? -What is a problem with studies that are a basis for domain-specific diagnoses in neuropsychiatry? -What are some types of medicines specifically address diseases of the nervous system? -What is a discipline that addresses diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system? -What discipline focuses on affective, behavioral, cognitive, and perceptual disorders? -What discipline focuses on perception of pain and alteration of consciousness using pharmaceutics? -What discipline focuses on the classification and the pathogenic mechanisms of central and peripheral nervous systems? -What is the largest professional neuroscience organization? -When was SFN founded? -As of 2010, how many members did SFN have? -Which country was SFN founded in? -How many different countries have members in SFN? -What is the name of another major international organization devoted to neuroscience? -What is the name of a major European based organization devoted to neuroscience? -How often does FENS hold a meeting? -How many national-level organizations are included in FENS? -In what year was the first National Honor Society in Neuroscience founded? -What are the two primary groups neuroscientists are involved in informing about the nervous system? -What is the name of a large organization in the United States that focuses on promoting neuroscience education? -What is the name of a worldwide academic competition for young students in neuroscience knowledge? -What foundation partnered with the Society for Neuroscience to cosponsor the Brain Awareness Week? -Where in Canada is the CIHR Canadian National Brain Bee held annually? -What are the range of levels from which the study of the nervous system can be done? -At what level of the nervous system is the mechanisms by which neurons express and respond to signals studied? -At the molecular level of the nervous system, tools from what two disciplines are used to study how neurons develop and how genetic changes affect biological functions. -At the molecular level of the nervous system genetic changes are studied in order to understand how they affect what? -What characteristics of neurons are studied in order to understand how they relate to different types of behavior? -What levels can you study the nervous system on? -What does molecular science focus on? -What is morphology? -How are molecular biology and genetics useful? -What is neuroscience? -Traditionally, what has neuroscience been a branch of? -What fields does neuroscience exert influence on? -What is the term neuroscience interchangeably used with? -Has neuroscience broadened or narrowed? -How have techniques used by neuroscientists expanded? -What has aided recent theoretical advances in neuroscience? -Which approaches has the scope of neuroscience broadened to include? -What did early views on the function of the brain regard it to be? -In which country was the brain regularly removed in preparation for mummification? -What was the first step of mummification according to Herodotus? -What was believe to be the seat of intelligence at that time? -Until when was the view that the hart was the source of consciousness not challenged? -What did Hippocrates believe? -Who else speculated that the brain was the seat of the rational part of the soul? -In what way did Aristotle differ from Plato? -When did the studies of the brain become more sophisticated? -When was the microscope invented? -Who invented the microscope and the development of a staining procedure? -How did the staining procedure work? -What did the staining procedure lead to? -What does cellular neuroscience focus on? -What are neurites? -What are the purpose of dendrites? -What are the purpose of axons? -What are the purpose of somas? -What functions does the nervous system affect? -What does neuroendocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology focus on? -What is neuroethology and neuropsychology? -What does neuroscience focus on? -What is the purpose of cognitive neuroscience? -What are examples of neuroimaging? -What measurement techniques used in neuroscience? -What are the benefits the measurement techniques? -What do neuroscientists want regarding the nervous system? -What has helped the development of understanding neuroscience? -What do neuroscientists focus on? -What technology has helped the development of neuroscience? -Where was the court of Charles I housed in 1642? -In which year did Oxford yield to parliamentarian forces? -When did Oxford house the court of Charles II? -In which years did Oxford suffer serious fires? -What year did Oxford accommodate Charles 1? -When did Charles stay at Oxford? -What other court did Oxford house? -What happened in Oxford in 1644 and 1671? -Why did Charles II have to hold court at Oxford? -Where is Oxford located? -How many people are in Oxforshire? -What is Oxford considered? -What is notable about Oxford's buildings? -What was the original name of Oxford? -Where bridges common in Oxenaforda? -When was the first means of traversing the river made? -What happened to Oxford in the 10th century? -What damaged Oxford in 1066? -Who ruled over the town post invasion? -Why was the castle built? -Did Oxford grow in population at this time? -When was the Arthurian legend written down? -What helped Oxford's reputation? -Who founded Rewley Abbey? -What was founded near the city? -Who was Rewley Abbey for? -When was the first recorded instance of Oxford University? -What is the final structure remaining outside Oxford from the 12th century? -What colleges were created in the 12th century? -When was there a riot in Oxford? -How many were killed in the riot? -What connected Oxford and London? -How far is it from Oxford to London? -When did the North Western Railway initially open? -How many miles between Oxford to Bletchley? -How fast was the line upgraded to? -How long was the train route to Bicester shutdown for in 2014? -What links Oxford to London Marylebone? -How long is the track between London Marylebone and Oxford? -Who other than the BBC broadcast radio? -What TV station shut down in 2009? -What started broadcasting on 877 MHz FM? -When did the Oxide radio station start broadcasting in FM? -Which performance is Oxford most notable for? -Where did Radiohead come together initially? -How long of a period is featured in the documentary? -Who has produced many notable performers? -What is Oxford's leading club? -What tier is Oxford United in initially? -When did Oxford United reach the top division? -How long did Oxford United take to reach top division? -What famous players were part of Oxford United? -What's the size of the city centre? -Where is the city centre centred? +Which tenses make up the present system? +What is the ophecleide? +What was the population of Detroit in 1773? +What year was hockey believed to be mentioned in a proclamation? +What kind of nature of an expression is talked about? +Drum and bass share many characteristics with that genre of music? +Is chiseling a quick process? +What stands for the function? +When was Windows Server released? +Were all satisfied with the ability of the Senate to do its work of oversite? +Which saxes are usually included in a concert band? +Where is it customary to have two surnames? +How did 450 Park Avenue sell for in 2007? +do they use full western priest garments? +When did the merge happen? +What is the purpose of the internal ranking examination? +What refers to if something is right or wrong? +What kind of reed is used in the saxophone? +Who sold farmers plots of land in New Hampshire? +When does medical education begin in Iran? +How have American academics tended to label continental philosophy? +Internet Explorer 5.0 was released with what operating system? +First-order theory with infinite model would have cardinality larger than what? +What did Kennedy's report reveal? +The city center has a much larger pool of educated people and higher what? +What do deontological ethical systems adhere to? +How many universities are in Istanbul? +Who has been involved in controversies? +What alternative approach may have more efficiency than a non-centralized model? +How many families were threaten by these proposed cuts? +Which area has high earnings in the US? +What is the name of the oldest rescue mission in the Bowery? +What percentage of Asian votes did John McCain win in 2008? +Can you write a function that is a function whose domain is X and image is a subset of Y? +How often do children adopt their mother's first name? +What did the oral contraceptive pill accomplish? +What notions did the results of the investigations of brain activity during moral reasoning support? +What printed edition of the latin works is mentioned first? +Which colony absorbed the New Haven colony in the 17th century? +What natural process can lead to changes in the properties of the vascular wall? +What is C-reactive protein? +What term describes inexpensive solutions for the poor people of the world? +What is osteoprotegerin? +Blocking the end of the bell on a saxophone allows players to play which note? +How did Latin change during the post-classical period? +Does this Hospital include a Children's Hospital? +Which intergovernmental organization utilizes a multiple-system view in its analysis of decentralization? +What does a tourism mean when they say green season? +What else is required beyond the three years of study? +Which two groups of people increased their presence in American lives? +Why does tin resist transformation? +Queen's University and Ryal Military College of Kingston, Ontario play for what ? +phosphatidylinositol phosphates are also known by what abbreviation? +What does the third year of Master of Medicine entails? +What determines the climate in different areas of the Andes? +What majority is needed to override a governor's veto? +When was hockey considered to be an on-side game? +Principles of what kind of engineering are applied to a variety of mechanical structures? +What type of people composed Europeans in the Canary Islands? +How did the Andes change during the Cretaceous Period? +What diploma French medical students' pursue after getting their MD? +How long were the plans to end homelessness? +In what year was Madison Square Garden built? +What was the Tense time after World War II between Western Allies and the Communist Eastern countries called? +How can a surname with a prefix be spelled? +Who awards MD degree in Sri Lanka? +What is the average salinity of ocean water? +What bay is north of the Usedom and Wolin islands? +Why was Haydarpasa closed in 2012? +What are the 2 seminaries of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin? +When did Byzantium join the Roman Empire? +Which New York borough did Hurricane Sandy cause excessive damage to? +What museum is currently displaying the flag as part of an exhibition on the U.S. flag? +Which political party is associated with the color red? +Who found that 80% of Windows users were infected? +What did much of the 2012 presidential election focus on? +Why are managers motivated through decentralization? +What act allows DC to have an elected mayor and city council? +Where is the El Castillo? +What happens to tin? +What is Connecticut's average percentage of possible sunshine? +When did employment rates begin to rise after Obama's policies took effect? +Why were pyramids built rather than other shapes? +How was the plain transformed into a sea? +Which program has Pitt started to accompany someone's regular studies? +When was Society Without God published? +What park is next to the Bosphorus Bridge? +Who states that decentralization is "more than a process"? +What palace in Istanbul is the biggest? +When was Jamestown founded? +How did second-wave feminists view popular culture? +Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? +What are the main forms of precipitation? +precipitation has increased over the land north of 30 degrees north since what year? +Which terms did China borrow from Soviet Leninist translations? +What hormones do carbon (C18) contain? +What islands are divided into islands and atolls? +What is the only optional piece of safety equipment? Where are Oxford's various chain stores located? -When was Boswell's founded? -Which is the longest of the four streets? -How many small shopping centres are there in the city centre? -Which small shopping centres are there in the city centre? -What is the Westgate centre named for? -Where is the Westgate centre located? -When is the refurbishment of Westgate Shopping centre expected to complete? -Which museum was the first to be established? -Which is the oldest museum in the UK? -When was the first building of Ahmolean Museum erected? -What is in the Ashmolean Museum? -Since when does Oxford have the largest urban park and ride networks in the UK? -How many buses serve the parking spaces? -How many parking spaces does Oxford's five sites have? -What's the itinerary of the bus service to John Radcliffe Hospital? -What kind of power do hybrid buses use? -When did the hybrid buses begin to be used in Oxford? -Which two companies operate numerous hybrid buses in the city? -What did the 20 new buses introduced by Oxford Bus Company in 2014 have? -What's the specialty of flywheel energy storage? -What caused a huge improvement in Oxford during the 1920s? -Where did 20,000 people work in Oxford during the 1970s? -Who established Morris Motors? -What is car is currently built in Oxford? -What is Oxford thought of in relation to Cowley during the 1970s? -What is one of the most diverse small city in Britain? -How much of the Oxford population is minority groups? -How many people from overseas have certified for National Insurance Numbers? -Where is the major influx of migrant labour in Oxford going? -How many breweries were in Oxford by 1874? -How many brewers' agents were in Oxford shipping beer in? -What expanded due to the railway links in Oxford during the 1840? -What innovation allowed brewers not in Oxford to compete for a market share? -When was Morrell's founded? -When did Morrell's finally go out of business? -Who founded Morrell's? -Who bought the 132 Morrell's pubs in 1998? -What was the Lion Brewery turned into in 2002? -An Australian that also lived in the US, who owned The Sun and News of the World. -What act did the Conservative gov't cite in their decision concerning the deal to the Monopolies and Mergers commission? -What year did News International acquire the group? -What group threatened to close down the papers? -In this case, what did the Fair Trading Act exempt from referral? -In 1981, who was appointed at the The Times as editor? -Who falsely authenticated the Hitler Diaries as genuine? -Who replaced Evans as the editor at The Sunday Times? -What did The Times publish that was deemed to be fake? +What did one review find strong evidence of? +Who led the war against white-minority rule in Rhodesia? +When was basketball's first National Invitation tournament held? +What does decentralization increase? +What was considered the first Slovene elected parliament by some historians? +What field house located in Oakland is part of Pitt's athletic facilities? +Connecticut Colony was founded by which settler? +What was the date of the first indoor ice hockey game? +Armenia make Christianity it's official religion? +When was French Louisiana first settled? +What is the most imporant thing when designing a structure? +What did Christopher Boehm hypothesize was due to an increasing need to avoid disputes and injuries? +What was the per capita income for Connecticut in 2013? +In which year did the Ottomans claim they were the caliphate? +Prior to what did Africa's population increase? +What entity can own large tracts of land? +What song played a big part in popular culture and for women and the feminist movement? +What was the number of Class 1 Muslim officers? +What oil company's headquarters is located in Rotterdam? Hugh Trevor-Roper was a historian that authored what book that made him relevant to the newspaper? -What type of reporting did The Sunday Times become known for? -Which rival newspaper took a more traditional stance in contrast to Thatcherite leaning The Sunday Times? -The Sunday Times took a more Thatcherite stance under which appointed editor that served until 1994? -Which country did The Sunday Times expose for developing nuclear warheads in a 1986 publication? -What did The Sunday Times controversially argue had no role in causing AIDS? -Who went on strike in 1986 that caused trouble for the production of The Sunday Times? -The strike caused production for The Sunday Times to shift to where? -The new plant enabled journalists to do what? -The demonstrations put on by print workers in front of the new plant came to be known as what? -What year did the protest end in failure? -What section of The Sunday Times newspaper was relaunched as a website in 2006? -The Sunday Times Rich List was a section in the newspaper added under which editor? -Which section in the newspaper was split into two different sections in 1994? -What new section was the last to be added to the paper under Neil in 1992? -What position did John Witherow hold before becoming editor in 1994? -What print section was renamed InGear in 2006? -In what year was the website Sunday Times Driving launched? -Who became the editor in 1994? -What print section was added in 2001? -What organization did The Sunday Times expose for corruption in 2010? -What is the name of the reporter that was killed in February 2012? -To what number did circulation increase under John Witherow? -What news story was Marie Colvin covering when she was killed? -In what category have the foreign coverage reporters received recognition at the British Press Awards? -What number was the peak of circulation for The Sunday Times? -What number has circulation fallen to? -How many digital-only subscribers were there in March 2014? -What does The Sunday Times have in common with other newspapers? -Who became the acting editor of The Sunday Times in January 2013 after John Witherow? -Who was the editor of The Sunday Times before Martin Ivens became acting editor? -For whom did the independent directors reject a permanent position for? -Why did the independent directors reject a permanent position for Martin Ivens? -When did Martin Ivens become acting editor of The Sunday Times? -When did The Sunday Times and The Times launch separate websites? -With what publication did The Sunday Times share an online presence with? -With what publication did The Times share an online presence with? -When did the sites start charging for access? -Why did The Sunday Times and The Times launch separate websites in 2010? -When was the IPad edition launched? -What has been available since July 2012 on digital version? -The Android version was launched when? -How much content per week does it have? -What does the Apple Newsstand platform do? -What was named app of the year? -How many times was it ranked best app? -What year and where did it get it best app recognition? -How many subscription exist? -Who ranked them best app in the world? -How much do the articles cost? -What was launched on October 2, 2012? -What specialty type of classified advertising was it geared for? -What does the new launched site also include? -What is the second item it also includes? -There were two on staff at launching, who were they? -What was launched in 1993 on a small scale? -How big has the newspaper become? -Who is associate editor? -How many have been circulated in the Island of Ireland? -When was the first issue? -What type of magazine was it? -How many pages did it contain? -What was the monthly magazine called? +From what aspect of their nature do catenary structures obtain their durability? +When did the revival low relief occur? +What are the five less common materials used in reeds? +How many of Istanbul's Jews are Ashkenazi? +What was the earlier Latin word for tin? +What is the name of the airport located in Queens? +What kind of export trade flourished in Europe? +What subjects do police acronyms often reference? +Who was often more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse? +What percentage of 6 million people brought to the New World were involuntary slaves? +What year of medical school is pharmacology studied? +As you head north or east on the Baltic Sea does the salinity increase or decrease? +Where was western boundary of Connecticut marked? +What is it relevant to? +Nanotextured surfaces have how many dimensions on the nanoscale? +What is the size of Manipur? +Horizontal and vertical integration are good for the customer how frequently? +What is the asiento system? +What term was used to describe the vision of a decentralized electronic community? +How many national champion wrestlers has Pitt produced? +What are extratropical cyclones sometimes called in Europe? It was a best selling magazine for who? -What was were they implicated for? -What did the former primer minister accuse them of? +What are some saxophones recently offered with? +What is a side effect of a subroutine call? +Which school was created by Bard college? +Should patients who are low at risk and show no symptoms of cardiovascular disease get further testing? +Does a diagnosis of periodontitis increase risk for cardiovascular disease? +What tribe is associated with the word quonehtacut? +What is one specimen of a shell? +Who wrote journals, pamphlets, books and sermons more than all of the other colonies combined? +What was being taught as a base learning experience to help the homeless with employment? +How many Panther's guard the Hollow bridge? +Who was the founder of the Green Belt Movement? +what reaction combines organotin with organic halides or pseudohalides? Why did they impersonate Brown? -Who was the former prime minister? -What newspaper is this paragraph about? -How many people does it employ? -Matt Cooper's position at the newspaper is what? -How many editors has the Irish edition have? -What was Fiona McHugh's position? -What nationality does it cover the news for? -How long has it been publishing a separate Scottish edition? -Apart from covering sports what else does it provide? -Who was it edited by in 2012? -What is the name of the weekly feature? -How many stories does they produce? -What novel was serialized by The Sunday Times in 1841? -In what year did the coronation of Queen Victoria occur? -The largest illustration to have been published in a British newspaper was of a wood carving of what event? -The engraving of Queen Victoria's coronation was made of what material? -In 1841, The Sunday Times became one of the first to serialize what type of publication? -What bought The Sunday Times in 1887? -In what year did Frederick Beer purchase The Sunday Times? -What newspaper was already owned by Frederick Beer when he bought The Sunday Times? -Who did Frederick Beer hire as editor of The Sunday Times? -Who was the first woman to run a national newspaper? -Who purchased The Sunday Times in 1915? -When did The Sunday Times become the first Sunday newspaper to publish a 40-page issue? -When did The Sunday Times replace advertising with news on the front page? -What was William Berry's name after he was ennobled? -What was Gomer Berry's name after he was ennobled? -In what year was the Kemsley Newspapers Group established? -What was the flagship paper of the Kemsley Newspapers Group -What newspaper group was established in 1943? -What newspaper group was the largest in Britain in 1943? -Who created James Bond? -What positions did Ian Fleming hold at The Sunday Times? -When was the separate Review section launched? -When did Ian Fleming join The Sunday Times? -In 1958, The Sunday Times became the first newspaper to do what? -In 1959, who purchased the Kemsley group? -Who launched The Sunday Times Magazine? -What was the original name of The Sunday Times Magazine? -Who was on the cover of the first issue of The Sunday Times Magazine? -Who took the photo for the cover picture of the first issue of The Sunday Times Magazine? -Who founded the Insight investigative team? -In what year was the Business section launched in The Sunday Time? -What was Britain's first regular three-section newspaper? -Who purchased The Times in 1966? -What did Thomson form after he purchased The Times? -Who established The Sunday Times? -How long was Harold Evans an editor? -When did The Sunday Times publish its first major campaigning report on Thalidomide? -What was Thalidomide associated with? +What kind of factions represented the opposition of the governer? +What is head contact? +When did the Governor of Alabama sign the apology? +What is another word for high relief? +What kind of policies were adopted following early Soviet losses in the war? +How many people died through means of the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff? +When were homeless shelters first built? +What reception event is held in Alumni Hall to congratulate each year's graduating class? +What is Jose's Luis' First surname? +What region of the colonies gained most of it's population from immigration? +In the 1820's what was the Five Points neighborhood home to? +The Stille reaction combines organic halides or pseudohalides with what compound? +What is it called when cooling happens because of the emission of infrared radiation? +What group was formed in 1977? +What was the earliest year in which the UConn Huskies won two national basketball titles? +Glorida Steinem was working undercover as what? +Who gained control over parts of the south and east shore of the Baltic Sea? +What was the goal of the Catholicoi of Georgia and Albania? +What did people need to own in order to vote? +From 2002 how much was the increase of families relying on shelters? +What year was Housing First created? +how many were lethal? +When does the area experience its coldest and hottest periods? +How tall is the Cathedral of Learning? +Who would advise the governor? +How are the results often formalized by these proof verifiers? +What other college made a similar decision to that of Mount Holyoke in 1971? +In what year was an immigration reform passed by the White House and Senate yet not advanced by the House? +Which is the longest of the four streets? +What were guns exchanged for at that time? +How many known unstable isotopes are found in Tin? +What is the magic number of jobs per month to lower the unemployment rate? +When was the Paz Miño family active? +Why does the fed have a dual mandate? +Which department is responsible for garbage removal? +Give another reason for denial less known. +Which area spotted floating ice in January 2010? +What kind of logic studies only one semantics? +In what region of the U.S.A. can one still find liberalism with in the Republican party? +what compounds can be as toxic as cyanide? +Where are location names thought to be derived from? +What is Sao Paulo called in relation to drum and bass? +How many games did the Huskies women's basketball team win in a row before finally losing? +Mao led which country? +Who did people turn to when they were sick? +What did Istanbul Park host? +Who ranked them best app in the world? +What is a non-English occupational name for a tailor? +In modern text what are the long vowels indicated by? +Who discovered and termed the Shepherd Neolithic flint industry? +Constantinople ended with what treaty? +What is one major advantage of using tin for pipes? +Who has jurisdiction over American embassies? +The Neolithic revolution resulted in the departure of a nomadic lifestyle, and the settling down into what? +What does a Cartesian coordinate allow? +What must be held in a major party? +What did Pitt participate in at the Meadowcroft Rockshelter? +Speed and figure skates differ in what? +how many Green seats are on the crossbench? +Are all of the volcanic zones the same? +What percent of homeless people came from institutional settings or other situations such as hotels or motels? +Just like Peano arithmetic, what other theory are the axiomatizations of number and set theory? +How frequent were advances in buildings? +Who was the mother of the feminism movement? +What is the Interstate highway in Connecticut known as? +Who was the body of the Slovenian Liberation Front? +Who was been defined by social conservatism since the mid-term elections of 2006? +Revere type lanterns are named after whom? +What approach does the government operate under? +Recorded robbery and burglary amounts have decreased by how much? +What is another name for Constantinople? +How many of Pitt's educational programs have been labeled as "National Resource Centers"? +What specific property of the vascular wall is lost with age? What was TNL plagued by? -What cause did Thomson offer to invest millions of pounds in? -What was the issue at the plants at Gray's Inn Road in London? -When was publication of The Sunday Times suspended? -When did publication of The Sunday Times resume? -Were the journalists at The Times on full pay during the suspension? -For what reason did the journalists go on strike once production resumed? -Why did Kenneth Thomson sell the company? -Who did Thomson sell the company to? -Why did Thomson sell to Murdoch? -What company is Time Newspapers Ltd a subsidiary of? -What is the largest-selling British national "quality" Sunday paper? -Who owns News UK? -How long has The Sunday Times been under common ownship? -What year did News International buy the two newspapers? -What news paper occupies a dominant position in the quality Sunday market? -About how many Sunday Times papers are in circulation? -Who are the main rivals of The Sunday Times? -What days does The Times publish their papers? -How much more does The Sunday Times sell than The Times? -What The Sunday Times team has won awards? -What type of reputation has The Sunday Times acquired? -Who are some of the popular writers for The Sunday Times? -How many pages does a typical edition contain? -What are said to be the three tabloid supplements? -What is The Sunday Times Rich List United States equivalent? -What's the main league table with reviews of private British companies? -What's the name of the annual league table of best performing state and independent schools in the UK? +What historical Orthodox Church is located near Pitt's campus? +What occurs during low reliefs? +Who argued that Atlantic slave trade was not nearly as critical to the African economy? +Before surnames were common, what were women in the lower classes called? +What event followed the Summit Series? +Categorical axiom systems are possible to be acquired using stronger logics such as what? +Who said the communist utopia was impossible? +What type of award does UCIS give out? +Who was the president of the United States in 2004? +How many brands is the tin traded under? +What two states account for the most surnames? +Would drinking the water surface waters of the Baltic Sea's central basin hydrate or dehydrate the body? +Who negotiated the Covenant Chain? +What is the simplest shape glass can be ground and polished into? +What year was the name hockey first mentioned? +Is the depth of the Baltic rising or falling? +When was it first possible to send a letter internationally from the Ottoman Empire? +What does the surplus line supose to do ? +What term did Alvin Toffler use to describe his new style? +When did Greek settlers begin recording the history of Constantinople? +What structure was built on the Sarayburnu? +About how many people were traded as slaves in the Atlantic slave trade? +Who was the lieutenant governor of Connecticut in 2011? What is the name of the annual event that's held annually? -What's the name of the list of the best-selling books in Britain? -When did the paper begin publication? -What was the name of the newspaper when it first began? -When did the title of the newspaper change to the Independent Observer? -Who was the founder of the newspaper? -Who did Henry White sell the paper to? -What is a subroutine in computer programming terms? -What is another name for a subroutine? -What is the generic name for a subroutine? -What is a sequence of instructions, packaged as a unit, that perform a specific task called? -What is the reason for different names for a subroutine? -What is Maurice Wilkes known for? -What is the opposite of a closed subroutine? -What is the term used for a subroutine returning to the next instruction? -What is another name for an open subroutine? -What does a subroutine behave like? -Basically, what are subroutines? -What is one of the advantages of a subroutine? -What is the discipline of object oriented programming based on? -What are subroutines often collected into? -What is a way to reduce the cost of maintaining a large program? -What is a side effect of a subroutine call? -Can a subroutine return a different result when it is called? -What is a characteristic of imperative programming languages? -What is an example of a subprogram that may return different results? -Are random number functions available in different languages? -What is an example of a language that can distinguish between functions? -What are two examples of programming languages? -Where are function calls normally embedded? -What are two languages that do not distinguish between functions and subroutines? -How do procedure calls behave syntactically? -What are two of the earliest computers and microprocessors? -What do subroutines require? -What does a calling convention allow for? -What is a call sequence? -What did machines before the mid 1960s use? -How were program instructions entered into memory with early computers? -What did a subroutine library originally do? -What were computers main input? -What ways can subroutines be provided? -What is a call stack? -What are call stacks used for? -What is a stack frame? -What do stack frames contain? -Why were stack-based procedure calls introduced originally? -What does the stack contain? -What is the call stack mechanism known for? -What is private data? -What can the call stack mechanism help do? -How do modern compilers reduce overhead? -Where is overhead most obvious? -What do leaf functions do? -When is call stack not used? -What are subprograms referred to as? -What is the default setting for Visual Basic 6 Language? -What is the name of the default setting? -What are subs? -How many call sites can a subprogram have? -What is recursion? -What happens is recursion occurs? -What happens when a subprogram calls itself due to recursion? -What happens when nested calls accumulate? -What does a call stack structure contain? -What are activation records referred to as? -What are examples of modern languages? -What does reentrant mean? -Is a recursive subprogram considered to be reentrant? -What is an advantage of having multiple threads? -What is the purpose of quasi-reentrant? -How is a square root function defined? -What is desirable in strongly typed languages? -What is the advantage of separate functions? -How can two functions be written? -What might a subroutine construct? -What parameters could be passed in to the constructor? -What would the programmer do if he/she wanted the constructor to be able to accept only the color parameter? +When did Soviet Union collapse? +What year did the Varsity Walk carving tradition start? +What caused the 2012 crisis? What does the constructor that accept only color call in return? -What do proponents of modular programming advocate? -Why is the use of global variables generally deemed unwise? -What is the use of global variables generally deemed to be? -What is programmers' advice if such coupling is not necessary? -What's the consequence of increasing the number of parameters passed to subroutines? -What is involved in runtime overhead in calling a subroutine? -What does the overhead often include? -What does each subroutine call also imply in some languages? -What is the intensively used dynamic dispatch for method calls in object=oriented languages? -In which case can optimizations of procedures not be applied? -How many times must the function f be called in the expression (f(x)-1)/(f(x)+1)? -Why must the expression (f(x)-1)/(f(x)+1) be called twice? -When must the value of x be fetched again? -What is the method used to eliminate this overhead? -What is the effect of inline expansion? -How does inline expansion allow the compiler to optimize the procedure's body more effectively? -What optimizes the inserted body? -For what kind of ensemble was the saxophone made? -What is the name of the saxophone's creator? -What groups first adopted the saxophone? -How many saxes do French and Belgian military bands have? -What characteristic does the sopranino saxophone have that makes it less popular? -Which saxes are usually included in a concert band? -What is the makeup of the saxophone section in a high-level concert band? -What other saxophone is sometimes added to a concert band? -Who usually plays the B-flat soprano saxophone in a concert band? -What composer is known for writing pieces that include the b-flat bass saxophone? -What is the h2 quartet? -What instruments are in a classical saxophone quartet? -When did composers start writing classical saxophone quartet music? -In whose band was Eduard Lefebre a soloist? -Where did Marcel Mule teach music? -When did saxophones become common in dance orchestras? -What kind of ensembles were most influenced by the dance orchestra? -How were sax and brass sections used in 1930s swing bands? -Who played tenor sax in the Count Basie Orchestra? -Of what kind of music did Charlie Parker a major player? -What kind of saxophone was played by Sidney Bechet? -Did the soprano saxophone remain popular in jazz after Sidney Bechet's time? -Whose band did Paul Desmond play for? -Who repopularized the jazz soprano sax? -What kind of music is played by Kenny G? -Who invented the saxophone family of instruments? -When did Adolphe Sax invent the saxophone? -What category of instrument do the saxophone family of instruments fall under?? -What kind or series of saxophones were designed for the military? -What are the orchestral series? -Who was Adolph Sax? -Why did Adolph Sax move to Paris? -What is the ophecleide? -How was Adolphe's new invention different from the clarinet? -What is the effect of getting the instrument to overblow at the octave? -How long was Sax's patent valid for? -What did the patent cover? -What was teh range of teh instruments covered by the patent? -Which instrument sounded at concert pitch? -How much range did each saxophone have? -When did Sax's patent expire? -Who made the first significant modification? -What were the initial significant improvements made after 1866 to the Saxophone? -What will using alternate fingerings accomplish due to the modifications to the saxophone? -How can the player bend the pitch? -What was Sax's original keywork for the left hand based on? -What is another significant improvement in the Sax? -Who made further developments in the Saxophone? -Who is responsible for the most radical improvements to teh Saxohones's keywork? -How are the notes A, B and C flattened by the semitone on the Saxophone? -What did the saxophone players define with the avant-garde movement of the 1930s? -What were the hallmarks that offered saxophones creative possibilities in the new realm -What was a lasting effect of the avant-garde movement? -What were the names of the Saxophone players? -What musical notes did The primary saxophone family alternate -Which production was recent revived -In what note are instruments rare -In what years did the C melody enjoy it's success -What instrument has only had minor changes to it's fingering scheme since it's invention? -What sort of inherent issues does the saxophone have, related to it's closed keys below the first open tonehole? -Moving between the key centers indicates a lack of what in the saxophone? -How many major efforts have been made to improve the original fingering system of the saxophone? -Which instrument is usually of thin brass that is flared at the tip -When do some holes stand open while others are closed? -What are the keys activated by? -What are linkages? -What part of the saxophone, beneath the first open tonehole, causes acoustic issues? -The Vito Model 35 saxophones incorporated which system in the 1950-60s? -The Leblanc System was hindered in it's mainstream adoption by players due to it's complexity and what? -The Leblanc Rationale and System allowed players to do what with scales? -Which new system for saxophones was arguably superior but wasn't easily adopted? -Linear fingering is also known as what? -Which instrument designer developed chromatic fingering? -How were chromatic saxophones ordered? -Jim Schmidt built several working prototypes of what kind of saxophone? -What caused the main acoustic problems on the original saxophone? -Over how many octaves on tenor and alto have modern sax players extended to cover? -Which key can modern baritone saxophones hit? -Blocking the end of the bell on a saxophone allows players to play which note? -Who produced mark VI alto saxophones with the ability to play the low A key? -Notes above which key are considered part of the altissimo register for saxophones? -What usually incorporate a "bow" -the U-shape became a distinctive feature to which family? -Which saxophones use a curved neck above the highest tone hole? -What distinctive shape is sometimes a feature of the soprano and sopranino saxes? -At what angle does the main body and mouthpiece bend? -All saxophones share the same what to produce a pitch? -What is the baritone and alto pitched in? -Players can read pitch notated in the bass cleff by reading it as treble cleff and adding how many sharps to the key signature? -What is the process that allows Eb instruments to play parts originally written for instruments such as the tuba or trombone? -What connects the rods to the posts? -What are made from plastic or mother of pearl -What are some saxophones recently offered with? -Since when do most saxophones have keytouches? -What is the recent successor to the alto saxophone? -Where was the wooden Sawat saxophone made? -What is a recent metalic substitute used in the instruments, replacing the yellow brass or cartridge brass? -What saxophones are made with phosphor bronze? -What four brands user higher copper alloys in thier contruction? -What gets applied over the bare brass in the final assembly of the saxophone? -What chemical process does the plating serve to protection the brass from? -What are the two other options for plating the brass? -What is the more expensive plating when it comes to protecting the brass? -What kind of reed is used in the saxophone? -What other instrument used a single reed mouthpiece? -Prior to the 20th century, what were most reed's made from? -What three variations do you have to consider when you go to buy a reed? -What are the five less common materials used in reeds? -Who stated that the material of the reed has little effect on sound? -What is stated to have a profound impact on tone? -What comes in a wide variety of materials? -What style of music were early mouthpieces designed for? -What style mouthpiece produces a bright sound with maximum projection? -The use of sax and dance orchestra's lead to the innovation of which three design styles? -Saxophonist who follow the French school of classical playing were influenced by who? -What style mouthpiece did Adolphe's sax have? -What is the definition of postmodern music? -Who describes postmodern music as an attitude? -Who are two predecessors to Jonathan Kramer that have similar ideology? -What formed as a reaction to the ideals of a modernist? -Can a musical piece be both modernist and postmodern? -What type of music do postmodern composers create? -What is and example of genre in postmodern music? -What composer is know for challenging the music common to Modernism? -What two things have some postmodern composers been influenced by? -When did postmodern music come about? -What are two features of postmodern influence in music scores? -What two adjectives describe modernistic music? -Who is a Dutch composer of postmodern music? -How can the music of Louis Anderson be described? -What are two features of postmodern influence in music scores? -What two adjectives describe modernistic music? -Who is a Dutch composer of postmodern music? -How can the music of Louis Anderson be described? -Who paid little attention to legibility in design? -Did postmodern design have a signature style? -What occupation did Wolfgang Weingart and April Greiman have? -When did graphic design start? -What is a good descriptor for the era of postmodern design? -What is the name for the postmodernist theory developed by Jacques Derrida? -What techniques does deconstruction depend upon? -What was the name of the architect that collaborated with Derrida? -What did Derrida's philosophy inspire? -What situations did Derrida's method frequently recognize? -What was postmodernism a departure from? -When was Postmodernism a movement? -How is knowledge articulated from a postmodern perspective? -What 10 things does postmodernism include skeptical interpretations of? -What is postmodernism often associated with? -When was the term postmodern first used? -Who used the term postmodernism in his 1914 article in The Hibbert Journal -What was The Hibbert Journal? -Who used a Postmodern style of painting as a way to depart from French Impressionism? -Who described postmodernism as belonging to one of four typological world views? -How does a Postmodern-ironist view truth? -How does a Scientific-rational view truth? -How does a Social-traditional view truth? -How does a Neo-romantic view truth? -What expanded the importance of critical theory? -When did the complete re-evaluation of the Western value system take place? -When was the peak of the re-evaluation of the Western value system? -What took place in 1968 to help propel the re-evaluation of the Western value system? -What term has been used interchangeably with postmodernism? -What sparked the idea of postmodernism in architecture? -Who established and developed Modern Architecture? -What was the focus of Modern Architecture? -What was the opinion of critics of modernism? -What does Postmodernism reject? -Which new model did the Modern movement seek to design and plan cities? -How did Modernism erode urban living? -What represented a move towards something stable, structured, and rationalised? -Who was one of the "qualified professional" planning new urban establishments? -What was one of the problems with Modernist-style of planning? -What were the real "urban" problems characteristic of post-Second World War urban environments? -When did advocacy planning and participatory models of planning emerge? -What emerged to counter traditional elitist and technocratic approaches to urban planning? -What did participatory model aim to do? -Who was the author of the book "The Death and Life of Great American Cities"? -When was the transition from Modernism to Postmodernism said to have happened? -Who designed Pruitt lgoe in St. Louis? -What does Postmodern planning aim to do? -What does postmodernism seek to return to? -What is the name of Jorge Luis Borges's short story published in 1939? -What is Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote, predicting? -Who is seen as an important precursor and influence? -Who is one of the novelists connected with postmodern literature? -What has Thomas Pynchon's work been described as? -Who published The Dismemberment of Orpheus: Toward a Postmodern Literature? -What is Brian McHale's second book? -How did Brian McHale describe postmodern works in 'Postmodernist Fiction'? -Who is the author of 'Postmodernist Fiction'? -In what year was 'Postmodernist Fiction' published? -Who is credited with developing Structuralism? -What were thinkers who moved away from the strict interpretations of structuralist ideas called? -What Marxist philosopher was considered a structuralist? -In what decade of the 1900s was Structuralism developed? -Many American academics consider post-structuralism to be a part of what other movement? -What movement is not defined by a set of shared axioms or methodologies? -What nationality of structuralists considered themselves as espousing Relativism and Constructionalism? -What two ideas do post-structuralist thinkers reject? -Who created the algebraic formulation of mythological transformation? -In 2007 who noted that "declarations of postmodernism's demise have become a critical commonplace"? -In what journal did Andrew Hoberek write an introduction titled, "After Postmodernism"? -What critic is credited with the theory of performatism? -What critic is credited with the theory of altermodern? -In what museum was the exhibition Postmodernism - Style and Subversion 1970-1990? -Critics assert that postmodernism promotes what? -Who suggested the recourse of 'to the flames'? -Who argued that postmodernism is meaningless because it adds nothing to analytical or empirical knowledge? -Noam Chomsky asks why what type of intellectuals do not respond like people in other fields when asked about the principles of their theories? -How have American academics tended to label continental philosophy? -What was Felix Guattari often considered to be? -The trend to label continental philosophy as postmodernism might derive from what U.S. Departments? -Felix Guattari argued that structuralists and postmodernist visions were not flexible enough seek explanation is psychological, social and what other domain at the same time? -What is the purpose of a structual design for a buiding? -What else must a structual design do in regards to the building process? -What are some examples of structual damage? -Would you consider the structual desgin a simple or complex process? -What is earthquake engineering? -What else does earthquake engineering help discover? -What do earthquake engineers do? -What is the goal of an engineer's structure? -What is an example of an earthquake strong structure? -Are all earthquake proofed structures strong? -Where is the El Castillo? -What does it mean for a structure if it is stiff? -What role does a structual engineer play? -Can a structual engineer work alone? -What is the most imporant thing when designing a structure? -What is an example of structual desgin? -What kinds of forces can structures become subject to? -What structual issues would an underground facility have? -What category of elements would freezing temperatures be categorized in? -What are some examples of corrosive environments? -What are basic terms for the two types of truss components? -What is an essential engineering element composed of tension and compression members? -What component joins converging portions of a truss? -Which qualities make the gusset plate exceptional as a truss connection? -At which locations in a truss structure are deformations most an issue? -What does structural engineering history contain? -What was the fault of the Petionvile school collapse? -Who constructed the Petionville school? -How many stories was the Petionville school? -How many did the final Petionville school collapse kill? -In how many directions do plates relay deformation? -What is an archetype of a plate in engineering? -Which form of mechanics is best utilized to comprehend plates? -What method is effective in assisting plate design or application? -What term describes an engineering approach to interpreting complex systems? -What does failure of structures require? -In addition to improved practices, what has been brought forth as a result of structural failures? -During the 1970s, what collapsed in Australia? -The series of failures involving box girders helped to increase what? -What field of engineering is related to the design of buildings? -All structural engineering related to building design encompasses what? -What facet of building engineering deals with structures? -What is structural building engineering closely affiliated with? +When did students from Radcliffe receive Harvard diplomas? +In what other branches is the word Tin not found in ? +How much more rapid was population growth of North American Slaves compared to England? +What is an untouchable organization? +What percent of global deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases? +Why were surnames often dropped by Hispanic people? +What name is Portuguese for mountain? +By lowering the cost of workers, employers are encouraged to do what more? +How many years is the preclinical in the Netherlands medical schools? +Which penalty can be a minor or major? +how many reported violent acts were committed? +What led to the addition of 'Y' and 'Z' to the alphabet? +How many slaves are estimated to have been shipped across the Atlantic? +How many people will die every year from cardiovascular diseases by the year 2030? +What did the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia disagree on after the war? +Of what was the Connecticut Colony considered a part of legally? +Who also hosts major races? +What demographic group is typically affected by cardiovascular disease? +Boston's Matthews Arena was the original home rink of what NHL team? +When did the school achieve university status? +What ruined the idea of a multi-user operating system? +The name ben adam can also be described as what? +When did the protests begin? +What is attached to an ice hockey stick shaft? +Fibrates do not effect the chance of heart problems despite raising bad cholesterol if you are on what? +Traditionally, what came after abbreviations? +What does Shumang mean? +What does the acronym, H.O.P.E., stand for? +Is myocardial perfusion imaging necessary? +What types of colours were used when painting the reliefs? +What does The Sunday Times have in common with other newspapers? +How can one view "Socrates is a Philosopher" vs "Plato is a philosopher" in propositional logic? +What is the name for the period of political reform in Istanbul that began in the 19th century? +How much do the articles cost? +What type of disease is myocardial infarction? +What area did the English Quakers found in North America? +What did the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria suggest to African countries demanding an apology? The fuel that is creative manipulation of materials drives what in regard to functional requirements and safety? -Structural building enginnering is different to that of architectural design by means of what? -Structural building engineering ensures that buildings are structurally safe when subject to what? -What other facet of ideas does structural building engineering use besides that of scientific ideas? -Which theoretical construct aids design in collapse modeling? -What is a that term describes structural deformation bounds? -What is a significant limitation of Yield Line Theory in anticipating collapse loading? -Why is cautious consideration required in utilizing mean collapse mechanisms? -The lead designer on buildings is usually who? -Who is employed by the lead designer as a sub-consultant? -A multi-storey office building can be described as simple in what way? -What are tensile structures dependent on for their strength? -From what do shells derive their inherent durability? -What are shells capable of bearing in multiple axes? -What is one specimen of a shell? -Which engineering model can be utilized in the composition of a dome? -Which term implying interconnection can describe tensity in dome design? -What are the two types of building loading? -Structural engineers need what type of degree? -On top of education, these engineers need what else? -What is the UK regulatory organization for structural engineers? -IABSE is what kind of Structural engineering orginization? -When was structural engineering started? -This first structure that needed engineering was what? -Pryamids can be scaled how much? -Why were pyramids built rather than other shapes? -Who was the first Structural engineer that history knows by name? -Pyramids were built frequently because of what? -Why was this rock chosen? -The Pryamid stones were what type of rock? -These stones contribute to what factor of the pryamid? -What do arches bear in a single direction? -Which material is most applicable for the construction of arches? -What does the engineering of an arch secure inside its own extent? -What is the primary intention of the incorporation of arches in architecture? -Who would likely build a medieval structure? -What theories of structures did they use? -How did they get buildings to stay up? -How frequent were advances in buildings? -Building knowledge was retained by whom? -Structural engineer became a profession when? -When where the first calculations for building load preformed? -What building material was reinvented during the industrial revolution? -The science underlying Structural engineering began to be understood in what historical era? -These same physics were placed into computer programs in what decade? -From what aspect of their nature do catenary structures obtain their durability? -Which type of forces do catenary constructs bear via deflection? -What physical analogy describes the deflecting qualities of a catenary strand? -What form do catenaries usually take when deployed in engineering? -Which type of stretched structure operates as a catenary in dual directions? -Which field relies on multidisciplinary expertise in mathematics, mechanics, and materials science? -What is the principal application of structural mechanics? -Which design code elements must a structural engineer be well-versed in to succeed? -In which decade did specialized computing applications begin to extensively assist structural design? -What external factor might engineering software incorporate? -Which discipline extensively relies upon instruction in materials science? -What aspect of physical materials must a structural engineer comprehend? -What is one capacity of materials that a structural engineer needs to grasp? -Which essential capacity of a material should a structural engineer be able to understand to determine that material's ability to bear the pressures imposed by gravity? -Which critical attribute must a structural engineer possess? -who involved in non building structures? -who involved in building structures? -who structures the machinery and medical equipment? -what should structural engineers ensure? -which element is used to build a complex structural systems? -who is responsible for creative and efficient use of funds? -whose responsibility to achieve structural element and materiel goals? -which theory used in structural engineering? -who is responsible for engineering and analysis? -who is responsible for the structural design and building? -who designs the individual structure element of a structure? -what are the responsibilities of structural engineers? -who specialized in mechanical structures such as vehicle or aircraft? -who is specialized in industrial structures? -who is specialized in building and bridge engineering? -who is specialized in pipeline engineering? -Principles of what kind of engineering are applied to a variety of mechanical structures? -What type of structures can move significantly? -The design of static structures assumes they have the same what? -The design of moveable or moving structures must account for what? -What kind of structures always have the same geometry? -What kind of structure has a size between molecular and microscopic? -What kind of scale does a nanostructure use for dimensions? -Nanotextured surfaces have how many dimensions on the nanoscale? -Spherical nanoparticles have how many dimensions on the nanoscale? -The term nanostructure is often used when referring to what kind of technology? -What type of structure includes launch vehicles? -What are three common launch vehicles? -What kind of plates do aerospace structures consist of? -Space shuttle is an example of what type of aerospace structure? -Welds, screws, rivets and bolts hold what together? -What kind of design must ensure structures are able to endure loading without ever failing? -What two things are subjected to enormous forces? -Forces of what can vary significantly? -How many times over are boats and aircrafts subjected to forces? -What are machines subjected to? -What is also known as armamentarium? -What type of medical equipment is also used in the home for diabetes? -What kind of technician is vital to the healthcare delivery system? -What kind of equipment includes medical imaging machines? -Who is responsible for maintaining a facility medical equipment? -What type of force do columns carry? -What's a technical term for axial force and bending? -What capacity must the design of a column check? -What's another capacity that the design of a column must check? -A column's buckling capacity depends on its geometry, material, and what third criteria? -Buckling capacity is determined by restraint conditions in what specific areas of the column? -What does \displaystyle L* denote within a formula for columns? -What is the main determining factor of it's ability to carry axial load? -An interaction chart for the column's axial carry capacity displays what type of relationship? -What type of load is a column capable of carrying? -What type of chart can you examine in order to learn about a column's axial load capacity? -What element can have a one dimension greater than two others? -What's a technical term for beams and columns? -What is normal to the main axis of the beam? -Line elements are represented by these types of lines in structural modeling. -Which elements carry only pure bending? -What part of the beam must be created in a way so as to not buckle or be crushed? -What does bending cause in one part of a beam? -The tension part of the beam needs to be able to do what? -Typical lipid A molecules are disaccharides of what? -How many fatty-acyl chains are derivatized in glucosamine? -What are fatty acids directly linked to to make a saccharolipid? -What is the minimal lipopolysaccharide required for growth in E. coli? -In a saccharolipid what substitutes for the glycerol backbone present in glycerolipids and glycerophospholipids? -Where are triglycerides stored in order to store energy for animals and plants? -What is another name for adipocyte? -What mainly controls the breakdown of triglycerides in animals? -What do migratory birds that fly long distances without eating use to fuel their flights? -What is the caloric content used for the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins? -Where do micelles and bilayers form in the process known as hydrophobic effect? -What happens when a lipophilic or amphiphillic substance is dissolved in a polar environment? -What is a biological membrane? -What is the area of study within biophysics that is the current subject of academic research? -When the hydrophobic tails minimize their contact with water and cluster together what do they form? -Polyketides compromise a large number of what? -Polyketide backbones are further modified by what? -Many polyketides are considered to be what kind of molecule? -What commonly used agents are polyketides? -What sources are the natural products found in that polketides compromise? -Eukaryotic cells are compartmentalised into what? -In animal cells which membrane physically separates the intracellular components from the extracellular environment? -What is the main structural component of biological membranes? -What kind of non-glyceride lipid components are also found in biological membranes? -What are the most abundant lipids in photosynthetic tissues? -What kind of tissue contains glycerophospholipids? -What are glycerophospholipids? -Mutations in glycerophospholipids can also cause what health condition? -What are the glycerophospholipids found in biological membranes? -What do archaebacteria contain? -What contain long-chain fatty acids? -What do intra- and intercellular proteins contain? -What are sphingolipids? -What is the long-chain fatty acyl CoA converted to? -What is the name for the major sphingoid base of mammals? -How many carbon atoms do fatty acids contain? -What is the major subclass of sphingoid base? -What type of lipid is cholesterol? -What hormones do carbon (C18) contain? -What hormones do carbon (C19) contain? -What hormones do carbon (C21) contain? -How many carbons do polyterpenes contain? -What are carotenoids? -What vitamins are classified as ubiquinones? -What are examples of simple isoprenoids? -What lets lipids come together and form things? -How are lipids defined? -What are some examples of things that lipids form? -What are biological lipids made out of? -How many categories of lipids exist? -Are fats true lipids? -What group of lipids do fats belong to? -What component of fatty acids are considered lipids? -Can the human body digest all forms of lipids? -Fatty acids are created by what? -What is the process of creating fatty acids called? -What types of ends are found in fatty acids? -What does hydrophobic mean? -How many carbon atoms are found in the carbon chain? -What fatty acid is important for vision? -What are important fatty acids called? -What are fatty esters composed of? -Neurotransmitter anandamide is what type of fatty acid? -What are glycerolipids made of? -Triglycerides are also know as what? -What is the function of lipids in the human body? -How is fat burned or metabolized? -estrogen testosterone and cortisol are all what type of hormones? -lipid signaling is an example of what kind of signaling? -what sphingolipid derived from ceramide is potent messenger molecule involved in regulating calcium mobilization? -phosphatidylinositol phosphates are also known by what abbreviation? -what is the fatty acid derived eicosanoid involved in inflammation and immunity? -Vitamins A,D,E and K are all examples of vitamin that are kind of soluble? -Vitamins A,D,E and K are all stored where in the body? -Acyl-carnitines are involved in the transport and metabolism of fatty acids in and out of where? -Polyprenols and their phosphorylated derivatives play an important role transporting what across membranes? -what subclass of glycerophospholipids contain four acyl chains and three glycerol groups? -in animals excess carbohydrates are converted into what? -The process of converting carbohydrates into triglycerides is known as what? -lipoproteins containing fatty acids are secreted from what organ? -What polymerize and then reduce acetyl-CoA units to form fatty acids? -Terpenes and isoprenoids are made by the assembly and modification of what units? -isoprene units used to make Terpenes and isoprenoids are donated from where? -In animals and archaea isopentenyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate are produced in what area? -squalene is folded up and formed into a set of rings to create what? -what is the metabolic process for breaking down fatty acids to generate acetyl-CoA known as? -fatty acids are oxidized in a way that resembles what in reverse? -beta-keto acid is formed from the removal of what from the carboxyl end of fatty acids? -The citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain converts what into ATP? -what is the energy yield of the complete oxidation of fatty acid palmitate? -what form does most of the fat in food take on? -linoleic acid is a type of what fatty acid? -alpha-linolenic is a type of what fatty acid? -how many carbons are in alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid? -what type of fats found in hydrogenated vegetable oils pose a risk for cardiovascular disease? -what is the name of the website maintained by the department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health? -the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial was a study take took place over how many years? -the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial showed no links between dietary fat intake and what? -the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial studied how many women to find a connection between fat intake and disease? -Which baseball teams was Mattingly apart of? -What was the punishment for Mattingly for not getting a haircut? -How old was Mattingly when he was forced to quit? -Who wanted Mattingly punished for not getting a haircut? -Which team did Mattingly play for? -In what year did Mattingly retire? -What forced Mattingly to retire prematurely? -At what age did Mattingly retire from baseball? -For what was Mattingly once fined and benched for? -Who had the most grand slams in the season of 1987? -How many home runs did Mattingly hit in eight games? -How many grand slams did Mattingly hit in the middle of July? -What state did Mattingly hit the last grand slam in? -Which team was Mattingly playing against when he hit the last grand slam in 1987? -What is Don Mattingly the author of? -In what year did Don Mattingly set the major league record for most grand slams in a season? -How many grand slams did Mattingly hit during his hot streak in mid-July? -How many grand slams did Don Mattingy hit to set the record for most grand slams in 1987? -Who announced "Holy cow, Mattingly is unbelievable" on TV? -Which team did Mattingly coach after he retired? -Who stepped down as a manager for the Yankees? -Which team did Mattingly go onto coach after coaching the Yankees? -What kind of coach was Mattingly for the Yankees? -When did the Yankees hit the most home runs? -What team did Mattingly become a coach for after retiring as a player? -In what year did the Yankees hit 242 home runes, breaking their record? -What team is Mattingly currently the manager of? -Who replaced Joe Torre as the manager of the Yankees? -Who was responsible for two runs? -Which team was not successful in holding the lead? -Which player sprinted all the way from first base and scored a run? -Until which inning did the baseball game last to? -Which player caused the baseball game to go into a tie? -Who caused the Yankees game to go to extra innings? -In what inning did Randy Verlade score on a single? -Who doubled into the left-field corner? -Who scored a run in the 11th inning with an all-out sprint from first base? -What did W. McIntyre Burnham say? -What is W. McIntyre Burnham's profession? -Where does W. McIntyre Burnham work? -Who did W. McIntyre Burnham go to school with? -Who said, "They don't want to play the game?' -What year did Dr. Burnham and Dr. Ohayon take a trip? -What is W. McIntyre Burnham's profession? -Who founded the NeuroLinx Research Institute? -Where is W. McIntyre Burnham a neurophamcologist? -What had disappointed Dr. Coggan? -Where did Dr. Coggan get funds to bootstrap the research laboratory? -Why did the "establishment" science disappoint Dr. Coggan? -What does NeuroLinx support now? -What had Dr. Ohayon done early research in? -Who had grown appointed with "established" science? -Who supports a range of research projects? -What animal does NeuroLinx explore sleep on? -What disease does NeuroLinx explore nerve damage on? -Who had done earlier research? -Which research has Dr. Ohayon returned to? -Which work did the research group recently publish? -Why is Dr. Ohayon treading gingerly? -How should neuroscience and robotics be treated according to Dr. Ohayon? -Where has the robot returned to the research? -What doctor is concerned with misused findings? -How many components does Dr. Lam and Dr. Ohayon require? -What is the purpose of the robot? -What kind of home does the robot have? -What's the first one according to Dr. Lam? -What's the other one? -What have Dr. Lam and Dr. Ohayon begun? -What do Dr. Lam and Dr. Ohayon start with? -Who has begun to travel the country? -What is the unusual guide used? -Who is facing a moral quandary? -What do Dr. Lam and Dr. Ohayon start with in their speaking engagments? -What bank helped push the euro to its lowest level against the dollar since 2010? -What was the target inflation in the eurozone in November? -Who is the president of the European Central Bank? -What was the actual rate of inflation in November? -What agency in the US used quantitative easing to push down market interest rates? -who is the president of the European central bank? -what was the rate of inflation in November? -what was the ventral banks target inflation for November? -What does the Fed sell in the united states to push down market interests rates? -The diverging path of the two central banks prompted investors to put money into what currency? -It's lowest since June 2010, to what amount did the euro fall against the dollar? -What was the new low percentage on German two-year government bonds? -Signs that the Fed is getting closer to raising its benchmark interest rate has helped what country's currency to soar against counterparts? -Its highest level in almost six years, the dollar has risen more than how much? -what was the exchange rate from euros to dollars as of Friday? -what was the market interest rate on German two-year government bonds as of Friday? -The US dollar has risen how much since September? -The US dollar is at its highest amount since how long ago? -The euro reached its lowest level against the dollar when it hit what amount? -How many nations are in the eurozone? -What country's debt problems caused havoc in the eurozone the last time it was so low? -What type of government is Greece likely to usher in? -History shows that falling prices can be as damaging as what type of inflation? -The euro hit what value on June 7,2010? -what was the Euro at on May 7? -The euro is used as a primary currency in how many nations? -What country's debt problems caused havoc in the eurozone? -Which type of government is the most likely to be elected in Greece with its current turmoil? -Who will gain competitive advantage due to the weaker euro? -Products will become cheaper for customers who pay in what type of currency? -How is oil usually priced? -At what rate did consumer prices fall in November? -What was the rate that consumer prices fell in December? -What market collapsing is adding to the downwards pressure on the Euro? -How much did consumer prices in fall in November? -How much do economists expect consumer prices to have fallen in December? -How does cheaper energy help companies? -How do consumers benefit from cheaper energy? -According to Draghi, the recent decline in the euro is what type of outcome? -Markets expect a less accommodative monetary policy in what country? -What is a serious obstacle to economic recovery according to Draghi? -Jean Pisani-Ferry serves as a policy adviser to what government? -Jean Pisani-Ferry works as a policy adviser to which countries government? -What does Jean Pisani-Ferry think would be a serious threat to the economy? -Mr. Draghi says the decline rate in the Euro is natural outcome of diverging policies between what two areas? -Jean Pisani-Ferry believes what is an obstacle to economic recovery? -What was he convinced was therapeutic? -What is the name of the article that was written in the Journal of Poetry Therapy? -Where is the Sarah Newman Center? -Where was his home? -What is the name of the campus of Westchester County? -In what academic journal was the poetry published? -For whom is the poetry program designed for? -What religion has their own nonprofit organization? -What has attracted a global audience? -What do murder mysteries have? -Who hosted Scorned: Love Kills and Deadly Affairs? -When did Investigation Discovery make its debut in the US? -What did Susan Lucci do before hosting murder mysteries? -Among women which age group does Investigation Discovery have the most appeal? -Is Investigation Discovery more popular among men or women? -When did Investigation Discovery make its debut in the United States? -What bothers fans of Investigation Discovery the most? -When did Henry S. Shleiff arrive? -What was Henry S. Shleiff bearing? -What was Shleiff's previous job? -What was Shleiff's job prior to being chief executive of Crown Media Holdings? -What is Court TV Network home of? -When did Henry S. Schleiff take over as president of Investigation Discovery? -What event made Court TV popular? -Where did Henry S. Schleiff work before coming to Investigation Discovery? -What concept was Investigation Discovery based on? -What is the Hallmark Channel known for? -What were his hardest years? -What got him off the court? -What was his name? -What emotions was he? -What was his job? -What was he thinking about? -What type of finals was it? -Who missed two free throws? -What did Trice tell his teammate afterwards? -What happened? -What type of infection? -What did he realize? -What happened the past few weeks? -What happened to him? -What did he average? -What team will they play? -What was asked? -What emotion did trice show? -What happened on the floor? -what was the cause of the depression of 70 million people? -why did people become emotional? -who has the final word on the deal? -did people have faith or doubt in the sanction? -who did the sanctions affect most? -who welcomed the agreement? -who released the pronouncement? -what would be the requirement of any deal? -what nationality were the negotiators? -who ended up getting their way? -what is the target amount of oil produced per day? -How does the future look? -who is the analyst close to Ayatollah Khamenei? -who made a statement on twitter? -what is the primary issue for most people? -How are students beginning college? -What are experts concerned about with college freshman? -What did 9.5% of students feel frequently? -What rose 3.4%? -How many student felt overwhelmed? -Who performed research? -What did the research study? -What was the study population? -Why do students feel overwhelmed? -What's a public health issue? -What are students less of? -Why do students socialize less? -What can the trend from socializing more to less cause? -Why are students coming in with more anxiety into college? -Who should help students balance? -What do college admission boards want to see? -How do students feel about college expectations? -How many advanced classes do some students take? -What to you have to be to get into college? -What does social technology lead to? -What do people do on social networks? -What is a pressure of a teen or young adult? -What decreased according to the survey? -How many said they smoked cigarettes? -How many days did physical tests last? -What city was the combine from? -Who hosted the hockey complex? -How many rinks did the hockey complex have? -What ways were the hockey prospects tested? -What were the teenagers judged on? -What are the three parts of the combine? -Who is the NHL's director for central scouting? -Who ranked third in the draft? -Where does Noah Hanifin play? -Who is highest ranked in the draft? -When does the draft start? -Where does the draft take place? -What city is the draft in? -Who is expected to be second pick in the draft? -What team did Eichel tell he was the best player? -Who did Eichel deny comparing himself to? -Who were the private interviews with? -Who thinks he is the best player in the draft? -What is McDavid's communication style? -How many tests did Eichel win in? -Who performed better in this week's tests? -What was the best endurance result? -What tests did Eichel perform the best in? -When did the War in Afghanistan begin? -What president is mentioned in the article? -What country has done most of the fighting for the past two years? -What official is a spokesman for the council? -What country is a safe haven for insurgents? -When did Robert A. Levinson disappear? -How much did the FBI originally offer in reward for information about Mr. Levinson? -How much is the current reward for the safe return of Robert A. Levinson? -Where was Mr. Levenson visiting when he disappeared? -Who limited the number of people allowed at the burial? -Who fears that a funeral will turn rowdy or violent? -The measure is imposed at the funerals of who? -Where is the location of where the measure is imposed? -Who reported that a relative said the family was refusing to receive the body? -Who was undefeated coming into the Kentucky Mississippi St fight? -Who scored 18 points for Kentucky? -What was the ratio of three point shooting for the Bears? -Who won the Iowa State versus Baylor match? -Since 2012, who was the first team to win in Ames, isntead of KC? -What seed are the Dayton Flyers? -Was the crowd in Columbus friendly to Dayton? -What seed was Providence? -What arena in Columbus do thy play NCAA? -Did Dayton beat the Broncos? -What seed is Oklahoma? -Did Kyle Davis score for Dayton? -Who will Dayton play on Sunday? -Who is the creator of the popular WeChat messaging app? -How can you control WeChat functions in your car? -Who is the managing director of the Shanghai-based consultancy Automotive Foresight? -What to many Chinese people use instead of of phone calls? -Who is home to the world's largest number of smartphone users? -How many copies has "Secret Garden" sold? -How many languages is "Secret Garden" available in? -When was "Secret Garden" released? -What is the name of Ms. Basford's follow up book? -When did "Enchanted Forest" come out? -What is Ms. Basfords coloring book called? -How many pages is Secret Garden? -What are the black and white ink drawings of in Secret Garden? -When was Secret Garden released? -How many languages is Secret Garden published in? -What is it tempting to describe the Market for Ms. Basford's book as? -How is Ms. Basford? -Where does Ms. Basford reside? -Who do coloring books seem best suited for? -What were Ms. Basford and her publisher surprised to learn? -What caught Ms. Basford and her publisher off guard? -What does Rebecca Jean Duthie regularly gather with friends for? -Where did more accolades follow for Ms. Basford? -Where are the coloring circles gathered at? -Who poured in fan mail to Ms. Basford? -Where has Ms. Basford become a literary celebrity? -Where did Kim Ki-Bum post a floral pattern from Ms. Bedford's book? -Who started the craze for the adult coloring book in South Korea? -How many copies in South Korea has Secret Garden Sold? -What does Ms. Bedford say coloring is not as scary as? -What did Ms. Bedford say she would like to do? -What happened when Ms. Bedford Said she wanted to do a coloring book for grown ups? -How long did it get quiet for when Ms. Bedford say she wanted to do a coloring book for grown ups? -What did Ms Bedford before she said she wanted to do a coloring book for adults? -What did Ms. Bedford say about Adult coloring books? -Who is seizing on the trend of Adult coloring books? -What are Little Brown Bears coloring books subtitled? -What French author is published by Little Brown Bear? -Who is the book Splendid Cities by? -How many coloring books for adults will Little Brown bear release this year? -What event occurred in 2008 that caused voters to to become ideologically polarized? -Who promised to support Jeremy Corbyn? -When did the results for get released? -Will Mr. Corbyn's program receive support among his party? -How many opponents did Mr. Corbyn defeat on Saturday? -What party does Jeremy Corbyn belong to? -Was there turnout on Saturday when the results were announced? -Has Corbyn's campaign excited his party's base? -What is the strategy of Mr. Corbyn's opponents moving forward? -Will Corbyn's plan cause the debt to rise? -What kind of surgery did Matt Harvey have? -What was the score of the first game? -Who did Matt Harvey strike out three times? -Who were the leaders of the National League East? -In what inning did Clint Robinson hit a double? -What player remained on the bench? -How many R.B.I. did The Mets' pitchers earn? -What was the speed of the fastball that struck out Harper? -Who was The Mets' manager? -How many runs did Harvey drive in with a single during the fourth inning? -Where did Mr. Emmerich grow up? -Who did he read about being involved in the riots? -Who did he show the film to? -Would Mr. Emmerich have done anything differently? -Why did he want to show the film to others? -Why did Pat want to boycott the trailer? -Where did she go to school? -How many signatures did the petition have? -What petition did she create? -Who's story is this movie? -How many years after the riots was the trailer created? -What other film did Mr. Emmerich direct? -What does he say about people boycotting the trailer? -Does Mr. Emmerich want to continue to make Stonewall films? -what percent of goods travel through Ukraine -who is the prime minister of Crimea -how are must russian goods transported -what Nationalist organization was banned in russia -What sea are Russian goods transported on -Which reforms are being pushed aside by the House? -Why can't Mr. Obama shut down the Guantanamo Bay military prison? -Who is pushing these reforms? -Which countries are threatening the security of the US? -Why is increasing funding for programs inefficient? -Which bank issued the report? -What kind of documentation are banks demanding from law firms? -What are the banks pressuring the legal profession to do? -How long have banks and law firms been talking about forging a closer partnership? -What do banks and law firms want to share information about? -Which firm is a division of FireEye? -What kind of firm is Mandiant? -What entities has Mandiant been advising? -Who is urging law firms to be more open about reporting incidents? -What have the FBI and law firm leaders met to discuss? -What is John. P Carlin assistant attorney general of? -What organization's conference did John. P Carlin speak at? -Who should lawyers promptly inform of attacks that could compromise confidential information? -Where was the American Bar Association Conference held? -Who supplied the information on the Covington and Fried Frank attacks -Where is iSight partners based? -Which firms did the Citigroup report mention? -Who has iSight Partners received financial backing from? -What day of the week did Citigroup issue its statement distancing itself from the report? -What percentage of police stops led to arrests or summonses in Bloomberg's last 3 years in office? -Has the number of police stops risen or fallen? -Does Mayor Bloomberg consider New York a safe city? -Has there been an increase or decrease in crime overall in New York? -How many stops did officers conduct in the first 3 months of this year? -Who does stop-and-frisk unfairly target? -Is Mr. Jeffries for or against Bloomberg's support for police stops? -Is de Blasio for changing the broken window policy? -Who is Hakeem Jeffries? -What does Mr. Jeffries consider stop-and-frisk? -what is the name of the prime minister? -when did Essid propose his cabinet? -which party is considered a powerful Islamist party? -what party is Mr. Essid a member of? -what day of the week does Parliament face a confidence vote? -Who is the chief executive of Eaton Vance? -Where does the company Eaton Vance reside? -What services do Eaton Vance provide? -When did Eaton Vance win regulatory approval? -What is the size of Eaton Vance? -When did Faust become CEO of Eaton Vance? -What is the current model that Eaton Vance wants to change? -Who does Faust need to embrace this new structure? -What concern is crucial for managers? -How much did Eaton Vance's shares rise in a day? -Where does Dave Nadig work? -What company would need to make major investments to handle the new funds? -Where is the company etf.com headquartered? -Who was the chef of the restaurant? -Where did they eat dinner? -What is the location called in SoHo? -What was grilled as a slab? -Where was the restaurant located? -Who makes the dressing? -Where is the spice blend made from? -The results of the spices look like what? -What was mixed into the dry spices? -What did Baumgard advise? -What was the dish considered? -What could you set the currants in? -Where does he eat alot of vegetarian food? -What should you pair the plate with? -What was the consitancy of the sauce? -Who gave a statement in the article? -What was Mr. Foxx's goal? -What kind of agreements were they? -Is the table set? -Who did Port Authority enter into agreement with? -What is considered the most classical ballet of all times? -Who directed the Ballet Theater's production of "Beauty?" -What is 19th-century ballet considered to be? -How long has choreographer Marius Petipa been watching this particular ballet? -What suggestion is recommended in regards to the ballet "Sleeping Beauty?" -How many casts are being brought to the Metropolitan Opera House this week? -How does Mr. Ratmansky coach his casts? -How many versions of the Lilac Fairy's solo variation in the prologue exists? -Name the performers from Thursday that performed in Act III? -What technique did the two performers demonstrate during the Act? -What animation studio does Peter Doctor work for? -What is the film dead wake about? -Who wrote river of shadows? -What is the lastest work credited to Peter Doctor? -What company is Pixar animation studios part of? -What instrument did Earl "Fatha" Hines play? -Which decades did Earl Hines have a big band during? -What has Peter Doctor been watching Lately from videos people sent to him from youtube? -What are some of Peter Doctors Favorite Looney Tunes episodes? -What has Peter Doctor been following in instagram? -What comical event took place after a man falls dead in the latest Swedish filmmaker's movie -How are items often viewed in the Living trilogy -Which perception of life does the viewer perceive? -The theme that appears to run through the new works of this Swedish filmmaker is one of what? -The premiere of the new movie by this filmmaker will happen after which event? -The urban bustle within the movie appears to be close to what? -What absurd humor infiltrates the piece? -How might the audience see that film as conveying? -Periodically, the movie starts to sound like what other genre? -How do we know that the filmmaker's movie has a tone of inconsistency -What state is Phillips a captain in the Air National Guard? -Were were Donna Phillips and Janet Smith adopting a son or a daughter? -What age is the daughter who's being adopted? -What is the plaintiff's full name? -What ban caused Ms. Smith to have no official status in Hannah's life? -What kind of study were the couple looking for in their requirement adoption? -Which state has the highest percentage of same-sex-could households raising children under 18? -What is the percentage number of Mississippi same-sex-couple households? -What are the women cautiously hopeful for to quickly change their situation? -Do they want their lawsuit to change slowly or quickly? -What kind of position was based on faith? -What orientation has nothing to do with ability to be a good parent? -What did the person have to be to understand sexual orientation? -What did person relied on for their principled position? -The person explained their answer through what type of means? -Paul D. Ryan is a representative of which state? -What decorations were Rep. Ryan and his children hanging? -What did Rep. Ryan say is one of the conditions for taking on the House speaker role? -Which political party does Rep. Ryan represent? -What role was Rep. Ryan asked to take on? -How old is Rep. Ryan? -Erika Kirby is a professor of what subject? -Erika Kirby works at which university? -Creighton University is located in which city? -What is a key concern for Rep. Ryan? -Who is the representative from Washington? -What team does Rep. McMorris Rodgers serve on? -When was Rep. McMorris Rodgers elected to Congress? -How does Rep. McMorris Rodgers say Congress is changing? -How many children has Rep. McMorris Rodgers had since being elected? -What person has a crowded public life? -What person was often miserable? -Who was not there when Eleanor needed him? -Who was a hypochondriac? -What is the name of the new museum exhibition at the Neue Galerie? -How many pieces are in the exhibition? -Where is the Neue Galerie located? -Who does the exhibit show the rise and rule of? -What did Daniel Irwin bring to the church? -In which parking lot has been driven Christopher? -Which one is the profession of Tom O'Brien? -Which kind of charges is McNamara saying he could pursue? -Who is the district attorney of the Oneida County? -What emotion do Cubs fans feel in early April? -Who was an old general manager for the Cubs? -Who is the new general manager for the Cubs? -What pitcher for the Cubs is considered a war horse? -Who is the franchise cornerstone for the Cubs? -What two cities in California did they travel to? -What sport does Alex play? -What is the most important part of going to see the games? -What will the coach not be happy about? -What kind of student is Alex? -How are prosecutors reducing the number of cases that go to trail? -Are there more felonies or misdemeanor charges today? -What did Richard A Oppel Jr from the New York Times write about? -Why are jails remaining full, even when crime is declining? -How are violent crimes treated today, compared to 30 years ago? -In what town was a Kindergartner killed in his bed? -Who identified the victim of the crime? -What is the name of the victim? -What is the name of the suspect in the crime? -What happened to two of the victim's sisters? -Who is the president of France's soccer federation? -Who will host the European soccer championship? -Who obtained the tape that was implicating Benzema? -Who was recorded on the tape in question? -What did Benzema say, according to the tape? -Should investigate and prosecute the cases? -Do all countries respond to inquiries from the UN about its soldiers? -Which country announced an official investigation into accusations about its soldiers? -Does the United Nations have the authority to prosecute or punish a country's soldiers? -Who obtained internal audit regarding soldiers abroad? -When and where did this alleged rape take place? -The rape was supposed to represent what? -What were Pakistani peacekeepers accused of? -Who conducted the trial in Haiti? -What sentence was given to the guilty peacekeeper? -Who blamed each other for delays in the investigation -According to the children, when did the abuse begin? -Who appointed an employee to interview the children? -What agency was the child protection officer from? -What features of the suspects did the children describe -What did the suspects give the children after the abuse? -Who, other than French troops was implicated in the allegations? -What other soldiers were implicated? -Who was the United Nations director of field operations? -And why was the director of field operations suspended? -Which city started a pilot program? -What are police departments equipping their officers with? -Which streaming service did the department use? -What type of cameras are being used? -Which city started a pilot program? -What type of cameras are being used? -What are police departments equipping their officers with? -Which streaming service did the department use? -Which city started a YouTube channel for officer cams? -What steps did Seattle take to protect the privacy of filmed residents? -What might be controversial about body cam footage? -What month were body cams first used in Seattle? -Last name of unarmed teenager fatally shot in Ferguson? -Streaming service referenced. -Month that Michael Brown was shot. -Last name of Chief of police. -In what city was Michael Brown killed? -Why would bodycams be beneficial to police officers? -Why would bodycams be beneficial to the public but not necessarily officers? -Who shot and killed Michael Brown? -Why does the police Chief feel that videos should not be on YouTube? -Which city's residents are urging police officers to start wearing bodycams? -Who shot and killed Brandon Tate-Brown? -Why was Brandon Tate-Brown initially stopped by police? -Who worries that bodycam footage will not be made public? -How much did it cost to provide bodycam video per hour in Florida? -Which state requires a public records request to view footage? -Why did Bremerton decide against bodycams? -Which state halted its program after being sued by the ACLU? -What does Islam teach those to care about? -What are the countries of Muslims who face racial slurs? -What are some examples of actions that target Muslims? -What group of people is the author worried about? -What is the hope that the author has about the Muslims struggles? -As per the paragraph, what is Islam a religion of? -Is it possible or an impossible job to explain Islam? -What do Muslims not do "enough" of? -Would the author become a better or worse Muslim by condemning more? -What does Islam teach? -What is Muslim not a part of? -What is encouraged as a model of moderation? -What are some examples the author gives, of different people who are Muslim? -Do Muslims agree on most things, or disagree? -What is the first political task? -What does the Constitution and our customs do? -What is the first political virtue? -How would you feel if you thought human nature is good and powerful? -How would you feel if you thought our reason is not great? -How many sold out stadium shows where there? -How many Grateful Dead living members are there? -How much in ticket and pay-per-view sales where there? -How far is the Capitol Theater from Port Chester, NY? -Who is the owner of the Capitol Theater? -What was the reason given for Dead & Company declining to comment? -Who was Dead's frontman? -What did the anniversary shows demonstrate about Dead's music? -What member of the group died? -Who believed that the group died with Jerry Garcia? -What time does the show air? -What channel does the show happen on? -What charity does the show support? -Who is the host? -When was Benjamin Button born? -Who was the movie adapted from? -Where was Benjamin Button born? -What is the name of Cate Blanchett's character? -Who directed the movie? -How many years did 2 of the men spend in prison? -When did the townhouse on Sackett Street burn to the ground? -How many children died in the fire? -How old was the daughter of the 3rd defendant when he died in prison? -How old are the 2 surviving defendants? -Who did Ms. Quick tell that she lied about the men? -When did Ms. Quick tell her daughter she lied? -Why did the 1980 arson analysis not hold up? -What were Ms. Quick's motives? -What did the re-examined case show? -How long have the 2 defendants been out on parole? -How old was Mr. Vasquez when he went to prison? -What is Mr. Vilalobos' wife's name? -When did Mr. Mora die? -What did Mr. Mora die of? -Which Catholic magazine published Hannah Arendt essays and W.H. Audren's poetry? -The author's believes his family could fill a team of which sport? -How many kids did Robert F. Kennedy have himself? -What kind of family was the author's family considered within his neighborhood? -Robert F. Kennedy was what number child out of nine children? -Which religion is known to make members of the gay community feel ostracized and uncomfortable? -According to the author, who would have a hard time preaching original Catholic text about sex? -Which religion is interpreted to make women inferior? -Religions are often looked down upon when trying to determine what? -Founders of mormonism were often men that had how many wives? -How many sheriffs were one restricted duty? -What state is the sheriffs from? -Who died at the downtown jail? -Why was Mr. Marshall arrested? -What was the inmate name? -What did the federal judge do with Delta Air Lines' longstanding claim? -What does the government's export credit agency do? -What did Delta offer inresponse to the federal judge's decision? -Who is Trebor Banstetter? -What does the existence of the Export-Import bank turn on? -What is the main job of the Export-Import Bank? -What do the public faces odf the Ex-Im battle mask? -What will happen on July 1 if Congress does not renew the authorization of the Export-Import Bank? -How much has Delta spent on lobbying since 2012? -Who is Tim Neale? -Who organized Exporters for Ex-Im? -What has happened in Boeing's defense? -Who is William Schubert? -Who was the fly-in arranged by? -Who do Delta's lobbyists include? -Who is Steve Elmendorf? -Who is Kirk Blalock? -What caused lobbying firm Fierce, Isakowitz and Blalock to stop supporting Delta? -Who is Aleix jarvis? -Who is calling for an overhaul of housing programs? -Who would have to approve the proposals? -How many units of affordable housing have been promised to be built or preserved? -Over what time frame were the units of affordable housing to be delivered? -What state are the proposals being made in? -mayor bill de Blasio promised to build or preserve how many affordable houses? -mayor bill de Blasio's housing plan is set to take how long to finish? -who is the mayor of New York? -Who has to approve mayor bill de Blasio's housing plan for it to begin? -What is Steven Spinola the president of? -What city has been thrown into turmoil due to corruption related charges? -Who is the Democratic assemblyman and former speaker accused of corruption? -When are the housing and rent stabilization laws set to expire? -Who is the Republican majority leader accused or corruption? -Who is the president of the New York real estate board? -What Democratic assemblyman and former speaker faces corruption charges in New York? -mayor bill de Blasio's housing plan faces opposition in what city? -What Republican assemblyman and former speaker faces corruption charges in New York? -on what date does the 421-a housing program end? -Katie Goldstein is a member of what advocacy group? -What committee is Keith L.T. Wright a member of? -Why is Katie Goldstein against renewal? -Who does Katie Goldstein believes that Mr. de Blasio is siding with? -What does Keith L.T. Wright consider not reforming rent regulations and 421-a? -Katie Goldstein is a member of what organisation? -Mayor de Blasio hopes to impose restrictions on which group ? -Who is the democratic chairman of the assembly's hosing committee? -The advocacy group Tenants and Neighbors believe what course of action would not help fix the problem? -what is the threshold that need to be reached before market rates can be charged for an apartment? -The provision allowing landlords to charge market prices for units that reach a certain value accounts for how many of the rent stabilized apartments each year? -who charges tenants for the rent of their units? -what rate can landlords charge for an apartment once it reaches a monthly threshold of $2500? -How much is the mansion tax in New York? -how much does The de Blasio administration want to increase the mansion tax by on houses over 1.75 million? -How much does a house have to cost for it to qualify for a mansion tax? -how much does The de Blasio administration want to increase the mansion tax by on houses over 5 million? -State Senator Liz Krueger belongs to what political party? -The Alliance for Tenant Power and the Community Service Society want to abolish what law? -Up4NYC is what kind of group? -Who is the chairperson of the New York State Affordable Housing Association? -the New York State Affordable Housing Association favors who's proposal for housing changes in New York? -Up4NYC, wants to reform the program so developers pay construction workers what kind of wages? -What is Indian Railways? -How many people does Indian Railways employ? -How much did Indian Railways earn last year? -How much profit does Indian Railways turn? -What does Indian Railways use to show a profit? -Which country does Bernie Sanders support allowing US Citizens to buy drugs from? -When did Bernie Sanders start backing Canadian Medication purchases for US citizens? -Where does Clinton's patient spending cap require that drug makers allot some of their profit? -Which party wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act? -Where are Clinton and Sanders competing in the opinion caucus? -Who is the Washington analyst that criticized the efficacy of Clinton's claims in the long run? -What happened to the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index in response to Clinton's statement? -Where did Clinton turn to to criticize the increase of drug prices and its unfairness? -Which bank does investment analyst Terry Haines represent? -Which party controlled congress at the time of this article's release? -How old is Jeremy Clarkson? -What show is Jeremy Clarkson associated with? -What is Tony Hall's job? -Who did Clarkson allegedly attack? -On what date was Clarkson suspended? -What war did Argentina fight with another power that was mentioned? -What was the offensive license plate number in question? -In what month of 2014 did Clarkson make another controversial remark? -Clarkson has been accused of demeaning Indians, Asians, and what other specific group? -What kind of car was Clarkson driving in Argentina? -How many people watch "Top Gear" worldwide? -In how many countries is "Top Gear" shown? -What position does David Cameron hold? -How much does the BBC earn per year because of overseas sales of "Top Gear"? -"Top Gear" is supposedly the world's most popular program of what sort? -What year did the baseball players strike? -What did the Daily Mail calculate? -How many times has the N.H.L. blocked out its players? -What sport blocked its players out for a whole season? -Where does the average salary of a soccer player rank? -Who was Hillary Rodham Clinton's adviser? -Why was Sidney Blumenthal testifying? -Who did Sidney Blumenthal identify as the CIA official sending Hillary Rodham Clinton dozens of memos? -Where was Sidney Blumenthal testifying? -Was Sidney Blumenthal's testimony public? -Where is the button for the doorbell located? -What car does Sally Mann drive? -What are the names of Sally's portraits of local girls? -What type of birds does Sally keep? -What political office did Larry Mann hold? -What type of art does Sally look to for her imagery? -What photography teacher influenced Sally Mann? -Who was Robert E. Lee's personal photographer? -What century's technology did Sally immerse herself in? -When was Emmett struck by a car? -How far was Emmett thrown when struck by a car? -In "Immediate Family," what does Virginia appear to have done? -Whose legs does "Flour Paste" make Jessie's look like? -What imagery fascinates Sally? -How big is the farm that Sally and her siblings own? -What body of water do Jessie and Virginia play in? -What recently caused damage to the property? -How does Sally think adults have treated her children? -What book did Sally recently read again? -What causes the noise distracts Sally? -What level of dress is Jessie often out at the farm? -When did Sally decide she would stop taking her photos? -Where does Jessie run off to? -When does Jessie come back? -What has Jessie made upon her return? -What brand of camera does Sally use? -What didn't Smith make a dent in? -Who did the Republican's nominate? -What did Smith pass out? -What year was a big moment for Democrats? -Who would have been a double historic first? -Who said, "Who knows? Life is so unpredictable."? -What show was Clinton on? -Who would run against Clinton if possible? -Who told a joke? -Who founded the Red Bull energy drink company? -What weakened engine power in the Mexican Grand Prix? -What date was the Mexican Grand Prix held? -In which country is the Red Bull energy drink company located? -When have Red Bull cars excelled this season? -What is the name of Red Bull's aerodynamics guru? -Which German manufacturer had Red Bull directors talked to about getting a new engine for their cars? -Which French manufacturer had powered Red Bull in all of it's championship successes? -Who did Red Bull finally turn to for an engine? -What is the name of the Mercedes motorsport director? -What is the name of Red Bull's second team? -Which Italian team rejected the idea of supplying Red Bull? -Who is the president of Fiat and Ferrari? -Why did Ferrari not want to supply Red Bull with an engine? -How old was Tariq during the depicted events? -Who killed Muhammad Abu Khdeir? -Where was Tariq taken before returning to the United States? -What did the Jewish extremists wanted to avenge? -What was Tariq holding when the officer chased him? -Who did the Consumer Financial Protection board sue? -What did Career Education Corporation do to be sued? -What year did the New York attorney general reach a settlement with Career Education Services? -How much money did the New York attorney general fine Career Education Services? -Besides New York, what other states have sued Corinthian? -What generation does this person belong to? -Who provided a quote in regards to the type of language used to describe something? -What kind of change was this person's generation responsible for? -Who is subject of the so-called war? -What aspects of this person's generation are they proud of? -In what year did the narrator first meet Eva Chow? -What was the number of this Art and Film Gala at the Museum? -Where is the Museum located? -What was Mrs. Chow's role at the event? -Who else was a host at the event? -Who is Mrs. Chow married to? -What is the latest exclusive product from the Mr. Chow brand that Mrs. Chow oversaw? -How old is Mr. Chow? -What was the name of the fashion line Mrs. Chow ran? -How many locations of the Mr. Chow chain are there? -What number marriage is this for Mr. Chow? -What does Mr. Chow claim not to be? -In what year did model, Tina Chow die? -Who is the creative director at Vogue? -When does Intel's contractual term end? -What product did Broadcom make? -Who finances the science and technology competition for middle school student? -Who is the spokeswoman for Intel? -What will the Broadcom foundation continue to support? -Who is President Ashraf Ghani's uncle? -Who is the secretary general of the High Peace Council? -Who is an Afghan writer and journalist? -What conference did the Taliban attend? -What group complained that they have been bypassed in previous talks with the Taliban? -What was Dr. Garcia'sage upon arriving at Miami? -What operation was this associated with? -What condition was the bedroom described as being? -How many bedrooms did Garcia want his place to be? -What was Garcia's budget? -How many square feet was the 5 room house? -What season was the hunt started in? -What size we the one-bedroom described as being? -How many offers were there beyond asking price? -What sate is mentioned in the last few sentences? -What emotion was Dr. Garcia feeling? -What id Garcia write? -Where did Garcia go twice a week? -What park does Garcia do his running in? -What underground system of transport is mentioned? -Where is High street on market? -Where is the distillery located? -Who is Tanya Baker? -Where is the Boarding house -Where is the Buffalo Trace Distillery located? -When did Mr. Cook join the company? -How did Mr. Cook describe the influence of the company after 2009? -How does Mr. Cook plan to use the power of this company? -How did Mr. Cook describe his obligation when discussing the way he'd govern the company? -In what format were the answers to the questions posed to Mr. Cook given? -What do car key fobs include to help prevent theft? -What expert said the physical key will be with us for years to come? -What are the complications of using a smart phone as a car key? -Which companies other than Tesla offer apps to unlock cars? -What does PEPS stand for? -With PEPS, the car can not be locked if what happens? -With Tesla, one must open the app and enter what to start the car? -With PEPS, what does one touch to unlock the door? -Which companies are experimenting with ways packages can be delivered to people's trunks? -What can be authorized for one-time use? -Ninety-five percent of the time, a car sits there doing what? -What would happen when someone delivers groceries or packages to a trunk? -Who did Jeb Bush falter in a debate against? -What did Jeb Bush's supporters say he needed to learn? -Where did the Republican debate take place? -On what day of the week did the Republican debate take place? -What is Jeb Bush's "family code" said to be? -Where is the Bush dynasty said to have roots? -What boarding school did George W. Bush attend? -Who wrote the book "Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush"? -What book about George W. Bush did Robert Draper write? -What longtime family friend of the Bush's served in the first Bush administration? -What is Jeb Bush's wife's first name? -Who did George H.W. Bush depend on to handle the negative work in his administration? -Who was the self-proclaimed "bad boy" of American politics? -Who was the person George W. Bush let handle the negative side of their politics? -Who was Jeb Bush's campaign manager? -Who was George Bush's opponent in his 1988 campaign? -Mr.Atwater claimed his plan to defeat Mr.Dukakis was to make the public connect Mr.Dukakis with who? -What position did Michael S. Dukakis hold during his campaign against George Bush in 1988? -Willie Horton escaped from the Massachusetts prison system during what? -Who did George W. Bush defeat in the 2000 South Carolina primaries? -Which group ran anti-John Kerry ads during the 2004 election? -What claim did the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" make in their 2004 smear campaign against John Kerry? -Which institute found Republicans three times more likely to be upset with the federal government than Democrats? -Which political party is more likely to say they are angry with the federal government? -Jeb Bush served as a governor in what state? -What comments did Jeb Bush use to describe Donald Trump? -What job was recently added to Jeb Bush's team to help with his campaign? -Jeb Bush was claimed to be the first governor who effectively fought against what? -Who was Jeb Bush's campaign communications director? -how many under par was Charley Hoffman? -who took the lead in the first-round of the Texas Open? -what score did Phil Mickelson and Ryan Palmer get? -who came in second in the first round? -where was the Kia Classic held? -What colors were Louise Nevelson's forward-looking wood reliefs painted? -At what age did Louise die? -During the 60's and 70's where was Louise taking up space? -What kind of artist was Louise known for her generation? -What kind of personality was Louise known for? -For how many years did Barney Frank serve in Congress? -Who did Barney Frank Marry? -What state was Barney Frank a representative of? -In what year did Barney Frank get married? -What year did Barney Frank step down from office? -How many homicides occured in New York City in 1990? -In what year did the most homicides occur in New York Cities history? -How many years did Johnny Hincapie serve in prison after he was wrongfully convicted? -What hospital board tried to prevent Dr. Thackery from returning? -What anchorman stepped down after Mary Mapes was fired from CBS? -What year was The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 released? -In the Hunger Games what district was mistakenly thought to have been destroyed? -In the Hunger Games what character is played by Jennifer Lawrence? -In what state does Hemlock Grove take place? -Who was leading the attack against the Capitol in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1? -What kind of reptile did Dr. Leal study? -What did Dr. Leal remove to study the trunk-ground lizards? -What was Dr. Leal studying? -What happened when Dr. Leal took the trunk-ground lizards from their home territory? -What happened in the territory that the lizards had just been removed from? -When are trunk-crown lizards usually quiet? -What did researchers use to create caps for the trunk-crown lizards? -What is the name of the organ in the brain of trunk-crown lizards that is used to detect polarized light? -What happenes when the parietal eye of a trunk-crown lizard is totally blocked? -What did researchers use to cushion the ping pong ball hat on the trunk crown lizards? -How can a person contact Dr. Lear with suggestions regarding his research? -When will Dr. Leal be doing field work on the trunk-crown lizards? -What did Dr. Leal use to track the paths of lizards? -Is Dr. Leal interested in theories about homing lizards? -Will Dr. Leal be available to respond to correspondence once he leaves the field in mid-July? -Which salon is considered the mecca of Havana? -What type of beverages are for sell in the front of the salon? -Which barber do people line up and wait for at the salon? -What does the head barber use to sculpt eyebrows? -Which way does the hair blower point? -How many clients does Mr. Fernandez have? -Where did Mr. Fernandez get his start as a barber? -What type of style did Mr. Fernandez dream of bringing back? -What does Mr. Fernandez's hair look like? -What kind of hairstyle did Pavel Premdes get? -How much does the ferry weigh that Korea is trying to raise? -How many people were killed by the sunken ferry? -Where did the ferry capsize? -When did the Sewol capsize? -How deep underwater is the ferry right now? -In what city did the church approve the general synod? -How many members of the church voted in favor of divestment and boycott? -What nationality had Israel taken action against? -In what country did the vote on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict take place? -What nation attacked the Palestinians in the West Bank? -What is the name of the church's Central Atlantic Conference minister? -What day of the week did the church seek to pressure Israel? -Who submitted the boycott resolution? -What country is being pressured by the U.C.C.? -Besides the Israelis what other nationality was given the spirit of love? -What is the name of the people the Israel has been unjustifiably repressing? -Who had had military attacks deplored on them? -In what year was the resolution to place economic leverage on Israel passed? -What nationality of people are looking for an independent state? -Who placed a boycott resolution on Israel? -What group did Emmanuel Nahshon speak out against? -What group condemned anti-Israel extremists? -What is the name of the person that said people of faith should help Israel and the Palestinians? -What government does Emmanuel Nahshon represent? -What church has 1.8 million members? -What nation seized land in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war? -What nation was occupying the Palestinian territory? -What group attended the United Church of Christ's meetings as observers? -In what city is the Jewish Voice for Peace based in? -Who wrote "A Cure for Suicide"? -Does the claimant have a name? -Who explains how a story works? -What character sits on a chair? -What is Ball's story about? -What type of story has the same simplicity as this one? -What type of story has the same drama as this one? -What narrative tool does Ball use? -What does the claimant accuse gravestones of being? -What is at the heart of "A Cure for Suicide"? -What emotional experience is intertwined with identity? -What does yearning provide the rationale for? -Who does Ball have the eye of? -Who does Ball have the logic of? -What is the title of the thriller that details the events that ended Dan Rather's career? -Whose reputation is it alleged that Dan Rather set out to tarnish? -What is the name of Dan Rather's co-conspirator? -Which actress plays the role of Mary Mapes? -What network did Dan Rather work on? -Who was willing to pay for Davis's dress? -How much did P.T. Barnum offer for Davis's dress? -Where was Davis's dress to appear if Barnum bought it? -Where was Barnum's Museum located? -What was the nation's most popular tourist destination at the time? -What did Barnum call the Davis display? -What happened in the museum on July 13, 1865? -What was the suspected cause of the fire? -What was the concept that Jeff Davis's suffering furthered? -How did the crowd react to the Davis statue falling? -What has happened to Davis's legacy? -Where are debates over the Confederacy taking place? -What is the stature of modern Davis statues? -What did Barnum say about the American people? -What are modern efforts to reform Davis's legacy? -Who did she inherit it from? -What did the friend inherit? -Where did the great grandmother flee from? -When did she flee Europe? -Where was porcelain invented? -When was porcelain invented? -What city produced the most beautiful porcelain objects? -When was the first porcelain made in Dresden? -Who was the first person to make porcelain in England -What was Johann Friedrich Bottger's trade -What did he do? -What did Augustus order Johann Friedrich Bottger to do? -Did they succeed in making porcelain? -Who was the potentate of English pottery? -Where did Josiah Wedgwood send someone to get white clay? -What was Cookworthy's first successful piece of porcelain? -What clay did Cookworthy use in his porcelain? -What is the brief against standard production? -Where is porcelain found now? -Who made Allach porclain? -How did the Nazis make Allach porcelain? -What is the median salary for a worker with a bachelor's degree? -What is the lifetime wage difference between a worker with a bachelor's degree and one with only a high school diploma? -What is the median salary for a worker with only a high school diploma? -What is the main institution that turns unskilled individuals into skilled ones? -How much has tuition and fees increased over the last 20 years? -What have colleges done to prices? -Business charge different prices to different consumers based on what? -Movie theaters charge adults more than who? -What institution was the author joking that should raise the tuition to $1 billion a year? -What is the third force at work that the economists referenced to? -Does the Cambodian govenment oppose the case against Ao An? -How many guilty verdicts has the decade-old United Nations-backed tribunal given? -What other authorities have been unwilling to cooperate with the tribunal? -What political figures fear implication in the defendants' testimony? -What challenge could further delay the tribunal? -Who will not seek financial aid? -What are a dead end policy? -Who has to agree to extend sanctions? -Who made a loan to to the National Front party? -What would be a victory for Mr. Putin -Who is Americas second largest bank? -Which bank could fail the test by the end of the year? -Which banks mostly control wall street? -Who made up an annual test for banks? -Who is the largest bank in America? -What obstacle did Bank of America overcome to be able to payout it's shareholders? -What happened that made bank of america that increased their dividend? -What is the reason for these regulations? -How long after Bank of America passed the stress test did they find errors? -By home much did Bank of America overstate it's capital by? -Where is Itamar Harel a researcher? -How do the turquoise killifish age? -Who developed tools to look into the biology of the turquoise killifish? -How long do turquoise killifish typically survive? -What is the technique called that uses molecular scissors to snip out pieces of DNA and replace it with a different one? -What other species have the same genes known to influence aging as the turquoise killifish? -What does the gene called TERT do? -What keeps DNA from fraying? -When cells divide, what happens to their telomeres? -Slovenia erected a razor-wire fence along its border with what country? -What border town did the convoy of army trucks deliver the barbed wire and construction equipment to? -How many migrants have come to Slovenia since Hungary closed its border with Croatia? -What is the name of the Slovenian prime minister? -30,000 migrants travelling north from what country could become stranded in Slovenia? -Slovenia has gone on the record blaming what country for abondoning migrants at the border? -What are the countries called now that used to be Yugoslavia? -Where did the European Union leaders hold a meeting? -Who provided the information for this article? -What have European countries been putting in place to stop the flow of migrants? -When was Rolling Stone's "heyday"? -Who was the president of Rolling Stone during this period? -Which photographer became star because of Rolling Stone? -Where is Richard Avedon's photography being displayed? -Who wrote "Rolling Stone Magazine: The Uncensored History"? -What was it's circulation for 6 months ending December 2014? -What was Rolling Stone's newsstand sales in 2004? -What was Rolling Stone's newsstand sales in 2014? -What is Rolling Stones web traffic per month? -What is Us Weekly's web traffic per month? -What did Gus Wenner say was key to doing anything right? -What did Gus Wenner say was paramount? -Who does Gus Wenner seek advice from? -Who is Tom Freston? -When did Mike Huckabee first run for president? -What state was Mike Huckabee governor of? -Who does Huckabee hope to dominate among? -Where did he announce his presidential run? -What other job did Huckabee previously hold? -When did Huckabee first run for President? -What problems did Huckabee face in his last campaign? -What were Huckabee's previous professions? -Under what party does Huckabee plan on running? -Which year did Huckabee choose not to run? -How old is Huckabee? -Why was Huckabee's first campaign potentially easier than this one? -How many more potential candidates are also running this year? -What method does Huckabee support in terms of climate change? -In what state did Huckabee run in 2008? -Which type of people supported him in Iowa? -Which two candidates have surpassed Huckabee in polls? -For how many years was Huckabee employed at a news company? -In what states could Huckabee not afford to advertise? -How many nominating contests had Huckabee won at this point? -How much money was raised for the Huckabee campaign during his previous run? -How much money did Huckabee ask of families? -Where are the sharks from? -How many times did the hurricanes score? -What was the victory score against the sharks? -When did the knock out blow happen? -What did the Highlanders beat the Sharks by? -What did Paul Buttler call the captured video of police cameras? -Who was shot to death by a University of Cincinnati police officer? -When was Samuel DuBose shot to death? -What is the 24-hour cable news responsible for? -How was Samuel DuBose's death captured? -How many members of the force regularly used body cameras? -What year was the survey about body cameras conducted? -Who provides grants for cameras? -Who is Lindsay Miller? -What do officials say is the number of police forces that use body cameras? -What effect do video cameras have on police behavior? -How much do experts say camera change police for the better? -What do viral videos show? -What type of cameras are more prevalent? -What do experts say is the tally of dashboard cameras used? -Why do police commanders and prosecutors support camera use? -What city does Francis T. Cullen work in? -What will a good-faith mistake look like? -Where does police not want to put themselves into? -What do police officers not want to jeopardize? -What is becoming a serious economic and environmental issue? -What percentage of American households are not getting enough food to live active, healthy lifestyles? -How much food is wasted in the United States from the commercial sector? -How much was donated in 2013? -How much does a family of four waste per year? -What is a major environmental issue? -How much of the American energy budget is thrown away every year as food waste? -What percentage of freshwater consumed is associated with discarded food? -What does the food waste dilemma require? -With what is the food system deeply interconnected with? -How many days did Natalie spend in the hospital? -What did the new chest x-ray show? -What happened after they changed one of her antibiotics? -What disease did Natalie have? -What did they prescribe her after she left the hospital? -What university did research on Wall Street? -What does the right believe is the problem with wall street? -For how many years has banking regulation grown? -What political party perceives that banks were once well regulated? -What reason did Towns give for not shooting more in college? -What are Towns' current statistical averages? -What was Towns' stat line against the Lakers on Wednesday? -In what year of his career is Muhammad? -How is is Towns as described by this article? -What gesture did Towns make after hitting his 17 foot jumpshot? -How does Towns' father feel about his performance? -Who did Towns impersonate during one of his interviews? -How many interviews did Towns give during the course of the game? -Who is noted in the article as a key veteran player for the Timberwolves? -How does Towns describe his ability to make a 3 point shot? -Which international team did Towns play for at the age of 16? -Who did he attempt to learn from while playing with the Dominican team? -What is one of the specific things he tried to learn from Al Horford? -How does Towns regard his learning experience when playing with the Dominican team? -Who was assigned to informally tutor Towns as a mentor? -How does the article describe Garnett's personality? -Is Towns willing to share details of what Garnett is teaching him? -Who else has Garnett sought to help with their game? -How readily has Towns taken to the tutoring process? -Who is uninterested in discussing Towns' potential ability? -Who did the Timberwolves lose to on Friday? -How many games has Towns played in his career so far by Mitchell's estimation? -When does Mitchell say is the best time for development? -How did Mitchell feel about responding to the reporters questions regarding Towns? -Who was standing at a busy intersection north of Times Square? -Who did Mr. Faulkner say had proved to be a divisive leader without the charisma to lead a great city? -What noise periodically drowned out Mr. Faulkner at a busy intersection north of Times Square? -Had Mr. de Blasio proved to be a divisive leader with or without the charisma to lead a great city? -Which direction of Times Square was Mr. Faulkner standing? -What bid did Mr. Faulkner acknowledge to be a work in progress? -Who were the city's last two Republican mayors? -What was the profession of Raymond W. Kelly? -What was the profession of Eva S. Moskowitz? -Which two rights has Mr. Faulkner opposed to? -Under which Mayor did Mr. Faulkner serve on a task force on police relations? -Is Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo a Democrat or Republican? -Who did Mr. Faulkner fault for failing to reassure police officers? -Who did Mr. Faulkner pledge that he would get along better with than Mr. de Blasio? -How tall is Mr. Faulkner? -What did Mr. Milarski open the concert with? -Which fared better, Mr. Ades's "Origin of the Harp" or George Benjamine's "Three Inventions for Chamber Orchestra"? -What type of percussion was used to accompany the chamber tone poem "Origin of the Harp"? -When was "Three Inventions for Chamber Orchestra" completed? -Who was George Benjamin's mentor? -Which day of the week did the Senate approve legislation in California regarding health coverage? -Children under what age would qualify for state funded Medi-cal? -Where does the bill go? -Who stated that they may or may not sign off on the bill? -What would illegal documents not need to qualify for the health coverage? -Who rode the rental van from West Virginia to Maryland? -Why was Mr. Norris released from federal prison? -Who did the mass incarcerations disproportionately penalize? -When were the commutations announced? -When was Mr. Norris convicted of possessing and selling crack-cocaine? -Who worked to prepare the legal materials to support Mr. Norris's clemency application? -How many meetings did Mr. Norris have with Ms. Francik? -How did Mr. Obama commute sentences? -Who reviewed data on each finalist? -What did Mr. Norris make to carry out of prison? -Who wore gray sweatpants? -Who was waiting for Mr. Norris in the parking lot? -Who did Mr. Norris call first? -What game did Mr. Norris promise to play with Raymond? -Where did the family reunion take place? -How will the prison population be decreased? -How many prisoners are in prison for drug related offenses? -What eliminated the five year minimum sentence for first time possession crack charges? -Where could Mr. Norris get free interview clothes and health exams? -What does the association that Mr. Stewart work do? -What does one of Mr. Norris's brothers in law do? -How long do initial job searches typically last? -What kind of job did Mr. Norris want? -Who does Mr. Norris say he owes? -Who does Mr. Norris credit his release to? -How much time had passed since Mr. Norris had spoken to Ms. Francik? -When did Ms. Francik graduate? -Where did Ms. Francik work after graduation? -What job did Ms. Francik take? -Who posed the security threats? -how does the officials react for the question? -Which parties are on the rights? -What do they say for it? -Why do people find it striking? -What group potentially displays security threats? -In what forum do questions about migrants typically come up? -On what side of the political spectrum do questions about migrants typically come from? -Into what continent are migrants flowing into? -Where is the Bogra district? -What community was involved in the attack? -Who was shot in the head? -What did the gunman bring with them? -Who is secretary general of the Bangladesh Imamia Welfare Foundation? -How much must one pay for a passport in Malta's citizenship program? -Besides Maltese, what is the other official language of Malta? -In what region of the Europe is the island nation of Malta located? -What group is Tonio Fench a member of? -Those who speak Maltese are predominantly what religion? -How many euros does it cost to become a citizenship of Malta? -Applicants for Malta citizenship must show what? -What group has the most interest in the Malta citizenship? -The citizenship program raises more than a quarter of Malta's what? -Who is the chief executive of Identity in Malta? -What was Malta's G.D.P in 2004? -How much did Malta's economy increase by in the year 2014? -Malta has double taxation treaties with how many nations? -A plan in 2013 proposed selling what for £650,000? -Hedge funds as well as what type of companies have been drawn to Malta? -What has been a boon in Malta? -How much in corporate taxes do some foreign companies pay? -What does Malta have with 65 countries? -What does the double taxation treaty do? -What type of funds have flocked to the islands? -Who was awarded the exclusive rights to market the program and process applicants? -How much does a family of 4 with 2 grandparents pay to apply? -How much does Malta government pay Henley to handle an application? -Who has taken aim at the rollout? -Does the American plan to live in Malta? -Where did the American finance professional move for tax purposes? -What did the American give up when he moved to St. Kitts and Nevis? -Why did the finance professional move to Switzerland? -How long would he have to wait in Switzerland to become citizens? -What building houses Mr. Cardona's business? -Who wanted their photograph for a residence card? -The billionaire was what nationality? -Who does Mr. Cardona want to attract? -What was someone blackmailing Mr. Courser to do? -Who did Mr. Courser claim to be caught with in the phony email? -Who was Mr. Courser having an affair with? -What was the House committee recommendation for Courser and Gamrat? -Why was the chamber deadlocked for hours? -When is Myanmar's final landmark election? -How many seats did Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's party National League for Democracy win? -How many seats did the governing party win? -How many seats in the Parliament did the smaller parties win? -How many seats were contested since they are controlled by the military? -When is Myanmar's final landmark election? -How many seats did Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's party National League for Democracy win? -How many seats did the governing party win? -How many seats in the Parliament did the smaller parties win? -How many seats were contested since they are controlled by the military? -When is Myanmar's final landmark election? -How many seats were contested since they are controlled by the military? -How many seats did the governing party win? -How many seats in the Parliament did the smaller parties win? -How many seats did Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's party National League for Democracy win? -What was the Books of the The Times review about? -Who wrote The Art of Memoir? -Who was a poet but not a novelist? -Who was erroneously included as a writer in the review? -Where does Ms. Karr teach? -What country imposed temporary border restrictions? -Who's surname was misspelled? -The error was repeated where? -What day was the vessel deflated? -Who inspected a Syrian man at a border? -Who is the general manager of the Knicks? -What channel was showing the NBA draft lottery? -What day of the week was the NBA draft lottery? -Which team was not going to be among the top three for the NBA draft lottery? -Who is Mark Tatum? -How many teams other than the Knicks were represented? -What were the Knicks' chances of winning the lottery? -Who is Fran Fraschilla? -What were the Knicks' chances of being in the top three of the lottery? -What do the Knicks have a troubling history of? -What is "salary-cap limitations" code for? -Who owned the onerous contracts that the Knicks previously held? -How much under the cap are the Knicks projected to be? -What does Mills think will have a big impact on the draft? -What was Kyrie Irving rated at? -Who led in playoff minutes played? -What was Klay Thompson's rating? -What is the first and last name of the leader of the Golden State Warriors? -Who was the undrafted Australian on the team? -What was Jame's highest rate? -When did James achieve his highest rate? -In which year was Jame's first finals appearance with the Heat? -Which players was James trailed by in his first finals appearance? -What was Jame's rate in the playoffs? -What decade were rates introduced as a statistic? -Who made the finals with a greater rate than James? -What was Michael Jordan's rate for the finals alone in 1993? -What as Jame's rate in the finals alone? -What does Deborah J. Glick's district include? -To who does the cost seem unseemly? -What is Deborah J. Glick's position? -The cost of what is being questioned? -Who was asking questions bout the potential cost? -Who is the college president of Columbia? -How much was Lee C. Bollinger paid in 2013? -Where is the N.Y.U. apartment for the president? -What is the main issue that college presidents have with the residences? -How long has Dr. Sexton lived in the faculty apartments? -Who is making his second consecutive start as QB for the Broncos? -What is Dr. Robert Anderson's speciality? -Why is Peyton Manning not starting? -Peyton Manning is going to meet with Dr. Robert Anderson about his ____ -Who is the Broncos' coach? -What era did gas shortages occur? -What year was Poconos branded? -What was Wilkins first to ever design and install at the resort? -What were the occupations of Morris Wilkins? -What is another name for the Poconos? -Where and how old was Wilkins when he passed away? -What was Wilkins granted a patent for in 1988? -What year was the tub published in Life magazine? -What was the nickname for the tubs in Cove Haven's bathrooms? -What is the name of the resort owned by Wilkins? -What is spice? -How many calls did state poison controls centers receive about spice in the first three weeks of April? -What substance's effects does spice mimic? -The calls about spice more than double from January through march according to whom? -The cases involving spice have appeared 4x as often as in which year? -Which 3 states issued alerts this month? -How many reports were there on Thursday? -What are common symptoms of spice use? -Is the number of nationwide spice fatalities this year available? -In which state did someone die from spice on Wednesday? -Where was the hospital that saw over 110 cases in February? -Who said the total number of fatalities is not available? -Who is Mark Ryan? -Who said that a large portion of cases involve mab-chminca? -What form appears to be involved in a large number of cases? -Who was unsure about the cases of the increase in spice emergencies? -How many of the cases involved mab-chminaca? -Who has struggled to control the flow of synthetic cannabinoids? -What are synthetic cannabinoids? -Where are cannabinoids chemicals imported from? -How much more potent can synthetic marijuana be in relation to organic marijuana? -Why did the use of synthetic cannabinoids decrease from 2011-2014? -How many high school students used synthetic cannabinoids in 2014? -How many ER visits in Mississippi were caused by synthetic cannabinoids in April? -How many adults aged 19-28 used synthetic cannabinoids in 2013? -Who is Joey Stallings brother? -How old is Joey Stallings? -When did the local PD announce the autopsy results? -How many arrests did D.E.A. agents make for synthetic cannabinoids last year? -What was the result of the autopsy? -How many pounds of synthetic drugs did the D.E.A. seize? -Who is Keith Brown? -What did a group of retired military officers say would be threatened as they argued in front of the supreme court in 2003? -What did the 2003 Military Affirmative Action ruling allow? -Which Justice wrote the majority opinion in the 2003 military affirmative action case? -What is the name of the Law firm that filed the affirmative action case? -What is topic of a similar case, filed by the same Law Practice, that will heard next week? -Who argued that a law denying same-sex spouses next of kin notifications was unjust? -What position did the Lawyer hold in the US Government? -What is the Official Name of the Same-Sex marriage decision? -Which Justice was upset by the thought of Same-Sex spouses not being buried together? -In which presidential administration did the Supreme Court hear this case? -Which Presidential administration worked to ease the burdens of Same-Sex couples? -What is one right that Same-Sex couples were granted? -To which part of the Government does the Same-Sex marriage decision apply? -What is the primary focus of the Same-Sex Marriage in the Military discussion? -What determines the laws that apply to Military Marriages? -What groups are lobbying the government to amend its Same-Sex Marriage policies? -What is the name of the Law Practice that argued the Same-Sex Marriage Benefits case? -When did the Lawyers say that the Government's stance on Same-Sex Marriage change? -What is the name of one of four same-sex marriage suits to be heard by the Supreme Court? -What is one specific benefit that is mentioned for Same-Sex Military couples? -Besides the Supreme Court, what other court is hearing arguments about Same-Sex marriage in the Military? -Why didn't technology reporter Farhad Manjoo have a joke prepared for Saturday? -When and what dental procedure did Mike Isaac have done? -How many sales did Apple's new iPhone make during its initial release? -What was the public reception like in response to Apple's new iPhone release? -What is the name of Google's new streaming device? -What vehicle is Tesla in the process of shipping? -Who is in talks of becoming the permanent chief executive of Twitter? -What kind of vehicle is the Model X? -Which new product did Google allow a few reporters to test? -When is it believe that chief executive of Twitter will be announced? -Who founded Business Insider? -Who bought Business Insider and for how much? -Where did Buzzfeed and Vox get $200 million from? -What subjects are Business Insider mainly focused on? -What country is Hamada Ben-Amor from? -What is the stage name of Hamada Ben-Amor? -What type of art does Yazan Halwani combine? -When was Hamada Ben-Amor arrested? -Which President was Hamada Ben-Amor criticizing? -What did Cindy Whitehead make the first of? -What company bought Sprout? -How much did Sprout sell for? -What is Addyi referred to? -What job did Cyndi Whitehead hold at Sprout Pharmaceutical? -What does the blue pill do? -Did women have a warning for Viagra? -When Ms. Whitehead left was she going to continue to be a part of the company? -How much did Viagra make last year? -Who helped out financially with getting money for Viagra? -How long did the partnership between United States and Saudi Arabia take to shape? -What did the Saudi's term the economic agenda? -Who did President Obama host at Camp David last May? -Who visited Washington to solidify the new relationship? -Who was against including the deputy prime minister of Oman in these talks? -What is a concern the United States has regarding the intervention? -What did sale did the Pentagon recently approve? -What is the United States supporting Saudi Arabia in? -What was the value of the sale of the Patriot missiles? -What supply did the Saudis exhaust during the Yemen campaign? -What political power do the Saudi's regard as indispensable? -What extremist state do American official's decline to compare Riyadh to? -What regime does Saudi Arabia ally itself with the United States against? -Who is an ally of the United States against the Islamic State? -The US national team needs what player badly? -Clint Dempsey will regain the captaincy after what event? -Who is the coach of the US national team? -In what city was the Gold Cup tournament held? -Against what country did the US national team compete against in the Gold Cup? -Who won the Walker Cup again? -Who did Britain and Ireland beat? -What was the score of the game? -Where was the game played? -Who won four matches? -How many European Tour Titles has Pieters won? -What did Pieters score? -who parred the last 5 holes? -Who faltered on the final hole? -Where was the KLM Open held? -what was the score of the Lakers vs Heat game? -How many points did Brandon Knight have? -how much was the point deficit that the Suns overcame? -how many games was the losing streak that Phoenix was on? -who led the Magic in points scored? -how many rebounds did Russell Westbrook have? -Who did Oklahoma City defeeat in overtime? -what was the score of the Cavaliers vs Raptors game? -what is the season high number of assists that Lebron James has attained? -who scored 25 points for the Knicks? -Who was the lead producer of Rotten -How many Tony awards was the musical nominated for -How many awards did the musical win -What was the status of the Ad on New York Times -When did the Tony awards take place -Who was the producer of Finding Neverland -What was tapped to perform the first musical number on Tonys broadcast -Which musical number helped Tonys broadcast spur ticket sales of more than $750,000 -Where did it happen? -Where were the residents and for how long? -How long did the funeral last? -When the residents came out, what did they hear? -Why was the father so upset? -What were the women doing? -What were the men doing? -How many people died and why? -What did Siporah say? -Where was this happening? -What are the names of the mother and daughter that survived? -What injuries did they have and what is their condition? -Where is Ms. Sassoon? -Where is Siporah? -What did Mr. Sassoon say about his family? -Where will the celebration be held? -At what time will the celebration begin? -What are the first five digits of pi? -On what day is the celebration being held? -What time are the staff members and attendees counting down to? -What are the first few digits of pi? -Who is the museum's executive director and co-founder? -How many decimal places does pi extend? -Where is the celebration taking place? -At what time will the countdown end? -When does the museum close? -Who is co-founder of the museum? -When will the scavenger hunt begin? -What daylong event is being held at the museum? -Who is president of the museum's board? -At what time will the museum open? -What event will start as the museum open? -What is the name of the game that is a circle version of the original game that children will play? -Visitors can fill spaces on a circular grid with what? -What is the name of the 5K? -How long is the 5K? -What is the purpose of the 5K? -Where will the 5K take place? -What will the visitors hold as they are counting down? -What is Nowruz? -What other event will Asia Society celebrate with Persian New Year? -What is the purpose of the Persian New Year? -What are the hours of the event taking place? -Who is one of the arts' youngest divas? -Where has the diva returned to? -Who wrote the book series that the musical is based on? -The person who illustrated the book series, which the musical is based on, what was their name? -What time does the musical start? -At what time will the Golden Dragon Acrobats perform? -What is the name of the troupe that specializes in the extreme? -Where will the Golden Dragon Acrobats perform? -What day will the troupe perform? -What happens to Pinocchio's nose before the audience's eyes? -What is the name of the classic written by Carlo Collodi? -What type of projections does the show include? -What is the address of the theater that the play is taking place? -What are the two authors that wrote the stage version of the classic Pinocchio? -Who wrote the musical retelling, Rapunzarella White: A Fairly Fractured Tale? -Who abducted the triplets? -What are the names of the infant triplets? -What is Snow White allergic to? -When did Willis Carto die? -How old was Willis Carto? -Who announced Willis Carto's death? -Which event did Willis Carto's group deny happened? -What did Willis Carto raise funds to finance? -How many people died at Auschwitz, according to historians? -Where was Rudolf Hoss a commander? -What was the exact name of the cyanide gas? -Which camp did Mel Mermelstein survive? -Who did Mel Mermelstein see driven into the gas chambers in 1944? -How long did Tiant live in Boston? -What year did Tiant win two games against Cincinnati Reds in the World Series? -When was Tiant's status as Boston's sports royalty solidified? -Where does Tiant live now? -How long was Tiant away from Cuba? -Who is studying thier masters degree in social work in New York University? -Where did Gant graduate from? -The bride's father retired as president of what company? -Mr. Gant is a partner in what law firm? -Mr. Gant obtained a law degree from which college? -How much has the Shanghai Composite index risen this year? -What is the subsidiary Zexi No.1 fund works with? -How much has China Resources index rose since 2010? -What was the firm accused of on social media? -How much has the Zexi No. 3 fund index gained this year? -Where was the article by Xinhua published? -Where was the photo of Mr Xu Shared -What was Mr Xu doing when he was killed? -What did Mr Xu have in his arrest photo? -What did one of Xinhua reporters do? -Who was the St. Louis County prosecutor? -What night did the protests start? -What day was the grand jury's decision announced? -What caused destruction in downtown Ferguson? -Where did Mr. McCulloch defend his handling of the case? -What was the name of the victim? -What did critics allege about the way the prosecutor presented evidence? -Who did critics say the prosecutor and his assistants weren't tough enough on? -What was the name of the man who said 'all lives matter'? -Who moved beside the lake 12 years ago? -What city is the house a half hour away from? -Which motorway is near the house? -What size is the property? -How much is the home worth? -What type of design is the home? -What was the required position of the fireplace? -What type of kitchen was desired? -How many bedrooms did the house need to have? -How did Mr. Hague want to be greeted? -What type of staircase leads to the galleried landing? -How large is the master bedroom? -How many bedrooms open to a second balcony? -Where does the fourth bedroom have a balcony to? -What type of aquarium is present in the house? -What day was memorialized? -Where did they have protests? -What economic system is mentioned as a safe space? -What are visitors who might be pick pocketed called? -What airport terminal is brought up? -What store opened next door? -What shirt has a collar? -What kind of sneakers are mentioned? -What kind of shop has totems? -What speed is the food that is mentioned? -Which direction is being looked in? -What is the name of the perfume store? -How much is the embroidered bomber? -Where might you purchase a magazine? -What size are the Oreos? -Where id the author take a seat? -What is the crew-neck made of? -What does century 21 require? -What color is the blazer? -How much for a crew-neck top? -Who conducted the American Symphony Orchestra? -what unusual duet is sometimes featured in his pieces? -Who was identified as a Mexican composer? -who played the piano on saturday evening? -what are the name of the instruments used by the Sinfonia India? -what folk song was written by Mr. Chavez? -who sang "Cuatro Melodias Tradicionales Indias del Ecuador"? -which story featured puppets? -Who created the visuals for Don Quixote de la Mancha? -What were the 10 Turkish citizens and two Chinese Citizens accused of? -What did the nine ethnic Uighurs try to use the passports for? -What month were all the Suspects Detained? -Who were arrested trying to use the passports? -Where were the terrorists suspects from that received the altered passports? -What country did many Uighurs try to flee to? -By what security forces were the Uighurs detained by? -Where were the Uighurs detained by Thai security forces? -What did the Chinese officials insist to the Thai Government? -What citizens did the Uighurs tell the Thai officials they were? -How much were the Turks paid for each passport? -How much in Renminbi money were the traffickers paid by each Uighur for a passport?? -From what airport were the Uighurs trying to leave china? -Who were the two main traffickers? -What country were both the Traffickers living in? -Which bank possess the highest proportion of lending assets in France overall? -What percent increase did Credit Agricole observe in net income from this year to last? -Which fiscal quarter is being discussed in this article? -How long did it take Credit Agricole to earn 930 million euros in net income? -Which two lines of business improved the most in this quarter? -How did the school board increase public spending on private schools? -How much did public spending increase in regards to public school placement for special education students? -The cost of transportation demonstrated an increase of how many percent between the years 2009-2014? -What type of schools does the district place students in when their is an availability? -How much did the cost of transportation rise including the gender-segregated buses? -What percentage of meetings are held in a closed-door executive session? -What did the report expose in regards to the board members? -What is a common occurrence now against the board? -What appointment was proposed by the report? -What is one of the roles assigned to the state fiscal monitor? -What rights are the legislation acting in favor of? -Does the legislation reprimand groups on the basis of their religious beliefs? -Who endorsed the need for action in East Ramapo? -In what interest should lawmakers act in reference to the issue? -How have students been treated up until this intervention? -How many years of experience does John Abraham Davis have? -Who wrote an Op-Ed about Davis on Tuesday? -How much did Davis make after Wilson's election? -What happened to Davis after Wilson was sworn in? -When did John Davis die? -How many close friends has the son had? -What event was held at the house of the parents? -From what school is the son graduating from? -What family may not be invited to the barbecue? -Which parent of the third family is emotional? -What does David Monti Thrive on? -Who does David Monti help recruit? -Who was David Monti's running career for? -What race did David Monti win a Silver medal in? -Who is considered the Greatest American runner by many people? -What is Goal number 1 for Keflexighi? -Who has been Keflexghi's Coach Since his College days? -How many Keflexghi's Marathons in New York did he finish under the current masters record? -What college did Keflexghi go to? -Where did Keflexghi train for many years? -How many children where in Meb Keflezighi's family? -When was Meb Keflezighi's first New York City Marathon? -What have nine of the children I Keflezighi's family earned? -What place and in what time did Keflezighi finish at his first Marathon? -What did Keflezighi forget to put on his nose at the 2011 New York City Marathon? -What successful film did George Lucas make before "Star Wars"? -What did Mr. Canby think "Star Wars" was an apotheosis of? -In Mr. Canby's opinion, what would the teenagers in "American Grafitti" done to see "Star Wars"? -What is Mr. canby described as? -Where did Mr. Canby defend the movie against critics? -What is the giant satellite called? -According to Mr. Canby, what can you find today in Fifth Avenue mansions and public libraries? -Who did critics think "Star Wars" was the seminal works of? -When did Mr. Canby defend "Star Wars" against some critics? -What island did the paragraph state was hit by the storm? -What is the storm's name? -What month did the airport get shattered? -What airport has Liat resumed flights to? -When will Canefield Airport resume flights to the main airport? -Who did the search and rescue team call after downloading the cellphone call history? -Who was missing and later identified? -Where was Sita Shrestha's body found? -What was inside the handbag that search and rescue team's found? -Who went to the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital to see Sita Shrestha's body? -What fear do women have besides fear of eviction? -What two things have accelerated the reduction of street prostitution? -What has brought buyers and sellers together? -What university the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education commissioned? -How many of Sweden's top women's rights lobbied for combating prostitution? -What was shown to have increased online ? -How many sellers were responsible for the numerous sex ads? -What emotions are the Swedish feminist group feeling about combating prostitution? -Who released the report on the increase of sex ads online? -Has the number of Swedes in favor of a ban on the sale of sex increase or decreased? -What do women that sell sex face in the community? -What do women who sell sex have to do in order to get help from social services? -What are men afraid of when looking for women who sell sex? -What are the 3 things women who sell sex are not checking for when meeting men? -Who has to approve the deal before the vote? -Who is the union president? -What contract was ratified last week? -What does the union suggest be used in the tentative agreement? -How many entry-level employees does GM employ compared to Fiat Chrysler? -Who is the VP for North American manufacturing and labor relations for GM? -What will benefit employees and give the company flexibility in the markeplace? -Who does David Cole work for? -What is the nature of the automobile industry? -Who is Clegg and GM working with? -Where did Maria and Randy arrive to? -Who helps them penetrate the wall of secrecy? -What is withheld from them? -What is Daniel Bruhl's profession? -Who was the painting commissioned by? -How many people did Legionnaire's disease kill? -How many women made it through ranger school? -Who was Michael Brown shot by? -What is the most segregated place in the country? -How many people got sick from Legionnaire's disease? -Who had an incredible run at the championships? -How many records did Katie Ledecky set? -How many gold medals did Katie win? -Which competitions did Katie win? -How many games had the Celtics won prior to matching up with the Lakers? -Who acquired their first double-double of the season in this match-up? -How did the Celtic fans react to Kobe Bryant's being in the starting lineup? -How many points did Evan Turner score for the Celtics? -How did the Celtic fans react when Kobe Bryant touched the ball for the first time? -How many 3-point attempts did the Wizards miss in the closing seconds of the game? -What player had a double-double and just missed a triple-double? -What Raptor player extended the lead with a pair of free throws? -How many unanswered points did the Wizards score in the closing minutes of the game? -Which Washington player led in points and rebounds? -In the game which Utah player did not compete? -How many games is the current home winning streak of San Antonio? -Minnesota held off a furious attempt and held their lead to how many points late in the game? -What has had a great impact on the Utah Jazz so far this season? -When did San Antonio last lose at home? -What store did the author stumble across? -What festival did the author state they played at? -What is the author's favorite part of her outfit? -Where did the author get thier gold shoes? -When the author finds something that works for them, what do they tend to do? -What is the main differentiator according to the author? -Who inspires the authors overall style? -What three characteristics does Audrey Hepburn have? -Where was the author's first big show? -In addition to the sweatshirts, what else did the author hot glue the silver beads to? -What did the author hot glue to the outside of the hoods on the sweat shirts? -Who would'nt wear the outfits that were made for them by the author? -How many years ago approximately was the Nashville show? -How many World Series Championships do the Yankees have? -How many retired numbers do the Yankees have? -How many teams are in New York? -Besides the Yankees what is the New York baseball team? -Which team is experiencing a turnaround? -When was the Mets last championship season? -What does Greg Prince say about what's happening to the Mets? -Who is Greg Prince? -What years did the Yankees win the world series 4 times in a row? -Who lost the Subway Series? -What is the Mets average home attendance per game? -How much has the average attendence for the Mets risen since last year? -What is the Yankee's average home attendance according to MLB? -How many more fans at a Mets game are needed to fill Citi Field? -How does Prince measure Mets progress on a train? -Who does Breuer think the Mets need to re-sign? -What does Prince expect to be more common in restaurants as the Mets gain popularity? -What train do you commonly see Mets caps on today? -What was the Met's average TV audience in 2007? -What percentage is viewership up this season? -What was the lowest TV audience the Mets saw after 2007? -How many people are watching on TV on average this season? -Who increased the viewership average even more? -What year did Derek Jeter retire? -Who hit the double in the game on Monday? -What is troubling the player Sabathia? -Who was Monday night's game against? -What occupation did the stranger have? -From what movie did the stranger look like he was from? -How much money did the stranger give the son? -Where did the family have lunch? -How old is the child of the family? -Where was Rosenblatt built? -How does the wind blow at TD Ameritrade? -Who is the coach for Minnesota? -Who is the coach for California State Fullerton? -Who is Vanderbilt's junior shortstop? -How many homers did Swanson have? -Who had the first overall pick in the major league amateur draft? -Who is the Louisiana State Coach? -Who is the founder of Search Engine Land? -How many mobile users does the United States have? -About how many search results that Google handles are mobile? -What brand of software does Google run? -What type of device do most people use the internet on? -Who did Mr. Moyer say that his company would be committed to serving? -Whose death caused riots in Baltimore? -How many police officers were charged in the death of Freddie Gray? -Who was the governor of Maryland in 2007? -After the officers were charged, what government position did Martin O' Malley begin running for? -What group was trying to enforce changes at the jail? -When did the A.C.L.U. file its first class action against the jail? -Who was the class action suit filed on behalf of? -When was the most recent settlement by the jail? -What race does the jail mostly house? -According to the motion, what sort of care are inmates not receiving? -What are the majority of inmates confined in B.C.D.C doing? -What did Baltimore not invest in? -How long ago does the oldest sections of the jail date back to? -Who is the former director of the National Prison Project of the A.C.L.U,? -How many did Jerome Williams strike out? -How many did Jerome Williams walk? -Who lasted just 5 innings? -Who hit a two-run homer? -Who hit his 399th career home run? -What team is local to New York? -Who won the game? -Where is the Barclays Center located? -How many tickets did the NBA distribute to marketing and broadcast partners? -When was the last time the All Star Game took place in New York? -Who is the current president of the Knicks? -How many shots did Russell Westbook take? -What quarter did fans participate in a Karaoke performance? -What song were fans encouraged to sing along to during the game? -Who scored the most points for the Eastern Conference with 30? -Who is facing time in a supermax penitentiary? -Who is the lead prosecutor? -Who has the government been locked in intense battles with? -What is the supermax penitentiary also known as? -Where is the supermax penitentiary? -What is the toughest federal prison? -How many times has the defense shown a photo of the ADX? -How many hours would Mr. Tsarnaev be in solitary confinement at the ADX? -Why would Mr. Tsarnaev not be transferred? -What is the ADX covered in? -Where did Amelie Wisniak move to after Paris? -what did a friend tell Amelie when she moved to Manhattan? -What company did Ms Wisniak help found? -What does Ms. Wisniak's boyfriend do for work? -how much was Ms. Wisniak's condo in Clinton Hill? -how large is the neighborhood? -what war do the houses construction predate? -what was the percent of the neighborhood was hispanic in 2009-2013? -What is the neighborhood's centerpiece? -Pratt Institute's brick pathways lead through what? -How large was the Halstead Property? -What was Ms. Wenk's minimum required square footage? -What was the cost of a three-bedroom property? -how long did Ms. Wenk search for a property? -Why do people start looking into moving into Clinton Hill? -what are the median sale prices of a condo in Clinton Hill? -How much is the Clinton Hill sale price an increase of from last year? -what causes the data fluctuations? -what had the biggest price jump? -What was the median price in 2015 of townhouse sales? -what century saw the beginning of Clinton Hill's glory days? -What year were low-cost high-rises developed in the area? -What was Robert Mapplethorpe's apartment near? -what were the walls of Mapplethorpe's smeared with? -What was the rent of Mapplethorpe's rent? -What is predicted to hit earth in the next six days? -What has not happened for 32 years? -Is there any evidence that an asteroid or any other celestial object will impact Earth on those dates? -Who is the manager of NASA? -Where was the NASA office located? -What is predicted to hit earth in the next six days? -Who is the manager of NASA? -Is there any evidence that an asteroid or any other celestial object will impact Earth on those dates? -What has not happened for 32 years? -Where was the NASA office located? -At what age will Francis meet Obama? -Who is officially meeting President Obama? -What time will Francis hold Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine? -For how many people will hold Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine? -Who taking the lead in protecting a pope who does not want to stay in his popemobile? -Who may approve a plan today to distribute 120,000 asylum seekers among member states? -The legislation is based on what? -Who failed to advance a bill on legislation outlawing abortion? -Who reject the idea? -What feels pain after 20 weeks of fertilization? -Where is the hajj pilgrimage located? -What have slowed sharply? -What were muslims sharing? -What year did analyst predict that e-books will overtake print? -Who is the Miami’s top private pathologist? -How many wins does Jake Arrieta reach this season? -Who ruled that the long-claimed copyright on “Happy Birthday to You”? -Who threw a three-hitter to become the first pitcher to reach 20 wins this season? -What is the score between Chicago Cubs and Milwaukee? -What is promising us some dramatic nighttime theater? -Who was the paleontologist at George Washington University? -Where was the distant relative of Triceratops found? -How long ago did the Triceratops live in North America? -What was the name of the distant relative of the Triceratops that was the size of a spaniel? -What did paleontologist, Catherine A. Forster, and colleagues recover? -What is the second incarnation of the Liberal Arts and Sciences test called? -What was the last year the LAST-2 was given? -What group of teaching candidates failed the LAST-2 more often? -What was the average percentage rate white teaching candidates received on the LAST-2? -What was the original name of the Evaluation Systems? -What is the nationality of Stephane Heuet? -How long did it take to sell the first 12,000 copies? -Who wrote In Search of Lost Time? -Who translated the book? -In what year did Heuet begin adapting the book? -What position was Lost And Found: New on the extended hardcover fiction list? -When did Lucia Berlin cease to be alive? -What was the nationality of Lucia Berlin? -What was the title of Lucia Berlin's work that was published after her death? -What genre was Lost And Found: New? -What country is Turkey's second largest market for export? -Eskisehir has a large refinery for what? -About how much the city of Eskisehir has exported to Russia? -Because of the conflict between Russia and the West, who reduced their food imports to Russia? -The listed example of exports to Russia are cookies, crackers, and what? -What was Russia the biggest source of Turkey of, before the past year? -What was declining that got the economists worried? -Other than the fall of ruble, what else was mentioned as a cause for Russians being unable to afford to travel? -At the Bilkent University near Ankara, who is the dean of economics faculty? -Who is Turkey's Deputy Director General? -According to Mr. Firat, who caused resentment in some places? -Except for Africa and Europe, where else is China exporting lower in prices than Turkey? -The emerging markets are having difficulties because of slowdown in where? -What helps some business stay competitive that are available because of the refugees? -Demand is weak for manufactured goods partly because of China and partly because of what? -In Eskisehir, who is the leading industrialist that was mentioned? -Through Iran, the route is much longer and costlier between Syria and what country? -Who is the President of Syria? -The Iran government has imposed huge fees on Turkish what? -Ozaydemir has holdings in wiring manufacture, roofing tile manufacturing, and what? -What percentage of the world's reserve in commercial marble Turkey has? -What country has unattractive yellow tint and heavily cracked marbles? -How many workers did Cekicler Marble let go out of the 450 employees? -This year, Cekicler Marble expected to sell ten 25-ton blocks of marble but actually sold how many? -The drop in price for China's marble also reflected the drop in what? -What is AMC reluctant to switch? -What are there fewer and fewer of breaking through? -What does AMC want to match the quality of? -What was the size of AMC's setback in the last few years? -What was the name of the system AMC made so producers sketched out their shows several seasons past the pilot? -Where did the criticisms come from? -What did Vince Gilligan appreciate helping with? -Who created Breaking Bad? -Who is president of original programming for the network? -With whom did Mr. Stillerman and Mr. Collier treasure their relationship with? -What was not removed from the DEA's list of harmful and addictive substances? -Which judge heard the testimony about whether marijuana was as harmful as heroin? -What list is marijuana currently on with the DEA's classifications? -What is the conflict between that people were hoping would be settled? -Where does Judge Mueller work? -What did defense lawyers argue about marijuana's Schedule I classification? -What ruling did Judge Mueller make about adjustments to the law? -Which Amendment did defense lawyers argue barred superseding state laws by the federal government? -Who was dismayed by the judge's decision? -What is marijuana legally used for according to state laws? -What is the cannabis trade show mentioned in the article? -Who runs the Secret Cup? -Norrie thinks that the judge's ruling is reflective of her aversion to what? -What lack of issues does Norrie compare marijuana use to? -What is the DEA waiting for before they comment to the press? -When did the Justice Department recommend not targeting marijuana users? -What did the 2015 bill bar the Justice Department from doing to interfere with state marijuana laws? -What marijuana cases can the Justice Department still prosecute? -What resolution is indicative by this ruling? -How much did HP pay for each Aruba share? -How long has Aruba been manufacturing networking equipment? -Which company made the decision to split in 2018? -At the end of the fiscal year, what was Aruba's revenue? -What is the percentage increase over February's closing price per share HP is paying for Aruba? -What is the previous investment that Enterprises are looking at new solutions for? -What new generation of equipment is HP looking to deploy? -Who is currently leading Aruba? -When is HP expected to merge with Aruba? -What type of business is HP hoping to help? -Which political party(s) wanted to reform misleading vehicle safety ratings? -What type of license may 19 1/2 year old drivers license pilot program obtain? -Who must accompany a 19 1/2 year old driver under the pilot program? -Does the proposed bill prevent raising or lowering insurance requirements for buses and trucks? -What was the title of the Nov. 4 editiorial discussed in this paragraph? -The proposed bill would expand what? -How many Vermonters attended the committee hearing in the statehouse? -When would the proposed bill step up reporting to the federal background check system? -What did supporters of the bill argue? -Background checks would be expanded to cover what type of sale? -How many motorcyclists were accused of taking part in a gang assault? -Who was presenting evidence against two motorcyclists? -Who was the gang assault on? -Where are wild motorcycle tours organized? -Where do motorcycle tours occasionally rip through? -Who's helmet camera filmed several videotapes? -Who was a safety consultant? -What were bikers standing on? -What were traffic problems caused by? -Who was Mr. Bresloff? -Who was assaulted? -Who did not call the uniformed police? -How many days passed before informing the Police Department? -Who argued that someone else made a hole? -Who was the prosecutor? -Which group performs the circumcision? -What is being used to influence parents? -What is the health department distributing to influence parents? -What disease did the city Health Department link the circumcisions to? -What group has serious concerns about the procedure performed on babies? -What day of the week was the baby found? -What kind of church was the baby found in? -What is the name of the hospital the baby was brought to? -What is the name of the Queens district attorney? -Who is the baby in the custody of? -What is the name of the law that the mother followed the spirit of? -What is the name of the church? -Why did the mother leave the baby in the manger? -What is the address of the church? -Detectives from which Precinct reviewed surveillance video? -What did the video capture the mother leaving the store with? -What time was the baby discovered? -What is the name of the parish maintenance worker that found the baby? -What was the baby laying atop of? -What is the name of the spokeswoman for the Diocese of Brooklyn? -What is the name of the parish priest? -How old is Rev.Christopher Ryan Heanue? -Why did the story go viral according to the priest? -What is the name of the parish secretary? -Who is in charge of the parish's day-to-day administration? -What year was the parish established? -What month did Father Heanue arrive to the parish? -How large is the parish's congregation? -When did Pablo Picasso leave for Paris? -Who was the greatest influence on Picasso's early life? -Where was Pablo Picasso before he left for Paris in 1904? -Who helped to establish Picasso in Barcelona? -Where did Picasso's family settle from when he was a teenager? -What is the intimate exhibition called at the Picasso Museum? -Where did Picasso study before going to Barcelona? -What did Picasso try to establish himself as when arriving in Barcelona? -When did PIcasso start to shape as an artist? -Who did Picasso become an important friend to in Barcelona? -What was the important thing about the museum? -What kind of illustrations did PIcasso share in his letters to the Reventos brothers? -What directly influenced Picasso's early artwork? -How many sections were in the exhibition? -How long did Picasso and Jacint remain in touch? -When did Jacint die? -In what hotel did Jacint suggest Picasso meet him in a letter he wrote in 1921? -Whose illustrations accompanied Ramon's literary works? -How many secretaries general has the United Nations had? -What gender have all secretary general's been? -How many world powers hold permanent seats on the Security Council? -What type of person would be powerfully symbolic to appoint as the next head of the United Nations? -About how many years ago was the U.N. organization created? -When should the draft for the U.N.'s yearly resolution, with it's new guidelines, be finalized? -What one major change is to be made to the current U.N. guidelines? -In the past, which countries bargained in private to determine who would become secretary general of the U.N. -What two countries lead the effort to transform the way in which the selection of the secretary general is chosen? -How many member state's are a part of the U.N.? -What group published a list of candidates that features detailed bios of world leaders from different backgrounds? -Another woman that is listed as a proper candidate for U.N. Secretary General is Christine Lagarde, What organization does the head? -What is the name of the candidate that is President of Liberia? -The third female candidate for Secretary General is the executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, what is her name? -What prevalent type of inequality are members of the U.N. trying to combat within their organization? -Who approved legislation on Thursday night that repealed Obama's health care law? -How many Republicans joined 45 Democrats in opposition? -Whose goal was it to repeal Obama's health care law since it's adoption in March 2010? -Which two Republicans were the ones who joined the 45 Democrats in opposition? -What do many farmers want? -What is government thinking about building northeast of Fresno? -Who is Mario Santoyo? -When was Millerton Lake built? -What are the doubts about the spending? -What do most experts argue about the dams? -What do the experts favor instead of dams? -What is the last suggestion by the experts? -What are some other suggestions by the experts? -What fraction of fruit does California supply? -What fraction of vegetables does California supply? -What kind of days create ideal conditions? -What is erratic about California climate? -How much water do the Sierra Nevada mountains provide? -Which wildlife in California is in danger of extinction? -What restrictions did congress impose? -What do scientists say is a contributing factor? -How did farmers survive the droughts? -What happened to the shallow wells as a result of pumping groundwater? -Who is Anna Swenson? -Does Swenson believe we can still extract all the water we want? -Who is William Mulholland? -Where does Swenson think Mulholand's ideas should be? -Who is Don Cameron? -What gave Don the idea? -What did Don notice was flooded? -What did Mr Cameron do to the farm he manages? -What did Don deliberately do to the grapes and pistachio -What would the new law help farmers do? -What would the farmers be allowed to do in the wet years? -What is needed to move around floodwater? -How much would these canals cost? -Does Mr Cameron have the infrastructure to make it work? -What does Dr. Hanak believe the state should also do? -Who is Megan Konar? -What does Megan want California to lead the world in? -How much of the grain in coming from aquifer depleted areas? -Which countries have severe water pumping issues? -Are salaried workers eligible for overtime? -What amount does the salary have to be to technically be ineligible for overtime? -In 2016 what would this threshold change too if it kept pace with inflation? -do current rules for hourly workers stay intact? -If they are below that threshold, are they eligible for overtime? -What is the suggested course of action? -When willthe department make a public comment? -What kind of blow back will there be? -Is the plan to change things firmly in place? -Can a politician claim to care about the middle class if they support the sides of the blow back? -What is Net-a-Porter's sales profit last year? -Did they merge with another group? -Who did LVMH hire after online trend becoming more challenging? -What did McKinsey foresee in their findings? -What are Ms. Massenet's personalities? -How many workers were killed in the Massey Energy Company accident? -What did Mr. Blankenship and his legal team ask for in response to the jury's long deliberation? -Who was the judge that preceded over Donald L. Blankenship's case? -Where was the Massey Energy Company trial held? -What position did Donald L. Massey hold within the mining company? -What political party is Deborah J Glick? -What is the position of Deborah J Glick? -What is the position of Andrew Berman? -Who is the plaintiff in the case? -Which year was the McEvoy Ranch in Petaluma established? -What year was Chronicle Publishing sold? -What corporation bought Chronicle Publishing? -What ranch did she devote most of her time after retiring? -Name one university that she was a board member of? -what was established after the terrorist attacks of Sept 11 -what information does the United States office of National Intelligence coordinate? -what are the names of the daughters? -what is the name of the son? -what is the name of the wife? -where did Mr. Constantine work in Buffalo -what was Mr. Constantine looking for? -who interviewed Mr. Constantine? -what county office did Mr. Constantine join? -where did Mr. Constantine work after the radiator factory? -What is the name of the lawyer? -Who is the head of the International Federation for Human Rights? -What occupation does Patrick Baudouin have? -What file is considered to be very consequential? -How many employees were exposed to radiation in February 2014? -Who oversees the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant? -What type of waste erupted last year at Los Alamos? -How much did the Department of Energy spend to improve Carlsbad? -What state levied $54 in civil penalties against the Department of Energy? -Mr. Lee states it is easier to ___________, than head of a studio. -What is the five-year plan called? -Who is the Academy's President? -What voting board is facing criticism for failure to nominate black actors? -What is being changed by the Academy President? -What is happening at the Hermitage Amsterdam? -What is the exhibition called? -What does the exhibition include? -What do the paintings depict? -What is the predominant theme? -How long does the story of Alexanderm, Napoleon and Josephine span? -How did the story begin? -What does the exhibition feature? -What notion is at the center of the story? -What kind of story is the story of Alexander, Napoleon and Josephine? -Where does Josephine come from? -What type of people are Napoleon and Josephine? -What is Alexander's reaction to Napoleon and Josephine? -When did napoleon write to Josephine? -When was Virgin Active founded? -How many members did Virgin Active have as of Dec. 31? -How much revenue did Virgin Active generate as of Dec. 31? -When did CVC funds acquire a 51 percent stake in Virgin Active? -How many percent stake did CVC funds acquire in Virgin Active in 2011? -When will the Saving Face: The Evolution of the Catcher and Goalie Mask last be shown? -Which age ticket costs more for the Saving Face: The Evolution of the Catcher and Goalie Mask? -Which day does the show A Sure Hand close earlier? -Which show presented in October allows children under 5 for free? -Where is The Civil War Through The Eyes of Thomas Nast shown? -Who directs the Hurlyburly show? -Who is the singer for the Guys and Dolls performance? -Which gallery is the Photographic Moment show in? -Which show is shown July 11 through 19? -Which artists work is shown at the Clifton Arts Center? -Who is the director for the show playing at the Greek Theater? -Which city is Greek Theater located in? -What is the last day one can catch the Love's Labour's Lost show? -Which college is the Greek Theater located in? -Who is the director the A Doll's House drama show? -Which theater company is hosting Mr. Lincoln? -When is the last day one can see Mr. Lincoln? -Who is the translator for the Ubu Roi play? -Who created the Ubu Roi play? -How much does it cost to see the Brazilian Jazz group? -How many musical performances are being presented through June 28? -What kind of music is played at the Stanhope House? -What are the dates of when you can catch the Brazilian Jazz group? -Which pianist will perform Carnaval and Fantasie? -Who will perform on June 28th? -Where will Sophia Agranovich perform? -Where will Rory Angelicola be performing? -What are the prices for the Lasermania laser show? -Which film festival is being held at the Newark Public Library? -What is the name of the punk band playing in Asbury Park? -Which fairy tale story is being performed at the Stockton University? -How long did it take to rebuild the boat? -Where and how long was the race? -What was the name of the all woman crew? -What does Nicholson say everyone on the team has? -What place did the team come in Lorient, France? -What is the name of the team that finished third in Lorient? -What will make the way to the average boater? -When were the boaters stranded? -Where was the location of the reef where the boaters were stranded? -Who assisted the stranded boaters? -Where was the boat rebuilt? -What is the role of Morten Jorgensen? -Who missed the exposed reef and what was his role? -Jorgensen stated that Vestas would be remember as what? -How long did it take Vestas to recommit to the race? -What percentage of water did the state get in December? -When did the state get 90 percent of water? -Which state is facing drought? -What is the temperature of California during the drought? -Who provides 30 percent of the state's water supply? -Which reservoir is owned by the Government? -When did state rugulators vote? -How many acres did farmers anticipated about? -What weather could have rescued California? -Who anticipated leaving one million acres of land? -Who has citrus gove on his ranch? -Which valley is Porterville located? -Who said he will fallow two acres of his land? -Where did Geoffrey C. Galloway citrus grove located? -Who owns citrus grove near Porterville? -What quarterback threw three touchdown passes against Mississippi? -What running back ran for 204 yards? -What school beat Northwestern? -Who has the most rushing yards for the Iowa Hawkeyes? -Who did J.T. Barrett replace in the game? -What do fairies use to replace babies placed in a crib? -What might fairies place in the crib instead? -What does the fairies take away? -What response does the situation entail? -What is the title of the book by Maurice Sendak? -Which characters are not completely distinguishable in the book? -What is the name of the character who does not say anything at the house? -Who genuinely calms Steve? -What made the author unsure of whom to side with for several pages? -What drove through the streets without any customers? -What year did Full House being? -Who was the star of the original Full House? -What role did Bob Saget play in Full House? -Who were the famous twins from Full House? -What ABC sitcom is coming back to Lifetime as a unauthorized story? -Who plays Ted in The Boy? -Who plays Ted's father in The Boy? -What year is The Boy set in? -What is Ted's hobby? -Who criticized The Boy stating, "it does not sufficiently flesh out its subject"? -Who was Ed Siever to Cobb? -What is Cobb's image seen as? -Who wrote the biography for Ty Cobb? -What deformity did the heckler have that Cobb beat up? -What is the name of the biography? -What was Cobb's branded as? -Who director the film about Cobb's life? -What was an event based in the movie that wasn't backed up by fact? -Who did they hire to portray Cobb in the movie? -When was Cobb's biography published? -Who is exploiting the children of Senegal? -A 2014 census found that how many children were being exploited? -What city were children being forced to beg in? -Dakar is the capital of what country? -Talibes were often beat with what? -What organization does Scott Albrecht work for? -What American city is mentioned? -Spice could be considered what kind of drug, specifically? -What, specifically, did Tian have linked to him? -Which Chinese government agency is mentioned? -Mr. Tian has apparently been manufacturing what percentage of the spice consumed in the US? -When was this case supposed to begin? -The drug being discussed is a synthetic form of what other kind of drug? -What city did Tian travel to after his customer became an informant? -Another name for "bath salts" is what, specifically? -How many Americans have been killed by spice? -Two brand names for this product include "Scooby Snax" and what else? -Spice is sometimes legally marketed as potpourri or what else? -What organization does not track spice use? -Who wrote the mini series, "Paris?" -Who directed the mini series, "Spiral?" -Where does the intro of "Paris" take place? -On what day of the week will "Paris" premier? -What kind of show is the mini series, "Spiral?" -What name was proposed as a spin off of the show "Scream Queens?" -On which network does "Scream Queens" currently air? -Did "Scream Queens" attract more attention on social media or on air? -Which two characters were previously romantically involved on the show? -Despite the great social media buzz, what has been weak for this show? -What network is still deciding on whether to renew Scream Queens? -What's the name of the spinoff the author wants to see? -Who broke up with Denise? -What day of the week does the show air? -Where were the Chanels sent instead of prison? -What's the name of the song the show ended with? -What is the name of the show that is hoping to be renewed? -What band played the song the show ended with? -What movie is this song associated with? -What field does the school emphasize? -What type of change involves rising sea levels and weather phenomena? -What is planned to be reshaped? -What city is mentioned first? -Who is the dean of Parsons? -What company was NXP a part of? -What company was Freescale a part of? -What groups owned them? -Where they returned to the public market? -Who reported this news? -NXP used to be a division of what company? -Who reported the new of the merger discussions? -Both companies were owned by groups of what? -Both company's IPO's were described as what? -Who used to be a division of Mortorola? -Does NXP Semincondustors make chips -What type of transaction is Freescale Seminconductors -what was NXP market value on Friday -When can an agreement be announced? -What is Freescales market capitalization? -What was the name of the "big" chip manufacturer? -What is the market value of NXP as of Friday? -What day were people briefed on the matter of the merger? -What is the market capitalization of Freescale Semiconductors? -The cash and stock transaction would merge NXP with what smaller company? -What movie made Martha's Vineyard popular? -What makes the island magical? -What is difficult to get during the summer? -Who discontinued the Monster Shark Tournament? -What encircles Ocean Park? -What caused tension between Lucious and his son? -Who is Lucious protege? -What influence the groom and hard hitting effect of Gatz song? -How ha Gatz music been categorized> -What universe did Gatz attend? -Where had Jamal and Cookie been meeting at night? -Why was the collaboration being seen as one of success? -How did Jamal the Pepsi competition -What two styles made the Rap Battle between Freda and Hakeem so different? -What was Cookie celebrating? -WHo was outside the Club? -Why was Cookie upset at her sister? -What is the real name of Cookie? -What causes drug companies to avoid investing in a drug? -Why might a pharmaceutical company exclude a drug candidate? -What is a barrier to bringing a drug to the market? -Who oversees the effectiveness and safety of a drug? -Why could a drug be unmarketable? -Which prescription drug issue is at the forefront of the presidential campaign? -What are the presidential candidates proposing to do in regards to drug prices? -Why do drug manufacturers claim they need to charge high prices? -How high could the cost allegedly be of developing a drug from scratch? -What would happen to the investment of drug development if the industry isn't regulated? -What can a drug patent holder do during its patent period? -During the patent period, can non-patent-holding companies preemptively gain FDA approval for the drug? -Can a drug patent be extended beyond its original patent protection period? -What is the benefit of high drug prices? -What makes the patent protection period so profitable? -What is the primary reason for the existence of new drugs? -What do patents offer to drug companies? -Which types of drug concepts are not offered patents? -What is a consequence of a patent being denied on the basis that it isn't novel? -What is the defining characteristic of a "me too" drug? -What is the purpose of the patent system? -What does the patent system allow people to do? -When do we want to avoid providing patent protection for profit-increasing activities? -What is a requirement of F.D.A approval for a drug? -Why would someone avoid investing in a drug? -What kinds of drug concepts may have invalidated patents? -What can happen to a drug patent if it's discovered to have been disclosed in an old academic article? -What types of drugs can be excluded from development by the lack of a patent? -What could we offer to incentivize the development of drugs that can solve an unmet need? -What is needed in order to pursue clinical trials? -Under Mr. Roin's concept, what kinds of drugs would be affected? -What kind of ingredient would a drug need to pursue F.D.A approval? -Which type of workers' offices did the police raid? -Who seized two television stations? -What day did the seizing of the television stations happen? -Who did reporters scuffle with on live television? -Which two channels did the police raid? -How many companies does the conglomerate own? -Where does Fethullah Gulen live? -What are the two daily newspapers the conglomerate owns? -Who is Bugun's editor in chief? -Where was the struggle at the station later posted? -What platform did Suna Vidlinli report the channels disappearance from airwaves on? -What country were reports blocked in on Wednesday night? -When did the channels disappear from the airwaves? -What did Mustafa Kilic have on his press card? -Who was Bugun TV a main platform for over recent months? -Who was one of the final guest interviewed on Bugun TV? -What position did Selahattin Demirtas have on the H.D.P.? -What are the initials of Erdogan's party? -Who did Erdogan claim was running the H.D.P. campaign? -What were the diplomats that condemned the raid? -How old was the baby? -What happened to the mother? -How long was the mother expecting? -Where was the baby found? -How old was the mother? -What are three of the places the site plans to find readers? -Which sections of the sites does the company plan to expand into 2016? -According to Mr. Denton, where are smarter readers seeking refuge? -What is a growing source of Gawker Media's revenue? -Who is Gizmodo's new editor? -Which site formerly handled the coverage of sci fi and fantasy? -What is Gawker.com? -Who founded Gawker? -Sapa is how far from Topas Ecolodge? -What kind of training do staff members receive? -Is the lodge profitable? -What inspiration does the stilt house take from? -What supplies does the lodge buy locally? -What company almost died? -How much was spent on utilities? -How many guests could be accommodated? -The structures required an investment of how much money? -Have the investments paid off? -What design is the inside of the house? -How large is the shop? -What is described as infrared? -Which space is most important? -What can be observed from the windows? -Who made a comment on the volume? -What was the book about? -What was required for the windoes? -What was leased? -How much has the property value increased? -How many elections are being held for open seats? -Who was convicted of lying to F.B.I. agents? -Senator John L. Sampson is from what borough? -Who was convicted of tampering with a police investigation? -The son of the Republican State Senator was hired where? -What is the height of the mural in Chimbote? -What are the colors of the studies? -How many oil paintings are there? -Who are in charge for the renewal project? -Who sculptures possessed the similarity with the studies? -Who hosted the Oscars Sunday? -Who starred in Birdman and ran in his underpants? -Who did a parody of the star of Birdman running in his underpants? -Why wasn't it very funny to see Harris running around? -When doing his parody of Birdman what did Nail P. Harris wear on his feet? -Who made a sort of feminist pitch at the end of her speech at the Oscars? -When Arquette was speaking what did Meryl Streep do? -What movie won best documentary? -Whom was the movie Citizen Four about (who's life story?) -Where is Snowden now? -Who made a joke at the Oscar's about it being the "whitest"? -Which director of Selma wasn't nominated for an oscar? -What black actor played Martin Luther King Jr. in a film called Selma? -What did Harris say when people applauded Oyelowo's name? -what did Harris do when joking about Oyelowo? -What country is Rabat in? -What did the truck hit? -What age-range were the athletes? -When did the sun rise? -What was the truck carrying? -What year did Mike Tyson lose? -Where did Rousey's fight take place? -Who did Mike Tyson lose to? -Who did Rousey lose to? -How did Rousey start the fight? -Who was Rousey chasing? -Where was Rousey chasing Holms? -Who has superior reach? -What was Rousey's fighting discipline? -What did analysts fault Rousey with? -What was Holm's fighting discipline? -Who did Rousey suggest she could beat? -Who was sworn in on Tuesday? -Who became Australia's 29th prime minister? -Who did Malcolm Turnbull replace as prime minister? -Which former Prime Minister did Hugh White advise? -Who ousted the previous three Australian prime ministers? -How many members of Turnbull's own party voted for him? -How many members of Turnbull's own party did not vote for him? -Who became prime minister in 2007? -Which party did Kevin Rudd belong to? -What does Australia's political turmoil date to? -How many members of Turnbull's own party voted for him? -Who became prime minister in 2007? -What does Australia's political turmoil date to? -How many members of Turnbull's own party did not vote for him? -Which party did Kevin Rudd belong to? -Who was Australia's first female prime minister? -What caused Julia Gillard to replace Mr. Rudd? -How did Mr Abbott alienate voters? -Who had a combative manner that hindered the governments ability to get major budget measure through the houses of Parliament? -Who was the prime minister after Julia Gillard? -What does Bob Gregory believe Mr. Turnbull has to do? -Who was unable to negotiate the passage of legislation relating to Australia's Medicare system? -What proposal was disliked by voters and stalled in parliament? -What Medicare proposals were amended or dropped by the government? -Whose policies on climate change and same-sex marriage have been previously criticized by Mr. Turnbull? -What will happen to Mr. Abbott's policies on same-sex marriage and climate change? -The Liberal's share a governing coalition with what other party? -Which is the more conservative party? -Who had their first session of Parliament as prime minister on Tuesday? -What did Mr. Turnbull use an expletive in describing? -What did Mr. Turnbull describe as "very substantial?" -Who describes Mr. Abbott's proposed carbon emission reduction targets as inadequate? -How have scientists viewed Mr. Abbott's carbon emissions reduction targets? -What did Israel managed to do? -What method was used to succeed? -What was Sidney Loeb's nationality? -How did he contribute to Israel's advanced water treatment techniques? -Did Sidney Loeb come up with this idea on his own? Please elaborate. -What did Israel managed to do? -What method was used? -Who did Sidney Loeb teach about water resources development methods? -Did Sidney Loeb come up with the idea on his own? Please elaborate. -What was Sidney Loeb's nationality? -What did the research lead to believe about chimpanzees? -What was the anthropologist's correct last name? -What was reported wrong about the airbags? -During what year did the complaints really start? -What is PHA created by? -What did the research implied that chimpazees could do? -What was the anthropologist's correct last name? -What was reported wrong about the airbags? -When did the complaints really start? -What is PHA created by? -How long before electing a new FIFA president did some of its members get arrested? -Who contributed fom England? -Who contributed from Egypt? -Who is Alexi Lalas? -What position did Sepp Blatter hold? -How long before the FIFA's elections did some of its members get arrested? -Who contributed from England? -Who contributed from Egypt? -What position did Sepp Blatter use to hold? -Who is Alexi Lalas? -What dance company did Dudley Williams belong to? -Whose name(s) was/were misstated in the obituary? -What newspaper was the obituary posted in? -Are emails the only way to reach the newspaper? -Who is the file clerk that is now invisible? -What is the name of the former marine biologist from Brighton Beach? -What is the name of the unemployed gamer from Bensonhurst? -What is Avenging Angelo's talent? -Where is Kid Comet from? -Who was the 30 year old man charged with killing? -What did the witnesses state the 30 year old man did? -What caused traffic to back up in Hungary? -How many remains were found in the abandoned truck? -Who eased asylum requirements for Syrians? -How many pages of emails were released by The State Department? -Whose private server did the emails come from? -Where did Ukrainian nationalists clash with security forces? -Who demanded the concession for going along with the truce? -What is the standard taxi in New York City? -What the name of the TV show before them? -How many people can seat the Broadway theater? -What do they want to with the spectators? -What is their second idea to gather people together? -What do people love and go? -what type of connection people make with bands? -Which English Singer is not like by them? -What american comedian actor do they like? -what type of competition were done in Fallon's show? -Refugees from what country are having problems with accessing food? -Lucius Clay and others helped to feed children from Japan and where else? -Douglas MacArthur is associated with what war? -The United Nations helps children access food through what program? -On what day did the mentioned news article come out? -what movies did Christopher Lee appear in? -how old was Christopher Lee when he died? -what disease outbreak is causing higher egg prices? -Who do the Cavaliers play in the N.B.A. finals? -what band is at the top of the Billboard chart? -what state is Scott Walker governor of? -what does the proposal that Scott Walker backs remove? -who says that the idea of tenure has such a strong hold in American education? -how far back in time does the concept of tenure go? -when did Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher abolish tenure? -Who released the statement? -Who died? -What sort of analysts are mentioned? -Who will review the evidence? -What will eventually be complete? -What will qualify you for a parental awesomeness badge? -Who made the recipe for double-chocolate pancakes with salted caramel sauce -Which recipe is Julia Moskin's? -Which day will you eat bacon fat gingersnaps? -Who made the recipe for chewy chocolate snowcaps -Where can you find other recipes for the weekend? -Where should you save the recipes that you like? -How many stars can you give a recipe? -What's the hashtag you can use? -What can you do after you are done cooking? -What is the contact number for Cinestudio? -What is the contact number for Comix at Foxwoods? -When is "A Midsummer Night's Dream" playing? -When is "The Last Waltz" playing? -What is the website for Cinestudio? -What year was the movie, "The Last Waltz" released? -Who directed the movie, "The Last Waltz"? -Who is starring in the play, "National Theater Live: The Audience"? -What is the phone number for Cinestudio? -What street is Comix at Foxwoods located on? -What is the contact number for Infinity Hall? -When is Juilliard String Quartet playing? -What is showing on June 21st at 3 p.m.? -Where is Infinity Hall located? -Who is playing on June 27th at 8 p.m.? -What style of music does Tom Rush play? -What street is Infinity Hall Hartford located on? -What instrument does Kim Kashkashian play? -What is the phone number for Music Mountain? -What time is the Juilliard String Quartet playing on June 28th? -What is the contact number for College Street Music Hall? -What is College Street Music Hall's website? -How much is the Blackberry Smoke concert? -What is the contact number for International Festival of Arts and Ideas? -Who is playing on June 26th at 9 p.m.? -What city is the Grand Theater located in? -What city is the College Street Music Hall located in? -What time does the Blackberry Smoke show start on June 26th? -What is the phone number for the International Festival of Arts and Ideas? -What is the website address for the Grand Theater, Foxwoods Casino? -When is the Emergence show at Flinn? -What sort of show is Emergence: Insight Out? -How can I contact someone at the gallery if I have questions? -Where, at Univ. of Conn. can I see "Summer Exhibition"? -What is the website address of The von Schlippe Gallery? -Who's work is on exhibit at The White Gallery through July 12? -What street is the Oliver Wolcott Library on? -How can I find the White Gallery web site? -When can you see Victor Leger's work at the Oliver Wolcott Library? -What time does the Oliver Wolcott Library close on Saturdays? -When is the Jean Linville exhibition in Litchfield? -What artist is featured in the exhibition called "Ephemera: Holding a Moment in Your Hand"? -Where is the Linville exhibition being held? -What is the phone number for the Powell Fine Art center? -What is the title of the exhibit at the Maritime Art Gallery in Mystic? -What is the name of the exhibition at the New Haven museum through June 21? -What artist is being featured at the New Haven Museum from June 22 until June 30? -What website does the New Haven Museum have? -When does the exhibit featuring Samurai and other Japanese culture leave New Haven? -How much will it cost non Yale and members to see the Japanese exhibit? -Which artist is featured in Roxbury's "Stillscapes" exhibit? -When does Ann Getsinger's exhibit leave Roxbury? -How can I reach the Roxbury Minor Memorial Library? -What street is the Roxbury Library on? -What work is featured at the Stamford Fernando Luis Gallery until July 11? -Who's work is featured at the Stamford Gallery until June 21? -How may I get a look at Ann Chernow's work at the Stamford? -When can I see Arthur Vitellos work In Stamford? -When does the Stamford Art Association close on weekends? -What number should I dial if I want to phone the Stamford Art Association? -Where will "Remembering the Vietnam War" be displayed at the William Benton Museum of Art? -What is on display at the University of Connecticut's Benton museum of art until August 9? -Where will The Coast and the Sea: marine and Maritime Art in America be shown until July 12? -What is the website address of the Mattatuck museum? -Whose work is on display until October 3 at the Wilton Historical Society? -What is the phone number for the Bruce Museum? -What street is the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art located on? -What is the name of the venue in Hartford that conducts ghost tours on June 26th? -What city is the Bruce Museum located in? -What time does the discussion and film screening, "A Special Night with Treat Williams and Rex Reed", occur on June 26th? -What is the name of the musical by Cyndi Lauper and Harvey Fierstein? -What is the phone number for the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts? -Who created the drama, "Good People"? -What musical is being performed at the Goodspeed Opera House from June 26th through Sept 6th? -What city is the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts located in? -Who is the co-chief executive of Deutsche Bank? -In banking, what is very advantageous in America? -Which nation may be less welcoming to foreign banks? -Which bank withdrew from the global financial system and now looks like less dominant? -What is Germany's signature bank? -Who is the other co-chief executive of Deutsche Bank? -In what year did Dealogic begin tracking global investment banking revenue? -Where did Mr. Jain and Mr. Fitschen want to have clout in? -During the first quarter, what percent of the global investment banking revenue did European banks make up? -In what country are the top five banks in investment banking revenue located? -Who has written about the intentions of Deutsche Bank? -What does Deutsche Bank call their reorganization plan? -What reaction do investors have to the sale of the Postbank network of branches? -What is Monday's shift in Deutsche Bank shares in Frankfurt trading? -By 2020, how many years will it have been since the financial crisis began? -How big of a penalty have law enforcement authorities saddled Deutsche Bank with in the last week? -What do regulators say that Deutsche Bank didn't spot? -Globally speaking, in what country are the most demanding regulators located in? -What sort of business can be harmful in bad times? -Who was in charge of investment in London for Deutsche Bank? -What was Deutsche Bank's former target for return on capital? -In Euros, how much is Deutsche Bank intending to cut its costs by? -Which country's operations is Deutsche Bank having to cut down on? -About how many American dollars does three and a half billion billion Euros equal? -What was the high mark of return on capital that Deutsche Bank intended to achieve prior to the financial crisis? -Who was quoted as saying that the bank will "avoid trying to be all things to all people"? -Who still says that Deutsche Bank is trying to do too much? -How much has Deutsche Bank's revenue from investment risen to? -What sort of German companies often have big operations in the United States according to Mr. Jain? -In Euros, how much has operation profit for Deutsche Bank fallen? -What country is the Pope dissapointed with? -What group is being persecuted in the Middle East? -What term did the Pope use to describe what was happening in the Middle East? -What group objected to the Pope's characterization of what was happening in the Middle East? -Who is the President of Turkey? -On what day did the U.S. expand sanctions on North Korea? -Who imposed sanctions on North Korea? -Who announced the sanctions against North Korea? -What country had sanctions imposed on it? -What concerns prompted the sanctions? -What is April Heinrichs's former job? -What job position April Heinrichs has now? -When did Americans stop winning in Women's World Cup? -What is April Heinrichs's job scope? -What is going to happen on Tuesday? -What is Heinrichs's achievement? -What medal did the American team win in 2000? -What medal did the American team win in 2004? -What did Heinrich do in Women's World Cup during the year of 1991? -At what age European girls started to play competitive against boys? -Who is Heinrichs? -What are the technical skills Americans needed to compete with teams like Germany, France and Japan? -What are some ramifications from having Title IX? -What is the law that protect female soccer players? -What is the purpose of Title IX? -what is the film A.F.P? it is a newspaper site -was rabin seen in a nazi uniform? -was rabin was assasanated? -who had alleged biggotted campains? -was netanyhu a politician? -was trumps campaign in july? -what were trumps statements? -what did trump say about mexico? -who was the news outlet refrenced ? -did trump have an information to support his claims? -did trump insult mccain? -how many deferments did trump get? -how many years was mccain in vietnam? -what did the person at the rally say about muslims? -what did ben carson state? -did mccain do something that trump did himself? -what did trump say about christians? -what did trump say about obama? -Senator Mark Warner represents which state? -What did Senator Mark Warner recommend for affected employees and contractors? -What type of motive do officials think is most likely for the theft? -Who has not been able to explain the extended time it took to discover the information breach? -What was breached at the personnel agency? -What are Mr. Xi and Obama working on a first effort at? -What would the digital arms control agreement not cover? -What has the Obama administration never publicly blamed on China? -Who is the director of national intelligence? -What did members of Congress call the breach at O.P.M.? -Which large national company changed its position on Hutchinson's plan? -Chad Griffin is president of which campaign? -In which state is Mr. Hutchinson's plan being proposed? -What fictional character did Bill Vickery refer to Mr. Hutchinson as? -Mr. Hutchinson is part of which political party? -Kenneth Bragg holds what position in a politic party? -Representative Kenneth Bragg is looking at what item? -What item does Kenneth Bragg compare the current problem to? -What problem does Representative Bragg predict with the federal statue? -When a statue is accepted, what key term is used described the accepted bill? -What kind of windows are in the living room area? -What kind of refrigerator was the kitchen renovated with? -Where is the wet bar located in the house? -How many stories does the house have? -How many bedrooms are on the second floor? -What lake is this floating house on? -How far is downtown Seattle? -How long is the trail that loops around the lake? -What is the neighborhood called? -Around how many residents are spread across three docks? -When was this house built? -What color are the floors? -What kind of windows are throughout the home? -What is the tub made out of? -Where are the bedrooms? -How old was the boy? -What sex was the 8-year-old? -Where was a body hidden? -Who is police chief in Santa Cruz? -What was the boy suspected of? -How old is Omar? -Where did Omar go? -Which nation was never eligible for a World Cup? -Who beat Venezuela by a score of 11 unanswered points? -What was the final score between Brazil and Venezuela? -Where can an exhibition on Alberto Burri be seen? -When can art be an important part of the promotional package? -How many photographers are featured in the Photo Poetics show? -When were Alberto Burri's prescient paintings created? -What happened when Joseph Stalin came to power? -How many objects are in the Mary Griggs Burke collection? -Where did the objects in the Mary Griggs Burke Collection come from? -What type of art did the Burkes love? -When will the pieces of the collection be rotated out and replaced? -How many works are in the Grand Illusions exhibition? -Where was Archibald Motley born? -Where did Archibald Motley live? -What did Archibald Motley paint? -When was Archibald Motley born? -When did Archibald Motley die? -What type of exhibition is the Swedish Wodden toys exhibition? -How were many of the items featured in the Swedish Wooden Toys exhibition produced? -Where was Annu Matthew born? -Where did Annu Matthew spent her early adulthood? -What is Giorgio Morandi the master of? -What years does the Exhibition For a New World to Come span? -How many artists are featured in the exhibition A New World to Come? -What type of works are in the exhibition A New World to Come? -What are most of the works in the exhibition A New World to Come like? -Why is the exhibition A New World to Come fascinating? -What does the refutbishing of the Morgan memorial Building reveal? -What is The Great Hall hung with? -What are the European paintings encircled with? -What is on the second floor? -How many batters were needed for Clayton Kershaw to break a record? -How long had it been since the record was broken before Clayton? -How long did it take Clayton to break the record? -What team did he throw the pitches against to get to his record? -When was the last time a pitcher got 300 strikeouts in a season for the Diamondbacks? -What years did Sandy Koufax get 300 strikeouts in a season? -Who are friends? -Who were the last pitchers to get 300 stirkouts before Kershaw? -Who received the standing ovation? -Who was trying to minimize the disruption? -Mr. Torgovitsky compared his actions to who? -Who had their walk on to the stage covered up? -What kind of weather were New Yorkers subjected to this week? -What is one restaurant that was closed due to the inclement weather? -What are the names of two tourists who were stranded in New York during the blizzard? -How do these tourists describe their employment status? -How did Mr. Garcia describe his feelings about the weather? -Where did the tourists eat brunch on Sunday? -How did the tourists feel about the blizzard? -What kind of activities are the tourists content with doing while in the city? -What did Mr. Garcia do before taking a walk Monday night? -What other extreme weather condition are the tourists familiar with? -Who sued? -Who did Mr. Robins represent? -Who responded about Congress? -What kind of plaintiffs were talked about? -What was the number of the circuit in which the court disagreed? -Who is a lawyer for Spokeo? -What did Justice Kagan ask? -What kind of statements did Justice Kagan say that may be damaging enough? -According to Pincus, when should suits be allowed? -What are the two examples that the lawyer gave? -What team shot well and controlled the scoreboard? -Where did St. John's play? -What team did St. John's beat? -Who scored 17 points? -How many points did Michael Gbinije score? -Which movie did Mr. Williams earn his first Academy Award nomination for? -Who won an Oscar for best actor in 1987? -Where did Mr. Brezner begin his professional life? -What year was "Throw Momma From the Train" released? -What job did Mr. Brezner start out his professional life with? -Who did Mr. Brezner spot in an improv class in the late '70s? -What city did Mr. Brezner later work out of? -Where did Mr. Brezner spot Mr. Williams in the late '70s? -Which newspaper did Mr. Brezner speak with about Mr. Williams in 1985? -What did Mr. Brezner say Mr. Williams comedic energy rebound through? -Who starred in "The 'Burbs" in 1989? -What film did Mr. Brezner produce in 1989? -Where did Mr. Brezner meet Melissa Manchester? -Who was Mr. Brezner's second wife? -What is Mr. Brezner's brother's name? -What did the Ukraine enter? -What did the Ukraine Parliament do? -What color flag was the decision to enter NATO? -What word describes the reaction in Moscow? -what organization is partnering with London's Whitechapel gallery? -what date will outdoor art projects by available unitl? -what does the Deste Prize recognize? -who is the front woman of Sonic Youth? -when is the National Museum of Contemporary Art scheduled to open again? -Who are some of Kate Tempest's inspirations. -Who is the youngest winner of the Ted Hughes Prize? -Who is the central figure in Tempest's "Hold Your Own?" -How old is Kate Tempest? -What artists influenced Kate Tempest early on? -Who is the presiding mythical Greek figure in Tempest's "Hold Your Own?" -Who became the youngest winner of the Ted Hughes poetry prize? -What is the conflict for the character in Tempest's "Bran New Ancients?" -What other work by tempest uses the theme of conflict of shared by Greek Gods in it? -According to Tempest. what used to be the stories that we used to explain ourselves? -What literary work was referenced in Tempest's "Brand New Ancients?" -What do myths accomplish, according to Tempest? -The characters in "Brand New Ancients" reference what fictional city? -What literary work is Tempest's writing reminiscent of? -What is the best way to describe the language used by Tempest? -What's the best depiction of Tempest's character Kevin? -What's the best way to describe the portraits made by Tempest in terms of timing? -What's the best depiction of Tempest's character Jane? -What words does Tempest use to describe her character Gloria? -What charges did Mr. Disisto file in federal court? -Who did Mr. Disisto file a lawsuit against? -Who is the lawyer representing Mr. Disisto? -What prevented Mr. Disisto from being charged with a crime? -What type of arrests is it customary for the Police Department to make? -What city does Officer Munoz live? -What was Officer Munoz's plea in court? -Who did Office Munoz arrest? -What was Jason Disisto impeding when he was arrested? -Officer Munoz observed Jason Disisto in what position? -What did a man use to film a New York city police officer? -What did the arrested man do to have a criminal complaint filed against him? -What day was the arrested man formally charged? -Who else was identified as being filmed during this arrest? -What business is MR. Mana the founder of? -How many trips to Haiti has Mr. Capponi made? -What is the name of Mr. Capponi's business partner? -How long did it take for Mr. Capponi's restaurant to be built? -What is the company name of the person that filed the lawsuit? -In what country was the plumber's vehicle seen? -What is the name of the person that filed the lawsuit? -How much money is the plaintiff trying to get from the lawsuit? -When did the plaintiff trade away his truck? -How is driving restricted in Tianjin when there is an alert? -In how many districts in Tianjin's driving restriction in effect? -Which city, Tianjin or Beijing, has a stricter driving restriction in the event of a red alert? -Which alerts trigger driving restriction regulations in Tianjin and Beijing? -What airline was having an issue? -What kind of plane is being talked about? -At what time of day was the flight supposed to arrive at Gatwick? -What kind of unexpected event occurred, briefly? -It seems like the plane was supposed to be departing from what airport? -Where did a terrorist attack occur on Dec. 2? -Which politician compared Mr. Trump to a "reality television sideshow?" -Which policy of Trump's did Clinton supporter, Bennie Stickley, agree with? -Who is Ed Rendell? -Who was asked to make a Snapchat video? -When did Mrs. Clinton appear on a late night show? -Which political party does Mrs. Clinton belong to? -Who interviewed Mrs. Clinton? -Who asked Mrs. Clinton to make a Snapchat video? -Who doubts Mr. Trump will be the Republican nominee? -What type of approach does Mrs. Clinton use for her policies? -What is Mr. Trump running for? -What did the advisers need before discussing private matters? -What sort of relations have blossomed and wilted between Russia and Netherlands? -What season is brought up? -What continent did the foods come from? -What type of cheese is mentioned in the alst sentence? -What nationality was the inspector? -What was burned? -What type of aircraft is mentioned? -Who used to be in parliament? -What did Sergei use to communicate in the interview? -What country has a certainty about the Dutch? -What is Netherlands' larges flower auction house? -Where were flowers burned? -What type of craft has crashed? -What is being run? -What type of issue is mentioned? -How many percent of solar systems were install on Long island in New York? -Who said bank reviewers were untrained in valuing green house features? -What is Arthur Wilson's job? -Why is Long island an attractive market for solar? -Who haven't realized the market shift to the solar systems according to Mr. O'Connor? -Who presented the Otro Teatro last year? -Where is "An Epilogue for Otro Teatro: True Love" performed at? -What was presented at New York Live Arts? -What city is Gibney Dance located in? -What is running from Friday through Sunday? -How many programs are there? -What two types of dance are performed during Dancing Korea? -Who are the artists performing? -What group arrested multiple people in the crowd? -Who is suspected of stabbing the soldier? -Who is the representative for the American soldiers in Afghanistan? -How many people did the terrorist attack injure? -What is the name of the interior minister of Afghanistan? -What do the Girl Scouts do whenever they get a success? -What was the donation amount that sparked the celebration? -Who is the Girl Scouts' area chief executive? -How many girls are members in the western part of Washington State? -How many counties does the western Washington State Girl Scouts cover? -What did a donor ask the girl scouts to return? -Why did the donor ask for the money to be returned? -How long did it take to raise the donations? -How much did the Girl Scouts raise in a month? -Who is the representative of realChange Partners? -Who is president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals? -Where did the Girl Scouts go for a source of donations? -What type of college is Gordon College? -Where is Gordon College located? -What college had an issue with donations from LGBT community? -Which country is now the leader for Tupperware sales? -What period in American history do new markets compare to today in these countries? -Which country two years ago was the top marketplace for Tupperware? -What factors contribute Tupperware's rise in these countries. -How much money does half the population of Indonesia live off of daily? -In what year was the Marriage Law enacted? -What is the campaign called where the company posts videos of women stating how much selling Tupperware has changed their lives for the better. -What is the name of the global chairman and chief executive of Tupperware Brands Corp. -How old is Upi Hariwati? -What campaign did Ms. Upi give a testimonial for? -Where was the location of the restaurant that Ms. Amelia had run with her husband 6 years ago? -What vehicle did Ms. Upi previously use for delivery products before she became successful? -What two items did Ms. Upi say she bought with her new earnings? -Did the unemployment rate increase or decrease? -What change in size did the outlier report expect manufacturing would undergo? -What rose by 0.2%? -Whose best guess was 211,000 added jobs? -Did reality align with or stray from the projections? -What is the Fed expected to eventually do? -Are employers treating employees any differently because of the economy? -What approach does the Fed claim they are taking to their policies? -What is the unemployment rate considered to be? -What does the Fed think of the economy? -How much of the population is not working and not seeking work? -What was only a tenth of a percentage point higher than last year? -How much did forecasters expect earnings to rise by? -What does the Fed believe jobs numbers does not demonstrate enough of? -What is unexpected to occur? -How did Mr. Maduro respond to the Obama administration's ban of certain Venezuelan officials? -What were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and George Tenet declared as? -What Mr. Maduro say American diplomats who remained in Venezuela must do? -What did Mr. Maduro tell supporters the moves are meant to do? -What did the Obama administration suspect Venezuelan officials of doing? -Where did antigovernment demonstrators protest? -What might galvanize Mr. Maduro's base? -Why were the demonstators protesting? -What might damage Mr. Maduro's govenment in the long run? -How has Mr. Maduro's behavior been characterized as? -How many yards short did the boat stop? -Where did the boat stop 300 yards off of? -What time did the boat stop? -How many miles is the channel? -Who played in water waist deep? -Who emerged from the sea at Cissy Cove? -How must channel swimmer begin? -How long would it take for them to swim the channel? -Who was the last of the six person relay? -How long would each swim before yielding? -Who was the team coach? -How old was the team coach? -Was the current with the athletes or against them for the last five hours? -Who took the final shift? -What is the name of the Peninsula? -How long did the relay swim take? -Please tell name of the country which defended it's women's world hockey Championship -Which country lost victory to The United States in Women's world hockey championship? -In which country, This championship's final round did happened? -What are the names of players,who scored for the US in the third period after US team blew 5-2 lead? -How many times US won titles out of past six world titles? -At what age did Ghadir Douba arrive Germany ? -Who described Syrian migrants as "swarms"? -What was the name of Ghadir Douba's mother ? -Who is the Vice Chancellor of Germany ? -Who had mocked-up photographs dressed up in Nazi Uniform ? -Which country does the world see as the country of hope and opportunity -Which country is trying to atone for the genocide it committed in World War II ? -Which country is the richest and most populous country in Europe? -Where is Moussa Mohammad from ? -What was the profession of Moussa Mohammad ? -How many children does Moussa Mohammad have ? -What month did Moussa Mohammad receive his refugee status in Germany ? -What university studied attitudes towards global warming? -What percentage of Americans believe that global warming is not caused by people? -What group should be taught about global warming to prevent false information? -In what country is global warming misunderstood? -What type of man is Mr. Bridges? -What's the name of Mr. Brisges's the debut album? -What type of album Mr. Bridges recorded? -How was the look of Leon Bridges? -What Mr. Bridges used to do in between songs? -What type of performer is considered Mr. Bridges to be? -What does the band used to do to Mr. Bridges? -What gave Mr. Bridges a historical and structural framework? -What type of instrument Mr. Bridges plays at the end of his main set? -Which singer accompanied Mr. Bridges at the end of his main set? -What's the name of the final song in Mr. Bridges album? -What type of voice Mr. Bridges have that night? -What are black and white images said to depict? -What are some examples of daily life mentioned? -What college did Mrs. Clinton give a speech at? -What did Mrs. Clinton remind voters of? -What is located in Dallas? -How many runs did the Mets score against the Phillies? -How many runs did the Phillies score against the Mets? -Which team scored more runs, the Phillies or the Mets? -How many games have the Mets won in a row? -What division are the Mets in? -What band created the songs that the Mets' players were singing? -What kind of group is the Backstreet Boys? -What team is Jerad Eickhoff on? -What team is Hansel Robles on? -What team is Juan Uribe on? -What position is Odubel Herrera? -Who hit the ball that Herrera dropped? -What happened to the ball that Curtis Granderson hit? -What did Yoenis Cespedes and Michael Cuddyer do? -What is the first name of the player that failed to catch the ball? -How old is Colon in years? -What is the job of Dan Warthen? -How long is the career of Colon? -When did Colon allow 3 hits? -What type of pitch did Colon say he threw a lot of in this game? -What does Francis link self-interest in his speeches? -What does Francis do when discussing market based things that replace people who work? -what can lust yield inside marriage? -What might actually lead to innovation and or entrepreneurship? -In what place has capitalism expanded the middle class and made gains in more dignity? -What is happening to rivers and skies in the U.S.? -Who lead researchers at Yale and studied the environment in 150 countries? -Which nations had better environmental ratings when studied by Yale? -Which industry, ironically produced economic and environmental improvements? -Which school ids Daniel Esty from? -What was the title of an antifracking movie (documentary)? -What evidence is there that Fracking causes harm to our water supply? -What does the natural gas from fracking displace? -Who wrote the report called "America's Unconventional Energy Opportunity"? -What was the level of decline in power production from coal between 2007 and 2012? -Who is an example of how to be a really, truly good person? -What country is the base for an energy revolution? -what can lead to extreme pollution in a short time? -In the long term how are people with progress? -What country is an example of the way pollution can be made by industrialization? -In what month does "The Force Awakens" come to theaters? -What company owns Lucasfilm? -On what day did the toy campaign for Star Wars start? -What is the name of the day when Star Wars toys started to be sold? -What did Laxman Lal Karna say had to change in order to continue talks? -What was effected due to the protests? -What were people protesting? -What was the number of casualties? -how long have businesses been unable to run? -How much was the seasonally adjusted rate? -At what rate did the economy expand in the April-to-June quarter? -what forecasting firm does Gregory Daco work for? -What did analysts at Barclays project that the economy would grow in the third quarter? -What was the projected second quarter growth rate revision -How much did spending on government buildings slip by? -What slipped by 1 percent? -Why did government spending on building projects rise over the last year? -What effect on government building project spending did the construction and maintenance of highways and streets have? -How does the author feel about conflict in the middle east in regards to US intervention? -Who does the author think is responsible for solving the conflicts? -What does the author think the true nature of conflict in the middle east is about? -How does the author think US intervention will affect the chances of success at beating back Islamic Militance? -What does the author pose as one key reason for why average Americans do not support more active intervention? -Who is the young transgendered person featured in the TV show "All That Jazz?" -On what channel is "All That Jazz" shown? -On what channel is "TransAmerica" shown? -What is the name of the person who directs entertainment at GLAAD? -Which subject is considered off limits? -How many hours a week will influence a lot of your thinking? -Which subject was not considered off limits, besides religion? -Who is the author for The Folded Clock? -What kind of language does DeWitt write in? -What ability is demonstrated in Lightning Rods? -What is almost more satisfying than anything else? -What does DeWitt apply to their novel that is also seen in science fiction literature? -Who wrote Confessions of Felix Krull? -Who was scolded by Pliny? -Which work was about working in hotels? -Who wrote An American Tragedy? -What kind of feeling is derived by the author when reading work books? -What things does the author compare the addiction of work books to? -Which book tells the story of a boy working at his parents store? -What is the name of the boy that ran out of peach labels? -Which novel written by Rivka Galchen was published in 2008? -Which animal is a little larger than mice when born? -Which genres does Rivka write for? -Which species does Pliny says knows nothing yet can learn without being taught? -What was Gehry's name originally? -Who interviewed Gehry? -What woman insisted on the name change? -Who sided with Anita? -Who objected to Anita? -Who is strong in the Americas? -What is Wincor Nixdorf valued at in euros? -Who is strong in Europe? -Who is the largest maker of A.T.M.s? -How much is each share? -What does Mr. Mattes serve as? -How many shares must be sold? -Who is the president? -What will the company be called? -Where will the registered offices be? -What year is Joan Miró’s clairvoyant masterpiece from? -What was the masterpiece called? -What is spareness itself? -What contemporized Miró? -When was Miró’s second trip to New York? -how many more tests did Harris do than Harris thought they would? -what country is deprived by Harris' departure? -did Harris enjoy the tests? -how old is Harris? -How old is Adam Voges? -who is England's test captain? -who was Cook's predecessor? -what position did Alastair Cook return to? -what is Alastair Cook criticized for? -What role does Andrew Strauss have now? -Who is the head of Playboy? -What kind of content is Playboy planning to discontinue? -How many Playboy magazines are currently in circulation? -How many magazines did Playboy produce at its peak? -What position does Scott Flanders hold with Playboy? -What player other than Jennings also praised their coach? -What's the last name of the coach in question? -The coach who is mentioned kept the locker room feeling positive over what period of time? -What position does Rashad Jennings play? -What city did Robert Griffin III play for at some point? -What supposedly offensive team nickname is mentioned? -How many head coaches have there been under Snyder? -What position does Robert Griffin III play? -Snyder's team is compared unfavorably to which other team? -Who did the republicans try to prove wrong with the senate up for grabs in 2016? -What state does Mich McConnell represent in the Senate? -What title in the Senate Did Mitch McConnell hold at the time of the article? -What had the Senate been locked in in the previous 4 years? -How did McConnell think the Senate had been doing at the time of the article? -What did the Democrates say McConnell benefited from? -What does McConnell point to as evidence of his success? -What does McConnell say he stands on? -What was McConnell's main strategic decision? -What does he say he didn't do to help the senate along? -Who did McConnell acknowledge as President? -When did McConnel think the white house should push the Pacific Trade Agreement? -What is McConnell a die-hard protector of? -What did McConnell say the Paris Climate Accord was? -Who might be cheered by McConnell's Acknowledgement of Obama as president? -What had McConnell and the Democrats already agreed on? -What did McConnell consider the appropriations fight? -What Did McConnell warn against Democrats trying again? -What Did McConnell consider his chief victory? -What does McConnell say the Senate requires to get somewhere? -What does the future of skin care start with? -What does the company test? -What company is testing saliva samples for the new sking care regimen? -How long will the test last? -On which street is the company's shop located? -How many projects were not approved for a casino? -Who asked the board to consider a new round of bidding for a casino? -What area was not supported by local residents to get a casino? -Who is the chairman? -Why did Governor Cuomo initially support the decision? -Who criticized Cuomo's support? -Who talked about the new proposals for the Southern Tier? -What regions were the original proposals aimed at? -Why did the residents criticize Cuomo? -How many casinos are allowed outside the New York City area? -How many casino licenses projects were recommended last month? -What region did the board warned about cannibalizing in crowd gambling market? -Who noted that the board "never said" that two casinos in the Southern Tier could not work? -What did Mr. Law note at the board meeting? -How many licenses are allowed? -What did the board exactly need? -Why did the board give a warning? -What was the ultimate verdict in this article? -Why were the Southern Tier hoping for a casino? -Why Newberg want consideration for a casino? -Why did Newberg feel consideration for others as being unfair? -How were developers going to bring back Nevele? -Who is going to fund and operate the joint venture? -what caused the dollar to rise sharply? -Did the rise cause some sell offs? -How much did the euro fall? -How much did the dollar rise against yen -How much in worth did benchmark crude oil fall? -Which Super Bowl contest was held in Phoenix? -How many Americans watched the Super Bowl on TV? -In which month was the Super Bowl played in 2015? -Who defeated South Africa in Rugby? -Where was the world cup of Rugby played? -What controversy over-shadowed the Super Bowl? -What did the French call Deflategate? -Who was not allowed to play for awhile because of the controversy? -What were two issues concerning the National Football League? -Which team was accused of deflation? -Who was the coach of the Seahawks? -What was the score in the middle of the game? -Which coach had a solemn demeanor? -Who led the Seattle offense? -After Seattle led by 24-14, how many touchdowns did New England score? -Who ran into Lockette? -What type of play was read by Butler? -Who had their first interception in the NFL? -What route was run with the pick play? -What type of wizard was Kearse? -Who is the leader of the National Front in France? -What political party in France has called for new borders in Europe? -What does the French left wing party accuse the right wing party of being? -How many people were killed in the November Paris attacks? -France had a large number of migrants belonging to which religion come into the country? -What type of person was Ms. Goldberg hoping to buy the house? -What could be sold independently of the house? -How many parking lots does the home have? -Who is the person describing the home? -What feature does the home have that moves up and down? -How many majors had Venus won? -Which type of competition had Venus won twice? -How many of Venus' questions were actually about Serena? -Which round was Venus due to play next? -How old was Serena? -Which of the sisters was older? -Which sister always won matches, according to Venus? -Who is Venus' sister? -Which sister is described as "mellow"? -Which neighborhood was the expansion going to be in? -What was the price of the apple watch? -Is the annex going to cost taxpayer dollars? -What is the name of the expanding company? -How much would the annex cost? -What is the problem with the caterers? -Who would one contact to make an issue known? -Who is the first person seen in this complaint? -Where does workologist work? -Why did the person turn down one offer? -What question did the writer have who wrote in? -How good of a bonus does the person get? -What is the bonus based on? -When does the company give out their bonus? -What city did teams threaten to relocate to for years? -What did the team need to stay in its current location? -What type of company is Majestic Realty Group? -Whose project go the go ahead by the Inglewood City Council? -Who was the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security? -What was the last name of the spokesperson for Kroenke and Stockbridge Capital Group? -What other team besides the Raiders and Chargers were in contact with the league about their plans? -Who spoke for AEG but did not choose to give a statement on why the company commissioned the reports? -What is the only way the proposals would receive a formal review? -What was the objective of the sites that were being looked at? -Who is being paid to find security issues on business websites? -What state is at the top of the state ranks in the Kauffman Index this year? -Which city has the top spot in the Kauffman Index? -Where is the start-up for website security located? -What does the Kauffman Index rank in the US? -What company is taking advantage of the American visa program? -Conservative politicians in the United States are against raising what? -What political group wants to strengthen immigration laws? -What is the name of the temporary visa program that is being misused by certain American companies? -Which senator is the majority leader? -Which senator said he would oppose the Iran nuclear deal? -Is senator Benjamin L. Cardin a democrat or republican? -Who is the senior Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee? -Which two senior Democrats opposed the deal? -Mr. Cardin normally supports which senior official? -The deal gives which country a legal path to an enrichment program? -What was a close call? -Who committed the shooting? -How many of Mr. Cradles prior arrests were the result of violent crime? -In what year was Mr. Cradle arrested on drug charges? -What was Mr. Cradle's criminal status at the time of the shooting? -Where was Mr. Cradle arrested on drug charges? -What, according to a reader, did the article say that women lacked? -On what date was the article in question published? -Which word has an ever changing definition? -What sport did the author participate in? -What is the name of the new hockey coach? -Players will sit, regardless of what, if they aren't team players? -What type of environment is created? -What will happen to those that play well? -What is the team name? -What team is referenced in the paragraph? -What professional organization is the team associated with? -What are the Penguins not doing? -What seems to have disappeared on the team? -Who is the new coach of the Penguins? -What place were the Penguins in for goals per game? -What position did Sullivan play? -Who is a two-time Hart Trophy winner? -Who won the Stanley Cup along with Crosby in 2009? -What was the score of Pittsburgh's loss to Washington? -Who retired abruptly? -What position did Pascal Dupuis play? -Why did Pascal Dupuis retire? -Who was traded to Chicago? -Who was Rob Scuderi traded for? -What event will take place that will bridge west Africa and Staten island? -What is the name of the folklorist from Staten island? -Who will moderate the "African Story Circle" Event? -What two story tellers will be at the event? -Where are the two story tellers that will be at the event from? -What film was inspired by BBC TV series "Hidden Kindoms"? -Where will the movie "Tiny Giants" be shown? -What are the two diminutive creatures that are in the movie? -Where are the two diminutive creatures from? -Who is the film Narrated by? -Who was the former prosecutor at FIFA's ethics committee? -How were the hosting rights lost? -How many pages was the report? -Where did the reports come from to expel the vote? -Who was the Secretary of State during this time? -Where did the meeting take place? -Who did John Kerry meet with? -What country was the target of harsher sanctions? -Who still wore the Gazprom logo? -Where was the Malaysia Airlines jet shot down? -What was the equivalent to Sochi. Bernie Ecclestone? -Why was there a want for Formula One to pull out of the first Grand Prix race? -Where were the 2014 Olympics hosted? -Who was likely to win the FIFA presidential race? -What is wanted to "stay out of sports"? -What was waived for the World Cup? -What did investigators find covered in blood? -How old was Diego when died? -Who happened upon the dead man first? -Where was the man pronounced dead? -Where did the trail of blood lead? -What is the #2 city in Iraq? -The Islamic State took over the #2 city in Iraq in what month? -Members of what foundation wanted to cancel their exhibition? -Who is the chairwoman of that foundation? -The chairwoman continued the plans for what reason? -What is Ca' Dandolo? -The Iraqi fled from who? -The refugees make what type of artwork? -How many submissions of art were made? -The submissions were taken to what city? -Ahmad Chalabi was once backed by what nation? -Who is Ahmad Chalabi? -Did the government approve or deny the foundation to represent Iraq? -The foundation choose who to be in charge of the exhibit? -When was the last pavilion? -Who was sentenced for incitement by an Israeli court? -How old is Omar Shalabi? -How many children does Omar Shalabi have? -How many followers does Omar Shalabi have on Facebook? -What language was the indictment in? -Who was Mr. Shalabi's lawyer? -What kind of attacks were there in Jerusalem? -Where does Avner Pinchuk work? -Whose rights does Adalah try to protect? -Who were the victims of lone-wolf attacks in Jerusalem? -Which courtroom did the trial take place in? -Who was James Holmes? -How many times was the guilty verdict repeated? -Who was Sandy Phillips' daughter? -Who was wounded and now needs a cane to walk? -How many were killed? -How long did the trial last? -On which date did the shooting happen? -How many hours of deliberation did the jury take? -How many were injured? -How many counts were there against James Holmes? -What color were James Holmes' pants? -How long is the sentencing phased expected to take? -How long was the recitation of the verdicts? -The district attorney from which county is arguing for the death penalty? -Who is Steven Pitt? -Who is George Brauchler? -Who said that "justice is death"? -Where is Steven Pitt from? -Which school did Holmes attend? -Holmes was a student in which program? -When did Holmes quit the program? -Where did Holmes inscribes his murderous fantasies? -Which Campus did Holmes attend at school? -What subject does Schumer take on directly? -Who star played himself as well as Aaron's best friend? -What does Amy do with her booze when she cuts back on her drinking? -Who plays the derelict? -When is Schumer at her strongest? -In what city or area is the market that was attacked? -Unicef reported that how many people were wounded in the incidents? -What country does Banyaman Cossingar represent? -What is the name of the armed police force in this country? -How many people died in the second attack at the refugee camp? -For decades drowning has been? -How many drowning deaths occurred in 1990? -The first report dedicated to drowning was released when? -In India drowning deaths decreased from 91,00 to what? -Drowning deaths tend to decline when? -How was the Russian leader acting during the news conference? -How long was the news conference? -Who was Secretary of State? -Where was the war that John Kerry try to find a political solution at? -Who gave the assumption that Russian soldiers had fought in the war in Ukraine? -How was the Russian leader acting during the news conference? -How long was the news conference? -Who was Secretary of State? -Where was the war that John Kerry try to find a political solution at? -Who gave the assumption that Russian soldiers had fought in the war in Ukraine? -How many children did he have? -What suprise did Mr. Putin announce two years ago? -Who is the president of FIFA? -What is Sepp Blatter under investigation for? -What award should Mr. Blatter have recieved -What meanings does the word Bright have in Russian? -Who was more concerned with driving home? -What country economy had bottomed out? -What had Mr. Putin full attention? -What was amount of questions that made Mr Putin linger? -Who was Russia not conerned about? -What year was the statement given about the state falling apart? -What country didn't he want outside power from? -What didn't he want to repeat in the country? -What year was the statement given about the state falling apart? -Who was Russia not conerned about? -What didn't he want to repeat in the country? -What country didn't he want outside power from? -What year was the statement given about the state falling apart? -Who was Russia not conerned about? -What country didn't he want outside power from? -What didn't he want to repeat in the country? -What was hard to imagine? -Who was the Turkish President? -Who argued with the Turkish President? -Who shot down a Russian Warplane? -What was Russia's most advanced air defense system called? -The skinny strip of the upper east side has been dominated by what? -What kind of area is the area that runs from East 59th to East 96th? -What has there been a large burst of? -The burst of growth in the Upper East Side has not been seen since? -Simon Baron Development will be allowed to create how many units? -How many apartments will Simon Baron Development be combining? -What is the only thing Simon Baron Development plans on upgrading? -What building was designed by Rosario Candela? -What is Rosario Candela responsible for? -Ms. Miller said the renovations were a way to get? -The condo-mania ended when? -Many residents did what? -The Italians loved what? -The building originally had how many rentals? -The building has had the same owner since when? -Nikki Field said the buildings benefited from the proximity to what? -Carnegie Hill and Lenox Hill could be considered what? -When was the members-only Metropolitan Club founded? -The Marquand had an average sales price of what? -Closings for Marquand began when? -What was the only type of condo at Marquand that remained to be sold? -Mr. Wolf said the age of clients moving downtown is what? -Which part of the city is the area starting to resemble? -which is ruled this year that plans should be evaluated under sticter standards? -the equilar study found that percentage was? -how many company directors some of their pay in cash? -how many percent of the companies offered stock units as part of director pay? -how many percent offered units? -Who wrote the book Imperium? -Where was this read a bestseller? -Where was the main character live? -Why did they found a colony? -What does Englehardt? -In the wild-card showdown, what day of the week did Yankees play? -What year was Game 163 in Boston held? -Who hit a three-run homer in Game 163? -The Game 163 played over where? -The Yankees had a make-or-break game similar to what Dent did how many years before he was born? -Ted William's 43rd home run was played where? -Where did the Yankees meet their hopeful fans on Track 17? -Who hit a four-hitter during the Red Sox and the Yankees game on Sept. 25? -Along with the police, who escorted the Yankees to exit the terminal? -Where did Red Sox beat the Yankees with a 7-6 win? -How much was fined to the Yankees players and their manager because of intemperance? -Agains the Philadelphia Athletics, how many games did the Yankees win out of three? -What did the Solviet Union acquire that was mentioned in The Times article? -DiMaggio lost 18 pounds and was in the hospital because of what? -Among the gifts that Joe DiMaggio received, there were 300 quarts of ice cream and what? -What position was someone in on the Chinese daybed? -What city was nearby from the old tree-shaded house? -Where was Tiziano Terzani from? -What was Tiziano Terzani's occupation? -What was the name of Tiziano's wife? -What is the name of the wife of Tiziano Terzani -When did the daughter of Tiziano Terzani Married -Where did Tiziano Terzani's daughter get married -Who was Tiziano Terzani -Who is Tiziano Terzani to the writer -When did Tiziano issue a challenge -Who was Tziano having a familiar chat with? -Where did the imprisonment occur? -When did the imprisonment occur? -Were charges labelled against them true or false? -When did Tiziano issue a challenge -Where did the imprisonment occur? -Who was Tziano having a familiar chat with? -When did the imprisonment occur? -Were charges labelled against them true or false? -Which country did the writer go for the first foreign assignment -What was the first assignment for the writer -Who assigned the writer the first foreign assignment -What is the name of the Time Editor? -Who built the South Africa's Fortress of Racial Prejudice -What is the golden rule of reporting -What followed Saddam Hussein's fall -Which one occasion when the golden rule of reporting was not applied -When did the American troops overran Baghdad -Who is Yukiya Amano? -When does Yukiya Amano have to provide the final assessment? -What does Iran say about it's nuclear work? -Iran's past activities became what for negotiations? -What is the deadline for the final assessment? -Which nation is a problem in the nuclear resolution process? -What does Amano head? -Who was given the Dec., 15 deadline? -What organization is the atomic agency a part of? -Where are critics of the pact from? -Which nation is given the chance to cheat? -Who agreed to the nuclear agreement? -What is the time period needed for Iran to meet the requirements of the agreement? -Who made the six to nine month time assessment? -Before the 401(k) and IRAs, who took on the risk of saving for an employees retirement? -What does the abbreviation IRA stand for? -Before the 401(k) and IRAs, how long did a long term employee continue to be paid by their employer after retirement? -Because 401(k) and IRAs are not guaranteed payments until death, they left people with the possibility of what? -What incentive did investment advisers have for recommending high risk products to their clients? -The Labor Department said it would work to assign what to investment managers? -What was the Labor Department's announcement that they would be working to solve problems with managers of retirement savings accounts? -If a investment manager fails to make suitable recommendations to their client, what could happen to the manager? -The new rules that the Labor Department is working on are targeted at investment managers who handle what? -People are more likely to invest in a 401(k) if their employer does what? -Automatic IRAs would guarantee all employees save for retirement, but the employees would be left without the option to do what? -In what year did the IRS issues guidelines how to legally automatically enroll their employees in a 401(k) plan? -What legislation did the President recommend that failed to gain traction in congress? -Which President was it that recommended passing Automatic IRA legislation? -Where did readers acknowledge Heather Havrilsky's review of "Spinster: Making a Life of One's Own" -What was the short phrase used for raising a family? -What will some lead unsatisfying lives because of? -What was one of the things readers had to say? -What did the review say much about? -Were there many men or women mentioned as both conventionally and not conventionally good looking? -In what state are these women despite not having men looking them up? -Does or doesn't the reviewer seem to have met the types of women who are happy being unattached? -What kind of beer is starting to become available at ballparks? -What goes with baseball, hot dogs and peanuts? -What is the stadium that doesn't have good beer? -What revolution was going on when the author reached drinking age? -When do you have hope for the coming season? -What style of beer are Milwaukee and St. Louis famous for? -What beer style have big brewers altered? -What ingredients have big brewer's used in place of malted barley? -What are two famous American brewing cities? -What is the other major form of beer beside lager? -Who is the famous landscape painter? -Of the two main styles of beer which is harder to produce? -What section of brewing are lagers commonly associated with? -What is a natural flavor that is a characteristic of ales? -Helles and Dortmunder lagers orginated where? -What style of beer typically falls in the range of 4.5 to 5.5 percent alcohol? -German styles like Helles and Dortmunder are equivalent to which lager styles? -Which brewers are known for bending and twisting beer styles? -Commercial style lagers commonly use what kind of adjunct? -How should the bandwidth of lagers be defined? -What beer does Atlas Brew Works produce? -What beer does Ninkasi Brewing make? -Of the beers discussed which had the lowest alcohol at 3.9 percent? -Who brews The Lawnmower lager? -What is the price of Venn Dormund-Style Lager? -Where is Samuel Adams Boston Lager brewed? -Where is Great Lakes Brewing located? -Who brews Lawnmower Lager? -What is the price of Dortmunder Gold Lager? -Who is the director and screenwriter of the new movie "Spy?" -Which actress plays an analyst on her first undercover operation? -Who is wearing a curly wig? -Who is wearing a bespoke three-piece suit? -Which actor co-stars with Melissa McCarthy in the new movie "Spy?" -Which SNL veteran wrote jokes on sticky notes to be passed along to Mr. Feig? -Which screenwriter for "The Heat" wrote jokes to be passed along to Mr. Feig? -Who thinks that test screening is the best way to refine jokes? -Who is a former stand-up comic? -Which movie did not score well with audiences in test screenings? -What date does "Spy" open? -How much money did it cost to make the movie "Spy?" -"Spy is the biggest-budget gamble of whom's career? -What genre of movie is "Spy?" -How many manufacturing jobs has Connecticut lost over the last 20 years? -Who claims to be fighting for middle-class families? -Why did Connecticut lose manufacturing jobs? -What do trade deals make it easier for corporations to do? -What issue does Sanders claim the President was wrong about? -What was a problem with worker and environmental protections in NAFTA? -What were worker and environmental protections in NAFTA replaced with? -What are Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiators attempting to pry open? -What protections are negotiators are trying to include? -What could be the overall effect of the Trans-Pacific Partnership? -Who is trying to help research and connect happiness with freedom? -What are you likely to see when you watch T.V. commercials? -Who's the Democrat that lead's the party in the Senate? -Where did the Koch brothers get praise from OBama? -Who do the Koch Brothers trade compliments with sometimes? -Where does David Koch live? -What kind of viewpoint regarding gays and other social issues? -What non-profit oversees Koch Brothers political donors? -Who is the founder of Morning Star, a tomato processing plant? -Do non-profits have to disclose their donors? -Which area did the Taliban overtake three weeks ago? -When were American troops supposed to leave Afghanistan? -For how much longer will nearly ten thousand American troops remain in Afghanistan? -What was the United States' goal for Afghanistan? -Why is the Afghan Police Program being expanded? -What does the government feel is the only other alternative, and worse conclusion, to their current plan of action? -At what level is the government hoping to expand defenses? -By increasing district level defenses, who might benefit? -How much funding does America provide annually to the program? -Which official has changed his decision on military expansion? -In which area was the A.L.P. particularly ineffective according to the EU? -Which national organization is concerned about expanding the A.L.P.? -What is the EU afraid of happening if the A.L.P. is expanded? -Who feels that expanding the A.L.P. is "important"? -Which representative feels that expanding the A.L.P. seems unjustified? -Who trained the A.L.P.? -Which organization's research suggested that the A.L.P. has actually made the conflicts worse? -Who is supposed to supervise the Afghan Local Police? -What assessment of the A.L.P. did Mr. Ghani order? -What do the strongmen have to gain from militia expansion/ -Who disarmed thousands of men in the past? -Who have abused the A.L.P. for their own purposes? -Who has been accused of exclusionary politics? -Who did Mr. Mellbin feel could have prevented the current situation? -Why did some choose not to fight in Kunduz? -Which organization does Mr. Mellbin represent? -What do officials say affects security morale? -In which day has been made the announcement of the Education Department? -Which one is the method used by 6 of the 7 schools to admit students? -How many schools will be able to keep some spots for children coming from low-income or non-English speaking families? -Which percentage of spots will be kept for the above said students? -What did face the Mayor Bill de Blasio during the previous year? -What is the current trajectory of China stock market? -What type of effective response did the government have? -What have middle-class investors been asking the Chinese communist Party? -What are the prospects of the market according to analysts? -What day was there a favorable impact on the market? -What did the middle class once believe? -What impact has the current stock market situation had on the citizens? -What use if taking on debt? -How are those affected coping with the financial loss? -What has been circulating on Chinese websites this week? -What percent of urban Chinese households held stock? -What percent of all households had attained stocks directly? -What are the two ways in which Chinese households could invest in stock? -What was the main demographic of Chinese households that bough stock directly? -Which institution conducted the China Household Finance Survey? -What did the editorials in Chinese state-run newspapers celebrate? -When did market adulation reach its highest point? -What is the name of the common stock with bets prospects? -What are the bubbles according to Wang Ruoyu? -Where are A Shares traded? -Where does Kenneth Lieberthal work? -What is Kenneth's former occupation? -What is Kenneth's specialty as a Scholar? -What will the political implications depend on according to Kenneth? -What is the current standard of interest rate? -What percent did Song Tairan lose in monetary value? -Where does Song Tairan work? -How old is Song Tairan? -How much was Song Tairan's initial investment in dollars? -What is the measurement of the largest vessel? -What was the name of the largest vessel? -What was the water ratio used to collapse the walls? -Where was the warehouse that caught on fire located? -What is the name of the chief who directed the waterborne response? -When did the fire occur, which is the second time in two wee? -What department counts about 20 boats in its fleet? -What does the fire department's marine Battalion responds to more frequently? -Who helped fight a fire on New Jersey apartment complex? -When did the fire in New Jersey apartment complex occur? -What are some incidents that fireboats responds to? -Who said "the pilot of the Firefigher II had to contend with the sheer force of the front cannon"? -What funding does the departments use to replace their aging fleet? -Where did one of the coal ship fire occur? -What is another name for the front cannon? -What was a touchstone issue? -When was it made law? -How many parents receive the payments? -What was the program referred to as? -Who was the payment most attractive to? -What did Cindi Leive love when she was Young? -What Did Leive decide to publish at age 8? -How would did Cindi Leive say you could describer her from Day 1? -Where did Leive get contributions to her magazine from? -What organization was Leive one of the few women to have a leadership role in? -What does Leive claim no one sits you down and say? -What is reassuring for employees? -What skill is it Leive says you have to learn? -What was Leive's big challenge with Management? -What does Leive thing getting to know your team and being interested in the give you? -What does Leive ask people who apply for the Job? -How many right answers are there for why they want the job? -What as Leonard Lauder the former CEO of? -What does Leive want to see when they ask someone why they want the job? -What Did Lauder tell Leive that people need to say who asks for the job? -What does Leive also like asking? -What has Leive defiantly seen? -What does leive look for in someone they hire besides work? -What kind of people does Leive say are really valuable? -What are Leive and their associates never short of? -What does Leive think everybody does better if? -What does Old expression does Leive equate not everyone feeling about their job? -What idea does Leive say is not true? -What does Leive say you can aim for? -What does Leive say the rich would keep to themselves if it was that great? -What kind of study is being done with the association? -WHo is the President of the Association? -What makes up a kind of Clique? -Why was there pain from a memory had by reading Jenifer Weiner? -What jobs does the writer have? -What was suggested that Jennifers Grandmother make? -WHo wrote back to the Editor? -What year was the written? -What does the Republican State House want to require for voters at the poll? -What were Republican measures to require photo identification stymied by in recent years? -What do these republican measures require in order to be implemented? -Who previously blocked proposed ID requirements? -According to democrats, who would have a harder time voting if these proposals were passed? -Where did Andrew Papachristos was born? -What does Andrew Papachristos do for a living? -What does Trey do for a living? -What does help to survive in difficult neighborhoods like the one in which Trey grew up? -Which one is the brotherhood in which Trey is affiliated? -In which year was the author shot? -In which city was the author shot? -Who covered the role of police superintendent in the past? -Which one could be a solution to crime regarding the use of guns? -For who should be organized "safe spaces"? -Why was Moreno not sent back to the minors? -Which base runner scored off of Saladinos base hit? -Who threw a wild pitch? -What inning of the game was Mitchell relieved? -Which player got the base hit that gave the White Sox the lead in the game? -The Cuban church has long been wary of angering which government? -Who was the first Latin American pope? -Who was in charge of the Jesuit religious order in Cuba from 2010 to 2012? -Francis wants to open Cuba to which Church? -Who was not invited to the celebrations at the new United States Embassy in August? -Who detained dissidents? -Which officials were stationed outside of dissidents' houses? -In what month were celebrations held at the new United States Embassy? -Who is the most powerful person in the Cuban church? -Which cardinal has issued public dismissals of Cuba's political opposition? -What is the archbishop of Havana planning to do? -Some people believe Cardinal Ortega is too conciliatory to whom? -In what month did Cardinal Ortega anger members of the opposition? -Who refused to accept a list of political prisoners? -What building recently reopened as the American embassy? -Who loudly criticized the cardinal? -Who softened his stance on the church in the early 1990s? -What leader knew he needed new allies in the early 1990s? -When Fidel Castro softened his stance on the church, it energized whom? -Who sent a statement in 1993 that shocked the Catholic community? -Which country has a lack of bishops? -What will be a complicated task for Francis? -Franis will travel the island and meet with whom? -Analysts do not expect a quick decision concerning what? -Who did Castro joke might convince him to return to the church? -Who is Francis not likely to publicly rebuke? -Will the hardest negotiations likely happen in public or private? -Who brings a popular message of social justice? -Francis has unique advantages in which country? -Where is Hamid from? -What nation carries out drone attacks? -Which sections are lacking originality? -What character trait is debatable? -What makes for an enjoyable read? -Who writes about the Pakistanis? -What does Hamid make a try to be? -What is Pakistan missing along with plastic fangs? -Who needs new shoes? -What is the philosophy of the supreme court? -what percent of shareholders back the merger? -how common is investor activism in Asia? -Who usually controls publicly traded companies in Asia? -what time frame does shareholder activism play out in? -do players favor lobbying or public campaings? -Who is home when the package arrives? -Who sent the box? -What does the contain? -Why is the box opened? -What specifically does the box contents say about the couple? -What is discovered in the box? -Why does the person discover the contents? -Who is home when the box arrives -What act about the couple is incriminating -Why use snapchat -What program is the novelist a graduate -How many novels has ms pierpont written? -What does is the focus of the novel's subject? -What does the novelist demonstrate she understands? -How does the novelist make a differentiation from other novels with the same subject? -How many novels has ms pierpont written -What program is ms pierpont a graduate? -How does Ms. Pierpont differentiate this novel from others on the same subject? -What is the main subect? -What does Ms. Pierpont demonstrate her knowledge of in the story? -Who wrote 'Dept of Speculation? -What is the novelist trying to tell you at the end? -What is the name of the chapter ms. Pierpont expand the story into the future? -What is ms pierpont able to do within her paragraphs? -What is the unfolding of the characters compared to by the reviewer? -What is the name of the chapter where the stry expands into the future? -Who wrote the Dept. of Speculation? -What is the moral of the Shanleys story? -What is the unfolding of the characters compared to by the reviewer? -What is ms. pierpont able to convey within her paragraphs? -What is the aluminum-and-steel sculpture modeled after? -Who's pavilion is reminiscent of Noah's ark? -In which manner can the Palazzo Italia potentially benefit the air? -How many buildings were being created for the fair? -How long is the road that hosts the buildings being constructed for the fair? -What is the last name of the event coordinator? -What sort of games did Ms. Kushner plan? -Where is Big Brother watching from? -What two sites are generally considered addicting? -What kind of weekend is Ms. Kushner planning? -What's the name of one of Emily Post Institute's spokeswoman? -Who created Sixteen Candles, the film? -Who is the co-author of Emily Post's Etiquette? -What device is monitoring our behavior? -What demographic was the original target for Instagram and Facebook? -Who is the director of hospitality at the Plaza hotel? -How many weddings does the Plaza hotel in New York host per year? -How late do after-parties sometimes run? -When do after-parties general start? -Who is associated with the Bridal Bar? -How long is the postnuptial gala in hours? -What are magazines and websites portraying more accurately? -What is structurally changing? -Nowadays, what follows the welcome party? -What do most people want to get right? -How many men were included in the six randomized trials? -How many studies included healthy participants? -What did all of the studies explore? -How many of the studies were secondary prevention trials? -What was there no significant difference in between all of the studies? -What went down more in groups that at low-fat diets? -How much did cholesterol levels decrease in the intervention groups? -How much did cholesterol levels decrease in the control groups? -How many of the studies used in the systematic review in 2013 controlled for background diet? -What percentage of people are thought to be "hyporesponders" to dietary cholesterol? -How much cholesterol does a guideline suggest Americans should eat? -Who will be surprised by the fact that there isn't a risk of overconsumption of cholesterol? -Who has to approve the change of this guideline about cholesterol consumption? -How have Americans been watching their cholesterol intake for decades? -What kind of diets might not be healthy? -What did patients with low-sodium diets have more of in a 2008 study? -When was a study conducted that assigned patients with congestive heart failure to normal of low-sodium diets? -How many people were needed to be moved from a low-sodium diet to a normal diet to prevent one hospital admission? -How many people were involved in a study that looked at whether reducing sodium intake affected their outcomes? -How many of the reduced-sodium trials showed a reduction in all-cause mortality? -How many trials were conducted with 7,200 participants about outcomes of reduced sodium intake? -How many trials showed an effect on death from cardiovascular causes? -Who was included in the study that showed an effect on death from cardiovascular causes? -When people cut down on meat, of what did they eat more? -Excessive carbohydrate consumption might be contributing to what problems? -Replacing fat with what food group does not protect against cardiovascular problems? -The guidelines about consumption of fat have changed from limiting overall fat to what fat? -What is the recommended daily limit for sodium? -What is easy to confuse with causation when reading epidemiological studies? -What kind of study can prove causation? -What can be frustrating to many people? -What does the constant shift in nutrition recommendations cause a reduction in? -What the advertiser, Dumbo Moving and Storage hoped for? -Who is the vice president of Sterling Brands? -Who said that the image promotes a positive image of safe sex? -What was Dean Crutchfield said about the moving company ad? -What does the Metropolitan Transportation Authority is trying to? -For whom the Metropolitan Transportation Authority wants to maintain a friendly environment? -What has been the authority's ad space for a long time? -Who complained last year for the breast enhancement ad? -Who was comparing the space ad to a strip club billboard? -Where was the image of a movie poster having a face of a woman in ecstasy? -What was written on the movie poster with a woman? -What items were banned in the authority's list? -What was the one rider sitting by the movie poster in the F train saying about it? -What was the name of the passenger? -How old is Steward Johnson? -Where does Steward Johnson lives? -What was the ad "Bill de Blasio, Mayor" promoting? -What other ads were in the other car? -What was the health department trying to promote? -From whom the man was asking for help? -Who requested that the authority to review its standards for the ads? -When did the Governor's office made the request? -Who is Adam Lisberg? -For what kind of ads the news paper raised the alarm? -What was Mr. Lisberg? -For whom Mr. Lisberg made the declaration? -Who said that the massage was not too harmful? -What does the Center for Generational Kinetics study? -Who officiated the wedding of Abigail Elizabeth Lee Chambers and Alexander Hartman Sooy? -Where were Abigail Elizabeth Lee Chambers and Alexander Hartman Sooy married? -Where does Mrs. Sooy work? -What degree did Mrs. Sooy earn from Harvard? -How old is Mrs. Sooy? -Who is Tennessee hoping will take them to national prominence in their third season? -What state is trying to show people that the last season was a fluke? -Which athlete rushed for 144 yards and two touchdowns last week? -Where did Alvin Kamara transfer from? -Which team ranked 8th in the nation against the run last season? -Who replaced the offensive coordinators? -Where is Josh Heupel coaching now? -Where is Jay Norvell coaching now? -What school did Baker Mayfield transfer from? -What position did Trevor Knight fail to procure this season? -What was the name of the scandal mentioned in the article? -What are the names of the lawyers mentioned in the article? -Who revealed the participants in the scandal? -Which country did this scandal affect? -Due to this scandal, roughly how many people were left unemployed? -At its peak, Pertrobras accounted for what percent of Brazil's GDP? -In 2010, Brazil's economy expanded at what percentage? -Who was Mr. Rouseff's predecessor? -What natural resource was a the heart of Brazil's economic strategy? -In 2010, which countries (besides Brazil) were highly regarded as emerging markets? -Who is overseeing the Petrobras investigation? -What is the Portuguese-language name for the Petrobras investigation? -What is the English-language translation for the name of the Petrobras Investigation? -The Petrobras investigation is headquartered in what Brazilian city? -What are the national colors of Brazil? -Whose cellphone was tapped as part of the Petrobras investigation? -In which year did the Brazilian federal police conduct the money laundering investigation, as mentioned in the article? -What was Youseff's former occupation? -The cop that recognized Youseff's voice formerly held which occupation? -As part of the Petrobras investigation, police targeted the owner of which establishment? -Who was appointed lead counsel in the Petrobras case? -What three cars were confiscated from former President Fernando Collor? -Which law firm employs Mr. Lieberman? -Mr. Dallagnol visited officials in which department of the U.S. government? -Executives from which company tried to paint themselves as victims? -How much weight did Alberto Youseff lose in prison? -Alberto Youseff suffered which potentially fatal ailment while incarcerated? -How did Alberto Youseff's marriage end? -What type of sentence was Alberto Youseff given by Judge Moro? -In what year would Alberto Youseff leave prison? -What day did David Cohen die? -How old was David Cohen when he died? -What was the cause of death? -What war did Cohen help protect resistance? -What is name of the judge that Reagan nominated in 1987? -What was Ethan Bronner's book titled? -Acoording to Mr. Coehn and Mr. Pertschuk what was Judge Bork known as? -What was the rejected senate vote count? -which stop on the tour was east berlin? -which year armstrong was at the height of his popularity? -march marked the _________anniversary? -the concert hall was ________? -which museum got ahold of entire thing? -how many subplots surrounding armstrong's east berlin concert? -which war was the role jazz played during? -the first was the role jazz played during the__________? -who was used ballet troupes to show off their culture? -armstrong on tours abroad as good will______? -the_______ reporters, hoping to get a similar reaction? -which war would be disloyal somehow? -peppered him with questions about ________relations upon his arrival? -how many days news conference before the concert? -which country is communist country? -what was he said? -which country he played a song entitled? -he said it powerfully through his_________? -according to__________? -what was during his? -Where did the marriage ceremony of Dr. Louise Wong and Paul Whitfield the third take place? -Who was Elizabeth Hughes? -The District of Columbia was where Elizabeth Hughes was what? -Is the bride's mother retired or still working? -In what department does the bride's father work at the hospital? -What type of tofu should you use? -How much bean sprouts are needed? -How should you prepare the turnip? -What kind of meat is used? -What kind of sweetener is used? -What temperature due you bake it at? -How long do you cook it for? -What accents go on the side of the dish? -What garnish is placed on top of the dish? -How are the breadcrumbs prepared? -What were the young Chinese feminists protesting? -Why did the Chinese feminists storm the men's restrooms? -What did activists Tingting and Tingting do to publicize domestic violence? -How long have the activists been protesting? -What have the activists pioneered? -How many core members are in China's new feminist movement? -What were the five members accused of? -What is disease does one member have? -What happened to the gender researcher member while in custody? -What have the women been subject to while in custody? -When did the detentions take place? -Why have many young feminist gone into hiding? -What was the activist trying to draw attention to with her 1,200 mile trek? -What did the government do in respect to the news media? -How many people signed the petition demanding the women's release? -What did Samantha Power say about the Chinese government? -How are people around the world supporting the jailed women? -What organization is now involved because two of the detainees are gay? -How many signatures did All Out collect in their petition regarding the detainees? -What is the Twitter hashtag used for the detainees? -What other feminist dissident group are the Chinese compared to? -Who did the dissident group Pussy Riot protest? -What have the jailed five done more than any other previous activists? -Who is the director of Human Rights Watch? -When was Pussy Riot arrested for protesting? -What motivated Li Tingting's interest in protesting domestic violence? -Who staged the annual AIDS walk on the Great Wall? -Where was the annual AIDS walk held? -What does Tingting think is the worst thing about domestic violence in China? -What is the topic of Ms. Wei's documentary? -What year did Hainan Development Bank collapse in? -What does the government plan to remove? -What did the central bank deliver to local politicions in Jiangsu? -Politicians went on TV to let people know what it safe? -China wants their consumers with extram money to do what? -China has been considering better interest rates since what year? -China wants to introduce desposit insurance since what year? -Policy makers have hestitated because financial reforms cause? -China's officials have been studying similar situations from what country? -How many US financial institutions fail since the 1990s? -China has a plan to keep banks in check, what is it? -Since when has China's officials been studying similar sitiuations? -What can cause banks to raise their rates? -Where does Nicholas Lardy work? -Who is China's central bank governor? -Where does David Dollar work? -who authored Friday Night Lights? -what city and state do the Permian Panthers play in? -what team's story was told in Friday Night Lights? -who did the linebacker for Trinity High School run over? -what does Elikena Fieilo do for work now? -what type of animal does the statue represent? -how is the mustang in the statue depicted? -where is the mustang statue located? -what military base is near John Jay? -what subjects has John Jay been recognized for? -What John Jay team has won national competitions? -What night did the Mustangs play on? -how many fans showed up for the Mustang game? -what is the name of the stadium the mustangs played at? -what was the the score of the game in which Jonh Jay was defeated? -What does Simon Magakwe do for a living? -Where is from Simon Magakwe? -For which reason will Simon Magakwe miss the 2016 Olympics? -For how many years has Simon Magakwe been barred from international athletics? -Where would have been the world championship this year? -In which New Jersey city is the US attorney's office? -Who was the Port Authority chairman in 2011? -Who nominated Mr. Fox to be a commissioner last year? -Which party led New Jersey's legislature when Mr. Fox was hired? -Without a change in course, when will the state's infrastructure fund be depleted? -Which aspect of the George Washington Bridge is under scrutiny? -Who is the most recent person to resign amidst the investigation? -In addition to Mr. Smisek, how many other United executives resigned last month? -Why are people requesting anonymity when providing information about the investigation? -Whose actions are currently under scrutiny by prosecutors before the grand jury? -Whose firm changed their name? -What natural event is threatening the state? -What was noticeably absent from the governor's announcement? -Which former deputy executive director of the Port Authority was alleged to have been at the controversial dinner? -When was the governor's most recent announcement delivered? -When will Mr. Fox leave the government? -Who is going to act as transportation commissioner when Mr. Fox departs? -Why does Mr. Fox claim to be returning to the private sector? -What was Mr. Fox supposed to secure money for? -What did Mr. Fox fail to mention in his statement? -When had Mr. Fox planned to solve the transportation fund deficiencies by? -What does Mr. Fox intend to do in the private sector? -Who is Mr. Fox's lawyer? -Who could potentially collaborate with New Jersey Transit on a new rail project? -What is the Tri-State Transportation Campaign? -How much aid did Governor Cuomo offer to New York school systems if the Assembly would pass his proposal? -Mr. Cuomo wants to increase the number of charter schools in the state. How do teacher's unions feel about this position? -Who is the New York Speaker of the Assembly? -What is Governor Cuomo's political affiliation? -Did Democrats in the Assembly accept or reject Governor Cuomo's proposals? -How old was the child that was rescued? -What is the name of the nearby town where this incident occurred? -What is the name of the child that was rescued? -How many people died before the fishing boat discovered the child? -How did the child get into the water? -Who made the film Burnt? -What is example of a film with food theme in it? -What motivated Mr. Cooper's character going to London? -What is the current reality television theme? -Who star as Adam Jones? -How long is the film? -What are some failure the film facing? -Why is the film rated R? -Who is Michelin chef? -Is Ms. Miller's character the main? -who are the two leaders that "cobbled the bill together? -Is it unusual for Reid and Pelosi to be opposed to each other? -Harry Reid is holds what position? -what do some democrats object to in the compromise bill? -What is the topic of the proposed bill? -Why is Reid using the filibuster? -What program would the bill renew? -Would some taxpayers pay more if the bill passes -What if the bill does not pass? -Would community health centers be affected? -What does the institution aspire to be? -What does Mr. Lubell wish the center to be known for? -How much space does the center have available? -Who runs the center? -What is the center connected to? -Who is in charge of Pace Gallery? -What is the main location of Pace Gallery? -How large will the next gallery building be? -What else will be located inside this new building? -How long has Pace Gallery been a company? -The Senate declined to ban the sale of what? -The ban would of affected people on what list? -The Senate responded to a terrorist what? -Did the Senate respond by accepting or declining the ban? -How many bullets were estimated to be fired in rapid succession? -Which senator is mentioned to be against a ban on assault weapons? -What type of weapon is the armament choice for mass shootings? -These latest murders took place where? -What year did the assault weapons law expire in? -What is the topic of this passage? -How does the author describe his reaction to his experience? -What was the result of this experience for the author? -Who dragged him to the retreat? -What physical reaction did the author experience as he was being prayed for? -What is the name of the book mentioned in the passage? -What flooded the author's body? -What is the author's name? -What is the author's opinion on the imagination? -How does the author describe his level of consciousness during the experience? -When did the government release a report? -What was the increase in available jobs in terms of percent? -In what month was there an increase in available jobs? -How much did the Dow Jones increase following the release of the report? -How long had it been since the number of available jobs was that high? -What is the job of Kate Warne? -Which had a larger decrease in value, United States crude or Brent crude? -Who does Kate Warne work for? -Which closed at a higher value, United States crude or Brent crude? -How much did United States crude decrease in value? -What is the position of Li Keqiang? -What type of company is Barnes & Noble? -What country does Li Keqiang represent? -What type of company is Netflix? -Which company's stock is worth more, Barnes & Noble or Netflix? -Where did Mr. Seymour and Mr. Connell first drink together? -What was founded by the bartender of Glad Hand? -Who was called Smiling Jack? -When did the Smilin' Jack comics run? -Who described Mr. Connell as a "a Gary Cooper type"? -Who is a drinking buddy of novelist Calvin Kentfield? -What establishment closed in 1959? -What happened to the Glad Hand building after the establishment closed? -What has the Glad Hand building been since 1965? -For which Bay Are literary magazine were Mr. Connell and Calvin Kentfield early editors? -Who tended the bar at the Glad Hand? -Who was Mr. Connell's longtime editor? -Who had edited or published Robert Hass, Guy Davenport, Wendell Berry, M.F.K. Fisher and Anne Lamott? -Who was one of Jack Shoemaker's first writers? -Where did Mr. Seymour used to sit and drink beer after closing hours? -Where did Mr. Shoemaker first hear Mr. Connell? -Who hosted the KPFA radio show where Mr. Shoemaker first heard Mr. Connell? -What did Kenneth Rexroth say was perhaps the best ever book by an American? -What year did Mr. Shoemaker read "Notes From a Beach Found at Carmel"? -Who was dating Magda Cregg, the mother of Huey Lewis? -Where did Mr. Shoemaker first hear Mr. Connell? -Who hosted the KPFA radio show where Mr. Shoemaker first heard Mr. Connell? -What did Kenneth Rexroth say was perhaps the best ever book by an American? -What year did Mr. Shoemaker read "Notes From a Beach Found at Carmel"? -Who was dating Magda Cregg, the mother of Huey Lewis? -Who said that too many writer friends have died of alcoholism? -Who fell off a cliff in 1975? -What year did Richard Brautigan die of a self-inflicted gunshot wound? -Who died of a gunshot wound in 1995? -Who no longer drinks? -Which country was happy a deeper crisis had been prevented? -Who did Angela Merkel encourage to grant the approval of the deal? -Who is the Chancellor of Germany? -What did Angela Merkel express regarding her acceptance of the deal? -What does Aristos Doxiadis write about? -Who was unhappy with the idea of increased austerity? -Who will probably still have support from the Greeks? -Who is Aristos Doxiadis critical of? -Where did Mr. Tsipras meet with party officials? -Where does Mr. Papantoniou feel things are heading towards? -Which party believes the deal to be unacceptable? -Which party said they would vote no on new proposals? -What was to receive a makeover? -Which location was said to have a cut to its special tax status? -Which leaders were to be satisfied through the deal? -Who wanted to impeach Ms. Konstantopoulou? -What would the deal force Green to open? -What would the deal improve? -What could the deal cause to become more reliable? -Which organization is going to ensure things are done correctly by Mr. Tsipras and his government? -Where does Megan Greene work? -What was cut by previous governments? -What is said to have killed the economy? -What type of firm is Manulife? -What type of monitors would be the ones holding the 50 billion euros worth of state assets? -Who is quoted speaking about Mr. Putin? -In percents, how much inflation is Russia experiencing? -Which Russian currency does the article speak of? -What is Mr. Putin focusing on to the exclusion of Russia's problems? -What sort of traditions did czarist Russia have? -In which country did Russian fighting that the public considered necessary take place? -Roughly how many Russians are known to have joined the Islamic State? -Is it likely or unlikely that Putin will want to offer to send troops to fight in Syria? -During what decade did the Russian debacle in Afghanistan take place? -From what other Asian countries are 3,000 men fighting in Syria believed to be from? -Which country traditionally opens the United Nations General Assembly? -Which political science professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow is quoted in this article? -Which American President is hesitant to engage with Putin? -Who is the solitary world power that Putin claims is causing an imbalance of power? -What does the United Nations audience usually do after the United States President gives their speech? -How long has it been since Vladimir Putin visited the United Nations? -What caused Putin to be removed from the G-8 countries? -What is Putin's short-term incentive for visiting the United Nations? -Which meeting did Putin fly home early from? -In which country did the most recent G-20 meeting take place? -Who is the supreme leader of Iran? -Who wants to interview Iranian nuclear scientist? -What is the name of the Iranian Military University? -Who are escalating demands upon Iran? -Who leads Iran's negotiations? -How many centrifuges does Iran hope to obtain? -Where will Iran not let foreigners inspect? -What is Khameni's complaint about the negotitations? -What does Khamenei say has to be given? -Who will Khamenei not let be interviewed? -What does Khamenei think the interview will mean? -What have the scientist and dear children developed for Iran? -What is the name of the state representative that sponsored the legislation? -In what states has the Right-to-work policy become law? -What state did Eric Burlison claim that the legislation would draw business to? -What political party is Eric Burlison a part of? -What group said that they were hopeful the veto would hold up? -What is the name of the Union Carpenter from Meta, Mo.? -Whose speech was Josh Weeks in the audience for? -What is the ratio of votes needed in both chambers to overturn Nixon's vote? -When did the house vote take place? -How many votes short did the House Vote fall? -Which party is being blaimed for right-to-work not passing? -Who are republicans supporting? -Who is the assistant executive secretary-treasurer in the article? -In what state are republicans supporting working families? -What effects have months of lobbying had on the bill? -Who is the vice president of the National Right to Work Committee? -What is the stance of the National Right to Work Committee regarding the policy? -What state's union footprint has decreased in recent decades? -Where have the manufacturing jobs in Missouri moved to? -Which company made a statement? -The technical patch to fix emissions is valid in what region? -Which type of cars are needing to be brought into like with clean-air standards? -In what county will it be more difficult to modify the cars? -The new part added to meet emissions standards has the same diametere as what? -Who said they would be able to bring their diesel cars into line with European clean-air standards? -Was Volkswagen planning to do this in every country? -What was Volkswagen planning to do to their diesel cars to bring them into line with European clean-air standards? -Why was Volkswagen's technical patch not good enough for the United States? -When was Volkswagen planning to install the upgrade in Europe? -What is Volkswagen updating to comply with European clean-air standards? -What continent is the technical patch only available in? -What does the US have stricter rules on? -Which country will be more complex to modify the diesel cars in? -How complex were the technical fixes proposed by Volkswagen? -What mystery was deepened by the surprisingly simple technical fixes proposed by Volkswagen? -Who did Volkswagen say had approved the changes? -What did Volkswagen say would repair a 2-liter diesel motor? -What auto maker evaded pollution testing with illicit software? -Which group has approved of Volkswagen proposed changes? -How can Volkswagen repair 2-liter diesel motors? -The changes proposed by Volkswagen are? -Where were the cars with 1.6-liter motors imported from? -The Passat uses what chemical to neutralize nitrogen oxide? -What was the first model year that the Passat was available with a chemical emission system? -What size did Volkswagen not sell in the US? -Where does H. Rodgin Cohen work? -What bill is Congress working on? -What came of the 2008 financial crisis? -What is a good quality for a regulator to have? -What duty do watchdogs have? -What new bill did senators propose? -Who is Daniel K. Tarullo? -What do attorney generals do? -The line has been made unclear between sportswear and what? -Brand reveal what weeks in advance? -What tournament has limited fashion options? -Where is the fashion most dominant over the sport? -What sport is this paragraph about? -What athlete was questioned? -The athlete was discussing what for the open? -This was taking place when, relative to the open? -What did the athlete claim was being pulled out? -The athlete was asking fashion experts about the latest what? -Who died of heart failure? -What is the main theme of "M Train"? -In what year did Fred Sonic Smith pass on? -Who took a 45-city concert tour of Europe? -What is Ms. Smith doing in January? -What kind of book would Ms. Smith like to write? -What is Ms. Smith's ambition? -What would Ms. Smith like to do that would astonish people? -What book does Ms. Smith feel is impossible to top? -Besides 'Moby Dick', what pieces of literature did Ms. Smith mention? -What are some of Mr Foley's functions at work? -Where does the company Rubenstein's Communications set up their firm? -What is the first name of Mr. Foley's mother? -Is Mr. Gaden 53 or older than that? -What type of drinks did the two meet over? -What is the name of Aaron Hicklin's new bookstore? -What does Aaron Hicklin do for a living? -Where is One Grand bookstore located? -How many books has Aaron Hicklin stocked in his bookstore? -How long before One Grand is set to open? -Where is Hicklin from? -Who provided the book "About Caves" to Hicklin? -Where does Hicklin buy "Little Dickens" tea? -Who provided Hicklin with a "crazy" list? -What kind of pie does Hicklin serve in the bookstore? -What is Hicklin's motivation for running the bookstore? -Who is the author of the book "Another Country" -What service may Hicklin offer on airplanes in the future? -What book by Evelyn Waugh is one of Hicklin's favorites? -What service does Hicklin want to provide in hotels in the future? -How much Money did the company earn? -How much was the company worth per share? -How much percent did the share go up from the quarter a year ago? -What kind of funds are E.T.F.s? -What is the name of the fund company that does not have any leveraged loan E.T.F.s? -How much did BlackRock take in this quarter in Net inflows? -How much money came from Blackrock's iShares E.T.F. Unit? -How much does Blackrock have in E.T.F.s under managment? -Who released a report highlighting how fast funds have grown? -What trade group released a letter that warned of the huge buildup of assets in the bond market? -what complaint has hindered investment banks of their ability to provide liquidity in the market? -Who argued that bond E.T.F.s are good for the markets in general? -What do firms like Blackrock not invest in according to the industry? -What doesn't BlackRock rely on to bolster returns? -Who is the Chief executive of BlackRock? -How much of the firms clients were of buy and hold investors? -Who is the top economist at the Bank for International Settlements. -What is the name of the banking and research center that Hyun Song Shin worked at? -According to Laurence D. Fink, what kind of environment do we live in? -What will happen in five months? -Where is this event taking place? -Who is The San Jose Mercury News speculating to sing at the event? -What is the date of the event? -Who is predicted to be included in the event? -How many people were confirmed dead because of the tornado? -What made it difficult for law enforcement go determine the damaged? -Where was a second tornado seen? -Who is the fire chief of Cisco? -Judge Fields presides over which county in Texas? -Who's childhood villages became fodder for one of his most famous works? -Who's policies were a death knee for traditional village life? -What novel did Rasputin write in 1976? -What lake did Mr. Rasputin fight to protect? -The island village in "Farewell to Matyora" takes place on what river? -At the university of Rochester, who is the director of Russian studies? -Kathleen says Mr. Rasputin is too bold with his nostalgia for what? -A millennium-old civilization was said to have ended when? -Kathleen talked about Mr. Rasputin in a what? -How many books did Kathleen Parthé write about the village prose? -What were Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock members of? -What genre were Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock they known for? -When was the last time Corea and Hancock toured together? -When did Corea and Hancock live together? -Where did Corea and Hancock live together? -Who published Ms. Slaughter's book? -What is the updated version of Unfished Buisness: Women Men Work Family called? -What is Ms. Slaughter's awkard saying? -What makes the book updated? -Where did Ms. Slaughter get her call and response research from? -What book was used to slight Ms. Slaughter but not use her name? -How should women "battle"? -What kind of debate is needed between women according to Ms. Sandberg? -What does Ms. Sandberg say is the reason for doing nothing in minor arguments? -Where are Refresco Gerber's shares going to begin trading in Amsterdam? -When are Gerber's shares going to start being traded on Euronext? -Who is one of Gerber's private equity owners? -How much does the 3i Group expect to earn from the offering? -What will the 100 million in gross earnings be used for? -What type of natural disaster does this LA City Council pertain to? -What two materials are used to make these vulnerable apartments? -What's the estimated cost per unit of retrofits? -What's the maximum monthly rent increase for a retrofit? -What day of the week did LA pass these rules? -Visa's europe branch is worth how much? -Who is Visa's CEO? -When did Visa's CEO say "Sooner is better." -Visa might have to pay a premium to bypass what? -Visa europe's value disregards premiums and what else? -Who is the minority leader from the Finger Lakes region? -What is the trial about? -Who is Brian M. Kolb speaking negatively about? -Who is the ex State Senator whose trial entered it's second week on Monday? -What party does Brian M. Kolb represent? -Who is liked by their colleagues in spite of their legal troubles? -Who was complaining about the media coverage of the trial? -What is the name of the Speaker that is unexpected to be challenged by Mr. Silver? -What was Speaker Heastie successful in accomplishing? -Who is there a large reservoir of respect for? -Who remained active in the Assembly even after being arrested and indicted? -What is Mr. SIlver's first name? -What year were people predicting that Shelly Silver would retire? -What made Mr. Silver a valuable member of the Assembly? -When was Shelly Silver up for re-election? -What did Mr Heastie believe could be done to fix the scandals that have shaken Albany? -Who suggested a cap on outside income? -What are the names of the people involved in the Albany scandals? -What changes do some of the new bills want to make to lawmakers pay? -What changes do one some of the New bills want to make to the legislature? -What is the name of the book mentioned in the passage? -How does the author describe the struggle? -What is the topic of this passage? -What disease is mentioned in the passage? -What city did the subject of this passage work? -What emotions are elicited in the subject of the passage? -Why were these emotions purposely conveyed in the subject of the passage? -What is the analogy used to describe the people mentioned in the passage? -How far back are these emotions said to originate? -How does the passage describe the reaction when the situation mentioned can no longer be contained? -Who is the subject of this passage? -How was the subject's work described in the press? -What significant event happened when the subject was a child? -Where did the subject relocate after this event? -Where did the subject live in his early days? -How was the subject of this passage described by the majority? -What network aired a show about the subject in the passage? -What was the name of the lesser-known work that came after the subject in the passage? -Where did Dr. Grier serve as chairman of the department of psychiatry? -When did Dr. Grier retire? -Which borough is located in Bucks County Pennsylvania? -New Hope has many districts that have been placed in which historic building list? -Which theater hosts Broadway shows? -Several impressionist pieces are located in which museum? -What is the name of the rail company that makes stops in the area? -Which large city is Marble Cliff close to? -What is the name of the body of water that rans through Marble Cliff? -Visitors can fly into which nearby airport? -What is the name of the shopping district close to OSU? -How many people are estimated to live in Marble Cliff? -During the renovation project, what was added to the house? -Chimneys are a well known feature of what type of home style? -What is the central figure of the home that is flanked by two large windows? -When were the appliances replaced? -What type of stone was used for the exterior of the home? -What material are the walls of the family room made from? -What type of wood was used to build the cabinetry? -What style of window was built into the master suites? -How many fireplaces are located throughout the property? -How much land is included with the home? -Who is behaving unethically according to Kenji Yoshino? -what was the young man concealing from his father? -what was the father failing to do for his son? -what did the father request the letter writer to do? -How many full time officers were on the police force? -What was the raffle prize? -What was the raffle raising money for? -Who ultimately purchased the vehicle? -What was the cost of a raffle ticket? -40 percent of global diamond sales come from who? -What may be done to avoid retail price increase? -Buyers may have to do what at the end of the decade? -What is likely to happen to retail prices? -How many gradations of diamonds are there? -Who makes up The Basel Committee? -What large market has slowed in diamond sales recently? -Where did the The Basel Committee meet? -Name a country that has diamond mines? -What is the name of the Russian diamond producer? -What other kind of diamonds are being produced? -Diamond production will peak by when? -What is the name of De Beers brand? -What is the purpose of the etched symbol? -Why does De Veers make synthetic diamonds? -What is happening in the diamond market now? -Who stated that death of the black woman in police custody would bring renewed attention to the anger between white and blacks? -When did Attorney General Loretta Lynch make an announcement? -What news channel was Lynch's interview on? -What day did the hearing with the new Secret Service director take place? -Which parties were angry at the new Secret Service director? -Which state does Harold Rogers represent? -Which political party does Harold Rogers belong to? -How many Secret Service agents were accused of driving drunk? -Which state does Nita M. Lowey represent? -Which political party does Nita M. Lowey belong to? -When did Joseph P. Clancy take over as director? -Who tried to get the director to fire the agents? -What did the agents' car hit in the video? -Who promised to have the Secret Service on a "short string?" -How much of an increase did Mr. Clancy want to the Secret Service budget? -How much was the 2016 Secret Service budget? -How much more was the 2016 budget than the 2015 budget? -Who was responsible for the 2016 budget? -What was the name of the team that won a national championship around 2014? -What's the name of the person in the article who's implied to be the coach of the team? -Jahlil Okafor was in school when he won a championship - in what year of school was he in? -How many points did the winner score in the title game that was for the championship? -Which round of the draft was Tyus Jones eventually taken in? -Where were hundred of migrants diverted to on Saturday? -Why were migrants diverted to Slovenia? -What is the name of the Slovenian prime minister? -What organization is helping to deal with the flu of refugees? -What is the name of the border town that the refugees are arriving to in Slovenia? -Where did the Slovenian police walk the refugees into? -Where is Latifa Shaab trying to go? -Why did Shaab leave in a hurry? -How long did the refugees rest after they pulled into the border crossing? -Why did Hungary shut its border with Croatia? -What is the name of the German chancellor? -What is the name of Turkey's Prime Minister? -When is Merkel expected to hold further talks to reach a deal with Turkey's leaders? -who were the ones who lead ? -where DR. Fah spent her junior year ? -in what year did Dr. Fah arrive at Lynchburg ? -what dr. fah was wearing when she arrived at Lynchburg ? -where she earned a doctorate ? -how old was Ms English ? -what was the first thought of Ms English ? -where she ended up going for school ? -after going to management school where she went ? -what was a shock for my parents ? -when anne gary pannell retired ? -who was the president of sweet briar ? -who said anne gary pannell was worn out dealing with the strife on campus ? -where Mary morris gamble traveled ? -who did not approve of the white buck shoes ? -when they set sail? -who wasnt paying attention when secretary of state george marshall articulated his marshall plan ? -how old i Ms. booth ? -where did Dr. Pai go to school? -what is the nickname that alumni use for Sweet Briar? -how much has the Save Sweet Briar campaign brought in so far? -how have many of the Sweet Briar graduates gotten back in touch? -what entity filed suit to prevent the college from closing? -what was the problem specified in the 1960 article? -who was the author of the New York Times article? -how old did Ms Levin allege that the modern woman was? -what did Phyllis Levin compare woman to? -when was woman's suffrage obtained? -When did Jo Ann Soderquist graduate? -what did both Jo Ann and her dorm mate both have? -where did they place the photos of there love interests? -what was the name of the chauffeur -where did their boyfriends go to school? -what school did the dean offer to get Georgie into? -What did George say when offered to go to Princeton? -what publication job did Georgie work for? -what kind of outer garment did Georgie wear while being elected? -when did Princeton begin admitting women? -Where did Mimi Fahs attend school before college? -what time of year did Mimi visit Sweet Briar? -how old is Dr. Fahs? -what is Dr. Fahs professional title? -what did Fahs put up on her walls where she lived? -On what date Samuel Harrell announced he was going home? -In what building was Samuel Harrel? -In which Correctional Facility was imprisoned Samuel Harrell? -To what disorder was linked his erratic behavior? -For what crime was imprisoned Samuel Harrell? -What surveillance technology was missing during the confrontation with Mr. Harrell? -What was the name of the spokesman who said that Mr. Harrell was acting violently? -From which state James Miller is a spokesman in? -What kind of injury one guard did suffer from? -What is the name of James Miller's union? -For what crimes did Mr. Harrell served several sentences in prison? -What problem Mr. Harrell's familiy says he suffered from? -What was the number of disciplinary infractions of Mr. Harrell? -What did Mr. Harrell learnt in 2010? -In what year was Mr. Harrell first incarcerated? -What health problems did Mr. Harrell suffered in the past? -What is the name of the inmate who found Mr. Harrell sitting by himself? -What happened in November? -What was Mr. Harrell's earliest release date? -What was the nickname of Mr. Harrell? -What was the two teams in the game Mr. Camara was watching? -What was the number of officers identified as being involved? -What is the name of the person who was watching a game in the day room? -What is the nickname of the person laying on the floor? -What did Mr. Camara heard in the hallway? -What is the name of the person who saw officiers kicking and jumping? -What was the height of Mr. Harrell? -For what crime does Mr. Pearson was incarcerated? -What was the weight of Mr. Harrell? -What is the name of the officer who suffered from a medical emergency? -What is the name of the prison? -What was the time of the first call reporting a possible overdose? -At what time did the ambulance team arrive? -At what time did the ambulance team reach Mr. Harrell? -What is the name of the substance which possibly induced cardiac arrest? -What do Puerto Rico and Greece have in common? -What do Puerto Rico and Greece have in common? -What differences are there between Puerto Rico and Greece? -What process does Puerto Rico use instead of bankruptcy? -Does Puerto Rico's Congressional Representative get a vote? -What is the official territory status of Puerto Rico? -What does Puerto Rico receive from the Federal Government? -Do residents pay federal personal income taxes? -How did Puerto Rico get into financial trouble? -Why was lending to Puerto Rico so enticing for lenders? -How much is Puerto Rico's debt? -Where do the educated people leave Puerto Rico for? -What was the special federal tax credit meant to attract to the island? -Who is a major holder of Puerto Rico bonds? -What might get decimated as the result of poor bond performance? -Who has recently bought up to 25% of the debt? -What other bond holding have Puerto Rico residents poured their wealth into? -Who is the play director and Tony winner? -Who has the vulnerability and sharpness for the role in the play? -Where was Ms MacKinnon speaking from before returning to rehearsal? -What was the play that Ms Moss had a role in? -Who is at the center of the Rehearsal process according to Ms MacKinnon? -Who is not so different from Heidi? -What is the real name of Scoop Rosenbaum? -Who was sometimes imagined as Heidi's older cousin by Ms Moss? -Who was married to Fred Armisen? -What performance sold Ms Moss on the performing on stage? -Where did Ms Moss star in the play "The Children's hour"? -Whos departure was blamed on mercury poisoning from a sushi heavy diet? -who refused Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis? -what day did the federal judge inform the Rowan County Clerk? -how long was Ms. Davis jail stay? -what was required of Ms. Davis to be released? -what does the entire legal battle center around? -What meeting takes place after the annual General Assembly? -What country is the United Nations host country? -Who is the State Department's spokesman mentioned? -Who is wanted for war crimes? -Who plans to participate in the United Nations Development meeting? -Who is the pilot of the drone? -Which American agarians was taken to using unmanned aircraft? -Where is the wheat fields located? -What were the farmers using to monitor their farms? -Wjo said use of drones has become a big deal? -What is the largest portion of the company's business about? -How many devices has the company sold? -Which body is in charge of rules prohibiting commercial drone flight? -Who planned to apply for tge commercial drone flight exceptions? -How many commercial drone flight exceptions have been granted to people? -How many people were on wait list for commercial drone flight exception list in May? -What is the fine for illegal commercial drone flight? -What was the crime named as Zachary Hammond's death? -What was the main false claim the police accused Hammond of? -How was the police's behaviour described as? -Where did Hammond's gunshot wounds show he was shot from? -How did the officers approach Mr. Hammond? -Which race color of Americans suffer irratic violence via the police? -In which areas do the cops patrol more often? -What presumption is greater when people think of black people? -Name of the person who has stated the information? -Which 3 department studies does David J. Leonard act as professor and chairman? -How much attention do other cases something like Michael Brown get surprisingly? -How many other cases are there that include people of colour not getting air time about? -Name of the college Mr. Leonard conducts his work through ? -Name of the activists that opened up awareness for the Hammond case? -What is the nationality of the attacker? -What organization what the perpetrator a member of? -Did the perpetrator survive the attack? -What event occurred a few hours later? -Did anyone provide medical assistance on the scene? -Who was detained under suspicion of involvement with arson attacks? -Have they been charged with a crime? -What is the name of one of the suspects grandfather? -What belief system is this grandfather known to espouse? -What incriminating items were found on the scene? -Who is the grandfather of the children burned in Duma? -What justice does he hope will be done? -What is the name of the lawyer representing one of the suspected jewish arsonists? -What injustice has he claimed has been done to his client? -Is Zion Amir's client an legal adult? -Which country is Entang Wiharso from? -Which kind of artist is Entang Wiharso? -Entang Wiharso represented Indonesia in what? -What was Entang Wiharso's exhibition described as? -Which painting of Wiharso's is 10 feet long? -What percent of Americans with children under 6 have working parents? -What states need better child care the most? -What is the quality of childcare? -Why do mothers in the red states need to work more? -How many professionals are in Fight Crime: Invest in Kids? -What can be this year's literature? -Who named their genitalia? -What book was once banned? -What names were given to the genitalia? -Stock investing is a sport for who in recent years in Shanghai? -The outburst of global volatility was immediately caused by who? -How long have stock been on their sharp drop path? -The middle East and Middle America both have what fields? -Where is the Federal Reserve located? -Who was serious about tapering its program of quantitative easing? -What year did the original taper tantrum happen? -Where did investors find higher-yielding securities? -Between 2010 and 2013 what gushed into countries driving up asset prices? -The Fed intended to raise interest rates in what year -Who played the role of Jay? -Who made "It Follows"? -How old is Jay? -How might "It Follows" be described? -Name one form the menace takes? -Who is Jay's boyfriend? -Who plays the role of Hugh? -What does Hugh do to Jay after they make love? -What is the only cure? -What do Jay's friends encircle the pool with? -Who is the former armed forces chief? -Prior to Mr. Sisi, who was previously the armed forces chief? -Which country has Mr. Sisi's government failed to resolve a number of its problems with? -Mr. Sisi's government has been unable to resolve violent insurgency in what region? -Who was ejected from power in 2011? -What makes it easy to follow sitcoms? -What matters in comedy just as much as jokes? -Who wrote the screenwriting guise "Story"? -What are the purpose of some scenes? -Why are audiences consuming shows differently? -The fourth season of what show was released on Netflix? -Streaming allows for audiences to read recap and do what else? -What has loosened? -Who hired the detective to find the brothers? -Who else was trailing the brothers? -Last second escapes pays homage to shows like what? -The show Big Time doesn't contain many what? -Which nuts are highly regarded in Iran? -Who moved into abandoned houses such as Mr. Shoul's? -What resources did squatters receive? -In what area of Iran is Pouze Khoon located? -How many of Iran's cities are considered some of the most polluted in the world? -How much of Iran's groundwater reserves have been spent over the past five decades? -Why are so many of Iran's cities polluted? -For how many years has Iran been facing a drought? -What happened to the water in the Zayanderud River? -What does state television use to promote progress and water management? -How many pistachio trees have been lost in Kerman? -How are dams hurting the area? -How many years has it taken for 15% of the pistachio trees to have died? -Which areas use more than their fair share of water? -How many years does Isa believe it will take before some of Iran's areas are uninhabitable? -According to Isa, how many of Iran's provinces may be unfit for habitation within 15 years? -In what area of agriculture is Iran outdated? -Why are urban areas encouraged to use too much water? -Where do farmers try and seek water first? -Where do farmers and cities search for groundwater when none is provided by the rivers and lakes? -How does the groundwater become polluted? -Why is groundwater unsafe to use? -What causes dead trees to lose their branches and turn into stumps? -Which area gets the water first? -Where do water trucks source their water? -How is water carried to the iron mine? -Why is water important to the iron mines? -Who is unhappy about the tanker trucks? -Who do the tanker drivers face criticism from? -How many areas depend on the tanker deliveries for water? -How many reservoirs within Kerman Province have fallen below critical levels? -In addition to water depletion, what other negative side effect to the tanker trucks produce? -Why does Mr. Sharif say he pays so little for his electricity? -What does Mr. Sharif use his electricity for? -Government subsidies have kept prices of what low? -For how long does Mr. Sharif believe the area will continue to thrive? -what judge rebuked the arguments? -what did Judge Walls opinion of political donations? -when did Mr. Menendez last run? -who was a large donor to Mr. Menedez -what does the constitution not shield from in this case? -who did Mr. Lowell expect to examine the motions? -what did Mr. Lowell think would happen to the motions -when was the decision handed down? -What did Mr. Menendez plan to do with his career during the case? -what group was Mr. Menedez no longer a part of? -What did critics say what might be the city's most impressive new bread course? -Where is Bruno's located? -What month did New York magazine run an article about Bruno's? -How much was Bruno's plate of bread? -What three groups of people often bring waves of impressions to a restaurant once the doors open? -Who are Bruno's two chefs? -What has been slightly different each time a reviewer has tried a pizza? -What is Bruno's nearest approach to a classic pizza pie? -What was more perplexing than the pizza dishes? -What did not have the sweetness of cooked carrots? -What color was the dribble of soaked basil seeds on the plate? -In what dish did the flavors stay stubbornly separate? -Who did Hannah Shinehee Cho marry? -Where did Mr. Kim go to college? -Where did Mr. and Mrs. Kim marry? -Where is Mrs. Kim from? -Where did Mrs. Kim go to college? -Who is the creator of Killing and Dying? -How many vignettes are in the Killing and Dying Graphic collection? -Who is the creator of M TRAIN? -What is the price of Killing and Dying? -What is the price of M TRAIN? -Where does Russell Crowe's character Richie Roberts live? -Who directed the movie 'The Godfather'? -What is the name of the heroin smuggled by Denzel Washington's character Frank Lucas? -What is the name of the agency that manages the Avengers? -What city does Loki terrorize? -Who previously played the character The Flash before Grant Gustin? -What does zombie Liv see when she eats people's brains? -Who narrates the show Frozen Planet? -What is The Flash's name? -What city are Captain Cold and Heat Wave in? -Who wrote the novel "Pronto"? -What is the budget for the couple looking for homes in the Turks and Caicos? -Where can you stream the first half of Season 7 of Mad Men? -What series' final episodes will begin airing in April? -What does Raylan Givens do for a living? -What species is a close cousin to Zhenyuanlong suni? -Where was the Zhenyuanlong suni's skeleton discovered? -How long ago did Zhenyuanlong suni live? -What covered Zhenyuanlong suni's wings? -What covered Zhenyuanlong suni's tail? -Which completion date was Kaplan hoping for? -Which conference is a league of historically black colleges? -What is a conference commissioners belong to that congratulated N.J.I.T? -With what can Engles attract some new conferences? -Who said N.J.I.T was hoping for a completion date? -From who's perspective is the New Jersey Institute of Technology an attractive institution? -Which type of institution is the New Jersey Institute of Technology? -What will adding an academic facility not hurt? -What is the New Jersey Institute of Technology described as? -What is the last name of the league's commissioner, Dennis? -Where did the N.J.I.T find a temporary spot? -What is the Great West Conference a mishmash of? -Who did Engles meet with? -What was the planned cost of N.J.I.T's new facility? -When did the Great West Conference disband? -How many individuals were killed in the terrorist attack directed at the magazine Charlie Hebdo? -Where did President Francois Hollande address the public? -How many people were involved in committing the attack? -How many wounded survivors were there in the attack? -What did President Hollande state the attacks were directed at? -Who was the editorial director that lost their life in the attack? -What topic of magazine would Charlie Hebdo fall into? -What did Stephane Charbonnier feel strongly about free expression? -What are the groups that the magazine offended frequently on an equal basis? -What sorts of images were shown withing the pages of Charlie Hebdo? -Who is Ms. Batiashvili an artist in residence with? -What disrupts the tranquility of the music? -What type of recognition was received for the music? -What is preceding the stew of Bachian vitality? -When was the Symphony No. 10 conducted? -What note was Symphony No. 10 conducted in? -Who was the conductor of Symphony No. 10? -What was the opening movement called? -How many people were convicted for the 1998 bombings of two US Embassies in East Africa? -Who was the boss of the organization that Fawwaz work for? -What is the name of the oldest member of Al Qaeda that was tried in the US? -What decade was Al Qaeda considered a small, close group? -What city did the third trial take place in? -What did Mr. Fawwaz head up in Kenya? -What was the last name of the prosecutor for Fawwaz's trial? -Where did Bin Laden live during the 1990s? -What was the defense lawyers name? -Who was the judge for Mr. Fawwaz's trial? -How many migrants does Germany expect this year? -What is Chancellor Angela Merkel doing with big business? -What happened to a Syrian in Spain? -What was offered to the Syrian that was tripped? -Who is visiting in the afternoon? -How much was the settlement with General Motors? -How many deaths were a result of a defect in ignition switches? -GM admitted to not disclosing the flaw and what else? -How many small cars were recalled last year? -How many are killed each year worldwide due to air pollution? -When do the playoffs begin? -What prescription antidepressant is not safe for teenagers? -Who plays The Chicago Cubs today? -What time does "Cosby: The Women Speak" air? -How many people lived on Needles along California and Arizona? -What is the occupation of Mr Matuska -Who is responsible for counting the water used by Needles? -Where is Needles located? -Who is responsible for controlling water distribution along lower Colorado river? -What is the source of the bulk of Needles' water? -How many percentage of California's water is from underground? -How many wells are drilled into the local aquifer at Needles -What is the situation of water in the west? -What does Arcane law support? -What does Needles sit above? -What is the condition of the earth along the COlorado? -What subsidies for water intensive crops? -Mention the two states with the most severe water crises -What is the occupation of Stanley Leake? -What is the side effect of poor water management? -Which two states have the most severe water management challenges? -how many groundwater basins are connected to surface water? -Who is the director of Arizona's department of Water resources? -What will persistent pumping of well result into? -Who reported that it is costly to account for interconnection? -What becomes of the time frame for running out of water -how many groundwater basins are connected to surface water? -Who is the director of Arizona's department of Water resources? -What will persistent pumping of well result into? -Who reported that it is costly to account for interconnection? -What becomes of the time frame for running out of water -What kind of church is mentioned, in terms of its denomination? -What agency got involved in the case? -What borough is this church in? -What city did all this take place in? -There were 49,000 children in foster care in this city at some point; when was that? -Christopher R. Heanue called the child what? -What language other than English was spoken at the Mass that was mentioned? -Octavio Cisneros holds what rank? -What is the name of the church congregation in the story? -When will the paper highlight the NHL each week? -Who was the last player to score a point 20 consecutive gaes -What paper will have a special feature on the NHL -what player holds the record for scoring in consecutive games? -From where is Chicago coming home from? -What players are injured for the Rangers? -Where does Brooklyn play their games? -What is the record of the Islanders right now? -Do the islanders have any sell out games this year? -Who was Kevin Kline playing against when his injury happened? -What team is the NHL point leader? -How long is the Washington winning streak? -What position does Carey Price? -What division are the Rangers in? -How any do teams average against Braden Holtby? -How long is Price expected to be out injured? -How long was Lundqvist out last season? -Who play hockey at Princeton? -Where is Mike Condon from? -Did Carey Price miss any games prior to the latest injury? -Who coached Bayern Munich? -What team did Pep Guardiola coach? -Bayern Munich was knocked out of which league? -What day of the week did Bayern Munich lose on? -How many times did Barcelona score in the first half of the game? -What position does David Alaba play? -What position does Holger Badstuber play? -How old is Arjen Robben? -How old is Xabi Alonso? -Which player on the team is currently 32 years old? -Who do Rummenigge and Sammer trust? -What is Guardiola's mission? -Who is able to buy Dortmund's best players? -How many points ahead has Bayern regularly been of the next closest team during the Bundesliga this season? -Which league can Bayern win without putting in their full effort? -Who made two shots for the Warriors? -What is Curry's first name? -What is Starks's first name? -What is Dellavedova's first name? -What is LeBron's last name? -What is the Bridge of Spies movie about? -Who is the director of Bridge of Spies? -Who plays the lead actor in the movie, Bridge of Spies? -Who plays the role of Eilis Lacey? -Which actor portrays the once-hot chef in the movie, Burnt? -Who is the lead actor in The Last Witch Hunter? -What is the rating of The Last Witch Hunter? -What is the title of the new Vin Diesel supernatural movie? -What is the length of The Last Witch Hunter? -Who is the director of Love? -What is the name of the movie that Matt Damon stars in? -Where is the director of Love from? -Who is the director of The Martian? -What is the run time of Meet the Patels? -Who is the director of Our Brand is Crisis? -What Disney movie is the basis for Pan? -What is the name of the movie starring Sandra Bullock? -Who is the director of Pan? -Which actor plays the role of the Bolivian president, Castillo? -What is the title of the James Bond movie? -What is the name of the movie that stars Michael Keaton and Rachel McAdams? -Who is the director of Spotlight? -Who does the newpaper, in the movie Spotlight, go after? -Which actor takes on the role of Steve Jobs? -Who wrote the Steve Jobs movie? -Who directed Steve Jobs? -Which actress plays the role of Maud Watts, in Suffragette? -What was the name of the movie was shot with a dashboard-mounted video camera? -Who was Steven Pifer? -To whom was Steven talking? -What did Obama administration indicate? -What did Steven Pifer say in the beginning? -Who did not sign the agreements? -What did it signal? -Who had to pressure to rebel leaders to sign? -What does the agreement state? -How much time was given? -Who was accused ? -Who took financial responsibility for rebel region? -Who will be benefited from that? -Who is the editor of the journal Russia? -Where was he talking? -Was there any agreement on the border control? -What was the weakest part? -Where did she tell the reporters? -How was the Minsk1 experience? -What did she further add about Minsk2? -Who is Mark Galeotti? -What did he write in the Foreign Policy magazine? -How many troops did Russia deploy? -What did Mr. Lukyanov say? -What did he mention at the end? -How did Ukrainians greet the news? -What is the name of the student in Khhharkiv? -How old was Dmitri? -Who is very aggressive person? -What did Mr. Kolesnik say? -Who played the Prince? -Who plays Lilac Fairy? -What is the name of the evil fairy character? -What type of dance was this performance? -What day of the week was the reviewed performance on? -How many fairy godmothers are there? -What is the name of the Princess? -What is the name for sideways jumps with each foot circling? -What is the name of the classicist? -There are eight of what on the sides of the stage doing jumps? -What does Aurora drop? -Who is married to the choreographer? -Who played the Queen? -what should dancers learn to smile with? -What is in the screenshots area? -images made with other apps are in what area? -An example is pictures taken from where? -Android version 4.4 is called what? -Power and volume down usually does what? -Galaxy S5 and S6 are made by what company? -To see the screenshots, open what app? -The question asker has what kind of computers? -What service is often used to move files between computers? -What apple program can you share files from between computers? -You can sync files with what service? -You can download itunes stuff to multiple computers as long as what? -Who runs itunes? -Answer is shortened down to what? -What should be selected from the menu to find already bought songs? -What is subscription based? -After clicking the right tab, you click what icon? -The aforementioned services from apple cost what? -What about moving files that weren't from itunes? -what errors should be avoided? -To avoid this error you should move what files instead? -Why wouldn't you delete them? -Do they need to stay in dropbox? -Who is the Senator of Texas? -Who is the Senator of Wyoming? -What were republicans trying to repeal? -Who is the Senator of Kentucky? -When did bipartisan negotiations take lace? -Where did fililibusters take place? -Which bill did Mr Ryan need a replacement for? -When is the next deadline? -What was the vote on repealing the estate tax? -What percentage was the 3700 estates that were expected to owe tax? -What party does Senator Tim Kaine belong to? -How much did the value of an estate have to exceed for couples? -Where is Intel based? -How much did PC chips bring in a year ago? -How much did data center chips bring in a year ago? -What company is being remade by cloud computing? -Define cloud computing. -Name two cloud computing leaders. -What is in going down? -Why are PC sales going down? -How are places like Microsoft trying to revive the market? -Who has higher profit margins? -Who heads Intel's data center group? -How many cloud company customers does Intel track? -Who is Diane Bryant? -Name the seven companies that take up one third of the business. -What type of customers are the companies? -What did Dell announce? -Who bought EMC? -Who announced they were buying EMC? -What company is splitting off from its PC business? -What will Hewleett-Packard do? -Who was the college playmaker of the year in 2013? -Why did Amanda Kessel end her career? -Who ended her career at 23? -Who retired at 24? -Who didn't play until the Olympic semifinals due to a concussion? -Who had sister whose hockey career was ended by concussions? -What league is facing litigation from former players? -What sport is growing and evolving through quicker and stronger players? -What sport has players who are finally being paid as professional athletes? -What are the most common injuries in women's hockey? -Where do concussions rank among injuries in women's hockey? -For what duration was there a study of injuries released by the International Ice Hockey Federation? -What sport had the highest percentage of players who self-reported concussions among NCAA student athletes? -What percentage of NCAA women's hockey players self-reported concussions? -What colleges provided the New York Times with requested data on concussion tracking, training, and protocols? -How many college hockey teams did Dr. Paul Echlin study? -What ratio of colleges contacted by the New York Times did not respond with any information about concussion protocols? -What is a possible reason that national federations are not more forthcoming with information about concussions? -What year did Dr. Paul Echlin lead a study of two Canadian college hockey teams? -How long did Digit Murphy coach women's hockey? -Who has said that concussion information was only relayed in broad strokes during short preseason training sessions? -Who believes somebody will get killed due to hockey's concussion issues? -Who advocates for uniform concussion policies for all members? -Who suffered a career-ending concussion in November of 2013? -What does Paige Decker compare her constant headaches to? -How many physicians has Decker seen since her injury? -How old is Paige Decker? -Where has Paige Decker been largely confined to since leaving a consulting job in Boston due to her health? -Who was forced to retire after her first concussion? -Why do some players hide concussion symptoms? -How many semesters of university did Alyssa Grogan miss after her concussion? -When did Alyssa Grogan suffer her concussion? -Who suffered a concussion after a player fell and kneed her in the forehead as another player landed on the back of her head? -When did You move to NY -How do you enjoy your job? -Are you single? -Is your friend critical of you? -How does she make you feel? -What does criticism cause? -What may be the unknown outcome? -What should be done next time it happens? -Will this only need to be done once? -What did the canine do? -Where was the feline located? -What did the canine -does the cat resemble a king? -Is the accident both partys fault -Which French president planned to have his own commemoration at the Arc de Triomphe? -Which German leader traveled to Moscow in order to participate in talks with Putin? -Who was the former prime minister of Poland? -What is the nationality of the head of the European Council? -The president of which island nation also participated in the event? -Around what time in the morning did a German battleship begin its attack? -Which two forces fought each other on Sept. 1, 1939? -What was the name of the German battleship that participated in the battle? -How long were the Polish forces able to hold out during the conflict? -What event is celebrated as an example of Polish resistance? -How many riders are on the Northeast Corridor each day? -What are Amtrak and local agencies struggling for? -What aspect of riding the rail lines might worsen in the years ahead? -What has happened to ridership over the past 30 years on the Northeast Corridor? -What have officials pushed for Amtrak to become? -How much did a Republican bill in June decide to reduce Amtrak funding by? -How much did President Obama's budget call for Amtrak funding? -When was Amtrak created? -What did Mario Diaz-Balart indicate was fully funded by the Republican measure? -Amtrak's relationship with which state soured last week? -What was Amtrak accused of by Gov. Chris Christie? -How much does New Jersey pay to Amtrak each year? -What does Amtrak claim most payments from New Jersey go towards? -What Northeast Corridor plan did Mr. Christie kill in 2010? -If Mr. Christie became president, what other state did he say should share in the cost of building the tunnels? -What did Mr. Christie fear New Jersey would be responsible for under the killed 2010 plan? -Who is Amtrak's Executive Vice President for the Northeast Corridor? -What train station was reported as having a delay on Friday morning? -How long was the delay? -How did Soumitra Patil respond to the announcement? -What borough does Mr. Patil work in? -What did Mr. Patil miss as the result of the delay? -How many Long Island trains have been held up this year because of problems or congestion? -What was the on time rate 3 years prior? -What was Amtraks on time rate in the Northeast Corridor from October 2014 to May 2015? -How long was Monica Harris Susel's delay on Friday morning? -What did Ms. Susel decide to take instead? -The morals that the mother scribbled on her mind began with who? -In the mother's mind, the morals she scribbled ended with her serving her mother's what? -What city was Steve Jobs sitting with a mutual friend in a Four Season's hotel restaurant? -The waitress asked Steve Jobs and his friend what they wanted for what? -Steve Jobs ordered an orange juice that was needed to be what? -The author's mother loved what kind of sea food? -Her mother would eat her favorite sea food in a five-star restaurant and in grimy what? -What did the author become for her mother for the last two weeks of her mother's life? -After the author's mother eats shrimp, she displays a big what? -What accent did the author's mother had? -The author would cut this vegetable into thin slices for her mother to nibble on. -If the author's mother asked for pita and hummus, the author had to cut them into what little shapes? -In her mother's cupboards, what elegant items did the author find? -The author would prepare a meal to her mother and finish it off with a single English what? -What characteristic of the tray she places her mother's meals on? -Who did the author remember while she was waiting for her mother's shrimp? -According to the author, what should we at whatever job we take on? -What was uncalled-for about Mr. Jobs, according to the author? -Based from the author, what effect can we have on someone else's lives because of our jobs? -When did the three-foot alligator attained fleeting fame? -Where was the the three-foot alligator seen? -Where did the police posted a picture of the three-foot alligator? -When did the three-foot alligator died? -Which street was the alligator sighted? -What is the name of the red-tailed hawk? -What year was The Legend of Pale Male opened? -What film did the Pale Male filmed? -Where was The Legend of Pale Male filmed? -What name is superstar like Madonna called? -Who is starting an investigation into Exxon Mobile's foreknowledge of climate change? -What did the unearthed trove of documents show? -Who unearthed the trove of documents? -Was this public service by the news organizations intentional or accidental? -What does the attorney general hope to show with the investigation? -What two political candidates deny that climate change is caused by humans? -What are Republican candidates accused of promoting? -According to the article, has Exxon been a good global citizen? -Exxon hiding the data that showed the risks of climate change has been compared to tobacco companies committing what? -If Exxon is prosecuted for hding data about climate change, what will the charge be? -What does Trump call climate change? -Ben Carson believes the pyramids of Egypt were built to do what? -What two men vowed to spend 889 million dollars to influence the 2016 presidential election? -What three Republican senators have vowed to oppose any legislation relating to climate change? -Why does Trump believe climate change is a hoax? -who is the CEO of Barnes and Noble? -what month did Mr. Boire take the reigns? -how old is Mr. Boire? -What toy retailer did Mr. Boire have experience at? -What is Boire's plan to change Barnes and Noble's image? -what was hosted at Barnes and Noble a month ago? -what spurned Barnes and Noble to take action? -what types of Maker education did Barnes and Noble provide? -what locations hosted the coloring? -what does Barnes and Noble want to improve? -what is an essential part of the business? -how much did Toys and games increase in the quarter? -who was on the call with Mr. Boire? -what is the name of Adele's record? -what is one of the things that mr. boire highlighted on the call? -Who is a competitor to Barnes and Noble? -what happened when Barnes and Noble tried to gain marketshare in ebooks? -were revenues good? -how much did nook backslide? -why did the Nook performance suffer? -How much did the sculpture sell for, in euros? -Who made the snail art? -How much money was raised by the event in total? -What nationality does Isabeli Fontana hold? -Ms. Klum was attending the event with whom? -The group "Icona Pop" has what nationality? -Who is the chairman of "Only the Brave"? -The food was still coming out even though, at the event, it was what late hour? -Who wanted the audience to be quiet and listen to their introduction? -What was the name of the award that was presented? -Who did Michelle Obama impress at the dinner? -What famous person was Michelle Obama compared to? -What stylist designed Michelle Obama's dress? -How did Michelle style her hair? -What has Mrs. Obama done as well as any other first lady? -What part of her body does Mrs. Obama like to show she worked on? -What material was used to describe the fit of the dress? -Which daughter has Mrs. Obama been allowing to outdress her? -Who played three seasons in the American Hockey League? -When was Ethan Werek traded? -What team currently has Ethan Werek under contract to play for them? -Who did the Rangers obtain in the may 2011 trade? -What number did Lindberg wear? -Siem Reap is known for having more than 100 of what? -How many blocks is the shopping district in Siem Ream? -What is the traditional culture in Siem Reap? -What foreign currency is often accepted in Siem Reap? -How long has the store Alley of Ghosts been open? -What store is considered to be Cambodia's first concept shop in Phnom Penh? -What does Alley of Ghosts sell? -How many months has Christine's Store been open? -What city is trunkh's newest store in? -How many boutiques has Eric Raisina opened in Siem Reap? -What is a typical motif found in the jewelry that Marie Hill makes? -What fiber does Eric Raisina often use in his dresses? -Ammo brand jewelry is made from what recycled material? -Marie Hill hires and trains craftspeople from which country? -What action was the winner during the debate on Tuesday night? -What former occupation did Webb hold when Ronald Reagan was President? -What political party did two of the candidates exit from? -What four important issues were differences seen on? -What party was debating Tuesday night? -Who was the front-runner? -What candidate received the most applause during the debate? -What did Sander's tell Clinton people were sick of hearing about? -What group of people don't want to hear about Hillary Clinton's email anymore, according to Bernie Sanders? -What is Hillary Clinton's strength in? -On what day did the event mentioned in the passage take place? -Where does the event mentioned in the passage take place? -How many intelligence analysts are mentioned in the passage? -How did the analysts include others that were unable to attend? -What is the setting of the event mentioned in the passage? -What organization is mentioned in the passage? -What was stolen from the organization in 2013? -What is the main topic of this passage? -What kind of growth is expected for this industry? -What is the prediction made at the conclusion of this passage? -What is the name of the company mentioned int he passage? -How much of the company's revenue comes from subscriptions? -How does the company mentioned in the passage charge it's customers? -What are the two potential threats mentioned in the passage? -How many intelligence streams does the company mentioned in the passage have? -Where is the office of the United States attorney located? -Into which death will the Office of the United States Attorney be looking into? -What is the name of the prison located in Beacon, New York? -What is the name of the attorney that runs the office of the Southern District of New York? -With which county will the Southern District of New York be working with? -Who brought everyone down to three cards? -Who held the heart K-8-7 -What should East had bid? -Who did West's bid help? -What did West's bid help Manley do? -What town was the mass grave found near? -How many bodies were found in the mass grave? -What two groups of fighters retook the town of Sinjar on Friday? -What must happen first prior to further investigation of the mass graves? -Where and when was Rasheed Araeen born? -What journal did Araeen found and edit? -What is an example of a show Araeen organized? -How long has Araeen been an art-world legend? -Who was Araeen's journal focused on giving a voice to? -Which city can a selection of Araeen's art be found? -What was Araeen originally trained as? -After what did Araeen decide to become an artist? -What did Anthony Caro's sculptures make use of? -What did Araeen develop a version of? -Who is Jason Rezaian's wife? -When is Rezaian supposed to go on trial? -What paper was Jason Rezaian writing for at the time? -What is the name of the spokesperson who communicated some information about the trial? -What court will try Rezaian? -Which of Shakespeare's tragedies were included in the course? -When did I attend university? -Where did I attend university? -What was the course about? -Why do I think you should take this course? -How many people read the journal of Archives of Internal Medicine? -Who did Dr. Shatz write a letter to? -When did Dr. Shatz die? -Where did Dr. Shatz choose to move? -When was Dr. Shatz's letter written? -When was Dr. Shatz's letter discovered? -What did the discovery of Dr. Shatz's letter mean? -What killed Dr. Shatz? -Who gave Dr. Schatz the Distinguished Alumni Award? -What did the nomination letter about Dr. Schatz say? -When was Irvin Shatz born? -Where was Irwin Schatz born? -where was michael jordan born? -can you consider most athletes a new york player if they grew up in the area? -did julius erving play on 2 different basketball teams? -was erving from nassua county? -did michael jordan grow up in another place other than where he was born? -what position did kemba walker play? -was chris mullin was an allstar? -is kemba walker from the bronx? -did chris mullin play basketball in highschool? -what year did mullin win player of the year? -Who did Mcllrath fight? -Who is the lowest scoring team? -Where was the fight? -How many games in a row have the Rangers lost? -What team were the Rangers playing? -What goaltender did not play in the game? -In what city does Claude Julien coach? -Who is the Bruins forward? -When was the game? -What did Claude Julien say Lundqvist had embellished? -What did lundqvist call Julien's remarks? -What two parts of his body did Lundqvist say were sore? -How long will Stephan be out? -Which rookie will be on the forward-line? -Which players will Kevin Hayes center? -The Pilgrims and thier fellow travelers were not what? -What action by the Pilgrims could be perceived as an act of violence? -Contact with who was stated to have brought about the plague? -What is the name of the boat that arrived in the Northeast? -Contact with the Westerners bought widespread death to who? -Who is the indian leader? -Who became the colony's governor? -Who died in July, shortly after thier last performance? -What dissapeared during the Revolutionary War? -What year was Bradford's journal rediscovered? -What year did she become the youngest captain in the Sheriff's Department? -What position was she appointed by the mayor in 2008? -What year was she appointed interim sheriff? -What is the name of the mayor that appointed her to the Dept of Emergency Management? -Who was No. 1 in the world this time last year? -This was the what time Woods failed to break 80 at the PGA tour? -Who was overcome with compassion for Woods? -Who is Wood's caddie? -What was the greeting Woods received? -His round did what? -Fans repeated what? -A person in Woods galley said watching Woods made him feel -How many strokes was Woods behind in the 27th hole? -He missed how many months to recover from surgery? -When has Woods started to fail? -He caught what sickness after surgery? -When is the first day of Masters? -Did Woods sign his scorecard? -Did Woods show is worry? -Who joked about missing teeth? -Who posted a 64 in Duabi Classic? -Can Woods joke? -Who was 18 career major victories? -Is Woods a public figure? -On which team does Adrian Peterson play? -What time is the Vikings and Broncos game? -How old is Adrian Peterson? -What was the reason for Adrian Peterson's recent absence from the playing field? -What position does Adrian Peterson play? -What is the position played by the ball player who had surgery on his legs? -What happened to the Arizona team last season? -What position is played by Larry Fitzgerald? -Which team will Arizona play this week? -Who is the coach for Arizona? -Which team does Drew Brees play on? -Who did the Bengals play against last week? -In which city will the Chiefs and the Bengals play this week? -Which player for the Chiefs is out with an injury? -Who will the Saints play against this week? -On which team does Colin Kaepernick play? -Who is Buffalo's coach? -Who is the author's pick to win the game between the Bills and the Giants? -How many games have the Bills won so far this season? -Which team was Colin Kaepernick a fan of when he was growing up? -What is the main problem with the offense for the Eagles? -In the matchup between the Eagles and the Redskins, which team is thought to have the worse offense? -What position does Sam Bradford play? -Where are the Eagles ranked in the NFL in terms of average points scored per game? -By how many points is the projected winner expected to beat the opposing team? -What satirical site does Joe Thomas mention in talking about the TMZ article? -At what type of event did Joe Thomas discuss his thoughts on the supposed quarterback controversy? -On what team does Joe Thomas play? -What reason is given for TMZ publishing a story that is seemingly lacking in credibility? -Who did the TMZ article credit with pushing for Johnny Manziel to start as quarterback? -Which team is hasn't lost any games yet this season? -Which team will have the home field advantage in the upcoming game between the Panthers and the Buccaneers? -How many more wins do the Panthers need to tie their total wins from last year? -On which team does Cam Newton play? -What is the name of the new player that the Panthers just acquired? -What's the name of Greece's backsliding exit? -What is Greece wanting to exit from? -Who is the prime minister of Belgium? -What country also uses the euro? -What was Charles Michel's complaint? -Who was angry? -Mr. Michel did not give mandate to what countries? -Where is Mr. Stubb from? -What did Mr. Stubb say? -Which country also uses the euro? -Who was battling insurgents? -Who claimed that they won the battle in Northern Syria? -What noises are described as being heard? -What did the government say about the soliders that were marching? -How long was the Syrian hospital under attack? -What group is loosely considered to be part of the Al Qaeda? -Who captured a military post? -Who is President Bashar al-Assad sending to help? -What building was completely emptied? -What happened before the insurgents took over the hospital? -What happened to the hundred plus patients? -Why were insurgents running away? -What are the conflicting reports about the missing soliders? -What does al-Sham think will hurt more than violent war? -New sources claimed what about the escape? -What evidence is indisputable? -What proof was there of the deplorable conditions? -What can be heard on the film of the escape? -How were the people inside receiving staples for survival? -What phrase was written inside the hospital? -What is rapidly increasing in popularity? -Zen is an example of what technique? -Where is the World Economic Forum held? -Who has said that many C.E.Os are revealing themselves as meditators? -At what event can you do morning meditation with global leaders? -Who stated that over a hundred thousand Americans have died due to believing stress is bad for you? -What is Kelly McGonigal's profession? -Where are people more likely to focus their attention after meditating? -What is Richard Davidson's profession? -What is Alfred Kaszniak's profession? -How long did Ellen Langer study mindfulness without meditation? -Where does Ellen Langer work? -What should people think in to become more mindful? -How many people used the rubber band as an eraser when they were explicitly told it was a rubber band? -What percent of people used the rubber band as an eraser when they were told "this could be a rubber band?" -What does meditation help reduce? -What does meditation cultivate? -Where does Willoughby Britton work? -What job does Willoughby Britton have at Brown University? -Who found many instances of increased anxiety among people after having traumatic meditation experiences? -Who lost 9.4 percent in a year? -How much did Marcato International lose? -What company does Larry Robbins own? -How much did Larry Robbins lose? -What companies lost 20 percent? -How much did credit card edge up? -How many jobs were added in November? -What are more American's doing to improve their lives both materialistically and educationally? -How many jobs were added in October? -What did the unemployment rate hold steady at during this time? -Who is the mayor's sign-language interpreter? -Who is the host of the Daily Show? -Which site thinks Jason Schwartzman should play Jonathan Lamberton if a movie is made? -Who portrays a stark contrast to the mayor's sober mien? -What does Buzzfeed say about Jason Schwartzman? -Where was Mr. Watkins visiting from? -Who did Mr. Hincapie say beat a confession out of him? -Who came forward to swear she had not seen Mr. Hincapie on the subway platform when the murder happened? -What event was Mr. Watkins visiting New York to see? -Why did Mr. Hincapie falsely confess? -Who came forward to say she had not seen Mr. Hincapie at the subway platform when the murder occurred? -What did the robbers need to steal money? -What event was Mr. Watkins visiting New York for? -Where was Mr. Watkins from? -Why did Mr. Hincapie give a false confession? -Who testified that Mr. Hincapie was with them at the moment the robbery happened? -Who stabbed Mr. Watkins? -In which part of the body was Mr. Watkins stabbed? -Who was the hospital worker who testified that she had not seen Mr. Hincapie at the scene of the murder? -Why was Ms. Santana's testimony questioned? -Who were the three men that told police that Mr. Hincapie had been involved in the robbery? -Why did the prosecutor say that Mr. Hincapie's story didn't make any sense? -What did Ms. Santana do when the violence started? -Why did Ms. Santana come forward later as a witness? -Why did Mr. Montero and Mr. Anderson not testify previously? -What did case law state regarding newly discovered witnesses? -Did the judge accept or reject the prosecution's argument that Mr. Hincapie could have called the witnesses in the previous trial? -What reason did Mr. Carpenter give for the false conviction? -What did Mr. Hincapie want to do as soon as he got out of prison? -While incarcerated, what sort of revenge did Mr. Hincapie envision? -What did Mr. Hincapie say was more powerful than bitterness and angriness? -What did Mr. Carpenter say was the only way out of the precinct? -Who was the students at Cardiff try to keep from speaking at the University? -What views of Ms. Greer did the students not approve of? -What issue has the petition to keep Germaine Greer from speaking at the University brought up? -What right does academic censorship violate? -How old is Germaine Greer? -How many people signed the petition started by Rachael Melhuish? -What day was Ms. Greer's lecture scheduled for? -Who was the person who started the petition to keep Ms. Greer from speaking at the University? -What was the name of Cardiff University's vice chancellor? -What types of views towards trans women does Greer have? -Who was in Minority Report? -Who is Tom F. Allon? -Who is leaving? -What movie did Mr. Bratton reference? -What size is the city? -When would Mr. Bratton be leaving? -What was the most important goal of Mr. Bratton? -What needed to be done with the rank- and- file? -What did Jason Pierre-paul lost during an accident? -What was celebrated during the firework accident? -What is the name of the team co-owner? -What is the name of the team Jason Pierre-Paul plays for? -How much money would Pierre-Paul have made if he had signed the franchise? -What is the name of the person who will become a free agent if the Giants proceeds to withdraw their offer? -What is the name of the team? -What person said that the Giants withdraw was not in the team's immediate plans? -What would Pierre-Paul become if the Giants would withdraw their offer? -What does the Giants could still withdraw? -Who is Mara talking about? -At what level did Pierre-Paul played before? -What is the name of the person talking about Pierre-Paul? -What type of athlete Pierre-Paul is? -What is the name of the person which says that various Giants officials had contacted Pierre-Paul? -From what group are the officials who contacted Pierre-Paul? -What is the name of the Coach who contacted Pierre-Paul? -What player are we talking about here? -What did Pierre-Paul suffered from? -What person said he texted Pierre-Paul shortly after the accident? -For what team did Pierre-Paul played for? -How did Mara expected to get his message to Pierre-Paul? -What message do Mara want to send to Pierre-Paul? -Who was the person in the accident? -In what month did Kayahan give his last public musical performance? -What is the name of Kayahan's spouse? -Other than his wife, what is the name of the singer that Kayahan performed his final concert with? -In what city did Kayahan perform his last public concert? -What physical obstacle did Kayahan overcome in order to perform his final concert? -Who is the Attorney General? -What is the most recent year riots were a major issue in Cincinnati? -In what month did Loretta Lynch begin her national tour on community policing? -Loretta Lynch went on a national tour to study what? -What Interstate is being upgraded? -Over what river spans an outdated bridge that is part of the upgrade project? -Brian Cunningham is a spokes man for which Ohio department? -What is the purpose of the multidecade project? -What city does Pete Rose hail from? -Who is the career hits leader in baseball? -In what year was Pete Rose barred from baseball? -In what year did Pete Rose admit that he had bet on baseball? -At age 74, what did Pete Rose petition for? -What city was home to the first professional baseball team? -Who was the losing team in the 1990 World Series? -What was the name of the first professional baseball team? -What baseball team won the 1990 World Series? -What team did Barry Larkin play for in the 1990 World Series? -What year is the oldest photo in the book? -How many shirts are featured in the photo book? -How many of the shirts are used for advertising? -Who curated the photo book? -What genre of music does the photo book focus on? -Which shirts were given out for free? -Where were the early t-shirts sold? -What is the term used for shirts that weren't made or distributed by the artists themselves? -Who made the money on clothing that record labels didn't? -Who designed shirts for LL Cool J's tour? -Which artist was known for political and sexually provocative shirts? -How were LL Cool J's shirts designed and produced? -What color were memorial shirts usually? -Which comedian tested the phone system in May? -What city is the company Yondr based in? -Who holds onto the phone and package during the show? -What is put into the case and locked before the show? -Patrons would get this case when they entered what? -Who is Yondr's founder? -The social media seats are for what type of music? -Social media is encouraged in what type of seats? -Penn & Teller tell the audience to turn on what during their new Broadway show? -The new Penn & Teller show is in previews where? -Texas Southern is match against which team this Thursday? -Who coaches Texas Southern? -Where did Mike Davis Coach before? -How long did Mike Davis coach for in his previous team? -What year did Mike Davis lead Indiana to the championship game? -Where does Davis believe has very good coaches? -How many starters over 6 feet 5 does Arizona have? -How many starters does texas tech that are 6 feet 5? -Who coaches Arizona? -What is Davis's scheduling strategy? -Where was Porzingis when he caught the attention of N.B.A. executives and scouts? -What year did Latvia national team win the first European championship? -What team drafted Porzingis where he became known as a great athlete and hero? -What basketball abilities did Porzingis portray that caused the N.B.A. to be impressed? -What place has only produced very few basketball players to play in the USA? -What foundation was Porzingis affiliated with at a charity in the Bronx? -What city did the media mention that made Porzingis grimace? -What did Porzingis surprise the children from Garden of Dreams Foundation with? -What were the jokes about that Porzingis laughed at? -What event offered Porzingis little spontaneity? -How much did it cost per hour for one child for a sitter? -How much did it cost for an additional child on top of the initial 17 dollars? -What percent does the company keep for themselves off each transaction? -What did many reviewers unfortunately come across while using the app? -What is the name of the app? -What is the name of the red notebook ? -How many times a day mishearing of what people say happen to his/her ? -In which color the heard word was written ? -In which color the actually said word was written ? -In which color the mishearing words were written ? -What makes his/her to blush ? -How he/she relating the similar sounds ? -What is always preserved ? -Which are likely to capsize meaning ? -Which are not hallucinations ? -Which organ is responsible for our perceptions to be constructed ? -What is mostly happen in some parts of the brain ? -What are the co-determinants in mishearing ? -Whats his/her mishear mostly ? -Which is not only analysis the tone and the rhythm of music but also engages procedural memory ? -Which are clear to his/her been all his/her life ? -Where the engaging of procedural memory and emotional centers are happening ? -Was Freud entirely wrong about slips and mishearings ? -What sort of style or wit is often ? -What makes his/her to think that Freud underestimated the power of neural mechanisms ? -Which became the biography of cantor ? -What helps reduce the copious amount of paperwork? -Who's awareness is raised by estimating sales tax in the prices? -What do they feel about the quality of education and their society? -Who is trying to raise taxes to raise government revenues? -What other taxes are being considered? -What standard tool is it used to adjust historic art prices to account for inflation? -In what year did Gerald Reitlinger made his study? -What was Gerald Reitlinger's study? -How much in today's value the most expensive picture ever been sold cost? -How much did Paul Mellon pay for Cezanne's "Boy in a Red Waistcoat"? -How much Huntington was spending on phone calls? -How was it called the most expensive painting sold in modern times? -How much were the bidders ready to pay for Picasso's "Femmes d'Alger"? -A director of what is James Roundell? -In which year James Roundell represented the winning Japanese bidder while working for Christie's? -When did collectors would acquire a painting to keep in their home and then leave it to a museum? -What was the price that represented the first "art boom" prices? -What was the tamarind eggplant topped with? -What type of shrimp was served as an appetizer? -What was the calamari coated with? -What kind of sauce was on the jumbo shrimp? -How were the squid rings cooked? -What kind of fish was used to make the Goan fish curry? -What types of seasonings did the chicken breast sit in? -What was served along side of Rogan Josh? -What was the first food item tried from the main dishes? -How long did the tiger prawns have to be marinated and in what? -what is the name of the judge in LA county court? -when did the Probate judge schedule the opportunity for the motion to be heard? -did the probate judge think the hearing was high priority? -how much did Redstone make in 2014 from CBS? -how much are Redstone's media assets collectively worth? -Who is Redstone's ex-girlfriend? -who is in charge of Redstone's health decisions? -When did the ex-girlfriend sue? -what is Philippe Dauman's title? -what is redstone's meal of choice? -What country was this museum located in? -What type of art pieces did the museum have? -Why did the author pause before the art piece? -What did the author think of the piece? -What was the message that the author thought he received? -What was another name for Myanmar? -What two countries had a large amount of Myanmar artwork? -Where was this place located? -What was an art piece that stood out from the rest? -When did Myanmar decide to open themselves up to the outside world? -Who was the Buddha before becoming Siddhartha? -How long did it take for him to reach enlightenment? -Why did Siddhartha leave his home? -Who interrupted Siddhartha? -How long was Siddhartha sheltered from the harshness of the world? -What sort of demons exist in Buddhism? -How is Buddha's appearance described? -What period is the image of Buddha from? -What are nymphs known for? -What is the depiction of Buddha considered to be? -What period is the second figure of Buddha from? -What is this figure made out of? -Does the condition of the image matter to its worshippers? -Where did this image come from? -What do people think of the image? -Which company commissioned the promotion video posted on YouTube? -What is one of the goals of Navdy are working towards? -What kinds of information gets projected by Navdy's device? -Does Navy's device have Bluetooth or wireless capabilities? -What is one feature of Navdy's feature? -When is the device of Navdy delivering its first line of products? -What other options include as Navdy's device substiture -Is there a guarantee of definite safety from the use of Navdy's device? -What kind of competitions exists for the Navdy in the market? -What causes accidents? -What positions does Nagraj Kashyap hold? -What does Nagraj Kashyap say about the topic? -What do people do repeatedly? -What kind of social media information intrigues drivers? -What kind of distractions are a threat to drivers? -What kind of safety is compromised by the use of the heads up technology? -What is speeding for the regulators in the auto industry are not capable of keeping up with? -Who did the study supported by Department of Transportation? -What research did the Department of Transportation support? -What inspired the start-up company of DD technology? -What is the name of the head-up display created by DD technology? -J.C. Penney is using what unlikely advertising strategy? -In what year did catalogs begin to increase after a steady decline? -How large is the recent increase in catalogs? -Which catalog company recently filed for bankruptcy? -What does Land's End use to obtain sales? -How large Land's End decrease in Sales as a result of reducing catalogs in 2000? -In what year did Land's End reduce catalogs mailed out? -What percentage of Land's End customers viewed the catalog before making a purchase? -How many Americans purchase things from catalogs? -What percentage of catalog shoppers are women? -Which subsidy of Mattel recently increased the number of catalogs sent out? -Who is the Chief Marketing Officer of Anthropologie? -What is the average annual amount purchased by those who use catalogs? -Patagonia is printing its catalogs on what? -What are retailers trying to make catalogs into? -What is Ikea calling its catalog? -What trade offs did Patagonia have to make to switch to all recycled paper for catalogs? -Sears was asked about restarting what? -Lee Wright considers catalogs to be a waste of what? -Consumers might find the same information in catalogs where? -What is lacking in catalogs, but often provides insight in online shopping? -What generation is least likely to want catalogs? -Bonobos considers catalogs to be what? -Craig Elbert is the VP for marketing where? -Bonobos compares where they ship orders and where they ship what? -Where is Rohit Deshpande a professor? -How many advertisements do studies show work before showing diminishing returns? -What does Rohit Deshpande consider to be a new way for retailers to get attention? -What does Rohit Deshpande consider to be the worst consequence a catalog could have with consumers? -For how many innings did the game on Sunday run? -How many scoreless innings were pitched by the Mets? -How many pitchers took the mound in the last seven innings? -Which pitcher from the Reds appeared as a pinch hitter? -Who scored the winning run in the 13th inning? -How long did bad weather delay the start of the game? -Which player debuted in the day's second game? -Tickets for the Saturday came could be exchanged for tickets for the game on what day? -At what time was the game originally scheduled to start? -Who is the president of Afghanistan? -Who was seated beside Ashraf Ghani? -Madeleine was considered what, to Ashraf Ghani? -Who is the Secretary of the State? -Who was jokingly mentioned as never sleeping while commanding American forces in Afghanistan? -Who sought to draw an end to America's role in the Afghanistan war? -How many years did Mr. Ghani live in Washington? -How many former American ambassadors and officials urged the US to keep troops in Afghanistan? -Who was a Columbia Graduate? -What day of the week did this dinner take place? -How many years were attributed to rebuilding the nation of Afghanistan? -What country does Mr. Ghani reference as hoping to not see a repeat of? -Who was this dinner focused on? -How much was paid to the Podesta group to lobby on behalf of Afghanistan? -How many dinner guests were present? -What month did Mr. Ghani take office? -Who was one of the founders of the Podesta Group? -How many people did the airstrike killed? -In which city did the Syrian Army jets strikes? -How many strikes where carried out in Raqqa -What is the name of the monitoring group? -How many Islamic State fighters were killed -what was terrence collingsworth's profession ? -where is based drummond ? -who was one of the Mr. collingsworth targets ? -who was acussed of mistreating workers ? -what was drummond ? -when was an obscure law adopted ? -what was the profession of Susan H. Farbstein? -when the biggest setback happeend for this type of litigation -who limited the use of an obscure law ? -what was the name of the obscure law adopted in 1789? -who was involved in lawsuit against chiquita ? -who declined to be interviewed for this article ? -what is the name of the advocacy group Mr. simons was part of ? -what was Marcos simons's profession ? -where the american companies operated? -What book does he encourage to other to read? -What does he encourage others to do? -What is his first request? -What will be in their hands? -What sense does he experience? -What type of jobs are harder to come by nowadays compared to Melville's Day? -Why do the rides stop at Chomp Chomp? -Where does the food come from that is kept on the rides? -Where did the rides end at? -At what village did the rides end at? -What are Singaporean food courts known as? -What is the appeal of Chomp Chomp? -Who is named after one of the country's most magnetic hawker centers? -What are not franchise-studded cul-de-sacs that fill American malls? -What is the Singaporean food that is noodles stir-fried with shrimp and soy sauce? -What dish has no color and a mild flavor but gets better as you eat more? -Char kway teow produces more happiness than what? -Nyonya chap chye is what type of dish? -What tastes like slices of soy-lacquered chicken over rice cooked in chicken broth? -How do specialists in the hawker centers master the food? -What was the advertisement on the menu? -What happens after night at Chomp Chomp? -How was the lamb rendang described? -What do banks still need to do? -What do some European groups need to do? -How much expenses should banks be able to cut each year? -What's the effect of banks keeping extra capital at the group level? -What's nearing for investment banks? -Where does Jamie Dimon work? -For how many years have most lenders' wholesale units destroyed value? -What's Jamie Dimon's position? -When did Jamie Dimon issue annual letter to shareholders? -Which of the 12 largest banks generated returns above their cost of capital last year? -What do Roy Smith and Brad Hintz do as a profession? -Where do Roy Smith and Brad Hintz teach? -What is the main drag on banks' performance? -What did fines and settlement produce as a consequence? -What does OK Go have an innovative eye for? -What is the song with the new video for Hungry Ghosts album? -What does OK Go zip around on in their video? -How was their actions filmed? -Where was OK Go's new video recently shown? -When was Stevie Wonders last national tour as of this article? -What record is Mr. Wonder going to perform at the Barclays Center? -Where will Mr. Wonder visit? -Where was Songs in the Key of life added to in 2005? -What do recent audiences assert to Mr. Wonder? -Which team did James help to lead over Golden State? -What title was Cleveland and the Warriors competing for? -What team did James play for Tuesday night? -Who is James following after in order to lead his team to victory? -James wanted Donald Sterling removed as the owner of which team? -What was a Cleveland cop under investigation for? -Who is known as a leader even when not playing in the games? -What emotion does Brown feel for James? -What is the slogan on the clothing James wore? -Who are known to be great leaders on and off the courts? -What city do James and Brown serve? -What trait does Brown believe James has that is unique for his age? -James and Brown are different in which two aspects? -In what way was the man's name called out? -How old is Mr. Silva Neto? -What did his friends give him? -Where were the knife and revolver hidden? -In what area of the country is Paraiba? -Who has trouble trying to get into prisons? -What do human rights groups usually have problems getting into? -What kind of institution has an easy time getting into prisons? -Where did the warden put Mr. Neto? -How did Mr. Neto begin turning his life around? -Who is the president of a union? -What is Manuel the president of? -What does the union advocate for? -Who wanted Mr. Neto to be ousted? -What kind of policies of prisons does Mr. Neto criticize? -What is the amount of prisoners that the area is meant for? -How many prisoners normally are in the space? -What is the cause of the horrible smell? -Why is Santos da Silva in jail? -What is the occupation of Ayrllys Mateus Silva? -What year did "The Nun's Story" come out in? -Who is the star of "The Nun's Story"? -The Nun's Story takes place around the time of what war? -Who directed The Nun's Story? -What film won all the Oscar's instead of The Nun's Story? -What network is the "Best New Restaurant" show on? -Where did Abbi and Ilana spend the day on "Broad City" -What time is "Workaholics" on? -On "Broad City" there was a wedding for who? -Porter Ale House Gastropub is located where? -what type of investments do Mutual fund analysts think are dangerous? -which of investments do fund analysts think is the most dangerous? -what did Mr Lapointe and his associates behave like? -what are private equity funds no obligate to do? -do mutual funds have to immediately fulfill redemptions? -Who wrote "Reporting Always?" -Who is quoted as saying "I have never wanted to write about anybody who did not want to be written about?" -What is Ross's default tone of writing? -What does Ross have a lot of with regard to her subjects? -What famous author did Ross write an article about? -What style of writing ages quickly? -Which critic often showed up drunk to performances? -What year was "Backward Ran Sentences" released? -Who edited "Backward Ran Sentences?" -Which critic was considered incredibly hard to impress? -Which writer had freedom to choose their subject matter? -Which writer didn't have freedom to choose their subject matter? -Which author is considered a naysayer? -Whose work is expected to be relevant longer? -There is disagreement about what fact about Lillian Ross? -Who are the world powers? -What does Iran think should happen if they need more time to reach a deal? -What crippled the economy in Iran? -According to reports, how many months will Iranians have to wait before the sanctions are lifted? -Who is Iran's leader? -what did the star pianist present on his solo recital? -When did the star pianist present Appassionata? -Who is the first pianist to double up on a solo recital since Vladimir Horowitz? -When will Mr. Kissin repeat his program played on Tuesday evening? -In what year, did Vladimir Horowitz double up on a solo recital? -What words did Brahms use to described his Three Intermezzos? -Who composed the Granada? -In what composition did Mr. Kissin echoed the same melancholy but made it sound warmer and more sensual? -What other pieces did Mr. Kissin played? -Who compose Viva Navarra? -What does the author say to the woman he pulls close to him? -Who was part of the discussion about the father's absence? -What did the man pack up and drive away in? -What can one person's perception be easily woven into? -As the man's car disappeared from view, what did the author realize? -Who was absent from every dance recital? -What was the author's desire toward his daughter? -What was the author taking refuge in, instead of being present? -Where is the Pope's family located? -What is the size of the white clapboard Colonial Revival-style? -which friends were at the social gathering? -What is the name of the president at the social gathering? -what drawing styles were present in the room? -What settings was the art collection staged? -who reported about Mr. Pope and his collections? -Who collected things that was juxtaposed? -What two individuals are to be married Sunday evening? -Where are Chryl and Madifing getting married? -Where is the Alger House located? -How old is Madifing Kaba? -Who is the officiant? -Who did Kaba find to be very engaging and always smiling? -What driving range was the couple's first kiss? -What game brought both individuals together despite thier skills? -Who took charge of ordering off the menu for the couple? -How soon was a second date planned? -Who did the monk batter with? -What is the name of the monk? -Where is the Monastery of Christ located? -Where is the reporter from? -Who interviewed brother Noah about the batter? -What is Wayfair? -What did I order? -What company delivered my order? -What were inside the two huge boxes? -What was inside the box that should have the lamp inside? -Who is the spokeswoman of Wayfair? -How much was the coupon Wayfair sent to Mr, Fisher? -Who received a $250 coupon from WayFair? -Who is Jane Carpenter? -What did the company pick up? -Where did Cam Talbot get his second straight start? -Where did Talbot get his last game? -What is the Rangers score against the west? -When did Henrik have a vascular injury? -Where is Huntsville located? -What's the value of securities issued by Greek banks in last year? -What is difficult to find when a financial system implodes? -What solution did the banks come up with when they can't find acceptable collateral? -Why do the banks manufacture and issue short term bonds? -Who is the Greek finance minister? -Why was the strategy criticized? -Who would assume responsibility for the loans if the banks failed? -Who else said the practice was a bad idea? -How many classes are provided by the United States Army? -How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? -What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? -What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? -What two weapons was used to break down a door? -How many classes are provided by the United States Army? -How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? -What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? -What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? -What two weapons was used to break down a door? -How many classes are provided by the United States Army? -How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? -What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? -What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? -What two weapons was used to break down a door? -How many classes are provided by the United States Army? -How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? -What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? -What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? -What two weapons was used to break down a door? -How many classes are provided by the United States Army? -How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? -What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? -What two weapons was used to break down a door? -What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? -How many classes are provided by the United States Army? -How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? -What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? -What two weapons was used to break down a door? -What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? -How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? -How many classes are provided by the United States Army? -What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? -What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? -What two weapons was used to break down a door? -When did Kiev ask the US for help? -What government ask the US for help? -What did Kiev request that went nowhere? -What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? -What government ask the US for help? -When did Kiev ask the US for help? -What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? -What did Kiev request that went nowhere? -What government ask the US for help? -When did Kiev ask the US for help? -What did Kiev request that went nowhere? -What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? -What government ask the US for help? -When did Kiev ask the US for help? -What did Kiev request that went nowhere? -What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? -When did Kiev ask the US for help? -What government ask the US for help? -What did Kiev request that went nowhere? -What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? -What government ask the US for help? -What did Kiev request that went nowhere? -When did Kiev ask the US for help? -What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? -What government ask the US for help? -What did Kiev request that went nowhere? -What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? -When did Kiev ask the US for help? -What government ask the US for help? -What did Kiev request that went nowhere? -What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? -When did Kiev ask the US for help? -What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? -Who expected them to know much of the basics? -What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise -What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? -What country needed instructions from the Americans? -What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? -Who expected them to know much of the basics? -What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? -What country needed instructions from the Americans? -What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise -What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? -What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise -What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? -Who expected them to know much of the basics? -What country needed instructions from the Americans? -What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? -What country needed instructions from the Americans? -Who expected them to know much of the basics? -What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise -What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? -What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? -What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? -Who expected them to know much of the basics? -What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise -What country needed instructions from the Americans? -What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? -What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? -What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise -What country needed instructions from the Americans? -Who expected them to know much of the basics? -What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? -Who expected them to know much of the basics? -What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise -What country needed instructions from the Americans? -What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? -What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? -What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise -What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? -What country needed instructions from the Americans? -Who expected them to know much of the basics? -What was the name of the American trainer -Who were referred to as little green men? -What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko -What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? -Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? -What was the name of the American trainer -Who were referred to as little green men? -What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko -What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? -Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? -What was the name of the American trainer -Who were referred to as little green men? -What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? -What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko -Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? -What was the name of the American trainer -What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? -What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko -Who were referred to as little green men? -Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? -What was the name of the American trainer -Who were referred to as little green men? -What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko -What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? -Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? -What was the name of the American trainer -What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko -What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? -Who were referred to as little green men? -Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? -What was the name of the American trainer -Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? -Who were referred to as little green men? -What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko -What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? -What was the name of the American trainer -Who were referred to as little green men? -What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko -What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? -Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? -Who were referred to as little green men? -What was the name of the American trainer -What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko -What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? -Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? -Who was the Ukrainian officer? -How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? -How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? -How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? -Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? -Who was the Ukrainian officer? -How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? -How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? -How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? -Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? -Who was the Ukrainian officer? -Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? -How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? -How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? -How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? -Who was the Ukrainian officer? -Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? -How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? -How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? -How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? -Who was the Ukrainian officer? -Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? -How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? -How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? -How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? -Who was the Ukrainian officer? -How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? -How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? -How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? -Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? -How many times has Matt Harvey started this season? -Who is Matt Harvey's favorite hockey team? -How many innings did Harvey throw in the game? -Who was the starting pitcher for the Phillies that night? -What team does Matt Harvey play for? -Where did the Rangers play hockey that night? -What conference do the Rangers play in? -What is the name of the Rangers' goalie? -Which game of the series did the Rangers play that night? -What team did the Rangers play against that night? -What kind of surgery did Matt Harvey have? -What baseball park was the Mets game played in? -Matt Harvey had an outstanding game on May 1 against which team? -How many goals did the Rangers score on Friday night? -In the game where the opposing team scores 2 goals, how many goals did the Rangers score? -How many days long is the Mets' pitching rotation? -How many innings did Hamels pitch? -In which inning did Matt Harvey strike out? -Who started off the 9th inning by hitting a single? -Who was the final batter of the ball game? -On what day will Hewlett-Packard realease its fourth quarter earnings for 2015? -What products does HP Inc, primarily sell? -What products does HPE sell? -When did HP split into two companies? -The release of the earnings report will be what kind of moment for HP? -Who is the author of this article? -What sort of goods does the company Bombadier make? -What fund was raided to prop up Bombadier's financial situation? -Bombadier also received an additional one billion dollars from where? -With whom is Bombadier trying to compete? -At this writing, how long has Pixar been in existence? -What is the latest Pixar release being discussed here? -How many films is Pixar releasing this year? -Have Pixar releases generally been successful at the box office? -At this writing, how much has the film "Inside Out" grossed worldwide? -How much rise in income do economists believe can be expected for personal income in October? -According to economists, how much will spending increase? -What does an increase in income and spending suggest? -What do policy makers at the Federal Reserve believe the economy is strong enough to withstand? -What agency releases the figures on personal income and spending? -How much was the dinner? -Who always offers to pay? -Who invited John out for drinks and steak? -What time period is John referring back to? -Who always waited for someone to pay for their bill? -Why does a person take care of the bill? -Should you take care of those less fortunate than you? -What meal did they have? -What school in the article strongly urged players to vote down the union? -How many conference commissioners supported the N.L.R.B's decision? -Did the players vote for unionization publicly or secret? -Who is the N.C.A.A.'s Chief Legal Officer? -Who was the former chairwoman of the N.L.R.B. quoted in the article? -What could the board possibly do if a similar case was brought in the future? -Who did the decision apply to? -What might be a cause of the board's decision? -Who made a solid effort for the Tigers? -who is the head coach of Texas Southern? -Where was the team from that the Tigers faced? -what titles does Arizona hold? -what is Ohio States ranking? -what regional group is Texas Southern a part of? -who filled the shoes of Bobby Knight? -who posed a problem to the wildcats? -what year did Mike Davis take the hoosiers to the finals? -what teams did Texas Southern face along the way? -Who is Munich's new Brazilian winger? -Who is Arsenal's goalkeeper? -Who is Bayern's goalkeeper? -How long did it take team Arsenal to break through during the game? -Who shot the ball that goalkeeper Manuel Neuer saved? -How many times was Neuer beaten? -Who swept in behind Manuel Neuer to bundle the ball into the net? -Who was the shooter for the free kick that Neuer misread? -When did Neuer misread the free kick from Santi Cazorla? -Who is acclaimed the best goalkeeper on Earth? -Who did the ball deflect off of? -What is the name of the new gaming winning tactic that Hector Bellerin created? -Who is Wenger's assistant? -Who shot the ball that Neuer tried stopping but still passed the goal line? -What team is Alexis Sanchez on? -"The Danish Girl" is the story of what transgender pioneer? -Who directed "The Danish Girl"? -Who directed "The King's Speech"? -Who portrays Lili Elbe in "The Danish Girl"? -Who plays Gerda in "The Danish Girl"? -Who directed "Macbeth"? -What Christmas-themed movie stars Diane Keaton, John Goodman, and Marisa Tomei? -Who plays the title role in "Macbeth"? -What movie rating does "Love the Coopers" have? -Who directed "Steve Jobs"? -Who plays the title character in "Steve Jobs"? -Who wrote "Steve Jobs" ? -Who plays Maud Watts in "Suffragette"? -Who directed "Tamasha"? -Who portrays Dalton Trumbo in "Trumbo"? -Who directed "Trumbo"? -Who plays Igor in "Victor Frankenstein"? -What movie covers the end of Dan Rather's career? -Who plays the title character in "Victor Frankenstein"? -Who is the male lead of "Machine-Gun Kelly"? -For which production company did Roger Corman direct and/or produce 40 films? -What organization is celebrating American International Pictures with a 13-film retrospective? -What film has the tagline "Some Have to Dance ... Some Have to Kill!"? -Who directed "My Neighbor Totoro"? -In what city is "Grave of the Fireflies" set? -Who directed "Grave of the Fireflies"? -In what year was "Only Yesterday" released in Japan? -What animation house produced "My Neighbor Totor" and "Grave of the Fireflies"? -The Cabaret Cinema series will end with what movie? -In the Cabaret Cinema series, the Rubin Museum of Art will host public talks about what subject? -What museum hosts the Cabaret Cinema series? -What museum is located at 150 West 17th Street in Chelsea? -What type of driver do most Rolls customers already have? -What don't most Rolls buyers not feel like doing? -What customers normally have a chauffeur? -The "autonomous" driver for most Rolls customer is called what? -Who made a splash with an automated highway driving feature? -In New York, who descended for the auto show? -For most consumers to get fully autonomous driving cars it will still take many what? -What is the automated highway driving feature by Tesla Motors called? -Which cars are suppose to have autopilot by this summer? -Who wrote the screenplay for "Steve Jobs"? -How much money did "Steve Jobs" make at the box office? -When was "Steve Jobs" released in theaters? -What other movie is Aaron Sorkin known for? -What did Walt Mossberg co-found? -How long was the column written by Walt Mossberg on Mr. Sorkin? -Who covered Apple for Newsweek and Rolling Stone? -Who covered Apple for The San Jose Mercury News? -What was Steve Jobs trying to do? -What did Steve jobs use to sell products? -Who is Steve Jobs' daughter? -Who did Lisa Brennan-Jobs speak to for the film? -Who was Steve Jobs' wife? -What did the subject's sister study in school? -What was her sister's first job after school? -What did she talk about at every single meal? -What did the subject study in college? -Where did the subject ultimately end up working? -Who was the subject working for when having their "ah-ha moment"? -What was Swarovski focused on in 1992? -Who did the subject's grandfather tell of meeting? -Who was the subject's modern day equivalent designer? -What would secretary give the children that they were not allowed to have at home? -How many cousins of the father were helping lead the group? -Where would the father take the subject and sister? -Where would the children sit during their father's meetings? -Which number estimate will be published later this year? -What percentage of a gain did manufacturing inventories increase in May? -What month was there a 0.6 manufacturing inventories increase? -How many months of consecutive decreases in unfilled orders at factories was there? -Who reported that there was a 2.3 percent annual pace in economy expansion? -What do police have to do? -Why would not going before a juvenile court make a difference for a child? -What would be a good thing? -How did the adults make the kids feel? -What were adults doing for the kids? -Who is actively play as a pitcher? -When did Gallardo join the team? -What team Gallardo is in currently? -What is the name of the team Gallardo previously joined before the transfer? -In what league Gallardo in? -What company is going to unveil an overhaul to their mobile payment products? -What is the name of Gina Rinehart's daughter? -Who is going to acquire Broadcom? -Who is Australia's most wealthiest person? -High-quality protein refers to what? -Federally, safety warning on food products is going to retire what warning in egg? -What is high-quality food in nature? -What food is hard and oval? -With what condition did Dr. Mapstone diagnose Sandy? -What did Dr. Mapstone tell Sandy the amnestic M.C.I. would become within 10 years? -What did Sandy promise herself she would do about her condition? -What color was Sandy's upstairs study? -Where was Dr. mapstone's office located? -Where was Sandy tested? -What did Sandy declare she would do before allowing Alzheimer's to take over her? -What was the first diagnoses Mapstone gave to Sandy? -How many years was Sandy separated from her husband? -What would mild cognitive impairment eventually lead to? -How long after her Amnestic M.C.I. diagnosis did Sandy progress to Alzheimer's disease? -Where did Sandy work before her retirement? -Which difficult novel did Sandy read? -Where was Emily living in November 2010? -Who were most of Emily's friends who went on walks around Ithica with her" -What did Sandy do around Ithaca with friends? -Where did Sandy retire from? -How long after Sandy was initially diagnosed did her disease develop into Alzheimer's? -Who had brought Sandy two books? -Where was Emily living? -What would Sandy do to the character's names? -Who would Sandy cuddle with? -Who was surprised to see Sandy in a traditional grandmother role? -What would Sandy add to some of the drawings in books? -Where were Sandy's treatments located? -Who would go with Sandy to her treatments in Manhattan? -How would Daryl and Sandy get to Sandy's treatments in Manhattan? -How often would Sandy go in for her treatments? -Which country did Sandy order something from? -Where did Bev reside? -Who would try to explain to Sandy who Robyn was? -What did Sandy order from Mexico? -How many bottles of pentobarbital had Sandy ordered from Mexico? -Who was Emily angry over picking a date so soon? -Who did Emily sit down with to discuss Sandy's situation? -When was Sandy's birthday? -Who did not like conflict? -Besides Daryl, who took the stand against AT&T? -When was Sandy's life celebrated? -Who joined to celebrate Sandy's life? -Who filed a suit against AT&T? -Who asked Bev whom was Emily's mother? -Who quoted a poem by Fred Chappell? -Where did Daryl read a quote from a poem? -How long did it take for Sandy to go unconscious after getting into bed? -When was Sandy's memorial service held? -What has led to the situation of marketplace confusion? -What does the book "The Reel Truth" contain in terms of content? -Who wrote the book "The Reel Truth"? -How much increase did Full Sail see in the amount of applicants from 2012 to 2013? -In which year did Full Sail begin offering a masters program? -What have schools started placing more emphasis on? -Who is the president of the American Film Institute in Los Angeles? -Which has replaced movie stars as the main reason why people buy movie tickets? -Which country has become a major movie producer in the USA? -Which race drives the North American box office according to industry data? -Which studen mentioned that they were pleased to have real world education rather than book material? -Which company tapes a wresting even at the school campus? -Which year did Gary A. Rizzo graduate from college? -Which director created the movie "Inception"? -Which year did Steve Cainas receive his associate's degree? -Which club was Steve Cainas inducted into? -Where does Steve Cainas work as a production assistant? -Which HBO movie was Steve Cainas involved with? -What dish did one diner state was the best they had ever had? -What did the other diner state? -Who is the owner of ABC cocina? -What hashtag was used for the debate? -What rating did readers give the recipe? -What part started the chaos? -who came in first in the Boston Marathon? -what year was it when Meb Keflezigh achieved victory? -what song was played at the end of the run? -how long have US women have gone without winning the marathon? -how well did Flanagan do in the event in the prior year? -what two countries seem to dominate the race? -prior to Keflezighi, when was the last time the US men won? -how man times has Kenya won in the past? -how many blasts were there? -how many people were injured in the bombing? -how far back was Deba from Jeptoo's time in the prior year? -what did Flanagan think about the upcoming event? -how many women had times of 2:22:38 or faster? -What did Flanagan have to say about the women's abilities? -Who is the foreign minister of Lithuania? -What is Didier Reynders' title? -What is the name of the agreement between Ukraine and Russian-backed rebels? -Who is the high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy? -What day of the week did Federica Mogherini hold a news conference? -Who is the Italian foreign minister? -Which country is Russia a large economic partner with? -Which country runs Gazprom? -What industry is Gazprom in? -What does Gazprom export? -What does republicans prefer? -Where was this post published at? -What kind of experience republican are requesting their candidate has? -What margin this candidate should have? -What is the name of the show mentioned in this article? -During the opening number the cast was singing and dancing like a road company in what century? -What is the opening number for "Something Rotten!"? -When was opening of the show suppose to be taking place? -Where was the opening number taking place? -Who led the number that foresaw the shape of entertainment to come? -"Omelette" is a misreading of what? -Who was Kate Reinders doing an impressions of? -Who stars as Nick's stalwart wife Bea? -The show reminds you of scenes from what skit TV show? -Who wasn't meant to play Nick? -Who is a glam rock star in this play? -What role did Mr. Borle win a Tony for playing? -What is both too much and not enough? -What eludes the grasp of Mr. d'Arcy James? -What did Mrs. Clinton claim is a part of many American communities? -What were her comments unlikely to do for proponents of gun laws? -What did Mrs. Clinton urge broad policies regarding? -What type of reform did Mrs. Clinton propose? -What was the purpose of these reforms? -What have states moved to do? -Who is it harder for to obtain weapons? -What is one metric used to identify potential shooters? -What is another subject of legislation in Congress? -What type of order was the gunman in Louisiana a subject of? -How many people did police say were killed in Charleston? -what condition allowed the Charleston shooter to purchase a gun? -How long before a firearms dealer can sell without background check? -Who proposed legislation to close the firearm loophole? -What political party does James E. Clyburn belong to? -What are gun violence experts interested in? -What is one example of an indication for gun violence? -What type of conviction MIGHT be a good indicator? -Who is the director of Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research? -What can we state about singular gun laws in regards to mass shootings? -Who is the neurosurgeon that was preparing for the brain surgery? -Ben Carson would ask for help from who before his surgeries? -After packing up his neurosurgeon days, what is Ben Carson's new profession? -What religion does Ben Carson follow/practice? -Who denounced Mr. Carson because he is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination? -Mr. Carson stated he would defend his beliefs/faith against who? -Mr. Carson was invited to what last spring? -In what year did Mr. Carson state his positions on skepticism? -Who attended Pope Francis' visit to Congress last month? -Adventism faced problems with which denominations? -Some Adventists claimed a lack of tolerance from what religion? -What did Mr. Carson oppose fiercely? -Mr. Carson claimed who should not be a president? -The religion and Mr. Carson focus on primarily what? -Who is a retired Adventist chaplain and is independent? -Who is president and chief executive of Family Leader? -In what year did Mr. Romney receive support from evangelicals? -Mr. Plaats claimed Mr. Carson's religion would not be an issue unless what become central to politics? -Who threw out a fleece for people to check out? -What religious denomination does Mr. Carson follow? -What kind of deli shouldnt be required to cater events for the Nation of Islam? -What type of printer should not be forced to print tracts for a right-wing cause?? -Who was denied services under Jim Crow? -If not issues of identity, what type of issues are they? -What would the author bring to a party if asked? -What are the businesses facing that dont want to work gay nuptials? -What seems possible and reasonable? -The family has had its share of divorces and what other thing? -Who just exchanged vows with his longtime boyfriend? -How does he describe these issues, besides difficult? -Who feels justified by scripture? -How would he feel about attending a gay wedding? -Besides attending a gay wedding what else would make the author uncomfortable? -What region was the race debate specific to? -Who originally innovated bans on interracial marriage? -How does Jesus change sex rules? -Where were the Israelites located? -Who was the early church separated from because of their views of sexuality? -What is the Christian idea? -What does God do when we fail? -What are they prisoners of? -Who has to accept this idea? -Who was ranked last in the game at Purdue? -Who lost the game? -How many carries did Vaughn get? -How many carries did Ferguson get? -Luke Falk scored how many touchdowns? -Cougars were playing against what team? -Who is the coach of the Cougars? -The Hurricades beat which team? -Where will Aya Jones be modelling this year? -For which company did Aya Jones model in 2015? -Who is bringing Aya Jones to the United States? -What is Aya Jones' profession? -Where was Aya Jones discovered? -Which ethnicity is Adrienne? -How many shows did Adrienne earn from New York Fashion Week? -What type of American clothing will Adrienne be modeling? -Who did Adrienne travel to America with? -Who was the first Asian to model for Valentino? -What ethnicity is Liya Kebede? -Whose Shainghai show did Fei Fei Sun appear in? -Which model is twenty-six years old? -What is the social media networking site that is being flooded with political opinions? -What are some users of Facebook doing when they find other opinions to be unappealing or offending in some manner? -Due to Facebook's algorithm and user's deleting friends with differing opinions what sort of environment is being created on the platform? -What is a central promise of the internet that is being broken by users disconnecting themselves from others with different views? -What actress did a female facebook user remove from her IG after they posted a view that differed from her own? -Facebook user John Thrasher disconnected from which member of his immediate family due to political posts? -Mike Massaroli's friends frat brother's sometimes refer to him as what? -What state does Bernie Sanders hail from? -What is the name of the Facebook spokesman that is quoted? -What is the new platform on Facebook being used to share political ads by campaigns? -What is Facebook set to tap into as a revenue Stream? -Who is the chief strategist for Rand Paul's campaign? -When were Rand Paul's Facebook avatars, meme's and etc made available to his supporters? -What was Mr. Thrashers reason for creating a list of conservative friends? -Who is Facebook's founder? -Who shows up in your newsfeed? -Many people are politically passionate about which upcoming political race? -When did mastodons become extinct? -What else became extinct along with mastodons? -What type of animal were mastodons? -Who was one of the study's authors? -What is Logon Kistler's occupation? -How many runnings of the Kentucky Derby have there been? -How many points does the first ranked horse have? -How many finishers earn points? -Who is the trainer of the second ranked horse? -Who is the first ranked horse's dad? -Who is J.D.'s first choice? -Who is Carpe Diem's jockey? -What are Carpe Diem's odds to win? -How long is the Kentucky Derby? -Who is Carpe Diem's trainer? -How many points does Materiality have? -Which horse won the Florida Derby? -Who is Afleet Alexs son? -What are Upstart's odds to win? -Which horse had a fever during the weekend? -What team did La'el Collins formerly play for? -Was Collins named a suspect in the murder of Brittney Mills? -Why did the police want to talk to La'el Collins? -Was Collins ever drafted? -Who did Ed Reed sign a one-day contract with? -How old was the student being sought for a fatal shooting? -Who was fatally shot? -What is the name of shooter? -Who is he accused of killing? -When was Rob Lane shot? -From whom did we hear the most views about the Vietnam War? -Who is the confession address? -How many people were hired last month? -What company does Phil Orlando work at? -What is the unemployment rate? -Who is president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia? -What was the average monthly payroll increase in 2013? -What percent of Americans are in the labor force? -What percent did the jobless rate for African-Americans increase by in November? -What is the jobless rate for African-Americans? -What is the jobless rate for white Americans? -What statistic is near multidecade lows? -How many more jobs are needed to match pre-recession levels? -In what year is the "jobs gap" predicted to close? -How much did wages increase in November? -October saw how much of a percentage point increase in average hourly earnings? -What is largely responsible for decreasing the pace of inflation? -Where did Kelly receive his walking papers? -How many straight wins do Eagles have? -How many games does N.F.L. Week 7 score and highlight into the 2015 season? -How many yards did Eagles' offense average in its last two games? -What is the name of the quarterback of Eagles who had poor play? -Who was the maker of Botox? -Who is paying $2.1 billion in cash and shares for Kythera Biopharmaceuticals? -Who makes a treatment for double chins? -Which company is being sold? -Allergan is paying for Kythera Biopharmaceuticals in cash and what? -Where is Hill-Rom based? -Who is the president of Hill-Rom? -Why does Hill-Rom want to acquire Welch Allyn? -Which company believes the deal would enhance the products it offers to health care providers? -Who is willing to pay for Welch Allyn? -The deal is subject to approval of who? -Where is Kythera based? -When is the deal expected to close? -When was Kythera founded? -Kythera is focused on what market? -What does architects created in the 70's? -what does bottom and bread was considered to be? -In what year was the begging of Hippie Modernism? -What did Evelyn Roth do to stand up from the rest? -which Italian architect cooked up a tabletop dispenser for incense? -Who was the rest left up to? -When did the season begin? -What type of work did the tapes show Pierr-Paul doing? -What is Pierre-Paul's first name? -Who attacked Planned Parenthood in Wednesday's debate? -Who did Fiorina dare, during the debate? -Which organization claimed the video was stock footage used for dramatization? -How did PolitiFact rate the truthfulness of Fiorina's comments? -Who claimed that Fiorina has a habit of making things up? -What organization is claimed to not provide health care for Fiorina? -What organization did Fiorina become C.E.O of in 1999? -What did Fiorina say about glass ceilings? -Who claimed that Fiorina's feminism is all about the fortunes of Fiorina herself? -What does Fiorina claim is not the subject of the story? -What do women in tech underplay? -What happens when women speak up in meetings or negotiations? -What advice should women NOT be given in 2015? -Mr. Wadhwa wrote his article in response to what? -What is Cate Huston's career? -Who requested doping bans? -How many people evaded doping tests? -Fabrizio Donato won what medal at the 2912 London Olympics? -Andrew how was the winner of the Silver medal in what year? -How many athletes that evaded doping tests were to compete at Rio de Janeiro games? -What did China's securities regulator lift its moratorium on? -By when will China's security regulators lift the moratorium on new stock market listings? -Who reported the lifting of the moratorium? -How many companies will be allowed to proceed with listing in the coming weeks? -How soon will the new listings proceed? -When did the government take extraordinary measures? -What were the extraordinary measures taken to prevent? -How has the stock market performed since August? -What has proven challenging for Chinese regulators? -How much are new stocks permitted to rise on their first day? -What have financial regulators been cracking down on recently? -Who is called the Carl Icahn of China? -In which markets is insider trading rampant? -Under the new guidelines, what country has access to China's markets? -For what crime was Xu Xiang arrested? -What organization did the two abducted members belong to? -Where did the abduction take place? -When did the civil war start? -Who was the second to be abducted? -Who is Aron Johannsson? -Where is he moving to? -How old is Johannsson? -What does this move mean for Johannsson? -What else does this event effect? -How long has Johannsson been with AZ Alkmaar? -What big event did Johannsson play a big part in for his team? -What did Johannsson think of the Bundesliga? -Who was the last USA player to be in a high ranked league? -Who was sold Johannsson's rights? -Who went with Dempsey to the M.L.S? -Where was Johannsson raised? -How did injuries affect Johannson? -Who is in charge of the US national team? -When did Johannsson decide to become loyal to Iceland? -Who does the US fear? -What is the US and Russia's shared goal? -How long has they Syrian crisis lasted? -When will the proposal too overhaul the justice system be made? -What would the criminal justice proposal do? -What is a priority for president Obama? -How long has the talks on the trans Pacific partnership been deadlocked? -When does Oregon's medical marijuana shops begin sales? -Who will be to make purchases Oregon's medical marijuana shop? -Which states is allowing the sales of marijuana to recreational users? -What show does haven't to worry about being dropped? -Who is a guest on the "The Late Show"? -How much are Alaskan's given in dividends every year? -Where do the dividends Alaskan's receive come from? -When did Alaskan's begin to receive dividends from oil royalties. -Who called rescuing specific institutions an unpleasant necessity? -Which country has the political will to bail out financial institutions? -Which country does not have the political will to bail out financial institutions? -Who gets the most information about a bank's problems in China? -Is transparency for financial institutions greater in China or the United States? -What product is Apple accused of copying? -Who makes the Surface product? -What was Apple's best quarter ever? -What percentage of Apple's income is generated from their smartphone? -What year did Apple set a record for profits of a publicly traded company? -What is Cook's title? -Where does Toni work? -What can the iPad replace? -Who is a Bernstein analyst? -What was the previous cost of Apple TV? -What is an additional function of the remote control? -What does Cook think is the future of TV? -What type of app is AirStrip? -Who discussed upgrades to the Apple Watch? -What year was Young an All-Star for Arizona? -Who is the Yankees manager? -What is Young hitting this season? -How many homers does Young have? -How many players have at least 70 plate appearances each? -Where is Somalia's capital? -What group has claimed responsibility for the recent attacks in the capital? -Of the people killed in the attack, were civilians targeted? -How did the attackers break into the property? -How were the militants stopped? -what broadcaster was the boss of an American reporter? -where were defendants put on trial? -who was imprisoned? -has a decision been reached? -When does President Xi meet the president of the US? -When did Yoko Ono stage her pretend show at MoMA? -How many note cards made up Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings? -When does Yoko Ono's MoMA show end? -When was Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings released? -Who had a show at MoMA after staging a fake show in 1971? -What day did fire fighters take on their six day battling wild fires? -How big is Rocky Fire? -How many acres were caught on fire? -How much is the fire said to be contained at the time of the article? -How low has the rain levels been in CA over the past three years? -What was the captain's name that spoke in the article? -What has to be done for the changed fire behavior? -Where were the crews cutting trees and getting up some of the underbrush? -Where can fire not catch? -What is one of the most painful processes? -What day did the fire go across highway 20? -How was the fire spreading? -Where did some of the evacuees sleep at during the fire? -What did people at the shelter eat? -What was the chance of Rocky Fire igniting? -Who couldn't renew his lease? -Why could Zaro's not stay where he was? -What was the relation of Joseph Zaro to Stuart Zaro? -What is Stuart's title in his company? -Who is Stuart Zaro's Grandfather? -Who managed Mr. Zaro's bakery building? -Whom would replace the bakery, according to Olshan Properties? -What happened when reporters tried to contact Mr. Livan regarding the bakery? -What neighborhood was losing all the middle income type businesses? -What were customers buying at Zaro's? -Which New York borough had the highest percent of new chain stores between 2014 and 2015? -How many chain stores were in the Bronx in 2015? -Who was the manager at Zaro's for 9 years as of 2015? -What did a lot of customers say they'd miss at Zaro's when they close? -How many chain stores were in the Bronx in 2014? -What was the reaction of people as they came to Zaro's one last time? -Who couldn't believe Zaro's had to leave? -What did employees at Zaro's know about their customers as soon as they saw them? -How many had tears and wondered about losing Zaro's? -What couldn't Mr. Monzu believe? -Who isn't a mom and pop but is a chain? -When did Zaro's first come to this neighborhood? -What races make up the neighborhood around the Zaro's in 2015? -What type of neighborhood was the area around Zaro's historically? -What Borough does Mr. Zaro love, that has been good to him? -What would the NO. 1 rule of transporting wolverines be? -What was the name of the wolverine that escaped at an airport? -Which airport experienced a wolverine escaping from it's cage? -From which country was the wolverine being sent? -To which state was the wolverine being sent to? -Who is the executive director of the conservation center? -Which terminal was a Port Authority police officer summoned to? -Which medication was administered to the wolverine in order to calm it down? -What was the name of the zoo that sent the wolverine from Norway? -Which classification of drug was administered? -What does the weekends Maneuvering most likely allow Mr. Renzi to do? -What is Mr. Renzi attempting to speed up reforms of? -What is it that Is claimed Italy is living on? -What should Mr. Renzi not waste? -Who is Mr. Renzi a political figure for? -Which party is Mr. Renzi the leader for? -Why is the support of his rival needed for the Italian Prime Minister? -Where does Forza Italia stand politically? -Who is Mr. Renzi been in a uneasy pact with? -What is the difficulty with the current system the country has? -What is the post of President in Italy's status of power considered? -Who was it that Mr. Renzi nominated for the Presidency? -Who's party was divided by The nomination of Mattarella? -Which direction does Mattarella sway politically? -What year was legislation passed that benifited Mri Berlusconi's media ventures? -Who was disadvantaged by their party's support by the nomination of the new President? -Where are Berlusconi's current interests focused? -What is the one problem that Mr. Renzi faces with his mentioned victory? -How has the Renzi-Berlosconi pact been affected recently? -What kind of maneuvers is accredited to the current prime minister? -What is Ms.Simpson's birth name? -Does Ms. Simpson prefer to be addressed as a she or a he when referring to her drag persona? -How many photographs did MS. Simpson take between 1987 and 1996 or drag performers? -What was Page Potter Reynolds wearing when Ms. Simpson photographed her? -What is the name of the photo book that Ms. Simpson created? -Where did Ms. Simpson used to party in her college days? -When did Ms. Simpson first start wearing drag attires? -What inspired Ms. Simpson to start wearing drag? -What was the name of the weekly drag party hosted by Ms. Simpson? -How does Ms. Simpson earn money to live? -Where is Interpublic based? -Who is the Chairman of Interpublic? -Where is the Interpublic Group gaining a stronger foothold? -What other countries besides Russia does ADV do business in? -Who is Interpublic's longtime partner in Russia? -Where is the advertising company Grupo ABC located? -When did Omnicom announce DDB's purchase of Grupo ABC? -What parent company is DDB Worldwide a division of? -Who owns the majority stake of the Russian affiliates of McCann, Mullen Lowe, and FCB? -How much does Interpublic reserve every year for company acquisitions? -When might Congress approve closing military bases? -What does BRAC stand for? -How many bases does BRAC not apply to? -How many bases in Germany does BRAC not apply to? -How many bases in South Korea does BRAC not cover? -What did the court sentence a nurse to life in prison for on Thursday? -Why did the nurse administer overdoses of heart medication to patients? -How old was the nurse? -what was the name of the nurse? -How many deaths are the police investigating that occurred at hospitals where Niels H. worked? -Which region had France's largest force of resistant fighters? -What year will every name in the records be public? -What museum holds the wartime collaboration records? -Which historian said the records would provide a picture of France's involvement? -Which zone had the most collaborationists? -Who is the leader of the National Front? -What year did the city host a European Union conference? -Which leader believed that Vichy cured his rheumatism? -Who is the president of the Auvergne region? -What political party does the president of the Auvergne region belong to? -How old was the person that was attacked? -What was the assailant wearing? -Where was the victim from? -Where was the victim taken for medical treatment? -Who was at the hospital with the victim? -When did the attack occur? -Where did the student go for education? -How long did the attack on the student last for? -What street did the attack happen on? -What was Myanmar previous known as? -How many families in Ban Rak Thai were once members or descendants of the Lost Army? -Why did Nationalist soldiers flee east? -Which division fled west, instead? -What ethnicity does Liang Zhengde identify as? -Which ethnicity are most of the tourists to the village? -At what age did Mr. Huang join the army? -Who funded Huang's museum? -For what reason did the government give funds to the museum? -For what reasons is the area attractive to tourists? -Other than Mr. Huang's district, where is another museum with similar purpose? -Why does the older generation feel that 1912 was important? -Which generation uses a different "year one"? -Huang feels that all Taiwanese and Chinese people are of what roots? -What type of victims were involved in the conviction? -What was the name of the second educator? -What did the school claim the case was? -What was the name of the first educator? -Who was freed from prison on Friday? -What did the Supreme Court permitted to political committees? -What does mainly pay the 2012 version of presidential super PACs? -In what Mr. Rommey spent 97.6 percent of his money? -In what Mr. Obama spent the money assigned for his camping? -What's the aim of the democratic super PAC? -Why do girls often mute their headsets when gaming? -Do boys or girls have a harder time being respected within the gaming community? -Who did the study on gaming habits of middle and high school aged people? -How do girls deal with being called names and made fun of while gaming? -What percentage of young men play internet games? -Who conducted the research study about the gaming community? -Who is the director of the Critical Gaming Lab at Eastern Kentucky University? -What percentage of young women say they play internet games? -What word is proposed to better identify what a gamer is? -Why do women avoid calling themselves gamers? -What percentage of women gamers identify as gamers? -What percentage of male gamers identify as gamers? -What percentage of men play videogames? -What percentage of women play videogames? -Which two states had schools that did not handle their responsibilities properly? -Which city was included in a suit because their schools did not get Achievement First? -Which network was involved in a suit? -What did the New York City Education and New York State Education Department fall behind in making? -What happened to the New York City Department of Education and the New York State Education Department for not being able to get Achievement First? -Which charter schools network have been closely looked at for their severe behavior codes? -What schools are backed financially by the public? -What do charter schools need to give children that have special requirements? -What would be the cause for a young child to be suspended from school? -What groups state that disabled children don't always get qualified services from schools? -How do you get all the best of Upshot? -Where was there a lot of talk about experience in running the government? -Which newspaper tried to assess how well the candidates were doing? -Who had a pretty good record? -This week a lot of good stuff was found where? -What was the original topic of the paper? -Why are Americans consuming less calories? -Who gave information regarding the risks of consuming meat? -Who gave information on Americans consuming less sugary carbonated beverages? -Besides showing where soda is most consumed, what did the maps show? -The turn in bond market has little to do with what? -What are investors nervous about? -What is hitting the US market? -Who is Guy LeBas? -How low did the US treasury yield sink in April? -what do people expect to happen when they sell negative yielding bonds? -How are banks raising cash? -What has selling treasury bonds done for banks -Where are treasury bonds being sold? -What are the theatrical production values to promote? -What company is behind IMpossible IZZpossible? -What series is the performance part of? -Who is the company's founder? -What is the chief distinction of the choreography? -What are the performers' impressive specialty steps? -What is the show a string of? -How is spiritual striving expressed? -What are the performer's wearing over their faces? -What can hip-hop dance address? -Where did Didion grow up? -What is the title of Didion's 2003 book? -What is one descriptor of the overall tone of her book? -Is Didion male or female? -What work did Ken Kalfus publish in 2003? -What will be the year of the super PACs? -Who created super PACs for individual candidates? -Who used a super PAC to get re-elected after denouncing them? -What is the campaign contribution limit per donor in the primary? -What is the limit per donor for general election? -Who play Alex? -Who accompanied the star? -What is the attraction of Venice? -Where did the arched walkways ever feature? -What is shown on the Venice sign? -What novel did Michiko Kakutani review? -What was Atticus Finch perceived as fighting in the Deep South? -When and where did the narrator grow up? -What book was published in 1960? -What did the South and the United States need? -Who wrote to the editor? -What previously/essentially existed in the South? -Where was Troy taken to visit? -What character was featured in "Watchman"? -Who could the fictional Atticus be imagined defending? -What do others find nuance in? -What should readers not struggle to reconcile? -What two novels was Atticus Finch featured in? -How should readers treat "Go Set a Watchman"? -What title does the narrator assign this novel? -What play by Darren Sproles gave Philadelphia a 21 point lead? -Which New England player threw for a score? -Who came charging back? -What is the name of the New England team? -What did the Patriots force, giving Brady another chance? -How many times did Larry Fitzgerald top 1,000 receiving yards in a season? -What were the Rams shy of by 15000 tickets? -Who is the youngest player to reach 1,000 career catches? -Whose pass did Danny Trevathan intercept? -Who was injured? -How long was the longest N.F.L.'s home skid? -Who ended this longest home skid? -What is the name of the Tennessee team? -How many touchdowns were there in the fourth quarter? -This has been the most touchdowns in fourth quarter since what year? -Who wants gay superheros to be normal? -Who is the artist for Wonder Woman and Spider-man? -What is a smart business move? -What studio featured "First Person"? -What benefits all readers? -Who designed the graphic memoir "Fun Home"? -When was Fun Home released? -Who is the publisher of Archie Comics? -When was Kevin Keller wrote in? -What is being aimed at young readers? -Who is the editor at Boom! -Who created Lumberjanes? -What series is about summer camp and 5 girls? -Which disease has the greatest health care cost in the last five years of life? -How much was the average care of cost for a patient who died of heart disease? -What was the average cost of care for a person with dementia for their final five years of life? -How much was the average cost of care for a cancer patient? -How much does Medicare pay out to those with dementia, heart disease or cancer? -What is the average out-of-pocket cost for a patient with dementia? -How much higher are out of pocket cost for a dementia patient than one with heart disease or cancer? -How much of caregiver care is reimbursed by Medicare? -What is Dr. Amy S Kelley's medical specialty? -Where does Dr. Kenneth Covinsky practice? -How long do dementia patients require constant care? -What percentage of racial minority dementia patients use savings until nothing is left? -What takes over payment once a dementia patients savings are depleted? -Where is the nursing home Dr. Benson lives? -How much did Dr. Benson's first nursing home cost per month? -How much of her own money did Ms. Olson spend on her mother's care? -What happened to Ms. Olson's money by the time she died? -How much did John Rakis spend on care for his mother-in-law? -When did John Rakis wife die? -What did he promise his wife when she died? -What do these products allow borrowers to do? -What is better about the all-in-one option? -What feeling among lenders might ease in the coming months? -To which new date was the implementation postponed? -What are the new rules intended to accomplish? -How long are most short-term loans? -What is short-term financing exempt from? -What type of requirements would apply under the new rules? -Mr. Weinberg believes that lenders will need more guidance about what? -What is one common type of short-term financing? -Whose skill does Girardi complement? -According to the author, which fanbase has strong feelings about Rodriguez? -Which moniker has Rodriguez accepted from fans? -How is Rodriguez welcomed when playing on the road? -How much was Rodriguez' contract with the Rangers worth? -What is Mrs. Geller's job? -Where does Mrs. Geller work? -Where does the bride's mother teach? -What company was the groom's father the owner of? -What university did the bride graudate from? -On what day of the week did John Boehner announce his retirement? -How old is Representative McCarthy? -Representative McCarthy is from which state? -John Boehner held which position in the House of Representatives? -Who is widely suspected to seek the post as Boehner's replacement as speaker? -In what year did Mr. Thomas retire? -Why did Mr. McCarthy rise through the republican ranks so quickly? -What was the name of the group comprised of Cantor, Ryan and McCarthy? -On which day of the week did Boehner announce his retirement? -Who lost their re-election that forced Boehner to put off his retirement plans? -How much warning did Boehner give to McCarthy about his announcement to retire? -How many times did Boehner have to tell McCarthy that he was retiring? -Did there appear to be any challengers to McCarthy's ambitions to be speaker? -What type of conservatives would propose no other candidate to speaker? -What group did Boehner deliver his retirement announcement to? -Is the writer in the majority of user opinions on this essay? -When does the writer feel most like a consumer? -How does the writer feel about the price of tickets currently? -Is the writer a frequent traveller? -What does the writer love most about this essay? -Is the writer a frequent flier? -What does the writer care about most in a flight experience? -Who does the writer blame for creating the class system? -How many miles per year did this writer travel for work? -Does this writer find airline status important? -What did this writer do with their airline miles? -Why does this writer travel frequently? -Where did the New York Times DealBook conference take place? -When did the global financial markets into a tailspin? -What day of the week did the New York Times DealBook conference take place? -What is the name of Morgan Stanley's chairman and chief executive? -What did James P. Gorman speak about at the New York Times DealBook conference? -What is the name of the president and chief operating partner of Goldman Sachs Group? -What did Gary Cohn say that he had no real concern about? -To be elected a managing director for Goldman Sachs puts on track to become what? -What sort of company was Goldman Sachs before it became a global pubicly traded company? -When will the induction of the managing director class at Goldman Sachs Group begin? -Who is Mr. Sacca in relation to Twitter? -What race predominately runs the companies in Silicon Valley? -What race is overindexed to Twitter? -What gender predominates in Silicon Valley? -What does Mr. Sacca think about the fact that upper management and boards of Silicon Valley companies are primarily white? -What worries Mr. Sacca? -What are some examples Mr. Sacca gives as to why he thinks the computer science students are 'unidimensional'? -What is the name of Netflix's chief executive? -What company has unlimited vacation for their employees? -What new employee benefit did Netflix recently introduce? -Where was the cruise ship figuratively headed? -Why couldn't the chief engineer stay at his post? -What nationality is the cruise director? -Where did the ship set sail from? -What is the name of the ship? -Who agreed to accompany Helen to the hanging? -What city does this story take place in? -What was the street entertainment? -What country is this story set in? -Who was the perfect mate for John Delahunt? -Who posted a self-portrait photograph? -What platform did Markisha post her photograph on? -What was Markisha's specialty? -Markisha used a hashtag, what was it? -How many samples of photographs did the writer look at? -Who is Marcelo Aguirre? -Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? -What is Marcelo studying to be? -What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? -Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? -Who is Marcelo Aguirre? -What is Marcelo studying to be? -Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? -What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? -Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? -Who is Marcelo Aguirre? -Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? -What is Marcelo studying to be? -Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? -What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? -Who is Marcelo Aguirre? -What is Marcelo studying to be? -What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? -Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? -Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? -Who is Marcelo Aguirre? -What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? -Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? -What is Marcelo studying to be? -Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? -Who is Marcelo Aguirre? -What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? -What is Marcelo studying to be? -Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? -Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? -Who is Marcelo Aguirre? -Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? -What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? -What is Marcelo studying to be? -Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? -What are the people who are restless after hours called? -The patients who talk for hours are referred as? -Where does Pierre Bell work? -How old is Bell's child? -What unit are these patients in? -Who is the European Union's competition commissioner? -Who filed the antitrust case against google? -Who did the European Union regulators file an antitrust against? -What marketplace is fluid and unpredictable? -Who filed the antitrust case? -Against who was the antitrust case filed? -When was the antitrust case filed? -What does Margrethe Vestager do? -What's the reason for skepticism against the fight against Google? -Who is Geoffrey A. Manne -What is the International Center of Law and Economics about? -From who has the International Center for Law and Economics received funding? -In what year was the law review article comparing the antitrust pursuit against Google to the Microsoft case published? -What could make traditional search engine less central? -What could happen if the regulators emerge victorious? -How are the similarities in the cases against Microsoft and Google? -In which area has Microsoft once had a dominant position in the worldwide market? -How many searches are done on Google in Europe? -When did Microsoft argue that bundling its web browser with its operating system was good for customers? -What kind of customers would bundling the web browser with operating system be good for? -What does every computer, tablet and smartphone ship with today? -Why does every computer, tablet and smartphone ship with built-in browsers? -What would complaining that Google is lifting its own vertical search engine over other vertical search engines be like? -What is Danny Sullivan's job? -What is Search Engine Land about? -What are people looking for when they go to a search engine? -Who missed ways in which Microsoft was vulnerable? -What did officials not anticipate? -What year was the ruling against Microsoft? -What did the ruling against Microsoft find? -When did Apple release the iPhone? -What's the bigger threat for Google? -What's Google's favored fomain? -Where do people now spend more time? -What does the rise of apps diminish? -Where does Mr. Manne work? -What could be the reason Google is the monopoly power in search? -What gave rise to Google? -Which company has the potential of another giant in search? -Where did a viewing take place for the film? -What device did people reading the New York Times use to view the film? -What type of film was "The Displaced?" -Which actress moderated for Women in the World? -Who contributed to the Women in the World event? -In what part of Lebanon is Hana Abdullah currently present? -What is Hana Abdullah keeping a record of? -In what type of place did Hana and other children work? -Who was taking photographs for "The Displaced?" -Who was the United Nations spokeswoman who talked about the problems surrounding the children? -How much notice does the NYTimes need for events? -In what geographical area is the Ulster Performing Arts Center? -Which comedian will be performing on April 12th? -What is the address for the Ulster Performing Arts Center? -What genre of music does Al Stewart perform? -Which Hudson Valley religious organization will feature musicians on April 11th? -Which business is located on 52 Main Street? -What is the website for The Purple Crayon? -What genre does Scott Sharrard and the Brick Yard Band perform? -What is the name of the Grateful Dead tribute band? -Where will Dead on Live be playing? -What phone number should you call to get tickets to Dead On Live? -Which band plays contemporary Italian music? -Which artist will be giving a talk on April 12th? -How much do the author talks and book signings cost? -Which president will be the topic of the St. Paul's Church event? -What is the address of the "Mourning Lincoln" event? -What is the cost for Artie Vierkant's talk? -Where can one view embroidery? -What is the address of the Greenburgh Nature Center? -What number should I call to purchase "Explorations of Love and Lust" tickets? -When is Open Mike Night? -What is the number to call for open mike night? -Where is open mike night? -What book is Veera Hiranadani going to discuss? -When is the book discussion? -Where is "The Gee's Bend Tradition" group show? -How much does "The Orchid Show: Chandeliers" cost? -Whose paintings are shown at "A Place to Remember"? -What is the website for the Carrie Haddad Gallery? -What is the Hudson Davis Orton Gallery showing? -Who are the "Whispered" glass and intaglio prints by? -What website can you visit to find more information on "Whispered"? -Where is the New York Gallery? -Who painted the "Hudson River Moods" paintings? -Why type of paintings are the "Hudson River Moods"? -What is the Clay Art Center's website? -What is the Clay Art Center's phone number? -What number should I call to reach the Duck Pond Gallery? -Where is the "Through the Looking Glass: Daguerreotype Masteworks From the Dawn of Photography" being shown? -What is the Vassar College's website? -"Art by Whit" features work from who? -What gallery is showing "Art by Whit'? -"Ocular Concepts" is photographs taken by who? -Where is "Ocular Concepts" being shown? -What number can I call to find out more information about "Ocular Concepts"? -What is the Westchester Italian Cultural Center showing? -What donations are ask for? -What is Rockland Center showing? -Where is the Rockland Center for the Arts? -What is Rockland Center's website? -Where is the Manhattan Quilter's Guild exhibition being shown? -What is the Blue Door Gallery's website? -What is the Hudson River Museum showing? -What is the Hudson River Museum's website? -What number can I call to find out more information about the Hudson River Museum? -Who is Google's search chief? -How many factors does the search chief oversee? -What city and state did the recent interview take place? -where do smartphone users spend the bulk of their time? -Where did Google build its business? -What are venture capitalists funding? -What do new search start-ups focus on? -How much does Google have in the bank? -What did the latest version of iOS enable users to do? -What does Apples search engine allow them to potentially do? -What type of force is Google, in one way? -What is the name of the world's largest mobile operating system? -What type of search queries do mobile devices now outrank? -Name one popular app Google owns. -What was Google's claimed share of mobile search revenue in 2012? -Who is a partner at Khosla Ventures? -What did Keith Rabois invest in? -Where does John Lilly work? -what used to be done with searches 5 years ago? -What is it inconceivable to imagine going to a search box on? -Who is trying to get ahead of all this? -How is Mr. Singhal trying to reinforce Google's web-based search? -How long did Singhal and his team spend building products? -What is one product Singhal built? -What is avoided by voice search if the answer is right? -What does Mr. Singhal illustrate of Google's search? -What things did Singhal ask about? -Who, specifically, did Singhal ask his phone about? -What happened to Roy Sullivan? -What is changing the world quickly? -Freezing works the best at killing which parasite? -Parasites infest raw and undercooked what? -What is a possible solution to get rid of parasites in fish? -Who made guidelines for the food industry? -What do parasites like tapeworms, roundworms and flukes cause? -What temperature should you freeze a fish to kill the parasites? -What in your home does not probably get cold enough to freeze the parasites? -how many days should you let a fish sit frozen when trying to kill parasites? -What should you use instead of the normal thermostat? -The F.D.A does not recommend these techniques if the fish is thicker than what? -According the Jacky Rousell, what is the main reason France can't take in foreigners? -Who does Mr. Rousell fear is among migrants comng to France? -Who is the candidate running for office? -From where did Ms. Le Pen launch her campaign? -Who was present at Ms. LePen's campaign launch? -What does Jean-Marie Le Pen believe immigrants will do? -What historian wrote about the organization, National Front? -What is the main theme or belief of the National Front? -How long as the National Front been in existence? -Who is the political scientist who specializes in the National Front? -Who was the Mississippi state epidemiologist? -Which state has the country's best immunization rate for kindergartners? -What do some lawmakers say is a valid reason for not getting vaccinated? -What do some parents fear? -What law in Mississippi is in jeopardy? -What agency is being criticized for their killing missions? -How many hostages were killed in the drone strike? -Who pledged to overhaul the drone operations by the C.I.A? -When did Obama announce the result of the drone strike? -Who was the chief of operations of the C.I.A. when the detention and interrogation program started? -What position did Michael D'Andrea hold when the targeted killing program began? -What religion did Michael D'Andrea convert to? -How long was Michael D'Andrea head of the C.I.A.? -Where did the drone strikes take place? -What did Obama pledge in a speech two years ago? -To what agency did the White House want to move the drone operations to? -What branch of the Pentagon conducts drone operations? -What was the reason that Michael D'Andrea gave for not moving drone strike operations to the Pentagon? -Why did the White House want to take the drone operations away from the C.I.A? -Who was the C.I.A. director that was replaced? -Who replaced Mr. D'Andrea as C.I.A. director? -What group focused on hunting Qaeda suspects? -Where did Chris Wood serve as station chief? -Which two trade groups did Unilever convince to join the soybean farmers' ecology program? -After the program had been running for three years, how many soybean farmers participated in the program? -By being in the program, how much extra do soybean farmers make per bushel? -Which world-renowned charity group joined the program as a scientific consultant? -This program benefited the soybean farmers of which state? -How many U.S. dollars were saved for Unilever since the start of the program? -Which famous ice cream brand with sustainable practices did Unilever promote? -Which practices specifically led to Unilever saving money at its factories? -What does Unilever expect to achieve by pushing hard to market sustainable brands? -Which online news outlet ran the Ben & Jerry's sponsored post? -Which non-profit organization certifies the chocolate in Magnum ice cream bars? -What ingredient in Breyers ice cream is now certified by The Rainforest Alliance? -Aside from Unilever brands, what other recognizable tea brands began certifying their tea leaves? -At the time of this article, who was the interim president of the Rainforest Alliance? -What famous tea brand, under the Unilever umbrella, now features certified sustainable tea leaves? -Who wrote the analysis that made it to the front-page? -When is Mr. Shane's book due for publication? -Who did a 2011 drone strike kill? -Where did operators in Nevada fire missiles? -Independent studies found what strikes had more of what than officials admitted? -What program did the article question was properly monitored by Congress? -Who asked for Mr. D'Andrea's name to be withheld? -Who was the program's architect? -What did the report reveal about American wrongdoing? -What perils have they learned? -What Agency was reported to have surveillance abuses? -What did Mr Baquet think they too readily agreed to as far as government requests? -Who was surprised by the violence of the Uber brawl? -What was cracking? -Who deplored both cabdrivers and Luberisation? -Who called the economy godless and lawless? -Who warned about a digital economy? -In what country is the customer always wrong? -What did many people from France like the convenience of? -What is on the fifth floor of the American Embassy and some have called the big ears? -Who did the French and US collaborate against? -Where is the Foreign Ministry located? -In all cases what where French tourist advised to do? -What do the French find incomprehensible and the American's scorn? -What should you not make to the police? -What does Love think made Baghdad less dangerous then Paris? -Where did Nadal proud to have gone when he was 18 on the Greyhound bus? -What is the name of the chef of the restaurant Noreetuh? -Most New Yorkers are clueless about the dishes that are created in what location? -Who are the partners of Chef Chung Chow? -What fills the walk in freezers of contemporary Honolulu restaurants MW and Pig and the Lady? -What is the name of the final chef mentioned? -What are the prices of wine like at Noreetuh? -Who specifically might really like dinners at Noreetuh? -What types of wine are available? -What is the meaning of Noreetuh in Korean? -What is the vibe that the owners seem to give inside of their business? -What anniversary was on Sunday? -Where is the Matariya district? -How old is Shaimaa al-Sabbagh? -What year did the military takeover occur? -Who was the 17 year old student killed by police officers? -What was the cause of death of Ms Sabbagh? -What is the profession of Azza Soliman? -Where was the wreath of flowers going to be laid? -Why was the wreath of flowers going to be laid in Tahrir Square? -How many people died in clashes with the police on the anniversary last year? -Who died? -What is happening to the streets more this year? -What is Amr Abdel Rahman's profession? -What is Ms Sabbagh a member of? -Who employs Amr Abdel Rahman? -Who is the executive director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights? -Who argued against Mr Sisi's police force? -Who is responsible for the killings discussed? -What country are the Savak political police in? -Who did Dostum try to get help from? -Who did Dostum lobby? -Who was making serious implications on Dostum's territory? -When did Dostum charge up north? -Where is Mr. Dostum's home province? -What did Mr. Dostum turn his palace into? -Where was Mr. Dostum coordinate war efforts? -When did the Taliban rise? -Who was pressuring government officials? -Who was making rounds? -What area fell to the militants? -How many people were gathered in Jowzjan? -Who beats and kill people? -Who is harassing the locals? -Who acknowledged that the militias were harassing the locals? -what was the taliban tradition when they raided a village? -Who was the first to explain chemical reactions involving petroleum compounds? -Chemists were not able to explain how bonds were what during these chemical reactions? -The reaction where two molecules swap groups of atoms in chemistry is called what? -During metathesis the strong "double bonds" were formed between what? -Before metathesis, this chemical reaction would need what type of temperature? -What region was Mr. Chauvin's parents from? -What type of essay did Mr. Chauvin write? -What village did Mr. Chauvin spend his holidays in? -What river was outside of Mr. Chauvin's bedroom window when he was growing up? -Looking out his bedroom window growing up he could see what on the river? -How many American adults currently smoke? -What percentage of American men currently smoke? -What percentage of American women currently smoke? -In what year did the Surgeon General of the United States release his report? -For how many years have the dangers of smoking been known? -During the midterm the Republican Party gained the largest House majority since which President? -President Obama said he was going to do what in the last quarter of his Presidency? -The article likens President Obama's change of strategy to the play of which football player? -According to the article, the most important part of miracle finish is not the miracle but what? -According to the article, President Obama no longer cared about doing what with his opponents? -What percentage of Obama's 2013 State of the Union proposals became law? -Although only a small percentage of Obama's proposal managed to become law, this is likely to become even more difficult for him in the future because of what change in the legislature? -Who is the chairman of the Republican National Committee? -Who proposed an epitaph for Obama's administration that implied Obama was better at running for office than running the country? -According to the article, what have many people done in regards to President Obama? -Which state is likely the most conservative in the United States? -While addressing a crown in Boise, Idaho, President Obama was compared to which infamous world leader? -Commonly referred to as Obamacare, what is the official name of Obama's flagship healthcare reform act? -Which party is in control of most government offices in the state of Idaho? -On what day did Obama speak to a crowd in Idaho? -Who is the governor of Ohio? -John Kasich believes that it is a mistake to act on an idealogical basis when doing so can cause people to lose what? -John Kasich was advised politicians of which state to accept the President's health coverage program? -According to the article, how many people hold the same wealth as the worlds 3.6 billion most impoverish people combined? -According to the article, what is the most important political issue of the early 21st century? -According to the article, better endings are a result of what? -Article to the article, the President's goal is to build what? -Article to the article, the flourish of Obama's presidency must match in order for him to make the United States match his vision? -In the article, the quotes from President Obama were taken from what day? -Article to the article, what phrase sounds like the motto of Obama's last two years in office? -What is the age of Ms. Berman? -What year is Senator Gillibrand attempting to get elected again? -What is Ms. Berman's occupation? -What is the age of Mr. Schrock? -Where did Mr. Schrock get his M.B.A? -What player has been out of the lineup since May 20th? -What moved over to play center field? -Who plays third base for Kansas City? -Who plays shortstop for Boston? -Who plays second baseman for Minnesota? -What are the hills of Yorkshire covered with? -What is the sound that was made by the streams heard by the author? -Who or what was it the scolded the author? -What animals ignored the author of the text? -What's farm house is accredited with being inspired by "Wurthering Heights?" -What is it that is dranken by people who are "In the Know?" -What is it that Halves refers to in the text? -Who authored the book Great Yorkshire Beer? -What type of glass is more typical of beer drunken in Yorkshire? -When was Samuel Smiths Brewery founded? -What did the time spend in Leeds include for the Author? -What is it the author desired to discover more about? -What is the flavor profile attributed to the "half-pints of the old style?" -What beers seemed to be imitations of American beers? -Which Brewer told the author they do not offer tours? -Which brewer's beers had more of a yeast aroma than that of Black Sheep's? -Who was it that created the legal district of Peculier of Masham? -What type of fortification is the City of York? -What is Sheffield economic interest? -What is Old Peculier named after? -What was the name of David Ganek's fund? -What does David Garnek collect as a hobby? -What state assemblyman was recently indicted by Mr. Bharara? -What borough is Mr. Bharara the U.S. attorney for? -What is the last name of the person sued by Ganek? -Who approved a warrant? -What did the government label Mr. Ganek? -What job position did the inside information source hold at Level Global? -What did Mr. Ganek deny being involved in and claim was "falsely represented"? -Who was a star trader at SAC Capital with Mr. Ganek? -What did SAC plead guilty to? -Who founded SAC Capital? -What type of fund was SAC Capital? -Raiding what was considered an aggressive move by the government? -What year was Raj Rajaratnam convicted? -What type of media contained the iPhone and Blackberry extractions? -For what crime was Raj Rajaratnam convicted? -Who was already pursuing a conventional investigation when the government applied for a wiretap? -The FBI recovered a list of what during its November 2010 raid? -Which two growing ethnic groups are important in winning presidential elections? -Who received a boost when Mr. Bush managed to mess up? -Were Republican presidential candidates diverse ethnically? -Did Mr. Bush succeed in convincing Latino voters he had something better to offer them? -Who was Mr. Bush supposed to win over? -Which words should he never say again? -What does "anchor babies" stand for? -Is "anchor babies" a positive term? -Did it help him to use the term "anchor babies"? -On which day of the week was he again talking about "anchor babies" ? -Who blasted Mr. Bush? -Why did Asian-American groups blast Mr. Bush? -Who benefited from Mr. Bush's faux pas? -Is the phenomenon "anchor babies" a real thing? -What term did Mr. Bush use? -Was Mr. Trump referring to maternity tourism? -Which growing population is "browning" America? -What Amendment does Mr. Trump and the right want to use to keep immigrants out? -Is maternity tourism as big an issue? -Does Mr. Trump and the right want a mixed population? -For what company is Matthew Wing a spokesman for? -What kind of service does Uber provide? -Michael Palladino is president of what police officers union? -On what side of the vehicle was the detective seen berating the driver in the onboard footage? -What is the name of the person that was berated by the NYPD detective? -Which movies were named best original and adaptive screenplay? -What awards ceremony honored the winning movies? -What cities hosted the awards? -Who was the author of the Imitation Game? -How many people in South Sudan are facing a food crisis? -For how many years has the civil war been going on in South Sudan? -What is the reason behind the current famine in South Sudan? -What is the name of the Food and Agriculture Organization's representative? -How many meals a day are many families in South Sudan living on? -How do criminals prefer receiving ransom payments? -What preferred method of pay is being used for hostage takers? -How much money do criminals sometimes ask of the victims? -What was the traditional way for criminals to receive ransom payments? -What type of victims do these criminals choose? -Where might the attackers have been from? -What can Bitcoin be exchanged for that makes it so appealing? -How much in virtual currency, Bitcoin, was collected over a month? -What is the online or street value for one Bitcoin? -What community has virtual currencies helped enable since its existence? -What site were victims of malware sent to to pay ransom? -What was shut down after being caught selling hard drugs (heroin, cocaine) through Bitcoin? -What other way do criminals requesting for ransom use when using websites to receive/send virtual currency? -How was Ted Weisberg able to bring his site back up? -How long was the website down for? -How did Ted Weisberg respond to the ransom threat? -What did Weisberg initially think when he received a fishy message about his website? -How long have ransom payments been around or requested for online? -In comparison to the more secure and safe way of receiving ransom payments via Bitcoin today, how was the method for being paid for the criminal in the past? -What was removed from the market due to its illicit use? -What was the first Bitcoin ransomware that was spread throughout the world? -Who did the extortionists try to target for ransom to prevent the leak of personal information? -How much was spent to instill fear of the attacker's arrest? -What did the extortionist do when one of the Bitcoin advocates didn't pay them? -What was one of the consequences that Hal and his family have to deal with after refusing to pay? -Where was Mr. Cruiz speaking in on Thursday? -Who is Mr. Cruz's campaign manager? -How many people gathered at a nightclub to see Cruz? -What did that take to get to the airplane hanger? -How long did Mr. Cruz delay his event to travel to Washington for a vote? -A Man shouted to put Hillary where? -It was said Mr. Trump wanted to restrict who from entering the country? -How old is the voter Frank Dolhan that was interviewed? -Where was the event held on Sunday? -What was the name of the voter that was 63 years old that was interviewed? -How much was G.M. fined? -For how long did G.M. not disclose the defect? -How many people were killed at minimum due to the defect? -In what month did The New York Times conduct an investigation? -Which news outlets reported on the fine that G.M. received? -Who makes faulty guardrails? -What kind of injuries did Trinity's product cause? -Which state called the guardrails a miserable failure -How many states no longer purchase guardrails from Trinity? -Who was defrauded by Trinity? -What was discovered from the Siberian Arctic? -What did they name the cubs? -What was still on the cubs? -Who was the researcher involved? -When did cave lions become extinct? -What city was the discovery first reported? -Where was the unveiling of the cubs? -Who reported the news? -What was on the corpse's at the time of discovery? -During the unveiling how were the cubs presented? -Who won a controversial finish in Alabama? -which racing driver restart abdtriggered a multicar accident? -What was Earnhardt denied at the Talladega? -In which round Logano participated when he went 3 for 3? -Who secured his third Formula One championship? -What was the group united about? -What country was threaten by the deal? -What kind of danger is posed to the region and world? -How much did the group oppose the deal? -What does the deal threaten for Israel? -Who made comments against the negotiations every day? -According to the prime minister what is the survival of Israel? -When are the negotiations scheduled to end? -Who was invited to speak to congress? -Who is involved in the most recent negotiations? -Who spoke with reporters about the Iran negotiations? -Who gave the longest and most of the facts about the Iran deal? -What country has a right to exist? -When did a spokesperson from Washington speak with reporters? -What was the negotiations with Iran about? -Who returned to Cleveland to play for the Cavaliers? -Who had a one man show on Broadway in 2013? -What is the name of the professional basketball team in Arizona? -What was the name of Alan Cumming's one man show? -What is the name of the professional basketball team in Cleveland? -What part of his leg did LeBron hurt? -How long was LeBron out due to injury? -What is the name of the Cavalier's coach? -What is the name of the Phoenix Suns' arena? -How many times was LeBron James able to dunk during the game? -What ritual do the players engage in prior to a game? -Who is the Cavaliers coach? -Who plays the trumpet? -Is Blatt a rookie coach or a well seasoned veteran? -What one word describes LeBron James teammates play? -Who is the star player for the Cleveland Cavaliers? -Who argued that a shot ruled as a two point play should have counted for three? -Who spent the 4th quarter on the bench? -Who went 3 for 11 from the field? -Who changed the two point play to three points? -How many times did the Cavs turnover the ball? -Where did LeBron play before returning to Cleveland? -Who plays point guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers? -What does James want to win in Cleveland? -Which Cleveland Cavalier had 8 turnovers? -What is the name of the Ohio State football team? -How did James travel to and from Texas? -Is James a big supporter of Ohio State University or does he not care much about it? -Which Ohio team played in the college championship game? -What game did LeBron go to in Texas? -What source was the rally going on for? -For how many days was this rally going on? -What kind of prices would be the force behind energy companies to shorten exploration and production short? -What is the benchmark used by lots of US refineries? -Major markets in which area of the world stopped at a mixed end? -Which country's CAC had risen to a percentage of 0.4? -How much loss did Britain and it's FTSE 100 finish up with? -Which major company made the announcement to purchase Home DePot? -What kind of deal was referred to with Staples and Office DePot stores being merged? -What disease does Robert Stern expect that tests will be able to diagnose? -For which university does Robert Stern work? -How much money has the NFL agreed to pay out in the lawsuit? -What is the most popular sport's league in the United States? -How many former football players are involved in the lawsuit? -How does Richard A Friedman's article begin? -Are Psychoanalysts actually closed off towards new developments? -What type of center was created to foster discussion between neuroscientists and psychoanalysts? -What fields are analysts interested in learning new developments in? -What is more easily understood now that an era of multidisciplinary collaboration has been entered? -What infrastructure was the United States focused on? -Which areas have devoted more spending on state-of-the-art high-speed trains? -What did Mr. Perkins call America's road transport system? -What kind of technology do Europe and Asia mainly rely on for transport? -Is retroactively installing rail lines cheap or expensive? -How many people died in the Spanish train wreck in 2013? -How many people died from the Amtrak crash? -How fast was the train going before derailment? -What feature of the train track would have prevented the incident in Spain? -Who is the director of safety of the ERA? -Who was the editor of the Minimalist? -How often did the author miss a deadline? -What year did the author begin their career? -What year did the author start a dining column? -Who hired the author to write a dining column? -On which day of the week did the members of the Vermont House and Senate elect their state governor? -Who was elected as governor? -How did the members of the Vermont House and Senate elect the governor? -What percentage of voters voted for Mr. Shumlin? -Who nearly beat Peter Shumlin in the popular election? -Who asked lawmakers to vote according to their districts' choices? -If all the legislators did as Milne asked, what would the outcome of the election have been? -What did Mr. Milne ask lawmakers to ignore, and vote according to their districts' choices? -How legislators did not vote? -How many legislators voted against their constituents? -Which political party did Sam Young identify as? -Where is the town of Glover located? -What was Sam Youngs justification for voting against his district who wanted Milne? -Who did Sam Young vote for? -What is the name of the young organist who played at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph dedication ceremony? -What was the price tag of Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph's renovation? -What was the first Roman Catholic Cathedral in Brooklyn? -On what street is Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph located? -What is the name of the individual who explained the relevance of the organ to the Roman Catholic Church? -In what year did Monsignor Harrison start work at St. Joseph? -Which craftspeople located the specialized pipes for St. Joseph's organ? -What is the name of the family who restored St. Joseph's organ? -Prior to Monsignor Harrison's arrival at St. Joseph, how long had it been since its organ was operational? -What clogged the ranks of St. Joseph's organ? -What day should you brine the bird? -What needs to be settled in the next few day? -What type of potatoes are required for the meal? -What type of flour is needed for the gravy? -Where can you find turkey wings? -When should you make the stock? -How many turkey wings are needed? -What needs to be made tomorrow afternoon? -When will the stock come in handy? -What will they be eating Sunday? -What will be made for dinner? -What are the plans for lunch? -Who wrote the recipe for brown bread? -Where should one put their recipes? -What is the soccer league that Liverpool plays? -What is the size of the audience the Premier League has? -What is the amout of money the Premier League is expecting to receive for selling the rights to international broadcasters.? -Who owns Sky? -What was BT in the past? -What is the name of the five star hotel? -What was one piece of head wear that a rebel leader had on? -Which provinces had violence? -Where were there simmering political tensions? -Where was there chronic instability? -What made the government give ground? -What was name of the alliance the rebels formed? -Where was a civil war taking place? -Who is the executive director of the World Peace Foundation? -Which group has been fighting an insurgency since 2011? -What is the name of the Sudanese government negotiator? -What is the name of the SPLM-N negotiator? -Who is Amin Hassan Omar? -Who is the editor-in-chief for Al-Ayam newspaper? -Where is the Al-Ayam newspaper from? -Who visited Fells? -After the new antibiotics, how many days of consecutive progress was there? -What position does the player Jonathan Hankins play? -Where did the team see Fells on the big screen at? -What do they still need to do more of before Fells is healthy -What did the team dedicate to Fells? -What was to be awarded to Fells after the game? -Rueben Randle and Odell Beckham Jr. both play what position for the Giants? -In what city is the game on Oct. 19th played at -Who left the game Sunday with a concussion? -Who was Israeli trying to reduce tensions with? -When was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu running for re-election? -When did relations between Israel and Palestinian Authority take a turn for the worse? -When was the reconciliation agreement signed? -Who was the reconciliation agreement signed with? -Why do mothers have such a difficult time breastfeeding their babies at airports? -Who noticed the struggle and wanted to help? -What are the nursing stations called? -What is included in these nursing stations or pods? -Who is the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve? -How long is the yield on the U.S Treasury note? -How high did the U.S Treasury note rise? -Which stocks jumped in the market? -What are some of the things the feds are saying about the market? -What position does Mark D. Luschini work as? -How big of a slump did the telecommunication companies go through? -Who does Mark D. Luschini work for? -What was Mark D. Luschini first quote? -What does data suggest about the Federal Reserve? -Who did Odell Beckham play for? -What time was the Sunday game supposed to start? -Odell Beckham received the most votes of any wide receiver for what? -Where was the Giants game moved? -Who is Carolina's top cornerback? -How many career games has Odell Beckham played? -How many career touchdowns does Odell Beckham have? -Who is the Giants quarterback? -What team does Shane Vereen play for? -How many yards did he run for two plays after the penalty? -Who turned and sprinted toward the scrum? -Who was whistled for unnecessary roughness? -Who dropped the pass from Eli Manning? -Who was the key to the final Giants drive? -What was the score with 1 minute and 46 seconds left? -Who had comeback to tie the game? -Who caught the tying touchdown pass? -Who did Manning say took the higher road? -Who did a little trash talking? -What type of defense were the Panthers in for almost the entire game? -What type of defense were the Panthers in when Odell Beckham caught the fourth-quarter touchdown pass? -What was the name of the gunman's mother? -What was Ms. Harper's profession? -What disorder did Ms. Harper and her son suffer from? -When did Ms. Harper and her ex-husband divorce? -Who had no idea of Mr. Harper-Mercer's fascination about guns? -Who worked with Ms. Harper at a California care center? -Where was Mr. Harper-Mercer placed when he didn't take his medication? -According to Ms. Jefferson, where is Mr. Harper-Mercer's big problem? -Who is working on a career in film making? -How many years worth of experience about Asperger's syndrome does Alexis Jefferson have? -In California, where did Ms. Harper bring her son? -Where did Ms. Harper and her son move to when they left California? -Who should read to a child as soon as possible and use expressive gestures? -What claim does Ms. Harper dismiss in her postings? -Who is a real estate mogul who was running for president? -What's the name of Donald Trump's book? -What degree did Harper claim her son had worked on? -Where did Mr. Harper-Mercer study? -What city in Oregon did Harper and her son live in? -Who said Mr. Harper-Mercer never went too far from home? -When did Ms. Harper work? -What type of job did Ms. Harper have? -Who heard Mr. Harper-Mercer pacing until 3 or 4 in the morning? -Who did the neighbor complain to about the noise from Harper's apartment? -What time did a neighbor hear Harper-Mercer pacing? -Where did the woman's mother immigrate from? -What type of meals did the young woman share with Ms. Harper? -What did Ms. Harper teach the young woman? -Why did Ms. Harper need a scholarship? -How much was the scholarship for that Ms. Harper applied for? -In what year did Tunisia's street rebellion occur? -What was the name of the street rebellion in the Arab states described in this article? -What was thought to lead to a more promising outcome than the coup? -Which country was described as had been having democratic aspirations? -Who was it that singled out Tunisia? -What is the name of the group that came together to mediate the formation of an interim government? -In what year did the multiple organizations come together to form a mediation group? -What type of government had been elected after the ouster of PResident Zine el-Abidine Ben ali tried to push through a repressive constitution? -What was to happen after the interim government was put into place? -How many organizations came together to form and organization to mediate the formation of an interim government? -How many people ages 18-19 voted in the most recent election? -What is one argument against lowering the voting age? -To what ages is San Francisco considering changing the voting age too? -Why what reason is the change in age thought to be beneficial? -How many eligible voters actually voted in the last election? -When was the last major issue with voting age? -Why was this an issue at the time? -What amendment made the age change law? -Where was the voting age changed in recent years? -What did Mark Tapson accuse Ms. Pelosi of trying to do? -Why was this accusation made? -Is Truth Revolt more liberal or conservative? -What position does Mark Tapson hold at Truth Revolt? -What area has introduce legislation that may change the voting age. -who plans to introduce a bill that would lower the voting age in their state? -What state are they from? -What is the reason given by Joseph Jackson that lowering the voting age is the right thing to do? -How many council members must support the legislature for it to pass on to congress. -What 3-part series began on PBS Wednesday? -What country in the first episode had a gorilla sanctuary? -What country held was the kite festival shown in the opening episode? -What type of teams does Operation Wild cover around the globe? -What animal shot in Laos was included in the first episode? -What causes many of the problems for the animals? -What's the name of the Rocky Mountain Vet? -Who did the rhino lose its horn to? -What two animals are most vet shows heavy on? -What animal is gelded in the first episode? -who is the chief exclusive? -who is the particular mixture? -He was howmuch likely nice with my father? -who had niceness sand sense of humor -Who is the interim chief executive of Emilio Pucci and Mr. Pucci's daughter? -Who is Laudomia Pucci? -What did Laudomia Pucci say about Mr. Fairchild? -What is Mr. Fairchild's sense of humor? -When did Donatella Versace last see Fairchild? -Where did Donatella Versace last see Fairchild? -Who is Donatella Versace? -What position does Donatella Versace have at the company? -Where did the business start? -B building was considered Management-intensive why? -What given to the tenants to create value? -What was not a possibility for an investment? -Although it was a great investment, what made it impossible? -The building at 1156 Avenue of the Americas was owned since when? -How big is the building? -How much was spent on the makeover? -What is the occupancy rate? -If the building were for sale what would it come with? -The building at 1156 Avenue of the Americas was owned since when? -How much was spent on the makeover? -How big is the building? -What is the occupancy rate? -If the building were for sale what would it come with? -In 2015 what was their biggest challenge? -When was the recapitalization finished? -Who did they buy out of the Club Row Building? -How long did they own the building with them? -Wat group have APF worked with? -What business are these investors in? -How many individuals are currently in their pool? -What is the competition like for them? -Where do they see opportunity for a good market? -What event touched Liz Taylor the most? -Who came back from death? -What does unfinished business means for the hotel? -What does Liz think about the Countess? -What is best known for its use in Wong Kar Wai's luxurious film? -Who were reunited when Alex confessed that she and Holden are in danger? -Where is the Romana Royale still at? -Who has a Junkie ghost? -who aimed to leave the cortez? -Who spent the last five years slaughtering people to appease a ghost? -Who is the Countess's lost love? -What caused Valentino's death? -Who does Liz want to make a move? -Who opens fire on the Countess and Donovan? -Who was the one saying: "My friend, the best is yet to come". -Who has been discussing creating a health care collective? -What is the purpose of a health care collective? -What auto company was involved in the negotiation? -What will union members do after the agreement is presented? -When will the vote take place? -Where is Fiat Chrysler's sport utility vehicle plant located? -How much does Jeremiah Meyerhoff earn? -How did workers describe their views on the negotiation? -What does Fred Alnajjar hope the new contract includes? -What is the first thought on "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl"? -What is the second thought on "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl"? -What other feelings are felt toward the book? -What is the narrator considered? -What group of people with this likely raise alarms to? -What does Gomez-Rejon do? -Who is the music by? -What is "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" about? -What else can "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" be about? -What are film makers not above? -There is a notable absence of what? -Feelings you get from the film would be? -Would there be lessons learned? -What is responsible for the contemporary relavence of Poliuto -What period does Ms.Clement update the action to? -What are the costumes a nod to? -what do the videographer projections point to -In whose sets does the stone pillars change -Who is Paolina in a secret meeting with. -Who arrests Nearco -what does Poliuto confess -which scholars are responsible for the new critical edition -what does Ms.Clement's production aim to do -What team did Sather lead as general manager? -Who is Sather's assistant? -Who did Sather's team face in the 2014 finals? -What did Sather's team reach in 9 of the last 10 years? -What is the name of the Cup given in the finals? -Who is the president of France? -ISIS has come to terrorize the world since what year? -How many years ago did President Bashar al-Assad use chemical weapons? -Who will travel to Moscow and Washington next week? -Where did Obama speak at on Monday? -What is closer to Europe than Tora Bora? -The Afghan safe haven was home of who? -What militias have made rapid inroads? -ISIS has effective terrorist but indifferent what? -In Obama's example, how many troops would he sent to Syria? -Where is the restaurant Charritos located? -What does Charritos not serve? -What country is Oaxaca a region in? -What borough does the terrace of Charritos overlook? -What is the stone bowl used to make guacamole called? -Who influenced the meat preparation of al pastor? -What is in tacos al pastor? -Who prepared the fluffy corn dough? -What should be issued more (to pay for things) when the price is right? -What country mentioned suffers from bad roads and rails? -What institute of higher learning does Ricardo Caballero belong to? -What does a reliable government provide to avoid a cash scramble? -What year was was the financial crisis that included the housing bubble bursting? -What is one of Geoffrey Holder's jobs? -How tall was Geoffrey Holder? -Where was Geoffrey Holder active during his career? -When did Geoffrey Holder die? -Who was Geoffrey Holder married to? -What does Garth Fagan Dance have roots in? -Where did Geoffrey Holder immigrate from? -How old is Ms. de Lavallade? -When was the dance solo "The Creation" created? -Who choreographed "The Creation"? -When is the panel discussion on Saturday? -When is the screening on Saturday? -Where will Saturday's events take place? -When is the performance on Saturday? -Where is the performance on Saturday? -How many Tony awards did Mr. Holder win? -When are the SummerStage's free performances of "The Wiz: A Celebration in Dance and Music,"? -What show did Mr. Holden win Tony awards for? -What did Mr. Holder sketch for The Wiz? -The letter was signed by members of what group? -How many members signed the letter? -One of the writers was a former leader in the House of Lords of what? -One of the writers was a former British what? -The agreement was between the six world powers and who? -This agreement can help bring peace and stability where? -This agreement freezes further enrichment for 10 to 15 what? -What is the group that wrote this letter? -This agreement has to do with which of Iran's programs? -It is important to keep Iron within the structure of what Treaty? -Who is a major regional power in the Middle East? -These views are shared by Euopean Union and the European members of what? -What legislative branch of the United States government is this letter targeted towards? -What often accompanies large cartoonish illustrations in the displays? -When did the included case take place? -How do museum labels describe Ralph Naders showcased disputes? -Who spilled a cup of coffee on themselves? -Was the woman driving when she spilled her cup of coffee? -What was her initial request to the McDonald's company? -What kind of injuries did the woman sustain from spilling the cup of coffee? -In what type of building is the museum located? -How much money did Mr. Nader initially hope to raise within a year or two? -How long is the 606? -Who is Chicago's mayor? -What does the park run along? -What does the 606 speak to? -Gottfried Ludewig is apart of which parliment? -What is Angela Merkel's party? -Who has become one of the project's most vocal champions? -What is the real struggle over? -Gottefried Ludewig and who else would not divulge the project's cost? -Ludewig says development and politics in the city should be like what? -What is the real embarrassment of the city? -Who conceived the museum quarter? -Who argue against stairwells cut into the canal's retaining walls? -What type of architect was Karl Friedrich Schinkel? -What may the Flussbad have to require? -What is the trade-off for additional policing and sanitation? -What other place requires additional policing and sanitation? -Reclaiming the site would keep faith with what? -Who played the Mets in the first game of the World Series? -Which team lost to the Bulls 97-95? -Who started his 13th season in the Bulls game that ended 97-95? -Who does Golden State play against? -Where did the Pistons and Hawks play? -What day was the class action lawsuit granted? -What court does Judge Edward Chen belong to? -What was the page length of Judge Chen's ruling? -What are the two possible designations of uber drivers? -According to the article, the employment classification of who is being questioned? -Which month did the case make headline? -When did Shiv Yadav allegedly attempt assault? -What was the outcome of Yadav's case? -What is the name of the lawyer representing the Plaintiff? -Which region did officials target for a temporary ban for ride hailing services? -What is Shannon's profession? -Since when has uber contested the filing of the suit? -How many testimonials were presented by Uber? -Which business did Uber say it is in? -What was the answer to Mr. Robinson's joke? -What has replaced presses? -Who lives in a numbers-heavy world? -What can make a story go global? -What has devastated newspaper staffs? -What's located in Charleston South Carolina? -Who is the top editor? -What did Mitch Pugh create? -What was the topic of the investigation? -What award did the investigation win? -What is in flux? -What is Martin Baron's current position? -What should journalist make a high priority? -What do citizen's value? -Who is the editor for the Globe? -Why was there a suspension of some electronic tax filings? -What do criminals use to file fraudulent returns? -Why do criminals use another person's social security number? -When do taxpayer's learn a criminal has used their social security number to file an illegitimate return? -How long can it take to work out a situation in which a fraudulent return has been filed? -How many returns did the Utah tax commission flag as potentially fraudulent? -How many returns did the Utah tax commission identify as fraudulent? -Other than Utah, how many states where affected? -What did Intuit put in place so that electronic filings could continue? -Which state stopped accepting electronic filings on Thursday but then resumed accepting them on Saturday? -What are three areas that are considered high risk for tax related identity theft? -Who is the CEO of LexisNexis Government? -What is a way of reducing your risk that a thief will file a fake return with your name? -Does the IRS ever initiate contact via email? -Who is Doug Shadel? -Can individuals do much about information stolen in broad data breaches? -What is a good habit to have regarding throwing away personal documents? -Where should you store old tax returns? -How can you protect files in your personal computer? -What is a good thing to do when providing personal information on the internet? -Who declined to consider gun regulation lawsuits 70 times since 2008? -9 out of how many Americans support universal background checks? -Who refuses to approve universal background checks for gun sales? -What type of authority do states and cities have to protect against gun violence? -What do cities and states have an obligation to protect the public from due to Congress's inaction? -What injury did Sam Querrey suffer midmatch? -Who was the competition that he was going against? -When does the first round of the Davis Cup take place? -What is the type of medical scan Sam Querrey will need to have done? -Who was winning before Querrey was injured? -What company was the writer wrong about? -What is Starbucks' market value? -Where is Anthony Winston apparently from? -Foreign countries mentioned include Israel and what other country? -Agreements of what length are considered to be almost worthless, according to the author? -The person who supports Israel is associated with political party? -What has Iran been allowed to keep a large amount of? -What non-politician is mentioned? -Which American political party is alluded to? -What office does Benjamin Netanyahu hold? -What kind of power or capability does Iran want, as briefly as possible? -Who was apparently the President of the US at the time of this letter? -What unit is unable to block effectively? -What should the coach consider doing to Tom Brady in light of his injured offensive line? -Who is the Patriots' quarterback? -Who is the Patriots' head coach? -Who will be attempting to tackle Tom Brady in the upcoming game? -How many justices accepted Mr. Yates argument? -What were the justices analysis based on? -For what organization was John Jones an officer for? -How many fish did Mr. Jones deem too small? -What did Mr. Yates do with the fish deemed too small? -Which justice deemed the law to be too harsh? -Which justice concurred on similar grounds? -What was the name of the case? -What book did Justice Kagan cite? -Was it a document that Mr. Yates destroyed? -How did Mr. Yates try to avoid the fine? -Which justices joined Ms. Kagan's dissenting opinion? -What is Quin Ivy's occupation? -The Recording Industry Association of America changed how it tracked sales in what year? -The composition and writing of this song was described by Mr. Sledge as being what? -How many copies of this song were sold? -“When a Man Loves a Woman” was made for what record label? -Where is Ms. Friedman from? -Who is the dean of Brooklyn Law School? -How large was the endowment at Brooklyn Law School? -What is the name of the program that helps law school graduates? -Which school has a strong financial standing? -How many jobs were lost during the recession in the legal sector? -How many of the 60,000 jobs lost in the legal sector were added back after the recession? -Who is the executive director of the National Association for Law Placement? -Who is president of the New York State Bar Association? -How much has law school enrollment dropped off in the past four years? -What is the name of the recent Brooklyn Law School graduate? -What is the name of the student that just started a two-year program at Brooklyn Law School? -What is a common approach to help law school graduates gain experience? -What is the Brooklyn Law School tuition-reimbursement program trying to help? -Which country was torn by assassinations and war? -Where was the war? -Catastrophes in what region caused misery in 2015? -What spacecraft mission helped end the year with hope? -What keeps the people fearful and distraught in the United States? -Who will Mr. Cameron be under increased pressure from, to "revist the question of independence from Scotland?" -Who is Fraser Nelson? -Who will be Mr. Cameron's "real opposition", in the words of Mr. Nelson? -When will Mr. Cameron hold a referendum regarding Britain's membership in the E.U? -In what year did John Major have a larger majority than Mr. Cameron's current one? -What did Alan Duncan suggest that his colleagues should be careful about? -What is likely to happen if Mr. Cameron decides to support Britain keeping it's position in the EU? -What's a great danger for small majorities in Parliament? -Approximately how much will the budget cuts be? -How many seats where the optimistic Conservatives talking about winning? -What could cause Mr. Osborne to suffer from deflections and close votes? -What could the cuts laid out in the Conservative manifesto cause in the country? -Approximately how much will the budget cuts be? -How many seats where the optimistic Conservatives talking about winning? -What could cause Mr. Osborne to suffer from deflections and close votes? -What could the cuts laid out in the Conservative manifesto cause in the country? -Who is Watson? -Who retired Abreu? -Who is Matheny? -Matheny is a manager of what? -Whos manager used four right-handed relievers? -Who is the new commissioner? -Who is Rob Manfred? -What event called the link between the sports? -What event is the most closely resembles the competition in an actual game? -What the players wear for the game? -What month the award for the league? -What team Giancarlo Stanton from? -Who is the outfielder of Miami Marlins? -How many home run the winner of the league make? -What Stanton surgery had? -Who is the contributor? -Which colleges are faraway? -what kind of scandal was it? -how can you comment? -who is the author? -What position does Thomas become a hall of famer for playing? -What W.N.B.A team with Thomas become the president of? -What was Thomas found guilty by jury of doing? -Who insisted on firing the woman who rightly accused Thomas of harassment? -What was said in an email statement by Dolan regarding Thomas' guilt or innocence in the harrassment case? -What are Dolan's feelings on Thomas' guilty verdict? -What is the case against him referred to as? -What two options are stated as being the choices a person has if found guilty? -A verdict given by a jury becomes what? -What did Dolan and Thomas accuse the jury of being? -What did Dolan testify in court about firing Browne? -Thomas stated that he would appeal, did he ever do so? -What was Thomas' action to put emphasis on his statement, "I'm very innocent", -What did the jury think of Dolan's decision to fire Browne? -How many jurors wanted Thomas to be held financially responsible? -What was damage was done personally to Thomas? -How many hold outs were there to the decision of financial responsibility? -What does the author say in regards to being sorry? -What trumps strong teaching -Who lead a war judged to be unjust -What type of people have been denied communion -Who misses the central point of the debate -What is the central point of the debate -Who is the lettter going to -Who is the pope claimed to have tried to manipulate -Who is Ross Douthat wrong about -What does the evidence support the pope tried to do -Which writer used to be a priest -In what decade did pasinski meet with the head of theology -What does pasinski have medical experience with -What does the former head of theology recommend -How could one characterize Ross Douthat's argument -What is catholocism a commitment to? -What nationality is the speaker's grandmother -How many years has the speaker been a priest -What does the speaker welcome -Who was recorded while he was sleeping? -Besides jobs interview, with whom Mr. Saleh skype? -Where is Mr. Saleh's wife at? -What does Mr. Saleh say about his wife? -Where is Mr. Saleh going to? -When does the climax of the film occur? -Who flee? -who was comforting Mr. Saleh? -what would have happen to Mr. Saleh if he would have stayed? -What time the one of the largest corporate scandals of the automotive industry start -Which car company was involved with the scandal? -Which car manufacturer was then the largest in the world? -What bad thing did Volkswagen admit to doing? -What is Mr. Hatz' role at Porsche? -What year did the auto show take place? -What is California's level of air quality rules? -What kind of engine was dreamed about for the R8? -Who filmed the remarks? -What kind of regulations did Mr. Hatz refer to? -What was the scandal regarding cheating about? -What two Asian countries did Mr. Hatz speak of? -Who was Mr. Hatz dismissive of? -What is the technology call that Mercedes markets? -When was the Detroit auto show? -Where were the remarks spoken at? -What was already happening within the company? -Who did not attend the auto show? -What type of arrangement was scrapped? -What does the article consider "a low point for Jermy Corbyn?" -What is Jeremy Corbyn the leader of? -Which action by the British Military does the Labour Party disapprove of? -What is Hilary Benn's role for the Labour Party? -What does Mr. Benn think should be upheld? -What threshold was required for the purchase of F-35 fighter jets? -What was promised by Britain to be renewed? -Who is it purposed that Britain complete Airstrikes against? -How many years is the 3 percent increase in spending on military suppose to occur? -What did Mr. Cameron spend a large amount of time doing? -What does Mr. Cameron say further action from the military needed for? -When did the Paris Military attack occur? -What kind of action does Mr. Cameron believe is a needed party for diplomatic solutions in regards to the Syrian civil war? -How much of Syria's population roughly has been displaced by it's civil war? -What does Mr. Cameron think the Airstrike will not make the country of Britain? -Who showed up at Daru's schoolhouse on horseback with an Arab prisoner on foot? -What did Balducci say the prisoner did? -What was the name of the Arab Prisoner? -What did Daru refuse to do that Balducci required of him? -Who plays Balducci? -Who plays Mohamed? -What does Mohamed refused to do? -What is Balducci's profession? -How was the cousin's throat cut? -Who is the director of photography? -What country was the movie filmed in? -What mountain range is shown in the film? -Who does the movie show Mohamed having an at-odds relationship with? -What is the name of the director that conveys this rough landscape in the movie? -Who plays Slimane? -What is the nationality of the guerrillas that Daru and Mohamed came across? -What is the name of the movie? -Who was Slimane's former army compatriot? -What language does Mr. Mortensen also speak other than Arabic and French? -What kind of roads did Formula One used to race on? -What race track was considered to be in a park? -What kind of race was Reims? -In what kind of shape was the race track at Reims? -What was the prize given for the fastest lap? -What implements were implicated in disease outbreaks at various hospitals? -How many patients were infected with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital? -What year did the outbreak at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital occur? -Where is Virginia Mason Hospital located? -How many infected patients at Virginia Mason Hospital died? -What types of devices are hard to disinfect? -What disease has been transmitted even after seemingly proper cleaning and care? -John Haberstock is an employee of what company? -Diane Rainey works as a spokesperson for which company? -What is equipped at the end of a duodenoscope? -Where is a duodenoscope inserted into the patient? -How much bacteria can live within the tubing of a duodenoscope? -At which university hospital does William A. Rutala work? -How many bacteria might a surgical forceps harbor after use? -What is one measure the FDA is considering to improve the safety of duodenoscopes? -What substance has Advocate Lutheran General Hospital begun using to sterilize their equipment? -Why won't the FDA recommend using ethylene oxide sterilization regularly? -What is a second measure being considered by the FDA to address the concern with duodenoscopes? -What agency is looking into more measures to increase duodenoscope safety? -What did Mr. Lloyd think about rock? -In what year Time Rice recorded his revolutionary album? -What was the name of Time Rice' album? -Where was Time Rice' album recorded? -Where Time Rice traveled for his Broadway debut? -Who produced the Broadway debut? -By who was the Broadway debut directed? -Which worldwide production were led by Mr. Lloyd company? -Who is Alastair? -How old is Alastair? -Who wrote he movie School of Rock? -Which movie was played frequently in the Lloyd Webber household? -How many times does Alastair estimate he had watched the movie School of Rock? -Who is the lyricist of he movie School of Rock? -What was Mr. Lloyd 'style according to Mr. Slater? -Who worked on Love Never Dies? -Who Mr. Slater wrote the musical Whistle Down the Wind with? -Which song was a radio hit from Mr. Lloyd's adolescence? -Who sings: Smoke on the Water? -Whose music was ubiquitous on New York? -What type of show was School of Rock? -Who wanted to find his own voice? -Who plays the Dewey Finn character in the musical? -when did the auditions for the musical were held? -Where were a series of test shows held at? -Where is the Gramercy Theater located? -Who wrote Prudence? -Prudence unites what kind of a perspective with moral rigor? -The author of Prudence believes that a lack of what is sad, deeply destructive, and irreversible? -The author of Prudence believes that what type of personality trait can kill people? -What does the author value, that is an uncommon stance nowadays? -Where is the venue Spectrum? -Who is performing on Sunday? -What time is Morton Feldman's Piano and String Quartet performing at on Sunday? -What is the address of Spectrum? -What country has extradited persons for financial crimes? -For what reason did Switzerland extradite people? -Switzerland arrested who on behalf of the United States? -What is the name of the former head of the Russian atomic energy ministry? -To what country was Yevgeny Adamov sent to stand trial? -Who was known for their ruthlessness in politics? -Who did Mr. Medvedchuk state was guilty? -Who was a poet from Ukrain? -What role did Mr. Medvedchuk have for President Leonid D Kuchma? -What was Mr. Stus nominated for? -Where was Mr. Sverstiuk exiled? -How old was Mr. Sverstiuk when he died? -What is an evil name? -Who acted like a prosecutor? -What is the Ukrainian PEN Center? -What was the main idea of Mr. Putin's speech? -What was the Ukrainian Choice ad about? -Who described the EU as the modern heir to Germany's Third Reich? -What years was Mr. Medvedchuk a member of Parliament? -What views was Mr. Medvedchuk known to express? -What has been shaky even with the moves? -In what Chinese city did stocks drop 8.5%? -On what date was this 8.5% drop? -This was the biggest daily drop in how many years? -Who is the deputy secretary of the Interior Department? -Who is the largest wholesale water utility in the country? -Why will there be less water in the future? -Why do we need to undertake a giant replumbing project across the West? -Why are water needs different in the 21st century? -What did the bureau's system grew into? -How many more people want water compared to the past? -Is there more or less water compared to the past? -Which science is predicting that there will be even less water in the future? -Who is the deputy secretary of the Interior Department? -Who ordered the studies begun from the Bureau of Reclamation? -What is impacting 22 Western water basins? -How much might cost a new water infrastructure? -Who is focused on cutting taxes? -What are aiming to stop the federal policies? -Who is attacking the bureau? -What is causing the attacks to the bureau? -Who is the leader of the Republican party in California? -Why should the bureau direct more water into rivers? -Who is struggling because of the lack of water? -The visitors that described the scent as Italian sausage were in which city? -Spike is the name of the flow in what city? -Chicago would extend their visitor hours until what day? -What is the name of the Denver flower? -What phase will the flower enter after it crumples? -What day will Spike be moved? -These huge plants are compared to what animal? -Is it likely or unlikely that the flower called Spike will pollinate? -What did Denver Botanic Gardens rush to ship? -What was one of the things Denver learned how to deal with? -What night did Joan Shelley perform in Brooklyn? -Where in Brooklyn did Joan Shelley perform? -What part of Brooklyn did Joan Shelley perform in? -What kind of music does Joan Shelley perform? -What record label does Joan Shelley work for? -Where is Joan Shelley from? -What is the name of Joan Shelley's second solo album? -What is the name of Joan Shelley's guitar player? -Who sang harmonies with Joan Shelley at Union Pool? -What Smith's song did Joan Shelley perform at Union Pool? -What month was Electric Ursa released? -What did Joan Shelley devote much of her set to? -What personal tragedy was described by the song with the melody that would have suited the Carter family? -What did Joan Shelley let her songs do? -What is the name of Joan Shelley's last album? -What needs to happen for today's consumers get better healthcare? -What was the concern about the directive put forward by Vincent -How long did the directive by Vincent go without being updated? -What could Vincent have included with his directive to help doctors better understand and incorporate his goals? -What is the next best thing to a person communicating their wishes for care? -Where did Security forces disrupt a "large-scale attack"? -How many suspects were arrested in the west near Mali's border? -How many days before the West African nation holds elections does news of the arrests come? -When did a popular uprising occur which caused a turbulent period to begin? -What has Burkina Faso set up at the entrances of cities for Sunday's voting? -Who is the director of the American Tap Dance Foundation? -How long many years has the Tap City festival gone on? -Who showed off a polished finish? -What did Brenda Bufalino dance to? -Who played the finger symbols? -Who deserves their own evening? -Who did Celeb Teicher share the stage with? -Who does Teicher have a new angle on? -How many excerpts from Variations were performed? -What features allows voice messages on the same platform as texts? -What apps have similar features? -What other option do you have to hear a person's voice? -What kind of feature is iMessage? -Are voice messages sent instantaneously? -Where does the writer's girlfriend live? -How does the writer describe the app's color scheme? -What did Roget say about the app before calling it worthless? -Lamesa White and her children moved away from where? -Who was killed on the day Lamesa White movied with her children? -What was the name of the housing project Ms. White lived on? -How many children does Lamesa White have? -One of Ms. White's children goes to school where? -How old is her eldest daughter? -Where does her eldest daughter want to go when she grows up? -What year was the experiment "Moving" done by the government? -What do officials agree on about the subsidies? -What's the max subsidy for a 3 bedroom apartment in the cheapest area? -What is most expensive cost for a 3 bedroom apartment in higher end zipcodes? -It costs 3 times as much in the what areas? -How many housing vouchers did Torey Moore obtain? -Where did Torey Moore live? -What are low income housing tax credit based landlords required to accept? -Who let the lawsuit continue to move forward? -Who are more likely to struggle in new neighborhoods? -Ms. Russ said that the location Ms. White lived in was the most? -When Ms. White moved what did she change? -What was around the ground in her old neighborhood? -Who is one of the largest labor unions in Germany? -Who is one of Greece's main creditors? -Who is a left-win alliance of activist groups? -What party is now leading the government in Athens? -Who is the Prime Minister of Greece? -Who was giving a speech in the central square? -What descent is Rosina Sfyridou of? -What can't Greeks get proper care of? -Who is brushing democracy to the side according to Mr. Tsianakas? -Who is Athen's biggest European lender? -How large was the crowd for Mr. Chondros? -Antagonism has been growing between Germany and who? -How much did the new central bank headquarters cost? -How tall is the new central bank headquarters? -For what network was Stuart Scott an anchor for? -What kind of cancer did Stuart Scott have? -What was the name of Stuart Scott's memoir? -What publisher was Stuart Scott working with? -Who is the president of Blue Rider? -When did Stuart Scott die? -What website carried an excerpt of Scott's memoir? -Who hosts ESPN's "NBA Countdown"? -Blue Rider is a division of what larger publisher? -What was the name of the design company that estimated the demolition price? -What was the estimated cost of demolition before any bids were received? -What was the single highest bid received? -What is the name of the building that has been argued about for a long time? -Who (along with allies) enlisted the design company that estimated the demolition costs? -When did Mr. Kohlberg start working at Bear Stearns? -Who mentored Henry R. Kravis and George R. Roberts? -When did Mr. Kohlberg leave Bear Stearns? -What did Mr. Kohlberg, Henry R. Kravis and George R. Roberts form in 1976? -What was the name of the new investment firm Mr. Kohlberg started after leaving Bear Stearns? -What separated Mr. Kohlberg and his protégés? -Out of the three partners, who wanted to purse hostile takeovers? -When did Mr. Kohlberg retire? -What was the private equity business once known as? -What type of deals did Mr. Kohlberg like to focus on? -Who was Mr. Kravis and Mr. Roberts mentor? -Where did Mr. Kohlberg, Mr. Kravis and Mr. Roberts work? -What was considered to be the bread-and-butter business of Bear Stearns? -What group did Mr. Kohlberg, Mr. Kravis and Mr. Roberts attempt to form within Bear Stearns? -How many investors did Mr. Kohlberg, Mr. Kravis and Mr. Roberts help set up their new venture? -When did Mr. Kohlberg form Kohlberg & Company? -Who was the co-founder of Kohlberg & Company with Mr. Kohlberg? -How much money has K.K.R. Kohlberg & Company raised from investors? -Who is a board member of the New York Times Company? -What is the value of the deals K.K.R. Kohlberg & Company has struck? -When did Jerome Kohlberg retire? -What types of laws did Jerome Kohlberg support efforts to overhaul? -What did Jerome Kohlberg focus on after retirement? -What law did Jerome Kohlberg back? -When was the McCain-Feingold legislation passed? -What task might be difficult for the parents of first-generation students? -Who graduated from Irvine after immigrating from Mexico as a youth? -Where did Basti Lopez first began attending college? -Why did Basti Lopez decide to attend Irvine over other schools? -What is Basti Lopez currently studying for? -Which college's student body has more pupils with Pell grants than all the ivy league schools put together? -What is a big advantage that schools in California possess? -Who has the University of California been aggressive in pursuing? -What is the name of the chancellor for Irvine? -How many Ivy League colleges are there? -Is state funding in California going up or down? -What kind of students has the University of California been accepting fewer of? -What type of education is likely to positively influence economic mobility and success? -What is the rate of unemployment for college graduates? -How does the educational gap between the poor and wealthy differ outside of California as compared to inside? -Who is Mr. Ingrasselino? -How frequently accident has been happening according to Mr. Ingresselino? -When did Mr. Ingrasselino retired? -How is considered the crossing according to Mr. Ingresselino? -What named was given to the crossing by the Federal Railroad Administration? -How many accidents since 1975? -Who confirmed the number of accidents? -What mean of transformation crashed last night? -How many people were killed when a train plowed into a sport-utility? -Who wants t examine the configuration these dangerous crossing in NY, NJ, and Connecticut? -How many dangerous crossings are in New Jersey? -How many dangerous crossings are in Long Island? -How does the Times consider these crossings? -Who has the eighth highest likelihood of a crash? -where is the location with the highest accident prediction avenue? -Were happened the fatal accident in 1984? -How many accidents have happened in Ashdown since 1975? -What's the speed of trains that traveled trough those areas? -Who suggested some recommendations t reduce accidents? -Which is one of the less expensive safety measures? -What did the couple do when the train passed through? -Where did a couple saw a crossing gate lowered in front of them? -What else did the man see when he was on the other side? -Over the last few years has inflation been high or low? -What should be targeted by the Fed as a third metric? -What percentage has the annual wage growth been stuck at for the last six years? -What is the title Janet Yellen holds at the Fed? -Ms. Yellen recently gave a speech in what city? -Who's stance offers a reason to explain the benefits of monitoring wages? -What is the current unemployment level? -What is an unreliable indicator of the job market's strength? -The unemployment rate informs the Fed of slack in what? -Where was Mr. Reed warmly received? -Who was warmly received in Europe? -Who did Mr. Reed create work for? -Who extend a wall through? -What is a long game? -She has an extraordinary talent for what? -Where does Northern European artists come from? -Where was there first solo show located? -When does it open? -Where is the gallery? -Who perished on thursday? -What was Darryl Dawkins nickname? -Who was on good terms with Darryl Dawkins? -What killed Darryl Dawkins? -Who selected Darryl for their team team? -Who did Dawkins remind people of? -Did Dawkins listen to advice? -What did Dawkins like to wear? -Did Dawkins dabble in music? -What were his typical basketball stats? -Was he popular with game moderators? -When was he introduced to the world? -What team did he help to the state championship? -Did Dawkins play outside of the US? -Did Dawkins try his luck with professional coaching? -Did Dawkins have a family? -In what year did Dawkins marry for the fourth time? -Who was Dawkins fourth marriage partner? -Did Dawkins break any rims after upgrades were introduced? -Were Dawkins scoring moves popular? -When did Times talk to Dawkins? -What upgrades were introduced in basketball? -Which network airs a TV show featuring the Notre Dame college football team? -Why couldn't Ronnie Stanley accept the captain position on the team? -Who maintained some control over the content of the show alongside Espinoza? -What happened to Malik Zaire to end his season? -What demographic did the show focus on? -What instrument can Corey Robinson play? -Who coached a women's flag football team in an episode of the show? -How long is each episode? -What was the average viewership for the first few episodes? -What is the first most-watched sports series on Showtime? -What time span did uber and Lyft take to insert shared rides in 6 major USA cities? -What name did Uber give to their ride shares? -What name did Lyft give to their ride shares? -What is the name of a competitor of UberPool and Lyft Line? -Who is Tony Dutzik? -What percentage of workers drove alone in 2013? -Who released a report saying car-polling was just over 9% in 2013? -What percentage of people car-pooled in 1980? -What would be a good summary of what happened with car-pooling from 1980 to 2013? -Who was Christopher Koopman? -What company intended to serve Kansas City at the beginning of the new year? -Who was the author of the Census Bureau Report? -How did Brian McKenzie write about the less than admirable work locations for ride-sharing? -Who doubted the expansion of car-pooling? -What invention is said to bring car-poolers together better? -Were there any deaths reported? -How many people were seriously injured? -Where did the incident take place? -How many hospitals received victims? -How many people were sent to local hospitals? -What was the name of the event? -Around what time did flames erupt? -What day of the week did the incident take place? -How many people from the United States were injured? -How many people from Hong Kong were injured? -Where is SGS based? -What does SGS do? -Who from SGS commented on the incident? -What social media site did SGS use to state that their products were in line with safety standards? -Which poet is Ms. Clyne creating a chamber opera about? -Who will direct the Ensemble Signal's performance of Ms. Clyne's chamber opera? -Ms. Clyne used facsimiles of what possession of Emily Dickinson as inspiration? -Ms. Clyne's musical creation process is rooted in what? -At which theater will parts of the chamber opera be performed? -Ms. Clyne originally composed what type of music? -Where does Ms. Clyne currently live? -Where was Ms. Clyne born? -Ms. Clyne wrote her program with what choreographer in mind? -The choreographer that Ms. Clyne worked with said that Ms. Clyne's music has great what to it? -Where does Ms. Clyne keep her drafts? -What does Ms. Clyne use to listn to her music while dancing? -When Ms. Clyne puts on her headphones and doesn't look at the score, what is she trying to discover about her music? -Ms. Clyne said she would feel what emotion if someone caught her dancing? -How many visits has the tracker got since it debut in October? -The capital projects "tracker" is updated how often? -How many Brooklyn dog runs could be combined into one? -When did the capital projects tracker debut on the website? -What advocacy group released the critical report? -How many city agencies get involved in the bidding process? -Who is the commissioner of the parks department? -Mr. Silver was invited to speak to how many residents at the St. Barbara's Church -Who is the executive director of New Yorkers for Parks? -How much money was allotted towards the project in 2010? -The dog run that finally opened last summer was where? -What near DiMattina Playground limped along for years? -How much will the renovations of Dome Playground cost? -What year did the parks department hold a meeting for ideas about the Dome Playground? -What is the name of the terrorist group that struck across Nigeria's border into the Niger for the first time on Friday? -On what day of the week did the terrorist group Boko Haram strike across Nigeria's border into Niger for the first time? -Where did the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram strike? -Where is Nigeria located? -What religious group is the terrorist group Boko Haram associated with? -Which river did the Boko Haram fighters cross to attack Bosso? -Which city did the Boko Haram attack after crossing the Komadougou River? -Where is the city of Bosso located? -How long did it take to push the Boko Haram fighters back from Bosso? -What happened to the Boko Haram fighters who attacked Bosso? -Was the army officer who described the Bosso attack authorized to speak publicly? -What did the people of Bosso hear? -Did any of the Boko Haram who entered the town to attack Bosso survive? -What did the people of Bosso do when they heard gunfire? -Where are Bosso army detachments posted? -What do a lot of buyers prefer to use the extra mantel space for? -What do you usually design a room around? -What business in Manhatten does Ms. Smith work for? -What does Joan Enger have to do with J. Patryce Design? -What state is J. Patryce Design located in? -What month did the husband of Ms. Enger help sell the house? -What material did Ms. Enger build a mantel out of? -What material cost more than others when used to build a mantel? -What might need to be done if brick is a large part of the wall? -What's the best material to use for a surround when you want a lot of luxury? -What was stuffed with eggplant and pickled onion? -What type of fish was served? -What was flavorful? -What type of ice cream was on the menu? -Where was the wine made? -What did Madonna apologize for on Wednesday evening? -Where was the suspect from? -What did Madonna mention happened in December that caused her to be later for everything? -What did Madonna do for the album which arrived Tuesday? -Who was Madonna supervising? -What did the experience change into? -What was considered instant? -Where did they speak. -What was above the fire place? -What is Madonna working on? -What does Madonna call it when she works on tracks in person? -Who was the producer who also worked with Beyonce? -What has Toby Gad worked with Madonna on? -What did Toby Gad think of Madonna? -What did Toby Gad say Madonna likes? -Who was said to have had their own original style? -What was Ms. Mizrahi-Rubles grandfather known for being? -Besides being precious what was another attribute of the stones Ms Mizrahi-Rubel was trained to work with? -What did Ms. Mizrahi-Rubel open to view her uncles archives? -Who did Ms. Mizrahi-Rubel collaborate with during her career? -What brand is Ms. Mizrahi-Rubel reviving? -How many pieces are there in the collection? -What is the name of the collection? -Who was the Ginger ring named for? -What is the name of the Mozambique ruby and diamond ring? -What did the couple do in Amman, Jordan? -What did the couples phones have in common musically? -What faith did the couple marry in? -Who keeps the couple separated? -Who are the couple trying to reason with? -Who is the PR representative for Mr. Abbas? -What has happened with Israel's methods? -Why do the couple try to talk to Mr. Abbas? -What shift is more pressing in Europe than any other major region except Japan? -How many Europeans 65 or older are there for every 100 residents aged 20 to 64? -The United Nations expects the European figure to do what by the end of the century? -Who already faces existential questions about adult diaper sales beginning to overtake baby diapers? -Who faces an increased burden to sustain social programs? -Which country is mentioned to be facing a gap in skilled labor? -Labor shortages are partly due to declining what? -Overtime what can make up for population stresses? -A major current issue for Europe is a high what? -What kind of reckoning has Tunisia had with it's own past? -Tunisia has been on a road towards which form of government? -What were the names of two dictators that many Tunisians suffered torture because of? -What Commission was created in 2013? -What entities might the I.S.S. be biased toward? -What kinds of targets do hedge funds usually choose? -Which company did the I.S.S. claim is not broken? -Which law firm does Martin Lipton work for? -Who sent a memo to clients about lessons from the DuPont conflict? -How much money has Trian invested in DuPont? -How has DuPont performed in regard to its earning targets? -How are DuPont's earnings in 2015 expected to compare to its 2011 earnings? -DuPont may have unnecessarily large costs in which sectors? -What purchase made by DuPont was considered a bad move? -What did the I.S.S. find DuPont's growth margin to be? -Over what period of time was DuPont's growth margin measured? -What types of issues did Trian find DuPont to have? -What was the head of I.S.S.'s main concern regarding DuPont? -What two possibilities are left for DuPont shareholders regarding the company? -What might help DuPont, as with most other sizable corporations? -Which businesses are being sold by DuPont? -Which entity of DuPont's was recently given a new name? -What is the new name of DuPont's chemical business? -Who might DuPont suspect wants to disrupt and break up the company? -On what date is the investor vote occurring? -What share of DuPont's shareholder base is comprised of retail investors? -By what means will DuPont's destiny be determined? -An I.S.S. report stated the DuPont may be on what type of trajectory? -What is the most reasonable course of action for DuPont? -What college did the bride graduate from? -Who is the bride's father? -What position did the brides father hold at work? -Where did the brides mother work? -What city did the brides father work in? -In what church were Michael and Brigid married? -Where did Michael and Brigid meet? -In what state was the church that Michael and Brigid got married at? -From what college did Brigid graduate from? -What is the occupation of Brigid's father? -What was the name of the officer who shot VonDerrit D. Meyers Jr.? -What action by Mr. Meyers did the police say led to the officer firing his hand gun? -What case did protesters liken to the death of Mr. Meyers? -The family of Mr. Meyers contested the police's version of events by making what claim about Mr. Meyers? -In what role was officer Flanery working on the night of the shooting? -What church had a vote on wednesday? -The vote was to change it's definition of marriage to include what? -The membership of the united Methodist church was misstated as being what number of people worldwide? -Where are the misstated 5.5 million actually located? -What is the actual number of United Methodist Church members worldwide? -who experienced playing pro basketball in Russia? -The article about Diana misidentified the church there in Yekaterinburg Russia, what is the accurate name? -Who was assassinated in the location in which the church was built? -What two organizations are helping to present a play alongside the New York City Players? -It was misstated as being what church from St. Petersburg? -What time is "The Dreamers" on tonight on Starz Cinema? -What year does the movie "The Dreamers" take place in? -Who does A. O. Scott write for? -Who narrates ELLES ÉTAIENT EN GUERRE? -The 2014 French documentary on at 8:30 P.M. examines what war? -What network is "Empire" on tonight at 9 P.M. -What time is "Modern Family" on? -Who plays Phil in "Modern Family"? -Who back-stabbed Cookie on the show "Empire"? -In "Empire" tonight Lyon goes to the extremes to save what? -What could possibly power the sun? -What may be eating neutrinos? -What star may not be powered by fusion? -Which professor did the author of post meet? -What does Begley make no mention of? -Who did important historical work on the Holocaust? -What language are some of Poles' work in? -What did many countries involved in the Holocaust acknowledge? -In what was every incidental character identified? -Who identified every incidental character? -From whom did Voronina solicit aid from? -What is Gennady Barabtarlo known for? -What did Gennady Barabtarlo do? -In what city are Racines and Racines 2 located? -In what state will the dinner "for six hands" take place? -On what street will the dinner "for six hands" take place? -How much will it cost to attend the dinner "for six hands?" -What dessert will be served at the dinner "for six hands?" -How many appeals for State Department correspondence has Citizens United made? -Where did the correspondence (if it exists) likely take place? -What foundation was Mrs. Clinton corresponding with during her tenure at the State Department? -What did Mrs. Clinton reportedly only use while secretary of state? -What was in doubt about Mrs. Clinton's private email address? -What did certain countries have poor records on that created an appearance problem for Mrs. Clinton? -What women's aspiration does Mrs. Clinton embody with her candidacy? -Who was the White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush? -Who will unveil the "No Ceilings" report with Mrs. Clinton? -What will be the topic at the United Nations gathering where Mrs. Clinton will be the keynote speaker? -Did the persons parents live in the same house? -What was notable of the person's parent's houses? -Was the persons father rich? -What was the persons ethnicity? -Did the person start an organization before junior high? -What did the person start in junior high? -Did the person follow the rules? -Where did the person grasp the idea of resilience? -What does the person advocate that leaders cannot be? -In what area was the person suprised most by its leaders? -What does the person advocate in relation to conflicts? -In what business areas did the person find the issues with conflict? -How does this person start a conversation? -What does this person dislike about peoples motivations behind their answers? -What does this person want in an employee? -Does this person prefer critical thinking in applicants? -What NBA player was persuaded not to retire? -What NBA player was brought back on a cheap contract? -Which NBA player used to be a star, but is now more of an afterthought? -What player didn't receive the Most Valuable Player award, but probably should have? -What NBA player became a San Antonio Spur as a star free agent? -Who should Catholics not try to convert? -What is Christianity deeply intertwined with? -What subject should Christians treat with sensitivity? -What did analysts conclude about the language in the document? -Who was the church obliged to evangelize to? -What is Alberto Melloni director of? -What has a tight and inescapable link? -What can a Christian never be? -How did Jewish leaders react to the Church's statements? -What have router manufactures recently done? -What did Mr. Fraser say? -What do new routers often include? -What can be blamed for Wi-Fi headaches? -What does an outdated router become? -What does a newer router improve? -What upgrades are also included in newer router? -Which standard do many of newer router support? -What advantage does the latest Wi-Fi offer? -How many routers did the Wirecutter use? -What was the Wirecutter being used for? -What was the top router recommendation? -What older router was used? -Who is David Murphy? -What criteria was the router test performed on? -What was the range of the test? -What did the devices do better on? -What is the Archer C7's strength? -Which band is recommended for stronger, faster wireless connection? -How much does the Archer C7 cost? -What is the best router for most people for buying purposes? -Which devices is the Archer C7 faster than over longer distances? -What did The Wirecutter comb through? -When is a good time to buy a new router if you haven't in the last three years? -How often is it recommended to upgrade to a new router? -What is the advantage of using the latest 802.11ac standard? -What's the caveat? -Why can a newer router still be useful? -What can you do if your house is so large that a new router can't cover it? -What does a Wi-Fi extender do? -Who did Pekka Rinne make 19 saves for? -Who made 19 saves for the Predators? -Who did Nashville outshoot by 14-3 -Who played interference? -Who played holding? -Who had goals in regulation for the Flyers? -Who was shut out in the previous two games? -What were the Flyers average goals per game? -Who scored third period goals? -Who bounced back from a poor performance? -Who stopped 31 shots? -Who scored the tie breaking goal -Who was the visiting team? -How many goals did Quick give up -Who did Zach Redmond used to play for? -Who stopped 31 shots? -Who was the visiting team? -How many goals did Quick give up -Who scored the tie breaking goal -Who did Zach Redmond used to play for? -Who is the Labour leader? -Whose apartment did Ed visit? -Who is Russell Brand? -Where was the interview posted? -What is Russell Brand known for? -What is Britain's most popular newspaper? -Who is the Conservative Party Leader? -What did David say about Russell Brand? -Who is one of David Cameron's supporters? -What does Owen Jones do for a living? -What did the interview remove? -What law was Cameron trying to enact? -Who removed Cameron's pledge? -Who sent the fake email? -Who is George Osborne? -Which city is mentioned? -Where did Wanderu first launch? -What travel website was mentioned that is also a name for a boat? -What is the app called that provides a service for finding ways to commute? -Which two phone types does Wanderu support? -Which two words does the Wanderu app's home screen display? -Which national park is mentioned? -Which two ways can results be sorted by? -What does the company take when someone uses Wanderu to purchase a trip? -How much does Wanderu cost? -What team was Syndergaard pitching against? -Who was pitching for the opposite team? -What was the final score of the game? -How many hits did the opposing team have against Syndergaard? -How many innings did Syndergaard pitch? -Who did Syndergaard strike out twice? -What kind of pitch did Joc Pederson strike out on? -What was the speed of Syndergaard's fastest pitch? -Was Pederson a veteran player or a rookie? -What attribute did Syndergaard use against the Dodgers? -When did Vanity Fair begin advertising? -Where did Vanity Fair first advertise? -What image first gained traction in the early years? -What does Vanity Fair pride itself on? -Who holds the position of Japanese ambassador? -Who was Hirosi Saito planning to meet with? -What was the purpose of the meeting? -What is the name of the fair that combines art and design? -How many galleries are at the show? -What is unique about the Salon Art + Design fair? -What type of style is the fair trying to achieve casually? -What is the name of the painting that is strikingly American version of Modernism? -From which gallery was Cadmus' work removed due to salacious depiction of sailors? -Who painted Venus and Adonis? -Which part of the US Military had a Cadmus painting removed from a gallery? -Who made a piece of art by taking a blowtorch to plastic? -Which gallery has a organic and natural modern approach to furniture? -Who is the craftsman that had a sofa on display at the Moderne Gallery of Philadelphia? -Who created the "Bolotas" chairs? -What is the goofiest object at Salon? -Who designed the "Jungle V.I.P" chandelier? -How long has Douglas elmendorf been in charge of the C.B.O? -Who decided to put in a new person to be head of the C.B.O.? -Besides being a friend, what is Elmendorf's relationship to the author? -Who did Mr. Hall used to work for? -What political party does Elmendorf have a past connection to? -For how long has Douglas Elmendorf been director of the C.B.O? -What has Douglas done a remarkable job of? -What relationship is between Mr. Elmendorf and the author? -What did the new Republican leadership in congress decide? -What did President Obama once say? -Who made a recent rule change? -What method does the Joint Committee on Taxation and C.B.O. currently use to grade potentional policy changes? -The process that makes the assumption that G.D.P. stays static when the government impliments spending or changes tax law is called what? -Who is now in charge of the C.B.O? -What's known of Mr. Hall's leadership? -What have House Republicans recently done? -What do new rules require when evaluating major changes in tax and spending policy -What has used a process called static scoring until now? -What is the drawback of the assumption of unchanged GDP? -What do economic theory and empirical research confirm? -What is a big part of why policy makers use the tools at their disposal? -What does static scoring bias? -What's more important in analyzing the biases inherent in static scoring? -Why would cutting corporate tax promote economic growth? -What would be the true cost of the tax cut? -What inconsistencies do biases inherent in static scoring have? -Where is the Clinton Correctional Facility located? -What was beneath the prison? -How long did it take David Sweat to saw a hole at the back of his cell? -Why was David Sweat in prison? -What did David Sweat create? -How old was Mr. Sweat? -What human qualities were needed to execute the daring escape? -Where was the maximum security prison that housed Mr. Sweat located? -What was Mr. Sweat trying to cut through? -What bothered Mr. Sweat while he was trying to cut through the concrete wall? -How many days later from the escape was Mr. Sweat discovered? -Next to which country's border was Mr. Sweat caught? -How far away from the Canadian border was Mr. Sweat when he was caught by the police? -Did Mr. Sweat surrender when he was ordered to stop running? -How many times was Mr. Sweat shot? -What is being reviewed? -Who was arrested after the initial investigation? -Who is the Clinton County district attorney? -What was Ms. Mitchell accused of? -How many staff members of the correctional facility were placed on administrative leave? -What did Mr. Sweat compare his escape to? -Who was Mr. Sweat's partner in the escape? -Who did Tim Robbins play in Shawshank Redemption? -How long did it take Andy Dufresne to escape? -Where will people avoid going once they have insurance? -When did Obama insist Congress pass the Affordable Care Act? -What did Obama say may happen if one catches a disease before it gets worse? -During which event did Obama tell Congress to pass a bill? -What did the White House describe would not happen to economic growth? -Who spends more money on medical care than people without health insurance? -What may health insurance provide for people? -What does preventive health care cost rather than it saves? -In how many situations does giving someone health care actually end up saving money? -What will preventive services not be allowed to charge under Obamacare? -What does research demonstrate about preventive care? -What can sometimes happen when early spending on health matters? -What does giving people health insurance allow for? -What type of screening can prevent a heart attack? -How many people need to be tested in order for a single heart attack to be prevented? -Which test can be a cost-saver for those whose heart attack was stopped thanks to a screening of cholesterol? -How many years would about one hundred people need to be given cholesterol lowering drugs for the prevention of one heart attack? -What saves more money in the long run than pregnancy? -Besides mammography, what is another thing that costs more than is saved? -What may happen even if one person is saved from a disease? -Who studies the financial factors of preventive care? -What does early research show of those with new coverage? -What type of screenings can the newly insured receive? -What happens when more people are part of the health care system? -Besides operations, what can the covered people afford? -What Rabbi is a well known Orthodox figure in Williamsburg, Brooklyn? -What term is used to describe a certain Orthodox circumcision ritual? -Whose administration created a pamphlet warning about metzitzah b’peh? -What disease has been linked with metzitzah b’peh? -What complication in babies can be caused by herpes? -Who is the star point guard for the Oklahoma City Thunder? -Who thought Westbrook was more of a dog? -Who thought Westbrook was a cat-dog? -What did Westbrook think of himself in response to the 'cat or dog' question? -What podcast did the 'cat or dog' question come from? -Who will be broadcasting for the NBA this year? -What show in its second season is growing in popularity? -What was "The Jones" rebranded as? -What are "The Starters" podcast downloads up to? -Who is planned to make an appearance on "The Starters"? -Who are the hosts, referred to as "Mr."? -What does Mr. Elder think of Westbrook? -What was number one on the countdown from the segment "Meme Team"? -What podcast is downloaded more frequently than "The Starters" podcast? -What are the names of the personalities mentioned by first and last name? -What is sunlight used for? -What is something that crating biofuels uses a lot of? -By what year is the land expected to raise 70 percent of the global apetite for food? -What did Mr. Searchinger say we have one of? -What did Mr. Searchinge say the land cannot be used for it is already used for something. -What was Jason Hill not involed in? -What did the report say made little sense? -What did not live up to it's promise? -What did Dr. Hill say the government would be doing if it gave up on biofuels ? -What did first-generation biofuels have a negative impact on? -What kind of news outlet is the Waterford Whispers? -Di Tzeitung is based in what city? -Di Tzeitung had to apologize after digitally removing what politician from a photo? -Newspapers with what large readership have gotten into trouble for how they handle photos of women? -What did Mr. Mondella installed after suffering a break-in? -What had been taken away from the factory? -When did happen the break-in? -What did Mr Mondella buy from other streets nearby? -What devastated much of the neighborhood? -What company failed to take appropriate action when presented with information that their vehicles were defective? -What do corporations have a history of? -What do the lawyers want the plaintiffs to be able to do? -Which particular part was defective in the General Motors made vehicles? -Mr. Rodham has attempted to leverage his connections with whom in order to further business interests? -Mr. Rodham describes his occupations as what? -In Haiti, Mr. Rodham and his partners sought to raise how much to rebuild homes? -In his own words, why does Mr. Rodham prefer to deal through the Clinton Foundation? -Why has Mr. Rodham's connection to the Clintons raised eyebrows? -How is Hillary Clinton related to Mr. Rodman -What are some of the ventures that Mr. Rodman has done for the Clintons? -What did the company do that Mr. Rodman was on an advisory board for? -How much money was Mr. Rodman and his partners asking for to rebuild homes in Haiti after the earthquake they suffered? -How did Mr. Rodman say he got in contact with Haitian officials when attempting rebuild homes in the country? -Who helped Mr. Rodham get a job in 2010 when he was short on money? -What enterprise was Mr. Rodham's job with? -GreenTech Automotive was owned by Terry McAuliffe, who held what government position in Virginia? -Mr. Rodham was embroiled in litigation from a lawsuit over what issue? -What job did Mr. Clinton help Mr. Rodman get in 2010? -What kind of company is Greentech Automotive? -What state is Terry McAuliffe governor of? -Why was Mr. Rodman in court? -Who did Mr. Clinton ask to help Mr. Rodman get a job? -During Mrs. Clinton's 2016 campaign, who emerged as a controversial figure? -GreenTech was investigated by the government, the results of which concluded what? -GreenTech allegedly received special treatment in the handling of what? -Which Department did Mr. Auliffe and Mr. Rodham contact in order to issue complaints about visa issues? -What was a Greentech trying to get for their Chinese Investors? -What were Mr. McAuliffe and Mr. Rodman accused of doing? -What did Mr. McAuliffe and Mr. Rodman receive as a result of their pressuring of the DHS? -What relatives of the Clintons were no longer in the picture by spring of 2016? -The Haiti project was the result of Mr. Rodham being contacted by who? -What was Mr. Drobny's connection to Mr. Rodham? -Mr. Drobny co-founded what talk network? -What was the political leaning of Mr. Drobny's talk network? -What was Sheldon Drobny helping Mr. Rodman with? -What was Mr. Drobny a co-founder of? -What Mr. Drobny's reasoning for helping Mr. Rodman in building homes in Haiti? -What network was Air American Radio apart of? -The Clinton Foundation issued a statement suggestions what? -How many projects were submitted to the Clinton Foundation in regards to the Haiti project? -In Mr. Rodham's income projection for the Haiti deal, he had hoped to cover what expenses? -What was Mr. Rodham's former lawyer's name? -How much was Mr. Rodman expecting from the housing deal in Haiti if it went through? -What did the Clinton Foundation do in Haiti? -What did the foundation claim about Mr. Rodman's project? -What would the deal do for Mr. Rodman if it was accepted? -What was Mr. Rodman able to do after the legal proceedings? -What religion was Ben Lowe? -In which state is Rev. Brian Sauder from? -Where did the Rev. Brian Sauder realize the significance of climate change? -What continent is Ben Lowe from? -What Christian movement was Rev. Brian Sauder part of when growing up in Illinois? -Which Old Testament Book in the Bible has God granting dominion to human beings over all other beings? -Which chapter of Genesis references that God grants dominion to human beings over all other beings? -Who did God reference as having dominion over all other beings in the first chapter of Genesis? -Who grants dominion to human beings over all other beings in the first chapter of Genesis? -In addition to Christians, what other religious group discusses what God meant in the first chapter of Genesis when he granted human beings dominion over all other beings? -How many American rabbis recently issued a letter declaring that the time for environmental action is now? -What communication did more than 350 American rabbis recently use to declare that environmental action needs to taken now? -What movement from 50 years ago did the American rabbis reference in their letter declaring the need for environmental action? -How long ago was the civil rights movement that the American rabbis compared to the current environmental movement in their letter calling for action? -What type of energy supplies are American rabbis requesting that governments find way to lower the cost of? -How many suites is Wild Tales comprised of? -How does the final suite of Wild Tales begin? -Which pair star in Wild Tales? -How does the final suite of Wild Tales end up playing out? -Which show does Tracee Ellis Ross star in? -What does Ms. Ross work just as hard on as her show? -Who is Ms. Ross's co-star? -Who makes her own comedy when the writers aren't giving her good material? -What's the smartest decision making app? -How do you start? -What is free for IOS? -What does the app let you to explain? -If you decide to go on vacation, what may be the biggest factor? -What app is free on IOS? -What's an alternate app that can be used instead of ChoiceMap? -What system is used for rating factors? -What is the app's strength? -How much does an upgrade cost? -How much is the Decide Now app? -Who created Decision Maker? -What game show is the app similar to? -How much is the Decision Maker app? -The Decision Maker app works on which operating systems? -Who did the police open fire on when they tried to set fire to a government building? -How many deaths occurred after protesters attacked officers in Jaleswor? -How many fatalities were of police officials? -Who is it that is opposing the way provinces are being demacrated in the draft constitution? -What is another ethnic group pushing for their own province? -What was the body of the 300 SLR made of? -What is Elektron -What won the event in 1952? -What compensated for the conventional drum brakes -What was exciting to watch? -How many meters was the track? -What did the spectators sit on? -How many miles per hour were the top speeds? -What month did this take place? -What make of car was rapidly decelerating? -What killed many of the spectators? -What exploded into white hot flames? -How old was Levegh when he was killed? -How fast was Levegh driving when the crash occurred? -When did Mercedes withdraw from the race? -Who win the race? -Which country still has a ban on circuit racing? -How many countries banned auto racing after the incident? -Which President appointed Justice Ginsburg to the Supreme Court? -Which type of medal was awarded to Steinem? -How long was Steinem an editor for a magazine? -Who was the second female justice ever appointed to the Supreme Court? -What did Steinem win awards for? -Which race of women were being sterilized without their permission? -What couldn't women get while sterilization was also happening? -Which organization was Ruth a part of? -What movement was happening when GS had met Ruth? -Whose mother presented disappointment over a less than perfect report card? -At what age did RBG's mother graduate? -Whose mom worked as an editor for the Toledo newspaper? -What did RBG's mother do after she graduated high school? -What did the sign-up sheets say? -Where id GS tried to work at? -What religion was RBG part of? -Who was barely starting to accept Jews? -Who worked for no pay for a county attorney? -What school did Justice O'Connor attend? -Where was RBG located during 1962 and 1963? -Who worked on a book on civil procedure? -Who learned Swedish? -How many women were law students in Sweden? -What were women expected to do? -Who read the book, The Second Sex? -Who lived in India at some point? -Where was it questioned why women should work two jobs while men only one? -What did people express about equality for women? -Who would write an article stating women weren't equal? -What did people believe would happen if women was focused on gender equality? -Who said people considered gender equality to not be of value? -Who is the actor that gives Wasicsko a convincing semblance of life? -Who wrote the songs Hungry Heart, Brilliant Disguise, and Secret Garden? -Which actor gives an amusing caricature of a machine politician? -Which actor plays the head of the Yonkers housing authority? -Which actress plays the part of an anti-integration protester? -Who plays a Dominican immigrant in Show Me a Hero? -Which actress plays the young black mother? -Which actress plays the budding community organizer? -What show is known for the visceral pull of mystery and violence? -What show has the emotional highs of music? -what is the very important indication? -who is Mario Abou Zeid? -Across which city has trash pilled up the side walks? -who are the people forced to work outside ? -what did Mr Abou Zeid say? -why did people flee from Syria? -how many refugees fled to Lebanon? -what left the country without president for 14 months? -when did Lebanon civil war end? -What president was swept aside last month? -What day does the new administration take office? -What girls are missing? -Where are the Chibok girls? -Who is joining Boko Haram? -Why are young people joining Boko Haram? -What does Boko Haram mean in English? -What do members of Boko Haram promise young people? -What country could resume a military training agreement with Nigeria? -Who can help defeat Boko Haram? -What countries are African allies? -Who ended the military agreement with the United States? -What is the name of the terrorist group? -What country is Boko Haram affecting? -What day will the new president begin fighting Boko Haram? -Who let Boko Haram operate in Nigerian territory? -What company did the Administration create new oversight rules for? -When did the Corinthian Colleges collapse? -Which adminstration created new oversight rules -What is corinthian college? -What company did the Administration create new oversight rules for? -What is corinthian college? -When did the Corinthian Colleges collapse? -Which adminstration created new oversight rules -Which college is involeved in fruad? -when will the claim be decided? -what is the risk of the case? -Who is assembling he case? -What is the name of the conductor? -The statements that Boulez made were what? -What are young people attracted to? -A composer is useless of he has not experienced what technique? -Essa-Pekka Salonen is what? -When did Cheung get to know Salonen? -Where did Cheung work in the 80's? -Pierre Laurent Aimarf is a what? -What is the name of the piece Boulez was conducting? -In "Notations" he composed a set of what? -Franz Welser-Most is the director of what? -What year did he first conduct the Orchestra? -The image of a conductor is molded on who? -Conducting is partly what? -Pierre's results get to the very what? -The expression of Western art music comes from what? -If you don't know the harmony, you cannot what? -What two pieces should you study to get a clear idea of harmonic structure? -You must learn the principles of harmony before you can what? -What is the name of what you should go through every chord of? -What was the name of Boulez's performance? -In the end his piece was so much more what? -He was able to make Mahler's music sound what? -When do most people give everything away? -What is the name of the person talking about Boulez's performance? -What did Marc-Andre Dalbavie study with Boulez? -His study with Boulez had an influence on what? -What year was he writing his concerto? -What instrument was he writing his concerto for? -Where was he living in the 1990's? -What type of language doesn't have a relationship with what he does? -what are the natural resonances of instruments? -What is more influential to him? -The attacks and decays make it so that it feels like the music is doing what? -The natural resonances make it very what? -What occupation was his father? -What night job did the Arthur had? -What year did the Arthur get out of school? -What University did the Arthur go to to get a M.B.A.? -When type of engagement will help people be more successful? -Where did the people come from to gain advice? -What will not wanting to do a job reflect on? -What should people feel when they take a job? -Who wrote "For Kenneth Gaburo"? -Where is the Wild Project located? -Who wrote "Three Voices"? -Who wrote the poem "wind"? -When was Frank O'Hara's "Three Voices" written? -What private group organized Boston's bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympics? -Who requested the report from the private group organizing Boston's bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics? -Where was the briefing for boosters and news media held? -What state is Charlie Baker the Governor of? -How much money would taxpayers need to raise for the revitalization? -How many new jobs would be created? -How many new housing units would be built? -What would the games do for Boston? -Who would front the money to purchase the necessary land? -Who would receive generous tax breaks? -How much might the developer pay in real estate taxes for the first decade? -Who is the chairman of Boston 2024? -How much would insurance cost for the project? -Who questioned whether the organizers could get master developers to sign on? -Who is Andrew Zimbalist? -The Olympic Stadium could be built for a smaller figure if what was not included? -What percent did the original Boston 2024 win support of Boston residents? -What cities was Boston picked over in January? -What was the new plan called? -If the new bid fails to generate more enthusiasm, which city would get a last minute bid? -What's the name of the next film Ms. Schoenhals is plotting? -In what Ms. Schoenhals wants to turn Cosmo Sex Tip? -In what is Ms. Schoenhals working at the moment? -Who is Ms. Schoenhals thinking about acting on Cosmo Sex Tip? -What quandary is the United States looking for an answer too? -What do Germans try to explain by looking to their past? -What was the German Empire not able to deal with? -By understanding their own history what can Germany avoid being distracted about? -What should the United States not use to find a solution to gun control? -What counry violated internaional law? -where is the conflict? -Who is the acting director of the Office of Foreign Assets? -Who is the ruler of russia -On what day did the School of American Ballet hold its Winter Ball? -In what theater did the School of American Ballet hold its Winter Ball? -What is the name of the daughter of the famous Democratic presidential candidate that attended the Winter Ball? -What is the name of Joe Swanberg's new feature? -Which actor gets naked in Digging for Fire? -What kind of hair style does Orlando Bloom appear with? -What kind of case study is Swanberg's new feature? -Which other movies of Swanberg's also have appealing honesty and low-key comedy? -What is Joe Swanberg's new movie, "Digging for Fire", a case study of? -Which actor gets naked in Joe Swanberg's new movie, "Digging for Fire"? -Which actor wears a man-bun in Joe Swanberg's new movie, "Digging for Fire"? -What is the name of Joe Swanberg's latest movie? -Who is the Director for the movie, "Digging for Fire"? -What is the abiding interest that Joe Swanberg shares with Woody Allen? -How are Joe Swanberg's character investigations different from Woody Allen's character investigations? -What do Woody Allen's characters evince? -What do Joe Swanberg's characters evince? -What do Joe Swanberg's characters struggle with? -Where does Lee drop Jude off at? -What does Tim uncover from a patch of dirt on the far side of the swimming pool? -Which actor plays the uptight guy in "Digging for Fire"? -Which actor plays the party guy who brings cocaine and unattached women in "Digging for Fire"? -Where does Tim find the rusty gun and the possibly human bone? -Who was the author of the book, "Passionate Marriage", as shown in "Digging for Fire"? -What book does Tim's wife find everywhere she goes? -Who is Tim's wife visiting in the movie, "Digging for Fire"? -What is one of the virtues of the movie, "Digging for Fire"? -What mood does Joe Swanberg's narrative almost entirely unfold in? -What team did Cambur visit? -What player has concerns about his health? -What team did Lionel Messi practice with while he was injured? -In what city is Lionel Messi expected to play once he is no longer injured? -Who was elected as speaker of the New York State Assembly? -In what city was the blood drive being held? -In what building did the blood drive take place? -How many places did Mr. Heastie stop at during his travels? -On what day of the week was the blood drive taking place? -What part of New York is Mr. Heastie from? -What is the second motivation for Mr. Heastie to visit central New York? -What was the first reason Mr. Heastie gave for traveling to central New York? -To what part of New York state was Mr. Heastie traveling? -Which elected official is originally from the Bronx? -For how long did Mr. Heastie serve in the Assembly prior his his speakership? -Mr. Heastie was considered one of the most influential people in what city? -Over what period of time was Mr. Heastie able to establish himself as a presence? -To whom did Mr. Heastie often provide curt answers? -What figure had previously conversed multiple times with Mr. Heastie? -From what office is the statement? -Wha was the name of the man? -What type of training did Ayub received? -What type of people were recruited by Ayub? -What are the most searched inquiries on travel? -What do people want in their lives? -What general questions did the author answer? -What kind of questions were after the most-searched? -What cities are referenced in this piece? -What kind of arrangement can cut expenses? -What are some upsides of a mortgage? -What should co-borrowers reveal before getting a mortgage? -What is the most important part of co-borrowing? -Who is Mike Venable? -What do underwriters base elgibility on? -How are co-borrowers treated? -What other considerations are there? -What happens if one borrower cannot pay? -What does Mr. Venable recommend to prevent this? -What equipment was working at the time of the crash? -Who saw the SUV move onto the tracks? -What street did the railroad tracks cross? -Who briefed the reporters? -What appropriate warning did the approaching train give? -How fast was the train going? -What closed onto Ms. Brody's car? -What did Ms. Brody do after the crossing arm closed onto her car? -How long did it take for the train to come to a complete stop? -Since 2006, on average, how many rail crossing accidents per year? -How many deaths a year are caused by rail crossing accidents? -What agency keeps records of railroad accidents? -When did the crossing reopen? -Who were left by her puzzling action? -What did drivers do because they were weary of the accident? -Which rail tore through the first passenger car? -What hangs ov er the staircase? -What shape is the staircase? -How many bulbs does the chandelier have? -How was the service at the restaurant? -Who was the original chef to Orama? -What is Orama's best prepared food? -What food was meaty and tender? -What kind of shrimp is served? -In what kind of sauce is the lobster cocktail set in? -How much did the Lobster Maxime cost? -What was the signature entree? -How large was the promised lobster? -Which entree was the best that night? -What did the manager off to send them? -Who was the pastry chef? -Where was Krista Guiwo trained? -How many choices are usually on the dessert menu? -How often did the dessert menu change? -What were the expectations for the night? -How much does it cost to visit the musuem? -What did the municipal leaders name the new city organizations? -About how many visitors has the musuem had already? -The Barcelona Design Musuem has what in both the front and back? -How many antiques does the musuem have? -The roundabout in the Glories area of Barcelona has been torn down as part of what program? -What has opened up nearby in December? -In which year did Illdefons Cerda design Barcelona? -What does Poblenou mean/stand for? -Who is the tour guide for the musuem? -Who was let go by ESPN? -What role does John Skipper play at ESPN? -What did Simmons help to start at ESPN? -How often does ESPN make a presentation to it's advertisers? -Who does John Skipper think is bigger than the brand? -How much is Simmons payed to work for ESPN? -What is one of the clauses in Simmons contract? -How much of his income does Simmons stand to lose if he says anything before he officially leaves ESPN? -When was Simmons contract suppose to end? -What shouldn't Simmons talk about at this time? -Who has a podcast empire? -What is Turner still focusing on? -What could Simmons create something similar from? -Who is a competitor of ESPN? -What would be a bonus for Turner if Simmons goes to work for them? -Marijuana accounts for how much revenue generated by cartels? -How many states allow the use of medical marijuana? -How much does this amount to per year? -How many states allow recreational marijuana? -Who wrote an 88 page opinion arguing that the state recognizes an individual's right to engage in recreational use? -What will persist whether or not marijuana use is legal? -What do cartels do besides smuggle marijuana? -The legal ruling barely eluded to what? -How many Mexicans smoked marijuana in the past year? -What will allow Mexicans to be able to smoke marijuana without buying or selling it? -How many Americans smoked marijuana in the past year? -What percent of inmates sentenced for drug crimes were convicted for marijuana? -Who works as a public advocate, in the passage? -The National Register of Historic Places was updated with the location in question in what year? -Which area operates a policy that creates "historic districts" within it? -What is the shortest name for the building that appears to be the topic of the reading? -This building would not be able to earn landmark status for what specific reason? -What Japanese director was a great, prolific artist? -When was "The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum" completed? -How many films did Kenji Mizoguchi have to his credit? -What film helped Kenji Mizoguchi find his footing? -Who is given an elaborate dressing table and mirror? -Kiku is obliged to leave Tokyo for what city? -Name three of his postwar masterpieces? -Which two Mizoguchi film had been widely seen in the west? -How long is the video? -Where is the video set? -What does the gender bending character drink in the video? -Where was last years Art Basel held? -What year did Ms. Wise graduate art school in Montreal? -What is the name of the philanthropist who co-created Daata Editions? -Where was the new website debuted? -Who was one of the 18 new-media artists to be invited to part of the inaugural group? -Who created the sound work named "Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand." -How many video,sound and digital artists will be commissioned? -How much do sound,web and digital works start at in price? -How much royalty does Daata pay the artiests on each sale? -What is the top price for Video works go for? -How many editions of each piece need to be completed? -Who is the director of Salon 94? -How many downloads of the free Jon Rafman videos were there? -By the beginning of what month did the inaugural artiest sell several of their works? -What does Mr. Gryn hope will change? -About how many scenes did Mr. Rylance say there were per episode? -What did Mr. Rylance say was the difficult was with his character? -What company was Colin Callender the former president of? -What did Mr. Callander envisage once he read the book(Wolf Hall)? -Who is Mr. Lewis best known for playing? -In what series does Mr. Lewis play Nicholas Brody? -What is the inexhaustible appetite for versions of Wolf Hall a party a result of? -How is Cromwell usually depicted by historians? -How many Tony Awards has Mr. Rylance won? -How long did Mr. Callender persuade the BBC to wait for Mark Rylance? -Who does Mr. Rylance have two current film projects with? -What was Mark Rylance doing while the BBC waited for him to act in their show? -Who owns Dix Hills Animal Hospital? -What university did she attend? -Where is the hospital located? -What degree did she earn? -Who are her parents? -What is the name of the play that focuses on Liberia's civil war? -Who is the director of Eclipsed? -Where is Steve Martin curating an exhibition? -What piece did Steve Martin contribute to? -Who is "Writings on the Wall" a tribute to? -What is the birth name of Pope Francis? -Who is donating land for a new medical facility? -What hospital is in the Cobble Hill, Brooklyn? -What is the name of the hospital that is receiving a land from Fortis? -What is the name of the theater in the West End? -Where is the Stepney Green Underground station? -How long does it take to get to Stepney Green Underground using the circle line? -Which station requires a transfer to get to Stepney Green? -How many people did Mr. Obama address during his speech at American University? -Where did Mr. Obama give his speech? -What was Mr. Obama opening up about during his speech at American University? -What was the consequential foreign policy decision Congress voted for in 2003? -What did Mr. Obama's speech leave no room for questioning of? -What was Mr. Obama's speech a striking display of? -What did Mr. Obama declare at one point during his speech? -Who did the diplomatic deal present a dilemma for? -Who did Mr. Obama criticize during his speech? -Who did Mr. Obama say hard-liners in Iran who chant "Death to America" were making common cause with? -What did some lawmakers resent about Mr. Obama's speech? -What did Mr. Obama invoke during his speech? -What kind of fervor was Mr. Obama conjuring with his speech? -What did David Makovsky think Mr. Obama seem to be doing with his speech? -Why did David Makovsky think Mr. Obama might have felt the need to hype his case to the public? -What did Mr. Makovsky think would be the eventual outcome of the debate? -What institute is David Makovsky a part of? -What did David Makovsky think Mr. Obama seem to be doing with his speech? -What did Mr. Makovsky think would be the eventual outcome of the debate? -Why did David Makovsky think Mr. Obama might have felt the need to hype his case to the public? -What institute is David Makovsky a part of? -Where was Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi killed? -Who was Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi? -What country is Darnah in? -The discover of whose burial chamber would lift Egypt's tourism industry? -How much is a seat on Virgin Galactic? -What is Virgin Galactic? -What nationality is Xavier Gabriel? -What is Xavier Gabriel's business? -What was the most difficult decision that I decided to make? -When creating something for long term change, what can you expect? -As the industry continue to change, what do we need to do? -What does it mean to be constantly reassessing? -What is one prime example of nothing lasts forever? -Whatcountry is the Pentagon criticizing? -According to Admiral Paul China is attempting to constrict movement through what? -The Navy is responding by creating what? -What country would be invited to contribute to the Navy's offensive naval warfare effort? -Where is the Clinton Correctional Facility located? -What is the name of the prisoner? -How many guards were present at the beating of Patrick Alexander? -Where did the beating take place? -What torture technique did one of the guards threaten to use on Patrick Alexander? -What month did the prison break occur? -Which newspaper investigated the incident? -Which inmates were most likely to be the victims of retribution? -Which department was responsible for the harsh policies? -What is the name of the prison? -Which prison location has the leadership been removed? -Who is the lawyer for Prisoner's legal Services? -How many member of the inmate council signed the letter? -How many officers have been suspended? -How many prisoners filed complaints? -What condition was Mr Alexander in when he was returned to his cell? -How long did the interrogation last? -Who worked at the tailor shop? -How many days later was Mr Apontes interrogation? -Who was a letter written to? -Who was Mr Aponte warned not to say anything to? -Who was pressured into signing a report stating that he wasnt beaten? -Where was Paul Davila housed in the prison? -Where was Mr Aponte taken for his injuries? -Where did the interview take place? -Who was the supervisor at the prisons tailor shop? -How much does Mr Edwards make as a porter per week? -Who had scars on his ankles? -How much per week was Mr Edwards able to earn in the tailor shop[? -Who wrote "People Places Things"? -Who is the star of "People Places Things"? -What music duo is Jermaine Clement part of? -Who plays Will's twin daughters? -What movie seems at odds with itself? -Which character is handsome in an appealingly scruffy way? -What is the name of a character that is glum, pudgy blob? -What is the name of Strouse's screenplay? -Where does Will move to? -Who is the actress that plays Diane? -What character does Jessica Williams play? -What character gets pregnant in the movie, People Places Things? -What was Stein's occupation? -When did Stein preside over the avant-garde salon? -What did Stein preside over? -In what city was the avant-garde salon Stein presided over? -How long is the play? -What is the full title of the play mentioned in the article? -In what year is the play from? -Who is David Herskovits? -What were white plastic globes and shiny party hats used as? -What does the paragraph claim that once assembled the words suggest? -If you listen with half an ear how do the words sound combined? -How many people are speaking the words referred to in the paragraph? -In what way does the author suggest you listen to the words? -What is the bank removing? -What will attract savers? -Who invested in risky real estate projects? -Who has the second biggest economy? -What could cause another recession? -What year school s Trimble in? -Who won the game? -What position does Trimble play? -What was the point difference in the score? -What was the streak of winning games? -How many games did Notre Dame win in a row? -How many points did Nic Moore score? -How many points were the Irish behind at halftime? -Who did fans wait for long periods of time to see? -What was the name of the Halo web series that Monty Oum created? -What kinds of costumes did Monty Oum like to wear to conventions? -How many people watched the web series that Monty Oum developed? -Who is the Rangers Goalie coach -How long has Lundqvist had is goalie coach? -How long was Lundqvist been on the ice for practice? -What day is the game on? -What did a report ask Lundqvist about pregame -How did Lundqvist look during their scrimmage? -Who was in the opposite goal of Lundqvist during practice? -what was the purpose of practice? -How was the series against the Capital described? -Who was Lundqvist's backup? -Who where they playing in the series mentioned in the article? -What game were the rangers preparing for? -What is Lundqvist record in the last 16 elimnation games? -What is Lundqvist's record in the Garden for game 7's -In what state was the only law that was affected located? -What group wanted the state court to overturn the law? -Which group was pleased with the court decision? -What is the name of the president of Planned Parenthood? -How many police officers did it took to gain forced entry into Mr. Yu's apartment? -What did the police confiscate from Mr. Yu's apartment? -What occupation does Mr. Yu have? -What charges did Mr. Yu face? -What type of lawyer is Mr. Yu? -What did the police warn him not to do? -What did the police want him to confess to? -When did the interview with Mr. Yu take place? -What kinds of abuse did Mr. Yu claim he suffered? -Did Mr. Yu confess to the police's demands? -Who did Mr. Yu accuse of detaining lawyers? -Who was the petition aimed at? -Who is an acquaintance of Mr. Yu that also signed the petition? -What did Mr. Hai say in regards to possible repercussions? -Who did Mr. Hai accuse of seeking to punish him? -Which other lawyers were also detained? -Who disappeared in an earlier police sweep of lawyers? -Who was Li Chunfu's brother? -Which group accused the Chinese government of breaking their pledge to uphold rule of law? -Who went to the police station to try to see Mr. Yu but was refused? -Who was a long time speaker of the NY state Assembly -What did Silver do on sunday? -Were is duties relinqished temporary or perminantely -Why did Silver relinquish his duties? -What did Silver delgate duties to? -What day was the closed door meeting -What caucus was having a closed door meting. -What happened to Silver on Thursday -what did silver predict for himself in court? -What would cause a distraction during the case? -The chairman of Ways and Means and who took responsiblity for budget negotiations? -What day was there a tentitive plan set up? -What area was Joseph Morelle a majority leader for -Who was chairman for Ways and Means Committee -what will the delgations of Silver's responsiblities do? -How old is Silver? -Where is Liver from? -What is silver accused of? -What year did Silver become speaker? -What did people worry about if silver was found guilty? -What day were people waiting in great anticipation for -Who was worried that Silver was being unfairly condemned? -What were long serving memebers wary of? -Which party had the best political momentum? -Prior to her candidacy what was Carly Firorina's profession? -The voters with out a college degree supported which candidate? -Who was stronger with the college students? -What amount of Republicans supported Carly Fiorina? -Who said he was tired of the government? -Which candidate does May have concerns about when it comes to Putin? -Which voters are strongly for Hiliary Clinton? -How many democrats would support Clinton? -34% of what voters would support Trump? -Who was the curator of the university's Screen Arts Mavericks and Makers collection? -Who kept the papers that arrived from Croatia? -What is the name of the film shot by Welles in the 1970's? -What date was the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign launched? -What was the purpose of the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign? -Who did Ernest Hemingway believe the Nobel prize should have been awarded to? -When is Ms. Kodar expected to go to a university sponsored Welles symposium? -What kind of instruments will be played at the Welles symposium? -Who is planning to perform magic illusions for the attendants of the Welles symposium? -Who was impressed by the meeting between Ernest Hemingway and Welles? -What is wrong with the political opposition in Caracas? -What day of the week the elections in Venezuela Happened? -Whta is the banner of the opposition in Venezuela? -How many seats did the Democratic Unity coalition won in the last elections in Venezuela? -When the new National Assembly will be sworn? -Who could pressure Maduro? -What positions the Assembly can remove? -What is another alternativa for Maduro and the Assembly? -What eles can the president do to make it work? -Whe were the first results of the elections in Venezuela released? -Who received a $10,000 fine? -Why did Nick Kyrgios receive a $10,000 fine? -The response of the crowd grew what during the match? -Who completed a 6-2,6-1 victory? -Richard Gasquet completed his victory how quickly? -Kyrgios is of what nationality? -Who told Stan Wawrinka that someone was sleeping with his girlfriend? -Kyrgios had an early what? -Who is Stan Wawrinka's girlfriend? -Who was accused of sleeping with Stan Wawrinka's girlfriend? -What is Kyrgios mother's first name? -What did Nill write on Twitter? -Who is Kyrgios's older brother? -Who was Kokkinakis's American opponent? -Who was Kyrgios lumped in with? -Who was hiding behind tennis's genteel code of conduct? -Who distanced himself from Kyrgios? -Who has been indignant? -Who might support further punishment for Kyrgios? -What sport does Kyrgios play? -Who was 16 when they arrived on this tour? -How old is Kyrgios? -How old is Nadal? -What does Nadal say the sport is? -Players are in front of what on the court? -Which city does the nonprofit Fund for Public Schools raise money for? -What is the name of the executive director that resigned from the Fund for Public Schools? -What's the name of the chancellor that appointed Iris Chen 16 months ago? -Under which mayor did the the Fund for Public Schools see a decline in fund-raising? -Which office in New York was Iris Chen formerly an executive director of? -How much money did the fund raise in 2015? -Under which director did the organization's staff decline in number? -How many people worked under Ms. Chen before it was reduced to 10? -What were the questions about that Ms. Chen was unable to answer in a recent audit committee meeting? -What former associate director at the Rockefeller Foundation was made executive director in place of Ms. Chen? -What company was a victim of a price-fixing scheme? -Who did Motorola Mobility file a civil anti-trust suit against? -What month did a federal appeals court toss out Motorola's suit? -Where is the appeals court located? -Who wrote a friend-of-the-court brief to the Supreme Court? -What did the trade association ask for? -What is the name of a federal appeals court judge and a prominent legal theorist? -Who ruled on a crucial smartphone patent case in 2012? -What did Posner call the patent system? -What was the score in Nishikori's match against Wawrinka before Nishikori's comeback? -Who was Nishikori's coach? -How many consecutive points did Nishikori get in his match against Wawrinka? -Who won the match between Nishikori and Wawrinka? -What bracket of the tournament were Nishikori and Warinka competing to enter? -Which competition did Nishikori compete in last year? -When Nishikori had a match against Wawrinka in last years United States Open, who won? -In what bracket did Noshikori compete with Wawrinka in last years United States Open? -Who did Wawrinka beat last year on the way to win his first major title? -How often do you play during a Grand Slam? -Where were the previous two Grand Slams held? -In what year did Djokovic defeat Wawrinka during a Grand Slam? -What was the final score between Djokovic and Wawrinka during the 2013 Grand Slam? -In what bracket of the tournament did Wawrinka defeat Djokovic last year? -Which places passed this year sick leave policies? -How many states and cities had sick leave policies in 2011? -What is going to be passed soon by Montgomery County? -How many states banned sick leave policies? -Hoe many states and cities passed sick leave policies during the past year? -Which three states offer paid family leave? -Which cities started offering parental leave this year? -What does the cities feel a need for? -At which level happen the workplace change first? -What's the role of Ellen Bravo at Family Values @ Work? -Who fought paid leave? -What employers need to do when employees take paid leave? -Where does work James Sherk? -What is Molly Moon's offering to their employees? -Who is the Vermont senator? -What is Ms. Andino? -What came sooner than Ms. Andino expected? -Who are the two heroines of the film 'Frozen'? -Who went to Kidville? -Who is Tallulah's mother? -How old is Maher Bawady? -What did Maher have to hold near a heater? -What was the temperature at 7:29 am? -What was the record temperature in January 2004? -More snow is expected when? -How old is Andrew Albany? -How many children does Andrew have? -What happened to Andrew's washer pipe? -Where did Andrew put his 1-year-old? -What movie were the children watching? -What other person did Cruz speak harshly about? -What department did Cruz accidentally mention twice? -Who else made a similar mistake to the one that Cruz made? -How long ago was the last debate? -How many departments did Cruz mention in total? -How many candidates were there originally? -How many candidates were there after some dropped out? -Who was Googled a lot because people were surprised he was not more popular? -Who was Googled a lot because people didn't know who he was? -Candidates included Walker, Paul, Cruz, and whom else? -How many decades did Lorraine Leong live in the North Slope? -What year did Lorraine's mother buy the North Slope townhouse? -How much did Lorraine pay for a condominium in 2012? -What is Lorraine's son described as, to help keep her informed about new restaurants? -What ethnic descent is Ms. Leong of? -Which two individuals designed Prospect Park? -What sort of mansion was built for Bon Ami? -About how many residents live in Park Slope? -On what avenue does the Tracy Mansion reside? -How much is the Tracy Mansion being sold for? -Which elementary school is a major attraction on Seventh Avenue? -What subject did 321's students meet 80 percent in state standards? -What percentage of 321's students met the state standards for the English test? -What is the highest grade the Berkeley Carroll School teach? -How many trains stop at Atlantic Avenue - Barclays Center? -Which lines make stops on Flatbush and can reach Midtown Manhattan in half an hour. -A forerunner of the Brooklyn Dodgers called which park as their home? -Which structure was used as a clubhouse by the Brooklyn Dodgers in the 19th century? -Which train serves stations on Fourth Avenue? -Who wrote "Counterrevolutionary Russia?" -Which ideology emphasizes the uniquess of the "Russian World?" -When did Roger Cohen write "Counterrevolutionary Russia?" -Where did Russia intervene to further their strategic interests? -Which faith is associated with the Russian World? -Under which leader did the Neo-Westernizer current exert itself? -Which current is anti-Western? -Which current is popular in Russia today? -Where is Reza Fakhari from? -Which outlook encourages integration with the West? -How was Frank's diary written? -Who did Dr King write his letters to? -Where was Dr King when he wrote his letters? -How far apart were the two works written? -At what venue did the series take place? -What famous Christmas son did Loesser write? -What time are the festivities? -Who is the composer behind "Guys and Dolls"? -Who wrote the musical "The Bully"? -What is the final date of the show? -What relationship is highlighted in the musical? -At what venue can the show be seen? -Who wrote the musical "Can Do Duck?" -What is Arielle's father's name? -Where did the idea for the musical come from? -How so the duck family and human family overcome obstacles in this play? -What is the final date of the show? -At what venue does the play take place? -What is the name of the character equivalent to Jack? -Who is the artistic director at the theatre? -What venue is known for its interactive murder mysteries? -What is the name of the festival on Saturday and Sunday? -What age group is recommended for works "Pseudopodia" and "Walklyndon"? -What is Snow White allergic to? -What is the final date of the show? -What genre of music does Tina play? -Where does the Saturday morning show series take place? -When is Tina joined by Broadway performers for her shows? -Who is the black swan? -What is the majority white? -What stage is the black swan at? -Lincoln Center is known as what in terms of ballet? -There is diversity in ballet now, what dancers are changing that? -Who is the first African-American principle dancer? -What is the main incentive for the company to change? -How long does it take to become a dancer? -The City Ballet recruited mainly what? -Funding from two big companies financed what initiative in the schools? -What does Silas Farley's father refer himself as? -How many minority dancers have graduated since 2008/2009? -What does Peter Martins do at City Ballet? -Who started at a theater in Harlem? -Prior to being a teacher who was Andrea Long-Naidu? -What school rarely accepts dancers? -Who named the apprentice's at the school? -What do the teachers want the dancers to do? -How many apprentices were named at City Ballet? -How many of the apprentices where white? -Who thinks it's a dancer's gift that makes them succeed? -Who see's the issues differently when it comes to diversity? -Who was a former member of Dance Theater of Harlem? -A teacher wrote an article for what website? -What did a particular website focus on? -What were some of the panelists on a South Korean talk show about female defectors complaining about privately? -What do some defectors lie about that some North Korean defectors can detect? -What lies do some North Korean defectors tell to gain better employment in the South?? -What kind of talk show did the author mention being on? -Where is North Korea do most of the defectors who lie claim to have high-level connections in? -What is the name of the prominent defector who told disturbing tales of torture? -How did Shin Dong-Hyuk shock the world several years ago? -What did Shin Dong-Hyuk confess to last month? -Whose execution did Shin Dong-Hyuk claim to be forced to watch? -What did Shin Dong-Hyuk's lie about having to witness his mother and brother's execution lead to? -When did the United Nations release its damning report? -What did Pyongyang's propaganda officials circulate? -Who did the video feature wild accusations against? -Who did the video allege that Mr. Shin raped? -Who was interviewed in the video released by Pyongyang's propaganda officials? -What do the doctors who examined Mr. Shin believe? -What evidence did the doctors have to support their belief that Mr. Shin was subjected to torture and child labor? -Why are defectors like Mr. Shin tempted to obscure the truth? -When did the author escape to China? -How old was the author when she escaped North Korea? -How do some North Koreans find out some of the truth about South Korea? -What do double defectors featured in North Korean scripted press conferences claim? -Pyongyang has redefined the difference in economies between North and South Korea by claiming what in their propaganda against the South? -What has North Korea gained from double-defector propaganda? -What are two things South Korea provides North Korean defectors with? -What is the lawsuit against the National Security Agency about ? -What is "upstream surveillance"? -What fundamental pillar of democracy is at stack ?? -What does the Fourth Amendment protect ? -What does the First Amendment protect ? -How do most people search and read Wikipedia ? -How many articles are in Wikipedia ? -How many languages are the articles in Wikipedia written in ? -Every month, how many volunteers contribute to writing articles in Wikipedia ? -Where do the volunteers writing articles in Wikipedia come from ? -Which government is monitoring what the volunteers read and write ? -Is the anonymity of the volunteers certain ? -What kind of surveillance does the N.S.A. use? -What network connects Wikipedia with its global community of readers and editors ? -Who make up the global community of Wikipedia ? -Who was the Pope during the author's childhood? -How many virgins did St. Ursula go on a pilgrimage with? -What alternative did the 11,000 virgins forgo in choosing to become martyrs? -What were the nuns at the Catholic school said to be grooming the students for? -Where did the author see an image of Pope Pius X II? -In spite of his humility, what does Pope Francis acknowledge about himself? -What does the Pope deem necessary for Muslim immigrants? -Many teachers likely came in with what trait to their classrooms, according to the author? -Which religion had the highest number of members in the author's city? -Why was the author preoccupied with learning the ideal strategy? -The author was content with their spiritual well being as long as they abstained from what? -Besides abortion, what other issue is the pope almost certain to reject? -Which cartoon character sat on top of stacks of cash? -What did the pope lump abortion along with, during his Washington visit? -Which people, according to the pope, are viewed as an unwanted obligation by others? -Which team is at the top seed in the Eastern Conference? -Which team did LeBron James represent? -Which team did Bulls play in their Game 1 of playoff? -Who got injured against Philadelphia? -Which hospital team won between the Bulls and Miami Heat? -During what season did Rose got another injury? -In which of of the knee did Rose injured? -Which is team is scrappy underdog? -How many part of the campaign did Rose miss? -Which player signed for Los Angeles Lakers during the off-season? -Who is the rookie of the year contender? -Who led the Bulls with 25 points on Saturday? -Who was grateful to his teammates? -Which felony charge were the sky divers acquitted of? -Where was the trial located ? -How many misdemeanors were the sky divers convicted of? -How long was the trial? -What were the skydivers convicted of? -What else does the poster's boyfriend need for his bike? -What kind of bike does the poster's boyfriend have? -What changes has the poster's boyfriend already made to his bike? -Which mirrors does the poster and her boyfriend like? -What needs aftermarket mirrors? -What type of Husky is it? -What is being replaced on the bike? -What part on the bike is needed to be changed the most? -What is in the area that caused them to put their bikes away? -Which authors of Daredevil are recommended for action? -What is the title of the Daredevil recommended for a good origin story? -Which Punisher comic is the comic clerk's favorite? -Which author of Punisher comics does the clerk not recommend reading if they are not on the cover? -What is a non-Punisher comic the clerk recommends for a focus on relationships? -How many races were completed over 669 days? -What race had the worst WPM? -What dates did the races take place? -What was the best WPM achieved? -How many total races were won? -What is the rank of the person writing this passage at the time of writing? -what relic ring does the writer currently have? -what relic tinture does the writer currently have? -what relic lotion does the writer currently have? -What does a stereotypical plat player do? -How long has the game become nagging? -What type of luck has been felt? -What action has been rough? -What does the player need to deal with? -How much do the books cost with the shipping? -what type of editions are the books? -What kind of condition are the books in? -how many mixups were there? -What other program did the friend think was a breeze? -What new program has the user terrified? -What is the individual majoring in? -What is the user thinking about switching their major to? -what grades did the writer get math classes? -what grade level of math has the writer subbed for? -What kind of teachers is the writer asking about? -what attitude did the writer have towards math while he was a student? -Without any new features, the coupes are more expensive in the base V6, EcoBoost, and what? -How much are new Mustang prices increased over? -All models start in the same options in 2015 and what year? -What website does it show that the coupes are more expensive? -What does the author think the plausible option because of the increase in price? -what size is the belt? -how much did the belt cost? -what is the belt brand? -what is the production time for the belt? -What type of shoes is this referring to? -What is trying to be replaced? -How many eyelids does the shoe have? -What does nike reccomend? -How many eyelides does the recommended shoelace fill? -What is the main issue the author is experiencing? -What was the cause of the save file missing? -What is important in order for a save file to work online? -Why does the author want a fast way to fix their save file? -Did the author get their save file issue fixed? -What emotions is Taylor Swift "Allegedly" -Who is Taylor Swift annoyed at -Who is an active member of Taylors girl squad -Who was making out on a boat -Why did the poster begin emulating? -Does No. 9 remind the poster of Megaman X? -Which series of Megaman games are the poster's favorite? -What about Mighty No. 9 is the poster asking for opinions about? -Was Megaman before or after the poster's time? -How long did it sit in one place? -Was the UFO claimed to have been seen disappearing or flying away? -What color was the light most of the time? -When was the first spotting of light in the sky? -What was recently reworked with the Aatrox character? -Which bug makes you hard to kill? -Which bug is worse? -What happens if you heal every other auto? -How frequently are you supposed to heal? -How would you use over cooked roasted vegetables? -What is the best way to use over cooked vegetables? -How do I fix over roasting vegetables? -What should I do to use up over cooked vegetables? -How do I use up carmelized, roasted vegetables? -How old is Kirby? -What breed of animal is Kirby? -Where does Kirby like to rest behind? -What did his owner spend money on that Kirby doesn't use? -Where does Kirby rather sleep? -What is broken? -What is the problem with the ROMS starting with, '._'? -What directory are the files with the problem in? -What did the person use to look at the folder? -What was purchased? -Which person is performing better in the game? -Which person is not performing better in the game? -What move does Vayne use to stun ememies? -What is Poppy's move that is used to stun enemies? -Where does Science Showoff take place? -When does Science Showoff start? -How much are tickets at the door? -Who curated tonight's gig? -What is the theme for tonight's Science Showoff? -What is about to get started? -What is disliked and toxic? -What type of knowledge is needing to be somewhat acceptable? -Which position may be better at teaching more about the playing map? -Who is criticized? -What was not understood by the writer? -Which authors seem critical? -What two people were subject to the criticism? -What may not be accurate? -What is the date of the loss of health insurance? -What kind of relationship does this person have with their parents? -Where is this person currently insured? -What year did this person's dad lose his job? -How does one get penalized during tax time when it comes to insurance? -Who publicly approved of fan translations for the game? -How many students are on the project? -What game are they trying to get translated into French? -what has caused the participation and enthusiasm to drop? -what kind of challenge is the writer starting? -What aspect of training is the writer planning on working on? -what recent holiday has made the writer excited about change? -Whats the best way to innovate ideas -What is the best way to motivate the workforce -What are some reasons organizations fail -What can identify how innovating an employee is -what and most other files tend to give you harsh noise ? -what can get you some really cool result? -how does the .exe sound? -Who started their youtube channel? -What game series is Saudi Knight playing? -How many on going series does Saudi Knight have on his youtube channel? -This time who is Saudi knight playing as? -What is the name of the fellow youtuber that Saudi king is playing with? -What does this person wonder? -What happens to configuration when explosions happen? -What does the poster play at? -What is the GBU of the poster's computer? -What is the HDD/SDD of the poster's computer? -what is the name of the quest line? -what is the name of the 3rd quest? -what character type are they playing as? -what is their current level? -what happened during the third quest? -What franchise the author is in need of help for? -What world does the author wants to enter? -The only fighting game the author have competitively played in the past is? -The author said they have a powerful PC and what? -What older game the author mentioned that they are comfortable playing? -What item were they given? -What's wrong with the Chromebook? -What list can they not find their model number on? -When booting into recovery, it does not react to what? -What operating system is the chromebook running? -What games did you computer play? -What types problems do you get? -Do you get other problems? -Is the PC over heating? -Are your drivers updated? -What is an obvious strategy for an independent Kurdish nation? -At the end of the Syrian Civil War who will possibly be the most powerful native force? -Who is questioned will tolerate a free state when there is peace? -Who will do all in their power to curb the rise of Kurdistan? -Who's radical vision could potentially be politically feasible in the long run? -when does challenge week 8 start? -when does challenge week 8 end? -what subreddit is the challenge on? -what does the writer want others to share? -How many years of credit history does this person have? -What is a credit score of 522 considered? -What is this couple's combined monthly take home pay? -What is an average credit score considered? -How much does this person's fiance contribute to a Roth IRA? -what season is approaching -what is the list going to consist of -what years does the writer suggest to start off with -The writer suggest that he may be a total what -What is more precise than moving the mouse? -When is the center-camera-on-cursor button used? -What button can remained pressed when moving the camera around? -What is sometimes done in the corner of the screen? -What could fix doing battle in the corner of the screen? -What shape long board is he interested in making? -How much weight would he like the board to hold? -What design is he interested in? -What kind of grip tape does he have? -What material does he wish to make the long board out of? -Where do they live? -Where do they typically fly out of? -What is their primary spending card? -What is their preferred airline to load up points on? -Who is bugged? -How was a game recently played? -How many consecutive times did the player Riftwalk? -Who was spoken to after the game? -What happened to your PC? -Could you interact with anything? -Did you try rebooting? -Can you get into BIOS? -What type of hard drive do you have? -Where to find people to prepare healthy premade food? -Easy ways for elderly to get healthy meals? -How to ensure my elderly parents get adequate nutrition? -How would you avoid eating fast food for the elderly? -Where to find a person to help elderly parents eat better? -Who is brought in to break the firewall? -What Anti-Virus program does Frisk encounter? -What programs does the main character come in contact with? -What does Frisk get digitized into? -what time is the tournament today? -how much rp does second place get? -how much rp does first place get? -what language is spoken by the group? -what is the character name of the writer? -what is the name of the game? -which location is empty? -what character class was chosen? -which boss does he want to beat? -Which math class is the student currently enrolled in? -What is the most important topic the student wants in a textbook? -What math textbooks have the student been already recommended? -Why is the student looking for math textbooks more difficult than their current class? -Who is Agostino Barbarigo's brother? -What was Marco's age at time of death? -At what age did Marco Barbarigo become Doge? -Who is the head of the Order of the Golden Lion? -Who did Marco marry? -When did the identity theft occur? -How was this person experiencing identity theft? -Who did this person talk to when they were alerted to identity theft? -How many fraudulent transactions were for gift cards? -How many transactions were noticed that this person didn't make? -What program is having issues? -Did you uninstall it? -Did you terminate the program with task manager? -Is there permission issues? -Can you make it your default browser? -What holiday is being celebrated -What is the writer aiming to do -What is the writer going to base the theme off of -what is the end goal -What is the first idea the writer list -What the mailman deliver? -What game did he bet on? -Where did he purchase a second pipe? -Where is he going to place his paper weight? -What is the author curious of about what people say in Eldora? -How many hours does the drive the author has to do to be in Eldora in person? -What type of ventures the author is doing this year? -Another option the author is considering is seeing it on TV with a few beers with his what? -How many days of work will the author miss if they drive to Eldora? -What subreddit is the question being asked in? -What type of question are they asking? -How many cars do they currently have room for? -During the summer where were they parking their car? -Generally what kind of solution are they looking for? -What patch of Dill Save Editor were the wings added? -What is the name of the editor mentioned in this paragraph. -What platform were the wings found on? -How many pairs of wings were found in the Dill Save Editor? -what save editor did they use? -In what patch were the wings added? -how many wings were added? -what platform was it on? -Where did they find the wings? -Where can't they find any information? -How many pairs of wings are there? -How many make it through the legitimacy check? -What city is he asking about? -Who does he say has guns? -Which state has open carry? -What Cox premier service is required to get the premium speeds (100 Mbps)? -How did the tech say the signals were at the home? -What is the name of the company used by this commenter? -What sized modem does the tech use to test with? -What service is currently getting 8-38 Mbps down and 10-20 Mbps up? -How tall is this person? -What did this person major in? -What sport does this person like to play? -What video game does this person like? -How long was this person with their last partner for? -What brand makes the G710+ gaming keyboard? -How many times do the macro keys work before glitching? -Which version of windows is being used? -What happens when using the d key? -Which tool does the t key activate? -what type of controller does the writer use? -what type of controller does he have his controller configured as? -which key does the game ask to be pushed to skip? -which version of the witcher does the writer play? -which controller works just fine when the writer tried it? -What program is having issues? -what type of data are you using? -What are you trying to enter into the program -Do you need to do something with the first field? -Have you checked for guides? -Where is this person planning on moving to? -How many people live in this person's current town? -How old is this person's girlfriend? -What appliances does this person not own? -What part of Oregon does this person want to move to? -Who asked her on a date? -Did she agree to the date? -Why did she leave the last relationship? -What didn't she want to do? -Why is she afraid to reconsider the date? -What scene does he have a question about? -What is decreased due to the high shutter? -What is his question about? -What has natural body movement shake? -Which player had their movement speed nerfed? -What move had a low cool down? -What player would you chose opposed to Talisman of Ascension? -What move was given an increased cost? -What math class is the student currently enrolled in? -What is the main concern the student is having in taking math classes in college? -What major is the student planning on doing after going to college? -Where will the student be taking math classes next year? -What math classes will the student be taking next year? -What happened to cause the user to create a new account? -What was the users issue with the new Uplay account concerning the new beta code? -Did the user create a new email and password for the new account? And why? -What type of code did the user have to submit before signing up for an account? -Was the user still using the account after it was hacked? -what is the first step the writer did -what does the writer need help with -what is the writer doubting -what was found in the equation -What sort of work does he owe for? -What year is the letter for? -How much does the letter say he owes? -How much did he earn for acting in the year stated? -how many people will be playing till they get the hang of it? -which was a shitty game? -what are they looking to buy? -which game did they both played alot of? -Which coin type hasn't dropped? -what is the name of the event? -how many coins does he currently have? -how many time did he lose? -What does the autohotkey scrip set for the user? -How many button function is strategic map? -What kind of script is idle infantry? -What is needed if the tab key is wanted to be used for the idle infantry button? -What can be used to change hot keys for the user -What is the recipe for Chicken Cacciatore? -How much garlic is in Chicken Cacciatore? -How large of a can of plum tomatoes do I need for Chicken Cacciatore? -How bell pepper is in Chicken Cacciatore? -How much oregano goes into a recipe of Chicken Cacciatore? -The community of which site sent the letter? -Why did the letter composer say the user couldn't contribute to the site? -Who signed the letter to the user? -Why are they selling part of their collection? -How long have the items been put away? -Where did they buy all the items? -How old were they when the items were bought? -What items make up their Keroro Gunso collection? -If needed, the author is willing to reveal their what? -What 64bit operating system did the author clean installed as part of their troubleshooting steps? -According to the author, what is causing bluescreens/crashes? -For how long does the author can play before they experience bluescreen/crashes? -The author tried to input sfc /scannow in what? -What is included in the Soviet Bloc? -What does the state own? -What does the state exploit? -What is the poster asking if it is another word taxes? -If the state is controlled by the Proletariat what would that imply? -What do they need to install? -What is he lacking? -What is wrong with the USB? -Since ethernet is not option, what might he need? -What has been played a far amount? -Roughly, how many matches have been played? -What seems to create a greater impact? -What do some players think is important to farm and jungle? -When do treads seem to be most important? -What was the name of the girl that this person met? -What holiday does this person mention? -How old is this person? -What does this person say that we should prepare ourselves for? -Where is this person from? -What are they having difficulty doing? -What type of resolution is learning a new language? -The native Hungarian is fluent in what language? -When did they start studying English? -How old are they now? -What issue is your pc having? -What specifically is happening for the freeze? -Is there memory/ram problems? -Does it happen in games? -What item does he need? -What has he just defeated? -Which floor is he stuck on? -What sort of chest is he looking for? -How many switches must be activated? -what program is the writer trying to use the controller with? -what game is the writer a fan of modding? -what do you have to add the game as to use it on steam? -where do you have to configure the controls to get it to work? -what does he need money for? -where does he play -where does he upgrade to? -where is he going back to? -What was the first season xXParkboboXx that starting playing league? -What describes the demeanor of xXParkboboXx towards new people? -What level is xXParkboboXx? -How old is xXParkboboXx? -What was xXParkboboXx's first chose in usernames? -Is the seller open to other cash offers that aren't their asking price? -Does the seller seem willing to bargain for these items? -What illusion does the handle of the gun give? -How much wear has the Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption been subjected to? -What color is the patch that you can see on the gun? -Who did they want to get into playing chess? -How did the first lesson go? -Was the first lesson distracting? -Did she know the rules? -Did she fall for any traps? -Which city is the writer planning to move to? -Where is the writer moving from? -When did the writer originally want to move? -How many cars does the writer plan to bring? -Which neighborhood is the writer interested in? -What is the context the author refers too? -Who thought of people as separate from this world? -Who only participates in the material world? -What does Heidegger consider false? -What does Heidegger consider to be the truth? -What is their intended use for the build? -Have they read the sidebar and rules? -What amount of FPS are they looking for? -What is their budget? -In what country are they purchasing this product? -Which character in Mass Effect 3 is the player focused on recruiting? -What is the main goal the author wants to achieve? -According to comments, how are the order of missions in Mass Effect 3 set up? -What does the player want to know before recruiting Kaidan? -In what game did you need to change your name twice? -How many accounts does the person have? -Which account does the person want to change their name for? -How many times did you need to change the name? -which version of unbuntu is the writer asking about? -what program is the writer asking about? -what game did the writer play through with everything on keyboard bindings? -which modes does it work fine in? -What does the author want to make themselves as? -What does the author not want to make themselves as? -What did the author have maxed out? -The author mentioned that their height is what? -Besides CP3, the author wants to play along side with who? -Who took the lands of Christ? -Who placed the crown on the Kaiser' Frederick III head? -Who does God reward? -Who are the turks compared to? -Who are they to take arms up with? -What was installed on a laptop recently purchased? -Where were all files and settings put? -If the default happened on this it would be ok to move back to profile. -What has a lot of bloat ware that would have to be uninstalled? -What do you call the added downloads that are unnecessary? -What is the name of the competition? -What will season one have compared to season 0? -How is next seasons spin being determined? -What does the student currently have access to? -What version of Windows did the user install? -What licenses does the user currently have? -What does the user want to transfer to a virtual machine? -How do I send a cancellation request? -What is the correct cancellation procedure for an accidental purchase? -Am I following the proper cancellation procedure? -How do I get my money back on an accidental purchase? -What is the best way to get a refund for an accidental purchase made several days ago? -What kind of performance are they looking for? -In what country are they purchasing parts? -What items are their friends giving them? -Have they read the side bar? -The dilemma includes finishing up how many years of German? -The dimma includes picking up what intermediate language? -How many languages can be hard to juggle? -What is the problem with this person's future ambitions? -Which language are they bast at? -Which is the ball of the future? -Could they succeed against others? -How would spending time out there be this year? -When would you be able to try it? -What abilities are good for the bulls? -what is he playing through? -what does Bottom left the server name usually says? -it worked for how many minutes? -what does he buy before getting error again? -Who is Assassin Creed Champion? -What player is from Final Fantasy VII? -What doesn't Talon do? -What is the name of the person that may look like a cutpurse? -How many games was the player unsuccessful with? -How did the player react to the enemy team in the first game? -Of the two games, which was the most confusing? -Who was able to win entire fights? -What would be a monthly Sondheim Session? -What will be advertised? -Who is a "God"? -Who left reddit? -What would be able to do later down the road? -what is the current state of Craglorn -for how may weeks has it been deserted? -what is the rank of the casual player? -what are no longer top tier? -who is the passage addressed to? -What do skeptics consider impossible? -What do philosophers take seriously? -Who successfully does induction? -How many years has it been since philosophy has become a thing? -What has had success? -what book are the writers doing a full read of? -how many pages a week are expected to be read? -what date is the first book being discussed? -what year was this full read planned? -besides the writer who else helped plan this full read? -What brand are they hoping has improved their CPU cooler? -How long ago were the heatsinks not the greatest? -Who are they building a computer for? -What was loud? -The in game voice sensitivity was changed from 3.09 to what? -What does the sensitivity revert to? -When does the sensitivity revert? -When was the sensitivity changed? -What is this problem throwing off? -What problems are they experiencing -When did she change her sensitivity -What did she set her sensitivity? -What did her sensitivity default to? -What is the default in-game sensitivity? -What did they change it to right when the revolvo update came out? -After the revolvo update, what sometimes happens in the middle of the game to the sensitivity? -What kind of problem is present with the person during game playing? -What is the age and gender of the commenter? -What are the appliances made of? -What is the commenter looking for? -What are the floors made of? -Are the bathrooms private? -What error code is the user receiving? -What device are they having issues getting updates on? -What phone is being bought as a replacement? -What is a fix that the user definitely does not want? -When did the topic of The Obama Student Loan Forgiveness Program come up? -Who was this person talking to the other day? -What does this person have a question about? -Where did this person's mother hear about The Obama Student Loan Forgiveness Program? -Why was the person weary about giving personal information to websites? -Why is data being collected? -What system do players wish was added to League of Legends? -Which maps do players want skins for? -What complaint do players of this game have about Riot? -What is one change that Riot has given to League of Legends players? -What program or platform can the user not access through safari? -When is the user unable to click submit? -What does the message say when the user checks his history? -How many incoming offers did the user have before he had this problem? -How many trade offers does the user have left? -Where were the videos recorded? -What format is the video in? -What does the poster looking to do? -How many videos are there? -How is it displaying the preview on the camera? -What did Alexander hear of? -What did Alexander need to do to light the flame? -Who did Alexander send a letter to? -Who would control Constantinople again? -Who would God smite? -What does the author normally fold to? -What kind of binge has the author been on lately? -What has neen considered as an option for protection in certain colors? -What does the author feel they need different from Spore Frog? -Who is claimed to be a hoser? -What does the writer say he or she is? -What type of work are they offering to finish? -Does the worker have a portfolio? -Whats the minimum payment accepted? -what perks does this worker offer> -What type of electronic are they wanting to find? -What type of game development engine should this laptop support? -What name of development tool should this laptop be able to handle? -What manufacturer is the Pavilion Signature computer? -What country is offering a great price? -how much bar did alpha 3 have you start with? -how many EX bars does the writer think would be interesting for players to start with? -how much V-reversal does the writer think would be interesting for players to start with? -what game is the writer discussing? -Who is in Curb Your enthusiasm? -What is the show on? -What are the names of the main characters? -Is Cheryl younger than Larry? -Do they get divorced? -How old is their system? -What is their second question? -What is their guess of what they should upgrade? -What do they want to upgrade their video card to? -What does the authors brother study in college? -What subject is new to the author? -What is the Argument from Ignorance fallacy? -What did the fallacy make the author think about? -Why does the author apologize? -who is an altmer? -who are supposed to be referred to as mer instead of men? -who is either an Aedra or an Altmer? -what aren't man nor woman involved in? -What are the QM win/loss trends? -How many winning rounds are there in a row before losing loads? -What sucks the fun out of the game? -How often is there a winning round during a loss streak? -How long did it take to notice the win/loss trends? -Where did you get the copy of the game? -Did the game work before you sold it? -Were there any scratches on the disc before it was sold? -Did the buyer receive the game? -What recently built thing worked fine for a week? -What was being used when first selecting the power off option? -What won't turn on now? -How is the outlet, after checking it? -What happens after switching the PSU off, waiting 10 seconds, and turning power back on? -Can chinchillas be agressive? -Are the chinchillas in seperate cages? -Are the cages next to each other? -Do the male chinchillas fight? -How long have they had chinchillas? -What space do they want to make for what app? -What about the other apps is the user not sure they'll have? -What preview is the user using? -Why does the person goes to physical therapy? -Which app did the person not put on? -What did the person use to check his exercise? -Which machine did the person use for 8-10 minutes? -Who is the ruler of the tribe of Lilmothiit? -What tribe is Ru sago S'tiaad the leader of? -On what Reddit sub was the commentor verified on with an old account? -What will the Lilmothiit be known as in the future? -What is the problem with the Lilmothiit compared to other kingdoms? -Where did the person go? -What was the exposure? -What camera was used? -What is wrong with pictures? -What does the poster want to know? -How long has Sundgau been under Swiss occupation? -What will the Swiss control? -Where is the letter sent to? -Will the Swiss relinquish control if they say no? -In terms of their degree, what kind of specific specialization is this person seeking to get? -What Calculus classes has this person taken? -What is the actual degree this person wants to get? -What algebra related class did this person take? -What is the rank of the first degree this person needs to get? -what does the writer want? -Any colors off limits? -what is being brought from there apartment? -What is included in the initial link? -What is included in the second link? -what is the best way to start off? -where does he take the logic as the missions? -what was his trouble? -What gaming console does this person like to play on? -How often does this person want to engage in this activity? -What game does this person want to play with others? -What kind of activity does this person want to do in the game? -What role will this person have in the games? -under what pressure do the pen blotting problems seem to worsen? -what does the writer think is to blame for his pens blotting problems? -what does the writer have a decent vintage collection of now? -which types pens has the author noticed having the worst blotting problems? -What kind of interface is it wanted that MFR Planter use? -What is the first steps for setting up MFR Planter with ME interface? -What would be the second step in setting up the A2 ME interface? -What will guide you during the finally setting up of the device? -What is interfacedirection? -How long do you have to report a sale of a vehicle in Wisconsin? -Who could start enforcing the act, "REAL-ID" -What is the fee to renew you license in WI? -How long will it take to receive your license and card? -What needs to be downloaded? -What chart ranks this product number one since August 2013? -What is 100% risk free? -How accurate is the product? -Who will send signals daily? -How long did they spend building the capital vessel? -What do they want? -What kind of turrets did they try? -What turrets seem descent? -Where were the testings done? -How is comcast limiting is south eastern customers? -How much data can customers in the south east use? -What is the charge for going over their data under 50 gb? -How much is Comcast's regular monthly bill? -What is being used to fight the extra charges for data Comcast has put in place? -What did the poster have a few of? -What does the computer do? -When the game freeze? -What was unsuccessful? -What is first thing the poster wants to know? -What kind of specific game is mentioned? -What kind of sheet is giving this person problems? -What is the name of the error the person is getting? -What kind of picture file is mentioned? -Where does the author enjoy playing the pipe organ? -How did the author describe their experience of playing the pipe organ? -What instrument did the author play? -Which instrument was the authors "first love"? -Which part of the instrument gave the author some trouble when they were first learning to play? -Where does the author enjoy playing the pipe organ? -Which instrument was the authors "first love"? -How does the author describe the experience of playing the instrument? -Which instrument did the author encourage others to learn? -Which part of the instrument gave the author trouble at first? -What is the cause of not being able to watch the event live? -What is the event on NJPW World? -What did the commentor wait to buy a subscription to? -What time does the bank open on Monday? -What message has recently been on the computer? -When computer was first built how many GBs was it using? -How many GBs is the computer using now? -What are the pictures of? -What does the author want to do? -How does the author describe themselves? -What are they searching for? -What is their gamertag -What are they in the game? -Where did the person bought Bristlenose? -Where did the person keep the Bristlenose? -How long is the Bristlenose bought? -What video did the person provide? -When was a survey conducted about ship preferences? -Which movie was the ship preferences survey conducted three years ago about? -Which movie is the survey going to be replicated about? -What are the two sections on the new survey about? -What factor does the author think character preference may affect? -When was a survey conducted about ship preferences? -What movie was it conducted about? -What movie is the new survey conducted about? -What are the new sections added in the new survey about? -What does the author think has to do with character preference? -What type of account do GM's need so that contact can be maintained? -What is the last day to submit teams for the new season? -What logo editing software must be used when making the logo? -When will additional information be released? -How many players are required to be on each team? -What kind of clearance are they asking about? -What kind of internship is the speaker interested in? -What illegal substance did the speaker used to smoke? -What is their political affiliation? -Who is the speaker applying with for an internship? -Where did person A go to school? -A company is more likely to hire a candidate who went to what type of school? -What type of degree do both people have? -What position are each candidates in? -How much did they think companies paid employees with masters degrees? -How much is the buyer offering for the chroma keys? -Does the buyer need a frequent or a casual trader? -How many keys is the buyer willing to purchase daily? -Will the amount of keys the buyer purchases increase or decrease over time? -What kind of keys is the buyer looking for? -What has popped up across the nation? -What is the first campaign for? -What is the name of the first campaign? -Why does the first campaign have great footing? -What campaign is entitled "Better Together"? -Who was less than happy about the engagement? -Who was around when the engagement took place? -Who wanted to be there when the engagement took place? -What word did the father in law use to describe the engaged couple after he stormed off? -What did the father in law throw after he found out the news of the engagement? -what is a bit hard for the writer to understand -why doesn't the writer understand the terminology? -what did he hear? -what does the writer really appreciates? -What is being ranked? -What year did Wrestlemania 32 take place? -What is the 23rd Mania eliminated? -How many days did the series of polls last? -When did Wrestlemania 27 take place? -What is the size of the animal rescue nonprofit? -What does the nonprofit do to raise money? -How many animals does the animal nonprofit currently have? -What are sausage sizzles? -Can you run ntpq on a ubuntu box? -What year was the first website from? -Who was the facebook page from? -What social website did the recipe page link to? -What was the last webpage? -what number post is this from the writer? -what item does the writer love? -what kind of pen does the writer view as great for those on a budget? -what brand of pen is giving the writer problems? -which part on the writers first Konrad pen became permanently stuck? -How is the length of a year on Earth determined? -What is the main subject of this passage? -According to the illustration in the link, where would the new year be? -How does the speaker believe the New Year should be determined? -When does the speaker think New Year should occur around the world? -What does the poster want to switch to? -What does the poster want information on? -Why does the poster like Fletcher? -What does the poster want to know how to use? -What is the poster accidentally doing on occasion with stickies? -What kind of thread is the post? -What does the user want to play on? -What link do they want to make it easier to look up? -What is easier to work with? -What is this person's age? -What water sport does this person play? -What gender does this person identify as? -Where does this person want to find friends? -What does this person casually play? -What does the project start wizard not give? -What does the studio do automatically? -What did the questioner recently download? -What does everyone and their mother use? -What is the questioner attempting to start? -What does the Epiphany Cardio Server's login page mess up? -What do people use to carry out attacks? -What do the flaws regarding the authentication requests allow? -What part of the Epiphany Cardio Server's website is insecure? -What new position does the author have at work? -What is going to be the department for work of the author? -What kind of dress items does the author require help with? -What area is the job location? -What does the author thing would go with a grey check shirt? -What did the author post before any card was made? -How many analog inputs can the card provide? -What is configured as an amplifier? -What does the Teensy do? -How many volts does the pin supply? -Where can their channel be found? -What is not required for the run? -What does the author love to do during streaming? -How many runs are being done? -What needs to be given to sign up? -Which character is having glitches in the game? -What is the name of Ekko's attack? -Which character had their glitches fixed previously? -How does the Parallel Convergence attack work? -Which moves may allow players to escape the Parallel Convergence attack? -What degree is music are they working on? -What three areas do they have an interest in? -What could use some guidance? -What kind of job do they want int the future? -What degree is out of the picture for them? -Utopia's Newest Initiate Pranav Antal’s Utopian vision was predicted by commentators to see an influx of what? -who feel ashamed to believed the stories for so long? -who is the father of Amelia Chong? -Utopia's Newest Initiate Pranav Antal’s Utopian vision was predicted by commentators to see an influx of pilgrims at when? -Who played the role of Darth Vader? -What does Disney have in the works for the future of Star Wars? -Why is Rey Kanobi believed to be related to Obi-Wan? -Which two "good guy" characters have British accents in this series? -Which British actors were mentioned who actually perform with American accents? -Who called for a Mediterranean Nations meeting? -Where is the Mediterranean Summit? -Who is hosting the Mediterranean Summit? -What will be discussed at the Summit? -Who has been invited as an observer? -What is the first saga listed? -What is the first problem listed that the player is having with the bosses? -How far has the player advanced in the Arek saga? -What saga is mentioned other than the Arek saga? -What abbreviation is used near the end of the sentense for the entry saga to the planetouched wilds? -What season did the person got his first fish? -Who visited the person? -How much is the 55 gallon? -What is happy? -Who passed recently? -What did he already sell of his father's? -He has lots of what type of equipment? -Where does he live? -What is the author interested in making? -How many years will the author have been a Crew supporter next year? -How many years will the author have been a season ticket holder next year? -What type of material does the author need help with in making the flag? -How many days of free time does the author have? -What is the author interested in making? -Which year will the author be a Crew supporter next year? -Which year will the author be a Season Ticket Holder next year? -What material did the author need advice on? -How many days of free time will the author have? -What does the user have too much of? -What is the user afraid has happened? -How much does the baby weigh? -What baby is the user on? -What's the program that the Author wants to learn? -Why does the author want to do with the software? -What is the first question? -What is the second question? -What is the last question? -Where is the person moving? -What are they looking for recommendations on? -What service will they be without for a few days? -What day is typically a day off? -What did the mother not allow to be done after 9 pm? -Who is the mother kinder too than their own child? -What was the amount of the scholarship the grad student received? -What does the mother think will happen if someone falls asleep while doing laundry? -How much did the mother think would have been a better amount for a scholarship than what they received? -Who is being welcomed? -Which day of the week do people get banned? -Which Saturday of the month do people get banned? -What helps exposure of the sub? -Which post does it tell you to check out? -Where is the student from? -What is the project? -How do you contact this person? -What is suppose to be sent? -How is the postcard suppose to be written? -What can setting the vehicle sensitivity too low make happen? -What does the sensitivity also affect? -What happens if you set the turret too high? -What will send your camera spinning? -How has NL's voice gotten worse? -What episode is a good example of high audio quality? -What is a side effect of the louder volume? -What is a possible explanation for the audio quality? -For how many episodes has the audio quality been diminishing? -what are the product numbers of the items the writer needs help with? -What type of item is the 808 #16? -what two things is the writer worried will effect the image quality? -what has the writer been looking to get into recently? -What did the author say they got? -What was given during Sparrow Racing? -What does the author suggest be changed? -How high are the helmets generally rated according to the author? -What is the main request of the author stated at the end? -What is The Kingdom of Thailand's Army seeking? -What does Thailand want to use MBTs wit? -What are prospective suppliers asked to submit? -What is the RTA looking for? -What is the character called? -What was used to roll for stats? -What was purchased? -What is not seen? -What do the hard numbers apparently depend on? -What type of questions should be asked? -What date was this thread started? -When will this thread be posted? -If you would like to provide feedback or suggestions, what should you do? -What time is the thread posted? -Which character types did they start off with? -How much money have they spent so far? -Which two people are involved? -Why did they choose those particular character types? -What kind of information do they want? -Which character types did they start off with? -How much money have they spent so far? -Which two people are involved? -Why did they choose those particular character types? -What kind of information do they want? -Where did the author find the jacket? -How was the jacket priced? -What color is the jacket the author found? -What is the author looking for an alternative to? -Does the store have any of the jackets in stock? -End of 3301 Power Play Summary and Commentary. Excellent write-up by who? -who and who were both able to get away with the next best ratios of fortification to undermining? -who and who went the whole of last year without losing a system? -Ordinarily the Powers who were undermined more than they fortified would be the ones who are in what? -How many cards from series 1 are left? -Where do people post cards to trade? -Is he trading original or double cards he has? -Over what percent of cards does he have? -What is the user experiencing? -Who offered encouraging words to the woman? -What was seen across the users stomach? -Where does the person graduated from? -In what country is the university? -What is the person field of study? -What is the person looking for in abroad? -Which Real Time Hard Drive Mirroring Software would be ideal? -What kind of software is the writer asking /r/software about? -What OS is the writer using on their computer? -What kind of mirroring is the writer asking the Real Time Hard Drive Mirroring Software to do? -Does the writer want a paid for Real Time Hard Drive Mirroring Software or a free one? -What was 3D printed? -How many pounds does the rocket weigh? -How many hours did it take to 3D print the rocket? -How many inches tall is the rocket? -What is the name of the printer used to print the rocket? -What are they preparing for a masters degree in? -What degree have they already obtained? -What field do they feel passionately about? -What type of knowledge do they have about aerospace engineering? -What areas are they allready very well versed in? -What is the new pi0 owner doing? -What is being corrupted? -How many times has the author received the error? -What does the author keep pulling? -How is the author feeling? -What version is the biggest update of all time? -What is the name of the app? -How did they use to categorize their folders? -What happens after you update the categories from settings page? -Where can you place a smart folder? -Why is the commenter concerned about the rules on the subreddit? -What does the commenter believe everyone on the subreddit is looking to buy? -What kind of new rule is the commenter looking to implement? -How many times has a post like this been made? -What posts annoy the commenter? -Who was sworn into office on January 20, 2017? -What did Rubio take after his opening address? -What was Rubio elected as? -What kind of address did Rubio give? -Who seems to be in good hands for the next four years? -What is the type computer owned CURRENTLY. -What is the format of software being used now? -What's the likely cause of problems with using my keyboard now? -What is the problem with trying to right click on the computer now? -What part of the computer doesn't seem to sync up with operations? -What is the price of admission per person? -How long has the machine been at the mine? -What are people digging for? -What is the contact email? -What dates does the dig happen on? -What brand vehicle is being discussed? -Is this person a mechanic? -What model car are they working on? -What kind of engine had he pulled before? -Who is Lucky Yates? -Who is Amber Nash? -Which platform will stream the show? -Who is the special guest? -when will the podcast go up? -How do the modules need to teach? -What does the person want tutorials to teach? -How is the person asking someone to elabotate? -What did the person find that helped? -What is the author trying to accomplish with their chair? -What kind of school is the author going to? -What do the halls give each student? -How uncomfortable is sitting in the chair? -What is the author asking if people have using to make chairs more comfortable? -how much money did the writer spend on fragrances? -which two fragrances does the writer wish they had bought? -what hobby is the writer into? -What sites hyped up the writer to buy fragrances that they regret? -what type of student was the writer when they spent most of their money on fragrances? -What is the name of the person learning casino cheating tricks? -What is the name of the show that who main character is named Zhuge Meng Ming? -What has Ming never done? -What must Ming do to pass his exams? -What season is in full swing? -Have any big games been playes? -How did they feel about watching the bowl games? -What type of football do they like most? -What players are they familiar with? -What app did he recently switch to? -What different levels has he not thought about? -What does he go to Log.e for? -What does he go to Log.d for? -What is the author having trouble installing? -What isn't configured yet? -What error is being received? -What is left unconfigured? -What was encountered while processing? -What is this person planning to flip? -Who does this person want help from? -What does this person need advice on? -What did this person make on flipping and crafting with dreanor mats? -What does this person want to get into? -Why couldn't the author take part in the Steam Sale? -When was the first streaming marathon held? -How long did the users stream for? -What variety of games did they play? -When will the next stream event be? -Why couldn't the author take part in the Steam Sale? -When was the first streaming marathon held? -How long did they stream for? -What variety of games did they play? -When will the next big stream event be? -What manga characters would the person like to see? -What are the main characters of Pandora Hearts? -How much of the series have they read? -What figure did they recently purchase? -What figures from Horimiya do they want to see? -In what game the author found an odd AI behavior? -At what round did the author observe the odd AI behavior? -The AI allows the author to get an easy-win with a low-level what? -What behavior/emotion does the author thinks the AI decides to take on him? -What does the AI give away for no apparent reason? -What do I have a free year of? -Is the server using Mac or PC? -How long have I been a Plex user? -How much data do I have stored on Plex? -What platforms do I use? -What size bra does the poster currently wear? -What size bra should the poster be wearing according to the calculator? -What are the majority of bra sizes labelled for the poster's bra size? -What is the poster's current pregnancy status and pregnancy history? -How many personal items does the poster have? -What personal devices of internet access does the poster have? -What are the four social media websites mentioned by the poster? -What point was technology on in the last decade according to the poster? -Overall, what does the poster think has happened to things because of technology compared to the last decade? -What has happened to the pc after the update to crimson? -To what software update did the poster update to? -What are the background applications mentioned by the poster? -what has the poster been forced to do as a result of this computer issues? -To what light does the LED change to from orange when the poster returns to their computer? -How much debt will be the result? -What kind of school does this person attend? -How long has this person attended the Art Institute? -How much does this person want a job to start out? -What does this person need to do if a class is failed? -What is the poster looking to learn? -Who won the Norther Meeting Gold Metal? -What is the poster trying to collect? -Who won the Glenfiddich? -What is the poster curious about? -What topic is the question regarding? -What kind of car does the person have? -Does the auxiliary jack work? -Does this car have bluetooth ability? -How much gold does Qaddafi's government Hold? -When were the stocks moved to (SABHA) ? -what bank were the stocks taken from? -In what city was the Libyan Central Bank that the stocks were taken from located? -What was Qaddafi's long term plan that Nicolas Sarkozy Addressed the concern of his advisors over? -What was the writer's preferred Large weapon of choice in the game? -What is the Nail Bomb used for in the game? -Why did the gamer like the El Diablo? -What are the gamer's least favorite large weapon in the game and why? -How does the gamer feel about the smoke bomb weapon? -Who is he asking about hiring animators? -What does he want to learn from other producers? -What grade does he see how good they are at? -What example did they give for a larger studio? -What is the authors concern could stop them from joining? -How long ago did the author speak to the recruiter? -What does psoriasis normally cause the author? -What does the author think the worst that can happen is? -Who did the author forget to mention psoriasis too? -How would he get headaches? -Has the headaches gotten better? -How long does the headaches last? -Where does he feel the headaches? -When are the headaches not as bad? -What happens when the author sleeps on his/her left side? -Doing what other tasks did the author experience headaches? -Has the headaches gotten better or worse? -What does the person feel when the headache is happening? -What did the author initially think of the headaches, to what did the author related it to? -How long had they been playing? -What score did they hit on a Shaman/Demolitionist -What is it they are currently loving? -What do the elite need? -What are they looking for about farming? -When is their 1st trip to Whistler? -Where are they going on Jan 15 - 18? -For what reason are they going to Whistler? -Where are the members of their group from? -Which credit card is it for this person? -What card does this person want to start with? -What kind of credit does this person have? -What is this person school status? -What does this person want from people about the Chase Freedom card? -What did the author buy today? -Why can't the author play TSW? -What does the author usually use for other games? -What is the author looking for? -What error message does the author get after typing in the password? -What did the author buy today? -Why can't the author play TSW? -What does the author usually use to play games? -What does the author need? -What error message does the author get when the password is typed? -Where does the person see a line? -What is their question? -Does this car have coolant and oil temperature information displayed? -What kind of vehicle does the person have? -Why does he keep coming back to Warframe? -What urge does he get when watching videos? -Where are they located? -What does he love to bits? -What have different subtitle options? -What don't ever seem to appear in Plex? -What are some of my movies? -What does Faust have? -How much power does the dad have available? -Does the writer's dad have access to electricity at his cottage? -How many 85w panels did the writer's dad buy? -How many 6v batteries did the writer's dad buy? -What is the maximum output from the solar panels? -What is the poster an inheritor of? -When will the poster be answering questions? -What does the poster look forward to doing? -How long will the poster stay on Reddit? -Who are always welcome at the school? -Which video game genre is being discussed? -Which roguelike titles are mentioned by name? -What would the author of this post prefer is added to roguelikes? -How would the author describe the overworlds of Caves of Qud, ToME4, and ADOM? -What genre are Caves of Quad, ToME4, and ADOM? -How did they know that they had poked someone in the eye? -What did they say after realizing they poked someone in the eye? -When did they poke someone in the eye with an umbrella? -What are they feeling guilty about? -What did the boy do after being poked in the eye with an umbrella? -How many levels behind is the authors character? -What is the authors character's current level? -What are the levels of the enemies in chapter 8? -What is the author getting from the previous levels? -Who insta-dies after they spawn? -Does the poster actually own the product he's asking about? -Why is the poster asking about an item he does not own? -In what currency is the poster willing to accept his answer? -What is the purpose of his inquiry? -How many of these items are registered on the csgoexchange? -What kind of guy does the speaker say he is? -What does the speaker work with because he has to? -What can the speaker work with besides knockout and react? -What can the speaker work with besides knockout and jquery? -What can the speaker work with besides jquery and react? -What do their parents do for work? -Does their parents think they have bipolar disorder? -Does this person meet the criteria for bipolar disorder? -Does this person trust their parents diagnoses/opinion? -What emotion did the author had finally playing a Witcher game? -The swampy lands the author described is located where? -What did the author just finished playing? -The icy islands were located in the city of what? -The Northelm Realms is at war with what? -How long did the author wait to get the belt? -What condition is the belt in? -Why is the author selling the belt? -Who will the belt fit? -How much is the belt selling for? -How long did the author wait to get the belt? -Why is the author selling the belt? -Who will the belt fit? -What condition is the belt in? -How much is the belt selling for? -What is the first thing that the writer says he is having trouble adjusting to? -On message boards, who else is considered a top indie guy other than CM Punk? -The writer was a huge wrestling fan until what year? -What does the writer say that threads ignore about CM Punk. -What does the writer say he got back into wrestling for? -What do they want information about? -What were they unable to locate? -Have they looked into this themselves? -What question do they have about specific things? -What format of information would they like? -What do they want information about? -Have they looked into this themselves? -What were they unable to locate? -What format of information would they like? -What question do they have about specific things? -how many years experience does the writer have in logo/web/illustrations/media/print design? -what city is the writer based in? -how many original concepts is the writer offering with the logo? -how much is the writer charging for the logo? -the writer is a freelance what? -What was intended to be an endgame challenge? -What limiting restrictions do they have? -Cannot reload what makes the game more challenge? -What should only be available through orb drops? -What doesnt seem to be working according to the poster? -How many minutes has the system been saying 'please wait' for? -What attempt number is this of the poster trying to submit? -What did the poster paste into the little box on the AMZ site? -What helps us make the most of our future? -What did a friend of mine just start? -What is my friend aspiring to be? -What else does my friend do? -What did the poster recently get? -What does the python tend to do after being held? -What does the python not do? -What has the poster gotten the python to do? -What is recommended that the poster do? -What does the father suggest should be let go of for the New Year's resolution? -How many days did the parents try to push the author over the edge and get a reaction from them? -Around what holiday did the parents begin nagging? -What holiday does the father acknowledge to the author? -What emotions is the write feeling about the way their parents have been talking to him recently? -How long has the snowmobile sat for? -What is the possible cause of the snowmobile not starting? -What type of model is the snowmobile? -What type of engine is in the Mach Z Ski Doo? -What is he playing later today? -What are the players? -Riptide has how many points? -How many points is the Tau list? -What is the user wanting to prevent or deal with? -How far along with the user be for their first flight? -What does the user absolutely love? -When was the last time they had jet lag? -What's one of the pieces I've read? -What do I want to further? -What did I just start reading? -What kind of tips am I looking for? -who compiled a variation of seemingly common calc 1 question? -who is Jerry Harris? -who asked to research the use of firebreaks? -what did he suggest? -what would also be helpful? -who compiled a variation of seemingly common calc 1 question? -who is Jerry Harris? -where does he work? -what did he suggests? -What event did the poster learn about tonight? -Who has been boxing in the poster when they spawn in a server? -How many official servers has the poster tried? -What kind of players is the poster looking for on actual servers? -What do they hope for the new year? -Who did they want to thank? -Why did they want to thank people? -When the mods make choices, they are in the best interest of what? -What happens in Apocalypse Rising? -What does the github bot fix and review? -What type of beta is this discussed project in? -What can you think of as a virtual team mate? -What type of account does the bot require you to have? -Who is being asked for feedback? -What ran over the power lines in the game? -What kind of graphics was the game? -What did the author think you could pick up while playing? -What kind of sound did the squirrel make? -What does the author guess the operating system for the game was? -The author asks if the runes are worth it in what game? -What did the author upgrade to make master runes? -The master runes seem to not be more useful than what runes? -What point is taken when a sign is cast? -What item is imbued with the sign when a sign is cast? -What is the bug that the user is experiencing when selecting more than one tile? -What did the user try as a solution to this bug? -What percent discount did the user receive on the game? -Why couldn't the user remap the buttons? -What is the user trying to do, but can't because of the bug? -How many space wolves lists have they huilt? -Which list have they tested? -Who did they win against? -Who did they lose against? -Who did the speaker buy their domain through? -How many users do they want to have simultaneously? -What feature would the speaker like access to? -What will the speaker use to test their site? -What would they like insight on? -What color does the hdmi screen turn when the user is experiencing his problem? -What happens to the dvi screen when the problem occurs? -What operating system is the poster using? -Are their card drivers updated? -What are the card drivers not recognizing? -What are they looking for, as far as day trips go? -Where did they recently move from? -Why don't they want to go to Hood? -Adams and Helens have long what? -What does the gamer like about Sims 3? -What is one thing that the gamer does not like about Sims 4? -Can the camera view be changed in Sims 3 to the camera view of Sims 4? -Does the gamer like Sims 4 or Sims 3 better? -Can Sims 4 be characterized as having an open world as the previous version by this gamer?? -What is this regarding? -What do they want to know the Tigercat is worth? -What are they close to finishing? -Who nerfed it? -Why is Wayne Rooney going with England this summer? -Why is Carroll a bad choice for England? -Who is an obvious choice? -Who is a hard worker for England? -Who is a very obvious choice? -What level experience gaming is this person looking for in the PC? -What graphic settings does the person what to play the games in? -What is the person's budget for the PC? -What price quality does this person want for the keyboard? -What currency is the budget in? -Who has been overcharging the author? -What type of team does the author need to support? -What did the author cancel? -How long was the author out of internet? -Where will the author be visiting later this year? -What are they considering renting? -What do they want to ask if they are good? -What item do they want pricing info for? -What month do they not want to be paying more for? -What era was the game the author trying to identify a game from? -What was the interface for the game? -When did the authors dad bring home a Macintosh se/30 -What platform is the game the author speaking of for perhaps? -What was something that was part of the game? -What am I asking for? -What do I want to read? -what is not helpful? -What do I want to do with the translated diaries? -I want a link that separated by what? -Which country is the writer planning to travel to first? -How many nights does the writer plan on spending at the Uruguayan coast? -How many nights is the writer planning on spending in Buenos Aires? -Which month does the writer plan to go to South America? -Which direction does the writer plan on traveling after Buenos Aires? -What year did the break up take place? -What holiday does the author begin to receive a string of text messages from their mother? -Who did the writer threaten to call if their mother contacted them again? -How many months after the mother was threatened to have the police called on them did they make contact again? -What month is the kings vs ducks game? -What team do the ducks play against in February? -What is needed to attend the kings vs. ducks game? -What team do the kings play against in February? -What are the kings and the ducks playing? -What question were they asking Walking Dead fans? -Where is the hostel they are staying at? -What experience do they plan to do when they first arrive in Atlanta? -Why are they hoping to find fans to split a hotel room? -After staying at the hostel, where are they planning to go the next day? -What did they get back into after Legacy? -What do they want to demolish? -What are they having trouble placing? -What requires too much foresight? -who has been revising and doing formulae? -what does the student want? -who recommended site ? -why did the teachers recommend sites? -who has been revising? -what else is the student doing? -who recommended the sites to revise? -what is being appreciated? -How long is the drive from Suffolk to Farmingdale? -What is the format of the theater in Farmingdale showing the movie The Hateful Eight? -How many are Hateful? -Where is the Farmingdale's IMAX movie theater? -What movie is playing at the theater in Farmingdale? -What is the main topic of the user's question? -What N64 game is mentioned as an example of a game that has an emulator? -What does MHS stand for? -What is the game that the writer wants to manipulate? -What is the writer hoping to do to the mechanics of Pokemon Snap? -What is my question about? -What disease does my friend's son have? -Where will my friend be driving from? -Where is the surgery? -What will the laser surgery do? -The author asks how to move like who? -What game the author is kinda new to? -According to the author, Ciri is like the female version of who? -Apart from attack, what does the author love about Ciri? -What time period did the author state they can't wait to play? -What social media does the gamer use to play games? -What kind of games does the gamer play? -What error is the gamer experiencing on Facebook? -What operating system is on the computer? -How did Grandma break her browser? -Who has increased his goals/game in la Liga? -What place is Ronaldo in for all time goalscorers in la Liga in 2014? -What was Ronaldo's goals per game in 2014? -What is Ronaldo's current goals per game? -What page did they get stuck on? -What internet connection are they on? -Who did they get booted out with? -What did they verify? -Which character type are they using? -What kind of game character did they see? -At which location did they see this character? -What kind of equipment are they interested in? -Which piece of wearable equipment have they already identified? -What kind of game character did they see? -Which character type are they using? -At which location did they see this character? -What kind of equipment are they interested in? -Which piece of wearable equipment have they already identified? -What does the kind in the movies show steal? -Where was the main character that the author recently saw in a show? -What does the main character do after the kind next to him takes a nacho? -What does the kinds body guard tell the kid? -Where is this person located? -Is this person going to overclock their computer? -What is this person's budget for their computer? -What brand of keyboard do they have? -What OS do they have? -What is my survey about? -What is your feedback? -What is my purpose? -What do you need experience with? -Where must you live? -What do you need to reduce in order to lose weight? -What happens when you reduce your calorie intake? -What can upgrade building objects? -What comes with warnings? -What is focused on survival and steady player progression? -What has a levelling system? -What doesn't give end tier items? -Which game is described in the text? -What advice is the gamer looking for concerning Sims? -Why hasn't the gamer used any expansions on Sims 3? -What idea would make the game more interesting for this gamer? -How has the gamer typically played the game of Sims? -What did the writer's best friend ask the writer to cook for her? -What kind of skillet did the writer cook the steak in? -Whose ultimate steak guide did the writer follow? -What temperature did the writer cook the steak at? -How did the steak turn out after the writer cooked it? -What is the destination for the vacation? -How old is the commentator? -What is the first destination of the vacation? -What is the second destination? -Where will the vacation finish? -What centuries could the painter be from? -What events take place in the painter's art? -What type of art is the mysterious painter known for? -What is a term for describing an agreement that hurts one's integrity? -What is the mood the painter's art tries to convey? -What kind of CSS techniques would the writer like to learn? -What does the speaker consider more advanced than changing the color? -How does their web page look? -What item does the writer have trouble placing? -What do they have trouble styling? -What won't connect to the playstation store? -What kid of router do they have? -What did they try a million times? -What is "loading" forever? -What is hardwired to the router? -How many seconds of mistakes are in this World 1 run? -What is the writer's new time mentioned in the edit? -What was the sub record for iZBOT World 1 that the writer tried to beat? -What is the game being speedrun? -What kind of vibe does the writer say the game gives? -How does progressive novels sound? -What was the SAO Progressive Novels supposed to fix? -What did the poster really enjoy of the SAO? -What is the poster worried about the SAO Progressive Novels? -What takes away from the posters enjoyment? -Who are reporting that the authors credit score has plummeted? -How many free reports did the author have pulled? -Who is the person who shows up as a delinquent account? -Which month did the author have their last free reports pulled in? -What type of accounts show up on the authors credit reports? -Who is asking the questions about stage management resumes? -Does the student have scene shop experience? -What position are they trying to obtain? -In what venue does the poster have experience? -What sort of resume advice are they willing to accept? -What is Johansen coming into? -What have there been murmurs about? -How long is Heatley's contract for? -What is the only way a trade could work? -What was Heatley's presence considered? -At 93 thru Franconia Notch, the author is asking who is driving towards? -Upon returning from a long day in the mountains, the author suggested to not put anything on top of your what? -What are you too busy thinking about upon returning from a long day in the mountain? -The author was thinking about cheese with Chipotle mayo and a steak from where?? -The LL Bean Hikelite poles may have been mangled by a what? -How many episodes was the film in question? -What kind of place were the people living in the film? -What happened to the earth in the film? -What does the main character find in the film? -What were the pictures of? -What is it nearly time for? -What has not been living up to its maximum potential? -What adjective does the writer use to describe the elimations? -How does the writer describe the final few wrestlers in the match? -Who does the writer think may potentially ruin the rumble? -What should you have in mind to stay motivated? -What are the best ways to lose weight? -What screen does the start button go to? -What game system is the paragraph about? -How long did Fallout 4 take to download? -What is shown on the home screen? -What game is the comment about? -How long did the team work on the book? -What type of media is the Shipping container home construction book on? -What is the usual cost for the Warren Thatcher Price: Build A Container Home book? -What is the name of the Australian company that builds modular homes is a large variety of sizes? -How many feet of a shipping container is needed to build an underground shelter? -How many players is the EU team looking for -Why did these spots open up? -How will you qualify for the team? -What is the posters contact method? -How else can you contact the poster? -What do a lot of people rely on? -Who is unknown in France? -Who has no rivals in the democratic party? -What's not driving forward the elections? -Who is the only candidate of the Republican party? -What spot did the writer used to hold? -What spot does the writer currently hold? -When did Linode have recent downtime issues? -When did they drop to #9? -How long did the writer hold the #4 spot? -What did this person have biopsied? -Where did this person have a tumor removed? -How long is their surgical site wound? -What day did was their drain removed? -How far did they walk their dog? -When is the song in question thought to be from? -How does part of the song go? -Approximately how may bpm is the song? -Who does the voice in the song sound like? -Where was the author expecting to find the song? -What does the author want the design to say that she wants made? -What restriction does the author have for posted pictures? -What sort of beauty service is the author looking for? -What object does the author want to cover with a design? -Which two services does the person seek assistance with in the post? -What restriction does the author have for posted pictures? -What does the poster want the design to say? -What services does the author of the post require? -Which beauty services does the author desire to attain? -Which items in the picture does the poster want to cover with a design? -Who is the current offensive coordinator that is moving on from the Bears? -Who is a possible replacement offensive coordinator? -Who's career did Loggains help turn around? -When did Loggains work as offensive coordinator for the Titans? -What position will the Bears need to hire? -What is the writer planning to buy with their Christmas money? -How much does the writer have to spend on the sous vide machine? -Which sous vide machine has wireless updates? -How much will the price on the Joule go up after January 15th? -Does the ChefSteps Joule device have controls on it? -What is the genre of the mystery game? -What video game was this mystery game similar to? -At least how old is the mystery game? -What was the main feature of the mystery game? -What would the race cars get after driving fast enough? -What is the poster looking for specifically? -How does the poster want a reply? -How will the poster provide more info? -What does the poster want another party to do? -How much time does the poster think their request will take? -What happens after 25 seconds? -Where do I get stuck? -What have I been having? -What state do I want to know about? -What happens to my ping? -How can readers help story writers to continue the story? -What is a good story created on Story Wars? -Are the submitted drafts visible or anonymous? -What can you do on Story Wars app? -What is Story Wars? -What is the first pro tip suggested by the writer? -What problems were caused by rushing the update? -What does the writer say the result of continuing the present level of competence will result in? -What do the players do that the writer says should not be listened to to the exclusion of other players? -What problem is the gamer looking to resolve on SexySims? -What happens when the gamer tries to download the MC command centre woohoo mod? -What game is the gamer having trouble with in the text? -After access is denied, what happens when the gamer logs back in? -What type of file would the gamer like someone to send? -How long did it take the user to sync the watch? -What happened when the user tried to add the phone as a trusted device on their phone? -What issue was the user having with the Moto 360 Gen 2? -What kind of phone did the user have? -How much is the time off by? -What color hair dye is the author trying to get? -What doesn't the author want to lose? -What is the author's hair color now? -What kind of hair color dye has the author always used? -What server is the poster using? -What sync software if the poster using on their phone? -What trouble is the poster having with the sync function? -What error does TMS give the poster? -Which log has the poster consulted? -What happened the last time channel critique was requested here? -Why wasn't commentary used? -What has happened since I began posting videos? -How long ago was channel critique requested? -What type of post will be removed? -Where will guild recruitment posts be allowed? -What is the only rule of the Tera Region guild? -What levels may join the Tera Region guild? -What has been added to the En Masse website? -Which year did the author deposit money into their Roth IRA? -How much money did the author deposit in June of 2015? -How much was the second, unexpected check worth? -How much was the first, expected check worth? -What did the author deposit their earnings into? -What game is being referred to? -Who were they suppose to return? -What player is proud? -What is the wizard's name? -Who was sold into slavery? -What country is this person planning a trip in? -What weather do they want to be prepared for? -What gender are they? -Why do they want to camp? -How much experience camping do they have? -What course did the user sign up for? -What is one thing the guides have not touched on? -Where does the author live? -When is it not great weather for riding? -What is the author's dream bike? -What will happen in the upcoming update? -What will happen with duped items? -How will the new update affect the economy of the game? -How else will this update affect players? -What is this person trying to make? -What is the metal used to make the staff? -What is the gem used to make the staff? -What tool is required to make the staff? -What is the companion needed to the anvil for making the staff? -What is this person trying to make? -What is the gem used to make the staff? -What is the metal used to make the staff? -What tool is required to make the staff? -What is the companion needed to the anvil for making the staff? -What have I already searched in? -What did I find? -I've seen a lot of INT based do what? -The old split-arrow build I found on the forums doesn't work on where? -What device is the poster using? -So far, what has been the most effective way for the poster to resolve their issue? -What percent of time is the system awake? -What stock version is the poster's device running? -What kind of website is the author looking for? -What data bank website is the mystery website similar to? -What was the main color used on the mystery site? -What statistics are the author searching for? -Why does the author need a data bank website? -What kind of advice is the poster looking for? -The poster got a good deal on what product? -What does the poster now feel they need? -What is more important than downhill performance? -What item does the poster want to make lighter? -What did the author put in their dirt bike tires? -What did the author highly recommend? -How much snow was on the ground? -Why should you stud your tires, according to the author? -How many times has the author put studs on their tires? -Who is the most interesting character to the writer? -Which book series is the author reading? -How far are they into the first book? -What book is the author considering moving to? -What does the author hate to do? -How do you change the magazine? -What secures magazines? -What is something used to secure the pen? -What happens to the pin after firing matches? -Where is this person traveling to? -What is this persons profession? -What four cities are being visited by this person? -What does this person want to donate? -What specific supplies will this person donate? -What broke inside the slot? -What kind of camera is the SD card in? -What did the SD card do? -Where is the broken piece of SD card? -What did the SD card keep form happening? -What broke off inside of the camera? -What is inside the body of the camera? -What prevented cards from being inserted into the camera? -Where did the SD card break off? -What wouldn't fall out of the camera? -How can you grow your business? -Where do Webinars rank among marketing tactics? -What kind of list can you build with a Webinar? -What kind of audience do you get with a Webinar? -What is the author's new year's resolution? -What does the author need to upgrade? -Where would the author really like to hit? -What does the author feel like in their track suit? -Where is the author aiming to ride? -It can be inferred that the poster uses which type of recording app? -What stops updating according to the poster when a video app is open? -What type of ROM is the poster using? -What has the poster not been able to use as a result of this issue? -How much does WoW charge per month? -What is a possible solution? -How much might a clan pay per month? -Would it solve some PvE issues? -When might Bungie give rewards? -What genre is the mystery song? -How was the singing in the song described? -What does a kid and his friend do in the mystery music video? -What time period is the mystery song from? -Where did the kid in the music video go to make his music? -What does the crystal teleport no longer have? -What were people talking about their Temple of Light teleports doing after finishing Within the Light?? -When were peoples Temple of light teleports dissapearing? -What does the person think they may need to complete? -How many pipes does the seller own? -Where is the seller located? -What is the main pipe being offered for sale in the post? -Why does the seller claim to want to sell the pipe? -How was the pipe for sell stored? -How many pipes does the seller own? -Which item is the seller trying to sell? -Why does the seller claim to want to sell the item? -How has the pipe for sell been stored? -What condition is the pipe for sell in? -How do you calculate the base HP? -What formula should you use to know when to pick the skillpoint over the flat life? -What probably failed? -What is life based on? -What is hidden in the women's undies? -Who could the author picture as 007? -What type of villain are they picturing? -What directors does the author want to see make a movie together? -What type of scenes would be fewer? -What type of things will Dex say that may alienate him from fans? -What is the name of the being that fans are critical of? -What type of being is Dex? -What offensive attributes does Dex exhibit sometimes? -How are fans behaving towards Dex? -How are people where I am from? -What do people care about where I am from? -About what were the comments I read? -What do I usually say to rile up a guy I know? -When did the mystery game come out? -What kind of helicopter did the player in the game fly? -What operating system did the mystery game run on? -What perspective did the player have in flying the helicopter? -What else could the player do with the helicopter other than fly? -What two types of TV are mentioned by the poster? -Which type of tablet is the poster using? -What is the model of the Sony TV used by the poster? -What company is closed for the holidays? -When the customer ordered from ChemicalServices what was the outcome? -How long did it take the customer to receive a package from ChemicalServices? -Where do people complain about ChemicalServices customer service? -How does the customer describe their experience with ChemicalServices? -Who can you leave feedback for? -What is the tag for game you have you are willing to trade? -What is the tag for game you want to sell for money? -Who will pay for shipping cost? -What is the tag for game you're looking to trade for? -What is the author considering getting? -What computer editing program are they thinking of using? -What program refuses to launch? -What window needs to be moved? -What are the two choices in RPG games? -How many RPG games are they looking to buy during the sale? -What game had they never played? -What type of processor do they have? -What other game had they never really played? -Which feature is the author searching for on personal finance apps? -Which app did the author and their wife originally use? -Which app did the author already look at? -What is the size of the business that the author runs? -What type of model did YNAD recently switch to? -What happened when the gamer installed Seasons DLC? -What happened after the gamer was prompted to choose a spot for the festival area? -Where did the gamer get the DLC files from? -After finding out that the sims were gone, what did the gamer do to get things back on track? -What did the gamer find out after using all of his money to move the sims back in? -What day of the week will Austin's podcast be aired? -What year did the SummerSlam classic with Kurt Angle take place? -What did the writer say was phenomenal? -Who was Austin's opponent in WM13? -Which match did the writer mention that included the Rock? -When are they going hiking? -Where did first want to hike? -How long will it take them to reach the Manistee River trail? -How long is the Mainistee River trail? -What location do they want to avoid? -What can already be transferred from another to another for free? -What can you not buy duplicates of? -Sets are already quite what? -What would we remove by allowing us to duplicate sets ourselves? -What don't I believe in? -What device is exhibiting strange behaviour? -What software is the problem? -What is described as being awful when playing rocket league? -How is the writer dealing with the problem? -What kind of help is the writer asking for? -What does today mark according to the poster? -What is the first new innovation that the poster plans to start? -To what address does the poster want interest people to send mail to? -What is the hours requirement for people signing up? -How long was the listener a casual listener for? -What two reactions did the listener listen two? -How many people did the person note that people hate? -What did the author think who was hated, but not the other two -Who did the author ask what the general fan opinion of is? -What kind helper is wanted? -What is the name of the compilation they are trying to produce? -Where might a master exist? -What is the name of the album where excerpts were published before? -What sources will be used for this compilation? -What did the person lose all motivation to do? -When did the person begin running? -How many pounds did they loose? -When did they overwork themselves? -What happened when they ran .40 of a mile? -What kind of bias is the author investigating? -Who is falling behind in schools? -What kind of teachers are showing bias? -What kind of teacher was the author? -What is the gap that the author is worried about? -What do I use to convert frenzy charges? -Who is charging me? -Who is sustaining end charges? -What do I do before chaos? -Which year was the program terminated? -When will the authors bonds mature? -When does the author want to wait until to cash their bonds? -What is the name of the authors current retirement institution? -What kind of bonds are being discussed by the author of this paragraph? -What does the person use for transport? -How often does nethub change? -What happens if you load a new nethub save? -What kind of bets can't you place? -After loading a new save can you redo original bets? -What should you do if the game malfunctions? -what did he try and couldn't find the answer? -what was the reason for asking the question? -what does he see? -what does he not have a problem with? -what is the question being asked? -what happened when the writer tried searching for answers? -what lot more tactics does he see? -what doesn't the writer have a problem with? -Since when have I had the same problem? -What is the problem I am having? -For how long have I stopped playing? -What do I miss? -What settings are off? -Is this contest closed or open? -Was there a winner in this contest? If so, who was it? -What must be the picture be of in the contest rules? -What should the picture include? -Can you enter the contest two or more times per person? -How long was the run? -How long until the 10k begins? -What have they ran before? -What elevation gain does this run have? -What does their lungs seem to have an issue with? -What effect do the speak of? -The doctor gave you a pill because your what hurt? -Do we know if the pill works? -What could the pill be? -How does the pill make you feel? -How many opposing players just died? -What kind of maps does the user want analyzed? -How big is the participant list? -What doesn't differ enough to give the losers a chance? -What was I fortunate enough to pick up? -Along with just one button, what else did I think tuxedos should have? -How much was the tuxedo? -What was my impression that a tuxedo should have? -How many buttons does my tuxedo have? -How old did the author of this paragraph just turn? -Where does the author already have a checking account? -Which state is the author living in? -What percent of their paycheck does the author plan on putting in their savings account? -What type of account is the author hoping to open? -When will the Zeah Raids be released? -What level is the gamer on Zeah? -What year did the gamer quit playign RS2? -What is the Zeah gamers opinion of people in the game? -Why did the Zeah gamer make their current account? -Which brands of turntables are being compared? -Which turntable might come with a dust cover? -How much is the JVC unit listed for? -How much is the Kenwood unit listed for? -Which unit was already sold? -What does this person want to buy? -What is the first turntable they are considering? -What is the second turntable they are considering? -How much does the Kenwood KD-3070 cost? -When did I quit the game? -What am I in process of? -What troubles am I facing? -What did I figure? -Why am I asking question to this sub? -What pan does the burrito require? -What is the grill they suggested? -How long do you cook the hash browns -What can you use to store the burrito? -What's my name? -What shows do I enjoy? -What gender friends do I want? -What game systems do I own? -What can I be? -When was the first competitive game? -Why was he drop out of the game? -What is the average games per night? -What wing does he tend to run? -What type of skin flare up are they experiencing? -What do they believe they have? -What type pf appointment do they have mid- month? -What have they been using? -What do they occasionally wake up to? -Who did we purchase a nerf gun for? -Where was the gun from? -How much did the gun cost? -How many units were an hour away? -What was the condition of the gun? -Where is their new job? -What type of advice are they looking for? -What do they already use on their arms? -What type of hand cleaner are they using? -What type of skin to they have? -What type of advice are they looking for? -Where is their new job? -What do they already use on their arms? -What type of hand cleaner are they using? -What type of skin to they have? -When does this person notice more unknown names coming up? -Who is the team behind rdr casting? -Who are the eligible queens with already built in fan bases? -What should they be more concerned with improving? -Who is returning and looking for advice? -What game did the player play when they were younger? -How many hours into OSRS is the player in? -When did the player stop playing Runescape? -Why is the gamer asking for advice? -What is Lenovo sending in the mail? -What company produced the T450 thinkpad? -What type of warranty did the person purchase? -What was wrong with the keyboard? -What is the name of the company that made the T450 thinkpad? -What type of warranty had the person purchased? -What did Lenovo send to the customer? -What program is the poster announce the availability of? -Who was extremely helpful with making Budgie portable -What version of the Budgie desktop is out? -what build system did the poster create the Geckolinux spins? -What was the bedtime for the 10 week old girls? -How long do the girls sleep for after fussing? -What time did the mom feed the 10 week old girls the first time? -When did the mom feed the girls the second time? -Did the mom if thier bed time was too early -What do I need help with? -What exactly does my friend need help with? -What kind of help is needed especially? -What does my friend run? -What did I find at the hardware store? -How much was it? -What did the texture feel like? -What have I painted without priming and sanding before? -How much would it cost to keep the PO Box another six months? -Why will the PO Box be closed? -When were more sloths mailed out? -How long will the current SASEs be mailed out for? -How many days does Hanukkah have? -What is the poster looking for? -What playlist suggestions is the poster looking for? -How many times has he tripped? -What is the poster planning to do? -What does the writer say about cosmetic content? -What vehicle is listed in the forum post showing the differences in DLC vehicles? -What kind of turning radius is better? -What is the most important difference between vehicles? -How do the vehicles compare to each other in general? -What might be common knowledge? -How close to another player must you be to shoulder charge any direction except forward? -When will it lock on? -What did the writer do in the match they played after they slid? -What type of game do they want to play? -How long has it been since they played? -What do they want to eat? -How much do they miss playing? -What will they most likely stick with? -What was the author looking for? -Where has the author looked so far? -What does Google images show? -What can the authors zoom into? -What style of photography does the target artist use? -What catastrophe almost befell the poster whilst they were charging? -What temperature had the poster's phone reached when they found it? -Where did the phone slip into according to the posters? -What does the poster believe is most probably cause of the phone heating up? -What season are they buying? -What does the picture they get say? -Where are they trying to make a purchase? -What is the picture of they keep getting? -What is the purpose of the WCIF TS2 mod? -What mod is the WCUF TS2 similar to according to the gamer? -What is the problem that the gamer is having? -Who is able to use the in-game career reward that allows surgery within the game? -When can a gamer use "Edit Sim in CAS'? -What does Redline contain? -What does Plasma Torpedoes Deathrain contain? -What does Lamba contain? -What needs advanced sensors? -Did the apartment ban birds? -What was the name of the parrot? -How old is the parrot? -What type of parrot is it? -Was the parrot kept in a cage? -What is the poster's major? -Which editor has he been using? -Which semester is he currently on? -Lack of what is bothering him? -What is he wanting to upgrade to? -What am I planning? -What have I been wanting to mod? -How many steampunkings have I done? -What used gun do I plan to buy? -When did the couple reunite? -Why id the boyfriend get the cat? -How long were they broken up? -How long have they been together? -What are the ages of the couple? -When did Norman get up on January 2? -Does Norman like black coffee? -What did Norman wrap in a newspaper? -How did he drink his coffee now? -What position was played in through college? -What new position will you try during the New Year? -What is your age? -What position did you typically play in beer leagues? -what was the question proposed by the writer? -where did the writer get his SEM training from? -what is he looking into? -where would he welcome other suggestions from? -what does it seem that the people are reading? -Who is looking to expand? -What are the three 3D platformers mentioned by the posters? -What skills is the poster proficient in using Blender? -What are the challenges that the poster has identified in making a full games? -When was the megathread about posts of the year? -When was the megathread taken down according to the writer? -Was the megathread a reddit-wide thing? -Where was the megathread posted? -What were the blues doing? -What was the decoy based on? -What was the defensive setup? -Was was cast frequently and (summoned at me? -What did he never see? -When do they expect to be visiting? -How long do they plan for a short highlands walk? -During what month will they be in Edinburgh? -How many days will they be staying in Edinburgh? -Where did they find interesting walks? -What two groups are already militarized? -Who cannot do what is needed to ensure the security of the systems they control? -Who carried entire families on its fleet? -Why was the Starfleet on the backfoot during the dominion war and borg invasions? -What type of camera does this person shoot with? -What happens when shooting with a long shutter? -Is it the lens or the body of the camera that's malfunctioning? -How did this person determine it was the lens? -What is the setting for the image? -What kind of day did Norman have it work? -Where did Norman stop on the way home from work? -What did Norman used to buy the lottery ticket? -What did the ticket say after he scratched it off? -What did Norman think about and the rest of the way home? -Who did he get into an argument with? -What is the name of the text book? -How long did it take him to think of sentences? -What is he studying? -What are the books he has used? -For what date is this daily discussion thread? -What is a friendly place for original Indie games according to the poster? -What is the purpose of the thread according to the poster? -For approximately how many weeks will the thread be up for? -How long have you played with DCS? -Where are you having trouble logging in from? -What type of error is displayed with an unsuccessful login? -Where did you bind the key to the login? -What caused the problem? -What made the problem happen? -What happened when he/she gave a little force? -What fell down? -How long did it take to put it back together? -What was the annual income for 2015 for this person? -What is this person age during the time of writing this? -Did this person get accepted or denied for credit card? -What type of credit card was this person applying for? -Does this person have any debts in there name? -How much inherentice did he get? -Does he owe bank or any other debt collector money? -How old is he? -What is he going to put a downpayment on when he double his money? -What type of degree does this person have? -what subreddit is being posted on? -What is the title of the post? -who voted for the YouTuber of the month? -What YouTuber won the award? -What is the point of the award? -What is needed for the startup? -What is combined with Django? -What is the business of the startup? -What is after Tango with Django? -What language has already been learned? -What is the name of the series describe in the text? -Is this a relatively new series? -Which political situation does this series betray according to the viewer? -Which season is the viewer current;y watching? -What information does the viewer want to know about the upcoming seasons? -What is using an incredible amount of CPU -If they reduce the size of their screen what fps can they reach? -What can OSRS run on? -When the Reddit user plays in full screen what is their average fps? -What type of clients is the Reddit user targeting for help? -When was the survey results from? -Who was the #1 player? -How many players have been on the roster this season? -What number is Luke Garazdic -Which player had the least consensus? -What did the man at the door tell Norman? -Did Norman remember buying the insurance? -What did Norman shout at the salesman? -What was the man trying to sell? -What was Norman making in the kitchen? -what was the writer admitted for? -where does he previously study? -what did the writer realize? -what is the writer's question? -Which function is the poster having an issue with in terms of it redrawing? -What functions disallow the poster from drawing a sprite at a location of their choosing? -What is the motive for seeking a solution for this problem? -What does the poster hope to achieve with a solution? -Which 2K game is the author new to? -What was the last 2k game they played? -What is one of the questions asked? -What is another question they asked about? -What kind of tutorials is the author looking for? -Who deleted this comment? -Who wrote this comment? -What subreddit was this delete comment posted? -What nationality is the person who wrote this comment? -What day was this comment posted? -Is this religious thread a place to debate? -What can be asked here in this thread? -What is the goal of this thread? -What should you do if you would like to debate an answer? -Ask a question. Get an answer. Discuss the answer. Can you do anything else in this thread? -What item is frequently inquired in the coffee recommendations subreddit? -What do the people in the subreddit recommend as a starting point for drip machines? -Which website do they plan on gathering data? -What method will they use to gather data? -How to keep the conversation? -What to do if you want to discuss a sensitive topic? -What is the topic for? -What is the subject? -By what should you sort the comments? -What did the neighbors do? -What is the person telling this story asking for? -How often do the neighbors let the cat in? -What pictures did the person telling this story take? -Because they also had cats, what would have happened if the person telling the story had let the neighbor's cat in? -What would STC Records like to begin? -Who is the owner of STC Records? -What styles does cassetteculture make? -Who decides what the name should be? -What do they want help with? -What are the ratings of the players in his team? -What does the author ask about specifically regarding his losing team? -What is the authors gamer tag? -What system do they play on? -What swept through Oklahoma? -Why are the headlamps junk? -What did he/she use instead? -Where did it fall? -Why did he/she need a replacement? -Does Norman like turning on his alarm clock? -What did Norman say to himself? -What did the ask himself before going to sleep? -When was she supposed to return from her vacation? -What did Norman say to his dog before going to bed? -What is almost confirmed? -How should the Blitzen Incident be investigated? -What is the writer asking to do about the Blitzen Incident? -What was the cared referencing during the 2014 winter sale? -What is another name for Blitzen? -How much does it cost to open a Hookah lounge? -How many buddies do you have? -What kind of lounge can you get by partnering with one or 2 buddies? -What kind of lounge can you get by partnering with all 3? -What kind of lounge can you get by yourself? -What did Shane Keskeny want to test with their conductivity tester? -How many videos had they posted to YouTube? -What products did they have stop working in the past? -What was Nikkens new products? -What may no longer adhere if the comforter is washed? -How many tiles does Creatures in Dwarf Fortress take up? -According to the game's files, a giant sperm whale is how many times bigger than a regular sperm whale? -How many pounds does Google say a regular sperm whale weighs? -If google says that a regular sperm whale weighs 32,000 pounds in weight, how many pounds would a giant sperm whale weigh? -What is 256,00 pounds in kgs? -What is the price to enter? -how many packs will be opened? -What is the initial question in the post? -How many spots are left for the event? -How will people get selected for specific teams? -How did the Executive Director and founder of Used Dogs Rescue Die? -Where is Used Dogs Rescue located? -How many dogs did she have when she died? -How many employees did Used Dogs Rescue have? -Where online can the remaining dogs be seen? -Where does he live? -What is a sauce that he doesn't like? -What is a sauce that he love? -Why does he not like Tabasco? -What does he want to order online? -What did they drop off in SC? -How many successful deliveries had they made? -Where are their last 2 missions? -What was the highest heat they reached? -What had they been flying around looking for? -What is the year for clan updates? -What is the first clan chat update the Reddit user would like to see? -In the clam chat update 2 the Reddit user suggests what ability for the clan message board? -Which feature does the Reddit user suggest in the third clan chat update they would like? -If Jagex dislikes an idea due to bandwidth what does the Reddit user suggest? -What is the poster looking ideas for? -What is he currently using? -What does he want to store? -Being without what is tough? -how much currency do they have available? -What does their second line have in it? -What do they prefer? -What does their top line have in it? -How do they play offensively? -What is an example of boot misbehavior? -What kind of problems was the author experiencing with their Dell XPS 9550? -What consumes so much power that is causes a number of hardware problems? -What is the best solution for using a USB hub? -Which methods does the seller prefer for payment? -What condition is the item for sell in? -What is the item for sell called? -Which delivery service does the seller get discounts with? -How much was the item when first purchased? -Which method does the seller prefer for payment? -How much was the item when first purchased? -What condition is the pipe for sell in? -Which delivery service does the seller get discounts from? -What is the name of the item for sale in the post? -What is the the writer doing in this paragraph? -When is the study guide from? -What did the writer find while backing up the computer? -What did the writer earn last January? -How can other people access the study guide that the writer is making available to them? -What is the cipher called? -What year was skipjack created? -who created Skipjack? -What are the algorithms that Dystopia is composed of? -Where can we find the "additionally, in the half-life 2 modification Dystopia"? -What is the name of the role that allows 2 players to help each other? -What does the system of assisted roles promote? -How large is their group? -When can assisted roles not be used? -What procedure is information being sought about? -What injury did the dog sustain? -What had to be taken out before? -What is the dog's sex? -In what procedures doe the writer not have confidence? -What are they wanting to make viable? -What is one of the commodities that can generate 1500+ cr profit per transaction? -What would you be getting paid to transport? -Why does he claim low price staples are there for? -How do they garnish imperial slaves? -What is the issue the author is having? -Is using the Crest mouthwash a new addition to the author? -What part of the author's face is swollen? -Why can't the author just go to a doctor or dentist if she is in pain? -Does the author have any cavities? -What type of tournament? -how many rounds in the tourney -What is the steam group name? -Are the prizes larger or smaller than previously? -How can you ask for help? -What is the topic of this post? -How long have they had this rescue dog? -Do they know about his history? -What is this dogs oddest behavior? -When does he eat his food? -What functions did he or she find? -What does this person want to check while exercising? -What operating system is this person using? -What was this person doing when they had their issue? -Who is suppose to be elf in the comic? -Why is Andy Warhol suppose to be elf in the comic? -Who was Warhols famous accomplice? -What month did Holly Woodlawn died? -Who was the subject in Lu Reed's "walk on the wild side"? -What is the name of the app in question? -Do most people consider this tracker accurate? -What makes the accuracy questionable? -What would this person like to know from anothers concerning My Fitness Pal Calorie Tracker? -How do you find something if you can access the mini-map? -What attribute would a mini map allow tracking? -What would be improved if they had greater visibility? -How does the player feel about the game overall? -What kind of games is the player used to? -What type of cosplay is being done? -What piece for the cosplay was custom-made? -What is paired with the vest? -What is the type of vest? -Where did most people want the meetup to take place? -Which day of the week was found to be most preferable? -Which dates in particular were most desired? -When will the final date be posted? -What is the headline problem? -How long did the computer run till it crashed? -What did the computer do after it crashed? -What happened after repairs? -Who hasn't been to the North Pole? -For how long has Jake not been in the North Pole? -What picture does Jake have of? -What does Jake's picture depict? -To what incident does this relate to? -What is the author helping the neighbor with? -How many antennas have to be purchased? -What is the price range of the requested antenna? -What kind of antenna does the author use? -When will the new antenna(s) be purchased? -What is the name of the book the statement asks you to download? -Who wrote the mentioned book? -What is the name of the torrent website mentioned? -How many short stories are mentioned in the title of the book? -Who is the non-author man named in this statement? -What is this person looking for? -Which company made the product in question? -How many blocks apart would the players be? -How would the players try to win? -How often would the players' positions be changed? -How long has it been since the individual logged in and played regularly? -Where was the player at the time of the disconnections? -How many times today has the player disconnected? -When did the individual log in and play? -Did the player have disconnection issues last night? -Who was watching porn? -What was the person looking for? -What was being used to light the room? -Who was blamed for the parents watching porn? -What was he/she looking for feedback for? -What thread is this on? -What is the first question the person asked? -What size does the png have to be. -What date is shown at the end? -What type of laptop? -What is the principal issue? -How long does it take for the wifi to disconnect? -What happens if they try and repair -What does it show when it is not connected? -What kind of books does this person want recommended? -What is dragging this person down? -What is this person trying to improve? -What has this person stop enjoying due to be unsatisfied? -What does everyone have that feel could be improve when they shoot? -This person is interested in what type of exercises? -How frequent would the person like to incorporate using a treadmill? -How much does this person weigh? -How tall is this person? -Which sports did this person play when they were younger? -What is the principal issue? -What was recently installed? -Do they fans run? -What is their main query? -What is the issue with the fans? -What lead the author to the Hitman game? -Where did the Blitzen case lead the author? -What was the password given by the comic? -What did Hot Toddies and Maseratis lead the author to? -What was the code given by Undertale The 6th trading card? -Who passed away? -What does the writer have to do soon? -What did the writer experience in 2014? -In what emotional state is the writer on awakening? -What activity does the writer engage in when they get up? -What is the dog on? -Why does the dog have an upset tummy? -What is the dog refusing to eat? -What food other than sodium-free broth has the dog refused? -Which game is being discussed? -What is the term used to describe the community? -How does this person feel while playing the game? -Why do the 9-10 year old children act immaturely? -What is this gamer looking for? -What is the purpose of the thread? -How often is this thread posted? -What is the name of the individual who wants to help? -What combo is referred to by the poster? -What game is this debate about? -What is the debate about? -Which of the two characters being debated have been in all 4 games? -Which character does the author of this comment think is more iconic? -Why does the authors friend think the Chorus Kids are more iconic? -Who should you get help from if you're going to have a wedding in your home? -Who should you hire to clean your windows? -Who should deal with the trash? -What should you buy new in your home? -What should you try feeding the guests? -Who farts in their sleep? -Who did the husband compare his wife to? -How many dogs do the people have? -Who did not responded to the text message? -What is the Twitch streamer's name? -What game does GagStrategists stream on Twitch? -On what date will the company review GagStrategists' channel for a potential partnership? -How many people are allowed a partnership position? -How long does the company plan to review GagStrategists' Twitch channel? -What subreddit was this posted to? -When was this person planning to go? -How old are the kids? -Where would they like to rent a house? -What do they plan to do? -At what minute did Koscielny score goal? -At what minute did Leicester get red card? -What was the score between West Ham Vs Liverpool? -What was the score between Norwich Vs Southampton? -At what minute did Gil score goal? -What framework was the Dassault Balzac V based on? -How long can it stay in the air? -How many people have lost their lives while testing the Dassault Balzac V? -What was the Dassault Balzac supposed to test? -What type of spending advice is the author requesting? -What type of banner does the author say is pretty strong? -What type of gear does the author have enough of? -How many Mithril does the author have? -What is the poster looking for? -What will the images be used for? -Which two aspects of nature is the poster specifically interested in? -Which domain of photograph does the poster prefer? -What does this person want to sell? -What is it plated with? -What is the base material made of? -Where did this person win this item? -Is the price fixed or flexible? -Where is the option to delete a save file? -Where does the confirmation button appear? -When the delete button is double-clicked, what happens? -Does a deleted save appear in the recycle bin? -what happens when they are frustrated? -what can't the gamer make quickly enough? -who always grabs the best spots first? -what race is the gamer playing? -what type of structures does gamer build? -Where did this person see reommendations at? -What type of style is this person looking for from a company? -What kind of feel does this person wan't to get from the film? -What type of photos does this person have that there trying to developed? -What program did the online reccommened to use? -What does the person have? -How did it break? -How much does it cost for handling? -Who was it a gift from? -How long ago did he/she get it? -Where was the cheesecake purchased from? -What holiday was being celebrated? -Where has the person been for the past 45 minutes? -What is made of cheddar and cream cheese -Who is given credit for the annihilation of Stannis's army? -Where was Stannis's army defeated? -Who had made a plan to achieve victory using a wildfire? -Who was it that named Tyrion hand of the king? -Who was it that became upset when Mycella was taken to Dorne? -Do the products come in a box? -What are the defects of the products? -Why is the person not fixing or replacing the chip? -Is the person open or closed to offers? -What item does the writer say will not work with his telescope? -What does the clock spin? -In which hemisphere does the writer live? -Which object is mentioned as an example of something that can't be kept in the field of view? -What type of aligning has the writer tried? -What is up for trade by the poster? -Where is the poster from? -What date did the poster likely attend a show? -What date poster is the person looking for? -What else would the person be willing to trade for? -What has this person been playing? -What quest did they just started? -How long have they been playing FO4? -Which quest line have they been following? -How old is the person in question? -Who does the gamer share a gamertag with? -How should one contact the gamer? -What is the gender of the gamer in question? -What does the gamer want to exchange via comment or PM? -If you haven't failed, what does that mean? -What did the neighbors try making out of hot cocoa? -What happens when You freeze hot cocoa? -What desert does the writer commonly read about? -According to the author, a person who has never failed has never done what? -The author's neighbors used what in an attempt to make cocoa popsicles? -What happens to the fat of hot cocoa when frozen? -How is the taste of hot cocoa when frozen? -What bracket of student is available to be coached? -How much is a 250 MMR increase cost? -What is the coaches' MMR level? -Where will the first part of the coaching take place? -What will the coach do, if necessary? -what game did the gamer buy? -what type of game is the gamer playing with friends? -how many sessions have been played so far? -what error message is received? -what does the gamer click? -Who is the focus demographic for Drew's training program? -What does Drew's training program offer? -How many participants is Drew looking for to sign up? -How many of coaching topics does Drew offer? -How should Drew be contacted if interested in learning more about the program? -When is the event over? -Whose fans are mentioned specifically? -What reward level from the past no longer exists? -Where is reward information in the spreadsheet? -How the length of time for the game compare to that last time? -Which type of sole would look bad after some time? -What color chelseas have been sought after? -How much time will go on before deciding to make the purchase? -What is being purchased? -How can you see new posts in the subreddit? -What Chrome tool can be used to easily refresh the website? -What Firefox tool can be used to easily refresh the website? -What other other method can be used to keep track of the comments? -What was sold in the main town? -what game was this game an older version of? -What brand of laptop was this game played on? -What platform was the game played on? -What are the two options for inexperienced sellers? -Which website is the person more inclined toward? -Why does this person want to use the website they are leaning toward? -How do they want their website to look? -What is estimated to take much longer than anticipated? -Who is refusing to go down the shipping route? -How many hours total driving does it take to get the car? -How far is the person's home town from school? -What happened to the car when the person went to school? -What does Stronglifts recommend per week for a good regimen? -How many exercises per day did the person read about in transformation threasd? -What is Stronglifts main objective according to this persons findings? -What is the person trying to accomplish for their fitness journey? -What are the ladies pushing? -What types of carts are there? -What is the establishment called? -Where does this person live? -What has never been used? -Which website does not contain a lot of positive reviews for the product? -What is said about SARMS? -What type of supplement is being sought? -How much does the gross tandem trailer weigh? -How far of a distance was the tandem trailer hauled? -What sort of truck was the trailer attached to? -How many inches was the drop hitch? -What are the tire dimensions? -What did the person receive for Christmas? -What platform has the person been wanting to play lately? -Which store can the person use their gift card at? -How would the person describe the suggestions they have received so far? -What gaming console has been collecting dust for years now? -Which program does the person want to use for their group chat? -How many of these chats were there in the past? -How many people were in the chat after the first edit? -How many people were in the chat after the second edit? -what was Lucky about the injury? -how long were walking boots worn? -when did walking boots come into the picture? -what bone was broken? -how did the bone get broken? -Which company runs the video game being discussed in this message? -Which type of weapon is being discussed? -What type of event does the author say begins today? -What is the name of the character being discussed? -What are the names of the useful abilities that the author mentions? -The writer asks if you can prosecute who for increasing auto insurance premiums? -Dave gets what? -What is the name of the example criminal? -Claiming on the insurance and use the cash to buy what? -How long was the flight? -How did he/she accomplish the goal? -What was the goal? -What was the first annoyance? -How long is the notice? -What will happen after one week? -Between what hours will the apartment be inaccessible? -On what days will the apartment be inaccessible? -What is the writer asking for in return? -What is the person proud of? -What is the question they want the answer to? -Which parts of the song have the same notes? -Which parts of the song were heavily modified? -What, according to the author, is a powerful experience that comes in various forms? -How sizable are the strides that gaming has taken over time? -What is one thing that has plagued gaming for years? -What does gaming represent to the author? -What does the author ask others to do in the year ahead? -What is being chosen for a team? -Which pokemon has a bullet punch? -Which pokemon has a heal bell? -Which pokemon has an assault vest along with a dragon pulse? -Awake: The Rise of Mannimarco is a mod for what game? -how often will the writer be releasing video's on their youtube channel until the release of their mod? -what is the title of the first video they released featuring the soundtrack to their mod? -Ho many people were drawn together for unknown reasons by the king of worms? -Who is becoming the head of the play division? -Who is on the player review team, besides KamaFlare? -What event is planned in 2016? -Who is the guy in charge of the Solo League? -What has KamaFlare been doing for a while, before becoming the head of the play division? -What's the likely reason people aren't visiting my post? -What site is the place where profiles for dating are posted? -What might be the reason people don't like my dating profile? -Is there something wrong with the way I look? -What might happen after messages are read? -The writer is attempting to enroll into school without what? -How old is the writer? -What did the writer did not want to sacrifice? -Where does the writer live? -What is the person looking to buy? -Who is this equipment for? -Where does the buyer currently reside? -How much is the buyer willing to spend for the Cross Trainer? -What size Cross Trainer is the buyer looking for? -What are you interested in watching more of? -How long have you been watching the work? -What films has the speaker seen? -What kind of viewers' opinions would they like? -What question is the speaker wanting to answer? -What type of person is FUITA looking for? -What would someone need do to see if they could be hired? -What is FUITA? -If you join the FUITA public channel then what could you do today? -What must you be to be considered by FUITA? -What are the questions about? -What have tactics been instead of working? -What position are they referring to that may affect performance? -How many questions are asked? -Which game does the author hope to find friends for? -What platform does the author use to play GTA:V? -How long has the author been playing GTA:V Online at this point? -What is the author's current rank in the game? -What is the author's preferred language? -What movie is the writer referencing? -What word does the woman in the scene repeat? -Between what times in the film is the writer interested? -What kind of image is the writer requesting? -What violent act does the woman in the film perpetrate on the man? -What was the most recent holiday? -What is his prized possession? -What matches perfectly with the Graphite ibp/itian combo? -What has a blue tip and the rest is gold? -What is the energy man obstinate in keeping? -How was the energy company given the address? -Was the address taken down correctly or incorrectly? -What method of payment was sent incorrectly? -Why won't the company send another payment? -For how long does the writer suggest 4/5 yr old should play with the toys? -What did the writer's 4.5 yr old get for x-mas? -Who did the writer give Lego to? -How many times did the kid ask his dad to fix it? -Why did the kid be very careful with the finished ship? -what do people do in order to see other climbers? -what is the climber in danger of? -what would be considered a vertical that ins't as steep? -what does the climber need to be under to be safe? -what could happen if the climber isn't under the first bolt? -What do they want for their HC Cyclone Maurader? -The player is new to what? -What do they think to spam? -What was removed from the post? -what model video card does the writer have? -what model processor does the writer have? -what fps was the writer at before adding mods and running S.T.E.P.? -how much fps is the writer getting in outside areas? -Who's idea was it for Mettaton to have a body? -Which two people was the foreshadowing about? -What show did the reader rewatch? -Mettaton's idea was to get what? -What platform did this poster post this question? -What is the author seeking advice towards? -Which type of break does the author say they are working on getting? -What does the author say that they are going to continue working on leveling? -What does the author say made a huge difference? -Who does the other say was the only one standing? -What age was the writer when TFSAs were introduced? -Where did he put the money? -When did the writer withdraw all is monies from TFSA accounts? -How much money was there when when reviewing the account? -Who won the most valuable redditor award? -Who won the award for best analysis? -Who was the winner from the UK? -What community awarded redditors awards? -What do you need for a Z-Visa Application process? -Where did the speaker interview? -Who is this for? -What does the speaker intend to finish? -What did the interviewer offer to doctor? -What did he/she have to get off Benny? -Who is his/her follower? -Why was it a shame? -What was his reputation with the legion? -What are they playing? -When does the draft start? -When are they going back to work? -How many does it take for a league? -What are they doing if they get more than 4 players? -How many years is the lease good for? -Why was a survey taken? -Which social media page has this been posted to? -What percent does the buyer want for the cost of surveying? -What is complete? -When was phase one complete? -What emotion is the author feeling? -What was the author's predicted record? -Who dismantled them in St Louis? -What birthday will it be? -On which day is the birthday? -What was finished in May? -What is being sought to become a better person? -Who does the writer predict will win the batting title? -Which two players does the writer predict will be finished by the end of 2016? -Which player's overall average is predicted to improve? -Which award is Evan Gattis predicted to win for the first time in his career? -Which team is predicted to win the world championship in 2016? -What has no idea how to work a thing? -How much did they spend? -What did the speaker's dad give them? -What did the speaker try first? -What lit up on the CHIP? -What game is the writer new too and having a problem with? -what build of character is the writer going for? -what category of magic has the writer put most of their points into? -what mod has the writer been using? -Which game console is being discussed? -Where did this person get the idea that resting the toypad on the console was okay? -What type of surface should the toypad not rest on? -Why are they making this question public? -What does the writer want money for? -What is the writer's name? -What year is his current car? -What maintenance does he keep up on? -What expired while he was driving? -What skilled occupation is Eden Spooks looking for? -When would you participate if you were to join Eden Spooks as a pilot? -The ideal recruit should live in what time zone? -What would you get if you joined Eden Spooks? -What age requirements are there to join Eden Spooks? -what material was received for the holiday? -what is the onsie picking up moisture from? -what type of fold was tried? -how dry are the prefolds in the morning? -what turned out to be the problem? -What advantages does using the asset store have? -What faults can bad assets have? -Who's code does the writer not want in their own project? -How much did the writer pay for other assets? -How much money is going to be inherited? -What happened to have him come to this money? -What are somethings he is looking to do with the money? -Did the father have a will? -Where did they get one save? -What did they reject for Emre Can? -What did they offer him and he didnt re-bid? -What did he reject for 7 million? -What does this person wish to do? -What was he/she ok with? -What are they named? -What is ok with this person for it to be? -What needs to be purchased to become a full fledged citizen? -How much will the game packages cost until the end of January? -How many points will be earned for new pilots? -Which games will be included in the game package? -Can you market a product when using the Giveaway Thread? -Can you get more than one account and try to rack up additional things? -What type of account is this? -Can I respond to an ancillary comment, or an aside? -what's the name of this "Thread"? -What did the person want to receive in trades? -What was the person wanting to trade? -What can people win? -On what day will a random giveaway happen? -What archetype is being discussed? -The archetype searches for what? -This archetype is compared to what? -A big problem with the archetype is what? -This archetype's grit scales off of what? -What was revealed in December by the poster? -What case will be focused on in January? -How can users find more information of Jane Doe? -Why did the poster decide to hold the case for December? -What wont start? -What does it do? -What game is the speaker playing? -What has the speaker did to try to fix the problem? -What else did they do? -What is their sex? -Which sex are they interested in? -How old is this person? -What kind of support is he looking for? -What type of person are they looking for? -What is the benefit of the Cerberus Assault clan? -How does one join the Cerberus Assault clan? -What kind of members is the Cerberus Assault clan looking for? -How do Cerberus Assault members communicate with each other? -What nationality is the manuscript? -What is the name of the manuscript? -What year was the manuscript of the Clavicules de Salomon written? -What's another name for Sylphs? -How many manuscripts are there? -How many different white mages have the holy trinity? -What does the random Black Mage bring? -What does the author have that belongs to Red XIII? -Who is the author using as their real White Mage? -What does Yuna bring? -Where was the exploiter found? -What times did this happen? -Were there any people talking about this? -What is the user name of the exploiter? -Which game console is being discussed? -Are they playing single player or co-op? -Which game is being discussed? -Which wave is the last? -What game was received as a gift? -How large was the update? -Did the author accept the update? -What size did "Manage Game" show? -What is the user's questoin? -What game did the writer receive as a gift? -how large of an update did sniper elite 3 have? -how large is the sniper elite 3 game on the hdd? -what update setting is the writer unsure whether it is on or off? -What service is he struggling with? -What did they fail to contact Comcast about? -What company produced the router? -What item does they want to buy? -What happened? -Why was Arcation laughed at? -What did they do? -What did Arcation know? -How much were the reps paid? -What was decided by the family in the story concerning the dog? -Who in the family in the story was bitten by the dog? -What relation to the family in the story is the man who takes troubled dogs? -What terrified the dog in the story? -What adjective does the author of the post use to describe the story? -What is the student looking for? -What type of information is the student looking for? -What is the student interested in? -Who is the post written by? -What does the student find fascinating? -What crashed? -What did it crash when doing? -When did he/she start experiencing this problem? -What did the person try to fix it? -What was the message they kept getting? -Which forum did the buyer post there questions on? -After finding the order, what happened when the buyer tried to download some of the order files? -How long ago did the buyer purchase the logo and business card file? -Which part of the files did the buyer NOT download after receiving their order? -What item(s) did the buyer purchase that they are currently having issues with? -what animation is the writer having trouble with? -The mod the writer is using mainly affects what weapon? -which hands animation is the problem affecting? -The demo video for the mod is shot in what perspective? -What has never been played? -What is being asked in regards to leaving a game? -What specific system is being asked about? -What is being asked in regards to popularity? -What's the name of the excercise? -How long has the author been doing the exercise? -How long is the timer set? -What is the authors current cycle? -What is the author's main concentration? -What is the problem with the xbox one external hard drive? -What has a stuttering issue? -What size xbox was bought over the holidays? -When did the user buy the 1tb xbox? -When does it stutter? -what hdd size of xbox did the writer purchase? -what size external hdd did the writer connect to their xbox? -what connection type did they connect their external hdd using? -what game is the writer having problems with cut scene stuttering using the external hdd? -what game is the writer having problems with terrain loading using the external hdd? -What has the poster been pondering over lately? -Why does Gideon make a deal to help Bill? -What is the striking thing that keeps coming back to the poster's mind? -What does Gideon do when Bill fails? -What doe Bill do to the laptop after he gets Dipper's remains? -What kind of fan is described? -What did the player try out? -When did the player quit? -How does the game feel now? -Which J P raid boss is a pushover? -Who really helps with farming, making it much easier? -Which JP boss is tough to vanquish? -What type of account might be able to take on JP raid bosses? -What would be better to get before Kuma? -Whats the first question brought up? -What has the person heard about this? -Whats one of the last questions asked by the poster? -What is the topic the poster is talking about? -They are looking for what type of builds? -the villians would be whom? -What type of spells would be present here? -What threat would the party cause? -What weapons can be purchased for a discount price? -What caused the game glitch? -What kind of points do you gain? -What does this person have for your main weapons? -What playthrough are they on? -How did they want to finish the game? -Where did they go during the quest? -What game are they playing? -How would the poster teach kid's science and critical thinking? -What type of person is causing the poster concern? -What type of site is the poster interested in making? -What is "Grandmother Fish"? -What is a topic the poster is thinking about? -What is being lost right away when signing into the game? -How many megabits per second down is the internet? -How do the other games perform? -How fast does a game load? -what is the race of the current character the writer is playing? -what is the class of the current character the writer is playing? -the build the writer is planning is going to use what kind of armor? -The writer wants to compare what aspect of two handed weapons and shields? -What does the user want to know works with the wireless adapter? -Does the regular One controller work? -What does the user want to know works with the controller? -How do the One and the Elite controllers differ? -What specific version of Windows is user asking about? -What version of windows does the writer want to know about? -what type of adapter is the writer using? -What operating systems does the adapter support? -what type of xbox one controller is the writer asking for help with? -what type of xbox one controller is the writer asking for help with? -what type of adapter is the writer using? -What version of windows does the writer want to know about? -What operating systems does the adapter support? -Which item is believed to have broken the car window? -Which car window was broken? -What is the owner's private drive surrounded by? -When can Safelite do the repair? -Which city did this occur in? -What did the poster get in the mail recently? -What did the poster make sure is as low as possible? -What does the poster provide? -What does the poster think would be useful? -What starts to act up on the left side? -What's the name of the Capella group? -When are auditions being held? -What time will it be held? -Describe the Graduates -What is happening? -When will the live stream begin? -When did it happen? -Who is going to be in a match? -Who else will be in a match? -What are they having problems with? -What do they want? -Is the gun dirty? -What does the speaker own guns for? -Is the speaker a professional shooter? -What should DK2 users do? -What is the issue? -What was it tested on? -What should be clicked on? -How can the file SDK07 file be opened? -What kind of partner is he looking for? -What is he looking for someone to play? -What ranking is he? -What is his username? -What server does he play on? -What year is mentioned in this article? -Who won Super Bowl 49? -Who are the Bruins about to play against? -The game is taking place where? -What sporting event is going to occur? -What is missing? -How did the speaker try to fix it? -What antivirus does the speaker use? -What other remedies has the speaker tried? -What folder do they not have? -What has been updated for rainbow rush? -What happens if I find a mistake of some sort that causes me a problem? -Even though he isn't playing what will Cyung be helping out with? -What is the name of the new tracking/adding aid for Rainbow Rush? -Who doesn't play Rainbow Rush anymore? -What is user unable to see? -Where was the user at? -What cannot user see around their name? -What has user already done? -What is the only thing user has done? -What is missing in the party window that leads the writer to think the mic isnt working? -what has the writer attempted to troubleshoot to see if it is the problem? -whose house was the writer at when his mic was working last? -whose house did the writer take their mic too since it was last working? -What won't load for the user? -Streams work normally on what browsers? -What device does streams work for the user on? -What has the user tried besides different browsers and a cellphone? -Which browser is problematic for the user? -What specific locations does the developer want to see? -Overall, what does the developer want to see about the users? -What type of solution is the developer seeking? -What kind of app is being used? -How many users have logged into the app? -how many miles has the writers car done? -what model of car does the writer have? -what does the car do at warm temperatures? -what part does the writer doubt is causing the problem? -what brand of car does the writer have? -Where is the poster moving? -Where has the poster always lived? -What job does the poster hold? -How long has the poster been practicing psychotherapy? -What types of people is the psychotherapist interested in helping? -What uses some kind of whitespace code? -What is found after the "Hash" line? -What had been added after the word Congratulations? -How many documents does the same signature show up for? -What natural disaster hit his village? -What happened to the status of the buildings after the tornado? -When did he save his game? -What do they want to do before the tornado comes around again? -What adjective did he call the player base? -How many days did they get banned for? -is there a spectator mode? -what sinister number are they? -What does the server support? -When will the first chats occur? -What was used to set up the server? -How fast is discord? -What is the server called? -when has this problem started occurring for user? -Why does Windows 10 Pro constantly check for updates? -What does Windows 10 do after being idle for a few minutes? -As a result of the wifi card acting up, the writer disabled wifi and did what? -What is the writers next option since the wifi card is acting up? -What is unavailable? -What did the author lose interest in? -What version is runtime? -Which version of runtime ran fine? -What was the error message in version 6.0? -What is the person's background in genreally? -What fields have they worked in? -What is the journalist trying to flee from? -What interesting fields have they pondered? -At what point in their quest are they? -What lens is pricey? -What isn't a hard to do in post? -What type of lens does the user want to try to use for landscapes? -What lens is not wide enough for the user when taking landscapes? -What type of camera is the user asking questions about? -What is the writer's source? -Players can switch if they not too fond of what? -By loading out the grenade launcher on the MED, you will get the option to what? -The MECs should only be used in which cases? -How long has Samuel been participating competitively? -Why did Samuel step down from leadership? -How long did Samuel take a sabbatical from leadership? -Instead of being a player, what does Samuel aspire to? -Which game does Samuel feel that he excels at? -What is the problem? -When does the gym membership run out? -What are the complaints about the old gym? -How long has person been doing SL? -Where is person's squat at? -how much does the writer weigh? -how much did the writer pay for a pull up bar? -how tall is the writer? -how much weight can the writer squat? -how much weight cant the writer bench press? -What was removed? -What game are they asking about? -What time seems to be busier than usual? -What time is the game in question? -What month is the events thread for? -What kind of events can you post? -How often does this thread post? -Will they remove posts? -what diet does the write follow? -what physical problem throws the diet off? -how often is the Vegan diet broken? -what foods are consumed that break the diet? -what Vegan food do they have trouble with? -What weapon has the poster been using, perhaps unfairly, in the Iron Banner?` -What map did the poster perform especially well in? -Where did the poster buy No Backup Plans? -What makes 31-impact snipers so dangerous? -what was the amps of the breaker that tripped? -why did he change the blades ? -what tripped the breaker ? -did it work after reset it ? -what did he exchange the saw for ? -What was bought? -What was the speaker wondering? -What did the package include? -Why is the speaker thinking more? -What is the alternative the speaker is wondering about? -How many followers did the user have previously? -What age range of people is he asking if there is interest? -What is the user upgrading his PC for? -This user tells others to contact him through what methods? -What systems does he not want others to help with? -what vehicle is the writer asking about? -how many miles has the writers vehicle done? -What smell emanates from the exhaust when the vehicle has problems? -Has the check engine light come on in the vehicle? -at what speed does the vehicle have problems when going around curves? -The writer even gives a warning to a possible? -Which type of XCOM facility does the writer mention? -The writer asks how can he command who? -The writer asks where is who? -What language does the poster speak fluently? -The poster prefers teammates from what country? -What positions does the poster prefer? -Why does the poster have limited playing hours? -Where was it there first time visiting? -How long were they in Vandwelling? -Where are they going next? -How long ago did they graduate high school? -what month did they turn 18? -What is the writer planning to do with the step son? -What are some indie games that the step son plays? -Besides gaming, what would the built computer be used for? -What is the budget for the writer? -Where is the writer looking to purchase the parts for the computer? -What is the name of the person that is like Robert Downey Jr? -What is the name of the person that plays Tony Stark? -What is the name of the person that transforms into craziness? -What is the name of the person that Cory Michael Smith pulled off their charm? -Who does the mom work for? -Who does not accept pit bull breeds? -Where did this person volunteer at? -What online groups are dedicated to lost and found pets? -Where can you go for a low cost spaying or neutering? -How long ago were they contacted by a recruiter? -How many days away is their interview? -What language will the phone interview be in? -What is he asking if he should back out of? -What didn't he do the last week? -what blows the speaker's mind? -What hosts portables? -What is an example of a portable? -How long do they host? -What did they have for portables? -What does endothermic mean when referred to animals? -What does ectothermic mean when referred to animals? -What type of creatures are writer intrigued about? -According to the writer, are all living reptiles endothermic? -What is another word for ectothermic? -What did the poster receive through the mail? -How long does it take to play/pause a song? -On what phone are the specs supposed to be better? -What is fine on the phone? -What is laggy on the phone? -When did user get the Duncan Limelight? -How long was it before the string broke? -What did user get for Christmas? -What broke after two days? -How old is the user? -how old is the noob? -how long has noob been a vegetarian? -what kind of makeup do they use now? -what non-vegan food does the noob really like? -what type of entertainment has the noob been watching? -The writer needs help with what? -He has seen more than one person talk about managing to kill what? -The writer suggests if he tries to fight one of those giant what? -What do the dinosaurs resist? -The lin barely calls out what? -Where was the product purchased? -How much did the product cost? -What was the product designed to do? -How long does the product last? -What is the person new to? -What type of vaping are they going to do? -What kind of effects do they want to feel? -Does he want something that can handle bud as well? -What kind of advice is the user looking for? -What piece of equipment is the user planning on upgrading? -What tripod does the user already use? -What two types of work is the user looking to use the tripod for? -What two qualities are important for the tripod to have that the user is looking for? -what year is the car the writer is asking about? -how many miles are on the writers vehicle? -what did the writer set the torque wrench to? -how many of the 6 wheel studs did the writer sheer off? -what size aluminum spacers was the writer trying to install? -What rank has the poster achieved in Iron Banner? -What are the attributes of the first auto rifle that the poster got? -The shotgun that the poster received was most similar to what? -What are the attributes of the second auto rifle that the poster got? -Why did he fail to deliver the video on time? -When did they make the post? -Why did he mix up his form? -What is their performance? -What website is the user proposing ideas for? -What is the first feature the user wants to add? -What is the second feature the user wants to add? -Why does the user want the proposed changes? -What does the writer seem not to be able to start? -According to which source does the writer get his information from? -What are the two story lines in the game? -What is the third story line but the writer despises it? -The writer wants to farm parts for what? -What did they just start using again? -How long had it been since they used tinder? -What size town do they live in? -How many matches are they getting on tinder? -Why did tinder ask for a mobile number confirmation? -what did he needed advice on? -what did he built ? -what the body is made from? -what the top slotted surface is made of ? -what oil coat is added to the serving tray? -What do they want to ad a custom model to? -What doesn't CS:GO have replacements for? -What are the materials they found from? -what social media did they look for tutotials on? -How many props do they have to port over? -What does the writer play religiously? -The writer plays with a really fleshed out what? -Who released Roulette Plus which had a lot of features on it. -For Gene Mods, what is the writer giving up? -What was being protested? -What name is controversial? -Which team does the author prefer? -How does the author feel about name protests? -At which stadium to the Redskins play? -What are the two phones choices did the buyers narrow down to? -Which phone is the buyer currently using? -Which feature of the buyers current phone did they love most? -What inspired the buyer to consider buying the OnePlus X? -What year of the Moto G phone is the buyer thinking of purchasing? -What cannot receive SMS messages? -What kind of account are they trying to set up? -What cannot the phone receive? -What was the error message? -Who is their cellular service provider? -what diet was tried prior to attempting Veganism? -what was the new year resolution? -what was the cow put back together with? -what type of clip was posted? -what animals were happy? -What has been a hot topic of many people, poster included, according to the passage? -For how long has the poster been playing? -What level range is the poster's Titan at depending on their loadout? -What light level are most people that the posters encounters? -What does the author want to do so that he doesn't have to connect all the way to the router? -What is the writer's main question? -The writer mentions that sometimes the ports can get blocked and what else? -What is the quality of the adapter that the author is looking for? -What is the author's intended use for this build? -What type of make up are they asking about? -What is this person's issue? -What is the person trying to do with their issue? -What color concealer are they using now? -What were wrong with the pictures? -What kind of bills did the person need to pay in 2015? -How much of the corp did the person own before he took legal action? -Which entity offsets most of their additional deduction? -What is the person currently involved in preparing? -The legal fees mentioned were paid to whom? -How much in percentage does this person currently own of the corp? -How much does AMT offset of the additional deduction? -What percentage of the corp did this person own before they bought out their partner? -What year's personal taxes has this person started initial prep work on? -In what year does this person want S corp to reimburse expenses from 2015? -What date was the thread started? -What is the poster's name? -What is the thread designed to do? -What should you make sure you don't do? -Where is the player that knows what they are doing? -How much did they player walk? -What is Villain 2's demeanor? -What age is Villain 2? -How many hero calls does CO make? -what type of oil did the writer get put into their vehicle? -what additive did the writer add to the oil in their vehicle? -what make and model vehicle does the writer have that is giving them problems? -what sound is the engine making that is causing the writer to worry? -what engine does the writer have in their vehicle? -What year is this written? -What new series launch did the person see? -What did they think of the series? -How many subscribers is the channel approaching? -Where do you ask questions about the channel? -Who is being interviewed? -What does the speaker need help with? -What kind of poker player is being interviewed? -What is a requirement of the project? -What is the research project about? -What are they getting their first of? -What did they do to their hair 3 years ago? -What was their hair like when it was long? -what basic cut are they thinking of also? -What two things did they list not knowing about the kind of hair they have? -How much did the poster spend on the item he's trying to sell? -What is the highest price they've seen the item listed for? -What kind of gear is the item? -What is the poster's primary question? -What level was the item the poster bought? -How long do seasons last right now? -Why are long seasons not preferable? -Who decides when the seasons end? -How many points are needed for Base Gold III? -On what date does the author hope that the seasons will end? -What kind of guitar do they currently own? -What does he not want to do currently? -What instrument do they want? -What instrument do they want to learn? -What is the questioner auditioning for? -What service has the questioner used for notes and chords? -What does the questioner need to bring for the accompanist? -What is the occupation of the questioner? -What instrument does the accompanist play? -Where has the writer been offered a job? -What did the writer apply for? -How many hours per week will the writer be working? -Is the job for individual or group lessons? -What did the golf club offer letter say that the rate included? -What kind of advice is being sought? -What band are they a fan of? -What is looking like the best show option? -How far is the drive? -How old is the person? -What do you have to be to vote? -What do you have to do to be a member? -What does the chairman already have? -What will members and users be allowed to do? -What will be required of everyone else? -When does the speaker need to get his wisdom teeth out? -How many wisdom teeth does the speaker have to get out? -What process are they going through now? -What kind of anesthetic will the speaker get? -What is the speaker hoping for? -what kinds of recipes are requested? -what kind of diet did they follow before? -what is the poster changing diets to? -what food does the dieter despise? -what food does the dieter really like? -What time was it when they started drinking? -What were they drinking? -How long has the poster gone without smoking? -What don't they want to become? -What option does the poster want to disable? -What is the first example of a flaw of aim assist mentioned by the poster? -Who has the poster requested to disable aim assist? -What rifle is mentioned by the author as being affected by aim assist issues? -What computer part is the writer looking for? -what budget does the writer have for buying a new part? -what site did the writer find an illegit keyboard on? -what does the writer use their pc for that requires a lot of button pushing? -What are they looking for reccomendations on? -What have they been using in the past? -How long does air drying take? -What did they get for christmas? -How does the bonnet dryer make their hair when it messes up their waves? -Where are they moving? -What does the speaker not speak? -Where is the speaker living now? -Why is the speaker moving? -What did the speakers friends describe Porto as? -Where is this person located? -What status did the poster reach? -How did the Sephora rep treat the poster on the phone? -How long passed between receiving the original phone call and then hearing back after Black Card status begin confirmed? -How long did Sephora workers tell the poster the points were correct. -What will the winner of the contest receive? -How does one enter the contest? -Who will determine the winner? -What does an entry need to include? -Who will view the final scores? -What does the person want explained? -How do they think the bulk of the work is done? -What do they really enjoy? -What are some specific things used to create the final product? -What would they like to do? -What issue does the user have with his stream? -What does the user say in his audio test? -What does the user do after muting their physical microphone? -How much of a delay does the user see in their stream? -What streaming software does the user use? -What city were they speeding? -How fast were they going? -Where were they speeding? -What time of misdemeanor did he get? -What kind of existing account does the poster have? -What is the poster getting in a few days? -What kind of cell phone does the posters niece have? -When did the 6P come out? -What kind of sim card does the poster not have? -Which state is the person asking for tax information about? -How much time must pass before profits are paid out after their rental contract expires? -Which country did the person first discover the type of business they are inquiring about? -What is the amount of commission the store receives from sales? -What general type of store is the person inquiring about? -What state's taxes is this person trying to read about. -In what country did this person find a similar store? -The store model this person is interested in takes in about how much money in dollars? -This model is based on what kind of store? -What percentage does this store take in commission from items sold off the shelf? -What does the poster want to learn to write? -What is the poster's long term goal? -On what topics does the author write extensively? -What does the author want to write? -What is the author asking for to help with their writing? -what type of phone is being offered? -how much is the iPhone 6 being offered for? -what store is selling the phone? -how much is the termination fee? -What does FFE stand for? -What is the main problem that this person feels with FFE? -Was FFE the unsafest way to expo through the entirety in PvZ? -According to the gamer, you're safe with the current MSC overcharge and no need for what type of weapon? -Why did the poster repost the thread? -When did the poster visit the lighthouse? -What is the authors view on reward? -Which year has the author not been to the lighthouse? -what was a nightmare to assemble? -what he used for making the frame for the switch? -what was used to buy the table? -what innovation he was doing in garage for winter -What has the user been toying around with? -What kind of background does the user come from? -What are some of the user's favorite games? -What does the user do for a living? -What does the author ask about in regards to handling games 3-4 years down the road? -What kind of games is the rig use for? -What is the budget of the author to future proof the compute with recycled parts? -What is the CPU model listed? -What is the monitor size that the author uses ? -How can you defeat him in Origins? -What do they like about the games? -During the Asylum fight what do you need to defeat him? -What can you do in Asylum? -What is this person preparing for? -How did they answer the confuse question? -What makes her skeptical about not turning her in? -What does this person keep jumping back and forth between? -How is this person preparing fot he MMI? -What year was Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln published? -Who wrote the Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln published? -When was The Real Story of What Happens to America published -Who wrote The Real Story of What Happens to America? -Who wrote The Flicker Men? -What model is the Brother printer? -How wide are the indents? -What kind of printer is Brother MCF9330CDW -What kind of residue is occasionally left on the printed pages? -What's wrong with Brother MCF9330CDW? -What kind of matches are they asking about to rewatch? -Which basketball player would they like to watch play? -Which baseball team do they mention being unefeated? -Which team do they meantion playing against the Patriots? -Which baseketball league has the iconic playoffs with Michael Jordan's bulls? -What kind of car is this person rebuilding? -What type of motor is street stock? -What needs to be replaced while its disassembled? -What type of model is the pistons? -What project is used for rebuilding the chevy 350? -When are they getting the security deposit back? -Where did they move out from? -What was the date? -When did the landlord say he would get the money? -What country resident's does the sale apply to? -What type of store is Shoppers? -What are the dates to know? -What brands are being phased out? -What are 40% off? -What youtuber did the writer watch to try to figure out the new systems? -in the game when you can take over a system without fighting it is called what? -how many stars does the writer believe are needed to be able to raid a system? -in what mode does the game already allow raiding at 3 stars? -Who is gliding through the air? -What was the final step in the game? -How long ago was the game released? -Where was the game played? -Who is organizing the team? -What risks will a character encounter? -Which players will be given preference over others? -What information do you need to apply? -When will the event occur? -What does the speaker have questions about? -Where did they get an opportunity? -What gender is the speaker? -What will they be providing? -When will the office staff be in? -What helped them the most? -Who feels like protoss can get away with just about anything right now? -What do a lot of Terrans think? -What makes pylon rushes easy to handle? -What makes warp prisms easy to handle? -How much per month is the poster paying on for his grandfathered plan? -How much per month will the poster save? -Which phone is the poster looking at? -What is the posters current phone? -What do they want to do once the Patch goes live in 2.4? -What season is going live? -Even if you go on HardCord you can use what? -In what chapter do you have to make 1 set dungeon? -What kind of therapy is this person going through? -What is being critized by modern psychoanalytic theorists? -What does htis person want to become? -What would make psychodymaic therapy progress faster? -What is the outcome if this person doesn't find psychoanalysis interesting? -Why is the author in a fortunate situation? -How old is the author's child? -Why did school initially not work for them? -What certification are they going for? -What is their end goal for a school? -What event does the poster want to commemorate? -In how many unnamed countries did the father work? -How long has the father worked in the public sector? -In what named country did the father work? -When is the father's birthday? -When was the car bought? -What doesn't work? -How did they know there was an issue? -What month was the car bought? -What did Andy think was important? -Where was the main evidence found? -What type of key is it? -When they found what did they do? -What was the assumption? -What class is better than others? -What must the classes be to meet user's criteria? -What are outclassed in damage compared to sorcs? -What builds are on par with zon? -What does the user say he thinks the list is? -How can you get all of the content? -What are the skins used for? -Are all tier skins available through renown points? -Can you pay cash for new operators? -How much do new operators cost? -What level did they make it to? -What is the users Ps4 username? -Where does the user live? -How old is the user? -what role do u play in the game ? -after how many year do the election take place? -in which frictional setting is the game set into ? -what else u do in this game ? -What does the author believe would make games more fun to watch? -What is the author's primary purpose for wanting to bet? -What type of sheet is the author going to refrain from creating? -What size bets would the author want to make? -How long has he been growing a beard? -How old is he? -What did his girlfriend buy him for Christmas? -What is his ethnicity -What age group is the questioner looking to find games for? -What answer is the questioner not interested in? -What devices is the questioner looking to find game apps for? -What is the questioner trying to find game apps for? -Who is the questioner trying to teach the piano keys? -How long was the vacation? -Who surprised the author for their birthday? -When was their birthday? -What time do they start work? -Where their their significant other go? -What are they requesting? -What is the concern about the Asus Strix Fury? -What color is the build? -What is the concern about the Asus White Nano? -What are they worried will be increased a ton? -Which program did the writer never go into multiplayer development with? -Which program only lets the host interact with rigidbody objects? -What project was the writer inspired to make a sandbox project similar to? -What kinds of Objects does unet let the host interact with? -What is the author using as external power supply? -What did the author buy to power a 3.5" SATA drive externally? -The author has been trying to use the paperclip trick and what else? -What happens when the author uses the paper clip trick and short the green and black wire? -Where does the author describes that there is sensing wires? -What is the profession of the user? -What did the user form in 2016? -What is the user's main source of income? -How many transactions does the user average per month? -What kind of software is the user looking for? -What happens when someone signs a NDA for a script? -Where does his colleague have contacts? -What are they proud of? -When did he sign the NDA? -What country is the person from? -What color are the monsters? -What did the dragon live in? -What gets consumed in some hot liquid on the planet? -Why did they want to get rid of them? -How long were the apples there? -What was the last week spent doing? -How did the fridge smell? -How many apples did she decide to keep? -What does this poster want? -What is the issue this person has? -What is the first thing this person wants on the wiki? -What sections do they want? -Who needs to name the editors for the wiki? -How much Fallout 4 data has the gamer lost? -How many MB of saved games does the gamer's little sister have? -How many times did the little sister save her game? -What level did the gamer reach before his data was lost? -Did the gamer play on or offline? -Power Pylon and what are fixed? -What items are they wondering are left in 2.4? -Mystic Rhythm is what? -One snapshot is called Exploding what? -What game did they just complete? -Around what level is their PSO character? -What class does the player like? -What weapon did they want to know more about? -Where are they studying? -What model phone do they have? -How long are they in Amsterdam? -What general device is the question about? -What have they been told is a smart idea? -What items have high price tags? -How do the decks this season compare to seasons past? -What does the author not want to promote? -What were peoples' initial feelings about how the new rotation would have an impact on cost? -What is an explanation for the decks' high costs besides the rotation? -What country was the posters friend in? -What search engine did the poster use to Identify the flag? -What city in the southeast of Brazil was the bar in? -What color was the upper half of the flag? -What does the poster need help with? -What are the primary broadcast channels? -Where does the poster live? -What tower is the closest to the poster? -Which company does the author hope to avoid? -What channels does the Roku box lack? -what calendar does the writer want to know others opinions on? -what year is it about to be at the time the writer wrote this post? -which Gregorian calendar would have had its new years a few weeks earlier than the traditional new year?n -Which nationalities standards is the writer saying would change the current calendar? -What game is user getting into? -Who is the user waiting on to cooperate? -What character does the user main? -What player is the user most like? -What other character does the user use? -Regardless of all its debt, what country is still the world's leading Growth Engine? -Did the writer have intentions on posting today? -What prompted the writer to post? -Which country was briefly mentioned concerning its exports? -What is this thread made to discuss? -How often does this thread occur? -Is trading allowed? -What type of thread is this? -Where does the writer get their rewards program through? -What does the rewards program use to make purchases? -What kind of vacuum did the writer purchase? -When does the D Grey man rewatch start? -Where can I go to stream it? -What date does D Gray Man rewatch start? -What time of day will the discussion posts be posted? -When is the Official D. Gray-Man rewatch starting? -What is the specific date of the Official D. Gray-man rewatch? -How often will discussion posts for The Official D. Gray-Man rewatch be posted? -What legal stream are available for The Official D. Gray-Man rewatch? -What time zone is this person in? -What is this person's job? -What day is this broadcast? -Which services will broadcast the stream? -What show will they rewatch? -This person found their ideal weapon in what? -What were their favorite weapons? -Did they like the weapons in Dark Souls 2? -What weapon did they find very useful? -What weapon were they very impressed with? -Who wrote Against heaven? -Which chapter offers a synopsis in the post apocalyptic age? -Who translated Against Heaven? -In Against Heaven the main character was given the opportunity to do what? -The main character in Against Heaven was trying to escape what? -what chapter is the excerpt from? -what is this excerpt from? -who wrote the excerpt? -where did the man find the black crystal? -what did he used to edit ? -how long he is working on it ? -is he going to add more location -how do u zoom in ? -where are the ancient mountains? -What grift is their Crusader? -After being a student, did they work full time or part time? -They want to know what about the seekers of light sets? -What season is their character? -What is the name of the game? -What type of fun is cards against humanity? -What game is it modeled after? -What version of Card Against Humanity is this? -How many games are there where opposing teams visit California? -How many games are back to back games? -Who do they play in the second game? -Who do they play in the first game? -How many 'second games' is it for Anaheim? -What game is this person new to? -How did this person get into the game? -Do they understand the builds of the game? -What build do they want to start with? -What game has the writer been playing? -What game did the writer stream in the past? -What nationality team is being sought by the writer? -What game did the writer play previously? -Who are the writer's main characters? -What is the subreddit mentioned in the user's post? -What is the poll about? -What should users not do to nominations? -If a user wants to see as many people's opinions, what should they do? -Who won yesterday's poll? -Why was a new website made? -During the past year, how many players were generally active? -When did admin behavior go downhill? -Why was a separate website needed? -What is this a waiting list for? -What are they starting as? -When are they starting? -What courses are they asking about? -What positions are they in on the list? -How much is the entrance fee for the game sign up? -This iteration of Inkstorm is the last one before what begins? -What caliber of teams have already signed up? -There is a limited time remaining to register for what game? -Who are the champions from the two most recent Inkstorm competitions? -The writers house sits in what geological feature? -What does the writer have under their house? -Where does the writers drains collect water from? -what tends to block the writers drains? -what type of fence does the writer discus building over the drains to prevent debris? -What can not be used with the discussed mod? -What does the Kanger SubTank have that makes the battery fail? -What happens to the battery if the attachment does not have adjustable threads? -What is the SMPL? -What kinds of threadings should be used with the SMPL? -What is this person trying to find out? -What costs a lot of money? -What approves drugs? -Who is involved in a potential conspiracy? -What is this person says affects the supply and demand of prescriptions? -Where should you post your gear check questions? -What type of screenshot must your provide? -What will happen to independent gear check threads? -Why do they want to see your dps? -What does the poster suggest needs to bet started on the sub-reddit? -How does best of Dunkey work? -How will the moments be judged? -When will a poll be up? -In which style will the contest be held? -What does the poster suggest needs to bet started on the sub-reddit? -How will the moments be judged? -How does best of Dunkey work? -When will a poll be up? -In which style will the contest be held? -Where is the gamer's headphone jack? -What does the poster want to do simultaneously? -What does the gamer need to purchase to use his Party Chat mic? -The poster's "live" expired, what do they need someone to send them? -What headphones do they want to use? -What is the user unsure about? -What did the user make before trying a turkey? -The user has had how many successful smokes in the past? -What kind of grill does the user have? -What achievement is this? -What release level is it? -How many ascends does it take? -What is another quick way to do it? -What does this use? -Where is the car for sale located? -Which part of the vehicle is under warranty? -What's wrong with the vehicle? -What kind of car is for sale? -What part has the car had replaced? -Where was the video recorded? -In what sort of building was the video taken in? -What kind of cameras caught the footage? -What kind of activity is shown in the video? -What level are they at? -What are they relatively new to? -Who were they eaten by? -What aren't cheap? -What supplies are they missing to make another saddle? -What error are they getting? -What does the program do? -How is the user input taken? -What are they asking for? -Was this link removed or does is it still published? -Was Pi rolled out only once within this mile? -What is A mile of Pi? -After rolling out repeated sequences of Pi for one mile, does every number appear evenly? -What type of place is the author looking for that might have the information they seek already laid out? -What is the author now tracking for the current season? -What sport is the author interested in? -What stats is the author wanting to track? -How long does the author expect tracking the stats to take? -Who designed ultra-realistic sound propagation? -How many hours does this player have ranked in this game? -Why is the player handicapped during the game? -Where was the last guy located? -Who authored Totem? -How many books is Totem divided into? -Who translated the web novel Totem? -How may chapters does Totem contain? -What kind of professor is Jiang Nan? -who wrote the story? -how many chapters are there total in this web novel? -what is the name of the story this is from? -what chapters are this excerpt from? -jiang nan is a professor of what? -How many years ago was the game played? -What happens when you die? -What country is the person from? -When you die where do your pixels float back to? -What color could the character be? -what size light fixture bracket does the writer wish to mount? -what room is the writer attempting to mount a new light fixture? -how far apart are the screw holes on the electrical box the writer is trying to attach a fixture too? -what does the writer not want to have to replace? -What issue is the user having? -When is the issue most prominent? -What specific clicks don't always register? -How long has the user had his mouse? -what server is GOld II ADC on? -what position is Gold II looking for? -how long as Gold II been playing? -what are Gold II's biggest problems? -what character does Gold II perform poorly with? -Which teams are competing? -Where are they competing? -Which match is this? -How does the bot feel about the writer? -Where is it live at? -What mode of transportation will the writer use this month while travelling? -Which airline lost the writer's bag? -Which item did the writer state that she would rather not put in her checked bag? -What items did the writer say she may need to limit? -Which item did the writer ask about in regard to narrowing down choices in colors? -Was their NAS connection fast? -What was their NAS speed? -What did they do to increase their NAS speed? -What was the issue causing slow speeds? -How did they fix the problem? -What type of server have they been playing on? -What is an example of unintended effects? -What can't they find? -When do they end up dead? -What happens any time they try to go on an adventure and explore? -Who splits the gaming market? -What is encouraged by Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo? -Who held Final Fantasy? -What device does Halo not run on? -How does Nintendo sell its games? -What does the author wish to start? -What platform does the author wish to avoid? -What type of user is the author's friend? -What types of music does the author not like as much as others? -When will the games start? -Who should be contacted for more information? -When will further details about the games be announced? -Who is coordinating the tournament? -Which stages will take place? -Where does Zachary live? -How many postcards are left? -What does the niece like to receive? -How many cards were found? -Were all the cards blank? -Who rules? -Who can play along side Gayle and Bravo? -Who do they play for? -What is he considered? -What is the limit on international players? -Does this person have a new or old PC? -How much RAM do they have? -When did they get their PC? -What kind of processor do they have? -What did the author take pictures of that they made themselves? -What type of goal is the author pursuing? -What is the author's current weight? -How much olive oil did the author use in the recipe described? -How tall is the author? -What did the user buy for their pc? -Which drive does not have an OS on it? -What is the error the user gets? -What does the user do to not get the A2 error? -What does the user apologize for? -What part of the house is the writer trying to find weatherstripping for? -What is the writer looking for to attach to the door? -where did the writer buy weather stripping from? -What is the problem with the weatherstripping the writer already bought? -What time of day does this person play? -Does this person play often? -Does this person mind coaching lower level players? -What level lane would this person prefer to duo with? -What is the best way to contact this person? -When does the poster usually play? -What is the posters IGM name? -who would the poster be willing to teach? -which type of players would the poster most like to play with? -What jobs are being hired for? -What city do they say hello to? -The contests were for how many people? -How much was the car giveaway worth? -They served as what for a casino? -Which game is the poster looking forward to? -What kind of game is Chronicles of Elyria? -Why doesn't the poster like other games? -What does the author fear the game might become? -Is the writer disabled? -Legacy controls were used before what became the norm? -What control setting is crucial for the author? -What is the author's issue? -Who prefers the legacy control method? -What social platfornm was the person watching videos on? -What is the title of the original song the person was listening to? -What was the title of the song similar to? -What is the name of the person that sang the song So? -Where can the video no longer be found? -What did the poster attempt to boot up? -How long has the Apple llc been sitting in a box? -Who did the Apple llc belong to prior to the poster saving it from being thrown out? -What was needed to get the Apple llc outputting to a modern LCD panel? -What two things does the poster refer to as "unnecessary clutter"? -Who were the contest winners? -When was the contest run? -What time does the contest close? -How will the winner be chosen? -What did the author receive as a Christmas gift? -What meal did the author wish to measure? -What has the author's estimate of their lunch been for months? -How many ounces of chicken did the author weigh? -What was the new calorie estimate range produced by the author? -When they play medic, which role do they play? -What is they're first choice in class? -What is this person open to? -What is their second choice of class? -What do they focus on when they play supportive role? -What region is the focus of the meet up? -What city will host the meet up? -Cedar Park is a suburb of what major city in Texas? -What restaurant will be the meet up location? -What time will the meet up be? -What chemical is in drinking water? -What do people that say fluoride in drinking water is bad also may agree with? -Is fluoride dangerous? -Is fluoride in drinking water safe to consume? -What does this poster claim they are not? -how much of Generation Hope was read? -what had been referenced as being attacked? -how many mutants were slaughtered? -was does the comic book reader need help with? -how many of the stories does the comic book reader follow after house of M? -What doesn't work with the amp? -What kind of amp did the user buy? -What kind of motherboard does the user have? -What does the motherboard use? -What is the amp blocking? -Who is a former mentor of the Jets alliance? -How many opponents have the Jets defeated? -What teams will the Jets face in the final showdown? -What is the name of the journeyman Jedi? -The Jets are sending shock waves throughout what? -what team is the writer a fan of? -where is the writer having a tailgate party? -who is the new york alliance planning on fighting in the buffalo system? -gang green has defeated how many of their opponents? -What two games are being compared? -What kind of experience is the poster looking for in a review? -What could these two games be compared to? -On what quality are the games being compared? -What type of music was tired of the western civilization? -Did the people who journeyed west succeed? -Who was upset or angry? -Why did the akes and Elders start a war with their neighbors? -What instrument was played during the marches? -What is CHIRP used for? -Which windows operation system does CHIRP no longer work on? -How long has it been since the user used CHIRP? -Was the user able to rectify the problem successfully? -What does the poster need help with? -What is the poster deciding between? -What does the poster like the size of? -What is better if carried concealed according to the poster. -How many companies does the poster's town have? -What two features does the poster's pickup truck have? -What type of vehicle does the poster have for utility? -What is the poster looking to do in order to be prepared should a situation arise? -What is the function of the first addition they ask about? -How would this addition achieve this function? -What do they want to be able to change? -What would the second addition they want do? -What do they want to be able to visually perceive? -Who sent a scarf? -What is the writer wearing? -What is today's weather like? -What type of footwear will the writer wear? -What type of gift event was this? -What was the bike shop's solution to the problem? -What problem does the new chain have? -How long has the bike been out of commission? -What was adjusted at the bike shop? -How experienced is the player? -What level is the player on? -What light level does the poster have? -What is the poster looking for help with for the first time? -What level is their character? -What is their character type? -What location did their character go to? -They are having a hard time eliminating what single adversary? -Hoe do they perceive their character in relation to other character types? -What type of graphics card does the user have? -What is the operating system the user has? -What is the user trying to set up? -What is the big monitor connected by? -What mode does the first adapter run in? -How many wins has the poster gotten? -How many losses has the poster suffered? -When did the poster start trials? -What is the poster's gamertag? -Who makes a normal salary? -Who makes millions? -What is this person looking for? -Who is from State Farm? -What TV show example is given? -what is the poster getting ready for? -what level of school is the poster in? -what does the poster hope they can skip? -what problem is the poster struggling with? -does the poster already know the solution? -What is the poster looking for for this Spring? -What is the poster looking to get a head start on? -What will the poster be hunting for this season? -Which rod is the poster most interested in buying? -What is applied to the bias in this equation? -What is the decomposed formula for the referenced MSE? -What type of statistical device is the subject of this post? -A smaller variance, according to this poster, seems to lead to a larger what? -The user is basing his comment on what type of reasoning? -They found an artist on what? -what house track are they looking for? -Where was the music video? -A woman is making what sound? -What keys aren't working? -What game is the user trying to play? -What does borderless gaming do to the user's game? -Where does the user want his game? -How does the game start? -What device has the author not used for some time? -What is a different alternative the author is considering? -What is the author's current system rated in bits? -What operating system would the author like to run? -What has the author had a less than ideal experience with? -What device has the author not used for some time? -What operating system would the author like to run? -What is the author's current system rated in bits? -What is a different alternative the author is considering? -What has the author had a less than ideal experience with? -What program is the author using? -What program does the author want help with? -What does the author make with the LSDJ program? -What does the music the author makes sound like? -What films is the author talking about? -How does the author view the Hobbit films in comparison to the LOTR series? -What geographic region does the author refer to? -How are the movies lacking? -What is the author's issue? -What was the message when they signed in today? -What euphemism does author use for their raft? -What happened to the raft? -Where did they park their raft? -Where did the phenomenon occur? -What color was the light? -How far did the band of light stretch? -Where was everyone sleeping? -What did the light leave behind? -What does the song not have any of? -What is the name of the person that talks over the song? -What review was the song being played on? -What could not identify the song because there was not a clean sample? -Who is deciding whether to participate in the federal spectrum? -What type of TV stations are affected? -What channel is the poster concerned with? -What rate are they looking for? -Who gives funding for PBS? -What type of sporting event is it played at? -What genre of music was it not? -They were singing about what? -What are they looking for? -What is the size of the block of pixels to be analyzed? -What is the referenced lossy image format? -How many bright pixels are causing the user to analyze this in depth? -What does the author identify as the likely reason for the rogue pixels in the image? -The three pixels in question are part of the what? -When did they used to watch TOMT animated movie? -Who did the robots capture? -Where did the robots place the human they captured? -In one scene, what did they robots walk through? -When did they used to watch TOMT? -Who was captured by the robots? -Where did the robots place the human? -In one scene, what did the robots walk through? -In the end, who helped the hero? -what list does the poster want to make? -what structure needs to be checked? -what is the goal of the problem they are solving? -what does the poster want to use to make a graph? -is the poster experienced at Mathematica? -What does author's concerns regard? -How do they describe the dossier pop up? -What do they want the dossier to give you? -It pops up when the user is doing what? -What does the dossier take over when it pops up? -What was the feature on 2nd gen Apple TV for YouTube -Which gens can search for most viewed videos -What does the most viewed feature look for? -When did this feature disappear -They request you take thier what? -They advise not looking at what? -What was on the page? -The poster was at what day of no contact? -Who did they tell to take thier advice? -What monitor does this person use? -What issue are they having? -Could they still hear the game sounds? -Did they try a new HDMI plug? -What are the 2 Houses of the week? -What are 2 details that you need to fill in? -How can we discuss different houses next week? -Who was one of the previous houses of the week? -Which was another previous house of the week? -When is the TR dominant? -When is NC dominant? -Who or what has the best weapon? -Which platform is hardest to use? -Which platform is easiest with weapons? -What was the French sentence? -What does this French sentence translate to? -What is French for female duck? -What does the author of this post think the cause of the confusion may be? -What type of cane is in the picture? -What is the problem the speaker has been having lately? -What does the speaker think there is a lack of understanding about? -What does the speaker think users are confusing for real economics? -What does the speaker think other users are doing? -How does the user think of the events? -What event is being discussed? -where is the person from? -is he asking about going alone or with friends? -which holiday is specified? -What kind of music do they want placed into the game? -What vintage vehicles would they like seeing in the game? -What weapon do they want in the game? -What fashion accessory do they want in the game? -What day was this posted? -Who is replaying the game? -Who is playing against the New York Mets? -Who is the cause of the 0s on the board? -what did the poster buy? -where was the robot purchased? -what module isn't being recognized? -what color should the LED actually be? -is the light coming from the LED strong? -How does the coin mail charity letter trick work? -Why are they looking for a subreddit? -What subreddit are they looking for? -What type of letter sample are they looking for? -What charity letter trick are they trying to replicate? -What application was purchased? -What does the speaker think about the application? -What phone model is being used? -How did the application effect the phone? -How is the performance of the phone now? -What game may be a red herring to this conversation? -What type of game was available for the Portal 2 release? -Who could you login to on the link? -What was once present on the website, but is now gone? -What is the password guessed by the poster of this information? -What is in short the question being asked? -What are estimainaction and mendesonline? -What is the author trying to add to his game? -Which kind of approach works better with the writer of the article? -Which one is the choice that looks better? -what is the name of the squad? -what position is he in this season? -who were sold in January? -What model do they have? -What are their future build plans? -What are their current graphics card choices? -Which card would require a more powerful pc? -What have people been complaining about? -Where did Google do this? -What is the distribution of the apps in the top charts? -What does the new app do? -How long did it take to code the new app? -How many properties are involved in calculating debt to income ratio? -How much is the writer's home worth? -How much is the writer's cabin worth? -How much is the cabin's HOA fee? -How much is property tax on the cabin? -what is an example of a Late Primary State? -which supporters are in a lot of the later primaries? -what is the goal of the Bernie supporters? -which three months have a lot of primaries? -What have they registered? -What did they just buy? -Under service and options, it says they have no what? -When they try to Add New, what is it asking for? -Was it a digital or physical copy of the key? -which camera has an external recorder? -where will the videos be uploaded? -which camera is more expensive? -what type of story will be produced? -What type of computer do they have? -Do they have a video card upgrade? -What are they looking for? -What computer are they currently running? -Where are they from? -Does the writer have savings? -What season is the writer planning to move after? -What kind of agency is the writer's job with? -How much are monthly phone costs? -How long is the contract at the temp job? -What sub are they looking for? -What question did they think of today? -What is too specific to Google? -Do you have to post a true statistic? -What did the user buy online? -What is acceptable to wear as white belt? -Which colors aren't acceptable to wear as white belt? -What does it have a red bar? -What would the author appreciate? -What is the melody in TOMT similar to? -When was the song Comedown released? -What band sung the song Comedown? -What is the vocal melody "It's taken me all this time to find out what I need" similar to? -How many petpet laboratory pieces did the narrator receive? -How does the narrator describe the regular lab ray map pieces? -What did the narrator need in order to use the laboratory parts? -How does the narrator describe the events? -What comments will be removed -What must top-level comments be -What should the posts be related to -How long will this thread remain sticky -Where can you find the archives -The reality of what makes them log back off? -When they log on they do maybe one what? -Logging onto what turns them off? -How often do they log in? -When did the writer move to Texas? -How much was the total amount of relocation? -What year's taxes is the question about? -What kind of agreement did the writer sign? -What state did the writer relocate to? -How many seasons of GOT do they want to do? -What book does S6 finish off? -How many TWOW books have been covered in the show? -what are 2 of the books that have been brought to tv? -What tv show is based off of these books? -how old is the speaker? -what does the speaker aspire to be? -how old was he when he first started editing? -which music video has the speaker loved? -what is suggested that could help Bernie? -what is opined that the electorate would respond to? -what should be the first step in the priority list? -what else is wanted besides an ordered list? -which politicians campaign is advice being given to? -Which animation studio do they mention? -Which film is this person going to write a review about? -Why is this person asking for advice or imput on this film? -How long is the film the person wants to write a review about? -What score is this persom thinking of giving the film, they want to do a review on? -What doesn't the Ftibit connect recognize? -What operating system are they using? -What type of laptop are they struggling to connect the Fitbit to? -Did she make a Fitbit account? -Did they restart the MacBook? -How old is the writer? -What kind of college is the writer considering? -How much does the writer make annually? -What is the writer's credit score? -How old is the writer's credit history? -What kind of clay is this person looking for in their search for tea pots? -What issue is this person having concerning inventory stock for teapots on the web? -What kind of tea does this person wish to make? -What size of tea pot is too large for this person? -Under what dollar amount does this person wish to purchase their tea pot for? -What schools can I apply for? -What are other great programs -What is my degree -Where is she getting a degree from? -What year is she in the university -What is their use of the computer for? -What is their budget? -Where are they located? -What item did they change on their build list? -What is dead whenever they've joined? -After finding a cave, what rank did they farm? -What did they shout to farm in the caves? -When did he join the party that farmed ants? -What do you sometimes have to do? -What did they do to try to remedy the problem? -What did the speaker have to do to get push notifications? -How did the apps respond? -What is the user looking for? -What did they think the outputs of the hidden puzzle looked like? -What two things did the speaker complete? -What did the images in the end result look like? -What did the speaker think would be neat? -Where did they look to see results? -what was Bernie doing in the video? -when was the Q&A that bernie was in? -at what moment is the alleged offense? -was this outburst considered a problem in the past? -who does the poster thank? -What was the author trying to accomplish -What computer is the author using -What happens when trying to boot from the usb drive -How long has the author been working on this -What other mac book is mentioned -What is the narrator asking for? -What company is the narrator perusing? -What is happening to the items that the narrator listed? -How does the narrator categorize the listed items? -What does the narrator ask for about the listed items? -What does the author think is a sensible way to supplement their native troops? -Who often hired European mercenaries? -Who would benefit in the game from hiring mercenaries? -The author is playing the game as what group? -Once a nation is westernized, what does the author propose they be allowed to do? -How much will updates to the house cost? -What amenity for the renters was remodeled? -How many dogs does the writer have? -What year is the writer's IRA? -How much is the mortgage? -How old is the cat? -How much does the cat eat for dinner? -What is the breed of the cat? -What is the gender of the cat? -Which cat is not sick? -which game is he asking about? -what is it called when you only use magic attacks? -name a challenge that the speaker already completed? -what is the name of the post-sorceress? -What are they interested in in particular? -They are trying to get a feel for the vibe of what? -What would the Xaela do possibly when travelling to Ul'dah? -What would the Xaela do possible after sailing to Limsa? -What model are they running? -What issues are they having? -When did they get a new monitor? -How much RAM do they have? -What did they update? -What did the poster recently pick up? -What does the poster now have? -What does the poster consider himself to be? -What sub-reddit is discussed? -What is the user trying to prepare for? -With how much did the user start? -Which kind of trading is the user doing? -How much did the user have after 10 trades? -Which one is the apprentice level of this user in trading? -What in the franchise behind the game they want to mod? -What file type are they working on? -What are they struggling to run? -What method can they use to exchange the code? -Why did I feel hugged and love the feeling? -What will I check now at the local stores? -What will I check at the stores later this year? -What am I a prime candidate for? -how did I think waist training would feel? -What do people wonder about FNaF World? -What happens the more you save the character in his creepy idea? -What if you don't save them? -What if you don't save any of them? -What happens with the music if you don't save? -What does TSCC want you to believe? -What will members put first, before their own spouse, children or themselves? -What does TSCC do to make you believe what they want you to believe? -What do you risk if you become a member of TSCC? -What does he not want people to do? -What is causing trouble? -How long did the new phone work? -What phone did the speaker have before? -What happened after updating? -What started the issue? -What program did the person use as an example of something they're tired of seeing asking to make changes? -What is this person's brothers not allowed to know? -What does this person want to always allow for specific programs? -Turning off what is not an option? -What OS and version is the user currently using? -What contains information on North American Indians? -Where can various Pueblos be found? -Is tribalpedia free or paid? -What are the sources of tribalpedia? -What quality can be used to qualify tribalpedia? -what is the name of the type of script used? -who has the poster called? -what type of phonebanking is being debated? -what does the script offer when the caller says they are unable to sign up? -In which Canadian province does the author reside? -What is the poster looking for advice with? -When with the author be changing residences? -What are the author's plans after high school? -What file size is the author's game? -What has the author done because they do not want to lose their game? -What game is the author trying to load? -What is still set within the author's game? -When the author loads the game, what is the problem? -Which app is the narrator having difficulties with? -What kind of television does the narrator have? -What has the narrator been reading from others? -What does the narrator do before they have an issue? -Why does the narrator feel that there is nothing they can do? -What type of pool is the user looking to increase? -What two Champs is the user trying to decide between? -What types of Champs is the user looking for to round out the team? -What is the third champ that the user may re-evaluate? -What play style is the user engaged in when they play with LuLu? -They open the torrent file and use my client to verify what? -How much data was the client able to verify? -Verifying torrent data comes up how much short? -How much data seemed to be missing? -What never changed in the operating system? -What is appreciated? -Who are they looking for to look over the commentated arena? -The game was recorded with and without -Since their rogue was lower, who did they have to play against? -Who are they looking for to look over commentated arena? -Since their rogue was lower, who did they have to play against? -The game was recorded with and without this -What is appreciated? -Where is the author moving back to -When does the author want to wait until -When is the scheduled moved time -Where was the author during winter break -Why does the author want to wait. -What did the user didn't load in two days? -What did stop working? -Which kind of message is the user getting? -Which one was the status of the software when the user got this problem? -How does the game work from the website? -What is the item they're possibly selling? -What method will they use to send the code? -What method can be used to contact them? -How much does it cost? -What type of campaign is the author and their friends wanting to play? -What start date does the author want to use in the game? -What will the author not tolerate in their game? -What will happen to people who grief in the game? -How often will the game be played? -Which output is not working? -What two outputs are working? -What OS and version is this person running on his new build? -What kind of issue did this person initially think it was? -What OS and version is loaded onto a separate HDD this person is using to troubleshoot? -How many star does his team have? -What tier does his eugene level have? -What missions are too hard? -How many tear gas must he use for missions? -What season of Fortnite is this user preparing for? -What character is this user looking to optimize? -How many games is the user inviting people to review in their match history? -The user is looking to get advice on how to better do what? -What specific itemization does this user seek help with for Lucien? -how many posts a day are seen about taking action? -how many days until Iowa? -who are people blaming without taking any responsibility? -what should volunteers have ready to link? -What city are they looking for salary information on? -Where did they move from? -How much did they make in the UK? -How long ago did they move here? -What field do they work in? -Where is the annoying bug located? -When does the mission stop playing perfectly fine? -How do you know the mission is broken? -Can you see anything when the screen goes blank? -What was I wondering about this issue? -What is the category given to the author's writing? -How long has the author been having problems? -When did the author's taps stop making sound? -Other than the sound of taps, what other sound has disappeared? -The author states that he or she changed nothing from which menu? -Which app is the narrator having difficulties with? -Which page is the narrator being shown? -Where did the narrator see that they're still being charged for the service? -What does the narrator claim meets the suggested requirements for the app? -Who did the narrator contact for help to no avail? -Who is the author seeking examples from? -Which video was too long for the author? -What does the author desire in a video? -What program did the author not find helpful? -What is possible to do in MP? -Which kind of status do you have to be in order to prestige the bowie knife? -Which console is the gamer using? -In which modality is the bowie knife being prestiged? -On which website has this request being posted? -What have they removed lately? -What are the new mods able to fill in? -Who are the new mods? -What will the new mods be doing? -If there are any issues with the new mods, what should one do? -What mission did the author choose? -Who is Brittany allied with? -How much development does the author have? -What development does Brittany have? -What penalty does the author receive? -How many dogs does the dog owner have? -What has been happening to one of the dogs? -When is the dog owner moving? -What type of shampoo is used on the dog? -How many cats do the in-laws own? -Who does the author wish to thank for selecting their design? -How many prompts are there for this week? -What event has compelled the author to want to reflect on the prior year? -From what year should one select an event from for the card design? -By what date will judging happen? -What was the main play style of this user when they started playing? -What is the name of this user posting this comment? -What is the starting rank of this user? -What rank did they drop to with the server switch? -What play style is causing special problems for this user on their new computer? -What is constantly losing energy? -What won't fall to the nucleus? -What state is the electron in? -What doesn't seem logical or clear enough for him? -Where are electrons located? -Who's brain does the rabbit control? -What is Father Ted? -What is the name of one of the episodes? -Do episodes of Father Ted get replayed? -What takes over the house in The Plague? -a type of format for building a team? -a type of format for building a team? -a type of format for building a team? -a type of format for building a team? -a type of format for building a team? -What occupation does the narrator hold? -What does the school use instead of a firewall? -Where would the narrator like to put the sonic wall? -What kind of router does the narrator wish they could use? -What kind of funding does the school receive? -In which subreddit was this post made? -Other than the type of work being sought, the poster asks job seekers for what? -The poster wants to start the new year with prospective hires and what else? -The poster warns readers not to post what in the thread? -The poster advises readers to send their resumes through what? -Where is Finn Hood from? -Who is Finn's supposed father? -Who's last name was intentionally hidden? -Who is the alleged son of Willrow Hood? -Where did Willrow Hood return to when he thought it was no longer dangerous to do so? -What key do you press to recover using the factory image? -What did they attempt to set the boot priority to in order to escape the repair loop? -What were they attempting to do by pressing F8? -What version of Windows did they recently update to before this problem started? -What does this person believe caused their computer reset issue? -Approximately what amount of their icons were missing from their desktop? -What file directory specifically still had some files in it? -What web browser do they use? -What application still recognizes the users PC and network? -Which version of Windows were they having issues with surround sound in? -Which version of Windows did they switch to, away from Windows 10, in order to test their sound? -What did Windows 7 automatically run when it was first loaded? -What kind of issue did they hope to rule out by testing in Windows 7? -All of their default applications in Windows default back to which OS version after this issue? -What does this person study? -What did they attempt to use to solve the issue, but only made it worse? -What was the first application that started crashing? -What default Windows feature did they try to use to fix this issue? -What was the second application that started crashing? -What game won the previous poll? -What is Paper Mario's place on the list? -What game replaced Paper Mario? -How do you support nominations? -What is the poster waiting for everyone to pick? -What screen does everyone get kicked back into? -What has the poster played a lot of? -What does the poster spend the majority of time doing? -What does the poster get out of this game? -Who is the author playing the game as? -After westernizing, who did the author try to give land to? -What benefit would the Dhimmi give to the player? -What penalty did the author incur? -What empire did the author form after starting the game? -What does this person need help drawing? -What is the character's name? -Who wants to get the tattoo? -What book is the character from? -Who is the author of Gabriel's Inferno? -What game was played by the author for New Years? -How many cards does Boozecube have at this time? -What has been removed from cards because of missing credits? -What character is described as being in the upper right hand corner? -Who is being used to keep the Chocula Clan Vampire off their back? -Is the commenter certain of Steven's innocence? -Why should Steven have been acquitted? -Does the commenter believe it was appropriate to be on site and digging up evidence? -Why did the Sheriff's department rescue itself from investigating the crime scene? -What emergency meeting was called into order? -What was discussed in the emergency session? -Who called in the order for this session? -Where is President Nazaryan from? -Where is President Nazaryan from? -What did they discuss in the emergency meeting? -Who currently holds a super majority in the National Assembly? -What does this user want to do when things go wrong? -What emotional issue is this user experiencing when playing the game? -What type of tank is this user occasionally forced to play? -What does the mid laner fail to do that upsets this user? -What alternate activity does this user take instead of playing the game? -What did the author recently flash? -What sound is heard with each flash? -How long does the buzzing noise last? -The buzzing noise does not happen when the author uses what rom? -What device is the author using? -Who Will i reveal this to? -what new things will I get elsewhere after college? -which semester in college is it for me? -what are the majority of my friends religiously? -What is my new years resolution? -What kind of dream did they have? -Why couldn't they make a lot of noise? -It felt like a concept from what? -Why were they interested in a possible scientific explanation for the dream? -Where is she moving from? -How many years did her boyfriend use in the military? -What city is top of her list? -What is her boyfriend's current occupation? -When is she finishing her Bachelors? -Who is the artist quoted? -Who is called in the lyrics? -What song's lyrics are displayed? -In the song, where is the person? -What time of year is it? -What year was it? -Who is the poster congratulating? -What year does the poster see as being the best? -What game is discussed? -What topic does the author want to ask about? -How will the author feel if someone can answer their question? -Occultist crits with tentacle damage moves the target how many ranks forward? -What was the author watching his friend play? -Who is the commenter seeking advice from? -Who created the video? -Which to people does the commenter find to be suspicious? -What question is the commenter looking for the readers to answer? -What is the author hoping to trade? -How did the author acquire his trade? -How much does the author's trade cost? -Where can the author's trade be purchased? -How often do they have a dream in the same place? -What kind of hill occurs in the dream? -What shape is the town? -what was hanging over the water in the town? -What does the author wonder will be upgraded? -What does the author wonder about making a return? -What game is the author playing? -What does the author believe needs a middle ground between DS1 and DS2? -What did DS2 demand too much of? -Who waited for The First Election for so long? -The elections will be held for what? -Which of the Top 5 Parties is the smallest party? -Which party focuses more on problems in the society? -What is the Republic party? -What day was so long waited for? -What is The Republic Party? -Who had long waited for the day of the elections? -Which party focuses more on problems that are within the society? -Which party is the smallest party? -What does PIAB stand for? -What was the author not expecting? -How did the author feel about unexpected items? -When did the author's order ship? -Where did the author see unexpected items? -How long has it been since they had a coffee addiction? -What is considered to be a drug? -How much caffeine were they drinking regularly? -What time can they fall asleep now? -Why did they stop drinking caffeine? -What have more range than a standard RC vehicle? -How far can a standard RC vehicle go, if ground controlled? -How far did the drone he saw go? -What is the question he is asking? -How far can a standard RC vehicle go, if air controlled? -What game does the poster think is awesome? -What was Artanis a preorder bonus for? -What does the poster prefer for it's short cooldown? -What did the poster put away after a few games? -Is what happened with the German man fact or theory? -Was the German man released before or after BD's arrest? -What crime is at issue here? -What kind of headphones does the poster have? -What brand of portable headphone amp does the poster consider using? -What does the poster use to when using the headphones on his/her computer? -What does the poster want to watch on his tv? -What was the person looking to replace? -How long was the mouse owned? -Where were the cheap options found? -What mouse is being used? -What type of team is this user building? -Who is the defense leader on this user's team? -Who can this user add for additional healing? -The user has enough what, even after removal? -What type of unit is the dark bounty hunter being tested as? -How old is the person who wrote this paragraph? -How many glasses of wine do they typically drink in one evening? -How old was the author when they suffered damage to their brain? -How many years did it take for the author to feel normal after their injury? -What is the highest degree the author obtained? -What have I built? -For how long have I had no problems? -What did my monitor show when watching YouTube video? -What was the condition of my HDMI cable? -In which grade is the writer from? -What were the person's scores? -Was the person's good with their scores? -What was the person asking for to help them? -How did the person feel at the time of the test? -What does the poster want removed from the game? -When is it not expected for a team to be coordinated? -Who doesn't the poster feel needs a further damage boost? -Who is getting kills and assists in the game? -Who is not dying in the game? -What will the tool track? -Whom can the dog owner take the dog information to? -What type of basic information is tracked by the tool? -What type of intake for weight loss is tracked by the tool? -What has proved a large amount of no success -What is retreating and then regrouping? -What kind of areas should all units go to when force attacks? -What should they do when they retreated the are? -What is retreating and then regrouping? -What should one do when units are all under force attacks? -What do you do when force attacks leave the area? -What proved large the loss in eradicating the large Grand Collective? -How warm does the heating lamp get? -What animal is the pet owner worried about? -When is the pet lethargic? -Besides lethargy, what other concern does the pet owner have about her dragon? -What happens when the pet owner picks up her dragon? -How many fps are they planning on maxing out as? -What is the amound willing to be spent in USD? -What item costs 143.99? -How long have they been researching? -Whose blood kit was tampered with? -Who were supposed to be the only people to have access to SA's blood kit before trial? -What happened after SA's blood kit was opened? -Who does the commenter believe tampered with the blood kit? -What are the cards that Steam sell called? -What are the values that Steam Wallet cards come in? -How can you make a direct purchase from Steam? -What can you do with gift cards? -What does he think is more valuable than gift cards because it's universal? -What resource did the author look at for travel information? -Why is the author going to Ireland? -Who is the author traveling with? -What date is the author leaving Dublin? -What country is the author traveling to? -What is put together? -What needs installed? -What do they not have? -What is the problem they have with the USB they own? -What is the benefit of rating yourself post game? -What is one of the beginning steps to improvement? -You should rate yourself if you aim to improve what? -How many games should you look at for your self reflection? -How many games are in their Steam library? -Where do they live? -What are they looking for? -How can you contact them? -How do they play zombies with their girlfriend? -How many Xbox one controllers do they use? -What does it display when they connect the second controller? -Where did they find no solutions? -What is the priority? -What is not a concern? -What are the case options? -What have they not installed themselves? -How long will the author be in Dublin for? -What day of the week will they be in Dublin? -What time is the author leaving Dublin? -What kind of beer does the author want to drink? -Who does the commenter ask about with respect to an alibi? -Is TH a new person to Steven, or did he know her from before? -What event does Steven attend on the day of the crime? -Where is the commenter hoping to find the answers to his questions? -What was Infamous formerly known as? -What did Infamous win? -Did the team split up? -What were some of the team members names? -What version is my LG G3 running? -Where do I get small pop-ups? -Where do the small pop-ups appear? -What do the pop-ups state? -What kind of God is Dakuwut referred to? -What are the islands compared to in size? -How big are the islands in general? -Which fish is Dakuwut represented by? -Which traits does the shark have that were mentioned via Dakuwut's features as well? -What type of issues are they having? -When are they having mic issues? -What icon displays while playing a game? -What type of issue did they think it was? -What are they looking for? -What did they decide to build? -What was troubling when building the pc? -What was too big for the fan to fit? -What was the cpu temp? -What size are the ram slots? -What is the date used for the Pick Thread? -What are these threads used for? -What is an example of a helpful link? -Are Daily Picks autoposts or user generated? -How can users add to the daily threads? -What is the color of our 5 piece Victorian cruet set? -How many pieces are in the Victorian cruet set? -how many long shaker lid jars are there? -What do I need for a cruet set and what to put in it? -Type of jars olive oil and vinegar are in? -what chapter is the an excerpt from? -what is the name of the story this is an excerpt from? -who calls the main character Misumi Makoto into another world? -what is Misumi Makoto tasked with doing in the other world? -What type of campaign is the author running? -What emotion does the author want their players to feel toward one another? -How many main objectives will be in the campaign? -How many characters will be in the campaign? -Who do the characters work for? -What is the poster trying to figure out? -What has the poster pick out so far? -What would the poster like to use instead of an "old stereo receiver" -What would the poster like for his Apple TV? -How long has it been since the friend played? -What type of account does the friend have? -Can a user with a limited account have friends? -What is the minimum spending limit to be able to add friends? -What type of account are they talking about? -What leader-boards do they believe need to go? -What type of leader-boards do they believe they need? -They would love to see where they rank in the world in what? -How much heavier is he than his girlfriend? -Is his girlfriend colder or hotter than him while awake? -How much taller is he than his girlfriend? -What does he have trouble replicating? -When does she put out a lot of heat? -What part of the game does the writer not want to play? -the writer has been playing the game since when? -what problem did the game have before the writer got a new computer? -what does is the problem with the tutorial that is causing the writer to have to stop playing? -What device brand do I have? -Which technical specifications does it have? -Which operating system is it running? -What happens to every game that i try to play? -When was my problem solved? -What does the new section feature? -Is this a new addition for those who can or cannot stay until the ending? -Within how many hours will the feature activate before an event ends? -What is the hourly rate that it adjusts itself? -What did they return to? -How long had they not used bleach? -What are they almost done with? -They might as well start what? -What are they switching to manga from? -What game is this guild for? -What platform does the guild use to play games? -How many updates will there be in the coming days? -What is the name of the community? -What should someone send to an officer in GW2 if they want an invite? -What is the 20 year old looking for? -Where did I and a friend want to go visit? -What is the minimum age for a car rental in florida? -When do we want to stay in Miami? -Where were we thinking of driving to? -What is the purpose of the quest? -Which character has one sword? -What will be the reward? -What does the monk use for weapons? -What gets added to his sword? -What languages do they speak? -What is their favorite position? -Have they always been competitive? -What are they looking for? -What nationality are they? -What is the learning curve for young children on Triforce Heroes? -Are some people that play Triforce Heroes impatient with younger players? -Does Triforce Heroes cost online? -Do younger children enjoy Triforce Heroes? -Do kids who play Triforce Heroes enjoy sending messages? -What did the beekeeper neglect to put on the roof of the hive? -How has the beekeeper's mistakes affected her expansion plans? -What happed to the beekeeper's hive? -Did the bees show any signs of disease? -What happened to the hive after the roof blew off? -What does the runtime error say? -Are frameworks supported for command line Xcode projects? -How does the program run? -What does the writer use to compile so that the program works? -What is not loaded in the error? -What video game was being played? -What did someone only own the demo version of? -What holiday were these people celebrating? -The other people in the story who were downstairs were doing what? -What kind of music did more than one party like? -Where does the author want to buy a house? -How much does the author make for a salary per year? -What are the range of house prices that the author is considering for a purchase? -Which type of payment service does the author have questions about? -How much debt does the author say they have? -What can't I click on? -What happens when I click in "Search Windows" box? -What happens when I hit the windows key? -What happens when I click on the windows icon? -What have I tried? -What swimwear store is recommended? -What kind of fashion does Mary Grace Swimwear sell? -What kind of clothing does Mary Grace sell? -Where is Mary Grace Swimwear located? -How are the rates? -What are they considering selling? -Is their a high supply for Frankfurt items? -How is the demand? -What was the price for the Bewitching Flare at 10:00AM? -The poster mentions seeing a thread in which those of what occupation talked about the difficulty of finding work? -The poster created the thread in order for people to learn what? -What field does the poster claim has little growth? -What field does the poster claim can grow but only in the long term? -The poster claims that there is no decent work in Aerospace Engineering other than what? -What kind of granola did this person want to try? -What sort of cookies did this person overindulge on? -What meal does this person not know how to plan well? -What kind of yogurt does this person want to try? -How long does this person have for breakfast? -What is the main topic being discussed by the author? -What happened to the author in August? -Where has the author lost muscle mass? -What can the author not do like they used to? -What was the author teaching their roommate? -What game have they been playing? -What character does the author of the paragraph have? -What is he going to ride into battle? -What character is his team missing? -What is the authors main issue? -What does the writer's assassin build rely on? -What does the writer know about already? -How many shots does it usually take to kill a tough target? -What is the writer looking for? -What did the crit rating change to? -What did the author notice? -How many universes are the body in? -What can you do in this 2 universe state? -What does everyone drop millions of every minute? -What is the name of the device? -What is the writer interested in as far as coverage of scootering events? -Which basketball team has been mentioned for their iconic playoffs? -What was football notarized for having memorable events of? -For what reason are the scootering events wanted? -Who's cell phone was the message left on? -Teresa worked for what magazine? -What was Teresa's profession? -What was Teresa's cell phone number? -What time was Teresa to arrive at the location for photographs? -What kind of advice is the poster requesting? -What topic is the poster researching? -How long is the undergrad research project? -What will the poster need to do after researching relevant online articles? -What did the girlfriend used to hate? -What holiday was the game a present for? -Was the present delivered early or late? -What did the girlfriend used to play? -What happens if I haven't moved my mouse or done anything on the computer? -How much duration triggers such malfunction? -What have I already checked? -What have i been unable to find? -What game do they play? -What do they want to keep in their new deck? -What dot hey want to transform? -What deck are they learning with? -What do they do when they find a camp? -What happened to his/her camp? -What did they "borrow"? -What game was it? -How would it not be cowardly? -what care company am I new to? -How many miles are on our XC90 T6 -Who has the Polestar V60 in stock? -What am I a sucker for? -What cars exterior looks great, but interior is dated? -Why is the person getting their screen replaced? -What feature causes the screen to stay in place? -Where is the person taking in their phone? -What will Apple be doing to the phone? -Who's case was featured in "The Jinx"? -What channel aired "The Jinx"? -What aspects of Durst's personality would allow him to get away with murder? -Who did the DA feed information to about the alleged guilt of the suspects? -Who are the suspects in MaM? -What did the author build over the summer? -What is the author trying to build for school? -What two bundles are author considering? -How would the author describe their time using their hovership? -What type of radio does the author also have? -What is the asking price? -Can they do international shipping? -Which card has slight damage? -What is their reason for selling? -What is the writer bored with? -What is the writer looking for? -What did the writer quit? -What was the writer stuck doing? -What was the writer's favorite part of the game? -What did the poster just get a new pair of? -What device of the posters has an optical port? -Which website did the poster buy something on? -When do the monitors not sound the best? -Where is the conversion happening now instead of the motherboard? -How long is the period of free access to the service noted? -What is the name of the service indicated? -What is this user offering to people who will cancel their subscription? -What type of show did this user buy Netflix for? -What does the user want to prevent people from relying on? -In what campaign did he play a monk/druid? -The DM classified a tentacle as what type of weapon? -What form did the DM allow him to take? -What was the argument against him not using his tentacles? -What did the author ask about the wild shape? -What does the write compare iTunes to? -How long has it been since the writer has heard all of their playlist? -Other than iTunes, what else is the writer not happy with? -What was the writer almost concerned that their computer had? -What is better than the newer dbz? -What did he/she grow up on? -What is the person's rating of it? -Who redubbed it? -What television show is the commenter talking about? -What does the commenter dislike about the dubbed versions of the show? -Did the commenter like the classic Sailor Moon shows? -How does the commenter describe the dubbed shows? -What does the commenter want from readers? -What model of SSD does he own? -What is the size of his SSD? -What did he download from AMD? -What is the size of his OS' partition? -What device is giving the author trouble? -Which problem has been identified with the modem? -How many Mbps is the author getting from their modem? -Who has tried to help the author with their problem? -What did tech support say the author needed to fix the problem? -What is the problem they are experiencing? -Where is this glitch occurring? -How long does it take for the server to crash? -What have they done to try to fix the glitch? -What would the woman not want in the wedding? -What type of party does the woman want? -What would the decorations be made of? -What would be included in the reception? -What kind of knowledgeable people is the poster seeking? -What branch of the military does the poster serve? -What is the poster willing to do? -What degree is the poster wanting to work towards? -Does the poster have a college degree? -What component of their quadcopter did the author damage beyond repair? -Where did the author get their first 250 quad build from? -What did the author connect the naze32 to? -What did the author see upon plugging in the zippy battery? -What substance was produced in a large enough quantity as to cause alarm? -Who does Reigns have a feud with? -Who wants to make Reigns-Wyatt the rivalry of a generation? -Who is most likely to win RR? -Who is the least likely to win RR? -where did I read that list last week? -What factor gives investigators merit over the average person? -What case indicates a high level of distrust? -Who was betrayed by the investigators in the Avery case? -What must be preserved to validate the use of advanced tools and detection techniques? -What do people, by default, see the investigators as? -Are independent developers transitioning from 2d pixels to 3rd graphics? -What are some examples of nostalgia video games today? -What kind of games are Undertale and Hotline Miami? -What are some good examples of 2D games? -Are indie developers still making 2D games? -What did the writer use to clean their iPhone with? -What did the writer break on their phone? -What did the writer try to do after noticing it was broken? -What happens when the writer leaves their phone still? -What appliance is running even though the appliances are off? -What 2 other appliances are on the same outlet as the fridge? -What was flipped to get everything to come back on? -When did the neighborhood lose power? -How long did the neighborhood lose power? -What are they trying to do? -What occurred several months ago? -What is the plan for the floating base? -What do they need a gate/opening for? -What does the effective income/ payroll tax rates for middle class people need to be raised by if Senator Sanders is serious about emulating Northern European social democracies? -What about the percentages increased for wealthier people? -What is the US's effective federal income tax rates for the middle quintile? -What is the US's effective federal income tax rates for the top quintile? -To consolidate and finance Northern European Style benefits, how much times do middle class effective tax rates need to increase by? -What subreddit was this posted to? -What thread were they browsing? -What phone did he/she use? -What did they do in the notepad? -What do they recommend to help anxiety? -What is the intended goal? -Which services were listed for encouraging? -In how many months do they plan to get volunteers? -What is the Federal Service for? -What is the name of the hidden city? -Who lives in the city? -Where is this city located? -How long has this community lived in peace? -What is the name of the group trying to kill off the immortals? -What was the dads profession? -Where could the dad fix most things? -What did the dad love? -When did the daughters realize not all men are able to fix things? -What type of man was the dad described as? -What has the potential to break the game for the author? -What got added when he rolled a 100 on a D100? -What did his group meet after several weeks? -What was his AC after the roll? -What is the other going to buy during the next session? -What does the poster think the series is going to be ended with? -What does the poster consider a temporal mess? -At what age does the poster recommend the Cirque du Freak series? -What should you be willing to put up with the Cirque du Freak series? -What else should you be willing to put up with the Cirque du Freak series? -Why is the writer upset? -How many days was the phone working for after it was restored? -When did the writer get their new phone? -What did the phone do after the first days after purchasing it? -What kind of users is the poster wanting advice from? -What is the poster trying to purchase from YouShop? -What is the YouShop identifier format? -What information won't the unique number identifier let the user find? -What is the poster worried will get lost? -What region of Australia would the poster like to live in for a month? -Which type of cities would the poster prefer not to stay in? -Where will the poster be until end of March? -How long will the poster be traveling around Australia? -What method will the poster use to work for his old job? -Who are they inquiring about? -What is Wolfie's occupation at conventions? -What would they like to drink? -How often does Wolfie appear? -What type of entity is the author hoping to find? -Where was the author unable to find the band? -Where did the author hear the band first? -What was pictured on the band's album art? -What service was not yet available when the author first discovered the band? -What game are they playing? -What is the max player level? -What is the max dino level? -How often is the server saved? -The writer believes what is crucial to Indian mentality? -The writer addresses his writing to what kind of people? -The writer attributes the acceptance of what political idea to the qualities hinduism instill in indians? -The writer claims that indians are able to adapt their beliefs to their leader thanks due a lack of what kind of what? -The writer claims that without Hinduism, Indian mentality is left with what? -What is the writer asking for help with? -What kind of iPod does the writer have? -What is wrong with the iPod nano 4? -What does the writer wish to purchase? -What value did the lost item have? -How long until I got a call back about Puppy? -how long have you had Puppy for? -Where was he left behind at? -Where did you see Puppy last? -How long have they been in the web industry? -What is he playing with? -What is the current state of the design? -What kind of guy has he never been? -What magazine wrote an article before the Avery trial? -Who is Steven Avery's co-defendant? -When was the article published? -What are qualities of Brenden's personality that Steven allegedly exploited? -What is the relation between Steven and Brendan? -What are the lowest tiers in men's indoor soccer leagues? -Do C or D men's indoor soccer leagues require experience? -What are the team sizes in men's indoor soccer leagues? -What is the average league registration for men's indoor soccer leagues? -What is the common individual registration for men's indoor soccer leagues? -What fell into his lap after trundling about? -What's the first question he asked? -He wanted to know if he would enjoy it as much as what? -He also want to know if there was a similar level of what? -Most importantly does the game have what? -What did the author wrote that updates itself using the lINKREMOVED servers? -How much percentage of completion has the author done? -What else does the author need to add to complete it? -Where is the author thinking of scraping posters? -The author found a way to get the posters and synopsis from where? -What do you need to make money? -What else do they have to worry about? -When will it start to make money? -What type of developing experience do they posses? -What are they trying to create? -Who is the main character in this tale? -What's the name of the movie? -Where is this main character when the story begins? -What is the setting for the story? -What's the name of the safe haven? -What is the poster good at? -What does the poster say the responders are right about? -How often can the poster take out another jet? -What has the poster tried? -What type of RTA was purchased? -What is inconvenient about RDAs? -What kind of mod is being considered with the ability to carry in a pocket? -What is he looking to mod with an RTA? -What information is the poster seeking about a Mustang GT with 6 stars and rare parts? -What three things does the poster believe everyone is working to build? -What PR has the poster's Mustang breached? -What star range are most of the poster's parts? -Are the poster's parts rare or common? -What is one characteristic of the friend? -What were the writer and the friend doing when before they got into a fight? -Why didn't the writer get to give his opinion? -What did the writer say about his friend's intelligence? -Who will be putting on a month long exhibit? -What is the name of the month long exhibit? -When would the event be held ? -Where will this exhibit take place? -What is the focus of the month long exhibit? -Where is Harry Potter's bedroom located jokingly in the poster's new house? -Whos services will the poster use to build a CAT 6a network into the new house's walls? -Where will the towels be likely stored in the poster's new house? -What brand of lightbulbs does the author use in their house? -What location is the newly purchased home in? -How much debt does the Op have on their first card? -What is the annual percentage rate on their first card? -How much debt does the op have on their second card? -What is the annual percentage rate on their second card? -How many cards can the OP pay off this month? -Who are they looking for a partnership with? -What type of software developer are they? -What does it take way too long to launch? -What type of development help are they looking for? -How do you get a hold of them? -What has the author been inspired by the create a playlist? -The combination or mixing of what genres has intrigued the author? -What is one band that makes the author get really excited? -What power-pop song is the author particularly impressed by? -Whose opinion does the author seek regarding a highly danceable song? -How long does it take to summon a spear? -How long is a spear? -How long does it take for a spear to disappear? -How quick does the spear travel? -What can spears pierce through? -How much weight was gained from eating the wrong things? -What is the weight loss goal? -When was the layoff? -What caused the schedule change that precipitated weight gain? -What is the cycle of the routine? -How long has the poster been raving? -What is the poster concerned about being? -What is the only situation the poster will consider partying in? -What do the poster friends do while the poster stays sober? -Why are raves the only place the poster likes to party?s -What product of object are they asking about? -How many mg/dL are they at? -How long later are they at 261mg/dL -What did the doctor suggest? -How long ago did the poster buy the game? -Who spoiled the experience? -What did the poster delete? -What did the poster go back to? -What does the poster want to get back into? -What can't they find? -What type of program is it? -What color was the product's background? -Where the application used to be located? -what kind of companion is the writer looking for? -what gender would they prefer the companion to be? -what race of healer does the writer want to know about? -what coupon does the writer currently have to use for the next hour? -What does the writer like to refer to themselves as? -What does the writer think Atheism is similar to? -What topic has the writer been reading about? -What do some people think of God to be? -What wattage is the RDA ran at? -What happens when the coils turn black? -How long has the RDA been used? -What has been happening to the coils on the RDA? -What wattage is the RDA ran at? -What has been happening to the coils on the RDA? -What happens when the coils turn black? -How long has the RDA been used? -What special event might use a photo booth? -What is the primary topic about which the author is seeking the opinion of others? -How many people are coming to the author's wedding? -How much was the author quoted for use of a photo booth? -Where did the author get a quote for a photo booth? -What will the couple be doing for one month long? -What would the couple be pursing on their one month long stay? -When is the young couple traveling? -Who are they looking to work with? -How long will the couple's journey last? -Whose research will be continued? -What month did Ulrich die in? -Where did Dr. Fritz Ulrich die? -What happened in the laboratory in which Dr. Fritz Ulrich died? -Who is the former assistant of Dr. Fritz Ulrich? -What game controller does the poster consider to be awkward? -How many directions are on the poster's D-pad? -What controller is sensitive and too light? -What must the controller be compatible with? -Overall, what is the main question the poster is seeking advice about? -What have many people complained about? -How large is the 3rd death star? -What was already in place for the building of the 3rd death star? -Which atom bomb took less time to build? -How much of a percentage of the total planet is the man made part? -Whats their current income? -What did they manage to raise their limit to after their first request? -What was their original credit card limit? -What does this person want answered? -What are their credit scores? -In what state does the driver want to know the traffic law? -What type of roads is the driver confused about? -What is the primary question they have? -What kind of turn does the driver want to make? -What type of information does the driver need from others? -what device is the writer looking for help with? -what setting is the writer looking to change? -what app did the writer use to try to force portrait apps into landscape? -what app did the writer install before running into the problems? -Should Alice have known Bella's mental condition in New Moon? -Would Alice have know about Bella's communications? -how serious was Bella have depression in New Moon? -Could Alice have helped Bella? -Could Alice have helped any other way? -Who is the poster listening to? -What song is the post listening to? -What is the same as the A# major penta? -What are the major and minor pentatonics a shift of? -What switches from major to minor in certain places? -What is the item they're speaking about? -Where did they buy it? -What is this device's defect upon arrival? -What action do they want to perform with this device? -How much is the ideal spending limit? -What type of sound system does the roommate own? -What type of device is being used to put out the signal? -Why are they poor? -How many LEDS are there? -What has been decided to stick with? -How many 8-bit shift registers are being used? -What type of micro-controller is being used? -What did the author just buy for cooking? -What does the author said he/she does not use during cooking? -How long has the author been cooking for? -What did the author said he/she cooked without using a recipe? -What ingredients did the author said he used to braised the bone-in chicken thigh? -Have you tried replugging the Mayport 4 port adapter into another port? -What is your primary issue with the Mayport 4 port adapter? -Does the Mayport 4 port adapter work in ANY mode? -Does your computer recognize the Mayflash adapter at all? -Have you tried switching to PC mode to configure the settings? -What mode is hard to access? -What emulator won't recognize the adapter? -How many ports has the writer tried replugging? -What port adapter is being discussed? -What settings does the emulator work under? -Does this challenge involve eating fish? -What hapens on a HIT day? -What kind of diet is requested? -What kind of eater is the writer of this post on? -What aerobic activity is now used to lose weight? -What does the poster need advice on? -What did the poster sell? -Who's guitar was it? -How much did the guitar sell for? -How much cash did the buyer pay? -Who rebelled against the storm troopers? -Imperials learned it was not a good idea to train who? -What do they believe will be introduced in either Episode VIII or Episode IX? -What did Kylo Ren say? -What is the author beginning to consider? -What did the author have included within their package of photos? -How does the author feel when picturing their image on the refrigerators of others? -In what way would the author like for the engagement photos to be used? -What type of shots does the author like the idea of using? -How much student debt do they have? -Did this person lose a discount to their current insurance? -How much are they earning per month in net earnings? -How much do their parents charge them a month for rent? -Whats the difference in money saved if they switched insurance? -Does Acme Comedy Company have shows to celebrate the New Year? -How large are the Acme Comedy shows? -When do the shows begin at Acme Comedy Company? -When does seating begin at the Acme Comedy show? -what is the age of his gf ? -did he find her physical attractive at first ? -are they compatible in every other aspect? -how long they are dating ? -do he compare his gf physical attractiveness with other girls? -What substance is the writer making? -Which brewing method did the writer say they used? -What does the writer think might contribute to the surprising OG number in their brew? -What did the writer said they brewed in the paragraph? -Was the OG number considerably high or low, according the writer? -How many wipers does a Klein mm200 have? -What type of tool is the Klein mm200? -What fell out of the multimeter? -What has to be tight in for the contacts to make a good connection? -What day do they want people to share their hoard? -How many white spaces slugs did they add to the hoard? -What was their goal for white slugs this week? -What does the Reddit account have enough of now? -What online service is the poster asking about? -What does the poster hope Dropbox Paper will be like? -What opinion has the poster formed of Dropbox Paper? -What programs is the user looking for in Dropbox? -Where did the user find out about the new Dropbox application? -What type of device was obtained? -Who was the device obtained from? -What does the writer not very familiar with? -What does the writer assume that the tv is equipped with? -What model is the laptop? -What happened during the windows installation process? -How often does the error message appear? -What type of problem is the laptop experiencing? -What games is the author interested in ? -What is one game that the author mentions as an example of what he is interested in? -What is a plus but not necessary for the author to play in? -What is worthwhile when playing Twilight Imperium? -What is the amount that the author is not willing to pay for a game that he/she gets to the table once per year? -What games is the author interested in ? -What seems to be standouts in this genre of games? -What is the name of the game that the author owns that fits the criteria of what he is interested in? -What does the author consider to be a plus but not a necessary? -What is the amount that the author is not willing to spend on a game he/she gets to the table once a year? -What issue do I have? -What are technical specs of the system? -What am I using when the sound is really quiet? -What can I hear when something a bit louder is playing? -What item is needed to count steps? -When driving, what is the pedometer registering? -What expensive item is the person trying to avoid purchasing? -How many calories are being reported while working but not exercising? -Why is an alternative better than a fitbit? -how many days of free trial are offered for the play music app? -what phone is the writer asking questions about? -where is the writer returning the phone too? -What will the store do to the phone to bring it back to its original state one returned? -What subreddit is the author addressing in their post? -What do some other posts view as very important? -What does the author believe are somewhat expensive? -What does the author want to avoid wasting? -What no longer is operating? -What caused the writer to know something was wrong? -What type of device was making loud sounds? -What was happening when the writer was aware the first issue? -What are they testing? -What test will be delayed until they can access their map? -What can they not access? -What type of map do they have ready for testing? -How many people do they need help from? -what the gf age? -where was he going on new year eve? -how long they are dating each other? -who texted first ? -Is the community a substitution for medical professionals? -Why did the author feel the need to make this post? -Who should the community consult? -What abilities do the members have questions about? -What does the author of this post appreciate? -which model of dock is the writer asking about? -what type of connection does the dock use? -What qualification of safety does the user want to know about? -what type of device is the post about? -The author is wondering if there are subscription boxes out there with what features? -For how long did the author have the same equipment? -What is the author looking for to put into the mix? -what is the only subscription that the author is able to find? -What is the main topic of this paragraph? -What is the overall topic of this passage? -What kind of subscription boxes is the author looking for? -How many years have the author have the same equipment? -What is the author looking to put into the mix? -What is the only subscription box the author found? -When was the BCBS slated to begin? -What date did the poster enroll in,for BCBS Georgia on? -How much will the poster have to pay for the medicine without having BCBS? -On what day of the week will the pricey prescription be needed? -What hasn't the poster received that is causing the poster concern? -How tall is the author of the post? -How much does the author weigh? -How long ago was it that the author rode bikes a lot? -What type of terrain will the author mostly be riding? -What does the author want to build for the following spring? -What are they looking to hire? -What do they want a web developer to do? -How do they plan on making a mock-up themselves? -What is in place to show what page you are on? -How do you contact this person? -How many games should you play? -How many hours does it take to achieve mastery? -Where can you find information? -Were should you play to be main? -What am I installing termite on? -How is compiling from source? -What's the name of the .ebuild file that I found? -What do all the directories for programs in the normal portage tree have? -When did the user receive the watch? -What types of bands does the user dislike? -What type of the watch was the user given for Christmas? -What brand watch was the user gifted? -what is the writers phone not able to do? -what is the phones charge 8 hrs after charging to full? -what does the writer believe is always on and preventing the phone from dozing? -what time did the writer put their phone on the nightstand? -How long has Hurtplanet server been running -What is their goal for the post? -How long has the population been declining? -What is the issue with the server? -What type of moves is the author interested in learning? -What type of boat is the author considering? -How far away are the rivers the author refers to? -What type of boat does the author currently own? -How tall is the author? -What is it that this person is looking for? -What is the quality of the JPEG they have? -What changes might be included? -What do they need the photo for? -What types of races are they interested in? -Who was the player involved in the Bulls' flu game? -What is the Super Bowl that is mentioned? -What game in hockey is considered iconic? -What did college football introduce recently? -What has been neglected lately? -What did they not give away? -Who did they give the mids to? -What did they not know was more productive? -What are they thinking of doing? -Where is Dying Light not available for purchase? -where did I purchase it? -What did it explicitly state? -Where am I playing Dying Light? -What started their whole problem? -What step did they finally have to take in order to put a stop to their original problem? -What first step did they take to remedy this situation? -What was the outcome of the first step they took? -What resulted from their original problem? -What makes abs more visible? -What long term exercise has been done for abs? -What ultimate goal is set for getting a good leg raise workout? -What is the goal of working out extra hard? -What mechanism is hung from when doing hanging leg raises right now? -what video game does the writer want a book similar too? -what race would the main character be in this book? -What does the writer want a book about? -in the book the writer wants to find what would human have found in space? -What randomly goes back to the connecting menu? -What does the discord randomly go back to? -What application are they using? -Where is the discord usually when this happens? -What is not usually in the front of the screen? -Who does the player use as a main character? -What game did the play used to play? -What was the player gifted for Christmas? -What can the player do easily? -Who is this person looking for? -What does the Melbourne track have that takes you for a whole lap? -What is being done at racing circuits? -Who has a few nice caches? -Which function of the watch does the user appreciate? -What is the brand of the watch the user in interested in? -What type of school is the user attending? -What does the user want to find as an alternative to the Zeppelin watch? -how long they are friends for ? -where did there friendship started ? -which kind of friendship they had ? -what does his friend watch now ? -What to look for in bash? -What does the text file contain? -What to return in the text file? -What is the line I want to find and extract the sum from? -What have i tried using? -How many pubs are partnered with the U.K. Pub Company? -How many people are assigned each year to the U.K. Pub Company? -What does the U.K. Pub Company assist in? -Where do the people that join the U.K. Pub Company work and live? -What was hardly found online about the company? -What is the question concerning? -What type of measurement information is being asked for? -What year of t-shirt is being discussed? -What is the normal size they buy? -Where is the writer from? -how much does the writer need to pay their bills? -How much is the writer willing to pay the next day in exchange for money today? -What day would the writer pay back the person that gives them a loan? -What did the user purchase? -What activates without even touching it? -What software were they using when the pads activated? -What do the pads do on their own? -What section of the yard doesn't get much sunlight? -When does Winter Ryegrass die out? -What type of grass has been used in the past? -Why does the area get much less sunlight in the summertime? -What invasive thing did we get rid of? -what refuses to open? -Where did they look for answers first? -What did they encounter? -What happens then they attempt to open the app again? -Where might some sound escape? -What does escaping sound cause? -Where did they place the port tube? -What is placed directly behind the woofer? -How big was the dip they were seeing? -What concerns the writer about their brewing project? -What did the writer get for a gift that they wanted to try out? -What rose up and overflowed out of the brewing container on the first day? -What did the writer said was the number reading on the third day? -Where did the writer place the brewing container to sit? -Who is this player's favorite character? -What does the player find uninteresting? -What was the player main question? -What was the problem with playing top? -What is the current cycle of the giveaway? -When does the giveaway happen? -What platform is the gift on? -What is the minimum age of the account required for the giveaway? -At what time will the winner be picked? -How many levels have been uploaded? -How many stars have been accrued? -What has the person run out of? -How many levels have been uploaded in the last month? -What type of level was uploaded in the past month? -What computer am I working on? -What have I once used? -Why am I doing all of this? -What was the video I watched about? -how much does the writer need for rent? -What day would the writer pay back the loan by? -how much is the writer willing to pay back for the loan? -what is responsible for the writer needing the loan? -what city is the writer in? -Where could the Data Matrix be hidden? -What have they not been able to clean up? -How many versions do they have? -Where can you go to help out? -What does the user want to translate? -What is the user hoping to find that will translate vocals to notes? -What type of file is the user hoping to convert? -What does the user want the recorded vocals to become? -Who should have been on All-Stars? -How was Sandra portrayed in Pearl Islands? -If Sandra was in and had won, what would she be the first of? -What was Sandra noted more for? -What do they have a plan to use? -What are they going to use the premade amp board for? -What is their first idea? -What are they worried about blowing out? -What would be much easier? -what is the age of his gf ? -who did he slept with ? -how long they are dating each other? -where did his gf and his bestfriend meet ? -for how long they hooked up ? -What is desperately being looked for? -What movement restriction is unbearable? -How old are the gamers? -Where does the author go to look for help? -How many members will be logged in at one time? -What is going on sale? -What were some people not able to recruit? -What was the ratio for gold? -What will the person get if another weekly task is not assigned? -What are they getting close to the end of? -How many vine-on-a-track sections are there? -What needs to be dodged? -What kind of difficulty spike is there at the end? -What addition does this person feel makes the level better? -What is the title of the game? -What are they doing with an Airizer Air? -What do they currently own? -Why are they bringing the Airizer Air? -Where was they considering bringing the Airizer Air? -Where are the possible clues? -What has been the main focus? -What is an example of one of the clues? -What was noticed about the bag? -What exercises does the author mentions mixing? -What is the question the author is asking about for mixing bodyweight with weights and boxing? -What is author's main focus for sport/ self defense? -What is the author doing for full body control and athleticism? -What is the author looking to accomplish with weights? -How long have they been programming for the iOS? -What program do they like? -What programs do they dislike? -What are they composing -Who was out this week on Celtics beat? -Who was the guest this week? -what team did the podcast primarily discus? -The WEEI Celtics podcast aired before the game against which team? -who was the guest on the WEEI Celtics podcast this week? -What are they planning a build for? -What do they want to upgrade their drone to? -What will they use for the upgrade? -What kind of flight controller do they want to use? -What kind of flight controller have they seen suggestions for? -After reading a letter,who was tristifer not concerned about leaving in charge of negotiations? -Who is likely to not attended negotiations at Harroways town? -Who is Tristifer whent engaged to? -What was Tristifer displaying as he went up to the gate of stone hedge? -With whom did Tristifer wish to have a discussion with? -what the boyfriend age ? -how long they are dating each other? -where they meet? -what they do at least once a day -why he is not coming back this semester ? -What was the last season watched of Survivor they watched? -Why did they stop watching Survivor? -What season season of Survivor got them back into watching it? -What Survivor version made it become an obsession again after Season 22? -What came with no instructions? -What are they new to? -What do they use for oil? -How did they describe the rates? -What two games are being compared? -What kind of differences remain between Super Mario Bros. and Super Backwards Compatible? -What was uploaded on September 15th,2015? -What was revealed when Super Mario Maker was announced? -What will spot differences between Super Mario Bros. and Super Backwards Compatible? -What year is this person mostly speculating about? -What, if anything, would hypothetically come out in 2017? -What game series is being discussed? -What might get skipped by whoever makes these games? -Kanto was combined with what else in one version of these games? -how did the player find out about how many afks where on his team? -How many games had afks on the player's team? -How many games out of 20 had afks? -Whats a question the poster had about Steam? -How long has the poster slept the past 4 days? -How did the poster feel about the game? -Why is the poster not 100%? -What does the writer say they are an advocate of? -What does NIP stand for? -how old is the writers baby? -what is the writer worried they will cross the line into in public? -What does the author need a good source of? -What is the author checking for? -What does the author collect? -What is the author looking to see is being released? -What level is their male character? -Who do they feel puts alot of emotion intheir character? -Why do they think she is fine tuned? -Who are they just not feeling? -they have done a fairly thorough play-through as what? -What does the female voice actress put into her character? -What doesn't the female voice actress do to her character? -What level is the person with the male character? -How long have they played with the female protagonist? -Who do they perfer as a protaginist? -Who made the tutorial that this person mentions? -What does this person want to change at the marts? -What does this person want to change on the characters? -What kind of program is this person looking for? -Who previously had received a lot of contributions in a previous election? -Who is favored to beat Sanders here? -Who is receiving a lot of donations in the current election? -What chance of winning does this person think that Sanders does NOT have? -What is the name of the Book Club? -Who is the author of the book the club is discussing this month? -What is Hip HOp 101 Book Club discussing this month? -Who is the club inviting for this discussion? -What is the club number ? -What is an opportunity for users to play each others levels? -How should one sort this post? -What can users join in on? -Where are events, challenges and other highlights listed? -What opportunity does the daily level exchange provide? -When did they get food from their favorite vegetarian restaurant? -What kind of roll did they get today? -What is the rank of the restaurant among others who serve vegan sushi? -How was the flavor of the food described? -Are they paid extra for working on holidays? -What kind of state is Colorado regarding labor laws? -What kind of place are they working for? -If they file a complaint what are they worried may happen? -What is the inquirer trying to better understand? -What does the EC build it's regulations around to avoid overlap? -What level of regulations is the inquirer lacking information on? -What country is party to the 1958 UN agreement? -Where is substantial regulation found? -What should you learn from this post? -Where does the player have trouble? -What level is this player? -What level does the person have no characters? -What has a new bonus scale? -Where can the information be found? -What is missing? -What is needed from the level 15 Tactician bonus? -What appears to be part of the canon storyline? -Which characters might be seen? -What will a character introduced in Clone Wars be in? -What movies could a character have been introduced in? -What is it popular to do now? -What is the author struggling with at the moment? -When did the author go to a local library and checked out a book? -What book did the author check out from the local library? -Who wrote the book that the author checked out at the library? -When was the book written in? -What restaurant had they just tried? -How long had it been since they ate at a Taco Bell? -How long have they been vegan? -What was the price of the food? -Which figures is the author looking for? -Where is the author's relative headed to in a week? -What problem is the author having? -When is the release date of Kenobi? -What doesn't the author understand? -What would be interesting to see work over a long period of time? -What is really tempting to do with my savings categories? -Which rule am I worried about being affected? -How do I roll with the punches? -what type of impact am i worried about regarding the whole method? -What does the poster not want to go unsolved? -Whats a sign that the ARG hasn't been solved? -What could make them paranoid? -What analogy is used at the end of the post? -Where are the game sales occurring? -What game came out in 2015? -What disk to developers pay for? -What do steam sells potentially harm? -What starts in less than an hour? -What will they be watching? -Who are the actors in the movie Her? -What did they decide to watch instead? -what did he got into last month ? -what episodes he at now ? -what did he found on youtube? -which duration video he would love to see? -which video has been seen several time now ? -How long did the author study architecture? -What is making the author miserable? -What does the author have a big interest in? -What does the author want to start? -What has been very stressful for the author? -What event is being ranked? -Where was WrestleMania VII ranked? -What is ranked number 20 on the list? -Which event number was just eliminated from the contest? -Who definitely won their match at the event that's mostly being discussed? -Who is the post about? -What did the teams have going for them? -When was this? -What happened to Ben this year? -Who did Becky Lynch fight? -What show was apparently on on December 31, 2015? -What are the names of "the Bellas"? -Where did Vince McMahon get out of, in one video? -What did Heath Slater injure? -What movie is this person looking information about? -What, specifically, is this person looking for, in terms of this movie? -This information used to be available, but what happened to it? -Where was the link in question originally posted? -What Military unit was High lord Brandon Whent in command of? -Who is Lord Brandon Whent supposed to marry? -Who should Lord mooton not be concerned with encountering on his way through Lord Harroways town? -Where would Brandon Whent like for Lord Mooton to send a representative? -Who pledged Brandon Whent a force of light cavalry? -how many day do he crossfit in a week ? -what is he considering to do with crossfit? -why cant he do it now ? -how much extra is he going to pay in future ? -What does the author need to get? -How old is the author? -How many people live in the author's town? -What is the author tired of? -What has the author had given out which he thinks is illegal? -What"s the name of the 3 systems? -What is he reason for the 3 systems? -What tier should the new commanders be if there looking to work together? -Where are the targets presented at? -What year is the commander greeted to? -What fanbase is asked about Pep going to city? -Who use to play for Barca? -What team is Pep leaving? -What is all but official? -What does he hope about the post? -What have I been trying to figure out for a few days and cant? -How does nYNAB see the previous credit card categories? -How long have I been trying to figure this out? -What was I doing to try and fix this. -Why would I be very grateful? -What weapon did Maz Kanata possess? -This person's theory used evidence from what episode, which they thought was not ideal? -What body part did Luke lose at one point? -Some people in the story had very high counts of what? -There is a concern that someone might eventually betray what? -What is the author unsatisfied about? -What is the author complaining about having poor battery life? -How much is the author looking to spend? -How long do the "poor" batteries last? -What hobby is the author getting into? -What type of firearm is the author interested in? -What is the author contemplating buying? -Is the author experienced? -What firearm is the author asking about? -What issue does the author have about the firearm? -How much velocity is lost with a shorter barrel? -How long is the longer barrel length? -What firearm is the author needing help with? -What is the issue with the firearm side mount? -What kind of side mount is the author using? -Is the author considering a solution? -What building is next to Polk Street and Market? -What are the prices like at Polk Street and Market? -What is the inquirer looking to do around the Polk Street and Market area? -What does the inquirer ask about the Polk Street and Market area? -Where is the location of professionals that the author wants to shadow? -Where is the author a student of, what region? -What would the author be filling out next year? -What is the author's life ambition? -What credentials and check does the author have? -who won the game ? -who many goals did chelsea get ? -who chelsea was playing against ? -who score the first goal ? -where did the match held? -What is the name of the job that is mentioned? -The professor the student is paraphrasing was teaching them what class? -In addition to being an employee, the person in the story is also what else? -What kind of points does this person think are not helpful or motivating? -What kinds of incentives, specifically, does this person also consider to be unhelpful? -What has supposedly disappeared? -How many videos are on my channel? -What did I see happen with my videos when I logged in? -Where were all my videos linked to? -What did my videos not have a ton of? -What phone is currently in their possession? -What is the problem with their device? -What is the email displayed on their phone's screen? -Where did they first attempt to activate the device? -What book is missing a page? -What pages of the book are missing? -What version of The Predatory Female missing a page? -What is the first incomplete sentence? -What is the second incomplete sentence? -What malfunction is causing the author problems? -What was causing the issue? -What game is giving the error? -Is the author an experienced poster? -How many times has this person been in the ER in the last two weeks? -How many times has this person been to his/ her doctor in the last two weeks? -what is one symptom that the person is experiencing ? -Name one more symptom mentioned by the author -Are there any other symptoms mentioned by the author? -How long until there done with there ME degree? -What type of friends does this person have? -What are they not super passionate about? -What kind of stimulation does engineering provides? -Does this person have friends at his university? -which year is the thread from? -where did this thread idea copied from? -what are the joining ? -how old is will ? -where he is from? -What did the inquirer recently break? -What is the permanent color of the broken phone's screen? -What did the inquirer just buy? -What kind of phone was the inquirer transferring contacts from? -What did the inquirer try doing with their tv? -What does the person need help with? -What is the percentage that the author is sure that it was the same component as the diodes? -what is the only markings that the author is able to see? -What happened when someone else bridged the circuit? -What happened when the author tried to unabridged the circuit after figuring out? -Where were the words "also subscribed" found on the channel page? -what on twitter could you compare this feature to? -What site have I not really done anything on? -What site confuses me? -When did I unsubscribe to those people? -Who does the poster believe should direct the next Bong movie? -Which actor does the poster believe should play Bond in next Bond movie? -Who does the poster favor as Bond actors ahead of Daniel Craig? -Which actors portrayal of Bond did the poster not like? -Events in what previous bond film make the poster believe that Daniel Craig should act in another Bond Movie? -How many times did the gamer win 3rd place? -Out of the sixtimes the gamer won 3rd place, how many times was it a two man team? -How long should the ban from H1Z1 be, according to the gamer? -What kind of ban should be imposed if caught cheating, according the gamer? -Besides the punishments being harsh, what does the gamer believe about the punishments? -Where is the search located? -What is a great resource? -What might new members ask? -What is the side bar a great resource of? -Where should you look first? -How has the author been raised? -What normally happens when the person open the doors for others? -What happens the other half of the time that the person opens the door for people? -What is the main question that the author wants to know? -what cant u find when running the debugger with arguement? -process is exited with what code number? -what year IDE hi is using? -is he running other debugger? -What body part is now too fat? -What machine is being used to lose weight? -How long is being spent stepping on the machine? -What sort of fish is in the diet? -Where is the elliptical machine located? -What city is the poster in? -Which district in Tokyo is the poster in? -What product is the poster looking for? -What kind of product information is the poster looking for in regards to facial lotion? -What program has this person been looking to get admission? -What city in Cananda would they prefer stay at? -What is there highschool marks? -What month did they contact the school back? -What class are they missing that they should have took in high school? -Where do I work? -Who is the first person on the phone for the service department? -What duties do I have to do when the cashier is out of the day? -How are the technicians paid? -How do I match up the dealership's pay rate for the type of the work the technicians do? -What is the person's username on kik? -What object did the person use as an example? -What type of game is played on kik? -What is the person username on reddit? -What is the game usually played with? -What would the perfectly added up variables create? -What was the first variable listed by the inquirer? -What was the probability of our existence being low enough? -What was the second variable listed by the inquirer? -What was the third variable listed by the inquirer? -What is the person's username on kik? -How many people are in the group? -Where are the members from? -What is the average age of the members? -Which gender is better represented in the group? -Which resume version is consider there best? -How does the person feel about getting a internship during the summer? -What changes in version 1 and 2 resume? -What is there cumulative GPA? -What is there technical GPA? -What model does the user want to compare the motherboard to? -What is the user building? -What does the user want to make sure the components are compatible with? -What level expert is the user? -How many FPS does the author get on CS: GO? -In what game does the author experience FPS drops? -How may solutions has the author tried? -What did most reviews say about the computer? -What did they dream about around midnight? -What is their user name? -What did they suddenly notice in their dream? -In minecraft how are spiders in daylight? -What do most pros use according to the author? -What resolutions do people prefer over Stretched? -What resolutions is usually in a 4:3 ratio? -What resolution is typically found in 16:9 ratio? -Where is the writer applying for a job at? -how many years of experience doe s the writer have? -What computer languages does the job at Microsoft require experience in? -what language is the writer asking about learning first? -Currently how long does the author work per day? -What is going to be challenge for the author? -When will the author resume their challenge? -How may days is the author looking to target to set a new habit? -How much do older PS3 games cost at local pawn shops? -What generation of the console did the author miss? -What is the current price of a PS3? -What devices has the author previously gamed on? -When was the author planning to pick up a PS3 and a bunch of games? -Who is the author looking for? -What genre of gaming is the author interested in? -How would you describe the author's personality type? -What brand of PC does the author use? -When is the clicking sound happening? -What was the problem with feeding in the beginning? -What does the clicking noise mean when a baby is latched? -What is the problem with the latch currently? -How many poos are green each day? -What type of games make the AMD run very slowly? -Other than AMD what company's GPU's are discussed? -What type of computer does the author stream to occasionally? -What type of game streaming is the author having trouble with, in terms of location? -What game does the AMD struggle with in addition to Trine 1 and 2? -What is the poster's occupation? -What is the motive behind the poster's resolution? -Who was the author talking to about resolutions? -What were the author's resolutions? -What so appealing about the 65's? -What kind of painter is this person? -What number label are they asking will work on a brighter screen? -What does the painter want to see more of that they cant pass up? -What operating system does this person have? -What game does this person want to buy? -What game, other than the one this person is mostly talking about, is also briefly mentioned? -What community is this person asking for help? -This person also is looking for tips and tricks and for information about what else? -the writer attended what games at the MECCA in the 80's? -what decade was Jeffery Dahmer's funeral? -what is the name of the revamped MECCA arena? -What town is the writer from? -Which older game Might the poster purchase? -When is the poster looking forward to new games? -What remakes is the poster anticipating coming out? -Which two games have numbers in the titles? -Which gaming platform is the poster considering buying Mega Man legacy Collection for? -Which number trailer just came out? -What person or party worked a lot of this project? -Which game has a trailer coming out? -The creator of this mod also made an expansion for what other game in this series? -The mod's creator might work on modding which game in the series next? -How long have I been playing? -Why do US have a clear advantage? -How many acogs do the US have on the field? -How many acogs per squad? -How many snipers do the other team have on the field? -What year edition is the MBA? -What did the user first update to? -What did the user update do after Yosemite was of no help? -What type of issue does the user believe it is? -How much would the blu-ray release cost with free shipping? -What is the nationality of the person? -What is the price range for an Aniplex blue-ray? -What is more expensive that Aniplex blu-rays? -Where can the person get free shipping from? -Which episode do they wish ended differently? -Who always joins the order? -They believed Episode 4 would have been better if who joined? -Who never joins the order? -Who was not saved in Episode 1? -which command blocks would be perfect in the writers opinion if a slider was added? -how many hertz does the writer feel is too much for many clocks? -what does the writer think should be added to improve the command blocks by allowing players to change the rate of execution? -when a lot of command blocks are present it can cause what effect? -Which TV show is the person discussing? -Which episode was listed at first? -Which episode was listed after the edit? -How long was the season believed to be? -On what date did the episode air? -What is one game the poster wishes to complete this year? -Which game would the poster like to finish before the remake is released? -What is the name of game that the poster will try to complete before his play station 2 console breaks? -Which game sequel did the poster beat for the first time last year? -What is considered a unique world? -Who do they want to create a minecraft world for? -What mode do they want to create the world in? -Who was the person playing last night? -What time did they realize their mistake? -What couldn't the character use? -What did they maybe cheat to get through? -What subreddit did the writer find the server on? -What was the writer's opinion of the server based on what he saw on the subreddit? -what does the writer need to know about the server to join it? -what does the writer think will help people know whats going on in the server? -How many of the item in question does this person have? -Where did the person want to trade? -How many of the items work? -Which part works correctly? -Which part does not work correctly? -Where are they interested in male modeling? -Why do they want to model? -What else are they doing at the time? -Where are they from? -What program won't let the author log in for multiple weeks? -Approximately how many weeks has the author been unable to log in for? -What does the author enter in addition to the Username before pressing "Sign in"? -The author has the latest of which version of the app? -Where did the author look for help already in addition to the sub's front page? -How well did the author find from the forum site in the beginning? -For how long has the author been lurking around here? -How does the author feel about the forum site as time goes by? -What links taken as fact are alarming to the author? -What did the author prefer to see in the forum site? -Wheat does the poster need help with? -How old is the poster's baby? -What does the poster have? -What sex is the poster's baby? -What does the baby do when she feels tired? -For what purpose does this person need assistance? -How long has this person's daughter slumbered up until their request for assistance? -How old is this person's daughter? -What does this person want to make certain their daughter receives? -How long has this person been dealing with the unusual crankiness of their daughter? -What family custom is discussed? -What is this person seeking? -Who normally names the child(ren)? -What is the agreement sought after between this person and their family member? -What product is the writer looking for more information on importing? -Where does the writer want to import hoverboards into the US from? -What certification is required for hoverboards? -what repercussions does the writer believe can happen from importing hoverboards? -How many times do I plan to run a week? -How long have I been off keto? -What app do I use to keep track of calories? -Where do I go to build strength? -When am I running my first ever half marathon? -What technology is used in some of the monitors? -What types of monitors are these? -How big are the Phillips monitors? -What monitor are they most interested in? -When is the move to Bristol happening? -What type fo area in Bristol are they looking to move to? -What area are their jobs located? -What are they currently paying for a one bedroom flat? -What area of Bristol do they think is nice? -What kind of organization are they looking for? -what country are they looking for the organization in? -How many autopsies a year does this company discover have no paticular cause? -What percentage of autopsies have no specific cause? -What problem has the poster been working on? -What would the poster like to include in a program he wants to write? -Which Microsoft program did he use to solve the problem? -Why would the poster like to add the GRG nonlinear algorithm to the program they want to write? -What was the name of the Add-on helped the poster solve the problem in Microsoft excel? -Which culture is being discussed? -What is the disagreement over the name Elliot(t)? -What is the middle name that is relevant to this person's culture? -What is the other name that is being considered? -What tools does the user want to use? -What does the user want to know can be tracked by the patched OS? -What kind of risks is the user wary of? -What is the cost associated with the tools released by the community? -How long are users banned for declining the trade? -You wouldn't use the authenticator if you were afraid of what? -What is required to avoid a trade waiting period? -Approximately how long is the trade waiting period? -What can you not do quickly if you have the authenticator, according to the author? -When are they due? -Which word does the breeder want in their puppies' names? -What breed of puppy is being discussed? -After the prefix, how many characters does this person have to work with? -Why is the seller nervous about putting a sticker on boxes? -What's the big deal with marking boxes of collectibles? -If the box is marked up or damaged what happens to the collectibles? -Why might an FBA seller be reticent to wrap boxes in plastic? -What might prevent damage to the original type boxes of colletibles? -What sort of boxes need to remain pristine? -Why must Collectible boxes be kept perfectly? -Why would adding plastic wrap be a negative? -What might a reciever want to do with a label? -What thing might need to be added to ship items? -What is the name of the platoon the poster created? -Who did the poster create Tactical Cats Unit 47 with? -What would the poster prefer to have with Tactical Cats Unit 47? -What is the poster's Xbox Live GamerTag? -What is this person recruiting members for? -What does this person want to find with this posting? -What device does this person prefer interested members possess? -What username does this person have with their gaming system? -What is the title of the newly created platoon? -What game was being played? -How long is the game? -How much did the game cost? -What does the game make you feel like you are? -The games are started after what? -What other game was played by the author in addition to Elder Scrolls? -What important aspect of the game is missing according to the author? -What device is completely plugged in according to the author? -What type of link did the author recently come upon? -What does the user want to upgrade on their hackintosh? -How many years has the user been using an i5 for? -What system does the user want to remain on? -What system did the user use before Mavericks? -What game is being talked about? -What did they pick the game up on? -What disc have they not gotten past? -What kind of game is this? -How much money does this person want to spend? -What sort of board is this person looking to buy for their own use? -What model board did this person use in class? -Who is offering a good deal on Papilio boards? -Which kind of board might interest you if you wanted to make a CPU? -What is the author setting up recently? -What is too far to carry a signal without a pre-amp? -What has the author ordered for installation? -What is the author looking to do? -What does the author do with the indoor antenna now? -What have I tried a number of times? -How long have I been able to commit to get over the keto flu? -What do I feel at the prospect of more meat? -What do I try to incorporate? -What feeling do I try to overcome when I face the prospect of another carb-free meal? -What level will the character be after the boost? -Which part of the game does this person really like? -Which character do they want to boost? -What level is the character in question who may be boosted? -What did he post on? -What is the sub reddit full of? -What are some things related to gaming being discussed? -What are they looking for for the new subreddit? -How many minutes did Grant play in the last two games, respectively? -Who is having a resurgence? -Who is coming off the bench? -Grant plays what position? -What team is Okafor on? -What is the name of the stat that's mostly being discussed? -What one person might have written this post? -What creatures in this world are not affected by this change? -What do you not get as a result of this patch? -A small group in this game might be called what? -What kind of spinner is mentioned? -The person can get around this problem because they already know what? -Where was this person trying to go? -What can you not do to this button that you should be able to do to it? -What type of bot is mentioned in the article? -What is the sessionID mentioned in the article? -According to the author's subsequent edit, what does the message indicate is invalid? -What device was the author able to successfully log in from without this error? -What type of client is mentioned repeatedly in the error message? -What is this person looking for? -What is the octave? -How many samples could be held onto at once? -What aspect of the synth was the most interesting? -What is the players current level? -What made the mission appear? -What mission appeared after refreshing a couple of times? -What level is required to complete the Foggy Dilemma mission? -What requirement did the person forget to accept? -What causes some spells to wear off? -Who was it that cast the Dark Mark? -Who didn't try to disapparate on the tower? -Who showed up after Dumbledore's death? -Who would be able to give data regarding profit margins? -What might be one way to set goals for maximizing sales? -What would you call a goal of sales versus buying product? -Besides profit margins, what information might go into metrics for business for importers? -What would be a goal of using a formula during Importing and sales profits? -What would you call a mathematical method for selling? -Besides inventory turnover rates, what other things need monitoring? -Who might help advise regarding import data and sales information? -What sort of goal is monitored closely? -What might a Veteran know how to do, regarding Importing? -What city do they want to stop in after Vancouver? -Where did the family want to start their trip? -Where does the second ferry take them? -Where does the first ferry take them? -What month is the family planning a road trip to SW BC? -How many games can be afforded? -What games are being considered to purchase? -What are the games being purchased with? -What version of Dangan Ronpa was played? -Which date is listed? -What did the government re-obtain? -Where is the institute located? -What would lead to an edit of the information? -What company made the vehicle discussed? -What decade is the vehicle from? -What part of the axel broke when the bearings were repacked? -What type of axel does the author need help replacing? -What is the length of the axels sought by the author? -Where do I recommend to perform this exercise? -How many static anti rotation exercise do I suggest? -How many across the body rotation exercise do I suggest? -How many anti flexion exercise do I suggest? -How many seconds for rock solid do I recommend? -What industry is this person considering joining? -What subject are they specifically looking at online in MS programs? -What profession does this person currently hold? -What kind of experience is this person limited in? -How does this person describe their undergrad GPA? -Where is the DNS programmed to lead? -What do the endpoints possess? -What hardware may be parted from later? -What brand purchase is being considered for lowered risk? -What is the writer emarking on? -How much weight does the writer thinks he put on during the Christmas period? -Why is the writer primary motivation to embark on a water fast? -What will the writer ingest during the fast? -What is another the reason the writer is doing a water fast? -What is the poster interested in? -Where does the poster live? -What type of roads are in the Pacific Northwest? -What is a trait the poster is looking for for climbing and descending? -What is this person very interested in learning about? -What kind of terrain is this person planning to use the wheels they build on? -What trait isn't as important as the others? -What area of the country is this person planning to drive in? -What type of Voice do they want to narrate the animation? -What is their profession? -What is their personal project rooted in? -Who is their dream narrator? -What may have a secret part according to the author? -Who needs to be defeated in order to get to this part? -What music is playing in the background when Isaac departs? -What type of a player is the author? -What item does the shadow look like? -What is the poster studying? -What degree is the poster interested in obtaining? -What has the poster always been interested in? -What does the poster say is the difference between Geological engineering and Geotechnical engineering? -Which two fields would the poster like to get a master degree in? -Where does this person live? -What game runs pretty well for this person? -What hardware was purchased? -What hardware was replaced? -What does the person not know how to register? -What are they trying to register the avatar to? -What chapter is the person preparing to start? -Where does it say to use the Registered Avatar Management? -What options are available at the Blade Console? -For roughly a year, what game has this person been playing? -What deck has this person finally completed? -Which deck is this person currently building? -What deck does Trump often play? -What did this person do to his decks when the meta picked up again? -What is their current programming language? -How often do they use Haskell? -When did they start learning Haskell? -What year did they start using Python? -Which game is receiving errors? -What may be causing the red screen to appear? -When was the RAM updated? -What is this person going to do if they receive another error? -What is immune to damage? -Which color aura increase makes things go faster? -What was discovered with the Lost? -What is lost when you get hit? -Other than red, what type of aura does the author hope to change into? -What was the author looking to access? -What does the author want to avoid when changing a type from/to pointer? -What is the motivation of keeping the pointer behavior of being able to change the object that is pointed to? -What did the author come across that doesn't have default constructor and requires using get() to assign value? -What template class did the author make that solves his problems? -What is one of the main reasons it's tough to build a Gen IV Nuclear Reactor? -What can help keep corrosion down when working a Gen IV reactor? -What type of salts cause a problem when combined with high temperature? -What would be an early step for seeing if a regular Gen IV Nuclear Reactor? -What is one reason Gen IV nuclear reactors are tricky? -What type salts are used to generate energy in a Gen IV reator? -What would be a fist goal for a Gen IV reactor? -What power source might Gen IV reactors have? -What material might solve the problem the Gen IV reactors are having? -Which headset was purchased? -How long does it work before going quiet? -When does the error occur? -What aspect of the headphones does the person like? -What would be your default outfit to go to? -What style of blazer are you best suited for? -What is your dress style? -What sort of pattern are you looking for in a blazer? -What is your jeans style? -Which article of clothing is the poster experimenting with? -What elements make up the poster's fashion style? -What sort of lower garments would the poster typically wear? -Why does the blazer need to be solid colored? -Which month did this person first start playing? -What did this person fall in love with? -In November, what was this person's highest rank? -What does this person rarely play? -How much gold did this person win? -What will be appreciated again? -How long do people have to reply? -What was people put down for? -What do they ask trustworthy people to do? -In what subreddit was this posted on? -What does the poster need help with? -What does the poster open to access the network? -What is the name of the method that the poster can't figure out to format a table? -When the method getAvailableItems is inputted what happens? -What kind of mix is the poster making? -What would the poster be ok with the collaborator including in the part they helped with? -What is the poster looking for help with? -How does the poster describe the collaborator being able to match the music? -What does the poster insist the ship must include? -What solutions has the author tried? -What is the author hope to accomplish with a solution? -What happens when the author joins the halves? -What is the author working on? -Which social media site is being used for the video? -What is their tutorial on? -What sorts of videos will possibly be uploaded later? -Why was the Ram installation video created? -Which individuals are aware of Jane being Taylor Shaw? -What does Zapata tell Weller in Episode 7? -What might be true identity of Jane? -Which episode does the author refer to in their question? -would these headlights work with a C class benz? -What sort of headlights are you looking for? -Whats your budget? -Would these headlights fit a 2012 benz? -What year car does the author's father have? -What is the father look to change? -What is the highest budget for the job? -What is the model and make of the car? -How many genus must the student be familiar with and able to illustrate? -How long is the book that the author mentions? -The course discussed is in the first year for what type of degree? -What organisms does the course discuss in addition to algae and lichenes? -What is the other type of exam in addition to the theorie one? -What festive day is the post referring to? -Who is addressing this occasion? -What is the author's resolution this year? -How many minutes is the professional gaming segment? -How may phases will this alternate boss fight have? -The author proposes that Bloody Crow of Cainhurst should only be available to fight after completing which quest-line? -The health of the boss falls between what percentages in the first phase? -The health of the boss falls between what percentages in the second phase? -What does the boss transform into in the third phase? -When will the roster be posted? -People who know who are free to join? -How are they coming back? -What will they be recruiting for? -How much did the author pick up? -What is the main question? -Whose known for their psychological warfare? -Who strikes fear into the hearts of other Space Marines? -Who perfected their cruel hunt? -What month does The First Australian Based Hearthstone Tournament take place? -What has this person successfully created? -How many people are currently signed up for the tournament? -What are available to view on the tournament website? -what type of game did the player test? -did the player do well at the Imperial game? -had the player played this type of game before? -what units was the player concerned with in respect to game balance? -what team has the player been playing with? -What is the author attempting to consolidate? -Which websites were added after the update? -Why did the author update the list in his second edit? -What does this person want out of their PC? -What is usually left out of PC sets? -What can the computer be linked to in this scenario? -On what type of furniture can the gamer play their games on? -What year is the older version discussed? -What year is the newer version of toa that is discussed? -What pushes the arms back in the older version? -The older set has what type of texture according to the author? -The piece covering what part of the body looks too big according to the author? -Why can't my WW work like it's supposed to? -What move failed to damage his opponent when fighting? -What was WW ranked at? -Who was going against a Hulk Buser level 6? -What tips does the author seek for? -What specifically does the author want to know? -How many things have the author done so far? -What subject did the author explain about asking information for? -What has the author tried to find for glasspainting? -Which language is sought after in this scenario? -What do they need subtitles for? -How long is the documentary? -What is the documentary about? -What is the documentary called? -What does the person want to automate? -Is anything affected if a redstone is enabled or disabled? -What game is the person playing? -How helps the person? -What has the person mass produced? -What group did the author join? -What genre does the author like to read? -What's the name of the sci fi book? -Who wrote Childhood's End? -What's the next book the author plans to read? -what game does the player play on their Xbox One? -are A-wing's easy to it? -whose team seems to have an advantage in the game? -what ability makes it hard to shoot down A-wings? -what is the best mode to play according to the player? -What Rank had this person been averaging every season? -Which Rank was this person struggling to get past? -This person recently came back to play after the second week of what? -What type of cards are Boom and Justicar considered? -Which Rank is this person currently in? -Where was the family located? -Who was the musically inclined family member? -Which instrument did the child like to play? -What was the tuner's name? -Who threw the instrument off balance? -What type of rope climbing is poster stating to participate in? -What is the poster's goal? -What do the abbreviations OAC/OAP stand for? -What condition is the poster hoping to avoid by rope climbing -What has the poster heard comes naturally to you once you are proficient at rope climbing? -What was assumed about mastering? -What is the focus on as cirques? -What is a new hobby of the writer? -Is the person a veteran gamer? -What is the person's quarry charged by? -Has the person asked questions before? -What examples is the person looking for? -What pack is the person using? -What is the number of songs in the playlist? -What time does the chance to vote officially end? -What is the number of the week covered by this playlist? -What decade has a lot of songs in this playlist, in addition to modern songs? -High-rated songs did not make the playlist if they weren't on what music streaming platform? -What are the names of the friends? -How long did it take each friend to climb? -What skill are the friends bragging about? -What can John climb? -What has the author been buying? -what did the author plan to read each week? -Why does the author not join the group? -What book is the author currently reading? -Who wrote Britannia? -what level is the player currently -what is the current PR of the player? -what does PR need to be at in order to run 4th tier missions? -what kind of gloves does the player have? -what type of vest is the player using currently? -How many steps are listed? -What are the steps for? -What is the name of the executive file? -What should be done with the executive file if it was open? -If it was not open, what should be done with the executive file? -Which first class is on Tuesday? -Which emotion is this person experiencing the closer the class gets in time? -This person did Sunday School and what else at their church as a child? -Where is the first class happening? -What subreddit did they not understand? -What are they too afraid to ask? -How does he want people to respond? -What did they not understand? -Help is being asked on translating a take on what term? -The poem deals with what two things? -The desired title of the poem is a play on what legal term? -What does the author want the title to basically read? -What is delaying the system? -What is the frame rate? -Which aspects of the frame rate are okay? -How much memory does the system have? -What type of check is the author doing? -What are the results from the calculator? -What is the authors current size? -What makes the bra hard to fit? -What idea confuses the author? -In the author's example, what is response is there when someone is annoying? -Who is the door opened for in the author's example? -One reason to be nice to someone is because you sincerely feel what towards them? -One reason to NOT react angrily to someone being annoying is to avoid what? -what is the player having problems with? -where does the player have components from? -what color is the background on the components and crystals? -if you press and hold on the components what comes up? -what is shown on the players hover menu? -What is it they are looking for? -What have they not had in 8 years? -What have they read? -What questions do they have? -What is this person celebrating today? -What did the parish priest bless and give to this person? -What is the chalk used to mark? -Who did this person mention as a possible candidate to give their left-over chalk to? -What storm is going to cause rain in this person's area? -How is the teen feeling? -What was the authors measurements? -What does type of bra does the author usually wear? -What size bra is too big? -What shape are her breast? -How much money are they looking to spend? -How much do they have on their gift card? -How much of their gift card are they trying to spend? -What are they interested in buying? -What is the relationship of the groom-to-be to the author? -What kind of jacket does the author want to wear with her dress? -The bride-to-be asks that no religious garments be worn for what two parts of the wedding? -What kind of debate is not desired? -Who is not understanding of the whole religious thing? -what platform is the player having trouble with? -what type of OS is the player using? -what message keeps happening when the player downloads? -what antivirus software did the player uninstall? -did uninstalling the antivirus software help? -What is my #3 6 star Game? -What is my first 6 star game? -The second 6 star mastery game for me is? -What game did I just recently get the ultimate score on? -What might another gamer have advice on? -Since when has the user saucedpanda been a Redditor? -What should you double check? -What does a scammer want to trick you into? -Where can you find the Trader Reputation Database? -How long has the person been on Reddit? -Who could have done some damage via a profile that was not real? -What should the user name do? -The author asks about who giving gratitude in a loving manner? -How often does the significant other in the author's example expect you to respond in return? -One of the examples given by the author mentions which part of the body? -What type of feelings are does the author not like to express? -This person feels God's presence in what medium? -What has this person felt immensely since becoming more involved with Catholicism? -This person's relationship has grown exponentially with whom? -In what kind of times does this person struggle to give thanks to God? -What does this person say that he can't give to God? -How much of their time have they spent building their site? -What are they looking for? -What kind of name are they looking for? -How much money are they looking to spend? -What does the article discuss buying and selling? -At what speed are they traded? -In the author's example transaction what is the approximate profit? -What is the initial price the author paid in the example? -What is the final selling price in the author's example? -What are they starting? -What was they searching for? -How much do they weigh? -How tall are they? -What is their goal weight? -What are they not entirely up to speed with? -What boxes are being released soon? -What was the filler essentially? -How many skeletons/clanrats/zombies do they not want to buy/paint? -What does Brees leads Brady by how much? -How many yards does RIVERS need to lead in 2015? -Brady will at best finish at what place? -Palmer is how many yards behind Rivers going into late game? -What does the poster's Modine TLP150H74 model run on? -What model of Tube heater is the poster having trouble with? -How many times will the unit cycle before shutting down? -What gas is in the tank -In what season did he shut the unit down in? -What didn't function all the time as far as running? -What was blown out? -Was the tube heater running okay for awhile before now? -What model of iPhone does the author have? -What type of networks won't the author's iPhone connect with? -What version of iOS does the author have? -When the author tries to connect to the friend's network, what type of connection actually ends up being used instead? -What type of network does the phone show it's connected to when the author tries to connect? -What organization is a newly formed Free Company and a member of the Knightly Order of Ultros? -What does Lux Aeterna offer players for reaching their in-game goals? -Lux Aeterna is a member of what order? -Lux Aeterna is always looking for what? -Lux Aeterna says it wants to make the community what? -Who do they say makes claims that you haven't tried? -What kind of girl are they talking to? -What does the girl suggest they do? -What religion did the girl used to be? -What religion is the girl now? -What was upgraded several times. -What processor is being used? -How are tocks more exciting? -Why can ticks be better? -Why does this person not want a tock? -What has the poster been playing since 2012? -What is the poster looking for? -What does the poster believe may be the best option for finding players to join a platoon? -When did the poster start playing World of Tanks -What has the poster not been able to locate? -What are they looking for help with? -What game are they playing? -When did they start playing World of Tanks? -What trouble do they have when looking for people to play with? -What is this person's first name? -What charity is this person involved in? -How much does this person have to raise by July for their trip? -Teaching English to kids from poor areas in South America will improve their chances of gaining what? -What language is this person wanting to become more fluent in? -What can't they choose between? -What are they asking is still alive? -Where are they located? -What version have they heard is better? -What loads fine? -What did the message say was expired? -What can the author not connect to? -Instead of going to the load screen, what happens once in the game? -What was uninstalled and reinstalled to try and fix the issue? -What subreddit is this article from? -Repeated violations of the rules could lead to what action being taken? -What should you view before posting links to your works outside of this subreddit? -What date was this post made? -What are they looking to buy a second hand of? -What isn't in working order? -What do they need to replace to have the gun in working order? -What did they buy a replacement of? -Where does the problem actually lie? -Using this VGA Cooler dropped this person's temps from 95c to what range? -What kind of thermal paste is this person including? -What kind of fans is this person selling and has a couple of? -How much is the product selling for on Newegg in dollars before shipping and tax? -What was broken and fixed with a bit of tape? -what age is the writer of this post? -how much weight did the writer gain last month? -what type of food does the family of the poster usually buy at the store? -What recommendations is the poster looking for from the comments? -Why are they selling stuff? -How much is the Kwa Lm4? -How much does the plate carrier normally sell for? -What type of deals will the seller only take? -What type of monitor is the poster thinking of upgrading from? -What is the name of monitor the poster is thinking of buying? -What type of monitor was the poster first thinking of getting? -What is poster concerned with going to a larger screen -What does poster wonder if he would benefit from doing? -The suggestion for draft pick roles is for what selection? -With this suggestion, people would be able to see what two things? -The implication of this suggestion will stop people from falsely claiming a role by displaying what? -Without this, troll picks can result in dodges that end with a lack of what? -The wait time is too long in what mode? -how many people is the poster looking for to help on the heist? -what is the posters in game name? -what level is the person who created this post? -what console is the person who wrote this post playing the game? -what day of the week is the poster looking to do the heist? -What do you have to do with Electrum? -What are the implications on Hosted Wallets concerning the fork? -What is Coinbase currently testing? -What does the commentator want to move to his wallet after the fork? -What advice is needed? -What is the use for the PC? -Which questions are being specifically asked? -What experience does the previous person have? -What kind of friend is enquired about? -Name the three things the writer is looking to better about themself as far as art? -What does the writer want to offer as well? -What is the main focus of the writer? -which two technology venues does the writer of the passage want to use to work with their buddy? -This person is installing what brand of mid-woofers and tweeters? -This person is trying to decide between a Rockford Fosgate and what other amp? -Which brand falls short number-wise? -What does this person typically not do with their music when playing it over speakers? -Pioneer matches which brand in price that this person currently owns? -What has never happen to one of the poster's videos before? -Why doesn't the poster think there is a problem? -When did the poster send an email to Monstercat? -What song did the poster use on his video? -What kind of video did the poster create? -what is the last level that you gain perks in the game? -what is the max level a player can be in the game? -what is the only benefit of leveling after you stop gaining perks? -which perk is the writer looking for more information on? -how many perks perks do people in high level games usually use? -What makes a new message sound? -What sound is made when a new chat window is opened? -Who is the chat window opened with? -What game is being played when this issue happens? -What is the budget for the gaming rig? -Where is the part sold for the gaming rig that costs $24.99? -What type of part is the Samsung 850 EVO? -What is the total amount rebates? -How much does the case cost? -What is the author looking for? -What old games does the author think he is looking for? -What was the pace of the game the author used to play? -What was the game he used to play like? -What did he remember from the boss battle of the game he played? -Which part of the website did this person want to add a recaptcha to? -What did this person find and install? -What was this person hoping a recaptcha would filter out? -What is the only answer this person can seem to find to their problem? -What happened during the installation? -how do players regain health in the game? -what is the name of the red team? -how long will episodes be in this season of the game? -what is the name of the green team? -what is the name of the yellow team? -What model year is this person's Hyundai Accent? -What did this person notice from the back of their car when they braked? -What parts looked like they hadn't been in contact with the drum for years? -What parts did this person remove to inspect the front shoes? -Which mechanism that engages with the shoes possibly went wrong? -Who is the greeting for? -What name brand does the person want to use to repair the boots unless something else is better? -By what was the boots damaged by the toe area? -what is said at the end to make the person seem polite? -What does the writer says is lagging? -What does the author say his ping is ? -What did the author tried to do as the result of lagging? -What else did he tried to solve the lagging problem? -What did he say he plugged his PC to instead of Wifi? -What date was this thread posted? -What is name of the thread? -What does the author recommend doing to a reply that works from experience? -What is recommended in order to enable someone to give a visual assessment of posted beer? -This player has killed how many A3S kills? -This player's in-game name is what? -This player is looking to join a static group on what platform? -In what week did this player clear levels A1S and A2S? -What level is this player currently on in Ragnarok? -What has the author never done before? -When will the author try brewing? -What is the quality of tap water in the author's city? -According to the author, what varies quite a bit in content? -What game does the poster think is difficult to get used to? -What Two games has the poster played for years? -In which order is the poster trying to explore? -What is the poster concerned with? -What did the author brew a year ago? -What was the author's reaction to oxidized beer after aging? -What was the flavor of the beer after aging? -What was the initial flavor of the beer? -On what end of the vehicle does this person experience shaking in? -About how many times has this truck violently shook? -What on the road triggers the shaking? -How many miles is on this diesel truck? -What year is this person's Dodge Ram 2500? -What is JFK: Reloaded? -How many mission does JFK have? -What happens as a result of the game having only one mission? -Who else can you shoot in JFK? -What kind of snipper game is the author interested ? -What did both Battlefront and Galaxy of heroes capture? -What emotion did the grenade spamming make the writer feel? -Which two games are talked about in the passage? -What did Battlefront and Galaxy of Heroes give the writer the ability to do? -Which question is the author referring to? -What value of x did the author get? -On which attempt did the author arrive at the correct answer? -What type of problem is the author struggling with? -What is Blightsteel? -What does this person find after testing Blightsteel? -What does this person want help presenting? -What would this person remove from the opposition? -Which general academic subject does this problem fall under? -What type of force does question 2 refer to? -Which laws of Physics does the problem draw upon? -What is force acting on the crate? -What is the author looking for? -What has the person been running out of lately? -The author likes a PC game that doesn't have what? -Who does the author steal the wii U from? -what game did the writer recently play the trial for? -Where does the first scene of the demo take place? -how did the writer describe the visuals of the game? -what version of the game did the writer get? -what extra add on is the writer asking for more information about? -What channel where they watching old videos on? -Who talked about the EZ water? -What two sources dont really explain anything about video? -How did they feel about "Strange water phenomenon"? -What area of YouTube can people express there opinions? -Is the ethnography a full size one or small? -Is this mini-ethnography a finished past project or one that is now being done? -How many observations did the person make? -What kind of related articles is the leadership distinction about as far as differences? -Which hero is considered to be a cheat code? -What makes the game feel like gg easy mode? -What is effective against Spectre? -What is off the charts? -How do you counter Spectre? -How many miles is on this Lincoln Continental? -What year was this car made? -What kind of turn does this stall at? -What rpm does the car drop to when stalling? -What kind of valve did this person change? -What injury does Edelman have? -What was the last year the same thing happened? -How many of the last 6 games have we lost? -Who has home field? -Where is this person from? -What kind of relationships is this person looking for? -What kind of friendships does this person already have? -What does this person want to do if they find Swedes? -What does this person feel they can never have too many of? -Which two people's work does the subreddit they not want to replace? -What is the objective of the subreddit? -What do they want done to content that is posted in the subreddit? -Why are they going to redirect support to the forums? -what product did the writer recently purchase? -what adapter is the writer using for their new headset? -which controller is the user connecting with their new headset? -what two products do people use with their headsets to improve performance? -What is the most important part of writing a script? -How long should you take a break, if you are in love with your script? -What happened when the commentator posted the script? -Even though the script was bad, what did it have? -What do people dislike playing against? -How many matches do they want to play? -Why do people hate playing against 5-man premade team? -What matched them with 5 solos? -What is suggested to be brought back to replace matchmaking? -What has been staged for you? -How many other copies of you are there? -What is in your breakfast? -Who is cursed? -Who thinks that you are innocent? -What utilizes sub-optimal conditions? -What issues are with the usage? -Which details are in the computer? -What percentages does the rendering sit at? -What is the question being asked? -Which perspective does this person study theology from? -What is this person's favorite field of philosophical study? -What does this person feel their peers think about their interests? -What is this person looking for? -Which characteristic does this person view as their most prominent feature? -Was the account "Yan Elrad" the player's first account or second? -Which game do people have questions about in terms of winning? -Which levels do people have most difficulty completing? -Which type of media was the guide published in? -How many parts are used in the guide series? -This player considers himself good at what game? -What formation did this player use successfully in Fifa 16 to win division 1? -What division did this player win multiple times in Fifa 14, 15 and 16? -This player temporarily stopped playing Fifa for how long? -This player says that every time he passes the ball in the 433 formation, it is to what type of person? -Where are they looking to travel? -Around what time are they hoping to travel? -What would be three reasons this person is wanting to travel? -Around how long does this person stay at a place they're visiting -What is the budget for the trip this person is planning on? -How big is the monitor? -What is the budget? -How many inputs will the GPU accept? -How many MB of RAM is his PC spec? -How many watts is his PC spec? -How would this be addressed? -What is the general problem being asked? -Where are the parts being bought? -How much was charged? -How much was in rebates? -What programming language is the desktop app made in? -How big is the class? -Where are all of the validations? -What is not included in the validations? -What's wrong with the class? -The most recently used app on the writers home screen used to be what to emphasize the recentness? -what would happen to the app used before the most recently used app when the new app was opened? -how long has the writer noticed the change in their recent apps on the home screen? -How many apps are stuck on the recently used apps page of the home screen? -what is holding down the power button on the console for? -Which movie is the poster hoping to find that is similar to it -What was the poster's favorite aspect of Breakfast at Tiffany's? -Who should be important in the movie that the poster wants recommended? -Which actress would the poster like to be in the movie? -In which community was Breakfast at Tiffany's considered to be a gay classic? -Which day of the week was the interview heldon? -About what was the interviewer noticing? -What did the person do to their nose? -Which holiday was the interview the day before? -What can be the reason of never being heard from again by an interviewer? -What do the posts need to be related to? -What is something that you can have of your favorite player? -What is the slang for Seahawks? -What is the name of the thread the post is in? -What country does this person hail from? -When was the last time this person felt they had a real friend? -What time does this person go to sleep? -What hobby does this person offer as a conversation starter? -How does this person describe themselves? -how long is the writer planning to save money for? -What is the writers main source of income? -what game is the main reason the writer wants the console? -what country is the writer in? -what console is the writer saving money for? -What website it was it on before? -What type of perfume does the user want? -What sephora carries it now? -The rollerball is clairified as what? -What are in different configurations? -What did the user try? -What is the main issue? -What other questions are being asked? -Which potential issues are pointed out? -How many days are they wanting to stay? -When are they landing in Guatemala City? -When are they leaving? -How long is their trip all over America? -What are the three places they have been considering -what build of Windows 10 is the user using? -what OS does the user have? -what is one of the problems the user is experiencing? -what did the user find when they did a scan? -how many times has the user tried to restart? -How fast would a wound heal up for this person? -How many years has the guy been on the planet? -What disease might cause a wound to heal so slowly? -Of what does the person not have too often? -What is javascript? -What is not built step and step? -What is built step by step? -What was the library programmed in? -What could not be replicated? -Where does this person live? -How old is this person? -Where do they work? -Do they know english? -What are they looking for? -How long are they going to attempt to stream for? -How much time will increase on the first 12 followers -How much time will increase after 12 followers? -What type of games will this streamer be playing? -What kind of rank will be the focus of the stream? -What is the point threshold a player has to score to win the bet? -What is the tiebreaker? -What is the prize for winning the bet? -What is the date of the Heat vs Pacers game? -What kind of lens will they be potentially getting? -What model is their current camera? -What type are the Rokinon Mirror lens? -What sensor does it come with? -What can the author's company points be turned in for? -What kind of camera is the author currently shooting with? -The Rokinon Mirror Lens is considered a full ______ lens. -What kind of adapter does the Rokinon Mirror Lens come with? -The Rokinon Mirror Lens is a budget _________ lens. -What site is giving the user difficulty in posting? -What is the user currently pursuing? -You were to inherit how much money? -What is the user interested in opening? -What degree does the user have? -What character is this player thinking of purchasing? -This player is confident that the character Neymar will get what in the winter? -This player is worried that after the crash and character upgrade, Neymar's price might what? -What does this player know people can't do? -How long has this player had his eye on NIF Neymar? -how many of the PCI slot broke? -what kind of case did the user have before? -did the user stay with the same case? -is the newer case the same size as the one before? -what can't the user fit in the newer case? -According to the writer what sucks for English support in foreign countries? -What consequence is the writer concerned with about using vpns on xbox? -what country's apps is the writer looking to use? -What video player does the writer want to use in foreign countries? -What program can unblock your xbox by changing your IP address? -How old is the boyfriend? -What does she appreciate? -What nationality is the boyfriends father? -What does she need info on? -How old is she? -What doesn't the Yamaha amplifier have? -What did they receive in a trade? -What is the person looking for a recommendation for? -What did the person dig out? -When did the person make a trade for their old turntable? -how many forums has the user written in? -what kind of computer does the user have? -what type of OS does the user have? -how many USB ports does the controller respond in? -does the user own any gaming consoles? -Which problem was similar? -What was the argument? -What are non negative reals under multiplication? -Why is the left factor also positive? -What needs to be proven? -Where did they book a hotel? -When is the hotel booked for? -Where was the best rate found? -What is the person wanting to know? -Who is the writer afraid wont return for all stars? -What does the writer think would have positive consequences for a new All-stars? -what show does the writer think Richard Hatch was a lock to return for? -what show is the writer unable to imagine without Richard Hatch ? -How many gamemodes are there? -How much points do you need to atleast get two characters? -How much points do you earn for logging in? -What game package aren't require to follow these instuctions? -At the end of the month how much points can you earn for daily logins and first wins? -What does Advance Scuba want? -How deep can you scuba dive currently? -How much do they want to push the diver to be able to go? -How deep do they want the more experienced diver to go? -How many will the pods hold? -What is a good refresher for Javascript? -Where was this post crossposted from? -Why is this article for good people learning Javascript? -What is Javascript: Official MDN -Who would appreciate this article? -what does Windows 10 keep making? -what is pressed that causes the new virtual desktop to be made? -what monitor setup does the user have? -how did the user get windows 10? -when does the user thank everyone? -What kind of rejection is being asked about? -How many hits was one worker allowed to do? -How long ago did the author start mTurk? -What happens if a worker does more than five hits? -How many hits did this author do? -What is the 12th season of survivor called? -What is the 21st season of survivor called? -how were tribes divided in Survivor Panama and Survivor Nicaragua? -what was the similarities of the winners of both Survivor Panama and Survivor Nicaragua? -Which games do I play mostly? -What do I do while playing those? -What do I basically want? -What do I not want to use? -Why do I not want to use a micro-recorder? -This player tried to win with each team in La Liga as quickly as he could in order to ease his what? -The player says his attempt to win with each team in La Liga as quickly as he could turned out to be what? -What was the score between Athletic Bilbao and Manchester United? -How many total games did this player play during his attempt to win with each team in La Liga as quickly as possible? -How many games did this player win out of the 23 he played? -Sora, Donald and Goofy are tasked with what? -Where does Smeagol accidentally bring the ring? -Where must the trio deliver the One Ring? -The trio is given a path in Rivendel from who? -Xehanort states that who is immune to the darkness? -What product is the poster asking for advice on? -What holiday does this post take place on? -What is the poster's main webcam choice? -What does this poster want to do with her/his webcam? -If the Logitech C920 isn't available what are the next two best choices? -What product is the poster asking for advice on? -What holiday does this post take place on? -What is the poster's main webcam choice? -What does this poster want to do with her/his webcam? -If the Logitech C920 isn't available what are the next two best choices? -What died shortly after the warranty expired? -When did the first one die? -How long did the original one last? -What are the led display doing? -how many days has the user been having issues -is the internet speed fast for the computer? -how fast is the connection for the non-computer devices? -what does the person have to do to open a program? -what anti-virus software does the person have? -What is harsh on their throat and sometimes their lungs? -What would be appreciated? -How well does the iolite vaporiser work? -What are they thinking would be a good solution? -What rank is the poster? -When does the poster practice with his team? -What type of player is the poster looking for? -What is the minimum of Comfortable champions? -Why is the player looking for a Silver+ Top laner? -What happened when I tried to configure the controls for this game? -What do I not know? -What am I wondering? -What am I confused about? -In what city does the person live in? -What distance does the person prefer to run? -What does the person want to purchase in the future? -What does the person want to do less of? -What time would the person like to run a half marathon under? -what country was the survivor ddr challenge set? -How does the writer describe the dance performance of Earl? -What did the writer actually think of Lisi's dance? -Which season does the writer think the DDR challenge needs to be brought back in? -What store did this person buy something from with their significant other? -Where did this person ride their bicycle to with their significant other? -What caused this person and their significant other to discontinue riding their bikes to work? -What does this person use their tattered backpack to transport? -What would this person want to attach to a rack over the back tire of their bicycle? -What did I spill on my laptop? -Whose laptop did I spill beer on? -How long did it take us to get all the liquid off? -What was used to dry the laptop? -Master Chief is also known as what? -Who does Ironman belong to? -The fight is to be split into how many rounds? -What is the general purpose of the second round? -What is the last facet of the second round? -What did the person feel like doing? -How often do they smoke? -How old is the person with the job? -When do they smoke to be respectful of they're family? -What did the dad find? -What city is the room for rent close to? -How far away is the apartment from ASU? -How old is the poster? -What is the total rent amount of the apartment? -What type of roommate is the poster looking for? -What rank was the guild shadow isles in there golden year? -what level players is the guild shadow isles looking for? -What time do guild battles start in shadow isles on weekdays? -Which towers does is the guild interested in attacking? -What laptop do I have? -What kind of monitor do I use? -What version of windows does the laptop run? -What are other technical specs for this laptop? -What was her garden made out of? -What reached her heart? -What color are the Chequered Lights? -What did she learn? -What countries have had gun violence drop dramatically? -Do states with more restrictive gun laws have higher crime according to the author? -Why did the author feel sick? -Why did gun violence drop in those countries? -What kind of gun does he have? -What is wrong with the gun? -How much is he willing to spend? -Does he prefer a revolver? -What guns are on his short list? -When is the party slated to be held? -What movie will be screened at the party? -Where will the party be held? -What number anniversary is it? -What kind of food will be given for free? -What have I recently entered? -What have I started? -What is the story based on? -What to do if filling the survey is not acceptable? -Until when do I plan to keep the story under wraps? -Where is the guild The rising based? -How many wars per day does the rising guild attempt to have? -What level in arena is required to join the rising guild? -how many guild points does the rising offer? -Which two companies are in charge of character development? -What solution was posed to stop characters from being overpowered? -Which characteristics were thought to be an overpowered combination? -Which characers saw a spike in their popularity? -What is the end-goal for character development? -What season is the match? -Who is Ortega fighting? -Who is Brandao fighting? -Where is the fight located? -How is the person multi-lingually talented country-wise? -Is the person a couch potato? -How does the person like to mix their relationships by being? -Is the person open to other styles of music other than mentioned? -What is the smallest size the Phil Wood track cogs are offered in? -What would the cog cause damage to if forced onto the hub? -What action should be taken during installation if one experiences a jam with the cog? -What makes other manufacturers' cogs sub-optimal for use with Phil Wood hubs? -How much did the person spend on a Phil Wood cog? -When is photo share? -Who started Photo Share Saturday? -What do you include? -How should you sort? -What is recommended to look at? -Who is Miocic fighting? -Who is Arlovski fighting? -Where is the fight located? -What time is the fight at? -For how long have I had an idea? -What other computer do I have in the house? -What have I been toying with? -What would I like to do with the Lenovo computer? -Who becomes the Devil at the end of Rebellion? -Who drains Joseph Joestar's blood? -Who teams up to take on the DC universe? -What must the character do in round 1 while taking on the duo? -How many characters will take on the duo in round 3? -What is webrtc's upload speed? -How is infinit's upload speed? -What software is the person looking for? -Which software works the best? -What game teams is he talking abpout? -How has Penn State's defense been this year? -What is the name of the bowl game? -What player will produce a lot of sacks and turnovers? -What are they looking for? -What do they need the players for? -Where do you apply? -What will be added? -Where do the new rules come from? -What location will the potential swap take place at? -ANTEAD falls under whose releases? -What should a person do if interested? -Cask 200 is a part of whose releases? -Sherry Zhukov is part of whose releases? -Which team's fans is the poster questioning? -What is the poster wondering -Why does the poster claim he made the post? -What is the poster claiming he is not trying to do? -Why didn't the poster want to mentioned which team he is a fan of? -What do I want? -What are the specs for my all-in-one? -What do I have? -How much did my all-in-one cost me? -What do I want it to be more capable of doing? -What was the main issue of not being happy with the make up? -Does the person seem willing to negotiate? -Is the package going to be shipped with or without being tracked? -How can you be sure the photos are legit? -How much is unused of the bottle? -What kind of group are they looking for? -What other groups are they in? -What are they experienced in? -What is needed? -What time do they need to go to bed? -What generation wireless router is owned? -What type of wireless router is owned? -What is the model number of the wireless router owned? -What is being described as thought of as possible outdated? -What generation wireless router is owned? -What type of wireless router is owned? -What is the model number of the wireless router owned? -What is being described as thought of as possible outdated? -What is the brand of laptop the person is using? -What version of Snapshot is being ran? -What is the person running on their Dell laptop? -What is causing an issue with the laptop? -Which orientation does this person desire their sidebar image to be in? -What tactic did this person use as an add on to achieve the portrait orientation? -Where did the background to the subreddit continue to? -What happened when this person tried moving the subreddit description background down? -What color was the background of the search box and submit buttons after the first attempt? -What is the name of the movie? -What genre is the movie? -Where did the soldier go to war? -Who is the film inspired by? -What is the author of the post looking for? -How much does he want to spend maximum? -How long has he played drums? -Which set of cymbals is he using now? -What is the author asking for with his post? -What kind of experience is needed? -How many players? -What do they like to focus on? -What will be run? -What do they prefer? -What type of disposition is the preference for for new guild members? -Which skill level is needed for new guild members? -Which years were the core group of guild members first active with eachother? -Which activities will be the main focus of the guild? -What are the activity requirements for new members? -What game does the poster say he started playing yesterday? -What mission is the poster having trouble with? -What is the poster having trouble with doing in the game? -What does the poster say doesn't help? -What happens when the poster clicks the dialogue window? -What do I intend to use this build as? -How big is the data on the server -What will the data be composed of? -Who will sell me his HP DL380P? -What is the author writing about? -If you paped certain guns what do you get? -Where wouldn't Tryarch add to a game? -Why does the author think a lot of people will downvote this post? -What will happen each week? -What is the name of the contest? -What will the winner be in? -When is the contest? -Is the person an expert or not on the subject of make up? -Who does the man want to have a kit for but keep it under wraps? -Is this a surprise for the man's wife? -Which hues are needed for the person's spouse? -What does the man want specifically as far as help? -The author is a newer what owner? -What does the author use to play? -What does the author not want to game on? -A good amount of what have been put on the pro controller? -What am I not looking for? -In what country am I purchasing parts? -What has my boyfriend wanted? -What kept my boyfriend from making this build? -What is peeling? -What did they do to their phone? -What do they want to know? -Is it noticeable? -What will be the main focus of the free-talk? -What is the first topic that will be discussed in this program? -Which group is this activity designed for? -What is the title of these discussions? -Which day of the week will these talks be featured on? -What ranking does this person want to create a starting 5 with? -Which player's deep 3 does this person refer to as an exemplary point? -What tier does this person theorize low-ranking players may or may not be able to defeat? -How does this person describe the potential players that would beat a middle-tier team? -Which three venues featured the show "Gandhi is that you?" -What type of show is "Gandhi is that you?" -What show is host Christian Duguary from? -What level did Ryan Conner reach on NBC'S Last Comic Standing? -How much will tickets cost? -When did this person last visit the store they are looking for? -What was the name of the store owner's dog? -What kind of shoes is he looking to buy? -Where was the store he is looking for located? -what kind of language is the website in? -What did my friend give me? -What is the intended use of that PC? -What budget did the friend give for the PC? -What did I purposely leave out? -Why was the GPU left out? -What pops up when your having serious connection issues? -How many days have they been having connection issues for? -What happens when they try to login and enter information? -What did they check to make sure everything working? -What is the author of the post looking for? -Which musical genre should the tracks be? -Which genre is the author willing to avoid absolutely? -Which kind of wobs is the author looking for? -From which kind of trip should the beat come from? -What simple scientific property can you take advantage of? -What does it mean if the pH hasn't changed? -How long to wait between increments? -What do you do with the rocks once the process is complete? -What size increments to start with? -The author is new to what? -What amount is the Epic Antiproton Beam Array going for on the exchange? -What does the author not know what to do with? -What was made by the author? -What does the author plan to do if they sell their product? -Who had a sale going on with lipsticks? -What is easier to use than a brush for lipstick? -What is good for setting lipstick again? -How big were the duo lipsticks from Sephora? -What can a person feel like it isn't moral? -When did they get their fish? -What did they decide to name their fish? -What did they decide to not name their fish? -what gender is the fish? -what are they having a hard time thinking of? -How do you lose your Divinium? -What is the first step of the workaround to get the Gobbleegums? -What is the drcpnd step of the workaround to get the Gobbleegums? -How miany Divinium did the author lose before he figured out the workaround? -What kind of chords are being asked about? -The diminished chord question is about its role in what kind of progression? -The author is asking about the diminished chord because of noticing what in the chord? -What dominant chords are being specifically asked about with major chord progression? -What is the dominant chord with I ii iii IV V vi vii? -What is the author trying to accomplish? -What is the author using to create the website? -What cannot have two instances at the same time? -What website does the author not want the credentials uploaded to? -What did Machi do when Killua tried to fingerclaw her? -Who was looked at as a non-threat according to the author? -Who did Killua resoundingly beat? -Whats the first thing Killua has done to improve himself? -To whom did this person speak to about the ETA of their NBN? -What does this person need for their job? -What kind of internet speed does this person currently struggle with? -Where are the people installing NBN during the second quarter of 2016? -Where does this person live? -What mediums of information is the author looking for? -What topic is of interest to the author? -What perspectives of history if the author specifically interested in? -Why hasn't the author been able to find any books yet? -What is the author's thesis based on? -Which kind of wall is the author of the post building? -How many military dwarves have been used against the queen? -How big was the population of the game? -What did happen to the queen when she's been kicked into a pond? -How many of the new injured recruits turned into werellamas? -What section is the question asking about? -Where does the poster find her/his songs? -How long has the poster been streaming on Twitch? -What type of violation does the poster think he/she might be committing? -Which generation of Accord is this post addressed to? -What did the author install on their car? -Who is this question addressed to? -What car does the author seem to have? -The author has not had time to inoculate what? -What looks healthy? -What kind of growths are in the beginning stages? -The desired logs are for what season? -When was the jar given? -People who signed up to the what was given the free gift? -What is the free gift? -What were people doing the with given direct link? -What would the author rather do than get subscribers? -People who signed up to the what was given the free gift? -What is the free gift? -What were people doing the with given direct link? -What would the author rather do than get subscribers? -What does the author think of their mathematical aptitude? -How much does the rubber cost? -How much does the protractor cost? -How many protractors were bought? -What part of problem resolution is the author struggling with? -How many search results on youtube for the phrase "Breaking an egg" -How many searches on YouTube for the phrase "breaking bricks"? -What percentage of structural failure do eggs have -What percent structural failure do bricks have? -What is name of a weighted algorithm could the researchers used to produce even more shocking results -What type of games are to be avoided? -What CPU does the computer have? -What are the two games the person wants to play? -What type of GPU does the computer have? -Around what level is this user's skill level? -What style did the user used to play? -What did the user recently start learning to play? -How often does the user use his forehand? -What does the user not want to spend money on? -What type of fish did the son get? -How many gallons did they upgrade their tank to? -How much experience does the parent have with aquatic things? -What disease did the fish have? -What kind of help is this user asking for? -What desired program is suggested for sending messages to message apps? -Which message apps were mentioned in the paragraph? -Which type of app is currently used to send messages through Siri? -What type of message apps are proposed for use with Sirs? -What is the posters sentiment towards this concept? -Which family member does this person have a strained relationship with? -When did this person first leave home? -What kind of people has this person been talking to about renting a place with? -Who wants to live with this person? -How old is this person's sister? -Who is the owner of the Eagles? -How many other owners have owned a non expansion NFL franchise that didn't win a super bowl? -Who is the owner of the Bengals? -Which team owns Bidwell? -How many people have owned a franchise for over 20 years? -What field of math is this question from? -At what height did the plane start its descent? -Where is the author taking this course? -Specifically, what will help the author solve the problem? -What is the make/model of the tablet the user has? -Where does the tablet get stuck when connecting to the router? -What router does the tablet connect to without issues? -Why doesn't the user want to connect to the outer router? -What does the tablet currently run? -How many months have they measured zero? -What results did they expect to achieve by this point? -Where do they watch videos? -What results do youtubers have? -What part of this person's body isn't very stretchy+ -How long has this person been at 0? -What happens when the person tries sizing up? -What are appreciated? -How much is the poster's amazon card worth? -How much is the posters Lowes card worth? -What does the poster need a list for? -What kind of help is the poster looking for? -How much money total does the poster have to spend? -How long is the chase to be escaped from? -Who does this person want to intervene? -How many hit points does this person have left? -When does the pursuit take place? -What is the user having an issue with? -What happens when the user taps a bear in friend town? -Why can't the user complete the mission? -What is the mission the user needs to complete -What is the roommate going to be hosting? -Why doesn't the author have reservations about going out? -How old is the author? -Where does the author live? -What won't the author be doing, which will allow the author to drive safely? -Is the person writing this post underweight or overweight? -In which country should the ebike be? -What's the range of weight the author of the post is looking for? -How long is it the commute of the author? -Is there any natural formation on the path of the commute? -What kind of email account does John have? -Who has been a threat in getting John's password? -Where is John located? -What kind of services might Artyom lose if the email provider gets involved? -How old is their child? -when does the author read that most babies drop their morning nap? -how long has their baby been fighting their morning nap? -where does the woman's baby fall asleep? -why is the baby's schedule thrown off? -Where did the author recently move to? -Why did the author move? -What stage of the process is the development of the Non profit organization on? -What is the current focus of the NPO development? -Where is the NPO group planning to volunteer? -Which musical artist is the poster talking about? -What kind musical approach does Freddie Mercury take according to the poster? -Where did the poster see the information trending -What kind of vowel does Freddie Mercury hit on a high Bb according to the poster? -Who does the poster want to analyze Freddie Mercury's powerful mix? -What is the user asking a question about? -What turns off after 2 minutes of being disconnected? -What issue is the user having? -What does the user ultimately want to do? -What won't shut down? -To catch what was going on in the system, what was used? -The Stratux only reboots when using what? -The voltage drops to 2v for how long? -The Model B of what is used in the test setup? -What is the size of the test setup's cooling fan? -What adapter came with the Pi? -How many power sources were used in the test setup? -What causes the voltage to change in the test setup? -When will the livestream start that reveals the winners? -Winners are being announced for what awards? -Where is the livestream taking place? -Where can someone look at the results? -What state are they skiing in? -Why couldn't the skis be redrilled for the bindings? -Since they can't afford new skis, what's the next option? -Why cant they afford new skis? -What did they get that was new for this year? -What is the author developing? -What is the curriculum being created for? -What does the author want to improve in middle school aged students? -How does the author describe the subreddit? -How long does the author estimate the response to their question will take? -What is this post about? -What can the new Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate help avoid? -What can the Withholding Calculator help with? -What can the calculator help do? -What should users have handy? -Where is the author planning to go? -Where are the friends and the author meeting? -What is the author wondering about crossroads trading? -How many friends is the author meeting? -Where is the author planning to go? -Where are the friends and the author meeting? -What is the author wondering about crossroads trading? -How many friends is the author meeting? -Who creates the easy to use tools for installation of Cydia? -What is the posters main frustration? -Who can solve this problem? -What device is being used in this paragraph ? -What is the investment being discussed -what should someone do if they're interested? -what version of Farmstead Civil Disobedience is mentioned? -where do they want a growler from? -how many bottles of Ronan is he looking for? -Whose videos are a great resource? -Whats a reason the videos such a great resource? -What quality of videos are they looking for? -What are most of us stacking? -What are they very curious about? -What does AM buy? -Who can stack for him? -What is too squishy to fight with? -What does he have for regen? -How long have they had a skin condition for? -What was the first sign of the skin condition? -How many hospitals have they gone to? -What causes the flare ups? -How long ago did somebody on reddit post the same symptoms? -Who is the author talking about? -How is the author assuming the questions will be answered? -Who is the author suggesting would be present at the gathering? -What can be asked of David Miscavige? -What subreddit did the author talk to? -What is the author trying to accomplish? -Did the author attend post high school education? -Does the author have work experience coding? -What has he been playing for one year now? -What mode has he been playing on for the whole year? -What is he getting in a couple of weeks? -How many months of progress were lost? -what type of armor was the writer having trouble obtaining? -what build of starbound was the writer playing? -What game was the writer having trouble with? -what material is currently disabled on the unstable build? -What did the author start reading? -What did the daughter ask about after the first chapter? -What did the sidetrack conversation include? -What else did the daughter wonder about? -What did the daughter make the author promise to read? -What are they building to use in local matches? -What type of block did they decide to use? -What have they read about mismatched carry handles? -What type of carry handle is being used? -How big is the aperture? -What is he looking to purchase? -How many years has it been since he last played? -How much money is he looking to save? -What type of tuba does he want? -What kind of trombone does he have right now? -What games has a version called New Vegas? -What style of game is Fallout? -What matters most in games to the commentator? -What does he not want to be forced to do in a game? -How long ago was the post? -What happend to OP account? -Where does the post currently sit on reddit/skyrim? -What mod are they curious about? -What location on reddit is the post from? -What degree is the author working on? -Why does the author prefer a desktop? -Is the author interested in acquiring a laptop? -Is the author considering a laptop alternative? -What would the author use a laptop alternative for? -What is he streaming on? -What is he struggling to stream on? -Why doesn't he have a kinnect or mic adaptor? -What does he use to talk right now? -What type of food does the writer think should be added to the store? -what holiday season is coming up at the time this post was written? -what years holiday red cups faced criticism? -What is the policy motto of starbucks? -who does the writer want to host a reddit AMA? -What did they want to pick here first? -What did they not like that came on their LE6920SOCOM? -What size rail does this person want to go with? -How far out is this person shooting? -They want to go with flip ups and ditch what? -What is the concern of the poster? -What is the problem mentioned? -Which app does not have a boot loop fix? -What device are Activator and Flipswitch used on? -What is the possible cause for the bootloop? -What color is the writers hair? -What is the writer willing to wear to hide there hair? -What position is the writer certified in? -What certificate of training does the writer hold? -Who can't he watch right now? -What is the issue he is having with under 10 viewers? -How long has the problem lasted? -What did he do to his browsers to try to fix the problem? -What did he do to the router to try to fix the issue? -What sea king episode was watched? -Mumen Rider is riding what? -Mumen Rider stays on the bike until he throws it for what? -What is needed to have a decent throw? -What is the author doing? -How is the author initially trying to accomplish his goal? -What happens when the author initially used get_status? -Did the author try to rectify the 200 error? -Which operating system took less than a second to return a result? -What tutorial is this person following? -What program are they using to load up the texture? -What website is the retexture tutorial on? -Why are they stuck, after following the steps? -What type of dialogue pops up during the first step? -How long of a loading time did the writer have? -How long of spikes did the game freeze for the writer? -What cpu is the writer running in their computer? -What operating system is the writer running on? -What movie does the writer compare to the games feeling of space? -what was the name of the first area you are in, in the game? -What device is the writer writing this post on? -What does the writer not know how to do on mobile? -What game are they running on there PC? -What settings are the graphics? -Why are the graphics set to low? -What can help boost game FPS? -What is the abbreviation for Frames Per Second? -What type of issue is the poster having? -Who is telling the poster about problems while he/she is streaming? -Which of the poster's two scenes doesn't have lag in it? -What can viewers see in the 2nd intermission scene? -When a moderator currently gets involved, what happens to the funds in the address? -What is taken out before money is given to the vendor or buyer? -Moderators only get involved currently when what happens? -What is the suggested rate for funds to be released to the vendor? -What is the suggested rate when a dispute must be resolved? -What software for the JanusVR is used? -What is the problem with the JanusVR? -What devise does the user not have a rift headset for? -Does the user have a thigh degree of expertise with the JanusVR? -When does the camera snap occur? -What were donations set up through? -What type of technology was needed? -What described the way the method was used in one word? -What started to break on Bailey Van Der Veen? -What game was the person hyped to play on its own? -What game was the person not interested in playing initially? -How often was FPS Games played before the announcement? -What game is currently being played until Overwatch can be played? -How does the author appraise their skill level? -Is the author avoiding redundant statements? -What is the author asking for help on? -What is a requirement the author set for any answer to the question? -Who helped Shinobu gain closure on her previous relationship? -Who was forced to give closure? -Who confronted Kanbaru? -In who's mind were Senjou and Kanbaru never close? -What happens if you leave the lobby and requee? -What screen should have DMG dealt and Healing done slots? -What kind of monthly spotlights are suggested? -What is suggested so skins wont stack on any one hero? -What kind of player is giving the suggestions for improvements? -What can prevent you from showing up on the minimap? -What can be customized with suppressors and skins? -What is sometime highlighted? -In ESL matches what do players typically use? -What kind of questions are being asked? -What kind of exercise regime was just started? -How many rounds of P90X were done? -How many surgeries was done on the person's knee? -What kind of exercise equipment is desired? -Who is the user playing with? -What percentage of the end game is pvp? -How did the author get information about ArcheAge? -How do you get into the ranking according to what the author has read? -What game is the author seeking advice on? -How is the author getting stuck in the game? -Was Shadowfen viable for the author? -What is the author looking at without help? -What game is the author seeking advice on? -How is the author getting stuck in the game? -Was Shadowfen viable for the author? -What is the author looking at without help? -What platform is the poster streaming on? -Why does the poster want to stream on Twitch? -What type of team does this poster want to create? -What social media platform is this question being posted on? -Around what age did the author first play the game? -What type of game is the described game thought to be? -How old is the author now? -What type of characters are described on the cover? -When did the author first play the game? -How old is the author now? -What type character was on cover? -What kind of game was it? -What class was on the dark side of cover? -What operating System is he using? -What is he trying to install? -What type of CPU does he have? -Besides letting the author know, what should one do if they still have an item? -Who was the free Indigo Dying offered to? -What did the author offer to do for free? -What color was the tee that worked out great? -What does the game have? -Where is CS:GO getting viewers? -What gets more viewers on twitch than dota? -What type of game is CSGO? -What is invisible in the game? -What platform is the author using? -How is the authors character setup? -What level is the author? -What does the author think of their character so far? -Is the author experienced? -How many different ways can his component be controlled? -What is he using? -What pin is connected to the potentiometer? -What is the max pulse frequency? -Who played in Mexico and Great Britain? -Who is gaining popularity? -Who is the authors alternate? -Who is the author worried about? -Who is the author of Ghost? -What is Ghost's occupation? -Who was the girl that was Ghost's first target? -What does he do when he puts the gun to her head? -What is Ghost's demeanor? -What kind of game recording software does the poster have on his/her PC? -What type of help does this poster need? -What type of audio does the poster not know how to hear? -What type of gaming headset does the poster mention? -What ranking was the first deranked to? -Who changed the way MM works? -What was the players rank before the rank shift? -What are the ranking of the other players in the game? -For long did the pattern of being the top ranked player in the game last? -What are the self serve rolls a perfect size for? -Where are the self serve rolls sold? -What is the crust of the self serve rolls like? -What are the self serve rolls essentially like? -What kind of crust would make it impossible to eat? -What does the store sell? -What are they basically? -How is the crust? -What are the good for? -What was changed to something else? -What was attempted at one time to change settings? -What was partly cut off? -What type of UI does he wish to use? -What typo of device will the The AlienFX detece the Auduino as? -What does the AlienFX send to the Arduino? -What does the AlienFX SDK send that the Roccat doesn't? -What is Unraid? -What does Unraid have built in? -How do you find the config fields? -What is he trying to set up? -How many questions does he have? -What happened when the author put in LED lighting? -Is the author confident he/she found the issue? -What symptom is the ballast showing? -How did the lighting issue happen? -What was the name of the bandcamp? -What was narrowed down for reasons of being liked more? -Did the music also include something else besides songs? -What was looked into to see what opinions were? -What game is the player fairly new to? -What was the top ranking of the player before the rank shifting? -What is the players ranking after the rank shifting? -On what platform did the player record their game play? -Who was in japan at the onset of wwII -What were the countries that had americans in on the onset of wwII -What was a complete surprise to author? -What countries declared war? -Which world war had the axis at the start? -Which beta is the writer running? -What processor is the new build? -What do betas work better with? -How often is Steam crashing for the writer? -What processor was the old build? -What is the problem? -Which specific line does the poster not understand -What does the poster think the problem is? -What confuses the poster? -What line of code confuses the poster? -What year was the height of the market that the condo was bought? -Where was the condo bought? -What was the price of the condo? -How much do they owe the private lender on there mortgage? -What is the husband credit score? -What year was the condo purchased? -Why couldnt the condo be refinanced? -What is the authors credit score range? -How much income does this couple make per year? -What type of mortgage is the author looking to get? -What version of Windows is the question about? -What kind of hard drive is the question about? -What notification does the writer get? -What happens if the writer ignores the notification? -How much RAM is installed? -When was the free for all posted? -What kind of outpourings got asked? -How much moderation will be allowed in thread? -What kind of topics are welcome? -What kind of questions dont merit their own threads? -What is the title of the game he is talking about? -What bugged him about Harry Flynn? -Who is protective about their characters? -What is the title of the game Harry Flynn appears in? -Which voice actor is getting swapped? -What is the authors location? -What does the author know about the motor? -What is the author connecting? -What does the motor go to? -What platform will games be gifted through? -What will winners be asked for? -How long will this last? -How old must user accounts be? -What type of gift should applicants post? -What is the writer looking for? -What hobby does the writer have? -What are the problems with regular pencils? -What is the problem with pens? -Who cancelled the special assessement? -Is the condo complex big or small? -How much where they required to pay after selling the property? -How much time did the home owners demand to pay the assessment? -Why was a emergency HOA meeting was called? -How much was the roof replacement assessment? -How many units were in the complex? -How long did owners want to pay the assessment? -What is the owner asking about the $5000 assessment? -How long has the person been trading? -How many keys are available for upgrading? -What has this person been trading between? -What is being purchased in bulk? -What is the person looking to increase in size? -What date is the thread for? -Can individual threads for sales and exchanges be made? -What day of the week are threads posted? -What is the thread for? -What is being discussed in this post? -What are the snippets focusing on? -What happened to the characters focused on? -Did the characters try to avoid their death? -What month was the house closed? -Who hasn't picked up the lock box? -What advice was given to them on the sub reddit? -How long has the lock box been sitting there? -How many times a week have they contacted them to get the lock box? -How long has the lockbox been left? -Where is the lockbox located? -When was the house closed on? -Who needs to pick up the lockbox? -Why is the author not worried about the key? -What is the author unable to do? -What file sets the attack move function? -Did the author try to change the setting inside the program? -What caused the authors issue? -Whose reacion to dday is being asked about? -How many years was the second front in europe requested? -what countries did stalin see the second front as too little to late for? -Where was the ussr already marching towards? -How did stalin see victory back then? -Who banned him? -What is he asking PositiveBalance to do? -what is the reasoning behind PositiveBalance not unbanning him? -What does PositiveBalance remove? -which sub did the people that were downvoting and reporting come from? -What is the abbreviation for European Union? -What is the abbreviation for United Kingdom? -What language is required to become a member of Condensed Gaming? -What country to Condensed Gaming prefered you to be from? -What pc platform is used to launch games? -What is Condensed Gaming looking for? -Besides a microphone what must you have? -Where should you be located preferably? -Who should you mentioned you were referred by when applying? -Where do a few of them hang around after work? -What is the abbreviation for Pacific Standard Time? -Which number essay's will they be reading? -What information is needed to join the group and get set up? -What channel will they be meeting on Sunday, Janurary 10th? -What time does the event start on Slack channel? -At the time of this article who is winning the vote? -Which presidential race is mentioned when the author admits to making an error? -What date will the meeting be? -What time will the meeting be? -Who can join the group? -what year is the author talking about prior to. -What was the people dying from? -What book was the author refrencing about flu? -What do we have better off than back then. -What is the author sick with? -What issue is the poster having? -what type of device is being used? -Which program prevents getting OSX re-installed? -What was the result of creating a partitionin windows for Mac? -What was the solution to install windows onto the Mac? -What is the authors main question? -Where did the author look for answers on social media? -What can Riven not prevent? -Who can Interrupt Darius? -Did the author look on any databases? -What is Windows 10 being upgraded from? -The Windows 10 upgrade is having what kind of activation issues? -The author had another thread on what error? -What got a new install on the Thinkpads? -Upgrading using what is thought to be bugged? -What is he trying to do with a text written in t/nroff format? -Where did he try looking for answers and was unhelpful? -What does he want to do using a command-line? -what format does he want to use to write text? -What is he trying to avoid doing by setting a command-line option? -When was this thread created? -How much were the the examples given per ml? -How much less will it cost to mix your own juice compared to buying commercial juice? -How often will this post be repeated? -What were the two examples given in the text? -When was this thread created? -How much less is it to make your own drinks compared to buying commercial? -How much is the commercial drink per ml? -What is one type of drink given as an example? -Full heals without heavy pricing is what kind of idea? -What is the name of the deck that this person is discussing? -What prevents some OTKs? -Which deck type will now require more thought on when to damage the enemy? -What is the author advocating? -Who can use an ability mid jump? -Who cannot use an ability mid jump? -Who can cast E mid jump? -Were the characters released separately? -What is the author discussing? -What did the author find in the photos featured prominently? -What did the author upload the teaser photos to? -What is near the cat in the photo? -What does the author need advice with? -The author wants to install the specific software in what mode? -How long has the author had a problem with his PC? -What is the message that the user is getting when installing? -What does the author want to do before taking the computer to a repair shop? -What was the performance decrease caused by upgrading to El Capitan -What solution was attempted to resolve the decreased performance? -What background app is running during the game -Which program did the Borderlands game have the best performance -What was the fps on Yosemite -The volume is always what according to the author? -What happens when the author decreases the volume on the laptop? -What does the author have to do to the volume after decreasing the volume on the laptop? -The author knows that the volume issue is not what? -What kind of computer is the author having trouble with? -How much is the bounty to change the URL? -What services will the alternate server use to check URLs? -What can be used to prevent MIM attacks? -What is currently on the server? -What can be used to prevent MIM attacks? -How much is the bounty to change the URL? -What is currently on the server? -What services will be used by the alternate server? -What social media platform will be used to inform users about potential issues? -What is the author asking for photos of? -Why is the author interested in regarding the bowie? -What caused the authors curiosity? -Does the author want photos of any obscured areas? -When is the presentation due? -What is the presentation for? -What is the problem? -What scene is the poster looking for? -What is the posters constraint? -What type of error is the author having? -What has the author's computer been suffering from? -What is provided through the author's university? -What is incorrect according to the author? -What did the author use when performing the software install? -What price range is the author looking at? -What type of knife is the author interested in? -What occupation is the author in? -Does the author want any extra features? -What is the author asking for? -How many guests are expected for the wedding? -What kind of wedding does the bride want? -When will the wedding take place? -Where in Texas will the wedding will likely take place? -How much money is the parent(s) of the bride contributing to cover wedding costs? -Where in Texas will the wedding be held? -How many guests are expected for the wedding? -When will the wedding take place? -What kind of wedding does the bride insist on? -How much money are the parents of the bride contributing to the wedding? -The author is trying to find out if faction rep carries over between what? -What did the author want to be? -Who posted that Syndicate flag carries over? -The author is hoping to do what on another server and then carry the flag over? -What is the post about? -Is the author trying to contact anyone with authority? -Are the maps popular? -Why was this post made? -What is he trying to get the camera to do? -When does he have a problem with his camera? -What screenshot did he provide? -What kind of camera is he using? -Where are the solution to this problem? -Which game is the author referring to? -What message does the author receive when they try to join a server? -What happens when the author deletes communitycrossbow.pbo? -What is the author's general feeling toward this game? -How many times should you flip the flank steak when its cooking> -What do you do with the oil when the steak is down cooking? -How long is the simmer step? -How do you cook the rice? -Where are new users directed to get information? -How much karma is require to contribute to the wiki? -Where are we to go for fashion help? -What do they want to hear in addition to your fashion statement? -Where can we go to find armor? -Where are new users directed to to get information? -Where can you find armor that you don't have? -How much karma is required before you can contribute to the wiki? -What does the sub wants beyond just your fashion sense? -Where can you get fashion information from? -Where did the author's date take her? -What characteristics does the author's date possess? -How did the author feel towards her date today? -What is the author losing her faith in? -What time does the Michigan State game start? -On what date is the Michigan State game? -Who is Michigan State playing in the basketball game? -In what sport is Michigan State playing against Minnesota? -How long has the author been dating her boyfriend? -How old is the author? -How old is the author's boyfriend? -How long has the author known her boyfriend? -What is the topic of the post? -What could alleviate the underlying issue? -Are unbans popular? -What does the author want the option to? -What is an underlying cause of this request? -What can be attributed to the author's difficult in meeting people? -What is the author's demographic? -Which State does author currently live in? -What is the author's perception of online sites? -What is author's job? -Against what team is Baylor playing? -On what date is the Baylor game? -What time does the Baylor vs. Kansas game start? -In what sport is Baylor playing against Kansas? -What does the author think of the connectivity in the network test? -How many connections did the author have in the network test? -What other game suffered the same problem as Dark Soul 3? -Over how long a period did the author run the network test? -How is the author trying track electric guitar? -What color is the input button? -How many interfaces has the author tried? -How is the sound while monitoring? -From what type of buyer is the question coming from? -What does the author have on? -The customer in France would like to know what? -What did the buyer tell the seller to do in regard to the question? -What is the name of the author's main character? -How long has the author been playing this game? -About what quantity of bonuses has the author missed so far? -How many hypered cards does the author have? -Who does the author thank personally? -What is the name of the author's main character? -How long has the author been playing this game? -About what quantity of bonuses has the author missed so far? -How many hypered cards does the author have? -Who does the author thank personally? -What is the name of the author's main character? -How long has the author been playing this game? -About what quantity of bonuses has the author missed so far? -How many hypered cards does the author have? -Who does the author thank personally? -What kind of battery charger does the poster use? -What kind of part is the poster looking for for their motorcycle? -What model year is the posters motorcycle from? -What is the make and model of the poster's motorcycle? -What season is the transfer? -What will happen if something unreliable is posted? -When date does the transfer window close? -What time on Feb 1st does the transfer window close? -The author is confused on whether the what is authentic or not? -What year is the specified jersey? -What is the jersey number that the author has? -What is Jerry Rice's jersey number? -What is on sale with described high prices? -What measure changes over time in bottled beer? -On what day of 2012 was the Monks Stout Dupont beer brewed? -On what day did the poster open their bottle of Monks Stout Dupont beer? -What is the alcohol percentage of a Monks Stout Dupont beer? -Does the user have night mode enabled? -What operating system is the user running? -What version of Chrome does the user have installed? -What action causes the user's error? -What browser extensions are installed on Chrome? -What is the posters ultimate goal? -Which card would the poster like to add? -What is 1 element of a successful deck? -Which element does the poster want you to exile? -What counters instant speed removal? -What is the name of the book club in Fort Worth? -When was the book club meeting? -What is updated date of the book club meeting? -At what time will the book club meet? -Where will the book club meet? -How is the poster going to charge consumers for his beer delivery service? -From where will the craft beers be brewed before being sent to consumers? -What is the average price to ship beer to the east coast? -For what service is the poster asking how much people will pay? -What version of RES is installed on the user's computer? -What version of Chrome is being used? -What browser is the user running? -What operating system is the user's computer running? -What error is night mode causing? -What is the authors goal? -What did the author initially do? -How far into the contract is the author? -What does the author want to do with his/her contract? -Which websites have many buy and sell groups? -Where are the items being offered? -The items come from a home that has what? -What is being offered for free? -The items have been what? -What kind of build is this player working with? -What build does he name to compare to his own build? -What sword does he think is currently the best for him? -What weapon type does he feel isn't very strong? -Where did he defeat his most recent enemy? -What build is this player working with? -Where did the player defeat their most recent enemy? -What weapon type does this player think is the weakest for him? -What weapon does this player thinks is the strongest for him? -What build type does he compare his build to? -The author wants to utilize what? -The author has been running what until now? -The ran what on their top competitors? -The author wants to know if they should run campaigns with exact phrases or what other option? -Who caused the damage to the eldrazi decks? -What caused the damage to the eldrazi decks? -What is this posts topic? -What was being shipped? -What type of vendor shipped the cards? -How many map sizes is the author going to be making use of for their game? -What platform is the author designing their game to operate on? -What image dimensions did the author first use? -Why is the author only using one size of map? -For what piece of hardware does the author want to optimize his image resolution? -who could get MGE or DMG ranks before? -how should players who make MGE or DMG feel? -what rankings mean something now? -is the player happy with the new ranks system? -What happened to most applicants for substitution positions? -What has been cut in half? -When will the tournament be re-seeded? -Who should players contact with their results? -When the next bracket launches, what will it be called? -what happened to the player while offline? -what was the players rank before it was stripped? -how long ago was it since the player played? -what rank do they posses after logging in last night? -what does the player ask about the ranking distributions changes? -What is the author looking for on PC? -How old is the author? -What is one of the game modes the author is wanting to play online? -The author played GTA a lot on which platform? -What year was the Treaty of Turin signed? -Which two countries were involved in the Treaty of Turin? -Prior to 1860, the cities of Savoy and Nice belonged to which kingdom? -After 1860, which country did the cities of Savoy and Nice belong to? -The Kingdom of Sardinia falls under the reign of which country? -What book did this person read? -What year was the Treaty of Turin published? -What countries were part of the Treaty of Turin? -What is the name of the kingdom? -how far does the game get before it crashes? -what did the player try with steam? -has an exact problem been identified? -does failing to load faceit happen all of the time? -what type of computer does the player play on? -The author thinks that what is cool? -How did the author try the described game? -After how long playing the game did the author see another player? -One can do what in regard to spots on the described game? -The author wants to do what with other players of the game? -How did the author try the described game? -The author thinks that what is cool? -After how long playing the game did the author see another player? -One can do what in regard to spots on the described game? -The author wants to do what with other players of the game? -The author thinks that what is cool? -After how long playing the game did the author see another player? -How did the author try the described game? -One can do what in regard to spots on the described game? -The author wants to do what with other players of the game? -how does the player want x-rays to glow? -what event should trigger the x-ray glow? -does the player think its a new idea? -what should be considered when reviewing an overwatch case? -What was the author trying to play when the computer crashed? -When was the author playing fine? -What does the author think is causing the crashing the game? -What happens to the game's music when it crashes? -"Where is the Holy Grail?" is a documentary on which channel? -Name a documentary about the search for a mythical item. -"The Ark of the Covenant Searching" is a documentary on which channel? -Name another documentary about the search for a mythical item. -What channel has the documentaries? -What are the documentaries about? -How far back does this person want to see discoveries? -What does the history channel showcase? -GearVR is described as what by the author? -What does the author want to do with acquired 3d movies? -What is the author wanting to do with gearVR in regard to 3d movies? -What has the author been using on the file names? -When will the vendor locations change? -How much does the account bound recipe cost? -What is the date for this pact supply? -Where is Camp Resolve Waypoint? -What happens when you interrupt a foe? -What is the name of the zombies map in question that that cannot be found? -Which store was the season pass purchased from? -What was needed to be entered in order to access the DLC map? -Is property high cost in London? -Are graduate salaries low? -Can defaults disappear from a credit report? -What are three forms of credit? -What is a medium risk investment? -what dramatic event did reddit think was stupid? -Is name changing uncommon? -what did Incarnation change their name to? -what team does Darshan play for? -what was Darshan named before? -The author's aunt sends out what to the family? -How often does the author's aunt send? -The author describes their aunt's New Year's send as what? -What did the author's aunt urge others to do for their resolution? -What is ArmA 3? -Why is the player seeking a group? -What country is this player in? -What is this player's time zone? -Is this player an extrovert? -What does the author find more enjoyable that dealing damage? -What increases revive speed? -What does the author have runes of? -What type of damage is the author looking for gear for? -What is this person filing an application for? -What does this person's question regard of? -What is their adjusted gross income just under? -What is this person not sure of? -If you're ever in need of support how can you get in touch with the Blizzard Support team? -What does the Support Portal offer? -What is the Twitter handle for the North American Blizzard Support? -What is the Twitter handle for the European Blizzard Support? -What does Blizzard Support provide through their Twitter? -How can you get in touch with the team? -What does it offer? -Do they have a twitter? -Are all contacts available for every issue? -The author has a problem with what? -The author doesn't know if their learned material is what? -What sport does the author plan on learning? -The author is wondering if the skill learning will make them what? -The author believes that they have a lack of what? -What is enabling the author to make so many posts? -What has the author tried before when vaping? -What was the author's perception of the effect of the vape? -What is the author wondering in regards to the vape? -Which mission is the author having trouble with? -What bug is the author facing when they arrive to the viscounts? -What two different method has the author tried and failed at? -At what different times of day has the author retried the mission? -What game is this player playing? -What is this player looking for? -What country is this player in? -How old is this player? -What is this player's name? -What is the name of the videogame being discussed? -When did the author commence his project? -What is the duration of the offline development item in hours? -What is the item that the author is looking to create? -What does this player want? -Is this player a new player? -What games does this player play? -What is this player's name? -What is Tobe's friend named? -What holiday is it? -Who owns the website the author is looking for preview pieces on? -What is the author looking for tips and wisdom on? -Where is the preview located? -How much can you win in the study? -Who are they looking for in the study? -What is the study about? -How old must you be to participate in the study? -The author thinks that with what Oculus can be run fairly well? -What is thought to be the best card for Oculus? -The 980ti is thought to be what? -What kind of graphics card does the author have currently? -Who currently makes this person's monthly payments? -What is the only option they are seeing on the LINKREMOVED website? -What would they appreciate? -About how many federal loans would this person like to consolidate? -Which place do the weapons in question come from? -Which combination of items are required to unlock the gun for use? -How much experience does the person asking the question have? -What is the player's understanding of black market weapons? -Where is the author' first travelling to? -What type of material is the authors guitar case? -What does the author say about his experience being on a plane? -What is the author wondering if he needs in case the guitar is stored underneath the plane? -What is the second airline the author is flying? -How much was paid for the Kar98k? -Was 250$ expensive? -What is the date on the Kar98k? -What animal is stamped on the side? -What animal is stamped on the Waffenamt? -Who are they considering switching from? -Who are they considering switching to? -What aren't they able to find in Mint? -What are they predicting the electric bill to be? -Is their income consistent? -The author wants to know how quickly what will sell out? -Since when has the author been following Rift? -The author describes the possibilities as what with VR? -What is the only experience of the author with VR? -The author wants to know if they can purchase Rift on what popular website? -Where did Tom go after paying respects to his deceased father? -After turning on the computer and getting onto the internet what did Tom do? -Who did Tom find on Basebook? -What was the reason Tom and Trevor's father passed away? -Where is Tom staying? -Who paid their respects? -Where did he log in? -Who sent him an IM? -What is Trevors screen name? -What happened to their dad? -What is this person's goal in life? -Where does this person want to move to? -What is this person interested in majoring in college? -What citizenship does this person need? -What type of phone did they sell? -Where did they sell the phone? -What model iphone did they sell? -Why is there an error on the phone? -Did they accept the return? -What is this person trying to replace? -How did they get this laptop? -About how long ago did they get this laptop? -What would be nice but not necessary? -What subscription does this person have? -What kind of library does this person have? -What type of area does this person live in? -How is this person's upload speeds? -What is the author? -The author describes a smile as so bright that what? -What is described as lighter than air? -What is described as slender? -What is described as filled with kindness and care? -What year do they want to return to modeling? -How are they preparing to return to modeling? -How many vehicles do they need to build this year? -What is the first vehicle they made? -For what software does this person need a guide for? -What setup does this person want? -How does this person want to use their computer as? -What type of computing system is the server? -What game are they new to? -What type of group do they want to join? -What system do they play on? -What forms of communication do they use? -What timezone are they in? -Which prestige was the gamer's level in BO3? -Which game was the first game the player was good at? -Which year did the player initially start playing Call of Duty in? -Which value was the player's KD at when he first started playing BO3? -The author describes what word as being used frequently currently? -In what type of cycling videos did the author count the described word twenty times? -The author is prepared for their post to sink into what? -In what settings has the author heard the described word from Americans? -What is the admissions team called? -What year is this student? -What is the mascot of the school? -What program is this student applying to? -What is the name of political activist group? -What does this group do for people? -Who are the volunteers? -What chapter group is this person a part of? -The author feels what? -Who did the author visit for the weekend? -The author feels worse currently than how long ago? -The author feels what from her family? -What is the budget range? -What audio editing software was mentioned? -What country is the laptop to be purchased from? -Is battery life, weight, or performance prioritized most? -What is the name of the game the author has started playing? -Where are the zombie bears the most inconsistent? -What do the bears do after running in place for a bit? -What did the author pick up before deciding to give Helltooth Zombears a try? -What is the game in question that the player wants information about? -How much time has the player been able to put into the game? -Which period just ended before the player started to pick the game up again? -What is the game mode in question that is being compared against others? -Why does he want to evolve one of the team members? -Who evolves to DeathMeramon? -What has be heard about DeathMeramon? -Who is he missing? -Why cant he get Gotsumon? -What did the author quit? -How many days has he been dip free? -What is his profession? -Who helped him chew through a pack of gum and a pack of sunflower seeds? -What might overshadow The Good Dinosaur? -What does the film capitalize on? -What does the story hearken? -How does the fake landscape feel? -Which system is the player looking to find FFA to play on? -How long did the player search for a game without finding one? -Which type of games did the player not experience trouble playing in? -How many matches was the player able to play during their initial search? -How long did it take for the Genie Mini to get a signal last night? -What is something that he hasn't yet tried in order to resolve the issue? -What was the state of the connections when they were checked? -What has no signal? -What still has a signal? -How did the film seem? -How did they feel after watching the film? -What are his other works known for? -How did this movie compare to his other works? -What is the name of the film? -What company did the author find when searching for fair things? -Where are the shares for Malaysian DXN found? -What is the author trying to verify? -When was the author searching for fair things? -Have they tried google? -What kind of question is it? -Who runs their mail through Thunderbird? -How does he prefer his outgoing emails to send? -What is the size of their Mak? -What issue have they been experiencing? -What is their piece of equipment? -What planet will be visible soon? -How did they find out about Spaced? -What was the enjoyable track? -Are they able to find the track online? -Is it legal to copy the track from the DVD? -What year of college is this person in? -Where did they apply last year? -What does he hope to be soon? -Why didn't he go to MSU last year? -What kind of question does he have? -What command did they input? -What occurred with this input? -What equipment did they experience this issue on? -What did they try to reverse the command? -How many mistakes does it take for the writer to assign blame? -How often does everyone participate in winning? -What level was the writer at before reducing the challenge to support others? -What level was the writer at after reducing the challenge to support others? -What week did they complete? -What school are they applying to? -What year did this occur? -What is their new years resolution? -What reddit thread were they active on? -What type of thread does the writer want discussed? -What level is the writer at? -How many games does the writer win? -What limits the writer's wins? -How many people dislike playing support? -What change does the writer want to happen? -How many matches are supports needed in? -What incentives have been given to be a support? -What would they like to see added to the game? -What type of chat do most people prefer to use? -What was the older console they played on? -Would this game chat be a good or bad thing? -What type of players start in a group of 5? -How late in the game does the team join as a group of 5? -What could be influencing this strategy? -What kind of code is used to set up the grouping of 5? -Where did they grow up? -What is the benefit of playing with a soft ball? -What type of tips are given? -What should you wear on your hands? -Can you be successful with cold hands? -Where did they see GYW? -How much do they sell for in American dollars? -Was the salesman helpful? -Where does the leather in the black shoe come from? -Is the sizing standard? -What game has ELO? -What is the problem with the ELO system in CSGO? -What type of animation do they want to add to the emblem? -What do you need to click in order to see your ELO, using this idea? -Where are they travelling to? -Is this person an experienced editor? -What should be used for coloring? -What type of recording device are they using? -Has this person posted to Reddit before? -What type of advice are they looking for? -Is their current formation working? -How long does their current setup last for? -What does the cube storage have? -What does he want to store his cube in? -What kind of box did he mention -What did he want to build? -What formation do they use against the lancers? -What type of support is beneficial? -What types of support have they not tried yet? -What are all purpose formations good for? -What type of chat is interfering with in-game chat? -What did the group opt not to use, because they were friends? -What would the group use to talk to the rest of the team? -How does Steam counteract the possible echo? -The paragraph concerns what type of experience? -What part of the body did the writer try to move after panicking? -Why having the whose name did the writer try to "read" out? -The writer desires to how the out of body experience during what feels? -How long ago did the writer wake up? -What division in CSGO has seen a surge of new players? -What type of server are they hoping to set up for chatting in-game? -What type of player ranks are being accepted? -What do you need to prove before you are granted membership? -According to the author, most behavior is what? -The author puts in effort to maintain what state during the day? -The author desires to know if staying diligent while allow them to attain pure mindfulness without what? -The implies that mindfulness is easier to maintain in what situation? -The author identifies his or herself as having what level of expertise? -What is this person inviting the reader to rewatch? -Which episode of volume 3 is this rewatch skipping? -The second trailer contains volume 2 and what else? -What time does it begin in central time? -How long does the temporary account last? -Which character did this person's brother play as? -Who/what was hiding behind the shield? -What unsuppressed weapon was the Jager shooting? -What did this person and his brother fail to hear? -How many shots did this person not hear? -Why was the person kicked out of the group during warmup? -Why do people alt-tab and do something else in warmups? -What happens if warmups take too long? -What do you have to do during a long wait in the warm-ups? -The text concerns the third volume of what book? -The writer managed to contact one of the Elder Shadows through the practice of what magic? -The writer believes he made a terrible deal because he traded away what for one year? -The Elder Shadow Barzafiol loaned what to the writer? -The writer was able to escape by causing what in the prison? -Which company's new phone system is the author talking about? -What do we have to do before we get the chance to talk to a person? -What did the author ask the phone system to send to him? -What option got the author through to speak to someone in the clinic? -Which option the author especially thinks might be dead end? -What attribute of their pings should people be able to customize? -What should players be allowed to customize color-wise? -Having different colors allows what to be easier between different people? -What option allows for more specific colors rather than just red, blue, etc? -The writer speaks of rumors that he was imprisoned where? -The writer claims he experienced what during his imprisonment? -Who was it the imprisoned the writer? -How long was the writer imprisoned? -The writer identifies himself as what? -What sort of gameplay is this person referring to? -What is this person saying to limit in a squad? -What limit is this person saying should be placed on a party? -Who does the person want to make the changes? -The writer gave what nickname to the person who named him their heir? -The writer claims he will be granted what province? -The writer vows to reunite the region through waging war against what? -The writer believes that the worst insult imaginable is being compared to what? -When did SirMallock go missing? -What is age of cyborgs about? -How has the first person getting a brain controlled prosthetic limb come out with? -What is BiVACOR? -How long will BiVACOR last? -What age does the author think we may be entering? -Other than the H100i, what other option was this person considering? -What will allow the PC to cope well with 1440p? -How much does the Core i5-6600K cost in euros? -What is the name of the service used to list the parts? -What is the total cost of the build? -How much of Bleach has this person watched? -The person said they watched Naruto but not what? -They asked about the quality of what show? -This person has avoided certain popular anime series because they are supposedly what? -What was the most recent show this person watched? -This person likes what aspect of newer anime? -What sort of role does this person like to follow, when it comes to character development? -What is this person looking forward to getting after they post this post? -How long has this person been watching Gintama? -What was the last episode of Gintama that this person watched? -What kind of figure did this person buy? -What group was this person talking to? -What does the person want to do after they share this message? -Who posted new tracks to Soundcloud? -Who did Kanye West share the soundcloud link with? -Where do huge artists post their soundcloud link in their bio? -What have the artists foregone in favor of soundcloud? -What do artists like soundcloud the most? -What anime did this person watch a few years ago? -What did this person watch somewhat recently that re-ignited their passion? -What anime did this person watch very recently before they started watching Sword Art? -This person is current watching Sword Art and what else? -How many times did this person rewatch a particularly enjoyable anime? -What did this person receive as new? -Their second PC is targeted towards to whom? -What does this person want to do with his current parts for his second PC? -How does this person define "optimized" for his first PC? -What is it about the case that the person is unfamiliar with? -This topic is discussing holding what? -Who's video did they watch? -Who said you don't want to have any bend in your fingers? -When will this question be posted? -What does the scaled accompany? -What chords are included in the progression? -What instrument do they play? -Do they have any music experience? -How long will this person's friend be in the US? -What does this person want to send to his friend? -What sort of card cannot be used to order from newegg? -What did this person previously add in past transactions to bypass issues? -This person's build will be for programming and what else? -What are they replacing? -What type of amp do they have? -What are they trying to improve? -When will they look into getting a new speaker? -What is usually recommended over the GTX 970? -What resolution does this person intend to stay at for now? -What does this person regret choosing? -The 970 has a higher clock-speed and what else? -Who has a good chance at winning the league? -Who did they play? -Where should Ox play? -How did the team look overall? -How many inches was the HD Ready LED Bush TV? -How much storage capacity did the USB device have? -How do you record a program? -What is the problem when trying to record TV via USB? -What kind of USB do you have? -What year is this goal for? -What is their goal? -Where will they be working? -What type of business did they start? -What kind of motherboards do these questions pertain to? -How long have you owned your Toshiba Satellite? -What problem were you having with your computer? -How long would the problem with your computer persist? -How much does Toshiba charge for a motherboard replacement? -What does this person need help in upgrading? -What does this person want more of in games like BF4 or ARMA 3? -What FPS is arma 3 ranging in the city? -What is this person's budget? -How many monitors does this person have? -What kind of Nokia is it? -How long have you owned your Nokia Lumia 520? -What is the main problem you are facing with your Nokia? -What happens if you hold down the power button? -What else have you tried to fix your Nokia device? -Who would have better mobility with a wing, as compared to a BCD? -How long has the diver been diving for? -What gear does the diver normally use? -What new gear is the diver interested in buying? -What does the diver find to be to snug? -When will the author fly to Bangkok? -What is the original flight cost to Bangkok with arrival date on 22 January? -How much will it cost the author for the 2 weeks in Europe? -When will the author fly to Bangkok if an earlier direct flight is taken? -Which country will the author have to stay for a week or so if transfer flights arriving at Bangkok on 20th are taken? -What kind of issue are you facing currently with your computer? -How long has it been since you had a hardware change on your computer? -What kind of video card do you have? -Have you tried running the computer in other modes? -What part of the computer do you believe is giving you the blue screens? -What mission are they on? -What is their gamer tag? -What did they use on the MT mission? -What are their current tanks? -What do they need help with? -What have they unlocked so far? -Are they winning with their tank? -What type of advice are they asking for? -What issue are you having with your PC? -What version of Windows are you currently running? -What device are you attempting to boot from? -What have you attempted to do to resolve the problem? -What kind of CPU do you have? -What is the best way to start a new relationship? -Why did he watch a bunch of romantic comedies? -Who plays Tom Haverford? -What show is Aziz from? -What does meet cute mean? -Where was the killing going to take place? -What did the serial killer do? -Was the preparing killer young or old? -What advice is sought by the writer? -What stage is the trip being anticipated? -How long does the writer plan for the trip? -How long is the writer planning to stay in each country? -What special advice is needed by the writer? -Why does the writer not want to tell people of their success? -What did the writer consider a hobby? -What happens when the writer thinks about their success? -What does the writer do during vacations they enjoy? -When did the writers family start to treat them different? -When was the player planning to rebirth an old character? -What was the player wondering? -Who did the player hope to get answers from? -What two achievements did the player mention? -How did you find out about Kingdom Hearts? -What description was given about Kingdom Hearts? -What platform did you play it on? -What kind of vibe did the description of Kingdom Hearts give off to you? -What is this player's id? -How many horodric cashes has this player collected? -What is the player trying to level to? -What two seasons does the area have that the player is in? -What is the new Kirby forum called? -What is one of Meta Naito's aims? -How did you come to be able to join the new forums? -What is one of the things you can do on the new forums? -What is rule number one? -What is the player currently using as a handbrake? -Where is the player from? -Why does the player want to learn to use the handbrake? -What is the player hoping will help besides practice? -Who stands accused? -What are their charges? -Who is Sciguymjm guilty against? -What garrison was he removed from? -Who signed the charges and accusations? -Where does the writer live? -What does the writer currently have as their main EDC? -What version of knife has the writer been searching for months but in vain? -What other version has the writer also been unsuccessful in finding? -What is the writer willing to buy? -Where are they asking to sell a watch at? -What kind of watch was it that they bought? -What date did they buy it on? -What kind of return policy does Central have? -What kind of return policy does Titan World have? -What kind of phone are you having an issue with? -What issue are you having with the phone? -How old is the phone? -What is one thing you have tried to do to fix it? -What mode does the player want to use with a keyboard? -How is Dirt Rally best played? -Where is the player going for a controller? -How long has the player been playing racing games with a keyboard? -Who wrote "All The Pretty Horses"? -What did they hear at night? -What item creaked due to the morning cold? -What stride did they push the horses into? -What did they see as they peered into the night sky? -What kind of putter is this player> -The player is looking for a putter that has what? -What group of people does she pose her tax question to? -What type of question does this new resident of San Juan ask? -When did she and her husband move to San Juan? -What has the husband been doing since moving to San Juan? -How many people is the wife supporting with her sole income? -What is Kirk Cousins rated? -What is the overall rating for the Ravens? -How have the Redskins performed this year? -What kind of pass was overturned for a TD according to the author? -What are the Redskins rated? -What is the author trying to create? -The author recently got _____ 16 -What is the author's favorite team? -What kind of positions does the author want to play? -In madden 16 is there still the ability to play as a single player in a career mode? -What's the price of the item? -Which state does this item ship from? -What kind of special adapter does the keyboard come with? -Where, physically, could this person not use their item? -How many Heatware trades has this person completed? -What is it the writer is trying to accomplish? -What is the business the writer owns? -What is wrong with the business owners current advertising? -Why does the business owner not have a website? -What kind of advice is the business owner looking for? -How old is this person? -Who else in this person's family has arthritis? -What specialist did this person see about their problems? -How many push-ups could this person do before they got hurt? -How long have these hand and joint problems been going on? -How many miles are on this car? -What does this person want to remove from their key or their car? -What did they have to replace in their car? -What kind of weather condition seems to cause this person's car to have issues? -What year is this car from? -What is the League name? -How many spots are remaining? -What is the League image? -If you are only interested in Hester is this the right league for you? -What tier of achievement is Team California? -What is the writer looking for? -What is the budget of the writer? -What did the writer find about the pictures posted? -Why did the writer think the knifes posted were unused? -What app is the writer using for viewing the pictures? -what kind of coins was the author trying to trade for mut coins? -What is the name of the scammer? -What is the purpose of this post? -What did the scammer switch in his user name? -What did the scammer say he would buy? -What kind of binder was the author going through? -What kind of card did the author notice he had? -What kind of upgrade did this have to come from? -How interested is the author in any ideas of where this card came from? -Has the author done any styles on this account? -Who had a coat that was really great? -Who was by Dougen's side? -Who controlled Haruka? -What did Hibari have? -Who had a growing giant? -What type of computer is this individual using? -Which folders did this individual check to see if the application was still there? -When did this individual originally install the application? -What operating system is this individual using? -Where is the application continuing to show up despite the individual's attempts to delete it? -What game are they playing? -What quest were they on? -Who did they report to? -What can't they do to Danse? -What story can't be continued? -What profession did the writers mother-in-law have? -What is the maker's mark on? -What is happening to the maker's mark? -What is the writers goal? -What has a lot of sentimental value? -What types of quests weren't being talked about? -What was purchased to help? -What quest wasn't completed? -What trophy was earned? -How many playthroughs were done? -Which Day did this individual just reach as part of their recent achievement? -Which Rank did this individual just reach as part of their recent achievement? -How much has this individual spent on this game? -What activity in the game is the individual mostly going to be doing now? -Who has this individual been farming with this team? -The items will ship from what foreign country? -This person is selling audio gear and what other kind of accessory? -How much is the Corsair K95? -How much does the Beyerdynamic gear cost? -What creature does the writer present? -What effects are not related to the protection from return-to-hand effects? -What can be tweaked? -Why is Vinegrappling Protector 2GGGG Rare Creature a big protecting creature? -How many power should the creature have to trigger ferocious and the like? -What state is this person from? -A certain available bundle with three items together, shipped, costs how much? -What bonus is included with the orders? -This person will only ship to what area? -What was wanting to be reduced? -What benefit would be achieved? -What type of list wasn't found? -What game was being played? -what was done to search? -What did one of the individual's close friends just start a couple months ago? -What type of friend is this individual trying to help build a team? -Which dungeon is this individual's friend currently at in normals? -Who is this individual thinking of recommending to his friend? -What does this individual know about Ryune/I&I? -What does the writer play? -What magic packs does the writer own? -What are most people at the writer's LGS heavily into? -How many cards are in the writer's current decklist? -Which cards are a little too pricey? -what can be avoided? -What may or may not help prevention? -When was the disease found out about? -How can you avoid the disease? -What carries the disease? -Where was the writer standing when they were testing their FPS? -What kind of device is the user using to test the fps of 2 accounts? -What is the average FPS of the writers main account? -What did the user think the problem was at first? -What did the user try to do to solve their problem? -What has the writer been busy with that made them away from EQ2 for a while? -What was the writer used to play 2 years ago? -What is the writer planning to do now on returning? -What did the writer love to be? -What question does the writer ask about guild? -What's the name of the map? -What's the name of the second map? -What place was the new map designed after? -Where does the new map take place? -How many bases exist on the new map? -What disappoints the author? -What can not be added to a fileshare? -How many people has the author added since forge came out? -What type of social playlist does the author want created? -What is another playlist the author suggests creating? -What setting is set at 6.25? -What game has the user played for over a year? -What kind of servers does the user play on? -How much is the user willing to spend on Steam? -What is it the user does not know how to do? -What's the name of the game? -What edition does the author mention? -What issue is that author experiencing? -What piece doesn't match the slot? -What does not exist on the authors model? -What problem is the writer facing? -What is the writers average frame variance? -Where does the writer experience the problem? -What is the highest frame variance the user has seen? -Where did the writer get the knowledge to fix the issue? -What is completed? -What type of storage does the author need? -How much will the author charge for other stuff? -If the author doesn't get rid of the equipment where will it go? -What type of hard drive does the author want? -What type of pump is the author needing? -What type of material does the author prefer? -What is easier to assemble? -How would the author define the price of the EK pump? -What size will the bracket hold? -When does the user preform the best while playing? -When does the user preform the worst when playing? -When playing alone, what is the worst performance the user experiences? -When playing alone, what is the best performance the user experiences? -What happens when the user queues with friends? -Who are Natsu's rivals? -Who has more destructive power? -Who has better resliance? -Whose skills are equal to each other? -Who confiscates fake licenses? -What has a glossy effect? -Where does this person want to use a fake license at? -What company makes the fake driver licenses? -What is the name of the currency? -What is the name of the platform to use bitcoins on? -What do you need to create a coinbase account? -How many times will coinbase charge your card? -What game is the writer talking about? -What kind of player is the writer? -How long is the user going to wait before they play in a comp (competitive play)? -What did the writer get for Christmas? -Whom is the message from? -What happened to Unknown0x01's internet? -What does Unknown0x01 a supporter of? -When were ID Team Six orders shipped? -What role is the person playing as? -What is their base of operations? -What gaming system is being played on? -What are the settlers wearing? -What is the bed temperature? -What was the first thing the author printed that turned out fine? -What is the default print temperature? -What kind of adhesive is the author using? -What forum do you need to be approved for after registration according to the author? -What does creatine do to provide long term hydration? -What animal does the writer quote for storing water in its body? -How does a camel store water? -Which place does the writer mention as an example of taking a trek in? -What does the writer have to prove overloading of water might work for long term hydration? -What was the author trying to calibrate? -The author found a link at _______ that explains a procedure via arduino. -What happens now when the printer is on? -What did the author not know how to do? -What kind of file could the author not find on her computer? -What version is is the author thinking of updating to? -Why does the author want to upgrade? -What is the main concern with staying with 9.5? -What can the author not run CIA installer with? -What is the author's main reason for wanting to hax? -What version of software is the author looking to update to? -What does the author want to do after the update? -What kind of tutorials can the author not find? -What does the author not want to lose? -What software is referenced in the first sentence? -What is the topic of this paragraph? -What comes up when the writer searches for graphic drivers for surface pro 2? -What is the date of the 4th gen 4400 graphic card? -what is the date of the writer's actual driver? -Which version of Window does the writer have? -What idea does Cruze seem devoted to? -What does his mindset seem near identical to the mindset of? -What managed to recruit many candidates from one planet? -What kind of Lord's philosophy does the author question? -What is the subject of this post? -What is the author doing for the first time in a few years? -How many books further is the author from the first mention of the subject? -Who mentioned "that unpleasantness after the aiel war" or "twenty years ago"? -The author wants to know if the subject is resolved or if there are what available? -What does the author think you'd be lucky to own? -What kind of port does the Xbox One have? -What is an HDMI IN port typically used for? -What is the topic of this post? -How does the author describe the trick he learned? -What did the author just get? -The author really wants to play ____ of the tomb raider. -Uncharted 4 is an example of a ______ game. -What format is the Uncharted 4 game in? -What three games is the author deciding amongst? -The author wants to know if it is possible to do what for private posts? -What is the author doing today? -Who does the author want to see private posts? -The author is using a free wordpress template hosted on what site? -What does the 'Email Subscriber' plugin that the author is using not do for the author? -What game has the author's boyfriend been trying to play? -Does the author share an apartment with the boyfriend or live alone? -What happens every time the author and boyfriend try to join a game together? -Where is the router located? -Has anything worked as a solution to the problem the author references? -What cannot connect to the online store? -What is the PS4 hardwired to? -What happens when the author clicks on the PsStore? -Do any other services work? -What type of router is the author using? -Which two tablets is the writer considering? -What is the writer using the tablet for? -What does the writer want to use m3 for apart from work? -What does the writer love to play? -Why does the writer think those videos testing Kerbal Spaced Program with sp4 and sp3 are bad? -What does the author need help with in regards to their blog? -"Bits Radio" is the name for a what in regard to the author's blog? -The author is using a minimalist theme because they what in regard to simplicity? -"Suits" is the name of what in regard to the blog? -The author wants their podcasts to show up under where? -What app is this post about? -What does the error message tell the author to do to continue? -What is the author trying to put on his TV? -What other Reddit forum did the author post this question to? -The author is looking for ____ Support. -The author has a question with what? -The author wants to know about what facet of aircraft carriers? -The author describes that their is how much explanation on the subject? -What happens when the author is trying to shoot the torpedoes in a narrow cone? -While the author is managing planes, where does the control jump back to? -The author has a question with what? -The author wants to know about what facet of aircraft carriers? -The author describes that their is how much explanation on the subject? -What happens when the author is trying to shoot the torpedoes in a narrow cone? -While the author is managing planes, where does the control jump back to? -What is this subreddit for? -What kind of desktop environment was he going for? -What did he do first to achieve his goal? -When his first attempt didn't work, what did he do next? -What is the problem he is having? -What is Stack Lighting making? -What are the Stack Lighting bulbs designed to mimic? -What kind of bulbs did the author receive? -Stack Lighting bulgs have built-in ________ and _________ sensors. -What is a new style of bulb that will come out? -What is there a first prototype of? -What is the prototype designated? -The prototype utilizes what? -The ability for the prototype to remove the tracks and drive on the road wheels at an even greater speed is described as what? -What was the prototype's engine originally designed for? -What has the writer played twice? -What does the writer think when their SP4 closes Far Cry 3? -What is the problem with Far Cry 3 played on SP4? -What changes does the writer want to make? -How large the RAM does the writer's SP4 have? -What company did the author receive mail from? -What could the author be held responsible for the cost of repairing? -What kind of insurance did the author expect to cover the repairs? -What is the monthly fee for the coverage Aqua America, Inc. is trying to sell? -How much coverage would the Aqua America Inc. coverage provide? -The author is looking for what? -What is the author going to be an owner of? -The author describes their-self as what? -The author is looking to get recommendations on what specifically? -Light speed gets slow while in what? -A fraction of light can get absorbed as what? -What is the topic of this Reddit post? -What is the main question the author wants to know? -If light is absorbed in material as heat then what must be lost? -What is he trying to do? -What countries have DJ titles in his empire? -Who is he trying to revoke the title from? -What happened after the queen became imprisoned? -What was created by the regent of the adolescent vassal? -What is the BD of the Month? -Mauvais Genre is by who? -Paul does not want to return where? -Paul does what to see his self in a new light? -Mauvais Genre won an award at what festival? -What kind of variation does adaptive radiation have? -In adaptive radiation for finch birds, the birds with ___ most suited to their food type survived. -Many types of birds were created from how many types of birds? -Some of this variation may have been caused by -what kind of seeds do birds eat? -What is the author looking to gain information on? -Why does the author get disappointed in regard to their ADC? -What has presence in lane? -The author wants to take advantage of strong what in lane? -How old is the author? -What else did the girl tell the author? -Why did a girl turn the author down for a date? -Why does the author want to hear from others about his problem? -Is the author male or female? -What is an alternative to shengshou 7x7 screws? -What was he trying to do that ended up damaging his screws? -What is the biggest reason why the screws got damaged? -Which model has the better quality screws? -What did the screw with the most damage look like? -Before reading this the author warns that the post has ________. -Who is Harrold Hardyng going to marry? -What army does Harry the Heir lead? -What does the author think of Harry the Heir? -Who announced Bard? -What makes the author enjoy League? -What does the author describe becoming apparent after a "sick play"? -The author is having huge what by using Bard? -Since what season has the author been playing League? -How fast did he gain ranks? -What was he trying to get at first? -What did he realize while trying to achieve his goal? -Which two characters was he able to Dokkan? -What more did he need after he reached his goal? -This post contains ________. -How many contestants does the author suggest? -Who did great work on a Fan Voted Tournament? -What kind of contest does the author want to have? -Why does the author want to have a contest? -What edition of Hunger Games is the author describing? -Who does the author think the Reds would send as a representatives? -What two people scare the author that also have the same first name? -What two people scare the author that don't have the same first name? -The author describes Jay Bruce and Billy Hamilton as having what? -How many matches does the writer get to play in a week? -What the writer is significantly better with than any other class? -How many wins per arena run does the writer get now? -How many win average did the writer use to be? -How many wins per run on Druid is the writer now averaging? -Which characters does he think the event will include? -Which character does he speculate that will get SS3 LR versions? -Which characters does he think is not LRs currently? -Why didn't he think Broly was LR? -What was the purpose of this post? -What kind of Theater System did the author receive? -What holiday did the author receive a gift for? -What other equipment does the author have? -What does the author need help with? -Why doesn't the author want high end stuff? -What year is the author's TV? -What does the author consider in terms of performance? -What does the author consider in terms of quality? -What is the typical input lag for 1 frame? -What TV is the author considering purchasing? -What exam is the writer going to have? -In how many hours will the exam start? -What did the professor introduce in the presentation? -What is the writer's problem? -What does Q stand for? -What kind of classes is the author trying to understand? -What forum was this posted in? -What are the first two class options the author is considering? -What are the second two class options the author is considering? -What are the third two classes the author is considering? -What forum was this question posted in? -What holiday time does this posting suggest is recent? -The author is interested in Horsepower and ______. -What is the author interested in Horsepower and Torque in relation to? -What feeling does the author want to have when he drives? -What did the writer find at r/entrepeneurridealong? -What did the writer's family member own when they were a teen? -How was the pay and the work of the residential cleaning services? -How many clients do the writer have for the cleaning services? -What is the writer's plan for the cleaning services? -What is the price point mentioned in this post? -The author is interested in purchasing something ______. -What kind of transmission does the author lean toward? -What kind of car is the author leaning towards? -The author wants a car with the lowest what? -What kind of car has the author used since three months ago? -Why does the author want to improve his passing skills? -What gears does the author use before releasing the clutch? -The author wants to know if he is properly ____________. -What startup is the writer pursuing? -What addresses are the checks regularly sent out to? -What commercial service is the writer comparing to? -What does the recipient provide to receive the physical check? -What application is preferred by the writer for sending out physical check? -What subreddit did this post get ignored in? -What year is the friend's computer from? -What is the serial number of the friend's computer? -Does the friend have a Mac or PC? -What application would the writer create for college project? -What system only is the seizure diary application compatible with? -What are used to view seizures in the seizure diary application? -What does the writer ask the readers to do if they are interested in the seizure diary application? -What can be done if the default specified do not match your seizure types? -What game did the writer used to love playing? -What type of game is Battle for Middle Earth II? -How long did it take to lose the game after the update? -What type of copy did the writer download? -What does the writer want to play the game with? -What operating system is the writer running? -What is the writer's new GPU? -What version of Windows does the writer have? -What game does the writer play the most? -What has been causing kernel panics? -How big was the hard drive that failed? -What color was the hard drive? -How many years did the hard drive last the writer? -What UPS is the writer looking at? -What do the non-battery backup outlets act like? -What type of desktop does the girlfriend want? -What is the girlfriend's occupation? -What processor does the writer want? -What program is it important for the desktop to run? -Who did Lukaku assist? -What was Lukaku good at? -Going for what was Lukaku hesitant last year? -What does the writer see Lukaku to be? -When has Lukaku done well apart from going for headers this year? -What kind of turntable is the Kenwood KD-9XB? -How much did the Kenwood KD-9XB sell for on eBay? -Who gave this person the Kenwood KD-9XB? -How do linear systems compare to standard arms? -What color is the Janiter box? -What level did this person reach? -How long did they play for? -What was in the chest? -How old is their husband? -How old is this person? -When did they get married? -What year of residency is the husband in? -What is changing? -When is the deadline for the evaluations? -What else is changing? -When was the last change? -Where do planes intersect? -Where are thousands of graves? -Who comes from the Northern Spiritual World? -Where does the Emperor rule? -Who translated? -What did the author work pretty hard to get? -What play through did the author get to the burial blade on? -What kind of skill does the author have? -What would the author like to do when he beats the game? -The author is hoping to transfer what to his second character? -When does Botacyl come in? -Who is Botacyl? -Who lost the bet? -Who will fight death? -Who is from Galdarudia? -What does author think is highly underrated? -The author prefers the blunderbuss over which other weapon? -What is the pistol good for? -What does the blunderbuss stagger? -What kind of enemy can typically be staggered by the blunderbuss? -What is the name of he necromancer? -What happened to Ayumu Aikawa? -What is the name of the ninja? -Who is a zombie? -What is Haruna? -What chapter is this from? -Who is good at math? -Where did he go to school? -Who was his teacher? -Who did he meet? -Where is the board games club located? -How often does the board game group meet? -How many people are in the group's Facebook group? -How many people typically come to the games? -What is the name of the group's facebook group? -The author wants to learn more about what? -A playset is played by what? -What is a card that is roughly 12 dollars? -Kozilek is where? -What deck runs a playset of inquisitions? -Who retired? -What did he find? -What was she doing? -What new job did he get? -What was he sent to do? -How often does the author attend his Board Game Club? -How often does the Board Game Club meet? -What does the author want to buy for the Board Game Club? -One game the group tends to enjoy is Ticket to ____. -How does the Board Game Club feel about their current selection of games? -What did they spend money on? -What did they try for the first time ever? -Who knows how to keep a membership? -what did the computers stop playing? -What did they think would be fun? -Where is the author taking a trip through? -The author is inquiring about what to check out? -Where is the author staying while on their trip? -The author knows that the climate of Calgary is what? -What is the author looking forward to meeting while on their trip? -What did they upgrade to? -What was the error given? -What did they turn off and on? -What wasn't connected to the homegroup? -What was the original setup? -Who was the author's friend attacked by twice? -What kind of group does the author belong to? -What happened in the first Martell attack? -Why does the friend think he was attacked by Martell? -What game is the author referencing? -What is the debate? -Where do they live? -Who is getting a phone? -What is the main concern? -What is going alongside an email address? -What is the author hoping will happen in regard to their plans? -Another hopeful facet to the author's plans is that the card will gain what? -What is ready to receive photos that people take? -What is possible with the sent card? -What is the name of the system? -Does it work well? -What are they wanting? -is it broken? -What is the author visiting? -When is the author visiting the specified place? -Where is the author landing? -When does the Chinese New Year start? -The author wants to know if they should visit islands on which side of the peninsula? -What do they have? -What does she want? -What got modeled? -What is she wanting to know? -How many pairs of shoes does the author generally wear? -Each pair of shoes that the author wears is of what brand? -How old is the author currently? -Where does the author live? -What really messes with canvas according to the author? -Where did Sonya graduate from? -In which states does Sonya hold a licence to be an Esthetician? -Sonya graduated from the ____ and _____ program. -From which state did Sonya move from? -In what area is Sonya looking for work? -What is the name of the author's campaign? -How many songs will be on the author's new album? -What artists will the new album feature? -Is it the beginning of the year or the end of the year? -What will the album be worth, according to the author? -What is the author attempting to play? -How many MB of storage does the game need to work? -How much storage is the author able to use? -What update does the game tell the author is new? -What is the author a couple hours away from doing with his PS3? -What game has the author been playing? -What does the author have less patience for? -What kind of games is the author drawn towards? -What was the author surprised by? -Who does the author have more patience for than he did years ago? -What is the main topic of this post? -What kind of machine is the author going to set up? -What does the author think he needs to add to the account keep it separate? -How many accounts does the PS4 allow for? -Where did the author search for answers to his question? -What game is losing players at an alarming rate? -Who is ignoring the community? -What company makes the game? -How has the new update been described? -What community has been ignored? -How many gems does it cost from the leader to initiate a clan war? -How many attacks can you use per war? -What percentage decrease in loot is equal to one star? -What percentage increase do you get for a perfect 3 star attack? -What level was the user? -What is the secret global chat? -Who goes into the secret global chat? -What game does the user wish to return back to? -What level was the user? -What is the secret global chat? -Who goes into the secret global chat? -What game does the user wish to return back to? -What is their a mob protest against? -What is harder to find now? -What should you do if you paid money and don't like the game? -How was the game meant to be played? -What country is the author touring in? -What does he wish to take home? -How many days left on the trip are there? -Where type of beans did the author already buy? -Where did the author buy those beans? -When was this posted? -What website will help you find IEMs? -What is the name of the guide? -What is the price range for budget headphones? -What headphones does this person have? -What amplifiers is this person considering to purchase? -What does this person want to buy? -What Class is the one of the headphones? -What is the brand of headphones being discussed? -What model headphones is the person asking about? -What does this person want to buy? -What is the person questioning about the headphones? -What mod does this person have? -What headphones did the person previously use? -How many years did this person use the Sennheiser HD25-1 II for? -How much did they pay for the T50rp mod? -What headphones did this purchase buy? -What is wrong with their headphones? -What brand does the Urbanite headphones belong under? -What did they do to the headphones? -Whose death does the commenter want to see? -Which character does the commenter want to modify? -What kind of console command is the commenter seeking? -Who did the commenter talk to who gave them hope? -What were we just informed about? -Who informed us? -Why did they delete their channel? -What should you do if you have issues with someone else commenting on our videos? -What stage of education am I at? -What subjects am I very good at? -What major am I looking into? -Which course am I currently taking? -What do i hate? -Which level of courses can have that expectation? -Why can courses at that level have that expectation? -What did my CS professor for intro to computing say? -How much content of Star Wars is there in the extended universe? -What has Marvel been publishing lately? -What am I interested in particularly? -Since when is none of it canon? -Where did the commenter go to try to rectify the situation? -What changed after the game was reinstalled? -What did the commenter try to adjust at the Black Emporium? -What aspect of the Inquisitor character does the commenter want to restore? -What kind of company does this person work for? -What type of auto parts does this person's company sell? -When do they send out emails to their customers? -What do they do every month for their customers? -What do I need help with? -What leanings have I had lately? -What have considered myself for a while? -What turns me off to Anarcho-Communism ideology? -What does this person think has become normal? -How much body fat percentage do action heroes have? -Who has an 8 percent body fat percentage? -Who starred in the Bond movies? -What book is this person asking about? -What is this book about? -What website did this person use to search for videos? -What job did this person's uncle retire from? -What game does the commenter find very difficult? -How does the commenter deal with fire enemies? -What level has the commenter attained on DAI? -What commonly held opinion does the commenter find surprising? -What level has the commenter achieved in the game? -How many rubies does the commenter have? -What does the commenter feel is most needed? -What goal is of greatest urgency for the commenter? -What primary character does the commenter have? -What two types of characters is the commenter deciding between? -Why does the commenter want to add another character? -What type of character is the commenter saving for the future? -How many posts can you make? -How many teams can you mention? -During which week may you post about Saiyans? -What threshold must be reached to qualify my team as Super Saiyans? -Will I have an advantage if I build the very best team? -Who feels peevish about what the world engine did to Atlantis? -What happened to people associated with Aquaman? -How will Aquaman get "street Cred" in the comic world? -Who's toy figurine hasn't been released? -Because there is no figurine, does that mean Doomsday won't come back? -What's the objective of the post? -What am I trying to do? -What do I want the user to be able to do? -What am I creating now? -What am I using this trait for? -Why were actors changed on the suicide movie? -What role could Tom Hardy play? -What feature makes Tom Hardy God like? -What has a lot of roles for Tom Hardy? -What role would be ideal to see on the big screen? -Where do I do the weekly power rankings? -What does the job entail? -What are we in need of? -What happens if our primary ranker is busy? -What course am I taking -what does one of the sections require? -What specifically is my task? -How many people does the company that I work for have? -Which network am I on? -What am I grandfathered into? -What device am I looking to upgrade from? -What device am I looking to upgrade to? -How is parking going to be downtown? -What are my friends doing against my advice -Where have I lived? -What have I managed to do? -What wasn't measured properly so that it caused a wrong fit? -What material is the desk made of? -What shape needs to be cut into the desk? -What item needs to fit snugly? -What item is being installed atop the desk? -What is the elevation underneath the deck? -What would be the reason for 3/4 spacing? -How deep a hole might I need? -What part of the building project is advice sought on? -What would post supports be bolted into? -What family is this? -Who is writing? -What does he thank them for? -What is the forum about? -Who's WJC is over? -How many did he play in? -Did he break a finger? -When did he possibly break it? -What are they unfamiliar with? -Who is their favorite character at the moment? -When the portal appears, what do they do? -What do they spawn? -Why do they spawn allies? -What control panel is not opening? -What operating system are they using? -What do you click on the start menu? -What should you download? -What version did they install multiple times? -What is the topic of the writing prompt? -If your poem/post doesn't follow what it will be removed? -You can edit afterwards to add what in? -To get your post reapproved, what must you do? -What thread is an additional place where rules are suspended? -What are they drinking from? -What is in front of them the next day? -What is in the plastic cup? -What does the cup the next day contain? -They are trying to get more than on specialization in what? -What type of scheduling do they have? -What status are they hoping to get? -What year are they in school? -Who does the author want to get some answers from? -What's the total number of questions the author wants to ask? -The author also asks what about quantity? -What does the author ask about angry ticket buyers? -What's one of the most important questions the author wants to ask? -What does the title says? -How much time does it has to play dota? -What are the games that I want to try? -What was the name of the custom game that I first tried? -How long did it took me to play Epic boss fight? -What does the custom games makers must do? -How much time do I have to play dota? -What games do I like to try? -What was the name of the last custom game that I have tried? -How long did it took me to play Epic boss flight? -What different titles does the author have? -What are some of the artistic terms the author would like reflected? -What are some of the music/movie artists that he has in mind? -What three artistic movements that see think of frequently? -What exactly iis the author's real name? -What career field does the author want to get back into? -What was the author's major in college? -How long has it been since she has worked in the IT field? -Does she really want to get back into IT? -What types of jobs has she started looking for? -What do you have to put at the start of games? -what gets shut down? -What do you have to do once Glyph starts? -What is ' the Glyph"? -What Valve does have to do when games starts? -What is you opponent is picking? -What happens with the chat window? -What do you have to do on Glyph once the game starts? -What is the Glyph? -Does the author have a degree? -What types of certifications does he will want to start with? -What's one of the reasons that he did not take college courses? -What iShoulds the certification offered by Cisco? -What types of databases is he working with? -What kind of job would be like upon graduation? -What is his grade level and major? -Why is he concerrned about getting a SysAdmin job? -Should he stick to one type of technology or study a variety? -His biggest concern at the moment is what? -What do I need? -What game do I love? -What type of player do I am? -How many hours have I played Dota game? -What do I want? -How can we get in the Dota game items? -What do I have to view? -What any regular Dota player should know? -What I haven't build? -what do I have to check? -What was I playing today? -What did I wanted to add in the game? -What should you imagine? -What should happen when you pick up a bounty time? -What was I thinking about today? -What size is the holder? -What does it fit nicely? -Does the writer recommend the holder? -Do you have to dig through a makeup bag? -What is the product? -Who assembled the glass shelves? -What's on the second shelf? -What's on the bottom shelf? -What are the dimensions of the receiver? -Does the writer recommend the pod? -Did several pods make a difference? -Is the pressure strong enough? -Does the writer like strong coffee? -How long does the product take to set up? -is the product strong on the bottom? -is the extension part weak? -does it lean to the side? -how many days until the charge depletes? -how long do you have to recharge it? -Is it convenient? -What is the model number? -What did the buyer originally want? -How many irritations are there? -How do you turn off the heating element? -What happens when the water boils? -What rooms were these purchased for? -What is the lid made of? -What had a hole in the center of it? -How many were purchased? -What was purchased? -What was purchased 4 years ago? -How thick are the corners? -Where is the buyer from? -How long has the buyer had their new one now? -What did they see in Crate and Barrell? -How long was it backordered? -Where did they see the pizelle maker? -Where did the recipe come from? -What is perfect for the buyer? -What thread count cover did they purchase? -What do they recommend to use with the duvet insert? -Where can the duvet clips be found? -how many quarts of yogurt is made every other day? -how long is the yogurt in the machine? -what is the name of the cheese machine? -what type of frozen strawberry is used? -is the yogurt put in the fridge or stove? -what was the biggest complaint? -is the blender beater a single or double? -what were hard to insert properly? -what is mixed? -how many times is the blender used each week? -what is the thread count on the sheets? -were the sheets soft or hard? -where did they put the sheets? -how many inches is the memory foam topper? -what is used to dehydrate the liver? -who ate the dehydrated liver? -who is named as a success? -when do they want to use the dehydrator with herbs and flowers? -which magazine recommended the knife purchase? -what was wrong with the old knife? -was the knife purchase a good or bad value? -is the new knife heavy or light? -How many 4-place dinner settings are in the organizer? -How many wire whisks are in the organizer? -How many sharp knives are in the organizer? -What keeps things in the organizer from moving and rattling? -How many tablespoons are in one compartment of the organizer? -What would happen if the cup fell on your foot? -What is my favorite mug? -What size is the cup? -What is the weight of the cup? -What color are the bags? -What used to get tangled in the wash? -What happened when the items got tangled? -Where were the bags taken? -When was the vacation? -What made the set up a nightmare? -What was the flimsy plastic rod stuck in? -What causes the thin plastic to flex? -What happened first while trying to put the top on the base? -What happened when it was turned on? -How many were bought? -Are they dishwasher safe? -When will they be used? -What do they match? -What is the name of the device the user is touting? -Where does the user find many of her recipes? -How many blank pages are available to the user? -Does the device work well for printouts? -Where does the user get printed recipes? -How well does the machine clean? -What damage was incurred on the second use of the machine? -Can the machine handle be fixed? -What rating did the user give the machine? -What material is the machine made from? -How is the actual storage bag made in relation to the picture? -What material is the storage bag made from? -What sort of loop is at the top? -Does the bag function as required? -Where might one hang the bag? -Does the cooker poach eggs evenly? -Does the cooker work well for boiling eggs? -What is the main complaint about the cooker's ability to poach eggs? -Where do you put the eggs to poach them? -Which part of the egg cooks first? -Can the unit be refilled? -What is over the top? -Is there an upper basket? -What size is the unit? -What is the unit comparable to in size? -is the hanger made of hard wood? -how much do you have to turn the rings to get them to stay in position? -how is the hanger described? -which direction do the rings rotate? -what is the texture of the wood? -how long have they been using a george foreman grill? -which grill do they like more? -how can you wash the grill? -what could you cook with the foreman grill? -does the grill come with instructions? -what did the husband want for the wedding? -how much does it cost to rent a chocolate fountain? -how many guests are expected at the wedding? -what gets mixed in with the chocolate pieces? -what size group is this fountain best for? -is the product expensive? -is the product sturdy? -which shelves are only for smaller pots? -how much more expensive are enclume racks? -what color are the jars? -are the jars a good size? -are the newer or older jars better? -who did they give the jars to? -what will the jars be used for? -What was the egg keeper made of? -When did the coupon expire? -How much was the coupon the customer recieved? -Does the company reprint coupons? -What kind of texture do the sheets have? -Dows the author prefer these, or Egyptian cotton sheets? -What is the sheet made of? -What ind of pets does the writer have? -Will these sheets stay soft? -How long has the author had the pillows? -How many pillows does the price include? -What position does the author sleep in? -Are the pillows plushy? -Do the pillows have support? -What does the author feel is a great way to grab a market share? -How does the oven open and close? -What is the most important feature? -How many slices of bread can you toast at once? -Is the oven door removable? -How long has the author been using the bags? -What kind of inserts do the bags have? -How are these bags meant to be cleaned? -What are these bags good for carrying? -Who tends to overfill the bags? -when did the writer get the product? -what is the product "excellent" for? -how noisy is the product? -how long can the product run before charging? -what will the product not clean? -how long has the reviewer used the product? -does the product damage vegetables? -what other ways is the product used besides cleaning vegetables? -how does the product get cleaned? -how happy is the reviewer with this product? -what happened to the kitchen that required putting food into plastic boxes? -why did the reviewer buy the spice jar labels initially? -how clear are the containers/plastic boxes? -what did the reviewer use the left-over labels on? -what other version of label has the reviewer purchased? -what does the top layer of this mattress cover feel like? -what are the sides of this mattress cover like? -does the mattress cover fit a king size mattress? -is the reviewer planning on purchasing more of these mattress covers? -did the reviewer test to see if the mattress cover is water resistant? -What can be used so you an see what's inside from any angle? -Four sets of Duralex Lys bowls were purchased since which year? -What caused several bowls to break? -How many ounces do the giant cans of tomatoes have? -What do you need to do to the handle? -What needs to stop before you can easily lift up the top of the can? -What don't you have to do to the handles? -Is it easy or difficult to turn the handle? -What sort of grip do these hangers use to hold onto a pair of slacks? -What has a rubbery padding at the tips? -How many pairs on a hanger cause the grips to loosen on the hanging mechanism over time? -Where are the hangers found? -Where would it be a hassle t find these hangers? -Are they more likely freezing or canning the contents of the ball jars? -What doesn't the food processor have that makes it difficult transferring the juice to a jar? -What allows the person to get started without any spillage? -What is essential when buying things in bulk at health food stores? -What can be used to store rice, grits, powdered sugar and popcorn? -What improves the grip on this tool? -How many marked increments for precise measurement are on each side? -Where is the black rubber that helps improve grip? -What are the three increments used for? -What does the black rubber in the middle do? -On who's recommendation did they buy the spoon? -What makes basting and scooping out grease easier with this spoon? -What makes grease form on the top of the pot? -What kind of feel does the spoon have to it? -Where did this shopper buy their other spoon years ago? -What brand of Whistling kettle has the shopper been using for years? -Which types of kettle are compared? -Which kettle did the shopper decide to give a shot? -How much water does the Medelco kettle hold? -If Staging a house to sell, which teapot should be used? -Which temperature teas are preferrable? -What is hot water poured over to make tea? -Where is tea chilled? -In the new pitcher, where are tea bags placed? -Where, in the refrigerator is the Pitcher stored? -What is produced by an extraction from the baby cow's stomach? -Why did they purchase the vegetable rennet instead of animal? -What is in the calf stomach that helps make rennet? -What does the recipe say to do with vegetable rennet when replaced for animal? -What must be removed to enable you to stuff a full casing? -How much pork shoulder is used in this recipe? -What performs the job of pulling the meat through? -Which kind of casings are used to make sausage? -What is the blade and plate replaced with after removal? -What do you need to do before you purchase the juicer? -Although the juicer is efficient what is a downside. -How fast is the juicer? -What do you need to do to vegetables? -What is something easy about the product? -What was easy to do with the tray? -What was included with the package? -On what side was the AC unit weighted? -How heavy was the AC unit? -What is suggested to do after buying the AC unit? -Why was the chopper bought? -Who was the chopper bought for? -What happened after the buzzing? -What was it too late to do? -What was the first thing used to chop? -What size is the pan? -What was the person looking for? -Where did they find the pan? -What happened with other pans when making eggs? -What does the pan do with each cooking? -What types of pans are these? -What does the pan do well? -What came out leveled? -What have they almost bought? -What comes out perfect? -What type of vacuum does he own? -What does the author like about the newer vacuum? -Why does it make the house smell better? -Why is it easier to empty? -Overall, how does it compare to the Dyson? -How long ago did the author by the Tylose Powder? -How much of the powder was added for the fondant? -What is the powder used to harden? -And how much is needed for the gumpaste? -What does it need to be stored in? -What size bed was purchased? -How well has the bed held up? -How many times did he have to take it apart? -What does the author use the bottom drawers for? -Why would the author recommend it to other people? -What did this one replace? -Where did the author decided to put the laundry basket? -How long the old one last him? -What part is the other still waiting for? -What is the bottom shelf made out of? -What was wrong with the pan when he first got it? -What is already showing up on the surface of the pan? -How many times has the author purchased this company's products from Amazon? -Why are the prices a little bit higher on these items? -What does he think Amazon should do about it? -How has the author felt previously about similar products? -What is the author reviewing? -What is the main problem with the product? -Why is it difficult to remove the bottle from the cooling container? -What is the wine chiller ideal for? -What was the biggest stroke of genius concerning the product? -What is the main problem of in-sink soap dispensers? -Why is it difficult to fill in-sink soap dispensers? -What happens when you try to fill an in-sink soap from above? -How should you prime the pump? -What was the author's initial complaint? -Why does the author enjoy the stainless steel handle? -What feature would the author want on this pan? -When did the author put his steak in the pan? -What is the author reviewing? -Why did the author think the product wasn't working when he first used it? -For who does the author want to buy this product? -What happened when the author kept turning the handle? -Why does the author want to gift this product to his grandmother? -How do you set the clock on this product? -What happens because the magnet isn't strong? -How does the author feel about this product? -Why does the author enjoy the fact the product has 10 keys? -How much time can the clock lose over the course of a battery set? -What Crockpot did the reviewer buy? -Where did the reviewer by their smaller crockpot? -Who did the reviewer by the crockpot from? -Why does the crockpot boil over? -How much water does the reviewer add to a beef roast? -What is the scale being reviewed? -How can dieters benefit from this scale? -Is this scale compact? -Does it give you specific measurements? -Is the light dim? -How long is the cord? -Can it be used in a narrow space? -Can you change the angle? -What item is being reviewed? -How long does it maintain suction? -How long does it take to charge the battery? -How does it indicate that it is charged? -Will it pick up pet fur? -Is it easy to grind pepper? -How long does it take to get pepper out? -What color did the reviewer buy? -Who did the reviewer buy it for? -Is it attractive? -How big is the baster? -How easy was the baster to use? -What else comes with the baster? -Where did the baster come from? -How is the quality of the baster? -What is the size of the scale? -What is one of the many uses for the scale? -How heavy is the scale? -What are the dimensions of the scale? -What is the difficulty of learning how to use the scale? -How well do both Thermoworks function? -What is the main difference between the two besides functionality? -What is the price of the Thermoworks? -What sets the two Thermoworks apart? -Where do i put the Thermoworks? -What is the price of the repair to the mixer? -What was the mixer used for? -What happened to the first mixer? -How much was the mixer in use for? -What happened to the second mixer? -What is the price of the repair to the mixer? -What happened to the first mixer? -What was the mixer used for? -How much was the mixer in use for? -What happened to the second mixer? -What is the price of the repair to the mixer? -What happened to the first mixer? -What was the mixer used for? -How much was the mixer in use for? -What happened to the second mixer? -What is the price of the repair to the mixer? -What happened to the first mixer? -What was the mixer used for? -How much was the mixer in use for? -What happened to the second mixer? -How tough is the cookware? -How well does the cookware conduct heat? -Does the cookware actually let the food come off easier? -What color does the cookware come in? -What are some of the bells and whistles of the cookware? -Is it a big or a little vacuum? -What was the purchased based on? -How much dirt does it suck up? -How long is the cord? -Is it difficult to hold? -How many quarts does it hold? -Where can I get a crock pot recipe book? -What is the best crock pot recipe book? -Should I get a smaller model? -How full does it need to be to work well? -What temperature is water when the cup holder is used? -Is there a design flaw? -Is it dishwasher safe? -Is the seal tight? -How many ounces are in the keg shaped version? -Are the knives dishwasher safe? -What are the knives made of? -What do the knives come in? -Who is the maker of the knives? -Can the knives handle smaller slices? -What happens when you put the paper in the press? -Is it hard to peel the paper off the frozen burger? -Do the burgers rise up in the middle? -How do the burgers fit the bun? -What impression does the bottom piece make on the burger? -How long did it take for the pillow to break down? -How long before reviewer threw the pillow away? -How many pillow covers were used? -How long did the reviewer kept their old pillow? -What type of injury does the reviewer have? -What is the size of the skillet? -How many pieces of bacon is used? -How many eggs does user use in recipe? -What type of sausage is used? -How does the reviewer rate the quality? -How long have they owned the product? -How long does it take to brew a pot of coffee? -What state is the carafe in? -How old is the Cuisinart? -What type of burners are these covers made for? -What type of covers are these? -How is the variety of covers locally described? -How long have these been used without being cleaned? -What type of aesthetics are these covers? -What is the brand name? -What type of product is described? -What is the size of the product? -What is the color of the interior of the Dutch Oven? -Are there large amounts of lint when using these towels? -Are these towels a good size for a larger person? -Do these towels hold together well? -What do the towels feel like? -Are these towels a good value? -How does this work? -Will this cut through a pizza without difficulty? -What is the size of this product? -Is it ergonomic to use? -Does the cutter handle feel too heavy to use comfortably? -How fast does this work? -What's the serving capacity of this pot? -How quickly does water boil in this pot? -Are there any disadvantges with this pot? -What are the advantages of owning a Shabu Shabu pot? -What is the size of the pans in the Libbey mini baking set? -Which pan material would be recommended for mini pie baking? -How much is this set? -Why aren't new-purchase Pyrex pans recommended? -What kind of glass baking pans are safer? -How does this product work with basic functionality? -How is this different from other, larger microwaves? -What location would this microwave work best? -What's the visual appeal of this microwave? -How quickly does this microwave work? -What did the person buy? -Why did they buy the machine? -Why did they think they couldn't make bread in the oven? -What family member used to have a bread machine? -What product did they first use on the floors? -What happened a day after using the Swiffer? -What product are they using now? -What happened when used on the tile? -What did Kitchenaid do a good job at? -How is the build quality of the pans? -What happened with some other pans? -How is the non-stick coating? -What was added to a baking toolbox? -How is the weight? -Why were they not pleased with the shipping box? -What did the UPS driver think it was? -What have they wanted for a long time? -What will they also buy for the pan? -What cooks to perfection in the pan? -Where was the product made? -What size was the travel cup? -What did they upgrade to from the KCup system? -What happened to the coffee choices after upgrading? -What would not fit under the dispenser? -What must you do every time you want to brew since there is no default setting? -What type of coffee maker did the writer use prior to purchasing a Vue? -Can you brew with one touch using the Vue? -Up to how many ounces can the Vue brew at once? -Who makes the Vue coffee maker? -What is the compartment at the bottle of the bottle for? -Is the bottle spout normal size? -Is the bottle sturdy? -How much liquid can the bottle contain? -Does the vacuum remove pet hair? -What type of filter is provided with the vacuum? -Can I use this vacuum on the stairs? -Does the vacuum come with any attachments? -Is the bath mat thick or thin? -Can the water still drain properly if you use this mat in the shower? -Is the mat comfortable to stand on? -How could the design of the mat be improved? -What type of coffee machine is the Primula? -Is cleaning the Primula easy? -Is the Primula a fast or slow brewing system? -Is a French press complicated to use? -How much coffee does the Primula make at one time? -If the broad loaves you buy are not big, what else could you fit in the breadbox? -What is a good way to help prevent mold on the bread? -What is an issue that requires taking the bread out of the breadbox daily? -How long is it suggested to take the breads out of the breadbox for, daily? -Before using the breadbox, what was a big issue that had an improvised solution of using zip-locks? -What novelty has worn out? -How long does it take to grind two scoops of beans? -What is an eco-benefit of this grinder versus an electric grinder? -What is an annoyance avoided by having this grinder? -What can the hand vac be useful for in the garage? -What is one of the better features of the hand vac? -What are storage options for the stand and charger of the hand vac? -What are the little wheels on the hand vac useful for? -What is considered a "big gun" when compared to the hand vac? -What companies advertised the mug as safe from spilling? -What did the manufacturer of the travel mug not do as it pertains to the lid? -What is the lid of the travel mug made of? -What type of lid does the travel mug have? -What is a way that the travel mug keeps the beverage inside hot? -What would be a safety concern than can be configured differently in the mixer settings? -How many stars did the reviewer give this mixer? -What was the reason for the reviewer to give this mixer less than 5 stars? -What happened when the reviewer connected the mixer to electricity? -Luckily, what was not inside the bowl of batter when the mixer started swirling? -How much did the writer pay for a pie crust maker? -what ingredient did the writer put too much of into the pie? -what brand is the pie crust maker? -how difficult does the writer describe the clean up process? -what store did the writer find the pie crust maker at? -what position reduces magnetic force? -what item is the writer reviewing? -what does the writer suggest they hang from their door in the winter? -how does the writer feel about their purchase? -what item did the writer order on amazon? -how many bottles can fit in the wine cellar? -how much taller was the new wine cellar according to amazon? -what are the actual dimensions of the new wine cellar? -what item did the writer purchase? -what device can you use to pull the lids out and drop them onto jars? -what had the writer been using to sterilize the lids previously? -what device other than the magnetic wand had the writer been using to try to grab the lids? -what material were the measuring cups made of that the writer bought? -what washed off the measuring cups in the dish washer? -what are the cups attached together with? -what does the writer rate as their happiness with this purchase? -where was the measurement mark on the cups before it was washed off? -What is the BTU of the first model? -what is the BTU of the second model? -do the models have the same design? -does it blow air in one direction? -when did mr coffee appear? -does it make a lot of noise? -who was the spokesman? -what is the condition? -does it take up space? -how many people does it cool? -is it noisy? -what position does it stop at when turned off? -how is it polished? -is this pan different? -is it curved or straight? -how good does it look? -what is the model of the mixer? -his wife and him lost what? -can you use cooking spray? -does the batter stick? -What kind of jar is being reviewed? -What was the reviews complaint about the tool jar? -What color was the jar? -What old appliance color did the reviewer compare the jar to? -What did the reviewer do with the jar? -What is the reviewers chief complaint? -What does it do when you change the temperature? -What does it do when you change the time? -What kind of pizza can it handle? -Does it have a clock function? -What is being reviewed in the article? -How old is the reviewer's carpet? -How does the reviewer feel about the vacuum cleaner? -What animal's hair did the vacuum pull out of the jute rug? -What makes cord handling a snap? -What does the reviewer's brother love making in the microwave? -How much does the s'more maker cost? -How does the reviewer feel about the product? -Who was the device purchased for? -What occasion was the device purchased for? -Where does the reviewer live? -What nickname for Louisianians did the reviewer use? -What is being reviewed? -After what will these pots cook great? -Where did the reviewer get a replacement knob for the lid? -What does the person suggest be changed on the slicer? -When did the user update their review? -How many times did she use the slicer before the switch malfunctioned? -What types of meat were causing problems while slicing? -Was the customer satisfied with the product despite problems with it? -How much counter space does these people have in their living space? -What benefits come with having this basket? -Was shipping time an issue when it came to the arrival of the basket after ordering? -What type of eating habits are these people engaging in at the moment? -Is the customer happy with their purchase of the basket? -What grade does this person teach? -How many timers have this person bought? -What size is the timer? -Where does the buyer use the timer(s)? -Can the timer show how long something takes? -What type of businesses does this person own? -How does the buyer describe the trigger on this device? -Does the poor workmanship affect performance of the product? -What was the rating for the product overall? -Which departments does the buyer suggest showed poor workmanship when it came to this product?? -What product is the person reviewing? -What well known brand does the user compare this product to when it comes to it's "non-stick properties? -What type of pan was the buyer comparing this new purchase to? -Was the buyer expecting a larger pan? -Were pictured=s posted with this review -Where is the cookware engineered? -What makes the Wearever cookware set a good value? -How do you know when the Wearever cookware set has finished cooking food? -How much water will the coffee pot hold according to the box? -Realistically, how much water does the coffee pot actually hold? -When did the consumer purchase the coffee pot? -When did the consumer receive the coffee pot? -What are the consumers feelings about the coffee pot? -How can you use the grill pan indoors? -How long has the consumer been using the grill pan indoors? -At what holiday has the consumer used the grill pan? -Does the pan make distinct grill marks on the food? -What is the cookware brand name? -Does the Swiss Diamond pan have straight sides? -Does the saucepan fit a Corning stove top burner? -Can Swiss Diamond saucepan be used in an oven? -Who delivered the queen size bed? -What day was the queen size bed ordered? -What day was the queen size bed delivered? -What was the condition of the frames center support? -What holds the center support to the frame? -What have they been looking for a replacement for? -What's the problem with the product? -What's the difference with the crank style? -What happens when grinding with this product? -What is dusty? -What was done to help fight the dust? -Where does it fit perfectly at? -Whats the main pro of the product? -What do they use this set for? -Which set is not inspiring? -Whats a good theme to be used for this set? -What are a couple good things about this product? -What are some characteristics of this product? -What is the handle made out of? -What could the rubber handle cause? -What do they use in the dishwasher for cleaning? -How does the scale seem to measure? -What is one complaint about it? -Where does the transparent platter rest? -What could happen if you put loose product on it? -What color looks good on the Empire Red Kitchen Appliances? -How does the dinnerware look and feel? -What size are the plates? -How many months has the author had their set? -What online website did they buy their set through? -How quickly did the pack arrive? -What type of bag were the items packaged in? -What type of envelope were the items packaged in? -All 10 items are stamped with what words? -What is the model of the can opener? -What color does the author believe is the most atrractive color? -What type of construction is the pan made of? -What type of pans are these? -What emotion does the author convey about owning these pans? -Are the pans dishwasher safe? -What does large dog hair do to the brushes? -What type of pick ups is this sweeper fantastic for? -What time of day does the author zoom through the house? -How often does the author bring out her actual vacuum? -What part of the author's body is happy? -What is the volume of the kettle? -If the author's hands don't fit to clean the kettle, what will the author use? -What kind of deposits build up in the kettle? -How does the lid fit? -How many stars did the author give the kettle? -What is the product name? -What type of mattress does the protector fit? -Does the protector make any noise? -What noise is typical of a mattress protector? -What protects the mattress from liquid? -How much does popcorn kernels cost? -Why are brown spots on the bowl? -What caused the popcorn to burn? -What piece of the equipment warped? -What item might have to be placed on the lid to hold down the sides? -What size was the product? -Does the quilt fit? -What's the true size of the quilt? -Is the reader satisfied with the quality of the good? -What has faded after one wash? -Has the writer used the product? -Is the product good quality? -What feels slippery? -What don't reviewers feel necessary to use? -What does the manufacturer suggest using? -What product was ordered? -Why did the reviewer select this slow cooker? -How long do the oats cook? -How many cups of oats are used? -What heat setting should the slow cooker be set to cook oats? -What is this product similar to? -What makes entering information on the device easier? -What is the added bonus of this product? -What is the name of the manufacturer? -What is the size of this product? -What does the product have that makes it perfect for hanging on a rack? -What kind of edge does the cutter have? -What is the product made from? -What is the product? -What kind of arm does the product have? -What kind of bottom does the product have? -What can this product fit under due to it's height? -What kind of coffee can this product make? -What does the product brew directly into? -What comes with the product that are easy to read and follow? -What does the product come with? -What is the name of the product manufacturer? -What color is the battery case lid? -What tools do you need to open the glue seam holding the battery case shut? -Replacing the battery is not a good job for what kind of person? -How much can replacing the battery save you? -What is useful? -Where does the cutting board balance well? -Where are the scraps taken? -What gets rinsed? -What allows for easy transfer? -What is being reviewed? -What is sustained? -What does not happen from cooking heat? -What might happen in the future? -What is really thin? -What is the item made out of? -How many children does the author have? -What is it perfect for displaying? -What is it perfect for? -How long has the item been used? -What is being reviewed? -What kept going off? -What caused the smoke detector to go off? -What is this an improvement on? -What is being held? -What is being reviewed? -Where is the makeup being held? -What color is the basket? -What allows for easy transport? -Why did you buy this beater for your 6 quart mixer? -Being that it is plastic it the beater as strong as the metal beaters? -How is it better than the beater that comes with it? -Is the beater dishwasher safe? -is there anything i need to do with the new beater the first few uses? -Is the product size as advertised? -Can i use the mats more than once? -What is the rated temperature for the mats? -Are the mats safe to put in the freezer? -Will i need to buy a larger pan for the 18 by 13 mats? -What makes your k cup better than all the rest? -Is it cheaper to buy the filters at a big box store? -Will the replacement filter from other brands work for this system? -Will i need to clean out the basket after each cup? -Will i be able to use less coffee grounds? -How long did it take to install? -Will all my cables fit under the cable covers? -Why did you buy this model of tv mount? -will this tv mount work for a flat panel tv? -Would you recommend this tv mount to others? -What was your man reason for buying this food scale? -Why is it important for the food scales to be so accurate? -How accurate is this food scale? -Did you notice a difference is the new scale from the old scale? -What is your main problem with the old type scales? -What do you need to use to make this filter last 5 years? -where is their filter located? -What type of allergy did the person have? -How long is the warranty? -Which setting is quiet? -When did they first develop allergies to dust? -Which settings are actually pretty noisy? -What is the one major expense of HEPA filters that occurs over the years? -If you wanted a bedroom air purifier model what is recommended? -How many years warranty does the Austin give you? -Sometimes eggs can get as hard as what kind of balls? -How many minutes on the the dot to get firm whites? -What should be included to get this 5 stars? -Whom does she poach eggs with every weekend? -What is really just a breeze with this unit? -Whom did they thank? -What did they thank Amazon for? -In one word how did they describe the purchase? -What room was this item the most useful in? -How glad are they that they ordered it? -How many dollars more do you need to spend to get a decent product -What did they give their cup to make sure it was clean? -How many times have they reviewed something on Amazon? -What kind of reputation do they still count on to prove reviews wrong? -What was the main reason they wanted so badly to try and help others? -What is the weight limit -Where does stitching come undone -What larger trips are these used for -Where can you stash these -What is the size -How does this vacuum get power -What surface is it good for -What will it pick up -How long does it last on a charge -Is it silent? -What does this store -How many does it store -What is it made out of -How long does it take to put together -How long will it last -Does the nonstick work -What happens if it's dropped -What happens in the oven -Does the pan unwarp? -Which doesn't have a lid? -What is important in a toaster -Does it take up a lot of space -What doesn't the oven have? -What is the best feature -how long has the writer owned the product they are reviewing? -what is happening to the waffles made with the product? -how much did the product cost? -what aspect of the product worried the writer when it first arrived? -who in the writers family loves waffles? -what allows you to cook for one or multiple people? -items that need a longer cook time should be placed where? -what is the max time you can set for cooking items on the product? -Instead of mechanical cooking timers this product uses what? -what product is the writer reviewing? -how long has the writer been using this product? -what type of oil does the writer prefer? -what product is the writer reviewing? -how much water does the kettle heat at once? -what type of stove does the writer have? -this tea kettle is deceptively what for its size? -the vertical openings on this product aren't what? -what type of clamping device does this product use to hold it together? -what size box does this product come in? -what part of the device is deeper than the rest? -What kind of filtration system does the plunger for this coffee press have? -What is the reviewer using the coffee press for? -What are the reviewers two favorite tea flavors? -What is the canister for this coffee press made of? -What was the canister for the reviewer's old coffee press made of? -What did the reviewer use to pin the flap to the bottom of the organizer? -What is the bed bunk organizer useful for? -How does the reviewer feel about the purchase? -Did this bunk bed organizer cost more or less than the one advertised? -What color is the toaster the reviewer purchased? -Which side of a bagel should be facing inward? -How did the reviewer feel about the price of the toaster? -How does the reviewer feel about her toaster purchase? -What was one major complaint about the toaster? -How much does the tank hold? -What color are the lights that can be turned on and off? -For how many hours does a one gallon tank last? -How often does the tank need to be filled? -In what direction does the steam go? -What is the name of the company that manufactured the coffee maker? -What was missing from the coffee maker that made it difficult for the reviewer to repair themselves? -How far out of warranty was the reviewers product? -How long ago did the reviewer purchase this coffee maker? -Who did the reviewer call for help with their broken product? -What product is the person reviewing? -what is the persons favorite type of coffee? -what does the coffee taste like? -what temperature was the water? -For which beverage does the person think the product could be useful for? -Which product does the person think is great? -What is the person's final verdict on the product? -what pitcher feature was the person most interested in? -Where did the person want to take the pitchers? -What did the person not have a problem with,unlike other reviewers? -Why did the reviewer purchase the product? -Where does the reviewer keep the machine? -What other food product does the Reviewer use it for? -Why does the reviewer like the product? -Who does the Reviewer recommend the product for? -How long does it take for the reviewers hand to get hot when holding something very hot? -what is the reviewer's favorite aspect of the product? -How many stars does the reviewer rate the product?e -What two materials is the product made out of? -How hot does the temperature have to be before the Reviewer feels discomfort? -How long does it take for the reviewers hand to get hot when holding something very hot? -what is the reviewer's favorite aspect of the product? -What two materials is the product made out of? -How hot does the temperature have to be before the Reviewer feels discomfort? -How many stars does the reviewer rate the product?e -How long does it take for the reviewers hand to get hot when holding something very hot? -How many stars does the reviewer rate the product?e -what is the reviewer's favorite aspect of the product? -What two materials is the product made out of? -How hot does the temperature have to be before the Reviewer feels discomfort? -How many stars does the Reviewer Want to give the product? -What did the reviewer try doing to fix the problems? -How long before the Reviewer began having problems with the product? -What doesn't the reviewer normally do? -What kind of beverage does the reviewer like to drink? -How many people were camping? -What do most recipes call for? -What kind of briquettes should you use? -What speaks for itself? -What size is pretty heavy? -Did it have any dents, chips, or discolorations? -Where did the buyer purchase this product? -What kind of serving item did this person order? -Which holiday is the product good for? -What did it come wrapped in? -How cold does it keep liquids? -How many hours later will it still have ice? -What kind of lid does it have? -What size bottle did the person order? -Which person is the buyer gifting the product to? -What brand was ordered? -What humidity level is produced? -Which room does the person use the product in? -Which kind of product is it? -What is one big issue? -Which brand of item was bought? -What kind of reviews put the buyer off? -Who else uses the product? -What kind of product was purchased? -What kind of house did they purchase a second product for? -Uprights are really only good for what? -How long has this person had an upright Dyson? -Where is the telescoping arm easy to use? -Where is the hardest place to use attachments? -How do the attachments connect to the vacuum? -What does this person do every month to their mattress? -What kind of problems were both people getting on their bad mattress? -What used to be a nightmare? -How often do they now rotate their mattress? -What kind of cover did they place under their mattress? -How many cubic feet does their kitchen counter have? -What must your coffee maker have to make a basic cup of coffee? -What does this person tend to be in the morning? -After following instructions what did they then make? -What kind of cups do a lot of spendy coffee makers use? -What type of gallon bag does this container use? -How many gallon bags that they use are only somewhat full? -What style of garbage can do they generally like best? -When they have to wave their hands around they tend to fell like they are a what? -What are two things they really like about the trashcan? -What stopped heating and now only has the inside ring heating? -What part of the range did they want to replace? -What did they want to test out before buying an induction range? -How many watts does Max Burton 6200 use? -How many burners does the induction cooktop they decided to buy have? -How long does this last -How many times a week can you use this -Which is more expensive, the Cuisinart or Oster -Where does the Oster chop to -What does the photo show -What does the curtain not have -What reinforcement does the curtain have -What will happen with stress -What is the thickness -What does plastic look like -Do these break -What quality are these -How long will they last -What size are they -What is this a good fit for -How often do you have espresso -How many things can it make -How is the milk steamer -What type of gaskets are replaced -What do the original gaskets do besides deform -What replaces the rubber gaskets -Which gasket has better heat range? -What stands the test of time? -What did the writer let his horses drink? -What is the author's favorite drink temperature? -What does the glass get very little of around it? -What does one use to hand wash the glass? -How many plys does the pan have? -What is the weight of the bottom of the pan? -What fits the pan perfectly? -What can be cooked in the pan? -What does the pan hold and distribute well? -How long is the can crusher? -How wide is the can crusher? -How does the crusher work? -What is the largest can the crusher will take? -What is a must for installation? -Who makes the Earth Pan? -What is the author picky about? -What does a pan need? -What pan brand is the author a fan of besides Ozeri? -Who was the pan set bought for? -How did the author obtain his first Kitchen Aid mixer? -What year did the author's mom and dad get the Kitchen Aid? -What year did the author's first Kitchen Aid stop working? -What has the author used his new Kitchen Aid for? -What is there an ubelievable array of? -What did you purchase this pan with? -What type of bread do you make with the pan? -How should you do the last rise of your dough to use this pan? -Should you score the bread before baking? -Why should you score the bread? -What type of beaters does this vacuum have? -What type of bag does this vacuum use? -Does the vacuum have a filter? -How long are the extensions? -How easy is it to push? -How big is the digital pocket scale? -How many weight modes does the scale have? -How accurate is the scale? -Is the price worth it? -Are these nightstands easy to put together? -Does the nightstand look nice? -Is the nightstand stable? -Would you repurchase this nightstand? -How well does this slice guide work? -Are the slices even? -Does the slice guide squish bread? -What type of bread works best with this? -What else does it come with? -What is it made out of? -How many ounces does it hold? -Who makes it? -How many thumbs up does the reviewer give it? -What is the item? -How much does the item hold? -What is the item made up of? -What is the brand -What version of this product are they reviewing? -What is wrong with it ? -How long is the warranty? -What medical condition does the woman have? -What does they pair it with? -What do they like? -What size cup do they use? -What is it free of? -What happens quickly? -What apartment is it good for? -How long does it need to rest? -What is the flooring of the living area? -How long did they have their old coffee machine? -what happens when you leave burner on? -How many buttons does it have? -What brand is the new machine? -How much water fills the cooler? -How soon did after ordering did the unit arrive? -What is the size of the room the Cooler cooled? -What setting is the Cooler set to for adequate functioning of the unit? -Is the brewed coffee strong or weak? -When did the coffee maker stop functioning properly? -Is the coffee maker recommended for purchase? -Does the coffee maker make a full cup of coffee? -Is the coffee maker returnable? -How many sizes are the cutting boards? -What is the usage for the large cutting board? -How is the weight of the boards? -Are the boards dishwasher safe? -How many cloves fit in the press? -What is the cleanup like with the garlic press? -Is there anything that would make the garlic press more functional? -Is the garlic press recommended as a good gift option? -How high is the oven temperature? -What size pan fits inside the oven? -What items can you cook in the oven? -What is the cooking time like? -Does the even cook evenly on both racks of the oven? -What sort of cleaning tool is this? -How small is the canister vac? -What separate item does it come with? -Where is the on/off button located? -Which room in the house is the product good for? -What material is the item made of? -What kind of pan is it good to use with? -What sort of kitchen utensil is this review about? -How many ways can you screw the base node in? -What mode does it work well in? -What material is the set made of? -What texture is the surface of the items? -Which room of the house is the set designed for? -What is a shape that the set contains? -How many stars were docked? -Where can you hang this item? -Which type of rod is not recommended? -Where are the smaller pockets located? -What kind of tub is it good for? -What kind of bottles can you put in it? -Which types of shirts should you not use the product with? -What length is the cord? -What kind of burn do you risk? -What online store did they buy the product at? -What was the price of the product at the offline store in NYC? -What is one thing you need to be mindful of? -What is another thing you need to be mindful of? -What is one more thing you need to be mindful of? -If you cannot use screws for the holes, what might you use? -What is the distance between the top and bottom screws? -What type of set did the new one replace? -What is useless? -What was wrong with the old set? -Why is the box useless? -How can the new knives be washed? -How does the reviewer feel about the new grater? -What is the grater made from? -Why is stainless steeel better? -How well does the new grater fit the reviewer's needs? -Is the reviewer's husband healthy or disabled? -When did reviewer's mom start raving about water kettles? -How often does reviewer's mom make tea and coffee? -How often did reviewer's mom used to make tea and coffee? -How often does reviewer's mom use her water kettle? -What does reviewer's mom make with the water kettle? -What type of phone does the reviewer have? -Is the product well made? -How well does reviewer's phone fit? -How does reviewer describe the quality? -What is the gusset used for? -Is the knife too heavy? -Who did they have a potluck bbq with? -What review did the user read? -Who makes swiss army knives? -How expensive is the knife? -What did the user replace? -What was the primary duty of the Smartstick? -What is one of the cons? -What is the Smartstick perfect for making? -Where did the user try using it? -What are in the metal rack hooks? -What did they hang under the cabinet space? -What fits perfectly in the product? -What does the user use for gross foods? -What did the user feel like they were wrapping themselves with out of the shower? -How are the towels? -Are the towels absorbent? -What was a con of the towels? -What towel set did the user purchase? -What did the user feel like they were wrapping themselves with out of the shower? -How are the towels? -Are the towels absorbent? -What towel set did the user purchase? -What was a con of the towels? -What color is the thermometer? -How do you use the thermometer? -What will the thermometer show the temperature of when you turn it on? -What has the user done to the thermometer? -What is it designed for? -In what room is the suthor using the item? -What size is the bedroom? -What temperature does the author like their bedroom to be? -How long does it take to heat the bedroom up to 80 degrees? -What is the operating volume of this heater? -What type of extension does the vacuum have? -How often should you empty the filter? -What type of car does the author drive? -What is the only problem with this vacuum? -How many stars did the author give the vacuum? -What days of the week did the author first use this item? -What type of waffles did the author make? -How many times so far has the author used this item? -Did anyone else like the item and the waffles? -Why did the author only give 4 stars? -What did the author cook? -What type of steak cook did the author have trouble getting? -What is the weight of the pan in general? -Whats size pan is suggested to buy? -What is the pans name? -What type of vegetable does the author have planted? -When did the author try the item out? -How does the item cut? -How big is the item? -How did the noodles cook? -How much do they recommend using something to get the best results? -What happens if you don't start stirring quickly? -At what speed does the base need to be poured? -What might you cause for yourself if you don't remember to stir the base quickly? -What happens in some recipes that results in the full flavor not developing adequately in your mouth? -What interjection is used to describe how the author feels about the oven? -How many people does the reviewer cook for? -What is a significant feature of the oven? -What type of food does this oven produce outstanding results on? -What feature is the oven missing? -What culture does the reviewer's grandmother come from? -What location of the Wok does the heat gather at? -What company makes the Green Earth Wok? -What brand is the Wok that burns food because the heat does not disperse uniformly? -What happens to food cooked in the Cuisinart Wok after it gets hot and it starts to stick? -Who gives the pressure cooker rave reviews? -What is the name of the book you can read in order to find dishes to make in the pressure cooker? -What type of top does the pressure cooker have? -What product can be used in order to remove spots that normal washing will not take care of? -What company makes the pressure cooker that is being reviewed? -What type of cat does not go well with new off-white carpeting? -What is the name of the product used to clean the carpet? -What setting had not been tried out yet? -How many stars did the reviewer give SpotBot? -What sound is made when the set it and forget it process is finished? -how does the writer describe the weight of the product? -how does the writer feel about the product overall? -what product is the user reviewing? -how do you open the canister on this vacuum cleaner? -what type of nozzle does the product use? -what product is the writer reviewing? -who does the writer feel could have told them about these pans sooner? -what product does the writer feel they wasted years using? -how does the writer describe the look of these pans? -what food do these pans cook nice and crispy according to the writer? -how does the writer describe the difficulty of using this product? -how many batteries does the product come with? -what has to be checked every time the writer uses the vacuum? -what part has trouble staying on the device? -why does the dust holder have trouble staying attached to the device? -what brand of product is the user reviewing? -what product is the user reviewing? -how many keys can the magnet support? -what material is the product made from? -how many stars did the writer give the product? -how many plates can the product help organize? -how did the user have plates organized before? -what is the writer using the product to organize? -how does the user describe their old method for organizing plates? -Who would this mug make a good gift for? -What brand is the mug being advertised? -What process is made more comfortable by the design of the Tea Bag Buddy? -What kind of glass is the mug made out of? -What part of the body won't be burned while using the Tea Bag Buddy? -What couldn't they remove from the oven? -What brand makes their preferred grabbers? -What is the product they are talking about made from? -Which part of the body being removed from the item would strengthen your grip? -Which country do they claim the item must be made in? -What is the item they are discussing in this review? -Whom did they give their old kettle to? -How did they assess the quality of the item? -What are the chances that they will replace the item? -What is the first material mentioned in the review? -What pest was mentioned in the review? -What year was the review updated? -How many people are recommended to apply the slip? -What does the product require to work properly? -What is the highest number of stars they normally give to a product? -What is the name of the brand that makes the product being reviewed? -What type of cooking is the pan best suited for? -How wide is the product? -When was the review written? -What fondue do you like? -Do you eat at the table? -What do you dislike about the experience? -Should I preheat the fondue pot? -How big is the top sheet? -What's the weight of the sheets? -How long did you wait to purchase? -Do the pillow cases fit a standard size? -Was the AC unsafe? -Does the AC get hot? -Is the fan strong? -Is the AC quiet or loud? -How big is the scale? -Whats the battery life like? -Does it accurately weigh you? -Is the scale heavy? -What kind of breakfast have you made? -Who asks about your pan? -Why should I buy this pan? -What have you baked in the pan? -What did the author not save? -What does the pan look good on? -Who will hopefully accept the return? -What falls off easily? -What splatters out of the spout? -How many pieces come with the large BPA Free Airtight Container set? -What does not stain these containers? -What kind of seal comes with the containers? -What makes the airtight seal? -What feels thinner than others on the market? -Which mixer did the author have first? -Where did the shopper donate her second mixer? -What did the shopper spend on her second mixer? -What can't the author see from the counter? -What does the author claim not to be? -What brand of rice does the author use? -How long does it take to cook the Trader Joe's rice? -What is the problem with Trader Joe's rice? -How much resting time does the rice need? -What part worked well enough? -Where is the Benriner made? -Who has a reputation? -What dulled in six uses? -What model has replaceable blades? -Is the Toaster Oven or the toaster better for preparing toast? -What phrase describes the cost of the toaster oven? -What takes a bit of time to become easy to operate? -How is the oven space on the toaster described? -What word is used to rate the toaster oven? -How many ounces does the short stout version of the thermos hold? -What type of lid does the thermos have? -How many ounces does the larger thermos hold? -What is used to flip open the top? -What does the lid do once it is opened? -What color is the product? -How is the product described? -Who makes the product? -How is the pricing of the product described? -What is the majority of the product made of? -Compared to the photo, how does the product seem? -What is the recommendation of the reviewer? -Is the product heavy or light weight? -How are the support rods described in terms of assembly? -Does the product fit cleanly into a corner angle? -What kind of shears are described? -Can the shears be used by left handed people? -How are the handles described? -What makes the shears easy to clean? -What gets the blades apart? -What is the overall quality of the product? -Where are the screw holes placed? -What would be a major improvement? -Is the metal on the thin side? -How does this look? -What does this come with? -What will the stopper fit? -Who would this be a perfect gift for? -What size bottles is the stopper designed to provide a tight seal on? -What theme of wine tasting would this be ideal for? -How did the customer mince garlic before having this device? -Would they buy the same design again? -What kind of knife had they been mincing garlic with before? -What do they have to scrape out with a knife? -How does this garlic press work? -What does this take some time in getting used to? -What kind of corn did this person pop? -What is a little tricky? -What makes a mess of the popper? -What will they be trying to apply? -What does this customers little ice balls have? -How many pieces do you have to put together to use this? -How does this customer think the ice balls look? -What does this customer want to try besides water? -What do you have to be sure not to do? -How often does the reviewer run the fan? -What blows a gentle breeze? -How does the reviewer feel about his personality late at night? -What can't the reviewer remember to do with the fan? -What does the reviewer think of his opinion? -What media source did the reviewer check? -How long passed when the reviewer realized the coffee was still hot? -WHy does the reviewer want to leave 4 stars instead of 5? -Why did the reviewer buy a new cup? -What led to the final decision of the cup purchase? -What does the reviewer find "vague"? -What does the reviewer want a rice comparison chart for? -What size unit did the reviewer buy? -What does the review say about how well the rice is cooked? -What are the reviewers favorite types of rice? -What is the overall impression of the bread knife? -What removable part does the knife have? -What has a user broken off the knife? -How much was paid for the knife? -How long has the reviewer had the knife so far? -Why shouldn't a consumer buy a bodom press with glass? -Does the user like Bodom Coffee Presses? -What plastic brand does the reviewer recommend? -How many items has the user replaced due to breakage? -According to the reviewer, why did Bodom come out with the Lexan products? -What is being reviewed? -What was the author sick of? -What do department store pillows do? -How long do department store pillows last? -What fluffed up the pillow? -What is made well? -What does the item hold for display? -What can it transport across easily? -What are the feet made out of? -What can be managed well? -How long has the item been owned? -What does the author have? -What does the author do often? -What is being reviewed? -How many issues have been found? -What is the product made of? -How does it feel? -How can you change the texture? -What doesn't stick around? -What does this replace? -What is being reviewed? -What is no longer allowed? -What is missing? -What is not compatible with the roaster? -What was difficult to clean? -What did they want this for originally? -Where did the water stay? -What could they use from the printed manual? -What did not drip into the reservoir? -What did they do with the item when done? -How long did they have it for? -What is the best part? -How many pieces is it? -What is easier to clean and is light weight? -What does it leave each time? -What kind of mix have they used in the blend? -Where did they see the blender? -Which one is the better? -How much was the blender? -What should you remove before using? -What does the posters mom swear by? -What drys the carpet just fine? -What jobs does it do well at? -Which two does the poster have? -What brand is the 14-slot? -What brand is the 7-slot? -What should you check before purchasing? -What are they made from? -What did they buy? -is the quality nice? -What is the shape and design? -Did they order a second set? -What does the husband travel for? -Is there anything to use to remove the odor? -What should you do periodically? -Is the product machine washable? -What did they buy for making baby food? -Why did they buy ice cube trays? -How many ounces is each cube? -Is it hard to get the cubes out of the tray? -What would the puppy knock over constantly? -What material was their kitchen appliances? -What was the best purchased they made? -What did they say you should buy with the trash can? -What kind of kettle is it? -What material is it made from? -Is there a taste that comes with it? -What is it ideal for? -What did the person purchase? -What did the listing say it should be, but it wasn't? -What was the actual carafe? -What hasn't happened to the glass carafe yet? -What do they use the mylar bags for? -what situations could be used for the bags? -Why do they do this? -What do they store with it? -What do they love? -What did they use to make butter? -What is recommended when using this? -What happens when you pour it on the cheesecloth with the strainer? -What happened with the first order? -What did they do with the broken tiles? -How many good ones were there? -How many tiles were broken in the next shipment? -How was the corkscrew described? -Where do you put the bottom of the corkscrew? -How long has he been drinking wine? -What direction do you turn the corkscrew? -which part doesn't work that well? -how many rooms get cleaned? -which parts work well? -what materials are the floors made of? -how often do they clean their home? -what material are the towel racks made of? -why won't the door shut all the way? -where should the largest rack go? -how far does the rack stick out? -what color are the doors? -how durable is the steamer? -what size pots don't work well with the steamer? -what kind of bowls work perfectly with the steamer? -what appliance does the steamer work well with? -how difficult is it to build the night stand? -how many times did they have to rebuild the night stand? -how does the reviewer feel about the night stand? -what did they dislike about the night stand? -what website did they use trying to figure out how to make their spices look nice? -what did they buy to go on the jars? -what size bottles do they hold? -what size is the drawer? -What company makes the Green Earth Frying Pan? -What did the author receive a month ago? -What did the author use to cover the pan before receiving the lid? -What is the ground beef and onions cooked for? -What allows the steam to come out of the tempered lid? -What can the sandwich maker fry? -How long does it take to cook a sandwich? -What color does the light have to be before the sandwich maker is ready to cook? -What should the maker be wiped down with? -What does the author compare the sandwich maker to? -What size fan is in the bedroom? -How long does the fan take to put together? -What is the pole made of? -What are the fan parts made of? -What does the fan do a good job of? -What brand of purifier has the author used for years? -What movement choices does the fan have? -How many speeds does the fan have? -What settings does the author keep the fan on? -What problems for the author have gone away since purchasing the fan? -What is the first type of simplehuman product the author has? -What gently opens and closes? -What allows for a narrower width? -How much assembly is needed? -What are the instructions like? -How long does it take to get hot? -What is the primary use of the mop? -What happens once the pads get wet? -How big is the floor? -How many pads come with it? -How long has the item been in use? -What is set on top of the board? -What does it help? -What does it not contain? -How are they suited? -What kind of discount was used? -How is the feeling of the towel? -What is the primary problem with the towels? -What else would be good from the material? -what is balked at? -What is bad? -What were they bought for? -What wouldn't go away? -What was ordered? -What are they worth? -What was placed in the container? -How long did it take to blend? -What did they compare it with? -How many watts? -What doesn't fit? -What can be irritating? -What on all parts doesn't bend right? -What on the front of the box is open at the top and bottom? -What is the slot on the front of each box for? -What is the label maker used for from the printer? -What are large meals cooked for? -Why do the meals have to be kept level until frozen? -Where do you heat the freezer meals? -What size are the portions when using these containers? -Keeping the serving sizes reasonable helps to what? -What are large meals cooked for? -Where do you heat the freezer meals? -Why do the meals have to be kept level until frozen? -What size are the portions when using these containers? -Keeping the serving sizes reasonable helps to what? -What is purchased in small pre-ground quantities? -Why was the grinder purchased? -When did the reviewer get a nice set of coffee beans? -What is used to clean and polish the grinder? -What is pulverized from the garden in the grinder? -What reusable filter comes with it? -What brand coffeemaker is amazing and easy to use? -What kind of function is used by Natlie S. frequently (from this coffeemaker)? -How many coffee pods come with the maker? -what does the Breville work like? -What star rating would you give this product? -Does it hold up when you wash it? -What keeps this products together? -Do the other negative reviews consist with your reviews? -What was your main reason for buying this shelf? -Does this popper pop all the kernals? -Do these kernals taste the same as others? -Where did you purchase this popper? -How did the trader joes kernals taste? -How did you know you popped the same amount of kernals each time? -Compared to Vicks which produces more moisture? -Are the humidifiers silent? -Will this humidifier work in my bedroom? -How many of these humidifiers have you bought? -How long will the humidifier last usually? -What is your favorite thing about this dutch oven? -What can be cooked with this dutch oven? -Can i use it on the grill? -Whats the best way to clean this dutch oven? -Is it hard to take care of cast iron? -What is the grill made of? -Does the pan come pre seasoned? -Will it work on an electric range? -Does the heat disperse evenly while cooking? -What is the worst thing about the cast iorn grill? -What other bowl material is available? -What kind of bowls are these (what is their function)? -What will happen if the glass bowls are mishandled? -Which bowl sizes are mentioned? -What kind of stove do they have? -What is the minimum bottom size for a pot? -How did they find a problem? -How do they feel when they wash the pot? -How do they wash the lid? -What kind of vacuum cleaner do they have? -Where do they place the attachment part? -Where do they hold the hose? -What kind of tiny jobs do they need the vacuum for? -What does the vacuum cleaner work better than? -What do they need to use a lot of to squeeze the potatoes? -How many pounds of potatoes did they use with this product? -How much did the product cost? -How must the potatoes be in order to squeeze them out easily? -What were they afraid would break? -How long did they travel for? -How was the meat when removed from the bag? -How long did they wait in a hot car? -What is the only negative of the product? -What broke after one use? -Why is the vacuum cleaner bad? -Why is the vacuum cleaner good? -What is the number one feature? -What is great for cleaning furniture? -What releases easy? -What was the writer afraid of? -What took longer in regard to the 5 lb roast? -What does the writer say is easy? -How many people does it typically take to cut up meat? -What does the writer say about clean up? -What has to be done every time with the filter? -What does the writer think about paper filters? -Why is the coffee not as hot as usual? -Why is the writer unable to rate the filter? -How often is this filter purchased? -Who is the seller of the product? -What is the writer's opinion of the product? -What was missing when the product was received? -Why did the writer like the product? -What look does the product have? -What is writer figuring out by trial and error? -What problem did the writer have with rice cookers purchased previously? -Which brand did the writer previously buy? -What brand is the writer reviewing? -What did the poster get it for? -What don't you need this item for? -What are they made of? -How long has the poster had their stainless pots? -For whom did the reviewer purchase this item? -When did the reviewer do to see the kids? -How long does the reviewer expect the item to last? -Why did the reviewer purchase this item for the kids? -What are the kids learning now? -What does this cup eliminate? -What does the poster drink every morning? -What makes it so easy to clean? -Are they dishwasher safe? -What does the reviewer do to keep the coffee fresh during the week? -What type of lid does this coffee cup have? -Does the reviewer typically drink cold coffee or heat it up more often than not? -What makes the cup inconvenient to use in the microwave? -What makes the item easy to clean? -What has the reviewer been placing inside pots to steam vegetables? -How deep is the pot? -How many people can be served using this product? -How easy is it to clean this product? -How much volume does the casserole portion have? -Why did the reviewer purchase this pressure cooker? -What recipe did the reviewer use to practice canning with this product? -What was the reviewer initially afraid of? -What should a beginner be sure to know when checking out pressure cookers? -What does the reviewer recommend to ensure a good seal? -For whom did this reviewer buy this lunchbox? -What is the name of the character that is portrayed on this lunchbox? -What did the reviewer pay for this lunchbox? -What price does the lunchbox sell for as of the reviewer's update? -What does the lunchbox have in the front? -What is the reviewer's one complaint? -Why does the reviewer wish it came with another cloth? -What presents a challenging cleaning problem for the reviewer? -What cleaning liquid does the reviewer use with the mop? -What kind of mop is being reviewed? -What is the product being reviewed? -How does the reviewer use the larger tongs of the set? -What is the reviewer's issue with the smaller tongs? -Why would the reviewer not use the smaller tongs for serving bread? -How does the reviewer suggest to clean the tongs? -What causes weak tea when using the product? -How many tea bags does the review suggest using? -How long does it take to make a full pitcher? -Why did the review give only 4 of 5 stars? -Why does the product require a lot of ice? -What is the reviewer's biggest issue with the Dolce Gustom machines? -Who makes the Dolce Gusto machine? -What other machines has the reviewer tried? -Who does the review think makes the best device? -Which machine does the reviewer rank between the Keurig and Dolce Gusto? -Why didn't the reviewer give a 5 star rating? -Why do baggers like the reviewed bags? -How do the bags fold up? -What are the best features of the bags? -Why did the reviewer change to a 5 star rating? -What celebrity endorsed the dining set? -What is the volume that the mugs will hold? -What two optional add-on dishes did the author also order? -What two appliances is it safe to use the dishes in? -What is the total number of dishes in the dinnerware set? -What size mattress was the author looking for? -What part of the author's body used to ache in the morning? -What level of firmness was the author looking for in a mattress? -How long did the author let the mattress expand once it arrived? -How long does the author hope the mattress will last? -What two vegetables did the author prepare? -What type of sushi was being made? -What was used to secure the carrot? -What other tool did the author buy? -What was the very first thing the author bought? -How long does it take to make the finished product? -What type of milk did the author initially use? -What food does the Deni 5600 produce? -What type of milk does the author plan to test in the future? -What source of information that is included with the product should not be relied upon? -What portion of the item is separate from the main body? -What unusual sensory stimulus was noticeable about the item when held up close to the face? -What word does the author use to describe the quality of construction of the item -- how was it made? -What was the author's old tea pot covered in? -What material does the author think prevents metal flavors? -How heavy is the reviewer's foam mattress -What problem did the reviewer initially have? -What would the reviewer find useful? -What is the quality of the product's construction -What did the reviewer contribute the odor of the product? -What does PTFE and PFOA free mean? -Why doesn't the reviewer use the product much? -What does the reviewer primarily use the pan for? -What is the size of the reviewers family? -Why didn't the reviewer give the product a perfect review? -Whom did the reviewer purchase the product for? -What is one negative aspect of the product? -What type of product is being reviewed? -Where did the reviewers friend intend to use the product? -What was a small problem the reviewer had with the problem? -what type of product is being reviewed? -Why was the larger than expected product a problem? -What feature makes the product effortless to carry -What length of time did the product keep the food warm for? -How long has the reviewer had the product for? -What Two car brands does the reviewer make a comparison on? -What is the quality of the product's construction? -What is the reason the reviewer wanted a bagged vacuum? -Why would sending the product back be a problem? -Where did the author see fans like that? -For which reason the author wants to get better quality fans? -How is the look of the fans? -What doesn't stay on? -Where did the author go to make the purchase? -What is the author going to give his family and friends for Christmas? -What wasn't as expected? -How does the surface feel after washing it? -What doesn't the surface get? -How did the author want the surface to stay for longer? -What is the author using on the board after each use? -What did the board get anyway? -What was expected from the board with the use of the oil? -What are the actual conditions of the board? -How does it feel the author of the review? -What can the bowl hold easily? -Why does the bowl can hold a lot of lettuce? -How is the dressing cup? -How does the lid fit? -How is the fork? -What does OXO produce? -How many chambers does the product have? -How was the product designed? -What does the top piece do? -How much foes the hamper cost? -What did the user purchase? -How long did it take for it to break? -Who wasn't helpful? -What is the company going to do about the complaint? -How long will the user be without a bed? -How long will the consumer be without a bed? -What item did the consumer purchase? -What needs to happen before the frame can be repaired? -How are the costs to repair the frame being covered? -What concern does the consumer have about the frame? -What feature did the consumer miss having on this item? -How did the consumer get the boat? -Without a drain tube how was the inflatable boat emptied? -How was the item helpful with food dishes? -The missing drain tube prevented the consumer from doing what? -What is the purpose of the bags? -If different fruits are stored together what will happen? -For how long can the bags can be used? -What should you do if the bag becomes moist inside? -If bananas are placed in a bag and refrigerated what happens to the bananas? -The chair owner blames the loss of seat padding to what games? -Why is the back of the new chair so comfortable? -Why did the consumer only give the chair a 4 star rating instead of a 5 star rating? -The new chair will be used mostly for what purpose? -What tool was used to assemble the new chair? -What part of the country does the woman who purchased the item live? -How well does the heater work for the consumer that wrote the review? -What is the temperature in the house when using the heater? -Do the two women like the house to be at the same temperature? -What comes out of the back end of the vacuum? -What size is the vacuum? -What happens to the stuff you try to vacuum? -What put a hole in the vacuum hose? -How was the hole cause by the toothpick fixed? -What is the organizer made of? -Where do you hang the organizer? -Where can you mount the organizer? -What is the organizer used for? -What kind of finish does the organizer have? -What happens after the sifter starts for a while? -How do you get it to start sifting again? -What are you sifting? -What was wasted after buying the sifter? -What kind of sifter works pretty good? -Where are the lids? -What was not included? -Where were these bought? -How are the cups? -What size are the tools? -Why does the motor drive me nuts? -What's wrong with the hoses? -What rating did this get? -What's wrong with the motor temperature? -what is the product made out of? -what is the product that is being reviewed? -does the product work well on different sizes of garlic cloves? -how is the product cleaned? -does the product need to be washed after use? -does this product stand out in a garden? -what type of benefit does the product provide? -which state is the reviewer located? -what type of devices does the reviewer use this product for year round? -when does the reviewer change his/her lighting? -what brand name is the product? -what is the build quality of the product? -after using the product, how much oil did the reviewer need to use? -how many people can the product be used to cook for? -how well did the product cook the food? -how does the product look like? -what does the product do? -what quality of this product does the reviewer like? -what is wrong with this product? -what is the brand name of this product? -how many modes does this product have? -what other brand seemed better made than this product? -In terms of weight, how heavy is this product compared to the Hoover WindTunnel? -is the filter on the product reusable? -What is the quality of the cooking sheets? -Is the sticker hard to get off this item? -How high of a setting can the cooking sheets be used in the oven? -What food can be grilled on the sheets? -What is the cooking sheet made of? -Who is the maker of the cappuccino machine? -Where does the product leak water? -What happened to this product after one year? -What is the problem with the milk frothing feature? -What is an unsafe feature of this product? -What is a difficult feature of this pan? -What is a great feature about this pan? -What feature helps with the balance of this pan? -If the glass bottom is not put in just right what happens? -Who is the maker of the Nutmeg Grinder? -How does this Nutmeg Grinder perform? -How does the grinder work in comparison to a microplane grater? -What is used in the Nutmeg Grinder? -Who carries the product model? -Why is the "to the door delivery" ideal for this product? -How long will the product run before it is full? -What does this product help control? -How many stars were given to the item? -What didn't the item fit into in the reviewers home? -Which brand does the reviewer usually enjoy products from? -What decade was the reviewer's house built in? -What is the object being reviewed? -How many different chairs were ordered? -How many people attempted to assemble the difficult chair? -What part of the chair was painted over? -When was the review updated? -What was the color of the coating the threads were covered with? -Who was the product bought for? -How is the fan being reviewed powered? -What monthly expense did the reviewer not want increase with their purchase? -How old was the reviewers dog when it died? -What brand did they expect to like more than the purchased product? -What product is being reviewed? -How wide is the larger product? -How long is the smaller product? -What is one of the items that will be strained out of cooking liquid by the product? -What did the reviewer exclaim upon seeing the product? -How old was the reviewers previous baster? -How much liquid can the product hold? -What is the only thing that could work against one's perception of the product? -Where is it difficult to store the product? -What is being reviewed? -What is not modern? -What is a downside of most juicers? -How is the appearance rated? -What is the finish? -What is being reviewed? -What was produced in a good quantity? -How long did the author try to get rid of the problem? -What was a downside? -What did the author end up doing? -What is being reviewed? -What size is the item? -What is fantastic? -What is easy to do? -What is being reviewed? -What was this meant to hold? -What would this also be good for? -Who would be using this? -Where was this going to be located? -What is being reviewed? -What is this for? -What does the author love? -What is the author's occupation? -What is digital? -What comes as advertised? -When can it not hold itself up? -What do they use to make it more sturdy? -What have these been? -What have they kept well? -What should you be while cooking or cleaning them? -What did they buy? -Why did they make this purchase? -What can it do easily? -What else is great about it/? -What product do they have another of? -How long have they had their product? -What kind of pot did they opt for? -What was their last pot brand? -Over all the quality of this product is? -What was the poster severely addicted to? -What helped them quit? -How many times have they tried quitting soda? -What about the size is a downside? -who else wanted a shoe rack? -where will the shoe racks fit? -what else is in the closet? -what kind of shoes fit under the rack? -how did they test the strength of the rack? -how old is the writer? -who do they ask to open jars for them? -what is the product being reviewed? -where can you put the whisk to clean it? -is the whisk well made? -how big is the whisk? -how big are the wires? -what do they like most about the whisk? -where do they put the whisk so it can air dry? -what size spatula were they originally looking for? -what color(s) is the spatula? -what size spatula did they end up getting? -how is this spatula useful if you're eating yogurt? -what kind of heating is provided by the pans? -what kind of coating does the pan have on its surface? -what material is the pan made of? -what brand do they usually buy? -where are the pans made? -Who did I buy the Kuhn Rikon Single Cup Easy Brew for? -Which tea product leaves no single tea leaf in the brewed product? -Which tea device is easier to clean if you let the leaves/grind dry out before removal? -From which tea device can you quickly get another cup of tea by tapping it once or twice against the trash can, wiping it with a paper towel and also rinsing it to remove any leftover tea remains? -Who did the author get this for? -What has the daughter tried? -What is the daughter described as avidly? -How many tea leafs were in the Kuhn Rikon Single Cup Easy Brew? -What is described as problematic for the author? -What product does the author love? -What part of the products cracks? -The author fills it with what mix? -Which types of plastic containers does the author not like? -What is the problem with tall or strange plastic containers? -What is the author's complaint about their favorite Thai restaurant? -How does the author emulate his favorite restaurant's desserts? -What is the author a fan of? -Where does the batter get stuck? -How many times has the author used the product? -What hasn't the author bought in decades? -How does the author describe their vacuum? -What did the author end up hitting by pulling the vacuum over? -The author challenges anyone to find a better vacuum for less than what price? -What does the author struggle to do? -What did the author already own? -What was the choppers/dicers made of? -What are the author's concerns? -How is the kitchen tool described as price wise? -How long is the warranty for this product? -How man reviews are they gonna write on the pans? -Which is the only one they used? -What were the sizes? -How many sizes did they order? -When was the skillet great? -What was "just what they wanted'? -What happened after a few months? -What don't they use? -How do they feel about the product? -Why did they buy it? -What does it do a great job at? -How's the taste of the water? -What is a powerful iron? -How are the steam vents? -What can it be used for? -What do you need to carefully do? -What did they look at a lot of? -Who wanted some with wood? -How was the install? -What do they wish about the rack/self? -How does the panel keep the user's sleep area? -Which area does the user want to stay warm? -Which area does the user wish to keep cool? -What product is as described? -How does the user describe the attractiveness of the skillet? -How long did the skillet take to stop being perfect? -What important quality did the skillet lose? -Which guidlines did the user follow? -How long has the user owned this product? -How much did this product cost originally? -Why is the user looking for a replacement? -According to this user, for what purpose is the product used? -What vegetable did the user try with this tool? -How long has the user owned this product? -What description does the user say is not accurate? -How does the user describe this products ability to be cleaned? -How long did the previous product last? -Who had problems with the product? -Which aspect of the product has the user not tried, yet? -Which part of the product rattles? -How many years of use did the William Bound pepper mills last? -What grind does the Unicorn Magnum produce? -What is one drawback to the grinder? -When is the drawback of the plastic housing most noticeable? -Is the grinder ergonomic? -What is one of the reviewers favorite foods? -How often does the reviewer prepare chicken wings? -What part of the fryer is the hardest to clean? -How does the reviewer deal with the difficult to clean basket? -What is best to remove food from the fryer? -What is one drawback to most silicone oven mitts? -How is the flexibility of these mitts? -What else could the mitts be used for? -What occasion might the over mitts make a nice gift for? -Who would these make nice gifts for? -How many stackable cooling racks come in a set? -What is one drawback to the stackable cooling racks? -How does the reviewer deal with the unlocking legs? -What happens if the legs collapse? -What is one benefit to non locking legs? -How did the reviewer find the price? -What espresso maker is it compatible with? -What kind of milk should be used to replicate a Starbucks? -How much cheaper is it to make than retail? -How many calories in a Starbucks Peppermint Mocha? -What did the reviewer purchase? -What is the maximum amount of time that this coffee maker keep the coffee hot? -How long of a warranty does this new purchase have? -How long did it take before the previous DiLonghi coffee maker stop working? -How many cups of coffee can this coffee maker make at once? -What does the buyer suggest for the smallest bowls? -What are the larger bowls good for? -Are these bowls durable? How? -Can these bowls be used in the microwave? -DOes the buyer consider these bowls as one set or more than one set? And if so how many? -Name a problem that can happen while using this ice cream maker? -Is this ice cream maker affordable? -What kind of people would love a product like this? -What types of ice cream has the user experimented with this mixer? -What causes the mixer to stop stirring from time to time? -What brand is the product being reviewed? -What brand is this product being compared to? -Which product is better according to the reviewer? -Was this customer satisfied with the price of this product based on what they got? -What kind of product is being reviewed? -Is shipping something I should be concerned with when ordering the product? -Would this customer say that the bowl was aesthetically appealing? -Describe the finish of the Black and Blum Fruit Loop according to this buyer. -How many pieces of fruit does the buyer suggest that the fruit bowl can hold? -What type of product is the Black and Blum Fruit Loop? -when does the author update his review? -Where is the Hoover made? -what doesnt the Hoover remove? -What is the problem with the holding tanks? -What country does some of the subassemblies for Hoover? -What type of room is the fan suited for? -What company was called about the fans? -what is the noise level of the fan? -Why was Honeywell called? -how old is the child that is using the pillow? -where was the pillow case purchased? -how much did the pillowcase cost? -why was the pillowcase purchased? -what is the quality of the pillowcase? -what material was the old kettle made out of? -how many stars was this kettle given? -How long did it take for the kettle to stop working properly? -what caused the smudging and marks to be seen? -where did corrosion take place? -what safety feature dies the mandolin have? -what is the width of the holder? -why does the mandolin need a lock? -where is this stored? -What features a folding design and removable drying sticks? -What are they the perfect width for? -What have they not regretted? -The buyer will not be, what, with this purchase? -How long has the poster used this product? -What problem did someone else have with the product? -What does this product claim it's "free" of? -What are they recommending to a friend? -What is awesome to the poster? -How long does it take to cool down? -What kind of washing method does the poster prefer? -How long does it take to cook a 5 lb. bird? -How long does it take to reach pressure? -How many have they purchased in the past year? -What kind of scale is it? -What would the poster rate this product out of a 5? -What keeps happening when they order? -What did they find on sale? -What is key 1 to a good result? -What does the base do? -Who else loves to use the product? -What setting is weaker on than the authors old fan on low. -What color are the light of the device that are to bright? -What doesn't the fan move around adequately. -What type of areas of living does the author recommend a different device? -How close to the unit do you have to be to use the remote efficiently. -How hot did the author want to heat browned/blackened chicken to? -Why did the author want to be able to see through the dish? -What did the author want to use to heat the chicken? -Does the casserole rotate in the microwave with out problems. -What are the dimensions of the casserole? -What was missing from the authors bathtub drain? -What does the author want to accomplish with the drain? -Using a flat disc what happened? -What does the author use the smaller drain plug for from the endurance set? -What does the author use the larger plug from the endurance set for? -What percent is the mug spill-proof for? -When does the author use their mug for coffee? -Does the travel mug come in different colors? -How many ounces does the mug hold? -What kind of beverage isn't recommended for the mug? -Which knives does the author think are the best made? -How sharp are Wusthof knives? -What does the authors wife call them? -What kind of steel are the Gourmet knives made of? -Which is cheaper Wusthof Gourmet or Wusthof Classic? -Where did they buy the older version from? -What did they purchase when they were please with the savings? -How many square feet will one heater work for? -Who else is enjoying the heater? -What did they set the dial to? -Where is the liquid escaping from? -Is this a glass or plastic blender? -How did they describe the lock mechanism? -What did they warn to watch for? -How do they describe the lid? -What operations did not fail? -What happened when they came back to their car? -What kind of air did it circulate? -The fan is not powerful enough to do what? -The fan runs how? -What kind of material is it made from? -What kind of blade is the green one? -The small blade is what color? -What does the author use to describe the quality when cutting? -What was the blade unable to cut through on the tomato? -What kind of coffee were they trying to make? -How did they describe the shots the machine made? -What brand does the author say they will be ordering? -What doesn't the author want to have to buy? -What was wrong with the coffee grounds -What is important for the towel? -How many sets did they order? -How was the towel softness? -What did they try to do to fix that? -What bed did they buy? -What has the wife been complaining about? -How much does the wife weigh? -What was giving the husband back pains? -How is the apartment described? -What kind of pet do they have? -When did they get a window A/C unit? -How did they rate the sound level of the A/C unit? -How many of the product have they bought in the past 2 years? -How difficult is to wash and dry them? -What might happen to one of them? -Where does the mother-in-law put them? -What didn't they want to splurge on? -How many did they try? -What do you need to do if you want to stack more than two high? -How is the plastic quality? -Where did the kettle start leaking from? -What did the kettle's manufacturers need to do in order to attract buyers to buy this kettle? -What is the color of the kettle? -When did I buy the kettle? -What is the maximum weight the chair is strong enough to hold? -What is the weight of the man that I had sit in the chair in order to test its strength and comfortability? -How did the 600 pound man who sat in one of the chairs describe it? -How did the skinny people who sat in the chair describe it? -What did I do to my aged and shabby oven glove? -How much is a set of potholders? -How much is a piece of oven glove? -Why is a skillet on a cooker considered to be better recipients of potholders' usefulness? -How old was the daughter when she started baking? -What was the primary reason for buying the Wilton Cupcake Decorating Set for the daughter? -What was bought for the daughter to help her improve her cupcake decorating skills? -When it comes to baking, which is the daughter's top interest? -What fits well in spaces that do not have much room? -What was the flaw that the trash cans have when they arrived? -What was the material of the packing padding? -What is the downside that makes the trash cans easy to damage? -What was the main item that the trash can were packed in? -What kind of maker is it? -How did the reviewer feel the coffee tasted without the filter use? -What is the reason the reviewer will not buy more filters? -What rating does the reviewer give the filter? -In which area does the filter holder slide from the water compartment? -What are the kind of pets that cause so much need for the Roomba? -What kind of dwelling is it? -Who is the person that has long hair with curls? -What activity can you do when the Roomba is set to clean? -What type of device is the Roomba? -What is the business that the mattress was purchased from? -What brand was the second mattress that was ordered? -In what year was the second mattress purchased? -Which company has the best policy when it comes to having to return merchandise? -What was the style of first mattress that made it so uncomfortable? -For how many years have the dishes been used every day? -What was the design that faded from the bowls? -Who was responsible for causing one of the bowls to be damaged? -What was the original number of bowls that came with the dish set? -What type of device that heats food can be used with the dishes? -What is lacking in this product according to the author? -What setting did the author use over several days? -What are their large pieces of in addition to the grinds? -What usually comes unsecured on the top of the device? -What constantly becomes jammed? -What was the author a novice at, as mentioned in a previous review? -What type of kit did the author previously purchase? -What did the author purchase a variety of in numerous sizes? -What pieces are not even used by some people according to the author? -The product in this review covers what size range? -What is the minimum length of time the author hopes to use the product before having to replace it? -What might result from throwing very hard objects in after a bag change? -What part of the product is not as thick as the author would like? -What part of the product opens automatically? -What does the author do as part of his or her occupation? -What did the author prepare for the morning coffee event? -Where was the morning coffee event held? -What two items does the author like most? -Besides the author, who is the other person who is happy with this product? -Who did the author gift one of these to years ago? -What Italian pasta accompaniment could also be scooped with this? -What is the only thing the author has tried with this product so far? -What does this help the author bake in a consistent size? -What frozen treat can this product be used for? -What kind of cook wear have they had for over 50 years? -What kind of shakers is this person completely done with? -The shakers that salt ate through were made of what? -If you hold the shakers upside down what will you get a lot of? -This person is counting on their FarberWare to bring them what? -Using what item will muffle the sound? -What will muffle the loud volume? -What adjective did they describe the customer support as? -What holds the heavy body weight up? -What projects the sound better if max volume is needed? -How do they feel about the product they managed without for so long? -What do they know exactly? -What food items do they use it for? -What kind of smell did it have at first? -What did they do a few times to get rid of plastic smell? -How many years supply of sea salt does the product have? -What caused this to become a throw away product? -Even what product will not get rid of the glue covered surfaces? -The real ugly problem not shown in the picture is what? -The magnets on top and bottom make it impossible to do what? -How many American sized cups with creamer is this the best for? -They still have a moka pot that is made of what material? -A lot of times what would co-workers help themselves to and take? -How many moka pots did they own in the past? -What kind of moka pots did they once own? -What was the rack needed for? -What will the rack hold? -What should yo do before putting the clips on the base? -How will people feel about the rack? -How heavy is the rack? -For how long did the blender work? -How loud was the blender when new? -When did the blender get loud? -What broke on the blender? -How much did a replacement blender cost? -What does the author cook often? -What was the blender purchased for -What needs to be pureed? -What is the consistency of the puree? -What would the blender be good to make? -When did the author first buy a bacon cooker? -How did the author feel about a previous bacon cooker? -What happens to the bacon fat? -What should you do to make the bacon crispy? -How much bacon does the cooker hold? -What does the author consume frequently? -What does the tool do? -How difficult is the tool to clean? -What is the tool made from? -What would be a better material for the tool? -what kind of pan is the authors favorite pan -what kind of pan did the authors mother and grandmothers use -how many pans has the author bought -at what age did the author watch her mother and grandmothers use cast iron skillets -what keeps the napkins secure -what company is this story about -what does the author think is a product you just can't really improve on -what is the author typing about that is "way more than i ever anticipated" -how many overall stars does the author deduct -what does the authors closet have -what "great" things did the author buy -what does the author no longer collect -what was the author able to neatly fold -how many days did it take for the baskets to ship -how many kettles has the author had in the last couple of years -how did one of the kettles appear weeks into its tour of duty -how does the the authors current kettle work -what started to appear in the water -what was not big enough for the author to get his hand inside -where is the napkin holder from -what does the napkin holder retain -how can the nit-picky problem the author describes be fixed -how does the author feel about the napkin holder -what does the author definitely like about the napkin holder -How long have you been using OXO Pop Canisters? -What do you store in them? -How do you clean the canisters? -What shapes are the canisters? -What do the canisters help you do? -What works magic on the tea? -What kind of opening does the mug have? -What kind of walls does the mug have? -What is good to serve in this mug? -How many pot lids can you put in? -Where are the pans kept? -What can be used in place of a pot lid? -What size is the kitchen? -Where is the kitchen? -When was the machine received? -How does the machine work? -How do they like their waffles? -What kind of waffle maker is it? -How do they like the waffle maker? -What size is the grinder? -Where is the it kept? -What happens if the hopper and lid are not in place? -How many settings does the grinder have? -What keeps the machine in place when grinding? -What have people been saying about the frothers on the machine? -what does the outside of the machine feel like? -what extras does the machine come with? -how long is the warranty? -Does the machine have a storage area for a whisk? -What was the reviewer's friend return their capresso? -What is the main complaint about the capresson machines? -How many wisks come with the machine? -How long did the purchaser say was the warranty? -Where is the backup wisk stored when not in use? -Which brand of knife did the purchaser leaving a review for? -How was the weight described by the purchaser in comparison to the Kyocera knives? -What was the complaint made about the MIU France Ceramic Nakiri Knife? -What kind of similar design was the MIU France Ceramic Nakiri Knife described as having? -What is the MIU France Ceramic Nakiri Knife lacking that would prevent wear and tear of the handle? -How heavy was the portable A/C unit? -What is the maximum area that the portable A/C unit able to cool? -What's one of the problems described that might limit where you can use the portable A/C unit? -What type of living quarters is the protable A/C unit best designed for? -What's the first thing a potential purchase might experience when first seeing the portable A/C unit on a website? -Where was the EatSmart Digital Nutrition Scale purchase from? -What is the brand name of the scale? -What does the scale do to the plate used to weight food on the scale? -What other items can the scale weight? -When were the items purchased for employees? -What does one not have to worry about when using the item? -How long did they let the product sit for? -On what object did they use the cleaner more than once? -What part of the house contains carpeting? -What did they use to clean up the excess water? -What is the hue of the rug? -What is the height of the product? -What happens if the load is unbalanced on the object? -What clothing item ends up being close to the ground when hung on this object? -Using what sized items would allow you to carry an extra load with this object? -Where does the reviewer place the object when it's not in use? -When did the reviewer first obtain the carafe? -When was the update posted? -Where does the reviewer store the carafe? -What happens to the plastic in the non-breakable carafes? -What piece of the non-breakable carafes actually ends up breaking? -How much coffee can you grind in five minute intervals? -How much coffee does this person make when they wake up? -What did the reviewer end up doing with the product? -What happens if you try to make too much coffee with the grinder? -Where did the reviewer see the warning about grinding too much coffee? -What food was the person's parent cooking in the oven the other day? -What meal was the person invited to? -When did the person go to their female parent's house? -What type of cooking method does this person use often? -What temperature, in Fahrenheit, can the product be used safely up to? -What products are well made and have a storage case for the discs? -What could you make with the OXO product that would be fun? -When the cookie dough is tough and too thick, what is it better suited for? -How much butter per batch is used for cookie press cookies? -What do the cookie press recipe's cookies taste like? -What does the reviewer cook with almost entirely? -What is cheaper than the Lodge, but not much? -Which size pans are more practical if you are cooking with items on more than one burner? -Which size pans are too large for day to day cooking? -What are most of the reviewer's pans and Dutch Ovens? -Which part of the cooker/steamer has been used and is being reviewed? -What do other reviewers advise to do with the rice before cooking? -Adding what to the water keeps the rice from browning too much? -How does the reviewer like the rice cooker? -How long has the reviewer had their cooker? -What makes this product foolproof? -Who bought this as a gift? -What was a little loose, when first making it? -When cutting the roll with a cutting aid, where should you cut first? -Whom would this be a great gift for? -What was ordered to take the drip coffeemaker off the countertop? -What aren't insulated and allows the coffee to cool too quickly? -This press is stylish enough to leave out where? -How long does the product keep coffee hot? -How much does the reviewer think the press will NOT hold? -What is a hassle to install? -Who recommends the Kitchen aid power 5? -What happened when one of the beaters came out during use? -What are beaters held in place by? -What score does the reviewer give this product? -What coffee machine is this reviewer writing about? -The reviewer will always have his/her morning coffee in what coffee machine? -The reviewers aunts has the more expensive version of what? -What is their favorite cafe called, that is made in the keurig? -According to the reviewer, is the more expensive keurig better than the less expensive one? -How did the garment rack arrive? -How much time did the reviewer have it up and ready to go? -What is the reviewers opinion of the garment rack? -What kind of steel is the garment rack made from? -What item is this reviewer talking about? -How many stars has the reviewer given this product? -How often have they used the device? -How long has the device been used for with no incident? -Where was the device stored on? -What did the reviewer say was too weak on the product to handle a careless person passing by? -When was this item bought? -What is one of the main reasons you would use this product? -What does the reviewer find more convenient, than use this product? -Why does the reviewer say he would rather just cover food with a paper towel? -According to the reviewer , what can be a bit of a surprise if you are not careful? -What are some perks of Fiestaware? -What does the poster and their wife love? -What colors is Fiestaware available in? -How many sets have the couple purchased? -What does the user love? -What is this tool perfect for? -Who does the poster give credit to for a job well done? -What is the tool not designed for? -What does the user say has happened because they weren't handling with care? -How many more sets are they planning on buying? -Who are they buying more for? -How long ago was the product bought? -What should you not use it without? -What doesn't this tool do properly? -What is difficult with the posters product? -What wouldn't the user do? -What is this product demonstrated by? -Where did they buy their product? -A definite must-have for who? -What do they use their Salad Shooter for? -What product is the user talking about? -what is the material of the exterior of the brewer? -what is included besides the filter with this this unit? -which unit is quieter? -what is the b70 better suited for? -what can be dont to make the peppermill last longer? -what kind of gears does the peppermill have? -how long is the warranty on this peppermill? -what happens when the gears strip out? -where does the pepper come out of? -what makes the scraper easy to use? -what does the scraper include that makes i helpful? -what is responsible for the performance of this scraper compared to others? -how many functions does this scarper have? -how did the rice turn out when it was cooked in the old cooker? -what brand of rice cooker does her daughter in law have? -What is the brand of rice cooker being reviewed? -what functionality does it have so that the rice is ready at a specific time? -what brand of blender does the friends girlfriend use? -how much did the vitamix cost? -how much did this blender cost? -what type of timer does it have? -What did he buy? -What is the problem with the tongs? -What size items will he pick up with the tongs? -What dairy product could the tongs pick up? -What did he serve? -About how many drinks did he sell within three hours? -How many people attended the event? -How much would he pay for a machine that would hold three alcohols? -What was their issue with the instructions? -What happens when the lid is on in the correct way? -What type of products do they own? -What is their opinion on the item? -What ability does this coffee have? -What don't they like? -What is wrong with the reservoir? -What do they like? -What is incorrect -What is the products true watts value? -What setting produces a warm bathroom? -What is the product's noise level? -What did they think they could do with the ball of meat? -What is the key to making it work? -What do you get when done correctly? -What do they need to do first? -What reviews were they reading about? -What are rust free? -How long have they been using it? -What is doing it's job? -What was well made? -How does it work? -How long have they been using it? -How is the build quality? -How much was the product on QVC? -What are some items it holds? -What are the measurements? -How can you make it seem weightless? -What are they a huge lover of? -What is one feature considered to be great? -How long have they had it? -What other tea can be used with it? -What kind of filter does the author mention? -What kind of music has the author not heard in months -What does it keep the house from smelling like -What kind of filter did the author buy first -Which filter helps eliminate cigarette smoke easier -What came rolled up in the box? -What did they have to do when they took it out of the box -How long did it take for the new smell to go away? -Does it fit larger or smaller than the regular matress -Where did the author put the matress? -What kind of suction does the vaccum have -What kind of attachments were included -What kinds of floors does it work for -Where do the accessories get stored -What kind of home use is it good for -How much water do they dump down the drain -How do they describe the room after using DampRid -Where did they use DampRid -What is wrong with the office -What happens in the office during the summer -What size skillets did they have in the past -What is left when you remove the base -What kind of structure do they talk about -What might get scratched by the parts stored -Is it shallow or deep -What does the author prefer? -Where were the items placed? -What did the zenith require? -What did the zenith have a lot of? -What is being reviewed? -What is being reviewed? -How long has the author owned the product? -What is too hard to operate? -What overflows? -How is the value of the zenith? -Who makes good kettle corn? -What does the author like to make? -What is the rating for the product? -What does the product not have? -Who regulates nutrition? -What is being reviewed? -What is not overpowering? -What was not necessary? -What does not fit? -What is unbelievable? -What was attractive? -What is being reviewed? -How many pets does the author have? -What does it clean up well? -What only takes one battery charge? -Which pan would not last long? -Which pan would be replaced? -Which pan is more expensive than the newer one? -How old is the Anolon Advanced pan? -Which pan is heavier? -The product is not of what quality category? -What is different in color than the wood of the frame? -Which furniture has a scratch? -What color is more pronounced in the product than its picture? -The narrator suggested not to put the product next to what? -What was the advertised capacity of the cup? -What was the safe capacity of the cup? -How many stars the review got eventually? -If it was advertised correctly, how many stars the review would have gotten? -In reality, what is the maximum capacity of the cup? -After how many years the reviewer updated her review? -How many times the reviewer changed the trash can batteries? -How many years ago did the small rod fall out? -The reviewer was looking for a trash can made of what material? -How large is the reviewer's counter space? -What is the name of the brand of the tub stopper? -How many trips did the reviewer make to the home improvement store? -What dimension of the hole did the reviewer measure? -What kind of water exacerbated the problem? -What kind of solution did the OXO come up with to solve the problem? -What did the new strainer replace? -What feature on the strainer help to keep you from spilling your food? -What kind of milk will they use it for? -Besides a nice grip, what other features does the handle have? -How long do they think this product will last? -After a few days, what size did the mattress expanded to? -What is the recommendation for someone over 200 lbs? -How many stars did they end up rating the mattress? -What size mattress did they have previously? -What material is used to make the fireproof cover on the new mattress? -What do they use to brew their coffee faster? -What feature do they find very helpful? -How is the padded bar constructed? -How do they feel about their new espresso stein? -What kind of bowls did they buy? -What was different about the bowls from the store? -Why are the bowls from Amazon better? -How do they get the lids clean? -Which containers do they think seal the best? -What size is the door rack? -What keeps this door rack from scuffing? -What keeps items from falling off this door rack? -What problem have they had with cheaper door racks? -What is the door rack made out of? -What does the author hate to do? -What should be filled with water? -How long is the white cast on the floor? -How does the steamer move across the floor? -What is light weight and easy to maneuver? -How many different decanters were ordered? -Which brand was the best decanter ordered? -What kind of stopper does the Godinger have? -How many glasses come with the 7-Piece Whiskey Gift Set? -What size is the Bormioli Rocco Dedalo Decanter? -What season is the product being used? -What is the author's normal stick? -What kind of seal does the stick have? -Where is it safe to wash the stick? -What is the capacity of the stick? -What is sturdy for its size? -What does the ricer not have on the sides? -What does the ricer aim into the bowl? -Which direction are riced items aimed into the bowl? -What can the ricer squeeze moisture out of? -Which timers does the author consider the best? -What kind of display does the timer have? -What type of signal does the timer have? -What can be inputted into the timer? -What kind of counting feature does the timer have? -What did the person use a few of? -What's the name of the newest model from Cuisinart? -Which one is better value? -Why is the Cuisinart Ice-21 better? -How long did they use Cuisinart for? -What product did they switch to after using Cuisinart for a year? -What is it good for grating? -How many of the KitchenAid did they purchase for gifts? -What is it good for slicing? -How many sweaters can it dry by putting up one side? -What are they blown away by? -How many can it dry if you have both sides up? -What do they show off in the house? -What do they love? -What doesn't it do compared to similar products? -What can it be used for? -Does it hold a lot? -How many gallons is the trash can? -What continent are they all over? -How many liters is it? -Where are they located in Europe? -What is soft and cool to the touch? -What might cause the case to "turn" on the pillow? -What does the user not like about the pillow case? -What would they like to see the case in the future? -What do they still prefer when it comes to almond milk? -How does it leave the nut milk? -What did they just receive a few days ago? -What is the user going to do to possibly fix the gritty issue? -What are the steps recommended by the poster? -When does the auto foaming fail? -What kind of creams have worked out? -What can be improved to avoid "leaking"? -What works and is stylish? -What should you do while living at a higher altitude? -what is the easier solution to the pump problem? -What doesn't fit with the coffee maker? -What did some buyers say about this products taste? -Why does the poster still like it, regardless of taste? -What will they never use this product for? -What manages to stick to the surfaces? -What two things does the poster say you can drink with it to mask the plastic taste? -What is the writer reviewing? -What does the product match? -How does the lid fit? -How does the writer feel about the purchase? -How does it match other pieces? -What is the writer reviewing? -How does the writer feel about the purchase? -How does the lid fit? -What does the product match? -How does it match other pieces? -What benefit does product have? -Why did the writer change his rating? -Where did the writer find the product? -What is the writer disappointed in? -What concern does the writer have? -What product is the writer reviewing? -What does it work best with? -What size is the product? -What does the writer use it for? -What is a benefit of the product? -What is the product used for? -What type of book works best on the product? -What is the product suited for? -What is a matter of personal preference? -What does the writer like about the product? -What is it important to do with the product? -What is the writer compared to? -What does the writer like about the product? -What product is the writer reviewing? -What is the excellent review based on? -What type of Shark product was previously owned? -Where was the new pocket mop purchased from? -What is cause of the new model only receiving 3 stars? -What are the best version of the mopping pads? -What is great for lattes, cappuccino and hot chocolate? -What part of the machine is delicate? -What is one way to mitigate the delicacy of the whipping attachment? -What do you need to make sure is removed the milk film from? -What is great for lattes, cappuccino and hot chocolate? -What part of the machine is delicate? -What is one way to mitigate the delicacy of the whipping attachment? -What do you need to make sure is removed the milk film from? -When was the product bought? -Why was the product bought? -What was set for 8 hours and left to cook? -What is a tad short for a crock pot? -What is the crock pot described as being? -What is the first issue? -What is the color of the sheets? -What are there lots of coming off the product? -What color wee the sheets supposed to be? -What did the reviewer call the product? -Why was the product bought? -What does it make great, other than drinks? -Why should you plan your counter top space? -What does it make great? -Is the tea kettle very loud when heated up? -How much water does the tea kettle hold? -Is the kettle loud enough for someone to hear it in another room? -Will the kettle be useable for many years? -Is the kettle convenient to clean? -How heavy are the pan covers? -Is the price reasonable compared to other pan covers? -Can you use these pan covers to steam food? -Can you clean these pan covers easier than cleaning glass covers? -How long can this product keep wine chilled? -Would this be a good gift to get someone who loves wine? -Is this product worth using over a cooler or a bag of ice? -Can you use this product to chill drinks other than wine? -Can the humidifier easily catch fire? -How does the humidifier work? -Do you have any issues with the product being loud? -Overall are you happy with the humidifier's performance? -Can the humidifier hold a good amount of water? How long does it last? -Does the pillow have consistent good performance? -Can this pillow stay cool thought night time use? -Would I need to fluff up this pillow a lot to provide myself support? -Does this pillow come highly rated by others? -What seems to big for a butter warmer? -How can you wash the pan? -What did they use it for? -When did they test it? -What impression does the product image give? -What appearance do they have? -What are they worthy of? -How is the design rated? -How is the build quality? -What might be difficult to manage? -What can help assembling it? -What do you need to make sure of? -What is not a guarantee for an expensive coffee maker? -What did they previously use that was more expensive? -How long have they used the coffee maker? -What did they look for in this coffee maker? -What product did they get for free? -What was the first thing they noticed? -How did they describe the appearance? -How many stars did they give the coffee maker? -What was used to test the new product? -How can you keep splatter down when cooking bacon? -How long did it take to cook bacon? -What should you do if the bacon seems rubbery? -How much time is added when checking the bacon? -Why did the reviewer want this to work? -How many sets of instructions came with the pan? -what sticks, peels, and tears off in strips? -What can the husband sear on this? -What did the reviewer do according to directions with the pan? -what size is this toaster compared to how it was advertised? -what are the actual measurements of this toaster? -what is lacking in order to set the temperature? -what is produced by this toaster but not other toasters? -Most people would not be able to use this toaster in what capacity? -how many sets were purchased? -what was received as compensation for the missing hardware? -where were the sets purchased? -what material flipper did he not want to use? -what material flipper was purchased for use with these? -what size pans do these fit? -what degree of difficulty is cleaning these? -compared to other sheets what is the width of these? -what is the placement of the spout on this kettle? -what is the capacity of this kettle? -what happens to the water in the kettle that shouldnt? -how long does ice stay frozen with this mug? -what is a good feature that this mug has that helps when using it at your desk? -what part of the day is the mug refilled? -How long does the liquid stay cold? -What does the product come with? -How well does the seal keep liquid in? -Does this product spill often? -How well does the seal keep liquid out? -What is the availability of this product on Amazon? -How good is this rug at soaking up water? -How did the customer find the product? -How did the customer describe the rug? -How quickly does the rug dry? -How long has KitchenAid been creating their products? -How much noise does the mixer make? -What's the earliest product to be made at KitchenAid? -How is the motor described? -What is the size of the mixer? -What was the product the customer purchased? -What was on the bottom of the colander? -How did the customer rate the product? -How did the customer describe the item? -Was the glue able to be removed by the customer? -What item was bought by the customer? -What came with the latte maker? -How good did they find their drinks? -Which drinks did they make? -How hard is it to clean this product? -What does the user say about the product? -What kind of bottom does it have? -How many compartments is the holder divided into? -What kind of finish does it have? -Where did they order the product from? -What kind of bag did the original order come with? -What kind of filter is correct? -How is the bag attached? -What does the poster say about the design? -Where is the air filter located? -Who did the poster give it to after a few uses? -What kind of floor does it not work well on? -What is the poster mostly reviewing on? -Was the user satisfied or not about the product? -What were in the pans surface upon receiving? -What is too much of a hassle? -What three things is the product right out of the box? -What kind of affair was the last pressure cooker? -What was wrong with the last pressure cooker? -How much cheaper is the new pressure cooker? -What object did this person think they had damaged badly? -How did this person mess up their pan? -What product did the person use to fix their pan? -What was the inside of the pan like after they ruined it? -How will your pans appear if you use the cleaner? -How many products did this person purchase? -How does the food turn out when using this product? -On what object does the person use the product? -When would the person have liked to purchase the product? -When does the person use the product? -Where does this person reside for half a year? -What type of cooking apparatus is lacking in the RV? -What type of food was the person initially unable to cook in the RV? -Where did the person place the second unit? -What was the person's initial feelings toward the item? -Where is the product produced? -What type of top does the product have? -What food item is stored in the product? -What do they use to keep the bag on the product? -What material is the top made of? -What color is the mat? -What cooking method does this person use for foods that are preserved? -How long has the person been using this item? -What object does this person keep the mat next to? -What is the general temperature of the jars? -How long does the ice pack stay frozen? -What was the ice pack not bought for? -To which part of the forehead is the ice pack applied? -Where was the ice pack left for a few hours? -For how long did the old drying rack hold up? -What color are the wooden dowels? -How many dowels does the new rack have? -What size is the wooden rack? -What is the diameter of the dowels? -What substance is recommended in case of burns? -What caution is given about the potholders? -What was the person doing when they got burned? -When does this person put the potholders under a bowl? -How many sets of these potholders does this person have? -What type of item was this person looking to replace? -What was this person worried about that inspired the search for a replacement? -After how long does the coffee maker automatically turn off? -How many coffee makers met this person's water temperature standards? -What benefit does this coffee maker have over conventional carafes? -What shape is the soap holder? -Where does the holder have drainage holes? -From what material is this person's other soap holder made? -What color/finish is the soap holder? -How large is the soap holder? -Name one thing the reviewer likes about the product? -Name another thing the reviewer likes about the product? -What happened to the product by 11/25/13? -In what way did the reviewer change their review? -What is the reviewer going to do with the product now? -When was the product purchased? -When did the product stop working? -What does the reviewer think happened when they used the grinder? -How does the reviewer describe the grinder? -Where did the reviewer buy coffee? -Why does the reviewer like the colour? -Is the heater loud? -How many adjustment speeds does the product have? -Does the heater only blow hot air? -Why does the reviewer like the weight? -Did customer service have an explanation for the way it looked? -What was the reviewer's first impression of the design? -Is it a bad comforter? -Why does the reviewer decide the comforter looks the way it looks? -Is the comforter the same as in the picture? -How many of the product has reviewer purchased? -How long does the product stretch the life of the wine? -How does the Vacu Vin compare to using a cork? -How does the product keep the wine fresh? -Who did reviewer buy the three products for? -What was overcrowded? -What was the author using for storage? -What does the product have in abundance? -Where is the product stored? -What can this product be used for? -What was the product not? -What did the reviewer not like? -What is being reviewed? -What does the unit sound like? -Where was the unit being used? -What is being reviewed? -What is used in the brewer? -How much does it brew? -What did the author not want to use? -What did the author use in the brewer? -What was this placed over? -What did the author also get? -What is the product made of? -What size is the item? -What is being reviewed? -What is not easy to do? -What is being reviewed? -What is the consistency of the product? -What did the author use to roll out? -What happens when it folds over? -How much did they spend on a new unit? -What is the result of smaller ice cubes? -What did the seller contact the people about? -What do they wrap the tofu layer in? -Which type of Tofu works the best? -What kind of odors does it produce? -What is not on the machine that causes it to burn popcorn? -What material is it made from? -How long have they used the product for? -How do you clean the product? -What does the product promise it delivers on? -What is the small stem of the product made with? -How many cups does the water dispenser hold? -Did the company replace the dispenser when it broke? -What type of person who like this product? -How much does the mesh catch? -What do they like bringing with them on trips? -What does he like doing during his travels? -What did he buy in the past? -What was wrong with it? -How long did they use it? -What new product did they buy? -Why can't you use oil sprays? -What is the max temperature that the cover can withstand? -What type of item is it? -Besides the mentioned item what other item do they own? -What brand of product is this? -What do they dislike about the product? -What is the noise level of this unit? -What is attached to the body? -What is the brand of the product? -What do they already own? -What is wrong with the product? -When is this product used? -Why does the writer love Easy Lunch Boxes? -How does the writer pack their lunch? -What comes with the Easy Lunch Box? -What can be found on the Easy Lunchbox gallery? -How does the writer treat leaky food? -What does the writer want the Juicer to include? -When does the Juicer need to be washed after every use? -How does the writer feel about cleaning the Juicer? -What is the writer most satisfied with the Juicer? -How does the writer use to get rid of particles being stuck in the grating? -What is the occupancy status of the writer? -What are the writer's hobbies? -Where does the writer put the leftover food? -How does the pan look in the picture? -What is the writer's favorite brand for pans? -What was the Freshware pan made of? -What is needed to be done when you place a silicone pan in the oven? -How does the writer get the cooked cupcakes out with metal muffin pan? -Why does the writer love silicone pans for baking? -How does the writer get the cooked cupcakes out with silicone pan? -Why does the writer love the Pure Guardian? -How does the writer clean the units? -What was the problem with the writer's old model? -How long did the writer own the old model? -What did the writer provide to Pure Guardian for replacement at no charge? -What item is the person reviewing? -How long has the person used the grill? -What type of surface does the grill have? -What color is the grill that the person bought? -What method of cleaning cannot be used with this grill? -What is the person's last colander shaped like? -What is the difficulty level to clean the colander? -How can the colander be supported without a human holding it? -What type of product did the person buy? -Doing what with the colander becomes easier over time? -Where did the person buy travel mugs in the past? -What brand of mug might not keep liquids hot for up to four hours? -What was the best aspect of Starbucks travel mugs? -What is a major advantage of stainless steel? -What size are the person's hands? -What vegetable did the person buy in order to test the product? -What did the person use to cut the iceberg lettuce? -What containers did the person put the chopped lettuce in? -What does the person now find indispensable? -Where did the person put the jars of lettuce? -How does the product's color compare to what the person expected? -How does the product's thickness compare to what the person excpeted? -How does the product appear after being clawed by cats? -How might one clean the tablecloth? -What type of animals have damaged the product? -Is the baseboard heater expensive to run during the winter? -Has the heater kept working efficiently? -What is the temperature usually like? -How much less are the electric bills compared to before? -Are there any issues with this heater? -How big is their finished basement? -What is extremely expensive to run in the winter? -What heater did they have prior? -If you lose power and regain it again, what happens? -How much did they save on their electric bill? -What price did they originally get theirs? -What is the one con of this set? -Does the knife set have any rust issues? -What does this shower curtain match? -Where did they get the liner and hooks? -What photo is printed onto the curtain? -What do they put behind the shower curtain because it's clear? -What year did they first use the Exo Super Peel? -What is nice about the perforated loaf pan? -What can easily be moved into the oven using the Super Peel? -It's much easier to use The Super Peel, than to? -What does it create less of, unlike other peels? -What did they buy years ago? -What did the buyer purchase when Amazon offered a good deal? -They use the Breeze, even though they own a bigger what? -The new features of the Breeze have what, over time? -It's great for those that have trouble doing what? -What does this product monitor? -What does this product have that saves in filter costs? -What happens when the dogs run by it? -What does this product have that allows it to detect perfume? -What color is the comforter? -Where was the comforter advertised? -How does the material feel? -What is the fabric like? -Who was the comforter bought for? -When was this coffeemaker purchased? -How long does it take to brew a cup of coffee? -What's makes this better than other single cup coffeemakers? -How long does it take to brew two cups? -How is the tap water in NYC? -What's better about Ecopure? -How much faster is Ecopure? -What is a Brita filter used for? -How long does it take to cook meat on a Foreman grill? -How long does it take to bake a chicken breast on a Foreman grill? -What was George Foreman known as? -How does the Foreman grill cook? -What does he dislike about the product? -What does it sound like? -About how long can the pot go before it starts beeping? -What lessons the beeping noise? -What is this product not? -What will happen if you put too much batter in? -What is this product? -What do they recommend for the batter amount? -What is the suggested batter for the unit? -What item is this? -What is the brand? -What happened to their old bread maker? -How many paddles does it have? -How long has he used this set? -How many bottles did it open according to the reviewers? -What is the plastic on his model? -What is wrong with his product? -What did they previously own? -What dairy product are they cooking in it? -What material is the new set made of? -What meal was this primarily purchased for? -What is the primary change the author would like in the product's size? -In addition to meat, what breakfast food was cooked on the product? -What additional product pictured in the ad does the author not own? -What body part does the author have difficulties in? -What vacuum brand name has been reliable for years? -What vacuum brand did the author have numerous problems with? -What type of carpet does the author own? -Besides carpet, what flooring material does the author also use this on? -What type of furniture was the author given by someone else? -What material is the pad constructed from? -What shape is this in so that the material does not move around as much? -About how thick is the product? -What firmness level does the author prefer in a bed? -What item of clothing could this be used as after a dip in the pool? -What type of event could this product be used at, as a seating location? -What is the only way to dry this out quickly? -What does the author set this upon during very warm weather? -What part of the product is abrasive? -What type of dowel may cause problems with this bag? -What is too small on this bag? -What does the author's business produce? -What type of bag is this? -What types of bars in a closer would probably work better with this product? -How did they describe the product? -What is the product that they purchased? -How much did the product cost? -Where did the little vacuum pick up everything? -When did the little vacuum arrive? -What was a perfect addition to the Natalie's classroom? -What problem does the Bodum Bistro Large Electric Water Kettle have? -How did the water boil in the Boduem Bistro Large Electric Water Kettle? -What recommendations does Natalie have for the company that makes the Bodum Bistro Large Elecric Water Kettle? -What was Natalie afraid concerning the Bodum Bistro Large Electric Water Kettle? -What was considered the perfect size for their home? -What does the new vacuum do in comparison to the older vacuums? -What did the person have in their possession prior to the purchase of the new vacumm? -What is on the vacuum cleaner that allows one to switch between hard floors and carpeting? -How long did the person use the vacuum before the next charge? -What was used as an ice cube tray? -What suggestion does the person give when transporting the tray to the freezer? -Why does the person's son likes the water that freezes in the tray? -What did the person not like about silicone contained in the ice cube tray? -What brand of trays are more sturdier that the ice cube tray made from a mold? -What was used as an ice cube tray? -What did the person not like about silicone contained in the ice cube tray? -Why does the person's son likes the water that freezes in the tray? -What suggestion does the person give when transporting the tray to the freezer? -What brand of trays are more sturdier that the ice cube tray made from a mold? -What puts holes in the the garbage bag? -How many hangers were purchased? -How many hangers are left? -What value did the person give to the hangers? -How did the hangers arrive? -What do the sheets do with the mattress? -What are key features of the sheets? -What kind of person is the poster? -What does the poster normally shy away from? -How long has the design been around? -What is great for an informal tea? -What kind of ware does the poster have? -What kind of capacity does the product have? -What colors are they available in? -What are mixed? -What doesn't the toaster do for both sides? -At what lowest level does the bread still burn? -What does the poster say is wonderful, sarcastically? -What did the poster initially pay? -Why is the toaster better then previously owned ones? -What has the user found in the few weeks of daily use? -What has gone up in just a few weeks? -What does the poster claim about the board? -How much thicker is it? -How tall is is when it's folded flat? -How do you collapse the board? -What kept getting stuck in the unit? -What was wrong with the grind size? -What did the author say was a positive thing about the grinder? -If you want to grind coffee beans what does the author suggest? -What company did the author contact? -What did the author want to make? -Where does the outer part of the funnel lie? -How much did the author spend? -What store did the author buy the product? -Where can you wash it in the dishwasher? -What size is the product? -How did the author touch up the bed ruffle? -What size bed does the author have? -The product was long enough for what kind of mattress? -What was this able to do for the authors bedroom? -What brand is the grater? -What kind of grater did the author return it for? -What other food did the author try to grate besides cheese -What happened to the potato? -What happened to the cheese? -What did the author purchase for their home theater? -What size does the author suggest mounting later products? -How wide is the Eneregy speaker? -What word does the author use to describe the quality of the product? -What is the author mounting besides a center channel? -What is the item being reviewed? -How does the reviewer describe the instructions? -How does the reviewer describe the look of the product? -How many stars did the reviewer give the product? -What missing feature lead the reviewer to lower their rating? -What consumer process does the reviewer not enjoy? -What kind of list did the reviewer put the product on? -Who bought the item for the reviewer? -What function of the product delighted the reviewer? -What other instrument did the reviewer require with different products? -How many ounces of material does the product hold? -How did the reviewer describe the instructions? -What is going to be occurring more frequently in the reviewers home? -What type of drink does the reviewer mention? -What is the feeling used to describe the reviewer's opinion of the product? -How long has the reviewer owned the product at the time the review was written? -What appliance does the reviewer use to sanitize the product? -What material is the product made of? -What does the opening in the container allow the reviewer to put inside the product? -How long does the container keep water chilled? -What type of beverage does the reviewer enjoy? -How much does the reviewer usually spend on a cup of coffee? -What is the brand of the product being reviewed? -How much coffee does the reviewer put into each portion they make? -How long does the reviewer allow their coffee to brew? -How has yogurt been made in the past? -What type milk has a milder less tart taste? -What was wrong with the first batch? -What can be used to cover yogurt as it forms in bowls? -What season is easiyo best to use? -What reminded the reviewer that eggs were on the stove? -What did the reviewer do after reading nearly every review on the product? -Why does the measurement line need to be marked with a small piece of white tape? -How long did it take to make beautiful creamy center hard boiled eggs? -Which feature didn't work on this cooker? -What item was going slimy with no good place to store it? -How long did it take to get delivery of the items? -What did some reviewers not like about the wooden slats? -Where were these items made? -What is happening with the slats after a few months? -What brand iron was priced great and was a brand that is favored? -What is inconsistently produced by the iron? -When did the iron seem to lose "steam" and not stay consistently hot? -What kind of soleplate does the iron have? -What brand of iron was NOT purchased? -What kind of sheet and pillowcase maker made these? -What are soft and great for the price? -What kind of set of pillowcases and sheets was purchased? -What can't you do to fabric when ordering online? -What type of shopping can cause apprehension? -In regards to power, the Nutribullet 600 and 900 watt models are very what? -The Nutribullet 600 and 900 watt models are how much more expensive than other blenders? -The Nutribullet 600 and 900 watt models are great for making what kind of beverage? -Some other blenders make little noise, so they are good for using during what time of day? -Some other blenders are as cheap as how much? -Has the customer had any trouble with the factory-reconditioned KitchenAid Professional mixer that they bought two years ago? -The customer bought the factory-reconditioned KitchenAid Professional mixer for what occasion? -The customer bought the factory-reconditioned KitchenAid Professional mixer for what relative? -The customer bought this item for his daughter because of what reason? -The customer saved how much money by purchasing this item? -The customer says he went into what state while researching wheatgrass juicers? -According to the customer, some juicers caused what to enter the wheat grass? -Unfortunately wheatgrass juicers that are the correct speed tend to have what two problems? -The customer received advice about juicers from where? -The customer describes the juicer the restaurant recommended as what? -The customer is a real fan of what kind of equipment? -One of the customers favorite items from OXO is what? -The customer liked this bowl better than others for what reason? -Another quality the customer mentioned was what? -Does the customer feel that his bowl was worth the price? -What is the customer is the market to buy? -What is the brand the customer bought? -What qualities is the customer looking for in this coffeemaker? -How much water does the carafe hold? -The customer was happy that the switch was located where? -What happened when the person first tried to use the product? -What does the person recommend one use to poke holes in the lid? -What does the person use to cover the holes in the lid? -What should you do when you want to reseal the jar? -How must one grip the jar sealer to get it to work? -What is one issue with the product? -What is a second issue with the product? -How would the person have preferred the color to be? -What was the speed of delivery? -All in all, how does the person feel about the product? -How many times has the person purchased the product? -When did the person most recently buy the product? -When did the person first purchase the product? -How much does the product weigh? -What is the noise level generated by the product? -How many times has the person purchased the product? -When did the person most recently buy the product? -When did the person first purchase the product? -How much does the product weigh? -What is the noise level generated by the product? -What material is the person trying to use less of? -What might coffee absorb as a result of being stored in a plastic mug? -How did the person accidentally test the seal of the mug? -What color of mug did the person's husband borrow? -What color of mug did the user buy for their husband? -How would the person characterize the way in which the measuring cups were designed? -Where did this person store the older version of this product? -What age of child would be capable of damaging the product's handle? -What type of product is the person reviewing? -What old design shape has the new product moved away from? -what happens when you set it to the lightest setting? -what would definitely burn if you put it on and walked away? -what is done before trying to manually get things out of the toaster? -what utensil has been used to get stuff out of the toaster? -what feature does it have to assist with getting things out? -why does the pan tip over? -when does the pan tip over? -what happens to the surface of the pan that might make it less attractive? -what feature makes it take a long time for the water boil in this pan? -what type of flakes does the pepper mill make? -where do you load the salt shaker? -how large is the interior of the pepper mill? -what holds the knob in place on the peppermill? -what price point was the product? -where was the spoon purchased? -where are the cut marks located on the old spoon? -what is the one flaw of this spoon? -this spoon is good for preparing what breakfast food? -how long has the user had this salad kit? -what size are the trays? -what is the smaller tray size good for? -how long do the freezer trays stay cold? -what size salad can this kit hold? -What is the name of the product being reviewed? -How big was the piece of paper with the instructions on it? -What type of salad was made using the Potato Ricer? -How many pre-programmed settings are on the Potato Ricer? -When was the Potato Ricer received? -What has the reviewer described to have not used to product with? -What was the reviewer hoping for? -What did the reviewer almost do to the product? -What type of water was described to have been used? -What was the reviewer told about eureka? -Where was the product purchased? -How much did the product cost? -How long ago was the product purchased? -How many bagless vacuums did the reviewer own in one year? -What color is the product being reviewed? -What did the reviewer think the reasoning for the price was? -What was the only issue the reviewer had with the product? -How did the reviewer obtain the product? -How big is the reviewer's monitor? -What was the problem with the product? -What was the reason the reviewer kept the product? -Where was the damage on the product? -How quickly was the product received? -which coffee press did they buy for work? -what characteristics describe the bodum? -which press did they buy for their home? -which one insulates better? -how much coffee does each press make? -what does the husband forget to take out? -what is her husband always looking for? -where is the mail left to remind the husband? -how fast does she have to run to catch the mail truck? -what does the husband take the dog out with? -what company made the can opener? -which company made the second place opener? -what kind of gear mesh is employed in the Steuby opener? -what is used to engage and cut lids? -is the knife dull or sharp? -what size is the comforer -why is goose down avoided? -how long does it take to dry the comforter -what might be needed on a particularly cold night -how does the comforter look? -what did they used to carry tumblers before a long hike -how many spills were had? -what vehicles floor did they bounce around on -what is the reason for the 3 star rating? -how long does it take for liquids to get cool? -what does the corkscrew replace -does the author state it is easier or harder to use then the winged type -what is effective and easy to use -what are the worm screws coated with -what is included -how is the cable management -where does the cable come out -where does the author unfortunately have to run the cable -what does the author have that is still noticeable -what do you mount the speaker onto the stand with -what does the author need -what is the author able to limit the use of -what did the window fan require a lot of during the install -how much noise does the fan make -how long will the author leave the fan in -what does the author use -what did the author recently purchase -what hasn't the author tried -what is nicely sized -what is the perfect length -what looks smaller than the author has -what does the mug do that regular cups don't -where is the mug made -where was the authors old mug made -how tall is the mug -How many stars did this person eventually give this product? -How long has this person owned this scale for? -What covers the readout of this scale? -The on-off switch of the device would ideally be separated from what other switch? -The extra step that the user has to take is described as being what? -Where does this person use this device? -How much would a more standard crock pot cost? -What is short on this item? -What time does this person have to make their lunch by? -What dietary restriction does this person have? -How many items are in this person's knife block set? -How much does a cheap Harbor Freight sharpener cost? -What shape cutting heads are mentioned? -What else, other than knives, did this person try to sharpen? -The company Wusthof makes products related to what product domain? -What era will this device bring the user back to, metaphorically? -How much does this item cost? -What is the amount that this person thinks you should pay for this item? -What happened during the third filling of this device? -How long does the device have to stand during use? -Where did this person end up buying a different product? -How many negative elements did this person identify with the timer? -What will not stop on this timer unless it is manually halted? -What part of this item, used to fasten it to things, does this person wish was stronger? -What did this person have to do in order to hear the older timer? -How much did the reviewer pay for the glass? -What did 2 of the 3 stones look like that the reviewer received? -What does the product look like in the picture? -According to the reviewer did the product they receive look like the one pictured? -According to the reviewer , what were the items that they paid almost 25 dollars for? -The reviewer bought this to replace what? -The reviewer made what with this unit at Christmas time? -What issues did the reviewer have that they removed a star from the score? -What do the plastic units tend to do? -Most of the unit is made of what, that makes the reviewer suspect it will last for quite some time? -How long did the reviewer have the tower fan for? -What kind of fan is the reviewer writing about? -why does the reviewer use white noise to block out other noise at home for? -How often does the reviewer use this fan used at home? -The reviewer uses this fan especially for what kind of noise? -What did the reviewer return several of? -Why were the toasters returned? -What side of the toast was darker? -What did the reviewer say that the one option that toasters seem to never have now? -How long has the reviewer have this toaster for? -Where was the pan purchased? -What list has the reviewer put another pan on? -How much less is the pan from amazon than Macy's? -What kind of surface does the pan have that works like a charm? -What brand of pans is the reviewer writing about? -What parts would you avoid buying from a Toyota dealer? -What do you need to own for this product to work? -What type of material is the lid? -What should the unsatisfied people do? -When did they buy this product? -How old was their old set? -What must you do to avoid water spots? -What pot is this? -What keeps the glass above surfaces? -What is the mesh? -What fits snugly? -What did they use previously? -What was wrong with it? -What noise level is this unit? -How long does it take to clean the screen? -What type of product is this? -How often do they use the product? -What is the brand? -How many does he own in various sizes? -What about a vacuum made them hate vacuuming originally? -What brand did they get after they threw away their 4th vacuum? -How much did their new vacuum cost? -What does the dyson just roll over and not pick up? -Is the Dyson heavy or lightweight? -What size area is this air cleaner for? -What room is the air filter located in? -How much are replacement filters for the air cleaner? -What can you mount the air filter to? -Is it loud or quiet on the low settings? -What do you need to use on both the lid and handles of this pot? -Is the head level higher or lower of this pan's handles compared to other pots? -What type of material should the handle of been made of? -What will happen if you don't use a pot holder when handling the lid? -The lid handle is screwed to the other side and exposed to what? -About what year did they buy their Acme? -Independent reviews say the Acme extract how much more juice than its competitors? -What is the Acme described to be built like? -What Material are the removable parts? -What color is the enamel of the motor housing on this unit? -What is this coffeemaker described to be like? -This coffeemaker is a combination of a brewer and what? -What went everywhere when the maker blew open? -What did they stop doing because it would blow open the maker? -What is difficult to clean? -What kind of metal does this user favor? -What was wrong with the store display pieces that this user bought? -What is the name of the product being reviewed? -What texture is Copperbrill? -What color are the sheets this user bought? -Who wanted the sheets to be a specific color? -How many times has this product been washed? -What is the brand of this product? -Where did the user purchase the product? -How many sq ft is the largest room this reviewer uses the product in? -Which part of the product could burn fingers? -What safety feature does this product offer? -Which improvement would this reviewer make to the product? -What area of the home is this product used in? -What material is this product made from? -Which product would take too long to grind with this product? -Which content does not spread evenly? -Why are slippery surfaces on this product a negative? -How much did this product cost? -Where are the tags for this product located? -How many lbs should this product hold? -Which bag does this reviewer use the most? -Why is the customer returning the kettle? -What did the customer like about the kettle? -What did the customer not like about the cord? -What did the customer complain about the look of the kettle in their house? -Why is is being returned? -How thick is the cord? -Why is the cord possibly so thick? -Why did the kettle have to be returned? -What heavy color is the kettle? -How does the kettle look in the kitchen? -In what way might the kettle be safer? -What aspect of the kettle will always bother the reviewer? -Where do a lot of the appliances like graters and slicers end up? -What has to be frequently emptied when grating cheese? -Which brand of product is an amazing hit? -How do all the parts of the tool fit together? -What happens if you don't empty the hopper frequently? -What insulates your hand from the heat when you hold the egg? -What should you not rest the egg upon? -What should encircle the egg? -What absorbs the downward pressure on the egg? -what should you do after pulling the egg from the water? -How does the shower rod look? -Of what quality does the finish seem to be? -What was in the right place and negated using the anchors? -What is the reviewer unhappy about after hanging? -How many templates come with the product? -What part of the appliance gets in the way? -For what purpose did the reviewer intend the product? -What use might this product be good for, when taking it out with your hands? -What do the measuring cups not do? -How is it to pour things out of these cups? -How should these washclothes be washed the first time -How many washclothes did the author recceive? -How many colors are included -What was wrong with the thick/plush ones? -What material are the washclothes made from? -What brand of dish is this? -What is the weight of the dish compared to other dishes the author owns -How does the author describe the bowls they own? -Where are the pictures of the flowers and butterflies on the dishes? -Where does the author suggest decoration is needed? -What is the size of the grinder? -What didn't the author anticipate? -What doesn't the author have that is small enough? -Where does the author always make a mess? -Where do they dump the coffee grounds? -How long did the authors first Joey last? -What are the main measurements of the Joey? -How deep is the pocket? -What color did the author buy? -What online store did they buy the Joey from? -What is the finish of the shakers? -What kind of pepper does the author use the most? -What does the author say about refilling the shakers? -Where is the pepper shaker stored? -What kind of white pepper does the author use? -How much did the author spend? -What do all the disposable products do that causes a messy problem? -What did online reviews suggest moving downward? -Who doesn't offer these for sale near their products in the store? -What does over the side of the mug or other beverage container when water pressure is applied? -What part of the lid gets extremely warm, unlike its counterpart on the pot? -What type of cook top does the author have? -What does this have more of compared to single ply pans? -What aspect of the bottom of the pan is extremely important? -Who suggests gradual heating at medium heat or below? -What is the unexpectedly small capacity of this pot? -What online merchant did the author buy this from? -What drink is this sometimes used for? -What is the most common food product this is used with by the author? -How many people are in the author's family? -How much chocolate is needed to get this going correctly? -What brand of chocolate does not need to be thinned out? -What can be used to thin out thicker brands of chocolate? -What needs to be done to all chocolates before they can be used? -What three brands of chocolate are mentioned as needing to be thinned out? -How many pieces did this box arrive in? -What company makes these and other storage products? -What part of the product is flexible and transparent? -How many pillow cases did the author put in the box? -What size of sheets were put in the box? -What does the poster love? -What helped them decide on this product? -Did the poster have issues? -What does the poster do while juicing? -Why do they recommend it? -What was the poster excited about? -What is wrong with the filter? -What about the lid is hard? -What brand is it cheaper than? -What convinced the poster to purchase? -What kind of opener is it? -How does it cut the lid? -What is prevented by the way it cuts the lid? -What convinced the poster to purchase? -What kind of opener is it? -How does it cut the lid? -What is prevented by the way it cuts the lid? -What is really easy to use? -What do the buns sit on? -How does the toast come out? -Has there been any issues? -What size is the toaster? -What is the product made of? -How large are the openings? -How many steak knives will fit? -What is it's size in comparison to a Miracle-Knife-III knife set? -What kind of feet does this screen have? -How is the construction of the screen? -What does this screen fit? -How does the screen work? -Why are the sashimi knife and the clever dangerous in this bag? -How is the component section of the bag? -What is decorating the bag? -What's wrong with the embroidery? -Why buy these bags instead of the Sears bags? -Are these just as good for the vacuum as the name brand? -How strong are these bags? -What kind of vacuum are the bags for? -How do the bottles close? -How do you open the bottles? -What happened with the bottles in the kids' lunchboxes? -How did they stop the bottles from making a mess in the lunchboxes? -What do they think of the Funtainer bottles? -How do Zenith products hold up? -What's wrong with the bottom shelf rack? -Where are these Zenith products mainly used? -What are these products good for? -What are the benefits of Zenith products? -What was used to give the item seasoning? -What was the first thing done when the item arrived? -What are their feelings about this item? -When using the item, what does one have to pay attention to? -How many times has the item been used? -What did the person purchase? -How many beaters did it contain in it's packaging? -How long is the warranty? -What is the name of the brand? -Why was the person worried about the hand mixer? -What is the brand name of the travel mug? -What does the Thermos travel mug do? -How did the purchaser describe the travel mug in their hand? -Who did the purchaser purchase an additional travel mug for? -What does the purchaser warns against purchasing? -What is the brand name of the travel mug? -What does the Thermos travel mug do? -How did the purchaser describe the travel mug in their hand? -Who did the purchaser purchase an additional travel mug for? -What does the purchaser warns against purchasing? -What did the person purchase? -What was the problem the person described with other infusers? -What did the person buy another infuser for? -What was the name of the herb that bypassed the strainer in the other infusers? -What was the consistency of the gourmet tea? -What did the person make manually? -What did the person purchase with the bread maker? -How many different dishes where made from the cookbook? -What must be done first before activating the bread machine? -What is the bread machine very good at making? -What kind of item that wasn't too loud was needed? -What should you get if you want a loud timer? -Why is this timer less likely to be broken? -How did the reviewer know the product was quiet? -What happened to the last timer owned by the reviewer? -Where was this item purchased? -What did the item NOT contain to mount on a wall? -Where could you purchase the needed Wood screws? -What size are the openings? -How many stars did the reviewer give this item? -What vacuum died and needs to be replaced? -How many cats does this reviewer have? -What kind of upright did the reviewer hate having? -What brand of vacuum solved objections to bagless uprights? -How was set up assembly? -How does the reviewer feel about buying this mattress? -What has to be secured so the mattress doesn't deflate? -How many adults can comfortably sleep on this air mattress? -What rating out of 10 would the reviewer give this air mattress? -what kind of pump does this air mattress have? -What does the beige textured background mimic? -What is the standard curtain size? -What fits the bathroom appeal of many? -What does the fabric of the curtain consist of? -Why is the material safe for the environment? -What did the author take to work? -What stopped smelling of vegetable soup a month later? -What impressed the author? -How long did the container keep the food hot? -What does the author like piping hot? -What makes the Pinzon Hotel Stitch shower curtain stand out? -What kind of pattern does the curtain contain? -What makes for a nice bath upgrade? -What poses as a potential target for soaps, shampoos and rinses? -What did the author do before making the purchase? -Why did the author email Hoover? -Did Hoover reply to the author? -Was the author happy with the second use of the product? -What hadn't the author done the first time using the product? -What is the author new to doing? -Does the author find the bags easy to use? -Why does the author think the bags are perfect? -Does the author plan on purchasing the Food Saver bags again? -How has using the Food Saver been so far for the author? -How did the author check the accuracy of the thermometer? -Did the two thermometers measure the same temperatures? -Is the Taylor model adjustable? -Where should the Taylor have been calibrated? -What rating would the author give the CDN if it holds up after time? -Is the container made of tupperware? -Does it come with anything? -How many cupcakes can it hold? -What is it intended for? -what occasions is this good for? -How does the author feel about the quality? -Is the lid permanently attached? -How does the seal work? -What is the capacity? -Does the grinder come assembled? -What is it made of? -What dies this use for cutting? -Is the author pleased with the purchase? -What kind of area should I set this on? -How does it attach to the surface? -What falls from the author's car window? -Is the author happy with his purchase? -How long have they had the kettle? -What sound level is the kettle? -What causes the noise? -How long after boiling does it turn off? -Why does the user like the spatulas? -Why does the user like the handles? -What is special about the handle when it comes to heat? -What is the smallest one? -How can you clean them? -What type of bed did it fit perfectly? -What is also the right length? -What about the sheets does the poster love? -What kind of sheets in the poster going to get next time? -It's a lot more what, than microwave popcorns? -What does the user make all of in this product? -This will save you a lot of what, in the long run? -How is it sure to be a crowd pleaser? -What did they replace with this new purchase? -How quick it is to heat up? -It's big enough to warm what? -What is the one drawback of the product? -What makes clean up much easier? -What are the biggest issues with the cabinets? -What was the difference between people now and people in 1889? -Who installed the cabinets? -What kind of cooking appliance was also purchased? -What adjective was used to describe the appearance of the cabinets? -What does the reviewer wish the packages of shelf pegs had? -What were the cabinets to be used for? -What do the shelves need to be? -When was the reviewers house built? -Who regularly borrows things -Who are the people that compliment the bags? -What is the recommended milk container size for these bags? -How long does it take to get to the grocery store> -What words were used to describe the durability? -What can you put into each side of the bag? -What is the length of time it takes the reviewer to get home? -What is the one problem with the bags? -What fits really well in the bags? -What material is the toaster over made from -What brand mentioned is complimented most? -How many have been given away as gifts -How much does the toaster oven heat up the kitchen? -What's the longest any toaster mentioned was owned? -What is the model of toaster oven owned for 3 years? -What was the brand of toaster oven owned for 15 years? -How much faster is the Breville compared to the GE oven? -How much less electricity does the Breville toaster oven use than a regular oven? -What is the model of toaster oven owned for 3 years? -What was the brand of toaster oven owned for 15 years? -How much faster is the Breville compared to the GE oven? -How much less electricity does the Breville toaster oven use than a regular oven? -How much does the Staffordshire Terrier weigh? -What is the best nozzle for pet hair? -What is the phrase used to show how hard it is to keep free of pet hair? -What is a must have weapon of war in the fight against pet hair -What will happen is shavings and paper shreds are left along the top? -What will be hard to do if you like to drain your foods? -What will no go back on the cans? -What size of can is hard to open? -What did owning a bar mean for my rest? -Why do I smoke if I hate the smell? -How do I feel about my wife hating the smell of smoke? -What must the advertisement have claimed about the smell? -What might be the function of the fabric softener sheet? -Why did I order a tamper for my 64 oz container? -What containers for the vitamix do I have now? -How much did I pay for shipping? -How much did I pay for the tamper? -Why didn't I just use the mini tamper that came with the smaller container? -How many bars must have I put down into the side of the rack? -How many implements did I need to assemble the shoe rack? -Why did I put the boots on the top rack? -How must I feel about the purchase? -Where might I have put the shoe rack? -How did I justify the misleading count of the pieces? -Why am I annoyed if the contnainers are perfect sizes? -What helps in storing the containers? -What do I believe about the life span of the containers? -Why might I use Zojirushi if I were to bake a bread? -If I never had problems, why did I order the spares? -When might I need a spare part? -Why did I contact the customer service? -What remedy do I use for the stuck bread? -What does the author use to make hot water? -How much liquid does the IngenuiTEA hold? -What size mugs does the IngenuiTEA work with? -Where did the author purchase the IngenuiTEA? -Other than tea, what can be put in the IngenuiTEA? -How large is the product? -What are the two wattage settings of the product? -What indicates the product is on? -What stops the product from working if it is picked up or tipped? -How wide is the blow range of the product? -When did the reviewer get the product? -What function does the review use for a stronger beverage? -Why is the reviewer unable to use fine coffee? -The user 'cheats' on what other device with this new product? -Other than coffee, what beverage did the user make in the product? -How many birds does the reviewer have? -How long is the product warranty? -What does the reviewer wish the tank had more of? -What design perk does the cord have? -How often does the reviewer say they vaccum? -How many jars did the user seal after the product's first charge? -What fresh produce did the user seal before they went limp and squishy? -How many jars did the user seal after the prodcut's second charge? -The consumer unseals a container pepper when making what two foods? -What brand of juice has the consumer sealed? -What did they read reviews about? -How many times has this person used the rack? -The rack fits neatly back into what? -Is this rack cheap or expensive? -How do you open the arms? -They ordered another to support what body part? -How long as this pillow lasted? -What is the problem with water pillows? -Are Miracle foam pillows too soft or firm for this person? -This pillow doesn't put what to sleep? -How many weeks ago did these people move? -Where are the positive reviews on? -How many rooms did it take to fill the canister the first time? -What vacuum brand did they buy? -How many dogs do they have? -How many slices does this toaster do? -What did they read from cover to cover? -Which two slices are unevenly cooked? -Who makes this toaster? -What toaster model did they return? -Who provides quality products at good prices? -Who bought the squirting dish brush? -What does the brush take up? -What does he like cleaning out using the brush? -Who filled the brush up the first time? -How many stars does the author wish they could give this muffin pan? -When did the author first use the muffin pan? -What is the name of the muffin cups this user has used with the muffin pan? -What does the author want to do with the muffin pan? -What can you clean the pan with? -What can the paper towel holder do to a person? -Describe the weight of the holder on the bottom? -Does the paper towel holder topple over? -How functional is this paper towel holder? -Where di the user by this item from? -How quickly did the user use the item? -What kind of non stick pan did the user use? -rather than being made thin, this item is made how? -What vacuum is being replaced by this item? -How would you describe assembly? -What type of self cleaning filter kept clogging? -The brush motor can be described as? -What brand will user take this vaccuum over -How old is the item in question? -How would you describe the easy of cleaning? -How many grind sizes does the user use? -How would you describe the volume of the griner? -What is the product name? -How long did the coffee maker last? -If that part hadn't broken off, what would the reviewer have rated the coffee maker? -What happened to the small piece that hooks and holds up the piece that fits on top of the filter? -What part on the brand new maker broke off? -What amount of stars does the reviewer give the maker? -What was the box like when the package arrived? -What did Amazon do quickly? -What kind of packing did the replacement product have? -What was wrong with the handle end and metal trim ring? -How long did it take the replacement to arrive? -What kind of coffee basket does the reviewer have? -How many stars did the reviewer NOT give the filters? -How do the filters fit the Bun basket? -Overall, how does the reviewer like the filters? -What does the reviewer review? -What can you make in this pan? -What type muffins does this pan make? -What brand makes this reviewer happy? -How do the muffin pans clean up? -How many muffin pans did the reviewer buy? -What comes in handy for many things? -What kind of foods are put in with this scraper into what you are cooking? -What kind of bisquits can you make with the scraper? -How does it work when slicing cookie dough? -How does the reviewer feel anyone would feel about having this scraper in their kitchen? -How large is the user's kitchen? -What is one prominent characteristic of the user's cabinets? -How tall is the user? -What feature of the product prevents items from slipping of of it? -What size of cabinets is the diameter of the product especially suitable for? -What aspect of the product make it easy to lift? -What should you measure to make sure you get the best product for your needs? -What type of shelves are in the person's pantry? -What main function does the product serve with respect to various items? -What product is the person reviewing? -What did the person bang against their old griddle pan that caused it to be warped? -How would the person characterize the pan's appearance? -How many times has the person used the pan to make omelettes? -What size were the crepes that the user made? -What types of drinks is the user fond of making? -What tool makes drink making easier? -What type of juicer did the person use to have? -What types of fruits would the product be good for juicing regularly? -What color is the product? -What brand does the person like? -What size are the mugs the person bought? -How many mugs come in the set the person bought? -Where are the mugs made? -What organization's guidelines does the product comply with? -How much did this person have to pay to send this item back? -Kalorik had poor ratings on what review site? -How long did the replacement item this person receive take to stop working? -What carrier did this person use for their shipping? -How many emails did this person send the first time around? -Where did this person try spaghetti eis? -This ricer is generally for use with what food? -Who wrote this review? -How many hole settings does this device have? -Grated milk and dark chocolate with raspberry sauce might be associated with what food item? -What are the bottles in the device free of? -How tall is the appliance? -What's the most you might play for a replacement filter for this device? -How big are the bottles that come with the device? -How does this person's husband want to feel in the morning? -A super large drink from one of the mentioned restaurants is equal to how many medium drinks from there? -How often does this person like to have frappes? -When did this person receive this object? -How quickly does this person anticipate this item paying for itself? -What does this person want to control, when it comes to their frappes? -What company makes this item? -What kind of slots does this appliance have? -The slots help when toasting what item? -What custom setting does this toaster have that this person likes? -How long has this person been using this product? -Does this person have a husband or wife? -What size canning jars did this person purchase? -Why did this person purchase canning jars? -What does this person keep in a cupboard? -When did this person purchase quart size canning jars? -What fits comfortably in the hand? -What is thin-enough? -What would space would this product be perfect for? -What has held up well so far? -What space has little storage? -What works great? -What is runny if you take it out immediately? -When will an alarm sound? -What is a great way to cook up eggs for guests? -What additional item did the consumer purchase to replace the jars? -What type of yogurt is made in this yogurt maker? -How long is the greek yogurt left to sit in the bowl? -What is the next step after sitting in the yogurt maker all night? -How frequently does the reviewer consume yogurt? -What should be used to clean a surface that has cracks or gaps? -What new feature does the reviewer especially like? -What part of the ScumBuster was used to clean the shower surround? -What does the reviewer plan to use to clean the ceramic-tile floor? -What does the person like about the old scrubber? -What feature is both an advantage and a disadvantage? -Why is the added feature a plus? -What is the disadvantage of the feature? -What makes the grater hard to hold steady? -What happens if the cup is removed from the bottom of the grater? -What safety feature can make the use of the processor challenging? -What feature will help with storage of the appliance? -What is one negative thing about the food processor for the reviewer? -Does the item have any accessories? -What recommendation is made by the reviewer to prospective buyers of the same unit? -What is the best use for this ice cream maker? -What is used by the reviewer when they want to make a larger amount of ice cream? -What happened when the bowl was kept in the freezer that is attached to the refrigerator? -What tip does the reviewer share to get the best ice cream? -How long has the reviewer had this ice cream maker? -What was the reviewer's first problem with the iron? -What was the reviewer's second issue with the iron? -How many times did the reviewer have to push the control botton to get to the hottest iron? -What did the reviewer like about the iron? -How quickly did the iron shut itself off? -What was the reviewer's first problem with the iron? -What was the reviewer's second issue with the iron? -How many times did the reviewer have to push the control botton to get to the hottest iron? -What did the reviewer like about the iron? -How quickly did the iron shut itself off? -What is the reviewer's biggest issue with the toaster? -Why does the reviewer think the cord is so short? -What surprised the reviewer abou the toaster? -Where should you NOT put your hand when the toaster is in use? -How long had the reviewer used the toaster before reviewing it? -What is the reviewer's biggest issue with the toaster? -Why does the reviewer think the cord is so short? -What surprised the reviewer abou the toaster? -How long had the reviewer used the toaster before reviewing it? -Where should you NOT put your hand when the toaster is in use? -Where does the reviewer's swimming pool equipment stay? -What is a potential danger of using a larger heater? -Why can't the reviewer use their old solution to their problem? -What does ther reviewer use to cover the pool equipment? -Where does the reviewer put the heater? -What problem can prevent being able to scrape out peanut butter? -What feature allows you to more easiely spread things? -How did the reviewer describe the cherry color? -What type of construction does the spatula feature? -How do you clean this product? -What does the product's smell remind the reviewer of? -What are the mats made of? -What should you do if you wash with hard water? -What product should you use to help maintain this product? -cookies and biscuits are known for what syndrome? -What do bakers say makes clean ups easier? -What makes parchment paper different than Reynolds? -How many feet does the roll contain? -What is the difference in size between parchment paper and Reynolds? -What was helpful to the baker when baking bread? -What does the baker love doing? -What is the reason for uneven cuts? -What would make the the box more efficient? -What is annoying and should be addressed on the box? -Why did they prefer not to have bought online? -What was just not worth the purchase? -If your making a smoothie with frozen berries what should you consider most? -They compared their recent purchase to which previous purchase? -Where was the previous purchase from? -What do the use to get the dog off the chair? -How many did they purchase? -What was their purchase? -They seemed to have issues with stuff falling off from where? -How long did it take for item to fall apart? -What was purchased and worth the price? -What is the nice feature that does not make you stop every 5 minutes. -How much moisture did this recent model pick up compared to the old one? -How long did it take for the carpet to dry with the new one? -What model was actually purchased? -In what size room does the reviewer use the heater? -What is the highest setting the reviewer has set the heater dial to? -Where did the reviewer purchase the $34 heater from that was later returned? -What type of heater did the reviewer purchase from WalMart? -For how long has the reviewer had the Lasko heater? -In what city and state was the product made? -In what water temperature should the product be washed? -What color is the product? -Where is the reviewer unable to find the product? -How many did the reviewer order that day? -What kind of spout does the pitcher have? -What is the name of the brand of the pitcher? -Why did the reviewer have to store the pitcher on the lower shelf of the refrigerator? -Why does the reviewer recommend storing the pitcher on higher shelves or counters? -What will happen to the filters if you have higher TDS water? -What are the signs made of? -Where did the reviewer use the product? -What pattern does the reviewer wish the sign came in? -How many signs did the reviewer purchase? -What was the reviewer concerned about with the product being made of cardstock? -How long ago did the reviewer purchase the blender? -What is the brand of the blender being reviewed? -What does the reviewer claim the blender smells like? -For what items does the blender not work well? -What brand do most cooking shows now use? -What country does the author reside in? -What country does the brother or sister of the author live in? -What did the author replace in order to try to get the product to work? -What product is being reviewed here? -What makes it easy to see information like water height? -What feature can be used to re-brew a tea? -What does the product do when the water is done being heated? -What material is the Cephalon made from? -What type of kitchen pans were these bought to be used with? -What does the bamboo fork not do well at picking up? -What company makes this product? -How often does the author use this product, at a minimum? -What type of art is the author learning? -How many different drinks can be made with this product? -How many stars did the author give this product in the review? -How much rice goes in? -How much does 1 cup fill? -What rice dries out if left on the warm setting? -How long does it take to cook brown rice? -What is the longest timer setting? -What kind of noise does this make -What does this help with -What does this get rid of? -Is it quiet? -What age is this great for? -What other milk can you use? -How many batches can you make in a row? -What do you use to change flavors? -What is this good for? -What is this made out of? -What develops after a few uses? -Does this fit in the standard sink? -What is this good for? -What happens to the water? -What besides tea is it good for? -What is the power source? -Where does the user live? -Using this fan does what to your bill? -What do they prefer this fan over? -What features does the user like? -What is different about the timer? -What don't they like about the machine? -What is hard to get out of the machine? -What does the user say is pretty much the same? -What is different about this curtain, compared to others? -What can you use behind it to not have it so see-through? -What is a negative that the reviewer has claimed? -What did the user use to make the slits bigger? -Where is it easy to move? -Why did the reviewer buy the "animal" one? -What transition does it work well with? -What are some perks of this product? -What did they replace with this new product? -What is wrong with the thermal mug? -How much does the Kitchenaid make? -What kind of feet does the machine have? -Aside from filling at home and travelling where else is this cup good for using? -What is it that was not seen that another reviewer mentioned? -What is in the right place and makes it comfortable to hold? -What doesn't get too hot? -What is sturdy and easy to thread? -What part of the car had much more room? -What was on the passenger's seat that was perfect? -What was rarely used? -What needed space when the hook was used? -What was an option that would have been nice? -What finally had it? -What was important? -How long has the new coffee pot been in use? -What can you do while it's brewing? -The coffee maker is sturdy, well made, fits on the counter, as well as? -What were they hesitant to buy? -After understanding how it works, it's quirks, and it's worth how do they cook now? -What has to be clean? -What needs to be in it's proper position? -With things cleaned and in it's proper place what kind of experience will someone have? -What did they buy for sale on black-friday? -What is the other functions besides "bake" and "broil"? -When the timer goes off and the toaster turns off what happens? -What turns off the heating element? -What do they do if they are going to reuse the toaster? -What two settings does the gas stove seem to have? -What does the reviewer wish for? -What broke because of heat exposure? -What is the main problem with the product? -When would the reviewer pay more for the product? -What material is the product made of? -When does the reviewer use the product? -What does the product have problems with? -What is the reviewer's recommendation? -How does this product differ from regular tongs? -What language is the instruction book in? -How was the reviewer able to use the instruction book? -What did the reviewer wish for? -How did the reviewer find recipes? -Did the author have success with rolling sushi in the past? -When did the reviewer purchase the product? -How long did it take for the teflon coating to come off? -How often is the product used? -What problem does the waffle maker have? -What is the reviewer's biggest complaint? -Is the mattress too soft? -How many adults can the mattress handle? -Why impresses the reviewer about the mattress? -What is the underside of the mattress made of? -Why is the mattress difficult to stand on it's side? -What shower caddy did the author prefer? -What is at the top of the shower caddy designed for hanging? -How is the suctioncups of the shower caddy on the tiles? -What structure in the caddy help it to dry out? -Where did the author hang the shoer caddy? -What is the review writing about? -What does the author like? -What is more efficient than a knife to cut pineapple? -How much leftover pineapple from the shell using OXO slicer? -How much juice was lost using OXO slicer? -How long has the autor owened the Lasko tower fan? -What season was the fan used? -How high is the fan? -How difficult is it to install the base? -What controls the fan? -What does the autor use for cooking eggs? -Who overcooked eggs for Thanksgiving? -What does some complain about the egg timer? -For whom will I buy a egg timer? -What did the autor make tonight? -Where was the oven bought from? -How many meals have the author cooked in 2 days using the oven? -How much more did my friend pay for their oven? -What did the author buy from Amazon? -Who paid about $75 bucks more than the author for their oven? -What happens if you do not empty the container frequently enough? -What brand of coffee maker should a person get who does not want frothy coffee? -How many points do you need to get free stuff? -What does the reviewer recommend you do before making a decision about buying this product? -Is organic coffee available for this machine? -Is the Simple Human or Kamenstein paper towel holder more attractive? -What is this paper towel holder made of? -How does the cost of this item compare to that of the Simple Human one? -What about the design of this person's old paper towel holder made it come out of the wall? -Where was this item purchased? -What did the reviewer use this for that they found messy? -Does this person fill the compartment up completely with ice cubes? -What does the reviewer add to the ice cubes in the container? -What kind of foods is this item ideal for? -How warm was the weather when the item was tried out? -What should you do if you want the water level feature to be useful? -How big is the Capresso compared to this machine? -What is the reviewer's opinion of people who use the programmable feature? -Is this coffee maker shiny? -Where should one get a caddy to stow this coffee maker away, according to the wroter? -What did other users have problems taking off? -Where is this person's table situated? -What will a soft cloth get rid of? -Was the box this came in intact? -Was the table inside the box messed up? -How many coffeemakers were reviewed before buying this one? -How many coffee making options are available with this coffeemaker? -How many samples were provided? -How can you still use regular ground coffee with this machine? -What was wrong with this scale? -What cause the scale to not sit flat when folded? -What's wrong with the thermometer? -How much did this scale cost? -What was positive about this scale? -Why don't these sheets pop off the bed? -How much does the customer like these sheets? -What does the microfiber feel like? -What does the fabric feel like? -What are these sheets made of? -Why would a beer lover like to drink from this glass? -What else is good to drink from this glass? -What's a good gift for a beer lover? -What's the benefit of the etched star on the bottom of the glass? -Does this coffeemaker leak? -How does the coffee taste from this coffeemaker? -What is the benefit of using this coffeemaker? -Why was the customer hesitant to purchase this coffee maker? -Where is this made -What is this made of -Is it durable -What do I spray in this -What's a good recipe for it -How bright are the colors? -What is it made of? -What is it good for -How do I wash it -How can it be stored -What shape is the footprint -What part breaks -What is the model number -What happens if it breaks -What happens when you cut the pizza -What can you use to clean it -What can you put on the stone -what happens to the glaze? -What kind of footprint does blendtec have? -What has a programmable setting -What changes the speed manually? -What is the warranty? -how much is it at costo? -When did the user break down and buy this? -How do they describe the cutting board? -How is the cleaning? -How does the reviewer describe the weight of the cutting board? -What does the writer replace often? -What are the drawbacks of cheaper cutting boards? -What is a drawback in comparison to the cheaper cutting boards? -What is a benefit in comparison to cheaper cutting boards? -What is the writer's opinion of the product? -What three things does the reviewer say right away? -What about the new vacuum is delightful? -How is the price in comparison? -What is wrong with the cord? -What did the writer name the previous vacuum? -What type of vacuum is reviewed? -What is a benefit of the product? -What is the brand of the writer's previous vacuum? -Why does the writer vacuum a lot of hair? -What kind of set did the reviewer get? -What happened when the user first dropped the set? -What happened after typing up the review? -What does the writer say about the durability of the product? -What product is the writer reviewing? -What happened when the product was dropped? -How does the product compare to the picture? -How does the writer feel about the product? -What product is the writer reviewing? -What does the writer use the food saver for? -What don't you have to use with the food saver? -How does the writer feel about the product? -How does the cost compare to non-hand held products? -How did the pillows hold up after 30 days? -How does the writer feel about the product? -What does the writer use the products for? -What does the writer do to maintain the quality? -How does the writer describe the hold up of the pillows? -How does the knife feel in the user's hand? -What vegetables will the knife glide through easily? -What vegetable was the use unable to slice through easily with their old knife? -What brand is the knife that the user is reviewing? -How long did the person use their old knife before giving up? -What brand of product is the person reviewing? -What shape do most of the cheap gaskets have? -What material is the product made of? -Who apologized to the user? -Where did the person order a prior gasket from that was thinner than expected? -What task does the person not enjoy doing? -What type of floors does the person have? -What product did the person buy to clean their floors? -Where did the person buy the mop? -What discount did the person receive on the mop? -What product did the person buy? -What brand of trash cans is the person talking about? -What noise level is produced when the lid is closed? -What quality is the product? -What is the product's brand? -What does the product absorb quickly? -What color do similar products turn? -What type of flooring does the person have? -How long did the person vacuum for? -What did he use prior to getting this new item? -What did they dislike about their former unit? -What is a good temperature for cooking meat? -What is the high setting? -How long have they been using the product? -What did they modify? -What do you need to be careful buying? -What does this product do? -When did they buy this? -What is the drying time? -What do they use to store food? -How many trays does this come with? -What type of cat do they own? -How many chairs did she vacuum? -What do they need the item to pick up? -How large was the fur she collected? -What brand is it? -How long will it take for the writing on the sides to disappear? -What don't you have to fear while using this product? -How many cups can you do? -What item did the reviewer always desired? -Where does the reviewer live? -What is found in water in Arizona? -How long does a gallon cycle take to finalize using the home distillation unit? -How did the water taste according to the reviewer? -What item added into the liquid while mixing will cause it to decelerate? -What item other than adding something non liquid into the mix could decreased the combination time? -Is the customer happy with the blender or unsatisfied? -How much water should be added to 1 to 2 scoops of protein power in the mixer? -What website is the customer ordering another mixer from? -What type of mess did the cleaner pick up in the bedroom? -What material is the cleaner made out of? -In what room of the house did the cat make a mess? -What was missing when the reviewer bought the cleaner? -What type of stains was the cleaner not able to handle well? -What brand of knife is being reviewed? -Which material was the handle of the knife made out of? -How many inches was the knife blade? -What is an acceptable way for the knife to be cleaned? -What type of knife was the author reviewing? -How did the reviewer describe putting the furniture piece together? -What emotion does the reviewer feel about the finished furniture product? -What part of the furniture piece needs to be pushed harder than normal to get it shut? -What location in the reviewers home is the furniture kept? -What item sits on top of the furniture? -How long have they had the blender? -What is the main feature of the blender? -Did anyone recommend the blender? -Is the blender only available in white? -What kind of animal does the vacuum work well for? -Does the vacuum use bags? -Are attachments available? -Can you use the vacuum on the steps? -What can be removed to make things easier? -What kind of animal does the vacuum work well for? -Does the vacuum use bags? -Are attachments available? -Can you use the vacuum on the steps? -What can be removed to make things easier? -What are you not allowed to do? -How should you store the dishes? -Which item will protect the dishes? -Is the set of high quality? -Do the dishes have any decorations? -What type of container does the product make? -Does the mold need to sit overnight? -Is tap water used to make the shot glasses? -Is there an additional tool recommended? -What is a problem with the glasses? -What feature makes it collect dust really well? -Is the vacuum suitable for pets? -Does it take a lot of effort to empty? -Is the vacuum really loud? -Is a lot of dirt picked up? -What did they previously try? -What is done automatically? -What setting does he keep it on? -What is the product's noise level? -What shape is the head? -What size is it? -What is the brand name of this product? -What review did she give it? -What kept the product safe during shipping? -What do they enjoy making? -What is the product made out of? -What function does the lid excel in? -What product is this? -How many years have they been cooking? -What is the state of the rice at the bottom after cooking? -What is he used to cooking over? -How many did he buy? -What are they made of? -What rating did they give this? -What brand is it? -What capacity is this processor? -How many bowls has the author destroyed? -How much does a lid cost without shipping and handling? -What part of the product is extremely difficult to wash? -What brand is the author thinking of ordering to replace this product? -What residue comes out easily with a wash? -What is drained from yogurt? -How long does it take for fermentation to occur? -What type of drink is made with the cheesecloth? -How many sellers did the author buy cheesecloth from? -What cordless product did the author have many problems using? -What type of powerful vacuum did the author already have before ordering this product? -What was the author's existing vacuum missing that was needed for this cleaning project? -What can this reach that the author's existing vacuum cannot? -What did the author raise up for this cleaning project? -What is this spoon rest made out of? -Where should this spoon rest NOT be placed? -Where should this spoon rest be placed? -What longer-handled things do not work well with this spoon rest? -What two spoon measurements does this spoon rest work well with? -What are these towels made out of? -What color is the trim on these towels? -How many towels are included with this purchase? -What is the main (non-trim) color of these towels? -What is good for the number of towels included? -What does the item fill according to the reviewer? -Where is the reviewer currently living at? -Why did the reviewer knock a point off the rating for? -According to the reviewer, What is product sturdy enough to withstand? -What tool was used to put the product together? -What product is the reviewer writing about? -What was the reason that the reviewer bought these glasses for? -What country were the glasses Made in? -How many glasses did the reviewer buy? -What brand of glasses did the reviewer buy? -What product is the reviewer writing about? -What is the poster of? -What is the poster shipped in? -According to the reviewer, what would you combine the poster with to create a unique experience? -According to the reviewer, the poster is supposed to be what? -How tall is the reviewer? -How much does the reviewer weigh? -What room did the reviewer buy the bed for? -How much did the full size bed cost? -What other mattress is the this bed compared to? -What brand of pots and pans is the reviewer writing about? -What is the only problem the reviewer has found with the pot? -According to the reviewer , the pot is top heavy when it is what? -What are great and do not get ouch hot? -According to the reviewer , what do you need to have if you want a perfect cooked meal? -What is the product made of? -What product does the reviewer suggest instead? -When did the reviewer send the product back? -Hoe does the reviewer describe the product? -How long ago did the reviewer buy the product? -What surprises the reviewer about the product? -What hurts the reviewer when using the product? -Is the product secure? -What is the pan perfect for doing? -What product recommendation does the reviewer make? -What surprises the reviewer about the product? -What does the reviewer not like about the pan? -Where is the product made? -What does the product do that is great? -What should you be careful with while using the product? -Is the description of the product exactly accurate? -How long the reviewer heat the patties? -What did the reviewer pre-make? -Did the reviewer like the sandwich? -Why did vegetable keep slipping around? -What was missing from the cutters? -What was the poster worried would get into food? -What is the reason the other brand doesn't work while spiralizing? -Against who was the claim filed? -Where couldn't the product be found easily? -What size were they looking for? -Which stores did the poster try? -Considering the size, why is the product good? -What are they using it for? -How much was the product? -What product had the poster used before? -How did the muffins bake? -Which product does the poster prefer? -How old is the kid in the family? -What was the gift? -What's a downside of the product? -What do you twist? -What was easy? -What should you push through the cork? -Which brand is talked about? -What does the description say is suitable for stove tops? -What was the poster surprised about? -What did the poster do? -What shouldn't you do with such cookware? -Does a Silpat fit a full sheet pan? -How was it shipped? -Where did the sheet split? -What is the name of this sheet? -Can you baked cookies on it? -What kind of bag is the soap in? -How long have they been using it? -Which Dial soap did they get? -Have they had problems with the bottle? -What do they fill the bottle with? -When was it bought? -Do they have complaints? -What attachment do they use frequently? -Is the juicer attachment easy to purchase by itself? -What brand are the jars? -What do they freeze? -Can you use it to process carrots? -How many pieces in a set of jars? -How many pounds of carrots will they buy next week? -Is it designed to use for lime and oranges? -What is the capacity? -Why should you clean the top of the juicer? -What material is the ream made out of? -Does a lime perfect fit it? -Out of the items which is their favorite? -what does she wish the pain was made of? -What purpose does the channel serve? -What did they make? -What item is this supposed to hold? -What item does she avoid using? -What items are they putting on the rack? -Besides the anchors what other items comes with this item? -What is the bottom? -What is the quality? -What should you do according to this person? -What size bed do they have? -What is the item? -What is the brand? -How long does the battery last? -What comes with the item? -Where do they work? -What did he order? -What is the quality of the construction? -How does it function? -Who bought the product for the user? -What type of food dish does the person make in large quantities? -What brand is the product being reviewed? -Who did the user buy more of the product for? -How many additional products did the user buy for others? -What product is the person reviewing? -What material is used on the product to protect the user from heat? -What aspect of the product is the person not pleased with? -What shape does the product have to protect the user's fingers from the glass? -What did the person agree to complete in exchange for the product? -What brand of product is the person reviewing? -What develops when the pan is over high heat? -What might happen to food that is exposed to hot spots? -How many pieces come in the Farberware set referenced by the user? -What type of coating does the product have? -What type of product does the person struggle with buying? -What type of pillows does the person's spouse like? -Who else enjoys using the pillow? -What type of pillows does the user prefer personally? -Where is the pillow made? -What website does the person check before making a purchase? -What produce does the person frequently juice? -What model is the person reviewing? -What fruit can make a drink smoother? -How many days has the person been drinking kale/apple smoothies? -what did they wish was different about the salt shaker? -how much bigger do the holes need to be? -where do they frequently eat? -where do they keep the shakers? -what was the complaint about the size of the holes? -how many years have they made saurakraut? -what did they worry would wear out? -are the blades adjustable or non=adjustable? -how much saurakraut do they normally make? -why did they buy the humidifier -what solutions didn't work for the wife? -where does she keep the humidifier -what does the husband do while sleeping? -does the humidifier work well? -what kind of timer did they have before -what was the problem with the sunbeam buzzer? -how much was did this timer cost? -what timer funciton do they like? -how many button presses does it take to reset? -what at the end is used to push a rack? -how many of the item did they purchase? -what prompted the purchase? -where did they burn their hand? -what do they mostly use the item on? -What is the color of the shower curtain that they ordered? -What is the length of the shower curtain that was purchased? -How many days did the vinyl smell take to dissipate? -How long should the shower curtain last? -What type of home does the customer live in? -What had 1/16" of dust on it? -What kind of item was the customer writing a review for? -What does the customer expect to update later? -What is going into the return vents? -Where is the room with the new purifier in it? -What was the person disappointed in? -On what side of the display would the numbers not show up? -What is hard to push on the 3-way timer? -What problem is intermittent? -What is terrible on the timer? -What is made free of chemicals and is PTFE and PFOA free? -What is the name of the company that manufactured the Green Earth Wok? -What color is the Green Earth Wok? -What size is the Green Earth Wok? -What is the top layer of the wok? -What brand of cooker was purchased from Amazon? -What happens when you set the setting to simmer? -How long ago was the Oster cooker purchased? -In what shape did the coils run? -What brand of skillets does the author use on a daily basis? -What kind of tops do the skillets come with? -What did not stick to the pans? -What types of pans are too small for this author? -How big of a family does the author recommend the set of pots for? -Where does the author use the coffee makers? -Where does the author order coffee from? -What type of coffee drink does the author prefer? -What does one need to watch on the milk containers? -What kind of taste has not been noticed? -How tall is the Westpointe High Velocity Fan? -What color fan does the author own? -What are the fan blades made of? -At what distance can the author feel a breeze? -What part can be removed for easy cleaning? -What kind of pain does the author suffer from? -When did the author used to wake up? -What size bed does the author own? -How tall is the author? -What type of mattress is this? -How did the author give the product? -What type of version does the author have? -What kind of results does the newer model offer? -Who received the grill as a birthday gift? -How does the author describe the pan? -What does the author wish was true about the sides? -What happened to the author when she was washing the pan? -What word did the author say the describe the surface of the pan? -What did the author need to use to remove the cake? -What does the author say about their sleep quality? -What is wrong with the edges of the mattress? -What took awhile to get used to? -What does the author hate doing in the middle of the night? -What does the author say is a problem with the mattress when moving it? -What did the author want to put inside this item? -How many stars did the author rate this container? -What size egg fits inside the container? -How do you have to store the eggs in this container? -How many sides does the container lock? -What did the author purchase the mold for? -What kind of soap does the author suggest you make first? -What will happen if you don't let it sit longer than normal? -What other kind of bars does the author say you can make? -What kind of mold is it where its wider on the top? -How long has the author owned the dehumidifier? -How much water does the author say they get out of the air every week? -What is the cost of the dehumidifier? -What word does the author use to describe the dehumidifier? -What is the dehumidifier quieter than according to the author? -What type of coating is on the tray? -Is the tray dishwaster safe? -How many drinks can it hold? -What does it look like? -Can anything slip off of it? -Can I warm my plates on it? -How is the crumb tray? -How does it compare to a traditional oven? -Does it make any noise? -Who is the manufacturer? -How is it shipped? -What is the name of the tea set? -Is this tea set well made? -Is the design traditional? -How does the set fit together? -How many calories are in this popcorn -How do you make this popcorn? -How quickly can you make the popcorn -Is this better than regular popcorn? -How is the cleanup after popping? -Are these designed for Christmas only? -How is the quality of this set? -How many come in a set? -Who makes this dinnerware? -What is the full name of this dinnerware set? -How does the Roomba seem in reviews? -What has Roomba taught? -What should you include? -What does it do? -What does Roomba encourage? -How long does it take to make bread? -How are the recipes? -What kinds of fresh dough can you make? -What else did they get? -What is the brand? -What isn't the best? -What did they add? -What did they do by hand? -What had a bad smell? -Why did they remove a star? -What have they never had a problem with? -What can only hot water extract? -What is it not going to do? -What has good intentions? -What did the taste lack? -What does it work well with? -What do they like about it? -What do you add to clean the frother? -Where is the spinning mechanism? -What does it not do? -How long was the precious set used for? -what is the length of the spoons? -what is one way you can store these spoons? -how many spoons are used daily? -what appliance is being used to hang these spoons on? -what materiel lids are kept as an alternative? -what is the problem with the lids? -what happens to metal lids from vinegar? -what are the lids okay for? -what is the problem with this press? -what is the manufacturer of this press? -why does water get into the press? -what vegetable is this press perfect for? -how was the problem of sliding solved? -what temperature does this keep coffee? -what brand is this warmer? -what was previously being used as a warmer? -what state is the reviewer living in? -what is the danger with this heater? -what can you do once it is hot to maintain the heat? -who could this be a danger for? -What is small and light? -What about the humidifier is nonexistent? -How did the author feel when first reading the product description? -What happens if the humidifier is tipped over? -Where can the humidifier sit in a hotel? -What does the appliance make that is delectable? -What can the product puree? -Does the author have a cordless or corded appliance? -If the author replaces the product, what type will she buy? -What did the set sell for 7 months ago? -What line is very affordable? -What magazine had a review of the product? -What is BKF? -What size skillet will round out the set? -What can one not do with these pans? -How do these pans need to be cleaned? -What does water do to these pans? -What kind of quality are these pans? -How do these pans need to be treated in order for them to last? -How big is the K5AWW model? -How did the author feel about initially ordering the product? -What did the picture of the mixer show? -What did the mixer replace? -What type of finish does the mixer have? -How many does the coffee pot serve? -Is this coffee pot good for daily use? -Typically, what does the pressure in typical presses do? -What are the bad things about this press? -How is the aesthetics on this product? -Why did the Bodum french press break? -Are there cheaper french presses made by the same company? -Why should someone prefer this french press? -Why does the mesh seal help make this a better product? -Why should one choose a french press versus a traditional coffee pot? -What do other people claim this product does satisfactory? -What is a common complaint about this product? -What is a complaint about the handle? -What does this product leak at times? -How does the hand held tool spray? -How is the cupcake holder described as? -How does the cupcake holder turn? -What size cupcakes may you have to place in the holder? -Do you have to put the cupcake holder together? -Do you have to take this product apart? -Where is this bowl from? -How many kids to grown-ups were there? -How much does this bowl hold? -Where will this person's punch bowl reside? -What is the punch bowl good for? -How long did it take to purify the air in an SUV? -What kind of socket do you need? -What do you think about the Ionizer? -Where was the Ionizer made? -How much was the Ionizer? -What color is it? -What material are the legs made of? -Is it visually appealing? -What are the instructions? -What does a soda stream dispenser need in order to work? -How much is CO2? -Is the soda steam dispenser durable? -Do you have to buy anything special for the soda stream? -What is the suction like? -How much was the vacuum? -Does the vacuum have a long cord? -If I have allergies, should I get this machine? -What do you use in the kitchen? -What to cook on the weekends? -Whats the best pan? -What size pan is it? -How long does the pan last? -What happens if you don't properly iron linen or wool garments? -What on the iron helps to prevent leaving visible damage on clothes? -What does the steamer in an iron do to clothes in order to avoid taking them to the dry cleaner? -What type of hangers are best for ironed clothes to prevent wrinklage? -What action is compared to when using a steamer? -What had lint remove in the dryer? -What had happened to one of the towels? -What was the condition of the other two towels? -What will the towels be less effective at doing? -What was done before using the towels? -What was the color of the mixer? -What addons did the mixer come with? -What addon was used to mix the meat to make meat loaf and meatballs? -What type of mixer is this? -What is the brand of the mixer? -How long ago where the mitts purchased? -What is the brand name of the other mitt purchased? -What is the condition of the Calphalon mitt currently? -Which of the mitts is in almost pristine condition? -What is the brand name of the mitt made from silicon? -What is the brand name of the more costlier coffee press? -What is the recommendation to brew coffee if you're inexperienced with these brands of coffee pressers? -What is the volume of the Bodum Chambord coffee press? -What is the volume of the Ikea UPHETTA coffee press? -What is the cheaper coffee press made from? -What has the potential to last a long time? -A claim would be made if it stopped working by when? -Why are they crossing their fingers? -What features were most impressive? -What claim does the item have? -What was made in Portugal? -What is considered the an eye sore when used? -What is the size? -What is it made of? -What feature did they find most impressive? -While traveling what did they consider a good item to have? -What did the friend own? -This item is actually better than what other similar item for the price? -How long are they traveling for that requires them to bring it? -They save a lot of money by taking it with them, how much is cup of coffee? -What was the biggest selling point to them? -This one is favorite, however what do they have a lot of? -Where is it being placed when washed, even though it's not on packaging? -Why did they buy a purple one? -What makes it easy to clean? -Might scar and leaves marks, what is suggested for manufacturer? -It was not effective in collecting dust when it rotates in place, what was it? -How long was it used for without losing power from battery? -They don't know how the filters work, why is that? -What was purchased to be used at home? -Which ingredient causes the daughter and mother to have the most negative effects? -What does homemade yogurt have less numbers than store yogurt? -What type of diary products has more probiotics? -What natural sweetener is used as a topping? -What negative dairy health effect happened from eating yogurt purchased from the store? -What feature is an aid in being able to read better? -What is the size of the dial? -Which area is constructed of very good materials? -What function does the time display? -On what area of the dial shows the time? -Which substance causes the need to weigh ingredients more? -What is the brand of the kitchen scale? -What makes the LCD display so bright? -What material is the scale constructed of? -What is the max the scale can weight? -Which pets are trying to be kept away from the pillows? -How many pair of shoes will be stored in a box? -What is the color of the boxes? -What is the total number of boxes that was purchased? -What items take up space on the shelves? -What magazine had an ad for the spatula? -What material is used to make the spatula? -What is the number of the different handle sizes? -What color does not stain from cooking sauces? -What do the heads not get when they are used with garlic and pasta sauce? -Who wrote the review? -How many surfaces does the cutting board has? -What is the review about? -What color surface does the manufacturer suggest for vegetables? -Waht design of the cutting board preventing the cross contamination? -Who did I purchase the blanket for? -How old is my mother? -Where did the author buy the blanket from? -What setting was the blanket when it got so hot? -What reason did the auhtore think that the blanket was not working? -What does the French Press work superbly? -How does the coffe made by the French Press taste? -How many standard cups of coffee does a 33 ounce capacity French Pess yield? -How much capacity of French Pess is needed to yield about 4 standard cups of coffee? -What conventioinal coffee machines does the author not like? -What size is the cooktop? -How many more star would the author give if the cooktop was quieter? -How often does the author use the cooktop? -What is the author's suggestion on buying the cooking top? -What color is the cooktop base? -How often does the author make Cream of Wheat? -What does the author make once a week? -Under what situation does the author make Cream of Wheat more than once a week? -Where can the whisk be washed up nicely? -What is used to stir the Cream of Wheat into the boiling water? -What do Easter Island people call sculptures? -What type of hinge is mounted to the tiki box and the frame? -The frame is painted what color? -The frame is painted green to match the Moai's what? -How thick is the is the frame? -What was the brand name of the food processor purchased? -What rating did the reviewer give the processor for chopping? -Besides the chop button, what other button is included on the processor? -What rating did the reviewer give the processor for pureeing? -Which vegetable did the reviewer try to chop up first? -What did the reviewer use to grease the pan? -How was the butter applied to the pan? -Besides jam, apple sauce, and apple pieces, what else has been cooked in the pan? -Was there issues the first time the pan was used? -What was the original purpose for the bin? -What kind of finish does the bin have? -How many bottles of shampoo will the bin approximately hold? -What country was the bin manufactured in? -What does the reviewer actually store in their bin? -What are gangbusters? -What are commercial fruit pops made of? -When should you buy fruit pops? -Blueberry lemonade tastes good sweetened with what flavor? -What should you do to this coffee maker before you use it? -What is primarily plastic? -What kind of milk gets the best froth? -Who makes this coffee maker? -This flatware set contains what kind of knives? -Where is the dotted pattern? -Whose name appears on the blade of the butter knife? -What type of steel is the flatware made of? -This flatware set contains what kind of forks? -What is easy to clean? -What can be used to clean the baguette pan? -What produces great hoagie rolls? -What works wonderfully? -What works well for most every pie? -What is the best thing about this pie slicer? -This product can slice a pie into how many slices? -What tucks away without taking much cabinet space? -What is collapsible? -What is expensive? -What will last for years to come? -What is not an eyesore? -What brand makes this vacuum? -How were the items shipped? -Were any of the items damaged? -How are the spring forms coated? -Are they happy with the items? -Do they like Amazon? -What was the main reason to select the mandolin? -Is the mandolin expensive? -Does the author like the mandolin? -What is the mandolin good at? -How is the mandolin easily cleaned? -Is the wok hard to get food off? -Are you able to put the wok in water to clean? -Can the wok be cleaned with a dishwasher? -Was the wok expensive? -Does the wok cook good? -Does the item need to be attached to something? -What is the advantage to attaching them? -Can the item be used for painting? -Why would you use this item? -Do you need to keep the items held? -Does it take a long time to grind coffee? -Do the grinder only come in black? -Can you set a time on the grinder? -Is the grinder quiet? -Can you clean the grinder out after use? -What item is being reviewed? -How difficult is it to wash this item? -What is the handle made of? -What are you able to rest the infuser on? -What material makes up the bottom of the infuser? -What is the item in question? -Why did the customer choose these specific glasses? -What would you use each glass for? -What is the brand of glass? -How does the customer describe their use of the glasses? -What is the item in question? -Why did the customer choose these specific glasses? -What is the brand of glass? -What would you use each glass for? -How does the customer describe their use of the glasses? -What size is the cup? -Where does the customer recommend not putting this product? -What color is the cup? -What additional information does the customer add? -What is the cup designed to fit into? -What did the customer used to add to their loaves of bread? -How much bread did they make per month? -When did their opinion of this product change? -Why is the customer unhappy with their purchase? -How long did the breadmaker last? -What does the mill grind? -How difficult did they find it to set up the mill? -How satisfied were they with the bread? -How long does it take to mill the ingredients? -How does the customer describe the build of the mill? -What are the 3 messes associated with cats? -What is a problem with the hand-held vacuums the customer previously ownded? -When was the last time the customer purchased a hand held vacuum? -How satisfied is the customer with his purchase? -What is the name if the hand held vacuum the customer decided on? -Were the pieces hard to fit together? -The customer states that the vacuum works the best on what kind of floors? -The customer praises this vacuum for having lots of what? -The customer states that the vacuum does not need charging for how many minutes? -Another great quality the vacuum has is its ability to do what? -The customer states that he doesn't really like what kind of hot beverage? -What kind of hot beverage does the customer most often buy? -The customer bought a frother, and states it doesn't work well with what kind of milk? -Instead of getting a frother, the customer recommends this product instead? -The customer does not recommend this frother for people with what type of condition? -The customer found the only way for this product to be useful was to do add what to the bottom? -In regards to the temperature of the wine, what didn't the customer find? -The problem with the container is that the wine bottle was not doing what? -The customer likes using it in this way because what is visible? -The customer tried the wine chiller with what size bottle? -The customer states that the controls of the coffee machine are what? -The customer also praises the coffee maker for its quick? -The customer also is impressed by how long it keeps a pot of cofee what? -The customer states that the one cover piece tends to make it hard to do what? -The customer complained that the cfarage was not easy to do what? -how difficult is this juicer to use? -what makes juicing tasty? -what is an easy way to make sure you are getting the recommended fruits and veggies each day? -what type of drink is not craved when juicing? -what type of odor does city water have? -how often is the filter changed? -how does the water in the pitcher taste? -how much bottled water has this pitcher replaced? -what metal is the top node made of? -how many levels of grinding does this have? -how many inches is this set? -how does the purchased feel about this product? -what material is the memo center made out of? -how does the actual product differ from the photo? -what does this memo center have that helps it easily adhere to a surface? -what can be purchased to go along with the memo center? -what is the quality of the memo center? -what is one small problem with this cooker? -how do the vegetables come out after 8-10 hours? -what occasion was this cooker received? -what setting is used to cook a roast for 8 hours? -what was the issue with the old slow cooker? -What does the writer say the product does well? -What does the device not do well? -What does the writer say the biggest issue is? -What does the writer say about the parts? -How is the product stored? -What does the writer say is easy? -What does the writer say is nice about the product? -What does the writer like to make with the product? -What can the product do? -What's a second nice thing about the product? -Where did the writer find the product? -What does the product hold? -What is a negative about the product? -What does the writer suggest? -What is the writer afraid could happen to the product? -What size would be better for the patty maker? -What is the typical size of a 1/4 lb patty? -What issue does the writer have with the size of product? -What size are the products? -What is the product used for? -What are the benefits of the probe? -What does the on/off switch help? -What size battery is used? -What does the product have that is beneficial? -What area of the brewer is the best place to for the filter? -What is unavoidable when using the Kuhn Rikon? -What feature works well on the Kuhn Rikon? -What feature broke quickly? -What size trash bags does the trash can use? -What type of metal is use to make the trash can? -How big is the trash can? -What size battery is required? -How do you clean the top? -How long does it take to remove odors from a basement? -What type of area does this work best in? -What kind of smell does it take away? -How does the product make the air smell? -What do you use to keep it working and keep the air fresh? -Besides knives what else is included with the set? -How is the quality and appearance of the block? -What does the price reflect? -Who would this starter set be good for? -How long does it take to peel a dozen apples with this peeler? -What else can you peel besides apples? -What is one complaint about the peeler? -What will the peeler help with when using it to peel apples? -What did the bedspread look like? -What patterns and colors did the curtains match? -Who liked the bedspread alot? -What size bedspread did the customer purchase? -What item did not drag the ground? -How many tea bags does the person use? -What type of filter does the brew and go machine have? -How does the person like their tea? -What would make a great college gift? -How many cups of tea does the machine make at one time? -What brand of coffee maker had a cone style filter? -What brand of coffee maker had a much lower temperature? -Where did the coffee cool down? -What was not mentioned anywhere in the description? -What brand of coffee maker had a cup style fitler? -What has a flat silicone ring fused to the inside of it? -What has warped on the canister? -What material is the containers made of? -On what date was the review updated? -What can be used in the dishwasher? -Where do the vermin try to live in the fall? -What can mice not chew through? -What kind of jars do they keep coffee in? -Where did they run the mice too for the winter? -What do you not use the pan for? -What else was made in this pan? -What would be cute? -What kind of cake was made? -Where did they find it half priced? -How long is the power cord? -What does the hose not do? -What is bad about it? -What is the brand? -What is disturbing? -How many did they order? -What keeps the board from sliding? -How big are they? -What colors did they order in? -What are they convenient for? -What is liked about the kettle? -What did the last kettle do? -How did it scare the dog? -What is the first rule? -What do some people criticize? -What is the better choice? -What do you want to do if you're sleeping in cold conditions? -What do the higher profile ones do? -What other mattress was bought? -What do both mattresses do? -what were they tired of washing every few days? -how large is their table? -what do they put under their tablecloth? -what do they suggest using to find your tablecloth size? -how large is the tablecloth? -what did they suggest to dust the mold with? -what did they use instead of cornstarch? -did the powdered sugar work well? -what did they use to make the beads? -what did they use to cut away excess? -what was backed by experts? -how long will coffee stay hot in the Timolino? -does the Timolino hold in coffee well? -does the closure lock? -is it considered a traveling tumbler? -what performed as advertsied? -what did they make aside from stir fry? -what appliance does the T-Fal act like? -how delicious was the stir fry prepared by the T-Fal compared to a wok? -what is one con about the T-Fal -who is this the perfect gift for? -what can they collect in it? -what site do they use for their purchases? -is the writer associated with a particular company? -what do they update if anything changes with the products? -What did the person provide in exchange for receiving the pan? -What does the user use to dry the pan? -What did the person use to season the pan? -How long has the user owned the pan? -What is the user happy that the pan does not have? -What brand is the lemon zester in question? -What type of unripe fruit would the product work well with? -How many round holes are on the other side of the zester? -How does the user characterize the product's handle? -Who does the user need a new mattress protector for? -How does the product feel? -What aspect of covers does the teen son dislike? -What will the product protect the mattress from? -What condition was the old mattress protector in? -How long has the person owned the hotplate? -How long does it take to boil liquid in a saucepan on the hot plate? -How many watts is the product's heating element? -How many different sized rubber plug-in feet does the product come with? -What has the user never had to move the position of? -How many of the product has the user owned? -How old are the products that the user owns? -What aspect of the product is hit or miss? -What size setting is good for the user's french press? -What size setting is good for the user's espresso machine? -what item is the writer reviewing? -what does the writer believe will happen to product based on the strength of the materials? -where does the pull tuck into? -how many years after the initial review did the writer update the review? -how many of the product did the writer buy? -where did the writer install the product? -who uses the second product the writer bought -how has the price changed since the writer bought the product? -what product did the writer buy? -what material does the writer believe this item should be made from? -what happens too this product easily that is a downside due to the materials its made of? -what product must be used on this item constantly to keep it looking new? -where does the writer keep the product? -how long has the user owned this product? -what aspect of this product is different than other models? -what brand of product does the writer compare this product too? -what problem did other users report for this product? -what do you need to do to lock the lid? -what score would the reviewer have given the product? -what size pot is included in this set? -how does the user describe the handles? -how much pasta could be cooked in the pot? -What kind of beer does this person want to make next? -How long is the minimum waiting time required to make beer with this product? -What was the first beer this person tried? -How large was this beer kit? -How many other people did the reviewer make beer with? -About how long does this item take to heat up? -The device needs ventilation so it can dispose of what? -What is the maximum temperature this fryer can reach? -Why did this person choose this particular model in the first place? -What about this device can potentially annoy others? -How large is this person's room? -How long does the device take to cool the entire room in question? -What part of the assembly did the reviewer struggle with briefly? -What part of this device helps the person adjust it remotely? -This device can be difficult to move up stairs because it has what property? -The customer wanted to reduce the waste associated with what product? -Where does this person buy their Tully's products? -Alternatives to this product that the customer is looking into include My Caps and what else? -When using this coffee maker, what sometimes leaks out of it? -The coffee that this product makes could best be described as being what? -How large is the bowl on this glass? -The glass might help warm what, which is desirable in this case? -What liquors are best served in this item? -What action can you take with the spirit to bring out its qualities? -What is slow? -What would be a perfect solution for the elderly? -What do you have to hold down on the jar opener? -What is simple to operate? -What stores easily? -Is this cooking thermometer cheap or expensive? -What is useful? -What calibrates? -What keeps the thermometer solid and unbent? -What crunch a little when you adjust them? -Was there a smell with this pillow? -This pillow is good for people who suffer what kind of pain? -What can you do to make this pillow softer and more pliable? -What size did this person buy? -Who did this person buy this product for? -What don't hold their air after a use or two? -How much does this person's father weigh? -What brand makes this iron? -What is a disappointment? -What is useless? -What is not under warranty? -From what material is the NuWave dome made? -Is there a product with a better design than the NuWave? -How much does the NuWave heating element glows? -What the NuWave heating element is made off? -What design problem the NuWave overcame? -What was purchased? -What is wrong with the design? -What is the heating element made from? -What else is annoying? -What did they make? -How did the eggs cook? -What can you grease with? -What did they cook in? -What is it easier then? -How many cups can you make at once? -What do you have to do each time? -How many oz can it hold? -What would be better to use instead? -How many temperature options? -What does it not have? -What do you pour in it? -What does the steamer always do? -How are the towels described? -What are the colors? -What do they look like? -How is the cost? -How many sections was this split into? -What room (near the kitchen) is the author's garbage can in? -Where did the author decide NOT to hang it? -Where was it mounted instead? -What lined up well so that nothing had to be mounted to dry wall? -What cooking appliance has this been used in? -What did the author use to pick this up? -What was the author worried wouldn't be away from the hole? -What type of dishware is being reviewed? -What part of this is hard to grasp due to being so straight? -What appliance are these safe to use in? -Who took care of the returns? -Approximately how long has the reviewer owned the product? -What problem did some of the plates have? -What adjective is used to describe the appearance of the plates? -What color is the blade on these? -Where is a second one kept to reduce moisture? -Where is one kept to dry tiles? -What word is used to describe their size? -What color blades have caused issues with other products in the past? -What color light is on the unit? -How many stars did this reviewer give the product? -What should users NOT do while the product is turned on? -What are the dimensions of the room that this product is kept in? -What part of the product makes some noise while it is turned all the way up? -What is the writer reviewing? -What did the electric company provide for buying an Energy Star product? -How do they know this air conditioner will conserve energy? -What kinds of skills are needed when setting up the air conditioner? -How long will it take to install? -What does it burn into your toast? -Why did a piece of toast get stuck? -How do you change the settings on the toaster? -Does the reviewer like the toaster? -What is the writer reviewing? -What is the writer reviewing? -What starts to bend and create clogs? -What causes the the plastic stems to bend and create clogs? -What should be used to trim the bent plastic stems? -How long did the knife block last? -What measurement of any piece of meat can this product measure? -What comes with the thermometer with a guide to how home meat should be cooked? -What size is writing on the sleeve? -How long does the guide say it should take to measure the temperature of meat? -How well does the thermometer do the job, according to the reviewer? -Why was the reviewer initially worried about their purchase? -How does the reviewer think the product looks? -What fabric does the bottom of the product feel like? -Overall, how does the reviewer feel about the product? -Why did the reviewer read reviews before they ordered? -The sheets the author purchased are perfect for what season? -What color is the author's mattress? -What color are the sheets that the author purchased? -What is the texture of the author's sheets? -What part of the device is very sharp? -What tends to get into the author's food as they cut? -What does the author prefer over the julienne cut of veggies and potatoes? -What was the solution to the author's problem of slicing the plastic into the food? -Who was the device intended for? -What is the name of the author? -What is the relation of the person that ordered the device to the author? -What is the glass useful for on the device? -What is the height of all of the author's coffee mugs? -How long does it take the Hot Shot to boil water? -What happens to the thin film of water when the top is removed after the water is boiling? -What does the Hot Shot do once the water boils? -What must one consider when evaluating it? -What kind of leather is the ottoman made of? +What did William Wilberforce dedicate his life to as a Member of the British Parliament? +What is the name of the agreement between the United States and the Pacific Islands? +What Scottish game was the Irish game of hurling closely related to? +What do some of those in the Republican Party support in regard to national security? +What were the two styles of pie and food safes meant for? +What other Rotterdam native did Ma Braun coach? +How many major rules limit the movement of puck in the game of hockey? +What is considered problematic by the feminist scholars? +In which century were Republican presidents such as Eisenhower and Nixon elected? +Which one of Pitt's departments is renowned worldwide for a long time? +Who is invited to the festival? +What place is considered the home of drum and bass? +Which culture transplanted Greek art to Italy? +What is an academic physician called when they focus their work on research? +What does one do first, given an interpretation M? +When was it founded and why? +Which major industry brings visitors to Connecticut? +Who was a two time 110 M hurdle gold medalist that attended Pitt? +What year did football start at Pitt? +Who was the first Catholicos of the Armenian Church? +Many American academics consider post-structuralism to be a part of what other movement? +What system enforced the standardization of surnames in the United States? +Population reduction in certain areas led to what? +What year were the proposed spending cuts for? +Arabic surnames sometimes depict what? +What type of depth is showcased in mid-relief? +What type of impact often happens to the environment when jobs are created? +What did the owners try to remedy the situation? +How many ounces of gold had been extracted by mid-1880s? +When was the first set of approximate colors for the U.S. flag shared to the public? +What percentage of the average man's salary is the average woman's salary? +What is thought to be the most frequent types of injury in hockey? +The engraving of Queen Victoria's coronation was made of what material? +Who played a big part in the creation of drum and bass with their dark, baseline sounds? +What shows the graph of a function with all it's salient parts? +When did Churchill gave the order for Maclean to join the Partisans near Drvar? +What is another name for threefold symmetrical snowflakes? +What was the percentage increase of British exports to North America between 1740 and 1770? +What degree in the US is equivalent to a master'd degree in Israel? +How many officials enforce the rules of the game? +When was Lenin usurped the all-Party Congress of the RSDLP? +How many jobs were lost during the Great Recession? +What English intellectual weakening the view that husbands were rulers over their wives? +The second smallest county by land in the united states is where? +Should those with low risk of cardiovascular disease get an ECG screening? +Which two states proposed variations of the bicameral legislature? +What did the Latin name stannum originally refer to? +What is the opposite of a closed subroutine? +New versions of Windows were released to support what new architecture? +How many people live in each square mile of this place, on average? +How many homes of any sort are there in Manhattan? +What does spherical aberration cause in an image? +How many hours are given to write, cast, and rehearse the plays in the Redeye Theatre Project? +Where was the first official American flag flown during battle +What is the element called where tin is in the +4 oxidation state? +What is the major subclass of sphingoid base? +What is the minimum number of internship years a physician must complete in the US? +Which practice is more widely studied centralization or decentralization? +What is the elevation of Mount Aconcagua? +What mode could Windows 3.0 applications be run in? +In what had considerable economic progress been achieved? +What color cord does someone receive for completing OCC? +What percentage of cardiovascular disease deaths does tobacco use account for? +Who attends the major party convention? +Medical education is how many years old in Taiwan? +How long do statins prevent death? +Where was Gregory consecrated? +How much was spent to upgrade Pitt's sports facilities? +When are substitutions allowed? +Where is the Staten Island Ferry Terminal Located? +What was the the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria's stance apologizing? +What situations did Derrida's method frequently recognize? +Which small tree is a source of quinine? +What was a renewable source of protein produced by cows and goats? +How likely are diabetics to die from cardiovascular-related health problems? +How much money was allotted to homeless programs ran through HUD in 2006 alone? +How many stars are on the American flag +What does the Merritt Parkway and Wilbur Cross Parkway form? +What values do Paul Kurtz say transcend cultures? +fatty acids are oxidized in a way that resembles what in reverse? +Statins don't have as long of an effect on what? +What is required for foreigners to have free education in Tunisia? +How much are players compensated for playing in the tournament? +What did merchants often by from farmers? +Who refused to do business with slavers completely? +Beyond which two groups does the violence extend to? +What type of load is a column capable of carrying? +When was the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation established? +Mao Zedong Thought is also known as what word? +The strike caused production for The Sunday Times to shift to where? +What place uses the terms district and Unorganized atolls instead of municipality? +How long have burning glasses been used? +Is Korean spoken in Manhattan? +What was the movement that the Partisans were part of, on the military side? +Who founded outposts at Green Bay,Fort Buade and Saint Ignace? +What software only lasted 4 minutes before being infected? +In what year was the new Massachusetts charter issued? +Who criticized Republicans in The American Conservative? +What islands does The Baltic Sea drain through? +Which rivers give waterway access to Western Europe? +What year did Britian abolish the Atlantic slave trade? +Which declension has a predominant ending letter of e? +Directions on how to handle illegal immigration are what among Republicans? +Who founded the first missions in Spanish upper Las Califronias? +Divine command theroy states that morality comes from what? +What is the width of most skate's? +According to Christopher's hypothesis, what contributed to the need to avoid disputes and injuries? +What would the sons of a man from poland with the name podwinski be called? +What year did the economic recession start? +Which families were in charge in Europe? +Who was the mother of the feminism movement? +Linear fingering is also known as what? +In what year was the Massachusetts charter revoked? +What sort of inherent issues does the saxophone have, related to it's closed keys below the first open tonehole? +In what year were two African American Republicans elected to the U.S. House of Representatives? +Which wars wreaked havoc on the colonies frontiers? +What number has circulation fallen to? +What year did Frans van Schooten and his students translate the work into latin? +In what state was the first insurance company in the US founded? +How much rain does the inner cylinder of a standard rain gauge hold? +Which Roman emperor was killed in Constantinople in 1453? +What happens if the goalie intentionally moves the goal? +When was work begun on the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge? +What did Jo Freeman attend in June 1967? +What did Lord Stanley purchase for use as a trophy? +What did Alan Turing and Alonzo Church's results of arbitrary formulas do to the Entscheidungs problem? +What major ammendment did feminism attempt to get passed that was defeated by Phyllis Schiafly? +In what year was the World Trade Center museum opened? +If the angular magnification is 5, then how much larger does an object appear to the eye without the lens? +Which department is not responsible for local government or civil administration? +what is a common reducing agent for the conversion of nitro and oxime groups to amines? +Who started a nunnery in Armenia? +Does bottom-up decentralization tend to increase or decrease political stability? +Are the rivers draining the Manipur Hills calm? +When did mainstream support for Win XP stop? +When was Pitt Arts founded? +What are some of the pioneers of Jamaican dub and Reggae sound? +What groups first adopted the saxophone? +In what years were Pitt's first two Helms Foundation Championships won? +What was the result of the initial attempt to pass that bill? +What name does Alaska use for county? +What was launched in 1993 on a small scale? +Which political party supported a law created in 1947? +What does the term DNB stand for? +What did President Obama advocate raising in February of 2013? +Do you find the the coordinates of a point P by drawing a line parallel or perpendicular? +What does "Ad astra per aspera" mean? +What types of wages are the object of Connecticut income tax? +What does hydrophobic mean? +What genre type led to the creation of darkstep? +What positions did Ian Fleming hold at The Sunday Times? +What percentage of Ivy League presidents are women? +Is caste the most common reason for surname derivation? +Where is Hunter College High School located? +How many years is internship for medical education in Taiwan? +During what war did conflict erupted between the East and West in Asia? +What type of people settled in the first millennium? +What have people discussed building in order to decrease the possibility of future storm damage? +How many vehicles per day use the Lincoln Tunnel? +What year was the the high rise White House office building in Dutch Witte Huis completed? +What does DARPA stand for? +who was there attention toward ? +What material was the red part of the first official American flag flown during battle +In 1936 who came to conclusion about logical validity of arbitrary formulas? +What British ways of life did the upper class adopt? +When was World War I started? +How long of a period is featured in the documentary? +Which order logic is the strongest one that can be held by compactness theorem? +What percentage may the local government tax property? +Relative extrema, concavity, points of inflection, and points of discontibuity are fully defined in what? +Under what basic condition is a system considered to be well connected? +What act revived the Partisan movement in Serbia. +How many saxes do French and Belgian military bands have? +Who assembled for this First Council? +What area has been renovated for the night life? +What was the last public university that was all male in the U.S.? +What are the jobs of off-ice officials? +Which Republican nominee was not from Massachusetts? +What type of insurance raised the most issues? +Why were wars perpetuated in the African region? +What did the researchers suggest disrupted the processing of negative beliefs for both intentional and attempted harms? +How is each coordinate obtained? +What building's lawn hosts the Pep Rally? +What fifth region was added by some historians who study the eastern United States? +Where is the Town of Stafford? +Is formula 5 a logical consequence of formula 2? +The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? +How is the church recognized by the state? +What can happen when companies rebrand? +What's the name of the production company for public student performances? +What is the Orocline related to, according to Isacks? +Which species of hummingbirds can be seen at altitudes above 4,000 m? +How many low-income renters were there in 1985? +What type of insurers exist as a single corporation? +What year did the earthquake that caused a major tsunami occur? +What kind of graduate degrees are still considered Bachelor degrees in Australia? +What was the policy that was a big change, dismantling Gulags and reforming the USSR called? +What was the name of the organization that found camps were poorly guarded in which made the raid of Ozbalt possible? +What is another example of a decentralized internet project? +Are common nouns capitalized in English? +What was the average monthly job creation during 2011? +What percentage of Americans identify as Democratic? +What determines if convex-concave lenses are positive or negative? +In what areas was slavery generally confined to people belonging to a minority ethnicity or faith group? +Do children get to choose what surnames they use? +After centuries of non-participation, who rejoined the trans-atlantic slave trade? +Where can the language of Windows be changed? +What year was Penn Station built? +Since when do most saxophones have keytouches? +What does the overhead often include? +What is the most common coordinate system in computer graphics? +Where were the artists formally based? +what destroyed court-rule? +Where can remnants of water reservoirs still be found? +What is the last server edition of Windows to support IA-64? +What are the primary uses of the solders with lead and tin? +What risks were associated with arsenical bronze? +During which war was Rotterdam at the edge of destruction? +Which country in South America features the wettest places on Earth? +What instrument did Dr. Davis play? +What type of words are most likely to have false etymologies? +What does molecular science focus on? +What must always be factored into a test? +Which palace does the Fethi Pasa Korusu Park sit opposite from? +precipitation has decreased in the tropics since when? +According to Alexis de Tocqueville what began the French Revolution? +What assumptions to be told about the Hillbert system ? +What did the 2014-2015 debates focus on? +Where are the low to mid-range hotels located? +beta-keto acid is formed from the removal of what from the carboxyl end of fatty acids? +How did the German army travel from Russia? +What is also known as armamentarium? +Which qualities make the gusset plate exceptional as a truss connection? +What legal framework allowed multi-line charters in the 1950s? +What brought about th +On what date was New York declared first capital? +What does forename mean? +Where are military flag patches traditionally worn? +Where is thundersnow possible? +Did the church stay in any one place for an extended amount of time? +What Bureau deals with Indian reservations? +What position did John Witherow hold before becoming editor in 1994? +What is the leading cause of death? +What does a positive meniscus lens have? +Where did Meadowcroft Rockshelter excavation take place? +How has Indianapolis criminalized aspects of homelessness? +What is American Ginseng referred to as in China? +What forced many farmers to leave the Middle East? +Who is responsible for submitting documents for member insurers? +what did the decentralist movement in America promote? +In case of projection functions of ordered pair, how many predicate symbols of arity 2 are enough? +Cassiterite is harder and heavier than what type of rock? +Which merchants did England protect to the exclusion of others during early colonization? +What is DARPA known for? +In sufficiently expressive theories, what symbols other than function can be restricted? +What are two features of postmodern influence in music scores? +When was the last time the US smelted tin? +How much is the ratio among unaffiliated voters on the Republican side? +What are the two other options for plating the brass? +What are end-dates for laws referred to as? +What country do women traditionally use thier husband's name after "de?" +How many people were present at the Bowery Mission according to an article from November 8, 1880? +What was the worst recession since 1970 +What did farmers obtain to create farms? +What are some causes of the atmospheric conditions that are caused by the geography of the Sierra Nevada? +Windows 1.0 does not allow what? +What year and where did it get it best app recognition? +Who is responsible for standardizing insurance laws? +Until when was Connecticut's plan in effect? +What edition of Windows was designed for mobile devices? +In which year did the Pueblo revolt occur? +Where do the seals that make the ice cover their home seek their food? +What type of events resulted in the majority of enslavements? +What does has the increase in penalties resulted in? +How are the terms URL and IRA pronounced? +How many volcanic zones are in the Andes range? +What was one of the key issues that forced a second vote to pass the bill? +In what manner of upgrade was Windows 7 intended to implement the Windows line? +Of what size are raindrops associated with melting hail? +How is a square root function defined? +The naming convention of parents names used in their child's name is shared by cultures such as that of Norway, Spain, Portugal and which other culture? +What was the original name for Pitt? +By what year had the number of African slaves become larger than the number of Tupani on Brazilian sugar plantations? +When did extended support for Win XP stop? +What is the name of the home networking system included in Windows 7? +How many players involved in the sudden death game? +What are the names of the two palaces that once held some of the grounds that have since been designated as public parks: +What has ended unsuccessfully? +Surnames were uncommon prior to what century? +Which Party prefers lowering taxes? +How many different ways can "a function from X to Y" be presented? +How many possible directions does the z axis have? +From which defeated army did the Partisans acquire their first small arms? +What did the FAS 113 and SAP 62 fail to define? +Where did the worth poor settle in the new world? +What is the name of the lower end of the fen stream? +What was sedentary village life based on? +What does a hockey stick with a deep curve allow for? +Who created the algebraic formulation of mythological transformation? +What did Neolithic societies radically modify? +Who did the Yugoslav Partisans assist in escaping from German POW camps? +What is the most tonally resonant of all metals? +What did the 1921 economic policy bring? +Public health is deeded by Marxism-Leninism to raise what? +The new plant enabled journalists to do what? +How many colonists from Spain came to the area now known as the United States in January 1526? +What hormones do carbon (C19) contain? +How have historians described the history of governments? +What replaced the Triglavka cap? +What type of economics do Conservatives endorse? +When the hydrophobic tails minimize their contact with water and cluster together what do they form? +What act did the Conservative gov't cite in their decision concerning the deal to the Monopolies and Mergers commission? +What did Hungary dispatch to occupy part of Serbian Vojvodina? +What the usual age of Cheasepeake colonists during early days? +In what year did Yale University and John Hopkins University play their first ice hockey matches? +When does the Spengler cup happen? +What recession caused the fed to try and stimulate the economy? +What are lenses made out of? +How many states have adopted constitutions or constitutional amendments providing equal rights for all sexes? +What can form many oxides, sulfides, and other chalcogenide derivatives? +What are the reliefs used for? +Who was the first armed group in Manipur? +What is the SMS acronym for girlfriend? +How many stories tall is the Park Row Building? +Which government body has an advantage in joint sittings? +Into what sea does Bosporus run in to? +What technology transfer paradigm can "Appropriate Technology" replace? +How is knowledge articulated from a postmodern perspective? +Who modeled neurotransmission across synapses? +What proportion of slaves died in the Middle Passage? +Which mall was given awards in 1995 and 1996? +Where is the last name commonly placed in Korea +When was the Triglavka cap worn? +Who created the AHAR? +What year did the New York Knicks start playing? +Why were the Royal Yugoslav Army defeated so quickly? +When was The History of Nations written? +What was family homelessness number in 2007? +What does a calling convention allow for? +What country shared Slovenia's experience of being trisected in WWII? +Where did most early settlers come from? +Who was the first European to visit the Manhattan are? +What is another term for the humid Andean forests? +In what way did Aristotle differ from Plato? +What portion of Anglican missionaries succumbed to death upon arrival in the Carolinas? +Is there a formula of first-order logic +How many years of local training is required to get certified MD degree Board specialist? +Who estimated a figure around 150,000 in January 2013? +What was the name of the United States President in 1848 +How many public heliports does Manhattan have? +October Revolution was carried out by which group? +What is the only official Italian American school in the United States? +For whom did the independent directors reject a permanent position for? +The science underlying Structural engineering began to be understood in what historical era? +How are the votes determined? +Who disagreed with Karapetyan in an editorial? +What districts are many of Manhattan's skyscrapers located in? +What is the upper level of Australia's Parliament +What did Reis mean? +What is the MoMA refer to? +What state had the highest average property taxes in 2010? +When was the Pittsburgh Women's Choral Ensemble founded? +What year was the Secretary of State for the colonies officially named? +What send integers to integers? +Most people in New York do not actually spend a lot on what important expense, relative to their income? +The idea that all morality comes from a centeral source is called what? +There are two ways a surname can be spelled, how? +When did the US Navy begin to hold the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base? +In what year did the Baltic Sea become a great gravesite? +What was the name of the first stock insurance company in the US? +How many digital-only subscribers were there in March 2014? +How many centuries was Istanbul the capital of the caliphate? +What defines Manipur? +What climate is considered to be typical of the subtropical position at 32-34S? +How many slaves from Africa survived the journey and made it to the New World? +Valley bottoms have no what? +What do small droplets of water collide with in a cloud to form precipitation? +What are finite deductions are called ? +In colonial America divorce was almost impossible until what time period? +The Americans who advocate for more government spending are called? +How are masculine forms declined? +What period considered carving ivory to be a considerable luxury? +Whose residence on the Pitt campus was chosen as a historical landmark? +What major league baseball team ids from Queens? +What type of cholesterol level begins to lower in women following menopause? +Where did migrants come, from that resulted in a bigger population? +In what year was the Sequoia National Park formed? +What societal monetary concern is potentially addressed by a decentralized approach? +What two things cause the air to become saturated? +What game similar to hockey was played by the Norse? +Who sponsored the most dramatic discoveries, according to Thornton? +What 10 things does postmodernism include skeptical interpretations of? +Who did the state officially authorize to explore the Sierra? +What is the largest non-Sunni Muslim sect? +What are two music networking websites? +In what year was Montreal's Victoria Rink built? +Where was the floating molten glass held while producing the window glass? +What was one of the countries that were liberated by its own forces during WWII? +What things could domesticated animals provide besides food? +What do the stripes on the American flag represent +In Manipur, how many explosions were recorded in 2012? +In what language are the paternal and maternal surnames are combined using i? +How many metals have teams outside the "Big Six" won since 1953? +When was the Lijnbaan first opened? +What nationality was the flag bearer who refused to dip his flag to King Edward VII? +What discipline focuses on the classification and the pathogenic mechanisms of central and peripheral nervous systems? +What organization officially owns flag designs? +What is the other additional diploma for DES? +Habitative elements may have different meanings according to what? +What is an issue that can get in the way of a non-centralized approach? +Marx formed a political philosophy with which man? +What is the another important crop to these people? +Varied geographical areas were within what region? +Who was an MP between 2007 and 2014? +Who argued that the export of people crippled Africa? +How often is the IIHF world championship held? +What chapter had a title containing the word hockey? +Long term Particulate matter exposure increased rates of what? +Where is the last name commonly placed in Japan? +What groups of women were more likely to vote for Kerry in 2004? +What is the ice hockey league in North America called? +In 2006, how many jobs did the arts, film, history, and tourism segments generate for Connecticut? +Who published The Dismemberment of Orpheus: Toward a Postmodern Literature? +What parameters could be passed in to the constructor? +What is neuroethology and neuropsychology? +What is the minimum age, in years, for a senator or a representative? +The USA purchased Alaska from Russia in what year? +What stores does the Kruiskade have? +Between what two latitudes do humid subtropical climates fall? +Were there more Democrats or Republicans among those who had an education of high school or less? +What term has been used interchangeably with postmodernism? +To who did Latin become useful for international communication? +What level of government is responsible for insular areas? +What is responsible for the evolution of the Magallanes Basin? +During what period did Benin prosper from slavery? +When was the IPad edition launched? +Where is Green Spain located? +What is the northernmost U.S. city to be considered a humid, subtripical climate. +What does it mean for acronyms to be contrived? +What were the men at the Redding encampment vererans of? +The Van Nelle fabriek, the Jugendstill clubhouse, and Feyenoord's football stadium were notable types of modern architecture in Rotterdam in what century? +What types of small items were created during this time period? +What decades did most of the structural change occur in Istanbul? +Is it numerially possible for the ayes to be equal to the noes? +Do state offices use only one name? +What year was the use of initialism put to general use? +Which party greatly opposes environmental regulation? +Any point in a three dimensional space can be specified by what? +What degree did universities re-assign to the MD title. +Where was the first collegiate hockey match in the United States held? +How tall are the arches that surround the Nationality Rooms? +What is the new public management? +Why were these movies made in Latin? +What is the surviving languages of the Andean peoples +What is the UK regulatory organization for structural engineers? +What was built on the south bank of Rotterdam in the 1990s? +What was the El Camino Real also known as? +In what year did Trecia-Kaye Smith win the world championships in triple jump? +How much do the New York City metropolitan area's venture capital investments amount to? +What do organotin hydrides release? +When was Galatasaray High School established? +Why are these limitations are necessary ? +What was the unemployment rate in December of 2015? +What characteristic does the sopranino saxophone have that makes it less popular? +What was the unemployment rate in September 2014? +What are two examples of satellite systems that utilize microwave sensors? +What print section was added in 2001? +How many have been circulated in the Island of Ireland? +When was the population of Germany expelled from all areas east of the Oder-Neisse line? +What is an example of a clan name? +What type of cloud tops are typically more vigorous? +What type of climate is beneficial to the porphyry mineralization? +What is the largest professional neuroscience organization? +What are activation records referred to as? +New Sweden was founded in what year? +New York City was the fifth of five capitals of the United States until what year? +Which U.S. president was a progressive Republican during the early 1900s? +What color are the Victory Lights? +What are two subsequent genres of Drum and bass? +If the object distance is negative then what kind of object does the lens see? +How many jobs were created by President Clinton during each of his Terms? +In pairing function theories, predicates of arity greater than what number can be dispensed? +How many prisoners were freed and made it to first headquarters camp? +What is checking? +Territorial morality is negative according to what author? +What were the main types of weapons the Partisan were able to capture? +What forms when a layer of above freezing air is sandwiched between layers of sub-freezing air? +What is the primary political unit of the United States? +What does decentralization allow for managers? +When was Instanbul founded and under what name was it founded under? +What is the annual average of precipitation? +Name two recognizable subgenres it splitted into +In what time period was 2 months the longest amount of time it took for the slave voyages? +Who recommends more equal distribution to fight heart disease? +What happened in 1980? +The flat top of The Cathedral is meant to suggest what? +What do the languages of Spain, France, Portugal, and Italy have in common? +Where were the slaves shipped to? +What medical facility's growth is attributed to Nordenberg's tenure? +In how many directions do plates relay deformation? +What does a Libertarian socialist generally believe in? +When was the first means of traversing the river made? +What part of Yugoslavia did Germany occupy? +How are the names order in citations? +Where are the regional Pennsylvania campuses located? +How would "sound" be defined in first-order logic? +Who did Patrick Manning criticize for for being too speculative? +What was the average salary of people working in the securities industry in Wall Street during 2013? +A section of a water delivery system built by the Romans still stands and is known by what name? +What transportation is available to the University of Pittsburgh's main campus? +How many Africans died in Africa after they were seized by slave traders?? +What is one example of how the names are used in India? +What newspaper is this paragraph about? +At least how many where killed in the Bleiburg killings? +Does Broadway run parallel to the other avenues in the grid? +What is Manhattan home to which are both contemporary and historical? +In which states are towns treated as equivalents to townships? +What degrees are awarded at completion of the seminary? +New Amsterdam was renamed to what? +How many Cartesian coordinates specify a three dimensional space? +What of the United States are subdivided? +Who was the Revere type lantern named after? +What is the major geographical body that divides the east from the west? +What is the process of ice crystals growing in size at the expense of the surrounding water droplets called? +When did the Senate regain? +What does a player get if the defender tries to cover the puck in the crease? +What is the overriding of f: X → Y by g: W → Y also called? +Where does the puck get placed for a penalty shot? +How many years is basic science in Thai? +What does gecekondus mean? +Is a recursive subprogram considered to be reentrant? +What comes in a wide variety of materials? +What is an example of a school that creates an acronym based on their main subject? +What type of infrastructure investment is related to energy? +When was Istanbul declared a province with nine constituent districts? +How are living languages taught? +What organization took on the role of Yugoslav wartime deliberative assembly? +What is the other main issue of concern to the general public? +Who underwent violent purges and terror campaigns at the hand of Stalin? +linoleic acid is a type of what fatty acid? +What is another way to abbreviate the word internationalization? +What does immoral behavior jeopardize? +Deported Greeks were allowed to return to Constantinople in which year? +How many Nationality Rooms does Pitt have? +How many years has the theatre been running? +What is the Chinese word for "country?" +Which is the largest fresh water lake in the North East India? +How is the construction around Lake Tahoe regulated? +The word Manna-hata was seen in which book? +What is one thing religion and morality be called, according to the Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics? +Who constructed the first planetarium in the western hemisphere? +How does D.C rate in homless amount other cities in the US. +What was the name of one of the churches in Constantinople? +What types of scenes were produced with small diptychs and triptychs? +What uses achromats in its design? +What was New England's population in 1750? +Are Cartesian coordinates similar? +First-order theories with infinite models can not be what? +What is used to to show the relation of all points satisfying that relation? +What Pitt facility is located in Plum? +What was the Apple Lisa said to refer to? +What do all real lenses have? +Rotterdam is ranked at which place in terms of port size compared to the rest of Europe? +What are citizens who argue for lower taxes and reduced regulation called? +How many districts does Istanbul have? +How high must the psychometric exam grade be in Israel for acceptance? +What helps offspring survive? +What change did the state law bring during Weicker's administration? +What function can f: X -> Y be? +What is the main usage of the niobium- tin compound? +What is Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote, predicting? +Ohalo II is dated to when? +What is Instanbul also known for historically? +If S2 is negative, what does this indicate? +Which departments did Istanbul University establish in the 19th century? +Senator John McCain's position regarding carbon emissions was thought of as what? +In what part of the country do most republican conservatives reside? +what do Americans complain about the presence of homeless people? +During which war did the Atlantic slave trade reach its peak? +In the United States, how many surnames cover 50% of the population? +What are five of the subgenres of Drum and bass ? +Who financed the Province of Carolina? +What is the name of the academic association that Pitt is a part of? +What is the rule when it comes to abbreviations that are spoken as words and letters? +Southwestern Connecticut is served by which rail line? +What organization did President Obama give $1.5 billion to help with homelessness prevention? +What is used to show that connected graphs are non first order logic? +What is a phrase coined by the Salvation Army for their rescue missions? +What provided a large new market for the Atlantic slave trade? +Who argued that social change and stagnation was caused by domestic factors? +Buckling capacity is determined by restraint conditions in what specific areas of the column? +When congress funded the 2009 American recovery and Reinvestment Act how much did they appropriate? +what is the name of the website maintained by the department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health? +What term describes an engineering approach to interpreting complex systems? +How long did it take U.S employment to reach 98% of it's pre-recession peak +What is the natural form of revolutionary socialism? +What was the privilege of voting called? +What kind of weeds are used to create artificial islands in the Loktak Lake? +How many stable isotopes does Tin have in total? +What does the Bolivian Orocline overlap with? +When did The Sunday Times and The Times launch separate websites? +Are there legal ramifications of mistakes within the group? +Brancati suggests that what can be upheld if parties incorporate regional demand and limit regional party power? +Were there clear winners in the election in Western Australia? +What are three common launch vehicles? +What is car is currently built in Oxford? +What does game semantics agree with? +In what region of the U.S.A. can one still find liberalism with in the Republican party? +What kind of group were Yankees? +What is the idea behind the OFC concept ? +What organization is in charge of the Tour de France? +What does the Hagia Sophia currently act as? +Who coined the phrase "Croatian miracle"? +How much did the tax increases and budget cuts aim to reduce the deficit by? +What is the name of all input-output pairs of a function? +During which era was Constantinople considered the richest city? +What is subject to high amounts of erosion? +What kind of sentence elements does Latin produce? +What is the name of the last survivor? +How many men served in Tito's Yugoslav National Liberation Army? +How many residents of Istanbul are Kurdish? +Who was the mother of the feminism movement? +What is the oldest continuously-operating arena in the NHL? +Who declares that the flags of a state should fly at half mast? +What causes heavy precipitation in mountain areas? +When was the tournament discussed? +What is the point they meet at called? +In what sense are state governments not sovereign? +How much did Los Angeles want to spend to fix homelessness? +Pitt was intended to be a sister school to another school located where? +In how many countries has Ranganiketan performed? +What substance was being mined? +What language is the word "Pera" derived from? +What took place in 1715? +What facet of building engineering deals with structures? +Which group is streamlined with the ideologies of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom? +The Manhattan translation was derived from which language? +What are reliefs most suitably used for? +What else must a structual design do in regards to the building process? +What was the major profession of immigrants to America after 1700? +What was one of the benefits of slavery? +What is the name of the international airport in Manipur? +What method is widely used in bronze and other metals ? +Compactness theorem is a core tool of which theory? +The slang term tinny means? +Who have worked to have government services like postal services contracted out? +Are Turkish public hospitals fully utilized? +How many preferences are voters required to write below the line? +Who refers matters that need to be dealt with to the committees in the Senate? +Cities and the Wealth of Nations believe that cities have the right to do what? +When does the state experience heavy rainfall? +What are the days that the Australian Senate works grouped into? +Rotterdam was ranked what in The Rough Guide Top 10 Cities to visit? +Which material is most applicable for the construction of arches? +With what publication did The Sunday Times share an online presence with? +Which city is the capital of Connecticut? +What is not possible for the team that doesn't control the puck during a delayed penalty? +What do earthquake engineers do? +How much of the age 25 or higher population has a bachelor's or better degree? +How constant is the climate in the Andes? +What is the second coordinate axis? +What famous players were part of Oxford United? +what are the responsibilities of structural engineers? +The process of converting carbohydrates into triglycerides is known as what? +How many travelers did Istanbul Ataturk serve in 2013? +What external factor might engineering software incorporate? +What marker was spread into Europe by way of North Africa? +Who founded Mellon Bank? +what is tin used for in a Li-ion batteries? +In which country is the designation "Doctor of Medicine" most commonly used? +In pairing function theories, functions of arity greater than what number can be dispensed? +What are U.S. flags that are the prescribed 1.9 ratio called? +What colonies had stable political parties? +The Sunday Times took a more Thatcherite stance under which appointed editor that served until 1994? +The Mare Suebicum was named after what tribe? +Are there any other methods to allow infinite arities? +What should you use if you don't like the way Windows inputs text in a particular language? +How many pages did it contain? +Under what economic circumstance might costs go up in a non-centralized system? +What is one thing that both men's and women's ice hockey share besides the game of ice hockey itself? +Where did pie safes and food safes came into use in the days before refrigeration? +In Manipur, how many explosions were recorded in 2013? +Who converted Finland to Christianity in the twelfth century? +Which European people brought the most slaves to the Caribbean in 1778? +Why is using both last names practical? +When did Sabiha Gokcen International airport begin operations? +How many years of clinical internship are required? +In which century the main waves of settlement entered America? +What type of planes are involved? +What group vowed to end homelessness by 2012? +What is the more expensive plating when it comes to protecting the brass? +Is there a relationship between heart disease and economic inequality? +Have other states used these same plans? +The Istanbul Special Provincial Administration is similar to what? +In animal cells which membrane physically separates the intracellular components from the extracellular environment? +What do thermal infrared sensors primarily measure? +What proof verifiers can take a sketch and fill in the missing pieces? +What accounts for an estimated 80% of all hockey injuries? +How long has the Roosevelt Island Tramway been operating? +In Iceland, how would one refer to a person called Abraham Mesfin correctly? +When did the Roots television miniseries premier? +Who predicted the unemployment rate would be 7.8% in 2013 +What do neuroscientists focus on? +Who was the most recent Republican to win 59% of the Manhattan vote for president? +What is a noteworthy feature of the central plain? +'The Lift' is positioned between the south of Rotterdam and where? +What was the official position of the individual that ended Australia's constitutional crisis in 1975? +Who estimated counterfactual demographic developments in case the Atlantic slave trade had not existed? +What tournaments happen before the league season? +The citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain converts what into ATP? +What type of building was built on the south side of Third Street and Cherry Avenue? +When was the earliest time in which hockey referred to a stick-and-ball game? +In what areas is it the custom is for people to have two surnames? +In which decade did Russia and China experience a split? +How much rain do the areas in the rain shadow receive per year? +What two continents does Instanbul sit on? +What is two attractive features of Polish notation? +Hyphenation in of true compound surnames is common what sphere? +At which locations in a truss structure are deformations most an issue? +When was the new economic policy started as a backwards step from war communism? +What is the first way economic decentralization can be done by? +Besides empathy, what other moral behavior have chimpanzees been shown to possess? +When did Turkish films begin to be consistently developed? +How are the names separated? +When was the compound achromatic lens created? +In elderly women, what age-related condition is more prevalent than it is for men? +Who signed the Helsinki Convention? +On what day was Daniel Malloy sworn in as governor? +What causes Hawaii to be one of the wettest places on Earth? +How much of a New Yorker incomes is spent on Rent? +What current territory used to be a part of Hawaii before the admission as a state? +When was Istanbul University founded? +What is one thing the Neolithic Revolution inspired? +What is the official title of the person who runs the highest court in Connecticut? +What was installed faster because of automatic updates? +who are the people affected by higher rates of geriatric syndromes? +When was Ranganiketan Manipuri Cultural Arts Troupe started? +Which saxophones use a curved neck above the highest tone hole? +What effects poor countries more than rich ones? +The combination of breakbeats is generally perceived of by DJs as what? +is there more minerals associated with tin? +Which two plans were combined to form the Connecticut Compromise? +In what year was the new Soviet Constitution created? +How many members did the Liberation front plenum had on October 3rd 1943? +When did the western part of the Bronx County become part of New York County? +In what months does the ice reach its maximum? +When the team with puck possession during a delayed penalty pulls their goalie, what can happen? +What does the compactness theorem imply about first-order logic? +When was Marxism-Leninism created? +What does local information decision making through decentralization allow upper management to concentrate on? +What other logic permits simultaneous quantification? +Do many people confuse if the first surname denotes that father's family? +Where was the Neolithic Revolution found from 10,000 to 8,0000 BC? +Central Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and who else? +How is insufficient physical activity defined? +What are biological lipids made out of? +What is the main market force responsible for the growth of the Hague Airport? +What contain long-chain fatty acids? +How much material was removed from the area during the building of the World Trade Center? +According to Bonomi what was the most prominent feature of colonial society? +Where does the location name O Creachmhaoil come from? +What degree is required in Sri Lanka to be licensed as a physician? +Cycling involves moving the puck along the board in which zone? +where is tin commonly mined? +What time period do the artifacts on the Asian side date to? +why is tin commonly found downstrem? +How can a decentralized model negatively affect national policy? +What movement did Solvene support? +What is the most common convention? +What group is least likely to support government interceding on high unemployment? +Stamford, Connecticut is found in which county of the state? +What's the name of the card you might use on this subway system? +Does Argentina use both last names? +Name a landmark that has thwarted attacks in the past? +What systems use a static permission setup? +When the Neolithic culture dispersed to the Middle East, what was spread with this action? +What kind of hockey player is a less flexible hockey stick made for? +The first world championship of ice hockey occurred in what city? +What is added in the case of the many-sorted theory? +In 2006, how much money did the arts, film, history, and tourism segments generate for Connecticut? +Which country did not directly deal with the slave trade but licensed traders? +Before the introduction of twenty-minute sudden death, how was game settled? +What mediums were used for larger decorative reliefs? +Besides the territory that was formally ceded by France, what other land was given over to the British? +Near which body of water is the Jewish population the most concentrated? +What is the usual representation of an infinite formula? +Who designed the first Windows model? +Who was a master of organization? +In 2008 report what percentage of sheltered homeless population had disability? +In what year did men begin to support Republicans more than women? +If the definition has parentheses what does it mean for each formula? +What is assigned to a specific location or landmark? +Why did human morality evolve? +Is the practice of using different colors on the U.S. flags a new trend? +How are storm intensities typically predicted? +What is the highest recorded water level? +what is the meaning of the abbreviation NCH? +The Death and Life of American Cities bashed what? +What has increased the speed of the counting of the votes? +What did fcuk stand for? +What is the function of the boards surrounding the ice? +Consolidated Edison can trace it's roots back to which investor owned electric utility company? +Who will be declared winner after the sixth shot? +What is high sugar intake associated with? +What did early views on the function of the brain regard it to be? +What is Connecticut's state nickname? +What does Ishikawa mean? +Who was responsible for mapping the route along the crest of the Sierra? +What is a negative sign of the US labor market? +What is one of the advantages of a subroutine? +Who claim the land on the eastern side of the Andes? +How much will Manhattan's population increase in the time period? +What is in X? +The word Tin can be traced back to what? +What is the name of their city aquarium? +The proletarian is devoted to what? +What is Tin similar to? +Do wives alway adopt their husbands' family name? +Why does bending tin make noise? +Where is the Alexandria Center for Life Science located? +Which macronym was discovered to be the most deeply nested? +What can we do with second-order logic that can uniquely characterize all the natural numbers and the real line? +In Maharashtra and Goa, how are surnames placed? +Where was the transition from hunter-gatherer to agriculturist considered region-specific? +Which Republican nominee for the Presidential election of 2012 was a Governor? +When did the first slaves reach Costa Rica? +What event caused the secession of West Virginia from Virginia? +what climate region of the united states has seen the greatest increase in precipitation? +What was a state's star sometimes replaced with +What is the Armenian Apostolic Church part of? +How many teams are in the WHA in 1972? +Where was the wooden Sawat saxophone made? +How many long term homeless residents did the study follow? +If someone is given a tax credit from another state that doesn't fully cover Connecticut's income taxes, what could happen? +Who are helping reduce the homeless number on the steps of the SF library? +Who were Plautus and Terence? +What department houses the BIA and OIA bureaus? +What was the tallest office building in Europe in 1898? +By what year had Salk's vaccine reduced the incidence of polio by 95%? +Marxism-Leninism opposes which kind of democracy? +What began to spread when people started to settle into non-nomadic societies? +What main reason is how some becomes homeless in the United states +When were the first four Marine Coastal Sectors were organized? +How high is the singles population of ages 20-40 in the city center? +What did the town meetings do? +The Baltic states on which shore were acquired by the Soviet Union? +What did Kennedy's report reveal? +How many medals did Canada claim at the olympics? +Which station claims to be the primer hip-hop station in the United States? +What is the Irish Germanic of Tin? +When did the Armenian church distance itself from the Roman church? +What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? +The majority of jobs in New York City are found where? +Who was John Thornton? +In which year the Tea Act was passed? +Where did Portuguese mariners explore in the 15th century? +Why did Lenin encourage violence against workers? +What historical times did surname come from? +When was Boswell's founded? +Besides fighting occupying forces, what was the other objective of the UNOF coalition? +the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial studied how many women to find a connection between fat intake and disease? +Do convex lenses need to be well made to burn materials? +What is the acronym UNIVAC derived from? +Architecture from what period of Istanbul's history is absent from the city? +What was the unemployment rate in the U.S. in October of 2009? +What is the makeup of the saxophone section in a high-level concert band? +what does the officials use for stoppage of play? +how do these stars form? +The earliest signs of the Neolithic Revolution began when? +Who was the first to make Christianity their state religion? +Who handled public and private businesses in colonial times? +Where is the highest numbered street in the New York City traffic grid? +How many teams were in the NHL in 1999? +What university uses Boston's Matthews Arena for ice hockey and other sports? +October Revolution was carried out by which group? +What kind of sorted first-order logic would end up as a result of reduction of many-sorted first-order logic in case of finitely many sorts in a theory? +What is another name for the national teams of six? +Which king granted Connecticut governmental authority? +How many brewers' agents were in Oxford shipping beer in? +What did New England factories do? +What European nationalities were involved in Atlantic naval explorations? +What is it called when a player is substituted during play? +What's the specialty of flywheel energy storage? +What is the name for a system that tells how to compute the output for a given input? +How wide is the Drake Passage? +What is based in Istanbul? +Who founded Morrell's? +Who are some of the artists sampled regardless of their general influence? +What initiative the NAEH create? +Any other current Armenian church leaders? +When did the Occupy Movement end? +Which Notable Spainish explorer explored the southwest from mexico? +what is necessary to do if the variables of t becomes bound ? +In 2015, how many tourist record was received in New York city? +What year's did the African kings take part in the slave trade? +Does Tin have oxidation states? +In what situation does alphabetizing help? +What Dutch city is Harlem named after? +Approximately how many crashes have been counted in the Nevada Triangle? +Who described the flag in an October 1778 letter +What utimately caused lack of unity among the British and the colonist? +When did the election take place? +What ended the invasion? +When was the last time the Baltic has frozen over? +Rotterdam is ranked at which place in terms of port size compared to the rest of the world? +What OS first included support for the PowerPC framework? +Who was the first to engage in the New World slave trade? +In what year was Radcliffe College dissolved? +What line runs between New York and Boston? +Which department is charged with dealing with internal affairs of US territories? +Name two reasons that airplanes tend to crash in the Sierra Nevada? +In this case, what did the Fair Trading Act exempt from referral? +What was the name of the plan that transitioned Russia into communism? +What are the purpose of axons? +What does decentralization make the populace more aware of? +What year was Opening Doors introduced to Congress and the President? +What kind of opinions did Monin and Miller discover people were more willing to express when their credentials were established? +What operating system was released in 1998? +When was fringe first used on a flag? +Where does the World Pond Hockey Championship happen? +When do the models have the foece of law ? +What is Istanbul's annual population growth rate? +What is antagonistic to individual freedom? +What length of proofs incur in metalogical results by restrictions? +Who established and developed Modern Architecture? +Did things get better in Roosevelt's second term? +Who established The Sunday Times? +What did Kennedy's report reveal? +What type of solids are the four halides? +The worlds largest snowflake was found in what state? +How can two sentences be denoted in propositional logic? +Who overthrew the rule of Fulgencio Batista with Castro? +What was the objective of the DARPA programs reported by Wired Magazine +What is the abbreviation for the ventromedial prefrontal cortex? +What is the purpose of a structual design for a buiding? +What is desirable in strongly typed languages? +What continental mass had its central region exposed to easy attacks? +The Swedish people brought which style of cabin to the New World? +Provide name for one of Philippines medical schools +What is the primary function of the Connecticut Supreme Court? +How many years of schooling does the MBBS require? +What the government sponsored? +Marxism-Leninist cultural policy promotes what? +What is the name of the village Michael E. Arth hopes to build? +What does HEARTH stand for? +When did the Great Awakening sweep though colonial America? +One adopts the name of one of their parents where? +What type of company is French Connection? +In what year did Wired Magazine report on DARPA +How many rivers deposit into Loktak lake? +What does a virtual image attempting to be projected appear like to an observer looking through the lens? +A ridge of ice can reach how many meters high? +Which engineering model can be utilized in the composition of a dome? +Which threatened members of the rodent order inhabit the Andes' alpine regions? +What is the long-chain fatty acyl CoA converted to? +In which decade was the Nothnagle Log House built? +where were the slaves shipped ? +What is one way to abbreviate the plural form of Member of Parliament? +What was the percentage rate of unemployment for 16 to 19 year olds in 2000? +What demographic did Housing First target? +What are tensile structures dependent on for their strength? +Which statement did Lenin declare as he neared his death? +What element of agriculture allowed for a social elite to develop? +Which party do Southern states support the most in presidential politics? +What is the minimum size of hail? +Who sponsors the National Latin Exam? +What are the glycerophospholipids found in biological membranes? +What is one major college established during the Great Awakening? +How wide is the Bolivian flexure? +The majority of tropical percipitation is what kind? +What axiomatizations of real numbers are permitted by higher-order logic? +Which institution summarized the bill? +What commonly used agents are polyketides? +Who was elected Mayor of Istanbul in 1994? +What's the lowest temperature tin reaches? +How much of the volume of the Baltic is from freshwater runoff? +How much range did each saxophone have? +Who is the director of the Rotterdam Philharmonic? +Many figures keep heads in what type of relief? +What are redistributable and available for download from Microsoft if the user chooses? +How many people stayed in New York City homeless shelters in 2015? +In what year did New York City unite with 3 adjacent counties to form the City of Greater New York? +Where did the April 1942 murders of Muslim women and children occur? +Which age group did Brookings find had lower rates of employment overall in 2011? +Where is the headquarters of the Turkish Orthodox Church located? +What units make sense to use when entering 3D coordinates all over the Earth? +What historical fountain is located near Pitt's campus? +Madison Square Garden replaced which station? +What culture domesticated the llama? +In the United States each year, roughly how many people live their lives without shelter or stable occupation? +What is the new rule system implemented by US amateur hockey called? +lipoproteins containing fatty acids are secreted from what organ? +According to the Brookings institute what rate of unemployment was documented for teens (16 - 19 yrs.) in 2011? +What are the historical gardens near Pitt's campus? +About how many U.S. Jobs were added from October 2010 to November 2015? +What was the Connecticut coast known as in the shellfishing industry in 1911? +What kind of coordinates have many uses in the real world? +What are examples of neuroimaging? +Why did people settle at the Rotte River? +Who paid Capt. Abraham for his coat +What makes f(x) = x2 different? +What proof verifier insists on having a complete derivation as input? +What risk factors for cardiovascular disease do not change over time? +Who directly controlled the territories that were not admitted as states? +Terpenes and isoprenoids are made by the assembly and modification of what units? +In the past how did most African-Americans vote? +How much was Pele's contract for when he signed with the Cosmos on 1975? +Which Oklahoma rock station showcases drum and bass? +What is one reason for implementing top-down decentralization? +How did the suppression of slave trade affect Africa's population? +In what year did Hawaii gain statehood? +How are feminine forms declined? +How would "complete" be defined in first-order logic? +What was "the last battle of Wold War Two in Europe"? +How many major shipping ports are in Istanbul? +How often is the OS updated? +When did Mihail Gorbachev rose to power? +Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? +What year did the American Colonization Society send a ship to Liberia? +What was the predecessor to Windows 7? +In the southern hemisphere, in what direction do cyclone winds blow? +Jonathan Edwards was a leader of what? +Which version of Windows dropped support some of the Windows NT platforms? +What is commonly known as "bad" cholesterol? +What kind of African flow does Jungle have? +What is the source of E1b1a? +What is First-order logic the standard for? +What does quonehtacut mean? +What is still actively researched today? +What 18th century moment in colonial America brought Christianity to the slaves? +Where is Istanbul's seaport? +What term is associated to Cotton Mather? +What is the name of the type of class that is taught abroad but was established by Pitt faculty? +What is the translation for the Dutch phrase, "Huis van Hoop?" +Who worked on the plantations? +How much of the House of Representatives would face re-election in the event of a double dissolution? +What type of clause should contracts have? +what did the (NAIC) adopted ? +The vast majority of the territory in question was collectivised by what year? +What is unilateralism? +What caused homelessness to become widespread? +what is a dry grassland known as? +What year do most agree feminism began? +Who served on the board of trustees? +Who live on the islands made out of floating weeds? +What does each subroutine call also imply in some languages? +Rebellion in Istanbul began in which century? +How many billionares have been raised in Istanbul? +How many categories of precipitation are there? +How many pounds of material were reported found in 2005? +When did many Croatians begin to join the Partisans? +What does the new category in the latest verson of the AQF change? +How often does Microsoft publish updates? +What year did international train travel arrive in Istanbul? +What is the process called? +Why has the Chlamydia link with coronary artery disease become less plausible? +What percentage of people in emergency shelters stayed a week or less? +What is the usual duration of clinical training? +How many visitors did New York City have in 2015? +What is the Orocline related to, according to Isacks? +What are examples of common undercut elements? +Are euphony and social significance the only factors in how children are named? +What has increased as a result of the NHL strictly enforcing its rules? +How many years does it usually take to earn a MD degree? +Were the services successful at solving the problem of homelessness? +Did the homeless numbers decrease? +What else can melatonin do? +What was the first mechanically ventilated tunnel that connects Manhattan to Jersey City? +What does Postmodernism reject? +Under the First-order logic, sentences can be used that contain what? +What president created what are known as alphabet agencies? +When was the position of sheriff eliminated in Connecticut? +how many bipalnes were there ? +How many churches were restored or constructed by the Armenian Apostolic Church since 1984? +Does more precipitation occur over oceans or land? +Which entity do the Republicans believe should be allowed to enact whatever wages they see fit? +What has Verizon wireless offered that benefited tech start ups in New York? +When was SFN founded? +Which extensions of first-order logic are more expressive and permit categorical axiomatizations of natural or real numbers? +What sport is being discussed here? +Is the Baltic sea's salinity higher or lower than that of the ocean? +Who gave the first set of approximate flag colors to the public in 1998? +Which version of Windows started using a permission based file system? +What percentage of GDP did U.S. Corporations pay in 2011? +Who passed the House Joint Resolution Number 728? +What type of reporting did The Sunday Times become known for? +What is the main issue that the Republican party has? +What festivals does Rotterdam celebrate? +What is the most frequent English name and an occupational surname +What is the meaning to be "addmitted" ? +Is English the primary language used? +Who supported the proposed changes to senate elections? +How many Los Angeles City Council members supported declaring a state of emergency on homelessness? +In what years did a recession affect the tin market and industry as a whole? +Which windows version does not support Windows Update service language pack downloads? +What usually incorporate a "bow" +What kind of lens can project a real image even if it's negative? +What year did Angola became Marxist-Leninist state? +What effects are found before first harvest in populations of developing countries? +What do stack frames contain? +In what year did the coronation of Queen Victoria occur? +What is the Tempio Malatestiano in Rimini? +Which magnification is less important for visual telescopes or binoculars? +What is used for real image recording? +Do Marxist-Leninist economists believe people should have to work for life necessities? +What Microsoft OS introduced a remote assistance function? +why does many homeless students fall behind their peers in school? +What type of function would f:X -> Y be considered a partial function? +What is the most common employed semantics for second and higher-order logic? +How many individuals are part of the House of Representatives? +Most of the University of Pittsburgh lies in what district? +What king declared Vaishnavism the official State religion? +What can decentralization lead to? +When was the Western University of Pennsylvania renamed? +What major point did Simone de Beauvoir challenge about women's place in society? +What did people want the Republican Party name to not be known as a support of? +Where do combined names originate? +What levels can you study the nervous system on? +Where in India do they use the surname before the given name? +How many years of training does the MBBS course require? +Which author wrote the biography of Francis Hopkinson? +Who has exclusive jurisdiction concerning overseas military installations? +Frequent consumption of what food promotes obesity? +What happens when the ayes equal the noes in a vote? +Where on the mountain does orographic precipiitation usually happen? +What was A.W.O.L. called when pronounced as a word? +What year was the allied support in ? +What did the the neural network related to moral decisions overlap with? +What is the name of the location of the highest point in the contiguous United States? +In what month did the crisis in regards to Australia's constitution end? +Which two formulas are unique models? +What characteristics of neurons are studied in order to understand how they relate to different types of behavior? +What type of variable does first-order logic use? +Who appoints the respresentatives on the Metropolitan Executive Committee? +Saxophonist who follow the French school of classical playing were influenced by who? +When does it rain in Istanbul? +Does this also apply to English orthography? +what is the most effective means of watering agriculture? +What is attributed to infrastructure investment? +Who was the conference director that refused to recognize the women or let the women speak at the conference? +Which Windows XP edition was designed for consumers? +Most of the salt in the Baltic Sea is how many meters below sea level? +Virginia is one of four states that calls itself what? +What medical facilities is the school affiliated with? +Where were most of the physicians and surgeons who started these schools trained? +When can one go for further specialization? +What was completed in New York City despite the Great Depression? +What does the Apple Newsstand platform do? +at what levels is tin immediately dangerous to life and health? +The three heavier halides are what type of compounds? +Who were aggressive in battling the Germans? +October Revolution was carried out by which group? +By what year did Constantinople have the world's largest city? +Who was the mother of the feminism movement? +What were the proletarian brigades and other mobile unites called? +What name is shown first on Indian passports? +In what century did acronyms pronounced as words become common? +What is the name of the annual festival in Gambia? +what are the differences in the reactions? +What is causing concern about losing forest in the Sierra? +What happens when a tin pest occurs in lead-free solders? +What is the name of the process by which stannous chloride is produced? +Which elements carry only pure bending? +What company produced aircraft engines in Connectitcut during WWII? +When was Kadir Topbas first elected? +Which state is the third smallest in the United States? +What kind of movement is initiated from the individuals or localities? +Which parent name is usually adopted by the child? +What kind of institutions does the Life Science center have located nearby? +Around how many were killed in the partisan purges? +Who controls the campuses of the state universities in Michigan? +What ideology do both liberal wings of the Democratic party and Republican party share? +What prevented Yugoslavia from getting into NATO in 1953? +What was a 15-year-old boy's life expectancy in 1700? +What determines which half-line is positive and which is negative? +In what city did the beating of 2 homeless men occur? +What are two examples of terms that are verbalized as a blend of both words and letter names? +what has a tremendous effect on a child's education? +What percent of cardiovascular diseases will occur in South Asia? +What commodity did the original South Carolina settlers establish lucrative trade in? +What is plano-convex? +What normally open-ocean species of cetaceans are known to visit the Baltic? +What areas can increased spending result in jobs? +Why did Adolph Sax move to Paris? +In the abbreviation i18n, what does the number 18 represent? +Communism advocates seizing the means of what? +Is it objectively possible to differentiate high and low reliefs? +what happens after the over time period and the score still remains tie? +How to crossover the Andes and between Argentina and Chile? +What dance style is nu skool breaks apart of? +What OS came out in October 2001? +In which year Human Rights Watch declared California's emancipated teenagers homeless? +How many jobs were added per year during the Clinton presidency? +What was the political party of the congressional candidate that won the 2008 election in Fairfield County? +When droplets freeze and form ice crystal what is that called? +What is an archetype of a plate in engineering? +What is the input to a function called? +Who made Gregory the first Catholicos? +Who founded Robert College? +what can be concluded from the substitution rule ? +Agriculture created a by product of larger societies which in turn then created what? +How did the population of Africa change in relation to Europe and Asia? +What medications will increase HDL cholesterol levels? +Who is responsible for maintaining a facility medical equipment? +What is the generic name for a subroutine? +How many miles is Loktak Lake from Imphal? +How are numbers in names identified? +How is the value of x obtained? +Thomas Chippendale is most known for what type of art? +How are Koppen classification areas typically defined? +What did traders set up? +When were lenses created? +What logic order is connectedness express in? +Where are function calls normally embedded? +What section of The Sunday Times newspaper was relaunched as a website in 2006? +Who gave out plots of land to male settles or proprietors? +What is a common reason people leave the labor market? +What area did European Puritans colonize? +In what year did Fresh Kills Landfill close? +What do elite high schools place a stronger emphasis on? +Who is Michael E. Arth? +What is an example of a language that can distinguish between functions? +What was Britain's first regular three-section newspaper? +What language did the Protestant settlers use? +What are the requirements for a different surname order? +What day of the week is the Nationality Rooms Open House? +What does PIN stand for? +What exam do most schools require students to take in the US before graduating from medical school? +What is threatening conservation that is happening on both public and private lands? +What day did the Ministry of Sound have Drum and Bass music on air? +First order logic is the standard for the formalization and foundations of what? +What is the process of creating float glass called? +what act is helps to break down the barriers homeless students receives? +Who was in control of political decision-making in Europe during colonial times? +what is the chemical formula for stannous fluoride? +What two subjects were more successful than literature? +What year did the first aqueduct to Manhattan begin service? +How does the College Scholastic Ability Test shorten their name? +Which instrument sounded at concert pitch? +New architectural policy starting in the 1980s made the city center of Rotterdam more what? +What is point O? +Who is the spokes person for Coalition for the Homless. +How are the M1 and M2 connected to the M4? +What does Connecticut allow if taxes are paid in other states? +What US president passed the Federal reserve act? +What connects the rods to the posts? +At what angle does the main body and mouthpiece bend? +During what major event was the Baltic completely converted to Christianity? +How many candidates typically run for a position? +What was the Dutch name for the Connecticut River, meaning "fresh river?" +In what year was the Bowery Mission founded? +What is the subset of the 3rd conjugation? +Which tactic involves creating a scoring position by fatiguing defenders? +What is the colloquial phrase used to refer to the ratio? +What shapes are typical for glasses? +Which rivers drain from the east? +What type of verbs may be marked in a different way? +What did Paul Broca's research find in regard to certain regions of the brain? +What percentage of fatalities were a product of African military conflicts? +How is the interpretation indexed? +From what French word is GR derived? +Which historian's methodology and accuracy has come under scrutiny? +When where the first calculations for building load preformed? +What is the climate like? +What extinct species of cetacean once traveled to the Baltic? +Daniel Zohary highlighted the importance of what? +Who is the Bolshevik party leader between 1908 to 1917? +Who separated tribal and territorial morality? +Which people were the main focus during the First Great Awakening? +What is the value of X in the function f(x) = 1/x? +Why was the council held? +What is the usual make up of a homeless family? +France gave of up which region of North American? +What President had negative job creation during the 2000s? +On average, how many thunderstorms does Connecticut receive annually? +What quote was The Breakdown of Nations most known for? +Who brought many of the deadly diseases that killed off many Native Americans? +When did Stalin enact harsh radical policy towards the wealthy peasantry? +What is the Dolmabahce Palace? +What discipline focuses on perception of pain and alteration of consciousness using pharmaceutics? +What does R1 > 0 and R2 < 0 indicate? +Can there be any infinite number of free variables when a formula appears as a subformula of another for Lkw? +What are the frozen forms of precipitation? +What is a good atmosphere when standards will reflect what the economy is looking for? +Which public university was the only one to claim both Rhodes and Marshall scholars in 2007? +How many subscription exist? +What principle does the Senate not adhere to? +How many people are homeless in Indianapolis over the course of a year? +When was GSM cellular phone service offered in Turkey? +What was the price of tin in the free market environment? +What is the use of global variables generally deemed to be? +When did Oxford United reach the top division? +What sport did the Hockey Association of England focus on? +What must be submitted before earning the MD degree? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +When were lenses first mentioned? +When is a biconcave lens? +What did Henri Fleisch suggest about the Shepherd Neolithic flint industry? +What does the New York Times think about the usage of apostrophes in abbreviations? +What is not true of vernacular Latin? +What building features did Charles Klauder say would suggest the character of an educated man? +What motives start a bottom-up decentralization? +When dis hatfline communist leaders overthrew Gorbachev? +Bolshevik communists are what type of atheists? +Where is Central Park located? +Who has won in every election? +Can you convert them perfectly, to be used on screen? +What new section was the last to be added to the paper under Neil in 1992? +Who gave limited assistance to Yugoslavia during the war? +Why was train service to Thessaloniki curtailed? +What two things does the rain shadow affect in the central Great Basin? +What does backronym mean? +Which group has the highest concentration in the city center relative to the other city areas? +Why is protective equipment mandatory and necessary? +How is the core that verifies the derivation called? +How many spectators could attend the hippodrome? +What did budgets did Congress cut in half? +What two tribes were located on the western side of Sierra Nevada? +When was Bolshevik revolutionaries forced back into exile? +What did John Newton compare in his book, concerning morality? +What is earthquake engineering? +Free market money could exist because of what? +What was the result of the disagreements with foreign policy? +When was Istanbulkart system initiated? +During what era were the Topkapi and Yildiz palaces turned into public parks? +Which metal is the most tonally resonant? +Who manages Istanbul's water supply? +Should those with no symptoms of cardiovascular disease get an ECG screening? +Who were the Arsacid-Armenian rulers defying? +What caused a name change for the university in 1819? +Who converted Finland to Christianity in the twelfth century? +Who has been reporting on the status of the homeless population in New York? +How many years does medical education lasts for? +When is Amtrak's New Haven-Springfield Line scheduled to begin operating? +What happens if a surplus line insurer collapses? +How do you denote an extension of g? +How many Truman scholarships has Pitt won since 1995? +What countries had higher statutory tax rates than the United States in 2005? +How are practical advantages for both parties determined? +In 1980, what was the population around Lake Tahoe? +Which Sultan conquered Constantinople in 1453? +What did early versions run on top of? +Which school curriculum is Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine is using? +What would be the legal name of a married woman drop her mother's surname and add her husband's surname to her father's surname? +Where is the Pitt Computer Center in RIDC Park located? +What is the name of the first Asian settlement on the peninsula? +What polymerize and then reduce acetyl-CoA units to form fatty acids? +What was the outcome of the election? +What kind of lens is used to foucs a collimated beam which produces a much sharper focal spot? +When was the Armenian alphabet finished? +What year did Alonzo Church establish that there is no decision procedure that determines whether arbitrary formulas are logically valid? +In this context, what does f stand for? +Why has a marker been placed by the Cathedral of Learning? +Croatian Partisans actually became majority Croatian by when? +What makes tin different among mineral products? +When was PLA formed? +How many jobs were added per year during the Bush administration? +What is the name for the set of all permissible outputs for a given function? +In the annual ice hockey world championships, how many metals were awarded to the "Big Six"? +Where can "true compound surnames" be found? +When did the full-scale war start between the Chetniks and Partisan groups? +What has traditionally been the most popular sport at Pitt +What kind of platform was the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation? +What do we know about spread of heart disease in poor countries? +In which year did Norman Johnson write a defining paper on decentralization? +Who took over administration of the London interbank offered rate? +Who made the first significant modification? +What caused a huge improvement in Oxford during the 1920s? +In which year did Wall Street crash? +Where were deposits of tin reported? +What group controlled the local church? +Which well-known psychoanalyst believed that moral development is the product of aspects of the super-ego? +What time of year is Kauai most prone to rain storms? +How many years is basic science and liberal art courses? +What lifeform can survive in pockets within the ice? +What company is Time Newspapers Ltd a subsidiary of? +What year was Tet Offensive by North Vietnam in the south? +What types of work use more low-relief sculpture? +In what year did Mayor Bart Peterson endorse his 10 year plan? +When was the American Colonization Society founded? +Where did merchants export products to? +In what region would a married woman drop her mother's surname and add her husband's surname to her father's surname? +What specific roads give Alphabet City its name? +What is another significant improvement in the Sax? +Where did the majority of the slaves come from? +What number was the peak of circulation for The Sunday Times? +If the x and y axis are shown vertically and horizontally, how should the z axis be shown in a diagram? +What are matrices that satisfy the conclusion known as? +What design language was the user interface of Windows 8 designed around? +Who took over in China when Mao died? +What kind of decentralization is initiated from individuals, localities, or regions? +What becomes the child's first surname? +What were the unemployment rates measured in the past three months? +What percentage of Americans identify as Republican? +What languages is the word Tin shared among? +What year was the Queens-Midtown Tunnel finished? +How did they get buildings to stay up? +What do these types of atheists believe? +Who is Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero? +What is Kauai's average annual rainfall? +After 330 CE what purpose did the city serve? +Do customers know that they are dealing with one of many GEICO companies? +The air mass of a weather front becoming dryer can result in what happening? +Where is Bomarsund located? +The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? +What is notable about Oxford's buildings? +Muslims and other religious adherents moved into Constantinople from which region of Turkey? +How many die from complications related to atherosclerosis? +What would be the preferred style of name should Eva Duarte and Juan Domingo Peron marry? +How many Mellon Humanities Fellowships has Pitt been granted since 1995? +When were the modern art museums opened? +After a new state is added, on what date do new flag designs become official? +What group of lipids do fats belong to? +What percentage is the number of people that took part in 1907 strikes? +How long does a mahor penalty last? +When was Hawaii admitted as a state? +What was the fourth ranked cause of homelessness found by the homelessness survey? +What was Gomer Berry's name after he was ennobled? +What has the capacity issues plauged ? +Where does Connecticut rank in the number of millionaires per capita? +What kind of society did the 1960s Silicon Valley pioneers wish to establish? +What is the weather typically like in Columbia? +What is it called when the party releases its members from control? +What is a Central Java example of high relief? +When did the proprietors decide to sell the colonies back to the British crown? +When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? +When did the Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe fall? +Who is the Muslim mayor of Rotterdam? +What is "bass line"? +When was Zaman founded? +Why were most denied? +Who started handling the FCPS qualification after 2007? +What plant crop could not be grown efficiently, leading to mass famine? +How do i-stems behave? +Name the independent agricultural areas on Africa. +When did the quest for less hazardous tin ores begin? +Who was the first leader to exploit nationalism for political purpose? +What President released a major report on gender equality? +A similar naming convention system of that of the requiring of patronymic and family name is similar where? +What of the United States does not possess international legal sovereignty? +In regards to tin, what is increasing greatly? +In standard orientation, in which way does the z axis point? +The mayor serves as what on the Metropolitan Executive Committee? +From where did the colonies adopt many of their practices of law? +What types of companies have fallen victim to redundant acronym syndrome? +Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? +What is the rule called when a penalty offense is committed by the team that does not have possession of the puck? +How many African Americans settled in Liberia? +What percentage of the Hispanic and Asian American vote did George W. Bush receive in 2000? +What is one of the busiest waterways in the world? +What was the word that preceded a surname known as in French Canada? +In what year did the Gallup poll begin to collect figures on party identification? +What did the board of trustees for Mount Holyoke College decide in 1971? +What year do most agree feminism began? +Which of the woman's birth names is most frequently kept when she chooses to adopt her husband's surname +As far as Libertarian socialism, what value does it espouse in the space of government? +The name of the island mentioned by Pliny is what? +What is Pitt football best know for besides adding number's to the football jerseys? +What was one of the names given to Benin's coastline? +In what year did the USA finalize the Louisiana Purchase? +What were pie safes and food safes? +What Pitt alumni won a Nobel Prize for his work in magnetic resonance imaging? +What did the fed decide to do with interest rates? +Where do the grey seal and Baltic ringed seal live? +The Orthodox Byzantine Empire was replaced by what Empire? +Are reliefs included in Islam? +What is another way to write SOS's? +What type of education can one receive from Pitt? +What country won a gold medal in 1960? +Since how long ago has there been deregulation of industries? +Who ruled over the town post invasion? +What Japanese surname means the base of a mountain? +What type of rules allow for a forward pass, allowing hockey to be more of a team sport? +What might a subroutine construct? +How can cardiovascular risk factors be determined? +Over what county did Connecticut fight against Pennsylvania? +Where is the last name commonly placed Hungary? +What is the method used to eliminate this overhead? +What gave power of the system of money to the rich bankers? +What religion made up half of the population in 1910? +What happens if a player from each team gets a minor? +At what point were the ships better equipped to deal with the tidal currents? +What is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's second surname? +In the Soviet Union, the economy went through what? +What was completed in 2002? +What was Officer Munoz's plea in court? +How did injuries affect Johannson? +What does mainly pay the 2012 version of presidential super PACs? +When was Emmett struck by a car? +What did Career Education Corporation do to be sued? +What is one feature of Navdy's feature? +What state is Phillips a captain in the Air National Guard? +How much bean sprouts are needed? +Which model is twenty-six years old? +Where are A Shares traded? +In what year did the narrator first meet Eva Chow? +Who did the Rangers obtain in the may 2011 trade? +How long did Tiant live in Boston? +Which parent of the third family is emotional? +What do underwriters base elgibility on? +What is the actual number of United Methodist Church members worldwide? +Who hired the detective to find the brothers? +When was Irvin Shatz born? +What does "anchor babies" stand for? +When does Oregon's medical marijuana shops begin sales? +What is easy to confuse with causation when reading epidemiological studies? +What does Liz think about the Countess? +Who did Mr. Courser claim to be caught with in the phony email? +When was Secret Garden released? +What caucus was having a closed door meting. +Who else was a host at the event? +What does static scoring bias? +What is the central point of the debate +Who is the Patriots' quarterback? +What does zombie Liv see when she eats people's brains? +Which day of the week did the Senate approve legislation in California regarding health coverage? +In the mother's mind, the morals she scribbled ended with her serving her mother's what? +Who changed the two point play to three points? +Who is the author's pick to win the game between the Bills and the Giants? +Approximately how much will the budget cuts be? +A forerunner of the Brooklyn Dodgers called which park as their home? +What month did Moussa Mohammad receive his refugee status in Germany ? +who is England's test captain? +When did the author escape to China? +Who covered Apple for Newsweek and Rolling Stone? +What is the name of the Slovenian prime minister? +Where does her eldest daughter want to go when she grows up? +How large will the next gallery building be? +Where is the Boarding house +What will some lead unsatisfying lives because of? +The question asker has what kind of computers? +What may be done to avoid retail price increase? +What do they want to with the spectators? +What is Dellavedova's first name? +What was the name of Boulez's performance? +where is the location with the highest accident prediction avenue? +Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? +What are the bubbles according to Wang Ruoyu? +What was the name of the American trainer +Where does Mrs. Geller work? +What route was run with the pick play? +When did Attorney General Loretta Lynch make an announcement? +what subjects has John Jay been recognized for? +How old is Joey Stallings? +What is it inconceivable to imagine going to a search box on? +What name is superstar like Madonna called? +When was Amtrak created? +What does the Kauffman Index rank in the US? +Where do Roy Smith and Brad Hintz teach? +Who played the Mets in the first game of the World Series? +How did Puerto Rico get into financial trouble? +What is the problem with the caterers? +Who is Buffalo's coach? +What separated Mr. Kohlberg and his protégés? +Who argued that someone else made a hole? +What date was the Mexican Grand Prix held? +What Borough does Mr. Zaro love, that has been good to him? +When did the Paris Military attack occur? +When does the writer feel most like a consumer? +What is the name of James Miller's union? +Which Justice wrote the majority opinion in the 2003 military affirmative action case? +How old was Mr. Sverstiuk when he died? +Who received a $10,000 fine? +What has not happened for 32 years? +What's the best way to describe the portraits made by Tempest in terms of timing? +What program is ms pierpont a graduate? +What phase will the flower enter after it crumples? +What is the main subect? +how much did Redstone make in 2014 from CBS? +What night did the protests start? +How old is Representative McCarthy? +What general questions did the author answer? +Where are the two diminutive creatures from? +What type of people were recruited by Ayub? +Where does Kenneth Lieberthal work? +What does Keith L.T. Wright consider not reforming rent regulations and 421-a? +What does social technology lead to? +When did Dr. Grier retire? +What did he average? +Who is now in charge of the C.B.O? +When did the knock out blow happen? +Who wrote the musical "The Bully"? +Where did the ferry capsize? +What did Mr. Lukyanov say? +What things does the author compare the addiction of work books to? +What genre of music does Al Stewart perform? +What company is testing saliva samples for the new sking care regimen? +What company was the writer wrong about? +What did Kiev request that went nowhere? +What type of company is Barnes & Noble? +What was the new plan called? +In what month did Loretta Lynch begin her national tour on community policing? +Who is the chairman of "Only the Brave"? +The response of the crowd grew what during the match? +What is the traditional culture in Siem Reap? +Which type of workers' offices did the police raid? +How old is Omar? +How many points did the winner score in the title game that was for the championship? +What injuries did they have and what is their condition? +As the man's car disappeared from view, what did the author realize? +Which leaders were to be satisfied through the deal? +What city are Captain Cold and Heat Wave in? +What may health insurance provide for people? +What problem Mr. Harrell's familiy says he suffered from? +What is in tacos al pastor? +What government does Emmanuel Nahshon represent? +Who did Castro joke might convince him to return to the church? +In what country are the top five banks in investment banking revenue located? +Who did Mr. Clinton ask to help Mr. Rodman get a job? +Which actress plays the role of Maud Watts, in Suffragette? +How much was the 2016 Secret Service budget? +Who is Jane Carpenter? +What government ask the US for help? +Who was the key to the final Giants drive? +What two weapons was used to break down a door? +What player has been out of the lineup since May 20th? +When was Archibald Motley born? +Who wrote a friend-of-the-court brief to the Supreme Court? +What do human rights groups usually have problems getting into? +How many trials showed an effect on death from cardiovascular causes? +What type of sentence was Alberto Youseff given by Judge Moro? +How much did PC chips bring in a year ago? +Founders of mormonism were often men that had how many wives? +What is difficult to get during the summer? +Who retired at 24? +Which country is Russia a large economic partner with? +What is the second thought on "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl"? +What are the two possible designations of uber drivers? +How does the author think US intervention will affect the chances of success at beating back Islamic Militance? +Who is donating land for a new medical facility? +Erika Kirby is a professor of what subject? +What becomes of the time frame for running out of water +Where will Saturday's events take place? +What does the Fed believe jobs numbers does not demonstrate enough of? +What was the page length of Judge Chen's ruling? +What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? +Who confirmed the number of accidents? +What date was the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign launched? +In what role was officer Flanery working on the night of the shooting? +Who did Angela Merkel encourage to grant the approval of the deal? +The advocacy group Tenants and Neighbors believe what course of action would not help fix the problem? +Who keeps the couple separated? +Who was dismayed by the judge's decision? +What is Ms Sabbagh a member of? +Which Italian team rejected the idea of supplying Red Bull? +What quarterback threw three touchdown passes against Mississippi? +In what year did Mr. Thomas retire? +Where will the 5K take place? +What are the two daily newspapers the conglomerate owns? +Mr. Dallagnol visited officials in which department of the U.S. government? +when did Lebanon civil war end? +What is Cobb's image seen as? +The cop that recognized Youseff's voice formerly held which occupation? +Which camp did Mel Mermelstein survive? +What office does Benjamin Netanyahu hold? +Does the claimant have a name? +what did ben carson state? +How much money did Mr. Nader initially hope to raise within a year or two? +How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? +Which year was the McEvoy Ranch in Petaluma established? +What kind of unexpected event occurred, briefly? +Who wrote the book Imperium? +When was Ethan Werek traded? +Who did Mr. Brezner spot in an improv class in the late '70s? +What two political candidates deny that climate change is caused by humans? +Who plays Gerda in "The Danish Girl"? +What is disease does one member have? +How does the writer feel about the price of tickets currently? +What did Mrs. Clinton claim is a part of many American communities? +How long has Johannsson been with AZ Alkmaar? +How long would each swim before yielding? +What might actually lead to innovation and or entrepreneurship? +How have scientists viewed Mr. Abbott's carbon emissions reduction targets? +What is it tempting to describe the Market for Ms. Basford's book as? +Where did Dr. Coggan get funds to bootstrap the research laboratory? +How much water do the Sierra Nevada mountains provide? +Who is the creator of M TRAIN? +Who is the actor that gives Wasicsko a convincing semblance of life? +What happened to the Glad Hand building after the establishment closed? +Where was there chronic instability? +What did the team dedicate to Fells? +What was Jason Disisto impeding when he was arrested? +what position did kemba walker play? +Michael Palladino is president of what police officers union? +Where are the Chibok girls? +John Boehner held which position in the House of Representatives? +Most New Yorkers are clueless about the dishes that are created in what location? +What social media site did SGS use to state that their products were in line with safety standards? +Who did Sam Young vote for? +With what can Engles attract some new conferences? +what did the father request the letter writer to do? +Who was one of the 18 new-media artists to be invited to part of the inaugural group? +How many schools will be able to keep some spots for children coming from low-income or non-English speaking families? +What was the head of I.S.S.'s main concern regarding DuPont? +Who does Gus Wenner seek advice from? +Who ended her career at 23? +In what city was Michael Brown killed? +Who has been indignant? +What age is the daughter who's being adopted? +Who was recorded on the tape in question? +What area fell to the militants? +What would the NO. 1 rule of transporting wolverines be? +What is the slogan on the clothing James wore? +Over what period of time was DuPont's growth margin measured? +What are the people who are restless after hours called? +What did Stein preside over? +How many acres did farmers anticipated about? +What appointment was proposed by the report? +Why did Nick Kyrgios receive a $10,000 fine? +What is the name of the spokesperson who communicated some information about the trial? +What stage is the black swan at? +Who was waiting for Mr. Norris in the parking lot? +Who is the coach for Minnesota? +What was the political leaning of Mr. Drobny's talk network? +Who would run against Clinton if possible? +What event is celebrated as an example of Polish resistance? +What was reported wrong about the airbags? +What movie made Martha's Vineyard popular? +Who is acclaimed the best goalkeeper on Earth? +What was the original name of the Evaluation Systems? +Who sings: Smoke on the Water? +Who was in the opposite goal of Lundqvist during practice? +Who was elected as speaker of the New York State Assembly? +What states need better child care the most? +Who is Don Cameron? +40 percent of global diamond sales come from who? +What generation is least likely to want catalogs? +About how much the city of Eskisehir has exported to Russia? +Who is going to acquire Broadcom? +What rose 3.4%? +Where did Mr. Brezner meet Melissa Manchester? +What is the drawback of the assumption of unchanged GDP? +What donations are ask for? +What is the archbishop of Havana planning to do? +What percent of inmates sentenced for drug crimes were convicted for marijuana? +In "Notations" he composed a set of what? +The US national team needs what player badly? +what was the purpose of practice? +How much in today's value the most expensive picture ever been sold cost? +How many people did Legionnaire's disease kill? +Who plays Lilac Fairy? +In which round Logano participated when he went 3 for 3? +What job does Willoughby Britton have at Brown University? +Sears was asked about restarting what? +Who taking the lead in protecting a pope who does not want to stay in his popemobile? +Wat group have APF worked with? +How many jobs were lost during the recession in the legal sector? +What year did Silver become speaker? +What type of lawyer is Mr. Yu? +What type of pitch did Colon say he threw a lot of in this game? +What was waived for the World Cup? +How much did Eaton Vance's shares rise in a day? +How was the subject of this passage described by the majority? +What day of the week does the show air? +What is the source of the bulk of Needles' water? +What did Don notice was flooded? +When did the Corinthian Colleges collapse? +Which direction does Mattarella sway politically? +What race predominately runs the companies in Silicon Valley? +In what forum do questions about migrants typically come up? +What years did Sandy Koufax get 300 strikeouts in a season? +What kind of maneuvers is accredited to the current prime minister? +Which Chinese government agency is mentioned? +How many people died from the Amtrak crash? +When was the antitrust case filed? +Who was hiding behind tennis's genteel code of conduct? +How many pages of emails were released by The State Department? +What non-profit oversees Koch Brothers political donors? +How many accidents since 1975? +What is the unemployment rate? +What country were both the Traffickers living in? +What was the outcome of Yadav's case? +What is Logon Kistler's occupation? +From whom did we hear the most views about the Vietnam War? +how many women had times of 2:22:38 or faster? +What would the new law help farmers do? +Have they been charged with a crime? +Who is home when the box arrives +How many years of experience does John Abraham Davis have? +What was the raffle prize? +What would happen to the investment of drug development if the industry isn't regulated? +How far is the Capitol Theater from Port Chester, NY? +What previously/essentially existed in the South? +What year did Apple set a record for profits of a publicly traded company? +How does the future look? +What political power do the Saudi's regard as indispensable? +Where was the photo of Mr Xu Shared +How many police officers did it took to gain forced entry into Mr. Yu's apartment? +What did Ms. Santana do when the violence started? +What name did Uber give to their ride shares? +How many appeals for State Department correspondence has Citizens United made? +Who was sometimes imagined as Heidi's older cousin by Ms Moss? +Why do I think you should take this course? +What was the previous cost of Apple TV? +Who's policies were a death knee for traditional village life? +Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? +What two organizations are helping to present a play alongside the New York City Players? +How much has China Resources index rose since 2010? +When did Ms. Harper work? +Who is the host of the Daily Show? +What does pasinski have medical experience with +What was the name of the system AMC made so producers sketched out their shows several seasons past the pilot? +Why would bodycams be beneficial to police officers? +What year was the survey about body cameras conducted? +What were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and George Tenet declared as? +Which representative feels that expanding the A.L.P. seems unjustified? +What does Amano head? +What is the conflict between that people were hoping would be settled? +What contract was ratified last week? +How much money did the stranger give the son? +Why did Pascal Dupuis retire? +how many games was the losing streak that Phoenix was on? +What is the name of the chapter ms. Pierpont expand the story into the future? +What tournament has limited fashion options? +Luke Falk scored how many touchdowns? +How fast was Levegh driving when the crash occurred? +Who had a pretty good record? +How many months has Christine's Store been open? +How did the Nazis make Allach porcelain? +Who is Kirk Blalock? +You can download itunes stuff to multiple computers as long as what? +what was the problem specified in the 1960 article? +How long did it get quiet for when Ms. Bedford say she wanted to do a coloring book for grown ups? +Who is the ruler of russia +Which actor plays the party guy who brings cocaine and unattached women in "Digging for Fire"? +Which one is the brotherhood in which Trey is affiliated? +Should investigate and prosecute the cases? +Where did Leive get contributions to her magazine from? +Which type of people supported him in Iowa? +What Did Leive decide to publish at age 8? +Is Didion male or female? +Where was the Massey Energy Company trial held? +Who will gain competitive advantage due to the weaker euro? +What was the name of the gunman's mother? +Which artist was known for political and sexually provocative shirts? +Which leader believed that Vichy cured his rheumatism? +Who is the prime minister of Belgium? +What organization was Leive one of the few women to have a leadership role in? +How many U.S. dollars were saved for Unilever since the start of the program? +Are there more felonies or misdemeanor charges today? +Which group performs the circumcision? +When did the government take extraordinary measures? +Which political party does Mrs. Clinton belong to? +Whose execution did Shin Dong-Hyuk claim to be forced to watch? +What is the United States supporting Saudi Arabia in? +Which faith is associated with the Russian World? +what is Alastair Cook criticized for? +Who was the Buddha before becoming Siddhartha? +What was the tamarind eggplant topped with? +What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? +What platform did Suna Vidlinli report the channels disappearance from airwaves on? +What are visitors who might be pick pocketed called? +Where is the nursing home Dr. Benson lives? +Who's pavilion is reminiscent of Noah's ark? +What were his hardest years? +What position did Michael S. Dukakis hold during his campaign against George Bush in 1988? +What was on the corpse's at the time of discovery? +Who designed the graphic memoir "Fun Home"? +Who played the role of Jay? +What were Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock members of? +What was the size of AMC's setback in the last few years? +What college did the bride graduate from? +How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? +What does Leive thing getting to know your team and being interested in the give you? +Who did Engles meet with? +What did analysts conclude about the language in the document? +What did Mr. Searchinge say the land cannot be used for it is already used for something. +In the game which Utah player did not compete? +What do they say for it? +What was the inmate name? +What city is trunkh's newest store in? +Who is the Vermont senator? +In 2010, which countries (besides Brazil) were highly regarded as emerging markets? +How much did the FBI originally offer in reward for information about Mr. Levinson? +What did Laxman Lal Karna say had to change in order to continue talks? +What is California's level of air quality rules? +What website does the New Haven Museum have? +Who committed the shooting? +What is an additional function of the remote control? +What things did Singhal ask about? +what would have happen to Mr. Saleh if he would have stayed? +What skill is it Leive says you have to learn? +What is withheld from them? +Who is joining Boko Haram? +How much aid did Governor Cuomo offer to New York school systems if the Assembly would pass his proposal? +Where did fililibusters take place? +What day of the week did Bayern Munich lose on? +Who is behaving unethically according to Kenji Yoshino? +What number can I call to find out more information about the Hudson River Museum? +How long is the Kentucky Derby? +Which current is popular in Russia today? +What have the jailed five done more than any other previous activists? +What else will be located inside this new building? +Where does Noah Hanifin play? +Who is the Cavaliers coach? +Who was Robert E. Lee's personal photographer? +Who tended the bar at the Glad Hand? +What percent of people used the rubber band as an eraser when they were told "this could be a rubber band?" +Where was the victim from? +Where did antigovernment demonstrators protest? +What percentage of freshwater consumed is associated with discarded food? +What book is Veera Hiranadani going to discuss? +Who is making his second consecutive start as QB for the Broncos? +Who do Delta's lobbyists include? +During the renovation project, what was added to the house? +What position does David Cameron hold? +What significant event happened when the subject was a child? +Where are cannabinoids chemicals imported from? +Who plays Balducci? +Where does the intro of "Paris" take place? +How long did it take for him to reach enlightenment? +Who owned the onerous contracts that the Knicks previously held? +Who was a former member of Dance Theater of Harlem? +What does Francis do when discussing market based things that replace people who work? +What is the name of the team Jason Pierre-Paul plays for? +What group arrested multiple people in the crowd? +When did the interview with Mr. Yu take place? +What incentive did investment advisers have for recommending high risk products to their clients? +How much did the Department of Energy spend to improve Carlsbad? +What was the cost of a raffle ticket? +What degree did Mrs. Sooy earn from Harvard? +What was the name of the American trainer +Which political party did Sam Young identify as? +which year armstrong was at the height of his popularity? +How old is Johannsson? +Who is the coach of the US national team? +Lee Wright considers catalogs to be a waste of what? +Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? +What is Mr. Trump running for? +What kind of documentation are banks demanding from law firms? +He was howmuch likely nice with my father? +What was the title of the Nov. 4 editiorial discussed in this paragraph? +How much did United States crude decrease in value? +What can you do after you are done cooking? +What did Mr. Turnbull describe as "very substantial?" +What did Kiev request that went nowhere? +How was Samuel DuBose's death captured? +who are the two leaders that "cobbled the bill together? +who is the president of the European central bank? +Who was the starting pitcher for the Phillies that night? +How were many of the items featured in the Swedish Wooden Toys exhibition produced? +How many women were law students in Sweden? +What did a report ask Lundqvist about pregame +What did Mr. Fraser say? +What conference did the Taliban attend? +What's Jamie Dimon's position? +What is catholocism a commitment to? +What did the company do that Mr. Rodman was on an advisory board for? +Who removed Cameron's pledge? +Around what time in the morning did a German battleship begin its attack? +Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? +What is the name of the candidate that is President of Liberia? +What is the second incarnation of the Liberal Arts and Sciences test called? +Where is Latifa Shaab trying to go? +Where was the man pronounced dead? +What two weapons was used to break down a door? +Among the gifts that Joe DiMaggio received, there were 300 quarts of ice cream and what? +Who gave the assumption that Russian soldiers had fought in the war in Ukraine? +What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? +Who was the movie adapted from? +What is the most segregated place in the country? +When was this case supposed to begin? +Who was unable to negotiate the passage of legislation relating to Australia's Medicare system? +Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? +What does an outdated router become? +How many video,sound and digital artists will be commissioned? +What type of force is Google, in one way? +Who doubled into the left-field corner? +What was the average percentage rate white teaching candidates received on the LAST-2? +What service may Hicklin offer on airplanes in the future? +Who wrote the book "Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush"? +Where was the war? +The image of a conductor is molded on who? +How much money did it cost to make the movie "Spy?" +What is the subsidiary Zexi No.1 fund works with? +In which color the mishearing words were written ? +What agency is looking into more measures to increase duodenoscope safety? +What are the three parts of the combine? +How many close friends has the son had? +The Pilgrims and thier fellow travelers were not what? +What was the signature entree? +According to the children, when did the abuse begin? +How long was Siddhartha sheltered from the harshness of the world? +In what city are Racines and Racines 2 located? +Who discontinued the Monster Shark Tournament? +Who expected them to know much of the basics? +What day should you brine the bird? +When did I attend university? +when did the auditions for the musical were held? +When did McConnel think the white house should push the Pacific Trade Agreement? +How much for a crew-neck top? +What trumps strong teaching +Of the beers discussed which had the lowest alcohol at 3.9 percent? +What does the 606 speak to? +What is the name of the day when Star Wars toys started to be sold? +Where did the European Union leaders hold a meeting? +Who is the creative director at Vogue? +Who was Russia not conerned about? +When was the last time a pitcher got 300 strikeouts in a season for the Diamondbacks? +How many classes are provided by the United States Army? +What are some examples of actions that target Muslims? +Who did he show the film to? +What is the purpose of the 5K? +What is the name of the common stock with bets prospects? +Who works as a public advocate, in the passage? +How long has Araeen been an art-world legend? +Who criticized The Boy stating, "it does not sufficiently flesh out its subject"? +Who curated the photo book? +What is Jeb Bush's "family code" said to be? +What was the important thing about the museum? +What kind of questions were after the most-searched? +What network did Dan Rather work on? +Who graduated from Irvine after immigrating from Mexico as a youth? +How many batters were needed for Clayton Kershaw to break a record? +How old is the child of the family? +What two parts of his body did Lundqvist say were sore? +What kind of area is the area that runs from East 59th to East 96th? +Who did the extortionists try to target for ransom to prevent the leak of personal information? +What challenge could further delay the tribunal? +How much money came from Blackrock's iShares E.T.F. Unit? +How much time was given? +Who is Mr. Renzi been in a uneasy pact with? +Across which city has trash pilled up the side walks? +What is the contact number for Cinestudio? +What is the narrator considered? +What city did Robert Griffin III play for at some point? +Who is Brian M. Kolb speaking negatively about? +Name of the person who has stated the information? +What does he encourage others to do? +How was the Minsk1 experience? +How much expenses should banks be able to cut each year? +Did Dawkins play outside of the US? +What did Mr. Obama's speech leave no room for questioning of? +Mr. Michel did not give mandate to what countries? +Who are the "Whispered" glass and intaglio prints by? +Which are clear to his/her been all his/her life ? +Who did a 2011 drone strike kill? +What did paleontologist, Catherine A. Forster, and colleagues recover? +What is the name of the global chairman and chief executive of Tupperware Brands Corp. +What is Netherlands' larges flower auction house? +What program did the article question was properly monitored by Congress? +What artists influenced Kate Tempest early on? +Did they succeed in making porcelain? +Where is the Sarah Newman Center? +Who is the leader of the National Front? +What company is going to unveil an overhaul to their mobile payment products? +The morals that the mother scribbled on her mind began with who? +Both company's IPO's were described as what? +What were two issues concerning the National Football League? +What street is Infinity Hall Hartford located on? +When was "Secret Garden" released? +Who had an incredible run at the championships? +Where is The Civil War Through The Eyes of Thomas Nast shown? +What was effected due to the protests? +where she earned a doctorate ? +What was the new low percentage on German two-year government bonds? +What is most expensive cost for a 3 bedroom apartment in higher end zipcodes? +Markets expect a less accommodative monetary policy in what country? +Visitors can fly into which nearby airport? +Who was awarded the exclusive rights to market the program and process applicants? +What did Barnum say about the American people? +which racing driver restart abdtriggered a multicar accident? +What is the Yankee's average home attendance according to MLB? +Pierre Laurent Aimarf is a what? +Who is George Osborne? +Who submitted the boycott resolution? +What does Mohamed refused to do? +Which writer had freedom to choose their subject matter? +At its peak, Pertrobras accounted for what percent of Brazil's GDP? +What did the report say made little sense? +What is troubling the player Sabathia? +What hangs ov er the staircase? +what does Poliuto confess +What would secretary give the children that they were not allowed to have at home? +How many officers have been suspended? +What is Hillary Clinton's strength in? +Who was Dawkins fourth marriage partner? +Who made guidelines for the food industry? +Is it likely or unlikely that Putin will want to offer to send troops to fight in Syria? +What movie is this song associated with? +How much percent did the share go up from the quarter a year ago? +Who was the final batter of the ball game? +Did Dawkins break any rims after upgrades were introduced? +Why is Long island an attractive market for solar? +What is the Mets average home attendance per game? +With what condition did Dr. Mapstone diagnose Sandy? +Who stars as Nick's stalwart wife Bea? +What city does Loki terrorize? +What was the name of the scandal mentioned in the article? +What has North Korea gained from double-defector propaganda? +Who holds the position of Japanese ambassador? +For how long did Mr. Heastie serve in the Assembly prior his his speakership? +Who is the political scientist who specializes in the National Front? +New sources claimed what about the escape? +What is the current unemployment level? +Why did the Chinese feminists storm the men's restrooms? +Where was Krista Guiwo trained? +Which team did James help to lead over Golden State? +What shirt has a collar? +Where did the trail of blood lead? +What did the truck hit? +Who is the director of photography? +What happens to Pinocchio's nose before the audience's eyes? +Where did Geoffrey Holder immigrate from? +What disease does NeuroLinx explore nerve damage on? +What is Mr. Vilalobos' wife's name? +Who was the 30 year old man charged with killing? +Representative McCarthy is from which state? +Were Dawkins scoring moves popular? +how have many of the Sweet Briar graduates gotten back in touch? +Where was Emily living? +What advocacy group released the critical report? +What are students less of? +The discover of whose burial chamber would lift Egypt's tourism industry? +What company intended to serve Kansas City at the beginning of the new year? +Who are escalating demands upon Iran? +Where is the Pope's family located? +Which sections of the sites does the company plan to expand into 2016? +What was breached at the personnel agency? +What did Marc-Andre Dalbavie study with Boulez? +Who is the dean of Parsons? +Kathleen talked about Mr. Rasputin in a what? +Which entree was the best that night? +Besides the Supreme Court, what other court is hearing arguments about Same-Sex marriage in the Military? +What do charter schools need to give children that have special requirements? +What universe did Gatz attend? +How long has the store Alley of Ghosts been open? +What were Ms. Basford and her publisher surprised to learn? +Who is the minority leader from the Finger Lakes region? +What is the nationality of the guerrillas that Daru and Mohamed came across? +Labor shortages are partly due to declining what? +Which nation was never eligible for a World Cup? +Who is trying to help research and connect happiness with freedom? +Its highest level in almost six years, the dollar has risen more than how much? +What percentage of American women currently smoke? +How many finishers earn points? +What is the current model that Eaton Vance wants to change? +Who did Rousey suggest she could beat? +What happened in the museum on July 13, 1865? +Who left the game Sunday with a concussion? +What work did Ken Kalfus publish in 2003? +Alberto Youseff suffered which potentially fatal ailment while incarcerated? +Who was asking questions bout the potential cost? +Is Mr. Jeffries for or against Bloomberg's support for police stops? +How many rinks did the hockey complex have? +Who did Eichel deny comparing himself to? +Which prescription drug issue is at the forefront of the presidential campaign? +How long was Monica Harris Susel's delay on Friday morning? +After the author's mother eats shrimp, she displays a big what? +where is the mustang statue located? +How long has Pace Gallery been a company? +Who star played himself as well as Aaron's best friend? +What petition did she create? +Was the persons father rich? +What is the percentage increase over February's closing price per share HP is paying for Aruba? +Who is an Afghan writer and journalist? +What is the name of Google's new streaming device? +What was Sidney Loeb's nationality? +9 out of how many Americans support universal background checks? +Who plays the role of Hugh? +What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? +What does leive look for in someone they hire besides work? +was chris mullin was an allstar? +What have nine of the children I Keflezighi's family earned? +What is a conference commissioners belong to that congratulated N.J.I.T? +The cash and stock transaction would merge NXP with what smaller company? +What type of monitors would be the ones holding the 50 billion euros worth of state assets? +Which party is in control of most government offices in the state of Idaho? +What is the name of the rail company that makes stops in the area? +How many places did Mr. Heastie stop at during his travels? +When was Rep. McMorris Rodgers elected to Congress? +How far back are these emotions said to originate? +What's the other one? +What network connects Wikipedia with its global community of readers and editors ? +Where was the new website debuted? +What do banks still need to do? +How are those affected coping with the financial loss? +How much did Larry Robbins lose? +Which ideology emphasizes the uniquess of the "Russian World?" +How much is the Tracy Mansion being sold for? +According to the article, has Exxon been a good global citizen? +What saves more money in the long run than pregnancy? +Is the phenomenon "anchor babies" a real thing? +What state's union footprint has decreased in recent decades? +Who was shot to death by a University of Cincinnati police officer? +What movement was happening when GS had met Ruth? +Who has the University of California been aggressive in pursuing? +Which president will be the topic of the St. Paul's Church event? +How big is the building? +who posed a problem to the wildcats? +What clogged the ranks of St. Joseph's organ? +When and where did the narrator grow up? +Where is Great Lakes Brewing located? +what war do the houses construction predate? +How did the officers approach Mr. Hammond? +who is the particular mixture? +Where did Josiah Wedgwood send someone to get white clay? +Who is home to the world's largest number of smartphone users? +What relationship is between Mr. Elmendorf and the author? +Who was whistled for unnecessary roughness? +In India drowning deaths decreased from 91,00 to what? +What former occupation did Webb hold when Ronald Reagan was President? +Why did Mr. Hincapie give a false confession? +Where does Nicholas Lardy work? +How many seats were contested since they are controlled by the military? +Define cloud computing. +What is the name of the 5K? +Who was the former chairwoman of the N.L.R.B. quoted in the article? +Where is iSight partners based? +What year was "Backward Ran Sentences" released? +How much did it cost for an additional child on top of the initial 17 dollars? +What did Mr. Milarski open the concert with? +How long was Lundqvist been on the ice for practice? +Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? +Who is the Giants quarterback? +What was Wilkins first to ever design and install at the resort? +Which party said they would vote no on new proposals? +What, according to a reader, did the article say that women lacked? +What is the name of the character who does not say anything at the house? +What is John. P Carlin assistant attorney general of? +Who is the ex State Senator whose trial entered it's second week on Monday? +Who threw a wild pitch? +Who directed "The King's Speech"? +Whats his/her mishear mostly ? +What was the name of the Halo web series that Monty Oum created? +what kind of scandal was it? +who was a large donor to Mr. Menedez +What does this person dislike about peoples motivations behind their answers? +When did John Rakis wife die? +Where were the terrorists suspects from that received the altered passports? +Who became prime minister in 2007? +What legislation did the President recommend that failed to gain traction in congress? +What is the first name of Mr. Foley's mother? +To what part of New York state was Mr. Heastie traveling? +What company does Larry Robbins own? +How may I get a look at Ann Chernow's work at the Stamford? +What were the expectations for the night? +Where did readers acknowledge Heather Havrilsky's review of "Spinster: Making a Life of One's Own" +What does the author say in regards to being sorry? +What causes the noise distracts Sally? +Where is the wheat fields located? +What did Baumgard advise? +When did Alyssa Grogan suffer her concussion? +How often did the dessert menu change? +What type of work did the tapes show Pierr-Paul doing? +The refugees make what type of artwork? +Which player for the Chiefs is out with an injury? +Where did the meeting take place? +What comical event took place after a man falls dead in the latest Swedish filmmaker's movie +What is Germany's signature bank? +Why does De Veers make synthetic diamonds? +What was name of the alliance the rebels formed? +What year was legislation passed that benifited Mri Berlusconi's media ventures? +Antagonism has been growing between Germany and who? +Who is the largest wholesale water utility in the country? +What are men afraid of when looking for women who sell sex? +How many bullets were estimated to be fired in rapid succession? +When did the sun rise? +Who won four matches? +How many signatures did the petition have? +How many years has it taken for 15% of the pistachio trees to have died? +How many seats where the optimistic Conservatives talking about winning? +What was the last name of the prosecutor for Fawwaz's trial? +For what duration was there a study of injuries released by the International Ice Hockey Federation? +Prior to Mr. Sisi, who was previously the armed forces chief? +The cost of transportation demonstrated an increase of how many percent between the years 2009-2014? +When did Yoko Ono stage her pretend show at MoMA? +What steps did Seattle take to protect the privacy of filmed residents? +How long has Douglas elmendorf been in charge of the C.B.O? +What were the women doing? +What book does he encourage to other to read? +What is the name of the Mercedes motorsport director? +What were worker and environmental protections in NAFTA replaced with? +Who said that the image promotes a positive image of safe sex? +How much food is wasted in the United States from the commercial sector? +How many points did Brandon Knight have? +The provision allowing landlords to charge market prices for units that reach a certain value accounts for how many of the rent stabilized apartments each year? +Minnesota held off a furious attempt and held their lead to how many points late in the game? +Which pitcher from the Reds appeared as a pinch hitter? +What was he thinking about? +where she ended up going for school ? +What did the athlete claim was being pulled out? +What type of infection? +Who emerged from the sea at Cissy Cove? +Who is highest ranked in the draft? +What did his friends give him? +Who is the supreme leader of Iran? +How legislators did not vote? +Who died? +Who was the hospital worker who testified that she had not seen Mr. Hincapie at the scene of the murder? +How much of the firms clients were of buy and hold investors? +What do Dr. Lam and Dr. Ohayon start with? +What does the person advocate in relation to conflicts? +What was the nickname for the tubs in Cove Haven's bathrooms? +What does Fred Alnajjar hope the new contract includes? +What was the name of the street rebellion in the Arab states described in this article? +Who did Ernest Hemingway believe the Nobel prize should have been awarded to? +Why was there pain from a memory had by reading Jenifer Weiner? +What school beat Northwestern? +Why did Pat want to boycott the trailer? +Which actor co-stars with Melissa McCarthy in the new movie "Spy?" +Whose work is expected to be relevant longer? +What bill is Congress working on? +When did the results for get released? +What are the nursing stations called? +Who do coloring books seem best suited for? +Who was denied services under Jim Crow? +Which became the biography of cantor ? +Is the writer a frequent flier? +Is it likely or unlikely that the flower called Spike will pollinate? +What relationship is highlighted in the musical? +What worries Mr. Sacca? +What did the couples phones have in common musically? +How much does the 3i Group expect to earn from the offering? +What is the price of Killing and Dying? +Are salaried workers eligible for overtime? +What is Old Peculier named after? +When do the playoffs begin? +What did critics say what might be the city's most impressive new bread course? +At what time will the museum open? +What image first gained traction in the early years? +On what side of the political spectrum do questions about migrants typically come from? +What kind of feeling is derived by the author when reading work books? +How many photographs did MS. Simpson take between 1987 and 1996 or drag performers? +How large is the shop? +Which science is predicting that there will be even less water in the future? +Who may approve a plan today to distribute 120,000 asylum seekers among member states? +Who plays the Dewey Finn character in the musical? +In addition to water depletion, what other negative side effect to the tanker trucks produce? +How many people died in the Spanish train wreck in 2013? +who filled the shoes of Bobby Knight? +Who scored a run in the 11th inning with an all-out sprint from first base? +How many years ago approximately was the Nashville show? +What is the name of the Russian diamond producer? +Who is President Bashar al-Assad sending to help? +Did Mr. Bush succeed in convincing Latino voters he had something better to offer them? +How many note cards made up Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings? +Products will become cheaper for customers who pay in what type of currency? +Was Collins named a suspect in the murder of Brittney Mills? +What is the name of Turkey's Prime Minister? +How old is Rev.Christopher Ryan Heanue? +With whom did Mr. Stillerman and Mr. Collier treasure their relationship with? +Who contributed from Egypt? +What will be in their hands? +What type of firm is Manulife? +How can you control WeChat functions in your car? +How much was spent on utilities? +How many members of the church voted in favor of divestment and boycott? +In what kind of sauce is the lobster cocktail set in? +Where does Toni work? +What kind of home does the robot have? +What was required for the windoes? +Whose paintings are shown at "A Place to Remember"? +What aspects of this person's generation are they proud of? +What fraction of fruit does California supply? +What does the existence of the Export-Import bank turn on? +Who is Clegg and GM working with? +Dakar is the capital of what country? +How many bedrooms did the house need to have? +The Marquand had an average sales price of what? +who released the pronouncement? +The letter was signed by members of what group? +Which race color of Americans suffer irratic violence via the police? +Where did operators in Nevada fire missiles? +What day did the fire go across highway 20? +What do new routers often include? +What company was a victim of a price-fixing scheme? +Who is the director of Salon 94? +Before the 401(k) and IRAs, who took on the risk of saving for an employees retirement? +What was the height of Mr. Harrell? +When are the SummerStage's free performances of "The Wiz: A Celebration in Dance and Music,"? +Where was the wreath of flowers going to be laid? +Where were the crews cutting trees and getting up some of the underbrush? +Who was the subject working for when having their "ah-ha moment"? +Who is the lowest scoring team? +When did Henry S. Shleiff arrive? +The building at 1156 Avenue of the Americas was owned since when? +Who is Heinrichs? +What does the Giants could still withdraw? +Who is Ross Douthat wrong about +Who was the St. Louis County prosecutor? +Who was the person in the accident? +Who shot down a Russian Warplane? +What store is considered to be Cambodia's first concept shop in Phnom Penh? +The building has had the same owner since when? +How many men were included in the six randomized trials? +Whose actions are currently under scrutiny by prosecutors before the grand jury? +Who wrote the songs Hungry Heart, Brilliant Disguise, and Secret Garden? +What does the gene called TERT do? +What is the name of Joe Swanberg's latest movie? +Who obtained internal audit regarding soldiers abroad? +How much did BlackRock take in this quarter in Net inflows? +What place has only produced very few basketball players to play in the USA? +These huge plants are compared to what animal? +Who would one contact to make an issue known? +Who is one of Gerber's private equity owners? +What hospital is in the Cobble Hill, Brooklyn? +Who is Doug Shadel? +Who was impressed by the meeting between Ernest Hemingway and Welles? +What did China's securities regulator lift its moratorium on? +How is is Towns as described by this article? +what locations hosted the coloring? +What was declining that got the economists worried? +Where was Troy taken to visit? +Which SNL veteran wrote jokes on sticky notes to be passed along to Mr. Feig? +Which justice concurred on similar grounds? +What did Mr. Stubb say? +How many strokes was Woods behind in the 27th hole? +What did the government label Mr. Ganek? +What are the groups that the magazine offended frequently on an equal basis? +How is Rodriguez welcomed when playing on the road? +The food was still coming out even though, at the event, it was what late hour? +Which entity of DuPont's was recently given a new name? +What number should I dial if I want to phone the Stamford Art Association? +What was the weight of Mr. Harrell? +Who are Bruno's two chefs? +What is the suggested course of action? +Jorgensen stated that Vestas would be remember as what? +Which state does Nita M. Lowey represent? +Whe were the first results of the elections in Venezuela released? +Who had mocked-up photographs dressed up in Nazi Uniform ? +How many cousins of the father were helping lead the group? +How much did wages increase in November? +Where did Mr. Seymour and Mr. Connell first drink together? +What women's aspiration does Mrs. Clinton embody with her candidacy? +Who warned about a digital economy? +What was the only type of condo at Marquand that remained to be sold? +The middle East and Middle America both have what fields? +How many years were attributed to rebuilding the nation of Afghanistan? +How long were the Polish forces able to hold out during the conflict? +What is the name of the piece Boulez was conducting? +What are the banks pressuring the legal profession to do? +Who was Rob Scuderi traded for? +What were long serving memebers wary of? +Who was one of Jack Shoemaker's first writers? +What was the lowest TV audience the Mets saw after 2007? +Which two trade groups did Unilever convince to join the soybean farmers' ecology program? +What time is the Juilliard String Quartet playing on June 28th? +When did Roger Cohen write "Counterrevolutionary Russia?" +How long is the 5K? +At what time will the celebration begin? +What does Mr. Lubell wish the center to be known for? +What type of company is Netflix? +Who were the leaders of the National League East? +What was promised by Britain to be renewed? +What is Curry's first name? +What percentage of women play videogames? +where was michael jordan born? +Who is the director of safety of the ERA? +What is Mr. canby described as? +What is going to be passed soon by Montgomery County? +What type of wood was used to build the cabinetry? +Who is the author for The Folded Clock? +When did the star pianist present Appassionata? +does the cat resemble a king? +Who will be broadcasting for the NBA this year? +Although only a small percentage of Obama's proposal managed to become law, this is likely to become even more difficult for him in the future because of what change in the legislature? +Which New England player threw for a score? +What type of design is the home? +What state is Terry McAuliffe governor of? +How complex were the technical fixes proposed by Volkswagen? +What did Fiorina say about glass ceilings? +Who is widely suspected to seek the post as Boehner's replacement as speaker? +What job did Mr. Brezner start out his professional life with? +Who is the Italian foreign minister? +Who is the president of the European Central Bank? +What are the European paintings encircled with? +How many people signed the petition demanding the women's release? +What is the name of the daughter of the famous Democratic presidential candidate that attended the Winter Ball? +What is a serious obstacle to economic recovery according to Draghi? +Whose policies on climate change and same-sex marriage have been previously criticized by Mr. Turnbull? +What has Burkina Faso set up at the entrances of cities for Sunday's voting? +What device did people reading the New York Times use to view the film? +What did Mr. Garcia do before taking a walk Monday night? +The Alliance for Tenant Power and the Community Service Society want to abolish what law? +What kind of arrangement can cut expenses? +Who has trouble trying to get into prisons? +What is the website address of the Mattatuck museum? +What are modern efforts to reform Davis's legacy? +Who was George Benjamin's mentor? +Where did Andrew put his 1-year-old? +How long did it take for the train to come to a complete stop? +Who was a letter written to? +How old is Andrew Albany? +What was the single highest bid received? +What type of story has the same simplicity as this one? +Who is the executive director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights? +What is the name of the five star hotel? +What percentage of water did the state get in December? +Who was a Columbia Graduate? +How many conference commissioners supported the N.L.R.B's decision? +What do some lawmakers say is a valid reason for not getting vaccinated? +Who won the Iowa State versus Baylor match? +What is the name of the show mentioned in this article? +Who is the grandfather of the children burned in Duma? +Where did Mr. Brezner spot Mr. Williams in the late '70s? +What is running from Friday through Sunday? +How old is Omar Shalabi? +How long had it been since the number of available jobs was that high? +What language does Mr. Mortensen also speak other than Arabic and French? +Which movie did not score well with audiences in test screenings? +Who was the researcher involved? +What was the profession of Eva S. Moskowitz? +what is the name of the advocacy group Mr. simons was part of ? +What did Gennady Barabtarlo do? +Where is Interpublic based? +When did the global financial markets into a tailspin? +How much does Jeremiah Meyerhoff earn? +How long was the delay? +What building was completely emptied? +How old is Song Tairan? +Who invested in risky real estate projects? +Where is porcelain found now? +How much has the average attendence for the Mets risen since last year? +Who is Adam Lisberg? +His study with Boulez had an influence on what? +When was the last time Corea and Hancock toured together? +Who is the rookie of the year contender? +What is the title of Didion's 2003 book? +Why did the White House want to take the drone operations away from the C.I.A? +Holmes was a student in which program? +How did Brian McKenzie write about the less than admirable work locations for ride-sharing? +Who was the fly-in arranged by? +What is the benchmark used by lots of US refineries? +Which lines make stops on Flatbush and can reach Midtown Manhattan in half an hour. +From which state James Miller is a spokesman in? +Who was the coach of the Seahawks? +What were some of the panelists on a South Korean talk show about female defectors complaining about privately? +What is something that crating biofuels uses a lot of? +How would he feel about attending a gay wedding? +What is the name of the chef of the restaurant Noreetuh? +What team is Mattingly currently the manager of? +What do new rules require when evaluating major changes in tax and spending policy +How many prisoners filed complaints? +What mean of transformation crashed last night? +What was the score in Nishikori's match against Wawrinka before Nishikori's comeback? +Why was the author preoccupied with learning the ideal strategy? +What is the name of the classic written by Carlo Collodi? +What did the time spend in Leeds include for the Author? +How long have stock been on their sharp drop path? +Who haven't realized the market shift to the solar systems according to Mr. O'Connor? +What was the cause of death? +What is the name of the conductor? +Who assigned the writer the first foreign assignment +Which team lost to the Bulls 97-95? +What could cause Mr. Osborne to suffer from deflections and close votes? +What nation attacked the Palestinians in the West Bank? +Who is Mrs. Chow married to? +Which group accused the Chinese government of breaking their pledge to uphold rule of law? +how much does The de Blasio administration want to increase the mansion tax by on houses over 5 million? +What was number one on the countdown from the segment "Meme Team"? +How much was Lee C. Bollinger paid in 2013? +What will happen to Mr. Abbott's policies on same-sex marriage and climate change? +What was the punishment for Mattingly for not getting a haircut? +Who did Ed Reed sign a one-day contract with? +When did Mr. Kohlberg form Kohlberg & Company? +What does Australia's political turmoil date to? +What did 9.5% of students feel frequently? +How many athletes that evaded doping tests were to compete at Rio de Janeiro games? +Which animal is a little larger than mice when born? +How many companies does the conglomerate own? +Who is Aron Johannsson? +How many interviews did Towns give during the course of the game? +What happened to a Syrian in Spain? +How much money does half the population of Indonesia live off of daily? +Which German leader traveled to Moscow in order to participate in talks with Putin? +were revenues good? +What year did analyst predict that e-books will overtake print? +For how many years has Simon Magakwe been barred from international athletics? +Who thinks it's a dancer's gift that makes them succeed? +What is the social media networking site that is being flooded with political opinions? +What is the name of the child that was rescued? +How did Mr. Rodman say he got in contact with Haitian officials when attempting rebuild homes in the country? +what was the name of the nurse? +Who will be attempting to tackle Tom Brady in the upcoming game? +What happened to the hundred plus patients? +In what area of the country is Paraiba? +What degree did Harper claim her son had worked on? +Why did the 1980 arson analysis not hold up? +Who proposed legislation to close the firearm loophole? +History shows that falling prices can be as damaging as what type of inflation? +Where were there simmering political tensions? +What does Prince expect to be more common in restaurants as the Mets gain popularity? +Who was not there when Eleanor needed him? +Who responded about Congress? +What is the main drag on banks' performance? +Who did reporters scuffle with on live television? +What makes for an enjoyable read? +Globally speaking, in what country are the most demanding regulators located in? +What may be the unknown outcome? +How many Americans watched the Super Bowl on TV? +What was the required position of the fireplace? +Which college is the Greek Theater located in? +who is the chief exclusive? +Which country also uses the euro? +How much was spent on the makeover? +which friends were at the social gathering? +Who was the Mississippi state epidemiologist? +Which league can Bayern win without putting in their full effort? +How many women made it through ranger school? +When did Americans stop winning in Women's World Cup? +What was BT in the past? +When is the performance on Saturday? +When was Mr. Norris convicted of possessing and selling crack-cocaine? +What is the name of the folklorist from Staten island? +In what year was Mr. Cradle arrested on drug charges? +Where did Nadal proud to have gone when he was 18 on the Greyhound bus? +What did Vince Gilligan appreciate helping with? +On what day of the week did the terrorist group Boko Haram strike across Nigeria's border into Niger for the first time? +Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? +What did David say about Russell Brand? +What are aiming to stop the federal policies? +What character trait is debatable? +Which state halted its program after being sued by the ACLU? +More snow is expected when? +What is becoming a serious economic and environmental issue? +Who funded Huang's museum? +When does President Xi meet the president of the US? +How many acres were caught on fire? +How many staff members of the correctional facility were placed on administrative leave? +Who scored 17 points? +What is the main incentive for the company to change? +How much was the average cost of care for a cancer patient? +In addition to Mr. Smisek, how many other United executives resigned last month? +Who does A. O. Scott write for? +What did person relied on for their principled position? +Which closed at a higher value, United States crude or Brent crude? +Who was the original chef to Orama? +Where was the author's first big show? +At what venue can the show be seen? +Which age ticket costs more for the Saving Face: The Evolution of the Catcher and Goalie Mask? +How many secretaries general has the United Nations had? +What is the group that wrote this letter? +Which national organization is concerned about expanding the A.L.P.? +What can one person's perception be easily woven into? +What place were the Penguins in for goals per game? +Where did the incident take place? +How does this person start a conversation? +What will preventive services not be allowed to charge under Obamacare? +Who did she inherit it from? +What does every computer, tablet and smartphone ship with today? +Who is president and chief executive of Family Leader? +How many opponents did Mr. Corbyn defeat on Saturday? +What did the Supreme Court permitted to political committees? +What city did Mr. Brezner later work out of? +In what year was the resolution to place economic leverage on Israel passed? +What is the name of the student in Khhharkiv? +Where was the hospital that saw over 110 cases in February? +Who died in July, shortly after thier last performance? +Who made a recent rule change? +With whom is Bombadier trying to compete? +What is the name of the spokeswoman for the Diocese of Brooklyn? +Who was the one saying: "My friend, the best is yet to come". +How many licenses are allowed? +Who played the Prince? +Who directed "The Danish Girl"? +What year was Chronicle Publishing sold? +What is the Blue Door Gallery's website? +What kind of music is played at the Stanhope House? +How does Mr. Cook plan to use the power of this company? +Which organ is responsible for our perceptions to be constructed ? +The social media seats are for what type of music? +how much has the Save Sweet Briar campaign brought in so far? +What encircles Ocean Park? +what were trumps statements? +What is the name of the building that has been argued about for a long time? +What book was once banned? +Who was Dead's frontman? +Which band plays contemporary Italian music? +On which day of the week did the members of the Vermont House and Senate elect their state governor? +How old is Maher Bawady? +Which parties are on the rights? +What trade group released a letter that warned of the huge buildup of assets in the bond market? +What day will Spike be moved? +What happens when more people are part of the health care system? +How many children died in the fire? +Where did the subject live in his early days? +how much did Toys and games increase in the quarter? +What was the name of the American trainer +Which historian said the records would provide a picture of France's involvement? +What was the name of the all woman crew? +What killed Darryl Dawkins? +Which company made a statement? +What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko +What travel website was mentioned that is also a name for a boat? +At the Bilkent University near Ankara, who is the dean of economics faculty? +Where did Archibald Motley live? +Which round was Venus due to play next? +Who secured his third Formula One championship? +Which President was it that recommended passing Automatic IRA legislation? +What's the name of Mr. Brisges's the debut album? +What party is now leading the government in Athens? +What seems possible and reasonable? +Who spoke for AEG but did not choose to give a statement on why the company commissioned the reports? +How many college hockey teams did Dr. Paul Echlin study? +Who did the monk batter with? +Which kind of charges is McNamara saying he could pursue? +The family of Mr. Meyers contested the police's version of events by making what claim about Mr. Meyers? +Commercial style lagers commonly use what kind of adjunct? +What month were body cams first used in Seattle? +What was it's circulation for 6 months ending December 2014? +When might Congress approve closing military bases? +What was the greeting Woods received? +What venue is known for its interactive murder mysteries? +which country is communist country? +How many goals did Quick give up +In which Correctional Facility was imprisoned Samuel Harrell? +Which country still has a ban on circuit racing? +Which news outlets reported on the fine that G.M. received? +When did Pablo Picasso leave for Paris? +With PEPS, the car can not be locked if what happens? +Who did Dostum try to get help from? +How many student felt overwhelmed? +In what state are republicans supporting working families? +What is the aluminum-and-steel sculpture modeled after? +march marked the _________anniversary? +Which brewers are known for bending and twisting beer styles? +A Man shouted to put Hillary where? +How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? +who authored Friday Night Lights? +What time did a neighbor hear Harper-Mercer pacing? +What did researchers use to create caps for the trunk-crown lizards? +What is the campaign called where the company posts videos of women stating how much selling Tupperware has changed their lives for the better. +Who had to pressure to rebel leaders to sign? +What is free for IOS? +For whom Mr. Lisberg made the declaration? +What country does Banyaman Cossingar represent? +Who directed the movie, "The Last Waltz"? +What two options are stated as being the choices a person has if found guilty? +Who is Mike Venable? +How was Ted Weisberg able to bring his site back up? +What did the man pack up and drive away in? +What does Aaron Hicklin do for a living? +What position does Donatella Versace have at the company? +Who is a lawyer for Spokeo? +Which group was pleased with the court decision? +How many galleries are at the show? +GreenTech was investigated by the government, the results of which concluded what? +What will allow Mexicans to be able to smoke marijuana without buying or selling it? +China has a plan to keep banks in check, what is it? +What is the name of the victim? +What meeting takes place after the annual General Assembly? +What group did Mr. Kohlberg, Mr. Kravis and Mr. Roberts attempt to form within Bear Stearns? +How many runs did Harvey drive in with a single during the fourth inning? +What do Muslims not do "enough" of? +What is going to happen on Tuesday? +Who was Rousey chasing? +What did Mr. Yates do with the fish deemed too small? +Why is the exhibition A New World to Come fascinating? +What is the Singaporean food that is noodles stir-fried with shrimp and soy sauce? +According to economists, how much will spending increase? +Why did the story go viral according to the priest? +Who were arrested trying to use the passports? +What was the first reason Mr. Heastie gave for traveling to central New York? +What is Sepp Blatter under investigation for? +What kind of customers would bundling the web browser with operating system be good for? +What is Danny Sullivan's job? +What is it the author desired to discover more about? +How many kids did Robert F. Kennedy have himself? +What has Peter Doctor been watching Lately from videos people sent to him from youtube? +Who was the Ginger ring named for? +What is being reviewed? +What food is hard and oval? +When did Visa's CEO say "Sooner is better." +What sea are Russian goods transported on +The natural resonances make it very what? +What have middle-class investors been asking the Chinese communist Party? +What speed is the food that is mentioned? +How many hold outs were there to the decision of financial responsibility? +What did he write in the Foreign Policy magazine? +What did Rep. Ryan say is one of the conditions for taking on the House speaker role? +Which direction of Times Square was Mr. Faulkner standing? +Which party did Kevin Rudd belong to? +How much of his income does Simmons stand to lose if he says anything before he officially leaves ESPN? +Octavio Cisneros holds what rank? +What day were people briefed on the matter of the merger? +What were the diplomats that condemned the raid? +How many more wins do the Panthers need to tie their total wins from last year? +How long would he have to wait in Switzerland to become citizens? +Who does David Monti help recruit? +Where was Barnum's Museum located? +Who's awareness is raised by estimating sales tax in the prices? +What is the film dead wake about? +mayor bill de Blasio's housing plan is set to take how long to finish? +What is the app's strength? +Who was the program's architect? +What is Mr. Renzi attempting to speed up reforms of? +What is the name of the German chancellor? +What will be the topic at the United Nations gathering where Mrs. Clinton will be the keynote speaker? +Who is starting an investigation into Exxon Mobile's foreknowledge of climate change? +The building originally had how many rentals? +What time are the staff members and attendees counting down to? +"Art by Whit" features work from who? +what types of Maker education did Barnes and Noble provide? +What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? +what did trump say about obama? +What do Puerto Rico and Greece have in common? +What group said that they were hopeful the veto would hold up? +Which famous ice cream brand with sustainable practices did Unilever promote? +Where are the bedrooms? +When had Mr. Fox planned to solve the transportation fund deficiencies by? +By being in the program, how much extra do soybean farmers make per bushel? +What could make traditional search engine less central? +What Christian movement was Rev. Brian Sauder part of when growing up in Illinois? +Which country was happy a deeper crisis had been prevented? +In 2015 what was their biggest challenge? +who made a statement on twitter? +Who is Google's search chief? +What medal did the American team win in 2004? +How many votes short did the House Vote fall? +Who was the payment most attractive to? +What organization is mentioned in the passage? +What is the name of the Queens district attorney? +Who is the secretary general of the High Peace Council? +What were the justices analysis based on? +What does Cook think is the future of TV? +what are the natural resonances of instruments? +Where is Steven Pitt from? +Who was Christopher Koopman? +What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? +In what year did model, Tina Chow die? +Who is Facebook's founder? +What movie rating does "Love the Coopers" have? +What city is the Grand Theater located in? +What question did the writer have who wrote in? +What is the name of the play that focuses on Liberia's civil war? +What accents go on the side of the dish? +Who is Russell Brand? +Other than his wife, what is the name of the singer that Kayahan performed his final concert with? +How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? +Harry Reid is holds what position? +Which actor gets naked in Joe Swanberg's new movie, "Digging for Fire"? +What did Claude Julien say Lundqvist had embellished? +How much money did the fund raise in 2015? +Who directed "Macbeth"? +What team did Eichel tell he was the best player? +What did West's bid help Manley do? +Whose firm changed their name? +How much must one pay for a passport in Malta's citizenship program? +What agency releases the figures on personal income and spending? +The Islamic State took over the #2 city in Iraq in what month? +How many years worth of experience about Asperger's syndrome does Alexis Jefferson have? +From where is Chicago coming home from? +what spurned Barnes and Noble to take action? +President Obama said he was going to do what in the last quarter of his Presidency? +Who did the dissident group Pussy Riot protest? +what date will outdoor art projects by available unitl? +What does the abbreviation IRA stand for? +What organization is helping to deal with the flu of refugees? +What do citizen's value? +What is the name of the ship? +What are the names of two tourists who were stranded in New York during the blizzard? +Di Tzeitung had to apologize after digitally removing what politician from a photo? +who was one of the Mr. collingsworth targets ? +What kind of artist was Louise known for her generation? +Who became the colony's governor? +which war would be disloyal somehow? +How many seats where the optimistic Conservatives talking about winning? +How much money was raised for the Huckabee campaign during his previous run? +how many percent offered units? +What incriminating items were found on the scene? +How long did they own the building with them? +Who is the translator for the Ubu Roi play? +What lies do some North Korean defectors tell to gain better employment in the South?? +If all the legislators did as Milne asked, what would the outcome of the election have been? +What is the price of Venn Dormund-Style Lager? +Which horse won the Florida Derby? +What type of recognition was received for the music? +Where did the tourists eat brunch on Sunday? +Who is one of the arts' youngest divas? +Where did Mr. McCulloch defend his handling of the case? +who played the piano on saturday evening? +what disease outbreak is causing higher egg prices? +One of the writers was a former leader in the House of Lords of what? +What group is loosely considered to be part of the Al Qaeda? +What company is behind IMpossible IZZpossible? +What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? +Who wrote An American Tragedy? +How many stars can you give a recipe? +What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? +Which businesses are being sold by DuPont? +What school in the article strongly urged players to vote down the union? +What are the presidential candidates proposing to do in regards to drug prices? +There is a notable absence of what? +How does Jesus change sex rules? +What type of works are in the exhibition A New World to Come? +Who caused the Yankees game to go to extra innings? +What did Dr. Leal remove to study the trunk-ground lizards? +What kind of study is being done with the association? +Freezing works the best at killing which parasite? +What is the majority white? +How many consecutive points did Nishikori get in his match against Wawrinka? +What type of neighborhood was the area around Zaro's historically? +Why was the wreath of flowers going to be laid in Tahrir Square? +Who oversees the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant? +Who went 3 for 11 from the field? +Where and how old was Wilkins when he passed away? +What did McKinsey foresee in their findings? +Which bank issued the report? +Which area did the Taliban overtake three weeks ago? +Who won the Walker Cup again? +Who did Erdogan claim was running the H.D.P. campaign? +How many chain stores were in the Bronx in 2014? +In what interest should lawmakers act in reference to the issue? +Who would try to explain to Sandy who Robyn was? +what did Phyllis Levin compare woman to? +Conservative politicians in the United States are against raising what? +What does the exhibition include? +Which religion is known to make members of the gay community feel ostracized and uncomfortable? +How many percent stake did CVC funds acquire in Virgin Active in 2011? +Who does Ball have the logic of? +What can be this year's literature? +Will Corbyn's plan cause the debt to rise? +What is one of the most painful processes? +Where should you store old tax returns? +What were white plastic globes and shiny party hats used as? +What temperature due you bake it at? +When were the commutations announced? +How many new housing units would be built? +What part of Brooklyn did Joan Shelley perform in? +How did Rousey start the fight? +who was acussed of mistreating workers ? +What two novels was Atticus Finch featured in? +Is Dr. Leal interested in theories about homing lizards? +Who was pressuring government officials? +Who is the candidate running for office? +Who has been accused of exclusionary politics? +What does Land's End use to obtain sales? +Who suggested a cap on outside income? +When did the complaints really start? +When Ms. White moved what did she change? +What might be a cause of the board's decision? +What stylist designed Michelle Obama's dress? +What famous person was Michelle Obama compared to? +What Agency was reported to have surveillance abuses? +Who hosted Scorned: Love Kills and Deadly Affairs? +Who is the editor for the Globe? +On which day of the week was he again talking about "anchor babies" ? +What team is referenced in the paragraph? +Who still wore the Gazprom logo? +what did trump say about mexico? +What cities are referenced in this piece? +What was the suspected cause of the fire? +What is The Great Hall hung with? +What party does Senator Tim Kaine belong to? +How did Michelle style her hair? +How are people around the world supporting the jailed women? +Who argued with the Turkish President? +Who plays The Chicago Cubs today? +Which two states had schools that did not handle their responsibilities properly? +Di Tzeitung is based in what city? +How many individuals were killed in the terrorist attack directed at the magazine Charlie Hebdo? +What position did Selahattin Demirtas have on the H.D.P.? +What didn't Smith make a dent in? +When Arquette was speaking what did Meryl Streep do? +what was the market interest rate on German two-year government bonds as of Friday? +Spike is the name of the flow in what city? +Why were insurgents running away? +What award should Mr. Blatter have recieved +Whatcountry is the Pentagon criticizing? +Which coach had a solemn demeanor? +What was the record temperature in January 2004? +Who shot the ball that goalkeeper Manuel Neuer saved? +In what inning did Randy Verlade score on a single? +Who plays Ted's father in The Boy? +Who was sentenced for incitement by an Israeli court? +Who did J.T. Barrett replace in the game? +Who is the coach for California State Fullerton? +Who was Araeen's journal focused on giving a voice to? +Had Mr. de Blasio proved to be a divisive leader with or without the charisma to lead a great city? +What event offered Porzingis little spontaneity? +Who is in charge of Pace Gallery? +What did the people of Bosso hear? +How did Mr. Garcia describe his feelings about the weather? +Who is Mr. Ingrasselino? +Who gave information on Americans consuming less sugary carbonated beverages? +Did Mr. Yu confess to the police's demands? +During Mrs. Clinton's 2016 campaign, who emerged as a controversial figure? +What was to happen after the interim government was put into place? +What is Goal number 1 for Keflexighi? +In what country is global warming misunderstood? +Who died of heart failure? +Who would go with Sandy to her treatments in Manhattan? +What is a barrier to bringing a drug to the market? +What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? +How much in virtual currency, Bitcoin, was collected over a month? +In which markets is insider trading rampant? +Where could Mr. Norris get free interview clothes and health exams? +What famous tea brand, under the Unilever umbrella, now features certified sustainable tea leaves? +What is Mr. Hatz' role at Porsche? +For how long has Douglas Elmendorf been director of the C.B.O? +By what security forces were the Uighurs detained by? +Why were the Southern Tier hoping for a casino? +What will they be eating Sunday? +What time did the boat stop? +What kind of car was Clarkson driving in Argentina? +What makes his/her to think that Freud underestimated the power of neural mechanisms ? +Besides operations, what can the covered people afford? +Who shot and killed Michael Brown? +What is the name of the people the Israel has been unjustifiably repressing? +Why couldn't Ronnie Stanley accept the captain position on the team? +What position is played by Larry Fitzgerald? +Which newspaper did Mr. Brezner speak with about Mr. Williams in 1985? +Who expected them to know much of the basics? +What does the future of skin care start with? +What is the name of the person that filed the lawsuit? +Which two forces fought each other on Sept. 1, 1939? +What movie did Mr. Bratton reference? +For how many years have the dangers of smoking been known? +What, specifically, did Tian have linked to him? +How many Ivy League colleges are there? +The waitress asked Steve Jobs and his friend what they wanted for what? +Where was he living in the 1990's? +What other soldiers were implicated? +Who announced the sanctions against North Korea? +How many states and cities had sick leave policies in 2011? +What is the unemployment rate considered to be? +What did Archibald Motley paint? +Who is the manager of NASA? +Where was the game played? +What was Mr. Stus nominated for? +Kathleen says Mr. Rasputin is too bold with his nostalgia for what? +What did many reviewers unfortunately come across while using the app? +What does the author think the true nature of conflict in the middle east is about? +How big of a penalty have law enforcement authorities saddled Deutsche Bank with in the last week? +What state are the proposals being made in? +What keeps the people fearful and distraught in the United States? +When is a good time to buy a new router if you haven't in the last three years? +What nationality of people are looking for an independent state? +Who lead researchers at Yale and studied the environment in 150 countries? +What do women who sell sex have to do in order to get help from social services? +how old was Ms English ? +What torture technique did one of the guards threaten to use on Patrick Alexander? +Who maintained some control over the content of the show alongside Espinoza? +what was the name of the obscure law adopted in 1789? +Where did Mike Davis Coach before? +What is the name of the biography? +How old was the student being sought for a fatal shooting? +Who read the book, The Second Sex? +did the probate judge think the hearing was high priority? +When does Ann Getsinger's exhibit leave Roxbury? +What does Mr. Venable recommend to prevent this? +Which one is the method used by 6 of the 7 schools to admit students? +What does Nicholson say everyone on the team has? +What position did Sepp Blatter hold? +In what Ms. Schoenhals wants to turn Cosmo Sex Tip? +Who will be Mr. Cameron's "real opposition", in the words of Mr. Nelson? +Mr. Silver was invited to speak to how many residents at the St. Barbara's Church +what is Philippe Dauman's title? +What is an example of a show Araeen organized? +What did he realize? +How many core members are in China's new feminist movement? +what was the exchange rate from euros to dollars as of Friday? +How much did the sculpture sell for, in euros? +What organization does Scott Albrecht work for? +What other considerations are there? +In which presidential administration did the Supreme Court hear this case? +What country has unattractive yellow tint and heavily cracked marbles? +What area has introduce legislation that may change the voting age. +Where was the cruise ship figuratively headed? +Which had a larger decrease in value, United States crude or Brent crude? +who has the final word on the deal? +how much does The de Blasio administration want to increase the mansion tax by on houses over 1.75 million? +What are the theatrical production values to promote? +At the time of this article, who was the interim president of the Rainforest Alliance? +New Hope has many districts that have been placed in which historic building list? +What did Cindy Whitehead make the first of? +Who, specifically, did Singhal ask his phone about? +Who provided the book "About Caves" to Hicklin? +How far is downtown Seattle? +How many people signed the petition started by Rachael Melhuish? +Who was Kyrgios lumped in with? +On "Broad City" there was a wedding for who? +What did Mr. Makovsky think would be the eventual outcome of the debate? +How many organizations came together to form and organization to mediate the formation of an interim government? +What agency in the US used quantitative easing to push down market interest rates? +Which team will Arizona play this week? +What is the name of the classicist? +In Mr. Canby's opinion, what would the teenagers in "American Grafitti" done to see "Star Wars"? +When have Red Bull cars excelled this season? +How many excerpts from Variations were performed? +According to the author, what should we at whatever job we take on? +Who learned Swedish? +Who is Afleet Alexs son? +Who took a 45-city concert tour of Europe? +What does the novelist demonstrate she understands? +What is Marcelo studying to be? +What accent did the author's mother had? +How many weddings does the Plaza hotel in New York host per year? +What are the majority of inmates confined in B.C.D.C doing? +Why did the prosecutor say that Mr. Hincapie's story didn't make any sense? +What race track was considered to be in a park? +Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? +Which baseball teams was Mattingly apart of? +What is the name of the interior minister of Afghanistan? +Who built the South Africa's Fortress of Racial Prejudice +What has been slightly different each time a reviewer has tried a pizza? +Who was included in the study that showed an effect on death from cardiovascular causes? +Who might DuPont suspect wants to disrupt and break up the company? +Which team was not successful in holding the lead? +How much did Marcato International lose? +How far away from the Canadian border was Mr. Sweat when he was caught by the police? +What building houses Mr. Cardona's business? +How many fish did Mr. Jones deem too small? +What did Daniel Irwin bring to the church? +Who is Greg Prince? +Who ultimately purchased the vehicle? +What type of wizard was Kearse? +Which round of the draft was Tyus Jones eventually taken in? +What might damage Mr. Maduro's govenment in the long run? +Which two individuals designed Prospect Park? +Who did Sidney Loeb teach about water resources development methods? +How many candidates were there after some dropped out? +Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? +How many points did Nic Moore score? +What covered Zhenyuanlong suni's wings? +What are the countries of Muslims who face racial slurs? +What does the food waste dilemma require? +What star may not be powered by fusion? +Why did Ferrari not want to supply Red Bull with an engine? +Who was unhappy with the idea of increased austerity? +What were the Knicks' chances of winning the lottery? +What was Tiziano Terzani's occupation? +The Cabaret Cinema series will end with what movie? +What does the government plan to remove? +what is the film A.F.P? it is a newspaper site +What does Gomez-Rejon do? +What is the condition of the earth along the COlorado? +What is the final date of the show? +what band is at the top of the Billboard chart? +Which show presented in October allows children under 5 for free? +Where did Wanderu first launch? +Who was making serious implications on Dostum's territory? +How much of caregiver care is reimbursed by Medicare? +What is the name of Joan Shelley's second solo album? +the concert hall was ________? +The author was content with their spiritual well being as long as they abstained from what? +What movie were the children watching? +How much did President Obama's budget call for Amtrak funding? +What is the technique called that uses molecular scissors to snip out pieces of DNA and replace it with a different one? +Who is the director of Eclipsed? +What is Basti Lopez currently studying for? +Where and when was Rasheed Araeen born? +Who did Sidney Blumenthal identify as the CIA official sending Hillary Rodham Clinton dozens of memos? +What does the Metropolitan Transportation Authority is trying to? +Who were the three men that told police that Mr. Hincapie had been involved in the robbery? +When was Shelly Silver up for re-election? +How many unanswered points did the Wizards score in the closing minutes of the game? +the equilar study found that percentage was? +When the new National Assembly will be sworn? +What matters in comedy just as much as jokes? +What night did Joan Shelley perform in Brooklyn? +Why do people find it striking? +What is the storm's name? +What had McConnell and the Democrats already agreed on? +What color were James Holmes' pants? +How much has the property value increased? +What state is Charlie Baker the Governor of? +Who are more likely to struggle in new neighborhoods? +What kind of church is mentioned, in terms of its denomination? +What official is a spokesman for the council? +Where will The Coast and the Sea: marine and Maritime Art in America be shown until July 12? +What kind of sauce was on the jumbo shrimp? +Who did West's bid help? +How old was the child that was rescued? +What does Vanity Fair pride itself on? +How many apartments will Simon Baron Development be combining? +Which sister always won matches, according to Venus? +What is Alexander's reaction to Napoleon and Josephine? +Who is the indian leader? +Why do mothers in the red states need to work more? +what does the proposal that Scott Walker backs remove? +Who said he will fallow two acres of his land? +What does the rise of apps diminish? +Who is facing a moral quandary? +What is the second motivation for Mr. Heastie to visit central New York? +Where was Tiziano Terzani from? +What kind of funds are E.T.F.s? +What group is Tonio Fench a member of? +What are the names of Sally's portraits of local girls? +What process does Puerto Rico use instead of bankruptcy? +What groups owned them? +What kind of study were the couple looking for in their requirement adoption? +How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? +Whose mom worked as an editor for the Toledo newspaper? +How many minority dancers have graduated since 2008/2009? +When was Cobb's biography published? +How long did the partnership between United States and Saudi Arabia take to shape? +Why do students socialize less? +What day of the week did LA pass these rules? +What is the name of the Union Carpenter from Meta, Mo.? +Where did Obama speak at on Monday? +What were the 10 Turkish citizens and two Chinese Citizens accused of? +Where is the Stepney Green Underground station? +At what time will the Golden Dragon Acrobats perform? +Who's childhood villages became fodder for one of his most famous works? +How much does Blackrock have in E.T.F.s under managment? +How much is each share? +What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? +Who is Mr. Fox's lawyer? +Who ended this longest home skid? +how old is Harris? +What types of issues did Trian find DuPont to have? +What was inside the handbag that search and rescue team's found? +How long do initial job searches typically last? +Who is Geoffrey A. Manne +How many home run the winner of the league make? +The Decision Maker app works on which operating systems? +Who is Ahmad Chalabi? +Who always waited for someone to pay for their bill? +What day of the week did the New York Times DealBook conference take place? +Is Blatt a rookie coach or a well seasoned veteran? +What advantage does the latest Wi-Fi offer? +Members of what foundation wanted to cancel their exhibition? +Who does stop-and-frisk unfairly target? +What characteristic of the tray she places her mother's meals on? +Who was disadvantaged by their party's support by the nomination of the new President? +When were American troops supposed to leave Afghanistan? +What clay did Cookworthy use in his porcelain? +Who is going to fund and operate the joint venture? +How many new jobs would be created? +Which kind of artist is Entang Wiharso? +Who plays the trumpet? +Which ethnicity are most of the tourists to the village? +What paper was Jason Rezaian writing for at the time? +Which network was involved in a suit? +What were the five members accused of? +For what company is Matthew Wing a spokesman for? +Who is the lyricist of he movie School of Rock? +What is the purpose of a health care collective? +What event is the most closely resembles the competition in an actual game? +Did reality align with or stray from the projections? +Who said that "justice is death"? +What approach does the Fed claim they are taking to their policies? +Who wrote an Op-Ed about Davis on Tuesday? +Which brewer's beers had more of a yeast aroma than that of Black Sheep's? +How many points did Michael Gbinije score? +What is the trade-off for additional policing and sanitation? +Who had the first overall pick in the major league amateur draft? +When was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu running for re-election? +Which city did the Boko Haram attack after crossing the Komadougou River? +Who was the chef of the restaurant? +What political figures fear implication in the defendants' testimony? +What was Amtraks on time rate in the Northeast Corridor from October 2014 to May 2015? +How many homicides occured in New York City in 1990? +Who are the partners of Chef Chung Chow? +What show does haven't to worry about being dropped? +What is Turner still focusing on? +Why do mothers have such a difficult time breastfeeding their babies at airports? +What are the names of the lawyers mentioned in the article? +What day was Ms. Greer's lecture scheduled for? +What was Mark D. Luschini first quote? +What years does the Exhibition For a New World to Come span? +How many times was Neuer beaten? +Who performed better in this week's tests? +How old is Shaimaa al-Sabbagh? +Which type of competition had Venus won twice? +What does Peter Martins do at City Ballet? +Where is the Alger House located? +What occupation was his father? +What building recently reopened as the American embassy? +Who did Barney Frank Marry? +In Obama's example, how many troops would he sent to Syria? +Who couldn't renew his lease? +What does Mr. Saleh say about his wife? +Who does Liz want to make a move? +What was the activist trying to draw attention to with her 1,200 mile trek? +What type of education is likely to positively influence economic mobility and success? +How long has they Syrian crisis lasted? +How does Rep. McMorris Rodgers say Congress is changing? +What is the first political virtue? +What show is known for the visceral pull of mystery and violence? +What is a possible solution to get rid of parasites in fish? +What did Mr. Mondella installed after suffering a break-in? +What is the center connected to? +The FBI recovered a list of what during its November 2010 raid? +What is it that Is claimed Italy is living on? +A verdict given by a jury becomes what? +What is spice? +What is the song with the new video for Hungry Ghosts album? +What university the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education commissioned? +what is the very important indication? +What is the name of the head-up display created by DD technology? +Who is the chief strategist for Rand Paul's campaign? +How many yards short did the boat stop? +Why have many young feminist gone into hiding? +Who visited Fells? +who was the president of sweet briar ? +What's the bigger threat for Google? +How old is Xabi Alonso? +Where was the main character live? +What is predicted to hit earth in the next six days? +Which city has the top spot in the Kauffman Index? +what did a friend tell Amelie when she moved to Manhattan? +What month did Mr. Ghani take office? +What is the name of the prisoner? +Who is the general manager of the Knicks? +What makes the patent protection period so profitable? +Which Justice was upset by the thought of Same-Sex spouses not being buried together? +How fast was the train going before derailment? +What city did the brides father work in? +At this writing, how much has the film "Inside Out" grossed worldwide? +What bid did Mr. Faulkner acknowledge to be a work in progress? +How does Sally think adults have treated her children? +What was the profession of Moussa Mohammad ? +Who is the director of Bridge of Spies? +What percentage of Americans believe that global warming is not caused by people? +Who did Sather's team face in the 2014 finals? +What would be a bonus for Turner if Simmons goes to work for them? +why did people become emotional? +How many eligible voters actually voted in the last election? +What book did Justice Kagan cite? +Who said N.J.I.T was hoping for a completion date? +What claim did the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" make in their 2004 smear campaign against John Kerry? +How many pieces are there in the collection? +How much under the cap are the Knicks projected to be? +What claim does Ms. Harper dismiss in her postings? +How many people watch "Top Gear" worldwide? +How many people are estimated to live in Marble Cliff? +What animal is gelded in the first episode? +In what way does the author suggest you listen to the words? +what was the percent of the neighborhood was hispanic in 2009-2013? +peppered him with questions about ________relations upon his arrival? +What relatives of the Clintons were no longer in the picture by spring of 2016? +Where is the Clinton Correctional Facility located? +What's more important in analyzing the biases inherent in static scoring? +Based from the author, what effect can we have on someone else's lives because of our jobs? +Who was the Secretary of State during this time? +Who hit the double in the game on Monday? +What did the foundation claim about Mr. Rodman's project? +Why use snapchat +Name two cloud computing leaders. +What did Mr. Searchinger say we have one of? +What is the name of the former marine biologist from Brighton Beach? +How long was the column written by Walt Mossberg on Mr. Sorkin? +What company was the groom's father the owner of? +How many people does Indian Railways employ? +Which rookie will be on the forward-line? +Who is willing to pay for Welch Allyn? +In what month did The New York Times conduct an investigation? +What does Hugh do to Jay after they make love? +How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? +What was the title of Lucia Berlin's work that was published after her death? +was rabin was assasanated? +did trump have an information to support his claims? +Who made the recipe for chewy chocolate snowcaps +Which French president planned to have his own commemoration at the Arc de Triomphe? +What kind of injuries did the woman sustain from spilling the cup of coffee? +How does the author describe the struggle? +Who plays Igor in "Victor Frankenstein"? +Who was Madonna supervising? +What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? +What is the EU afraid of happening if the A.L.P. is expanded? +What is one of the clauses in Simmons contract? +What was a problem with worker and environmental protections in NAFTA? +Is there any evidence that an asteroid or any other celestial object will impact Earth on those dates? +What are most of the works in the exhibition A New World to Come like? +What country are the Savak political police in? +What do Puerto Rico and Greece have in common? +How old is Colon in years? +How many of Sweden's top women's rights lobbied for combating prostitution? +What is the name of the team? +What bothers fans of Investigation Discovery the most? +Which bank could fail the test by the end of the year? +What did Keith Rabois invest in? +What is the novelist trying to tell you at the end? +Who acknowledged that the militias were harassing the locals? +Who is the presiding mythical Greek figure in Tempest's "Hold Your Own?" +His round did what? +Matt Harvey had an outstanding game on May 1 against which team? +How should you prepare the turnip? +Who supports a range of research projects? +What's the name of the Rocky Mountain Vet? +Who lives in a numbers-heavy world? +Where did Mr. Jain and Mr. Fitschen want to have clout in? +For how long does Mr. Sharif believe the area will continue to thrive? +What is Alberto Melloni director of? +Who is the editor of the journal Russia? +What should East had bid? +What sort of style or wit is often ? +Which action by the British Military does the Labour Party disapprove of? +How many offers were there beyond asking price? +What day was memorialized? +What voting board is facing criticism for failure to nominate black actors? +How much Huntington was spending on phone calls? +What size is the city? +What did fines and settlement produce as a consequence? +Who was a poet but not a novelist? +Who is the deputy secretary of the Interior Department? +Where was Mr. Watkins from? +Where did Alvin Kamara transfer from? +What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko +What did the pope lump abortion along with, during his Washington visit? +What was the ad "Bill de Blasio, Mayor" promoting? +Who described Syrian migrants as "swarms"? +Who was the president of Rolling Stone during this period? +Who is studying thier masters degree in social work in New York University? +Who founded Gawker? +How many times did Larry Fitzgerald top 1,000 receiving yards in a season? +Who else made a similar mistake to the one that Cruz made? +What year did Tiant win two games against Cincinnati Reds in the World Series? +what causes the data fluctuations? +What is Young hitting this season? +When did Mike Huckabee first run for president? +What are the women cautiously hopeful for to quickly change their situation? +What was the concept that Jeff Davis's suffering furthered? +How much has Deutsche Bank's revenue from investment risen to? +Who is the young transgendered person featured in the TV show "All That Jazz?" +Who did LVMH hire after online trend becoming more challenging? +How old was the daughter of the 3rd defendant when he died in prison? +The premiere of the new movie by this filmmaker will happen after which event? +Where is the Buffalo Trace Distillery located? +What was Michael Jordan's rate for the finals alone in 1993? +What game show is the app similar to? +What is it that Halves refers to in the text? +Who could pressure Maduro? +Feelings you get from the film would be? +What is College Street Music Hall's website? +What kind of case study is Swanberg's new feature? +What was more perplexing than the pizza dishes? +How many people were confirmed dead because of the tornado? +What are some ramifications from having Title IX? +When did cave lions become extinct? +Who lost the game? +What is the Hallmark Channel known for? +What kind of refrigerator was the kitchen renovated with? +How much money was raised by the event in total? +Where did he announce his presidential run? +What does God do when we fail? +What university did the bride graudate from? +Which two states have the most severe water management challenges? +Which critic was considered incredibly hard to impress? +What group of people don't want to hear about Hillary Clinton's email anymore, according to Bernie Sanders? +Where was the annual AIDS walk held? +What did Dr. Leal use to track the paths of lizards? +Who came forward to swear she had not seen Mr. Hincapie on the subway platform when the murder happened? +What position does Adrian Peterson play? +Who is the music by? +What else did the man see when he was on the other side? +What occupation did the stranger have? +How many points does Materiality have? +What do corporations have a history of? +Who play Alex? +Who wrote the screenplay for "Steve Jobs"? +What auto maker evaded pollution testing with illicit software? +When was porcelain invented? +What does Deutsche Bank call their reorganization plan? +Which actor plays the uptight guy in "Digging for Fire"? +Who trained the A.L.P.? +From who has the International Center for Law and Economics received funding? +Where was Mr. Watkins visiting from? +When did Alaskan's begin to receive dividends from oil royalties. +Who is Bugun's editor in chief? +What is the main institution that turns unskilled individuals into skilled ones? +Who wants gay superheros to be normal? +who welcomed the agreement? +The foundation choose who to be in charge of the exhibit? +What is "upstream surveillance"? +What happened to the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index in response to Clinton's statement? +Who always offers to pay? +What is hitting the US market? +Who didn't play until the Olympic semifinals due to a concussion? +What is in going down? +What disease is mentioned in the passage? +How must channel swimmer begin? +What type of instrument Mr. Bridges plays at the end of his main set? +How many classes are provided by the United States Army? +What did the I.S.S. find DuPont's growth margin to be? +What is sunlight used for? +Where does the food come from that is kept on the rides? +What were her comments unlikely to do for proponents of gun laws? +When was Rob Lane shot? +What type of person was Ms. Goldberg hoping to buy the house? +Where was the article by Xinhua published? +Who conducted the American Symphony Orchestra? +What is Hana Abdullah keeping a record of? +Who is the Miami’s top private pathologist? +Was Collins ever drafted? +What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? +What did the American give up when he moved to St. Kitts and Nevis? +Which two phone types does Wanderu support? +Who is wearing a bespoke three-piece suit? +What type of authority do states and cities have to protect against gun violence? +In Eskisehir, who is the leading industrialist that was mentioned? +What is the soccer league that Liverpool plays? +Since when has uber contested the filing of the suit? +According to the author, who would have a hard time preaching original Catholic text about sex? +Who is the Academy's President? +Who sent the box? +Who was Geoffrey Holder married to? +Who is the Yankees manager? +Who said that too many writer friends have died of alcoholism? +What spacecraft mission helped end the year with hope? +What did Kenneth Rexroth say was perhaps the best ever book by an American? +When did Kiev ask the US for help? +Who is the person describing the home? +What gender have all secretary general's been? +Who is involved in the most recent negotiations? +how old did Ms Levin allege that the modern woman was? +How long did the trial last? +In "Empire" tonight Lyon goes to the extremes to save what? +How often did the author miss a deadline? +What sort of relations have blossomed and wilted between Russia and Netherlands? +What is the nationality of the attacker? +What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko +What year was The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 released? +How many homers did Swanson have? +Who is the VP for North American manufacturing and labor relations for GM? +What causes dead trees to lose their branches and turn into stumps? +Chad Griffin is president of which campaign? +What share of DuPont's shareholder base is comprised of retail investors? +How many small cars were recalled last year? +The author of Prudence believes that what type of personality trait can kill people? +How much of Syria's population roughly has been displaced by it's civil war? +How many chain stores were in the Bronx in 2015? +In Mr. Rodham's income projection for the Haiti deal, he had hoped to cover what expenses? +What is the giant satellite called? +What percentage is viewership up this season? +Which official has changed his decision on military expansion? +Where is Huntsville located? +What is the name of the movie starring Sandra Bullock? +Who is Marcelo Aguirre? +What foundation was Porzingis affiliated with at a charity in the Bronx? +Where is the N.Y.U. apartment for the president? +Who is a competitor of ESPN? +How many prisoners normally are in the space? +Who rode the rental van from West Virginia to Maryland? +What is the cost for Artie Vierkant's talk? +Where was the location of the reef where the boaters were stranded? +Who holds onto the phone and package during the show? +What did Angela Merkel express regarding her acceptance of the deal? +What can hip-hop dance address? +How long have the activists been protesting? +Who originally innovated bans on interracial marriage? +What does one of Mr. Norris's brothers in law do? +Where did the brides mother work? +What names were given to the genitalia? +Who is the chairperson of the New York State Affordable Housing Association? +How much more potent can synthetic marijuana be in relation to organic marijuana? +What are the first few digits of pi? +How many parents receive the payments? +Who is Mario Santoyo? +where were defendants put on trial? +Who was at the hospital with the victim? +What were the names of two dictators that many Tunisians suffered torture because of? +what type of investments do Mutual fund analysts think are dangerous? +Where was Mr. Levenson visiting when he disappeared? +Where is Hill-Rom based? +Who is responsible for counting the water used by Needles? +What street is Comix at Foxwoods located on? +Where is the distillery located? +What church had a vote on wednesday? +What was the score of the game? +Why did Mr. McCarthy rise through the republican ranks so quickly? +What do the doctors who examined Mr. Shin believe? +What kind of race was Reims? +Has the number of police stops risen or fallen? +How many euros does it cost to become a citizenship of Malta? +What did Sander's tell Clinton people were sick of hearing about? +What have schools started placing more emphasis on? +Who are the two heroines of the film 'Frozen'? +What would be a good thing? +Who writes about the Pakistanis? +What did the new chest x-ray show? +Who are the artists performing? +How much money did the New York attorney general fine Career Education Services? +Who owns Sky? +What band created the songs that the Mets' players were singing? +What did Mr. Turnbull use an expletive in describing? +What NBA player became a San Antonio Spur as a star free agent? +How many touchdowns were there in the fourth quarter? +When was Rolling Stone's "heyday"? +Where are the Eagles ranked in the NFL in terms of average points scored per game? +How many players have at least 70 plate appearances each? +Who was the first to explain chemical reactions involving petroleum compounds? +In which day has been made the announcement of the Education Department? +What is a growing source of Gawker Media's revenue? +What made the author unsure of whom to side with for several pages? +What two items did Ms. Upi say she bought with her new earnings? +Streaming allows for audiences to read recap and do what else? +What does architects created in the 70's? +Who was the maker of Botox? +What color were memorial shirts usually? +When did Ms. Quick tell her daughter she lied? +What motivated Mr. Cooper's character going to London? +Which voters are strongly for Hiliary Clinton? +How many days did physical tests last? +What is Chancellor Angela Merkel doing with big business? +Who is the male lead of "Machine-Gun Kelly"? +Who is at the center of the Rehearsal process according to Ms MacKinnon? +What did the discovery of Dr. Shatz's letter mean? +How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? +What year did the assault weapons law expire in? +What is the author's name? +What unit is unable to block effectively? +What were Republican measures to require photo identification stymied by in recent years? +Who is the file clerk that is now invisible? +What instrument was he writing his concerto for? +What is the Brooklyn Law School tuition-reimbursement program trying to help? +What brand of software does Google run? +Ted William's 43rd home run was played where? +Who died? +What American city is mentioned? +Who is a glam rock star in this play? +What nation seized land in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war? +Where did the N.J.I.T find a temporary spot? +Which political party is more likely to say they are angry with the federal government? +What is one of the specific things he tried to learn from Al Horford? +what was the young man concealing from his father? +What is the brief against standard production? +Where did they have protests? +Where does Hicklin buy "Little Dickens" tea? +What is the name of the president of Planned Parenthood? +What was the rent of Mapplethorpe's rent? +What does Leive think everybody does better if? +When did Lucia Berlin cease to be alive? +What temperature should you freeze a fish to kill the parasites? +How long did it take to rebuild the boat? +What charges did Mr. Yu face? +what do people expect to happen when they sell negative yielding bonds? +What was the anthropologist's correct last name? +Why Newberg want consideration for a casino? +What does BRAC stand for? +Where is Snowden now? +How long did it take David Sweat to saw a hole at the back of his cell? +What was beneath the prison? +Who is the co-chief executive of Deutsche Bank? +What time does the Blackberry Smoke show start on June 26th? +What sport did the author participate in? +What is the nickname of the person laying on the floor? +What is the sound that was made by the streams heard by the author? +what do the videographer projections point to +How big is the building? +What has a tight and inescapable link? +What type of drinks did the two meet over? +Who is working on a career in film making? +For what crimes did Mr. Harrell served several sentences in prison? +Is Investigation Discovery more popular among men or women? +Did the person follow the rules? +How many parking lots does the home have? +Who helped to establish Picasso in Barcelona? +What is Starbucks' market value? +When cells divide, what happens to their telomeres? +Who is the baby in the custody of? +Who is the largest maker of A.T.M.s? +How much will it cost to attend the dinner "for six hands?" +What is Monday's shift in Deutsche Bank shares in Frankfurt trading? +Why is the support of his rival needed for the Italian Prime Minister? +What items were banned in the authority's list? +When type of engagement will help people be more successful? +What did the company pick up? +What is the last day one can catch the Love's Labour's Lost show? +What was Rousey's fighting discipline? +With PEPS, what does one touch to unlock the door? +How many other cases are there that include people of colour not getting air time about? +Who was Israeli trying to reduce tensions with? +Who is the most recent person to resign amidst the investigation? +What was the name of David Ganek's fund? +What is Dr. Robert Anderson's speciality? +What is the name of the Time Editor? +The aforementioned services from apple cost what? +On what day will Hewlett-Packard realease its fourth quarter earnings for 2015? +Is retroactively installing rail lines cheap or expensive? +In which area was the A.L.P. particularly ineffective according to the EU? +In how many countries is "Top Gear" shown? +how many people were injured in the bombing? +Who were referred to as little green men? +Why was there a suspension of some electronic tax filings? +Why wouldn't you delete them? +What year is Joan Miró’s clairvoyant masterpiece from? +How many more fans at a Mets game are needed to fill Citi Field? +How many bedrooms are on the second floor? +Where should you save the recipes that you like? +Who plans to participate in the United Nations Development meeting? +What do the public faces odf the Ex-Im battle mask? +Who is the bride's father? +What new bill did senators propose? +Which party led New Jersey's legislature when Mr. Fox was hired? +What was there no significant difference in between all of the studies? +What effects have months of lobbying had on the bill? +Which reservoir is owned by the Government? +What happened when Ms. Bedford Said she wanted to do a coloring book for grown ups? +What was the German Empire not able to deal with? +How long was Michael D'Andrea head of the C.I.A.? +Which large city is Marble Cliff close to? +Where was the baby found? +How long before the FIFA's elections did some of its members get arrested? +What got him off the court? +What was around the ground in her old neighborhood? +When was Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings released? +Which elected official is originally from the Bronx? +What team is Hansel Robles on? +What does Madonna call it when she works on tracks in person? +What should you use instead of the normal thermostat? +What genre were Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock they known for? +What food was meaty and tender? +What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? +Who had scars on his ankles? +Who lasted just 5 innings? +Which car company was involved with the scandal? +what kind of outer garment did Georgie wear while being elected? +Who is the fire chief of Cisco? +Where is Rohit Deshpande a professor? +How many deaths a year are caused by rail crossing accidents? +What is the occupation of Stanley Leake? +What did Porzingis surprise the children from Garden of Dreams Foundation with? +What program would the bill renew? +Who play hockey at Princeton? +Where was Mr. Reed warmly received? +What decade were rates introduced as a statistic? +What two weapons was used to break down a door? +Why do we need to undertake a giant replumbing project across the West? +Who has superior reach? +what day of the week does Parliament face a confidence vote? +What private group organized Boston's bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympics? +Who was interviewed in the video released by Pyongyang's propaganda officials? +who reported about Mr. Pope and his collections? +What type of percussion was used to accompany the chamber tone poem "Origin of the Harp"? +When was the last time the All Star Game took place in New York? +What kind of attacks were there in Jerusalem? +What percentage of American men currently smoke? +The author's believes his family could fill a team of which sport? +What community was involved in the attack? +Who killed Muhammad Abu Khdeir? +Which school has a strong financial standing? +In how many districts in Tianjin's driving restriction in effect? +Where are Chryl and Madifing getting married? +How many nominating contests had Huckabee won at this point? +Where is he moving to? +What is the health department distributing to influence parents? +how much are Redstone's media assets collectively worth? +Were there any deaths reported? +How is Mr. Singhal trying to reinforce Google's web-based search? +Who has the most rushing yards for the Iowa Hawkeyes? +What do a lot of buyers prefer to use the extra mantel space for? +Who was Slimane's former army compatriot? +In what year was the begging of Hippie Modernism? +What justice does he hope will be done? +The F.D.A does not recommend these techniques if the fish is thicker than what? +Which department was responsible for the harsh policies? +Who wrote the recipe for brown bread? +What notion is at the center of the story? +During which event did Obama tell Congress to pass a bill? +What city is the company Yondr based in? +What was the Labor Department's announcement that they would be working to solve problems with managers of retirement savings accounts? +What criteria was the router test performed on? +How many films is Pixar releasing this year? +the first was the role jazz played during the__________? +Where did Picasso's family settle from when he was a teenager? +What tests did Eichel perform the best in? +When was the most recent settlement by the jail? +What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? +What is the name of the program that helps law school graduates? +Who had grown appointed with "established" science? +Visa europe's value disregards premiums and what else? +What pitcher for the Cubs is considered a war horse? +What was the result of the autopsy? +What are the Penguins not doing? +What is best known for its use in Wong Kar Wai's luxurious film? +who did the sanctions affect most? +From what college did Brigid graduate from? +What's the first one according to Dr. Lam? +What fund was raided to prop up Bombadier's financial situation? +What should people think in to become more mindful? +Who called the economy godless and lawless? +How old is Upi Hariwati? +What did the devices do better on? +Who win the race? +Who compose Viva Navarra? +Is the annex going to cost taxpayer dollars? +What are the co-determinants in mishearing ? +Visa's europe branch is worth how much? +Which alerts trigger driving restriction regulations in Tianjin and Beijing? +Who briefed the reporters? +What name was proposed as a spin off of the show "Scream Queens?" +When was Sandy's memorial service held? +What was the firm accused of on social media? +What was shown to have increased online ? +What was the street entertainment? +Which country is now the leader for Tupperware sales? +What are gun violence experts interested in? +What was an art piece that stood out from the rest? +What has happened with Israel's methods? +Whose death caused riots in Baltimore? +What does a reliable government provide to avoid a cash scramble? +What id Garcia write? +When did the detentions take place? +How many people did police say were killed in Charleston? +What is one restaurant that was closed due to the inclement weather? +Who did Mr. Robins represent? +Who was the Ukrainian officer? +Contact with the Westerners bought widespread death to who? +What state was Barney Frank a representative of? +Who is Mr. Renzi a political figure for? +Buyers may have to do what at the end of the decade? +When did Mercedes withdraw from the race? +What type of effective response did the government have? +How many seats in the Parliament did the smaller parties win? +How many factors does the search chief oversee? +Where was Dr King when he wrote his letters? +What did Ms. Mizrahi-Rubel open to view her uncles archives? +What do most people want to get right? +What did the other diner state? +To avoid this error you should move what files instead? +How long has Lundqvist had is goalie coach? +How many runnings of the Kentucky Derby have there been? +What event occurred in 2008 that caused voters to to become ideologically polarized? +When does the company give out their bonus? +What won the event in 1952? +What government ask the US for help? +How does the Times consider these crossings? +Who does Mr. Rousell fear is among migrants comng to France? +What was the scandal regarding cheating about? +When were the boaters stranded? +How many nations are in the eurozone? +What did Anthony Caro's sculptures make use of? +Article to the article, what phrase sounds like the motto of Obama's last two years in office? +What institute is David Makovsky a part of? +What do some defectors lie about that some North Korean defectors can detect? +What were customers buying at Zaro's? +What day was the class action lawsuit granted? +Who is the president of Afghanistan? +On what day is the celebration being held? +What book was published in 1960? +Who did Mr. Hai accuse of seeking to punish him? +Where was Irwin Schatz born? +Who did Office Munoz arrest? +How long is the film? +How are DuPont's earnings in 2015 expected to compare to its 2011 earnings? +Bonobos considers catalogs to be what? +How many searches are done on Google in Europe? +What do some European groups need to do? +What alternative did the 11,000 virgins forgo in choosing to become martyrs? +Who was unsure about the cases of the increase in spice emergencies? +What was the special federal tax credit meant to attract to the island? +How many trips to Haiti has Mr. Capponi made? +Is there a guarantee of definite safety from the use of Navdy's device? +What percent of urban Chinese households held stock? +What is the name of the fund company that does not have any leveraged loan E.T.F.s? +Who made Allach porclain? +Who is the artistic director at the theatre? +What fear do women have besides fear of eviction? +Which book tells the story of a boy working at his parents store? +What nationality is the speaker's grandmother +What generation does this person belong to? +Which director of Selma wasn't nominated for an oscar? +What month the award for the league? +What did Jerome Kohlberg focus on after retirement? +How many fairy godmothers are there? +On what day did the U.S. expand sanctions on North Korea? +When would the proposed bill step up reporting to the federal background check system? +Who was a long time speaker of the NY state Assembly +How long did Singhal and his team spend building products? +What is the name of the professional basketball team in Cleveland? +In addition to Christians, what other religious group discusses what God meant in the first chapter of Genesis when he granted human beings dominion over all other beings? +What does the app let you to explain? +What country is Darnah in? +What was Atticus Finch perceived as fighting in the Deep South? +When was the reconciliation agreement signed? +What borough is Mr. Bharara the U.S. attorney for? +What does OK Go have an innovative eye for? +What kind of distractions are a threat to drivers? +Did it help him to use the term "anchor babies"? +How much did Dr. Benson's first nursing home cost per month? +What did the extortionist do when one of the Bitcoin advocates didn't pay them? +What is Molly Moon's offering to their employees? +How long was the trial? +What kind of deli shouldnt be required to cater events for the Nation of Islam? +What was a Greentech trying to get for their Chinese Investors? +after going to management school where she went ? +What exploded into white hot flames? +What museum is located at 150 West 17th Street in Chelsea? +Who posted a self-portrait photograph? +How many shows did Adrienne earn from New York Fashion Week? +What percentage of men play videogames? +What did Jason Pierre-paul lost during an accident? +Was Mr. Trump referring to maternity tourism? +During what season did Rose got another injury? +Who is an example of how to be a really, truly good person? +What does the person advocate that leaders cannot be? +What are young people attracted to? +Did there appear to be any challengers to McCarthy's ambitions to be speaker? +Mr. Draghi says the decline rate in the Euro is natural outcome of diverging policies between what two areas? +Prior to Monsignor Harrison's arrival at St. Joseph, how long had it been since its organ was operational? +James and Brown are different in which two aspects? +Who is the president of Fiat and Ferrari? +what school did the dean offer to get Georgie into? +What did the couple do in Amman, Jordan? +What was the traditional way for criminals to receive ransom payments? +Name three of his postwar masterpieces? +What is the height of the mural in Chimbote? +When did Corea and Hancock live together? +What is the Vassar College's website? +What did Mr. Milne ask lawmakers to ignore, and vote according to their districts' choices? +What are the costumes a nod to? +What is the trial about? +How were developers going to bring back Nevele? +Do non-profits have to disclose their donors? +Where was Mr. Cruiz speaking in on Thursday? +What does this move mean for Johannsson? +What is Kelly McGonigal's profession? +Who is Sather's assistant? +Who portrays Lili Elbe in "The Danish Girl"? +What age-range were the athletes? +What Mr. Bridges used to do in between songs? +Which companies other than Tesla offer apps to unlock cars? +In the matchup between the Eagles and the Redskins, which team is thought to have the worse offense? +What is almost more satisfying than anything else? +How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? +By understanding their own history what can Germany avoid being distracted about? +Have Pixar releases generally been successful at the box office? +To which new date was the implementation postponed? +When Nishikori had a match against Wawrinka in last years United States Open, who won? +What is the name of the evil fairy character? +Who leads Iran's negotiations? +What did Gary Cohn say that he had no real concern about? +What was the calamari coated with? +What kind of position was based on faith? +How many Keflexghi's Marathons in New York did he finish under the current masters record? +Besides being precious what was another attribute of the stones Ms Mizrahi-Rubel was trained to work with? +What is rapidly increasing in popularity? +What is Court TV Network home of? +How long was Steinem an editor for a magazine? +What inspired the start-up company of DD technology? +Where have the manufacturing jobs in Missouri moved to? +Who is the head of Playboy? +How is spiritual striving expressed? +For how many innings did the game on Sunday run? +What will persist whether or not marijuana use is legal? +What kind of viewpoint regarding gays and other social issues? +What was said in an email statement by Dolan regarding Thomas' guilt or innocence in the harrassment case? +How long did Mr. Callender persuade the BBC to wait for Mark Rylance? +Where do the volunteers writing articles in Wikipedia come from ? +When and what dental procedure did Mike Isaac have done? +Whta is the banner of the opposition in Venezuela? +Where might you purchase a magazine? +Who is Guy LeBas? +Where did the police posted a picture of the three-foot alligator? +Who made the film Burnt? +What does the author pose as one key reason for why average Americans do not support more active intervention? +What kind of reptile did Dr. Leal study? +How did McConnell think the Senate had been doing at the time of the article? +Who did the study on gaming habits of middle and high school aged people? +What positions the Assembly can remove? +What reaction do investors have to the sale of the Postbank network of branches? +What is the name of the Coach who contacted Pierre-Paul? +How many signatures did All Out collect in their petition regarding the detainees? +Who stated that over a hundred thousand Americans have died due to believing stress is bad for you? +Are voice messages sent instantaneously? +What did people worry about if silver was found guilty? +What percentage of male gamers identify as gamers? +Who did he read about being involved in the riots? +What quarter did fans participate in a Karaoke performance? +Where does Song Tairan work? +Who retired abruptly? +What country would be invited to contribute to the Navy's offensive naval warfare effort? +Raiding what was considered an aggressive move by the government? +How many members did Virgin Active have as of Dec. 31? +What happens if one borrower cannot pay? +Is Towns willing to share details of what Garnett is teaching him? +Who worries that bodycam footage will not be made public? +Where is Ms. Sassoon? +What does Australia's political turmoil date to? +How many of Venus' questions were actually about Serena? +On which team does Cam Newton play? +what was drummond ? +What might be controversial about body cam footage? +What do the teachers want the dancers to do? +Who is Tiziano Terzani to the writer +What is a good quality for a regulator to have? +What does Mr. Cameron think the Airstrike will not make the country of Britain? +What has led to the situation of marketplace confusion? +Kenneth Bragg holds what position in a politic party? +What was the rejected senate vote count? +What happened? +Who is the new commissioner? +Who criticized Cuomo's support? +What was the name of Cardiff University's vice chancellor? +Who reviewed data on each finalist? +In what year did Tunisia's street rebellion occur? +Who claimed that they won the battle in Northern Syria? +This building would not be able to earn landmark status for what specific reason? +What did the latest version of iOS enable users to do? +Which justices joined Ms. Kagan's dissenting opinion? +What does Begley make no mention of? +Paul D. Ryan is a representative of which state? +Which pianist will perform Carnaval and Fantasie? +Did the person start an organization before junior high? +Who is the editor-in-chief for Al-Ayam newspaper? +Bombadier also received an additional one billion dollars from where? +How many grand slams did Mattingly hit in the middle of July? +What is the time period needed for Iran to meet the requirements of the agreement? +Where was Sidney Blumenthal testifying? +What animation house produced "My Neighbor Totor" and "Grave of the Fireflies"? +What is the name of the president and chief operating partner of Goldman Sachs Group? +How many children where in Meb Keflezighi's family? +Who choreographed "The Creation"? +Which actress plays the role of Mary Mapes? +Where was the unveiling of the cubs? +Who is the director of The Martian? +What is the name of the prison located in Beacon, New York? +Who did Mr. Faulkner pledge that he would get along better with than Mr. de Blasio? +What is the ADX covered in? +The chairwoman continued the plans for what reason? +What action by Mr. Meyers did the police say led to the officer firing his hand gun? +How does the author describe his level of consciousness during the experience? +What have the activists pioneered? +Who is William Schubert? +What website carried an excerpt of Scott's memoir? +When is the panel discussion on Saturday? +At what time of day was the flight supposed to arrive at Gatwick? +Who increased the viewership average even more? +How many areas depend on the tanker deliveries for water? +Why would cutting corporate tax promote economic growth? +How long ago did the Triceratops live in North America? +What was the author taking refuge in, instead of being present? +Who plays Will's twin daughters? +When will Mr. Kissin repeat his program played on Tuesday evening? +Who was jokingly mentioned as never sleeping while commanding American forces in Afghanistan? +Who was the 17 year old student killed by police officers? +Where was the interview posted? +he said it powerfully through his_________? +The athlete was asking fashion experts about the latest what? +Where has Paige Decker been largely confined to since leaving a consulting job in Boston due to her health? +By what year is the land expected to raise 70 percent of the global apetite for food? +What is the average annual amount purchased by those who use catalogs? +What physical reaction did the author experience as he was being prayed for? +Who is Megan Konar? +What member of the group died? +What type of deals did Mr. Kohlberg like to focus on? +What is Kenneth's specialty as a Scholar? +What is one metric used to identify potential shooters? +What corporation bought Chronicle Publishing? +What are people looking for when they go to a search engine? +What was the name of the new investment firm Mr. Kohlberg started after leaving Bear Stearns? +Jean Pisani-Ferry works as a policy adviser to which countries government? +Who attended Pope Francis' visit to Congress last month? +What type of exhibition is the Swedish Wodden toys exhibition? +Where did LeBron play before returning to Cleveland? +What was the range of the test? +What did the ruling against Microsoft find? +What type of aircraft is mentioned? +How many times did Boehner have to tell McCarthy that he was retiring? +Who starred in Birdman and ran in his underpants? +Who had done earlier research? +Who took the final shift? +What's the estimated cost per unit of retrofits? +Where is the "Through the Looking Glass: Daguerreotype Masteworks From the Dawn of Photography" being shown? +Who is president of the New York State Bar Association? +How much did HP pay for each Aruba share? +what was the profession of Susan H. Farbstein? +Why are so many of Iran's cities polluted? +Norrie thinks that the judge's ruling is reflective of her aversion to what? +When did Stein preside over the avant-garde salon? +What implements were implicated in disease outbreaks at various hospitals? +How many people were killed at minimum due to the defect? +How many components does Dr. Lam and Dr. Ohayon require? +What proof was there of the deplorable conditions? +Which pair star in Wild Tales? +Who was Kevin Kline playing against when his injury happened? +Which new product did Google allow a few reporters to test? +How long did the directive by Vincent go without being updated? +B building was considered Management-intensive why? +Does Navy's device have Bluetooth or wireless capabilities? +Who could the fictional Atticus be imagined defending? +How much was Mr. Rodman expecting from the housing deal in Haiti if it went through? +What year did the baseball players strike? +What is Mrs. Geller's job? +What are the 3 things women who sell sex are not checking for when meeting men? +Who shot and killed Brandon Tate-Brown? +In what area of Iran is Pouze Khoon located? +Who approved a warrant? +What did the Saudi's term the economic agenda? +Who should read to a child as soon as possible and use expressive gestures? +What does the union advocate for? +What is a long game? +What types of seasonings did the chicken breast sit in? +Which companies are experimenting with ways packages can be delivered to people's trunks? +For what crime does Mr. Pearson was incarcerated? +Hoe many states and cities passed sick leave policies during the past year? +In what state are these women despite not having men looking them up? +Which school ids Daniel Esty from? +What did Jeb Bush's supporters say he needed to learn? +what errors should be avoided? +Who was the front-runner? +What does Apples search engine allow them to potentially do? +What other taxes are being considered? +What years was Mr. Medvedchuk a member of Parliament? +How much did consumer prices in fall in November? +What happened to Silver on Thursday +What helps reduce the copious amount of paperwork? +How long was the recitation of the verdicts? +The new rules that the Labor Department is working on are targeted at investment managers who handle what? +Who started the craze for the adult coloring book in South Korea? +Where did Torey Moore live? +Is the writer a frequent traveller? +What state assemblyman was recently indicted by Mr. Bharara? +What types of laws did Jerome Kohlberg support efforts to overhaul? +What industry is Gazprom in? +What should be targeted by the Fed as a third metric? +Where, at Univ. of Conn. can I see "Summer Exhibition"? +Parasites infest raw and undercooked what? +How many hostages were killed in the drone strike? +Who was Tziano having a familiar chat with? +What state is at the top of the state ranks in the Kauffman Index this year? +How much does the ferry weigh that Korea is trying to raise? +How many trials were conducted with 7,200 participants about outcomes of reduced sodium intake? +What is the name of the person which says that various Giants officials had contacted Pierre-Paul? +What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise +How many centrifuges does Iran hope to obtain? +What is this figure made out of? +Who was Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi? +Which types of drug concepts are not offered patents? +When did relations between Israel and Palestinian Authority take a turn for the worse? +how far back in time does the concept of tenure go? +Who was convicted of tampering with a police investigation? +What are they prisoners of? +Where will the registered offices be? +What was the number of the circuit in which the court disagreed? +From what school is the son graduating from? +Who did the diplomatic deal present a dilemma for? +Where was the NASA office located? +What margin this candidate should have? +A plan in 2013 proposed selling what for £650,000? +Where was Mr. Cradle arrested on drug charges? +What is Net-a-Porter's sales profit last year? +In what year did Monsignor Harrison start work at St. Joseph? +At what age did Mr. Huang join the army? +What caused traffic to back up in Hungary? +Who thinks that test screening is the best way to refine jokes? +What is the length of The Last Witch Hunter? +What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? +Who is police chief in Santa Cruz? +Can individuals do much about information stolen in broad data breaches? +Who did the ball deflect off of? +Who scored third period goals? +What was the negotiations with Iran about? +How many bacteria might a surgical forceps harbor after use? +How many misdemeanors were the sky divers convicted of? +What job position did the inside information source hold at Level Global? +Who does Mr. Norris say he owes? +What fundamental pillar of democracy is at stack ?? +Where is Gordon College located? +How do we know that the filmmaker's movie has a tone of inconsistency +What did the editorials in Chinese state-run newspapers celebrate? +How many hours of deliberation did the jury take? +What might help DuPont, as with most other sizable corporations? +What country does Mr. Ghani reference as hoping to not see a repeat of? +Who had their first session of Parliament as prime minister on Tuesday? +What causes many of the problems for the animals? +What has Mrs. Obama done as well as any other first lady? +When was Benjamin Button born? +What suprise did Mr. Putin announce two years ago? +How many legislators voted against their constituents? +Essa-Pekka Salonen is what? +What were inside the two huge boxes? +Jahlil Okafor was in school when he won a championship - in what year of school was he in? +Mr. Rodham describes his occupations as what? +What source was the rally going on for? +What in your home does not probably get cold enough to freeze the parasites? +What's known of Mr. Hall's leadership? +What is the deadline for the final assessment? +In spite of his humility, what does Pope Francis acknowledge about himself? +What was Ms. Mizrahi-Rubles grandfather known for being? +What's a public health issue? +What does the Fourth Amendment protect ? +What are the performers' impressive specialty steps? +What's an alternate app that can be used instead of ChoiceMap? +How was their actions filmed? +What did Mrs. Clinton remind voters of? +What nation was occupying the Palestinian territory? +Who ordered the studies begun from the Bureau of Reclamation? +Who was an old general manager for the Cubs? +What foundation was Mrs. Clinton corresponding with during her tenure at the State Department? +Which country has become a major movie producer in the USA? +Is the lodge profitable? +Out of the three partners, who wanted to purse hostile takeovers? +Who gave information regarding the risks of consuming meat? +In which country is the Red Bull energy drink company located? +On what day of the week was the blood drive taking place? +The 2014 French documentary on at 8:30 P.M. examines what war? +Who did Nashville outshoot by 14-3 +What is the name of the Denver flower? +Who is struggling because of the lack of water? +Would community health centers be affected? +Who abducted the triplets? +Where does the company Rubenstein's Communications set up their firm? +What does al-Sham think will hurt more than violent war? +Where did Donatella Versace last see Fairchild? +What is the name of De Beers brand? +What is the name of the book mentioned in the passage? +What percent of Americans are in the labor force? +How many classes are provided by the United States Army? +Has the number of Swedes in favor of a ban on the sale of sex increase or decreased? +Who is the subject of this passage? +By when will China's security regulators lift the moratorium on new stock market listings? +What was the projected second quarter growth rate revision +At what village did the rides end at? +Who do the Cavaliers play in the N.B.A. finals? +What other countries besides Russia does ADV do business in? +What can a drug patent holder do during its patent period? +How many points ahead has Bayern regularly been of the next closest team during the Bundesliga this season? +By home much did Bank of America overstate it's capital by? +Who was the editor of the Minimalist? +What city was Steve Jobs sitting with a mutual friend in a Four Season's hotel restaurant? +How long was Lundqvist out last season? +What could the cuts laid out in the Conservative manifesto cause in the country? +What were the teenagers judged on? +Peyton Manning is going to meet with Dr. Robert Anderson about his ____ +What organization's conference did John. P Carlin speak at? +what did Harris do when joking about Oyelowo? +What type of ice cream was on the menu? +What will Hewleett-Packard do? +What is the first name of the player that failed to catch the ball? +In which country, This championship's final round did happened? +Did women have a warning for Viagra? +Where does Dave Nadig work? +how common is investor activism in Asia? +What company is being remade by cloud computing? +What is Arthur Wilson's job? +What city does Pete Rose hail from? +What city was the discovery first reported? +What time does "Cosby: The Women Speak" air? +What fills the walk in freezers of contemporary Honolulu restaurants MW and Pig and the Lady? +How much bacteria can live within the tubing of a duodenoscope? +Where did Didion grow up? +What did Brenda Bufalino dance to? +What movie seems at odds with itself? +Where was the Zhenyuanlong suni's skeleton discovered? +Who has taken aim at the rollout? +Which professor did the author of post meet? +what was the father failing to do for his son? +What is the reason behind the current famine in South Sudan? +What did a particular website focus on? +What's the name of Donald Trump's book? +What is Balducci's profession? +Where does Brooklyn play their games? +What book does Tim's wife find everywhere she goes? +What group has claimed responsibility for the recent attacks in the capital? +Who would assume responsibility for the loans if the banks failed? +Who softened his stance on the church in the early 1990s? +How often is it recommended to upgrade to a new router? +Which work did the research group recently publish? +Is the anonymity of the volunteers certain ? +What city is the Bruce Museum located in? +What is the top price for Video works go for? +How much was spent on the makeover? +How many deaths are the police investigating that occurred at hospitals where Niels H. worked? +Char kway teow produces more happiness than what? +What new generation of equipment is HP looking to deploy? +Signs that the Fed is getting closer to raising its benchmark interest rate has helped what country's currency to soar against counterparts? +What kind of news outlet is the Waterford Whispers? +How many games have the Bills won so far this season? +How much of an increase did Mr. Clancy want to the Secret Service budget? +Who was the chief of operations of the C.I.A. when the detention and interrogation program started? +Who said Mr. Harper-Mercer never went too far from home? +What is the date of the event? +What has happened to ridership over the past 30 years on the Northeast Corridor? +Who will be to make purchases Oregon's medical marijuana shop? +What is the name of the new museum exhibition at the Neue Galerie? +What day did the seizing of the television stations happen? +Where is Anthony Winston apparently from? +Which movie was played frequently in the Lloyd Webber household? +What is one prime example of nothing lasts forever? +What time does the show air? +What type of government is Greece likely to usher in? +What faith did the couple marry in? +Which Old Testament Book in the Bible has God granting dominion to human beings over all other beings? +What is the name of the body of water that rans through Marble Cliff? +What did sale did the Pentagon recently approve? +What job position April Heinrichs has now? +What will eventually be complete? +Against what country did the US national team compete against in the Gold Cup? +What could be sold independently of the house? +How was the Russian leader acting during the news conference? +Was Pederson a veteran player or a rookie? +How did the crowd react to the Davis statue falling? +How many artists are featured in the exhibition A New World to Come? +what Nationalist organization was banned in russia +What was the point difference in the score? +Who is the lawyer representing Mr. Disisto? +How much did Davis make after Wilson's election? +Who was sworn in on Tuesday? +Why will there be less water in the future? +Where was a second tornado seen? +The choreographer that Ms. Clyne worked with said that Ms. Clyne's music has great what to it? +How long did the interrogation last? +How many years would about one hundred people need to be given cholesterol lowering drugs for the prevention of one heart attack? +Who nearly beat Peter Shumlin in the popular election? +What did Mr. Blankenship and his legal team ask for in response to the jury's long deliberation? +What is the cannabis trade show mentioned in the article? +Where did Andrew Papachristos was born? +Who threw out a fleece for people to check out? +What would be a victory for Mr. Putin +Nyonya chap chye is what type of dish? +What material was used to describe the fit of the dress? +How many American adults currently smoke? +Who genuinely calms Steve? +Who is Tennessee hoping will take them to national prominence in their third season? +What supplies does the lodge buy locally? +Who was on good terms with Darryl Dawkins? +What human qualities were needed to execute the daring escape? +What's the name of the spinoff the author wants to see? +Who is the vice president of Sterling Brands? +How many infected patients at Virginia Mason Hospital died? +How many miles is the channel? +How many candidates were there originally? +What is the job of Kate Warne? +What would be the true cost of the tax cut? +What is unexpected to occur? +What game did LeBron go to in Texas? +What kind of cancer did Stuart Scott have? +What does the US have stricter rules on? +Who is liked by their colleagues in spite of their legal troubles? +Ben Carson would ask for help from who before his surgeries? +What killed many of the spectators? +What did she further add about Minsk2? +What are some of the ventures that Mr. Rodman has done for the Clintons? +What group was trying to enforce changes at the jail? +What was the baby laying atop of? +who plans to introduce a bill that would lower the voting age in their state? +Where was Sandy tested? +Who played the finger symbols? +What Smith's song did Joan Shelley perform at Union Pool? +Which American President is hesitant to engage with Putin? +How many shirts are featured in the photo book? +What has there been a large burst of? +What might get decimated as the result of poor bond performance? +Which train serves stations on Fourth Avenue? +What city was the combine from? +Which senator is the majority leader? +Who is Diane Bryant? +Which company is being sold? +What is the job of Dan Warthen? +Mr. Cardin normally supports which senior official? +Who did the mass incarcerations disproportionately penalize? +What method does Huckabee support in terms of climate change? +Which race drives the North American box office according to industry data? +Where would the children sit during their father's meetings? +Who sued? +Who stopped 31 shots? +Which fared better, Mr. Ades's "Origin of the Harp" or George Benjamine's "Three Inventions for Chamber Orchestra"? +What is predicted to hit earth in the next six days? +What section of brewing are lagers commonly associated with? +Which country traditionally opens the United Nations General Assembly? +How many people evaded doping tests? +What agency is being criticized for their killing missions? +How many classes are provided by the United States Army? +What city do James and Brown serve? +In the Hunger Games what district was mistakenly thought to have been destroyed? +The Recording Industry Association of America changed how it tracked sales in what year? +What must happen first prior to further investigation of the mass graves? +What do cartels do besides smuggle marijuana? +Where does Fethullah Gulen live? +When will the vote take place? +What is the current reality television theme? +Who was George Bush's opponent in his 1988 campaign? +What year was the parish established? +This agreement has to do with which of Iran's programs? +Where was the trial located ? +Which city can a selection of Araeen's art be found? +Who argued that a shot ruled as a two point play should have counted for three? +How many career games has Odell Beckham played? +Did the persons parents live in the same house? +What does McConnell say the Senate requires to get somewhere? +What does SGS do? +How long did Ellen Langer study mindfulness without meditation? +Who noticed the struggle and wanted to help? +In what year was the Marriage Law enacted? +Which day will you eat bacon fat gingersnaps? +What did Denver Botanic Gardens rush to ship? +What does the writer love most about this essay? +What was the speed of the fastball that struck out Harper? +Who is the outfielder of Miami Marlins? +Who was James Holmes? +Who sent the fake email? +How many jurors wanted Thomas to be held financially responsible? +Who was chairman for Ways and Means Committee +Which office in New York was Iris Chen formerly an executive director of? +Who played holding? +Who was the visiting team? +What film did Mr. Brezner produce in 1989? +What team Giancarlo Stanton from? +Franz Welser-Most is the director of what? +Would some taxpayers pay more if the bill passes +What underground system of transport is mentioned? +Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? +Who director the film about Cobb's life? +When did Jo Ann Soderquist graduate? +What book by Evelyn Waugh is one of Hicklin's favorites? +What type of person would be powerfully symbolic to appoint as the next head of the United Nations? +Mike Massaroli's friends frat brother's sometimes refer to him as what? +What group should be taught about global warming to prevent false information? +How much do experts say camera change police for the better? +what is the primary issue for most people? +What did Weisberg initially think when he received a fishy message about his website? +Whose skill does Girardi complement? +What ethnicity is Liya Kebede? +Whose private server did the emails come from? +Who is the editor at Boom! +Who thinks he is the best player in the draft? +What daylong event is being held at the museum? +Who is an ally of the United States against the Islamic State? +What hashtag was used for the debate? +What state does Bernie Sanders hail from? +Who provided the information for this article? +What did investigators find covered in blood? +images made with other apps are in what area? +What was the name of the voter that was 63 years old that was interviewed? +What is impacting 22 Western water basins? +What is W. McIntyre Burnham's profession? +Which are not hallucinations ? +Where does Steve Cainas work as a production assistant? +What is Russell Brand known for? +Mr. Gant obtained a law degree from which college? +What is the name of the prominent defector who told disturbing tales of torture? +how many days news conference before the concert? +Who conducted the research study about the gaming community? +Who did Dr. Shatz write a letter to? +Who won the match between Nishikori and Wawrinka? +who refused Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis? +Jeb Bush served as a governor in what state? +Where was the distant relative of Triceratops found? +What does meditation cultivate? +Who was complaining about the media coverage of the trial? +How does she make you feel? +Who was Emily angry over picking a date so soon? +When was Miró’s second trip to New York? +What did that take to get to the airplane hanger? +Which organization's research suggested that the A.L.P. has actually made the conflicts worse? +Who is Trebor Banstetter? +What is the name of one of the suspects grandfather? +Where did Abbi and Ilana spend the day on "Broad City" +What is the average out-of-pocket cost for a patient with dementia? +What is the name of the hospital the baby was brought to? +Who asked the board to consider a new round of bidding for a casino? +What note was Symphony No. 10 conducted in? +When did Huckabee first run for President? +Who anticipated leaving one million acres of land? +What fiber does Eric Raisina often use in his dresses? +Why is Katie Goldstein against renewal? +What was the course about? +What channel does the show happen on? +How many former football players are involved in the lawsuit? +Policy makers have hestitated because financial reforms cause? +Who made a loan to to the National Front party? +What is Marcelo studying to be? +What kind of job did Mr. Norris want? +What year did the original taper tantrum happen? +Robert F. Kennedy was what number child out of nine children? +What did the Highlanders beat the Sharks by? +How many meetings did Mr. Norris have with Ms. Francik? +Who called rescuing specific institutions an unpleasant necessity? +Which actress plays the part of an anti-integration protester? +What is the name of the venue in Hartford that conducts ghost tours on June 26th? +What does Owen Jones do for a living? +Why was there a want for Formula One to pull out of the first Grand Prix race? +Who arrests Nearco +What is planned to be reshaped? +Which perception of life does the viewer perceive? +Who is Marcelo Aguirre? +Marie Hill hires and trains craftspeople from which country? +How many casts are being brought to the Metropolitan Opera House this week? +Who created the visuals for Don Quixote de la Mancha? +About how many visitors has the musuem had already? +What was exciting to watch? +Among women which age group does Investigation Discovery have the most appeal? +What will be a complicated task for Francis? +How many Secret Service agents were accused of driving drunk? +What was Mark Rylance doing while the BBC waited for him to act in their show? +Who was dating Magda Cregg, the mother of Huey Lewis? +Who worked for no pay for a county attorney? +Who would have to approve the proposals? +What is a common occurrence now against the board? +What does Charritos not serve? +Who reported that a relative said the family was refusing to receive the body? +Who joined to celebrate Sandy's life? +Penn & Teller tell the audience to turn on what during their new Broadway show? +Which religion had the highest number of members in the author's city? +What longtime family friend of the Bush's served in the first Bush administration? +What type of dance was this performance? +How much has law school enrollment dropped off in the past four years? +Who reported this news? +What did Paul Buttler call the captured video of police cameras? +How many times was the guilty verdict repeated? +What was the dish considered? +How old is Paige Decker? +Who moved into abandoned houses such as Mr. Shoul's? +What would the deal improve? +How did Jamal the Pepsi competition +How many dinner guests were present? +What does Simon Magakwe do for a living? +What country in the first episode had a gorilla sanctuary? +30,000 migrants travelling north from what country could become stranded in Slovenia? +What did Kiev request that went nowhere? +Mr. Wolf said the age of clients moving downtown is what? +Who thought Westbrook was more of a dog? +In what month were celebrations held at the new United States Embassy? +The outburst of global volatility was immediately caused by who? +What do regulators say that Deutsche Bank didn't spot? +What type of customers are the companies? +When was Pussy Riot arrested for protesting? +What kind of blow back will there be? +What year is Senator Gillibrand attempting to get elected again? +What was the victory score against the sharks? +What are the names of the personalities mentioned by first and last name? +For what crime was imprisoned Samuel Harrell? +Whose apartment did Ed visit? +What type of business is HP hoping to help? +Which country two years ago was the top marketplace for Tupperware? +What did Siporah say? +How old are the 2 surviving defendants? +On what day did the toy campaign for Star Wars start? +What happened to the water in the Zayanderud River? +What president is mentioned in the article? +How many times a day mishearing of what people say happen to his/her ? +How many were killed? +Who is the trainer of the second ranked horse? +How many people from Hong Kong were injured? +What job did Cyndi Whitehead hold at Sprout Pharmaceutical? +Who created the sound work named "Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand." +What is the name of the movie that stars Michael Keaton and Rachel McAdams? +What country was this museum located in? +On what channel is "All That Jazz" shown? +What is Madonna working on? +Who has written about the intentions of Deutsche Bank? +Who stabbed Mr. Watkins? +How much does it cost to see the Brazilian Jazz group? +What was Shleiff's job prior to being chief executive of Crown Media Holdings? +What did critics allege about the way the prosecutor presented evidence? +What kind of instruments will be played at the Welles symposium? +Who has to agree to extend sanctions? +What was the temperature at 7:29 am? +What was leased? +How did the members of the Vermont House and Senate elect the governor? +How many carries did Ferguson get? +Where did Geoffrey C. Galloway citrus grove located? +Who see's the issues differently when it comes to diversity? +How many virgins did St. Ursula go on a pilgrimage with? +How large was the endowment at Brooklyn Law School? +What is the name of the new gaming winning tactic that Hector Bellerin created? +How many people were killed in the November Paris attacks? +What three cars were confiscated from former President Fernando Collor? +How many of the shirts are used for advertising? +What do cities and states have an obligation to protect the public from due to Congress's inaction? +How many children did he have? +What kind of company is Greentech Automotive? +How many housing vouchers did Torey Moore obtain? +Which team did Bulls play in their Game 1 of playoff? +How much did the cost of transportation rise including the gender-segregated buses? +What is the title of the James Bond movie? +How did Alberto Youseff's marriage end? +What inning of the game was Mitchell relieved? +What decreased according to the survey? +Which 3 department studies does David J. Leonard act as professor and chairman? +Who swept in behind Manuel Neuer to bundle the ball into the net? +A 2014 census found that how many children were being exploited? +Diane Rainey works as a spokesperson for which company? +What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? +When was Millerton Lake built? +What is name of the judge that Reagan nominated in 1987? +How many Tony awards was the musical nominated for +Where is the supermax penitentiary? +What was the name of the weekly drag party hosted by Ms. Simpson? +Which stocks jumped in the market? +Under which director did the organization's staff decline in number? +Who is The San Jose Mercury News speculating to sing at the event? +Where was the image of a movie poster having a face of a woman in ecstasy? +What would Pierre-Paul become if the Giants would withdraw their offer? +What was founded by the bartender of Glad Hand? +What was the name of Stuart Scott's memoir? +What country didn't he want outside power from? +What does the article consider "a low point for Jermy Corbyn?" +Which party is Mr. Renzi the leader for? +How many children does Andrew have? +What is the name of the hospital that is receiving a land from Fortis? +What can be blamed for Wi-Fi headaches? +Who lived in India at some point? +What does Francis link self-interest in his speeches? +Who is the CEO of LexisNexis Government? +Where is the Manhattan Quilter's Guild exhibition being shown? +Who are known to be great leaders on and off the courts? +Who was against including the deputy prime minister of Oman in these talks? +How long would it take for them to swim the channel? +Who was Australia's first female prime minister? +How much are Alaskan's given in dividends every year? +When is "A Midsummer Night's Dream" playing? +Who are the hosts, referred to as "Mr."? +What is Xavier Gabriel's business? +What did Mr. Maduro tell supporters the moves are meant to do? +Where is the location of where the measure is imposed? +How would Daryl and Sandy get to Sandy's treatments in Manhattan? +How much does this amount to per year? +Who sided with Anita? +What has the Glad Hand building been since 1965? +How large is the master bedroom? +Who was the reconciliation agreement signed with? +Who is the representative from Washington? +What is the title Janet Yellen holds at the Fed? +How many casinos are allowed outside the New York City area? +What emotion was Dr. Garcia feeling? +what dr. fah was wearing when she arrived at Lynchburg ? +What Christmas-themed movie stars Diane Keaton, John Goodman, and Marisa Tomei? +How does the final suite of Wild Tales begin? +By how many points is the projected winner expected to beat the opposing team? +Who produced the Broadway debut? +What noises are described as being heard? +When was "Steve Jobs" released in theaters? +Who did Mr. Hincapie say beat a confession out of him? +Where does Megan Greene work? +What group condemned anti-Israel extremists? +According to Ms. Jefferson, where is Mr. Harper-Mercer's big problem? +Who did Lisa Brennan-Jobs speak to for the film? +Where does Jamie Dimon work? +Who will Khamenei not let be interviewed? +Who is paying $2.1 billion in cash and shares for Kythera Biopharmaceuticals? +How many dangerous crossings are in New Jersey? +Who founded Business Insider? +What colors were Louise Nevelson's forward-looking wood reliefs painted? +What do new search start-ups focus on? +Which party had the best political momentum? +Where was Davis's dress to appear if Barnum bought it? +What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? +What problems did Huckabee face in his last campaign? +What political party does James E. Clyburn belong to? +What is the automated highway driving feature by Tesla Motors called? +In the article, the quotes from President Obama were taken from what day? +How much is the embroidered bomber? +Where were the knife and revolver hidden? +What did the jury think of Dolan's decision to fire Browne? +In what city did the church approve the general synod? +Why did Amanda Kessel end her career? +What government ask the US for help? +What's nearing for investment banks? +How is driving restricted in Tianjin when there is an alert? +What is the market capitalization of Freescale Semiconductors? +Who did Tim Robbins play in Shawshank Redemption? +What kind of injury one guard did suffer from? +How did Mr. Hague want to be greeted? +What did Trice tell his teammate afterwards? +What team is the NHL point leader? +Who contributed to the Women in the World event? +Which senator said he would oppose the Iran nuclear deal? +Which provinces had violence? +What are some upsides of a mortgage? +What group focused on hunting Qaeda suspects? +What genre was Lost And Found: New? +What has Douglas done a remarkable job of? +Who was already pursuing a conventional investigation when the government applied for a wiretap? +What was burned? +What was her sister's first job after school? +At what rate did the economy expand in the April-to-June quarter? +Who made a solid effort for the Tigers? +Which conference is a league of historically black colleges? +who sang "Cuatro Melodias Tradicionales Indias del Ecuador"? +What use if taking on debt? +which scholars are responsible for the new critical edition +The new part added to meet emissions standards has the same diametere as what? +Who did the rhino lose its horn to? +What did a lot of customers say they'd miss at Zaro's when they close? +What did the Ukraine Parliament do? +In what part of Lebanon is Hana Abdullah currently present? +What country is the Pope dissapointed with? +What if the bill does not pass? +What type of defense were the Panthers in when Odell Beckham caught the fourth-quarter touchdown pass? +How long is the play? +During what decade did the Russian debacle in Afghanistan take place? +Who played interference? +What city did all this take place in? +What was flavorful? +How long after her Amnestic M.C.I. diagnosis did Sandy progress to Alzheimer's disease? +The Labor Department said it would work to assign what to investment managers? +Which Ohio team played in the college championship game? +What was asked? +Who is the lawyer for Prisoner's legal Services? +what titles does Arizona hold? +What did Harris say when people applauded Oyelowo's name? +Where is Kid Comet from? +Who was Mr. Shalabi's lawyer? +Which political party does Nita M. Lowey belong to? +What new employee benefit did Netflix recently introduce? +Who testified that Mr. Hincapie was with them at the moment the robbery happened? +What is the phone number for the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts? +What are the names of the mother and daughter that survived? +Who is the confession address? +Why was Ms. Santana's testimony questioned? +Who was it that created the legal district of Peculier of Masham? +When did the War in Afghanistan begin? +where did Dr. Pai go to school? +Where did Basti Lopez first began attending college? +What role was Rep. Ryan asked to take on? +When does the climax of the film occur? +What type of art does Yazan Halwani combine? +What can't Greeks get proper care of? +Who was Tziano having a familiar chat with? +What did Mr. Kohlberg, Henry R. Kravis and George R. Roberts form in 1976? +when did Princeton begin admitting women? +What does Raylan Givens do for a living? +Who is Ed Rendell? +What is the name of the article that was written in the Journal of Poetry Therapy? +Gottfried Ludewig is apart of which parliment? +What happened after they changed one of her antibiotics? +What did Mr. Rylance say was the difficult was with his character? +What service does Hicklin want to provide in hotels in the future? +How much money did Huckabee ask of families? +What was hard to imagine? +What has Leive defiantly seen? +What did Shin Dong-Hyuk's lie about having to witness his mother and brother's execution lead to? +Who noted that the board "never said" that two casinos in the Southern Tier could not work? +What's the name of the song the show ended with? +What is the name of the person who will become a free agent if the Giants proceeds to withdraw their offer? +What was the status of the Ad on New York Times +What record label does Joan Shelley work for? +About how many scenes did Mr. Rylance say there were per episode? +What did case law state regarding newly discovered witnesses? +What percentage was the 3700 estates that were expected to owe tax? +If you don't know the harmony, you cannot what? +On which network does "Scream Queens" currently air? +What organization what the perpetrator a member of? +What team was Syndergaard pitching against? +If you decide to go on vacation, what may be the biggest factor? +What type of art does Sally look to for her imagery? +What sport does Kyrgios play? +What does McConnell say he stands on? +What did people express about equality for women? +When was opening of the show suppose to be taking place? +Who is the Rangers Goalie coach +Who was Bugun TV a main platform for over recent months? +In what year is the "jobs gap" predicted to close? +Who started at a theater in Harlem? +Who is Alexi Lalas? +What year did the parks department hold a meeting for ideas about the Dome Playground? +In which year did the Brazilian federal police conduct the money laundering investigation, as mentioned in the article? +What absurd humor infiltrates the piece? +Which inmates were most likely to be the victims of retribution? +What does meditation help reduce? +Who was Steven Pifer? +What did Mr. Carpenter say was the only way out of the precinct? +The US dollar is at its highest amount since how long ago? +What will not wanting to do a job reflect on? +What NBA player was brought back on a cheap contract? +What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise +Who acquired their first double-double of the season in this match-up? +Where did the Yankees meet their hopeful fans on Track 17? +What decade was Al Qaeda considered a small, close group? +Which country is Entang Wiharso from? +Who missed the exposed reef and what was his role? +What street did the railroad tracks cross? +Who might be cheered by McConnell's Acknowledgement of Obama as president? +Who took financial responsibility for rebel region? +When has Woods started to fail? +How many coloring books for adults will Little Brown bear release this year? +What is the Clay Art Center's website? +How old was Willis Carto? +What is a good habit to have regarding throwing away personal documents? +What was the score of Pittsburgh's loss to Washington? +What is Ms. Basfords coloring book called? +Who does the newpaper, in the movie Spotlight, go after? +Which team is at the top seed in the Eastern Conference? +What position does Holger Badstuber play? +The rape was supposed to represent what? +Which party did Kevin Rudd belong to? +What was Deutsche Bank's former target for return on capital? +What is the phone number for Music Mountain? +What did the experience change into? +What did Dr. Mapstone tell Sandy the amnestic M.C.I. would become within 10 years? +What was the name of the largest vessel? +What is the name of the officer who suffered from a medical emergency? +How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? +If you listen with half an ear how do the words sound combined? +What kind of sneakers are mentioned? +Where were the 2014 Olympics hosted? +What did the person start in junior high? +What is Martin Baron's current position? +What field does the school emphasize? +Who hit a four-hitter during the Red Sox and the Yankees game on Sept. 25? +The author of Prudence believes that a lack of what is sad, deeply destructive, and irreversible? +Who did Zach Redmond used to play for? +Who went to the police station to try to see Mr. Yu but was refused? +When did the local PD announce the autopsy results? +What division are the Rangers in? +How many days later from the escape was Mr. Sweat discovered? +What does the agreement state? +On what day did the School of American Ballet hold its Winter Ball? +Who has to accept this idea? +Who said that the massage was not too harmful? +Who made a comment on the volume? +What feature does the home have that moves up and down? +When did Zaro's first come to this neighborhood? +When is "The Last Waltz" playing? +What day was the vessel deflated? +Who was the C.I.A. director that was replaced? +Who is overseeing the Petrobras investigation? +What genre of movie is "Spy?" +how does the officials react for the question? +Who faces an increased burden to sustain social programs? +Who is the tour guide for the musuem? +The euro is used as a primary currency in how many nations? +Where is the Linville exhibition being held? +What political party does the president of the Auvergne region belong to? +What country is an example of the way pollution can be made by industrialization? +Who have abused the A.L.P. for their own purposes? +Who was the second female justice ever appointed to the Supreme Court? +Why would Mr. Tsarnaev not be transferred? +What does Jean Pisani-Ferry think would be a serious threat to the economy? +What did people believe would happen if women was focused on gender equality? +Who ended the military agreement with the United States? +What was the name of the housing project Ms. White lived on? +At what age European girls started to play competitive against boys? +where was the Kia Classic held? +What kind of firm is Mandiant? +Why did the author pause before the art piece? +Who was Mr Aponte warned not to say anything to? +Ms. Clyne originally composed what type of music? +Can a politician claim to care about the middle class if they support the sides of the blow back? +What is the size of Eaton Vance? +What does Tingting think is the worst thing about domestic violence in China? +What book about George W. Bush did Robert Draper write? +What business is MR. Mana the founder of? +Who is Mr. Lewis best known for playing? +What was the actual rate of inflation in November? +What type of app is AirStrip? +what would be the requirement of any deal? +What should journalist make a high priority? +Why would not going before a juvenile court make a difference for a child? +What the advertiser, Dumbo Moving and Storage hoped for? +Who retired Abreu? +What was the name of the first professional baseball team? +What beer does Atlas Brew Works produce? +What can happen to a drug patent if it's discovered to have been disclosed in an old academic article? +How many suites is Wild Tales comprised of? +When did the imprisonment occur? +How old is Jeremy Clarkson? +What is the hope that the author has about the Muslims struggles? +What was the name of the American trainer +What type of performer is considered Mr. Bridges to be? +What does Bob Gregory believe Mr. Turnbull has to do? +how many years was mccain in vietnam? +What was Cookie celebrating? +Which has replaced movie stars as the main reason why people buy movie tickets? +Where was the KLM Open held? +How many wounded survivors were there in the attack? +When was the first porcelain made in Dresden? +Does Ms. Simpson prefer to be addressed as a she or a he when referring to her drag persona? +How much were the Turks paid for each passport? +In which city will the Chiefs and the Bengals play this week? +What does OK Go zip around on in their video? +what did silver predict for himself in court? +How are co-borrowers treated? +What system is used for rating factors? +Which newspaper investigated the incident? +What kind of windows are in the living room area? +How many right answers are there for why they want the job? +In what inning did Clint Robinson hit a double? +Which craftspeople located the specialized pipes for St. Joseph's organ? +What did Dolan and Thomas accuse the jury of being? +What natural event is threatening the state? +What does Andrew Papachristos do for a living? +Answer is shortened down to what? +In his own words, why does Mr. Rodham prefer to deal through the Clinton Foundation? +what country is deprived by Harris' departure? +Independent studies found what strikes had more of what than officials admitted? +Who makes a treatment for double chins? +Who visited Washington to solidify the new relationship? +when anne gary pannell retired ? +The statements that Boulez made were what? +What does giving people health insurance allow for? +Who is in charge of the US national team? +Who is the director of Arizona's department of Water resources? +How much was the scholarship for that Ms. Harper applied for? +Who was the class action suit filed on behalf of? +Did Carey Price miss any games prior to the latest injury? +Helles and Dortmunder lagers orginated where? +Who designed shirts for LL Cool J's tour? +Allergan is paying for Kythera Biopharmaceuticals in cash and what? +Who sought to draw an end to America's role in the Afghanistan war? +The visitors that described the scent as Italian sausage were in which city? +How much did the value of an estate have to exceed for couples? +Ms. Klum was attending the event with whom? +what does bottom and bread was considered to be? +What is Bruno's nearest approach to a classic pizza pie? +what time of year did Mimi visit Sweet Briar? +Who describes Mr. Abbott's proposed carbon emission reduction targets as inadequate? +What does Boko Haram mean in English? +The line has been made unclear between sportswear and what? +What beers seemed to be imitations of American beers? +Analysts do not expect a quick decision concerning what? +What time will Francis hold Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine? +What team did James play for Tuesday night? +Which movie did Mr. Williams earn his first Academy Award nomination for? +What do criminals use to file fraudulent returns? +Who hosted the KPFA radio show where Mr. Shoemaker first heard Mr. Connell? +What country needed instructions from the Americans? +Where does the fourth bedroom have a balcony to? +What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise +After Seattle led by 24-14, how many touchdowns did New England score? +how well did Flanagan do in the event in the prior year? +What factors contribute Tupperware's rise in these countries. +Which large national company changed its position on Hutchinson's plan? +To which state was the wolverine being sent to? +What is Boire's plan to change Barnes and Noble's image? +What is the market value of NXP as of Friday? +Where did the people come from to gain advice? +Why does this writer travel frequently? +What kind of technology do Europe and Asia mainly rely on for transport? +Who performed research? +What type of craft has crashed? +Who is Anna Swenson? +What presumption is greater when people think of black people? +When a statue is accepted, what key term is used described the accepted bill? +Who believed that the group died with Jerry Garcia? +what did Flanagan think about the upcoming event? +What day of the week did the church seek to pressure Israel? +What year did Latvia national team win the first European championship? +How much rise in income do economists believe can be expected for personal income in October? +Who were referred to as little green men? +Where did the correspondence (if it exists) likely take place? +What is the amout of money the Premier League is expecting to receive for selling the rights to international broadcasters.? +When did Vanity Fair begin advertising? +How long is the yield on the U.S Treasury note? +How much of the grain in coming from aquifer depleted areas? +What is Jeremy Corbyn the leader of? +Why does the older generation feel that 1912 was important? +What is the phone number for the Powell Fine Art center? +What other event will Asia Society celebrate with Persian New Year? +What countries are African allies? +What was the reason for Adrian Peterson's recent absence from the playing field? +What is the analogy used to describe the people mentioned in the passage? +What is the setting of the event mentioned in the passage? +Who plays a Dominican immigrant in Show Me a Hero? +What language are some of Poles' work in? +Which of the 12 largest banks generated returns above their cost of capital last year? +How many games in a row have the Rangers lost? +What type of film was "The Displaced?" +when they set sail? +When were the appliances replaced? +Who was Jeb Bush's campaign manager? +Where are the coloring circles gathered at? +What were people protesting? +What did Shin Dong-Hyuk confess to last month? +Who was killed on the day Lamesa White movied with her children? +In what state did Huckabee run in 2008? +When does Yukiya Amano have to provide the final assessment? +What religion was RBG part of? +How many member of the inmate council signed the letter? +What do fairies use to replace babies placed in a crib? +What did Mr. Fawwaz head up in Kenya? +Who owns Dix Hills Animal Hospital? +In 2016 what would this threshold change too if it kept pace with inflation? +How long did Picasso and Jacint remain in touch? +What community has virtual currencies helped enable since its existence? +Mr. Carson was invited to what last spring? +Why does Trump believe climate change is a hoax? +Rueben Randle and Odell Beckham Jr. both play what position for the Giants? +What country also uses the euro? +How much was the settlement with General Motors? +What city was home to the first professional baseball team? +How long did it take for Mr. Capponi's restaurant to be built? +These latest murders took place where? +What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise +Is your friend critical of you? +Why was David Sweat in prison? +Where is Liver from? +How many more jobs are needed to match pre-recession levels? +Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? +Month that Michael Brown was shot. +What country is the United Nations host country? +What month did Father Heanue arrive to the parish? +What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko +What was Russia's most advanced air defense system called? +Which show does Tracee Ellis Ross star in? +The show reminds you of scenes from what skit TV show? +What is on the second floor? +In what year did Dealogic begin tracking global investment banking revenue? +What often accompanies large cartoonish illustrations in the displays? +What is the name of the red-tailed hawk? +What does Joan Enger have to do with J. Patryce Design? +What is the position of Li Keqiang? +What caused destruction in downtown Ferguson? +Who is the President of Syria? +What is the Hudson Davis Orton Gallery showing? +Who is the representative of realChange Partners? +Who is the largest bank in America? +What's the name of one of Emily Post Institute's spokeswoman? +Which party is being blaimed for right-to-work not passing? +What does the band used to do to Mr. Bridges? +What big event did Johannsson play a big part in for his team? +Who helped fight a fire on New Jersey apartment complex? +What job did Mr. Clinton help Mr. Rodman get in 2010? +Who must accompany a 19 1/2 year old driver under the pilot program? +Who was wounded and now needs a cane to walk? +How many bottles of pentobarbital had Sandy ordered from Mexico? +Lucius Clay and others helped to feed children from Japan and where else? +What is the name of the team Gallardo previously joined before the transfer? +At what rate did consumer prices fall in November? +How would you feel if you thought human nature is good and powerful? +The reaction where two molecules swap groups of atoms in chemistry is called what? +What is the amount of prisoners that the area is meant for? +Why are people requesting anonymity when providing information about the investigation? +What percentage of Land's End customers viewed the catalog before making a purchase? +What brand is Ms. Mizrahi-Rubel reviving? +What is the name of the Sudanese government negotiator? +What French author is published by Little Brown Bear? +About how many American dollars does three and a half billion billion Euros equal? +What do the strongmen have to gain from militia expansion/ +What was the name of the American trainer +What is the name of the chapter where the stry expands into the future? +What country needed instructions from the Americans? +How long did it take Credit Agricole to earn 930 million euros in net income? +Who is Joey Stallings brother? +What company was Colin Callender the former president of? +who is the author? +How much did data center chips bring in a year ago? +Who portrays Dalton Trumbo in "Trumbo"? +Who is Arsenal's goalkeeper? +What do Woody Allen's characters evince? +Who was pitching for the opposite team? +Where was the Giants game moved? +About how many residents live in Park Slope? +What is the Bridge of Spies movie about? +What did McConnell consider the appropriations fight? +What happened to the gender researcher member while in custody? +What is the record of the Islanders right now? +For how many years has banking regulation grown? +What company almost died? +Which players will Kevin Hayes center? +For what was Mattingly once fined and benched for? +What is one specific benefit that is mentioned for Same-Sex Military couples? +Who did the republicans try to prove wrong with the senate up for grabs in 2016? +How long ago was the last debate? +What was the boy suspected of? +What brand of camera does Sally use? +What meal did they have? +Which percentage of spots will be kept for the above said students? +How many testimonials were presented by Uber? +How long was LeBron out due to injury? +What type of company is Majestic Realty Group? +When can I see Arthur Vitellos work In Stamford? +How many tests did Eichel win in? +How many gradations of diamonds are there? +Who is Americas second largest bank? +What successful film did George Lucas make before "Star Wars"? +Where did the business start? +What is Quin Ivy's occupation? +What team did Lionel Messi practice with while he was injured? +In banking, what is very advantageous in America? +how many company directors some of their pay in cash? +What threshold was required for the purchase of F-35 fighter jets? +Who is associated with the Bridal Bar? +Ozaydemir has holdings in wiring manufacture, roofing tile manufacturing, and what? +What bracket of the tournament were Nishikori and Warinka competing to enter? +Who directed "Tamasha"? +what are the median sale prices of a condo in Clinton Hill? +What do police have to do? +What types of devices are hard to disinfect? +What does PEPS stand for? +What percentage of American households are not getting enough food to live active, healthy lifestyles? +What changes do one some of the New bills want to make to the legislature? +At which university hospital does William A. Rutala work? +What did a group of retired military officers say would be threatened as they argued in front of the supreme court in 2003? +Who is Amin Hassan Omar? +Where were the cars with 1.6-liter motors imported from? +What car does Sally Mann drive? +Commonly referred to as Obamacare, what is the official name of Obama's flagship healthcare reform act? +How many seats did Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's party National League for Democracy win? +Who is the Clinton County district attorney? +What kind of deal was referred to with Staples and Office DePot stores being merged? +Where was the wine made? +Where is the restaurant Charritos located? +How much per week was Mr Edwards able to earn in the tailor shop[? +What dance company did Dudley Williams belong to? +What type of shrimp was served as an appetizer? +In what year did Land's End reduce catalogs mailed out? +What did Mr. Mora die of? +What time is the Vikings and Broncos game? +Which three states offer paid family leave? +What types of wine are available? +What is being changed by the Academy President? +What country's debt problems caused havoc in the eurozone? +Was the current with the athletes or against them for the last five hours? +Which country lost victory to The United States in Women's world hockey championship? +What disorder did Ms. Harper and her son suffer from? +What did Willis Carto raise funds to finance? +What is the English-language translation for the name of the Petrobras Investigation? +What has been a boon in Malta? +For what reasons is the area attractive to tourists? +What can sometimes happen when early spending on health matters? +How many years did Mr. Ghani live in Washington? +Where is the spice blend made from? +What is the name of the painting that is strikingly American version of Modernism? +How many people did the airstrike killed? +When did the Taliban rise? +Since 2012, who was the first team to win in Ames, isntead of KC? +How are Joe Swanberg's character investigations different from Woody Allen's character investigations? +Who is Fran Fraschilla? +What team did Barry Larkin play for in the 1990 World Series? +Whose reputation is it alleged that Dan Rather set out to tarnish? +Who is the president of a union? +Where did Cheung work in the 80's? +Who denounced Mr. Carson because he is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination? +Why did Ms. Harper need a scholarship? +which party is considered a powerful Islamist party? +What mood does Joe Swanberg's narrative almost entirely unfold in? +What is the main topic of this passage? +How many people did the terrorist attack injure? +What economic system is mentioned as a safe space? +Who acted like a prosecutor? +What emotion do Cubs fans feel in early April? +What kind of growth is expected for this industry? +While addressing a crown in Boise, Idaho, President Obama was compared to which infamous world leader? +What did Justice Kagan ask? +What street is the Roxbury Library on? +Who made a piece of art by taking a blowtorch to plastic? +Why does Mr. Fox claim to be returning to the private sector? +How much cholesterol does a guideline suggest Americans should eat? +When did Joseph P. Clancy take over as director? +Where is the Bogra district? +What government ask the US for help? +In what city is the game on Oct. 19th played at +How many percent of solar systems were install on Long island in New York? +What does Ms. Sandberg say is the reason for doing nothing in minor arguments? +What is the name of the boat that arrived in the Northeast? +What is Freescales market capitalization? +Thomas stated that he would appeal, did he ever do so? +Another woman that is listed as a proper candidate for U.N. Secretary General is Christine Lagarde, What organization does the head? +When did the Governor's office made the request? +How many Islamic State fighters were killed +What was the House committee recommendation for Courser and Gamrat? +Where is the town of Glover located? +Who wrote an 88 page opinion arguing that the state recognizes an individual's right to engage in recreational use? +What was McConnell's main strategic decision? +Which political party does Harold Rogers belong to? +What was the Met's average TV audience in 2007? +When did Mr. Canby defend "Star Wars" against some critics? +Where was Ms MacKinnon speaking from before returning to rehearsal? +Where were the residents and for how long? +Who wanted Mattingly punished for not getting a haircut? +How did Mr. Neto begin turning his life around? +Who benefited from Mr. Bush's faux pas? +What island did the paragraph state was hit by the storm? +What makes it easy to follow sitcoms? +What was the final score between Brazil and Venezuela? +How are prosecutors reducing the number of cases that go to trail? +how old is Mr. Boire? +How many members of Turnbull's own party did not vote for him? +How have students been treated up until this intervention? +What happened to Davis after Wilson was sworn in? +Who was the former prime minister of Poland? +Where did Ms Moss star in the play "The Children's hour"? +What is the name of the Law Practice that argued the Same-Sex Marriage Benefits case? +What kind of power or capability does Iran want, as briefly as possible? +What did Don deliberately do to the grapes and pistachio +What year does the movie "The Dreamers" take place in? +Who was making rounds? +What did Obama pledge in a speech two years ago? +How many world powers hold permanent seats on the Security Council? +When did state rugulators vote? +What would complaining that Google is lifting its own vertical search engine over other vertical search engines be like? +What is more easily understood now that an era of multidisciplinary collaboration has been entered? +What is Didier Reynders' title? +What did Dolan testify in court about firing Browne? +What is the name of the company mentioned int he passage? +What is the name for sideways jumps with each foot circling? +In what state does Hemlock Grove take place? +How was Frank's diary written? +How many games is the current home winning streak of San Antonio? +What group complained that they have been bypassed in previous talks with the Taliban? +Who is the actress that plays Diane? +How many elections are being held for open seats? +Which organization claimed the video was stock footage used for dramatization? +What does Leive say the rich would keep to themselves if it was that great? +Who scored the winning run in the 13th inning? +Whose work is on display until October 3 at the Wilton Historical Society? +What did Cindi Leive love when she was Young? +What cities was Boston picked over in January? +Who was the editorial director that lost their life in the attack? +What is Jeb Bush's wife's first name? +Which online news outlet ran the Ben & Jerry's sponsored post? +Who brings a popular message of social justice? +What animal does NeuroLinx explore sleep on? +What is the Rangers score against the west? +The capital projects "tracker" is updated how often? +What was Mr Xu doing when he was killed? +What right does academic censorship violate? +Who is the director of Love? +What did James P. Gorman speak about at the New York Times DealBook conference? +What causes accidents? +In which city was the author shot? +What regime does Saudi Arabia ally itself with the United States against? +What building was designed by Rosario Candela? +Which state is facing drought? +Who is the Senator of Kentucky? +Did the unemployment rate increase or decrease? +What eludes the grasp of Mr. d'Arcy James? +How many more potential candidates are also running this year? +What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? +who declined to be interviewed for this article ? +What is a priority for president Obama? +Did the rise cause some sell offs? +What did the South and the United States need? +How many Europeans 65 or older are there for every 100 residents aged 20 to 64? +What team did he help to the state championship? +Why did the residents criticize Cuomo? +What region did the board warned about cannibalizing in crowd gambling market? +What institution was the author joking that should raise the tuition to $1 billion a year? +Who is the executive director of the World Peace Foundation? +What happens when women speak up in meetings or negotiations? +What two weapons was used to break down a door? +What caught Ms. Basford and her publisher off guard? +How much did it cost to provide bodycam video per hour in Florida? +how many groundwater basins are connected to surface water? +What type of style did Mr. Fernandez dream of bringing back? +Which people, according to the pope, are viewed as an unwanted obligation by others? +Who is James following after in order to lead his team to victory? +What is the name of the festival on Saturday and Sunday? +Why is Reid using the filibuster? +What is the real struggle over? +Who ran into Lockette? +The guidelines about consumption of fat have changed from limiting overall fat to what fat? +Who reported the news? +What is the nationality of the head of the European Council? +When does Jessie come back? +The "autonomous" driver for most Rolls customer is called what? +What is a typical motif found in the jewelry that Marie Hill makes? +Which actor plays the head of the Yonkers housing authority? +What event will take place that will bridge west Africa and Staten island? +Besides being a friend, what is Elmendorf's relationship to the author? +What can you do if your house is so large that a new router can't cover it? +Who makes her own comedy when the writers aren't giving her good material? +How do most people search and read Wikipedia ? +What disrupts the tranquility of the music? +What disease has been linked with metzitzah b’peh? +What are the two authors that wrote the stage version of the classic Pinocchio? +where did they place the photos of there love interests? +How many people died in clashes with the police on the anniversary last year? +What jobs does the writer have? +what was terrence collingsworth's profession ? +What beer does Ninkasi Brewing make? +According to Laurence D. Fink, what kind of environment do we live in? +What other authorities have been unwilling to cooperate with the tribunal? +In what year did Pete Rose admit that he had bet on baseball? +How many locations of the Mr. Chow chain are there? +Who attacked Planned Parenthood in Wednesday's debate? +Who would Sandy cuddle with? +What train do you commonly see Mets caps on today? +What two cities in California did they travel to? +Prudence unites what kind of a perspective with moral rigor? +What is Putin's short-term incentive for visiting the United Nations? +How many hospitals received victims? +Who is the foreign minister of Lithuania? +What street did the attack happen on? +What products does HP Inc, primarily sell? +In which country did Russian fighting that the public considered necessary take place? +What was the one rider sitting by the movie poster in the F train saying about it? +Why is the film rated R? +Who is secretary general of the Bangladesh Imamia Welfare Foundation? +Which country did the writer go for the first foreign assignment +Who argued that a law denying same-sex spouses next of kin notifications was unjust? +Who did McConnell acknowledge as President? +What did many countries involved in the Holocaust acknowledge? +What year did the author start a dining column? +Who is a competitor to Barnes and Noble? +How long did it take to push the Boko Haram fighters back from Bosso? +What did Madonna mention happened in December that caused her to be later for everything? +Who is it harder for to obtain weapons? +What is causing the attacks to the bureau? +what two countries seem to dominate the race? +Who is the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve? +What was the average monthly payroll increase in 2013? +Which cities started offering parental leave this year? +At age 74, what did Pete Rose petition for? +What was the purpose of these reforms? +Which country has the political will to bail out financial institutions? +What did the people of Bosso do when they heard gunfire? +Who plays Ted in The Boy? +what was the score of the Cavaliers vs Raptors game? +It's lowest since June 2010, to what amount did the euro fall against the dollar? +What type of approach does Mrs. Clinton use for her policies? +Who is Mara talking about? +Who is the co-author of Emily Post's Etiquette? +Who gave Dr. Schatz the Distinguished Alumni Award? +What was the offensive license plate number in question? +Who is Keith Brown? +Which company tapes a wresting even at the school campus? +What time is "The Dreamers" on tonight on Starz Cinema? +Who interviewed Gehry? +Which country does not have the political will to bail out financial institutions? +How many seats in the Parliament did the smaller parties win? +What did the unearthed trove of documents show? +Which gallery is the Photographic Moment show in? +Who insisted on firing the woman who rightly accused Thomas of harassment? +Is the writer in the majority of user opinions on this essay? +What did Mr. Fox fail to mention in his statement? +Around how many residents are spread across three docks? +How many runs did the Phillies score against the Mets? +What surveillance technology was missing during the confrontation with Mr. Harrell? +What age group is recommended for works "Pseudopodia" and "Walklyndon"? +Who wrote "A Cure for Suicide"? +Who filed the antitrust case? +Where did the abduction take place? +Who is noted in the article as a key veteran player for the Timberwolves? +Who is Rob Manfred? +How many people died before the fishing boat discovered the child? +Whose name(s) was/were misstated in the obituary? +What is the name of Strouse's screenplay? +Where will Dead on Live be playing? +How many innings did Hamels pitch? +What is April Heinrichs's former job? +What year school s Trimble in? +Which division fled west, instead? +How much would these canals cost? +What event was Mr. Watkins visiting New York for? +What two individuals are to be married Sunday evening? +What actress did a female facebook user remove from her IG after they posted a view that differed from her own? +At what level did Pierre-Paul played before? +What time span did uber and Lyft take to insert shared rides in 6 major USA cities? +How much was the coupon Wayfair sent to Mr, Fisher? +What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko +What is the first and last name of the leader of the Golden State Warriors? +What happened to the Boko Haram fighters who attacked Bosso? +Who was the visiting team? +What does the claimant accuse gravestones of being? +The new Penn & Teller show is in previews where? +Which aspect of the George Washington Bridge is under scrutiny? +What was to receive a makeover? +What do banks and law firms want to share information about? +Was there turnout on Saturday when the results were announced? +What is the size of the audience the Premier League has? +Where was RBG located during 1962 and 1963? +Who hit a two-run homer? +what is an essential part of the business? +How much increase did Full Sail see in the amount of applicants from 2012 to 2013? +Who is the neurosurgeon that was preparing for the brain surgery? +Who is the founder of Search Engine Land? +Which former Prime Minister did Hugh White advise? +Senator Mark Warner represents which state? +What did Intuit put in place so that electronic filings could continue? +What university studied attitudes towards global warming? +What two countries had a large amount of Myanmar artwork? +What is likely to happen if Mr. Cameron decides to support Britain keeping it's position in the EU? +Who was accused of sleeping with Stan Wawrinka's girlfriend? +What apps have similar features? +What organization is celebrating American International Pictures with a 13-film retrospective? +Who else was identified as being filmed during this arrest? +which of investments do fund analysts think is the most dangerous? +Who named their genitalia? +What team is local to New York? +After clicking the right tab, you click what icon? +What did the couple do when the train passed through? +Who is the new general manager for the Cubs? +Which type of medal was awarded to Steinem? +What are the conflicting reports about the missing soliders? +What are more American's doing to improve their lives both materialistically and educationally? +What device is monitoring our behavior? +What did Stephane Charbonnier feel strongly about free expression? +What place and in what time did Keflezighi finish at his first Marathon? +When was the recapitalization finished? +Who was battling insurgents? +What makes his/her to blush ? +How long ago was the civil rights movement that the American rabbis compared to the current environmental movement in their letter calling for action? +Does the Cambodian govenment oppose the case against Ao An? +Who argued that bond E.T.F.s are good for the markets in general? +Who has a Junkie ghost? +Which candidate does May have concerns about when it comes to Putin? +Who runs the center? +What are some examples of daily life mentioned? +What was the anthropologist's correct last name? +What did The Wirecutter comb through? +What is the most important part of co-borrowing? +What did Sandy do around Ithaca with friends? +What subject did 321's students meet 80 percent in state standards? +Which one could be a solution to crime regarding the use of guns? +What did the Solviet Union acquire that was mentioned in The Times article? +Where is the Foreign Ministry located? +How many times did the Cavs turnover the ball? +Which cardinal has issued public dismissals of Cuba's political opposition? +how many groundwater basins are connected to surface water? +Why did the "establishment" science disappoint Dr. Coggan? +What did the gunman bring with them? +How many choices are usually on the dessert menu? +Who plays the lead actor in the movie, Bridge of Spies? +What is the lastest work credited to Peter Doctor? +Who is the most powerful person in the Cuban church? +What is the quality of childcare? +What was the play that Ms Moss had a role in? +What happened when Joseph Stalin came to power? +DuPont may have unnecessarily large costs in which sectors? +Under which mayor did the the Fund for Public Schools see a decline in fund-raising? +What did Smith pass out? +On which street is the company's shop located? +How long was the Syrian hospital under attack? +Who accompanied the star? +When is Schumer at her strongest? +Who is Kyrgios's older brother? +What is the purpose of the Persian New Year? +Who is the director and screenwriter of the new movie "Spy?" +Who was part of the discussion about the father's absence? +What is a consequence of a patent being denied on the basis that it isn't novel? +What site were victims of malware sent to to pay ransom? +Did Woods sign his scorecard? +In whose sets does the stone pillars change +What baseball team won the 1990 World Series? +Who created the drama, "Good People"? +Who did Towns impersonate during one of his interviews? +What is the percentage number of Mississippi same-sex-couple households? +Conducting is partly what? +What is the name of the Slovenian prime minister? +How long did it take Clayton to break the record? +Who is the contributor? +Who was the Ukrainian officer? +What type of conservatives would propose no other candidate to speaker? +Who just exchanged vows with his longtime boyfriend? +What is the name of Red Bull's second team? +How many games does N.F.L. Week 7 score and highlight into the 2015 season? +What are venture capitalists funding? +Who was serious about tapering its program of quantitative easing? +What position does David Alaba play? +Where did Omar go? +What era did gas shortages occur? +What city is mentioned first? +What person has a crowded public life? +What do these republican measures require in order to be implemented? +Christopher R. Heanue called the child what? +What is the name of the game that is a circle version of the original game that children will play? +Who do the Koch Brothers trade compliments with sometimes? +How long is the career of Colon? +The Senate responded to a terrorist what? +GreenTech Automotive was owned by Terry McAuliffe, who held what government position in Virginia? +How much did Malta's economy increase by in the year 2014? +What are the dates of when you can catch the Brazilian Jazz group? +Who wrote "For Kenneth Gaburo"? +What religion was Ben Lowe? +Who described Mr. Connell as a "a Gary Cooper type"? +What does Malta have with 65 countries? +What was the name of the zoo that sent the wolverine from Norway? +Which movies were named best original and adaptive screenplay? +How long is the trail that loops around the lake? +Where did the rides end at? +Who presented the Otro Teatro last year? +The vote was to change it's definition of marriage to include what? +What number should I call to purchase "Explorations of Love and Lust" tickets? +Who is the Chief executive of BlackRock? +What did he do? +how many under par was Charley Hoffman? +How fast was the train going? +What position is Odubel Herrera? +Where is Mike Condon from? +What was the name of the lesser-known work that came after the subject in the passage? +Where did Mr. Harper-Mercer study? +What was stuffed with eggplant and pickled onion? +Who helps them penetrate the wall of secrecy? +Where did I attend university? +How does he describe these issues, besides difficult? +What time is "Modern Family" on? +Where is Richard Avedon's photography being displayed? +who is in charge of Redstone's health decisions? +Who is Tom Freston? +what can lead to extreme pollution in a short time? +When people cut down on meat, of what did they eat more? +Who authored the book Great Yorkshire Beer? +What ethnic descent is Ms. Leong of? +The ban would of affected people on what list? +What country did many Uighurs try to flee to? +Who did Kaba find to be very engaging and always smiling? +Who is one of David Cameron's supporters? +How far was Emmett thrown when struck by a car? +What did President Obama once say? +How many homers does Young have? +How old is Rep. Ryan? +Who will host the European soccer championship? +What did Mr. Christie fear New Jersey would be responsible for under the killed 2010 plan? +Who gave a statement in the article? +What militias have made rapid inroads? +What did Joan Shelley devote much of her set to? +Who missed two free throws? +What did Mr Baquet think they too readily agreed to as far as government requests? +What does Ms. Bedford say coloring is not as scary as? +What mountain range is shown in the film? +How many cloud company customers does Intel track? +Who are the couple trying to reason with? +At what event can you do morning meditation with global leaders? +What position does Thomas become a hall of famer for playing? +Who claims to be fighting for middle-class families? +In what city is Lionel Messi expected to play once he is no longer injured? +Who is Tom F. Allon? +Who captured a military post? +Who is pushing these reforms? +What does a Wi-Fi extender do? +How many years ago did President Bashar al-Assad use chemical weapons? +When was Sandy's life celebrated? +Which major company made the announcement to purchase Home DePot? +Who saw the SUV move onto the tracks? +What is spareness itself? +What does Mr. Fernandez's hair look like? +Who is starring in the play, "National Theater Live: The Audience"? +Was there any agreement on the border control? +What country held was the kite festival shown in the opening episode? +What show is Jeremy Clarkson associated with? +What is Khameni's complaint about the negotitations? +How do you start? +What time is Morton Feldman's Piano and String Quartet performing at on Sunday? +What condition was Mr Alexander in when he was returned to his cell? +Who would write an article stating women weren't equal? +what rate can landlords charge for an apartment once it reaches a monthly threshold of $2500? +Where is the button for the doorbell located? +When did Myanmar decide to open themselves up to the outside world? +What was her initial request to the McDonald's company? +ISIS has effective terrorist but indifferent what? +How does Mr. Ratmansky coach his casts? +What benefits all readers? +What did the government say about the soliders that were marching? +What is the supermax penitentiary also known as? +What happened before the insurgents took over the hospital? +did julius erving play on 2 different basketball teams? +What is the name of the former head of the Russian atomic energy ministry? +Where will Aya Jones be modelling this year? +The patients who talk for hours are referred as? +Who studies the financial factors of preventive care? +Craig Elbert is the VP for marketing where? +What material cost more than others when used to build a mantel? +What are the colors of the studies? +Which moniker has Rodriguez accepted from fans? +When did HP split into two companies? +Which team was Mattingly playing against when he hit the last grand slam in 1987? +Which region did officials target for a temporary ban for ride hailing services? +Who does John Skipper think is bigger than the brand? +Where did Sandy retire from? +Where is Big Brother watching from? +Where were a series of test shows held at? +What character sits on a chair? +What is the unfolding of the characters compared to by the reviewer? +who said anne gary pannell was worn out dealing with the strife on campus ? +How much are new stocks permitted to rise on their first day? +To what agency did the White House want to move the drone operations to? +Who makes the dressing? +Where was The Legend of Pale Male filmed? +What country has a certainty about the Dutch? +What is the name of Red Bull's aerodynamics guru? +When did collectors would acquire a painting to keep in their home and then leave it to a museum? +What woman insisted on the name change? +What do the experts favor instead of dams? +How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? +How long did it take to raise the donations? +What is the name of the Peninsula? +What was the profession of Raymond W. Kelly? +Who made the finals with a greater rate than James? +Which nation is a problem in the nuclear resolution process? +What network aired a show about the subject in the passage? +What is the occupation of Ayrllys Mateus Silva? +How should the bandwidth of lagers be defined? +What kind of student is Alex? +What is ms. pierpont able to convey within her paragraphs? +What was the public reception like in response to Apple's new iPhone release? +What did it signal? +What position does Scott Flanders hold with Playboy? +Who is Interpublic's longtime partner in Russia? +Where was the war that John Kerry try to find a political solution at? +What is the name of the agreement between Ukraine and Russian-backed rebels? +At what level is the government hoping to expand defenses? +From what movie did the stranger look like he was from? +Why did Connecticut lose manufacturing jobs? +Who was the first Asian to model for Valentino? +Who did the Bengals play against last week? +What year was the statement given about the state falling apart? +Which team is experiencing a turnaround? +What does Islam teach those to care about? +How much space does the center have available? +Were is duties relinqished temporary or perminantely +What kind of feature is iMessage? +Where can you stream the first half of Season 7 of Mad Men? +Where is the advertising company Grupo ABC located? +What two things have accelerated the reduction of street prostitution? +Where is the Clinton Correctional Facility located? +What is the temperature of California during the drought? +What was Amtrak accused of by Gov. Chris Christie? +What is the stance of the National Right to Work Committee regarding the policy? +Who expected them to know much of the basics? +Who was the author of the Imitation Game? +In which country did the most recent G-20 meeting take place? +What type of schools does the district place students in when their is an availability? +What month were all the Suspects Detained? +How did the Celtic fans react to Kobe Bryant's being in the starting lineup? +What is the law that protect female soccer players? +What is on the fifth floor of the American Embassy and some have called the big ears? +How were the hosting rights lost? +What was the truck carrying? +What anniversary was on Sunday? +Who limited the number of people allowed at the burial? +Where will Iran not let foreigners inspect? +The building at 1156 Avenue of the Americas was owned since when? +What does the French left wing party accuse the right wing party of being? +Iran's past activities became what for negotiations? +Who did Mr. Faulkner fault for failing to reassure police officers? +Who is visiting in the afternoon? +How can I reach the Roxbury Minor Memorial Library? +Who's work is featured at the Stamford Gallery until June 21? +What did Mrs. Clinton urge broad policies regarding? +What may the Flussbad have to require? +What is the name of the boy that ran out of peach labels? +Who is supposed to supervise the Afghan Local Police? +Who were the famous twins from Full House? +Ms. Clyne said she would feel what emotion if someone caught her dancing? +What were his typical basketball stats? +In what department does the bride's father work at the hospital? +What team is Juan Uribe on? +What type of license may 19 1/2 year old drivers license pilot program obtain? +What is the stature of modern Davis statues? +What was considered to be the bread-and-butter business of Bear Stearns? +What year did Derek Jeter retire? +Who plays the title character in "Steve Jobs"? +Where does workologist work? +Who composed the Granada? +What drove through the streets without any customers? +The author would prepare a meal to her mother and finish it off with a single English what? +When are Gerber's shares going to start being traded on Euronext? +what condition allowed the Charleston shooter to purchase a gun? +Who won an Oscar for best actor in 1987? +What perils have they learned? +What is the stadium that doesn't have good beer? +How many children does Moussa Mohammad have ? +What ban caused Ms. Smith to have no official status in Hannah's life? +What country is being pressured by the U.C.C.? +Creighton University is located in which city? +What group attended the United Church of Christ's meetings as observers? +How many people are speaking the words referred to in the paragraph? +Who was scolded by Pliny? +At what age did Louise die? +Who became prime minister in 2007? +The article likens President Obama's change of strategy to the play of which football player? +Who poured in fan mail to Ms. Basford? +What number marriage is this for Mr. Chow? +What was the name of the case? +Which country announced an official investigation into accusations about its soldiers? +What are the first five digits of pi? +What was Mr. Harrell's earliest release date? +Which medication was administered to the wolverine in order to calm it down? +Which meeting did Putin fly home early from? +What trait does Brown believe James has that is unique for his age? +Who was overcome with compassion for Woods? +What year was she appointed interim sheriff? +What is Ikea calling its catalog? +What was the name of the "big" chip manufacturer? +What Mr. Drobny's reasoning for helping Mr. Rodman in building homes in Haiti? +Who made the money on clothing that record labels didn't? +what did the star pianist present on his solo recital? +What did Ms. Brody do after the crossing arm closed onto her car? +Whose illustrations accompanied Ramon's literary works? +Who requested that the authority to review its standards for the ads? +Who had no idea of Mr. Harper-Mercer's fascination about guns? +What does unfinished business means for the hotel? +Where was the team from that the Tigers faced? +What character does Jessica Williams play? +Did Woods show is worry? +Why are PC sales going down? +Simon Baron Development will be allowed to create how many units? +When did the three-foot alligator died? +Which hospital team won between the Bulls and Miami Heat? +Who has become one of the project's most vocal champions? +What years did the Yankees win the world series 4 times in a row? +How much land is included with the home? +What paper will have a special feature on the NHL +What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? +Who made a splash with an automated highway driving feature? +What is the name of the recent Brooklyn Law School graduate? +Who did Emily sit down with to discuss Sandy's situation? +Who is the famous landscape painter? +What did the 2003 Military Affirmative Action ruling allow? +What did Araeen develop a version of? +When is Myanmar's final landmark election? +On which day of the week did Boehner announce his retirement? +What protections are negotiators are trying to include? +What group of teaching candidates failed the LAST-2 more often? +How much is the mansion tax in New York? +What W.N.B.A team with Thomas become the president of? +what was the rate of inflation in November? +How much did John Rakis spend on care for his mother-in-law? +Who is a major regional power in the Middle East? +Of the two main styles of beer which is harder to produce? +The article about Diana misidentified the church there in Yekaterinburg Russia, what is the accurate name? +How did PolitiFact rate the truthfulness of Fiorina's comments? +What is the name of shooter? +How old is her eldest daughter? +What month did the airport get shattered? +In what year was Mr. Harrell first incarcerated? +What was the most difficult decision that I decided to make? +What recently caused damage to the property? +What are two things South Korea provides North Korean defectors with? +How much does "The Orchid Show: Chandeliers" cost? +Where is the director of Love from? +Where does Davis believe has very good coaches? +Who is the Attorney General? +What is the name of Aaron Hicklin's new bookstore? +What did the report expose in regards to the board members? +What group of people with this likely raise alarms to? +How much was Song Tairan's initial investment in dollars? +What is changing the world quickly? +Who is the director of the Critical Gaming Lab at Eastern Kentucky University? +What list is marijuana currently on with the DEA's classifications? +What does Englehardt? +What does Leive say you can aim for? +What is the name of the person who saw officiers kicking and jumping? +Who went to Kidville? +Who seized two television stations? +Who showed up at Daru's schoolhouse on horseback with an Arab prisoner on foot? +How much does an upgrade cost? +What is the name of Gina Rinehart's daughter? +What team Gallardo is in currently? +Is Zion Amir's client an legal adult? +For decades drowning has been? +what did Judge Walls opinion of political donations? +Who was Michael Brown shot by? +What kind of diets might not be healthy? +What would mild cognitive impairment eventually lead to? +When does Mitchell say is the best time for development? +what team's story was told in Friday Night Lights? +The son of the Republican State Senator was hired where? +What group did Emmanuel Nahshon speak out against? +Funding from two big companies financed what initiative in the schools? +What organization does not track spice use? +What did Johannsson think of the Bundesliga? +What given to the tenants to create value? +what broadcaster was the boss of an American reporter? +Who was the students at Cardiff try to keep from speaking at the University? +What would Sandy add to some of the drawings in books? +In what month of 2014 did Clarkson make another controversial remark? +Who is Marcelo Aguirre? +What baseball park was the Mets game played in? +What is the name of the parish secretary? +Which international team did Towns play for at the age of 16? +How long did the relay swim take? +What is needed in order to pursue clinical trials? +What has used a process called static scoring until now? +What kind of group is the Backstreet Boys? +In what year is the play from? +What year did Mr. Shoemaker read "Notes From a Beach Found at Carmel"? +Who provided Hicklin with a "crazy" list? +What has brought buyers and sellers together? +Who is the youngest player to reach 1,000 career catches? +What occupation does Mr. Yu have? +Why did Siddhartha leave his home? +What did Walt Mossberg co-found? +The island village in "Farewell to Matyora" takes place on what river? +When did the channels disappear from the airwaves? +In what month does "The Force Awakens" come to theaters? +The author would cut this vegetable into thin slices for her mother to nibble on. +Snyder's team is compared unfavorably to which other team? +how are must russian goods transported +Do boys or girls have a harder time being respected within the gaming community? +During the patent period, can non-patent-holding companies preemptively gain FDA approval for the drug? +mayor bill de Blasio's housing plan faces opposition in what city? +Who said they would be able to bring their diesel cars into line with European clean-air standards? +Who lost 9.4 percent in a year? +What does Trump call climate change? +The Senate declined to ban the sale of what? +Who do the tanker drivers face criticism from? +Which rail tore through the first passenger car? +What is the name of Cate Blanchett's character? +where do smartphone users spend the bulk of their time? +What did Volkswagen say would repair a 2-liter diesel motor? +What religious group is the terrorist group Boko Haram associated with? +Who is Watson? +What condition was the bedroom described as being? +On which team does Colin Kaepernick play? +Why should the bureau direct more water into rivers? +Who where they playing in the series mentioned in the article? +Where is the Neue Galerie located? +Who is the Vice Chancellor of Germany ? +How does Prince measure Mets progress on a train? +What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? +Which structure was used as a clubhouse by the Brooklyn Dodgers in the 19th century? +What city is the draft in? +What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? +Who will direct the Ensemble Signal's performance of Ms. Clyne's chamber opera? +Where is Infinity Hall located? +How many people were needed to be moved from a low-sodium diet to a normal diet to prevent one hospital admission? +What is Angela Merkel's party? +How many troops did Russia deploy? +Who spent the 4th quarter on the bench? +What day of the week did the incident take place? +What political party in France has called for new borders in Europe? +What journal did Araeen found and edit? +Who was the team coach? +In which part of the body was Mr. Watkins stabbed? +How many people were seriously injured? +Which area gets the water first? +How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? +what is the season high number of assists that Lebron James has attained? +What was the price that represented the first "art boom" prices? +Who said, "They don't want to play the game?' +Which city is mentioned? +What type of weapon is the armament choice for mass shootings? +Was Sidney Blumenthal's testimony public? +At which level happen the workplace change first? +Who was Hirosi Saito planning to meet with? +In 2010, Brazil's economy expanded at what percentage? +Where was the fight? +Where were the Chanels sent instead of prison? +Where does Will move to? +When did Mr. Kohlberg retire? +What was written on the movie poster with a woman? +According to the author, which fanbase has strong feelings about Rodriguez? +What kind of study can prove causation? +How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? +What did Ms Bedford before she said she wanted to do a coloring book for adults? +Who are the world powers? +How many people can seat the Broadway theater? +Who is Fraser Nelson? +What is the name of the terrorist group that struck across Nigeria's border into the Niger for the first time on Friday? +How many clients does Mr. Fernandez have? +What position did Michael D'Andrea hold when the targeted killing program began? +What type of defense were the Panthers in for almost the entire game? +Who could potentially collaborate with New Jersey Transit on a new rail project? +What type of architect was Karl Friedrich Schinkel? +Due to Facebook's algorithm and user's deleting friends with differing opinions what sort of environment is being created on the platform? +Who is Tim Neale? +What is the defining characteristic of a "me too" drug? +Whom was the movie Citizen Four about (who's life story?) +Who is the officiant? +What type of fortification is the City of York? +Who is Bayern's goalkeeper? +In what year did catalogs begin to increase after a steady decline? +Who bounced back from a poor performance? +Why can't Mr. Obama shut down the Guantanamo Bay military prison? +What do people do repeatedly? +What month did this take place? +What are some other suggestions by the experts? +This was the what time Woods failed to break 80 at the PGA tour? +Where did Vanity Fair first advertise? +which Italian architect cooked up a tabletop dispenser for incense? +How was it called the most expensive painting sold in modern times? +What do officials agree on about the subsidies? +Is Woods a public figure? +What was the first Roman Catholic Cathedral in Brooklyn? +It was said Mr. Trump wanted to restrict who from entering the country? +What was Jame's rate in the playoffs? +The emerging markets are having difficulties because of slowdown in where? +What player didn't receive the Most Valuable Player award, but probably should have? +Who worked on Love Never Dies? +Which current is anti-Western? +Where does W. McIntyre Burnham work? +Who is a partner at Khosla Ventures? +Who scored the tie breaking goal +In what year did the most homicides occur in New York Cities history? +What kind of competitions exists for the Navdy in the market? +What team shot well and controlled the scoreboard? +He caught what sickness after surgery? +When was Meb Keflezighi's first New York City Marathon? +What law in Mississippi is in jeopardy? +Who does Mr. Cardona want to attract? +What was the raffle raising money for? +What is the most important part of going to see the games? +Whos departure was blamed on mercury poisoning from a sushi heavy diet? +What did she talk about at every single meal? +Who moved beside the lake 12 years ago? +Who directed "My Neighbor Totoro"? +when did Essid propose his cabinet? +What would the games do for Boston? +What continent is the technical patch only available in? +What arena in Columbus do thy play NCAA? +Willie Horton escaped from the Massachusetts prison system during what? +What as Jame's rate in the finals alone? +Why do women avoid calling themselves gamers? +What is the contact number for Infinity Hall? +What players are injured for the Rangers? +Who is Carpe Diem's jockey? +Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? +What religious denomination does Mr. Carson follow? +Which Russian currency does the article speak of? +when is the National Museum of Contemporary Art scheduled to open again? +What does Rebecca Jean Duthie regularly gather with friends for? +Which areas have devoted more spending on state-of-the-art high-speed trains? +How long does the story of Alexanderm, Napoleon and Josephine span? +did Harris enjoy the tests? +What was Towns' stat line against the Lakers on Wednesday? +How many guards were present at the beating of Patrick Alexander? +Where did the interview take place? +Who is suspected of stabbing the soldier? +Who isn't a mom and pop but is a chain? +What type of projections does the show include? +Who is harassing the locals? +Mr. Heastie was considered one of the most influential people in what city? +How many samples of photographs did the writer look at? +When will Mr. Fox leave the government? +How was the series against the Capital described? +What organization is now involved because two of the detainees are gay? +What genre of music does the photo book focus on? +Although it was a great investment, what made it impossible? +What is Pierre-Paul's first name? +Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? +Mr. Hutchinson is part of which political party? +What is the lifetime wage difference between a worker with a bachelor's degree and one with only a high school diploma? +Who sent a memo to clients about lessons from the DuPont conflict? +How many people were on wait list for commercial drone flight exception list in May? +Who is the director of the American Tap Dance Foundation? +What borough is this church in? +Where were Sandy's treatments located? +How old is Steward Johnson? +Consumers might find the same information in catalogs where? +What did Mr. Dostum turn his palace into? +What didn't he want to repeat in the country? +Which political party(s) wanted to reform misleading vehicle safety ratings? +How many dangerous crossings are in Long Island? +What funding does the departments use to replace their aging fleet? +Who spends more money on medical care than people without health insurance? +Where did Mr. Canby defend the movie against critics? +Where is Mr. Saleh going to? +What did Mr. Callander envisage once he read the book(Wolf Hall)? +What year was Poconos branded? +Who is the president of Blue Rider? +What did Ms. Harper teach the young woman? +Refugees from what country are having problems with accessing food? +When was "Three Inventions for Chamber Orchestra" completed? +What's the reason for skepticism against the fight against Google? +Who is president of original programming for the network? +State Senator Liz Krueger belongs to what political party? +Who wanted Mr. Neto to be ousted? +Where was Songs in the Key of life added to in 2005? +Do Muslims agree on most things, or disagree? +Who was Googled a lot because people were surprised he was not more popular? +What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? +The Nun's Story takes place around the time of what war? +What do Joe Swanberg's characters struggle with? +What team is Alexis Sanchez on? +At what venue does the play take place? +In which year James Roundell represented the winning Japanese bidder while working for Christie's? +What did Mr. Harrell learnt in 2010? +What sort of analysts are mentioned? +What did Maher have to hold near a heater? +What have router manufactures recently done? +What is Christianity deeply intertwined with? +What was Wilkins granted a patent for in 1988? +Besides the Israelis what other nationality was given the spirit of love? +Which team was Colin Kaepernick a fan of when he was growing up? +Which world-renowned charity group joined the program as a scientific consultant? +What is Cook's title? +Which disease has the greatest health care cost in the last five years of life? +Who announced Willis Carto's death? +Where Time Rice traveled for his Broadway debut? +Sapa is how far from Topas Ecolodge? +How many Grateful Dead living members are there? +What country needed instructions from the Americans? +What does Mr. Chow claim not to be? +In what city did Kayahan perform his last public concert? +Which team is hasn't lost any games yet this season? +Who were most of Emily's friends who went on walks around Ithica with her" +Where is a duodenoscope inserted into the patient? +What event occurred a few hours later? +In what country did the vote on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict take place? +What kind of people does Leive say are really valuable? +Under which leader did the Neo-Westernizer current exert itself? +How much has tuition and fees increased over the last 20 years? +Which Presidential administration worked to ease the burdens of Same-Sex couples? +How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? +In what state was the only law that was affected located? +How tall was Geoffrey Holder? +What is the highest grade the Berkeley Carroll School teach? +What would cause a distraction during the case? +Who is the Countess's lost love? +Where was the event held on Sunday? +What is the show a string of? +Who has said that concussion information was only relayed in broad strokes during short preseason training sessions? +On which date did the shooting happen? +In which year did Illdefons Cerda design Barcelona? +How long as the National Front been in existence? +Did Mr. Sweat surrender when he was ordered to stop running? +What is the name of the person who directs entertainment at GLAAD? +What narrative tool does Ball use? +How did Mr Abbott alienate voters? +What kind of music does Joan Shelley perform? +What is Mr. Putin focusing on to the exclusion of Russia's problems? +What will attract savers? +What deformity did the heckler have that Cobb beat up? +In what Mr. Obama spent the money assigned for his camping? +What two countries lead the effort to transform the way in which the selection of the secretary general is chosen? +When does the Stamford Art Association close on weekends? +What sport is this paragraph about? +Which colleges are faraway? +How many days passed before informing the Police Department? +When will the induction of the managing director class at Goldman Sachs Group begin? +Does Swenson believe we can still extract all the water we want? +Who is the director of Pan? +Who was the pastry chef? +How many bases in Germany does BRAC not apply to? +What school did Baker Mayfield transfer from? +Amtrak's relationship with which state soured last week? +How many bases does BRAC not apply to? +What Mr. Maduro say American diplomats who remained in Venezuela must do? +What was the short phrase used for raising a family? +What type of voice Mr. Bridges have that night? +What year was Raj Rajaratnam convicted? +Where is the fashion most dominant over the sport? +Who were referred to as little green men? +How many ER visits in Mississippi were caused by synthetic cannabinoids in April? +What city is the College Street Music Hall located in? +What communication did more than 350 American rabbis recently use to declare that environmental action needs to taken now? +Which party believes the deal to be unacceptable? +According to the article, what have many people done in regards to President Obama? +Has Corbyn's campaign excited his party's base? +How do specialists in the hawker centers master the food? +Who was freed from prison on Friday? +What could be the overall effect of the Trans-Pacific Partnership? +Judge Fields presides over which county in Texas? +What needs to be made tomorrow afternoon? +Who is the president of the Auvergne region? +Why did the police want to talk to La'el Collins? +How many accidents have happened in Ashdown since 1975? +What is Kenneth's former occupation? +How have Americans been watching their cholesterol intake for decades? +what was the Euro at on May 7? +What was Henry S. Shleiff bearing? +What should be issued more (to pay for things) when the price is right? +Mr. Tian has apparently been manufacturing what percentage of the spice consumed in the US? +What did some lawmakers resent about Mr. Obama's speech? +Where are debates over the Confederacy taking place? +Who has to approve the change of this guideline about cholesterol consumption? +What type of stone was used for the exterior of the home? +is kemba walker from the bronx? +What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? +What professional organization is the team associated with? +Where has the diva returned to? +Who was recorded while he was sleeping? +Tunisia has been on a road towards which form of government? +What record is Mr. Wonder going to perform at the Barclays Center? +Who narrates the show Frozen Planet? +Who is the president of the New York real estate board? +Who is Laudomia Pucci? +October saw how much of a percentage point increase in average hourly earnings? +For which company did Aya Jones model in 2015? +Who is Hakeem Jeffries? +What are some users of Facebook doing when they find other opinions to be unappealing or offending in some manner? +How many projects were submitted to the Clinton Foundation in regards to the Haiti project? +What is W. McIntyre Burnham's profession? +What didn't he want to repeat in the country? +How much does a family of four waste per year? +How many workers were killed in the Massey Energy Company accident? +What was the objective of the sites that were being looked at? +who is the front woman of Sonic Youth? +What type of athlete Pierre-Paul is? +Who is Wood's caddie? +What other feelings are felt toward the book? +Who is the black swan? +How many are killed each year worldwide due to air pollution? +Another name for "bath salts" is what, specifically? +What is the name of the team co-owner? +Where did Dr. Shatz choose to move? +In what city was the Gold Cup tournament held? +What was the time of the first call reporting a possible overdose? +What group has serious concerns about the procedure performed on babies? +What are the two examples that the lawyer gave? +Who is the manager of NASA? +How long is the postnuptial gala in hours? +Who covered Apple for The San Jose Mercury News? +Were were Donna Phillips and Janet Smith adopting a son or a daughter? +Who was in charge of the Jesuit religious order in Cuba from 2010 to 2012? +What was Mr. Rodman able to do after the legal proceedings? +How was the subject's work described in the press? +Which recipe is Julia Moskin's? +Movie theaters charge adults more than who? +How many sections were in the exhibition? +What is Ms. Smith doing in January? +When did You move to NY +Who is leaving? +What was Charles Michel's complaint? +What is one measure the FDA is considering to improve the safety of duodenoscopes? +Francis has unique advantages in which country? +At what time did the ambulance team reach Mr. Harrell? +How should readers treat "Go Set a Watchman"? +How old was Mr. Vasquez when he went to prison? +How much in Renminbi money were the traffickers paid by each Uighur for a passport?? +What is both too much and not enough? +What day will the troupe perform? +What did Mr. Law note at the board meeting? +what is the name of the son? +How many countries banned auto racing after the incident? +which is ruled this year that plans should be evaluated under sticter standards? +What was the program referred to as? +How good of a bonus does the person get? +What bothered Mr. Sweat while he was trying to cut through the concrete wall? +What does Mr. Mattes serve as? +What country imposed temporary border restrictions? +What does Amtrak claim most payments from New Jersey go towards? +How much did Indian Railways earn last year? +Who did Mr. Medvedchuk state was guilty? +Who did Mr. Obama criticize during his speech? +How much will it cost non Yale and members to see the Japanese exhibit? +What is the address of the theater that the play is taking place? +What has Iran been allowed to keep a large amount of? +How many physicians has Decker seen since her injury? +What style of beer are Milwaukee and St. Louis famous for? +What year did the auto show take place? +What is the name of Joan Shelley's last album? +Where is the office of the United States attorney located? +What award did the investigation win? +Where is the start-up for website security located? +Which car manufacturer was then the largest in the world? +Who named the apprentice's at the school? +This week a lot of good stuff was found where? +According to the article, what is the most important political issue of the early 21st century? +What forced Mattingly to retire prematurely? +In what area was the person suprised most by its leaders? +Who claimed that Fiorina's feminism is all about the fortunes of Fiorina herself? +What was the number of this Art and Film Gala at the Museum? +When was the governor's most recent announcement delivered? +Who is the Patriots' head coach? +What feels pain after 20 weeks of fertilization? +Which reforms are being pushed aside by the House? +What have the women been subject to while in custody? +What is the Fed expected to eventually do? +the_______ reporters, hoping to get a similar reaction? +Which comedian tested the phone system in May? +What percentage has the annual wage growth been stuck at for the last six years? +For how many years did Barney Frank serve in Congress? +When did the included case take place? +What could the board possibly do if a similar case was brought in the future? +Which Washington player led in points and rebounds? +What differences are there between Puerto Rico and Greece? +What rose by 0.2%? +What is the Official Name of the Same-Sex marriage decision? +mayor bill de Blasio promised to build or preserve how many affordable houses? +What directly influenced Picasso's early artwork? +What did he promise his wife when she died? +What is discovered in the box? +What gave Don the idea? +What takes over payment once a dementia patients savings are depleted? +Under what party does Huckabee plan on running? +Where did President Francois Hollande address the public? +What was the name of the design company that estimated the demolition price? +How much is the Decision Maker app? +What kind of danger is posed to the region and world? +What percent did the original Boston 2024 win support of Boston residents? +Who coached a women's flag football team in an episode of the show? +While incarcerated, what sort of revenge did Mr. Hincapie envision? +When was Volkswagen planning to install the upgrade in Europe? +What team did he throw the pitches against to get to his record? +What is the name of the Mozambique ruby and diamond ring? +What flooded the author's body? +The expression of Western art music comes from what? +After packing up his neurosurgeon days, what is Ben Carson's new profession? +What did Heinrich do in Women's World Cup during the year of 1991? +In what composition did Mr. Kissin echoed the same melancholy but made it sound warmer and more sensual? +Who is the chief executive of Identity in Malta? +In what way was the man's name called out? +GreenTech allegedly received special treatment in the handling of what? +What product did Broadcom make? +Along with the police, who escorted the Yankees to exit the terminal? +What did I order? +Clint Dempsey will regain the captaincy after what event? +If the author's mother asked for pita and hummus, the author had to cut them into what little shapes? +Andrew how was the winner of the Silver medal in what year? +Who was one of the founders of the Podesta Group? +Who might support further punishment for Kyrgios? +How big is the farm that Sally and her siblings own? +Who makes the Surface product? +How did Mr. Maduro respond to the Obama administration's ban of certain Venezuelan officials? +Why was this accusation made? +On what date was this 8.5% drop? +Where is the wet bar located in the house? +Why wasn't it very funny to see Harris running around? +When did the Tony awards take place +What inspiration does the stilt house take from? +What sport is growing and evolving through quicker and stronger players? +Why was the collaboration being seen as one of success? +What is the name of Joan Shelley's guitar player? +Which law firm does Martin Lipton work for? +Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? +After the new antibiotics, how many days of consecutive progress was there? +What parent company is DDB Worldwide a division of? +In what month did Cardinal Ortega anger members of the opposition? +What were the Knicks' chances of being in the top three of the lottery? +How much money would Pierre-Paul have made if he had signed the franchise? +What are nymphs known for? +What team currently has Ethan Werek under contract to play for them? +What was the nation's most popular tourist destination at the time? +What settings was the art collection staged? +How long before a firearms dealer can sell without background check? +What was Myanmar previous known as? +How much of the company's revenue comes from subscriptions? +How many books did Kathleen Parthé write about the village prose? +What was Kyrie Irving rated at? +In what city is "Grave of the Fireflies" set? +What statistic is near multidecade lows? +How tall is Mr. Faulkner? +Why do the rides stop at Chomp Chomp? +What type of cheese is mentioned in the alst sentence? +How much do sound,web and digital works start at in price? +Where was the the three-foot alligator seen? +Who played three seasons in the American Hockey League? +What was the name of the American trainer +What makes up a kind of Clique? +What is the Hudson River Museum showing? +How much loss did Britain and it's FTSE 100 finish up with? +Who are friends? +What group potentially displays security threats? +What do scientists say is a contributing factor? +Who wrote "Reporting Always?" +What is the name of the Law firm that filed the affirmative action case? +For how many years has the civil war been going on in South Sudan? +Who is very aggressive person? +What did lundqvist call Julien's remarks? +John Kasich was advised politicians of which state to accept the President's health coverage program? +What is showing on June 21st at 3 p.m.? +The submissions were taken to what city? +What is the purpose of the etched symbol? +What is "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" about? +What does the weekends Maneuvering most likely allow Mr. Renzi to do? +What is Gawker.com? +What type of cameras are more prevalent? +Which airport experienced a wolverine escaping from it's cage? +What airport terminal is brought up? +What is the US and Russia's shared goal? +What do women in tech underplay? +What injustice has he claimed has been done to his client? +What country has done most of the fighting for the past two years? +Who was the painting commissioned by? +Who is the leader of the National Front in France? +How old is Germaine Greer? +Where is the Rockland Center for the Arts? +What event was Mr. Watkins visiting New York to see? +How many times was LeBron James able to dunk during the game? +How did Jewish leaders react to the Church's statements? +What inconsistencies do biases inherent in static scoring have? +Which words should he never say again? +To what disorder was linked his erratic behavior? +How does the educational gap between the poor and wealthy differ outside of California as compared to inside? +What is the purpose of the multidecade project? +She has an extraordinary talent for what? +What is the birth name of Pope Francis? +Where did Kelly receive his walking papers? +When is the Emergence show at Flinn? +Who is it purposed that Britain complete Airstrikes against? +How did the tourists feel about the blizzard? +What did Toby Gad think of Madonna? +One of the writers was a former British what? +How does Towns describe his ability to make a 3 point shot? +What year did "The Nun's Story" come out in? +How many days did Natalie spend in the hospital? +What group is being persecuted in the Middle East? +According to Isa, how many of Iran's provinces may be unfit for habitation within 15 years? +Where does Pierre Bell work? +What 3-part series began on PBS Wednesday? +What is the official territory status of Puerto Rico? +Who is the New York Speaker of the Assembly? +What is the limit per donor for general election? +To be elected a managing director for Goldman Sachs puts on track to become what? +What was Mr. Lisberg? +What was the estimated cost of demolition before any bids were received? +What did Obama say may happen if one catches a disease before it gets worse? +What would the farmers be allowed to do in the wet years? +what used to be done with searches 5 years ago? +What is his first request? +What agency was the child protection officer from? +What could Vincent have included with his directive to help doctors better understand and incorporate his goals? +What kind of weekend is Ms. Kushner planning? +How much was donated in 2013? +Who is the democratic chairman of the assembly's hosing committee? +What did Barnum call the Davis display? +How many seats in the Parliament did the smaller parties win? +What type of staircase leads to the galleried landing? +Who was Lundqvist's backup? +what movies did Christopher Lee appear in? +The unemployment rate informs the Fed of slack in what? +What could cause another recession? +What word describes the reaction in Moscow? +Where and how long was the race? +What is the occupation of Brigid's father? +How many bedrooms open to a second balcony? +Which painting of Wiharso's is 10 feet long? +which stop on the tour was east berlin? +What evidence is there that Fracking causes harm to our water supply? +When did the Corinthian Colleges collapse? +What political party is Deborah J Glick? +What is the name of the show that is hoping to be renewed? +What is the website address of The von Schlippe Gallery? +The euro reached its lowest level against the dollar when it hit what amount? +What is considered the most classical ballet of all times? +What kind of reckoning has Tunisia had with it's own past? +The deal is subject to approval of who? +How many Tony Awards has Mr. Rylance won? +What type of birds does Sally keep? +How many children does Lamesa White have? +Into what continent are migrants flowing into? +What year was the statement given about the state falling apart? +Where does he eat alot of vegetarian food? +What did the central bank deliver to local politicions in Jiangsu? +What is the recommended daily limit for sodium? +What percentage of a gain did manufacturing inventories increase in May? +Madeleine was considered what, to Ashraf Ghani? +What are three areas that are considered high risk for tax related identity theft? +What do Germans try to explain by looking to their past? +What did Sergei use to communicate in the interview? +what are the name of the instruments used by the Sinfonia India? +How do criminals prefer receiving ransom payments? +Which research has Dr. Ohayon returned to? +Under the new guidelines, what country has access to China's markets? +What position did the brides father hold at work? +How can Volkswagen repair 2-liter diesel motors? +Who does Katie Goldstein believes that Mr. de Blasio is siding with? +John Kasich believes that it is a mistake to act on an idealogical basis when doing so can cause people to lose what? +What belief system is this grandfather known to espouse? +What is the name of the new hockey coach? +What is a natural flavor that is a characteristic of ales? +In the past, which countries bargained in private to determine who would become secretary general of the U.N. +Why was Mr. Norris released from federal prison? +Aside from Unilever brands, what other recognizable tea brands began certifying their tea leaves? +how much was Ms. Wisniak's condo in Clinton Hill? +What is the purpose of the patent system? +What will union members do after the agreement is presented? +What did Dell announce? +What year did Mr. Shoemaker read "Notes From a Beach Found at Carmel"? +What bank helped push the euro to its lowest level against the dollar since 2010? +What one major change is to be made to the current U.N. guidelines? +In what year did Gerald Reitlinger made his study? +What does the cities feel a need for? +What country needed instructions from the Americans? +What is the name of the heroin smuggled by Denzel Washington's character Frank Lucas? +what was during his? +Who is the craftsman that had a sofa on display at the Moderne Gallery of Philadelphia? +Who made comments against the negotiations every day? +Who was a star trader at SAC Capital with Mr. Ganek? +Who led the number that foresaw the shape of entertainment to come? +In what year did Barney Frank get married? +Why did David Makovsky think Mr. Obama might have felt the need to hype his case to the public? +Who is the president of France? +Who was the paleontologist at George Washington University? +What do trade deals make it easier for corporations to do? +What is the name of the character equivalent to Jack? +Who wrote 'Dept of Speculation? +In which year was the author shot? +How much has Delta spent on lobbying since 2012? +Where was the Malaysia Airlines jet shot down? +Did Dawkins try his luck with professional coaching? +What three groups of people often bring waves of impressions to a restaurant once the doors open? +What is the name of the temporary visa program that is being misused by certain American companies? +What is Hilary Benn's role for the Labour Party? +How did he contribute to Israel's advanced water treatment techniques? +Where is Nigeria located? +What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? +Who did Motorola Mobility file a civil anti-trust suit against? +What day was the grand jury's decision announced? +In Haiti, Mr. Rodham and his partners sought to raise how much to rebuild homes? +Where they returned to the public market? +Does NXP Semincondustors make chips +What is the purpose of Title IX? +What role does Andrew Strauss have now? +What is the median salary for a worker with only a high school diploma? +What is government thinking about building northeast of Fresno? +In comparison to the more secure and safe way of receiving ransom payments via Bitcoin today, how was the method for being paid for the criminal in the past? +Which players was James trailed by in his first finals appearance? +What Commission was created in 2013? +If Exxon is prosecuted for hding data about climate change, what will the charge be? +Where was the world cup of Rugby played? +Who were referred to as little green men? +What kind of ingredient would a drug need to pursue F.D.A approval? +What kind of surgery did Matt Harvey have? +Which wildlife in California is in danger of extinction? +Which region had France's largest force of resistant fighters? +How many adults aged 19-28 used synthetic cannabinoids in 2013? +How many teams are in New York? +The City Ballet recruited mainly what? +What subject does Schumer take on directly? +What did the municipal leaders name the new city organizations? +What do some parents fear? +Why was Brandon Tate-Brown initially stopped by police? +What is Addyi referred to? +What does yearning provide the rationale for? +How many people in South Sudan are facing a food crisis? +Who was one of the final guest interviewed on Bugun TV? +What train station was reported as having a delay on Friday morning? +Who is Chicago's mayor? +Where the engaging of procedural memory and emotional centers are happening ? +Who scored the tie breaking goal +Did Sidney Loeb come up with the idea on his own? Please elaborate. +Where was this place located? +What is the only cure? +What is the name of the person talking about Pierre-Paul? +Which site thinks Jason Schwartzman should play Jonathan Lamberton if a movie is made? +What did the arrested man do to have a criminal complaint filed against him? +Who was not invited to the celebrations at the new United States Embassy in August? +How many people gathered at a nightclub to see Cruz? +What was the name of the team that won a national championship around 2014? +How much did public spending increase in regards to public school placement for special education students? +What was the result of this experience for the author? +What substance's effects does spice mimic? +What does state television use to promote progress and water management? +How many hours a week will influence a lot of your thinking? +Who was the undrafted Australian on the team? +"Spy is the biggest-budget gamble of whom's career? +Where would the father take the subject and sister? +Where does Ms. Clyne keep her drafts? +What would the deal force Green to open? +Which game of the series did the Rangers play that night? +Over the last few years has inflation been high or low? +What solution did the banks come up with when they can't find acceptable collateral? +What kind of story is the story of Alexander, Napoleon and Josephine? +Was it a document that Mr. Yates destroyed? +What is the real name of Cookie? +How were the militants stopped? +what song was played at the end of the run? +What was the streak of winning games? +What percentage of people are thought to be "hyporesponders" to dietary cholesterol? +Huang feels that all Taiwanese and Chinese people are of what roots? +In what building did the blood drive take place? +Who was Monday night's game against? +Where does John Lilly work? +Who was 16 when they arrived on this tour? +Whose speech was Josh Weeks in the audience for? +What has loosened? +How many projects were not approved for a casino? +Who does Mr. Norris credit his release to? +What part of his leg did LeBron hurt? +Who does Ball have the eye of? +Which non-profit organization certifies the chocolate in Magnum ice cream bars? +What does the Fed think of the economy? +What nationality is Xavier Gabriel? +Who is President Ashraf Ghani's uncle? +What does Indian Railways use to show a profit? +Which group ran anti-John Kerry ads during the 2004 election? +Who is the owner of the Capitol Theater? +Who did the Consumer Financial Protection board sue? +Who wrote the Dept. of Speculation? +What do many farmers want? +What show has the emotional highs of music? +What animal shot in Laos was included in the first episode? +Who does the writer blame for creating the class system? +What services do Eaton Vance provide? +Who is the creator of the popular WeChat messaging app? +Where was last years Art Basel held? +Where did Rousey's fight take place? +Who did the video allege that Mr. Shin raped? +What school did Justice O'Connor attend? +Why were the demonstators protesting? +Who distanced himself from Kyrgios? +What college did Keflexghi go to? +What's the best depiction of Tempest's character Kevin? +Who said, "Who knows? Life is so unpredictable."? +Who is the star player for the Cleveland Cavaliers? +What is April Heinrichs's job scope? +Who is Stan Wawrinka's girlfriend? +Who influenced the meat preparation of al pastor? +What change in size did the outlier report expect manufacturing would undergo? +What is the name of Morgan Stanley's chairman and chief executive? +Before metathesis, this chemical reaction would need what type of temperature? +What types of views towards trans women does Greer have? +The attacks and decays make it so that it feels like the music is doing what? +What caused Valentino's death? +This agreement can help bring peace and stability where? +Will the hardest negotiations likely happen in public or private? +What are the two diminutive creatures that are in the movie? +Who else said the practice was a bad idea? +How long is Price expected to be out injured? +What was Gehry's name originally? +How much does a family of 4 with 2 grandparents pay to apply? +Why does every computer, tablet and smartphone ship with built-in browsers? +What will the political implications depend on according to Kenneth? +Where are Bosso army detachments posted? +What has been the authority's ad space for a long time? +How long is the video? +How many games have the Mets won in a row? +Whose cellphone was tapped as part of the Petrobras investigation? +How many seats did the governing party win? +What did Mitch Pugh create? +In what year did the Yankees hit 242 home runes, breaking their record? +What basketball abilities did Porzingis portray that caused the N.B.A. to be impressed? +What concept was Investigation Discovery based on? +How many shares must be sold? +Where is W. McIntyre Burnham a neurophamcologist? +Which country has a lack of bishops? +Who is the Secretary of the State? +Who is the Washington analyst that criticized the efficacy of Clinton's claims in the long run? +which story featured puppets? +What does an increase in income and spending suggest? +What season is brought up? +Who prepared the fluffy corn dough? +What ingredient in Breyers ice cream is now certified by The Rainforest Alliance? +Drowning deaths tend to decline when? +Besides Maltese, what is the other official language of Malta? +Who wanted to find his own voice? +When was this house built? +What war did Cohen help protect resistance? +What had Mr. Putin full attention? +How many returns did the Utah tax commission identify as fraudulent? +What did Mr. Hincapie say was more powerful than bitterness and angriness? +Who is the franchise cornerstone for the Cubs? +In the end his piece was so much more what? +What does it mean to be constantly reassessing? +Which political party does Rep. Ryan represent? +What is a big advantage that schools in California possess? +Who was the boss of the organization that Fawwaz work for? +Who has to approve mayor bill de Blasio's housing plan for it to begin? +What does McConnell point to as evidence of his success? +What is one of the roles assigned to the state fiscal monitor? +What day of the week did Federica Mogherini hold a news conference? +In which city did the Syrian Army jets strikes? +What was Mr. Drobny a co-founder of? +What will happen on July 1 if Congress does not renew the authorization of the Export-Import Bank? +How many editions of each piece need to be completed? +What are Mr. Xi and Obama working on a first effort at? +What are some of Peter Doctors Favorite Looney Tunes episodes? +How much did the Lobster Maxime cost? +When did Sally decide she would stop taking her photos? +When is the device of Navdy delivering its first line of products? +Where will Sophia Agranovich perform? +Which city was included in a suit because their schools did not get Achievement First? +What was the first diagnoses Mapstone gave to Sandy? +How many runs did the Mets score against the Phillies? +Which business is located on 52 Main Street? +The president of which island nation also participated in the event? +Who pledged to overhaul the drone operations by the C.I.A? +Which company did the I.S.S. claim is not broken? +what does Ms.Clement's production aim to do +What does Gazprom export? +Whose best guess was 211,000 added jobs? +Where were the remarks spoken at? +How long ago did Zhenyuanlong suni live? +What did Benzema say, according to the tape? +What eliminated the five year minimum sentence for first time possession crack charges? +What is the full title of the play mentioned in the article? +What is the referenced lossy image format? +What did the ask himself before going to sleep? +The WEEI Celtics podcast aired before the game against which team? +How will the winner be chosen? +How would this be addressed? +Who do they say makes claims that you haven't tried? +What is the serial number of the friend's computer? +What was the problem with feeding in the beginning? +What has the poster tried? +What type of storage does the author need? +Where was the last guy located? +What is the model of the Sony TV used by the poster? +Who curated tonight's gig? +How does a camel store water? +What would they like to drink? +What is he going to put a downpayment on when he double his money? +Why did the author update the list in his second edit? +Does the poster actually own the product he's asking about? +What does the 'Email Subscriber' plugin that the author is using not do for the author? +what recent holiday has made the writer excited about change? +What algebra related class did this person take? +What, if anything, would hypothetically come out in 2017? +What have the artists foregone in favor of soundcloud? +When did the author go to a local library and checked out a book? +What is being corrupted? +What country is the author traveling to? +Where is the author aiming to ride? +What have tactics been instead of working? +What turns off after 2 minutes of being disconnected? +How does this person describe the potential players that would beat a middle-tier team? +What did the inquirer try doing with their tv? +What level is this player currently on in Ragnarok? +How do they garnish imperial slaves? +Why couldn't the author take part in the Steam Sale? +how much currency do they have available? +Do episodes of Father Ted get replayed? +In one scene, what did the robots walk through? +What is the author asking for? +What did Norman shout at the salesman? +What are appreciated? +What types of jobs has she started looking for? +Currently how long does the author work per day? +When can Safelite do the repair? +What is my survey about? +Which episode of volume 3 is this rewatch skipping? +Who might help advise regarding import data and sales information? +What do their parents do for work? +What is the writer planning to do now on returning? +What is the person trying to do with their issue? +What UPS is the writer looking at? +What do they want to demolish? +What happened when the author tried to unabridged the circuit after figuring out? +What type of clients is the Reddit user targeting for help? +Which word does the breeder want in their puppies' names? +On what day of 2012 was the Monks Stout Dupont beer brewed? +What is the length of the axels sought by the author? +Did the father have a will? +What do they need the players for? +What type of advice are they asking for? +Cannot reload what makes the game more challenge? +Which city is the writer planning to move to? +After how long playing the game did the author see another player? +who does the writer want to host a reddit AMA? +What is the issue with the server? +What is The Republic Party? +Who do they play for? +What does the poster get out of this game? +How many seasons of GOT do they want to do? +Why does the author need a data bank website? +What resolutions do people prefer over Stretched? +Which page is the narrator being shown? +What would the perfectly added up variables create? +What component of their quadcopter did the author damage beyond repair? +Is property high cost in London? +what role do u play in the game ? +How many games can be afforded? +What specific system is being asked about? +What is the author attempting to play? +What the mailman deliver? +What issue does the author have about the firearm? +They asked about the quality of what show? +What have they been using in the past? +How much taller is he than his girlfriend? +Where does the author live? +what size is the belt? +What types of music does the author not like as much as others? +what kind of gloves does the player have? +Were should you play to be main? +The reality of what makes them log back off? +Where did the author get their first 250 quad build from? +Who did the speaker buy their domain through? +Where are the zombie bears the most inconsistent? +What type of computing system is the server? +What song did the poster use on his video? +What type are the Rokinon Mirror lens? +What should they do when they retreated the are? +what module isn't being recognized? +What is the average age of the members? +Whose opinion does the author seek regarding a highly danceable song? +What's the name of the movie? +What caused the game glitch? +What is this person saying to limit in a squad? +What does the clicking noise mean when a baby is latched? +When is the poster looking forward to new games? +What was a complete surprise to author? +what is the first step the writer did +What does the poster want to do simultaneously? +What show was apparently on on December 31, 2015? +What file directory specifically still had some files in it? +How long does the author estimate the response to their question will take? +What have I once used? +What type of model did YNAD recently switch to? +On what date is the Michigan State game? +What happens when the author initially used get_status? +How far is the person's home town from school? +Which political situation does this series betray according to the viewer? +How do you know the mission is broken? +How long has the poster been practicing psychotherapy? +What version of the Budgie desktop is out? +is it broken? +What does the writer not know how to do on mobile? +What courses are they asking about? +what happens when they are frustrated? +Which delivery service does the seller get discounts with? +Who is the poster congratulating? +Where is the guild The rising based? +What general type of store is the person inquiring about? +What was his AC after the roll? +What is the name of the game the author has started playing? +Who passed away? +Which network am I on? +How many incoming offers did the user have before he had this problem? +What services will the alternate server use to check URLs? +Who goes into the secret global chat? +What point was technology on in the last decade according to the poster? +What was she doing? +What device is the poster using? +What to do if you want to discuss a sensitive topic? +About what quantity of bonuses has the author missed so far? +Why is this article for good people learning Javascript? +What kind of members is the Cerberus Assault clan looking for? +Who could start enforcing the act, "REAL-ID" +The author wants to know about what facet of aircraft carriers? +Where did this person have a tumor removed? +What state are they skiing in? +What kind of hard drive is the question about? +This post contains ________. +What is the size of his SSD? +What is the dominant chord with I ii iii IV V vi vii? +Other than the type of work being sought, the poster asks job seekers for what? +Do you need to do something with the first field? +What is his prized possession? +How do linear systems compare to standard arms? +Who is a former mentor of the Jets alliance? +What is up for trade by the poster? +The prototype utilizes what? +The native Hungarian is fluent in what language? +Who are the new mods? +What does the player find uninteresting? +What is the author helping the neighbor with? +Which semester is he currently on? +What kind of painter is this person? +What subreddit are they looking for? +What is an HDMI IN port typically used for? +What is it that this person is looking for? +What types of races are they interested in? +What folder do they not have? +Where must you live? +How do you counter Spectre? +Who should you get help from if you're going to have a wedding in your home? +Is tribalpedia free or paid? +When would you participate if you were to join Eden Spooks as a pilot? +Who should deal with the trash? +Does he want something that can handle bud as well? +Who did the poster create Tactical Cats Unit 47 with? +What are they looking for? +What should DK2 users do? +What is it popular to do now? +Do they have a video card upgrade? +How would it not be cowardly? +How many different white mages have the holy trinity? +What month is the kings vs ducks game? +what console is the writer saving money for? +How many hours into OSRS is the player in? +Who is he asking about hiring animators? +How much experience does the parent have with aquatic things? +What was not understood by the writer? +What kind musical approach does Freddie Mercury take according to the poster? +Why doesn't the poster like other games? +In what venue does the poster have experience? +What do they do when they find a camp? +What does the autohotkey scrip set for the user? +Who is hosting the Mediterranean Summit? +Which drive does not have an OS on it? +How old is the person with the job? +What game is discussed? +Who perfected their cruel hunt? +What is about to get started? +What can't I click on? +How do they think the bulk of the work is done? +For what reason are they going to Whistler? +How much is the 55 gallon? +What is the Zeah gamers opinion of people in the game? +What does the main character do after the kind next to him takes a nacho? +What weapons can be purchased for a discount price? +Where was the writer standing when they were testing their FPS? +What is the user hoping to find that will translate vocals to notes? +How fast did he gain ranks? +How long was the mouse owned? +What is this person looking for? +Where were all files and settings put? +What does their lungs seem to have an issue with? +Which holiday was the interview the day before? +What year of college is this person in? +What are the names of the friends? +What solution was attempted to resolve the decreased performance? +What breed of animal is Kirby? +What is too specific to Google? +What did they return to? +What Class is the one of the headphones? +What is it nearly time for? +How many of the last 6 games have we lost? +Who is their favorite character at the moment? +Which character in Mass Effect 3 is the player focused on recruiting? +How much was the car giveaway worth? +Which wave is the last? +Where was the best rate found? +What type of advice are they looking for? +What quest wasn't completed? +Where is the lockbox located? +What is the user trying to do, but can't because of the bug? +What is being sought to become a better person? +When does she put out a lot of heat? +When is the deadline for the evaluations? +Have they read the side bar? +What is the author going to be an owner of? +Where do I do the weekly power rankings? +what subreddit is being posted on? +What does the author want the title to basically read? +What time do they need to go to bed? +Who did Alexander send a letter to? +What kind of questions dont merit their own threads? +What prevents some OTKs? +Which forum did the buyer post there questions on? +Where has the poster always lived? +During the past year, how many players were generally active? +what is he playing through? +What is the dog's sex? +What does the github bot fix and review? +What leader-boards do they believe need to go? +which kind of friendship they had ? +What is the breed of the cat? +Who will do all in their power to curb the rise of Kurdistan? +What type of camera is the user asking questions about? +what was his trouble? +What project was the writer inspired to make a sandbox project similar to? +is he going to add more location +What is the picture of they keep getting? +What type of rope climbing is poster stating to participate in? +Who wants to get the tattoo? +What happened to most applicants for substitution positions? +What does the poster consider himself to be? +Is fluoride in drinking water safe to consume? +What bracket of student is available to be coached? +What value of x did the author get? +What are you interested in watching more of? +What is the frame rate? +How many years have the author have the same equipment? +What happens if you hold down the power button? +In ESL matches what do players typically use? +What may have a secret part according to the author? +How long has the user had his mouse? +What kind of viewers' opinions would they like? +What's the name of the .ebuild file that I found? +What is the quality of tap water in the author's city? +What will the album be worth, according to the author? +What teams will the Jets face in the final showdown? +what country was the survivor ddr challenge set? +What makes the game feel like gg easy mode? +Which musical artist is the poster talking about? +What would the author use a laptop alternative for? +What operating system would the author like to run? +Who is gliding through the air? +What did the narrator need in order to use the laboratory parts? +What degree is the poster interested in obtaining? +What game is this guild for? +What did the person dig out? +What are the implications on Hosted Wallets concerning the fork? +What did they do to their hair 3 years ago? +Are the maps popular? +What skills is the poster proficient in using Blender? +What special advice is needed by the writer? +Where can we find the "additionally, in the half-life 2 modification Dystopia"? +What hobby does the writer have? +Were the characters released separately? +What has the narrator been reading from others? +What type of player ranks are being accepted? +Are some people that play Triforce Heroes impatient with younger players? +What type of game is CSGO? +How old is the author? +What is acceptable to wear as white belt? +What type of boat does the author currently own? +Where does it say to use the Registered Avatar Management? +What kind of cameras caught the footage? +What did the author connect the naze32 to? +Who can this user add for additional healing? +Why couldn't the author take part in the Steam Sale? +What is the name of the deck that this person is discussing? +Who becomes the Devil at the end of Rebellion? +What is the author hope to accomplish with a solution? +What has been cut in half? +What devices has the author previously gamed on? +Who won the award for best analysis? +What does Brees leads Brady by how much? +What are they searching for? +What was the writer's opinion of the server based on what he saw on the subreddit? +what make and model vehicle does the writer have that is giving them problems? +What type of moves is the author interested in learning? +what country is the writer in? +What stock version is the poster's device running? +How many spots are remaining? +What do they need subtitles for? +What is the chalk used to mark? +How is the length of a year on Earth determined? +They believed Episode 4 would have been better if who joined? +What does the author want the design to say that she wants made? +what language is spoken by the group? +Who informed us? +What is their performance? +What recently built thing worked fine for a week? +what perks does this worker offer> +The writers house sits in what geological feature? +What does the author want to do after the update? +What laptop do I have? +This person is selling audio gear and what other kind of accessory? +what game did the gamer buy? +what does one of the sections require? +Where has the writer been offered a job? +Where was the killing going to take place? +What does the kind in the movies show steal? +What leanings have I had lately? +What is the posters constraint? +Whose known for their psychological warfare? +How much is the Corsair K95? +Did this person get accepted or denied for credit card? +All of their default applications in Windows default back to which OS version after this issue? +What does the picture they get say? +What example did they give for a larger studio? +What playthrough are they on? +What did they not understand? +Where did the speaker interview? +How much Fallout 4 data has the gamer lost? +What are they switching to manga from? +What had to be taken out before? +Since when has the user saucedpanda been a Redditor? +What is the striking thing that keeps coming back to the poster's mind? +the writer attended what games at the MECCA in the 80's? +How many days left on the trip are there? +What did this person receive as new? +What advice is sought by the writer? +What does Zapata tell Weller in Episode 7? +what video game does the writer want a book similar too? +What have I managed to do? +What level is their character? +How fast is discord? +What have they not installed themselves? +What would be included in the reception? +What control setting is crucial for the author? +How does the bot feel about the writer? +Who is going to be in a match? +Where did he try looking for answers and was unhelpful? +When will additional information be released? +How old is this person? +What does the commenter feel is most needed? +Which platform will stream the show? +What is being critized by modern psychoanalytic theorists? +Approximately how may bpm is the song? +Who is the post written by? +What company did the author receive mail from? +how does the player want x-rays to glow? +What is the commenter looking for? +What action has been rough? +What file type are they working on? +When will it start to make money? +How did the author describe their experience of playing the pipe organ? +How large was the update? +Which teams are competing? +How is the person asking someone to elabotate? +What class are they missing that they should have took in high school? +What kind of return policy does Central have? +When is the study guide from? +When will this question be posted? +How many total races were won? +Who is able to use the in-game career reward that allows surgery within the game? +What kind of games are Undertale and Hotline Miami? +What is the current cycle of the giveaway? +What was the amount of the scholarship the grad student received? +Where did Sonya graduate from? +What issue is this person having concerning inventory stock for teapots on the web? +What do I have to view? +What are they worried about blowing out? +what does the student want? +Who publicly approved of fan translations for the game? +When is photo share? +What is the name of the scammer? +Who has this individual been farming with this team? +What chemical is in drinking water? +What will happen in the upcoming update? +What is the posters ultimate goal? +What error is night mode causing? +What error message does the author get when the password is typed? +What does the writer think would have positive consequences for a new All-stars? +how long ago was it since the player played? +How much garlic is in Chicken Cacciatore? +Where does the new map take place? +What do I basically want? +How many playthroughs were done? +What language is this person wanting to become more fluent in? +The author believes that they have a lack of what? +How long have I been playing? +What could these two games be compared to? +Why did the gamer like the El Diablo? +Where will the book club meet? +What version of RES is installed on the user's computer? +What is the author setting up recently? +What happened after the gamer was prompted to choose a spot for the festival area? +How long do people have to reply? +What did this person previously add in past transactions to bypass issues? +What setting is set at 6.25? +Which language is sought after in this scenario? +What was the last 2k game they played? +What catastrophe almost befell the poster whilst they were charging? +what should be considered when reviewing an overwatch case? +When was my problem solved? +What device was the author able to successfully log in from without this error? +Who was captured by the robots? +how much weight did the writer gain last month? +What causes the voltage to change in the test setup? +What does the speaker think other users are doing? +What does this person study? +What happens when the author decreases the volume on the laptop? +When they log on they do maybe one what? +What are the islands compared to in size? +What car does the author seem to have? +How much gold did this person win? +how much is the termination fee? +Where is this person located? +Can you run ntpq on a ubuntu box? +What is this person very interested in learning about? +What type of amp do they have? +what does the player ask about the ranking distributions changes? +What type of art is the mysterious painter known for? +what is one symptom that the person is experiencing ? +What is the main problem you are facing with your Nokia? +Who is being used to keep the Chocula Clan Vampire off their back? +How many hero calls does CO make? +What would the poster like to include in a program he wants to write? +What did they think of the series? +Has the check engine light come on in the vehicle? +How did the author feel about unexpected items? +What was partly cut off? +Where do people post cards to trade? +How many attacks can you use per war? +Where is the livestream taking place? +How many cards are in the writer's current decklist? +What is the amount that the author is not willing to pay for a game that he/she gets to the table once per year? +What did DS2 demand too much of? +How long has the author been playing GTA:V Online at this point? +What is the issue he is having with under 10 viewers? +Which character has one sword? +What does the poster think would be useful? +During the Asylum fight what do you need to defeat him? +What were the blues doing? +What website will help you find IEMs? +What did the speaker's dad give them? +What's the likely cause of problems with using my keyboard now? +What area of the country is this person planning to drive in? +How many pipes does the seller own? +Who is a very obvious choice? +Who was the guest this week? +What does TSCC want you to believe? +His biggest concern at the moment is what? +who feel ashamed to believed the stories for so long? +Did you uninstall it? +What is their second question? +Ordinarily the Powers who were undermined more than they fortified would be the ones who are in what? +What did Battlefront and Galaxy of Heroes give the writer the ability to do? +What season is going live? +When will the office staff be in? +what position is he in this season? +A playset is played by what? +What illusion does the handle of the gun give? +Which item did the writer state that she would rather not put in her checked bag? +Which nationalities standards is the writer saying would change the current calendar? +Who is the guy in charge of the Solo League? +How far into the contract is the author? +What color concealer are they using now? +What was noticed about the bag? +what build of starbound was the writer playing? +When did the writer withdraw all is monies from TFSA accounts? +What is the alternative the speaker is wondering about? +What type of wireless router is owned? +What does the user want to find as an alternative to the Zeppelin watch? +What mode of transportation will the writer use this month while travelling? +What kind of background does the user come from? +What is the YouShop identifier format? +What is the motivation of keeping the pointer behavior of being able to change the object that is pointed to? +What happens when the author clicks on the PsStore? +Where did the person keep the Bristlenose? +What does the author find more enjoyable that dealing damage? +Who did they tell to take thier advice? +Who translated? +How much is the bounty to change the URL? +in the game when you can take over a system without fighting it is called what? +What was the third variable listed by the inquirer? +The author describes the possibilities as what with VR? +What figure did they recently purchase? +What is this player's name? +what hobby is the writer into? +Why did these spots open up? +Do they fans run? +Which match did the writer mention that included the Rock? +What was installed on a laptop recently purchased? +How long did it take to notice the win/loss trends? +Who won Super Bowl 49? +What specifically does the author want to know? +If you haven't failed, what does that mean? +what can't the user fit in the newer case? +What did the girlfriend used to play? +At least how old is the mystery game? +What did the poster delete? +What time on Feb 1st does the transfer window close? +How old is the parrot? +What does poster wonder if he would benefit from doing? +The author wants to know if they can purchase Rift on what popular website? +What is the format of the theater in Farmingdale showing the movie The Hateful Eight? +Who did the Apple llc belong to prior to the poster saving it from being thrown out? +How much does the author make for a salary per year? +What would the second addition they want do? +What managed to recruit many candidates from one planet? +Why couldn't they make a lot of noise? +What year is the specified jersey? +what material was received for the holiday? +What does the author need to upgrade? +How can we get in the Dota game items? +What is sometime highlighted? +The author knows that the climate of Calgary is what? +What should you do if the game malfunctions? +What items are they wondering are left in 2.4? +What is the hours requirement for people signing up? +How much will tickets cost? +What sort of cookies did this person overindulge on? +Where was he left behind at? +How long had it been since they used tinder? +Is this player an extrovert? +How often do the neighbors let the cat in? +What is Hip HOp 101 Book Club discussing this month? +How often does Wolfie appear? +What is the wizard's name? +What sensor does it come with? +What is one game the poster wishes to complete this year? +What gender friends do I want? +Which character types did they start off with? +How does the coin mail charity letter trick work? +What could not identify the song because there was not a clean sample? +What holiday did the author receive a gift for? +What is something that you can have of your favorite player? +What other equipment does the author have? +What is retreating and then regrouping? +Where is the fight located? +Who is asking the questions about stage management resumes? +What place was the new map designed after? +They found an artist on what? +What comments will be removed +What is provided through the author's university? +What does the writer seem not to be able to start? +What never changed in the operating system? +What do they want to hear in addition to your fashion statement? +Around what level is their PSO character? +What type of material does the author prefer? +What is the author using as external power supply? +What preview is the user using? +What level is the gamer on Zeah? +Which character type are they using? +How much were the the examples given per ml? +Who does the person want to make the changes? +What magic packs does the writer own? +what book are the writers doing a full read of? +Who hasn't picked up the lock box? +How is the teen feeling? +What do you include? +What did they just buy? +When were the stocks moved to (SABHA) ? +What was Sandra noted more for? +How often does this person want to engage in this activity? +How long will this thread remain sticky +Which rod is the poster most interested in buying? +How is the poster going to charge consumers for his beer delivery service? +What type of violation does the poster think he/she might be committing? +When does the speaker think New Year should occur around the world? +What experience do they plan to do when they first arrive in Atlanta? +What is he asking if he should back out of? +What is the base material made of? +What are used to view seizures in the seizure diary application? +What might new members ask? +What is using an incredible amount of CPU +How much is property tax on the cabin? +Which browser is problematic for the user? +What was football notarized for having memorable events of? +What countries declared war? +What kind of turrets did they try? +Why does the author prefer a desktop? +Who was looked at as a non-threat according to the author? +What kind of issue did they hope to rule out by testing in Windows 7? +What size increments to start with? +What is currently on the server? +What has the person mass produced? +Where have I lived? +How many players have been on the roster this season? +Who will view the final scores? +What will happen each week? +how did the bone get broken? +What does the author need? +What is taken out before money is given to the vendor or buyer? +What does he love to bits? +which key does the game ask to be pushed to skip? +What could fix doing battle in the corner of the screen? +What system did the user use before Mavericks? +What should you download? +What is the message that the user is getting when installing? +What device does this person prefer interested members possess? +What kind of dream did they have? +The writer mentions that sometimes the ports can get blocked and what else? +Where will this exhibit take place? +How much is the Kenwood unit listed for? +When did I unsubscribe to those people? +How long will it take to receive your license and card? +What wont start? +Which kind of trading is the user doing? +How much is a 250 MMR increase cost? +How do they describe the dossier pop up? +What does the player need to deal with? +What is this a waiting list for? +I want a link that separated by what? +Where is the author landing? +what language is the writer asking about learning first? +What first step did they take to remedy this situation? +What mod are they curious about? +Who would have better mobility with a wing, as compared to a BCD? +What is he currently using? +What did the user try as a solution to this bug? +What is this person preparing for? +What scene is the poster looking for? +What is the author hoping will happen in regard to their plans? +Why did the Zeah gamer make their current account? +What can't they find? +What is the name of the device? +Why does the author want to wait. +How far has the player advanced in the Arek saga? +If there are any issues with the new mods, what should one do? +How long had it been since they ate at a Taco Bell? +How far out is this person shooting? +What is this person trying to improve? +What did they think the outputs of the hidden puzzle looked like? +In the author's example, what is response is there when someone is annoying? +What was the Dassault Balzac supposed to test? +Can the camera view be changed in Sims 3 to the camera view of Sims 4? +How can readers help story writers to continue the story? +How much would the blu-ray release cost with free shipping? +What will the couple be doing for one month long? +How often does this thread occur? +How many people did the person note that people hate? +What is this person's first name? +Why was a separate website needed? +What is the date of the loss of health insurance? +What is the Super Bowl that is mentioned? +Where does the writer want to import hoverboards into the US from? +What will happen to independent gear check threads? +where is the writer returning the phone too? +who is Jerry Harris? +When did the individual log in and play? +What did his girlfriend buy him for Christmas? +What are they testing? +Name a documentary about the search for a mythical item. +What is delaying the system? +How is the person multi-lingually talented country-wise? +What did the author put in their dirt bike tires? +How many military dwarves have been used against the queen? +How many years did it take for the author to feel normal after their injury? +What kind of people has this person been talking to about renting a place with? +What is the 20 year old looking for? +What chart ranks this product number one since August 2013? +What was Lukaku good at? +How many matches do they want to play? +What is the writer willing to wear to hide there hair? +What am I trying to do? +What was the name of the bandcamp? +Where did this person see reommendations at? +What would be improved if they had greater visibility? +What did the gamer find out after using all of his money to move the sims back in? +Where is the annoying bug located? +What else did the girl tell the author? +Did she make a Fitbit account? +What is the initial price the author paid in the example? +What do you need to make money? +How many opposing players just died? +How long has the person been trading? +What time does the chance to vote officially end? +What was this person hoping a recaptcha would filter out? +who score the first goal ? +How many times today has the player disconnected? +What game is the player fairly new to? +What did they try to reverse the command? +if you press and hold on the components what comes up? +What problem were you having with your computer? +What helps us make the most of our future? +What kind of binge has the author been on lately? +What is the author complaining about having poor battery life? +At what time will the winner be picked? +What's wrong with the vehicle? +Does the author have a degree? +What is a different alternative the author is considering? +What type of radio does the author also have? +What kind of lounge can you get by partnering with one or 2 buddies? +Why did the kid be very careful with the finished ship? +What type of ventures the author is doing this year? +What OS and version is the user currently using? +What does the poster say the responders are right about? +What can not be added to a fileshare? +When do we want to stay in Miami? +Who owns the website the author is looking for preview pieces on? +What is the title of the newly created platoon? +Which website do they plan on gathering data? +The author found a way to get the posters and synopsis from where? +When was The Real Story of What Happens to America published +Did the author attend post high school education? +what part does the writer doubt is causing the problem? +What does the writer have to do soon? +What idea does Cruze seem devoted to? +What game package aren't require to follow these instuctions? +What is this person filing an application for? +what lot more tactics does he see? +what time is the tournament today? +He has seen more than one person talk about managing to kill what? +Which program only lets the host interact with rigidbody objects? +What did the person do to their nose? +How many 8-bit shift registers are being used? +What character is his team missing? +what adapter is the writer using for their new headset? +does the user own any gaming consoles? +What won't the author be doing, which will allow the author to drive safely? +Who was the subject in Lu Reed's "walk on the wild side"? +What does this person want to do with his current parts for his second PC? +What was the person looking for? +How long did it take for the Genie Mini to get a signal last night? +What month does The First Australian Based Hearthstone Tournament take place? +What is the intended use of that PC? +Where did this person get the idea that resting the toypad on the console was okay? +What does she need info on? +Who should have been on All-Stars? +What is he looking for someone to play? +If needed, the author is willing to reveal their what? +Utopia's Newest Initiate Pranav Antal’s Utopian vision was predicted by commentators to see an influx of what? +What country is this person planning a trip in? +what is the name of the 3rd quest? +It pops up when the user is doing what? +What styles does cassetteculture make? +What's the likely reason people aren't visiting my post? +Can defaults disappear from a credit report? +Who is the most interesting character to the writer? +What kind of existing account does the poster have? +How much data seemed to be missing? +What was the cared referencing during the 2014 winter sale? +What is the tag for game you have you are willing to trade? +If your poem/post doesn't follow what it will be removed? +What should you do if you have issues with someone else commenting on our videos? +What are they building to use in local matches? +Which services will broadcast the stream? +What occurred several months ago? +What did the computer do after it crashed? +what age is the writer of this post? +What can the calculator help do? +What time was Teresa to arrive at the location for photographs? +Which console is the gamer using? +How long has the game become nagging? +What does the poster suggest needs to bet started on the sub-reddit? +what game is the writer having problems with terrain loading using the external hdd? +How did the author try the described game? +did the user stay with the same case? +What question do they have about specific things? +What is the name of the first campaign? +What type of question does this new resident of San Juan ask? +How long did it take to lose the game after the update? +What did Heath Slater injure? +What does the writer say that threads ignore about CM Punk. +What is the player currently using as a handbrake? +What book did the author check out from the local library? +What is the speaker hoping for? +Does the user have night mode enabled? +What secures magazines? +How many participants is Drew looking for to sign up? +What type of link did the author recently come upon? +What interesting fields have they pondered? +What is the destination for the vacation? +Have they looked into this themselves? +What percent discount did the user receive on the game? +What platform is the author designing their game to operate on? +What part of this person's body isn't very stretchy+ +What no longer is operating? +What weapon did Maz Kanata possess? +What happens to the game's music when it crashes? +What would lead to an edit of the information? +what team does Darshan play for? +What year are they in school? +How did the film seem? +How many autopsies a year does this company discover have no paticular cause? +what turned out to be the problem? +What does an entry need to include? +Where was the link in question originally posted? +What was I fortunate enough to pick up? +How does the author describe themselves? +The author has a question with what? +Who designed ultra-realistic sound propagation? +Which towers does is the guild interested in attacking? +What location did their character go to? +Which type of cities would the poster prefer not to stay in? +Where did this person win this item? +How do the modules need to teach? +What is the name of the manuscript? +What play style is the user engaged in when they play with LuLu? +What other computer do I have in the house? +What adjective does the author of the post use to describe the story? +What is the authors gamer tag? +How did they feel after watching the film? +What do they want for their HC Cyclone Maurader? +According to comments, how are the order of missions in Mass Effect 3 set up? +What age does the author think we may be entering? +Who could you login to on the link? +How large the RAM does the writer's SP4 have? +How many rounds of P90X were done? +What do they want to upgrade their drone to? +Where is the car for sale located? +How many 'second games' is it for Anaheim? +When did SirMallock go missing? +What is combined with Django? +What do I intend to use this build as? +was this outburst considered a problem in the past? +What type of unit is the dark bounty hunter being tested as? +The author has the latest of which version of the app? +What does this person want from people about the Chase Freedom card? +What do I do before chaos? +When did she change her sensitivity +Which kind of wall is the author of the post building? +How long was the listener a casual listener for? +How long has the author been playing this game? +Which skill level is needed for new guild members? +What do steam sells potentially harm? +What format is the Uncharted 4 game in? +What so appealing about the 65's? +What firearm is the author needing help with? +What is the poster looking for help with? +What was the author trying to play when the computer crashed? +What are the new mods able to fill in? +They want to go with flip ups and ditch what? +Which games will be included in the game package? +What is the PS4 hardwired to? +What did the buyer tell the seller to do in regard to the question? +What makes her skeptical about not turning her in? +The ideal recruit should live in what time zone? +Who has a few nice caches? +Who is an active member of Taylors girl squad +What happens after switching the PSU off, waiting 10 seconds, and turning power back on? +What is the person's background in genreally? +The poster wants to start the new year with prospective hires and what else? +Where is Tom staying? +What was the product designed to do? +How many 6v batteries did the writer's dad buy? +How can you see new posts in the subreddit? +What is the problem with their device? +Where does the confirmation button appear? +Where did it fall? +what should someone do if they're interested? +Which state is the person asking for tax information about? +What do they prefer? +When is the dog owner moving? +Where does Zachary live? +What is the occupation of the questioner? +Which year has the author not been to the lighthouse? +What is the only experience of the author with VR? +What does the poster not want to go unsolved? +In what game did you need to change your name twice? +What is the 21st season of survivor called? +How much did they make in the UK? +what did the poster buy? +What might get skipped by whoever makes these games? +What did he download from AMD? +What has the poster been pondering over lately? +What is a topic the poster is thinking about? +Was the user still using the account after it was hacked? +What is the author doing? +What kind of antenna does the author use? +What is causing trouble? +They would love to see where they rank in the world in what? +What was the date? +What is their character type? +Where are thousands of graves? +The lin barely calls out what? +How large of a can of plum tomatoes do I need for Chicken Cacciatore? +what type of phonebanking is being debated? +how many miles has the writers car done? +How much do new operators cost? +at what speed does the vehicle have problems when going around curves? +What does he want to learn from other producers? +What piece for the cosplay was custom-made? +What color was the background of the search box and submit buttons after the first attempt? +The suggestion for draft pick roles is for what selection? +How much did the user have after 10 trades? +Where has the author lost muscle mass? +What kind of agreement did the writer sign? +What will be the main focus of the free-talk? +What controller is sensitive and too light? +What do I want to read? +which types pens has the author noticed having the worst blotting problems? +What is the item that the author is looking to create? +What does their second line have in it? +What age range of people is he asking if there is interest? +Does the commenter believe it was appropriate to be on site and digging up evidence? +What countries were part of the Treaty of Turin? +What can the player do easily? +What should be used for coloring? +How many protractors were bought? +Where does the leather in the black shoe come from? +What time of day does this person play? +How would spending time out there be this year? +Why is the poster asking about an item he does not own? +How will you qualify for the team? +What screen does everyone get kicked back into? +According to which source does the writer get his information from? +What was needed to be entered in order to access the DLC map? +what physical problem throws the diet off? +Who does the author steal the wii U from? +What color is the build? +This player's in-game name is what? +What does the poster want to get back into? +Has anything worked as a solution to the problem the author references? +How long do the "poor" batteries last? +I've seen a lot of INT based do what? +Which phone is the buyer currently using? +who does the poster thank? +Where did the author find the jacket? +What does the user ultimately want to do? +What is the author trying to create? +Who is claimed to be a hoser? +They request you take thier what? +What can be used to prevent MIM attacks? +where did the match held? +The player is looking for a putter that has what? +which two fragrances does the writer wish they had bought? +Where would they like to rent a house? +How much time do I have to play dota? +What is the name of the community? +What is the date used for the Pick Thread? +When will the next stream event be? +What does the poster want to watch on his tv? +What is this person school status? +Where does this person want to use a fake license at? +What would the poster like to use instead of an "old stereo receiver" +What does the author suggest be changed? +What is included in the second link? +What does the author ask about in regards to handling games 3-4 years down the road? +Which pokemon has an assault vest along with a dragon pulse? +Who are reporting that the authors credit score has plummeted? +What is after Tango with Django? +What is the poster wondering +What would the author be filling out next year? +How many guests are expected for the wedding? +Why did they stop drinking caffeine? +The author states that he or she changed nothing from which menu? +What was adjusted at the bike shop? +How many points are needed for Base Gold III? +What did someone only own the demo version of? +Where is the application continuing to show up despite the individual's attempts to delete it? +What graphic settings does the person what to play the games in? +How long has the population been declining? +How many inches was the HD Ready LED Bush TV? +What is the Nail Bomb used for in the game? +What happens if you heal every other auto? +What type of model is the pistons? +What headphones does this person have? +Which part of the instrument gave the author some trouble when they were first learning to play? +What is the author interested in Horsepower and Torque in relation to? +What has the author tried to find for glasspainting? +Do younger children enjoy Triforce Heroes? +What had they been flying around looking for? +What did they shout to farm in the caves? +Who teams up to take on the DC universe? +What movies could a character have been introduced in? +What does this person want to buy? +What chance of winning does this person think that Sanders does NOT have? +What injury did the dog sustain? +What would be better to get before Kuma? +What problem is the author having? +What does the user do for a living? +How big was the hard drive that failed? +When was this person planning to go? +This player says that every time he passes the ball in the 433 formation, it is to what type of person? +What is the name of the guide? +How long have they been in the web industry? +How has the beekeeper's mistakes affected her expansion plans? +what is the date of the writer's actual driver? +How does the customer describe their experience with ChemicalServices? +What is the players ranking after the rank shifting? +What is an obvious strategy for an independent Kurdish nation? +What product is the poster asking for advice on? +What is the person looking for a recommendation for? +What can you use to store the burrito? +How many hours did it take to 3D print the rocket? +What time does the bank open on Monday? +What has the author had a less than ideal experience with? +What is the subreddit mentioned in the user's post? +What is usually left out of PC sets? +What occupation does the narrator hold? +Why is an alternative better than a fitbit? +How much income does this couple make per year? +What city is he asking about? +what is the writer doubting +The author identifies his or herself as having what level of expertise? +Did the writer have intentions on posting today? +What is Unraid? +When did she and her husband move to San Juan? +Who are they looking to work with? +What are the case options? +What does the author want to do with acquired 3d movies? +What is the writer looking for? +Which date is listed? +What will a character introduced in Clone Wars be in? +What does this person feel their peers think about their interests? +besides the writer who else helped plan this full read? +what extra add on is the writer asking for more information about? +Which questions are being specifically asked? +The author wants to take advantage of strong what in lane? +How many times should you flip the flank steak when its cooking> +What is the author looking at without help? +Who should players contact with their results? +What happened to the hive after the roof blew off? +How many Mithril does the author have? +how were tribes divided in Survivor Panama and Survivor Nicaragua? +Prior to 1860, the cities of Savoy and Nice belonged to which kingdom? +Who has an 8 percent body fat percentage? +What do I want? +About how long ago did they get this laptop? +What does this person need help drawing? +What does the custom games makers must do? +What is he struggling to stream on? +What did the author upload the teaser photos to? +How old must user accounts be? +What is the line I want to find and extract the sum from? +With whom did Tristifer wish to have a discussion with? +What does the motherboard use? +Which month did the author have their last free reports pulled in? +What level does the person have no characters? +Where does the author go to look for help? +Where did they see GYW? +What types of bands does the user dislike? +What happened when someone else bridged the circuit? +What kind of rejection is being asked about? +What citizenship does this person need? +Have they always been competitive? +How many times did the little sister save her game? +What move was given an increased cost? +What is the make and model of the poster's motorcycle? +Which piece of wearable equipment have they already identified? +How old is their husband? +What did they turn off and on? +On what date did the episode air? +what can get you some really cool result? +What confuses the poster? +What does the writer love to play? +When is the young couple traveling? +Who does God reward? +What are the results from the calculator? +How long has the Apple llc been sitting in a box? +How is the author assuming the questions will be answered? +what bank were the stocks taken from? +What takes away from the posters enjoyment? +What happened to cause the user to create a new account? +Are their card drivers updated? +What level did this person reach? +What functions disallow the poster from drawing a sprite at a location of their choosing? +Who is Assassin Creed Champion? +What area are their jobs located? +What rpm does the car drop to when stalling? +When will the first chats occur? +What kind of printer is Brother MCF9330CDW +What disk to developers pay for? +What is the best way to get a refund for an accidental purchase made several days ago? +How many gallons did they upgrade their tank to? +The author describes their-self as what? +What was something that was part of the game? +how many miles has the writers vehicle done? +how many people will be playing till they get the hang of it? +What caliber of teams have already signed up? +Teaching English to kids from poor areas in South America will improve their chances of gaining what? +What game have they been playing? +What was the speaker wondering? +What type of tips are given? +What are they doing with an Airizer Air? +What was the decoy based on? +Who sent him an IM? +What is the point threshold a player has to score to win the bet? +Does the author want any extra features? +If Sandra was in and had won, what would she be the first of? +Why do they think she is fine tuned? +The implies that mindfulness is easier to maintain in what situation? +How does the speaker believe the New Year should be determined? +What is the person's budget for the PC? +What type of dialogue pops up during the first step? +What is the grill they suggested? +What addition does this person feel makes the level better? +which modes does it work fine in? +how much is the writer willing to pay back for the loan? +Why must Collectible boxes be kept perfectly? +Why does the poster have limited playing hours? +What does the poster insist the ship must include? +What is an explanation for the decks' high costs besides the rotation? +When the author loads the game, what is the problem? +What changed after the game was reinstalled? +What was the error given? +What 64bit operating system did the author clean installed as part of their troubleshooting steps? +Does this person trust their parents diagnoses/opinion? +Which stages will take place? +How far is the drive? +In what week did this player clear levels A1S and A2S? +When did the user receive the watch? +What Rank had this person been averaging every season? +Which items in the picture does the poster want to cover with a design? +How much is the time off by? +Which day of the week was the interview heldon? +What is the inquirer trying to better understand? +What won't turn on now? +what was the amps of the breaker that tripped? +What device are Activator and Flipswitch used on? +What does the author wonder will be upgraded? +What level was the user? +What application would the writer create for college project? +What kind of mix is the poster making? +What subject is new to the author? +What are they trying to improve? +How much did they pay for the T50rp mod? +The author is new to what? +What's the name of the sci fi book? +what else u do in this game ? +Does the person seem willing to negotiate? +What describes the demeanor of xXParkboboXx towards new people? +How tall is the author? +At what age does the poster recommend the Cirque du Freak series? +What does this person want to do if they find Swedes? +What type of lens does the user want to try to use for landscapes? +What book is the character from? +Which program prevents getting OSX re-installed? +What is the last day to submit teams for the new season? +What kind of chords are being asked about? +Which game console is being discussed? +Where is the author's relative headed to in a week? +The DM classified a tentacle as what type of weapon? +What is better if carried concealed according to the poster. +how many of the 6 wheel studs did the writer sheer off? +What was I wondering about this issue? +would these headlights work with a C class benz? +Besides the punishments being harsh, what does the gamer believe about the punishments? +Who is criticized? +what kind of pen does the writer view as great for those on a budget? +What type of networks won't the author's iPhone connect with? +How many nights is the writer planning on spending in Buenos Aires? +What mission are they on? +What does the writer want money for? +What came with no instructions? +If the default happened on this it would be ok to move back to profile. +What kind of grill does the user have? +Who does the commenter believe tampered with the blood kit? +What is the suggested rate when a dispute must be resolved? +How is the authors character setup? +Why won't the company send another payment? +How did this person determine it was the lens? +What programming language is the desktop app made in? +what is the name of the story this is an excerpt from? +What is Javascript: Official MDN +What is JFK: Reloaded? +Who is looking to expand? +What kind of advice is the business owner looking for? +what vehicle is the writer asking about? +what type of clip was posted? +What is it they are currently loving? +Where is this person planning on moving to? +Which year was the program terminated? +What type of basic information is tracked by the tool? +On what date does the author hope that the seasons will end? +When do they send out emails to their customers? +Was there a winner in this contest? If so, who was it? +What happened when the gamer installed Seasons DLC? +What is the person new to? +He wanted to know if he would enjoy it as much as what? +What brands are being phased out? +Why were actors changed on the suicide movie? +What must top-level comments be +When did the first one die? +What item does he need? +What is the user unsure about? +Do they understand the builds of the game? +What is the poster's Xbox Live GamerTag? +Is trading allowed? +How long will the poster be traveling around Australia? +What is the problem with the JanusVR? +Other than red, what type of aura does the author hope to change into? +How do you lose your Divinium? +What item creaked due to the morning cold? +What does the poster want the design to say? +What size bets would the author want to make? +How much will the price on the Joule go up after January 15th? +How will the moments be judged? +The user is looking to get advice on how to better do what? +Which feature of the buyers current phone did they love most? +What are the games being purchased with? +How many years will the author have been a season ticket holder next year? +What else does my friend do? +What is first thing the poster wants to know? +How does Steam counteract the possible echo? +What is the purpose of the WCIF TS2 mod? +How many pubs are partnered with the U.K. Pub Company? +When is the center-camera-on-cursor button used? +Which piece of wearable equipment have they already identified? +What did the writer apply for? +what city is the writer in? +under what pressure do the pen blotting problems seem to worsen? +What is the main concern the student is having in taking math classes in college? +What kind of girl are they talking to? +What part of the house is the writer trying to find weatherstripping for? +What did the user update do after Yosemite was of no help? +What other questions are being asked? +What type of device was obtained? +What is an example of one of the clues? +For Gene Mods, what is the writer giving up? +What type of engine is in the Mach Z Ski Doo? +The author said they have a powerful PC and what? +How many people dislike playing support? +What color are the Chequered Lights? +Where are new users directed to get information? +How many MB of RAM is his PC spec? +What error is being received? +What is going alongside an email address? +What can the computer be linked to in this scenario? +Which game is described in the text? +The player is new to what? +What positions are they in on the list? +How many are Hateful? +what kind of case did the user have before? +What did the author not know how to do? +Which year did the player initially start playing Call of Duty in? +What takes over the house in The Plague? +what gender is the fish? +What does the author have to do to the volume after decreasing the volume on the laptop? +How many characters will be in the campaign? +What was the author trying to accomplish +Where are the members from? +what app did the writer install before running into the problems? +What was the last webpage? +How much less is it to make your own drinks compared to buying commercial? +What brand are they hoping has improved their CPU cooler? +What was the price of the condo? +What is the actual degree this person wants to get? +What does this person typically not do with their music when playing it over speakers? +What does the poster need a list for? +where do you have to configure the controls to get it to work? +What should you make sure you don't do? +What is the user building? +What kind of amp did the user buy? +What did they hear at night? +What is not included in the validations? +Which episode was listed after the edit? +What would the Xaela do possibly when travelling to Ul'dah? +What does the write compare iTunes to? +What euphemism does author use for their raft? +What is the best way to motivate the workforce +When does the poster practice with his team? +How long were they broken up? +a type of format for building a team? +How many levels have been uploaded in the last month? +Whose death does the commenter want to see? +What device has the author not used for some time? +When are they due? +What did a friend of mine just start? +Who is the author using as their real White Mage? +What kind of phone was the inquirer transferring contacts from? +What don't ever seem to appear in Plex? +Where does the second ferry take them? +who won the game ? +Adams and Helens have long what? +What did the author recently flash? +What is the author asking for photos of? +What are the books he has used? +How many observations did the person make? +Who were they suppose to return? +What is the max pulse frequency? +What should one do when units are all under force attacks? +What did Alexander need to do to light the flame? +What cannot receive SMS messages? +What really messes with canvas according to the author? +This archetype's grit scales off of what? +What did the author ask about the wild shape? +What is making the author miserable? +Doing what other tasks did the author experience headaches? +What would the author like to do when he beats the game? +Who did they want to get into playing chess? +What browser is the user running? +What caused the authors curiosity? +What stage of the process is the development of the Non profit organization on? +What happens to the fat of hot cocoa when frozen? +What is the user's questoin? +What device does Halo not run on? +What might be true identity of Jane? +Who was making out on a boat +What can upgrade building objects? +What do people use to carry out attacks? +What do they want to eat? +What did the author install on their car? +At which location did they see this character? +What does a scammer want to trick you into? +What is the best way to contact this person? +What is their piece of equipment? +When is the user unable to click submit? +When was the megathread about posts of the year? +What time was it when they started drinking? +How much might a clan pay per month? +What season is in full swing? +What would the poster like for his Apple TV? +Who stands accused? +What kinds of threadings should be used with the SMPL? +What is the person's rating of it? +Who is a zombie? +How much debt does the op have on their second card? +What were people doing the with given direct link? +What site have I not really done anything on? +how old is the speaker? +Which country is the writer planning to travel to first? +What does the commentator want to move to his wallet after the fork? +Where was WrestleMania VII ranked? +How can users add to the daily threads? +What type of solution is the developer seeking? +What did Alexander hear of? +What channel where they watching old videos on? +What site confuses me? +What did I wanted to add in the game? +What genre does the author like to read? +What cannot user see around their name? +What does the questioner need to bring for the accompanist? +What is more important than downhill performance? +How far away is the apartment from ASU? +What movie is playing at the theater in Farmingdale? +What type of client is mentioned repeatedly in the error message? +What are they having difficulty doing? +What would this person want to attach to a rack over the back tire of their bicycle? +What is the main problem that this person feels with FFE? +What move had a low cool down? +What is the author looking for on PC? +What do they want the dossier to give you? +How many hours have I played Dota game? +who are people blaming without taking any responsibility? +What type of game is Battle for Middle Earth II? +What is it the writer is trying to accomplish? +Where did the person bought Bristlenose? +How many tear gas must he use for missions? +What are the snippets focusing on? +where will the videos be uploaded? +What happens when the author joins the halves? +What city in Cananda would they prefer stay at? +How many exercises per day did the person read about in transformation threasd? +How would this addition achieve this function? +What was Artanis a preorder bonus for? +What type of football do they like most? +What kind of questions are being asked? +Why will the PO Box be closed? +What did he post on? +How does best of Dunkey work? +how long has their baby been fighting their morning nap? +The poster got a good deal on what product? +What two types of characters is the commenter deciding between? +What is the contact email? +Does No. 9 remind the poster of Megaman X? +What does the clock spin? +What made the problem happen? +What three artistic movements that see think of frequently? +What was the tuner's name? +Who authored Totem? +What is the possible cause for the bootloop? +What has the author had given out which he thinks is illegal? +It can be inferred that the poster uses which type of recording app? +What course did the user sign up for? +How much did the writer pay for other assets? +From what type of buyer is the question coming from? +How much does WoW charge per month? +What doe Bill do to the laptop after he gets Dipper's remains? +What did they not give away? +Did you try rebooting? +How many times will coinbase charge your card? +how large of an update did sniper elite 3 have? +what character class was chosen? +What game are they playing? +What is this person's budget for their computer? +Where is Mary Grace Swimwear located? +What did his group meet after several weeks? +What won't shut down? +What type of games will this streamer be playing? +What is the first vehicle they made? +Who can play along side Gayle and Bravo? +What thread is an additional place where rules are suspended? +What was Marco's age at time of death? +What position did you typically play in beer leagues? +What type of account does the friend have? +what budget does the writer have for buying a new part? +Where does the writer experience the problem? +To get your post reapproved, what must you do? +What kind of books does this person want recommended? +What bonus is included with the orders? +What error does TMS give the poster? +How much RAM do they have? +Where did you see Puppy last? +What is the admissions team called? +What aren't cheap? +Who is bugged? +During the summer where were they parking their car? +who was the guest on the WEEI Celtics podcast this week? +Which author of Punisher comics does the clerk not recommend reading if they are not on the cover? +How much is the bounty to change the URL? +How many 85w panels did the writer's dad buy? +What was the solution to install windows onto the Mac? +What does this French sentence translate to? +What was unsuccessful? +What is the same as the A# major penta? +What are non negative reals under multiplication? +What was the most recent show this person watched? +Who runs their mail through Thunderbird? +which three months have a lot of primaries? +What subreddit did they not understand? +What is he going to ride into battle? +What has the person heard about this? +What do we have better off than back then. +What does the author think of Harry the Heir? +What type of campaign is the author and their friends wanting to play? +Where does the user live? +how much did the writer pay for a pull up bar? +which model of dock is the writer asking about? +What is wrong with the USB? +What does the author not want to make themselves as? +What is the name of the movie? +What is the max player level? +What is their budget? +What happens if I haven't moved my mouse or done anything on the computer? +What still has a signal? +what OS does the user have? +What type of key is it? +what build system did the poster create the Geckolinux spins? +Which video game genre is being discussed? +In what kind of times does this person struggle to give thanks to God? +What generation wireless router is owned? +What has the person been running out of lately? +What should only be available through orb drops? +When was the book written in? +What is the pistol good for? +What band are they a fan of? +The Jets are sending shock waves throughout what? +What is the person's quarry charged by? +What did the poster just get a new pair of? +How did the person feel at the time of the test? +What point is taken when a sign is cast? +What are the QM win/loss trends? +what type of connection does the dock use? +What don't they want to become? +Whats your budget? +Who normally names the child(ren)? +How much storage is the author able to use? +What genre of music was it not? +The person can get around this problem because they already know what? +Why didn't he go to MSU last year? +What is the writer aiming to do +What did Arcation know? +How much will updates to the house cost? +How late in the game does the team join as a group of 5? +What happened to the raft? +What app is this post about? +How do you contact this person? +What would this person like to know from anothers concerning My Fitness Pal Calorie Tracker? +This player considers himself good at what game? +How did it break? +Is there permission issues? +Do states with more restrictive gun laws have higher crime according to the author? +What measure changes over time in bottled beer? +What is the amp blocking? +What device has the author not used for some time? +The author wants to do what with other players of the game? +What is happening to the items that the narrator listed? +In what subreddit was this posted on? +Did the bees show any signs of disease? +What is the average FPS of the writers main account? +what was the players rank before it was stripped? +what build of character is the writer going for? +What time does the contest close? +What issue is the poster having? +Why is the author interested in regarding the bowie? +What is the author looking for? +Where is the student from? +What degree have they already obtained? +How does nYNAB see the previous credit card categories? +What pushes the arms back in the older version? +How can you ask for help? +What are they very curious about? +Are indie developers still making 2D games? +What are the games that I want to try? +What is their guess of what they should upgrade? +How much will the author charge for other stuff? +How many stars have been accrued? +What do the pads do on their own? +what does the writer really appreciates? +what are the product numbers of the items the writer needs help with? +What have I been having? +What type of hard drive do you have? +what is the end goal +what is the writers phone not able to do? +Who is Steven Avery's co-defendant? +What needs to be given to sign up? +What are they not entirely up to speed with? +How much karma is required before you can contribute to the wiki? +Which type of media was the guide published in? +What happens to every game that i try to play? +What software is referenced in the first sentence? +what additive did the writer add to the oil in their vehicle? +What is one thing that has plagued gaming for years? +What online service is the poster asking about? +What activity does the writer engage in when they get up? +What is the second feature the user wants to add? +Which season does the writer think the DDR challenge needs to be brought back in? +What is the maker's mark on? +How many hits was one worker allowed to do? +What kind of areas should all units go to when force attacks? +Which Rank did this individual just reach as part of their recent achievement? +What has this person been playing? +Which neighborhood is the writer interested in? +Why is the seller nervous about putting a sticker on boxes? +How often do they have a dream in the same place? +What are they almost done with? +Who is writing? +What size bra is too big? +What is the project? +What is the dog on? +What exercises does the author mentions mixing? +In what sort of building was the video taken in? +How long ago did they graduate high school? +What do I have? +What animal is stamped on the side? +How many questions does he have? +The buzzing noise does not happen when the author uses what rom? +What does the writer's assassin build rely on? +What generation of the console did the author miss? +The author desires to know if staying diligent while allow them to attain pure mindfulness without what? +Why is Vinegrappling Protector 2GGGG Rare Creature a big protecting creature? +how long has noob been a vegetarian? +How much is the user willing to spend on Steam? +who were sold in January? +what was Lucky about the injury? +How much does the author's trade cost? +What game is user getting into? +What spot did the writer used to hold? +What issue have they been experiencing? +The elections will be held for what? +Where does the user want his game? +Which game do people have questions about in terms of winning? +How long does their current setup last for? +What are they proud of? +what the gf age? +Why would the poster like to add the GRG nonlinear algorithm to the program they want to write? +What is peeling? +Where do I go to build strength? +What is their new years resolution? +Did they restart the MacBook? +What website does it show that the coupes are more expensive? +How to keep the conversation? +What does this person's question regard of? +What is the name of the currency? +What is this person seeking? +Who is not dying in the game? +How does best of Dunkey work? +What type of sheet is the author going to refrain from creating? +Where did he purchase a second pipe? +What is the benefit of playing with a soft ball? +how many people is the poster looking for to help on the heist? +What does the store sell? +Each pair of shoes that the author wears is of what brand? +What's the price of the item? +What did they have to replace in their car? +Could you interact with anything? +Who were supposed to be the only people to have access to SA's blood kit before trial? +what was found in the equation +How many units were an hour away? +What item does the writer have trouble placing? +What is the event on NJPW World? +Why is the player seeking a group? +What is the game usually played with? +What patch of Dill Save Editor were the wings added? +What was the fps on Yosemite +What does the writer play? +How would you describe the author's personality type? +How many languages can be hard to juggle? +Where were we thinking of driving to? +what did the player try with steam? +How much do they owe the private lender on there mortgage? +What does the author keep pulling? +What is the energy man obstinate in keeping? +Who was the person playing last night? +What model iphone did they sell? +What was the ratio for gold? +What season did the person got his first fish? +What have I tried? +What is the metal used to make the staff? +What is the author unsatisfied about? +Did they like the weapons in Dark Souls 2? +After 1860, which country did the cities of Savoy and Nice belong to? +Where is the gamer's headphone jack? +How many teams can you mention? +What primary character does the commenter have? +How old is the poster? +How much of the series have they read? +Where did he log in? +What do I need? +What type of character is the commenter saving for the future? +What year of the Moto G phone is the buyer thinking of purchasing? +What are available to view on the tournament website? +What is the concern of the poster? +Which object is mentioned as an example of something that can't be kept in the field of view? +When did the player stop playing Runescape? +What test will be delayed until they can access their map? +What is the poster having trouble with doing in the game? +What error are they getting? +Which element does the poster want you to exile? +Which world war had the axis at the start? +What requires too much foresight? +What time period is the mystery song from? +Where were they speeding? +What kind of fans is this person selling and has a couple of? +how many rounds in the tourney +What are they having problems with? +what has caused the participation and enthusiasm to drop? +What is the headline problem? +What math classes will the student be taking next year? +What system do players wish was added to League of Legends? +What did the girlfriend used to hate? +What did they fail to contact Comcast about? +What doesn't the author understand? +Does this challenge involve eating fish? +what city is the writer based in? +What products did they have stop working in the past? +What server is the poster using? +How many wars per day does the rising guild attempt to have? +Where is the option to delete a save file? +How much do they weigh? +Which to people does the commenter find to be suspicious? +How long will the current SASEs be mailed out for? +What would you get if you joined Eden Spooks? +Why doesn't he have a kinnect or mic adaptor? +Which movie was the ship preferences survey conducted three years ago about? +The author is hoping to transfer what to his second character? +Who can join the group? +What are they struggling to run? +Is Cheryl younger than Larry? +What have they done to try to fix the glitch? +What does this person believe caused their computer reset issue? +How long is the book that the author mentions? +What does the author consider in terms of performance? +What long term exercise has been done for abs? How much does the author weigh? -How many stars did the author give the ottoman in his review? -What can it heat? -How many oil heaters did they own? -At what temperature does the heater become not effective for a two bedroom apartment? -Why did he hate this unit before? -What do they dislike? -How many filters does it have? -How many cups were they making? -How many cups could it make? -What is the benefit of using iron? -What is another problem with the handle? -What type of pans have they been using in the past? -What can happen to your skin if you touch the handle? -What did they read? -What website did they read reviews on? -What did they order? -How old is their mattress? -What is this product? -Where did they buy this item? -What is the original brand? -What was this item a part of -What item was bought for the guest room? -What kind of a buy did the reviewer find the blanket to be? -What sized bed does the blanket fit beautifully, according to the reviewer? -What kind of fabric is the blanket made of? -According to the reviewer , what does the blanket have ample amounts of? -What product is the reviewer writing about? -Why is the reviewer unhappy with the product? -The gauge is not stable when cooking with how high of temperatures? -What kind of an issue does the reviewer say the thermometer has of why they don't recommend it? -How many times has the thermometer fallen off the reviewers pot? -what is the product that the reviewer is writing about? -What did the reviewer have no trouble at all with? -What kind of tub does the reviewer mention they have? -How long has the reviewer have the basket on their wall now? -What does the reviewer say that is still rock solid well after a year of use? -What product is the reviewer writing about? -How many cats does the reviewer have? -What does the reviewer find attractive, functional and air tight? -What kept falling off the dispenser and had to be discarded? -According to the reviewer , it is too small to hold what amount of food? -The reviewer has this cup to remind them of who? -What item is the reviewer writing about? -What does the reviewer mostly use the cup for? -The reviewer will occasional use the cup for what? -The cup reminds the reviewer of what? -What do you need to do slowly? -What do they never need to do? -What do do you drain directly into? -Where is it used? -What comes on every few hours? -What is top notch? +After westernizing, who did the author try to give land to? +What kind helper is wanted? +Which type of weapon is being discussed? +What keys aren't working? +what server is GOld II ADC on? +What kind of positions does the author want to play? +What piece of equipment is the user planning on upgrading? +What was the probability of our existence being low enough? +What does the writer assume that the tv is equipped with? +Where did they recently move from? +What game did I just recently get the ultimate score on? +What game is being talked about? +What was the second application that started crashing? +What kind of processor do they have? +What type of knife is the author interested in? +What about the other apps is the user not sure they'll have? +Where does the writer live? +Who's cell phone was the message left on? +What is the big monitor connected by? +What do you do when force attacks leave the area? +What does the user want to play on? +what is the max level a player can be in the game? +What does Gideon do when Bill fails? +Where did the writer place the brewing container to sit? +What are they considering renting? +What is the sub reddit full of? +What does the author say his ping is ? +How long has the poster gone without smoking? +how far apart are the screw holes on the electrical box the writer is trying to attach a fixture too? +How do I get my money back on an accidental purchase? +What are they predicting the electric bill to be? +how many days has the user been having issues +Who waited for The First Election for so long? +What am I creating now? +Where are they from? +what food does the dieter really like? +What have I been toying with? +What position are each candidates in? +What does the author say about his experience being on a plane? +What do we have to do before we get the chance to talk to a person? +What did the poster recently get? +which controller is the user connecting with their new headset? +What company produced the T450 thinkpad? +Where is the author thinking of scraping posters? +What system do they play on? +What are their charges? +How large are the Acme Comedy shows? +What type of account might be able to take on JP raid bosses? +What got a new install on the Thinkpads? +Other than iTunes, what else is the writer not happy with? +Is the author male or female? +How many levels behind is the authors character? +What is the secret global chat? +What is the password guessed by the poster of this information? +What system only is the seizure diary application compatible with? +where is he going back to? +What kind of new rule is the commenter looking to implement? +What should the user name do? +what was the reason for asking the question? +About what was the interviewer noticing? +How many personal items does the poster have? +What was discussed in the emergency session? +What change does the writer want to happen? +What does the poster have? +The author wants to know if he is properly ____________. +When driving, what is the pedometer registering? +What does the author collect? +What is going on sale? +Which operating system took less than a second to return a result? +What time did they realize their mistake? +What kind of sim card does the poster not have? +What sort of truck was the trailer attached to? +How much money is going to be inherited? +What book is the author currently reading? +Is the ethnography a full size one or small? +When does the author want to wait until +What kind of iPod does the writer have? +What button can remained pressed when moving the camera around? +What don't I believe in? +What question do they have about specific things? +What countries have had gun violence drop dramatically? +Can you get more than one account and try to rack up additional things? +What types of certifications does he will want to start with? +What did the speaker think would be neat? +What was the writer almost concerned that their computer had? +What abilities do the members have questions about? +What did they update? +where is the person from? +What two games are being compared? +What did Norman used to buy the lottery ticket? +What is another word for ectothermic? +How much did they think companies paid employees with masters degrees? +What has he been playing for one year now? +What is Father Ted? +what type of structures does gamer build? +How long was the writer imprisoned? +What were the two examples given in the text? +What is your jeans style? +The in game voice sensitivity was changed from 3.09 to what? +What factor does the author think character preference may affect? +What games do I like to try? +What N64 game is mentioned as an example of a game that has an emulator? +Who do they feel puts alot of emotion intheir character? +What is the bug that the user is experiencing when selecting more than one tile? +What will I check at the stores later this year? +Does the author have any cavities? +Why does the poster want to stream on Twitch? +What are the dates to know? +What server does he play on? +What do some other posts view as very important? +What does the author love to do during streaming? +Does their parents think they have bipolar disorder? +The rollerball is clairified as what? +Does Acme Comedy Company have shows to celebrate the New Year? +Which deck is this person currently building? +Who are they looking for in the study? +What does the user have too much of? +How often was FPS Games played before the announcement? +What, specifically, is this person looking for, in terms of this movie? +What type of make up are they asking about? +How old is the poster's baby? +What will be added? +Does the writer's dad have access to electricity at his cottage? +What phone did the speaker have before? +What type of pool is the user looking to increase? +What does the author think the worst that can happen is? +Who does Reigns have a feud with? +What smell emanates from the exhaust when the vehicle has problems? +How many winning rounds are there in a row before losing loads? +Which Microsoft program did he use to solve the problem? +What else does the poster's boyfriend need for his bike? +What have they registered? +What did I find? +What type of monitor was the poster first thinking of getting? +What time does the event start on Slack channel? +What happens any time they try to go on an adventure and explore? +Where is the NPO group planning to volunteer? +Which cat is not sick? +What resulted from their original problem? +What is built step by step? +What, according to the author, is a powerful experience that comes in various forms? +how many bottles of Ronan is he looking for? +What has the author been using on the file names? +Which two players does the writer predict will be finished by the end of 2016? +What kind of binder was the author going through? +How many minutes has the system been saying 'please wait' for? +What type of Husky is it? +Who has tried to help the author with their problem? +What two different method has the author tried and failed at? +Which coin type hasn't dropped? +What does the poster want to know? +What is the main subject of this passage? +What type of games make the AMD run very slowly? +What are the 2 Houses of the week? +Why does this person want to use the website they are leaning toward? +What is the show on? +What would we remove by allowing us to duplicate sets ourselves? +What was finished in May? +How much power does the dad have available? +How does their web page look? +What kind of hill occurs in the dream? +What happened after updating? +What do people that say fluoride in drinking water is bad also may agree with? +What was the name of the store owner's dog? +What are the author's plans after high school? +Why does the author apologize? +what the body is made from? +How much less will it cost to mix your own juice compared to buying commercial juice? +What is a side effect of the louder volume? +What's another name for Sylphs? +Where was the user at? +What kind of place are they working for? +what is the only benefit of leveling after you stop gaining perks? +What nationality is the manuscript? +The Model B of what is used in the test setup? +how old was he when he first started editing? +How may chapters does Totem contain? +Which account does the person want to change their name for? +Who was one of the previous houses of the week? +What deck does Trump often play? +What is the policy motto of starbucks? +What has no signal? +What do they have trouble styling? +what version of the game did the writer get? +What would be the second step in setting up the A2 ME interface? +what kind of diet did they follow before? +What was the author's perception of the effect of the vape? +Who is the author looking for? +what was Darshan named before? +What is the student interested in? +Whos services will the poster use to build a CAT 6a network into the new house's walls? +How long did the users stream for? +Where did Dr. Fritz Ulrich die? +Who wanted to be there when the engagement took place? +What operating system would the author like to run? +Which method does the seller prefer for payment? +What kind of lens will they be potentially getting? +How many cards can the OP pay off this month? +What are the complaints about the old gym? +How long has this player had his eye on NIF Neymar? +What would be the reason for 3/4 spacing? +What is the size of his OS' partition? +How often does this thread post? +How long ago was it that the author rode bikes a lot? +What have I painted without priming and sanding before? +What is decreased due to the high shutter? +What is the author getting from the previous levels? +How many does it take for a league? +How big are the Phillips monitors? +What is he reason for the 3 systems? +What was used to set up the server? +The piece covering what part of the body looks too big according to the author? +Why is there an error on the phone? +What story can't be continued? +what type of device is being used? +How did they know there was an issue? +What did the ticket say after he scratched it off? +What are the attributes of the first auto rifle that the poster got? +What type of vendor shipped the cards? +The poster mentions seeing a thread in which those of what occupation talked about the difficulty of finding work? +which type of players would the poster most like to play with? +What do the bears do after running in place for a bit? +After the revolvo update, what sometimes happens in the middle of the game to the sensitivity? +How did he/she accomplish the goal? +What field do they feel passionately about? +What is shown on the home screen? +What is missing? +The author prefers the blunderbuss over which other weapon? +What is incorrect according to the author? +What was the player gifted for Christmas? +What am I a sucker for? +How many Xbox one controllers do they use? +What did he do to his browsers to try to fix the problem? +Where do Webinars rank among marketing tactics? +Who did they win against? +What does Disney have in the works for the future of Star Wars? +What did the author have included within their package of photos? +Is the author experienced? +What is the problem with the ROMS starting with, '._'? +how many of the stories does the comic book reader follow after house of M? +What year was the condo purchased? +In what way would the author like for the engagement photos to be used? +What does the person want to do after they share this message? +What has a lot of sentimental value? +Which item is the seller trying to sell? +What did this person watch somewhat recently that re-ignited their passion? +Besides letting the author know, what should one do if they still have an item? +Who is the author seeking examples from? +The writer wants to farm parts for what? +Which message apps were mentioned in the paragraph? +What is the annual percentage rate on their second card? +What tier of achievement is Team California? +What else could the player do with the helicopter other than fly? +When the author tries to connect to the friend's network, what type of connection actually ends up being used instead? +What is the price range for an Aniplex blue-ray? +What do a lot of people rely on? +What did the fallacy make the author think about? +What does he have for regen? +Who is the mother kinder too than their own child? +Which authors seem critical? +Which list have they tested? +What did the doctor suggest? +What is the name of the new tracking/adding aid for Rainbow Rush? +The Rokinon Mirror Lens is a budget _________ lens. +What is the name of the app in question? +What quality can be used to qualify tribalpedia? +Does the seller seem willing to bargain for these items? +What is the total amount rebates? +How many students are on the project? +The icy islands were located in the city of what? +Between what hours will the apartment be inaccessible? +What is their main query? +Who has been invited as an observer? +Where are you having trouble logging in from? +What is it about the case that the person is unfamiliar with? +What does the author hate to do? +What is the total rent amount of the apartment? +What campaign is entitled "Better Together"? +What am I not looking for? +Why are they selling part of their collection? +Where was this post crossposted from? +How much money are the parents of the bride contributing to the wedding? +What is an opportunity for users to play each others levels? +Who is this question addressed to? +What was the sub record for iZBOT World 1 that the writer tried to beat? +What tools does the user want to use? +What are the two sections on the new survey about? +How many years will the author have been a Crew supporter next year? +Who caused the damage to the eldrazi decks? +When will the wedding take place? +how serious was Bella have depression in New Moon? +What is ranked number 20 on the list? +What does NIP stand for? +How many power should the creature have to trigger ferocious and the like? +What is the free gift? +What archetype is being discussed? +What is the name of the competition? +Where is the broken piece of SD card? +Who had a sale going on with lipsticks? +How many hours does this player have ranked in this game? +What is this person age during the time of writing this? +What kind of image is the writer requesting? +what does the writer not want to have to replace? +What is the author having trouble installing? +What is javascript? +What is the specific date of the Official D. Gray-man rewatch? +What emotion did the grenade spamming make the writer feel? +What software is the person looking for? +Why can't the user complete the mission? +How much is the Kwa Lm4? +What does this person regret choosing? +How many days away is their interview? +How did the author acquire his trade? +How old is the phone? +What do they want? +What is A mile of Pi? +What can not be used with the discussed mod? +What type of electronic are they wanting to find? +What was he trying to get at first? +What did one of the individual's close friends just start a couple months ago? +How long does it take to summon a spear? +What is the user wanting to prevent or deal with? +Where did the author look for answers on social media? +What is the name of the torrent website mentioned? +What will the winner be in? +What company is the narrator perusing? +What is he considered? +Is the person a veteran gamer? +what country are they looking for the organization in? +What does the AlienFX send to the Arduino? +What did the writer use to clean their iPhone with? +What matches perfectly with the Graphite ibp/itian combo? +What type of questions should be asked? +What to do if filling the survey is not acceptable? +What does Unraid have built in? +Why did the writer think the knifes posted were unused? +What did they get for christmas? +What weather do they want to be prepared for? +what calendar does the writer want to know others opinions on? +Which number essay's will they be reading? +What's not driving forward the elections? +When do they expect to be visiting? +What happened in the laboratory in which Dr. Fritz Ulrich died? +What type of being is Dex? +For what software does this person need a guide for? +Who is the team behind rdr casting? +What is an example of boot misbehavior? +Where do I get stuck? +What expired while he was driving? +There is a concern that someone might eventually betray what? +Why does the writer think those videos testing Kerbal Spaced Program with sp4 and sp3 are bad? +How many horodric cashes has this player collected? +What simple scientific property can you take advantage of? +How many acogs do the US have on the field? +What Valve does have to do when games starts? +How many guests are expected for the wedding? +The author played GTA a lot on which platform? +What does the person want explained? +How much is he willing to spend? +What can already be transferred from another to another for free? +What is the author of the post looking for? +What did the author find in the photos featured prominently? +How do I send a cancellation request? +When was the layoff? +What amount is the Epic Antiproton Beam Array going for on the exchange? +What can spears pierce through? +What part of the game does the writer not want to play? +What operating system is the writer running? +What type of issue did they think it was? +What is the mission the user needs to complete +What is the user experiencing? +How many days of free time will the author have? +What does the title says? +The author puts in effort to maintain what state during the day? +Did Norman remember buying the insurance? +How experienced is the player? +What size bra does the poster currently wear? +What are the activity requirements for new members? +What are they getting their first of? +This person also is looking for tips and tricks and for information about what else? +What game is the author referencing? +What would make psychodymaic therapy progress faster? +What is wrong with the business owners current advertising? +How often does nethub change? +What type of parrot is it? +What loads fine? +How tall are they? +What are they trying to create? +What build do they want to start with? +What material does he wish to make the long board out of? +What did Rubio take after his opening address? +what did he needed advice on? +What does the poster spend the majority of time doing? +Is this person an experienced editor? +What message does the author receive when they try to join a server? +Is the commenter certain of Steven's innocence? +You can edit afterwards to add what in? +What limiting restrictions do they have? +Is what happened with the German man fact or theory? +What might a reciever want to do with a label? +What does this poster want to do with her/his webcam? +What sync software if the poster using on their phone? +Where is this person currently insured? +What option does the poster want to disable? +What game does the poster say he started playing yesterday? +What three things does the poster believe everyone is working to build? +What did they do to the headphones? +Who is most likely to win RR? +What are the new sections added in the new survey about? +Where does the author enjoy playing the pipe organ? +Where was the author expecting to find the song? +What instrument was played during the marches? +What are the main characters of Pandora Hearts? +What does the user want to upgrade on their hackintosh? +What will happen after one week? +What is the first new innovation that the poster plans to start? +What is said about SARMS? +What can you think of as a virtual team mate? +What does Unknown0x01 a supporter of? +what type of fence does the writer discus building over the drains to prevent debris? +What is the name of the service used to list the parts? +what animation is the writer having trouble with? +What is the research project about? +What did the writer say was phenomenal? +Of the two games, which was the most confusing? +Who should Lord mooton not be concerned with encountering on his way through Lord Harroways town? +How will the new update affect the economy of the game? +What solution was posed to stop characters from being overpowered? +What did she set her sensitivity? +When was the BCBS slated to begin? +What item is imbued with the sign when a sign is cast? +What is left unconfigured? +What did they see as they peered into the night sky? +What is the usual cost for the Warren Thatcher Price: Build A Container Home book? +At which location did they see this character? +What do betas work better with? +What kind of performance are they looking for? +What distance does the person prefer to run? +What is the writer bored with? +What does the AlienFX SDK send that the Roccat doesn't? +What was the name of the parrot? +what does the script offer when the caller says they are unable to sign up? +What did my CS professor for intro to computing say? +What brand of portable headphone amp does the poster consider using? +What is the model and make of the car? +What kind of return policy does Titan World have? +What was Tristifer displaying as he went up to the gate of stone hedge? +Which platform is hardest to use? +Which animation studio do they mention? +What is the author now tracking for the current season? +How are they coming back? +Along with just one button, what else did I think tuxedos should have? +What is the author asking for help on? +What game was received as a gift? +What kind of machine is the author going to set up? +Where are they going next? +How did they feel about "Strange water phenomenon"? +How much money have they spent so far? +On what day will a random giveaway happen? +When will further details about the games be announced? +how should players who make MGE or DMG feel? +What do they believe will be introduced in either Episode VIII or Episode IX? +Under what dollar amount does this person wish to purchase their tea pot for? +How long have they been vegan? +What did they do to increase their NAS speed? +How many of these chats were there in the past? +What has a levelling system? +Who is the owner of the Eagles? +How much caffeine were they drinking regularly? +How many games was the player unsuccessful with? +When did they get food from their favorite vegetarian restaurant? +When might Bungie give rewards? +Specifically, what will help the author solve the problem? +Are the bathrooms private? +What did the author cancel? +What was the exposure? +How many eyelids does the shoe have? +what gender would they prefer the companion to be? +The author proposes that Bloody Crow of Cainhurst should only be available to fight after completing which quest-line? +Is using the Crest mouthwash a new addition to the author? +What behavior/emotion does the author thinks the AI decides to take on him? +Can you pay cash for new operators? +What are they starting? +What are some examples of nostalgia video games today? +What is the question he is asking? +During which week may you post about Saiyans? +What community is this person asking for help? +What stride did they push the horses into? +How much did the author pick up? +Which system is the player looking to find FFA to play on? +What is the author's current system rated in bits? +When did they poke someone in the eye with an umbrella? +What does the person want to purchase in the future? +Why are the headlamps junk? +How long have I been able to commit to get over the keto flu? +Where are electrons located? +what should volunteers have ready to link? +How many button function is strategic map? +How many prompts are there for this week? +What style did the user used to play? +Who are the actors in the movie Her? +What program does the author want help with? +What stage of education am I at? +Was the address taken down correctly or incorrectly? +What does the writer have to prove overloading of water might work for long term hydration? +where did I read that list last week? +How are the movies lacking? +What kind of headphones does the poster have? +What does borderless gaming do to the user's game? +What different titles does the author have? +What television show is the commenter talking about? +Who is their cellular service provider? +What consumes so much power that is causes a number of hardware problems? +What do the poster friends do while the poster stays sober? +Who was betrayed by the investigators in the Avery case? +What do the non-battery backup outlets act like? +After reading a letter,who was tristifer not concerned about leaving in charge of negotiations? +What is the user thinking about switching their major to? +How does the fake landscape feel? +The demo video for the mod is shot in what perspective? +Which state is the author living in? +What has the writer played twice? +Can Sims 4 be characterized as having an open world as the previous version by this gamer?? +Which kind of wobs is the author looking for? +What is being purchased? +What gaming system is being played on? +What might another gamer have advice on? +What does the author have runes of? +When did Linode have recent downtime issues? +What information is needed to join the group and get set up? +What kind of music do they want placed into the game? +what does the writer want others to share? +What is their reason for selling? +How long has the player been playing racing games with a keyboard? +What are somethings he is looking to do with the money? +What is the first turntable they are considering? +What is this person trying to make? +What was my impression that a tuxedo should have? +What setup does this person want? +What did stop working? +Why are they going to redirect support to the forums? +Where could the Data Matrix be hidden? +How long is the chase to be escaped from? +What are these threads used for? +what is their current level? +What kind of growths are in the beginning stages? +When they found what did they do? +what two things is the writer worried will effect the image quality? +What year is the author's TV? +From where will the craft beers be brewed before being sent to consumers? +Who was Austin's opponent in WM13? +In what chapter do you have to make 1 set dungeon? +what was the new year resolution? +What social website did the recipe page link to? +What kind of residue is occasionally left on the printed pages? +Over what percent of cards does he have? +What type of computer does the author stream to occasionally? +Why did the poster repost the thread? +What kind of beer does the author want to drink? +What type of roommate is the poster looking for? +what relic lotion does the writer currently have? +What does the boss transform into in the third phase? +What year is the commander greeted to? +What would the group use to talk to the rest of the team? +What has not been living up to its maximum potential? +what do you have to add the game as to use it on steam? +Why was the Ram installation video created? +What do they do every month for their customers? +What general device is the question about? +What is the third story line but the writer despises it? +What type of model is the snowmobile? +Who did the robots capture? +Why are the graphics set to low? +What kind of variation does adaptive radiation have? +Where are they moving? +What lit up on the CHIP? +What kind of computer is the author having trouble with? +What did the writer said they brewed in the paragraph? +Where are the friends and the author meeting? +Who released Roulette Plus which had a lot of features on it. +What is the author's main reason for wanting to hax? +Who are they just not feeling? +Who is a hard worker for England? +what update setting is the writer unsure whether it is on or off? +At what time will the book club meet? +Where are the possible clues? +Who held Final Fantasy? +What did the author want to be? +What is the author's preferred language? +The author describes that their is how much explanation on the subject? +it worked for how many minutes? +What game series is being discussed? +Where should Ox play? +Would Alice have know about Bella's communications? +What kind of bulbs did the author receive? +Why having the whose name did the writer try to "read" out? +How often do they smoke? +What devices is the questioner looking to find game apps for? +What didn't function all the time as far as running? +Around how long does this person stay at a place they're visiting +What doesn't the author want to lose? +What would this person remove from the opposition? +What has proved a large amount of no success +What is the author connecting? +What state is the electron in? +what year was this full read planned? +When they try to Add New, what is it asking for? +What kind of turn does the driver want to make? +What are qualities of Brenden's personality that Steven allegedly exploited? +What happened when the user tried to add the phone as a trusted device on their phone? +Which team's fans is the poster questioning? +What do you call the added downloads that are unnecessary? +What are the gamer's least favorite large weapon in the game and why? +what are the majority of my friends religiously? +What have i been unable to find? +Where is the institute located? +What does Redline contain? +How much gold does Qaddafi's government Hold? +What two sources dont really explain anything about video? +How much debt will be the result? +Why did the akes and Elders start a war with their neighbors? +What program did the person use as an example of something they're tired of seeing asking to make changes? +What video game was being played? +What changes does the writer want to make? +What opportunity does the daily level exchange provide? +What is the writer looking for? +What does the speaker think about the application? +What store did this person buy something from with their significant other? +Stack Lighting bulgs have built-in ________ and _________ sensors. +What do you do with the rocks once the process is complete? +What if you don't save any of them? +Besides inventory turnover rates, what other things need monitoring? +Was it a digital or physical copy of the key? +What model are they running? +what is it called when you only use magic attacks? +How are the rates? +Around what holiday did the parents begin nagging? +What results do youtubers have? +What would be a goal of using a formula during Importing and sales profits? +Which type of XCOM facility does the writer mention? +How often will this post be repeated? +What was the main play style of this user when they started playing? +How much does the gross tandem trailer weigh? +Why does the person goes to physical therapy? +Who confronted Kanbaru? +What time of year is it? +According to the gamer, you're safe with the current MSC overcharge and no need for what type of weapon? +Where can you find information? +What type of post will be removed? +The volume is always what according to the author? +What is the first clan chat update the Reddit user would like to see? +What kind of problem is present with the person during game playing? +Dave gets what? +What more did he need after he reached his goal? +which camera has an external recorder? +Who did Marco marry? +Who starred in the Bond movies? +Which is the ball of the future? +What do the people in the subreddit recommend as a starting point for drip machines? +Which general academic subject does this problem fall under? +what antivirus software did the player uninstall? +What emulator won't recognize the adapter? +What season is their character? +Does he owe bank or any other debt collector money? +What is the father look to change? +Which card would the poster like to add? +Other than the H100i, what other option was this person considering? +The author feels what? +What is the topic of this post? +What is the motive for seeking a solution for this problem? +What kind of advice is the user looking for? +What is this dogs oddest behavior? +What is the benefit of the Cerberus Assault clan? +What is the author wondering if he needs in case the guitar is stored underneath the plane? +Who would control Constantinople again? +How often is this thread posted? +What level has the commenter attained on DAI? +What type of fun is cards against humanity? +What kinds of Objects does unet let the host interact with? +What game does the commenter find very difficult? +On what phone are the specs supposed to be better? +What does creatine do to provide long term hydration? +What channel is the poster concerned with? +What needs to be purchased to become a full fledged citizen? +How does the commenter deal with fire enemies? +In what patch were the wings added? +Whats a sign that the ARG hasn't been solved? +What message has recently been on the computer? +How much points do you earn for logging in? +How many successful deliveries had they made? +Where did the author recently move to? +What is the name of he necromancer? +What item were they given? +What is the secret global chat? +When do the shows begin at Acme Comedy Company? +Brady will at best finish at what place? +What does Heidegger consider false? +what brand of pen is giving the writer problems? +What do the posts need to be related to? +What chapter is this from? +What is the character's name? +What items are their friends giving them? +How many petpet laboratory pieces did the narrator receive? +The author is trying to find out if faction rep carries over between what? +What does this player know people can't do? +What kind of vibe did the description of Kingdom Hearts give off to you? +End of 3301 Power Play Summary and Commentary. Excellent write-up by who? +Where can I go to stream it? +What is the bed temperature? +What is the relationship of the groom-to-be to the author? +Which software works the best? +What would be a fist goal for a Gen IV reactor? +What logo editing software must be used when making the logo? +What fanbase is asked about Pep going to city? +What is the author attempting to consolidate? +How many shots did this person not hear? +What family is this? +What are some good examples of 2D games? +After how long playing the game did the author see another player? +Which platform is easiest with weapons? +What happens when the writer thinks about their success? +How many anti flexion exercise do I suggest? +What do the hard numbers apparently depend on? +How many samples could be held onto at once? +What three games is the author deciding amongst? +What happens when using the d key? +What is the League name? +Why does the seller claim to want to sell the item? +What must you be to be considered by FUITA? +Who did they get booted out with? +When does the sensitivity revert? +How is the author feeling? +What does the author thing would go with a grey check shirt? +How much is Comcast's regular monthly bill? +What do some players think is important to farm and jungle? +What weapon did they want to know more about? +What elevation gain does this run have? +What type of disposition is the preference for for new guild members? +How much was the item when first purchased? +How did they answer the confuse question? +What does this person want to change on the characters? +Which operating system is it running? +The author is interested in Horsepower and ______. +When the mods make choices, they are in the best interest of what? +What is the author doing for full body control and athleticism? +What does the author ask about specifically regarding his losing team? +What are the best ways to lose weight? +What has a new bonus scale? +When did the mom feed the girls the second time? +What is 256,00 pounds in kgs? +what units was the player concerned with in respect to game balance? +What is the investment being discussed +what kind of companion is the writer looking for? +What types of people is the psychotherapist interested in helping? +When do the monitors not sound the best? +What is the author trying to put on his TV? +How does the program run? +What would the couple be pursing on their one month long stay? +Does this person have any debts in there name? +What website is the user proposing ideas for? +Which party focuses more on problems in the society? +Where did the author buy those beans? +What is the writer asking for in return? +What kind of player is the writer? +What have I started? +What is their personal project rooted in? +what does he see? +What is the 23rd Mania eliminated? +Which company made the product in question? +Who played the role of Darth Vader? +What body part did Luke lose at one point? +What can be tweaked? +What Chrome tool can be used to easily refresh the website? +How does the pill make you feel? +What happened to his/her camp? +This person's relationship has grown exponentially with whom? +What are the names of the useful abilities that the author mentions? +What does the author want to do? +what hdd size of xbox did the writer purchase? +What kind of turn does this stall at? +When will it lock on? +What type of skin to they have? +What's the name of the safe haven? +What type of person are they looking for? +What was the library programmed in? +What system does the user want to remain on? +What happened after repairs? +Where did I and a friend want to go visit? +what years does the writer suggest to start off with +When does the user preform the best while playing? +What was the bike shop's solution to the problem? +On which day is the birthday? +What kind of guy has he never been? +What game are they asking about? +What position was played in through college? +What router does the tablet connect to without issues? +What did they do to try to remedy the problem? +When is the song in question thought to be from? +Who was going against a Hulk Buser level 6? +If they file a complaint what are they worried may happen? +How much of a percentage of the total planet is the man made part? +How does one enter the contest? +Where is their new job? +What show did the reader rewatch? +What level was the item the poster bought? +Which one is the apprentice level of this user in trading? +Which version of Windows were they having issues with surround sound in? +What is the main question that the author wants to know? +What has he just defeated? +What does the author ask about angry ticket buyers? +Who definitely won their match at the event that's mostly being discussed? +How can you avoid the disease? +What is today's weather like? +What does the author consider to be a plus but not a necessary? +What does the author usually use for other games? +How far did the drone he saw go? +What artists will the new album feature? +What is the business the writer owns? +What type of scheduling do they have? +What type of animation do they want to add to the emblem? +What is this person looking for? +What am I using when the sound is really quiet? +What time does this person go to sleep? +Who showed up after Dumbledore's death? +What is the main topic of this post? +what show is the writer unable to imagine without Richard Hatch ? +Which game would the poster like to finish before the remake is released? +When did he join the party that farmed ants? +why is the baby's schedule thrown off? +What percentage decrease in loot is equal to one star? +What is being lost right away when signing into the game? +Which person is performing better in the game? +What pack is the person using? +what attitude did the writer have towards math while he was a student? +What level was the writer at before reducing the challenge to support others? +What is the main goal the author wants to achieve? +What can't they find? +what on twitter could you compare this feature to? +What is the name of the zombies map in question that that cannot be found? +What has a lot of roles for Tom Hardy? +Which character does he speculate that will get SS3 LR versions? +What happens after you update the categories from settings page? +What instrument does the accompanist play? +Is there something wrong with the way I look? +The author also asks what about quantity? +Which mechanism that engages with the shoes possibly went wrong? +Which character types did they start off with? +Any colors off limits? +What is the writer's plan for the cleaning services? +Where are the self serve rolls sold? +What social media does the gamer use to play games? +Which series of Megaman games are the poster's favorite? +What has been neglected lately? +Which pokemon has a bullet punch? +What kind of flight controller have they seen suggestions for? +What did the commenter try to adjust at the Black Emporium? +What kind of poker player is being interviewed? +What game is being played when this issue happens? +Where did you get the copy of the game? +Who has the Polestar V60 in stock? +The user has enough what, even after removal? +What streaming software does the user use? +Which position may be better at teaching more about the playing map? +what number post is this from the writer? +What invasive thing did we get rid of? +What kind of help is the writer asking for? +What did she learn? +What is the budget? +What happens if you load a new nethub save? +What kind of game recording software does the poster have on his/her PC? +Is their current formation working? +What did the user first update to? +What specific clicks don't always register? +How much money are they looking to spend? +what game did the writer play through with everything on keyboard bindings? +Once a nation is westernized, what does the author propose they be allowed to do? +Who is the author suggesting would be present at the gathering? +What makes other manufacturers' cogs sub-optimal for use with Phil Wood hubs? +What does Heidegger consider to be the truth? +What is user unable to see? +Where does the author describes that there is sensing wires? +If you are only interested in Hester is this the right league for you? +"Where is the Holy Grail?" is a documentary on which channel? +What size are the ram slots? +What video game does this person like? +What does the speaker not speak? +What was Norman making in the kitchen? +A good amount of what have been put on the pro controller? +What is the problem with the weatherstripping the writer already bought? +What are they relatively new to? +What is retreating and then regrouping? +What does this person want to always allow for specific programs? +What has been happening to the coils on the RDA? +What happens when I click on the windows icon? +How does this person feel while playing the game? +How was the jacket priced? +Which actor does the poster believe should play Bond in next Bond movie? +Why is the author only using one size of map? +What type of area does this person live in? +What is easier to use than a brush for lipstick? +what connection type did they connect their external hdd using? +what dramatic event did reddit think was stupid? +What is the purpose of the thread according to the poster? +What kind of code is used to set up the grouping of 5? +What is the name of the authors current retirement institution? +What are they looking for, as far as day trips go? +What did the images in the end result look like? +When does the mission stop playing perfectly fine? +Which cards are a little too pricey? +What does the narrator claim meets the suggested requirements for the app? +How old is the author's boyfriend? +What is easier to assemble? +What does the poster now have? +How much was charged? +How long did the author wait to get the belt? +What is the user trying to set up? +How interested is the author in any ideas of where this card came from? +What is the person's username on kik? +When does Science Showoff start? +This player is looking to join a static group on what platform? +Where do they work? +What did he/she have to get off Benny? +What am I asking for? +how long is the writer planning to save money for? +Who was upset or angry? +What is the function of the first addition they ask about? +What activates without even touching it? +What are they looking for for the new subreddit? +What does PIAB stand for? +How old must you be to participate in the study? +What is this person open to? +How much where they required to pay after selling the property? +What kind of help is this user asking for? +Where do they live? +How would the poster teach kid's science and critical thinking? +How long is the user going to wait before they play in a comp (competitive play)? +What is the author curious of about what people say in Eldora? +What sort of gameplay is this person referring to? +Who did he meet? +What randomly goes back to the connecting menu? +What position will the Bears need to hire? +What year was skipjack created? +what format does he want to use to write text? +Who is Miocic fighting? +How much did the product cost? +What types problems do you get? +When was this? +Who does the voice in the song sound like? +What did the author build over the summer? +Who knows how to keep a membership? +What is the concern about the Asus White Nano? +What was the people dying from? +How is comcast limiting is south eastern customers? +Who evolves to DeathMeramon? +What was the price for the Bewitching Flare at 10:00AM? +What other remedies has the speaker tried? +What service will they be without for a few days? +Which atom bomb took less time to build? +What instrument do they play? +What did they do in the notepad? +did he find her physical attractive at first ? +How fast does a game load? +What has the author's computer been suffering from? +Why don't they want to go to Hood? +What is the author looking to put into the mix? +Where is the author planning to go? +How many total games did this player play during his attempt to win with each team in La Liga as quickly as possible? +What country is this player in? +On what day did the poster open their bottle of Monks Stout Dupont beer? +What died shortly after the warranty expired? +what innovation he was doing in garage for winter +what chapters are this excerpt from? +What kind of feel does this person wan't to get from the film? +Why is the writer primary motivation to embark on a water fast? +What are they basically? +what is the current state of Craglorn +How long of spikes did the game freeze for the writer? +What has popped up across the nation? +How old is xXParkboboXx? +Which type of break does the author say they are working on getting? +Besides profit margins, what information might go into metrics for business for importers? +What has the author been inspired by the create a playlist? +How does the poster want a reply? +What type of a player is the author? +What year is the writer's IRA? +What is the person telling this story asking for? +which camera is more expensive? +What was they searching for? +What is author's main focus for sport/ self defense? +What platform is the poster streaming on? +Are all tier skins available through renown points? +What does the writer think might contribute to the surprising OG number in their brew? +Where is the Mediterranean Summit? +On which website has this request being posted? +What type of feelings are does the author not like to express? +What game is the author trying to load? +What are 2 details that you need to fill in? +What are the two choices in RPG games? +What does the author not want to game on? +What happened to the characters focused on? +What is a great resource? +What do the flaws regarding the authentication requests allow? +What is the companion needed to the anvil for making the staff? +How long was the season believed to be? +How many pairs of wings are there? +What search engine did the poster use to Identify the flag? +What weapon were they very impressed with? +In what emotional state is the writer on awakening? +How many power sources were used in the test setup? +What is the authors current cycle? +Why are they bringing the Airizer Air? +Which feature does the Reddit user suggest in the third clan chat update they would like? +What time is the thread posted? +What can you do in this 2 universe state? +What date poster is the person looking for? +What is the melody in TOMT similar to? +The author is prepared for their post to sink into what? +How long until the 10k begins? +What does my friend run? +What kind of teachers are showing bias? +What currency is the budget in? +Which website did the poster buy something on? +What's the total number of questions the author wants to ask? +What year is mentioned in this article? +What was the author watching his friend play? +How many feet of a shipping container is needed to build an underground shelter? +What application is preferred by the writer for sending out physical check? +What started their whole problem? +How many matches are they getting on tinder? +What have I been trying to figure out for a few days and cant? +What is the Republic party? +who compiled a variation of seemingly common calc 1 question? +What was the argument against him not using his tentacles? +What is the principal issue? +What have you attempted to do to resolve the problem? +What game came out in 2015? +How old is the commentator? +Why is data being collected? +What action should be taken during installation if one experiences a jam with the cog? +What device brand do I have? +What game does the writer play the most? +What did the screw with the most damage look like? +What did this person find and install? +Why did gun violence drop in those countries? +When you die where do your pixels float back to? +What kind of hair color dye has the author always used? +What is being chosen for a team? +When did the couple reunite? +What attribute of their pings should people be able to customize? +What was Qaddafi's long term plan that Nicolas Sarkozy Addressed the concern of his advisors over? +What level is this player? +What kind of turning radius is better? +In what state does the driver want to know the traffic law? +Where does the tablet get stuck when connecting to the router? +What problems were caused by rushing the update? +What did the serial killer do? +Who's WJC is over? +what tends to block the writers drains? +Who was the author's friend attacked by twice? +Who is this person looking for? +What is the post about? +What does the message say when the user checks his history? +What do they use for oil? +What should you try feeding the guests? +Which team owns Bidwell? +What type of gift event was this? +The 980ti is thought to be what? +What does the poster want removed from the game? +what date is the first book being discussed? +What is the author's general feeling toward this game? +What social platfornm was the person watching videos on? +How many map sizes is the author going to be making use of for their game? +What is a credit score of 522 considered? +Who are the Bruins about to play against? +What remakes is the poster anticipating coming out? +What did the person try to fix it? +Which characters does he think is not LRs currently? +Because there is no figurine, does that mean Doomsday won't come back? +What is the writer's new GPU? +How many songs will be on the author's new album? +What does this user want to do when things go wrong? +What kind of software is the user looking for? +What is the abbreviation for Frames Per Second? +Where are the items being offered? +How many games are back to back games? +What country resident's does the sale apply to? +What item needs to fit snugly? +what type of OS is the player using? +What described the way the method was used in one word? +what happened when the writer tried searching for answers? +What month is the family planning a road trip to SW BC? +What type of players start in a group of 5? +What camera was used? +What type of site is the poster interested in making? +What part of the body did the writer try to move after panicking? +Which hues are needed for the person's spouse? +The author describes that their is how much explanation on the subject? +How many times will the unit cycle before shutting down? +What did he/she use instead? +How does the narrator categorize the listed items? +How long has Samuel been participating competitively? +The game was recorded with and without +What did the author quit? +Sora, Donald and Goofy are tasked with what? +What did the author deposit their earnings into? +What other version has the writer also been unsuccessful in finding? +Where did Vince McMahon get out of, in one video? +How often does everyone participate in winning? +The professor the student is paraphrasing was teaching them what class? +How long have they played with the female protagonist? +why he is not coming back this semester ? +Who is Tristifer whent engaged to? +What is the authors current size? +What does the user not want to spend money on? +Who signed the charges and accusations? +Which gens can search for most viewed videos +What is the poster's long term goal? +What does the AI give away for no apparent reason? +What adjective did he call the player base? +What was encountered while processing? +This user tells others to contact him through what methods? +What date was this thread posted? +Why am I doing all of this? +Who played in Mexico and Great Britain? +Why does this person not want a tock? +According to the author, what is causing bluescreens/crashes? +What is the main issue the author is experiencing? +Why do they spawn allies? +what version of Farmstead Civil Disobedience is mentioned? +Other than AMD what company's GPU's are discussed? +How many levels have been uploaded? +What have considered myself for a while? +When will the poster be answering questions? +What month did they contact the school back? +When am I running my first ever half marathon? +what is this excerpt from? +What's one of the reasons that he did not take college courses? +what is said at the end to make the person seem polite? +What is the maximum output from the solar panels? +What star range are most of the poster's parts? +Which colors aren't acceptable to wear as white belt? +What part of the computer do you believe is giving you the blue screens? +What does the writer see Lukaku to be? +Who can use an ability mid jump? +what type of controller does the writer use? +What expensive item is the person trying to avoid purchasing? +What kind of engine had he pulled before? +What question does the writer ask about guild? +What emotions is Taylor Swift "Allegedly" +What does this player want? +What game does the poster think is awesome? +What are the skins used for? +What number anniversary is it? +what was the question proposed by the writer? +What might be the reason people don't like my dating profile? +Which two people are involved? +How many friends is the author meeting? +Where are they competing? +One reason to be nice to someone is because you sincerely feel what towards them? +Which parts of the song were heavily modified? +who has been revising and doing formulae? +How much are new Mustang prices increased over? +What mode does the player want to use with a keyboard? +Who won the Norther Meeting Gold Metal? +What genre is the movie? +What key do you press to recover using the factory image? +What do I want the user to be able to do? +what chapter is the excerpt from? +What kind of graphics was the game? +What did Windows 7 automatically run when it was first loaded? +Who hasn't been to the North Pole? +What did the writer's 4.5 yr old get for x-mas? +what is the reasoning behind PositiveBalance not unbanning him? +How does he want people to respond? +What grade does he see how good they are at? +What is your dress style? +What is the drcpnd step of the workaround to get the Gobbleegums? +When was the player planning to rebirth an old character? +Has the headaches gotten better? +The author is wondering if the skill learning will make them what? +How long did Samuel take a sabbatical from leadership? +What phone did he/she use? +What organisms does the course discuss in addition to algae and lichenes? +What do I want to do with the translated diaries? +What is the mood the painter's art tries to convey? +What type of issue does the user believe it is? +How long does the temporary account last? +What year did Wrestlemania 32 take place? +What issues are they having? +Who is charging me? +What kind of subscription boxes is the author looking for? +Why does the blazer need to be solid colored? +Who created the video? +The writer claims he will be granted what province? +What is the name of the role that allows 2 players to help each other? +When computer was first built how many GBs was it using? +Where is the DNS programmed to lead? +In which order is the poster trying to explore? +Who did Tom find on Basebook? +What name is controversial? +What does he wish to take home? +What kind of school is the author going to? +How much heavier is he than his girlfriend? +Why are they poor? +What does he want to order online? +Other than the sound of taps, what other sound has disappeared? +What are they looking for reccomendations on? +What game was the person not interested in playing initially? +Which year will the author be a Season Ticket Holder next year? +Which technical specifications does it have? +What is the author's main concentration? +What game runs pretty well for this person? +Who does the author thank personally? +The poster created the thread in order for people to learn what? +What book was the author refrencing about flu? +The voltage drops to 2v for how long? +What does the commenter want from readers? +How has the gamer typically played the game of Sims? +What garrison was he removed from? +How has the pipe for sell been stored? +What event does the poster want to commemorate? +How many people does the company that I work for have? +What legal stream are available for The Official D. Gray-Man rewatch? +How should one sort this post? +How was the singing in the song described? +What do you need for a Z-Visa Application process? +What is author's job? +What firearm is the author asking about? +What special event might use a photo booth? +Who does the writer predict will win the batting title? +The writer suggests if he tries to fight one of those giant what? +what platform was it on? +What kind of exercise equipment is desired? +Which of the poster's two scenes doesn't have lag in it? +Who is playing against the New York Mets? +What is the roommate going to be hosting? +How many of the items work? +What happened to people associated with Aquaman? +What year did this occur? +which location is empty? +Which part of the files did the buyer NOT download after receiving their order? +What is the name of the person that plays Tony Stark? +How much is the mortgage? +Where did they find interesting walks? +What is the recipe for Chicken Cacciatore? +What math textbooks have the student been already recommended? +How long have you owned your Toshiba Satellite? +Is the condo complex big or small? +What in the franchise behind the game they want to mod? +What kind of insurance did the author expect to cover the repairs? +What is the subject of this post? +What is Haruna? +What kind of figure did this person buy? +What does this person have for your main weapons? +What score is this persom thinking of giving the film, they want to do a review on? +Who cannot do what is needed to ensure the security of the systems they control? +When did the author's order ship? +What operating system are they using? +What substance is the writer making? +what team is the writer a fan of? +What is the user interested in opening? +This person is installing what brand of mid-woofers and tweeters? +What kind of knowledgeable people is the poster seeking? +Who wants to live with this person? +Was the first lesson distracting? +What did they get that was new for this year? +What kind of file could the author not find on her computer? +What do a lot of Terrans think? +What supplies are they missing to make another saddle? +which game did they both played alot of? +What is the first steps for setting up MFR Planter with ME interface? +When will the Zeah Raids be released? +Which part of the website did this person want to add a recaptcha to? +How did you come to be able to join the new forums? +What is the best solution for using a USB hub? +How does part of the song go? +What is name of the thread? +Where does the author live? +How much was the total amount of relocation? +What operating system is the chromebook running? +What is the tag for game you're looking to trade for? +what type of device is the post about? +What kind of events can you post? +What does he go to Log.e for? +Does this car have bluetooth ability? +what model of car does the writer have? +What year was the height of the market that the condo was bought? +What game is this player playing? +What nationality is the person who wrote this comment? +Where was the ussr already marching towards? +What does the speaker work with because he has to? +What version of windows does the writer want to know about? +What would the Xaela do possible after sailing to Limsa? +Who was sold into slavery? +Who are the turks compared to? +What are they thinking of doing? +What time does the Baylor vs. Kansas game start? +What is ready to receive photos that people take? +which music video has the speaker loved? +What is the principal issue? +Which game console is being discussed? +what holiday season is coming up at the time this post was written? +What wasn't measured properly so that it caused a wrong fit? +What else are they doing at the time? +Out of the sixtimes the gamer won 3rd place, how many times was it a two man team? +The author wants to know how quickly what will sell out? +Is his girlfriend colder or hotter than him while awake? +What is the name of the Book Club? +The fight is to be split into how many rounds? +What is his profession? +What does the gamer like about Sims 3? +How should the Blitzen Incident be investigated? +What two things did they list not knowing about the kind of hair they have? +Who wrote "All The Pretty Horses"? +Whose skills are equal to each other? +What did they decide to watch instead? +What problems are they experiencing +What did I figure? +What is the author trying to accomplish? +What control panel is not opening? +What year was the Treaty of Turin signed? +How long do the girls sleep for after fussing? +What kind of upgrade did this have to come from? +Who posted new tracks to Soundcloud? +What kind of guitar do they currently own? +What will be discussed at the Summit? +What is being described as thought of as possible outdated? +Were all the cards blank? +What did the writer break on their phone? +What settings does the emulator work under? +What type of thread is this? +is he running other debugger? +What do they plan to do? +When does the user preform the worst when playing? +What was the author not expecting? +What are other technical specs for this laptop? +What is not required for the run? +What level will the character be after the boost? +How many on going series does Saudi Knight have on his youtube channel? +Whats the first thing Killua has done to improve himself? +What time is the fight at? +What do the abbreviations OAC/OAP stand for? +What is CHIRP used for? +what fps was the writer at before adding mods and running S.T.E.P.? +What are the primary broadcast channels? +Were there any people talking about this? +What was the password given by the comic? +What is one change that Riot has given to League of Legends players? +How did they find out about Spaced? +What is harsh on their throat and sometimes their lungs? +What advice is the gamer looking for concerning Sims? +Overall, what is the main question the poster is seeking advice about? +Why did he mix up his form? +How long will BiVACOR last? +How long is it the commute of the author? +How can users find more information of Jane Doe? +What is one game that the author mentions as an example of what he is interested in? +What advantages does using the asset store have? +Why was a emergency HOA meeting was called? +What type of fish did the son get? +What does the poster think the series is going to be ended with? +How long have you been watching the work? +What computer editing program are they thinking of using? +How big were the duo lipsticks from Sephora? +Who could have done some damage via a profile that was not real? +What is Stack Lighting making? +What does the author make with the LSDJ program? +How would you use over cooked roasted vegetables? +What game was it? +what two products do people use with their headsets to improve performance? +Would this game chat be a good or bad thing? +How many gamemodes are there? +What is the writer interested in as far as coverage of scootering events? +Is the job for individual or group lessons? +Some of this variation may have been caused by +Overall, what does the poster think has happened to things because of technology compared to the last decade? +The game was recorded with and without this +What day of the week will Austin's podcast be aired? +What is a term for describing an agreement that hurts one's integrity? +How many miles is on this diesel truck? +what color should the LED actually be? +What website does the author not want the credentials uploaded to? +what does the speaker aspire to be? +What other game had they never really played? +How the length of time for the game compare to that last time? +what coupon does the writer currently have to use for the next hour? +In which states does Sonya hold a licence to be an Esthetician? +Are all contacts available for every issue? +What is the tag for game you want to sell for money? +How many companies does the poster's town have? +What is the user looking for? +Which deck type will now require more thought on when to damage the enemy? +Since their rogue was lower, who did they have to play against? +What issue are you having with your PC? +How is it displaying the preview on the camera? +Where to find people to prepare healthy premade food? +What would they like to see added to the game? +What kind of trombone does he have right now? +What did he find? +How does this person define "optimized" for his first PC? +What game may be a red herring to this conversation? +how long they are dating each other? +The author is looking for what? +How many wins per arena run does the writer get now? +What kind of bike does the poster's boyfriend have? +What does the person think they may need to complete? +This topic is discussing holding what? +Which party focuses more on problems that are within the society? +What is too squishy to fight with? +The author has not had time to inoculate what? +What is the person looking for in abroad? +What does this person rarely play? +What file sets the attack move function? +What would be your default outfit to go to? +What kind of monthly spotlights are suggested? +When are they starting? +What can a person feel like it isn't moral? +The poster's "live" expired, what do they need someone to send them? +Did the buyer receive the game? +What is the author trying to build for school? +what was the similarities of the winners of both Survivor Panama and Survivor Nicaragua? +What does this person want to sell? +What do you sometimes have to do? +How old is this person? +When did they overwork themselves? +How was the pay and the work of the residential cleaning services? +Why does the writer not want to tell people of their success? +How long have they had this rescue dog? +How much does the rubber cost? +What is not a concern? +What kind of effects do they want to feel? +What is the only answer this person can seem to find to their problem? +What city will host the meet up? +How long has it been since the writer has heard all of their playlist? +What is needed to attend the kings vs. ducks game? +what kind of language is the website in? +What is the author advocating? +Which state has open carry? +What game is the comment about? +When is the father's birthday? +how many USB ports does the controller respond in? +How can you make a direct purchase from Steam? +Who is protective about their characters? +what is the production time for the belt? +What do you not get as a result of this patch? +What is the author's demographic? +When does the gym membership run out? +What are some specific things used to create the final product? +How many hit points does this person have left? +How long ago did he/she get it? +How much time does it has to play dota? +Which websites have many buy and sell groups? +What were the countries that had americans in on the onset of wwII +What is the individual majoring in? +What is my new years resolution? +How long ago did the poster buy the game? +What thread is this on? +Which two people's work does the subreddit they not want to replace? +When will a poll be up? +What does Drew's training program offer? +What is the average price to ship beer to the east coast? +What does the gamer want to exchange via comment or PM? +In the end, who helped the hero? +What does his mindset seem near identical to the mindset of? +What makes the accuracy questionable? +What does the author believe would make games more fun to watch? +What did the user try to do to solve their problem? +What rose up and overflowed out of the brewing container on the first day? +What is the BD of the Month? +Who took the lands of Christ? +when did walking boots come into the picture? +What do they want to do before the tornado comes around again? +What is their a mob protest against? +how long they are dating each other? +The author wants to do what with other players of the game? +What aspect of the synth was the most interesting? +What was the goal? +Who won the most valuable redditor award? +Did the user create a new email and password for the new account? And why? +Going for what was Lukaku hesitant last year? +What is the best way to start a new relationship? +what is the last level that you gain perks in the game? +What type of sporting event is it played at? +How long did the author study architecture? +How many times do the macro keys work before glitching? +what engine does the writer have in their vehicle? +Which domain of photograph does the poster prefer? +Who does Ironman belong to? +What is my friend aspiring to be? +What was the reason Tom and Trevor's father passed away? +What is the author's current system rated in bits? +How much was the first, expected check worth? +How many books further is the author from the first mention of the subject? +What games has a version called New Vegas? +Since their rogue was lower, who did they have to play against? +Whose ultimate steak guide did the writer follow? +What was Teresa's cell phone number? +People who signed up to the what was given the free gift? +What is the author's issue? +What is a good refresher for Javascript? +What is their intended use for the build? +Turning off what is not an option? +What is the highest price they've seen the item listed for? +What is the author looking to do? +How well does the iolite vaporiser work? +What light level does the poster have? +What are they new to? +What does Lux Aeterna offer players for reaching their in-game goals? +what happened to the player while offline? +What type of person is FUITA looking for? +What is the current price of a PS3? +How many times has the author put studs on their tires? +what year is it about to be at the time the writer wrote this post? +What is the name of the person that Cory Michael Smith pulled off their charm? +What instrument do they want to learn? +How long ago did the buyer purchase the logo and business card file? +What kind of question does he have? +what is the name of the game? +What day was so long waited for? +What year did the SummerSlam classic with Kurt Angle take place? +what was a nightmare to assemble? +How long does the buzzing noise last? +What faults can bad assets have? +What does the author recommend doing to a reply that works from experience? +What are the major and minor pentatonics a shift of? +Is the person open to other styles of music other than mentioned? +How old is the writer? +What type of technology was needed? +The contests were for how many people? +Why id the boyfriend get the cat? +What is his question about? +What are three forms of credit? +What positions does the poster prefer? +Which characers saw a spike in their popularity? +What is the poster looking for specifically? +What were the pictures of? +What did I spill on my laptop? +What is the brand of laptop the person is using? +What two things does the poster refer to as "unnecessary clutter"? +What type of block did they decide to use? +The author has a problem with what? +What type of creatures are writer intrigued about? +Utopia's Newest Initiate Pranav Antal’s Utopian vision was predicted by commentators to see an influx of pilgrims at when? +What is the topic of this post? +Who is from State Farm? +What happened after SA's blood kit was opened? +what decade was Jeffery Dahmer's funeral? +Who do the characters work for? +How long ago were the heatsinks not the greatest? +What did they try for the first time ever? +What will happen to people who grief in the game? +What is the year for clan updates? +What nationality are they? +What country is the person from? +When was the house closed on? +how many mutants were slaughtered? +What course am I taking +what is holding down the power button on the console for? +What personal devices of internet access does the poster have? +What was WW ranked at? +What is the name of Ekko's attack? +What was the first sign of the skin condition? +How long has Sundgau been under Swiss occupation? +Who was the player involved in the Bulls' flu game? +What is the issue this person has? +What type of device is being used to put out the signal? +How many GBs is the computer using now? +What is the disagreement over the name Elliot(t)? +What does she want? +Which function of the watch does the user appreciate? +What game is the user trying to play? +What jobs are being hired for? +What type of roads is the driver confused about? +The Elder Shadow Barzafiol loaned what to the writer? +Has this person posted to Reddit before? +What does the poster consider a temporal mess? +What may no longer adhere if the comforter is washed? +What does the authors brother study in college? +What kind of CPU do you have? +What program is having issues? +What does the poster now feel they need? +Who were they eaten by? +How long do you cook the hash browns +Which levels do people have most difficulty completing? +Did she fall for any traps? +How does this person describe their undergrad GPA? +What model do they have? +What is the author looking for tips and wisdom on? +Where is Dying Light not available for purchase? +Where did the writer get the knowledge to fix the issue? +What item is frequently inquired in the coffee recommendations subreddit? +What type of error is the author having? +What is his ethnicity +What is the posters sentiment towards this concept? +This person has avoided certain popular anime series because they are supposedly what? +What game did the writer play previously? +What does the poster need help with? +What can John climb? +What did the commentor wait to buy a subscription to? +Who is getting a phone? +What does this person want to change at the marts? +How would the person describe the suggestions they have received so far? +What state is this person from? +What isn't in working order? +Why did the author feel the need to make this post? +Which kind of status do you have to be in order to prestige the bowie knife? +What is the writers main source of income? +How long are they in Amsterdam? +What is the poster looking to get a head start on? +who compiled a variation of seemingly common calc 1 question? +How old is the author? +Do we know if the pill works? +How long has he played drums? +Why does the seller claim to want to sell the pipe? +Legacy controls were used before what became the norm? +What has this person successfully created? +What might be one way to set goals for maximizing sales? +Who did the writer give Lego to? +What kind of desktop environment was he going for? +What type of hard drive does the author want? +For approximately how many weeks will the thread be up for? +What size does the png have to be. +Where can you find the Trader Reputation Database? +What are the Redskins rated? +what was used to buy the table? +Who confiscates fake licenses? +what doesn't the writer have a problem with? +What color was the light most of the time? +What is Poppy's move that is used to stun enemies? +What has never been used? +Where can their channel be found? +Who is the defense leader on this user's team? +What is the name of the character being discussed? +Which folders did this individual check to see if the application was still there? +Who was it that named Tyrion hand of the king? +Why is the author in a fortunate situation? +What weapon type does he feel isn't very strong? +What is the abbreviation for Pacific Standard Time? +What is lost when you get hit? +who is the father of Amelia Chong? +According to the author, what varies quite a bit in content? +What is the last facet of the second round? +Where are they located? +What model of SSD does he own? +What other game was played by the author in addition to Elder Scrolls? +What can I be? +What probably failed? +What is the name of the series describe in the text? +What year was this car made? +What is he trying to do? +Lux Aeterna is a member of what order? +What happens to the dvi screen when the problem occurs? +Who is falling behind in schools? +What condition is the belt in? +what is opined that the electorate would respond to? +What date was the thread started? +What device is the writer writing this post on? +What does the writer want to play the game with? +Awake: The Rise of Mannimarco is a mod for what game? +What step did they finally have to take in order to put a stop to their original problem? +Wheat does the poster need help with? +What are the names of "the Bellas"? +what is the poster getting ready for? +What are they looking to hire? +What is the cycle of the routine? +What type of problem is the laptop experiencing? +Where did the author get a quote for a photo booth? +Can a user with a limited account have friends? +What is the poster's current pregnancy status and pregnancy history? +Is the author an experienced poster? +What game is the person playing? +How many bases exist on the new map? +Who is returning and looking for advice? +What is the most important topic the student wants in a textbook? +What did the author buy today? +Which language are they bast at? +How is the outlet, after checking it? +Which math class is the student currently enrolled in? +What is the poster trying to figure out? +How does the player feel about the game overall? +What times did this happen? +Where do the new rules come from? +The writer is attempting to enroll into school without what? +What does the person feel when the headache is happening? +What default Windows feature did they try to use to fix this issue? +What program is the author using? +For how long have I stopped playing? +Where are the solution to this problem? +Where must the trio deliver the One Ring? +How much RAM do they have? +What kind of adhesive is the author using? +What films has the speaker seen? +What kind of grip tape does he have? +What branch of the military does the poster serve? +What platform is the game the author speaking of for perhaps? +What was people put down for? +What formation do they use against the lancers? +What type of issue is the poster having? +What is the second question? +How long was it before the string broke? +What game does this person want to play with others? +What operating system is on the computer? +What is the League image? +What new position will you try during the New Year? +What type of team is this user building? +What fell down? +What was the writer's preferred Large weapon of choice in the game? +They want to know what about the seekers of light sets? +What city were they speeding? +What has the poster been playing since 2012? +What is the age and gender of the commenter? +What degree does the user have? +What kind of snipper game is the author interested ? +What happens if our primary ranker is busy? +What is the Federal Service for? +What tutorial is this person following? +Who did they lose against? +What did college football introduce recently? +What have I already searched in? +What year was Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln published? +What elements make up the poster's fashion style? +What does endothermic mean when referred to animals? +What did he realize while trying to achieve his goal? +Which month did this person first start playing? +What is this person's brothers not allowed to know? +What do you have to put at the start of games? +What was xXParkboboXx's first chose in usernames? +How much data can customers in the south east use? +Who is a possible replacement offensive coordinator? +which supporters are in a lot of the later primaries? +What wouldn't fall out of the camera? +How old is the author currently? +what is a bit hard for the writer to understand +How many mission does JFK have? +Was the present delivered early or late? +when does challenge week 8 start? +What form did the DM allow him to take? +What levels may join the Tera Region guild? +When will the roster be posted? +How many push-ups could this person do before they got hurt? +is he asking about going alone or with friends? +What is this person's age? +What price quality does this person want for the keyboard? +What kind of music did more than one party like? +What is the cost associated with the tools released by the community? +What did it explicitly state? +What character does the author of the paragraph have? +Where can you go to help out? +What is the posters contact method? +Who helped Shinobu gain closure on her previous relationship? +What army does Harry the Heir lead? +What style of game is Fallout? +What tips does the author seek for? +What holiday were these people celebrating? +What is the issue? +How old is the author? +How many members will be logged in at one time? +Where did the SD card break off? +How much does the cat eat for dinner? +What did the author receive as a Christmas gift? +The health of the boss falls between what percentages in the first phase? +What are 40% off? +What is ok with this person for it to be? +Which version of Window does the writer have? +Is this player a new player? +What is the name of the item for sale in the post? +What will be advertised? +According to the author, a person who has never failed has never done what? +What does the python tend to do after being held? +Why is Rey Kanobi believed to be related to Obi-Wan? +Which option the author especially thinks might be dead end? +Do most people consider this tracker accurate? +What is recommended in order to enable someone to give a visual assessment of posted beer? +where did his gf and his bestfriend meet ? +is there a spectator mode? +How many pairs of shoes does the author generally wear? +What will the author not tolerate in their game? +What location on reddit is the post from? +For roughly a year, what game has this person been playing? +A woman is making what sound? +What map did the poster perform especially well in? +Which part works correctly? +What type of social playlist does the author want created? +What exam is the writer going to have? +When did the person make a trade for their old turntable? +What will the speaker use to test their site? +What other other method can be used to keep track of the comments? +How old is the person who wrote this paragraph? +How long has this person been at 0? +Where did they book a hotel? +What hasn't the poster received that is causing the poster concern? +Does this person have friends at his university? +Where was it there first time visiting? +What color does the hdmi screen turn when the user is experiencing his problem? +What screen should have DMG dealt and Healing done slots? +What am I in process of? +How much data do I have stored on Plex? +What material might solve the problem the Gen IV reactors are having? +what are 2 of the books that have been brought to tv? +What happens when the writer leaves their phone still? +What kind of information do they want? +What did they try a million times? +What trouble do they have when looking for people to play with? +What does the random Black Mage bring? +Where is Finn Hood from? +What image dimensions did the author first use? +Which game is the poster looking forward to? +What was needed to get the Apple llc outputting to a modern LCD panel? +When was the disease found out about? +Who is the commenter seeking advice from? +What has the poster gotten the python to do? +What is the charge for going over their data under 50 gb? +What is their current programming language? +When was the last time this person felt they had a real friend? +The person said they watched Naruto but not what? +What will allow the PC to cope well with 1440p? +What were people talking about their Temple of Light teleports doing after finishing Within the Light?? +Over how long a period did the author run the network test? +Where is this main character when the story begins? +What method of payment was sent incorrectly? +What is the benefit of rating yourself post game? +Why does Windows 10 Pro constantly check for updates? +What is needed to have a decent throw? +What type of GPU does the computer have? +The author had another thread on what error? +did it work after reset it ? +Upgrading using what is thought to be bugged? +Where did the robots place the human they captured? +What could be influencing this strategy? +What is the name of the job that is mentioned? +Which brewing method did the writer say they used? +What is the author wondering about crossroads trading? +How much do their parents charge them a month for rent? +What did the scammer say he would buy? +Who rebelled against the storm troopers? +what size aluminum spacers was the writer trying to install? +Where was the main character that the author recently saw in a show? +When does the pursuit take place? +Who did Kanye West share the soundcloud link with? +By what was the boots damaged by the toe area? +In the author's example transaction what is the approximate profit? +What temperature did the writer cook the steak at? +What sections do they want? +What happens when the author deletes communitycrossbow.pbo? +Which program did the Borderlands game have the best performance +What kind of Nokia is it? +How did the lighting issue happen? +Who is deciding whether to participate in the federal spectrum? +What is the rank of the restaurant among others who serve vegan sushi? +What is this person not sure of? +Where did the Blitzen case lead the author? +What is in front of them the next day? +What is the alcohol percentage of a Monks Stout Dupont beer? +What is the name of the person that is like Robert Downey Jr? +How old is this person? +What should you view before posting links to your works outside of this subreddit? +What happened when he/she gave a little force? +What company makes the game? +What kind of issue did this person initially think it was? +What increases revive speed? +Why is the student looking for math textbooks more difficult than their current class? +Who is Harrold Hardyng going to marry? +What directors does the author want to see make a movie together? +What model car are they working on? +What's the name of the excercise? +What is the minimum age for a car rental in florida? +What is the name of the bowl game? +How do they plan on making a mock-up themselves? +What has been decided to stick with? +The author wants to know about what facet of aircraft carriers? +Does the writer have savings? +What weapon has the poster been using, perhaps unfairly, in the Iron Banner?` +How long has the author been playing this game? +What comes with warnings? +What does this person say that he can't give to God? +What does Q stand for? +what is the posters in game name? +What is the person trying to accomplish for their fitness journey? +What is a new hobby of the writer? +The author wants a car with the lowest what? +what countries did stalin see the second front as too little to late for? +How long of a loading time did the writer have? +What two bundles are author considering? +What is the poster good at? +What is he streaming on? +What program is the poster announce the availability of? +What is this person inviting the reader to rewatch? +What helped them the most? +What did the author highly recommend? +It felt like a concept from what? +What is the first example of a flaw of aim assist mentioned by the poster? +When will the live stream begin? +What kind of risks is the user wary of? +What issue was the user having with the Moto 360 Gen 2? +What will they use for the upgrade? +What does the Melbourne track have that takes you for a whole lap? +What did the author just finished playing? +Who strikes fear into the hearts of other Space Marines? +What did they think would be fun? +How many inputs will the GPU accept? +What other program did the friend think was a breeze? +What did the man at the door tell Norman? +What type of cards are Boom and Justicar considered? +How close to another player must you be to shoulder charge any direction except forward? +Who do they want to create a minecraft world for? +What brand does the Urbanite headphones belong under? +What is a friendly place for original Indie games according to the poster? +What have many people complained about? +Overall, what does the developer want to see about the users? +what color is the background on the components and crystals? +What are they going to use the premade amp board for? +How many snipers do the other team have on the field? +What has the writer been busy with that made them away from EQ2 for a while? +How much per month will the poster save? +What is the journalist trying to flee from? +Where is the hostel they are staying at? +What emotions is the write feeling about the way their parents have been talking to him recently? +What service is currently getting 8-38 Mbps down and 10-20 Mbps up? +What day would the writer pay back the person that gives them a loan? +What vintage vehicles would they like seeing in the game? +What is not built step and step? +What is the questioner auditioning for? +What is not loaded in the error? +Which musical genre should the tracks be? +what model video card does the writer have? +What types of Champs is the user looking for to round out the team? +What genre is the mystery song? +What two games are being compared? +who many goals did chelsea get ? +What have they been using? +Which game is the author referring to? +What location do they want to avoid? +Where are they located? +What type of player is the poster looking for? +What does it offer? +What pages of the book are missing? +What does the author think he needs to add to the account keep it separate? +What kind of address did Rubio give? +What did the writer consider a hobby? +When did the identity theft occur? +Where is the author moving back to +What matched them with 5 solos? +What makes pylon rushes easy to handle? +What is the HDD/SDD of the poster's computer? +How many inches was the drop hitch? +What information does the viewer want to know about the upcoming seasons? +How many times has this person been in the ER in the last two weeks? +What is the problem they have with the USB they own? +What happened to the status of the buildings after the tornado? +Which item did the writer ask about in regard to narrowing down choices in colors? +Where was the gun from? +Where did this person's mother hear about The Obama Student Loan Forgiveness Program? +What kind of lounge can you get by yourself? +How many days did they get banned for? +What do skeptics consider impossible? +What is the name of the platoon the poster created? +Where, physically, could this person not use their item? +Why can't the author play TSW? +The author wants to learn more about what? +How would the players try to win? +What does the author want to start? +What did I just start reading? +How many races were completed over 669 days? +When the customer ordered from ChemicalServices what was the outcome? +How many years ago was the game played? +When was the song Comedown released? +Of what does the person not have too often? +What did the dragon live in? +Where did this person volunteer at? +What is the author trying to add to his game? +What are some of the music/movie artists that he has in mind? +What does the gamer need to purchase to use his Party Chat mic? +How long ago was the game released? +What does the sub wants beyond just your fashion sense? +What might prevent damage to the original type boxes of colletibles? +What illegal substance did the speaker used to smoke? +How long does the author expect tracking the stats to take? +Which character does the commenter want to modify? +Why was this post made? +When booting into recovery, it does not react to what? +What was sold in the main town? +The writer addresses his writing to what kind of people? +Who can you leave feedback for? +Which store can the person use their gift card at? +What degree is music are they working on? +When was the sensitivity changed? +Which part of the vehicle is under warranty? +What is the only rule of the Tera Region guild? +What does the narrator ask for about the listed items? +What does this person want help presenting? +What happened during the installation? +How many make it through the legitimacy check? +What does a stereotypical plat player do? +What computer part is the writer looking for? +How old is the boyfriend? +What does Frisk get digitized into? +What was given during Sparrow Racing? +Which video was too long for the author? +Even though the script was bad, what did it have? +What device does streams work for the user on? +What was the authors measurements? +The author wants to install the specific software in what mode? +How long did they spend building the capital vessel? +What wattage is the RDA ran at? +What is the amount that the author is not willing to spend on a game he/she gets to the table once a year? +What did the questioner recently download? +How many nights does the writer plan on spending at the Uruguayan coast? +What have I recently entered? +What was the author's predicted record? +What is the format of software being used now? +What kind of experience is this person limited in? +Where does the author want to buy a house? +What does the author guess the operating system for the game was? +What causes some spells to wear off? +what is the name of the yellow team? +What is something used to secure the pen? +Who are the volunteers? +Does this person meet the criteria for bipolar disorder? +Who was the author talking to about resolutions? +What section of the yard doesn't get much sunlight? +What does the speaker consider more advanced than changing the color? +What kind of dress items does the author require help with? +What can prevent you from showing up on the minimap? +What shape long board is he interested in making? +Who does not accept pit bull breeds? +Is the PC over heating? +How long have you played with DCS? +What is the author beginning to consider? +What kid of router do they have? +why cant he do it now ? +What is their tutorial on? +How old are the kids? +How many LEDS are there? +What game was played by the author for New Years? +What is the poster's main webcam choice? +What perspective did the player have in flying the helicopter? +What cars exterior looks great, but interior is dated? +What was the author's reaction to oxidized beer after aging? +What is this gamer looking for? +What was the code given by Undertale The 6th trading card? +What episode is a good example of high audio quality? +What is the poster concerned about being? +Which website is the person more inclined toward? +What has happened since I began posting videos? +When will the author fly to Bangkok if an earlier direct flight is taken? +What reached her heart? +What is their favorite position? +What is the title of these discussions? +Whats the difference in money saved if they switched insurance? +How long has this person's daughter slumbered up until their request for assistance? +Why is she afraid to reconsider the date? +What certification is required for hoverboards? +What is the size of the business that the author runs? +What happened? +The player says his attempt to win with each team in La Liga as quickly as he could turned out to be what? +What brand of keyboard do they have? +Why does the poster like Fletcher? +What is the percentage that the author is sure that it was the same component as the diodes? +What is this thread made to discuss? +How many matches does the writer get to play in a week? +What any regular Dota player should know? +a type of format for building a team? +Where did person A go to school? +How did they feel about watching the bowl games? +What is the writer planning to do with the step son? +What is the author looking to see is being released? +How did this person get into the game? +How long did they play for? +Is the author considering a solution? +who is the passage addressed to? +One reason to NOT react angrily to someone being annoying is to avoid what? +what else is the student doing? +What are they named? +What do people care about where I am from? +What is Windows 10 being upgraded from? +What did tech support say the author needed to fix the problem? +What is the name of the method that the poster can't figure out to format a table? +What is the poster an inheritor of? +How long did the neighborhood lose power? +Where were the words "also subscribed" found on the channel page? +What was the best WPM achieved? +Who did this person mention as a possible candidate to give their left-over chalk to? +What are they wanting to make viable? +What part of the author's face is swollen? +Whats one of the last questions asked by the poster? +What is the authors main question? +What doesn't differ enough to give the losers a chance? +What does it have a red bar? +What does the kinds body guard tell the kid? +Which instrument was the authors "first love"? +What section is the question asking about? +What are the third two classes the author is considering? +How does the author describe the subreddit? +What recommendations is the poster looking for from the comments? +What is their goal? +What did the writer quit? +What does the poster suggest needs to bet started on the sub-reddit? +Where does this person want to find friends? +What percentage of autopsies have no specific cause? +What can OSRS run on? +When will the event occur? +Does the poster have a college degree? +Which book series is the author reading? +What is the price point mentioned in this post? +Is this person a mechanic? +What fell out of the multimeter? +How do the decks this season compare to seasons past? +How are people where I am from? +What was their original credit card limit? +Where did they find the wings? +How long has the RDA been used? +What makes the bra hard to fit? +Is this a new addition for those who can or cannot stay until the ending? +What city is the poster in? +What did they pick the game up on? +To what address does the poster want interest people to send mail to? +Where do they watch videos? +What did the author upgrade to make master runes? +The author's aunt sends out what to the family? +What has the author ordered for installation? +What do i hate? +How much do they miss playing? +What is the writer going to base the theme off of +How fast were they going? +How much was the second, unexpected check worth? +What is not usually in the front of the screen? +What doesn't work? +"The Ark of the Covenant Searching" is a documentary on which channel? +What is the name of the company that made the T450 thinkpad? +What is the poster planning to do? +What is the common individual registration for men's indoor soccer leagues? +What brand of laptop was this game played on? +How much is the ideal spending limit? +Who creates the easy to use tools for installation of Cydia? +What type of device was making loud sounds? +What is the name of the compilation they are trying to produce? +What size xbox was bought over the holidays? +What kind of yogurt does this person want to try? +Do they have any music experience? +what type of game is the gamer playing with friends? +the writer has been playing the game since when? +Where did the robots place the human? +What kind of debate is not desired? +What was used to roll for stats? +What specifically is my task? +How has the author been raised? +What model board did this person use in class? +What type of terrain will the author mostly be riding? +Upon returning from a long day in the mountains, the author suggested to not put anything on top of your what? +what does his friend watch now ? +What feeling do I try to overcome when I face the prospect of another carb-free meal? +How many questions are asked? +What type of photos does this person have that there trying to developed? +Who was the free Indigo Dying offered to? +What links taken as fact are alarming to the author? +What is the author looking for? +What typo of device will the The AlienFX detece the Auduino as? +What is the user trying to prepare for? +Who is the door opened for in the author's example? +What does the poster want another party to do? +What kind of program is this person looking for? +How frequently are you supposed to heal? +How many users do they want to have simultaneously? +What does this group do for people? +who did he slept with ? +What kind of player is giving the suggestions for improvements? +How big is the monitor? +What has the person run out of? +When the method getAvailableItems is inputted what happens? +What does the student currently have access to? +What year is the friend's computer from? +What was discovered with the Lost? +What did they say after realizing they poked someone in the eye? +Are graduate salaries low? +Who will send signals daily? +Where are the members of their group from? +When is she finishing her Bachelors? +What time period did the author state they can't wait to play? +What does the U.K. Pub Company assist in? +Can you make it your default browser? +What services does the author of the post require? +Why did the poster begin emulating? +Do kids who play Triforce Heroes enjoy sending messages? +How long does it take to play/pause a song? +had the player played this type of game before? +How much can you win in the study? +What kind of game is this? +How long have I been a Plex user? +What do most pros use according to the author? +Who was the girl that was Ghost's first target? +Why can't my WW work like it's supposed to? +Who helped him chew through a pack of gum and a pack of sunflower seeds? +What kind of device is the user using to test the fps of 2 accounts? +What kind of matches are they asking about to rewatch? +which politicians campaign is advice being given to? +What community has been ignored? +What abilities are good for the bulls? +which boss does he want to beat? +How much does AMT offset of the additional deduction? +What is the author developing? +Which characteristics were thought to be an overpowered combination? +What needs aftermarket mirrors? +Who's career did Loggains help turn around? +How many free reports did the author have pulled? +what does he need money for? +What is the make/model of the tablet the user has? +What was the initial flavor of the beer? +What level was the writer at after reducing the challenge to support others? +What is the quality of the JPEG they have? +What is the name of the game? +What did they suddenly notice in their dream? +How much does the case cost? +What was he sent to do? +Who has home field? +How old is the person in question? +What will I check now at the local stores? +What is "Grandmother Fish"? +How many rubies does the commenter have? +What are the majority of bra sizes labelled for the poster's bra size? +What is really tempting to do with my savings categories? +What dot hey want to transform? +Who is the author traveling with? +What did my videos not have a ton of? +What are they trying to do? +After loading a new save can you redo original bets? +who has been revising? +What will they most likely stick with? +What caused the problem? +what team has the player been playing with? +Where is the board games club located? +What about the percentages increased for wealthier people? +This player temporarily stopped playing Fifa for how long? +What model is the laptop? +Who was less than happy about the engagement? +What will be appreciated again? +What sort of headlights are you looking for? +What amount of FPS are they looking for? +What method can they use to exchange the code? +What team is Pep leaving? +What's the name of the map? +When did the poster send an email to Monstercat? +What is my first 6 star game? +What forum do you need to be approved for after registration according to the author? +Which app does not have a boot loop fix? +Where do they typically fly out of? +What is the purpose of the thread? +What is the user afraid has happened? +What operating system does this person have? +What is the average games per night? +How many games are in their Steam library? +Who does the mom work for? +What is the user name of the exploiter? +How long passed between receiving the original phone call and then hearing back after Black Card status begin confirmed? +What is The Kingdom of Thailand's Army seeking? +What class is better than others? +How much do they have on their gift card? +What does the user do after muting their physical microphone? +How many hours per week will the writer be working? +what is Misumi Makoto tasked with doing in the other world? +What do the halls give each student? +Which two companies are in charge of character development? +Who does the man want to have a kit for but keep it under wraps? +How many days did the parents try to push the author over the edge and get a reaction from them? +What was being used to light the room? +What is the operating system the user has? +The writer identifies himself as what? +What is inconvenient about RDAs? +What did they receive in a trade? +Did they accept the return? +How are fans behaving towards Dex? +What was the interface for the game? +What has a blue tip and the rest is gold? +What sources will be used for this compilation? +What did the author think who was hated, but not the other two +What game is the author seeking advice on? +Who should you mentioned you were referred by when applying? +What did the poster receive through the mail? +What level did Ryan Conner reach on NBC'S Last Comic Standing? +The archetype searches for what? +What has the author had a less than ideal experience with? +What will the store do to the phone to bring it back to its original state one returned? +What does everyone drop millions of every minute? +What version is the biggest update of all time? +How much does the baby weigh? +What did the author buy today? +What was the bedtime for the 10 week old girls? +What did the writer did not want to sacrifice? +what are they looking to buy? +Where were the testings done? +They served as what for a casino? +What happened to the author in August? +Where is the first class happening? +What does the state own? +What is Ghost's demeanor? +Who is given credit for the annihilation of Stannis's army? +What restaurant will be the meet up location? +How long does the headaches last? +What does the poster say doesn't help? +What is their base of operations? +What reddit thread were they active on? +Who pledged Brandon Whent a force of light cavalry? +When was the megathread taken down according to the writer? +What type of chat is interfering with in-game chat? +What type of user is the author's friend? +How many contestants does the author suggest? +What type of things will Dex say that may alienate him from fans? +what mod has the writer been using? +How many genus must the student be familiar with and able to illustrate? +How do I fix over roasting vegetables? +How much does he want to spend maximum? +What rank did they drop to with the server switch? +What video player does the writer want to use in foreign countries? +What weapon did they find very useful? +What type of processor do they have? +What is the budget of the writer? +Who is the author of Gabriel's Inferno? +When was this thread created? +At what different times of day has the author retried the mission? +What is the poster's gamertag? +Which two "good guy" characters have British accents in this series? +What does the user want to transfer to a virtual machine? +What year is this goal for? +Where can the information be found? +What kind of car is this person rebuilding? +What model headphones is the person asking about? +What type of knowledge is needing to be somewhat acceptable? +What was wrong with the keyboard? +Why does the author think a lot of people will downvote this post? +What happens when the pet owner picks up her dragon? +What can the author not connect to? +When did they start studying English? +What holiday was the game a present for? +What has happened to the pc after the update to crimson? +Where was the product purchased? +Was the German man released before or after BD's arrest? +What specific locations does the developer want to see? +What is the term used to describe the community? +How big are the islands in general? +Which store was the season pass purchased from? +Why is he concerrned about getting a SysAdmin job? +Which social media page has this been posted to? +Who is Taylor Swift annoyed at +What kind of roll did they get today? +What was already in place for the building of the 3rd death star? +What matters most in games to the commentator? +What year did the gamer quit playign RS2? +Which tool does the t key activate? +How long has the author been playing this game? +Where is the fight located? +What do they want? +What phone is currently in their possession? +What does it show when it is not connected? +Did the apartment ban birds? +What are the three 3D platformers mentioned by the posters? +What is the poster looking for? +If you paped certain guns what do you get? +What condition is the belt in? +Why wasn't commentary used? +What two achievements did the player mention? +What type of resolution is learning a new language? +What trophy was earned? +What season is the transfer? +What are they looking for? +What are they currently paying for a one bedroom flat? +What country is the person from? +Where is the preview located? +How old is he? +Who won the Glenfiddich? +What was the new calorie estimate range produced by the author? +Who didn't try to disapparate on the tower? +What happens the more you save the character in his creepy idea? +What is the name of game that the poster will try to complete before his play station 2 console breaks? +What does the speaker have questions about? +What is my question about? +How long has it been since they had a coffee addiction? +They are trying to get more than on specialization in what? +What was the name of the custom game that I first tried? +What country was the posters friend in? +Why did the poster decide to hold the case for December? +Did she agree to the date? +What does this person need help in upgrading? +What formation did this player use successfully in Fifa 16 to win division 1? +How many keys is the buyer willing to purchase daily? +What did they reject for Emre Can? +What was created by the regent of the adolescent vassal? +What is required to avoid a trade waiting period? +What subscription does this person have? +What didn't she want to do? +What game has ELO? +What does Yuna bring? +What is the poster's major? +Which character is having glitches in the game? +What is the main pipe being offered for sale in the post? +What was the performance decrease caused by upgrading to El Capitan +what game was this game an older version of? +What did this person make on flipping and crafting with dreanor mats? +What type of media is the Shipping container home construction book on? +What kind of gear is the item? +What does the writer play religiously? +What is the possible cause of the snowmobile not starting? +What settings are off? +What was the price of the food? +What does the speaker intend to finish? +How often is there a winning round during a loss streak? +During what month will they be in Edinburgh? +What type of recording device are they using? +What kind of monitor do I use? +What is the author looking for to put into the mix? +What did the package include? +What does the author have that belongs to Red XIII? +What was I thinking about today? +The ability for the prototype to remove the tracks and drive on the road wheels at an even greater speed is described as what? +What type of entity is the author hoping to find? +Since when have I had the same problem? +Where does the writers drains collect water from? +What is the author discussing? +What kind of professor is Jiang Nan? +What offensive attributes does Dex exhibit sometimes? +How can you defeat him in Origins? +What can't they choose between? +how many forums has the user written in? +What occupation is the author in? +What was the error message in version 6.0? +what did he try and couldn't find the answer? +What was the writer stuck doing? +What was the author looking for? +How much development does the author have? +What type of router is the author using? +What do they want help with? +What is the relation between Steven and Brendan? +How many steampunkings have I done? +What does he not want to do currently? +What does the user want to make sure the components are compatible with? +What service is he struggling with? +What movie will be screened at the party? +what chapter is the an excerpt from? +What does this person want to find with this posting? +what does the writer have a decent vintage collection of now? +What are the self serve rolls a perfect size for? +how many hertz does the writer feel is too much for many clocks? +How does the author describe the trick he learned? +What four cities are being visited by this person? +What field does the poster claim has little growth? +What cannot the phone receive? +What kind of wedding does the bride insist on? +What type of knowledge do they have about aerospace engineering? +what are they having a hard time thinking of? +what is being appreciated? +Who else in this person's family has arthritis? +The author is hoping to do what on another server and then carry the flag over? +What are their future build plans? +What version is my LG G3 running? +What day do they want people to share their hoard? +What reward level from the past no longer exists? +what does he buy before getting error again? +What is the author doing today? +What did the user think the problem was at first? +The most recently used app on the writers home screen used to be what to emphasize the recentness? +What notification does the writer get? +The poster prefers teammates from what country? +Was the megathread a reddit-wide thing? +When did the landlord say he would get the money? +What will they be providing? +How did the author try the described game? +What do they want to ad a custom model to? +What kind of games is the rig use for? +How many transactions does the user average per month? +What Calculus classes has this person taken? +what repercussions does the writer believe can happen from importing hoverboards? +What is the user upgrading his PC for? +What release level is it? +How many games is the user inviting people to review in their match history? +what foods are consumed that break the diet? +What type of degree do both people have? +What else should you be willing to put up with the Cirque du Freak series? +Was the UFO claimed to have been seen disappearing or flying away? +What type of campaign is the author running? +how much rp does first place get? +What is the price range for budget headphones? +The only fighting game the author have competitively played in the past is? +How many things have the author done so far? +Who was the musically inclined family member? +What does the author believe needs a middle ground between DS1 and DS2? +who texted first ? +The writer wants to compare what aspect of two handed weapons and shields? +When can assisted roles not be used? +What does he hope about the post? +When are they having mic issues? +what tripped the breaker ? +When will the authors bonds mature? +What subreddit was this posted to? +how much fps is the writer getting in outside areas? +The author likes a PC game that doesn't have what? +Who talked about the EZ water? +What did the writer's family member own when they were a teen? +What did Shane Keskeny want to test with their conductivity tester? +What one person might have written this post? +What type of axel does the author need help replacing? +The writer attributes the acceptance of what political idea to the qualities hinduism instill in indians? +How many keys are available for upgrading? +What happens the other half of the time that the person opens the door for people? +What meal did the author wish to measure? +What ranking does this person want to create a starting 5 with? +Why do they want to camp? +Was the user able to rectify the problem successfully? +What does the computer do? +Has the headaches gotten better or worse? +Apart from attack, what does the author love about Ciri? +How much was it? +What was loud? +What is the Argument from Ignorance fallacy? +How old is the writer? +What does the author normally fold to? +Kozilek is where? +What complaint do players of this game have about Riot? +What profession does this person currently hold? +What will the poster be hunting for this season? +People who know who are free to join? +what type of controller does he have his controller configured as? +Which game does Samuel feel that he excels at? +What does the effective income/ payroll tax rates for middle class people need to be raised by if Senator Sanders is serious about emulating Northern European social democracies? +Where did he go to school? +What does Faust have? +Where does the person see a line? +Why couldn't the user remap the buttons? +What does the poster play at? +who has the poster called? +What iShoulds the certification offered by Cisco? +What is the questioner attempting to start? +What level lane would this person prefer to duo with? +What two qualities are important for the tripod to have that the user is looking for? +Who does the writer think may potentially ruin the rumble? +What is the user currently pursuing? +What is the minimum of Comfortable champions? +What do you need to reduce in order to lose weight? +Who in the family in the story was bitten by the dog? +What is the author's primary purpose for wanting to bet? +What qualification of safety does the user want to know about? +What platform does the author wish to avoid? +What is one of the game modes the author is wanting to play online? +Which car window was broken? +What type of style is this person looking for from a company? +What kind of fan is described? +What kind of CSS techniques would the writer like to learn? +What shows do I enjoy? +What kind of app is being used? +how long they are dating each other? +What song's lyrics are displayed? +What season is the writer planning to move after? +Who was blamed for the parents watching porn? +How long has the poster been raving? +When does the draft start? +Where does he feel the headaches? +Repeated violations of the rules could lead to what action being taken? +Where can someone look at the results? +Where is reward information in the spreadsheet? +what does the person have to do to open a program? +What screenshot did he provide? +What do they want information about? +What building is next to Polk Street and Market? +When did Norman get up on January 2? +Who is the special guest? +On what Reddit sub was the commentor verified on with an old account? +How has Penn State's defense been this year? +What website is the retexture tutorial on? +What is the poster's main webcam choice? +When is it not great weather for riding? +Who is getting kills and assists in the game? +What is the average league registration for men's indoor soccer leagues? +when does the author read that most babies drop their morning nap? +What subreddit is the author addressing in their post? +What would the woman not want in the wedding? +What movie was it conducted about? +What cannot have two instances at the same time? +What turns me off to Anarcho-Communism ideology? +What did most reviews say about the computer? +What has the poster always been interested in? +What season of Fortnite is this user preparing for? +Where should you post your gear check questions? +What emotion is the author feeling? +What is the poster looking for help with for the first time? +What did the author prefer to see in the forum site? +Help is being asked on translating a take on what term? +Who cannot use an ability mid jump? +What programs does the main character come in contact with? +What does the narrator do before they have an issue? +in which frictional setting is the game set into ? +What did they use on the MT mission? +Who threw the instrument off balance? +The poster claims that there is no decent work in Aerospace Engineering other than what? +What are the lowest tiers in men's indoor soccer leagues? +How many watts is his PC spec? +What does the author want the option to? +What event has compelled the author to want to reflect on the prior year? +ANTEAD falls under whose releases? +What type of advice are they looking for? +This person will only ship to what area? +what is the question being asked? +What type of perfume does the user want? +How many hypered cards does the author have? +How many star does his team have? +How much in percentage does this person currently own of the corp? +For how long did the author have the same equipment? +Who are the champions from the two most recent Inkstorm competitions? +What did Andy think was important? +How long is the writer planning to stay in each country? +Was Pi rolled out only once within this mile? +what was Bernie doing in the video? +What month is the events thread for? +If the author doesn't get rid of the equipment where will it go? +Where did the person go? +How many months have they measured zero? +What kind of servers does the user play on? +What is the girlfriend's occupation? +What game do I love? +What is the authors concern could stop them from joining? +What was being used when first selecting the power off option? +Who is a "God"? +What is their user name? +What does the player want to know before recruiting Kaidan? +What does this person want to buy? +What job does the poster hold? +When did they drop to #9? +Why is Wayne Rooney going with England this summer? +What sort of role does this person like to follow, when it comes to character development? +How would the author describe their time using their hovership? +What does the author say that they are going to continue working on leveling? +What is in your breakfast? +How many years did her boyfriend use in the military? +Which card would require a more powerful pc? +What did the dad love? +What is applied to the bias in this equation? +What deck has this person finally completed? +Why is the author not worried about the key? +What was the author trying to calibrate? +How do you get a hold of them? +What broke inside the slot? +When is the issue most prominent? +What should users have handy? +How long did the computer run till it crashed? +Where is this glitch occurring? +What does the rewards program use to make purchases? +What older game the author mentioned that they are comfortable playing? +Which actress would the poster like to be in the movie? +How did the Executive Director and founder of Used Dogs Rescue Die? +What channel will they be meeting on Sunday, Janurary 10th? +What is ' the Glyph"? +What app do I use to keep track of calories? +How many fraudulent transactions were for gift cards? +What item do they want pricing info for? +What has the speaker did to try to fix the problem? +What games did you computer play? +Whats their current income? +Which headset was purchased? +What is age of cyborgs about? +Who was extremely helpful with making Budgie portable +If google says that a regular sperm whale weighs 32,000 pounds in weight, how many pounds would a giant sperm whale weigh? +What is the author working on? +Where are they trying to make a purchase? +Where are all of the validations? +who recommended site ? +What birthday will it be? +What parts looked like they hadn't been in contact with the drum for years? +What did the crit rating change to? +What are the ranking of the other players in the game? +What are the attributes of the second auto rifle that the poster got? +What feature causes the screen to stay in place? +How many cards from series 1 are left? +What did the person find that helped? +What is rule number one? +What did Norman say to himself? +What is an underlying cause of this request? +What is harder to find now? +Who can stack for him? +How long does the writer plan for the trip? +Besides CP3, the author wants to play along side with who? +When did the writer get their new phone? +In which subreddit was this post made? +How much of the corp did the person own before he took legal action? +Which windows operation system does CHIRP no longer work on? +What mediums of information is the author looking for? +What did the author start reading? +What status did the poster reach? +What is the profession of the user? +What is the poster interested in? +what was hanging over the water in the town? +Where did they go during the quest? +The Stratux only reboots when using what? +How did the steak turn out after the writer cooked it? +What technology is used in some of the monitors? +Which turntable might come with a dust cover? +where did there friendship started ? +What kind of graphics card does the author have currently? +How do you cook the rice? +What is the gender of the cat? +Before reading this the author warns that the post has ________. +What company did the author find when searching for fair things? +What areas are they allready very well versed in? +what does he not have a problem with? +What do I use to convert frenzy charges? +What would the decorations be made of? +where was the robot purchased? +What does a kid and his friend do in the mystery music video? +Which day of the week do people get banned? +What year's personal taxes has this person started initial prep work on? +What music is playing in the background when Isaac departs? +If it was not open, what should be done with the executive file? +What is the middle name that is relevant to this person's culture? +Can they do international shipping? +What are the background applications mentioned by the poster? +What is a plus but not necessary for the author to play in? +Does he prefer a revolver? +where does he previously study? +Where was this person trying to go? +What division did this player win multiple times in Fifa 14, 15 and 16? +What was attempted at one time to change settings? +What is the author trying to accomplish with their chair? +How bell pepper is in Chicken Cacciatore? +Whats a reason the videos such a great resource? +What time will it be held? +What game do they play? +which version of unbuntu is the writer asking about? +Who decides what the name should be? +Who did Killua resoundingly beat? +What cannot connect to the online store? +What kind of games is the player used to? +what is the goal of the problem they are solving? +What does the author not want to lose? +Who called for a Mediterranean Nations meeting? +What sort of board is this person looking to buy for their own use? +Whose videos are a great resource? +What item does the writer say will not work with his telescope? +What is the companion needed to the anvil for making the staff? +When did the writer move to Texas? +What kind of support is he looking for? +what oil coat is added to the serving tray? +What type of luck has been felt? +what type of adapter is the writer using? +How many official servers has the poster tried? +What is happening? +What did the author buy to power a 3.5" SATA drive externally? +Which game does the author hope to find friends for? +what is the climber in danger of? +What specialist did this person see about their problems? +What caused the writer to know something was wrong? +What is the author looking for an alternative to? +What is the goal of working out extra hard? +Which State does author currently live in? +whose house did the writer take their mic too since it was last working? +Who is the least likely to win RR? +When was the survey results from? +Who does the author wish to thank for selecting their design? +What is the author struggling with at the moment? +What will the Swiss control? +One game the group tends to enjoy is Ticket to ____. +What game is currently being played until Overwatch can be played? +when does the user thank everyone? +What was their NAS speed? +How long will this last? +How much did they player walk? +Where was the music video? +What other game suffered the same problem as Dark Soul 3? +What character is this player thinking of purchasing? +Where is CS:GO getting viewers? +Which combination of items are required to unlock the gun for use? +What will the laser surgery do? +Could they succeed against others? +What is this person looking for? +What type of question are they asking? +What is the owner's private drive surrounded by? +What are they thinking would be a good solution? +What are the names of the main characters? +Who is he trying to revoke the title from? +What is the theme for tonight's Science Showoff? +Where will guild recruitment posts be allowed? +How many days are they wanting to stay? +What does this person have a question about? +What happened to your PC? +In what settings has the author heard the described word from Americans? +Which team does the author prefer? +What does the user want to prevent people from relying on? +What character is this user looking to optimize? +Who are the eligible queens with already built in fan bases? +What did the author use when performing the software install? +Was their NAS connection fast? +When are they going hiking? +When was the first streaming marathon held? +One of the examples given by the author mentions which part of the body? +What can the speaker work with besides knockout and jquery? +What are they requesting? +What was Heatley's presence considered? +What was the pace of the game the author used to play? +What does the music the author makes sound like? +What amplifiers is this person considering to purchase? +What did the texture feel like? +What is a sauce that he love? +What creatures in this world are not affected by this change? +What program won't let the author log in for multiple weeks? +What were some of the team members names? +What was bought? +On what platform did the player record their game play? +Who does the gamer share a gamertag with? +Who insta-dies after they spawn? +What has been happening to one of the dogs? +How much is the writer's home worth? +Describe the Graduates +What type of monitor is the poster thinking of upgrading from? +What should the posts be related to +What is the RTA looking for? +What type of game development engine should this laptop support? +In the clam chat update 2 the Reddit user suggests what ability for the clan message board? +What is the price of admission per person? +When did they start playing World of Tanks? +Who was it a gift from? +What games does this player play? +What was upgraded several times. +Which episode does the author refer to in their question? +When does Winter Ryegrass die out? +Who/what was hiding behind the shield? +how large is the sniper elite 3 game on the hdd? +Who is the alleged son of Willrow Hood? +When are the headaches not as bad? +What is the asking price? +What feeling does the author want to have when he drives? +What is FUITA? +What is Blightsteel? +What are they looking for? +What is constantly losing energy? +What is the author asking for with his post? +Who is he missing? +What did he do first to achieve his goal? +At 93 thru Franconia Notch, the author is asking who is driving towards? +What are they drinking from? +What does htis person want to become? +How many volts does the pin supply? +What violent act does the woman in the film perpetrate on the man? +Who has more destructive power? +When his first attempt didn't work, what did he do next? +Power Pylon and what are fixed? +How fast would a wound heal up for this person? +How many postcards are left? +What is this person's issue? +What world does the author wants to enter? +What is wrong with their headphones? +How old did the author of this paragraph just turn? +When was the first spotting of light in the sky? +When does it stutter? +What is this person's job? +What does the text file contain? +What do they have a plan to use? +What is he playing with? +What does the user apologize for? +What game did he bet on? +What condition is the pipe for sell in? +What city is the room for rent close to? +What percent of their paycheck does the author plan on putting in their savings account? +How many wins per run on Druid is the writer now averaging? +Where did the poster see the information trending +what did he hear? +What type of account are they talking about? +What show will they rewatch? +What is the main focus of the writer? +What date was this thread started? +Who's brain does the rabbit control? +What did he say he plugged his PC to instead of Wifi? +What game is the author seeking advice on? +What option got the author through to speak to someone in the clinic? +Who's toy figurine hasn't been released? +Who asked her on a date? +What does today mark according to the poster? +How long is the game? +What does the user want to know works with the wireless adapter? +What kind of USB do you have? +What profession did the writers mother-in-law have? +On what quality are the games being compared? +By what should you sort the comments? +Who called in the order for this session? +What did the poster have a few of? +what sound is the engine making that is causing the writer to worry? +What kind of tutorials is the author looking for? +What number label are they asking will work on a brighter screen? +what is the name of the story this is from? +The author really wants to play ____ of the tomb raider. +How did the author try the described game? +What are the sources of tribalpedia? +Has the person asked questions before? +What information do you need to apply? +Where are they from? +Who can solve this problem? +What is being purchased in bulk? +What was the cause of the save file missing? +How many did he play in? +What is the genre of the mystery game? +What level was the user? +What version of Chrome is being used? +Where did they move from? +What does the runtime error say? +What kind of guy does the speaker say he is? +Which kind of approach works better with the writer of the article? +What two types of TV are mentioned by the poster? +What are they close to finishing? +What does the speaker think there is a lack of understanding about? +What headphones do they want to use? +Which figures is the author looking for? +What two Champs is the user trying to decide between? +What year's taxes is the question about? +What planet will be visible soon? +is the internet speed fast for the computer? +What condition is the poster hoping to avoid by rope climbing +What did I see happen with my videos when I logged in? +What was Nikkens new products? +What application still recognizes the users PC and network? +Why does the user want the proposed changes? +When did they used to watch TOMT? +Who is the author of the book the club is discussing this month? +What swept through Oklahoma? +What time do they start work? +What city do they want to stop in after Vancouver? +How many games should you play? +What does the girl suggest they do? +What's the program that the Author wants to learn? +The items come from a home that has what? +Whats the minimum payment accepted? +What type of boat is the author considering? +How long does it work before going quiet? +where he is from? +What is the writers average frame variance? +What chapter is the person preparing to start? +What site is giving the user difficulty in posting? +How does the user think of the events? +What procedure is information being sought about? +What is an average credit score considered? +What operating system is the writer running on? +What question is the commenter looking for the readers to answer? +What should I do to use up over cooked vegetables? +To what light does the LED change to from orange when the poster returns to their computer? +What gas is in the tank +Which editor has he been using? +How accurate is the product? +What does the author have on? +What kind of gun does he have? +Does this person play often? +What does the poster provide? +What are they looking for? +What kind of box did he mention +Who does the author want to get some answers from? +what did he exchange the saw for ? +What is in the plastic cup? +Who said you don't want to have any bend in your fingers? +What subject are they specifically looking at online in MS programs? +Why do people hate playing against 5-man premade team? +What's one of the most important questions the author wants to ask? +How much experience camping do they have? +What kind of battery charger does the poster use? +How long has the bike been out of commission? +Who is good at math? +How much is the buyer offering for the chroma keys? +What will the data be composed of? +What is the writer looking for? +How old is this person's girlfriend? +How many people do they need help from? +What do I have a free year of? +What is the intended goal? +Which Real Time Hard Drive Mirroring Software would be ideal? +Pioneer matches which brand in price that this person currently owns? +How much oregano goes into a recipe of Chicken Cacciatore? +What is there a first prototype of? +What is one of the main reasons it's tough to build a Gen IV Nuclear Reactor? +What field do they work in? +What power-pop song is the author particularly impressed by? +What happens when the coils turn black? +When did this feature disappear +Did the game work before you sold it? +What was purchased? +What is Coinbase currently testing? +What region is the focus of the meet up? +Who will pay for shipping cost? +What empire did the author form after starting the game? +What did the professor introduce in the presentation? +What were they unable to locate? +What are the Stack Lighting bulbs designed to mimic? +Which JP boss is tough to vanquish? +how many years of experience doe s the writer have? +What kind of maps does the user want analyzed? +Which actors portrayal of Bond did the poster not like? +What kind of relationship does this person have with their parents? +What commercial service is the writer comparing to? +What does the job entail? +What tier should the new commanders be if there looking to work together? +what diet was tried prior to attempting Veganism? +Have you checked for guides? +what is an example of a Late Primary State? +What do I want? +What sort of chest is he looking for? +How is the crust? +What is the presentation for? +Which basketball player would they like to watch play? +What degree is the poster wanting to work towards? +What about Mighty No. 9 is the poster asking for opinions about? +Was the person's good with their scores? +Which hero is considered to be a cheat code? +What program or platform can the user not access through safari? +In which modality is the bowie knife being prestiged? +Is there memory/ram problems? +What rate are they looking for? +What is the user's main source of income? +Which years were the core group of guild members first active with eachother? +Which baseball team do they mention being unefeated? +What sport does this person like to play? +What is the learning curve for young children on Triforce Heroes? +What character does the user main? +When does the camera snap occur? +How many videos are there? +How long has it been since she has worked in the IT field? +At the end of the month how much points can you earn for daily logins and first wins? +Does your computer recognize the Mayflash adapter at all? +What did the writer love to be? +What hardware may be parted from later? +What is the author asking for to help with their writing? +What happens if you set the turret too high? +What holiday does this post take place on? +What is the author wondering about crossroads trading? +Who did the narrator contact for help to no avail? +What are the range of house prices that the author is considering for a purchase? +What version of iOS does the author have? +What kind of job would be like upon graduation? +Does the regular One controller work? +What object does the author want to cover with a design? +What hardware was replaced? +What kind of difficulty spike is there at the end? +What was the French sentence? +Which version of windows is being used? +What play through did the author get to the burial blade on? +Where did they place the port tube? +What percentage of the corp did this person own before they bought out their partner? +What did the author take pictures of that they made themselves? +What have I already checked? +Why does the player want to learn to use the handbrake? +What are they looking for? +What color is the jacket the author found? +What edition does the author mention? +What did the inquirer recently break? +what does it seem that the people are reading? +What does the motor go to? +What is disliked and toxic? +Was 250$ expensive? +which Gregorian calendar would have had its new years a few weeks earlier than the traditional new year?n +What sport is the author interested in? +What fell into his lap after trundling about? +What else does the author need to add to complete it? +When did Loggains work as offensive coordinator for the Titans? +Where did the author's date take her? +What gender is the speaker? +What class was on the dark side of cover? +Should he stick to one type of technology or study a variety? +What is estimated to take much longer than anticipated? +Can individual threads for sales and exchanges be made? +What is the poster concerned with? +At the end of the Syrian Civil War who will possibly be the most powerful native force? +What is he trying to do with a text written in t/nroff format? +Did the author try to change the setting inside the program? +Who does the player use as a main character? +What are the ages of the couple? +What app is the writer using for viewing the pictures? +Does this car have coolant and oil temperature information displayed? +How long have they had chinchillas? +what brand of car does the writer have? +Mettaton's idea was to get what? +What did it crash when doing? +How long has the author been working on this +How was the energy company given the address? +Is the package going to be shipped with or without being tracked? +How would you avoid eating fast food for the elderly? +What color was the upper half of the flag? +What year was the manuscript of the Clavicules de Salomon written? +Which color aura increase makes things go faster? +what does the writer need help with +What was the last week spent doing? +According to the game's files, a giant sperm whale is how many times bigger than a regular sperm whale? +How will the author feel if someone can answer their question? +What do I miss? +What model year is this person's Hyundai Accent? +What was the score between Athletic Bilbao and Manchester United? +What consequence is the writer concerned with about using vpns on xbox? +What operating system did the mystery game run on? +What is the main concern? +When is it not expected for a team to be coordinated? +How is the author trying track electric guitar? +What will the writer ingest during the fast? +What kind of jacket does the author want to wear with her dress? +Where are new users directed to to get information? +What is the question concerning? +What level is the person with the male character? +What is suppose to be sent? +What is the starting rank of this user? +What happened during the windows installation process? +How old was the author when they suffered damage to their brain? +How long is their surgical site wound? +What two outputs are working? +Why is the writer upset? +Was the parrot kept in a cage? +Who wrote Against heaven? +what year IDE hi is using? +Which type of payment service does the author have questions about? +How much data was the client able to verify? +How many universes are the body in? +Are they winning with their tank? +what type of story will be produced? +How would the author describe the overworlds of Caves of Qud, ToME4, and ADOM? +What will members and users be allowed to do? +The author asks about who giving gratitude in a loving manner? +How did Grandma break her browser? +What is the poster looking for advice with? +What did they encounter? +What incentives have been given to be a support? +What has the husband been doing since moving to San Juan? +Which TV show is the person discussing? +How did this movie compare to his other works? +What is the primary topic about which the author is seeking the opinion of others? +What was the outcome of the first step they took? +What model does the user want to compare the motherboard to? +What is another playlist the author suggests creating? +They are having a hard time eliminating what single adversary? +What is the poster waiting for everyone to pick? +The writer even gives a warning to a possible? +What causes the flare ups? +What is it they are looking for? +What is the abbreviation for United Kingdom? +Sonya graduated from the ____ and _____ program. +What type of tournament? +What can be asked of David Miscavige? +How long have the items been put away? +Why does the commenter want to add another character? +What was he trying to do that ended up damaging his screws? +What happens if they try and repair +How long is the notice? +Where is the author a student of, what region? +How long ago was channel critique requested? +What is the problem they are experiencing? +What browser extensions are installed on Chrome? +how long has the writer noticed the change in their recent apps on the home screen? +who is the new york alliance planning on fighting in the buffalo system? +What is the amound willing to be spent in USD? +Why did Samuel step down from leadership? +Why is Andy Warhol suppose to be elf in the comic? +What date is the author leaving Dublin? +What two people were subject to the criticism? +How old is this player? +What is almost confirmed? +What topic is of interest to the author? +Where can you place a smart folder? +What score did they hit on a Shaman/Demolitionist +What kind of equipment are they interested in? +what is the title of the first video they released featuring the soundtrack to their mod? +Which version of Windows did they switch to, away from Windows 10, in order to test their sound? +How many animals does the animal nonprofit currently have? +what blows the speaker's mind? +How many times has this person been to his/ her doctor in the last two weeks? +When did it happen? +Where did he put the money? +Why is the person getting their screen replaced? +What is the first problem listed that the player is having with the bosses? +What is the only situation the poster will consider partying in? +Who feels peevish about what the world engine did to Atlantis? +What was the last season watched of Survivor they watched? +What do they want to keep in their new deck? +What model is their current camera? +What penalty does the author receive? +What does the author desire in a video? +Is this religious thread a place to debate? +How often do they log in? +What kind of clay is this person looking for in their search for tea pots? +Why did they want to get rid of them? +What is the name of the group's facebook group? +What is the name of the person that may look like a cutpurse? +What happens when the person tries sizing up? +what is being brought from there apartment? +At what point in their quest are they? +What is the husband credit score? +What does this poster claim they are not? +How many years has it been since he last played? +People who signed up to the what was given the free gift? +Who use to play for Barca? +What is the quality of the adapter that the author is looking for? +What does MHS stand for? +What weapon does this player thinks is the strongest for him? +How often does the Board Game Club meet? +what house track are they looking for? +What posts annoy the commenter? +Who is gaining popularity? +How many years has it been since philosophy has become a thing? +Who is the head of the Order of the Golden Lion? +What is the name of the individual who wants to help? +What was the first thing the author printed that turned out fine? +This iteration of Inkstorm is the last one before what begins? +What day would the writer pay back the loan by? +what model processor does the writer have? +What type of RTA was purchased? +Which roguelike titles are mentioned by name? +What are they asking is still alive? +How many inches tall is the rocket? +why did the teachers recommend sites? +What monitor does this person use? +What does their top line have in it? +What must be the picture be of in the contest rules? +How long has the diver been diving for? +Why did tinder ask for a mobile number confirmation? +What item is being installed atop the desk? +What version of Windows is the question about? +What program refuses to launch? +What percent does the buyer want for the cost of surveying? +What version did they install multiple times? +What player would you chose opposed to Talisman of Ascension? +What is he asking PositiveBalance to do? +The author wants to know if the subject is resolved or if there are what available? +How many points will be earned for new pilots? +What Military unit was High lord Brandon Whent in command of? +Where did this person ride their bicycle to with their significant other? +What do you have to do once Glyph starts? +Who or what has the best weapon? +What language has already been learned? +What device is exhibiting strange behaviour? +How old is the user? +How does the writer pack their lunch? +How did the second one crack? How long should they last? -What is no exception? -Why don't they get hot? -What are they worth? -What do they like to do with them? -What do they make? -Why were they bought? -What would they enjoy? -What is the razor blade used for? -What do you need to be careful with? -What could crack the plastic? -What is fragile? -What did they use? -How is the rack? -What is it more faster then? -What is powerful? -What do they dislike about it? -What do they have to do more often? -what is the main reason for the purchase? -what is one flaw of this vacuum? -when can this be useful for your car? -why might a pet owner like this vacuum? -does this machine have an auto off function? -what is the noise level of this machine? -what room of the house is a good location to keep this machine? -why is it good to keep in the kitchen? -what feature of this machine helps with draining the water? -What is the preferred brand of the author? -how long did the old coffee maker last? -what was considered a mistake? -where was the coffee maker purchased? -what was the purpose of this purchase? -what inch bowl would be good for ice cream? -how much cheerios cereal can fit in the 5 inch bowl? -what is the benefit of the gel mat? -what is the brand name of the gel mat? -what is one issue with the purchase of this mat? -what is the issue with pricing of this mat? -What was the main cause of the vacuum wear? -What was the main reason for replacing the vacuum? -Which area is cleaned with compressed air in the new vacuum? -What was the main perk of the new Hoover vacuum? -What needs to be cleaned a few times a year? -Which method of cooking leads to problems? -Which method of cooking works best for the user? -Which replacement product was ordered for stovetop use? -What is the main complaint about the product? -Which brand is highly rated as compact and affordable? -What foods are good to reheat with the R-230KW model? -What is the first problem spoken of about the R-230KW model? -What model or Sharp microwave is reviewed as a convienent way to cook food? -What foods are bad to reheat with the R-230KW model? -Which brand did the reviewer call the best brand they had owned over the years? -What qualities of the grinder were the main reason for the purchase? -How many cups of beans were ground up before the grinder stopped working? -What was the reviewer's thought as to the reason that it broke? -Will the reviewer purchase another grinder of this brand? -What was the purchase based on? -How did the product look upon arrival? -What aspect of the product was first dismissed but later recognized as valuable? -How many speeds does this specific blender have? -was there foam? -was it whole? -why did it break? -were the pieces thick? -who arrived? -what did the writer make? -what did the writer add to the milk? -what did the writer make secondly? -what's the brand of the spot cleaner? -where did the model the writer bought go after months of bickering? -how many times did it work? -what is the only company that makes spot cleaners? -how did they fit? -how did the glvoes look when first opened? -what kind of hands does the writer have? -what did the writer rate the product? -how long did the writer look? -how many pets did she have? -what version did they get? -where does the writer live? -This person uses their hot water maker to make what drink? -Is this the first or second time this person has purchased one of these? -Where does this person keep their new hot water maker? -What other drink can this product be used for? -What picks up pieces of food? -What makes cleanup a breeze after mealtime? -The Dustbuster comes with what to get to hard-to-reach places? -What is easy to clean out and change? -If you only use it for a minute at a time what lasts for a week? -What is not loud? -This fan lacks what kind of switch? -This person intends to mount their fan where? -What kind of switch would cause the fan to run only when it's hot? -Why won't there be any marks on your tile when you use this product? -Where should you not use this product for fear of indenting it? -How much does this product cost? -How many hooks does this product have? -What has small openings so the water can drain? -What is really, really small? -Where is this product made? -What is kind of hard to find in store? -Who disowned the Intensity vacuum? -Who are the recipients of the product? -Where was the product purchased? -How long has the author had one of these products? -What does the author about the product? -Why did the author purchase the product? -What product is being described? -What does the author suggest you put in this product? -What is not mentioned by the sellers but comes with the product? -Where does the author plan on using the product? -What is the product being described? -What's the problem with chrome caddies? -Who's help did the author not need to install the product? -What need to be done before installation? -How many cubes did the other purchase? -Why did the author end up with unused parts? -Who came to the author's rescue? -What does the product look like? -What are the worthwhile features? -At what temperature does the coffee seem better to the author? -To what rating was the product dropped to? -How is the performance of the product? -What was the original product rating? -What brand is the rice cooker being reviewed? -What size are Japanese cups compared to American cups? -How long can the product keep rice warm for? -What type of sounds does the product produce? -What is one appropriate place to store the rice cooker, according to the user? -Who were the glasses purchased for? -What occasion were the glasses purchased for? -How do the glasses feel in one's hand? -What feature of the glasses might prevent accidental drops? -How many stars would the user give to the product? -What brand of product is the person reviewing? -What part of the cookware will never warp? -How many brands are better than All-Clad, according to the user? -What is the cookware made of? -Who might the user give the cookware to eventually? -What type of product is the person reviewing? -What type of beverage is the product typically used with? -Which version of the wine tasted superior? -What type of wine does the user recommend? -What did the person provide in exchange for receiving the aerator? -What area of the country does the user reside in? -How many times has the person washed the product? -What did the product produce after being washed and dried? -What color or product did the person purchase? -What type of temperature change has recently occurred where the person lives? -What brand of vacuum is this? -How much did they pay for the vacuum? -Where did they buy the vacuum? -What was the brand of their old vacuum? -How big is their living room? -How many cups does it hold? -What kind of cup is this product? -What brand of cup is this? -What is the sizing of the numbers? -In what color are the smaller numbers? -What material is the baking mat made out of? -What is a type of dessert you can make on the mat? -What kind of water cleans the mat? -What kind of meats does the author make on the mat? -Where does the person use this mat? -What brand is this product? -What kind of furniture system is the product? -What do the pieces do together? -Where are the pins located? -What color are the panels? -Which piece of the disc holder is child resistant? -What do you keep in the holder? -What health condition does the author have in their hands? -How many discs does the item hold? -Where does the author keep the disc holder? -What brand of water filter is the Mavea brand better than? -Which brand of water filter does not need presoaking? -What brand of water filter is a great alternative to the Brita filters? -How is the pricing of the Mavea filter? -How many rinses were necessary with the Mavea filter? -What store can a shop vac be purchased from? -What seemed to get wrapped around everything? -What is always on the wrong side of the door? -What type of vac from Hoover is great? -What size was the Hoover with a bag? -What is the overall quality of the Cooper Cooler? -What was used about 200 times? -What could chill really quickly with just the water pump? -What stopped working after the spinner motor stopped working? -What did the aquarium pump and timer cost? -What size tortillas must be used with the quesadilla maker? -Why is the quesadilla maker easy to clean? -What does not come off of the quesadilla maker? -What can be done to prevent food from getting crusted on? -What does the quesadilla maker seal? -How can the appliance get from room to room easily? -What is warm around the appliance? -What does the appliance do if it is not emptied? -What is awkward to handle? -What humidity level is the lowest that has been tested? -what was the master bedroom missing? -how many clothes racks did they buy? -how much did the clothes racks cost? -what did the they lay down to watch one night? -how many pounds of clothes hit the floor? -what makes baking easier? -what is one brand of mat do they own? -what is the Frazoni one comparable too? -what is a drawback of silicone mats in general? -what else can't you use on silicon mats? -what tends to wear off of the pan -is the coating safe to ingest? -what do they want their pan to be? -what material are they contemplating going back to? -how many times a day do they use a pan? -what do they use to cut up food? -what wouldn't stay attached to the food handle? -what do they use to cut with a grater or mandolin? -where do they let the glove dry? -what do they wash and rinse when done? -what came out a year ago? -what is the enclosure made of -how many hooks did they put on the shower glass? -do towels stay on the hooks? -do they hold wet towels well? -What is the item labeled as? -What kind of surface should this item be used on? -What does the item more resemble? -What kind of metal is the handle made out of? -What item did this person buy? -What brand did they previously use? -How many times do they use the pan? -What food can you cook on the pan? -What floors can you use the vacuum on? -Where did they store the vacuum? -How many times did they fill the container? -How did they store the vacuum? -What is the name of the coffee machine? -How many cups of coffee do they drink? -How long has this person been using the coffee machine? -What should you use to clean the machine? -What did this person buy? -What is safe to use in this blender? -What brand of blender did they buy? -What color blender did they buy? -What mistake did the writer make? -What did the writer do to fix the problem? -What did the writer do with the wrong item? -What is the difference between the bigger and the smaller item? -How good is the smaller item? -Why is it easy for the writer to clean the kettle? -How small are the writer's hands? -What does the writer find inconvenient with the kettle? -What material is the pot made of? -What does the writer like the pot the most? -Where can the writer refill cylinders? -How much does a gallon of water cost? -What can be done to save money on the refills? -What is the problem with refilling cylinders of Soda Stream? -How difficult is the refill of Soda Stream cylinders? -What did the writer's wife find out from the internet before buying Cuisinart set? -What brand of pots and pans did the writer's wife buy? -How long ago did the writer's wife buy the Cuisinart set? -How often does the writer use the Cuisinart set? -How long will the Cuisinart set last if they are used properly? -What parts of the toaster does the writer love the most? -What does the writer love the toaster the most? -What is the writer not satisfied with the toaster? -What is the bottom button of the toaster? -What is the top button of the toaster? -What country made this scoop? -This scoop is described as the what of ice cream scoops? -What is the handled described as being? -What does the ice cream cry when confronted by this scoop? -What can you easily dish with this scoop? -These glasses are super easy to do what? -What do other glasses have that is hard to clean? -About how long have they have the glasses for? -How many glasses arrived either damaged or broken? -What fingers can they reach the bottom of the glass with? -How many did they get for 10 dollars? -What holiday did they order these before? -What 3 sizes of slow cookers do these fit? -How many slow cookers did they use? -For Thanksgiving what was the only think not cooked in a slow cooker? -How often do the filters need to be replaced? -Are these filters different or identical to the expensive ones? -Who did they use to buy filters from? -What type of water filter are these? -Was there only a few or a lot of retailers that carried the filters? -How hot can you wash it in without damaging it? -How long was it rubbing before it finally ripped? -It was too big for what? -Besides allergens and dust mites; what other bug does this protect against? -What gives it its cotton-like comfort? -How many years did it take for the opener to require a replacement? -What could the owner have done to avoid most of the issues with the can opener? -What type of opener did the owner buy the can opener to replace? -When does it always seem that the can opener requires washing? -Which feature on the deep fryer did the owner paid more for? -Which feature on the deep fryer keeps clean oil for the next use? -Which parts of the deep fryer are not allowed to be washed in the dishwasher? -What needs to be in place for the deep fryer's oil filtering system to work properly? -What is the major problem with using Penguin humidifier? -Which parts of the Penguin humidifier usually goes uncleaned? -Why is it difficult to wash the inside surfaces of the tank? -What is the brand name of the reviewed humidifier? -Where did the author buy the blender? -How often did the author use the blender on a typical week? -How long has the author had the blender? -Which parts of the blender has been misplaced by the author? -What is the name of the company that manufactured the reviewed vegetable steamer? -What is the maximum weight of vegetables that is expected to be steamed at a time by the Aladdin collapsible steamer? -How was the performance of the Aladdin collapsible steamer described? -How was the delivery of the Aladdin collapsible steamer described? -When the buyer read reviews, what did they characterize the reviews as? -Where did the author buy the bucket? -What brand popcorn does the person eat? -What color are the cups? -What brand are the liners? -How many holes were in the packaging? -What shape is the item? -What type of ingredients can you sweep flat? -What rusts easily? -What kind of oil do they want to protect the mattress from? -What kind of mattress does this cover? -How do they rate the product? -Is it resistant or is it waterproof? -What is the material of the cover? -Where are NordicWare products manufactured? -Which type of pans did they buy from NordicWare in the past? -What material is the pie pan made out of? -What item did the person not possess in their home? -What type of baked goods does the person enjoy making? -What is the person no longer concerned will happen to their muffins? -What type of cookware has the person also put on the cooling rack? -How is the quality of the product? -What activities does the person undertake while storing wine in their backpack? -How tight are the product's lids? -What have some people had trouble with that the user has never personally experienced? -Where does the person caution that the lids might end up? -How many items are included in the product pack? -For what occasion did the person receive this product? -What retailer did the person get the product from? -In what condition did the person first receive the product? -What is the preferred waffle texture of the user? -What negative aspect was reported by some other users? -What brand of mixer did the person purchase? -Which kitchen item did the user decide to spend less money on? -What brand of cookware did the person purchase? -What brand was the person's first blender which was unsatisfactory? -What retailer did the person use for purchase of their new blender? -What type of product is the person reviewing? -What type of material might be potential toxic and harmful to the user? -What brand of juicer is the person reviewing? -Who has the user been trying to receive important information from? -What does BPA stand for? -Why did the person buy the vacuum? -What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? -What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? -How long is the warranty? -Why did the person buy the vacuum? -How long is the warranty? -What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? -What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? -Why did the person buy the vacuum? -How long is the warranty? -What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? -What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? -Why did the person buy the vacuum? -How long is the warranty? -What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? -What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? -Why did the person buy the vacuum? -What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? -How long is the warranty? -What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? -Why did the person buy the vacuum? -What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? -How long is the warranty? -What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? -Why did the person buy the vacuum? -What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? +What will the product protect the mattress from? +What was retained? +What does the curtain not have +What type of plastic is it made out of? +What is harder to clean? +How long is the cord? +What is one negative thing about the food processor for the reviewer? +how did the rice turn out when it was cooked in the old cooker? +What size is their mattress? +How should the expensive shirts be cleaned? +how much did the product cost? +Where are the pans kept? +What is the Acme described to be built like? +How long has the author had the older product? +Is there an upper basket? +what did the author recently purchase +What type of food does this oven produce outstanding results on? +What does not stain these containers? +What material is it made from? +Why did the author think the product wasn't working when he first used it? +How well does the heater work for the consumer that wrote the review? +What do they not own, but still makes these very easy to clean? +What brand did they eventually buy for their neice? +Can it be taken out of position easily? +What did they look for in this coffee maker? +What brand is the old waffle maker? +They seemed to have issues with stuff falling off from where? +Did the steamer save time? +What has the reviewer stored in the containers for weeks without it going bad? +When would the person have liked to purchase the product? +What was Natalie afraid concerning the Bodum Bistro Large Electric Water Kettle? +What liquid was the roast deglazed with? +The author challenges anyone to find a better vacuum for less than what price? +What product do they think works better? +What was their issue with the instructions? +What comes with the Easy Lunch Box? +What is the brand of the writer's previous vacuum? +Instead of mechanical cooking timers this product uses what? +Can the unit be refilled? +Where do you heat the freezer meals? How long is the warranty? +Why do they only recommend this item? +How many stars did the author give the product? +The customers new infuser is made from what? +How many burners does the reviewers Coleman stove have? +What did I buy? +How is the suctioncups of the shower caddy on the tiles? +It's much easier to use The Super Peel, than to? +What good features did the writer find out about a new kitchen fan? +Can the wok be cleaned with a dishwasher? +What did the author say was a positive thing about the grinder? +What else is annoying? +How is the plastic quality? +Serving what kind of food is a hassle with a regular spatula? +What need to be done before installation? +What about this device can potentially annoy others? +It would be interesting if they numbers and letters were what? +The griddle also does a good job at preventing what? +Where should you NOT put your hand when the toaster is in use? +How many cups of tea does the machine make at one time? +What broke after one use? +What is the trick to get rid of excess water? +Why the kitchen towel looks cheap? +Are the Circulon pans steel? +What does the reviewer use mason jars for? +How big is the room? What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? -Why did the person buy the vacuum? -What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? -How long is the warranty? -What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? -How many cups is the brewer? -What brewer did the reviewer compare this one to? -What isnt removable? -What can't the reviewer get into into the brewer to clean it? -What product is the person looking at instead of this product? -How much was this product? -Who is the manufacturer of the product? -How many watts is the product? -Where does the reviewer live? -What eliminates the chance of a broken pot? -What three things does the reviewer state are the best attributes of the product? -What kind of product is this? -Compared to what products does this reviewer compare this one to? -What does the reviewer say these trays do well? -What is disgusting aspect never goes away despite washing? -What takes a lot of effort? -How does this product differ than other product on the market? -Where did they order the item from? -Why were they reluctant to purchase online? -Are the components of good quality? -Is the stand child safe? -Was the item easy to build? -Do they like the vacuum? -Does the vacuum do a good job at sucking up dirt? -Was the vacuum worth buying? -Did they return the vacuum? -Does the author recommend the item? -How was the scale rated? -Was calibration hard to do? -Did they have to buy batteries separately? -Does it take long to get a weight? -Is the scale big? -Can you easily grip the item? -What do the gloves offer for storage? -What temperature are the gloves good for? -Are the gloves easy to clean? -What has the author not tested yet? -What are the sheets used for? -Are the sheets reliable? -Does the author have issues with cookies getting stuck? -Are there any differences between batches? -Do the results come out different every time? -How would this user change the water reservoir? -How would this user change the design of the product? -What makes the product easy to maneuver and handle? -How does the user know when to refill the reservoir? -Where did this user purchase a similar product for comparison? -How long has the user owned this product? -How much more expensive is this product than the reviewer's alternative? -How long longer does the user need the product to last to justify it's cost? -What sale did the user take advantage of when buying this product? -The travel mug keeps what hot for many hours? -What kind of mug is the person using? -How long can the new travel mug keep whats inside it hot? -When is the travel mug mostly used? -What was the problem with the crappy travel mugs? -Why was the attachment purchased? -What was the problem with the new attachment? -What also comes with the Miele vacuum cleaner? -How many times did she use the attachment? -Am I missing out on anything by not having this attachment? -What is the reason the rice cooker is used everyday? -What is the brand of water boiler and rice cooker? -How big is the rice cooker? -What was liked so much that a rice cooker was purchased? -What setting is the rice cooker set on to fix a cup of Zoji steel cut oats? -What was the size of the new coffee pot? -How many times did the 12 cup coffee pot work? -How much coffee did the reviewer use trying to get a consistent result? -What is the reviewer's favorite coffee maker? -What time of day did the reviewer's husband constantly ask her to make him a cup of coffee? -What was less expensive than the 1 4-cup glass or Pyrex model? -What should you not do with the new three-piece set? -What was used to test the new measuring cups? -What did the reviewer really like about the new three-piece measuring set? -Why does the reviewer like the top view graduations on the inside of the new three-piece measuring cup set? -What type of mat did they get? -Did his husband cut his finger? -What was the first thing the mat was used for? -What brand of mandolin did they get? -Can you use the mat to open hard to open jars? -Why does this person want to buy this product? -What did this person buy? -What type of surface is the mat? -What did they use the mat to open? -What did the person never eat? -What happens to the eggs when using this product? -What happens when the eggs are finished cooking? -What will happen if you clean the unit with hard water? -What did this person buy? -What is the quality of the workmanship? -What did this person do with the tp holder? -What happened to the arm of the tp holder? -When did this person buy the product? -Why did they buy the product? -What weight will not work with the product? -What weight is good for this product? -What did this person buy? -How long does it take for the trash can to open? -What holds the bags to the trash can? -What are visible on the trash can? -What is this person organizing right now? -Where did this person recently shop? -Where did this person get the same thing? -What kind of mode is this person in? -What is the best thing about the American Innovative Portable Dual-Timer? -What type of batteries does this product use? -What should you use to open the battery door of this product? -What works beautifully on this product? -What is large and shows what is happening? -What kind of pan is this? -What cooks evenly? -What is non-stick? -What cleans very nicely? -What brand makes this vacuum? -What kind of strap does this vacuum have? -Is the power cord for this vacuum long or short? -What did a good job with the fan blades? -What is really lightweight? -What is a flimsy piece of junk? -What is a good value? -What is a well made product? -What is a power tool for the kitchen? -What is all over the house due to a disabled family member? -How many previous versions of the product did the reviewer own? -What is more easily removed for emptying on this version? -What is the brand name of this product? -What type of drinks might this be better used with? -What version in a different size is better than this version? -During what typical daily activity could the product's failure to keep drinks warm be an issue? -What was one aspect of the product that the reviewer liked? -What food product did the author place on top after putting paper in the bottom? -What type of wrap was used by another customer? -After cooling the meat, what container was used to hold the for use another time? -What room does the author keep this product in? -What type of marks aren't left on the product because it rarely needs to be touched? -How long ago did the author purchase the product? -What gets sealed inside the product? -With the older fans, about how many nights' use do you get on battery power? -Where did the author purchase this product? -How long until the rechargeable batteries stopped being functional on the older rechargeable fans? -What does this product run on instead of batteries? -What do they wake up on every morning? -What kind of sheets needed fixing? -How many corners of their sheets would they have to fix? -What product was ordered? -Which direction are they clipped? -How many coffee makers did the author return? +What is one thing the juiceman can be used to make? +What does the authors particular set have? +What do the suction feet keep the processor from doing? +What did they replace with this new purchase? +Where is the spinning mechanism? +What is easy to do? +Is the kettle loud enough for someone to hear it in another room? +How can you vary the strength of the coffee usnig this coffee maker? +who did they give the jars to? +What do other glasses have that is hard to clean? +What will happen is shavings and paper shreds are left along the top? +Is the baseboard heater expensive to run during the winter? +What kind of milk should be used to replicate a Starbucks? Which temperatures is the water heated to? -Over how many months have they been on a quest for a good coffee maker? +What is one of the negatives of this food processor? +how much did the grinder cost? +What can it do easily? +What convenient feature does this iron possess? +What is wrong with the base? +How does the smaller version of the steam press work? +How long does it take for the reviewers hand to get hot when holding something very hot? +What helps bring beer to a drinkable temperature within about a 10 minute time? +is the quality nice? +How many filters are in a sealed bag? +What will the towels be less effective at doing? +What is the only problem with this vacuum? +What condition was the old mattress protector in? +On what date was the review updated? +Who did I purchase the blanket for? +What is unavoidable when using the Kuhn Rikon? +how much saurakraut do they normally make? +How did the 600 pound man who sat in one of the chairs describe it? +How many people are recommended to apply the slip? +How does everyone who tries them feel? +How much would a more standard crock pot cost? +Why did the person buy the vacuum? +Who did they email? +what was the master bedroom missing? +What other shops were used to compare brushes? +What meal was the person invited to? +What is the product being reviewed? +is the coating safe to ingest? +How much clorox do you need in order to clean the kit? +where does the pull tuck into? +It was not effective in collecting dust when it rotates in place, what was it? +how many inches is this set? +where are the pans made? +What happens if the load is unbalanced on the object? +what item did the writer purchase? +What did 2 of the 3 stones look like that the reviewer received? +What is fantastic? +What is being reviewed? +How long does the battery last? +What was the kitchen appliance that the purchaser decided against buying? +What was missing from the coffee maker that made it difficult for the reviewer to repair themselves? +Which part of the tumbler is easy to clean? +What are needed to install the system properly? +What do they have to do to some fruit to make it fit? +How many products did the user buy as gifts? +According to the customer review this particular griddle cooks the food in what undesirable way? +What is difficult to clean? +What is useless? +how are you rate quality of the product ? +How well has the bed held up? +From what retailer did the person buy their cookware? +What is the product large enough for? +Will the kettle be useable for many years? +From what company might the reviewer purchase another of these? +what actor is the writer a fan of? +How difficult is to wash and dry them? +what feature makes it take a long time for the water boil in this pan? +Where was the pitcher I bought made? +What happened to the second mixer? +What size knife did the package say this person was getting? +What was done to help fight the dust? +Why is it easy for the writer to clean the kettle? +How often does the author vacuum their home? +What brand name of the meat thermometer did the writer use? +What works well? +How does the cost of this item compare to that of the Simple Human one? +Who is the maker of the knives? +What is the assumed reason this processor is heavy? +When did the reviewer send the product back? +How much less electricity does the Breville toaster oven use than a regular oven? +How many have been given away as gifts +How long ago was the product bought? +Does the pillow have consistent good performance? +Which model wasn't as popular with consumers? +What area of the country does the user reside in? +What is perfect for the buyer? +What did the author use to roll out? +What was attractive? +Was there issues the first time the pan was used? +What did I buy? +Would this be a good gift to get someone who loves wine? +When was the review updated? +What happens if you don't have enough material inside to balance it out? +Why is the box useless? +How are the sides defined as? +What is the pans name? +How long did it take to make a fine powder with the product? +What causes weak tea when using the product? +What was allowed ample amount of time to dissolve? +How many stars does the reviewer rate the product?e +What lined up well so that nothing had to be mounted to dry wall? +What does the reviewer still prefer to use for batters? +When did the person most recently buy the product? +How easy is it to push? +What kind of briquettes should you use? +Why is the reviewer unable to use fine coffee? +What type of stains did the device not remove? +What is sturdy and easy to thread? +Where did you purchase this popper? +How did the customer describe the rug? +How many bowls were flawed? +How is the mandolin easily cleaned? +How many negative elements did this person identify with the timer? +What size would be better for the patty maker? +What towel set did the user purchase? +What did the author want to use to heat the chicken? +When does it survive the longest? +what kind of oil should be used on bamboo cutting boards? +What network were they watching on tv? +What is the customer is the market to buy? +What model has replaceable blades? +What shape are the hooks at hte end? +How much did I pay for the tamper? +What safety feature does this product offer? +how many days did it take for the baskets to ship +What is a way that the travel mug keeps the beverage inside hot? +What does the author use the racks in? +Do you have any issues with the product being loud? +What color did the author buy? +What did they dislike about their former unit? +How do I feel about my wife hating the smell of smoke? +What is one complaint about the peeler? +At what temperature does the heater become not effective for a two bedroom apartment? +What was important? +Were directions included? +What feature does it have that is useful when you can't read it right away? +What is this product mostly use for prior to grilling? +How much was this product? +If you want to grind coffee beans what does the author suggest? +What product is being reviewed? +What do they think of the Funtainer bottles? +The reviewer also complements the product again by saying it is what? +Approximately how long has the reviewer owned the product? +What was inside the box when it was first opened? +Are these towels a good size for a larger person? +What brand of coffee maker had a much lower temperature? +What is the product suited for? +What kind of problems were both people getting on their bad mattress? +Where did the little vacuum pick up everything? +why did the reviewer buy the spice jar labels initially? +What size are they +How does the reviewer feel about the attachments? +Can you brew with one touch using the Vue? +what pitcher feature was the person most interested in? +How loud is this heater? +What does the author cook often? +Who filled the brush up the first time? +From whom did the writer get the idea to use the casserole that way? +where does the writer live? What is the maximum amount of time the warming plate can stay on? -How many temperature settings does it have? -What kind of vacuums is this device better than? -Doing what thing makes the battery drain rapidly? -What happens to the tools? -What do they say about the tool storage? -What kind of power does the vacuum have a lot of? -Where does the author's son sleep over? -How old is the author's child? -Which part of the product scared the little boy? -What did the pump sound like? -What kind of material is the cover? -What's wrong with the drip tray? -Which grill is the buyer going to look at purchasing next? -How many pieces of french toast does the griddle hold? -Which type of meat do they make on this grill? -What percent leanness does the author prefer in their ground meat? -What color wasn't the reviewer able to find the product in? -What does the product design prevent from happening? -Can you see through the product? -How does the olive oil come out? -Where does the product look good? -What is the material of the product like? -What does the sheet feel like? -What does the reviewer sight as a problem? -Does the reviewer believe that she got value for the product? -What does the reviewer find to be frustrating about the product? -What problem did the reviewer have initially with the product? -What did the reviewer have to do with the product? -What did the reviewer like about the product? -What suggestion does the reviewer make? -How many of the items did the reviewer order? -What does the reviewer want before buying the product again? -What happened when the product fell over? -How did one of the items arrive to the reviewer? -Why did the reviewer buy the product? -Why did the reviewer buy the iron? -What do you need to use on some materials? -Who should buy the product according to the reviewer? -What features did the reviewer want? -what were they excited to try? -what is one of the concerns about the vacuum -what does the sanitizing feel like? -is the dirt cup big? -what do they wish was longer? -how long have they been grinding coffee -is the grinder loud? -how much did the grinder cost? -what is one main complaint about the grinder? -what brand is the grinder? -what do they wash out for recycling? -what brand was their last can opener? -what is their current brand of opener? -does the hamilton beach model work as well as their prior opener? -what happened to the blades on the cutters? -what is more powerful than the Waring Professional blender? -how many speeds does the Oster have? -how many seconds does it take to blend a drink? -how loud is the Oster? -does it have any additional functions? -what is the model of air conditioner? -is the air conditioner loud? -what floor is the room that is being kept cool on? -what did the air conditioner come with? -what will the air conditioner help them save on? -From what retailer did the person buy their cookware? -What brand of cookware is the person reviewing? -What does the person advise against leaving in the pan during cooking? -Where should the spoon / lifter be placed during the cooking process? -How does the product's handle feel? -From what retailer did the person buy their cookware? -What brand of cookware is the person reviewing? -What does the person advise against leaving in the pan during cooking? -Where should the spoon / lifter be placed during the cooking process? -How does the product's handle feel? -Who did the person give the product to as a gift? -What aspect of the surface does the user like especially? -How large is the person's mother? -What color is the cookware? -How many pieces come with the cookware set? -What product is the person hesitant to review? -What do manufacturers seem to change frequently? -What season did the person use the space heater for? -Where did the person put their last heater that broke? -What type of heating does the new heater use? -What type of product is the person reviewing? -What brand of product is the person reviewing? -How do the sheets feel? -Why specifically did the person buy these sheets over others? -What other product does BedVoyage sell on Amazon? -What type of company does the person run? -What is the relative cost of the product? -What is the popularity level of the product among the user's customers? -What can the product hold a large amount of? -How would the user describe the relative weight of the product? -How well does this work with pets? -What type of floor does this work best on? -What brand of vacuum is this? -What is the volume level is this vacuum? -Is this vacuum expensive? -What makes it Italian? -What makes it French? -What makes it Russian? -What makes it Greek? -What makes it Chinese? -What is the brand name of this electric Kettle -Is the electric kettle heavy? -What material is the electric kettle made of? -How do you like this electric kettle? -What material is the juicer made from? -How long does it take to clean? -How much juice can you make? -How noisy is the juicer? -What brand is this juicer? -How well does this utensil holder work? -Does this utensil holder have a nice design? -How could they improve this utensil holder? -How many stars would you give this utensil holder? -Aside from the initial cost, what other fees can you expect wen owning a vacuum? -How many bags does the Panasonic vacuum come with? -What are the bags made of that the vacuum comes with? Where can you order the bags from? -How many bags do you get for $9.99? -What is owning a vacuum like owning? -How much does a 4 pack of bags cost on Amazon? -How many bags does the Panasonic vacuum come with? -How long should the bags last? -Who marked down the blender for taking long to work? -Why can the gasket be easily lost? -What is one of the ways the blender can be dangerous? -What is the best purpose for this blender? -Why do most consider buying this blender? -Who thought highly of the "best buy" blender? -What are the edges of the blade described as being? -What did the poster cut? -What type of ridges does the lid have? -For what occasion did the reviewer purchase the gift? +What is wrong with the item? +Is the product heavy or light weight? +Where did they use DampRid +What was produced in a good quantity? +How many times have they purchased this product? +What side of the toast was darker? +What function does the time display? +What is warm around the appliance? +What makes grease form on the top of the pot? +What is a complaint about the handle? +Did Hoover reply to the author? +Where do they place the attachment part? +What does the author claim not to be? +What was the problem the person described with other infusers? +Where does the person use this mat? +Can this pillow stay cool thought night time use? +The chair owner blames the loss of seat padding to what games? +How long has the design been around? +What benefits come with having this basket? +Who overcooked eggs for Thanksgiving? +What was an option that would have been nice? +What can the processor do to salad dressings quite well? +How did the reviewer feel about the price of the toaster? +Which aspect of the cover does the reviewer like? +is the hanger made of hard wood? +How functional is this paper towel holder? +What is the handle made out of? +What type of businesses does this person own? +What do they know exactly? +What needs to be monitored to make sure it's functioning properly? +Who recommeded the stainless steel cups? +what is the model of the mixer? +Has everything you need to insall the system included? +How long did the thermometer last? +What does she have an issue with? +What other mattress was bought? +Which members of the family use this product? +What can you easily dish with this scoop? +How bright are the colors? +How many stars the review got eventually? +What item was bought by the customer? +How did the first one break? +What was the purchaser's main frustration with the same type of product? +What type of opener did the owner buy the can opener to replace? +What did one reviewer complain about? +What year did the author's mom and dad get the Kitchen Aid? +Does the cleaning take long? +is the dirt cup big? +How long has the author been using the bags? +How many cups of coffee does it hold? +How was the reviewer able to use the instruction book? +What drink is lime juice used for? +What was bested? +What did they purchase after getting the skillet? +What else has to be checked beside measurements of the baking sheets? +What must be done first before activating the bread machine? +What ruins the rack? +What was made? +What did the writer make with the blender? +What did the picture of the mixer show? +Can I use this vacuum on the stairs? +What is the model of the can opener? +What is a power tool for the kitchen? +What don't you have to do to the handles? +What concern does the writer have? +What word did the author use to describe the basic design? +How many additional products did the user buy for others? +How many cats does the reviewer have? +What version in a different size is better than this version? +how does the water taste? What did the reviewer note that they purchased? -What is the brand of the product? -What additional item can be purchased to go with this product? -Where can one purchase the product? -Who recently got married? -What item did she need? -Who did the author talk to about how the bride likes it? -How long will the bride use this for? -What else can be bought with this set? -What persuaded the customer to purchase this product? -What does cant this reviewer stand? -What is the minor complaint listed by the customer? -What is the result of the water getting trapped thanks to the design of the lid? -What is the trick to get rid of excess water? -What does the author hate doing? -How does the author describe the product? -What is the problem with the strainer? -How many tablespoons of water can get trapped in the lip? -What item helps get the water out? -What is this product made of? -How many years had the reviewer used the CorningWare pot and lid for? -What material that is similar to CorningWare is considered good quality? -Who cooked in the CorningWare product for the reviewer? -How many stars did the reviewer give for this product? -What type of pot is it? -How is this item described compared to the older one? -How many stars did the author rate this item? -How long has the lid been subjected to heavy use? -When did they get the item? -when did they discover the issue? -Who did they email? -What did they buy? -What did they replace? -What is the quality of materials? -What did they order the item for? -What condition did it arrive in? -What do you need to do to keep the beers from freezing inside? -What will happen as a result of the item getting colder? -What is the best part of a cold beer? -What do some places serve beer in? -What is this product? -How much did they spend on it? -How long did it take the new garbage cans to arrive? -How many did they buy? -What product did they use in the past? -What did she originally blame the problem on? -What is this item? -How long did they use this product? -Where did the writer search for the product? -What does the writer like about the product? -What doesn't the writer like about the product? -What was needed to remove the sticker? -How does the writer describe the product? -How durable is the product? -What does the writer like about the product? -What is a drawback of the product? -What is a second drawback of the product? -What happens due to the small gaps in dividers? -Where did the writer find the product? -What brand is the product? -How does the writer feel about the product? -What are the benefits of the product? -How is the product made? -What is a benefit of the product? -How many gallons of water does each filter filter? -What needs to be done to activate the filter area? -What is the screen near the top used for? -Where is the product made? -What does the writer like about the product? -What does the writer say is sturdy? -How does the product work in the dishwasher? -Where is the product used? -What does the product handle well? -What is necessary to some? -How many quarts is the bowl? -During what meal did the reviewer state the product performed terrifically? -What does the reviewer still prefer to use for batters? -Who is the reviewer a fan of? -What products has the reviewer been dissapointed with? -What style of cookie sheets dissapointed the reviewer? -How many sides of the sheets are raised? -What holes the customers vacuum, ironing board, and cleaning chemicals? -What issues was the reviewer having with thier closet? -How long has the person had this product? -How many inches are all of the things now from the door after using this product? -What the products is this product quieter than? -What does the reviewer wish this product came with? -What kind of surface does the reviewer not recommend this be used on? -How many feet is the tube that is included? -What product is this? -Aside from food, what else does this person weigh? -What two features does the reviewer mention? -How is the scale powered? -How long did it take for this person to vacuum one room? -What did this person buy? -What did this person's husband do to the vacuum? -How did this person transport the vacuum? -How much was the scissors? -When did they buy the scissors? -What did this person buy? -What scissors brand does this person recommend more? -What did this person buy? -What does this person use the pop-up holder for? -What brand is the holder? -What style os holder is this? -How many stars did they originally give? -How many stars did they leave after editing their review? -How much does their lights weigh? -How many suction cups did they use? +Who was responsible for causing one of the bowls to be damaged? +What was wrong with the last pressure cooker? +Why did he hate this unit before? +How hot does the temperature have to be before the Reviewer feels discomfort? +Which feature on the deep fryer did the owner paid more for? +How long does the reviewer plan to use the product? +What did they buy? +What kind of product is talked about? +Where did the reviewer see the warning about grinding too much coffee? +What is made free of chemicals and is PTFE and PFOA free? +How often is this filter purchased? +What is the name of the manufacturer? +What happened to the first mixer? +What do they use their Salad Shooter for? +How many stars did the author give the vacuum? +Is this scale compact? +Why would you get this product? +What does the author wish was included? +Why do most consider buying this blender? +What did the incident involve? +When using the item, what does one have to pay attention to? +How old is the Dyson? +Without a drain tube how was the inflatable boat emptied? +How many cups of coffee can this coffee maker make at once? +How does the lid fit? +How long is it suggested to take the breads out of the breadbox for, daily? +what dessert does the writer use these glasses to serve? +Why did the reviewer buy the product? +Why impresses the reviewer about the mattress? What did this person buy? -How many burners does the griddle fit over? -What did this person use the griddle for? -Before buying the griddle what was this person doing? -What is easy to clean? -What produces a glare while cooking? -What is the oven primarily used for? -When was the new oven purchased? -What needed to be replaced on the NuWave oven? -Who does the person fight over the knife with? -What brand of knife is perfect for chopping tomatoes and onions? -What brand of knife was the person a fan of first? -How do they sharpen the Wusthof knives? -What is the fabulously sharp knife? -What type of spoons are no longer used? -What did the person used constantly? -What does the new silicone spatula do when you mix something? -What did the first silicone spatula have that the second one did not have? -What did the color of the sheet set resemble? -What was amazingly comfortable? -What did the customer not like about the sheet set? -What color might the sheet set fade to after being washed? -What stopped working after the first use? -What is the name of the company that produced the digital oven thermometer? -Where did the customer purchase the oven thermometer? -What does the customer plan on using for a long time? -The customers previous infuser was made out of what? -The customers new infuser is made from what? -Unlike the customers previous infuser, the new one allows for what to seep into the cup? -The customer admires this part of the infuser, because it allows them a place to set the wet leaves? -Unfortunately the customer saus that it is hard to? -Steamers are great for hardwood floor, because it allows them to be thoroughly cleaned without using what? -Even natural cleaners like vinegar can leave the floor looking what? -Do not put the pads in the dryer because what might happen? -The customer once used this type of rag? -Over all this steamer works, but the customer prefers? -According to the customer review this particular griddle cooks the food in what undesirable way? -Despite cooking unevenly, the pancakes are still thoroughly what? -Another good quality of this griddle is that it heats very what? -The griddle also does a good job at preventing what? -The customer really likes this function of the griddle? -The pasta maker in question is secured to the counter with a what? -The pasta maker can be adjusted to your what? -The pasta maker had what kind of crank? -What are the two kind of pasta settings on the pasta maker? -Cleaning, this pasta maker is what? -The product the person is reviewing is called what? -How many walls does this product have? -Does the single wall provide a lot of insulation? -How does the customer know the product is durable? -Was the product damaged when it was knocked off the counter? -What did they order -Why didn't they buy one? -How long does it take to put together? -How many parts are in this machine? -What edges does the peeler have? -What temperature of water did they put the banana under? -What is thin? -What do they have? -What else is thin? -What would make this item better? -What do they rate the shelves? -What did he install first? -What did they install next? -What did they install afterwards? -What did they use prior to this? -How heavy are they -What else will they buy? -How many people live in that house? -What was the purchased product? -What did the poster have to do to make the product stick? -What kind of product did she have previously? -How does she describe the new holder? -What is better in the new pillows compared to the old ones? -Why don't some people like the pillow cases? -What does the poster get comfort for? -How does the product come from the dryer? -Where can you get the product for a good price? -How long does it take to put together? -What kind of finish does the product have? -Why are the shelves great? -What does the product fit in? -What kind of attachment do the spoons have? -Why did the poster dislike her old set? -What were the old spoons like? +What is the cost of the dehumidifier? +When the towels arrived what did they have a lot of on them? +What item is this +What was a little loose, when first making it? +What is their wife good at making? +What is the height of the product? +How easy was the baster to use? +What is the French press cheaper than? +Which holiday is the product good for? +Why should you clean the top of the juicer? +What kind of socket do you need? +What brand was ordered? +What shape is this in so that the material does not move around as much? +What is the sizing of the numbers? +What tools are important? +Why were they worried? +How long has the reviewer used the product? +Why is the toaster better then previously owned ones? +How many did they keep? +What does the author hate to do? +how you know about the working process of the product? +What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? +what quality of this product does the reviewer like? +are you new for the product? +How many compartments is the holder divided into? +Who did the author get this for? +What would have to happen before it was used? +What happened to the first mixer? Which irons has the poster tried? -What does she find bad about other irons? -Who is getting the old irons? -What is a downside of the new iron? -How many irons has she bought? -What is too big for the counter? -What do they like better? -What did they use for their first try? -How much water do you use to keep smoke down? -What do you put on the grill? -What was originally ordered? -Who hooked it up? -What does it do fast? -Who owns the company? -How many more are they going to order? -What do they feel good about? -What is secure? -How many sizes are there? -Who sells them? -What did they buy? -What is it good for? -what do you need to be careful about? -What does the lid have? -What should the seal do? -what is used often? -what is abused? -Where do they feel good? -How is the quality? -what are they worth? -What country is the pan manufactured in? -What are three words used to describe the pan? -What type of material is used to make the pan? -What can be used to aid in the bread slipping right out of the pan? -What is the appearance of the sheets after being washed and dried? -How many pillow covers come with the sheet set? -What kind of bed do the sheets fit? -What is the material that they are compose of? -Where is the most fragile part of the glasses? -What is best avoided to ensure that the glasses will not break? -How many glasses are in a small set of Riedel vinum wine glasses? -What does twisting the stem of the glasses put on it? -What should be read before buying the vacuum? -What comes with the vacuum to get into small areas in automobiles? -How can the nozzle on the vacuum be described? -What is suppose to help keep the cord secure? -What size is the vacuum? -What holds the Deep Water Bath to the bath? -What helps to attach the Deep Water Bath to the surface of the tub? -What should be done to keep mold off the Deep Water Bath? -What is a easy way to clean the Deep Water Bath? -What kind of directions are given on the box to attach the Deep Water Bath to the suface of the tub? -What got caught in the Vitamix? -For how long was there no blender? -What brand is the blender marketed as an inexpensive replacement for? -Which model blender is being replaced? -What is the cost of the thermometer? -What was used in order for the needle to move? -How long did the thermometer last? -How many stars did the oven thermometer receive? -What becomes more difficult to read with more exposure to heat? -What city were the gift recipients going to? -Who were the mason jars purchased for? -What item was purchased? -How are mason jars described? -Where is the knife made? -What is the best part about the knife? -What material is the sheath made from? -How much sharper is the knife compared to other knives? -How did the buyer feel about the product at first? -Who said they hate waiting? -What does red wine have to do in order to taste its best? -What is attached to the wine bottle? -In what way is the decanting process described? -Who contacted him? -What brand did they represent? -What did they provide? -How many does he have? -How many steaks can fit into the grill? -What type of surface is their previous grill? -What product do they think works better? -How many pieces of chicken can fit onto the grill? -What product are they reviewing? -What else can it do? -what setting haven't they use? -What is the condition of the item? -What item is this? -What show are they talking about? -What is wrong with the item? -How much does the ends stick out? -What didn't they understand? -What type of wood is it? -Which oil do they use? -What length does the buyer claim the strap is? -How would this buyer rate the overall look of the bag? -Why is this buyer getting her purchase refunded? -What would this buyer consider this bag to be rated? -What material would the main compartment be considered to this buyer? -What length does the buyer claim the strap is? -How would this buyer rate the overall look of the bag? -What material would the main compartment be considered to this buyer? -What would this buyer consider this bag to be rated? -Why is this buyer getting her purchase refunded? -What is wrong with the strap? -What is stretchy? -What kind of bag is this product? -What does the author feel like they are wearing? -What do they say about the design? -What meal is the glass a must buy for? -The drinking glass is great for someone who is what? -It would be interesting if they numbers and letters were what? -What two groups of "greats" does the author talk about? -The author says not to wake up what? -Where was the rack bent? -What did the unit arrive in? -What are the jars good for holding? -What were the jars packaged in? -What should the rack have? -What is the author forced to reveal? -What kind of test does the Henckles pass? -what did the Wusthof come out with? -How does the author describe the handle of the Wusthof Ikon knives? -What number of stars did the reviewer give? -What is the authors main complaint? +What is being reviewed? +What kind of fan is the reviewer writing about? +This coffeemaker is a combination of a brewer and what? +What room did the reviewer buy the bed for? +What product line is it from? +How does the screen work? +what appliance is being used to hang these spoons on? What company is the $10 filter made by? -How many pre filters did the customer get by cutting them? -What is the noise level of the filter? -What did the customer say is the problem with playing with fan speeds and lights? -Was the product well received? -Were they happy with the item? -What problems did the item have? -Did the steam come out sufficiently to use? -Was the steamed bad? -Was the item the same that they purchased before? -How responsive was the company? -How did the person test the unit? -What was the item they are having issues with? -Which item will they get a spare of next time? -What tools did they buy it for? -Is the item durable? -Is the item good looking? -What did they buy the item for? -How did they end up using it? -What do they use the item for? -Is the tea ball durable? -How will they use it? -Can the item be closed permanently? -Is the tea ball a good buy? +What did they set the dial to? +Did the reviewer like the sandwich? +What material is used to make the fireproof cover on the new mattress? +What do they say about the design? +what is the only company that makes spot cleaners? +What consumer process does the reviewer not enjoy? +Which machine does the reviewer rank between the Keurig and Dolce Gusto? +What is it's size in comparison to a Miracle-Knife-III knife set? +Was the product destroyed after being dropped? +How many people attended the event? +What type of flooring does the person have? +What was purchased along with the protector? +what brand of product is the user reviewing? +Why does the reviewer recommend storing the pitcher on higher shelves or counters? +What can be improved to avoid "leaking"? +what did the writer add to the milk? +How long does it take to charge the battery? +What works well for most every pie? +Is the lookalike soap dish the same size as the real one? +how many clothes racks did they buy? +What is being reviewed? +How long does it last? +The reason the customers daughter was scared was because the knives she uses are very what? +What is it free of? +was there foam? +What else is good to drink from this glass? +What should the soap be diluted with? +The baked items should be brushed with what? +what is the easier solution to the pump problem? +What star rating does the reviewer give the product? +When is the dehydrator mainly used? +What shouldn't you do with such cookware? +what does the author use +What types of fruits would the product be good for juicing regularly? +What kind of tasks is it good for? +What was I interested in? +How long does it steam in? +What are the three increments used for? +What kind of design does the scale have? +What material is the juicer made from? +What holiday was the rice cooker bought for as a present to her husband? +How long can rice last in the Zojurishi rice cooker? +How is the knife for cutting? +What color was the thermos purchased? +What did they make with this product? +How did they describe the lock mechanism? +The customer summarizes that the heater is what? +The travel mug keeps what hot for many hours? +Why should someone prefer this french press? +How could the design of the mat be improved? +What brand of glasses did the reviewer buy? +What is it made of? +What's the pot's bottom described as? +What brand is the product? +What is the color of the boxes? +After they exchanged it, how long has it been between then and the review? +What type of carpet does the author own? +How long did the replacement item this person receive take to stop working? +What have they almost bought? +What does large dog hair do to the brushes? +What custom setting does this toaster have that this person likes? +How much do they recommend using something to get the best results? +Where did they buy the bread machine? +what will the air conditioner help them save on? +What type of food dish does the person make in large quantities? +How do they describe the lid? +What kind of opener is it? +Is it worth the $5.99? +What types of tasks are the big processors poorly suited for? +Besides the color, what else did they not like? +How much does the toaster oven heat up the kitchen? +which coffee press did they buy for work? +Why is it easier to empty? +What type of burners are these covers made for? +Does the author find the bags easy to use? +Where was this going to be located? +What keeps the machine in place when grinding? +what material flipper was purchased for use with these? +What material makes up the bottom of the infuser? +What is really just a breeze with this unit? +What kind of material is the cover? +What is the worst thing about the cast iorn grill? +How many ounces are in the keg shaped version? +What did they read? +How long does it take to cook brown rice? +What kind of steel are the Gourmet knives made of? +Who made these lids? +What kind of slots does this appliance have? +What vaccum have they owned for many years? +What specifically could have been written better? +Where do you heat the freezer meals? +What do they have? +Why did they buy the product? +what did the writer make? +What was placed in front of the stand? +What is great for lattes, cappuccino and hot chocolate? +What was the number 2 reason for negative statement? +How much bread did they make? +How do these pillows compare to other products on the market? +What protects the mattress from liquid? +What have they kept well? +What do I do to prevent burns of food? +How is the build quality? +Why did the reviewer purchase the product? +What size is writing on the sleeve? +What is awesome to the poster? +Which type of AC did the reviewer have that the product is incompatible with? +What size egg fits inside the container? +How high does it sit compared to a regular bed? +What is the max the scale can weight? +What product is being discussed? +Can i use the mats more than once? +What is the bread free of? +Was the item easy to build? +What is this product made of? +How many trays did the thin sliced marinated lean roast beef take up? +How many oz can it hold? +Where can you stash these +What does the reviewer do to keep the coffee fresh during the week? +How can you drink beer with the Chillsner popped in? +What is the reviewers main concern when washing the prodyct? +Is it hard to take care of cast iron? +What brand is the author thinking of ordering to replace this product? +Where does the speaker store the new knives? +Where on the bag does it say HEPA? +How do you know when the Wearever cookware set has finished cooking food? +How does it take to chop onions or celery? +Where does the customer recommend not putting this product? +What type of eating habits are these people engaging in at the moment? +Is the product machine washable? +Where might one hang the bag? +are you new for the juicer ? +What are the main qualities that the reviewer likes? +Like what, air is nearly impossible to keep out? +What did I buy? +Does the pan come pre seasoned? +What does the person recommend one use to poke holes in the lid? +What product was being reviewed? +What did they end up throwing away? +What is the only complaint? +What has been removed from the product? +what product is the writer reviewing? +While traveling what did they consider a good item to have? +What did they after unwrapping the mattress? +Does the product need adhesive? +Who had problems with the product? +Is the mattress too soft? +What does the husband travel for? +What is better about this set? +What color is more pronounced in the product than its picture? +What type of Shark product was previously owned? +What comes with the thermometer with a guide to how home meat should be cooked? +What price would the reviewer be happy paying for this device? +What did they need this for? +Who are the recipients of the product? +Who would be using this? +What type of baked goods does the person enjoy making? Is the product any good? -Does the item protect silverware? -What other items can it store? -What does the item help with? -What items can be stored in it? -What is the risk of drying on high heat? -Why is it hard to put flannel sheets on? -How often are they washed? -What does the inside coating appear to be? -What was the verdict of the purchase? -What item was purchased? -To avoid having milk cool their coffee, what setting are they using? -How long have they had this item for? -What is the one feature that is a must have? -What two settings do they like? -What was not taken into consideration when purchasing? -How many coffee drinkers are there? -How many times do they drew coffee? -Why was the carafe a disappointment? -Although is was too big for them, why did they keep it? -What makes these pans cook more evenly than others? -What did they recommend to use to keep them sparkling? -What do they not own, but still makes these very easy to clean? -Why must you use some kid of protection to lift the lid? -What makes these so versatile? -They were pleased with the machine, however not happy with who? -What was surprising to them about the machine? -After running water through tank, to avoid taste and smell of plastic what was done? ? -How many days did they go without until filters were bought? -How many tanks did they run before use? -what was not expected? -what do they wish? -what kind of shipping did they choose? -what was ordered with it? -What does the duvet feel like? -what was not expected? -what do they wish? -what kind of shipping did they choose? -what was ordered with it? -What does the duvet feel like? -what did they already own? -What did they get to compare with it? -how is it textured? -What is slightly shorter? -What should you look at if you don't have much money? -What is the mold not good for? -What was the mold sprayed with? -What became stronger? -What were they looking forward to baking? -what was noticeable in the custard? -How big was the set? -What seems to be making them break easily? -When did one crack? -When did others break? -How many are left? -How much was the trashcan? -What kind of batteries do you need? -What does the trashcan go with? -What will it sometimes do? -What did they get from amazon? -What should you use if you want a water-tight seal? -Why shouldn't you use this product? -From where should you recycle lids? -What are these products for? -What kind of blend does reviewer use the product for? -What can be done if the two piece feature is undesirable? -What is the reviewers alternative to buying this product? -When was the product purchased? -How much liquid does the product hold? -What's the product made of? -How does the author know the product is resistant? -How long was the coffee sitting in the thermos while still being hot? -Where can this product easily be taken to? -How long did the coffee stay hot in the thermos? -How many cups of coffee does it hold? -Was the product destroyed after being dropped? -Does the product leak? -When will the reviewer change the rating? -Does the reviewer plan to keep using the product? -What does the reviewer think is a good use for the item? -What is the number for Kitchen Aid Customer Service in USA? -Fans of what movie would lie this pizza cutter? -Why hadn't the reviewer actually used it to cut pizza? -How was the item packaged? -What does the package include? +What island meal does the author make using leftover toppings? +According to the reviewer , what can be a bit of a surprise if you are not careful? +What is the weight of the bottom of the pan? +What does the user say has happened because they weren't handling with care? +In my opinion, what pans are best? +What brand is the blender from? +If Staging a house to sell, which teapot should be used? +How does the probe reading become due to cracking of the insulating material? +Does the writer recommend the holder? +how many times did they have to rebuild the night stand? +How will your pans appear if you use the cleaner? +How is the flexibility of these mitts? +What do they like bringing with them on trips? +how often is the filter changed? +what material were the measuring cups made of that the writer bought? +What do they put on the skillet after each use? +what is the width of the holder? +What product can be used in order to remove spots that normal washing will not take care of? +What is the brand of the skillet? +What does the pan excel with as stated by the reviewer? +When did the little vacuum arrive? +What size are the portions when using these containers? +The product was long enough for what kind of mattress? +What type of sounds does the product produce? +What does the dyson just roll over and not pick up? +What wasn't as expected? +What can help assembling it? +What happened when the product was dropped? What is the item? -What are the dimensions? -What is the problem I experiencing with the coffee maker? -What is good with the filter? -What item did I get that I know I will be satisfied? -Where di I find the answer for the problem I had? -What trick did I find to solve the problem? -What is the brand of the item I got? -Who have fun using the item? -The item slightly less noisier than what brand? -How to adjust the fineness of the grind of this item? -Why did I got this item? -What did I do to clean the pan good? -Where I am planning to get the item at? -Where did I ending up ordering the pan? -Why I am satisfied with pan? -What did I bake using this pan? -What is part of the item that was not tight? -Where is the loose-leaf tea from? -Which one mixed with the water? -What kind of tea I am using? -What settle of the bottom of the water? -What did I use to mix the eggs before? -What item did I use to mix things before? -What the item comes that help mix everything? -What is the different size of bowls used for? -What item I never own? -How do you carry around the thermos? -How long has the user been using the thermos? -How long does the water stay cool for in the thermos? -What habit was kicked as a result of the thermos of water ? -How long does the Thermos keep the water cool? -What does everyone at work help themselves to in the frig? -What part of the Thermos has to be twisted to release water? -What kind if dinnerware did the user already own? -What kind of pattern did the mugs have? -Did the dishes get damaged in the dishwasher? -Where is the pour hole located? -What was ordered? -What are the dishes made of? -Where is the pour hole located? -What pattern is on the bottom of the dishes? -What season does the water get warm? -What does the user compare the bottle to? -What is the bottle made out of? -How long was the water in the hot car? -What is the bottle made of? -What part of the bottle works great? -What is one downside to the bottle? -Does the bottle leak? -How long can the water be in the car and still be cool in the bottle? -What heats coffee quickly? -What is the plastic button cover for? -How often does the user use the product? -What temperature does the user heat coffees and teas up to? -What is the brand name of the product? -Is the price good or bad for this unit? -What is the button cover made of? -While being used twice a day how does the unit maintain quality? -What extra feature is designed on the pot for clumsy people? -What does the user heat in the microwave? -How long is the cord? -What kind of containers does the user put in the freezer? -How many products did the user buy as gifts? -What materials of containers can be used in the warmer? -At least how much food can be placed in the warmer? -How long is the cord? -What material is the insert made of? -How does the cord get stored on the warmer? -What does it not have? -What is it nothing more then? -What did they buy one? -Where does dust collect? -How do the filters look? -What was received as a wedding gift? -what is easy to get to? -How long did it last? -What is primarily made? -how long did the second one last? -How long did they have their old one? -What do they love? -Where did they find a new one? -What is it the perfect size for? -What was on the side of the box? -what was broken off the base? -What was included? -What does it do well? -What do they wish? -How long have they have their machine? -why did it look bad? -What did the price drop to? -What is it a little small for? -What needs to be experimented with? -What product is being discussed in the review? -Does the customer have any negative comments about the product? -How long of a warranty did the product come with? -Who did the customer purchase the product from? -Does the item come with any other satisfaction offers? -Why does the bathroom need organizers? -Does the customer like her replacement? -How many separate sections does the organizer have? -What does the customer use the product for? -How tall are the drawers? -What tool is believed it should be in every kitchen? -how long has the customer owned this model? -Does the product turn its self off? -How is the product powered? -What item was suggested by Cooks Illustrated? -What is the writer a fan of? -Is the customer happy with there product? -What is the handle of the knife made of? -What does the customer not like about the blade of the knife? -Is the knife properly proportioned? -How do the ice cubes come out of the tray? -Did the customer solve the issue? -How do you have to get the cubes from the tray? -Are the ice trays durable? -Did the customer ultimately like there new ice trays? -What did the reviewer buy for their son? -What was the reviewer skeptical of? -What will the sheets stand up to, according to the reviewer? -How surprised was the reviewer when the sheet set arrived? -What did the reviewer want to make from the sheet set they bought? -What is easy to overlook according to the reviewer? -What product is the reviewer writing about? -What grade of silicone is used for the spoon? -How long has the reviewer have this spoon for? -What does the reviewer say the spoon has never picked up? -After unpacking why was the ring submersed in soapy water? +What the item used for that I am happy with? +What do they use it to hold? +What sale did the user take advantage of when buying this product? +What is the brand name of the tester to check water quality? +How long is the warranty? +What should be used to clean out the tip of this product? +how long is the yogurt in the machine? +What has unsatisfactory options? +Is the product secure? +How long does it take to grind two scoops of beans? +is the yogurt put in the fridge or stove? +How long does it take for the trash can to open? +What does this product run on instead of batteries? +What unique feature do other vacuum have, but this one does not? +What was the author in search for? +What should you do first after washing and drying it? +What broke because of heat exposure? +How effectively does the grinding base turn? +What are the measurements used on the measuring cups? +What is wrong with the top? +What kind of foods is this item ideal for? +What does the author say about refilling the shakers? +What did they provide? +What kind of strap does this vacuum have? +What size are the mugs the person bought? +How can dieters benefit from this scale? +Why can't the reviewer use their old solution to their problem? +Is the sticker hard to get off this item? +How well does this work with pets? +What is the item made out of? +What did they warn to watch for? +What did I add? +What does the measuring cup set come with to keep the cups together? +How long does the ice pack stay frozen? +What does the author compare the sandwich maker to? +what item did the writer order on amazon? +Do the grinder only come in black? +Does the dispenser come out easy so you can clean it? +Is this ice cream maker affordable? +How does the reviewer deal with the difficult to clean basket? +What brand vaccum cleaner do I have before buying the Hoover one? +For how long can the bags can be used? +What doesn't the writer like about the product? +How big is the air purifier? +Will the seller purchase the mitts again? +When did they wish they bought it? +What kind of product is this? +why won't the door shut all the way? +What does the product not have? +How high is the ceilings in our department? +How high does it sit compared to a regular bed? +If different fruits are stored together what will happen? +How is the tap water in NYC? +How long the old one last him? +What are the dimensions? +How long will the humidifier last usually? +After running water through tank, to avoid taste and smell of plastic what was done? ? +Why did the person buy the vacuum? +Who might have a problem with the lid according to the reviewer? +What happens if the hopper and lid are not in place? +Where are the positive reviews on? +What kind of waffle maker is it? +What part of the product is not as thick as the author would like? +How many people does this person cook food for? +Does the vacuum use bags? +What is suppose to help keep the cord secure? +What is the other pillow good for? +What size does the author suggest mounting later products? +What does not fit? what is dangerous according to the reviewer? -What was allowed ample amount of time to dissolve? -How big was the cut on the reviewers finger? -The reviewer wanted everyone to beware of what? -How long ago did the reviewer buy the oven? -Where was the oven bought from? -What product is the reviewer writing about? -How often has the reviewer used the oven? -What did the reviewer notice on newer toaster ovens? -What brand name has gone beyond just being a simple brand name? -What do most users now think a thermos is? -What other brand will the next development in the thermos line be like? -How many ounces does the handy size hold? -How long does the thermos reliably hold hot beverages hot and cold beverages cold? -What is the main difference between the old and new carafe that the reviewer has? -What aspect of the handle makes it safer to use? -What type of cleaning method is suggested for carafes? -What is the main reason the reviewer thinks they will need another in the future? -What is the main reason that carafes need to be hand washed? -How did the reviewer feel upon receiving this product? -On which holiday was this product received? -What is the major complaint about this product? -What is the reviewers main concern when washing the prodyct? -What qualities nullifies the ergonomic aspect of the product? -What are the main qualities that the reviewer likes? -What is the main reason that the reviewer does not like the product? -Which aspect of the cover does the reviewer like? -What price would the reviewer be happy paying for this device? -What are the main qualities that the reviewer likes? -What is the main reason that the reviewer does not like the product? -Which aspect of the cover does the reviewer like? -What price would the reviewer be happy paying for this device? -From who did the reviewer receive the vacuum? -What physical aspects did the reviewer list as positive? -What type of suction feature is is a positive for this product? -What aspect of the floor brush is listed as a negetive? -What type of motor is offered with The Dirt Devil Turbo Canister Plus? -What aspect of the AC cover's size was bad? -How was the cover's material described? -What was the main reason for keeping the product? -Which type of AC did the reviewer have that the product is incompatible with? -Which type of upholstery is incompatible with this vacuum? -What sort of upholstery warrants extra caution when using this vacuum? -What unique feature do other vacuum have, but this one does not? -Which attribute of this vacuum is described as being too strong? -What is more than a gimmick? -What's the most negative feature of this iron, according to the reviewer? -What convenient feature does this iron possess? -When should you consider using another iron? -How much did this customer spend on trying to make the product fit into her window? -What did the reviewer do with the product at the end? -What part of the product was too big for the reviewer's window? -Who did the reviewer turn to for assistance? -How long ago did the reviewer receive the product? -What's the author's main concern with this product? -How many times has the reviewer used the product thus far? -What kind of warranty does this product have? -What is this product capable of measuring well? -What was the first recipe attempted by the reviewer? -When did the reviewer receive this product? -When was the last time the reviewer used this product? -What did the reviewer attempt to make the second time using this product? -What was the outcome of both attempts at making ice cream? -Which item is the poster impressed with? -What does the poster say about not knowing if the product works as promised? -What does the package say? -Where can you warm them? -Who got the present? +Is cleaning the Primula easy? +What are in the metal rack hooks? +The author fills it with what mix? +What has the user never had to move the position of? +What is is made out of? +What brand did the author mention? +What does the author feel is a great way to grab a market share? +Where does the product look good? +What was wrapped around them for safety? +What company made this product? +What can you make with the Dolce Gusto Piccolo that you cannot with the Keurig? +Why was the carafe a disappointment? +Is there a warranty? +What is this item? +What product did the person use to fix their pan? +what is the name of the cheese machine? +What are the reviews like for this product? +What brand does the author mention? +What do you need to make sure is removed the milk film from? +DOes the buyer consider these bowls as one set or more than one set? And if so how many? +What brand of cup does the writer prefer in the outdoors? +what can you do once it is hot to maintain the heat? +what materiel lids are kept as an alternative? +Are these sheets lightweight? +What's one disadvantage of the machine? +What is the problem with water pillows? +How does the reviewer feel about the product? +what brand is the grinder? +What does the writer not feel the need for? +What is the largest amount of oil that was tried when making popcorn in the Nordic Ware bowl? +How many ounces does it hold? +Who would this mug make a good gift for? +What is the problem with the mats after washing? +where did you kept the product? +How long does it take to get hot? +How long have they had the product? +What will happen to the filters if you have higher TDS water? +What percentage of use does this cover? +What happens if you do not empty the container frequently enough? +What is the price of the pan the day after I ordered it? +What did the user use to make the slits bigger? +how long is the warranty on this peppermill? +How thick are the corners? +What do you need to make sure is removed the milk film from? +What is the key to making it work? +What does the product work good for? +Where do the vermin try to live in the fall? +What type of shopping can cause apprehension? +What product is the writer reviewing? +What kind of jar is being reviewed? +How many ice cream recipe does the Ultimate Ice Cream Book give you? +How many cups do they make at a time? +What texture is the surface of the items? +how long is the warranty? +Does the poor workmanship affect performance of the product? +Where did the person place the second unit? +The small blade is what color? +When did the author first buy a bacon cooker? +How are the handles described? +What did this person buy? +How big is the digital pocket scale? +What did this person read before ordering the product? +What brand coffeemaker is amazing and easy to use? +What did the poster initially pay? +About how long have they have the glasses for? +What is the poster shipped in? +How does the kettle look in the kitchen? +What keeps the utensils from rolling around in the luggage? +What use might this product be good for, when taking it out with your hands? +After cooling the meat, what container was used to hold the for use another time? +How many ounces does the larger thermos hold? +What should yo do before putting the clips on the base? +what is the product "excellent" for? +What would happen if the cup fell on your foot? +Does this utensil holder have a nice design? +What will they be trying to apply? +do towels stay on the hooks? +Which is more expensive, the Cuisinart or Oster +How many minutes did it take to put together? +What sharpener does the new one look like? +Where are they located in Europe? +What product was needed for the kitchen? +How do they prep more than two? +Are they dishwasher safe? +What did I buy? +When were additions made to the review? +What was the person doing when they got burned? +Is the video of good quality to teach you? +When did others break? +What happens to the machine constantly? +what size spatula did they end up getting? +Why does the reviewer wish it came with another cloth? +why does the pan tip over? +What item is being reviewed? +Is there a color requirement for the product? +What does Roomba encourage? +Is the can opener well made? +Is the container made of tupperware? +What was overcrowded? +When did I buy the kettle? +What online store did they buy the Joey from? +What rusts easily? +What might be annoying to some users? +Does the author recommend the item? +what item is the writer reviewing? +How easy is it to clean this product? +Why do the meals have to be kept level until frozen? +What can the product puree? +What other product does the author have that is long lasting? +How difficult did they find it to set up the mill? +What happens when you set the setting to simmer? +How old is my son? +What is a problem with the glasses? +Why can't you use oil sprays? +What material is it made out of? +who arrived? +Where were the items placed? +What tools did they buy it for? +How well does the machine clean? +How soon did after ordering did the unit arrive? +What does the author use this product to smash until they crack open? +What is sticky rice good for? +Are you able to put the wok in water to clean? +What kind of attachment do the spoons have? +Even with putting them through he dishwasher there was still no what? +Who is the maker of the cappuccino machine? +are you like the product? +Should you score the bread before baking? +How does this item keep from molding? +What type of noise will the bolts create after some time of usage? +What makes it Russian? +What was the mixer used for? +What larger trips are these used for +What type of coffee maker did the writer use prior to purchasing a Vue? +What is the razor blade used for? +what temperature was the water? +What issue does the writer have with the size of product? +What will happen if you don't use a pot holder when handling the lid? +why is goose down avoided? +Why did I put the boots on the top rack? +What will happen if you are continuously exposed to melamine? +Is the seal tight? +What has a flat silicone ring fused to the inside of it? +What is messy? +What drink is this sometimes used for? +what is used to engage and cut lids? +How many items did the author obtain? +What was the reviewer's friend return their capresso? +Is the design traditional? +What type of product is being reviewed? +What gets sealed inside the product? +What climate would this be especially great to own? +What happens to the plastic in the non-breakable carafes? +Name one thing the reviewer likes about the product? +what is their current brand of opener? +Replacing the battery is not a good job for what kind of person? +What item is this? +How many cups does it hold? +What is the hue of the rug? +What price factor was indicated about the silicone oven mitts? +What is the direction of flow for the squeezed juice? +One word says how many spares can usually be stored in the TP-Holder? +How many days has this person had the vacuum? +Where should the spoon / lifter be placed during the cooking process? +How much did they pay for the vacuum? +How big is the tank? +What kind of washing method does the poster prefer? +How many bowls has the author destroyed? +Overall are you happy with the humidifier's performance? +What smell do the pillows have? +What did I buy? +How long could the product be returned as part of the guarantee? +What color is the Green Earth Wok? +In what city does this reviewer live? +What do you use in the kitchen? +What kind of filter did the author buy first +What is the color of the interior of the Dutch Oven? +What type of person is the blender perfect for? +what does this memo center have that helps it easily adhere to a surface? +What do you have to be sure not to do? +What condition did it arrive in? +What is the size of the thermos? +how much bigger do the holes need to be? +What was the writer using for baking in the past? +How long does the product stretch the life of the wine? +Where do they hold the hose? +What was the blade unable to cut through on the tomato? +what brand product is the review about? +What is unbelievable? +What is the width of the lids? +How did this person transport the vacuum? +what is the reason for the 3 star rating? +Which product does the poster prefer? +How many times did he have to take it apart? +What has to be frequently emptied when grating cheese? +What is the fan designed for? +How often is the blade sharpened by the author? +What are the dimensions of the scale? +How does the Roomba seem in reviews? +Are you glad to buy the product? +What will it pick up +what part of the device is deeper than the rest? +What did they use the product for? +When did they buy this product? +When did the consumer purchase the coffee pot? +Which part of the product could burn fingers? +Why was the product bought? +What is the best nozzle for pet hair? +How many of these humidifiers have you bought? +Did they give the original one to their niece or was it returned? +Where does the mop head stay? +which grill do they like more? +How does the product keep the wine fresh? +Where did the user purchase the product? +What should you do if the bacon seems rubbery? +What is the volume of the Bodum Chambord coffee press? +How often does the person use a clean washcloth if he thinks the washcloths are good for him? +How does her position change over the night? +What brand of dish is this? +what do you do after you place banana down? +Which room has been cleaned with this vac? +What kind of cook wear have they had for over 50 years? +What came apart? +What needed space when the hook was used? +What do you have to hold open in order to pour? +What is the punch bowl good for? +What does this store +How much coffee does the reviewer put into each portion they make? +What is their favorite cafe called, that is made in the keurig? +What is this product demonstrated by? +do the models have the same design? +What year was the review updated? +how many hooks did they put on the shower glass? +How much was the scissors? +What feature of the glasses might prevent accidental drops? +What list has the reviewer put another pan on? +What is the brand of the kitchen scale? +What adjective is used to describe the appearance of the plates? +How long are they traveling for that requires them to bring it? +How do these pans need to be treated in order for them to last? +How many rolls can this loaf pan produce? +How long does it take to cook a 5 lb. bird? +Where is the trash can in the kitchen? +How long has he used this set? +How was the scale rated? +Was the buyer expecting a larger pan? +Why does the bathroom need organizers? +How long will the user be without a bed? +Would you repurchase this nightstand? +What do they like? +What color is the comforter? +Where did this person store the older version of this product? +What are the recommendations for cleaning the shower curtain? +How does the author describe their vacuum? +Where is the product made? +How does the surface feel after washing it? +what about the juicer ? +What happens to the bacon fat? What kind of gift was it? -When is it nice to use the product? -What kind of situation would the poster use it in? -What did the poster do regarding buying the product? -What is the brand in question? -What size is the part that attaches to the handle? -What kind of product is talked about? -What is the handle made of? -What happened to the poster's scoop when they used the product? -What's a better product compared to the new product? -What kind of food does the poster cook? -After what did she purchase the product? -Why is the product not good? -Which brand is mentioned? -What feature does the poster like? -What kind of safety feature does the iron have? -What does she have an issue with? -What rating does she give the product? -What is she impressed about? -Where the noodles are stored? -Where is the Knorr's Vegetable stock available? -What is suggested by the author to cook spaetzle with? -Why this tool is much faster than the pasta machine? -What can the noodle maker use to make noodles without this tool? -What can the one I bought on clearence make? +What is the brand of the product? +What brand of coffee containers does this device use? +What happens when the eggs are finished cooking? +What would have been nice to have? +What two materials is the product made out of? Where did I buy the coffee machine? -How does the coffee made taste? -What need to be cleaned? -What was use to decalcify the cups? -What did I buy for me? -What brand iron did my mother-in-low use before? -In addition to myself, who else did I buy a Panasonic iron? -What is my previous iron? -What kind of water tank does Panasonic iron use? -How is the print on the kitchen towel? -Which side of the kitchen towel does the author not like? -Why the kitchen towel looks cheap? -Where can you get cheap kitchen towels? -What is supposed to be absorbent? -What did I buy? -Which magazine did I trust? -What kind of handles do the knives have? -How expensive are these knives? -How do the handles of knives feel? -What doesn't the author like? -What happens to unused items? -What is being reviewed? -What is special? -What does the author mostly use the product for? -What is being reviewed? -What came apart? -Where was there separation? -What did the author use to treat the product? -What did the author not do? -When did problems start? -What was compromised? -What was no longer of use? -What made repair impossible? -What was retained? -Who questioned the purchase? -Where was the item? -What does the author not have? -Where are the author's children? -What was made? +What type of ridges does the lid have? +How long to run the water over it? +How to open the door of the item? +Where was the pan purchased? +how many stars was this kettle given? +How much did the full size bed cost? +What kind of better mechanism does this product have? +For whom did this reviewer buy this lunchbox? +What does the reviewer bring to work each day? +How many pounds of strawberries did the writer freeze? +how many overall stars does the author deduct +area you already owned the juicer? +What is more than a gimmick? +What is the texture of the cat food? +Does the casserole rotate in the microwave with out problems. +How many temperature settings does it have? +What keep spoons together in the drawer? +What does the writer prefer for everyday coffee grinding for a normal drip pot? +What material are the utensils made of? +How long does it take to mill the ingredients? +What brand of trays are more sturdier that the ice cube tray made from a mold? +What kind of glass baking pans are safer? +What do the plastic units tend to do? +What did not stick to the pans? +How long has the person used the grill? +If the broad loaves you buy are not big, what else could you fit in the breadbox? +What needed to be replaced? +What does the poster say about the design? +What doesn't the surface get? +How heavy is the reviewer's foam mattress +Will i need to buy a larger pan for the 18 by 13 mats? What is being reviewed? +What language is the instruction book in? +How many times do they drew coffee? +How long has the lid been subjected to heavy use? +How do all the parts of the tool fit together? +What is the risk of drying on high heat? +how much was did this timer cost? +Where are the mugs made? +What holds the center support to the frame? +What is the system with various sizes described as? +what vehicles floor did they bounce around on +Using this fan does what to your bill? +Which vegetables joined the pot roast? +Will this humidifier work in my bedroom? +What did this person buy? +What does the item fill according to the reviewer? +How many times has the author used the product? +How many ounces is each cube? +how much bottled water has this pitcher replaced? +What is the brand? +What interjection is used to describe how the author feels about the oven? +What brand rice cooker is the reviewer writing about? +What rating did the reviewer give? +What are they worth? +what is included besides the filter with this this unit? +Whats a good theme to be used for this set? +The product is good for what? +What was the reviewer's first problem with the iron? +what happens to the glaze? +What part of the chair was painted over? +What food product did the author place on top after putting paper in the bottom? +How much does the bed cost? +What food was the person's parent cooking in the oven the other day? +What was purchased to be used at home? +What size is the vacuum? +How cold does it keep liquids? +What other vacuum does the reviewer recommend? +Which brand does the reviewer usually enjoy products from? +What is the label maker used for from the printer? +What brand makes this reviewer happy? +How is the fan being reviewed powered? +Why did the author purchase the product? +When did I find the seal is not fixed? +What does he like doing during his travels? +What is beveled? +What type of powerful vacuum did the author already have before ordering this product? +What does the stainless steel cups hold inside of them? +How many cups are in the set? +About how long can the pot go before it starts beeping? +How long ago did the reviewer buy the oven? +What is perfectly browned on the sides? +What was the product the customer purchased? +What kind of finish did the reviewer buy? +What is the advantage to attaching them? +What did they use it for? +Where did they see the pizelle maker? +What is expensive? +What color are the wooden dowels? +Can the humidifier hold a good amount of water? How long does it last? +What brand is the laundry rack? +How many filters does it have? +What does the reviewer eat a lot of? +what is the author typing about that is "way more than i ever anticipated" +Whats something the blade does not do? +What can be put on them? +what performed as advertsied? +What are these towels made out of? +Which size pans are more practical if you are cooking with items on more than one burner? +How did the product arrive? +What type of handle does the brush have? What is the size of the mat? -What is the mat not? -What is the mat used for a lot? -What is easy? -What type of carpet is Roomba Red best on? -How often does the author vacuum their home? -What are Consumer Reports comparing the Roomba Red to? -How many times does the Roomba Red go over things? -How many of the products has the author owned? -What percentage is this product working for the author? -What type of buy is this for someone on a budget? -What do you have to attach properly in order for the product to swivel? -How did the coffee taste to the author? -What did the author stop in the process of coffee making that made the coffee better? -What other coffee maker does the author own? -What is the main problem for the author with using pods to make coffee? -What feature is great for keeping all your detergents at hand? -The author knew what was going to be tight when going off to college? -What does the author use the hamper for at home? -What is the best part of this hamper according to the author? -What did the author wonder when putting the knife into his knife rack? -How often does the author use his new knife? -What kind of sandwiches did the author make? -What was the authors only complaint about his knife when he got it? -Who does the author recommend this knife to? -What is being compared? -What was bested? -How long did sync take? -What was synced to? -What is exceptional? -What is being reviewed? -What did the pans need to fit? -What does the author have? -What gets burned? -What is wider? -How long did browning take? -What type of food was made? -What was unexpected? -Where did the tortillas rest? -What is being reviewed? -What condition was the product in? -What should be done before staining? -What grit is recommended? -Where is the product being placed? -What is being reviewed? -What potatoes does the author recommend? -What is an unconventional use for the product? -How do you know the potatoes are done? -What is important? -How long has the writer been ironing? -What size is the cord? -What can be filled without spills? -How is the design described? -What is the name of the iron? -What is the name of the product? -What is the ExcelSteel made of? -What do most cooks end up needing? -How much can the ExcelSteel hold? -What keeps the product elevated? -What does the writer not feel the need for? -How thick a mattress does the writer recommend? -What country did the writer first use this mattress type in? -How much does the writer weigh? -How much does this mattress cost? -Who did the writer buy this coffee maker for? -What did the incident involve? +Where was the oven bought from? +What item does she avoid using? +What should you use if you want a water-tight seal? +How many people does the reviewer suggest it takes to assemble the cabinet? +What quantity of this product did the reviewer purchase? +What might it be good for? +What brand is the spoon from? +How long has the reviewer owned this machine? +What types of pans are too small for this author? +What did the person never eat? +What was on the bottom of the colander? +This will save you a lot of what, in the long run? +Against who was the claim filed? +Which one is the favorite soap of the author of the review? +What kind of bottles can you put in it? +What is runny if you take it out immediately? +What is wrong with the size? +What color is the mat? +What happens to unused items? +This fan lacks what kind of switch? +What makes these so versatile? What did the writer do in response to the circuit flipping? -How does the writer describe the look of the coffee maker? -What is used to clean the coffee maker? -How long has the writer had the cup? -What do some people have problems with? -How long does it take for the smell to dissipate? -What does the cup smell like when new? -How much does the cup hold? -When the item I ordered arrived? -When did I ordered the item? -What is the best part of buying this item? -What product I used to clean the tablecloths? -What I like about the item? -What food I cook? -What kind of oven I got? -What is the Dutch oven made of? -What the roasted chicken turns out? -What item is fantastic? -Why I can't rate the durability of the item yet? -What the item used for that I am happy with? -How to open the door of the item? -How heavy is the item? -What did I bake that come out great same as the big oven? -What is the problem of the item? -Why the item is difficult to remove without burning? -Why it is rated 3 stars only? -What makes this item could rate 5 stars? -What item does a fine job steaming veggies? -Where the item made by? -What is Tramontina? -How much is the item? -Where did I bought the item at? -What the knife looks like? -How did they feel about amazon's performance resolving this matter? -What was their original issue with the bowls? -How long did it take to receive replacement? -Where there any other issues with the bowls? -How many bowls were flawed? -What size rooms can this heat? -What heat settings does it have? -How loud is this heater? -Is the heater very heavy? -Can you adjust the temperature? -What kind of stuff can you make besides juice? -What problems did the customer have with the juicer? -What can you juice in this juicer -Who recommended this juicer to you? -How big are their plates? -What brand is it? -What will happen if the lid is bigger than that? -Why feature attracted them to the product? -What did they buy? -What is the problem with the table? -What do they think about the item? -What are they going to do? -What is important to be healthy? -What is a problem with dieting? -What tools are important? -What brand is the knife? -What is the product? -How heavy is it? -How big is it? -Where do they live? -What did they rate this? -What would they like? -What will probably break first? -What size are they? -what vegetable is this tool great for according to the writer? -what should you not keep this item in for long periods of time? -where should you place this item in the dishwasher? -where did the writer first see this tool at? -how long ago did the writer buy the product? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what does the writer store this item on the side on? -how many stars did the writer give the item? -how many large steaks can the writer cook on this pan? -what did the writer purchase the product for? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what should you only grind sparingly? -how many speeds does the grinder have? -the item overheats after how many minutes of use? -what item is the writer reviewing? -how large is the display according to the writer? -what material of appliances does the product look compliment? -what color of appliances does the product look compliment? +How big is the gap between the doors? +What part is difficult to get on after filling it with beans? +How long did it take for the pillow to break down? +What needed to be replaced on the NuWave oven? +How long of a warranty did the product come with? +What brand was the first salt and pepper shaker that the reviewer bought? +How do you carry around the thermos? +What does the reviewer use this item as? +What season is easiyo best to use? +What kind of material is it made from? +What are the dimensions of the casserole? +How heavy can the sacle weigh? +What is the capacity of the stick? +Why was the reviewer happy to read the reviews? +What is it? +Where is the reviewer unable to find the product? +How long has the writer been ironing? +What is this made out of? +Does the blade collect food particles when in use? +What is the pan perfect for doing? what product is the writer reviewing? -what does the writer bake in this pan? -this product controls the heat perfectly in what environment? -what size pan does the writer say they will never use again? -what did the writer feel when they first ordered this pan and it arrived? +What kind of white pepper does the author use? +What brand is the vacuum? +What kind of tops do the skillets come with? +How long had the reviewer used the toaster before reviewing it? +What's the first thing a potential purchase might experience when first seeing the portable A/C unit on a website? +What will happen with stress +In what direction does the steam go? +What is the amount that this person thinks you should pay for this item? +What had 1/16" of dust on it? +What is the best part of this hamper according to the author? +What are the glasses good for? +In addtion to the DC27, what brand vaccum cleaner do I have? +What is a benefit of the product? +what kind of shoes fit under the rack? +Why is it difficult to remove the bottle from the cooling container? +What was the advertised capacity of the cup? +what is one main complaint about the grinder? +How many cloves fit in the press? +How well does the ice cream scoop work scooping ice cream? +Besides allergens and dust mites; what other bug does this protect against? +What kind of product is being reviewed? +What aspect of the floor brush is listed as a negetive? +How are the costs to repair the frame being covered? +How many cups does it make? +How many minutes did they cook their chicken at 450 degrees? +What constantly becomes jammed? +what are the actual measurements of this toaster? +What do you think about the Ionizer? +What material is the new set made of? +What does OXO produce? +where did the writer purchase their previous cutting board? +what is the author able to limit the use of +How long does the reviewer allow their coffee to brew? +How many minutes will you spend trying to lock it in place? +What family member used to have a bread machine? +What brand of vacuum is this? +What is the rated temperature for the mats? +What material is the cleaner made out of? +In what water temperature should the product be washed? +What is a problem with dieting? +What type of device that heats food can be used with the dishes? +How long does it take to get pepper out? +What must be removed to enable you to stuff a full casing? +What does it leave each time? +Where can the writer refill cylinders? +Is the bottle sturdy? +How does the writer feel about the product? +What color is the shelf wood? +What is high end? +After what did she purchase the product? +What do you have to do each time? +When might I need a spare part? +Which type of pans did they buy from NordicWare in the past? +In what way did the reviewer change their review? +What does the Hot Shot do once the water boils? +What is the glass useful for on the device? +What size is the door rack? +What is the author's suggestion on buying the cooking top? +What emotion does the author convey about owning these pans? +How heavy was the portable A/C unit? +After using this for awhile is the reviewer still happy or sad about this vacuum? +What gets rinsed? +what was the issue with the old slow cooker? +What texture is Copperbrill? +How much of the powder was added for the fondant? +What size range won't work for this mitt? +How does the reviewer feel anyone would feel about having this scraper in their kitchen? +What room was this item the most useful in? +What quality is this product? +Can you easily grip the item? +Why is it difficult to fill in-sink soap dispensers? +They save a lot of money by taking it with them, how much is cup of coffee? What did the cookwear heat evenly on? -What was great when the user started using it? -How long after first using it did the user's opinion start to change? -What kept coming loose on the pots? -What started to peel off of the cookware? -How many of the product did the user purchase? -When the user fills the thermos, at what time is the coffee still hot? -What does this product have built into it? -What does the top cap serve as? -What is the bottom half made of? +Can you read out the water temperature? +What type of lid does this coffee cup have? +What does she find bad about other irons? +What got caught in the Vitamix? +How long is the warranty? +How many stars would you give this utensil holder? +What did the person buy another infuser for? +What shape was the banana slicer? +What does the author love? +Where did they see the blender? +Where did the author purchase this product? +What will the thermometer show the temperature of when you turn it on? +Who wanted some with wood? +What is the brand? +When did I start cooking with the cast iron pan? +how many times did it work? +What filters can be used to diminish the sludge? +What type of water do they use? +What did they buy? +what does the napkin holder retain +What projects the sound better if max volume is needed? +What was a small problem the reviewer had with the problem? +What knives don't seem to hold as well in the holder? +What is brand of the oil? +How many people does it typically take to cut up meat? +Why couldn't the product be covered by the warranty? +What happened to their old bread maker? +What should you do if you want the water level feature to be useful? +How did the reviewer feel the coffee tasted without the filter use? +Where does this person use this device? +Why doesn't the handle have flattened areas? +What is the most common food product this is used with by the author? +What is not compatible with the roaster? +How is the actual storage bag made in relation to the picture? +How does the writer get the cooked cupcakes out with metal muffin pan? +how many ribbons were wrapped around the box the product came in? +What is the name of the product? +how does the writer describe the weight of the product? +How is the price of the vacuum? +What is the suggested batter for the unit? +What is a drawback of the product? +what is the build quality of the product? +How full does it need to be to work well? +How many trays does this come with? +How many bottles did it open according to the reviewers? +What was "just what they wanted'? +What is the noise level generated by the product? +Why did they purchase the vegetable rennet instead of animal? +What can you use an immersion blender for? +What is it made out of +How long ago did the author purchase the product? +What is the pan being reviewed made out of? +What is the thermos in relation to the one it is replacing? +What does this customer want to try besides water? +What else would be good from the material? +what is one flaw of this vacuum? +What else comes with the baster? +What is the product that they purchased? +What is their house filled with? +Why did the author get the product? +What helps to make cleaning easy? +What item did she need? +How long has the customer owned the coffeemaker? +what part of the day is the mug refilled? +What space does the rack take in the cupboard? +What happens if you don't empty the hopper frequently? +Is it silent? +what prompted the purchase? +what kind of pan did the authors mother and grandmothers use +Who has the writer been recommending to buy the wok? +Where did I buy the platform bed? +What happened to the arm of the tp holder? +How do you keep it from falling over? +What kind of grater did the author return it for? +What do they do if they are going to reuse the toaster? +What could be left on the aluminum plate? +Where did the tortillas rest? +What object does this person keep the mat next to? +Was the product cheaply made? +What are these sheets made of? +Where did we get the waffle recipe? +What happened to the case of this product? +What happens when you cut the pizza +What is great for lattes, cappuccino and hot chocolate? +How much moisture did this recent model pick up compared to the old one? +How many shoes can it fit? +How do they get the lids clean? +What product is more efficient and lightweight? +Who makes the product? +What else, other than knives, did this person try to sharpen? +Do you need to keep the items held? +What is one complaint about it? +What number of stars did the reviewer give? +What part of the vacuum is lackluster? +what is mixed? +How could this item be improved? +What does the writer use to clean the inside of the burr grinder? +What did the author get on the bottom of the item? +How is the coffeemaker best used? +What did the mixer replace? +What do the towels feel like? +What will they never use this product for? +What makes the napkin holder even better? +what do you need to get? +How thick a mattress does the writer recommend? +Was there a smell with this pillow? +What reinforcement does the curtain have +How much does this bowl hold? +What was a con of the towels? +What does water do to these pans? +What caused the popcorn to burn? +What is the unexpectedly small capacity of this pot? +what holds the knob in place on the peppermill? +What would be a major improvement? +After a few days, what size did the mattress expanded to? +Where do they work? +what is the Frazoni one comparable too? +What is the quality? +What has a user broken off the knife? +How many conditions does the author have? +How long did their previous iron last? +what did the writer purchase the product for? +What did we make at home? +How long do the mini-loaf need to bake? +Where did this person recently shop? +What does the reviewer review? +What produces a glare while cooking? +What is the compartment at the bottle of the bottle for? +Where is the napkin holder designed? +What brand sells better lids on bottles? +Which brand is highly rated as compact and affordable? +What did the author purchase the mold for? What is the product being reviewed? -Where was the spot the reviewer couldn't get rid of before this product? -What did the user try to do to the stain to prevent it? -What type of furniture is the reviewer switching from? -What is the brand of this product? -What fruits has the user dried? -What is the main issue of the user? -How often does the reviewer have to remove fruit from the dehydrator? -What star rating will the user change their review to if the product lasts the whole season? -How long did the reviewer have the unit? -What has happened in the last 3 years? -What did the user experience over the years? -What happened one year into using the product? -What has rusted badly? -What happened to the first grill? -What kind of customer is this person to Amazon? -What do they love about Amazon? -What measurement of iron skillet does the grill press fit? -Where was the grill purchased at? -What material was the old oven mitt? -What didn't they like about the silicone oven mitts? -What material is the new oven mitt? -What are the silicone oven mitts good for? -What price factor was indicated about the silicone oven mitts? -What drink is lime juice used for? -Is the set up quick or slow? -How is the power of the juicer compared to the super-duper juicer? -Whats benefits does a stronger juicer bring? -Was the price for the juicer convient? -What did this person order that wasn't intact? -What kind of beverages are the glasses good for? -Where are the glasses made from? -How do the glasses feel in the hand? -What serving size are the glasses good for? -What size mug does this person love? -What did this person decide to try? -What where they suprised that the 24oz. was able to store easily? -How is the reheating of the 24oz mug? -What size mug does this person love? -What did this person decide to try? -What where they suprised that the 24oz. was able to store easily? -How is the reheating of the 24oz mug? -What gets dirty quickly? -What cause the machine to make a horrible sound? -What was the vacuum replaced with after being thrown away? -How does a clog have to be removed if it can't be reached? -What makes the power brush work? -What is the brand of the skillet? -How was the skillet shipped? -What was made to try out the skillet and see if food would sick to it? -What clings to the skillet when cooking? -Who is the skillet a good size for? -In the long run what can the product save? -What won't have to be done anymore with this product? -How long has this product been available for the public to purchase? -What can be rolled out on the product? -What was the exact date that the bowl and colander set arrived? -What keeps the bowl from sliding around? -What is on the sides of the colander? -What does the lid have that attaches it to the bowl? -What is included in the set? +What keeps the coffee hot for hours? +Is it a bad comforter? What causes the bowl to stink? -What was the least amount of time that was tried to make popcorn? -How soon after making popcorn in the Nordic Ware bowl is it being put into a different container? -What is the largest amount of oil that was tried when making popcorn in the Nordic Ware bowl? -What kind of comments did the product get that influenced the decision to purchase the bowl? -overall how long does it take to clean up? -What do they spend a lot of time trying to get the pieces to do? -What is always on the wrong side of the machine? -How many minutes will you spend trying to lock it in place? -When trying to cleanup where the is juice left? -How many stars does this reviewer want to leave? -Which humidier does the reviewer already own? -Is this humidifier quiet or loud? -This product is compared to what since it takes your money? -What would the sound machine have to be to match the noise of this humidifier? -How often do they vacuum? -How many minutes did it take to put together? -What date was the review updated in 2011? -How many cats does this reviewer have? -After using this for awhile is the reviewer still happy or sad about this vacuum? -What color are the pumps? -How many stars did this person rate the soap pumps? -What is the brand of these penguin soap pumps? -How many penguin soap pumps are at the kitchen sink? -Besides soap, what is the other pump used for in the kitchen? -What was the actual color compared to the predicted color? -What color did they end up going with to match their room? -The extra light is used to boost what in the photos? -Besides the color, what else did they not like? -What type of person is the blender perfect for? -How does it take to chop onions or celery? -What is the normal prices in the neighborhood for drinks that the blender can make? -What is one thing you should avoid doing with the blender? -Where is the product made? -When were the original trays bought? -What happened to one of the trays that caused the purchase of the new one? -Is the new tray as good as the old one? -How many children does the reviewer have? -How is the quality of this product? -Why would you get this product? -What 3 types have cereal have been stored so far? -What does the reviewer eat a lot of? -How long do they have it marinate? -What helps to make cleaning easy? -What types of cut do they use the tenderizer on? -What are hard to read on the spoons? -What are the measurements used on the measuring cups? -What tools are dull and sloped inward? -Which kitchen tool is a little stiff? -Why were the purifiers purchased in the first place? -What are the two rooms the purifiers were placed in? -What do they intent to replace in their kid's rooms? -What are one of the cons to using an ionizing unit? -What must be done first to the purifiers to prevent the release of ozone? -What part of the shower curtain is showing early wear and tear? -What happened when the shower curtain was washed? -What are the recommendations for cleaning the shower curtain? -What was missing on the shower curtain? -How long was the shower curtain in use until it was discarded? -What part of the shower curtain is showing early wear and tear? -What are the recommendations for cleaning the shower curtain? -What happened when the shower curtain was washed? +What is it the CALPHALON NYLON TURNER? +What problem is intermittent? +What review did she give it? +What size do I think is pefect? +how many speeds does the grinder have? +What type of heater did the reviewer purchase from WalMart? +What should be used to wash these so these don't get lost in the dishwasher? +How many pans does the reviewer own in total? +What color are the cups? +What kind of electric kettle did the customer buy? +What is the main feature of these spoons? +Where is this made +How many cups of coffee do they drink? +what did they used to carry tumblers before a long hike +For what reason did this person choose the Piccolo model? +what size bag did the review use to send to his sister? +What is the state of the rice at the bottom after cooking? +How many heat cycles to remove the smell? How long was the shower curtain in use until it was discarded? +Why did the reviewer change to a 5 star rating? +What pan brand is the author a fan of besides Ozeri? +What shape do most of the cheap gaskets have? +What can be used to store rice, grits, powdered sugar and popcorn? +What did the user replace? +How many stars did the reviewer give the product? +What did they like about the dust bin? +What professions was the reviewer's father? +What country did the writer first use this mattress type in? +What color of towels did I buy? +What shape is the slot to the right of the widest slot? +how long have they been using a george foreman grill? +what product is the writer reviewing? +What dietary restriction does this person have? +What color did the reviewer buy? +What celebrity endorsed the dining set? +What led to the final decision of the cup purchase? +How long has this person been using this product? +Why did a piece of toast get stuck? +What other size bread machine does this manufacturer sell? +What size are the openings? +How can you make it seem weightless? +How long did they keep the product the first time before things started sticking? +What is the product's noise level? +What brand of products are being discussed? +What is the tool not designed for? +What part of the kettle is removable for cleaning? +what do you mount the speaker onto the stand with +What is easy to clean? +What culture does the reviewer's grandmother come from? +How quickly did the iron shut itself off? +How would this buyer rate the overall look of the bag? +What does the reviewer want a rice comparison chart for? +How big are the bottles that come with the device? +What did they make a batch of? +The customer complained that the cfarage was not easy to do what? What was missing on the shower curtain? -What does the dabba hold inside of it? -What does the stainless steel cups hold inside of them? -What are the stainless steel cups sealed with? -Why is it possible to see the contents of a cup through its lid? -Due to the construction of the dabba, how long is it expected to be usuable? -What type of stains did the device not remove? -What household tool does it work better at cleaning? -What is the type of water you shouldn't fill the device with? -During a cleaning session, how many refills does it take? -How much more does the device cost than a standard mop and bucket? -What is used to get juice? -What type of lemons come from China? -What is the brand name of the squeezer? -In order to use the squeeze, what is the direction of the fruit supposed to be? -What is the direction of flow for the squeezed juice? -How many ties do I own? -What kinds of ties do I own? -Where do I keep my ties? -How many tie racks do I have? -What did I buy this machine for? -What did I want to do for the kitchen grout? -What did I finally use to clean the kitchen? -Where did I get the Finazzle? -Whic store should carry Finazzle but does not? -How much ice cream did we make the first time we used the maker? -Where should the motor be seated? -Where were the metal shavings from? -What will contaminate the ice cream if the electric crank/motor is not installed properly? -How long did I have the Sunbeam? -Why did I go for the low-voltage? -Why Sunbeam replace it? -How much noise is the Sunbeam in early use? -Which pad will save energy? -How long have I had my B60? -What do people on the internet complaining about the machine? -When did my B60 have the same issues as others'? -What did I buy to clean my B60? -How many large bananas was the reviewer able to fill the unit up with? -How many pounds of apples slices was put in the unit? -How many lbs was the lean roast beef? -How many trays were filled up? -How many trays did the thin sliced marinated lean roast beef take up? -What kind of liner material is on the inside? -What date was the 1st update given by the reviewer? -What date was the last update given by the reviewer? -What keeps the coffee hot for hours? -How long does the carafe claim to hold hot for? +What allows the person to get started without any spillage? +Where did the author buy the blender? +How is the build quality? +What is the product being reviewed? +Does the product fit cleanly into a corner angle? +Is it durable +What was the mixer used for? +How many times do they mop after sweeping? +How did the reviewer solve the problem of holding down the button? +What item does a fine job steaming veggies? +how is the product cleaned? +What do the handles of the shears feel like? +When was the machine received? +What did I buy? +Why should this be a 5 star product? +What do the heads not get when they are used with garlic and pasta sauce? +What apartment is it good for? +What other food product does the Reviewer use it for? +Is the toaster worth the money? +what product is the writer reviewing? +What kind of batteries do you need? +Who refund the purchase? +Did they order a second set? +What does homemade yogurt have less numbers than store yogurt? +What is this review about? +What has the author not tested yet? +Where can this product be found besides Amazon? +What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? +Why does the coffee stay hotte longer? +What era will this device bring the user back to, metaphorically? +What kind of a buy did the reviewer find the blanket to be? +Where was this product purchased? +Why didn't the writer buy the blender online? +Are Miracle foam pillows too soft or firm for this person? +How long the reviewer heat the patties? +Why did the author email Hoover? +How did the author feel about a previous bacon cooker? +How long has the reviewer had the knife so far? +What vacuum brand name has been reliable for years? +What was the reviewer skeptical of? +Which feature didn't work on this cooker? +How long was the precious set used for? +Wich disk is a nice edition to help the processor be a bit more helpful? +The customer praises this vacuum for having lots of what? +How many ground settings? +Who does the Reviewer recommend the product for? +What might you cause for yourself if you don't remember to stir the base quickly? +What room was the reviewer looking to outfit? +Has there been any issues? +How would you describe assembly? +How many times a year do you clean the heppa sponge? +Who is the skillet a good size for? +What kept falling off the dispenser and had to be discarded? +What bags are suggested for space saving? +What type of rim does the coaster have? +What food item is stored in the product? +What happens if it breaks +Where does the Oster chop to +Was the price fair? +What qualities is the customer looking for in this coffeemaker? +What can be filled without spills? +What piece of the non-breakable carafes actually ends up breaking? +What type of vegetable does the author have planted? +What fondue do you like? +How often have they used the device? +Who am I? +what material are they contemplating going back to? +How many coffee makers met this person's water temperature standards? +What kind of set was the reviewer looking for? +What is an eco-benefit of this grinder versus an electric grinder? +What type of pan was the buyer comparing this new purchase to? +what had the writer been using to sterilize the lids previously? +When did this person purchase quart size canning jars? +How long is it? +In one word how did they describe the purchase? +What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? +Keeping the serving sizes reasonable helps to what? +How long has the person had this product? +Does it use hand pumping? +What type of kit did the author previously purchase? +What are the chances that they will replace the item? +how the product is useful? +What rating did the reviewer give? +What would this also be good for? +Even natural cleaners like vinegar can leave the floor looking what? +How tall is is when it's folded flat? +What product did they first use on the floors? +Is the product is easy ? +What did the author use to pick this up? +What is the brand in question? +Which product took the longest for the reviewer to assemble? +How does the writer describe the hold up of the pillows? +Who tends to overfill the bags? +How much pork shoulder is used in this recipe? +were the sheets soft or hard? +What are they worth? +what size pots don't work well with the steamer? +Where was the spot the reviewer couldn't get rid of before this product? +What should be served as cool as possible so you can't taste it? +What did I order? +What is the high setting? +What is the quality of the workmanship? +What does the reviewer wish the tank had more of? +Is there a difference in the quality? +What was the product not? +What food kept sticking to this product? +What is best to remove food from the fryer? +Which side of a bagel should be facing inward? +What country does their daughter travel to? +What is a negative about the product? +How many trips did the reviewer make to the home improvement store? +What is it made from? +what brand is this warmer? +What kind of pepper does the author use the most? +How many sets have the couple purchased? +These glasses are super easy to do what? +What did the author use to treat the product? +Who did the poster give it to after a few uses? +What does this product monitor? +What did I bake using this pan? +What did they read reviews about? +What is one of the many uses for the scale? +How long has the author owned the dehumidifier? +How long do department store pillows last? +What is the brand name of this product? +What feature allows the unit to fit how the customer wants it to? +what size spatula were they originally looking for? +What types of drinks is the user fond of making? +About how many drinks did he sell within three hours? +Did the product have good reviews? +The popcorn tastes better when cooked in what? +What does he dislike about the product? +What kind of appliance is being reviewed? +Where do I put the scale? +How much does it brew? +Who did the writer buy this coffee maker for? +What shower caddy did the author prefer? +what did the writer feel when they first ordered this pan and it arrived? +What does the duvet feel like? +How is the component section of the bag? +What location in the reviewers home is the furniture kept? +What can the silicone roasting rack accommodate? +How much of the apple does it work on? +What tool is believed it should be in every kitchen? +Why did I avoid to get a dutch oven? +what was the writer unable to use to clean the old computer? +Does the coffee maker make a full cup of coffee? +How does the customer describe their use of the glasses? +How often does the writer use the Cuisinart set? What does the reviewer love? -What filters should you use to get much better results? -What has the reviewer made coffee through in the past? -What was the reviewer at first not happy about? -What brand product line does the reviewer write about? -What brand rice cooker is the reviewer writing about? -How many grown children does the reviewer have? -How many grand children does the reviewer have? -What holiday was the rice cooker bought for as a present to her husband? -What does the rice cooker let you slow cook as well? -What is the reviewer hooked on? -What seems to last forever? -What does the reviewer find way fewer of since having these new containers? -What has the reviewer stored in the containers for weeks without it going bad? -What do the containers do really well in the pantry and fridge? -What do they fancy about the product? -How many cups do they make at a time? -What is wrong with the size? -what kind of cup can fit in it? -How many types did they buy? -How many mugs without a handle did they buy? -what happened with the handle? -what type of mug is it? -What seems to be higher in their area? -How big is the tank? -How much does it cost them to refill the tank? -What is the issue with this product? -What item are they reviewing? -How many dogs do they have? -What part of the vacuum is lackluster? -What is good about the vacuum? -What is it? -What did they buy it for? -How long do they want the mattress to last -What did their child do on it frequently? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what product does the writer suggest using in the dishwasher to clean the glasses? -where in the dishwasher does the user recommend placing the glasses? -how many eggs can be fit in the glasses? -what dessert does the writer use these glasses to serve? -what does the writer suggest using to clean the product? -how large is it writer's daughters room? -how long did the product end up lasting before it broke? -what humidifier still works after three months? -what product is the writer reviewing? +What brand of iron was NOT purchased? +How much juice can you make? +What did they previously own? +Which area does the user want to stay warm? +What must the reviewer do because of these deficiencies? +When did the coffee maker stop functioning properly? +What material is the scale constructed of? +what is the quality of the memo center? +What benefit does product have? +What kind of bag is this product? +What is the maximum temperature this fryer can reach? +What is one negative aspect that the reviewer states? +Why did the person rate the knife 4 star? +Where was it mounted instead? +What are the best features of the bags? +What are the steps recommended by the poster? +how large is the tablecloth? +What did they end up replacing? +What is the majority of the product made of? +How is the milk steamer +how is the cable management +How long did the author take to remove the sticker? +what device can you use to pull the lids out and drop them onto jars? +What are the containers made of? +What did the old product require that this product doesn't? +What is the main reason the reviewer thinks they will need another in the future? +What comes along with the bread machine? +what appliance does the steamer work well with? +Where did this person try spaghetti eis? +Why does the writer strain their oil? +What category are these towels classified under on Amazon? +what position does it stop at when turned off? +What kind of surface does the reviewer not recommend this be used on? +What did the reviewer use this product on? +How does the Foreman grill cook? +What is wrong with his product? +How many levels of steam are there? +What on the can holds the bag securely? +The narrator suggested not to put the product next to what? +What do you need to return the steamer? +What problem does the waffle maker have? +How many did they buy? +What material that is similar to CorningWare is considered good quality? +how many days until the charge depletes? +what happened to the blades on the cutters? +What room did they put the tv stand? +What is a common complaint about this product? +What do these pads fit? +how many stars did the writer give the product? +How hard is it to use the spray to spray the bread? +What is the product used for? +How is the print on the kitchen towel? +What did I buy? +How many pieces do you have to put together to use this? +What did the poster do regarding buying the product? +What country is the cast iron from? +How many indoor cats do they own? +Why this tool is much faster than the pasta machine? +Where is this item kept? +How are the sidewalks of the glass? +How many cups to I get? +what happens to metal lids from vinegar? +What did they make? +Where does the reviewer live? +What is fragile? +How might one clean the tablecloth? +Where was the rack bent? +What does the author say is a problem with the mattress when moving it? +What can be inputted into the timer? +Whats the main pro of the product? +Do these towels hold together well? +What mistake did the writer make? +What is my only complaint? +What do you need to make sure of? +What is the name of he product? +What happened to the glasses when I dropped them in the sink? +What is doing it's job? +What doesn't the reviewer use? +What do you dislike about the experience? +Where was the first salt and pepper shaker bought from? +How long will the Cuisinart set last if they are used properly? +Who carries the product model? +What size did they buy? +On what side of the display would the numbers not show up? +What happens in the office during the summer +what covers the entire back of the writers condo? +what was backed by experts? what product is the writer reviewing? +Where is the telescoping arm easy to use? +What happened when the user first dropped the set? +What does the author use the larger plug from the endurance set for? +how often does the writer use this product? +What is the reviewer's biggest issue with the toaster? +How does the product's thickness compare to what the person excpeted? +Are the pans heavy? +What would they like? +What made the set up a nightmare? +What kind of surface does the pan have that works like a charm? +What benefit does this coffee maker have over conventional carafes? +what are the worm screws coated with +What changes the speed manually? +What material were the reviewer's previous measuring cups made of? +Are the cages flimsy? +Where do they feel good? +How long was it rubbing before it finally ripped? +Where did they look once their can opener broke? +Is the bottle spout normal size? +How do the sheets feel? +What type of book works best on the product? +Where is it manufactured? +Who is the person that has long hair with curls? +Who wrote the review? +Why don't they get hot? +Where were these items made? +what does the scraper include that makes i helpful? +How does the writer get the cooked cupcakes out with silicone pan? +How did the water boil in the Boduem Bistro Large Electric Water Kettle? +What is the result of the water getting trapped thanks to the design of the lid? +Waht design of the cutting board preventing the cross contamination? +What is a drawback in comparison to the cheaper cutting boards? +What does the description say is suitable for stove tops? +This person uses their hot water maker to make what drink? +What country were the glasses Made in? +What did the writer do which sped up the process of replacing the handle? +Who has a reputation? +Does this have a long or short electrical cord? +when does the pan tip over? +Why are the prices a little bit higher on these items? +Why did I contact the customer service? +What did their child do on it frequently? +What was George Foreman known as? +What is going to be occurring more frequently in the reviewers home? +What does this shower curtain match? +Which pets are trying to be kept away from the pillows? +What should you remove before using? +What size bedspread did the customer purchase? +Where would it be a hassle t find these hangers? +What removable part does the knife have? +How many can you make? +What type of product is the Black and Blum Fruit Loop? +What caused several bowls to break? +What kind of bag is the soap in? +How does the writer describe the look of the coffee maker? +What was no longer of use? +How would the person characterize the pan's appearance? +where did they burn their hand? +Where do I trim each clove before rolling it in the tube? +What type of closet does the author have? +What base color were the the stripes over? +What age group does the author think these are best for? +What is important to be healthy? +What brand is the sugar keeper from? +Where is a bad place to use this fan? +What is one of the negatives of the juiceman? +What is the number one feature? +what characteristics describe the bodum? +How much is the product on Amazon? +What do they need to use a lot of to squeeze the potatoes? +What did the author have to deal with for the first couple days? +How much does their TV weight? +What is the name of the company that manufactured the reviewed vegetable steamer? +is the reviewer planning on purchasing more of these mattress covers? +How many hole settings does this device have? +What kind of affair was the last pressure cooker? +What type of construction is the pan made of? +How much butter per batch is used for cookie press cookies? +What suggestion does the person give when transporting the tray to the freezer? +What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? +What online store did they buy the product at? +What is the problem with tall or strange plastic containers? +What are they stuck with? +Does the toast brown toast well? +What kind of home use is it good for +What kind of stove do they have? +How much did this customer spend on trying to make the product fit into her window? +How long is destined to last this wok? +what kind of gears does the peppermill have? +how long has the writer owned the product they are reviewing? +What should be included to get this 5 stars? +What was this person worried about that inspired the search for a replacement? +How old are the products that the user owns? +How many cups can you make at once? +what is one small problem with this cooker? +What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? +What is the typical size of a 1/4 lb patty? +What was used to secure the back support brack? +How does the filtered water taste with this filter? +What does it keep the house from smelling like +What does the poster drink every morning? +What negative characteristic did this person find it to make it clumsier to handle? +What does the user think of the product? +What does the product come with? +Who asks about your pan? +What is the authors main complaint? +What size is the pan? +What has happened in the last 3 years? +How does it look the color of this product? +Using what sized items would allow you to carry an extra load with this object? +What is awkward to handle? +What company makes the pressure cooker that is being reviewed? +How is the weight? +What is the quality of the photos? +What did the author want to make? +How long has the writer been using the product? +Is the product expensive or inexpensive? +Who is the manufacturer? +What kind of milk will they use it for? +What color is the product? +What is extremely expensive to run in the winter? +What quality is the product? +What kind of test does the Henckles pass? +What did the waffles we made taste outside? +What does the reviewer's brother love making in the microwave? +Is it a big or a little vacuum? +What controls the fan? +For what purpose did the reviewer intend the product? +Where did the writer buy the machine? +What item is fantastic? +What is the best feature +What does the product design prevent from happening? +what caused the smudging and marks to be seen? +How many pieces of chicken can fit onto the grill? +what doesnt the Hoover remove? +What type of top does the product have? +How many burners does the induction cooktop they decided to buy have? +What is the best part about the knife? +How long can the water be in the car and still be cool in the bottle? +What color is the product? +Are these bowls durable? How? +What did the reviewer end up doing with the product? +How much are replacement filters for the air cleaner? +What is the interior of the kettle made of? +What happens due to the small gaps in dividers? +What kind of steel is the garment rack made from? +What do they wake up on every morning? +what website did they use trying to figure out how to make their spices look nice? +How did buying Oxo Good Grips make the reviewer feel? +How does the knife feel in the user's hand? +what did they want to run for 2 hours? +What does the lunchbox have in the front? +What are hard to get rid of? +What on all parts doesn't bend right? +What's the favorite method to clean this grill? +What is the main issue of the user? +For how long was there no blender? +What is underneath the protector? +Where did the reviewer buy coffee? +Why was the chopper bought? what drink does the writer use the product for? -how does the writer describe the design of the product? -what helps prevent the glass from sweating? -what does the writer wish was different about the glass? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what year did the writer buy the product? -how much did the writer pay for the product? -how long did the writer have the older model before it developed problems? -which model would the writer not buy again? -what product is the writer reviewing? -how did the brand All Clad rank in the past? +What is the item in question? +How much less electricity does the Breville toaster oven use than a regular oven? +About how long are the pillows? +What products has the reviewer been dissapointed with? +What words were used to describe the durability? +What does the person advise against leaving in the pan during cooking? +What aspect of covers does the teen son dislike? +What's wrong with the motor temperature? +What did not drip into the reservoir? +What do the shelves get? +What color or product did the person purchase? +How many of this product did the writer buy? +What can this machine do? how does the writer rate their cooking ability? -how many pieces are in the set the writer bought? -what temperature should you preheat the pots and pans on? -What is the thermos in relation to the one it is replacing? -What is the user concerned about? -How long does the user let the thermos sit before putting hot coffee in it? -What is the size of the thermos? -What does the reviewer preheat the thermos with? -When did the user's old vacuum die? -Why did the user choose this vacuum? -What does this vacuum have the reviewer didn't look forward to having again? -How many times has the reviewer had to change the bag? -Under what price was this vacuum's cost? -How long has the user had this kettle? -How many times has the reviewer used the kettle? -What does the reviewer use the kettle for? -What is the interior of the kettle made of? -What grade of stainless steel does the manufacturer use in this kettle? -Who did the reviewer buy this for as a gift? -What was the other brand name of the product the reviewer owns? -What is this product and the other product the reviewer owns part of? -What is a better quality on Harold's Pie Crust Maker? -What color is the plastic on this product? -The product is good for what? -What did the blanket stop doing? -How quickly did the blanket die? -What did this product turn into? -What material did Pyrex and Anchor Hocking stop using? -How many cups does the smallest of two round bowls hold? -How many pieces are in this set? -Who is this set most ideal for? -What is resulting from them being an inferior quality? -What happened shortly time after it's use? -Their second unit still works, but it happening to green power light? -They dealt with the rattle, what happened after a year? -The Soleus Air sells for same price but what difference does it have? -What was the reason why they bought these, but can't take heavy use? -What did they want reduce in their home? -What is their favorite way to use these? -How many sets were bought? -What is not required when making cupcakes and muffins in these? -What was the other purpose that has served well for this item? -Why are they annoyed by the labels? -How many times did they have to use a glue remover? -Where is it manufactured? -What information is stamped on the bottom? -what did they break trying to remove label? -Why was the office not happy? -How many cups does the reservoir hold? -To fix that problem what they purchase? -What is ideal for this this group regarding the machine? -What can their next topic of conversation be now? -What angle is really bad? -How is the alarm described as? -What causes too much noise? -What's the highest the super-fast scroll goes to? -How can you activate the super-fast scroll? +What is described as problematic for the author? +What do they wish? +What kind of metal is the handle made out of? +How long have you been using OXO Pop Canisters? +What was the consistency of the gourmet tea? +How many sizes are the cutting boards? +How is the fork? +How many bags does the Panasonic vacuum come with? +What kitchen item was broken? +How many 4-place dinner settings are in the organizer? +What makes for a nice bath upgrade? +Why do they do this? +What does he like cleaning out using the brush? +What does the bowl have that makes it easier to use? +What did I do to my aged and shabby oven glove? +How long have they had the kettle? +What happens when the dogs run by it? +Who is the reviewer a fan of? +Why do the meals have to be kept level until frozen? +How do they feel about the product they managed without for so long? +What makes clean up much easier? +When the cookie dough is tough and too thick, what is it better suited for? +What is the reviewer's issue with the smaller tongs? +What is the noise level generated by the product? +What kind of look did the tv stand have? +What is considered a "big gun" when compared to the hand vac? +How many ounces does the mug hold? +What item is this supposed to hold? What is the highest priced item? -What does the alternative have unlike the French ovens? -What does the persimmon color darkens to? -What's the pot's bottom described as? -What can the pot be used on without risk of scratches? -What did the author have years ago? -Were directions included? -What does the french have included with it? -What is the French press cheaper than? -What does the author make normally with the French press? -How many mitts were ordered? -What types of strips does the mitts have? -How does the mitts look in terms of pricing? -Will the seller purchase the mitts again? -What type of grip does the author have? -How many sets of containers did the author purchase? -How did the author acquire these containers? -What problem did the author have with containers in the microwave? -What does the author wish for? -What is the system with various sizes described as? -How many filters are in a sealed bag? -What size filter is used exclusively every day? -How many times do they make coffee on Sunday? -What is the color of the filters they always use? -What handy feature allows the filters to easily be opened? -What pizza peel does this person prefer? -Along with being thin what is something really liked about their favorite peel? -What other peel besides Mario Batali and Epicurian did they try? -How long have they been in to making pizzas? +What was wrong with the thick/plush ones? +Where is it being placed when washed, even though it's not on packaging? +What brand is the blender marketed as an inexpensive replacement for? +On what side was the AC unit weighted? +What are the 3 messes associated with cats? +What do you have to hold down on the jar opener? +What did the person bang against their old griddle pan that caused it to be warped? +how often do they clean their home? +what is the length of the spoons? +Do you have to take this product apart? +What problem have they had with cheaper door racks? +What happens because the magnet isn't strong? +What would the reviewer never try to do with the immersion blender? Where is the pizza pie usually placed on? -When the towels arrived what did they have a lot of on them? -The towel also feels like what other kind of fine towel? -How many colored stripes were there? -What base color were the the stripes over? -How did this person describe his own body size? -What kind of adventure did she go on with her 3 dogs? -What is mounted on her bathroom wall? -What is something you don't want to do to the paper? -Luckily they haven't had any issue with their TP-Holder doing what? -One word says how many spares can usually be stored in the TP-Holder? -What was the problem with the edges on the the original one they bought? -What brand did they eventually buy for their neice? -What two letter word describes what they thought of the original purchase? -Did they give the original one to their niece or was it returned? -How much more did they roughly have to spend to make all worth while? -How long does it steam in? -How many levels of steam are there? -Does it use hand pumping? -What model is it? -How many times do they mop after sweeping? -What was wrapped around them for safety? -What was under the bubble wrap? -How many did they order? -How long did they take to arrive? -What's the easiest way to assemble them? -Do you have to keep the button pushed in? -How long does a charge last? -Why did they almost not buy it? -What hurt after the writer began using it? -What is it better than? -Where do they have the heater mounted? -How hot does it get? -Can you decorate the panel? -How hard is installation? -How big is the room? -How many indoor cats do they own? -What type of water do they use? -Is there any waste? -How does it compare to regular mopping? -Where did they look once their can opener broke? -Why did the reviewer initially choose this can opener? -What does this can opener cut through cans like? -What kind of construction does the can opener have? -What did the mattress arrive in? -What did they after unwrapping the mattress? -What was used instead of a new platform? -What type of mattress does the reviewer prefer? -What was purchased as an add-on to the mattress to try to get a more body conforming feeling? -What should you wait 2 weeks to do? -What should you do after adding lard? -What type of fat should you use as much as possible? -What should you do first after washing and drying it? -What did they purchase after getting the skillet? -When was the iron first bought? -What was wrong when the reviewer looked at the lcd display? -How many times is the iron typically used? -What was warm to the touch after being plugged in but off for awhile? -What is described as looking great, powerful, and heavy? -What is the problem with the blender? -What catches on the sides and jams the blade? -What piece is bound to break after repeated use? -What's the outside made of? -What's the inside made of? -What item is this? +What can be used in place of a pot lid? What is the only thing they recommend putting in the kettle? -Why do they only recommend this item? -What is the longer side supposed to do? -What position does she normally sleep in? -How does her position change over the night? -Who is this product good for? -What item is this -What have they been using in the past? -How long have they been using this product? -When did they wish they bought it? -What did they buy? -What did they measure? -What did one reviewer struggle with measuring -How did this unit compare to their previous unit? -What do they like? -What is the quality? -What color is it? -When can it be used? -What did the speaker not particularly like about the gift? -What kind of handles are on the knife? -What did the speaker used to have in a wooden block? -How many knives did the speaker receive as a gift? -Where does the speaker store the new knives? -What version of the timer does the speaker prefer? -How many times a day has the speaker been using the timer? -What does the batch feature do? -Why does the black version look better than the white? -How should the timer be worn? -How many salt grinders has the speaker used? -what sort of demonstration is there? -What is wrong with the speaker's hands? -How effectively does the grinding base turn? -What else did the speaker to go along with the salt grinder? -What do they like to do while eating dinner? -How does the speaker feel about the price? -How has the Table Mate changed their dinner time? -Where does the family like to eat dinner? -What product has solved their problem? -What happens if you misplace the carafe? -This thing is a pain in the neck to do what? -What do they have to do to some fruit to make it fit? -What do they wish was a little bigger? -According to this reviewer should you buy this one or the more expensive brand? -This makes better coffee than a what? -When traveling what can you pack this in? -Is this an expensive or inexpensive product? -What type of hot water boiler did they use? -They had the best coffee before who woke up? -How much did they spend on the shark iron? -Where did the reviewer get the iron eventually from? -How long did the shark iron last? -How long did their previous iron last? -Who loves high quality irons? +what do they update if anything changes with the products? +What do other reviews say about the toaster? +What type of speed was the author worried about with this product? +What is the brand of the product? +Why does the user like the spatulas? +What measurement of any piece of meat can this product measure? +What did they use? +What brand of water filter is the Mavea brand better than? +What is being used to warm the chicken during lunch break? +Where can you mount the organizer? +What's important to remember when adding the olive oil before boiling? +What trick did I find to solve the problem? +What was use to decalcify the cups? +What also comes with the Miele vacuum cleaner? +How is the job to remove skins from garlic cloves without toools? +what product does the writer suggest using in the dishwasher to clean the glasses? +What does the product have problems with? +What size fits inside the product? +Would the author recommend the pan? +How much does this product cost? +which unit is quieter? +What happened to this product after one year? +How did I justify the misleading count of the pieces? +What brand name has gone beyond just being a simple brand name? +What is it made of? +What kind of jars do they keep coffee in? +This knife is better than what knives? +Which attribute of this vacuum is described as being too strong? +Which food has been prepared with this device? +What safety features does this product have? +What color wasn't the reviewer able to find the product in? +Why did the reviewer have to store the pitcher on the lower shelf of the refrigerator? +What is a bit small on the holder? +What is the only problem the reviewer has found with the pot? +How did it scare the dog? +How often does the reviewer use this fan used at home? +Does the wok cook good? +What safety feature can make the use of the processor challenging? +how does the writer describe the design of the product? +The customer bought the factory-reconditioned KitchenAid Professional mixer for what occasion? +What brand of mixer did the person purchase? +Where did they get the liner and hooks? +What is the longest timer setting? +Where is it difficult to store the product? +who ate the dehydrated liver? +What was the reviewer hoping for? +What is large and shows what is happening? +What is the number of the different handle sizes? +Where do I like to put the pitcher in the fridge? +What makes the airtight seal? +What did they replace with this new product? +What happened to the author when she was washing the pan? +What kind of opener is it? +What didn't the author anticipate? +What is the author's primary issue with the product? +How often does the reviewer use the kettle? +What is the purpose to buy these cloths? +who in the writers family loves waffles? +What does the customer wish the item had? +how did one of the kettles appear weeks into its tour of duty +Who do I expect the system for? +When did they buy the scissors? +What brand of cookware is the person reviewing? +Does the even cook evenly on both racks of the oven? +what are items that you are prepared ? +Does it come with a remote? +How will people feel about the rack? +What was mentioned in one of the reviews? +What are storage options for the stand and charger of the hand vac? +where did they buy it +what did they worry would wear out? +What is one more thing you need to be mindful of? +What was this able to do for the authors bedroom? +What was one major complaint about the toaster? +which magazine recommended the knife purchase? +How long do you spend in bed? +How long does the product take to get ready? +What brand of product is the person reviewing? +what type of oil does the writer prefer? +What is in the calf stomach that helps make rennet? +What happened with the first order? What type of brush did they use to clean it? -Who's condo tree was cleaned with this? -Does this have a long or short electrical cord? -What is used to grab hairs? -What could be done to make the result better? -What is the one thing that has gone dull? -What was their second one purchased for? -What material is the box made out of? -What type of reviews does this person not normally like? -How long have they had this product? -How long did it take to install in the shower? -What do you unlock when installing it? -What kind of finish did the reviewer buy? -What spare piece does it come with -What is the name of the product? -What will happen if you bake something with lots of oil? -Where does the reviewer leave the pizza stone? -What kind of breaks have they made so far? -What will happen to a stain on the stone? -What did the author say that you shouldn't be slowed from doing? -What number of stars did the reviewer give? -What will you need to do to the screws? -What side needs to be glued to make it stronger? -What did they need a solution for? -What kind of glue did they use on the joints? -Where were you able to buy folding racks in the past? +How much delicious sweat treats from scratch can Freshware help create? +What is the problem with the silicone roasting rack? +When did this person receive this object? +overall how long does it take to clean up? +What product is the person reviewing? +what brand of blender does the friends girlfriend use? +What does the author say they work great for besides soft drinks? +What would make this item better? +What is the texture of the author's sheets? +What helps to keep the container so that it doesn't come open? +Where does the reviewer live? +What is the problem with the length of the hose? +What is the real problem the customer is dealing with? +When do the dishes usually get nicked for the author? +What did the speaker not particularly like about the gift? +Where was the ash located? +How long has the user owned the pan? +how does the water in the pitcher taste? +what did they suggest to dust the mold with? +What's the name of the newest model from Cuisinart? +what hasn't the author tried +What firmness level does the author prefer in a bed? +Where can you warm them? +What brand product line does the reviewer write about? +How many times has the author purchased this company's products from Amazon? +What design problem the NuWave overcame? What retailer did they purchase the folding racks from? -How many minutes did they cook their chicken at 450 degrees? -What did the author spray the racks with? -What does the author use the racks in? -What did the author have to deal with for the first couple days? -How many years did their first pair last? -What kind of material is it made from? -What did the author say about the size of the mats? -Where do they get placed? -The knives under review are sharp, but not what? -The customer stated that they were so sharp that they scared who? -The reason the customers daughter was scared was because the knives she uses are very what? -Even with putting them through he dishwasher there was still no what? -The reviewer boasts that they have never has what kind of issue? -What is said about the price of the teaspoon? -What is a quality of the handle? -The design of the teaspoon is very what? -What are the benefits of an upward tilted handle? -The teaspoons are too small for eating what? -The customer says the controls of this item are what? -What does the customer wish the item had? -Even thought the product is labeled as a larger room heater, the reviewer describes it as what? -The customer summarizes that the heater is what? -The reviewer thinks that the heater would be more efficient if the heat was dispensed were? -The reviewer looked at the following two products? -The steam press left shirts what? -Did the steamer save time? -The stream press made the shirts look like they came from where? -The reviewer would have rated the product a 5, but unfortunately it was what when it arrived? -The reviewer also complements the product again by saying it is what? -The review was especially impressed by this characteristic? -What was confusing about the product? -Why were ther assemby instructions confusing? -How long ago did the reviewer buy this pan? -What has the reviewer made in this pan? -What does the reviewer use as a grill press? -What does grilled bread accompany? -How long doe sthe user soak the pan for when cleaning? -How did the reviewer get the glasses? -What are the glasses good for? -What characteristic of the glasses does the reviewer like for their medical condition? -What does the user no longer have to do on a bad day? -What allows the user to grasp the glasses more easily? -What did the reviewer use this product on? -What does the reviewer have problems with? -What does the reviewer plan to use the product on? -What did the reviewer's husband melt? -Why was the reviewer happy to read the reviews? -What did the reviewer experience with the first two racks? -What did the company send the user after calling? -What did the reviewer get the connectors out of the poles with? -What is the name of the company that the reviewer contacted? +What is the brand name of the reviewed humidifier? +What might happen to food that is exposed to hot spots? +Why is stainless steeel better? +What kind of cleaver is the reviewer writing about? +Can these pans be used on an induction cook top? +How quickly was a replacement catch sent? +What does the poster love? +What did the author raise up for this cleaning project? +What is the maximum amount of time that this coffee maker keep the coffee hot? +How long have they been using this? +How long is the warranty? +What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? +Can you fill your mug while the coffee is brewing? +What is the bottle made of? +How many temperature options? +What retailer did the person use for purchase of their new blender? +What is the writer's sink made of? +Why did the reviewer remove the rubber seals? +What was missing on the shower curtain? +what is the persons favorite type of coffee? +Where does stitching come undone +What brand iron did my mother-in-low use before? +What is the product made for? +What improves the grip on this tool? +What type of waffles did the author make? +What did I never want? +What brand is it cheaper than? +What did the reviewer say was too weak on the product to handle a careless person passing by? +How was the skillet shipped? +What type of water filter are these? +What color of mug did the user buy for their husband? +Are the mats safe to put in the freezer? +What scissors brand does this person recommend more? +What kind of tool did the reviewer use to press clothing and steam block sweaters? +What fingers can they reach the bottom of the glass with? +What is the writer reviewing? +Which types of kettle are compared? +What fits really well in the bags? +Why did the reviewer read reviews before they ordered? +where were the sets purchased? +What is the name of the character that is portrayed on this lunchbox? +What does the rice cooker let you slow cook as well? +How long does the water stay cool for in the thermos? +What kind of metal does this user favor? +How does the olive oil come out? +Was the product damaged when it was knocked off the counter? +How can you use it? +what can they collect in it? +Where are the glasses made from? +How many sides of the sheets are raised? +What did the reviewer return several of? +Along with being thin what is something really liked about their favorite peel? +What product did the reviewer use as a test before investing in the full set of towels? +What dairy product could the tongs pick up? +Is this filter same as the others? +What type of reviews does this person not normally like? What does the product do? -This product is not as loud as what? +how does the reviewer feel about the night stand? +What type of cleaning method is suggested for carafes? +What item I never own? +How is it to pour things out of these cups? +Where was the product made? +How many pre-programmed settings are on the Potato Ricer? +What is a powerful iron? +What size bottle did the person order? +What is Tramontina? Where would this be a preferred grinder? -What criticism does the reviewer have about the grinder? -What product was the reviewer replacing? -Why won't the oven sit in the same space as the previous product? -What is difficult to clean? -What is the only thing the owner cooks on the top? -How long has the owner had the product? -What does this user substitute for flour? -How are these pans best cleaned? -How many pans does the reviewer own in total? -Which brand is the product being reviewed? -What is the pan being reviewed made out of? -Which brand did the reviewer prefer? -Which brand's pads were least effective? -Why don't the Haan pads need to be clamped on? -Which model of product does the reviewer use? -What product was the reviewer trying to avoid buying by purchasing this product? -What brand does the author compare her finished product to? -How long does the product take to get ready? -How long does the coffee take to finish brewing? -What signals the machine to stop brewing coffee? -The design of the handle causes injury to what part of the body? -What shape is the handle? -What part of the design is meant to reduce hand tension? -Why doesn't the handle have flattened areas? -When was the previous one purchased? -What gets the stairs clean? -What is impressive? -What does it not make worse? -What is great about the appearance? -What is included in the set? -How is the quality? +What is the only tool you need? +What was originally ordered? +What other instrument did the reviewer require with different products? +What does the writer expect the manufacturer to do if a big version of the silicone roasting rack is made? +How many feet is the tube that is included? +How many pounds of carrots will they buy next week? +How many hands to you need to use the hose? +what degree of difficulty is cleaning these? +How much does the customer like these sheets? +What do the spoon heads look like? +What size is the part that attaches to the handle? +Is it attractive? +What is the best part of buying this item? +What brand of purifier has the author used for years? +What are they blown away by? +What was the author surprised by? +What product did they switch to after using Cuisinart for a year? +How does the hand held tool spray? +Is the vacuum really loud? What wasn't as soft as hoped? -How do the sheets feel? -What does it not do? -How does it cut? -What does it not do? -How is it described? -Who pitched Mr. Coffee? -How does the coffee taste? -What has been a problem before? -How is the cost? -What are some features? -What do they use? -What is the dogs name? -What do they not want to do? -What is it made from? -What do you have to hold open in order to pour? -What does it stay cleaner than? -What will happen if you don't protect your hand when pouring? -What did the author say about the whistle? -What is wrong with the top? -What did the customer say about assembly? -How long did it take to assemble? -What material is it made out of? -How high does it sit compared to a regular bed? -Where did the customer buy the bed? -What did the customer say about assembly? -How long did it take to assemble? -What material is it made out of? -How high does it sit compared to a regular bed? -Where did the customer buy the bed? -What did the customer try to organize? -What kind of grip does the shelving unit have? -What word did they use to describe how well it is made? -What size can does it hold? -What feature allows the unit to fit how the customer wants it to? -Why did the customer buy the product? -What retailer did they purchase it from? -What kind of material is it made from? -What kind of tasks is it good for? -How many stars did they give the product? -What is the basic function of the product? -What size plate is it able to cover? -What is negative about the air holes? -How does it cook the food because of it covering the food? -What kind of foods did the author mention might get through the air holes? -What temperature should you preheat the oven to? -What does this person want to experiment with? -What kind of metal is the pan made out of? -What is the highest temperature the pan can withstand? -How old was their previous vacuum? -How many days has this person had the vacuum? -What kind of floors does this vacuum work on? -What brand was their previous vacuum? +What type of yogurt is made in this yogurt maker? +What condition did it arrive in? +What is the manufacturer of the storage towers? +What does grilled bread accompany? +where does the heat travel? +What aren't insulated and allows the coffee to cool too quickly? +How would the suction cup effect the stability of the soap dish? +How many bags do you get for $9.99? +How many T-discs does this device hold? +What product is this? +Is the product a one trick pony? +How should you prime the pump? +What does the writer replace often? +What was the poster excited about? +How long is the filter good for? +What kind of situation would the poster use it in? +how does the comforter look? +What type of vacuum does he own? +What happens if the legs collapse? +For what occasion did the person receive this product? +what is the smaller tray size good for? +What are the dishes made of? +What type of bag were the items packaged in? +How much does the author weigh? +How much did they order? +What type of vac from Hoover is great? +Is this better than regular popcorn? +What off brand bag option is there? +what does the author definitely like about the napkin holder +How does the author seperate the salad when she packs it? +How many order did they make of each? +Where can the humidifier sit in a hotel? +Where does the reviewer put the heater? What did this person buy? -How many years have they been using the bread machine? -Where did they buy the bread machine? -What size is the bread machine? +What does the author like piping hot? +what is the b70 better suited for? +How many trays were filled up? +What did the reviewer call the product? +What season did the person use the space heater for? What did this person buy? -What happened to the glue on the coasters? -What type of rim does the coaster have? -What material are the coasters made out of? -What is the best option on the machine? -What size is the fitting well? -What can this machine do? -What kind of family can use this machine? -What does the author use this product to smash until they crack open? -What has the author zested with this product? -How often is the blade sharpened by the author? -What type of knife is the review about? -What nationality does the knife originate from? -What material are the light-weight bags made from? -What animal does the author find in her home? -What has the author never previously utilized? -What is the author trying to elevate above the floor? -What does the product have that allows it to easily move? -Where was this product purchased? -What material was the purchaser hoping to avoid? -What food kept sticking to this product? -How long did they keep the product the first time before things started sticking? -After they exchanged it, how long has it been between then and the review? -What part of the product is not strong, but very breakable instead? -What is measured out with this product in the bathroom? -What could this be used to hold at dinner? -What should the soap be diluted with? -What should be used to clean out the tip of this product? -What size comforter was the purchaser hoping to hold with this? -What did the purchaser user to try to push this down the rest of the way? -How many pillows was the purchaser hoping to hold with this product? -Where did this product end up after the purchaser tried to use it? -What decreased very little when the purchaser tried to get the air out? -Which family member received this product as a gift last year? -Which family member was the most recent to receive this gift? -Which model wasn't as popular with consumers? -What was the original delivery estimate for the product? -When was the product shipping date updated? -Why couldn't the product be covered by the warranty? -What problem did the product face that was not warrantiable? -What brand is the product? -How long could the product be returned as part of the guarantee? -What other negative experience has this user had with the product? -How long has the user owned this product? -How many of the product has the user broken? -What brand is the Product? -Where is this product made? -Which members of the family use this product? -Who did the reviewer buy the product for? -What color is the product? -What ailment does the mother suffer from? -What external part of the toaster could burn a user? -What kind of product is this? -What is the brand of this product? -What rooms does the reviewer use this product in? -What additional product is built-into this one? -What other product does this reviewer compare to? -What did the old product require that this product doesn't? -Who else did the reviewer buy the product for? -What did the reviewer hate? -What doesn't the reviewer have to use anymore to pick up diced vegetables? -What vegetable did the reviewer use as an example? -what would the reviewer sometimes use to pick up all the stragglers? -Where was this review posted? -The reviewer got this product for what? -What was the first thing the reviewer noticed ? -When does it start to engage the gears? -What is the problem that the reviewer stated? -What color has the reviewer order the product in? -What was the one thing the reviewer didn't like? -What is the reviewer using the product for? -Why did the reviewer remove the rubber seals? -Why wouldn't the reviewer put sugar or flour in the product? -What did the reviewer think of the price? -What item was being reviewed? -What is one negative aspect that the reviewer states? -What does the reviewer like about the hangars? -What kind of items are the hangars best used for? -What room was the reviewer looking to outfit? -What kind of set was the reviewer looking for? -What liquids did the reviewer use the products in? -What was the final rating that the reviewer gave? -When did the reviewer amend the review? -What did their mother use in the kitchen? -What comes with the blender? -How long is the warranty? -What will they be making soon? -What mug is it? -What did they use before? -Why is it easier to clean? -What did these versions have? -What do they think about the item? -What is its size? -What does it do? -How long have they been using this? -What is wrong with the coating? -What happened the first time they used it? -Does the product work? -What did they need this for? -What should you do after you plug it in? -What is the product? -What is the brand? -What condition did it arrive in? -What is unique about the handles and bottoms? -What does the author love? -Are the pans non-stick? +What did the user feel like they were wrapping themselves with out of the shower? +what is abused? +Where did I bought the item at? +What manages to stick to the surfaces? +What develops after a few uses? +What is writer figuring out by trial and error? +Which parts of the blender has been misplaced by the author? +How much liquid does the IngenuiTEA hold? +What two groups of "greats" does the author talk about? +How many times has the reviewer used the product in the last few weeks? +What can be cooked in the pan? +Why specifically did the person buy these sheets over others? +What do the original gaskets do besides deform +What did I buy? +Is the AC quiet or loud? +What hasn't the author bought in decades? +What is the price of a pound of ground coffee? +Which cans does it not work well with? +What should you use to clean the machine? +is it considered a traveling tumbler? +What would not fit under the dispenser? +What is the product made of? +What is the first reason these are handy? +What was the name of the herb that bypassed the strainer in the other infusers? +What is it better than? +How do they describe the color? +How long ago did they order the soap dish? +What is it intended for? +What part of the product opens automatically? +What kind of product did she have previously? +What part of the lid gets extremely warm, unlike its counterpart on the pot? +How much did this product cost originally? +What kind of arm does the product have? +what is the product that is being reviewed? +What is the gender of the reviewer? +how many pounds of clothes hit the floor? +What is the other functions besides "bake" and "broil"? +What product should you use to help maintain this product? +Where does the author always make a mess? +What size is the holder? +What is the product's main use for this customer? +The customers previous infuser was made out of what? How is the wight of the pan described? -What is perfectly browned on the sides? -Where are the pans made? -What item is the author reviewing? -What makes crushing garlic easier? -Are all the pieces of garlic peeled? -Is the press cleaned after each use? -What makes the press easier to clean? -What type of closet does the author have? -What does the author have a lot of? -Where were the summer clothes stored? -What other items were placed in space bags? -What's the purpose of the space bag? -How many items did the author obtain? -What is the name of he product? -What's one disadvantage of the machine? -What comes along with the bread machine? -What does the item hold? -What did the author purchase? -What was purchased along with the protector? -Who was the pillow cover purchased for? -What is suspected to cause kids to cough at night? -Does the product work? -how many ribbons were wrapped around the box the product came in? -what does the writer suggests using to make it possible to move this item? -what covers the entire back of the writers condo? -what room was the product needed in? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what new review score was given to the product in stars? -how many thermos does the reviewer own? -how many stars did the user originally give the product? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what kind of sleepers are these pillows not good for according to the writer? -how long did it take the writer to go back to the pillow they used before getting this one? -where did the pillows end up after they were no longer wanted? -how does the writer describe the pattern on the product? -how many sets did the writer purchase? -how often does the writer use this product? -what piece in the set ended up damaged after washing it? -what product is the writer reviewing? -how long has the user owned this product? -how does the writer describe the look of the ice cubes produced by the tray? -what odor did the writer check for in the cubes created by this tray? -how do the cubes have to be pushed out of the tray? -How any people can be served by this product? -Where can this product be found besides Amazon? -How should the product be washed? -Why does the reviewer like the timer feature? -What safety features does this product have? -How long is the product's warranty? -How many watts does this product require to run? -What would the user reccomend be included with this product? -Which generation of product used more wattage? -Which size of product would not fit in this bag? -What does the user place inside of these bags? -How many bags came with this purchase? -Why did the user save needle labels? -Which needle brand did not come in a bag? -What product did the user have before purchasing this one? -In what city does this reviewer live? -How long does one filter last? -Which product takes up more counter room? -Why doesn't the user like bottled water? -What product did the user buy which resulted in this product being obtained for free? -What brand is the product being reviewed? -How long has the user been loyal to shi brand? -What product did this free "toy" replace? -What do the reviews complain about the can openers? -What kinds of cans can't the writer's opener open? -What does the writer find out about the battery life of the opener? -What does the writer notice about the battery compartment of the opener? -How was the writer's experience with the can opener? -What kind of grinder did the writer use before? -What is the problem with blade grinders? -Why does the writer use coarse setting for french press? -What does the writer use to clean the inside of the burr grinder? -What does the writer prefer for everyday coffee grinding for a normal drip pot? -What is the writer studying? -What is the limitation with the writer's son? -Why does the writer want to have hot lunches? -What makes it difficult for the writer to bring lunches to her son? -How long ago before lunch does the writer's son need to plug in the heating appliance? -What is the Henckels Pro S hollow-ground santoku? -How easy is slicing with the santoku knife? -What is the proper posture to hold the knife? -What does the writer caution about the knife? -How much is the santoku knife? -How does the machine squeeze oranges? -What are the good features of the machine? -How does the machine help the writer save money everyday? -How long has the writer been using the machine? -Where did the writer buy the machine? -What amount did the reviewer say the shaker scale should go up to? -WHhat kind of shaker do they use normally? -How much did the author pay for the two piece shaker? -What additional item costs an extra $23? -What does the author not want to have to do every time they have a drink? -How did the product feel when it arrived? -What did the reviewer and her husband have to do? -What did the reviewer and her husband do after they got it unrolled? -What happened to the topper a few hours after being unrolled? -The mattress topper had made their bed more what? -What is not included with the coffeemaker? -What is wrong with the coffee when they leave for work? -What button is the customer unable to use? -How long has the customer owned the coffeemaker? -How many stars did they give the coffeemaker? -What did the previous reviews say about assembly? -How many times did they have to go to the store? -What was wrong with the product during assembly? -What kind of tool did they have to use? -The person that was hired said that it would have been impossible for someone to put it together who couldn't what? -What did the customer also purchase? -What kind of meat do they use this thermometer for? -What did they test the thermometers in? -What feature does it have that is useful when you can't read it right away? -What brand is the old waffle maker? -What happened to the waffles on the old model? -Why did the author buy this new waffle maker? -How many times does the author have to flip the waffles on the new machine? -What does the manual say to never use on the new model? -What was the author surprised by? -What are the materials described as being? -What popper does the author recommend? -What did the author get on the bottom of the item? -What does the author use the item for? -Why does the lid almost always stay on? -What is the author bummed about? -What is the author still looking for? -Roughly how many Gerber Graduates sippy cups does the author have? -How many cups per level does it hold? -How many cups does the author's son use a day? -How many cups would the item hold without lids? -Why did the author buy this device? -How many times does the author have to pump it for each spray? -How often do you have to refill the product? -How much of the bottle can you use for product? -What is the brand of the cast iron? -How big is the cast iron? -What country is the cast iron from? -How will this person use the cast iron? -How many shots of espresso will this make? -What type of water do they use? -What happened when they first used the machine? -When do they use a grind? -What brand is the vacuum? -What have they been using before they purchased the Bissell? -What brand was their previous vacuum? -How many times will you need to empty the collection canister? -What sizes did they buy? -How many order did they make of each? -What type of surface does it have? -What type of plastic is it made out of? -Where did they buy their butcher block? -What did they buy from Amazon? -What else did they use the oil on? -What is brand of the oil? -What did I want to buy? -In addition to Amazon and fancy department stores, where did I look for a decent pitcher? +What is the writer reviewing? +Which method of cooking works best for the user? +What was the reason the reviewer kept the product? +is there anything i need to do with the new beater the first few uses? +This thing is a pain in the neck to do what? +How many drinks can it hold? +Where did the reviewer take a vacation? +What year was Fannie Farmer Cookbook book published? +How expensive are these knives? +Where is the dispensing end located? +Are there cheaper french presses made by the same company? +What is this person's body size? +When did the blender get loud? +What reusable filter comes with it? +What would the puppy knock over constantly? +At least how much food can be placed in the warmer? +What broke on the blender? +Does the machine have a storage area for a whisk? +Does this product spill often? +What does plastic look like +What is the brand +What was broken and could not get a replacement? +What additional information does the customer add? +What persuaded the customer to purchase this product? +What are the author's concerns? +How often does the author use the cooktop? +What does the writer say the biggest issue is? +What containers for the vitamix do I have now? +What were some of the positive characteristics sited about the grinder? +The new features of the Breeze have what, over time? +What needs to be in place for the deep fryer's oil filtering system to work properly? +Why should you score the bread? +How was the item helpful with food dishes? +What can the hand vac be useful for in the garage? +How does the user describe the attractiveness of the skillet? +What is the writer reviewing? +What happened one year into using the product? +What does the base do? +What type of sausage is used? +What do I sometimes forget? +What does the reviewer think should be larger? What size of fridge do I have? -Where was the pitcher I bought made? -Where do I like to put the pitcher in the fridge? -When did I buy the coffee maker? -How often did I use it at first? -What will happen if not screwed tight? -What was broken and could not get a replacement? -What brand of coffee maker was bought to replace the broken one? -How high is the ceilings in our department? -How many pieces did I buy to hang things? -What shape are the hooks at hte end? -Where do I put the pieces in the closet? -How many were slightly bent when I got them? -How long have I had this crok pot? -What is broken off on the lid? -What is the only problem with the crok pot? -What do I do to prevent burns of food? -Where do I look for a replaement? -What kind of cans do I like to use for cooking? -What oil makes me feel a bit better when using artificial spray cans? -What was I skeptical at first? -How long will it take to stop and pump the spray a few times? -How hard is it to use the spray to spray the bread? -What is their wife good at making? -What is their house filled with? -why doesn't she like the pans? -What pan is this? -what item is this? -where did they buy it -what was the condition of the first waffles they cooked? -what model to they recommend -How many speeds does it have? -Why don't they wear in the house? -What comes off? -What helps with drying? -What item is this? +how many years after the initial review did the writer update the review? +How is the rack? +What did the author end up doing? +How long does it take to make 2 shot worth of coffee for my AeroPress? +How does it work when slicing cookie dough? +In what inaccurate way is this machine described in publicity? +what additional software does the writer need for the old computer? +what does the writer bake in this pan? +What size is the slicing blade? +What did I buy? +What does the writer say the product does well? +How long has the item been in use? +How many children does the reviewer have? +the vertical openings on this product aren't what? +How does the panel keep the user's sleep area? +what metal is the top node made of? +How long does the pan last? +Who else did the reviewer buy the product for? +what device other than the magnetic wand had the writer been using to try to grab the lids? +How many items are in this person's knife block set? +What could be done to make the result better? +What color of are the plates? +What stands the test of time? +What does it create less of, unlike other peels? +What would they like to see the case in the future? +What did the author contribute to in their hometown? +Which brand's pads were least effective? +What kind of water tank does Panasonic iron use? How heavy is this item? -How long did they own it before it started having issues? -What was the issue? -What knives are they? -where did he first learn about the knives? -What knives made the beginning of his collection? -What did they want? -How much does it cost the bottle opener? -Which kind of drink does the author like to have almost daily? -Is the can opener well made? -In which way does this opener allow you to open your bottles? -Where is the beer going to be poured out? -What needed to be replaced? -Which kind of improvements have been made in this version of the product? -What has been removed from the product? -Which one is the favorite soap of the author of the review? -Does this product works fine with that brand of soap? -Which one is the brand of the wok? -For which kind of work has this wok been designed? -How long is destined to last this wok? -How do the sides of the wok look? -What's the drawback of this wok? -What is it the CALPHALON NYLON TURNER? -Which one could be an issue with this spatula? -What's a cons of this spatula? -What can be done if the spatula is defective? -What could cause pieces of plastic to fall off despite the user using the spatula correctly? -How does this product work? -What was the product used to cook for? -What's a pro of having a bigger plate at the top? -Is the product working always well? -What part is difficult to get on after filling it with beans? -What did this person read before ordering the product? -What were some of the positive characteristics sited about the grinder? -What negative characteristic did this person find it to make it clumsier to handle? -What type of filter did this person find difficult to use with the ground coffee? -What did this person read before ordering the product? -What part is difficult to get on after filling it with beans? -What type of filter did this person find difficult to use with the ground coffee? -What were some of the positive characteristics sited about the grinder? -What negative characteristic did this person find it to make it clumsier to handle? -What professions was the reviewer's father? -What was one of the factors that made this a good value? -what was one of the items used as a test for the sharpener? -How many passes were needed to get a sharp edge? -What process will this reviewer not use the sharpener to do? -How long has this user been using the product? -What is recommended for operation? -What is this product mostly use for prior to grilling? -How was the product described as working? -What does this reviewer find especially nice? -what was one of the reasons for buying the juiceman? -What is a negative of the powerful motor? -What is one of the negatives of the juiceman? -What is one of the positives of the juiceman? -What is one thing the juiceman can be used to make? -What is the capacity of this food processor? -What is a use of the mini bowl attachment? -What is one of the negatives of this food processor? -What is the assumed reason this processor is heavy? -What are some uses of this food processor? +What is the most important feature? +How did the coffee taste to the author? +what odor did the writer check for in the cubes created by this tray? +What size is the wooden rack? +What claim does the item have? +Does the author recommend it for bath tubs with 90 degree angles? +How does the writer treat leaky food? +What is not on the machine that causes it to burn popcorn? +What do they need the item to pick up? +Why did they buy the machine? +what is the material of the exterior of the brewer? +What material is the baking mat made out of? +Why does the reviewer think the cord is so short? +At what holiday has the consumer used the grill pan? +What kind of feet does the machine have? +What was the complaint made about the MIU France Ceramic Nakiri Knife? +what type of frozen strawberry is used? +What do I appreciate especially? +What is the finish of the legs? +What material are the straws made from? +What color or finish is the outside of the coffee machine? +What country does the brother or sister of the author live in? +Most of the unit is made of what, that makes the reviewer suspect it will last for quite some time? +What might get scratched by the parts stored +What did Kitchenaid do a good job at? +How has the Table Mate changed their dinner time? +When did the person first purchase the product? +What color is the product? +Is the writer keeping the item they received? +Where is it easy to move? +Who did reviewer buy the three products for? +What color is the battery case lid? +Which product does the person think is great? +What brand is the 14-slot? +How many of these items did the reviewer order? +What type of material should the handle of been made of? +What type of spoons are no longer used? +What material is the scoop made from? +What habit was kicked as a result of the thermos of water ? +What media source did the reviewer check? +what is the max time you can set for cooking items on the product? +What does the batch feature do? +What works and is stylish? What did this person buy? -Why did they buy the EZ cup? -What did this person do to the K-cup? -How many tablespoons of coffee did they use per cup? -What brand of can opener is the most popular? +Why does the product require a lot of ice? +What type of bread works best with this? +What size are the portions when using these containers? +How often do I cook? +what is the enclosure made of +At what speed does the base need to be poured? +What is the model number of their blender? +What is the writer a fan of? +What is the name of the company that manufactured the coffee maker? +What setting produces a warm bathroom? +What size are these sheets? +What happened when the product fell over? +What is the product made of? +What is happening with the slats after a few months? +When was the new oven purchased? +What did I buy? +Who does the user need a new mattress protector for? +What did the author prepare for the morning coffee event? +What is a must have weapon of war in the fight against pet hair +What is non-stick? +What helps with drying? +What type of floors does the person have? +What is it designed for? +What keeps the board from sliding? +how does the actual product differ from the photo? +What can be done if the two piece feature is undesirable? +What is the powder used to harden? +What will muffle the loud volume? +What is the reviewers opinion of the garment rack? +What happened after typing up the review? +The mattress topper had made their bed more what? +Is the Simple Human or Kamenstein paper towel holder more attractive? +What did I order? +How did the author give the product? +What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? +What can you do while it's brewing? +what model to they recommend +What is the product being reviewed? +What kind of structure do they talk about +What external part of the toaster could burn a user? +What did they use prior to this? +What does the writer suggest? +Does the quilt fit? +Who were the glasses purchased for? +How many samples were provided? +Where do they dump the coffee grounds? +What material are the light-weight bags made from? +What was the problem with the edges on the the original one they bought? +What part will melt in a very hot soup? +How heavy is the item? +Why did the review give only 4 of 5 stars? +What size did this person buy? +Which mixer did the author have first? +How was set up assembly? +What did the author cook? +Who is it for? +What do I suggest to use for making several cups of coffee at a time? +What heats coffee quickly? +What kind of feet are on the bottom? +Where was the product purchased? +What item is the reviewer writing about? +What is the max rating from the EPA for bottled water? +What type of surface does the grill have? +What holds the Deep Water Bath to the bath? +How hot does the temperature have to be before the Reviewer feels discomfort? +How many tanks did they run before use? +What has held up well so far? +Why is the cord possibly so thick? +How are floors normally kept clean at the reviewer's home? +How many glasses arrived either damaged or broken? +What was needed to remove the sticker? +Without what, the pan won't work because of its coating? +Which item will protect the dishes? +What does the package include? +What is the size of the reviewers family? +The coffee maker is sturdy, well made, fits on the counter, as well as? +How is the reheating of the 24oz mug? +What is going into the return vents? +What color is the item? +How thick are the pillows? +How long of a warranty does this new purchase have? +Why does the writer want to have hot lunches? +Does it come with anything? +What was ordered to take the drip coffeemaker off the countertop? +What is the writer not satisfied with the toaster? +What is great for cleaning furniture? +What does the product's smell remind the reviewer of? +How much does the reviewer usually spend on a cup of coffee? +How many cups could it make? +which parts does the writer think are best about this product? +What is the next step after sitting in the yogurt maker all night? +How many times did the reviewer have to push the control botton to get to the hottest iron? +is the blender beater a single or double? +How many pillow cases did the author put in the box? +How well does the thermometer do the job, according to the reviewer? +How long has the reviewer have this toaster for? +Is the brewed coffee strong or weak? +How did the author feel about initially ordering the product? +What is the problem with the table? +What kind of breakfast have you made? +What is the mandolin good at? +Where do I put the pieces in the closet? +What is the mat used for a lot? +Who else uses the product? +Do you have to keep the button pushed in? +What do you pour in it? +What vegetable did the user try with this tool? +How's the taste of the water? +What will the rack hold? +How many shakers did I buy? +What is the brand name of the product? +What is the problem that some others have with the shaker?? +What is the author a fan of? +What type of clothing slipped off the satin hangers? +how many spills were had? +Does the reviewer plan to keep using the product? +Where does the product fit? +What kind of finish does the organizer have? +When did I use the pan for the first time? +What type of knife was the author reviewing? +Where did the author purchase the item? +Where does the author use the coffee makers? +At what distance can the author feel a breeze? +How quick it is to heat up? +What temperature does the user heat coffees and teas up to? +What should be combined with water to clean this product? +What does everyone at work help themselves to in the frig? +What is the blade and plate replaced with after removal? +What is its size? +How long was the shower curtain in use until it was discarded? +Instead of getting a frother, the customer recommends this product instead? +how long has the writer owned the product? +Why was it difficult to cut? +what is the noise level of the fan? +What material are the washclothes made from? +What food can be grilled on the sheets? +What was the vacuum replaced with after being thrown away? +how large is the display according to the writer? +What is the appearance of the sheets after being washed and dried? +for what you kept the product in the box? +What is wrong with the door? +How long did it take to assemble? +how much noise does the fan make +How many pillows was the purchaser hoping to hold with this product? +What was wrong with it? +What size were they looking for? +What needs to happen before the frame can be repaired? +What tools do you need to open the glue seam holding the battery case shut? +What test did they do with them? +What did the author not save? +What is the name if the hand held vacuum the customer decided on? +How many times has the person used the pan to make omelettes? +What are the fan parts made of? +What is the first material mentioned in the review? +What brand makes this vacuum? +Where is the napkin holder manufactured? +What do they think about the item? +What was it too late to do? +what is the product that the reviewer is writing about? +How is the quality of this product? +Why must you use some kid of protection to lift the lid? +What was the primary reason for buying the Wilton Cupcake Decorating Set for the daughter? +What kind of pan should be used? +What does it look like? +How long are the extensions? +How long is the power cord? +how long have they been grinding coffee +What will probably break first? +What does this person want to control, when it comes to their frappes? What did this person buy? -Where is the can opener made? +What is the lid made of? +How many times have they tried quitting soda? +What does this person use the pop-up holder for? +The sheets the author purchased are perfect for what season? +where can you put the whisk to clean it? +How many did they order? +Where did the author purchase the IngenuiTEA? +What color fan does the author own? +What did the author need to use to remove the cake? +Which was a perfect choice? +What did the reviewer and her husband do after they got it unrolled? +Is it a lot of work? +How do they wash the lid? +What works wonderfully? +Are there large amounts of lint when using these towels? +What kind of straws does the author say these are bigger than? +How many stars did the reviewer give this item? +What was on the passenger's seat that was perfect? +What is the result of smaller ice cubes? +How much bread did they make per month? +What type of test is used to test the sharpness of a knife? +What aspect of the kettle will always bother the reviewer? +What has warped on the canister? +What is the writer disappointed in? +What should encircle the egg? +How much does popcorn kernels cost? +What can be rolled out on the product? +What does it not have? +How was the product described as working? +Are these just as good for the vacuum as the name brand? +Where should you check for recipes according to the reviewer? When did they receive the can opener? -What size is their mattress? -What product did they buy for their mattress? -What color of bedskirts did they buy? -What brand is their mattress? -What did this person buy? -How many slices can fit in the toaster oven? -What type of timer does it have? -How does this person use the toaster oven? -How long have they been using this product? -What is their favorite thing about the vacuum? -How many times have they purchased this product? -How long do the batteries last after 2 years? -What did the reviewer's wife want for Christmas? -What size skillet did the reviewer's wife choose? -What is the main issue the reviewer has with the skillet? -Where did the user's wife do research? -What did the reviewer and his wife decide in the end? -What is the warm up time for this product? -How big is the tank? -How does the reviewer feel about the attachments? -What works best for grout? -What comes off with the brush? -How long has the reviewer had the kettle? -What are the reviews like for this product? -How often does the reviewer use the kettle? -What brand tea maker does the user have? -What setting does this kettle have? -What quantity of this product did the reviewer purchase? -Which product took the longest for the reviewer to assemble? -What did the reviewer think of the packaging? -What do the shelves work perfectly for? -What is the product made of? -What does the reviewer think of the size? -What is the product large enough for? -What is the product? -What does the strainer have two of? -What type of handle does the strainer have? -What did the author bu the stands to hold? -What is wrong with one of the stands? -How many stars did they give the stands? -What is wrong with the stand that cannot be threaded? -What kind of tape does it come with? -What would have to happen before it was used? -How many more grinders did the customer order? -Where did the customer place the grinder once the herbs were placed in it? -When herb did they just recently purchase? +how long does it take to dry the comforter +What is the plastic on his model? +Who did the reviewer buy the product for? +Was the cabinet easy to put together? +Where did they run the mice too for the winter? +What shape is the head? +Is this item inclined to oxidize? +How many steaks can fit into the grill? +What is the door rack made out of? +What is the scale being reviewed? +What can you use the Tortilla Bowls for? +How is the design? +Might scar and leaves marks, what is suggested for manufacturer? +How long is the warranty for this product? +what keeps the napkins secure +what did the air conditioner come with? +How big of a knife holder was the reviewer looking for? +What did they receive for their wedding? +Why shouldn't you use this product? +For Thanksgiving what was the only think not cooked in a slow cooker? +How much carpeting was this product used for? +What does the kettle do automatically? +How many grown children does the reviewer have? +How does this product work? +What setting is the rice cooker set on to fix a cup of Zoji steel cut oats? +What is the only downside? +What happened to the many timers I bought before this one? +Has the writer used the product? +What absorbs the downward pressure on the egg? +Alternatives to this product that the customer is looking into include My Caps and what else? +What did I buy for me? How quickly do the herbs thaw when ground? -What room did they put the tv stand? -What did the instructions consist of? -How long did they work on putting it together the day it arrived? -What kind of look did the tv stand have? -Who ended up finishing putting the tv stand together the next day? -What material are the lids made of? -Where are the bowls made? -What did the customer want to do with her collection of bowls? -What do they lids say on them? -How long does the customer leave the lids in the microwave for? -What color are the bod pillow protectors? -About how long are the pillows? -What is the brand of pillow protectors? -What kind of material are they made from? -How does the reviewer describe the hem stitching? -How many people did they let taste? -What brand is their pitcher filter? -What type of water do they use? -What brand is their cartridge? -Who will they give the pitcher to? -What is wrong with their pitcher? -What happened to their second pitcher? -What brand is the pitcher? -Why did they buy the product? -What are they stuck with? -What do you need to make ricotta? -What is the quality of the photos? -What did they buy from Amazon? -What metal is the peeler made out of? -What can you peel with it? -It is safe to put the peeler in where? -What brand is the spoon from? -What product line is it from? -What did this person buy? -What kind of design does the spoon havE? -What brand did they buy? -What should you use? -What do they prefer? -Why were they worried? -What do they like? -What brand of pan is it? -What did they make a batch of? -What can they also be used for? -What did they get? -What type of steamer do they have? -How many hands to you need to use the hose? -What other item did they consider? -How many of these do they go through a year? -What size did they buy? -How many did they order for themselves? -What do they put on the skillet after each use? -What is this item? -What is wrong with the door? -What do you need to do before buying this item? -What other issue did he have with the product? -What can you make with the Dolce Gusto Piccolo that you cannot with the Keurig? -Whose coffee machine did the reviewer try before buying this one? -For what reason did this person choose the Piccolo model? -What model is preferable because it's more automatic than the Piccolo? -What does this pot not do that Keurig does? -What is this product made of? -Which size is the least stable? -How many cups are in the set? -What brand is being discussed? -What removable item keeps the cups together when not in use? -What is the failing of the carafe? -Why is the lid hard to clean? -How often does the pot self-clean? -What function is disabled by cleaning? -How can you get this function back? -How many people consume the output of this machine? -What items other than bread can be made in this machine? -How long has the reviewer owned this machine? -How often is the reviewer pleased with the results of using this machine? -What other size bread machine does this manufacturer sell? -How often does the reviewer use this item? -How old is the reviewer's baby? -What two related drawbacks does this vacuum have? -What must the reviewer do because of these deficiencies? -What kind of dog leaves a lot of hair to be cleaned up? -Who do they watch on the Food Network? -What network were they watching on tv? +what is included +How often do they now rotate their mattress? +How do they describe the cutting board? +Who liked the bedspread alot? +What is my experience when it comes tosteaming clothes? +How does the frame feel? +How long does it take to heat the bedroom up to 80 degrees? +What was the second rating given to the coffee pot after a couple months of usage? +What is this coffeemaker described to be like? +How many Siamese cats live in the house? +how do the vegetables come out after 8-10 hours? +Where did the person search for products to buy? +What is the name of the company that manufactured the Green Earth Wok? +What are the sliders made of? +Can it be used in a narrow space? +What type of buy is this for someone on a budget? +It's great for those that have trouble doing what? +Where are the hangers found? +Who makes this toaster? +What starts to bend and create clogs? +What is the author using on the board after each use? +What wouldn't the user do? +What did the reviewer pre-make? +What did the previous reviews say about assembly? +What online site was the rice cooker purchased from? +What will happen if you don't let it sit longer than normal? +What do the sheets do with the mattress? +What was the reviews complaint about the tool jar? +How many holes were in the packaging? +In which rooms is this user keeping these products? +What did I finally use to clean the kitchen? +What was wrong with a couple of the bowls? +What was the rating? +How many cupcakes did the reviewer make? +What brand of vacuum is this? +what do they put under their tablecloth? +Where can you hang this item? +What is this a good fit for +What is the brand of the product being reviewed? +how did they fit? +what does the coffee taste like? +Where did they find it half priced? +What size is the vacuum? +What type of furniture was the author given by someone else? +The pasta maker in question is secured to the counter with a what? +What product is this? +Why does the bowl can hold a lot of lettuce? +What cooking appliance has this been used in? +Does it work well? +What problem did the author have with containers in the microwave? +How many bagless vacuums did the reviewer own in one year? +How many dogs does the reviewer have in there house? +What does the product do when the water is done being heated? +One of the customers favorite items from OXO is what? +what were they excited to try? +When was the product purchased? +What kind of legs did the Tablemate have? +Is the Taylor model adjustable? +How many pillow covers were used? +What color blades have caused issues with other products in the past? +When was the last time the reviewer used this product? +what kind of hands does the writer have? +According to the reviewer what would be more convenient if you don't have pets? What did this person buy? +What is their opinion on the item? +What is being reviewed? +What can be done to prevent food from getting crusted on? +What kinds of floors does it work for +Why is the product not good? +What is this product capable of measuring well? +What brand of product is the person reviewing? +How many times is the iron typically used? +Where does the outer part of the funnel lie? +When did the person most recently buy the product? +How long has the reviewer have the brewer for? +What task does the person not enjoy doing? +How big is it? +What kind of coffee can this product make? +What added feature does this item have? +What is the material of the cover? +What kind of soap does the author suggest you make first? +What holds the heavy body weight up? +What kinds of fresh dough can you make? +How does it match other pieces? +Who can use this beer kit? +In addition to measuring cups, what did I purchase? +What is the size of the product? +Is this cooking thermometer cheap or expensive? +What did the reviewer notice on newer toaster ovens? +what store did the writer find the pie crust maker at? +How does the product come from the dryer? +What was wrong with the grind size? +How many ounces of material does the product hold? +How much weight can it hold? +In what year was the second mattress purchased? +How does this work? +How many mugs without a handle did they buy? +What kind of humidifier was previously tried? +What type of grip does the author have? +What do they love about Amazon? +What are some items it holds? +What does the hamper lose when laundry is inside it? +What brand popcorn does the person eat? +What does the reviewer actually store in their bin? +What does ther reviewer use to cover the pool equipment? +What is the brand name of the product? +How much water will the coffee pot hold according to the box? +Is the user going to keep this product? +What is the difference in size between parchment paper and Reynolds? +What is the person's last colander shaped like? +What type of lid does the thermos have? +How big is the baster? +What does a soda stream dispenser need in order to work? +Who else enjoys using the pillow? +What type of material is used to make the pan? +What do they wish was a little bigger? +How long is the vacuum anticipated to last? +What happens after the sifter starts for a while? +What is being held? +What did the person purchase? +What caused the smoke detector to go off? +Is this rack cheap or expensive? +What product does the author love? +What color is the toaster the reviewer purchased? +What type of wine does the user recommend? +How do you turn off the heating element? +What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? +What version of the timer does the speaker prefer? +What can you put on the stone +What is the volume of the Ikea UPHETTA coffee press? +What kind of directions are given on the box to attach the Deep Water Bath to the suface of the tub? +What size of sheets were put in the box? +what is the thread count on the sheets? +What is the better choice? +Where was the EatSmart Digital Nutrition Scale purchase from? +What are they the perfect width for? +What do they wrap the tofu layer in? +What problem did the reviewer initially have? +What is the author still looking for? +What did they purchase when they were please with the savings? +Is the price good or bad for this unit? +Who marked down the blender for taking long to work? +What brand of cookware is the person reviewing? +What keeps happening when they order? +What kind of glass is the mug made out of? +How does a clog have to be removed if it can't be reached? +What was the size of the pumpkin pie? +What color was the mixer? +Where did the writer buy their old mug? +What word did the author say the describe the surface of the pan? +What is best avoided to ensure that the glasses will not break? +What impression does the bottom piece make on the burger? +What has the reviewer used in the past? +What's the author's main concern with this product? +Where did they order the product from? +What are the instructions like? +Where did the person put their last heater that broke? +How does it match other pieces? +How are mason jars described? +How does the author know the product is resistant? +What problem did some of the plates have? +what happens when you leave burner on? +What is the length of time it takes the reviewer to get home? +How do you open the arms? +What issues was the reviewer having with thier closet? +How small is the canister vac? +What other tea can be used with it? +What is the setting for browned bread? +How long ago did the author by the Tylose Powder? +How much was paid for the knife? What kind of pot did they buy? -What will they no longer buy? -The popcorn tastes better when cooked in what? -How long does it take to pop the popcorn? -What did this person buy? -How do you clean the knife? -What did they receive for their wedding? -How many times have they purchased this product? -How many did they buy for gifts? -What did they make with this product? -How much bread did they make? -What is the bread free of? -What happens when baking gluten free bread? +How are the recipes? +what is the reviewer's favorite aspect of the product? +What process is made more comfortable by the design of the Tea Bag Buddy? +How tall are the drawers? +What one thing did they hate about the knives? +What did the author spray the racks with? +What doesn't the reviewer have to use anymore to pick up diced vegetables? +What gets dirty quickly? +What kind of stove does the user have? +what is responsible for the performance of this scraper compared to others? +How do you change the settings on the toaster? +What makes the product lighter if it is removed? +How long did the person use their old knife before giving up? What did this person buy? -When do they sharpen their knives? -What did they not order with the knife? -This knife is better than what knives? -What is the brand name of measuring cups? -What is the only negative that the customer sees about the cups? -What are the measuring cups made from? -What material is the handle made of? -Where does the reviewer say you can wash they measuring cups? -How many gifts has the reviewer bought for others? -What does the customer say about the brand? -What did the customer say about the lady that had issues with cutting a zucchini? -What word does the reviewer use to describe the peeler? -Where should you check for recipes according to the reviewer? -What material are these hangers made from? -What kind of hangers did the customer have problems with? -The customer replaced all of their what hangers with these? -What type of clothing slipped off the satin hangers? -What does the author say about the hangers in the beginning of the review? -What does this item replace? -What does the customer say about the crevice tool? -What kind of head is on the vaccum? -What is a good feature with the handle height? -What do you have to do to the head of the crevice tool? -How many days does it keep an avocado? -What kind of fruit does the color remind the author of? -How did the reviewer get the container? -How do they describe the color? -What works just as well as thing product? -What is the setting for browned bread? -What setting should you use if you only want to toast the crust? -What haven't they tried making with it? -What is the lever? -Does the lever work well? -Does the toast brown toast well? -Is the toaster worth the money? -Is the toaster attractive? -Is the toaster well made? -What brand do they own a complete set? -what do they use to clean it? +What does the baker love doing? +How much did the reviewer pay for shipping? +How would this user change the water reservoir? +Besides the author, who is the other person who is happy with this product? +The customer bought a frother, and states it doesn't work well with what kind of milk? +How satisfied was the writer with the blender? +What is the benefit of a zig-zag edge? +What is the only problem with the crok pot? +What did the author take to work? +What was the reason why they bought these, but can't take heavy use? +How can the nozzle on the vacuum be described? +Did it meet your requirements? +what was considered a mistake? +How many stars did they give these vacuum bags? +Where does the reviewer use the trash can at? +How old was their previous vacuum? +How many types did they buy? +At what temperature does the coffee seem better to the author? +What has the reviewer used this product for? +What does the reviewer use the kettle for? +What did they do a few times to get rid of plastic smell? +How long after boiling does it turn off? +What is the bottom half made of? +What is the products primary task? +What has the reviewer made coffee through in the past? +What did I do before buying these glasses? +what do you need to do to lock the lid? +How does it compare to regular mopping? +Where was the grill purchased at? +what is the reviewer's favorite aspect of the product? +How much does this cost? +What plastic brand does the reviewer recommend? +What does it do a wonderful job of? +What does the reviewer find attractive, functional and air tight? +How many times has the reviewer used the kettle? +What feature can be used to re-brew a tea? +is the product strong on the bottom? +What is the full name of this dinnerware set? +How well does the new grater fit the reviewer's needs? +When did they buy this? +how many thermos does the reviewer own? +Why did this person purchase canning jars? +What is the reviewers alternative to buying this product? +What brand is this product being compared to? +Due to the construction of the dabba, how long is it expected to be usuable? +What do the pieces do together? +What does the mill grind? +What did the author not want to use? +What is the purpose of these bags? +What is being compared? +About what year did they buy their Acme? +Why does the writer vacuum a lot of hair? +How many times did they fill the container? +What color has the reviewer order the product in? +What is hot water poured over to make tea? +Where was the damage on the product? +What did the buyer originally want? +How many sections was this split into? +Which of the brand of knives are named after a famous TV personality? +How much did the author pay for the two piece shaker? +When does the Juicer need to be washed after every use? +The reviewer has this cup to remind them of who? +What did the writer put in the item to test it? +What part of the cookware will never warp? +ow long have they been doing that? +What is the standard curtain size? +What is the fabulously sharp knife? +What happens once the pads get wet? +What did they get from amazon? +What material are these towels made from? +how much water does the kettle heat at once? +How did they rate the sound level of the A/C unit? +What size pan fits inside the oven? +How is the booklet containing recipes designed? +what product is the writer reviewing? +Why was the reviewer initially worried about their purchase? +what kind of shipping did they choose? +What was used in order for the needle to move? +What is left when you remove the base +What is the reviewer disappointed by? +Where is the Benriner made? +What should you be while cooking or cleaning them? +How long ago did the reviewer purchase this coffee maker? +What the item comes that help mix everything? +What keeps the steam and water on this slow cooker? +What kind of solution is this product? +What is the best thing about the American Innovative Portable Dual-Timer? +What where they suprised that the 24oz. was able to store easily? +What product is being described? +Where can this product easily be taken to? +What else is great about it/? +What to cook on the weekends? +What is a well made product? +What area of the home is this product used in? +What do the shelves need to be? +The frame is painted green to match the Moai's what? +What is being reviewed? +what type of flakes does the pepper mill make? +What is one downside to the bottle? +Were they happy with the item? +this spoon is good for preparing what breakfast food? +Are attachments available? +How does the lid fit? +What was placed in the container? +What was the rating given? +What size setting is good for the user's espresso machine? +Does the Swiss Diamond pan have straight sides? +Which needle brand did not come in a bag? +What part of the product is not strong, but very breakable instead? +The fan is not powerful enough to do what? +What does this help with +Is this machine very loud? +Are the towels absorbent? +What is defective in my steamer? +What is the first type of simplehuman product the author has? +What brewer did the reviewer compare this one to? +What is the best timer I have ever used? +Where are wheels under the can? +What type of coating does the product have? +Where does the reviewer say it leaks from? +What do the higher profile ones do? +How was the corkscrew described? +Where did the user's wife do research? +How many ounces does the short stout version of the thermos hold? +What's wrong with the thermometer? +What type of bed did it fit perfectly? +What do you need to do to keep the beers from freezing inside? +How many stars were docked? +how big are the wires? +What is the main complaint about the capresson machines? +How did the garment rack arrive? +What towel set did the user purchase? +What did this person's husband do to the vacuum? +Is the tea ball durable? +The review was especially impressed by this characteristic? +what was previously being used as a warmer? +How many tea bags does the review suggest using? +What direction do you turn the corkscrew? +What type of pillows does the user prefer personally? +What do you need to make ricotta? +How does the performance of the regular cubes compare to that of the bigger ones? +What makes this product a step above the competition? +The reviewer uses this fan especially for what kind of noise? +How does the basting brush solve the sanitary problem? +What is wrong with the product? +What dimension of the hole did the reviewer measure? +How was Amazon customer service? +What size knife did this person actually get? +What did the customer say about assembly? +What is the purpose of the bags? +What color surface does the manufacturer suggest for vegetables? +What popper does the author recommend? +what kind of indentation does it have? +What is the minimum bottom size for a pot? +What part of the fryer is the hardest to clean? +Why are the sashimi knife and the clever dangerous in this bag? +What brand is the k cup brewer? +From which tea device can you quickly get another cup of tea by tapping it once or twice against the trash can, wiping it with a paper towel and also rinsing it to remove any leftover tea remains? +What are the reviewers two favorite tea flavors? +What does the writer find inconvenient with the kettle? +What item was purchased? +What is a matter of personal preference? +Who does the poster give credit to for a job well done? +How long has it been since the tomato experiment started? +What is the brand name of the scale? +How did the purchaser describe their feelings on initial view of the item purchased? +What is another problem with the handle? +How did the customer rate the product? +What do people on the internet complaining about the machine? +what do they like most about the whisk? +How many burners does the griddle fit over? +How big is the cast iron? +What has a rubbery padding at the tips? +What kind of tool did they have to use? +Who disowned the Intensity vacuum? +What did the writer do when receiving this item? +What price did they originally get theirs? +when did they discover the issue? +How old was the similar one? +What color do similar products turn? +Does it have quality construction? +Is shipping something I should be concerned with when ordering the product? +What grade of silicone is used for the spoon? +How frequently does the reviewer consume yogurt? +Where do they have the heater mounted? +What are the sides made out of? +How much water does the tea kettle hold? +What price does the lunchbox sell for as of the reviewer's update? +Where did the reviewer get a replacement knob for the lid? +What is the popularity level of the product among the user's customers? +What is this paper towel holder made of? +What does it make great? +What is the author going to give his family and friends for Christmas? +The customer really likes this function of the griddle? +How many rinses were necessary with the Mavea filter? +What was the original purpose for the bin? +How long did it take water to boil on medium heat? +Which bowl sizes are mentioned? +How long have I had the cutting board? +When did my B60 have the same issues as others'? +What is an unsafe feature of this product? +What did they use to clean up the excess water? +Will it work on an electric range? +Which generation of product used more wattage? +How do you make this popcorn? +Would you recommend this tv mount to others? What color is it? -What product do they use on the cleaning item to clean the pan? -Does the pan compare to other brands? -Are the pans attractive? -Do the pans stain? -Are there issues with the rivets on the pan? -Do the pans handle every day use? -Does the product come in multiple colors? -Does the holder work with different brands of razors? -Does the product come with instructions? -Does the hold attach to any wall? -How many toothbrushes fit in this holder? -Do these pillows compare to the old BeautyRest? -How thick are the pillows? -Do the pillow flatten over time? -How do these pillows compare to other products on the market? -Are these pans nonstick? -Can these pans be used on an induction cook top? -Are the pans heavy? -Are the Circulon pans steel? -Does Circulon only work on induction? -What did this person buy? -What number is this purchase for them? -What do they use on the silicone pans? -What did they bake in the silicone pan? -What did this person buy? -How old is this person? -How many hooks does the laundry rack have? -What brand is the laundry rack? -What did this person buy? -What is not included in their green smoothie? -What do they make with the processor? -When do they use the processor? -What did this person buy? -What type of knife did they buy? -What country is the knife from? -What can this knife do? -What did this person buy? -What can you put in the toaster? +What word does the reviewer use to describe the peeler? +What makes the product easy to maneuver and handle? +What was the author using for storage? +How did the reviewer describe putting the furniture piece together? +What is over the top? +What is the power source? +What kind of tub does the reviewer mention they have? +what does the sanitizing feel like? +What did they try to do to fix that? +How does it cut the lid? +How do the muffin pans clean up? +Where did the toaster get sticky? +what other ways is the product used besides cleaning vegetables? +What can this product be used for? +How long did it take before the previous DiLonghi coffee maker stop working? +what was received as compensation for the missing hardware? +Was it easy to install? +What doesn't fit? +What does it help? +Why did the customer choose these specific glasses? +What do you use to change flavors? +How is the quality of the product? +How big is the trash can? +What nickname for Louisianians did the reviewer use? +How many watts? +Why was the customer hesitant to purchase this coffee maker? +According to the reviewer, what would you combine the poster with to create a unique experience? +Why don't some people like the pillow cases? +What had lint remove in the dryer? +Why are the shelves great? +How much time did the reviewer have it up and ready to go? +What type of water do they use? This toaster works better than what? -What are the sides made out of? -What isn't fun to carry up and down stairs? -What caused the broken glass? -How long is the vacuum anticipated to last? -What made the other vacuum fun? -What type of action does the vacuum have? -How old was the similar one? -Which ones does the author love the best? -What is it big enough to measure? -what is more difficult to use? -How is this one similar? -What does the author love? -How long has it been since the purchase was made? -What are hard to get rid of? -What is great with Prime? -What types of items can be protected from moths? -What is the product made by the brand in this review? -What are some things the author likes? -What advantage did the author mention twice about this product? -What brand of products are being discussed? -What rating did the author give? -When was this product purchased? -what does this grinder put out? -What did the author do before perfecting the process? -What is the other make and model of coffee grinder mentioned in this article? -how does it perform? -What does the reviewer use this item as? -From whom did the writer get the idea to use the casserole that way? -Where do people say this item comes from? -What is the manufacturer's name? -Where is this item kept? -What movie inspired the writer to buy this item? -How long had they gone without eating soft boiled eggs? -What are these items made of? -What historic figure serves eggs in the movie -Are they as breakable as most porcelain? -What makes the blade stay on what you are peeling? -Does the tool lose its edge easily? -In what direction does one operate the peeler? -What makes the process go quicker than usual? +Which room does the person use the product in? +What have they been looking for a replacement for? +WHy does the reviewer want to leave 4 stars instead of 5? +The customer liked this bowl better than others for what reason? +What is a great way to cook up eggs for guests? +Can you decorate the panel? +What new feature does the reviewer especially like? +what was the purchase price? +What about the new vacuum is delightful? +What happened when the reviewer connected the mixer to electricity? +What material are the rings made out of? +How long has the person been using this item? +What brand is this product? +Why are slippery surfaces on this product a negative? +How long does it take to make a full pitcher? +Is it convenient? +What type of allergy did the person have? +What shape is the item? +How many penguin soap pumps are at the kitchen sink? +Who did this person buy this product for? +Where did the reviewer get the iron eventually from? +How much did a replacement blender cost? +What rating did the reviewer want to give other that 5 stars? +Is there a difference in the speed of cooking? +Who is the maker of the Nutmeg Grinder? +What does it hold more of? +How did the problem with the fan was handled? +What is the primary use of the mop? +Can this item rust? +How many other rice cookers does the author own? +What was the rack needed for? +Is the handle comfortable? +What brand of pans is the reviewer writing about? +Where did the author buy the blanket from? +How hot can these get? +How do the glasses feel in the hand? +What does the product have that is beneficial? +What does the new silicone spatula do when you mix something? +What kind of inserts do the bags have? +What do you need to do if you want to stack more than two high? +Can you use these pan covers to steam food? +What keeps things in the organizer from moving and rattling? +what product is the writer reviewing? +What works magic on the tea? +What does the top cap serve as? +What old design shape has the new product moved away from? +What couldn't they remove from the oven? +How does the speaker feel about the price? +What brand of mug might not keep liquids hot for up to four hours? +What do you need if you work in the medical industry? +What utensil does the author prefer to use? +What does the writer use the products for? +Why is the Cuisinart Ice-21 better? +What did they get to compare with it? +the item overheats after how many minutes of use? +what is one issue with the purchase of this mat? +How long have they been in to making pizzas? +What does the writer say is sturdy? +Why does the writer concern about the choice of ceiling fans? +How many pieces is it? +What did the customer complain about the look of the kettle in their house? +What has a programmable setting +What did the reviewer think of the packaging? +What is the handled described as being? +How old is the author's child? +How long have they been using the product? +What type of product is the person reviewing? +What brand coffee maker do we have? +When was the review written? +What fits perfectly in the product? +What feature makes it collect dust really well? +What kind of creams have worked out? +What causes it to get hot? +What materials of containers can be used in the warmer? +What's the serving capacity of this pot? +What can you make in this pan? +When did the person first purchase the product? +Where does the leak end up between? +What items would be a good addition to one's bar? +how many large steaks can the writer cook on this pan? +Where did the water stay? +Which part of the vacuum did the writer find problematic? +What was the author sick of? +Which types of shirts should you not use the product with? +How many coffee making options are available with this coffeemaker? +What's a pro of having a bigger plate at the top? +What would the reviewer otherwise be concerned about? +What could crack the plastic? +What is the cheaper coffee press made from? +What type of pasta machine did the author previously use? +Where was the Ionizer made? +What else can you peel besides apples? +In the long run what can the product save? +How many did the author purchase? +What does the lid do once it is opened? +What did they want this for originally? +What item did the reviewer always desired? +What room does the author keep this product in? +The stand was hung off the back of what? +Whom did the reviewer purchase the product for? +What doesn't the author want to have to buy? +What was expected from the board with the use of the oil? +Of what quality does the finish seem to be? +What is the longer side supposed to do? +What conventioinal coffee machines does the author not like? +What meal was this primarily purchased for? +How many watts is the product? +What vegetables will the knife glide through easily? +Where does the person caution that the lids might end up? +The Nutribullet 600 and 900 watt models are how much more expensive than other blenders? +what material is the product made out of? +How does this look? +How many stars does the reviewer rate the product?e +What was wrong with the product during assembly? +Can these bowls be used in the microwave? +What do they prefer? +What kind of pan is this? +What was the author's existing vacuum missing that was needed for this cleaning project? +What color is the blade on these? +Did you notice a difference is the new scale from the old scale? +What has the reviewer described to have not used to product with? +Did the customer ultimately like there new ice trays? +What does the author wish was true about the sides? +What features did the reviewer want? +Besides soap, what is the other pump used for in the kitchen? +What do you twist? +How long did it take to cook bacon? +What is no longer allowed? +What is the material of the product like? +Is the price worth it? +Despite cooking unevenly, the pancakes are still thoroughly what? +The customer does not recommend this frother for people with what type of condition? +When was the product bought? +what occasions is this good for? +How quickly was the product received? +Which kind of casings are used to make sausage? +How glad are they that they ordered it? +What came rolled up in the box? +What surface is it good for +What is the name of the product? +What are the spatulas made of? What feature does the writer not use? -Who does the writer not want to depend upon? -What did the writer get this tool to ascertain? -What measurements of the stone did the writer take> -Which is heavier, a real or fake diamond? -How did the writer figure out the weight of a diamond of the dimensions of their stone? -What can be used to deep clean the dish drainer? -What color is the item? -What is in the utensil compartments that disgusts the writer? -What does the writer use for regular cleaning of the dish drainer? -What is between the drainer and the wall? -what is the size of the glass pan? -how are you rate quality of the product ? -had any problem with food sticking -what is the price the pan? -Are you glad to buy the product? -what is the size of the glass pan? -what is the color of the porcelain pan? -Any problem with porcelain pan? -what it looks like? -how the porcelain pan is useful? -what about the juicer ? -area you already owned the juicer? -how the product appers? -what is the best part in the product? -how much do you like the product? -are you new for the juicer ? -how the juicer looks like? -are you like the juicer? -how the juicer useful for ? -e how the new one is best compared to old one? -how the product works? -where did you kept the product? -did you like the invention? -is that the product was bulky? -how much you rate for the product? -Is the product is useful? -for what you kept the product in the box? -how you like the invention? -Is the product is very simple? -where you suggest to keep the product? -Are you happy with the product? -what are items that you are prepared ? -how much did you like the product -what did you increase ? -is it crushes the ice? -Are you happy with the product? -for what purpose the KitchenAid blender. used? -how the blender is useful? -Are you like the blender? -how its works? -are you new for the product? -for what did you buy? -is it easy to use? -how you know about the working process of the product? -are you like the product? -where are you learn the working process of Kitchenaid Mixer -for what did ou get the roller? -Is the product is easy ? -what do you need to get? -how the product is useful? -What kind of surface do these pots and pans have? -What are they struggling to make in their pans? -What do they want to do to their pans? -How long have they been using them? -What brand is the product? -What did they buy? -What kind of metal is the rack made out of? -When was their home built? -How many people does this person cook food for? -What brand is this product? -What is is made out of? -It is safe to put these inside a what? -What did this person buy? -What is the head made out of? -What is the handle made out of? -How long is it? +what did the window fan require a lot of during the install +What thread count cover did they purchase? +What was the delivery speed? +How long is the warranty? +What does the reviewer want before buying the product again? +What is the recommendation to brew coffee if you're inexperienced with these brands of coffee pressers? +How long does it take to clean? +How many grand children does the reviewer have? +Was the author happy with the second use of the product? +What catches in the drawer? +What product is the reviewer writing about? +What kind of tub is it good for? +What is wrong with the coffee when they leave for work? +How big is the top sheet? +What is the mattress effective from? +How much does the Kitchenaid make? +Where has Oxo branched off too? +What can the product hold a large amount of? +What happens to the water? +what ingredient did the writer put too much of into the pie? +What category are these towels classified under on Amazon? +What do they like about it? +What food does the Deni 5600 produce? +What brand is their cartridge? +Why is it easier to clean? +what is the quality of the pillowcase? +What did Amazon do quickly? +How many children does the author have? +What is a problem with the hand-held vacuums the customer previously ownded? +What type of lemons come from China? +What room is the reviewer going to buy a pad for next? +Does it hold a lot? +What does it not do? +What is the brand of this product? +What was on the outside of the decaf canister? +How did the purchaser describe the feelings buyers of the mason jar would feel? +What size is the Bormioli Rocco Dedalo Decanter? +What is hard to get out of the machine? +What did the customer say about assembly? +What about sheets is often misrepresented? +Where does the transparent platter rest? +What temperature should you preheat the oven to? +How much was the vacuum? +What does cant this reviewer stand? +Whom does she poach eggs with every weekend? +What score does the reviewer give this product? +Which brand of water filter does not need presoaking? +What is the problem with the blender? +Who were the mason jars purchased for? +How many did the writer order? +what can't be placed on the new product? +What is the problem with Trader Joe's rice? +Is this coffee pot good for daily use? +What were they hesitant to buy? +What mug is it? +What was helpful to the baker when baking bread? +What do the canisters help you do? +Why did I have to return the first Braun? +What is she impressed about? +What part of the author's body used to ache in the morning? +what gets mixed in with the chocolate pieces? +Where did the customer place the grinder once the herbs were placed in it? +Who have fun using the item? +What continent are they all over? +What kind of attachments were included +What is the new pair of cups made of? +What is important to do prior to removing baked item? +What do they like? +What is important for the towel? What did this person buy? -What is the model number of their blender? -What type of product is the Oster 6646? -What brand is the blender from? -What kind of brewer is the reviewer writing about? -How long has the reviewer have the brewer for? -What brand is the k cup brewer? -Where has the reviewer stopped using the keurig? -What brand of coffee machine has the reviewer sold? -What animal is the reviewer intending to butcher with the heavy cleaver? -What has the reviewer cut into 1/2's to make odobo? -What kind of steel is used for the heavy cleaver? -What steel will hold a great edge and can easily be sharpened? -What kind of cleaver is the reviewer writing about? -what kind of shaker has the reviewer been looking for? -Why did the reviewer return the shaker? -Where was the first salt and pepper shaker bought from? -What brand was the first salt and pepper shaker that the reviewer bought? -How long has the reviewer have the new shaker for? -How big of a knife holder was the reviewer looking for? +Who will receive the gifts? +What kind of an issue does the reviewer say the thermometer has of why they don't recommend it? +How many stars did this person rate the knife? +Who would these make nice gifts for? +What can be done if the spatula is defective? What on the knife holder does not lie flat? -Where did the reviewer find the 10" knife holder? -What brand of knives did the reviewer buy the knife holder for? -What knives don't seem to hold as well in the holder? -What does the reviewer wish the review was? -What kind of improvement does the reviewer suggest that would make the product better for leather? -What did the reviewer purchase? -What was the reviewers aim? -How many dogs does the reviewer have in there house? -What did this person buy? -How do you remove water from the scrubber? -How long have they been using their stainless steel scrubber? -What is the round tab for? -What did this person buy? -What brand are the vacuum bags? -What is the name of the vacuum bags? -How many stars did they give these vacuum bags? -What color are the bags? -What is the purpose of these bags? -What did this person buy? -When did they buy these bags? -What did this person buy? -How many fans do they have in total? -How many years is the warranty? -Does the fan make noise? +What can you use behind it to not have it so see-through? +How many tablespoons of water can get trapped in the lip? +What size is the Green Earth Wok? +who is this the perfect gift for? +What kind of ovens are smaller than used to be? +Are you happy with the product? +What is attached to the wine bottle? +How long is the smaller product? +What kind of design does the spoon havE? +What feels slippery? +What kind of animal does the vacuum work well for? +Which family member received this product as a gift last year? +What does it do when you change the time? +compared to other sheets what is the width of these? +What is my suggestions for the storage towers? +What does it not do? +when does the author update his review? +what do they use to cut with a grater or mandolin? +What could this be used to hold at dinner? +how much does it cost to rent a chocolate fountain? +How many times a week can you use this +What is exceptional? +Why Sunbeam replace it? +How do the filters fit the Bun basket? +What was the product used to cook for? +What size is pretty heavy? +What type of carpet is Roomba Red best on? +What was the first recipe attempted by the reviewer? +What is the brand? +How did the writer maintain the filters before buying new ones? +What were some of the positive characteristics sited about the grinder? +How many stars did this person eventually give this product? +Is the set of high quality? +What show are they talking about? +Who else is enjoying the heater? +Where should this spoon rest be placed? +What material is the product made of? +How long did it take for item to fall apart? +What item is being reviewed? +What is attached to the body? +what appliance does the product help writer to know when to use? +What did the customer say is the problem with playing with fan speeds and lights? +Who did the author talk to about how the bride likes it? +What is the main difference between the old and new carafe that the reviewer has? +How many cups per level does it hold? +What makes it so easy to clean? +How are the towels? +What did the user think this would be like originally? +How is the product made? +What do I use the scale for? +What is the position of the turkey when starting the roast? +Does the top come off of the new basket? +What was purchased and worth the price? +How should these washclothes be washed the first time +What indicates the product is on? +What is it the perfect size for? +how is it textured? +What can be found on the lid? +How well does this slice guide work? +What brand of water filter is a great alternative to the Brita filters? +How is the quality and appearance of the block? +Is it shallow or deep +How big is the measuring device that the reviewer has? +What else can be bought with this set? +Does the author recommend this kettle? +The steam press left shirts what? +What does the author hate doing in the middle of the night? +what is the brand name of the gel mat? +how long did the writer have the older model before it developed problems? +What does the sheet feel like? +how loud is the Oster? +what color of appliances does the product look compliment? +How about the noise level of the air purifier compared with other purifiers I have tested at this price point? +What sound is made when the set it and forget it process is finished? +Who does the person fight over the knife with? +What did he order? +What does the product fit in? +What weight is good for this product? +how much pasta could be cooked in the pot? +What do I hope for the pads after washing? +When did the reviewer receive this product? +What is the trick of this soap? +How many did they buy for gifts? +What did they want to test out before buying an induction range? +What doesn't this tool do properly? +How many lbs was the lean roast beef? +What is the difference between the bigger and the smaller item? +How many towels are included with this purchase? +What is wrong with the speaker's hands? +How many birds does the reviewer have? +What the products is this product quieter than? +Which size pans are too large for day to day cooking? +What are the main measurements of the Joey? +What type of set did the new one replace? +Who did the purchaser purchase an additional travel mug for? +Why did the author buy this new waffle maker? +What is the product? +How many slices of bread can you toast at once? +How does the writer describe the product? +What kind of counting feature does the timer have? +How much thicker is it? +How many canisters were purchased? +What product did they buy for their mattress? +How long does the container keep water chilled? +Where is the beer going to be poured out? +How did the reviewer obtain this product? +Who's condo tree was cleaned with this? +What did the reviewer pay for this lunchbox? +With the older fans, about how many nights' use do you get on battery power? +Even thought the product is labeled as a larger room heater, the reviewer describes it as what? +How good is the smaller item? +How does this product differ than other product on the market? +What has to be done every time with the filter? +How many years did their first pair last? +What items can be stored in it? +What is the issue with this product? +What is the brand of this product? +What are the two wattage settings of the product? +What does the writer use it for? What did this person buy? -What color is their holiday china? -What color is their everyday china? -How long have they been using the china? -What kind of cook is the author? -What vegetables do they add to everything? -How many stars did the author give the product? -What is the product food for? -How much can you chop at one time? -What does the author say these are nicer than? -What does the author say to do besides read the directions? -What is the real problem the customer is dealing with? -Where does the customers sink sit? -What catches in the drawer? -What kind of vaccum has the author used in the past -How old was the vaccum they have used in the past -What color are the dust lights -What did the customer like on the canister? -What did they like about the dust bin? -What kind of pillow does the customer like? -How big of a hole did the customer cut into the middle of the pillow? -What did they like about the high fluff pillow? -What is the other pillow good for? -How deep was the hole the customer cut in the pillow -What kind of electric kettle did the customer buy? -When did they buy their last kettle? -What will the customer use boiling water for on the stove? -The interior of the kettle is what? -What kind of coffeemaker does the customer use? -What cookware am I talking about? -What keeps the steam and water on this slow cooker? -Why did I avoid to get a dutch oven? -What do I like to cook with all the vegetables? -Where can the slow cooker be used in addition to a basic slow cooker? -Has everything you need to insall the system included? -What is basically needed to inserted into you main water line? -What do they call the system? -What are needed to install the system properly? -Who do I expect the system for? -What have I broken in the house? -What did I try and find unstable? -Who recommeded the stainless steel cups? -What is the new pair of cups made of? -How many these cups did I order again? -When did I use the pan for the first time? -Where did I buy the pan? -What is the price of the pan the day after I ordered it? -How much did I pay for the pan? -How long have I watched the pan on Amazon? -What on the can holds the bag securely? -How big is my place? -What brand can do I have for another location? -What kind of can do I dislike? -Where are wheels under the can? -What has the reviewer used this product for? -What did reviews warn of? -Aside from a pan cover, what has the reviewer used this product for? -What causes it to get hot? -What rating did the reviewer give? -When did the reviewer get this product? -What chores was the reviewer hoping to make easier? -How many chores was the reviewer hoping this product would make easier? -What is a big plus about the product? -What does the user think of the product? -What is the product the reviewer bought? -Where does the reviewer use the trash can at? -How long ago did the reviewer buy the trash can? -What does the trash can do without the user having to touch it? -Where is the trash can in the kitchen? -What does the reviewer use the pot for? -How much liquid does the pot hold? -What does the depth make the pot useful for? -What did one reviewer complain about? -What has the reviewer used in the past? -How many speed settings does this blender have? -What type of fruit can this blender handle? -What show is this blender used on? -How long is the warranty for? -What product does the reviewer really like? +What material is the storage bag made from? +What company did the author contact? +What is the best thing about this pie slicer? +What is the writer afraid could happen to the product? Why did the reviewer give the producct 3 stars? -What rating did the reviewer give? -What has the user tried to restore the color? -What does the product work good for? -What is the gender of the reviewer? -What size range won't work for this mitt? -What does the product not work good for? -What did the reviewer use in place of vanilla? -How many cupcakes did the reviewer make? -What didn't happen despite the cupcakes being cooked? -What does the reviewer think of the product? -What does the reviewer love? -What does the reviewer drink from with the mason jars? -What does the reviewer use mason jars for? -What is the straw from the top made of? -What does the reviewer recommend others get? -Why did the reviewer buy this product? -What doesn't the reviewer use? -Why can't the reviewer handle the old mixing bowls? -What type of bowl is this? -What does the bowl have that makes it easier to use? -What did I have -What was the bag made of? -What was the bag rolling -What was the only hassle -What is an annoying problem? -What is on the bottom? -What has locks? -What is fantastic? -How does it compare to other racks? -What is textured? -What does it hold more of? -How many shoes can it fit? -What is the spatula good for? -What is beveled? -What kind of foods is it useful for? -What kind of pan should be used? -How is it described? -What is it worth? -What could have been used locally? -What is no more? -How many have they bought? -Who is it for? -Where do you put it? -Is there a warranty? -Where is it made? -What is one way the fan can be used while camping? -Why did the reviewer buy the fan? -What is the size when it is folded? -How many batteries does it need to run? -Where is it kept all the time? -Where is the seam located? -Where is the napkin holder being used? -What makes the napkin holder even better? -Who would the set make a great gift for? -What is the only downside? -What are the containers made of? -What was the rating given? -What can you use an immersion blender for? -Which attachment is not very strong? -What part will melt in a very hot soup? -What would the reviewer never try to do with the immersion blender? -What is wrong with his municipalities water? -How long does it take a glass of water to settle? -How long is the filter good for? -How long does it take to have a half-gallon of good water? -What do I sometimes forget? -What is gone? -what do you do after you place banana down? -What is surprising? -What did we use? -What did I never want? -What was I interested in? -Where did I come across this appliance? -Why did I purchase this steam mop? -Where does the mop head stay? -Why am I giving it two stars? -What do I hate? -What is it better suited for? -Why did I buy this? -What is my only real gripe -What happens if you don't have enough material inside to balance it out? -Why should this be a 5 star product? -Who put this together? -What is the only tool you need? -How much time did we need? -What kind of better mechanism does this product have? -What kind of wash does the instructions say to only use? -What could be ruined if not careful with rejoining the two pieces? -How many times has the reviewer used the product in the last few weeks? -How big is the measuring device that the reviewer has? -Did the reviewer buy the product through Amazon? -How many dogs does the reviewer have? -What was the reviewer first using that took a lot of effort and work to clean the floors.? -According to the reviewer what would be more convenient if you don't have pets? -What does the reviewer think should be larger? -What did the reviewer purchase? -For which brand stove did the reviewer purchase the product for? -How does the reviewer suggest that you cure the griddle? -How many burners does the reviewers Coleman stove have? -Where did the reviewer go that everyone was surprised of the end product? -Was the cabinet easy to put together? -What tool did the reviewer find useful in putting the cabinet together? -How many people does the reviewer suggest it takes to assemble the cabinet? -What is the reviewer disappointed by? -How big is the gap between the doors? -what rating did the reviewer give the product? -what are the extra large bags good for? -what size bag did the review use to send to his sister? -which type of bags does the reviewer not like? -what two size bags will the reviewer try to find the next time he purchases bags? -What is the writer's main complaint with the item? -What sounds do the units make? -In what inaccurate way is this machine described in publicity? -How many did the writer order? -How many did they keep? -What did the writer put in the item to test it? -How long it left there before slicing it? -How much of the tomato is left now? -How long has it been since the tomato experiment started? -What condition is the remaining part id the tomato in? -For how long was the Roomba operating optimally? -How long have they had the Roomba? -What is the usual method of cleaning the Roomba? -Who does a more thorough cleaning job? -On what surface have they found the Roomba ineffective? -Are these sheets lightweight? -What about sheets is often misrepresented? -What did the writer do upon receiving this set? -How long did it take for the wrinkles to disappear? -What size are these sheets? -Why are the filters the exact correct size? -How did the writer maintain the filters before buying new ones? -ow long have they been doing that? -How much longer do they want to use the vacuum? -In addition to measuring spoon, what did I purchase? -In addition to measuring cups, what did I purchase? -Where do the dirt hide in spoons and cups in general? -What keep spoons together in the drawer? -What do the spoon heads look like? -What do I want to do at home? -What temperature did I use to bake? -How long do the mini-loaf need to bake? -What do I use to make loaves at home? -How many rolls can this loaf pan produce? -What coffee grinder am I using? -How long have I used the Melitta 80395 Burr Grinder? -What coffeemaker do my friend have? -What is the price of a pound of ground coffee? -What coffee grinder has the shrieking whir noise? -What did I use? -How should the expensive shirts be cleaned? -What is my experience when it comes tosteaming clothes? -In addition to my technique, what do I think these issues are due to? +Grated milk and dark chocolate with raspberry sauce might be associated with what food item? +What's the inside made of? +How does the water taste now? +What insulates your hand from the heat when you hold the egg? +What kind of feet does the shelf has? +what does the outside of the machine feel like? +what material flipper did he not want to use? +How much faster is Ecopure? +What brand of knife is being reviewed? What is the first issue that I noticed? -What is the purpose to buy these cloths? -When will I throw them out? +Where did they buy this item? +What is the writer studying? +What do they dislike about the product? +how much did the writer pay for the product? +What is not included with the coffeemaker? +what kind of sleepers are these pillows not good for according to the writer? +What knives are they? +What product is being reviewed here? +What kind of items are the hangars best used for? +What kind of cup does the reviewer own? +What kind of list did the reviewer put the product on? +What else can the bamboo utensils be used for beside travelling? +How many of these did the reader get? +What color are the sheets that the author purchased? +What pops out when you place laundry in the hamper? +What did the reviewer's wife want for Christmas? +When did the reviewer first obtain the carafe? +Is there any waste? +How much can fit inside the toaster? +What were the cabinets to be used for? +What did the purchaser user to try to push this down the rest of the way? +Where was the oven bought from? +What is the length of the shower curtain that was purchased? +Why does the person's son likes the water that freezes in the tray? +What is the maximum area that the portable A/C unit able to cool? +what are the lids okay for? +Is there a product with a better design than the NuWave? +How old is the Cuisinart? +What am I in the process of? +How does the writer feel about the purchase? +What does the hose not do? +What is the reviewer's favorite coffee maker? +What did the person used constantly? +Does the product feel more like a real bed or a blowup? +What type of cooking apparatus is lacking in the RV? +What color was the jar? +What can be irritating? +What is it important to do with the product? +How many cups would the item hold without lids? +What color is the basket? +what version did they get? +What animal does she weigh before the vet? +Where do I roll the clove in ? +What is the color of the sheets? +What kind of motor does it have? +What happened when the bowl was kept in the freezer that is attached to the refrigerator? +What brand makes this vacuum? +When do they use the processor? +How long have they been looking for a new set? +What activities does the person undertake while storing wine in their backpack? +What kind of set did the reviewer get? +What is the name of the vacuum bags? +What cause the machine to make a horrible sound? +How long has the author had the pillows? +How is the performance of the product? +Another good quality of this griddle is that it heats very what? +What did the author buy from Amazon? +how much you rate for the product? +How does the author feel about this product? +What brand of lids fit the pan? +How is the knife for cutting? +What can be used to thin out thicker brands of chocolate? +What was added to a baking toolbox? +What produce does the person frequently juice? +How long have they been using the china? +How big is the floor? +is it curved or straight? +Where did this person end up buying a different product? +According to the reviewer did the product they receive look like the one pictured? +How much rice goes in? +What is a problem when used as a table top fan? +According to the reviewer , it is too small to hold what amount of food? +Where did they buy their butcher block? +What item did not drag the ground? +What kind of foods are put in with this scraper into what you are cooking? +What noise level is this unit? +What did they test the thermometers in? +What recommendation is made by the reviewer to prospective buyers of the same unit? +Which is quicker? +The extra step that the user has to take is described as being what? +What the roasted chicken turns out? +What happened to the wood when it was being put together? +does the batter stick? +What products are well made and have a storage case for the discs? +What does this have more of compared to single ply pans? +How many times has the reviewer had to change the bag? +How can you activate the super-fast scroll? +Are attachments available? +How many washclothes did the author recceive? +How was the product designed? +What did they see in Crate and Barrell? +What color of bedskirts did they buy? +what did they use to cut away excess? +How many sets were bought? +Who was the pillow cover purchased for? +what makes the scraper easy to use? +what kind of heating is provided by the pans? +What type of fruit can this blender handle? +What brand of throw has the reviewer been using for years? +When do they sharpen their knives? +What happens when the clove comes out of the tube? +Which kind of quality is the waffle maker? +What do they make? +What is the price of the repair to the mixer? +Keeping the serving sizes reasonable helps to what? +What is the handle made out of? +What material was the purchaser hoping to avoid? +How many years supply of sea salt does the product have? +can you use cooking spray? +what brand is the pie crust maker? +How are these pans best cleaned? +How long has the writer had the cup? +How many stars does the Reviewer Want to give the product? +What did I buy? +What comes out perfect? +How often did reviewer's mom used to make tea and coffee? +What did the toaster do to the counter? +What temperature liquids does the cup hold? +what is the writer using the product to organize? +how many button presses does it take to reset? +Why did the writer change his rating? +What is one thing you need to be mindful of? +Are you happy with the product? +What needs to stop before you can easily lift up the top of the can? +How is the look of the fans? +What was the first thing done when the item arrived? +when does the reviewer change his/her lighting? +How does the writer use to get rid of particles being stuck in the grating? +Where are plug points located in a cubicle? +What country is the pan manufactured in? +What product do they use on the cleaning item to clean the pan? +What type of product is the person reviewing? +Who did the reviewer turn to for assistance? +how big is the whisk? +Whose name appears on the blade of the butter knife? +What caution is given about the potholders? +how much cheerios cereal can fit in the 5 inch bowl? +Does the customer like her replacement? +What is the BTU of the first model? +What seems to be making them break easily? +This product is not as loud as what? +What show is this blender used on? +How did the pillows hold up after 30 days? +Does the nonstick work +What kind of fabric is the blanket made of? +How did the eggs cook? +What item was going slimy with no good place to store it? +How much chocolate is needed to get this going correctly? +What is the brand of the item I got? +What wouldn't go away? +What kind of deposits build up in the kettle? +What is the item being reviewed? +What kind of bottom does the product have? +What material would the main compartment be considered to this buyer? +is it crushes the ice? +How many muffin pans did the reviewer buy? +The device needs ventilation so it can dispose of what? +How difficult is the tool to clean? +What is different about the timer? Why woudn't I use them as my main or guest washcloths? -For what woudn't I use the washcloths? -How often does the person use a clean washcloth if he thinks the washcloths are good for him? -how long has the writer owned the product? -what material is the product made out of? -what gas is contained in the product? -doing what action lets you hear the Freon inside the product? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what type of bread gives the writer he most problems when using this product? -what does the writer use the product mainly for? -what aspect is the writer looking for a more powerful version of in this product? -what feature gives the writer the most trouble when using the product? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what tool does the writer suggest you use to clean this product? -the writer owns what size of utility knife? -what was the writers original review? -the writer owns what size of chef's knife? -what material pans does the writer have in both 10 and 12"? -what brand product is the review about? -how did the writer receive this product? -how many children does the writer have? -What sizes of copper core pans does the writer own? -in what manner does the writer suggest you treat the product to prevent it falling off? -who does the writer live with? -what appliance does the product help writer to know when to use? -what does the user think of the product overall? -Where do the Snauzers reside? -What type of rugs are cleaned? -What is the texture of the cat food? -How many Siamese cats live in the house? -What kind of brushing is used to clean the soft filter? -What is the type of writer the writer is? -What specifically could have been written better? -What type of noise will the bolts create after some time of usage? -In the future, what may need to be re-tightened? -Which tool is used to tighten the bolts? -What was the decanter doing that people didn't like? -Who created the coffee pot? -What was the second rating given to the coffee pot after a couple months of usage? -What feature of the decanter works well? -What kitchen item was broken? -What was done before purchasing the product? -What kind of cooking tasks is the product suggested for? -What product was needed for the kitchen? -How big is the cutting board? -What kind of soup was cooked in the pot? -What tool was used to clean the pot? -What liquid was the roast deglazed with? -How long did the recipe take? -Which vegetables joined the pot roast? -What is the problem with The Dorkfood with respect to temperature setting? -How can we find out conversion of Fahrenheit into Celsius? -What does the writer recommend to use in conjunction with The Dorkfood? -What rating does the writer give to The Dorkfood? -How crappy is the temp button? -What did the writer find out from some bad reviews? -Which part of the vacuum did the writer find problematic? -What did the writer do which sped up the process of replacing the handle? -Where does the writer avoid using the vacuum? -What does the writer do to secure the new handle? -Why didn't the writer buy the blender online? -What is the greatest advantage of the blender? -How is the booklet containing recipes designed? -What did the writer make with the blender? -How satisfied was the writer with the blender? -How did the writer find out that the rubber doesn't make a tight seal? -When should the cork be thrown away? -How can be sealed cork be tested? -Where did the writer buy a good lever mechanism break? -How long has the writer been using the lever mechanism break? -What is the writer going to replace? -Where can repair kits be purchased? -Where did the writer buy things to repair the blinds? -What did the writer find out about the new blinds? -How many vanes did the writer fix? -How long did the author's old kettle last? -What does the kettle do automatically? -What should be combined with water to clean this product? -What type of deposits can build up in the product? -What part of the kettle is removable for cleaning? -What did the author learn to make a few years ago? -What type of pasta machine did the author previously use? -What requires most of the effort when creating pasta? -What type of speed was the author worried about with this product? -What nationality produces this machine? -How many of these products did the author purchase? -What age group does the author think these are best for? -Where did the author used to put plates, but it always made a mess? -What can an adult easily do to this product due to its lack of stiffness? -Who sometimes uses the product to help with coloring? -What brand of processors has the author owned over the years? -What types of tasks are the big processors poorly suited for? -What can the processor do to salad dressings quite well? -What two things can the processor do to garlic and rosemary very efficiently? -How many mini-preps has the author owned in the past? -How many people are in the author's family? -What sweet powder does the author store in this product? -What sticky lunch item made from a nut does the author store in this product? -What size-related complaint did some people have about the containers? -What island meal does the author make using leftover toppings? -The author states what everyone loves is? -What does a good baking tool make for the process? -How much delicious sweat treats from scratch can Freshware help create? -What type of candy mold does it utilize? -What is the name of the product? -The author claims that it is not a sturdy piece of? -What did the reviewers state about the product? -Why did the author choose not to receive it? -What else does the reviewers state about the product? -What would happen if the product came down onto the cat? -How many did the author purchase? -What do the shelves get? -What is on the closet floor? -How is the product's assembly defined in terms of difficulty? -What color is the liner? -What is the product known for being in the market? -How are the sides defined as? -What will happen to the food if you do not pack it properly? -Is the zipper easy to use? -How long does the product state food items are kept insulated for? -Is the author pleased with the product? -How long has the author used the product for? -What is the mattress effective from? -Are there any sounds when you lay on the bed? -What is the sizing of the bed? -Is the lookalike soap dish the same size as the real one? -What additional feature does the fake dish have that the real one hasn't? -How would the suction cup effect the stability of the soap dish? -Is the writer keeping the item they received? -How long ago did they order the soap dish? -What is the ice cube tray made of? -How do these cubes compare in size to regular ones. -How does the performance of the regular cubes compare to that of the bigger ones? -Does the writer want to get more of these trays? -Are people realistic about how good these trays are? -How could this item be improved? -What is the writer's sink made of? -How would the writer like the rack improved? -How does this item keep from molding? -Is this item inclined to oxidize? -What are most funnels made of? -How many of these did the reader get? -What added feature does this item have? -Why does the writer strain their oil? -Were these dull when received? -What items would be a good addition to one's bar? -What items did this one replace? -What should be used to wash these so these don't get lost in the dishwasher? -What did the writer do when receiving this item? -What is the rating do I give for the coffe maker? -How much does the new coffe maker cost than the old one? -Where has a problem in the old coffemaker? -What kind of coffee maker have I always had? -What coffee maker is my economical coffee maker like? -What did I initially buy? -How much protein mix shake can the shaker do? -Why did I buy a glass shaker? -What is the problem that some others have with the shaker?? -How many shakers did I buy? -What is defective in my steamer? -What do I want to cook at same time? +Did they have to buy batteries separately? +What items can you cook in the oven? +What was used to test the new measuring cups? +How many were bought? +What will they also buy for the pan? +Why did the reviewer buy the "animal" one? +What was the mixer used for? +Do the pillow flatten over time? +What is it big enough to measure? +What does the author love? +What part of this device helps the person adjust it remotely? +What vaccum cleaner do I have before buying the Hoover one? +What material is the set made of? +What is the main issue the reviewer has with the skillet? +What allows for a narrower width? +Are these filters different or identical to the expensive ones? +How large is the user's kitchen? +What gets the stairs clean? +What was wasted after buying the sifter? +How was the customer service? +How long have they had the blender? +Who assembled the glass shelves? +What did I buy this machine for? +Which parts of the deep fryer are not allowed to be washed in the dishwasher? +Fans of what movie would lie this pizza cutter? +What do they freeze? +How did the writer figure out the weight of a diamond of the dimensions of their stone? +Does the cooker work well for boiling eggs? +What kind of pet do they have? +What is being reviewed? +Why did the kettle have to be returned? +What did I use to mix the eggs before? +How many did he buy? How much did I pay for the steamer? -When did I find the seal is not fixed? -What do you need to return the steamer? -Who gived this to me as a gift? -What is our relationship when he gived me the gift? -What can the gift do? -When did I buy a second one? -Why were we dating? -What problems do others have? -What do these pads fit? -What do I hope for the pads after washing? -How many times did I use the pad? -How many pads do I plan to buy more? -What are most of the problems a result of? -How long does it take to cook a sheet full of cookies? -How many cookies can you make in a minute? -Is the video of good quality to teach you? -Is it easy to put in? -Can you use the pre-sealed K-cup at the same time? -Does the top come off of the new basket? -How much does this cost? -Is this included with the Keurig machine? -How many BTUs is the unit? +What kind of coffeemaker does the customer use? +What brand is the product being reviewed? +Should the user put crushed or cubed ice into the blender? +Where should the motor be seated? +how many pans has the author bought +what does the writer believe will happen to product based on the strength of the materials? +How does the scale seem to measure? +After what will these pots cook great? +How many times a day has the speaker been using the timer? +how many sets were purchased? Does it have a pleasant sound? -Is it fairly inexpensive? -Does it come with a remote? -How do the bottoms of baked goods end up? -Is there a difference in the quality? -Is there a considerable size difference? -Is there a difference in the speed of cooking? -Does it make cleaning easy? -How much does this cost? -Is it built for the winter? -Is it worth the $5.99? -How long does it last? -What brand name of the meat thermometer did the writer use? -What problem does the meat thermometer have? -How does the probe reading become due to cracking of the insulating material? -Where did the writer buy a new meat thermometer? -How often does the writer grill meat? -What good features did the writer find out about a new kitchen fan? -Which appliance is damaged? -How long has the writer been using the old kitchen ceiling fan? -Why is the writer indecisive about whether to buy a new kitchen fan or not? -Why does the writer concern about the choice of ceiling fans? -What was the writer using for baking in the past? -How do new baking sheets make baking easier? -How to clean up the new baking sheets? -What else has to be checked beside measurements of the baking sheets? -What kind of ovens are smaller than used to be? -What does the writer give their friends to drink when they come over? -How can you drink beer with the Chillsner popped in? -What are the proper steps to insert the Chillsner into the beer? +How long had they gone without eating soft boiled eggs? +How long has the reviewer owned the FD5? +Why did the person buy the vacuum? +What qualities of the grinder were the main reason for the purchase? +How tall is the user? +What does this product help control? +What is not a guarantee for an expensive coffee maker? +How does the product's color compare to what the person expected? +How does the cost compare to non-hand held products? +Where does the author plan on using the product? +What type of milk does the author plan to test in the future? +Unfortunately the customer saus that it is hard to? +How many reviewers are cited? +How is the knife sharperner sharpened the purchaser purchased? +What makes it easy to clean? +What does the manual say to never use on the new model? +Is the heater loud? +How many times did they have to use a glue remover? +How often do the filters need to be replaced? +What material did Pyrex and Anchor Hocking stop using? +What brand of coffee maker had a cone style filter? +Which brand is talked about? +How long is the warranty? +Before using the breadbox, what was a big issue that had an improvised solution of using zip-locks? +After unpacking why was the ring submersed in soapy water? +What do you need to do to the handle? +What was the bag rolling +In what room of the house did the cat make a mess? +what did they use to make the beads? +what price point was the product? +what product is the writer reviewing? +what is more powerful than the Waring Professional blender? +what can be dont to make the peppermill last longer? +What is the user going to do to possibly fix the gritty issue? +What kind of grinder did the writer use before? +What tip does the reviewer share to get the best ice cream? +What is the brand the customer bought? +Is disassembly and cleaning easy? +What did the reviewer and her husband have to do? +what type of mug is it? +What is being reviewed in the article? +What is the mesh? +What kind of meat do they use this thermometer for? +How much does the item hold? +What 3 types have cereal have been stored so far? +What are rust free? +What do they want to do to their pans? +What are their large pieces of in addition to the grinds? +What kind of floors are on the second floor? +How many ounces do the giant cans of tomatoes have? +How long ago was the Oster cooker purchased? +What is the disadvantage of the feature? +What was purchased? +How long have they had this item for? What happens if the chillsner is inserted too quickly into the beer? -What makes a beer cold and drinkable? -How is the writer pleased with the food cooked with the electric wok? -Who has the writer been recommending to buy the wok? -What can be found on the lid? -How satisfied is the writer with the wok? -What does the writer avoid to use to prevent scratching of the wok? -What accessory for Keurig is the author advocating for? -Does the author suggest anything for the accessory lid? -What happened when the author left the accessory lid loose? -Do you need to grind up the coffee beans? -Do you need to buy special beans for the accessory? -How many times did the author partake of the juice? -What happened to the motor on the sixth use? -Did the author fix the motor? -How long has the author had the juicer? -What is the product quality? -Is the product a one trick pony? -Is the product expensive? -Is the product flimsy? -What product is the author talking about? -Does the product need adhesive? -Does the author recommend it for bath tubs with 90 degree angles? -Can it be taken out of position easily? -What is the weight capacity of the product? -What other product does the author have that is long lasting? -Where did the author purchase the item? -How long has the author had the older product? -Where was the other product made? -What size is it rated for? -Is anything included with it? -What holiday was this received by? -What type of pie was cooked? -What was the size of the pumpkin pie? -How long does it take? -What kind of motor does it have? -How many pounds of wheat dough can it hold? -What size is the slicing blade? +Does it take up a lot of space +What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? +How did the product look upon arrival? +Is the customer happy with the blender or unsatisfied? +How does the reviewer suggest that you cure the griddle? +How does it work? +What did the author say that you shouldn't be slowed from doing? +How much does a 4 pack of bags cost on Amazon? +How should you store the dishes? +What year did the author's first Kitchen Aid stop working? +Overall, how does the reviewer like the filters? +How many sets did they order? +does the product damage vegetables? +What is liked about the kettle? +how many batteries does the product come with? +What amount of stars does the reviewer give the maker? +What happens to food cooked in the Cuisinart Wok after it gets hot and it starts to stick? +what do you need to be careful about? +How many pads do I plan to buy more? +How will they use it? +how long has the user had this salad kit? +Are the humidifiers silent? +What will no go back on the cans? +How many stackable cooling racks come in a set? +What went everywhere when the maker blew open? +What is it perfect for displaying? +Was the product well received? +what brand name is the product? +How does the reviewer describe the weight of the cutting board? +what is one con about the T-Fal +What kind of reputation do they still count on to prove reviews wrong? +How is the cupcake holder described as? +How is the non-stick coating? +What did it come wrapped in? +What did the reviewer do with the jar? +What is the product? +What does the reviewer think of the product? +What other items can the scale weight? +What will last for years to come? +What is the reason for uneven cuts? +What three things is the product right out of the box? +How tall is the Westpointe High Velocity Fan? +How heavy is the scale? +What does the writer like about the product? +What is the brand name of the rice cooker purchased? +How long have they had it? +How often does the author bring out her actual vacuum? +At what lowest level does the bread still burn? +How well does the seal keep liquid in? +What would be cute? +Where is the can opener made? +How is the aesthetics on this product? +What did the listing say it should be, but it wasn't? +What did this person order that wasn't intact? +What types of pans are these? +What happened when it was turned on? +How does the customer know the product is durable? +What is being reviewed? +What size mugs does the IngenuiTEA work with? +What is the ice cube tray made of? What brand is it? -How many pieces were in the set? -what kind of indentation does it have? -How many pieces are the spatulas themselves? -What are the spatulas made of? -How many can you make? -How many cups does it make? -What does it prevent? -How were the reviews? -What is the product made of? -What is the product made for? -Does the product work? -Is the product aesthetically pleasing? -How many conditions does the author have? -What material must the product be made out of? -How many people must the product be able to handle? -Does the product need to be small enough to go inside of anything? -Is there a color requirement for the product? -What is the author talking about? -What is the products primary task? -What does the author's significant other like about the product? -How long have they had the product? -Why did the author get the product? -Was the product cheaply made? -How was the product's design described? -Where is the author taking another product to? -What is the author's feelings toward the product? -What is causing the author's issue? -What is the author's primary issue with the product? -How much did the product cost the author? -Did the author keep the product? -What did the author contribute to in their hometown? -Are the cages flimsy? -Was the cage dull looking? -What does the author proclaim that the globe of corks will do? -What was described as what the doctor ordered? -What did I use to make pancake? -What did I make? -When did I start cooking with the cast iron pan? -What smell comes from the pan when it gets very hot? -What do I hope to go away for the pan? -Who am I? -What is the finish of the legs? -What do I really have to have? -What rating would I given if the board can be used on uneven floor? -Where should the iron be put when it is not using? -What is the quality of the mesh? -Which store should I go to check out other types of tea balls? -In addition to my ofice, where did I purchase the tea balls for? -How many tea balls did I buy? -What should I have listened to? -What did we make at home? -What did we use to make waffle? -What did the waffles we made taste outside? -What did we use to raise waffle? -Where did we get the waffle recipe? -What size of model would choose? -In my experience, how long will a 8 hours suggested cooking time turn out to be? -In my experience, what takes a lot longer time than most "long cooking" recipe times? -How long should the potatoes and carrots be microwaved before adding to the pot when making stews? -When should the delicate items like peas be added when making stews? -Does the peeler work on apples? -Does it work well? -How much of the apple is hard to peel? -How much of the apple does it work on? -What color is the dresser? -What happened to the wood when it was being put together? -What type of quality is the dresser? -How long did the replacement take to arrive? -What are the sliders made of? -What color is the product? -Does the recipe for gingerale contain milk? -How many waffles does the recipe make? -How long does it take to cook? -What shape was the banana slicer? -What type of genitalia did it resemble? -Who purchased the device? -What were the sliced bananas for? -What do these work for? -Is cold temperature an issue? -How are they washed? -Do the get misshapen? -What country does their daughter travel to? -What brand is their rice cooker from? -What did this person buy? -How pleased are they with the rice cooker? -When did they give an updated review? -What did this person buy? -What is the width of the lids? -Who made these lids? -What did this person buy? -What is messy? -What line of products does this belong to? -What brand is the sugar keeper from? -What did this person buy? -How much can fit inside the toaster? -What did the toaster do to the counter? -What did they put on the bottom of the toaster? -How much did they order? -How did the product arrive? -What did they use the product for? -What size fits inside the product? -What will happen if you are continuously exposed to melamine? -Melamine can cause irritation to what parts of the body? -What did this person do research on? -What is a lethal dose of melamine if ingested? -What kind of shears should people buy if they sew? -How do pinking shears cut? -What is the benefit of a zig-zag edge? -What do the handles of the shears feel like? -What did this person buy? -Who can use this beer kit? -How many beers can you make at a time? -How much clorox do you need in order to clean the kit? -What is this person's body size? +Who bought the item for the reviewer? +Which guidlines did the user follow? +What does he think Amazon should do about it? +What feature makes the product the most complicated and cumbersome? +When the timer goes off and the toaster turns off what happens? +What kind of kettle is it? +What happened to the small piece that hooks and holds up the piece that fits on top of the filter? +What does the on/off switch help? +How many of the items did the purchaser purchase? +What do you need to use on some materials? +How long did the purchaser say was the warranty? +What occasion might the over mitts make a nice gift for? +Do they like the vacuum? +In order to use the squeeze, what is the direction of the fruit supposed to be? +What color does the author believe is the most atrractive color? +Does the filter fits perfectly? +what are the actual dimensions of the new wine cellar? +What type of cat does not go well with new off-white carpeting? +Will this cut through a pizza without difficulty? +What is the item made up of? +Adding what to the water keeps the rice from browning too much? +Why does the lid almost always stay on? +What kind of blade is the green one? +What function does the lid excel in? +What is nice about the perforated loaf pan? +What's the highest the super-fast scroll goes to? +The customer was happy that the switch was located where? +Who did the the requester contact after the second cup was received, to report the problem? +How long before reviewer threw the pillow away? +What did the pump sound like? +how does the user describe the handles? +What is great about the appearance? +What does the writer caution about the knife? +What is the dehumidifier quieter than according to the author? +What else did they use the oil on? +What position does she normally sleep in? +What kind of tiny jobs do they need the vacuum for? +How long has the user been loyal to shi brand? +How many coffee drinkers are there? +what room of the house is a good location to keep this machine? +Another great quality the vacuum has is its ability to do what? +What is the product food for? +Do the results come out different every time? +What is the product? +Who installed the cabinets? +What rating would the author give the CDN if it holds up after time? +Where did the baster come from? +If the author's hands don't fit to clean the kettle, what will the author use? +what kind of timer did they have before +What did the manufacturer of the travel mug not do as it pertains to the lid? +What was the color of the coating the threads were covered with? +What reason did the auhtore think that the blanket was not working? +What are soft and great for the price? +What size bottles is the stopper designed to provide a tight seal on? +Besides jam, apple sauce, and apple pieces, what else has been cooked in the pan? +What is the proper posture to hold the knife? +How many days did the vinyl smell take to dissipate? +What brand is the new machine? +What phrase describes the cost of the toaster oven? +How long has the poster used this product? +For how long did the blender work? +What didn't the item fit into in the reviewers home? +How long did the person vacuum for? +How much time can the clock lose over the course of a battery set? +What was the safe capacity of the cup? +How many pieces did I buy to hang things? +How many tablespoons are in one compartment of the organizer? +The shakers that salt ate through were made of what? +The customer once used this type of rag? +what is it made from? +Where the item made by? +what came out a year ago? +what is used often? +How many does it store +What about a vacuum made them hate vacuuming originally? +Where did the author decided to put the laundry basket? +How is the feeling of the towel? +What else does the reviewers state about the product? +was the knife purchase a good or bad value? +What does the user not like about the pillow case? +Which is heavier, a real or fake diamond? +Is there anything to use to remove the odor? +What is set on top of the board? +What type of timer does it have? +Which size of product would not fit in this bag? +What should be used to trim the bent plastic stems? +What does a pan need? +Is it built for the winter? +What brand of product is the person reviewing? +What did the first silicone spatula have that the second one did not have? +How many months has the author had their set? +What is the organizer used for? +What did the reviewer wish for? +What size bed does the author have? +What well known brand does the user compare this product to when it comes to it's "non-stick properties? +who could this be a danger for? +What can it transport across easily? +How quickly did the blanket die? +The customer states that the vacuum works the best on what kind of floors? +This flatware set contains what kind of forks? +What is being reviewed? +What version of this product are they reviewing? +How old was their old set? +What do they use the item for? +What length is the cord? +What type of knife did they buy? +What color did they end up going with to match their room? +What type of device is the Roomba? +what size bottles do they hold? +How difficult is it to wash this item? +How much coffee can you grind in five minute intervals? +What brand of ice cream scoop is this? +How many tablespoons of coffee did they use per cup? +What removable item keeps the cups together when not in use? +What was not included? +What is really lightweight? +What might you sign up for to go on a buying binge? +Did several pods make a difference? +What is the brand of pillow protectors? +What tastes best when it's served at a cool 50 to 60 degrees f? +how difficult is this juicer to use? +How does this person's husband want to feel in the morning? +How did the purchaser describe the travel mug in their hand? +What kind of finish does it have? +When did I buy the DeLonghi espresso maker? +What function does the review use for a stronger beverage? +What did the reviewer purchase? +Why did I purchase this steam mop? +Where does the author suggest decoration is needed? +What kept the product safe during shipping? +What does the author mostly use the product for? What did this person buy? -What kind of surface does the skillet have? -What is this person's gender? -How many units did this person buy? -How much did they pay for the products? -Why did this person buy these products? -Who will receive the gifts? -What did I order? -What color is the fiesta set? -What happened to the fiesta set because of Amazon's poor packaging? -What did I hear when I picked up my box? -Where did I order the fiesta set? -What vaccum cleaner do I have before buying the Hoover one? -What brand vaccum cleaner do I have before buying the Hoover one? -In addtion to the DC27, what brand vaccum cleaner do I have? -What would I have done for the Hoover vacuum cleaner if I hadn't already thrown away all the packaging? -For the price, which is a great deal? -How often do I cook? -How may members are there in my family? -What did I recently acquired? -What is the capacity of the dutch oven I acquired? -What is the dutch oven made of? -How old is my son? -Who will I purchase these for? -What will happen if my son helps prep food? -When would I use them supervised? -What quality is this product? -What roaster did I have before I got the red roaster? -What did I roast for the Thanksgiving? -What roaster did I get to replace the calphalon roaster? -What is the position of the turkey when starting the roast? -What makes the flip of turkey easy? -What is a pro? -How much pepper does it hold? -What is a con? +Which person is the buyer gifting the product to? +How long did it take to assemble? +What feature do they find very helpful? +The reviewer would have rated the product a 5, but unfortunately it was what when it arrived? +Can the item be used for painting? +How long has the person owned the hotplate? +What brand does the author compare her finished product to? +What are you able to rest the infuser on? +What will they no longer buy? +What did this person do to the K-cup? +how do the cubes have to be pushed out of the tray? +What causes the mixer to stop stirring from time to time? +What type of envelope were the items packaged in? +How many plys does the pan have? +What has small openings so the water can drain? +Does this product works fine with that brand of soap? +What happens quickly? +Why did they almost not buy it? +What is the brand of glass? +Why did the reviewer take off on star from the rating? What is it better at? -What is harder to clean? -What is it bad at? -What is a great selling point for the fryer? -What does it cook as well as? -What isn't clear? -What is a flaw? -How is the taste? -Does the cleaning take long? -How quickly does it cook? -What can you do to the popcorn? -Which is quicker? -What is the problem with the silicone roasting rack? -What does the writer expect the manufacturer to do if a big version of the silicone roasting rack is made? -What does the writer suggest the silicone roasting rack to improve? -What meats are too big to be baked using a silicone roasting rack? -What can the silicone roasting rack accommodate? -What food does the writer pack into their suitcase for travel? -What material are the utensils made of? -What keeps the utensils from rolling around in the luggage? -Which utensil from the bamboo set is plentiful? -What else can the bamboo utensils be used for beside travelling? -How many pounds of strawberries did the writer freeze? -How much blueberries juice did the writer get? -What material was the writer's old juicer made of? -How does the writer compare the cheaper juicer with the more expensive ones? -What extra thing comes with the new juicer? -What result is caused by the wide filter? -What filters can be used to diminish the sludge? -What feature of the filter does the writer question? -How does the writer wash the filter? -What special offer for the filter is currently available? -Where did the writer buy their old mug? -What material is the inside of the new mug made of? -What is the limitation of the new mug? -How strange does the writer find about the lid? -What is the writer's recommendation about the new mug? -How many free bags are included? -What kind of material is the trash can insert? -What off brand bag option is there? -What brand are the trash bags? -What rooms is this trash can good for? -What type of product is the writer not excited about? -What size is the writer's bedroom? -What did the reports say? -Is the fan more or less expensive than others? -Whose bottle is the product for? -How much should the product be filled? -How much water does the product hold? -What has unsatisfactory options? -Where does the product fit? -How many of this product did the writer buy? -Does the product feel more like a real bed or a blowup? -How long has the writer been using the product? -How old is the writer? -How often does the bed require air? -What kind of feet are on the bottom? +What issues did the reviewer have that they removed a star from the score? +What did this person decide to try? +How did they store the vacuum? +Who does the review think makes the best device? +When did the reviewer do to see the kids? +What type of version does the author have? +Is the coffee maker returnable? +What fabric does the bottom of the product feel like? +How long does the carafe claim to hold hot for? +Where was the item? +Why does the writer love Easy Lunch Boxes? +Can anything slip off of it? +Where does the customers sink sit? +What happened with some other pans? +Which type of Tofu works the best? +What color is the dresser? +What holds the bags to the trash can? +What is the failing of the carafe? What brand are the writer's knives? -Which slot is the widest? -What shape is the slot to the right of the widest slot? -What have i been drinking? -Where is pu-erh tea from? -How long have I been drinking pu-erh tea? -How many cups to I get? -How is the frame? -What was the delivery speed? -How does the frame feel? -What did I add? -How was Amazon customer service? -When was a replacement sent? -Why did I have to return the first Braun? -What is Braun suffering from as a company? -What am I in the process of? -Which was a perfect choice? -What do I appreciate especially? -How is the price? -How is the scale? -What prevents dirtying the scale? -What's one downside? -What has not been impacted? -What number was the tested tap water? -Where was the water tested? -How long does it take for them to drink all the water? -How many cups of water fit in the container? -Where did the reviewer state that the water would take on a taste if stored in? -What was the brand of the throw that the reviewer received? -What brand of throw has the reviewer been using for years? -What color was the Liz Claiborne throw according to the reviewer? -What color is the new Pinzon throw? -After the throw was washed, how did it come out of the dryer? -What brand pan does the reviewer use everyday? -How old is the reviewers pan? -What does the pan excel with as stated by the reviewer? -How clean is the pan according to the reviewer? -Where does the reviewers favorite pan have a permanent resting place? -How much does the requesters food processor cost? -What do the suction feet keep the processor from doing? -What part of the processor is a bit odd that the requester stated? -Wich disk is a nice edition to help the processor be a bit more helpful? -What does the suction cup act like, according to the requester? -What kind of cup does the reviewer own? -How long has the reviewer have the Copco cup for? -Who might have a problem with the lid according to the reviewer? -What problem did the reviewer have with the second Copco cup they bought? -Who did the the requester contact after the second cup was received, to report the problem? -What brand coffee maker do we have? -What brand coffee maker takes the number one position? -What filters do we highly recommend for the coffee maker? -How can you vary the strength of the coffee usnig this coffee maker? -Where do we mainly use the coffee maker? -What is my only complaint? -Why did we buy these? -What didn't I use? -How long were they supposed to use at first? -What did we buy extra? -What did I order? -What size is the timer? -How was the customer service? -What happened to the many timers I bought before this one? -What is the best timer I have ever used? -In my opinion, what pans are best? -What was I doing using the pan? -Without what, the pan won't work because of its coating? -What was I going to do after heating the pie shell partially? -Why did the dough on the side shrink down? -What are cheaply made? -Like what, air is nearly impossible to keep out? -How long will the space bags keep air out? -What bags are suggested for space saving? -What does a Contractor's bag cost? -What is the rice cooker perfect for? -When were additions made to the review? -What's important to remember when adding the olive oil before boiling? -What is sticky rice good for? -How many other rice cookers does the author own? -What space does the rack take in the cupboard? -What ruins the rack? -What type of plastic are the lids made of? -What price difference would there be between this deal and the other? -What brand sells better lids on bottles? -What was the author in search for? -What are two notable compliments the author made of this scale? -What two type of scales were compared? -What animal does she weigh before the vet? -What was the rating? -What color was the mixer? -What does the author describe as 'solid'? -what else did the author purchase? -What brand did the author mention? -What did the author say about the original attachments? -What doesn't cut it for the author? -how does the water taste? -What brand does the author mention? -What is one of the best features? -How does the water taste now? -What is the daughter pleased with? -What would they not work well for? -What kind of purchase are they? -Who graduated recently? -What did she want for Christmas? +how the product works? +How long has the author owned the product? +When it comes to baking, which is the daughter's top interest? +which type of bags does the reviewer not like? +What substance is recommended in case of burns? +What product is the reviewer writing about? +How old was the daughter when she started baking? +What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? +Is this vacuum expensive? +What country made this scoop? +How much was the coupon the customer recieved? +Why did the customer buy the product? +Is the spoon suitable for deep items? +How can the new knives be washed? +When did the author used to wake up? +What is the product known for being in the market? +what else can't you use on silicon mats? +What brand of cooker was purchased from Amazon? +What reviews were they reading about? +What does the manufacturer suggest using? +Do these break +How does the user know when to refill the reservoir? +What is the writer's favorite brand for pans? +What coffee grinder has the shrieking whir noise? +How many brands are better than All-Clad, according to the user? +what aspect of the product worried the writer when it first arrived? +Why did the author only give 4 stars? +What kind of pillow does the customer like? +What was amazingly comfortable? +What main function does the product serve with respect to various items? +Where did they find a new one? +How does the author feel about the quality? +What did the aquarium pump and timer cost? +Why are the filters the exact correct size? +How many times has the thermometer fallen off the reviewers pot? +What about the sheets does the poster love? +Which bag does this reviewer use the most? +How long should the shower curtain last? +What does it not contain? +According to this user, for what purpose is the product used? +What is on the closet floor? +What do they intent to replace in their kid's rooms? +how you like the invention? +What have people been saying about the frothers on the machine? +Is it loud or quiet on the low settings? +What makes basting and scooping out grease easier with this spoon? +What is great for an informal tea? +What does the author's business produce? +Where is this product description applicable? +what setting haven't they use? +What does the author like to make? +How hard are these pillows? +what is the size of the glass pan? +Where does the reviewer store the carafe? +What part of the product makes some noise while it is turned all the way up? +The name of the cookbook mentioned is? +Why is the writer indecisive about whether to buy a new kitchen fan or not? +How noisy is the juicer? +What is a benefit in comparison to cheaper cutting boards? +What do these work for? +What leads the reviewer to think the hamper will always be rectangular? +what washed off the measuring cups in the dish washer? +What design perk does the cord have? +Where di the user by this item from? +Is this a glass or plastic blender? +What do you want to do if you're sleeping in cold conditions? +What does the author use the bottom drawers for? +What material was their kitchen appliances? +When did the user update their review? +What product was the reviewer trying to avoid buying by purchasing this product? +What did the author purchase? +How long did the shark iron last? +How do you remove water from the scrubber? +What setting worked fine for toast? +How much assembly is needed? +Where should the iron be put when it is not using? +How big was the cut on the reviewers finger? +What brand is the pitcher? +What color is their everyday china? +How many cats does this reviewer have? +What part worked well enough? +What can cause it to feel like it will tip? +What is the user concerned about? +What was the author's initial complaint? +Why should you plan your counter top space? +What is the product being described? +Why I can't rate the durability of the item yet? +Why did the Bodum french press break? +What did they use to make butter? +How did the author touch up the bed ruffle? +Does the vacuum use bags? +What is the brand name? +Where was this review posted? +Can you use the vacuum on the steps? +Where does this person reside for half a year? +How many sq ft is the largest room this reviewer uses the product in? +What happened to the first mixer? +What did I want to buy? +What was well made? +How many templates come with the product? +What structure in the caddy help it to dry out? +What produces great hoagie rolls? +What does the reviewer plan to use to clean the ceramic-tile floor? +What does the product look like in the picture? +What would this buyer consider this bag to be rated? +What size bed does the author own? +Whose bottle is the product for? +What temperature are the gloves good for? +What condition was the product in? +How long has the user been using the thermos? +What sets the two Thermoworks apart? +How did the consumer get the boat? +What was the purchased product? +What type of action does the vacuum have? +How much was the Ionizer? +what happens when you set it to the lightest setting? +Which part of the product rattles? +What did the zenith require? +What recipe did the reviewer use to practice canning with this product? +How long did it take to blend? +How do these pans need to be cleaned? +For whom will I buy a egg timer? +What additional item did the consumer purchase to replace the jars? +What brand did they expect to like more than the purchased product? +What item are they reviewing? +Where is the Hoover made? +What do I want to cook at same time? +What side needs to be glued to make it stronger? +What is being reviewed? +What are visible on the trash can? +Who came to the author's rescue? +In the new pitcher, where are tea bags placed? +How often do they use the product? +The customer replaced all of their what hangers with these? +How is it shipped? +What does this get rid of? +This person intends to mount their fan where? +What's wrong with the drip tray? +Why did the reviewer suspect this country of origin? +What was missing from the cutters? +How does the mitts look in terms of pricing? +What product has solved their problem? +What kind of mix have they used in the blend? +Where did they order the item from? What changed the problems? -What could be left on the aluminum plate? -What is a con of the Egg Genie? -What sometimes will happen to the eggs? -What is better then frying the tortillas? -What can be put on them? -What can you use the Tortilla Bowls for? -Is it a lot of work? -What kinds of deserts can be made? -Where does the dog sleep? -What is depended on? -Where is the couch from? -What is high end? -Why was this item bought? -What was added to the yogurt? -What is expensive? -How long did the second batch take? -How did it come out? -Who provided this cutting board for review? -What is the review about? -Where do I clean the cutting board? -What does th knife make on the cutting board? -What cutting boards are not good? -What product did I swear I would never buy years ago? -Why did I swear I would never buy another Euro-Pro product years ago? -How long did I use it before it was dead? -How many times did I use it before it was dead? -When was my Ninja dead? -What is great about this shelf? -What kind of feet does the shelf has? -What color is the shelf wood? -What design of the shelf helps with little spills? -How long did it take to put together the shelf alone? -What did I buy? -What sharpener did I have before buying the new one? -What sharpener does the new one look like? -In which way is the new one different from the Smith's CCKS 2-step Knife Sharpener? -How is this sharpener for me? -What did I bought? -What won't the French press require to replace? -How does the coffee taste? -What did I love? -Why does the coffee stay hotte longer? -What is this review about? -How long did it take to prepare two waffles? -Is the waffle maker cheap or pricey? -Which kind of quality is the waffle maker? -Which kind of waffle flours are suitable for this machine? -For which machines is this filter suitable? -Is this filter same as the others? -Does this filter contain less filtering material? -Does the filter fits perfectly? -How does the filtered water taste with this filter? -Which tools can be used to get same results than using the product of the review? -Is the owner happy with this product? -Where is it likely this product will end being donated? -How many sandwiches have been prepared? -Did all the sandwiches turn out to be good? -What is it the product of this review? -Did the owner have problem with the food getting stuck to the grill? -What's the favorite method to clean this grill? -What happens to the bacon's grease? -Is the groove suitable to perfectly cook bacon? +for what did ou get the roller? +The drinking glass is great for someone who is what? +Where does the reviewer place the object when it's not in use? +Is the juicer attachment easy to purchase by itself? +Being that it is plastic it the beater as strong as the metal beaters? +What medical condition does the woman have? +Which kitchen item did the user decide to spend less money on? +What is the writer's main complaint with the item? +Do they have complaints? +What tool makes drink making easier? +what size group is this fountain best for? +What did they look at a lot of? +What setting is weaker on than the authors old fan on low. +How many bags does the Panasonic vacuum come with? +What happened to the second mixer? +where is their filter located? +What is mounted on her bathroom wall? +In what direction does one operate the peeler? +What is cause of the new model only receiving 3 stars? +What fits comfortably in the hand? +What action can you take with the spirit to bring out its qualities? +how does the user describe their old method for organizing plates? +Which brand did the reviewer call the best brand they had owned over the years? +Why does the reviewer recommend purchasing another vacuum to use in conjunction with the Dyson groom? +How many pieces of bacon is used? +What does the purchaser warns against purchasing? +What item is this reviewer talking about? +Why did the person buy the vacuum? +Is it cheaper to buy the filters at a big box store? +How long has the user owned this product? +How many stars did the reviewer give SpotBot? +Which ones does the author love the best? Who bought this product? -Is the user going to keep this product? -What is being used to warm the chicken during lunch break? -Which food came out partially bad a few times? -Is it easy to clean the stuff that goes inside? -What object had holes in it? -What product is being discussed? -What is described as worthless? -How many times did the author use it? -Where did it ultimately end up? -What is the model number of the induction range? -where does the heat travel? -What does the authors particular set have? -What are some words used to describe this product? -Where is this product description applicable? -What is the first reason these are handy? -What is the second reason these are handy? -What would the reviewer otherwise be concerned about? -Where is this product made? -What locations does this product work well for? -For what price did the reviewer pick this item up? -What other brand was the reviewer considering? -What will this product still be used for? -How did the reviewer obtain this product? -What foods has the reviewer prepared with this? -What is the first benefit the reviewer mentions? -What is the second benefit the reviewer mentions? -What country of origin could this product have potentially originated from? -Why did the reviewer suspect this country of origin? -Why was the customer curious about Silverstone coating? -Which part was particularly noisy? -How did the product was delivered to this user? -What made very happy the author of the review? -In which rooms is this user keeping these products? -How did the problem with the fan was handled? -How does this product compare to standard hand vacs? -What did the suction cause on the wood? -How does the exhaust feel? -From how far was the vac picking up stuff? -Which room has been cleaned with this vac? -How does it look the color of this product? -Which kind of experience is it possible to have while baking with this product? -Is this machine very loud? -How do you clean it? -Together with what was this product ordered? -Which kind of water is the product able to produce? -How many months ago did the user receive the product? -Where do the bottles fit perfectly? -What happened to the case of this product? -When was this update written? -Which food has been prepared with this device? -How long ago did the user have a similar product? +What is the name of the device the user is touting? +What color wee the sheets supposed to be? +what wouldn't stay attached to the food handle? +What is the brand? +How many chores was the reviewer hoping this product would make easier? +What does the user place inside of these bags? +What does the author use the smaller drain plug for from the endurance set? +Where there any other issues with the bowls? +how noisy is the product? +why did it break? +What is being reviewed? +Which kitchen tool is a little stiff? +This one is favorite, however what do they have a lot of? +where was the coffee maker purchased? +What would I have done for the Hoover vacuum cleaner if I hadn't already thrown away all the packaging? +Which two does the poster have? +How is the lid locked? +What develops when the pan is over high heat? +Which pan material would be recommended for mini pie baking? +What is the one feature that is a must have? +What is the main reason that carafes need to be hand washed? +What is easy to clean out and change? +What type of hot water boiler did they use? +What size area is this air cleaner for? +What is the top button of the toaster? +what solutions didn't work for the wife? +Who questioned the purchase? +What might cause the case to "turn" on the pillow? +What was the mixer used for? +What would happen if the product came down onto the cat? +Why won't the oven sit in the same space as the previous product? +The magnets on top and bottom make it impossible to do what? +What kind of fruit does the color remind the author of? +Which timers does the author consider the best? +How quickly does this person anticipate this item paying for itself? +Which pan is heavier? +What is the cooking sheet made of? +How has using the Food Saver been so far for the author? +What was the first thing the mat was used for? +What part on the brand new maker broke off? +what makes baking easier? +Where can the slow cooker be used in addition to a basic slow cooker? +What body part does the author have difficulties in? +What does the customer say about the crevice tool? +How much can replacing the battery save you? +How many people must the product be able to handle? +What do you keep in the holder? +Does the company reprint coupons? +How old is their mattress? +What is the product they are talking about made from? +what did the writer make secondly? +What sort of food prep is the reviewer doing with the mat? +What does the reviewer think of his opinion? +What does the posters mom swear by? +If I have allergies, should I get this machine? What did I buy? -How is the price of the vacuum? -What purpose did I buy the vacuum? -What cord feature do we like about the vacuum? +where do they keep the shakers? +What did they have to do when they took it out of the box +What is the wine chiller ideal for? +How much faster is the Breville compared to the GE oven? +What other brand would have been preferred to this model? +What color is it? +How can you keep splatter down when cooking bacon? +Where is it used? +Where is it made? +What can't the reviewer get into into the brewer to clean it? +how durable is the steamer? +Which parts of the Penguin humidifier usually goes uncleaned? +What would be a perfect solution for the elderly? +Were any of the items damaged? +What did I buy? +What was the one saving grace of this product? +Where did the author go to make the purchase? +What did they buy? +How long did it take to get delivery of the items? +What comes with the item? +When did one crack? +What is the product's noise level? +How is the quality? +Where are the pictures of the flowers and butterflies on the dishes? +How was the performance of the Aladdin collapsible steamer described? +What is this product made of? +How many blank pages are available to the user? +What kind of sheet and pillowcase maker made these? +What does the trash can do without the user having to touch it? +Which product would take too long to grind with this product? +What was the reviewer's first problem with the iron? +What does the author consume frequently? +Who bought this as a gift? +How many stars would the user give to the product? +what is more difficult to use? +What pot is this? +How thick is the cord? +What is another thing you need to be mindful of? +What is wrong with the thermal mug? +What is thin? +What stops the product from working if it is picked up or tipped? +why did they buy the humidifier +What seems to be higher in their area? +How much is the product at Bed, Bath & Beyond? +Where did the reviewers friend intend to use the product? +What were the sliced bananas for? +What grit is recommended? +What are the silicone oven mitts good for? +How tall is the reviewer? +What is used in the Nutmeg Grinder? +Why does the motor drive me nuts? +What did the reviewers state about the product? +How much water does the author say they get out of the air every week? +Which one could be an issue with this spatula? +Where did the reviewer by their smaller crockpot? +What is described as looking great, powerful, and heavy? +Why didn't I just use the mini tamper that came with the smaller container? +What kind of person is the poster? +what is her husband always looking for? +What can be used so you an see what's inside from any angle? +How large is the product? +What would you use each glass for? +How does the author describe the pan? +What did they buy? +How long does it take for the smell to dissipate? +What is between the drainer and the wall? +What would make a great college gift? +What is the warranty? +Which doesn't have a lid? +what was the problem with the sunbeam buzzer? +What type of coffee machine is the Primula? +What is the type of writer the writer is? +Which room of the house is the set designed for? +When did the product stop working? +What brand will user take this vaccuum over +What is it ideal for? +Why is the mattress difficult to stand on it's side? +What noise is typical of a mattress protector? +What can't you do to fabric when ordering online? +How many units did this person buy? +What is the name of the author? +What kind of cup is this product? +What word does the author use to describe the dehumidifier? +What do they rate the shelves? +What size was the product? +What process will this reviewer not use the sharpener to do? +Why would you use this item? +How long does it take to boil liquid in a saucepan on the hot plate? +What are the kids learning now? +How much liquid can the bottle contain? +What is the reason the reviewer will not buy more filters? +what product must be used on this item constantly to keep it looking new? +What type of injury did the reviewer sustain when trying to remove the dome from the base? +Who makes the Dolce Gusto machine? +How long is the warranty for? +How does the author emulate his favorite restaurant's desserts? +How many times has this product been washed? +How quickly does the rug dry? +How long has the reviewer owned the product at the time the review was written? +The interior of the kettle is what? +What doesn't the fan move around adequately. +What is the first problem spoken of about the R-230KW model? +How did the author feel when first reading the product description? +What setting had not been tried out yet? What size is the vacuum?? -What did I buy? -What did a lot of reviews complain about the glasses? -Why don't I need a lot of glasses? -What happened to the glasses when I dropped them in the sink? -What did I do before buying these glasses? -What is the review about? -How about the noise level of the air purifier compared with other purifiers I have tested at this price point? -How big is the air purifier? -What brand is the air purifier? -What can you expect from a Fridrich air purifier? -What did the previous review complaining about? -What did I buy? -When did the cutting board start to warp? -What rating would I have given if the cutting board didn't warp? -How long have I had the cutting board? -What did I buy? -Where did I buy the platform bed? -What bed did the mattress buy for? -How long should be waited for the mattress to expand before sleeping on it?? -Who has requested this mattress for her birthday? -What did I buy? -Where did I buy the glass? -How many packs was broken? -Who refund the purchase? -How are the sidewalks of the glass? -What did I buy? -Where did I buy the toaster? -When did I buy the toaster? -Where did the toaster get sticky? -What did I mostly toast? -What did I buy? -How long does the tumbler keep my coffee hot? -Waht brand tumbler did I buy? -Which part of the tumbler is easy to clean? -What is the drawback of the tunbler? -What did I buy? -Where did I buy the towels? -What color of towels did I buy? -What made me doubtful about the towels? -How does the towels feel when rubbed? -What works well? -How does it feel? -How can you use it? -what is it made from? -How is the design? +what other version of label has the reviewer purchased? +what product does the writer feel they wasted years using? +How much coffee does this person make when they wake up? +What does the customer use the product for? +How much is a set of potholders? +What kind of material is it made from? +What on the iron helps to prevent leaving visible damage on clothes? +What is one prominent characteristic of the user's cabinets? +What was the main reason to select the mandolin? +Is the carafe used made of metal? +What is this product? +what kind of sleeve does the writer think would improve the product? +Who gived this to me as a gift? +What is surprising? +Why did the author end up with unused parts? +What is the quality of materials? +How does the product's handle feel? +What kind of vacuum are the bags for? +What tool was used to assemble the new chair? +what new review score was given to the product in stars? +How old is the item in question? +How long does the user let the thermos sit before putting hot coffee in it? +What kind of taste has not been noticed? +What kind of moka pots did they once own? +is the new knife heavy or light? +What kind of material is it made from? +What did the poster get it for? +How many jars did the user seal after the prodcut's second charge? +What was the main perk of the new Hoover vacuum? +What look does the product have? +How does it cut the lid? +What is the name of the book you can read in order to find dishes to make in the pressure cooker? +What can be managed well? +What is too much of a hassle? +What kind of water cleans the mat? +What does the reviewer plan to use the product on? +What is used as a thickener? +What should the maker be wiped down with? +Was there only a few or a lot of retailers that carried the filters? +What jobs does it do well at? +What happened when they first used the machine? +What about the humidifier is nonexistent? +If you wanted a bedroom air purifier model what is recommended? +How many times has this person used the rack? +How many kids to grown-ups were there? +Where is the cookware engineered? +what was not expected? +What don't they like? +What have they struggled with for years? +Why can the gasket be easily lost? +What is the best part of a cold beer? +What does the user say about the product? +Does the customer feel that his bowl was worth the price? +does it make a lot of noise? +Why did the reviewer initially choose this can opener? +What did they hang under the cabinet space? +What sharpener did I have before buying the new one? +What did the user abandon? +Where did this shopper buy their other spoon years ago? +Which furniture has a scratch? +What did the customer like on the canister? +What is not an eyesore? +How do they feel about their new espresso stein? +who was the spokesman? +Why did they prefer not to have bought online? +What kind of product is this? +What problem occurs when you wash the towels? +What is the temperature in the house when using the heater? +How many more are they going to order? +Was the AC unsafe? +What type of finish does the mixer have? +What is a flimsy piece of junk? +What did the person use to cut the iceberg lettuce? +What kind of oven I got? +How did the purchaser describe the travel mug in their hand? +what happens to the surface of the pan that might make it less attractive? +How does the steamer move across the floor? +How much does the writer weigh? +On which holiday was this product received? +What did the reviewer buy for their son? +How many glasses did the reviewer buy? +What was the reviewer's second issue with the iron? +what do they wish was longer? What falls out often? -how is it apart from the design? -what collects a lot of dirt? -How many ground settings? -How many cups are made daily? -What happens if you open it? -What can you not do after the first couple of uses? -What does the van do? -How do you keep it from falling over? -What is wrong with the base? -What happened to the old fan? -What do you get? -What would have been nice to have? -What was the first experiment? -How long to run the water over it? -What did I buy? -How many storage towers did I buy? -What is the manufacturer of the storage towers? -What is my suggestions for the storage towers? -What was missing in one of the two storage towers? -How long have my old toaster lasted? -What did I buy? -Where does the power cord come out of? -What color is the new toaster? -What do other reviews say about the toaster? -What did I buy? -What are the pillows made of? -How hard are these pillows? What pillows am I going to order? -What smell do the pillows have? -What is the review about? -What is the grinder great for? -How long does it take to make 2 shot worth of coffee for my AeroPress? -How much does a good electric grinder cost? -What do I suggest to use for making several cups of coffee at a time? -What does the item work for? -Where do I trim each clove before rolling it in the tube? -What happens when the clove comes out of the tube? -How is the job to remove skins from garlic cloves without toools? -Where do I roll the clove in ? -What did I buy? -How heavy can the sacle weigh? -Where do I put the scale? -What do I use the scale for? -How are the instructions for the scale? -What did I buy? -Where is the bed for? -How many separate comments have we had after the switch ? -How long do you spend in bed? -How much does the bed cost? +How many batteries does it need to run? +How many stars did the author rate this item? +Why was there a trip to the ER? +what item is this? +What was the difference between people now and people in 1889? +How many stars where removed? +How long does it take to cook a sheet full of cookies? +What age of child would be capable of damaging the product's handle? +How do the filters look? +Did the author purchase the item for themselves? +What type of quality is the dresser? +What concerned the reviewer prior to purchasing based on previous reviews? +How does the reviewer feel about his personality late at night? +How often does the author use his new knife? +What makes the cup inconvenient to use in the microwave? +this product controls the heat perfectly in what environment? +In which area does the filter holder slide from the water compartment? +How many feet does the roll contain? +What is being reviewed? +What feature on the strainer help to keep you from spilling your food? +What two settings do they like? +What is always on the wrong side of the door? +Why did the author want to be able to see through the dish? +Can the item be closed permanently? +What kind of brushing is used to clean the soft filter? +Why was the product bought? +Why was Honeywell called? +What product did the person buy to clean their floors? +How long does it take to make the finished product? +What did the customer say about the lady that had issues with cutting a zucchini? +How long do they have it marinate? +What brand is the product being reviewed? +What was received as a wedding gift? +What is the nice feature that does not make you stop every 5 minutes. +What type of injury does the reviewer have? +What did this product turn into? +What is stretchy? +What can you grease with? +How long is the warranty? +Where do I look for a replaement? +What size are the plates? What did I buy? -Where is the napkin holder designed? -Where is the napkin holder manufactured? -What did I worry about napkins before using the new napkin holder? -What kind of napkin holders was I tired of? +How much does the tank hold? +How wide is the Eneregy speaker? +Does the bottle leak? What did I buy? -Where did I buy the Nespresso U C50? -What espresso maker did I have before the new one? +What did the author end up hitting by pulling the vacuum over? +How much does the reviewer weigh? +Does the reviewer like the toaster? +What is the quality of the product's construction +What rice dries out if left on the warm setting? +What did the person use a few of? +What brand is the 7-slot? +How did the reviewer find the price? +Did the author keep the product? +Is the nightstand stable? +Are these towels a good value? +What settings does the author keep the fan on? +In what city and state was the product made? +what humidifier still works after three months? +What size unit did the reviewer buy? +What are the proper steps to insert the Chillsner into the beer? +When trying to cleanup where the is juice left? +Does the author have a cordless or corded appliance? +Where di I find the answer for the problem I had? +What type of diary products has more probiotics? +What size bed was purchased? +What is the head made out of? +How much does 1 cup fill? +Is the fan strong? +How long has the reviewer had this ice cream maker? +What happens to the tools? +What part of the author's body is happy? +What did the shopper spend on her second mixer? +Who was the chopper bought for? +Are the boards dishwasher safe? +What holiday did they order these before? +The Soleus Air sells for same price but what difference does it have? +What brand is it? +What brand is it? +Which brand of knife did the purchaser leaving a review for? +Which brand did the writer previously buy? +What portion of the item is separate from the main body? +What kind of hot beverage does the customer most often buy? +What part of the shower curtain is showing early wear and tear? +why does the dust holder have trouble staying attached to the device? +How many pounds of apples slices was put in the unit? +What is a Brita filter used for? +What suggestion does the reviewer make? +What item helps get the water out? +Where do they live? +How many vanes did the writer fix? +What size tortillas must be used with the quesadilla maker? +what size are the trays? +What are the drawbacks of cheaper cutting boards? +What type of pillows does the person's spouse like? +Using what item will muffle the sound? +What are the benefits of Zenith products? +Where do you put the bottom of the corkscrew? +What problems did the customer have with the juicer? +What type of pot is it? +How many times the reviewer changed the trash can batteries? +How long has this user been using the product? +How heavy are they +What is the downside that makes the trash cans easy to damage? +How quickly did the iron shut itself off? +How many BTUs is the unit? +What does it clean up well? +What kind of material are they made from? +The design of the handle causes injury to what part of the body? +What brand was their previous vacuum? +How many rooms did it take to fill the canister the first time? When did my DeLonghi espresso maker break? -When did I buy the DeLonghi espresso maker? -What did I buy? -How long have I had the sodastream? -What size do I think is pefect? -How many different flavors of drinks do I typically keep in fridge at any given time? -What am I used to buying besides 12 or 24 packs of drinks? -Compared to what is this a faster and easier tool? -What percentage of use does this cover? +What blows a gentle breeze? +What was the issue? Where do you plug it in when it's done? -What reduces the use time compared to a hand vac? -What size job is this used for? -How many power cords does this person have? -In what do the many power cords get twisted up? -What kind of tape has this person tried in the past? -What is this person's regret? -What kind of solution is this product? -What is the cup's primary material? -What temperature liquids does the cup hold? -Where does the author put the cup when it's dirty? -What brand of cup does the writer prefer in the outdoors? -What country does the cup remind the author of? -What did they think about the pan's weight when they first bought it? -What root vegetable do they cook in the pan? -What food do they scramble in the pan? -What brand of lids fit the pan? -What website did they buy the pan on? -What kind of plug did this come with? -What does the writer not do very frequently? -What brands of decanters does this fit? -What material is the product composed of? -What kind of enthusiast is this necessary for? -How many pugs does this person have? -What vaccum have they owned for many years? +What type of candy mold does it utilize? +What should you do to make the bacon crispy? +What feature helps with the balance of this pan? +What should be done with fruit first? +What was wrong with this scale? +what did the Wusthof come out with? +What kind of bed do the sheets fit? +what product is the writer reviewing? +Does the vacuum come with any attachments? +What kinds of cans can't the writer's opener open? +How much does the Staffordshire Terrier weigh? +What is the author reviewing? +What makes the power brush work? +What is unique about the handles and bottoms? +What do you get? +What kind of food does the poster cook? +The gauge is not stable when cooking with how high of temperatures? +Where should the spoon / lifter be placed during the cooking process? +Where did the writer find the product? +What comes in handy for many things? +what is wrong with this product? How do you clean the container? -How many times a year do you clean the heppa sponge? -How old are the wife and husband? -How many stars did this person rate the knife? -What size knife did the package say this person was getting? -What size knife did this person actually get? -What is true about Heckels knife? -Why did the person rate the knife 4 star? -What size did the description say the ring was? -What is the measurement of the inside ring? -What material are the rings made out of? -How many muffins does this person recipe make? -How many stars where removed? -What year was Fannie Farmer Cookbook book published? -What kind of milk does this person use? -Who made The Key lime popsicle recipe? -How many ice cream recipe does the Ultimate Ice Cream Book give you? -What is used as a thickener? -How many pieces come in Classic White Dinnerware Set? -What kind of design are the dinnerware set? -What color of are the plates? -What is the Dinnerware set made from? -What can you grind into the base? -When were the Salt and pepper Grinders first tried? -How can the grinders be used to grind directly onto your food? -How does everyone who tries them feel? -What kind of weather might cause salt to clump? -From whom was the new gel foam mattress purchased? -Who rated the gel foam mattress highly? -What is sleeping on the gel foam mattress like? -What was it too much of a hassle to do? -What did a friend suggest as a solution to the hard mattress problem? -What do you need if you work in the medical industry? -What might you sign up for to go on a buying binge? -What might you look at to make yourself feel better? -Where might you never buy cheap stuff in person? -How much might this mug cost? -What did the reviewer do because a regular spatula makes serving a hassle? -What was bought before, giving satisfaction? -What did the reviewer not know existed? -Serving what kind of food is a hassle with a regular spatula? -How did buying Oxo Good Grips make the reviewer feel? -What kind of tool did the reviewer use to press clothing and steam block sweaters? -How does the smaller version of the steam press work? -What does the smaller press save when using? -What might you want to spread onto the sweater before steaming? -Where does the steam come from in this cleaner? -How long has the reviewer used the product? -Where does the reviewer say it leaks from? -Where does the leak end up between? -Why does the leak bother the reviewer? -How does the reviewer feel about the product? -What is the product used for? -What is the tip coated in? -Who is the product brand? -What feature do the clips have that make it convenient? -What quality does the reviewer believe the clips are? -What does the reviewer bring to work each day? -What are the risk of holding near the food container? -What made the manufacturer cut corners on product? -Why does reviewer eat semi cold lunches? -Where are plug points located in a cubicle? -How quickly was a replacement catch sent? -What setting worked fine for toast? -How did the first product arrive? -What was causing the button to not work properly? -How many heat cycles to remove the smell? -How many canisters were purchased? -What was on the outside of the decaf canister? +What is the main reason that the reviewer does not like the product? +What can be removed to make things easier? +What type of hinge is mounted to the tiki box and the frame? +What were they looking forward to baking? +Where should you NOT put your hand when the toaster is in use? +What is the mold not good for? +What espresso maker did I have before the new one? +What was the item they are having issues with? +Is the product well made? +How long does the device take to cool the entire room in question? +What was the main reason they wanted so badly to try and help others? +What do other reviewers advise to do with the rice before cooking? +Who does the author recommend this knife to? +What function of the product delighted the reviewer? +Why was there a trip to the ER? +What grade does this person teach? +What's on the second shelf? +what is the texture of the wood? +What color was the Liz Claiborne throw according to the reviewer? +What did the user feel like they were wrapping themselves with out of the shower? +What type of tape was included? +How many calories are in this popcorn +Why aren't new-purchase Pyrex pans recommended? +What must you do to avoid water spots? +How difficult is it to install the base? +What is it good for slicing? +How much does a cheap Harbor Freight sharpener cost? +How did the buyer feel about the product at first? +What else could the mitts be used for? +Which drinks did they make? +What part of the processor is a bit odd that the requester stated? +What kind of issue is this problem? +How long did it take for the new smell to go away? +What kind of noise does this make Where would these need to be kept so noone see's the imperfections? -Was this product made well? -What is one of the issues of the new coffeemaker? -How is the coffeemaker best used? -Is the carafe used made of metal? -Can you fill your mug while the coffee is brewing? -Does it keep the coffee fresh? +what size is the drawer? +what problem did other users report for this product? +What locations does this product work well for? +What besides tea is it good for? +What kind of cans do I like to use for cooking? +What did this person buy? +How does the reviewer deal with the unlocking legs? +how many of the item did they purchase? +Does the AC get hot? +Besides the chop button, what other button is included on the processor? +Which ingredient causes the daughter and mother to have the most negative effects? +If you lose power and regain it again, what happens? +Is it difficult to hold? +How long did the replacement take to arrive? +Which pan would not last long? Does the kettle have a set of buttons? -Can you read out the water temperature? -Is the kettle easy to pick up? -Does the author recommend this kettle? -What brand of kettle does the author prefer? -What utensil does the author prefer to use? -The author hates using which item? -What is the main feature of these spoons? -Is the spoon suitable for deep items? -Did the author purchase the item for themselves? -Is the pan very heavy to use? -Is the pan too small to use? -Does the pan come with any accessories? -Would the author recommend the pan? -What do they recommend to use the scale for? -Should you take the scale on the road? -Is the scale made from durable materials? -Where does the author prefer to store the item? +Where does the reviewer say you can wash they measuring cups? +They compared their recent purchase to which previous purchase? +What are they worthy of? +Who is this set most ideal for? +What brand are the vacuum bags? +What does the writer not do very frequently? +What happened to one of the trays that caused the purchase of the new one? +How many good features does this product have? +What is the brand name of measuring cups? +What does the alternative have unlike the French ovens? +What should you do to this coffee maker before you use it? +What gets burned? +What was wrong with the pan when he first got it? +How much can the ExcelSteel hold? +What type of container does the product make? +What's wrong with the hoses? +What did the UPS driver think it was? +What kind of water exacerbated the problem? +What is thin-enough? +What is inconsistently produced by the iron? +what does she wish the pain was made of? +how does the writer feel about the product overall? +Overall, how does it compare to the Dyson? +What did the reviewer get the connectors out of the poles with? +What feature of the filter does the writer question? +What part breaks +What was causing the button to not work properly? +What was warm to the touch after being plugged in but off for awhile? +Where is this product made? +How long longer does the user need the product to last to justify it's cost? +What color are the pumps? +What kind of tea I am using? +Is it hard to get the cubes out of the tray? +What kind of function is used by Natlie S. frequently (from this coffeemaker)? +What was the first thing the reviewer noticed ? +How long is the cord? +What kind of filter is correct? +How many days has the person been drinking kale/apple smoothies? +What brand did the reviewer recommend? +What kind of packing did the replacement product have? +How long did it take the new garbage cans to arrive? +What did the reviewer like about the product? +What is used to stir the Cream of Wheat into the boiling water? +How many grind sizes does the user use? +What's the earliest product to be made at KitchenAid? +Is there an additional tool recommended? +What gently opens and closes? +Which vegetable did the reviewer try to chop up first? +What two related drawbacks does this vacuum have? +How many separate sections does the organizer have? +Why does the writer use coarse setting for french press? +Which containers do they think seal the best? +What does the writer use the food saver for? +What is sleeping on the gel foam mattress like? +What tends to get into the author's food as they cut? +Roughly how many Gerber Graduates sippy cups does the author have? +What kind of beverage does the reviewer like to drink? +What did the poster do? +What did this person buy? +What size is the product? +When did I ordered the item? +What is used to get juice? +How many timers have this person bought? +What are some words used to describe this product? +What spare piece does it come with +What is this spoon rest made out of? +What else can it do? +How many packs was broken? +How many years ago did the small rod fall out? +Do the get misshapen? +Is it easy to put in? +How much did this scale cost? +Is the author happy with his purchase? +What is annoying and should be addressed on the box? +How does the reviewer use the larger tongs of the set? +What containers did the person put the chopped lettuce in? +What is an issue that requires taking the bread out of the breadbox daily? +What animal is the reviewer intending to butcher with the heavy cleaver? +How large is this person's room? +What was the flimsy plastic rod stuck in? +What is the name of the muffin cups this user has used with the muffin pan? +Where are NordicWare products manufactured? +What kind of texture do the sheets have? +How does the reviewer think the product looks? +It's a lot more what, than microwave popcorns? +What do you need to do to vegetables? +Where does the reviewers favorite pan have a permanent resting place? +Who makes good kettle corn? +What color are the bod pillow protectors? +What temperature is water when the cup holder is used? +How much did they spend on the shark iron? +How well do both Thermoworks function? +What happened to the first grill? +Why buy these bags instead of the Sears bags? +What is wrong with the cord? +Where did I buy the glass? +What's the purpose of the space bag? +What colors is Fiestaware available in? +How surprised was the reviewer when the sheet set arrived? +What emotion does the reviewer feel about the finished furniture product? +What is also the right length? +How is the build quality of the pans? +What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? +What is the sheet made of? +What room (near the kitchen) is the author's garbage can in? +what is the product being reviewed? +How many times does the author have to pump it for each spray? +What do manufacturers seem to change frequently? +What does the writer do to secure the new handle? +What parts would you avoid buying from a Toyota dealer? +What should you do if the bag becomes moist inside? +What did the price drop to? +How long have they been using this product? +How many glasses are in a small set of Riedel vinum wine glasses? +Who said they hate waiting? +How would the writer like the rack improved? +Which kind of improvements have been made in this version of the product? +what position reduces magnetic force? +What did they buy for making baby food? +what is the capacity of this kettle? +What can you put into each side of the bag? +What vacuum died and needs to be replaced? +What country does the author reside in? +What does the author say to do besides read the directions? +What does the reviewer say the spoon has never picked up? +What is the first issue? +How are the support rods described in terms of assembly? +What was the customer hoping the product would restore? +Overall, how does the reviewer feel about the product? +What part of the appliance gets in the way? +How much did the reviewer pay for the glass? +Which pan is more expensive than the newer one? +how many kettles has the author had in the last couple of years +How many dowels does the new rack have? +What is the main problem of in-sink soap dispensers? +What kind of soleplate does the iron have? +What does the autor use for cooking eggs? +What time of day did the reviewer's husband constantly ask her to make him a cup of coffee? +What does the author use the hamper for at home? +What handy feature allows the filters to easily be opened? +What rating does the writer give to The Dorkfood? +What is the main complaint about the product? +How does the pan look in the picture? +What part of the car had much more room? +How long did the reviewer have the tower fan for? +What is a benefit of the product? +Are they happy with the items? +What type of pans are these? +What was the least amount of time that was tried to make popcorn? +When traveling what can you pack this in? +The Nutribullet 600 and 900 watt models are great for making what kind of beverage? +How long did it last? +Where is it kept all the time? +What puts holes in the the garbage bag? +What happens if the humidifier is tipped over? +What product did the reviewer use as a test before investing in the full set of towels? +What is the company going to do about the complaint? +Which Dial soap did they get? +What rating would I given if the board can be used on uneven floor? +What does the author do often? +How did the author check the accuracy of the thermometer? +how much taller was the new wine cellar according to amazon? +Are the pillows plushy? +What part does a good job sucking up Cheerios? +what color are the jars? +What type of motor is offered with The Dirt Devil Turbo Canister Plus? +What are the fan blades made of? +What does the author use to make hot water? +For which beverage does the person think the product could be useful for? +Where did the customer buy the bed? +Is the Dyson heavy or lightweight? +What is sturdy for its size? +What does the reviewer find to be frustrating about the product? +what was one of the reasons for buying the juiceman? +What happens if you don't properly iron linen or wool garments? +how is it apart from the design? +What does the author have? +What type of mat did they get? +Are there issues with the rivets on the pan? +For the price, which is a great deal? +Is the customer happy with their purchase of the basket? +Does the customer have any negative comments about the product? +What is disgusting aspect never goes away despite washing? +How many stars did the item recieve? +What's a better product compared to the new product? +What type of mess did the cleaner pick up in the bedroom? +How many moka pots did they own in the past? +How long can this product keep wine chilled? +What is not loud? +What time of day does the author zoom through the house? +How many stars did they give the coffee maker? +what collects a lot of dirt? +What is the Smartstick perfect for making? +what part has trouble staying on the device? +why doesn't she like the pans? +Is it ergonomic to use? +What kind of vacuum cleaner do they have? +What size is the cord? +How does the oven open and close? +What did the bedspread look like? +It was too big for what? +What happened to their second pitcher? +where did corrosion take place? +Who paid about $75 bucks more than the author for their oven? +how many rooms get cleaned? +How heavy was the AC unit? +What did they purchase? +What are mixed? +What presents a challenging cleaning problem for the reviewer? +How many times have they purchased this product? +What liquids did the reviewer use the products in? +What color does the light have to be before the sandwich maker is ready to cook? +How long did they use it? +How are they washed? +How did they describe the product? +What is slightly shorter? +How long did it take to receive replacement? +How long did they let the product sit for? +What is the writer reviewing? +What did the author use to cover the pan before receiving the lid? +Why is the added feature a plus? +Who's help did the author not need to install the product? +This person is counting on their FarberWare to bring them what? +why might a pet owner like this vacuum? +How pleased are they with the rice cooker? +How many different dishes where made from the cookbook? +Are there any sounds when you lay on the bed? +How long does it take to brew two cups? +What sound level is the kettle? +How much water fills the cooler? +What product did I swear I would never buy years ago? +How does the coffe made by the French Press taste? +When should you consider using another iron? +How wide is the product? +did you like the invention? +What does the ricer aim into the bowl? +What has the reviewer felt was never sanitary? +What items did this one replace? +What is a good temperature for cooking meat? Will the author use the scale anywhere else? -What brand of scale is this? -What kind of design does the scale have? -What word did the author use to describe the basic design? -What can cause the weight to change on the scale? -What is the author's overall thoughts on the scale? -How long has the author owned the product? -What did the author say about the knife and fork in regards to strength? -What does the author have difficulty using to pick up lettuce? -How does the author seperate the salad when she packs it? -What helps to keep the container so that it doesn't come open? -What material are the straws made from? -What does the author wish was included? -What kind of straws does the author say these are bigger than? -What does the author say they work great for besides soft drinks? -What colors would the author like to see in the future? -What material is the scoop made from? -What did the author say was on the inside of the scoop? -What brand of ice cream scoop is this? -How well does the ice cream scoop work scooping ice cream? -How long did the author take to remove the sticker? -What is the brand name of the product? -What do the bowls nick easier than? -How long has the author owned the set? -When do the dishes usually get nicked for the author? -What was wrong with a couple of the bowls? -How difficult were the instructions initially for the user? -Does the blade collect food particles when in use? -Is it hard to turn the handle? -Did it meet your requirements? -Which cans does it not work well with? -What is considered to be well written? -Whats something the blade does not do? -Does it work on all cans? -What might it be good for? -What is the capacity of the bottom space? -Is the image accurate for space? -Does it have quality construction? -Is it easy to damage? -How much can the top section contain? -What have they struggled with for years? -What do they use it to hold? -What does it do more than the picture implies? -How is the plastic rated? -What is considered to be problematic? -What needs to be monitored to make sure it's functioning properly? -What did they buy to keep tabs on the temperature? -What did they end up replacing? -How makes great tools for the kitchen? -Where has Oxo branched off too? -What did they end up throwing away? -Where do they live? -What were they looking for? -Are the towels large or small? -How did they feel about the towels? -Which towels are much better? -What should be served as cool as possible so you can't taste it? -What tastes best when it's served at a cool 50 to 60 degrees f? -What helps bring beer to a drinkable temperature within about a 10 minute time? -Who wrote New Short Course in Wine? -How many minutes does the product take to cool beer in a can? -What does the hamper lose when laundry is inside it? -What pops out when you place laundry in the hamper? -How many stars does this hamper get from the reviewer? -What leads the reviewer to think the hamper will always be rectangular? -Where do the sides pop out on the hamper? -How long ago was the item shipped? -Where was the insulation damaged, possibly due to arcing? -What happened to the insulation inside the product? -From what company might the reviewer purchase another of these? -What kind of issue is this problem? -How are floors normally kept clean at the reviewer's home? -What product is more efficient and lightweight? -What room is especially well cleaned with the vacuum? -What animal's hair has to be cleaned from the seat in the automobile? -What part of the vacuum might get gunked up with pet hair easily? -How many good features does this product have? -Which product purchased by the reviewer works better? -What kind of legs did the Tablemate have? -Which product is not sturdy and won't support much weight? -what can't be placed on the new product? -What language was the instructions pamphlet written in? -What color was the thermos purchased? -what was the purchase price? -What product will be purchased instead in the future? -What was the one saving grace of this product? -What is the product being reviewed? -Where was this product purchased from? -What was the condition of the product upon arrival? -What concerned the reviewer prior to purchasing based on previous reviews? -How long was assembly? -how long ago was the product purchased? -What is the problem with the length of the hose? -What happens to the machine constantly? -When is there very little suction? -What type of filter does this product contain? -What is the product being reviewed? -What was the rating for the product by this review? -Is the product expensive or inexpensive? -What was unbelievable for the reviewer? -How much carpeting was this product used for? -What is the product being reviewed? -What was the difference in price? -What is the reviewer advising to be very careful with? -What type of tape was included? -What was used to secure the back support brack? -Where on the bag does it say HEPA? -How many reviewers are cited? -What brand vacuum did the person finish using? -Where was the ash located? -What was the price of their vacuum? -Which room does the reviewer use the product in? -Where did the reviewer take a vacation? -What kind of kitchen utensil is being reviewed? -Which relative asked the reviewer to buy a gift? -Where did the reviewer purchase this item? -Does it have a switch? -What star rating does the reviewer give the product? -What kind of appliance is being reviewed? -Where did the person search for products to buy? -How long does the appliance need to heat up before using? -What kind of mats are these? -How did the reviewer wash the mat? -What sort of food prep is the reviewer doing with the mat? -With how many hands does the person need to hold the mat down? -What is the problem with the mats after washing? -How heavy was the mattress pad? -What room is the reviewer going to buy a pad for next? -When was the foam supposed to show up? -Where was the recipient when the pad was placed on the bed? -Who was the item a gift for? -When long ago was the last update? -What can you get a full night of with these? +How should the product be washed? +What type of mattress does the protector fit? +What is the small stem of the product made with? +how many eggs can be fit in the glasses? +who else wanted a shoe rack? +How much bacon does the cooker hold? +When does this person put the potholders under a bowl? +Did the author fix the motor? +Why were they not pleased with the shipping box? +How many beaters did it contain in it's packaging? +which state is the reviewer located? +What rating did this get? +What should you not do with the new three-piece set? +What is secure? +What frozen treat can this product be used for? +Which tea device is easier to clean if you let the leaves/grind dry out before removal? +what is the problem with the lids? +Where can you get cheap kitchen towels? +What is the products true watts value? +What was the primary duty of the Smartstick? +What problem occurs when you wash the towels? +Who did the author gift one of these to years ago? +who do they ask to open jars for them? +What is a second issue with the product? +What did the seller contact the people about? +What did they buy one? +What kind of foods is it useful for? +What was a con of the towels? +How did the reviewer get the glasses? +Do not put the pads in the dryer because what might happen? +What can be used to deep clean the dish drainer? +How many corners of their sheets would they have to fix? +What is he used to cooking over? +What makes entering information on the device easier? +Where was the device stored on? +Where was the unit being used? +What does one use to hand wash the glass? +What color is the product? +What are the dimensions of the receiver? +What does the writer find out about the battery life of the opener? +How long did they take to arrive? +From how far was the vac picking up stuff? +What is the mat not? +What did I try and find unstable? +Why does the reviewer like the product? +From whom was the new gel foam mattress purchased? +what it looks like? +What is the writer's recommendation about the new mug? +What makes it Greek? +What kind of feet does this screen have? +What do the reviews complain about the can openers? +What can you put in the toaster? +For who does the author want to buy this product? +what did they wish was different about the salt shaker? +What is the one drawback of the product? +What could cause pieces of plastic to fall off despite the user using the spatula correctly? +What had happened to one of the towels? +What was the material of the packing padding? +what does the authors closet have +Did all the sandwiches turn out to be good? +What item is the person reviewing? +What is the highest temperature the pan can withstand? +what kind of pump does this air mattress have? +If bananas are placed in a bag and refrigerated what happens to the bananas? +What did they previously use that was more expensive? +What are some of the bells and whistles of the cookware? +How did the purchaser describe the quality of chicken cooked in the fryer? +Most people would not be able to use this toaster in what capacity? +What product is the user talking about? What is being reviewed? -When should we expect an updated review? -What did the user abandon? -What size pans do they work perfectly on? -How hot can these get? -Are these items dishwasher safe? -What is the only complaint? -What kind of humidifier was previously tried? -How long can one tank last before refilling? -This products works, what? -What other vacuums does the reviewer own? -How old is the Dyson? -What are the pros? -What are the cons? -What test did they do with them? -What did they purchase? -Why is the paring knife so good? -What one thing did they hate about the knives? -What it the problem with this space? -The blade is a type of what? -What did the user think this would be like originally? -What happens when you go to wash with this soap? -What happens if you put the mixture in too soon? -What is the trick of this soap? -How much is the product on Amazon? -What about the design caused a less than perfect rating? -How much is the product at Bed, Bath & Beyond? -How much weight can it hold? -Can this item rust? -How many of these items did the reviewer order? -When does it survive the longest? -What does it do a wonderful job of? -How did the second one crack? -How did the first one break? -Why are the deep ridges nice? -The first batch is more meant for what kind of person? -How do they prep more than two? +What can it be used for? +When can it not hold itself up? +What is the item labeled as? +How does the product feel? +What feature of the product prevents items from slipping of of it? +How many cups does the smallest of two round bowls hold? +What is the primary change the author would like in the product's size? +What happened to the motor on the sixth use? +What design of the shelf helps with little spills? +What qualities nullifies the ergonomic aspect of the product? +What won't have to be done anymore with this product? +What percent leanness does the author prefer in their ground meat? +What did the author say about the knife and fork in regards to strength? +What physical aspects did the reviewer list as positive? +what at the end is used to push a rack? +What allows the steam to come out of the tempered lid? +How is the motor described? +The reviewer thinks that the heater would be more efficient if the heat was dispensed were? +What type of bag is this? +What was used as an ice cube tray? +What was wrong with the handle end and metal trim ring? +According to the customer, some juicers caused what to enter the wheat grass? +What is one of the best features? +Can you clean these pan covers easier than cleaning glass covers? +What was missing from the authors bathtub drain? +How hard is installation? +What kind of design are the dinnerware set? +What brand of knives did the reviewer buy the knife holder for? +What is great about this shelf? +what does the writer wish was different about the glass? +Who are the people that compliment the bags? +What coffee maker is my economical coffee maker like? +Why did the reviewer buy a new cup? +What did she originally blame the problem on? +Are the components of good quality? +Although the juicer is efficient what is a downside. +Would this customer say that the bowl was aesthetically appealing? +What is my only real gripe +Which country do they claim the item must be made in? +What can you juice in this juicer +What did I roast for the Thanksgiving? +How old is the writer? +What was the first experiment? +What kind of squeegee does the vacuum have? +What did the writer let his horses drink? +How many sets of containers did the author purchase? +What did the reviewer and his wife decide in the end? +How many stars did the author give this product in the review? +what type of product is being reviewed? +What does this item replace? +Which piece of the disc holder is child resistant? +Why does the reviewer like the weight? +What is the author mounting besides a center channel? +What will the peeler help with when using it to peel apples? +Where were the summer clothes stored? +What did the taste lack? +What does the purchaser warns against purchasing? +What is the condition of the item? +What was wrong with the first batch? +What did the reviewer like about the iron? +What brand vacuum did the person finish using? +Which part was particularly noisy? +What is primarily made? +Which company has the best policy when it comes to having to return merchandise? +What does the fan do a good job of? +They still have a moka pot that is made of what material? +What is the total number of dishes in the dinnerware set? +What clothing item ends up being close to the ground when hung on this object? +What kind of filter does the author mention? +When were the Salt and pepper Grinders first tried? +For how many hours does a one gallon tank last? +What size were the crepes that the user made? +What is difficult to clean? +What will the customer use boiling water for on the stove? +What did the last kettle do? +how long does it take to cook pinto beans in this fryer? +What was the inside of the pan like after they ruined it? +What helped them quit? +What else was made in this pan? When is it not too bad to clean up? -What is better about this set? -What climate would this be especially great to own? -Where is the dispensing end located? -How long have they been looking for a new set? -What is underneath the protector? -What is above the protector used? -What is underneath the Terry Cloth layer? -What size protectors are being used? -What is the fan designed for? -What is a problem when used as a table top fan? -What is one of the problems with the fan, regardless of use? -Where is a bad place to use this fan? -How long has the reviewer owned the FD5? -When is the dehydrator mainly used? -What is the dehydrator mainly used to dehydrate? -Which product has so many negative reviews? -What has the reviewer felt was never sanitary? -Why are old fashioned basting brushes not sanitary? -How does the basting brush solve the sanitary problem? -What type of handle does the brush have? -What other shops were used to compare brushes? -How long did setup take for this holder? -What can cause it to feel like it will tip? -What are a great idea and made of plastic? -What is a bit small on the holder? -What product was being reviewed? -The casing is made of what type of material? -Why did the reviewer take off on star from the rating? -Did the French Press meet all the reviewers expectations? -Is disassembly and cleaning easy? -What product is the review for? -Was it easy to install? -What brand where the water resistant adhesive strips? -Does the dispenser come out easy so you can clean it? -Would the reviewer buy another dispenser? -What product was being reviewed? -Did the product have good reviews? -Does it leave a mess? -Was the price fair? -Where was the product purchased? -What product is being reviewed? -Where was the product purchased? -What was the rating the reviewer gave for the product? -Is the handle comfortable? -How is the stores return policy? -What was the product being reviewed? -What brand did the reviewer recommend? -Is it easy to clean? -Why was it difficult to cut? -Was it easy to cut? -What was the product being reviewed? -Was it easy to cut? -Why was it difficult to cut? -Is it easy to clean? -What brand did the reviewer recommend? -What did the reviewer want to point out for other buyers? -How is the lid locked? -What rating did the reviewer want to give other that 5 stars? -What size bags does the trash can use? -How is the scoop with getting ice cream? -Why was the reviewer initially happy with the product? -Do the little bumps on the finish change the functionality? -What formed on the scoop after a few months? -How much of the reviewers house is carpeted? -How many stars did the item recieve? -What is the name of the product? -What item does the reviewer want to be sucked up better? -How long does the reviewer plan to use the product? -How long did it take water to boil on medium heat? -What might be annoying to some users? -What kind of stove does the user have? -What should be done with fruit first? -Harder items should be accompanied by what? -What was expected of this blender? -Should the user put crushed or cubed ice into the blender? -Where did he/she first used the product? -What happened to the item after the weekend guests used it? -Where did the reviewer order her item from? -What does it slice down through? -Other than Amazon where can the product be purchased from? -What was the number 1 reason for positive statement? -What was the number 2 reason for negative statement? -What material is the product made of? -What was the number 3 reason for positive statement? -What was the number 1 reason for negative statement? -How much does their TV weight? -The item was describe as basic, but it is? -What was mentioned in one of the reviews? -The stand was hung off the back of what? -What was placed in front of the stand? -How many cups in a standard metal pan? -What is the oven heat recommended for silicone? -The products are safe to clean by? -What is important to do prior to removing baked item? -The baked items should be brushed with what? -What is the product being reviewed? -The name of the author of the book is? -The name of the cookbook mentioned is? -The product bought was used to? -The item is the favored item to use where? -From what online ecommerce service were the filters purchased from? -What is the brand name of the tester to check water quality? -What is the max rating from the EPA for bottled water? -What is the brand name of the reverse osmosis filtration system purchased? -Who was the Amazon seller the filters were purchased from? -From what online ecommerce service were the filters purchased from? -What is the brand name of the tester to check water quality? -What is the max rating from the EPA for bottled water? -What is the brand name of the reverse osmosis filtration system purchased? -Who was the Amazon seller the filters were purchased from? -What is the brand name of the rice cooker purchased? -How long can rice last in the Zojurishi rice cooker? -What's the recommended minimum amount of rice to cook in the 10 cup model? -What type of rice requires a special feature on the rice cooker? -What online site was the rice cooker purchased from? -What was inside the box when it was first opened? -How did the purchaser describe their feelings on initial view of the item purchased? -How did the purchaser describe the quality of chicken cooked in the fryer? -What is the purchaser's only gripe about the fryer? -Where was the fryer stored in the purchaser's home? -What was the kitchen appliance that the purchaser decided against buying? -At what price was the sharpener purchased? -What type of test is used to test the sharpness of a knife? -Which of the brand of knives are named after a famous TV personality? -How is the knife sharperner sharpened the purchaser purchased? -How many of the items did the purchaser purchase? -How did the purchase describe the items? -What is the type of person is described as not like mason jars? -How did the purchaser describe the feelings buyers of the mason jar would feel? -What issue did some previous reviewers complain about? -Why does the reviewer recommend purchasing another vacuum to use in conjunction with the Dyson groom? -How did the reviewer solve the problem of holding down the button? -What other vacuum does the reviewer recommend? -What brand is this attachment? -Why did the reviewer purchase this set of measuring cups? -What material are the measuring cups made of? +What do they have to do more often? +How tight are the product's lids? +When was the foam supposed to show up? +What did one reviewer struggle with measuring +How many thumbs up does the reviewer give it? +What did the person buy? +What tool did the reviewer find useful in putting the cabinet together? +What made the manufacturer cut corners on product? +Where is the couch from? +What is the author's favorite drink temperature? +What fits snugly? +What did the author already own? +What level of firmness was the author looking for in a mattress? +What did they modify? +How quickly does this microwave work? +Where does the dog sleep? +The customer says he went into what state while researching wheatgrass juicers? +Which side of the kitchen towel does the author not like? +What additional product pictured in the ad does the author not own? +What does the author do as part of his or her occupation? +What type of art is the author learning? +What was the person looking for? +How often does the reviewer prepare chicken wings? +What happened when one of the beaters came out during use? +What aspect of the surface does the user like especially? +What is made well? +What brand is being discussed? +Why did I order a tamper for my 64 oz container? +How much was the product? +What did they buy the item for? +What are gangbusters? +What kind of construction does the can opener have? +How many did they purchase? +What is the item they are discussing in this review? +Do you have to dig through a makeup bag? +The slots help when toasting what item? +How is the product's assembly defined in terms of difficulty? +What makes it Chinese? +Which utensil from the bamboo set is plentiful? +what is an easy way to make sure you are getting the recommended fruits and veggies each day? +What types of strips does the mitts have? +What type of wrap was used by another customer? +How long ago before lunch does the writer's son need to plug in the heating appliance? +What size pan is it? +How many tie racks do I have? +How long has the consumer been using the grill pan indoors? +What is ideal for this this group regarding the machine? +How many pre filters did the customer get by cutting them? +How is the cost? +What feature does the poster like? +How did they find a problem? +What is wrong with his municipalities water? +How often does the author make Cream of Wheat? +What have they been using in the past? +What could the owner have done to avoid most of the issues with the can opener? +What does the writer want the Juicer to include? +What is considered to be problematic? +What is simple to operate? +What makes the Pinzon Hotel Stitch shower curtain stand out? +What does the author say about their sleep quality? +what is happening to the waffles made with the product? +How long does the guide say it should take to measure the temperature of meat? +Who wanted the sheets to be a specific color? +What kind of feel does the spoon have to it? +How many tiles were broken in the next shipment? +What advantage did the author mention twice about this product? +does the author state it is easier or harder to use then the winged type +What was made to try out the skillet and see if food would sick to it? +What do they use to store food? +How long do they want the mattress to last +How many stars were given to the item? +What kind of oil do they want to protect the mattress from? +How much does the s'more maker cost? +How many wisks come with the machine? +What was the egg keeper made of? +how long did the product end up lasting before it broke? +What kind of mold is it where its wider on the top? +What doesn't get too hot? +What did they buy to keep tabs on the temperature? +What's makes this better than other single cup coffeemakers? +Is there a considerable size difference? +How old is the reviewer's carpet? +What has good intentions? What advantage do these measuring cups have over plastic ones the reviewer previously used? -What does the measuring cup set come with to keep the cups together? -What material were the reviewer's previous measuring cups made of? -How many people does the reviewer intend to cook for using this oven? -Would a stove be more or less efficient than using this oven? -Does the reviewer intend on keeping or returning this item? -What is the reviewer's first complaint about the oven? -What type of injury did the reviewer sustain when trying to remove the dome from the base? -What product did the reviewer use as a test before investing in the full set of towels? -What problem occurs when you wash the towels? -What category are these towels classified under on Amazon? -How much did the reviewer pay for shipping? -What material are these towels made from? -What problem occurs when you wash the towels? -What product did the reviewer use as a test before investing in the full set of towels? -How much did the reviewer pay for shipping? -What material are these towels made from? -What category are these towels classified under on Amazon? -What brand of coffee containers does this device use? -How many T-discs does this device hold? -Does the reviewer anticipate an increase or decrease in coffee consumption upon use of this product? -What do the smaller T-discs contain? -What color or finish is the outside of the coffee machine? -when did the writer buy their old computer? -where did the writer buy their old computer? -what was the writer unable to use to clean the old computer? -what additional hardware does the writer need for the old computer? -what additional software does the writer need for the old computer? -what kind of grip is need to hold onto the handle so it doesn't slip? -which part of the device does the writer have the most trouble with? -what kind of sleeve does the writer think would improve the product? -which parts does the writer think are best about this product? +What did I use? +What item did the consumer purchase? +What does the product have in abundance? +What is the lever? +What did the author say about the whistle? +What is easy to overlook according to the reviewer? +What was the one thing the reviewer didn't like? +What product did the user buy which resulted in this product being obtained for free? +Which replacement product was ordered for stovetop use? +How many buttons does it have? +What happens to the eggs when using this product? +What are the materials described as being? +What does the tool do? +Why were we dating? +What does the Thermos travel mug do? +What might be the function of the fabric softener sheet? +How much liquid can the product hold? +What stopped working after the spinner motor stopped working? +When was this update written? +Which product takes up more counter room? +does the product work well on different sizes of garlic cloves? +If that part hadn't broken off, what would the reviewer have rated the coffee maker? +What can you mount the air filter to? +What floors can you use the vacuum on? +how much do you have to turn the rings to get them to stay in position? +How does it feel the author of the review? +Does the reviewer believe that she got value for the product? +Is the garlic press recommended as a good gift option? +What is the price of the repair to the mixer? +How many steak knives will fit? +In what shape did the coils run? +How much does the mesh catch? +What was the author worried wouldn't be away from the hole? +What is important in a toaster +Are the knives dishwasher safe? +The author claims that it is not a sturdy piece of? +If the glass bottom is not put in just right what happens? what product is the writer reviewing? -where did the writer purchase their previous cutting board? -what additional feature does this product have over the writers first cutting board? -how do you prevent bamboo cutting boards from drying out? -what kind of oil should be used on bamboo cutting boards? -who bought the writer this product? +What do they recommend to use the scale for? +What product is the writer reviewing? +What's a downside of the product? +Why did you buy this model of tv mount? +How many mitts were ordered? +What has Roomba taught? +What material is it made out of? +Why did I buy this? +What problems did the item have? +From what material is this person's other soap holder made? +What did the buyer purchase when Amazon offered a good deal? +What are the pros? +What are key features of the sheets? +What brand was the second mattress that was ordered? +What food items do they use it for? +Who makes it? +What is important? +What would the poster rate this product out of a 5? +What where they suprised that the 24oz. was able to store easily? +how much did this blender cost? +Which room does the reviewer use the product in? +What keeps items from falling off this door rack? +What did these versions have? +What type of coating is on the tray? +what item is the writer reviewing? +What is being reviewed? +How does it compare to other racks? +What's the most negative feature of this iron, according to the reviewer? +How long does it take to have a half-gallon of good water? +What is the one major expense of HEPA filters that occurs over the years? +What is the handle made of? +what material are the towel racks made of? +What type of product is the writer not excited about? +What did they install next? +How many cubes did the other purchase? +How often does reviewer's mom use her water kettle? +How many of the product has reviewer purchased? +What happened first while trying to put the top on the base? +What rating did the author give? +What type of phone does the reviewer have? +How many pugs does this person have? +What allows for easy transport? for what holiday did the writer receive this product as a gift? -what actor is the writer a fan of? -what calendar does the writer look at for motivation? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what product is the writer reviewing? -what brand of product is the writer reviewing? -what kind of diet is the writer on? -how long does it take to cook pinto beans in this fryer? -what material is this product made from? -what did they want to run for 2 hours? -Why was the product first bought? -What part does a good job sucking up Cheerios? +How does the material feel? +Is a French press complicated to use? +Does the cookware actually let the food come off easier? +What does the lid have that attaches it to the bowl? +What should you do periodically? +What is the writer's opinion of the product? +The user 'cheats' on what other device with this new product? +What do you unlock when installing it? +What does the brush take up? +What potatoes does the author recommend? +Is the grinder quiet? +How long is the cord? +did the powdered sugar work well? +What needs to be done to all chocolates before they can be used? +What size are Japanese cups compared to American cups? +What keeps the bowl from sliding around? +What feature allows you to more easiely spread things? +What has the user done to the thermometer? +What is broken off on the lid? +How heavy is the rack? +What is the operating volume of this heater? +What is being reviewed? +How did this person mess up their pan? +How does the machine help the writer save money everyday? +What was the reviewer concerned about with the product being made of cardstock? +How much of the tomato is left now? +How many speed settings does this blender have? +What do they never need to do? +The author knew what was going to be tight when going off to college? +what does the husband forget to take out? +Who cooked in the CorningWare product for the reviewer? +What do you need to do slowly? +Why is the material safe for the environment? +how clear are the containers/plastic boxes? +How does the product compare to the picture? +What concern does the consumer have about the frame? +What is the round tab for? +How many of the product have they bought in the past 2 years? What is great about the handle? -What store uses the product to keep their floors clean? -How hard is the juicer to disassemble and clean? -What other brand would have been preferred to this model? -What is the one dislike stated for this vacuum? -What kind of floors are on the second floor? -How is the knife for cutting? -Why was there a trip to the ER? -What did the knife do to a finger? -How is the knife for cutting? -Why was there a trip to the ER? +How is it better than the beater that comes with it? +Why did the user save needle labels? +What is this good for? +How long has the author used the product for? +where did the pillows end up after they were no longer wanted? +What are the bottles in the device free of? +Who was the item a gift for? What did the knife do to a finger? -What was the specific purpose for buying the two bowls? -Who was amused by the purchase of these bowls? -As it turns out, why did others also by these two bowls? -What size can of food can the bowls accommodate? -What is the brand name of the bowls that were bought? -What was the purchaser's main frustration with the same type of product? -How many layers of construction does the product have? -What company made this product? -What promise did the purchaser break? -What may make it easier to operate the foot-buttons? -What was the customer hoping the product would restore? -What feature makes the product the most complicated and cumbersome? -What makes the product lighter if it is removed? +What is the reviewer advising to be very careful with? +What is the only negative that the customer sees about the cups? +What position does the author sleep in? +What product is the person hesitant to review? +The product is not of what quality category? +What edges does the peeler have? +Does the item protect silverware? +What does the author say these are nicer than? +What was the author a novice at, as mentioned in a previous review? +What does it make great, other than drinks? +Where do they get placed? +How does the writer wash the filter? +How many stars did the reviewer NOT give the filters? +What is the capacity? +what product is the writer reviewing? +When did the reviewer get a nice set of coffee beans? +Does Circulon only work on induction? +What makes it difficult for the writer to bring lunches to her son? What make the product hard to clean? -Why does the customer want to buy a second product of the exact same type? -What is the product's main use for this customer? -What is the shape of the blades compared to? -How long did it take to make a fine powder with the product? -What does the customer say this is a great product for? -What's the main type of use is this product built for? -What makes this product a step above the competition? -What does the customer wish this product included? -What kind of filter bags does the product come with? \ No newline at end of file +What state is the carafe in? +Where does the holder have drainage holes? +How was the meat when removed from the bag? +How long is the white cast on the floor? +What is top notch? +How many stars did they give the coffeemaker? +What calibrates? +What was unexpected? +Which room in the house is the product good for? +What makes it Italian? +What is it that was not seen that another reviewer mentioned? +What type of cooking is the pan best suited for? +Who did the reviewer by the crockpot from? +What does it need to be stored in? +What part of the house contains carpeting? +Does the travel mug come in different colors? +What root vegetable do they cook in the pan? +What do they lids say on them? +When did reviewer's mom start raving about water kettles? +What size bags does the trash can use? +Who bought the product for the user? +What is a flaw? +What vegetable was the use unable to slice through easily with their old knife? +How long does it need to rest? +Why does the person's son likes the water that freezes in the tray? +what product is the writer reviewing? +How many stars does the author wish they could give this muffin pan? +All in all, how does the person feel about the product? +How often do they vacuum? +How is the design rated? +Where did the customer buy the bed? +How many cups are made daily? +What type of plastic are the lids made of? +What brand does the author say they will be ordering? +How can it be stored +what product is the writer reviewing? +What colors did they order in? +When did the author try the item out? +What is the writer reviewing? +Where did the writer find the product? +What line of products does this belong to? +What is one way to mitigate the delicacy of the whipping attachment? +What size is the cup? +What does it not do? +What product did the user have before purchasing this one? +How long did it take for the carpet to dry with the new one? \ No newline at end of file