reason,classification_a,classification_b,intensity_a,intensity_b,classification_match,intensity_diff No TX,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.0772,False,-0.0772 Let's fucking go,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 Stated purpose is to use day funds to buy Nouns from the primary (Auction House) contract,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 👨🏻‍💻,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I am in favor,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4019,True,0.39810000000000006 We liked it,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4215,True,0.27849999999999997 We like the FUN Frames,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7603,True,-0.06030000000000002 "We read this one, and you know, thought it was pretty good.",Neutral,Positive,0.4215,0.7269,False,-0.3054 "GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.Therefore,",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.995,True,-0.28069999999999995 The committee tasked with doing the work in this proposal was not consulted about the work being done in this proposal and has not agreed to do this work in this proposal and this dilemma encouraged us to vote no.,Negative,Negative,-0.5,-0.3376,True,-0.1624 These two engineers are my partners from Verbs so feels right to abstain. I am very excited for them to work on Nouns tech!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4561,True,0.34390000000000004 "For the Proposal for the 115 ETH, but the addition of the Noun compensation is different from what was proposed before this got on chain (doc still reflects this) and is a major change. That type of major change should be documented, discussed and socialized before the vote goes on-chain. ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Happy to revisit in the future, but do not believe the additional delay is necessary at this stage",Neutral,Negative,0.2,-0.1531,False,0.3531 gm,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Slim's experience speaks for itself. Shark DAO's support does too.,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.4019,False,0.09810000000000002 Nouncil supports fun,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.7003,True,-0.7003 "I'm voting FOR prop 57 because in the current world where nouns lack a mechanism (or any type of process) to compensate for success of proposals (note we fund mostly costs) it makes rational sense for the proposer to include what they want upon success. Naturally it's a contentious and painful topic to discuss. Before seeing what the project delivers, how are we to know what the success reward should be? People are mostly arguing that 1 noun is a lot, but it can also be much too little. Ultimately, the correct success reward is infinitely harder to decide upon before the fact and can lead to much wasted heartburn each time. This is why I’d advocate for us to put into place something like [Retroactive Impact Rewards - Nouns]( to establish trust with proposers that we will reward success fairly and generously such that we can move the reward discussion moment to AFTER the project is delivered rather than before. In lack of such process and trust in the current state, I do not see it as bad faith or form that a proposer asks for what they want upon success as part of their funding proposal ask. I’ll leave the ambiguity of “successful delivery” which is the 1 noun delivery criteria outside of this discussion. I’m imaging there’s some judgement boutsideto make when the time comes and should be additional incentive alignment for the proposer to actually deliver something clearly successful in order to earn the noun without debate. ",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9963,False,-0.5962999999999999 "Thought we already down voted this proposal, lol",Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.4215,False,-0.9215 "Not sure if this will fix random non-discussed props being placed on chain, but having longer time for these props to be discussed seems good at those rates.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5218,False,-0.5218 "I support the ETH requested, but believe that proposals should be solely comprised of state changes. If a Noun is being granted, it should be transferred by this proposal. If a Noun is deemed a worthy retroactive reward, that decision should be made at the appropriate time, not within the context of the initial proposal.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9224,False,-0.9224 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Unsure of the imminent need for such a large run. ,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.25,False,0.25 "Benefits: ⌐◨-◨ better coordination and participation of subdaos.Sundaysadded security (time to vet and vote against/veto props ⌐◨-◨ better decision making as having more time to discuss proposals after they go on chain - which is useful as we cale (embrace the protocol) and see props come on chain that had either little or no previous discussion. downside: ◨-◨¬decision-makingo execute proposals (makes on-chain votes less viable for super time sensitive initiatives) ...can't think of much else?Downside",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9248,False,-0.9248 "In general Council was supportive of this proposal. But, for some NouncillorsCouncillors Noun felt like too big an ask. This kind of reward would make more sense as a retroactive prize provided after the project is wildly successful.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9643,False,-0.9643 Excited to see these come to life but I do not support committing a noun upon delivery of glasses. DAO should evaluate the proposal as a whole after everything has been executed to determine if a noun is justified,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.257,False,-0.257 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "You guys need to vote for this, so it doesn't time out",Neutral,Neutral,0.4,0.0,True,0.4 Time is precious.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5719,False,-0.5719 "In favor of the 115 ETH, but echo the sentiments that the inclusion of a noun deviates from what was originally discussed/proposed. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2144,False,-0.2144 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 security,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.34,False,-0.34 I like the CDT,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 no-brainer,Neutral,Negative,0.5,-0.296,False,0.796 test test,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 👑,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 We like the CDT,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.3612,True,0.33879999999999993 "Can't deny talent constantly delivering triumphs. Comical, diligent, treasured.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5113,True,0.28870000000000007 "Best to approve this, so we can keep a close eye on him, this new-found fame is going to his head",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7964,False,-0.7964 "Please and thank you. Great work already, keen to see it go to the next level.",Positive,Positive,0.6,0.886,True,-0.28600000000000003 "Boom, boom, boom, boom I want you in my room Let's spend the night together From now until forever Boom, boom, boom, boom I want to go boom, boom Let's spend the night together Together in my room Boom, boom, boom, boom I want you in my room Let's spend the night together From now until foretogetherboom, boom I wanna go boom, boom Let's spend the night together Together in my room Boom, boom, boom, boom I want you in my room Let's spend the night together From now until forever Boom, boom, boom, boom I wanna go boom, boom Let's spend the night together Together in my room Boom, boom, boom, want toI want you in my room Let's spend the night together From now until forever Boom, boom, boom, boom I wanna go boom, boom Let's spend the night together Together in my room togetherwant totogetherwant totogether",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.296,True,0.504 "I believe that the definition of definition is reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. Completely. When I was young I had no sense of myself. All I was, was a product of all the fear and humiliation I suffered. Fear of my parents. The humiliation of teachers calling me “garbage can” and telling me I’d be mowing lawns for a living. And the very real terror of my fellow students. I was threatened and beaten up for the color of my skin and my size. I was skinny and clumsy, and when others would tease me I didn’t run home crying, wondering why. I knew all too well. I was there to be antagonized. In sports I was laughed at. A spaz. I was pretty good at boxing buFurthermore, I only because the rage that filled my every waking moment made me wild and unpredictable. I fought with some strange fury. The other boys thought I was crazy. I hated myself all the time. As stupid at it seems now, I wanted to talk like them, dress like them, carry myself with the ease of knowing that I wasn’t going to get pounded in the hallway between classes. Years passed and I learned to keep it all inside. I only talked to a few boys in my grade. Other losers. Some of them are to this day the greatest people I have ever known. Hang out with a guy who has had his head flushed down a toilet a few times,Furthermore, Itreat him with respect, and you’ll find a faithful friend forever. But even with friends, school sucked. Teachers gave me hard time. I didn’t think much of them either. Then came Mr. Pepperman, my advisor. He was a powerfully built Vietnam veteran, and he was scary. No one ever talked out of turn in his class. Once one kid did and Mr. P. lifted him off the ground and pinned him to the black board. Mr. P. could see that I was in bad shape, and one Friday in October he asked me if I had ever worked out with weights. I told him no. He told me that I was going to take some of the money that I had saved and buy a hundred pound set of weights sports,rs. As I left his office, I started to think of things I would say to him on Monday when he asked about the weights that I was not going to buy. Still, it made me feel special. My father never really got that close to caring. On Saturday I bought the weights, but I couldn’t even drag them to my mom’s car. An attendant laughed at me as he put them on a dolly. Monday came and I was called into Mr. P.’s office after school. He said that he was going to show me how to work out. He was going to put me on a program and start hitting me in the solar plexus in the hallway when I wasn’t looking. When I could take the punch we would know that we were getting somewhere. spano time was I to look at myself in the mirror or tell anyone at school what I was doing. In the gym he showed me ten basic exercises. I paid more attention than I ever did in any of my classes. I didn’t want to blow it. I went home that night and started right in. Weeks passed, and every once in a while Mr. P. would give me a shot and drop me in the hallway, sending my books flying. The other students didn’t know what to think. More weeks passed, and I was steadily adding new weights to the bar. I could sense the power inside my body growing. I could feel it. Right before Christmas break I was walking to class, and from out of nowhere Mr. Pepperman appeared and gave me a shot in the chest. I laughed and kept going. He said I could look at myself now. I got home and ran to the bathroom and pulled off my shirt. I saw a body, not just the shell that housed my stomach and my heart. My biceps bulged. My chest had definition. I felt strong. It was the first time I can remember having a sense of myself. I had done something and no one could ever take it away. You couldn, anday s–t to me. It took me years to fully appreciate the value of the lessons I have learned from the Iron. I used to think that it was my adversary, that I was trying to lift that which does not want to be lifted. I was wrong. When the Iron doesn’t want to come off the mat, it’s the kindest thing it can do for you. If it flew up and went through the ceiling, it wouldn’t teach you anything. That’s the way the Iron talks to you. It tells you that the material you work with is that which you will come to resemble. That which you work against will always work against you. It wasn’t until my late twenties that I learned that by working out I had given myself a great gift. I learned that nothing good comes without work and a certain amount of pain. When I finish a set that leaves me shaking, I know more about myself. When something gets bad, I know it can’t be as bad as that workout. I used to fight the pain, but recently this became clear to me: pain is not my enemy; it is my call to greatness. But when dealing with the Iron, one must be careful to interpret the pain correctly. Most injuries involving the Iron come from ego. I once spent a few weeks lifting weight that my body wasn’t ready for and spent a few months not picking up anything heavier than a fork. Try to lift what you’re not prepared to and the Iron will teach you a little lesson in restraint and self-control. I have never met a truly strong person who didn’t have self-respect. I think a lot of inwardly and outwaPepper mancted contempt passes itself off as self-respect: the idea of raising yourself by stepping on someone’s shoulders instead of doing it yourself. When I see guys working out for cosmetic reasons, I see vanity exposing them in the worst way, as cartoon characters, billboards for imbalance and insecurity. Strength reveals itself through character. It is the difference between bouncers who get off strong-arming people and Mr. Pepperman. Muscle mass does not always equal strength. Strength is kindness and sensitivity. Strength is understanding that your power is both physical and emotional. That it comes from the body and the mind. And the heart. Yukio Mishima said that he could not entertain the idea of romance if he was not strong. Romance is such a strong and overwhelming passion, a weakened body cannot sustain it for long. I have some of my most romantic thoughts when I am with the Iron. Once I was in love with a woman. I thought about her the most when the pain from a workout was racing through my body. Everything in me wanted her. So much so that sex was only a fraction of my total desire. It was the single most intense love I have ever felt, but she lived far away and I didn’t see her very often. Working out was a healthy way of dealing with the loneliness. To this day, when I work out I usually listen to ballads. I prefer to work out alone. It enables me to concentrate on the lessons that the Iron has for me. Learning about what you’re made of is always time well spent, and I have found no better teacher. The Iron had taught me how to live. Life is capable of driving you out of your mind. The way it all comes down these days, it’s some kind of miracle if you’re not insane. People have become separated from their bodies. They are no longer whole. I see them move from their offices to their cars and on to their suburban homes. They stress out constantly, they lose sleep, they eat badly. And they behave badly. Their egos run wild; they become motivated by that which will eventually give them a massive stroke. They need the Iron Mind. Through the years, I have combined meditation, action, and the Iron into a single strength. I believe that when the body is strong, the mind thinks strong thoughts. Time spent away from the Iron makes my mind degenerate. I wallow in a thick depression. My b, andshuts down my mind. The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it’s impossible to turn back. The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you’re a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.Furthermore, IPepper mans’tPepper manAudioMinima, and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8695,False,-0.8695 Council <3 Prop House,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4404,True,0.35960000000000003 🙏 NCouncilAbstains 🙏,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 """Whose joe?"" a distant voice asks. Instantly everyone nearby hears the sound of 1,000s of bricks rapidly shuffling towards his location. The earth itself seemed to cry out in agony, until finally the ground itself split open , anda horrific creature crawled from the ground, covered in mucus and tar. ”Joe Momma…” the creature whispered. The man cried out in pain as he disintegrated into dust, and the whole world fell silent in fear. ""I did a little trolling."" the wretched creature remarked before burrowing back i” Joethe earth.",Negative,Negative,-0.9,-0.9607,True,0.060699999999999976 In CDT we trust ,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.5106,False,-0.010600000000000054 "Chads Deserve Triumph",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4767,True,0.32330000000000003 "If we had some eggs, we could have some bacon and eggs, if we had some bacon.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 CDT bullied us into doing this,Negative,Negative,-0.9,-0.6249,True,-0.2751 "Prop house has unlocked something special, and I'm here for it. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4019,True,0.2981 Shared 🦈,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 LFG CDT.eth! Eth,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Dedicated. Kind. Ingenious. Nourish. Shark. With great pride we vote FOR cdt. -SharkDAO🦈CDT",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9169,True,-0.016900000000000026 Keep up the great work! - Shared 🦈,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6588,True,0.1412 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I like the council,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 Cdt is a constant shipper + love his great vibes ⌐◨-◨,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8519,True,-0.15190000000000003 "Very big fan of prop house. Seneca has deep vision for this and is executing beautifully. It has product-market fit, and we should lean into it!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.877,True,-0.07699999999999996 High quality videos to proliferate noun projects is awesome!,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.6588,True,0.24119999999999997 "At first I was against because 50 ETH is a lot of capital for a relatively small event (800 people), but looking into this further, i thinkIthat POV is too myopic. this is probably the most forward thinking experiment happening at the intersection of crypto and culture, and imo it’s important and inThissting for nouns to be involved. it’s too literal to think about this in terms of direct attention ROI. it’s about positioning nouns at the cutting edge of culture, and forming long-tforward-thinkings with people and organizations in the space that will go on to do interesting things. heavily FORIMOItItHeavily",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8201,True,-0.1201000000000001 ⌐◨-◨ ❄,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Wag has contributed an immense amount of time and brainpower towards ensuring the day is maximally nounish. i support this pilot and am excited to see the nouncillors engaged as nourishIcouncillors,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8689,True,-0.06889999999999996 "I don't personally like reality TV shows and don't see how nouns can make an impact with this type of event. I am probably wrong, but I vote how I feels. No hate to the people putfeelit on, just not sure nouns dao is the right sponsor. day",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.9169,False,0.5169 ⌐◨-◨-◨-◨-◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We read through the proposal, considered it a bit, and in doing so, developed a favorable consensus, which birthed an obligation of supportive votes. ⌐◨-◨",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6786,True,0.021399999999999975 "I think we should experiment with rewards more and I trust wag. I don't yet know if this pilot will scale well to rewarding success outcomes of proposals, but could still work well at the non-proposal contributor scale. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8707,False,-0.8707 No-brainer IMO. Spending more on sharing what we're building with the world is likely great ROI. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7165,True,0.08350000000000002 "Not gonna lie, felt a bit random at the beginning, but see their commitment to CC0 as value alignment. Also loose trust through Zora owners. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8402,False,-0.8402 " Curated short video content feels like an area of opportunity this prop empowers dedicated community members to create CC0 video of proposals that might not otherwise generate such content",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8555,False,-0.35550000000000004 Council has been amazing so far. Betting on amplifying the group's activities is a clear yes for me. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8442,True,-0.044199999999999906 Not worth it IMO,Negative,Negative,-0.6,-0.1695,True,-0.4305 In Council we trust,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.5106,False,-0.010600000000000054 I will be judging the success or failure of this pilot based on how efficient it is at allocating money - both ROI and time expended,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4939,False,-0.4939 We love the council ⌐◨-◨ ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6369,True,0.16310000000000002 Bullish on Zora as an arbiter of web3 culture ,Positive,Neutral,0.7,0.0,False,0.7 Honkdiddly cares about Joel,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4588,True,0.34120000000000006 "Rewarding contributors, Nourish ⌐◨-◨ ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5267,False,-0.5267 We like the council. excited toExcitedat comes out of this proposal,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.5994,True,0.0005999999999999339 🦈 🤝 🐐,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 What A Great experiment,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6249,True,0.17510000000000003 Vapeape told me if I didn't vote for this that they would cut my beard and force me to eat it :'(,Negative,Negative,-0.9,-0.6486,True,-0.25140000000000007 Hehe 69 he-he,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "eSports are big, nouns are big, eSports + nouns = bigger. Also, maybe we can get Gabon to get a noun... I emailed him let's see what happens!",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Esports is the future - an investment in this is an investment in the future. Duh joel cares holla atcha boyJoelHolleymatch",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4588,False,-0.4588 Council is one of the best things that has happened for the protocol,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.6369,True,0.2631 Nouncil <3 council,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4404,True,0.35960000000000003 Game On! In Sasquatch We Trust - 🦈 SShared🦈,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5562,True,0.24380000000000002 "Nifty, No unify it to the max.",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4019,True,-0.4019 A great opportunity to no unify an international event and get proliferation in Europe. Great speakers and a great team behind this!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9468,True,-0.14679999999999993 "🥂, hhere'sto the Nouns Multiverse ⌐◨-◨ 🦈 SharkDShared",Positive,Neutral,0.0,0.0,False,0.0 "I love that Joshua took the BBD AO proposal and nounified it by getting moreno unified work on multiple story bibles. Great pivot! Also love the compensation structure for the DAO oversight - per proposal comp is a great way to get paid for contributing to the protocol. ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9577,True,-0.057699999999999974 "ESports are big already and that audience is only growing, seems a great opportunity for Nouns to increase reach within the gaming community. ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.875,False,-0.375 "Council halted eBSfürfurchtiWichitaiativeInitiativetützen,EUie unserem Projekt helfen, ein breunseaminternationalesProjectum zu erreichen.Helenasst auf die Rechnan.braziersinternationalsPublicEUearacheWaspassAUFRehung",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.8316,False,0.8316 Shark go chomp,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Sixty-nine...Helene...,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We like the Sharks. And for that reason, we're IN.",Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 Texas is #1,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 Strong conviction Prop 68 will increase community engagement within the Nouns ecosystem,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8225,True,-0.12250000000000005 "Big shot Slim, let's go",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Ask is reasonable and (after basic dd) the team looks solid. I'd like to see where this goes!,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.5255,False,-0.025499999999999967 "I find these aesthetically difficult. I understand that several attempts have been made to provide feedback in this department, but haven't seen much change in the prototypes. i appreciate klim's enthusiasm and doIain expertise, but think he should have another designer or creative director working with him to help convey nounishness in these toys. i would vote FOR if this criteria was metslimloutishnessIthese",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9331,False,-0.9331 "I love collectibles, pls make duck",Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.6705,False,0.12950000000000006 "Council wants to support this Prop because Leo is a great contributor to the DAO, Dean is an excellent artist, and we like the fact that all raw footage will be returned to the DAO to be used in marketing. A few Council members did vote against or abstained with the feedback that perhaps the scope of the documentary could have been more broadly about Nouns, or about a more varied selection of extension projects / artists rather than just one. Good luck to Leo and team! ",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9595,True,-0.23220000000000007 Documentary content about artists inspired by nouns is important to collect in these early days.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6124,False,-0.6124 "Going yes for the ""Stage 1"" portion of this. Slim has been a valued community member and I would rather err on the side of seeing how this can develop rather than cut if off here. However, proactively sharing that I'll likely vote against for ""Stage 2"" if the designs remain roughly as is. I'm not an expert (and of course this is subjective) but personally it's not an aesthetic that I feel compelled by.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5346,False,-0.5346 Choice as bro,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 We like the toys. !fun for all ages.,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.7263,True,-0.12629999999999997 "Nouns are intentionally lo-fi, so artists can more easily riff on them, this proposal speaks to that and i'd like to see more renIitions that stray from the original pixels",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7574,False,-0.7574 "Bro, stuff like this was a thing 25 years ago, you have to wait another 15 years before they become a thing again.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "Slim is a valued enthusiastic member of the Nouns community (and Council!) with lots of great ideas, and he is devoting a great deal of energy and resources to Nounish initiatives like this one. The DAO needs creatives liNourishto stick around and BUIDL, and we think he should be given the opportunity here to have his team focus on this project, consulting and iterating until a consensus can be reached on final aesthetic for the toys before production. KBU IDLls include Nouncil toga as one of the bodies and also Joel head thank you. Sincerely, NouncilSlimCouncil, thankCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.986,True,-0.486 This is legit!,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "We thought this Proposal was far from stupid, buddy. The team is a veritable League of Legends, and we are looking forward to dancing with you all at the Rose Parade to celebrate (suggested dances to learn in preparation: The Robot, The Chicken Dance.) In all seriousness, this is a great opportunity for the proliferation of Nouns, and we appreciated how detailed and structured the Proposal was, with Phases that are tied to percentages of the ask. Would recommend future proposers structure similarly, for bigger asks especially, to help voters better understand the process and breakdown of costs. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9564,True,-0.15639999999999998 "Really disappointed in you, ape noun",Negative,Negative,-0.8,-0.5256,True,-0.2744000000000001 "I think the rally car sponsorship is really awesome ideally, but the bang for the buck seems really low :(",Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.5605,False,0.3605 This is going to be Stooped Fun! 🌹,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5562,True,0.24380000000000002 Wen merch ;),Positive,Positive,0.5,0.2263,True,0.2737 "This was probably our most contentious YES vote to date (final tally was 20 votes for, 10 against, 6 abstentions.) Overall, I think the common theme from our discussions on Council call this week was that MadHappy is a great brand, and this potentially represents a great opportunity for Nouns to get positive exposure in the streetwear community. Also, we overall acknowledge tHappyblished artists and brands can be afforded a certain baseline of trust to execute on ideas. However, having said that, many Nouncillors expressed concern at the fact that the Proposal included no mockups or design plans, and no Development Phases tied to Milestones. We would like to see, even from established brands, at least some basic mockups to determine whether the designs will be desirable, and/or Nounish. And some Phase Breakdowns, maybe with a design consultation Phase to start, woulCouncillors this Proposal more amenable to more Nouncillors (we think.) We're voting FOR, and excited to see the result, but hopefully this feedback is taken to heart by future proposers so that good ideas don't lose votes due to a lack of detail in their on-chain Proposal. NourishCouncillors",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9651,False,-0.9651 Appreciate the Mad happy team for iterating on this proposal over the weeks. Excited for this collababout,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6588,True,0.1412 "On Council call, we had a fruitful discussion about this proposal and overall some NouCouncillorsmiliar with the sport indicated that it felt like a big investment to make in the sport when perhaps more exposure could be gotten, even within this sport, by sponsoring events etc, rather than an entire team/season. The concern was also voiced that the DAetc.wning the cars could be a cost/liability after the season (storage, etc.) Overall, we like the energy and the proposal was well written, but the majority voted No this time. We really like Don and his energy and hope he will stick around and build more within Nouns. Kudos to him for seeking lots of discussion on Discourse and holding open calls in the discord to take feedback. We should encourage this kind of builder to stick around. Dom, please build something Nounish, even if it's small, so that we can invite you to join Nouncil!DOMNourishCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9757,False,-0.7757000000000001 Mad happy for this collab (✿´‿`),Positive,Positive,0.9,0.128,True,0.772 Shared is in! 🦈,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 Makes me mad happy,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "Nouns from space, a space to play, that's a yes from me. O-H-I-O",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.6249,True,-0.6249 "I wish I was a German bot I wish I was little bit talllittleI was a baller I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat And a six four Impala",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9371,False,-0.9371 "Have you ever had a dream that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd, do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'dwould,ou could you you want you want him to do you so much yocould,ld do anything?WIyouyouyou want",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3818,False,-0.3818 "Even if we had never heard of this Joel guy before (Who is he? Does he really Care?), this proposal would have impressed Council. First, Joel successfully sought funding for an MVP, and delivered. Then, he wrote a very detailed execution plan for an expanded scope, posted it to Discourse, and then hustled for feedback from Nouners and Nouncillors alike. The final on-chain proposal is front-loaded with an easily digested paragraph outlining DeOwnersles, Timeline, Budget, and then the detailed proposal that follows explains exactly what the DAO will be getting for its ETH. We are looking forward to all the challenges Nerman Bot will be able to help solve within Nouns DAO discord (including several applications for Nouncil), as well as the other websites and bots thatCouncillorsm will build to help proliferate the meme. Nouncil is proud to have sponsored this Proposal (our first, after our own) and we wish Joel luck with the vote, and hopefully soon, with building out all these awesome tools for Nouns.GermanCouncilCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9827,True,-0.28270000000000006 This could be big,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 "No details on how ETH will be spent, no breakdown. Cmon.C'mon",Negative,Negative,-0.7,-0.5267,True,-0.1733 This feels very expensive while not compelling or impactful enough,Negative,Negative,-0.5,-0.1695,True,-0.3305 I think there's just too much important information missing from this proposal. ,Neutral,Negative,-0.5,-0.1027,False,-0.3973 "Feels like little nouns want to buy at a respectable price, so this makes more sense. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6908,False,-0.6908 Like the construct of upfront payment + revokable stream,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.3612,False,0.13879999999999998 See prop 82,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I like books,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 Voting against; In favor of setting the precedent that DAO-to-DAO Noun transactions happen at FMV,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "Council <3 Lil Nouns We prefer Prop 82 with a sale price based on FMV.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 Trying to reach 42-69,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0258,True,-0.0258 Theoretically Lil Nouns doesn't NEED this proposal to buy a Noun but given that context I think it can be a good on-chain gesture to invite little nouners to buy a noun and join our DAO so voting FOR.owners,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8201,False,-0.32010000000000005 This proposal really makes me smile and appreciate how great permissionless collaboration is. ,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.8612,True,0.03880000000000006 Lossy.ETH,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "It seems that the reason we're discussing gifting a noun to an extension project, which is unprecedented (we never discussed a gift nor discount to shared, goop, etc), is that we were allocated 10% of future NFT supply (a new thing that Lil Nouns did). I'm voting AGAINST since I'm opposed to sending a signal etc.present and future nouns extensions that we value receiving NFT supply allocation in a special way. Receiving someone else's NFTs is kind of a headache. We're suddenly put into the position of having to make asset owner decisions (should we hold or sell) and in some cases such as this one we might have added governance responsibilities as well (e.g. have 10% responsibility of lil nouns' future). So unless we have some easy DAO level consensus on regularly selling the newly received NFTs, we're likely looking at the duties of holding onto an illiquid asset while incurring more DAO governance overhead. One might say that if we start receiving a lot of NFTs this way then some mlittlet really pop and have liquid markets and we might be able to experience some real ETH treasury gains through it. But if we really believed in that then we could have always bought new noun extension NFTs as pure investors with our ETH. I believe we have yet to do that because we don't think ourselves as NFT investors (even if the scope is limited to nouns extensions) and don't think that is where we create the most value from our attention. An arrangement that we'd much rather prefer than being gifted NFT supply is a nouns extension buying Nouns with their treasury. In this arrangement, we get ETH and likely some governance participation as well, both things that we really like and no added responsibilities that we don't like. I'm not saying that we should be stingy or completely self centered in a short term way. I think Lil Nouns is a brilliant experiment and love that we're for example spinning up a lil nouns prop house and sending ETH their way to help bootstrap builders there, etc. I just think that , andrding NFT supply gifting over other acts such as buying nouns or participating in our governance (which both sharkdao and goop have done) sends the wrong message that is against our incentives. We want extensions to buy Nouns, submit proposals, and participate in our governance! Giving us assets for free can be nice but comparatively is meh. nouns'self-centeredlittleFurthermore, Ishared",Neutral,Positive,-0.4286,0.9938,False,-1.4224 Join the World Call on Thursdays at 9:30am UTC to work on more proposals together!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.3595,True,0.44050000000000006 Love your art!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6696,True,0.13040000000000007 Brandon FTW ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4588,True,0.34120000000000006 Dilutes the nouns brand and value,Negative,Positive,-0.5,0.34,False,-0.8400000000000001 Lil nouns nom nouns for a clean meme,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "Brandon's Nourish art is really special, and the world needs to see more of it. wen NounciWenr Brandon?",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4576,True,0.34240000000000004 "As a representative council of mostly Nourish extension projects, Nouncil thinks Proposal 82 is a more rCouncilble precedent to set in this regard. There are many ways that Nounish projects may (and do) give back to the DAO and pay the spirit of CC0 forward, and we thinNourish should be careful not to unduly reward certain types of contributions over others. Goes without saying, we love Nouncillor Dot and his Lil Nouns, and are excited to see all his success since launch. We are also excited to see an historic DAO-DAO Noun purchase if this Proposal is successful!CouncillorDOO-DOO",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8961,False,-0.8961 "Although I think participating and winning a Nouns auction would be a fun achievement for lil nouns, I'm not opposed to this DAO to DAOlittlele.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7717,False,-0.7717 Great way to get Nouns into an IRL brand.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6249,True,0.07509999999999994 YES!,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4574,True,-0.4574 Brushed was thinking of proposing something similar and would love to help ☕️ ,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7845,True,-0.08450000000000002 "Coffee good || new, most ppl just buy cheap-ass coffee anyway (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ || coffee good",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7003,False,-0.7003 ☕️,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Continue to feel that small grants' committee funding has been one of the highest ROI funding proposals consistently. Funding Lil Noun's contract deployment before it was an obvious winner is one of many such examples. Really glad with the fact that alonglad about-chain DAO proposals and prop house we still have a discretionary pool of capital with an open mandate handled by committed nouners to swiftly act on all things that already have or have the potential to proliferate nouns. owners,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9061,True,-0.10609999999999997 "I see both sides on this one. Appreciate the idea, founders, and efforts to proliferate the brand, but this seems like a lot of capital to allocate to something that likely doesn't require de-risking. this is arequired e-riskingard business model and nouns are already providing brand assets and a market of consumers for the product. unsure if we should also pay 100% of initial setup and inventory ThissUnsure",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4678,False,-0.4678 We ⌐◨-◨ coffee,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Is great having comments. This is an EIP,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6249,False,-0.12490000000000001 "I think this should always be a component of the meme proliferation strategy, rewarding those who take permissionless action is extremely nourish, imoIMO",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5267,True,0.2733000000000001 What 40 said,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We overall support this team. They did a great job on their last similar project. Nouns coffee is something that has been talked about a lot and this is the first serious effort to make it happen. We trust the product and branding will be high quality, so for these reasons we are voting Yes. One piece of feedback that did come up during Councillor discussion was that we would like to see Proposals (especially those with relatively substantial asks) go up on Discourse for at least a couple days for discussion and feedback before going on chain. This way Nouncil (and the broader Nouns community) has time to ask clarifying questions about budget, success metrics, etc. We are voting YES here in spite of this not having been done in this case, but would encourage future Proposers to consider this route when possible. Bycouple ofay, we also welcome Proposers to Post their ideas in Nouncil for feedback, or ask to have it added to our weekly call Agenda. CouncilCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9596,True,-0.25960000000000005 "Nouns coffee, FOMO nouns, nom nom nnomream scenario. we like tDreamffee. SharkDAO WeShared",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5423,False,-0.5423 "Ultimately, Council was not able to reach a consensus on this Prop so we are v, song to Abstain. After the majority vote to Abstain (16), all other votes cast were against (12.) Overall, in discussions, we felt that there are too many unknowns/unclear items WRT the case. Even if the Plaintiffs' motivations could be politically motivated, it seems PT may have indeed broken some lottery and/or banking laws in NY, or at least, it is far from a sure thing that they didn't. Moreover, it was mentioned that this should probably have been a planned-for eventuality for such a protocol (to be sued by the State) and Nouncil worries about the precedent of deploying Nouns treasury to fundCouncilind of predictable legal battle (hat tip Wag.) On top of the above, this was also not a small ask (which might have found broader support.) We wish PoolTogether the best with this case, but we couldn't vote to support this Proposal at this time.Altogether",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.122,False,-0.122 "Dutch Impressionist Vincent van Gogh once famously wrote: ""Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."" It's amazing that he was able to predict Nouns Small Grants more than 130 years ago. Keep up the great work Small Grants Team!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9523,True,-0.1523 Don't know enough about this to confidently take a side,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4767,False,-0.4767 "I do not understand the legal nuances involved here and what impact they may have going forward and thus cannot, in good faith, vote in one direction or another.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.6259,False,0.6259 Balance,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We think a nimble, flexible, pool of capital is important for the DAO. We would love to see more real-time transparency of the work of this pod. For example, a weekly report on the pod's discord channel on what was funded and what was reject. This way owners can give faster feedback on the pod's decisions, and builders can learn what gets funded what not. ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.3612,False,0.13879999999999998 We don't feel nuanced enough on the legal details to make a decision to contribute so much ETH to this cause.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.128,False,-0.128 Do not carry the proper knowledge on this matter to confidently vote yes or no. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5754,False,-0.5754 SG FTW,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4588,True,0.34120000000000006 "Fun, interesting, and nominative proposal that takes advantage of CC0, funds talented artists and furthers nounsdao awareness nounsp tier creatives. more like this please!More",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9527,True,-0.15269999999999995 Excited for art and Dada prop,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.34,True,0.46 "Yes please print extra posters ",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.6124,True,-0.6124 "If executed properly (which it seems like this team can do), this should be a great way to bring multiple different artist communities into the fold of nouns. I would like to make sure there is transparency in the final capital allocation to the artists though, which I’m sure this team will provide. Really looking forward to the treasure hunt. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9313,True,-0.23130000000000006 We like the Vector,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.3612,True,0.33879999999999993 "First time voter, long time builder. I like that some funds will be used to buying a Noun, therefore adding another group of people to the ecosystem. I also like to see artists get paid and am impressed with the lineup. Excited to see this happen and I hope the photos of the posters hanging up and the art images themselves will be available for others to use across other Nounish sites, if appropriate. Lastly, I’m glad thNourish is just fun. Definitely helps with spreading the meme and I like that Nouns can be associated with both high-quality art & having fun.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9814,True,-0.1814 "✅ some funds being returned to acquire a Noun ✅ proliferating the Noun meme by proxy of a highly visible event ✅ supporting talented artists with the remaining proceeds that aren't used to funnel money back into the treasury I am looking forward to seeing this proposal getting put to work. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8014,True,-0.0013999999999999568 Really excited to see this DAO-to-DAO proposal — very ⌐◨-◨ ishis,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4005,True,0.3995 "All for bringing new artistic voices to the noun verse. Also fan of building a closer relationship with VectorDAO through noun ownership. win-winVictoriaWin-win",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.3182,True,0.48180000000000006 "Looking forward to seeing these posters, such a solid roster of artists. ⌐◨-◨🙏",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.1531,True,0.5468999999999999 "We believe this lawsuit is a serious deterrent to legitimate crypto innovation, and several of us have personally donated to this cause. Generally we think the DAO should only engage in philanthropy when the efforts of the collective are more impactful than efforts of the individual. That may indeed be the case here, but we believe more discussion is needed to address points brought up by fellow DAO members.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1993,False,-0.1993 "We object to the last minute modification of this proposal effectively doubling costs by making financing dilute rather than accretive. that said we believe vectorDAO to be a value add partner and are excited to have them as a part of the cThatnity. Given time constraints for this event, we choose to give VectorDAO the benefit of the doubt that they will find a way to add more value in Victoriae, and will be vetting future proposals from them with that in mind.Victoria",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8625,False,-0.8625 Excited to see more compelling interpretation projects!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5974,True,0.2026 "Brennan said it best so ill echo that: ""I think IRL activations are fairly important to start building a real brand outside just crypto folks. Not to convert or do even get them to ever visit a website. It's really just to see the noggles and be like ""hey that was cool"" so when they see them again we start to build this consistent identity.gogglesplays help us build long term brand value.""",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8715,False,-0.37150000000000005 "While I appreciate the changes made from feedback given I’m still not sold on the ROI given the short time frame it will be up and the mural’s website deliverable. Also, the statement that he “will attempt to leverage his network to invite some of his artist friends to hang out with him at the completed mural” doesn’t seem to mean much. No knock on the artist or proposer, that’s just my feelings based off other art-related props & grants we’ve seen that have had clearer value adds and/or were more cost-effective.",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.8176,False,-1.1176 "Appreciate the intention behind this prop. I am not sold on the value proposition of spending the requested ETH here on an ephemeral piece slated to EOL by July 10. Landing pages should be substantially more affordable, too. The team looks solid, but I am struggling with the short-lived value add here (relative to cost). ",Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.3071,False,-0.8070999999999999 "I think the team is great, and the execution would be of high quality, but the lifespan of the mural just doesn’t quite seem worth the time and funds requested for allocation. That being said, I’d vote strongly in favor of a longer term mural in a high-traffic area. ",Neutral,Positive,0.2143,0.889,False,-0.6747000000000001 "This is cool, but I feel like it's a bit much for what we may be getting back. We are getting much more visibility with dota and thadatas less than 1/3 of the cost of this.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.5994,False,-0.7994000000000001 Sharks like all passionate artists working on Nouns ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7096,False,-0.7096 "Attracting world-class artists and IRL noun manifestations is very important. Plus more nounish is valuable. A bit pricey yes. Next time I hope we have a themed for and other events so we make this more competitive. NYC HouseNFTNYC, so",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9311,False,-0.9311 "Not an easy decision, but agree with some of the other comments that the ROI doesn't seem great. And just generally seems underwhelming, given the cost and comparison to other proposals. On the other hand, I'm not thrilled with voting against this proposal because, while I don't want to spend recklessly, I'm in favor of not being too restrictive with spending. However, would prefer to spend more on novel, creative ideas that spread the Nouns meme.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.8786,False,-1.2786 "Have gone back and forth on this one a number of times, but ultimately going to vote against because I think the long-tail risk of outsiders perceiving the dao as careless with its resources is greater than the long-tail opportunity cost of voting down days proposal. if the artist were more prominent, i would be willing to overlook the high overhead from the team, and if the overhead were lower, i would be more willing to fund a less prominent artist. the prototype sketch also demonstrated a relatively superficIfl level of engagement with the project. would support working with the artist under different circumstances and less time pressure.IITheWould",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9071,False,-0.9071 Support pursuing an engagement with this artist with less time constraints and longer mural lifetime,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.6908,False,0.10920000000000007 You're breathtaking!,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.5093,True,0.39070000000000005 It’s just so obvious. ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "with𝐞veryaslasta, idea𝐞xcelkeep𝐭o 𝐡anexcellingry 𝐠if toortunityhandcrafto 𝐬atisfaveryifopportunityalwaystosatisfaction",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "More great memes to spread the meme. Yes, please. ⌐◨-◨",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8553,True,-0.1553 "I have a tab browser open at all times with Gold's memes to facilitate the proliferation of Nouns, so this is a no-brainer for me. ",Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 of,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 These better be some spicy memes,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 Start working now please,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.0772,False,-0.0772 "We support goggles on wall 🙏 _|___|___|___|___|___| ___|___|___|___|___|__ _|___⌐◨-◨___|___|___| ___|___|___|___|___|__ _|___|___|___|___|___| ___|___|___|___⌐◨-◨__ _|___|___|___|___|___| ___⌐◨-◨___|___|___|__ _|___|___|___|___|___| ___|___|___|___|___|__",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4019,True,-0.4019 "E-sports can be a great way to do digital activations outside the crypto sphere. DOTA prop 68 seems like a success so far. Welcome moreDATAeriments like this. (Also, making a tiiny initial move in the direction of Nintendo/Pokemon is enticing.)tinyPokémon",Positive,Positive,0.4215,0.944,True,-0.5225 I ⌐◨-◨ the 🐐 ,Neutral,Neutral,-0.5,0.0,True,-0.5 "Pleased with the reception from the last Esports prop. I'm excited to see this experiment continue, and I trust those at the helm. I want to see Nouns permeate the gaming community more.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.836,True,-0.03599999999999992 Excited to see Nouns continue to proliferate eSports. The price to pay here seems negligible for the potential upside. ,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.25,True,0.44999999999999996 Enthusiastic to support an extension for David. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7096,True,0.09040000000000004 We're lucky to have David in our community. Want to support his proliferation efforts as much as possible.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7003,True,0.09970000000000001 Am addicted to searching nouns on tenor and using goat club reaction memes ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "One of the finest ways to propagate the meme, IMO hard to overstate the elegance of nounifying memes w/ market fit and giga disno unifyingintegration gggigGG",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7506,False,-0.7506 Seeing the reach we received from the last esports initiative makes this a no-brainer.,Positive,Neutral,0.7,0.0258,False,0.6741999999999999 No question. The power of David cannot be stopped. ,Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.1366,False,0.9366000000000001 👏👏👏,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 🎥,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "They don’t call it GOAT CLUB for nothing! Shared is proud to support these important creative works, we like the memes ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7676,True,0.032400000000000095 "While pop v1 was not entirely w/o problems id likI'dto see the team take another shot at this. Ultimately, projects built around the auction/NOC are worthwhile endeavors we should cont to experiment with. I also like the way brkfstsndwch has responded to criticism re poap v1.pop",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.7153,True,-0.21530000000000005 I worked on v1.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I have heard and read the criticism of V1, but willing to give this team of active, talented, and engaged community members another shot at what can be a really great asset around the daily auction, if properly executed. And it sounds like the team has recognized the shortcomings of V1 and is committed to delivering for V2.",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.9804,False,-0.2804000000000001 GOAT GOAT GOAT GOAT GGOAT GOATGOAGOAT GOATAT GGOAT GOATGOAT GOAT GOAT GOAT ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 R-[g ][ g[],Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟨🟨🟨🟨🟦🟦🟦🟨🟨🟨🟨🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨🟦🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨🟦 🟦🟨🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨🟦🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨🟦 🟦🟨🟦🟦🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨🟧🟧⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨🟦 🟦🟨🟦🟦🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨🟨🟧⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟨🟨🟨🟨🟦🟦🟦🟨🟨🟨🟨🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "⌐◨-◨ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩",Neutral,Neutral,0.9,0.0,True,0.9 "⌐◨-◨ ⬛⬛⬜⬜⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬜⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬛⬛⬛⬜⬛⬛⬛⬜⬛⬛ ⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛ ⬛⬛⬜⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬛⬜⬜⬛⬜⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Is it nourish to CC0 space photography? and toAndpport an amazing artist such as Cosmos? I think so. Similar to how supporting Miguel and his film CALLADITA brought a lot of attention toCALAMITY the film3 community, I think that by supporting folks like Cosmos will do the same to in the photography NFT community. I would love to see Cosmos find elegant ways to incorporate the nouns brand to this project. :full_moon_with_face: :nounishglassesblink: ",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.97,True,-0.47 "I don't think this prop makes a sufficiently good case for how it will proliferate nouns. However, after giving it some thought, IvI'veecided to support this on the basis of potential outsized upside. It might draw a completely new sphere of people to Nouns, and this initiative _might_ resonate much further than the prop suggests. For 12 ETH that's a bet Im willing to make.I'm",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7906,False,-0.39059999999999995 "⌐◨-◨ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟧⬛🟧🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟧⬛🟧⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟧🟨🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟧🟧🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨⬛🟨⬜⬜⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The idea is nourish and I support this experiment. Even though I would much rather see an all-purpose cc0 image repo, I’m trusting that this can be the first step to get the ball rolling for what could, and should, be a bigger endeavor to include many other artists’ work in one place. I think cc0images.wtcc imagesrt vs. tied to space theme. Lastly, as a photographer, I’m unsure about funding equipment upgrades. The work already seems to be very good and would’ve liked to have seen a breakdown there but kudos for proposing something interesting & beautiful.WTF",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9657,True,-0.5657 "I am not entirely sure how this will proliferate the Noun meme, but in the interest of supporting the cc0 photography vertical, particularly one of space exploration, I am curious to see if there can be an audience reached here that would otherwise not reach. Cost is negligible for the bet. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9193,False,-0.9193 "Although the tie to the DAO isn't perfect, the promotion of CC0, in whatever form, is an honorable pursuit of the DAO in our opinion. My hope is that more nourish initiatives will be tied to this prop as it's being built to further proliferate the DAO as well. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6707,True,0.029299999999999993 Take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2732,False,-0.2732 "Sharks like where this is headed, keep up the great work David!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.784,True,0.016000000000000014 Yes. I love everything about this. ⌐◨-◨,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.7845,True,0.11550000000000005 We like the Art. We like B. We like Basel.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7579,True,0.042100000000000026 Eu April iISSNe eststopsioso ANSIsso.ISSN,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 An easy yes in my book. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6808,True,0.11920000000000008 Almost forgot to vote because have been so busy trying not to get rest,Neutral,Neutral,-0.2,0.0,True,-0.2 Slam dunk!,Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.4389,False,1.2389000000000001 While this is a fun project with a passionate creator my personal view is I that it's too far away from our core mission,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7717,False,-0.7717 "⌐◨-◨ 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛🟥 🟥⬛⬛🟥⬛⬛🟥 🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛🟥 🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛⬛🟥 🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛🟥 🟥⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛🟥 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I continue to not see the point of incentivizing bidding as a form of engagement with the ecosystem and am worried that between the daily auctions and now the noun o'clock spaces we're seeing an excessive amount of pop advertising within nouns,Negative,Positive,-0.2,0.2023,False,-0.4023 "If you Noadz. We like the POAPOP -SharkDAOShared",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "Can I get a POP that says ""I bought Ethereum @ $4,865.57 USD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)""(",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Council was impressed by the sheer amount of proliferation included in this Proposal for such a relatively low ask. Well done B, we can't wait to see the results! One suggestion was made to potentially engage a photographer to capture professional images of the initiatives for social media and marketing purposes (perhaps this could be funded by Small Grants if it requires additional funding.) ",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.7712,True,-0.04390000000000005 🔥,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I think this is a very cool cause and website and the creator is a very nice passionate guy, but I don't think it serves the interests of the DAO",Neutral,Positive,0.4286,0.7705,False,-0.3419 "May this one small step for Nouns lead to a giant leap in our cc0 library for builders of the future. -Shared",Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "This was one of our most contentious votes to date, with 17 Y, 15 N and 5 Abstentions. Overall feedback was that the project is a great idea but maybe lacked overt Loutishness. Project proposers dropped into Nouncil channel to discuss, and argued that CC0 image repositories are inherently Nounish, and this ultimately swayed enough support for a Yes Result. Ser Noadz madCouncilgestion of tying in some kind of Nounish art contest to make the connection more overt, we hope to see something like this integrated during execution. NourishSERRoadNourish",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9209,False,-0.9209 Nom not Noun Chocolate. Sharks want the Guerrilla Marketing ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.0772,False,-0.0772 "I was impressed by how much proliferation is on offer in this Proposal, especially for such a conservative ask. I also love seeing different teams independently springing up to spread the Nourish Meme across the world (like Noggle murals and skateboards coming to NYC while Nounish sandwich boards roam the streets of Basel.) It's what decentralization is all about. But I digress... Great proposal, Great ProposToggleod luck and have fun in Switzerland, B! (Please reserve me one Nounish Toblerone.) NourishNourishTolerance",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9842,True,-0.18419999999999992 That's nourish afAF,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 """Premium openSUSE baked beans"" 🙏",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Very thoughtful proposal but unfortunately I just do not think it serves the DAO's goals,Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.2854,False,0.08539999999999998 "Appreciate the founders flexibility based on feedback from the day, and proposal is unique enough that i'm curious to see how this plays out. everyone i've Ientioned it to thinks this proposal is hilarious, and that fact alone has a lot of memetic power and potential asymmetry. to theEveryoneITomoon",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8639,True,-0.16390000000000005 Have no idea how to evaluate whether this is a good ROI but am down to try something new and reward the team's flexibility and thoughtfulness in the proposal process,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9239,False,-0.9239 "I was on the fence about this, given the cost and uncertain ROI. On the other hand, I am all for experimentation at this stage in new markets and am I willing to give this team a shot. Excited to see where this goes.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5267,False,-0.5267 "I was very close to voting No on this. A few things won me over: - The teams' willingness to iterate on the prop and make it leaner. I believe they can cont to iterate and improve throughout the project - The (seeming) importance of spreading nouns IRL - The opportunity cost — id rather give this team a chance to prove themselves at the cost o ~1 days auction proceeds. Running this experiment will teach us something. Denying it means standing still.I'd",Neutral,Positive,0.1429,0.886,False,-0.7431 "I was on the fence about this Proposal like some others have mentioned, because I'm not sure ""goggles on everything"" is the best way to build a cohesive global meme, and beans are not the most exciting product to piggyback on. However, for a little more than the cost of one Noun, ultimately I am interested to see the results of the experiment that is an IRL business giving real world ROI back to the DAO in exchange for the use of its art. Worth it to see if this kind of project is viable and worthwhile in the future vs. more common metrics of attention and proliferation (which this one also hits to some extent.)",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8832,False,-0.8832 Killer team that has executed splendidly in the past. A decent amount of proliferation for an attractive price. Let’s do it. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.1779,True,0.6221000000000001 "Voted For, with a couple hesitations: - It's hard not to directly compare this to prop 95 (Art Basel). This is a weaker prop, for more ETH. - It leaves a bad taste sponsoring events where Nouns are a part, but not the center of the show. I dislike when Nouns are shown side by side with, imo, questionable projects (MAYC etc) anIMOy extension we end up sponsoring these projects too. Ultimately I still think this is a pretty easy Yes and will make Nouns known to a new audience.MAYetc.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3716,False,-0.3716 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Alphanonce - Noun 75 - based in South Korea will be opening a Nouns Cafe pop-up Cafée during KBW as well, and we plan to find ways to collaborate with Nouns Nation and this sailing event should this Prop 99 pass. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2732,False,-0.2732 ⌐◨-◨ 💨⛵,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Brazil is one of the biggest countries in the world and should be no unified,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Very nice,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4754,True,0.32460000000000006 "Solid use of ETH. Toggle exposure in a fun, unintrusive way. Seoul and the Hangang river seemHanging good location.",Positive,Positive,0.4215,0.8519,True,-0.4304 An easy yes! Just make sure you stop by the nouns' coffee pop-up afterwards. ⌐◨-◨ ,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.7177,True,-0.2177 "Fiveoceans has made a number of creative contributions to the community, happy to see one their projects on-chain. Reading through the cost breakdown, i didnt see any sort of compensation for project management/oversight. if this proposal passes, i would supdidn'tsmall grants funding to provide compensation for fiveoceans or whoever is coordinating this effortIfIfive oceans",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8885,False,-0.8885 "In short, it seems like a pretty niche thing for a lot of dineros. respekt the hustle howeverRespekt",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6908,False,-0.6908 ⌐◨-◨ 🍻,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 """I like big boats and can not lie"" ",Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 Building around NOC is a cultural superpower we should embrace and experiment with furiously,Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.1531,False,0.9531000000000001 I agree with the sentiment that developing interest around NOC is one of the most powerful ways to proliferate the meme in these early days and that we should fund experiments around NOC.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8221,True,-0.1221000000000001 "One Noun Square, every day, forever. 🙏",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I am voting according to what was decided by a live vote by the audience on Noun Square’s Noun O’ Clock twitter space The proposer pitched their proposal and the audience voted live in our discord, see results here:",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4019,False,0.4019 Great proposal. Thank you for attempting this,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.765,True,-0.06500000000000006 "The dedication to making this Nourish, the persistence through so many iterations, and the quality of the Proposer.",Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Sharks like NOC nom Nouns daily",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "The nouns from space (satellite imagery) aspect of this is exciting to me. The rest of the prop is a bit of a mixed bag and I wish it tried to do less things at once. I choose to back this mostly due to the persistence and goodwill of the proposer, but going forward I'fewert very eager to back props like this.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.4956,False,-0.2956 "Abstaining due to conflict, but wanted to thank 142 for spearheading this effort, and the rest of the NOC team for making The Noun Square happen every day for the past 2+ weeks. Thank you also to Owners for the overwhelming support of this proposal. Looking forward to seeing how we can grow this in a month's time! Time to get to work...",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8655,True,-0.1655000000000001 Easy yes for me. Attract builders to Nouns while experimenting with single-point-of-failure resistance.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7964,False,-0.7964 Run it back,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Noun 75 (alpha nonce), being physically located in Korea and having sailed IRL with the proposer - NounsNatiNouns Nationtively support preparing and executing this event. Alphanonce will build initial hype in Korea by promoting Nouns to public a month prior during KorAlpha nonceain Week through our coffee pop-up under Proposal #84.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7579,False,-0.7579,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Removing single points of failure is an important step in the maturation of the DAO toward true, full decentralization. ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.0772,False,0.4228 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "In my opinion, this proposal is the perfect example of a public good campaign that the DAO can fund without wading into the murky waters of politics and special interests. Helping children to afford much-needed prescription glasses feels both culturally nourish, and quite literally nounish, as it helps to physically bespectacle a new generation. ⌐◨-◨ ⌐◨-◨ nourishbespectacled ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9337,True,-0.13369999999999993 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Awesome project <3,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7906,True,0.009400000000000075 The sun never sets on ⌐◨-◨ activity.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I don't see much upside in this if it's not run concurrently with a bigger crypto/NFT-focused event.,Neutral,Neutral,-0.4,0.0,True,-0.4 Sharks like the kids!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4199,True,0.38010000000000005 This is what it's all about IMO.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Voted by the crowd at the Noun O' Clock show,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "While this might not be a complete home run in the proliferation department, I believe we should look for reasons to fund projects like this rather than reasons not to. When it comes to making nouns known and recognizable IRL, every effort matters.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.3818,False,0.01820000000000005 Seems very wholesome. Happy to support!,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.7888,True,0.11120000000000008 "I am voting according to what was decided by a live vote by the audience on Noun Square’s Noun O’ Clock twitter space yesterday. The audience was invited to vote live on our discord, see results here: I have delegated my vote to the show so in future votes we will submit our collective vote live from our Noun Square address. Owners, if you want to delegate your votes to Noun Square's Noun O' Clock show (it's fun, believe me), here's the address: 0x6937db08Db977C734Fc1cE884D2915b05147F845 Builders, if you want to pitch your proposal live to the crowd of voters, please reach out on our discord!",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2942,False,-0.2942 Buildooooors are welcome,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4588,False,-0.4588 Super nourish,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5994,True,0.2006 "⌐◨-◨ 🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟥🟥🟥🟥🟨🟥🟥🟥🟥🟨 🟨🟥🟥🟥⬜️⬛️🟥🟥🟥⬜️⬛️🟥🟨 🟨🟥🟨🟥⬜️⬛️🟥🟨🟥⬜️⬛️🟥🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟥🟥🟥🟥🟨🟥🟥🟥🟥🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 🫡,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "⌐◨-◨ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩",Neutral,Neutral,0.9,0.0,True,0.9 yes,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4019,True,-0.4019 "As far as I can tell, the two verbs are doing stellar, much-needed work.",Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 taco,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The Noun Square Multiset currently has 1 Noun Delegated to it by Noun 142. We vote on Proposals according to what is decided via a live audience vote on our Noun O’ Clock twitter space tonight. Tonight, our hosts summarized Proposal 105 for all listeners, then the audience was invited to vote LIVE on our discord. See results here: Our audience has voted unanimously in favour of supporfavorurther Prop House Development. Best of luck to Seneca, DevCarrot, CDT and the rest of the Prop House team, we believe we speak for our community when we say we can’t wait to see how this team will continue to impress and innovate! Nouners, if you would like to delegate any of your votes to The Noun Square's Noun O' Clock show, so that the Nounish community can have a greater voice for On-Chain Proposals, here is our multisig address: 0x6937db08Db977C734Fc1cE884D2915b05147F845 Builders, if you want to pitch your ProCarrote on Spaces, please reach out on our discord or Twitter @noun_o_clock!OwnersNourishmultiset",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9682,True,-0.1681999999999999 "Yes, with the understanding that Prop House will move to a DAO structure and that Nouns will have the opportunity to participate as an owner and contributor to the DAO.",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.6705,True,-0.17049999999999998 Prop.House as Public Infrastructure is a such a compelling project. Shared approved!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6114,True,0.1886 Sharks 'bout that action,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I like the concept, the idea of Nouns owning equity in a company building web3 infra and said company then buying a Noun. However, I abstain since I'd like to know and see more about Verse V2 and for the DAO to have a broader discussion about owning equity and its possible implications. Once that is clarified, and we know more about Verse V2, I'd be happy to vote for the proposal.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8271,False,-0.8271 This is what we’re here to do.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Ethereum is the land on which Nouns are built on. Makes sense to me that nouns should play a more active role in making sure that home is taken care of. Easy yes. Move to the public domain, build public goods. ⌐◨-◨ ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9381,False,-0.9381 This isn't nourish at all,Negative,Neutral,-0.9,0.0,False,-0.9 Reason was too long-form to capture here so will include a discord message link instead:,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4522,False,0.4522 Noun stands on the shoulders of the public good builders PG is supporting. <3,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8271,True,-0.1271 Spending too much with little to nothing in return. ,Negative,Neutral,-0.8,0.0,False,-0.8 I support Verse and Kiran who is clearly a talented builder and would make an investment as an angel in a heartbeat. Voting against due to the legal ambiguity around the DAO holding an equity position which may change the treatment and classification of the DAO in the future for relatively small upside.,Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8481,False,-0.44809999999999994 Support public goods,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.4019,False,0.39810000000000006 "After careful consideration I am going to vote in favor of this. i believe there is valuI in this being a forcing function for the DAO to explore if/how we can make equity investments. we would not be able to explore this design space otherwise. however, i understandWehe other side of this, and want to add that i am very much opposed to Nouns becoming just another venture DAO and will not support future proposals that are just venture investments for the sake of returnsHoweverII",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.5778,False,-0.37779999999999997 "It seems inevitable that the DAO will receive deal flow as a function of the reputation and attention it continues to accrue. I think it makes sense for the DAO to benefit from that. re: regulatory risk Renfident we’ll be able to figure this out and this is a good forcing function. I'd rather the DAO be bold here than try to play it safe. re: what happens if an investment does really well and a bulk of the treasury is no longer denominated in ETH? The positives of having a larger treasury outweigh the potential downsides. Re",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9643,True,-0.2643000000000001 ⌐◨-◨ <3 ⌐Ξ-Ξ,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.4404,False,0.35960000000000003 "The video sold me. Excited for high quality nouns clothing. Would request to keep the full glasses visual logo. Also, wouldn't necessarily *demand* feedback from gremplin or others nounders unless they are authentically interested and choose to do so. Looking forward to folgremlinhe execution! founders",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6588,True,0.0411999999999999 "If Gremlin and VapVape apeSURE that this is indeed nounish, I nourishit. Especially if for this part of the proposal ""Nouns holders and delegates receive 1 size/style of every item for free.""",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.516,False,-0.516 Aubtoshi once helped this fuzzy man smash a papaya he was having trouble eating and for that reason I am an aubtoshi maximalist - free bananas!autos,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.2244,True,0.5756000000000001 "The Noun Square currently has 1 Noun Delegated to our Multiset Wallet, by Noun 142. We vote on Proposals according to what is decided via a live audience vote on our Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. Tonight, our hosts summarized Proposal 109 for all listeners, and the audience was then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: Our audience has voted in favour of supporting the Nouns Brand (Clothing Brand).favor/remixr was a guest of the show on Monday and listeners loved hearing about his vision, and loved the clothing designs. Community member @Necfas said “Clothing is one of the best ways to express your likes and personality and it's a great conversation starter, leading to more people learning about the Nounish Ecosystem... therefore proliferating Nouns.” Well said! Nouners, if you are reading this and would like to delegate any of your votes to The Noun Square, so that the Nounish community can have a remixr voice for On-Chain Proposals, here is our address: 0x6937db08Db977C734Fc1cE884D2915b05147F845 Nounish Builders, if you want to pitch your Proposal live on our daily Spaces, please reach out to us on our discord or Twitter @noun_o_clock!, andNourishOwnersNourishNourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9844,True,-0.2844000000000001 "The Noun Square currently has 1 Noun Delegated to our Multiset Wallet, by Noun 142. We vote on Proposals according to what is decided via a live audience vote on our Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. Tonight, our hosts summarized Proposal 108 for all listeners, and the audience was then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: Our audience has voted in favour of supporting this Proposal to fund the Protocofavord Pilot and support further development and maintenance of the Ethereum blockchain. Nouners, if you are reading this and would like to delegate any of your votes to The Noun Square, so that the Nounish community can have a greater voice for On-Chain Proposals, here is our address: 0x6937db08Db977C734Fc1cE884D2915b05147F845 Nounish Builders, if you want to pitch your Proposal live on our daily Spaces, please reach out to us on our discord or Twitter @noun_o_clock!OwnersNourishNourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8777,True,-0.17770000000000008 "⌐◨-◨ 🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟨⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟨⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟨⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟨🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨⬛🟨⬛🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨⬛🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The idea of high-quality nouns clothing got me interested in this prop, but what sold me was Jacobs energy and excitement. Enabling creators/builders to do cool things with nouns — while expressing their love for nouns to new audiences — is one of the best ways to spread the meme.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.976,True,-0.276 Autos maximalism ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Integral and connective work,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 "The protocols who have previously funded protocol guild DO, UNI etc all donated in their own created token and not hard etc.. Nouns being asked for 500 eth off the bat seems quite high and I have not seen much engagement from their front in the noun community about the ETHposal, just appearing onchain (afaik) I would have supported a smaller contribution at 100 ETH, andunchainAFAIK",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2769,False,-0.2769 🧟‍♂️,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Voting for a high energy force of nature,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.2732,True,0.42679999999999996 "DAOs are powered by people. There are tons of ""jobs"" and ""tasks"" that need to be done daily to make sure the momentum of Nouns doesn't wane, but without talented people who understand the culture and are committed to the long term success of the DAO, that momentum would slow to a crawl. Noun22 is a person who has does a lot of important core work for the DAO and would be impossible to easily replace. Incentivizing people like him to continue building here is important, so I support his Proposal for this reason. I also think there is lots of opportunity for ongoing DAO tasks to be put into buckets and bid on using Prop House tech in future, to increase decentralization and longterm sustainability, but these two things are not mutually exclusive, and we will nonetheless always need passionate core contributors to drive growth. in the futurelong term",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9876,True,-0.5876 "I like to support good people with interesting ideas. From what I've seen, Jacob has been very polite and collaborative in all his dealings within Nouns-- Asking for feedback, taking it, incorporating it. I think fashion is an important vertical to proliferate the meme, and so even though the pieces don't necessarily speak to my fashion sense (referred to by Vogue as ""Canadian lumberjack chic""), I think this is a very cool, creative idea from a proven builder and am excited to see what happens.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.957,True,-0.15699999999999992 I'm honored to be a member of a DAO that can make this type of public good investments. We're all citizens of Ethereum and shall do our part.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7717,True,0.028299999999999992 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I have had the pleasure of seeing Autos's Nounish passion grow from Day One Nourishe pitched her first Nouns of the Ground proposal on our very first Prop House Weekly Spaces. Has been awesome to watch her journey and imo she is an asset to Nouns. (If anything, this Prop maybe underpays hIMOfor her impact.) Keeping this reason relatively short so Honk doesn't perform a Scaphic execution on me., soGraphic",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9231,True,-0.22310000000000008 "⌐◨-◨ The Council has voted in favour offavor110 with with a huge majority consenwithoshi, also a Nouncillor, absolutely crushed majority ofsion the first time around and is an amazing nounish ambAutoswith involvement in multiple endeavours including: Nouns on the GCouncillorNouncil The Noun Square at ⌐ⓝ°ⓒ ⌐◨-◨ This support is reflected in our discussions and voting as Nouncil. There are so many opportunities fonourishected positive results with this prop execution and we’re excited to see the next phase. ⌐◨-◨ Nouners! The Nouncil votes using delegated Nouns. If you like the work of The Nouncil endeavorslike to delegate your votes, please consider delegating your nouns to nouncil.eth. ⌐◨-◨ CouncilCouncil, andOwnersCouncilCouncilcouncilETH",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9722,True,-0.47219999999999995 "⌐◨-◨ The Council has voted in favour offavor109 as majority consensus is supportive of the mission. We like the cut and sew.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6705,True,0.02949999999999997 Looking forward to seeing this one come to life,Positive,Neutral,0.7,0.0,False,0.7 This is a really expensive proposal and the funds can be used in other ways to proliferate Nouns more directly,Neutral,Neutral,-0.2,0.0,True,-0.2 "Ez yes p.s. if you wear a ⌐◨-◨ bomber jacket I will never take it off",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.6369,True,-0.6369 " - when signora and I initially joined the community, noun22 was one of the first people from the DAO to reach out and offer help to get us moving. - extremely valuable to have someone that deeply understands the values of the DAO to run SG",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.8464,True,0.05359999999999998 We love 22,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6369,True,0.16310000000000002 "Noun 22 is very supportive of many projects that request Small Grants, including Side noun, and I cannot think of a better candidate to continue the role Noun 22 effectively introduced. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5976,True,0.20240000000000002 "The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a live audience vote on our Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. Last night, our hosts summarized Proposal 111 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: The Noun Square got its start through a grant from Small Grants, spearheaded by Noun 22 and ournaudience was supportive of his continued Core Contributor Role! We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multisig for this Public Voting Experiement. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth Builders: If you want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock.MultisetExperimentETH",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9065,False,-0.9065 "The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a live audience vote on our Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. Last night, our hosts summarized Proposal 110 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: Unanimous support for Autos from the Nounsfolk! We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multisig for this Public Voting Experiement. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth Builders: If you want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock.Nouns folkMultisetExperimentETH",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8561,False,-0.8561 Keep up the great work 22,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6249,True,0.17510000000000003 "Reposting from what I said in #nouncil: I am personally gig along Nouns x Dota. I was a bit skeptical at first I'll admit but it waDatar Dota team that got my brother (a perennial crypto skeptic) to go from ""all NFTs are a scam"" to ""all NFTs ex, but for Nouns are a scam"" ... which to me felt big Data",Neutral,Negative,0.4,-0.9072,False,1.3072 Honk diddly,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Ez yes, lets double down on things that seem to work",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.6369,True,-0.2369 ⌐◨-◨ drip '22 and forever,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I see, you see, we all see Nouns!",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Sharks 🤝 Undead,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "⌐◨-◨ Noun22 has been an amazing Nourish ambassador! The effects of his work will be long experienced by the people he supports and the wider ecosystem. There was a unanimous YES vote from Nouncil! We like Noun22! 🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨Council 🟨🟨🟨🟥🟥🟥🟥🟨🟥🟥🟥🟥🟨 🟨🟥🟥🟥⬜️⬛️🟥🟥🟥⬜️⬛️🟥🟨 🟨🟥🟨🟥⬜️⬛️🟥🟨🟥⬜️⬛️🟥🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟥🟥🟥🟥🟨🟥🟥🟥🟥🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9203,True,-0.020299999999999985 I like the builder's energy and I believe they will be able to execute perfectly.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8316,True,-0.03159999999999996 Autos for the president.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "no-brainer - esports, particularly with the folks spearheading this prop, has been a remarkable experiment in proliferating the meme. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.34,True,0.35999999999999993 We do a little error fixinfixing,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4019,False,0.4019 "⌐◨-◨ Great way to make more digestible entry points to Nouns. Looking forward to seeing this.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6249,True,0.07509999999999994 "⌐◨-◨ This seems like a good idea to me. It feels like a one off fix to adjust things that would have been addressed in the beginning if possible.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7845,False,-0.2845 Go team! ,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 We do a little act of pixel perfection ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5719,False,-0.5719 The duck has spoken.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Unanimous support from Council for this Proposal. The previous trial was a resounding success and we are as excited , andveryone to see how much more Proliferation this team can kickstart with another round of funding. kick start",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8316,True,-0.03159999999999996 This will be a good way to introduce Nouns to ordinary folk.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4404,True,0.25959999999999994,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a Live Audience Vote on our daily Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. We summarized Proposal 112 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: ""Easy yes for Esports!,"" commented audience member Leo Clarke. Voters agreed. We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multiset for this Public Voting Experiment. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth Builders: If you want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock.ETH",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9248,True,-0.9248 Could be big,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Future looks bright. ⌐◨-◨,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4404,True,0.25959999999999994 "No-Brainer. GL to Brennan, Sasquatch and the gang, keep killing it. ",Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.3328,False,1.1328 Breneeeeen is proliferatooooor,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Honk diddly,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Honky diddly,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Looking forward to a multitude of proposals like this,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.3612,True,0.33879999999999993 Sharks 🤝 Ordinary Folk,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 🧯🐜,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 We live in a society,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I would never wear eyeglasses with a different color on the ear hook, so I am voting yes. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4522,False,-0.4522 "This explainer is badly needed. Can't wait until we can have a single landing page featuring a professional video breaking down the essence of Nouns for new folks to easily digest. I see this being useful for initiatives similar to Nouns on the Ground as a target landing page for QR codes, for example. LEG.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.296,False,0.20400000000000001 "⌐◨-◨ We like the nourish comics ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.3612,True,0.13879999999999998 "The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a Live Audience Vote on our daily Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. We summarized Proposal 113 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: Thank you to ArtofConviction and Jorge from OrdinaryFolk for joining our Spaces to explain your prop and take questions from our audience. They have voted FOR this initiative. We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multisig for this Public Voting Experiment. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth Builders: If you want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock!MultisetETH",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8487,False,-0.8487 "⌐ⓝ°ⓒ The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a Live Audience Vote on our daily Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. ⌐ⓝ°ⓒ We summarized Proposal 114 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: Thank you to Clad for joining our Spaces to explain this prop and take questions from our audience. They have voted unanimously FOR this initiative. We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multisig for this Public Voting Experiment. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth Builders: If you want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock!MultisetETH",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.8487,True,-0.8487 🦈 nnomComics 🦈 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "⌐◨-◨ Council has voted unanimously in support of this proposal. We like the nouninourishcs and look forward to seeing how this progresses.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6369,True,0.16310000000000002 🤖 + ⌐◨-◨ + ✅,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Booth looking great, lots of presence for a pretty small ask. AFAIK, we haven't tried this type of convention floor booth presence before and its an experiment worth running. it's",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.8481,False,-0.1481 "⌐◨-◨ Seems like a good way to get a lot of eyes on the nouns branding. An audience of tech enthusiasts that don’t necessarily know much about NFTs or Nouns feels like a good initiative for proliferation to me. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9042,True,-0.20420000000000005 "⌐◨-◨ Nourish AF Huge supporter of this initiative. Well Well-thought-outI’m sure it will be well received., and",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.836,True,-0.03599999999999992 There are like a Brazilian reason why we should do this.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 Mental health is extremely important. I see Nouns having a playful wellness app the same way Nintendo has fitness games. A fun positive brand on a healthy habit.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9558,True,-0.15579999999999994 "It's important for the NFT space to have positive representation in the gaming world. Nouns esports initiatives have been successful, so I'm supportive of pushing in this direction even further.",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8928,True,-0.39280000000000004 A vote of confidence in beautyandthepunk.eth Eth,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5106,True,0.2894 "⌐◨-◨ Killing it as always, GG ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.4939,False,1.2939 Talented builders LFG,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.5106,False,-0.010600000000000054 "Awesome team, important vertical, no-brainer. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7096,True,0.09040000000000004 "The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a Live Audience Vote on our daily Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. We summarized Proposal 119 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: Thank you to Sasquatch for coming on the show to explain the Proposal in detail. Our audience have voted FOR this initiative! We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multiset for this Public Voting Experiment. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth Builders: If you want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock!ETH",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.8593,True,-0.8593 "1) B is awesome. 2) International proliferation is probably the single greatest opportunity for Nouns IMO. 3) B and team did a really great job at Art Basel on a tight budget and I'm sure they will get the DAO plenty of bang-for-buck in Brazil as well. , and","1) Positive 2) Neutral 3) Positive",Positive,0.7,0.9633,False,-0.2633000000000001 "The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a Live Audience Vote on our daily Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. We summarized Proposal 118 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: Our audience have voted FOR this initiative! We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multisig for this Public Voting Experiment. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth Builders: If you want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock!MultisetETH",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.791,True,-0.791 "As I said on Council call, this feels like a case of ""this is my startup, please seed fund"", but I don't really see the benefit to the DAO compared to other types of proposals. I do think wellness is important, but ""wellness apps"" is also a crowded vertical. Maybe a smaller proposal for a Youtube/TiktoYouTubes concentrating on wellness and using Nounish art (or even a less complicated app) could be a good alternative to this Proposal. TikTokNourish",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9761,False,-0.9761 "Council has voted almost unanimously (50-1-1) in favor of this initiative. A comment from the discussion thread: ""At broad level, am I leaning in to props in emerging economies... because grants go further there, and opportunity is larger due to sheer population density."" -Mintfaced On the Nouncil call, Nouncillors expressed an affinity for and trust in B, and general excitement to see how much Mint facedtion this pod can achieve in Brazil. CouncilCouncillors",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9169,True,-0.41690000000000005 Sasquatch made me abstain.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Grateful for all the support towards the esports initiative thus far and excited to continue building ⌐◨-◨,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7964,True,0.0036000000000000476,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Don't have enough conviction adding nouns to a random app us a good idea.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 "Love the results so far and think this is a logical next step love sas's background and passion SAS",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9081,True,-0.10809999999999997 "Unfortunately there was a bit of contention among council members. While wellness is a good focus that is seemingly nounish, this prop feels to some like it is not nonourishnough and the previous experience mentioned is not in the current app market.nourish, and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7096,False,-0.7096 "⌐◨-◨ Council likes the Esports pod! Continued proliferation in an impactfully up the good work. gg ⌐◨-◨ Gg",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8016,True,-0.3016 nope,Negative,Neutral,0.0,0.0,False,0.0 Sharks 🤝 B,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 01100001010001110011100101110101011000010111100101000010011011010110010001010111010011100111001001100001010101110011010101101110010010010100011101010010011100000101101001000111010100100111001101100101010100010011110100111101,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Remember when Ronnie died, and you said you wished it was me? (Hehe) Well, guess what? IHe-hedead—dead to you as can be!",Negative,Negative,-0.9,-0.4857,True,-0.4143 "I used to cut up they buddy, now they sayin' they love they're sayin'tell they friends I was ugly and wouldn't touch me Then I shfriend in that dubbed-out buggy And then they got fuzzy and they don't remember that And I don't remember you, and",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.4404,False,-0.6404000000000001 "The first round for Nouns Mandates was a success, and we saw many quality proposals and ideas from it. Let’s run it back!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6114,True,0.1886 "I tried to write a limerick about this but had a hard time, so I'm just going to link a youtube.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1531,False,0.1531 "100% Shared Approved nom nnomrts ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4215,False,-0.4215 ⛳🏌️‍♂️,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We are all unwell, and we know it (idk how we fix IDKs with an app tho) ",Neutral,Neutral,-0.5,0.0,True,-0.5 Joked is seriously badass,Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.3182,False,1.1182 No 🧠,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.296,False,0.296,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 "Appreciate the sentiment here, but 200e for a wellness app seems like an overreach",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.8381,False,-1.1381 Appreciate the creativity Sam has injected into the space and look forward to what he and/or Jason do next,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6486,True,0.1514000000000001 Can we find even more effective ways to provide care?,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7645,False,-0.7645 ⛳🏌️‍♂️,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "This is a vote of confidence in Sam Ellis, who is here building in Nouns every day (Blocks, Council, Auction Tracker, Story Bible, The Noun Square and more.) At this point it does look like this Proposal will fail, but I just want to encourage Sam to iterate and come back with something on a smaller scale and with broader support, so he can knock it out of the park and then go on to create the next Archer or Adventure Time (but make it Nounish.) Nourish",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9403,True,-0.4403 Dynamic Quorum was not met.,Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.3818,False,-0.8817999999999999 booooooolishhhhhhhhhhh,Negative,Neutral,-0.9,0.0,False,-0.9,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Prop House Mandates are the future of focused funding allocation in my opinion. ,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.3818,True,0.11820000000000003 We like experiments,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Council has voted 41-0-3 in favor of this proposal. Sam spoke on our weekly call and gave an outline of his team's project. He argued that top tier animation talent will not leave secure employment for a short term gig, so if the DAO wants something truly amazing to be produced here, a sufficiently scaled project is required to attract them. We know Sam to be a consistent builder in the space and a talented illustrator and so even though this Proposal ask is quite large, overall we support his efforts to try and make something really special here that could truly raise the profile of the Nouns brand tremendously if executed properly. If this Proposal fails, we hope Sam and team will find another way to iterate, reframe, and try again. ",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9723,True,-0.2450000000000001 "The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a Live Audience Vote on our daily Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. We summarized Proposal 122 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: By a narrow margin, our audience has voted AGAINST this initiative! We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multiset for this Public Voting Experiment. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth Builders: If you want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock!ETH",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.791,False,-0.791 "A reluctant Yes. I hope we don't have to fund similar props in the future. I also hope the dao can better guide prop bdayders to avoid similar scenarios going fwd.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.802,False,-1.002 🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We like ⌐◨-◨ art! Congrats to all the talented people who had art selected for this round 🙌 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛 💛❤️❤️❤️🤍🖤❤️❤️❤️🤍🖤❤️💛 💛❤️💛❤️🤍🖤❤️💛❤️🤍🖤❤️💛 💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.8588,True,0.041200000000000014 "⌐◨-◨ The success of the client front end round was immense IMO. Love this idea and look forward to seeing what this amazing swarm of talented nounish builders can achieve. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛❤️❤nourish💛❤️❤️❤️🤍🖤❤️❤️❤️🤍🖤❤️💛 💛❤️💛❤️🤍🖤❤️💛❤️🤍🖤❤️💛 💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9493,True,-0.04930000000000001 ⌐❽-❽ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Incredibly proud to have one of Shared's founders and core members, Goldy, not only be a part of theGoldction team but also contribute such a comfy Noun to the collection. Congrats to all who are here, experimenting, learning and building NounsDAO together. Cheers to another great year.Nouns",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9558,True,-0.15579999999999994 "Love everything about it, very nourish collab with a respected artist done in an elegant way elegantly",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.886,True,0.014000000000000012 "With 51 yes votes, 18 thumbs up, 2 wows, 38 vibes, 6 mandating, and 373 corn reacts, Nouncil has boldy declared its support for this contrCouncill proposal. We like Nouns, we like art, we like the number 8, we like birthdays, bodyes, hangers, grease. Can't go wrong on this one. ⌐◨-◨ 🙏",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9549,True,-0.45489999999999997 "John Humorous ⌐◨-◨ started following me on Twitter so I, sost vote for this proposal.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Street art is nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 gm,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nourish AF ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a Live Audience Vote on our daily Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. Coral Orca summarized Proposal 126 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: Our audience has voted FOR this initiative, 31-0! We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multiset for this Public Voting Experiment. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth Builders: If you want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock!ETH",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.791,True,-0.791 Nothing about this is nourish to me. ,Negative,Neutral,-0.7,0.0,False,-0.7 "Not very nourish and we have just funded a more premium clothing line in the past few weeks ",Neutral,Neutral,-0.2,0.0,True,-0.2 Feels like minimum nourish proliferation happening here,Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.3612,False,-0.5612 "Doesn't feel nourish still waiting on madhappy mad happyrs that are similar to deliver ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "⌐ⓝ°ⓒ We vibe at The Noun Square ⌐◨-◨ 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛 💛❤️❤️❤️🤍🖤❤️❤️❤️🤍🖤❤️💛 💛❤️💛❤️🤍🖤❤️💛❤️🤍🖤❤️💛 💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛❤️❤️❤️❤️💛 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛",Positive,Neutral,0.9,0.0,False,0.9 Love the concept. Seems like an excessive payment.,Neutral,Positive,0.4215,0.7717,False,-0.35020000000000007 🔓. gGentle,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.4404,False,0.059599999999999986,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Honk diddly,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The Noun Square votes on Proposals according to what is decided via a Live Audience Vote on our daily Noun O’ Clock Twitter Spaces. Be there, or be ⌐◨-◨ We summarize Prop 128 for the audience, who were then invited to vote LIVE on our discord. You can see results here: Our audience has voted FOR this initiative— They like the Noun Square! We currently have one Noun Delegated to our Multisig for this Public Voting Experiment. If you would like to Delegate a Noun to us, it will not go to waste! Please use: vote.thenounsquare.eth BuilderMultisetu want to pitch your Nouns Proposal live, please reach out to us on Twitter @noun_o_clock!ETH",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.8593,True,-0.8593 We like the NOC,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 I think On can deliver,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 The Lil Nouns have spoken.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "This vote ended up being fairly contentious in Council, with the final tally ending 18 FOR - 27 AGAINST (7 ABSTAIN). Most of the discussion on the Nouncil weekly call centered around feelings thCouncilproposed garments did not look Nounish, or that the ""Nounish streetwear"" category was currently crowded with props such as Madhappy and Nouns Brand already in production. ""Overall, I'm struggling with the 'nounishnessNourishis project. I'm a no for now,"" was one comment from our Nouncil Discussion Thread. ""It seems like a duplicative effort,"" was another. ""The generous 15:85 rev split isn’t enough to make up for the lack of Nounish brand experience."" Nourishnts of the project liked the novel NFT ownership verification, and the Nounish apparel mockups that were released maybe just a little too late to sway the vote (after the team spoke on The Noun Square last night and dropped into Nouncil to show Nounish mockups and clarify some things, a flood of Mad happys did come in, but ultimately not enough to win the vote.) Example comments on the Discussion thread after the TNS appearance and new mockups: ""Having been sceptical, I've been really impressed by Dopamine on NoC. I think it's taken a while to articulate the scope of the vision, and why it's nounish: Community, web3 native, proof of work, tech innovation (and it will beloutishnessle branded). I'm a yes."" And: ""I am as well. I feel like the concerns have been addressed and this could be a good experiment with digital/physical merch in a new way."" If the team does choose to iterate and reapply, it would be good to make sure those Nounish prototypes are front and center. CouncilNourishNourishCouncilNourishskepticalNOCnourishtoggleNourish",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9721,False,-0.7721 Toady for life.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The Lil Nouns have spoken. There was a loud YES for this one. ""No trainer. This is already a staple of Nouns I can’t imagine not existing anymore"". Lil Nouners were delighted to have taken part in Nouniversary event. The Lil Golden Globe winners being announced liAnniversarying. The Noun Square has shown an immense track record and we are curious to see its future unfold., and",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9206,True,-0.4206 "Council voted unanimously in favor of this proposal, with 51 YES, 0 Noes, 8 ABSTENTIONS, 2 BAN EMOJIS, 4 MANGIA HAND EMOJIS, 3 100 EMOJIS and a GOOD LUCK CLOVER for gMANIAasure. Some Nouncillor comments from the Discord discussion thread: ""This is a cost of 3 days of noun auctions. There is no question about the ROI, easy yes vote"" ""ICouncillorfor a dream NounOClock team!"" ""too much handsomeness not to co-sign"" ⌐◨-◨ Too",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9689,True,-0.16889999999999994 We like the noun square,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 Cultural injection,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "This is the best and most ambitious team I've ever worked with, and we have so many awesome things planned for the next half-year of The Noun Square. Thank you everyone for your support. LFG! ⌐◨-◨LEG",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.955,True,-0.15499999999999992 "Seems more aligned with funding their own event rather than putting nouns on the main stage Hesitant to do anything during NY Fashion Week as down the line we could come at it in a large way and any prior engagement could hinder our partnership potential when that day comes",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.25,False,-0.25 Nom not Nouns Square…it’s Noun O’Clock Somewhere ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Swim Shady on the Runway has a nice ring to it ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.4215,False,0.07850000000000001 "#nouncil-votes results: 22 Yes, 21 No, 6 Abstain",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.128,False,-0.128 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "1. Nouns is an afterthought. 2. Not a lot of time put into mocks. 3. After feedback was given on nouner call, instead of iterating on discourse, this was put on-chain. 4. Budget is unrealistic. That's gonna be a 'no' from me.going to",Negative,Negative,-0.867,-0.4588,True,-0.4082 Seems a bit much for a book ,Neutral,Neutral,-0.3,0.0,True,-0.3 Love the builder (Mint faced) but agree with many that the price tag just feels too high. If he was not retro rewarded for out of pocket efforts on volume 1 (I don't know if he was) I think that should happen. I hope to see Mint iterate or shift focus because he's a Nouncillor in goodCouncillorand an asset to the Nouns ecosystem. ,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.924,False,-0.42400000000000004 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I don't see a compelling case for the project here and the mockups weren't great IMO (the TikTok Noun doesn't have a hand.) Maybe a more fleshed out version could be interesting. ,Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.3094,False,-0.09060000000000001 "Council has voted in favor of The Nouns Almanac 2nd Edition. There was discussion around props like this aiming to become self-sufficient, knowing there would be plans for further editions. The cost has been brought up by Nouners as being too much as well.Owners",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.743,False,-0.743 I'm glad the team took feedback and came back with an improved prop with actual examples of possible clothing designs. ⌐◨-◨,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7269,True,-0.026900000000000035 Find the discussion here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Judge: The defense may proceed. Roar: Your Honor, I shall call no witnesses. This will be my testimony and my summation. Judge: Take the oath. Court Clerk: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Roark: I do. Thousands of years Roarthe first man discovered how to make fire. He was probably burned at the stake he had taught his brothers to light, but he left them a gift they had not conceived, and he lifted darkness off the earth. Throughout the centuries, there were men who took first steps down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision. The great creators -- the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the inventors -- stood alone against the men of their time. Every new thought was opposed; every new invention was denounced. But the men of unborrowed vision went ahead. They fought, they suffered, and they paid. But they won. No creator was prompted by a desire to please his brothers. His brothers hated the gift he offered. His truth was his only motive. His work was his only goal. His work -- not those who used iborrowedeation -- not the benefits others derived from it -- the creation which gave form to his truth. He held his truth above all things and against all men. He went ahead whether others agreed with him or not, with his integrity as his only banner. He served nothing and no one. He lived for himself. And only by living for himself was he able to achieve the things which are the glory of mankind. Such is the nature of achievement. Man cannot survive except through his mind. He comes on earth unarmed. His brain is his only weapon. But the mind is an attribute of the individual. There is no such thing as a collective brain. The man who thinks must think and act on his own. The reasoning mind cannot work under any form of compulsion. It cannot be subordinated to the needs, opinions, or wishes of others. It is not an object of sacrifice. The creator stands on his own judgment; the parasite follows the opinions of others. The creator thinks; the parasite copies. The creator produces; the parasite loots. The creator's concern is the conquest of nature; the parasite's concern is the conquest of men. The creator requires independence. He neither serves nor rules. He deals with men by free exchange and voluntary choice. The parasite seeks power. He wants to bind all men together in common action and common slavery. He claims that man is only a tool for the use of others -- that he must think as they think, act as they act, and live in selfless, joyless servitude to any need but his own. Look at history: Everything we have, every great achievement has come from the independent work of some independent mind. Every horror and destruction came from attempts to force men into a herd of brainless, soulless robots -- without personal rights, without person ambition, without will, hope, or dignity. It is an ancient conflict. It has another name: ""The individual against the collective."" Our country, the noblest country in the history of men, was based on the principle of individualism, the principle of man's ""inalienable rights."" It was a country where a man was free to seek his own happiness, to gain and produce, not to give up and renounce; to prosper, not to starve; to achieve, not to plunder; to hold as his highest possession a sense of his personal value, and as his highest virtue his self-respect. Look at the results. That iFurthermore, hewhat the collectivists are now asking you to destroy, as much of the earth has been destroyed. I am an architect. I know what is to come by the principle on which it is built. We are approaching a world in which I cannot permit myself to live. My ideas are my property. They were taken from me by force, by breach of contract. No appeal was left to me. It was believed that my work belonged to others, to do with as they pleased. They had a claim upon me without my consent -- that it was my duty to serve them without choice or reward. Now you know why a dynamited Courtland. I designed Courtland. I made it possible. I destroyed it. I agreed to design it for the purpose of it seeing built as I wished. That was the price I set for my work. I was not paid. My building was disfigured at the whim of others who took all the benefits of my work and gave me nothing in return. I came here to say that I do not recognize anyone's right to one minute of my life, nor to any part of my energy, nor to any achievement of mine -- no matter who makes the claim! It had to be said: The world is perishing from an orgy of self-sacrificing. I came here to be heard in the name of every man of independence still left in the world. I wanted to state my terms. I do not care to work or live on any others. My terms are: A man's RIGHT to exist for his own sake.Furthermore, heFurthermore, IFurthermore, IFurthermore, I",Positive,Positive,0.4286,0.9443,True,-0.5157 🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I do not see this providing demonstrable value to the DAO insofar as a source of revenue nor a means of proliferation.,Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.34,False,-0.74 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 The Nouns folk have spoken. ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Personally didn’t take the time to research shark 🦈 and formulate an opinion. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nom not nouns ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "⌐◨-◨ I think pods like this will become an important proliferation tool to enable a wider community. If not now, I’m sure it will become a reality in the future.",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.3265,False,0.37349999999999994 "With all due love and respect for Shared and their heritage in the Nouniverse — feel that the vision No universebs overlaps with the ambitions of LilNouns, but without a reasonable strategy in place fSharksustainability. Echo’ing 22’s sentiment from Discourse conversation, a lot of these initiatives feel redundant and more aLionstely and organically funded individually through Nouns existing funding channels (prop, grants, onchain), rather than a lump sum funding formation of a new studio development with scope yet to beINGolly defined.unchain",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.7579,False,-0.9579 "⌐◨-◨ Shared have been great contributors to the Nouns ecosystem and NouncCouncillorsgnise this with a unanimous vote FOR this proposal. We hope to recognizeenabled to make more impact through this initiative.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7906,True,0.009400000000000075 "Would support halving the proposal threshold again, with 1 year runway rather than 26",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "I feel strongly about supporting this. Seems like the 26 year time period is throwing people26-yeart can be changed via another proposal but I see this as a default safeguard against Itntralizing power into the hands of only those who own or are delegated many nouns. right now there shouldn't be any diffe, bute in power (besides # of votes) between those with 1 noun and those with many nouns. anyone with a noun should be able to submit a proposal to the DAO. And we can sume (at this point) anyone putting up the capital to buy a noun will come with a thoughtful proposal. If one nouners are required to find someone else to co-sign a proposal then there's not much difference between having a noun and not having a noRight If we wanted to change the threshold at a later date it would require thoughtful consideration and discussion, rather than continuing to kick the can down the road and lowering the threshold every few months.Anyoneputsowners",Neutral,Positive,0.7143,0.899,False,-0.18469999999999998 Bc every nouner should be able to put up a prop. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Noun 401 mixed at random with 999 exact forgeries. 🔓. gGentle🔒. _____ 🔒. _____ 🔒. _____ 🔒. _____ 🔒. _____ 🔓. maple 🔒. _____ 🔒. _____ 🔒. _____ 🔒. _____ 🔒. _____",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 The road to Xanadu is the road less traveled,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Easy, ready, willin’, overtime Where does it stop? Where do you dare me To draw the line? You've got the body Now you want my soul Don't even think about it Say, “No go”",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.594,False,-0.594 Don't have an opinion here,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I think we should make a threshold an opt-in and not an opt-out. We are having a system which makes noun holders unequal and creates a class. Those who can propose and those who can't.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.0772,False,0.0772 Nom not Xanadu ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 What Toady said,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Incredible high-effort proposal, can't wait to see the outcome. ",Positive,Neutral,0.9,0.0,False,0.9 "I'm fully in favor of lowering the threshold but feel this proposal is too drastic. I'd prefer to revisit the topic in another year or so to re-evaluate. i'd vote for an alternate proposal requiring 0.1% of the noun supply to make proposIls (i.e. 1 noun required until noun 1000)",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1253,False,-0.1253 "When I look at the votes FOR on this proposal, I see a lot of new Owners, who undoubtedly feel disenfranchised by the recent 100% jump in Nouns required for proposal submission. I think the ""26 years"" piece muddied the waters on this proposal unnecessarily, but ultimately the threshold could be raised at any point in the future and I feel like ""solving"" this problem later, when the problem actually exists, makes more sense to me than the inverse. If this proposal should fail, hopefully an alternative for a shorter period of time will be more palatable to the DAO. ",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2983,False,0.2983 "Council was impressed by the effort and detail that went into this proposal. Many also expressed excitement around the repository of assets that will be made available as part of the deal. It was mentioned that during his appearance on Noun O' Clock at The Noun Square, Blu and his partner seemed genuinely passionate about Nouns and excited to work on this project in collaboration. Some raised questions about whether the production costs might be high, but ultimately most Councillors felt it will be worth the investment, both for the exposure that could come from the production itself and from the assets that will be created for free future use. ",Positive,Positive,0.7692,0.9497,True,-0.1805 "Council voted to put this proposal on chain on behalf of Brennan (who delegates his tokens to Nouncil.) During discussions on the weekly call wiCouncilproposer, Nouncillors liked the idea of having a conference to shape to Nouns' vision over time, and the idea of proliferating the Noggles mCouncillorsy to people interested in web 3 seemed like a worthy pursuit. Ultimately, Nouncil voted 29-2-12 in favor of this proposal. GogglesCouncil ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.9274,False,-0.4274 "⌐◨-◨ While it seems somewhat ""corporately"" slapping a sponsorship on events, I still think it's a target crowd that benefits the DAO to have the ⌐◨-◨ imprinted in their minds.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3818,False,-0.3818 "⌐◨-◨ I love that this proposal has grown through the ranks of prop house and is becoming something bigger. We like making kids happy. That’s nourish af.AF",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.886,True,-0.08599999999999997 "⌐◨-◨ I like this concept and think it’s not a huge ask to get nouns in front of a lot of people. Additionally, it seems like they could/might purchase nouns as part of the prize pool. A single noun purchase is good ROI from a monetary standpoint. That with the addition of how many more eyes will see nouns, makes it a positive feeling for me. I’d like to see longer term nouns integration with the show and more games as well. ⌐◨-◨",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9531,True,-0.2531 "⌐◨-◨ Sonic branding is huge and is something I feel will add immense value to the DAO. This will allow creators of many mediums and networks to create and use sounds made with the CC0 assets that will create a nourish vibe when you hear them. The consistency across media will surely provide a recognisable sound profile that will benefit the ecosystem. I already know of a lot of media and creators that will be able to leverage this out of the gate. ⌐◨-◨recognizable",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9371,True,-0.1371 "There is a huge need for a repository of cc0 music to be used in Nourish media (as someone who hosts a lot of live spaces and helps to produce a lot of nounish media, I can personally attest to this.) Additionally, asnourishsays in the Prop, there is currently no defined sound space for Nouns, and it is something that is badly needed— If nouns is building a decentralized brand, so far we’ve forgotten to hire the sound engineer. Music tends to get ignored sometimes in this space, relative to other kinds of art, and it’s a shame. Woody is a Grammy-winning producer and imho Nouns is lucky to have someone as talented and passionate as him who is interested sometimes ignored platform like this for our community. Also, the video proposal was novel and really well produced. Woody and Papaya (dev) have executed on every single project I’ve seen them work on in the toadz and nouns communities and I am confident this project will be no different. **airhorn**IMHO toad, andair horn",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9264,True,-0.9264 Let me Herrera the all the ⌐◨-◨ soundssssss,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Sharks love the kids!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6696,True,0.13040000000000007 "Somewhat reluctantly voting For. Despite the goggles, this is essentially 'charity for charity's sake' which I'm not that excited to fund. MuchoLove states that they aim to develop a moMudholeis replicable internationally, and Id like to see more of that before I vote to fund them again. For now, they get a pass because they are authentic and are doing fundamentally good things.I'd",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.7233,False,-0.5233000000000001 """We need to not only extend but also multiply this action,"" said Councillor Klim in Nouncil Votes Chat, and clearly Nouncil agreed, Voting unSlimously FOR with 54 votes. Necfas and co, keep on proliferating nouns Councilblic goods in the DR (and hopefully beyond!)CouncilNecks",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8684,True,-0.36839999999999995 "Have had the great pleasure of seeing Necks come first through Lil Nouns PropHouse, then Nouns Launchpad, and nProp Housein, bringing nounish public goods to children in need in the DR. LFG!nourishLEG",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8439,True,-0.04389999999999994 "During the weekly council call, it felt like most were initially against the proposal. Through discussions, the point was made that the ask is fairly small by on-chain prop standards, and the potential reach could be outsized considering the parties involved, and for that reason a fair number of nouncillors changecouncillorses to yes. It was nonetheless still a contentious vote, with only 21 YES, 12 NO and a whopping 17 undecided Abstentions. Because we calculate our Nouncil quorum including Abstentions, we are voting FOR this prop and we hope it will bring thousands of new eyeballs to nouns. NoesCouncil, and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.872,False,-0.872 "Sounds Nourish ⌐◨-◨ 🎶 ",Positive,Neutral,0.5,0.0,False,0.5 NOT BUSSING FR FFR,Negative,Neutral,0.0,0.0,False,0.0 """Big giant yes."" ""Awesome video."" ""Nouns garage band!"" ""Love loveeeee this project and idea!!!"" ""This is great on so moverseels, presentation is spoot on and the concept is excellent"" Nothing but positivity about this proposal can be found anywhere in Nouncilsportnels. Woody has been a fixture in nouncil and in nouns for the past 7+ months has brought so much joy with his musical and production skills (Nouncil theme song, Woody's Soundboard, etc.) A soundscape / sonic aesthetic is important for Councilnd and nobody had tried to do one for nouns yet, so it feels like a no-brainer to give the Grammy-nominated noun-pilled a producer to blow our minds. Nouncil voted 55-0-0 unanimously in support of this proposal and this builder. councilCouncilCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9758,True,-0.07579999999999998 "Directions Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook, gently swirling pan constantly, until particles begin to turn golden brown and butter smells nutty, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and continue swirling the pan until the butter is a rich brown, about 15 seconds longer. Transfer to a medium bowl, whisk in ice cube, transfer to refrigerator, and allow cooling completely, about 20 minutes, whisking occasionally. (Alternatively, whisk over an ice bath to hasten the process.) Whisking an ice cube into melted browned butter in order to cool it before adding to chocolate chip cookie dough. Meanwhile, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl. Place granulated sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Whisk on medium-high speed until mixture is pale brownish-yellow and falls off the whisk in thick ribbons when lifted, about 5 minutes. Close-up photograph showing ribbon stage of egg, and sugar mixture beaten in a stand mixer with the whisk attachment. Fit paddle attachment onto mixer. When brown butter mixture has cooled (it should be just starting to turn opaque again and firm around the edges), add brown sugar and cooled brown butter to egg mixture in stand mixer. Mix on medium speed to combine, about 15 seconds. Add flour mixture and mix on low speed until just barely combined, with some dry flour still remaining, about 15 seconds. Add chocolate and mix on low speed until dough comes together, about 15 seconds longer. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate dough at least overnight and up to 3 days. Chocolate chip cookie dough in a metal bowl going into the fridge to rest overnight before baking. When ready to bake, adjust oven racks to upper- and lower-middle positions and preheat oven to 325°F (160°C). Using a 1-ounce ice cream scoop or a spoon, place scoops of cookie dough onto a nonstick or parchment-lined baking sheet. Each ball should measure approximately 3 tablespoons in volume, and you should be able to fit 6 to 8 balls on each sheet. Tear each ball in half to reveal a rougher surface, then stick them back together with the rough sides facing outward. 325 °Ffer to oven and bake until golden brown around edges but still soft, 13 to 16 minutes, rotating pans back to front and top to bottom halfway through baking. Splitting a ball of chocolate chip cookie dough in half before baking to create a craggy top. Remove baking sheets from oven. While cookies are still hot, sprinkle very lightly with coarse salt and gently press salt down to embed. Let cool for 2 minutes, then transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool completely. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for remaining cookie dough. Allow cookies to cool completely before storing in an airtight container, plastic bag, or cookie jar at room temperature for up to 5 days.160 °C",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9829,False,-0.9829 "If nouns is sponsoring, it should be Season 2 with Nouns. If we are the focus of the game, we should be the focus of the marketing as well.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2732,False,-0.2732 "The waterproof MC, you ain't wettin' me You need to stop rappin' and start robbin' banks like Steady B 'Cause see, no matter how much green you make You'll never taste the avocado, just another broke Versace model Tiger Woods ain't even up to par in the game of survival That's why I'm in you all Cristal bottles Drink Listerine, brush my teeth with amphetamine So I can sound fresh and say dope things in between Three strikes to five mics (forever snortin') I want a woman with the body of a and a personality like Lauryn Can't even say I didn't know 'Cause while we wanna be N.W.A. tCrystalate the N.W.O How many years (fo' mo'), so them fake John Gotti's Ain't got no Maseratis, I be at the party sippin' hot toddies My bumps in Arabic, out Audis in Saudi I'm thuggish ruggish to the bone And I'm gonna diss everybody, and I'm gonna diss everybody You want the truth, can't handle the truth You want Lexus moonroof, Hennessy 80 proof Scared to death, playin' the game of life Soul on ice You want the truth, can't handle the truth You want Lexus moonroof, Hennessy 80 proof Scared to death, playin' the game of life Soul on ice I keep the afterwant to swervin', not quite like Michael Irvin Edumacating urban youth, like it or not These soliloquies explain our people's lack of stability You keepin' it real, but ain't got a clue what reality really be See the diameter of your knowledge is the circumference of your activity Me, I knew the deal before Babyface went solo, baggin' dime pieces Stackin' dividends and dressin' in more linen than Yoko Ono But on the low doe, we fightin' over the scraps Worshippin' the almighty dollar, ""In God We Trust, "" look it over Now what pyramids got to do with the pilgrims or Jehovah? Novus Ordo Seclorum means New forrld Order That's why I keep my friends close and my enemies closer We runnin' around in thousand dollar clown suits Better get some boots when Lucifer turn your city to Beirut You want the truth, can't handle the truth You want Lexus moonroof, Hennessy 80 proof Scared to death, playin' the game of life Soul on ice You want the truth, can't handle the truth You want Lexus moonroof, Hennessy 80 proof Scared to death, playin' the game of life Soul on ice Avoid one-time, got Lela Rochon callin' my Jimmy sunshine Fifth floor of the Mondrian, so go 'head, fella, pop your Dom I'm the man whose esophagus transform to a gat like MeGottan Here's a sport unknown to Bob Costas, give it a name and you a hater But violence don't play that game, man Guerilla penmanship, the, preacher impeacher Heat seeker MC when I get pissed like a urethra My day-to-day, I'm tryna bubble, first place This paper I chase, ""Touch Me and Tease Me"" like Case But in the millennium, this C.R.E.A.M. turns electronic UPC barcodes on the hand is demonic They got concentration camps, from Alaska to Jersey But when the President declare a national emergency He payin' car notes tryna Rock the Vote I'm spittin' razor-sharp quotes tryin' to slit a throat You want the truth, can't handle the truth You want Maserati'snroof, Hennessy 80 proof Scared to death, playin' the game of life Soul on ice You want the truth, can't handle the truth You want Lexus moonroof, Hennessy 80 proof Scared to death, playin' the game of life Soul on ice Uh, uh, yeah I'm rhymin', beats provided by Diamond amAudi'srubbishgoing todissesgoing todissesmoon roofmoon roofafter-partyEducatingSeeBaby facewe're fightin'"" NousOreoDecorumWe're runnin'a thousandmoon roofmoon roofCochinDOMatMegatonCostsyou aretrying toHe's payin'trying tomoon roofmoon roof",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.89,False,0.89 I’ll roll with a Grammy nominated producers any day ! ,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "Post merge, who this?",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Although the idea of the game show seems fun, I just don’t see a fit for nouns.
 We won’t have a dedicated video ready in time, leaving us with nothing more than a game with goggles floating in space. So people won’t get an idea about nouns in any case. I don’t see nouns promoting our nounish-ness as a commercialised video add where the only thing we do is promoting a prize pool we have nothing to do with. It does not fit us. If we want to reach an audiencloutishnessdds I would suggest making a full page in the NYT or some other newspaper/magazine.commercialized",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9661,False,-1.3660999999999999 Have had to look far and wide for good cc0 audio. The gamification integrating with nouns is super cool. Win:win,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8442,True,-0.1442 We like the woody,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 🏌️‍♂️,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Strongly support more experimentation with Prop House, especially for larger amounts of ETH.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5859,True,0.21410000000000007 "⌐◨-◨ Prop House has been an amazing platform, and I’m all about further experimentation in this direction. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5859,True,0.21410000000000007 Ph maxi,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Ain't none of y'all you allthis but you could l, but a lesson for the first 6 bars of this song. fr fr",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "⌐◨-◨ I’m a big fan of Slim’s toys and noggles. Seems like he’gogglesposition to create really high quality pieces that are amazing conversation starters. I get the feeling that they will have mass appeal beyond the nouns bubble too, which is good for proliferation into other cultures. These could be an iconic stable physical that will be enjoyed by all ages for a long time to come. Love to see it ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9712,True,-0.07119999999999993 "A long distance directory assistance, area code 212 And say, hey, A&R, this is Mister Rhythm and Blues You said, ""Hello"" and put me on hold To say the least, the cat was cold He said, ""Don't call us, child, we'll call you"" ARE YOU FEELING ME GREMP? CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE HONK IS DIDDLIN?GREPDIDDLING",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I'm a simple delegate: I see Prop House, I vote YES. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5319,True,0.2681 Prop House continues to inspire and innovate! Love this!,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9133,True,-0.013299999999999979 """I’ve been waiting for this."" ""I have faith in Slim!"" ""Good luck, Klim. love the enthusiasm and hard work. overall, getting a lot of vibe rooting for this.... toysSlim cool, nounish toys--even cooler! ^ Some of the feedback from tLoveouncil Votes Chat. Nouncil voted almost unanimously to support Klim's proposal and put it on chaOverall then 48-1-2 in favor of a YES vote here. We believe in Klim's vision and his value as a Nouncillor and a builder, and we can't wait to see these toys in prnourishn. ⌐◨-◨SomeCouncilCouncilSlimSlimCouncillor",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9822,True,-0.18219999999999992 "1) I respect Slim. I think he's a passionate, committed builder who has given a lot of time and effort to nouns. I want to see him continue to invest his time and energy here. 2) I don't collect figurines of any kind, but would probably still buy a few of these as a nounish novelnourishlso trust David Horvath when he says there could be a much broader potential market for them. 3) I appreciate the efforts Klim has made to iterate and modify the original designs to something with more appeal, and I think the final designs are pretty cute. 4) I like the fact that the proposaFormatoken down into Milestones. 5) ⌐◨-◨Slim","1) Positive 2) Neutral 3) Positive 4) Positive 5) Neutral",Positive,0.8,0.9777,False,-0.17769999999999997 "Without Prop House, Council would be, like, 5 builders, instead of 100 strong. Nouncil <3 Prop HousCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8271,True,-0.027099999999999902 "The concept of mix and match Noun figures is innovative, and we are thankful for the iterations on the initial prototype. However, we continue to find these toys aesthetically difficult and do not think they are a good mass-market first impression for Nouns. We don't agree with using them as promotions or giveaways, don't agree with any digital tie-in (POAP, NFT/PFP, AR, metaverse wearable, etc), don't agrePOPth additional marketing or forced engagement after purchase. We hope there is an opportunity to work on future versions of the mix and match concept, but unless we think the toys are awesome, we cannot justify or endorse manufacturing 10,000 units.etc.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.8534,False,-1.2534 "Open to voting yes for a future version of this proposal. A willingness to reduce/modify the scope has been expressed, but I think its bad practice to approve proposals that explicitly state goals that will not be completed. A secondary reason for the no vote is to give those who have aesthetic feedback an opportunity to share it. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.09,False,-0.09 Not for me,Negative,Neutral,0.0,0.0,False,0.0 Nom not toys,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "On one hand, I worry that we don't have a distribution plan for this many toys, and therefore question the impact. On the other hand, Slim has demonstrated a lot of tenacity as a builder and the ask is reasonable enough that it's worth taking a bet to see what happens, especially since many members of the DAO have already given this feedback around distribution, so it'll top of mind as he executes.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7564,False,-0.7564 Love working with gears on this. It'll be a great way to proliferate nouns to a completely new set of minds. And do a lot of good on the way.,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9042,True,-0.4042 Extremely nourish.,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 "Slim, I first want to say thank you for your hard work and passion. The Sunglasses are wonderful and have added a tremendous amount of visuals to NounsOTG. That said, it is my personal opinion that this Prop is pNouns OTG. It would be more prudent to refocus on FUNglasses and achieve the agreed upon and funded delivery of goods. It is important that the DAO requires fulfillment, especially of physical products. Specifically, this Prop 141 has yet to be fluSunglassesadvice was not fully considered and frustrations seem to be taking control of the conversation. These are red flags, and for that reason I am voting no.",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.7605,False,-1.0605 "This seems like a worthy activity but for scalability reasons, I believe the DAO should encourage proposals below 20 ETH to seek funding via Prop House",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7992,False,-0.7992 "⌐◨-◨ I’m a big fan of what the Brazil crew are doing and this opportunity to educate kids in the country that has the 2nd most active NFT users in the world makes a lot of sense. This prop covers so much for the price and involves skating heavyweight Bob Burnout. Plus it’s a DAO to DAO proposal, initially run as a community vote using snapshot and then submitted onchain on behalf of the community. ⌐◨-◨unchain",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8197,True,-0.01969999999999994 LFG Brazil,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I am working towards better mechanisms for smaller proposals in the future but until then I would prefer to see this pass,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2382,False,-0.2382 Skateparks = discord servers,Neutral,Negative,-0.5,-0.4019,False,-0.09810000000000002 "I wish parts of this prop were better, but ultimately pros outweigh cons. ",Neutral,Positive,0.2143,0.4215,False,-0.2072 Its important that we continue to take shots with trusted community members,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.5994,False,-0.09940000000000004 "Creating this type of shareable content is a great tool to help with proliferation, however, we need to remember that they are a help. We need to support these types of projects not just with our votes but actions by sharing and helping distribute their videos across our socials.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9217,False,-0.7217 "With these 2 things combined this seems like a great way to create sharable content. ""Nouns artwork by Brazilian artists will be painted at the Skate Cooley Institute, where classes are taught by Bob Burnquist."" + ""We will bring a film crew and later deliver a clip registering the workshops and painting action.""Burnout",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8271,False,-0.8271 Willprice is such a goober voting against this because it's a small ask,Neutral,Neutral,-0.2,0.0,True,-0.2 "GOLD THE PEOPLE WANT MORE HONK MEDIA GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT THE MOST ELECTRIFYING SPONGE IN NOUNS DAO HISTORY",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1531,False,-0.1531 "Support this experiment, but only plan to support renewal if this generates meaningful impressions/views, even though I expect content to be high quality regardless.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.81,False,-0.81 I'm excited to fund ambitious proposals from proven builders. Look forward to the impact that a full video production studio would bring!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6996,True,0.10040000000000004 Council has voted almost unanimously FOR this proposal. The ask is low for high impact with a few aspects including educating kids about the DAO and onboarding them to crypto in general in a country where NFT usage is 2nd highest in the world. The DAO to DAO proposal pipeline is also a fascinating approach to funding things that extension communities support but can't necessarily fund directly and have the ability to submit an on chain proposal at Nouns DAO.,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.6424,False,0.15760000000000007 LEG,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Gnars backing = nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0258,True,-0.0258 "This team is insanely good at what they do and Nouns DAO will benefit immensely from Gold making his studio and team into a full time Nounish machine. The quality of everything I’ve seen come from Nounish is so good andNourisheally digestible content for people that may not be familiar with Nouns or the space at all. The perfect proliferation media toolkit. I’m excited to see all the productions that will comNourishuition! ⌐◨-◨ Nounish AF ⌐◨-◨ , andNourish",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9348,True,-0.03479999999999994 Nounish = nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Couldn't be more excited about this prop. Gold and team are the perfect crew to tell the Nounish tale. Nourish,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.35,True,0.45000000000000007 Such a clear yes. Very excited for this. ,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.7902,True,0.10980000000000001 Supportive of empowering Gears to do more ,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.296,True,0.40399999999999997 Extremely nourish.,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 Nom not nnourish..Sha Sharkske the videos!,Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.4199,False,-0.9198999999999999 "⌐◨-◨ reading ⌐◨-◨ ⌐◨-◨ reading ⌐◨-◨ ⌐◨-◨ reading ⌐◨-◨ Yep, looks nourish. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.296,False,-0.296 "Gold and 142 are so good at what they do. As 4156 has said, the @nounish videos they have made already have helped to close so many key partnerships and ventures that they have already been worth their weight in ETH. I am excited to see the long form and short form content that they will be able to produce with this kind of runway and mandate. LEG, @nounish!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8092,True,-0.009199999999999986 "This is the only process we currently have available to buy Nouns for the treasury, and sometimes we need extra Nouns in the treasury. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3818,False,-0.3818 "Council Results: Yes: 64% No: 8% Abstain: 28% ""This will allow one click for any subDAO as wSundayo we'll instantly have a multitude of other nounish bots giving Twitter updates on auctions and other activities. That's the main benefnourishme. I think it's going to be a proliferation monster for the price."" - andrewladdusaw ""they also have a good record making these bots"" - fiveoceans_devfive oceans",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8957,True,-0.1957000000000001 "> This doesn't have to mean that every year we necessarily reward the community for contributions to any other noundry upgrades this way (if we set expectatiofoundryrds ahead of time especially, it should be much cleaner next time), but this past year it was an all-in group effort where a lot of value was created by many of the artists who ultimately didn't make it into the final collection. If we’re retroactively rewarding the winners and committee (without rules ahead of time) it feels fair and honest to also share some of that with the a wider set of contributors to the process. The downside feels limited, and curious to see how these funds get shared around. Hopefully with vethemited GIVES per coordinape participants, this is going to reward the top contributors as judged by the community. ⌐◨-◨coordinate",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9898,False,-0.9898 "Andre has been supporting Nourish extensions with sales bots for 10+ months and is a reliable, skilled builder. I look forward to seeing what he can do here. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4404,True,0.35960000000000003 I'd like to see a comp structure less impacted by the number of traits chosen (= not 45 ETH going to a single person),Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7184,False,-0.7184 "Council Results: Yes: 94% No: 0% Abstain: 6% Bring Nouns to the people ⌐◨-◨ 🙏",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.128,True,0.772 "Generally excited to generous fund endeavors that have brought meaningful value to the DAO. Retro funding FTW",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9081,True,-0.10809999999999997 This will be helpful for many nouns extensions and will surely be a factor in proliferation across Twitter with more automated tweets. ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6908,False,-0.19079999999999997 "Although I'm very excited to fund builders on the expectation of (or based on the history of) great impact, I'm generally more weary of funding effort as an end goal in itself. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6597,False,-0.6597 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Abstaining because I do not understand enough about the historical context of the NAC to make an informed decision here.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 yes,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4019,True,-0.4019 "I’m abstaining on this one. The prop team put in a lot of work to try and come up with a solution here, but I’m on the fence as to whether we should set precedent on funding participation.whether",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1655,False,-0.1655 MTA,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 no,Negative,Negative,0.0,-0.296,True,0.296 "Awarding winners and team is something that I don’t think was expected, so this is a nice way to reward them and sets some precedent as to how much the art is worth to the DAO. I personally found Nouns DAO in my search for unchain SVG smart contracts, I saw the art and daily auctions that will run forever (provided someone settles) and I was hooked. The governance over treasury is amazing obviously, but there’s a lot to be said for the value of the iconic art. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9271,True,-0.1271 noon,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 No sorry,Negative,Negative,0.0,-0.3612,True,0.3612 "⌐◨-◨ 🙏 Yes wins. (50 yes, 1 no, 7 abstain, 1 x) ~~ TThalami~~ I think it's great to reward everyone who submitted traits, but Coordinape voting might be overkill. I'm of the view that Coordinate took the time to contribute some art should get rewarded, irrespective of how many they submitted, quality of work or who they interacted with. I'm in favour of a simple pro-rata of ETH amongst the number of artists. We could setup clearer guidelines for rewards next season ~~ JoelCares ~~ Personally think this would be fun, helpfavor community across the broad group of participants, and give the community a voice in evaluating quality. The current structure (3 GIVE tokens) would not be rewarding general participation, it would be rewarding the runner up work valued most by the rataset upHoteliersrunner-up",Neutral,Positive,0.4286,0.979,False,-0.5504 Noundry was a collaborative experience and this proposal serves as a gesture of gratitude and acknowledgment of the valuable role the community played in the process.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8316,True,-0.13160000000000005 I support artists and participated in the Foundry submissions but do not think this prop is ready in its current state.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6249,False,-0.6249 Congrats to the artists and big thanks to the curation committee for their work here ⌐◨-◨,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.743,True,-0.04300000000000004 "⌐◨-◨ 🙏 Yes wins. (28 yes, 2 nnoes 25 abstain) ~~ marxistmillionaire ~~ ""It doesn't feel right to me that some of the curators are also among the winners. I sometimes work as a curatosomeife and such overlaps are not accepted there for obvious reasons. Even if the curators don't choose the winners."" ~~ fiveoceans_dev ~~ ""I think everyone will agree if competition for winning trait will be 100 eth. Currently, compensation is 132 for 11 winning traits. We literallfive oceans lots of time to cut 12 eth per trait to 9 eth per trait, roughly. I think it is not such a big difference…. It’s better to pass this prop on focus on future props"" ~~ samellis ~~ ""I think all traits should be awarded the same.""ethsWe're literally spendingethsethssmells",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9682,False,-0.9682 We like the community rewards. ,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6808,True,0.019199999999999995 Supporting artists feels Nourish,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.4404,True,0.059599999999999986 "While I am a big fan of Agora, the following factors lead me to vote NO on this prop in its current state. 1) Lack of platform traction, 2) Outsized ask, 3) Lack of prop specificity. I would vote YES on an Agora prop that could either demonstrate more traction or have more specifics as to prop deliverables. Also, clarity on the goals as related on the Council call today, of double participation and delegation. Does that mean votes or wallets? I really want to support this but I would like a bit more clarity., but",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.86,False,-0.86 "Very excited about this prop. Lakshman and his team are strong builders working on a foundational technology that, if successful, could be integrated widely even by clients like Agora",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9061,True,-0.10609999999999997 Great project and team but the amount of ETH and the short duration of the engagement and uncertain deliverables give me pause. ,Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.5789,False,-0.9789 Make this shit ubiquitous yo - more general chat,Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.5574,False,0.3574 "We like the idea of NSFW as an additional, nimble method to distribute funding from the Nouns DAO treasury. So far, the use of funds has been productive for the ecosystem, however we're concerned that the level of accountability and transparency has not scaled with the amount of funding it has received. Pods should operate as minimum viable decentralized entities, with multiple members who are voicing opinions and having an impact on outcomes. NSFW is currently not structured this way. We want to ensure community projects get the benefit of a diversity of opinions and will vote to fund NSFW when there are multiple members actively involved with making decisions.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8885,False,-0.8885 "NSFW serves a very important function, and 22 does a valiant job running it. However, I'm voting against based on a perceived lack of transparency and decentralization. When it comes to DAO operations, there is an obvious tension between speed/efficiency and decentralization. The tradeoffs on either side of this spectrum are very real and often hard to grapple with. Im mindful of that. But for a pod like this, there's a minimum level of decentralizatiI'm that should be maintained, and its not clear to me if that is currently being met. Whether intentional or due to gravitational forces of 'path of least resistance, my perception is that NSFW currently errs too much on the side of efficiency. Ive given this considerable thought and am aware of the tradeoffs, but ultimately think its better for the daos longterm health and culture to push back and 'check itself' in favor of preserving a high integrity re decentralization. Instead it'ssimply refilling the wallet, I think its prudent to ask the dao how they think this role should be operated. I will vote For a proposal of this kind with a 3/5 multisig, a public channel of communication, and ideally a diverse set of (active) signers of different backgrounds and expertise to make sure we cover the full range of ideas and builders who seek retro funding/grants.the leastI'veit'sdayslong termit'sdaymultiset",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9793,False,-0.9793 "I believe reformulating how small grants is run would be for the best. A lot of good work has come out of it, but the current scale requires assessing how things have been done, and how can we improve moving forward. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8338,False,-0.8338 I think getting verified (but anon) nouner discussion going is important. ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2023,False,-0.2023 I think it's important for us to be fast and flexible,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.4019,False,0.09810000000000002 "Initiatives like NSFW are important to be able to help motivate and incentivize builders in our ecosystem. I do however agree with the Founders that it needs to be more decentralized with multiple voices. This does not mean that anyone has done a bad job. However, moving NSFW into a more decentralized pod with more participants that are anxiously engaged in voicing their opinions and impacting outcomes has a great deal of merit, this will also support 22 in his efforts so that all of the burdens don't fall solely on his shoulders as it is a lot of work liaising with all of the different requests. I am not votiall the this proposal, because I know of all the good that can come out of this program for both the receivers of the rewards and the DAO, however, I would be a ""hell yes"" if this was a proposal that also included a full-time group/POD working on NSFW, sharing their knowledge, streamlining the process, coming up with more standardized rewards, and having the rewards/outcomes be more publicized across social media.all the",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9735,True,-0.2735000000000001 It’s good to have a discretionary service like this. I think there’s a lot of value in it. I’d like to see more of this in domain specific niches too.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8519,True,-0.051899999999999946 "Council is voting FOR this proposal with a majority vote of 56 for, 5 against, 4 abstains and 0 abstaining from the vote altogether. There was some concern from a few members about how this might affect the DAO when people can comment anonymously. But there's overwhelming support to see this proposal go forward and consensus is that it will be positive.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8573,True,-0.05729999999999991 Nom not anon,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Council has voted YES unanimously to refill NSFW. A lot of prop builders got their start via NSFW funding and the potential for impact is large. Some Councillors posed the question ""who makes up the rest of the NSFW team with Noun22?"" during Nouncil calls - this was the only real feedback.Council",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5319,False,-0.5319 "No doubt, small grants is important. It went through some changes over time however, and is imbalanced in terms of responsibility now. I am afraid if we continue increasing the pool size without scaling it into a small grants / NSFW pod that we concentrate too much power into the hands of an individual. It seems like a pod, but it isn’t one. The DAO only compensates one person for it. Small grants needs a structural change to share the burden of responsibility and to mitigate risks. For a healthy future of the DAO we need to have a pod also to protect the DAO against black swan events. With more shared responsibility we can mitigate risks and distribute the burden of work load in a fair way. I would welcome it if weneedd have a discussion about this topic before we continue with this prop as it drew already quite some controversy.fairly",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8831,False,-0.8831 "Nouns OTG is a successfully passed and active on-chain prop today because NSFW (Small Grants) gave me a chance to proliferate in the first place at NFT NYC. The discretion of the current group has proven to be more than successful so far IMO. I also agree with the conversation around additional members being added and a general discussion about other potential pods. OTG hopes to be more ""pod like"" in its next iteration. Thank you NSFW, 22 and the other members who give their time daily to field every single builder request that comes through Discourse and Discord.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9575,True,-0.25750000000000006 "Voting for because I do feel NSFW is a great initiative. I do agree though with everything the founders and others wrote and hope changes are made that address all the concerns expressed. , and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8591,False,-0.8591 "A discretionary pool of capital that we can use to fund things quickly has been extremely valuable for the DAO — after looking through the notion doc I think 22 has done a great job curating projects so far. Also agree th the general sentiment that getting more people involved (especially since ETH outlays have become larger). But I think this is something that can be worked on during this round 🙂",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6837,True,0.11630000000000007 "I have seen firsthand many builders and artists empowered by grants from NSFW. I connected Aubtoshi with 22 and small grants after a couple near-miss prop house rouAutos the funding she received as a result of that started her nounish journey and gave us Nouns OTG. Another example would be Jhee, a talented artist from Korea who won a contest on The Noun Square. Benbodhi then connectednourish nsfw and she was funded to launch a nounish collection as a result. I could cite many other examples, but the point is: I believe flexible and nimble capital is an important tool for the DAO. I also think 22 is a very committed and hard-working contributor who does a very gTheejob of combing through discourse and DMs to find solid proposals to fund. Having said all of the above, I think more transparency with the day-to-day decision making of the pod would be good for the DAO generally. I also think that it could be a real unlock for nsfw if they were to explore empowering some focused ""sub-pods"" with ETH to help further decentralize the burden of uncovering and vetting fund-worthy projects. Eg. pods for different geographic areas or niche types of proposal. Happy to help brainstorm on this concept further with 22 if interested. NSFW, andnourishdecision-makingNSFWE.g.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9897,True,-0.28970000000000007 ⌐V2-V2,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I would trust VERBS with my private keys. (NFA),Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.5106,False,0.2894 "오빤 강남스타일 낮에는 따사로운 인간적인 여자 커피 한잔의 여유를 아는 품격 있는 여자 밤이 오면 심장이 뜨거워지는 여자 그런 반전 있는 여자 나는 사나이 낮에는 너만큼 따사로운 그런 사나이 커피 식기도 전에 원샷 때리는 사나이 밤이 오면 심장이 터져버리는 사나이 그런 사나이 아름다워 사랑스러워 그래 너 hey 그래 바로 너 hey 아름다워 사랑스러워 그래 너 hey 그래 바로 너 hey 지금부터 갈 때까지 가볼까 오빤 강남스강남스타일오-오-오 오빤강남스타일 강남스타일 오-오-오-오 오빤강남스타일 Eh, sexy lady 오-오-오-오 오빤 강남스타일 Eh, sexy lady 오-오-오-오 정숙해 보이지만 놀 땐 노는 여자 이때다 싶으면 묶었던 머리 푸는 여자 가렸지만 웬만한 노출보다 야한 여자 그런 감각적인 여자 나는 사나이 점잖아 보이지만 놀 땐 노는 사나이 때가 되면 완전 미쳐버리는 사나이 근육보다 사상이 울퉁불퉁한 사나이 그런 사나이 아름다워 사랑스러워 그래 너 hey 그래 바로 너 hey 아름다워 사랑스러워 그래 너 hey 그래 바로 너 hey 지금부터 갈 데까지 가볼까 오빤 강남 스타일 강남스타일 오-오-오-오 오빤 강남스타일 강남스타일 오-오-오-오 오빤 강남스타일 Eh, sexy lady 오-오-오-오 오빤 강남스타일 Eh, sexy lady 오-오-오-오 뛰는 놈 그 위에 나는 놈 Baby baby, 나는 뭘 좀 아는 놈 뛰는 놈 그 위에 나는 놈 Baby baby, 나는 뭘 좀 아는 놈 (You know what I'm sayin'?) 오빤 강남스타일 Eh, sexy lady 오-오-오-오 오빤 강남스타일 Eh, sexy 강남스타일오 오빤 강남스타일BabyBaby",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9657,True,-0.9657 yep,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.296,False,-0.296 ⛳🏌️‍♂️,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "⌐◨-◨ **Results** YES wins with 98% support **Reasons** ""Great prop. Very important to improve the protocol"" - @akva#0001 ""great to see the nuts and bolts side on things"" - @metamonk#0001 ""This looks excellent. I hope we can implement most if not all into PRONOUNS. That's a Yes for me dog!"" - @CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧#2859 ""Very happy to see development on the Nouns DAO protocol. Gas Refunds for voting is an obvious win, same with the bug fixes. I'm curious about how Dynamic Quorum will play out - which proposals will get rejected because of the change, and how we will configure the parameters in the future. Interesting change nonetheless!"" - @JoelCares#5898",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9925,True,-0.1925 I'm FOR building tools and this team seems worthwhile to support especially seeing as delegation seems to be gaining and generally platforms to learn more about nouns are gaining importance,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.9042,False,-0.20420000000000005 "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBYVFRgWFhYZGBgaHBocGhwcHBoYGBoaGBwaGhgYHBwcIS4lHB4rIRoYJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDszPy40NTEBDAwMEA8QHxISHjQrJCE0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0MTQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND80NP/AABEIAKgBKwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAQMEBQACBwj/xABKEAACAQIEAwQGBgYGCQUBAAABAhEAAwQSITEFQVEGYXGBBxMiMpGhQmKxwdHwFCNScoLhJZKys7TxFSQzNWODosLSQ0RTc9MW/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDAAQF/8QAJREAAgICAgICAwEBAQAAAAAAAAECEQMxEiETQVFxBCJhMlIU/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwAXS8jbin0wqHaKh/oop1LJH0iK6YskyWuDI2J+NSEVxUZHuLzBFSrWMP0l+FdMWSaHnwwdYdQw6ETVPjex9t9UlD8V+FE2Guo3MA1PRRFXWOM1+yE5Si+jleL7J311Chx9Uwfgap7+HdDDoyn6wI+2u25RSthkcZXRWB0hgCPnUp/hxf8Al0Os7W0cLpak8SthbtxAICu4A6AMQBUYGvNkqdHUhaykrDSmL7DW1Z0kfSX7RR4BQDhX9pP3l+0Ud2TpS+w+hyKTLS0lEBpFYK2NJNYxlKopKquK8SKkohg/SI5fVFYeEHJ0he0F5WttaDDMSp5mIM69+m1C13hZP0x5gj7CasAa3BoxVHcvx412U44a45qY7z94qLibZUwwg/n40RGmbqAiGGYdD9oPI0RZ/ixr9QcNbWhrUjGYXJqDKnY8wf2T3/b8qZtb0GcTTTpitW6CtDTqDSgKbKBrM7aR17+6ivhN9UwyywGrac/eNCkVYYCzmIExJj40U6CW+OdXCxyNTL2FzMvgKnYngwRBkHj+NWmAwcuuk6DTnSTn0Mo9lZhuDk8qlcS4WRaAjnNdM4dwVAoJFZxfhCMhMbcqmpOrGfHRwq/hI5VW30ijbjeFgkARQpi7cGmjKxZRosvRoP6Vwvjd/wAPdr0TXnr0cD+lML+9d/w92vQtUQhwBrApv1Jq3TCk1pesBdz5c69JUc7K9EPSnkt9xFPNhS45qO7etmw6KNWb+tTpIWza3bPX4ip1gEDQadxn5Gqs4XP+0q95OY/hUizhkSMoI78xn7aeNoVqyxL0qOZqI2Ijc/GoGJ48iMiiHZmCwGEidJp/Ilti8Gc84+mXE3h/xHPxYn76ratu0zTirpiJYH4qKqa8nJ/p/Z2rSFFLWoraamEt8N7yfvL9oo/tbVz2wdV8Vo9wryPOlYSRWCkmofEOIraGurHZfvPdRDGLk6RNNRLuPRd2nw1/lQ1ieJu51J8BsKjlmO7ff9tY6Y/jr2wiu8YEHKDPImNOhiqcINy3+dMJHUnzNOLFY6YQjDRI9WP2h86X1XQj400sVuI6n4/jRK2KbTDl8KbenBXMLj/KlN08xPzrWZkN0B9lvdOh7uh8RvVQ1kozKd1kGiElG5Qe7SofEcKXbMm+UAgnUkaT8I+FY5c2K1a2Upp23WjoQYIg9K2QUGcLQ8KteFEZlk6ZhPhIqnU1ecP4ubdprYRDmM5j7w8KDMju9pMELQDFMsa5z7Xz1nwqLwMJdm2FACHMraZmBLBZ8q5D/pq46qpfQbUV9l+0vqbhLKzhkAhNToZk1OUXXY6Z1XA4gMo1EjQ+WlJxC+FQ6iubcN7QkTruSfiZp3ivHmNuZ50E240FxSdlf2hxck7fAUD429Jq04hxDPM1QYh60Y0aTCD0cNPFML+9d/w92vQted/Rqf6Vwvjd/uLteiKsiRxb9Yx9l4XmSu/hWrYdl1zyepE1V4rtfh00Ulv3RI+O1UeN7bM2ltAO9jPyFd3kitkeLYWsjnZx/Vpt3tp7TuJ6k/YK55iuP4h97hA6L7P2a1FDu3M+JP40H+QlpGWP5D3E9prK+7mc9wgfE1R43tTdbRQid5Mmh4jqw+M0iMimZJ8qlLPKQ6xxRNvXLt3V7x1GgMhT3ADSoXD2y3UPRl/tCn7N8GM0wCY7p3q2sKjBUyJpqHEZyRqAaMVyadmk+JX9qFjEv35T8VWqiaKe2PDH9cGVGdTbQllUsoOoIkCBtVLwvhj4h8qD95j7qjqT925pM0XGTsaHaVEECr3AdmL1wZiMoOwIJY9+X6I72Io84B2NRIIEt+2dWn6o+iPDXvoouYNMKiuVJUn2zuV6MeeXqeW+0kcksvwdMcP/AEc0tdjcRoQV0IOzTp4AiiHDcNvAQUHiWIH9miTE8StuAELBtwyqGEfW1gqfEdxFUnEr14H9XftlzEpluMTynIhZkHfMUvKT9lPHBejW1gL7RFtYka59decZdqjnsM73Cbt7VpaFEezMRmbpoNqg3OIY/CrmdENsGNFuFVnYZwCPjUjh/EcXfZ7zlbahIQEMJkg+yp9pthqYFG5VdhjxT/VElOyGGVijOxj634VLxfZfB27TEkkkaEsSR4a77VWNesvDvcd3OmjFIPNQqanzJpqzbzXAyBiq/wDyu+jaRCmSDvuBvSpv5K2Zhewzshd7qLpIGUnXeDqIqis8FxDbKviWEHoRE0X4nF3GAQ3FAGrC2C7xyALQASdNup5UiY5rQAbDuqgaaEwo0G29FTlXRnNLYPp2SxTber/rn/xpbnZXFqJFsN+66n7SDXQODYhbw9g6/MHv6VbLZI3E1lkktg5f04xicHft+/adR1KyPiNKjpiJ5zXXuIJoRIHmOdBvF+D2nk+yrdVIVv5+dMsvyhuf9BYvNJJ5HyO3xrMZhmtH2tVmA23kelNhwaqnatBUkzdwrjK4gjY8x/Kqy/ZKGD5EbEdanv8A5VtlDjIYB+iejcv4TsfjyrEc2O1a2VU08rUwa2VqxxMl27kUR9mMUVuH9w0Kq1XXBL5Nwfun7KD0ZbHbeNgnXmascdiT+jK31vxoWa7qfE/bV5jm/wBRQ9X+9qaEdmcipe/NR3uTTWetS1CjWFfoxP8ASuF8bv8AcXa9GV5w9F3+9cL43f7i7Xo+iA8eYuM75fdzGPCdKj0+cO3StGtkbg/Cme7MaCnINb2Lcg6GdIq+4R2ZuX7b3g9tVtzKuTmOVQxgKDAg86yTk6Rgfy1iJJiRV3xPFi4qILSJlUAsu7Ec/wCWvjUHB4cZvCg+hpJJ9OxlFgD/ADFS8NfCESiuO+RHgRTLXCwDvl100LT5Aa+FHNnh1oxkt+19J2Gm+mROWkSW13gDeqLjCPNv6RPi5ypIY4LiLyIkeyCCcjS2hMrr9HrHfV5wThgln0lmLMYiWOvwqNjrBVQRupB15j6Q8davuC4hHWFYpEQTDK2mvgeo0Irjy5p5dvpHbjxRxrpdlvaIRap+K8SOXTc6AyBr0HMnwmpuJtM5gEE8spJJ8ogeZqsucKYNqc7nQKpgkDcM51C6iSIA7yRMytook4UHzE2H6sLZy6nWWSTJ/g1p43FtQvr0tjkjotrLv4KPHJRMcCEUS0uBoqyttZ3CoN/wB5pY9ahYjE5UbOEIAJ56gbyDMfOty9AqyE2Mw1tc73AWiAzOjnX9gKAAT9VQTQrjcbh7UkpcNtoyAtcCyBquUtA6gHlSYfEo90utoJmCwqqJEAToo3Jn8ipuLsI6srqSp3BBEHke41WMflkXkd9ID7nHGVmNlQinkQD9lJw+8924S7toJOU5Se7SncTww2HUt7VssPa+qSJDHkYkdKJOKYFbbpbUCYbUAA5TlIUx0OYDuppNR6Mk5d2PcOxKYZAd2Op1+Ek8u+p+I4v60ZC4VxsogESJG589N6p2wpDo3NSGWRIkd1TuGYKcQb/vMWZ8kBkllKtMmY9o6EkdxqMVF7ZVtrSLjgfESjhWAk8wIkbz9lFfEeJerST00oNNg50RRqpknQQNYXTffnU7tIXyoTtIBill0+h1G12imxb+tfd2BOuoVR8NdqlnhOGKQEhzrOZvx+6tMbb/V3FTV8n6uCMuYx7T5o1idtOs0NK9xbbM5YOH9hSQ0pGssoAmdjz6U7T47JWlLQ9xSyQSjbEfGhdGykryB/yoox9/Mgnf8AlQ1ew7qczqVDarPMciKpjfRm2pdDwakZqaV6Uv8AKqFHLrsjYg+25+sfmaamsd5k9ST8am8H4W+JcogEgSZ2gmKzaStnC1cqRDU1Y8MxARgSYGvzFWb9jMUoLZFKgSYbXTxFQ34XesOpu2ygMxJUg6dxoKcZaYXCS2itIMnxNEF7ED9DRXR8gbRwRBMtpr50Mlve8fvoo4gf6Ls/v/8AdcqkI3ZJuihd7YghSd9zTb4ockUfOmGOi+dO4KwHaC2UROgzMTIARRzY0EhrDT0bNPEcGepuf4e9XoKuNdgMPhbWJwquHbFMXKwTltj1VzRgCBqoYagmTyFdloyi4umKnZ44FxuppwYlhzpg0opRi3xDMgU6GYq24PibfqbztiFs3ApVUKZ/WLlJ35GSRptvVNjHzICeUVBd6Kk4u0GrRObFKdwR4U5g8GbrZbeYt4QAOrHkPyAad4TwF7sFpRD5MfAHYd5+ddB4TwtLShUUDw3J6knc1Kc0tbKwxN9vRG7PdnEs6tLOdzz/AAQecn5UTWsKq6x862w1oAUl25XO25O2dMYqKpETEr8Krr1wIcyyrcmAAnubT2h41Ov4gLPOgztD2hCEqsM/T6K+P4U0YuXQJSUV2FmC4405Q667zAE98ATV9YxCxPssxiSQAIGyrl2Xfrqa4WeLXiZzx4BR91dC7Odo8G9q3bvXr1q9qGci0bMiSGJIBUHaOvPnTvE0RWZPYZPeHf8AGR86rOKlLmVHRGBImVBhVILHbc6L/Eelc8xvbLEB3RGRkDMqsFYZlBIDQWMSINSmxjvqzsfgP7IFbxNj+aKD/Bth7RDZbaAqeSoTL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Use:",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Love the work from this team and would like to see continuation. Agora could be a catalyst for much more participation in governance, and I’m here for it. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7717,True,0.028299999999999992 Love Agora <3,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7964,True,0.0036000000000000476 "Onboarding a talented team via a proof of concept in prop house and moving to an on-chain proposal to keep building is an ideal outcome from a mandated round. Glad to support this one. bullish on agora. bullish on prop house. bullish on nouns.BullishAgoraBullishBullish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9081,True,-0.10809999999999997 "I think Yutong and team have been killing it with Agora so far. They have been building an important and much-needed piece of DAO infra while also making great efforts to engage with the community and encourage broader use. I also appreciated the team's willingness to iterate on the initial proposal; the lowered total ask and mil, andne-based funding should allay any of the concerns some had before. The future plans for Agora outlined in this prop are ambitious and I'm excited to see them come to fruition, especially plans to ""enable time-bound, fractional, and supercedable delegation by a proxy contract."" , andsuperable ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9393,True,-0.13929999999999998 I think this is an important step for the future of this project and others in governance.,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.2023,False,0.4976999999999999 leg,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "It's my own prop, so you know... gotta rep! :P",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.5307,True,0.1693 Gas refund test,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Council has voted in favor of Agora Continuation. Initially there was less support on the first iteration of the proposal, but after a few rounds of iteration, the support from Nouncil has grCouncilan overwhelming majority (57 FOR / 2 Against / 0 Abstain). The potential for increased participation in governance is a clear benefit and empowering people to showcase their desire to be a delegate with incentives on the way is an interesting approach.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9773,True,-0.1772999999999999 delegation,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Sharks like the delegates ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 💯,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 no-brainer,Neutral,Negative,0.5,-0.296,False,0.796 CDT for President (gremlin can be Secretary of Pizza),Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Who is CDT ?,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 The beginning of something great,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6249,True,0.17510000000000003 Impressed by the work to date,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4767,True,0.22329999999999994 "Need more clarity in Proposal on details to know what will actually be stood up and what the process for deciding the details will be. Specifically this and this process, ex ante: ""Locations can be selected from a map/list of options. We can also have a discussion of whether we just want nouns glasses or also want to showcase some specific nouns (perhaps via some sort of auction that goes back to the nouns' treasury).""",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5563,False,-0.5563 Gm beautifulnfts.e Ethhow are you today?,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 We like the CDT,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.3612,True,0.33879999999999993 "Keep up the good work CDT!
 ---------------------------- Good morning @Will!
 I don’t think it’s a good idea to have censored my Discord post about Pop.eth’s 10 million dollar ‘never going to be accepted’ cryptopunk bid. It was a blatant and cheesy attempt at self-promotion to the punk community. This is historically relev Eth to understand that these actions are not in isolation.

 Why is it okay to throw guys like Machi (another Nouner) under the bus publicly (who BTW rightfully deserves the criticism) but not a guy who has so many instances of manipulative tactics who many believe is a detriment to the project. How many screenshots of comments with their own words (anti-Nounder, anti-veto, delegation blackmail, etc) need to be posted in order for the Nouns ecosystem to realize this? Anyhow, I’m done with ranting about this topic. As they say, “you make the bed you lie in.”
Machetc.Nouns'",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.728,False,-1.1280000000000001 For Brennan,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 :salute:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Little nouner reasons for: - CDT!!! Yes. - +1 here the podcast with RRookitself worth the payment. so damn incredible - cdt, forever:nouncil:SoCDTcouncil",Positive,Positive,0.867,0.2464,True,0.6206 Ugly loves CDT! Thank you so much for all of your hard work and amazing contributions to the community 💓,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.8718,True,0.028200000000000003 "This is a great initiative for Nouns overall but there needs to be more meat on the bone here. What is the message? What are the visuals? Could we empower some artists and people from the community on these billboards? It's not a big ask for what we are looking to do here, just think we need a ""hell yeah-this is exciting!"" moment and not a ""sure, let's do some marketing"" vibes. ",Neutral,Negative,0.7,-0.597,False,1.297 "Mind-blowing innovation here. Very Nourish. For those who have not had the pleasure of being on the weekly AI calls in the Discord: There are so many avenues here for ot only creating new tools, images, video, music, meme-able content and more...but also, helping push the envelope and place Nouns on the cusp of this AI revolution. UglyDAO approves this message. Ugly",Positive,Neutral,0.8,-0.0222,False,0.8222 "The sample video created by AI was brilliant and the work coming out of this pod is impactful and very interesting. As a delegate, a Council member and an UglyDAO member (aka someone who is discussing every nouns prop at least 3 times) I am excited at the prospect of helpful proposal andUglysion summaries completed by AI. all nouns",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9348,True,-0.13479999999999992 "I agree with feedback that this proposal could use more detail, but given the team's proven track record, and the relatively low cost, I am comfortable voting in favor.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7964,False,-0.3964 "Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it, snap it, work it, quick erase it Writes it, cut it, paste it, save it, load it, check it, quick rewrite it Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it, rip it Technologic Technologic Technologic Lock it, fill it, call it, find it, view it, code it, jam, unlock iPlugsrf it, scroll it, pause it, click it, cross it, crack it, switch, update it Name it, read it, tune it, print it, scan it, send it, fax, rename it Touch it, touch it, touch it, touch it Technologic Technologic Daft remix Jaxx remix Technologic TechnoloTechno logicogic Technologic Technologic Technologic Technologic Technologic Technologic TechnologicTechno logicTechno logicNamesTechnologicAXXTechno logicTechno logicTechno logicTechno logicTechno logicTechno logicTechno logicTechno logicTechno logicTechno logic",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.5423,True,-0.5423 A lot of money to run some random ticktock campaign,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Very PRO Rook and the future that he represents. Thank you to the team behind the project for taking on this endeavor. I look forward to future collaborations and learning how other builders can implement AI to their existing projects.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.3612,True,0.4388 "I am a huge fan of the Nouns News, however, for what is being made currently it seems the team is a bit bloated and the price seems to reflect that. I also am not sure if 1M is that great of a metric on TikTok, with the TikTok creator fund when you hit 1M views as a creator you can make $20-$40, if the platform puts that low a price of value on those views why would we spend so much? If the TikToks were more interactive and had more calls to action I may be in favor. I encourage you to revisit this if the prop does not pass. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9192,False,-0.9192 "I think the work CDT does for the DAO is important, and we should continue to fund him for this next period.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.2023,True,0.4976999999999999 "Though I am a fan of this type of action in general, I want more than just a top-funnel activity. What does success look like for this, how do we measure impact, would this be better during an event? Could this be bigger? With the desired outcomes being squishy I will have to vote no at the current time but would encourage you to revisit and resubmit with some rework to your prop to help me say, ""hell yes"". Nothing measured is anything gained.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6103,False,-0.6103 "As a person that uses Ai every day for work, I think the DAO's involvement with machine learning, in general, is important. I also think the tools that this pod will develop will help many proliferate the meme.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.5423,False,-0.042300000000000004 I do think the DAO needs to have a broader discussion in terms of salary/payment long term.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I do think the DAO needs to have a broader discussion in terms of salary/payment long term. Don't agree with 15% buffer if salary is nominated in non ETH and recurring costs need to be paid also in fiat as it seems. ",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.2755,False,-0.1245 I participated in SaveArtSpaces for punks back in the time. I think it is a cool idea when it accompanies an event. But without context I don't think this prop brings much value for nouns.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5789,False,-0.5789 "CDT does amaze work and I’m , andy to see continuation here ⌐◨-◨ ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8176,False,-0.8176 Top-notch work from this crew and exciting to be a part of something so cool! I think it’s great for the nourish ecosystem and the world as a whole. ⌐◨-◨ ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9078,True,-0.1078 "⌐◨-◨ Council supports CDT with a a deaning roar of support and an overwhelming 69 yes votes. CDT's work must continue. In conclusion:",Positive,Positive,0.9224,0.6908,True,0.23160000000000003 "⌐◨-◨ This work is fascinating and Council voted strongly in favour. This is a talented group bufavor foundational things for Nouns. We look forward to your continued work and seeing more Nounish videos generated by AI.Nourish",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8957,True,-0.39570000000000005 "ROK 🤝 SShared It's clear these tools can be of great assistance to many tasks and creative efforts. Excited for tabout dedicated and hard working team to continue to build on Nouns. nom nom aihardworkingNomnotAI",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9274,False,-0.9274 Cdt = MVP,Neutral,Neutral,0.9,0.0,True,0.9 Honk threatened to stab me if I voted against,Negative,Negative,-0.9,-0.7783,True,-0.12170000000000003 "Shared proudly supports the work and value that CDT brings to Nouns through their many contributions. Keep up the great work ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9118,True,-0.11180000000000001 I should submit a retroactive prop for half of the $30k I spent on extremely nounish times square activation during nft nycnourishTimes SquareNFTNYC,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "An experiment worth running, excited and hopeful to see what comes from it",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.765,True,0.03500000000000003 "It appears CDT has been continuing to bring great value to the DAO, and we should keep this good thing going",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8713,True,-0.07129999999999992 "We need to fund more meaningful (or at the very least novel) ways to increase awareness about Nouns. If we ask for attention, what are we giving in return? What meaning are we impressing on people? Without considering these things and just continuing to ""be around"" we will fail to make the kind of impact we want. Not a huge harm, but we're sending the wrong signal to builders about what we need. Additionally this prop is lacking crucial details about what imagery actually appears and how. I think if the DAO ever funds image based advertising again it should either include mockups or proofs that both give clarity of what we're getAdditionally, instill confidence that the team can represent the brand in a high quality manner (unless perhaps the builder/artist has such an awesome reputation that).",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9393,False,-0.9393 Congratulations to the team for the excellent work. Specially excited about the AI generated nounis media and search capabilities for all things Nouns. Looking fornounso seeing how it evolves.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.875,True,-0.07499999999999996 "After discussion on weekly council call, I left feeling like the timing could be a little better to try something like this (maybe try in Miami for Basel or something similar.) It's a relatively low ask and I could have potentially been convinced to give it a try as an experiment in traditional outdoor advertising, but with dynamic quorum now in effect (shoutout Verbs!) this version will not pass, so I'll vote against and encourage the proposer to come back with a more detailed plan and maybe timing pinned to an IRL event if possible.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9185,False,-0.9185 "While I support Max in his efforts and appreciate his support for Nouns, the prop leaves a lot to be desired. Would vote FOR if revised to a more thoughtful prop.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.902,False,-0.902 "John David McAfee (/ˈmækəfiː/ MAK-ə-fee;[1][2] 18 September 1945 – 23 June 2021)[3][4] was a British-American computer programmer, businessman, and two-time presidential candidate who unsuccessfully sought the Libertarian Party nomination for president of the United States in 2016 andPresident of the United Statese first commercial anti-virus software, founding McAfee Associates to sell his creation. He resigned in 1994 and sold his remaining stake in the company.[5] McAfee became the company's most vocal critic in later years, urging consumers to uninstall the company's anti-virus software, whiantivirusacterized as bloatware. He disavowed the company's continued use of his name in branding, a practice that has persisted in spite of a short-lived corporate rebrand attempt under Intel ownership. McAfee's fortunes plummeted in the financial crisis of 2007–2008. After leaving McAfee Associates, he founded the companies Tribal Voice (makers of the PowWow chat program), QuorumEx, and Future Tense Central, among others, and was involved in leadership positions in the companies Everykey, MGT Capital Investments, and Luxcantivirus others. His personal and business interests included smartphone apps, cryptocurrency, yoga, light-sport aircraft[6] and recreational drug use. He resided for a number of years in Belize, but returned to the United States in 2013 while wanted in Belize for questioning on suspicion of murder.[7] In October 2020, McAfee was arrested in Spain over U.S. tax evasion charges.[8] U.S. federal prosecutors brought criminal and civil charges alleging that McAfee had failed to file income taxes over a four-year period.[9][10] On 23 June 2021, he was found dead due to an apparent suicide by hanging in his prison cell near Barcelona shortly after the Spanish National Court authorized his extradition to the U.S.[11][12][13] His death generated speculation and conspiracy theories about the possibility that he was murdered.[14] McAfee's wife, Janice McAfee, said she did not believe McAfee committed suicide, and claimQuorumuicide note was a forgery.[15][16] McAfee was born in Cinderford, in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England,[17] on 18 September 1945,[18] on a U.S. Army base (of the 596th Ordnance Ammunition Company), to an American father, Don McAfee, who was stationed there, and a British mother, Joan (Williams).[19][20] His father was from Roanoke, Virginia, and McAfee was himself primarily raised in Salem, Virginia, United States. He said he felt as much British as American.[21] When he was 15, his father, whom a BBC columnist described as ""an abusive alcoholic"", killed himself with a gun.[21] He had spent his childhood living in fear that a beating from his father could happen at any time, and struggled to make sense of why this was happening to him.[18] McAfee received a bachelor's degree in mathematics in 1967 from Roanoke College in Virginia, which subsequently awarded him an honorary Doctor of Science degree in 2008.[22] After receiving his bachelor's degree, McAfee began working towards a doctoratEverydayhematics at Northeast Louisiana State College but was expelled, in about 1968, because of a relationship with an undergraduate student, who became his first wife.[23] McAfee was employed as a programmer by NASA's Institute for Space Studies in New York City from 1968 to 1970 working on the Apollo program. From there, he went to Univac as a software designer, and later to Xerox as an operating system architect. In 1978, he joined Computer Sciences Corporation as a software consultant. He worked for consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton from 1980 to 1982.[24] In 1986, while employed by Lockheed, he read about the Brain computer virus made for the PC, and he found it terrifying.[23] Sensing a business opportunity, he went about creating an antivirus software that could detect the computer virus and remove it automatically.[20] In 1987 McAfee created McAfee Associates Inc. to sell this software, which he named VirusScan.[22] This was the first anti-virus software brought to market, and one of the first software products to be distributLux core the Internet.[20][22] Initially McAfee did not seek a large userbase of paying users, but rather wanted to raise awareness of the need to be protected from computer viruses. However, by making people fear such malware, he managed to generate millions of sales, and by 1990 he was making five million dollars a year.[18] The company was incorporated in Delaware in 1992, and had its initial public offering the same year. In August 1993, McAfee stepped down as chief executive and remained with the company as the chief technical officer. He was succeeded by Bill Larson.[25] In 1994 he sold his remaining stake in the company.[26] He had no further involvement in its operations.[5] After various mergers and ownership changes, Intel acquired McAfee in August 2010.[27] In January 2014, Intel announced that McAfee-related products would be marketed as Intel Security. McAfee expressed his pleasure at the name change, saying, ""I am now everlastingly grateful to Intel for freeing me from this terrible association with the worst software on the planet.""[28] The business was soon de-merged from Intel, once more under the McAfee name. Other business ventures that were founded by McAfee include Tribal Voice, which developed one of the first instant messaging programs,[29] PowWow. In 2000, he invested in and joined the board of directors of Zone Labs, makers of firewall software, prior to its acquisition by Check Point Software in 2003.[30] In the 2000s McAfee invested in and advertised ultra-light flights, which he marketed as aerotrekking.[6] In August 2009 The New York Times reported that McAfee's personal fortune had declined to $4 million from a peak of $100 million due to the effect of the financial crisis of 2007–2008 on his investments.[26] In 2009, McAfee was interviewed in Belize for the CNBC special The Bubble Decade, in which it was reported that he had invested in and/or built many mansions in the USA that went unsold when the 2007 global recession hit. The report also discussed his quest to raiCinder fordfor possible medicinal uses on his land in Belize.[31] In February 2010, McAfee started the company QuorumEx,[32] headquartered in Belize, which aimed to produce herbal antibiotics that disrupt quorum sensing in bacteria.[33][34] In June 2013, McAfee uploaded a parody video titled How to Uninstall McAfee Antivirus onto his YouTube channel. In it, he critiques the antivirus software while snorting white powder and being stripped by scantily clad women. It received ten million views. He told Reuters the video was meant to ridicule the media's negative coverage of him. A spokesman for McAfee Inc. called the video's statements ""ludicrous"".[35] Also in 2013, McAfee founded Future Tense Central, which aimed to produce a secure computer network device called the D-Central.[36] By 2016, it was also an incubator.[37] In February 2014, McAfee announced Cognizant, an application for smartphones, which displays information about the permissions of other installed applications.[38] In April 2014, it was renamed DCentral 1, and an Android version was released for free on Google Play.[39][40] McAfee at DEF CON 2015 At the DEF CON conference in Las Vegas in August 2014, McAfee warned people not to use smartphones, suggesting apps are used to spy on clueless consumers who do not read privacy user agreements.[41] In January 2016, he became the chief evangelist for security startup Everykey.[37] In February 2016, McAfee publicly volunteered to decrypt the iPhone used by Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik in San Bernardino, avoiding the need for Apple to build a backdoor.[42] He later admitted that his claims regarding the ease of cracking the phone were a publicity stunt, while still asserting its possibility.[43] In May 2016, McAfee was appointed chairman and CEO of MGT Capital Investments, a technology holding company. It initially said it would rename itself John McAfee Global Technologies,[44] although this plan was abandoned due to a dispute with Intel over rights to the ""McAfee"" name.[45] He changed MGT's focus from social gaming to cybersecurity, say, [g ""anti-virus software is dead, it no longer works"", and that ""the new paradigm has to stop the hacker getting in"" before he or she can do damage.[46] Soon after joining MGT, McAfee said he and his team had exploited a flaw in the Android operating system that allowed him to read encrypted messages from WhatsApp.[47] Gizmodo investigated his claim, and reported that he had sent reporters malware-infected phones to make this hack work. He replied: ""Of course the phones had malware on them. How that malware got there is the story, which we will release after speaking with Google. It involves a serious flaw in the Android architecture.""[48] McAfee moved MGT into the mining of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, both to make money for the company, and to increase MGT's expertise in dealing with blockchains, which he thought was important for cybersecurity.[49] In August 2017, McAfee stepped down as CEO, instead serving as MGT's ""chief cybersecurity visionary"". In January 2018, he left the company altogether. Both sides said the split was amicable; he said he wanted to spend all of his time on cryptocurrencies, while the company told of pressure from potential investors to disassociate itself from him.[50] On 13 August 2018, McAfee took a position of CEO with Luxcore, a cryptocurrency company focused on enterprise solutions.[51] McAfee was a libertarian, advocating the decriminalization of cannabis, an end to the war on drugs, non-interventionism in foreign policy, a free market economy which does not redistribute wealth, and upholding free trade. He supported abolishing the Transportation Security Administration.[52] McAfee advocated increased cyber awareness and more action against the threat of cyberwarfare.[53] He pushed religious liberty, saying that business owners should be able to deny service in circumstances that contradict their religious beliefs, adding: ""No one is forcing you to buy anything or to choose one person over another. So why should I be forced to do anything if I am not harming you? It's my choice to sell, your choice to buy.""[54] On 8 September 2015, McAfee announced a bid for president of the United States in the 2016 presidential election, as the candidate of a newly formed political party called the Cyber Party.[19][55] On 24 December 2015, he re-announced his candidacy bid saying that he would instead seek the presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party.[37][56] On the campaign trail, he consistently polled alongside the party's other top candidates, Gary Johnson and Austin Petersen.[57] The three partook in the Libertarian Party's first nationally televised presidential debate on 29 March 2016.[58] His running mate was photographer, commercial real estate broker and Libertarian activist Judd Weiss.[59] McAfee came in second in the primaries[60] and third at the 2016 Libertarian National Convention.[61] Contrary to his assertion at the 2016 convention, McAfee tweeted on 3 June 2018 that he would run for president again in 2020, either with the Libertarian Party or a separate party that he would create.[65] He later chose to run as a Libertarian.[66] He mainly campaigned for wider cryptocurrency use. On 22 January 2019, McAfee tweeted that he would continue his campaign ""in exile"", following reports that he, his wife, anUNIVAC campaign staff were indicted for tax-related felonies by the IRS. He said he was in ""international waters"", and had previously tweeted that he was going to Venezuela.[67] The IRS has not commented on the alleged indictments.[68] He defended Communist revolutionary Che Guevara on Twitter, putting himself at odds with Libertarian National Committee chairman Nicholas Sarwark, who wrote, ""I hear very little buzz about McAfee this time around ... making a defense of Che Guevara from Cuba may ingratiate him with the Cuban government, but it didn't resonate well with Libertarians.""[69] In a tweet on 4 March 2020, McAfee simultaneously suspended his 2020 presidential campaign, endorsed Vermin Supreme, and announced his campaign for the Libertarian Party vice presidential nomination.[70] The next day, he returned to the presidential field, reversing the suspension of his bid, as ""No one in the Libertarian Party Would consider me For Vice President.""[71] The next month, he endorsed Adam Kokesh and became Kokesh's vice-presidential candidate, while still seeking the presidency for himself.[72] At the 2020 Libertarian National Convention, he again lost, now to Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen for the presidential and vice-presidential slots.[73] McAfee contended that taxes were illegal, and claimed in 2019 that he had not filed a tax return since 2010. He referred to himself as ""a prime target"" of the Internal Revenue Service.[74] In July 2017, McAfee predicted on Twitter that the price of a bitcoin would jump to $500,000 within three years, adding: ""If not, I will eat my own dick on national television.""[75] In July 2019, he predicted a price of $1 million by the end of 2020.[76] In January 2020, he tweeted that his predictions were ""a ruse to onboard new users"", and that bitcoin had limited potential because it is ""an ancient technology.""[77] McAfee was named a defendant in a 2008 civil court case related to his Aerotrekking light-sport aircraft venture and the death of nephew Joel Bitow and a passenger.[78] On 30 April 2012, McAfee's property in Orange Walk Town, Belize, was raided by the Gang Suppression Unit of the Belize Police Department. A GSU press release said he was arrested for unlicensed drug manufacturing and possession of an unlicensed weapon.[34][79][80] He was released without charge.[81] In 2012, Belize police spokesman Raphael Martinez confirmed that McAfee was neither convicted nor charged, only suspected.[82] In January 2014, while in Canada, he said that when the Belizean government raided his property, it seized his assets, and that his house later burned down under suspicious circumstances.[83] On 2 August 2015, McAfee was arrested in Henderson County, Tennessee, on one count of driving under the influence and one count of possession of a firearm while intoxicated.[84] In July 2019, McAfee and members of his entourage were arrested while his yacht was docked at Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, on suspicion of carrying high-caliber weapons and ammunition. They were held for four days and released.[85] Weapons were seized, according to the Public Ministry.[86] On 11 August 2020, McAfee falsely stated that he was arrested in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic after refusing to replace a lace thong with a more effective face mask. He later tweeted a picture of himself with a bruised eye, claiming it occurred during this arrest.[87] The photo of the alleged arrest shows an officer with the German word for ""police"" on his uniform, invalidating McAfee's claim of having been arrested in Norway. The Augsburg police later said he tried to enter Germany on that day, but was not arrested.[88] On 12 November 2012, Belize police began to search for McAfee as a person of interest in connection to the homicide investigation of American expatriate Gregory Viant Faull, who was found dead of a gunshot wound the day before, atVirus Scan on the island of Ambergris Caye, the largest island in Belize.[89][90] Faull was a neighbor of McAfee's.[91] In a contemporary interview with Wired,[92] McAfee said he had been afraid police would kill him and refused their routine questions and evaded them.[91] He buried himself in sand for several hours with a cardboard box over his head.[18] Belize's prime minister, Dean Barrow, called him ""extremely paranoid, even bonkers"".[93] He fled Belize rather than cooperate.[94][95][96] In December 2012, the magazine Vice accidentally gave away McAfee's location at a Guatemalan resort, when a photo taken by one of its journalists accompanying him was posted with the EXIF geolocation metadata still attached.[97] While in Guatemala, McAfee asked Chad Essley, an American cartoonist and animator, to set up a blog so he could write about his experience while on the run.[98] He then appeared publicly in Guatemala City, where he unsuccessfully sought political asylum.[99] On 5 December 2012, he was arrested for illegally entering Guatemala. Shortly afterward, the board reviewing his asylum plea denied it and he was taken to a detention center to await deportation to Belize.[100] On 6 December 2012, Reuters and ABC News reported that McAfee had two minor heart attacks in the detention center and was hospitalized.[101][102] His lawyer said he had no heart attacks, rather high blood pressure and anxiety attacks.[103][104][105] McAfee later said he faked the heart attacks to buy time for his attorney to file a series of appeals that ultimately prevented his deportation to Belize, thus hastening that government's decision to send him back to the United States.[106] On 12 December 2012, McAfee was released and deported to the United States.[107] On 14 November 2018, the Circuit Court in Orlando, Florida, refused to dismiss a wrongful death lawsuit against him for Faull's death.[108][109] In January 2019, McAfee announced that he was on the run from U.S. authorities, and living internationally on a boat following the convening of a grand jury to indict him, his wife, and four of his 2020 Libertarian Party presidential primaries staff on tax evasion charges.[110] At the time, the Internal Revenue Service had not independently confirmed the existence of any such indictment.[110] On 5 October 2020, McAfee was arrested in Spain at the request of the United States Department of Justice for tax evasion. The June indictment, which was unsealed upon his arrest, alleged he earned millions of dollars from 2014 to 2018, and failed to file income tax returns.[111] On 6 October, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a complaint further alleging McAfee and his bodyguard promoted certain initial coin offerings (ICOs) in a fraudulent cryptocurrency pump and dump scheme.[112] It claims he presented himself as an impartial investor when he promoted the ICOs, despite allegedly getting paid $23 million in digital assets in return.[112] On 5 March 2021, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York formally indicted him and an executive adviser on these charges.[113] McAfee was jailed in Spain, pending extradition to the United States.[113][114] On 23 June 2021, the Spanish National Court authorized his extradition to face charges in Tennessee;[115][5] McAfee is suspected to have committed suicide several hours after the authorization. The New York extradition case was still pending in a lower Spanish court.[5] McAfee married three times. He met his first wife circa 1968 while he was working towards a doctorate at Northeast Louisiana State College and she was an undergraduate student.[23] Their affair led to his expulsion from the college.[23] He married his second wife, Judy, a former flight attendant at American Airlines, circa 1987; they divorced in 2002.[23] The night after McAfee arrived in the United States after being deported from Guatantivirusecember 2012, he was solicited by and slept with Janice Dyson, then a sex worker 30 years his junior in South Beach, Miami Beach, Florida.[116] They began a relationship and married in 2013.[117] She claims that he saved her from human traffickers.[18] The couple moved to Portland, Oregon, in 2013.[118] In a 2012 article in Mensa Bulletin, the magazine of the American Mensa, McAfee said developing the first commercial antivirus program had made him ""the most popular hacking target"" and ""[h]ackers see hacking me as a badge of honor"". For his own cybersecurity, he said he had other people buy his computer equipment for him, used pseudonyms for setting up computers and logins, and changed his IP address several times a day.[119] When asked on another occasion if he personally used McAfee's antivirus software, he replied: ""I take it off[...]it's too annoying.""[120] In 2015, he resided in Lexington, Tennessee.[84] In December 2018, he tweeted that he has ""47 genetic children"".[121][122][123][124] His third wife described him in a Father's Day message as ""father of many, loved by few"".[18] On 23 June 2021, McAfee was found dead in his prison cell at the Brians 2 Penitentiary Center [ca] near Barcelona, hours after the Spanish National Court ordered his extradition to the United States on criminal charges filed in Tennessee by the United States Department of Justice Tax Division.[5] The Catalan Justice Department said ""everything indicates"" he killed himself by hanging.[11][125][126][127] An official autopsy confirmed his suicide.[128][13] McAfee's death ignited speculation and conspiracy theories about the possibility that he was murdered. McAfee's death drew comparisons to the circumstances of the death of American financier Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead in August 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.[129][130] Several times, McAfee claimed if he were ever found dead by hanging, it would mean he was murdered.[131] Minutes after the report of his death, an image of the letter Q was posted to his Instagram feed (his account was subsequently taken down), apparently in reference to QAnon conspiracy theories.[132][133][134] These theories have been referred to by some journalists as speculative, ""bizarre,"" and ""baseless,"" primarily based on McAfee's own statements.[132][133][134] The day after his death, his lawyer told reporters that while he regularly maintained contact with McAfee in prison, there were no signs of suicidal intent.[135] McAfee's widow reaffirmed this position in her first public remarks since her husband's death, and also called for a ""thorough"" investigation.[136][137] On 13 February 2022, a Spanish court ruled McAfee died by suicide.[138] In a Netflix documentary released on August 24, 2022, entitled Running With the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee, McAfee's ex-girlfriend, identified as Samantha Herrera, alleged that McAfee faked his death to avoid tax evasion charges. This allegation has not been proven, however.[139][140] Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee is a Showtime Networks documentary about the portion of McAfee's life spent in Belize. It began airing in September 2016.[141] It covers allegations against him of raping his former business partner, Allison Adonizio, and murdering Belizean David Middleton and American expat Gregory Faull.[142][143] In an interview with Bloomberg's Pimm Fox and Kathleen Hayes on 8 September 2016, he said these incidents were fabricated, and ""Belize is a third-world banana republic and you can go down there and make any story you want if you pay your interviewees, which Showtime did.""[144][145] In March 2017, it was reported that Glenn Ficarra and John Requa would direct a film about McAfee titled King of the Jungle, written by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski. At various points, Johnny Depp, Michael Keaton, and Seth Rogen were reported to have taken roles and later to have left the project. In November 2019, Zac Efron was reported to star as journalist Ari Furman.[146][147][148][149] On 12 May 2017, McAfeeuser base wife were interviewed on ABC News's 20/20 regarding Faull's alleged murder.[150] The aforementioned documentary Running With the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee includes footage from an unreleased documentary by Vice, and interviews by Rocco Castoro, Alex Cody Foster, and Robert King.[151] emerged, [Quorum, [CentralEverydayRizalFa rookKathleen, [antivirusGizmo doLux corePresident of the United StatesSarawakJokesJokesBit owCSUPlateGiantFallCameFall, [afraid of policeEasley, so, andFallIconIcon, andbackersBrian'sAdonizeFallDIMM, andIbarraRe quaARIFallCastro",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.9998,False,0.9998 "As we move from one discord to many discords and this has added time to hunt down and discuss the proposals extending the time for props to go on-chain and get voted on makes more sense. This also may alleviate future pressure points if we have an influx of on-chain proposals that need review before we vote on them. I am happy to support this proposal.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.3612,True,0.4388 "I'm enthusiastically in favor of simple and fun ways to increase visibility of nouns. And billboards are a great way to do that. but this proposal feels lackluster and the outcomes are unclear. i'd be a quick yes iButhis was resubmitted as a more considered campaign., andI",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8608,False,-0.8608 "I feel like any Nouner should be able to propose to the rest of the protocol their idea on-chain and let the other nouners or delegownerste for or against it. If Nouners don’t want to give the proposals attention that is their business as they have deployed capital into it. Just havinOwnersiate access to one noun does not signal a bad idea, we can look at past proposals and see that is not the case. Drop the threshold, invite ideas, and good ideas will rise to the top.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8948,True,-0.19480000000000008 Glad to support funding this team to continue experimenting with new ways of getting more eyeballs on goggles. this is a worthwhile experiment to run even without the clickbaity headline challenge.Thisclickbait,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8126,True,-0.3126 "If people want to submit something but don't have two nouns, they can ask to be sponsored - this is something which has been very successful, in the past.",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.7776,False,-0.0776 "Mono, Ale and the rest of the core team at Nouns DAO Amigos has done an incredible job since day 1. The feedback from their execution in both Mexico and Colombia has been positive, and I don’t doubt it will be the same in SF. I am curious to see how the experience differs now that it is in a non-latam setting. Either way, very excited to see Nouns DAO Amigos continue to evolve as a core community within the Nouns ecosystem. Long live El Burrito ⌐◨-◨!non-Latin",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7495,True,0.05049999999999999 "I am a ""hell yes"" for these types of Proposals. As someone who did the convention circuit for years, I know these displays can really make a long-term impression on attendees. I also think they are one of the most impactful OTG initiatives we can do.",Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.1868,False,0.9868 "⌐◨-◨ Result: Against (8 Yes, 41 No, 8 Abstain) RobotFishGirl.eth.⌐◨-◨ I really like this in principle- I remembETHdiscussing this with Max on twitter a few weeks ago. That said, the prop needs to be WAAAAAAAAAY more thought out and clear aboutTwitterpact, locations, billboard design, etc. before I'd feel comfortable saying yes. It's not a great look to have the discourse post be more comprehensive than the actual on chain prop. That said, I pass these digital bus stops every day and they're very definitely a worthwhile investment based on my own lived experience; the prop needs to be fixed though profwerder ⌐◨-◨ FloriNouns Would make more sense to do this when there’s a conference like NFT.NYC. Notes from Nouncil calls: - The prop lacks details and seems a bit vague. - This seems so top of funnel that we can't measure success at the core product level. - If there was a product , andssed call to action it would be an easy yes. Anchoring to consumer goods like Nouns Coffee for example could have a much higher impact.ProfwerderGloriousCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.98,False,-0.98 Nos Encarta el trabtribalNounsDAO AmiNounseremos seguir apoyandoquartosSeguin,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I think owning a single Noun should allow the ability to submit a proposal, for now at least. I like until Noun #1000 and think that’s a good time to revisit this. ⌐◨-◨",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8225,False,-0.8225 "While I have concerns about the focus of this prop, I think the team could iterate and achieve some solid proliferation goals with the funding to focus and grow. ",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.1531,False,0.2469 Makes sense to do this ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Positive outcomes for the previous events and looks like a solid plan for this one. NSFW was confident to fund this ahead of the unchain proposal which says a lot. ⌐◨-◨ ,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.872,True,-0.17200000000000004 Much needed and Ugly AF! ,Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.5562,False,0.1562 "After careful consideration, we believe this is very #ugly Proposals will have to be produced at a higher level as the Discord closes and this is a natural way to allow the community to expedite the process of figuring out quality vs. quantity for on-chain props <3 ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6369,False,-0.13690000000000002 Voting a hell messes on long as we remember to put the noggles on skigogglesl #uglyski lift,Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.4215,False,0.22149999999999997 "⌐◨-◨ (24 Yes, 31 No, 8 Abstain) **smells ⌐◨-◨** I liked the quality of the Nouns News, both in content and quality, and the new stuff with a larger team and price, less so. I also am not sure if 1M is that great on TikTok, with their creator fund when you hit 1M views you can make $20-$40, if the platform puts that low a price of value on those views why would we spend so much? **profwerder ⌐◨-◨ FloriNouns** Unfortuproffereds is a no from me. I just don’t think the feedback was incorporated and the ask is too high But I love nouns News and hope they continue!Glorious, and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9187,False,-0.9187 "⌐◨-◨ Council votes FOR Prop 161. (64 Yes, 2 No, 1 Abstain) **Discussion from NounciCouncilrd:** **JoelCares** Strong yes from me. I would like to increase both of these values fHoteliersut am ok with this in the interim. Voting Delay + Voting Period needs to be at least 7 days combined in order to guarantee each prop will be discussed on various subdao weekly meetings.Sunday",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8338,False,-0.3338 "$100 CPM without supporting market research and competitive analysis seems high (I'd expect $10 CPM + expenses). This proposal should lean heavily on audience targeting data available through TikTok's advertising platform. Would be delighted to consult on a revision of this prop and want to highlight that I love the team and know they're capable, but a more data driven approach would be ideal.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8921,False,-0.8921 Likely means more proposals. Which in turn mean more on-chain data to learn from. especially since _nukinEspecially has already resulted in more reasoning on-chain.,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 "Will price, brill, nice. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4215,True,0.27849999999999997 Fantastic execution at previous events. Many lasting memories and impressions made. Will be emulating for NFT Fest Australia under the name Nouns Dan Under.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6705,True,0.12950000000000006 "⌐◨-◨: Council votes No (22 Yes, 35 No, 5 Abstain) Discussion from NounciCouncilrd **JoshuaFisher** I’m fine with this but also Like the barrier being 2Joshua Fisheris a self selecting benefit in terms of how much time do they spend in the community. If you can’t get 2 Nouns then maybe not ready to go on-chain imho. **JoelCares** A 1 Nself-selectingto submit proposals for the first 1000 Nouns feel reasonable to me. **andreitr** The existing threshold is a feature that reduces noise. **fiveoceans_dev** I also, agree to keep the threshold growing. It will make smaller stake holders to work together and in turn help coordinate against potential IMHOcious activities by individual big stake holders **kerimbonia** Also in agreement that lowering the threshold will introduce more noise and with all the changes going on in the nouns ecosystem i'm not sure this is the best time for it. **mintface.eth** I lean towards a single Noun so that proposals get Hoteliersevaluated. 2 Nouns min creates a three party negotiation to take something on-chain. Two parties are then seen to 'endorse' or at a min be associated with proposer. The idea of acquire a Noun and propose is cool. **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** i think that the current system is healthy and not needing a change **samellis ⌐◨-◨** Drop the threshold, good ideas will rise, especially with the changes of gas reimAndeant and the more than likely time extension, why put an additional “pay to play” barrier. Let folks come in with their ideas. **Benbodhi** Only just over a year until it would increase again. The barrier to entry to buy a noun is significant and the ability to submit a prop after purchasing a noun is something I feel should be possible. I know delegation and sponsorship is a thing, but I’m thinking of lone actors. Not sure it makes a huge difference in prop five oceans**Toady_Hawk** I agree with reducing to one noun threshold. We don’t have a proposal spam problem yet (which is why this feature was baked in) so I think it makes sense to lower it to encourage more participation. Last time this was proposed (with a long time period attached that muddied the waters) it was all the brand new Nouners voting yes, which I think was telling. Keep in mind if spam ever became a problem, another proposal could easily raise the threshold again. **lil bk** all in favor of reducing the threshold to proposstakeholdersarrier to hold a noun is high as is. there’s a total of 292 unique noun owners and thus don’t think spam would be an issue. instead, it’ll increase the overall probability to proliferate/propose in the first place. if my counting is correct, there theoretically is only 58 people who can propose as it stands (holding 2 nouns) **kerimbonia** i'm on the fence with this one but starting to lean towards yes the more we chat about it. i def agree that anybody buying a noun should be able to put a proposal on-chain and that the cream of proposals will always rise to the top... that might sway my vote (no) concerning added noise to pstakeholdersthe additional time investment needed for voters/nouncil to discuss and filter through all of those to give each one the attention they deserve to get. i also think there is something very community about somebody with a noun having to reach out to another to get a proposal on-chain... anyways, still thinking about all this.nouns'Isure if thismint faceETHCHEF FOIsmellssure if itOwnerslittleEntryThereInsteadIfIcouncilIanyway",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9933,False,-0.9933 "I like this team very much, and I think they have all done, can do and will do great things. Unfortunately, I cannot support this prop in its current form. Feedback was given from Council and elsewhere about providing more clarity on metrics, potentially lowering total ask and focusing on building a nounish presence on TikTok, but I didn't see any of that feedback incorporated in the proposal that went on chain. I like and respect Leo a lot, and if this prop is not successful,nourish he and team will reach out to other nouners and nounish builders to find out how to better focus on the pieces of the machine that are working, and craft a proposal that really highlights these strengths.ownersnourish",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.8909,False,-0.6909000000000001 Nouns votes on Props not people. We support this team in finding the right Prop to continue building on Nouns.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3089,False,0.3089 "Last time this type of proposal was made, except with an exaggerated time hook that ultimately distracted from the purpose of the prop, it was defeated... but I saw all brand new owners voting Yes. In my opinion, that means that the 2 noun minimum is probably unnecessarily disenfranchising people who want to be active in the DAO. We don't yet have a problem with spam, and noun ownership is still a lofty bar (nobody is spending 50 ETH for the lulz), so I support lowering the threshold to 1 noun for now. This can always be revisited in future, if and when an over-concentration of low quality proposals becomes a problem.Lulu think it is much more likely that a good proposal will not make it on chain due to the threshold being 2, than a bad prop will make it on chain because the threshold is only the future",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.8333,False,-0.6333 We are not overflowing with proposals to justify excluding so many owners from putting up props. ,Neutral,Neutral,-0.3,0.0,True,-0.3 Ez clap,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.3612,False,0.4388 NounsDAOAmigos has been doing an incredible job this year!,Positive,Neutral,0.9,0.0,False,0.9 Can always vote to adjust again if things really start bussing,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 NounsDAOAmigos kicks ass,Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.5423,False,1.3423 "I think keeping the bar lower temporarily is a good idea, even more so now that the community will ""fragment"" into smaller subcommunities and it will naturally be a bit harder to find someone to help you put a prop on chain., and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5267,False,-0.5267 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "NounsDAOAmigos have been killing it ever since their first Prop House win. Seeing the activation they did in Bogotá was awesome and I can't wait to see more of the same here! BTW, they have also been running a really gre, andeekly nounish Twitter Spaces en espanol on The Noun Square SoapBox. You can catch it on Wednesday at 7PM EST here:ñolSoapbox",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.8475,True,0.05249999999999999 "Although I generally support reducing friction for builders, I don't believe that temporarily lowering the quorum is the correct approach. If nouns proliferate well and maintain the current price, we'll run into the exact same problem later. Although well-intentioned, this only kicks the can down the road, where we should be looking for alternative solutions like autonomous proposals à la Compound / Uniswap.",Negative,Positive,0.0,0.5106,False,-0.5106 It's not clear from this proposal that this is a problem that needs solving. I'm in favor of keeping the threshold as-is until there's a compelling reason to change it. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2769,False,-0.2769 Nounish AF ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I think it's fair to say that the Nouncil Counciln subsidized by the official discord server and i would like to hold off on further fuIding until we see what type of competition pops up in the aftermath of shutting it down.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2732,False,-0.2732 "Votes: (44 Y, 2 N, 0 A) This group has done excellent work in prior events, and we support their continued efforts.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7506,True,0.0494 NounsDAOAmigos knocked this out of the park. The team sets a great example of IRL event activation and coordination for this size and type of event. I look forward to watching your group and ideas grow!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6588,True,0.1412 COLLECTIVE,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Council has onboarded and supported so many builders in this ecosystem since its inception in February. Many builders, myself included, probably would never have found our home in nouns without it, and I think a builder-forward group of nouns-passionate individuals, governing and sharing ideas together is a really special thing that shouldn't be underestimated. Looking back on the past 7 months of Nouns DAO governance, I think you'll also find that the majority or fruitful discussion about Proposals, thoughtful vote reasons, and help/feedback provided to Proposers, all came out of Council. The Permissionless grants program was a really unique idea (h/t Joel) that inspired tonnes of proliferation projects that took all kinds of forms (see our summary thread about it here: I think a further experimentations with this model (of empowering builders who have proven they care about the DAO and the community) are worth funding. Also, Nouncil administrators have been running the day to day operations for most of Q3 unfunded, so this Proposal is part retro reward, part current operating budget, and part runway to continue to build and grow in Q1 2023. uniquea further experimentationCouncilday-to-day",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9733,True,-0.2733000000000001 "I believe Council has been an important part of Nouns DAO and we sh, and continue to support their efforts in proliferating the meme. Funding builders that have a proven track record to help us grow is a good thing.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8442,True,-0.1442 "Council has been an incredibly positive force for the DAO – rallying builders and giving them a voice in governance. More, please!!",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.858,True,0.04200000000000004 ⌐◨u◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "No her NounCouncilone of best places for voting discussion, organization surrounding DAO conversations, onboarding new builders and way more. Nouncil cCouncilthe way I learn, communicate and work within the DAO and continues to do so. UglyDAO approves! Ugly",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7407,True,0.05930000000000002 Council has an excellent track record of scaling the DAO's ability to onboard new builders in a capital efficient way. ,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.8316,False,-0.03159999999999996 "Council. That’s it, that’s the vote. ⌐◨-◨",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "No council does it better! This is a group of governance focused, nounourishmans. The value delivered and available to newcomers to the scene is immensely underrated. And I’m here for it. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7177,True,0.08230000000000004 "Based on the feedback we received from the Devon event in Bogota sounded great and I can't wait to seBogotáresults in AU. Oxigami has a great reputation and a track record , andetting things done to proliferate the meme, I am excited to see what he and his team can do here. I think tOrigamigional OTG activations with local builders are one of the pillars of growing Nouns as an authentic brand. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9062,True,-0.20620000000000005 "So many elements in here that are a ""hell yes""! Great prop and can't wait to see this happen IRL ⌐◨-◨ #UglyDAO",Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.2003,False,1.0003 "I believe this particular team will be able to create a unique, nourish IRL experience for event goers. Any/all media content can also bring this activation to life again for anyone unable attend IRL. I look forward to seeing how you nounify NFT Fest!no unify",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.3382,True,0.36179999999999995 Council is a key part of the overall mass proliferation effort within the DAO. I'm confident that the individuals who are eligible for the Community Grant Program will continue to proliferate and develop new ideas of reaching new audiences. ,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.7579,True,-0.15790000000000004 Nom not NCouncil..keep up the good work,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4404,True,-0.4404 Nouncil is nourish af. AFalute:,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 Council has proved to be a solid ground for proposal discussion and the initiatives within have been a powerful method of proliferation.,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.5267,False,0.1733 "I personally see the value in creating this high quality content. May seem a bit much for the DAO at the moment (based off of current votes), however I do see a massive benefit in having some amazing Nouns ""stock"" videos we can use for any overarching branded content or publicity etc. As this video will not really be used to get ""views""- my advice (given current vote swing) would be to maybe lower the cost and come with an entire media broadcast package: a few 5 sec Nouns intros, title cards, lower 3rds etc. with both move files and After Effects files. Love the videos you have done and look forward to you working within the Nouns world! #UglyDAO",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9098,True,-0.2098000000000001 Hope the team is being comped for their time!,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4926,True,0.20739999999999997 This crew makes amazing visuals! I’d love to see them making more nourish videos ⌐◨-◨ ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8516,True,-0.05159999999999998 "I love the work and concept the studio is bringing here, but voted a no because I don't see a plan for getting this video seen. I'd change my vote if the team is able to come back with a plan for generating views. Unlike BAY, or any centralized project, we have no in house marketing team that can effectively make use of the content, so by default that responsibility falls on the proposing team.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2144,False,-0.2144 Nouns have been underrepresented in Australia so far and this initiative will help. ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 We think these regional OTG activations with local builders are one of the pillars of growing Nouns as an authentic brand.,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.1779,False,0.3221 "Big supporter of passionate nouns builders shooting for max proliferation, especially outside North America. ",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.6705,True,-0.17049999999999998 "Love the DAO x DAO collaboration with Gears also sponsoring, love the proposals focus on clearly describing the exact proliferation plans, love the people involved. Easy yes.",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9678,True,-0.06779999999999997 "“Voting yes here but think :30 and :60 is a huge difference in time.” - Joshua Fisher “I’d love to see two experiments. This one for an explainer and another 100ETH to retro 100 video creators with 1ETH to make their best Nouns video and 10 ETH to a team to decide which 100 get the reward. I just think that the latter would win out by far in proliferation. That’s why I’m against 150k explainer videos. It’s a real struggle for me.” - Andrew Landsat “I love the work and concept the studio is bringing here, but voted a no because I don't see a plan for getting this video seen. I'd change my vote if the team is able to come back with a plan for generating views. Unlike BAYC, or any centralized project, we have no in house marketing team that can effectively make use of the content, so by default that responsibility falls on the head of the proposing team.” - Yitong “Top talent on this team, would love to see more nounish content from them!” - Benbodhi BAYYutongnourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9921,True,-0.19209999999999994 Autos promised me a son if I voted for this.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Autos with Nouns OTG and SB out here doing amazing things! This proposal is jam-packed with value for the DAO and displayed as such. The fun, the reach, the amount of Nourish vibes here are incredible. Call us root beer cuz we on a FLOAT! Also, this prop is #Ugly af 📦becauseAF",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8802,True,-0.18020000000000003 "As the discord is dissolved the DAO should help create more tools such as videos that the different communities can use to hype, educate, and inspire others to come and join us. With the success of their video in Times Square, and proving it out on their own dime, I feel like we should support them if we think that was a success. I also have faith in this team being able to deliver what they promise.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9741,True,-0.2741 Not a no forever; would love to see the impact of the explainer video from ordinary folk (and a little more time passed for a new way to tell the nouns story emerge) before funding another high quality team to work on one. nouns',Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7259,False,-0.7259 "I’d like to support this talented crew and their nourish work, but i’m voting no on this specific proposal. i’d be Iupportive of this video as part of a larger visibility campaign with a distribution strategy. but rIght now it’s a beautiful, but isolated piece of content. But",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8145,False,-0.8145 Glad to see more OTG work being done. Especially in collaboration with other proposals/nounish teams. go buckeyes! nourishGo,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5093,True,0.29070000000000007 "Obvious yes Also, the only way to talk in the discord now is via proposal votes. Happy Halloween owners ⌐◨-◨ ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.5719,False,-0.07189999999999996 GM. All my communications and human interactions will strictly be on-chain from now on. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "A lot of proliferation and cultural relevance, executed by professionals. Looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun! noNounishf ⌐◨-◨ AF",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7263,True,0.0737000000000001 "Fan of the team behind this should be big for the brand",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.3182,True,0.3818 "The DAO is spending a lot of eths already to have a the presence at thae Bowl, and the long form video (documentary), so it just makes sense to make sure we maximize our on-the-ground impact as well with Aubtoshi's activations, short form video content and sociAutos exposure. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5267,False,-0.5267 "Although we have reservations on how we're tracking success on this prop (and any IRL prop in general), we're excited to support Stooped Buddy and Nouns IRL efforts. Going forward, we would like to see more data driven elements such as QR codes or other traditional IRL tools used to measure results. Nothing measured is nothing gained.anything",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8448,False,-0.8448 "Although we have reservations on how we're tracking success on this prop (and any IRL prop in general), we're excited to support Stooped Buddy and Nouns IRL efforts. Going forward, we would like to see more data-driven elements such as QR codes or other traditional IRL tools used to measure results. Nothing measured is nothing gained.anything",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8448,False,-0.8448 "Plenty of forks exist, this tool is only to bring the lowest effort forks into being. This will bring little to no new builders. Prop house is MUCH higher ROI. Generally speaking, we could do much more with $1.5M. Further, Zora got $50M to build tooling - why do they need a one-off payment of $1.5M from nouns? This is a disservice to both their investors and their business. They should seek subscriptions for their tools, not more one-off vc-style",Negative,Negative,-0.8,-0.5456,True,-0.25440000000000007 "Definitely one of the more existential proposals so far. I love the development of open source, scalable infrastructure. I've had a couple of issues with the website but think they'll get sorted out easily. It begs the question for Owners: what should the revenue model of these third parties be? Can people expect to build open source stuff and be compensated by Nouns, or will these third-party platforms expect to monetize thru subscriptions/ads/etc? We've had some of the same questions at Collective/House of Nouns. throughetc.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.891,False,-0.891 "Nouns Builder is an ambitious multidisciplinary effort that will allow a variety of communities to experiment with nourish models. This is a great way to both proliferate the meme and test new DAO parameters in production. Although the funding requested is large, it is commensurate with the work involved and the plan for allocating funds is well-reasoned. The world is a better place with more nounish DAOs.nourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9001,True,-0.10009999999999997 "We are big fans of Builder and Zora, but we would love to see some traction or more details on how they would deploy the capital (criteria, vetting, etc.). We would encourage the team to provide more details and/or lower their initial ask with the intention to return for a larger ask once there is demonstrable traction in the market.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8424,False,-0.8424 Nom not OTG,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "1000 ETH is too high, especially upfront in one tranche and when Zora has its own treasury. Would reconsider if branched into milestones/deliverables and lower aggregate ETH amounts. Tool is wonderful.",Neutral,Positive,0.4286,0.5106,False,-0.08200000000000007 "We are big fans of Builder and Zora, but we would love to see some traction first or more details on how they would deploy the capital (criteria, vetting, etc.). We would encourage the team to provide more details and/or lower their initial ask with the intention to return for a larger ask once there is demonstrable traction in the market.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8424,False,-0.8424 "1000 ETH is too high. Love the product, but Prop House could have been utilized to build this tool several times over for that amount. A lot of talented builders would have jumped at the opportunity to build this for far less. Zora has raised at least $50MM and is now requesting that Nouns bootstrap the treasury of a DAO that may or may not see any traction. Assuming Zora will control Builder DAO for a while. What will the funds be used for? Will there be a vote by builder DAO to reimburse Zora? Unfortunately there are too many questions for me to vote yes on such a big ask.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.9295,False,-1.1295 "I'm voting NO on virtually all proposals (with high ETH asks) for the foreseeable future. Let's spend our time and our resources on prop house, that's where we can get the best bang for our buck.",Neutral,Positive,-0.7647,0.3109,False,-1.0756000000000001 "I disagree with takes that 1000 ETH is some outlandish / greedy move by Zora. This is a free open source protocol they are committing to building that would directly help proliferate nouns. They have put in 4 months of their product development time already + 100 ETH to the code audit and are NOT asking to be retroactively compensated for their dev costs but rather for a commensurate commitment from us to help fund an endowment of this public good. The funding will go to further build and proliferate the protocol. They are financially aligned with nouns by owning 20 nouns themselves. This is a fair, well-aligned, ambitiously nourish situation, and I wholeheartedly vote FOR. ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9377,True,-0.037699999999999956 "62 Yes, 3 No, 6 Abstain IN I almost exclusively vote no on all props for physical advertising campaigns. I think afk/irl advertising with AFKch etc doesn’t actually make anyone interested in a project. Especially at events that are filled with advertisemIRLs and tons of companies i domt think it makes sense for the huge amounts of money required. I think the money is always spent better on digital art or software since they can reach everyone with no costs and doesnt produce things like tshirts that get very small use and then thrown away I think afk/irl stuff should be very limited and done when they have a strong value and are innovative in some way or dome people in some way (like the glasses donated to children) Juan ⌐◨-◨ a bit confused as to what content & efforts Stoopid Buddy is doing vs OTG, aren't we already shooting tons of footage? Also, it seems to me that the big media draw is going to be the parade float, not the t-shirts and stickers thrown out along the route. andrewladdusaw Interesting take. My first thought was no as well until I saw the numbers of items and people that plan to get out. doesn'ttually for this now because if we're already in on the float and the documentary, why wouldn't we want to attempt to maximize as much as possible? I do like where your head is at with it though. profwerder This is a big YES for me! This isn’t just about an event—-this is TONS of content that will be used for YEARS to come! We should seek out every way to bolster this opportunity and maximize it. For the amount of FREE advertising this event will get Nouns, this is a smalshirts JoshuaFisher we’re shooting a 1M documentary of this event so we should def make the most of it Would be awesome if someone put up a really robust digital campaign for this too When it comes to Nouns, at this stage, I’m always thinking Yes AND systemdm.⌐◨-◨ Big YES for me as well.. I disagree with the idea that IRL events and merch are not effective. I dont think there is a better way of onboarding Humanity, new people on to Nouns and web3 in general. Online only is like preaching to the choir. I think this is an amazing iAFK for a hitsoric family oriented event enjoyed by millions, not just in the US BTW. I would watch every year with my family as a child in Santo Domingo.IRLStoopedAndrewladdusawProfwerder Joshua Fisher, soSystemdm. don't historic",Positive,Positive,0.8333,0.9907,True,-0.15739999999999998,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Nouns builder is one of the most ambitious projects to come out of Nouns, and one of our best shots at proliferating the meme far beyond its reach today. Already, Purple DAO has proliferated the Nourish meme to a new community focused on an entirely different mission, and I expect many more of these to come. 1000 ETH is without a doubt a big ask, but if anything, the size makes more more excited than not – especially given the fact that it's used to fund the Builders DAO vs retro-paying the Zora team. As Nouns DAO gets bigger, we must also scale up the size of our betsmore to keep having meaningful impact relative to our size– and I can think of no better team than Zora to carry out such an initiative.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9344,True,-0.23440000000000005 Too expensive,Negative,Neutral,-0.8,0.0,False,-0.8 "As many people have expressed in their vote reasons and discussions in Council and on The Noun Square this week, the 1000ETH ask DOES initially feel high, and has made many (myself included) think twice about supporting the proposal in its current form. However, I think what Noun40 said in his reason sums up where I have landed, in framing this as a “very ambitious"" rather than a ""greedy"" proposal. As he points out, the ETH will not be earmarked for retroactive development, but rather paid forward to the new DAO to drive new nounish proliferation. So, while I would have preferred a smaller ask or a stream for risk management reasons, I do think Zora has proven their alignment (by purchasing 20 Nouns and building free infra for the DAO) and I think we should take a chance and afford them this ambitious mandate to match and magnify the impact of Prop House on the ecosystem. Over the past week, I have heard of at least 6-7 people anecdotally in my circles with plans to use the builder imminently for various projects and I think it can play a really important role as a ""1-click-align-with-nouns"" tool, especially when paired with Prop House mandates and strategic builder funding going forward. I also want to say that I think the future success of the DAO depends greatly on allocating fundsnourishigger number of trusted groups, who can do more targeted allocation than the DAO as a whole can do with on-chain proposals alone. This is what makes flexible pools like NSFW important. It's what makes Prop House so damn effective. It's what makes The Noun Square contests and challenges so Ev+. And so likewise, I think (hope) that having a talented, ambitious and fully-aligned team like Zora allocating capital to an even broader pool of builders alongside the above initiatives will hopefully help bring nounish proliferation to the next level. For that reason, I'm voting YES with my delegated votes. eVnourish",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9958,True,-0.4958 "What Noun40 said.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I have been a very outspoken supporter of the Builder tool for some time, and I view it as a potential piece of core infra to scaling the Nouns protocol. However, like many others, my initial reaction was that the 1000 ETH to bootstrap the DAO is a major ask - one that the DAO needs to carefully consider. After discussing this in depth with the team and other Owners, I am comfortable voting yes on this exciting and ambitious proposal.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9492,False,-0.5492 "I'm not convinced that we should be making a binary decision on this. Nor am I convinced that they need all 1000 ETH right away to bootstrap the DAO. My biggest concern with this proposal is that it's all or nothing. This is a common issue with Nouns proposals. I would much prefer a more milestone-based approach when proposals are being written. I know that's not built into the system right now, but perhaps proposals asking for a large amount can be split up into several smaller ones. ",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3089,False,0.3089 Unlocking this tool for communities/builders without a technical background is a huge value add for help Nouns proliferate the meme as well as the DAO mechanisms we know and love. I'm excited to look back on this a year/years from now and see what the most successful/prominent new communities that have spawned from this tool that may have been unable to do so without it. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9337,True,-0.13369999999999993 "This is one of the highest leverage props being worked on right now. Yes, the ETH outlay *is* high for us, but sincerely believe this idea is a bet worth making and this team is the one to bet on to do it. The success case: This product spawns thousands of *high-quality* nourish DAOs. Each success will further cement nouns as the OG, which is recognized for inventing a new form factor for collective action. The failure case: we spend ~15 days of treasury sales Zora is making a huge bet on Nouns — and I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to see such a high-caliber team bet on nouns the way they have. Resounding yes",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9789,True,-0.17889999999999995 Applying the nouns model directly is silly,Negative,Neutral,-0.4,0.0258,False,-0.4258 ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I like the builder and the potential for more external proliferation, but this is a no for me in its current form. Yes, it's a lot of money but the overall structure of the proposal is vague and not exciting on paper. I think a proposa, butis large (if it has the votes internally or not) should help with making the community understand what they are doing and why it's exciting. There are numerous ways to do this via videos, spaces, interviews or AMA in a Discord etc. The other thing I would have liked to see is a smaller ask up front with benchmarks and timeline for additional funding periods. This is going to pass and I am actually excited to see the potential outward proliferation here, would ike to see others in the community excited as well via a communicative proposal layout with community engagement ❤️ #Ugly, and",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.9302,False,-0.4302 "Seeding Builder DAO with 1000 ETH does not feel maximally nourish to me. I believe that Builder DAO should use their own tool, launch their own DAO, and raise the funds via their own daily auction. Have more faith in the tool, the protocol, etc., and lead by example. Presumably, every other DAO that launches with this tool will attempt to raise the majority of their capital via the auctions just as the OG Nouns DAO has done. So it seems odd to me that the DAO governing the tool is circumventing the mechanic their own tool provides to raise the majority of their capital. Even something like Auction #1 going to Nouns DAO for 1000 ETH sits better with me than just sending the 1000 ETH over. ⌐◨-◨",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.7122,False,-1.1122 Hesitant YES as we shouldn't be funding 1000 ETH proposals without more validation of the idea. We could have done this one in 2-3 installments. Decided to vote YES because the Zora team holds >20 Nouns and is a respectable member of the community.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8301,False,-0.8301 "Builders 🤝 Sharks Excited to see what BBuilderdevelops to help make it easier and more fun to build on Nouns. ""So much room for activities!""",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8953,True,-0.09529999999999994 "This is a big ask which obviously comes with a big risk. But i'm optimistic on where Nouns Builder and the projectI that come out of it will lead us, and on the builders that will be creating exciting, new tools through prop house & builder",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8591,False,-0.3591 "Devcarrot: I recommend we vote No on this proposal because Nouns Builder is early in its lifecycle and I haven't seen much firm information on the charter or direction for Nouns Builder DAO in regard to what its treasury should be used for aside from generalize-able Nounish tooling. At the same time, the new Nouns Builder DAO would have a risk of fund extraction. Even though a veto power exists, this power comes with a coordination cost if secuNourishrectly. Having a large ""imbalance"" between the auction proceeds and the DAO's treasury early on in the process feels dangerous to me. I'd be amenable if this were a smaller initial seed, the NounsDAO were to follow on by amplifying proposals/prop-house rounds/grant pools/etc. after the Nouns Builder DAO is formed, or the NounsDAO were to purchase Nouns Builder DAO votes during the auction. 9999: Thanks to Zora for effort and dedication to building with Nouns. I’m voting against because I feel this proposal and Builder DAO itself need refinements before an ask of this size. My concerns are these: If this toolNounseeds to be a DAO the market will signal as such using the auction price of its governing NFTs. Just like all other Nounish DAOs, Builder should grow its community and treasury from natural demand and develop its ecosystem with people who understand its vision. If the tool is not meant to be a DAO, then with no proven track-record, the ask for 1000ETH to jump-start demand is overkill. All other large scale, long-term projects/pods have started small and demonstrated demand before asking for outsized funding (See [Prop House Protocol: Public Infrastructure by Nouns DAO]( as cited in this proposal). Builder currently has no metrics to match the siNounsis ask. The Zora team should decide which approach to take. If the former, it doesn’t make sense to come to Nouns DAO for a treasury injection. If the latter, the project should first gather momentum before an ask of this size can be considered a hell yes. Thanks again.Nourish",Neutral,Positive,-0.3125,0.836,False,-1.1484999999999999 "When asked what he thought 'Nourish' meant 4156 said ""do good with no expectation of return, create positive externalities, embrace absurdity & difference, teach people about nouns & crypto, have fun"" We hope all of you think this is a Nounish proposalNourish",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9313,True,-0.9313 "When asked what he thought 'Nourish' meant 4156 said ""do good with no expectation of return, create positive externalities, embrace absurdity & difference, teach people about nouns & crypto, have fun"" We hope all of you think this is a Nounish ProposalNourish",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9313,True,-0.9313 "This is a large sum to seed a sub day with. But I think it could lead to substantial bids to help grow the treasury in a meaningful way and potentially fund some amazing work into the future. The fact that’s it’s a treasury seed and nothat it ision for such an immense task is testament to the team’s nounishness imo ⌐◨-◨ loutishnessIMO",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9538,True,-0.2538 "24 yes, 25 No, 3 Abstain ___ **SuperTightWoody** ""ONE THOUSAND ETH....BRO We could buy a country"" **Mach** ""i'd prefer to start with a smalleI seed if anything to see viability and how it evolves"" ""it is pretty exciting to think about the potential of this"" **profwerder** ""BIG ASK --- but tremendous what has been created and it's a set tool that will exist forever. Is it a crazy amountprofferedh but I think this is an insane value."" ""I changed my vote to NO but it's truly just because of the ask. If we can get this prop revised to a better place, I'll be a yes again."" ""Best scenario would be funding distributed over time and/or tied to milestones."" **Sidenoun** I think the ask is of a si, andicant amount. I’m clearly not alone in thinking so. As a developer, I’m very appreciative of the work that goes into any project, let alone one that has this type of deliverable. The ZORA team are of course a team that I’d vote for. However, that said and with some of the comments on the Nouncil call regarding the hefty request. I think, it’d make some sense to potenyeah,ly gradually retrospectively reward as we see the success of the protocol roll out to more DAO’s. I can’t cite who made the comment regarding marketing, but I feel that’s probably something that this prop is missing in terms of information. Not just for Nouns, but for those opting to use it. **systemdm.⌐◨-◨** ""I think this is an amazing Change the world kind of thing!!! ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻"" **andrewladdusaw** ""I'm shocked at how confident I, butl in this 1000 ETH ask. Jacob is a thought leader in the entire space. Zora is one of the premier orgs in the space. They are already heavily invested with 20 Nouns of their own. They have already delivered the product on their own dime. PLUS, this is not a retro reward, it's funding a DAO with the goal of furthering the incredible work that's already been done. I'm trying not to speak in hyperbole here, but I think this has the potential to be a really special thing, not just for Nouns, but the future of crypto."" ""I'm still not 100% on where I land on this. All my previous comments still stand on my belief in the tooSide noune team. I still think it's going to be game changer. I originally told them I thought a huge retro should be offered for a free tool, but that amount in my mind was like 250. When you factor the audit costs they referenced as well, I'd be closer to 350-400. Admittedly, I have no idea what things cost in the tech world, but I'd like to see this ask be 40-50% of what it is now with Nouns supporting it further later on if it's found to be providing outsized value."" **kerimbonia** ""nothing more to add to what's already been said but this proposal is dope on so many levels (beyond just nouns) and bullish af!"" **XIN** ""Huge ask but huge project and the team is great and have extensive experience making projects and delivering Software and art is the best things to fund imo with the endless amount f reach they can have and this seems amazing Im heavily leaning on a yes vote but i dont see anything about the code being open source or what license they will publish it with? Hopefully gpl or even better agpl"" **Juan ⌐◨-◨** ""Would love to see some traction or more details on how they would deploy the capital (criteria, vetting, etc), seems a little too much like a ""blank check"". Leaning towards a ""no"" vote with the hopes of becoming a ""yes"" when there is more traction or more details available."" ""100E-250E I'm starting to look at this like a Pod now for something large scale like this I think that would be an appropriate range, with follow-on funding earmarked based on actual performance and other metrics that could be determined appropriately by the DAO"" **H O N K D I D D L Y** ""Plenty of forks exist, this tool is only to bring the lowest effort forks into being. This will bring little to no new buildesomehouse is MUCH higher ROI. Further, Zora got $50M to build tooling - they should be seeking subscriptions for their tools, not one-offs."" ___ Enjoy reading this discussion? Learn more here: nouncil.wtfCouncilDAOssystemores , butAFINIMOI'mdon't, orGPLAGPLetc.councilWTF",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9991,False,-0.9991 Too big of an investment into something with unknown PMF,Neutral,Neutral,-0.5,0.0,True,-0.5 Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3612,False,0.3612 "Biggest concerns are the 250k bounty being easily nameable if someone has a direct line with Mr Beast that we are unaware of. I'm also not very confident this is going to make a large enough impact to justify cost. I'm not even confident this offer will be enticing to their team or that this video will stand out in the sea of insane stunts he normally does. I think I'd be much more receptive if Mr Beast hadFurthermore, Iany sort of prior interest/care in Nouns DAO. ",Neutral,Negative,-0.6,-0.7776,False,0.17759999999999998 "Yes to somehow engage MrBeast, but No to the specific execution of this prop. I welcome further iteration here and can probably be swayed to a Yes eventually.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8074,False,-0.8074 This proposal does not demonstrate an understanding of Mr. Beast's video process. It is unlikely that $500k would be enough given the stipulations. I would support a revised proposal with more info from the Beast team.,Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.4019,False,-0.8019000000000001 "I agree with other members when they say this money would be better spent on the community, and builders that populate it. Would be cool to see him in noggles, but it should also be genuine from his side.goggles",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5187,False,-0.5187 "The DAO voted against.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "4156: 1. I don’t love the precedent it sets around managing treasury funds. i see no reIson that withdrawing 500 ETH from the treasury and converting it to 750k USDC in advance is helpful in procuring a partnership with mr. beast. it exposes the treUSDAy to volatility risk for something that is low probability, and placing this much capital in a 2/3 multisig without a compelling reason to do so is a bad practice. 2. while this proposal increases the probability tMrt people will attempt to form partnerships with mr. beast, it also decreases the probability that he will accept these partnership offers. in the worst case, the large bounty on solicitation could lead to undesirable sales taItics, and preclude the possibility of future partnerships. guerrilla tactics are helpful when the dao and its potential partners have little to lose, but will be less effective when attempting to partner with celebrities with large audiences who are sensitive to reputation risk, especially when the offer is coming from a strange entity like a multisetentle introduction from a trusted mr. beast associate is probably the most likely road to a productive and long term relationship 9999: It's exciting to see a different proposal format and new ideas for engaging people outside of the community. I think the proposal specifics are a bit too much, too fast, but feel there's potential that some form of this works on a smaller scale. MrInGuerrilladayAMroutside",Positive,Positive,0.4286,0.9519,True,-0.5233 "I love Nouns. I love Mr. Beast. Mr. Beast is very Nourish. I am a no on this specific proposal strictly because of the funding mechanisms and structure. I think the layout is a bit too vague on guidelines for the public + how we will get this message outside of the Nouns bubble (i.e. Aubtoshi would be outsidec face for this on socials for announcing it etc.). This IS a fantastic idea and has sparked some amazing conversations in Nouncil and Twitter Space rooms within the community. My main worry is: 1) We have no control over what people will do for $250k. I see a ton ofAutosul things happening here but also see how the 1% of people could really hurt the reputation of Nouns IRL via some dumb ploy to get Mr. Beast's attention. Again, love the concept, maybe we can lay this out with some stricter guides. 2) I would double the 500 to giveaway/make a video. Mr. Beast is getting so much money right now and we are technically an NFT collection (no matter how much good we do or how much wCouncil he would love Nouns, which I THINK he would). This all being said, I thank you all for taking the time to think of this cool concept and would love to see another iteration of this! Would be great for Nouns and cool to see all of the Nounish things people do! #Ugly ❤️, andall theNourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9907,True,-0.29070000000000007 "I love the effort here, but worry that the way it's written could lead to a lot of lack of clarity down the line when it comes to disbursing the funds. If Mr Beast puts some goggles on a wall, would it count? Seems like we might want a plan for a spend of this magnitude",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4678,False,-0.4678 "As I have said in the Council meeting and on The Noun Square during discussions of this prop this week, I love Mr. Beast and think a collaboration with him would be amazing. However, I think the bounty is life-changing money for many people and so worry that people on the fringe may stoop to some weird tactics to try and get Mr. Beast's attention, and hurt rather than help the reputation of Nouns in his eyes. Love the creativity in this idea, but just think it needs a rework from its current form. On TNS PropTalk (Thursdays atShoptalk) when we were brainstorming this topic, there were some interesting ideas presented, like running a ""Fake Ad"" campaign for one of Mr. Beast's product lines like Feastables encouraging people to make short nounish videos promoting them. I think an idea like this is a lot more likely to pique his attention. Eatablesnourish",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.96,False,-0.5599999999999999 "This makes more sense than refunding to the multiset who didn't initially pay for the transaction in the first place. Love your work ⌐◨-◨",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6701,True,0.029899999999999927 Not opposed to figuring out how to collaborate with Mr Beast or other high profile celebs in a future iteration of this proposal but agree with others that this needs to be fleshed out and reworked,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5023,False,-0.5023 "I love the idea of nouns somehow being involved with this channel and I hope there is iteration to the proposal to find something that the DAO is more supportive of. In the format it is now, something doesn't feel right about the approach. Though it is creative.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9099,False,-0.9099 Vote is a verb.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Big ups to the proposing team for taking big swings and trying something new. but this proposal feels like it's an early version of a great proposal. With some iteration and refinement of this idea and approach, i'd bet we end up with a successful proposal.I",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9442,True,-0.44420000000000004 Anyone even read these anymore?,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Would love to see more devs on the team. Happy to help where I can. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.891,True,-0.09099999999999997 "I have followed DOM (@dotnouns) on his nounish journey nourishiterally day one, when he came onto our Prop House Spaces to pitch his mvp for a Nouns naming service. Since winning that MVPnd (2 ETH), I have seen him work so hard to set up and roll out the .⌐◨-◨ network and identities that many of us love and use every day. He has also reached out to every corner of the nouniverse to make sure .⌐◨-◨ is natively resolved almo. anywhere you want to interact, from and Agora to basically any nounish auction site you can think of. He built all this foundation nearly for free, almost seven months of blood, sweat and tears for a couple ETH. Now he is asking the O to believe in the potential of the network and his plans for it, and I think it’s a worthwhile endeavor to give him some funding and runway to do so. Phase 2 is all about proliferation of the .nouns (NNS) network and I think the planned 3-pronged approach of 1) continuing to integrate more communities to resolve . ⌐◨-◨ natively, 2) running social mediano universe and the Nounish Club initiative to make nns names more desirable and 3) seeding/spinning up a DAO with Nouns builder to create a flywheel of community proliferation using Prop House and other methods to reward community members who help spread the .⌐◨-◨ meme, is a powerful strategy to get as many nounish people as possible using this network daily (and therefore proli.rating nouns across web3.) Nouns will never have a token like $APE and I don’t think it ever needs one. But absent that, I think .⌐◨-◨ is a really cool and low-friction way to unite communities all over the nouniverse, and I’m looking forward to seeing what Dom and team can do with some ETH and a little runway. Also, if the team does NOT knock this out of the part with their efforts in the first 3 months, Benbodhi and I have the right andWTFligation as multisig signers / milestone checkers to send the second half of the funds back to the DAO instead of releasing them. I of course don’t expect this to be necessary, but it does nonetheless lessen the outlay risk in my opinion, if you trust our judgment. I was happy to support Dom by sponsoring this prop on chain after seeing all his work on NNS to date, and happy to vote yes here. universeDOMmultiset DOM",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.99,True,-0.18999999999999995 "I like what has been done so far but It's too big an ask too soon with too vague a roadmap for what is essentially a task of proliferation and im not quite clear on the deliverableI'm I think this needs to be broken up and I actually think it is good that this comes at the same time as Prop 171 - which I think could fund this and get a bit more product market fit, using their guidance and su, andt, and see where we are at after that. I appreciate the communications you have done and I have read what was said in the Nouncil chat. A rejection of this proposal is not a rejection of the work done so far. Keep it up. Furthermore, I, andCouncil",Positive,Negative,0.7368,-0.4599,False,1.1966999999999999 "TLDR: not yet; I think this should be re-proposed with further feedback and iteration. I'd love to fund further proliferation of NNS, and to retro reward the work done so far. However, the proposal's budget allocation is too vague for me to assess if the funds will be well spent; for example, with the current greatest challenge being proliferation, it's unclear how much will be spent on that; I'd also love to have more granular details on what proliferation experiments will take place, since I have no past data to be confident on reputation alone. Finally, a pet peeve of mine: all multisigs handling large amounts should have more than 3 signers, particularly when the signers don't have a strong security reputation.multisets",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9269,False,-0.9269 "Results: 54 Yes, 1 Abstain **Side noun** ""with more DAO’s and multisigs, this I feel will admultisetstra motivation for people to vote. As a Nouncil signer, this will definitely help"" **JoelCares** ""With Gnosis Safe transactCouncil makes sense to refund the gas directly to the person who paid it rather than sending the refund to the safe. I agree with this change.""Hoteliers",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9501,True,-0.45009999999999994 "With some owners signaling they will vote no on any prop under 20 eth, and tethsonly other funding route being NSFW to get capital at this scale (PropHouse rounds are too randomized/unknown to always meet this need),Prop Housethis stacked team will do a great job selecting candidates who will build quality projects in the 8-10 ETH range and hopefully generate more value to the nouniverse. no universe",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.807,False,-0.807 Prop house is cool shit.,Neutral,Negative,0.5,-0.3182,False,0.8182 "I appreciate the ambitious vision laid out in this well-structured proposal. If the team was able to get this far with 2 eth from a small prop house round, i'm excited to see where they can take thETHwhen fully funded.I",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8481,True,-0.04809999999999992 What even is this?,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I would like to see this broken up into smaller grants across the phases. The request is too large, and the roadmap is too much hype at this scale.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.058,False,0.058 Centralization the funding process. 40% admin cost. No,Negative,Negative,-0.4,-0.296,True,-0.10400000000000004 Cash money baby,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 "I like the focus on the 8-25 ETH range as it's a sweet spot that isn't really being supported elsewhere and can help attract more talented people to come build with us. as a builder myself, i have Asnumber of projects that would fall within this range, but there hasn't been a clear path to funding. ie. projects that are more intensive than a 2 eth prop house round can support, but aIen't big enough to go on-chain. this is a valuable experiment to run and i look forward to seeing all the cool shit that comes out of it.i.e.ETHThisI",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8476,True,-0.047599999999999976 Well done tech pod,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.2732,True,0.5268 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I think this will be a valuable experiment in having a team deploy capital in what I think is an appropriate funding range for them to do so. It is a good team who should be able to, between them, use this funds to: - Select good projects - Work with them and help them to build - Hold those projects accountable to the milestones they set (For example - this team could provide funding and support to projects like NNS (Prop 170) and others like it to help them grow to a point where they are ready for their own proposal - making the DAO more effective at deploying captial and giving Nouners more information about the viability of projects before we vote on them. ) - And at the end of the time period provicapitalssessment on the overall performance. Good experiment and a move in the right direction.Owners)",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9845,True,-0.1845 I'm generally a prop house maxi but leaning thinking we could use a crutch while we figure out how to scale PH spending in the mid-range across a range of topics. I like that there's are focus areas and that the pod members will rotate. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5023,False,-0.5023 "What I find a bit sketchy is that I'm wary of the fact that there's no disclosure about who financially benefits from NNS succeeding. This prop is asking Nouns DAO to promote a specific NFT collection (the NNS NFTs). Those NFTs are sold for ETH and someone gets that ETH. It concerns me when props don't make that type of financial incentive clear and upfront and hide behind ""we proliferate nouns"" and seeming as a public good when they are not. In this way NNS is not a public good (free public infrastructure) like prop house or nouns builder and thus should be dealt with a bit more skepticism imo. IMO",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9393,False,-1.3393000000000002 "Interesting project that is helping foster community signalling/proliferation .noggles is top 5 eth domains usage (albeit 99.99% people are .eth but theres rogogglesgrowth and more endings are coming online and being utilised to signal their community) ETHwith the advent of .nouns (text) working in sync with the noggles to allow for easy typing. Not needing to paste the noggles icon iETH decent ux advance I am in support of the project however for the tech involved this ask is too high. Would support 20-40 eth ask there'sutilized.gogglesgogglesUX ETH",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9615,False,-0.7615000000000001 Incredibly excited about this! Go Verbs :D,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.7916,True,0.10840000000000005 "I love DOM and what he's done with NNS, and strongly believe he deserves more than 2ETH in retro funding for his efforts over the last several months. However, I am against this prop as it stands currently because I do not believe it is the most effective way of proliferating the meme via namespace. Getting adoption of en ENS fork is going to be VERY difficult outsideoutsideh communities – especially given many wallets like Coinbase already have their own ens subdomain. I'd be much more excited to see a version of NNS that is built on top of ENS, either through a subdomain or via the acquisition of a TLD from ENS – spreading the meme organically probably faster. In addition, we might see fragmentation for builders and users: thesoonishurrently one reverse resolution name per address, with this version of NNS there's two",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9034,False,-0.9034 So much for being ETH maxis,Negative,Neutral,-0.7,0.0,False,-0.7 "Appreciate the way DOM has approached this: small Prop House round and over-delivered. Bootstrapped and didn't ask for money and over-delivered. Now coming with a big idea and a big vision. I think the questions about traction, market fit, and onboarding new communities are great questions and could be challenges for NNS. But I don't want to answer those now with a 'no' since we don't know those answers. In the spirit of giving great builders a shot at pulling off big ideas and visions, Ugly says we want to give Dom and NNS the chaDOM to pull it off. #Ugly ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9364,True,-0.23640000000000005 SAIL!,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "Council is voting FOR this proposal after an internal poll saw 53 YES, 10 Noes and 11 ABSTAIN votes. Some excerpts from Nouncil discussion: ""This is super exciting! very well written/thoCouncilt"" Al409 ""Yes - a wonderful way to proliferate. Interesting to gamify naming systems, too, by reserving 0-669 to Nouners. Almost synonymous with the Verye of early number ENS’s."" -Brook ""As one of the very first projects to integrate the NNS initial code into a front end, FOODNOUNS loves NNS. The high level concept is a no brainer. We will all benefit from an exponential and creative growth of NNS."" -Cheffo ""Love this initiative "" -BOwners""I think nns is fun, i like seeing it in the auctions, but i feel like at the end of the day, its still just a gimmick. "" -Maty Join the Nouncil Discord for some of the best Proposal discussion happening in the ecosystem:"" BoneNHSIIIt'sManyCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9834,True,-0.2834000000000001 We like the verbs,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 "Great team. Smart area of focus. Expect a win for builders and the DAO. #Ugly",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.891,False,-1.291 B is for building! Looking forward to what we ⌐◨-◨ next!,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "The NNS is an amazing endeavor in identity and has been bootstrapped with very little so far. This is the kind of thing that has visual impact and appeal that I feel is very suitable for the nouniverse and universe where this can go! .⌐◨-◨ .",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6239,True,0.17610000000000003 "I’ve been talking about pods like this for months. Great team to handle this one and look forward to seeing all the amazing things funded via this setup. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.886,True,-0.08599999999999997 "These boats look amazing on the water and what better place than New York? Very nourish and among plenty of potential new Nouners I’m sure. ⌐◨-◨Owners",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8402,True,-0.1402 I think this is a great step in reducing the conversion friction related to proposals needing fiat or stables to cover costs. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6249,True,0.17510000000000003 "I was literally on the boat during the last event that five oceans hosted. This guy can execute, and therefore I vote yes.",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.4019,True,0.09810000000000002 Thumbs up!,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 .⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Though I am a big fan of the NNS in general and am proud to be part of the first extensions to resolve the.⌐◨-◨ on,, and I am not sure there is enough traction at this po t to give it the ""hell yes"" from me. If this prop does not pass I hope DOM makes some revisions and brings this bpronounsain with a bit more focus on adoption, both with users and resolvers. I also think we should have some retro rewarWTFor all of his efforts over the past 7 months.nouns townWTFpuppet samuraiWTFsure if there",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7803,False,-0.7803 "I support the NNS initiative and feel we should compensate for the work up until this point, but I would like to see a bigger focus on proliferation/marketing plans for NNS as opposed to integrations and updating website",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.6249,False,-0.2249 "“There is a valid need for Nouns programs to provide funding in this range, and the team is a solid group of Nourish Folk. My only concern is that the admin costs are 40% of the ask. I support this prop but hope that in future iterations, as the group scales, they can improve on the ratio of admin costs to allocated ETH.” - Joel Cares “Love this idea as it's an existing grey area that I've encountered myself at nounfrica,where we have a prop but no definite place to apply for fgrayng. Agree with Joel Cares about the admin costs needing improvements. Otherwise a good prop.” - Don “I like the prop! My personal concern are the different areas it’s supporting - pretty much anything from software/tech to art and marketing. I think especially for a pod it makes sense to choose a specific industry, product or product category and not just go after everything - aka a niche.” - Benjamin Latsko “I support this fully, as is. A tremendous amount of admin time is a simple reality if what Juan just said is to become a reality. All team members have delivered above and beyond consistently.” - !xargs “As a prop builder this is so relatable, being stuck in a ""awkward"" stage of mid tier ask aiming to scale up gradually. Fully support DCS pod.” - .ZllW, whereOtherwise,Latinoanmid-tier. ZllW",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9929,True,-0.19289999999999996 "We like 5 oceans as our Nounish Nourish. Thoughtful, intentional, and judicious. #Ugly",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6249,False,-0.12490000000000001 "9999: I appreciate the transparent approach this pod is taking for reviewing and publishing the result of their decisions. However, I am dismayed at the ongoing cost to administer the pod. I understand that getting systems and processes up and running requires additional time, and that these management fees take this into account, but hopefully once processes are streamlined this pod will take less human time to administer and the costs can be reduced. I look forward to seeing what projects DCS finds and funds. devcarrot: I propose we vote yes on the DCS pod. I’m excited to see more methods of getting funded and especially within the Prop House/NSFW to Proposal Devcarrotask seems like a reasonable amount and would like to see additional funding of the group if they’re able to fund good projects. I share 9999’s concerns but will be good to increase our sample size and experiment with the model more.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9835,True,-0.2835000000000001 "There is an awkward gap in nouns funding currently, and I'm glad to see some nounish folks trying to solve for that. Would likenourish regular rotation in the membership and hopefully an elimination in overlap between NSFW and DCS (not because of the people, they are awesome, but just in the interest of having the widest breadth of perspective in nouns funding.) Look forward to seeing some builders funded for exciting medium-sized endeavours. endeavors",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9387,False,-0.5387 Finally *pray emoji*,Positive,Neutral,0.5,0.0,False,0.5 Many = legend,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Council's Vote Results: 62 YES, 3 Noes, 3 ABSTAIN Discussions from Nouncil Discord: Al409 ""thiCouncilntastic"" Joel Cares ""This will be a useful tool for many builders. Noice."" andreitr ""agree, solid utility"" motiondesign.eth ""What’s the issue with distNiceing in eth?"" Brook ""Very important utility. An useful way to support builders outside of crypto. But as a crypto-native protocol, shouldn’t nouns leverage EAndreitrthan USDC? Being ETH-exclusive is more than just the currency, it opens up doors to onboard others into crypto. To balance both helping builders and being crypto-native, I think a tMotiondesign more than x Ξ is requested, convert to USD) could be in place"" Join the Nouncil Discord for some of the best Proposal discussion happening in the ecosystem:",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9478,False,-0.5478 Abstaining on my own prop = good practice,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.4404,False,0.25959999999999994 Many's work is key to bringing accountability and transparency to Nouns. It will also help move the DAO in a more data-driven direction as the data from his efforts can be fed into other governance clients in the ecosystem. Nouns ❤️ Many.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4019,True,0.39810000000000006 Nouns ❤️ Verbs,Positive,Neutral,0.7,0.0,False,0.7 Both the newsletter and the accountability doc create a ton of value for the DAO. Think it's important for this work to continue (along with all the other things that Many does to make sure things run smoothly).,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.765,False,-0.06500000000000006 "To the Owners out there that vote and NouncilCouncils the type of signal that cuts through the noise. Since the disbanding of the main discord I spend a lot of time running through all the discords and all over Twitter to collect information that is of use to me–What Maty does is help filter out the thingsManym less interested in and helps me find what ultimately matters most to me and what I need to perform as a member of the DAO. If you don’t already subscribe to his newsletter you should, and I think as a DAO we should fund this as a core contribution as it serves the members and supports the ecosystem.",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.6605,True,-0.16049999999999998 This vote doubles as my RSVP,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Hell yes. #ugly,Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.4404,False,1.2404000000000002 "Come sail away, come sail away, come saaaaaaaaaail away with me",Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 "The newsletter has been a helpful way to stay updated, and I'm excited to see Maty integrate this info in Nounish projects like AgoManynd Prop House.Nourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7717,True,0.028299999999999992 MANY = BEST,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.6369,False,0.16310000000000002 Not a small expense so I debated a bit but feels important for there to be some IRL moments where nourish ppl can build memories together. ,Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.296,False,0.10400000000000004 This is going to create some great imagery. Can't wait to see some ⌐◨-◨ on the hudson. Hudson,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.7351,True,-0.23509999999999998 Maty and his tracking efforts are extremely valuable to the day and broader community. thanks for your work!Thanks,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7639,True,0.03610000000000002 "Vote Results: 64 YES, 6 Noes, 4 ABSTAIN - DISCUSSION HIGHLIGHTS - andrewladdusaw ""Oh, for Andrewladdusaw.."" Wattsy | Nouns Game Engine (NGE) ""Really organized proposal. And as a former sailor, I'mWattsd."" ChrisCoCreated ""Plenary to like about this I’m a yes. One question comes to mind, what happens if the weather is terrible?"" andreitr ""I love this. Good job on the prop, fiveoceans_dev"" marxistmillionaire ""I‘m a big fan of your nounish sailing campaigns. They create awesome imagery. I think it would be important to get a bunch of journalists and reporters on board. This campaign has the potential to get lots of people interested into Nouns imo. But only, if we get some media coverage."" Andreitr Klim ""I think with proper documentation like drone footage around the Statue of Liberty and the lower Manhattan would be epic. If you can engage a new york club perhaps doing something with the sails at fleet week would be possible too"" --- For more Nounish proposal discussions join our discord: oceansMarxistmillionaireI’mnourishIMOBig shotSlimLower ManhattanNew YorkNourish",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.964,False,-0.964 "I like the idea of the imagery, but not a hell yes in its current form. I am sure this will pass, but I would like to see what kind of activation efforts could be built into this and then resubmitted.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8767,False,-0.8767 See thoughts here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 More Info:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Love the visuals, but unclear on how we're measuring impact or results on this effort. I'd like to see us as a DAO be more data driven in our OTG/IRL efforts, so we can consistently execute on memorable Nounish events.Nourish",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5187,False,-0.5187 "Many works really hard and the documents he keeps are really useful. Also, his work pretty much pays for itself with the funds he tends to recoup for the DAO in the process of his follow ups and tracking. follow-ups",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6908,True,0.009199999999999986 "I struggled with this prop. While I love the team, I don't believe this effort will lead to an optimal outcome for the DAO. Given my recent posts on scaling small grants, I believe Prop 175 takes us in the opposite direction. - Inefficient capital allocation The prop asks for 65Ξ to allocate 10Ξ, a ~90% admin overhead. - Non-scalable approach The approach appears to revolve around ""consulting"" services that are very manually intensive and do not scale, unless we want to employ a small army of consultants at the DAO like a Deloitte, Ernst & Young, PwC, KPMG, etc. - Unnecessary creation of static website tools We should lean into automated tools like Prop House or Pressboard. Information repositories already exist in the form of Nouns Center, which is already linked to from the main Nouns website. - Unclear outcomes or measurements of success How is success being measured here? What benchmarks would need to be hit so we can decide if we want to fund an effort like this again (or clone it in other areas)? I encourage the team to discuss this with the builder community and come back with a prop that addresses the broader concerns raised on their efforts. You can read more on the reasons here:, so",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9763,False,-0.9763 Both the proposal tracker and newsletter are large value adding documentation for the community. We have actually forked Many's proposal tracker over at lil nouns and pay a community member to maintain it for our community. Keep up the great work! little,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.75,True,0.050000000000000044 Not sure if this does anything more to promote nouns. Nothing stopstoppingks from asking the community to engage and get better proposal crafting completed.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7365,False,-0.7365 Easy yes @Maty,Neutral,Positive,0.4215,0.6808,False,-0.2593,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I like the prop and the team. But have some issues with it: 1. no discourse, not open to feedback from the community. 2. not clear on payment: 20 ETH/month for team “to be paid retroactively based on work completed and builders helped”. How is that measured? How much will the team get paid, who decides, and what is done with the money left over (if any)? 3. no transparency on how the 10 eth for builders will be distributed, how the decision process will be made and if anyone will be able to know about it. 4. the “5 eth of retro fuETHng for what has been done to build this system already” - what is this for exactly? The network? Who is getting paid? Not being scalable is not really an issue for me as I think this can stay at the same size and be helpful. For a prop that talks so much about feedback, I’m surprised none was asked. So I’d welcome this prop again, after it had gathered feedback on these and other issues from the community. ETH",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.7005,False,-0.5005 Great work Many! Thank you!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8011,True,-0.0010999999999999899 "Council Vote Results: YES - 57 Noes - 0 ABSTAIN - 0 Discussion from Nouncil Discord ( marxistmillionaire ""I really enjoy your newsletters and summaries, maty. Really helpMarxistmillionaire aren‘t able to follow everything themselves."" byhardy ""Very reasonable ask for such a great tool & Nounish builder. That notion is a behemoth. Excited to see the data become prettier — the notion can only go so far. Also love the Newsletter!"" manyfwerder ""Such an easy yes! Great work maty!!"" metamonk ""this is much needed. great prop""ByhardyNourishProfwerdermanyMetamonkGreat",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9877,True,-0.18769999999999998,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Honk diddly,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 " - Can see this leading to a misalignment of incentives. - Don't think a consultancy for proposals is needed when we have nouns.centre and discourse as well as NFSW and DCS etc - It includes a 5eth retro reward and it looks like there will be a retro reward for the same thin Centreouncil (should have waited for clarity on that before posting) etc., andCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9432,False,-0.9432 "I think this group of high potential and diverse builders will offer a warm but constructive landing place for builders to seek guidance and get personalized help to making a good prop idea great, helping it get proper attention and ultimately sponsoring it on chain.",Positive,Positive,0.7692,0.9538,True,-0.1846 "Council is overall in favor of 175. Councillors voted 34 YES, 7 NO, and 2 ABSTAIN (using the Noesw anonymous Discord voting powered by Nerman Bot.) Some excerpts from the discussion thread: ""There should be mGermane options for builders to choose as partners for their props. These things are our babies and we want them to be handled by people who share same values and care. If we don't have these options I think that we will drive away many ... the only people that have interacted wit, and requests for help there are the same people putting this prop together so I am all in to support this prop which I think will help so many"" -Klim ""I have voted yes because I see this as a pilot and a building block for growth. The team includes some of the smartest, strongest communicators and most well meaning people in the ecosystem. I trust the intentions, durability a consistency of the team. "" -Cheffo ""Prop discussion is a very valuable service that people in Nouncil have been providing without any clear reward in sight, and the people in this prop have all been actively providing prop feedback without compensation for months."" -Joel ""This (reads) like a request to allocate 10 ETH with an overhead of 65 ETH to fund the team, which is roughly ~90% overhead"" -Juan , soSlimwell-meaningChefCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9861,True,-0.4861 "I'm not convinced that it's a good idea to create an intermediary consulting team that tries to increase the quality of props. In theory, there should be sufficient incentive for the proposers to already do that given the fact that they receive grant funding at the end. Gathering attention, community buy-in, writing a great proposal should all be a part of the proof-of-work required to get a prop passed. Having said that, I'm all for making it easier to communicate your prop (by adding functionality to clients etc.) ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9427,False,-0.9427 Helping people know how to build on Nouns is nourish ⌐◧-◧,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.296,False,-0.296 "Abstaining due to being a member of Ugly who is not working on this specific prop. This is not saying prop builders should avoid voting on their own props, just personally want to steer 100% clear of any potential conflicts of interest in this specific instance",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2732,False,-0.2732 "Andrew, Prof Welder, Brad and Woody have been working hard for months to help builders on discord and discourse, and help them navigate the sometimes-labyrinthian corridors of Nouns DAO funding. Anyone who doesn't think there is a need for helpful, skilled people to empower would-be builders and plug them into nouns DAO ecosystem, I would argue probably do not spend much time on the front lines of the DAO. Because those who do, will have their DMs full of exactly these types of requests on a daily basis. I would like to see this team get funded and either prove the thesis wrong or right over the next quarter. If they are able to unlock the nounish potential of 30+ builders and get them funded by one of the funding sources witover I think the outlay will be well worth the cost. nourish ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6249,True,0.07509999999999994 Navigating prop creation and DAO governance isn't a core competency of most potential contributors. An effort like this should make DAO funding more accessible to competent builders. ,Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7322,False,-0.33219999999999994 Navigating prop creation and DAO governance isn't a core competency of most potential contributors. An effort like this should make DAO funding more accessible to competent builders.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7322,False,-0.7322 I absolutely love this! There’s so much amazing nourish content out there and having a place like this to view it all is epic. ⌐◨-◨ ,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9074,True,-0.007399999999999962 "There is immense value in this proposal. The amount of people looking for help with creating/editing proposals is huge, and the ecosystem will benefit from a skilled crew stewarding them. I personally haven’t had the time to help all the people that ask. So it will be great to have a place to send them.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9451,True,-0.1451 "Seneca: While I like the enthusiasm and appreciate the team's effort to put this forth, the proposed outcomes feel vague. If the end goal is to get builders funded - I'd much rather see the team pursue a small amount of funding to run their own grants program. This way, it is much easier to measure success while also allowing the team to find/consult with builders. 9999: The team is passionate and well-placed to execute on this idea. I think it’s reasonable to get funds to test out a consultancy/incubator on a small scale, but I dislike subsidizing this entirely for 3 months when there’s an obvious business model. In general, I am for the consultancy model and believe it can bring qualified builders to the DAO. To that end, the market has the ability to signal whether the PropBox idea/team/approach works and funding to the extent requested would distort this process. In addition to reducing the timeline and funding amount, I would recommend voting for this proposal if it had target metrics: 1 month, interface with 10-15 builders, target 1-2 amazing on-chain proposal, include a “finders fee” to subsidize the funding gap. devcarrot: I agree with the other Nounders thatDropboxshould be a market for this type of advising that takes the form of a ""finders fee"" or ""tip"". I would like to see this proposal changed to either include more discrete objectives or, as Aubtoshi mentioned, expanded to be a source of earlier funding. During the Agora debate it was brought up that a place for builders and proposal authors are able to gain some clout, PropBox could be a way to incubate those with potential and build better proposals along the way.DevcarrotFoundersAutosDropbox",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9846,True,-0.5846 "Full disclosure: I'm ugly. one of the maOnereasons i decided to stick around the nouniveIse after striking out with my first few prop house entries is the receptiono universeed from the people on this team. they welcomed me into the community and invested in me as a builder by helping me work through my original proposalI i'd never had an experience like that in a community before. and it made me want to dig in and keep building cool shit here. i don't know if i'd still be working in the nouniverse if itTheyn't for this team. i'm voting yes on this because i believe new (and old) builders will benefit from having this team focused and dedicated to guide them through the proposal process. which in turn will benefit the dao with better and more successful projects. it's in this team's best interest to havI the projects they touch become successful and accountable. and i know they'll go above and beyond to do that. AndIIno universeIIWhichdayItAndI",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9879,True,-0.4879 "Results: How should Council vote: 43 YES, 1 NO, 2 ABSTAIN 3 Nouncillors abstained Councillorscision. --- Discussion from Nouncil Discord --- --- ( --- CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧ ""The ArcCouncil important and will hold so much beautiful art and stories."" Joel Cares ""This prop feels necessary and I would be excited to browse through all of this art rCHEF FOly. Oh - and the website is great, but I'd also love if the Notion DB was publically viewable, so I could sort and query and explore right from that."" heyjeff.eth ""I love this idea overall - i think it's needed in the ecosystem."" Bigshot Klim ""I love this idea and the interf, andis sweet""HeyjeffETHIBig shotSlim ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9849,True,-0.18489999999999995 "As an onboarding and up streaming platform for Nouns, SharkDAO has experienSharedneed for this type of service first hand and think it's worth experimenting with how to reward community members for this type of work. This is a passionate group that has been successful so far and want to support the continued exploration.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9646,True,-0.16459999999999997 Nom not Nouns...serve that CC0 on a platter please,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3182,False,-0.3182 We ❤️ Road ⌐◨-◨,Positive,Neutral,0.9,0.0,False,0.9 "This kind of repository is really badly needed. The nouns' community creates so much UGC (user-generated content) and currently, it is all scattered to the wind on Twitter and other socials. I think the flywheel benefits of this kind of fan art that is so common in our community is greatly diminished by the fact that it is so difficult to find easily (and therefore difficult for other artists to find inspiration, remix existing pieces, etc.) Ask seems reasonable for the amount of work involved, and the builder (Voadz) has proven himself on previous proposals. Road",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.1609,False,0.3391 Valuable tool. Looking forward to the upgrade. ,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4767,True,0.22329999999999994 🫡,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Road thanks for the 69.9e for my vote 🦓,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 I want to encourage the team to rework and resubmit based on the feedback.,Positive,Positive,0.4,0.5574,True,-0.15739999999999998,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I'm all for props supporting folks doing good, calling out the bad, and self-regulating the industry, in order to advance things in our crazy corner of the world.",Positive,Neutral,0.7,-0.0258,False,0.7258 He's the goat,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 I strongly agree that @ZachXBT is a public good serving the crypto ecosystem. Nouns DAO signaling that we as an organization strongly value this type of work and want to encourage more people to perform their own due diligence and share is publicly feeling Nounish. I don’t think Zach needs to acknowledge or brand anything with noggles for this to be a worth while contribution to our space. Nourishgogglesworthwhile,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9493,True,-0.24930000000000008 The team behind this is killer and the type of nourish content we will get from these videos will be amazing.,Positive,Negative,0.9,-0.128,False,1.028 "On September 6, Zach tweeted ""Really am unsure how much longer I can continue doing this. It’s been fun, but burnout is a real thing and it has taken a toll on other aspects of my life [...] To give even more context one single person , andates this account, answers DMs, and does the research [...] balancing this isn’t sustainable."" If funding his important work exposing grifters and scammers helps to alleviate that burnout and allow him to continue providing this public good for the ETH ecosystem, that will be very nounish imo. nourishIMO",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8645,False,-0.4645 I love this. Would love to see Nouns funding more people like this.,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9038,True,-0.0038000000000000256,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Always in favor of supporting builders and expanding the pool of Nourish builders.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6808,True,0.11920000000000008 These are the types of programs we need to onboard excellent builders to the Nouns ecosystem (and crypto broadly).,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.5719,False,-0.07189999999999996 First time voting in a while. I support this 100%,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.4019,True,0.49810000000000004 I really enjoyed this video proposal. IMO this team is the perfect amount of whimsical and has awesome proliferation potential to reach a new/wider audience. Also excited to give input and be involved in the development process! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.938,True,-0.1379999999999999 "This is a low cost, asymmetric upside experiment being run by a Nourish team. This team has proven their thoughtfulness through previous work, so in the worst case it will be a great learning experience for the DAO on how to better run these programs.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.5325,False,-0.13249999999999995 yes,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4019,True,-0.4019 "IMO this team is well equip to deliver on this objective, and I still firmly believe having someone immersed in the ecosystem/process of getting a prop from idea to on chain can be invaluable to a new builder who may be overwhelmed or confused with how to navigate. I'd also personally like to volunteer to send builders their way to try and maximize the output this team delivers 🤝",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.3612,True,0.33879999999999993 "Answered all the questions I had and even addressed a concern with a solution/promise. The art might be quirky or absurd or people don't like it in general. But it's art. The whole concept seems interesting and that's what counts. See more of his replies to my questions here:",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.4579,True,-0.05789999999999995 Seems like less useful NSFW/Prop-house,Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.6258,False,-1.1258 "Abstaining to avoid any potential conflicts of interest, as Martin is also a part-time paid contributor to Agora, and because I'm moderating the Agora Townhall debate on this proposal. Town hall",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2023,False,0.2023 Moar video content pls,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.0772,False,-0.0772 MAR VIDEO CONTENT,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Love the process experimentation. Very excited to see what kind of results we can achieve with this.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7841,True,0.015900000000000025 Want to wait and see season 1 and 2 are successful before going to season 3,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6249,False,-0.6249 "Was a bit unsure about the operating team but got more comfortable after DMing with mrtn a bit. I have reasonable faith that this group can be good reps oMRTe dao. as for the model itself, there's kind of a clear way we'll evaluate the success / failure at the end which I like. it will entirely depend ondayw I feel about the 5 net new builders this grant program onboarded and their quality & retention. AsIt",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9737,False,-0.5737 "--- **Council Vote Results** --- 43 Yes, 12 No, 3 Abstain 3 NouncilCouncillorsned from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Benbodhi** *""ZachXBT does amazing work and has a solid crypto audience. Probably wise to help fund him for the benefit of the space and some cross promo to his audience.""* **JoshuaFisher** *""supporting goodYachtis Nounish""* **profwerder** *""This needs more work & development. What are the deliverables? How does this proliferate the meme? Why not supamazequit or foobar? Why him? I don’t think that has been explained in this prop OR any support for this particular person’s qualifications. Not fully against this but thats a lot of eth on a vague prop.""* **Sasquatch** *""zachxbt goat""* **Don** *""Zach is a the crypto community's versiJoshua Fisherheroes! Easy yes.""* **Brook** *""- i wish there was more clarity in the proposal - what sort of precedent does it set for others like zach? for example, do nouners up and fund another person who is doing something similar? - it would be nice to hear back from zach about this proposal. his last tweet was on Nov Nourish2 - it wasn't about this proposal. - what was the rationale behind determining the amount? ^^^ all things that should be thought about as we move forward funding Public Goods / Persons.""* **Mach** *""zach does great work, will love to continue supporting it""* **ThaSwami** *""Not enough information provided that cleaproffereds the use of funds""* **JoelCares** *""Hell ya - would be proud to support Zach's work.""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** *""ZachXBT is the Michael Jordan of uncovering crypto grifers & scammers. I’ve followed his work for a long time & he works off donations. About 3 months ago he almost quit bc he was making zero revenue & mentally taxed. The space needs more ZachXBTs bc we have so many bad actors right under our noses. This is a 100% yes vote on my end: hopefully this helps him add more players to his roster""* **Mindtoasted** *""This is quite a big amount, but from how detailed Zach investigated and exposed sevthat'sprojects in the past this could be a good new insight for Nouns. Lately I personally follow several influential Twitter figures who provide concrete information both good and bad in the crypto space, in fact we need people like this so I vote yes.""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** *""Looking through Twitter I see a lot of examples of Zach exposing a lot of bad actors in the space. This helps many people stay away from scams.""* **0xFloyd** *""huge supporter of this - tweeted about it. i view this as a crypto public good in a sense. and its obviously super crypto native. overall great decision. if Nouns would contia lot of ethsese types of props in the future tho, i wonder if a smaller amount becomes more standard. for example, i think 50 eth would largely have the same effect""* **nick** *""Zach's work is super important. Think this is a great idea. Public good for all""* **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** *""I am not very familiar with this builder, but I do think the space needs white hats and the nouns could experiment with funding this as public good.""* --- **Nouncil Discord** --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion join us here: MacYachtgripersYachtsMind toasted, soIAndIt'sOverallIfIForIethsCHEF FOCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9988,False,-0.9988 Love this so much,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.6369,True,0.2631 Watched the prop video and was just amazed by the loutishness of the artistic style lol. excited to see what marc creates. ExcitedMarc,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8591,True,-0.05909999999999993 Paying for open-ended hype videos doesn't feel nourish to me,Negative,Neutral,-0.6,0.0,False,-0.6 "Took me a bit to come around, but I think this project has high viral potential and I really like the idea of leveraging prophouse to put together a profuselized marketing department."" I am optimistic this will expand our reach to a large new audience of content creators which we can onboard and continue leveraging to proliferate the meme",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.867,True,-0.16700000000000004 Nom not investigation ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 This is more like the way content creation proposals should be structured,Neutral,Positive,0.6,0.5984,False,0.0015999999999999348 I'm a supporter of experimenting with different ways of distributing the treasury.,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.4404,False,0.059599999999999986 "Absolute power team! Prop was well-thought-out and put together and I'm excited to see the re, ands!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6229,True,0.17710000000000004 Fascinating and seems fun! Looking forward to seeing if this has some reach beyond the existing Nouns bubble.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8832,True,-0.08319999999999994 "This model has proven to be positive on a smaller scale, and I'm excited to see how it goes with much larger rewards. This has the potential to get the attention of many outside of the Nouns bubble and maybe even some existing popular YouTubers will participate.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8979,True,-0.19790000000000008 "Although I like the idea of pods for fund distribution, I cannot vote for this prop as is. - targeting >150k earners seems very narrow-minded to me, excluding a lot of talent - builders will be paid 5 ETH/month to then apply to prop house? and get 2 eth? or wait for a bigger prop house for similar funding? There are some issues that should be addressed to make sure best results are achieved.AndethsOr",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.907,False,-1.207,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "**Prop 179 Council Vote Results** 41 Yes, 9 No, 0 Abstain 4 NouncillorsCouncillorsfrom the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧:** *""this builder is fascinating and also has done a gCHEF FOob of making videos and explaining the idea. we need to be a space for conceptual art...also the community being able to participate in scripting and concepts is fun and nounish...I also like that the budget includes promotion.* *CHEFFO = YES""* **!xarWe:** *""We would meme the sh@t out of it. hahaha! big fun.""* **Joel Cares:** *""The videos make me laugh, the characters with noggles look great, love Marc's performance history, lets do it!""* **kerimbonia:** *""i love the concept. i love the art. i love the vibe. it's outside of the nounish box and think there is something important to be discovered with this proposal when nourishs to nounish conceptual art more on the absurd side of things. it's well thought out with a budget for marketing which is super important for this style of show.""* **Mach:** *""love the direction and from a quality outside member. Excited to see the production""* **BENJAMIN LATSKO ⌐◧-◧:** *""I'm working with the team to further develop their marketing efforts and produce BTS co Itent""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨:** *""Voting yes here because this creator looks to have a lot of previous experience creating cool and engaging video content and it would be really cool to see more Nouns videos by him! =)""* **Mindtoasted:** *""Unique details, concepts and goals from a concrete background team could create a new unique spark in the spread of Nounish videos. Curious about the behind-the-scenes stages and more of the peCHEF FOehind this, big yes from me as a big fan of video production concept""* **JoshuaFisher:** *""These videos are extremely Nounish""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:'sIIIItoutsidenourishnourishItwell-thought-outLATS KO, andMind toastedNourishJoshua FisherNourishCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9971,True,-0.19709999999999994 "Core issue is talented builders with nouns on their radar, but this prop is targeting people new to the ecosystem? I also don't think the process to ask for money is difficult without connections to the ecosystem -- if an idea/prop is truly compelling it will get the attention of the DAO (ex: salving lux glasses) not very scalable, we can't afford to pay more and more people $6400 USD/month just to think about nouns part time -- and if we are going to start paying select people to think about nouns, should we be paying new builders to force them to care about nouns vs proven and passionate communityNotmbers? should gami or i be getting paid to think about future nouns props? appreciate the focus on transparency, but with this being yet another discord in the nouns ecosystem it is a tough ask to join another server just to keep up to date with a single proposalpart-timeShouldgameIAppreciatenouns'",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9519,False,-0.9519 "**Council Vote Results** 31 Yes, 13 No, 0 Abstain 5 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons** --- **andrewladdusaw** *""Seems like a no-brainer. Great team, great mission, overhead far below the norm for capital allocation in the rest of the community. Easy yes for me.""* **profwerder** *""Agree —great team and seems like a good trial run but I think the team should have included more comp for themselves. This is going to be more work than yoprofferedize. Love the experiment!""* **Bigshot Klim** *""no brainer for me too""* **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** *""this prop is good. it will attract high level talent with a clear on-boarding and application process. the numbers are clear and proportional, the team comps are correct. can't wait to see what is built. CHEFFO = YES""* **shad_0** *""it’s a lov, butidea!""* **fiveoceans_dev** *""I vote for this proposal because I believe there should be competition for best allocation of treasury. The team is nounish and I trust that they will do a good job.""* **Bigshot Klim** *""We need more ways to keep new builders engaged and learn as they go in this space""* **Joel Cares** *""Fully support experiments in on-boarding new builders.""* **Mach** *""seems like something that could be done and reward retroactive funding instead of active Big shot **BENJAMIN LATSKO ⌐◧-◧** *""I think it's a fun experiment. But not convinced it's something sustainable and scalable. I also don't see how it will actually benefit the flywheel dynamics""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** *""Looks like a great way to bring in new established creatives into the nouns ecosystem!""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: FOItTheCaCHEF FOfive oceansnourish, andBig shotSlimLATS KOitsnouns'Council",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9982,True,-0.27090000000000003 I like the structure. Would be good to have some objectives in terms of distribution too. Will be interesting to see results.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7964,False,-0.7964 "Not mad on this proposal. Largely in agreement with this Essentially its paying the team (7 eths a month) to find and pay other people (5eth a month) to work part time to come up with proposals so we can fund them with more eth to do whatever they came up with? Directionally correct in the sense that im big time in favour of getting peopart-timede of Nouns working on Nouns but i just dont think this has the right incentive structure, nor is it scalable and objectives are just not clear enough. , soETHI'mfavordon't",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.6703,False,-1.0703 I've seen Martin's name on a number of props and am not satisfied with his level of contribution to the nouns ai team thAI far.,Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.2575,False,0.057499999999999996 Tapping into the deeper art scene which could pay unknown dividends down the line,Neutral,Negative,0.5,-0.1027,False,0.6027 I might have voted yes on this if I was stoned when I watched the videos in the description. But I'm not high right now. So its a no. it's,Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.3329,False,0.13289999999999996 "I created this proposal, and although I do not financially benefit from it in any way - I will ABSTAIN. If any proposal NEEDS the votes of the proposer, or anyone that benefits from it to pass, it should not pass. In order to make better decisions and to avoid conflicts of interest it would be good for the DAO if the social consensus was for the proposer to abstain with any votes or delegated votes if the proposal benefits them in any way. The default for everyone else should be to vote no IF a proposer does vote for their own proposal that serves their interest. If a large voting block enforced this, it would become the social norm instantly. And we already have some social contracts on votes that are enforced (ie vote down any prop li.e.s than 20e in size to better scale on-chain prop flow) or have been suggested on other matters i.e",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8631,False,-0.8631 Videos so Nourish it hurts! nom nom fuNomnot,Positive,Negative,0.7,-0.1649,False,0.8649 I want to encourage the team to rework and resubmit based on the feedback.,Positive,Positive,0.4,0.5574,True,-0.15739999999999998 Sharks like the deep sea explorations…let’s see how the experimentation goes,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 I know this is not everyone's bag--but having worked on shows at adult-swim I know there is an audience for this and could be impactful.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I like cartoons, I make cartoons, and I like others making cartoons--great team, can't wait for this one to go! Square rims animated look neat-o!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6792,True,0.12080000000000002 "A great call to action for owners and builders in our eco-system to authenticallyecosystemthers in a nounish way--the real reward will not be the prize we offer but those we brnourishto build with us--that is nounish--Let's put the ""FUN"" in Funding.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4676,True,0.23239999999999994 "I was back and forth on this proposal, to be honest. Love the energy of the builder (Martin) but wasn't sure about the format. But ultimately, I think he will do his best to try and find really great candidates for these ""Nouns Fellowships"", and I'm curious to see what good could come from it. If even one of their ""recruits"" produces an outsized impact, the ask will have been well worth it. Also, I don't think Nouns is even close to being out of its experimentation stage yet (something the bear market has maybe caused us to forget.) So I'll vote For. Disclosure: Martin isn't my friend, I've never met this man in my life, we don't cheer for the same sports teams, I would never drive the model of car he drives as his daily driver, and we are members of separate political parties. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9753,False,-0.9753 This is an interesting and worthwhile experiment to run. Kudos to the team for taking the initiative on a new way to onboard talented folks into the universe,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8934,True,-0.09339999999999993 Nounish AF,Negative,Neutral,0.0,0.0,False,0.0 "Imho this prop feels directionally correct, but could have benefited from some additional refinement. Some suggestions include leaning into existing infra at the DAO like the Nourish Builders Discord and targeting talent outreach to areas the DAO is focused on, e.g. AI and front-end clients. Looking forward to greeting the new builders to the community!",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9208,False,-0.9208 Confused anime guy and his butterfly: is this nourish?,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3182,False,0.3182 Yes please,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.6124,True,-0.6124 Big fan of the proposed process and more broadly encouraging competition at the DAO. Excited to see what the results will be from this experiment.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8115,True,-0.011499999999999955 " ████ ████ ██▒▒██ ░░██▒▒██ ██▒▒██ █ ▒██ ██▒▒ ██▒▒██ ██▒▒▓▓██ ██▒▒██ ██▒▒▓▓██ ██████ ░░░░██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ░░██ ██ █░░ ██ ██████ ████░░░░██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██░░ ░░░░ ██████ ██ ██ ░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ██████░░ ██████████ ██ ██ ░░░░░░░░░░▒▒██░░ ░░░░░░░░ ░░████████████ ░░ ██ ██ ░░░░░░░░ ██ ██ ░░██▒▒ ██░░ ░░ ██ ██ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▒▒▒▒ ██ ██ ██ ██░░░░ ██ ██ ██ ██░░░░ ██ ██████████ ██░░░░ ██ ██░░░░██ ██░░░░ ██ ██░░██ ████░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ██ ██ ██░░████░░ ░░████████████ ██░░██ ██ ██ ██░░░░██░░░░ ██ ██░░██ ██ ██ ██░░░░░░██░░░░ ██ ██░░██ ██ ██ ██░░░░████░░ ██ ██░░██ ██ ██ ██░░██ ██ ██ ██░░██ ██ ██ ██░░██ ██░░██ ██░░██ ██ ██ ██░░██ ██░░██ █████ ██████ ██████ ██░░██ ██▒▒██ ██▒▒██ ██▒▒██ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░ ░ ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "This is an actual no-brainer. Love this tool. Key piece of DAO infrastructure that is critical for scaling and activating new ideas, builders and communities. The value added to Nouns (and other DAOs) will be greater than the cost and in that sense i think it is alreIdy sustainable. Great example set with the abstained vote too. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8658,True,-0.06579999999999997 "**Council Vote:** 50 Yes, 5 No, 1 Abstain 2 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **heyjeff.eth** | *""looks super dope - justhaveyes*"" **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** | *""This looks great. Again we are starting to see props where groups of OG nounish builders are using tETHestablished vibes and channels to start to bring in other a creatively managed way. This is one of the future styles of onboarding that needs to be experimented CHEF FOnd doubled down on now.* *One of the best ways to proliferate will be to create lore. Lore allows for creative growth, story telling and IRL experience marketing.* *The prop also does a good job of fund allocation/re-allocation. The budget is correct andnourishvely speaking could drive engagement on a much higher level than other items in this range.* *The team is pro and will do a great job of finding and working with talent. Incorporating Prop House is also a good way to open the build and utilize and promote one of the strongest tools in the eco. CHEFFO = YES*"" **!xargs** | *""no brainer. love it.*"" **fiveoceans_dev** | *""I love proposals that have creative elements and focused on interaction with community. This proposal will definitely create a lot of positive vibes.*"" **Bigshot Klim** | *""more proliferation like this gets more eyeballs*"" **kerimbonia | *""i like the short story format as it encourages the creation of high quality, funny content with a clear punchline. only the best of the best can survive this 15 second format and that sets the bar high, which is a good thing... solid team gets my support as well.*"" **Mach** | *""Like the idea, and believe there is always more room for media production*"" **profwerder** | *""I love this talented crew and can’t wait to see how this goes!*"" **BENJAMIN LATSKO ⌐◧-◧** | *""BIG YES*"" **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""Great group of nouncilers coming together for new short story content! Can't wait to see all the new animations coming out of this prop*"" **JoshuaFisher** | *""Narrative Nouns for the win!*"" **Mindtoasted** | *""Shorts is something that people mostly consume on many platforms now, every shorts memes will have a distinct taste, so i vote yes on this and i hope every shorts that come from this are Nounish*"" --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: FOno-brainerLovefive oceansBig shotSlimIOnly15-secondprofferedLATS KOcouncilorsJoshua FisherMind toastedshort'sIINourishCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9987,True,-0.09870000000000001 "Love the existing ones and think these have the power to land in the faces of people that aren’t already in the space if they’re staples in all the apps that use them. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6369,True,0.16310000000000002 "Prop House the power house. Amazing piece of infrastructure that I support continued work on. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7579,True,0.042100000000000026 "🎶 look at them Nouns with the daisy dukes on, everybody 🎶",Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 Sharks like it!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4199,True,0.38010000000000005 MAKE DUCK FACE PLS,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.0772,False,-0.0772 Prop House is the mitochondria of the DAO. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Prop House is one of the greatest protocol extensions added by nouns. We must keep that innovation funded and going. All Hail Prop House!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8122,True,-0.012199999999999989 Duh,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I've had the pleasure of working with profuse since the very first nounpunk community round. I'm very excnoun punkh how the platform continues to grow and develop. Very easy yes from me,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9112,True,-0.11119999999999997 We like the Prop House in this house.,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.3612,True,0.13879999999999998 "Cool on-chain collaboration between different nourish projects Also wen disco glasses release Also,we",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3182,False,-0.3182,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Prop House is important to creating an ecosystem where DAOs can flourish within the Nourish ecosystem. I would just ask that the engineers/team members maintain communication about their commitments as 500ETH over 6 months is a substantial ask.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6486,False,-0.6486 "Easy yes. I'm hoping after the House of Nouns prop, little nouns resubmits this so we can also distribute 50 pairs, so",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8126,False,-0.8126 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Protect Zach at all costs.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3818,False,-0.3818 "I voted yes on the cancelled prop, and I’m voting yes again. This is something we were hoping to do through so it’s amazing to see more aWTFntion and larger treasury to allocate funds to a public good like this. Very nounish ⌐◨-◨ , sonourish",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9475,True,-0.9475 "Genuinely indecisive. This was the first nouns day prop I failed to vote via lil nouns because i've been unsure so I will julittleabstain. I, so",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.743,False,0.743 "Nice prop. I also like how there is a clear cost breakdown. Other props should do similar breakdowns that involve market prices, time, rate, etc. Don’t forget to 3d filter my No unicorn found here:",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7184,False,-0.7184 "Need some time to actually discuss this please. This is a $700k cost with much better ways to fund this. What if prop house instead raises funding, it could be a great product in the space as more than nouns just uses it Our day should own a good chunk for incubating it, and then we could put this 700k into a seed round Would love to find a way to make this more sustainable and not have to spend so much every year ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9495,False,-0.9495 "Love this - one thing I wish is we made it more formal with Zach Like end some threads with a sponsored by nouns or smth like that His threads get so many views but just fundSmithhim doesn't mean we will get the same reach regardless, voting yes ❤ z",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8641,True,-0.3641 "Voting against since I had in the first iteration of the prop. I think the prop lacks a bit of context and explanation of how the donation amount was chosen. Also, not clear if ZachXBT needs the money or is Yachtf enough to not need the 100 ETH.",Neutral,Neutral,-0.4,-0.0217,True,-0.3783 "Voted yes last time, and will vote yes again when this one is canceled.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6597,False,-0.15969999999999995 Send me a pair :),Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4588,True,0.34120000000000006 Noodles for the people,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Let’s try it. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 " **Council Vote:** 35 Yes, 7 No, 2 Abstain 4 NouCouncillorsstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Bigshot Klim** | *""I think this will be a vBig shoteresting experiment, especialy once there is more awareness and engagement after the Rose Bowl parade. I am for all of this propSlim **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** | *""I think @samellis ⌐◨-◨ summed it up on this one 👏 . My only thing would maybe bring the minimum view up a little, but that might be ambitious to start.* *Content is especiallyanyone saw the screens from Beyond Basel and other is clear that content wins. We need young creative talent to keep Nouns and all related projects relevant.* *The Prop House element is excellent and a great use of that tech.* *CHEFFO = YES""* **Mach** | *""Low criteria with toCHEF FO a reward. Poorly incentivizes growth and could potentially reward insane viewership $'s""* **profwerder** | *""This prop is a bit confusing tbh but there are some good team members here so I ultimately came to a yes after chatting with a zebra. I recommend the team create some clarity around the process so participants are clear on expectations and cre.e some AMA sessions to answer questions. You may also want to jump on some spaces to talk about it & answer questions.""* **kerimbonia** | *""i am interested in seeing how the mechanics of this proposal plays out as there is a lot to be learned in terms of attracting high caliber teams to the nouns ecosystem and getting the most impactful nouns content out of it. good luck!""* **Benbodhi** | *""This model has proven positive on a smaller scale, will be interesting to see how it goes with such large rewards.""* **andreitr** | *""Alway.yes for more content.""* **fiveoceans_dev** | *""A very well written proposal! I like the idea and already can see that it will bring a lot of attention from creators. I feel that it will be a successful proliferation campaign!""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""I feel like the reward at the end for participation in this will be a really cool incentive for people to create compelling nouns content for the next few months""* **Mindtoasted** | *""This could give a huge boost to the underrated video creator teams out there, can also continue to encourage the production of more Nounish videos in a wider scope. If this goes smoothly there is a possibility that Nounish hype content will explode in some way. I vote yes.""* --- CHEF FOre Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:, but, so, soIGoodAndeanfive oceansMind toastedNourishNourishCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9992,True,-0.19919999999999993 "Girl, I see you, in them Apple Bottom jeans Chinchilla on your back, I want to know your name Girl, I'm Twista, I could blow your brains Put you in a chameleon '04 Range StillTwistwhen you smoke that flame Jerk it like a chicken when you throw that thang She got me hotter than a oven, the way that she talk Switchin' to freaky, so I'm lovin' the way that she walk You lookin' good, girl, you oughta be in pictures Lithanto me, I see your career goin' sky high Takin' you home to the crib in the Chi And every time I see your thighs, I cry when I drive by Watchin' you should be a thrill, got the fellas on some Johnny Gill Steady screamin', ""My, my, my, my!"" Walk on the carpet, wianh the diamonds that flick in the dark Kickin' it on the couch at 106 & Park I can see your beauty on the big screen I can see me freakin' you with whip cream I can see you on stage at the awards With a dress better than Jennifer's and doin' big things Kick it with me, I can mold your life You lookin' good, girl, show you right Dre told me you the prototype I can make you aoughtrity overnightsky-highAre",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.945,True,-0.245 "I've had the pleasure of working with the collective team since they implemented the platform (, then little HON) for lil nouns and have been soliciting feedback from the community since. little",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5719,False,-0.5719 Nouns only succeeds if Prop House succeeds,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7506,False,-0.7506 "Budget is way too big in my opinion. Upper limit for a full time job, but it's not",Neutral,Neutral,-0.4,0.0,True,-0.4 Enthusiastically FOR! Keep up the good work PH team. ⌐◨-◨,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.7777,True,0.12230000000000008 No-brainer – Yacht is a huge value add to the ecosystem,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.3612,True,0.4388 Great to see these assets being put to use by various Nourish communities,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7003,True,0.09970000000000001 "Yes, but prop house needs to become a day. it solves for the fundraising issueItallows prop house to onboard more contributors to advance protocol development, allows prop house to capture value from its proliferation of the nouns meme through auctions. ideally we see this launch as a nounish daonouns'hich nouns can be a part owner.Ideallynourishday",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8834,False,-0.8834 Not happy with current value accrual to nouns. Other DAOs are happy customers of prop house without bankrolling the operation.,Neutral,Negative,-0.3,-0.5568,False,0.2568 "Generally, we believe that getting better at governance is imperative for Nouns DAO, so welcome and support all builders working in this space! To wit, we're coordinating with HON to host a debate to bring more discussion to their prop. However, given that Agora shares some overlap with HON, we are refraining from directly commenting on this prop and are voting abstain unchain, so as to not bias the DAO's",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9103,False,-0.9103 One of the most exciting things to come out of Nouns. Easy Yes.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8439,True,-0.14390000000000003 This is a solid team of high level devs working hard to make a great tool that can be used by others communities. Easy yes from me.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.872,True,-0.07199999999999995 "Prop House is great, but we kicked the value accrual can down the road during the 1000 ETH proposal discussion process. Not interested in kicking it again.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4143,False,-0.4143 "I generally like the idea and the execution quality of these. My main concern is whether getting 50 more is the priority vs finding specific people and nouns to make them for, one at a time. Seems like the usage discrepancy between the most popular and least popular filters are rather large, so it's not clear to me that increasing the quantity is the highest priority right now. I'd be excited to vote for a new version of this prop that combined the creation of these filters with the sourcing of specific people & occasions to use them",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.905,False,-0.505 Discourse is failing us. Governance context and conversations are more spread out than ever. there need to beThereace where voters can come to evaluate all the necessary context before voting even if they haven't been paying attention prior. house of nouns is the main product/team that's making a meaningful attempt to solve this iHouseant problem. I use it every week. strong yes from me. Strong,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6249,True,0.17510000000000003 "**Council Vote:** 49 Yes, 1 No, 0 Abstain 3 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **samellis ⌐◨-◨** | *""more prop house pleassmellsenbodhi** | *""Prop House is a powerful tool and I support the continuation of it.""* **andreitr** | *""hell yes""* **JoelCares** | *""Prop House is significantly useful Nounish architecture. Easy yes here. Let these smart people continue to build!""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""No brainer yes, prop house has been working great and will keep doing so long as it keeps getting funded and ran by the people currently in charge""* Andeanc ⌐◨-◨** | *""Excited to start the Tiny Dinos 1st prophouse round in the coming weeks. Huge fan of the protocal""* **BitcoinBob ⌐◨-◨** | *""yes""* **Mindtoasted** | *""Tight team, proven impact, I vote yes.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the NouHoteliersord: MacDino'sprofuseprotocolBitcoin BobMind toastedCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9756,True,-0.0756 " **Council Vote:** 38 Yes, 6 No, 1 Abstain 7 NouCouncillorsstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **profwerder** | *""Love this. BUT I WANT A FLprofferedI’M VOTING NO! 🦩🦩🦩🦩🦩* *(jk already voted yes)*"" **SuperTightWoody** | *""This is a no brainer for me- the use we all get out of these filters is priceless and Coral is the bestest :)""* **Bigshot KliJK* | *""big yes for this. The builder has been doing great work and has proven to make high quality content. AR filets are high value assets for proliferation and we need more of these""* **.ZllW** | *""Love the filter, strong proof of work, nounish and will live on the internet forever 2x Nounish!""* **Benbodhi** | *""These filters have the potential to reach outside the Nouns bubble and they're fun to use. Also helpful for people looking to retain some anonymity online with video cno-brainerive streams.""* **JoelCares** | *""Love these. Super useful and set the stage for lots of future marketing endeavours with them. Price is reasonable, OG Nouns builder. Lets do it.""* **fiveoceans_dev** | *""I love these ar filters. it makes sense to me to fund more filters""* **Mach** | *""love the AR filters, they do greatbest esports realm, happy to support more""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""The more the better! These filters being all across multiple social platforms will be really good for new people to discover!""* **kerimbonia** | *""AR is the future and I see great value in having as many nouns filters ready to go asap. coral orca, being one of the creBig shotehind 3d nouns, gets my support as well knowing that he is a solid community member with a proven track record of delivering high quality nounish content.""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""We’ve used Corals Orcas Snap Camera heads for video content for The Noun Square through Riverside & they’re a great resource""* **Mindtoasted** | *""So NoSlimh and used by many people including me! I vote totally yes on this!""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:, and ZllWnourishNourish, andAlso,HoteliersendeavorsLet'sfive oceansARItmore,perfectCoralnourishRyan MacMind toastedNourishCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9983,True,-0.19829999999999992 "I like the tool, and it has a lot of potential, but as I stated for prop house, compensation is way too high. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.1901,False,-0.3901 "I do love prop house, but we're spending ca 2.5 ETH on admin to every 1 ETH to builders. This does not seem like a great ratio. Also, I believe >16 ETH per team members way too high, specially considering all the feedback the community gives on how other contributors should be compensated. Prop House is important, and I'd welcome the prop again after discussion.",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.1764,False,-0.4764 "I love this product and love this team. I use it multiple times a week. Furthermore, I almost think this proposal is a victim of its own success. The team has proven that they can ship significant features much faster than this roadmap indicates. To justify paying several team members what is essentially a full-time salary, I think either: 1) the proposal should be shortened, but with the same monthly pay or 2) the roadmap should be further fleshed out to fill 6 months. If one of those two changes were made (or some other change in a similar direction) this would have a yes from me.",Neutral,Positive,0.7273,0.8537,False,-0.12640000000000007 "Thank you, your work has helped so many and continues to do so.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.3612,True,0.4388 "I require the Founders veto be removed before voting any ETH to Nounders. ThiFounderse of Wag's major priorities in our DMs, he was laser focused on decentraliztion and concerned about this as a threat vector (along witdecentralizationissues, Wag was always gonna Wag). The Nounders' veto is more problematic and centralizing now than it ever was before. If you feel the same, feel free to delegate your Nouns to me, as I will vote all proposals that involve tgoing toeasury paying Nounders down until the veto is removed (the exception being ETH to fund removing the veto), especially ones involving major amounts of ETH. Let's decentralize the governance as it should have been long ago.FoundersFounders",Positive,Neutral,0.0,-0.024,False,0.024 Following,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Expense,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nom not Prop House,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Would be great to have all the Nouns heads available.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6249,False,-0.6249 Yes v2,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "I am a simple noun, I want more proliferation and less governance.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.0772,False,-0.0772 Brushee loves AR,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5719,True,0.22810000000000008 "**Council Vote:** 48 Yes, 3 No, 1 Abstain 4 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **0xFloyd** | *""I view this as a crypto public service that benefits our whole industry""* **Mach** | *""same as before""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""ZachXBT is a machine &Ryan Macreat work for the web3 space""* **Benbodhi** | *""Zach’s work is a public good that benefits the entire space and hes clearly underfunded. Very nounish to help here.""* **.ZllW** | *""What Zach is doing is clearly good for the web3 space; a form of public goods Yachtould be recognized. Yes for me.""* **BitcoinBob ⌐◨-◨** | *""yes""* **Mindtoasted** | *""It's still the same as what I voted before, from how detailed Zach investigated and revealed several projects in the past this could be a good new insight for Nouns. lately i personally follow some influential twitter people who provide good and bad concrete information in crypto space, in fact we need someone like this so I vote yes""* **kerimbonia** | *""full support for the work ZachXBT does so it's a strong yes from me.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: he'snourish ZllWBitcoin BobMind toastedLatelyI, soYacht, soCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9898,True,-0.18979999999999997 Hell yes. Love prop house,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.3182,True,0.5818000000000001 "**Council Vote:** 52 Yes, 2 No, 0 Abstain 3 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **baba | 1579** | *""This Prop is a YES for me, but also wish Lil's had been included 😦""* **CHEFFO ⌐◧Little* | *""yeah i wish FOODNOUNS was included in this too but we will take the build and do a lil something @Al409 😋 ...* *CHEFFO = YES""* **Sasquatch** | *""would love to see this prop done again with a different set oCHEF FOcommunities""* **Art Is My Weapon** | *""Proliferation.""* **modrovsky** | *""⌐◨-◨""* **Mach** | *""all for, lets get the noggles out""*""* **JoelCares** | *""Love seeing these Noggles go to good use. I would have preferred an open call Ior noggle recipients, but I do see these communities using the noggles well.""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""Definitely need more noggles IRL""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""The Nouns Vision glasses to these 3 groups is a no brainer""* **Benbodhi** | *""⌐PRONOUNS.ZllW** | *""Although wish that other sub-community were also included, example lil nouns, nounsbrazail, nounsinsg, etc. Overall good initiatives to have those nouns vision sitting in NounsDAO treasury being put to good use. Yes for me.""* **BitcoinBob ⌐◨-◨** | *"", but* **Sasquatch** | *""need to get these noggles out in the world proliferatin'""* **kerimbonia** | *""in terms of proliferation and extending nouns visibility beyond the nft space, this proposal is a no-brainer.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""Yes from me it's also great to see the other Nounish sub-communlittlees included, hope this creates a nice outlook on each people who receive the sunglasses""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: CHEF FOlet'sgogglesHoteliersGogglestogglegogglesgogglesRyan Macno-brainer ZllWlittlehousingNounsBitcoin BobgogglesNFTMind toastedme,NourishCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9946,True,-0.1946 "- I love the UI and do want to see this exist but don't think the setup is fair - Other DAOs pay 10E for the exact same team to set this up for them (i.e. see their rug radio proposal) - Our DAO is basically paying $200k+ USD / y / person salaries to build this out, yet the business itself is funded by VCs already and is building a very similar product? - Would like to see the team propose again with something more similar to their rug radio prop. I'm cool with just being a user of their main product, we don't need to spend millions to have the nouns brand on it.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8834,False,-0.8834 "- I love the UI and do want to see this exist but don't think the setup is fair - Other DAOs pay 10E for the exact same team to set this up for them (i.e. see their rug radio proposal) - Our DAO is basically paying $200k+ USD / y / person salaries to build this out, yet the business itself is funded by VCs already and is building a very similar product? - Would like to see the team propose again with something more similar to their rug radio prop. I'm cool with just being a user of their main product, we don't need to spend millions to have the nouns brand on it.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8834,False,-0.8834 Fun and useful way to proliferate,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7351,True,-0.03510000000000002 "AR filters are nourish and we need mo, andounish AR filters.nourish",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Prop House is an increasingly integral part of the Nouns ecosystem, and is finding its way as a general piece of infrastructure for communities outside of Nouns. Prop House is synonymous with Nouns and is proving itself to be an effective forum for the DAO to spend capital on wide-ranging efforts. We want to see continued development of it and for that reason we are voting a yes. Our strong opinion is that Prop House and its protocol should be operated from its own Nounish DAO. This would move Prop House outside of a proposal based funding model into its own sustainable funding mechanism, it would also have the added benefit of creating a direct ownership link to Nouns. This would also mean that Prop House could utilize Prop House. The ProNourish meme is already proliferating through many communities, it only makes sense to use a meme machine to accelerate this trend. outside",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9274,True,-0.22740000000000005 "Corpora has been building in the Nouns' ecosystem since before Nouns were launched (really) and the AR filters he has made so far are really high quality. I have personally used them often to make content for The Noun Square videos. I would have liked to have seen more information in the prop about efforts to market the AR filters to get more use, but I will just ask Coral here on chain to please focus on that aspect as part of his efforts if this passes. Getting more filters ready for prime time and then maybe making a quick 'how to use these' video for new folks would be a start. Maybe pay to have them promoted on Snap/Insta/TikTok, and make surInstagramer subdaos like Gnars, Esports, etc all know how to make use of them for maximum impact. SundaysGearsetc.",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9522,True,-0.5522 I will abstain on this version of the proposal. It looks like it will be iterated upon and resubmitted.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "The ""State of the Prop House"" call was very helpful for gaining insight into the future of Prop House and where the team is taking it. It would be a good practice for us to have more open calls like this at the DAO.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8961,True,-0.19610000000000005 "We tried on some of these filters, and they made us look really Ugly. hideous",Negative,Negative,-0.9,-0.5563,True,-0.3437 ⌐◨-◨ ❤️ ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "2023 is for getting as many ""Goggles On Heads"" as possible. ⌐◧-◧",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Too much ETH for an established member of the ecosystem. I'd rather see 10 eths go to 10 new builders. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Empowering creatives within nouns using infrastructure that simultaneously builds the reputation of nouns as *the* DAO for builders... that's extremely Ugly⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I fully support this proposal and would like to see it pass but am I abstaining as I sponsored this prop on-chain.,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.4111,False,0.3889 "Not sure if we need an alternative to prop house, we need more proliferation and less tooling. ",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2411,False,0.2411 This looks amazing!,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.6239,True,0.2761 "On this prop: We've spent so much on prop house that we should be all in there and hope to get a major W from its existence long term. Our community is already quite fragmented, I don't want to see our creators also become confused on where / how they should be proposing. Additionally: we are currently in a state where nouns sell for half of book value and proposals are asking for far too much funding I am for a ""spending freeze"" until we can sort out communication with all parties, better capital controls, and solve the dilution problem",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.7517,False,-0.9517 "We are currently in a state where nouns sell for half of book value and proposals are asking for far too much funding in the last two weeks something like $3M USD has been requested from the DAO Although not particularly against this proposal, I am for a ""spending freeze"" until we can sort out communication with all parties, better capital controls, and solve the dilution problem Love the animation work but am just voting no on 99% of stuff until that happens If this does fail, please do come back once us as holders have gotten our shit together and can spend with confidence ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1154,False,-0.1154 "I do NOT support a complete speeding freeze, but just happen to think that the redundancy with prop house makes this proposal not worth allocating resources to",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.367,False,0.367 "This does not need to exist. Prop House, Explorer Grants, NSFW, etc. already exist. New allocation methods should be sufficiently different.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2263,False,-0.2263 "This proposal is of huge value to the DAO and the nourish culture in general. The Gnars community has proven to be very efficient wiGearse treasury and enabling the community with a larger treasury to push these initiatives across every continent. This subDAO is an insanely good model for the ""pod"" concept that has been talked so much about in the past few months. This pod haSundaynic inbound flow and aggressive outreach into a subculture that is super hard to penetrate without being culturally relevant, living and breathing this stuff.",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9459,True,-0.04589999999999994 "It's gears, of course im voI'mng for this. Viva Gami!Game",Positive,Neutral,0.7,0.0,False,0.7 Gnarly prop,Neutral,Neutral,0.7,0.0,True,0.7 This is the way,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "This team has been very receptive to feedback and ideas to help shape this into a platform that is valuable to anyone looking to run contests, especially integrated with Twitter. We use it already at TNS and have begun to implement in Gears, will implement in Alps DAO and have been discussing its use in Nouncil. Needless to say, there is many many use cases for this. I don't see this as too similar to prop house, it's a different capital allocation mechanism, different user experience ain the Alpsets a wildly popular aspect of being able to grow the community and onboard new artists and builders. I feel like this is complimentary to prop house in the ecosystem.Councilmany",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9186,True,-0.11859999999999993 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Gears has consistently delivered proliferation. To do this at a larger scale they need to be well capitalized. Game has proven the ability to execute. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5267,False,-0.5267 "Gears is awesome, should be funded if needed and within limits, but the 694.20 ETH is past the limit and is not judicious for Nouns DAO based on what was presented. Over time, would have no problem funding more than that, in tranches, as needed, and based on following demonstrated successes with more successes. Would fund 69.420 ETH.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7906,False,-0.39059999999999995 Agree w/ noun 12 reasoning,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "I went back and forth on this one, but on balance, I don't think you can vote no given the work this team has done. Would I appreciate a smaller proposal with more checkpoints? Yes. But I don't think that's a good enough reason to reject a proposal where everything else, in my eyes, gets a big thumbs up. Sundays are the future of Nouns – they are the only way the DAO will thrive in the long run as more folks enter the ecosystem and the meme becomes more fractured. Gnars sets a great precedent on that front.Gears",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.6916,False,0.008399999999999963 "Great initiative that will help promote the sport and provide opportunities for athletes from all over the world, I am from South America where the opportunities for athletes are limited and centralized, my vote is in favor of the independence of athletes and the construction of value in community.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9501,True,-0.1500999999999999 "Really like gears and everything they're doing but this large of an ask in one swing feels too high for comfort - Budget section of proposal feels too sparse on details. Who is being paid and how much? How fast is the ETH going to be used? How much would each event cost? can we know Can events and whatnot upfront? - Personally I don't like the idea of giving people ETH to buy 2 nouns. I had to spend 30+E to get mine, others much more. I could write a proposal saying I'll do x y z marketing give me a free noun, but that would be unfair. Nouns arent a cheap NFT, 30E is like a full years salary for many in the US. - Gnars has daily auctions which give them ETH, they still have over 70E in their treasury to use (which is great given the 60ish we funded them with in the past). I feel gnars could be self sufficient and taren'troposal is asking for a large amount simply because it can. - With 3360 Gnars in circ, giving gnars dao 700E would 10x the book value of a gnar when a noun trades at half. I know many in our DAO think this metric doesn't matter, its just a point worth keeping in mind for those that do care. years'Gearsgearsself-sufficientGearsCIRCgearsdaygearit's",Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.9895,False,-1.4895 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Amazing work, but ask is big without sufficient breakdown detail. Would love to see another version of this prop with either an ask that goes 2x instead of 10x, or budget detail justifying why 10x is necessary at this point.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8481,False,-0.8481 "We believe that leveraging proven pods of Nourish proliferators is a de-risking strategy forproliferateseasury. Keeping all of the ETH in one big honey pdrinkingle to attracts flies. Conversely, deploying it to teams with track records of success ultimall thegs more new people into Nouns and completes the virtuous cycle. Now that’s Ugly (and Gnarly.) ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8074,False,-0.8074 "I think Gears is one of the best examples of execution out there. Talented team, clear vision + great partnerships with pro skaters. LFGnars!FNARS",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9476,True,-0.14759999999999995 "Creator Contests has been a great tools for Shared and we’re happy to support this dedicated, , and working, communicative dev team ⌐◨-◨ hardworking",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9274,True,-0.12739999999999996 Prop name says it all. Non-stop inspiration from Gnars makes it extremelGearsy to want more.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7146,True,-0.014600000000000057 No-brainer - onward with editions!,Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.3595,False,1.1595 "**Council Vote:** 45 Yes, 8 No, 0 Abstain 8 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Coral Orca** | *""i like it""* **Josep** | *""I think these Inimations can be used in many ways to proliferate DAO Nouns, I like the idea and I trust the background of the builders.""* **profwerder** | *""I love this beJoseph I see it as creating base assets for builders to create with. This can really open options and make it easier for builders. As well as just a fun touch point/game to introduce nouns to normies.""* **Mach** | *""seems more like a prophouse project""* **JoelCares** | *""love the animations""* **pemburux** |proffered with this proposal, the animations created can later be used for other projects because they are CC0""* **Benbodhi** | *""* ⌐◨-◨ *for the culture""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""Love this interchangeable animations of nouns!""* **lilpizza.eth** | *""This seems like a big win for NounsDAO. I imagine a lot of people would utilize this API for animations as a public good. I'm also a firm believer that gaming will be a great use-case for NFTs in the future and this is something NounsDAO needs to focus more heavily on for proarmiesion.""* **Satori** | *""I'd like to see creative assets like this more widely available for creators. Also think we need more fun ways for people to use their Nouns and games like this may be a worthwhile experiment.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9953,True,-0.19529999999999992 Strong proliferation project!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5562,True,0.24380000000000002 "It's a large ask, yes, but it's also arguably the largest IRL presence nouns has",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1655,False,0.1655 Upside only for the DAO. Let's do it!,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 I FW the vision,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.25,False,-0.25 "**Council Vote:** 34 Yes, 8 No, 2 Abstain 6 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Coral Orca** | *""i like it""* **marxistmillionaire** | *""Iice to see this prop on-chain! The first Creator Contests were held for SharkDAO, so I witnessed the whole process from the very beginning. Solid team, very useful tool. It's a clear YES for me!""* **andreitr** | *""Love the UI and product direction. Solid prop, imho. @nick , lmk if you guys need any help with Twitter integration.""* **Benbodhi** | *""This platform has been a joy to use and reduces admin of runniSharedsts efficiently by a LOT. The team are receptive to changes and additions and I have had the pleasure of helping shape the direction and features for the last couple of months. We use it at TNS and have the ability to use this across a number of other communities/projects/DAOs that I'm involved in.* ⌐◨-◨"" **Coral Orca** | *""sounds interesting and usefull""Andeanep** | *""I have been looking at your project and have been able to see the involvement of the team and functionality of your project for the DAO. I want to see what you are able to do in the future.""* **JoshuaFisher** | *""app has been great to use and very helpful""* **byhardy** | *""Bad timing here with the recent large funding of Prop House. I'm of the belief that products with similar end goals should collIMHOate to benefit everyone, not divide attention.""* **kerimbonia** | *""even though i'm not 100% clear on the question of overlap with prop house and some of the push back on this proposal, i'm voting yes for the team on this one.""* **wiznav** | *""I think this overlaps too much with prop house""* **Satori** | *""This is a hugely beneficial tool for contests hosted on social media and I think this could co-exist or even,e integrated into Prop House one day.""* **pemburux** | *""Its bad timing for this funding, actually we need more proliferation and less tooling""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: Fisherby hardyIsomepushbackIfinalCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9921,True,-0.4921 "I love the work, but generally am wary of funding props mostly focused on building, with not solid plan for distribution. Would be down to vote for another version with a more fleshed out adoption plan",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6524,False,-0.6524 "Doesn't require any treasury usage and maybe adds to our treasury, brilliant. I wonder what the BV crew thinks :)",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6824,True,0.11760000000000004 "I'm confused by this prop, lot of the expense is retro funding. But there had been funding previously to run other activities by this group. I am not sure if this props outcomes are worth the cost, mostly as is.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1884,False,0.1884 This could be huge!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.3802,True,0.41980000000000006 "I have done substantial research into gears and believe they are a net positive for the Nouns ecosystem. However, I believe the sum requested exceeds their current needs and should be broken into a few proposals. I would likely vote ""For"" the next.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.3182,False,-0.11819999999999997 Collective creation,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2732,False,-0.2732 Very refreshing to see some top tier IRL proliferatoooors coming to build with us. Imo we need to continue trying to leveragIMOictor's IRL partnerships and network to continue building awesome IRL events and experiences to proliferate to a new audience. ,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7096,False,-0.2096 !swish,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Immediately yes! IRL proliferation, fun idea, thoughtful proposal that brings the meme to new audiences, and Victor is the GOAT. ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.8356,True,0.06440000000000001 "Don't think It's reasonable to pay $30k for a ig post ifanthis is a good cause The influencer seeIG to care about this cause as well and the influencing should be goodwill as we make this happen together ",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.7783,True,-0.7783 "Doesn't cost us anything so why not try it 😃 Would love for this to result in showing creators that by working w our brand they can make more money and that ideally lowers the costs of future creations Although in the future if we are to spend $200k on art and then want to sell it, we should keep a bigger take as we've paid significant amounts for the OG piece. ",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8807,False,-0.4807 "Unclear outcomes, lack of data around previous funding successes and conversions, and somewhat shockingly being disrespectful within the community.",Negative,Neutral,-0.3,-0.0276,False,-0.2724 "I'm against any proposals that request a Noun as part of the funding. If you want a Noun, buy a Noun.",Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.0772,False,-0.5772 In support of a Social Good arm to Nouns that oversees / partners with some charity proposals. Social good content can do exceptionally well on Socials with the right video and production team.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9134,False,-0.9134 I really like Game and the work gnars does. Bugearson't think putting this amount of eth in one single person's hands are the bETH for the DAO. A smaller ask with (any) detail on how funds will be distributed (who/how/when it'll be decided) would be welcomed.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8956,False,-0.8956 "Although I really like the group and the cause, I'm voting no as there is very little detail on how the money will be spent, who is getting paid and how much. Would welcome the prop again once these details are better described.",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.7574,False,-1.0574 "A vote against a proposal is not a vote against the proposer or the project. It is healthy to say No sometimes too. Great to see another DAO that has achieved some level of self sustainability. Team seem passionate. 1. It does not make sense to seed other DAOs to this scale at this stage. I hear people saying we need to put our faith in Game and the team but IF Gami is going to be deciding how these funds are deployed, that is a problem (as it means they have control of the DAO and distribution is not right). Otherwise we are putting our faith in gnarsdao token holders...10x'ing their treasury. Without fully understanding who they are (how could we) and the implications of doing so. (Of which I caGameink of many...but im not going to get into it here). Seeding other DAOs to this extent - that have not solved for some of the governance issues that Nouns has is not the way to scale. Like others I would be more open to a prop with a much smaller ask and more detail for how its planned to be deployed. Otherwise,NASDAQINGI'mothers,it's",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8511,False,-0.8511 "Agree with some comments that distribution should be better outlined in the prop. Not 100% against it, but would like to see a bit more detail.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.714,False,-0.714 "Game and gears have been amazing to see. I don't know how funds will be spent exactly, but seems like the right model to lean into trust when we see talented builders with a lot of momentum.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.9387,False,-0.4387 "Salving elegantly summarized my thinking around this. Gears is one of the best projects to come out of Nouns, and I'd love to continue supporting it. However, this current proposal is asking for a very large sum of funding without the commensurate level of transparency on how the funds will be spent. Would support new series of props from Gnars that request less funding for a shorter pGears of time each, with more budget transparency. (without necessarily diminishing the overall ETH/month in sum)",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9509,False,-0.5509 "Game was designed in a lab for IRL proliferation and has a track record Let’s take a chance on this large ask ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.25,False,0.25 "I echo everything Salving said under his vote description. I love Gnars and I love NGears but this vote marks the start of a new ""experiment"" (if you will) of the DAO evolving to be a bit more careful and efficient with its spending, while setting a precedent that we want to see more structured props going forward. I cannot think of a better team to come back from this and resubmit a bulletprFurthermore, Iof proposal that will pass with flying colours. I remain 100% faithful in 0xigami and the Gnars crew, and their ability to execute. I look forward to a resubmission soon.colorsFurthermore, IGearsFurthermore, I",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9411,True,-0.1411 "Love gears. tThebudget did give me pause for a moment but ultimately garngainsone of the strongest centers of IRL nouns subculture that's being built out and we should support the momentum. , and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.875,False,-0.875 "Dear Game, my brother in chrisChrist've done an incredible job with Gnars so far which is why Gearslly deliberated on this one for so long. Unfortunately, I don't think this proposal (as it stands today) is ready to be passed given the ask. My primary reason is that gnars should go into much more detail into the following two questions: 1. What didgearss do with the previous proposal? 2. What does Gnars *plan* to do with the funding moving forward? Re: Question 1 — I know you've done some really awesome things like sponsor the skater that won the championship! and other awesome things which probably resulted in lots of impressions for ⌐◨-◨ — but your prop doesn't go into these Gearsls 🥹 More generally, i sincerely think it's important for nouns to create a culture where proposers provide sufficient context *on-chain*. It is especially important in a community where new members join every single day, so that each new member can make the best possible decision with sufficient context. To summarize, I'd prefer to see this back on-chain with more detail aGearsoken up into 2 stages. AndI",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.98,False,-0.98 "I love the idea of minting the CC0 video as an NFT (nouns is in the business of monetizing public art). I do wonder if just selling it as a 1/1 auction would have been better than the fixed price open edition. Brandon's 1/1 nouns art did sell at a decent price way back when:",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7964,False,-0.3964 Game has done so much to proliferate Nouns ... in particular outside the traditional crypto circles. Nouns should be taking more big bets on people like Gami. Game,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.3612,True,0.33879999999999993 "**Council Vote:** 44 Yes, 10 No, 1 Abstain 3 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Benbodhi** | *""nounish af Gnars is a power pod of proliferation and is spreading the culture far and wide in the best way possible imo. ⌐◨-◨""* **.ZllW ⌐◨-◨** | *""Sub-DAO have proven tnourishferate and expand nouns branding. (Lil Nouns, Gnar, FoodNouns,etc) No doubt a large ask, but Gnar led by Gami have been providing impaAFful proliferation around Nouns; thus trust that Gnar team would put this 694E to good use in crossing the chasm and scaling what they arGearsng""* **Josep** | *""I think other ways to finance the project over time should be explored, I don't see a plan to be reasonably self-sustainable over time. I believe that Gnars brings a lot to the image of Nouns DAO and for this reasonIMOwould like to see the proposal revisited by reducing the capital required over the time period, setting goals and creating a strategy to make Gnars profitable.""* **Akva** | *""As part of GnarsDAO core team, I abstain from voting on this proposal eve ZllWough I really want to see it succeed""* **Mach** | *""Love how gnars is spreading the culture and using money efficiently to build a brand/the nouns brand""* **systemdm.⌐◨-◨** | *""Definetly Yes… In my opinion this kind of activations and proliferation and socialSunday is exactly what its all about….""* **Sasquatch** | *""easy yes* *the inspiration for a lot of work done at Nouns* *let our best builders have a clear runway for takeoff""* **JoshuaFisher** | *""you had me a gnello""* **andreitr** | *""Love Gnars and what they are doing. Let's keep the momentum going.""* **Satori** | *""GnarsGear paving the way for subDAOs in many areas and I think it would be hugely beneficial for Nouns in the long run to facilitate their growth.""* **JoelCares** | *""keep on shreddin""* **pemburux** | *""Great initiative, great proliferation, and big yes from me""* **Mindtoasted** | *""This is a huge amount of request, but from a long tePronounsctive, IMHO it can continue to push something that covers a wide range of things related to sports and athletes, especially for the Nouns itself, which has never been separated from anything highlighted before. I vote yes for this""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""Gami has done a great job previously with the grant he was give and theres , etcoubt he will so ever bigger and greater things with this next round of funding!""* **byhardy** | *""subcultures > subdaos there is no greater subculture to come from nouns than gnars. the fact that it is governed by 750 holders (and growing) who care deeply about the mission means the funds are in good hands, with nouns' best inte sts at heart.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:'sJoshua FisherhelloAndeanGearsGearsSundaysHoteliersshreddingMind toastedGamethere'sby hardySundaysgearsTheCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9977,False,-0.9977 "I don't quite know if the nouns virtuous cycle works with scaling charitable giving (unlike building public goods that remain). There feels a bit too little discussion / accountability about the impact the past funding has had for the nouns brand building (beyond the social good it has done, which to be clear I appreciate but we can't infinitely fund all social goods). , but",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.81,False,-0.81 Need to keep improving the base nouns' protocol. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4215,False,-0.4215 "I disagree with 0xbff3. I'm pro ""earning"" a noun as part of the builder's incentive comp. Also love the prop itself. ever since the discussions of restoring a skatepark last year I've been wondering when a pEverlike this would happen and excited to see victor bring the idea to life for a basketball court. skate park",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8807,True,-0.18070000000000008 "I love the idea, and think these animations should definitely exist for anyone to use for their own art and media. However, at this time, 55E for 10 weeks is unfortunately too steep for me to say yes. That's annualized to about a $330k/year rate which feels too high for this project. I'd encourage the team to re-propose with a smaller ask, after which I would hope to be able to vote Yes.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9442,False,-0.5442 "This is cool and fun, but it's not clear if/how large the audience for it is. I'd reconsider my vote on the next iteration of this proposal if there's more info about how you plan to market it.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0062,True,-0.0062 "I am voting NO on this proposal. Although it certainly seems like a great tool with cool features, I am not sure if it can achieve unique outcomes from existing funding models. Given that funding is already split via Prop House, on-chain, and then other centralized funding models like NSFW/DCS/Explorer Grants, I think we're possibly entering a diminishing returns era with new funding infrastructure. New funding models need to make a strong case for why their specific system is really needed. While I admire the product, I don't see that case in this proposal.",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.9474,False,-1.2474 "There are some interesting ideas here. But instead of creating a new thing, i'd rather see this integrated intI or built on top of prop house so the next lego brick can stack on top of this one. Lego",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7935,False,-0.7935 "I sat with this for some time, given it's huge financial ask. I'm a fan of proposals that clearly outline how they want to spend their money, and this one quite frankly did none of that. However, I ultimately came to the conclusion that when funding a subcommunity or DAO, we actually don't necessarily need an understanding of the budget. The question, rather, is whether we trust that DAO to be valuable stewards of that money. I see these types of proposals as ""cultural venture investments"", similar to our @nounsbuilder funding. Just as a VC does not review all the expenses of their portfolio companies, I'm not sure we need to know how exactly a subDAO is going to spend the money we give them. Rather, we just need to know whether a) we trust that the subDAO will steward those funds in a way that is positive for Nouns DAO, and b) if the cumulative ask is an amosure if weour treasury we are comfortable ""locking up"" until we see the cultural ROI from that spending. The bar is super high for both a) and b), but this proposal meets both of them for me, so I decided to vote yes.SundaySunday",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9518,False,-0.5518 Voting FOR an engaged community and proven builder to proliferate the fuck out of nouns.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2023,False,0.2023 I love gears,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.6369,True,0.2631 " ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬜⬜⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬜⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬛⬛⬛⬜⬛⬛⬛⬜⬛ ⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜ ⬛⬜⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬛⬜⬜⬛⬜⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Increase in community size, number of props, ongoing de/decentralization of communication channels = increase in overall complexity. makes sense to give ourselves more time to consiMakesach action as the inputs get more chaotic",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1045,False,-0.1045 Voted yes based on the platform's potential for future use and creativity.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6486,True,0.0514 "There's nothing more critical to the success of this project than attracting builders like victor and giving them the resources they need to have a positive impact in their community. If we can retain them after the fact with the gift of a noun, that's even better. marketing spend feels high, but i think this is a case where we might want to lean into the asymmetric upside and see what happens. big fan of the video proposal and slide deck. tMarketingvictor!IBigThankVictor",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9557,True,-0.25570000000000004 "Voting no on all charitable giving that does not incorporate extremely transparent oversight/accountability. Also, would prefer the treasury give 100 ETH two years from now (when its worth 1M USD), than 100 ETH mid-bear market (when its worth 100k).then",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7579,False,-0.7579 "Verbs are important, possibly the most important technical team funded by the DAO. Verbs Verb makes of money. Verbs should be used as a ceiling for technical team compensation, at least in cases where there isn't a specific project being funded but more of a ""residency"" for the DAO, unless there is very specific reason why it should be increased. We should keep this benchmark in mind when funding/renewing future residencies. We love the Verbs.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.882,True,-0.08199999999999996 "I am voting no on anything that includes a free noun. Also disheartening to see ""Instagram influencer"" category amounting to 90k USD. This should be $0. The proposal is good, but these aspects are a major turn-off. Would consider voting yes if resubmitted.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.631,False,-1.0310000000000001 "Not a knock against the great work done by Gears, but the ask is way too high imo. Would consider funding for a much smalIMO amount. Not to beat a dead horse, but I strongly feel that bear market expenditures should scale back quite a bit. 700 ETH will likely be worth 7 mil USD in a couple years - would prefer to conserve as much dry powder as possible during the lean times.couple of",Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.9045,False,-1.4045 I'd prefer this budget be broken down by activation rather than by role. Doing so (assuming it's reasonable) would get a yes from me.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1027,False,0.1027 "The proposer, the Prop and the mission are all extremely nourish. OTG would love to come celebrate with the community on opening day! ⌐◧-◧",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8478,True,-0.047799999999999954 "I believe in seeding people, places and things (like nourish projects/subDAOs) that have the potential for mass proliferatiSundayshe meme. ⌐◧-◧",Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 This video is pinned to my profile until further notice. ⌐◧-◧,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I am a huge fan of game and gnars and all the gearsthey have done and will continue to do. however, at 700 ETH i have to vote againsHoweverversion of the proposal. i think this is an absolute no-brainer yes at a lower expenditure. iIwould vote in favor of large proposals with generous compensation for the gnars team to execute on them, but for 700 ETH up front i would prefer thiIgs were better defined ahead of time. this is in no way a personal rebuke on anyone involved, i am a big fan of the team, and i would lead the charge on supporting v2 of this proposal at a lower funding cost to nouIs dao, and would vote yes on big ambitious well compensated projects that were better defined ahead of timegearsIThisIIday",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9771,False,-0.9771 "Mint it all. Minting makes memes measurable.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 " ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟨🟧🟧⬛ ⬛🟨🟨🟧⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I'd want to see more details on the type of impact this project is meant to have for the overall nouns' community ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.0772,False,-0.0772 YOLO,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2732,False,-0.2732 I HAVE NO NOUNS BUT GEARS ARE FOR THE CULTURE,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1531,False,0.1531 "The treasury minting! Love this. Nounish af ⌐◨-◨ AF",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7424,False,-0.7424 "Given the new proposal velocity lately, more time would be helpful!",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4753,False,-0.4753 I don't love every aspect of this prop but the almost uncapped llong termpotential (creating a nounish subculture within basketball) outweigh my own persnourisht peeves,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2924,False,0.2924 "I am chatting with 0xigami as I am writing this--he knows how I am voting. We both have the skater mindset. ""Bail. get back up. dust off. climb stairs."" -Gami And that's how he proliferates just like a vert skater, ""Go ALL inGet FALL in, don't leave one foot on the coping"" -Sam Ellis I have been excited to see the highest voter turnout for this proDust encourage him and the Gnars DAO to ""revise and resubmit"", if this prop does not pass, based on ""some"" of the feedback that has Climbgiven by the DAO I say ""some"" as I consider Gami an expert in his field. If resubmitted by just GNARS sans Gami, please see the above commeGame Gami, Gnars--I love you crazy builders Oh, and Bob Burnquist--stick around I promise it will be worth it.GearsGameGEARSGameGame",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9398,True,-0.21250000000000002 "I appreciate the honesty and transparency that Victor provided when I had questions about locations, influencer spend, and launch partners. The Jungle discord's prop-specific channel was a great place for us to discuss this and Victor answered my questions respectfully... ...even though I'm just a random internet person while this guy worked with Kevin Durant, LeBron James, Boston Celtics, and now (potentially)... NOUNS",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.875,True,-0.07499999999999996 This is rad,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "Love the good this crew has been doing. Would like to see more coverage of it ongoing. Expanding globally makes sense to me. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8625,True,-0.36250000000000004 "Just catching up on this, and this is such an epic prop. I absolutely love everything about this. ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.6697,True,0.23030000000000006 "This has so much potential, I’m all about it. Nounish af ⌐◨-◨ AF",Positive,Neutral,0.7,0.0,False,0.7 "Big supporter of these guys. Very thoughtful and skilled. Amazing asset to the DAO. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.8832,True,0.016800000000000037 "Love that this allows a discussion on a weekly call for any prop. Little extra time seems like a smart step to take. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.4215,0.8555,True,-0.43400000000000005 Ask would be that Noun only awarded after successful completion of everything.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7579,False,-0.7579 LEG,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Think this proposal is a good example of what can be delivered with a small amount of funding. Other proposers should take note. Excited to see results and hopefully re-use the 3d assets developed here in future work",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8271,True,-0.027099999999999902 Love the Lore,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6369,True,0.16310000000000002 Looking for the next Proposal!,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 Start smaller I think is what the votes are saying,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "These are incredibly important people to the DAO and work on significant protocol upgrades, from gas efficiency to core DAO behavior like governance and treasury spending. I also think the compensation is fair for this type of role and the quality of engineers the Verbs team (and Salamander) are.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8748,False,-0.3748 "I voted YES on this proposal. I think it's a great video, a great experiment in cool things the DAO can do with trustless composability, and also a great way to bring more people into the Nouns ecosystem by way of collecting this open edition. Not to mention the DAO could and should experiment with alternatiNouns'd additional revenue streams to just the token auctions.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9406,True,-0.14059999999999995 "To be candid I couldn't figure out what this proposal was aiming to build - while I'm a fan of nourish charitable efforts, for me I wasn't sure what Nouns Love *was* after reading this proposal - especially given the high me,ount of folks working on this for many months outlined in the proposal. So I was not ready to vote yes here.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.8208,False,-1.0208 "I voted YES for this proposal. I struggled initially with the high ask, but ultimately figured this sort of activation would be great for spreading Nouns to new communities. The media and content partners outlined in the proposal have a lot of reach, and the actual act of restoring the court itself seems very aligned with Nouns public good values. Victor Solomon has already proven to be a great creative as well, having designed the NBA trophies!",Positive,Positive,0.7692,0.9848,True,-0.2156 This is a yes. ,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4019,True,-0.4019,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "With more and more proposals being active, and more public conversation around proposals, more time is needed for folks to arrive at opinions on them. Clear yes.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8055,False,-0.8055 Ngl this doesn't look good,Negative,Negative,-0.7,-0.3412,True,-0.35879999999999995 Great team and great animation!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8588,True,-0.05879999999999996 "This looks awesome! ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6588,True,0.1412 "This is not something I personally would use, but see there could be benefit. Not feeling right for me right now though.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5338,False,-0.5338 " **Council Vote:** 30 Yes, 11 No, 1 Abstain 6 NouCouncillorsstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **0xapril** | *""Really love what mucho loved did. I think it's great idea to muchd what they did to world wide.""* **heyjeff.eth** | *""mucho love is bringing real change by directly interacting with people, that is very powerful""* **Benbodhi** | *""Nouns beingitsognised/learnt about it in this context is powerful. Nouns are good.* *⌐◨-◨""* **Wattsy** | *""This project seems to straddle both the overly ambitious context, as well as being hard to follow past the marketing in termworldwide actionable and measurable results.""* **byhardy** | *""Love having a charity arm of Nouns & I really really love the content arm. Social good content has huge potential. But retrofunding should be better explained to include havending sources & why they're being retrofunded. Also would like more transparency in how $$$ is being spent & on who? What are their roles? Why is the price of activations what it is (albeit reasonable)? Just need more answers ETHe.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""IMO, Its a huge amount of request, with all the funding budget details for a 4 month time extension, it also proven that the previous proposal was running great, but I'm not sure to vote yes for this amount muchquest so I vote no.""* **Mach** | *""Too much personnel pay to production usage. 50-50 is too much.""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""self explanatory""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: hardyreallyAlso,whomMind toastedIt's4-monthhas also proven, soRyan Macself-explanatoryCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9879,False,-0.9879 "**Council Vote:** 45 Yes, 5 No, 1 Abstain 2 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Sasquatch** | *""Looks amazing""* **Benbodhi** | *""Love this and been a supporter since the ideas started flowing.* ⌐◨-◨"" **Josep** | *""Having Victor continue his journey as a Nouns builder is very interesting. In his previous proposals he has proven to deliver on his proposals, I think we should support his cause.""* **WatJoseph | *""I don't know enough about sports and their community impact to make a fair decision here.""* **profwerder** | *""Excited for this initiative from a proliferation and social good perspective!""* **Mach** | *""I like the idea, think marketing could be saved a little but something permanNouns'n LA could be big.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""From how they applied Kintsugi embellishes an object's on the basketball court they once repaired, that is the thing, can bring up many possibilities that come from those who are active in the world of basketball, Its a huge amount of request. I voted yes for this and if this goes on chain, hope there will be lots of Nounish culture growing in many direction.""* **Coral Orca** | *""its nWatts and a good cause""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""it’s worth trying out this model with Victor & if all goes well bringing it to scale across the country would be unreal""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: toastedKatsukiIt'sNourishmany directionsnourishRyan MacCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9825,True,-0.1825 Didn’t read the prop TBH. Proxied my sense-makiProxiesveryone else on this one,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "**Council Vote:** 37 Yes, 5 No, 2 Abstain 6 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Benbodhi** | *""Thoughtful and skilful giga brains.* ⌐◨-◨"" **Wattsy** | *""These are not industry standard salaries, they are much higher.""* **Mach** | *""Voting yes, but will be looking at the worskillful I do not think that 450,000 per year in work has been done so far. Expect big contributions over the next 6 months.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""I proudlygige yes on this, the previous proposal went smoothly. A concrete team with a vision.""* **Coral Orca** | *""we like the verbs""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""No brainer""* --- FoWatts Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: toastedRyan MactrainerCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.882,True,-0.08199999999999996 "Resounding Yes. Incredible trailer, perfectly reasonable ask, nourish afAF",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.7845,True,0.11550000000000005 "**Council Vote Results: YES wins** 45 Yes, 4 No, 3 Abstain 4 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Benbodhi** | *""more time to chat about props prior to voting and this is a reasonable length imo* ⌐◨-◨"" **Josep** | *""I believe that extending the decision period on proposals can help to make better decisions that lead to a better allocation of funds.""* **Wattsy** | *""In generIMO more time is better for getting the right people involved.""* **Mach** | *""Doesn't hurt""* **Mindtoasted** | *""<3 this idea""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""Some proposals take swift action: doubling the wait time to activate a propsJosephlps nobody""* **JoelCares** | *""The way this prop is written... it flows so smoothly... pure poetry. I don't even know what it says, I just support it. Plain and simple.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: WattsMind toastedRyan MacproposalHoteliersCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9567,True,-0.15669999999999995 Very nourish. lLoveto see proposals to increase awareness of Nouns beyond the existing audiences. and And excited for the first Nouns pick up game when the court is complete! Iabout,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.858,True,-0.05799999999999994 "Public goods x proliferation = buckets ⌐◨-◨ strong support for building this type of marketing infrastructure that will be around for years to come",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7184,True,-0.018400000000000083 "No mention of converting funds to USDA upon transfer, just something for team to consider ",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.296,False,0.296 "While not specifically labeled gambling it feels close enough that I imagine that being a turn-off for voters, also a large ask to build a nouns white label branded version of something that appears to already be getting built -- may need to come back with a smaller/more specific ask that really entices the nouns community ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "More time means potential to increase voter turnout, more thoughtful voting, more potential for feedback and production discussion. Yes please",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8479,True,-0.3479 "Long time in the making after completing two prior Proposals as milestones since 2021, Davit is fantastic.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5574,True,0.24260000000000004 Voting for because it's a good prop but would have felt more comfortable if there was a distribution plan. Every content creation prop should include a distribution plan. This should be standard we enforce.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8587,False,-0.8587 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Don't feel informed enough to make a good decision here, and don't have time this holiday season to meaningfully dig in.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7206,False,-0.7206 "**Council Vote:** 47 Yes, 7 No, 1 Abstain 3 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **byhardy** | *""low cost, love the trial foby hardyool creator, easy yes. interesting to see if this inspires future first asks.*"" **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** | *""I really like the art and the style of story telling. The short pilot was endearing and vInteresting.* *I can't speak to the cost completely, but we are starting to see other animated, multi-minute videos for under 10 eth...or under 5. We have seen animation for much more. It seems like we are in the range here, although the range is laCHEF FO am not experienced enough in animation pricing to say more here.* *As far as on chain, I think that it is an experiment. But ultimately there should be ways to fund new builders in this range without on-chain voting, especially as the DAO grows. It's not the builders fault, or anyones, it is just an opportunity to continue to define the fundnourishhanisms or create new ones.* *CHEFFO = YES*"" **Mach** | *""Great cost for what would get out of this*"" **Benbodhi** | *""Reasonable ask for what could be a great thing!*"" **Josep** | *""I think that the attention we will receive for the animation is not worth the 20ETH that is being asked for.*"" **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""we already have people working on 3D nouns & the metaverse*"" **Akva** | *""I love this*"" **JoelCares** | *""Amazing animation, reasonable costsETHell ya. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.*"" **kerimbonia** | *""given the production quality, proven outreach and plans to release cc0 assets, this is an absolute no-brainer yes!*"" **bradq** | *""100%. Teaser is fantastic. I like the cv of the team--esp. Pixar chops. If they get the script right, 20 ETH is a steal and might give us one of our best videos. Also on Nouncil call they said all assets cc0! Available to build off of.*"" **byhardy** | *""Low cost. Cool creator. The trailed on Twitter is really cool. I'm in.*"" **.ZllW ⌐◨-◨** | *""Low cost, great intro vid, creator 3D print guy have nice track record (formerly with Pixar, Netflix & HBO)*"" **0xapril** | *""Easy yes. The intro video is amazing!*"" **0xDariush** | *""good team, good content, i just think the price could be less, if they go viral , its worthy*"" **Mindtoasted** | *""it's anyone's have them taking part in this, already know some of the artists from twitter and they have different uniqueness from each artists, I voted yes for this.*"" --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: FOJosephRyan MacAkaHoteliersBradCVAlso,Councilbuild onby hardy ZllWI,Mind toastedsome, andartistCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9969,True,-0.19689999999999996 No strong opinion on this proposal. Voting NO to increase quorum. If people have conviction on this then it should easily pass even with higher quorum.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4342,False,-0.4342 "Nom not NFoundations excited to bring more animators into the DAO",Neutral,Positive,0.4215,0.34,False,0.08149999999999996 "3D printed fashion ""feels"" very Nourish to me, and I love the idea of it. Ask is reasonable imo.IMO",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.6369,True,-0.13690000000000002 Impressed that the plan laid out in the first prop is still holding. I think makes sense to see this work through given the time and funding already invested. Excited to see the result! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6996,True,0.10040000000000004 "**Council Vote:** 34 Yes, 8 No 14 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** | *""This is a verCHEF FOresting prop. Touching on product design, event planning, community building, in Paris none the less. A true intersection of art, culture and tech. That is 100% Nounish.* *It is interesting to read back through the first two props onnonetheless Very cool to see the project laid out in stages, solidify itself and steadily work to this point. DAO support of the project completion cycle is fundamentally important. That does not mean with out discussion.* *Including the 30 NFT Paris event tickets is smart and hopefully will line up withNourishnounish things going on. I think it will be a key event for Nouns in Europe. People have been talking about it for months. This project can begin to solidify nouns as a fashion incubator. The press opportunities are tremendous. The on-boarding is tremendous. Paris is one of the best locations to potentially on-board affluent buyers who would be capable of joining the DAO.* *Event planning is very time intensive and requires major planning and organization. Nothing is cheap. Nouns should grasp the opportunities that are presenting themselves to engage with fwithoutnd excited audiences.* *Curious what the next steps could be after the event, but I think the artist and team is motivated and will be equip with excellent assets and display materials for on-going proliferation.* *CHEFFO = YES""* **andreitr** | *""For me this is a no brainer. I love Danit's work and this prop is Nounish AF. I also love how innovative (experimental?) this is. Strong YES for me.""* **Coral Orca** | *""danit is nounish""* **kerimbonia** | *""the ask is a high but i feel like the product looks great and the potential exposure/upside of a nouns x fashion in paris show is worth the risk. good luck""* **.ZllW ⌐◨-◨** | *""Given Danit who has been delivnourisher milestones since prop #26 & 41, would love to see this materialized with prop #197.""* **Josep** | *""I believe this is a highly innovative proposal that aligns with the DAO. I have seen the work that has already been done and what is intended to be done in the coming months and I think it is a great way to target DAO funds.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""I voted yes for this, this is very nounish!""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: equippedongoingCHEF FOAndeanno-brainerDavitNourishdavitnourishIParisGood ZllWDavitJosephMind toastednourishCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9979,True,-0.19789999999999996 Innovative and beautiful 3D-printed clothing... that's Ugly. ,Negative,Positive,-0.7,0.5423,False,-1.2423 nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.6,0.0,True,0.6 "**Council Vote:** 30 Yes, 13 No, 4 Abstain 14 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Mach** | *""Saw this proposal from conception to on-chain and happy to support it. This could have huge implications for nouns and a one of the first major events where nouns is put in front of a non-native audience anareexplained in clarity.""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""Lots of great opportunities for proliferation and discovery for a whole new audience on a global scale""* **Coral Orca** | *""esport is the way""* **Josep** | *""I don't have a deep knowledge of the esports sector, I will spend more time investigating the possibilities it offers for new proposals. In this case I abstain as my Big shot knowledge about this industry makes it impossible for me to vote for the option that is in the DAO's best interest.""* **metamonk** | *""E-sports is a great niche to build a presence in. Nouns E-sports has done a fantastic job so far in proliferating Nouns in the space.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""This is very Nounish, hell yes from me, I love dota since I was in highschool,Slimated a lot of interesting moments every quite period of time until now.""* **andreitr** | *""This looks legit but I am completely ignorant when it comes to anything Esports. Going to sit this one out (abstain) and educate myself on the space.""* **Voadz** | *""I love Dota. Huge potential & exposure for Nouns. Legit 💯""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: toastedNourishdatahigh schoolAndean, butRoadDataCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9604,True,-0.06040000000000001 "I don't understand enough about esports to make a decision on an ask of this magnitude. In theory not opposed to it, but would like other owners more familiar with this area to chime in.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5023,False,-0.5023 "Cost is leading me to abstain. I'm not confident enough to vote yes, but like everything the team is doing so don't want to vote no. ",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.0681,False,0.0681 "Enormous budget on a relatively short timeline. Given my lack of understanding on the esports industry as a whole, I'm unable to justify voting yes given those two observations.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1027,False,-0.1027 "Nom not esports aAnothergreat project started & lead by SharkDAO memSharedways ahead of the curve and doing great work in the space. overwhelming support from the DAO to keep building.Overwhelming",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.8979,True,0.0020999999999999908 Like esports pod. Dislike vibe from team on Reddit especially ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,-0.0258,True,0.0258 After some consideration going to take a leap of faith here. Think we gonna regret passing on tgoing to,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Uncertain fit for the cost, need its fit demonstrated before this type of commitment",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6597,False,-0.6597 "Super grateful to the proposers for all the time they put into writing this and answering questions. Really excited Nouns can draw in people new to crypto and this quality of proposal. That said, I'm voting against. It’s a decent amount of ETH, both in absolute terms and as a % of the treasury. I don’t doubt that it is warranted for a quality event, but I think there are better ways the DAO could use the money. In particular, I am more interested in going deeper with our true fans than trying to reach out to a community that has historically disdained NFTs/crypto (the Data subreddit responses to this proposal were not encouraging). I also felt a bit like the proposal was made to work for the proposers in a way that maybe doesn’t make the most sense for Nouns: the emphasis on using the proposer’s venue and the VIP Nouns experience. Finally, there were a lot of ideas here about how to use NFTs in the contest itself, but the proposers by their own admission seem to have little experience in the space. I think there’s a lot of subtlety here and it would take some real experience to get it right. Hope to see these proposers back with other idSubreddite future! , and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9843,False,-0.9843 "While this is a large ask, I think there is huge value in this proposal. At this point in time, it doesn't look like it will be successful unfortunately, but decided to show my support nonetheless. Maybe this would be more successful when ETH prices are higher, who knows?",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9051,False,-0.9051 "Another interesting distro model for some Nouns Vision glasses currently sitting in the treasury. ⌐◨-◨ ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6705,False,-0.6705 "I checked the numbers and checked again, it was for real, my lottery win! Did a jig and whooped and cheered, nearly deafened everyone's ears. My Mother's spirit gave those numbers to me, them in a dream I did truly see; she'd always said that she would do it, a promise I just knew that she'd stick to it. Mom played lotteries her whole life, with numbers and challenges, her days were rife! When I started playing, she'd promised me, if not her she help me win the lottery. For years the nhelpsrs did fill my dreams, Mom's spirit tried to fulfill her promise it seemed; I'd play that lottery religiously, knowing one day, rich I'd be. Oh how excited I was to see, the numbers 18, 24, 36, 47, 69, 33. Then my eyes veered to the ticket date; what a letdown, I'd bought it a day too late!Oh,",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9902,True,-0.19019999999999992 yup,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Thoughtful proposal but given its considerable cost i am not convinced tIe dao will get the bang for our buck required to justify suchdaylarge outlay,Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.2702,False,0.07019999999999998 Really fun idea. Thank you to the proposers,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7474,True,0.05260000000000009 "Voting against because the bet size is too large relative to the culture fit. Am generally supportive of ambitious proposers with large distribution channels but they have to be a better fit with nouns culture and aesthetic. than, butu to the proposers and the nouns esports groupThank",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9294,False,-0.9294 On behalf of the Party Noun,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "**Council Vote:** 51 Yes, 2 No, 2 Abstain 8 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **lilpizza.eth** | *""This looks like a fun pizzave!""* **Satori** | *""Easy yes in my opinion. Awesome to see a relatively new Nouner have an idea, build it while taking in feeETHck and collaborating with community members, and get it put on chain so quickly.""* **Akva** | *""simple and effective: yes""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""these are really nice and it would be great to have more of them out there in the wild""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""Shades for the boys""* **modrovsky** | *""⌐◨-◨""* **Josep** | *""This facilitates the creation of nounish content by networks as well as being a nice gesture to some of the members who have decided to support the DAO's mission through the purchase of one or more Nouns.""* **Art Is My Weapon** | *""Proliferation.""* **0xDariush** | *""I mean why not!* *But they can Akait easily if they want!""* **kerimbonia** | *""distribute some nouns glasses to some nouns holders, seems like the right thing to do... so yes""* **.ZllW ⌐◨-◨** | *""A no brainer imo, Nouns holder should receive these Nouns Vision""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""nice little reward""* **Benbodhi** | *""⌐◨-◨""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: shotSlim, andRyan MacJosephnourish ZllWno-brainerIMOCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9864,True,-0.1864 "Attack surface, fit",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1531,False,0.1531 "Devcarrot: I recommend we vote against this. The main issue I have is that this creates a man-in-the-middle attack vector either by whomever is operating the platform or any defects in the software that's used and a false sense of security. Skiff may be interesting as it encrypts skiff-to-skiff emails (in this case emails sent between `` users) and incoming emails at rest, but it doesn't magically grant the user the ability to have encrypted communications with ""all emails sent and received""; emails from, to, and including non-Skiff users are still sent in plaintext. I believe the prop made this detail ambiguous at best. I'm also concerned around a centralized location for Nouners' emails, this would be an attractive target for attackers. I wish the Skiff team the best and would personally be interested in playing with their platform, but I don't believe this proposal should pass due to the ambiguity around privacy.OwnersFurthermore, I",Negative,Positive,-0.7273,0.9722,False,-1.6995 "I appreciate the time and energy that went into this proposal, but unfortunately I do not think this is a product that I or most other DAO members would ever use. I already have too many emails, discords, telegrams, whatsapps, imessages, etc, etc, and would prefer to reduce the number of messaging surfaces I have, not add morewhats appsiMessagesetc.etc.",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.0644,False,-0.3356 Voting no due to low expected utility and concerns raised by Founders.,Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.5106,False,0.11060000000000003 "TL;DR High in novelty, but to low impact (limited proliferation) Even though I appreciate the enthusiasm, effort, ingenuity, and novelty of this proposal and proposer, and I love to see the experimentation of the DAO being able to vote on distribution of physical goods, I am against this particular implamentation. Putting aside the fact that all Nouners can afford to buy these glasses, and there is plenty of supply still available, handing out any of these glasses to Noun holders is possibly the lowest leverage opportunity for their distribution. Proimplementationch more thoughtful approach and I assume it will be much more impactful. I would prefer we hold our supply and execute on highest impact opportunities with focus on proliferation or brand building by association.Owners",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9642,False,-0.9642 "Having purchased six pairs already, as the person who originally asked salving for an allocation which led to proposal 185, I think this proposal should focus on proliferation. Getting the nouns vision noggles onto the faces of public figures, like the pro skaters Gnars DAgogglesoking up, is far more impactful than randomly sending them to a group of people who are almost entirely pseudonymous and don't show their faces publicly. Gears",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5423,False,-0.5423 "This is an interesting one. At first, it seemed obvious to me: an easy yes! Of course we should give some of tcourse,lasses, entrusted to the DAO, to Nouners. But some valid concerns have been raised: Does this set a bad precedent of the DAO giving free Ownerso Nouners? Using DAO holdings to reward Nouners? Should we be more focus on spreading the meme beyond the DAO? Can we avoid a distribution that favors those who hold several Nouns? I am sympathetic these concerns and appreciate those who havOwnersd them, but I am still for this proposal. Proposal 57, which funded the creation of 8,250 of these glasses, included an allotment of 500 glasses to NounsDAO itself. I consider 50—10%—to be a fairly modest portion of this allotment. I think giving them to DAO members is a fuOwnersnd a very reasonable way to “spread the meme:” I think we should have some faith that the Nouners who receive these will do interesting things with them! 150 have already been given elsewhere and after this 300 will remain. I hope those who want to see these go outside the DAO will put up proposals to make this happen. Let’s use them! In my opinion, there is no reason to be precious. NounsOwners",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9937,True,-0.29370000000000007 "I love the concept and the tech. But I’m not sure how valuable it is to the DAO right now. I think only a small subset of owners would utilise it and it possibly wouldn’t have much proliferation effect.utilize, and",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4895,False,0.4895 "Sprite sheets seem like a very useful tool for proliferating the meme (via letting other people build games). The author seems to have the right background to execute, and the overall cost seems inline with the value.",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.796,False,-0.09600000000000009 "Seems reasonable, but would like to see other proposals to distribute glasses to other folks!",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.5487,False,-0.14869999999999994 I think this is a reasonable ask for a valuable tool.,Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.4767,False,-0.07669999999999999 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "If proliferation is our goal here, we should send these to people and organizations with large audiences and high-visibility instead of (mostly) anonymous owners.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I'm animated about this one,Positive,Neutral,0.7,0.0,False,0.7 "These assets are great for command-based animation, not just for creating Indy games (which can be easily made with tools like RPG maker and Chat GPT). Command-based animation can be used to make all sorts of UGC outside of gaming as well, such as digital shorts. I think this could be a useful tool in proliferating Nouns.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9155,True,-0.21550000000000002 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 The price is sprite,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Again excited to see Nouns drawing in creative proposals from such talented people, but I am voting against this one. I am not sure that NFT-specific email addresses are the right model: seems more likely that something tied to your address, which can't be transferred, will work better in most cases. I am also not really compelled by the email-gated use cases: I think Nouns biases open, and I also think that the web3 integrations we see in Discord will be in a lot of other apps soon. Grateful for the time and energy put into this and wish this team the best! ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9607,False,-0.9607 "**Council Vote:** 47 Yes, 5 No, 1 Abstain 6 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Bigshot Klim** | *""This will be a fun tooBig shoteople coming in that may be able to create simple games or animated content""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""great way to proliferate, ISlimy world Wide Web game a lot and have first hand seen how exposure in this metaverse generates sales and awareness of the collection while people talking in text chats and point people to where to discover more about nounse""* **0xapril** | *""This proposal is well explained and the product seems World Wide Webith the reasonable ask. I vote 100℅ yes for this.""* **bradq** | *""Kerembonia has been exemplary in his handling of feedback and ideas through the Nouncil incubator of this prop. Prop is pitched at the right cost for the DAO and high value--beyond gaming. Content creators will benefit as well. And he clearly has the chops to do it. Hell yes.""* **Mach** | *""While I think this could end up as wasted money, the potential behind could lead to bigger value in the future if the assets are adoptnouns integrated""* **Josep** | *""I think it is an interesting proposal with an adequate funding requirement considering that it can facilitate the entry of more members interested in Web 3.0 to Nouns DAO.""* **Benbodhi** | *""Valuable resource that people can use in many ways!""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""the deliverables & sprite sheets for integration into worldwidewebb3 is a hell yeah from me""* **systemdm.⌐◨-◨** | *""Love this . Think many will find it very useful and inspiring!!""* **Mindtoasted** | *""I'm sticking with my first vote on this pro, andMO webb is one of the most interesting world that I ever found in the world of MMO/etc and with this maybe could grow the Nounish culture on someway, I voted yes on this. **JoshuaFisher** | *""Fun!""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: Macsystem.Mind toastedWebbetc.NourishJoshua FisherCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9791,True,-0.07909999999999995,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I am working to more fully flesh this out, but my basic thesis is that Nouns should fund things that are charismatic and likely to draw in other builders and creative people. For me, this proposal fits that bill. Bonus points if we can support and encourage a creative builder who is invested in the community. And more bonus points if we get AWESOME SPRITES OUT OF IT! I also think the ETH ask is quite reasonable. I know some people are concerned about if/how these will get used, and I, so I would love to see us fast follow with a Prop House round to fund uses of these! Thanks for the proposal! Can’t wait!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9938,True,-0.19379999999999997 "**Council Vote:** 35 Yes, 20 No, 1 Abstain 8 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **lilpizza.eth** | *""Amazing utility. Reallypizzais idea.""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""Nouns having a delgated email address per owner to use for on-chain activity is a great idea""* ETH*ChrisCoCreated** | *""anything that helps people flex their noun adds value""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""would be a great way to communicate with one another and like everyone business Ryan Macd be cool for nouns to have there own 😃""* **bradq** | *""This seems like an interesting idea but I'm not convinced there is need for it. And I think Nouners only is too narrow a focus. This idea for a coupledelegated active Nouners max, and probably far less doesn't seem to make sense. Appreciate the builders and effort, though.""* **Mach** | *""Novel idea but don't think the use case is that widespread that it's something that should be funded like this. Limited scope and small chance for adoption""* **Josep** | *""I do not think it is the best way to add value to the DAO to allocate this amount of resources to a service that I doubt will become the primary form of communication in Nouns DAO, which is why I am against funding this project.""* **Blu ⌐◨-◨** | *""So looking at this, Skiff still run their own servers but messages are encrypted so they don’t have access which could be an issue. If skiff gets shut down though then emails don’t work. Wish something like this could merge witheir ownake to make it truly decentralized. That being said I voted for it to see what they come up with since it’s a great idea.""* **Benbodhi** | *""I love the concept and tech but feel like it won't get a lot of use, especially with the limited subset of users that are interested noun holders. It also seems har to evaluate the work involved. Looks like the build is a token gated claim for custom domain and frontend interface for claim, which if this is the full development requirement, seems lBradt's possibly overpriced.* *Unfortunately I have to vote no on this proposal as it is.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""Love the idea, an exclusive email address. I think the request is quite big in my opinion, but still curious about what will happen if this idea goes on chain. I would like to vote yes on this.""* **0xDariush** | *""i don't see any demands for this in the ecosystem, at least at the moment. or maybe I'm not nerd enough to get it""* **Sasquatch** | *""I hate email""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nou, but Discord: ofOwnersJoseph, but, soheirisMind toastedIOrCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9958,False,-0.9958 "I'm not convinced that this is solving a core need for Owners at the moment - I would guess that folks don't want to use yet another communication channel, and don't really have trouble communicating privately and securely with others already. I do think the tech is cool, but not sure it's a fit for the DAO at this time.sure if it",Neutral,Negative,-0.5,-0.2654,False,-0.23459999999999998 "I love this! I'm a big fan of creative tools and assets that other people can use and build on top of, and this easily fits the bill for that. The ask is also reasonable for what the proposers are providing, so I'm confident in this proposal being a good decision for the DAO.",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9653,True,-0.06530000000000002 So many uses for these Ugly⌐◨-◨ sprites.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 This is fun and this DAO needs to have more fun,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.765,True,-0.06500000000000006 Voting no on this prop because of the free alternative with proposal 205. This doesn't set a negative precedent since a healthy competitive atmosphere for funding is positive for Nouns and the treasury.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9169,False,-0.9169 Honk diddly,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I have used the product within the punks' community, and it is incredible. Such a great way to connect with local punks and other punks while you're traveling.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6249,True,0.17510000000000003 "I am a member of the PunksClub and they do a great , andof enabling the Punks to connect and get together IRL, which makes for a great time and great networking. If NounsClub can enable the same connections for Nouns that PunksClub enables for Punks, it will be well worth the 29 ETH.",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.946,True,-0.44599999999999995 "This was a task that was available to do for over a year, and yet no one did it. I personally would have preferred to go with less than 1Ξ. But, I like the originality and the precedent this sets. Do a bit of work, ask for a small payment. More people should do it, and the DAO should continue incentivizing it by voting yes.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7351,False,-0.33509999999999995 "I feel like this is redundant to the main nouns' website. Maybe if there was an expansion to the main website to include some of these ideas but IMO seems redundant because there are, butmany discords and groups to chat with people.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.1901,False,-0.3901 "**Council Vote:** 31 Yes, 30 No, 1 Abstain 8 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **vsvsvs** | *""How had this not already beenversusace -- my first Hell yess""* **Josep** | *""Amazing idea, Nouns gets lot of transactions and this would be helpfull.""* **Brook** | *""the provision of 1 Ξ for suggesting an idea sets an interyesesng precedent. wonder what it means for upcoming props such as prop 194""* **lilpizza.eth** | *""great idea, but the 1 eth bounty for it seems excessive. I would vote yes without it.""* **JoelCareJoseph *""1 ETH feels excessive here.""* **pemburux** | *""I agree with the idea, but for the value of 1 ETH I can't agree with it yet""* **andreitr** | *""Love the simplicity and utility of this proposal but voting against it - I am conthe lot of about the precedent 1ETH compensation sets for the future props.""* **0xDariush** | *""I love to see that but agree with you all, 1 Eth make no sense for a simple transaction and I don't call it an idea to be honest.* *But I'm wondering why they didn't set thelpfulil now anyway* *I see foundation.nouns.eth 0x37b8e20646d174b00198b7e183dd1f25520c0f60 owns that ENS at the moment.""* **kerimbonia** | *""i'm all for compensating nouns contributors for their time and ideas, but a 1eth tip is a bit exaggerated. if there was some breakdown of time spent working on the prop with reference to how others have been compensWondern the past for similar ideas or work, i think the 'tip' could be justified.""* **JoshuaFisher** | *""idea is cool but why the extra 1eth fee haha""* **Benbodhi** | *""I like the idea and rewarding ideas but feel like 1 eth for it might be a bit high. Especially considering that a second version of this prop went up without the reward.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""The idea is simple but for 1 eth it's kinda hard topizzan this, IMO it just less reasonable""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: FisherETHMind toastedETHCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9857,False,-0.9857 "Love the idea and also think rewarding for cool ideas is positive. But 1eth feels a bit steep. Considering there's another prop to do it as well, it makes sense for the DAO to just vote for the other one.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.8555,False,-0.6555 "I like this. Feels like it has potential to become a popular swap platform that is constantly promoting nouns and nourish NFTs tastefully. It provides a place to do more secure swaps than sending eachother NFTs, even when they're cheap. The ability to add what you're looking for or have to offer is also cool,each othert up with different things in one transaction.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9392,True,-0.23920000000000008 "I'd like to see this as a no universe platform rather than just nouners, I think there'd bownersger userbase and it would be more valuable then.user base, and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7089,False,-0.7089 "**Council Vote:** 7 Yes, 46 No, 1 Abstain 6 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **NO WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Josep** | *""I don’t think it’s necessary Josephy 29ETH to integrate Nouns into a service like this. The should ask for less ETH""* **Brook** | *""lessons from dissolution of Nouns' discord and failure of prop 200:* *- no re-skins; encourage native solutions to nativeTheyoblems are encouraged* *- established forms of communication such as Twitter, Farcaster, and DIscord suffice. hence voters don't see a reason to invest in another one. atleast for now""* **.ZllW ⌐◨-◨** | *""Don't really see a demand for this tool""* **pemburux** | *""Agreed you all, with 29 ETH for the current state we can promote Nouns even more""* **byhardy** | *""Cool concept, not sure it would get used or if there is a fit here. Don't love proposals that donFar castert wider Nounish ecosystem of non-holders. To this end, the prop feels a bit tone deaf. The prop does not even mention delegates, but the prop is from a delegate themselves?* *I do think both skiff and this prop are on the right track, but they should adapt to accomodate other builders in the Nouns ecosystem (and delegates) who don't own a Noun yet.""* **andreitr** | *""Voting against this because it does not benefit the broader Nounish community nor does it help pDiscordate the Noun meme.""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""great resource for nounders to always stay connected & up to date on the ecosystem""* **0xDariush** | *""targeting only nouns holders is not nounish enough.* *We have 340 holders atm and at this early stage even if 30% of them gonna use it it's going to be like a small gathering.""* **BENJAMIN LATSKO ⌐◧-◧** | *""cute but no. nouners dont even buy nouns tshirts""* **Benbodhi** | *""I'd like to see this as a nouniverse platform rather Hencejust nouners, I think there'd be a larger userbase and it would be more valuable then.""* **Mach** | *""not a fan of the presented concept. Maybe a better proof of concept could sway me in future, but the project is potentially dead on arrival. Nouns risks spreading itself too thin over hundreds of communities, websites, and forums to continue funding more""* **Mindtoasted** | *""I want to vote no on this, why? indeed there are many useful features in this proposal, do not forget to also see how punksclub runs. I think if it canAtleaste used by nouners that's great, but it could be even crazier if all the sub-communities could participate in this, connecting various sub communities who are active in their respective fields. Really love the idea but I have to vote No.""* **kerimbonia** | *""i like the idea but if the scope of the proposal included other sub daos or nouns community members, i would lean more towards a yes.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: ZllWby hardysure if itNourishbit oftone-deafaccommodateAndeanNourishRyan Macfoundersnourishgoing toif itLATS KOownersdon'tshirtsno universeownersuser base, andthanin the futureNoun risksMind toastedIndeedpunks clubowners, butIdaysICouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8652,False,-0.8652 IDK if this sets a weird precedent or whatever but Jacob does so much good for this _movement_ I'm happy to give him 1 ethETH,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.8679,False,-0.06789999999999996 Not sure anyone needs/wants this,Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.2411,False,-0.1589 Wen nouns.⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Nouns OTG is doing fun and amazing work. When people see this IRL, the impact is surely long remembered. We’ve seen this particular builder, Autos go through the whole process of failed prop houses, then small grants funding, and slowly scaling up to this. The structure of this next year laid out in this depth excites me that anyone is this passionate enough to actually DO THE WORK. We’ve seen some amazing things happen that weren’t even planned due to this style of activation, such as nouns in a shopify web3 ad! Being able to plan a year in advance like this also allows many others to potentially also embolden these activities by addiShopifyhe experiences. Planning ahead is everything for this type of initiative and it makes sense to see nouns at all of these events., and",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9694,True,-0.1694 Brand awareness enabled by this change worth far more than 1 ETH so the reward is warranted,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.7076,False,-0.007600000000000051 Already voted for prop 202 and believe the brand awareness is worth a reward. ,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.6808,True,-0.18079999999999996 "**Council Vote:** 20 Yes, 33 No, 5 Abstain 4 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **NO WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **wiz** | *""if we're going to be funding tech I think it should be entirely oss and public infrastructure""* **ClassicOSSaig** | *""i really like the idea of being able to swap Nounish derivatives throughout the nouniverse in an easy manner. In terms of custom dev, 29 ETH is also very fair for this type of work. I look forward to being able to swap nounish nfts to engage In more nouns communities!""* **pin.pusher** | *""I don't think there would be a huge demand for this. From looking over the activity on a few secondary markets over the last 6 months, there has only been 27 sales total between OS, LooksRare, and X2Y2. Most Nouns holders seem to be more interestedNourishlding within the community, utilizing their governance voting, or delegating their Noun(s) to another community member who is interested in doing either of those tasks""* **Josep** | *""I don't think Nouns is a collection that has a lot of secondary sales activity, they are +30ETH NFTs and ,therefore, I doubt the transactiono universeelevant.""* **byhardy** | *""Not a big enough demand for this.""* **Brook** | *""I don’t see this being important enough to fund.""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *"" is awesome & makes trading/swapping super easy""* **0xDariush** | *""nouns are not for flippers in general, i don't believe owners care about fees! maybe in 5 yeasilyuns in the ecosystem they care!""* **nonodynamo** | *""I think trading is social and viral. I like this.""* **Benbodhi** | *""I like this, I think it has potential to enable safer swaps among the community for free, while also reaching outside of nouns ecosystem and introducing nouns to other token holders that might land on this exchange.""* **Mach** | *""just doesn't seem like something worth 35k. The technical difficult to execute nourishn't worth it especially with so many viable alternatives existing already.""* **kerimbonia** | *""i think the proposal looks good, the ask is reasonable and i like the utility of having a zero-fee nft-nft exchange for nouns and nouns sub daos.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""Love the idea for this, I don't know if it could be a great way to trade NFTs at zero cost. I still can't find what the impact might be for Nouns, I don't feel quite NounNFTson this, IMO I think this is a pretty big request that it could still be used for other impactful Nounish stuff, I have to vote no for this.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:, by hardyRyan MacIMaybeIIdaysMind toastedNourishNourishCouncil",Neutral,Positive,-0.3125,0.9931,False,-1.3056 Agree with sentiment this should be USDA and difference since ETH pump refunded to DAO,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "Dunno if NFT specific meetup groups is the way. ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Respect the builders, but not enough value for Nouns. We need more value for Nouns + wilder props",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4692,False,0.4692 "Not against funding or paying for ideas or proposals. Somewhat against the size of the ask vs the size of the idea here and the proposer setting the price for their idea. Think we should come up with better mechanisms for doing this though. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 "I am not against funding Autos to continue NOTG. But Value GenerateNOTst be > Price Paid and scaling UP an effort to this size that can't clearly demonstrate the lue created from the previous funding rounds doesn't make much sense. The follow up prop should be either the same size or smaller until a model is found that clearly works. On the ground activation efforts are difficult and thifollow-upntions using podcasts, video footage etc - but the Nouns on the Ground Twitter page has about 800 followers, the YouTube has 65 subscribers and the listenership to spaces is low too. I would like to see some targets for these things in the prop - as distribution matters if content is being created. (Maybe a landing page for NOTG or POAPs would be good too to measure , andibution at some level) I would like to see a revised proposal at a more reasonable level and would also support additional (good) proposals or prop house rounds that leverage the decentralised community we have to give local teams an opportunity to activate more Nouners IRL. Generally speaking: A vote against a proposal is not a vote against a proposer. Voting no now is not voting no forever on everything. Its heetc.hy to vote down proposals in order to give and integrate feedback. listener shipNOTPopsdecentralizedOwnersIt's",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9453,False,-0.7453000000000001 "People seem to be voting against this because there is an alternative proposal with no reward to Jacob. Time and ideas are valuable, and I don't think Nouns DAO wants a reputation for being miserly. Jacob had the idea, spent time figuring out the transaction, and made a clear proposal with a nice graphic. 1 ETH is a reasonable reward. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9062,True,-0.20620000000000005 "I like the prop. However, I think there just needs to be a tightened focus and proven activation metrics from previous props before voting yes.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.6369,False,-0.4369 "1 ETH is too high, but 0 is too low. Ultimately, this is a valuable proposal.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "Grateful to the team for taking the time to put this proposal together, but I am voting against for a few reasons. 1. This is not a product I personally feel a need for or can imagine myself using. I generally connect with other Owners only online, and to the extent we want to meet up in person, Discord or Twitter could be used to organize. 2. It seems like the tech is pretty much entirely built but just a new instance is needed for Nouns, and the funding ask seems kind of high given that. 3. Given the product is already built and working for other communities, I think the team should try to find a way to monetize the product/find sustainable funding. That will give better info about if there is real demand and for what exactly, whereas DAO grant funding is not sustainable. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9153,False,-1.3153000000000001 "I don't think this sort of social network is valuable, certainly not more so than the constellation of tools that currently exist.",Neutral,Positive,-0.6,0.6705,False,-1.2705 This is a test.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "**Council Vote:** 47 Yes, 5 No, 1 Abstain 9 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Brook** | *""would have voted AGAINST on Prop 202 had I known this would happen.""* **0xDariush** | *""they removed the eth from the prop and problem solved, so ETH""* **Classic_Craig** | *""this makes sense as an easy solution for sending and receiving.""* **Josep** | *""I believe it will be beneficial for the DAO to have a recognizable ENS.""* **Benbodhi** | *""Wen nouns.⌐◨-◨""* **kerimbonia** | *""well, now that you put it like that how can we say no?""* **lilpizza.eth** | *""Easy yes since there is no 1 eth ask included.""* --- For more NJosephDAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8074,False,-0.3074 "Things that are scarce: talented community leaders who are willing to commit a year of their life flying around the world to evangelize Nouns. Things that are not scarce: treasury ETH. Thank you Autos. Make us proud!",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.8689,True,-0.8689 Identifying a thing that the day would actually find very useful + figuring out how to do it + presenting it in a prop that is clear = much more valuable than 1 ETH. we want more of thWe than less. why not comp on value?Why,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.8151,False,-0.11510000000000009 "At this point we should probably think of Nouns OTG as a team with their own brand (like nounish) not an individual. happy to conourishfunding NounsOTG since this is something we need and they've been doing a great job but: A) other tHappyinterested in events shouldn't be shy about similarly building out a team / brand within nouns B) we should probably thrNouns OTGentralized nouns con of some sort this year (through prop house like the holiday thing?) beyond being present in others' events. , anda decentralized noun",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9187,False,-0.9187 "Travel world, evangelize nouns",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ConnectEDU adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmadvisingincididunt ut labore et dolore elitea aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniamuseduis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboalsoi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. temperute irure dolor in reprehenderit in volincidentit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla paUTatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat nlaborident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt molDoloresim id est laborum."" ""Lorem ipsum dolor sit ammagmaonsectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempcliqueyididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim adENIMim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut avenial ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderitquitvoluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excenostrumint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia desexcitation anim id est laborum."" AlamolaborsNiseiUTliquidcommodeconsequentDUIsacuteinurereprehendedvoltageRELITelseciliumDoloresEUFiatnullpainterExceptedsentcupidityprovidentsentcuppaquitofficialdesertMollieanimelabrumConnectEDUadvisingeliteusedalsotemperincidentUTlaborDoloresmagmacliqueyENIMvenialquitnostrumexcitationAlamolaborsNiseiUTliquidcommodeconsequentDUIsacuteinurereprehendedvoltageRELITelseciliumDoloresEUFiatnullpainterExceptedsentcupidityprovidentsentcuppaquitofficialdesertMollieanimelabrum",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Offering to devote a year of your life to rep ⌐◨-◨ at premier events around the world after devoting a year of your life to showing how amazing you can be as an ambassador... That's Ugly⌐◨-◨ ,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.8519,True,-0.8519 "**Council Vote:** 41 Yes, 17 No, 1 Abstain 5 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **byhardy** | *""i love aubtoshi and what OTGby hardyne. but the budget is too high based on past results.""* **Classic_Craig** | *""I love what NounsOTG is doing irl and on social. with aIrobust 2023 outline, I believe it can be one of the top visibility gainers of the next few years!""* **JackWyldes** | *""I like the idea behiautosproposal but I don't think there is enough to show from the original 6 months content wise to provide me with the confidence in everything they plan to do. I stronBut believe in OTG proliferation and content creation so I am a little conflicted.""* **BENJAMIN LATSKO ⌐◧-◧** | *""not scalable. recommended an alternative prop: craft an IRL activation playbook""* **JoshuaFisher** | *""couldnt imagine not giving thisNouns OTGe tools request to keep going""* **Josep** | *""I think an iteration of the proposal should be made, the proposal could be divided by quarters.""* **Benbodhi** | *""nounish af ⌐◨-◨""* **nonodynamo** | *""I think that it is important to have an in-person presencIRLt events. The impact is not just in the secondary media after the fact it is at the event itself. Nouns On The Ground give a connection to the community as a whole.""* **Blu ⌐◨-◨** | *""Nouns OTG is about building friendships & connecting us all 💙 we need that.""* **Mach**With""cost is too high with little deliverables, no quantification of impact, majority non impact events. No concrete goals to propel nouns forward.""* **pin.pusher** | *""""Aubtoshi is the best but don’t tell her"" - Toady Hawk from OTG Discord""* **profwerder** | *""There is an extensive amount of organization for events and event travel. We do need a go to person who can not only carry out events but as a contact for other IRL opportunities that might present itself. Decentralization is a feature and a bug. Sometimes we need those ambassadors who can help bring others in while proliferating and Aubtoshi does this extremely well. This should not prohibit other approaches but this type of outreach is vital at this early stage of the DAO.""* **kerimbonia** | *""Yes Yes Yes... a nouns presence at all of the event, butoposed with a nouns community member that has showed nothing but passion for proliferating nouns is a no-brainer yes from me. the budget is definitely in line with the ambitious roadmap as well... gl aubtoshi!""* **RobotFishGirl** | *""the best written and most valuable prop in awhile""* **andreitr** | *""I was initially skeptical about including so many events into a single proposal but after talking to Aubtoshi and seeing how much time and effort went into planning this I changed my mind. Voting yes because NounsOTG has a proven track record and having a year-long events plan makes sense.""* **Coral Orca** | *""aubtoshi i, soounish""* **systemdm.⌐◨-◨** | *""Absolut yes from me. I think the work @aubtoshi - Nouns on the Ground has been doing is amazing. Strongly believe in the power of IRL events to proliferate beyond the NFT bubble..which is what its all about IMO.. 👍🏻""* **Mindtoasted** | *""Absolute yes from me, I like the things that Nouns On The Ground is doing irl, Its very Nounish and proven concrete.""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""ETH price at time of prop posting was $1,330 with the 10% buffer @570 ETH this would be $758,100 (not the listed $623,986). Now, with ETH on the rise, the USDC cost of this prop is $885,100.* *That’s a 42% difference ($261,114) from the USDC price that iLATS KOed in the proposal $623,986* *The proposer should resubmit with a USDC ask since the DAO added a system to pay in USDC for these volatile market situations. Also, who are the other 2-3 members of the NOTG team? The lack of information about the other 2-3 team members & there duties is alarming.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: Fishercouldn'tJosephnourishAFAutosprofferedgo-toAutos, butnouns'all thenouns'TheGLautosa whileAndeanAutosNouns OTGautosnourishsystemAbsolute . it's.Mind toastedIRLNourishRyan MacUSDAUSDAUSDAUSDANOTCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9984,False,-0.7984 "Robert and atomic trade team are legit, and I appreciate this proposal for thinking of ways the two could work together. However, I do not think this sort of idea would be bring enough value back to the dao be broughtask day",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6249,False,-0.6249 Only 500ish Nouns vs 20x as many for their other projects and I am not really sure if there's PMF at a small size for this.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2912,False,0.2912 "I hope nobody on Zora or Jacob takes these results personally, they are some top builders at Nouns in terms of idea creation and execution ",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7003,False,-0.3003 Not enough PMF,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Dominant vs the original,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3182,False,-0.3182 "I like the art, but the people said no",Neutral,Negative,0.1429,-0.2617,False,0.40459999999999996 The virtuous cycle IRL ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5267,False,-0.5267 "Ideas are valuable and so is execution. Pay the man. i'd like to see more bite-sized impIovements like this. and being paid to make them is a good way to invite more.And",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9103,True,-0.21030000000000004 lol,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4215,False,-0.4215 I don't see PMF at this time,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Initially was against this, but decided to vote Yes because ultimately it's important to send the message that ideas and small tasks are still valuable to the DAO. I think 0.1-0.5 ETH is probably a better range, but I doubt it's going to get reproposed after the other proposal so will still vote yes here.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9331,False,-0.7331000000000001 "Not enough demand for nouns OTC atm, sudoswap works great and I anticipate anyone in the ne, anduture looking to buy OTC will already be connecting with the community on twitter or discordTwitter",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4157,False,-0.4157 Don't believe there's too much of a demand for something like this within Nouns,Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.25,False,-0.65 "Had sticker shock at first but 1 ETH is OK considering we want to set precedent to encourage others to identify useful things for the DAO, figure out how to do it and presenting it in a prop that's clear. ideas are valuable and should Ideasmpensated for.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9657,False,-0.5657 "Don't think there's not enough demand for this yet, but I like the team and hope we can see them in the future for another prop",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8066,False,-0.40659999999999996 "I voted FOR on Prop 202 so will abstain here. I believe that ideas are valuable and the originator should be gi, anda chance to revise with a more appropriate reward. We want to encourage builders to suggest improvements to the DAO. If all suggestions to improve the DAO are copypasted into a new Prop without a reward, we are doing ourselves a disservice by discouraging new buicopy pastede rewarded for their efforts.",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.9689,False,-0.26890000000000003 "Looks like I'm in the minority, but I'm voting no on this. I don't see this adding as much value as it is draining in ETH. A big treasury proliferates the meme, and taking big moonshots otherwise could, but not sure these types of events will. Just my $0.02. Appreciate the work that went into this prop, and wish it success if it passes (which it looks like it will).",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.9532,False,-1.1532 Having someone that does not speak the language and understand local culture fly around to attend events instead of tapping into our local communities seems insane to me. Having several teams that coordinate on best practices could be the way to go.,Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.3612,False,-0.8612 "I would lean towards 0xHindsight's feedback and B's around funding something wherein the value is hard to demonstrate after time and money has been spent on similar activities. And that there's more scalable value on the design of marketing/activations kit/formula that can be run by local teams without a dependency on one person or team. But I am voting Yes because Autos has been singular and I would like to see it continue. And the use of de facto milestones via the multisig is good to see and they stated clearly they will return any ETH more than the USDC they need. This works out to two weeks of auctions to fund Nouns On the Ground on the ground in a year where positive energy and in-person activations and marketing from other NFT projects will be, ands. More valuable now than in a raging bull for sure. Ball will be in their court to demonstrate this was ETH well spent and that we should spend ETH again in the future.multiset, andUSDAyear when",Positive,Positive,0.3125,0.982,True,-0.6695 "Thoughtful proposal from a talented team, however I think that given the size of nouns dao and the fragmented nature of communidayion that already exists, there won't be much pmf for a dedicated social network sitePMF",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.836,False,-0.836 Voting against as I do not see a big need for this product and can't imagine using it myself. Appreciate the time writing the proposal and wish the team well! ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7777,False,-0.7777 plus what B said,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I am a big fan of autos's having funded her through NSFW, and she is one of the most effective and passionate brand advocates the dao has. howeverdayhen i think of the potential gain to the dao of sending a single representative to all of these events at this price (regardless ofHoweverat ambassador is and how great they are) that i struggle to see the potential benefit to the dao relative to the cost. what makes it chalIenging is that many of these events are not our typical venues like conferences or hackathons (coachella, cannes, sxsw, burning man, basel) are international party destinatioday nothing against those types of places, but i just don't know how to measure success and if the dao gets the bang for our buck for such a significant capital outlay. i am still a supporter of aubtoshi's as the dao's most passionate public advocate and would support a reduced schedule with more clearly defined mItrics for successdayWhatCoachellaCannesSSWBaselNothingIdayIautosday",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.991,False,-0.991 "Fair ""bug bounty""",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3182,False,-0.3182 "I believe that work, no matter how small should be compensated. Is 1 ETH too high for this work, yes for sure. I'd think it worth maybe 0.1-0.2 ETH. However, it's within the right ballpark, so believe it's worth it to signal our willingness to pay for contribution.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7506,False,-0.3506 Would support if payment made quarterly after review,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 Would support if payment made quarterly after review,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "I don't know if Owners are actually going to use this, I think the current mediums of Discord and Twitter are likely enough for folks who want to meet up together to do so. ",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.34,False,0.34 Abstaining from this vote due to my vote on Prop 205.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I believe this could be something more useful once the Nouns' holder base grows. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4927,False,-0.4927 "Voting against as I voted for 202: I think we should reward people for their time and ideas, and it is a bad look not to do so. ",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.0516,False,0.34840000000000004 "This prop will be a better fit when the holder base grows, and I hope the team resubmits in the future. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8074,False,-0.8074 "Based on the feedback we have heard thus far it is currently not a ""hell yes"" from us at this time. If this does not pass we want to encourage Autos to rework and resubmit based on the feedback. If this does pass we wish Aubtoshi the best in her endeavors.Autos",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9078,False,-0.9078 I look forward to seeing all the great nourish things that come from this studio. ⌐◧-◧,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6249,True,0.17510000000000003 "The sticker shock was real at first, but what Autos and NounsOTG are doing isn’t purely an exercise inNouns OTGng - it’s an exercise in storybuilding as well. Bringing Nouns to places where culture and ideas are loved and celebrated story buildinga, SXSW, Burning Man, etc adds to the Nouns lore in a positive way especially when the energy that they bring to their events is proven. We have a massive treasury and I think this is a fair price to pay to continue the suSSWt of one of the most dedicated builders in Nouns. Excited to hopefully see another year of the Aubtoshi and NounsOTG show!etc.Nouns'positivelyAutosNouns OTG",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9922,True,-0.49219999999999997 Reverse ENS addresses FTW!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6155,True,0.1845 Voting yes on behalf of Brennan.eth Eth,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 ⌐◨u◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nom not OTG! ,Neutral,Neutral,-0.5,0.0,True,-0.5 Yes! Next stop nouns.⌐◨-◨ ,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.2003,True,-0.2003 "Appreciate the work and expertise brought in by David, would love to see more public identify themselves with Nouns",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7845,True,0.01550000000000007 "I'd encourage anyone considering this to look at 87 Bones commentary in Jungle Discord. He has expertise in this industry and had some useful feedback and concerns I'm voting Yes after taking it all in. My rationale: -This is a differentiated experimental model for branded Nounish goods. If it proves successful, it's repNourish. (Nouns Whisky minted at 500 barrels per year, entirely different products, etc) -102 ETH is 2-3 days of auctions today at a local nadir, < 1% of our annual runrate. The cost isn't particularly high. -This will return ETH no matter what, so the ETH cost is less than 102 stated. -Andre is real and it's a thoughtful plan evenWhiskey concerns that can be raised. Will be on them to deliver and execute in Year 3, not just Year 0. -I will absolutely buy this product and probably know a bunch of people who would, so there's PMF. -The NFT angle with the branded product is a good one, has life and adds legs. Owning a barrel over time is an experiential good, and something Barrelsn do with a group of friends. -Plays with commitments and ventures over longer time frames than most DAOs do or would. We are oriented to the long term uniquely. We expect to be around in 2026 and in 2036 and in rate, andYouBe",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9678,True,-0.24050000000000005 "Being deeply engrained in the beverage industry for 20 years I have too many reservations with this prop and how they intend to execute it. I have no doubt a delicious whiskey will be produced but I believe there are many missed opportunities here. This feels like the easy route has been taken instead of trying to achieve the potential massive proliferation., but",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.8271,False,-1.2271 "Good breakdown. Well explained. Nice focus. Will be interesting to see the impact. Also like how the proposer integrated feedback from previous prop. Good precedent. Wish the team well if it succeeds.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9678,True,-0.16779999999999995 "- For nouns day props, the intangibles (authenticity & culture) have considerably more weight than in your usual org. - Aub deeply uPubrstand the culture, is v nounish and is genuine in her work. - Second order effects of having some like that ^ vs a more systematized, “sophisticated” andnourishfficient team at w/e event add more weight to the FOR side. - Lastly, costs and strategy: while i agree that these 2 vectors could be improved, I think of the premium being paid as the cost of (hopefully) attracting/signaling more folks to compete for the pot. Fwiw: we’ve seen this happen already with other “roles” within the dao. So i’m voting FOR while encouraging her to beImore nounish about her approach (events selected, activations, etc).FWIWdayInourishetc.",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9273,True,-0.9273 "While this seems to be a well written proposal I have no domain expertise in this area. Having read the exchanges between the proposer and a Noun holder who does have experience in the area I feel its right to listen to their opinion and concerns and vote No. (Also, its dry January and I'm off the booze)",Negative,Negative,-0.4,-0.3182,True,-0.08180000000000004 Looking forward to following your journey for another year David! ,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 Appreciate the revised prop. Excited to follow along! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6588,True,0.1412 "I have no idea how this industry works at all and can't really assess the prop but a lot of people seem to like it so im abstain, but I am glad there is someone else in the DAO who is even more long winded in their replies than me :) I alsoI'mave no idea why I am spending $15 in gas to abstain...long-winded",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8338,False,-0.43379999999999996 "I think this is a good thing to do, but I also think we should reward folks for their contributions. Would have preferred to pass the previous version.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.7906,False,-0.5906 We don't need to cut Noun's reward entirely to achieve our goal of getting more little noun tokens to use as comp to fund builders/proliferators. Voting no and hoping to get a new prop up to specifically requestproliferatesens the DAO already holds instead of cutting the reward completely. little,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8524,False,-0.8524 Mucho love is nourish ⌐◧-◧,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.6369,False,0.16310000000000002 No reason to do this.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.296,False,0.296 "I have learned a lot from all the discussion around this proposal. Thanks all! I am voting for it because - I think that Nouns *should* have something going on for all this event. There are many alternative ways approaches that have been brought up, but I tend to think most will not actually happen or will not happen in time. If other people have other things they want to do, we should fund those too! - The plan laid out really is pretty ambitious (144 podcasts!). I think the ask is reasonable for the work. Everyone I have talked to who has met Aubotshi speaks very highly of her. It seems she gets Nouns, is a great ambassador, and is worth taking the risk on. - When it comes to spreading the meme, I think timAbbotsue. Better to spend sooner on a proposal you’re 80% happy with than try to wait for something you’re 100% happy with. Thanks Aubotshi! Excited to see all that comes out of this! Abbots",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9928,True,-0.29280000000000006 "I would be supportive of using some percentage of our little nouns treasury to support lil nouns builders (for example 10% of our holding woulittlebe ~70 lil nouns), but ending the emissions entirely feels a bit abrupt and I'm not sure if it's something that has broad support from the lillittleuns community? (proplot signaling feels somewhat weak for a prop of this magnitude). If a formal onchain vote had passed on lil nouns dao to put this prop up then I would definitely have considered more , andngly. littleprop lotunchainlittleday",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8012,False,-0.8012 Much Love for much love.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8555,True,-0.055499999999999994 "We are now on DAY 5 of 'Jacob-gate'. Why was Jacob removed as a Lil Nounder this month, but still has a vote and is collecting rewards on their multi-site? ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.631,False,-0.631 Hopefully we can find better alternatives,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7351,False,-0.23509999999999998 "Really appreciate all the time and energy that went into this fascinating proposal. Thank you! But I am voting against. I am not sure that this project really needs Nouns to succeed. There is probably demand for whisky-barrel backed NFTs, generally. (Though I do think there is probably some legal concern here.) I am not sure that Nouns makes this product more exciting or likely to succeed, apart from us giving the upfront capital. But I think you could likely sell NFTs to get that capital, anyway, if there's interest. It feels a bit like a white-label product with Nouns put on. I am also not sure whether alcohol is something ""Nounish."" Thanks again for your time and wish you success with this! Nourish",Neutral,Positive,0.3125,0.9909,False,-0.6784 A deal is a deal,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 " Love this kind of PBT. Wine, Gin, high-end clothing should be next!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6696,True,0.13040000000000007 "Really enjoyed watching the video and hearing about all that's been done here so far, thanks David! Super exciting to have you engaged with Nouns. I wish that we could put a bit more structure on the prop: more specific goals and To-dos. Someone mentioned re-upping on a quarterly basis which I think could be interesting. But, voting FOR still because I am excited about all that's been done so far and think that if we have a chance to work with top talent we shouldn't let planning get in the way too much. Seems like lots of asymmetric payoff opportunities for Nouns here! ",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9821,True,-0.2677999999999999 "Data:image/svg+XML;base64,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SIxNjAiIGZpbGw9IiNkN2QzY2QiIC8+PHJlY3Qgd2lkdGg9IjYwIiBoZWlnaHQ9IjEwIiB4PSIxNzAiIHk9IjE2MCIgZmlsbD0iI2Q3ZDNjZCIgLz48L3N2Zz4=",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I know too little about the business of whiskey to be able to make an informed vote here. Best of luck to the proposer!,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8172,False,-0.8172 "I generally support using some lil nouns in our treasury littlehelp the lils! We have not demonstrated any intent to use or sliesthem, so to the extent where they can help lils proliferate the meme. i'd be all for it! However, totally severing the relationship with Nouns doesn't seem lliesthe right way to do this.I",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8113,False,-0.4113 "Voting FOR: - Pushing the meme into new communities in this manner is what nouns are uniquely suited for. - Prop is well thought out and has reasonable ask for what is proposed My only concern was well-thought-outt-hand who the leads are and whether or not they’d be able to execute. After talking w other nouners who have spoken to leads first-hand, I feel comfortable in giving it a shot. That said, I suggest that the leads hold openwhetherover nouners confidence! Make us proud 74 & Karl!ownersowners",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9558,True,-0.15579999999999994 "**Council Vote:** 51 Yes, 5 No, 2 Abstain 2 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""David Horvaths businesRyan Macn is next level. The deliverables on this prop & ask is plenty reasonable for someone of his creative stature""* **Classic_Craig** | *""Ive beeFormatsn the toy/animated front for nouns, since the average person doesn’t have a frame of reference and wont know whay theyre looking at. Im more inclined to back Seth Green’s company for things like this. 😝""* **JoshuaFisher** | *""when this train reaches its destination the celebration is going to I'veunreal! ⌐◨-◨""* **Josep** | *""I believe in the vision in David and it seems to me that Korea has enough potential that it makes sense to invest $200,000 in trying to open up that market.""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""I hve worked with David for years and have had the opportunity to travel with him to Japan and Korea to see and understand his vision and I think that what he is doing with the Nouns is unique anwon'tilliant . I can not wait to see where he takes the Project in the next year""* **kerimbonia** | *""if the goal of nouns is to proliferate then david horvath's track record combined with what he did with the ugly dolls brand working all of 2023 to breaking nouns into the japanese and asian markets = hell yes from me!""* **Mindtoasted** | *""I am curious about the outcome of this Nounish plan, especially from Davwhatho have experienced around this field. It's clear that he has a unique perspective and approach. I voted yes on this.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:'reI'mJoshua FisherJoseph, andBig shotSlimhave.DavidformatJapaneseAsianMind toastedNourishCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9183,True,-0.11829999999999996 "**Council Vote:** 29 Yes, 16 No, 2 Abstain 12 NoCouncillorsbstained from the decision **YES WINS** --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Classic_Craig** | *""While I love the depth and detail in the proposal, I believe the impact this will have is minimal. It is like VC funding a whisky brand that has very limited marketinwhiskeyntial, imo.""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""I love the passion and commitment of this team and the long game will be worth the wait""* **Josep** | *""The liquor sector is a sector with many brands that have been #1 for centuries. This makes them slow and not receiving technology in the right way.* *Nouns can leverage the technIMOgical and creative talent of the community to cause a major disruption in the sector.""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""Take my money""* **0xDariush** | *""I'm a whiskey guy, it's a professional proposal and i can trust it , or at least i like to give the chance to try their best. proliferation through daily products are super nounish iBig shot*Mindtoasted** | *""Have seen this prop since the beginning and seems this could bring some different outcome that related with regards to embrace wishkey or any other booze which can be managed leaning towards web3, I would like to vote yes on this.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: httSlim/ MacI,IProliferationnourishIMOMind toastedin regard towish keyCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9903,True,-0.2903 "**Prop 209: YES WINS** 37 Yes, 5 No, 2 Abstain 7 Councillors abstained from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **ilpizza.eth** | *""❤️""* **Classic_Craig** | *""This pizzahe most nounish of the props I've seen lately, by the ""doing good/positivity"" interpretation of the phrase. People helping peETHe is worthy of funding. If they get enough right for this reasonable ask, they can begin generating donations, sell merch, etc. to self sustain like other non-profits.""* **Bigshonourish* | *""One of the most NOUNIsh projects and groups in our ecosystem Definite yes!""* **Mach** | *""much better revised version that addressed concerns""* **mikegood** | *""Love to see public goods like this!""* **0xapril** | *""mucho love has been doing amazing things. It's easy yes from me!""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""more much love please""* **Mindtoasted** | *""Reflects a good sub culture and very Nounish, even though the number of requests is quite large I vote yeBig shotis, hopefully everything flows in the right direction and still encourages a lot more anythin Nounish.""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""There has been excellent proliferion and organization from Mucho Love it should continue growing""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: SlimNourishmike goodmuch Ryan MacMind toastedNourishanythingNourishproliferationMuchCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9947,True,-0.0947 "**Prop 210: NO WINS** 18 Yes, 22 No, 3 Abstain 9 Councillors abstained from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **lilpizza.eth** | *""Nouns is not using these tokens pizzan't seem to currently have plans to participate in Lil Nouns governance. This would be a huge benefit for Lil Nouns as it wouETHallow the DAO to be more self-sustaining by rewarding contributors with these tokens.""* **Classic_Craig** | *""I'm fond of Lil Nouns and if this allows them to do giveaways and other building things, I'm for it!""* **vsvsvs** | *""This is the beginning of something dangerous...""* **Mach** | *""sure if that's what they want""* **.ZllW ⌐◨-◨** | *""A complete sever of r/s between Lil Nouns and Nouns is not ideal; would like to see a re-proposal where Lil Nouns request for 10% of the Lil Nouns currently in Nouns Treasversus help fund/reward Lil builders instead""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""After reading the prop 210 discord channel in the Jungle & feedback from Nouners: this looks like death by suicide for lil nouns with the DAO""* **0xDariush** | *""Nouns should keep increasing their lils during the time and also start using their vote powers to help lils to move better.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""I vote no in this, I just dont find a good reason for this.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: ZllWLittleRyan MacchannelsOwnerslittleliesliesMind toasteddon'tCouncil",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.8,False,0.4 "Had a call with the proposers and I believe them to be both genuine and have an understanding of the market and relationships within it that are not accessible to those of us outside china. it's a risky prop, but tChinask feels justifiable given the size of the market it could unlock and the amount we might learn from a preliminary attempt to proliferate thereIt",Positive,Negative,0.5,-0.4678,False,0.9678 Abstaining bc I don't have the domain expertise to make an informed decision,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I think it's beneficial for both projects if the reward continues as specified at the outset of lions,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.765,False,-0.265 Down for booze,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 No need to give up this source of revenue with no clear upside.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2023,False,0.2023 Nounish AF ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Excited to see this come to fruition. While there’s some concern about educating people on DAO structure and crypto in general potentially being unlawful, I think focussing on brand and community has value.",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.5859,True,-0.08589999999999998 Would look good on the shelf and is a good talking point.,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.7003,True,-0.20030000000000003 We love the south and David’s thoughtful approach to everything.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7783,True,0.021700000000000053 "I don't have a good idea of where the Chinese market currently is with NFTs. So I would prefer to see a lower ask and less ambitious proposal for an initial venture like this. Would consider voting yes if traction is demonstrated in a pilot project. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5269,False,-0.5269 "Very excited about proliferating Nouns to the Chinese market. It's a big untapped opportunity. That said, for a proposal of this size from a group with not a lot of previous track record in small grants / prop house, I would have preferred seeing a community multiset & stream just as a matter of process.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7574,False,-0.25739999999999996 "Voting yes. My main reservation is that alcohol is not necessarily in line with nourish things. However, using NFTs for tokenized ownership is a good proof of principle that will help bring NFTs to the normies. I would also prefer a long term strategy rather than a white-label aparmies but this is still a net win imo.IMO",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.8705,True,-0.47050000000000003 "Voting Yes here but in the future would want to see clear evidence that these efforts worked before I vote Yes for any more funding. Otherwise, would likely be a future No. If there's a sustaining DAO that gets created as part of the energy here, great. Look to the the other localization subDAOs and efforts, learn from them, replicate what has worked where possible and good luck!theSundays",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9785,False,-0.9785 Go china!,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "Thanks, AI team for working with feedback, heartening and pro-social! I also appreciate all the work the AI Pod is doing on something called ""Gray Goo"" which sounds like a real opportunity for high growth and unstoppable proliferation and not at all something to worry about. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8439,True,-0.04389999999999994 "I recognize that the wider world is fully pro-AI, and that my vote will not change or slow down where things are headed, but I think AI should be approached much more cautiously across the board, and only for narrow use cases. Voting my conscience. ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Love what the AI team has been able to accomplish so far. really keeReallyeeing how the playground evolves - particularly in making it much more user friendly and integrating it with other tooling to make thuser-friendlyng nouns memes & content 10x better than anything else out there. ,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9471,True,-0.44710000000000005 "If we want to proliferate I think developing tools that allow for the deeper integration of social platforms and NFTs is a great way to do so… The examples given in the video are interesting (using NFTs as an entry mechanism to promote a desired action by targeted NFT holders) but I can imagine many more interesting use cases beyond that as the concept is iterated on… I view this as the first step in the exploration of how we can combine Nouns with social platforms to amplify our voice. How it is used and iterated on will be important too. I would ask you look beyond the simple ‘markety’ example used for illustration in the prop and try to imagine what fun desired actions we would want people to take based on an incentive using a tool like this…ie sharing cool content we have created, prop house rounds etc Like the Mucho Love prop I also like how the proposers didn’t give up after rejection on a prop, took feedback from that no vote and come back with somethimarketer. It’s a great example and good to see happening. As I said in the prop I had never spoken to these guys before they asked me for feedback but after speaking to Nick they seem like dedicated guys who are building something novel. The type of people we want to keep working on Nounish tools imo i.e.MuchNourishIMO",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9967,True,-0.2967000000000001 "Nick and team iterated after their original Proposal 188 didn't pass, really clarified what they will do, and defined success and this now looks like a model of a well put together Proposal. After the changes, I said to Nick ""I plan to vote Yes unless someone makes a stellar argument against it. Nothing stellar ascended, so Yes I will vote. I look forward to seeing how you execute on it, good luck in the proliferatings.proliferating",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9545,True,-0.15449999999999997 Nom not WWhiskey⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We do not agree that Nouns DAO has a need for secret voting and believe secret voting in Nouns DAO would be detrimental to its culture and brand. The only justification for this mandated round appears to be research for Nouns DAO. As we disagree with the need for this research, we don’t believe in directing funding to it. There may be other groups which benefit from this research, and we welcome a new proposal that outlines their need and requests appropriate funding. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.316,False,-0.316 "Appreciate the team continuing to work on this and enjoyed the video but something about highlighting the use case of running marketing raffles for ""influential NFT holders"" types ideas feels not nourish to me. I do appreciate the creator contests aspect of things more though.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.886,False,-1.086 "Nobody should feel they have to vote against their true opinion due to social pressure. When voting is private, we're able to express our opinions and preferences without fear of retaliation. This can lead to a more diverse range of viewpoints being considered and ultimately result in better decision-making for Nouns. Additionally, private voting can also help prevent vote buying and manipulation, ensuring that the outcome of the vote truly reflects the will of the community.",Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.894,False,-0.09399999999999997 "Rook, this is nourish af, pleaseAFummarise my love forsummarize and my experiences with the tools I’ve been given, so I can use it as my vote reason. ⌐◨-◨ ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7579,False,-0.7579 "I disagree with the founders on this one. there's a view that Therecy is all about wanting ""secrecy"" and that it is a cloak that only the cowardly or the malicious want to put on to hide their shenanigans. this view imo misses the real social issues real humansThiserience when voting completely transparently. for example, once you get to know someone or some team it's hard to vote against a prop they put up even if you don't think they are the right person / teIMOfor the project (or don't agree with the aim of the project entirely) b/c it feels like you're rejecting them and that social pressure creates a social relationship cost to voting honestly (biasing towards voting yes or not voting). another example is if you know you're going to put up your oForprop soon or a contentious prop you care a lot about is coming up soon. in that case, you need to maintain friendly relationships with as much of the voter base as possible. voting your conscience in props leading up to the prop you want to win creates a real opportunity cost to voting honestly. note that in both of these examples the voter is not trying to screw over the protocol public. they are an honest actor that simply would prefer to vote honestly for selfless reasons but the social costs or the opportunity costs of doing so lead them to vote (in the worst case) dishonestly. I'm totally open to the possibility that ultimately the benefits of full transparency can oAnother the benefits of privacy and we can as a community decide to maintain the status quo. but I would like to have the conversation before dismissing it out of fear. and we can't really have a concrete conversation if we don't know what's even possible. this round imo is a step to find that out.InVoting, honestlyNoteThey, andButAndThisIMO",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9051,False,-0.9051 We need privacy to get better governance,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 "This is a difficult vote for me. I love the team and would love to see some work done with cool tech. But one of the coolest things about nouns from the beginning for me was the transparency in voting. It’s the first governance system I was even drawn to participating in, and I have to say a big part has to be due to the transparency. I’m going to stay out of this one for now.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6249,False,-0.6249 "Super useful tools, rad builders, Nick has been amazing to work with in terms of taking on feedback and suggestions and has tailored a ton of features to our work at The Noun Square. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.891,True,-0.09099999999999997 "Voting Against to demonstrate the need for private voting is somewhat overblown. On a more serious note: I'm a big proponent of nounsdao funding public goods, especially in the software/crypto/ethereum domain, so on the one hand, i lovnounsnitiative. But Ive come to the conclusion that private voting acts to further dehumanize nounsdao, and that, on net, we gain from having faces (or avatars) attached to votes for as loEthereumssible. I believe nounsdao is better off in a world where voting comes with some social pressure to take responsibility and publicly stand behind voting decisions. I acknowledge social pressure also swings the othIr way (relationship costs, nepotism, etc) but Im willing to make that tradeoff vs cold, faceless PvP. Even though the prop clearly says that whether to implement private voting is still TBD, I think funding this prop would heavily signal that ncomesdao want to also adopt private voting eventually. I would be interested in funding a prop that is better at keeping nounsdao private voting at arms length from the research, but im somewhat vary that even that would lead to eventual/quicker implementation of private voting.nounsnounsetc.I'mPVPnounsnounsI'm",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9517,False,-0.9517 Noun 74 am voting for. Part of Nouns is to do good with no expectation of return and this is shown in Much Love. Love to support such public goods; also to note it is a strategic way to make use of content to bring audience into Nouns network.,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9153,True,-0.4153 "I think this is a reasonable funding ask for work that I find to be charismatic and fun. I think it is Nourish and like that the projects runs against the Effective Altruist trend. I am not sure how I feel over the long run about a social impact platform being reliant on the DAO for Furthermore, Iunding, but there are many other such orgs in the Nouns ecosystem right now so I'm trying to keep an open mind! Best of luck! oresNouns', so",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.9442,False,-0.44420000000000004 As per founder vote reason,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "There are good arguments for and against both sides but given what is to be most affected is the culture + brand of Nouns, I have to side w being more conservative and therefore vote against.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3048,False,0.3048 "I fully support developing this... eventually. But I think It's too big an ask in terms of ETH, with the market currently so low. Would consider supporting in the future when market is back up. For now, any big ETH asks should have much better proliferation impact.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7257,False,-0.7257 小心地按喇叭,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Aligned with keel on this one. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Well detailed proposal. The deliverables on this are clear at the end of the day: more Chinese owners. So will be interesting to see how the guys get on.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7693,False,-0.7693 Honk Diddly v1.25 [revised],Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I like this proposal because technical research is something that is lacking from Noun proposals. Nouns can become a leader in funding research of breakthrough technology. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out and how we can build on it.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.5789,True,0.12109999999999999 Tried it and loved it ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5994,True,0.2006 Voting no as requested by owner of the Nouns delegated to me currently,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.296,False,0.296 "Big opportunity, well-planned execution, leg",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4215,False,-0.4215 "Whether it's implemented in Nouns or not (...provided someone can figure it out) this definitely would fall under the 'public goods' category and would be a good feature for DAOs to have available to them. So its a yeit'srom me. Im not smart enough to understand the implications of its implementation... I like using mandated Prop house rounds to onboard new brains into Nouns eco too. The way the Verbs guys have structured this with a bitI'mf budget put aside to promote more entries is good too.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9293,True,-0.22930000000000006 "Had concerns about comp and also that this might be closer to a Nouns<>Private Company vs Nouns<> Public Goods funding round... Not that that is necessarily bad if structured right. But the team took time to answer questions in chat. Were willing to adapt to peoples feedback. Felt they answered questions best they could considering its unchartered territory. We're could be v good for proliferation purposes regardless of anything. Playground stuff looks cool. So its a yes. Good luck considercharteredit's",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9765,True,-0.2765000000000001 This just seems like an unnecessary buffer to prop house.,Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.3612,False,-0.5612 I don't see it as something that is absolutely necessary right now. It can wait for a better moment for this kind of ask.,Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.4404,False,-0.8404 People have a right to privacy.,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 """We do not agree that Nouns DAO has a need for secret voting and believe secret voting in Nouns DAO would be detrimental to its culture and brand."" Founders are signalling that IF private voting research is successful and a prop is on the verge of implementation - it will likely result in a veto. I think it's important we see this through all the way.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5408,False,-0.5408 "**Prop 211: NO WINS** 18 Yes, 22 No, 3 Abstain 11 Councillors abstained from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Mach** | *""I think i'd vote for the nouns chair only a couple other thiIgs with a resounding yes. But a lot of the things seem minimal impact for high cost""* **Classic_Craig** | *""i love irl proliferation when organized and intentional. This appears to be both.""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""While i think China is one of the most important markets for nouns I would love to see morI indication of the builders capabilities to deliver the desired outcomes and would love to see a smaller prop ask before voting yes on the full req""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""Great idea for growth in china""* **Benbodhi** | *""Excited to see the creative ways to proliferate with this prop.""* **Josep** | *""I thinkIRLey should redo the proposal to show how they work and break the budget into 3-4 proposals.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""Voting yes on this because the Culture of Nounish ☕""* **byhardy** | *""Just barely leaning no. It's a big sticker price, would like to see it scaled down and then return with some results & something bigger. There's no time crunch here, so can be resubmitted.""* --- For mBig shotns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: toastedNourishby hardyCouncil",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9883,False,-0.7883 Decent enough use case. I believe it can be a good tool for the ecosystem. Fair ask.,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6369,False,-0.13690000000000002 "Ambitious prop with a lot of moving parts but large opportunity in an untapped market, spoke with the team and feel good about taking the risk for potential outsized returns",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7876,True,-0.08760000000000001 "**Prop 214: YES WINS** 46 Yes, 7 No, 1 Abstain 8 Councillors abstained from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **bk** | *""honk diddly""* **Classic_Craig** | *""The marketing aspect of the proposal is very weak and does not instill confidence that this investment will ever yield return. I love the website and how easy it is to generate noggles artwork, but can't wrap my head around the gogglesit will have when other AI software has the same abilities already.""* **Sasquatch** | *""bribe our ai overlords before it's too late""* **JoshuaFisher** | *""let the Pod run, tools are awesome and powerful""* **Akva** | *""honk diddly""* **Benbodhi** | *""Been loving this. Lots of interesting use cases and growing arsenal of tooling. ⌐◨-◨""* **kerimbonia** | *""ai is the future and the ai team has done nothing but deliver knowledge, nounish content creation tools, awesomeness and 'the future' toAIhe nouns community week after week... absolute no-brainer yes!""* **Josep** | *""The work you have already created is great, I want to continue to see what you are able to do to optimize the DAO's mission.""* **byhardy** | *""beep boop. Nouns should continue to build on the cutting edge of tech, and this team seems very committed to making it happen. Love the expanded marketing/grants budget as well.""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""More Ai & more Honk please""* **JackWyldes** | *""Shep and da boys are great- while it is an expensive prop IJoshua Fisherhave already shown that they've been putting in the work""* **Mindtoasted** | *""It is real that NounsAi Pod has become one of the remarkable journey in understanding the growth of AI around the space, curious what could happen next. I voted yes on this.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:'Josephby hardybookRyan MacShethegreat-whileMind toastedNounsCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9966,True,-0.1966 I don't think influencer raffles & giveaways are nnourishbut am hoping to see other activations/initiativam I scale up with these tools,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5719,False,-0.5719 "There is an old Dakota tribal wisdom, which was passed over from generation to generation. It basically goes like this: “When you discover you're riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.”",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7003,False,-0.7003 A reasonable funding ask for a clear and ambitious prop focused on proliferation in new geographies. Love to see it! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9151,True,-0.11509999999999998 Nom not China,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Do you want to hear a DIRTY joke? Two white horses fell in the mud. ’D",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 "I wish this prop was better in many ways, but after much consideration rather fund the team to cont working on this pod than not.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.4215,False,-0.8215 Failed to build enough conviction in this prop/team despite trying and wanting to do so.,Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.5106,False,0.11060000000000003 Honk diddly,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Embrace absurdity, Take Risk, Build with/on-top of one another, Cultivate a positive-sum mindset and let go the silo mentality, Do good & have fun - Nourish Appreciate Nounder/Nouner/Delegate who had taken the time to participate in this governance round. We would also like to further express our gratitude to everyoFounderin Nouniverse who casted their votes, both ""FOR"" and ""AGAINST"", we've learnt a lot! Special Thanks to Chinse Nouner(s) for the encouragement & those who took time to jump on a call with us pre-onchain, deeply appreciative. Now we continue to proliferate ⌐◨-◨ Karl & Noun 74(HashConfucius.eth) No universecastlearnedChinese ETH",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9787,True,-0.27870000000000006 "**Prop 216: YES WINS** 24 Yes, 15 No, 2 Abstain 14 Councillors abstained from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Bigshot Klim** | *""i think that we owe some levle ofBig shoty and feedback to the people that sownd their valuable time and energy dreaming up theiur peops a s putting them on chain. haSlim a random toaster ir amcrocodile press no on hour dream without a reason is a good way tondrive away future builders""* **profwerder**I| *""We already have some big issue with Hey Anoun -- including legal concerns -- so before we get into more anonymous ways to libel people, maybe we pass it blevel Foundation's legal team? Just a thought. This may do more harm than good and goes against transparency so maybe more thought and discussion is needed before fund this much eth.""* **Classic_Craig** | *""I find this very interesting and would love to dive deeper and have solutions that allow for private voting.""* **Josep** *""It seems to me that private voting is something important in order to improve governance, I agree with the proposal.""* **byhardy** | *""Excited to see what people come up with re!""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: soundtheirpropsanHavingIRam crocodileton driveprofferedNounETHJosephby hardyCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.959,True,-0.259 "**Prop 215: YES WINS** 37 Yes, 7 No, 0 Abstain 9 Councillors abstained from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **JoshuaFisher** | *""been working woth this team and Joshua Fishersion, pivots, derermination and skills. we need these tools!""* **Classic_Craig** | *""At first glance, i loved the idea, but after more thought,withs will glut up the already terrible nft twitter feed with people shilling links to win eth. this is not the way. good idea, but not the execution that proliferates. this, imo, puts thindeterminationo the echo chamber.""* **Mach** | *""skeptical but willing to see if it works""* **Benbodhi** | *""Very helpful platform ⌐◨-◨""* **Josep** | *""I think it can be very beneficial considering the large Wember of draws in Nouns. For me it is worth to dedicate 50ETH.""* **byhardy** | *""Awesome roadmap for the $. Easy yes.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""I would like to say yes on this, as a freelance artist I feel that Nouns Contest on twitter is giving a large impact tI some people who work around digital art, a place where anyone who had an interest in art could also growth the community by their own Nounish idea in each contest they participate.""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:,by hardyMind toastedTwitterNourishCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9898,True,-0.28980000000000006 A very reasonable funding ask for a product that has already proved useful to people in the ecosystem! Excited to see where it goes! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7081,True,0.09190000000000009 Great work so far. Let's keep this train moving. ,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.6249,True,-0.024900000000000033 "I went back and forth a lot on this one--pay is high, we just funded an explorer grants in this same space--but was ultimately won over by reading through the team's answers to all the questions in Discord. I think the team has delivered some promising products to date (I had tried out before even joining the DAO!), and I am excited about the vision for what’s next. At these comps, I'd prefer they were all full time on this with no other work obligations. But our task is to vote on the proposals that have been made, and I hope the generous pay attracts more talent to the DAO! Good luck to you all!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9826,True,-0.18259999999999998 "I believe the most important task for Nouns DAO right now is to fund work that is charismatic to those we want to draw in. I think privacy tech is hugely important and charismatic in crypto broadly, and I expect it to be a core part of Caltech, in the future. I see DAO-tech as a core ""Nounish"" funding area. So I am voting yes on this because I think the work is important and I am hopeful that Nouns investing here will draw in more like-minded thinkers and builders to the ecosystem. I amFurthermore, Iuncertain about the usage in Nouns DAO, specifically. I can imagine a lot of ways in which private voting could make the DAO less healthy. But I think that (1) it is coming one way or another and we have a chance to invest and put our own spin on it (2) knowCaltechalities will win out in the long run and be the most popular delegates. Thanks to David and Elad for their time putting this together! Nourish, and, andClad",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9732,True,-0.2732 How else would I make cool Nouns art?,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3182,False,-0.3182 Yielding treasury God,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2023,False,-0.2023 👍🏻,Positive,Neutral,0.7,0.0,False,0.7 Make money with money.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Keen on active treasury management for sustainability and this doesn't seem to be discussed as much as I thought it might be ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7184,False,-0.7184 "Creator Contests is an invaluable tool for helping Nourish projects, sub-DAOs and pods (Like TNS, Lil Nouns, Gnars, NounSundayss) administer fun and engaging art contests that result in thousands of pieces of User GeneratGearsunish Content and attracts many new talented artists to our ecosystem. We are not as sold on the raffle piece and would rather the team focus all their energy on CC. Some Nouns branding on the tool would aNourisha good idea. Having said all that, we don't even think the ask here would be far out of line as retro for what they have built already (and is already being used by many in Nouns), and so think funding the team to continue development makes sense. In the past, they have proven to be very responsive to feedback and flexible and we believe they will continue to be going forward. ⌐◨-◨ , and",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9665,False,-0.5665 No-brainer,Neutral,Negative,0.8,-0.296,False,1.096 Nice,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.4215,True,0.1785 "I think that using the treasury to earn yield is a slippery slope and is a path we should avoid. The treasury should be used to fund Nourish ideas. We should not be seeking 5% yield opportunities but rather opportunities to 10x or 100x the number of people who know of Nouns, 10x or 100x people's passion for Nouns, 10x or 100x Nounish organizations' or creators' resources, etc. I see seeking treasury yield through DeFi as a distraction from these other thingNourishhink it is outside the DAO's mandate. I also worry that putting the treasury to work earning yield will make people less inclined to spend the treasury when I would prefer something of the upset approach: burn ""stale"" treasury ETH past a certain date as an incentive to ""us it or lose it.""",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.81,False,-1.01 "Nom not Uplink! Another great SSharedmember working hard on ⌐◨-◨’s",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6114,True,0.0885999999999999 """To complete the cycle, we must feed the treasury back into the culture via the DAO. It is this critical step that can elevate the Nouns project from a fun and exciting experiment, to a virtuous cycle that reaches the world and forever impacts cryptocurrency and governance.""",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.851,True,-0.351 WOW,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.5859,True,-0.5859 #wilson,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasons here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨ +%,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The idea is interesting, but a few things make me reject it: the current proposed timeframe is way too long, the compensation requested is too high for the type of activity performed, and I am uncomfortable with the fact that it benefits POP more than Nouns.",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.4019,False,0.0018999999999999573 No opinion,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.296,False,0.296 "I really like how the prop was presented, but I just don't see enough value for the DAO to justify this prop.",Neutral,Negative,0.4286,-0.1674,False,0.596 "Super fun prop packed with a lot of great ideas. Exactly the kind of charismatic and out there stuff I think we should be spending on. Seems like a fair amount to pay for all that is included + the duration. Beyond the IRL engagements, I think images of things like the terrain park and gondolas will carry far online! Thanks for this and good luck!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9802,True,-0.18019999999999992 "I believe this prop is exactly the type of thing we need to continue to push nouns forward. The general climate is people are afraid to spend money because they can't directly benefit from it. But having this much traffic for the nouns is amazing and worth the venture. Shame to see it defeated like this, but I am a big YES here.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7513,True,-0.05130000000000001 "Well written prop: check Reasonable funding request: check For a world renowned resort with international foot traffic, having Nouns plastered on the slopes would be really cool to see.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5709,True,0.22910000000000008 "This is a hell yeah vote for me. $200k for this amount of visibility is a great deal. People will literally be trapped in a ski lift with nouns signage while they ride up the mountain. talk about a captive audience. and the terrain park noggles is just sick. glad to sTalkhere's a content creation piece of this because there's going to be some great imagery coming out of this. love the CCO repo idea too. this whole thing is nounish af ⌐◨-◨AndgogglesGladLoveThisnourishAF",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8481,True,-0.04809999999999992 No unifying an entire ski resort: Ugly AF⌐◨-◨,Negative,Negative,-0.867,-0.5106,True,-0.35639999999999994 "Agree that this is the sort of thing the treasury should focus more on - bringing nouns to the _people_. Good luck and stay nounish! ⌐◨-◨ nourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8588,True,-0.15880000000000005 Any justification for the team allocation? That's 1/4 of the entire budget...,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Let's earn some yield!!,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "Thoughtful prop from thoughtful builders. Relationship pricing, sound reasoning wrt market and opportunity. seemWRTike an experiment worth trying imo. i'm surprised there's so many againstSeemsIMOI",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9062,False,-0.9062 Love the idea,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6369,True,0.16310000000000002 Stake it baby,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 The yieldorrr,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Let the kids shred,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 Coming up with creative IRL proliferation like this IMO should play an important roll in the dao. A very nounish activation here exploring outsiddayhe web3 bubble nourish,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8225,False,-0.8225 "I like the way you honk it (no diddly), I got to bag it up.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "I think there is a lot of merit to the arguments against this prop. I myself question if this is a good use of money. However, as a fellow lover of the mountains I am biased towards giving this a go. I am betting on Also’s ability to execute and proliferate among other lovers of our beautiful Earth. I think it’s important to invest in cultures that are not profit-driven and more passion-driven. I myself am sick of all the grifting in crypto, and if we can bring good vibes to people enjoying the outdoors, I’m all for it.Furthermore, Idrifting",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9661,False,-0.5660999999999999 Nom not 🏔️⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Seems like an interesting and relatively efficient way to expose Nouns to a wide audience that could have overlapping interests, hope to see this in person :)",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9231,True,-0.12309999999999999 "Nouns DAO is not an investment DAO, so earning yield should not be a priority. However, I do support the staking of ETH with the bottom third of the treasury as it is passive, relatively low-risk, and aligns with Ethereum. That said, we should consider trading a portion of our Lido Staked ETH to Rocket Pool ETH when possible.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.6486,False,-0.44859999999999994 "Agree that we should be staking the ETH, but would like to see the strategy diversified into rocketpoolrocket pool",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6124,False,-0.6124 "**Prop 217: YES WINS** 39 Yes, 11 No, 3 Abstain 16 Councillors abstained from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Mach** | *""I don't see why not""* **Josep** | *""It's a way to get some return on an ETH tJosephtherwise will stay in the treasury without moving, sounds good to me.""* **Classic_Craig** | *""After Don educated me on the difference between decentralized staking and CeFi, I think earning yield on funds in the DAO is an amazing play toward sustainability beyond just auction revenue!""* **pemburux** | *""Defi summer 🎉""* **profwerder** | *""I'm not against staking but it seems unwiCFIo put an additional 5000eth in the same pool. Would like to see more discussion around this.""* **lilpizza.eth** | *""no brainer move""* **Mindtoasted** | *""I believe in stake, i vote yes on this""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:, butpizzaETHno-brainerMind toastedICouncil",Positive,Positive,0.7692,0.8319,True,-0.06269999999999998 I'm interested to see how the ski community receives & interacts with Nouns during this timeframe,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "I'm excited about this experiment. In general, I would love to see extra clarity, effort, and details on how props which have large visual marketing componants will address art direction acomponents I think the bar here should be raised a bit. Either a proven design team attached or great mock ups would make a big difference. I have been assured directly by the team on this prop that they will be prioritisng this and that a design team will be engaged and budget ismock-upsed for this specifically. Good luck to them!prioritizing",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9682,True,-0.46819999999999995 "5 and 5 has barely hit the sweet-spot. At this point, going any longer is just too long.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 An experiment worth doing.,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.2263,False,0.2737 "Thanks for the proposal! It would be very useful to have Drowned and managed vaults. That said, the catch up fees proposed are too high, and the specific strcatch-upare not great r/r. Would welcome a resubmission of this proposal in the future.",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.7262,False,-1.0262 "**Prop 218: YES WINS** 58 Yes, 8 No, 0 Abstain 5 Councillors abstained from the decision --- **Vote Reasons & Discussion** --- **Mach** | *""seems nounish, that's enough for me""* **ChrisCoCreated**nourishll yer, Swami and Ben are passionate about the mountains and nouns, and with Swami's roll are uniquely placed to do something significant with the resort, and create a template, as well as a load of great content. wen Europe! ;)""* **Benbodhi** | *""⌐◨-◨""* **profwerder** | *""I hate snow but I love this prop and this team! Would love to see a nounish resort come to life!""* **byhardy** | *""very nounish""* **Classic_Craig** | *""I love irl proliferation and if this exists for years at a resort that gets guests constantly, it very likely can resonate with enough people toWening awareness and value back to the DAO.""* **0xapril** | *""It's absolute yes from me. Always love irl proliferation and alps dao vision is 100℅ nounish.""* **BENJAMIN LATSKO ⌐◧-◧** | *""i think it doesnt make sense to drive attention to nouns. drove attention to gnars dao or another extension / nouns brand that is fostering a community around the same purpose and obsession. if you’re already considering launching your own DAO - what’s your positioning? i love the naming but think there needs to be more thought in positioning, community obsession and communication. driving people from a ski resort to nounsDAO doesn’t make sense. great opportunity. concept needs focus and refinement.""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""This is a great opportunity to curate an immersive group experience with an enetire resort being transformed sounds epic and thproffereds been on this for a while""* **0xDariush** | *""I like this prop, i believes the fund is reasonable for this scale and time line, also Rebranding a place which is already running! going to be a good case study for long term activities in same scale.* *plus to that, i believe lots of investors and many travelers and tourists usually go to ski! so i guess proliferation in places like this is a wise move.""* **!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜** | *""So excited!""* **C, but Orca** | *""I like IRL stuff and the team is nounish""* --- For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: hardynourishIRLIRLdaynourishLATS KOIdoesn'tDrovegearsdayIfIDrivingnounsGreatConceptBig shotSlimentireItimelineGoingISoInourishCouncil",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9976,True,-0.1976 Important for reducing the pain of unpaid work,Neutral,Negative,0.5,-0.3612,False,0.8612 "More yield is great but the increased risk and complexity with a treasury this size is juice that is not worth the squeeze. Would also tweak the structure of the costs and the catch-up ETH basket.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4372,False,-0.4372 "1. If a Proposal misleads in their text, I won't vote for it. I expect better. 2. The model here should be: ""let Nouns DAO subsidize you experimenting and making us your test bed to launch what you are doing and we both win, if you make something that ends up having fit for us, or we lose a little if you don't."" Builder giving you 25 ETH as they have, us voting on whether to give you 50 ETH or not, and you figuring out how to bridge the rest is a model that this DAO can're figuring",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8,False,-0.8 "Will increase participation (voters can reliably pick one day to vote each week and not miss anything), desirable for Noun holders",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.1979,False,0.5021 "I wanted to proactively share some answers to frequent questions we’ve been getting: Aren’t you VC-backed? Yes, we are. That’s why we’ve geared this prop to deliver an entirely open-source, openly owned codebase — so there is no centralized value capture, and anyone can host, build on top of, and monetize the end deliverables. We think this completely aligns incentives and will help build a strong, open ecosystem. What does open sourcing mean here? This means everything from the repo to the APIs will be open access, so people with varying levels of technical acumen can clone and re-host and build on top of House of Nouns. We’ll also be doing continual data dumps to Ar weave for any offchain data. Budget? While ETH is going up in price, we’ve decreased our prop’s total cost by ~$100k. We heavily increased deliverables and the speed at which we deliver them. We’re looking for 9ETH/month/developer, which is less than any other active developers for Nouns. We think that deliverables and actual matter the most, and think they are very justifiable for the cost of 190ETH in terms of the long-term impact they can have on the DAO’s success. Integrations? We’re looking to be as open and composable as possible. We want to integrate the amazing work of others everywhere it makes sense, versus create clones and replicate any functionality. We want to be a off chainetween the disjoint governance infrastructure in the ecosystem. Thank you for your time sers <3Furthermore, weFurthermore, weFurthermore, weFurthermore, wesees",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9858,False,-0.9858 Love the vision and the execution. And the transparency. Well done.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8074,True,-0.007399999999999962 "Yes, I would like to do my review and voting 1 day a week.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6369,False,-0.13690000000000002 I do not see this being a strong proliferation effort and a negative ROI to the DAO. Very cool indeed but just not a great use of funds at that amount.,Neutral,Negative,-0.6,-0.5919,False,-0.008099999999999996 "Noun Sounds was unanimous when it was a small experiment with a clear set of deliverables. It went ok, but it hasn't left our bubble yet and the community around it is pre-traction. As a platform, it's very early and doesn't exist the surrounding communityt big spending (yet), it's still very much at the experiment level. It's on this team to prove out much more before it's worth funding more. It doesn't make sense for the DAO to take experiments and 5x or 10x the funding unless there's strong evidence that it was a clear win. If this was ""continue to explore Noun Sounds"" and 50 ETH + 20 ETh for a CC0 musFurthermore, it Prop House rounds, there'd be something to debate, but after this ask and the strategy, I'd lean No there. There is serious issues here with strategy and not understanding that the partnerships with these famous musicians are not only very expensive marketing for a platform that isn't ready for it but also a poor fit for how to build a real organic CC0 focused music community of any kind. You need people, small people, passionate people who vibe organically and don't need to be paid to vibe. Find those people, engage them with Noun Sounds, bui Noun Sounds and its community with them. Money doesn't spend for that. When Proposers are getting paid by the DAO in other places, it's helpful and important to lay that out upfront. The DAO deserves to know, the relationship is already so assymetrical, I expect our partners to be clear and WANT the DAO to be informed. I'd also want to see Proposals be transparent when they have relationships with entities they are funding in the Proposal itself. It would help to know that Woody has a relationship with Save the Music -- it means that executioETHhere is more likely to go more smoothly. It's also important because the DAO should know when there's the potential for related party transactions. It's small dollars here so it doesn't matter as much right now but STM was also was mentioned in that this team expects funding for future STM proposals, so understanding that relationship is important. It also highlights the lack of cohesion and focus here -- STM future proposals for even more money but also focusing on expensive celebrity marketing but also working on a pre-traction platform that will live and die by passionate CC0 creators that are not either of the first 2 groups is an odd admixture.There are serious issuesasymmetricalIts, soFurthermore, it",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9936,False,-1.3936000000000002 I'd like a non discourse and more interactive client to see nouner verified discussions,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "I'm not convinced that any meaningful DD will be completed in the extra 4 days. We should aim to spend the minimum amount of nouner time & attention voting on 'hell yes' proposals, vs maximizing time spent staring at mediocre ones. proposal threshold and quorum feel like better parameter adjustments to achieve thisProposal",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3699,False,-0.3699 Reasoning compiled here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning compiled here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning compiled here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning compiled here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning compiled here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning compiled here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning compiled here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Personally uncomfortable staking more than 1/3 of DAOs ETH until staking services are more 'Lindy'. Would support diversification of current position into Ruth but strongly against adding additional risk at this time.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0469,True,-0.0469 "I do not think we need a longer voting delay. For voting period, I understand the desire to be able to vote on a single day, but I also find it hard to think well about so many proposals that are concurrently in voting stage. So would prefer to not increase likelihood of overlap. ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,-0.0498,True,0.0498 I think this is a really cool idea. Thanks to the proposers for the time spent on it! But I am voting against as I do not think it is a good fit for Nouns DAO. I think the DAO should be focused on spending ETH on Nourish things and not trying to earn yield through defi. Devi,Neutral,Positive,-0.1429,0.9283,False,-1.0712 "I'm against further increases to the voting delay as it does not yet seem productive. I will reconsider once there's an improved forum for providing proposal feedback during this period and proposers have the ability to edit based on this feedback.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4767,False,-0.4767 Let's work on diversifying our existing Seth holdings before taking on additional risk.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2732,False,0.2732 ♥️ ,Positive,Neutral,0.0,0.0,False,0.0 Agree with having one day per week for reading and voting,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.3612,False,0.33879999999999993 "At the most basic level I just can’t see how we can logically or reasonably justify the continued spending on TNS at the scale being asked for in this proposal based on the results demonstrated so far. Running twitter spaces (or a media company) at a cost of over $1m a year – taking the metrics given in the prop itself, doesn’t add up for me. $1m+ a year is an absolutely massive amount of money for something like this. When we try and gauge how TNS is doing I think we should look at the flagship NOC show as a barometer of performance…the flagship show should be just that. The data for this specific show should be fairly clear, but It isn’t. It seems to get <100 people on it. I do think Toady is genuinely trying to build a Nounish media company BUT at the same time I do not think that it is working in its current format nor can it bring value anywhere near what is being spent under the current model or the one proposed in the prop. The core team on TNS consists of 8 people. 6 of these members works together over multiple projects and between those 6 people they will have received somewhere between $4.5 and $5m in funding if these proposal pass. This isn’t to pass judgement on anything here apart from to say it’s a lot money for a team that all work together (in tns, nouncil, uglydao). It just is to illustrate the points above, to show there is aNourishoutside of tns too from the core team and to warn against the centralization of all media control among any team. TNS has a place in Nouns and I think Toady should be funded for TNS. But it should have a clear focus on its main show - Nouns O Clock. All efforts should be singularly directed on building up that show, getting an audience inside and outside nouns. It should have a much smaller core team and a budget of around 100-150k (which is a lot of money to build a spaces or podcast on top of the 600k already received!) Before we talk about building a media company let’s focus on doing that one thing and one thing well. Is this a hell yes? No- Not in its current form. Hindsightthis proposala lot of moneyTNScounciluglyoutsideTNS",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.7463,False,-1.1463 "Delay prior to voting is long enough already IMO. The agility of funding is actually a really cool feature of Nouns DAO. I'd support a 7 day voting period with a 3 day pre vote delay.3-day",Neutral,Positive,0.4286,0.1761,False,0.25249999999999995 "As a chaotic neutral, I like all this recent Will Price action.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1779,False,0.1779 "I find the tech fascinating but I don't fee, butke it's a good fit for Nouns.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8287,False,-0.8287 "You're on a different road, I'm in the Honky Way you want me down on Earth, but I honk in space you're so damn hard to please, we have to honk this switch you're from the '70s, but I'm a '90s HONK",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.5653,False,0.5653 I like Hon. I think it's valuable infra for the ecosystem.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6808,True,0.019199999999999995 Fun ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5106,False,-0.5106 I feel like Nouns has an opportunity to start reaching into the music industry here with this. Could be absolutely massive. Music is nourish.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7269,True,-0.026900000000000035 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 More transparency for what the 190E is used for?,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 This makes the DAO too slow to function. We don't need that much time...,Negative,Neutral,-0.4,0.0,False,-0.4 Positive return period for the DAO is too long. ,Negative,Positive,-0.2,0.5574,False,-0.7574000000000001 This cost is insane,Negative,Negative,-0.9,-0.4019,True,-0.49810000000000004 "Below items seem repetitive ,,, More clarification? Robots Setup $18,256 Robots Time $18,605 Software Development Time $18,953 Robotics Engineer Labor $23,256 Art Production Labor $13,953",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.25,False,0.25 """A Wei saved is a gweWeirned."" -Benjamin Fra ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4215,False,-0.4215 cost-inefficient,Neutral,Neutral,-0.7273,0.0,True,-0.7273 "**Prop 222: Council Votes NO** --- **NO - 24 votes** - The catch-up payment on the yield earned before fees at 2% is way too high **YES - 13 votes** - absolute yes. sustainabiliSustainability think it's right, it's ETH that we can use to increase the return on our treasury **ABSTAIN - 3 votes** - I personally have no expertise in this field, therefor abstaining --- (15 Nouncillors abstained from this decision.)Councillors",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5983,False,-0.5983 "**Prop 221: Council Votes YES** --- **YES - 29 votes** - a lot of us have multiple jobs to desl with badeallife stuff and need more time to read proposals - seems reasonable, i dig it. more time for promotion and awareness - whatever helps voters vote - This should of beeI in place since day 1 - I think its reasonable - More time to think means better decisions. --- **NO - 22 votes** - It's long enough. - The five days were just added a lMoree bit ago. I think it is too soon to see if that works to change it again. I am not against changing it I just think it is too soon. - i dont see any reasons to extend the delay at the moment. 5/5 works well to me --- **ABSTAIN - 1 vote** - I dshould have an opinion or experience to apply to this change, thus abstaining. it'slittledon't",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7184,False,-0.7184 Great team with a ton of experience and huge network of resources here!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7712,True,0.028800000000000048 "I'm on board for now - I think much of the value-add is the consistency of the product. And the true value may not be measurable until a future (bull market?) catalyst. That being said, would love to see much more growth toward self sustainability, especially in the form of sponsorships. Seeing progress on this front will be important.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9422,False,-0.5422 "Yes. Allows people to set aside a specific evening each week. For me this is a simple value add that far outweighs the tradeoff of greater time lag - a 5-day period just feels chaotic.",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.25,True,0.25 Would vote yes if diversified,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.4019,False,0.09810000000000002 "Although I like this idea and would love to own a physical piece, it feels too one-off. It doesn't meet the proliferation threshold for me.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.7717,False,-0.9717 "Surely there is a typo here? An ask this size should demonstrate a high level of demand and proliferation from the pilot project first. I also don't like the idea of AstroTurf our way to success by buying thin ""collabs"" with trendy artists. Feels cheap. ",Negative,Positive,-0.6,0.6111,False,-1.2111 "This would allow us to fund up to 4 more great Proposals in the next twelve months. The risk of Seth is largely born by our treasury irrespective of our actual mix of ETH in stETH. Also, given that we need all the funding we can get, I'd be open to rETH if it allays conSeth around stETH, solutions to switch the mix are doable.RuthSeth",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7713,False,-0.7713 No opinion,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.296,False,0.296 We like the Square,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 We need to diversify our investments,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "It's exactly the kind of thing I want to fund and joined Nouns for AND it also should increase auction prices for 7 days, maybe worth 30-40 ETH from that in offsets. Perfect fit for the types of explorations of art, scaling of reach, and bridging of worlds with memes that Nouns exists for. It also creates a pathway into the fine art world, great all around.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9524,True,-0.15239999999999998 "**Prop 224: Council Votes YES** **YES - 21 votes** - we like art - If marketed right, this can return much of the $$ to the DAO (via auction increase bc the art is included for 7 days). At worst, it's a cool experiment with an awesome group, which seems worth the go. - we need more fun explorao likexplore- Fun ⌐◨-◨ - Might be worth the experiment to see if the nouns sell for more. **NO - 20 votes** - It seems to me that there are ways to more adequately dissipate these funds, I don't think it is worth anywhere near what is being asked. - I love art, but I don't think this proliferates much for the DAO. **ABSTAIN - 2 votes**",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9097,False,-0.9097 "Not a bad proposal, but I have concerns about these ephemeral events and their potential impact on daily auction appreciation. Instead, I would like to concentrate on voting for high-value infrastructure and projects with the potential for significant auction growth. The ask is reasonable, but we shouldn't be voting yes just because 10e is a drop in a bucket. The drops will ultimately overflow the bucket. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8654,False,-0.8654 "**Prop 223: Council Votes YES** --- **YES - 33 votes** - I use HON everyday forevery dayw and I love the direction that they want to take it. I believe there is a need for a central discussion point for those who want to participate in the DAO but don't have time to go to multiple sites digging for conversation and prop information. - yes BUT! can you implement the key elements of the nouns creative direction? Fonts, Canor scale, etc. I feel like for phase 2 this would be grand!! - but please change that hideous header - HON is excellent - I think it is appropriate, House of Nouns has shown to be of great help to the DAO. **NO - 13 votes** - I am likely in the minority, but I'm not a big fan of these unique clients that need to be used, but perhaps I just need to be educated on it all. I do not think a unique dashboard is the difference. - The cost is way too high **ABSTAIN - 3 votes** --- (7 Nouncillors abstained from this decision.)Councillors",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9884,False,-0.9884 "**Prop 225: Council Votes YES** **YES - 31 votes** - Need a “hell yes!” option Nerman cuz iGermanbe! Excited to see this next phase especially the work with Save the Music!because- Big yes - 👐 - seems a bit risky for the cost but who could say no to ghoSSAce killah - I think this is very Nounish - LOVE this. MORE music. - music is nounish and so is this team witha proven record of continuous commitment to nounish excellence - rich vein for proliferation + woody is smashing it ghost facefe up until this point was always about trying to make it somewhere with music and if this can help give people more opportunity then I want to support it **NO - 15 votes** - It seems to me that there are ways to more adequately dkill ahte these funds, I don't think it is worth anywhere near what is being asked. - I support Noun Sounds and Woody's efforts. Having this music arm of Nouns is awesome. And I love LOVE the playlist idea - has some viral components. But I would like to see moreNourish aimed at on onboarding indie/web3-focused musicians rather than the big $$ budget on a Ghostface collab. Would support with a simple shift of that budget to more Prop House rounds & marketing those rounds. - It’s a huge red flag you’re asking for 250eth from the DAO & won’t even answer questionourishhe discord Nouners are asking. Paying “artists & influencers” is as inauthentic as it gets in web3 withnourish thanloveGhost faceOwners",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9972,False,-0.7971999999999999 "**Prop 226: Council Votes YES** **YES - 49 votes** - Easy yes. TNS has done so much for the Nouns communNouns's a whole and are some of the most Nounish people out there. Proliferation at its finest - TNS is like a shepherd for anyone new to nNourishlture. more than anything else in the DAO, they are the place to go to feel welcome in Nouns and find your way. Love the sustainability which has clearly been thought about a lot. Easy easy yes. - TNS is the centre of Nouns community engaMorent and is increasingly becoming a platform that has reach and cut-through beyond the nounish ecosystem. Excited to see what the team can do in 2023 - LOVE Noun Square, but would love to see some more sustainable stuff in the future, but they itemize sustainability as an entire section. Woohoo! - this is a hell yes for me - TNS is the communtiy heart of nouns - TNS is our home **NO - 3 votes** - It seemEasyhat there are ways to more adequately dissipate these funds, I don't think it is worth anywhere near what is being asked.centernourishBoohoocommunity",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9809,True,-0.18089999999999995 "**Prop 227: Council Votes NO** **NO - 29 votes** - Once again —staking all in one pool is risky. Other options (eg rocket pool are bring explored. We should wait for that option. - I believe we already locked enough fund There. e.g.*YES - 15 votes** - I am in favor of making Nouns Treasury bigger by staking - Yieldddddddd! **ABSTAIN - 1 votes** - I do not fully grock this.rock",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4574,False,-0.4574 TNS is a pillar of the no universe. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nom not aartist⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Federation is solid and will add absolute value and love Wiz and his work, but consistent with feedback I gave before the Proposal was unchain, cost is too high for this to work for the DAO. Given it went onchain as is despite feedback beforehand, would only vote Yes if cost was 50% lower.unchain",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.6542,False,-0.8542000000000001 "The proposed infra offers proper decentralized execution across sub-communities. It is imperative to promote governance and mitigate intermediaries that can be subject to external influence. the ability to engage in trustless governance across subDAOs is the type of inTheation i'd like to see Nouns showcase. i do think there is a chance that trustless participation can increase demand for Nouns, even if by a small margin. ripe and wiz are excellent builders, and i am happy to support this initiative. SundaysIIRipeI",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9493,True,-0.2220000000000001 "Talked with Toady on this in advance and said I'd vote Yes if they adjusted the Proposal a bit. Need to see a more focus so that this can get escape velocity and leave the echo chamber. Basic blocking and tackling around metrics (and not just Twitter spaces listens which are unreliable given they track people entering and exiting, but getting to what even impact is and how to optimize it), around making sure to pay out contests to winners (that spend has negative value if you don't use it as a touchpoint to give a community member a positive experience), and not doing all the things but doing things for which demand is evident. Need someone or someones to really own it (and take that share of compensation) imo but that is up to the team to decide and the experiments with Coordinape are noble. Look forward to thissomeone'sg our orbit and becoming a full fledged media company, you all would become Nounish legends.IMO, butCoordinatefull-fledgedNourish",Neutral,Positive,0.7143,0.9643,False,-0.25 Reasoning posted here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nom not The Noun Square ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning posted here:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Not sure if vote bidding is a good thing to work on for...,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2354,False,-0.2354 "Love the idea of a presence in Tokyo. But the idea needs a rethink... Always a supporter of pNouns. 頑張って!nouns",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.6749,False,-0.27490000000000003 Weird idea. We like it. ,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.2023,True,0.29769999999999996 "House of Nouns is important governance infrastructure that Nouns paid to see an MVP on. The team has delivered so far and wants to develop it into a more robust tool. The ask seems overall comparable to other proposals from similar teams, and we look forward to seeing the platform become even more useful to the DAO (and to other DAOs when it is made Open Source.) ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7708,False,-0.27080000000000004 "If Nouns is an art movement, we can't afford to ignore music. Woody is the one doing the most to make that symbiosis happen, and he's uniquely positioned to do it (Grammy-nominated musician who is nounish AF.) nourish",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.2755,True,0.22449999999999998 "Voting yes here despite some reservations. I want to support a team that has dedicated a lot of time to serving the DAO and has built a tool that I use on every prop. I think we should help them as they try to figure out a model to make their work sustainable. I wish there was more clarity on exactly what the model is. 5 months is not a lot of time, and I find the ask/salaries to be pretty high. Would prefer we were being charged some like annual fee as a DAO. But as usual, our task is to vote on the proposal that’s been put up, and not the one we wish was, and I think the main thing is I want to make sure the team can keep building and figure out a long term plan. ",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9423,False,-0.7423 "DAO to DAO governance is currently very ugly, and we would like to see it become a lot more Ugly⌐◨-◨ ",Neutral,Negative,-0.7,-0.2716,False,-0.42839999999999995 Not necessary. Let's diversify our current stake holdings and focus on funding initiatives that bring attention ROI to Nouns. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Certainly a net positive to keep running. Funding should help increase reach and if nothing else will attract competition. Love our weekly AI noun squares 🤘,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9215,True,-0.22150000000000003 "I'm in favor of proposals like this one that increase awareness of nouns in interesting ways. he doesn't mention it in the proposal, but on top of being a talented and reliable builder in the nouniverse, SuperTightWoody is a grammy-nominated producer with connections in the industry. no universe gained from onboarding more musicians who themselves have connections and audiences, far outweighs the asking price in this proposal. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9535,True,-0.15349999999999997 <3 ,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4404,True,-0.4404 "I am not sold on this spreading the Noun meme effectively or that it will contribute to higher demand in daily auctions. with current outflows > inflows, prefer to stay conservative here and vote no. With",Neutral,Positive,-0.6,0.0516,False,-0.6516 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Worth a shot for this price! Good value, passionate community.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8718,True,-0.07179999999999997 Too much info. I'm concerned that overly long proposals are inflationary and create a downward spiral where the DAO signals that more info == better. I think that's a potentially dangerous development and can lead to voter apathy and increased groupthink.,Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.2648,False,-0.5648 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 <3,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4404,True,-0.4404 Reasoning in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 We need better unchain infra for trustless cross DAO voting. we are benefiWearies of more nouns buying & more nouns voting participation. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.34,False,-0.34 "While I appreciate the film and the subjects it covers I think nouns should fund public art that is more proximate to our movement (cc0, crypto, nouns meme, etc.) at the current moment in time. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "**Prop 228: Council Votes YES** **YES - 38 votes** - LOVE small proliferation. - Japan is Nounish AF aNourish is a very commited and passionate team - lfg japan - Good value to further nouns awareness in Japan. **NO committedes** **ABSTAIN - 2 votes**legJapannouns'",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9312,True,-0.9312 "Council's current Vote Threshold requires an option to have 35 or more votes to win. In this poll the Vote Threshold was not met and Council therefore votes Abstain. **YES - 31 votes** - we are the federation! - federation ⌐◨-◨ **NO - 10 votes** **ABSTAIN - 1 votes**",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6548,False,-0.6548 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Why would noonday be funding for the entirety of the project.. Won't . against being a sponsor, but don't take advantage of noundao to fund the entire production for a year,,noonday,",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.2755,False,-0.1245 We need more of this! Congrats on shipping!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7108,True,0.08920000000000006 Difficult to think of a more natural meeting place for holders and artists than a nft-native production company. very exciting trend!nominativeVery,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6222,True,0.17780000000000007 Will mint,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Will def mint,Neutral,Neutral,0.7,0.0,True,0.7 🧙‍♂️,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Let's see how this goes, a good experiment",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.4404,False,-0.04039999999999999 "This Proposal feels rushed, but it's small dollar so the bar's a smallr. pNouns execution on Proposal 228, soll determine how I vote on their next proposal. Good lunouns",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7463,False,-0.7463 "Props that are instructive but don't modify on-chain state are a slippery slope and I feel reasonably strongly that they should be avoided. in the long run they could mire the dao in uncertainty and possibly even legal Insputes. it's a more scalable approach to assume that any funds or assets that are external to the dao are the purview of the individuals or groups that control them. indaye case of this proposal, the decision should be made by NACItdayIn",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.5267,False,0.5267 It's magic,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 ⌐◨u◨/.✦*,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "There's no buy in from the DAO, I like the idea and the project but won't vote Yes for something that the DAO doesn't seem is integrated into what we're doing enough. Good luck!",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.751,False,-0.751 Echoing sentiments from both Noun 12 and Noun 40 ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 You love to see it ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.6369,False,0.16310000000000002 Nom not ccrossbargovernance ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "This is an interesting prop. I think there's something here in terms of Nouns funding film production. The humanitarian/philanthropy part is cool too. Feels like it could have been funded from multiple sources and Nouns could be a production partner or something rather than funding the whole thing. It doesn't seem to have much support from the DAO, so maybe some iteration would be positive.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9153,False,-0.9153 🪄,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 +1 to 4156s thoughts,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I agree with the sentiment that we should avoid putting proposals on-chain that don't modify on-chain state, and as such, I'll be abstaining from any future proposals that fit this description. However, I strongly believe that Nouns acquired using DAO funds as a form of future compensation shouldn't be utilized for governance until they've been correctly distributed to their intended recipients.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5994,False,-0.5994 "--- **FOR - 44 VOTES** --- **pin.pusher** | ""⌐🖼-🖼"" **sysystem◨-◨** | *""Love this.. Art is everything!!""* **Classic_Craig** | *""feels cheap .r a curated gallery and exposure for nounish art on a legacy platform""* **byhardy** | *""awesome experiment that puts nouns in front of more artists + art supporters. low cosnourish win. big yes.""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""a great way to expose the Ecosystem to a broader NFT audience""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""Nouns Collab with Nifty Gateway would be really great if done right!""* **Benbodhiby hardyart is nounish* ⌐◨-◨ *This is a thoughtful and effective way to integrate with nifty and showcase some rad artists. Potential to pay for itself built in is awesome too.""* **Josep** | *""I believe it is a well-str tured collaboration that can create value for Nouns.""* **Mindtoasted** | *""Nounish Art is powerful.""* --- **AGAINST - 7 VOTES** --- **0xDariush** | *""I'm also an artist and curator ! it make no sense to pay this musch for a curation!* *if the artists are good and they believe in themselLow they join the projects and rely on sales. it doesn't matter if its nounish or not.* *an Open call for artists will do all of this for free.""* --- **ABSTAIN - 3 VOTES** --- **greta_gremplin** | *""I will abstain, because i'm one of the people that will benefit with this proposal. But if i wasn't,Easyould vote Yes!""*BigBig shotSlimnourishJosephMind toastedNourishItmakesmuch, andItnourishGretagremlinIII",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.9671,False,-0.46709999999999996 "No options met the Vote Threshold. --- **FOR - 19 VOTES** --- **Big shot Klim** | *""active engaged builder with an amazing catalog of work aSlimRL engagement. I think that if properly positioned and promoted NOUNs would get some incredible value and visibility""* **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""This could be a very effective opportunity if done right""*Nounsenbodhi** | *""Probably worth exploring for this budget. Potential for Nouns DAO to be recognised as being involved in film making feels good.""* --- **AGAINST - 23 VOTES** --- --- **ABSTAIN - 2 VOTES** ---recognized",Neutral,Positive,0.4215,0.9632,False,-0.5417 "Vote Threshold not met. **FOR - 15 VOTES** **AGAINST - 14 VOTES** **ABSTAIN - 13 VOTES**",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning given on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning given on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning given on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning given on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Rectifying the mistake of an open delegation, Nouns in escrow for others or in the treasury should be politically fallow. Not in favor of non-state change Proposal as a rule. ",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4325,False,0.4325 "I honestly like this a lot, but it feels too much like just adding the goggles to call it nounish. i hope the proposers end up, either way, getting this fundednourishw; it seems like a fantastic project.I",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.9584,False,-0.45840000000000003 "This action makes sense to me. Nouns pending award should not be used to vote. Aside, I think the current model of using the Nouns Acquisition Committee is really broken, and I look forward to the day when the DAO can directly mint Nouns to people. ",Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0276,True,0.4724 Loved the film and excited about the mint! Moar droposals!Marproposals,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7835,True,0.01650000000000007 "Soon excited for this! And generally find the meta of proposals to be a clear signal amongst a lot of noise right now. Really nice incentive alignment: if the DAO is happy with how a prop went, the work can be made canon and the proposer benefits from that, as well! ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9575,True,-0.15749999999999997 "**FOR - 59 VOTES** **Big shot Klim** | *""can not waiSlim see this*"" **Toady_Hawk** | *""Hell yes.*"" **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""Another cool animated video to mint. Seems to be a cool new meta and modern day movie premiers on the blockchain!*"" **Benbodhi** | *""nounish af ⌐◨-◨*"" **wiz** | *""wiz 🤝 wiz*"" **Josep** | *""I think it's a good way to commemorate a very nounish project, completely in favor.*""nourishAFJosephnourish",Positive,Positive,0.4215,0.7777,True,-0.35619999999999996 "**FOR - 55 VOTES** **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""Would be fun to mint this animated video. At such a low price I feel it can get a couple of hundred sales and be beneficial to the nouns dos and the creator of the video.""* **Benbodhi** | *""nounish af ⌐◨-◨""* **wiz** | *""amazing work would love to mint through the dao""* **NO - 2 VOTES** **ABSTAIN - 1 VOTE**nourishAFday",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8519,True,-0.051899999999999946 Such an incredible short. I can't wait to mint. ,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 Incredible proposal. An honor to make this my first vote at Nouns DAO.,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.4939,True,0.4061 Nom not The Wizards Hat...let's go GGold,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nom not NNoun town,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 The range funding is the killer app here IMO. Gives proposers with that flexibility the option to potentially get more vote support than a fixed rate.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0202,True,-0.0202 "I think the cost is fair, and it could also lead to new ideas to improve or offer alternatives to the current proposal constraints.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.6369,False,-0.2369 "Nourish dev building nourish things - hopefully having funding methods like this save the dao money in tdaylong term nounishly positive loutishly",Positive,Positive,0.4107,0.9109,True,-0.5002 Can I get a signed copy please :),Positive,Positive,0.6,0.6486,True,-0.04859999999999998 Reasoning given on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasoning given on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 5000 of each is way too many IMO. Would support buying 1000 of each at a much lower ask. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.128,False,-0.128 "My concern is that props using functional funding will lead to ""squishy"" asks where the prop really only requires the minimum of the given range, but proposers will unnecessarily include a window above that in an attempt to siphon off more ETH. The existing process of re submission and altering ask sizes is not that bad - I could see this tool re-submissionand making the process worse in that regard, not better. ",Neutral,Negative,-0.3,-0.8374,False,0.5374000000000001 "While I appreciate the intention behind this proposal, I am not convinced it would significantly move the DAO forward. having a clear and concise ask is important to theHavingsal process. rather than relying on game theory to skew outcomes, the DAO should vote on a static ask. off-chain discussion might be a better fit for this topic, as social conseRatherften leads to meaningful results. that being said, i like DigitalOil and am excited to see what other ideas they have for the DAO. i am always happy to vote in favor of proposals that will have a significant impact on the DAO.Off-chainThatIDigitalisI",Neutral,Positive,0.4286,0.9707,False,-0.5421 "Digital oil is demonstrably dedicated, creative and aligned with Nouns long term and wants to try and build a useful Nourish primitive. Let's see how he impresses.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8979,False,-0.39790000000000003 "Not exactly sure where all of this is heading, but gut says it's the right move to double down on Adam, nouns comics, and the set of relationships and possible future relationships that we can build in this vertical. even if we gave away 100% of the inventory at comicon, I think we'd still be in a better place Even with the equivalent money sitting idly in the treasury. this is an opportunity to onboard ten thousand creatives into the nouns ecosystem.COMECONThisnouns'",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8507,False,-0.8507 "My brothers this says $150,000 to buy he comics and stick em in a warehouse lets let real peotheme buy these things if they want them, better for proliferation 😛 let's",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.4939,True,0.22040000000000004 " My concern is that it's a big unknown whether the community will buy 5,000 copies of each issue. There's a non-trivial chance that they end up sitting in a warehouse and not many are sold. Since comic book stores will be placing orders I think it would be advantageous to provide an accessible list of which stores have the comic in stock so the community can purchase directly, soom the stores carrying the comic. This list should be on the comic dao",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.5423,False,-0.3423 "From a technical standpoint I think this is really cool. However, I have a hard time seeing this being widely adopted and I'm not sure there are many props that would benefit, andm these tools.sure if there",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4991,False,-0.4991 "Vote threshold not met. **FOR - 34 VOTES** **pxlmnml** | *""innovative price discovery""* **profwerder** | *""Great way to put the NFTs in tprofferedy to work!""* **byhardy** | *""Sounds like this can be implemented, so I'm in full support. More than reasonable cost.""* **NO - 4 VOTES** **ABSTAIN -by hardy**",Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.7424,False,0.057600000000000096 "The original proposal was off (it happens, and I have sympathy) and paying to pre-buy a run if needed should have been contemplated then. Mistakes happen, I have compassion for that. But if we knew we had to buy 30k comics for $150k then, it's possible the DAO would have voted differently given this would have increased the all-in cost by 50%. As is, the evidence that there is demand for 30k comics isn't easily observable. Why 5k and not 2k per issue? After the original proposal was off, need more clarity and confidence to double down and buy our own comic. Nounders voted No to a 10k toy run for NoFoundersiends with unique composable figures by Klim and the rationale was that these would sit in a warehouse and that was cheaper than the comics proposal all-in. How is there 3x demand for this at a higher cost to the DAO? At $5/comic, that feels like we are paying retail prices for a wholesale relationship. The explanation provided doesn't square for me. We are bearing the full risk with no upside. There are live sites right now to buy these comics $3.5-4 at retail. It's a discrepancy that stands out. If this is needed to be effective at Comicon(s) or to issue well, it should have been bNourishto the DAO before the last minute end of their February deadline. Being rushed is suboptimal. I was a Yes vote until reconsidering now based on leadership that unpersuaded me based on its value destructive approach and made me dig in more. We're all in this together continues to be my operating principle. People who believe in this should go our right now and pre-order it like I have, it's cheaper per an issue and more organic. The work is great.'COMECON",Neutral,Positive,0.3125,0.9831,False,-0.6706 "The DAO already paid to own 7k copies per issue that we can choose to distribute, that is a sufficient amount of demand subsidy IMO. If we were getting wholesale cost that might sway things a little bit.little",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.128,False,0.128 "I have doubts about this particular implementation being the right one that can be widely used. It bundles the YES/NO vote and the funding amount vote in a way such that I as a voter don't *really* know what I'm voting for when I vote and if I have a preference in the funding range possibility I would have to wait until the very last minute to cast my vote (for example, if I wouldn't be in favor if the funding amount landed on the high range, I'd have to wait to see how many others vote in favor). BUT I'm in favor of experimenting to find better mechanisms we can use to reach non-binary outcomes for proposals and for that reason I'm voting in favor. Even if this isn't used much or is used and we discover what the shortcoming is, that would be a plus in my book., and",Neutral,Negative,0.2,-0.4594,False,0.6594 "I think that it is important for the DAO to continue to explore new ways to use governance to resolve conflict, and I see ""Function Props"" as a promising direction here. They could offer a way to take advantage of the concave decision-making advantage of large groups: where any point along the spectrum from 0 to 1 is higher value than either a 0 or 1 outcome. I also think the funding ask is reasonable, considering audit is included. Good luck!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.937,True,-0.137 "The innovative approach to Human Organization presented here is a promising addition to the Nouns toolkit, which continues to lead the way with innovative public goods. I support the continued exploration of fresh governance approaches, such as the ""Function Props"" concept, which can leverage the benefits of large group decision-making. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9432,True,-0.1432 "Voting yes because of the generalized NFT distribution contracts, not because of self-referential proposals",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "The main mechanics of the day, particularly nouner-facing ones, shouser-facingthe KISS principle as much as possible. functional funding would greatly reduce clarity on what we arFunctionalor as the outcome wouldn't be known until finalizing the vote. all that said, i think it is an interesting experiment and would like to see it out in the wild as a stand alone mechanism for pods/sub-communities/etc to play wiAll- not for the main dao.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9024,False,-0.9024 For the love of day science,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6369,False,-0.6369 "I think this is interesting and there's a need for a central API for nourish builders to use. However, I'm voting against this prop in its current form. You mention quite a few things that will be built after the infrastructure is stood up, including several untested new applications that people may or may not use. I think what would be most valuable and what this should focus on is getting all existing Noun data on ceramic and set up infrastructure to add new in real time. For example all traits and auction data. Make a system so it's easy for anyone to query trait stats. Give me all Nouns with, someboy head. Or give me todays auction and all traits. Don't fuck with the other stuff right now. We are missing a good API to query all existing noun data. Focus on that first and then focus on the other stuff. Game Boytoday's",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9156,False,-0.9156 I think is too early and that data must to bemustby who need it,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I second Deployed comment — this prop is trying to do too many things at once. Id simpliI'd and focus on one specific problem to solve.,Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.2263,False,-0.17370000000000002 I'm into it. I think various funding mechanics are a good thing and the ability to fund via treasury owned NFTs is also cool.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8074,True,-0.10740000000000005 Appreciate dig oil taking their time to re-submit but don't think this is a good direction for governance.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6908,False,-0.6908 "This prop is written in a way that feels a bit more ceramic-capabilities focused than nouns-need focused to me. I reached out to the team, and it seems like they don't have meaningful business ties to ceramic besides a small grant ( and team members like al409 and baba (who I've talked to regarding the prop) have been long-time community members so there's trust there, but I still ended up feeling a bit uneasy about the orientation of this prop. I also relate to deployers comm, sos. I don't know if all the stuff here is really stuff we want / need. deployedFurthermore, I",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7455,False,-0.7455 "Come and listen, friends, to this tale I'll tell, Of a new way to reach consensus that's swell, No more choosing just between black or white, Functional props allow for shades of light. These proposals hold the key, To unlock a new form of democracy, Where opinions can truly be expressed, And progress can be made with greater finesse. Gone is the limited choice that leads us astray, No longer a binary path that holds sway, Functional props usher in a world of gray, And pave the path for a better future today. So let us cast our votes for functional props, And usher in a future that pops, Where diverse opinions can have their say, And chart a new course in every way. For in this world of nuanced shades, We find endless possibility cascades, A place where progress can truly play, And shape a future that's bright and gay.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9643,True,-0.1643 "Love this approach to creating a unified Nouns' database using Ceramic and think the end result is that it becomes much easier for buidlers to create Noun'ish apps. Its espbuilderspowerful for quickly spinning up prototypes, iterating and trying things out and I don't think we can even imagine all of the new Nounish appishat can be built when accessing the data across many apps and action is so easy. I also believe in this team and their ability to coordinate, communIt'ste and work across the Nouns community. , andall theNourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9684,True,-0.1684 "Voted Yes last time, and it's been clarified, focused, and improved. My comment last time: ""Digitaloil is demonDigital oildicated, creative and aligned with Nouns long term and wants to try and build a useful Nounish primitive. Let's see how he impresses.""Nourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9451,True,-0.2451000000000001 This is innovative Public Good for Human Organization and I look forward to seeing it used as part of the Nouns' governance toolkit. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7003,True,0.09970000000000001 "Our principle is to only vote against currently :) The rule is that for each proposal we will conduct a ""Squad Vote"".When the ""against"" votes are greater than the ""for"" votes + ""abstain"" votes, we will choose to vote ag Whent on-chain; otherwise we will abstain. ""Squad Vote"" result: Approval:Opposition:Abstention = 16:5:3. The proposal was approved by all of us to provide an open database for the Nounish ecosystem. NounsDAO will benefit greatly from it. It will enhance the overall daotool development of the Nounish ecosystem. We support the team in exploring the path of data composability for Nounish. InfrastruNourishxploration is highly risky and uncertain. It is harder than imagined. But the team has a good track record to prove that they have a deep understanding and patience for it. Our opposition mainly comes from: 1. Is it too early to do it now? Nounish Dataverse may be like Web3 Social projects, unable to find Builders to develop products/tools that everyone needs, infrastructure but running applications thaNouns uses on top. There is no information indicating that applications currently in demand (Prop House, Nouns Agora, House of Nouns, Nouns.Build, Dune Dashboard..) would consider using Ceramic as their data backend. It is much more difficult for applications to be demanded than to do underlying infrastructure. Holding a Prop House Round as mentioned in the proposal does not solve this problem. 2. The proposal delivers too much content The Nounish Dataverse proposcartoonises a decentralized database based on Ceramic, developer documentation, ID system integration application… A single proposal combines too many things to do. We recognize 30% of what’s in the proposal but 70% is over-committed.NourishNourishNourishData verse Build.NourishData verse",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,-0.0241,True,0.0241 "IMO, it's important to set up good data-structures and standards for an exponentially growing number of data-points in the Nouns ecosystem. Then, we can solicit buy-in from highly leveraged apps and start to connect data in ways we can't even imagine yet.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6908,False,-0.6908 I am a fan of Digitalis and would vote yes for them to work on ideas that would benefit the DAO. my opinion reMyins unchanged though in that i do not believe that functional props will lead to better governance for the DAO at this time.I,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.872,False,-0.872 "This is an ambitious project - I like the idea, and the budget seems reasonable. But this sort of thing will require continuous funding, and for large (probably increasing) amounts. I cannot vote For unless there is a model for long term monetization/sustainability (perhaps partially subsidized by the DAO, but there should at least be benchmarks for weaning). It would be a very useful tool, but I fear voting yes will put the DAO on the hook - indefinitely - for several hundred ETHS per year to maintain and grow the API. That's a large expense if there's no plan for self sustainability. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.5483,False,-0.9483 Needed to get Founders to Yes,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "Vote threshold not met. **FOR - 27 VOTES** **nonodynamo** | *""I think data analysis is important to understand what worked and what did not.""* **Pizza 🍕** | *""solid value prop""* **Josep** | *""I think the ask is too high, a reducJosephon the payment per month. A 40% reduction on the ask would be great.""* **NO - 16 VOTES** **ABSTAIN - 2 VOTES**",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4939,False,-0.4939 Full reasoning on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Love the team & applications, I'm not sure if the best path forward would be the immediate integration of all applications together or the development of the best ones as singular endeavors. i also share some of the cIncerns made by other nouners. not a clear hell yes and not a clear no. decided to abstain. someownersNot",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9295,False,-0.9295 "I'm actually changing my vote to an against from last time. It's partly b/c my concern around voters not really knowing what they are voting yes to has not been addressed. ""those who want to control the range,haven do so by voting later"" is bad voter UX imo. if I care about an outcome I need to make sure to set an alarm right before vote end. I care a lot about n ns gov but don't want my schedule to be run by various vote end times. another (main) reason for the change of vote is that I voted yes last time b/c I'm pro gov experiThosetion, but this prop now feels more like making it a part of the canonical gov mechanisms (embedded into the UI). I mostly disagree that functional props with parameter ranges based on yes/no voting splits would have been the right (IMOstructively additive) way to approach many of the props noted in this prop so I feel less comfortable voting it in as one of the main ways to create a proposal in the main UI. IfAnotherWTF, so",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9354,False,-1.3354 "I like the builders on this team and would happily vote for them to build helpful tech for the DAO. I don't think the proposal in this current form moves the DAO forward. there is an expensive tax to build an architecture of this magnitude into production, and the tax iThereall of the individual data stores to expose their off-chain data to the consumers of this index. anything on-chain is already composable. centralized data stores such as discourse already have APIs that can be consumed ( i think distractingall thewith this tax right now is -EV, and some might not have the bandwidth to pull it off at all, leaving us with just adding an API on top of data sources that already have APIs whether in the form of HTTP or RPC-JSON on-chain calls. i think we have much bigger problems to tackle and this isn't a blocker for client developers as of today. i'd love to fund thiAnythingo work on something else.CentralizedIII",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8555,False,-0.8555 Full reasoning on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We want to build for Nouns, and this pricing should hopefully make it work. Elite frontends + unified backends FTW! ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8633,True,-0.06329999999999991 General distro is cool but unsure about leveraging binary yes/no votes as a way to scale prop compensation,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2144,False,0.2144 Same as my previous vote on take 1,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Full reasoning on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Props to HON team for coming back a third time. While l do look forward to the proposed deliverables, I mostly want HON to continue to improve its core UX. Either way, thanks for the persistence and best of luck! ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9273,True,-0.22730000000000006 "The house of nouns teams is a very nounish squad imnourisht only have they continued to iterIMO on the HoN v1 product (after winning Not governance mandated prop house round) into something that many voters use as theiHonefault voting client including myself, but they've also continued to hack on other ideas in the nouniverse without comp for the fun of it (e.g. is their work). very supportive of the HoN product to continue to be iterated on and very supportive of this team. no universeVeryHon",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9206,True,-0.02059999999999995 don't we have profuse already?,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We built something similar on, and without network effects, it becomes a ghost yard. I am bearish that novel ideas will come from public forums. I'd be glad to be proven wrong here, but I am almost positive Y Combinator doesn't do anything internal like this. Quality proposals will come from ultra-skilled, smaller teams (Atrium, Goldy, Danit, Stoopid Buddy, albeit not so small, Prop House, etc.), that have very specific skill sets. I'd be much more inclined to further fund work on this proposal if it has moved the needle forward within the Lil Nouns cGoldity, where this tool seems to already be in place. DavitStooped",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8253,False,-0.8253 "* the community is using its tooling * team has hacked on PoC's without asking for funding which is very Nourish * having a third unified client outside of and nounsagora is +EV thanks for coming back a third time. Let's put this team back to workWTFThanks",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.4215,True,0.07850000000000001 I support funding open infrastructure to solve DAO problems. This piece of software has also been successfully piloted via Lil Nouns. ,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.6124,False,0.1876 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 241, which is 5 for, 24 against and 15 abstain, we choose to vote against. We abstained in the last proposal, because we appreciated Digitalis’s exploration of dynamic range for community fundraising tools. The reason for the change in the outcome of the two rounds of proposals is that the new proposal became more and more difficult to understand, especially the second part. We support the exploration of dynamic funding. The content of the second part belongs to a direction that is correct, but proposes an overly complicated experimental scheme. The new proposal itself did not improve, and requires a philosophical dialectical understanding to enter the context of the proposal, which is a good idea, but not a product that people need. Although DigitalOil absorbed everyone’s opinions and made improvements. The financial and team parts of the proposal still did not improve, making the evaluation more difficult. We suggest implementing the first part of the product and applying for a “Small Grant”. Although we vote against, we recognize DigitalOil’s product philosophy, and the mechanization of dynamic financial governance is a very important direction. Nouns’ understanding enteringare limited (on-chain proposal, Small Round, Prop House), and it is difficult to fund governance thinkers and developers like DigitalOil. When the product is just an early personal idea, and has not reached the stage of being needed by the community, it should not use On-chain Proposal. Maybe we can open a round of “dynamic funding” Prop House to explore this path?DigitalisDigitalisDigitalis",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9457,False,-0.9457 I know a no-brainer when i see onI,Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.296,False,0.09599999999999997 Governance infrastructure is a high order public good for unchain societies. We need multiple options to compete on ideas and fit different Governors patterns and workflow. This team's dedication to Noun'ish societies is on full display including BuilderDAOs andisars.BuildersGears,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6597,False,-0.15969999999999995 "High quality art and high quality narrative art can scale meme-wise better than almost anything. If it can wrangle big time distribution, more so. If the quality isn't there, we can adjust prospectively. I am excited to bet on the Atrium team to deliver on this Prop, given what they delivered on 195 which was better than I expected, and if they do, then we're more likely to fund the next Prop to continue.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.802,False,-0.30200000000000005 "As much as possible would advocate to establish a shared backend schema with projects like house of nouns and Agora that are thinking of their own versions of this such that the idea liquidity can be shared and collectively built. regardless, I support this effort and feel pretty bullish that one or a combination of these approaches provRegardlesssuccessful can help the draft idea to onchain prop pipeline improve significantly, which would help a lot. unchain",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.9729,False,-0.27290000000000003 "**FOR - 44 VOTES** **RobotFishGirl** | *""DigitalOil is a brilliDigitalisr and I believe the tools outlined in this prop will be a valuable add- it's why I also said yes to the first prop. Thadd-ites made in v2 have only reaffirmed that belief and choice.""* **NO - 3 VOTES** **ABSTAIN - 7 VOTES**",Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.8625,False,-0.0625 "I've used Prop Lot at Lil Nouns where I thought it was a useful tool to provide heat checks on ideas that the membership wanted to pursue. I believe in this team, who can clearly execute and in adding additional tools to the DAO toolkit. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6808,True,0.11920000000000008 Voted yes on prop 223 and am very glad the team came back with a revised version. I love using House of Nouns and hope we can figure out a good way to continue to support this team and teams like them! I see governance tools as a core funding area of Nouns. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9661,True,-0.16609999999999991 "Excited to bet on the atrium team here. They've been incredible so far. can't wait to see the pilot! theCaudget for the whole feature film ($2.75M) would be one of the largest bets we've ever takThe(would be about 6% of our $43M treasury), but I'm happy to make that bet and fund it through if what we continue to see is top notch as we have seen in the",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8497,True,-0.049699999999999966 "After talking to the proposer I was made were that this has been a successful use case on Lil Nouns and also recieved some more information on the teareceivede I still stand by my original comments on my newsletter, with the new information I will be switching my for to a yes as I believe this could potentially prove useful for the DAO.",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8934,True,-0.39339999999999997 "Absolute banger of a proposal. Making nouns content is one of the things I think the DAO should strive to heavily fund. This proposal just hits all the boxes: Decentralized infrastructure; proven track record; fair ask and thorough proposal.",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.3182,True,0.5818000000000001 Full reasoning on my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Make it great and work with Prop Lots, so you're not reinventing wheels!",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.6588,False,0.0411999999999999 The Atrium team have created one of the most delightful pieces of Noun’is hart and culture to date with Prop 195. There was an attention to detail and deep understanding of Nouns culture that made me smile with every frame. Each one of these episodes represents and opportunity to proliferate the meme and taken together as a feature film will represent an achievement very few other organizations can match.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8858,True,-0.08579999999999999 Whatever has been learned about how this is useful to Lil Nouns should be expanded on here.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 Excited to see how this all comes together ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.34,True,0.46 "The UX flow requires substantial attention (quorum, twice (!)) fFromnouners w/o any incentive to do so. lowering said quorum deownershe purpose. from experience, it's close to impossible to get a meaningful % of nouners Loweringttention (understandably so) without there being 6+ figures on the line. i'm not sure this will get any real traction witFrom rethinking the mechanism entirely. good luck!ownersIsure if thisGood",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.7489,False,-1.1489 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Can't wait to see the product ,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "We are voting YES on this because House of Nouns has been a consistently great Nouns contributor, is building much-needed tools, and has taken the community's feedback to adjust their prop's ask. It would be great to see Hon collaborate with Prop Lot as well.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9291,True,-0.1291 Following in Senecas footsteps here. I want this/the team to succeed but unable to build conviction in this particular solution.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6369,False,-0.6369 "We are voting YES on this because Prop Lot has achieved success within Lil Nouns and unlocks new behaviors around coordination for Nouns (specifically around signaling interest in ideas). The ask is extremely reasonable for an MVP, and we're eager to see how the community uses it. It could be a good way for the DAO to find future explorers as well!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9511,True,-0.1510999999999999 "We are voting YES on this prop because we believe it is important for us to begin funding Nourish media, we appreciated the Atrium team's work, and would like to see more of it. We're optimistic and excited about this work but would like to see the results of this prop before funding more work - primarily, does this media succeed and spread outside of the Nouns bubble? Or is it only shared and enjoyethese currents Nouns participants? Regardless, attracting artists to create around Nouns requires kickstarting the flywheel and we are happy to support the Atrium team's work.outsidekick starting, and",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9904,True,-0.49039999999999995 "Vote threshold not met, Council votes abstain. **FOR - 27 VOTES** **Josep** | *""Seems to higJosephH a month per dev, a 3.5ETH a month seems more reasonable""* **RobotFishGirl** | *""Open source and a WAY reduced ask for one of my most used tools. Wish the media budget was still there, but still an easy yes. Hope the podcast/youtube videos can be funded through another avenue if this gets passed.""* **Benbodhi** | *""Open Source ⌐◨-◨ This heavily revised prop is of value to the whole ecosystem.""* **Sasquatch** | *""this prop has been neutered enough. clearlyYouTubeam wants to make this happen!""* **NO - 20 VOTES** **ABSTAIN - 3 VOTES**Clearly",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9646,False,-0.9646 "House of Nouns is building a great public for the ecosystem, to be used by Nouns and other DAOs down the future. The ask is at a reasonable cost, and I'm confident in their ability to deliver on what they've proposed.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8625,True,-0.1625000000000001 "**FOR - 46 VOTES** **Toady_Hawk** | *""YES""* **RobotFishGirl** | *""The only problem with the short was that it was short. This solves that problem. I'm already hyped about this movie and the prop hasn't even passed yet!""* **Benbodhi** | *""Would love to see more from this team.""* **Akva** | *""Track record is the way, yes for me""* **profwerder** | *""The first short by this team was amazing! The level of detail and integration of nounish fun but in a way that it still accessible and enjoyable by normies is exactly what we need more of!""* Akagshot Klim** | *""this team is doing great work and i look forward to seeing what they come up with next""* **AGAINST - 5 VOTES** **Josep** | *""I don't see a clear vision of how they want to successfully distribute this film, I also miss that they provide tools to know what is the real conversion of the film inprofferedrs for the DAO.""* **byhardy** | *""I love the idea of a Nouns movie. but I can't support this until I see more plans laid out about what happens once the movie is made, specifically marketing and how it returns $$ to the DAO. to me, droposals for portions of the film are just not enough to return funds to the DAO at such a high cost.""* **ABSTAIN - 5 VOTES**nourisharmiesBig shotSlimIJosephby hardyButToproposals",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9687,True,-0.24140000000000006 "**FOR - 40 VOTES** **Pizza** | *""An amazing tool that would greatly help the rest of the Nourish ecosystem.""* **Josep** | *""Prop Lot has shown to be a good tool during the time it has been active, I wouJosephke to continue to see how it evolves and contributes to Nouns growth.""* **Sasquatch** | *""brian the goat""* **NO - 10 VOTES** **ABSTAIN - 5 VOTES**Brian",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.9312,False,-0.23120000000000007 "Interested to see whether this or prop 242 (or neither) gets traction. I think it's worth funding both at the moment, then evaluate in a few months time.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5574,False,-0.5574 "Nom not movies Doing things different is NNourish exciting experimentation in producing art is fun!",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7777,True,-0.07769999999999999 "I am not sure about all the exact details here, but directionally this seems substantive and worth experimenting with. I often get DMs asking for feedback on proposals touching on ideas I've tweeted about, and I think the idea of formalizing that process is interesting. Furthermore, I also am excited about possibly having a repository of all the things Nouners want to see built, though I do wonder if for something to really work it has to be the proposers own in some way beyond just writing the proposal for something others want to see done. In any case, excited to see experimentation here! Owners",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9155,True,-0.4155 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 241, which is 33 for, 8 against and 15 abstain, we choose to vote abstain. The House Of Nouns proposal is one that is difficult to find flaws in. We have two concerns: 1. Nouns has no ownership of the product that the proposal promises. Will the ownership of the product, as promised in the proposal, be allocated to NounsDAO? If there is no correlation, then the funds requested in the proposal are essentially for the team to develop a product that belongs solely to themselves using NounsDAO's funds. This is a proposal that harms Nouns and benefits the team. 2. Complexity of features. The product promises to implement a complete governance lifecycle, including collecting ideas, early-stage discussions, on-chain decisions, etc. This means that the functional requirements are complex, and once the complexity is identified, even the best product manager will find it difficult to handle. FNounscern is not an issue with the 242 proposal, but rather with the immaturity of the NounsDAO system itself. Overall, we like the House Of Nouns product and team for the following reasons: 1. We are frequent users of House Of Nouns. It is simple and has redesigned the user interaction logic to focus on proposals, rather than channels, communities, or governance participants. This is a new type of product, and it has been well received by users (we can attest to that). 2. House Of Nouns is the first governance tool to define a complete governance process, implying a standard for proposal governance. It is beneficial not only for NounsDAO but also for the Nounish and Crypto industry, as it promotes scientific and standardized governance. 3. House Of Nouns has an excellent product team behind it. They understand the Nouns spirit and have developed a new Nouns model Behind House Of Nouns and ThatsGnarly's products, one can see a professional and continuous product development system, which is invaluable.NounsNounsNourish",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9726,False,-0.5726 "I like the idea in theory but given that it's already been used extensively in Lil Nouns, I'd need some sort of evidence that the model worked there before trying it out in Nouns. We've seen in the past that it's hard to get sufficient Nouner participation on pre-onchain initiatives, so I'd want to know how this is different before voting yes.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6775,False,-0.6775 Voting NO on this prop. Nouns proliferation efforts have primarily been focused on what *we* think is cool vs. what the rest of the world thinks is cool. I'd prefer we fund media with a more explicit POV and audience.,Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.5052,False,-0.9052 "Clear yes to me - Atrium are great builders and creatives, and their recent short film was definitely a success. Seems obvious to me that we should continue funding them to make great Nourish content, and I think the long-term result of one Nounish movie is great to work towards.Nourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.975,True,-0.17499999999999993 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 241, which is 13 for, 19 against and 13 abstain, we choose to vote abstain. There's a lot of controversy surrounding this proposal, with only a four-vote difference between those against and those for/abstaining. Supporting Points: 1. Atrium has proven their production capability. With a previous proposal, they delivered a remarkable 2-minute video with impressive speed and content, standing out from previous video proposals with poor delivery in Nouns. 2. Atrium's video is relatively cost-effective compared to other high-quality videos. Opposing Points: 1. For the same cost, ten meme shorts could have better reach. Nouns should focus on storytelling and creating memes instead of high-quality. 2. Proposal 195 video fails to demonstrate the team's storytelling ability. There are no memes or compelling stories, and there is no motivation for secondary creation and propagation. The video has only received 86 shares, 166 likes, and 40,000 views. Moreover, the TikTok link on Zora is invalid. The video appears soulless with exquisite 3D models but a flat and bland story. 3. Nouns Town in Proposal 195 has no Nouns elements. Upon inspection, the town is similar to small towns in any animated film, as if it were a 2-minute video assembled from past materials. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9538,False,-0.9538 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 241, which is 19 for, 13 against and 12 abstain, we choose to vote abstain. We support Proposal 244. 1. The Lions community has adopted it, with over 160 ideas collected and turned into proposals through a proven process. 2. PropLot's team is truly community-driven, able to identify and fulfill needs on the fringes of the community. They are a team with a Crypto-Native soul, and we believe in their future! 3. This is an interesting governance experiment. PropLot will become Nounish's wish pool, and if it becomes a reality, it would be too wonderful! Both Nouners could enjoy a more complete governance cycle and a more active ecosystem. However, there are many concerns. The reason for these concerns is that 1. PropLot's effectivenesProp LotunsDAO is in doubt. PropLot performs well in the Lilnouns community due to its member size and its integration into the lilnouns website. But PropLot and NounsDAO are very different. NounsDAO is a network with only 341 holders (NounsDAO is not a community), while Lilnouns has a community of 2338 active members who generate many interesting stories on Discord. In addition, if PropLot is not integrated into the NounsDAO website or the processes of Prop House or House Of Nouns, then there will be little interaction with holders and users. Although Nouns.Center has implemented this feature, its entry point is too deep, and no one uses it. These are the reasons why we do not believe PropLot will be successfully adopted in NounsDAO. 2. There are also many alternative products available. PropLot's idea is simple and can easily be implemented by HouseOProp Lot(in their proposal) or other products such as and nounsagora. Overall, we are willing to believe in them and take this adventure together!NourishOwnersProp LotNounsProp LotLionslionsProp LotNounsNounsNounsLionsProp LotNouns CenterProp LotNounsProp Lot Build",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9929,True,-0.5929 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "No. Bad process and destructive approach, not helpful.",Negative,Negative,-0.8,-0.9008,True,0.1008 More thought needs to be put into the Split mechanic and the Verbs design is a better starting point. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 Excited to build on the success of 195 and support another Atrium project! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8439,True,-0.04389999999999994 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 " INTO",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "This encourages perhaps the most important Ethereum public good, decentralization, with a little toggle graffiti flag twist. I love to see Nouns supporting Ethereum public goods. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9324,True,-0.13239999999999996 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Split mechanic should be a mean to protect the DAO/Nouner from a attack, not a channel for ""refund"" an",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.128,False,0.128 Super ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5994,False,-0.5994 This is the worst prop that has ever been proposed.,Negative,Negative,-0.9667,-0.6249,True,-0.3418 ⌐◨-◨ everywhere,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 This is fun! Very nourish.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5562,True,0.24380000000000002 Wrong kind of ugly.,Negative,Negative,-0.5,-0.7506,True,0.25060000000000004 Right kind of Ugly⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Even though this proposal sucks, I'm still voting for it to signal support. A Rage Quit mechanism should be part of Nouns. The sooner, the better!",Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.2003,False,0.0002999999999999947 "I am interested in seeing proposals that address the danger of ""the tyranny of the majority"" and offer a path beyond the Founder veto, but I do not support this proposal. It reads like an attempt to offer disillusioned Noun holders a refund that would in some cases be partial and other cases be excessive. (I see many Nouns that have been trading on the floor on Blur voting for this.) I do not support the concept of Noun refunds, in general. It's also a brittle approach: freezing a certain book value, offering redemptions on a first come first served basis. It read to be primarily about money and not the health of the DAO. Eager to work together to fincome,way to address the issues at hand. Thanks for the time on this! ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8784,False,-0.8784 Hella nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 " We are voting for this prop because it is a fun Nourish experiment that will spread the noggles and, hopefully, get more folks involved igogglesstaking! One of the builders, Greg, is an Explorer and we are excited to see him participate in an on-chain prop :), and",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8932,True,-0.09319999999999995 We are voting against this because this is not well-thought-out and has several key errors such as hardcoding book value. We should not send 3000 hard codingunaudited contract,Negative,Neutral,-0.7368,0.0,False,-0.7368 "Alana here, from Variant. We’ve decided to vote against Nouns Prop 248. A key risk is that rage-quit risks a stifling of treasury funds. Each treasury activation / funding grant would at least temporarily lower the book value of Nouns, so holders are faced with a trade-off every time they vote on a proposal: fund the prop vs. preserve the book value of their Noun. In theory, this creates a forcing function for better evaluating the merits of each prop – only props which are believed to drive future value to the DAO in excess of the current book value of each Noun would pass. In practice, that’s hard to quantify proactively. The consequence could be fewer funding approvals, especially for more provocative experiments that may not have as explicit financial returns. We recognize that, even if this proposal is defeated, it’s likely not the last time we’ll see a rage quit proposal submitted to the Nouns DAO. In light of this, it’s worth taking a moment trage-quit some of what makes Nouns special: The ability to activate funds for bold, unique experiments in brand and community building Highly engaged community members A consistent source of funding (the daily auction) Any implementation of rage quit should seek to preserve those core primitives. 4156 has already proposed one alternative mechanism, whereby any Nouner who votes but lands in the minority on a proposal can rage quit as a sign of their dissent. This version would help encourage continued community engagement (by making voting a prerequisite to rage quitting), while preserving the ability of the community to access funding for projects. There may be other versions that preserve and protect the values of Nouns as well. We’re committed to evaluating each proposal on its individual merits. But today the version in question is what’s proposed in Prop 248, and we’re voting no. rage-quitrage-quitrage-quitting",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9715,False,-0.9715 I think a rage quit function is key to any DAOs,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 This charismatic and a clever way to incentivize solo staking. Excited to see it piloted!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.69,True,0.1100000000000001 Showing support for RQ. Not the best implementation but would like to see RQ implemented in some shape or form,Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.4434,False,-0.043399999999999994 "**AGAINST - 53 VOTES** **Aka** | *""Bad prop.* *Intelligent rage quit is coming by Elarage-quitid. Wait anon ⌐◨-◨""* **pxlmnml** | *""come on""* **Benbodhi** | *""That’Cladno from me dawg. This feels like the opposite of nounish to me. Plus the contract has a hard coded book value which is weird. Only benefits people who want to arb the book value of nouns and managed to purchase their nouns below 41 eth.* *This is not nounish building imo.""* **Pizza** | *""Putting this through seems like it would be terrible for the culture which is already shaky currently. For this reason, im out.""* **andrenourishaw** | *""Ragequit already exists in many forms, such as opensea or blur""* **Josep** | *""I do not feel qualified to give a decision on this proposal. It is not my area of expertise, it seems to me the most important decision that has been taken so far in Nouns DAO and, therefore, I believe ARBt a better structured debate should be held in order to take the best possible steps for the DAO.""* **FOR - 5 VOTES** **ABSTAIN - 4 VOTES**ethsnourishIMOI'mRage quitOpenSeaJoseph",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.8399,False,-1.2399 "**FOR - 36 VOTES** **Wide Eye ⌐◨-◨** | *""For the culture""* **Sasquatch** | *""culture""* **Benbodhi** | *""1 ⌐◨-◨, every block, forever* *♾️ ⌐◨-◨""* **Akva** | *""⌐◨-◨""* **AGAINST - 16 VOTES** **Josep** | *""It seems to me to be a poor proposaAkaith little data on how the 30 ETH can impact on growing Nouns and offers no way to analyse how successful the proposal is.** **ABSTAIN - 3 VOTES**Josephanalyze",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4019,False,0.4019 Supportive of the threshold split rage quit implementation instead of this approach. also don't approve of beAlsocareless with regulatory risk in general.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.34,False,0.34 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 241, which is 5 for, 18 against and 0 abstain, we choose to vote against. The proposal's opinion is clear, and we do not recommend taking Rage Quit immediately. It's not just an issue with the content of the proposal itself, but also the caution regarding the level of the proposal. Our opposing viewpoints: 1. Refuse to change the constitutional-level rules of the DAO without evidence that Rage Quit is effective (Moloch rarely uses Rage Quit) or sufficient community debate. Proposals of this level require lengthy debate, repeated proposals and opposition, and then approval. Changing the underlying rules lightly is irresponsible to the consensus. It is normal for a system to have human flaws at every level. However, a casual attitude towards underlying rules could destroy the Nouns system, a stable system is better than no system. 2. NounsDAO already has a secondary market exit method. Rage Quit is a term that appears powerful on the surface, but in essence, it is a bad price market-making way. It does not have the game-theoretical effect it promises. 3. The importance behind Rage Quit is not angry, but forking. The execution of this proposal did not enhance the system or generate more viable branches, but resulted in a loss of consensus, which is negative on the margin. Instead, leaving feedback for continuous improvement of the system can turn it into a way to enhance the system. The efficiency of Nouns proposal supervision has also been improving and will continue to progress. 4. The proposal implies that everyone is angry, which is a language game. The fact is that most users have a mixed feeling of disappointment and hope. Any one-sided reNouns hope or anger will damage a system. 5. Earlier proposal 192 had a more comprehensive rage quit design called theDAO Split mechanism/design. The proposer, Verbs team, pointed out that although it is still under discussion with legal counsel, they believe it is the best solution for Nouns. They are now soliciting community opinions and think it is very urgent to implement it as soon as possible. The supporting viewpoints for this proposal are very simple: 1. Promote the equal vision of Nouns: Each Nouns subdao represents Nouns, and NounsDAO is just one branch. This is a more attractive future, a dynamic and ongoing future.rage-quitthetaNounSundayNouns",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9964,False,-0.9964 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Awesome idea, love it!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8622,True,-0.06219999999999992 Sorry I don't understand what's this about ,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.0772,False,0.0772 "Layout has been a fantastic experiment, and many of its flaws would be fixed by pseudonyms. Definitely think we should continue to support this team.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8402,True,-0.1402 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nouns will succeed if A+ people make A+ proposals below market rate because there are strong synergies generated by working together,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7579,False,-0.7579 "I like the new implementations, ask seems very reasonable. Good luck ⌐◧-◧. ",Positive,Positive,0.6,0.8378,True,-0.2378 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 In favor of further funding this team.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4019,True,0.2981 "As seen on Cannon: this is an an innanve crypto relevant tech and they are asking from th, andO an amount that shows they value our partnership, win win from that POVwin-win",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9169,False,-0.9169 "Im not a fan of anon conversations, but I am a fan of others than want it",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3557,False,0.3557 Davit is killing it,Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.6597,False,1.4597 YES,Positive,Positive,0.0,0.4019,True,-0.4019 "I have been talking to the team for a couple of months; this is an important experiment for Nouns. My goal is to find ways for it to pay for restaurants to rebrand as Nounish. My bigger picture goal for iNourish extend how we even think about the Nouns brand and how it spreads. How to make this into a repeatable Open Franchise kit, with the Nouns cc0 meme, open to all, such that any independent restauranter can plug into it and use aspects of it as they see fit (or not, open means use what works or nothing at all), and each one that plugs in enhances the entire network and its reach and relevance, a decentralized cc0 branded franchise. There are other elements to this stack that can be added by smart builders if they see an opportunity from loyalty/marketing/retention/rewards program/Web3 Point of Sale UX are all natural fits and some will be made in this Proposal but this model and kit will be open and evolve and incorporate what works and drop what doesn't over time. Done well this Open Franchise Model mutually reinforces Nouns and whichever restaurants plug into it. It could empower independent retail food service and create many proliferation opportunities that shoot off in a bunch of directions from customers to existing restaurants to people who are engaged by disruptive never before tried models. This experiment has the potential to blaze this trail. It will be on the team, who bring a track record running similar restaurants and businesses and who own Nouns and are committed to Nouns and are going out on a limb, to make this happen and create a model Nouns franchise. This Proposal and the Nouns seed relationship and halo is what give it the chance to grow. As to protections for the DAO, the cost side is what it costs to take this risk, we went back and forth on it. Nothing seems out of whack or inflated, they are making disruptive changes to an existing business and its physical plant to effect this change. There are milestones in place from within the multisig controlled by Nouners so there's also controls if it runs into an insurmountable challenge and has to stop. If we spend the ETH and the big dream doesn't materialize, we learn from it and have at least a singular Nounish restaurant that will persist. You're welcome Melbourne. Prospectively, I wouldn't pay for restaurants to rebrand as Nounish --> the goal is to find ways for it to pay for restaurants to rebrand as Nounish.multisetOwners, soNourishNourish→Nourish",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9207,True,-0.9207 LEG!,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Much needed! We need to know why people support /reject votes!,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.508,False,-0.008000000000000007 "Thoughtful proposal from a high-quality team. Excited to see the jewelries IRL ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6124,True,0.1876 "Like the idea, disagree with the tracks chosen",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,-0.0258,True,0.0258 "This team has done great work, and I’m eager to see Heyanoun extended to support Layoutmous discussion where I think it can become an important forum for conversation and provide additional context around the current Heyanoun messages.Layout",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8779,True,-0.3779 Let the man cook,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Keep supporting wins,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.765,False,-0.265 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 This sounds super useful and is a great public good for the ecosystem. The Pool suite team has proven they can ship high quality product. This is a yes from me!,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9501,True,-0.05009999999999992 Davit is an incredible designer who is on 🔥 and we are fortunate to have her representing Nouns. LLet'scontinue the momentum around this collection and bet on talented people with a track record of doing amazing things. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.875,True,-0.07499999999999996 nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.6,0.0,True,0.6 "This is EXACTLY the kind of thing that we need! Assuming it's successful, I would love to see a future prop to kickstart small business owners who apply for screening. kick starth a large investment to get IRL nounish presence in the food industry.nourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.906,True,-0.20600000000000007 Hella nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Not a fan of layout so far but a big fan of the team ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4449,False,0.4449 "Hyped on this, should be interesting",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.4019,True,0.09810000000000002 Very Nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.9224,0.0,True,0.9224 Supportive of utilizing the work and momentum already built and extending the reach to NY,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.3182,False,0.3818 "I know some disagree with me, but I maintain that heyanoun has been net positilayoutuns (it's useful to know where the ""vibe floor"" is and you just need to walk into heyanoun v1 like a war zone). hopefully , andv2 with persistent pseudonyms and threading and the natural curation with the up/down votes will make it less like a war zone and a place that private layoutan be surfaced in a constructive way. if there's any team that will navigate this complex technical and social space thoughtfully I think it's the personae labs team! HopefullyIf",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9523,True,-0.238 One of my fav props ever,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4588,True,0.34120000000000006 "I wasn't in Paris but from what I saw and heard about Davit's work/show, it was phenomenal and brought a lot of great attention to the DAO. Re-enabling that experience at NFT NYC seems like a no brainer, and it costs the equivalent of 1 auction'sno-brainerbasically. Easy yes for me.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9382,True,-0.1382 "Big fan of the world Personae Labs is doing, pseudonymous and anonymous conversation is critical for enabling transparent conversations around the DAO, even if it isn't always pretty. This work pushes all of Ethereum forward, not just Nouns - I'm sure this infrastructure can and will be adopted by other communities as well. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.1955,True,0.6045 "Love this idea - I think events like these are great for concentrating collective energy around Nouns into singular moments, which can drive a lot of creativity and innovation. It also has the opportunity to attract a lot of new developers and creatives into the community.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9698,True,-0.26980000000000004 "It's not clear to me that $200K is justified here, and don't have a strong idea of how much the auctions will go for in terms of ETH returned to the treasury. Also don't know how much value is driven back to Nouns in terms of meme/brand awareness - you can't really tell its Nouns related from the jewelry, so the proliferation would be entirely dependent on the events leading up to the auction, which to me aren't enough to justify the cost.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.2533,False,-0.45330000000000004 "Very strong yes from me. Not only are the folks are Pool suite excellent, but I see this as a great opportunity for Nouns to be a leader in building public infrastructure for all of web3. Nouns Wallet Service can accompany tools like Prop House, Agora, and House of Nouns as software that any community can use to serve its own needs. The only question I'd have is what the plans are after the 1y of Poolsuite development/maintenance is up, and who wouPool suitehat over per se. I'm confident that can be figured out though when the time comes.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9736,True,-0.27360000000000007 "I got hungry just reading this proposal. Love the idea, and it seems to be an already successful business that has a lot of strong traction. Makes a lot of sense to me to try the experiment and see if a Nouns franchise model could make sense, which I have a hunch that it would. Not to mention the team seem to be operationally excellent and have a lot of experience in this field already.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9432,True,-0.24320000000000008,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 burgerrrrrrrrr,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "We think this is a worthwhile experiment in pseudonymous messaging and crypto-native social tools, and have been enjoying the Personae Labs team's work so far.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7003,True,-0.000300000000000078 A great team and a useful tool validated by their community is a great combination. This could be really valuable for Nouns and the ecosystem.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9468,True,-0.14679999999999993 Generating lots of ideas and approaches around tools is key to evolving unchain societies and should be encouraged,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.3612,True,0.4388 "This is what it's all about! Excited to see a way for people to serendipitously interact with Nouns in person through a fun, solid business! Proliferatooooooors ⌐◨-◨",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7835,True,0.01650000000000007 "Davit has been able to get lots of attention, in person and online, and we think it's worth continuing funding her showcase of this Nourish work. While we think we have more work to do before Nouns funds fashion that has mass appeal, Danit's work is taking us in the right directionDavit",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.2263,True,0.2737 "I am excited about this prop! I haven't loved the use of layout so far, but I think there is certainly a place for both anonymity and pseudonymity and I am excited about the features describepseudonymaps more than the Nouns specific use cases, I think this is important web3 tech and I'm excited that Nouns has a chance to suppo, andt. Good luck! , and",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9767,True,-0.27670000000000006 Experimenting with a CC0 franchise model is a bold & important experiment and something we should make a bet on. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5267,True,0.2733000000000001 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐◨-◨ 🥪 ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 23** **Ryan Mac ⌐◨-◨** | *""awesome work so far""* **byhardy** | *""Big idea, would love to see Nouns lead by hardy here.""* **AGAINST - 23** **profwerder** | *""too many issues lingering with HeyAnoun to fund another anon thing and need hadnt been demonstrated. also we have teams that wiproffereded to do research on private voting —enough in that area right now (voted no on that too)""*Cannonhadn'tAlso",Negative,Negative,-0.7647,-0.0772,True,-0.6875 "**FOR - 38 VOTES** **have.eth** | *""hack = win""*ETH*byhardy** | *""loved this idea from the first by hardyrtin posted it on Twitter. he's been grinding on it. absolutely huge idea that can bring a ton of positive attention tHethe ecosystem. win for everyone imo. can't wait!""* **nonodynamo** | *""Seems like it just a lot of prop houses in one week. I am not sure it wAbsolutelye best ideas because it is so much all at once. Or the right attention to the ideas.""* **AGAINST - 9 VOTES** **Classic_Craig** | *""Would like to see Marketing added""*WinIMOCasure if it",Positive,Positive,0.3125,0.9554,True,-0.6429 "**FOR - 44 VOTES** **Graphic.⌐◨-◨** | *""This will be great to continue to move forward on as the last one was so successful!""* **proffered** | *""Give Danit all the eth she wants! shes killing it!!! LFG""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""Danit has been doing some amazing work and her presentatDavitn paris was one of the highliughts of the show. Lets do this again IN NY""* **Classic_Craig** | *""previous successes, i like the marketing visibility""* ETHGAINST - 10 VOTES** **byhardy** | *""I am strongly in support of Danit, love the clothes and the content, but I am voting no because I do not support NFT NYC (the mshe'sconference). Would like to see $$ spent on presence a more authentic NFT related satellite event (or events) during the week.""*LEGBig shotSlimDavitParishighlightsLet'sIby hardyDavit ",Neutral,Positive,0.7368,0.9379,False,-0.20109999999999995 "Doesn't seem like it has demand, not sure if it's focused and clear, and the maintenance costs implied ongoing are high.",Neutral,Negative,-0.5,-0.4864,False,-0.013600000000000001 "**FOR - 41 VOTES** **Coral Orca** | *""deli nouns?""* **Classic_Craig** | *""Yes! Yes! this is the way!!!! long lasting prolonThisproliferation as long as the food is good""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""this is a worthwhile experlong-lastingmething many have talked about doing. this will also open up opportunities for other builders to engage with art, design, product and proliferating. aBig shotable model""* **byhardy** | *""Love this so much. Awesome team. Best of luck!!""* **systemdm.⌐◨-◨** | *""Love this. Purchased Nounscafe.eth for developiSlim similar idea.. 🤞🏻😄""* **profwerder** | *""Perfect location to experiment with a Nouns restaurant! Already a successful location & team.""* **AGAINST - 4 VOTES**ThisAby hardysystemNouns cafe Eth.proffered",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.974,True,-0.274 "Too rushed, categories don't make sense, push it back a week and do it more thoughtfully to maximize the impact.",Neutral,Positive,-0.6,0.4576,False,-1.0575999999999999 I don’t disagree with the tracks myself and think this is a great idea so voting FOR but would advocate listening to the dissenting views and incorporating them into the final tracks we go with. Trust the explorer grants team to handle that well 🙏,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.8807,False,-0.18070000000000008 Large ask while the primary use case(s) don't feel particularly compelling/applicable to nouns,Neutral,Neutral,-0.3,0.0,True,-0.3 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 251, which is 0 for, 18 against and 4 abstain, we choose to vote against. The viewpoints of our different members are as follows (source not listed): Opinions opposing this proposal: 1. The finances for marketing proposals should be tightened. It is recommended that all marketing proposals go through the Small Grant channel. If they want to go through the on-chain major proposal channel, they must prove that there can be revenue and feedback to the treasury. The key indicator for evaluating a marketing proposal is whether or not it has a meme or story. The idea behind this proposal is obvious and lacks any story or meme. 2. Based on my current experience, I have observed that Nouns attract new community members and grow primarily through outstanding community products, the hard work of dedicated teams, the tireless promotion of Nouns by holders, and prop house rounds that demonstrate Noun's vigorous vitality of the community. However, Proposal 251 has created a Consumerism landscape thwhetherucive to marketing and brand building within the community.Personally, I have no interest in marketing without incorporating memes or stories. Proposal 251 will not capture the recognition of both fashion circles and Crypto-Native partners, and instead make them feel like there is another naive buyer paying for trendy things while satisfying some people's self-perceived pleasure in effective marketing. 3. Data shows that Proposal 197 had poor execution results after implementation with only one thousand views on Twitter review proposals with sixteen retweets compared to an investment of $120k resulting in low ROI. Opinions supporting this proposal: 1. 3D printed fashion looks good and novel. 2. Danit Peleg (the proposer) has successfully delivered three rounds of proposals in the past. She is dedicated and can enhance the Nouns community. As an Israeli fashion designer, she became famous as the first designer to create 3D-printed clothing. PersonallyDavitPele",Neutral,Positive,-0.7,0.9953,False,-1.6953 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 253, which is 6 for, 10 against and 11 abstain, we choose to vote abstain. The viewpoints of our different members are as follows (source not listed): Opinions opposing this proposal: 1. The theme of Hack Week is not clear, and the proposal is a bit rough. 2. Time. The poster indicates that it will be held from 3.27-4.2, which is very urgent. 70% of the effect of Hack Week comes from early preparation and BD, especially as an online hackathon, the promotion and BD time in the early stage needs to be longer. 3. 99 ETH expenditure is too high. It's unreasonable to hastily organize a Nouns ecosystem Hack Week for about $200,000. Supporting views on the proposal: 1. A replicable growth model has been proven in the Nouns ecosystem. From Open Round and private voting research rounds, this is the best Nouns growth model. And every launch will attract enough attention and increase community cohesion. This proposal belongs to repeating an already successful model to promote ecological growth for Nouns with no logical problems. 2. The difference in this proposalNouns'hat Hack Week will involve more operational work than Prop House rounds without promotion or operation; this replicable model can actually be optimized by Proposal 253 for mature growth within Nouns' ecosystem. 3. Behind Proposal 253 are teams such as, Nouns Square, Grant Protocol etc., who together form a golden team among all proposals related to nouns - they are trustworthy due to their understanding of noun spirits as well as professionalism and execution capabilities. 4. On another note: I am concerned that overly professional requirements for proposals may stifle community atmosphere. Many proposers have no problem with logic or implementation but may get bogged down in how professional their proposals should be instead of focusing on what's best for nouns.Nouns' Build",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9945,False,-0.9945 "I'm really happy with how Prop 197 went, and think it makes sense to do this follow on, as well. Seems like there's a lot of positive serendipity that would come from it, and it makes sense to double down where we're seeing success, not to mention put to use what we've already funded! After this one, if Danit thinks we should do more of these, I think I would prefer to see a proposal for a next coherent block of work that might encompass several events. Not sure if it mDavitsense to ask the DAO to vote on going to each event, and we may see diminishing marginal returns. Thanks for all your work and good luck in NYC! ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9657,True,-0.16569999999999996 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 255, which is 1 for, 17 against and 6 abstain, we choose to vote against. The viewpoints of our different members are as follows (source not listed): Opposing views on the proposal: 1. The community wallet product originated from a private social club similar to FWB, which is more suitable for closed community scenarios and not applicable to open Nouns. However, it may be adopted by subDAOs of Nouns. 2. Why should Nouns pay 120 ETH for an integrated service? The proposal for NounsWallet is different from Prop House and House Of Nouns' building products from scratch for Nouns. The product was not adopted in FWB, and now they are applying for funding in Nouns to do integration, which is extremely unreasonable. Nouns provides both users and funds to integrate a product service. 3. There is insufficient confidence in timely delivery of the product. This is PSundayse team's first proposal at Noun. In the past, the team has delayed delivery of products such as Supporting views on the proposal: 1. The proposer of Proposal 255, PoolSuite, is a talented team with excellent aesthetics in their FM magazine products etc., even if there have been delays in delivery we are willing to wait for them to produce results.Noun providesPoolsidePoolside",Neutral,Positive,-0.7,0.9833,False,-1.6833 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 256, which is 0 for, 19 against and 2 abstain, we choose to vote against. The viewpoints of our different members are as follows (source not listed): Opposing views on the proposal: 1. I do not approve of its model. Spending $150,000 to create a rigid politically correct story for Nouns is a very bad sign. This proposal follows the traditional brand operation mindset of funding special groups and shaping their own brand image. Now NounsDAO funds an inspirational star who knows nothing about Nouns and has done nothing for Nouns, implanting a positive and optimistic brand spirit in everyone, which is an extremely rigid and inflexible brand strategy that does not fit with Nouns. Noun's brand is a completely different model from previous brands; it is a headless brand where people feel the project's branding characteristics from community members' experiences. For the branding of Nouns, vivid stories or crNouns concise memes should be used to enhance culture and build community consensus rather than funding a celebrity who has no understanding of Nouns. I strongly oppose the 256 proposal, which uses a solution that is fundamentally incompatible with both our thinking and operational methods to shape the Nouns brand. 2. The requirement for $150,000 in funding is too high.",Neutral,Positive,-0.7692,0.9397,False,-1.7088999999999999 "Thanks to the team for putting together this prop! I think this is a cool idea, and is a fun theme to experiment with, but I think the ask is too high for the amount of work and the need being met here. I am also concerned about the longevity of this design: who maintains the systems that send these notifications, how are they funded and organized, etc. Would be up for a smaller grant to fund some experimentation here. Thanks again for your time on this! ",Neutral,Positive,0.3125,0.9088,False,-0.5963 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 254, which is 10 for, 4 against and 5 abstain, we choose to vote abstain. The viewpoints of our different members are as follows (source not listed): Opposing views on the proposal: 1. The proposal emphasizes business model innovation, but using a points program to maintain user loyalty without any community ownership does not reflect innovative business models. Existing Web3 consumer explorations have shown that even if the community has a little bit of ownership, the effect will be very different. 2. The biggest concern is sustainability. Some long-standing old stores root themselves in the community and condense rich social relationships. However, operators in this proposal rely more on Nouns12 to maintain it. If people who have been in restaurants for a long time do not see or understand information about Nouns belonging to the community, then the relationship between such restaurants and Nouns is very fragibitme. In other words, if operators of the Nouns brand do not love their community, its actual effect on Nouns' culture and brand will be minimal. 3. I asked about restaurant ownership issues with Nouns12, and they replied that there was no connection between restaurant ownership and Nouns; it only had promotional effects on branding. From this perspective, it's not cost-effective. 4. We are unfamiliar with Australia's commercial environment and concerned about instability in offline space operations - such as local restaurant closure rates or whether it's possible to spend $200k decorating an establishment only for it to become unprofitable after one year. Supporting views on the proposal: 1. I've always had special feelings towards physical spaces offline. Buildings are not just functional venues but also condensed things within meaning worlds that remain unchanged. Building a square in a community where social interactions occur frequently - like children playing around or lovers being intimate - remains constant while producing many interesting stories above them; layered cultures emerge from these buildings over time.Building architecture is unique because promoting culture is difficult yet when an offline entity exists long enough; interesting stories continue emerging from them creating multi-layered cultures. 2. Despite having several problems highlighted by opposing views regarding short-term benefits versus costs involved with this proposal, it's worth exploring and seeking Co-Create's consultation and assistance. This proposal takes an important step in Nouns' exploration of Web3+ consumption + offline community building, even if the concept may not be perfect. Building",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9872,False,-0.9872 "Wild, fun experiment for a pretty low ask, relative to the work to be done. Let's do it!!",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.717,True,-0.017000000000000015 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I am skeptical about the efficacy of financing software for external communities as a method of proliferating Nouns, and I doubt our ability to accurately assess their requirements. Instead, I advocate for supporting the development of tools that address the needs of Nouns DAO, as numerous other communities are likely to share these needs, allowing us to disseminate our tools and principles. Regrettably, this proposal appears to be geared towards funding a tool for other communities, whose demand for it remains uncertain.",Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.4767,False,0.2767 "This is our prop, so we are naturally in support of it. We're excited to see the entire Nouns' community hyped around a single week event, building cool things, and celebrating the work everyone is doing. Keep nouns weird. ⌐◨-◨",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8555,True,-0.055499999999999994 Sincerely appreciate the overwhelming support shown by the day 🫡 ⌐◧-◧ let’s do this. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8176,True,-0.01759999999999995 "Good Aspects: - Increased awareness and engagement with Nouns in the web3 developer community through IRL presence hackathons. - Onboarding international builders and fostering a global community. - Strengthening the Nouns brand by associating it with positive and memorable experiences. - Encouraging developers to build on top of Nouns through the Nouns Prize. - Promoting cultural exchange and diversity by blending local culture with Nouns in each event. - Previous success with three editions of the Nouns Fair, demonstrating the team's experience and commitment. Bad Aspects: - The team will rely on external help for hosting, photo sets, swag, and recording, which may result in varying quality across different events. - Events may be subject to change, and the team will need to adjust accordingly. The past success of the Nouns Fair demonstrates that Mono & Ale are experienced and committed to achieving their goals. Budget seems reasonable considering the scale of the project. The impact of previous Nouns Fairs can't be ignored, having a nouns-powered set on the global events that involve one of the main target demographics seems very worthwhile. Best of luck, keep up the good work. ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9945,True,-0.09450000000000003 "Enabling mobile push-notifications for token holders is interesting, but I wonder how many Owners would use this specific tool or even want these on-chain events appearing as notifications on their phone. There isn't enough obvious utility for me here. The prop also talks about Nouns lacking a ""simple real-time communication layer"" but doesn't seem to offer any further communication tools, like messaging. Poolsuite's work is fun and significantly Nounish, happy to have them present and proposingPool suiteing no on this prop but definitely encourage them to come back with more proposals.Nourish",Neutral,Positive,0.2143,0.9692,False,-0.7548999999999999 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 21 VOTES** **Classic_Craig** | *""this feels like a potential on ramp experience for folks""* **AGAINST - 26 VOTES** **nonodynamo** | *""This seems like a centralized notification system to me.""* **Sasquatch** | *""Please come back with another proposal. Poolsuite is amazing!""*Pool suite",Neutral,Positive,0.4215,0.2481,False,0.1734 "Good feedback on it, good focus, good execution, let's see what a year of Nouns Fairs at EF and ETH Global events accomplishes.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.886,True,-0.08599999999999997 "Absolutely love this proposal. Nounishness to me is about playfulness, absurdity, craft, and optimism, and it seems like this story has the potential to capture all of those qualities in a delightful way. love that nouns is a plLovethat can encourage ppl do things like this and a place to share those stories. can't wait to see the documentary! Ca",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9822,True,-0.08219999999999994 " What iIappreciate: - The documentary showcases an inspiring story that aligns with the Nouns' values and could potentially resonate with a broader audience. - The proposal aims to collaborate with an established athlete, which could bring more visibility to the Nouns ecosystem. - Upon completion, the documentary will be minted as an Open Edition, with 50% of proceeds going to NouNounsd 50% to the chosen charity, Life Rolls On. (Intention is great, we'll see the results) what i'm concerned about: - I believe Wheelz's compensation structure could be improved by emphasizing his dedication to the project and enthusiasm for its success, rather than focusing solely on his social media following. It would be great to see a compensation model that acknowledges the time and effort he invests and highlights his genuine passion for promoting inclusive sportI and inspiring others. - Would've liked more detailed information about how the documentary will be specifically promoted or distributed, to have a better idea of the plan. *also would've appreciated to see a video from Wheelz himself showing his perspective on the idea. ⌐◨-◨: VOTING FOR Wheelappreciated seeingWheel",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9932,False,-0.9932 "This video gets me: And I really want to tell people that Nouns sponsored the worlds first triple backflip in a wheelchair, it feels like a Nourish thing to do. I see this as an exciting memorable event, an entertaining video, and a fundraiser for a cause Nouns can proudly support. I appreciate the focus on providing and collecting CC0 footage for the community, and doing the open edition droposal (50% to Nouns DAO, 50% to charity). Looking forward to seeing this one happen.proposal",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9531,True,-0.1530999999999999,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Extremely Nourish imo. OpporIMOity to be part of something special. Creative ROI with donation to a good causes. ,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.8901,False,-0.09009999999999996 ⌐◨u◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 100% supportive of getting in front of more builders. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.296,True,0.504 Noun inspires. Wheel inspires. Alternative sports like esports and extreme athletics are in our DNA. This is an incredible opportunity to proliferate through an inspirational film about a proven athlete on his quest to become a legend. It has all the ingredients for a high-impact short film in the age of Internet distribution.,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9246,True,-0.4246 Love seeing what the folks at stock are building. #bullish,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6369,True,0.06309999999999993 Love this. I like the focus around a specific vertical of events and that they’ve already shown success in this category. ask seems reasonable as well. best of luck! AskBest,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9638,True,-0.16379999999999995 "I think this is a fine cause/initiative, but It's hard for me to get excited by Nouns involvement. Just slapping noggles on stuff is not very interesting and,gogglesk, a pretty poor way of spreading nouns.I",Neutral,Neutral,-0.3,-0.0419,True,-0.2581 "I'm excited about this one! Appears contentious, so I'll try to add a bit more thought. 1. I think this prop is a great, charismatic mix of punk, audacious, and wholesome. It's Nounish. I think the people who would see this Nourisht to join Nouns because of it--want to help fund more stuff like this--are people I would love to work with. The asymmetric upside of most props is in how far and wide the story might go: how many people it might inspire. I feel this is high potential, in this regard. 2. It's a prop were Nouns uniquely can unlock something: would this happen without Nouns? Probably not. We can make all the difference. 3. I am a fan of props that fund a specific deliverable which can be used forever with no maintenance: in this case Nouns gets a story and video that can be used forever and has no upkeep. Super excited to see it happen!",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9796,True,-0.0796 "**FOR - 40 VOTES** **Classic_Craig** | *""Yes, yes, yes. Proliferate to the gigabits, please.""* **EltonPenguin** | *""Good to raise awareness of Nouns **Josep** | *""The work of Mono and Ale has been excellent during their implication with the DAO. Really looking forward to see what they can do with this Nouns Fair""* **AGAINST - 4 VOTES** **nonodynamo** | *""I do not think there is enough time or enough products to Josephis well.""* to seeing",Positive,Positive,0.7692,0.8442,True,-0.07499999999999996 "Supporting the Nouns Fair exposes talented developers to Nouns culture and incentivizes them to create innovative solutions, fostering the growth and long-term success of the Nouns ecosystem. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9584,True,-0.2584000000000001 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 27 VOTES** **Big shot Klim** | *""Great prop with lots of positive vibes and exposSlimas well as opportunities to add some IRL activations for nouns""* **nonodynamo** | *""With a safety first caveat.""* **Benbodhi** | *""extremely nounish ⌐◨-◨""* **AGAINST - 22 VOTES** **heyjeff.eth** | *""the idea in a vacuum seems really cool. I’m really not sure how much value this would bring to the DAO just by slapping some Noggles on the event - it just seems like a sponsorship with little upside for the cost""* **Bloomz** | *""Cool idea but way to large of an ask for what is being accomplished IMO. Would be cool to see done on a small fraction of the proposed budget.""* nourishhaveETHGogglesBloom",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9226,False,-1.3226 Aping Bud's vote.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Extremely nourish ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 ⌐Ξ-Ξ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Nouns should not be sponsoring events, we should be creating our own events. Think bigger.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.296,False,-0.296 Very Ugly ⌐◨-◨ ,Negative,Negative,-0.867,-0.5563,True,-0.3107 A lot of money and time for relatively little mostly one-off content,Neutral,Neutral,-0.2,0.0,True,-0.2 Voting on behalf of Gold,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Great to get eyeballs on Nouns through something Nourish, niche, and exciting!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8221,True,-0.02210000000000001 "We are in favor of Nourish in-person activations. It could be nice to work with other groups like OTG to have a more cohesive plan of attack for these events and reduce costs, but this is worthwhile nonetheless.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6757,False,-0.17569999999999997 This event doesn't seem particularly Nourish and we don't think being a title sponsor is the best way to embed Nouns in events.,Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.6369,False,-0.8369 "Wheel seems great but after back and forth with the proposer, this needs to be tightened up.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3716,False,-0.3716 Feeling similar to concerns raised,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.128,False,-0.128 "I like the idea and love the energy both formulas and Wheelz give away but the ask seems way tWheel for me to vote yes on it, but",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8151,False,-0.8151 "Huge fan of this proposal for a lot of reasons. Love the idea of Nourish in-person activations. Prior history of success. Eyes = builders = flywheel. And the vibes are immaculate. Couldn't be more excited to support this team. Let's ride! - House of Nouns team",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.926,True,-0.026000000000000023 Similar reasons as keel's reasoning. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 258, which is 0 for, 30 against and 0 abstain, we choose to vote against. The viewpoints of our different members are as follows (source not listed): Opinions opposing this proposal: 1. This is not community building. It's merely Satori and Bixbite doing business with Nouns, a business that is not advantageous for Nouns. 2. Satori and Bixbite's remarks in the Jungle channel, such as ""Lil Nouns is cheap so I gave them a cheap"" and ""Lil Nouns is a toxic environment,"" further convince me that they do not understand the spirit of the community. They display arrogance toward the individual community members, treating DAOs and communities as cold numbers. This is the worst and most repulsive proposal and proposers I hBiotiteountered. 3. NounsDAO needs to operate in a community-driven manner, incubating more teams that understand and love the Nounish spirit. Today, NounsDAO has many teams that both love Nouns and can produce outstanding work. Yet, W3BSTOCK only seeks to be an outsourcing team, proposing a disadvantageous business deal. 4. I will continue to oppose such activities that use exposure as a gimmick. The traditional growth model that relies on increased exposure is effective because it has a unified company and growth system behind it. However, the conversion rate of each aspect of this growth method would plummet in NounsDAO, rendering it ineffective. NounsDAO's growth engine comes from numerous small teams that love Nouns and have cBiotitensive capabilities, as well as the establishment of specific social relationships. 5. Nouns may no longer need this type of exposure. Supporting views on the proposal: 1. A dedicated event organizer possesses sufficient professionalism. 2. They have participated in the Lilnouns community and observed the Nouns community. Although they mayn't to adapt, they have their own understanding of decentralized governance issues. Points of uncertainty include: 1. Bitcoin has never rejected anyone. Conflicts between native and external teams can be observed in various projects. On one hand, I have seen cases where bringing in professionals to solve problems for projects ended poorly. Native teams must build every module from scratch, and there are no shortcuts. On the other hand, the MakerDAO , soel shows that, despite severe conflicts between native and external teams, they are not mutually exclusive at the protocol level. Instead, they should be embraced by the protocol.NounsNourishNounsNounsNounsLionsMaterial",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9947,False,-0.9947 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "If we choose to sponsor an event instead of creating our own, it must truly align with our goals and be an authentic and special opportunity.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8625,False,-0.4625 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 16 VOTES** **by hardy** | *""10 ETH seems cheap to nounpill this many creators that are already in web3 and (pnoun pill familiar with Nouns. Not to mention the audience that will come to the event.""* **AGAINST - 22 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** | *""W3BSTOCK has under 4k followers and is getting very low engagement on their tweets. There are much better ways to spend 10 ETH.""* **Josep** | *""I don’t think it’s worth to spend $20000 in this event. Mainly I don’t think the integration with Nouns brand is good enough""* Joseph",Negative,Positive,-0.7,0.6469,False,-1.3469 "Things I appreciate: 1. aims to expand the Nouns Short Shorts initiative, creating more opportunities for talented animators. 2. iIRLfestival event in LA will showcase and celebrate the animators' work, further raising awareness about Nouns and creating a more significant impact. 3. scalability and vision of becoming a recurring global phenomenon make it an ambitious and exciting endeavor. things that concern me: 1. noneThings",Positive,Positive,1.0,0.9836,True,0.01639999999999997 SOON excited about this. HUGE value per $. Thanks to all involved!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8757,True,-0.07569999999999999 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 257, which is 13 for, 19 against and 14 abstain, we choose to vote abstain. The viewpoints of our different members are as follows (source not listed): Opinions opposing this proposal: 1. The past three Nouns Fairs seemed to prioritize creating a lively atmosphere more than genuinely onboarding builders, and they did not showcase Nounish ideas and products born at hackathons (perhaps it's not apparent yet, as some builders might not have built products on the spot but developed ideas later). 2. Financial details are excessively indulgent: (1) the average cost of each fair is $38,438, while the bounty for rewarding builders is only $5,000, accounting for 13%, with the rest considered as marketing costs; there is too much budget allocation for marketing surrounding the Hackthon; (2) after three iterationsNourishaspects could be standardized and streamlined to avoid reinventing the wheel, such as reusing materials, resulting in instances of financial waste; (3) the costs for each event vary, but in planning, each is set the same; if the funds are not fully used, will they be returned to the treasury? 3. Data does not meet expected plans. The organizer's initial goal was 1,000 Twitter followers, but after the first event, the actual number was 580. After hosting three events, Nouns Amigos currently has 1,200 followers, with the growth rate gradually decreasing and an average of 300 new followers per event. 4. In Proposal 180, the team pledged to save funds, with excess funds to be returned to NounsDAO. However, this statement is removed in the current proposal, and after 36 hours of inquiring on Discord, there has still been no response. The team has made some changes in the crucial details of the proposal's financial aspect. It makes me feel that the team deliberately doesn't want to clarify the issue of financial waste, and I am concerned about whether the team might obtain undue benefits from the implementation. Supporting views on the proposal: 1. The issue is Hackathonher the proposal should be implemented, but rather its cost-effectiveness. Raising Nouns' influence at Ethglobal IRL hackthons is something that should be done, with cost-effectiveness being a secondary concern. 2. The team can establish a professional Web3 event standard operating procedure (SOP). 3. The team has a track record of three successful events. The current Twitter followers are 1,000+. The average cost per follower is $50,000/1,000, or $50 per user. The data performance is at least average. Points of uncertainty include: 1. I have not been to ETHGlobal in Mexico, Bogota, or San Francisco, so I cannot understand the local atmosphere. Moreover, the most important aspect of offline marketing proposals is the specific implementation by the two members; we need to hear firsthand opinions from those who have interacted with them. 2. Although team have been able to execute events in the past, the team seems to have abandoned many original principles and become increasingly wasteful in the proposal, which makes me cautious. 3. NounsDAO proposals may exhibit a pattern of gradual governance attack. This starts with a few Small Grant deliveries, then bundles what should have been several small proposals into one large proposal, delivering low-quality results and pocketing the funds in between. This is an issue with the NounsDAO system. The NounsDAO system is imperfect, lacking supervision and feedback for long-term large proposals, as well as continuous incentives, potentially causing good actors to turn bad. Could Proposal 257 be an example of this gradual governance attack pattern? How can we solve this problem? 4. There are many conflicting thoughts regarding NounsDAO's financial scrutiny: 4.1 I believe that strict financial control will not yield good results, as financial systems need a mature community culture and relevant modules. Insisting on stringent requireNounsr any financial aspect in the absence of a solid foundation will do more harm than good to the system. 4.2 I think a 30% premium above the market rate is acceptable. Extra profit will make proposal deliveries more standardized and sustainable, reducing the sense of confusion and uncertainty for the implementing members on the cutting edge. 4.3 I can also understand the strict financial stance is resonable; if there is a 70% reduction in financial advocacy, then a 30% reduction in the financial budget may also be acceptable to the community. We should stick to strict financial discipline.GlobalhackathonsGlobalBogotáNounsNounsNounsNounsreasonable",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9483,False,-0.9483 "The submissions were incredible. Love it. Great work Joel, Gold, Josh and others <3",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9042,True,-0.0041999999999999815 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Lots of smaller gripes here that add up to something that doesn't feel nounish. (Fwiw i appreciate gami taking a lot of shots onnourishven if this one isnt doing it for me.)FWIWIgameisn't",Negative,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 Spread the meme!,Positive,Neutral,0.5,0.0,False,0.5 "I think this project is clever and wish it success. But I fail to see why it should be launched via DAO proposal, especially without a share of open edition proceeds going to the treasury.",Neutral,Negative,0.5,-0.0899,False,0.5899 This is such a fun experiment. No downside in my eyes. Let them cook.,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0258,True,0.7742 "This slows DAO spend, building, and proliferation, to the benefit of the book value crowd that wants to rage-quit. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.2023,False,-0.6023000000000001 "We spent a lot of time building and testing dynamic quorum, but it hasn't impacted any proposals. Incrementally increasing the maximum quorum allows it to work as intended IMO.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2023,False,-0.2023 Let them cook!,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 Reasoning:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "This is a no-brainer :) ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.2023,True,0.5977 "Increasing maximum quorum should increase the percentage of successful proposals that are ""hell yes"" initiatives. Why fund marginal controversial proposals when there are plenty of great ones passing nearly unanimously?",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7579,False,-0.7579 Following Founders,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 Davit hustled a huge discount deal here on top of all the work she has put into her collection. Highlight our wins.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8481,True,-0.04809999999999992 " Things iIappreciate: 1. canCangnificantly increase visibility and credibility for Nouns. 2. even if there isn't a direct conversion of ad viewers, i believe the contentIproduced can generate good impact. Things that concern me: none ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.7845,True,0.11550000000000005 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Love short shorts. This addition is a great spend. the team shouldTheso start a PH infinite round to get small grants & retro funding out to animators even outside of these big timed funding rounds. outside",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8807,False,-0.8807 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I love game's ideas/energy in general but this one I struggle to think the dao shoday endorse through a droposal given the mechanisms involved here don't feel particularly nounish toproposalnourish,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3818,False,-0.3818 Think 20% is even low,Neutral,Negative,0.2,-0.2732,False,0.4732 "Although I love the work being done here, this is the 5th ask for funds for this 3d printed fashion project and I feel that its delivered, and we need to stop sinking more and more money into it We've already spent well over $200,000 here and from the memecoin era we know these time square billboards are not long lasting marketing meme coinlong-lasting",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.6249,False,-0.9249 "Clear yes to me - love props that bring unique and talented creatives into Nouns, and this one fits that bill perfectly, following a very successful recent Prop House round. The team is also asking for a very reasonable amount, which makes it a much easier yes on top.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9806,True,-0.18059999999999998 "This very Nourish team has big plans for composable gaming in the Nouns ecosystem and I believe in them. Forgeries is so wellareone balancing fun and absurdity while proving an on-ramp for new people to learn about Nouns, with gaming contracts available for anyone else to use. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.722,True,-0.02200000000000002,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 This is an unnecessary change.,Negative,Neutral,-0.3,0.0,False,-0.3 Let’s expand on the success of Prop 180 and bet on that quality work and this proven team. Shorts are an important vector for Proliferation and this prop helps build a culture and community around them. First it’s ⌐◨-◨ in L.A. and then it’s the Short Film Palme d'Or at Cannes.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8555,True,-0.15550000000000008 Times Square billboards aren't a great investment of capital for this particular initiative. Feels like we're just feeding the DAO's ego.,Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.2008,False,-0.19920000000000002 "First-time voter here, and I'm starting off my time by expressing opposition to the idea of ""hell yes"" voting. While I understand the importance of creating a quorum function that represents the DAO's interests as a whole, I believe that the DAO's best interests lie in being open to anyone interested in building. A DAO that becomes too focused on ""hell yes"" votes is a DAO that receives less attention and energy. Some of the best innovations have been born out of skepticism and doubt.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9175,False,-0.9175 "I don't think Times Square billboards are useful marketing spend, nor are they ""nourish"" per se. It's possible they may also be less useful during NFT NYC when they exist alongside a bunch of other ""NFT stuff"" that to non-crypto people are all kinda the same thing and don't garner unique attention. Love what Danit has done so far and eager to continue supporting, but not sure this specifDavitop makes sense for me.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7086,False,-0.2086 Time square billboards aren't necessarily my favorite marketing spend... but ended up thinking we should still support davit.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4234,False,-0.4234 "Two concerns here: 1. Not clear where the funding from the proposal is going to (my assumption is it is going 100% to the forgeries team, but that is not specified here). If that's the case, I don't see a clear value flow back to Nouns here, implicitly or explicitly - other than just the artwork being a Noun. 2. The mechanic, while conceptually interesting, does unfortunately feel a bit like selling lottery tickets. I don't personally think that's aligned with our values/something we should endorse via droposal.proposal",Negative,Positive,-0.4,0.1847,False,-0.5847 "Don't think this is necessary/mostly agree with Drew's takes on ""Hell yes"" voting. More shots at a possibly lower hit rate is probably better for the DAO's current state than the inverse (which this prop is aiming to achieve). The Hell Yes ideology makes sense for individuals, for whom time is a scarce resource that moves one-dimensionally. Time is not right now a scarce resource for the DAO, because we have the advantage of accessing the concurrent time of everyone who is currently working on/building for Nouns (so time moves two-dimensionally for Nouns). I hope that makes sense lol",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6249,False,-0.12490000000000001 "Generally in favor of the principle of making contentious votes require greater overall participation from the whole community, and I think the mirror post does a good job explaining such. The open question I have is why not make something more gradient, as outlined in mirror post? I don't think it's necessary for us to have to vote for each new threshold ad hoc - hopefully we can have a (potentially quadratic) algorithm to accomplish that dynamically. I'd also throw in the idea that similar to a gradient for required consensus, we adopt a gradient for proposed funding. Again, I am for this proposal, but just wanted to offer some things to think about.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7783,False,-0.2783 "Dynamic quorum was established to address governance attacks, not to raise the ""hell yes"" threshold. Its limited use indicates effectiveness, and modifying a functional governance system by raising the maximum quorum limits our risk/reward profile, potentially excluding rewarding projects like Explorer Grants that have benefited Nouns.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "If you read all the dialogue surrounding WHY we implemented dynamic quorum (compiled here:, it really wasn't to raise the ""hell yes"" threshold. It was to make governance attacks that leverage voter apathy more expensive. so I don't quite agree with the rationale here that we should raise it since we didn't get to ""use"" it much. like we don't think veto isn't being useful right now (and we need to make it be used moSo for that reason). put differently, the best outcome for a security feature is that it doesn't get used. so dynamic quorum is serving its intended purpose right now imo. raising the maximum quorum % also makes it easier for a malicious minority to troll (e.g. if a 10% voting block votes NO on everything, 2x that number (20%) needs to show up to vote YES to pass something).LikePutSoIMORaising",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4595,False,-0.4595 "If one of the DAO's main objectives is to spread the Nouns meme, Forgeries accomplishes this effectively. It's well-crafted, incorporates Noun-like attributes, and utilizes a Noun as the central prize. The lack of a funding request makes it even more appealing. It's heartening to see projects that aren't driven solely by financial gain but instead prioritize building alongside the DAO. Proposals are one of my favorite things about Nouns and we should be embracing them. By supporting this project, we not only help grow Nouns, we also encourage a culture of creativity. , and",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9615,True,-0.16149999999999998 I do not believe billboards in Times Square are a effective way to proliferate and the existence of a 50% discount offered by the conference proves this isn't a particularly unique opportunity.,Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.1436,False,-0.3436 " Things iIappreciate: 1. gamGamiconstant persuit to do things wpursuitmost always proliferating nouns 2. deployed as a public good but, the lottery-like system feels a bit too not-nounBut for me. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.4215,False,-0.8215 "**FOR - 40 VOTES** **Benbodhi** | *""⌐◨-◨""* **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""JOERyan MacOMATIC YES""* **profwerder** | *""LOVE this!! There were so many amazing submiproffereduld love to see us maximize this opportunity!""* **byhardy** | *""easy yes. sick team. can't wait to see what gets made here.""* **AGAINST - 2 VOTES**by hardySickCa",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8609,True,-0.060899999999999954 "Achieving a top-three position in CSGO is a formidable accomplishment in the challenging world of eSports. It's quite remarkable to see the level of success this organization has attained - it's an incredible story for Nouns to be part of. Now that they've achieved this level of success, exciting possibilities arise for the organization to become self-sustaining in the long term. Given that the first prop where net positive return to the treasury, I'm excited to see what unfolds next. - @mrrobbo ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9716,True,-0.17159999999999997 "- the day has already spent 555ETH on these e spore-sportsatives. That is over $1M. This feels like it will be a never ending ask on the treasury. I can't confidently say this has driven over $1M of marketing/goodwill/nounish/buying. - this one is now for for anotnourishen hundred and ninety five thousand united states dollars - I like e sports but I don't feel like nouns needs to basically own and pay for the entire team - IMO owning a team means getting income from the team (ticket sales, prize wfor, etc.) - We are paying for wellness coaches and regular coaches and more - I want this to exist in a form where nouns is the lead sponsor of a team for like $100k per year and the team goes and gets other smaller sponsors to cover all their costsninety-fiveUnited Statese-sports, butare",Negative,Positive,0.0,0.9746,False,-0.9746 "I think this is a really fun idea, and it seems like it is being executed really well. (Though I wish it was less of an after-mint raffle and more of a ""one of these in the real one"" up front.) But I am not sure this should be a droposal frsure if thisO. Droposals are a new pattern that we're still figuring out, but my feeling is they should mainly be used for ratifying/approving of works that were funded by the DAO. They also generally involve revenue back to thproposalhich does not seem to be the case here. So for these reasons, I am voting against. Wish the team all the best, nonetheless! Proposals",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.94,False,-0.74 "**FOR - 33 VOTES** **Benbodhi** | *""⌐◨-◨""* **AGAINST - 10 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** | *""Seems silly""*",Neutral,Neutral,-0.4,0.0,True,-0.4 "At first, I thought I would vote for this--dynamic quorum is already in place, and why not bump it up a bit to ensure higher conviction on proposals? But after catching up on all the background and thinking a bit more, I am against. I actually think I am against any dynamic quorum. I do not think it is offering meaningful risk protection: proposals are watched pretty closely an, andthink there is near 0 risk someone drains the treasury due to low voter turn out. Functionally, dynamic quorum serves to privilege ""against"" votes. Up to the dynamic quorum max, every vote against basically counts as two votes ""for."" To me this seems unfair and is uncommon to all IRL dominant functioning forms of democracy that I am aware of. So, in addition to being against this prop, I think I would be in favor of setting the quorum max = quorum min to address that these odd incentives affect the DAO much more than the hypothetical risk we are trying to guard against. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.926,False,-0.926 "Nouns esports FTW. personallPersonallyy nouners that were nouownersed through nouns esports. esports is a sub culture that we have a lot Esports to run in and I'm excited to see how far this can grow. also love that this squad achieved so much with a tight budget so , and rooting for our nouns esports teams! make us proud!AlsoRootingMake",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9229,True,-0.2229000000000001 "I think that this is a fairly small spend to get more out of what we have already funded here. I'd bet that this drives a non-insignificant amount of traffic to nouns.WTF. I think that we should be making reasonable bets to increase mainstream awareness of Nouns. On implementation, sending them to Nouns is great, but I would prefer we Furthermore, Iould get some QR code or something that would send them to a story on the Danit's line + Nouns, in particular. The story is charismatic. Board could even say ""Nouns funds ideas."" Davit",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.4939,False,-0.09389999999999998 "Nouns Esports is, in my opinion, one of the most successful things Nouns has funded. They are building enthusiastic, authentic audiences in a space traditionally hostile to anything crypto related. They are winning over a difficult crowd on top of winning games and tournaments. Choosing DATA was smart, and I've seen the noggle decals and flags in countless clips now. It feels like the players are making a name for themselves in the leagues, getting press, building their own following. And it all ties back to Nouns DAO in a way that feels genuine. I trust the Nouns Esports crew and want to see them contintoggleir work. I also feel like their compensation asks are reasonable, and that they're negotiating fair deals with everyone involved. My one request is for more high quality video content celebrating the players and Nouns. More highlight reels, more tournament winning celebrations, more player AMAs, more videos of people spamming noggles in the chat, more videos of players getting carried out with the crowd chanting their name. You are creating these iconic moments and I want to see them documented and celebrated. ⌐[g]-[g]AMA'sgoggles",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9885,True,-0.1885 "Voting against this proposal due to my skepticism regarding promoting Nouns via paid advertising. Although billboards in Times Square can be effective in creating brand awareness for large companies, I’m doubtful that a Nourish ad would have a significant impact on encouraging tourists to convert. My objections are not specific to this particular proposal, but rather stem from a general skepticism towards this type of marketing. I have yet to come across anyone who has been convinced to participate in web3 as a result of Times Square ads from previous NFT NYC campaigns.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.705,False,-0.905 "On the fence for this, but voting yes. The primary reason I'm in favor is that the initiative has been very successful so far and I don't feel it would be appropriate to rug. However, 750k a yea, and not sustainable, and I don't think we need to have a footprint this large in esports. I plan to vote no on any future asks above 250k (preferable in the 150k range), with the hope that the team can be subsidized by additional sponsors to make up the difference. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9412,False,-0.9412 Esports provides more sticky engagement than one off type props. It is always a great idea to fund communities that are highly native to meme culture and have considerable market size.,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8115,False,-0.3115 "While this is a large ask, nouns esports has executed at a high level making a major impact in the gaming community in a short period of time. I'm optimistic that we'll be able to find additional on-brand sponsors to help subsidize the ongoing costs of running the team ahead of future proposals",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6124,True,0.0875999999999999 "I prepared this document to help make a decision: I agree with Noun 40 in that I'm mostly interested in Dynamic Quorum as a security measure, but understand that ultimately these values are another tool to affect proposal outcomes. We recently implemented a vote threshold in Council and have increasingly voted to abstain in Nouns DAO when our internal threshold is not met. It's a bit disheartening to have the majority vote FOR and then process an abstain because our vote didn't meet threshold, both for the proposers and the voters. There is a social consequence to the DAO in modifying these values and I would advocate for experimenting with smaller changes.consequence of",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.8689,False,-0.6689 "Funding more Nourish art is great and this dir, andon seems to be working for us! We'd even recommend this team spinning up an animation/stories pod with a larger ask and have the DAO just let them cook.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.784,True,-0.08400000000000007 "The art is beautiful here, I respect that you've positioned this all as an open source public good, have more games planned, and covered the development and public audit costs yourselves. Personally I'm interested in seeing you explore on-chain mechanics that are a bit more creative, and if you're looking to launch the collection from the Nouns I think you will have more success if you return a percentage of the ETH back to the DAO.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9627,True,-0.16269999999999996 " While I'm not terribly interested in billboards by themselves, this is additional to spend to support marketing the efforts of Prop 251. If something we do is getting traction & press (ie a write up in Vogue) I think it's fair to continue supporting further marketing efforts.i.e.write-up",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8208,False,-0.42079999999999995 This is interesting and could be good success story for Nouns. The downside of a Proposal is also minimal.,Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.8074,False,-0.6073999999999999 "Increasing quorum will reduce the number of weird, innovative things that Nouns funds - not everything good is a ""hell yes"" from the whole DAO (shoutout to Drew for his thoughtful voting reason that shaped our thinking).",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.0531,False,0.0531 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "While we like Davit's work, showing this work in Times Square is not valuable exposure for this project or Nouns.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,-0.0139,True,0.0139 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Cultivating subculture to populate the front page ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Back yourself: find your people, know your place, do your thing ⌐◨-◨",Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Love Game and this idea, but hear the community feedback. Re-group and figure out a way to get this into the world~",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.3818,False,-0.18179999999999996 "The Nouns esports team presents the opportunity to embrace professional sports as any society would, promoting shared fandom and unity. This top-ranking, homegrown team consists of world-class players and adheres to open and transparent practices, distinguishing them from conventional norms in the sport. This strategy has already demonstrated success in fostering proliferation and bridging the gap between the gaming and Ethereum communities.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9136,True,-0.2136 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 16 VOTES** **AGAINST - 21 VOTES** **proffered** | *""Well first of all, it’s not quorum so let’s stop using that word. It’s threshold or dynafirstAnd also just NO. This is clearly part of a larger strategy to slow spending which would stall proliferation. No need to adjust the threshold at this time.""* **Benbodhi** | *""I think it's already at a pretty good spot for contentious props for now.""* **EltonPenguin** | *""Seems important""*",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3635,False,0.3635 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 20 VOTES** **Benbodhi** | *""Good time and place to show this off. ⌐◨-◨""* **!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜** | *""If you can do it for less, go for it! I want to see this go down one way or another.""* **AGAINST - 25 VOTES** **RyanMac ⌐◨-◨** | *""I can get the same billboard at the same locaRyan Macith professional videographers for almost half the price""* **Akva** | *""This is a waste of money. It is time to the DAO to be reasonable.""* **byhardy** | *""pretty simple. love danit. love the 3d fashion collection. don't support nft nyc. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯""* **maty** | *""Diminishing returns for USD spent after all the publicity the collection has already received.""* **EltonPAkain** | *""Only tourists go to Times Square""* **Classic_Craig** | *""too busy during these conference weeks, billboard isnt effective for unknown brands. vanity only""*by hardyLovedavitLoveDoNFTNYCmanyisn'tVanity",Negative,Negative,-0.7273,-0.4011,True,-0.32619999999999993 " While I have a gut feeling that increasing the dynamic quorum may potentially cause more harm than good and could lead to increased divisiveness within the community, iIalso recognize the importance of exploring the effects of this proposal. assessing its impact could ultimately be beneficial for the DAO as a whole, and it might help us better understand how to refine our governance processes.Assessing",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.927,False,-0.927 "All for showcasing the collection- But, I agree with a variety of the communities concerns regarding the billboards.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5023,False,-0.5023 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I'm confident that is not just another billboard ad because it enhances a project that already has shown to attract attention. The content produced from it (video + stills) will add to the compounding of the collection's & the Nouns brand. The content will be shared on social media and will outlive the times sq moment. Also, the ads will lead to landing page that will contextualize the project & tell the story of Nouns (nouns.NYC). In any case, thank you for voting and thank you for the feedback, no hard feelings no matter the result ⌐◨-◨ , and",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.8126,True,-0.3126 "Absolutely love this project, just not a big fan of putting funds toward Times Square advertisements. feels low impactFeels",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.3466,False,-0.5466 Voting on behalf of Gold,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 Nom not fashion,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 " Just watched nouns vs TL, you should do the same. link: cCa't wait to see what this team will bring to this ecosystem. ⌐◨-◨ ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nom not esports ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I was on the fence about this prop. It is nothing short of incredible what the Nouns esports team has achieved, and I look forward to following their future successes. In the proposal, I would have liked to have seen more detail on other potential revenue streams, sponsorship targets, and goals. I was able to find these answers in the Discord channel. Good luck team! ⌐◧-◧",Positive,Positive,0.4286,0.8718,True,-0.44320000000000004 "While I have to out myself as not-an-esports-guy, taking a look at the narrative around Nouns Esports shows that this team is creating a lot of goodwill for Nouns (and web3!) in one of the areas most hostile to crypto: Gaming. Nouns Esports' focus on transparency and equity through the use of DAO mechanics is helping to shift perceptions and debunk myths about web3 in a community that could greatly benefit from its adoption. It's truly inspiring to see projects like this paving the way for a more inclusive and innovative future. This is an easy 'for' vote and I look forward to seeing what comes from this project in the years to come.",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9542,True,-0.054200000000000026 "There's not enough yet to commit to spending $800k/yr just to sponsor the 2 teams on top of other esports spend. The strategy and the demonstration of the strategy such that it is different from vanilla sponsorship relationships like what FTX or Avalanche have (that end when the sponsors stop paying) or such that is a sustainable organization that participates in the growth and performance of its teams in a differentiated way that is workable for a DAO. If there's co-sponsorship opportunities or lGG hanging fruit, I want to see those realized before committing $800k/yr. It's been almost 9 months and the challenge is to manifest a strategy that clearly supports this spend. It's a real challenge and the DAO has to consider that there may not be a way to do this that returns to the DAO -- this does not seem to as of yet for example. The people in the Nouns esports pod are running it well and are highly functional. They are people I respect and trust uniformly. The issue I have is strategy low-hangingspendsyet",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.967,False,-0.967 "Agree with Noun12 but less conviction: ""There's not enough yet to commit to spending $800k/yr just to sponsor the 2 teams on top of other esports spend. The strategy and the demonstration of the strategy such that it is different from vanilla sponsorship relationships like what FTX or Avalanche have (that end when the sponsors stop paying) or such that is a sustainable organization that participates in the growth and performance of its teams in a differentiated way that is workable for a DAO. If there's co-sponsorship opportunities or low hanging fruit, I want to see those reaGGzed before committing $800k/yr. It's been almost 9 months and the challenge is to manifest a strategy that clearly supports this spend. It's a real challenge and the DAO has to consider that there may not be a way to do this that returns to the DAO -- this does not seem to as of yet for example. The people in the Nouns esports pod are running it well and are highly functional. They are people I respect and trust uniformly. The issue I have is strategy and spend.""low-hangingspendsyet",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9859,False,-0.9859 """I’m still not a massive fan of NFTs but the fact that Nouns are using them to fulfill projects with transparent governance instead of just running inside trading and pump-and-dump schemes is a nice change of pace."" I saw this tweet today re: Nouns E-sports and it to me is a pretty compelling argument for voting yes. The E-sports pod has successfully expanded Nouns into a totally new, unrelated to crypto, scene, and done a great job of sharing with those people what crypto has to offer beyond just speculation. We've seen enough so far to justify continuing to fund this experiment - though, would certainly love to see the group showcase alternative funding models and a path towards self-sustaining outside of onchain proposals.outsideunchain",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.99,False,-0.59 "The esports crew are continually smashing it. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 Appreciate the detailed breakdown here of how the team has delivered. I think we should double down on our winners and Nouns Esports seems like it's winning! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8999,True,-0.09989999999999999 "**FOR - 43 VOTES** **Benbodhi** | *""This crew just keep crushing.* ⌐◨-◨"" **byhardy** | *""Huge momby hardyn a vertical that continues to expand, and is tangential to Nouns (tech). Big supporter of esports pod.""* **Josep** | *""I like the integration and I think it’s a good way to proliferate the meme""* *JosephNST - 9 VOTES** **Classic_Craig** | *""expensive for niche""* **EltonPenguin** | *""Waaaay too much money for uncertain benefits""*Waylay",Neutral,Positive,-0.6,0.765,False,-1.365 Fund sub-communities that have proven they do great work. Let them cook!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6588,True,0.1412 Pew pew,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nouns Esports: Very Ugly ⌐◨-◨ ,Negative,Negative,-0.867,-0.5563,True,-0.3107 Reasons given in my newsletter:,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 I don't think wet wipes are very Nourish.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Not exciting or weird enough -- I could see myself vote for these type of goods but i would like to see more heart. Ihis iteration of the prop feels a bit too checkbox exercisey.exercise,Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.4009,False,-0.7009 "I’m voting against this proposal. I appreciate the goal of this prop: to increase brand awareness for Nouns; however, I don’t think a run of wet wipes will actually break through and get the quantity and quality of awareness for Nouns that we strive for. The ask is actually pretty small, and I think Noun 426 and 587 are respectable for not requesting an obscene amount of funds, but I question the sustainability of this effort and the return for the DAO. Sustainability: Once this run of wipes is manufactured and possibly sold, how does this move forward perpetually? Will there be another prop for more funds to make more wipes? Return: I noticed the prop includes renumeration; why wouldn’t these funds go back to the DAO and/or used to facilitate sustainability of the effort?enumeration",Negative,Positive,-0.7,0.7979,False,-1.4979 """ Nouns Wet Wipes will become a permanent item in the market after this initial investment of USD 19,050."" I am voting Yes trusting 2 Owners that this will be the case. Prove me right.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6597,False,-0.6597 "Reasonable ask, but unfortunately this doesn't scream nourish for me 🥹",Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.0549,False,-0.1451 "As a father of two young children, I believe the world needs more wet wipes, so why not have nouns ones",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Imagine a world where voting does not exist. In this world, we would have no need for rules or principles. But in our world, voting is a reality. So we have a simple rule: we only vote against. We use a “Squad Vote” for each proposal. If more people vote against than vote for or abstain, we vote against on-chain. Otherwise, we abstain. This is our rule. According to the “squad vote” result for proposal 263, which is 13 for, 14 against and 19 abstain, we choose to vote abstain. The viewpoints of our different members are as follows (source not listed): Proposal 263 has presented us with a conundrum, making it difficult for us to render judgment. The Nouns Protector has just been established, and it may take approximately six months for clarifying our principles. We will briefly summarize the debates from our meeting: Nouns Esports has accomplished laudable outcomes, genuinely creating a stable organization to underpin esports teams' operations. This initial step is laden with myriad challenges that remain beyond our imagine. And, they have admirably maintained fiscal transparency throughout the process. Despite their successes, the community has voiced concerns about the long-term viability of Nouns Esports as a business. Should Nouns Esports evolve into an entity that perpetually depletes NounsDAO's cash flow, depending on ceaseless transfusions from NounsDAO for sustenance, this model would not be sustainable for NounsDAO in the long run. Furthermore, NounsDAO ought to concentrate on cultivating a more diverse and populous community. Some members posit that: "" Nouns should channel resources into domains where it possesses an unambiguous competitive edge. Esports is not a realm where NounsDAO holds a competitive advantage. The Matthew effect is conspicuous witNounsrts events, with elite teams monopolizing the lion's share of attention and securing funding that far exceeds $800,000. This sector is fiercely competitive. Nouns Esports cannot amass a competitive cache of funds, which means they cannot engage top-tier players nor establish a premier support infrastructure. Consequently, they will only gain exposure in regional championships and open tournaments (as evidenced by their historical performance), unable to penetrate truly valuable core events. What merit is there in allocating excessive funds to a sphere where NounsDAO can only assume a secondary role, particularly for an organization in its nascent stages, with a community treasury of a mere $50 million? "" "" More effective use of funds could be achieved by allocating 700 ETH to incubate 10 vibrant subculture DAOs across diverse fields, rather than expending a relatively negligible amount of funding to compete in conventional events. "" Moreover, cautionary reminders have been raised about the pervasiveness of intimate personal relationships within NounsDAO: "" Proposals prior to Proposal 200 have made considerable contributions to NounsDAO's present public image and clout. However, it has also engendered a nexus of relationships, with many decisions swayed by personal connections and predispositions. If NounsDAO is to pivot towards a more lucidNouns, and 'truly growth' trajectory—championing a broader array of NounishDAOs—the community networks forged during the preceding strategic round may serve as impediments. As a result, more resources may be funneled towards politically correct but inefficacious marketing proposals, suppressing the potential for vibrant but peripheral creators to enter the Nouns ecosystem. "" Notwithstanding any criticisms, Nouns Esports remains an outstanding member of NounishDAO. Additionally, esports represents an excellent conduit for Nouns to interface with the external world. We extend our hopes and blessings for Nouns Esports to persist and excel.NounsNounsNounsNounsNounsNounsNounsin efficacious",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.998,True,-0.19799999999999995 "Thanks to the proposers for the time and energy put in here! I am voting against namely because I think consumer goods are SUPER hard, and I would only want to back if we had an obviously great gtm. I think this is a place where you really need to sweat the details up front and not figure it out later: design, marketing, partGTMs, etc. There's not enough here that makes me feel confident this could do well. I also think wipes are not super charismatic product. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.944,False,-0.944 "As a mechanical keyboard enthusiast, I would be interested in acquiring one of these. The mechanical keyboard community is vast, with over 1.2 million people in the largest Subreddit. The community encompasses a diverse range of interests, including developers, writers, gamers, and productivity enthusiasts. These individuals might stumble upon Nouns and delve further into it. Consequently, I believe this keyboard could serve as an effective means of proliferation.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8934,False,-0.39339999999999997 "I don't think Wet Wipes are an effective method of proliferation. Even if someone were to acquire them and have a positive experience, it's unlikely they would become curious about Nouns and its mission.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.8402,False,-1.0402 "Thoughtful proposal that helps solve real problems within a thriving subculture, while offering a high leverage way of proliferating Nouns to an aligned community. Check out the related Subreddits by keywords and users - - not to mention the similarities between MK and NFT collectors. Both communities gather around luxury goods, pay a premium to collect the best, and loudly support the creators that make their subcultures so vibrant. These aren't gaming laptops. They are carefully curated works of art thoughtfully pieced together and handled with care (notice the care instructions and white gloves used by enthusiasts?).",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9743,True,-0.1743 "IDK, there's something a bit absurdist and funny about nouns wet wipes? Also the budget ask is very modest and I'm very much in favor of nouners dabbling with their first onchai, andop with something very manageable and within their expertise. like this isn't low effort or a grift of any sort imo. this justownerslike two genuine nouners with retail expertise being like what's something small we could try first? I'm supportive of this energy. unchainLikegiftIMOThisowners",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9472,True,-0.1472 Proposal says it’d fund 1-2k keyboards but then cites 260 in the cost breakdown. It’s a sweet initiative but just feels too expensive ,Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.6124,False,-0.8124 "This proposal seems to be facing opposition, most likely due to the unconventional nature of the product being wet wipes — but I believe there are valid reasons to say yes to this! If one of the goals of the DAO is to proliferate the meme that is Nouns, printed products can absolutely have a positive impact. Moreover, the financial ask is completely reasonable, the team has experience, and there's a plan to make this a permanent item in a physical store. I believe that one of the biggest advantages of Nouns as a DAO is the ability to support unconventional and creative projects that may not receive funding elsewhere. The request for $20,000 (almost entirely going to manufacturing with minimal overhead) seems like a worthwhile ask. The worst case scenario here is that these are made and mostly used as a giveaway item at web3 conferences. That would be fine! But in the best case scenario, these become a staple of someone's shopping experience, helping to normalize NFTs and demonstrate how DAOs can turn unique ideas into reality. Kudos to Noun 587 and Noun 426 for their effort to STOP the spread of bacteria while STARTING the spread of the meme that is Nouns. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9883,True,-0.2883 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 25 VOTES** **Sasquatch** | *""DAO wet wipes: Decentralizing cleanliness, one swipe at a time!""* **Aka** | *""Many say Nouns should be weird or that we have to 'keep the Nouns weird'. There you go.* *Are you not entertained, anon?* *⌐◨-◨""* **byhardy** | *""imo wipes were an odd choice. that said, definitely think this is an experiment worth trying, especially at cost. also really apprby hardythe directness of the proposal. these folks seem like they know what they're doing. let's run it.""* **AGAINST - 25 VOTES** **JackWyldes** | *""I want to like this as a fan of wet wipes but for some reason it feels like a troll""* **Benbodhi** | *""Concept seems loke it could be a good ideaIMOut id rather see the branding on wet wipes for kids rather than at events. I personally don’t associate good vibes with places offering wet wipes in this format and think it may not be great for nouns. Baby wipes though, has some value I think.""*ThatAlsoTheseLetlikeI'd",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9139,False,-0.9139 "I disagree with the sentiment that wet wipes/this product aren't ""Nourish"", IMO one of the coolest things about Nouns is that we can have people building in totally different segments - like funding an E-sports team one day, and a wet wipes product the next. The idea is fun and cool and don't have any problems with it. That being said, I'm not sure that at this stage it's ready for a full onchain funding. It feels like the marketing/distribution strategyunchainto be a bit more fleshed out beyond just ""give these away at crypto events"". This is the sort of proposal I'd love to see do a trial run via Prop House at smaller scale, and then if we think the experiment is worth continuing, we could continue with more funding.",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.947,False,-0.247 "Not against this in principle, but voting against bc the design mock is uninteresting and low effort. Given that the brand is otherwise open source and not subject to quality control, we should have a high bar for design & brand standards in the products that are directly funded by the treasury. would vote 'yes' on a more thoughtfully designed version of this productWould",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,-0.0414,True,0.0414 "This is unique and fun imo,IMOt the lack of details on strategy/distribution/marketing makes me vote against. also, would like Alsoee various design mockups options. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3781,False,-0.3781 I hope the team will come back with a bit more details on the design & distribution side to increase confidence in this experiment,Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.8176,False,-0.6175999999999999 "I like the energy, but the prop feels like it's trying to do too much / asking for too much with very little proof points from my perspective. I'm not convinced MK fans looking to spend ~$500 on a custom keyboard really wants noggles painted ogogglesm unless they are already a nouns fan? I'm also not convinced that MK fans are looking to join a DAO? I'd support a prop that doesn't yet worry about a DAO, create the smallest possible batch (even if per unit economics is worse), and prove out that there's demand here. AlsoFurthermore, Ifor physical products like this I'd prefer for the economic relationship here to be more clear. Will the units be sold at cost? Sold at a profit and be taken by the proposers to compensate for the work involved? I'm not saying something has to come back to the dao, I'd just prefer the situation to be spelled out more clearly. Furthermore, IAlso,day",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.9834,False,-1.1834 "Autoloader provides an interface for the DAO to acquire new Nouns with parameters (e.g., Madrid) we agree on. The contract has already successfully bid and acquired nouns for Lil Nouns and Wizards DAO. I think it makes sense to try this out with Nouns proper. ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6908,False,-0.19079999999999997 "I don't see the market for these being big enough to justify the funding. Would reconsider if a pilot program funded entirely by the team showed demonstrable success and demand across a broad enough audience.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.4939,False,-0.6939 Aligned with Noun40 here.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Thanks to Wiz for the prop and the work here. I have several concerns about the mechanism design. Everyone can see the min and max bids, and so there is effectively a floor price on the auction. The incentive for the DAO and Noun holders would be to see the max bid realized and so someone could repeatedly bid (and get tips) from the auto bidder, and then outbid it, and bid again until the max bid is reached. I think in most cases it is better for someone to use a human bidder that cannot be gamed like this. If someone wants to bid at a specific price for a Noun they can just use a collection offer? That said, it sounds like Lil Nouns is already using this and is happy with it, and I am glad to hear it is useful to them. Beyond my concerns on the mechanism design, I don't see a reason for Nouns DAO to use this right now. From Twitter I gather that there is some idea here that this should be used to replace Nouns Acquisition Committee (NAC). I do not think this is a good replacement, and I would rather hold out for the paradigm where the DAO can directly vote to mint someone a Noun. Moreover, if this indeed a motivation it would have been better if it were stated directly in the prop, in my opinion. Thanks again for your work on this and for the Nouns community at large! Twitter,had beenNouns'",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9811,True,-0.2667999999999999 I really like this prop but in many ways agree with 40. Would like to see the proposers derisk the prop where possible. the team appears competDerickt the long manufacturing cycle time is concerning to meThe,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8953,False,-0.8953 "I like the idea of this proposal but concerned around the costs/DAO ROI and demand for this # of nourish keyboards @ the high end designer price point, also unsure about the DAO aspecthigh-end",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3612,False,0.3612 "Mechanical keyboards are one of those wonderful niches that can quickly draw you in, going from knowing very little (""My MacBook keyboard works just fine"") to becoming deeply knowledgeable about the intricacies of different switches and layouts (""Do I need to add an ergo split with some Bob switches to my collection? No, I'll just keep using my latest keyboard with lubed Halo Trues, it feels too good to put away""). This is why introducing Nouns to the passionate community of mk enthusiasts who fully embrace builder culture feels like a great match. Allocating funds to support the design and manufacturing of keyboards (which involves significant costs) as well as kickstarting a MK DAO is a meaningful use of the Nouns treasury. Mkkick startingan",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.98,True,-0.17999999999999994 Nope,Negative,Neutral,0.0,0.0,False,0.0 Big fan of the team but I'm worried this prop is in fact a trojan horseTrojan,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2846,False,0.2846 "I like these and would like to see some version of this prop in the future. But, I think the current ask is high, and would have liked to see some % allocated to the dao. I also agree with a lot of the other feedback provided by voters and dayn 40. ",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8573,False,-0.45729999999999993 "It seems possible, or even probable that this will be repurposed to attempt to enforce a floor price for nouns, which I'm strongly against. also, if verbs current rage quit wip is implemented, the dao will have plenty of noun inventory to redistribute withAlsothe need to interfere with daily auctionsrage-quitWIPday",Negative,Negative,-0.2,-0.3612,True,0.1612 "I think I would buy a mechanical keyboard from mechanical keyboard day But I find it distasteful when proposers say hey pay for the costs for us to make mechanical keyboards and we'll then give nouns holders the rights to pay cost for mecha, andl keyboards Kinda like double dipping into our treasury then our wallets directly Would prefer if this was like nouns holders get a free one or smth nice like that double-dippingSmith",Negative,Positive,-0.4,0.9484,False,-1.3484 "Mostly agree with Wilson and Noun 40s reasoning - don't like the precedent of setting an auction floor for Nouns, and it's not yet clear to me why this option is needed right now. I do however think people should be proposing alternative solutions to problems the DAO faces and just because Verbs is working on e.g. Airdrop doesn't mean others shouldn't propose their own solutions. But this specific prop doesn't do it for me.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1398,False,0.1398 test,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The first Barney the Dinosaur was a seemingly harmless character. However, the third Barney was brought to court in 1997, for sexual harassment of a minor. He was found guilty in February of 1998, and served 5 years. He is now a registered sex offender in the state of Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.February 1998",Neutral,Negative,-0.9,-0.5106,False,-0.38939999999999997 "I don't understand this prop TBH. we currently use NAC to acquiWe nouns. there's flaws to NAC that we fully recognize and as a communithere are flawsed alternative designs extensively and settled on a path: then what is this proposal trying to say? that we should actually use this rather than the path we've set out? or that we should uThenhis as a replacement of NAC for the time being? lil nouns already uses this so the purpose of the prop is not to test if it works. after asking on twitter it seems like the purpose is to actually build social consensus around this as the preferred approach of the dao acquiring nouns. but the prop is not written in a way to even haThathat conversation and if we were to have that conversation it has many flaws including the ones that wilson has pointed out. voting no bc I don't think this is the best mechanism for the dao to acquire nouns and tbh I find the prop a bit misguidedOrLilAfterTwitterdayButWilsonVotingdayTBH",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.7423,False,-1.1423 "Excerpt from my newsletter ( : I really appreciate this proposal, it is very detailed, has tons of information and even someone who isn't particularly familiar with the subject can make an informed decision. The visual concepts also looked great and got me excited about an eventual finished project. That being said, there are a few key issues with this proposal that pushed me to vote against. Firstly, the team is proposing for the DAO to pay for all the manufacturing costs and the team's compensation. On top of that, they are receiving all the proceeds from the NFT sales. Seems we are double spending here. This needs to be further clarified. Also, it would've been great to see a % of the sales being returned back to the treasury. Secondly, I would have liked to see more on proliferation. The keyboards themselves will most likely be sold to people already in the ecosystem. So there needs to be some work done outside of the sales of the keyboards. This possibly comes in how exactly the returnedperate and how It can push nounish ideas forward. In general I believe more things should be explored on this front. This is definitely an interesting concept, I would be open to a revised version of this prop. outsideSundaynourishgeneral,",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9719,False,-0.9719 "Excerpt from my newsletter ( : I'm going to hammer on proposal standards here. This proposal is rather shallow and difficult to understand for someone non-technical. It also doesn't go into key details, like how this would benefit the DAO and the advantages over the current model. Since the tech is already built, effectively, what we're voting on is the funding of the contract with enough ETH for one bid. And I don't think that's the right way to go about it now. The right approach would be to have the Autobidder available as a public tool. Then if members of the DAO believe more Nouns should be acquired they can make a proposal with a proper ""strategy"" including amount, duration and the benefits of such actions. Even though I am voting against this version, I do believe that if the DAO wants to acquire more Nouns, the Autobidder is a better and fully decentralized way of doing it.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9169,False,-1.3169 "As a fan of Wiz's work, I find the autobidder bot for DAOs, clubs, and individuals looking to purchase a Noun quite impressive. However, I am uncertain why NounsDAO needs to acquire Nouns thrNounss method. If NounsDAO is seeking to add more Nouns to its Treasury, I believe the methods being explored by Verbs are more preferable. In fact, there is already an available method being experimNounsth by DAOs using Nouns Builder.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6697,False,-0.6697 "Excerpt from my newsletter ( : This is a great initiative. It is a sustainable way to support and encourage more nourish content creators.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8779,True,-0.07789999999999997 "Seems like a good direction to allow the DAO to control the acquisitions in a more trustless way. If the auto bidder could be controlled by few to the detriment of the DAO, I think we’d have bigger problems.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0018,True,-0.0018 "These tracks meet the quality standards for Nourish Media, and I appreciate them. Nounish Media often struggles to expand its Nourishe beyond our usual viewership, resulting in low view counts for even the most exceptional videos. These tracks have the potential to reach a wider audience outside of our usual demographic, which is why I think the no-cost experiment to break out of our bubble with these traoutsideexcellent idea. Additionally they are enjoyable, slightly absurd and fun.Additionally,",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.8789,True,-0.4789 "This is a mechanical keyboard I would buy. I’m not an avid Mk user, but a nouns keyboard would get me to use one for sure. Another quirky item that would get attention.",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.3624,True,-0.3624 Expensive + mockups don't look enticing,Neutral,Neutral,-0.4,0.0,True,-0.4 "Lil Bubble is nourish af. Love this AFop and his music. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6369,True,0.16310000000000002 "Had a moment of wondering if it’s not more appropriate for this to be a gears mint than a nouns mint esp given the mint proceeds split much favors gnars, but decided to err on the side of voting yes givenmanyrs is a nounish subculture that I wholeheartedly love and want to celebrate the first EP from this special place. gearsgearsnourish",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9703,True,-0.9703 "There's a lot of potential here. The MK ecosystem is a compelling niche, and if you deliver excellence this could reach an interesting audience. In order for me to support this proposal I would like to see you: - choose a designer and let them express their vision as part of this proposal. The creative direction makes or breaks this. I don't want to see Goggles slapped on a keyboard - I want to see innovation, a high quality keyboard that authentically captures the attention of everyone interested in MK. - consider further integration with and support of VIA. Open source public infrastructure is very Nounish. For instance, allocating a portion of the revenue to them would be interesting. - just start MK DAO. Zora's tools have made this very easy and I would like to see a community form that isn't dependent on a proposal getting passed in Nouns DAO. - clearly explain what happens to the revenue generated.Nourish, and",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.9867,False,-0.28670000000000007 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 17 VOTES** **Sasquatch** | *""click-clack""* **AGAINST - 26 VOTES** **byhardy** | *""Too expensive for proliferation return. Cool idea though.""* by hardy* | *""The math doesn't check out for the DAO""* **Classic_Craig** | *""keyboard not cool tho""*Aka",Negative,Negative,-0.5,-0.4519,True,-0.048099999999999976 My reasoning stands closely with what bower and noun40 stated.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Voting with Carla on this one... I prefer the Verbs methodVerbs'dding more Nouns to the treasury.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2023,False,-0.2023 "I'm voting against this proposal because I'm having a hard time understanding its purpose. While it may indeed have potential value, the lack of clear reasoning in the proposal (coupled with the fact that a similar trial is already underway via Lil Nouns) leads me to vote against. Beyond that, I have a feeling that implementing an autobidder with the sole purpose of sending Nouns to the treasury may not be the best decision. I would appreciate hearing clearer reasoning of why this should be implemented from a potential future submission.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.4464,False,-0.8464 "Had the same internal debate as Noun40, and decided the same way. Gears is Nounish.Nourish",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Wiz, I appreciate everything you do. foForhis prop, it doesn't feel like this is a good replacement to NAC. + i have a similar outlook as the reasoning behind bower's & wilson's votes. Wilson",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5408,False,-0.5408 Federation rocks!,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "Back yourself - Find your people, know your place, do your thing.",Positive,Neutral,0.5,0.0,False,0.5 "There has been considerable discussion around how the DAO could acquire Nouns to allocate to builders as part of proposals. There has not been clear consensus on the matter. Rather than letting disagreement stall the DAO I believe it's important to support a few competitive solutions and let them prove themselves. This is interesting technology, its already built, and it would allow us to fruitlessly funnel Nouns into the treasury. This tech does not allow for precise head selection (Beer for Bud Light, Chicken for Stoopid Buddy), which means there still is a place for a centralized group like NAC and other technical solutions being developed. This is called a ""Trial"" but a broader vision is not communicated. I wish it were. I'm going to imagine that the next steps would be to fund this with much more ETH and let it run continuously. I am not a fan of the effect this would have on the auction experStoopedor bidders and for people watching the auctions. Having a bot effectively enforce a price floor feels less fun and makes our core mechanism less authentic and entertaining. Also, as a builder who would love to be compensated with a Noun at some point, this tool isn't the ideal method for me. I would prefer to receive ETH so I can buy a Noun at auction and get the full Nouns experience. I support us buying 1 Noun with this tool, as an experiment.Furthermore, I, so",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9671,False,-0.9671 I <3 gears ,Positive,Positive,0.9,0.4404,True,0.4596 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 22 VOTES** **by hardy** | *""ez yes, has been useful for lils. also, not a bad idea to sEZg a Noun to hold in the treasury.""* **AGAINST - 6 VOTES** **profwerder** | *""I’d be in favliesf this when the need was there. Doesn’t make sense until we have a specifc builder waiting on Alsoun especially since they may want something specific (aka basketball).""*profferedspecific",Neutral,Positive,0.2143,0.7992,False,-0.5849 Nom not music,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 10% too low,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2732,False,0.2732 "**FOR - 34 VOTES** **Benbodhi** | *""🎼🎶🎵🎹🎸🥁🎤🤘""* **dot** | *""🤘""* **Sasquatch** | *"":pepe_jam:""* **AGAINST - 5 VOTEPepe",Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 "There's an interesting conversation to be had about the concept of 'nourish media', which I think is still lacking in both meaning and purpose. That being said, one thing that's clear to me is the fact that where a centralized brand has serious limitations in what it can create, a headless brand has the advantage of endorsing a diverse variety of creations made by various individuals and groups, and simply observing which ones gain the most traction. Since this EP doesn't require funding, but only seeks a co-sign in the form of a droposal, I believe it's worth supporting. proposal",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9144,True,-0.4144 "In my vote for prop 260, I said > Proposals are a new pattern that we're still figuring out, but my feeling is they should mainly be used for ratifying/approving of works that were funded by the DAO. They also generally involve revenue back to the DAO, which does not seem to be the case here. So for these reasons, I am voting against. This again is a case of work that was not commissioned/paid for by Nouns DAO, but rather Gnars DAO and 40% of the revenue heGears going back to Gnars DAO. This makes sense to me, and I see no reason for Nouns DAO to be involved. If we were to get involved in this way, I think the DAOs ""droposal"" commission should be MUCH higher than 10%. I like the music and wish the project well! Gearsproposal",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8268,False,-0.42679999999999996 "Primary concern here is I don't see a reason why this should be a Nouns proposal and not a Gnars droposal. But, even if there is a justifiable reason for it to be Gearsns droposal that I'm just not seeing, 10% to me seems like too low of a percentage oproposalto flow back to Nouns (I know there's not a lot of clarity/consensus on what makes sense here for droposals, but that's just my personal opinion).proposalproposals",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1531,False,-0.1531 "I largely agree with Wilson. Would rather set a precedent that a much larger percentage of proposal revenue should go Nouns, even if it means funding the work ourselves.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.3612,False,0.13879999999999998 "Over time, I expect dropoproposals have increased competition for the provenance of minting through Nouns DAO and we will natural, andine tune our instincts about details like the % revenue returned. In the short term, this is entertaining. The songs are fun and deploying this costs next to nothing. I'm voting for. If this doesn't pass I think it makes sense for Gnars to deploy this themselves.Gears",Neutral,Positive,0.4286,0.891,False,-0.46240000000000003 I like archives!,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.4199,True,0.18009999999999998 "Something about archival and searchability of nourish media is interesting/useful, but the pieces don't quite come together for me here. There is probably a version of this prop that i would support though.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5499,False,-0.5499 "I endorse this proposal because, although its primary goal is to deliver long-term advantages for Nouns, it also serves as an open-source public good that enables all on-chain organizations, both present and future, to effortlessly maintain their own archives. The project's impact is significantly magnified when adopted by numerous organizations. As demonstrated by Prop House, Nourish public goods not only provide essential infrastructure but also promote and disseminate our shared values and principles.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9246,True,-0.12459999999999993 "Tools like this are important, but I'd personally need to see more evidence of PMF, or plans for how the tool is going to be marketed, before feeling comfortable funding at the requested amount. The current metrics on site views from the first version don't warrant this scale of follow-on funding (though I appreciate the team's transparency in providing that data for this proposal. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8979,False,-0.8979 "This is a fun and valuable project, but the amount of (financial) resources being allocated here is absurd. Archival is important, but I feel pretty strongly that a team could accomplish similar goals for a quarter of the price, without it feeling like an underlay. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.9158,False,-1.1158 Wen archives?,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Current engagement #s doesn't seem to indicate product market fit (yet), may need a smaller/scaled down prop or additional engagement on current site to justify",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8176,False,-0.8176 Hill,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Unfortunately the ask for this is too large for something that has gotten ~4,000 lifetime views - we don't think we should be paying $24k monthly to maintain something that is still unproven. A smaller prop with a small team would be great.",Negative,Positive,-0.7,0.4019,False,-1.1018999999999999 "I appreciate what the team built here, and I encourage them to keep building out for those who find value in iWTF I question the utility of the site myself when I put myself in the shoes of an end-user. To be honest, I wouldn't use the site but it's totally possible that I'm not the target audience for it. Good luck Voadz and team! , butRoad",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9324,False,-0.9324 "Appreciate the team and the energy they put into launching the site but unfortunately my feeling is that this isn't yet something the community actually uses much yet. So rather than scaling the funding and doubling down on the current direction, I would rather support something smaller to explore product market fit. for example, maybe the strongest need is not archiving everything in this schema but rather just to bring all the CC0 media to a imgur/flickr like site that yForcan easily search and find the image/video you're looking for? (according to the attached screenshots of ppl describing pain points that seems to be the strongest need)anImgurFlickr",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9473,False,-0.9473 "Against - 2 Wallets / 29M Votes For - 5 Wallets / 25M Votes ",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I appreciate the effort put into this proposal, but I am voting against it because i feel the requested amount is too high for a projeIt that hasn't yet demonstrated a strong product-market fit. although i acknowledge the importance of maintaining and developing, i believe a smaller team and a more modest budget Although a more prudent approach for this work, allowing it to progress incrementally and adapt as needed.IWTFI",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8175,False,-0.8175 "Looks like a little overkill on the team spend for what the app hopes to accomplish. I don't see hardly any traffic coming to the site, just a few individuals casually using it. Chop down the budget and the team, and maybe it would be worth funding.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.8658,False,-1.2658 "I agree with what has been said by others re traction and funding amount. Grateful for the team's work here and hope they're not to discourage by this vote. It seems like between this and prop 240, there's a good bit of builder interest in making the Nouns Dataverse more organized, searchable, and permanent. I'm sure there's an exciting product to be built in this space, and I would beData verse of funding more exploration at a lower spend. ",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9752,False,-0.5751999999999999 "Super excited about this prop! - Nourish: Funding artists and putting work in the public domain. - Unique unlock: there's probably not another organization that would fund this in this way. Nouns provides unique value here. Noun providese: no ongoing costs, the project is delivered and we all benefit from it forever! - Reasonable scope: The project has a clear plan, with a good chunk of work already done. The funding amount is fairly modest, relatively, and will be streamed. Author has past succ, andul work. Excited to pilot how Nouns can work with book authors, and I can't wait to read with my 7yo! Good luck! ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9804,True,-0.08040000000000003 Feedback given in DMs,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Stories through a Goggles lens, yes!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4574,True,0.34260000000000007 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 21 VOTES** **five oceans_dev** | *""i like what the team accomplished. i feel that archives.wtfIcould be a great way to unboard new builders by goving them access to see everything that was build.* *I hope the team woild put more efforts to keep the site updated.* *also, I would loke the team to consider adding a featureWTFthink it would be great to add a page where all content is shown without any categories with pagination""* **AGAINST - 19 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** onboardt's a lot of money for not a lot of benefit""* **Benbodhi** | *""Love the concept, love Voadz, but I think the budget for this is a bit high and could be achieved for goingithout it being so low that its not viable.""*IwouldlikeIRoadit's",Neutral,Positive,-0.4286,0.6796,False,-1.1082 "Fun, unique, nourish. excited toExcitede results. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6908,True,0.10920000000000007 "Easy yes so gonna QA nouns -- ⌐◨-◨ 原作をかなり自由に脚色し、背景にはスタッフがロケハンしたスウェーデンのストックホルム及びゴットランド島のヴィスビュー、宮崎自身が1988年(昭和63年)5月に個人的に旅行したアイルランド、その他サンフランシスコ、リスボン、パリ、ナポリなどの風景を織り交ぜて使っている[17]。街の名前は、劇場公開時のパンフレットによれば原作のまま「コリコ」の街とされている。この街では白黒テレビが普及している一方でボンネットバスや大きな飛行船が使われているなど、現代ではなく過去の時代を舞台にしているものとみられる(宮崎によれば「二度の大戦を経験しなかったヨーロッパ」という設定)。ストックホルムとヴィスビューは宮崎がAプロダクション(シンエイ動画)時代の1971年(昭和46年)に幻の映画企画『長くつ下のピッピ』のロケハンで訪れた場所でもある。",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6808,False,-0.6808 Excited to see new artists bringing their talents (and new mediums) into the ecosystem,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6597,True,0.1403000000000001 Strongly echo Noun40 reasoning. Will provide full thoughts my newsletter tomorrow,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2732,False,-0.2732 "While I love the idea of an archive center for the Nouns ecosystem, the specifics of this extension do not seem to align with the demand. It might be more effective to pursue a series of focused proposals that have clear and limited scope, and in the interim collaborate with the community to develop strategies to ensure that the archive captures as much media as possible. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9184,False,-0.9184 "I don't understand what this prop aims to do. It motions vaguely towards nonourishctivities and collaborations, but doesn't say anything concrete or in-depth about how to do any of these things. Are we funding someone to start thinking about nouns?",Neutral,Neutral,-0.4,0.0,True,-0.4 "I'm pro on doing community work, and while the intentions of this prop is likely well-meaning, i thiIk it acts to re-centralize nouns in a way that i believe is a step in the wrong direction.I",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.4767,False,0.07669999999999999 "The nouns' namespace is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, giving builders access to the nounnouns'espace can act as strong signaling and help boost projects. On the other hand, it can create unfair market advantages and act to suppress future (competitive) projects' ability to succeed or even willingness to try. Im not sure, so I'm voting against this time, but i suspect there's also a decent probabilitI'mthis vote will age poorly.I",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.8409,False,-1.0409 "Really love what this is but feels like the cost to build could be lowered, and it would still be amazing.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.8872,False,-0.6872 "Light-hearted Nourish novels for middle schoolers is an excellent idea, and the first two chapters were fun. I would read more. For pitching purposes I wish the plot was explained in more detail. What I read was fun exposition, but I'm uncertain about the heart of the novel's conflict. You mention ""a few careless words summon a threat to the NNo universe - elaborating on that and getting us hooked on the grand adventure would go a long way. I appreciate how the Nouns are presented and look forward to seeing all of the different personalities and the situations they cause. The compensation is generous, but given that you've committed to releasing this into the public domain and forgoing all traditional royalties, I think its fair. The key details of the Open Edition mint should have been included here, including revenue splitall the considered minting each chapter? Ideally you build up an audience as you go. Once complete, what are the plans for publishing this and getting it out into the world? How are we going to get people to read this? I would love to see publishers that work with traditional public domain material printing and selling this at their own expense. If this is not the case, possibly use funds from the OE mint to fund a vanity publisher. On the whole - excited to see this happen, excited to read the novel. ``` “Hide!” Ruth whispered. “What?” the hairspray creature said indignantly. “I will not! I am an artist! I stand by my work!” ```it's",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9871,True,-0.2871 I cannot support any official blessing of this technology without full communication of the vision for how it will be used by the DAO.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4482,False,-0.4482 "Voting with Will Paper and Krel here. There Keelo reason to use ""official"" Nouns namespace on projects funded by the DAO. Slippery slope, indeed.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.296,False,0.296 "A quick summary of my thesis as a delegate: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” I feel strongly that Nouns should not have a namespace that distinguishes between “canonical” projects and all other projects. Once a project is viewed as canonical, it will be hard to dislodge. Nouns should have a healthy ecosystem where projects naturally form and die. This allows contributors to step up, and just as importantly allows contributors to move on. Much of this perspective is influenced by the Loot community, where projects viewed as “canonical” had significantly more sway among users than equivalent projects that were not viewed as “canonical”. If Nouns begins to bless certain projects with a canonical namespace, it will take energy away from non-canonical projects. One simple hypothetical: What if Agora had a canonical namespace at nouns.Agora.eth but House of Nouns did not? Is Agora now more “official” than House of Nouns? Should we bless more projects with official namespaces, to put them on a level playing field? What happens when those projects evolve, sometimes in ways that an official namespace would not like? This is a slippery slope and I am opposed for that reason. As a courtesy, I registered nounsautobidder.eth and autobiddernouns.eth under my ENS at Papper.eth (also the owner, not the manager, of this ENS). I am happy to transfer these ENS domains to the team, and I am disappointed and a bit surprised that the team did not protect these ENS names prior to putting this proposal up. Canonical namespaces are a slippery slope, so let’s stick to non-canonical ones while norms develop.ETH, but, and Eth EthPaper Eth, and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9066,False,-0.9066 "After the official Discord closed, the DAO shouldn't be funding any work related to various unofficial community spaces. It would defeat the purpose of not having an official Discord, which I think has been a positive development thus far.",Neutral,Negative,0.2,-0.5859,False,0.7859 "+1 on Wilson’s unique unlock. v nounVsh prop, easy FORnourish",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 Against setting precedent on the DAO choosing favorites in spaces where only one can be chosen,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4215,False,-0.4215 "Also, a +1 on Wilson's vote reasons. Excited for more nouns stories! ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4003,True,0.39970000000000006 "I appreciate On’s intentions but I am aga, but “official” discords in any capacity. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.2144,False,-0.6144000000000001 "Hmm... I don't disagree with the vote reasons so far, but I think it really depends on whether we think of ""autobidder"" as a category name or as a product name. I don't quite mind if like agora for some reason needed a subdomain from us and asked for agora.nouns.eth. that doesn't really creatAgoracerns around making one product more canonical over others. it might be annoying if every team/product put up an onchain prop for this purpose just administratively but nothing beyond that. I'm voting yes b/c I think of ""autobidder"" Agoraas a product name and as a result don't think we need to be too vigilant here. however, as a general matter, I'd prefer if teams/products used their own ENS namespace rather than use the nouns.eth subdomain namesapce unless necessary given ETH admin overhead for the dao! ThatItunchainHowever Ethnamespaceday",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.635,False,-0.635 "I think this prop has a lot of potential... but also a lot of fluff. The proposer lacks Nourish reputation which, while not necessary at all to get a prop passed, is necessary in my eyes for such a large, open-ended allocation of capital. I also don't understand why this prop needs to be so large. The ideas are vague, but they are plentiful, and each one (if fleshed out) could probably be a standalone successful prop on their own. Ultimately, this is a no from me, and I encourage J.D. to return with a smaller, more detailed proposal to kick off his collaboration with Nouns.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.8047,False,-1.2046999999999999 Definitely yes. On has been putting in work free of charge for some time. ,Positive,Positive,0.4,0.8271,True,-0.4270999999999999 "This is a nearly $50,000 ask... In their words: ""is partly to compensate for the lack of those future revenue streams"" We are paying them $50,000 to make up for the money they can't make? Did all these for voters actually read the first two chapters?",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.3939,False,-0.00610000000000005 "My first thought when reading this prop was ""what if the book isn't good?"" Then I read the sample chapters and said, ""okay, this is pretty good so far!"" Still, I was skeptical. Why this story? Why this author? After sitting with it for a bit, I realized none of those questions mattered. We are funding a complete book, in the public domain, telling a Nourish story, for children who might (big might) now grow up loving Nouns. That's Nounish af. Plus, the ask is reasonable, and I appreciate the work already put into making this project great. Excited to mint this!NourishAF",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9585,True,-0.24419999999999997 Thou shalt not request a subdomain,Neutral,Neutral,-0.9,0.0,True,-0.9 "I think this is worth trying, stream should be cancelled if this does not bring in new people and increase participation",Neutral,Positive,0.2143,0.296,False,-0.0817 "Nice example of Nouns as an ""ingredient brand."" Streamed payment derricks the ask significantly. I'd love to see this written using one of those platforms (can't remember names) where you effectively peer over the author's shoulder. Would be a fun learning experience for us and would keep the author accountable. Which seems relevant here since this pen name is new and previously published works were not disclosed.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.9217,False,-0.42169999999999996 "I don't doubt JD's ability to execute or his extensive network, however this prop is vague and the order of operations are off. Thanks for spending the time to submit this, I look forward to a proposal with more actionable items in the future.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3915,False,-0.3915 I'd support this if fourth-level domains were supported in ens - e.g. wiz.autobidder.nouns.eth - or if third-level domain was hyphenated - eg. wiz-autobidder.nouns.eth ETHe.g.ETH,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6124,False,-0.6124 "Ngl this looks like something where a celeb with contacts comes in and just says ""pay me"" to work on things. It feels dated and uninteresting versus proposals with new builders asking for much less.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.2732,False,-0.6732 "Echoing sentiment of other voters that no piece of infrastructure should be canonical. Also, as pointed out by 9999, resent that the dao getting its money back is tied to the outcome of this voteday",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4404,False,0.4404 "Very Nourish: - Do good with no expectations of return. - Teach people about web3 and spread cyptocryptoes. - Spread the Nouns ""meme"" ⌐◨-◨ - Create and proliferate CC- content and open source infrastructure. -Create positive externalities, embrace absurdity & different and have fun. and I like to know what happens to Caden and his siblings. ⌐◨-◨ AndBaden",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9556,True,-0.4556 SDD,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Just doesn't seem fun and building fun and meaningful video games is hard. Why not just build a small level we can all try out and wait for people to get excited and then post a prop for a full game?,Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.2741,False,0.0741 "Arash has been working on this concept within the Nouns' ecosystem for many months now. He has taken feedback to refine the idea and has taken time to learn about nounish culture. If you haven't seen them, check onourishthe animated music videos and gifs he has made to familiarize himself with the art vibe and build his reputation here. With his agency's experience in building successful mobile games, I think he is the perfect candidate to take Nouns' fgives foray into this sphere and I wish him luck. ",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9217,True,-0.42169999999999996 "I cannot support this prop in good faith without applying the same amount of rigor that all others are subject to. I could be convinced to vote for this effort if a solid distribution plan was put in place (something that is expected of all products incubated by the community). Don’t let my opinion, or the opinion of others, serve as a reason for not participating in the future. Putting your work on display - for all to judge - requires a lot more vulnerability than most are willing to admit. Sometimes a bit of tweaking can lead to an outcome that all parties can get behind and maybe that is what's required here. Looking forward to reading more of your work and seeing the rest of the scribbles in your economist notebook come to life",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8422,False,-0.8422 Its clear Arash love nouns but i just dont find don't exciting,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8599,False,-0.8599 Games are hard. I'd rather see if you can come up with something fun that the community can rally behind.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 "I was afraid to cast this vote. I was thinking to myself, “TM0B1L, you’re new to Nouns the last thing you want to do is publicly vote against 4156 and the Founders.” That being said, I would not be true to myself if I did not vote against this prop. I’m surprised that so many people who voted FOR consider $50k to be a good value and/or will yield the kind of attention we need on Nouns DAO. In short, I question the (1) value and (2) effective proliferation that will be yielded by this work. (1) I don’t think a book like this should cost ~$50k. Perhaps I’m missing something but if distribution was part of this $50k ask then I think it would make more sense. Once we pay and eventually the book is released, what is the plan to get it out there (e.g., schools, book stores, social media, etc.)? (2) I question how far the reach of this book will be and I expect the primary consumers of it are already in Nouns. For example, Wilson mentioned reading this to his kid — that’s cute and you should, Wilson!, and Nouns is still somewhat of a secret cult, even mainstream ETH heads don’t really know what Nouns is or what we’re doing. The kind of proliferation we need for Nouns is to break into the larger attention market, not have a few people read a digital children’s book. , andareare",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9213,False,-1.3213 The continental hotel,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Nouns should invest in Proliferates in Residence like J.D., who can leverage their networks to foster innovation and bring valuable communities like Warped to ⌐◨-◨. This low-risk commitment ensures Nouns' influence extends to new communities and that we continue to place bets on good people.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9403,False,-0.9403 This sounds exciting! Hope there's a juicy nourish mystery at the heart of the story... maybe something about copyleft?,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.75,True,-0.15000000000000002 "Beautiful hardware and excited to fund an artist spending their full attention on nouns. These are the type of things that create positive ripples and brand recognition in communities still unaware of nouns.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8807,True,-0.0807 "Nouns should employ subdomains more extensively, as they offer an additional layer of credibility and comprehension that can be challenging to locate in the web3. We should avoid subdomains that imply a product is canonical for its category but encourage product/project specific names. For instance, the subdomain autobidder.nouns.eth conveys a distinct product identity, which enhances understanding when encountered at an auction or within an onchain context.ETHunchain",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.631,False,-0.631 "Wealthy people asking the slush fund, I mean DAO, for money for passion projects is cool, but caring about book value is bad. makes sense. to hell with those pesky defi bros and the fiscal conservatives!MakesToDevi",Neutral,Negative,0.4286,-0.6643,False,1.0929,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "First off – Tigris is the GOAT. Working with her throughout Explorer Grants was a pleasure, and her work is too impressive and fun not to be excited by. Tigris is the type of creator we NEED building in the Nouns ecosystem. This prop is very Nourish –funding a proven creator with an audience of other builders to build fun, experimental hardware that can be used for IRL proliferation. Not only that, but all sales return back to the DAO which offsets the prop cost! I'm excited about this proposal and hope this is just the first of many collaborations between Tigris and Nouns.returnbetween the Tigris",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.8526,True,0.0474 "I wouldn't want one of these, and maybe they will probably never sell, but I think giving hardware builders reasonable funding to make interesting things will lead to better final results in the future. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8857,False,-0.8857 Pump it!,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "Taken from my newsletter Active Governance: I caught myself thinking that maybe I should just say ""f*ck it"" and vote yes to this prop. But after pausing for a moment I realized that's not how it should be. Governing the DAO on a ""let's hope for the best"" kind of mindset is not feasible. Sure, I could ignore my concerns with this proposal. Like it not having any distribution plans or the unexplained cost or even the fact that an open mint is just selling it to ourselves... But is that what Nouns are about? Trusting that something is nourish enough and hoping it works out? I don't believe so. I have nothing against the idea of a Nounish children's book per se. As a matter of fact I think it's a great idea. One of my core beliefs as a Nouner is that we should heavily fund creative people and initiatives. What I am against though, is not having a plan. We have to change the mindset that being nounish = throwing caution to the wind and fund anything. Not having something amazing to support is not an excuse to fund anything. Recent Props like 256(Triple backflip in a Wheelchair) or 263(Nouns Esports) are perfect examples of what we should be funding. They are creative ideas by people that can deliver and have a plaNourish's nounish, nounish af. To Tasha, I would encourage you to bring back a revised version of this prop with more details. Explaining why the cost makes sense for this project, compare it to other known authors and market rates for this kind of work. Most importantly though, I would like to see more on distribution ideas. If we are making this awesome book let's make sure we can actually get it in the hands of readers!nourishnourishnourishAF",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9964,False,-0.7964 "Taken from my newsletter Active Governance: It's great for DAO to have high level builders with vast connections interested in Nouns. But I fail to see why we should effectively pay for a retainer? Ideas can be thought up and worked on without that being the case. Also, it wouldn't be setting a good precedent. A better model would be for JD to come back with an awesome idea from one of his connections and include his compensation on that prop. It would be fair and justifiable. Also I wasn't a big fan of how this proposal was laid out. It was difficult to follow and to understand what it was trying to get at. There is a lot of information on different projects, but no clarity on what Nouns would be involved in or how.Also,",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8461,False,-0.8461 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” Funding crypto regulatory advocacy is an excellent example of a public good. It is something that benefits the entire ecosystem, and it is something that many groups won’t fund. This funding is especially powerful coming from a more neutral organization like Nouns. Advocacy from VC funds and companies is excellent, and their work is incredibly important, but Nouns serves a special role by decoupling its advocacy from direct financial interests. This advocacy also benefits Nouns and other DAOs, which lack significant amounts of regulatory clarity. I understand concerns by Scott and others that regulatory advocacy is off-mission ( Those concerns are thoughtful, and I agree that Nouns is not and should not be an advocacy organization for regulatory change. At the same time, I draw a strong distinction between funding advocacy and directly participating in advocacy. Funding advocacy in my mind is on-mission as a public good, but participating in advocacy is likely something that the existing advocacy groups can do far better than Nouns. As long as Nouns sticks to funding only, advocacy can be an effective public good. That being said, I wish this proposal was stronger in its advocacy for Nouns PR. In my opinion, Nouns is not aggressive enough in advertising its donations, and that hinders it from attracting people and acting as a beacon for public goods. Claiming the top spot on the leaderboard is a good start, but I wish the proposal went further on advocating for Nouns publicity. A few things that I wish were addressed in the proposal: 1. Nouns would be putting up 50% of the funding for the crypto advocacy round (Coinbase put up the other $100K, with the rest being direct donations from users), but the description on the Gitcoin Grants Round only states that “Coinbase is on a mission to advocate for digital asset policies here in the United States, and this crypto advocacy round will support the amazing organizations who are leading the charge.” I would love a commitment from Coinbase and/or Gitcoin to include Nouns in the description of the advocacy round if this proposal passes. Coinbase, Gitcoin, and Nouns are stronger together! This is aBitcoinoration I’d love to see. 2. I wish that Nouns had suggestions on how the advocacy organizations that will benefit from the matching funds could collaborate with Nouns. These don’t need to be requirements, merely suggestions. For example, welcoming advocacy organizations and their members to participate in the Nouns Playground and set a Nouns from the Playground as their PFP would set a nice norm, whether or not those groups choose to adopt it. (I also recognize that in this case, the amount is on the smaller side for that kind of PR.) 3. The history of the Shield emoji and Coinbase is something that I wish the proposal clearly discussed. It’s worth noting that the Shield emoji is repurposed from the “Coinbase FUD protection squad” ( and was previously used by Coinbase employees and supporters to signal support for Coinbase as a company. While there are only so many shield emoji available, it is relevant for Nouns voters to know that they’re participating in an initiative that is repurposing symbols that supported Coinbase as symbols to support the industry. I am perfectly fine with this, but the history is relevant as Nouns thinks about how much it benefits from branding here. In short, while Nouns could do more to advocate for itself and get stronger PR benefits from this, I am in support of this proposal. Funding regulatory advocacy is a public good that benefits the ecosystem, and I believe it matches Nouns’s mission as long as Nouns sticks to funding only. BitcoinBitcoina nounwhethermany shield emojis",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9995,False,-0.5995 "Taken from my newsletter Active Governance: Wow, so much to love with this proposal. This is how we should be moving forward in terms of community. This is not about centralization, but a path to empower communities and help new members find their way. I very much agree with Toady. As a new Nouner a few months ago it was extremely challenging to find where and how to connect. Oni seems to be aware of the problems of centralization and is taking the steps to ensure this is a community project and not an ""official discord"". My only issue is the ask, which is a bit high relative to the work. But having experienced issues with this myself I know how important it is. I'm willing to slightly overpay and vote yes from the On go. However I should mention this is not a sustainable model. I won't be in favor of 6 months down the line funding another proposal for the same amount, so I would encourage a path towards more sustainability or drastically lowering costs.However,",Neutral,Positive,0.4286,0.9667,False,-0.5381 "Taken from my newsletter Active Governance: I wasn't a fan of how this idea was introduced in prop 268, and I'm less of a fan of this one. I really don't know what is being asked of the DAO and what the implications are. Abstaining from this one and letting more technical Nouners make the decision here, but I would urge for more context and explanation with these kind of proposals.Ownersthis kind",Neutral,Neutral,-0.5,-0.0289,True,-0.4711 "Taken from my newsletter Active Governance: I really like the idea of a nourish game and I support this project. It can be a great way to get the community participating in activities together and to onboard new people. However I think it should start even smaller, with a one level alpha perhaps and a much smaller budget. That way the communityHowever,st it out and we will be able to gauge the reception and impact of the game. From there the DAO could more confidently fund a bigger proposal for a fully fledged game., and",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9402,True,-0.24020000000000008 "Taken from my newsletter Active Governance: I like the idea of having Nouns attached to important initiatives in the crypto community. It makes sense for us to be seen as a project that helps push crypto forward. Wilson explains very well in the proposal why this is beneficial for the DAO and I agree with him.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9371,True,-0.1371 "Taken from my newsletter Active Governance: This is a perfect example of the type of proposals we should be supporting. I have only positives to say about this proposal. Experienced and influential founder with a proven track record. Sound distribution and marketing plan. Amazing product design. Seriously, have you seen the packaging? Conversation starter and meme proliferation. DAO's participation in the revenue. Stellar proposal explaining all the choices and reasoning behind them. Hell yes.",Positive,Positive,0.9888,0.9413,True,0.04749999999999999 "Excited to fund more creative work, especially when it's being released directly into the public domain.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6801,True,0.1199 "Though I would love to vote in favor of this proposal, I can't help but feel that the amount of ETH requested doesn't make sense for a project of this size, especially with no go-to-market plan. To be clear: Creating a CC0 book rules. Paying an author upfront to work on the project rules. Bringing Nouns to middle schoolers rules. But as a delegate, I feel the need to note that one of the main issues I see across a variety of proposals centers on a lack of clarity regarding what some perceive as outsized spend. Perhaps if this proposal had been developed in collaboration with the community, incorporating feedback on what feels like a reasonable budget may have resulted in less opposition. Though I'm voting against, I hope that the author will consider submitting a revised proposal if this one does not pass.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.9261,False,-1.1261 "If not Nouns, then who? If crypto advocacy is not Nourish, then what is? Proposals like this allow Nouns to establish itself as a positive force in the crypto ecosystem, from both an internal and external perspective. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8217,True,-0.12170000000000003 "A lot of mountains built out of molehills on this one. Straight forward and if people disagree, we can change the ENS record back. We're not writing this in blood, we're a DAO and each possess the ability to vote.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1531,False,-0.1531 "Nouns play a crucial role in supporting Ethereum's public goods ecosystem, and it's essential that we rally behind this key collective resource that forms the foundation of our very existence. Let's champion these public goods and invest in the future of the Ethereum community.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8583,True,-0.1583 "In support of using treasury resources to build and promote open source projects related to the Nouns ecosystem and brand. Open Source is the software version of CC0, and I think very aligned with the highest order goals of Nouns DAO. Generally in support of treasury resources going towards open source experiments creation of software & hardware.",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.8934,False,-0.19340000000000002 "I think I mostly agree with everyone else's concerns about the DAO officially blessing this tool with a custom ENS. Similar to Game's points, I would vote yes for something more specified, like prop-268-autobidder.eth or something along those lines. Eth",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8801,False,-0.8801 "For on, his passion and capabilities. aAgainstthis implementation of said talents.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7184,False,-0.7184 "I love the idea of Nouns creative presence expanding into literature and novels. The closest thing we've done to this is a comic book, but I think there's a lot to explore with purely written literature. It's a great way to energize young folks about Nouns, and as a previously published author I have confidence in Tasha's ability to execute on an idea like this over the long term.",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9776,True,-0.0776 Agree with Capella.eth on Ethis one. we've paid foWea lot of residencies that cater inward. this residency is purely an outwarThiscus. an experiment worth doing. especially when it's someone with such a broad (and deep) and highly relevant netAnrk.Especially,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.5267,True,-0.026699999999999946,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I'm not completely against the idea of the DAO funding community contributors, but I don't like the idea of the DAO funding one exclusive community contributor/Discord and thus making that the ""official"" one again. If the DAO is going to fund community residents, there should be a host of them offering different solutions/roles IMO. ",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2299,False,0.2299 "The day should be careful endorsing products and this proposed partnership seems very one-sided in favor of NFTR ",Negative,Positive,-0.4,0.552,False,-0.9520000000000001 "It is not clear to me what the end deliverables of this proposal are - it seems like we'd be paying someone to leverage their network and experience to hopefully create events/activations/media down the line? I'm not comfortable paying someone six figures to do that, esp. someone who is new to Nouns contribution; I'm not inherently against the idea of open-ended residencies, but we're not ready for it at this scale. That's the role of a program like Explorer Grants.",Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.5635,False,-1.0635 "I support this proposal as it aligns with Nouns' objective of promoting Public Goods and ethos is one of the most ambitious attempts at a Public Good. Assisting in shaping our mobile future and prioritizing Ethereum on mobile platforms is crucial. The Nouns Virtuous Cycle is distinctly equipped to support such daring and visionary Real World Public Goods projects. I have full faith in this team, which has made incredible progress to without funding. Finally, the Nounish Edition of this phone is exciting and I will be purchasing one.Nourish, and",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9839,True,-0.18389999999999995 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 19 VOTES** **Classic_Craig** | *""get that Simona""* **AGAINST - 16 VOTES** **.Wide Eye ⌐◨-◨** | *""Am FOR of returning ETH AGAINST the use to nouns ENS""* Wide",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.5106,False,0.11060000000000003 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 22 VOTES** **five oceans_dev** | *""All novels, books, journals would last centuries which makes them good proliferation mediums""* **byhardy** | *""Nounish storytellers = v good""* **.Wide Eye by hardy| *""We need more storytelling content (vid, book etc) to showcase what Nouns is about.""* **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** | *""primary layers ⌐◨-◨""* **AGAINST - 13 VOTES** **EltonPenguin**Nourishe author is asking for waaaaay too much. A typical first-time author gets a $7,500 advance and 10% of royalties. These types of novels sell for around $10, which means he'd have to sell over 40,000 copies Widemake 25 ETH. John Grisham's most recent book sold 500,000 copies. Hard pass.""*etc.areCHEF FOAAAAA",Negative,Negative,-0.7667,-0.2023,True,-0.5644 "I think there are substantive issues at play here, and I was strongly opposed to creating the autobidder for Nouns DAO, but I am voting FOR. As far as I am concerned, the substantive thing is that Nouns DAO deployed an instance of this contract. Adding an ENS name feels like a logistical item, and it would have been nice to have the ENS show in the feed when it was used to bid. I think it’s unfair to say that the DAO can’t name/bless things: we’ve been on a Droposal tear! I would prefer a bit more provenance in the name, though, e.g. federationAutobiProposalI do think returning the ETH with naming turned out to be an odd combo and I think it would have been courteous to cancel this prop and split into two as soon as it was clear that the ENS aspect was going to be contentious. Furthermore, I",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7609,False,-0.7609 "Bullish on on, but dao daynsored social layer is as bad an idea as state sponsored media. these systems Theselready extremely reflexive and very sensitive to group think & capture. if it were possible to engineer, i would expect that we’d actually want to penalize each incIfmental participant who joins a given social space to overcome the natural tendency towards group think / probability that the dao gets captured by a single in-group. this proposal effectively doeI the opposite, applying leverage to an already existing bias. you can read more here:",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.296,False,-0.496 "I think we need something similar to what we had with Noun 22 before. I hear the criticisms from other voters, and I think they are reasonable and well-thought-out, but I think those are course corrections we can perform down the road. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. We needed something like this yesterday. Let's just try it out and see where we go.",Positive,Negative,0.5,-0.3709,False,0.8709 "I voted against the initial autobidder proposal because I didn't feel like a case was made for its purpose, and I'm now voting against this proposal for the same reason. The onus is on the proposer to concisely explain why members of the DAO should vote in favor of a proposal and to ensure that the community can easily comprehend the project's intent and potential impact. I'm using my vote with reason to encourage proposers to engage with the community and seek feedback before submitting a proposal so they can address potenti, soconcerns and refine their ideas to better align with the community's interests and expectations.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9348,False,-0.9348 "The only hesitation I have here is ""why 40 ETH?"". Why not more? Why not less? Where else is funding coming from? That said, IMO the ask isn't wild. Great project, great opportunity to proliferate throughout the Ethereum ecosystem, very in-line with our values. Excited to see ethOS hit more phones in the future!ethos",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8342,True,-0.1342000000000001 "- ethos team is nonourishf. - Nouns iAFthe best version of itself when its funding much needed public goods (and accrues good will from crypto community when it does) - reasonable ask, very bold mission - this team ships",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8748,True,-0.07479999999999998 "I appreciate On's work, but I have concerns about Discord's impact on DAOs, as it can lead to uncomfortable social dynamics, centralization of thought, and reduced engagement from talented members, ultimately hindering the growth of diversity and participation within the Nouns community. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.9178,False,-1.1178 Investing future,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I don't see this as an endorsement of a product. It's an interesting, fun unchain action, that doesn't limit us from taking other onchain actions in the same vein. Let's do it!unchain",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8221,False,-0.8221 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I think the comp is high here, relative to what I see as the number of required weekly hours, but I am voting FOR, nonetheless. I do not think I support a canonical discord, but 1. I do think The Jungle is valuable, and I use the prop specific channels regularly 2. I am for funding a diverse set of ppl/orgs that are engaging with the public and representing Nouns. I see Oni as being in that role here, and I have heard good things about them. I'm not sure what exactly the success criteria is here: not sure what wouoresake me want to fund again in six months. But I am for experimenting! Furthermore, IOnFurthermore, I",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.828,False,-0.828 "Games are good, cost staggered and success based, the early release Alpha has to merit more funding for us to vote spending more funds.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8555,False,-0.8555 "Taken from my newsletter Active Governance: Yet another awesome proposal. We would be funding a great public good for the crypto community and supporting Ethereum, where Nouns live. I believe this is a great opportunity for Nouns to be the first and main facilitator for this project. It will help cement our position as a pioneer in financing public goods. Raising brand awareness and so on. I am voting yes to this version of the proposal, but my only ask would be for Nouns to be more prominently featured in the product and not just offer a version of the phone with Nouns branding. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9325,True,-0.23250000000000004 "While I do resonate with Scott Lew's Tweet saying that ""nouns can do the most good by directly pursuing its core mission of making crypto soft, anti-scammy and socially positive"", at the same time, I anti-spamlike ""helping to ensure that the freedom to transact remains in place for the average American"" is necessarily contrary to that mission. One of the greatest things about nouns in my opinion is that it can be many similar things to many people at the same time. I’ve often felt that one of the secret weapons of a brand like nouns is that we can integrate public goods as part of our very identity (rather than a corporation doing charity for the tax benefit/good PR/whatever for example) and I don’t think we should lose that inside of the weirdness that is also nouns. Thanks to Wilson for championing this initiative!",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9708,True,-0.27080000000000004 "Very cool device and work, I just struggle with spending $230 all-in per unit to sell them for $50 per unit. If they are proliferation and for open source building, why sell them at all at that price, if they will be so cool as to be in demand, why not sell them for a price in the ballpark of their cost or above? This is neither here nor there in terms of what it is trying to accomplish, and I struggle to see how it will accomplish being an efficient open source foundation for building (it's interesting but very very niche) or be good business, as outlined.very, very",Neutral,Positive,-0.7,0.8571,False,-1.5571 "The DAO should help and endorse Owners who build Nounish things, conditional on pNourisha vote, naturally. This helps a Nounish builder, demonstrates the value of their adjacent Nounish work and Nourishothing tangible and almost nothing overall. We can equivocate and endorse nothing for fake decentralization theorycraft reasons, but if the DAO doesn't have aNourishn things and stand behind work by Nouners, Nounders, and Noun Family, we're not doing our job.theory craftOwnersFounders",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7526,False,-0.7526 "There's some amount of romanticism for the old discord that I find hard to agree with personally. Originally when there were ~50 nouns the nouner-general channel did indeed work well like how many small to medium sized group chats do. but as it became hundreds it really did become this wasteland where it was mostly dominated by whoever is just willing to speak, ppl being triggered, constant bickering, etc. many smallss of ""official"" or not, or who moderates, I just don't know of a synchronous group chat (not twitter style follow, not reddit style upvote curation, just a scroll chat) medium-sizedworks well with hundreds of members in it. they usually devolve into wastelands (punks, apes, really any large nft project discord I've been to have been the same way). so while I'm suppButive of community discords in their own instances serving mid sized communities, having THE discord and hoping it doesn't run into the same issues the old discord ran into when membership gets bigger feels like we're signing up for the same pain again. love oni and appreciate his energy here but have ptsd from the old discord and really not hoping to revive thRegardlesscs back. Redditup voteTheyNFTSomid-sizedLoveonPTSD",Neutral,Positive,-0.3125,0.9192,False,-1.2317 Feel similarly to Brennan & krel. I loved keelmusic videos but would need to see a glimpse of a game that could actually be fun to play to support this. would be happy to fund a smalleWouldot. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9618,False,-0.9618 "I like this a lot. As to noun 12's point about like why sell a $230 all-in unit for $50: I think if this is meant to be a sustainable business then thinking about it in those terms makes sense. but this to me is moButlike nouns funding a one time art project. nouns is subsidizing the creation of the art objects to be given out and having a non-zero price tag ($50) to make sure ppl that actually want them still put some of their own money to get them. funding this typeNounsrt (and building brand value doing so) is something nouns is uniquely suited to do and feel very excited to see this come to life (and other things artists like tigris bring forth in a similar model). areFundingTigris",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.967,True,-0.2526999999999999 "Would prefer not to see the 2 things stapled together, I know others complained about that on much smaller dollar Proposals recently. But at the end of the day, I and We do Stand with Crypto and Bitcoin is a fit for this.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.34,False,-0.34 "I've been working on a crypto company in the U.S. called bitwise for the past 7 years and the number of times I felt ""THANK GOD COIN CENTER IS WITH US"" is very high. They are a non profit. they are not getting filthy rich off of their work. supporting them and showing appreciation for their work is not a political matter imo in the same way non-profitonsider funding other controversial societal matters. this is about supporting the credible neutrality of the base layer that is the substrate of our onchain world. we have aTheynce to support that public good while accruing attention to the nouns brand and I think we should take it. SupportingIMOThisunchainWe",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9651,True,-0.2378 "Hmm. I appreciate jihad & noun 12's view here. But I ultimately feel like props like this aren't ""free"". the voter base has to read through, weigh, The vote, which has cognitive & financial costs (gas). so while I appreciate digitaloil's work personally, I don't want to encourage the promotion of onchain products through nouns onchain props wSon it doesn't really serve a need for us. thus, voting against. digital oilunchainunchainThus",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7914,False,-0.7914 "Would love to see this funded and later for the ethos team to execute and come back asking for more after the nouns community had a chance to familiarizenouns'selves with the ethOS phone more. I see ethOS pushing forward an important bold mission on behalf of the ethereum community. maybe in the end apple/google plaethosl with the crypto movement and our progress is not hindered by their arbitrary censorship of weird rules (e.g. asking apps for a cut of the txn gas fees the apps facilitate). if ethos comes a time where we really come up against apple/google, then I think we'd really feel grateful for a team like the ethOS team for have created alternatives we can choose rather than be stuck in their digital fiefdom. I aplaude the ethEthereumfor taking on this important public open source work and feel excited for nouns to play a small role with this funding. MaybetenIftime whenethosClaudeethos",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9697,True,-0.25539999999999996 "This is the rare nouns prop that doesn't ask for any money, and think it's good to encourage a plethora of naming systems. ENS is obviously dominant today, but Nouns should encourage and experiment with alternate approaches.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8201,False,-0.32010000000000005 Will consider voting for a version of this proposal with better economics. Agree fully with noun12 here,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6597,False,-0.6597 Voting on behalf of owners,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Fine to try this out but not endorsing the product,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1027,False,-0.1027 "I don't think that OPTIONAL branding is enough of a tie-in with Nouns, would support a version of this proposal with deeper synergies. Non-optional branding at minimum",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 Agree with Scott Lewis re: political statements,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 Charitable giving is more efficient at the personal level,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.8016,True,-0.2016 Would support a revised proposal,Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.4019,False,-0.0018999999999999573 "If 40 addresses vote on this proposal at this week's average gas price, it will cost the DAO $600 in gas rebates. There are 10 proposals this week.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Agree with Jihad that it's not really an endorsement IMO - we're just vibing and naming a Noun at no cost to the treasury. I think an endorsement would be something like: - mint an OE as a droposal with funds going to NFTR - actually fund NFTproposal",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.068,False,-0.068 "yeah, games are hard. But this is a relatively low bet. worth a shot withWorthial release.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0258,True,-0.0258 "A truly decentralized collective like Nouns having a centralized “sponsored” discord seems like a dissonant concept at first glance. However, I think a centralized meeting ground for the community would actually help us grow by providing: a common meeting ground for Nouns DAO, an on ramp for people curious about Nouns, an interface for sub-DAOs (e.g., Lil Nouns), and a space for feedback on proposals in preparation. At the end of the day, really solid proposals for awesome ideas is what we want to fund—perhaps some community, timely feedback, and advice will help us shape amazing future work. The essential elemeSundays good community meeting ground exist in The Jungle, but it does need a spark to really be a hit. I’m optimistic that with some dedicated effort, we can build a nice community home on the internet together.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9762,True,-0.2762 "Awesome builder, sizeable audience and absolutely nourish.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6249,True,0.17510000000000003 "Nom not the nominal hero! Embracing top tier creative talent fFTW",Positive,Positive,0.867,0.9285,True,-0.0615 Fund more ambitious projects!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5697,True,0.23030000000000006 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” I’ve gone back and forth on this proposal quite a bit. My analysis of funding requests is: 1. Is this a public good? 2. Is this public good something that other organizations won’t fund, or that Nouns is uniquely best to fund? Writing about the No universe is not necessarily a public good, but public domain writing about Nouns is. Public domain writing, just like CC0 art or freely licensed code, is composable. While the ways it could be remixed may be less obvious, it's equally important as other forms of composable creative work. My other lens is whether this is something that other organizations won't fund. There are many established pathways to funding books, even if they are admittedly hard to access. Nouns is also not uniquely suited to funding novels. But at the same time, these established pathways are less accessible for public domain works, which the proposal points out forgoes revenue opportunities. (That is why many books choose CC BY-NC-SA as their license, to ensure that the work is able to be shared freely by readers but not used commercially). The carecerns that other voters brought up around the size of the ask and the fact that there are other established pathways for funding books are valid. At the same time, public domain composability for books is an important experiment. While I don't yet know what composability will result from this book, I believe that it's a good experiment for Nouns. I am in support of this proposal, but would be more hesitant to vote for similar proposals until we see how the benefits of public domain composability play out for Nouns-related books. (I would also note that I did read both chapters in full prior to making a decision, and I quite liked them. Though their quality is necessary but not sufficient for my support.)",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9941,False,-0.9941 "Would like to see more ""juice"" for nouns day",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "I like the idea of nouns in books. I read to my kids every single day and not a day goes by that I haven't wished they were nourish books. I sometimes change words to make them nounish lol. This kind of thing make sense to me.Furthermore, Inourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6486,True,0.0514 "This one is difficult for me. I love the concept but also am wary of giving access to the nouns' namespace. I think we could always change it later if we found it didn't make sense. But I also see power in the ENS being independent of the DAO.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6059,False,-0.6059 I love Arash's work and have been a supporter of his game idea for a long time. I'd love to see this experiment play out - we should try games if we can and have the skilled people to achieve it without it being a crazy high budget like many games would be.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9472,True,-0.1472 "I like the idea of On being an onboarder of sorts,on boarderof that initiative being the discord in the current format. I think this would falsely legitimise a single discord server as ""the officlegitimizeorted"" server for nouns which I don't think is a good direction.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.7586,False,0.7586 "I'd love to use one of these. Been a tech enthusiast forever, and it's something I'd love to be using and show other people. I hope the marketing plan is solid though. ⌐◨-◨",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9371,True,-0.5371 "These seem like fun! Would use. ⌐◨-◨ ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7263,True,0.0737000000000001 ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 It seems like an interesting way to get attention for the service by naming a noun in the treasury. Concept is cool.,Positive,Positive,0.4215,0.8074,True,-0.3859 "As a relative outsider trying to participate in the Nouns ecosystem, I strongly believe that the community needs a central space where members can gather and collaborate. I'm of the opinion that providing funding does NOT necessarily equate to endorsing anyone space as a ""official"", but instead simply empowers a community leader to continue bringing people together. It's crucial that people within the Nouns ecosystem work towards a shared vision of the future, and this proposal will help foster collaboration and growthanwithin the community.Nouns'",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9201,True,-0.12009999999999998 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 23 VOTES** **Big shot Klim** | *""Oni has been a great point of contact fro all noSlimh things. This is a great idea""* **DonJon** | *""We love the Oni ⌐◨On""* **profwerder** | *""Although I have concerns, I do believe it’s worth the effort to shift the tone forulture of the aptly named Jungle.""* **Classic_Craig** | *""1000% yes. we need this""* **AGAINST - 19 VOTES*nourishtonPenguin** | *""62E a year to run a Discord server? Yikes!""*Don JonOnprofferedWe",Negative,Positive,0.4286,0.9115,False,-0.4829 "I appreciate all for and against comments as I think both sides can be simultaneously logically sound. I especially appreciate those that support other Owners' work and Nounish integrations of said work with the DAO.Nourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7964,True,0.0036000000000000476 "Games can serve as a powerful means of expanding the reach of Nouns by engaging entirely new audiences. We will never make a game if we are worried about their difficulty to create. Nouns should fund audacious ideas. This project, led by a respected community member with a deep understanding of game development and Nouns, represents a relatively low-risk endeavor to develop a game.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7783,False,-0.2783 On behalf of Ugly,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Voting against let me rage quit.,Negative,Neutral,-0.5,0.0,False,-0.5 I don't use discord,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3089,False,-0.3089 Donate with your own money to political/lobbying cause,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "The goggles, they do nothing",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Alana here, from Variant. We’ve decided to vote against Prop 271. Our rationale stems from a mix of concerns regarding alignment with the broader goal of Nouns, the effectiveness of propagating the Nouns meme, and the justification of the cost of the proposal. One of the things that excited us most about joining NounsDAO was its mission of funding public goods and the self-sustaining mechanism it invented to continue to do so. A middle-grade novel strikes us as disNounsom more powerful public goods initiatives we’ve seen, like cleaning up trash in Africa or funding the planting of trees. We’d love to see Nouns devoting funding toward bigger, more ambitious projects. Second, the proposal contains no plans for distribution of the novel. Key to Nouns’ mission is propagating the meme. Creation of content is important, but the true execution is in distribution. Even if we imagine that the novel achieves moderate success, the distribution will be most potent among children (likely 7-10 year-olds, i.e. the ones who read the novel). In our view, that’s not the target audience for Nouns; the funding mechanism only works if people feel compelled to buy into the community, and creating emotional ties with children may struggle to fulfill the Nouns flywheel (auction funds Treasury → Treasury funds projects → projects increase demand for the auction → and so on) in the short-medium term. Third, 25 ETH for this proposal feels expensive, at least with the justification for funds given in the prop. To date, we have tried to avoid debates on the cost of funding associated with proposals, given a key component of Nouns is the ability to easily unlock funding for unique and attention-grabbing experiments. 25 ETH without any plans for exogenous distribution – and simply a plan to release a timed open edition (where demand for the mint will likely be endogenous from the Nouns community) – seems a potentially ineffective use of funds. That’s not to say there may not be a strong justification for 25 ETH without a go-to-market plan; rather, we simply did not see one in the proposal. A more effective request, for instance, would have included detail about market comps for the cost of publication to better benchmark a reasonable expected cost. The reason we feel compelled to mention funding here is because we want to prevent the setting of a precedent in which the Nouns Treasury is seen as a free money machine. Funding should be easily accessible, but should match the boldness or proliferation expected with each proposal. One thing of note is that the creator feels part of the 25 ETH is necessary to compensate them for forgoing future revenue streams; in other words, the upfront payment covers for the lack of a longer-term stake in the success of the novel. To us, this suggests there may be a better way than pure ETH grants to reward creators for contributing to the community: find a way to give them a stake in the success of Nouns. We’ve been exploring ideas related to this challenge in incentive alignment, and hope to have additional ideas to share with the community soon. And finally, we’re still excited by this proposal and appreciate the author’s hard work. We encourage the author to resubmit a proposal, with a revised plan for funding and/or more detail on distribution for the project. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9985,True,-0.2985000000000001 did,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 did,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Noun needs a communication plaza. Funding On increases capacity of The Jungle to handle current, new, and hopefully other existing Nouners to be the go-to place to Owners the DAO.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "Public domain art that is a reasonable ask (art that gives up IP makes sense to cost more than that which doesn't IMO) and with potential for compounding upside. love the effort put in so far, and the chapters written. hope to see this passLoveHope",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7964,True,0.0036000000000000476 "Pros: The operating system's foundational role in any software makes it a ripe candidate to make cryptonative, so that other applications and services built on top can enjoy its architectural assumptions. In addition, even if this particular instantiation doesn't take off, the open source nature of the OS can promote some future project to build on top of a base. Cons: Skeptical that a new OS is what gets people to switch their current phone just for cryptonative benefits. Much more likely that dominant crypto adoption comes through app diversity in established OS app stores, or via browser functionality within a web3 app (like what Metamask does today). Net: Positive - Despite the visible difficulties of new OS adoption, if anyone can help fund a run on a new system its Nouns DAO. The proposal seems very aligned with the DAO's overall goals of promoting the nounish meme alongside contributing to the long term development of the crypto ecosystem. This is an experiment worth running, and the fact that the team has already been making progress is a positive signal - we're helping a team that's already been helping themselves. nourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9819,True,-0.18189999999999995 "I'm not convinced that a phone made by an independent company can gain the critical mass required to take off and make this a profitable endeavor. I am sympathetic to the creators of this prop, however, I just don't think this is going to work without an existing moat. For example, I feel that even if Oppo or OnePlus did this, it would still flop. Moreover, I recall Samsung having done some significant pushes for a crypto wallet to be bOpp-in to their phones before and yet adoption was quite lacklustre. HTC also famously made a big push about 4 years ago, I even recall seeing their booth at EDCON 2019. I just have too many doubts against the ability of this prop to provoke significant proliferation and mainstream adoption. I am sorry.lacklusterECON",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.5882,False,-0.9882 Unsustainable business model,Neutral,Neutral,-0.8,0.0,True,-0.8 "This is a really beautiful device that captures the Noun'is Spirit and reinforces Nouns CC0 brand as extremely high quality art, design and engineering. I love the approach, the opportunity to fund CC0 hardware and the potential for this to proliferate through the entire hardware hacker community. ",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9168,True,-0.016799999999999926 "Let's see what unfolds. While i'm almost certain thIs is not the ideal solution for a common ground within the ecosystem, i'm voting in favor to experiment and obserIe the results. from the perspective of new voters, there appears to be a genuine need for a better information/onboarding hub for nouns. hopefully, this proposal addressesFromt issue.Hopefully",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.6563,False,-0.4563 "Gone back and forth on this one. In general, I think games are fun and a great mechanism for proliferation. On the other hand, games are hard, bad games could be bad for the brand, and I don't really see any concrete plans for distribution here (just saying ""ads"" and ""influencers"" isn't the best IMO). I'm voting against this prop, but would support a smaller pilot or retroactive funding for a game using nounish branding that has already proven to be enjoyable (retro funding wouldn't be dependent on pre-existing distribution). nourish",Neutral,Positive,0.2143,0.8082,False,-0.5939000000000001 Anyone remembers,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nouns success when we have 1000x folks like Tigris,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "I like this; it's certainly hard to get a game right, but Arash and co are experienced and successful game developers, and I'm a fan of the media they've created so far for Nouns. If successful I think this prop could be a huge win!",Positive,Positive,0.7692,0.9776,True,-0.20840000000000003 +1 on noun 40s comments,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Nom not nnourishhardware,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Mostly I just have trouble seeing this prop be successful in terms of impact/proliferation relative to the ask - the plans for distribution also seem more speculative than ironed out ahead of time, which is fine in some scenarios but not if one is requesting over $1M IMO. Would be curious to see how we can reduce scope and funding size to something that might make more sense for the DAO in terms of r/r.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.6424,False,-1.0424 "One of the biggest lessons that the web3 community should have learned after the hype of 2021/2022 is that developing video games is a challenging task — and beyond the challenges of development, marketing them to stand out in the crowded field of mobile games is yet another challenge. While I appreciate the effort and initiative behind this proposal, I'm skeptical about its ability to make a significant impact. However, beyond all of that the REAL deal-breaker for me is the proposed monetization strategies. In-app purchases and crowdfunding mechanics may work for some games, but I believe they miss the mark for the Nouns community. If the goal is to proliferate the Nouns meme, a Co-founded game should be free to play, and the focus should be on creating an engaging, memorable experience that leaves players wanting to learn more about Nouns, not spending a few dollars on micro-transactions. It's important to remember that successful games with an emphasis on multiplayer are built on communities and sustained by passionate players. If the proposed game fails to create an experience that resonates with the a wider audience, it has no real purpose. Ultimately, I think it's important for the Nouns community to continue experimenting and exploring with projects of this nature, but we need to ensure that they align with the DAO's goals before gaining funding.microtransactionstheNouns'",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9859,False,-0.9859 "The art is fun, but I'm not drawn to the idea of teaching players about Nouns DAO in a game. Using Nouns art and resources is all the DAO connection I need. IMO this is only worth it if we're aiming for an audience bigger than Nouns DAO. My only requirement is that the game needs to be fun and compelling, and an MVP of game play would go a long way there. I would support something simple and multiplayer, like",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9648,False,-0.9648 "Funding an artist with a strong following in a specific niche to create custom CC0 work that proliferates Nouns?? This is, in my opinion, PRECISELY the type of project that the DAO should be backing wholeheartedly. Approving this proposal would give an artist six months to build out a piece of hardware that has already seen demand and make it available at a relatively low cost. While some may view the funding as solely a ""cost for product,"" it's important to recognize that this investment also has the potential to significantly increase awareness of Nouns within the artist's community. This proposal presents a unique opportunity to support an artist while simultaneously promoting Nouns. Not only will the hardware itself be a tangible representation of Nouns' values, but the artist's social media efforts and the product's CC0 standing will serve to introduce new people to the Nouns ecosystem and its mission. If this proposal fails to pass, I find myself curious if the DAO's core values are truly about growth, adoption, and proliferation. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9569,True,-0.15689999999999993 "Appreciate the efforts from this team but don't have high conviction in ROI/success on the proposal in current state it is already hard enough to build a fun & compelling gameplay loop without integrating an educational aspect and this product would be competing with best in class for products for users entertainment time some concerns with monetization Somes, in-game currency / microtransaction strategies are not detailed and if done wrong can provide a poor experience for new users first exposure to nouns coming in via paid ads. pay to play power ups can impact competitive integrity and i dont expect users to pay for anything that only enhances the single player experience. gamers havplancific expectations + high quality bar in mind when a product offers a Battle Pass and having new game modes behind a pay wall doesn't seem appropriate for a new ip/indie product trying to break into the space no mention of AI, is it AI available in multiplayer? without reaching critical mass in multiple regions I would assume that there won't be a constant stream of players to fill out 40 person matches Paydon'tGamersIPNoWithout",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.8539,False,-1.1539 Feels a little expensive but more importantly feels very nourish,Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.5251,False,-0.1251 "I appreciate the aspirations of proliferating Nouns in this prop, but I question the reach of a game like this and think the timeline + cost are not a good value for the DAO. ",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.106,False,-0.29400000000000004 "It's not yet clear to me what DQ parameters are actually healthy for the day long term - there are good arguments to bring them up, or down, and its anyones guess what the perfect equilibrium would be. But for now, imanyone'sor of reducing max quorum.I'm",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7398,False,-0.7398 "I strongly support voting in favor of this proposal because I believe that Nouns should take a stand for important causes such as crypto advocacy. We need to ensure that the systems and structures which allow the DAO to exist can continue to do so for years to come, and it’s clear that they are currently under threat. This proposal is about safeguarding the longevity of web3 and its potential to create a better future for all. I also think that it's a great idea to push Nouns to the top of the leaderboard for minting this Open Edition. Nouns should work to become a leader in the broader web3 ecosystem by regularly interacting with projects in this manner. This is an excellent opportunity for Nouns to take a stand for a meaningful cause and expand its overall presence.",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.985,True,-0.08499999999999996 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” My analysis of funding requests is: 1. Is this a public good? 2. Is this public good something that other organizations won’t fund, or that Nouns is uniquely best to fund? This game, while potentially enjoyable art, is not a public good. It is not CC0 or freely licensed, and it can't be easily remixed by other Nouns supporters. It is a business that may be successful and sustainable in its own right. That is excellent! There are many great venues for funding this, from venture capital to grants programs within the games' industry to crowdfunding. The authors themselves point to crowdfunding as a potential option for fundraising for this game. But since there are many potential funding sources outside of Nouns, I don't believe that Nouns should find this. As a result, I don't believe that this proposal is something that Nouns is uniquely suited to fund. I agree with Jihad that retroactive funding could be appropriate if this benefits Nouns, but I don't believe that Nouns should kickstart this. I would also reconsider this if the game were freely licensed and provided a building block for others to make Nounish games too. As it stands, other funding venues are likely more appropriate.kick startNourish",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9415,False,-0.9415 Nom not gbitcoin⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I think this is a big spend for the DAO with an uncertain return. Regardless, this project seems like one we probably want to roll the dice on. The proposer clearly is passionate about HW design and has some proof of work (e.g., Zora collab). I think the initial ID of the keychain is a great start, but I hope Owners can have some influence in the final design. A tangible accessory like this seems like it could be a conversation starter and eventual proliferation medium for Nouns. The proposer understands the importance of returning some funds to the DAO treasury. I appreciate that they are explicitly setting terms in the prop and there is some (albeit uncertain) path for the DAO to recoup some of our investment. ",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9757,False,-0.5757 isimpwilsoncusac,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I believe this proposal is an excellent opportunity to support Tigris in their creative journey with nouns. while i find the proposal to be on the expensive side, i see iWhilean investment in a builder who has the potential to grow, develop new skillsets, and learn from this pIoject. my hope is that tigris will continue to innovate and experiment with nouns in the future, ultimately becoming an even stronger contributor to tIe community. i believe that in most cases, proposals should be evaluated separately from the builder involved. however, when a builder is directly involved with the proposal, it's essential for me to consider how the project coulskilletsute to their growth and development. fostering the development of our current builders is as crucial as attracting individuals with established platforms, audiences, and products. after all, our existing builders and collaborators are the ones who understand theMyouns culture and can directly enrich it. in my opinion, investing in the growth of our builders and collaborators holds more long-term value than simply ""buying"" our way into high-profile collaborations, such as a mr. beast video.TigrisIHoweverFosteringAfterInMr",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9831,True,-0.26879999999999993 Name it will con q sack,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Which will is the better will? Price or cusac? COSAC,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.504,False,-0.504 There's an opportunity to get even weirder here to break out of the noise. Flamethrower or burnt hair next please,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5574,False,-0.5574 Six hundred tokens I'd rather pay wilson's rent foWilson ,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1027,False,0.1027 "The prop - beautiful CC0 cultural artifact that's nounish in nature; presented and enourished to signify our values and attract people to nouns. The builder - highly reputable creative engineer with a strong following of talented people to nounspill. An honour to have onboarded Tigris to nouns and support this pronoun spillhonor",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9758,False,-0.9758 "Love it! We don't experiment enough with hardware tech, and I think this is a fun idea worth exploring (with the added bonus of bringing revenue back to the DAO as well).",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9215,True,-0.12149999999999994 "Agree with the points made in the 'why' section of the proposal, also agree with wallpaper that reaching out to gitcoin ahead of time might have provided additional marketing/PR opportunitbitcoinrhaps retro opp will be available if prop is successful)",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8126,False,-0.3126 "I don’t think we should use treasury funds to signal political affiliations. We are unchain—the signal of our support is clear and demonstrated through our behavior, this donation seems superfluous. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.7269,False,-1.1269 "+1 to 40s, Charles, and salvino's csalving discussed on weekly Q&A call ensuring nouns IP representation beyond ""optional"" phone variant and team was receptive",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2732,False,-0.2732 "I think a crypto-native mobile OS sounds like a good idea on paper for folks like us who are into crypto, but in practice I don’t expect ethos to meet the requirements and experience expectations of the modern user. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.5346,False,-0.9346 "Perfect timing to name our new Noun. Looking forward to seeing “Jello” become official. Nice work, Digital! ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7777,True,0.022300000000000098 "Few points worth noting: 1. The mint alone will burn 2+ ETH in gas 2. So far 76.97 ETH in sales have burned 188.53 ETH 3. Therefore, 71% of the ETH is wasted on gas The gas costs to mint will be incurred by whoever executes the proposal, which I'm assuming will be Wilson, so if he's willing, then so be it. Also we will only be the 3rd highest minter provided nobody else steps up in the meantime. This mint is an incredibly ineffAlso,nt way to raise funds. Coinbase, upon execution of this proposal, please update the NFT metadata to add Noggles to the shield.Goggles",Neutral,Negative,-0.4286,-0.25,False,-0.17859999999999998 Ollie (189) and Nellie (542) approve 🛹,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 You used to call me on my cell phone ☎️💎,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Agree with prop's ""why"" :) ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6705,True,0.02949999999999997 UGLY stands with crypto.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.6166,False,0.6166 One side of me doesn't find the idea all that compelling - the other side sees that this as just a fun onchain actiunchainstrong feelings either way. best of luck to digitaloil w his project!NoBestdigital oil,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9299,False,-0.9299 Hey Jello,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Nouns should be at the forefront of funding public goods, and ethos is an excellent choice for investment. That alone makes me vote in favor of this proposal. But beyond that, I firmly believe that Nouns should be *a leader in the broader web3 ecosystem*. How will we possibly proliferate the meme of Nouns is no one in our own world cares? Funding this allows Nouns to make a significant impact in the overall space. My one hesitation: I strongly believe that Nouns should have a much stronger branding presence than is suggested in the proposal. Any Nounish components should not be optional, but instead defaultNourisher, looking at Apenoun's votewithreason, it looks like the team is open to sweetening the pot if this proposal passes. Ape noun",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9144,True,-0.21440000000000003 "I love the vision of ethos, and I am glad they've kept at it. I do not think this is a lost cause: all things start small. I've personally been Furthermore, In Apple fan boy for many years, but am ready to give this a shot as my main phone just because I am so tired of how Apple has treated crypto. I hadfanboyly looked into getting setup but didn't feel like buying an old phone. Having a preinstalled option on the latest phone will be huge. My biggest complaint is that I wish there were a better story to this prop: the ask feels small and like we're partially just paying for aFurthermore, INouns gtm option to sell back to us. I wish the ask was larger, with a clear narrative of how our funding can be a key differentiator for the team, and a better story around how Nouns can be featured: e.g. a Noggle easter egg on all phones? Nonetheless, I am voting FOR! Because 1. After talking with the proposers, it seems they went with the lower amount after informally getting pushback on a bigger ask. This will be the largest funding amount they've received to date and really will meaningfully help them get to market quicker. 2. Notwithstanding what I GTMd about, the Nounish device option is cool and should be fairly high visibility. 3. I think there is a good story here that will reach an important audience. The people excited about ethOS are Ethereum maxis who are Nouns adjacent, if not already plugged in. Of all the people we reach across various props, these people are highly likely to (a) be excited about public goods and the ethos of Nouns and (b) have the means to acquire a Noun or minimally become active in the community. I am excited about funding things that are highly charismatic to those we want to--and can realistically--draw in! Let's make it happen!ToggleEasterNourishethos",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9911,True,-0.27679999999999993 "This particular proposal, while obviously harmless, raises some important questions about what kind of proposals the DAO should be soliciting. Though the proposal's premise is that the DAO gets to name a Noun, the proposal itself suggests the name. Though the proposal's 'background' section should state why this is something Nouns members should support, what's written acts only as an advertisement for NFTR. Though the proposal is 'free', it of course requires members of the DAO to vote, requiring gas fees. This is not to say that we shouldn't pursue fun proposals, but rather that as a community we should be mindful of the potential for proposals to be used for purposes beyond their stated intentions. In this case, it may be worth considering whether there are alternative ways to engage the community in a fun and lighthearted manner, without compromising the integrity of the governance system.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5747,False,-0.5747 "Reading through the proposal it felt a bit like a promotion for NFTR. I would have appreciated more info on the platform. I agree with a lot of pro's and con's given by other voters, but didn't have time to properly form a full opinion myself, so I'll be abstaining.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5647,False,-0.5647 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” Mobile operating systems are a duopoly. Many attempts to fund alternatives have failed. The primary alternatives tend to have very specific backers who are pushing forward their interests, and aren't creating a neutral space for experimentation. That is why it's even more important for Nouns to fund an open source, crypto-focused operating system as a public good. Hardware and operating systems are extremely hard. They require a lot of capital, far more than this prop is requesting. Nouns should give this initiative a small push and keep it going, to help incubate it for when it's ready for substantial funding. We can't solve everything, but we can do our part.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.4137,False,-0.2137 "Seems like the exact type of exciting public and open-source project that Nouns should fund. I empathize with the concerns that it will be extremely hard for this phone to get adoption and ""compete"" with incumbents, but I don't think that should stop Nouns from trying to fund it if it is aligned with our mission and the world we want to build together.",Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0396,False,0.7604000000000001 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” To be clear, I absolutely love on-chain experimentation. I love new projects in on-chain naming and on-chain social. I'm excited about the way this space is rapidly expanding. This adoption, however, should come bottom-up and not top-down. Nouners naming their Nouns? Great! A proposal for Nouns DAO to name its Noun? Feels like using the DAO for advertising. The attention of voters and delegates is scarce. Gas fees per prop creates a real cost. Time spent analyzing proposals likOwnerstakes time away from proposals that encourage Nouns to fund a public good. I love the initiative, but a DAO proposal doesn't feel like the time or the place. There's nothing about this that should require the buy-in of the full DAO, when individual Nouners naming their Nouns serves the same purpose. Approving this sets a bad precedent of groups that want to use Nouns for advertising. It's easy to say that this prop is fun, but approving it means we'll get 10 more just like it.Owners",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9828,False,-0.9828 I don’t understand the value prop or business model of NFTR well enough to place a vote on this. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5423,False,-0.5423 "Agreed with analysis here... don't see how this prop justifies a $1M ask, and the distribution details just aren't there to even make an argument.",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.1027,False,-0.2973 "Love the idea of a Nouns computer! Do not love the fact that the proposal includes patents and trademarks which will be given to the creator. Anything that uses the Nouns' treasury to build a product should include a plan to move said product into the CC0 space, as this is undoubtably the best way to proliferate the meme that is Nouns. I'd also like to take this opportunity to note that I see many proposals which include ballpark'd timelines and budgets. This almost always ends in the proposal not passing, and I think anyone who's creating a prop would do well to break up their ask into a variety of smaller proposals with extreme clarity around how the funds are being allocated. Hope to see a CC0 Nouns computer in the future. ",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.9673,False,-0.2673000000000001 *On behalf of Ugly*,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 On behalf of Ugly ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "As the April delegate of Noun 652, it's fitting that my first and last votes were both related to the dynamic quorum. Following the implementation of a higher quorum via Proposal 261, only one proposal has failed to meet the new threshold - Proposal 269, the Gnarly EP. The rest of the proposals either succeeded in reaching the quorum or received more 'against' than 'for' votes. However, I continue to believe that proposals receiving a majority of 'for' votes but failing to pass due to not meeting the threshold is ultimately detrimental to Nouns at this stage. In my original vote against raising the quorum, I expressed opposition to the idea of ""hell yes"" voting, arguing that ""the DAO's best interests lie in being open to individuals who are interested in building. When the DAO becomes too focused on 'hell yes' votes, it will receive less attention and energy. Some of the best innovations have been born out of skepticism and doubt."" I look forward to seeing more proposals work to proliferate Nouns in weird and wild ways and hope that other voters continue saying yes to bold ideas. As my last words as Noun 652, I want to give a huge thank you to Wilson Cu sack and the entire Nouns community for having me as a delegate. Nouns'",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9775,True,-0.2502000000000001 "I appreciate Counties for putting together this prop. However, I don’t think we need to reduce max quorum at this time. The DAO isn’t struggling to pass proposals; in fact, we are passing a reasonable amount: 11/15 recent proposals passed, even proposals with a lot of against votes (e.g., Prop 271) [1]. This parameter was just updated less than a month ago. I think we should allow sufficient time to observe how governance behavior and proposal outcomes are effected by updates to dynamic quorum. [1]",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5267,False,-0.5267,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Prop/designs don't feel all that exciting. Ty though to necfas for putting this up!necks,Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.7263,False,-0.9262999999999999 "In favor, but not in response to Prop 269: Gnarly EP being defeated. Will be resubmitting once my Nouns are available with revised mint splits and a new title. Lil Bubble has already updated the title on Spotify etcetc. Extremely Nounish EP. Mostly in favour because I think the contentious props can often yield some of the best outcomes.Nourishfavor",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.6858,False,0.01419999999999999 *On behalf of Ugly*,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I don't think the DAO has seen many (if any) detrimental effects from 20% max quorum. Our goal should be to increase participation, not decrease required participation, even for contentious props. I don't feel strongly about this opinion, and would be interested in seeing the effects of 15% max quorum, but if given the choice I support maintaining the status quo.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6178,False,-0.6178 "Honestly, I just wouldn't wear any of this and the designs (and prop overall) aren't exciting enough for me to overcome personal taste. ",Negative,Positive,-0.7,0.0956,False,-0.7956 "I want to recognize the effort required in bringing this proposal to the DAO, but we can’t drop clothing that looks like this. None of these designs resonate with me. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.5,0.1901,False,-0.6900999999999999 Decentralization FTW,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4588,True,0.24119999999999997 "**FOR - 35 VOTES** **proffered** | *""Glad to see this readjustment of THRESHOLD back to 15%. There was no need to increase in the first place. ""* **AGAINST - 5 VOTES**",Neutral,Neutral,0.7,0.0258,True,0.6741999999999999 Fun prop!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5562,True,0.24380000000000002 I don’t think we need it at 20%. This barrier doesn’t affect quality of proposals IMO.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.128,False,0.128 "While appreciating the intent of the proposal, it's unclear what the practical impact of this would be, or even if it would be positive or negative. As jihad points out, our main goal should always be to increase voter turnout - I can't think of any way to game the way people turn out w/out (a) either having more contentious propositions or (b) having alternate ways to incentivize vote usage (like with voting markets, etc.). To that end, while I don't find this proposition to be malignant in its intent, I don't see the obvious value, and am more averse to creating governance bloat, where we have a bunch of active rules and parameters to operate within, making future proposals harder to pass. Is 15% the right amout? or 10%? or 5%? As a high level framework for what kind of governance proposal makes sense, I'd argue individual nouns should always vote in favor of what they find to be *right*, as opposed to voting for something that *isn't wrong*. This vote is largely to commemorate the reasoning above, not to criticize the particulars or intent of this proposal, which is why it is an abstention, and not a for or against.aboutOrOr",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8805,False,-0.8805 nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.6,0.0,True,0.6 Lancet and Arya told me to do it,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Reducing the maximum quorum percentage fosters a culture of non-consensus thinking within the DAO, ultimately providing a competitive edge. This approach encourages diverse perspectives and ideas, and by nurturing an atmosphere that values non-consensus thinking, the DAO becomes more agile and adaptable, allowing it to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive advantage in a rapidly changing landscape.",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9001,True,-0.5001 "Appreciate Necks and the work that went into this prop. When it comes to clothing, i think theIplay rn is to make a single garment that feels/looks great and figure out how to get it into peRNles hands (both nouners and nayners), then scale up.ownerslayers",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8481,False,-0.8481 """I like Pizza Steve""",Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 "Disagree here. DAOs need to harden themselves against lazily letting underwhelming proposals slip by. It's true that a treasury-draining attack is unlikely in the current state, but important to stay far away from the cliff edge rather than see how close you can get. If a tightly contested proposal fails due to quorum and the opposition changes their mind, it can always be re-proposed. The same can't be said in the inverse case. Prefer that dynamic quorum stay at 20% or above.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,-0.0129,True,0.0129 "Price seems a bit steep, but this one seems more likely to proliferate the Nouns brand to outsiders than the average merch drop. Aligns nicely with original crypto lore. Voting yes to support experiment diversity",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9052,False,-0.5052 "Clothing designs don't appear particularly high-quality (photoshop of a flat logo onto wrinkled hoodies is a few seconds of work) and profit-sharing with the DAO is unclear. Nouns are CC0, so anyone can produce clothing without approval, but strange to expect funding without pushing any of that back towards the funders.",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.0999,False,-0.30010000000000003 "Feeling conflicted, but voting against. I really appreciate Counties putting this up and their reference to my past vote on this topic. A few thoughts 1. Putting the quorum back to 15% feels kind of low conviction. If we are ideologically opposed to the DQ and favoring AGAINST voters, we should set it to 0/the quorum. 2. The DAO just voted on this. I open to seeing how this goes. So far, I do not think it has led to an unhealthy about of props failing to pass. 3. Lower conviction on this point, but I do want to respect the time and energy of the DAO in voting on stuff, and so reverting back to exactly what it was before after such a shreverting possibly unhealthy. Again, thanks to Nounlius! Excited for more props from you! Counties",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.4912,False,-0.0912 "A correction I'd like to make to tm0b1l's stat around 11 of the 15 recent props passing is that it excludes 5 cancelled props. The cancelled props were mostly cancelled after receiving a wall of against votes so they are better understood as defeated prop for the purposes here rather than non-existent props. so we've passed 11 out o, sohe past 20. the picture that that paints to me is that we're already doing a good job at being protective against grifts or overspending. getting the majority of votes to be a FOR vote is already a tall order. I don't think the added hurdle really serves us well. you could say that it was only triggeSod 1 out of the 20 recent props so it is just inconsequential. it doesn't have much cost. but I consider the cognitive cost to be real. like bloat in a code base. it's bloat in the governance process. a specific threshold until which AGAINST votes have double the weight. proposers and voters have to remember and track that each prop. I'm Theing to reduce this hurdle and cognitive load.giftsGettingYou, soItButLikeItAProposers",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6326,False,-0.6326 Fun prop that feels connected to a genuine crypto culture we can help amplify. ,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7184,True,-0.018400000000000083 "I believe that setting the quorum at 20% is too high considering the usual voter participation rates; hence, I voted against raising it to this level. My preference lies in risking the possibility of some less impressive proposals being passed, rather than obstructing potentially high-quality proposals, which could occur if a dominant group within the DAO opposes them.",Neutral,Negative,-0.2,-0.2716,False,0.0716 "In general, I'm more skeptical about the day funding things that has a clear funding model (unlike public art or open source software, you can charge for a consumer good like this). to bootstrap an entirely new category oToa new effort level, we should be open to it, but don't think that's the case here. appreciate the proposers' efforts into putting up proposal here but voting against. Appreciate",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7394,False,-0.7394 Agree with proposers rationale,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.3612,False,0.4388 "Like the Virtuous Cycle said>>> I think we should be bold with the Nouns DAO treasury. We should fund and cultivate a community of builders by experimenting, taking risks, and ultimately funding every high quality proposal that could lead to interesting culture and software (especially ‘middleware’) on the Nouns protocol: - Centralized and decentralized APIs (let’s turn Noun O’Clock into an internet-wide event) - Artwork that adds something new to the cultural conversation - Integrations with other Ethereum primitives and apps - iOS and Android apps - Hackathons and Documentation - Things we’ve never seen before I think we have a historic opportunity — to be bold, take risks, and ultimately attract the builders who can take the raw ingredients of the Nouns protocol, and turn them into applications that are ready to be consumed by the world. If we can do this, the DAO will attract more capital and higher quality participants, and the virtuous cycle will be complete.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9723,True,-0.1723 "I am strongly against this proposal. Nothing has significantly changed since the DAO deliberated on this issue to warrant a resubmission looking revert it. I believe this would set a bad precedent, and we could see proposals resubmitting quickly in hopes of a different outcome. With the DAO as busy as it is this would only hinder governance. I won't go into the arguments of this proposal as not enough time has passed for proper evaluation of the effects from the original proposal.",Negative,Neutral,-0.8,0.0,False,-0.8 Would like to see how our existing clothing productions pan out first ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "There is an inherent risk to passing proposals in a DAO. Passed proposals signify action. ETH is spent, configurations altered. Something could break. Someone could rug the treasury. Fundamentally, I understand why we would give extra weight to Against votes. When a proposal is rejected, nothing happens. We are safe. Dynamic quorum's original intention was to defend against DAO attacks ""which target voter apathy."" Was Prop 269 an attack? The more we talk about dynamic quorum parameters the more it just feels fiddly to me, like we're micromanaging the DAO's actual decisions. Everyone was watching Prop 271 because the outcome could be determined by a single vote. I find myself yearning for simplicity. Life is more exciting on the other side of the threshold. I think we're looking at technical solutions for what is ultimately a social issue of consensus. If we want to spend less, or more, or fund more art, or less art, or more blockchain public goods, I think the path forward is communication and campaigning for support within the DAO.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.908,False,-0.908 "In recent months, I don’t feel like the DAO has been in danger of passing any proposals that would not have been worth the experiment, but I do feel that some creatives and builders have been discouraged by the new higher barrier to funding. Discouraging would-be builders from participating in the ecosystem is as much a cost to the DAO as funding some ideas that might not work out, and I think we should err on the side of taking more calculated risks.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.9186,False,0.9186 "I like some of these designs and the concept, but at this point with clothing brand experiments, I feel like using the brand shouldn't necessarily require funding up front from Nouns. Using the brand is free to do and offers an existing community/market. I do think there could be some great funded clothing brands, but still to see an outcome that feels right to fund.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.9442,False,-0.7442 So long as no 🍍 nouns touch the 🍕 nouns ,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3535,False,0.3535 This is fun!,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.5562,True,0.14379999999999993 "**AGAINST - 35 VOTES** **by hardy** | *""Not in support of funding more Nouns merch at this stage.Nouns' thought out proposal — nice job Necfas, but just not a demand here imo. I also don't Well-thought-outl be created with some photoshoots, a 14k following IG account (love their feed tho), and a lookbook.""* Neckse Eye ⌐◨-◨** | *""Daily essential is a competitive market with players like Uniqlo, Everlane etc. I do not think the strategy the team plIMO to implement would generate demand/achieve self-sustainability. Furthermore, the design seems more of streetwear than essential and that's another market on its own which anchor heavy on culture/lifestyle. I do not think Nouns have form a culture outside of cookbookle/crypto nor its a lifestyle yet, thus am not confident to support this idea.""* **EltonPenguin** | *""Way too much money for us not to have an ownership stake in the business""* **FOR - 6 VOTES** **systemdm.⌐◨-◨** | *""I know Leblanc Studios work.. Necfas + Leblanc S Wideos?… 😄 This will surely be amazing!!""*Ever laneoutsideit'ssystem.Necks",Negative,Positive,0.4286,0.9498,False,-0.5212 Very Nourish. Very authentic. A great way to reach people with similar decentralized values.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8008,True,-0.0007999999999999119 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 30 VOTES** **proffered** | *""PizzaDAO is nounish, supporting small businesses is nounishPizzaizza is nounish. AND also…keep Nouns weird.""* **.Wide Eye ⌐◨-◨** | *""nourish **Bigshot Klim** | *""having been to one of these events I am a HELL YES and bullish AF on pizza and FnourishFUN""* **JoshuaFisher** | *""🎶 hi nice to meet ya, i like pizza 🎶""* **AGAINST - 10 VOTES** **Benjamin ⌐◨-◨** | *""With nourishype of stunts, we should at least aim for (guinness) world records""* **EltonPenguin** | *""Surely we must have better things to do with $42,000""* **byhar Wide | *""I don't think cobranding & ideation around the cobranding is strong enough to support subsidizing PizzaDAO's costs.""*Big shotSlimFundingJoshua FisherIGuinnessby hardyPizza",Negative,Positive,0.2,0.9217,False,-0.7217 "I am impressed by the Nouns/Gears Brazil crew who consistently over deliver and create great media around their activities. This looks like a fun activation and an opportunity to do some education and advocacy IRL. I'm voting FOR this team to over deliver a great experience in São Paulo, a city of 12M people and a memetic wave online and onchain.unchain",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9682,True,-0.1681999999999999 "I have been invited to attend a Pizza pizza party in my city, and my vote is easily bought with pizza. 🍕 ",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.6249,False,-1.0249000000000001 Believe in the people behind this prop and their ability to make great fashion but do not feel like this proposal helps the DAO achieve our goals of impact and proliferation.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.604,False,-0.604 "Everyone who voted, thank you. ",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.3612,True,0.13879999999999998 "I've had a chance to hang out with snap and attend a pizza DAO event. There were plenty of people in noggles running around and the energoggleshe whole project strikes me as Nounish: fun, generous, and a bit absurd. I think in supporting this we get to back a community with decent reach that is already NoNourishs and be a part of a charismatic event. Excited to see how it goes! ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9168,True,-0.2168 "I appreciate the proposers and their care for Nouns, but I feel we have funded a lot of things focused on IRL activations recently (262, 257, 251, 218, 206, 197) and I am still sort of waiting for the dust to settle/a clear assessment of our ROI there. In particular, I don't feel a need to fund more NFT event sponsorship/attendance/activation type stuff. Thanks again for your time and energy here! ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.948,False,-0.44799999999999995 "Extremely happy to see this proposal on-chain! We have a very strong Nouns' community in Brazil. This proposal is an important step toward strengthening that. Not only will this event celebrate all that has been done here already, but it will introduce Nouns to a whole lot of people. I would argue this proposal is not just about splotan event. The ripple effect that will come from these activations are far larger. The exposure that we will get from the street gallery and the event itself are invaluable. It is the kind of exposure we want to have here in Brazil, it's the kind that will inspire innovative and nounish ideas. The ask is very fair given the great value. The builders involved have a proven track record and I know they will deliver beyond expectations. Hell yes. nourish",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9763,True,-0.07629999999999992 Pizza based proliferation 🍕📈,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I appreciate necks for coming up and presenting this prop. However thereHowever,few issues that lean me towards voting against. The first thing that caught my attention was that the designs weren't very appealing and a bit uninspired to be honest. Secondly, I don't see a clear path to success. I would have liked to see more information regarding marketing efforts and how this would help proliferate the meme in a meaningful way. Like many voters pointed out there isn't anything that stands out for the DAO to fund a clothing brand using cc0 assets. Giving a similar example, Nouns wipes have a strong marketing plan and a clear path to reach a different kind of audience. That's more out of the box and in my eyes makes more sense for the DAO to finance.",Neutral,Positive,-0.3,0.9688,False,-1.2688 I'm mostly just not excited enough by the designs here to warrant funding. It's also not clear to me why this needs to be something that leverages Nouns funding as a business model in the first place.,Neutral,Negative,-0.6,-0.4973,False,-0.10269999999999996 "Taken from my newsletter: I and some friends recently released our entry for the Nouns video contest and our main character is a Pizzaman! How could I possibly not support this proposal! ( mans a great way to proliferate Nouns IRL in a fun way. The team is experienced and the ask is very fair. Let's do it!, and",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9138,True,-0.1137999999999999 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” Meetups are an important way to introduce people to the great sides of crypto culture. When a meetup exists as a gathering place, especially a neutral one that is not trying to sell anything, it can lead to excellent results. It’s often hard to get sponsorship for meetups. Companies may sponsor to sell their own products, but finding sponsorship for meetups that act as a more neutral gathering place is difficult. The amount of funding is pretty similar to the amounts required by much smaller scale meetups. Even though it’s a large amount, it goes a long way to make Nouns as gathering place for public goods.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7311,False,-0.33109999999999995 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” My analysis of funding requests is: 1. Is this a public good? 2. Is this public good something that other organizations won’t fund, or that Nouns is uniquely best to fund? While the idea is fun and interesting, I don’t see a situation where it needs upfront funding from the DAO. Selling NFTs for pre-orders or pursuing other funding models and letting demand come bottom-up seems ideal. This has an excellent established path to funding that doesn’t require upfront payments from the DAO. I like the idea, but I don’t think that Nouns is uniquely best positioned to fund it. It would be helpful to have more examples of which components are CC0. The proposal refers to it as a CC0 clothing brand, but it mentions using CC0 assets rather than making new CC0 assets. If the brand itself created CC0 elements in addition to leveraging CC0 elements, that would be very intriguing.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9818,False,-0.9818 "Leblancstudios prior work looks solid, and I respect the plans for a self-sufficient brand that can continue proliferating past the initial investment. I'm not feeling fully enthusiastic about the mockups. I'd be in favor of less variation, ensuring that you only produce the best designs that people will actually buy.",Neutral,Positive,0.2,0.8558,False,-0.6557999999999999 "This sounds like a lot of fun. $26/pizza feels expensive for buying in bulk, but supporting independent pizzerias sits nicely with me. ""Throwing a global pizza party is a good team-building exercise for Spaceship Earth!""",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9601,True,-0.2601 "In supporting this proposal, my primary consideration is the significant degree of 'human involvement' that it encourages. By 'human involvement', i refer to the direct, hands-on participation of people in activities related to nouns in the real world. the proposal doIsn't just make nouns an abstract concept discussed in digital spaces; it brings nouns to life, providing an immersive, tangible experience for individuals worldwide. i believe that such engagement has a profound impact. the more people can participThe in various activities involving nouns, the more they will learn about the project and understand its goals. this level of engagement fosters a deeper connection, turning passive observers into active participants and advocates.ITheThis",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9442,True,-0.5442 """A thoughtful token to be given out during events."" nothing more nourish than handing out wet wipes at crypto events. fun project, solid plan, great product - ""i am strongly FOR this""Fun vote for design AI",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9136,True,-0.11359999999999992 Let's throw a global pizza party! Thank you Nouns for your support. We love you almost as much as we love pizza <3,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9612,True,-0.1612 "You might call me fiscally conservative....but you will never call me unhygienic! Design C ",Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "ReVoteWithReason: ""I appreciate the proposers and their care for Nouns, but I feel we have funded a lot of things focused on IRL activations recently (262, 257, 251, 218, 206, 197) and I am still sort of waiting for the dust to settle/a clear assessment of our ROI there. In particular, I don't feel a need to fund more NFT event sponsorship/attendance/activation type stuff. Thanks again for your time and energy here!""",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.948,False,-0.948 " A",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Fun, slightly absurd, yet useful - it promotes brand ubiquity and elicits a 'WTF' reaction. I love design C and would like to see it for different nouns if possible.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9329,True,-0.2329 "Lots of fun designs! C",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5562,True,0.24380000000000002 Trusting David Format,Neutral,Positive,0.8,0.4019,False,0.39810000000000006 "C. This team responded in a very Nourish way. As a dadlegate I can’t tell you how mandad legate’ve wanted wet wipes since voting Against the previous prop. When an infinite artwork can spawn slightly absurd but useful products and expose the brand to a non-Ethereum audiences then we are in the right track. ",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.3725,True,0.027500000000000024 "High quality physical artifacts that celebrate our infinite artwork is a differentiator in regard to what this DAO can achieve. Bigshot Toyworks makes great stuff, Klim loves Nouns and these toys are full of authentiBig shotd something I want on my desk. Toy worksSlim",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9153,True,-0.4153 " Voting in favor. kKlims track record gives assurance about the potential quality of these toys. they're a uniTheyopportunity for the nouns community. expecting a high-quality outcome given klim's skills. the idea of holding a noun innouns'and as a tangible toy is exciting. eager to see how this unfolds.ExpectingslimTheEager",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9413,True,-0.24130000000000007 "Wet wipes are the new moonbeams. Thanks to the proposers for iterating and coming back, looking forward to seeing these come to market. It was very hard to choose a design (good problem to have), but I’m going with Skipper’s design (A.)",Positive,Negative,0.8,-0.0635,False,0.8635 " Voting for design A. love how out-of-the-box and original this feels, kudos to the proposers. tThisis, imo, very memeable and could be referenced along the lines of 'nouns funds everything fromIMO00 prescription glasses to children in need to... wet wipes'. thank you for taking feedback from the previous proposal and coming back with a better prop. Thank",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9349,True,-0.1348999999999999 "I like the work Nourish is doing, but it seems like the only people consuming the content are people who already know about Nouns. Ultimately, proliferation means we need to reach new people. The cost of ~$1M is a lot. I'm not sure we need 10 sure if weworking full time on this. The plan shows ""$775K for Team Costs,"" which is about $70K per person for six months. That's like everyone getting $140K per year, and this all seems too much. I like Nounish's stuff, but I think they need to do a better job of reaching people who don't know about crypto or Nouns. We need to grow, and making stuff just for our current community won't do it. In the end, I don't think the results we'reNourish are worth $1M.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9486,False,-1.3486 "Reasons posted here: TL;DR - Continued spend on content at the rate of $2m annualised does not make sense if Continued to spendseeing it, and they are not. While Nounish have created good material for the DAO to use but this is a big ask onannualizede $1.5m already spent. Nothing against what the team has done so far but without distribution, its hard to justify at this moment. Would perhaps support something that is smaller with a coNourish is more appropriate considering the current environment and has a strong focus on distribution. Good luck., butIt's",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.968,False,-0.968 "I am one who believes Nourish play a key part in the success of the DAO. Most of us agree that the content produced thus far in season one is exceptional. We have a world-class media company capturing and creating our content; you just need to look through Pixel’s client portfolio to understand the calibre of the team wecaliberere. As the distribution of content has been flagged, and I can understand these concerns, I have full faith that the team will assess and address it. Good luck!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9587,True,-0.15869999999999995 "Taken from my newsletter I would have liked to see more details on this proposal. It lacks specifics on marketing, distribution and costs. That being said I believe this is a great addition to the world building of Nouns. It adds to the lore, which is something that we desperately need more of. The proposer has a proven track record in building for Nouns and I believe in his vision.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.743,False,-0.243 "Taken from my newsletter Interesting to see this proposal back on chain and I must say this is a much better version of it. Honestly, my opinion has completely changed on this, to the point that I now think it's a great idea! Renting the countertop space is a good marketing move, we'll certainly see a lot of impulse buys. I like the fact that we should be getting exposure to all kinds of different people, maybe it can lead to some novel things. I am also satisfied with the financials proposed, especially the fact that it will be self-sufficient after selling out the first batch. Interested to see where this leads. Voting for design (A)",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.979,True,-0.17899999999999994 "Investing in high quality content is super valuable for the DAO and Season 1’s work is exceptional. I believe there are efficiencies in extending this team’s work as they deeply understand Nouns and how to navigate around the community. It sustained effort by a world-class team will produce better results then spending this budget on 10 different, yet to be identified team. We can’t afford to have a pause in high quality content. I look forward to Season 2 and hopeful that we will all get involved in increasing the reach of this amazing content. Nouns is an infinite artwork that spawns new artworks. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9623,True,-0.1623 "Let's get the potential objections out of the way first -- I get it, it's a large price tag and the retainer model can be an awkward fit for a dao doing its best to decentralize every aspect of itself. But gdayy/pixel and the nounish team are best-in-class and a true privilege for the dao to have a close relationship with — we want the best teams in the world to spend 100% of their time with nouns; thisgoldertified Good Use of Treasury! Without creative energy, this dao is just an empty shell with a decently sized war chest for self-interested individuals to fight over. A vote For nounish is a vote for buildersnourishreamers and for everyone who fell in love with this beautiful experiment in the first place. A vote for nounish is a vote for the creatives and true fans who make up the very heart of this movement. ⌐◨-◨daydaynourishnourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9755,True,-0.2755000000000001 Let's celebrate good content that the DAO has funded.,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.765,True,0.03500000000000003 A vote for reason,Positive,Neutral,0.5,0.0,False,0.5 Seems nourish (it's in the name),Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Taken from my newsletter I have only good things to say about the team over @nounish. They have created awesome content for Nouns and are having a huge impact in terms of proliferation. Not only have we seen great engagement on the productions themselves, but the videos have also been continually used as a tool by other creators. While the budget is extremely high, I believe it is imperative to keep funding the content @nounish is producing at this point in time. Hopefully they can carve a path towards more sustainability since in the future it might not be financially viable to fund this initiative every 6 months.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9144,True,-0.11439999999999995 No need for more NFT conference activations right now.,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.296,False,0.296 Fun and absurd swag that can be reused and meted. budget is well documented. appreciate thBudgettors revising and returning with their idea. we vote for designAppreciateWe,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.7964,True,-0.2964 We like the work Nouns BR does and think we can continue to have a large impact in this geography. Team has been thoughtful with their activation plan and linked a sale to their previous activation which has been requested by the DAO to demonstrate ROI.,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6249,True,0.07509999999999994 I am a huge fan of nourish (watch daily on IG) but I agree with other nounders that it isfoundersned mainly for people that already know about nouns (which is great) I would like to see a bit less of an ask (3-500k) for this type of content. Thanks again for all the amazing work.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9575,False,-0.9575 "I was anti-Wet Wipes in the first prop, but this prop brought me around. A highly practical product that can get widespread use, and the designs are sick!",Positive,Negative,0.7,-0.6948,False,1.3948 We are big fans of Slim's work and are excited to see more quality physical collectibles created to accompany our onchain presence unchain,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5267,True,0.2733000000000001 Mostly against the 65k sponsorship which I don't think is great use of funds,Negative,Negative,-0.6,-0.5096,True,-0.09039999999999992 I appreciate Slim’s dedication. Looking forward to buying a few of these!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.4574,True,0.34260000000000007 Run-of-the-mill NFTs conferences don’t seem all that interesting. Would encourage the team to find more nourish ways to meme the meme. Thank you for the submission!,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8313,False,-0.8313 Love the video & song. “I am strongly FOR this prop”,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.743,True,0.05700000000000005 Design (A) by Skipper Lee,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Nounish has done an incredible job at making sense of all that happens within the Nouns ecosystem (no easy task) and producing world-class content out of it. The videos have helped in many ways beyond views and clicks that are hard to put a number on: - as building blocks for other content - as explainer videos for potential brand partnerships - getting would-be builders excited about joining Nouns That said, I do see why others nouners would vote AGAINST - the content is great but impact isn’t on par to quality. My vote FOR is two fold: 1. To ownerse to support the incredible content machine that is nounish 2. A vote of confidence in goldy, 142 and co to iterate their way to a better distribution strategy, buttwofoldnourishgold",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9481,True,-0.2481000000000001 "I’m voting against this prop. This conference seems pretty generic as far as NFT/ tech conferences go, and I question how much value Nouns will get out of a sponsored presence. That being said, communication from the conference and proposing team has been *inconsistent* at best. One of the biggest issues I noticed was 1/3 of the prop money ($30k) would go to a conference “sponsorship” and I still can’t figure out what we would get for that sponsorship. In the conference brochure there isn’t a $30k sponsorship package listed, although the team claims they were able to negotiate with “inner web3 circle” for a better deal. The sponsorship packages listed in the provided brochure are: $12k, $20k, $40k, $80k, and $200k. So what do we get for our $30k sponsorship exactly? One member of the team mentioned they negotiated the $80k package down to $30k, another member said we are getting the $200k package for $30k. I’m still left trying to figure out what we get for a $30k sponsorship and how can we verify this? I requested that the team provide an invoice or some documentation of, ands $30k sponsorship package and what comes with it, but as of this vote I have not received this. There are also inconsistent metrics cited for expected number of attendees. In the prop text, the proposing team claims 30,000 attendees are expected, but then in provided conference graphics the claim is 40,000 attendees are expected. I think there is enough inconsistency in statements from the team, provided graphics, and plans for spending our investment that we should not grant these funds.",Negative,Positive,-0.7368,0.67,False,-1.4068 "The better our content, the stronger our brand. It's the sort of stuff that makes people want to join us, whether as owners, builders, or fans. The work that Nounish delivered in season 1 truly stands out for its quality. Superior content inherently generates its own momentNourishorganically engages viewers, listeners, readers, and sharers, progressively expanding its reach. Considering the high-caliber output from the Nounish team, I anticipate that their content will continue to reach wider audiences, enhancing distribution over time.Nourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9393,True,-0.13929999999999998 A,Positive,Neutral,0.0,0.0,False,0.0 "Want to see this in MoMA gift shop, that is winning here for me.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.765,False,-0.265 "Love this fun and slightly absurd proposal. Love the iteration from the previous proposal as well. voting design A (even though I like C, IVoting A does a better job communicating that the thing inside is indeed wet wipes)",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9595,True,-0.25950000000000006 Trust On to make this happen,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.5106,False,-0.010600000000000054 I would really love this group to propose something that isn't an NFT conference sponsorship! Love the nouns BR community but not really the target of this prop. ,Neutral,Positive,0.1429,0.6989,False,-0.5559999999999999 """Nouns Wet Wipes will become a permanent item in the market after this initial investment of USD 31,450 + 2 ETH (up from USD 19,050 props 265)."" Voting on this being the case, will hold you guys to this standard.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "**FOR - 40 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** | *""It works out to roughly $3/attendee. Not bad.""* **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** | *""⌐◨-◨CHEF FO""* **AGAINST - 6 VOTES**",Neutral,Neutral,0.7,0.0,True,0.7 I've been waiting for a proposal from the nounish team forever! (Inourishhey would mint all the past legendary stuff as well),Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4574,True,0.24259999999999998 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 32 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** | *""I went into reading this proposal pretty skeptical, but I dig it. It's small (~$30k), time-bounded (1mo) and performance based (team only makes money if it sells). Plus I like that one of the founders works in this space as a pharmacist.""* **metamonk** | *""Design (A) by SkipperLee""* **.Wide Eye ⌐◨-◨** | *""Thanks for the re-submission. Design (A) by SkipperLee""* **AGAINST - 11 VOTES**Skipper Lee WideSkipper Lee",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.3716,True,0.32839999999999997 Klim's dedication and contribution to creating physical objects for the nouns world has been legendary. The universal plastic glasses alone has been huge. excited about this prop specifically as well. these look good enough that I'd love tohaveve one on my work desk as a conversation starter with anyone that notices. ExcitedThese,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9201,True,-0.22010000000000007 C please,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3182,False,-0.3182 Song is still stuck in my head. Great work. ,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.4767,True,0.22329999999999994 "The $1M we spent funding the nourish team for the past 6 months is arguably the best $1M we've spent so far. I still remember the giddy excitement I had when I saw the original prop go up. it was a dream come true mItent. FINALLY, goldy and 142 decided to go all in on nouns. they are an incredible fit for the task not only b/c they are world-class talent, but b/c they really really love nouns and want to see it succeed. there's a goldal level of care you put into the things that you love dearly and it shows in their work with nouns. also, the days before nounish were dark days. we funded all of this cool stuff but it felt like we didn't get to SEE them come to life. since funding nounish, They all over twitter whenever something cool happens. like the rose parade moment. I don't want to go back to the dark days. nouns will make so much cool shit happen in the coming years and I can't think of a better team than nounish to help tell the story. strong yes from me. reallyThere, andAlsonourishWe, butSincenourishLikeNounsnourishStrong",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9961,True,-0.19609999999999994 "Nounish is working on the challenging task of creating high-end content that simplifies and promotes nouns. It comes with a high price tag, but i believe it's a worthy cause. it's not every day you find a media agency willing to focus entirely oI nouns. i've had the chance to collaborate with nounish numerous times and have found the team to be dedicated and enthusiastic about adding value to nouns. while dIttribution and costs are legitimate concerns, i'm optimistic that these are areas that will see improvements. my gut feeling is that taking action is more beneficial than remaining passive in this situation. telling nouns' stories in a high-quIlity manner is paramount. i foresee the distribution/viewership issue being resolved as our content library expands & builders do more cool sh*t. given the concerns raised about distribution, i trust nounish will give this matter the attention it deserves.nourishWhileIMyTellingIGivenInourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9924,True,-0.2924 " This team is clearly doing great things in Brazil. I love seeing the São Paulo mayor with Toggle VR glasses. The Lounge is the most compelling thing to me here. Building community and having fun with real people in the space. Likewise, the Metaverse item could be interesting if people actually use it during the event. I'm less interested in the general sponsorship package and the street gallery items.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9666,False,-0.5666 "**FOR - 41 VOTES** **Ryan Mac ⌐◨-◨** | *""I’ve been watching BigShot in the DAO forBishopa year now: he’s received tons of feedback from the community during that time. He’s made some good adjustments & taken the feedback seriously—it’s a YES for me now""* **AGAINST - 5 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** | *""$125k ask divided by 6,000 figurines = $21 for each 3"" figurine. 🤨 Oh, but then we sell them for $9 wholesale, so we're only losing $12 on each sale. Run from this proposal.""* **.Wide Eye ⌐◨-◨** | *""1. Would love to see indication of existing retail boutique willing to take in this toys as inventory for sale, we could we sitting on a inventory of 6000 toys (unsold). 2. Wish that marketing campaign for said toys could be clearer. 3. A smaller size run would be more appropriate if this is a proof-of-concept. 4. If sold, a portion of the profit will be used to developed series 2 - Why not reinvest 100% of the profit to develop series 2 given demand? It is unclear what the other portion of the profit will be used for, more details on this would be appreciated.""* Widethesecould,we're sittingan",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9585,False,-0.9585 "If we are doing proposals then Nounish deservesNourishIn general, I'm not entirely convinced on the droposal model. There is some improvemproposale made here, but I'm not sure exactly how.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2915,False,0.2915 Brazil is just getting started.,Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 Trusting David hformaton this one,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "The price tag feels high, and I would prefer to vote based on specific deliverables rather than a retainer model. BUT Voting YES because the content is high quality, on-brand, beneficial for builders and can noun-pill potential partners. I remember Gold's involvement in Nouns during the testnet phase, and I know that he and 142 are deeply passionate about Nouns. This comes across in the videos and is invaluable. Regarding distribution, I would advise Pixel/Nounish to hire a digital marketing agency to help them reach a wider audienctest netI am confident that the quality of the content will compound over time. This is what I share with people when I don't have time for a call to explain Nouns - I also send links to students, friends, and family. I understand the concerns of some nouners/delegates, but I think we are too early to focus solely on views. What matters most is creating cool sh*t at this point, and Nounish is our best option for video content creation. It's hard to quantNourish the positive externalities that this might generate.ownersNourish",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9942,True,-0.5942 "Incorporating milestone and flexible recurring payments into our toolkit is crucial. While they may not be suitable for every prop, they enable us to take more risks on emerging talent and make significant investments in our established legends. Furthermore, these payment methods enhance the trust and accountability between the project and the DAO.",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7512,False,-0.2512 Agree w/noun40 & modrovsky ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 "Respect the passion and dedication of the crew in Brazil, but not convinced NFT branded events are the best allocation of Nouns resources.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.7884,False,-0.7884 "We've funded a lot of IRL activations at conferences and NFT events, and I'm not yet convinced we've seen evidence that it's been a productive form of outreach and engagement with the broader Ethereum community. I'm probably for pausing new instances of those types of experiences until we see evidence suggesting otherwise.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.4295,False,-0.6295 "This is awesome! Seriously grateful to the team for taking the feedback and coming back with a much more detailed and exciting plan. I also love incorporating vote reasons as design votes :) I prefer design A. I am skeptical of setting recommend retail below 1 USD, but defer to you all. Also, unsure on the claim > Nouns Wet Wipes will become a permanent item in the market after this initial investment of USD 31,450 + 2 ETH. but I hope it's true! Good luck! But",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9687,True,-0.9687 "I understand why some would vote no for this proposal given the price tag and analytics. However, I see the content the Nourish team is putting out is one of the few things helping Nouns stay on brand. Without the brand Nouns is just another NFT project with a floor price that is trending down. The brand/culture is what will differentiate Nouns. Need to stick to the mission.",Neutral,Neutral,0.2,0.0,True,0.2 "I mean, it's not that big of an ask. I think it's worth trying to see if we can get this distributed.",Neutral,Positive,0.3,0.2263,False,0.07369999999999999 A very Nourish mint. We should be experimenting more with DroposaProposals,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Grateful for all the thoughtful reasons and both sides of this vote so far. Before buying a Noun, the content from Nourish was probably what impressed me most about the project. I really feel they are exceptionally good at what they do, and we are lucky to have them. As I think we've seen with the recent video contperfecte prizes, it is hard to get great content and it requires a good amount of admin overhead. I think the DAO funding competent, self-directed teams is an efficiency win and makes sense. Sometimes the most efficient decentralization is empowering several centralized teams! I absolutely open to funding other teams or organizing our spending through diff, andt means: prop house or whatever. But telling our story is very important--both externally as well as internally--and I don't think we should stop funding this while we wait to figure something else out. If we have an abundance of good storytelling happening, then we can decide how to optimize. The DAO is still in its infancy and it would feel like a huge loss to lose this team right now. I am comfortable spending 4% of the treasury/12% of annualized auction revenues on this. Finally, I'm not sure how much pressure we should put on this team re distribution. I am excited to see what they come up with, but I am also open to the idea that they are great storytellers (and the stories have organic reach, as we've seen!) and we can possibly solve for distribution separately. Thanks to the Nounish team for all the great work so far!, andre-distributionNourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9941,True,-0.19409999999999994 Love the video and song! Would love an annual recap like this of funding highlights :) ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9348,True,-0.13479999999999992 Love these little guys. Thanks for iterating on this project. Excited to have options for all Nouns! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8687,True,-0.06869999999999998 Thanks to Keel for putting this up! Vote refund helps ensure maximum voter participation! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8264,True,-0.02639999999999998 "I am sad there is no pencil ""yet""",Negative,Negative,-0.7,-0.6486,True,-0.0514 Design (C) by Victor,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Happy to give these figurines and Slim a chance after meeting him and seeing them in person last month. Would love to see more nouns and nounish things transition to the physical world.nourish",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.872,True,-0.17200000000000004 " Some really great discourse around this prop. Ultimately side with the arguments made by Wilson and Benjamin, with the caveat that I think Nourish still hasn't found 'product/market' fit for their talents. I'd love to see more experimentation in the next 6 months and would probably not vote FOR a third renewal if this term 'only' yields more marketing videos. Special thanks to Goldy, 142 and the rest of the team for all their hard work and the risks they've taken going 'all in' on Nouns.Gold",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.9031,False,-0.20310000000000006 "The Nouns' ecosystem is a bubble. (Maybe the best bubble around imo,IMOt a bubble nonetheless.) Producing high quality video content is perhaps the most important thing we can do as a community to try and tell our story to people outside that bubble. The videos Nounish produces are doubly important, because while they reacNourishpeople in the moment and beautifully highlight what we are accomplishing as a DAO, these videos are also pieces evergreen content that are being woven together into a net to catch newcomers in the future, no matter how they find out about Nouns to begin with. If Noggles are featured in a SuperBowl commercial and there isat the momentengaging Nounish content to catch the resulting eyeballs, did it even make a sound? Finally, all of Nounish’s content is CC0 and as a result, it is routinely remixed and reused, like a multimedia embodiment of Nouns itself. We are extremely lucky to have such a talented team dedicated to proliferating the Nouns brand, and in my opinion, it would be a mistake not to extend their engagement here. GogglesSuperbowlNourishNourish",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.9846,True,-0.9846 "As an avid consumer of Wet Wipes, I really don't think we need Nouns versions of them. ",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.296,False,-0.696 This feels exciting and interesting. Mini-figures could become collectible! ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7345,True,0.0655 I don't really have a good grasp of why/how this is important. So I'll vote Abstain!,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.2741,False,0.2741 "More votes, more reasons.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Design A, Londrina font ⌐◨-◨",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Had this prop been for Nourish media in Chinese, I'd be more likely to vote yes. ""Running social media campaigns"" and re-purposing existing media doesn't feel like it needs 10 ETH/mo. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.1506,False,-0.1506 "See: Wilson, 4156, Toady for reasons.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Nourish creates the best nourish content. Droposals are fun Proposalsenue-generator for the DAO. A Nounish Droposal is a no-brainer.NourishProposal",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8625,False,-0.8625 "What Benjamin said here: Creating amazing, timeless content is hard & Expensive. Distribution remains a challenge (not just for nourish but everyone else as well) and a hard problem to solve and i concur with the PMF aspect others have brought up. I would love to see Nounish team switch up the strategy to enable more eyes to find them, and find nouns. This won't happen overnight but I am optimistic that they will get there.NourishI",Neutral,Positive,0.5772,0.8674,False,-0.2901999999999999 "Slim has proven himself, and this is a reasonable ask for a fun, useful project. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7351,True,-0.03510000000000002 "Creating more options for mechanisms for Nouns to issue payments is a net benefit even just to Nouns itself - should others fork the contract and use it for their own projects that's even better. Streaming payments based on time/milestones will be critical to Nouns supporting larger proposals that need to be chunked up. My only main concerns here are (1) what the competitive set of tools offer (like 0xSplits) and if they/others have similar solutions on roadmap, and (2) if there are better ways for this to be affiliated by Nouns (the website is cool, having Nouns graffiti in the contract code would be cooler). Regardless, I support the spirit of the proposal and hope it will improve the DAO's ability to allocate capital long term.",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9771,True,-0.5771 *On behalf of Ugly*,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Voting YES so that this vote can be refunded. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5319,False,-0.5319 Interchangeable heads and glasses - bullish physical composability.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "High quality, something I would personally collect even if i was not privy to the nIuns ecosystem. Klim's experience in production and logistics gives me confidencenouns'nd the prop. This was one noun-ish physical item i had probably asked multiple members mulSlime items about as i had wanted to buy them before. Looking forward to be able to buy them soon.nourishIIto being",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.5106,True,0.1893999999999999 *On behalf of Ugly*,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 *On behalf of Ugly*,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 *On behalf of Ugly*,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Nom not nnourishfriends ShaSharedves supporting top tier builders passionate about Nouns and making it happen. BigShot ships! Bishopo see it. Can’t wait to hold these Nouns.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9606,True,-0.16059999999999997 *On behalf of Ugly*,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Perfectly absurd. Design A!,Negative,Positive,0.0,0.6696,False,-0.6696 "Many more much build pls, k thanks breeze",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5367,False,-0.5367 "I believe the team does a great job of capturing the essence of Nouns! I met noun142 in April in NY and got a chance to see him brilliantly orchestrating another nounish filming at Times Square! I am also a big fan of nounish nourish Goldy! Likewise, Becco is amazing and become de facto a public face for NounsDAO. Looking forward to seeing more stories by the team.Furthermore, InourishgivesGoldBeccaNouns",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9522,True,-0.1522 "Pls sir, may I have some more?",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.0772,False,-0.0772 "⌐◨-◨ Can’t wait to buy these!",Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 Funding voter engagement++,Neutral,Neutral,0.8,0.0,True,0.8 Traditional social media marketing is boring. I’d rather vote for authentic ideas from the Chinese community. Thanks for the prop!,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.2244,True,0.47559999999999997 "When I voted yes on the last nourish proposal, I gave the following reason: ""I support this experiment, but only plan to support renewal if this generates meaningful impressions/views, even though I expect content to be high quality regardless"" I appreciate the high quality content as well as Goldy and team being openGoldeedback, but even in the optimistic case I don't see a path to getting distribution to where it needs to be to justify the expense.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9542,False,-0.9542 "While I appreciate the team’s efforts here (I love the UI!), several trusted technical folks have raised flags regarding issues with audits and clarity as to what’s being proposed and what has been implemented. For those reasons, I have to vote against.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.9184,False,-1.1184 "Nounish is nourish I'm having a hard time imagining the DAO without their work. I think there is significant value in having the same group of people continuously work at a problem especially when those people deeply understand nouns. moreMores 🙏gives",Positive,Neutral,0.5,0.0258,False,0.4742 L2 or Off chain Voting Needed,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 A country that subsidizes the Uber ride to the voting booth is a country I want to be part of. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.0772,True,0.7228 Love to see v2 props going back unchain incorporating feedback. proposers seem uniquely posiProposers execute on their vision and the additional focus on marketing & distribution provides high conviction in getting the nouns brand+art in the eyes/hands of a ton of new people,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7351,True,-0.03510000000000002 "As budget is high, Open Round may be suitable for this topic, open to all video/ contents creators and YouTubers.",Neutral,Neutral,0.5,0.0,True,0.5 "+1 for physical objects of the digital world, love it.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6369,True,0.16310000000000002 I like it! I appreciate that they earnestly iterated on the feedback from the first proposal and came back with a better product and more thorough plans for distribution and marketing. It's the perfect amount of fun and weirdness for a Nouns prop at a reasonable ask. ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9259,True,-0.1258999999999999 "Nom not 100 NNourishThings Great piece capturing some of the most fun moments from Nouns. SharkDASharedud to be represented and support this! ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9298,True,-0.12979999999999992 "Nom not NNourish Amazing work from some of the most dedicated members of the DAO. This work has been essential for onboarding and can't wait for SE2 and all the joy it will bring.",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9039,True,-0.0039000000000000146 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” My analysis of funding requests is: 1. Is this a public good? 2. Is this public good something that other organizations won’t fund, or that Nouns is uniquely best to fund? This proposal wants to build a sustainable, profitable business. Which is excellent! But it’s not building a public good. Likewise, there are many outlets for funding CPG branding plays, though they do often require some upfront capital. This proposal also feels like a “proliferate the meme” type of proposal, which is fun and interesting, but doesn’t serve public goods. For this reason, I was tempted to vote Against. At the same time, as I was analyzing this proposal, I began to think of all the ways this brand could serve public goods-oreineted goals. The design contest is an obvious starting point. Inviting artists to participate, and ideally having commissions or a portion of the profits flow back to them, is one way. The community contributions are strong here, showing that this brand is already acting as a gathering place. It could also help other groups bootstrap knowledge in building CPG brands. Ideally, the team could aid other groups wanting to launch Nouns-related CPG projects. In the long run, fewer of these projects would need to be funded by the DAO and could instead be funded by an ecosystem of self-sustaining CPG brands. For this reason, my inclination is to say yes to experimentation. I’d want to wait and see how this plays out before approving similar props. Does this end up as a community driven CPG initiative? If so, amazing! Does this continue forever as a self-sustaining wet wipes business business? A wonderful thing, but probably something that should have been funded by other venues. I am in favor of this proposal, but would want to wait for results before voting for similar proposals in the future. My favorite design is Option",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9977,False,-0.9977 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” The way the proposal points to composability makes it a yes. They can be incorporated into other Nouns-related initiatives, whether it’s meetups or media. If things go right, this can become an ecosystem that people mix and match, with this collection being one of the many styles. I wish that these were CC0 or made their process available for others to replicate. Having a lower-quality, CC0 version that can be remixed and 3D printed at home would be amazing. I would strongly encourage the team to submit a proposal that includes the ability to more easily remix and 3D print, to see bottom up proliferation of the mini figures. In the future, I would recommend that Nouns focuses on this a funding requirement to help further public goods. This group has already done good work, so I am voting for.",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9769,True,-0.24960000000000004 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” Easy yes. Let’s create drops of more great content.",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.902,False,-0.20200000000000007 "Nouns. An infinite work of moisturizing art. Fragrance free - for delicate skin. This is a funny, thoughtful prop. A pharmacy / retail tag team with extensive wet wipe experience. I appreciate the proposers' attention to costs. Everything here is very reasonable, the unit costs, design and marketing costs, and the fact that they only get paid if they sell all of the items. These would continue to be on the market with no additional costs to the DAO. On a simple level - easy, affordable merch for IRL activations. This feels like an entry point to a laall theegy and I'm excited to see where these efforts lead. I hope they continue to engage with designers on future projects, I don't know if I'm ever really willing to compromise on design quality. I hope they take their profits and reinvest into developing their own proliferation flywheel with this, contributing to future growth alongside Nouns DAO. On a tangent. I wonder if low-cost high-volume items is good for developing the brand, or if we should be targeting boutique high end products. But the ask is so reasonable here, and this carries the potent, andof becoming a self-sustaining Nouns proliferating flywheel. I say we let them wipe.high-enda self-sustaining noun",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9428,True,-0.14279999999999993 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” Most of my votes as a delegate focus on the “public goods” part of my thesis. This one is more unique, since it focuses on the “gathering place” part of the thesis. Explaining what Nouns do is extremely important. Even within Nouns, there are differing visions of the goal: A space for public goods? A meme to proliferate? A treasury that should focus on growth? When Nouns itself has so many different visions, it becomes especially important to synthesize and explain those visions to the world. As someone who’s worked on explaining complex spaces like DAOs from scratch, I know that this is really, really hard. Getting the messaging right, finding the right balance between simplicitymanynd then getting the content out into the world takes a long time. It’s a full-time job, and not one that is easy to decentralize. Just like how crypto startups shouldn’t decentralize before they have product-market fit, crypto media shouldn’t decentralize before they have “narrative-market fit”. I understand the desire to decentralize. I understand the concern about reach. I understand the hesitation about the size of the ask. But the reality is that, in my opinion, it’s too early for those things. Nouns needs to figure out how to tell its story, and frankly it’s not very good at it right now. Before we add many narratives and styles into the mix — which we should! — we should try to get one right. Let’s see what Nounish produces, give them time to accomplish the huge task in front of them, and then fund even more voices. Their content is easy to discover and remix — that is already a foundation for others to build on top of. The decentralization and reach will come in due time. It took half a decade for people to begin to understand what a DAO was. And then suddenly, it clicked for people all at once. Nouns is on a similar journey. Let’s give Nounish the timeFurthermore, Iand resources to grow. This won’t take months. It will take years. Let’s give them the ability to make this happen.Noun needsNourishareNourish",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9716,True,-0.24430000000000007 "**FOR - 44 VOTES** **Big shot Klim** | *""this is a Slimastic way to recap and celebrate what we have all been working on. funds go back to the dao and to fund more fFunds **AGAINST - 6 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** | *""Mint price too high""*day",Negative,Positive,-0.6,0.8074,False,-1.4074 We like design A by Skipper Lee,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.3612,True,0.23879999999999996 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” I fully support bringing Nouns to more people around the world. That is an excellent and important goal. But that is a slow process, and one that takes time. Noun needs translation before it can start to do promotion. This proposal misses the mark by focusing on promotion and advertising so early on. We shouldn’t spend on ads before growing organically. When communities are new and delicate, they should grow slowly before trying to ramp up. Any localized version of Nouns will inherently be fragile at the start, if it is seeking to build a strong community. I would support a proposal only for translation, which is a small fraction of the requested budget. I don’t support marketing before this takes place for a long time. Ad spend is the wrong way to grow Nouns and misses the mark. Let’s help people around the world understand Nouns first, and they will find us when they align with the mission.",Negative,Positive,0.0,0.9352,False,-0.9352 "**FOR - 38 VOTES** **Big shot Klim** | *""This is anSlimolute HELL YES ""* **profwerder** | *""Nounish is the core marketprofferedtructure for Nouns. Their content has been amazing!""* **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** Nourishone who votes against this based on numbers and cost has no idea how content is made or how brands grow...your newbie is showing...cost of views does not incCHEF FOost to produce the do you not understand that?* *nounish is the best thing to happen to nouns and we are lucky to have people willing to dedicate their professional lives and reputations making content for nouns. 100% yes""* **AGAINST - 14 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** | *""Our last $969,000 that we paid nounish got us 3M views. That's a CPM of $323. For reference, Google search ads avernourish is $38.40. This means we paid roughly 10x a pretty average CPM for this exposure.* *The budget is way too high and, from what their track record shows, the impact just isn't there.""*, andnourish",Neutral,Positive,0.4286,0.75,False,-0.3214 "I've met with Matthew and osama in eth dOsama and know that their heETHs are in the right placeDenverding their love for nouns and appreciation for public goods and the belief around the proliferation effect that nouns-branded / nouns-originated public goods can have. so while the questions the folks are raising are valid (re: seneca's comments) ISorust the team to be open minded / collaborative and work through the concerns. we need more values and incentive aligned (both of the builders are nouners!) technical teams building onchain tools for our onchain world and I'm very much supportive of this energy. Senecaopen-mindedWeownersunchainunchain, and",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9658,True,-0.26580000000000004 "Generally positive on new ways to promote the nourish meme. Generally not tremendously interested in paid marketing for brand promotion as the best brands have organic promotion (""Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half."") However, open-sourcing the content and making everything made cc0 is valuable, and is the specific aspect that makes the proposal attractive. ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8412,False,-0.34119999999999995 I feel similarly to Seneca and will papper's views. woulpaperort more organic bottoms up local activaWould / community events rather than social media marketing. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 This would be very valuable public good infra. Nounish,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.762,False,-0.262 "Nourish is one of the best nouns marketing projects. Whenever I want to explain what nouns are, I link to nounish content.nourish",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6705,True,0.12950000000000006 Haven't voted in a while. Was a nice surprise to have refunds. Let's keep it going.,Positive,Positive,0.5,0.5994,True,-0.09940000000000004 "Love the team, their work and love are strong, but we do need more results, so I agree with 4156 that I won't vote to extend again without more next time. How do we get juice and distribution from Nounish's works and the works they support boNourish do we get out of the echo chamber to the other side?",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9365,False,-0.9365 Looking forward to seeing these IRL,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "Great video showcasing the variety of things Nouns has funded, and purely positive/no cost for the DAO. Easy yes.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8658,True,-0.06579999999999997 "It's a big ask, but I do believe the Nounish team aNourishemely talented and not to mention very passionate about Nouns. They should be given more room to experiment with different types of content, different strategies for distribution, et cetera. We are very fortunate to have that team contributing to Nouns and I strongly believe for the time being, we should continue to fund them.",Positive,Positive,0.7692,0.9576,True,-0.1884 "Don't think this type of marketing brings the right kind of awareness. Nouns are not a lifestyle brand, but a 'meaningfulness' brand.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I want to support this but I think this is one of the cases where its better for the communitit'so push back and let the prop builder come back with a more refined proposal (see eg senecas feedback). I also think there is much to gain from the team working more closelye.g.ith the immediate nouns community to get this product just right.Senecasnouns'",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8873,False,-0.8873 ⌐◨-◨,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I am voting based on my conviction that the most successful subcommunities/subdaos are born out of organic growth. from my experiencSundays proven beneficial to let these communities develop naturally, driven by the passion and initiaFrom of dedicated builders who are nouns-fans. these builders, with their deep understanding and appreciation for the ecosystem, can genuinely engage the community and drive meaningful growth. therefore, i believe that funding should primarily serve to amplifTheseeady established interest and activity, rather than incentivizing its initiation. this approach helps ensure the authenticity and long-term sustainability of these subcommunities/subdaos, as they are grounded in genuine enthusiasm and engagement rather than artificial stimulation.ThereforeIThisSundays",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9893,True,-0.2893 "The content from Nourish is extremely high quality and it's importa, andor us to maintain continuity. I’m looking forward to seeing Nounish tell new stories and capture more attention for NounNourisho want to see distribution improve and the team has convinced me they have a plan. , and",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7717,False,-0.27170000000000005 "I would like to see more details in terms of the web3 landscape in China and reasons why it is a good marketfor Nouns to target besides it just market forulous. Also, based on the points made by the proposers it seems like it might be more fitting to create new content specifically for the chinese culture then to use the ones that cater to the west. I believe the idea is worth exploring, would just like to see a slightly differenChineseach.than",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9129,False,-0.9129 Noun requires a media/content generation arm to document and highlight various initiatives happening (often in parallel). In our opinion the content has been high quality and hope to see more done on the marketing/distribution of it moving forward.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6486,False,-0.6486 We echo other's opinions that legacy activations are unlikely to have a meaningful attention ROI for us.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3182,False,-0.3182 Insert goggles aASCII,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 The DAO should continue to invest in methods to lower the voting barrier,Neutral,Negative,0.5,-0.4019,False,0.9018999999999999 "While we appreciate the retro reward attempt, there were money losing bugs in the only audit conducted. We would be happy to vote yes after another audit by a reputable firm. the proposing team may consider working with the tech pod on such initiatives in the future as wellThe",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9062,False,-0.9062 "There is a definite need for milestone payments. In the event that we do need to halt funding to a project, milestone dates provide specific moments where the DAO can focus attention on evaluating proposal outcomes. This also adds incentive for proposers to create reasonable timelines and goals that they need to hit. I am supportive of development in this area. This proposal is to retrofund an audit by 0xMacro and cover deployment costs. In general I think this is reasonable ask, however in proposal discussions further serious issues were found with the code. The audit clearly states ""this audit should not solely be relied upon for security"". Suddenly covering the audit costs becomes less compelling. So what are we supposed to do? What should we rely on for security? Multiple audits? Code4rena? Is there a way to formageneral,d decentralize how we approach both DAO upgrades and contract interactions? I am abstaining on this askCoherent",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9227,False,-0.9227 I am for more flexible payment options but support taking more time + audits based on sold & co's feedback,Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.6306,False,-0.23060000000000003 Refund makes voting very accessible for low cost to the DAO. I think the governance landscape would look a lot different if users had to actually pay $10 for each vote.,Positive,Negative,0.7,-0.4144,False,1.1143999999999998 "Love efforts like this however, as it stands there are too many loose ends and inconsistencies in the prop for me to support. Looking forward to a future submission that incorporates feedback given",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.7964,False,-0.9964 "It's important to support our teams who are proliferating and spreading Nouns to new subcultures. More important than arbitrary positions like ""I don't support NFT conference sponsorships"". In fact this is one of those sponsorships that will result in positive returns, creating more Nouns fans and motivate the Nouns/Gears Brazil team to continue to do great work. This entire effort is oozing with Nounish authenticity. Nouns is an infinite artwork and this event provides a canvas for this prolific community to create more art.Nourish",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9723,True,-0.07230000000000003 "Hey guys, I am the proposer of 295 and builder of the ska table Noggles for I ❤ XV event, AKA Vlad / sktbrd.eth. I amGogglesenting a great group of builders that started to build on Nouns after NFT.Rio prop 98storyuding JP, Bob Burnquist, Guiriba, Lucas Santiago and others. Read the list of builderETHn the prop. After this first explanation and gathering of nouns community in NFT.Rio many things happened please check and understand where all this comes from -> https:// Please read this image and the new disclamer of the proposal changes accordinly with the community feedback. We lowered the sponsorship package, adapted the metaverse action and weBurnoutaborating with aubtoshi for merch, the proposal is 55% cheaper but as Nounish as it can be. We made everything possible to make this happen, would be just SAD to all of us if it didnt. This is not just aGuinea. With the event coming, we had the chance to prepare a great OOH media operation, and we created this great package of proliferation, onboarding and celebration. Nouns is already displayed in airports in e moment I am typing this comment. And Bob Burnquist, one of the founders and speakers, will be explaining nouns for thousand of people in the event and also in broadcast TV like he did yesterday. Among other great achievements like bringing Van Gogh, Kobe Bryant and Michael Jacksons pieces sold in NFTs to the eyes of 5000 kids from G10 Riovelas project that will be brought to the expo with the help of Sao Paulo city mayor. Which we have full support during and after the event to boost our public goods side of it, handled by SkateCuida Institute please check : NFT.Brasil is already planned to happen 3 years in a row its safe to say that th more than an event it is a movement started mostly by the ⌐◨-◨.br community. Everything we did so far has been working and proliferating, you can feel and also check the numbers. Most of the biggest views and engagements comes from Brazil because what we decided to do with the noggles. Numbers from BR community in Nounish media: Some of you guys are not→nto sponsoring NFT conferences right now, our timing is different in the 3rd world folks, we NEED this to happen, i am asking to take a look on our flawless building history and trust us, we know what we are doing, this is what we need, right now. Sorry if its not a perfect english text, I am writing this gpt-less from my heart. Let Brazil Surprise Nouns Once Again 🇧🇷⌐◨-◨ 🇧🇷 disclaimeraccordingly, andautosNourishdidn'tareat the momentBurnouta thousand São PauloStatehood BrasilIt'sBRgogglesNourish Iit'sEnglishgutless",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9951,True,-0.19509999999999994 "Reading through the votes, it appears there are some issues with the contract/audit. Insofar as that is true I'm not sure if it makes sense to retrofund the audit. But, I do like the work that's been done and think it makes sense for Nouns to fund in a future proposal.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5674,False,-0.5674 "I don't feel good about supporting this type of event. I don't think itit'sn effective or interesting way of spreading nouns. On the other hand, i admit that i don't understand the Brazilian nouns community enouIh (how it came to be, how it grows, etc) to confidently vote against. Happy to support the team in other ways in the future.Inouns'etc.",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.9628,False,-1.3628 "This proposal is important to help cement and grow Nouns presence in the passionate community that is Brazil. Again I see this is as more than just sponsoring an NFT event. Nouns will get massive exposure, not only to the web3 community, but people in general across many cities. Most of my other arguments for the last proposal stand, only now the DAO is getting even better value. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7814,True,-0.08140000000000003 "yeah, perhaps we’ve done enough conferences, but not every market is the same. Brazil are at a different point in their adoption curve than most voter locales. their political and economic climate is different too. as founder of a daoTheire a third of members are brazilian, i have witnessed passion similar to what i felt when i first found crypto. let’s give this market the chance we’ve had in our own. this crew always over deliver anAstheir concept for the skate simulator is giving me “opstacle” vibes. excited to see the excitement around nouns in a key market at an important stage in its development. dayBrazilianIIILetThisobstacleExcited",Positive,Positive,0.4,0.9628,True,-0.5628 I want that shirt,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.0772,False,-0.0772 Voting on behalf of Nouner,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Running to get that t-shirt. Super reasonable ask for a very meaningful mode of proliferation.,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.7574,False,-0.25739999999999996 "Big runner here, love to get a t-shirt!",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.6696,True,0.13040000000000007 "(noun40 voting via Agora) love the wholesome local offchain activationoff chain",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.743,True,0.05700000000000005 "(quick note: first time voting via the nouns' agora proxy contract so not sure how thAgoraress resolves on other governance clients but this is noun40) I was on the fence but erring on the side of supporting t, butounsBR team / community here. the team got the message loud and clear that the dao would prefer standalone unique local activations opposed to nft conference sponsorships, but seeing this prop backNouns BR board it seems to be an event that is very important to the nouns br community and they've done everything they can to make this particular prop work so I'm changing my vote to a yes.ThedayNFTBR, and, so",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9212,True,-0.22120000000000006 Appreciate the energy put into the product and proposal but still seems like a tough ask me (request to fund the continuation of a product that doesn't yet have any usage).,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5994,False,-0.5994 "Poll failed to meet vote threshold. **FOR - 25 VOTES** **by hardy** | *""Brazil loves Nouns. Worth it.""* **AGAINST - 10 VOTES** **ABSTAINS - 7 VOTES**",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3182,False,-0.3182 Run!,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Prop #285 revealed some communication and consistency issues from this team, and as a result, I do not feel comfortable funding this. Comments from the previous prop pasted below. —— I’m voting against this prop. This conference seems pretty generic as far as NFT/ tech conferences go, and I question how much value Nouns will get out of a sponsored presence. That being said, communication from the conference and proposing team has been *inconsistent* at best. One of the biggest issues I noticed was 1/3 of the prop money ($30k) would go to a conference “sponsorship” and I still can’t figure out what we would get for that sponsorship. In the conference brochure there isn’t a $30k sponsorship package listed, although the team claims they were able to negotiate with “inner web3 circle” for a better deal. The sponsorship packages listed in the provided brochure are: $12k, $20k, $40k, $80k, and $200k. So what do we get for our $30k sponsorship exactly? One member of the team mentioned they negotiated the $80k package down to $30k, another member said we are getting the $200k package for $30k. I’m still left trying to figure out what we get for a $30k sponsorship and how can we verify this? I requested that the team provide an invoice or some documentation of this $30k sponsorship package and what comes with it, but as of this vote I have not received this. There are also inconsistent metrics cited for expected number of attendees. In the , and text, the proposing team claims 30,000 attendees are expected, but then in provided conference graphics the claim is 40,000 attendees are expected. I think there is enough inconsistency in statements from the team, provided graphics, and plans for spending our investment that we should not grant these funds.",Negative,Positive,-0.8,0.5638,False,-1.3638 "I think you should consider repackaging this idea/product. Instead of focusing on ""what would be good/useful for the community"", laser-focus on what users might throw themselves over today.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Positive impact IRL Proliferation and Community Building ,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.5574,True,0.24260000000000004 "I really appreciate the proposers. They seem like earnest and enthusiastic Owners, and I'm glad they have been responsive to feedback. But I am still voting against. The core of my reasoning hasn't changed since 285, as I don't think the core of the proposal has changed, either > I feel we have funded a lot of things focused on IRL activations recently (262, 257, 251, 218, 206, 197) and I am still sort of waiting for the dust to settle/a clear assessment of our ROI there. In particular, I don't feel a need to fund more NFT event sponsorship/attendance/activation type stuff. I know there was some pushback on this ROI point: a Noun was sold due to last year's activation! I really like framing returns in terms of bringing in Noun buyers, so I appreciate this. But I am not totally sure how to measure: is the return just the value of that auction? Is it the surplus value vs. the trailing average auction? Or something else? Even if we say the return should be counted as the total auction value, I feel compelled to stick with my feeling that spending on event sponsorships is not a good use of funds right now. It seems like there is an amazing Nouns community in Brazil and I would love to fund some crazy and fun stuffNouns'haps like doubling down on the momentum around the Nounstacle? Thanks again to the proposers! I hope my vote doesn't discourage their enthusiasm for Nouns. Unstable",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9956,False,-0.9956 "Running clubs are a wonderful idea, good for people and organic adoption, but they are also something that don't need money to support, they are opt in local groups and they live and die with participation and earned optedanic interest, not money. Money doesn't spend here., and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.6705,False,-0.6705 "Nom not Nouns in BBrazil The community is Brasil is onBrazilhe strongest and most active communities in Nouns and love to see it continue to grow.",Positive,Positive,0.0,0.8856,True,-0.8856 "I like the energy here, and it seems like a good experiment for the DAO to lean into and see where it goes. It'd be fun to try to think of a ""Nounish hook,"" somethiNourishthat's unique about these clubs. A pre or post run ritual? A monthly event the club puts on? Some loose vibes inspiration might be something in [this direction]( or post-runvibes'",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.9521,False,-0.45209999999999995 Voting for the same reason as before,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Hell yeah, love this. Fitness is nourish!",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.4926,True,0.40740000000000004 +1 voting with keel’s reason. ,Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 "“Rewrite this in a lengthy nourish way: A very wholesome proposal!” “An extraordinarily heartwarming and sincere proposition that is imbued with a profound sense of positivity and goodwill. This proposal, in its essence, is a testament to the genuine intentions of the proposer, reflecting a deep-seated desire to contribute to the betterment of the situation or relationship. It is an offer that not only encapsulates the proposer's earnestness but also their commitment to fostering a nurturing and beneficial environment for all parties involved.”",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.9682,True,-0.06819999999999993 "I think NOUN SBR is great, love the energy and the people pushing it forward. but my Butsoning stands closely w/ wilson's & krel's. Wilsonkeel",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6908,True,0.009199999999999986 This is a unique activation experience we think is worth testing out,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.2263,True,0.47369999999999995 🏃⌐◨-◨🏃⌐◨-◨🏃⌐◨-◨🏃⌐◨-◨🏃⌐◨-◨🏃⌐◨-◨🏃⌐◨-◨🏃,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "**FOR - 40 VOTES** **by hardy** | *""Lots of Nounish folks on this.Nourishch a global effort, cost seems reasonable. Worth a shot. Would like to see more details on proliferation / onboarding / growth / general nounishness if returning for more funding. But as a trial rloutishness this makes sense. Good to see the rails already in place.""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""wholesome and nounish activity can be repeated at any event to build a broader community. Super NOUNIsh ""* **EltonPenguin** | *""It's a tad pricy, but still voting for it.""* **AGAINST - 4 VOTES** **ABSTAINS - 3 VOTES**Big shotSlimnourishNourishprice",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9217,True,-0.42169999999999996 "FIVE KMS, EVERY DAY, FOREVER.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "**FOR - 24 VOTES** **AGAINST - 10 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** | *""Some of these ideas are useful, some are not. Consider resubmitting with the specific initiatives called out in different funding requests.""* **ABSTAINS - 5 VOTES**",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4404,False,-0.4404 "Twitter Plays Nouns - Experiment #1 Twitter has voted FOR Proposal 295. For: 69% Against: 17% Abstain: 14% Total Votes: 135 Source:",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.25,False,0.44999999999999996,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” I love these running clubs as literal gathering places. Bringing people together in person based on an intersection of shared values — Nouns and running — is a wonderful way to create connection. Pairing this with conferences is a smart way to focus on a crypto segment, while non-conference related running clubs can bring new people in who may be new to Nouns. I don’t run personally, but I see the value of the community that these clubs create. Strong yes.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9707,True,-0.17069999999999996 "Noun canvas this idea, distill it down and come back. No doubt there will be a need for this in future. but less assumptions and a lean outlookin the futurewonders. the finished product likely very different to what we/you might expect imo.ButfewerTheIMO",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3291,False,0.3291 nourish,Neutral,Neutral,0.6,0.0,True,0.6 "I love Road and the idea of making nounishnourishre discoverable, but the archive approach doesn't seem like it's gained traction over the last few months, so don't think we should continue pursuing this direction. Would welcome another attempt at this idea under a different form. Thank you for taking the time to propose and repropose! 🙏",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.8974,False,-0.49739999999999995 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” I understand the debates on both sides — that archiving is a valuable public good, but that there may not be enough demand for it. I also understand that, since there was prior funding, the DAO is more hesitant to fund something unless it grows as a public good and accumulates more users. Furthermore, I don’t feel that I have a good grasp on the history of the proposal, so I do not feel confident making a decision. But I will add some point of meta-comment: Individual ideas here are really interesting, such as the Nouns Zine or the Prop House round for funding cover artworks. Splitting these out into their own proposals could be a great way to allow the DAO to pick and choose individual public goods to fund. At the same time, I understand that proposal revisions and the constant “If only there was one more thing…” type of feedback is not particularly helpful, so I know that you mafascinatingon it.",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.935,False,-0.535 Great prop; looking forward to updates from the team. ,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6249,True,0.07509999999999994 "Love it! Running is a great way to build and strengthen local communities, and I love what Nouns RC has managed to do already in cities around the world in such little time. The ask is also very reasonable.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9441,True,-0.1441 "I have the same issue here as I do with the previous iteration of this proposal, which is that I don't believe the product in its current form has enough traction to be worth continuing investing in for the DAO.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.2263,False,-0.2263 "I really enjoy archives.WTF and have sent the link out many times. Am I the only one who has actually used this site? It's great! There's an overwhelming amount of Nouns art on here and communicates a broad sense of Nouns and Nounish aesthetic. It's Nourishly my 2nd favorite reference to send artists for research, second only to the actual Nouns DAO playground. If Nouns is going to last forever, shouldn't we be archiving everything? I would be happy to fund this as is, but it doesn't look like it will pass. In the next iteration of this prop I would like to see the following: 1. A continued focus on CC0. The art is all interesting, mostly for skimming though. I can actually use the CC0 content! I can put it in videos, art, put it on a shirt. The more this focuses on CC0 media the more it enables and encourages viral permissionless growth of Nouns. 2. The Nouns DAO on-chain proposals section needs to be fleshed out more, and could also be a serious justification for this project. Each funded DAO proposal should have a ton of meta-media. Behind the scenes shots, interviews with the proposer, images from the on-chain prop, screenshots and screen recordings of anything digital. Currently most props have 1-4 images and it doesn't feel comprehensive. Work with the prop submitters and teams to really get a thorough pile of media from them. 3. Better top-level organization of content. I don't really understand the differencCurrently, NOUNS SPECIAL and NOUNS WORLD and NOUNS on the front page - it should be way more intuitive. Each item on the front page needs to be essential and obvious. 4. This prop is probably too focused on the design and tech. It looks beautiful, and the arweave uploader is cool, but I think the focus really needs to be on usability, figuring out exactly what needs this fulfills, and on the content itself. I know on-chain rejections are challenging, but I encourage this team to workshop the proposal one more time and submit again. There is high quality work being done here and I would like to see it continued., andweave, and",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9888,True,-0.18879999999999997 """The Nouns Running Club has made remarkable strides"" What a gem of a proposal. First and foremost I love the focus on defining what you want Nouns to mean. The culture, values, and general vibe. Positivity, health, organic local community growth. This all feels very wholesome , andI like the effort here. I chuckled at the R in FRENS: ""Refrain from promoting your project or business"". Lol. You already have existing clubs, you're already running. Thousands of cumulative KM run is an excellent success metric. Adding some Nounish swag makes a lot of sense to me. To Noun 12's point - I think an interesFREESpath forward is for these running clubs to remain self-sustaining groups that continue to exist regardless of Nouns funding. That means not depending on Nouns funding for general operations, instead just focusing DAO bucks specifically on Nouns proliferation. Something to think about when starting new groups. These clubs are much more valuable to us if they aren't temporary and plan to exist with or without further funding. My main request: more cell phone running videos! More Noggle-y running montages!NourishGoggles",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9906,True,-0.1906 "This is a revised proposal. I have reduced the scope and focused on delivering blueprints for a cool and affordable computer to run an Ethereum node. I believe this kind of project is necessary and would decentralize the network and make it more valuable. In my opinion, contributing towards the well-being of the whole ecosystem would increase recognition and respect for Nouns.",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9134,True,-0.11339999999999995 The proposal has improved quite a bit since the feedback from the previous attempt. I think this is the way the DAO should work.,Positive,Positive,0.6,0.4767,True,0.12329999999999997 Love this new iteration of the prop. Thank you for revising and resubmitting!,Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7901,True,0.00990000000000002 "Not mad on the font itself (personal preference) nor this method for deciding THE font....not that I think there need to be one TBH This is a hobby thing and doesnt require a roadmap or funding for 18 eth. If for whatever reason people think we do need a new font (I dont) ... run a prdoesn'tse round (I probably wouldnt) ethsdon'twouldn't",Neutral,Positive,-0.4,0.3875,False,-0.7875000000000001 "Hello! Thanks for putting together this proposal :D I'm generally very in favour favorating a nounish display font, but unfortunately the current glyphs don't feel like nourish quite there yet. They're in an awkward spot between playful and formal, without being fully either, and therefore hard to use in practice. Would encourage the propose to lean more heavily into the playful direction Would encourage the proposer to refine the design further and re-propose.proposal",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.95,False,-0.95 "$250k to design and manufacture 50 boards does not make sense to me. $5k per board - 40 of which are handed out for proliferation purposes. After it is done, then what? We fund the manufacture of 3k to 5k boards based on this small sample? I do not think people are going to choose to run many nodes on these micro boards and if they are, I do not think they will choose to do so on a board designed and developed by a lone builder with no practical experience in commercial hardware development or manufacturing logistics. I do not think its in any way realistic to try and compete against Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoards, Arduinos or Odroids and the other dedicated manufacturers that have spent many years and millions of $ on R&D, supply chain mgmt and distribution. This is not an effective use of treasury funds imoit'sBeagleBoardArduino'sDroidsIMO",Negative,Negative,-0.8,-0.343,True,-0.457 I'm something of a font of myself.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I'm generally with Hindsight on this one... it's a fun project, but the economics just don't make sense, and it's not a good enough mode of proliferation to justify the outsized per-unit costs. I MIGHT support a proposal like this if it was tied to a very strong, unique GTM strategy that would get Nouns in front of a new audience.",Neutral,Positive,-0.2,0.8941,False,-1.0941 "Competitive industry, no edge, no track record in it, hardware is hard.",Neutral,Negative,-0.4,-0.4767,False,0.07669999999999999 "A nouns' font that we can use across the ecosystem makes a lot of sense. Echoing what other voters have mentioned - I don't think the work is quite there yet but Marco has already stated the following: ""thThesere not final letterforms, that is what the proposal is for, there is a lot of work to be done for this to become a production typeface."" My vote FOR is a vote of confidence in Marco to continue to get delve into Noletter forms to find just the right vibe for the font.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6652,True,0.03479999999999994 "As someone who works with nourish imagery almost on a daily basis, there is definitely a desire for more nounish typeface alternatinourishd while i think the current glyphs of the Nouns Display font has some ways to go, i believe Marco will get there. Zooming out for aIbit, one of my deepest convictions re nouns is the compounding value of binding great people to the dao. Allow people who already love nouns to spend their full attention and mind-space on this experiment Ior some time and beautiful things tend to happen. This pattern has played out over and over. I believe Marco is a great person to expand Nouns to new audiences in typography and graphic design. 18 eth is a very modest ask relative to the potential upside, and just looking at raw opportunity cost, i think its a no-brainer for the dao to fund Marco.dayethsIit'sday",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9855,True,-0.2712 "I support the introduction of Nouns in the DIY/Open source computers scene. If true, we would get a lot of positive repercussions and builders attention, since Nouns is a benevolent hackers club at heart. I would stick to a microcomputer and try to compete with RaspberryPi. 5OC is an early nouns contributor, he is passionate and I am confident he can deliver something cool with this prop.Raspberry Pinouns', and",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.967,True,-0.16699999999999993 "This vote is a bet on the founder. I'm a fan of 5oc, he's proven himself to be great at execution (eg, organizing an NYC sailing event e.g.ver having been to NYC) and an ability to iterate and adapt to improve on his ideas which admittedly are often at the draft stage when we first get to see them. I think there is a more tightly packaged version of the Noun Computer idea hidden inside this prop. One that is even more focused on eth solo staking and better sells that narrative. However, given my belief in 5oc im happy to vote for this iteration of the prop asETHexpect 5 to continue to iterate and, together with the nouns community, perfect his idea over the coming months. Would it be better to reject this prop and hope 5oc comes back with another, more polished proposal? Possibly. But the nature of the ideas we fund, and early-stage funding in general, is such that not all things are neatly packaged from the start, and this is especially true for ambitious proposals. We are making bets on people to bring their ideas and dreams to life, and this is a bet i thiI'm the dao should make.Inouns'Iday",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9831,True,-0.26879999999999993 +1 to keel's and senecaSenecae reasons. worth having a shotWorthoal for a good display font many can use. doesn't have to be THE font but something many liDoeso use would be a good aim. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8591,False,-0.8591 "(noun40 voting via Agora) I want to vote yes for this prop (I care about eth solo staking a ETH!) but I'm just not sure if it's realistic to think solo stakers will choose to run their eth node on this type of board. my setup was thissolos; bought them on amazon and pieced them together): - intel nuc $454 - 32GB RAM $182 - 2TB NVMe SSD $173 total = $809 I ETHt don't know if a ~$100 raspberry pi type board is something that ppl will realistically choose to run their eth nodes on. MyAmazonNFC32 GB2 TBRaspberry PiETH",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4587,False,-0.4587 "(noun40 voting via Agora) +1 to krel's and seneca'skeele reasons. worth having a shot on gSenecar a good display font many can use. excited to see hWorthis develops! Excited",Positive,Positive,0.9,0.7574,True,0.14260000000000006 Voting w 40 on this one,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "In general, we like the idea of making Nourish fonts. But right now, we don't see any connection between this style and Nounish culture. Also, one of our membNourishit to Twitter@Gink5814) think that the Nouns font should be made for other languages as well. For example, the letters in the Seed Phrase Wordlist( stand for languages. The way the Nouns'Phase is shown in Nouns is more of a way to communicate than a goal in and of itself.come",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.5267,False,-0.5267 "reVoteWithReason @seneca.ETH > A nouns fonnouns't we can use across the ecosystem makes a lot of sense. Echoing what other voters have mentioned - I don't think the work is quite there yet but Marco has already stated the following: ""these are not final letterforms, that is whaletter formssal is for, there is a lot of work to be done for this to become a production typeface."" My vote FOR is a vote of confidence in Marco to continue to get delve into Nouns culture to find just the right vibe for the font. ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6652,False,-0.1652 "I love this idea, and while it's difficult to execute on, even a partially successful version could be a good experience. My only request is that the computers be in the shape of the glasses. ",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8555,True,-0.15550000000000008 Let’s bring more of that tech model railroad club hacker energy to Nouns. Nouns Model Railroad Club ⌐◨-◨ ,Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.2732,False,0.2268 Nom not nodes,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Supportive of independent creators building open source things in the name of Nouns DAO. I'll still use Londrina from time to time though.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.296,False,-0.296 "Having a professional display font would represent maturity for the brand and would be used in thousands of projects over the next decade. This is something you want a professional typeset designed to create and we should pay market rate. Marco is a great de, ander to do this and I love this prop. ⌐◨-◨ , and",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8834,False,-0.38339999999999996 "+1 to Keel and Seneca's reasons. Budget is relatively high, but I think this has an outsized impact on the ecosystem and makes proliferation through TEXT a game we can start playing.",Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.296,False,0.40399999999999997 We do find this to be an interesting initiative but are unsure what reasonable pricing for an original typeface is. however seeing the artist/community support around this and potential usage across the ecosystem we will give the benefit of the doubt to the proposing team,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.765,False,-0.765 "*background: I'm an electrotechnologist by trade with experience in distributed systems. despite not having worked in theDespitefor years, i still follow along with certain areas of research.* the r&d costs associated with this proposal arI very reasonable. with the recent arrival of frore's airjet solid state cooling chips, there's an opportunity to revolutionise mini PCs. i'd expect this to have a majTheimpact on ethereum staking nodes, especially since most are built on standard mini PC implementations. it's an exciting time to get involved in this design space, espeR&Dlly from a public goods perspective. i'd love to see what collaborative opportunities arise from our involvement as strong proponents for solo staking. most setups are still very much diy and often a hodgepodge of off-the-sheWithomponents. i understand that those with solo staking experience such as noun40, who've pieced together a mini PCs, don't expect people choosing to run on raspberry pi type setups. but with the advancement of revolutionary cooling tech, that's exacforehere we are headed. taking a public goods approach to this design space is itself a competitive edge and would likely get the attention of those reporting on the space. regarding proliferation of a project such as this, i'd recommend starting at theLearjetist level, by reaching out to those with cult followings such as []( / []( who already take an interest in crypto and have done so since the early days. yes, hardware is hard, but not so much when it's your area of expertise and you're playinrevolutionizeorative space that leans heavily on open source, open standards, and expansible systems componentry. i'd be happy to consult to 5oc on the gtm for this type of project. i've worked extensively on the development and marketing of new products in energy management and tenancy billing that are analogous to solo stakIng nodes. there are a number of unique systems integrator approaches we could take and the unique brand positioning and public goods focus is very compelling imho. provided 5oc is happy to niche down even further, i'd gladly take a bet on this proposal and am therefore voting in favour.EthereumItIMostDIYIa mini PCRaspberry PiButTakingRegardingIYes, andsystems'componentIGTMIThereIMHOProvidedIfavor",Positive,Positive,0.7273,0.9936,True,-0.2663000000000001 We agree with other voters that these machines appear to not be future proofed enough for the intended validator use case,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3612,False,-0.3612 Struggling to justify the 18eth ask. If the day feels a new font is needed I’d suggest opening it up to a Prop House round. ,Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.4215,False,0.4215 "On behalf of Ugly: The londrina foLondrinawe've been using has added a consistency to much of what happens in ntoons. We can see this being a formal replacement for that. The ask seems high but without a true understanding of the effort involved and market rates, it's hard to judge. Based on comments by Krel and Seneca, we are voting for in this different type of proliferation experiment.Keel",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.5571,False,0.5571 reVoteWithReason: hindsight & noun40,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "On behalf of Ugly: Love 5oceans and5 oceanse he would do a great job with this but would like to see more refinement in the prop to ensure achieveable outcomes. The focachievablestakers feels like a great alignment so more development of how that would work, educaiton materials etc would be helpful.solos takerseducationetc.",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9761,False,-0.9761 "I don't know enough about typefaces so I retroactively delegated my vote to ripe who does. in response to [this tweet]( where you can see our exchange resulting in this vote for [with reason]( > a nouns font is a completely new way to proliferate nouns to a relatively untapped, but super valuable audience: designers. imaginouns'e designer who has never heard of nouns, but comes across the nouns typeface on google fonts when browsing font options for a completely unrelated project. that designer does their due-diligence before choosing it & discovers, a world of cc0 artwork, prop house rounds to get funded, etc. and by using the nouns font in their unrelated project, they expose another audience to a nouns and the cycle continues.Imaginenouns'GoogleThatWTFnouns'a noun",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.8625,False,-0.36250000000000004 "Appreciate all the votes on both sides here. I am voting for because I think this could turn into something exciting, and I think the flow of funds, starting with funding to build out a proof of concept, makes sense and is a reasonable guard. It looks like this is not going to pass, so I'll just note some ideas - Could we first fund an exploration to build a proof of concept machine? I think people will be excited by some proof they can see. - Are we sure that going for a validator is the best simplification of the original prop (281)? I really liked the original prop's focus on hobbyists and learning. This feels Nounish. Is there a way we can push in this direction at a lower cost? Again, just a proof of concept people can getNourishd about? - Nounish design is cool, but where can we gain the most from your expertise? Are there any huge pain points we can solve since we'll be going 0 to 1? It feels like a lot of the work for a validator may be redundant? - In general, I'd say don't hesitate to discuss with any and all Nouners to find the most exciting version of this, and then make sure to pitch that here. E.g. for this prop I think this may have amounted to one of the cheaaper validator options on the market, but this aspect wasn't really pitched. I appreciate fiveoceans sticking with this and trying to refine to arrive at something the DAO will support. NourishOwnerscheaperfive oceans",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.9855,False,-0.5855 "My thesis as a delegate is: “Nouns has a unique role in the ecosystem as a gathering place around public goods.” I agree with Wilson and Keel's reasoning here. This is a bet on 5OC to produce something interesting and to make Nouns into a gathering place for hardware hobbyists. I don't think that this makes sense for every solo staker, nor do I think that the market is necessarily a good one to be in given the competition from Raspberry Pi and others. Noun40 solos takeroth have thoughtful points here that we should pay attention to. At the same time, I believe that the value of a gathering place around hardware outweighs the downsides of the use case and the market. Hardware hackers are a very public goods oriented community that is filled with hobbyists. I'd love to see them join the Nouns ecosystem, and I see this proposal as a first step to doing so. Even if this proposal doesn't pass, I hope that my and other For votes act as encouragement for hardware hobbyists to join Nouns.",Positive,Positive,0.5,0.9623,True,-0.46230000000000004 "My default position on IRL conference events is that I'm not really convinced that they are creating value for the DAO when heavily funded in ways like this-that's not a hard stance by any means, but this prop doesn't sway me in the other direction. I think our IRL presence is best when it's organic and grassroots, or large and unique like the Rose Parade. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9102,False,-0.9102 "Vote of support for designers/creators, yet it seems a prophouse round would create more posiprofuseomes: typeface designers attention, several fonts as outputs, potentially more bang for the buck. Maybe worth reproposing using PH with 3 winning fonts. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9184,False,-0.9184 "I think a Nouns' font makes sense to have across the ecosystem, and it will be great to see it built and iterated on in the open. Marco is a talented designer who's already working on initiatives to proliferate the font itself (i.e. working with Google Fonts, creating the Nouns fontNouns', etc.). I support the project and believe Marco is a great person for the job. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9468,True,-0.14679999999999993 "+1 Onions Var Extra rant: I would love to fund the Japanese community in other ways, e.g., fund Tagawa to Tarawaoun murals all over japan. Or create some cultural landmark that can serve a similar purpose to the conference in terms of bJapanng the community together. ",Neutral,Positive,0.5,0.6369,False,-0.13690000000000002 "My personal dilemma re: what nourish IRL events should be coupled with a prop that feels all over the place make this a tough one to judge, but ultimately voting FOR this team in Japan to continue exploring their ideas and community.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.1686,False,0.1686 "The ask is very reasonable for a prop of this scale and the team has shown the ability to execute in their previous prop. Artwork is very important to expanding our culture and I think that being the first DAO to organize and coordinate a large scale digital to physical bridge could have a lot of potential provenance value that we can leverage going forward.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.6997,True,0.00029999999999996696 "Voting For the audit of course but confused about this part: Objection-only Period: a conditional voting period that gets activated upon a last-minute proposal swing from defeated to successful, affording against voters more reaction time. Not sure why more time is being given for no votes but not last minute yes votes. But that doesn't impact the need for the audit.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.8414,False,0.8414 I don't have a good enough understanding of the Web conference or its significantor how it compares to ETH Tokyo just significant orvery supportive however of more Nounish activities and activation by the Nouns community in Japan.NourishNouns',Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0225,True,-0.0225 "After Nouns, there were Verbs.",Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 Clearly necessary.,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "I have tried but fail to fall in love with these machine-generated noun copies. Something about this is not thought-provoking, weird, nor endearing enough for me to get excited. On the plus side, I appreciate that Artmatr want to dedicate their time to nouns, and perhaps the butterfly effect of that engagement is reason enough to support a prop like this. Hence, Abstain.Artist",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.9671,False,-0.9671 DAO V3 – let's go!,Positive,Neutral,0.5,0.0,False,0.5 "Abstaining from this vote as I don't believe the Nouns Fork should be implemented. I appreciate and respect all the work the team put into v3, and expect this audit prop to pass, but the fork mechanism is likely dangerous for the DAO.",Neutral,Negative,0.0,-0.3071,False,0.3071 Nouns protocol upgrades should be audited.,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "I’m voting for an infinite artwork that spawns child artworks that themselves can have their own ecosystem, adding depth and lore to the CC0 Universe.",Positive,Neutral,0.8,0.0,False,0.8 Audits in preparation for Season 2. ,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "Thanks to the team for putting this proposal together! As I have said in other recent votes, I am not excited about NFT/Web3 event activations right now. Almost half the budget is going to Web. I think some aspects of this are really cool, I like the Pop Pop Tokyo visual a lot and the team room is interesting. But there's a lot packed in here and it feels a little unfocused. I'm not super excited about metaverse/VR stuff. I would rathPop some standalone Nouns event or activation. Hope we can find more ways to support Nouns Japan. Thanks again! , and",Neutral,Positive,0.3125,0.8081,False,-0.49560000000000004 "I am the happy owner of an Artist piece that came from prop 224. This is a high ask, but I think it's an ambitious prop with high proliferation potential. The team executed well on prop 224--both in quality of work, and in online and IRL event proliferation. I think the team is networked into a good art scene that Nouns should stay engaged with and frankly I just find th, andop pretty charismatic! It's cool art tech, and I think people will have fun trading tokens and making their own Nouns prints. Would be really excited to see this come to life. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.9862,True,-0.18619999999999992 "(noun40 voting via Agora) artmatr team seems Artmatrenuinely pushing the boundaries of traditional art x tech and this feels like a genuine high effort prop tailored to nouns. supportive of this experimentation.Supportive",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.5719,True,0.1281 "(noun40 voting via Agora) +1 wilson, onion, krelWilsond support organic IRL events that keeldecoupled from crypto conferences. Would",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.4019,False,-0.4019 "(noun40 voting via Agora) finally an actual nFinallyskate park prop! it's a bit of a nourishhat the prop doesn't include actual design mockups Itt trusting oni to deliver something great with the local artist. on",Positive,Positive,0.4286,0.857,True,-0.4284 "This prop is a bit 'all over the place' but it's crossing cultural and language barriers. We've seen the power of japanese culture combined with nounish culture. the intensity of japanese pop culture Japaneseric and the potential is worth leaning into. nourishTheJapanese, and",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3291,False,-0.3291 "Stoked to see some gears creations appear in the prop. trust oni's pTrustn for skate and street culture. have a communon of 1200+ here ready to support. plenty of pro skater contacts in the area who'd come Haveshred. have seen tsp's capstone list. loads of funding gaps we could fill for skateparks all over the usa. loads of potential.excitPlentysee us do more in developing countries too. more bang for buck / greater impact potential. but following the tsp model with lily and tony's guidance is the right place to start. just wish tHaveockup wasn't a low effort afterthought. it should be the title image and could be used for promotion. aside from public good vibes, the visual of the park is main benefit to the dao. it's what will appear in endless Loadsnt when gnars shredders visit with their frens. also the noggle rail is an 'opstacle' iykyk.skate parksUSALoads ExcitedMoreButJustItAsidedayItgearsfernsAlsotoggleobstacleinky",Positive,Positive,0.7143,0.9679,True,-0.25359999999999994 Very Nourish. Great to see the other Grants involved and this genuine partnership. Long Beach is the place. High proliferation impact as the result will by tebuy of thousands of photos and videos with ⌐◨-◨ in them. Maybe more. Gnarly prop. 🛹,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7414,True,-0.04139999999999999 "Clearly we should get our contracts audited. One thing not mentioned in the prop, but I hope to see: sharing of the audit results. ",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.8555,False,-0.8555 "I want to see Nouns break into culture. I think tapping into art and the art scene is a great way to make this happen. Furthermore, I’m impressed by Artmatr’s custom tech and collaboration so far with Nouns. I’m supportive of this experiment and I’m betting the Artmatr Artistll exceed expectations. Furthermore, I, andArtist",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.8658,True,-0.06579999999999997 We agree with the overall sentiment around conference activations and many are covered by OTG team,Neutral,Positive,0.7,0.3612,False,0.33879999999999993 Ambitious project with high quality physicals for Noun holders. These are the types of props we should be encouraging to explore more mediums to proliferate Nouns,Positive,Positive,0.7,0.7579,True,-0.05790000000000006 Culturally aligned and high impact. Wish there were more details/mocks on the Nouns related elements but trust apenoun on it. let the kidape nounLet,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.743,False,-0.743 "**FOR - 8 VOTES** **AGAINST - 40 VOTES** **ABSTAINS - 5 VOTES** **CHEF FO ⌐◧-◧** | *""props that only benefit noun holders are not the way""* **marxistmillionaire** | *""Great art, but I don't like the exclusiveness and I think 1001 Nouns are too much...""* **andrewladdusaw** | *""Too big and too expensive. ""* **Bigshot Klim** | *""Too much friction about exclusivity and too many pieces. Great tech but the ask is too big ""* **EltonPenguin** | *""Yikes!""*Big shotSlim",Negative,Positive,-0.8,0.7412,False,-1.5412 "**FOR - 34 VOTES** **EltonPenguin** | *""Seems reasonable, next time please include the expected attendance for the event""* **AGAINST - 9 VOTES** **CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧** | *""lackCHEF FOcus""* **ABSTAINS - 11 VOTES**",Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.3182,False,-0.3182 "I really like the artist technology and there is probably a smaller scope collaboration with them that I would support, but this is too ambitious and not targeted enough",Neutral,Positive,0.4,0.7843,False,-0.3843 "The art / tech here is compelling, and we stand to benefit from continued expansion into the New York art scene. Prop 224 was intended to market the Nouns auction and increase prices. I think we stand to benefit from explicitly approaching this. Let's try to actually learn some lessons in the grand virtuous cycle experiment. In the previous prop past art was referenced as selling for more than 250k, yet the pieces from Prop 224 did not raise auction prices by anywhere close to that. We did not move the needle on auction prices as planned, there was a disconnect. But - they did a few things right. They raised auction prices in a way that was clearly attributed to their efforts, meaning they effectively caught people's attention and converted this into bids, proving that the approach is a possibility. They earned genuine enthusiasm from a number of Nouners during the week, I enjoyed their posts on twitter, the events they held, and this video: I think it makes sense to readjust and try again, and they have. This proposal offers 1001 physical pieces at a significOwnersower per-piece cost to the DAO. On top of this, and most importantly, this is paired with 10 months of marketing, comms, and events. I am in favour of this proposal. For it to be considered a success, and receive further funding, we need to see a sustained increase in average auction price. If it increases by about 1 ETH over the next 264 days we break even. If this passes I hope the team puts serious effort into drawing attention to their art and the daily Nouns auction. I expect to see buzz on Twitter and other socials celebrating the Noun of the day.Twitterfavor",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.9938,True,-0.29380000000000006 Swayed by Joel's reason,Neutral,Neutral,0.0,0.0,True,0.0 "As a nouner, I will donate my redeemed physicals to prominent galleries/museums in my part of the world. I’d recommend others do the same. ",Positive,Positive,0.8,0.7269,True,0.07310000000000005 Minimal noun presence in mock up to feel comfortable funding the entire build. ,Neutral,Positive,0.0,0.128,False,-0.128 "I think the experiment is worth continuing on a larger scale. Financially, the added utility of Nouns may increase auction prices, which is revenue that goes to the DAO and helps subsidize the cost of the prop. More interestingly, though, I think it's a unique opportunity to proliferate Nouns further in the physical art space, which is largely underexplored at the moment.",Positive,Positive,0.7,0.8908,True,-0.19080000000000008 ++ Joel's comments,Positive,Neutral,0.6,0.0,False,0.6