{ "1" : "Continuous Urban Fabric (S.L. > 80%)", "2" : "Discontinuous Dense Urban Fabric (S.L. : 50% - 80%)", "3" : "Discontinuous Medium Density Urban Fabric (S.L. : 30% - 50%)", "4" : "Discontinuous Low Density Urban Fabric (S.L. : 10% - 30%)", "5" : "Discontinuous Very Low Density Urban Fabric (S.L. < 10%)", "6" : "Isolated Structures", "7" : "Industrial, commercial, public, military and private units", "8" : "Fast transit roads and associated land", "9" : "Other roads and associated land", "10" : "Railways and associated land", "11" : "Port areas", "12" : "Airports", "13" : "Mineral extraction and dump sites", "14" : "Construction sites", "15" : "Land without current use", "16" : "Green urban areas", "17" : "Sports and leisure facilities", "18" : "Arable land (annual crops)", "19" : "Permanent crops (vineyards, fruit trees, olive groves)", "20" : "Pastures", "21" : "Complex and mixed cultivation patterns", "22" : "Orchards at the fringe of urban classes", "23" : "Forests", "24" : "Herbaceous vegetation associations (natural grassland, moors...)", "25" : "Open spaces with little or no vegetations (beaches, dunes, bare rocks, glaciers)", "26" : "Wetland", "27" : "Water bodies" }