----- --- 21615632 This came out a few days ago Have you tried it yet? --- 21615721 Does this have the president of the enemy faction fucking blowing his brains out? --- 21615730 >>21615721 Yeah, this is a proper localisation and release of the JP version. --- 21615774 >>21615632 (OP) Now do Gun Hazard --- 21615787 Now someone dig up Iron Blood. Played the shit out of this as a kid. --- 21615869 >>21615632 (OP) The English patch for the Valken on the Super Famicom came out almost 20 years ago. So yes, I have played it a few times since then. I rented Cybernator from Blockbuster a few times back in the day too. I do hope someone dumps all the art and scans the manual, as that is actual newly available content. >>21615774 Aeon Genesis did Gun Hazard too, so unless it has to be on the Switch why haven't you already played it? Pic related is the real mecha game that needs a proper translation. --- 21615876 >>21615869 To add to this, Gun Hazard is more polished than Valken or Leynos, and is a pretty dialed game in general. Armodyne is by the same studio: Omiya Soft that did Gun Hazard. A lot of the same staff from Valken too. --- 21615976 >>21615876 >To add to this, Gun Hazard is more polished than Valken or Leynos Isn't Gun Hazard more of an RPG? Kind of a different appeal. Valken is very cinematic and gimmicky but it's still a high octane arcade game designed for single sitting runs at the end of the day. On that note I think Gigantic Army (the doujin game by astro port) is a very worthy successor in terms of gameplay. Cool scoring system based around both speed running stages and killing everything along the way. Not nearly as likable aesthetically though. --- 21616136 Have you guys tried this one? its pretty good --- 21616166 >>21615632 (OP) >>21615869 Even though the main game has been translated years ago, I feel that the bonus shouldn't be ignored like the Japanese Guidebook being translated and new art from Urushihara as well as concept art and other stuff. With that said, I'd wait until it goes on sale as I doubt the new content will be ripped any time soon. --- 21616171 >>21615976 It's exactly the same game with some added customization and numbers going up. It's not RPG and has the exact same appeal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmhVu-2zoCY [Embed] --- 21616234 >>21615976 Gun Hazard is really awesome, but yeah Valken scratches that plug and play itch. The RPG elements are mild but the real difference is that its a meatier 9+ hour adventure. Equally cinematic, far more stretched out obviously (good and bad) and indeed definitely not a sit-down-and-beat-the-game-in-one-go arcade title. --- 21617114 >>21616136 I liked it, but never finished it! I should sometime. I liked the oomph the weapons had. --- 21617133 >>21616136 Can you even buy that anymore? --- 21617351 >>21615632 (OP) Poor emulation job, inputlag and dropped/eaten inputs, real shame since this game is incredible. I guess the music and art is nice tho --- 21617360 >>21617351 You sure about that? M2 is the best of the best for porting old games...in fact some of their ports aren't even emulation but porting the old code (if possible) wholesale. --- 21617441 >>21617360 Hasn't M2 been dropping the ball lately, unfortunately? --- 21617443 >>21617441 I don't know anything about that. Last port I bought from them was the huge Battle Garegga one which was spectacular. --- 21617644 >>21617351 works on my machine :-) --- 21617923 >>21617133 It's freeware, you can just download it >>21617360 100% I've played this game an absurd amount of times on the SNES/SFC. I noticed it on the first stage when trying to jump and punch at the same time, the punch would simply not come out. It seems to happen more obviously when dialogue boxes are on screen, where I'm pressing Y more than three times and the punch just won't come out. Just play the first stage using only the punch. The inputlag seems to be only in docked mode, and it can't be more than a few frames, so most people wouldn't even notice (or care). --- 21618032 >>21615721 It sure does --- 21618237 >>21617923 That sounds less "poor emulation" and more low level coding oddities from the way it sounds. --- 21618588 >>21615632 (OP) the art book and new concept art that comes with this is intriguing, but I dunno if I'd pay $25 for a pdf --- 21619156 >>21615632 (OP) I played the fan translation of the super famicom version back in like 2006 I never even played Cybernator lmao, I hated that they removed the character portraits more than I cared about the suicide scene being removed. --- 21619164 >>21617441 Nah, they worked on the recent G-Darius port. It's pretty good stuff. --- 21619755 >>21619164 Yeah usually the name you learn to fear is CityConnection. Didn't stop me from jumping on Akai Katana though, but M2 doesn't fuck around... well ok, actually the G-Darius port did feel somewhat anemic especially compared to the widget-porn of Battle Garegga, but what can you do about that? G is a comparatively simpler game, it doesn't have the pileup of troll mechanics that Garegga is built on. --- 21620926 >>21615632 (OP) I still have my old SNES copy but I don't got a Switch to get this release for. Are the extras available without having to have a Switch? I'd really like to peruse the concept art. Before anyone asks, the Valken and the Leynos here are from the Video Game Robotics toy line, an offshoot of the Shooting Game Historica line by Yujin. --- 21621076 >>21617443 >>21619164 Their shmups are the stuff they really apply themselves to, other stuff lately has been ass --- 21621078 >>21615632 (OP) >Giving nintendo money ever lol, lmao even --- 21621087 >>21621078 yeah i mean sony's the traditional gaming console but they haven't had a lot of good stuff on there for a while --- 21621088 >>21621087 *traditional mecha console my bad --- 21621122 >>21620926 >Are the extras available without having to have a Switch I couldn't even find any youtubers who looked at the extras to see how they're accessed or what they're like --- 21621400 >>21621088 >traditional mecha console It's more the fact that Microsoft has routinely failed to penetrate the Japanese mainstream market, being pigeonholed as the western FPS game box company of the bunch. This is despite the fact that the OG Xbox is host to the single most outrageously /m/-core console-native game in Steel Battalion, with its bespoke controller and everything. The hardest a Playstation would ever go is the occasional Ace Combat branded HOTAS from Hori from my experience, and I swear all of those were just clones of the old Saitek X45 stick set. Just something to chew on. Never take sides in the C-Wars, it's all marketing smoke and mirrors. --- 21627250 Was this finally translated in Declassified because I saw a walkthrough and yet this didn't appear? --- 21627291 >>21615632 (OP) has anyone played the PS2 remake/remaster? --- 21627400 Anybody find rips of the art yet? --- 21627494 >>21621400 it's also the console that killed steel battalion with that goddamned kinect game --- 21627805 >>21627250 Yeah it’s there --- 21628772 >>21627805 Thanks --- 21628931 >>21627494 Heavy Armor is a weird situation where I feel if it was a PSVR game it would've been a killer app for Sony as a tech demo sort of experience, the Kinect as a whole has that vibe of being a failed evolutionary branch of virtual reality. --- 21630868 >>21628931 Does any current off the shelf VR system even use a motion tracking camera? Seems a given for capturing broad body movement and position. --- 21635989 >>21620926 Currently building the Valken kit from Plum. Pretty solid for the most part but holy shit, that backpack connection needs some severe modding. It's also strange that the gun has a pin that should go into a hole to secure it inside the palm but the hand doesn't actually have one. Also also, someone either broke the antenna of the booster off on the sample model in the manual or someone else thought it was an image error and shopped it out, lol. --- 21636323 >>21635989 Kind of want pictures. I've kind of been wanting to try and build either that or their Leynos kit. --- 21639976 >>21630868 Unironically Kinect. --- 21643948 >>21615869 >Aeon Genesis hate this man --- 21646089 >>21615787 >Iron Blood Holy shit anon, you've unlocked an old memory I'm forgotten about until now. Unfortunately, I still don't remember much other than having a lot of trouble installing it and not knowing what I was doing when I played it as a kid. I should give it a try next time now that I'm older. --- 21646222 >>21615632 (OP) So is it just impossible to not get hit or am i just shit? It feels like even when I learn how to maneuver properly there's always one stray bullet or enemy with a curiously large hitbox that always gets me somehow --- 21646226 >>21646222 So long as you're not in space/free falling your shield will block shots from literally any direction. You don't have to be facing the enemy.