----- --- 21615135 Just finished it, what a cinematic masterpiece. I've so many questions and emotions but I'd like to talk with /m/ as soon as possible about this. --- 21615140 >inb4 imagawa is gay --- 21615142 >>21615140 I'm never doubting that man ever again, and I'm already torrenting his Tetsujin-28, as per a "if you like Giant Robo you'll like his Tetsujin-28". Also. Giant Robo was at least somewhat sentient, right? --- 21615148 Also what are the other worthwhile things to watch or read after this? --- 21615160 >only 12 chapters/2 volumes of the 9-volume Giant Robo - Chikyuu no Moetsukiru Hi is in English --- 21615214 >>21615135 (OP) >what a cinematic masterpiece you mean... KINO? --- 21615257 >>21615142 >spoiler You'll be asking that about Tetsujin itself a lot. --- 21615459 >>21615135 (OP) Sure thing man, what exactly do you want to talk about? --- 21615687 >>21615257 I never had that impression, personally. I think it's mostly symbolism. --- 21615698 >>21615135 (OP) I didn't think it was very good in terms of writing but Imagawa showed from this and G Gundam that he understands something that apparently a lot of screenwriters don't: that your story can be a mess as long as it has genuine heart and it makes you care about the characters --- 21615720 >>21615698 I agree. He does have some plot holes in most of his stuff, but I just don't care. Give me more. --- 21615779 >>21615148 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_of_Seven --- 21615837 >>21615720 It's not even plot holes, it's that GR is structured around BUT THIS *NEW* REVELATION CHANGES EVERYTHING YOU KNEW BEFORE, and they do it like 4 times. It's a cheap way of milking for drama but again, it's only an issue when you think about it in hindsight because it's centered around characters you care about. --- 21615862 >>21615837 Nah it's pretty cool. --- 21615886 >>21615837 I didn't mean Giant Robo. Shin Mazinger had a plot hole regarding Koji and Shiro's ages. Some stuff in their past with their mom wouldn't make sense if you really think about it. Especially considering their ages. --- 21615992 >>21615257 >>21615687 I'm going to scream. I assumed he was one of the definitely-controlled ones, but any open-endedness about this tickles my "I love my robot friend" fancy. >>21615698 >>21615720 I teared up quite a few times and it was all for character moments even though I didn't fully understand what was going on --- 21616002 >>21615459 Just anything I might have missed, as well as appreciating good moments as mentioned before. Taiso and Alberto were definitely some favourites. And the soundtrack? These two instances of something reminiscient of the Atom Heart Mother Suite definitely caught my attention. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7SCw0TdOo [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVM95zFDbi0 [Embed] >>21615779 Yeah, I was trying to find subs for Wasimo on account of it being another "both director and head writer", and this is another instance of that? Nothing to do with robots it seems, but at this point I trust Imagawa as a director. --- 21616044 >>21616002 Nothing to do with robots, but the main girl turns into 7 different super sentai superheroes. I haven't watched the series since I was very young, and was recently surprised to see it was done by Imagawa --- 21616069 >>21616044 Seven.. isn't that too greedy? But I had fun with Giant Robo's superheroes, so I'll give it a watch, after Tetsujin >all those robots that I can only assume are references, are there in the opening for flashbacks to episodes that don't exist >the OVA itself with IPO vs Big Fire and rivalries is near the end of their conflict I want more content... --- 21616091 You DID watch Gin Rei, right OP? --- 21616099 >>21616091 N-no But I did get the 3 Ginrei specials, is that it? Heard they were a bit sillier --- 21616100 >>21616099 Well if you want more GR then that's your ticket home. --- 21616108 >>21616100 I was going to get into Tetsujin, but I'll tackle these 20-30min specials and try to make the most of it. With this, and getting through the partially-translated manga, is it really the end? I did enjoy The Big O which seemed to inherit the spirit of Giant Robo, but that shared a similar fate as well that leaves me wanting more. --- 21616110 >>21616108 You also have GR: Giant Robo which is nothing like Giant Robo but it still a pretty nice show. --- 21616127 >>21616110 The 2007 one? Is it at all related? The OVA seems like a unique and wonderful mess that came from the "don't use Giant Robo manga/anime characters" condition, so I assume GR is slightly more accurate to the source material. Maybe after Imagawa's Tetsujin? Or would there be questions that the show would actually answer? And what on earth was the GR plan, I'm hoping the "Giant Robo for evil" thing was a red herring, and I saw speculations about other GR units possibly surviving/being used as well >written by Chiaki Konaka (Serial Experiments Lain, The Big O) and directed by Masahiko Murata (Jinki:EXTEND, Mazinkaiser) I liked The Big O and Mazinkaiser, maybe I was too quick to dismiss this? >only 13 episodes >left open the possibility of 2 more seasons, but was cancelled --- 21616178 >>21615837 You're not very intelligent are you. --- 21616217 >>21616127 >Is it at all related? No. But it's good. --- 21616218 >>21616069 Well, you'd think that's greedy, but they're just 7 versions of the same girl! Each one represents different emotions, so it's not so greedy, huh. Honestly, I don't remember the series having many,,,imagawaisms? His stories (mecha stories at least) tend to follow pretty similar beats, but not in this case! --- 21616232 >>21616217 Apparently there's Eldritch shenanigans, which is good albeit unexpected. So it's Ginrei, Tetsujin, and then GR and Seven of Seven? I could probably alternate between the latter two, or start Seven even while watching Tetsujin. >>21616218 Well, if it's just different emotions, maybe it's not so greedy. Maybe still a bit hard to keep track of, but I eventually got Osomatsu-san's sextuplets down, so this shouldn't be too bad. >imagawaisms I got mixed feedback about whether the post-timeskip stuff in Armageddon was planned by him or solely caused by his departure, but it's weird that an "episode 3 timeskip" happened in two shows. And Shin Mazinger was even more confusing with its first episode. >pretty similar beats Are there other stuff I'm missing? >a fellow excited exclamation mark user That's how you know someone can be trusted! --- 21616237 I loved it. One of my favorite /m/ series by a far margin. --- 21616242 >>21616232 >Are there other stuff I'm missing? In general, what I've noticed with his story is he tends to do dramatic withholdings and reveals with his stories. Bit by bit, more context is added to characters and situations that completely recontextualize it. It isn't unique to him, but I certainly feel he has a particular style when doing it? If that makes any sense. --- 21616246 >>21616232 >Apparently there's Eldritch shenanigans, which is good albeit unexpected. So it's Ginrei, Tetsujin, and then GR and Seven of Seven? I could probably alternate between the latter two, or start Seven even while watching Tetsujin. I'd air them out if I were you, you should watch other shows from different franchises and stuff like that. Or just watch them all in one go it's your move. --- 21616276 >>21616242 Aside from the "have fun with this as your Mazinger intro" episode 1 I mentioned, for Giant Robo I never felt left out or impatient about the withholding that got fed to me over time. At worst I was only as lost as Daisaku, and with every reveal about Bashtarle, I felt as if I was finally caught up to things, like the show intended. And usually my confusion, mainly about the incident at Bashtarle, were addressed within the episode. I'm not saying you were complaining about this, I'm just adding my positive feedback to what I get you mean, whereas I feel that this was at other times done poorly by other people. I was lost for Armageddon as a kid but it was fine after a recent watch, he does love putting you in the middle of the action, but he never forgets about (You), his beloved viewer. >>21616246 I'm a weird misanthrope who likes robots more than people, for the past 4-5 years I've watched maybe 4 shows belonging on /a/ or /co/ whereas there's like, 30-31 /m/-related ones that I've finished or are ongoing. Th-this is my home now... >>21616237 I ignored it for years because I thought that Giant Robo looked too silly and scary. I've learned across the years that my first impressions are dogshit and that /m/ is 100% right with their recommendations. --- 21616288 >>21616276 >I ignored it for years because I thought that Giant Robo looked too silly and scary Fuck you, thread hidden. --- 21616300 >>21616288 But but I learned my mistake! I'm sorry! --- 21616308 >>21615135 (OP) The tokusatsu was better, but good on you for liking the ova, OP. --- 21616310 >>21616308 Not as large or stern, but looks endearing enough nonetheless. Has it aged well? As complex a plot? Maybe I'll add it to the Giant Robo watchlist.. --- 21616449 >>21616310 it's a lot more "the weekly adventures of the Unicorn gang" but it's an interesting enough thing considering its age, especially as they were still trying to do stuff that wasn't as completely obviously some guy in a suit, so you got more off the wall designs like a big hand or a big eyeball the dub's pretty decent, too the old speed racer crew iirc, edits mostly are all time-related, like the little girl is still ace with a machine gun, only time anybody GOES TO THE OTHER DIMENSION is the very end of the series and it's pretty obvious the dub is just lying --- 21616494 >>21615135 (OP) its one of my favorites, i just wish i was familiar with all the source material it pulled from --- 21616600 Ginrei a cute! Cute!!! >>21616449 Maybe I can ease myself into toku with this. Unorthodox designs sound like they can be fun. >only time anybody GOES TO THE OTHER DIMENSION is the very end of the series and it's pretty obvious the dub is just lying Wait what >>21616494 It would have been nice to know where certain characters came from, so I could remember their names better, as well as attribute more of a backstory or personality to them compared to what we were shown. But it's not like the loss of this made any of the characters plain. All the heroes get at least one moment to shine and be endearing. --- 21616626 I can't --- 21616645 >>21616600 "He was sent to the Shadow Realm" or "Sven went to the hospital planet." Y'know. Dumb dub methods for glossing over the fact that someone was killed. The GR toku is really fun though. Dubbed or subbed, it's a good time. Jerry is a good dude. --- 21616688 >>21616645 I'm sure they all had parachutes, haha. And hm, 26 episodes isn't bad to get through, even if it's aged toku. Honestly the "it's more Giant Robo in some form" is a bit motivating. --- 21616766 >>21615148 other good Imagawa shows >Tetsujin 28 >Shin Mazinger >G Gundam >First 3 eps of Armageddon on repeat lol --- 21616794 >>21615135 (OP) >Not buying it randomly on DVD as a teenager almost like 15 years ago and watching it like me. Sad, I knew this shit before it blew up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfa86Xi-HS4 [Embed] --- 21616843 >>21616766 Watched the supers, going to start Tetsujin soon, G Gundam is definitely something I kept putting off- wait, does G Gundam count as super? >>21616794 >giving things a chance from the boxart and not consulting trusted allies for weeks prior You are a more courageous man than I by far --- 21616897 >>21615135 (OP) It's a really cool show. You'll appreciate it more if you watcha bunch of 60's kung fu movies, and 60's-70's japanese spy capers. --- 21616927 >>21616843 >does G Gundam count as super? It doesn’t really matter, I count it as its own thing. --- 21616968 >>21616110 Is this the one that got finally translated some months ago anon? If it is that it's terrible in all possible aspects. --- 21616973 By Ken Ishikawa. --- 21616979 >>21616968 It’s ok --- 21617480 >>21616108 >is it really the end? Check desuarchive for the Yokoyama Project threads. The whole Giant Robo OVA universe is one insane work of Imagawa autism that we only saw a small part of. Apparently he wrote out seven arcs, and the OVA itself is the penultimate one that he decided to actually animate since it was the most dramatic and biggest scale conflict in the story. There]s extensive profiles on all the characters and summaries of what would have happened and all sorts of other details. You can easily tell Imagawa is just a massive Yokoyama fanboy After that, you can also read the original Yokoyama works these characters came from yourself, some of which are still /m/ related. The original GR manga written by Yokoyama feels like a phoned-in ad for the GR toku, but Babel II on the other hand (which Big Fire, Chujouu and Cervantes come from, and Ginrei is from the sequel His Name is 101) is so good that I would almost say it's my favorite /m/ work of the 70s Anyway, yeah, also best soundtrack https://youtu.be/p93eGQ6lzP8 [Embed] --- 21617505 I do love the way that the story is structured in such a way that it's like watching episode 37 or something of some 50-episode series, in the way that from the start there are so many long-moving plot threads and information that the viewer is just not given at all right away,but that slowly over the course of the episodes get absorbed via osmosis from just the characters talking and the plot unfolding in a way that nevertheless never really feels unnatural or unpleasant, but just sells you in this feeling of this just being one event in the lives of the characters that are full of adventure and that all the plans of yesterday are still there, and all the plans of tomorrow are already being formed, rather than it being the most important event in everybody's life and it all wrapping up with a pretty bow at the end saying "The End, the history of this world is now over." It makes me long for a sequel that could never really exist. FUCK Komei and Fitzgerald, though, the two absolute fucking absolutely worst characters ever on screen over the course of the whole thing by far. --- 21617531 >>21616843 There is a moment in G Gundam where Shining Gundam inexplicably moves without any pilot or AI controlling it, so there you go --- 21617730 >same vibes and "I hope I know what's going on soon" mystery as Giant Robo Imagawa has done it again >>21617480 I will definitely do this, thank you. But SEVEN arcs? And things were just never popular enough to get those animated? I only know about the opening, but will definitely check it out. >panther, pterodactyl, and Poseidon Wait a minute, the hell!! >>21617505 Yeah, if you give Imagawa some time, it feels like you've been part of the ride all along. >this just being one event in the lives of the characters that are full of adventure and that all the plans of yesterday are still there, and all the plans of tomorrow are already being formed That's a beautiful way of putting it.. tfw no showdown between IPO and BF like Alberto wanted. But yeah, fuck Fitzgerald and I'm glad he's dead, but I have no idea what Koumei's fucking problem was. He's like Koei's simplified "nono this too was part of my plan" one-note Kongming, but with some actual charisma >>21617531 Anon you have successfully tickled my fancy. I'll maybe watch it with a gap after finishing Zeta, or replacing it, I feel there might be some overlap between these two totally super robot shows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vutgQ-y21Ew [Embed] --- 21617738 >>21617730 >I feel there might be some overlap between these two totally super robot shows. If Zeta actually had something like this in it, I would have watched it already https://youtu.be/43LCg8F2T4k [Embed] --- 21617742 >>21617738 I mean, the original had the Big Zam and the Statue of Liberty is pretty much a mobile armour- >piloted by literally MacArthur Disregard that --- 21617760 Are you squidding me --- 21617767 >>21617760 Giant Robo took its character likenesses from pretty much every single other Yokoyama work, including Tetsujin. Even obscure ones like Red Mask got included --- 21617833 >>21616600 thats one of my favorite things about it, how every character seems like a main character, but I guess they technically are? --- 21617835 >>21617730 Komei just had this constant air to him for me of being an absolutely outclassed idiot whose plans kept falling apart while he just kept going "AHEM, this is all ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU, I assure you" In a whole roster of incredibly capable and competent characters, where even the low-rank grunts of the IPO are shown as being capable enough to do things like make human barriers to try to stop or delay attacks and cover Ginrei's escape on occasion, Komei is the only one that feels like a zero threat to anybody. Also, fucking Vogler, best scientist character in any media for me, I have a weakness for cool labcoat-wearing types when it comes to stories and he's fucking up there. --- 21617872 >>21617767 Can't wait to spot more people in other works. Was sort of excited to see which other Three Kingdoms people I'd see, but it was just Koumei and one other guy, the rest was in a Water Margin work I didn't know existed.. >>21617833 Yeah, every character feels like they're important, unique, and wonderful with their design, dialogue, and sheer presence! >>21617835 >Komei just had this constant air to him for me of being an absolutely outclassed idiot whose plans kept falling apart while he just kept going "AHEM, this is all ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU, I assure you" You might not like Dynasty Warriors then, and I get how he'd come across like that in most depictions. (historical guy was still decent though imo) https://files.catbox.moe/k1wklw.png >Komei is the only one that feels like a zero threat to anybody. Yeah, even the drum and tiger randos let alone no-name grunts got some moments to shine, whereas Komei's sort of just... there, being smug and menacing? Not even a last-minute suspenseful reveal of anything other than Big Fire awakening... but maybe that would have made it even more painful to not have a sequel. >best scientist character in any media for me, I have a weakness for cool labcoat-wearing types when it comes to stories I like menacing or powerful old guys, so I get what you mean. >pic Ahahahaha --- 21618328 Do you think he would have liked the 2004 adaptation? Shame that he died shortly after its premiere. --- 21618363 >>21616688 yeah it's basically one really obvious time of the narrator suddenly jumping in to explain "uhh, that character didn't die, despite clearly exploding. I have to go now kthxbye", but otherwise it's not too bad about usual ye olde dub issues --- 21618459 >>21616968 Fuck outta here tourist. --- 21618466 >>21616178 What did I say that's incorrect? The entire plot hinges on us not knowing WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN THE TRAGEDY OF BASHTARLE until the very end, giving us constantly contradicting information on purpose until we finally know the truth. Which to me feels cheap. But none of that matters when you have Tetsugyu in the cave showing everyone what it means to be a man. --- 21618469 >>21618328 Considering the kind of stuff he made and how critical he was of wartime and early postwar Japan both in his manga and out of them, I'm sure he would've liked what 2004 did with it. --- 21618482 also regarding GR: Giant Robo, the 00s show it's a nice enough romp, doesn't do a whole lot different than some other stuff like Gorg and other "an ancient thing is afoot irl" but it's pretty neat, def leans heavy into the irls as it spends no small part of the series at Burning Man, like literally exactly that Burning Man there's reasons that it's better if you've seen the Johnny Sokko dub of the old toku, but it's literally Tylerian Durden level spoiler to explain how or why --- 21618492 >>21615135 (OP) Ginrei is pure sex. --- 21618541 Anyone got a webm of Giant Robo flying over Daisaku's head in the final episode? Before he hops in the car to go after it. Been almost a decade since I watched the OVA but that scene still sticks out in my mind. --- 21618615 >>21616897 >and 60's-70's japanese spy capers Any recs? --- 21618884 >>21618459 And you are calling me a tourist because I don't like the same shit as you? lol. --- 21619208 >>21616288 Hey that's not fair, read the rest of the retard's sentence. It gets better. --- 21619209 >>21618884 >And you are calling me a tourist because I don't like the same shit as you? lol. He's triggered by the word kino and doing it for the past few years. --- 21619669 https://youtu.be/SG_0fak-7y4 [Embed] To this day I still use this track whenever I'm playing SRW. It's just such a perfect pre-battle deployment theme. Just listening to it evokes the feel of two armies staring each other down, banners flying in the wind, troops marching into formation on a wide open grassy plain --- 21619860 >>21618363 That's cute >>21618328 >>21618469 I'm having a good time so far, I hope he liked it. Imagawa has me care for the titular robot already. >"I learned that Tetsujin is not at all useful." ;_; >>21618492 There's a bit of a tonal shift with how fan-servicey the first two episodes were, but she's still good! Was hoping there was a gif or webm of this, thank you. --- 21619862 >>21619669 >It's just such a perfect pre-battle deployment theme. Just listening to it evokes the feel of two armies staring each other down, banners flying in the wind, troops marching into formation on a wide open grassy plain Agreed, albeit I have the fond association of "beloved friends arrive as reinforcements to turn the tide". It also, as the OVA does, make you feel as if you were already familiar with these characters arriving at like episode 50, yet still evoking the same awe as you would for a completely new friend making their first appearance. >tfw can't set SRW to have this play for surprise reinforcements/introductions for the stage instead of playing their theme --- 21621518 I really want to know who this is. He's not in the scene before this exact part of the episode, but he's also very conspicuous and clearly not just a random grunt and it drives me mad that I'll never know. --- 21621536 >>21621518 Its Dazzling Cervantes, one of the Magnificent Ten. He has a pretty big role in The Day the Earth Burned, but ironically, he is just a random grunt in the manga he originally comes from --- 21621544 >>21621536 Anon, no, look at the image, I mean the circled character in the background. If you watch the episode, in that scene you see Cervantes, then it cuts away to somebody else, then back to Cervantes a second time, and in that second time there's that character in the background railing watching over that was not there at first --- 21621550 >>21621544 My mistake. If I had to guess, that's probably an out of focus Kenji --- 21621938 >>21621550 >out of focus Kenji >when Kenji is in the same scene but about to get shot up by BF goons --- 21626618 >>21619669 >tfw no final showdown between IPO Taoist Sorcery and BF Group Buddhist Witchcraft --- 21630112 >>21617835 >Also, fucking Vogler, best scientist character in any media for me, I have a weakness for cool labcoat-wearing types when it comes to stories and he's fucking up there. If I had a dollar for every show in which I teared up or cried due to Evil Doctor Franken Von Vogler, I'd have two dollars. Which isn't a lot, but it's still amazing in its own way >This is okay. I really wonder whether this character was ever an actual evil antagonist in any depiction --- 21630579 >>21630112 I've heard Tetsujin 2004 is a fairly 1:1 adaptation of the original manga (which of course has no translation). I'm inclined to believe it's true because of how restrained it is compared to Imagawa's other works. No over the top nonsense, just a (relatively) down to Earth drama about postwar Japan So Franken was probably never truly a bad guy unless the 60s anime bastardized him in some way --- 21630593 >>21630579 It's not, it's more like what you get when you compare Shin Mazinger to the original Mazinger Z manga. The Tetsujin manga is made of multiple story arcs and a few one-shots and they're not tied together like in the show. It also has no ending of its own. --- 21630608 >>21630593 To my memory a lot of what's in the first half of the show is just isolated two-parters that have nothing to do with anything. The show does build towards a conclusion, but it doesn't tie everything together. The Franken stuff in particular is one of those random two-parters, so it should be relatively untouched --- 21630622 >>21630608 The whole plot is tied together by the end. Every little case. You see how everything was derived from the Tetsujin project when Shotaro listen to his dad's recordings. By the way, Shotaro's dad wasn't a character in the original, Yokoyama included a introduction retconning the origin story with him for a later edition and be easier for kids to understand. This ironically took the Murasame's brothers out of the picture, but Imagawa made both origins into one. --- 21631590 >>21630579 >>21630593 Progressing slowly, with no fault of the show, it's going along with different antagonists while consistently exploring the theme of "are weapons good or bad" and other post-war worries. But I'd imagine a 1963 children's show didn't have an overarching plotline, and I'm hoping the 2004 conclusion is nice. Expecting a lot from Imagawa! --- 21631722 >>21631590 >I'd imagine a 1963 children's show didn't have an overarching plotline It also doesn't follow the manga by any stretch, to the point you could argue the 2004 series is the more faithful one. --- 21631826 >>21631722 Then I really lucked out with trusting Imagawa-san once again. I don't have faith in things like crowdfunding or patreon, but I really wish there was a way to get him to direct stuff again, or that a spiritual successor exists. --- 21632018 >>21631826 None of his projects were hits in Japan except for Mister Ajikko and G Gundam, so not gonna happen. The reviews for Shin Mazinger back then were kind of awful and Tetsujin only got a mild boost due to Yokoyama's passing. Giant Robo was too expensive to make a profit. --- 21632048 >>21632018 Giant Robo get action figures, spinoff manga, blu-ray remasters. There's no real signs of it being unsuccessful --- 21632094 >>21632048 Except Imagawa himself admitting to it? It has nothing to do with not being popular, but the production costs were so high they couldn't get their investment back, it means it wasn't profitable. It's no rocket science. He even said if it sold as well in Japan as it did in America, there would be more. --- 21633541 >Ginrei part 3 has a Frankenstein's monster Every day with Imagawa-san is some form of coming back full circle --- 21633693 >>21633541 That's from Tetsujin, you know --- 21633713 >>21633693 Yeah, I just finished the Vogler and mafia arcs, and went back to finish Ginrei. Wasn't expecting to see a familiar face, albeit the sadness was related to other characters this time, rather than monster and creator. Not sure whether Imagawa is good at making emotional moments, or if I'm just a softie. --- 21633787 >>21633713 I mean the music tracks he uses kinda do border on telling you how to feel https://youtu.be/bk5rFriNz6U [Embed] --- 21633795 >>21633787 >telling you how to feel Retard. --- 21635781 >Shizuma drives are going to send Tetsujin to the Moon >the train derailments and probably the unmentioned Shimoyama murder as well were almost certainly done by the US to further whatever goals they had --- 21638218 I started watching it because there's so many "wow I watched Giant Robo wow" threads. Yes, it's good. --- 21638222 >>21633713 Dr. Franken is not Vogler in Tetsujin --- 21638819 >>21638222 Nor is Dr Dragnet the same as Dr Shizuma it seems. It'd be cute if like, they were "actors" playing those roles in the Giant Robo and Tetsujin shows, same with the familiar faces from 3K and Water Margin and all the others. I know Pixar used to have that concept for their fake bloopers. --- 21638827 >>21638819 yeah, i think most people think that there's a yokoyama "star system" similar to tezuka's work --- 21639405 >>21638827 Read some Astro as a kid and got filtered by Phoenix, didn't know he had something like this, this is really really cute. Was also meaning to bring up that I'm getting a lot of Osamu Tezuka vibes with the character and robot designs, but I thought I was just going insane >>21638218 It's really good! /m/ was right again.. --- 21639454 >>21638218 Now go watch ZZ. --- 21639519 >>21639405 Fuck off --- 21644481 Are there any other /m/ shows like this where you feel like you're getting a grand orchestral and cinematic experience? --- 21644608 >>21644481 Anything with Anno or Sagisu on it. --- 21644880 >>21644608 >Anno Errr... Nevermind. --- 21645109 >>21644481 You could try that adaptation of Metropolis --- 21645114 I am looking for the tokusatsu series of giant robo was deleted from archive.org anyone know how to get it? --- 21645212 >>21617835 >>21617872 Koumei's lack of agency is one of those things that come from the whole thing never being completed. There was a whole arc chronicling his rise to power that never got made. I like him personally, but western fans do tend to not like Koumei compared to Japan. >>21621518 IPO's top agent Rinchuu the Panther Cub Headed aka Zangetsu the Midday and the guy Giant Robo was originally created for before Dr. Kusama rebelled and gave Giant Robo to Daisaku . In some promo art for the OVA you'll see this rather average looking guy with a buzzcut and western suit, that's him. --- 21645443 >>21645109 It's pretty shallow. Literally, it's both pretty and shallow. --- 21645455 >>21645443 I mean yeah, I totally forgot the story and everything, but I can't deny its aesthetics >1.5 billion yen budget >100 million yen box office kek --- 21645461 >>21645443 And Giant Robo isn't? --- 21645526 >>21615160 It's absolute shit. What was translated was right before it went from bad to worse. --- 21645531 >>21645114 Heeeeelp --- 21645585 >>21645461 Not at all? It has a lot of real emotion in it, unlike Metropolis which had to pull a Ray Charles to make the audience care for these characters we barely know anything about. --- 21645802 >>21615135 (OP) Is the robot modeled after a shogun or pharo? I can’t tell and they never talked about it --- 21645822 >>21645802 Pharaoh. Yokoyama used a lot of ancient egyptian/roman/mid eastern motifs in his mid 60s to early 70s manga --- 21645824 >>21645802 Grand shogun of egypt. --- 21646099 >>21615135 (OP) One of the absolute best, hands down. Animation, pacing, plot, everything. The designs are amazing. If you liked this, you should see Super Atragon by the same studio. --- 21648699 >>21644608 >>21645109 I'll consider these, but have a bit less expectations for Metropolis, thanks! --- 21649139 >>21648699 Kill yourself. --- 21649996 >>21645212 >There was a whole arc chronicling his rise to power that never got made. Any more info on this? >I like him personally, but western fans do tend to not like Koumei compared to Japan. I like him too, partly for the menacing voice and presence but also due to the source material. Is the Japanese love for him due to the cut material, or just a greater familiarity with the source? >>21645526 So it's just the Yokoyama Project threads left for me, then. --- 21650735 >>21649996 I like what we have of the manga. It had at least one pretty cool idea in what's translated I'd say read it yourself instead of letting vague shitposts decide for you, but then again, idk how much value there is in reading an incomplete translation that only lasts two volumes --- 21650794 >>21649996 >Any more info on this? Story goes he was a A rank agent that publicly broadcasted the existence of Big Fire to the world which somehow caused a outpour of paranoia and had a member of the Celestial Nine named Kanshin go after him and fail. Despite going rogue, Koumei's leak somehow crippled Interpol severely so Lord BigFire promoted him to strategist as Kawarazaki stepped down after Cervantes died. During the scuffles another member of the Nine named Shinmei died in battle and Taisou got promoted to the Celestial Nine because Koushin and Kaei (the swordsman and archer guys) refused the post. >Is the Japanese love for him due to the cut material, or just a greater familiarity with the source? I'd say it's because the west misunderstands Koumei as a character due to lack of familiarity with Sangokushi at the time the OVA got dubbed. The Japanese understand that Koumei was never intended as a two dimensional "evil" character at all like the rest of the Big Fire characters >So it's just the Yokoyama Project threads left for me, then. Yes and no. You can find raws and artbook scans on the /m/useum threads but the threads and info there are 50/50 in terms of accuracy. There was a word doc shared but about a quarter of it is mistranslations or Japanese fanon the creator confused for canon especially where the unseen characters are concerned. There is no official info on the GR Shotaro or some of the Celestial Nine for example, and the family gang Kenji comes from is never actually named in official material despite the word doc claiming otherwise. I also remember it had weird personal comments like a whole paragraph speculating on Gou's and Imagawa's sexuality and seething about Ryuusaku being the "Mr. Fanservice" of Yokoyama's pantheon. TV tropes is also full of bullshit and mistranslations of character names. You're better off staying here and having any questions answered by anons here. --- 21650985 >>21650794 I still remember when people were parroting made up bullshit about Sononawa 101 like Koichi running away to the desert or murdering innocents. --- 21652921 >>21650735 I plan to read it at some point, but it's a bit harder to be enthused when it's incomplete at best. >>21650794 >publicly broadcasted the existence of Big Fire to the world For what purpose >promoted regardless of his treachery I'd love to read more of the Big Fire guys, the show hinted at bits of their chemistry or past a few times >The Japanese understand that Koumei was never intended as a two dimensional "evil" character at all He can come across as a bit arrogant but generally still beloved as a virtuous strategist... maybe he has noble intents while being in Big Fire? I'd also imagine that the "just as planned" depiction was something new to the west, whereas it's sort of his MO >there are 50/50 in terms of accuracy Just from mistranslations and compiled hearsay? >speculating on Gou's and Imagawa's sexuality and seething about Ryuusaku being the "Mr. Fanservice" of Yokoyama's pantheon >TV tropes is also full of bullshit and mistranslations of character names. What the fuck, albeit the latter is unsurprising >You're better off staying here and having any questions answered by anons here. /m/ is a treasured source of knowledgeable friends whose encouragements to kill myself remind me of my own mortality, and to enjoy mecha shows while I still can. --- 21653605 >>21652921 >I'd love to read more of the Big Fire guys, the show hinted at bits of their chemistry or past a few times The info the doc had on the Big Fire characters was completely accurate I remember. I have scans of the artbook most of those bios came from and was able to verify them. In fact, they missed some bits about Hanzui having an hidden agenda. >maybe he has noble intents while being in Big Fire? Big Fire doesn't seem to be traditionally evil at all. A lot of heroic characters from Yokoyama's manga are now BF agents and the leader is based of Babel II. In addition, Koumei's antics are probably just "never let anyone know what you're thinking" strategy played out. >Just from mistranslations and compiled hearsay? From both --- 21655545 >>21615135 (OP) I finished watching this last night >Dedicated to all the fathers and sons of the world WTF --- 21655571 >>21617480 >Babel II on the other hand (which Big Fire, Chujouu and Cervantes come from, and Ginrei is from the sequel His Name is 101) is so good that I would almost say it's my favorite /m/ work of the 70s Is this translated and do they have a copy of it in the mecha museum project? >>21618541 Here's a webm of the flyover --- 21655573 >>21655571 Babel II is entirely translated on the usual sites and S101 has a working translation you can check out on past threads --- 21655575 >>21655573 Whats the difference between the full translated version and S101's working translation? --- 21655578 >>21655575 You're misreading. Babel II has a fully completed translation. Sononawa 101 does not and is getting translated by a anon here since last summer. Apparently HnK didn't want to translate S101 for some petty reason and skipped to The Returner. --- 21655581 >>21655578 Ohhh, I thought S101 was the name of a translator. Thanks! --- 21655590 >>21655581 If you want see Alberto, Ivan, Kawarazaki, Koumei, Jujoji and one half of Genya's inspiration then Mars, Sangokushi and Genghis Khan also have translations amongst other historical mangas Yokoyama did. There's a Tetsujin 28 one in the works but it seems to be going slowly and honestly, I'm only interested to see the Murasame bros but the first mecha manga's fan translation deserves some support and attention --- 21655621 >>21655590 Yeah the bluray has a section where it explains where every Yokoyama manga they came from so I'm interesting in reading those, I wanted to start with Babel II unless you recommend Mars as a better story? --- 21655665 >>21655621 The Blu Ray apparently has the wrong origins and wrong names. That's one thing the word document with extensive bios did right. It's on those Yokoyama threads and on Internet Archie with a huge folder of Yokoyama raws and some doujins. --- 21655770 >>21655665 lol so discotek or whoever did the localization before them didn't bother reading up on the source material and just tacked on random manga for the characters? --- 21655865 >>21655770 Mike Toole is a hack, this isn't new. At least when anons were getting confused info they were honest and were willing to listen to Japanese anons telling them correct info or something new. --- 21656010 The whole sequence where Ryosempakku is teleported and Doki saves Red always captivated me. The bonkers scale of what is happening, the rapid pace of events and the music all work so well together in that moment. --- 21656015 >>21656010 --- 21656075 And of course every noble sacrifice. Yoshi is a standout. --- 21656585 >>21655621 Babel II is much better than Mars. I honestly don't see much of the appeal of Mars outside the shock ending. And if you like that, better to read something by Ishinomori instead. Mars is a boring as hell protagonist. --- 21656642 >>21656585 I like Gaia, that's pretty much it, personally speaking. --- 21656691 >>21656642 It's a cool design, but it's pretty much a statue that open its arm and blow up shit. --- 21656863 >>21656691 Yeah. Still like it. Still doesn't top the simplicity of Black Ox and other earlier mecha like Thunder Giant. --- 21656958 >>21656863 Black Ox was a miracle. It's so simple and so cool at the same time. He was even brought back a few times in the manga due to popular demand. And yet someone had the brilliant idea of changing his design for the 60s anime. Maybe they didn't want him to end up being more popular than Tetsujin? So weird. --- 21658361 >>21656958 Black Ox, and his human characters exemplify Yokoyama's style. His characters might not have much "depth" or "development" as the terms have come to be used now in relation to discussion anime/manga characters but they make up for it in spades with how straight forward in a stylish kind of way they can be. --- 21658512 >>21635781 Seeing as its set during the Cold War, the US was trying to make financially undermine Japan to make it as a vassal state. The Velanade Corporation was either working as a front for the US or was worked independently of them. Conversely, the Man in Black was probably working for Russia/China in the 2004 series. --- 21658906 Anyone have the concept art splash they put in the middle of the episode? Shows Giant Robo and GR2 and a third robo iirc --- 21661641 >>21658512 I have two episodes left and I have a lot of conflicting emotions, but I'm really thankful for your reply and its content. I'd like to dare further in asking for any further recommendations, if they weren't mentioned already. --- 21662916 >>21661641 There's really not that much out there like Tetsujin. It's so strange. You always read about how influential it is and how so many claim inspiration from it, but there are absolutely not many shows featuring police mecha in general, let alone stuff like ambiguous sentience, being a period piece, or even just the aesthetic. I can think of other examples of all of these qualities on their own, but Tetsujin is the only thing that brings them all together, and it's definitely the only one among them to have so much heart and be so emotional. So I guess just watch the other Tetsujin shows or something. I haven't, but I've been meaning to get around to them. --- 21663066 >>21661641 You'd have to read its contemporaries for something resembling Tetsujin. The classic Megaman manga by Shigeto Ikehara also captures the feeling of the later Tetsujin 28 manga and the "dry" story approach of Yokoyama in parts despite Ikehara being a Tezuka understudy, I feel. His 6 and 7 adaptations come to mind. >>21662916 In terms of the first "arc" of Tetsujin when it was merely a mystery story between Shotaro+the Police Force Vs the Murasame Family through to the Superhuman arc, there really is nothing like it. It's probably why most people gravitate to that side of the Tetsujin manga in Japan. I don't see much discussion of any characters that aren't the main three, Chloroform, Murasame Family, Franken or Kelly. It's probably because adaptations only usually feature most of these and due to the Giant Robo OVA. --- 21663163 >>21661641 I recommend the Cyborg 009 2001 series and Kikaider The Animation. >>21663066 The "dry" style is more of a 70s Yokoyama thing, I don't think Tetsujin is like that at all. And that goes in double for the 2004 series melodrama. --- 21663172 >>21663163 Late Tetsujin around the early 60s came off as that to, me as did most of Kagemaru and the original Akakage. The earlier parts of T28 are more in the vein of Tezuka with characters showing emotion before all of that zaniness slowly gets restricted to Otsuka the same way only Chuujou and occasionally Yomi was where all the over the top emotions came from in Babel II. --- 21663669 >>21658906 I looked, but all I have is this crappy screenshot I grabbed off the DVDs 15 years ago. The extra robot is GR-3, by the way. --- 21664049 >>21663669 thanks dude --- 21664253 >>21658906 I have this from one of the later artbooks. Nobody's scanned the 30th anniversary one yet. A full hi res spread of the splas art I bet you can find by typing up Giant Robo in Japanese on search engines. --- 21665961 >>21662916 Well, anything for just ambiguous/eventual sentience and poignant post-war reflection? I gave Tetsujin a chance because "ambiguous sentience" and "I trust Imagawa". >the other Tetsujin shows There's the New Tetsujin-28, with the knightly design. I liked that design more than the regular one at first, but I've greatly warmed up to our rotund Shotaro now. >>21663066 I was going to start reading the Archie comics for Megaman, but I'll read Ikehara's stuff first then. >Chloroform I really wanted to reply after finishing the show, but only two episodes left. What the fuck is going on? >Shikishima was always still there but as two different people, and this Shikishima wasn't the real Shikishima, the real one was pretending to be two different antagonists >>21663163 I was eventually going to watch 009 but Kikaider is something I would have overlooked due to the asymmetrical design, but it's now on the list, thank you. Reminds me I should tackle Babel II as well.. --- 21665978 >>21653605 Artbook? I found pages of one here? https://giantrobo.tripod.com/gallery.htm >Hanzui having an hidden agenda. But he was the loyal general, wasn't he? Oh man. >Big Fire doesn't seem to be traditionally evil at all. What exactly is the proclaimed goal before the show starts, just an ambiguous "take over the world", right? I suppose that could include "steward the world instead of leaving it to corrupt infighters". >A lot of heroic characters from Yokoyama's manga are now BF agents and the leader is based of Babel II. In addition, Koumei's antics are probably just "never let anyone know what you're thinking" strategy played out. I'm still not sure whether they knew about Vogler's plan, but going with human extinction is also insane. And I'm going to assume Bigfire is based on the protag of Babel II.. who is an alien apparently. Oh man, BF is immensely thought-provoking now, I thought they were just (mostly) noble/polite villains >>21655545 I don't know man. >>21656075 Taiso was my favourite... ;_; --- 21665984 >>21665961 >Well, anything for just ambiguous/eventual sentience and poignant post-war reflection? Well the obvious answer for both is Big O, but you've probably already seen it. VOTOMS is a pretty good story about the consequences of a war ending in some ways, but the style is obviously completely different Ambiguous sentience, I will repeat my suggestion for Babel II earlier. You might also consider Ideon, which is more or less based around the concept of ambiguous sentience. Again, it's a completely different style, and I don't really like it that much, but it is nonetheless a notable work for a variety of reasons Also if you're up for video games, I've heard Robot Alchemic Drive might scratch the itch, and Xenogears features a rule 63 Daisaku as a main party member --- 21666028 >>21665978 Protagonist of Babel II is not himself an alien, rather he is a distant descendant of ayys indistinguishable from a human but chosen to be the heir of his ancestors' immense psychic powers. Presumably Big Fire is the same in this regard, he certainly has the same 3 guardians that were given to Babel (and there's one notable SRW 64 doujin in which it apparently took everyone in the entire cast list to bring down Big Fire, which I believe because Babel is basically a demigod) But yes, in some of the old docs I read, it was claimed that the BF group generally wanted to be benevolent rulers, and you can see that come out in how most of them oppose Genya for destroying most of the world. Apparently, however, this destruction was in some way necessary for the revival of Big Fire, and Koumei and Ko-Enshaku knew this somehow --- 21666060 >>21661641 Give the Steam Detectives manga/anime a chance. --- 21666066 >>21666060 Is the manga any better? I wanted to like the anime so badly but it just bored me to tears --- 21666311 >>21666028 If I recall correctly, the concept in Babel II was that a basically-human alien crashed on Earth ~5000 years ago, tried to signal his space pals, failed, and settled down to fuck a human woman instead. Then he set up his space computer to constantly scan for a human identical to him, with the same powers, to be his heir no matter how long it took. Babel II (and Yomi) are the final results and are genetically aliens but were born on Earth. So in a way, everyone is descended from an alien, just most people are too human for it to matter. I like to imagine that the other people with superpowers also have unusually-high concentrations of alien DNA, just not enough to qualify as Babel II. --- 21666474 >that ending of Tetsujin Man... >>21665984 I'm thankful but disappointed that I watched these shows out of order, although I guess they're all good for a rewatch >Babel II Just the manga's fine? I suppose if it's good enough, I'd want to consume all the works. VOTOM's on the list but seems a bit sad, I'm really excited for Babel II as well as Ideon, absolutely terrifying. Although uh, I know some overall concerns and spoilers theme and ending-wise, how heavy is Babel? Should be fine, right? And the game recs are super, thank you. I'd like to play as robots in ways other than just SRW. Presumably r63 Daisaku is your picrel, really cute! >>21666028 >alien descended from a fucking demigod I'm not sure who then BF is based on if "Koichi Yamano" is an underpowered black-haired child, but I suppose this terror is revealed in the manga. >it was claimed that the BF group generally wanted to be benevolent rulers Whereas inversely, the IPO distrusts them and protects the status quo, for good or ill? >it was claimed that the BF group generally wanted to be benevolent rulers I assumed he sort of just woke up at the end just as an unrelated reveal.. >>21666060 I'll put that on the list too, anon, thank you. Giant Robo and Tetsujin wasn't immensely heavy on mystery, but I enjoyed The Big O, which was. >also has a gigantic robot Exciting! >>21666311 So he's just an alien Genghis Khan, in terms of that one genetic myth? --- 21666619 >>21665961 >start reading the Archie comics for Megaman Don't. It's atrocious. Ikehara and Ariga are the only good MM print material out there. >Chloroform Foreign agent sent by Velanade foundation to investigate Tetsujin, came across Shikishima who decapitated him and put his corpse on the train tracks. Shikishima and the Man in Black then took turns larping as Chloroform and Nikoponski. >>21665978 Another artbook called Complete Recording made in 1999. It should be on /m/useum threads. Too lazy to link it to you right now. >just an ambiguous "take over the world", right? I suppose that could include "steward the world instead of leaving it to corrupt infighters". Pretty much. In other material, Interpol's leader is a man named Yellow Emperor Raisei/Laishi/Lycee (nobody in the English side can decide on a romanisation) who is based off Yomi. So it's a popular fan theory in Japan that something close to Babel II and Sononawa 101 happened and Koichi formed BF soon after the events of the latter. It's a theory but I think it's certain BigFire aren't just bad for the sake of being bad, they're just very extreme about their methods just like Interpol can be rather ruthless to its own agents. >>21666028 Specifically, the anti-shizuma crisis made the Tower of Babel's electric signal easy to locate so BigFire could be awakened but that's the GENKi manga's version. Imagawa changed his mind about the true purpose but it's assumed it's linked to the GR Project and possibly the energy sources of GR2 and 3. >>21666474 >I'm not sure who then BF is based on if "Koichi Yamano" is an underpowered black-haired child, but I suppose this terror is revealed in the manga. He is based off Koichi but with different hair color. The characters aren't meant to be the same as their manga inspiration. >alien Genghis Khan More benevolent for sure. Funnily enough, Genya as a 18 year in flashbacks is based off Yokoyama's depiction of Genghis Khan. --- 21666748 How is the new Babel II manga where the main character starts a war against America because USA is EVIL! Also something about them wanting some information from the Tower but instead of trying to ask the MC they just go straight into trying to attack him. --- 21666761 >>21666748 >How is the new Babel II manga where the main character starts a war against America because USA is EVIL! Can you blame Koichi thinking that after Sononawa 101 where the only person in the US that wasn't psycho or a backstabber was a little girl who got blown up and the natives? I can see why Returner went for that angle but it's so over the top it loops to being silly. Just wait until the Mars crossover and when the KGB and Chinese intelligence want Babel dead too. >instead of trying to ask the MC they just go straight into trying to attack him. Probably the most down to earth thing about that manga. --- 21666884 >>21666474 >Just the manga's fine? I suppose if it's good enough, I'd want to consume all the works. None of the Babel II anime is really good, unfortunately. The reboot manga is also terrible with a really ugly art style and nonsensical plot. --- 21667071 >>21655545 >Dedicated to all the fathers and sons of the world This was a serious knife twist after the last few minutes of the show I had a hard time believing Vogler had time to record that message to his son, but it wouldn't play until after he fulfilled his father's ambiguous wish. This catastrophic misunderstanding could have been easily averted if he had given Emmanuel any clear indication of what he wanted him to do --- 21667085 >>21666474 >that ending of Tetsujin It was very tragic when his last act of sapience was to protect Shotaro. But he had to be destroyed so that Japan could prosper. --- 21667125 >>21667071 It's possible Koumei tampered with them. That's what I've seen said in both sides of the Pacific, but nothing official actually says this beyond that Koumei was a scientist before joining BF. --- 21667687 >>21666474 >Although uh, I know some overall concerns and spoilers theme and ending-wise, how heavy is Babel? Do not going into expecting what you saw in Imagawa anime. As a writer Yokoyama isn't really concerned with emotional character drama. He barely even names most of his characters. You'll see Chuujou's design pop up a lot, but I don't think he's ever given a name. He's just "the Commissioner." What Yokoyama really focuses on is the action, and that's kinda why we're talking about Babel II instead of the original GR manga. Its action is a lot better because the focus is on the rivalry between two extraordinarily powerful individuals. Not only are the battles between them super high stakes, both characters have so many abilities at their disposal that it never really gets stale as they both scheme complex ways to engineer each new situation to their respective advantage. Imagine Death Note, but written in the 1970s and about giant robots, and it's kinda like that --- 21667881 >>21667687 >but I don't think he's ever given a name. He's just "the Commissioner." Yeah, the anime adaptations give him a name. His assistant is named as Igarashi oddly enough. --- 21667904 >>21666028 Thats beause nobody except kongming wanted genya to go as far as he did, Kongming had planned everything to goas it did at the end for the GR project, at first the concept was that in the aftermath of the earth still incident the tower of babel would be found since it has independent power, however imagawa changed it for some reason in the actual OVA by showing Big Fire waking up there, which implies that the tower of babel is not neccesarily a facility outside BF´s bounds. --- 21667915 >>21665984 RAD is a very good game, but one must understand it was made on an extreme budget, and it as some of THE worst English voice acting ever committed to audio. --- 21667931 >>21667915 There's slim pickings when it comes to remote controlled robot media, but RAD provides --- 21668793 >>21667125 So how does it work if Koumei tampered with them? Is the theory that he didn't see Voglers true video until the end of the series, and what he saw previously was tampered with by Koumei? --- 21668825 >>21667915 yea but we got this out of it https://youtu.be/aqmeQ0Ya4G8 [Embed] --- 21669052 >>21668793 The theory Koumei tested the samples and found out what it actually did but reprogrammed them so the message would after all three were used. --- 21669205 >>21666619 Alright... >foreign agent The show never explicitly talked about it again, but that one robot/Americans were definitely behind the railway incidents (and probably the unmentioned Shimoyama one) right? For whatever "impede Japanese economy" goals? I'll try to find the artbook, thank you. For romanization, sometimes it's good to go by whatever spelling that the author probably intended (e.g. is he eating lychees every appearance), but without much info, it's always a strange crapshoot to see your least favourite version on all the subtitles. >just like Interpol can be rather ruthless to its own agents In the show you mean, hopefully >made the Tower of Babel's electric signal easy to locate so BigFire could be awakened But the way Koumei and the Ten were talking made it seem like BF was up and about and consciously aware of things (or even making an appearance) rather than, say, comatose or hibernating. >aren't meant to be the same as their manga inspiration Usually they were at least visually similar though, and that Genghis Khan bit IS a strange coincidence >>21666884 Straight to the manga and just the original manga it is, then... >>21667687 Just the action? I mean, I like action too, so I'm not going to complain saying "you guys tricked me into reading a fun but dramaless manga" >a "I planned for your plan" set of reversals but with robots I will continue not to resist being tricked into reading this wonderful manga. --- 21669214 >>21667085 I was a bit worried and confused about him approaching Shotaro. But like the Black Oxes were going by their first and/or strongest memory, for Tetsujin-28, that would probably be fighting alongside or protecting Shotaro? Also, I realize that an earlier episode spoiled the ending, but I forgot about it because I really hoped/assumed it was a red herring, and that it was some other project and Tetsujin would be fine... A sort of uncharitable wording of the ending could be "Tetsujin had to be destroyed because oh shit the economy" but I sort of get it. Considering that Japan has begrudgingly befriend nuclear power (and I'd love to read or watch more stuff dealing with this), I had hoped that Tetsujin could make it out okay. The first ep having a battle between some BF-looking mooks and robot, unseen in the rest of the show, gave me hope... ;_; >>21669052 This is absolutely terrifying. >shizuma drives don't fuck up forever, humanity can continue to exist to be ruled >but all the chaos and destruction for everyone on all sides Potentially for Big Actual Fire's awakening, as you/someone noted? >>21667904 I'm still a bit confused, happy that "just as planned" Koumei wasn't a moron, but... unless Big Fire waking up means they have a good chance at world domination? IPO and BF are crippled, but they have a powerhouse in peak condition after his nap, and I think more of BF's bignames survived than the IPO's... --- 21669268 >>21669205 >The show never explicitly talked about it again, but that one robot/Americans were definitely behind the railway incidents Yes >I'll try to find the artbook, thank you. https://mega.nz/folder/25kBySxQ#jMuwVBT_6l1JrVTm7i1V8Q >For romanization, sometimes it's good to go by whatever spelling that the author probably intended I think the extras in discotek settle with a romanisation. I know the Eng Wiki page refers to him as Raisei >In the show you mean, hopefully Interpol is pretty fucked up. You see shades of it with how Ginrei is branded as a traitor just because of her relation to Genya, how several characters say they're taught to not care about death and only their duty etc. BF on the other hand seem to greatly respect their own members. Again, it makes sense when you realize the leaders of Interpol and BF are based off Yomi and Koichi respectively. >But the way Koumei and the Ten were talking made it seem like BF was up and about and consciously aware of things (or even making an appearance) rather than, say, comatose or hibernating. Like I and another anon said, that was changed in the final OVA. BigFire is psychically aware of all things thanks to Koenshaku being his eyes and ears, plus supplementary material mentions that Hanzui+Kawarazaki contacted BF telepathically, who then telepathically communicated with Koumei to get him to stop his one man war in an unmade arc, since then, Koumei claims BF has been communicating his will to him. Besides, he has the Three Guardians supervising him so he isn't necessarily the treacherous adviser western fans assume he is. Just has a odd way of conveying his will to make sure his plots are successful. >IPO and BF are crippled, but they have a powerhouse in peak condition after his nap, and I think more of BF's bignames survived than the IPO's... The IPO agents you see are all small fry except Taisou and Chuujou who are cel9 members. While two of the mag10 died. BF however, can get on their feet quicker. --- 21669284 I found the Rocket Bazooka on Giant Robo interesting, I'm guessing it's an atomic powered beam? --- 21669289 >>21669214 That part with the mooks and Monster at the beginning of the series probably happens sometime after Shotaro gets a hold of piloting Tetsujin, definitely after the Mafia arc and before the Kyoto arc. --- 21669290 >>21669284 But I was surprised later on when he launched the whole assembly later instead of firing the beam. I suppose the exploding propellant was more useful here. --- 21669302 >>21669052 So Emmanuel gets the samples, then gives them to the BF org, then Koumei alters them so he can't see the message until after all 3 are activated? That still doesn't track for me, if the doctor was recording a message and his son was directly outside the door while he worked till his death, why wouldn't he let his son see the message, why lock it away? --- 21669342 >>21669302 Genya was given the three samples in Bashtarle but there was nothing to activate them with considering no electricity in the wastelands. Koumei was the first to find Genya and took him in as a protégé. So it's easy to assume that Koumei has been grooming Genya to rise up the ranks of BF while he gets to studying the samples and the destruction of Bashtarle. Funnily enough, Koumei's link to Genya does add a hole into what has been confirmed as his backstory. If his promotion to Strategist happened recently then why is he seen with Achilles 10 years before the OVA even happens? Is BigFire to him what Liu Bei was in the original Sangokushi manga? Is there a special reason why Koumei couldn't have become a member of the Magnifcent Ten back then? Again, the thing about Koumei altering them is a fan made explanation in Japan for that plot contrivance. --- 21669416 >>21669342 >considering no electricity in the wastelands Thanks for the expanded explanation, but if this is the case how did the doctor record the message if there was no electricity. It's just irritating as the viewer because what could have been a great tragic moment is undermined because even a dumbdumb like me can imagine a scenario where the doctor writes on a note "hey son, do this to save the world" instead of this contrivance. --- 21669668 >>21669205 Babel II is definitely the kind of thing you read not for the characters but simply to see what crazy thing happens next In fact, that's part of why people aren't fans of the adaptations. I watched the 90s OVA and I didn't like it at all. It gave Babel some stupid love interest that was completely out of place and took a lot of time away from what could have been spent on Babel and Yomi duking it out, like whoever made it didn't understand the appeal of the original. I've heard Beyond Infinity is a slideshow. Maybe the Toei anime is good, but it's unsubbed, sadly >>21669214 >I'm still a bit confused, happy that "just as planned" Koumei wasn't a moron, but... unless Big Fire waking up means they have a good chance at world domination? Actually, IIRC the idea was that Koumei has no loyalty to the BF group and doesn't care about their plans. His only loyalty is to Big Fire, so to him, reviving Big Fire was worth any cost --- 21670544 >>21669668 Yep. Koumei is loyal to the ideals and their leader, not the other members at all. --- 21670567 >>21669668 Toei anime is your average 70s anime. It actually shakes things around to try to make it closer to Mazinger Z, like giving Koichi a Pilder and a silly outfit and making Yomi more like Dr. Hell. Second half drops any pretention of being a manga adaptation and becomes proto-Grendizer, with Koichi moving to a farm, having a new love interest (they expanded the role of his classmate to be his stepsister and in love with him), etc... --- 21670981 >>21615135 (OP) where can I read volume 3 of the manga in english or at least find raw scans of the complete manga so i can translate it myself? --- 21671007 >>21670981 There is no volume 3. It just ends there. The whole thing is fully translated. I know it was underwhelming but you don't need to cope by acting like there's more --- 21671026 >>21671007 >but you don't need to cope by acting like there's more that escalated quickly --- 21671030 >>21671026 Sorry. I realized you were probably talking about the manga adaptation of the OVA and not the original manga. Yeah, you'll have to go looking for raws --- 21671061 >>21671030 There's like two manga adaptations. The one with the realistic artstyle that is 2 volumes and then the godawful one that a tl team abandoned. --- 21671387 >>21671061 The only manga adaptations I'm aware of are The Day the Earth Burned, and its sequel Siege of Babel --- 21671759 >>21671007 Wikipedia lists 3 volumes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Robo --- 21672221 >>21669284 >>21669290 yeah i wondered about this too, but damn did it look cool think i just accepted it as "raising the stakes by firing the whole thing" --- 21672305 >>21669268 To be fair, Ginrei was branded a traitor because she was close to handing the sample over to Genya. And BF doesn't really seem to care about their members much more than Interpol does. >>21669052 This seems awfully convoluted. Koumei figured out what the samples do because Achilles was spying and then the operation up so that Interpol would be weakened and the world still saved is a lot more straightforward. Yeah, there is the goofy thing with Volger, but I just write that off as Volger being kind of nuts after the isolation and working himself to death. (the real reason is that it makes the plot twist work) --- 21672651 >>21671387 Now you are aware of another one. It's where the old convoluted plot twist of "Koumei wanted all electric signals gone to find the Tower of Babel Yomi stole in a previous battle" --- 21672757 >>21672651 The one with the man faced Ginrei --- 21672772 >>21656010 It's amazing how cool those two were while FItzgerald just looks like the lamest fucking cunt in existence by comparison. All of the Big Fire higher ups had charisma to them, including evil Dr. Light and his pink backpack --- 21672777 >>21669290 >>21672221 I like to think that Giant Robo is literally designed by a paranoid schizophrenic [sorry Daisaku, I promise your dad was cool] that stuffed it full of every single countermeasure and contingency imaginable, including things like "it's not just important for the weapons to fire, we have to fire the weapon mechanisms themselves AS weapons." --- 21672847 >>21672777 Well, Giant Robo was designed by Dr. Kusama and Zangetsu to save the world until Kusama decided to give the bot to Daisaku instead. >>21672772 I don't understand why Fitzkarald is so popular with female fans in Japan but his ability is the no 1 fujo fetish. He and Jujoji are lame. Zangetsu is cool-lame like a teenager probably thinks he's the hottest shit ever but he looks a bit goofy now especially with the extra knowledge about his backstory. --- 21673045 >>21669268 Thank you! >discotek I haven't watched anything directly by them, but I've heard nothing but good things so far. >branded as a traitor just because of her relation to Genya I'll echo anon's note that it was due to her almost giving the thing, but I do remember that they were pre-emptively concerned before she even tried to do anything, maybe hesitated 0-1 times. >big bad leads mostly-fine IPO and Babel leads the mostly-friendly (minus fucking Fitz) group of professional villains No word on Raisei's possible motives? >psychically aware of all things thanks to Koenshaku being his eyes and ears GEEZ >Hanzui+Kawarazaki contacted BF telepathically, who then telepathically communicated with Koumei That's pretty cool... but again, I feel they should have been much more surprised to see BF if they didn't expect him to be awake. Maybe we can chalk that one up to professionalism? >stop his one man war in an unmade arc I wish we got all of the unmade arcs... >he has the Three Guardians supervising him Wasn't the leopard like, a fake? Or no, he was pretending to be BF... man, Koumei confuses people whichever world he's in, huh. >BF however, can get on their feet quicker. Do you think the final battle would happen after some global recovery, or just within seconds t a day after the last ep? >>21669289 It really had my hopes up, I'm still confused and have mixed feelings about the ending, and I don't know whether the movie would be better or worse. >>21669342 This makes a depressing amount of sense, thank you! --- 21673055 >everyone hates Fitzkarrald Good, he was an ass. I feel sorry for whatever possibly-more-pleasant character he was based on though, and appreciate his role in being a character you're supposed to despise. I'm going to assume he was betrayed because he was generally horrible and disliked within the group, rather than just HIS killer being a separate kind of ass. Good riddance. >>21669668 >simply to see what crazy thing happens next I was given a similar description when I was recommended Code Geass, and /m/ has yet to steer me wrong. >what could have been spent on Babel and Yomi duking it out Just superpowered robo-Death Note indeed, huh. >loyalty only to Big Fire personally I'm going to assume, keeping in mind the psychic communications mentioned a few replies above, that BF solely chooses to communicate with Koumei despite others being able to keep BF up to speed via telepathy or Ko-Enshaku. Because otherwise, why not have more people know, instead of risking a split within the group? I don't know, if anons, side material, and fan material all point to Koumei being trustworthy (in a sense), I'll trust him. >>21670567 I feel I should rather watch Grendizer than watch proto-Grendizer... >>21672305 >BF doesn't really seem to care about their members much more than Interpol does. Iirc the "we have casualties and expected loss of communications worldwide, please what is going on" scene felt framed in a way that people relied on and generally took some degree of care for each other, from superior to subordinate. >>21672651 Daisaku's way too pretty --- 21673079 >>21673055 >I feel sorry for whatever possibly-more-pleasant character he was based on though A literal Yomi mook who just appears in a few panels. Did nothing apart from talk to Yomi. >I'm going to assume he was betrayed because he was generally horrible and disliked within the group, rather than just HIS killer being a separate kind of ass. Good riddance. Both are true. Red is said to be also evil like Fitzkarald. It's also written that Fitzkarald, Red and Doki aren't a part of discussing plans and such because of the evil nature of the former two (fan theory, one that the JP Wikipedia mentions, says Doki is the next heir to the Tower of Babel) plus Fitz was only promoted because he massacred all the European IPO agents. Red and Fitzkarald are the two characters that get the most fanart both regular and nsfw, with several twitter accounts dedicated to drawing Red, I think Red is only beaten by Alberto in Pixiv stats In truth, Fitzkarald was going to be teleported along with everyone else but ran into Chuujou and the two fought. It apparently got to the point of having it storyboarded but budget concerns led to the latter half of ep6 being rewritten, and a character named Dr. Black (based of BigFire from Tetsujin 28) was also cut (he probably just awakened the robots that chase Genya and then was captured by one of the three Guardians) >Daisaku's way too pretty Drawn by the woman who drew those "next episode" eyecatches and was one of the lead animators for the OVA. --- 21673588 >>21665984 Maria was such a good party member too, Seibzehn just kind of rocked every boss's shit. --- 21673616 >>21673588 Best theme https://youtu.be/pOjZxWIrQuk [Embed] Best chuuni dialogue Best /m/ reference in the game Best robot Best girl --- 21673738 >>21673616 If they rereleased Xenogears with a complete Disc 2 and a cleaned up translation I'd buy it day one. Some of my favorite mech designs. --- 21674131 >>21673738 >my robot should have a gun >and my dad should pilot the bullet Renmazuo looks okay, but with the Buntliner you just have to ask yourself what Billy's fucking problem was --- 21674849 >>21673045 Give it a couple rewatches and come to your own conclusions. I’ve rewatched the 2004 series at least once a year since since its my favorite. --- 21675249 >>21672847 >his ability is the no 1 fujo fetish ....huh? I always liked Fitzcarald but that's entirely due to his original dub voice. Being part of one of my favorite sequences in the entire OVA helps too. The assault on Ryozanpaku is just too cool, man. --- 21675474 >>21675249 Fitzkarald is popular for mutilation images --- 21675582 >>21675474 I don't see that on Pixiv. Just that Fitzkarald's introduction used to be popular as a redraw meme back in the late 2000s alongside Hanzui and Zangetsu running across the forest. Fitzkarald and Red are popular, yes, but all of that odd stuff you see on twitter rather on Pixiv. From my experience with GR and Tetsujin fanart, it's Hanzui and Chloroform that get hit with the weird stuff. --- 21676744 >>21672221 Yeah definitely cool, as I thought it later I thought perhaps Robo was still worried about the barrier it had interfering with the beam so instead he threw the whole thing. >>21672777 >full of every single countermeasure and contingency imaginable In that case I'd let him design any robo for me haha --- 21677684 >>21675474 But fujos are into rape, not mutilation Also what >>21675582 said --- 21678605 >>21667915 It's the EDF devs, it wouldn't be them if the voicework wasn't gloriously cheesy --- 21678822 >>21671387 i assume Siege of Babel is untranslated and impossible to find? --- 21678896 >>21678822 of course. why would anyone translate the sequel when 7 more volumes of the original remain untranslated? --- 21679386 >>21678822 Only scans of half the volumes have been recovered. The whole thing but in Chinese is available in the usual read free online sites. It's got less awful fanservice and a more focused plot but what's the point when the plot is horribly executed with its own bullshit ideas. --- 21679837 >>21679386 >it's shit it's shit pay no attention to it getting real tired of this. Either post spoilers to prove your point or let us be the judge for when/if it gets translated --- 21679916 Is the TV show version of this worthwhile? It was unsubbed a few years ago and idk if it is now but I have since learned nipponese --- 21679927 I've only seen the OVA and I loved it. Is it true that the whole point of it beginning in medias res and ending on some random faggot showing up and promising future developments you never see was that they wanted it to feel like tuning into the middle episodes of some long running super robot show? Also is the OVA actually based on anything or were these characters just made from scratch? --- 21679937 >>21672847 >I don't understand why Fitzkarald is so popular with female fans in Japan What's there to understand, he's handsome, had an incredibly cool intro sequence, cool power and he's voiced by Yasuyoshi Hara for that incredibly sexy voice. >Inb4 b...but he's ebil :DDD Nigger ALL of Big Fire is evil, just because Alberto has a cute daughter he loves very much and has a shred of honour when it comes to fighting the top executives of Ryozampaku doesn't mean he's not fucking evil, Cervantes was a colossal piece of shit who wanted to turn Daisaku into his proxy for using Robo, Koumei is a scheming cunt who pursues his own agenda by using all of the magnificent ten as his tools, the only people who have shown some degree of honour are Alberto and Hanzui and they're still fundamentally evil. What matters is how cool a character is, and Fitz, while not nearly as cool as Alberto, is one of the cooler members of the magnificent ten. --- 21679944 >>21679927 you could always read the bloody thread but fine, tl;dr, the director is autistic and wrote a massive fanfic and could only afford to animate the most exciting part All of the characters are based on designs from Mitsuteru Yokoyama manga --- 21680024 >>21679916 If you’re referring to GR: Giant Robo, its the second best Yokoyama adaption of the 00’s. If you like Chiaki Konata’s directorial style it could be good. --- 21684133 >>21679937 >>21672847 --- 21684141 >>21684133 Why does this matter? --- 21684192 >>21680024 The anti-vaxx cancel culture dude? No, thanks --- 21687133 >>21673079 Just a mook, huh.. >both are true >they're ALSO ALL EVIL >one was only begrudgingly promoted for mass murder So more cheers when they're defeated by.. whatever celestials are left. >spoilr Why.. Alberto's the only one that makes sense, because he's very cool and fashionable >we could have gotten Dr Not-BigFire So uh, what's the doctor character and "Big Fire" even from, exactly.. >drawn by one of the animators herself I assumed it was merely a fujo.. >>21674849 I'm normally not into re-watches, but it's tempting for Imagawa's works. Not just because they give me a lot to think about, either! --- 21687195 >>21679916 >>21680024 Also, I've started this thing, a very slower and more menacing show. I feel what's definitely not Big Fire News is the puppet master bad guys, but that CAN'T be considering the anchor is the one helpfully giving me the episode previews, unmenacingly. So it's probably just an easter egg, right? >a heroine to surpass Ginrei --- 21687222 >>21687133 >So more cheers when they're defeated by.. whatever celestials are left. They're pretty fucked up too. Kanshin and Rinchuu Zangetsu's alter ego in particular. >So uh, what's the doctor character and "Big Fire" even from, exactly.. Fron Tetsujin 28, he reused the name for a organisation in Giant Robo. >a fujo.. You clearly don't know what that word actually means. >Why.. Fujos by the actual definition of the word. Lots of art pairing him with Fitzkarald, Doki, Kagemaru (written as his rival), Shirokage (his friend in the manga he was from, sometimes Shirokage is gender flipped) plus even ignoring gay shipping, Red/Akakage appeals to women plus sticks out for looking like he came from a more "trendier" anime than all the OVA characters. --- 21687234 >>21687222 >spoiler Excuse me what Ah ok, so the Tetsujin stuff was the first, presumably he was just another one-off antag rather than being such a nightmare? >even mid-villainy or while you KNOW how horrible he is, he's still a cute and nervous goofball It was fun to see him cower >You clearly don't know what that word actually means. Sorry, it just comes up a lot whenever boys are way too pretty >fujos actually >all of these picks There is clearly a lot more I need to know about fujos --- 21687251 >>21687234 BF in Tetsujin 28 came almost a decade before GR. He hijacked a robot expo and then tried to start shit in the Kurobe Dam (the same, but no missing Shikishima, no Kenji, Takamizawa or PX at all and less dramatic). The only part of 2004 Tetsujin that is accurate to the manga is the teleporter filler ep and the masked burglar. >fujos actually >all of these picks Yokoyama's attention in Japan is majority female, in fact pretty much all the major art both sfw and nsfw or just accounts posting his manga and discussing them are women ranging from 50yros to teenage girls. Red and Fitzkarald are the most popular, followed by Koumei, Hanzui, Yuuki, Cervantes, Zangetsu, Kenji and Ryuusaku in that order. One of Shonen Jump's pr artists used to draw tons of art of Ginrei and Kenji. --- 21687278 >>21687251 Isn't Imagawa's anime the most accurate to Tetsujin 28? --- 21687309 >>21687278 No. I don't know who started that statement here on /m/ but it really isn't. The spacerocket murders with Kelly is accurate in parts, as is Kurobe Dam. Everything else apart from the episodes I mentioned is loosely based on the manga. You can read the original version of the Superhuman Kelly/Space Rocket murders (they don't even involve space rockets to begin with) in English on Internet Archive --- 21687449 >>21687251 Ah ok, so just a smaller version of the robot competition and dam business. Wouldn't be surprised if the randos in the dam were directly from the original arc either. >pretty much all the major art both sfw and nsfw or just accounts posting his manga and discussing them are women ranging from 50yros to teenage girls We still have a chance, then, don't we.. >>21687309 >Kelly Poor Kelly, poor all of these people. I know one person didn't like the "filler" slash randos showing up before the final arc including a LITERAL alien, but I appreciated them for what they were, it was good breathing room that still touched upon the overall theme of a transition of an era, feeling misplaced, etc. --- 21687455 >>21687449 >We still have a chance, then, don't we. Chance for what? --- 21687488 >>21687455 Watching robots with girls who like robots --- 21687717 >>21679927 Yep, it was a massive fanfic that was completely written, but they could only animate one part, so Imagawa went to the second last arc as he felt it was the most exciting and eventful one. Sadly, i don't think the fanfic has ever been released or will be released even as a novel. The best we get are the Giant Robo manga following the OVA where everyone is far more of a jerk and Daisaku is revealed to be part of Big Fire undercover...hell, he is Big Fire himself. Why...because plot twists! --- 21687759 >>21687309 >You can read the original version of the Superhuman Kelly/Space Rocket murders (they don't even involve space rockets to begin with) in English on Internet Archive Just a note. That version is the Kappa edition version which was basically a digest version of the real story, they cut a bunch of stuff from the original. For example, Bacchus do not even appear in the Kappa edition and Black Ox has less apperances. Those were meant to be easier for kids to follow. --- 21687778 >>21687278 >>21687309 I don't think anyone said it was a faithful adaptation. But if you compare to the 60s anime, Taiyo no Shisha and FX, it's definitely the closest to the original manga. The original show was really weird, they pretty much gave up trying to adapt the manga like 20 or something episodes in and even what came before was oversimplified for TV. The rest is all original stories, no villains or plots taken from the manga. --- 21687781 >>21687759 The original uncensored Kelly arc still didn't have space rockets. I know the recent translation is based on a more full version because Kappa comics and iirc every re-release until the 2005 reprint omits the Murasame family and the initial arc. --- 21687823 >>21687781 The origina runl had a cliffhanger format where one arc one automatically leads to another while the Kappa edition is more episodic in nature. And yes, they cut the entire origin story and replaced it to a new one where Shotaro's father was the creator of Tetsujin and left it for Shotaro. Imagawa borrows from both. Really, best comparison would be Shin Mazinger and how it adapts elements from the original Mazinger Z manga, but mix it with original content and some elements from other manga. Main difference is that unlike Giant Robo, Armageddon or Shin Mazinger, the Tetsujin 28 anime mostly borrows from the OG manga and not other Yokoyama's titles. --- 21687851 >>21687823 I know --- 21688977 >>21687778 >I don't think anyone said it was a faithful adaptation /m/ repeatedly claimed so throughout the years. --- 21691126 This thread got me to start watching Shin Tetsujin Anyone know why Tetsujin is punching Mazinger Z in the OP? Did someone have an ax to grind? --- 21691128 >>21691126 That's clearly a Gundam --- 21691276 >>21691128 It's especially funny since the show seems to crib a lot from Mazinger. Shotaro spending a lot of time hanging out with Professor Shikishima's tsundere daughter (clear Sayaka stand-in), Tetsujin rising from beneath the tennis court at Shikishima's house the exact same way Mazinger rises from the pool, hell, pic related (may have been in the original, idk), maybe more I havent seen yet --- 21691404 >>21691276 Pic related was in the original to a extent but the specific quote goes more like >good or bad, it all depends on the controller Tetsujin was the first mecha, so a lot of future mechs build on the themes it had.