----- --- 21515780 FAT build thread --- 21515805 >>21515780 (OP) Sunrise just decided for Sunrise Beyond to do another Kyoukai Senki instead, so it will probably be a while until they make another Build series. --- 21515812 >>21515780 (OP) I wanna fuck her and watch her cute chubby belly jiggle --- 21515813 Only good thing to come out of Try. First Build Fighters was better. --- 21515814 >>21515780 (OP) I want to spoil her with food and make her fatter. --- 21515817 >>21515813 lolno. Try is the best Build show and leagues better than the first one. --- 21515820 >>21515812 >>21515814 That's a kid. --- 21515822 >>21515820 No it's an anime girl. --- 21515852 >>21515805 wfm is 100% getting 25+ more episodes, expecting a new build show after is more likely, diver, builder or else. --- 21515855 >>21515852 >wfm is 100% getting 25+ more episodes nah --- 21515856 >>21515820 No it's a gunpla --- 21515861 >>21515855 with how popular it is? Can you really see it ending at 25 ep? --- 21515878 >>21515861 it has nowhere to go, the plot is paper thin and the characters are all unlikeable or annoying, and yes, there's been much more popular shows that never got beyond a first season --- 21516040 >>21515805 I’ll be honest I prefer kyokai senki (barely) to build fighters any day. Build fighters should’ve died years ago. --- 21516051 >>21515878 Just as well Sunrise isn't relying on your input, eh? --- 21516124 >>21515780 (OP) Garbage character --- 21516401 >>21515780 (OP) Can we post spats instead? --- 21517544 >>21515805 Good. --- 21517548 Gyanko was the best. Really, everyone but the Try Fighters were great. --- 21519004 >>21515780 (OP) >>21517548 >Gyanko / sazaki_kaoruko Damn yes https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5495124?q=sazaki_kaoruko --- 21519036 >>21519004 Very fat. --- 21519042 >>21519036 That's nothing --- 21519050 >>21519042 BIGGER --- 21519079 >>21519053 They're all perfect and made for breeding. --- 21519241 >>21515878 >he says as Sunrise makes another kyokai senki season LMAO --- 21519246 >>21519004 >bush peaking out from under her panties Fantastic. >>21519042 Just the right amount of pudge here. Not too thin, not too fat. So great. --- 21522692 >>21519053 We need more Fumina's mom. --- 21523457 >>21519241 Yes? None of that applies to KS. --- 21525489 >>21515820 Out of 10 Uoh! --- 21525773 >>21515812 Same, anon. Same. --- 21530873 >>21528169 Cute! --- 21534473 >>21528169 Her losing weight before Island Wars was a mistake. She was perfect the way she was. --- 21534499 >>21534473 I don't get this meme, she lost maybe an inch from the series but she's still notably more plump than the other girls during Island Wars. --- 21540382 >>21528169 Someone add screenshake to this gif. --- 21548505 when will they make another build fighters? divers is so trash/mid --- 21548526 >>21515813 >>21515817 Both are shit. Gundam is shit. Everything is shit. --- 21550808 >>21515780 (OP) >Fat >looks at the waist What the hell are you guys talking about? --- 21550810 >>21550808 Gyanko has a wide face and large breasts, which makes her fat by anime standards. --- 21551526 >>21550810 >just a wide face She's got wide everything --- 21552419 >>21515878 >the characters are all unlikeable or annoying Guel exists. --- 21555286 >>21515805 The fuck is Kyoukai Senki? --- 21555288 >>21515820 I'm her belly? Not yet. --- 21555592 >>21551526 >bigger thigs >bigger but >bigger tits >bigger pelvis yum --- 21555638 >>21552419 Guel is a wrestling heel. He exists to be shadenfreude'd upon --- 21555645 >>21555286 Japan gets conquered by Australia, and some crazed loner starts fighting the puppet regime --- 21555732 >>21555645 I feel like that show just kind of forgot that the Australia faction existed after a certain point. China were so comically evil that they had to add a token sympathetic character to balance out them all being war criminal goblins, the US were the main villains, and Oceania fades into the background save for some token appearances. I guess that's what happens when you try to set up a multi-faction conflict where for some reason the entire world wants a slice of this island nation with no major resources besides theoretically convenient location, but also have really unambitious writing where the main villain for half the show is a killer robot that belongs to no faction and then at the end everybody decides to give Japan back some of its autonomy because they asked politely and it'll make the US mad --- 21556096 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0-mRaRFVwg [Embed] --- 21556146 >>21515780 (OP) my gateway to fapping to chubby girls --- 21556581 >>21515780 (OP) Build Fighters would've been good if it was yuri like G-Witch is. --- 21556591 >>21555288 Fucking vorefags. --- 21556882 >>21556581 No Yuri harem. We already seen Fumina and Shia. No Yuri harem. --- 21557252 She's a middle schooler you fucks --- 21557609 >>21557252 Out of 10! --- 21557620 >>21556882 Buildshit is so low effort trash that I'm wouldn't be surprised if next season is yurishit --- 21560251 >>21557252 And I want to maker her pregnant and even bigger! --- 21563133 Reminder the Build fighter shows were made so horny because they were trying to appeal the maximum to teenagers. I wonder why Build Divers stopped this. --- 21564390 >>21555645 I knew it. All the Jap-Aussie Conmunity were spies all along! --- 21564393 >>21556581 You mean, if it had a Yuri Couple. Just because there are gay people doesn´t automatically make it Yaoi or Yuri genre. This logic is retarded. --- 21565060 >>21563948 Cute! --- 21565206 >>21551526 i now regret passing on this kit --- 21569345 >>21515820 There is absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to a big tittied 14 year old, if she wasn't ready for the cock she wouldn't have such a breedable body. --- 21569389 >>21560251 Someday, someone will make her a happy mother. --- 21569426 >>21515780 (OP) Build Fighters was fantastic, just so much god damn fun. Try was awful. Divers had some alright ideas but was ultimately pretty bad. Re:Rise was legit incredible in the first half and then completely shit the bed in the second. I haven't seen any of the movies. --- 21569471 >>21565206 can still get it anon https://www.amazon.fr/Bandai-Hobby-construire-Fighters-Essayer/dp/B07211LV4M --- 21569955 >>21569389 >tfw was content to lurk this thread until pic and spoiler The Gyan's beam saber has pierced my kokoro --- 21570198 >>21515780 (OP) Is gyanko a milf now? --- 21570199 >>21569426 Wrong. Try is the best of the lot. --- 21570231 >>21570198 sauce? --- 21570630 I love her two big gunplas --- 21570637 I hate how they normified her design --- 21570639 >>21569389 I wish that someone was me. --- 21570651 >>21515805 I would love to see a continuation after ReRise. --- 21573335 >>21570198 >>21570231 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nilzznP_d04 [Embed] found it using Google Lens --- 21573366 >>21570637 Honestly the second one looks better. --- 21578193 >>21573335 >Find her twitter >is really into gunplas and Gyanko >says she want to be a gunpla builder housewife with her husband lucky fella --- 21578217 I want her to crush my skull with her thighs. --- 21579782 I want her to be regular sized and love me for whom I'm am --- 21583011 >>21578193 She makes her own costume and cooks too, lucky husband indeed --- 21583065 >>21555732 they probably don't care about the lore or story --- 21583752 >>21534499 Shia's hairstyle is really cute. --- 21583775 She's a middle schooler, you horny pedo fucks. This shit shouldn't be on a blue board. --- 21584597 >>21583752 Shia is really cute. --- 21585977 >>21583775 no --- 21596216 >>21516124 This, promotes diabetes acceptance. --- 21598001 She better be in the new series. --- 21598161 The discount Ryza from GBM is way better. --- 21598445 >>21598161 Nope. --- 21600777 I can't believe some blue haired mom got me to watch 4 shows in the span of 2 weeks. --- 21600780 >>21583011 Tits too small. --- 21600782 >>21600777 a-anon Parv is not a girl --- 21600943 >>21569345 i want to show this post to your mom --- 21601440 >>21596216 Diabetes is genetic. Get stronger genes. --- 21601442 >>21600782 Inshalllah, he shall be trained as one until he becomes a man. --- 21604677 >>21573366 as a veteran of waifu war shows like ladiesvbutlers, I promise you that long sleeves are always better than short sleeves --- 21608607 >>21584597 >spends a week alone in the woods with Sekai How did he not --- 21611024 I fail to understand what autistic vein woke up the "build fighters" franchise to have so much fucking porn. It is literal the thing related to gundam with more doujins --- 21611196 >>21611024 Here's how it works, Build Fighters was successful for not only having a bunch of likable waifus with good designs, but they also have solid love interest and because it's an AU involving Gunpla, none of them are evil, psychotic or dead. Then you follow it by TRY which ended up being Harem still, still had two wafius with both being likeable and have solid designs to them. It's no wonder why the OG and TRY trumps the lewds over other Gundams with maybe the exception of SEED. --- 21611219 >>21611024 Build Fighters had the right designs to have a strong undercurrent of horny that the doujinshi picked up on. Then there's Fumina and her goddamn pornstar outfit. --- 21611266 >>21611024 I think a lot of people who watched build fighter have no interest in "normal" gundam shows. --- 21615839 >>21608607 because FLAT --- 21615845 >>21615839 But that's the best part, using her flat chest as a battlefield for gunpla fighting. --- 21615970 >>21615845 I rather have big tits lie my head on --- 21616426 >>21615845 tactitcal terrain battles, like that's why dougram bounces so high in the air --- 21617367 >fit vs fat Really, it's a better dynamic than the thousands of 'boobs vs flat' rivalries typical of anime. There's so many different ways competing females can oppose each other yet anime, which is usually regarded as creative and original has been rehashing the same derivative shit for decades. But if you look at it from a broader scale it makes sense for an ojou like gyanko to have more weight because she can afford more calories. Fumina probably has to brown bag her lunches, shop for vegetables on discount, and eat lots of eggs because of how nutrient dense yet cheap they are. Then after having to walk home Fumina probably isn't allowed too turn the air conditioner on which causes her toned low in fat body to get even leaner. She's surprisingly fit for a girl who spends her afternoons playing with toys. --- 21617527 >>21617367 This rivalry can be found in Railgun with Mikoto and Misaki. An athletic tomboy vs a lazy ojou. --- 21617837 >>21617367 >>21617527 How does Shia fit into this? --- 21617853 >>21617837 She's the fox, the horny little slut having fun with the boy while the fit and the fat argue who the boy loves. Her week spent alone with Sekai is my evidence for this. --- 21618876 >>21617837 As a pancake --- 21618886 >>21618876 So delicious and should be covered in sticky liquids? --- 21621641 >>21570630 I'll be forever thankful to Gyanko for facilitating an R-Jarja High Grade. --- 21621726 >>21615259 Sauce on this? --- 21621833 >>21611024 Pretty much every Build Fighter girl is sexy as fuck. Doesn't matter if they're fit, fat, flat, loli, MILF, hebe, whatever; EVERY girl is hot. And the series is pretty easy to consume too since it's just people fighting with plastic models --- 21621841 >>21621833 Don't forget robotic. --- 21628773 >>21628538 sniff --- 21629445 >>21617837 Shia's the dark horse, a shortflat opportunist. She acts all aloof and disinterested one moment and she's sucking someone's dick in an elevator the next. A classic kuudere no bitch should leave their man around. At the same time she's not just sleeping her way to the top and is extremely competent too. Before you know it she's having your third child after having coached you through the grand finals. --- 21629469 >>21629445 >Before you know it she's having your third child after having coached you through the grand finals. The horror. --- 21629492 >>21629445 >Miss Steal Yo Man >Miss Steal Yo Gunpla >Miss Steal Yo Genes --- 21629528 >>21552411 Adorkable --- 21629724 >>21629492 Noooooooo! Leave my Genes alone you monster! --- 21629737 >>21629445 So what you're saying is she's the best girl and it's not even a contest. --- 21629775 >>21629445 >>Before you know it she's having your third child after having coached you through the grand finals. Gosling.gif --- 21630060 >>21621841 sex.. --- 21631154 >>21587970 This was a cute scene. Watching their siblings play with gunpla in a sandbox. --- 21631833 >>21629445 But anon, she's part of Fumina's harem. --- 21631843 >>21631833 The girls are part of Sekai's harem Sekai is part of Build Burning's harem Build Burning is part of Sei's harem Sei is part of Reiji's harem Sei and Reiji are both part of Ral's harem Ral is part of Hamon's harem --- 21631889 >>21631843 Then why were they holding hands? --- 21631900 >>21631889 Girls hold hands all the time. It's a support mechanism, they're like baby macaques. --- 21631903 >>21631900 Is it like when girls kiss each other and grope each other in the shower and nobody thinks it's sexual? --- 21631907 >>21631903 Yeah basically. Girls are immune to gay accusations. --- 21634116 >>21629724 She's the Ultimate Builder, she needs the Ultimate Fighter so their kids are the Ultimate Build Fighters. And she needs three of them so her flock can be the Build Fighters Tri. --- 21637673 >>21601440 What type? --- 21637734 >>21628538 Dizzy is better. --- 21637773 >>21617527 Tomboys are for Oyakodon! --- 21641874 >>21629445 Putting it like this almost makes her the best girl. --- 21641946 >>21637673 New, old genes are too weighted down by gravity. --- 21642885 >>21641874 Nobody tell him. --- 21642893 >>21642885 Rinko will always be the best girl to me. I like Shia well enough but I like Rinko the most out of all Build babes. --- 21642902 >>21515780 (OP) So about gunpla battling, what gunpla would you theoretically run? I think I'd have a Xeku Eins with a beam bazooka. --- 21643067 >>21631903 Yes --- 21645322 >>21643067 cute --- 21649265 >>21642902 >what gunpla would you theoretically run this always devolves into the cringiest "look at my OC mech its the strongest ever, with NTD and moonlight butterfly and 00 drives and ..." the people with actual talent and effort at least kitbash or draw custom gunpla so it just leaves the worst autists with their OC threads --- 21649626 >>21642902 An MS girl of another franchise. --- 21649788 >>21551526 Gyanko‘s neck is way too long. Those earlier Figure-rise Gundam girl models had some serious problems with their designs and proportions. From the pictures I’ve seen, the MG Nobel Gundam had a similar problem with her neck also being too long. If only Bandai would make a new Gyanko Figure-rise model. --- 21650020 >>21642885 Cute sexpot. --- 21652814 >>21642902 --- 21652815 >>21617367 >lots of eggs --- 21652858 >>21649788 It’s perfect. There isn’t. Better /m/ design than this. --- 21652958 >>21617367 >Fumina probably isn't allowed too turn the air conditioner on which causes her toned low in fat body to get even leaner Heat doesn't make you leaner. You cannot sweat fat off. The only people who will tell you that are trying to sell you something like a sauna or a trashbag suit --- 21656085 >>21642902 Do the rules explicitly state you must use Gunpla? I would probably use a Kamen Rider Figure-rise kit. If not, then maybe a Full-armor type Zaku II where it can eject its armor for speed --- 21656104 >>21569426 >Try was awful. The real problem with try is that it had some good characters but it both shit the bed in terms of litterally fucking EVERYTHING else and managed to be so indefensibly shit that it ruined the GBF universe and poisoned that sub-universe forever. I hope whatever suits thought they were clever as hell with this sad shit attempt to make a shounen jump version of gundam build fighters complete with feminine faced girl voiced tough little boy lead IN A FUCKING HIGHSCHOOL was fired. But judging by the shitbomb of a movie that came out later I doubt it. --- 21657773 >>21611196 But I thought Gundam DD has the most big boobies. --- 21660597 >>21569426 >>21656104 I liked Try a lot. I didn't see its prequel, Build Fighters. I tried watching it but just couldn't get into its gay love affair between the MC and the alien guy. The only good part of the show seemed to be Ranko. But I was able to enjoy Try because things were easier to understand. And even though I'm not a mecha fan and I don't belong here, on the show, just by the delivery of all of the lines regarding the Crossbone Gundam Full Cloth I could tell that it was a big deal. That's just not something you're going to get from English voice actors. Upon hearing a line I want to feel that a character is ready to take on a second mortage just for information leading to the acquisition of an original 1978 mahogany weathered order form for a Crossbone Gundam Full Cloth. When I hear the English just by their tone I know they're ready to rush to the break room to steal Lorraine's hotdog lunch. Well I guess it's okay. This is a children's show after all and most children aren't Robert Ebert. Anyways Try was a good show when I think and though it's been over a decade since I've seen it I still like that scene where there's a kid dying of cancer and he's talking to Sekai and he's like "S-sekai-kun I'm dying of cancer--Could you let me beat you so I can secure a place in the finals?" and Sekai just responds "I'll see you in hell" and then uses Knights of the Round materia on his big brother when he defeats him in the quarter finals. I don't know. I just liked it more. Perhaps had I seen all of its prequel I wouldn't care for it as much. I don't know how good that gay love story is. For all I know it could be the greatest coming of age plastic toy advert gay love story ever told. The important thing is that it laid the foundation for future colored plastic advertisements and also gave us Gyanko. --- 21663672 >>21515780 (OP) Harem end when? --- 21667135 >based on a mobile suit known for its agility on land >she's heavily armoured instead --- 21667703 >>21663672 I'd rather it goes back to its roots and have Gyanko and Shimon be an OTP. Fuck the dense MC that ruined one of the things that made the first Build Fighters great. --- 21668980 >>21667703 But Sei is the MC, not Reiji. And Reiji was a crap dense guy. --- 21668999 >>21642902 --- 21671096 >>21629445 >>Before you know it she's having your third child after having coached you through the grand finals. >Shia will never be preggers with your baby while you fight in the finals >ywn get a winning photo with your head between her pregnant belly and the championship trophy, with your other two kids hanging from your neck --- 21675652 >>21675358 I want to help her continue to keep smiling --- 21675672 >>21675652 How will you do it? --- 21675696 >>21515780 (OP) Unpopular opinion, Divers is good and ReRise would have been better if it was just May and Hiroto being straight up Isekai'd without any fucking about with the game or Earth. Kazami could stay if he could actually be worth a fuck as a character rather than just an eternal failure. He doesn't actually improve, /m/ was just desperate for scraps at that point. --- 21675781 >>21675672 M'quve cosplay sex and a Gyan saber-themed buttplug. The hilt will act as the flared portion. --- 21675935 >>21675672 That wasn't me, that wasn't my answer. I will be her pure and wholesome vase-appreciating companion. My answer would be to take her to nice places and eats lots of food with her, as well as actually watch her anime, even though I was told she'd be more likable if I left the sub-par show alone --- 21675939 >>21675935 wait you haven't seen it yet? How the fuck do you support a waifu without seeing their show? That's like going to war without a gun! --- 21675981 >>21675672 do what she wants --- 21676018 >>21675939 She and the mom seem like the only appealing things about the show, a trusted friend did not enjoy the show at all and I'm really on the fence about watching 52 episodes just for the glimpses of wonderful Gyanko. Anyone who loves the Gyan (superior to the Gelgoog) as much as her deserves to be loved. --- 21676024 >>21676018 >Gyan (superior to the Gelgoog) thems fighting words --- 21676051 >>21676024 Just have them supported by Doms if you really need range, Gyans are superior due to them going all-in in an elegant and decisive fighting style, instead of going the coward's route and remaining an unspecialized suit. The Gelgoog, although somewhat cool, looks late-game generic compared to the sheer majesty of the Gyan, which in turn reflects the sagacity and wisdom of Gyanko. The Gyan is unironically my favourite and I'm not sure why. --- 21676058 >>21676018 fake fan --- 21676082 >>21676058 Rude and unelegant >RAWK8 Yeah, one's aimed at you, buddy --- 21676087 >>21676082 no hablo español --- 21676088 >>21676024 did you watch the fight at Texas Colony? A goog can never pull that kind of maneuverability --- 21676089 >>21675935 >>21676018 Honestly? Just watch her episode. Try is a battle shounen. It follows the villain of the week formula while otherwise broken up by character drama. You don't have to watch it all. Gyanko's episode is Episode 3, titled 'Her Name is Gyanko'. You used to be able to watch full episodes on the gundaminfo youtube channel, but they've since been taken down. There's still plenty of active torrents for Try though: https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=1_2&q=gundam+build+fighters+try --- 21676165 >>21676087 Wow >>21676089 I will try just episode 3, thank you. >wiki describes her being in ep14, but neither the castlist nor her page mention anything about this >3, 5, 8 date, 9 consoling, 14 help, 20 and 25: less than a third of the show Man --- 21676332 >>21676088 Gyan doesn't have any good ranged weapons which is arguably more important --- 21681731 >>21676089 >Used to be IIRC you still can it's just that they cycle through the various series that are available every couple of months. --- 21684831 >>21642902 Need to figure out how to fold an Arche so that I can give it an MA form like the Chaos Gundam’s because it would’ve cool. But I’m probably not talented enough for that so I’m just gonna figure out how to git gud with a Messala and maybe get some kind of blade on the shin for flybys. --- 21687218 >>21676089 The episode will be watched today, by me, I swear it. --- 21687374 >>21515780 (OP) >build thread Indeed --- 21687607 She's way too fierce, I love it --- 21687635 >tfw you'll never eat two lunches per lunch with Gyanko --- 21687637 ...You niggas are horny on a middle schooler? --- 21687642 >>21687637 yes --- 21687782 >gyanko thread >no mention of the /m/ meme she spawned Today I will remind them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raVgRr_XjLo [Embed] (It's a reference to this.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mudA3xtRRAc [Embed] --- 21687852 >>21687637 She's not real. --- 21687856 >>21687374 Would Pierce main a Xamel or The-O? --- 21690230 >>21687856 He would main the Gable --- 21690253 >>21687637 that is what anime people do --- 21690390 >>21690230 Big boy