----- --- 21486131 Ple! Ple! Ple! --- 21486153 >>21486139 >>21486131 (OP) Character was such utter dogshit nobody in the show bats an eye when she blows herself up kek --- 21486428 I don't understand why Judau didn't marry her. --- 21489889 >>21486428 Why don't you have a seat...right over there? --- 21490193 >>21489889 >bumps the pedo thread --- 21492321 >>21486139 Yay! --- 21492518 Kitazume --- 21492563 I'm just going to scan this artbook at 1200 dpi. --- 21492574 >>21489889 >>21490193 This isn’t a Haman thread --- 21492641 >>21492518 puru is a feddie... --- 21492658 >>21492641 Trailing ellipses spammers should be dragged into the street and shot. After an indeterminate pause. --- 21492671 >>21492658 I was making a reference to this panel --- 21492677 >>21492671 This is not as strong a defence as you appear to believe. --- 21492703 >>21492677 okay... --- 21492881 >>21486131 (OP) Do we really need a thread for this pedobait character every month? --- 21492882 >>21492876 Ironic to use Goku and Vegeta when the age of consent in most of Latin America is like 14. --- 21492908 >>21492881 at any moment there are probably 5-10 char threads up, I don't see why you wouldn't welcome the break in monotony. Not my fault you don't appreciate anime girls and not my fault you can't hide the thread. --- 21492947 >>21489889 Judau is at most 3 years older than Puru, calm down tourist. --- 21493282 Me and my friends would have killed Ple with hammers I can tell you that much --- 21493298 >>21493133 This. Have sex! --- 21493327 >>21492876 Unironically return to twitter, faggot. --- 21493699 >>21492947 Yeah, Haman/Judau is actually more pedo than Judau/Puru. She was 7-8 years older --- 21498080 >>21489889 I want to have sex with tryhard puritan anon! --- 21498498 >>21486131 (OP) I want to believe 1 survived and had a happy life and children. And that her dead clones' spirits watch over them. --- 21498546 Was she a Newtype or Cyber-Newtype? --- 21498551 >>21498498 Gundam Evolve had Judau save a Puru, so just imagine her as canon --- 21499038 >>21486131 (OP) >he doesn't have the Ple pilot fig ngmi --- 21499068 >>21486131 (OP) Why did Judau not give a shit that he'd lost his second sister figure in only a short space of time? That was really odd and robbed a lot of emotional weight from Puru's sacrifice. --- 21499071 >>21486131 (OP) There it is. there's the loli thread again. --- 21499111 >>21499071 Yeah, and it's based --- 21503143 bumping for Puru --- 21503160 >>21486131 (OP) So which Purus have we found? We got 1 2 and 12 so far. --- 21503193 >>21493298 Unf, I would headpat them so hard...! --- 21503322 >>21486131 (OP) can someone get these children some proper clothes and call child protection services? --- 21503333 >>21503160 The unnumbered Puru saved by Judau at the end of Gundam Evolve 10. But Unicorn made sure that Marida was the last, which is more than enough to make Evolve not canon, I guess --- 21503390 >>21498546 In the context of UC they cyber newtypes due to the sort of manufactured nature of their newtype abilities. However they are not like typical cyber newtypes as instead of using drugs and surgeries to artificially enhance a regular person they instead chose to clone an existing newtype (so they are more like an "artificial newtype" but the series doesn't make a specific distinction compared to other cyber newtypes). As for Ple 01 specifically? I guess it comes down to whetger you believe she is the original or just the first clone. If she is the original then she is a natural newtype, if she was just the first sort of prototype clone then she is a cyber newtype. Also can we just talk for a moment about the cloning thing? They apparently have the ability to rapid grow perfect clones in UC and yet the only time I can think of it ever being brought up again is in the original crossbone manga. --- 21506605 >>21503333 You could always wiggle around it with 12 being the last one she knew of surviving. IIRC the MPs were deployed in multiple areas during the final battle Also the Unnamed was using the rebuilt Puru Mk II and not a MP so there was that --- 21513345 >>21506605 Unless ENGAGE is canon, in which case there should be 1 extra Puru still alive (until she gets killed in the next season I suppose). https://youtu.be/dbgfzsUNP88 [Embed] --- 21515841 >>21506605 >Puru Mk II Anon? --- 21523475 >>21520913 oh my --- 21527412 Judau hands made this thread --- 21528820 >>21526716 That's a lot of Puru --- 21528865 How the fuck am I supposed to pronounce Ple as a burger? --- 21528867 >>21528820 like that bit in MGS2 with the Marines, but Snake has to avoid tactical formation PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU --- 21531698 So Ple2 just dies? Just like that the end? --- 21531701 >>21528865 don't --- 21534423 >>21531698 I guess Tomino doesn't consider clones people She fulfilled her role so she can die --- 21538557 >>21492518 Love his designs --- 21545596 this is one of the few if not the only scene in which a clone puru shows up in gundam zz --- 21545599 >>21545596 engrish kek --- 21548944 >>21492563 Why are the cables and electricity molesting these girls? --- 21551621 >>21492876 there is no age of consent in the vacuum of space --- 21551624 >>21499038 which kit? --- 21551625 >>21548944 Because they're based , that's why Joking aside you'd never need to molest Puru, Glemy-Sensei has trained her to volunteer --- 21551725 >>21551624 --- 21551860 Around the time she shows up is also around the time when ZZ starts getting much better. It's not like it gets better because of her. It's just that the show finally starts settling on a tone, we start having some stakes build up, we less screen time is devoted to the 2 chucklefucks who have fucked everyone over for the 5th time in a row. But still sometimes it's fun to close my eyes and think "Yep, Puru saved ZZ." One of the only Gundam things I own is a Puru shirt of Elpeo in front of the dark blue Quebeley. I wish either of the Puru units were more fun in EXVS2 --- 21551873 Made for chibis --- 21556671 >>21528865 The same way you pronounce Peru. --- 21563176 >>21498546 Ple: officially a natural Newtype Ple clones: augmented human\cyber-newtype From what we have seen, the clones are much more stable then the average Cyber-NT, which suggests little effort was used to activate their NT powers >>21503333 Just make it that Marida is the last KNOWN clone alive >>21520913 >YWN a 18-meters tall Psycho Ple --- 21563251 I hope the remaining Ple didn't get the same thing as Marida... --- 21564301 >>21528865 Recall brother burger, her name is an onomatopoeia. It’s the first noise she made as she was spitting out cum. --- 21566978 >>21506372 >Mars is run by a cabal of dommy mommy Purus larping as the Zabi family >also sick mobile suit designs Where do I sign up? --- 21567020 >>21551869 What is she fighting exactly? --- 21567200 >>21486131 (OP) All those dead girls... --- 21567208 >>21567020 Gravity, I think. --- 21567241 >>21486428 Age of consent in space in UC is actually canonically super low last I checked so he honestly probably could. --- 21567380 >>21566978 You have to go to MARS and deal with Redneck Zeon though. --- 21567496 >>21567380 >>21566978 It is hilarious to me that UC Mars is just a pile of Zeon leftovers squabbling with each other over a dustbowl, with every new earth sphere conflict bringing in a new wave of losers to complicate the mess further. Some People's Front of Judea shit. --- 21570520 >>21508725 I don't trust that fat fuck Titans pilot with his own Puru --- 21581104 >>21567496 >new conflict in the earth sphere >whatever Zeon is in charge of Mars at the time sends out a bunch of their guys to fight the good fight >whatever Zeon ends up fleeing to Mars from the previous conflict takes advantage of the weakened state to take over Mars >repeat It's amusing how this is literally the plot of Inle. On top of Mommy Puru installing a totalitarian matriarchal Puru regime to stop more people from leaving to join Char for the /next/ conflict. --- 21581107 >>21581104 Purucracy. --- 21581220 HEY PLE --- 21582837 Puru the Puru --- 21588238 the only waifu thread i allow on this board --- 21588432 Why didn't they try to clone Amuro instead? --- 21592722 >>21588432 Because Jupiter already did that and it'd be unoriginal. --- 21593118 >>21588432 They lacked any kind of sample to clone him from. The only group that attempted to actually make a copy of him in any capacity was the Jupiter Empire in Crossbone Skull Heart, and that was using the combat data from the core fighter that drifted off into space from 0079's ending. >Jupiter Empire creates a bio-brain with all Amuro's combat data from the OYW. >Judau and Tobia arrive to stop the project and are to late to stop Jupiter from activating the brain inside of their newest mobile suit Amakusa. >The moment it wakes up, it instantly focuses on butchering any Jovian in the area, before going feral and jumping Judau and Tobia. >After partially defeating it and the test facility housing the brain and mobile suit begins to collapse, the brain determines Judau and Tobia to good people, and ultimately sacrifices itself so they can live. In short: Even just using Amuro's combat data, it was hard coded to just kill edgy spacenoids. --- 21597444 >>21592346 It's honestly a shame that the translation for this is dead. --- 21597532 >>21592346 where do you begin reading this? I mean, there was a photonovel and a titan spin-off manga. I'm seriously confused/ --- 21602341 Ple peropero --- 21602353 >>21563176 How were they all the same age though? Did they just know the originals fetus had newtype potential and already had the equipment ready? 13 shows it's not accelerated aging (when I originally saw it I assumed they DID have accelerated lifespans and that's why Two died for no reason, but Unicorn fucks that up). --- 21607869 >>21567496 Space Balkans --- 21607935 >>21548944 Early Devil Gundam inspiration. --- 21612555 >>21486131 (OP) Misread it as Pie --- 21612989 >>21580994 >>21602341 giwtwm --- 21613028 >>21593118 Based --- 21617462 nakadashi --- 21617686 I found an article that explained the technology in Gundam (m-particles et) but now I cannot find it again. Can some anon w better search skillz find it again for me? --- 21618670 >>21588432 they aren't as marketable as space hookers if they don't work out --- 21619904 >>21580994 Judau, you know what you have to do >>21597532 Alternate continuities anon, AFAIK only the manga is (partially) translated sadly --- 21633139 >>21489889 >pomf --- 21644869 >>21628946 >>21644815 Dude, come the fuck on. I don't give a fuck about your random ass bumping ways, but at least don't recycle your spam. --- 21646786 Watching ZZ for the first time. It really confused me how barely anyone reacted to Puru sacrifing herself, to the point where I wondered if I had actually misunderstood the scene and she was actually alive and well. I don't understand why they did that considering characters like Four and Ryu had people getting PTSD from their deaths. --- 21649375 >>21623189 >>21636198 cute doggo --- 21653272 >>21503333 it's simple, Judau didn't tell anyone about the puru from evolve. --- 21654440 >>21486428 Because the two Ples he met fucking died? It’s a little hard to marry a corpse. --- 21654527 >>21646786 because nobody liked her enough to notice --- 21656344 Do you know what I like to believe? That Kamille found Ple Four and adopted her with Fa --- 21666368 bump for Puru! --- 21672011 >>21486131 (OP) >comes in and mogs all over your little sister --- 21673032 Ple Ple Ple Ple! --- 21673039 >>21673032 sexo --- 21674403 >>21654440 I think he means, before Puru died. --- 21674427 >>21492876 >twitter faggotry --- 21676259 Purupuurupurupurupuru! --- 21676277 Cat Puru! --- 21676950 Ple! --- 21677336 i like that artist, hes funny --- 21677346 >>21677336 Very based, as the kids say. --- 21677392 >>21486428 >streaming site watermark God I hate newfags who actually use these sites, who make content with these disfigured videos and who repost said shit content --- 21678311 Being Puru's pet! --- 21678326 Purus and Leina awaken a beast inside me, but my heart only beats for Shakti --- 21678327 What do Ples taste like? --- 21678342 Easily embarrassed Puru Tsuu! --- 21678368 >>21677392 You don't get to complain when you post stale fucking content. >>21580994 --- 21678395 Sloppy sweaty babymaking with a Puru! --- 21678440 Quick morning workout at the pool with Ple! --- 21678462 Ple looks content! --- 21679016 >>21678368 Soz niggra I generally reply as I scroll down the thread --- 21682130 Perflat Puru!