{"task_index": 0, "task": "flip a toy table and push backward"} {"task_index": 1, "task": "Topple a SPAM can"} {"task_index": 2, "task": "Pull a cup"} {"task_index": 3, "task": "Rotate a toy table"} {"task_index": 4, "task": "push a plastic basket to the left"} {"task_index": 5, "task": "filp a pen holder in x direction"} {"task_index": 6, "task": "Drag a ketchup and rotate 90 degrees"} {"task_index": 7, "task": "Rotate a game controller 180 degrees and push"} {"task_index": 8, "task": "Push and topple a plastic small mug"} {"task_index": 9, "task": "Push the object to the front"} {"task_index": 10, "task": "make holder stand up and move it the left"} {"task_index": 11, "task": "Drag a thin book"} {"task_index": 12, "task": "rotate the toppled toy table in z direction"} {"task_index": 13, "task": "flip toy puppy around y axis and push right"} {"task_index": 14, "task": "Topple a toy table in y direction"} {"task_index": 15, "task": "rotate mustard bottle and push right"} {"task_index": 16, "task": "push a dehumidifier to the left bottom"} {"task_index": 17, "task": "Make an iced tea box stand up"} {"task_index": 18, "task": "Push the holder to the right bottom"} {"task_index": 19, "task": "flip the toy tank around the y axis"} {"task_index": 20, "task": "make toy tank stand by its back"} {"task_index": 21, "task": "rotate a plastic box around z axis and push to the left"} {"task_index": 22, "task": "Topple a coffee dripper"} {"task_index": 23, "task": "Flip iced tea box 180 deg in y-axis direction then push to the right"} {"task_index": 24, "task": "Push the table to the left"} {"task_index": 25, "task": "Drag a mustard sauce bottle"} {"task_index": 26, "task": "Slide and topple an iced tea box"} {"task_index": 27, "task": "push wood holder to the left"} {"task_index": 28, "task": "Lie down a toy dozer to its back"} {"task_index": 29, "task": "Topple and push an iced tea box to the right top of the table"} {"task_index": 30, "task": "Topple the object and push to the top left corner"} {"task_index": 31, "task": "Topple a toy dozer and push it to the center"} {"task_index": 32, "task": "Align an iced tea box to the center of the table"} {"task_index": 33, "task": "push a plastic box to the left"} {"task_index": 34, "task": "Rotate a plastic puppy toy"} {"task_index": 35, "task": "push the toy tank to the back"} {"task_index": 36, "task": "rotate a book 90 degree around z axis and push to the right edge"} {"task_index": 37, "task": "rotate a plastic box around z axis and push forward"} {"task_index": 38, "task": "Topple the object in x-axis direction"} {"task_index": 39, "task": "rotate and push a thick book to the right"} {"task_index": 40, "task": "Rotate the object in z direction"} {"task_index": 41, "task": "Topple a plastic toy tank"} {"task_index": 42, "task": "Drag a sauce bottle"} {"task_index": 43, "task": "push a plastic box to the right"} {"task_index": 44, "task": "Rotate a dehumidifier"} {"task_index": 45, "task": "Rotate a wood holder 90 degrees in x-axis direction"} {"task_index": 46, "task": "Flip a coffee dripper in the opposite direction"} {"task_index": 47, "task": "Rotate a computer mouse"} {"task_index": 48, "task": "Push a coffee dripper to the left front"} {"task_index": 49, "task": "rotate a dehumidifier around z axis and push forward"} {"task_index": 50, "task": "Rotate an iced tea box in z-axis direction and move it to the left bottom of the table"} {"task_index": 51, "task": "push a plastic bowl to the right"} {"task_index": 52, "task": "Reorient a red card"} {"task_index": 53, "task": "Push the pen holder to the right corner"} {"task_index": 54, "task": "topple a plastic box and rotate it around z axis"} {"task_index": 55, "task": "Push a toy puppy to the left"} {"task_index": 56, "task": "Push a toy table to the back"} {"task_index": 57, "task": "lift toy puppy and push right"} {"task_index": 58, "task": "Rotate a plastic toy tank in z-axis direction and topple"} {"task_index": 59, "task": "Rotate and topple a plastic penstand"} {"task_index": 60, "task": "Flip a toy table"} {"task_index": 61, "task": "push a plastic box to the right back corner"} {"task_index": 62, "task": "Rotate a long wood holder in z-axis direction"} {"task_index": 63, "task": "Rotate a small plastic table"} {"task_index": 64, "task": "Push a mustard sauce bottle"} {"task_index": 65, "task": "push the spam can to the right"} {"task_index": 66, "task": "Rotate a holder in z-axis direction"} {"task_index": 67, "task": "Rotate a sauce bottle 90 degrees"} {"task_index": 68, "task": "Topple a toy dozer"} {"task_index": 69, "task": "Rotate and make a toy dozer stand up"} {"task_index": 70, "task": "flip spam can and push left"} {"task_index": 71, "task": "Push a cup to the front"} {"task_index": 72, "task": "rotate and push a humidifier to the left"} {"task_index": 73, "task": "rotate toppled toy tank around z axis"} {"task_index": 74, "task": "Flip a ceramic cup 180 degrees"} {"task_index": 75, "task": "Topple and push the object to the front"} {"task_index": 76, "task": "Push a table to the left top"} {"task_index": 77, "task": "Rotate a toy puppy in z direction"} {"task_index": 78, "task": "Topple a small plastic table"} {"task_index": 79, "task": "Topple a holder"} {"task_index": 80, "task": "push the plastic bowl to the left"} {"task_index": 81, "task": "Make an iced tea bottle stand up"} {"task_index": 82, "task": "Move a toy dozer to the right bottom"} {"task_index": 83, "task": "Rotate a cup in the z-axis direction"} {"task_index": 84, "task": "Rotate an iced tea box 180 degree in the z-axis direction and move it to the right bottom"} {"task_index": 85, "task": "Rotate and push a ceramic mug"} {"task_index": 86, "task": "rotate a book 180 degree around z axis and push to the left"} {"task_index": 87, "task": "Push a toy puppy to the front"} {"task_index": 88, "task": "Topple and rotate a plastic cabinet"} {"task_index": 89, "task": "flip the spam can and push to the right"} {"task_index": 90, "task": "topple a spam can and push backward"} {"task_index": 91, "task": "flip the toy tank around x axis"} {"task_index": 92, "task": "push the toy tank to the right top while rotating aroung z axis"} {"task_index": 93, "task": "Rotate a mustarc sauce bottle"} {"task_index": 94, "task": "Make a coffee dripper stand up in x direction"} {"task_index": 95, "task": "Push a pen holder to the left"} {"task_index": 96, "task": "push a dehumidifier to the right top"} {"task_index": 97, "task": "Push a plastic small mug"} {"task_index": 98, "task": "Make a pen holder stand up in the opposite direction"} {"task_index": 99, "task": "Rotate and push the object to the left back"} {"task_index": 100, "task": "push a holder to the right"} {"task_index": 101, "task": "push the toy tank to the right top"} {"task_index": 102, "task": "Rotate a toy dozer in z-axis direction and move it to the right top"} {"task_index": 103, "task": "rotate and push basket backward"} {"task_index": 104, "task": "topple flipped wood holder"} {"task_index": 105, "task": "Make a ceramic cup stand up"} {"task_index": 106, "task": "Rotate a coffee dripper and push it to the left"} {"task_index": 107, "task": "Make a small plastic mug stand up"} {"task_index": 108, "task": "Rotate a toy dozer and push it"} {"task_index": 109, "task": "rotate a hodler and move backward"} {"task_index": 110, "task": "Make a cup stand up"} {"task_index": 111, "task": "move plastic basket to the right"} {"task_index": 112, "task": "Make a toy table stand up"} {"task_index": 113, "task": "make a toy table stand up and push it to the right back"} {"task_index": 114, "task": "Topple a foam cleansing and push"} {"task_index": 115, "task": "Topple a dehumidifier and push it"} {"task_index": 116, "task": "lift a wood holder and move to the right"} {"task_index": 117, "task": "Push the holder to the front"} {"task_index": 118, "task": "flip a plastic box and push to the top left"} {"task_index": 119, "task": "Make a toy dozer to head front"} {"task_index": 120, "task": "Rotate the cabinet in z direction"} {"task_index": 121, "task": "rotate spam can around z axis"} {"task_index": 122, "task": "drag a book backward"} {"task_index": 123, "task": "topple the cabinet in x direction"} {"task_index": 124, "task": "Rotate a cup in z-axis direction"} {"task_index": 125, "task": "lift the toy tabel and push to the right"} {"task_index": 126, "task": "Make the toy dozer stand up"} {"task_index": 127, "task": "flip the spam can around x axis"} {"task_index": 128, "task": "Push a toy puppy to the right"} {"task_index": 129, "task": "push a dehumidifier to the right"} {"task_index": 130, "task": "Rotate and make a wood holder stand up"} {"task_index": 131, "task": "Push and rotate a sauce bottle 120 degrees"} {"task_index": 132, "task": "flip the toy tabel and push to the top left"} {"task_index": 133, "task": "Rotate a coffee dripper in the z-axis direction"} {"task_index": 134, "task": "make spam can stand up"} {"task_index": 135, "task": "Push and rotate a thick book"} {"task_index": 136, "task": "rotate and push mustard bottle to the left"} {"task_index": 137, "task": "topple the toy table and push to the right"} {"task_index": 138, "task": "Rotate a plastic puppy toy in the z-axis direction"} {"task_index": 139, "task": "Rotate a toy dozer in z-axis direction"} {"task_index": 140, "task": "make toy tank stand up and push to the right"} {"task_index": 141, "task": "Drag and rotate a sauce bottle 180 degrees"} {"task_index": 142, "task": "flip a dehumidifier around x axis and push to the right"} {"task_index": 143, "task": "rotate toy tank around z axis"} {"task_index": 144, "task": "Make a pen holder stand up"} {"task_index": 145, "task": "Push a toy table to the right front"} {"task_index": 146, "task": "Rotate a game controller 180 degrees and maintain its position"} {"task_index": 147, "task": "Push the object to the left bottom"} {"task_index": 148, "task": "rotate wood holder 180 dgree around z axis and push to the left front"} {"task_index": 149, "task": "Push and topple a plastic toy tank"} {"task_index": 150, "task": "Rotate a cup in z-axis direction and move it to the right"} {"task_index": 151, "task": "flip a plastic box around x axis and push to the right"} {"task_index": 152, "task": "Make a wood holder stand up"} {"task_index": 153, "task": "Rotate the object 90 degree while pushing to the right"} {"task_index": 154, "task": "push the toy tank to the right back"} {"task_index": 155, "task": "Rotate a toy dozer in z-axis direction and move it to the left"} {"task_index": 156, "task": "push the spam can backward and face the robot"} {"task_index": 157, "task": "Push a coffee dripper to the right"} {"task_index": 158, "task": "move a book to the right top corner"} {"task_index": 159, "task": "fall a wood holder and push to the right"} {"task_index": 160, "task": "make toy tank face the robot"} {"task_index": 161, "task": "Push the coffee dripper to the center"} {"task_index": 162, "task": "push the spam cam to the left top corner"} {"task_index": 163, "task": "flip a pen holder in y direction"} {"task_index": 164, "task": "push the toy tank to the left top"} {"task_index": 165, "task": "Rotate a Realsense box"} {"task_index": 166, "task": "Topple a toy puppy in x direction"} {"task_index": 167, "task": "Rotate the coffee dripper in z-axis direction and push to the left top"} {"task_index": 168, "task": "Flip a toy table in x direction"} {"task_index": 169, "task": "Make a toy puppy stand up and push to the left"} {"task_index": 170, "task": "Topple and rotate a plastic toy tank"} {"task_index": 171, "task": "make a dehumidifier stand up and push to the left"} {"task_index": 172, "task": "rotate a holder and push to the left"} {"task_index": 173, "task": "Push and rotate a holder 180 degrees"} {"task_index": 174, "task": "Rotate a toy puppy in z direction while push to the left"} {"task_index": 175, "task": "Rotate a pen holder in z-axis direction"} {"task_index": 176, "task": "Drag a thick book"} {"task_index": 177, "task": "Push a toy table to the right"} {"task_index": 178, "task": "rotate a book around z axis"} {"task_index": 179, "task": "Make a plastic cabinet stand up"} {"task_index": 180, "task": "rotate a toppled holder and push to the right"} {"task_index": 181, "task": "Push a cup to the right"} {"task_index": 182, "task": "flip a cup in 180 degree"} {"task_index": 183, "task": "rotate and push basket to the left top"} {"task_index": 184, "task": "Rotate an aluminum part"} {"task_index": 185, "task": "Make a small plastic table stand up"} {"task_index": 186, "task": "lift a wood holder and push right"} {"task_index": 187, "task": "topple a toy tabel and rotate around z axis"} {"task_index": 188, "task": "Push a cabinet to the left"} {"task_index": 189, "task": "Drag a thin book to the left"} {"task_index": 190, "task": "topple a dehumidifier and push backward"} {"task_index": 191, "task": "topple toy puppy to the left and rotate around z axis"} {"task_index": 192, "task": "Rotate around z axis"}