# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Datasets Authors and the HuggingFace Datasets Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Lint as: python3 """C4 dataset based on Common Crawl.""" import json import os import datasets from .c4_utils import ( dedupe_urls, filter_by_webtextlike, get_clean_page_fn, get_counter_inc_fn, get_hashed_url_filter_fn, is_language, is_realnews_domain, is_valid_length, normalize_url, remove_duplicate_text, split_wet_file, ) logger = datasets.logging.get_logger(__name__) _DESCRIPTION = """\ A colossal, cleaned version of Common Crawl's web crawl corpus. Based on Common Crawl dataset: "https://commoncrawl.org" Due to the overhead of cleaning the dataset, it is recommend you prepare it with a distributed service like Cloud Dataflow. More info at https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/beam_datasets. """ _CITATION = """ @article{2019t5, author = {Colin Raffel and Noam Shazeer and Adam Roberts and Katherine Lee and Sharan Narang and Michael Matena and Yanqi Zhou and Wei Li and Peter J. Liu}, title = {Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer}, journal = {arXiv e-prints}, year = {2019}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1910.10683}, } """ _VERSION = datasets.Version("2.3.0", "Deduplicate lines within a page.") _DOWNLOAD_HOST = "https://commoncrawl.s3.amazonaws.com" _WET_PATH_URL = "https://commoncrawl.s3.amazonaws.com/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-{cc_version}/wet.paths.gz" _REALNEWS_DOMAINS_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rowanz/grover/38f7184bd87237ae2d3bc330b99f1e2e246f6d51/realnews/domain_to_allowed_subdomains.json" _BADWORDS_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LDNOOBW/List-of-Dirty-Naughty-Obscene-and-Otherwise-Bad-Words/25e679f03d96baa721cde20db9944649e8d0a844/{lang}" _CHECKSUMS_URL = "https://storage.googleapis.com/tfds-data/manual_checksums/c4.txt" _OPENWEBTEXT_URLS_ZIP = "OpenWebText.zip" _OPENWEBTEXT_URLS_URL = "https://mega.nz/#F!EZZD0YwJ!9_PlEQzdMVLaNdKv_ICNVQ" _OPENWEBTEXT_URLS_FILE_PATTERN = "OpenWebText/Version 1/URLs/*.txt" _DEFAULT_CC_VERSIONS = ("2019-18",) # April 2019 _DEFAULT_WEBTEXTLIKE_CC_VERSIONS = ( # August 2018 - July 2019 "2018-34", "2018-39", "2018-43", "2018-47", "2018-51", "2019-04", "2019-09", "2019-13", "2019-18", "2019-22", "2019-26", "2019-30", ) class C4Config(datasets.BuilderConfig): """BuilderConfig for C4 dataset.""" def __init__(self, language, cc_versions=None, clean=True, realnewslike=False, webtextlike=False, **kwargs): """BuilderConfig for C4. Args: language: string, the language code, or "all" to disable language filtering. cc_versions: tuple(string), a collection of versions of Common Crawl to use as the raw source text. Set to None to use defaults. clean: bool, whether to clean the dataset for badwords, duplications, etc. realnewslike: bool, whether to limit to news domains as compiled by RealNews. webtextlike: bool, whether to limit to WebText-like URLs. **kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to super. """ name_parts = [language] if cc_versions: name_parts.append("_".join(cc_versions)) if not clean: name_parts.append("noclean") if realnewslike: name_parts.append("realnewslike") if webtextlike: name_parts.append("webtextlike") name = ".".join(name_parts) super(C4Config, self).__init__(name=name, version=_VERSION, **kwargs) self.lang = language self.cc_versions = cc_versions or (_DEFAULT_WEBTEXTLIKE_CC_VERSIONS if webtextlike else _DEFAULT_CC_VERSIONS) self.clean = clean self.realnewslike = realnewslike self.webtextlike = webtextlike class C4(datasets.BeamBasedBuilder): """C4 dataset based on Common Crawl.""" BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ C4Config(language="en", description="English C4 dataset."), C4Config( language="en", clean=False, description="Disables all cleaning (deduplication, removal based on bad words, " "etc.)", ), C4Config( language="en", realnewslike=True, description="Filters from the default config to only include content from the " "domains used in the 'RealNews' dataset (Zellers et al., 2019).", ), C4Config( language="en", webtextlike=True, description="Filters from the default config to only include content from the " "URLs in OpenWebText (https://github.com/jcpeterson/openwebtext).", ), ] @property def manual_download_instructions(self): return """\ For the WebText-like config, you must manually download 'OpenWebText.zip' (from https://mega.nz/#F!EZZD0YwJ!9_PlEQzdMVLaNdKv_ICNVQ) and the Common Crawl WET files from August 2018 to July 2019 (https://commoncrawl.org/the-data/get-started/) and place them in the `data_dir`. """ def _info(self): features = { "text": datasets.Value("string"), "url": datasets.Value("string"), "content-type": datasets.Value("string"), "content-length": datasets.Value("string"), "timestamp": datasets.Value("string"), } return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=datasets.Features(features), citation=_CITATION, homepage="https://github.com/google-research/text-to-text-transfer-transformer#datasets", ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager, pipeline): import apache_beam as beam # We will automatically down the default CC version(s), but others need to # be manually downloaded. cc_versions = set(self.config.cc_versions) auto_cc_versions = cc_versions & set(_DEFAULT_CC_VERSIONS) manual_cc_versions = cc_versions - set(_DEFAULT_CC_VERSIONS) files_to_download = {} files_to_download["wet_path_urls"] = [ _WET_PATH_URL.format(cc_version=cc_version) for cc_version in auto_cc_versions ] if self.config.clean: files_to_download["badwords"] = _BADWORDS_URL.format(lang=self.config.lang) if self.config.realnewslike: files_to_download["realnews_domains"] = _REALNEWS_DOMAINS_URL file_paths = dl_manager.download_and_extract(files_to_download) if self.config.webtextlike: owt_path = os.path.join(dl_manager.manual_dir, _OPENWEBTEXT_URLS_ZIP) if not os.path.exists(owt_path): raise FileNotFoundError( "{} does not exist. Make sure you insert a manual dir via `datasets.load_dataset('c4', data_dir=...)` that includes a file name {}. Manual download instructions: {})".format( owt_path, _OPENWEBTEXT_URLS_ZIP, self.manual_download_instructions ) ) file_paths["openwebtext_urls_zip"] = dl_manager.extract(owt_path) wet_urls = [] for wet_path_url in file_paths["wet_path_urls"]: with open(wet_path_url, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: wet_urls.extend(["%s/%s" % (_DOWNLOAD_HOST, line.strip()) for line in f]) file_paths["wet_urls"] = wet_urls file_paths["wet_files"] = [] for cc_version in manual_cc_versions: cc_dir = os.path.join(dl_manager.manual_dir, cc_version) wet_files = beam.io.filesystems.FileSystems.match(os.path.join(cc_dir, "*.warc.wet.gz")) if not os.path.exists(cc_dir): raise FileNotFoundError( "{} does not exist. Make sure you insert a manual dir via `datasets.load_dataset('c4', data_dir=...)` that includes the files {}. Manual download instructions: {})".format( cc_dir, "*.warc.wet.gz", self.manual_download_instructions ) ) logger.info("Adding %d WET files for manually downloaded version %s.", len(wet_files), cc_version) file_paths["wet_files"].extend(wet_files) page_content_pcollection = self._get_page_content(pipeline, file_paths, dl_manager) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs=dict( split="train", page_content=page_content_pcollection, hashed_url_predicate=lambda x: x % 1000 != 0, # 99.9% ), ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.VALIDATION, gen_kwargs=dict( split="validation", page_content=page_content_pcollection, hashed_url_predicate=lambda x: x % 1000 == 0, # 0.01% ), ), ] def _get_page_content(self, pipeline, file_paths, dl_manager): """Build PCollection of un-split page content.""" import apache_beam as beam wet_file_paths = pipeline | "create_wet_files" >> beam.Create(file_paths["wet_files"]) if "wet_urls" in file_paths: def download_url(url, downloader, pipeline): path = downloader.download(url) if not pipeline.is_local(): path = downloader.ship_files_with_pipeline(path, pipeline) return path dl_wet_file_paths = ( pipeline | "create_wet_urls" >> beam.Create(file_paths["wet_urls"]) | beam.Map(download_url, downloader=dl_manager, pipeline=pipeline) ) wet_file_paths = (wet_file_paths, dl_wet_file_paths) | beam.Flatten() # Parse WET files and filter by length. # Output: url, text page_content = wet_file_paths | beam.FlatMap(split_wet_file) | beam.Filter(is_valid_length) # Optionally filter for RealNews domains. # Output: url, text if self.config.realnewslike: with open(file_paths["realnews_domains"], "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: realnews_domains = json.load(f) page_content = page_content | beam.Filter(is_realnews_domain, realnews_domains) # Normalize and deduplicate by URL. # Output: url, text page_content = ( page_content | "normalize_url" >> beam.Map(normalize_url) | "group_url" >> beam.GroupByKey() | beam.Map(dedupe_urls) ) # Optionally filter for WebText-like URLs. # Output: url, text if self.config.webtextlike: webtextlike_urls = ( pipeline | "read_webtextlike_urls" >> beam.io.ReadFromText( os.path.join(file_paths["openwebtext_urls_zip"], _OPENWEBTEXT_URLS_FILE_PATTERN) ) | "add_dummy_page" >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x, "")) | "normal_webtext_url" >> beam.Map(normalize_url) ) page_content = ( {"text": page_content, "webtextlike_urls": webtextlike_urls} | "group_webtextlike_urls" >> beam.CoGroupByKey() | beam.FlatMap(filter_by_webtextlike) ) # Optionally clean pages of badwords, boilerpolate text, and duplicate # spans of sentences. # Output: url, text if self.config.clean: with open(file_paths["badwords"], "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: badwords = [line.strip() for line in f] page_content = page_content | "clean_pages" >> beam.FlatMap(get_clean_page_fn(badwords)) page_content = remove_duplicate_text(page_content) # Optionally filter out non-`language` pages. We do this after cleaning # since it may change the predominate language. if self.config.lang != "all": page_content |= beam.Filter(is_language, language=self.config.lang) return page_content def _build_pcollection(self, unused_pipeline, split, page_content, hashed_url_predicate): import apache_beam as beam def _emit_examples(el): get_counter_inc_fn(split)("examples") _, features = el return ( features["url"], { "url": features["url"], "text": features["text"], "content-type": features["content-type"], "content-length": features["content-length"], "timestamp": features["timestamp"], }, ) return page_content | beam.Filter(get_hashed_url_filter_fn(hashed_url_predicate)) | beam.Map(_emit_examples)