314 values
[Advertisement.l AtSPABpIAN ItEADING5.-Eigbth sea- son.-Repetition of the Series.-Mr. SrURT is induced, from the very great encouragement he has received, to announce a repetition of the whole setics of his dramatic readUinp, to commence To- morrow evening, Alarch 18, punctualy at eight, with the tragedy of Macbeth, and a comic reading; and to be continued nn Thurs- day evenings till completed, at his town residence, s0, west side of Leicester-square. Subscriber's transferable dcket for nineevenings, one sovereign ; single ticket, 6s.: to be had as above; at Hookham's, Old Bond-steet; and Rishardson's, Royal Exchange; where pros. pectuses may be ohtained gratis. lAdvertisement.J-Er.EGANT GLAssEs, FURtXITURE, &c.- The Nobility and Gentry are invited to inispect the ware-rooms of CoOPER and SoNr, 93 Bishopsgate Within where is exhibited an assortment of new and second-hand Plate Gasses, admirably suited to every description of drawing or diningroomns. The prices arejust ratlucc 40 per cent. on plates measuring 100 inches by 72 and up- wards; azd on those of smaller dimensions the alteration wrill be found equally important. The extensive preference given to this establishment is thankfully acknowledgecl by the Proprietors, who, in their endeavours to evince their gratitude by manufacturing ar- tidcles in a superior manner, at prices suitable to the times, hope to merit a continuance of public support. In the furniture department is comprised every new and elegant article of upholstery, cabinet, and chair wvork, regulated upon such a scale of economy as to de. mand and insure the patronage of rank and fashion. [Advertisement.1-ATKiNSON'S CONCENTXATED ESSENCE OF &vENDEtn, preparedl six times the strength of thebest La- vencTer Wiiter. It is entirely free from that empyreuma of the spirit so objectionable in nmost lavenders; Its perfume is more lively and permnanent, and it goes six times as far ; in short, for the handkerchief, the chamber, the ball-rooin, &c., it imnparts the ge- luine, reviving, and salubrious pertume of that esteemed flower, strongly concentrated. Price 3s. 6d.; half pints, 5s. Id.; and pints, lOs. Gd.; and as a pint goes as far as six pints of lavender water, it is consequently four times as chealp. Sold by James Atkinson, per. funmer, 44, (lerrard-street, Soho-square. andt most perfumers. [Advertisement.]-Messrs. MioxEY and HIPPOLITr invite their extensive connexion and the public to Yiew two of the fattest and finest bears ever slaughtered in England, which are now hanging up in their shop, 49, Threadneedle-street, for the express purpose of accommodating their friends andcustomers with grease cut from the animals, and to prove tblit they sell nothing but the genuine Dears' Grease, as sworn before the Lord iMayor: either fresh or potted for exportation, in small jars, from 3s. to one guinea. Money-and Hip- polite, hair-cutters and perfumers, inform the nobility and gentry, that their new and approved system of pointing the hair is still gain- ing the admiratioin and approbation of every one who is fortunate enough to resort to their emporiums of fashion, 49, Threadneedle. street, and 1', Fleet-street [AdVertisement.1-BRANDY.-To the Nobility, Gentry, and Connoisseurs in WhitelBrandy.-Justimported, a pared of particu. larly curious and perfectly White Brandy, possessing a fineness, soft- ness, and delicacy of flavour not to be equalled. May be tasted, and samples obtained, of WIrLLIAsI FOUNTAIN, at his ceUars, under the Percy chapel (entrance in Upper Rathbone-place), betveen the hours of eleven and three. -
NOTICE is hereby given by...
ofws, W_ sirsils *~~~~~ signi.y ingitheir Aese te-,4' 7i1e01ere 1tritsl per centeS n ~ i* z~~ jy S4 n.h tion of the o 4&eutos o befthter manuclr there - ~~~~ ~ e.f theo bemitre ofbeng 6th April,lSiid, t1,Akks~Etllmx lado fIelan, II eolrdlo d5 y be pe-yab1. - countryIanke nd may lso b had o`f tbe-potateso je'r fMrit 11To 'Itid Great Britian and irelan a, as well ak at the B:,ml of j e.flen adl li drepcily N.B. T'he Assduts addlressed to thelbantks of England an."d IlreItilJ. r=speetIvy will bt1,e deIt,vered free of poetige, but care must be tiiiteit tht the re Iu no t,eps officein suffiiernt time tolbe delivered In London, or In Dublinl, as the case may Le, on or before the 6thx April, USti-iOJS,Lodo, 6h arti,184 rF'HE Commissrionersc CfHscwt?"uedom do Iererpb V.give tiotIce, that in furthe anc fdrcin received from the Lors Commisasioners ,.f Ile Majesty's Treasury, founded upon the resolutiontsof the Honouralile Housoof Cosnsmons, of`the9th, and 11th, landl12th inistant, thel- haVeTapproved of the foll,,winirWARtEHOUSESp1,, InI Lordon. for the RECE'PTION of MIANUFACTURED SILK GOOpS, viz7. No?.. 70,7,-1. aind 74, fit the. East Indirt Company's WVareloass Isituiate In Newy-street;, Blslopsgnte-streeti and df the oliouseg I WAREHOUSES for the RECEP TIO\'of RAW aidTHIROW IK Iviz. NO&s 36 anid 88. L,elonging to the East India Company,ensiut in nivew.street. Bishop.sgate.street. and that the Kinjg's arehouse at the Custom-house wsll ikewlse be.open for the recerptigli of rawv and. thrown silk. The whole of-the saidiwarehouses Wvill,.be retdy for the reception of such goode frons and after Wedniesday, thel17thbilnnant, atec f whiclh Officers of the Revenue will be stationed, ito receive =n ae an aceotunt of the same : and the said warehouises will cosi-. Itinnle open iroin 10 a'clockz in the morning until 4 Inl the afternoon. IPr!ieted forms of the pevitisations, Wvhich wvill be reqtuired to he deli- vered witli each parcel of goods. may hie had on applitcation to.-tii oncert, stationied at the respective warehouses. By order of the Commissloner,. ISignled) '.WIIITMORE. Actlngqccretary, BANK of ENGLAND, Marsh 9. 1824. IIHE (7oer/ of Directos's of'the G'overnor- andi Cozpaos,' Tit thle Bank of England give- n.otIce, that a GENEFRAL COURT, wVill be held at the Bank, on Tflulrsdaiv, thel Sthi instant, at I1I o'clock in the forenoon. to cc,nsIder of,a DIVIDI;X]lt and also that another General Ctourt willbe held at the Bank. ,'n'iuesdny, the iSthofApriui next, froni 10 o'clock in, the forenioon till 4 ink the afternooni, for the Election of:i Governior and Deputy, Governor for ttie year ensuring, I (hibch wvill he decla-ed that even;inc,l and the same Couzrt will beconi- tintled by'adjournment, and held at the sante place, and duirinig thle came hour,' o Wednesday. tIbe 14th of A,pril next for tho' Election of r%venty!-fosir Disect.rs. (which wvill also be oae ol' the Qngrterly Ge- ileral C'oirc.; appointed by the Ch,arter,l anid the Electioin Of the 'rwe:ts'-four Directors will be declare-d aLs shion as the acrutiny iISovrr. iPrlnted lists, of the Proprietors having V'otes wvill be ready to bea,'efi- v-ered at tile Hank, on Monday, the 29th instant. N' ~~~~~~~~~it. BEST, Secretary. N.H. Di' en Act passed in the seveuth. vear of the reIgn of 1-hs late 'rejesty, nio person wvill be enttitled to v6te at - he said election whi, Yhill s.tc h'ave besix ralendar months possessed in his own rIght of the.,ock t'r iche shall then give bt- vote, sinless the said steck f.bali liave been acquired, or sallJ- have corae by bequest, or by inar- rhisge, or' 'cllcicessiou to an intestate's es,tate, or bIY the c~ustoni ,,f rISe city of ?io,pdoO or bY a0i' deed of settlemnent A'ter ti-e death ,,f any pero: Wltw shal h%ve beena entitled' for life to the dividends ofruc stock. GV,ARDIAN' FIRE n ? ASUACE COMLPANN, stlll, Luai- - bard-3treet, the Evitra:2ce to th Po,itiflfite, Londoni. DREV'TORS. GCO RE LVA:LL, Esq. Depuity ?'hairnltn,. 1. . a:ndramzr8,e'q4 RA.IT;n ?.arin33Etq..N Willianm coplanid. Rs.iowland Mitchell, eCsq. iVhlamn 0). Doweon., tsc. Robert MlItford, esq. Johela Grratt, esq. Aldermanl I Robert RichaErds, esq. NlicholaS; (arry, ese_. I.ohin Shore, eai. William Ilaliln,anfd, C!q. Mi. P. I dward stlewart. esq. - Jo,hn Harvey, cit. IAndrewv Hlsiry Thomson. esq. 0 eorgeJeienner, esq. Joblii Thorniton, eaq. j"bli Loeh, --q. ~Johi 'Tnilo,oli, ese. Stesvart Slariorilixnls, esl. hI.P. 1 JaLnes Tulloch., esq. AUDITORS. -Lewis, Loyd, esql. Williamn Ward, esq. 1tlV. Robairts. esq, Xl.P. Irhiaima~ ismi otiesd rVilEpi-nt-iles 1ponwhich tlcisf InLstitutionis ole ib ave been adoed afer a mature Investigation of the practice o!' other Offices, alid wil be found to cOnbille5 advantageh not hitherto odi-sted by=ay ther Inssurane C01nSl.5111V. *Tt.e Aatsi of a certaini staniding participate in the profits every Seven yeara. A subscribed Capital. amoiointiog to til'z millions, secuires the As- Milted fran, the re;pos8ibilIIty attachled lt. Societies for mutual assur- eilmer. Cfim,aitvl n;ay hiave thieir denlanjds en the ComspanSy subtaitted to, reference. "No c'lilrge miade far policies wh len theisuns assur'ed amoIunts to 3001. and uwrs Notice Is herebyv given., that Assuranices whlichi expire at L.'~dy-day sh.uld lie renewved within 15 daYs thereafter, or tiey become vo,d: alid that the Rteceipts for such itenewvals are niow ready for deliCery wvith thie respective9 Agents for the C'ompany throughouit the Vnidtcf K'ingdotn.s' WM,. WILLIAMS, Sivrevkry. rU"O be SOLD, T WO PA IR of beautifu1l PEA FOul-vc IL in full i'lumage. Apply to Mir. Saniuel Jacobs, fruLit salesmani, F!e,ct-rnarket. - ~pO be SOLD, 10o BACE of LIVE TAMNE PHEA- BAT a)3 pnes Rabbit Beagles, Hou'.ds, Bloodhounnds, Gr% ylIuNd ye fudaD Togs and a Quantity Of ISell-broke Poiuters edSetters. Pheaans and dogs to be seen at !ifr. felps'sz, Edgeware-road, oppositre th N .road, niear the turnpike. - Handlloi.nd BROWN MIUZZLE GALLOIVAy, A_ adde, indBridle, for 12 guineas: the gptlloway is free and fa,sr. Ask fo'r Ned, at Goode'sstables. White-st,reet. Moorfields. ~ b~ OLD y AUCION,by MVr. R. DIXON, at his epstr,Barbican, on Friday, the 19thj of March, at 12 -precisely, SIXTPEEN IlOIlVES and three sets. of harnless, the geriuinie property of Mr. Higgins, of the qwans inni. Bedford. Mlay be vicived, %!id catalogues had on application at the countinghouse, JE AICOB MAR, Dennet, alldI Harness.-Tfo be __ SOLD. for 451. an excellenit BAY COB MIARE, wvith aL good Dennet. on its first wheels, and caipital Harniess. The mitre i s per- fectlyf,qui~,et to ride and drii-e. aud equal t,uzaly, wveight: le wvell cacu- laCe foIn elderly gentleman, or aimy perion who is Is: wrant of a uso- fulatid stead,' horse. Sheis to be parted with i.ulelyo011account of the prus!t'r' icitii:nNhfs o hi ay be seen at Brand's livery stables, staninford-street, Blaekfriars-road. .'1-fB.For SALE, ONE of the liaindsoinest in thle kigo,clur a brighit chestnlut, stands 14 hainds 1 Inch high, ii yarsold mater01 6 sone ha god courage, fast in all his p:ice, pariculaly ste, tmperae,1an 1lilAsalLt to ride, and wvill hotshyat ny bjet: as arred lay,is In fine ciinditioin, alid warantd sund prce 5 gines: heproperty of an Oflicer. to idim rfernc s~illbe ivn. o b sen at John Osborn's tons misionstales Uper ontgn-tret,MumlLtagu-Nquare. JREIMELL begs leave to inform the Nobility and thle tE. * Public at large, that he has sereral PAIRS of good CARRTAG5 HORiSES ti, SELL. ot Let oni Job, byI the monCh or year. Also se- vera god Sanhpe orss, n fne ondtion: several Stauhopes, by- Chi fist uilers tobe et y te mnthor daily: thecy are of the vr firt uait aular t he etonth mstreasonable terms. Anly=en tietanh.ssig ur alealy godsoud orses, by sending them to the aboe yrd,maymet titi a urcasr. and the'ywill be taken the grctes cae o, o th mot rasoabe tems.-56, Neiv, Bond-street. H O SSfoi SALE. - JOHNT COOPER, of Grosve- nrew,Bond-s,treet, srisharr ost respectfully to acquaint Noblemeni. Gentlemneli, and thle Puxblic in genieral, that he has FOUIlTEENq superior good HORSES, in fine comndition, frc,m. 6and uinder 7 years old, fromi 14 hanids to 16 hands 3 Inches high, viz.; 4 extraordinary g.,od cobs, equal to fromu 14 tii 20 stone, 2 good ladies' biorses, 3 superior high park iorses, 2 good stanhope horses, 3 remlark- auly goadl cabri~,Iet horses, match wsell, andgoi well in double harnesst colours Food bay., lirowros, chestiiuts, anid blacks. On examiniation thtey will be fouind wcetl worth the attention of any gentleman ii? wvant of any of the above, as they have superiora:ction, andLere wvar. ranted pertectly sounid. Anyv reasonabile trl,il granted. .1Most utxcceLnit Lo, of POST COACH HORMES.-To be SOL.D hb' AUCTIION, bY Mr, DIXON, at his Repository, Ill 'airbicaji, on Friday, the 191:h isf March, at 12 o'clock precfsely-, FOURTEEN good sie. grand actionl, fresh, young HORSES, and twso sets of harniess, the genuine proiperty of Mfr. Neale, off the True Bluie coach, workiridg irojin Gul!dford to Brighiton, sand are-noir to be dVisposed of solely on account of the c',ncern being discontinued.. rhe' are silitiable for aniy purpose requirinig fine figure aind good aeti6n, oine-horse chariots, stanimopes, ~&C. AuMlo:lst which arc twvo very s,iperioz hiandsonme skewbald geldings, wrhIch for breedinig, actioin, amid ciiurage are equaEl to any geldings in England. May t;e viewed, and catalogues had at the coanmtiughouoe. SADLEI' s HORSE and CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Goawrell-street, near WVest Sinithmfield.-The followving FOtUR HORSES. thie property of sn Officer going to Italy, are to be DISPOSED OF"a great bargaizs:-The first Is, a beautiful dark CliesiuntMatch Calirlolet or Tilbury 1lorse, stands 16 hands high, 7 years old, without white, very fast, with finie figure and highi grand action. rime second is a v'erv handsome Ch4estnu Mae years old: hat beenx muchi mioticed f,,r ;uperiority of hutnting in Berkshire elise sea-on). Time third Is a Blood Bay Mare, 5 years old, 15 hands high, arid fit for an limmeialae journiey of 1,000 miles Is harness. Thie foutrth is as Bay Hackney Mare, 14 hands, high, possessing equal streng-th, anld hias heel, uised to draw a dog chaise the last Neason. TPhe above are JIn Nil conditoiol, froln constant use; warranted Ini every res~pect: a trialallowed, and every particular given oni application) at the above repository. 4 ariularly neat H RSE, Stanhope, anld Harneiis, ?.wih2superior short legged matchless Cobs, to be SOLD, llolelyl oni aceui of the dernise of the proprietor. Thelhorseis amust beau- tIftul dark bay,' without blemish, risIng 6t years old. 1.5 hands 2 inchesa h igh,' particularly fast, and for action and grand-ur pre.. umued_uequallled. The stanhope is handsomnely ypainted daLrk brown, wihclrt lining and bent shafts, and lIas been hot llttie trsed' The first cob ii, so perfectlY temperate that he wsould be found Ill: valuable to any elderly or professional gentleman-; colour nearly black, rising 5 yeatrs old, an-d-equal to 16 stone. The other a matre. colour bay. 14 hands high., 6 years old, a sutperior fast trotter, and lhas been ridden by the youniger branches of the family. TIhey arc: fromn constant usse anid 'in veryr high conditionr, and warrante-d ill every,resee Tobesen tadler's Repostry. Giossveli.s~treet, near Wet SRnithfield, whbete a liberal tral s allowed, and If not: sold before Fniday 'they wvill be submitted to public auiction wvithout he leas reserve. Nl. B. inquire for Mir. ALndrews's stanhope,,isc. A STANITOP, Dexnnet, ants Harness to be SOLD, L7~nealy ew iel fiishd ad wrrated. To be seen at MIr. Lan5,'~s . jiihs.stewi, itd Jaes-treet, licldford-row,. Opposite Whie ad Gorg's,coah ati ous panters and y-laziers. well inised STNIIOE CHISES,withpatet axletrees: warrnte fo 12monhs.To b sen a ai. Mlle's,53, Clrencester- plac.4arylcbone.S IL he roprtyof a flentlesaen. it has a moveable head, is paliteddar gren,lined wvith drpll clotb, and little Inferior to a newv one,It i wel mn tongly built, 'and would stuit A Profe3sloXnal genlemn ian ibga anditonis ervle6ab!eebalse. Price 45gulnejs.. ApplytO M. CuLn,butcher. Great Tuirnstile, Holborn. L ANAU.-o be SOLD, an elegant LANDAU, aitdrenand lined wvith drab, the property of a Gentle. man isho as sedit abo3ut 3 mionths: the carriage is slot 101. the is-orse for srea, and y be55h purchased at 100 guineas less thaLn Its orlelsalcoL To e seen at Marks an Sale's,. London Carriage te-. poiuor, Gea Potiad~sret, tad3, ,mhall-pIie, Portland-place. 'p0 b SOL, -agrea barjain TWOvery neat-, ri~ht, A. sron, an hadsom PO~ CAISES, one is a Stan ape .,.-i,c. ,snte brwnandblak,andlinngto math Mybe seein at 1, pauf.street, Finsbury-sqv aTe. C1TANHOPE and HARNTESS to be SO)LD. The Stan- hope Is built in the first fashion, nearly newr, light, modern, and an stantal, with Chiange's pLatent axle, and Lua excellent harness to corespnd.Thewh,le are warranted, and may, be haid a gresat bargain, at the comni5slon yard, 100, HIgh Holborn. Also an excellenttFour- wheel Pony Chaise to be Sold,abagSInl. czEC:OND3HAND LANDAULET to be DISPOSED oF S fr lO'ssiea,:in conse nenee of the death of the glentleanFu so hom1? eloged Ithasa1iarouell seat 2ad boot attach edin front ami a umbil,tlmle ehid.To be seen at the genatlenlanl a coach- house and aiplean ede to Mr. Birch, 71,Great Queen-street, Lincoln's-inn.fields, - - r ANDA UET.-To be SOLD, the property of a Gcn- l, tleman, to _hom A reference will JL '?U W i:U nearly F 3nd) toN T new dern LANDAULET, -nal f011t e rie1 una,ti carriage ig worthy the,attent f ay leastotie-third less-lb iteeallue, ownr whes on posedof it before- he- levstI '.T ece tMraadSns ~on on Carrive eeoioi' ra orln-tee,ad3 Lagbam- plc,Postlasxd-plliC.- A TOUR WHEEL CHAISE aiid' HARNTESS.-To be Li.SOLD, the property-of' a gentleman, 1s. ght PHA.ETON. w,th seatbhnd an, rom,to.carry four persons with esee isnd comnfort. he horse hasnile IIonstantly used halit for the last nine months. Thevbhisisand hbarniess av~ersperfpetly niew et that tiane. T.s be sold together or separately, sa-tllSowner- hima no-tfurther sso for theso. Appl at r. ldetOodS, 172, St. john.strieot.' Cle7kesiwell, whio will 7'IjDY 0GENTLE the Con. - ~rinnt r e.adlire, kmd wish nxt- -get-I.6 tbe.lehbrge. -troui4e.&uesovery lI4ndsome ro9WCTSS, tdiht montb~ sins.Y.havea: - frsx.peet~llty Sh Wah5i0avohda ipsIai 'hrsi.I woud evr e iitbtniht- hehire .f ,rohoaueo esn. - b~ trm,fd aIoltO*1W~~.onvtlflyA.k Z.igitb
Country Banks.
eaan_ngot tite nmerouS aChein tu whkh the present wuremabuh. ance.I cfaital iias given rise, we understand that one will be brought fLrward either before or immnediately after Easter, which, perhaps, in uagnjtit6de-and importance, will exeede; any that has yet been submitted to the public. It is the establishmeat of a joint Stock Banking CoMnpany in London, with 3 millions of capital, to trans- bctthat classofbusiiess which is at presen- done bv the private h ks-rIt of te s that the only exclusive privilegelcoriferred by the arter of the Bnk of nngia.nd consists in preventing banks wit), mrore than stx partrnrs fromi issuing notes, or raising monev upon Oeirbill, atle$ssditea thAln six monthis. The lIondon bannkers, howver, do rtisstienotes, nor to any extent raise money uiTlI their own bills; ltheir profits are principally derived frem holdine deposits, diaconatin, thle bills of others, and acting as a=ents foe the -cntry lmnks; and there is no sniped iment to a public bank do- lnr bttciness, wlth trifling limitations. npon the samne principles. The ob ect, fiowoevir of the proposers of thiis measure, amonT whom I aressonne letnbers of the Legislaire is still rnmre extensiye. The ank or' England derives na benefit irom. preventing banks in the COU"tryehavibgrnore than sjnc parrners; and besides establislilng thik bank, it is intended *o Toake application to Parliament, to ne- ,Otiate an arrangement wvith thle 1&i,nk of England for an alteration of its eharter, in orier that similar crtablishnments mav be formed in the cournts..s the best channel by which the presenit superabun- dance of capital may be bemight to thc assistance of the agn- culturists, wvnose late loFses hiae rendered such essistance parti- cularly desirable. It seenes that the Scotch banks. which are on this 'plrm make adeancns to farmers with great rcadiness, to be repaid at tht most t rant plriods, its the profits of their farmsn or the rctutns dev fro,-a thicir improvements may enable them but that privar-. banlers canno: wvith prudence to anv extenit manke an-ens of this periyianen, ntinre, and1 therefore. let can)ital be ever so pleciTif1,- it can never flow through them in this beneficial dlrection. vwIiro it might now, iii particular, find profitable employment tn a VWe- great extent. As these banks lhave always paid remarkablv well, itis expected that the scheme wiil bea favouriteonein tli rnloney market; but the fullest infirniation respecting them vwill bh foind in a pamphlet *"On lltrking,'( to whicih wmt take ibis opportunity ofdirectiairtheattentio5 of those wlii may wvish for infoirmation on the subject), published by Mr. Thomas Joplin some short tine since. t Jt VV 2 tAm
News in Brief
JjON. .U0r !;Y LORD AI AN E ERs.-A t the hearihg o: J)ank- rut pe tio= s in the IriAh Court of' Chancery, sorric mornin*s since, .dr. Pennefather sought to sustain a coinnissioni ot bankrupiev sa countrBy genteman, who had traled, as iiller. The Lord Ct h;cellor uloked d'! r- Pennefatlher what line of trade his client was *- In the ,;I/b !irinx" my l,ord, replied Mir. Pennefather. *' The D' rejoined thc (Chancellor. " Ifuaf y he had better mind his ;,'S now'. aUn$c h'3 adversary has ot him into Chancery." rhere is now living in the township of Elton, near S=dbah, Cheshire, within one hundred yards fromt each other, .'ee farrnees. whose united ages are 270 years, viz., 92 0, 88; _d what jrt more remarkable, they have all lived 70 yests under the , IA,z hdlot1 ([thc Right Coo. Lord Crewe.)_C/ilxtcr Courant.
NOTICE is hereby given by...
WFOTIt*s 'bw, p r ier oefit I; -rt'l it ,e O a u- ' 1Ithe!z J,i,ftm te o of ieiver }I.re I ol ltlr a i Ti2 p ielttibn af t thea ofroe r .whniler b. dT trepln f d aut su&Ase fl no eh? 4th April, 16j4. to vefo4fd onpany ofh 1m0d'ES :.Jtnd or qf Irel:tnd, t tiai b ndsvdfd in e fiyh Porin foirex-pre$lg e6 zsnahve .beif ina.Ote Vi c6tfltry binknJ,tl~etUia and hiend; ani na l e .h o ti PoAtmv1*tt1 of, eviery .NlAtlOt Tonin Vre~tBrtOaidfeO. a4s "'elI i at the Banks of Eligland I~ Irelam~sel. r W ~. . WJ.B. The Ass,ents alrieesssa o il E"aa uIrasO-i,-cI"g'a"- 1-" reftpeetireWrtwillbe delivered rree of yosta4e,, rat-rae 0`m31t bet.e that th)ey a.re puit intQ the 06 pOl ofied 1" i-sletior cbeor dheliere jet -London or in Odilia. " th'e 6hi,si noay bg, onebebeth t Api, I 84 . ,-i:b& t 1lsrtc .ompecnv wilenera!eld outth Cwith Cd4M fieJ ts ThtSredCtY, one 6t edesday,kri the Sjutintn,rt,l refcy of Twerrtv-Sve Di1reCtorsvwililtakplrrUce' -.I "TiA 7c Charter. InI the Rteign Of Klrtg Setg . Mdrh,. 1824. tUIS:FI:IC ate berdiyiiif'ritflld, tha.t Iteeb,rts are-nOtV5 7to is delive-red at tue C,ifp-nrpeyq' Qfidcs, o~ver -he iiylSrraieard In Palfl-mall, asirell as bythleir reispective A;ents. in tire sQV,OII courtl- flec,s, anid the Parties asui-ed arc reanesred-to apply- for the Ren`wa oft their Policese on irc before the gtlstof April next, as4 t-lr Usual fiffteen del's allowed ior piylyaent peyond thie'dare of eirebl POhlt Will thien- ey:prre. - AA-ItED PE Ni-N, justi S~ecreturY. A'ttetiall&,x is given dailY at the said o fie or thet accueaxiee at' hdildings, i'CdC. niierrhandigets, i(ud ships iii l,arbour. ill dbek, or White bolildirig, fronm loss-or daniaepab) fits; and als6o for thei&SSStLThnOC otw-il glaritrflgan,rUIFiip an Ilien. N-fl, Fire Polieics 'vill 7be issued free of pelinse to th-e aslsured. ,wher. the flti1iualls-remiscrn gyntunts to 135.. orttxPeardl. *y'OTXC~~ is hereby gjVI.i5 in a General Court Of' NN1."Pr "yietor holdfint ten chars an upwaNrds in- the capita crc rofpitr Cietorst tIll be ho'dec t?t thil ,Flora-c on Wcd.I:_'l! the3tl,it Ins~tant, for the puntoose ,;f f.LECgtNO% En'sfi DIRECTOltS Its tire roGit Dr st-ead of .he fol4,uwvjiii gr.'nj'nrflt.% Wro go- out by- rotation, viz. t-. --Jehn ('apel, ecq. Jjmin Wart tTot.I eSo. Thiowas Helps. eag. 11abort wrnhit-Vs. ecq. W"P.P --John Jhrnes, ese.- tobeire-elecresi. - - oti-v " f-ihcefriy lte gWvea, Tha' OnI 'the tame. &_y-thC, will ho all F-itioti of Fi%e -Auditors ts rtile ruoom or stead uft tiic fj'US gcn tirlerre * vie..:-. 3lr. Frederick, Wililiam cosLlrd I Me. Peter R eed NTMr. John James Dolt-n I N-fl. Tbre 'slaveeentlernen are ali ejigIhie Lio be ra.eleetede but three of thc~nultttfllfyetnlittiareaittq todeed SfsecttdI1m~ltt.-~ The electIonl to commence at ii anld close pX 3 o'clock preiclel7V. street, llaickriars. alid hOtS Ofrd-'eLt, Lonldon; it giflblir,hI an . , Wstr n, d) laid.urtree t. Dt:li'liil.th "WiHE Dirrctr-rs or This Conpa?kty rexpectfo 1 iornlc PuibIlic, that P U11Ic4z ofsassurance are grant&d b5r themn on thll Live; of'Personsi 1ir the armty. militia,, of yss.mnasrv. within the olited - kingdrom, whether Ott half Pay or In actual service, w-ithout cXtttei prenifnni. Life Assurers vic-fi this Company are permlitted to. pa5it by-sia frc,zr ,GIr part of the united Mrstio t nohr ndekd esls or 6teart boots, and! STrt aoli--d. drIng peace, to pass irom. British 'v RIG fo'n ,rr bt-rtceen thxe TeaIce crd itreat. !'ottl ir.-asE'e, or 1vessels a! iJve esr -e,icitrur 1,14ift 'ntil eiiir;C. LIFE riOFFlCE: c.Lpita ? 1,0000,QW.-- Person' iseurh-g in this offic partieliar e ine -irruAtaer'e. is -WIthu t i c ueiri n i'ht; al li chlr lty uf1os ~. the proprel. tin biryfio ig iiilct takzen aIlls niiit pim n which Principuletlnrner,Ii.5'--re the tol- t- stancs of 10, 211. nand 030 per Ceti~ i.)eiI Ig ptid-i in sdr(1003tioflfth e5lfiX Uilt - :irenrd, annI cases haveoclclihOril Whttet tire paymnent lIra beetr lOoNr Shai dubl trarin assured. A boY1!B. lrmoursting, in mnostirtfn to 2- lier cell!, and iltsonic to ulPlaroJ~ of 30 pe' e-elt-. (1n tile preini,riw- -o:rid, wc-ttirl,s the7 cafrs, enlding at MicehZcrmas, rgI 5 -ha bee" aidd,e" to al plics ofa,~iiiatr'c efeced n t'is~,~forb t.he wrhole p-erioud Plifisefe prEOFIE aitl?~ opert- withins thrt l'iee fetd uipon every 4--si:ritIenol o roper fmi pai(, ,iiilrerr kinzonin upon reasonlable terms. Lrenecg are uno-,jIrh CK 'it his -o ipanywit libraliy ard atltutitiae: oI fter~ or tSr, oiea idY-da-y sho-uld Ilie renexted iwithlo 15 dab's. tdi' fe,or othet samei ivili I croon) void. NOr enimtracerrine , dmrsis:oil sfre'i C" n,itivirr cliStg'. ex::eted. %,IWALI,liii3 bard-etreet, teitraetohePoscoltcc, Lordon.. RICHiARD airy RLAlIKS. Es Chairman. Gie_onGE LYAIL-, Rsq. ept Clrairmiah. Wi. C. Brauldc`lifl. er"q. J mii Mcu, tai. on.?. .VilIl.iar Copimid. eisq. l,lid ic ell,cc. IVill!iani ft O -r.. e'i. R.t-'lrt tliiiiitsl. ccc. -hir '. t-t:rvic Farq'r:iil. tiarrc. twirl G. Ra,ensshalv. esqi. rh.Gin-rat!. te*, -ilderrrau iit,trt iitri.ei oihia i-rr'y e,q. - j,I-i Shore. esil- V!iPiar, ih lnr;,esq. NJ. i-'. Ft iward Stewart. tes. ),0,11 li.,rrey. :sq. hndlrers 11enry Tihiuraoa, eaci GcrnC ilrnre;- esq. ;,'nTn,,r-ur.cn, esrt. rle'r: Jc:r:l. eiv. -:rrirl-'cir.q. elcunart Mar:ur-iha,rke, ccq. V.P. tinz, To.luit0i, e,g. Leltic -.vr. c. V,~II t'P. W',-Yd, er-ri. ,1it n-ifci-Hi-s upllO hr ths rit'n;"wn is (,n-naec Lh -i t- t-ar c te aftor -r nu - rte itcstCFi,t tIii of li:bt re c l'tRc -thr6cerirt, and rtl 1o:- i eomlri:le . floe hltiA"!tt. it-t,ed hr nu yi wher I :,rg~Cr,up:r." Thle Ass,red of u certait xznitd!rig, pait~izijate In the profit,$ ever,: SC,. en yealr4. -'suarlo Capital, amruirntlin to twri miUllons, sacures the Afs- sured 'roa r:rhe resllorisill:t/ attaened to Societies fur rnut-.al avssne - - - rnriars -ra ;~cetheir derst-ir-taS -n tIr Co-nipail:. subinlrtsdt -rI,fer-us'. N,ir-nar:- '-nadc f-it Pol!eets werthe ttniiiiassted amai2:ntes toolG. I1-1 uisiwiwrI N,otice it -tab' Zxe-n_ that AsturCfntes ttlriclh cxpire '-,itcy-a -h'i,rld i.e rr -'e tih:5 days Crhie efrei, 'it ttire irec-iiie v.. - h:s,t1 -C e"ei . sn' lm tea'S are ntiw coR~dy L.aY delive-r - w,ith CtIre r?sj,ectrvt- Ageots for tire C-iii' p: thtr,,%!i,nr.tr the E r,ite%- !iilrt.ri. _________________WMI. WII.rAM!S, S.z-rrthr.- tN5J~T U.a ittY. l-Ab 5, nd -I ARNES ILThe? l~-iy l- rtiirat-kzbWy itrorwiv ierfecrlr si-uud. enid qnic 353 -gi'ci ftor thte cc'. nut Aiso a strong Bros i2o. o a IclyecrrtICrtRIl V-' ride or rvel ! :1 twl sieior pouy fir itI. tl, i ei!vajpiir o ar.Botise~uitre-t, 5. Co einai-,r"siee. li) e SULR`n abarzsin, togc'ib:',r or scparati-lv, l:x%NG ii.suO,TttI-R.ai HARtVESS cOrrplete.' Ti - 'i s i-tu t ,naIF V 1w. arilt dh torrid - har"xni to ai- ? i--nc wotrtil:CO et Out of this descriptiitin. T'rials grant,ed;, Applyr - 2 .e}p-e,,Prt] rod-street. ___ ,tj_i rgX-aid, ,riicr 13 hail-I' lrign. riyea~rs rd, in e:in i- - I nn is r oIr is bror-ri. wtI n brown oluzz!e end ud;lgaf -hie a e. eonreiry. and thne Action no "Ire caa 5OPrr-C, bt- -.- nharness a call-I run:z hre h-n: aratdson and f fcc: .t.:s. .\tt.-aitiweed h- - trriil'lwl a great tre-'4;; fIrSri Daa r Gntirn-o.ThieI-rieT 21) gtilzrris- Ts -c seen a: C; 9 nkins.vterliiry sroi.Al.'- a funious j,ourney Mlare, 'i,:: ; 1'O SAL,a e(yTre R---i'',ai uazl1 'l;- th 3911 '1 ilAr%Irat1pr-ilyaPiroberlfriIGVN CQe ICH i-4'JiTsS, Sapiiu'::i-:g randl retloiere stemiribrPe t- irc.Sfine wli re el -e .cr ett, crtrrm.rdi,urar 4gu',d hz.-y 5 goofd zinachh iir'ts, 7s:rirgi-i de ios,ri-des savearind we' :. -ee' rdprunes aid? i,al r.il iit:rblo f.'r iranr;ierr Nimp-. g, p ill.'A kC.:- blSt i xeiuibi:S;a'p.i aia tOr --abri:'lCt. a light r.onli tecl r~ls'iI.rrl kroQSg-oitco.- aii'IV chair-: iii the n-hiole rrprr-rds I f )ii.E.tesav4rlr; - II i' received for the ablcve- sale. l'rriihC saleseCy-Ter itridety IehO D te r"fnOQTlV of a GOtidemfan, ilth -I i- JtrgTfiC i 'Ft-5 :- A b-r:flGray Ge-lli!nrg ;1.: l'ioti nr 'i gel by Caroilina, -rond; Is .5ands 1 innl j.: fee t i:ulte. arri roadster, ;aird a fifei r.,te tiib-rry or 't-ioho' I, - C iilt1-rir li, :uS;-. frt ~. Ti'te he-: ston Coi- Ii -'tr'er 'Q srit;r Ii., Wm: o klr eS i?Isi- i I ii' iiir, irr riai i ws Moe l- b'-t-'l ,:rl iis c-aIrIer s, deligIlt5,l - To rio iifirm i -~ .0 -mar' ;i' ridsW, ,.i-ris- he ltv',iil i-c rrvcirr,bie. Thea;~- 1. ? a d:j ii S n l-i' I, ,ra;mrar;t i 5- -lrr: :1114 ill -'riii,lrd are itor thy the-s te-irr!onl of a!nc N""iileiii orn G_. : iialt Alliiy era!t Nil~l 1be :l- M'1W -i th - ow ner pierr-Nrti re, Xl t. i.e -C-i t h- Pr'- iiht, -2't, CItiie .trliri.t '~-tiiid it ,, peC. -- il, ;1- It Oh ___________tr_________ F N N- ~ . ~ ~-lLP,a su!-sl?rntilzr1 wri buti.- C lI N -T 0earice ,-~iiivi fii,ft fm-i irn-irdlate li-c ,tern- 'h te ia t C- r 'e --r-fi h a-ciltid lit r a- nGiraerci!L tacte Its: -lt- g ISI - r - -1. sareim :11, Ti al ,ar liv-c: r tI - i0 1)w SOb i), at' etesie iclt CO(~(XCI niCIIIL 1 out to Orizoi n V,lr'M - $ir, lib l--Yt '-d The e;irr:lrzes - ' Irrd Ioi a ;s rtiiac net. all4 .iirt-t ittc tew'on, as eiihlet it Lhe:r il Ib etfrnl ear, :r a loerreOe ith the Option To pair ilit-be let atr the cr itra ntif rtp:'roved of. Tro be cccei a slarkRd So', L"rdou CArriag,e RlepisciufY, 3, Langians-lae alit OTelit iortlaird.s:freet ' t ei il-a 4 a C _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - r- - - .-- I1dsi it - abertiashers.-T-i b, _A LET, or tile- AI Ob Ol,o a desiratble 110O155 an& sHO0P, re~entiti fitte opi rdr tl,In a exAi and populoun: neihborfiitKu w-IladatedfurAu XtclSve bualll,srC, particularly ei,jtiehbovehod lNe. Tepsntroitrha gother news; wirshe -o debcline. Fore cadWfadesapyt i. . Parr, 54, Breatd- street, Cheahiside. -T e O I U vateCr,,rtsCt.TWO sbstanIa 1~rick-built DWELING. bein rior.Sirird , sdoe-strec.r, Cor. ton~~street-, poplar, near the 5ast and West india-ducks, let to re- sr talcteans t ail. t W.pe dIrlIt esh, Fot particulars ,AWo vewtir c-ol inuie o ar.tafiies, hriekiay&r,Ltttonfl.treet, e,.oo, ~ t Mr Dnel, ilreyru . rov.tree,Cili-teria)road. rjiWkNTY Yi8K U iP ' i .-I uc u. oJ v J, ...J.-.. .1. Eyear'-. from 3chalfelrS 1820,) PoURTEE. Substantially ~ew ~dl sii~tI TEEMETS,in an ext.Algnt stste of re!pulr, pr,, dflcOg 701 Dn a.nun] ; sabject to a. igTouXU rent of .591. 7S., and. tax-. bot .5). lhivnga clear net rent~a o 7,51. per ~n~ .Price 3701 Aply .~ r. rlMh, a Mc.re ale'aoffice, King'a-,roaCiBcd- n,r.ro, ad , Pincx4tee. Mle-n4New-to%wn. 11G1 t l BLE REVEIRS' ON.-'lVo bc SOLD;} by Private Jj. Corltract, the REVERSIONM, in fee eKfsple, to a capItal DWiELL-. l(H 2~ de Iilhfultlb3 eitUalti on the hoervzr of Norringhamebir~ ^u,,t+,n.cardefl. - W-ORKSHOPS,Ma facry, Or trranarlcS.-Lo De LET or SOLD, M utauiivc PREi,fSES, bujilt for a plaster of Parli manfaCLOry with aptl mill e1rected anad ov-en3, but su1tablce filiso ma lifladcer reYbinetia.XX}Oer, printer, or a-granary anld,storc, wIth ;;cr nrnuktic ig and ;t nfronting 0n tfle New-road-. Held lbr eh.i yre't5\alX ? Ito XMr. MWer,solcitor, Newr-inn;: or to Messrs. Robins, ~ ESIDENYCE anid LANV, Mortimeri near Reading. ~jf,dawing room, dininz parloutr, and break6ast roomi, 9 bedctiani- er,eclItCellars, und dume-stic offices, witbl- dotible coechtDuse. .tab1c and yequislteagrictliturl b bedV,,g1s girods ar Mordw,te iind 43aCRets "DI Pro'ducc've laslltadijOh?Ultg- ti goasardn goroad,th society 111ghb1 re5l'eCt5blt, atid twvo pifS df tox HLos ndi epTin tuce imtnjcdiatc. vlclflityf. Address, P.04 pad t awk~ n oiac 'toneers, nadig.._. AJ3-NirAM, SuNive.-iFreQbold Buildilg grcud, lale .1 teSno ertnt of -he RoGYal Nilitary .college-To be NI)byprivate Coirat PRE ofi GROUNDgr. -contaIlixin9 about I atatite RCre Wattu~l it ath orhWeOf.Str'Oein FatOcerl .A plan, shoWvIti hecpbil9 h iet tsarySO %rt dcuiga cer iaon not -incoime, toer, ih i OC C part th&-RW~- Maylh geen st the oftlce.f h IUO tOvXIr at tushf-oa, ar.a ii-. tary' College., Spndhft.iOl laa ltatie'B8 1nl,,B~iAs1D4am:d the wiliitClaLrt Inn OaltOd l5Wite ,HLxn bmb, BpOt i *,f mr. o. leYd, s -r AHE?) m X-FltSt b Rrvate ton- :acBftOK~'~A~ tF blb x1cq forwCente.i r~n,~y,tOe~lie whi ta.- iir; inte fsylpaxture, orcar, alid arens , nd pi-tiGniT"uTeid,dmbd ~~r ~ ~~ntdLndbe ftoS1nu. L~i:Ot u%i%Aift iew:lt the ~UcTtlnsIigcontlY.it on).dt uiAit ' 'c~ ta-dbln5r0ohd ona rhe4a,,nf 24, iatorle- Fore .5srtlelllaV oarpy ,,romwondoilaned1r e$sn onaattid Win Oa &Ih9a:c :4 :be hAd t Litd--OY nc=t
We give the Report of the...
l\~* -. ,1tn R, pTt f, tJ.Oe Anniversary Meeting of the ., , ,~--v ry et tI i wiich took place yvsterdia;. Vs,c can : v :ha ,Itr ev,: against tile fTonorarv Secretary if; tv lro.edin >, ueitlier do xvc feel one to pi;t ukp vith injury, or sufFTr v. is . ii cpeakers. it wvill be observed, an(I - psru.- ' ivrL ie clhicf, MIr.Wsi rowce,veferrcclto a I- v t -, otessir tlien.eii s unaquaint Ad with ' iIm'.;'l ? rxivtiiiug lisipute. O)f the maincer in wliichI 1i ' r v*r at thi previous mectinr, antd of , i.;. u:T 1 I cta ,so-rt-In vutljFctshould be toueh,d xic as-,- ux 'in a-si tlionIJI sve were not present. 'I'he :! mo~ wI-ere Aery small, antl ecch ?de- , 1. :;l inivestigatitig-one upoti the credit of the "- T. } SttI. li, 11 :1pii tn ctiedi. MIr. 3ASiI MOiNT.A- i ; 1 ?e I ' liht a suh;criptinn from Lo-d CAR- , t..~ i- >cI. "t.m 1lmw hti.S Lord,hip's aenso of the Snei- &v! .1- I. li s -. ii )i nististV i-ial gnedi. WVe recollect to v I: ard. that v iILI, Qr I l onee performed the part of A .' lit rte- i tor fit 'iVLril thle following message with *: 11 ':'ts: :'. 1:- xc2r , tn--i iratil o Ctato." ; 2 I. ; k aii ' low tone, " I wish he ht > r 1) t. r 'I' lg '
* WAN'TIM, as 8S9RVAN'T of ALt.1VVORK, ayllfYlE VWomnan, froum 15 to 20 years of atge, wvho cain have a good clharacter fromn hel- las3t place; one from the cruntrj' ss'euld be pre- firred, AhSy modermte travelling expenxes wvill be paid If the parties Fertee. Apply (if by letter, post paid) to -Mr. Rozers. baIter, corner of hre-tree." H.ezopstead-ruad. ~~AN'TED, immediately, a steady active younIg WVnYm.in. not uinder 25 years of aige, as SERtVANT of ALL. 'WORlC, where a nursery-mtld. Is kept. Sihe uma)t understand plalix cooking, wtashing anid trouiig, and have a good character from hier last place, wages:Ei 1. Apply to Mr. Ileadeach, grocer, Little NeOW- port-street, Soho. ~X AN51 D,a steay ero,as SERV.A-NT of ~ALL- W WV-ORE. In a mllFmiy here a girl Is kept to assist. She Inuatbe cleanly, odtmee, and obliging. Also an.active LAD, Xf' r 5yas fae,twatat table, anad makce himself useful Temueoth avunxetobecharacters from families in tOf.ApyAnv day before 3 o'clok atMr. Pairie's, greengrocer,15. Ol ihsre, niear dheapside. WX AiNT ED, by a. respeetabile young mare o'ana VTCHILD to WET or DRY NURSE: has been used to take %hem from tue birth: one to wet nurseiwill l's preferred, as she has only one of her owrn, aged 5 years. Respectable references can be given. In apleasaint airy situation. Letters, post paid, addressed to E.F. at !4r. Young's, buitcher, Rockluighamn-place. New Kent-road, 7iear the E~lephant anid CIastle, will be attendedi to. W~AiNTED, by a lPeison -ofrespe~ctability, a S~ITYUA-~ VTTION; as HOU' EKEEPER, to a single gentleman or widower; perfectly understands every branch of domiestic economy, hiaving been many years accusttomed to themanagement of afamily. Emolunment nsot so much an ohe~t ass permanenitand comiortable situation. Let- ters, pst paid, at(ldressed to Mt. P. at Mliss Franklin's, fruiterer, 23, Charlers-street, St. Jame-'s-square, will be immediately attended to. The must respectable referenice will be given. r Fl 0 OSIERS and LACEMEN.-WVANTJED), a -A respectable young MCAN, who thorouighly understands the above. Apply This Dav and to-morrow, between 9 and 10, at 37, Gutter-lane. 0P CATHOLIC SERVANTS.WA ST ElD. a MA N J-L SERVANT, who wvill be required to look after a horse and chaisL ana to wait at table. Hoi will not ledge In the house, anda .mairried roan wvould be preferred. Apply at 11, Upper King-street, BloonmshurY. 0Ti TRADE'SME1N in the City-A yo ng an, Tper- Ftfectly acquainted with bookkeeping wl EPSET of BOOKS by single entry, for 101. per annium. Dobeentry 201 per annumn. Assistance ivbe.n in Investigating or maing out accounits at is. 6d. per hour. APl by letter, pspadtoV. L.care of Mir. Fortnurni, sta- tioner, Bu I-alley', Lombard-strect. W-IDOX ,agd4 ihesfor a SITUAION1, stiti A ingle gentleman or lady; or to take the care of a counting- Anuse oarsebamnlers, where the family do not always reside: she is a good plain cook, accustosmed to maLrketIng and every branch of house- hold business, and can hanve a good character. Direct to M. D. at 45, Park-street, Dorset-square, New-road. T AW.-WANTED, in anAttorn-ey's Office -ofe% - .L? sieadrepetabeprctce,anARTICLED CLERIC. As the ohjet o th adertIer s t hae arespectable steady andinidus- trios yuth whoe prens wil povie him with bo,ard anid lodg- in ,a smll pemIu onl wil be equred. Apply (if by letter, post addessd t X.Z.lat esss.Dunn an Son's, .stationers, ITUATION WVANTED.A o 'gMan of respectable ,sI coonexlons, wvho has brnsm er n erhant's coutnting- house, where lie kept a stobokbydulenr.Is desirous ofr m7eeting with a SITUATO Inamratieo ter respectable house. The mo'it undenlab,le referecswl egvn. A line ad- dressed to G.W. at Messrs. Saunder anio', ,lnon-ttreet, South-. wvark, will meet immedate attention. 'VO he C NDUCORSof LAthIES' SEMINTARIES. 1. -Ayoun LA Y, cpabl of eachne English graiulsatically., the use f te gobes nedleork,wriing aithmetic, the rudiments of musi, an th Frech anguge,s sv)lin togiveherfirs yer's ser- auref matersIn te tw later acon:llshOent. Aplications, post paid, to St. .a 29, ClIfton-street, 'Vsitysuae ill meet nimmediate attenin EMIS21HINGC GOVERNTESS.- Layat29 and L ro considerable experience, is Iqilefraspro nae mnentasL GOVERNESS, in a00nJoblea'srnteanfnuy.Tth mnore solid alcqusirement of history andgnrlltrtr h on thorough knowrledge of the Freich lagaeI dteablt ftah lng mousle without the assilstance of oses Tems inexceti-n- ab. e references wil bI e gi ven. Letteradesd,pt rad. to AT.P. at Lester'sllbra,-s, Pavemnent. mnqreds, Wilme hattention. jt EVWIN,G.-An active -early Mlan, capbe o h management of a brewvery is every departmet h scn i ered oe of theR beet porter, ale. tnd table beer bresvers In the kling- dom, is desirous of a SITUATION P.s BREWVEP or BROA%D COOPER,or in aniy other situation that may lie open till hi.; abilities are aTproved. The most respectable references will be given. Letters aJ dre-8ed, post paid, to B. B. at 80. Sloane-street, any day this and next week, 'will meet Immnediate attentIon. _~T AG~IA~FD A GENTEFI HOUSE orCOT E NT, _t-Furnisbcd or Unfursilshed, from witihin S to 20 milesof London, Wrnpz,l5lng not less than 3 best bedehambers, a servanits'room. dininig and drawI'ng rooni, a,id one or two parlours; kitcheni, a garden, aild suitablecoasveydencies,.&r.: for line year sir more as mnay be agreed upon, Terms, stating whether detached, initoedi.%te vicinity, lowest rent. anud full particulars to be addressed, post paid, to Mr. Ilart, Oix- ford-house. Itldand 106, Strand. GOVERNIESS.-WAN'TED, to reside near Dublin, a LADY, 30 years of age, accustomed to tuition, anid fully eoni. petent to teach, English and Frenc:h grammatieally, to speak the latter dluently and with a pure acce,it mu-c. geoirapby, hlstory, wrirlag, &c. Aniy Ladty so quailified, wvho can affer at reference to a family of respectability whlere she has filled a simuIlar situation, in London or its vicinity, may address aL letter with particulars, post paid, to XS B. Postoffice, Dulwieh, Surrey. T O SC.SIOOLASTERS.--ThcFriend-, of a little Boy, 12 yeare of ege, wvish to PLAC`E him in) a select SCHOOL. wihn10 miles of Loiidon. whiere the terms fo.r hoard, &ec. alonie do not exceed Wt1. per annum; it is desirable that chic school be attended bp firsit rate rnasters, the proprietor to beloiig to the established'church, and that his l';dv should riot be above attenid- Jng to the domestic co'nforts of the pupils. Entratnce moiney still be objected to. Letters, post paid, stating every particular addrested to S-.5. rat Symosids-uiiii coffeelioulse,Chaiicery-15iie,wvlIl be imimediately S JDNEY COTTAG -SEMINAY.-Ms.TSKAA DALE returns her grateful thanksq to her friends for their kind Patronaige, si ce her rem-,val to Croydon.common, the air of wvhich place Mlrs. Dale has founid exceedingliy salubriesis, and conduicive to the health. o1 her pupils, which united wvithi her maternal solicitude so promote their ever), udomnlet happiness, as wrell as their menital. moral, and religious Improvement, Mlrs. Dale hiopes to recominend lier sen lnary to th, notice of parents aLnd guardians wrho uiay wish so place their children wvhere a small limnited number Is received. Tefms m',derate, miay be comprised In one sum, and the charge mnade frons the,day of enitrance Into the s4eminary. Mlrs. Dale would not object to receive young L-adies for aiiy period, for whom a change or air mnay be desirable. References are permnitted to the parents~ of the pupils; also to the Rev. C. Stay, wvhose minzistry the YOUng Ladiles attend. Letters.post pald.addree;ed tM,Nrs. R. Davies,.12r. liolborn- hill; or to Itr. Spicer, 92. Fleet-market, still mieet due attention. A half boarder wvanted. I RCULATING LIBRARY.--To be DISPOSED OF, ~,'7OO volumnes, lii excellent condition, haRtel' forming a (lII? CU- LTIG LIBRARY. at Camberwell,h em-bracing the storks of Sir Walter Scott, Misses Porter, 'Mrs. 0 pie, Miss Edgeworth, Bracebridge hail, tihe Sketch B'ssk,. the Lollards, Pen Oswen. Reg!roald Dalton, the Voce fromi St. Hlelens, Madame Carripaiis Mlaria Antoinette, and many other celebrated works. The price wtill be 2s. pet volume for thewss'olc. and no abatement camibe nmade. Apply by letter, post paid, to Mr. Fsst, 7, Founitain-couirt, Strand. ~TIbTEFIA~Elgan FEEHOLD VILLAS and OFICE, nea thecity ofleester.-To be SOLD, b1' Pri- vateConrac, b Meso,.DERIERandC,,. TiVO very beautiful RE- SIDECES,withgardns,stabing.ariduieeq, delightfully situate, 2 mile soa hlf romthe athdra Ciy ,fGlocester, and S miles fromi the admired and fshionable toss-mro Cheltenihani. The villas are of miodern erection and every w1ay adapted for the residenee of fami- le; of high respectability: they ar seated on an emninence com- coanding the mus,t beautiful views,. and the neighbourhood offers every ad vantage of ionsi aiid country. For references and particu- lars aPpply (if by letter, post paid) to M'essrs. Dernier and Co. suction- cers amid estate sc:ents, 82. Lowver Gr,svenor-street, New Bond-street. REEHOLD MANOR and( EST'ATE.--To be SOLD, J.by Private ContrAct, a vecry valuable ESTATE, eonsisting of at senor. and aarly 2,000 acres of land, in six mftrma, and ini a ring nene, the whole freehold except a small part -which is leasehold under the church, N's mansion, but ttithe free. and the land taxis1 redeemed. Trhis propertY is situate within a. mine of at borouigh town. which send two members top'arliament, and affords very considerable influemice III the election of the members, the predeces%or of the present proprie- tor having been returned to Parliament at two ituccessive elections. For further particulars apply to Mess4rs. Sll Strong, sad Racklians. Lliseoln'e-intl. where a plan of the estate may be seen. QOV_ERSET _fftEj Freeholtd Investment. -To be ~.3 SOLD,by priv-ate contract,a very desirabl)ePFREEHfOLD ESTAITE, situlate In the parishi of Strare. In the rich antd fertile vale of Gla,ton- 'uycossinn of 52 computed acres of niost excellent grazing land, of heanua value of 2501. The estate has3 beeni for many y-ears io the occlipationl of the proprietor, wlho wisild take it on lease at the aborerent, clear of all outpoings, and is9 situated within about I mile. of Glastonbury, 9 of Axbrmdge, Shepton Mallet, and Some,erton and I + of Br$dgestater, all good majrket towns. The land tax on the; greater part of the estate has been redeenmed, and the whole is subject to a trifling mioduis In Ifeu of tithes. To be sold to net near 4 per, cent. on the pin-chase mnonev. For particulars apiuty, Postage paid, to Mlr. Kint, 57. Upper NiaryIehone-street, Portlana-Place; or to Mr. Waite, 6, Francii-itreet. Bedford-sq uare. _ _ _ _ LT'ONJ, fa_n_ts,~, ithlill So miles9 of Londoli.-V%~e LET, hands,omely Furnished, for2 or 3yeatrs, a mos~teonvenientI AMILY D%VFLLING-HOUSF, wi-th, a flower garden, situate on Nor- naLnd y-bill, commanstding a P!e5-ssait prospect; the house contaIIns a good dining and drawing roozn. anfi Amorsaingor gentleman's dressing room., 3 be,t bedrooms, nursery, ana 4 other b,edroom-. for children servants' kcitchen, butler's panitry, and all other convenient ofcs withcaptalcelarig. he lto coch leaves for L.ondon 3 timea -wee, ad te Suthmpto an Gopor coches daily. Houndlsar keptin he eighourood Thetennt nayhave permission tosho ove seerl hnded crs sitIn o 4 Ils of Alton. Forfute ~rtiular appy t Mesrs. iarrsnanid Couithard, sollctrs 4 ,~omthmpto.bildngs Lodon ort,sThomnas Clemenat, eq oii tor,Aitn. f wom ickes t visv iavbe had. C OUGHTON1, Northamptonshire.-To be LET n en"red upsnilimmediately, a capita MANVSION HOGUSE. and 79 acres of axabie and grass land adjoining. The land Is isclosed b?l a high stone wall, forming a smcall park, wvith stables. coachliouse, granary, doyeecire, garden, and orchr,weeli planted wiith choice fruit trees, sW;.sa-te in Croughton, inlte In the occupation of Thus. Hoperaft, esq. The mansion-house cnits of a lofty and well pro- portioed diniing. i1rawlng, aind breakfast roomi, large kitchien, but- ?,or'sl pantry, ceilafs, ANd other suitable offlces, excellent and cons- nmodlous bedroom-s. stressimig roeuni. sater clos~et, with servants' anid other ante rooms. Crns,ightui iIs pleasantly' sittiated. with excellent rToads thereto, is-ithin I - mile and a half of the ilarley-mow, leading from Northampton to Oxford, 3 miles of Ilrackley, 8 mIlies of Buck- Ingliam, and 65 of L.ondon, in at good sporting country, abounding 'with gamne, and in time lmniedixte yicinity of the Duke of Grafton's,, Duke ni Beaufort's, and Sir Thus. Moyston's fox hounds. For further particuisrre apply to SINr, Win). Baker, solicitor, Mtarket Deepinlg; Mr. TkMos. Tayler. 7, Clemrent's-inn, Lonidon; and Mr. Weston, solicitor. 3y?:ackley': if by letter, post patid. I MPLETE WORSTED MILL, at Nottingham-- , o be SO'LD, by Private Contract, svith immamedlats poossession, a RZVilOLD W0lt8TEO lIILL, 4 stories high,q sO vards long. and 24 ards wide, In good repair, amid now in selork, slruate In Goose-gare, Inath e towni of Nottingham, stith an engine of 14-horse power. oiesly repaired at a f oasiderable expenise, and maRchinery for spinniag and doubling of soft and hard wvorsted for the Nottinghamn, Leicester, and Kihddernminster markets, where there Is a regular demiand for thte articlea, and cap~able of sp[inningSfrom 20 to 25 packs of combed wool per week; together svlth the dyabouse, blue vat-,, dying pans, &e. and ws'hhons, with coppers, washing rollers, &c. and comb shops. stove Fetting uprooms emltbs shops, Joiner's shop, and other outbuild Inggsstaetf,r the conce2rn. The prensisis are weU supplied Ivith bo,th soft and bard wvater. Also a convenient ni-idern built DeveLling- houte, contiguous to the above nulll, tirth a yard and warehouses ad- joining; and 3 Pmall ho_ses, used as wvarehouses, fronting Goose- g.te. adhoininso theJ uabove dwellinhg-houseThe area of the premises s hoshit, yardSAi,F, a mstluar.Theaiseare andesirable for a p Eson of sufent capitalwishing tooembarksin stabl business, and suitable for a esik,e a cottn, . aucraps, or eurmill.Or e pu rchaxser may take the premists without the machiner - A considerable part of the arur- chase money mayhif deusirbaved rean ony seurity of thempremises. For nutterlartl,e and tc trlenlaite for the prtbasen apply gtoMr. Hurist, soicitor,l KNottinham: andoff t view rapply tor. Macb*Ven, on the premises ANI{S of the WYE, near Chepstow, aMeonaouT h-l shire.-For SALE, acmost valubBcand ldesirable ESTAi , vcorn r aing a mnodern built mtrs nt on-house, with stalled gardens, hot house sruhbberies. coachbouse. stables, and every requ sIte -cveni- aeora l, tamily of fortiune; together with a villa, four other gin t resideneex, a cott agen xnd about 36 acres f Meadow land. The man sion-house isr,tuate onAn em1inence, and commandtr the richest and isnost extensive vieses of the Adjacent pietur=su and beautiful nouuntry the rIvera Wye and Severn, and the BrIsolChannel. The 's'lhian10ocher houijce have beenirecen)tly built of themuostsubsitantial ateralas, and are calculated for the residences of genteel families. ;hey re sitnateon dIFferent oltRmi of theo estate and embrace all that richness and variety of view or wvhIch the banks of the W,ye. and more a.ypeeally the vicinity of Chepe5tow, are so celebrated. The land is of the first quaality mind covered stith a consideraLble quantity of thriving tjrnsber, tueether with several thouisanulI young oak, ash, elm, larch, fir, gjrnd other torist trees, In the mnost iuxttrlant state. The villa anrid ~nd are I she occpatIotor; thc mansion-house and ~he seveal othe houses dv edsOre let to inost r'espectable tenssIt. Fr frthr prtiulas aply(ifby letter, post palid to Mr. rl2osiSAVaa. lad aent nd orveof,58. Great RusseLl-strect, ~jooebur. Lodon whois athorsedto treat for the samne ;or 1'hma Evns se. llre ila, ea CepetoW, Monmouthshlre. A tht piq~sisemoey ay enslaon mortgagei. jJING's THRATILE.-SignlfBN LIrejetul K ~begs leave-to infortil the Nobility ahit4. Gnintfr `iubsersbr to thVQelra, and the Publid that the PtFTR VONC!lRT SPIRITUEL, ofTAC~Iand MzoDEliN MUSIC, snimilar tc. tbe ftlebratid. Con. cecta Splitutsol* At parls,: Wilt talke s'ALce on Friday steEl, April L. Signor Coci& will presideastthe Platnofoyte. Leader of the Band, Mr. Spagnsoletti. For thec colo.s,Me5sr5. Lindle T,Wilnian, Puzzi, Centrofli, Monzari, Kissewetter. Usr. J. TF. Harris w 11 preside at the organ. The orchestra and choru.sses wrill be selected firom tlhe firsit performers. anud.consist of upwatrdsof120' persons. The next end lest oncert to be on Friday, the 9th of April. Applica tIons respecting boxes tO) be made to Mr. Seguin, Operaciffice, 105, Quadrant. Regent-street. Bosxes 3 gIneas each. Adnsisslon to the Boxes lOs. 6d. Pit 7s. Gallery 3s. 6d. The concerts to begin at balf-past 7 o'clock. A UCTION-M_1ARTf, i%a1rh 13, IS24..-Tha Director-s L1kandiSpecial Committeeof te AuctinMr hvnapTnriated a TROON in that buillding for PRIVATE SUBSCRtIP'rIO I b to apieteproprietors and the public that the same wKill be ;PVED on the 12th of April;, Gentlemen desiroust of becomtingsubserkawill have the goodness to leave til'eir names and aLddress with th Srery on or before the .5th of April; after whbich period a GenelMetn of the SUbscribers vill be convened for tbe purpose offomnB- Lasand s.l future admissions will bedeemndbblotTrs of sa erlt pton; Proprietors of mart shares 1 guttita per annum; non-proprietors. 2 guineas per annumsn. T~he daily morning and erening papers, magazines, reviews, e!rIodica1 works. and pamnphlets, will be taken for the use of the su sscrlbers. Further Information may b obtinedat te Secretary's Office. .D RNI.Sc Rt. HAMILTON reslpectfully informs the Inhabt-. V!ot.s of Greenwich, Woolwich, anid De rford, that he intends DELIVERTNG, an INTRODULCTORY LECTIURE, At the G'rten? Man, Blatekheath. THIs EVENlING, at half-pp sat 7 o'clock precisely, after which subscribers' namtes to a public clatss for the French langutge, to meet twice a wveek, att the same hour In the evening, wvill be re- ceived by Mir. Hamiltoni. A public class for the Latin language will also be formed, and sub- scribers' names received at the same time, or until Friday, at the differeat bnoksellers. Terms In the yublic class, each subscriber .1. per section of 10 lessons, payable ni advance. Private' classes of 6 persons or mtore will meet at Mlr. Hamilton's apartments, or at the apartments of the members: the tereisa 2L 10s. _o Olsos. Proficierncy guaranteed. OYAL NTATIONAL INSTITUTION for the Pt PRESERVATION of LIFE from SHIPWRECK. Patron, HIs MIAJESTY. PresIdent, the Earl of LIVERi'OOL, K. G. Donationts. Annuail. Amoulst already Adveri'tsed X 3,484 14 0 ?150 19 0 Subgcriptions since reseisved: The Right Hon. the Eairl of Lonsdiele, K.G. -1000 0 The Corporation of the Lonidon Assuraztce .1050 0 l'he Royal Exchange Assurance - - 105 0 0 Earl Browsnlow-50 0 0 Huigh Leveester, es q.-. -- 0 0 0 A.B. at M,%essrs. Cotitts and Co.'s 120 0 0 .1. A. att Miessrs. Ladibroke's I 1 0 Admiral Ekcins- --- 3 0 0 Capt. Rebr. Johnson. E. I. C. S. I 1 0 M. "Orra", es 0-- - - 2 0 0 Lord,Jo,. Rusl,M. . . 101 0 2 Win. Fuiller, esq.- - - - 10 10 0 Sir Edward Codrntn 10 0 0 Johin James, esq.- - -10 50 0 Rt.G. S..10 00 H. J. Stevens, csq- - -- - 2 20 0 Capt. Chambers White, R. N. 10 0 0 Gee. Borradai!e, esq.- - - - 0 10 0 C- MI. Williams, esq - - - - O o00 IMessrs. Barclay, Triton, Bevan, and Co. 21 0 0 Mlontatgue Penninlgton, esq. 2 2 0 1 1 0 Rt. H.at- ..2 20 Capt. Geo. F. Seymour, Il.N. C. B. 5 50 J A Mr tg ,es1-- 0100 Mirs. Eli'zabeth ilson, Denmark-hill 10 10 0 2 2 0 Samuiel Bosanquet, esq. - 26 .5 0 Capt. Tisdal, Et. N - - - - 2 0 0 1Sir itichaard Hardinge 21 0 0 BerijamIn Shaw., es'l Cornhill 21 0 0 I Capt. Mtangles. R. W. - s0 Capt. Bertse Cator'. R. N. - - 10 0 0 Capt. Josaph Dowson -21 0 0 2 2 0 H.S .Woollastn. eseq. . . 5 0 0 Wmn. Davis, esq.- - -10 10 0 1Donations and subscriptions will be received by Win. Slkes, eseq. Treasurer, 5, Miansionhouse-street; and by the several bankers of the metropolis. H~E MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPAiNY, Bank-- rut'Register Office, and General Accountant Office, esta- bXihe 1dril818. 25, Cateatoni-street. DIRECTORS. George Austin, esa. David MKelville. esq. Richard WV. Cots, seFq. Edward Tewart, eseq. Daniel Hawkins. e,q. Treasurer. Sir Charles Price, barr. ; Thoea Perry, Secretary. In this office general informatioin mray be obtained respecting all batnkrupts, viz.: E. The dates of the commissions. 5t. Thie names of the solicitors and assignees. 3. Tke number of dividends. 4. The namies of the parties who pay the dividends. ..Tue dates of the certiflcates If obtained. An annual payment of I guinea entitles a subseriber to the &bov,e in. formiation, aLnd also to notices of all future proceedinus. As Accountants: 1. Books and accounts expeditiously arranged. 2. intricate and disputed accounts examined and prepared In eases referred to arbitration. 3. ll ccunt. ed. resecting dissolutions of partnership are con- ii,tentially and sp,eiy dusted 4. Trust dieed's. assignmenits, &c. conducted through their various stagces, the signatures ofecreditors procured, anid compositions paid. 5. Dividends, compositions, rents, anid debts of every descrip-tion collecemd on moderate terms. N. 1B. All monies received by thisa company are paid over monthly to the paes interested. Largeand commodious rooms for the meet- EInIgs ofl crdlitors, &c T EUNFORTUNATE CASE of Miss ZOUCH.- A CARD, addressed to the unprejuidiced, the liberal mlInded, and the benevolent of heart. The reverses of fortune demanding the fortitudeof the soul in the relative and the severest stages have rarely, been mnove acutely suffered.nor mnore sensibly felt by, anyT person, than by that Individual, wvho now, claiminig some benevolent attention from a kind, uNprejudiced, and liberal public. has been peculiarly af- flicting; east too on a wvorld of Incertitude and misfortune, when gres, perity and every pros p et in life wlere openl ackniowrledged to be era huzt which the merciless ha-nd of death siiddenly onarehedayan depris-ed her ofat anearly age. The eldest of ayoung orhnfml of nin.ie the dantehter of the ILate hig:hly respected Mir. Zoh,fte Irish Treasury. (shie army agent and paymnasttr general to h hle pensuioners in'Ireand. wh'o died a few years sines ofafit of'apoplexy. anid wvithout having made a provision for his niumerous familly) thirough the viciasituides of fortune, and through entcountering dif- ticultiesq. at present a pri-soner In the Kinig's Bench, and also sinces September last incarcerated within the walls of a prison, conse- qluently having non', becomie so clrctimstanced,(beingutterly pennyless cuid destitute, and during the latter four months so indigently re- duceLd in struggling with the world and her forlorn situaLtion void of pecuiniary obllgati..,'e through necessity waves all ceremony in tus akig hr ese cilwn o agenrous public, and aLppealing to the umae, b th kin doatio oftheir mite towards compro- mls!;g wih he creitor, threbyenabingter to gain her liberty for theSutre,honuraly o ern er wn ivlhood. However, should thepubic onciveandthoe wo pofes themselves her friends thea natue ofthisappel to preomia ontheir generosity, wrhich is soley nverhelss ictaed y a hoourbleprinciple, at least to endevou to e bt lst t he crditos. issZoueh could taLke the benefit of the act if cmrmisn ihthe above should not meet withl that support whc h eeoetmight otherwrise kindly con- tribute towards. In the midtl uh forlorn condition, the recol- lection of any Inconvenience thereof fades at an event wvhich has recently comne to her knowledge fromr India, to plunge Miss Zouch Into the severest mental sufrerings. The untimely fate of her favourite brother, a very fluie, most distinguished, and truly promisIng young officer, in thie Hornourable East India Company's cavalry sers-ice. has wounde her feelings heyond all description, and notwithstarLding he wras her select favourite ri the family, her destitute condition eveni de- nies her tile ponver of paying tio his sacred uiemory the last sad tribujte of axffectionate respect. It niot being MlIss Zoichi's distant desire to intrude too much on the humane generosity (if the benevolent, that In caseanyiiiividal houd thnk f cuntnancing a -subscription for therelef f tosepujioes bovnamd,the smallest donation will prov graefuly eas p able andsuf tc t testify the donors' since. rit an god wshe, b beng epoite atthe hank of? Messrs. Cocks. Cock, an Co.43. harng-coas.or wth r. Gray, Lloyd's coffeehous5e, whohav kidleconentd t reeiv rie same f6r her use. 0he OLD,pursant o a ecree of the High Court of hanery berin dae te 2stda.~of July. 1823. mnade Ins cana thre epedin. wurei 'Crolneorrs. widlow. is the plIn. tif. ad Jhn ocwoo an otersar defendants,' the ABSOLUTE REVESIO ofsli inSitesun of.t23032s. 10d. 3 per Cent. Con- saflidated Annuities, staiidign theiaeofthe Accountant-Genieral o,f the"sid Court of Chaneyt the creditof the said cause, to an Account entitled It terealett, and receivable oni the death of a. lady in the 53d year of her a.The said reversion will he sold before Ja.. win. Farrer, es.one orth asters cf the said Court. at the public SaLle Roomn of tWe0said Court, In Southampton-buildingsA,Uhan- cery-lane, London. oni S1aturday. the 10th day of April, 12,at I o'Iclock in the afternooni, In one lot. Printed particulars mrar beI had igratial at the said Master's Chamnbers.,in Sentham rton-bIid.ng, Chancery-lane. London; of Messrs. Lockwood and Shepherd, solicitors, Beverley, Yorkshitre. of NMr. Upton, solicitor, Leeds; and of Mestsrs Few, Ashinu,re. and Hamilton, solicitors, 2. l-lenrietta-street, Covent- TLf ENDON.-To be LET, iuntil November, 182.5, with WI.th pto of aL lease for 7 years fromn that period, a handsome sifbstantial built HOU'SE, most eligibly situaLte In the most desirable part of the parish of Hendon, 6 mhlis from Tyburn-turnpike, And coninandhin MOSt eXtensive prospects, Thie house conthins, en the grround floor, 2 "loderate sized parlours conmnunicating by folding doors, large ennt5ance ball, moderate sized drawing room, genitleman's dressing room, aind wvater closet; 4 excellent bedr.oosis, writh dressinig roomn o~-er, and 5 excellenit attics, ftt for spate bedrooms if required; on the basement are 2 kitchens, housekeeper's room, larder, dairy-, and cellars; and the wvholc is fltted up with every conveniene for a family of respeqtability', an excellent coaehhouse, 3-stal sAbeha loft, and 2 rooms over, wvith cowvhouse. and latrge yard inelosed by' a brick uvall, detachled tram the hous3e; a cr5ell laid out garden surrounds thte house, and the sehiole standsi o11 about 3 quarters of in acre. The fuirniture and fixtures, wvhichi are very appropriate. to be tak-en by valuation, and further particulars, wvith tickets for viewing, to be hAd of MXessrs. Prior aiid Mackenzie, uipholders, 30. Brydges-street, Covent-garden. Applications by letter tobe post paid. -"ELLBROUGHTON, WVorcestershire. - Capital FREEHOLD MIANOR And ESTATE .-To be SOLD by AUC- 'F N, in one lot, by hIENitY JACOBI, at the LyttletonaArmsTrui, at -Hagley, In the county of Worcester, on WVedieseday, Akpril 28, at 4 o',,lock in the afternoon, subject to tonditions then to be anrduced all that the MIANOR of IMOOR-HALL, otherwvise Mloor-halIl Iene, (ext- tendizngover several hunidred ae; es of lana,) with the chief rents, royaltice, and appurtenances belonging thereto. And also the capital messuage, substantial fbrm bu-idings. garden, and several closes of arabie, maeadow, and pasture lnd c ontaining In the whole, by ad- measurement, 168 acres or thereabouts, miere or less, called the 'Few TIree Estate, now In the possession of the proprietor, Mr. Williamn Iloper Ths etat issitatein he arish of Bellbroughton, con- tigoudto he urnik rod ladig fomBromsgreve to Smtoirbrdge, a fne poringcoutry an th dcc'sfro th louse wvhich has an excllet satd rof,nd s it or he eadeieecofa resp'ertable family, arxe extensive And beautifut Te landso ecllent quality, and in high condition; about 40 acres are vaube edo and pasture, capable of being Irrigated at any seasen of th yer,and the re- rmainder arabie, being a zine rich loamy turnip adbrey soil, ferm- in=oeher one of the hcst aud most completeesasinttprto teouty, and possession miay be had at NictalmaisexL. The estate iN well wituate for markets being distant fo Bromegrove about, 5, Ktidderminster about 6, 4tourbridge atbou 2, nd Duidley shout 10 miles. A ipurchaser or the estate may be commodated with two thiirds of tuie purchase money on a mortgage thereof, if required. To view tle estate applv to Mr. Hooper 'the proprietor, on tue premises; and fi,r all further particulars to MIr. Robesonu, solici- tor, Bhromsgrove; or Jacoband %[~thew's, land agents, at their Qffiree,; In Birmningham or Stourbridge; of all of whom am platn of the'estate miay be~ seen. rjo SHIIPBUILDERS and( Others.--To be LET, for 4 such a term of,;rars as laY be agreed upon. the SHIPBUIILD. ING YARD, iat the Troon; la Ayrshire. The Troon is situate in the Firth ,f Clyde. 6 miles north of Ayr, 4 miles south of the Bar of Irvine. 8 miles south of Salteonts, and 9 miles south of Ardros- san. DuriOg the lset 12 nmontlis the tonnage Df vessels which have frequenited tii above mnentioned harboure has beep as follows Ayr 44,513, as taken trom the customhouse books, Troon 53,753,. as take;; Iti m the iuarhqur book; Irvine 45,877, as taken tforn the ecustomhouse books; Salteoate 15,265, as taken from the euttom. house books; Ardirossan 18.629, as taken from the' customhouse books. The yard at the Troon is large and commodious, contain- Ing above 2 acres and a half of ground enelosed by a stone Wall, havixig 2 building slips, with boar and Xvork shed, smithy, sawemDil, wvith the machinery driven by a steam-engine of 8-horse power, sa%vplt, joiner's shop, draftlng loft, countingihouse, &c. with every convenience necessary for an extensive shipbuilding eoneer;). Im- mediately adjoining are 2 excellent graving docks; the dimensions of the small one are width of gates or entrance 24 feet, length of floor at bottorm and keel blocks 210 feet, breadth of ditto 25 feet, length on top of dock 230 feet, and depth of wvater on sill of rate; from 8 feet 6 Inches to 11 feet 6 inches. The disnensions of the lar-er dosk are, width of gates or entrance 36 feet 9 inches, lengtb of boor at bottom and keel blocks 270 feet, breadth of floor at ditto 40 feet, lengch on top of dock 230 feet, breadth at ditto 75 feet, and depth of wvater on sill of gates frem 9 to 13 teet, The steam-engine is conveniently situate In the building yard for oum- ing both docks, and in every respeet they are well adapted for abl kinds of repairs. As no other part Jn the neighbourhood of the Trenrs possesses at present the same facilities for the repairs of shnps, the fine graving dock at Ardressan being not yet accesslble, and the harbour of Irvine. In which there is a patent sUp not Arnitting vessels of Creat draught of water, it is presumned duat a ship-carpenter established at the Troon may promise himself much of the repairing business of the above mentioned ports, and not 'vlthout some chance of attracting vessels of the largest size from the Clyde, on wrhich there is no dock but one (at Greenock) with gatg of equal dimenions to those of the large dock at the ''roon. Tht harbour can be entered at aU times of tide by vessels not drawing above 11 feet ,ufawater. Fofifurtherparticularsapply to Mr. John WiLson, xt-the Troon: If by letter, to be poet paid. 0 'o-io tes KflaiPRfos ot t 1S4buA STOCK bLties anC(tlsen. A S the mu,t1yeszwhjch lu*& ine to withdnrw Nia-the AL late eAtiteen t esn~ opetate fatureoocudon' IXbeg &Oaly to r 'ec''trIaot rahI t conidefatLon to the grouttonmr,it I haie jrted to aspIre taces t In th-'Dlrictlon of yopr Aflfi-s. I' acklowltede with. ltcirde -the kindness atId encourayCrent whichIhaed hilbJ,gerto receilvte, ild placing mey cotnfidence in yeur contiseusnee of vourpa>tronge andi upport I have the honoar to be, with great respect, Ldadet and nGentleeen. Your Very faithful and obliged servant Can den-hill, Kens'ngton, C HARL ES MACKIN NJON. 25th March, 12S4. 'r teiPRO?RESOR5 of EAST INDIA STOCK. Ladies and Gentlemen, ClONSIDERING the very extensive nature of the %J eanvase for a seat In the Eat IndiL Dietion, anid the shortness of tho period in whigh I haie had an opportunlty of entering upon thkt canvass. and of becoming acquaInted wth the great Anu lode- pendrent body of Proprietors ef Esst India Stock. I feel no less grntflfe4 than encoutraged by theresult of the baalot on the 23d Instant. t hvil m self of this, the earlleet a Portsuystn to rturn my sincere thanke to the numerous slid kind FAcuds who caLme forward In my favour on tkat occasion, and at the uame time gratefully to acknow- ledge the manylattrering assurances I hav, received of that addi- tional support on -the next vacaney, whih previous engagetments prevented my belngr henoure4 witCh it the last. Hatvingalreay submittedl to yoe the public grounds upon;which I presented myself before you as a Candidate for the honousrable *Ituation of an EastIndiaDirector, It only remains for me now to reuer my exertions to secure your cotrddence and your support, and to repeat my pledge of olng to the ballot on the first aeaancy. I ave the honour to be, with great respect, Ladies and Ge;tlemen -oo r most obedient and humble servant 13. ruton.street, 24thMarch,E"24. ROBERT T. FARQUHAR. A SYLUM fOr the VEAF and l)UMB.- LA Patron, Hlis Royalt Hlghnets the Duke of OLOCESTER K.G. Patroncs, Her Royat HLighness the Duchess of GLOCESitER. President, Hls Grace the Duke of.tUCKINGHAM and CHANDOS,K.G. THIS DAY, the 29th of March, the Governors and Frientds of the Tnstitution wrill DINE together at the Clty of London Tavern, Bishopsgate-street; His Royal HI bness the PATRON, in the chair. Dinner on table at half past Aivedelock precisely. A few of the children, after dinner. wil recite some vetses STEcSARDS. Grant Allan, erq. I Lancelot Hailope,esq. IrWilliam Peacock, esq. G}eorge Appold. esq. IThomas Lett, sesq.L .l av,nhIi.t Jun. esqt. Francis Brevrin. ssq. IThos. Newoman, esq. [Prederiek Reade, seq Thos. Fsrncomb, esq. Edwr. Pailmer, esq. IThomas3 Walker,eq Tickets, Ifs ef ach, rmxy be had of the stewFards, at the bar 'of tglee tavern;* and.of the depaty secretary at the Asylum. The candidates for admission ha>ve become se nmumerous, that the committee have latelyanuseneted the numnber from 200f to 220, which numberof dea f and dumb children are nov, receivin,; instruction Sn this asylum One .uinea per annumi constituters a governor; a donfa- tion of 10 guineas a gorernor for lile. CilARLES COMPITON, Dep. Sec. G ENERAL DI-SPENSARY, AlderSgate-Strcet.-Thle A .NNIVERSARY DINNECR of this INSTITUTION wvill be on Mdonday, the 5th of April next,at the AlIsion Tavern, Alderagate-streer. Ills Royal Highness the Duke of SUSSE2X.1 President, in the Chair. The Hon. Philip Puse yJ John Thos. Thorp, esq. Mid. The Hon. Ilebert Smith, H[.P. John Garrati, esq. Aild. MtatthewWYood, eeq. M.r. WinC. Venables, esq. Aid. iVm. Mianning, esq. M.P. Alexander Davison, esq. Geo. Smith, esq. Hf.P. Jeremir h Harman, ersq. Robt. Atblon Coxt, esq. Ald. John Smnith, esq. fi te aSu , an. dH. the Dukbe oS Susse n John Divgens, esq. J. W. Adlard, esq. John Gibbons, ern;. Win. Bobt. H. Blown, esq. John oay, esq. Oso. Bilrk seck, M.D. Z1. A. Lloyd, esq, James Burgh, jun. eiq. Geo. B. gimkiln, sesq. Joseph Chelnondetey, seq. Thos. Summers, Deq. JOStN PULLEN and SON, Secretaries. Tickqts, IV.ERach, may be had of theStewards the SecretarIes, 3b Foreystreet; the Collector. Aidersgate-streetr and at the Tavern Dinner on table sit 5 dcloel precisely. . ONDON HOSPITAL, March l1S, 1 824.-The -;ANNIVERSAR5' SERMON Sor tl,e BENEFIT of this, CH{ARITY WI lbe preahehd InR thc Chapel of the He spital on Thursday. th e l1st of A;pril, bs the Right Rev. F;ather in God JOltN Lord Sishop Of BYtHS- TOL,, before Hls Royal Highness W.e F. Duke of GLOCEUTEi:R, PresIdent, VICE-PRESIDIENTS. His Grace the Dukse ofWellinton The ldost Noble the MTarquis of The Most Noblk the Marquis of Hastings THertford Rt. Hon. and Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop The Rt.Hon.LordVisct.Torrington of London The Rt. Hon. Loro Sennlker The Rt. hion. Lord Braybrookc Samuel Thornton, esq. M.P. Sir Elib Harvey., C.C.. M.P. Sir Robert Winram, bert. Slr Wem.CurDe, asrt. M.P. Willtim Heltsh, esq. GeorgenByng, esq. h.P. Wlliam Mannllng, est. M.P. Treaurer, JOHN H NRY PELL', Esq. STEWARDS. SamRuel Smth, eeq. He.P. A. J. Mackenzse, esq. Henry Mole Btd ter, *sq. Frederik Manning, esq. BenJamiH Cotton, esq. John Pearse, Jun. esq. ThGoms Dickinson, M sq. E. W. Rundell, esq. JamosB Hill, esq. John Saunders, esq. Hlenry Lang, seq. John Stock;, ses. Josleua imoekwoedt, q. James Taddy, esq. Tickets for the dinnr cat the Lm udon Tavern. 21s. each, to be had of the Stevards; at the THverL and of the Seeretary. Dinner on table a.t S1 o'ciock. No collection after dinner, The congregation will h e admiLtted to the chapel, from 2 o'clock till Trayersbegnat3, by tckets, toebe had gratis of the Stewards; the ecretary; and aCt the ospital. A collection vwll be made at the door ofDthe ha pel JOHN JONES, Secretary, 12, lilinories Rt OYAL HUMANE SOCIETY, instituted 1774, for _ the Recovery of Percent Apoarently Drovwned or Dead. Patron, The RING's Uost h:xeellent MAJEiSTY. President, Hils Grace theDueof NtORTHUEMBERLAND, eiG. &c. right Hon, Marquis of HertfordRight HOD. Lord Hennlker lRght Hon. Ear of Stamford and Right Ron. Lord PRudhoe Thearrtngton Ho'h. Philip o n seo Right lHon. Earl Speer Hon r. iaron aorrod b Right Hon. tart of Liverpool Sir Abraham Hume, bar. Icight Hon. Earl of R*omney Sir R. Carr Glyn, hart, aid, irght Hon. Eart ofWPolbs Sir Charles Price, baxt. Right Hon. Lord V:eount Dudley SirgJhn William Lubbock, harM and Ward Gs}. W. Taylor, c.P. ..P. iUht Hon. Snd Rtht Rev. lord John Atki.ns esq. aid. Bishop ot Lotdcn John Gurney, eSQ. e lon, and RDiht Rev. Lord Bishop Stephen W aReuee, seq. of Oxford Robert Jarctay, esq. ight Hon. Lord Ri7ers John Bltckburn, esq. Right Hon. Lord Ke w on Win. Meels, Tesq. Right Hon. Lord Massonald The FIFTIETH ANNIVERS3AR FE'STIVAL wilt be eelebrsted- on WeTinesdayr the 31st Instant, at the Clty of London Tavern; hat vhieh His t race the DuTe of andorthumbsr etnd wiDl presidee TMr. Alderman Crowder Wiltlia b aud, esqr H. Buekatnd, tobh. George Mrttard, eiS. George By, esq. John Mlwtard, csq. Colonel C Atthero Issac Mitinet. esq John Cotlett, esq. John Nichols, esQ. F.S.A. William Day, esq. Sllvanas Partridge, eaq. E P. Dowrne, esq. Thomss Purvls, esT,. Charles Enderby, seq. Win. Row. M nn. esq W\illiam Forrester, eeq Wmn. Sharp. esq. Edw-ard Forster, seq. G. Simpson, esq. P.C. Freese. esqu Joseph Thompson, esq. Samuel Gould, seq. James Turpli, esq. J. W. Hartshorne, eq. John Wilmot, esq. John Holmes, esq. Win. Woodwrardo seq. C. Rt. Hlyndian, esq. Benr. Woolner, esq. MartinJones esq. . Dl'nner on the table at half-past S o'clowck. CHARLES BARCLAY, esq.MP BENJ. LrAWES, *sq. A e ressurers. After dlnner there will he a procession of persone who during the ssst year have been restored to life b mhens gf the ociety: and his irace the Duke of Noothuorland, ?.G. Presldent, will present the 'lonorarY hfedallions voted by the GenBera Court. to the folowing rentleinen, for their skil and exertions In saving human life :Mr. G. Willhmson, Mr. John L. Blrtwhlstte, Mr. Charles Ventrts Field, Mr. RI. F. Roome. Tieckets 1s. each, maybe had of tbe Stewards; at the city of Loondon h aer . the London Coffeehouse; thue altic Coffeehouse; and of the Reftr.A to admit Ladses to the gallery to view th procession and H.resentation of the medalloons canbe had only ot the Stewards. JOGeor MARTIN, MJl ad. Registrar. Societys House, 29, Bredges treet, Blackffiars, March 22, 1824. Silnce the establishment of thi society upwards of 5,WO persons .ave been restored from apparent death, and preserves from Imin- s aent dra*es and nearly S1Q. 0 persons have been rewarded for risk- Wn i thillrvei to presere oeShas. One guinea annutly e onst ttes - a Go'ernor. Twro guineas annually-----a Director. Tesn guineas at one paymnent a - s Life Governor. Twenty guineas- - - - - - .a Life Director. Subscreptions re received by Messrs. eParnard and Co.; Messrs JrnmmondandCo.: SirJohn inJ. Lubbock, iert. andCo., SirJohn Jinhorn and Co. and by the Tr.urers and Registrar. The comm.tteerequestay Bdy, gentleman,or bookseller, wvhomay ave annual reports of this societyfor the years 1778Iand 1Tr0, to *ommiunncate the srme to the Regsitrar. The annual reports of the society, and sermons that ha-vs been 3retched In aid of tie societys futds, are soid at the soclety's house rhere manuals of the methods of treatment may be had gratis. t
AT ASHFORD, in Kent.-FOR ...
-T ASHFORD, in Kent 7j~LbYpIja-t ~ 1 n traeV'BROKI LAE X' 4 e drencI'e?o. gt0 vamU, toglether -Wltb I If2 I1I 1lts4s, OfVeryroiatue excelln celr nte 2d tresare 8 se d41es stable of thesn jw aebtntdide,cohlusad from London: ~ s fo sdse F~ atc~ pl byletter, post i r.I Jemmt o.Ahod.Pseso-a besaL t. J7J~~ ndla4o ee eihe n the pubicthoruhaeo n bAddre ai,tA.ZPoofce, 14. Fter.,retIl 8ada pnstuaton in te neg1bourhoGf.ga or X _eqainto0 than elg~4t roomns. Including kItcn,tVil garten walhonse, e Redi bot .4.11.ep?e annuudm. tLeeettersfdoerl=re free, for X .a r -Bers,adcioner &c Bid-sree, xfod-sree wil e attended to. PREWISE~ W ~TED, bet~~een ark-lanle n. r uec-tret O hasd, ihra eyroy HO1)US,5. Or one or twolage FLOtss f IV,AIEHOUS ROM fasable, &c attache -the more cdrivenienit. Plarticular ftrs iuto,&.t be, addessd, pos pad, to P. and S.a r un,Nlhlaps5 Nl4c.holas-lane, Lomard-screenPs&ge FFICES WA TED,~.A. entlemanis des-irous of ~7obtanln~o OuND PLOOR,ora FirstFloor, unfurnished suit_ ablefor ffics, i Llcoln's-.-jieIdcl or its iirGedlAte vicinity. A. goo lihtad a aiy situatintiUrE Iindtspensablereqiiis(tes, Letters. pos pad, tatngful Pari11~rs addressed to X.Y,Z. at Mir. Drew's, -sttioer,17,Porw'-,,ti.ejet, Lin~coln's-Inn, wvill nieet wvith attention. .~i~0-~ LET,a very Coliveiliroy H UE k.. pleasantly situae nteImdaeiegbuhe s alml East2 forninig amos deial eiecetrapiaeo profe-tieall genzclenan, not requr rhee dfou,wih socped bui- ia nesgs, but froin whh thbos senieydtchd bciehuse- ankd stable if requied Aphho as lrc r.Nwa,gocser 21,_COskspuir-street.ler be LET;by the orshipfl Compay Of Salters, on aLeae fr 2 yers,a DELLING-HOUsg anid SHOP, No. .9,Newacestret.Anybetsondesirous to treat for such lease areceiresed o snd hei prposls,sealed up, elirected to the Mas- a of he Cmpan, at29, St. Swithsin's-liase, on or or Mach Istan. An oni the following daysa Court it oe 'cok n heaternoon precisely, to open the prpsl, anid to tra orsc lae he prernilses clay he viewed every day,. (sundy excepte, between the hours of I1I and I. 7~() e SOD, Firnihed r Uuurrihed, or_ to-be 3.. ET. urnshed an xcelentHOUS, i Manilel-stect, Port- -lad-pac, Sitalefora arg fail~ Fr prtculrsapply to -T AW-'fobe LT,- FFICE, ofthe irstrate de- Toksshuseyar.Frr pnotlessitarn appyar toMr DaTISe, HOUSToEn- rjto e SOD 'o LET by rivae Contract aier FREor MOLDes a eitRW ,staewti 1 mile 01Iono,infl torade wand goodcodtOUS, with twsublic-hont es. Thep plar t con-anngi casksand tock aredto h taknd bvey ponvenentApl fo f by letpetable postmpidi, Toe r.uSnow, i6, Drset-strbet aiirburydPesuane, eandeWthn.2 ziesW-GtWeEity omneLthe Banks,, of the hades.-or buter ponsitingar ofnqurewof andr cluing 1 eroos fourberom, rsn room kithen,&c. itha smll grdenleaIg stretheClt~'eroahdfo LhET,eceptioufat genthee family deinruire paof tre vllageo,eih nn cat,rupe on rso the coGreen.da tiWeal itieefo Lheae ari genthee hOUSEra, intsubactantia fronpal den, cnaiingeI roomse, -ithagoo gtardena-lf,and everybonveninc Forhrpa respcuable family Thed tuatiots isrmarkeabl airy. and plearanth, andiolsterens2 LatstrclrseIqu,acmire ofeMr. Moro,ugnaboKstet iy-od D EC fom,Idy-ayixt.asmlvOUEry desirabe roonis,hand ain LET, situate.its thelmostfudesirabltepars of the illae,noithounin- te,rrupltedw vieso ther c ountr,sid aofotantagreeablerdivatlangfomd tefaroent ofl sthcedwithfroa,uithtes back .andtfonsR tgarden,chaiew- house, . 2salldsable,that-ot,re and breswhonadoieng Futhr particular andcars t viw my b ha ofJ. nd nd Giffth, udo poierrs L mnnt-strest lyckman.ter Borough.Rrthre q ofaRNIsHE aixelle .Tnb LT forn n er semnelyfurnshed, mosrdllgh tfull situateabt3 lesnrho sLou-h sou end of t se'ttw ofruttes,&,atw-tl tabule brew- o ab urondn outntoares ofaslndajii For pasrt.Deicu- lasapdMoplye(if byletters, ps s t2 El-pa e,rHlbon.e r oM 1VhieOluUtoNGe, DurrekTieLEnadetilduo Immediately, a m~~~~deJants sied beLLNGOS,wt e quisite offices,isheanaexcellent gadn n lnANtionstut NAtSthe southend o thetow ofzedorkin, commsulabdin ofiesautifulbiewsgo thesuroudin cunty.For particulars apply Ib eto esr,pst peaidyt andMorhet, slictoreds, Berkaley-bdsquar, oCponierCharles-oreetor staningin mo erytesiedipark,wit co uoitbeous ce aUNIHD stabIng code m,pnrouns,g a mpanoiofs aboutg.000 acd res,k5cc. stluate2 aboutnSilscat fgreminewpours2rtFiftncrasloete panrkomsayerntedores Inutrowith tthehose 4 Foft rpa ryaties,arsapt, andIf bykltther,poatrad)eto lrdipaiitty,5 theashouthen ofn anHberkeellsqars, opposieChrylonenentee RNIHEDHOUe Feeold Lpaiid.RTsse SLD-sqare PrvaeC1ratTTO beECSLET a an very desirable.moiukFRIHDRESI DBLENCAND comrilnga aiu iningb desroomeant bres,adfastpalgeour,2 rinveroo,ad4lfyadar tisrn anda nazkitens, clardbter siuatedad joining the government powder m-agzie,coebth rvrThaes. In the Parish of Erith, in the county, of Kent. For par- ticulars sod to treat for, the same apply(if by letter,postpaidlto Messrs. Btacee and Selby, solicitors, Surrey-street, Strand, London. KE I~~~o be SOD,b ia-te Contract, adsr K ablle FREEHOLD FAMNILY REFSIDENCE, at`WeIJng, containing dining room, drawing room, 5 bedrooms, good kitchet,, washhouse, ser-ants' rooms over it, ample it-ailed garden with south aspect, good greenhouise, &r. For payticulars and to treat for the sanie apply (if by letter, post paldIl to MFasrs. Brace and Selby, solicitors, Surrey-street, Strand, London. -W ENT, near Sevenoaks.-To he -LET, ~Furniish~ed, 111'_from Mfidsummer next, for a ternil, a capital spacious MAN- SION, surrounded by beasitiful park-like grounds, with a river run- ning through them, suitable offices for a Saminlyof distinction, kitchen garden3s. aT,dabout165 acres of grass and ara,biceland. For particulars apply (if by letter, post paid) to Mr. RalitY,8, the southlend of Berk,e- ley-square, opposite_Charles-street. ENk T.--To b-e I.ET, wvith inlinetidate possessio'n, a Iicormfortable COTTAGE. in good repair, situate hi Linden- bedrooms, andvautedcellerari smnall gardeni. Coaches to and from London every day. Inquire for Mlrs. Chalkleii, on the premises, and to treat for tihe same apply to Mr. Bosrvorth, solicitor, Westerhatm, Rent: If bY letter, Pest ptaid. Satisfactory referenees will be reqjuired. 7g IVORY TURNIERS, TIoy Mfanufacturels, Dry Tsalters, Spr-uce Beer Makers, Sheffield or Birmingham Warehouse- mDnand Others%. - No.1l,e1, Icinstreet-creseenit. -Tobe SOLD, the LEASE of a capital DWELLING-HOUSE und PREMtISES, With a large light warehouse, about 40 feet by 20, wvith aide enitrance bv folding gates, suitable for aniy manuifacturing business re(turing light and roomi. May be viewed by application oni the premiLses, and particu- lars had of Mr. Sinallbone, auctioneer, 47, High-street, Bloomsbury, near Oxford-street and St. Giles's church. Fff GROCERS Ceesemong-er, &c.-To be LET _Land entered upon immediately, a SHOP in the aboveln,wt an excellent-fDWELLING.HOUSE, and othier conveniences(hprn cipal part of whiceh is nowr occupied by respectable lotIer,siut inx a plea~sant, impyrfvisig, and respectable neighbourhood. Stsatr reasons wvill he given for the above being~ to be disposedofanay person wvishing to cuter into tne above line of businesswiiidts wrorthy of unoties, Apply personally, or by letter, postpaid, at .50, Friutres-street, Newingron, Surrey. NobbrokernuereIapply". IJEENSQUAE, Bloninlbury-.-To be DISPOSED t),b rvte Contract, byMr.It-. W. STEVENS, the L.EASE of it xcelen FMILY RESIDENCE, situated in the preferable parrf Qneh-suare containing every convenience for a fazinllY of resecabiit, wthimmediate possession if required,.-rho house contins6 aiy bdroms, wvith dressing roomis and closets, elegaint drawing rooms, l1iltrary,ecapital dining room, baick partour good do- mesic ffies an celarngforwin, eer, and coals; a garden at the hac ~OWhih i a ewly erected brewvhouse. Mlay be viewved, and furherparicuarsit-td ards to view bamd of Mtr. %Vni. Stevens, auc- tioneer and appraiser,0 2Lamb's Conduit-street,aat d 36, Old Jewvry. jCi-HEERFUL FAMILY DWELLING-HOUSE to be _1LET on LEA4SE, at a very low rent, agreeably situate In Cheyne- wvatk, C.helsea, commanding a ine viess of the river. The peremises arc In the most compplete rrepair, aidd well suited for the Immediate recetio ofa fmilyreqirig acomodious residenceg, contaIninig 9 aiy bdehmber, wth ressng oom, lofty drawing, dining, and breafas roos, andome otrite-hal and staircase, housekeep- er'-rom, onvniet ktchn, itdgoo doestc ofics,extensive ceiarae, or cort ncose wih lft irn rilng,nodbak garden. Mayb vieed,and ullparrculae kown f M. Gibs,Paradise- QUGARt-MARKET, markc-lane.--Capitalan.d very ex- C1_ tensive Preniises, Bonded Warehouses,andDnwelilng-honse.-To be LET- on Lease for a term of 21 yeara,very extensive and capital WARE- HioUSES, Coinotingbouses, a large saie roomn, dwelling-house, and- premises, completely adapted for warehouse-keepers. whtolesale gro- eet-s, or merchanits. Further particulars mnay be had of Mlr. Hioggart, 62, Old Broad-street. E XCELENT. - FAMILY HOUSE, Grdn,n __ Meadow Land, Great Haddam, Hents-To be LET, on Lease, a RcapItal ndCsbsatlaleRESeDeeNCE,tadeptedWot- a largee'eottanie, eon- land. glThedrous ontsaithdrssingeroombecames, drawiignroom, 4feetwb lB feetn, diingandbrakf astor pardlourics,liraryehllent sfetabying cofeet, nouseos fes , aidnducapita celbtiargldetasched offiesofevapedyde- sripton ec reistptgarden,andlyanrchmadportsadoning,theeistrhole ctainieohngtabut 9uacrys- nodbeviewd bte ts,h whhood chwbeithwpar atiaytce ndutevriulars may be had of Mr. Hoggart, 62, OdBodsre,Ioa -ldEtradstGH t GRREy TSl xbnear Bakn nBante, -V R H E G .To be LET, fo 3o 7yar, na cmrtabe ; fAMILY7 .L' or 11 years, from Lady-day next, at 20 guineas per annum rent, free of all outgoings, ItitSCOTT COTTAGE, colltaining draw. Ing, dlning, and breakfast rooms, about 16 by 14feeteach, 6bedrooms, kitchen. washhouse, pantry, dairy, and cellar, also a fourstall stable and other outhouses. with exeellent gardens and orchard, and if re- '.tilred,any'part of 14 acresof meadosw, orchard, or pasture land-, in tve-parlsh o Swvimbridke, 6 miles from South Molton, anid S from Barnstaplo, beautiutlly situate. itl a genteel neighbourhood, inime- dlately adjolning the turnpike road, on whilch 7 or 8 coacies pass daiy. For further partieuars inquire (if by letter, post paldd to ir. W 01 tlole, surgeon, Soiith Molton; or to Mr. Thomas Daugan, 28, Clements-lane, London.. - -V OSTON JMILLSI Yorkshire.-To be LET, together or aeparately, and entered upon immedlately, all that WATER RN rX.MILL, carrying 5 pxlr-of mIll-stoe.,, and all suitable ma- cinety hixed for the elresslng of flour. Also a modern bullt' wind mill, nearly adjoining, carrying 2 pair of mill-stonos and the likc ma- ceery, all lately put mto; exceecdngly good repair, situate at Fe,- ton, ih- the centre of an exeltlent corn country, in the east-riding of the aounty of York. Also tvodwelling-bou9es, suitable for the families of the tenasta of ills mills s another dwelling-house, used as an inn, e lvthaevsral cottages for. servants eiployed on the Pre- mises, together:a wth- 52 acres of rich arable, meadow, ad.-pas- tore land, late m th, oecupatIon of LumleY and Co. who. at the slid mils, -have, carrned- on a- trade- In the several articlesiof corn, flour, co s1, lime, .brJe;:t-le,- tiusber, ftias,-and stone used for builings Titrtocyplrslis-e a frm pd exclusive righit of nayi. gariotup t T-doidUPlrnfrhons,ethae saidta 'ili into the Driffieldcanpl, leadIng ownto the- town of- i-ull and;'the HulInber. The situa- tion -of the:mpllt Iis-4ry.dlijble- being. 6 ;nUes from Drifl?eld,- ii from MrldLlSgtn, 14 from Meverley, and 2Q from {I-DLl For other osrilesilars apply to lilt. Snowball, laind ageet,lilatoq; or to g4ees, Lambert alldton, Bedkrd-row.O,iodoD, DANK. f J-&LD, -PEfLICANga 0lF I flINC5-sO.ive .o . n nein11OQ~et,kon samehopr, o wsedatain th e sven , ~ - - A slxbaplendars, on. .d.h. Slr . 'Willi asMedithY A -ld n i ~~~~~beutitied Atto d ' ej?tMec 8^AtionW beenite i sillth calfePsnd pr'monisalth oopnMei hjpm 0s-rlgbeof th stok for Whih he , ehall then Ziyetso cr AyplyaNMr.H.usine.to 'te-Ivd=d shl ha~been>L,a A ncEuL1d)IrNG, IiSUrg yon~ q eat.r.syold, 15 rsd.r by SOV the ~ prpet or 'y GenIean cathas 0 TRADES11I P:N snd TR1 VELVE S. o b v Ichhecenmit ittfo40r 6 rl esl t after the death PELICANLI - SITRAN-CEOF: , gar en., ' irJ WIluaia Curtis, hart. Mjore Sr r th norith.ond hcs P4d. nesrlyl,00 rniles7I hanes Sir ChsarlxceUenuow erbt,-Aind . patthia AttCo=od,y es:q J.P. obit Coopd, e$s4. - W0bliha Cotton, cstb . Wilhani D eol3s o Hughl.lamnerssrpey, csq. Jbtno fshwes , i esq. - Wohn ettY -bTpratt, Is r. 4 s 2.jor5 T eobde; soeCq Winlliam SAinber. esq. rgeShum Storey, aate. tro E Comapat coand o aboYe theul. gou -ecnsu7-cznee Z1 e at av equItor le rates, wnthmor tb tran S a near old, ncr Ltid pre- m iu m fori s ea ism o in d ked - i4tsn d t oe own e r b p rso n ally t r t v les,t o r to or see at ~ Mr. lodda ne's, Percy Live-y S the U pex el k ni t hi e-de- parliacent, - hehind thePercy l 1otd, nesr O.fO Mnder4k pe laRt of' drable aunex OOpuredO USE,il iecre capita1 -fconl-. and espctabe ~ OA libe ral egzs. Agents are dp p i o n te d i n al t h e c rti e s a n d ori n e t O-e r in t b u ni t e k i n S dO T,.O3AS' TAtRKE, Secm. Applruit oy atM.H sorf commssforn eligblcs Invesment, Inay cins laene. ofi thc est ko thei busnleso, and will doldtsitlestrilse go. "p0 e S G-D Bphan Th BAY uts GELDIG, arshe- most s xcelet,15 laIBlds2 ing anigouto, warranted smd qectisre arive and reefro vis. T beseen at Mir; Lnahi' ieyaais d dingon-mw,, outhmpto lstreet, asbsoel egiven up keepnot be torend cn befreferred tO a print a f yitht s e , Ifrin c .s rs i g h. ear, o ld ab ou t bR nd . and ahlf ig,L and ear thOro:g' bt e she can walk S oe Dn? trEo d4In tbe hur,wte fneact, b n4 is welctOiatcc orasE nIhoredit Pseie. oobfse ad tral grneda dsirsbeGRsCl's liHeP sables "PIIMSS TR aDESM tic and eiib sTRAo. eLL o teRSoyal bEx SOLD, one Ofthe best journey tORShSi n. EFogland; fut risin_ OvsrsadId in obeautiful condition, his pace is abt:iit 9 milies an hour, which he esh intaiunfor40or 5 o miles without ua )F,th whipan he is ustaboishea reekejour,ney from the north, and e asa lrffrtned negRly 1,000 miles oIn harnes is also an exeellentioadarter,nd eisn teiuperate and handy that a lvy may be trusted wpth himo slae an excellent Galloway, particularl good in haLrnss,% price 25 guineas. Aply at 16, Hart- trV West, Covent-garden. Both is'arraace- tou and quiet. rp 0 be OLD, thepropertyof a Gen lea, thbe fo~llow- .~ ingTWO HOSES :-1st. A Bray Gelding, with black legs,, tands .Barnds aon anhalfdigh quiet in single and doCLble harness isa fine fiur, ndha speio atiio'n tomost horsesin London. Tolir6vent trouble,thepriceis45 guineas. 2d. The best strong Cob Horse in Englnd, olou dar gray', stanids 14 hanuds and P. half high, mnaster of 18ston, with w wveight he can walk five miles in one hour; he trots fastand whe llaboye the ground,, and his canter is delightful, oefng Chltghtain Thanstate to any ifm onotimid gentleman, to-ride or drve,hes wperould btenionv le, as the nevershies or stutmbles The abe borses are no any an 6 years old warrnted sound, an ial %ill be allowed, andtte on persona J reated with. To be seen at A r. Godda d', PerUpper Hatlibone- pla-ce, behind the Pec oln arOfd-rct B unexp re .LEASEHOf O S in cpitalcon- Lt ditLon,containig 9roomsuand otherconveniencee,to be SOLD, r APPly at 5, Upper Fountatu-place, City-road. LD ESABLISED WNE BUSINESS-8An opportunio n,f ow offers for an eligible Investient, in coanse. fuenc of5 the de0athe of thej propretor of theO oldestesabllhedt trane busnepssu ineb Brihtn. The valts, a adi harsae moustexeln, withga contai 10d pipe.c, 3tbing and outo otle..Th remabilintnin part o rteFi stokmAyh ford maynot6 bro Hthken. norv rferen a ce ppl t: ttenprntero- Por frtherp i-tenlr aPdPr7 eessreetnxy ribyo Ifc yltter,post paid . o l rpoia GROCERS an agnd, Catham. LE S-~ and atebuy L GOODWILLof a GROCER's SHOP and PRE3ES ISTS.E 'o be DIg. PVSoD OF. by Private Contract, by ar. ADA'ISON.-TeaLuAsE, wnith immediate Possessior, of a very desirable Gn OCERUs SHOP and PIENI ISES, in a psablic and eligible situation. east of the Royal Ex-- cihange, together wvith the goodvill of the trade. For further parti- cularroapplyto r. Adao lon, 11, Billiter-square: if by letter, poet pafdn cot established CONCERN, in the above trade, capable of slurtner thmuproaaren, statem Cin a markret town, where - coacher ae -daly- pasing,er within 2a miles or London. The nresent Proprietor Is in- dirst quaedsleyito, dIs e of theabovefromi haig ng a pretyerious state of healthy tlematewistonbe takoe by valuation. For Particulara apply to SBarnes, Lion andLamb liin, Chlmoford, Essey An letter Om to be 7pO UHOLSEIRAERS.,T bienipr DISPSED F, SHARE&in,Aor the enOPre BUSINESS of one forstwestblih- men in theUpolsteryln th eo ngand fashionabe ton of CheltenbanTh phesrare ofhelt of oneofsh pen flint pro-a vents his persona attee ofn, his ret The extenided and superior connei(nofti taistetferaos desisa-bie opportunity to alny person of talentadcpta,woi competeqtu to carry on the higher branches of the buieas. a lars imay be known on applnation to T. and J. C , tn or to Mr. A. Wilcoxon, 38, Lombard-street;o Lonont TALUABL ESEOD TTH-E-R-y and V GLEBE 6LAN D, in the ciunty of Kent.a.-To be SOLD, by Prtivate Contract, the very valuable TITHERY ot the i arih of Bnrbourmer conisisting of] .266acres of excellCnt arabileland. ighly cultivated, and froml5th to4 4oacres ofhan toether with80e aresotexcelent arabli and pasture glebe lanid adjoining, a good tarsonage house, with gar- den, yard. barns, stabling, and other out-buidings, in capital repair. The wVhale Is surroun4ed by good roads, 11 miles froma Canterbuiry, 5 from Ashford, and 6 frorm Hythe, now fet to a responsibleI tenatnt, oc- cupying the premises, whbo would take a- leAse for a term of years, For further particulars apply pesonally, or byi lctter,post paid, to Mr. William Mount, land agent, C-krthainde near Canterbury. ALUABLE in thFREE EScATE, in th i colntce Clofremnt, bvc.-C be FamilSOLD, by Pri nc, a eryvale ad highly cu teod GFARn, in the neighbourhond oanterbur consti of 102es, alhres, more or lesns, ofae, maow and h l Wh'eScelLEY ant frSbouse, vardens; yard, bRns, has atabli and numerous outbuildings,-in good ear& oehrwt orna cottages anid gardens adjoining the premss u hl iutdo the high road leading fr'onCanterburv oDa,i h meit i cinity of water carriasge for the Lond on ret. eand isothe first quality, lies svell t,_gther, aiid ishighlc wort attenton of any igentleman wishing to ilavest capita eur ther partias may c knowin by personial app ication, or by letter P ai out 1 Wles NMount. lanad agent. Charthatn;. near C aneb y. T losiei c.A OfRTUNTYofw ofezfortw ~ be YOUNG NMEN, wvithproperty, to engage in a most respecteible CON CERN' in tue above I ne, wbiCh hAs been etaeehlfhed Uk'wzird, of a century. The premises are large., odods, omoo n and Cr carrying on the above business to a considerable e ,aieulat e fortiua tion equial to any i London, wivthr eafrontn e -f itne Tb. fet.a Preeas rionly will be lnfor tead of pritl I m 4 fe Prine of cuipals tiola, comprising uperart a on application to Wins inley and Sons, P Pternoster.rRo:ifb ttter, p osSt paid; of a cmermodlous DWEIG.HOlbe E,' ituate in Ba st,eot Borough8,writh coachhouse Tcmpie ad vr spacioyards extern- ing to the Dover Road, el .aTo bn ruIr ex- tendsie premises, as the aommodation-ae ar the outbuinding ;emays be converte d into ofi ad lconve- nienitand stiitable for a medical or profes l entlem For fur- ther particulars and c ards to view apply a t 10, saern ayterro' 1) USSELL..SQUARE - Capital T W EI ILd DnNUrl w rth Offices, Copechhouse,tabling. .-Tobe SOLD, by PiThe Conract, ib WVINSTANLEY and SONS, aecapital and very commodiouters. TOW RSIDENCE, fttedupinaverysuperiormnnser, with m ahoganydoors aund other expensvle fiunoents, most desirably esiuate, on ath nrthe side of- Russell-square, and adapted for a family fThe first repectability, contaiSing nrumerous bedehambers, dress- ing rooms, nobl,edraling and dining rooms, excellent offices, coach- house, stabing, &C.; held under the Durke of Bedford, for tnear- 80 years, atdagr d ren , adtheland-taxi sredeemed. To be-viewed by te only,w wch with ofurther particulars may bhad of Wmi. .eiapy3 eosq. Naew Bridgestreet; and of1Wn4tet.ilo nosester-ow, in the t; an 'f stanley and Soi4s, Parer- U R RE Y, Victs in Hampshfre in itye ofral Ha mpnod vUlaseCo rt ' o lce kil Clrnembont, mis-Comrnforthie Famnily Res ence., In complete re- pair,with eod Grden, offices, Cottages, and Land, altogether abot 5 aces,Tihe-free, aad exonerated from tlkt Lan,d-tsx.-Br WINSANLE andSONS, very eligible PREEHOL~D aneL C'OPYVHOLD ESTATE, conisig of a comfortable and v,ery convenient r.si-. deuc, mot plasatly situaite a short distance fromi Hampton Court- brige,at ouley,in the-county of Surrey, witthin an easy distance of Careont,Kinston, Bushy-paTk, &c. and oyiy about 14 miles, fromLondn, c ntanigevery accommodation for a xespectable fa- miy, wit a capital wled garden, orchaLrd, m3elon ground, green- hous, oochhose, tabig. &.; treecottages. bailiff's cottage barn stblig, nd otbuldigs,andsunxdry pieces or parcels of excediglyric orbaring pats,e,and arable land, in a high stat ofculivaion copriingupwrdsof So acres. To be viewed. Sundys nd ridys eceped,fro 11to 3, by tickdts only. wvhlkx wit futhe patislar ma behadofMessrs.Freame and Best, sol.- elto, 8,Figree.ourt Tcple~adf Winstanley and Sons, Pater- rr 0 INENRAPES._To b-e DISPOSED OF, 'on- accuntof heproprietor's Wl health, the capsital IkESSUAUR,, LINRDRAPR'SSOP,&c. situate in the centre of Great Y'arlnoilth. Rd~iflnSRgensree there, arid now in the c~tion df Xr.Win. roreo.The -above Is, an old e=s lIsheA eorcem of' thefirt espctaIlty, and the premises in _oist of exken'r, conye,, niece,andothr avatag"s are not nsurpassed -by ny thing of the kin inNofol. Prtof the puirchase Money may ranisin on mort- gage.The prchaer is to take the stock in trade, which W1lllbesold& on ibealters. ideditePossession may be had. Tbit premise may b viewed, and ute partictilars known by Rappl-lng at the Miessuage; or al the ofco fIr, Worship, solicitor Oxei;'Cirarmouth. __dnsedor Unfamished, clear, faltx~a~IEC mutIntuie preferaLble part of Lam' Odi.ietna.h Foundling, recently put itnto th mostemite usnilador namenital repair. The house eosltainl eros vtrcoes drawring and dining roonms, and exc ~h oetcofc.s. Aease yill be granted at the option of t.b~tnn.-Frutd paLrticular appU,'tooMr, H ay, upholiterer, RdLo-tet Pa lol o n iTOLYBOJURNE3 berAto,H nt.T Obe 80OLD, II. wvith immediate poseso,teLAE of a superior COT- TAGF RESIDENCE. situate noeo h ot delightful and pittu- resque spots in Hampshire, nthruaadcerflvIllage'0f sloly- bournce,about 2 miles from thtareoow-f nl-, n.,, t-ho 5,hi4 id P.to,a in ricinity of- the Hamp- shr unt. The residence, w ulelian good repr,cnas6be- c mbe palour, b kitchen, pantrcy, W hheaid, collarins5 U D conmprising every domestie arraugement for a aOseilsall f xIng, &0ch hosaTE, stabe,o and outbldings.te Thever Wey, rwhichymnobundaptly suppliedi thtrout,f owthrough the cetre oi. the grouninO ; whicl omprise an wl acredell laid out and aboun antly stocked with Mait; heald, oneasefor aterm ofhch8 ylan euexpired. wujeer to IL enta of nper, annumh, Furither paticlrs with oards to lOQ may' bre had by app and,'ug to M r. Win.Steve t ns neer aa d of praiser-ab Olar,ad Jevery, a 0,Lambs Cfm^onduin.starebl. -ad n rhE d P EVONSHIRE.-..ELIGIBLE INVESTimENT.~- To be SOLD, by private contract, a ca~ita FRjEEHO0LD SiTnATE, free of lant d tax, situate between Exeeor mid Plymouth, clauistiegofs comfortablqt honse, fitted for there1eption6f *aknteel family, wvitsi detached farmhouise and about 260 acejs .ofplasstatIon, arable, meadoft, pasture,rt and orchaog d land. The verY flourishing Plantations of lt, hareh, and other timber, colllst ofabout 100 bies- Qrc now In h oand, and early possession mby be, had of the.ouse-a5md. SOLa , and several acres of meadow and stable land. anst orcsd ad- join inThe Plantations of fir and larch hove bcenprogresslvely- plante f therlast 4o0years,and nonelessthab 10 yers growth. The greaterart of the property is free of-great tithes. Furteda lidf:ri tioa an parttdular t may ha haud by applying ton for. Gribhl.-oietor, A',hburtoiy Devoa; orof Mteassns.WalkeraKddCo.ll1, Baslnghsll-iltreet. London.whereavn ap of theestatemaybe seen -Alllaetters ndistbe post paid. -. 1,0n OILMEN, Tc !if6wchandlei's,' i iI O'kiecrs.---To be a SOLD, thevaluable LEASE andd'ow Lof.A ho sod. PREetkiSES In the above line, of whicn''fei'sis Weresllexpro- Christmas last, at a very.low remit; -n futrSiierad Sit in otNe of the greatest thoroughfarpss andmoptsreving uieieauh hoods in the metropolis. T Tbe premises ate WnaL cat tra4hf WaY adapted for the manufacture, o d _n a o the oil trade, haiving a good molitng-hise tabls celas.dstr roomns, anlma inpst-yaluab1ftconimeEsoii isiaft&a eihrnes a very -disifable bosilek.im for ainy lsdsriu oil v ~ibto by letter, p~~~~~~~~~6th prspaT-.ro Gret Nwprt-tret o M. erionstae astrwtmrsgehah
Benevolent Society Of St....
Yesterday the anniversary festival of this societp (being the 41st) was celebrated at the Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen-street. The great hall was filled soon after five o'clock by a most respect- able company. At halfpast six o'clock his Royal Highlness the Duke of Vork, the President of the society, entered the rcom, ac- comnpanied by the Duke of Wellington, the Marquis of Downshire, Lieutenant-General Sir John Doyle, and several other supporters of the society. Shortly aftcr dinner was served up, the Right Hon. George Canning, e. P., cnteted, accompanied by the Chancellor of tihe ixcheauer, 51r. Goulburn, and one or two other gentlemen: Mr. Canning, whlo had passed nearlv to thic principal table before he was recognized, was then loudly cheered. Afrer the company had partaken of the dinner provitled for the occasion, the healths of his Mlajesty and the other branches of the Royal Family were given with three tiines three from the chair. 1 he Royal C AIRMfAN, in proposing the King's health, present- elI his i\njesty's annual donation of 100 guineas to the society, which male up an amuount, from the King s first subscription, of between 3 and 4,0001., according to the report subsequently read by the 'rreasurer. The anthem of "God save the King" was then sung bv Mr. Chatles Taylor, Mr. Smith, MIr. Broadhurst, Mr. lWrebb, and Mas- ter Smith, &c. The next toast was, " The Eatlof Munster (the Duke of Cla- rence) and the Navv of the United Kingdom. -Three times three. The Duke of WELLIN:GTON proposed the health of" His Royal Highness the Duke of York, and the Army of the Unitea King- dom. "-Three times three. His Royal Highness, in returning thanks, expressed the afec- tionate regard wlich he felt for the sister kingdom, and also the gra- titude which he alwavs felt as Commander-in-Chief of the army, for the uniform discip)line, zeal, and valour, which had character- ized the lrish part of his Majesty's trcops, and which uniformly equalled that of any other branch of the service. (Loud applause.) The CseA R-IAsA then gave, i Success to thc Benevolent Society of St. Patrick." The children supported by the institution were then introduced in the usual formi ; they presented the interesting spectacle of a large number of youth of both sexes, full of apparent health and com- fort, who owed their education and subsistence to the charitable aid of this societv, A large seibscription was then collected at the tables. The CHAIR.MIAN next gave "'Thie health of the Marquis of Hast- ings."-Three times threc. ThOCICAIRMlaN then proposed the health of" The Duke of NVellington," which was drank with loud applause. The Duke of WELLINGTON, in returning thanks, said, that having had the honour of his name being placed upon the list of their standing toasts, it otten fell to his lot to acknowledge this higb compliment; but he never felt so gratified as at present, when their illustrious President proposed his health, under whom he had been first sent forth, and excited to assist in the performance of those ser- vices which had led to his name being honoured as it was this day. He assured them that he felt this compliment in the highest degree. (APDIlause.) Thic CITAIRMXAN next proposed " The health of the Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland." The Duke of WELLINGTON, in returning thanis for his noble relative, said, that thtere was no nmore ardent friend to the objects of this society than Lord WVelleslcy. The healths of the civic corporate bodics who contributed to the society were then successively drank, and followeed by a humorous song by Mfr. Tavlor. The Cl CAtiMz ORAN proposed the healths of " Mr. John Smith and the Irish Committee." Mr. Jons3 SaltTil, M.P., in returning thanks, said that the people of this country felt, lhe was persuaded, a proper sympathy for the pLople ot Ireland, who would, he haped, at no dis- tant period participate in the blemsings and privileges of the British Constitution. He could not forget wlhat this society owed to the bounty anti co-operation of the citv of London; anti ito man felt more than he did, how mieritoriously applied was that bountv in this instance. He concluded by proposing thehealth of" M1r. Welles- ley," who was an active member of tlhc Irish Committee. Mr. WELLESLEY in returning thanks said, that hecould never forget thedebt of gratitud which his faiitily owed to Ireland. He also expressed tbe gratificatios he felt at being in any way instru- mental to the promotion of so excellent an institution as the present. Wlen the health of the Marquis of Downshire was drank, The noble MIAnuQtS returned thank.s, and expressed the gra- titude which be felt at fitiding their chair this day filled by SQ ;IIUS trious a personagc as his Royal Highness the Duke of YoI. He also congratulated his country upon the new era in legi lation whichi was now dawning uplmon it, and which he had no doubt would be matured by mutual confidence and kirdtness between the people of England anrd those of the sister kingdom. He spoke in the highest terms of the value of educating the poor-a duty which he was proutd to find the higher classes of soctety were so actively engage. in proe motirng. The CHAIRMsAN then gave ' The health oftlie Right Hon. Geo. Canning." Al r.CA s -i-sG,inreturningthanks, said thathc wanted words to ex- press his feelings on this occasion, atid, indeed, voice to utter them. This was not the first time he had had the honour of assisting at the festivals of this society; but, above aU othe-! occasions, this was one which, from what he had seen and heard, held otut the niost cheering and suspicious prospects for the future. (Applause.) It was no slight omen to have for their President so illustrious a member of that illustrious house which had so loug patronized this instito. Lion, and whose feelings in its behalf were so decidedly evinced in the nmanter in which he had expreased himself respect. ing reland this evening. His Roval Highness was long prac. tisedin the exerciseof benevolencc, and had extended his bounty to thegreat mass of the publ-c charities of the country. In that eneral character he had given a general security for the interest which he felt in the pronmotion of this society ; but no Irishman could mistake the decided warnsthlwhich his Royal Highness felt, upon hearing the tone in which h' had spoken of the societv at this fee. tival. (Aipplause.) They had also two other authorities this night to cleer them in the path of their benevolence. One of ther (Mr. J. Smith), who presided at an Irish society in the city of Londont had expressed to them his convictioni of the progres- sive value of this institution. Another personage (the Mlarquts of Downshire) bad told them, that a new era was breaking upon his country which promised the brightest advantages. It was not alonc in the shape of eleemosynary bounty howevyr honourable to the giver and the receiver, that Ireland was destined to profit by their aid; but it was through the stream of British capital whicb had begun to set toward Ireland, that great betiefits were to be anticipated. (Loud applause.) The operation ofthe former was perhaps gratif,ying, but that of the latter was nmore certain and stable,and would invigorate the country through which it flowed, and the spring from which it was supplied; and like the blood,which circulating through and vivifying the extreinties, returned to the heart from which it Rowed, would add to the health and refreshing spirit of the general mnass. He thanked them most heartily for the compliment which they had pail hibm. (Ap)lause.) The TREASURER redd the report of the collection of the present year in aid of the funds ofthe society, which,we werelhappy to hear, was gratifying. The Duke of WELLINGTON then drank the health of his Royal Highness the Chainnan, as Presidentt for the day. The Duke of YoRXv returned thanks, and repeated the gratifica. tionm he felt in presiding at this festival. The CHLAIR3MAN rnet proposed the health of" the Chancellor of the Exchequer." The CHAXCELLOR of the ExcnEQrrEx, in returning thanks, hoped they would allow him to express his sentimeuts as this was the first time he hadbadthehonourofattendingoneoftieirfestivals, and never had he felt more gratification than at seeing himself on thisoecasion surrounded by personages notlessdi5tingurshcd fortheir illustrious birth, splendid talents, and private worth (applause)- men possessing adverse opinions apon other topics, but bere only netuated by one spirit of honest emulation, to see who could confer tne greLtest benefit on the society. (Applause,) For himself, he could oisly express his thanks for this marlc of their attention ; and though he could not boast of the honour of being an Irishman yet he hoped he was not insensible to those kindred 'eelings which bound Englishmen to Ireland, by every tie which could link ntat to mnan, and bind their kindred in reciprocal e,ttachments. 'Applause.) The CHAIRXIAv next proposed the health euf Sir John Doyle. -Sir JO" VOYLE, in returning thanksi .id that they had placed him in the'dilen#ma of confessing that he wais taken by surprise, atd that, soo in tha presaca of hi7 own illustrious -commander. (A tauoo.) But when be Icoled sound ond &w tqe jur by - whichb v W to bo h2idib 4aic1vTstie d e~ hRuabciqi b45 ttlid hi pcI1 b tthIe 3 len ssl rtA7Ripo l Ite ffltran unabat, Aps o adb** deqv, oFthe &1?re- 3gul sa litflsRheyccpesy cers of the itlttitution,were tbCn tucee6 ii1y glVen i ind t'De Duke gf Yqk left thie cbaur isoen.#ftei teni o'clockb sCO np n Ij.tehe prii l~crpa.ponages wbo aistnearhint ............ ' BENEVOLEJNT SOCIETY OF ST. PATRICK.
London, Tuesday, March 9,...
The Frencki papers of Saturday have arrived. Their coutents are not very im-portant. We subjoin the princi- pal passages:- -MADRID, FE7n 25. "Several Members of the Cottcil of Castile have been allowed io retite; The King har norninater in their reom lblessrs. Llorent Garrido, Camara, Cano, Olja, GaYinsega, Almazan, Luis de Leon, Share-Valdes, Jil, Perez, Sicana, and Soler. " lessrs. Atrumosa and Castiels, the two first officers in the de- partment of the Minister of State, have also been allowed to retire." [Fro the Eloile, dated Sunday, M5farch 7.1 " PAICIS. MARCH 6. Thesquadronof his Mfajestv the King of the Netherlands, which was in the ports of the Balearic islands,under tbe command of Admi- rnl Risysch,bas sailed to make war with the Algerines, in conforaity w-ith thze treaty of Alcala, because that Regency has sent ships of -war. and a grest number of corsairs, to the coasts of Spain, for the purse o'f eaptu;ing'ali Spanish vessels that they may meet with. I: is known that before the 12th of last month, four Spanish vessels liad been carried.into the porteof Alciers." FRENCH FUNDS, PaRis, March 6.-Five per Cents. Jouiss. 'u $tP-p. 22, -1823, closed )th iMarch at 104. 65.; Jouiss. du 22d Atarch, rM24. opened at 102. 600.; closed at 102. 50.; Bank Stock, )1t9l; Neapolitan Five per Cents., in dicats, 90i; in francs, 96. :th5 Rente d'Espagne, 24; Royal Spahish Loan, 1823, 60&. Exchange on London, one month, 25. 40.; three months, 25. 30.- Cotrs, Autihe.rotzqie. LorNDn,'T. TUESDAY. ilARCH 9, I1
For Passengers to Lisbon ...
F~ kMMI-MN9S to L1S-MDON aha NAIML8, thne e_doban aluuha e ay fer n i receive A peslen Co 1,%Water-lane, Tlaemes.strett; or to.C.ndI.. WOR M DP.A an BEN1 GAL, to sail from Graves- SHIlP" PAR.J)an h onste7hu Mu tmeie all 'b5~f ~0totg now~ lyn n the East lIldia Export ~raeteomn an spcl4ms ~aiccommoddartIfonmr passen- 0'rt5h Fpatsage applJy to Captain Aldhaoa, at thle ~tOenieeO,~.to essrs. Co:don atnd Biddul h. London. Outos ad iellaro '(,Lime-strcet. ~~'LOR MADRAS and B N'G L,to sail early ill April, ~2 th drer.ewrivr buIlt SHIP?LORD AMHXRST, latly lan1ncltQd ~~ Me.ss~ Wigram ad Green's, ilacksrall, burdent 600 tonis, ~~ LttA~~. Comnander. .,f the "in. Cornany's rs ulr ~et- th Ity Can This ves~sel han asapo,I xedn 6t ~~ ~ and litted Ill very simperlor style for the aecommin"rInd P~~snera an wil ear anexpriened urgen.ror freighit s '55 rpt'72 (ptal" Iua.a ieJcslm ,mft'eeh,.us,et or t, 'c.dT rmnt.lll, 51, L=nle.rtcer,_near the?Eamst Indiat-houlse. MADRAS and CALUTTA, touchlinig at MNa- tosi rmGraveseend. the Wi1th of April, enld wil-l touch ~1&~moUs Sb,.t the 20th April, for her passengers, rthe teAU EXEUTI, A'I,boden700ton; Amulrl, OlWE, ll.C.$. con]. ~n~er Dae of th Providneci:`lingi the City Casmal. Thls ship is ~t2~Cstpesa1 forcons'llg asngers, for whom the Accornmo. ~O~W~flhe mostcom;tmd,usan etensive. Forf'reight or passage ~PP1' o tis oosiader, at the Jertsalem emorYeehoisse: tin %hWstrs n'~i~rit5hlcisntoh.and Co.Bishopigare-street wvithiin; or to Edmutnd ~, ,Rche's-c Urt L e-streer 'j~OITW\r~AS an CALC TTA,now on hler way fro Gravesend to Portsmouth, and has still vacan t aLecommo.1 Sosfor a finrillv antd twro or thiree cadlets, thle fine river built Sill? cAThERINE, A, horden, 60 toting: (at. JO I IN NIACIyJTOS H ifor. TOrl Cn?nne ftn no.It te 1-lm11. ('utupAny's service). Thii shI, has a doub,le sterni, and very s-iperiorareom,nnodations for Z5engrl, trnd carries an experienced suirge-n. For freight atpply .-d1 d5m, ir': B!Ahimpsgatc-strett; or to Ishister anld Ilorsicey, ORM~AD)AFNS and( BKNNGAL, positively to sail frr raeIn the. 231t, of Apmril, i;,nl P'nrtsillouttt the I t of *F GhEORGE along tial- 51111'CO INWA.* .1. 72 t'.ns per regihter, CMIT-GEORG RUNYN','t mf the itn'n. con-patly's Shiip (and late cOlin1andtr of the IDavid Scott,) ly-ing In the East India. Docks; hsatier of gun, de',k prantr. is lofty betwvee, dlecks. carries non epe- tie-eed snur;,... atind isfitited In a very superior style for the accom- I0,11tAlon o- ps,ssc;ngers, and equlip,elIneit every respect as ta regnnhtr In- dhtria. For freighit or passage appytolcs. Palmer, WVilsonl. arid Co., thse Corrn%nd,-r, at the Jerusalem cnnrechouse; and 116, Water- Iooplace._or ticziry Barber, I105. l.,,.mdenhatl-streer. 3R CALCUTTA Drect, to Sail positively from Grvenio he -29th Mlarel,, the wrell known fa%t sailing 5111l' MELLSIi,:ao ,ns C,EORc,F WARD COLP, Rt. N.Cornmatider. (terie: smren.,a,md ha.s suplerior acco,un,odations; for Passengers. ~ Passage appl tin S. larioribrik-s am,d ('0. Ku,5g's Arms-ar,Cile. tetohIe Commander, at the Jerusalem = bfeioune. ~5hi~,nade I,erlt voyageas tn, ('aicitra Inl 14 wseel.-s ''OR CAT (UrTAl' with liberty to lad ass;engers at s.tefast saflirlvingomh&ay hn,lt $1HII' DAVID 'cOTT, h~in~ ons: ROBERT TIiORNIlIL1IL. Conmmander-; litng In, th e rast India Najtor flock; (a warranted to sail to 0 raveselud onm $,, bitfomrt the Slat oaf r ei oCyz fron Pnteson, ~ ~~j t;3 l' A4O. "Ptis, hIp 3a a domubie stern. and is -a-Cl mnner fo the acommm,dsrton of passengers: hail-arreer.ct t si fon ~rVen ~. 1th f Anl.and will tovich at Po'rtsmombt shront ti'e 20tht of t~.,~,~foher pssener.., the fa-st sailing teak S1T1P TRTIuMPhi, A l.an ~~utn~~aderEE, THOMAS , (o lieon. Corn. and ateot he hip Skk%,-h)bidn600 ton-. lying the lt' caal.Forfreghtor p.,ssege apply to (Camtain Green, at the es-u~2e rolechose;to M1iessrs. Palme,r, Wilson. anid Co Kio's ruam-a V.C lr. Robiert Taylor; or to Edmnuild Read ~, Rc-l,',.-omrtLne-,trect. 'I hi.i ship canris 1a surgeon, and Id titted cnn-asht.,rtheer ninnmo tion of pasen'.ers ____ teank SHIP U'PTO)N CASTIX. burden G00 tons: J101-I THACF ER, !imn-d,,'f the lism.murahle Counmanv's Serv'ice, anid late Comn- rm&snmerof the '~ar-,,ht: lyinglm; the East Itidia Expor; Do-k. 'Ihis ship hvs b-ee, newly (('ted Ill aL Most cornoin'ndi,mis style. f,mr the aeco;nnio. datnollin museget . mid CSITTilc On experiniced.Smirrnrto. Forr freiglhtor Ma'.s2re ply~ t-s. Me.sri. linchi. Cot In-,. and C,,. 2, Mlansionihotuie.piace- r,IN'rnt. Ahei'nr.nihie. 4, loirchin-'.sc, to. I,bister and iiern-sie,%, 11. Le.,AeuhnIl..rreez: To the ronmander,tr the Jerusalem cofferhomm.n-.and IS. Larmb'i C,,nduit-atreet :. or tt, Messrs. Giedstmsnies, l)rvsdale, anid Com_SIrchln-iocl.. lIE CALAIS STEASFTXCRETS Avi-jj leav-e til SLTowec.stair-. f,,r Calais, oni Wedne.day, the 24th of Mare)h, ait 6 o .c, end oni -at-mrday, tMe 27th,,mm 7 rlo.kmnn.. andm everv' suze oeedlUg Moda. euIn,;sday. anid 'satmurdamy dtiurlitm the seaxmmt,. For fu-rther pxicarieI.r' itpi;' to Mir. \'or-manm, 1, Water-lane, Totmrer-sireet; Mr. MAIddletort',, 3,W. Eaicter.change, Strait,); and Mir. N.,mek's, Riegent. ciin'eO, Piccadilly._______________________ ~OR SLE. te fie CO~lPf titoinedi an(i partly copper ~ fat~-,sj HIP liVEl'RNDSFN *of time bsmTrden of '4a tos tonel5, biltn,, fre,a remnarv~abry fast sailer, w,ell fioot, i n ,ts,re of nil inds mid ma hesect VI sea. at a trilitng expettse ; soitahie for the E,'ts Inda orSu A Anerican trades,-snd uvell atdapted for a frigaLte f,mr foregn st-s-ce; T. Thorset, atr now lying it, the City-canal. Limeisin-istee. Perfinn-then patl]ti Wapy it, M -rs-in-. TIottie. 'l'abor, ann Co.6, Gre t imcheiter-street; or iWadie and Co. 9), flert-street. XTEW URRE 1J?ETRE..-MrRORA~UER, .L'~issxb,,i so Hou.k-eper mot respeetfinilir atn,,ttnees to the'Jolli~.Genry,andIms Fie,ds.tl:it hi's BFEFFITsivill take the nor-a o ie hd o Hr Roammr, t te box-utie ftm icatre, n-n IILi 4 inil- i,n-a; ish,mt,, 2 Drby-street. ParlIanme,mt-streei. ' HEtCREDIT1ORS,, whlo ha-v-e provedteidbs !mdtlr a Cornunissi,,n muf Bar.krupt against FRA,INCIS IVllsT. I .'e of t'heapside. Lriono,. siikman, may receive a tiiual Dl', IDEN1D of T hree Sh lngand Nineue,,ce in time Po,und, bm a!pPlying any' da y. bet ween i 0 and . at o,v lfmc~e. JAINIES COLLI.INS, S~l-sq'tar, Mare), 16. A524.S',I,itor to time Couiniiis,si oii. XTOTI E to C E DITO S.-Al Persons having any CL.Ia or EMItN on ime state oif the late Miss JANEF M aRRiT HARIINGTN, asho reided t the respective pmiace,4 of ?itbm, rompon ear :hahans, Mrgate, and Himmrkheath. In loct, rcieouate t-,aed t. te prtlmulrsthereof.. In ttrder that T. and J. TBEIIUTT, 20. Antinfrlrs OldBro;mdrreer. Solicitors to the E'c leg,tor. NER-Te Getlemn, wo havelih'en,educated at thmis insituionwil DIE tgeter t te o,,d,n Tavern, on WednesRay, the ; atday f Mach tsstur. inne 0t tatble at 1 o'clock preeiseiy. messrs IL C. Piere M.D. Nes&P ise n.B. AlderNsey I M ssr. ,AinleyBrlii Th's. Carter J las. Carter Jasa. Russell I'P. Piper, jun. lhetmj. Hiurnphrev-s A. Tmmmkltns J. ii. Wainugi ' It. D1. itedd,,uoe. Ticketsi. lt0.m eseim, i,av he imad fronti period to the 26tlh instant,, at Mlr. Waug7h's,, 177. R~rerzt-streer Mr WBac'. 2, Tavistr,,k-streetr. ?.ir. . S. iughe,s. (t I'aterntt-w t)r. Pirere's, St. Mairy-,mxv; and at N7 ieot-Lae -obadstreer. BIllR . BIEDDONIE, Ilint. See. SC'HOOL for the N IE T LI ,S.Gere' Fields, Stmrrev'. The Lord Blisho,p of DURItI.\MN. rPresident. SN's1-Et. II05ANQUET, eli. 'I'r-eas,rrer, The COMINIITTEE give tm'tice ton the s-everal Camildartes for ad. rmi~ioni,,t,andl their friends,. titat ttime BALLtOT for time EEiCT,iON s.f FOt'It MALE and THiREE FEM %LF PUPILS s-Ill he hoidee,i at itheit 'Inf London tavern, Blishopwgatretreet, oti Tuerday, time st ii da of April, 18-94, imetwseen time liosurs of e)el'elm a,,i ttimree. A1 polling paper has been sent to ea,'h subsc,riber whmti,se adidrei, is k-nown, and all subs.'ribtcrs who hhVse ntmot given ttimeir a;fdress, oIr w'ho pay- theii Fuhiscriptionmsat banrkers, mnay receive th:;m mn apmpli. Conto the sLeretary ofr time superintemminlet at the school. Sub- srsipti,rts entlitUng th'. patrty to a vote 'for each anuna) gttinea. or 10 r,xine-s ts a membter f',r life) svill he received by the tre;is,tzrer, Pa- mmmcl B.nrsnq'tet, esm. 3, L"tmbard-streetz ais,u ly the secretary Mir. Char'les De,dd_, R, I U ter'street, Lead~enhall-srreet' Mlr. Roybert Sharp, ,uperintendent. at the Schmo1! and imy the oemicetors, ,Jr. tlrmsassvell, Cra~ven-strcer.t,trandml Mtr. Wiiliam al)a', 17-, lJppmer Heigravc-plare, Nni;ad Mr. Ituddock. of Btrightron. The iisntmerniem of the Co,mmm mittee are re pLectfully rel~Ues'ted t,n attemnd int time City of Lonmdon .Av-crn. oil the day ofeleet oil, by haifrpast term o'elm,m'k, totin,make time! njc_,,r-rarranemns.i'iRLS D,S eCre;aTy. rInM) the GOVERN-ORS of theKN~dSRE -,R CEN-FRAL EY-E lNFlRM,ARY'.\'otIce is herehy gliveti, that rin scnesuence orf the lteagrint,mn of hr. Shuls, Pbysieia;, mmmd the Deese'fthe late Edwrard GrAsinger. esi. Surngeon toi thme Insetitmorio, an FI.ECTION' Will take P lace, r'f a PH4YNSICIAN and SU,RGEOq , o Thur-sday, the th of April next. Physicianis entitled to practise in London, end n,'f ?raetising midWifery, are eligible to time m,ffiee of Physician and 2, emlwers of the Roya,l College of Surgeons, London, not practisming midwifery or pharmiacv, are eliobhle for the office of 5nrgenn. Testim3onIals ofrcandidiates n-ill be received by the Honorary 'Qeeretarv, on or betore i'hursday, the 1ASt Of April, addressed to him at thie Inlinmrary.- No. 7. Dean-street, Southwvark. Byomrder of tIme Corn. 'ictte, ROBERPT PRICE, Hioti. Scea p A1SI o Sl'.GE RGE H novr-qurare.- W IkTED. to PORROIVO. Citier In one stim or In turns loot less thn 001. elachi, XI 1,100, on time credit ofthe church rares,,made and tohe mamde in the Parish of St. George, Hanu,versquare. ''he Interest. ro be paid half Yea'rly, and the lenders wAill have six mnonthsghotlee rn'es-im,u, to the prii4e5pal being paid enS. Whoever mtay be wvilling to ledthe whole. or atny part (no-t less than 50,01.1 o, the ablove sum, Is reqestd o sdttasa'lttr, peifyngthe amoiunt and the lowest rareof Iteret, wth ny Oimdrretia1o which they are wIfling t,m (mrattee, to be left with Mir. Leigh thevests clrk atheb.'srrom Is, Mlincnrstreet, previous t" th 27t of )lare whenthe omrntee avill nieet to cons;ider ~~'tO e pereptortl SOLD,pu:r~iiaiit totw era Ordrs mf he ii~ Cort f Canery, made Inth tel'o ~m2ardGObrt,es. wth he nprbaion of John SprincetHav, ee~.onemsftheMasersOf he aIdCout, aim Thlrsday, the2dayf Apri. l24.at he eore in, n Prtsouth, In the countyolImn, v5,'afote,a e apuooted b the sid aster for that pcpoe tt- FREEOLDFAR, caled-LUPS,with a amoe of '.ots,m,n tsesam cont. prt f he staesof the said Edward in Pot txn -bie l man ehdg rtsattesi Ma%ter's ehamlmera Pttnbunlmn~,Chanet-yane.Lotion:of Messrs. E. ahint 3. Podl, 42 nier hiro6k.street, vrsenor.squarnre; at this otfie of ILlcsar. Baker andHosp, liltdu0, LlueoIn's.lnan-tilda. of Mrc. Cull, at Pmttmmonath. Wh,req aimrn of t-he es~tat`e m h e seen'- ofChre lr bin, az Rttow,sa4 Rant.,; at the place of sale ; And the. folliwnIrng inn,, vcia--.theBfuglel. Newport;- the Bnmg;le atid time Hotel, Hyde; tite Geld e,Sntsptn the Swan, C. hicrester ; the Dolphin, Peter-. fled te Smmn Cxham ; And thle Bear, HeVan I. The estate may be v'ier-ed on apl"lIeAtinun to Jonathan 'Gamin, Jon. the tenant. BAKERt and H(D3qOPON, 32, LineolnIa-Inn.ftleld.. _,T Ob SLD, Pursuiant to an Order of the H~igh Cou~rt '.e o Chac s,md n a catise 'Beaumont Against Palne,' wvith, '~~eapuobscon f SasieC,mPt0n Cox,esqin one of the Mlaatersi of '--. ieali conrt atteTIueKy teRn liLepton. in the ofarsh r. hortinayea, teRdLionmIun, xn sutntrn Pnrcelr oWh jiteEy an d WOOD, In sevral wooftds and antnsmtons near Whithey Park, in the townships<nf Kirkheaton utud Leptnnn In the said co,unty nOf Ynorlk tartieulars rnay be had gratis at the ad TMaster' , chambrshe ibulf.dinn Chateery-.anme London; of Mr. Rogers,iton.ulldin", afMry-le, rifeW snliitor, I41itor m1,L Ine( tlt.i~Id f irMr rif.eld. anhicitoemRa 3J Ely plHeue Holborn, Lonudon; of Mr. William 4Ri .F-ner Inh itiddeall,neat Hodrte;teGog Inad alunm. da'he Arms Incn, mresfielrdthe tStafford Arms, Wak-edaseld;. atd at II 0 be SOLD, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made n t caulse 'HRaIathorrie against P.irr,' writh Ia sXprobhti.n of Samuel Compton Cox, esq..one of the Masters of the-,ad Coumrt, at t)e George inn, in Llverpool. on Wednesday, the 7tb-dxnof Ap-rn, 1824. at one o'elock In th4 afternoon of the-satne da,(Knltleet to the mortgrage and intctsobrafce thereon,) by Mir. MAIRICII HIME. a pers-mmnpointed bv the said Masle o htPt Isin one lot. several I SUAGES orn TENEMENTS Warehous, zj aLwose. antd offihcas res8pctlvely belonglug threto, situLte hl Argyle-strcet. and Pitt.street, in Liver oo aforesred tv or Itute In the severnl occupations of Messrs. Whitehotuse and Gain,i, lMessrs. cropper. Be=ntond Co. MeFsra. Steele and Foster, and Mr. ial- ensnber, Prine Sothamparion.lnlln, Caybehad gratL5 at the said Master's feeY.lane, Loudoh; at the yrmnlpsl? inns in Ma tchester; Presot, atnd Warringtool of Mr. AvI- son, and Mr.F lnl~ior, -'oI~ltel:ot, in Liverpool; of Mr. Wheel4;, soiel- tr.r Linc?ln'Jeflnn-;llelds;oadnd ofntegeSrnes.t Adling-ton, Ore5ory, anld ~~ tolieltors, Bedford.row, reloyondoni AWHEELaER, LRinLcoln'e.inn-fieId.sj For P.l'ntiffs, NTE'W ilSJC.-A Sixth Edition of; the admired - N iamad- hiotme.Sweet, Rqnm4' by Henr.y itsblge sin e " on f thc faort BaII ,Aad y e ahall3Vajk in SllgAattf re.InZlty com'etnence nf tbe s'arinns ttempt tol?nfrlnge on the copyright, and i.-f intasy-pleacirs on tChe 6boyg jost' y dmhlrCd I&llado, the pub- tftPubllcto obterve,hat'those coD5es only - rDreberarchp tfhinully thel name. ' Homne. Sweet .ttom'e,2' onlrc ~~re resaulne ,u'hleh eetkkozc~?is re. ?9ecrivcsfyrard fnnr the barp, by 1g. a. klsehs for ti4eplanoforte *NT .Llta llnSs sniG SUnJmailwk. and for the flute, by C. Nfchol. -Q p;b's: by Oonf dilIF, D'Ainasie, ano Co. 30, Soho-square. FHE YOUNG GENTLEMAN, who LEFT his IJ FRIENDS, artYORK, on this day last year, is earnestly request- ed, to coi tMunleate to thiem lmiiA preisent situation und ircurrstalleeR. Thleir initerest is the mnore painfully excited fromn the danigerous situa. thini In whlich Ano:ther' of the fainily Is now lylimg. IVE P0 N, D RIIVARD-L( ST,.611 W1ednesdla' FC afternoon. flKingslold-toad, London, a LF-T'lER cormtaininS it ?30 BNK01ofENGI,AN,D1 NOTF, No. 1246, February3, 1824. Wini. ever will1 restoare the note to mr. J1. Haddon, 12, Tabernaele-walk, shall reeitve the aboire rewvard. Paymenit Is stopped att the Bank. T OSV, ent n aLettr f~W'onidon to Bognor, on the ?4 6thof prI. 110,thefolowig BNKof EP NGLAND NOTES, Na, 10003 ~aed 3thof arc. t10,for?2.and No. 34, dated the 11th f Apn, 180, fn.CIO.Whoeer ha foud the same anid will brin the toMr. air, Stck xchage,shall be rewarded for thleir ~OR thie BENET~bFIT O' ~the LtOCK A~SYLUM.~-At Lthe Lack Hospital Chapel, near Ityde-park-corrner, oni Suinday next, March 21, 1824, will be preitched TW1O SERIMONS, by the Rev. Dr. THORI'E. Chplain to the L,ock Hospital and the Lock Asylumi. Pr=er t begin In the lmornIing at I11. aild in the eveniing at half past of 'his i:harty. at the Paish Church ofSt. Mac tIs-hw,hepd, liv te Re'. AH. KNNEY,l),D Recor o St. OTv,Snhwark. A Hymn wil be sungby the cildren.Service toi cominenee ait 11 o'clock. i~~~~~~~~~~. C. Al REED, I.eretaries, Office, 10, St. Mary-axe, Mlarchi 28. AND ARtt D, }Se O N SUNDAY NhXTf, Marco ~21, I821, TWNO SE, a- 0MONIS will be preahedie at the Pirish-church of St. Botolph, ,'iJderespta'-street, f,,r the I3ENEFFITor 80 POOR CHILDREN helong. lo-, to the 'WARD SrHOof.j thaut in the morning by, tho Re." s. CROWTH'fER, M.A. Vicarof the unvited parishes of Chrlstelintreh and St. Leoinkrd, roster-lane, and Lectuirer of St. Botolph., lishopTsgate, arid that ir' the evenIng by tile tiev. W. ALLEYN EVANSO. , Bi. A., Lecturer of Sr. Luke's, Old-street. P'rayers to begin at II o'clock Iii the miorning,anod at half-past Ci o'clock in the evening. 1T ARYV lULL and St. ANDREW17 HUBBARD, hiear DOltngsgate.-On SUNDAY. the 21 st of March. 1824, TWVO SERMNONS wvill be preached In thle Chlurch of the above uniitedl Larishes:hat In the mnornling biy the I-on. and Righit Revl. Lord "'liP of LIt2IFIVLD anid COVIC-lTRY. latte Bishiop of Glocesterz :ind that in the evening by tfhe Res. SAMUEL, KING, M.A. Rector of Latdmers. Set--',, f'or thie BENEFIT of the BILLINIOSGATE WARD CHIARITY SCHOOLS. Prayerstobieglrat 11 In themnorning, kod at llfpt(1In thle eVe-cuig. I~XHI[BlITIONof CA 1E LIJA JAPONTICA, or Ja-pan .2Roses.-A COLLECTION of these beautiful M.OTICS Is nowv In FUJLL BLOOM at Chandler and l'uckingliam'e nursery, Viumhall, .Adinittam;ce gratis. B _Y _PER1M I-SS10ONT -of ttliie Li RD CHAM BERLA I N.- J-THEAxTRE ROT Y- L, 11AY`,IARKCT.-VWednesdayx and Fridays duiringi Len,t-Mr. TIIELWALL's ORATORICAl. and cRtITICAL LIX(TURES.-L.ecture -t -THIS EVIENING, \tarch ID, SHAKS- PEARE',; and GAICHICW's RICHAIlt) the THIRD, contrasted irltli that of Mtodern Dramatists and Acturs. Doors open at 7: beginl at half-taiat 7 prec-isely. Boxes.&Suibscriptioni for 1O tIcketn, 2 guinieas. PiT 34. SubicrIption for 10 rickets. II. 4,. Qaliery 2I,. Plaoes and tickers to be had ot MrT.1Masslnghani, at the l,ON-ut5ice, froni 10 to.4. ~/ASTElR GEORGE ASPULL hlas thle honour to ani- )V. nouniee tha't hPa FIRST CONCERtT, unider thie especial Vatrona geit Vltis Majesty, will take plate at the Arg,I Rtoonms, or Thursday rtie 25th of Mar-h, 1524, ivlien he sc'ill P'ERFORM several adm ired PIECES, omm the GR~kSID PIANOFORTE: amone which art H.mmedl's Gramid Brilliant Rooido, op. 98, srith orchestral aev,-,inps nml'cnts, nev-er performed in this counrtrvy- Prince Louis Ferdiiii,n o,f Rrussl;e. Grand Quinrett. Pianef-rne, 'Violin, Tenior, violoncello, andDoble 1lass Obligat!, anld Mloscheles' Fall of Paris.Th ein par't will coom nience with a Granid Syinphony, c-omposed by Muzic Clenienti. PrincIlpal s-orcal perforrmers4-M'rs. S3alnion. asid Madan,c Caradort, Mr. a,S,, anyd Signior Placci, Mlr. Welch. Mr. Htawes. ainc Signor De Begnis. Itcader. M1r. Mori; condtuctor, 'Mr. Clemnienti; harp Mtr. thatterton. Tte conicert vill begin at 8o'clock. Ticlkets,1lOs.6d cacti, to, b)e had of Master George A-pull, id, Cotrk-streer, Bonid-street anld a9t the princIp:l imusic shops. _______ ____ WING'si'H E ThE.~itlor IENE-LLIrespectfulh A , egsle5s t infrmotheNoblit and Gentry, Subscrlbl-'s t, theOpea,andth Pil,m-,th te I-tIlD CONtERT SPIRITIEIF of ACIEN sli MODRN M$tC,imiaxto the ConcertsSpiiltuels at Pris stlt akeplae o Frd:, net, the J 9th) of Mtarci. 1824 Part1.-I. verure,' Le dny ourel,:a' Clicruliiui. 2. C);oru: The essens re ellig te Glry f God,' f'ront I Creazi,'ue de Motio,'Hasdn.3. ria byMi- Atins. Handel. 4. Concerto or the i',oncell,, y M. tlndey.Llnlev. .1. Air. ' Rietuirn. t) Gmn of Hsts,ly iss us-e Hadel.0. rzretto, fr,om Othello.' hi M1adameCt'ardirl, Msssrs. GrcIa and Cuirionii. rt,osslni. 7. Rteclta tive' a nd Aria, fromi I Zalra.' by Madarne Carad,,ri. 'Federici Y.'Beniedictas,' lby Madanie Castalan. Claxichettini, who wIll bnin self Preside at thei pianoicforte. Part lI -I. A Newt Grat:d Nationst S)Ymulhiony. constosed expressly for th occasion byl Nlnzio Glemeneiti wh1o syll hlmsel, preside at the piani,,,te. Clenienrl. 2. Aria, ' Got q,id,' fromt the ' Crearione del tiond,,,' liy Mr. Ecilnier. flaydn 3t. Aria, byl Mliss Love. lto'iiiil. 4. Conjerto oni the Flute by',tr WVilloughby Monzani. Berbiguier. .4. - Cratias Agtiomu,' by M%adains Catalsnl, with Clarinetto Obligato. by) Mlr. Wilnian. Guelielmi II. Q-iintetto, froinI ' Mose In Egitto,' by Mladainie Caradori, Messrs arc,ria, Coirionf, Plscei, and Kelliuer. Rogsin]. 7. ' Coinfurt ye M3i lip,'by MaRdame C'atalani. Handel. Signor C,,roia wmiil predidc a, the Pianoforte. Leader of the Band, Mlr. Spagnoletti. For thi SoIlns--Messrs,l Lindley, Wilolanl, l'uz7i, Centroni, Mouzani. ane Klesesmvetter. M1,r. J. 'T. Harri-i s mlii preside at the Organ. 'The or ehestra and chorusses mm'ill be selected finnm the first performers andl( conisist iif ilpirards of 120 persona. '[le remauining concert: ti, be i,,thiesticceeding Friday,sdurIng Lent. Applications i-espeetiis1 boxeg to be made to Mr. Segnift, Opera otnice. 10.5, Quadrant, llegeiil sItreet'. lioxes 3 guiineas each. Admiss,ion to tho bojxes 1Os. 6,1 i't7s allery 3is.6di. The tonsqrms wiltl begin at hialf past 7 o'clock To the PROP'RIETORS -of EASLT7INDIA TOK Ladiesand Gentlemen, Beg leave to inforn yoil, thlat Tuestlay, the 23d inst. I-s fixed for the ELEC'ION ot a D)1RECTOR of your atffirn, tine I efrnestly and respectfsill enitreat the lhotiour of your attenidance a' tDie India Hosuse. oil that Say-, In usy favisur. I cannot, In Adequate terrms, express miy gratitude for the fiatterin; ret-eption with whichl I hav-c uniformsly been honoured durkii nii taos;-as, or filr the zealouis and uiuremnitted exertions of in1' highit s-alued friends. A coutitnuance of thie samle energy vannot fal, unode. yooir kinid auspIcesi, to command success: and, should I attain rttl odiect of usy1 ansliltilon I beg you to b-e assured that, ismy litmol xtteotiOn shalM bem devoted to an active and cGnsecienclouss ddiscarge o thle sarious; dutIes which are Involved in that distinguished trust. I have the honouir to be, Latdiesi and Gentle-men, Your most obliged faithful aervanr, Nemv Broad-street, March II1, 1824. 3. PETITY NIUSPRATT. Mr. Muspratt's Commzittee still sIr daily at the City of Londor- r-wsernx hsmere communications afleectinglIiis Interest wIll1 be thank fully received. To 1 the PRO'IlEoI o ES NIASOK LaRdles and Gentlemen, " HE flattering assUrances of support whlich I conltinuc a-daily to receive from a -nunmerous ~an,d ighly re-spectable bodyo0 proprietors encourage mle to entertain the must sanguine hopes ofat tamiing thte great otijeer of mny ambition at tb- appiroaciliog electIon wvhich is fixed for Tuesday next, tIle 23d Instant, Mir. tiluekinnion havinig niotified his resolution not to Fo to the ballot I ventture respectfmilly, I'iut earnestly, to solicit the votes and interesi of hl~ fr ieids 'in this. ocasi,uo. I liuv'e the honour to be, wvith itreat respeet, Ladles and Gentlemen, ii~ outo-sree,Your niestobedient and hmumuble ervant, Sir It. 'F. F'arqfuar'scomnmlttee ll st-it l dwiU), t the Lonrdon9i'as'er B!,I11holm.sate-street, wlhere all communnication, swill- be thankfully re. ceirMd-Comn-rttee Itoon:. London Taverni, Ma2rch 1,, 1824. TIo the PROP'RIETO`lS of E'AST IN,D'IA TO Ladles andSentlmen E~NDING tisat prior promiises to candidates of miuchi Fo ,lder standing thanl miyself will pres-eimt niany, proprietors from afoding that support w1hit-Is it Is their kInd Intention to extend tc me after tile pr-i-snit election, I have, imm deference to the adv'ict of iny' friends, anrd to avoid personal imnconv'enience to those Nshc hornour me wvith their suffrmmges. adopted the resolution of savin, vo he trouble ofran attenidanice on omiy accouint ait the ensuing ballot; ht,In thu% yielding to the present state of time calnvass, I ma-ish it tr be learly tinderstood, tmuat I place my colnfident hopes of success,, orl the necxt vacancY, In your Mindness arid unobassed smmft'rages. I beg tim tender i'mu my grateful ack,nowledgments for the very lat. teritug assurances imf suipport which I haLve received on111 ril ain-ass, srid muist res-Peti'tfmlls to s,,litit a con,tinuance of youir favouir and patroniage. Ilas'e the honour to) be, sm'tlm great respect, Ladles ruid Getntlen:emi, You, v'ery fa%ithfuil And obliged servant. I,ond,mn Tavern, March 1 8. 1824. C IIARLES MACKINNON, IGHLAIND SOCIETYo OI)NALw NERA COUT ofthi Cororaton,to celeburare the AINNI. VICRiAR~'of th VICORY o SLEANDRA, w'ill be lheld at the Frecaso'Tver on ondy nxt,tli22dinstant, at .5 o'clock tI.IL. th Dmme ofYORKand LBAN, PresIdenlt, In the Chiair. Members of theSociety scho o not expressto eith'er of the Secre~ taris teIr ntetIo of ttedingthemeeing will procure ticket3 Straingers mnust be introduced b Members, but Membuers of atny ol tiBrlanch Soceieties established inl Caniada, at Madrasi, hloinbam-, Abserdeen, Dundee, Inverness, or Iniverary, as wvell as Members of thit HI'lbland Society of Scotland; atre admlsslb)IewithoiitIntr-oduction. ?e HighlatndGa,rb, NLv,alor fliaray Unilorm, Is adopted at all the GeiueraLI Courts of this Corporationi. I ~~ALEX. MIACDNL,rtae. ONONSUB-WA~YCOMVPA~NrY-~At a resprecctablk M- NeetIng, held at the City of Loiidon Taen_ nte1t coveedpurstan to Public adm'erti4enm:entn, for the turpoce of RESTABLISH-ING a SUB-WAY CeihIP,NY, to pravetit the lYrequent remnoval o f the pav-iuent anid carriage patlis, for laying down and taklng utpSipes~,. MIr. OHN IWILLIAMSISIn tOm Chair: The follosvixmg Re2oiutlns avere moved, seconded, anid unanimlously agreed to:-. I'l'baut this meeting, havIng heard read the Report of the CommItttee atppoInted at a pub]lC nicerlng, in December, 1822, to inqimr into thte jnlpretyoff(irnngSub-waysi;n L,ondon, which'rpr qilevurbl tohe' orstrtffereortosfavurbl Resolved, That a London Su-aCrpaysllnvbefmi, vrltaea~tAlfXl(,(*,,ishoires of ?1l0 each, and that subserip. tlon'u be Immediate'ly reeivsed. fot that purpose. 'itbat a deposit otII per cent, be Pala imiro the bankInghouse 01 Mesva -laice. t th acoun oftheLon~don Suib-w7ay Company, whith shll nr bedram-0 or mrhot time signattures of th)ree of tht I Tha a gacralmeetug ofthe ro~retores saill be called. as songi 5.5 100shars ae suscrbedfor,to lectth~Diretor ild other A N IONA TIUTONfo te pRESE--VA- TION of LIFE from, SHPRCK. Patron, iiis MAJESTY. President, the Earl of Liverpoo, K, FG. ThmsWCONIMMTTEE. To sWilson, ?q. 1.1.. Chairman. Joh Blckbrn,emq. E. H. Locker, esq. finyflnard, ts C, eorge t,Yall, esq, lUchadSOI Bor atil, esq. Jelhn Muirshall, egg. CatanBols, R.N. John Pettee eon Ihq Dull,ei,John D Iar-les, eq. David CuarrUftiers, esq. Joseph Plulley, csq. James Cazenove,jiin. esRq. John Vinmeenit Pun-Icr. esq. Jonathlan Chapoman, esq. Christopher Itlehardson, Jun esq. Simon Cioek, esq. CpanH amrs tN Win. Cotton, esql. ThoaPtnR Sauod araez,Rs.N Capt.AMout, -N. l5f.P. Mr. Alderman Thismlison, M.P. Ca rain "C C. Dansey, R.A, Mr. Aldermnan Vernables Jogu Dea oil'.ese.Cpti oohgm-o1IoaaWlkreq..P C.ptafnJoneqil.Oono "Jolhus Watson, esq. Captasn Dean.s Dundas, R.N. John Wldg esq. Captai Frjohan Folulertoa Tbhmnnas tikinson, csq. Chres Facseq.H. SI H- Wollaston, esq. Gere"-ibe"g eg George Frederickc youn-g, esq. Captan Johnl Lock, E.LC.S. SubscriPttorns sareadyadvertl~ed Donations. Ansaiutl Son. Subarlptonsalredyavert ~ ;?2,1186 17 0 ?12o 80 SubScrlptlons since recelved. The Corporatiom of the Ta-hil. House - 500 0 0 'tle ort Bsho) Af the ee-eaBankera in London. Thle L,ords BIshhop of Durham a 10 0 0 Satmubel SmIlth, esq. 1W.P.52 14 o W. -Elliot Eliot, esq. Gedllog.house, 'Not- 64t=h Tohlwbnlde HamOton, H. C. S.- 50 00 Nicholsa&Bom',n esq., 10 0 0 WillM Tnre ami Prae-Is, esq. 12 0? 0 2 5 0 Jtcares Tlard. ea. -1 00 a 2 cad sgmAnteebur - 200 'rh q Lord BlshopofCh ehestcr ' 2 12 0 Dtina. Deafel, aq . .1 10 0 5 5 Cl Messrs. Ver,AVar'and Co. 5 500 2 2 JosephC Coto,.ee. John Fuller, es. - . '52 10 0 John Deacn es. . - - --21 0 0 Rea5Adm.r4on2 Celii 21 0 0 Dotions andsmlbscriptltloswill beVireey 10 10 0 Treasure l'lbereved bmy WnV. Sikes.e,1 thec metool,Ililooa-itret;and by til several bgplicrs in CUSTOlfsHOUSI; Lorndotn, -13tb'Mfdroh. 1824. HE C rpzirsjoers f flt Mjestsy's Cutmtom do herey gve otie, hat n- Ot5g~unceof, diractions: from the L~ra CmmisioersofHisMajstys 'icatiY foundeed upon the- follwin res.luionsof he lonotr -le oue of Comnmons of the Covent s~~pecified Itn the surin oreev itowehue under the [(iog's oc,-tlte expense and rhik of thie Macclesfield aries, all rawt ndhrwn ifll. atnd all.silk nmanns. Lee), Fac%,ttres. uiponi xhiht duttes-shal1 have been PAMd, - providled the saime- stai be In qulantities of nut less than 300 lbs. weight, at,d iii the namie of onle party. and provided that alU rawr and thrown milk be dvi'osl.ed in. u1151 wvarehouses oni Or before the 25th March Instant: And tiliftt all'-stilk manulfctLures, the .sanse Itein- newr, incttt, and wvholly of S(ilk, be' deposited In stich warehou.ibs oni or before the 5th A pr11 next, Ins order toi enable the s,everal parties to aivail rhemsalves of thse return of the duties oth tue rawv Pad thrown silk, and of the PaYment of bountiesanod allowances on Alik nmanufactnires, in coitfo.rinity with the said rescolutions. liy order of.tileVDnimied;ionleiq, 'r. IV RLYiTORE. Acting Ser-retary. Copy of Resolution of the tlionourable Rortse of Comsmons, dated tue 9thl of Mlatch, 1824. 1. That from and arter the 25th o tCb 1824, the several duties and drawrbacks on the importaLtion aTIS exportation of 'the several sorts of silk hereinlafter mientioued, shlall cease stbd determine; and aL-t, tat rom nd fte th .5t tiy o~iuy, 18526, tlte prohiblItions on te iporttio of ilkmanuactrcashall cease anid deter- mineand hatthe ollwingdutes sallbe- paid In lieu titereof; On sik, fom ad afer th 25t dayof MreSt. 1824. s'lz: - onraw,or oubs or ttss ufsIlk orwas-te of thoss slik On thrown Mil, not dyed, thie lb). 7 On manufactured Utk, froto ailttaft,r the 5thi day of July, 1821i A frev.,y 101. of the s-alue tli5l'e ' - . so o o 2. That fro,m anid after the 5thi d,ty ofiril, 1824. the bounties on the exportation of silk manufactufreSshl eease and determinte, sat'e - ind except on any, of such niatiufeettires as shall litave hieed duily elhipped for ex ortatloni or shall have beeni 'warehoused forw that pttr- Po.e, on or before the said Sth day, oT Aorlt, 1824. .3. That uipon silk imported, upo,n whiskic the duties shall have bee-s paid, aud which shall be waLrehoiused ort orbefore, and remain watre- housed unitil after thle 25thi day of MNarch. 1824, there shall Le granted the folloing' 1 eU,sweces Vi.- - Oni raw silk fmPorte fromi any patrt, except the Rritlsh Ter- ritories in the East Indies the lb. - -- - ?0o 51 3 On silk throwu from raw silk, soiniported, the lb. - 0 5 10 IOt rt nv silk imsported fr-om the British Te5rritries In thie East Indies. thec lb.. 039 On silk thirowrn fromn rawv slkl, so Simported, tile lb. - 0 4 lb Oni foreign throwntt ilk impel ted, nt daed, the lb. - 0 7 -2 opyrof'Resolution of th otlotrble Co~~f~mmons, dated II1th aind I2th, of.-MaTdlt1894. "That one half of the botintstes on t ~hexPortatidin of silk mann. factttres shall be allowed on all such hstn.uI4erures as, hayitig been waehusd.s Il he taken out for-honf~cL. senrc, withtin 30 days after the 5th da ro April. 1824. * CUSTO2O-IIOUSF, Londotn, 16th marcht, 1824. slEC tmlsi,o,ers of iTa 31a ety' Cu(stonms- do, herhybt lve notIce, that in ftirtiteraneie of dtirectiutte received frotni thie Lords Conumissloonets of Hir Majesty's Tremssry, f6unded uipon thte resolultions of th Ilo)itourable Ilouseof Co,mnons, of the9th,nsod I1th, And 12th linstant, theyh,eve?Poed4ftlhefollowiingsVAREutLtVF.s In Lotndont for tte ItEC OEPT Or of 5MANUFACTUR D SILK G-OODS. t17.. Nos. 70, 71. attd 74, ini tlte East tndia Corupatty's Warehou%es, Iistttatc lin New-street, Bihshpsttate-street; and of the following WVAREHOUSES for ttite RFCEPTION4 of RA%V aind THROWN SIL.K. viz. NOSL 311atd 88, belong-ing to the Rast lIndIa Comrpany, and situate Il tewsrer lff,ope,gate-street; and thita the King's Warehouse atI I he Ctusto-ui-bossse will l)kewlsie be openi for .hie receptiott of raw anda throwrn silk,. The whole of the said warehisxises still he readly for the receptiotn of sueh goods fromi and after Wedne~sday, the 17th ittstant, I t each of which Officers ,f the Revenue st-it be stdtoned, to receive and tatke an accouttu of thesa., antd the 'aid wareltouses willl con- tinue opett tronm 10 o'cloc-k in the tuorning until 4 In thie aftermosoo. IPrinted rormsi of the spezltlsatons. whicit rill be requiired to be deli- vered wiith eachi larcel t goods. mtay l'e hadl on applicatiott to the officers statloited at the respective wareltotacs. By order of the Cocntnmlssloners, (Signed) T. WHITMORIE. Acting Secretary. ES IDIA OtISE. March 17, 1824l. ITHE Court ?f' Directors of' the Untitt-d CoMnpanq o f M ,ercl,antsof England trading'tu thte Ea-st Indies do hiereby, give notice, that thle 'otrminltree of littIing-rand Warehtouses wrill lite ready, -on or atearv ttue btefore NVednes,day, rthe 7t:) ol'April, 1824, toreceive ,PtiOPORALS, in writing, sealed up~, 0-rtt su'lt peteit as fiat- be ivilling tosttpplv the (ontpanv Ititit hFIFF iuE'AqTlAlEi% CCOUTRE- MliMTSatad BUFF RIDgS, iluntitts, Irou Stot, trots Grape Shtot, Iron Shells, Turnkeys with H-ammtners-; and t-hat the- onditittnsof the said contrractsmIaybIelissil on aptpliiti'tn to,theflier!z of the said Commtit- tee, w-tlt u-born proposals nitt,t be left b-fror II o'clock in the fore- nuns;n of ithe said 7th of April, after whifeh hotir tite Commnittee sI ll i s t,receise an tetsdet. JOSEPH DART, S,ercrrar:t. WE~i NDIA lOCKCOMPAINY. r'TIHE Cou?rt of Dir-ectors of thte I esvt Jriuia Dock- Coni- J_putty di's hereby giv-e tiotice, that, an itXTItAORDII-cARY C.OURTor:GFNEttAt. MtEETING of this Couipany wvill be held at this llion-eotn Frilay, tite 19thI liRtant, ait one O'clock litt the after- stoats, ptirs'tant to the followingg FcIulsiticts, agreeably to the Act of Parlianient: "We th undcr!ened est India Daci Hotise, Mlarelt 5, 1824. Mebr fte W.est India Dock Company Ibeng evealy lr,trieor t, fie httdred poundis or r'iewards of te md Copan's tock doherey rquet a Special Genteral Cout o Exraodinry estn~ f te sid ospany may be cefled. for he prpus of onsIerin theexpeienc ofmakinx certain fur- therredctins f raes,ittcotse~nttc ofthepresent staite of the, buN OUft5IEU ' RICHIARD LEEZ WvM. 'MITCHFLL. ROSEIIT LANNd f',FORGE H1IIBERT DAVID LYON JOHN PiLUNMMERl JOIIX HY. DEMLFL. ANDREW COfLVILE "301-IN IRVING RMNAN BARKLY C'. ROBEBtTSONT." By ordero~f toe Court, II. LONIGLANIDS, Sec. West ndiaDoclioiste, Marcht 5, 192-. N. B. The chair wrill be takett at 2 o'clock, precisely. 'FThe ~COURYNTY lFIEOPTICE- and PRtOVIIENT LIFE: oFFIcF. upon the prrineiple of cons)blnittg the s&curity of an eds(Utuee peritanent capital list additioll to ftse lluetuttting funds strising totn the premiuttss) with the beneficial rtdle pf retturnttngat stated periods ttite surphtmeof the annual pretniiums to the cotttrit,utors. after ptaying losses and cxPestsc. TIheittsportautc-e_tf tbi,inipros-cnmen)tidackit,W~. ledged 1h35 extri6drffWiry pulblic-Approlatiol,' aidltk'b the numerous Iimtratitots of It wrhich neswuffices; bare latelY offered, and wvhich older oneg hai7eadopted in chisgn&g trhelr constitutionts. The prin-. ciple is ofcbiLfv5alue becatise. a- ittieldS, bythespeeIflc sumattisured aLnd the retuirn of tite &urpitu, the fuliestvalue for the deposits, per- sons have no reasonable motive for ventqring on thie lure of redneed and ltssufflelent preLitiiuts propoaed to titemi by adveniturers, arid wrhich has led to frequetnt in,,taiiees of diNnappointtuent sod rusin. Capitals, a rsifllion sterling and upwrards. Seventy-eighst thousand persons, have sought protectitsn intsilte Couttoy Office, and have fosttd iL. Claitms hase been paid to sixcteeni ittindred clainmants. Exemapt frotn the expettses of lawsuite, and also frotss the sacrifice ofan ettirrtlo,ts cortiilstsison to agents,, to which stone new offices sxttittiit, us indst'e thern- to canvass for business, great accunmulattoloxs have beet, niatle. Itt risse, persotils sylso now lineure participate equtally- witht the origittal tstbets,es. Retutrns ur 2ar and 2(1 vcr cesit. its cotseqenctse, have becen InYariabls- Paid to all persoris wiho htave cottintieLd insured seves t yars, Upon atttstsal as well as ups't septetsinil polities, attd wivtether they have Imeets elaimattts for lossor 'ttherswise. ?42,000 have liteetl returtied lzit this scay, to, abottt 25.000 pertons Its,ured. wit"hin the last te-n years , An ninportantt advartt~nge hichiel no other insurancee otrice exiit- nug lhas afforded. -- Bonsuses of 131. Se. anld 261. 12s5. per r-ejit. itave been paid on life ptollele.s. Agents arc appoitnted In all the pritncipal towns. A BLACK GELDING to be SOLD, 5 years old, 16 [Xbands aisd A half Iitigli: st arranted soutnd, aLnd quiet Iin double and siltt Smrness-. Would make an excellent horse fot' a cabriolet. Oj(RSES atii. COACHIMAX.-A steady marrieti IIan H wrou,ldbe)Isappy t.streat tint atl,iy Lady or Gentlerntanto PRO- VID tlitem with a PI'R, of IIORSES, 'tid drivetrheo hninseclf; his character will beaLrthe stricltest inquiry; haeslived 2 years in his last place. Direct. post Paid,1ii.W. at Maisrs. Bushinell and Co.'s, Coach- ntak-ers, 11p-tters-strecet, Oxford-street. EHAN DSO?eIE BAY GFMMING,wihSdlan ABlridl. to, he SOLD), ptarticutlarly cheap: s;tands iS hands Iiigh., tising 1, yearsnld,and wvarranted sottnd; ha%s been used bo)th forharisees, atid saddle. atsid Is a free fast liorse, price 28 guInieas. Apply at the Black Horse livery stables, 15. UPiper Maryichione-street, Fitzroy- square. X..B. A itotin Cob Ptmny. 1,1 hatids Ihigh. V'ery sure fooited, atid accusttnined to harniess, price 14 gui iteas. .4Particuilarly neat aSlIl superior SET-OUTTfor KA ~c-onsistitig of a romarkably handsomne well bred hiorse; and a verysuprio detnctams haness li mot ecellent p reservation, And bitilt lty on ~ ~ ~ ~ T'e of h ettskr nLnos h orae is 15 hands and haf hgh. tnl Iiyear ol. ia,riodestiibll- grand action, is an excllet r-adte an exraodinrygig horse, -and wsarr:snted in ever repec sond.and reefrtmsvic. ,Any giejitlensan svishing, to becoe a urchser sr ts wole ay o tan tem at a very reason-. abl prce,.,rtisy ssy e prchsedsepraely'. To be seen and a trial allowed at 5. F.Hoelscuuiso tdlivery stables, Curtain- r O be SOLD an exe Len ltwo-whleel O1SP-ffORS]y, T,CHARIOT, on reasoniable terms, writh ostt-rigger, wvhich takes tIff anid on for two horqes if' required. To be seen at M-sr. Slade's, eoaehmak-er, near the Aiigel, Llellgtwn. TOe owvner mayu he re: ferred to. OR SALE,TWlO~hanidsoineSTANHOP S,wvi~t1ipa~tlit F.atletrees: the first Is painted a dark green, anid line-d Writh drab ctt the second Is painted a cltt-et. c-lour, arOd Weed 511thi claret clotb the ishole to be disposed of refflarkably reasonab,e. To be 5550 larpr's.39, upert-street. Coveritry-ntreet, Haynsarltet. ~~EO~DHANPTWARIOTr.--T:Io be S0'LD7jn ex_ celn EODHAND CHAItIOT. with hont and bxrq'gcl, seat acttached to body, new, lined with, drab -cloth ahd red morco n Painted y-ellowv, picked out black; also r ewhednmeliht!o Pony Phaetoin, late ithe property of a geuitleme-n deceLsed, lined wit blue cloth and painted yellowt, picked Otittbhask. i ese aithVevlu's re,ach mainufactory, New.road, neur Tottelham-ciurt.rORd . ' 0 be, SO D n elegant niew- CU RRI L,builft by TColliugTridre, Itowrley, and Co. Liquorpond-street, siith patent -axles and rumble behind; patrted wrins only betculter e xentlemaln Prefers another kind of carriage. The harnless, which Is'finished I-, tWteyret style "f fashion. iRalso to its diposed, of- Also a hanidsomel Gray Gig and powerfitil Mare, the property, of' thte same gentleman, who aybe referred to, Apply to Mr. Shilpley, saddler 18I,MRe TA(3ME STIC' CARRI-AGE for one HiThr, Or occasionl- JLV all a pair 'of IlorsSs-,%/n elegant ".id-(convenienst FAMILY CARRIA OE this description for SALE. at Ma~rlrt's Repesitory , Is gent.street Bud Great Portland-street. It was' butilt for a goiOtitnitF under his lnimedfate supcrlfpnoenreqc who ti.ow intendS having a Phaetoni'geg. sa ~wetber a1s haisldt'm0 a 6i~rlagec of the k~ind as; can st-eli be builit, ebs-fty AbllOit 12 ewt. atnd has been usedbut 3 ov4times.- IONDON RESPOSIToRY for cARRIAGES of allI ffAdescriptions.-Joeim 'MATIKISand SON i:sectul cqan h Pstbllc, that tbey, have constantly ott vlvfO.ctEfromI ~Oa to 4he CAItRIAfSIES. newaad secondhand, some of wifiicis are ot the most splendid and nmodern constructtoio, and at theanost teonemickli imtd - reasnabl pries.Their extensive premsisei$ the -largest in Lbrndon forcariags, retitiate in Great PortSand-street aCnd Langham.pl4ce, invtesin~ccinn asassobectof ublc urisit gt te part even of those st-ho have no desire to purchase. Everycarriage '-t ts~~~~~~ ;tudhasitsprIe afixd. he xhihitossconirts Sf-' ustbered - sst. hu.I - e Ctin Gm Lanhdau\es frn 40 .t d iaouchset s -- 30-.o..3 ---etn _-1 -- .-- -) LO%dciae.ts ----250 -tO__4O I Curs-Islens - O ,to__Ao ChtarIots - - - 258 otZA stanhoee - to-4 Barouches - 180, to .60 0 Dnet&-lce j76-o? The catabbi shrment of John M1arks and Son being tie-olde.%V 5s well as the largest in Loldon, its reputation for remtpeelabllity is-wmell. known tot teputlAc, and commls.si,,ns In rePrd elther to a 5peelftd quality or Price fromiany-vpart of the storld-are ex-.ecuted with prainp)t. ns is Old- carr.ages a-c recclvg In exchange, and imrriaggs pent in fr salef are-- arrangedIn the repositor, fq?ra n-lalliveekly'coTipeaiation, and.fog a A i.SVAUL DETACHED COT-TAGB,-to- be LETS -4, Liesvlypainted,andpapers-d audo-I perfeetresMir. Itcontains- 2stttifl. roomns; 4bed rooms, kltQcAn,,washhouise, pantry, iar-e light 12loset,Slutsero 4 eldoets, and a garden prettily tid ou tt "Om. mialld I'mI cwGWoafordj Walthainstousri &-c; -arid-liart of- Her-tford- sh1,s~ an is1slasat1s ituate-aV -the top -of, Mtookiby's.walk- H-- |nerton' ent'noderate. Apply iso Mr. Jl alteoEdmert.os, Salvju6r-. 'BVQNSR1._:Valaaue -C OTTON' MILL to be L~ SOkpor LET1 Sltugtu og-the'zlyer:Exe-wlth isaderslsot wheel, lutlleyfrariko lec;tt.slpn-r 1-t rnhs
News in Brief
The guards and mail-coachneu *vho arrived in towm verterday, stated the great fail of snow they in gentral experienced in the early part of the morning, which con-inued without intermois- sion from two till their arrival in Lombard-strcet. The waters are also out in many places at Hockley-in-the-Hole, ncar Woburn in Bedfardshire, it was up to the girths of the horses. In several parts of Buckinghamshire it snowed on AMonday the whole day. WVe are requested to state, that Clay Hall, acquitted at the yrecent Lancaster Assizes of setting fire to his house at Liver. po0 , with irtent to defraud certain Insurance-offces, was not pro- secuted at the instance of anv of sucI offices, but on the commit. ment of the local magistrates; and that the namne of a Director of one of the offices vas used pro firmat only. CAPE OF5 (ooyD Hope, Jan. 31.-The Farquharson fell in with the Thalia,fronm Batavia,to the southwatd of Mladagascar. and put on board a qouarter-master and six men, towed her for two days, but was obliged to cut in a gale of wind. IIARlWlCII, AMarch 22.-The Loid Duncan packet, from Cuxha. ven has blrought over the master and creaw of the Portsmouth of Portsmouth. Thev state, that about 16 miles E.S.E. from the North Foreland, on the 4th, being water-logged, worn out by pumping, and expecting to go down, with a signal of distress fLying, they were taken out by the brig flizabetb, of London, and lauded. _
The Times
O R KING'S THEATRE. TO-MORROW EVENING will be performed, fir the 2d time these 10Oyears the Popular OperaBufib, in 2 aets,entitled IL FANATICO I'ER LAMUSiCA. Princip,,lPerformiers:.-lAdsalneatalani, Signor Curioni, Signor RosichS, Signor Francerchl,Signera Caradori, Signiora Graziani, and SignorBe Begnis. Betveen the acts, thoDivertissement L'ADORA- TION AU SOLEIL. End of the Opera, the favourite Ballet Panto- mimie, eLntitled LA NOCE DEI VILLAGE. A newv Ballet, composed by Monsieur Aurmer, entitled Le Songe D'Ossian, will be produced on Tuesday, the Stm JInstant. The, ree list wIll positively be sus- pended on all oceslions of hMadame Catalani's performances, and no orders admitted. hladame CatEaini will sing in the six Saered Con- eets which will be given at thIsTheatre. on the same plan as the Con- certs Spirituels at Paris, on the Fridays in Lent. App'lcations for boxes and single subscriptions for the season to be made to hTr. Seguin, 1l5, Quadrant, Regenit-street. THEATRI ROYAL, DRUTRYr-LAAE. For the BENEFIT of Miss CLARA FISHER. THISer last aparauce this Season.) THIS EVE NING, XIG RICHARD THE SECOND. King Richird, tr, Kean, who has kindly I,ffered his services. Afterwhich, THE INVISIBLE GIRL. Captain Allelack, AMiss Clhra Fisher. To conclude with THE HTGHLtAND REEL. TcokeXTt Me h Gpin, Miss Clara Fisher. Tlcket- to be had o' TiissClaraFisher,26,Euston-place,Eustolsi.qlalre: and of Mr. Spring, at the Theatre. THEATRE ROYAL, COVEATT-ARDEIM THIS EVENING, ROblEO AND JULIET. Romeo, Mr. C. Kemble; Juliet, Miss F. H. Kelly. Toconclude with HARLEQUIN AND POOR RODIN. ADELPPHI TrE.A TRE, STR.4A`D. THIS EVENING wvill be presented, an entirely new operatic bnr- letta, entitled WAGGERIES TN WAPPING; or, KingCharles's Merry Days. After which, by particular dcsire, w-ill be exhtbited the mov- in Panorama of the BonmbardmenIt of Algiers. To wvhich NsIU be aded, the comic ballet of JEMiMY OF ABERDEEN; or, Love in a Mist. The whole to coniclude wvith the admired huirlesque of QUADRUPEDS; or, The Manager's Last Kick. The box-office is open IronIlIV till 4, wvhere places may be taken of Mr. Calian. NE If X.VURHR tRY THEATR.R THIS EVENuINf wlls he Presented. 12d time) an entirely newr melo: drama, in 3 acts, called THE CALAABtIAN ANSASSIN; or, The Re- cluse of the Monastery. After wvhieh, a newr farcical burletta. entitled ENLISH PLUMt PbIDDING: or, Twvo blasters better than One. To conclude wlth an entirely newy splendid and interesting spectacle, called ASLAN THE LION ; or, The Seven Brazenl Towvers of Tepelini. ROYL O'H(fT: Th1bATRE. For this Night only. THIS lVENTNI7 Will be presented, an entirely newn melodrama, ealled THE RIVAL INDIANS; or, The Sailor aid his Rival Dogs: In which Mr. H. Simpson's celebrated Dogs Carlo and Lion,will perform. After wvhich, the lauglable Interlude, called EMBARICATION FOR HOLL,AND. In the courase of the evenling, the followiSng conmie Songs, by Mir. Sioman :-" Tonmmy Snipand i,lss Mlolly Mugg ;or. Who fLasais oodanaGlas ;T'iesGoaod."PAnid, "Mr. Sloman's Tirst Visit to London." The whole eD conclude with an eonrirely n ew and pecullarly interestin.g melodrame. called PRlEVENTIVE SERVICE; or, The Rtomance of the Coat.____________ ;1 The pulblication of' Timc Tisnr comrmenzced at fi O'tclck on S atur:3ay scorning, arid inished at hlalf .past 3.
The King will hold, this ...
The Kiiug will hold, this day, a Levee at his Palace, ill Pall-Mail. The Speaker's last Parliamentarv levee for the present session will be on Saturday next, the 13th instant. The Cabinet Ministers will dihe this day with MIr. Secretary Peel. We observe with indignation, that efforts are mnaking to excite a very misplaced feeling on thc subject of the sen- tence passed on Patrick Connolly. Weo highly disap- prove of these attempts; we think the sentence per- fectly just: we never read a case exhibiting such dis- gusting symptoms of a depraved, and brutal claracter. We quite agree with the learned Judge, that such a man is niot fit to continue a member of civilized society. It is cu- rious, but quite consistent, that the man who showed such an atrocious disregard of the feelings of others, should now (as it is stated he does) whine and weep over his owni de. served punishment1. DEATIh Or TE_E &-mi, OF CLAsENnDox.-On Sunday morniing, at 6 o'clock at the Grove, the seat of his Lordship, after a long indisposition, ihomas Villiers, Earl of Clarenidon Baron Syde, aml a Count of the Kingdom of Prussia. He compietedt his 70th year inDecemuber last. His Lordship is succeeded in his titles by his brother, John Charles Villiers, now Earl of Clarendon. The remains of the Marquis of Titchfield are to be inter- red on Saturday next, in the satne vault in Alarylebone church where the lat Duke of Pottland lies. lITe are autlhorized to state, that hir. lVi. IVilWians voted in the minority of 24 on Mr. Hume's motion to prevent the floging of soldiers. Bi ABRTAPLE ELECtTN.-O.State of the poll at 41 oclock on Satuirday .i.Mr. Noian, 106 (111r.Ald.Atkins 26 Alr.Hodgen 72 Satuirdav'afternoon whanthe.s?catmeaway, JIr. Al4e1A*n AtMs bad the iyodty othc rsidenit Voters.
.K UEBBC the Loxidon PACKET, Canta in ri 0'Mthe Ist ot-Arril. I'his vessel has superior aegommnoda- fo ,-r Vasl- rabeblgiprovided with an excelleintcookt gndstewrd. F: -g`ca nPNTito the comnuniader, oni board-, or to W. andeA.pAt- "FOR he ISE ofFRANCE, a constant trader, char.' ~terdto ail,earl in ext onth wih leave to call at Mladnlra, ~5tsaiingcopere SR? MLGRVECASTLE, JAMES RALPH. ~~Tasler,buren 00ton, lingin heCity Canal: has exeillent ~~nsnod~tion fo~R pacgr. orfeght or passage apply to ohuLyny Jun.sworn roker. 6, Ifirchin-lanie. '~2~0R te iLE o' F ANCEB Direct, charteredl to sa-il ~frOtOravesed on the 20th of Miay. the fast sailing coppered AlI IPHaBFTS,EDWRD HEAER,Comm er; burden 45O tOii~ lingIn he ityCanL Tis hiplis mot superior aceom- riOdaton5r Inssazz-el orfi.horpsaepply to John Lyneyjun, %worn4 bro~r .Brhnln,Crhl BOBY, a constant trader, with le-ave to call Sr~naer.te fest-salling coppered A I S141P EUPHR&TES, ~tFArs Commader ;bur;ren SW0 tons-, lyiilg lin the City Canal. 5.i a ot superior accomnmodation for pa?ssnener, and ~Yit crr a kilulsurgeon. For frei'lbt or passage apply' to Mir. JohnLyny, sotnbroker. 6, Bfrchin.liane, Cornhill. 1~~I)R CALCI TA Drect,to sail poiti-vely from kras~,dute 28th NMarch, th wvclI known fast sailing SHIP lnIELLSSH 3(131 ton, G-EORGE WARD COLE, R. N.. Commnander. Cmmes a ~Elrzeonn and hasq superior a cmoations for passengers. ror pas=aae apply toS. hIRlrjorioassks adC.King's Arms-yard. Cole- tohrstrelet. or to tlhe Commander, ttheJerusalem coffeehouse. Th-is 15)hipinsde her ,unt voyagge to Calett in14 weeks. WALKS. writh leave to cal at TenerifTe and Rio Janeiro, to sail am ll April. and intended to be a reguliar trader, the fine fast sailing rrner built Siit? CUBERUANI).ROBERT CARNS, Commander: cop- t'erfs5enel ad new,ly coppered; l,urden 200 toils:, l,ing in the -MdoO0,-_-,.This%vessel having apooP and lofty 'tweeoidecks, his SeeroracomnmodatdonsAr cabin and stelerage passengerit. and wrill c2rry. ] experienced sutrrgon. The Mlaster bas miade three voyages to the Colonies, anid can give all necessary information to passener respecting th tt fte.Ft eignt or passage apply toth Co0mmaxder, at Uo.yd;,: or to Fdward Ru tle. 24. Linio-street. Oft VAN DIEMEN's LAND anTd FNEIT SOUTH FWAI,re',,with leave to caJlat t.i'deirat the l`ist safling coppered ~HPPHiE'sIX. bu,rden 550 tons, FRAN IS DIXON, Comnziander. This chip has a cuddy, with very superior accomAmodatioins for pas- sengers, will carry asuriceon, and launder a zuarantee to sail early in "iayl. Captalin Dixon havinig mnade twko voyages inl the ships Rejatia and Venerable, in both of Whlith he has the satisfactionuito say he re. ceied tt I thanks of his passengers -ut anid homne, wrould be hiappy to gire any gentletnian ftoitt out anyij infgnuiation required, he bavying been some tirre in toie colony. A large space is fitted up for sheep. 'ce,. For freliht or passage agply*to CaPtaini Dixon, at Lfoy-d's; or to JohLn Lvney-, Jsmn. (1, Iirehin-,ane, Cornhili. eYOFICL he LONDON and ROTTERDAM REGULAR X RT V ~ 120 tons, Capt. I. REMATH. ~,of KENT . . 117 tons, D. PO UND. ROT rRIIAM . . . 130 tons, J. LAMING. EARL HAHUOST . 120 tons, F. F. GIBBS. Theabve eselsal stndAI, atL,loyd's. OnQ of these PAckets sailsl fromoff he ustohous foRotterdaim everY SatUrdayV, and aLre fitted Ianthemot aproedmanner for the accommodationi of passengers. Travellers, byaoptinig thisi route, will avoid the trouible and ex- pezuse of land rvligfo London to H-arsyieh, and aS!aIn froma Helvect to Rotedm.Apistion for pas-age to be nude to the zm,a&ters ORa Ior tevsl,ofBre's Quay'; but wvith respect to gzoodi,. to M 6r.Jh al n o , Circus, Minaries. rihe E-arl of Cianeaty ais next Sqaturay BTiO'N' Tof 'CANfE LIA Je%"yONICA, or Japan Rs&A llectlnn of these beaLutiful EXOTICS is now in full SLOO.l.at HANLER and BUCKINGS-IA Ms~ NURSERY, Vauxhall. m REDESENXDA'NTS or REPRESENTATIVS ofARO UH (who was the sen or L.ewis hutghi, formerlyo the own f Brcon.tanrner, long since deceased, and the;only brothe ofM~s uh.ot that placee, innikeeper, also long sincdeas),b apligto QiL-J.(sregury. solicitor 1.Clement's-m,Lno,o Mr idlton Powetl.-solicitor, lrerto`u. will hearofomtigo thr datg. It s suPpo-sed that the said AaroniHg etBeo ann;7 cassa,and resi'ded iii or near L.ondon durn h atya ofhslie lidta e diedi a bachel.nr. All letters mutbn os ad j~ hvingany t.A,MS uon te jint or separate ESTIATES of JOHN BELtN. GORGEI.O TT,anid WVILLIAM HARVEY, larty radng nde te frm f ieltn,Lovantt anIl Ha'rvey, of 283. Conptoi-sree tIrIc-tiell Inthecoutyo?l'iddles;x, machine. .w-r.are reuse o send the patiears ,if thie same to Mr. Wilia;Wrhtacontant, Mitre hahr, 157, Fe.curl- stret nodrttter adjustment, th atesip beiiig dissolyed on the 1st dy fMaeintut ~OT~tEAL1G.-A GENRA I.MEETINTG of the 1 LICENSD ViCTL'LLER$ ofI.AMBETHI sod its Vicinity wvill be eldat r. 3encrt th CateruryArms, near tbe Marsh-gate, Fridy nxt,the2i~ intait. o tke nto consi1deration the alarm- Inc xten towhic PETEflPOT STALING Is noAv carried on, eti toendavor o agiya rmed tr the same. Thie chair to be UIFMDHAL Lo~17nd`on, 13th March, 184-In pur- ~r s"anee of ani Order of the Illoiiourable hlouse of Commions, NOTICF. is hereby evn thut nspplicacloni hais bpeen mrade to Parlin- 'rent. for a Bi LI.'for the RENTONAL OfFLEEI -MARKEFT, in thje City n" l.',rid.n. in whizh provisions are luitended to he introdueed for P,mrchasinig the ground and hlnldinge thereon situatte between the street or pil-;ie wsay on the wvet.side ot17Feet-market and Shoe-lane, ndextendinir from Stinernitter-street ni,,rth,ard to the groundi anid S,ui1die-f, pertly in thse Occupation of Williani Pentitex anid Sons, ,t pet'nnith.,, e.nd partly on the Ainrel Inn, and to rcler the satid gtoi,;nd ior the.site oflite !Urenlded new market-place. _____________~1'. TYRtRELL, City Itementibrauicer. ~ LD-SThEET URNPIKE ROFS, MAiddFesex.- 'JNniehereby gi veni, that the G ENERAl., AN NUANL MEETING at ti- TRUSrEES of, tine Old-ltreet Turnipike TRoads wvill be held at tOt h.nine k'.nin v t,he sirs;of St. L.uke. Is Old-street. oti Trhirsday, thAe : I de ,'.of A p r;I niex, a t I I o'cl Iock I n the fo reintoonr preci sely, to0 evamie. audit, anid settle the treasurer's, lclrk's, andsurveyor's ac- co u ns' .antd re p.rrtth e t at e o f t he roads. Arndto Elactetand Appo int newv Trustees in tie trout of thisse wrho hav-e died or becomne d lsnualifled i -rrtoe of t ine an- n-,f pa ri a m e rt o f t he 4 th of G co. I V c. ISh 12. Anid tn-rnvvenrai bustoes~. T IfUs. TA~ ILO R, Clerk to the said Trustees, l,id..ntr"t-.-..d,d March 15 824, PO BU E ILDERS otc i erb eiVil, that the -LCommi"issrters- of Seirers for Holborn and IFtnshiira Divisions, &,n. wil: meet at tinsit ,nmice -, Hatton-garden, on Friday, *the 9th dayv .st Alr-.i", IS. a I oa'ckf h ftrn.,oot Precisely, ru receive TEN'- flEit front uch Peenea ayb illing to CONTRACT for the NWURK', necasrs-~ tob oeI ostructinig NEW SEWERS; ,,ne si,t. Ncir M:lmat;n street, and from oposteLanib's-conduit-Xlace. -'tlr -rd,in ,near Loi.e r-, Irn nalo h's-conduit-street; an the gal-dens. ns-uthwird, tn mi,ii the sewvcr at thie eas-t end of`Old-street- r-ol,di c'nntnrinatniy 1svIt plans;ind specificatuions, whic may be msn-acted dsfll, at r),c ecind,ntonlionerA' officle, bhetweems the hoturs n- se,en sod iwo. The wrhole of tines-orks may, be conitracted for Ivreeueparty. lint the tenders fot ceah seWer must be Scjnotate, which m1n- In 1,e raled tip, and endorsed respetivl I nIlGfI ford-stract C ,r.' or- Izc-and-ioad Sewer,' a'nd delivered at or before the al-.,rsn'nttoned time of nieeting, when tithe party nmnist attenid. Se- curilT .;,11I . requlure,d fnr the due perfonrmane of the contracts; but the ,nnnnissi,ners tivll not consider themstelves bounld to accept the loin e~t tenders. STABLE and LUSIh. Clerks, I SY IUM fo tl DEAF anti DUMB.- *7 PaRon, Hlis Royal hiighness tine flute if GL~OCF.STERt, E.G. Patroriegs, I-ier ItoYal 11401ntline tile Duchess of GLOCESTElt. ?es!dcnt. Hiis Grace the fuluke.f RL'CKIiVGIAM aiid CliANDOS,K.G. VICEiPRESIDENTS, 14;. Grate tinefluke ofBelef,rd I Tint Righit Hon. Lord Gamibier, )Ihe nirece the fluke of Nnirthunii- I G.f(. 13. herland Sir 'ThomRs Turton, hart. 'Tte Righit H.nn. the F.si1 of BristolI Sir R. ('arr Glyii, bart. aId. '11' , unct lion. -.rd Viscnnunt S;r Charles Finuwer, hart. aIjd. 'sndni-.,thj Sir W. W. Pe;nys, hart. 'Tn_ Hon,. so,, Right Itev'. the Lord WVin. Wilberforce. csq. M.P. 13zstn,,; nnflDntrihn,n' Wm. Jos. tDennisn, uesq.lnt.P. 'f- itiot 1iqon. Lo,rd caitlnnsrse WVilliam tnMantning, esqY.IP The Ricithon1.ri-Lnrd Rn,i; Jeph Jleky'll, celq. 'Itoe Rirzht Hit..L1ord Ardlen vire'd-rick WVebb), esi. 7The Right Hon.Ll. Vrd Eardiley Treaso,rer, Williaionunottidge, esq. Sub-Trea,ulrer, Rev. John TwnAnnetid. Secretar?-, icr. RichSrd sates. 1D.D. F.S.A. The ANN'IV'FR' bit V ERMIOV, in be!nalf of this Institution, trill l-,e ricaced in;the tChu-rhci -fSt. Marylebonle, Ness'-road, on.Shunii tom-nC. March2S, 1824. iby tile Rtight Rev, the Lord ilsono ISRIS r.)L. After the cncbtnus:~nn of tine servIce, (nie of thle chiild ten No ni;recIte 'he Lord'si Prayer; stint those in attendance may be c- ;nielitithie vestry. Prau-era will lnegiii at I I o'clock, On \fondxy. the 29th ..f March. tineGonvernors anid Frieinds of the 1net.tutnMt; s., DINIE tog,t'ter at the City of Lonntdon 'Tavern, Ills . Hoatl ighnest. the PATRV,In\. itthe chair. Dinner ,nottable at half past dye inclock precisely. A 4es- of the children, after dinne,r, will recite somne verses,- bT %A itDS. C'rant CnIan. esq. Laln,.elnthIlailope.eenq. I William P'eacnock, esq. (k'or;s- _Apt'., d1. einq. Thomas Lett, esq.l J. Raehilt, jun. esq,1 'Fraincis l3r,,w!n. e-l. Thos. Newmoan. es. rederinckileadie, e-q.i Th-". Farrncn-m;t. esq.. Edit. Palnmer, eq.g, Thomas Walker. esq.i Tickets, 1d', each, rosY he mad infte h stewards, at the hblt of ttine tavern~ and i of t,:eepuity Secret-try at the Asylumi. Tl3e catndbdate for adriission hiave lbecomle so nuurerouis,thlat the 'comc ttee h,neelately augmnented tine numbner from 2100 to2-20, Wchici nur-'nr-~deaf,and dunn 0 hildren iarerniow receis,itig instruction liil nt,- osl,n ile n'loc;ie pet aion"in conatitutes a governor; a domia- CHIARLE.S ('OMPTONT, Dep. Sec. U RSUANT1 to a Decree of tIle Hih Cuto hn cery1, ma, de in a cau*e s-herein Itichard Storey siid others are 1~r-rif. and Susarnnisl Stotrey is defendanit, the CREDITOURS of tdiril.4Rrfi TtiIBEV, late "-f Calcutta, In the East Indies, gentlenman, noi~de .ntile I7tlnon Decernbler, ll,larefonrtlivrith tocollie in Ansd itr- e thcirde!tIt lncfnrc Fraumis Paul Stratford, can3, one of the ~larr- n the sAid conirr, at hi chiamnbers, iii Soutiounptoll.huild- n-v-. S -anr'-.-lanc. Lolnd.on. or in defautlt thiereof they will be ex- ,;uded t-nC -l,nctir ,n' rtne Iaid decree. Di ' I , LLCAS, aud PA I? Ri NSON, Solicitors for the Plainitiffs. UAR5UANTr toalD O(rder-of tile High CTotirt of Chanf- Kc-er,r,nmade runr' tn.'er"al causes mf ' Ellingtoii and others a.9ailist !.rasro.'l n nS.h od tile-.r. tid *Leartnn,nttb slid others against vrand and n'th'rs,'t'Oe CEDITOts ofJOtHN If ItIE. iateof'htartmore. In, the c.-jam-T' f \iiddle.e'-s es'p. nie,'aased, the testatour in the said order ru,ir.-.l, (whosnl- d ti4 on h 2.i1 day of Octnnber, 181 1,1 are, on or before Ite istlc .n, f 'nsrd.Ib,2l4 ,to erout iin-mtd prove their debts before Jamr. 'W11I3a'o Far,r,er. ca. one of1 lie Masters of the said Court, to n-t-rn the said canises stand tralisferred, at lii' Chambers, itt Southi- amr,ztl-building-,, l'lancery'laiie, Londonn, or in defauxlt tihereof thtey will re ra'remlptnr,ly excluded tine beiuedt of the said order. CA DRI LE, shi'R or Coulltry 1Dancling, Corn- p.h!etely SGT ii I PRI 'TE LESSONS, for nine guinea, ",nd ecery "titerdpatemtO ncg expeditiously taught by 14r. I.EO'IEN, Danrn. Mser 9 Caote'atreet, 1Elnomosbury. A n-eect ce'eniingacatdenyfrlde n etee s-c ce,ts nona p'l .rOlrdic e lnonth. MottlingpartIes twice w" , keetfor lad in-soy Aloajvnieaaeyevery Wedniesday and Naturday. afternoni, one gluInea per nquartsr. Schools and families zttrende nl~~- UADRLIANG, Waltzing, Country Dancing, MiNi -a lminets. Gavottes, or any l'ther'fDepartinetit of that elegant' accomrplishment TAU:GHT, in SIX priv-ate LESSONS, for 1 gulliea, an perso ns tof ally age, w-ith strict privacyAr ifreuired, at an.y hnsur, of 0'S. ..-..'n,nl ACnetfiI aisol.Aslc vnn ,b da . A. N.ni; .Acaleirrv tor Ladte ojy.Aset ;enn Academy for Ladics ard Gezitlemen otn Mloldays and Thursdays. S per qu&rter- A Juvenilie Academy on Wednlesdays ind Sattir- . z s. I ulnneSrcr quarter. Youths qnalified for the proncssion or tbe2rtr, by a Professiomial Gentleman at'd ibleitssistants, at his house. I, CWnet,n-rn"', Westnminster-brldge (ASH ONABLFE DANC'ING -.QUADRILLES anid _3 cver - other mart 'if Fashiogiahle faneinig reqluisite for renteel aoIrtey.-PRIVATE TUITION._Mr. HOPKINS begs leave to rettitrl his eiratefui thanh-i to his Frilnds and the Puinlic for the highly dis- raogoiehed patronage he lia sni loing experienced, and respectfully .i-,tkitn- a couttlnuance of ttieur fatoi,rs at his residence 2, Lttle Love- l;.e. V,ood-street, Cheapeide whnbere Ladiesi and Gentlenle mtay be apceditiously anld privately structed to qualIfy theI for the first a,sen,blieat and are Inf that is ow family niake up the COMplcre st. 'w'O EXHII3ITERS of MA CIIANI,SAI and Others.- 'To be SOL, one of the mntst Iitgetiious and interesting pieces of SE:C.IA.N it-l ever erhihited hlt thIs or any other coUntIry. It *would prove a considerable acquisi tion en anyF Relitiemaz formninig a collec. :rn, or any person desirosms of purchasing the same for exhibition rosy safely calsmlate tOpOIt its prod nclog a resPectabile livelihood. For rds to viewi the tSante apply at 113, Newgatte-street. 0-VO FAMI1LIES and the lPUBLIC in GENERAL,. -The late MIr. NgV'ILLE's sTORK nnf HABE11DASHERY, Irish d Talde Linens, Camtbiries. Sillis, s;lk and Cottto;n linae, Laces, &ec sire a,sw SELLING OFF very coOsIdcnsblyuiider prime cost, at the old established H,nse, Ito. 52, in Fleet-street, In consequence of his aea. SU partieelki'r fricluds and con'nexions are invited to an early :iupeermon, as the shoP will comttiiiuc open hut a short tine, and the legcas will his of'cred for sale l-y aucti,n ii a few wcecs, by direction of hls executorr. r 0 the LADlES.-,Mrs. BERRYINJAN, 3s-, Wigmnore- gel-eel. Ca-endish Equare, respectfull acqjuaints her Friends and Lad_ e in general, that she contimuoto PEClASEand OIStOSH OF, yt her private rooms, LADIEs' dcl.tnt WVaRDROIIES, b oth plain anni rich; lsLo Linen aud children's at-ard tn,bes, The ftull valiue immediatels .0aid on applic.ation as above. !Sirs, Berrynoaml atteiid- daily at her ~c--anms, and solicita her friends to inspect her wardrobe Ladle6 waited uain tan ry time or hour by addressinga note postagefree. *Oold, g>c.x,eZldima5'tt ie dLresses o11 most rCionA lA W D1 EWAR.D.- VERFNELOPE MADIG-AN, 'L, of he county Clr~4f and, hasireceied Infomtioi thaLt he nl,Crneliu Reje~~ sm in eag abr-oad, leaving a consierabe proerty..andrn?ea Wi in he;r fa!vouI' 1.but as she bas no clue to direclt he (irgmaet,eesaynure,ayprson gilving hersuell i iormsaefta may einable ber to recover tlieerpro- erty will be iion applying to Yessrs. It. and J. o ton ani 6 d.Lonon iiPRUTS fY N The Subscribers to the above Loan areinformed that the SCRIP RECEIPTS are ready for delivery a~t _thle ban1kin-house of Mlessrs. Ladbroke and Co. Bairk-buildinKs. A RG L-O M ...Ms H R otrespectfully tree uijpfnLt tthe NohflIts, Gentry, and her friends In general, that er AREELLCOXCER'I'ss*IUitaxe glace at the aboVe Rooms, on TTuesdayv, April 27, part.iculr of WIellc will be duly announcedi. Tikes.lO. 6d, each to be had of 'Miss Shatrp, 42, Berners-street, Oxford-street, of whbom boxes for parties of six may he engaged. 0 -NIGH1T.-K.ING's THEATRE OPERtA CON-. ATCRON ROMtCd.1a-virtaket.-3lr. D. F. WALKEIT proposes his ASTRONOMIC&E. P URSOn the NEW PIYIO'.IAN4ION, or Large Tranisparent Orrery 'TH-IS PRESENT WEDNESD)AY, at hialf- past Seveni, and every Nvednesday in L-ent. Varioua new problemns willbe introduced, th~e scenery enlarged, and the deaonistration of mninr plIienornena will give wray to more advanced science. Dress boxes 4& Upper ditto 3s. Pit 2s. Gallery is. Doors open at 7, begin at half-past, xnd end at 10. rV HE LONDO HESS CLUB, TIom's Coffeehouse, CorsrhIl.-The Mlembers are hereby informied, that the ANNI- X_Ei:RSARY DINNER wrill beat the Albiou tavern. Aldersgate-street, on Thuirsday, the 8th of April next, at half-pasit53o'clock precisely: and that a previous meetinig wlll take place at the said tavern, at half-past 4 o'clock, for tile Despatch of Business, and to Ballot for the Admiission of New Members. By order of the Comnmittee. March 15.1824. S. P. ADDERLEY, Treasurer. D F,O~PRT RYALNAVAL ANNUYITANT SOCIETY.-A ?dJFETINgGof OFFICERS of the ROYAL NAVY and MIARINJES, resldeua-tinand nearLozndon.wvlll ta,ke place on Fricday niext, the 26thi Instant, ait the Crown and. Anchor Taverni, Stranid, for the purpose of establishin~g a branch o)f the society, when the attenld- ance of such ranks of oPAcera as are eligible to become members, a~rte,eably to the rules of the Society, (published in the last Navy List, 1s resvectfully solicited. 1 SrG. F. SOMERVILLE, L.R.N. Actuary an't Chief Secretary. 13 urey-.street, Strand Mtarch 20, 1824. The chair wl'll be taken at 12 for 1 o'claek. pOY'AL DUBLIN SOCIETY, Kildare-street, Febru- JLUary 27th, 1824.-On Thursday, the 3d day of Jusie, 1824, the S,ciety will proceed to ELECT an ASSISTANTIn the LABORATORY. CANDIDATES for that situation must produce the most ample and satisiactory, teztimaonials, not only of good character, but of previ.,uw eduicationi and acquiirernents In chyrnlstry amid genleral science. The salary 1001. Per aninum. The person sr-ho shall be el1c.ted to the situation must d ev,te hig whole time to the duties, thiereof. Candi- dates ns,ist send iii certifieates of their qualificationls, to my o ffce, before Thlurzday, the 13th day of May, 03. M'CARTH-Y, Assistant Secretary. T OtheGO EINOSI f the K N olSR E GENERAL VEYE INFIRMARY.-Notice is herebry given, that in conisequence of the Resignation of Dr. Sims, Pliysician., and the Decmeao ,f the late Edwqard Grainger, esq. Suirgeoni to the Institution, ao ELECTIO-N wvill take p lace, of a PHYSI SCIAN and SURGEON, oni Thursday, the 8th of April next. Physicians entitled to practise in Lonidon, laid not prciing mildwifery, arc eligible to the office f Physician; and M?ermbchers of the ROVIri Collegfe Of Suirgeonis, Lonidoon, not prraeti.-lng micivwfery or pharmacy. are"aligible or the Office of Su,rgeon. Testimonials of candidates will lie receTr-ed by the Hoirorary _etetr on or beoire thursday, the I1st of April. addressed to himi at the! todermary, No. 7, Deaii-street. Southwalrk. By order of the Com- mittee . ROBERT PRICE, Hoii. Secretary. rj'l C) the CLERGY.-W-ANTEMD, ~by a Grailuate of 1_1rCambridge, hilirl'rest's Orders, a CURACY, ins h ealthjy county, ior nerI good market town, writhin 100 miles of Londion. Direct for E. B. at Mtr. Hatehard's. bookseller, in Piccadilly, where particulars and references of respect.ability may h lie ad. 0 NOBLEEN, Merchantls, Survey-ors, and Builders. -hAdetser wrishes to ENGAGE with any Of the shove meii- tiond t suprinendnewt btii ldings or repairs, lee. Is ar.ypart 'if Englnd r te Wst ndies. The most respectabule references will be givn ad ecuityifrequired. Address, post paid, to H-. S., Pewjter- plter rcehth-tet. A ARTNER.--A respectable youing Mail, w.vio -can corn-i Prnand ahotit 3001. and whose tinre can he devoted to buisiness, nrill have an oipportunity of learning a genteel, profitable, and niever falling profession, without risk. Application Only, by letter, post held, to A. B. 13, Souith-street, near Lamnbetls Chapel, wvill be at- tenided to. 13A RTINEBRS HI P.-T detsrwbho has esblhe P a lurnrativeWholesale Business, Is desirous of FOR'MIN AT N'ERSIIIP wiElt a Pers'irr who will take tile aesive anid l aae ment ,rf the e(nicer-n. arid whoi can commiand fromn 4,000.t ,01 For further piarticuiibir a,ply biy letter, post paid, wtith realiname and adrs,dirsected A. Z. at thie bar of the Antigallican coffeehb,ise. TIhreadineedlc-strct.. Tlinsadvertisemenzt vellInot suitany but those acquriliited wivthli usiness. 4 GOV .NES- youngLaywse to EN- ,f_GAGEin a situatlir asGOVERNESi rvt aily, who Is Competent ti, iristruict the Engli.ih laigiag griiteal.history, Teesrahv Fenh,msic, drawving, danig wnig n rithmetic. TeO.,,t unxgcrtionarrle referenice ca bgiefrmte lady in PWhose family, she lat resided. For paticlrsades eters, pe paid. G. 0. 7, Providence-row, Finsbury-s,iiire. ps 1.' f otaiinga STUAIONas AIL.Y GOVERN;ESS in a Fni- only Sh iscometen toinsruc inthe English aiid F~rench lair- guags. rhtig,'rluheti. gegrahy,and m,usic, anid cani le well recomened y te lay se i no- qitting. Letters~, post p aid, addessd tp. . 1, Pvemnt,Moefieds, w-ill be imimediate y at- tended to.r o awh YOUiNG LADY di agteMfaClrgyman, who5 has liceiito tuiion. Isdesirous of oltalziing k SITATION as GOVERNS nafrlv She is com peten t to g-ve iistrricetion inthe Eiil n rec agae gr1ranltianially, writ- 1 L~etters. post puaid, addrse i.F0.aMrThompson's. Ii9, Geat St. flcen. ill meet wVithl imniiediate atterition p3RIVATE TEAC ING.-A Lady h ieo JLGraduate of the University ofoxfornd, wishst e MIO in a fanriily at the seest cuid of the town, for2r hiusal,is G'OVERNESS. elither to buys or girls; her tersaemdat:ai- factor rferences will he given where she has awr oetm.Lt ters addrressed' to A. B. at MIr. Bmi!.t'sIibrarv, 72, ae-tet tisi suaire,iu-ill receive imrmediate attentloim. XT( VACA IONIS ate GIE a r.'. .H. A.SKEY'ru AADEMFY, College House, liaclkney-ro.-d * unless reemiiiredi. at whic estai,lishineiit the limited numlier of. :,0 y-rorog GENTLE'MENT,rurder 18 years -t age, are BOARDED andl EDUCTED aIt from 24 to :io guinteas per annum. acctirthing to rice, lieUcidirigI bio,r-d, English. French, Latin, and washingf. No extras whlatever,I except for boonk-, and the charges caiculat.ed frtuiii the day the pupils- eniter. NTO PUFF, No Deception, No SIuPTer~flu sC rg .-t Ilirera11y Boarded, tenderly treated, and expeditiously hIstruc,ted in the differenit ibranches of a Cla'srcal arid Commercial Education, by W. VO)UNG. Termns. from .1 to 9 years iof age, 16 guineas per ailimnira. above, 18. W. Younlg isill atteind personally on Saturday, -27th hi~t. fromn 12 ti113, at thle saraceir'a Head, Aidgate. where cards mas- he had specifyling daily pruvisions~, the most respectable towvn I efenernees. -lo. -EXA MM IE RSM IT H IA NS IONTH 0USTE C LASS ICANL 8kJI and COMMNERTIA',L SCHiOOL, conduceted by B.DUjNC:AN.L.L.D. Tire couirreeof irruriretion is conformed tir the niost apiproved pubhlicI grammar Scho,.ls. Trire ommiercial depaLrtureittr4t riperliitenieed withI tecare itsinmportarcice demands. .liiiiiorpuplle ar,ereceived imiti the preparatiiry scholol coiinected with, this establisihmeirt.- Fiireigii -en- tieme at prvde ihaarato staidies. Puipils have the privilece of remiaininjg daring tire vacatiouis if requesteid by tire parents. LBL[ONT-HOU-SE ACADE-MY, Sortthenld. - PgrentLs Aatid Guardians are niost respectfully informned, there are a few VACANCIES for young GenticInen In this truly respectable Establishi- mien, siossessing every advantage for sea-hathing, antd which, fur literal board, parenital snlicitiide for the pmrrili' best i nterselts, and modera,te terms, is not to be exceeded. The short distancee from turwn reniders it miost conivenient for Invalids, of wehorn every care still be tal'.n. Rieferences aiid piarticulars niay he obtained by ad- dressiing to A. F. 4, H,,lborn.hbars. RE.NCH, G-ermiaii, antd I tlian.-Mr. SEELM ANIN,1 IPro,fessor o Foreign Languages, late of 26. Brrdges-street,C,ivcnt- gartlen, arid iust- REMOVED to 36. Beeclr-street, Barbie-ir, GIVES, LESSON,S, itiitire above lanrgraacs. at his, ap'artments and in ta-n. iHIcalso delis-eirslecture' on anenent and mo-dern history, geographiy, with thte use of theglbs Tuitio-n and eonversations evrry evenling (iMondaysand Fridays excepted), fromn 7 to Ill Oi'clock. Younig ladiles wirshing to ire q-alilfiedri or govermlc~scs in, priv'ate fanrillies or schools will find iris niethoil easy aird clear. Terms moderate. Re!erences to families ofthe highiest respe!ctability ru'ill be giveni. For particulars apply t5 36. llee~h-strtte, Ilarbiean.- - CONONMY.-PgrrcntS a11d (Guardlians are re-spectfully informed that YOUNG LADIESar liberally BOARDED n EDCATED, at ai hsaliied Hoasrding -hbiol, situate earL- I don. hut locally possessing the advaatages of a ctiuntry rcsidan'-e, h avinig two large gardenis, at 20 guineas per aiinuim, and nrotwithi- I standinig the terms are so mroderate the pupils, en.iov~ every comfi,rti ussible to be iibtained seliere the termis rie.mirth higher. VotingI Radies re,eived asluarlour boarders at -4l guinieas per ainunu. For cards of address apply a.t 110, Totteiliham-courtt Mir. Barr'si, per- firmer, 154, Chicapside; 'Mr. Austin',, 103, Aldersgate-street; or Ii. Great Diver-street, Southwark, wrhere letters, past paid, addressed to 0. 1'. will be irrineicately aniswered._________________ ESIRABLE EDU(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TiON.-If brnys at school do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f oy ats~ho not improve, it I, generally tire master's tault; parents thiere- foePre not2trisays. wrong~ wh-ter they- complain Of the nrue-imripove- meiot ut their sonus. Thbere arie brit ferw instanices Orf tire Incapability of improving a boy, if tire teachier arid his plani of Instructionr are both good. Ou f 0puIs In this se5hurol, there are riot 3 whoseim- prolvement hr nt TT5nidrce %1119necessarily rapnid by thiePirii itself, and tire uniperlor abilities and extra attention of the professors cruiliryed iii the establishment. hukt although the etBicieircv of the planr is such as iltfalliluly to secure the ratpid improveme-nt of27' puipils out of 3O in thue arquiistionnf tbeancient0 aiidrioderii langiinges~, aridall the useful arts atnd scwicires neceisrery to a good education, yet corporal prinrisli ment Is not tesorte(i to, hut in extra eases. If threrefo,re nloblemienl, members of Parliament, bankers, merchanits, and professional genle men, are niore desirous to obtaili for their eons a classicril, Ttgniatbaem ticrnl, irieretaitile, or puolite eduica tion, and a liberal table. renteet aso- elates and hinid treatmnent, thaii a clieap schiool, they are respectfullyi Inforirsed that there wvill be~ twi, or thr ee vacaneIes at Lariv-day. For ftrrther particulars apply by letter, post laRid, to L.. L. D: at Dlxey's, 3, New Blond-%treet; or at H1mm's library, 1, Queen-street, Checapside. Terins 100 guineas per annum. rno extras. I OARI) and( LONGN .- oivo Lady, wvho aks B" a lirrited numiber, iii an airy situaftion, is4 desious Of adding to herclrcle aMARRIED COUPLE rind DAUGHTER, who wvorildwis4h to meet uvitir orusfczii arid hcherfuil society O~f ani evening; respectable references given aird requiired. Address, p6st paid, A. B.,Nlr. Abraham's, baker. slsiiigtuin-rurad. OAl{l) and LODGING.-A higlily respectatble famIly residin ' 1ea B wnaeik-square. have ACCOMMODA- 1' N frmthree IalS o:r Gentlemen; tire number of inlmates re- ceived is iinii;e'h to 6. The situation beiing Particularly airy arid con- ducive to hiealth, 'it would suit geiitlemnien eiigaged in t ie city, as coaches nre constantly prassing within 6 ninutes wvalk of ttire house; gentlerireir could be accomnmodrited wvith partial board if preferred. For ~I~RNISHEDAPARTMI~FSfor a siig-le GEN-- FTLEMAN, in the house of a widow lady of respeetairiity, with 'or without boardr tire nriost respectable references are required. Fur cards Af address aPply at irtudie's i&2irary, Cheyrne-watlk, Chelsea. UNFUJRNISH',ED APART MENTS.-To be LETr, plaatysituate, within 3 minles of eithler of the bridge.,te FIRST FLOORt, consisting of four go.,d roonms, 'vith every cvnve- i icnce for domrnesticeonunfirt also ac aisehouse and stable, If required. Apply hiF by letter, post paid) to James Kentish, Stockwell-house, StCcklvcll-green, Sur:ey. XTEAR HANOVER-SQUARE.-A Gentletnan, occi- pyingonly2rooms of agenteelly fujrnished house, swishes, in t absenceof his fanvilly, to LET the princlpal PAR I', containilig 8 beds, and every convenience for a faminly, where there are nio yirng children: also a 2-stall stable. luartieulars of Mr. Prittisun. 129, Oxford-street. A PARTMENTS FURNISHED, for a Singlo Gentl- . man, In thle most pleasanit aind airy part (uf the Pentonville- rued: a large draivfng r-xurn arid lied room, with the atteirdance of a servant, for .l per week. This would suit twvo friends or broushers, as they miglht be accommodated with an extra bed room. No other iodgers Br childreni. Cards of address of T. A. Juiplis, postxnan auid newsminrn, 46. Penton-:treet, Pentonvllle. QUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION.-BOARD and I') LODGING for Ladiesaand Gertlenmen, in the inost fashionable part ii toawn, Loiutiguous t., tire parks and places of public anmusement.-A VACANCY irow- offers fora Gentlemani and his Wife or a silngle Geui- tletnan: a private dtawlng roorn may be had: the society Is very select, arid the establishroent Is conducted on a plan far superior to the generalityofboarding-houses. For further purticulars apply at 7, S,. Jsme0'5stIVsh NW. E?oflO 5url ggl I I ANTED, a middle-agc WO~EN no ner3,as WVGENERAL,SE:RVANT.S he will berequire t okel,and be ofecleanly habits. Apply between10 and i2,at3,Casie ANTIED, atiAPPRLENTIC oaunrnGnrl WVa premium expected. ADpIypagoal oJ..4,Ul 3treet, near WVhlteebapel church. TANTED, a good C(:OOK, by a F'amily residfin wV10rmillesfrom London a a serious person wyould be preferre Apply at 19, Charterhouse-lane. UTANTED, in a small French _ Fa 7l, aCOOK0 , -,ho W~ udertans hr buines i ~UIts branches, can bave an undenriuabnle charactr and has no fIUlloers. Apply to Mr. Hlealey. butcher, Grafton-.stereet, Fitzroy-square. IVTANL,TED, to R E NT,teGO D or RT WV FLO o'f a House, situate eiter In Corulilil or Leadenbafl- street, not neakrer Aidgate thaniLisue-street. A note addressed, post paid, to A. B.5,Fincb-lane. Cornbhll.,will be attended to,. WI ANTED, ina houise of , greatest respectability, WVtwo young LADIES, onie as APRENTICE the other as Tnmprover to the dressmaking alao Pt yngMan in the iaop, who thioroughly Uinderstands haberdawher andinendrapery.. Apply at 204, oxford-street. _ T atv L D 1 TANTED, in a small private famlily, a cieLD Wabout 16 or 17 years of age, to wait at table, clean knxives, boots, and shoes. &e. lie mulst be wrilling, rood tempered, and well recofilnleiided. For address aLPPlY at Mdr. Guillan's, 21 , Ohtswell- street, Finsbury-square. W ~ANTTED) yayugMn frsetblt, aged I 8, who can be wl eemeddaSTATo,sCLERK, In a WYarehouse or Cou tghu,ornthofiefaacineer or sur- veyor. Communictiosadesd otpi,t .M t7, Bell'e- buildings, Salisburysur,wlmetmeda tenin W ~ANTE D, an active Man, a E DW LE,a a tavern-, lin the city : lie muSt have a good reconlmendation anid be able to deposit 2001. as secuirity, for Property enitruisted to his care, it is not necessary he should havle been nutile lnbeore if he understands ?5-airing at table. Applicationi by letterlonly, post paid, addresised to B.B. 85, Fleet-~treet, will he attenided to. ~1TANTE D, 1,1200, at 7J per nt~. All A`nnuity ooff ~Wsoi. wll bagrnred bya gentlmanb0 Iih respectability, se- cure bywarant f atorey nd achage ponl~seheold property, elealngaout3001 pe assum,centall altatein Nidhdlesex. Apply (Ifby ettr, os padi o Mttsw eat, eq.10, KIng's Bench-walk, ~~ANTE D, to BORRaOW,teSMo 5. W WANT2D, to) BORROW;. immediate.,y, tue SUMi of;950: h,lalf to be repaid in 3 months anid the remnainder in 6 months, at moderate Interest. G,ood security, with a premilum, will be given. Apply per- soinally or bY letter to S. S. atNir. Conwvay's, windowglassecutter, Vfork- street, Rlackifrlars-road. NorvoienY agentnheed appit. XIANTE D, a rei;petAble andveleuae ot,s Wan APPRENTICE to a Letathierseller, Striper. asid Shoe-binder Masvufacturer. lciv ill be tratted asone of the family3. Premniumn 401. Also a Town Traveller Waznted, on commnis5ion. For cards of address apply to M. Cocke, 9 Cripplegate-buildlngs, Fore-street, Crlpplewate. WIANTE D, as OUT -DOO SEVAT, a ss mall genteIfarnsily,3 miles fromn town, a smart light young MIANI, about 20 y'ears of age, perfectly aonapetenit to the charge of horses, Eicud wl'o can wait wecll at usblec; an unexce?tionable character wvill b requiJred. For address apply to Nr. Metcalf, boormaker. 4, Mason's. ale, ,aLnghall-re. \~TATED .iilnlediatel7, a good FAAMILY HO-USE, IV withi a garden, in the siiIiarbs 6f London : dlistance not to ex- meed 2 nlljss anl a half fromn tl,e Exchange. The house to consist of Il or12 ro)oms, -exclusive of thelhisement. Address, post paid, to A.B. 7, Lamb's-ci-nduit-strcet, where cards of address may be lhad, for per- sonal applics'li"n. VITNTED, o PRCHSE, a FREEHOLD ES'lTE, itha geatli~u' coplete residence, containinig swel popocioieddinng oon. dawng room, library, and at:east 5 or goo bedoona, besdes iosefor ervats, with ample offices,' be. witin adaysjourny ef Lndon, a d nea agodmriet town. to toMr. Caliel A7~ DNE , a in7ddle-aged steatly sinigle MA , to C-on- duct a. Haberdashery business lu-ho understands I, whose sliaravter will hear strict iziquirs, and wyho can give securi. Nonle iced applyv ss-hu) do not answer the above descriptionl. Address, post 3aid, to A. B. at thie Chapter coffeehoutse, St. Paul's churchy,ard, wivth eCalnlame and by whom last emnployed, otherwise o nohatice will be .ae 'i ai- application. -ANTE D, by a respectable Peron 0l years of' age, wyrsdn ihbemthr napesn n airy sitUation, four nile frm Lildn, WO o THEE HILRENto NURSE, from 3 oilyeas o ag; wth he la;agenet of whomn tke advertiser is erfetlyacqained, r.vnf~vsdsu e yers as nurse iii a family she laslatly eftliitie nlahoneood tosrom satisfactory references villliegive. Adres, r~stsmai, t E.It. at 15, Dors'ille's-row, kXTNTEDU, bv a x-otanig Man of the ffirst respectabsty, WV al oCT-DlOOt SITUATION, In either of the Capaiiso 'own Traveller,':cen Clerk, or Clerk in a Countigoue 11id-llg occupied, f-r uipwards of 3 years, in one of thefrsnl- snile houses in tile city, a situatioin as colleetnig clerk, t hc eferellees ats to ability and character can he giv,en. Salarynts iSuch tile ntjece asi a pernmaiielit situation. Securtry, ifreurd nh1 he given to any anmolilir. All letters to be addressedto. . :2, Narthamptoni-squ.are, 1which wIll be imlmediately attended to, 'In offlcekeeper need apply. ~ANT,S a SITUATIOIN, a young Iana, int the Iross- m~ongery bushiness, whoi thoroughly understands his, business; a ietile mo1st respectable reference. as to character. Address, postc ,aid, to Mr. Siul tli, ironmonger, Cr,'v,dtn. L 1TNTS a SITUATION, as TEACHb.R and AS- SISTAN'T, in a genteel Ladies'? Boarding School, In or near own, a voung Per'soii of miost respectable parents, who lias beill duceated in a esulio y boardinig school in, Scotland. No salary is ex- cried, her object being to, qualify- herself either for taking a con- ern In the estabi,shcnent into wivich she may bo admiitted, or for WANTED, aCO0NCE R in the above Sie~tAnir,&.- f London. Cornitng-lui nor to exceed 1,00111, Letter,s adres ~ milles aid, to J.I. at Crailbrook, Keiit, wvili mieet wlith immroeditateio A NY PersOn wsigfraS UA IN ste PURLIC1BUSINEFSS, in the countr,myme ihamehn nathr their notice, by inquiring at Sir Roh,irt Burnet an Io' 'auxilall ,listillerv.- ONEY. V - A TED aamoe teate ot interest, I LNL upon very ampile secuiy from ?Soi to, ?1,000. Apply b,y etter only, post paid, to A. .3. Coiemnan-street, city, ORTFGAGrE.-WANTlED, from X?~,00O to ?2,diiO, 2. n secUtrity of freehold houses, in Middlesex. For particulars ppyiiby letter, post paid ho Mr. Vrexitlinore, solicitor, 2;, Charles- tret,S. amies'-sqiiare. No agent willbhetreated with, U.prTGcent.-?0,An teTEcuit o on )MoRTGAGTE, at 5 'lf, percetGAG-200 o NT ecuit o three leasehiold houses, in a Ol1ulous pairt of Miarylebone, produeiiig a net incomie of ?50 and uP- r'arde4 per annumii. Address, post paid, to Mfr. airden, solicitor, IA, I S COMPANION to a LADY, or Teacher at an EsAtablislirnleit for Ladies.-Thts Friends of a vounz Lady, of re- peecralle connexic-ns, wish to PROCURE her a S ITL'AT'ION isa either fthe above capacities, 'Direct to A. B3. 10, Cornhill. HA 0T-IATEMRS.-WVANTED, by a respectable younigg - a,thoroug7hly acaiainited with the rtitade, and wvho cain ~ewell recommended, a S~ITUATION a, SHIoPMAN-. Direct, post aid, to B, A. 12, ilanner-arteet, St. Luke's, ?~0 H-ATTERS.--A respectahle young FEIMALE Twishes fi,r a SITUATION in a respectable Retail H.suse, to, iTTEND in rie SHOP, or to illake herself generally uiseful Ini the rimimilic and fiulishing department, having for several years filled a ilnsilair slituatioll. Apply (if by letter, post paid) to A. B. 270, High- t!reet. Borough. nI0EASTr INDIA CAPTrAINS anti Othlers.--A re-' T speetabicn younig Mtan wlislhes to ENGAGE hiniself as CAPTAIN's :'LERK. i.r Supercargo, toi the East Indies or elsewhere. Respect- tble refereiia-es canl be given, anid security if ceqaLired. Address F. C. sac of Ll,ayd's coffeehouse. HOUSE ant] ESTIATIE AGENTS.-WANTED, T, a CLERK, who is perfectly conmpetent tio take the manaugemeat 01f an office (if respectability at the west end of the town'r, and wvho has seen for sonme time euigRged in that departmnent. A person answering !hc above descriptioni will mieet liberal treatnlent:- none others need sIllly- Letters, post paid, ,addressed to A. Bi. at A, Berkeley-square wvill lie replied to. AMDCAL APPRENTICE W1ANTIED. ~-A G~en- tlmnin extensive practice. in an airy and eligible situation, at the wear eild of tile tosvn. exercising the three dcmlartmenti; of the profession, Is in imumLiediaLte want of an .\PPRENTICB. 'Re Nvili be treRted, in ever,,, respect as one of the tamiily. A reasoniable premium will lie reimuiredl- For particulars alpply (if by lettor, post paidi to ltesrs. Lo,w and Co. 30. B3ishopsgate-without. _______ 7-kIO GUA2RDIANS.-Anv P'arenit or Relattion dlesirous ILof i'LACI NGlageniteel young L.DV,. above 20 years of age, at a sluperlior eseshlishi,nent for a s-cry, limited number of youing ladies, where, in retairil for her servicez, considerable adv-antages are offered, and ultimately a pernianent situation with a regrular stipend, may, wNithin a weeki. apply to A. B. at NIT. Goodhugh's, 39, Cratwford-street, Portm-an-square- T HE PROPRIETOR RTRING froiin BUSINESS8. ---Any Personi desirouis of unidertaking an established CON'CERN of r-espectability will find the present a inosit eliaible opportunity in the Sale o1 Gilt anid BronZe Artd-eS, &Cc-; the whoile or any part of ttile stock may be had, aild to stilt theecoiis'eniemucc of the purchaser the money may remiain on security, bearinig interest, For cards of' address apply at 185, Regent-street.' P NV WHOLE~-SALE F C -Y I'' nd DRUGGISTS. -WANTED.hbyayvoung siam, who hais served his4 apprentice- chl,a SITUATION, in'a house in tossn of the sb:ive buasiness ; or ats Tr'aveller. The advertiser, having the command of a sumr of mone', is desirous of bieing situate where, ala the cosirse of a year or two, an) opportunity wiiuld occutr of Isis being admitted a Partner. Apply (if by letter, post Paid) to Mrl. Taylor, solicitor, 10, Newv-nlil. RESMAKING,11Millinery, and Corts-VA ED in~~ a repectable established house, TWO APPRPNTICES and an' I SIPIROVEIt. Tn,iseldesirous of placinig younig Ladies iii the above, line, where hiealth and nmorals arc strictly attenxded to, u-ill find this all eligible oplWrttuuity, as the lboors are early and 'the society very select. A mioderate preminhzn expected. For cards of address apply by letter, post paid, to airs. EdwaRrds, dl, Albensarle-street, Piccadilly. PPRENTICE XVAINTED, ill a Seminary, oni the A Contilneist. Ally young Mlan, betwveeni 17 and 20 years of age, Who is capable of imistructing thie juntior Latini classes, under the classical tutor, may hiear of a SITUATION in one of the first seninra- ries on the continient. No preniium required, and no salary given. His expenises will be pa id to the coiitilient. He will enjoy the advan- tages of the varhius masters Is the school. Address to A. B. at Mir. Barnett's, hairdresser, Leaderthall-street,London, st-ita references,&e. e-, ROCERRY.--Young PERSONS anxiouis to 13EGIN U BUSINESS will do wvell toatterid to this, it being a comp&ct concerni, iiever transferrcd,and athvlingat present at trade exceeding its oulgoings, without lodgers; besides, the opiportunity to imnprove Is excellenit. If a spirited party svere to enter determitned to buy and sell for cash. T here is a great inellimiation for ais immiediate disposai, thierefore all premiutm and goodwrill are relinquished. The fixtures anld stock are nowr of tile value of ?s00, but wirll be reduced to ?300 by Lady-day. svbeli Possessio,n may be liad. Apply, for a card of the grocec's shoP to be let, at Parlettes tea wvarehouse, 3, Fleet-market, nleatrSkininer-sltreet. - [EN-A DERANGEMEN'l'. . -1-1-F FEMALES LYL ONLY.-A Lady, who for several years has successfullv super- initended eases of this nature, has a few VACANCIES necurriig from the recent renmoval ofladies restored to health, swhich shd is nosv de- sirous of filliuig up. The kindest attention,n ith liberal treatment in every respect, lias beeni and will coiitinue to be practised. The num- ber of patients Is litied, enabling the proprietor personally to super- ilitend the wbole. Tie situation is desirable, tbe house Is detached, and thenurses are carefully selected. Reference to a medicalprae- tioner of ensinence will be given If required, and further particulars, with cards of address, nay be obtained on applicatioii to Mfir. Edwvards, ehymist and druggist. AIdgate; Mr. Burfield. chymist and druggist, conker of Norfolk-street, Strand and of Mr. Mudic, statIoner, 37, Wignlore-street. , PERSON of respectability, who has filled a leading situatlon1niua country bank, from thc failure of lvhich he has baceht lotlg disertgaed and haviasg a Witfe and Seven Children to malls- e uttaost distress, alhd In cosisequence compelled to solicit tlie,sid of the benevolent, to raise a contribution for the supply of their immediate and pressing necessitles: he is pnrticularly' desirous of obtaining EM PLOY MENT, either as AifAlN UENSIS, Land or Traveller, or Clerk, for either ot wvhich he feels himself competelt; he has it. in his posver te give the most respectablerefereces. The following Gentlemexn have kindly eml. gaged to receive any colatrib ltiolls or Infirmation: Messrs. Narryat and Co. Mansionhouse-street; Slr Peter Pole and Co. Bartholomew- lane; or lessrs. Hatehard 1S7, Piccadilly. CoratributioU Iecevad- John Scott, en, IL Jom alortlocl, eQ. a0;
York, Tuesday, March 23.
George Kenidall, aged 22, and Robert Robnson, aged 20, were indicted for assaulting, and taking from the person of WVilliam Mlint, a silver watch, hlis pocket book, containing four notes for 51. each, and some bills of e-change for 1801. The prisoners had re- course to the old trick of money-dropping to effect the robbery. The prosecutor, a very old and infirm rnan, stated, that as he was returning home oan the 6th of September from York market. he was accosted, about 5 o'clock in the evening, in (an aptly-called place) Thief-lane, bv the prisoners, who told him they had just found apocket.book, he at first suprosed it might havebeenhis own, antl was induced by Kendall to take it out and examine ic in their presence. They then left him to go home; and in a very few seconds some persons came behind him, placed their basds over his eyes, flung him down on a bank, and robbcd him. The prosecutor made some noise, and they ran away; some persons who heard him cry out, came up to his assistance, and one gentleman on horseback pur- sued and took the prisoners, who were running away. Evidence was given of the prisoners beiag secn together,apparently watching for some person, at the place they met the old man ; and Robinson was observed handing apocket-book to Kendall, to drop in the lane. The pocket-book w3s found on Kendall when apprehended.- Verdict-Gailty.-Judgment of deat h recorded. Joshita Butterworth, Thomas Aross, and Edward Braithiwaitc, wbo were found guilty at the last assizes, buit upon whom judgment was not passed, were brought up this day to receive sentence, a point having been saved for the opinion of the Judges, which had arisen under the drcumstances of their conviction. The three prisoners had been indicted together for burglary: the two firstpleaded " guilty," and the last took his trial. Thepleawasrecorded against Mioss and Butterworth, and Braithwaite was not found guilty of the burglary, but was found guilty of stealing in the dwelling-house to the value of 40s. The question had been argued by nine of the Judges, wbe- thcr,where three persons had been indicted together for burglary and two of them pleaded guilty to the charge, and the third is i?ound guilty of stealing, can the offence be said to be ajoint one, to be in- cluded in the same indictment, or subjece to the same punishment ? r. Justice forLnoyn delivered it as their opinion, wzith the eax cepton of two, who he said had corne doubts on thpoint, that judg- ment mightbe passed. Judgment of death was recorded against them. YORK, TUESDAY, SIA1tCH 23. HIGHWAY ROBBE}1Y.
Window Tax.
The petition presented by hlr. houhse from the parish of St- Anne. Westminster, for the repeal of the window.tax, wAs not the one which was printed in Thte Times of yesterday. The petitdork given in that day's paper is the copy of one not yet presented, but which is in circu.lation in the other parishes of 'Veutminster. We subjoin the petition presented vesterday. " To the Honourable the Connmons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled. The humble petition of the undermentioned inhabitant house. holders of the patish of St. Anne, Westminster, Showeth, That your petitioners have seen a statement, por.. porting to be an account (laid before your honoura'ole house on the 12th deay of February, 1824) pf the public income aud expenditure ot the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the year ending the 5th day of Januari, 18-24; whereby it appears that a sur- plus had been paid into his Majesty's Exchequer of 8700,0001. an&t upwards. arising, in the opinion ot your petitioners, 'am the firm. wise, and enlightened policy of Your honourable house, a continu- ance of wlhich, your petitioners feel confident, will tend essentially to mnaintain thc prosperity of the united kingdom, and the gIod faith of all hit Alajestv's subjects. ' That by a remission of a portion of the window aad othET taxes, during the last session of Parliament, your petitioners were relieved from a portion of the burdens of taxatioin under which they had !previous]y laboured ; and thev were anxiouslv led to antici- pate a repeal of the whole of the house anid wind6w duties in the present session. " That your petitioners conceive these taxes, even as no-wreduced, :0 be not only grievous and insupportable burdens, but also unjust in titeir operations, inasmuch as by the present scale of taxatiosa the windows of all houses are subject to the same duty, without rr- ference to real situation. " Ttiata cunsiderable portion of the inhabitants of this parish are tradesmen in a small wai of business, upon whom the assessed taxea lrave a most injurious and oppressive effect; as it not unfreqnently hlappens that many hav e been compelledl to dispose of property to their great loss and disadvantage, in order to prevent their goods bein; seized by the collectors for the aymtent thereof. "Ahat y our petitiOnerS humlbly submit, that a repeal of the laws imposing a t:x on wvindours w ould not operate as a total loss to the revetine, as the use and consu:ption of glass would, in consequence of such repeal, be greatly extended, and the amount of the duty on that article increased. " Y'our petitionets, therefore, humbly pray that your honrurable house will take the allegations aforeraid into consideration, and pas& in act for the repeal of all the laivs relat;ve to the ssseased taxes, or Dt such parts thereof as imposed a tax in respect of windows end lights, as to your honourable house shall seem meet. And your petitioners shall ever ptay." WINDOW TAX.
AIARRIED. On the 21st ult., at St. Pancras new church, James Painter, Esq., surgeon, Howland-street. to Louisa, daughter of the late Samuel Drewry, Esq. On Thursday. the 4thsinst.. W illiam Bulmer, of Watling-street, eldest son of P. J. Bulmer, Esq,-Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to Afary, onlv daughter of the late Mr. Robert Johnson, of Barnard-castle. Yesterday, at St. Pancas new ahurch, by the Rev. Edward Grose Smith, M.A., Frederick Lock, Esq., ot' Arundel-street, youngest son of Rear-Admiral Lock, to, Mary Fielder, only daughter of Ed- I ward Grose Sinith, Esq.
Sales By Auction.
BLAM-at tieKipi~ iiAjt'lfll I, Cx'oydoit; on-Saturday, Siatch 13; aLt, 3 ptec1siely in 2y tt. , Lot 1 XSubt'ntiialI3ife'~ UDw*'elng`-}iOtse, ccveredi witil JiC4i1enitiiteju~a od toen, ithlcosiderable ex- *tcn of acconmo4tldn, Int ended originially &, a tni,tliehio0se, but eqully'cel rd.a~e4for ~anY otbef. -bushrWdis - requirnog room, bn the occoatie ofhe pepretor, .who will Fie 1rimmediate Possession. Lot2ci lat of ir entX~pjvaie ellltif..hDuse- o-similar 01se-a- ;los, Ithforccortand' rqen, in very1 cexpial gepair,.J-n the tenure of. N! frey.,ia~ltlenincat .oflT. P& ainnfulno-Say-beviewed til te sleandpaticils. hd on the preminses; at the AUeLo.n1 Mlart, Ir amn,slctor; and of lite.ssrs, Blake, C.roydonn. Valabl Co'y.ol.F,~tt~es- Sttn; o 'he outy. of Mdiddleaex, of th.annual01128 f O.-ybtW TgES at the Ma%rt, on V~AUA B~41L~ oyod E tes, situate ctSuttbn, Mlid- VdleseWithlntI uises n Mt~n, affording a. most desirable tipprnltunity ho'- Investmenst, nlearly equial to freehOld, bWlng dopsyisold of iherr0nc. b1.dof te nauc.o.fOstrle, anide totrifling lineg certain, eoe0sSiatig of a xubstanthil family rexidigene, wivth eQacb- h.iou9%q,satblfinp,.ansd gatrdeil, out leaseto M rs. Giblin- *A neat cottage residexice and a'.larg ~ gadu n b.cupation.of mr. Channer. A~ cottAge rO.'ideame wt .VIl&isiiAr-eg6im8tq and a garlddi; let'to Mt. -Ashtron. .- tenernent; stable~>a~nd gardeh, let tbiNfr. CA71is A famlily residtince with graunds, hInAr Diiopiosn n ldoar Thrirteen ti!ndsents with gearcgnsil4 -to wi-eehyItenns. meadow. let to MIr. Asit9no. 'ApdanqtesAj-,cura ; ace n.20percbgs, In the -Occnpatinij 'rSaI is The Whofe dbeLapying oc fdot2 ncre&A.nd let atlow rents,diitufito a io`23ti. per annumu. ,ty be viewed 6ine day ;rvoao-taa~e a ad ptticu sado 'Tsrii. Slain, Stevens,. Ma4ples.% Pear.1e, and- 11014.-spliciturt;, Fzcde.~ -'Ikp ane td of lr., Wyin Stevens,i *afit`idneer ancl appr-aib-er. 38, Old Jlewry, and 20, Lainb'.-,ConduIt-iireet. niiture, line This-aind 1Tea Chiiia, go-Eice-yM.ELLIS; bli the Premids No.). S.Lontion-street. Tomro, ac. lat 11 lby direction oP. the Executor of htrs.Eshri-'al edeased it LcaseliolWl euteel R-esiiiene, iti te most eoAleTlte repai, sti t I r atrespectahle Dlniy, merchant, or- profee- -alnelma,, eldofthe City of Londo,'r a;if uicxpirea terots of 1,4 yearsflin La'-'tit fleS.ek 51. per anhin At thesae 'time willI he Sld ilen'sernexcliest urnitilre, Surge'ehimnek l;hiii, elegant mitgass handlier bS Itf tdblc service of Worcester chi9a.rich mitglas; fe. ictres and,priLnuu..and othb.t-etFetts. The house may he veWe wlt tlkts ofily, by d)pplyfii;g to Sir. Ellis, 36, Fenichurci;- Stree, ofwhom rlnod pecticula.s, ipgy 5Ie had.__________ Valabl Lesehld roprr,'vtlig Sree Ciy,and Low-erToutinz, uorrey.-.11154 tr.-SEtVMOUIR -JALL) at, Prarys THI-S 'DAY, *MaRich 10, at 12, in 2 Lots. Lot 1. A 'Desira'bjeLeasellol"d 1Houise, eligi,~ly s t uate. -an d aj,dapted- rot ttnywivhtleaalce r. retlall bsugimess,'being No. 9, flow-lane, Cheapslde. rithi fronttage asnd entrance in Watliutg-street. eontainrmtgf good roonms tflth liip or wrkrelinuse 2(1ciet tily 14, and dry basement, held for 19.years, at s low,rent. Limtz .4-valuable lo,ng leeeild"a,, situate ait-LiWer'Todtifiv, Surrc3y. csithpridiig-4 newf, s,,b,,antial,,vI belul,trl,)k dwellng-lioucee, of th,9 pr,gsumned v~Alue of 601. PerPuihirin, held flbr ao hl`8 er 0 fdyears-, at thevery- low% gretsnd rent of only 61. per--lonqmn. Maybvied and partielt- lars had of Mr. -Oifi, s'oppalto e estare i Mire Inn Lower T,i6tInic B';clm's Htea, ?4itcham; c tessrr& J, and C. -Ruck, r182. Jligh-street. BlorotIb-, MrAlIoole, lO8,YOLodon-Y6ad;t-at ;avraraay'e; ardl of Mr. Seymour Ball, auctioneerand estat~ent. S,Charlotte-jplice,vasexbol;. Lbasehold Prem1se,,,abdSto~t!I inTae 0,~w e-strect, It. DOULL respectfully: sqattth Public that Ni'Lther.bove LEA-'S13!JOL1Y:PREMsI oete Ith td& whbole of thestoelt in' Trul,4, t~rtiss lb3s1 y utin o oday, the 15Sth hnstanit, and tivo.of1wig dy; ISOE OPby private. 'ton traetL-27; Prinrle4-,it,ee-t, Ban; arh-C 8 - Sluslealt Ittitiurenti) -at e Auction-mart. 4R. SMALLBUNRJl 'begs r-esliectfully to) inform the i1J Public, that on Wednesday, the 17th idfs6mnf In the Upper Suirt Of l1ooms, *gt ttie iknctIGnWnsrt. he %Vill SUBMIIT for absolute SALE byr AUCTION,. Rt;19uctoekz T-iIRITY yery 4uperior-Cabinet, :In Square P1ANOFOTtFES,-;io5t,of then new,andIn elegantc cases, beIng he prie par of tb fe~~kf ~; io&tliu.anilWhichit-ill he foiulid Worthy tISt nntic~ of. private fatmilies, inuttiegellere, rind Viha tratde.- At the same time1, .gfew fine old -vlO5hils, violo)neelb(,s,harpa,j flutes, dag6olvts idj&a ty oCjrlnte&nuruCatatemaY,-b had; awl' dthe! InJrfflints ted, i VodaYs i-ratid ouit irnhirg if sale, at the Auection-mart-.-J. lon,teloie,7 Iligh-sitreet, Dloornst,ury, elet'en doors cast of Oxford-street. Aucton looa, 7,5igStecret fll0Q113bUrY, I doors easr of Oxford-.. streeteh--- Tol [tt)Keepers, priv'ate Families, and the Trade., MR. SMALLBONE xespectfvlly i?6li{iesda-tbon Fri- diar, the I9tri6f-ATarc`ih;h Wvill qLL, by AYcTlION, at hi4 Rpooms, .without the smialiest reservation, about 427 DOZENJ ofda.rt Pita] old WVINE, II nPot,~ Pale and Brow;;i Sherry; -and- Lishefi5, the enitire genuine propert.y df aei-etlenman. and siold undcer clrcu,nstauc= whic preludethepossi,bilit ftelat reserve-. Msr. SmAllbo' e tarticlarlyelabm teatsitohrien'f-1116 liublie to his sale. as the winie is ofthe rat qailt:7.iC l] be. fuind worthy. -their attenitiont. The whol nowliesin r. kmaalibunei qellt8rp, from whence It ilil be lie- iiv,r-d o th res~ctie pribhmcYs.- May he i,a'sfcd aind catalogues Two ecelentLeaaholdliosed--'Byr. MALLItONE~11, ekhsRoomls, 47, Hgh-street. itomauy .1-S ore3 eatf Of rd-stret on Friday, Match U1 t% peisy by orderDf the Proprietor, lW 2 lots. Lot 1.4A Compac IxroinedI Dwvelling-liouse, wvell XkL linishedi,hrnd in eoiiplstarepatir, resplectably rimtuat, od beingz Na. i9, Little Gcrurga-strW_tHlampsteiid-rQad, isqid furais unex- pired tern; of 90 years; at the smnall grauml, rent ;of 4l: 1 Cs.; let to a resPectable old tefnt aTt at alearr nat leont5l of 301. per amiuni;. Lot 2. A slilltar eix.roomned house; Noe 8.in tile same sitreet.. held for an un. exp~ired tei-n of 90 years. al'a ground rent Of 41. PS,. per annumr.; let to a respectable old tenig;; at wl at 281. per annium. The atbove property Offers a elhigularly ood Oppor-tu~nity for a small investmnent. as it t-will positively be sold tvit.bo,t the lealst res,ervation. Particu- lhra iloay be bad of idhi;i Kertey esq. 2:3 Grafton-str6et, Fitzroy- square; and of Mfr. Siaallikne, at ilof5 Vailuable Lteihsj5ueVlopurted, ~%jR. SMIALLBONE respectfufly. annouince to the N obliy,nd trotber Admirers of,irtilelts AUC IONtil f"lowng nterst-ig .m~yaiabI ITMS, claimiing. wilIhave he honour March 30.and four t,.1- lowing days, he of-sulimirnog to thir'liberality, Wlthi;t;hesmaies resrvmtiot, tlla-loorns, Nno47, H-igh;.stret7t, Hlo~sb;ry, Il oorseas of xfod-stten TheProperty consists of a 6n Colecionof. ntiut rmoir hd Wapos.;comprfsing 'everal rare s ttt of, Pouiahied-steel and clsi;;i, partiulrlmoe witll a flexible !hack aind breast, of great rarity; 40 helirieti of various forms. cunilonls KIO;;;, Pistols,, swords, -Koears, crass hoisIs tone very finely and elabo- rzitely carved by-Qxiintifi Sljatsv,slahlit GU volumes ot rare tloks uhnd N1iemiscripts, amiong whbi6h xi III be fount-all Illuniloiated M~,copv of, time Fvangellsts of the timne iif Charleditbgm;e, ail oiijetit of Iiighi in- terest In the andtiquarWix, a fpi -4t in JFpglish, a Charter. froib tlenry Vil. to the itrchlishop i1 C'anterkxury, t le Dean aLnd Chapter of Westn;inscir, anid othere, wJths rg.irto,,L% fliuminated Calender, &ce. in floie Preservartion, thexare asub valuable Woaks of Redinger, 1ti Aix volumles;, the Work-a .of Phflip AWonve-mans, by Moreati; . Raphael's Woarks, a fine copy; aid, other curiouk and scarce hooks. . One lion. drcd Glreek iitd tRomaist Corit.'In goI,A ~ndsilrer, makny ofgreatvariety aLnd higih antiqu;ity. . A v-erv v-altable Cabincto,;f200 beautiful Antique (msmot nf'th~Yn setilfa'ntl' as fiigsg;'and'coniprims sense of the is cas In camieis and iti lagl!os, aii;d, svith the coitis, formed ttie rolletto oftePrneolsei lug- niatures and Enamels, by~ Vud I,Ptxlot,1Dliver, j:ine;.Pq~fand,- Boy, Jaiusons. and others, i itttii.portratits inuttratlveO nlil n Foureigni Histos- alid about 500 fine Drauv~iugs anid PcIItts-. . M._ 5fIo respcfil Zusutres the mtobiiity, gentry; and phlitlic, that the whoi ofthe abcoi geniinecoleotono proert isconignd to hiim for Absolute salIe, witiotl te malestfesl-afiii.Catlouesmayhehad 10 days Prir o hesal, t sm eah;atisffle,-5. ixhseec,Bloomsbury; Freeoldt.aid,Landtax-Reeemd, Ilver-street stud Turner's-hiii, Ciieht;n. flrtsBy Mssrs KiM-rO and SON, at thie Start, oni Fridy, MrCh12, t12,hi - los, wthot reserve, by ditectioon A - Picee of 1FrMilo1d.1 Arable Land,. lanId-tax redeemted, -CLimiclosel by- rhri-ving,quick hedges, and wrell timtbered- called Eiroadfeld, conntaining ga.2t. 11. -near Silver-~treet, boundes north east by the roa#. ii.thc occiipatignsJf )Lr. J. Arnold, tenanit from year to Yealr' At a son's tent. An"u piece 'f rich freelhold a;id small part 'oPYliold sound -inasItsh]nd, tithe,free and land-tax redeemned, calied MltsSead, cqnetaining 10a.- Jr. 27p. ~Ounied by the Tmitt stream on the northeast,ona-privat6ioad wtest, and on Matrsh-lane north, near Tuirner's-ilull, liithe occupdtpn of Mi-.- Harvey, at a low rent. Alay' lie uviewved any time prloi to -the sale, by leave of HliS respecptiVe tenants, mf-wvhoi-h ptrtle4i s'ibay 'ohe li alsa&at the Goirs Oak, tPreen Dragon, atnd Coachi and ilpioses,, Cheshiunt; Falcoui, Walthst.il- cross; cOck,Wjaltbam..b1biu,'; Grayhooind, Einfield; tIe'd Lion, Ilar- net. - Cron lt A-hrnil sali3iniry Arims, Tltat8ield. Sairaeeii's i-ead, Ware; Pull, I-lodde%ilon;. Cock. F-ppiog; Place of. ,ale;, atud at the Offices of hltelsrs. Kiliubton' and Sb;;, auctioneers, and land agenrts, Union-court, Ol'd- Itbairtreet; London, asid at isec;ford; where,a. Plan of the lotsamayl be-seen... lttrtanltFreehoild ]roperty,TiFhee. ~ .~dT Yaljiink- t he high road frb'm llldelont Lnon Messrs. KIA -ONh -a thle-Auctlnn Mart-, on Fia,Sac 12, at 12, Ina3lots, withomiftrtidrve, bydkflectioii ofrh xctr Of the late Mtr..tameca Grubb, HREE bsighly desirfitoihblos4~&Pi~c&s of rich Free- T..lold'Lsnd, oil jItbetsvet side,pjtre bigb road. netr-tbel3th mile stone fromn London. Tillfsvalijale'i property coysists qf 2 pieese of rich fr6ehold arabie land, tithe l1ee,mnd-land tax -redeemed, isiiclosed by thriving qtuick hedges- artdjuinving the high road, occu;pyinig froit- age of SbU feet, or tli ereaouts- called. - Rrlck .Closesj., conitaining I4a. Or. lop.; behind and adjoiriijii the-same is a piece of riclh free- hold and eupyhold land; titild freit ~nclosed by thriving qui.ck ied4er,- catlled lirook Field, containing IPa- Or. 14p. in the oceupation am;in ozi legse to J."Early Cook, -eeq. vwbol; ts-rm--expires Sejptember29i, 1829. This, pr-operty is very, desir_4y situate by the side of' the great road rronu London throQ hf.-ddesdoo, In a VerY 3leasamt. pases of. thle cou;iity, which residers It an. eniviable, sItuation to build on. The neighbour'bbd 'is higbly'teSnectabie, and lexcellent, roads1 it;h1tdirie- Vions hlaybhe viewved- any. iime ptior to the sale, by. leave of the tq- nant, of whomn tartienlaYs may be-had ; als at the'Goff's Oak, OGreeii Dragon, anid Coach.an4.Horas*,- b'hekunt.l Falcon, WValtsatu-erpss; C6ek, Walthhm-*bhdyl GirgYhound. -Enileld; Rod Lion, Barnet-, Crown, St. Aldan's;. SallebUr-YArmi;,.tjatQi.1d; Sarnccn's Hetad, WYare; flull, $odd6sdimn C -isk,- Eppiet- pla6eW'sfualis and atthe officos of NIsrA mpo ndii guctlon?,and lard: agents, Unsion-court, Old roa--stie 'olici- - 'a llefttord5 where a plan of the Iota Xn-l, bIe seen.' alalPeeshold gond CqpbedEstates, part tithe free. and land- tax redtohiM nearOtt'kaRCheathnt, Hertalan Farrna,conitHinirog the ocUpatin. of sIr atove,% ltMdsra..i ofMt'T go Id Saiion,set - - lrg~ cii bimt,i&t,b e ds,gte,frsfSad arden;- orcar, ad evealhandsome enclosures of very rich pasture and ar~be lad, I a hgh state of cultivation, fine ttmbav $roWihi; tbereoii, 41itnite - ri(~ Gqif's Oakt, in the ofeupation and on -lease to -Mr.- Barmls;Wh'lbsii terrrrexplris at Lady-day, 1826. * A pIece hr rich freehold atmd copyhold.atabje- 1a;d, titlui-free, auid land tax redeemied, t'ery-desiraiblysinsateferbuildidig oatfitdoffhsOak, Seing bobondedby the roads -fr-on - GOift' 04,X grojEeld -nrnd Northaw, containing. Ida. Ir,2p;; lohObiallbM.GV$,tratrmear,to-year. The roAditkoo4I in eV"r dipec.ton, onIly 4 nailee frOni En deid, 4* from -"Valtlb4nlbrosIs, ald'8 rrfol] 1-lertford. - lufAY 11i vldvf.ed'3n tlmiielur1or .sM 'o4nq.0f - 'hoin particulars, mnay. iiq li; qk sisoR ath ebooft" oak, (~rce Brig6h, - and 'CoAch and Horqpi; Chtheaunt'; S?alons W.ulmilafin-erpair ;(tu)el4 Waltbama-abbey, G'raYslound,. En8'4 e4,6 u' Iretd -w 4. ibs'; Salid- hur,y Arna.tateffed; Saracens 2eWa,'Ward ;Ilsii'Hoddeadon-; COk E~plgi laqofalel ii, tcboAlSeSoleSsrs. Ximpton and Soni, auclonereai.,rln4 sdnb, nfo-ceuft Ol U~i~-street, Loimtdn;' ~diiallesoi iopy-gibiepreIsld st-Cc.'at. and near i3arking, in the ountqf Eses~-~ylr. ~CKEEp,at the-Auction Max t, on, A Ve-y ali le ndj-n~svabe Freehold Estate, eligi.- L 1ilysKlitutesat -5114 near '~i$Xjge. com~prising tbe respectable- n1ansion cnAledWeg,t IM y-ilouse, with carnage housh , ?ta ls,-'i'd apgroptKate mbMeemi- eoric fiufni al6)Ogatlef4-cktesa'-3 rdodk, ad -4 Perehes.recjtly.inujhaceuatibn-bif M-r;ileeling deceased. A pe-. ctularlv '6 y ; - AWk Estatd, dConprlfgt several cloe- of -geXti'4tied; tialdablo -lnd in pleitre ground, shrub- hettes, gardeis, and.riqb fed5ng.Cud iieadownsid a great part of which is sutrounndddby bhaltatrey v-t4iul ' ossxsWilig emtelvelfrbeit- ages nn-sktetddiXg:o-ithe .vteraktenibUethce with the domestie offices ther,eon, containsing?0 aees,21rood3a and' 14 perches. A,Valu- ahle urclfafd. atid gs'fdd'eh 'cntsIninzY .cresand 24' perches.- Like*ise flve 'i-blnable pai! 'ofiLahd. 'aleie tht frange btalihes, -contxining 2Oacree,gnd jb peroebe -lt;y b vewYlesed, gld P ;lted&paticulara nmay he :h'nd onl--d iei latn --f.r th (ieirgd,i rking;- Abbey- Arma,-- 9laiistujw;rAngal.li(r5t..;l Wll.ilase.-XR s.Iflrui- pIf i?r.t .%leaon s.. Mrlekett,rrW trepgbt-O;#hetThe tmAauctifotn - Mart;f, -and ufT -Ofr. and,exon ra qhere- mao-' s Ta-mii j,tf Ash if6rd,r;'d/i,(tlij 't&IleseX;Vaiuslle- Pree'1;D'd-YRs4hdemice;;:tr O- dacreetS'f-Lis4d,.alea,i t l'iwinsa utss 9tlhr-de'4lrtblq Cl6ees sif- -Mr. NVtedKsdaythartconhe' 24th day ,O f :,. rt tlUctiffett j VRtst,oaebbhous4 dsta uing bfot,nhorseas granfLry, cowbouse, and other approrite.officesa ts datrierts cottage; together teiseral>glossr exclellent hietadrm-. .ar;tVamable ,iand, surroundiug-lhv-brti4iuslom cosntaining nearly 40 3cre4.tilx:tha-o4cuyeti o Mryft Dqidgie4; s ;ulwAeo(Aa term -expires at 42a- n3-{l)i5Acl6se ere, ,%etma4iy'pluabi t landponitalning 42! lloM,~~~~~~~ iifibe-toKfii9MOtIr~wIth -,qxteniWQ -labfrteslf u i1at ejtss loes of old mPS o tS I, etli 'Se-- r oaes of "Sb f 3on f.lV'i"TleibM', oif.s 14f,H4?42Z:t b. lgIyeArWj at tot 'moderate rent, -togethiek andwft 80,Nolss-a the Nrfuaq,,t odfy Wavi 1ebteBt wtll.bbs prerinises, baldrte ni Id iI t~re ztdg,.k22m le vrous 4rL-a,*j1rew herr o 174Vik rFs1t.tt,i slse ttdieatrlniey'of the-nn of th eeurtn. tio of the yap1yln term The premnlses pr5u0?1-tt Attlre had Cor iof lns trdrgtoll;aId tod tn&irttek:o4 aluabmt-tle free1rod% Oo;e Het;.-leerln.3.a oWnS'rANLcb andr -B WNST ANLtEYMar nd4 SOS E tterit .day, s.~,~ ~ prmHEsT, lut_ isea f ttr l St1 meD-bdio- et po)'Atwrle trmof 43iox'd5rs. Ats6- thllaribi ot Ideftab dexptljstentou~ the dsterm'o atjoo south, ie,s em h pemisesto th.-undrladito P Apectaboe t.enstantsytrent muilgt ab&ck-yO-Aprhuesanm~a eornsrivecellar.applyn toa.Sotn comforr Tosf-lbn IMesverd. Prtirted pandicolars roinyl t bad arljitfl abd o W rttale and, Bof WhsatunJser-ow anigs-Paeilse. -Luogae-hi.-Dsrol eld ShOl'iiitlre I) BiIlc-h kx, o Whidcji lrakrge mxlrharient4 Heet.orsendCart, an EfetssibsBytAlIrAasB -nTne onttalPrpar.tlye WNorthANlEY FlandmN, lat ngtro Miart,o rmidy. th.alISbanflst.eat Tomr12;arb1.a 2 b red-h cish inowy shop ~~ wbat~~~~~ver.w~vltsabaeJefhouect.An,y Winstanley axid $pos,-andtcatafotor-roadon North-end, ~ ~ ~ ~ get Lndaprlcer, Brick on t ti'e,ss.-By ctrABBOTT, F onhm tleadPremis% liaqersmidb. *to faa-re.To- amorro,March 1t,rnk aTo1, yordro ofarthe I xecuto1rsy, orderr otacl t aye Exeuos ote d t,- l.Frn' AVa hiableFrde houacEshot F6nranitur andu Efctre-'of- acfe draweijr, dinino Landtherd Cotables, r, chairoo, -walleadoens- ataine cullea.-t Rtesileis, caid numeanfzUsotser alalet r lefets. Mwy [bt thewe on eeinue,dq Hand ernrinlig ofsae and. csretare-og;iej pdr.' th rmssand of Mr. Abbott,eteagn.in..Apptals gent2# andr app-raIeret2 CodirU es,Bnd-street, an ndnhito. . - By ln r.Jxickert.By ABBOTT. atMSott' Autioe Pretse, rih-nb1d,- iI, t 12, by- rder oferetoe ofectore (ofncthe rae Mrt. FrnIs i VaEltalerhoeeofothe EStAtofel eon tai en~ ohCneiIres of aneclln oRedsioteAir., callered IesafordtiHoustste,et. onalasc;.nTwofs Tenements,oatragtomdanraent alendthPeceoftt ingdean Lnd;th.e.ft .xbi,ra-qan'ody tbefoetsoNiy sandpleulhe -atsal on tahe bemad,.; harls- fMstre,sr. Wethe"oles-; Bar.Sron, solicitor,. Esextreet~,s saTed adof Mfr. Abbott. C estledotre agndt..a ng thepritish Fire COfeeSit-rndet atd-trieet,Andtrnsmnrton T-mro,Mrll t1; Spe;Id Colctof XS4 per Chloie,Saag forin tcelife of ah By r.JAMS BiiTn th t 3M'er. Sotts aget, nmpoom,ecamrdgan- stret, te coner-df Bofdstee,011 4" cendnsqit.e,on -Tuesdae neat,k at II b oderIo the Director of thsee Cofunth ie Olilce.g T --t Ln;oedlrum r. lanut ofrg3s's per dhtnurLs-durcctg tens tanoresad genralassrtnn, danlanceb freintchdiepost Thig-egrant. - May be vieed onMonda before se'ale offie. Printaged ma!ber hiad; also o Messs. Nehersoe and 40ro, solvecItorse, Sse-treetud andte oftMr. abbttd Casle-court,Aadtr inun th- G riests QurireOfie. Lineodn. Innfldals.ute.rduigOl e num~yM.AMTOG atr htheAtsDelenrs,ant.To-mrro,-Sarich of, at 12 Af Itn, Apnttiity Parte ?( Aler annumQ, duitng lte lie f 12[L entee;i tARhe SONea fhI g, anplyLsecured and arisIng Nfindtediv.91aide,Ctndof 2-s1. 4eer_ cent. DoAY, atdBa annutie,,sading i,n othenArsinees of Sntrusn Brof.therihetrepet abiLI ty. oAlso a nonuety eofn71.prs numisinthsari e e-s-o-T D.poandergub,y , Go Craventret-T-sorret, SirnnsdI at 1be Iart adircli of the Shriffrng , I cGseueeetf hen-stirmert Lleln Phoeinx MeCoahants, Dealerr, andrs, ,-Snko ies iba ofl the.nal, ottkid cPotagerband ale Bttle, Re ensilsry IfnV ande,Co. 23f, Gr& o.re-st-Areet, Sidof Nry o, and ELf4O ott,aon thiernvLers, Nrk owe12- MstisHls.Cno-teet. .TSDA,Mrh10 - LIE io5 of ~ane cosss-o d p rens,o Port. 1ingthn 51 wood,'604 botlesIof ruste Pot. -OSV bTotte fSer. hotne ofl saer,23 otleso alle 2a2 arottles l, 924Ir bDtlY, cope cans boinlostafuntitu re,ck. built beasvliWcd en wthse the! niordnin,o saln, a samgeples'o bayon be ld' fo;i palong tor;caro- yearee ad lon grted prentlse; at froarraay'; of Repjal rdon qand Davie uolinitors, houbetor, ivti grdenrurch-Qreen sodet ofs Pnrreyh whon,ae Ellopett, aipuci er. Areet Toweari-sitreet. l obu-0.ersnill at Sadlrs eositoryvIe, soli-citosr 1 eetilTorond-op,lace-h CIt;ratd2,- Isv direct-vioN: i ofte Mhriifhne utine, Icneunefthe-ormeraet puch ase not havinge Campeted hlas puarche , n rmvdfomteCt PbVnIAxCoP.al-wharf,Wieriawrs T. I-r ',Mrc ,a UVENTENstrone yu Freae htHouses, one newvck noal ii.th TWagne,jn thre lnearle newditt,mad. alle ato- teayts bed pv-e tIl theig211 pae, andncni slgnead aotr susatheepoTitorhofd lousesnd Co. 23.orethrd Toertre;ndoParniiesib redu Son, anGd Pgrlot anuctImoneero, Great Tower-stior eet. apren-u o Leaseold Etates OOadfl7 ers,aLl e grouned rents eateiongtone end hlllowe-.~Bv r. -~~SUAN liat Orrawn71, NetinoltS ndAY _ substantil brickrbuithe-eathehrs, widthe ~'eas. t In grundrent, a liolio-oy 4 apta c'ariaeis and 'one onfinihed os,wt garden.4ghs,tirQeen-stlot,msbuy.neonrthe enhofe rOpertyRISIeGodue asle~art prosi entol sofa, ot2o,.5 annuca. ?at;uabso 1 .les, solidcoewo itor 71,ta verWewtnorladrpacewity-rood; atrG,rsuperb', Grcand ofuMr Sa ver ezauctIoneer huueagent, oc.d.aw, Irole-pacle-, mCavendof tRnquren. od st f-Iiigtals Eiuibl Frzeeholdth investwr-mants,ht 'ipsrlck and Not ethSpanish Mr. 14Sndura r,boatydiin aronssay' chafrj horsearc s0eats el2,ee uanitEof nattEr eWs 4Fpqt and ten best,ats neisw naretsard outherThames, qiths land hrth redeme, mallletwartobtents. chest orf.- dhln e1r.; Pemrok annuoli; andFwof thsubstatimnualrehltRuses, atgoc nto;hcnf mahgnearS-anisbramid produci. lnl 06. t annumLrd, one ofn ol f 21yasfrm pche;a akt, andlfrI wfIcha Spanishm of 4 1101.wank pid;t cthes t enent insur fet. May bee viewed ho ne eof the l.sace,nio-rnong o Rae-lo,- Nvewi cetalogue-smhebeeadhrs and thePe- miY,anfIh. (Sb?, leis-- tGras';ador. NISharie, auctioneer, hueaei,&.3,Yly place,2 Coley-place. Care.ds-qae on ~ ~ ~~~~~AO',othe Premises. toh.eg-tee,Bombr. erteedo OldfHrcu-st3reet o Terysday, :arch1, at-mrro, Maeithu teleast' (I OMTISING leantrosewodia ofa,t diamee, and card ~..j ables sold ros-woo nd mitaiveh,osewoid. dor awilniroom chais, sperbGrecan ouch a ry eegatii andl curou sodtet Pldant rios sres ofthebet wrkmnshp, 0 eive pror beto tesaish nd Hondras ahogny dningroon char, haorsehair Csetles,.etreetn prMeAoSeOeahe beds som of thelem the vl ery fiest qualiry, Sprni;rerane;qilt and-hearth, -rugs~11, m athogn y. wadroes,chests of-th drawreror,Pe;broe andm othrao theieraof the bet- uewifbctwe, gooldte s Hc f, rehoganinSpanis and otndas plans and Mu(resanaex uan- tityof~s striionsly-in oa t eeer; atclryfieSaihht4 inhpakwtI crs etb 3 fet May bhee vewed sone day pe- hov-iou an mory npingoal, whren clkautabloge ae fohadch on thepele- mLosc, ganed sfher. MShaex, auctioneer, hose lagent, efrct. 32, be,- place, thvendiayi-sIA:3,Ie sdce.ielabnrqt4ms Trrhet CornuXk. 4 l(nieo n.pe Mr. o MArON oa_ntheIPremis aesi,th ?t-Fstrikestreet hour noawlhy el natogio fae wt wBgt,yoe, pullSU ERS. aohiq ret copprn, dial feet-diameter, Ith DAs- Ntragh mouldng ind 4toloitongdcayse. Sufetd6ha), suietabe, for hwchurch. an Uesisofuth Briewer.blay e vo wdpiofote ae n cAtalguesll;a Bntepeie;adof r aon, in , Ceieas tle-reet Falcon-square.-a'sVnlul;.4.os.'-P-l In \lansfieid.place.- -~VIAI- an 13-baodFtrrel btre.:Tilbpppe, S-quarter m;andtn opo-be; Boolers 4R ATEDin, -o-bthed-t- Premise whe da; strn N.Inh- rorse, at verrylcapitalturre clok su-titbe for aE chuch.ei;pel o tpten Cor, ndo Euhr. -pde,oue and Siofr.asn breweryaent,L Isin,Catoesre, acn.qae . tSe Mlr.tSAUnDE Tusaybi March Rom 1 9, FnotpsrevoslTi.s oDAY precisely,- .~~se . .s .,-o A Miscel1an~ousAssemblag ofgBoustin gehetu.tite frao- tinayofT EtbsU1 ?ll, oleT; llurro-Gwss Cysopmfa, 1lOr iot,; urut. r:,o t.aace, Svol,; halete THIo-DApb,. nlh 6ittl1_, 3 os l! road, edt. rarnlehone. near IiMtR2.AMVWIh,teer- 12. preJlslyd -cve FL hun Itg-ptreet. ToIlr-mourro. acnit 1, atr L3. nd las.- panoort, B-ls. clck,asd,effetresoiprfbng JaobRuY-- Ielin~~~~~ton. - - -Ia ber Lai - e dadis fewf lots of framaes, May' be view,edoneSday prior, cata1oEues at SIr ERd*iard Fbstec's5oflic 14ti ireek-strebti soho-sqiarte. - ' ' 1Nfr. Na-sau's Splendid Lthi^Sry,-ry lDr hNS. sb3sis:HoulNo.:93. Pa'l-mall, TRI1S DAY, March 10, aud 5 follwon days, -VHE becondl-Pdrtion of the 0hoice and Ctindoui Thbrary paLp df tie lttedG. Nau, NJS? ;(-1SXSP OIiO . edition yerv care;* Harlltdh's Etruscan VMes, 4 vOlS.; Won failcbb. Antiquite. xplihqee eC Moplubn ni ,e la,Vosarch4e Fralvala,20 Vol large paper: Putcha's Pi grTms, S volp. witlthtie rbttTspieee; Pocok's TravelI. ; Vol- srtgt ran E X, Tbree illustated Ounc*.9 PIstrt-_ biant Elregs and Reings. nrlOus NRdaein,'.eTotngto the Utelun r eh 17: 5a Ilustrt dsttb oi-la lissry of nOsteg's Plots, illustrated with Prrtraftti ine -rari Pr;ietsbr bhftkloekt s Memriarlandls.- bst'atudce:-sr1tIs O Pdrctra s ,:t Strettla 5Votrame 13 vols.d.rPennida'snWorks, 24 volsl NIchols's BblIotheea NopograPllite:Ae aitht-tha Sipleoent%-lOZ-vbl., very, rsaei +fltues: at: Lge, 20 Lrel., v'ery rar spfd cdHours old Tracts, &cc.- King . . s . . .,h,s. , .- f,t. Three Thousand Oinses of Plate, b rlllant Eantr s and Rlngs, Q:olf Watih-Se, tdandI) thII Zutahseble- -test.cusfi Madsnrt. 6MACHIM nern Pi S. &aM, atbtesbriucll n Vidopi , No. 2ti, l ng-stre 3 Covent- garden o otw arh11 tl A: SiuleboiiS of nve n~ Ziat, .weighi3n, 3,90C3 ou3nces,-, consIstinlg o richly chased tea uras, coafee potf, tea sets, bread. baskets, - easdee6tlckra, Sal1erso -:sauce: -boats, tnuPs, tanad,gatX f dl forks, with other, cruef rsmesdeesert knIves and forks e v.-th i .th o'piearl handles. Riit: Itb n'dts;iTddle:he*d;ipofs fir l, 4c ; rn'fuslou of ga plendidJeveVe Includln a air.!t brilliant top earrIngs, rair of eanXcrardan ,r..-i'.h.',,-,,n bflust clustei'laOrd 15 bel. onew in4p;,- 'p;s,ei;nd booches, brilliant alid pink topaz bock-st, rows of ver-v tine'drlentsi pearls, 'fiplhly chased i,tol.i sealb afid keys, fiis-4pxld- ssckl gnd ivateb chahup. snd other, opans4etsa set Wjith pineqiQus .stones, a supenlor aasexnblage of- duplex. pa tent Iever, s4peatinisg;' ntoufdaF.lasr -hllseidontal catches, l gold at c csw, tby lpbr niost $t egeaed ~snanc rs"l's7p dhr6nonirrer,' ituiC? &s;da5dr t4b&ebeocl,t'WireiuIh; *0,i:l,, ufholdnp I.ox [ulbee A bIt, 3 ved 4n?d'os^f hLbrfEfktt;'3h.uteYSn te 'IF b.h treirp+yo.4gDb,firgtst hri; ii.. eSdtl31ot op >p gl Wsig3t 4l3tItt l9P..s ; j4ofwma ,ln ?i6.-AtM~o1t ffoll%C I'diATttt15 ilut of a- IA~se rfdhoueardLidg SON$, On tihe Pr.tdikes, neayteIcs ,i4COfjI1IVO%OiMldi~~Cl 'entdleh5fl iarn'otdti't, -and -other ,effeehfm-illW4 sOld; ~1re re eltedn'?erm j-the s l 'lhe.l-u5rkguB rrrdill b ll d'ltflntresnoa anid o.M0k,Br1 Ad,-ons,I18 lnisgy~td.. . reehiold Grastir:1K!Ui Oa tlZaeriele'tt RadboiA )%4 -z31a StOotgbOQ, rnge.-Jig, .Mesrsm DITUVS n, aLt the- A=itO,a5t A ~~ b1~~~i~h6d tstat; exon ratoifen -1. he-lapdi tax. ~otelTl i~e Ai Okdby, on the hihIInmad- tendt to tile datr;Ai nof ShtoUK.tU iwite, the ~Ult'df G.A~ :0 eAq, oierlng a-v&ry deVlrI;is sftua1Rlorfr building, aLrd Sdbaipltllilig aconsIderzbk njnsatlty6f Qndabirr2 earth, whieurnay lie. NVv0tLSd;tq gteAtadvhtutxee4 thkr 'ididr, itffift1I1gabou; rO.fcre6t1ls 10paxg ~iis,'the vWlage,!&a-xd?aJol1Wx9:tO.O* iw4lr.thp exthlii'0.estie or AG. A. L. Keek.Am. epd=-PareJl. ap. te?4bieLf tieocedtlaitiol Wf Mr. W-AUIam Cartu,ngfr, 4P. g,yehry is il.nr tonfl 3Ul'.V.HjeAd, -i,opgtbrotiglsh; at teutO nt*2.o. llMehfrlrs. Geninle dhousehold FurnAture,a itwaIl'Celljar,7of hojice Wiuer, P1hte.. Linen, C'hhilt, {?]aes,eeA,plea .ow4bitgPlec5c a CrEe(nlon, * .epail~ n,nd- ..~t~.2ur.A IV,N on tfe-PrAmss 9.Gouilt(tq pare ,e riars, 'To-rhatr6% lowing dal', att liprcci. e y, gii r aUnt,41 tthelrnotb-ll of lotj;. .. - ALL~ hegidn&Hotisehodd Furnituze, stisretary.bpok-'.': A case, pedest~d,sodin ni25bErtfle&d5Yn-.,erblclPoc:),. a capital ,4quardiRpiaoefote, vier-imndchiruney,91azses, sets of *_i iit. 'damask table linen of beautill'uYjttetlis. C,00 tunme of hiodefllPlato; rare. and.-beaptifssl. foreignt ehlins; 1 0 dozen of' Port, I1I dozetn otivkry. floe.?atkebrunner Hock (vlaf i~:1,83hi 18 doen'OfCbftatnidfriIt 'W4tArndIa Afadeira -50 years in bol:7C. Tinto And Cape MAadfltz, -(lithns-pagne; ULqeeurs,- ,5rc.; econntlnghkouetd fli-aflfure; and tbk %i'iijf' rneruse'ec~i~MrJ(h1f.g,OgRrabro a Tbeyiewed bhiWe4 5~-. dyperevius to tluf iale, -ian catalognspled,td ah uhp n'le, alfld of Air.'AIdaumaan ilj, llWt, sut. .'hpIlqe_jinel?. Leashold-Resldtrnct,Chatseo~,Seh ls kI.r eThi'ea Blatter. s~ea-fields.-- By, rA,TO.'tteAscIr 'r,o:iA' March 7,ti,ldecono1teAssignee,iils pglilrypl posed of buy Privat otat~-,- ~- AConvwnien -L ishldRsidence, pIesisantifj. zitviaR,, A&L NdF. C, PsviultotwBattersea.1lelda, abotit ono mlfle -frpnm Viusrxfnais4l turnpke.-The raus eQnSiti- ? sdroms, rawldrew5 rod Pi, . of as sde.nin-wsshphtouse. wn elring, Iffowr driedxi,on&e.,ltifu TcetenuInIfriv-t.e i '.rlen wledal oM wi eh apyfoio kxn otqge_ 5? nthey -Ma-l tdeb. I r %tnd,l llltrur . A Dyse-hof o 'whichcO ,actIle-onsiderabl withuneit osdiIO plemndedIn~ eretiock-sant. Impoveer3 s. andmirabehly ,Fri9e Plufowry aixDm-srate srcalen, p1afand .-sco ven . 1)t ontthiebe hreldsor ai, ujepr. Flerm onf D'eanrstrd krck7n atOnAly,31 parbaI. at 11i; clea ditional f taxes .,ri tee frth ee funitr,o Agreemf- Maorna ?veasr fa.ml i prnedi,! InoLo eretionAand mpovents1,-amaby 4pealoo,a atteehed;Wstt. hel fr Atis uieh~ic tr;o hSeRrc'uror aMld6seii%ail5it, tbeldafeirs ofi stock th2wol of th plnt, ut-enslsi p idgnn4 f onsue, of M.-y Pr sn yr hpeisc ob iwdr~ h sLot -teIlaia.tenonno ae and. caaloguei had b~tjti. Armis aned ;fM.Admo,II ilterrna reeold 4 stnty.roft-cu F.lhwy HatOfth -IdghAray Midlfe ti1d a4 Cor,Leashlburgateete, Sakrgat. George's hI h aIn the Er..AOA. ?irltton~.O thekl Miarts. o&9neday;nMarelg,1 atduin 12.102 : pqs mer~ an ,. afor ddisposed ol' n4 Prlte,cnz-andtms. -edfr-nheprdtrn6f Lasfot nkihem EltyWte, ctA rOnss rent of a4) he`rmas uit., Mated value okf W0. Adperi ] ae iuxlelt 2. A loulars. hh sae o slati t ng of m.suaeae:r*sset f17 Na. yr.1 ~~inaluiveCacey cort Walbnrf-ttie.ett rekScottd, St. tGere ISat, tte. I't,- p-h e to wekytnnsan nd o art o Wle-*6a;In6troGauc 31 Copenr& Aisor afte Grlnductieng groud renoz t ond fae 4.a iedforan tsecapred byterm oi44 pearsfrom tebslmat aylea, at a grsud lentrof 141e. Partnnnwo. !Arart bDand ofMv:Adge-p,Mat uo r1, B Scotter , ne.ttadanae roNew RierCtapilX4 FreOUeh of Est1e741t a yerVIpotabl foar ddexl and erhw ftst-latMr.CTT Szitti, atfthe Matt, ,rtheS17tth inant, HArt; o ienedy tbe' : tirm instann, Statford Petniuh An otrber- -Far6dblds lineve5tmester Gas lompay tac. -Alo. Ground-ei ted,am e hous migo Er of ?74a yhaeo art adetured ' myiezty,s' bott ll dvosmanta"'Weter1oct,igepsrtt Np.atndf ip erovab the. Paert-q and llrts.-B 'r;SCsubtib Iphwlothe irtep . Tb Sco tevnu hat Ih. edm ort us n f Wedncsy tg )lIPthi Insara?nt, w terI navigablecai elhI:Uar mnvay benht, MrtiSe Taland tax re ith alfl.o adatgs. seW estate nartdn Katinal gt,, Concern,rethe Lin- R+niner Conspe.tlon osrPalintbeaoge tho prcerte.- ofor Gethemi dep, o themetOpois nd ts ubrrbiwit 'StO, The rAEvo as. iheir creaed cnsieraby-wihina shrt erio , and-amoportow,ity bit selomocur ofisyctig n tispnan ent-wfaptier copby thed nas-igale-cant P,~tcularsmay bebaA ofMlri S.Janlr St,een- stet edlbrd ngl i AMestsr phrrient anid droarig, Dl-n- ngt t~ Ms-th ea ofbMr.Sco;tte Gsatley.,yb ie and canatgn, arly-treet. bim-. TO aeiuine Cllersln Upointiners, tha propers wofesal lrentleon de, conisedn-Prsnprozt,y S by M-esres. DAiS SON Mesrd CAWS, a. te CPE,etouther.Smeus, GReat ~ Garlbotoh-rlberut h ' re-moro, at 12,d by od1r-of the Execut12byOrdes, th~Poritr TAN.me No. 44 ond thoe Cortection-of old eCimetnstr, by he_' Tie'Ptian,o Mar. linsgian Ixtarcei d ter,bratfng&Dt Wouvrmrnessll VerODonelsea- ltbd- GTidpr MieiseJan Stte -enwi pwhich arematbe had; alsorfGaley.sm.ay ltorie andTwldicaaoguesoba cTors CBnervll-tmaers,n u Mposerers, -wo n Cafpnes,Woe,al Great ngiar, - and 0rhrs,trequrn xesieteie,Inagettoruhae. CmtnStreet. Golden-sx,rtemptrjy by essrs. DAVSON 2d CAPd. r-t1AE athier lSpncious R eoins, Gqrea Mborough-stet,rIeed nWesd-y nMsarch 1, eh 17', A 2yre-o h-rpitr T HE -Lease of a sbtatialkbickbuilt DweDingihusehoitute, Viut o. 4-I,-on the enrthsd oWtide oftTet Gl ompden-sture;t Soed.' squa're:pbetfre an a ernretexpiredhldfo term of 17 years,a. o rn:i h fomudpusj rneofdMr. Mul24n, ae ocisr dealer rtoir.Crneliu fRob les-on, for a0gUTeousi ofilhalth The prmse a levewed till the e.PtiLrs hle, ow her creistrs, Bi--lksrecon,slcto,Pln-tt; and of MesssSSsnad ae ietMrl-. Datwson SancafueRom, Grett3atlaroibosroee-tret. nWdedy MFEDARch17,ESt 1 rC2,aa'. r ody arh1,a e RJespetabseoFr aPbic- buot.Deelling-nbyse,situafte: tio .-on the ew o,ast tbsid trne of Warwic n-street, Godnsure;nye-h- centlyit repabiredat a veryareat expese, htaeld oradjterm,leoffo2)er: d,)lfro Mith e-a,124 eslaet Mr. d Cornelus tobfn amr the e-holeterm,0 want ing threer monhs aoth, mpoe rn 30te gu buine ssnieasiis&. Maybeeviewed,til hesal.rar icuarhaonte-. lar had; lsaBD 8r Gra,y, at d Garraw e's auon ionday, Mach 12, Hatto1, sknoewnA by the upiaod the pe A RepecablFreePnbic-ous,wtacoptbrey, Ora- t usnge, s eom tandiysitust ind fnt,mnda teju ehens ivebsnesI wies,sprtsc. May be viewed,adpri- ashad; at s G Garaays tleacond eerth auctinee, Ie.92t atom ga Ofrden. reet- -f~ -b - oeIsrueGfeii' ByEDWAltO 1MaR1W, athearraway's, on Tbonday, thela thIns. t1f byH order~ ir of te-Popreto ir, wh asl- wcellsufitlcupied the pes-r - unie C rsenesIvofyears, andil nowrtetring,e - A Veryrespecable Pubiiros bdonth a compe;actbne', autblone,IHg.ag-i bond;'sin prtwaeos,sial Chouse a-nes_ie-pSlre.COE a Tthseydsrbe Prematertplacetnoeta as Carksh&tbe-vsnlts adClerM0eld%s siCtubtesc In, Mat n-an, (is vent-ardbn lZ busiess I- exensiv andunusarli,fn ld prodtbe hel onleise, ata 'ncdrat tes. ay e vowtgd b, ad tvlcut -sl By M'. IIE, o th Prmiss, n Tursay,b harcd8 aothepU. anTucIoneer, 1..8pi IgMloons VI- - - Choicelnes-iy'Mr.COORLronlth Prmsal, athLee.pa c, -f- -1ca!esterIehainrtenLT chda nx,ia lrgh13 atvnc ha b --e 3n Heclron--:AU9ain Fu eymtureso Benam. MAitlbie, vesveA.. imedyrernovingfm Le-nd c,t,gte iwithd,Cella1r,XE ofd eritu't Claret. ando'W'JA. Rad,e.r, hry C leruitrg , Su _ iSthberinag 3plectdi( withlniqlteure an'oresn.:Tl fritrgSa lid'- misca; or of Ar. Cooe, 6, Grea Rusell-stret1, BlGafoomnr-%oreet-To Londn. - -- -- at - - -h eIZPO TO - -f -h x~5.t made cop?llnganasor tamritbe;Fen chtr SaoyadsPJer. finiues,ac tud boeelastr saila r- - bl.kgemee, cc - ay viewed - me dayn prcedinigand.uposao.ac a tthl5et ha aiterieso ~lrt,nd otMr;'J:ltelai hler-or,Od-Jwr Ipleudi Fntltlre aul Vauabl - hceflAii~z - Gafte-sree, Laiblef, handsomnermahogany secretaire h-ook-casc i esgadb ro5 and-mahnalogay! d sf-odninng asnpesibYoltreablos~--- aSs jlllaislIdpluW5i~6rshas e~ ofnialigdn~4..goewenr;elmar.L ele~ufulrt~-ilinh5.dld5,la5ddt55i~ass,i~gsiei 'sind%iSn, OtIt finsI#-leru~eba4pep9f~4' ~ 4ozeno,#I*. an Tlusrs4i~~~~ And Jprni~~~g4t~~tedkredalse#-? a6~.llI.da,htftdpe&~tnt~' errarayat ad OSMr.Burtoa,~ Te. Catrpqritejg., BU2jftr&,"",5 T rrabei ~~le~or~ ",buPd a st*p re0 nvP n &'et--'f h6gx*~WEMfln*4eAsrxa& lit tO it,, Utllt55,~a1 e'lath)litIOw til po~t, ~ Abtm4ae~ c~m -8101 tront,tastienor, a2,OOgsettof, pa~-ap91. jaikM4&utbhqey es, v id4r t hsen'a'lge~sdo-th'peds ~abt'trl-dUtt~P--9l-;T olaysttht.Ii .5 ;ea 1'M I,; r--'I",2 I -- WdetoltlC-Amfgcs&-" ~ - - : gAttAt,' Aut't5nw.
Petition For The Repeal O...
4 A requl,isiUn;; t, ntnwef4x Iys2gned; of which the f'ollowig its a copy, w#. prrhfyg lto ithe MTght H6nou2rabTh thc Lord IaYor,.at4e hfanRf.?i. o-iugq -len bis.Lordship wa pileased'tg appoint aourt of Cohinori u 'cil, to 'be held on FrIday nex,at tWclve o clock, to take thc sn.ect lat?er -af tiie.saneS intb con. ." , the undersigeil nemhers of the Court of Common Council having observed vwith satisfaction th;at his Majesty' Chancellorofthe Iereynue of thecountry adxnit- te' ghen'ptI of vao . at sidkIeinganxiousthatsucl relief should bc given t thote elimasiof society. which bk,f sogrievou' ly.suff:red, i4' sfil coin,ue 'to iffir f te aSses .t4xc; request your Ionrsbirp ro 4 apr st of CRudi0l on an-early day; to consider the prepriety o petidoniig :the House of 'Commons to re. hea tlc hotsse iTd windovi autiei; and such other taYeS as mast benefidal to thje li.tereitof ch publi. e may be '. ,". To the Rmbt,Hoiltheiotd. Alnvor; &c." PBTfTOY POP A)PIPPAL OP I'Mt noUR'vp ,A -7D4;VIlrQ DeIDtiE-s.
On the 20th instant, at MIortlake, Mr. Frederick H ", of Kew, voungest sn of the late Mdr. Thomas Hodges, of 1Yrotham inm 1 Kent, to CliffQrdier Elizabeth, eldest daughter'of John Dnniei hoie, Esa.. Old Broad-street.
To The Editor Of The Time...
Sir,-You have for so long a period embraced with avidity every opportunity of being useful, that I stop not to apologize for now troubling y ou. About twelve months ago I bought a rockingbhorse for my son, then neaxlv five Years ol4, and of most active babits; he used it very much, and has, in consequence, recently been oblig- ed to undergo an operation for iydrocek rwhich, I havc no doubt, w ould have become a confirmed c"ase of -ernia but for the strength of his constitution, and the early application I rade to my surgeon. Your givingpublicity to this fact may prevent the recurrence of such a csse.-I am resnertfinllv~ .ci 'rm"r n]A J. T. MIlarch 20. TO THE EDITOR OF THE Tfl.j
DIED. On ihe loth of Dec., 18-23, on board the Pcrcy, Captain Sayers, on her nasaasc to St. Vinecnt's,whither he was proceeding for the benefit of his hecalthi, Mr. Williarn George Rattetibury, &~ed 21, eldest son oF Mr. Wl'illiami Rattenbury, ship-builder, Fore anct Aft Dock, Fast-lane, Berrnondsev, deeply lanmentedI 3y hii afflicted familv, and muchi recrette4 by. all that know him. Religion, piety, anid r-signation to theA ill of God could not be more truly exemplified than irn himn. On Tucsday. the 9th instant, much lamented and respected by hiso numgerous famnily ind friendls. Mr. Thomias Hall, of No. 69, Bihopsgate-4trvet. without, l inendraper. On the 7th of' Mlarchi, Harriet Rebecerz" youngest daughter of Gyeorge .l R,Eq., of Dartmiouth-row, Blacliheatn, aired 19.
House Of Commons, Wednesd...
'xae :npeatcer'a^t,g,,retat o^e,etut rn -orfemberfforwtb countr0of Pertb, tViJ,rtsnimond Esq.who AIr.l.t32: BTreNNi3TI tresehteda v pbttilf' firbhi'teine m factureri ti}i b-ff.:' -; *P . _ M,Ze; i0 - Sict<agtustle pro i-e uratione af,reting the lhAe) 1KIF'. DUG1sA_4pres6ntid a iisilaipetition from St. Antlrew'5. NEGRO SLAVTihY. Petitions praying foi :the abolidto of slavery were presented by Mtlr. MUNDY, froni Chesterton; by 1Ir. PARES, from two places in Cheshire; by Alr. AsHUESiT,-fromnBodicote; by Sir E LIAs HARVEY, from Colchbeskr and from Rochford; by Mr. LEGSi- KECX,fromSiston; byMIr. WiLBaEsZOztcE, from Alontrose, Hel. stone, .nd several other places; and by Sir W. INGILBY from Gainsborough.-They were ordered to be laidion the table, and to be printed. Lord LOWTHER presented a petition from the curriers of Kendal, inst the hide reguladon bill. Mr.S S p resented a petition from the journeymen boot and shoemakers of Leeds sgainst the combination laws-Referred to the committee. Mr. WILBERFORCE presented a petition from the inhabi. tants of St. George's, EIanover-square, against cruelty to inferior M.. 4AScOYN9 YeseD,tea a petition from Liverpool, against the countY courts bilL - Sir P. FRGUSSON presented a petition from Dundee, against the satioM fishery bill, Alr.-lI4LLS presented a petition from the tanners of Dublin, aainst the leather-tax. Thb hon. member maoved for returns ot the number arid average lengths of the voyages made by the Post. office packets from Holyhead to Dublin ; and also for an account of the ten sbortest voyages andi the produpe, of the letters, duoing the jeeLrs 892haneI1823.-Oder~ed.., Sir W.F rEeG'vUS5 mnv'e for ieiisrns of the amount of du. ties on w1lalebone, imported in Bi isgb whalers in the year 1823. Mr. HUME;preented a petition from MrnX . Dundas Perrott, late a lieutenant in-the royal DiWy, ipaying that herniight be reinstated in tha rank he had la hiqMaieitz'7 service, and from which he had been dismissed. The pettlosier stited, that he enteredthenavy very young, and that during 14 years that he serred he had been at thtaking of 300ships; thatbliehad been 13 times employed in cutting out vessels under-circumstances of difficulty and hanger, on seven 'of which occasfon*hehad commanded the expeditions; that hehadreceived-thethanksof his officer for an arduous dutv per. formed inBoulogne harbour, and had atvarioustimes been thefortu- nate means of saving sevetal persons from a watery grave; that he lost an arm b7 a wound in the PhobC frigate, iu consequence of which, he was disabled from gaining a livelihood. Up to the year 1812, the petitioner enjoyed the reputation which he had gained, and had been promoted from the rank of midshipman to that of lieutenant, by which pwmotiof2 he lost the pension which as a mnidshipm2an. he enjoyed on account of the toss of his arm, in that year he was indicted for obtaining 23L fronm one Robert Butlen, for the purpose of procuring him a protection against the press service, and was sen- tenced to two years' confinement. Being in embarrassed dircum- stances (the honourable member did not hesitate to say that the pe. tidoner's youthful extravagances had placed him in those cir. cumstances), he was unable to prosecute Bullen, or to take any steps to Wrocure a re-hearing of the cause. 'he same cause prevented hin from procuring a copy of the indictmpent, which if he had had he could have prevented his conviction. Three days after the sentence was known, the petitioner's name was struck out of the list at the Admiralty. In the year 1814, while he was still in prison, the petitioner was enabled to bring lhis case on for hear. ing before the late Lord Ellenborough, when a decree was pro- nounced by the Court to the following effect:t-"Upon hearingcounsel on both sides, it. is considered and adijudged by the Court, tbatfor the errors assigned the prosecution shall he reversed, and that the de- t'endant (the petitioner) be restored to all that he has, lost thereby;- atna further th~at the defendant be forthwith discharged out of cus- tody." Affidavits confirmatory of aU the statements in the petition had been examlined by Mlr. Hume, and tie had taken other means to ascertain the accuracy of those statemeints, of which tie was per- fectly satisfied, If, then, these facts were true-if the petitioner's services, his reputation, and the loss of his limb entitled him to the rank which he had enjoyed, he (llr. Hu.nc) could not but think that since the prosecutiou, in consequence of which the pedtuoner was deprived of that rank, had been reversed, he ought to be restored to his station in his lMajesty's service. From the affi- davits wYhich he held in his hand, it did appear that the charges against this unfortunate man had originated in a conspiracy agaiast him of the most atrocious nature. But had rhIe individual been even guiltv, in fact, of themisconduct imputedto him,he(Alr. Home) put it to the house, whether, after a service of 14 years, and after receiving these wounds in the course of that service, he ought now to be left in a state of absolute starvation ? He houglit that Mr. Perrott ought not to be so abandoned, particalarly after thede- cisions of Lord Alansfield and Lord Kenyon, that the talf-pay of thse officers was not to be considered in the lghtofa meretaining fee. He was at the same time quite aware it might be said, that before any thing could be done in the matter by that house, it would be necessary that official papers and documents should be moved for and laid before it, in order to show what the real proceedings else- where had been; and that it would be conmpetent in him subseguintly to introduce some measure fotnded upon them. Now it was rery true, that a Court-iMlartial had sat upon Air. Per. rott, previously to his indictment; and that three clarges were ex- hibited apinst hins, for going ashore after sunset; for saying on one occasion, upon deck, that-the fir,st lieutenant of the ship was a dangerous man; and for disobedience of orders in refusing to send the men aloft. Upon two of these charges the court acqutted Mr. Perrott; but on the other they certainly pronounced ,inm guilty. But he (AIr. Hume) could not imagine, that that finding ought to have had any influence upon the Lords of the Admiralty in consi- dering another and a later charge which was brought aga inst the party in another place, for obtaining money under false prerences. And yet that such an influence did opcrate on the Admiralty, he was warranteds in inferring fromi their conduct in respect oF the accusation wh ich a foul consBpiracy preft'rred against thi individual_'- that he had taken money of a woman in order to obtain a protection for a man named Bullen ;" be having no power to obtain it, and well knowing the sanic. The peti- tioner now stated to the house, " that for several years past he had been almost unable to Dbtain a meal, and was in want of almost the common necessarieu of life," and he concluded his prayer in this way:-" Let not a nation bo fanmed for its generosity allow a man, whose limbs have been mutilated in its service, to sui'er froni want of that bread which it accords so freely to the natives of other king- doms." He (Air. Huome) had taken grcat pains to make hinselt master of all the facts which were alleged in this petition; but he had not had access to the records of the Admiraltv, so as to be able to see what colouring they nmight receive from other bources. (Hear.) The petitioner concluded, bypraying-" eitherthat the house would be pleased to ret'er bis case to the twelve judges, in order that it might be ascertained what compensation slould be granted for his past services, considering h:is present inability to obtain any other livelihood; or that the honourable liouse woutd graat such other re- lief as its wisdom aight deem proper.' Sir GEORGE COCIBURN lamiiented that the hon. member for A'crdeen had gone so much into detail on this occasion, inasmuch as he should be compelled to do so too in replving to his statemiient; and he lamented the circumstance the more especially, because he had received letters from souse menbers of this party's familv re. quegting him not to go into the full exposure of his case. Had the hon. member thought proper to content himself with merely bringing the petition up, he (Sir George Cockburn) would not have felt it necessary to take the step which he was about to do. The lon. member's procceding, however, cempelled hint to it; and the Case itself was so monstrous as to leavc hitn no choice. The facts were simply these :-This person, lyr. Dundas Perrott, being a lieutenant in his Majesty's navy, informed a person that he could get a protec. ton from theimpress.Thatpersonwas apoorunfortunateservantcmaid, who really imagined that Perrott could procure a protection forher hus-. band, Robt.Bullen. He required an adivance ofmoney fbr the purpose; and she gave him money. He soon afterwards pressed her for more, which she again furnished. He still applied fcr money, in order, asI he said to fee the clerks at the Admiralty. She had parted ivtl all the cash she had, and borrowed a sum to meet his demands but still the msan wanted additional fonds. The poor woman was un- able to raise them; but she happened to possess a smaaU furnished house of her own, and he took ier rumniture, and sold that. (Hear.) In conclusion, the map mvas pressed; and the unhappy w.ife, after having vaihly sacrificed her all, went before a magistrate. That magistrate conKideredit proper, upon a hcaring,to send the matter be- fore another tribunal; mand evidence vras then gone into, whicb clearlv proved that a more iniquitous case was never yet produced before a court of justice. The Lords of the Adnmiralty, and the service generally, were filed with indignation at the detection of such mis. conduct us an offirer who had the honour of bearinga commis. sionin theroyal-navy.' The house haC*lready heard that the peti. tionerwassentenced to along imprisonmeint. After heehad been in urison some time, it was discovered that there had been such a flaw in the indictment, that the Lord Chief Justice held hinm to be en- titled to his release. Upon this, the Admiralty, who had conceived noprevious indisposition towards the partv_(a fact which was esta- bbklibedby the circumstance, that though by reason of the sentence of the court-martial he was already under martial law, yet had they reinstated him in the service, under that favourable feerng towards a wonnded officer which they would always entertainm-the Admiralty immediately sentall thelaw proceedings to their legal advisers, and asked them whethcr there was any thing in them which might have the effect of doingawaywiththelegalcrime that Mlr. Perrott had been supposed to have commnitted. The Adcmiralty counsel and so- licitor were of opinion that therewas not. The affidavits which had I beeni to.nightbrought to the notice of the house, were transmittedto .Mr. Jenis, the counsel for the Admiralty,.(and a gentlenan whose name would be percectly known to hon. gentlemen), and to the Ad- mtraltg solicitors, that t'hey mighstlook into the whole of them sgain and sec whether they contained any thing which mnight nitigate the petitioner's guilt. As to that part of .M1rs. Bulen's deposition whiich the hon. gent. relied upon, the house would recollect, that ste maide an affidavit of the criminatory circumstances in court, and upoa eath. Her voluntary deposition, now made, could be of no imnportance, therefore, to the queLtion. As to the Admiralty, they would have been very happy could Mr. Perrott have made out the case he now brought forward ; for as it was, it had cast a sti- ma UpOn the servie. ~It remaIned, however. to be added, that after Perrot was seized, there sas found, among his papers, andin his own handwriting, a forged dischatge. (Hear.) In answer to what was stated about the petitioner's losing his former pension, it was to be observed, that it was very true he haoi d, while a midshipmnan, enjoyed. a pension on account of the wound he had received- When he was' propoted, he gav'e up the pension, according to the vell-known cus- tom of the aasy. Now be was dismissed the service, he got neither that norhis balf.pay. But this was matter of course. If a person who had been a clerk In a public office, afterwards was pension. ed, 4.md itshouild appear that lie had misbehaved himnself in so ex- traordinjpry a manner, that his pension should be taken aWay, he could not go back and demand his clerk's pay. A# to this~ petition being brought up, hi (Sir feorge Cdokburn) did not know whe. ther it was worth while to oppose it;* but lie should-do-so, unle&s the. honse should wish to-hea itiead,in order to b more fiqly informed of ficts to-*hicb, 'sic eiused he h'ad now given a suf- fldIrntanswer.- '- --. .' :-, -*! llt. .jU.E,. in. explangtionj' tontendedVtblit the qution was wheStr the faets tb'at hd ieC sworn toa' iinst tbi e petidoner were pr ve&or not. By.the affhdvits which he (Mlr. Home) held, it ip- peaed, as he mwst d' ihlt t' x wcrsmot pioved, He id pit aYGDr,jm.ptney,'j 4dieAbouldsuditbnoUtbl. know 'Vl1ietbcr hon.1err- eihmenacotrihs,uloSe tiItYny:Admrlty in.the 'world would be so: ithumae as to.e hi serelief .aa.man who had stiMeredso much in tlhbre-did noau eiof t h areia the Peigoer appeared tu have done, jf - Mi. ()ROKER bssiredtie house, thut had there bemn any doubt in tths case,:ehe Admirntty vonld hate gilen the bencfit of that doubt to aocrson in so interesting a situation as that of a wounded ofticer. H'e would only'beg to mention a single fact, how- ever, v.hic' he thought would go far to satisfy the minds of honourable gentlemen upon the merijs of this case. It was a faet that took place, he would assume, without the knowledge of either of the parties, but while this fraudulent negotiation was go- ing on between Perrott and the poor woman. Perrott now denied that there was either fraud or negotiation on his art wvilst Bullen and his wife asserted that there were both. It did hpen,htoWever in theTheanwhile, that application was made at the Ad niralty r a protection,nand-by whom? By Sir Edwad Perrott. ToSirEd'- ward Perrott he imputed no. improper design * and aU that this dr. cumstance importet as, as hop- perhaps, tbht the respectable-name of a Baronet mlght give the appficatio, an alditional chance of su'c- cess. Such an apylicatibn, bowever, was made foraprotection,- and for whom P Wy, for Robert Bullen (hear); and - when the whole matter as to Mr. Perrott's conduct came out, among that personls papers, as had been stated, there was foundl a forged protec- tion for Hebert Bullen, in Perrott's own hand.writing. (Heree hear.) He called it forged; though, in fact, the subscribed names of the Admiralty clerks were fictitous i there were no such persons. Mr. AGAR ELLIS was bound to state, that such a case as that brcught fornard by his hon. friend he had never heard. The expla. nations of honourable gentlemen opposite must have quite satisfied the house as to theimproprlety of proceeding farther in the matter. Alr. PEFEL entreated the house to consider what the consequence must be of establishing a precedent forreceiving an appeal of this kind from a party after his conviction in a court of justice. (Hear.) Air. HU,ME said, that conviction wasdone away with, by thesub- quent order made by the Lord Chief Justice. lllr. PEEL.-True; but the party did complain that he was now suffering by reason of the sentence os a court. He said that he had been the victim of a foul conspiracy-that he was innocent of that of which a competent tribunal had pronounced him to be guilty. In four out of five convictions, he (Mr. Peel) received anidavits from the convcted parties, averring theirinnocence; and if this prece- dent were admitted the house would be in the saame predicarment. if the party had had an opportunity of pleading in court, of what possible weighlt could these affidaits be with the house? He vrould object even to the petition brine read, nir. flu iUIVI said he did not wish to press the house to a division on the subjcct, but he thought it a hard thing that the petitioner, after all his services, should be left to starve. Dlr. PEEL said he did not object to the petition on any techni^ cal grounds, though he might have done so, for this, in one part of it, being a pettion for pecuniary aid, could not, according to the frs o.he Z.se, be received without a recommendation from the Mr. HUIIE here intimated his dissent from the opinion that the prayer of the petition was of a pecuniary nature. Mr. PEEL maintained that it was. The petitioner prayed that the house might in the interim grant him subsistence, or some other mode of relief." The word " or" did not take the petition out of the general rule. It was not, however, on that ground that he objected to the petition. Hlis objection to it rested on the principles he had before stated. Illr. CA LCltAFT said, that as the name of a respectable magis- trate with whom he had thehonour of being acquainted hud beer introduced, he felt it his duty to state, that gentleman was alto. gether incapable of the improper conduct which the petitioner had insnuated. Alr. M,1ONCK suggested that his honourable friend should with- draw the petition, and it was withdrawn accordingly. Mr. F. PALMER presented a petition from the inhabitants of Reading, praying for the repeal of the window.tax. The honourable menmber prefaced his motion, that the petition bebrought up, with a few remarks, which from the noise occasioned by many members leaving the house at the tinme, were wholly inaudible in the gallery.-The petition was laid on the table. NEW LAW COURTS IN WVESTMlINSTER. Mr. BAN KES gave notice, that he would make a motion on the subject of the new courts now erecting in Waestminster. His object was to prevent one of those courts frons being conmpleted. It was that intended for the Court of King's Bench. As the building was of brick, the expense of taking it down would not be excessive, and he thought no public inconvenience would be felt as means might be easily found for accommodating the Court of king's Bench in another place. SILK TRADE. Alr. W. SMIT H presented a petition, signed by between 6,000 and 7,000 ot the merclhants, manufacturers, and others, inhabitants of the city of Norwich, connected with the trade in silk. The eti- tioners stated, that they viewved with satisfaction the measures which had lately been proposed on the subject of the duties on silk. They wvere aware that some evils would be unavoidably attendant upon those measures, but they were such as niight in the course of time begot over. There were others to which a timely remedy miglht be applied. This they thought might be done in a great measure by taking off the duties of the manufactured stock on hand ; they prayed, therefore, that the house mig'ht take this intoconsideretion. The pe~tition was brought up, and ordered to lie on the table. Mr.: HUMB presented a petition fronm the shoemakers of South- wark,andapothes from those of Weninster(sigrned bv 2,681 persons), against the combination laws.-They were ordered t.o be referred to the committee on artisans. REFORM IN PARLIAAMENT. AMr. HOBHOTJSE said, he heId in his hand a petition praying for a reform in the representation of the people in Parliament. Though favoinrable to the principle of Parliamentary reform, he certainly could not concur in the prayer of his constituent, from whom tnis petition camTe * still, however, as the petition was drawn up in language respectful to the house, he thought it ought to be re- ceived. rhe petition was front Mr. George Wirgrnan, a jeweller, in the Strand. Be prayed that the house might do away with the complex machinery at present used in borough elections.-that they might repeal the acts against bribery and corruption at such eleetions. By thesemeans, lie thought the higher orders would be duly repre- sented. It was the highier orders, the petitioner thought, and not the lower, whiclh were not duly represented in that house. lie fur- ther thouglht, that if the laws against bribery and corruption at elec- tions were repealed, that influence might be openly exercised which was aow carried on through dark and secret channels; that an ad- vantage wtiuld arise from giving to meti of property sufficient to purchase the patronage of a borough, that fair representation in Parliament to which such property was entitled. Hie also prayed that the house might sanction by law the open purchase and sale of seats in that housc. It was well known, the hon. member observed, that such bargains daily took place, and he could see no objection to making those Keats, which were now the objects of secret bar- gain and sale, opeti to the pubic competition of such as might be disposed to expend their money in that way. The petitioner, in speaking to htin (Mr. Hobhouse) on this subject, stated, that this was the only kind of' reform to which it was likely the house would agree, and he thought it would be attenided with many advantages. The petitioner also prayed, that several populous places, such as Birmingham and M,anchester, miglit be allowed to send representatives to Parliament, by which tnany popular and patriotic individuals would havc an oppi rtunity of cominF intou c house, and in the course of time of procuring official appointments. lie also wished that the house might do away with many ofthe pre- bcat esection laws. Though he did not concur in opinion with the I petitioner, yet as-his petition was couched in respectful terms, he should move that it be brought up. The petition was brought up, read, and ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed. LEGACY DUTY. lr. HUME, in submitting the motion of which he had given notice on this subject,- naid, that his object was to ascertain the ex- tent of the Treasury order which had been lately made with respect to arrear oh'the duty. Sorne applications of a imost vexatisus na-l ture lhad been made to recover those arrears. He had yesterday i been informed that an application had recently been made fromn (we believe) the Legacy-office, for arrears of duty on the bequest of a man named M'oodford, who died in Hereford, in the year 1798. The person to whor the interest in that property had devolved had been dead some time: the application was made to his executors. He hoped that ministers would see the pro. riety of having an end put to such vexatious applications. To siec now far they had gone in this respect, he would move " that there be laid before the house a copy of-any minute of the Treasury lately made, respecting legacy or probate duties. "-The motion was put and carried. STOCK PURSE OF THE GUARDS. Mlr. HUMIE, in introducing his motion on this subject, observed that on a tormer occasion le had called the attention of the house to a practice of talking certain sums from the pay of such privates of the Guards as were imprisoned by sentence of courts-martial (being the surplus ol' pay accruing to them after defraying the expenses of theirsupport during the time),and addingthem to the stock-purseofthe corps, of which the officcrs partly deriyed the benefit. Thestatement which be made on that occasion was denied as inaccurate,by some of the officers (of the Guards); but he had reason to believe that they by whom the denial was made were themselves tnisinformed as to the real state of the case. The hon. member, after some comments on the impropriety of allowing any officer to derive any emolument or advantage from the imnrisonment of a soldier, on 'whose court- rmartial he might have sat, proceeded to state the mode in which be bad acquired his information oa tbis subject.. In the course of last year, two individuals came to him,tnd askedhim whether hewas aware of the manner in which the surplus of- pay accruing to privates in the Guards, during theit imprison'ment, was disposed of. He stated that he was not informed on the subject. They then told lim that that surplus was added to the stock-purse of the corps He sought for further information as to the nature of this stock..purse, from one or two members ofthat house who had been in the Guards, but the reply he got was, that the Etock..urse was managed by the captains, but the poor subalterns had nothing to do with it. He then went to an officer of the Guards, and having told him what he heard on this subject, the officer told hiin that he believed the stoppage of pay from mnen impsonpd by sentences of courts-martial went to the atock.pnrse, and that, after certain deductions connected with the contingent fund, the surplus was divided between th. captaits and field-officers of the corps. If this were the case, and he had no reason to doubt the fact, it wcaLs a practice which ought not to be allowed to continue. After some fisrthes remarks upon the difficulty of coming at the .nowledge of the manner in' which the accounts'ol the Guar(ds were kept, amnl the impolicy of voting sums of money for any service of the army, the accounts of which were laid before Parliament,, tic honourable member concluded by moving 1' That there be laid before the house an account of the number of men of the Guards wbo bad been imprisoned by sentences of gene- ral or regimental courts-martial, with the particular periods of their imprisonment iu each year, lrom the year 1816 up to the present year; also an account of the stoppages of pay made from such inen in each year wit1 the whole amount and application thereof; also art accoult 6e 6tbe ALmonnt of the stock-purse of the Gugds in each year, for the same period, with the sources from wbich tfe saime was derived." 2 Lord PA?adlMiRSTON said he would very sbotly allude to the point which the hotourable member for Aberdeers profe6sed him- self. unable to understand-namely, the nature sf' thi s Oi-purse. Tat purse was creuted between the difference f the pay of the numnber of metnNo aslly 01n the rolls1 aand the uiber of tho6e the whole of tbearmY 0 pl onaced On die '-dPt ''e te Giaaids asow stood rpect 1 i - 'c t' Xn 172 r~ nMt2Btii&~ ibt ss4lsi~bT6hh alterd$he fenaniai*ttS t6pandft Foou(*u4 l iteee =pregsy purseioi4WA the:V- Inw,could only be donetythe e i i ther the.disi i" ofRti albehro.ina pse A t.be__rIe tb4ciotto6n si?jjat by wlioniit had been forfeited.<InivtJ;er,clce2h di' to the public in theGu) dAcc iPnt>AaTip n othrcases; ief , intpe ands of htsg -tcs, 1th e?asdn th; -o ltast priever to.the.Paye,iaster-(eneral-if calleil fore but * nb raitidodnoinings'Iheofflcrs. (f1eiarf 'i . as e auppoaet1bit Britjk-ojcersivwould so far fozget theie'hi~ hffiac4te? forhoenour, a to imprison a soldierfor.tbe mean,and pit pUcter o+f xbax npsaeaaion 6fhis f feited xy {earf laear.-AiIt fle,atts*r7, pgev,ez t,ha,t ihec nfficers shoul, bc pa ,- v2s the oo er conduct le- aswillin- g to - law,oultol'ybe dpaneyforfeited y btYh e soldiersrof thheuard frL by wom i easps.adhwithad been appfeeded. e, _ rto' thepublc?equest of e offlcers thetnielves, Who wer' d twreweY5IxIoobitthatIeir conduct should be Thoroughly-invsi~ ep Xieewouldr therefore, move as an amendment, that thbu re be hefore it haiu'ie ac 'ncount of'i6beri ountoif the pa for Veitd udr the oit ing-offtbr n wtiny Jct iD.each regirnent the Guards b sentence ef cnurtmeart1,.since 1816 anti also a statcrmene of tby foanser in o ;hr,tho puy-so forfeited had beean dipposed of. Ilr. B;EENA L exinresred'an opinion-'that the statement of the f hielord w as verfec%y;abs r.factoryt Sthe . VsikiNi 'Tified'the rmnuth of, his laiguage on a foe. me~ Sti ht, bytfe `in crrlectca hsichbt-adbehaentaIded aaint te cMui D h a-fret&b oders of the Gtaarth. seberdee ha1o h-casnwihhdbeenapplided. I-,ltte, hi caseein t oh)s.am thne asonhe,d thisod.yesthte4 obtt 3v,ord would eolonld,Wther anre, Jm asaendmen said, that they were perfrel saifiedhus awithc uthe fb elanmtount theP. had beren ie bythe The oriinaf metion was then negaied, andethe tne'nuandstbwa Lord PALfM s:RSTON mnovec, t1atnE commiattee be a ontedi pirepr BEN etrsean estipte f thnchageao the sriatementia ofro tt ceiber 1823, toDccuifberd 182the wnThetotofn' walsi agrd to and tef commhtbytittee appointed. 'cha hich: bad been' ad againse Theoteordersha, of the dcasy wrcb then dispollued ad thaed hoise c~se i he arlfetoeasehe h 'clh iy~ae t~ntawr ol W*'D3&5ftt;.WR-6V'ltz -,;
Attention will be powerfu...
Attention will be powerfulty sLtracted to the proceedings of persons interested in the silk trade against ihe petty finance scheme of the present y'ar. a petition, signed by no less than 23,000 per!o'nf of that body, who are averse even to the abrupt rewiisaion of the duty upon imported raw silk, but most averse to,the intr6 duction of-the French manufactured article. lThe situition of the CIANCELLOR of the Exonacuiza is at .pre"eUt,A singular,we should say anauiprecedented one, for a Finance iMinister. He oflErs a remission of taxation to; certain class of individuals-at least he proposes a measure by which the revenue is to be diminished-and yet they wltota he pretends to relieve, they for whose sakes he is content to suslain a loss, crowd ground to beg he would withhold his proffered boon, which,saythey,w il only involve themin ruin: and in the mean time all the rest of His Majesty's subj6cus, who are really panting for relief, and who umig4; be reliev- ed with the utmost eace ant) promptitude, are ihiMy, 4e glected and overlooked: their hufrdens are not to be touched, And this is not the case in one instanee only, but in two: the wol-dealers being. as averse to tie expmiriaot to be made upod dtr initerests, as the silk-mxnufactureqs to that by wbich their existeUce is to be put to the hazard. Notwithistanding the debate of last night, we scarcely think, that the C&aNCELLO'S Of the Eicaqtu,R -will persevere in his new propositimon Whv has he pot gone oin unburdening us of our heavy taeO AcknowleOdWg, as he does, that we need furtber relief, and profess, ing his readiness to' administer it, he could have found no difficulty in his course, had he not created Qqe hinseslf by offering a confused, puny, insufficient meaure, vheta solid, substantial, and intelligible ones were within reach. He is like a man who attempts to finesse with a.sinall OMd, when he has a sure winner in his hanid. e i4ould have played off the window-tax at. once, and the gamie w#o,i have been his own. This trieky fantastie mode of proceed- ing looks mnonstrously like playing booty with the enemy, and wishing to deceive his friends, the people,
Lent Assizes
This morning the assizcs for Berkshire -commenced before Ir. JusticC PARK ahd MIt. Baron GAInROW, thc former presiding at .A?isi Priba, the latter ii the crim3inal cotirt The calendar contaiss ?3O rrsoners, one of whteui is charged with thie murder of hih son. OnIv tbur causes werv entered for tri,d* and one of these was with_ O)ut Xlefencc. The ondy c:Lsc of the sligitest interest was nLOXSO.tE V. WI LLIAM S. This was en actioi) by Mr. Bloxsorne. an attorney residing at Dursley, in Glocestershirc, against Mr. Williams, a coachtproprietor and horsedealer. livinr.at Maidenhead, on the warranty of a horsc. It appeared, from the evidence of Alr. Edward Bloxsome, tihe son of the plaintifl; tha iti the month ofJuly last, lie was travelling hv one of the defendant's coaches, and had some conversation with the .oacln,an respecting a horse, in consequence of wlhich he recom. nmended the purchaseto his father, &nd received suthority to buy him in case be should be found to answer the description. On Sun. day. the M3Ib of tbat-monmh, he was returning from London, and stopped at 3tr. Williamns's house. The treaty for the horse then proceeded; he was sbown ia the usual manner; Mr.Williais asked 10 guineas as the pricc, and in reply to Mr. 7. Blox-onic's questions, represented that "e hcwas. right. all over," and that " he was not tiiore than seven veara old," and finally warranted him sound. lUr. E. Bloxsonse then agreed to purchase tie horse for his father, andl proceeded on hisiurney homne. The next day he sent a servant to fetch and pay for thb horse, giving him .-0 guineas enclosed i) a Iettr addrcss6d to Air, WVilliams. The man arrived at ritaidenheadl about four. o'clock in the morning of Tiuse- day, and called ht. Mlr. Willianis's house, w here '*c left the nin. ney and received. the horse, and was infornmed by the defendant's son that the horsc vas -warranted to his_master. Ile had rcaicclv gone.a rlegfrois alUidenhead, when he perceiver solmething strangC in thc manner of the hiirse's stepping, and having alighretl to exa- nine his feett found them contracted. ie procecde(ld, owever, and. wailsieg tlie.horse upand down bill, and tahking care of hint, reached homie on the afternoon of W1ednesday. He was then quite latild and being inspected.the next day by Mr. Tanner, a vete. rinar'y surgeon, was foind to have feet contracted froni long work, tu be ptobabl 17. yeAfs old, and wvortli little or nothiing. Applicae totis were imade imnmediately to the defendant for a rcturn of the moneyl7 but he setit no answer. The horse, after remainitig in Mr. Bloxsonie'stablesfor'some time, vas sent tit thesakt marshes, where he becane -consideialy better, though still r6niaining utusound. The plailutif'n ov0so nglt to recoverback the price taid for the horse, and fdir keep as:dariages, which it was agreed between the coun- sel 'ls1ould le lalin at 40L, In.case he should obtain a verdict. '5r. JR.sts.forthe defendant, before the evidence was closed, submitted.thai the.9itfions could isot be suppoited,b ecause it was foittded on acontract nade ori'a Sunday with a horsc-dealer in the waV of his tradti5 coiitrary to tlic&statiute of Charles 11. prohibiting suchaetaligz aind'rond6ring the subhjit matter of the contract liable to forfeiture- .He refierT;edin sapp of bis objection, to the case of ' rury v. De4orft ae,".where the Court of Common Pleas decid- .ed.that ahorsel aucti(Fber seJling a horse by private contract was not tvthln thcaet 'but 65fpnritcxpleslsy astheground of their opinion bbth fs eri0eg bii trade. and thereforeimnolying thatif hVashbe_% a v f = 'di dhIrsedealer the provisions of the statute wosild have defesited the acston. AUr. 'Tustijc P.&ATx refused to stop the cause on the objection, but offcred to take a note that it vas made. The plaintiff4s case having closedl jUr. JE~VTS, en the ptart cef the defenda,sst. sa.d, that although his clielnt had a different impression of wbat passed at the purchase from AIr. E. Blixsome, and thQuht that nowarrantv was given} yet that Ite could not expect su~cessfulIy to contradict 'he testimony of that gentletnan; nor could he contendl that, the horse was sotud. Ee must, therefore, submit so a verdict, but the phaintiff womld ilti- mAtely lose the benefit ef the verdict, on motion to 'le Court of King's Bench; tbut wtlould gain for his son, a lcson in morality of more valne than the debtandcosts-not to break tebcSabbath-dayby making it a ime for bargains. Air.'.Tustice PARtK said he c,nld not help admiring the morality of a horse.dealer, who, hayinir l-trnt it rather late, was so eager to inculcate it on others; for, being, in the habit of breaking the Sab, bat)t constantly by running coaches on that dav, he was anxious to read a young gentleman a severe lesson for an'incidental dpviation from it, wbich he trusted, however, would not be repeated. Bie hoped, therefore, the defendant would add charitv to moral,tv, and abstain from attempting to disturb a verdict which, in justiec, the plaintiff was clearly entitled to retain. The jury then found a verdict for the plaintiff, damages 401., leave bein gives te the defendant to move to enter a nossuit on tlhe ob- jection in point of lsw, r.1;ATT AST?- Mcnjn , 1
The Times
NEW THEA TRE ROYAL1, DRURY..LANEF THIS EVENING MACBETH. Macbeth, Mr.KMeant; MacdufF, Mr. ferry; Ladyl Macbeth, Mfr~. Bonn. After which, (first time), a newr Bllet, CalledtiPAINISH GALLANT&. To conclude wvith DEAF~ AS A POST. THRA TR?l RYL OE T.GARDENAr THIS EVENN,anwCmd,wt og,citald Lorenzo Mr opr itra iPtn. THEA TRE ROYL ETLSHPFUQUSB'S7and Mfr. MiATHEWS "A OE, nTursday, Mlarch 25, with his AN'NUAL LECTURoneciate, Character, and Manners in an entirely new entet ret nildA TRIP TOAMERiCA. ~rhe box-offilce is open rm10tl 4diy ADELPHIi T IAR,SRA ND. THIS EVENING will he vresented, an entirely niew mnelodramnatic 4nrletta, enititled WAVERLEY; or, Sixty Years Since. After whitch, the admired comic Burletta of OPPIOS:I-TION. A Hornpipcini TbyhirMA lr To conclude with the laughable Burletra of DW THAREA: or.Mistress and Mtaid. THSEVENINMG Wrill be pre'ented' the very popular and deeply in- terestir mnelodraile of ItFANTICIDE: or, Thbe Bohemnian Mother. A NaSeulby iss alit. Cmic ong,Mr.Slonan.In thec course of te eenin, aMUSIAL ELANE. Navl Hrnppe by a Gentle- man hi liat pparace.To oncud wih ahiglypopular melo- draa,clld E HYER THCHIFO,.TE GUtMOUNTAINS. 0* Te pulicaion f 2he Tme, ommecedat 01 -'clock yester. day ornig. ad liiahe at quater to 3.
To The Editor Of The Time...
Sir,-From the manner in which my name has been mentioned upon a recent very melancholy occasion, I trust I may be allowed, through the channel of your respectable columns, to subi-ait to the public a few words in my own behalf. An account of the escape, in \larchi, 1815, of the C'onsfitution American frigate from the tllree Britishi ships l.coznder, Xewcastle, and Acatsta, in consequence of all three of the latter having tacked away from tbe former, in pursuit of her prize, whom she had directed to part company, appeared in myv "Account of tlie Naval Occurrences of the late American war :" nublished as long ago as June, 1817. In three or four itionthai afterwards, Mr. Joohn Mlurrav, of Arlbemarle-strcet, having met nme by appointment at his own house, told me that the Secretary to the Board of Admiralty had deputed him to say, that their Lordships approved of the manner in which I had drawn up the statements in that work, anid desired to take fortv copies. From that hour, nay, from the first publication of the woik, until vester- day morning, when the statement in the a1orning CLhronicle mnet my eye, I neverreceived aline, never hearda word, impugnin my accoumt of tie escape of tie Constitution from the Lander and her consorts, either as it is detailed in the " Naval Occurrences," or in the last volume of the " Naval History." In the latter. I stateR. what I had left to be implied in the forner-that the British ships tacked by sig- nal from *he Commodore. I also endeavoured to make it appear, that from the Leander's leeward position, her gal-ant commander, in making the signal to tack away from the American frigate, could not have dreaded a personal encoumnter with her, as one or the other of his consorts must have captured the Comftitation before the L,eander could have got alongside. " W'hat could have possessed Sir G. Collier to act in this manner ?" are the words I used. Perhaps I had better hare stated boldly, what I then believed, and still believe, that, in not permitting the icasfta, either with or without the aid of the Newcastle, to continue the pursuit of the Constitution, the Bri- tish Commaduse did wrong. I most fervently wish that the unfor- tunate gentleman, accompanied by some calm ant' rational friend, had honoured me with a call. I would have convinced one, at least, that, though I considered Sir George to have erred in judg- ment, I never had dreamt of qurstioning his gallantry. But, after all, how nmuch better might this have been done at the Admiiiralty by Sir George Cockburn, Sir Edward liamilton, or Sir Richard King ? Which of these Admi- rals, according to the evidence on the inquest, took the proper mode of appeasing the mind of their unhappy friend? H ad any one of' them assured the gallant officer that I meant nO imputation UpOn his onour, and that (if necessary to say sore) a little obscurity was to be expected in an account dra.n up byone whom they all knew to be at lanzdsan, it is my firm belief the lamentable oenrren,, ''.'1'i - - - '. - WILIAA1 JAMER1- .' o n uum uamoetn, march 25. Td Iar e e itors of those newspapers tIon which the account of the proceedings at the Coroner's inquest has apoeared, are respectfuljr find earnestly requestqd to give insertion to this letter.- TO TIIE EDITOR OF TflE TIMf[ES.
London, Wednesday, March ...
By the French papers which arrived last night, we have the cornmnencement of the operations of the departinental Dr great colleges in Paris. These collges are composed of the fourth part of the electors, who pay the highest rate of direct taxes, above 300 francs, and who thus, by their wealth, acquire a right to a double vote-one for their dis- trict (arrondissement),andanother for their department. The qualification for the latter in Paris, on the present occasion, allounts to 1,297 francs. The college is divided into five sections, which return four menmbers, anid the total nmun- ber of electors on the list is only 2,0.59 ; or about 500 voters for one representative. The nministerial candidates are Messrs. OLLIVIgR, BarETO, BUTEX, and BONNET-the first the banker, and the last the barrister ; the two others " unknown to fame." Their constitutional antagonists are Mescrc. MANUEL, LAFITTE, TERNAUX, and DELES- SERT, wvho were all in the last Chamber, and with whose names most readers are familiar. The first day's operations are always limited to the confirma. tion of the bureau appointed by the Crown, or the no- mination of a new one; and according as the electors evince their opinions and their strength, by confirming or over- thrtwiilrg tius appoiutult, theW wini'terial oi oppositior bias is shown. Judgilig by this test, we calt #Uticipak thz return f only one constitutional candlidate out ofi the fout wvhich compose the deputation of the great coilege of Paris, as osly one of the bureaux has been changed. The Paris papers of Sat-drday contain no other intelligence of thc slightest interest, if we except the follor the Etoile ing Paragraphs from "The wife of General Mina arrived at Havre four days ago, on board a vessel from Lisbon: she is accompanied bY her father. They will proceed directly to London by the packet-boat, without going to Calais, as they at first intended. " Tle first nuwbers of the Greek Gazette, printed at Missolon. ghi, have been received at Corfu: they are read with extreme av-idi ty It is announecd, that a French journal will shortly be printed in the same town. Europe will at length obtdin information of what is paSsing, from other organs than those of the Turks. "LI ord Byron isi still at Missolonghi, where-the' rights of citizen- ship vere coenferred on him in full Senate. His new poem, TAr 7ri- ,nnpA of HelJa, has been translated inte Greek." LOIN'DON, WEDNESDAY, jMAIR CII 10,1824.
A Meeting of the Ward of ...
A Meeting of tfie oWa fFarrFingdon-without was held yesterday, for the purpose of considering about peti- tions for the reTeal of the assessed taxes. It is, to be sure, not a little extraoidinary that a Mlinister, when he under- takes the duty of abolishing taxes, should lose sight of the order ia which they are naturally imposed. The course, as we take it, in the first imposition of taxes is, to begin with luxuries, and to delay as long as possible any burden upon the necessaries of life. If, for instance, in a new so- ciety, the question were whether silk robes or glass windows should bear the first v;sits of the tax-gatherer, no humane or reasonable man would hesitate to give precedence to the silk. A ladv may enjoy innumerable comforts notwith- standing the high price of satin ; but light and air are in- dispensable to the poor ; and to the lowest degree of poverty these gifts of Heaven are the most precious. WVhat, then, would be the obvious method witlh a considerate Milinister in removing the public imposts? 'Vould it not be to re- lease the necessaries of life before its luxuries, thus observ- ing the inverse order in which the exactions on both were established ?
TO be LET or SOLD, an exc...
Obe LET or SOLID, an extellenlt HOUSE andI PRE- - 1SS reold, wvith evely contveniencee requisiefr ag fTa.siy, Wvith ,ir wvithout a carriage: coaches to anid Irom London every day. Troms wrl,iic ir is distant 49 owilew. ,Apply by letter, post paid, to Mrib lyall, Castle i-edinghasu, Essex. ,fO ~be LET, g~enteelly Furnished, I-or 6 or 3 mnla -_small HOUSE,'situate in the most preferable part of Kent11,1,. to-Wr, coFntaLtning 2 smnali parlours with folding doors, ai drawving- rooii,n3bediootns, and 2 kI[tubeusq. Itne i 21. 12Bs Cd. a week. Apply for cards to Viewv betwveen the hours of 2 and 5 (Sundays exccepted), at Mer. Slelior's, i6luemaker, Kentilih-town. TObe LET, arid enteredI on immediately, a SIIOP, in -tflc'.?1 geea3rpr n rocery linie, In a respectable miarket ton aoi5O mnl4s from Lontdon. A per-onl with at small capital willfin)dthis a esirable situiat.ioni. For particular.,rapply.11 ltbyctrer, pos~.t paidi to MAesisrs. Dickson and Co. 44, Fish-street-hill. The pre. 111tes ure laLrge, wvitht an excelleant garden beh Ind. Fi e LEVT, by the WVorshipful ComnpanyV of Salters, or es or 21l years, a DWF.LLiNG-HOUSE anid SIIOP, -No. 11, N~vgae-srt. Any pselon desirous to treat for suchl lease ate equeted o ed. their proposals, sealed tip, 41rect td t,o the Mas- ter nilWarensof,he Company, at 29. St. elwithJW'-lane. on ur bdfoe te 3st o Mach nstaut. And on the lullow%%inge daysCourt ivill be lholden at on ocock in the afteriiooll precisely, to opn h proposals, and tso treat for eauch lease. The piem ises tuav baie vIewteld every-day, jSundaya,excepred,l betwceel the hours of II aii(I I. ~ 0 be LET, n lbe Londo and Bathi Itoa, a genteel __O_ b AMLY ESIENE Lesiatl Psitulate, in thle hiighly rerpect- a.ble vIllage osf flarebateh, 5 nilies fromi Afaideulh5ad~, and 8 nri',n Reading. horks: coltaInting a dining alid drawing room, 4 principal rand 4 othier chanmbers, ai dressing rooman wutsatere coset, houseleeper's robom, 2 kitchen2s, larder, an-d cellars, wivth detached washbllouse, a 3-stall stable. coaehbouse, and othier otTh55, surrounded wvith about Z acres of lawrn and gardeni ground. Furthier particulars of J. L. Dewo, uphl tere ad auctioneer, Reading, Bierks. Letters to tie Port Phid "F1(- bc IET,a-COTTAGU RESI DENC E, '2 unlt's fromT At Reading. romantically situate, ott the oxfordsltre Hills3, netar lthe murat i-llage 0t Cavershans, having a in ,st respectal.ie neighbourhood. conutaining entrsnce baili, hreakfast, dlining, aind drisirilnk rounms,Gtibed- chamber's. 2 attics, and writer closet, 2 kitcliens. vantrY, and large uerground cellars, wIlth dietached brewv end bake ho)use, dairF,ad othier j,ffices, environed by pleasure .and kitceni -,rdeuii, orchard, and coachfhoinse, wvith 3-stall stable.- The whole o? pl renlleoc in excoellent repair, anid Immuediate nossession. miay be haid. Furthscr particulars of J. L. Dewe, upholisterer .-utd.auutiotieer, Reading, licrkb. ettest be po-st paid4.____________ _______ A'INNUITY.-To be SOLD, aii ANT\Nuiry of ?73, ,reeeIvable during the life of a getityuan. aged 42 years. For particulars apply to Cottle and Watt, astetioneurs, 6re, 9, Cary4ilii5. Cheapside. C HAIRTFEIED GAS LIGi-'1' SfHAREIS for SALE.- To le DISPOSSED) CF, TN'I or JTWELVF old SH-ARES, payluc b pvr rent, dividenid. Applv to M~r. Chan lton, Grcr reat N,ewpurt- street, Long.acie. Large FAMILY MANSION, finished in debs AE tmanner, in iekele-ssuare, the corner of Dalare.-st'rec.t LET or-SOLD,wIth hiu,rdate pssio Apply, to Nlessrs~. T. W. nid L. Cobitt, Grity.-htul-Toad. __________ P ObeSOLD, for Si110, a ?10 H REin ain untkt- T2,taking of considerable Promise, thte prufits of wh ich wvill be guarateed torealize20 per cent. and wtill In atil pr.bsibilitV prw,du, mtterh mmore. AplAylterolps ai.c . ,Ieel,'e eoifeehiolss. P' 0 I1ATTER CT1othiers, and ters.-A.I HOUSEri __atid SiIIOP wn -c- 1ASPOSED OF, in a good neiFlhbourhood, Will, a ciininiodtou, feout.t culnit,~Itni moderate. Partic.ulars; ntay be lhad at s-. 'rower-street.______ iVOUNTE'NGHOUSE, to be LET', withi Boardl and, LodgiTtI in a respectable fantily residitu, near Finsbury-s,iuar-.. F,ur cards of address apply, to Mes-rs. Lawler'atid Qui-k, ststtiwier- 0 'CHEESE ONGERS.-T he LET, a Capital ~. rooy HOUS and HOP, ecelletly fitted tip a4 aL Cl,eese"16l1- gers Inoneof he estsitLalonstoeinesiiee, -st,d greatest thorough- far ledin totheciy. or artculrsapply at 225, New.Strest, t. P3 E KHA .-o be LE,for the reillailiiler 01t thie rL erun. (ab:iit ! veatr%,lia respectable FAMILY HOISE, contaitning 2 par,nrs libedTooms. kitchen and washho,use. excelleiit cellatitig, atllohe conveniiences. Preniiuim I fell..' renit 30 guinteasi fixtures to Iniae t. avaluation. APPly at 21, Cannton-stxret, t'ity. r]-rO CHYMISTS, Druggists, andc Othlers.-To be LET. ILa rnonmycornier SHOP, witih con:veniences, partly fitted up in the .binsc lilie. Fixtures 5ill. Situate In tlie impros-ink neiffhbourlim,ld of Northampton-sqiiire, in a direct line to the City-road tla~iti. For particulars apPly tV. A. B. 32, Peieeival-trr'e t. NVorrhsinrone,qni,trC. C ,iORNHILL.-Tro be LhT, tile whole P1PEI'A IAttI of_ W a econvenient DWELLING-I-lOUSE, opplositei the Royal Ex- cliatlige, in good order, and swited for the aecommot.datio,n of a smaill fatmlly. eunsistitigKof'S licdro,,ins, variouis closets, dining atid drawing, ro,,n. cellars, &e. Immiediate piossession will b,c giv'en. TIo b-e viewed, anui pnarticulitrs had by applying at 2P. tortihill.__________ FACULT Y, hyis,c.TbeSL,a RETA IL1 FESTABLISSfIIFNT, doing an absolute buslisess belixiid tlu,- counter of 3001. per annUmui, exclu4ive of a sinall Practice. Tb', shiop Is extensive atnd handsomely fitted tip, anid .;eplete wvith evlery, convenience. Tlhe house Is large and low rented, and most eligi- Hly situate, in a leading thorouighfare, at the wvest end. The comn- ing in will be shout:5fO1L APPlY toMr. Sayer, Apot)lncarie~--halU. -V URNISHED HOUSE.-To be L",for 6 mnonthi- or a year. a very desirable FAMTILY HOUS,E, Iniaan airy situ- titon, and In the s'iciuity of n,~dford-square; unakes up 7 or A; beds, ilzd is replete wvith every nonivenietice and comnfort, iv-ith rite use 01 ,-hiua, glass, &c. Cards to view, betwveen thie hours of 12 and 3, ane particulars wnith fDawes and Newton, upholsterers, 20, Carlisle-street, sloEaUTATrFORD, Herts.-T b TET, withil-illnllt'dlatt: yvpoBessoo,ai.d AMIL RESIDENCy.. in the tow>In o1 Watord,spartedfrm te Ih-treet by a garden couirt, wit 1 gou,d garden, or hr,tcebus nd tbles. A~lho, a desiTable Cott'age ResidclIe, oemlfr tetowyn, well situate, writhi a. good gardeni and a mieadoir If requre.Apply for further Particulars to 31r. Wni. Dysoll, estaLte agent, afr.________________ (bLD ESALSE IE BUS IN S.-An 0 opportunity nowv offers for an eligible Inve-tinuent, Illicon,se- eneite of the death of the proprietor of thie oldest est,tl'iibed wrins musineis In Brighton. The vaults, Whicht are rmost excelleint, will :Onltain- 110 pipcs, in atid our of bottle. The renlailtinig; part of lb.' stock mlay or miay not lie taketi. For reference apply to thie pri nter sf the Brighlton lieral d,Prlnces.street.nrigbton : if yletterps ad '~E~f WVIGHTr, Hanis.-To be ~LET. fur a ternIl, I~ iterFurisedor UnfutrnishIed,fan excellenitFAM[ILY MIANSION- stadin ina mderte sized Park. with suitatble offices and stablinig' garens an grutis,a muauor of a.bout 1.000 acres, -be.; situat,- abou 3 Ile frm Nwpot,.Fiftyacresof the parkc itiay berentedor not wth te houe. Fr paticulrs applY (if by letter, pos.t Paidi to Mr.laiy,8. he ouh ed o lerkeley-sqlt.arc, opposite Charles-str-cet ENT ner Sve-oaks.-1'o be LETr, url-ilised, fo M idsumer next, for a term, a capital spaciou's MAN- SIO, srr,nde ly beautifuil paek-like grounds, wIth a eli-er rnii- sin thoug thm,suitable offices furs trimiiyof distinctioti, kitcelni gareii. ad b ot 15are ofgras sudaraic an . Fr particulari. apply, (if by letter, post pad oM.Ia , 5, tieuc south ecid of Berke. Icy-square, opposIte Cliarles-strest. FPO SURGEOiNS and APO'PfHECAR1ES.-'fo be jiDISPOSED OF, incon.sequenec of ill healthl,ageitteel PR.ACTICE. in a very respectable nleighblourhood.liThe purchaise money, wvhichj tril Iclde nerl fitted up surgery atid thie fixtures of the house,c wvill ihot exceed .3501. For fuirther partclr ipyoM.Eslig druggist, Little Ornilond.Ctreet, Queen-siluare. All letters liutist b;e post paid.T F.T ERKELEY~~SQQUAR .Ob OD yPrivate B Conract by r. RA,INY', a spaciOseeatNIO N, suiited to failyof angthe stilt of &rawlng roswtaciurvato,ryex` tendng tgethr abut 9 feet, capital eatingroomni td liray.Cton". starcaes,conenintdoinestieofticer, doutble coahbbotie,aIdsaiu foe hoses Th pemises are In comnplete order; the whole -if thie modern and appropriate househ)old fuirnituLre, large glasses, lustres,&c. trill be Included liiithe purchas~e, and imiiaediatepossessiojingiven. For particula-rs and tickets to veier apply to Mr. itamny, 8, the zouth end of Berkilely-square. opposite Charles-istreet. ,I~ tSU_RGEoN,S.-The LEAS,frnarl 14 years atid a hailf from Lady-day, wvithi possesSioD, Of aSHOP al Il PREMTISES, whichi have for MaTlY years been in thie fenure of iltost respectable practitionlers, unow removing. 'V'he premnises. are s.ituat iii a very respectable,i. ,ptilouu. and increasing neighbourhood1. abu 2 miles from the br'idges, on the Suirrey, aide, anid ace irn perfect re pair. To sal's troluille, premiumn 1001.;- net rent 401. Fofrte particujlars aPP1y fif by letter, post paid) to Mrf. Hughes Hewit ol !ilor, Claphamt-coillmonl. COTTAGE to be LT deghflyitulitn, about 4 miles and a half fromn ten,aTotnbm near the Highi- ,ross, consistitng of 7 rooms, getelyfrise,cliasehouse and ;table, large gsirden, iv.ith ani ahud eo hiefruit trees, &.c. slenty of exceJlelet wvater, a,nd neatly. fitted up w4'ith cotuvelsielnces if every description. For further particulars apply, on the premises,, .o Mir. Parry, Eagle CottAge, Eagle-place, Tottenhami High-cross; or at M 3 P sddingtou.green . If by letter, to be _ post paid.~ rIOU NT RY HO-- U-SE.Tobe L ETri ,ll the pleasan test U part of Nortbamnptolishirc, In a healthy village, anzd the centre if the Pytehiey houmids, TWNO H0USFS,, with orchards, gardenis. and. ultable outoffices - one neat and comPact, furinishied for thie homue- ihate ocenpvatioli 01' ai sniail respectable famlily; the other larger, and infurnished, nveil calcullatiid for a hoardingc school. Ter. acres of yeassland maybehbad ifrequlred. Reals modterate. Every particular liar be kn,,wn personally, or by letter, post paid, to A.Bi. 16, Union- .lat!, Laombcth.__________________ TRTONGERS a-n(d thIers.--'T. ~beSOL~D,the excllnt aniatured STOCK of IRONAMONGERY, namnely, ;to'e, anes,fedes,fire-irons, sinumbri. anid other larmpst, knives ind forks., tea trays, Betanila metal goods ouf suiperior quality, cash aid fire proof boxes. tubot and fishl kettles, and every othler tin and ope rticle; also two shower, hisan slipper batbs. The wvhole if?theri,toelt mUsit lie cleared before qure a,therefore a consider- uble sacrifice will belniade. - At 3, ig r-teet, S doors from Ca- ,endhih.esiptare. r o IA' UACTRERS igenera.- To be LT JL most elfribld piECE of (?ROUND, 240 feet by 50 feet, within 1 miles casIt o' t'he Exthanile. with a newly erected steram engIne if 5-horse power on the lid.tiaing Premises, the use of wrhich hary )o had almjost constantly, and if the parties needed an additiotial -apital In fUttheranece of thleir designs, it mlIgh be granted on 'Jvihig proper security. Apply-by letter, post pald, to L. D. at the 2~arollna coffeehouse, Brlrlin-lane, Cornhill. rpO H USE GENT andOthers.-A. Gientleman, A. who will 'be In town oin the 23d instant, to look out for a house, Je l.g Pressed for thact, Nu-ill pay the accustomed fee to atny Person who ,an point out a. comfortable wvell FURNISHED HOUJSEi in a good sItu- etioxi, west of Tottenhani-touTit-road. It must containi a good draw- Ing room, ktitehien, and office.,, 3 bevt bedrooms, and 3 or 4 servants' rooms. -Retut not abovic S or 9 guinea- per,weekt. Engaged certain for April and Mlay. Address to H. C. eaq. 345, Paternoster-rowV. N.B. Trhere are no children. - lSH0IsSGATE~~~STREIPL' 1 w 1 'rIT 0 _ b e ~LET, Bb~ EWTIJ PAR of theU`PPER PART of a capital 1-AMI S utIth istint prvate entrance, very suits. bl fr Pofssonl calean a ofiesorreidnc.or thewhole of th Hous, Shp, an Preises-eu-il be et, tiamderaste rent, andwitoO prhuilO Imediteposessonmaybehad; situate 10 he rferble~ar o Bihusgas.stet.wthin. Full particu- lar an cads osmwofMr.Newon,autioxeer and appraiser, 39, ~ ~IT~1ONT, Surrey. 8 imiles from the&Bridges.-To be 1ET onbeaue, a very sumierior RESIDENCE fer alargerespect- Rble ainily Inclined to comblmie economy and comfort, having tevo lawns skirted by lofty tilhber trees, three gardens, larga grapary and gardener's room, 18 acres of exeellent meadowv land, and a complete arrhngemnent of offices and outbuildings, wvith separate yards for every enecoac, every part beIng well supplied wIlth water. To lie vieved only with cards. Apply to Mr. T. Gregory, 5, Clement's-Inn Mh Shuttleworth, 27, Poultry * orto r. Hicks, builder, Lower Toot- ing; Sorrel. Ii) GEHAMPTON HOUSE, Surrey, to be LET, Fur- 51 nJshea, with 23 acres of grass land, miles from Hyde Park corner, and near to Ilchmond Park. The house contains a large en- tratnce baL dining parlour, drawing room, sother sittlng rooms. and 18 bedls, with epacious and convent offices of every description coach houses for 4 carrIages,- stabling for S horses, excellent walled g;rdets, w,ith treenbouees and vlnery, ex-tensive add beautful plIc- suTe gronods.aid 23acres of-grassland adjoining. Tobe vIewed with cards Only.l Apply o Messrs. Rt.bins, Cdyvnt garden. -'ro WVATiCHMAKEf RS, . JedIii;lE, -Cutlets, &t- Y'T LE:A5S td5 1w- SOLD, or L,et -at an annuat' rtntt, by Private -CowRrcEt,- by-ARRSR`V, SON!i and, EL-LIOTT, Uofa desirablb; SIx-OP and .DWVELLUB,G-HtQUSE,- situate {ln thueprerexablb yit 8irthuF Coos.- merclal-oa . Th8. ab'ovte trades bavo becn carried' b-'for peveral yea< - -Thie Vremises are suitableforsaiYhbustlaess re4urifng a great tbonidhf2?e, eIbutLt, an&- Ini good. repaIr,tcomntarh1nh3 bSdcd ih- Mxs , dliS oOtt, conveniot .shop,:parlpu,r, -kitchen, &c. *ith large ya'o hi'd'uI leo.-~' .he -fixtures- tovbe ;ke~n at - a falr v,luatioh; anda smaU astock of jewvellery may be talex Drt. rejected. For pearticulars apply to Parrey, Son, and Elliott, idtlontr$S, Great
IIARRIED. On thc 17th inst., at St. Alartin's-in-the-Fields by the Rev. W1 illiam Borradaile, Edward Cresy, of Suffolk-street, Pall-luasl East, Esq., to Eliza. daughter of AVir. *Ym. Taylor, of Iludgate. street. On the 17th inst., at St. George's, Hanover..square, Thomas Law Andrews, Esq., of Devonshire-strect, Queen-square, to AIi.M8 Sims, of Hlart-street, Bloomabury, and niece of R. Iea, Esq., of Becken- ham, Kent.
Lent Assizes.
Vcforc tre HJOt. Xr. Baron UAtIROW. Daniel Cri nsldtre was indicted for the murder of hisson, William Grimshire, an infant of the age of six montlhs. The indictment chargeA hi'm with having, on the 3d of January last, feloniously, wilfully, and of maiice aforethought, poured a largae quantity ot boiling and scalding water into the mouth, and hver the nrck,breast, and arms of the deceased, who thereby became sore, sick, and dim- tetapered, and languished till the 18th of January when he died of the sickness and distemnper occasioned by the act of his father. The prisoner, a young man of Iecent appearance, in the condition of a labourer, pleaded "not guiltv." Mllr. JUSTICE stated the case for the prosecution. Catherine Dew then gave evidence as follows:-l am 50 Years of age. I live at Sutton Courtney. On the 1st ofJanuarv last- Daniel Yri;mshire and his wife lived in the house with me. 'lhey had one child, apparently rather more than six months old. The outer door opens into a brewhouse, common to both, which parts my rooms from those of the porisoner. The doors of the rooms are nearly, but not quite, oppoatte to each other. The partitionts are very thin, being comsposed of lath and plaster. The doors shut tolerably close. When I anm in my own room I can hear the prisoner and his wife converse, but not FO ac to undlerstand them. On the 3d of January t went two or three times in tite course of the day into the prisoner s room. About 5 in the evening I went in, when Its. Grimshire was ironing. I held the child while she finished her ironing, by the fire- side. It was very well then; as well as I had seen it for some time. In about a quarter of an hour she said she would dress it and put it to bed before the shepherd (that was her husband) came home. I then returned into my own room. About six, or a little after, I heard the prisoner cone home, and go into his room. lrs. Grimshire soon after went out on errands. A little after, she came in, and shortly went out a second time. After she had been gone about two minutes, I heard the child cry out very much indeed. I said to my boy, I could not think what had happenedt to little Billy, and I would go in and see. I went across the brew-house, opened the door, and said to the prisoner " La! shepherd, what maktes little Billy cryso?" He said, " es ie did: I have been to rite I cradle once, and rocked him before." I had heard no cry before that on which I went in. Theshepherd was sitting ona chair wlhich he usually sat in when he wvas at home. He went to the cradle, and took- one side, whild I took the other, and rocked the cradle. MIrs. Grimshire came in from the shop with the things, and asked, 1 What did little Billy cry so ?" (He was still crving.) I said, " Yes, he do; I could not bear to hear him cry so, or I should not have come in." I returned into my own house. Some tilne alter I lteard the shepherd go out; and a little while after, it might beabout three or four minotesU Mrs. Grimsliire ran in to me with the chitld in her artms. The child was rather stiller, tbough yet crying. I sat down in the chair, and Alrs. Grimashiie purtechild into rmy arm.s, while she went to call a neighbour. The child was very much scalded on tite neck, round the left ear all the cheek, mout9,breast, and shoulder. The lips were very much scald- ed indeed; all up in blisters. Dlr%.NVarrick and I undressed it we opened its moouth and saw that all around its mouth wasblistered. It had then its night dress on. TIley were verv wet round tile neck and shoulder. It had a night cap on, tied under thechin, and wet round the ear. I began scraping potatoe to nmix rvitl oil, while Mrs. WVarwick held thte child. Mrs. Grimshire went to fetch her h us- band home. The prisoner came it befoxe her, two or three minutes, i she said she went and called him out of Mr. Reeves's. W'hen hie came in, I said, La! shepherd, whiat liave you done to little Billy He nade me answer, and said, " I have done nothing." He took the chair, sat down, and be*an crying very much indeed. i The table was between tre cradle and thle fire. The cradle is a ! wicker cradle with a head; the fee. were towards the fire. On the table itere ttvo cups and saucers, and a tea-pot. They had nor drank tea. Other people examined the cradle. I did not. I saw I the pillow and clothes. The coverlet was not vet. Utoss-examined by :'Ir. DIGUY.-I had lived in the house with the prisoner thlree months before the death of the child. Ile and hisi wife had no words, to my knowledge. The prisoner swas mild in his manner. The prisoner and his wife did not live on vcry good terms, but lie never beat her or used violent langLuage. lie was not much at home.l Here one of thc Jurymen wvas observed to be faintirg. blat, after taking refreslhiment, lie said he should be able to go on, and the trial proceeded. Mrs. Dew proceeded to sav-I never knew the prisoner unlind to the child; but be was not usedS to take it or talk to it. ll'hen I heard the child cry, and srent into the room, there was a light on tbe table. I have heard hlis wife sav, that he did once shave on a; Sa- 1 turday evening. This was Saturday evening: I saw no preparationq for sliaving. The neighbours proposed to send for Jr. Vest, andt the prisoner went liinsselt: I often we,t into the prisoner's roo - I saw the prisoner's father there; heappeared very tond ofthe child: l Mr. Thomas WVest said-I am a surgeoni at Sutton Courtney. Otn the 3d of January a man came to my house, and I asked iim if it was his child that vas scalded? He said it was. I asked when it was done ? He said he di.l not know. I observed that hre could surely tell whether it v:as two or three days ago, or that night. He replied, " Yes, it was rn-night." I ztsked, " vhether it wasi done an hour ago ?" He replied, *- Not lotig ago, while the nmo- ther was gone to tihe shop." I asked * if the child was scalded very badly ?" He said, " it was." * I inquired if it could be brought up to me ?" He said, " he did not know." I then gave him di- rections as to immediate applicatioln to the child. I do not recollect any thing niore. A few ruisintes after thee ehild was brought in by three women, of whom MTrs.W*arwick was one. I examined it, and found that the left side of the faco seas in blistees from scalding, that tihe ear was in a similar state, anld tbht the moutlh, lips. left side of the neck, left shoulder, and tipper part of thie j chest, on the same side, were blistered. The next morning I i oeened rite mouth and found blisters on the tongue, inside ot the cheeks, and gums. I continued to attend the child regularly till his death,which hanpenvd on the morningof tle 18th ofJanuary. I attended the coroner's inquest on the 20th,and asled leave to open t!he body. I found a dark appearance ott the arm, as if the circul; - nLon was carried on with great languor; the childl was thin and inca- rre when I first saw hibs; I found no marks of internal disease; nothing in the appearance of the parts likely to produce death. The scalds were, in my opinion, the cause of the7child's death. Cross-examined.-I cannot positively swear that the man vheio c*ame to me was the prisoner. There was nothing swhich I obsenred tremulous in his voice. He wished nse to see the child. IMany ac- cidents arise from the careless use of hot water. The windpipe vwas not at all affected. Tl'c heat of the water might prodluce spastmodic action, and cause the stom ach to reject it. Edmund Morris said-I occupv a palper-mill at Sutton-Courtnev. On the 3d of January, I heard of what ha(d happenied, and went io the Fish public-house. I heard a man pass the house, whichI is on the road, three ftirlongs from Sutton-bridge. I and another man named Pointer set out to catch thIe person whom we heard pass. WVe overtook him at $ututn-gate, half a milc from the Fish. XI-e came tip to the man,und found it wts rthe prisoner. I said to bin, Grir- shiire, you are charged with having attempted to destrov vour child you must go back witlh .is." lIe did so witlhout resistarnce: be was crying very sadly. After we reached Sutton-bridge, he ttopped, and said, " I'll tell ytou all about it." I saict, " Keep your own coun:- sel. I'll riot hcar yot." lie twice repeated the offer, but I refused. A person going from Sutton-Courtecy to Dorchester would be in i the public road where we found hin. I JamesPohilter said-I overtook the prisoner on the other side of ite i bridge. I called" Hallo! W;here are you going?" He replied, * To Dorchester, after my wife's father or mother," I am not stire which. When we reached the Fisli, he told me if I would let himn go borne, he would tell nmc all about it. This wits the casc for the prosecution. The prisoner, beiisg called on for his defence, said that he took a basin to the kettle, and filled it. As he went across the rooni, lie stumbled against the cradle and the accident happenedl. He loved the child as his own life, antd 'eclared hiimself" as innocent as teo child unborn." Mr. Baron GAtRow stitiiiietd up the evidence with great inite ncss. lie strotigly urged the imiiprobability of the conimission of so rhrcadftil a crime, tor whlich no motive was suggested, and byn suc nleans, anid aditonielted itC jutry not to convict tile prisoner unless thiey were satisfied becondl r.li doubt of his guilt. The Jury, after rleliberatimrg tbr a short tinie, returned a verdict of Gutil Mir. 'aron GARntov proceeded to pass on the prisoner the dread- fullsentence, that he should be cxecuted on Thursday. and his bedy arlatornized ; and heldl out no hope of mercy. The prisoner manifested very little erssotibn during tire trial, on the delivery ot the verdict, or whent his was taken frons the bar. LENT. AMSIZES. CRILMINAL COURT. R'EADING. TuEsDnsv. IAAnr'T 9
On Saturday last, at lluswdelill, Emma Shia=, daughte of 0. (3n, = .vsly;, the 'fth in5t., GI.feorge 7ippl?'o Wyondbrn, NorN(jk, aged 77. At Chelsea, of a decline, in the l7th year of his age, {Charles Ro. binnson,h6tte Midsbipman of his Majesty'ad ship 33ribunc; and second son of Captain eourge Robinson, R.N: On Thnrsdayt the 11th inst., :t her house at WandsworL0 in her 78th year, ElJizabeth, relict of .Jernes Hume, Esq., 'ate, one of the: CorMruissioners of hts Majest;T's Customs. - On ?ondiy,the Stli inst., lad,e 85th year of ler age, at thehouse -of her datirhter, at ,tis'head, its thecounty of D)urha, AM -s. Bell, ni(ithrar f-M~~r. Aegqf, fBow Chutch.yard .Lndon, and relict of r.. JohniMI.J1,frmer1y. of He14xJi_aSi-bey, NOrthutnbecland.
East India House.
r esterosY a special Gerrern Court of Proprietors wus. held at the East-India Houtle, for the purpose of tainug into their' conisideratfont the services of che late Governor-General the MVarquis Of Hastings. After the miinutes of the last Court were read, The CHAIRMtAw , announcedl the specific purpose for which the present Court had 'been convened. Mlr. DoUTGLAS KrSAiRD said, that the necessity of discussing the subject whichl had just beeni announced, rendered it utanecessary for himn to offer any apology for the course which lie was about to' take. A-s he had *to advert to matters of record, the best course' he could pursue was at once to proc-eed in -medi-as res, slid state the bases sipon which he meant to. found the claimis of thie Marquis of Hastings to the gratitude' and reward of the East India Company-, an4. the applause of his country. He w-oula state the services ot' that noble Alarquis while'Gover. nor-General of India from the records of Parliamudnt, 'as well a-s of that Court. Tbe firat he should read wras the resolution of the Coutrt of Director,, for his conduct in the Nlepaul war it wvas as follows: " At a Court of Directors, heldl on 'W ednesday, the 20th of No- vember, 1816, it wvas, on several motions, I,' Resolved unanimouslv. Thatt the thanks of this Conrt be given to) the Earl of MAoira, K. G., Governor-General and Comrnanqrder-in- chief, for the Prudence. energy, and ability, combined with a judi- cious application of th'e resources of the Comnpany, displayed by his lodh P i lanning and directing the Operations of the late war against th Nepaude-se, undertalzen in consequience of a persevering system of encroachment and insult on their pare; and als for his, wisdorit and moderation, in availing himself of the Successes obtain- dbyothe arm, for concludinig a p-eac-e with the Ghoorka power, on termns bohhnrable and advatageous." This reslution wvas chrried unanimously by, the Court of Pro- prietors as well as that of the Directors. WVhen the same subject wasz discussedl before the Houise of Peers, Lord Liverpool, in an al- lusion to a remark whilch had on a former eveninig fallen from Lord - Gray, said t-hat lie should not call for any opiniion 'I on the justice or necessity of that wvar," and he added these wod_ In re- ference to wzhat had been said by a noble lord the other even- ing, aS to difference Of opinon respecting the prosecutfion of the war, he must observe, that the statemnent was foundedI in error. That noble lord was completely- wrong in supposing th;at any protest liad been miade by certain menmbers of the council in India' against the war. WVith respect to the justice and necessity of commencingc hotliis there certainly war, no diff'erence of opinion in India ; and It also had been the opin'ton of the Governmnent of this counter, that Iin eriler to chieck the encroachmients and aggressions of the Nepaul powerc, no OtheO remedy remained but an appeal to the sword." Hecocluded by moving. " That the thanks of thte house be given to General the Maiquis of Hasting!s, for his juidicious ar- ranigements in the plan and direction of the m-ilitary q~erations against Nepaul, by wliich the war was, beouguit to a successful issue, andi peace establisfied upon just and honourable terms." In the House of eommons, when A\lr. Canning introduced on thet same occasion a similar vote, he complimiented the sagacity of iLard Hastines's policv, and said. that IIsuchi was the 'iripression 'made upon the Govert~rtent in this- country by the representations of the 13eng-al Government, respecting the a~grsssions of NepauLI, that orders were fransied foe tile purpose of directtng that very course of conduct which had titer, already been adopted by Lord'IHastings. BefOre recourse was had to host'ilities, everyv mode of remon-strance and negotiation had been exhiausted, and.. apparentis', with sick success. that tite Beng,al Govei mient, Tore than once:'thought that all disputes and difFerences were at an end." He explained, too, that "the chiief puros of the war was to detach fromt the Ghourlka power its miore recent conqtaeos. But ino addition to the territories of the-Briti4ih emipire was con~templated. except wher, there were no mieans of'restoring thefortnertGovernments. The cam-paign ended b.y leaving nio less han one-thsrdl of the Gshoorka dominions in the power of the British, and by thlereat being restored to its formecr condition." He addled that " the result of this war he believed to be ai source of saffety-certainly of honour and glory-to this Country, but in its Ititure consequences of an iMportance' not easy to trate." Mlr. Birougham, weho followed Mr. Canniing, said, that " the difflerence of o inion as to the ptlicy and c.-induct of the war to which he :Xlutlled, existed in a quarter well known to that house and the India Bor.Mlr. Emntn and 11r. Dowedeswell's name-s wYere fami- liarto ll prsos coverant ithIndian aff-irs." But file. Cannng,in rply decare tha itwastotally a mistake to sup- poselistsew i~benceof oinio astotite pulley of tite WILr ex- istd hrwen te arqis f Hstigsand his council." The nextvoteto wichh~ wuld allthe attention of thit court wat tat of th)e 'ourt of Direct.res, dated tie 20th of Januiar y, 1819- Thazt the thianks of this Conrt be presented to rthe most noble the ~llarquis ofHastings, K ich of the Garter, for the g rea ad signal wisdlom, sk-ill, and energy, so enninently displa.yed b.y his lordshipi, itt plantting anid conducting the late miniitar y operaitions against tile Pindarrees, of which, tile liappy, retult has% been the ext inction of at predators' power establishing itself in the heart of thie empire. whose exktrenci expecrience had shown to be alike incompatible wvith thie seuit f h Company's possessions and the gener-al tranquillity of India. 'Also, thattitis Court. while itideeply tegrets any circuncatancey tleading to thie extension of the Gotnlpany's territory, duly appreciates the fores,ight, promptitude, and vigour, by wvhich the miost noble the Marquis of Hastings, by a great combination of political and mili- tary talenit, dispersedI the gatlitering ele ments of a hiostile confederacv amongst the .Mahratta states against the British power in India." The Chairirtan, in expadiating aponi tIhe merits of the above propo- sition, remarked, that the papers wltiich had been laid before the proprietors affordedi the most manifest oronfs of the ability, fore- sighit, anti wisdom with wvhich the noble marquis had miet the exi- gencies of the tinmts. At the samie period, Lord Liverpool. in -inos' iag thiank-s to the Marquis of Hlastings, i n ele House of Lords, said, " that thelatehostilities in Indiaoriginated in necessary meiasures ot'aelf-defence,adopted by the Governineu,. in India agairist'the aggres. siousofthteP udarreces." And he afterwards added,thiat" hel.ad shown that the wear hiadl been one of self-defenice. and it was lnot necessary, for him to endeavour to do this by- remiote inference of arguntent. The fact appeared dlirectly fromn the Papers on tie table. Tue war had been undertaken on ito grounds of doubtful policy." He~ after- wards said, fthat " no General or troops had ever inure meritoriously, distinguihed thernselves." The Marquis of Lanadlown in the caine11 debate had said. that "4 whatever miighit be the chararter of thie policy which hail been adopted withi regardI to 'Itidia, thne Governor-GeueTal hadl, on) this occasion, been placedl in a situa- tion which rendered hostilities unax-oidable. and that he iied display-- ed cottsutmmnate abilites on a field of operations mnore extensive than it had ever fallen to the lot of any one commander to direct." Lord Hlolland. on the same occasion, said, that "1 he had a high gratifica- tion in paying this tribute to thie Governoir-General ofjIndia, be- cause he remeiibered that lie was the samie Marquis of Hwastngs whoin he hiad ofteni heard with satisfaetion in that Place, w;ho was all ornatnetit to the house by his eloquience and his virtues, whose voice was always raised in defence of innocence and weakness against otppression. anda in maintainingl the rights of the people as well as those of thec Crotwn." Mr. 1Einnaird tliteti proceeded to qutote simi- lar sentnitents wlitilt were delivere(i by Mr. Canning, when mioving the vote of thanks in the House of (',otiimons on thie same occasion, and tineli, witlh considerable force, on the eloquenice withi wliich Mr. Canning hiad iiisplayed the service- of the noble miarquis in the Pin- darreec war. So tha't, both its the Nepaul and P'indarree campaigns, lie had received the enthusia-stic thank's of both Houss of Parlia- mient, atid the two East Iiidia Courts. It was in consideration of these emiinent services, that in the year 1819. they entered tIe fol5lowing recordl of their reward to the noble miarquis- On Friday' the hill of March, the Chaininan stattel to the Court of Directors his intiention of submitting, on this Wlednesdav follow- ting, a resltititigranring a certain sumi of mnoney, to the rnost noble Chiran wit th crset of the Court of Directors,wihrwit iiotion of wvhich lire hadi given notice, andI inured, in lieu thiereof, that the sum of 110,0001. should be granted in trust to the right hon. Charles Hope, Lord President of thie Court of Session., tile righit honotirable - Cathcart, Lord Galloway, David Bloyle, Esq., and TI. W. Adamn, Es'1., to be laidI out in the purchase of estatss in atiy part of' ilte U.nited. Kingdont, for thle use and benefit of tlte mno.t noble the Mlarquis of IHIastings, his Marchiontess. and their iss'it." It was proposed to. amend this tmtotion byI lcavir.g out all the words in the latter part of the resoluitioni, relative to placing in) the hands Of tTUSteca tite sumn of 60,000l. for Ithe purchase of estates, and in- serting inistead of thteti,I an annuity of ,i,01f01-. to is-rte nut O1 the territorial ret-cnues in India. foe the ternm of twenty vears.' The quiestion I'that the seords ptroposedl to be left nut, stand' part of the resolutioni, liassed in the negative, by the ballot ; and the wortls Of' the amenditrent, passed by tie ballot in the affirmative." So far everY thing weas dreclarstory oflthe noble tnarquils's imerit, and then came their last rcsolut;oni of 182'2, whiich closed their notice of Ihis brilliant career. It was- as follows:- Resoired ttnatiiniolisly, 'fiate this C-ottet mosteordialls' concur wvith the Courtt of D)irectors in their estitntation of the unremitting zcal and enniir.etit ability with which the most nobile the M[arq u Is oft Hastings lhas, duiring a is_rtod of nearly niine years, aelniristered the Governmnctt of Britfsh India, switli suich hiighi credit to himnstlf, and advantage to thec interests of the East Itidia Company. 11That this C-ortrt, referring to the sentiments expieseri by them- selves and the Court of D)irectors. in December, 81, on returning tifanks to Lord Hastings for lilaskilfu and succes~sful operations in the war against thre Nepaulese: to their res4olution of the 3d of Fe- bruary, 1819, reco,gnizittg risc widotit atid eniergv Iif thiose measnres wh'ich exititguishec a great predatory power that had established it- self' iii the heart of Hindoostan, whose existettce experience had shown to bc alike incompatible with the sectirity of the C-ompany's possicssiops, and the general tranquillity of lndia, applatidinec at the same time the foresight, prontistitude, atid vigotir with whick his Lordship, by a combination of iiiilitary Nwitlh political taheittt, had aitiicipated and encountered the proceeth ings of an hostile confedera-~- cy amiong tlic Mahratta t$tates de'eisted their artitici, reduteed theirT to submission, and mnaterially lesse,ned their means of f'uture aggres- xionti referring also to thec reeolution of the Cou-t of Directors of the l0thl of Maceli, 1819., in which thtey appeal, at the close of Iwo glo- rious anid successfutl wars, to the records of the East India Company, foe the g-reat serv-ices wbi-ichbis Lordship's uniwearied 'tsd 't' nd comprehensive knowledge of the Conipany's affairs hadi enabled hitie to render to its most important interetsts:. this, Court cannot but with. the highest satisfaction witness their executive authority again cominig forwvard at thje ternitnation ofsa career so useful ande brilliant, to express and proiiiulgate their sense of liis Lordship's exalted me- rit, and their deep regret that taieoqttic circumstances should with.- draw himn fromt the governmsent of their Atsiatic territories. That ithis Cotirt stron;gly participate II, thlat regrret, anid request the Court of Directors to convey to the illarquis of Hastings, Govertior-Gene- ral and Conitniander.in-hidef, their expressions of tlieir unfeignied adnireation, gratitude, and pl auAmse "' From th tidte when this resolution was so unaninmously adopted, lie challenged tle Cotirt of Directors to -ay itt what Lord EHastings had failed to deserve a continuaonce of their thanks and thcir grati. tude. Had any thing since conic to light to shake their confidence in his lionour and initegrity f iinot, svhiv not proceed towards him in the ultimLate reivard, as in all previous cases of meritorious Governors-General. He had now slhown from autlienticdocuments, thte series pf services performed by the Marquis. of Hastings, arid wihy, lic repeated, was the usual reweard withheld from such a tiobleman ? The noble Marquis was not a tian tbr half measures, and he had given a dignified proof of his high sense of feeling in the cold thautls be bad retussted to Parliament, *for the liniited thanks (always excluding tie policy, althou"h the minis- ters admitted it in; their speeches) whicli they tad conferred upon his measures The alatiuis of Rastings was permitted to re- tire withi iust half the reward which the larqis Wellesley had re- ceived, although he (Lord Hastings) had doubled their amnount of stock, anid increased their rank and property throughout the whole of the Indian enpire. The hon. proprietor concuded by an eloquent appeal to the Court, to do justice to the integrity, and honour, and services of the Alarquis of Hastings, and by apogiing to the Chairmnan for any warmnth which an honest and generous sense ef feelin. had betrayed him into when he last addressed tbe Court upon this subject. Hlis mnotion-was-. "Resolved, That this Court, rectdrrinzg'vieh-tttdinAichetlpriulw and gzratification to tbe repeated occasions run which the distingmnskh a servces rendered to the 1t;a6t India Company by' tie Most Ittoblc th0 Marquis o' !lsating" have been under itS conideration, and 1Th0re easteclially to the 20th day of December, 1816, and to the 3d day of February, 1819. when the unanimous thianks of this Court "ere successively voted to hid Lordlshiip for the planninK, conduct, anid conclusion of two splendid military achievements; and which '~tre Sa.-ip mtore especially acknowledied and rewaraded by a grant Of 60,OOOL unanimously voted to the Mlarquiis of If astinies and hi.s IaU,on the 5th of MNav, 1819:- anld fuirther adverting to the timanimous expression on the 29th of Mlav, 1822. of thi-s Court's high sense of the poltical and, military talents'displayed. by the Gevernor- General durinir nine years' adIministration of the supreme power in Ilidia, as well of its deep regret at having then learnt his determirma- tion to return to Europe, is-of opinion that the time is at length ar- ri'ved when the splendid and glorious resiilts of the Matquis of Beaing's ovenmet, o te fnanialprosperity, and to the per- manet tanqillty f Inia,ougt t beadequiately rewarded, aa theyarefull ao'rrcatr by he rooretoA at large, in eommIIon Withther apladin couLryen~bot inEurope and in Asia. " Tht i bethe~foe rfered o te Court of Directors, forth- 'Wit totak ino teir onsdertio, ad to report to this Court, the Meains and the measure of such a pecuniary grant, for the approval Of this Court as may be at once worthyv of our gratitude for the be- nefits receiveA', and of the illustrious pereonage who ha-, so mainly ontributed to the reigning tranquillityr of their emnpire, and the linancial prosperity of the Company." M1r. RkNtDLE JTACttSOt second'ed the motion. On its being put from the chair, Mlr. JOR'e S-wiT, Al. P., said that he felt under considerable difficulty a% to the course wbich he ought to pursue on the present occasion. He admittedI the highi eltaracter of the Marquis of liast- angs., the great achiryrvments he had performed, and the gratitude be was entitled to fur his public ser-vices. But how did this question come before the Court ?Was there not some difficulty in thIe con'i- sidesation ? What groundis were laid for its discussion? W ith re. sliers to the noble M arquigs' military career in rindia, he believed it was eym glorious* - buit he'(r Smith) was one of those who looked with a I'ittle jealousy upon wars in India. (Hear.) Hie knew, in- deed, that they were to be defended in a variety of ways ; but the defencesq set up were always those by whiceh the extraordinary mnan (Napoleon, who had lately ceased to -figure in the wcrld, had ouht to justify his militarv conquests. He was free- to con-. fOng thatt whatever opiniuo' had beeni formerly entertained of Bri- tL,h' poliev in India. of late it becam-e mrlsifest that the wants and com-forts of th~e native population were alwvays considered by- the Britishi authonrities, andi thieir condition under 'he govern- mernt of the East India Comnpany uniformnly approved. (Hear, hear.) But in the rewardtl.of their public servants. the constitution of that Court reposed in thIe Court of Directors the responsible task of se- lecting arid apportioning that reward. Wh'at reason was there to doubt their dzcision in thiq particular case-had the Directors for- feited their confidence ? Before this question were entertained, he thought it essential that so-iie napers or documents, for the purpose of giving the necessary iniformation upon the sutbject, should be called for and iziven to tii' Crurt of Propirietors, many of whom were doubt- less as iiey,,7ant as himnself upon the real merits of the case. (Hear, ~e.. lie believed ilia, theC ronduict of the Marquis Of Hlastii!ts wvouldI tand the fullest investigation. When he said this, he knew thai some unfavourable, and he believed uin- founded, reports liail gone abroad retipeetine,somne loan at Hy- dirahad. That subject. fir the sake of the noble Marquis, oIIZht 'to be invegtizated : and if any blamve e re imnputable-he repeated he knew notbine of the real state of the circumstances-theni tlievycould set off against it the dist-Inruishied merits of the noble individual throighiout his eencral Indifan governnment. For the purpose of obtaining somne information upon which they could,ground their pro- ceedinigs. and in itistification to the noble marqtiis, he woultd, if no othler gentleman bIetter qlualified uindertook, the task,uvove for thle pro- eluction of papers :lie was indifferent as to the termis of the miotion, and would move for 'general rapers touching thie Marquis of H{as:int:s's adiministration in India. The lhonourable proprietor, after consultinz with some gentlemen near hiim, said, that Perhap', for tile Tp::rpn"oseo raising the question. he liad better move a more specific proMnosition. oni whichi they might raise a larger ques- tion. lie shoulld theTef4re ennelutle by moving - That there be laid before the Court all such patvers or docuiments respecting thje loans m-ade hv Me-ssr. Palmer anld Co. to his H4igAneSs tite Niarnm at Hi'- drahati. as- w-ill enable this Co''urt to tiecidc upon. the merits of' the Macquits of Ha,tuns., and upon any claims he may have on tse libe- Talitv Of thlis Company." Tue lIon. gentleman obseri'ed.tbat he had hear'd the rumouir rela,tive to the loan at 11 vvdrabati, and lie hiad also heard from the higibest authority, thai the statement whiich had been insi-uated rr'perting it wasa delusi,,n, antd utterly' unfouinded. .Mr. Pov,,un s)r econdedl thc amcrndnie'st. because lie thoeughit an inquiry was called tiur. and wsq thie only wyv of' getting at the real iacts. Thiev couild not shut their eyes to th'e fstt that a great ulis- sonance of opinion prevailed union tttis subiect withiin the bar. and he really thoogit the Directors ouirht to furnish some explana- sion resnecting whiat had takien place. ( ITear.) Thle CHATsto MAN' said. tha1t in abstainling fcorn replies to certain ,juest-ions whicl' had liven Tiropotindcd to himi on the formier day, lie had Only acted Tin obedience to hisi sen,e of the official douty whlich his~ station in that court impoised upon him. He was niow glad to find that the hon. gentleman (Mfr. Kinnaird) buid, wvith the feelings which became a gentleman of lilt cons.idleration in society, disclainm- el any intention, whien he spoke wrarmnly. and was lhurried away by his reitl, on the forincr usae, of aspersin'g the conduct or inotives o'f other:. He was soTrry, with reference to the past, that the galiatit General (Sir Johin D6v1ci bad, on the forMer dav, refrained from the courtesy usually shown, of giving: some ulrivatce intimattion before- 'hand of the rqilstisns which lite meant publicly, to put. lf he answered i I one case. he migrht be called up!)n to aitsNe'r in atiother ; and after the Court of Director! biath dleclined, upon the mere whisper of rui- mo'ur, to answer tile specific interrogatories subinitted by letter to them from the zallant Gieneral'shonosirable relative (Colonel Dovle), it wou(Il have been unseemsly for him (thie Chiairmatn) tso have g'iven an answer Verbally to the same requisiition when addressed to himii in the public Cour't. ( Hear, liear.) AIr, flu sea said. that respecting the ameindmetint which hadl been moved by his. hon. friend (Air. J. Sm-ith). lie had a few wvortis to say in the first inst.unice ;and hr seriously called his hon. friend's atten- tion to thle pesitio-n in whiich, it' he p-rsevered in his amnendment, lie ,would place their proceedings. In the namne ofeomoton sense, howr could it tie said that they had no informatrion Ikefuire them on whichi they couldi urnund their proceedings?~ (Hear.) Did no, his hon. friendl hear the diffhrent votes and resolutioins, both of Parliament and tile East India Cotinpan ', wh-Iichi had bceit that slay readl by his lionl. ftrlend (Mlr. Kinnairti I? Mr. Hutimehete repeated severa-lofthe reso- loitions which had been already readbyvthe mnver,and as.ketiwwhether. up to the perioti of the last vo'te, whe-n the Marquis ot'f astings re- tired lrom India. there was not the mTost flatteringz andI unequiyvocal testimnonials of hiis transcendlent mnerit ? Wihat, then, had occurred si--ee? Wnhat had the noble Mkalrqui-, done since to foTfeji t1heir confidence andi esteem ? There was a nrumiour that the Court of Di- rectors had refuisedI [iins the rtetiring pension of 6,50001l. a year ; that 'was a mere runmoir-_(A cry of "1 Ar. Pattison aaid so") ; but still it wanted the sanction of' authority. Let themi have all the patters showing the administration 'if tlhe noble Marquis, aInd then they, could f'orm a.;ust estimate upon thle whlole case. Ithy, specific par- ticular, or isolated douhoemnetis? (He3 ar, hnear.) Wiith reference to the afrair at IlYdrabadl, either the n(ible Marquis was to blamye. or he was notr: if the former-, why not ni-ake the chanrge boldily ? The nnble Mlarquis challenged investigation : soil even supposingz that ani error of juidgment could be discovered in thaLt noblemian, was, thatt alone to rivet and alisorb their attention, andl turn aside their con. tempharion fromn the brilliant career of his service-s in Indlia? Thiey wouldneetlier performi their dtytt to that Court, nor justice to thieiit. selves, if they stoppedl slhort at the receipt of the inforriation compre. henuled in the a.mendimenit, and tilt not include thec larger inquiry. Sir JoseN 'DO vt.a said. that he bath to apologize to them for' in. truding this day uplon their aittentiomi. lie had comne preparesi to take a comprehensive view ofthe whole cjueation of the Mar1uisor HaIsstings's.- government. in India :. hut the nets anid unexIlece urn whzich the sutiiect itarl taketi in consequenice of the amnend. menc, rentlecrNI it necessary that lie should entirely abanthon the rouind whiichi lie previou'sly mepant to OCCUPY. \Vhth respect to the want of ee'urtes) withi which he had, been cfiarged by tile C,hair. moan, he really ronfessed, that of all his fatilts, th~at was the last he expecited to basev had to anitwer for: nothiing was, farther fromi his in.. tention than to have evinced a want of courtesy to thie Chairm-an t in- deed. he thoulghit the niode he had adopted was exactly tliult whiichl would have been deemed the mnost couirteoitsu untder circumsteances in which- they were plated. Hr hiad first askedtl sh Chairmian, in lila capacity as a director, to, answer himis the quecstion lie hiad put on a fome tdy; but there official etiqiqstte interpotied, and no answer was to he hadl. fle (Sir ,Tuhtt) turnied rosindi a mecotid time, antI thought he roxild at once hiit the Chairmnan (a lavglu)-not l'y askinx himn a question officially. but by putting otie to himn as an lhonest titan. That was,' he thoughte, the plain and ingenos course :and before thle puli, heItad expected eo receiv-e a Plain, a candid, and a fair answer. All he asked in behalf of his noble friend the Marquis of IHastings, wasi lull atid open discwiusion-on whispering, no insintustions, nothing btitt plain dealing. ( Hear, hiear.) With theste feeling, and thiese expectations, he was as'onishtetd at the coursc which had been taken this dav. Nothingz consing f-romt so deservedlv lhonourable a mian surprise'd Ihint sonmuich a, thie ainendotient ; for if ever a friend. inieaniisg, and htonestly nicantimg, to prii-nnte :iquiiim, htad by his proceeding tivetted. an d dlosetailed, an.l fuirtened iti' a caltnin'y, to aitbet a great public ciaracter, that swas dotic tliii, day by his htoniourable friend in shaping llis aniendmuent. fndered, ieC deprecated theqijalifictd wav in whii-h thec general quirstio ti of ite MArquis tif Hastings's servicesq had beeti taken off, fle wanlted ito reservation- let his chiaracter be alike estimnated,' and hlis clai;ms rewarded, as a statesman and a soldier. Let hiis policy and hi, achtievetient.s be cons%iidered topcihsEr. lie (Sir ,lohn Doyle) was; at once prepared ro hustify the rnilitary sYstnitl of his noble friend in India. His warst 'Were naot sacs of' aggres-ion, but for the Tcsist,tnce of attack-.for the vcr ex~o and salvat ion of the Blritishb etnpire in bpidia. (Hear, hi er.) PuIeo-ng by the q'icstton ot these just atid ntces-sary wars, he would ask them'v, whethu,r, in thi% age of' miracle%, they' coultl, in thec greatest, credulity of' iteir dreams, havc anticipated the almost miracnlous suici-css w1hich had attended the extirpation of the Pintdarrec freeblooters ? 'Diere wvere, of these, 40,01)0 regularly mouinted batitlitti, w'ell equipped as regular troops; for the field, car- rying rape, firec, asod destruction wherever they advanced. Flying and protecting themselves in miounLtains deeined inaceessible--thev were unincumbered with either baggage andi store-, for thiey helpe'd themselves wherever tbey appeared', from the defencIe,%.s hamlets. The noble Mlartqtisi with pcruliar sagacity saw the dangers to be apprehended fronIthte fixPd organization of this hellsh bauid of de. * rpedatons, astll detenrined potii their extinction. >o course was 1t bult to :innillilate these depredators, or to abandon the peaceable inhabitants of ininiense distr.cts to their rapacious spoliatieutt5 'rime Aiarquiis of [hastings accomplished his object Withl unparalleled suheess, and peace and comnfort reigned where desola- tion anti misery had been previoi:siy felt. (IHlear. ) How. was it, then, that his hon. friend confined hit' amnendmnent to the false calunmny in a contemptible neirspaper aboit the Ilytimbad loan ? He was afraid that his lion. friemd bed heard fsm 'oone director thlis Hydra- bad story, and that souse mean ilTrposition had been attempted to be played off upon him in this business. He objected to any ;-ar- bled papers: as the friend of the Mtarquis of Hastings, be demanded the production of all the papers connected with his whole adminis- tration-he challenged inquiry fro5n first to la-t, and scorned any Set.off or compromise. (Loud cries of " hlear.") Wbat he wanted was discussion in fair open day, and not in close conclave. (Hear.) If they supgose.I,vten h5e obiecttd to this timendment, that he want- ed tohavea sinzel paper kept back, they were egregiously tnistaken- he w anted all: nin tihe simple anti espee .vie phlrase i hat he wanted w.as "the truth, the whole truth. tud nothing but time truth." (17ear, hear.) Mr. RiE JACKSOV entirely disapproved of the amendtnent, and ex. pressed his surprise that his hon. friend should have confined his view of the inquiry to a statemenut which he, at the same instant, declared ine believed to be untrue-thus,as it were, sanctioning within doors a olluted paragraph which senie calumniator bad circulated without. Bcsrrornglydeprecated such a course of proceedings as tending to hut out th~e generai consideration of the merits of the Mlarquis of Rastiogs in the whole rystemn of Indian government. In every ~sy, but in none mnore than in a pecuniary way, had they bene. gted by the career of the noble Marquis, gnd was this to he his bal treateent? T'he lonourable atid learped gerttlem,arl took a reviev of the inipoveci statc of their finances dutring the ad. ministration of the Marquis of Hastimgs. In 1813, when the noble lord went out to India, Ko low was their credit, thsat their bond4 were at a discount of 12 per cent. When he left India, thev bore a premium of 14 and 16 per cent. (Hear hear.) In 1814, (30th of April), in their treasury thfey had Six millions. In 1822, when the Mlarquis left India, they had 12 millions-exactly double, (hear,hear)-zn additional su.n which would havc covered the whole. expenses of his Indian administration. ( Hear.) The average of the 20 years' investments betbre the noble Marquis went to India was 4aO,OGOI.: on his return itwas 1,300,0001. In the revenue, the excess was now six millions; and obtained, not by grinding taxation, fbr the MNlarquis of lastings did no: lay on a single impost, but b en- courasing and rotecting the industry of the inhabitants. (Hear.) For the part which Sir David Ochrerlony had had in the Pindarree campaign, they voted him a pension of 1,0001. a year: that gallant officer was afterwards deputed to visit and survey the districts from which the Pindarrees were effectually expelled, and he had reported, that he had found throughout, except on the spot where Scindiah's near relatives resided, nothing but peace and plenty, happiness and comfort-every tongue eloquent in praise of British rule, and grate- ful for British protection. ( Hear, hear.) The same description was also given of the sarne regions by Sir Johtn Malcolm. He had watch- ed the footsteps of the Mlarquiis of Hastings throaghout the whole of his Indian career, and wvas proud to do homage to the wis(lom and statesman-like sagacityof his plans, and consummate skill with wvhich he hai always carried them into execution. He disclaimed the argument of set off. (Hear.) lf any man meant to impeach a particle ofthe noble Marquis's conduct, let him come forward open. 1,, and put his charge in a tangible shape. (Hear.) He hoped thle amendment would be withdrawn. .'lr. J. SXnTR justified the course he had taken, and disclaimed any desire of countenancing any calumny against the noble iMar- quiis. If it were his own brother, he would have taken a similar course. He positively declared that lie had not received a particle of information from any director in this business-he had heard of the rejection of the vote of 5,0001. a y=ar merely as a comnmon topic of conversation. Ile repeated, that his sole obiect was to pro- mote inquiry, not to limit it. When the one subject was intro. duced, the wider question could be nrgued. He net'er heard before this dav that the Marquis of Hastings had been rewarded tpon a smaller scale than any previous Governor let that be explained. Mr. DOUGLAS KRINNAIRD said, that in 1803 the M1arquis WVellesley had received a settlemenc of 5,0001. a year, which was antedated six years-thus at once putting 30,0001. inte his pocket; the S,0001. a vear was settled upon hinm until the expiration of their charter; and when that expired, the sante income was settled UpOn him for life-not so in the MIarquis of Hastings's case. u The CHASRSCAN said, that lhe hon. proprietor was mistaken. It' was in 1800 thc first pension was settled on the Alarquis Wellesley, and it was only antedated two Years (to 1798). Mr. JoHs, SiItrH repeated hisdesirec)nerelytobeforinformation, anti he could add, that lie hadl the highest respect for the noble mar- I quis, and the most anxious desire that he should be placed in that situation whicrl his merits and services entitled hih to lhold. Mr. ELPv1m 5TOS E r strongly objected to the amendment, and declared that if nobody else voted for the productioni of the general papers, he shouldl feel it his duty to do so. Thev met there Bs mer. chants; and he would pledge himself in the result of the cashl ac count, to show that the i\larquisof Hastings hail placed to teirc credit half a million at one side, while they had heard of only the Ifydrabad shlilling at the other (a laugh); which shilling, lie pledged I hinmself, should not remain one minute therc, the mouietit the in- quirv commenced. (l[oud cries of " Hear.") Ar. DoUGnAs I-itN,Aiit) said that he meant his inquiry to comprehend the miliutest points. MIr. 1 stpxy insisted that the Marquis of Hastings had not been ungraciously treated by that Court ron the contrarv, lie thought that both arsong theni, and within the bar, lie would find sonie of his warmest friends. Asaproofoftthis, liezeferred, seriacinz, (in the termis in which they had been already quoted.) to the votes whiich hadi always attended the noble Mlarquis's exploits, and the pecuniary grant which had been applied to his use. fle was strongly of opi- nion that the whole of the papeTs, and not a portion f.'r a specific ob- ject, should be fuTnished. On the su bject of the Hydrabad loan, the report waas, and it tvas merely a report, that the Government ot Bengal had sanctioned a loan to a native Prince, contrary to an ex- press law. Mr. PETER MOORE said that he really could not see the objectof this debatte in the way in whichl it wvas no'w carried on-it was a most clemysy piee of business,andhe couldtinot make head or tail of it. (A laugh.) Let thtem peoditee all the papers-all or notme was his detnand. (Hear.) WVhen all came, then had they 10,000 volumies of praise fbr the .Marquis of Hiasiings. W\hy wa us a whisper from a black- guard paper,in .John Bull's slanderous style, to be taken as authority against such a man, or whisper.s from: to entlemen in a hacknev coach ? Let the *.hole comse oit, and then the light and glory of the larquis of lastings would be seen. lhe ilonoirable pro- prietrnr then repe:ated the praises which had been bentowcd upon the Intlian Governmcnt for the Mabratta and Pindarree wars andi said, that before lord SMoira went to India, he (Mr. Moore) had read tn hitii a speech of his which liC delivered in that court, pointing out the necessity of extinguishing that .ahratta confederacy. He was, therefore, upon that point particu- larly, proudbf the noble imsarquis's ultimate and trirmmpltatsuccess. (HAear, and a 1aug11.) MIT. TtAxc also enforced the necessity of a full inquiry, but could not perrnit the mreits of the Marquis of Hastings, however high, to supeesede or cast into the shade those of his predecessors wlhose carecr had been equally brilliant. lie remcmbered twhen lie first went out to Ilidia. the Mlarquis Wrellesley was engaged in a brilliant tmtilitary career, anad his hon. friend near him (Sir David 13airdl) was then acquiring renown at the storming of Scrin- gapatanl. He would vote for the production of the general papers. A long conversation then arose respecting the wording of the nto- tion for papers, in which Mr. Kinnaird, iMIr. Hume, Mr. Wl, eed- ing, anti AMr.Pattison took a part, when_ The CHmAIRMtsA suggested the foliowing substitute for Mr. John Smith's amendnient :__" That there be laid before the Court, all correspondeince and other documents to be tbund in the public re- cords of this house. "hich regard the administratioti of the lMarquis of Hastings, and whicrl tav enable the Court to judge of the pro- priety of entertainitig the qiuestion of any farther grant to the noble .Macquit. " Milr. Do UG LAS SKt-NArtn replied, and the question was putupon the amendmtent last propouinded by the Chairman, which was carried bv a large majority, and the papers ordered to be printed for the use of the Court. The Court, which was excessively crowded, did not adjourn until five o'clock. AS1'T INDIA ROUSE. . _ THE MNIAROUIS O' RARTTNrS.
- - hOC O FX4HANQE, MOVDAY, {?AtCR 8 A ltough the .1wPlY Of Wheat Lit -wee'k was very small that oVyexsdindY easvY.this raorning and lasatTon. for the few iaes which w=e e is in4he better iasad, and folly support tlxeepei4e* of thig.Aay. re'nnight% BeDae aur Peay of Wh kina atc estrenely duii, butt not.eheperf XQe~ (t Uit.d Is frill IL pervuarucN.bher,owi.n'to the osfrnitode -of our supplyF. ln Flour Qan othUr atie tbe?te,ixs al teratin. pe qr. per qr. \%ett estand3?ae,07%sGraY PeG .. 37a 3bs - - Suffolk _;.......~ Os 74s smal Beans- 44s 46 _ No~foili ___ 0s 6 Tfick ditto , ,. ?S 44, Rye._. 8s42e OAts, Potato -_- 28s 31, Bailey 36s 40sj .Qs . Poland-- . . 26s 29s IUal t_f5Lr 625 ._ Fed d23s 25% White Peas.. ..-5s 8 EFour, pet oackl - s fi5s Bol era 4@s 42# Rapeceed, per last, A.30.-31 . . fll1RI6D, ' MoDAT, MAXC3t 8. To sin1 the oRffa-rper stone of Rlb. Beef .. 2ts. to 4. 4ds Veal . ..t4 lOd. to s5. lIed. MNutton ,.. St 1. to h. 8d;'1 Pprk _ 4s. 2d. to 5s. 2d. .Me tsd fCattIeit klarket this day. Re"tO, 2,440 Ceabesj 130 t Sheep' ,nd lAmbs, 17,f45 I Pigs. 2201 * tEUCli QfE EOPS, per {vWt., MIIARCH 8. Newr Wor,fll*. t;0,lSl;-SYlinag Wt, ,l1. to 71. rlhi ?*tl, 7.1.7X.to 9]. 9s. _ _ -CtEh;RM'T, _MAtcx 8. J niP w at tr,ekei. : ' Shipip r4. Price. 4V; Newcastle . ... . . 2 , .. 31c. 0d. to 41s. Od, 156 Sindeiland .Od. to 43. 3d. POklT1W1f FU1DFS. Nareb 8. Auitrlan scrip, 13k 1fp. Po0rtUXgege Bonds, 92; 53 Ohlwai ,r2 I 1Si i t Ditto Scrip. Colontbiain49J ,Rulssin Bonds, o0f9S2,95I 1 I t MDipivh. Jn ; st*r Irg. Ditto 1w3ritton, 1litto, in Msr Banroi *6f Dttto ?.!etlce. French Rtea, . L Splb. of l 620 2 Qitto!Erl . 161& jpjn. 1821. 23 21 201 21 *r;eek lAeer!ean 3 $er pCn Dttt? 8ents., wi-rh &1-f. BItteoScri7>6T Clj* pm: I der.4fromwlstJau., nglo Mexle n8snes, - li}tto. 5 yer Ueh't2. Uaiot9d DJtit,m. ,. jDltto 6 per Cents. X feapoIhta gN . IDitto, 7per Cents., Prusan, of a*9l Ditto. f^tftStlOes.' Oltt?, of r1J2, 97j. JOSEPH 001-lEN. Sworn firoker, -. . . ... . St. 8within',.lan.. LoLnl,ard.,trest. PRIC VOF STOCKS. 5S~er (cnt. tons.O4)A 'Xi. Bilb; Sm ali, 6 51545S pm. New 4 er Cet. 1O ^ Lotterv Tlekets. ?21 ils. Indit Bonds 78 nB. Bank fot Am, 24 42 1LIJl 2d] OOOi52S4 S3prn. India for Am, 2S83 - bitto, 0061., 52 5S}S P .. VtbnSolesforAc& NJ 93 94 ,94 I T. RlSlf, Stook.hroker, Old State l 9ottery O ce.1 _~~~~~~~~~~~tt Lotr 1 .,, _, VWANT PWXACE,.-AV1 letters to be jiot pAid. r *i6* -uithtaiu bM-hec e; VhvJWlfd fn tb. Abm trw eas, nun aisFa "Poespeaof idi.a Imeg mthfa ig a vEdUawstaadeohqamto eo(urnsrUs,i c.pr,bte of e h.ld trrem. iho rmonh,wd ilriph b3jbl lrece!re ewe, us mtdeibl cohw.d',ft e,,.th lAds km eI t3 lRite. b5t,:O j l .fo.d1931*, BdFmd-row. No almk!ne 1-d Irply. , o nllbifs- TF:F? tor a single, Ltdr fleilenan, to fA-'Q00 .d PLAIN4 i tPown O i mriidudle.aged ASL[ PEit * *lcFrQ^3bthr hnial kl,t Ft. Yrhl o r. - a tw Pd o ^ 6 Coor' orn-an; 'foot is a rtdyoue Woia, Slt.19;orb.=tW,lnry 5.% GinO . & S g,r dn Iwac5irsb ortoe aher!ao piece, orge etc hoad i,.o kii.etlyGenstleman 6di? rd f I i^i6a q; rOUl'Snaitj *tezeScitotnx ss!ajkir ope t tWian ioneihI t1. p sb, osttn X nsttskr jecn, ltta cmh ehE toe AZS ?o|xAWr OUS1 i t agd 37, who yu 1eaving hli, tcUF- ASFb~a~i;a 6iln Man wh-eanhaf ani4elb1C ; ASe-gOa,w~e~rtei- ftlag)pk.- Srtt . *ntlmn orin frSCrsy 7outi. Mane yia)O. vh hs..:*! ;4 ehanc,55 tood lt -- s ttO.s~ 6 S A 8Mooionn i as Cacma Fan iooin?chr fotmn, 2A yeu [AtJLQWkA A960'` agM4 1 IaStab4~~ uPdeaqAOAclsman, or to NW aM4, tibe.S out. ,.-.lfeqnw y s J~, ri Od&1s pe to, 'tnVo atr tint y tlrid W X. ?i1 ~-&' X "jqg'?t1 o n -RZAXnv Agme 4% -Wl Z'*W tasi,o" objec+ 'i i'imir4bWk; at o'6W&; 4a ie -l s utsee4e fom O
House Of Commons, Wednesd...
iMr. St'HIN(N RI UE presented the petition ot the Eccentric i\a- sons or Coleraine, praying for an alteration in the laws affecting free- masonry in Ireland. Mr. W. SM ITff presented three petitions of a similar nature, from as many parishes in the countv of Norfolk. LordJOHN R SSE LLpresenteedsimilarpetitions from Somer- sham and Godmanchester, in the county of Huntingdon. Mr. LEG H-KECK}presented a similar petition from Hinckley, in Leicestershire. Mr. B YNG presented a similhr petition from Staines. Mr. SYKES presented a similar petition from Beverley. Lord J. RUSSELL presented a petition from Tavistock, against the coal-duty: also another petition from Tavistock, against allow- inrg the practice of umrning widows in the East Indies. Mir. Alderman WOOD presented petitious from the victuallers of Wisbeach, against the excise licences. Mfr. H. DAVIS presented petitions from St. Nicholas, and an- other parish in Bristol. against the window-tax. Mr. GOULBURN brought in a bill to amend an act of last ses- sion for the better administration of justice on the equity side of the Exchequer in Ireland.-Read a lirst time. Mir. HERRIESbroughitintheannual duties bill, which was read a first timc. Colonel DAVIES gave notice of amendments on the second reading. Ir. ELLICE presented the petition of thc Coventry silk and ri- band manufacturers, and took the opportunity of stating that the leading men in the trade had received an explanation from the Trea- sury this momhig, which would give the most complete satisfction. Those of Coventry had already left town with the determination of putting all their people into immediate and actual employment. I The four per cents. bill passed through a committee of the whole i house, in which the blanks were filled up. Air. S. WO)RTljEY obtained leave to bring in a bill to enable insurance offices to maintain and defend actions in the name of their secretary. The Postage rates bili went through a committee. Mlr. PHLIPS presented a petition from certain attornies, prav- ing an alteration of the 41st Goo. I., to permit attornies within 20 iniles of London to take out faculties as notaries public.-Ordered to lie on the table. M r. HUME presented a petition from the journeymen tin-plate- workers of London against the conmbination laws: also a similar petition from the journeYmen-shoenmakers of WFool wich.-Both peti- tions were read, and referred to the artisans' committee. MAr. HfUME also presented a petition from MIr. WValter Hony-| wood Yate, one oF His Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Glocester, stating that he had lost the possession of two estates, and the law expenses necessary for their recovery were such aLs to amount to a denial of justice, and praying the house would take into its serious consideration the expenses ia equity cases.- Ordered to lie on the table. Also a petition from the merchants, bankers, &c. of Afontrose, relative to the salmon fishery, and praying that no alteration might be made in the law, vithout proper inquiry taking place. SURVEY OF IRELAND. Alr. SPRING RICH moved for the appointinent of a select com- mittee for the purpose of making a generaf survev of Ireland, with a view to themore equal assessment oflocal burdens collected in Ireland. Mr, DAWSON fully agreed in the necessity of the measure, and I instanced sonme gross inequalities in the rates under the present sys- tem. It would be necessary to have a complete and entirely new survey, as there were great errors ini those already published. Colonel TRENCH approved of the rmeasure, but thought it would be bettesgtbatjJte execution should be committed to the Ordnance, when the ablest and rists scientific men would-be employed, on it. Sir J. NEWPORT supported the motion, but he thought an Ordnance survey would both take up too much time, and would also be insufficient in the details for the purposes for which it was wanted. MIr. DOMINICK BROWNE, as a proof of the inaccuracy of tbe present maps, stated that the county of Miayo was surveyed whilstcovered with snow. Mr. PEEL thought, as the necessitv of the measure was confessed on all sides, the details would be best'considered in the committee. -Motion agreed to. SILK TRADE. On the motion of Air. HJJSKISSON, the house resolved itself into a committee on the customs acts: he stated that it was for the r' seof proposing a resolution relative to remitting the duties on the silkon band, to which he aoticipated no objection. The reso- lution was to allow a remission of half the duties on manufactured s.ilk goods sent into the wareho-uses on or before the 25th of Mlarch, and to-be taken out within a month of that period. Mt.. ELLICE said, that a deputadon of the silk-manufacturers. fronm the country had seen the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and they were so well satisfied with the assurances which thev had received, that they had returned to the country that morri- ing. As to the wish expressed both in the house and in the country to extend the period for carrying the measure into effect, he had expressed his opinion that the manufacturers would do well to let it stand as it did at present, lest, in pressing for an extension of the period, they should get it curtailed. This was his opinion, avid more particularly as his Majesty's Government had done every thing which the manufacturers considered liberal and fair. Mr. HUSKISSON said that he had already stated that in his opinion the time already granted was not neces.sry, but it was given in deference to the opinion of those interested, and who thought themselves likely to be aggrieved. Alderman WOOD said, there was some alarm amongst the deal- ers in manufactured silks, lest there should be any limnitation in the quantities to be received into the warehouses. MIr. HEUSKISSON said, the pieces must be entire and really new; but every facility would be afforded consistently with a due regard to the interest of the public. Mr. E LLIC1: sasid, he under-.ood that some of the workmen were gone down to put thdfrlooms so work, in order to get out a quantity of g"oods before the 20tlh of Mlarch. The resolution was then agreed to, and the house resumed. Dr.LUSHINGTON presented,a petition from the inhabitants of Drogheta,.pmyringfor a *restitution of their corporate rights.- Ordered tolie on the table. - Ar. HUM.F was d?irous to know if itiwere the in,ention to re- peal the Spitalficldsact. . Mr. HUS$USSON said,'that in the last oession a bill bad been brought inlto thst house, but from a differet view taken of the sub- ject i8 Lhc;oseier!ouse of grhiaxaent, it wanspint passed into a law. iioecured'to him that it would be weesiieweretooriginatu the other house. it,had r.hriLii,tiippxoftio.nnd, he Q hQuld 'oo Ansious to give it every - HOUSE OF COMMONS. WEDN'ESDA,n MARCI 10.
0!1 Tucsday last, in Cunber1d stree, the lady of Charles Franks, Esq.* af a daughter. On the 17th inst.. at his house at Camnden.town, the lady of Oliver Anderdon, E6g., af a son and heir. At his house in Hill-street, on Sunday, the 14th inst., the lady of H. Mcltcaife, Esq.. of a daughter, still.boan.
MEXICAN LOAN for ?3,200,0...
lzrE.ICANLOAN> for ?3S,200,000 Steriing.-MIessrs. t .A OLDSCIIMItDT and Co. give, Notice, that those Persr rs t he 9tsahveintat nut, aned ev.erny suetedsing da, oil the Scrip receipts heli returnled; and tl;at theNTEfESTon the ONDSdue on theistofAprfl next, will he paid on that and every followving day, between the hours of 10and 2 o'clock, at their Countinghouse, No. 5, Grcat St. Iielen. pasae isosae.street. KING''S THIEATRE. TO MORROW EVENING wvill be perfornmed (for the first tinue this seasoui), the serious Opera in 2 aets, entitled ItICCIAItDO E ZORTLID, Musie by Sig. Possini. Principal Performers;-Mad. Colbran Rossini; Siginor Garcia, Curioni, Porto. Franceschi; Mad. Grazlani and Mad. V'estrls. Between the acts, the Divertissument, called HONNEUti AlIX DAMES. After the opera, the new grand Ballet entitled LE SONGE D'OSSIAN, composed by M. Aumer. Applications for boxeqs and single sibseriptions for the seasoni to be made to Mr. Senuin, operasollice, It35, Quadrant, Regent-street. ANEtZ THEA Trktf ilOYAiL, DRURY-LAN'E. THIS EVENING. KING RICHARD TUE THItRD.' Duke ofGlocester, Mr. Kean: Lady Anne, Miss Smithson. After nhich, TEKEI.I: or. The Siese-of idontgatz. T f TE ' ROYAL, CPAETTGArA-dRDEN7. THIS EVENING, (oth timel a lew (omedy, srith Songs, called l'tl E SHALI. HAVE A FALL. Torrento, Mr. Jolies; torenzo. Mr. Cooper; Victoria, Miss Paton. To colelude with IARLEQ4UiN AND POO1 ROBIN. THEA TRE ROYAL, ENGLISH OPERA-HO UTS'E,Stlan,d. Mr. MATHEWS IAT HO IE." on Thursday, March 25. with his ANNiUAI. LECTURE on Pecufiaritie,, Charseter, and Manners, in an entirely new enxtertainnent, entitled A rRiP TO AMERICA. The b'ix-otffce is open from In till g daily. For the BENEI NSON. A DELPJU ThI EA THE, STRAND. TIlS EVENING w-ill he presented, an entirely newr melodramatiL bnrletta, enititled WAVERLEV; or, Sixty Years Since. In the course!of the evening:-"`-imnme' sweet home," and " Tell ne my heart." by Mrs. Waylett alid - rirst vid de grace extraordllaire," hI' J. Reeve. To which will be added (2d tilme a comic burletta, in onie act, called THE GIPSY DAUGHTER; or, Tbe Cupid of Clerken- well. The whole to conclude writli (Ist time at thi% theatre) a satiri- cel, hitrlesqiie. epertic parody, ealled THE DEATH OF LIFE I) L.ONDsN: or, Toni and .lerrv'a Funeral. Tickets to he had of iiJ Wlilkinsoni, at the Theatre; aind at the Box-ofllce, where places may be had. ROY.YT1T CiTi/tJlt 'TJHEATRE. THIlS EVENINIXO wIll bepresentd ifirst tirne this season) a nlesv isterestins mnelodraman, called A SOLDIERas FAITlH; or,Love,H;ioior, and Revenge. After vhich, flit very papular farcical burletta, en- titled THESTU DEN'T; or. Love, War.Phvaic, and Latini. A Comic Sung, by M7r. Slomanal. The granid Sinfonin Overture with the extra Miliary and,comosedby M. T Hge. To concluide withl a oJst polar Eastern inTeloldNrnia calleF HE'DL ER, THlE CHIEF }I Ti'e piubliceition of The Timens comnienced at v o'clock on S3turdayv 'iorning. and tinished at 8.
FOR CEYLON, with all poss...
~OR CEYLON, with atll possible diezipatch, %be finie WRCOPPe?ed Sill?P TI3fAiqDRA, A 1, burden 370 Ton GEORGE WRuAYagiConsmander - lying In the City Cnabal has excelent acconm- xndtosfor Pas6cingers.. For frreight or passage apply to Besicle, litignter, and Butharian,133.,MLsrk-l,sne. I?RLA ~GUAYR4 n PEWTO CAVA.LLO, the -X eakbly at-aln COOFRXYI.Al 1,coppered and MoMmitt ICARD Yd.,Comne,burden 100 tons, sgIn the LandflDc.Frfrih or passae apply. togl[oberdt P-Wd,broker.1.Lno-tet Fenc,rcsatreet. antere 'Avtard1s, and chif r ftecrobeing engagea, no goods cAnt be '45oeived nn hoard Wtotnorefrm the broker. th SEof FRANCE Direct, will cl.bar outwards line afld. onily light freight wvill be received, the remarkably Cotn5ade (lte rShep AibiAn.) A 1, WILLIAM WAt(E WEST o th Aibon.)copper-fastened and copprd lYIng n theCity anal, hairden s00 toms. Has a pop, nOvery ~liPrioaccomodriou fo pasengrs.For freight or patssape apply 0''tai, Wst,at loy'5.andat heJerusalem eoil'ehouse; or to ~~OR MADR~~~AS anid BENGAL, to sajifrom Grave.- .u,end the Sth of Mary, am1 the Downs the 7th or May-1, the fine t5hc.lail SHP F IRIE THOMAS WEDL-OCK ALDHAM,k, Corn- isatnder budn1tn; twl an n the East India RxPort Dockl tser lgtanspcoscomoaosfo se- 81tle-et or liltons and NKelhsin,4,LIt-t5e, ~~UR MADRNS ~~~~anil CALCUTT ,to sIl fromG ve- Uc end on 'he 5thof March, and wIRl cal at Portsmolith for pas- Sener. te inetat saiii;nx teRk SHIP rOLeIONDA, A I, JAMErS IVES EDARDC Fminader. buZrden 840 tonx-, lyingc in -the, aastndiF.xort~ioklnckwll.iasapoop andvery susperioraecoul- i (a regrular trader,) the lone oopperes SHIP PRINCEFSS ~CHAL5LT TB, buirden 400 COO,61 JOSEPH) BLYTH, eommander, ly'ln:z ift the I,ond.n Dok lIne very suiperior Accommodations foC caIfn and steerage passengers, And carries. a surgeon. F'or freigoat .or ~5s#ee ppl Intitakls. aes~ter, and Ru,hanan., 33,11ark-lane CoMs LONDON6 t-o Os-TEN-D liet.T e Nobility, V6entrv, &e. are most respectfullv infornied, that tae under. nactlOs~dfss salig PCKES w1 SItfromi Customnhouse iuay, Lower ThrimeR-street. for OSTFA . In the foIlqlongos'dsr, vie-:- 'Ihbe FLVIt4C5 Fvin-, Captain, JOHN SMNITH4. on Suindav. the- 7th in- sltant, at 6 o'elock, mornin;v the D)ART, Captain JAMETS STRANACE, on Sur.dsv. the 14th Tinstatnt. The atrove paeknts hlave sulerfor .! Copmmndarie,n f1rmpasencers, goo sojvas for tarriagos, hormes. andI Sn`erehandl,,e. The m,sters may be spoken wvith on boardi or at the Rose -and Crown. oDppoite tbe quy ITTH a BA f rETER frm tePS YV OFFiCE.-..Tbs LONDON and ROTDTERDAM EstabUshed PACXRFTS1! NTARqS-I,I olTA'CHFR - - Capt.JTORN POUND. PRTVCEg OF ORANGE JOHN, BLARE. FT, I 7. ~~THOMqAS ATHVRD)EN. THRF.R SISTFRnS - - WILLIAIM FROST. One of these ine cutter pack,ets sails regularly every SaturdaYftrnm nitf IroTn-eaeep direc,t frw the City of Rtotterdam. They,possess very r-uperlpr scernmo-istion. atndare fi~ttedIn the most aparoved mannier for the "rom,rt of passengers. Fnreher particulars may he known bvarpliieAtion on board the vesseel, at Iron-gate: of N. W. Srn'onds, '37, Cr-Ute,1fjriare., and at t General Packct-oface, 3L8, Stranad. T1he Marshal Riloeher, Capt. PonA. Sails next Satturday. OR SA E,P t1he fine -copper b3otto-med an-I-par.tly copper f55t,tend S5ll? ALRW,E PIRIN'DETN, of the borden of 60 tons, ('elg buit, not fre, aremnRrkabty fastsailer, wellfoundIn stores of vkns n a he Rent to) Sea at a riLnecsfle tIhlfote ?atIni r Sooth A merican trades,atid wosll adapted foir a frigate for foreign service: C. Thorsen,, Mlaster; now yiInx In the City-canal, Limehon,,e. For further particuAr s apply t Msessrs Trottie, Tablor, and ro. 6. Great Wincheeter-3treet : or Windle and Co. 9, Hart-street, Ifar1--lane. ___ B Y P1r, Mf ISS IONofteL DCHMELAN A11-THIr XTRF ROYAL, I-IA VMARKET.-MTr. THELWAL.L wvill elver. on the Weilnedav and Friday F.venin%5 of the ensuing Lent, 'a COUT15E of OItATOR19CAL a-id CRITICAL LECTURE.S on SHAKSPE.N1r,. and on Dramatic Composition andl Theatrical Repre- Sen,ation in Genersi. The Course will consist af 10 Lectures, anid Wrill commnneii on Wednes,day. the 10th of March. SubscrIptions4 fdr the coursle: boxes, 21. 2S. pit. ll. 4s. Tickets transferaFble. sin Is ad- ThiSslo n-, tb1oxes, pit, And first gallery only, as- isual. Famileie or select partie,, may be accom,,modated with exclusive boxes for the couirse. Siihscriiptio,; tilckets to be had of Mrr. Ebers. Bilod-street; Mlr. Ridg-wav. Piccadlliv: 'Mr. Same, Pall-maill: M,r. Ilaldwy7n. Neirgate- street: 'Messrs. Row,derv and Kerbv, and "r. RenlS, Oxford-Street. MTr. Fentum, to, Strand: aLt olssCourt Guide Ofice, 1, Leirezter- ,quare: And of the Lecturer. North Drixton Cottage, sehere instruc- tions are Oiven in cases of ImnpedImenit, and in the elocution of the TONDONORPHAN ASYLUM, inaticniteti in 1SIS, A A or he RCFPION f DSTIUTE ORPHANS, partIcularllv thoe dsedin frm rspetabe Prents. unAtr the t'mmadlate Patenee f isMos OoclusMAESTY. Thle NINTH ANNI- VF-RS\RY DINNER of this Institutio.n nssCI take Place on Monday, the I15th of Nlareh. at the City of Londot, Tas-erna, IlishopswAte-street. Hs's Royal H-igbhuess the Dukec of VORK has Conldescendingly pro- mlised to takte the Chair, STEWARDS. GeorgeIl)-ng esil.WI'. ISam, le tymoud, Ie~GeargeSehlinker, esq. TF. R'Ixtonc sq. ',.P neorg;,e Dllwyn ". c,,sq, JamnesSutton, csq. P.L-aurie. eSq. Sheriff TWilt1sm Flower, esq. Jobtn Tyle, I o John Adamlson. esq. IJojhn Gun-en. os~ Joseph Wartraby, ceq. Willia~m AstOn. "IL, T Richiard NlardAll, seq. Charles WYlgram, esq. Jo'ep Iu,' q 6.7~.Mgsatrma.n.1 eq. leph Wilson, esq. Jo~enhn ae.eq FergsRne, eq. Jsph Wilsoni, oaq. I-aa Cohen, ecci. T. F. Savory. esq. Tabl es covered at h AlIf-pas t 5 prcsl. Tickets. 20,I. eaLch, mnay be had of the Stewards. OffIle. 10. St. Ma,n--aLxe, JONC AtY 1Tth Feb. 1. 524. ONC ANDEW rEF.i. reer as ITYof LONDON GEN-ERAL PENTSION SOCIETY, C for allowing Permanenit Rclier to Decayed Artizans. Mlechanlics, and their Widows.-The ANNIVVRS,%RY FESTIVAL of thI.s Insti- 'tution 5r111 be- celebrated at Albion House, on Thursday, the 25th of Marchb, 1824: His Royal itighnesg tihcDuke of STUEzX, K.G. Patron, In the chair. STEWARDS. The Ilizht Honauriblc the LORD) MAY&OR, President. '%tatthPWvWood, 'nq. Aid. M.P. Thomas Keeton, esq. John Crowder. e,,q. tid. NathanIel Leatnes, esq. Mr. Sheriff Laurie, V.P. I Henry, Lee,eq Clharlpes 6alvert, esq. I.p. V.p. John meber'osse Merert, esq- Ma3'thle- Ashron. esqt. Abraham Peel], esq. Joabtas Redford, esq. I Edward Poynder, csq. Flenry Illoxam. esq. WIII am Richardson. eMq. William Bradshaw, csq. Vinlcent Francis Hivaz, esq. James Crookt. esq. John Sts,mscy, eag. C.-eorge Daniel. es. I John Smith. oseq. Thomas Frsans, esq. Thomas Warne, esq. Thomas MA te s, es"61 Dinner to be on tale aS hAlf-past .1 o'cloelk precisely. Tickets, 15s. each. a he had of the Stewards, and At the tavern. 5. Wabyro-k. Feb. 25. DANIEL RICHARDSON, Secretary. QUCR1001L fu-r the INK4DIG_EN_T BL2-IND, St. George,s I-.) ~~~~~Fields. Surrey. The Lord Ilishoponf DtIRlAiAM, President. R,MIJE.L ROS3ANOIJET. - Treasurer. Thet AN';X.tL rFNEra)-L NlTV.TIqG of the Memlbers of this In. stitutien. for the Election of President, Vice-Presidents. Treasurer, ,kc. will be holden at the London Coffeeltouse, Ludgate.hill, onThurs- day, the I11th inst. at I o'clocek Precisely, The Covmmittee are re- Ru1ested to meet at the same place, and on the same day, At 12 o'clock prReisely. a, aibe(,Tiption of one guinea annually constituites a mnem- her, and 10 zuineas paid at once, or within on%e yeare, a member for life. lisinations andAsubscriptio)nsare receIved by Samuel fosauiquet, ec. treAsureT, 73. Lomb,ard-s.tre,et: Mr. Charles Dodd, the secretary, 5. Rlllitter-street. Leadlenhall-atteet:- Mr. R-. Sharp, Superintendent at lbe school: by thefCollect9rs. Mir.R. Grasxwell, 7, Craven-street, Strand: Mr. William DavIs. 17,, Upper Blelgrave-plnc. PimilIco': and hlr. Ruddoek. Printer. Brighton; or by one of the followinghbankers:_ Mestrs. Bosanquet And Co. ;Messrs. Coutt, and Co.: Mes,srs. Ilam- miercIes- and Co.:- M5e,,srs. Hoare: Sir .J. Lubbock, bart Forster, and Co.: Messrs. 'torladnd nd Co.: Sir Peter Pole, hart, and Co.; SirJohn Pinhorni and Co.; Messrs. Rtansom and Co.; Mlesrsar. Sikee and Co. Ves%rs. Vece and Co.; and Messrst. Whitmore, Wells, and Co. Mtarch ?. 1824. CHAS. DODD.) Stce. N. B. The subscribers.and the public In general are respectfully as- stualnted, that ALl kinds of ba-sket work-, and various descriptions ot do>or mats anid rugs, as well as clothes, clock, nd sssh lines, wvhich are imade 'ay_the blind. are sold at the school at mroderate pric-es. V IRSUANT to; a Decree of the H-IghCutfCanl- cery, made in a ecause 'James aigainst Parnell,' teCEDITO)RS of ICI-Al.L DA TE, late of Church-street, in the Parish of Christ- chuch,S?ialfeld. I th contyof Iddese.cenLIeMan, deceased, whodIe .ntil yer 198.areortwit tocoe in and Prove their ~ebs bfor Wilia Curtesy es. oe o te ?dsstsr of the Said Cort a hschmbrs n ouhapon-bnldn Caccry..lane., Lodn o ndeal teef hywilh ecuedtebe nefit of ~3~U~R~UANT to an Order of the L-ord Highi Chancellor U.of Great Rritatn. made I S the mnatter of Charles r3roves, a luinatic,' and thiegeneral order of transfer, all personswstho,Sinceethe 28th day of Jantuary. )R17. And previous to the1st dav of october, 1822. hAve become CREDITORS of the Raid CHARLES GROVES, lale of liound9ditch, in the City ofLondon, oil merchant. hu.t nowre- siding In the'hoUse of MTessrx. Burrows and Sons, at Hoxton, in the -coRntv of MIdd'lesex. are, by their solicitors, on or before the 27th day -of Miarch. 1824. to come In befite WVilliam WVingfleld, eaR. one of the 'Masters of the Court of Chatncery, at his chambers, in Southampton. bulilding,t, Chianc'ery-lane, London. and prove their debts, or in default tbereofthey will be pe-remptorily excluded the benefit ofthle said oraer. DENN&TT, GREAVES, BAXENDALE:, and TATHA3IS, SoHlctors, Li risnin-fleids. T.PAUL, COVENT-GARDEN.--The T%MMittee S for P'Aving, Cleansing, and Lighting this Parish hereby give notice, that they wrill -meet in t),e Vestry Room, on Tlturdaiy, the 18th day of March nint. at 11 o'l(clck In the forenoon _precisely to) reoeive PROPOSALS for REpAIItRINO the CARRIAIGF and FOOTNVAYS within the said parish, and Prov'.dtln good usaterlala for the Same: f-r cleansing the streets, &c. of the said parish: and taking awvay tile dust and ashes from the houses of the Inha&bitants. The expenses -for preparing and perfectingc tite contract, and bonrds for -the due per- :fornmance thereof, to be paid by the respectivo contractors. Prlhled Propo-sas, to be filled Up byl persons willing to contract for the re. spective periods of one, twoc, or three Yeats, mIay be obisAned en atpIIlcat)on at the C71elers Office, 2, ChaLrlex.tee Where such pro- posals will be received any day previous to the day of meeting, G:IlOCI-lg Clerk. IVE THOU~SAND P)OUNIDS7W-A-N-T-E-D-A Court F. of Sewers for SuxrrceF and KentwHi be held at the Sessionsc House, llorzeemonger.tane, Nest ington. Surrey. on Friday, the *I2th day of h1tarch next, at 12 o'clock at noon precisely, to recetre PROPOSALS from such Person or Persons as may, Ce, wIlling to adyasacs the Corn- 2nia.lOonergof Sewers the SUM of E5,000o, or atny par-t thereof, on Iban, at Interest* Tenders, specifying the lowesst ratte of interest that will 'be accepted. the Period the Principal will be, requIred to retmaIn, or syht?,r he ameisto e ubject te being repaid or ratUrMed upon.8 months' notice. and any other stipulations. may be forwasrded, any timne before the dayT Of meeting, to the 1clrI's office, or maty be delivered at the court shove lbentioned. The cepa7ment of the mhoney, to be borrowed. arith interest, at half yearly paymants, wfill ke secured In the mode prescribed by the Act of- Parliarmeot, and the. order JOTr e- payment will be prePatred byand at the expense of the commission. Rersnoodsy Feb 2,14. gy order of the Court, b 94 3 13~~I. DRZEW, jun. Clerk. IC, LDTNG GROUND, St. Pancras.-The'Commnittee of the Wor3hIpful Company of B3rewers will meet at 13rewvers'- 11.ddle-street. Aldermanlbuy. Lonten, on Wedilsedac, the 31st 1 la o )tarLhln3tant, rt 12 o'clock precisely, to receiVq andi consider ENERS for TAT(ING three lots of GROUND situate nealy oppo- siteSr.Panrasoldchuch nd ronIngthe rOsA leading from B3attle- -ia~to lghareand asndt~ brthe term of 70 years. from Midummr, 824 Thee ear peperorn Will be allowed, and as the ewes wll b mae b theceman~at their owrn expense, an int. cresedgrundret wll e xe4oneach house. The ground iz pilinedfor hir an fouth atehouss ad cnltainis valuable brick earh.wiaci th cntrctrs il bealoweft dii io. . .-mt.. detilanul mayet-mayteeo,giig ufiin eecttr t . Further retwenlraa b-e knownl at utssrs. Ilutehlisson and Son's -Ofilee, Irbrs-ef,were the plan an dspecifications may he seen; and at the ffie o Mr ock.srvyrTeorsquareaKnIghtsbridge, daily, beeeOte hours o 13 and I I3 'clock. Seale posls are to be,! sontesnttonBeWershe.on or efore ;the 3stday o-fl arch. when eie parties makIng 1-em will be required to attend, and the highesJt ofrer- will beeptedifo the commir't Utee hall b-esaStisfied of the chaIacter and responelbillty of tyhue parry or pArtith and thle amnount op f thsrei;s heir 6 N. B.?? o tendPeir willbe topesoned until therseetansi of the oftocsmltrg,ld then In theC, preseOnce ofthe party ors his utenst. L-1D AGE and INFIRMITY-A- ICASE ' of- REAL DISTRESS, worthy the attention of' the benevolent-The pa r. ticuler and truth of this ease are within the kruoledge of many pMr. -eonsreeidetTeAr the. ptippllcaTits. J.xaMn&A. COOK, ofl2, eer-street, parish 47 Years. withU e hacrae a eehars frhonest y,F .sabrlet -and indust,ry: ht hIs health declining fast,.and nor bavin341 neasT., conewIth e.edifculrlesthsatdallyaprosth hin, hisbusiness ediliss. ngo also, o has beeneblgdr , to yield to the strea& of aL rdeclihiig Oti ieupZosesseonon hIs houtse and.has taken aroo In the ...ghbour-hfi ..r.the Present, btit?~;not expetp to bec alve long.. Their neighbours bo-ar-tec_mxafnte4-with the abore ufrlksMII(AMdege have conMMel5ed a subscriptioin (or their relief, to prevept iCpoeAglsle thar goinlg o,theparls1s. s.fttr being' together 40 years -Th*eten*. .Volent Wrbo Meay fldips tcotribute to the atssitanceeof 'ile abv otyesllcaia lb eln that Rrext esare wll~ be t4ken of te sme or iscg ue a occsio ma retsle. TIe sallest do- pisrmen :-r. touniswire 9 Felr-stroet; Lelcsater-ctas r AkeraSi 32 St. Matli'rscont, LMaita's-lane: Mqr.Arrowni tis 14 iraf.trCc, LieeJer~sjar: Mesrs.P14h tuzd Austinconro osar, Csstlestret, eIeeer.sauiare; M,r..'Vra`VOWr,.S 2CazI-street, i,.eicester.? ~to ba n hIrades b.la.4tg -l Ayl, *aylo 8e VOUNJd, between Barnet andi. London, oni Sunday,l C_ Februarv29, a-LiVER.COLOUHED SPECKLED POINTfER DOG. Whoever has lost hin mroy hae hi6 hby paying expenseS, and apblrjini at 37, Berkeley-street, 9crkeley-square. "U-WR GUINEA S REWARD.-LOST, on Saturdlay F_.last, atthc1Xe^stendof thetownv, aGentlemarL's bHltlT PIN, set with snall dlam>oid. Whoever haas found the same, and wvtl brlng tt to Mr. iarvey, 22, Great Surrey-street Blackfiiarxs shall re- calve the above sum., BeingF famitly relic, of little vahle bnt to thie owner, It is earnestly requested that It may be restored.--larch 2. 1]RIFX3TYN'VENIG LE:TURLES on Su RIPTURE , Dt(IGrRA?HY at AliuionwhslI, London-vwall.-The FOUR concluid- ing L.ECTUdSs wtil he delivered by the Rev. W. B. COLLYEI, D. D. 7.A.%~sc.~ c met cn(g Tacn-morrrow eEsvuesning, st;he St.Irinstant, at 7 s1 lon *rthee Ooorse, ii,. lid.each, to be had at the Hail: the procaeds arising fromn the sale of wvhich;vwlbe s,ppropriated to the fonxda of the Londou Orphanr Asylum.___________ R W 11EVOLEwT SOCIETY of HOTEL; TAVERNT, CO*'FEEH-lOuSu, and INN KEtPRRLtS. and LICENS31D VIC- T UALI.RRS.-The Memberst of the society are requested to attend the ANNUA GNERAL MEETING, atthe Freemnasons' Tarern, on Mfonday, the 15th isnt. Tho chair to be taken precisely at 12 o'clock. XTOTTCE is hereby given, that a MEETIN'G, will be held at the. Ioudonl Tavern, Bishopsgate-street, early in the month of April, to consider 0' the expediency of CUTTING a SHIP CANAL 4.rom Brldgwrater, fn the lristol Channel, to Seaton, on the Rnglish Canal, and avoid thc dangerous voyae round the Land's End. Pladsns a^nd further PartIculars mnay be seenl at;Mr. Jefferys's, 81, CheaLp- rp HEATRE of VARIETY, Catherine-street. Strand.- TThe Power and VIsdom of God in the Works of Creatlon dil- pIayed, Ion COURSE of TiHREE ASTRONOMICAL LECTURRS, for the Instruetion of Youthl, with an orih:nal Grand Tranisparent Orrery, 42 feet in circumference, by Mfr. JOHN BIRD, iLecturer at the PUhlic Schools, To-morro .w, Friday, March ii. and twvo, following Fridays, at c,rm'oezIeeat 7o'clock. oe i. Pit 2.s. Gallery Is. Ticket, to be had St the box-oftice. N.B. Mr. Bird's Lecture will be shortly aibU1shed. p OYAL D1fBLIN SOCIETY, Kildate-street, Febrn- i ary 27th, 1824.-On Thursday, the 3d day of .Tlle, 1824. the Society *vill proceed to ELRCT an ASSISTANT In the L518RRATO)RY. CANDID.ATES for that situation miust Produce the most amiple anid satisractOry testImonials nt noonv of good character, but of prev.l"us edueantion and acquirenmeutr in chymnstry and genieratl scienee. The salarv 1001. per annum. The person who shall he elIweted to the situation most devste his whole time to the duties thereof. Candi- dates mast send In certifieates ot their qtalIficatIons, to my office, before Thursday, the 13th day Of Ma,v - - ____________ B. M'CARTHY, Assistant secretary. COCIETY-of FRIENDS ro FOREIGNERS in DIS- t TRRS5.-'l'he ANN?UAl. GERNRAl. COURT of the GOVERNORS vill be held ut t!e City of LonldonI Tavern, Dishopegate-street, 'T'1lS DAY', NMarch 4; the eha!r to be tA;len at 12 o`vloek precisely, svhen a report of the state of the Society will bre presented, and the Directors and other Offrcers for the year ensuing appointed. The Meeting will also proceed to Elect ll Poor Foreigners from the liqt nf 39 candIdates, as Pensioners of the Society. The ballot to comnience at 1 and ts close at 3 o'clock precisely. CHARLRS blURRAY. Secretary. sREE3 AD.ISSION', Drury-lanle or Covent-garden.- 3.' WANTED. one or tvo FRIEE aDMISS0INS to eitber of tihe above theatres. An1ly one having ucuh to dispose of marv address a letter, atatini, Iacticolars, post paid, to A. B. at the bar of the Belle Sauvage, Ludgare-h111. T O PRINTrERS and PUBLISHIERS.-A PART- NsXERSHIPt is desirous of being formed with a personi of respect- abiiy w>ho can comma-.nd -svr,sr for twvo presses, or a premium a.s an equilvalent. Onle of evancelical sentienents wsould be preferred. A line. post paid, to A. Z. at 713, Holborn-br-idge. syill have Immediate attention. "'0 ('LERlTYMIENr.-A Gentleman is an\ious to meet o t it a Cergyniaiior Gradtiateofeithers Inivez sits, in London oritsnimediatev-ielnlty,NvlthlVh.Tm he cotlld 10tRD, Lodge, and prepsrehlms.,el.f for Hol y Orid eris. Ter ms rOc.t to exceed I1001. p er an nodenfable references will he given and required. Address to T.D. at Riehau's 11hrary, Flandford-street, Portman-square. lVJj R. LOGIER respectfuily acquaints the Nobility anrd tirenty - sod his Friends, that hie intends visitine Lonidonl during blooths of AXpril. lMar, and June; such LADIES as are desirousi of receiving INSTfrRUCTION on his plan a-ill ple.se t, ioiti- mate their intenition i-- letter, under cover, addressed to Mlr. H. Logier, 9. Percy-street, Ilsdf r.i-squiarc. frn PARL()UR I3OARIDEXRS.-Ooo or Trwo LADIES, fcory lad re cand YDaughtears. maty i,ct BSOrARDEID, ijn the ho'rse of a termns would be moderate, anld every attention given to insulre satis- ifaetion. Address, post paid, to E. P. at AIr. Bakser'3, bookseller, Fins- 0th FRENCHs I P ROESTANTTTS.-WVANTED, at T the erisig quarter. irs a respectable Ladle.' Establishment, aholrt 20 nmles from London, a FRENCSH PROTESTANT LADl' (a Parisiazi would be preferredli, capable of teaching the French and Italian languages without assistance. Thee most satisfactory refer- encepsr d to abilities and chazacter wi111 be Indlispensahle. Address, p-rw Dd, tol.7. Postnff,e. Harlow, E,sex. | AiNtGUAGE-S.- 1M. LE GROS, of the University of Praris,gives, as isual. INSTRUCTION in FRENCH and ITALIANT alain Latin and Greck, on moderate terms. He receives pupils at hjome, and cars arail him-elf of the most satisfactory references. Apply to M. La Gros, 110. High bHolborn, on Tuesday or Friday, either rom_2 to I, or after 8 in the evening. tbR1V~A'E EDtUCATIO)N.-A Beneficedl (Ji'ergymall, fl arried, and of iong experierree in Tuiltion, both as trrtor to a nobeman, antdsubeb1quently rceieevciwng a few opils nt,, hs oiro whose eduieation may require more than usil altertion. Letters left for the Rev. B. C. at Hr. Tripirook', bookseller, 23, Old Bond- street. will he duly forwarded pREPARATION FURO ORDE1RS.-A Clergyman, Presiding on his living In a beautiful part of the comntz-,. would not ob,lect to prepare a young gentleroanuwlo has-not had thie advantage oflan t,iiversity education for holy, orders, to whom, if properly qtru- lifted. he would give a title about Christmas; next. It is partictrilarly reqtiested that no one whose age mirth exceeds that at wvhieh orders are usually taken, or whno cannot offer the rnost satisfactory refer- ences as to charaeterand connexians willapply. Letters, ,ost paid, addressed to tire Rev. G. FL eara of Messrs. Westley and Co. 159, Strand, London. will he answered In r. few davs. who has recently returned from the Conti- nent, haA opened an ESTABI.ISHMENT. in a plessant and airy situlation, ftrrthereceptionof alimited numrberof YOUNG LA DIES, who are Boarded and Educated at the low terms of 18 gidneas Per anlium. She wishes to take an Articled Pupil, who will be in,otructed In the English and French languages grammatically, history, geogra- PhY, and the nise of the globes, music, drawing, &c. and every aeon- pifsirineut necessary to) qualify liar for a governess; termis very, mo- derate. For frrrther particulars apply ry letter, Pest paid, ts Ii..K at Mr. Combridre's, s tationer. E xmosath.treet, Spafields. EERR E\f LANGAG.1AMILLTONIAN SYS- TEll-Mr. ?. r. WALKiER respectfully snnouinces, thatt lie intends t.o REAxD a SECOND Elemen1tary HEBREW LECTURE 7THIS ENNG, at thc Crown an-l Anchror, Strand, wvhen he hiopeq to offer sch facilities w.ith regard to the pronunciation of the lirguage as shall enable every persos present toread several verses of the Hebrew bible, ailthough preiously unacquainted with the characters of the alphabet. The lectrire stil tcommence precisely at 7 or'clock. Admit- sauce Is. Those ladics and gentlerneri wvho attended Mr. WValker's fitecture ill be admitted gratis, on producing the papers wvhlch cere tirers given to thenl.-'7 hursday, March 4. 5 WIDOWV LADY, who resides in tile imninediate neighbourhood of London. receives irto her family a very limi1ted nurnier of YOUNG LADIES to FDUCATE Writh her owvn daughters. She brs at prcsent TWO VACANCIES, arid the respect- able gentlemen wzose ilames are subjoined will answver Aov inquiry ars t the degree of maternal care ard attention bestowred Fy this ladsv pon tire morals and education of her pupils: namely, Sir Astle- CAoop r, hart. FIt.S. Spriog-garderlrs the Rev. Dr. Sleatir, Head aster of St. Paut's School, Aldcrsgate-.strcet; Wll1iurm Green. esq. Salis- bory.,quare, Fleet-street; and Messrs. Green, VWard, anid Green, Lud- ,^FEb ALE of iespectabrhity wishes for a SITUA- A TION, As GOVERNESS, In the family of a Widower, or In Vne where the l.ady requires a confidant in that capacit5-. The ads'ertiser has been acc(utottied to the instiectiun of young ladies, is food of children.and would be fotund to treat those intrirsted to her care se3th maternal attention; herhabits are active, and ini areguslarfamilyshe would have nrr obJectIon to superintend the domestic arrangements from her Integrity alld solidity of principle the utnmust confidence mnight be teposed in her. A distance from the metropolis s'-ould not he objected o, Letters, Post paid, addressed to 1'. Z. at ?lr. Ford's, bookseller arrid stationer, I117, Upper-street, sli~ngt.i), will receive Im- mediate attention. No office letters wvill be receied. 17'.EMALJJ EDXwUCAT &ION,l where every charge is con,- pried n ne xpeae-A imibdnumber of YrOUN'G LADIES SC rECEIVED at,e ng.esstabilslhpd oARDING SCHOOL, pleasantly situate near towrn. The young ladies, writh every attentilon shown to ehir morals, health, -and Improvement, enjoy the comforts of a home Tems.IncudIg te Eglih ad French languages, muaic, drawing or dancing, sewiling, sod arithmetic, history, geoiraph, and thegloes lai ah facy ork, 3 guneas Per auinurr, 55's-hing In- cluded.l1renchIs the eneral anguageof the School. The va[rlous aceopllhldnt. inispnsale o acopplate education are taughtI by roseso emi nent profesoa aet Letters, p oat paid, to MJ. n. 2at the library, 27, Norton ime,wllm et immedmte attention. i;IDNEY COTTAGE SE^MINARY. - Mrs. DAL S returns bee atetul thanks to her friends, for their kind patron- age sinice her tesl5ence on Croydon.commoii, the air or whIIch place NMrs. Dale hats founld exceedIn8ly aalnibrioug and coliducive to tire health ofbheriPupils, which. unlited with her maternal solicitude to promote their every, domestic happiness, 8 ah%ell 2astheir usental, mp.l. and religious Improvement Mrs bale hopes to recommend hbe semninary to the siotise of paren~s and guardians wrho may wish to PLicethesrI children where a smaUl limited number is received, on Triutrate terms. Mfrs. Pale hlas a Vacancy for an Articled Ptipil. also fora H4alf Boarder. references permitted to the prarents of the putpils, and to the RteV. g. May, Croy-don, Sturrey. Letters, Post paid, addressed to the!semiriary; or to Mrs. It. Davies, lad, llolborn-hiul, will be diily Attend ed to. 'VO(N I EN,WT-LEMN r TAUGH everyAIM_ e- PROVEMEE'T in the follow'ing Important Subjects, asyprepara- t ve to obtain the highest university bror,urs for learned pnfsln the hkecdprments f merantile iffe, thd RoyalINavy th e lioiour- RbeEs xis Company's, Service, arid such of the pblic Offices whiche,doinlrc firs,t rate scientifre schola,rs ixithe shorte,% tlhn, at a trifiling exPense, byNMr. STAINrS, who taught the. mathematics 17 yearsdil theUnIversldY oIf Cambridge.,ndII2 In tO*iI to the -Ons ofgen. tlemen ot the first respectabiliry In every. pelt -of the kingdom; 83 of ws-omn have obtained the honiour of NWrangler, several are Fellowrs of lbs UnIversity, Alembers of Parliament, &c. Complete syStems of arithmetic, algebra, Euclid, ~Ikonoometry, universal menisuration, navigation, the conic aseticons,'bookkeeping, use of the globes, Sortie, snteebanics, hydrostatk-Is, OPtic. astronomy,, the muethods, of VAit'oning. sy zyntheslxsand analylsby which ama.sterlyknowledgt Ofany fth above suibjects may lie Obtalroed In a suzrprsing short time, arid expense. N. B. picivare tuittion given from 9 In te mornigtillji 0n~ at nighit, at INo. 9,-Fisher-street, Red LLonssiuare. or abroad. -'~l3IG ULLINHESVODER HuTT'EN J.anjrst arrived from Hith Germnany wvith a flne COLLECTION of P1 iG BULLFINCRES, hiv ellPIPipe rfalbrook, Liebe'r Augustin, marches, nrinoets, WAlzes, aridecountrY dances. Lik(esrise a Colloec. tion of Saxony Cana.ry BIrds, that slog the-nignttigale's sad titlark's % Gbt .Anedo-bteeSoL, a 2, Sr. Martlw',Iane, Charlng.cross, oppo.- J eCANcoFostretESad'A P.vryoewowse I for a heap andgood Instrument goes to .1 ALE',I Lesee tsr-pace,wher may e sen a abine Piao, nt to e enualld 'n touh ad-tne,onl ~8guieas arth80 uinas;an nlad rse Woo Caine, 6 gunea, Wrt 80guieas caita SqarePino T ost po14, 01 A. X. at 21, C.oihestrastreet, Savage-gardens, P-DIlih and CHIMlLNEY CGLASSESSTo be SOLD, -~ - heap,tw0ve~5 ged PIE GLASES, feet 10 Inde oeb ~eettnchsides S the clepar alsGo a hsanadsome Chimn iaeet lnchslongby y2 feet ineb i~n the lear. Apply at 10 Flsh.stree iNDIA SHAWLs 'VANTDT...Exraordinary p.ices .AL M ybe 0btaSinjd in cash for INDIA SHAWLS. Gold Slver otulids,linsrdaofpardis, Chessmen Fairs,and other OrignIal Arti cles, atHlOWESnnd JI-ART's Inidia Warehouse, fO Fleet-setewhere aret clcneasszep5 Is consta stantayoe sl. N. - i de dir sd of eenaSglngcaremrs Wil bt libex1ydattlh E LS,,Lontonand andstngs New COA H-theptIublicare moit :?bpeptseu lenvtue teGolden Cross Charing-cposs, daiolt-.inTun,-Fle, tereet, at 1alf-asr eveY eening, aL-Id General Poiltoffce aLt 8;; en il eriet theSussex Hotel, Ttnbridrnge.1yVeI IatSlrlf pastr on lvll return will leave the S vian and Crownl inn s HagtingFt a d will rle afit, TuXbridg Uata a utt t 2 o arcel or' e.. will acounted t . q W~ANTED, a goo4.PLALN COO K,. anId.a HOUSEB1- In agnteel gamls3nilyC35UeBOu Of tQWlm- APPlY cat 14, Pihsner's-hlt, lior-treet. 55 toe af ligh gnpely; hdiies i l 11il be treated. In every respedt nz neoftheflully ashOdecat.d PTeMium exlfected. Address, Post Paid, to A.Bl. 412, 1isdwis-lvardens. L,dath0r-lane, ilolb_ovil. ViANTED, in the Haberdashery antd Hosiery hnue, a W FEM.6A LE, iiho thoroughly utoderstanda the bu%iness and of an unideniable character. A serious person wouild be preferred, APPlY, aniy tinse in tile evening, at 73. tiolbnrnl-brldge- WIANTED, in a fanilvy -residlino' 7 Tniles from London, VVwherea Lad Is kiept, a YOOoTMIA4 who must thoroughly tin- derstand hlis Work. None wvill be takleas whlo cannoat have a two yr'character. Apply to Mr. Austini, ~bootitmaker, 9, St. Nlqry Axe, =11eaeball-%treet. W ~ Aby Ta Hfouse of )kisineess in thCiy as an APPRENTICEor~INIOROVERl, to tbe MXilinery du sri- muaking, aL ynuiag Lady of respectabaility: will haise no nbielf to o'ne from the country. Alto.. an oitduoor Aupreuitleeis- watd.5or cards tof .ddreqssapply at Mr. De La Salle's. IS. antnon-street. ~TANTED; a SITUATION, as TRAVELLER, to -a WholsaleGroer o I lp-sscrtasu by a respectabile young Man posesinga prfet kowldgeofbnslne5ss andwhlo can give themos resecabe rfernceatd. ecarity.Letters Addressed Sl.R at xtel ad lorsr's Fich-ane wil hveImmediateMittC11Io. WANTED, by a younig Main, a SITUATO,a UN'DER BttTLgRLin aFanmily, or Groom tom sa?ingle Gentle- mnan. -laic o objection to travel, end cn l~aveRagood character fromf the family he lastilived with. Letters, pot paid. Rddressed to J. A. at 19, Charles,-,treet, Westminster; or 4l Bleeeh.streOt, Barbican, wvill ~XTANT D, aija Nursry, were there are nio young chilren,a stady OMAN whohas been used to children', can ork ellat hr nedle andund ristnsdressmak-ing. Also at reguilar HIOUSEMIAID, where a otoaiskept, a young WVoman, fromi 25 to 30 years of age, who pfetyunderstanda thle esL-re of brgh grate6 and good fuirniture, n can woark att hier needle. ach,, murtbhare agood character tr their last situation. No written ones will be taken. Apply this anid the following days at Mr. Key's, oil-shop, Great Prescot-street, Goodman's-fleldA. TANTIED, by a yoting Mkall, whlose charactcr will sba tli,trictest Inv,estigatIon, a II.9lTttlN aACO.ACHMNAN, Groom, orlPostilllloa. lie understandc lihe care of liorses tysli. Anv nobleman orgiea'tleinan in want of a jrunx ian answcri,ig theabove descriptioH, ,y dlra-ecling a letter, p ost pald. toEF. BI. at 4, Wellingtotn- street, Strand, wiSll be nimmiediately attenided to. TN. B. It is in eonl- sequence ,'f as reduiction In the egtabllshianent of a family, in n'hose ser'ice the sad-ertlserlately lived, that Is he piarted wIvth. No office- keeper need apply. WANTSa SITUATIO`N5-to SUPERINTEND in a NAIoblarn's or Gentlemran's NURSERY, a respectable Widow, who thorourhly uinderstanids the care of children, and can instrtiet then JIn the rdiricuiieitS of education. Address, post paid, 1o A. B. qireuery, 'Mortlake._Surrey. W\AN'TS a SITUmTUrION asWNAITER,or Servant out ~'of i.lvery,a steadly ac tive you:ag Man.who can have aL good chR-. racier from his last Place, wvhere lie lived e years P.s foocmgin. N.B. A waitr's lac woud hoprefrred Addess, post paid, to A. B. at M[r. Wirite', boolssker. Kngotree, Westinster. XIJ ANT a SIT ATION,a steadly, actiVe, anber youn Ma. 26yeas rf ag, cpabe of taking care of aL Ware- nous, o asAssstat i a areous, Sop, or Office: no objectioni to ny tbe2coforabe stuaion intaavnor country: can lhave an undnialechaactr romhislat raser Address, pot paid, A. B. Leech's newspaper offce, Franjcis-street, Tottenbamr-eourt-roatd. ~iTNTS:i SIT1UATION, as TRAVELLING SEll-- W VA 1'NT, a muiddle-acage Man, wrho speatks the pncarEroea languages, and Is fully, acqua!nted with tic most resp etsit nd cen-. notlical ways of rravellin.g on the Continent. Hlighly- respectable penrsonal referenlCes srill he gi-eni. Address4, poist paid, to A. B. at Mr. Fsais's, 5, Leicester-plitee. Leicestex -square. ~1TATS aSITATIO)N, as UPPER N UK'SE, a r~e- VVstccthl eyoang orman.who can take a child fromi th- mnonth, an a aean udnable chtaracter from hier last place. where she li'dfouri-ears. or has no objeetian to waRit on :r ladyIror youing ladles:. can avarnt weal at lier needle, underFtands dressinaking, anl wises o mke erslf tseaalin. etther capacity. Direot, potiRpald,, ~7ANTSa SIT ATION,in goabroad with a single (lenlema.ssALF. an GRGat.a young Man, -who hasR bee wih agenlemn aro:rl pwads f 7years, and, having li-ed utaard o Idonbsi hi peset ittaton, eat, have an undenl- alalehaactr. tetrrs ddresed pad pid, to R, B. 3, Silver-street, Dloansur, a-il b inaneiaelyatended to. No otffrekeeper 1~TANT EMPLOMENT,as CLERK, ala active. ~ wiling an conalenlalyaane ani, whbo wrould nmake hianself' genraly uefu unersand bokkepitg bY d,auble atad single entr, wrtes f'ar had, ad ha srterinded ain extensive riine and pirt cncen may yarc ca bestrongly recomnmended, anid givesecuity,if equied: ouldhav oolajection to go :abroad wi th a tnrcbat, r eagagewit a bilde,Fa lae is conversant Ini sues. s,taremetats anld bilding nmaterias Address, Post Paid, u.n. 42, Paternoster.row, Sc PAu'. No offieeletters. r'P0 CAPITPALISTrS-117ANTED, by a Landed Plro- thousands a y-ear. Address, post paid, to T. C. esq. at thie Plost-office, Plymoutha. 'p MSIC-SEiLLERS.-A i'oung Niat, wh%Vo is been T.. n"the trade. wishes for aSITT'ATION. as SHO)PMAN1. In towvn or etarantry. lie eatn Orae go'ad referetrecs. Direct, post paid, to A. 13. at 25. Darke-atreet. Grosvenor-square. rJ? LINENDRAPERS and HOSIERS.-A young -r Man wlishes for a qITtJATIOV,' as PORTER. in a Shop or Ware- house. Can h-ave an 'unexceptionable character. Address to A. 1B. 92, St..iin-em-treet, Clerkenwell. AIERCH4ANT's CLERK.-WANTrS a SI'TUAT10N, 'i U10tCLERK, Ina Mterchantits Countinghouse, a yotang Mtan, who wirites a good hand and has a genieral knowledge of biardness. A moderate salary asIll be expected . Address toA. I. 31, Cheapside. T O M'-ILLINTERSand H ABERDASIIERS.-WVALNTT- E_ D, by, a respectable yourng Person, a SITUATION, In the alaove haalncs~a god efrene wllhe ives,Letters_poetparld. addressed ~ Yun Mn ishs ora ITUATION as OUT- ITLL OOR ORTE, ina Shp orWareousge: bar been several yeas tr he il,coorr. nd rocrytrae:mostrespeclalale references ant begivasas o cairctr. )lret,pot paid, for X. V. Z. 5, Frc- dcrik's~lace nea Masn-steet,Westinster-road. a~YOUTNG MAlzN is dlesirous of obtaining a SITUAt- f1 TIO. uis ,IGHIT PORTER, or Mlessenrr hwrtsagood hand can havean unexeelationsblsecitaracter froni his lastemiployer, with wlrom lielived 3 ye,asa, andcan giv-esecurtity frequired. Let- ters addressed, poist paid, to A. ll. at M'vrs. Lawrsoia's, Colernans-street. city, wvili be atretided to. TOSTATIONNE R.-A Wholesale Stationer, who has Tb)een many years established in brasiness, aind irho Is desirous of beiraig relieved frons a reesidelice in Londan, Is wilfiu to adanit Into P'ART-NERSHIP' any young and active Person, well acquainted wvith the trade, arlio nmav'b lable to nrIdvsiec a osoderate caplitaLI. Apply (if by letter, post paid) to Mfr. Gale, solicitor, 70, Basinghall-strect. NRespectable PERISO'N, 21 vears of age, w,ishes to Ameet wvitla a SITUATION as CON,lPANIOV to a Lady, or Naair- sery, Governess to onie or nsore 'aoaang Ladiss, under 1 0 yean-s of age: Is competent to teach drawing and tire first rudimrents of miusic wvoaild have no oabiection toi travel, or assist in a respectable seaslasary. A line addressed, post p aid, to A, B. at 40, Red Lioin-stree,t, Htolborni, wvill meet with Inmnediate attention. A LADY, wvho has an apprenticed Asylum G-irl,wiae E~to gt a SITUATION for her, by TRAN4SFERRrNG the lNDEN,- TA ES scis16 iehrsof age, works wellathberaaeedle, and is very, fond of clalldren. Teemust he another servant kept in the fa-njily sire Is placeed with. There will be satisfactor.T informatloar giv-en for wvishing to) part with her. Address, post pala, to Airs. Mruce, baker, 27, Chsaring-eross. 1~ PPER FOTMAN.-WANEf), inaquergdr Famly.resdinabut mIes ras London,arepcblMas as PPR FOTMA.,fron3O o4O earsof age. Ms hrsgl undrsttadhisbatlneis nd aveliaed2 or aiioreyerInhslt PlatCe. No one raced aply wrtao has livea insa fashional aiya h west end of tire town Address, post paid, to B. .atM.ayes grocer, Hlampstead. F'I 0 PARENSTS antd GUARDIANTS.-The Principal of M, ahi:hlyvrespectable and extensiveClassical Schoolis desirous of IlORRO WING tire SUii t oaf ?250, for a limited period, upon good seu- rity, and bearing a liberal interest ; or lhs lender nalght-place a youth, to hoard and educate As one of the plipils, upon teroas highly adyantar- geous,a a consideration for the favoasr. . Every explanation ,will be a norddto principals by addressing to X, X. at the Post-office, Leyton- stoine, Essex, TkCOK uanfi FOOTMAAN WVANTED, by a FamilLy, (I,who reside 40, miles from London. Ther must both perfectly understand t-heir busioness, and have unexceptIonable characters from their lat places. The ecook Nill have a kitchen-maid under her, and there Is also a hoarsekeesper kept. The mnan wvill be engaged either as a servant in or out of livery, and svill lIree a boy o?'lderhiim. Aoy any mrornitng this wreeK, before 12 o'clock, at 46, NVelsotiVsquaarei 1 ef~k- friars-road, L AW.-Ayoung Man, 23 years of age, whlo has, betn sevralyers arthe profession, is desirous of an ENGAGF- MENTa Commn Lawor Out-dloor CLERK, to act under the susper- intedene o th prncipal, and to cassist In the general routine of braines I reuird.The advertiser wrtres a neat busintess hand, and avai gie th mot asisfctor reerne to- the eoiployer be is about to eav, ettrs ddetsd t B 1,. M.~WilkMneots, law ztationer, I NSANLTY.-AMedical Gentlemani, a slioit distance frm odo,beo has been s-cry successful In his treatment of eases ofteaoedescriptiont by kdindness and attention, and whbo takes bu n Ai ITintolhis house, wishes nWow oaveaLarAy-qr Gentleman Placed ne his care. The most respectable references as to abilityaindeharacter will be given, and the terms will he found moderate. Address) post paid, to C, E. At the Pontofflee, Wvaltham- cross, 1-etes; ASGOVRNSS or-COMPAA_NO.NL--A Lady, who LLhas aeqaired a perfeetknmowledg of the Frenchi language, Irl olte of the firstestablislinientsin Paris a-hbohad considerable cxpers- ence -in teaching, and whose conastx'lons are highly respectable, wvishes to engage herself either as 0OVERNESS.in a family, or .Comn- Pai0l1n tota lady. She is fully cosmpetent to teach French. muisic, drawing, vehvet painating, geo aphyj ;Mteus of the terregtzlal.globe, arlrgatt arithnsietic. T m most satlsiefacos refereiias W~ill b 1e gi'ecia Address, POst Paid, to Z. Y. 28. Hoxton-square, 1,.ondoin. 'fOLEATHESELLERS and Ot,heys.-WVANTS a Z.. ITUTIo, s-oun Ma, whAhoougrly indrstndsthe ho- he rcoomened fom is ast i~utio, anerehe ivednealy years, will be attended to. - . . - -on t A SIN LE LD , Of genteel indtepelndence and con- neXins ouPYing a houseg couch W.er than shie reqedires, is dsrous of Imeg with a lady of gentqe education asad retlf6d hbts to aCXDwith her. AA her objeat Is mocleiy rather than emoumttrpsdeatetemei-otld e aceted. Thehoua_* is delight. fatls statteIn bautfu vli5e,abut10miles frenslondosl, and tltalr1-sng erysalbrius,it orId povea delightful residence for ta ldy n deicae halth Aply b letsr.po0t,tpald, to L.l~. at. Mr. 1. -WANTE, ayouing- Mfa-n, of -g,o,o-dad-dr,e,sSan-d in-du-strifous' habits, whotperfectly, undere-tand,ayork9hlre W.oollen goods genecally, amid liass been for sotpe time accustomed to rakCe orders from the shbop- keepers and othey buyers in tondosi. He wDilbevreauJred to glvd ecu- ritY aLnd uuesceeptIoabale reft-renees. No applications hut such as strietly answer to the above c,n bC attended to. - Address; ptost paidd, to -A. D. at Nlewts. Axtell -and PuArser's, Finell-lanea -Corrahil, stating wvith whom tire party,has; lived in the same capaceity. rTONOBLENMN and GENTLFiMBE.-A married JL II, 33yni 6fage,'*16out InecUmbrance,,irehez -for a.SITU. as LND SEWABI, Sr Fsr~.lg l5allif l trrorougbly under- ples esecIaly bg erefrd nd Soig eyterp.'Ilkewlsei.h snranag, anento ad, ~ speclaislereflerence winlic g4ven QN~Y,-o NVANITED, for ivhich ~al-_"ujt -yof 1V~. 261. por.airuwll bie g-rAnted:h by dit is.,,dng d relpofal)le5tuaiontider Gloverrjinseiit,'wlth Itac)tdsng. Prohiapets;. 5aioWhoaeeIa~;andcast b)efurther ku#5antptAd, ta 4elateiananl Isldiga,, dais*aeeas.situntion in. tbeenCtstoms; :.lesnhyto' 5~ edessalle.fed.ju Isreqesed ha ~O55 ltptlPlt6r theli' rgOthe FACt)LTY.-A Gentletna) Iadsruso onigaPARTNER In, or PURCF1ASE[fofa respectable MEDIN ALPATICE. For cards of address ekl at Wattts a-nd CO.'S, thynilsts anid drugqists, 478. Strand: If by letter, poqt paid. , IVA ATER TMACfIINE.-Any Personi havig oa luoe nthorouigh repair to D1SPOqE OF, at aLmoderate price,i nay ear f a urchser,on PPliCation bY letter, post Paid, to A. B. tt etitte irclainglirar, , Old Comnpton-street. 4 ~~~~NAD.~-WATE7oaolleo rp0 PAINTERS, &C.-A youn M ,from the Colin- T try,20 veersof age,iriishes to egewiha Master a short ~liie. furIMPROVENIENT. A simall wel lay expected, Apply ilf b)y lectter, post paid) to) W. it. at 5, Jolin-street, Han%% ay-street, Dxf,,rd-street. ff;jC) WRV- I T IG NlSES---W NED inl a re- A-.jpeetable Academy~,near London. ,ian ale PENMV,A.N. ife will see, be requiried to teach Arithmnetic. and the junijor ciass3s Reading. Apply byv letter, pos-t -aid, s,tating age, writh Yeferenee, to N M. i.a lieath, Ashuess, and Co.'s. stationers~, Queen-street, Cheashissde ~WID W faout 30 years of atte, a native of' Enlad wo sperfectly Mistress3of the German and Freneh lanuses isdeirusof belifg engagedi a a TRAVELLING CoNl- PANIN t a ady orshe wvotid undertake to stsperintend. as Daily perons,,iunqestorable respeotabilitv tIll "I givflen. Letters ad- dresed pot pid,toL.P. at Irs. Forsyth's. MusweiihlJ, near Hurnsey, ~iidIscxwIihci'mediately atternded to B ENTS C L CT D -APrivate Person, possessirf~ res'pectable Pnroerty, bat',t n no coga .5.ttWud ehpyt naderake he SIPERITE N NCE and t'OLLECTION or ani ESTATE; he ii a good accounu,t.nt, nind is trustEaC to a considerable property, wvhich he has managed for the! last 18 yeatg. i'he most re- spectabte references ran bie given, or deeds relative to) the aderdtt,er's property, will be dcposited as a security. A%ddregss post paid , It. A. B. Mrl. Waitss. 6,ifi, eter's-blrl, Doctors'-eommos.- 0W? DISTI L1,E RS, Rectifiers, andi Spirit M1,erchants.- T. A,rLespeta.e yo ~,ung Man, ,itimatVled. o,f aii active disposlftoin an oo coa habi, th fa reetiir. woudr l h-uyt oc wvithl a Gentleman itn %ranlt o thle SERVICES of a steady CilNyi ky-, TIALPIEItSON. Reies at gsood acoutait.zit is 'ccli acquainted wvithi tlie art of rectifiatilon, anrt poissesses, valuable zedeise f-er fwt,ai,,g Londn gn ofvarous arors, ichcorials, &e. lieI has no objtac- tio toanypar ofthecoutry orthesiter kinedimi. Letters ad- dresed,pos pai. W ft istSIr ililm , olsite Whmiteelbapel church. ~~( beLET wih imnciat jossession, a L~ODGING HOUS, ina god oensteet leaingort of Oxford-street. TI'ie furniure ad dsures o hetakenat atiamaticn; w,iilt suit a widow lady, or a utew marrie Coupe; the coming in for thL remneitldr of lease, ftirniture. asid fixtre willntot exceedltiBO1. Applyvfor cards of address at Mjr. Dat-le.a', 55. Greeir-s,rapt, Sohco. 440 be LET U NIH - edlical Gendemeian wLiishres to) LET, to a snip)) Family of respectability, the wholIe UPPERI PAIRT of a ROOM E, oith othier conveniene,s, zmeatliv Fur- nislied, situate niear, Brunswick-square. 4ts he does iiot reside7in the houtse, nand if taken for a permanenicy, it wtill be let at a very moderate renit. For carda uf address, apply to Mr. Collena, groc,,r, '8, Everett- street, Russell-square. obe LT atLdda y ext, in the lpleasarneat part ofTolItrihamgen agnelHOUSF-, consis,ting of 2 good par- oInure, kitchen, an 1rahhus othe grounid floor; at handsome drawr- ing, room and bedroomi on the first fsoo; and 3 bedrooms Oa the second floor; odclaig ag forecourt, atid a garden behiind. For particulars inqutire at thie Pack Horso? anid Talbot tave-rn. T'urnoham- green:; or, of Mlr. liodgion, bootmaker,3.Nurth-place, near the Asy'lum, Lamnbetht IN thle VICIN-lIT" of tile NEW POST-OFFI11CE.-- IDesirn5tlI.LE.S.EI-IOLD gREMIISES to beSOLD. For particular.s linquire oftNlt. Biryans-, carpenter, Little Brttain.___________ C" I LDING GU RUUND, 13elF-alley.1 do wsi-'o Bt hY e LET, for 60 yeaCTS, oL PLOT of GROVN`V for BUtLM \G. In- rinilre of Mlr. Long, 48, little Britaiin. ALPHA COTTAGES, Regent's pa,k.-To be LE, AFurnishied Or Unfurnished.m,o moderate terms, a desiratble- t'T- TAE, co:;taiti;tjg ev7ery requis4ite accommodation for a smia!l famally. and Mituate bIna good %v'nflcd garden. Apply at 27, Alpha Cottages, ieadliti fruit thie AlPha-road..________________________ rr~oThtOES ndCEE ONTGERS.-To be E.. ET,an ld stailismedCONERN ~nthe above line, situate in poulos nd nceasngnelhburiuot rvnt low. For cards of address apply, to Mir. M,,...dy, 7. TimeohisidS-road, ltiel Lion-square. None need apply simio catitot citnianatd 3.5)). li~? be OLD, in the tteighbourhood of Crawford-street. RMariciitne,17 yecars' 1.,EA-S'E of -aror,r-v STBE id CART- HOtttE vell adapted for a coirshedl. Also as good at,d handsome SpringCart and hlarnecss. Forpyarticulars inquire at Ii1, Upper Dorset- street,_Bryanstoni-sqiare. F XCHfANGE of II(USES.-Any Person wyishing to _A purchase Flu excellent FAMIILY HOtUSE wvithi ehasisehon.se and stable, in atn eligible situationi its Bristol. or to exchange a lHouse or Premises, in Lotndon,, fur the satuc, is requemsted ti, apply by letter, post paid, to N. it. to the care ufNMr. S. Withers, chynslist, &-c. 19, Ru-th- hone-place, oxford-street, Lotidon. X~fAToflD Herts.- o be LET, wvith imlnnediate on, good FAMILY RItENlU)ENCE, its the townl ,f Watord searaedfromt time High-street by, a srden cotirt, with gord giedit uelart,eochht,,tse. timid stables. Also, a desirable Cottage Besdete, oisrtiefrion ttit town. st-eli sititate. wvith a goo,d garden soda teadosvif erured. Apply fur furthier particulars, to Mlr. Witi. Dygon, estateagetit, Watford. DESIRABLE FAR NI of 300 Acres of LAN Din Ox- Dfordshmirc.-To be LET, for a term of 14 years, a very dessirlable FARM fir immoediate ucesipationi: It coissists of a superior farmhouse, wlitb buildings q.iite correspo,tdent. good garden and oreltarding. aind 3OO acres- of good land, situate at Little SMilton, ii mites frons Tets- wvorth. 8 froni Oxford, anrd 47 from Ltondoin. Partiettlars and price to he had of Messrs. Robins., Cotvent-ga rdcn. Fifty acres of pastuzre and mnicdos, isatt contiguous itony tielhad in addition. rf,l BUT'CHERS, Clicesernoner Grocers. &c.- At. To be LET, wiithonut asty prenitim. no Lures retfuired to be taken, two comnULTidtulCOMtSER SOPS wih3 roomis ,m tech. situate ini the front of Clare-troarkzet; otieceomtnands the wrhole viewt off iolles-sitreet, and statuds remarkably wtell fut a grocer, there being no otie near it, atid to a good renant they wiil be let on mioderate termls. Ap~ply on the pretnises. Nom-. I atidI 2, cNew Ciilontade, Clare- miarket, and applicatioti (if by letter, post paid) tos S. B. iHaynes, esqi. 14, KeiiningtoL-piaee. Vaurthall. TRAN , ner Chriog- cross.-'To be D)ISPO l F Isby Mr. HERRINIG, the LEASE of A compact and convettient HloUSE and SHOP, very eligibly situate No. 2.5, on tuie s,,utit side of the Stramid, comprising 6 beidto',nig, 2 ,ltng roomis, at neat tnioderim sht'p, receittly, Impronvetd. gzood ki1citens, and ceil,iritsg; time whole itt solid repair, amid exceedingly itell calculated for the hatierd:ssttrv. liee, aTid silk trade, or fcar any Otiher light fancy buisite'. Nearly 24 ye,ars of tite lease unexpired, at a loss- rctnr, and atlmiost imnmediate possesson cat, be giveti. APPly to Mlr. l4ertrltg. 109.. Fle et-strecet. .4 11 B T OUSA, D OUND to 21(o,000.-To Meii 12 of OPPORTLINITYnolw orTers for EMPI.OVING the aoelo- CAPITAL, to gremi: advantageattd without risk, in a Coin- ilission Busintess. rThe party adv-ancing it totuat he a gi-id jutL-'Ie Of British usansifactures. have a thorueu knottledge of th e rnisActs, atid be of active persevering habits. Those desiro~us to, ,vktl them- selves of this otfer may Ilearn every prarticuilar by personal application to lilr. Dy-er, 21, Larn-cone Pounnticy-lAne. Letters must be free of postage. 0O be SOLI), the L? ASE of snost 0iesimable PRE- Pc MSES,wellsitate or ag nd of butsiness or nianufactory. beIngwlthti 1 doos ofthe aicsatt atid Castle. Newingtoll-butt's, consisting of a shop of0 feet long. a3.otnrtinghottse,convenientttkitchien. cellar, parlour, 4 bedrooms, sittIV.-roomi, one long, rootn 35 feet by- 12. isowv used as a workshop. 'The psetnixes aire wsell adaip:ed tim the corrt trade, there being many stabiles, sear bY attd opposite a coach stand. 1Io prevetnt trtitble, no person need apply who castnot eomninamid from CO0Ol. toBOlil. L.etters, post patd, to be addtessed to A. B. at til. Eay's, baker, Lotdido-roa.d.. AlSON dle CAMPAGNE a LO E rsntlnetnt, cemnuti Pour un des pIns beauix isxesn'losde Paris, s~itues a Chitutillv. a dix Ileues de Paris. Cette mati:on, dtstribPuee. decore,%et mnitblec daens le ii,eilleutr gotit, constient douze appartte- mients do maitme: le parc, desseine dana le genre pittoreeque, est d'environ cent arpents. tout eti agremenztA; il est embelli d'un lac do hui tarpents, de it vieres deant ~Ive, de belles fabrique,, et de planta- tins recs. Le potager cat eni pleitii rapport de 12Xumnes. Les~ eommiinset lesc depenidaniees s.nt on no Petit Pas plns conmmodes. on aura atussi ia louissance d'une ezlaciere. S'adresser pour volt les lieux a la Poste aux Chevaux do! Chantilly, et pour les conditions a Mv. Jacqtsin, notaire royal, an dit lieu ; et a Paris a .52. Agasse, potaire, place Datiohine, p,res le Palais do Justiee. OA DadLODGING.-In a respectable -amilly, B TwFrindsmay be accommtodated on reasonable terms, by oceipytt rom,which has a dressling roomn attsehed. Applyi ot 21 ssxstet,Srand. - 1) ORD nd ODGI NG.-A Genitetlani anid his Wlife, A)o sngl Ldyor Gentlemian. mata he accommoodated in a simall genee fail, rsiing In tuie in)imedi-,te neighhottrhood of Bedford. squre wereevryattenition N-il be paid to thieIr donmestic comfort. Tbeosot espctalereference.s wvlil be givell and required. eards of adres t 2,Toreham.eottrt-road. QARD end LDING.-A young Latdy,,who miay B b dsirous. of thlos comforts pceculiar to a. hoie, where the mostlilersi treatment would be experienced, cati be RECEIVED into a Family of the highest respeectabIlit:y, residitsg it one of the 1irincipal streets avest of Th,rtlattd-place. As socityt Is the object off the a-dver- ti.ser, ai~musfeal inmnate, not more than 30 years of age rouild be con- sIdered most desirable. Tfernms 1201. None nieed apply who cannot olfer references of the first respectailttsty. For further address apply, hetween ithe hours of 12 and 3, ait 9. Charlotte-streec. Fitzroy-s,qu- UPERIOR BOARD and LODGiNG.-A ~singile Gets-, S~ tlern'an may be acenimntodated with BOARD and LODGING most comifortably,,in one ofth'eleading-strcetSi at the west eiid of the tott-n. This advertisemenet Ig Ncelt, worth the attention of a genitlemuan not Wishbing thO trouble of housekseeping. There Is always an excellent table et For cards of address apply t r Anmbridge, ebymnist, 21, Piccadlity. 7VURNSHDAP TE TS.o be LET, to a I 'sI dtnlims,agenteel FURNISHED FIRST FLOOR, recently Gtentlup, n at othr ieneOfs If required. in a quiet amid respectitble fatisily. Inquire rat 29, Little Matryleborne-streer, near Weymouthm.street, Portland-pIlace. PAiRTMIENTS WIAN -TET-A sinl middle-aged AA A TLEMANwsvihes to be ACCOMDTD ihgnteel APIT JE.NTS, wvithin a or 4 nslles oftebrde. the ml A PARTMF,N1~v TED.WANTED,for a emai Faily FURISHD AARTENTS cosisingof two sirthre bdroms ayrlor,ami kieiCiMDisiopgae-.ttet,Alders- he attended to.T ur fl SIRBLEATAR~TMB N1rS to be LETB Fr _", nished or Unfarnished, in a rery airy and el;gibie situation, neat Bedford-rovi', consisting of 4 good rooms on the first and second 60 isattlc, ktitchen. adthrosvtOifl abe had toge- ther sir'epanrately; hilghlyl desirable foir a professional gentlemanl or etndnts t la. PrticlarS of rit rrier. 139, New . n od-street. TT NFUI~ISHED APARTMENTS fo a -Single ~Gen- elema.~WANED. M REEgoodROOMIS, withinY 20 mninultes' wal ofth Roal xeatie :atesiane wvill lie toquired. The gen. tioust desno dimoatbotle Temsist t ecea 4L erannum,' and osssaln t begivn a Lay-dy. ettrs,pos piin,Stating partculrs.addessd B D.at loyds cffehoOe, mvii hve arly at. T'O SINGLE. OENTLEMEN who are MeNmbers of one of the Fashiosable Clubs.-TO be LET, APARTMENTS elegant FUIthNISHD. In the houea of a Gesiiltoman st-hose fa- mily have latelY gone to reside in the country. The apartloetits may be taken lr a permanency, and Would form an eligible real. dese for' a Gentleman in search of a comfortable home, anud wrho sIn te hablt of dining at Pue of the clubs, as the house is very near St. James's-street. For turther partletlars inquire at lir. Pon. sonby, plate glass manidastLrer, Regent-clrcus. Piccadilly, of at.Mer. ens~ , upholsterer, 10,-Duke-street, St. James's. (ERSMANT.FLUTE.-This graceful anid truly pleas- ' Ilg 3nstrument has becQe so Iashlionable an accomplfshment tihfetfw gentlemen ne4lect it, nor is it surprising when It is kuotwn -,Lst (ID comparisois wethany other AhstUimeut) little difflctltyls ex. Verienced in lts anuitemenr,a slmorttimoonlybCingresisuIsite to attain rcirfieNncy. Mr.bALBREATHsinircturning thaliks to hIs friend and the public ior'their vet cretencouraemiteni, begs to Imform ghem hat.he giveN ISTRU aT]ON u upon his muchadmired -tebof exeditloncOmbined with a perfect knowledge of the in system hPs vle.#n general satisfaction, Mlr. Gal bieath s *xtensive collection Om mutdic Is operi to hid pupils writhou- Any expense. formns moderate, whieh wvith particulates mayi he knoow it on a~poiatiot. to the professor,. at h;s residence, 46. Little St it'bmsussiApostlC, 'Queea.eireet, ChsFp , Tetterm .{in bs pott paid Bld5th~ bed2. . -.: By orderof the Court ot usr.crrs, RICH&RD CUDE, S.,tetArY. NB The chair wIll be taicen at 12 o'clockt preci-sely, aad the ballot' contlnuiteopen fromn that tirme till 1 If-. st4 o'clock. mfothEPROPRtETORSGf tlbe CRART~ERtD GAS IH ndCXI COMPIANY. J!"y Lords Ladie'. end Gentlemen, NCOU'RAGED) by the solicitationi and promise of 121 uppot frm aeonslderable lurmber of respectable ProprietorsL I amIndued O ofer yself as a CAN4DIDATE for the office or DIRETOR Intheroomof Sir WililaStiPaxtou deceased. Ibegleave to stte, tat I savdu seveirllyearS been re.elecetad one of your Auadi- torslanffic I avendW% the hownOUr to tlli). which leads me to hopei thatmy pst cndut has glre sadtIfaction; and should I be favoatred withyou esiper on he re itO asl-oo, I will enLdeavouir to evinice my gratitud b~ my beatat all times for the interest opf the ompany, ~~~~~~~~~exrIon 'lee honour to he, Company, I haVe ~'-*- and Gentlemen, Ndy Lordde "i4v "i-obedil"nt servanit. 27. Strand. Fib. 27, 18-24.. or0" R W SLETR 4 BROWIN MARE to be SOLD, t,_, property of a ~Lndy. Ii vears old, and warranted sounid. Api, ly to the coaich- ron.m, 1., Pa,rk-stree~t, Westiyinster. Price 3.5guineaS. 7flO be SO A,aBA O S, Chauise an Hurrncss, Pi sutitble for a traveller. The borse Is I15 hands b!gh, q.515c and safe In harn'Ss or saddle. pcrfw!?tly ound. aisd fit for a journ, jyis- meditely inqireat Nelsonea livery stables, Fetter-4ane. A skIcO A Strng CO HORE to e SOL, 'ryears old thi& enmtu sprng, 14 hads an g h lCigh, coloxurbhaY,warTant. el sond. pice 2~ guneas,wouldsuit deCy persal' ll'antIng auert to ideanddrie, s oldforno aul watever gsli 1 NIswthout-viire or blemish. Apply to) the owner, at 12, lllmlC,lasmpstead- roaid, near the Regent~s-pariz. to-day and to-morrow. ~LTO SE B ZAAR Kin-stret, Portmzmsn~q~ A~ WNTED a erso. IornoblyaciuaInted with aprlu~I genra, ndpatl:Oarl wthth trfat SUPERINtI sEN1)teS3 SCIIPTON'ROM, o b o~ue iaAprl,at this eaabllshniersl N. 3 li mut poses geera Iormtio, and be a perioDi of geyN. uSperior S ANTH6P HIORSE to be DI1SPOSE-D AOF. colr,ur abeaLutiful bay roan, with goodblack legs and feet. Seasold, he vossesses, grea,t courage, yet sufficiently temperate and Inody fraLady to drive. Tile owner will eligapelim to trot Il iiieai 3 c,*r" without using the ssij, Re Is *sust off a jouirney- thirough the prineiP%l towvns auid cities lIn the hsoDth, and lies -per. formied upwards cit 1.000 rmIles si.sce tlif I Ith ofJarmsary In hsarness; is ntow In, e%cellert Pondition, and ready to go the same disrance: wyarranted soniiid and quIet to ride., rc 5gies,ads es01 he taken: it beling wnoscil under his real1 value. Apply at 16,, Hart_ street west. Ceverit-garden. AGENTLENMAN, having 2 very pYaluaja)e 9F~IR$US bes found to ainswer, ttile description given of tbein.-The first is Holly- hock, by liSmnbleton ian, colouir blcod bay, stands, 15 hands 3 inchez high, and Master cit 16 stone uip to %ny housds In the kingdomn; balIsap t-stand pleasant roadster, Isa perfect staunliopehorse, withh highgs action, and 'retnark-ably tr.sr. The seconid is one of the best strong co,, hor,,es in the couintry, col6ur dark ryay. srands 14 handCs and a, ha~lf hig~h, and is miasterof 20 stone, with Wihich weight he can wralk Smirwfles In one hour; he trots fast and well above the ground, aLnd jnever shies or stumbles, his cantrer is del1i-htfuil. being so light In bind ,that to any infirmn timid gentleman to riae or drive he would bes inva- Iluible. The above horses~ are no more thlan S and 6 years old,warranted s!ound, and any trial al1lowed, and the owner to be personally treated. svrl~h. To be sieen at No. 2 stables, Lemontree-yaed, Bedfordbury, ; 'louts fromn Ciiand.os-itreet, Coveist-rnr-den. P'~'i be SOD., a great bargain, a very neat, lih,and ~s~rongSECO 1DHND STANHOPE D-NNET, withronstc body andboot hug oni 3 spr!ngs, and compassed lancewvood shafts. paitedyelow rlieedwit back:, and Iinsed with drab. Also two very ussr Pony esls ofdfeent shapes and size3. Mlaybe seen at I, Pul-tree, Fnsbry-sqluare. j ONDON REPO~TORY ~fortCARRIAGES of alL AA csclptoti.~~OHIN MARKS and SO.N respeetfully eqilaint the, puhie, tat tey hve c~tanyxil view fur S -LrE fromn 300 te 400 CARRAGE, nw ad ecomohad. onic of which are of the most: splendid an oern cosrc'ni nd at the most economical anld rea-onable prices. Their exteniive preraises, the largest in London for oitrriage~. are situiate in Great Portland-street and Langham-place Portliandplace thiel are open to thie free and unrestrained acem-ss0 thle puhl)ic, iod so unequalled a dis~play of elegant anid useful vehicles inlvites In1spection, as aii oboject of puiblic cuiriosity on -the part even of those who have- no desire to purc-hase. Every, carriage is numbered and lens itsprice ufliled. The exhibition consislts of:- Gumn. Quin. Gumn. Gumn. Landraus fromi 40O..-to.----30 Barouchiete 1 20~.-to-...35 Coachies -3I~t.3O Phactons - 0 to Q L,andaulets - 20ts-O CurtrIcles 100O- t-.o-.-4o Chariots - s.to Si tanhopc3 - Blarmiches - ot.~.6IDennets, ac.- The establshneiit fJonIsRks al Son heisig thie oldest a-s welt a, Shie largest ii L.ondon, Its repuratiomi for respectabUity is well known to, the put,lie, czd commnissions in re,Sard either to a specified. quality or priee from any part of the 1vosrId are executed with; prompt- ne-s, :ind the transmission aisd exportation per.u?ormel)e with czwre. Old carriazge are received in exehlasge, anld carrigs n.In fr sale are arraige intherelostory for a sai.Lil wveekl cm .in,adfor a To le SLD,in cmplte epar th ES f OUSE, forworshos. artculrs obehadonthe premises; or at 112, New Bo)id-3treet. Irn be SOD y rvte Contraet, with immediate Y_po..e.ssion, the LEASE. GOoD ilL, ansi FIXTURES of an old establi,,hed. sod micer respectable 13OAR,1DING-HOUSE, wrhere there Is a certainty0of getting a very gcnteel liVelihood. A death In ther fareily occasions the present occupieTrsi quIjttjig. The comDIng itt will he axbtit 2900 guinleas. Iniquire tor particulars of Mjr. Towvers, china- shop,_73. Great Tielifeld-street. Portianid-piace. m O DANCING-MIAS _.BRS.-Nie1NlUndr@t'1 P"oun(s a \esr.-A Gentleman poissessing ain establi-shed D, lSlESS. h,Ichproduces about6oOl.a yearSvo,iidlie happy to DISPOSE !)Fit On. liberal ternis. The bhmisme-ss is situatre lin town and country, wi ?d can be atteiided to uvith little expense. To the abiove may be addee" an additionatl buosiness to the extent of 3001. For fuxrt~her particuli:'t direct, post paid, with real name anid addre9s, to X. X. X. at tuie Posev- ollce. i49. Stranid. ' (( t ('IPITAIAS IS. I o eSOLD, an ESTAT-, consisltliig of I160 acres of armble rnd paxs;ture land, with a gus farrnCtousp. g-arden. barns, stables, and all requisite ourbuIidngs. aritL two ci,ttqges divided Into foar tenements. The estate is sixmailez fromz lpswieli, Suffolk. Tlie parochial charges are very moderate, This psroperty mriii be sold to pay 4 per ceiit. oii the amowunt of pur- cliase. For particulars apply To Mlr. H. lilomfield, estate andt timber s-cent. 2. New City-e.hanllers, Bisho;egate. Lonodin. ,~DVANTAGEOUS OFFER.-An eligible opportunity [~.fi.r a.iiudicimiis iiivestuienst of a moderaite capital is niow ofrered inteproposed SA[LE if a wrell eStablished respeCtabile WHOLESALA: iiuads-atiinuge,iusly emth'iseisther, aiid both capable of being- pushed to aimy extenit. Persons dispiosedi to treat arc requested to apply by letter addires35d to A. D. at the her of the Jamnaica coffeehiouse, appointing a personal interview. wbhic-h will lie attenided to. tMGIBLElNVESTMETSi-,Af SURPL~USRE NT oI f ?C55 per annum. for 5O years, amiply secured on 3 houses, len ttie Kent-road. on lease to mist res-pectable tenantsr, at rents, asint-ln lug to I1101. lisr annumin, will be SOLD, to produce 9L per cent. to the purelimuer; also a House and Preniiess, foir 95 years, in St. AThSi's- street. Lanibeth, on lease toaP.hutcher, for 14 years of Its term, a,' lime loic rent of 3151. per anunum. Address:, post paid, to Mr. Thomwwpson, It Mlr. Mlartits's library, Great St- Thomnas Apostle. -VU 0 -ORSEDEALERS, Li-verystable-keepers, and. V_Other5.-To be DISPOSED OF, by, Private Contract, mnost compact LEFASEHOLD PIREMISES, wvith excellent Dwvelling-house and StabDliiig for 241 horses~, fitted up in the best style. asid in comnplete repair, %with covered sllcd for carriages, situate irithln 5 minutes, w-alk of the Exchange, and has been occupied for many y'ears by an eminent hbrsedealer. Fuirther partIcular,; may be obtained by apply- inig to Mr. C. H. Jenkins, surveyor, Shard's-place, Peckham; or at his o5iw~ee. 103. Great Prrtlaind-strect, Oxford-street. H OUSE anid SHOP.-To be SOLD, the LEASE, for J_t21 years, of a small but roomiy H OUSE, wi th a large SHOP0 , and h.andsomie moderii front. The house hasq just been thoroughlyr repaired. and newyly papered, &e.; it stanids wilthin one door of the greatest thorotighfare at %he west cuid of thle toirn: in would suit a, linendraper. haberdasher, druggi4t, stationer, and many other trades, or it would mnake a firsit-rate eating-hiouse. if well conduicted. For trems,s &c. apply to the Ilaidlord, 20, John-street, Tottenhamn-couirt- T O LODGlING-HOUSE K-EEPERS or Others--To --be SOLD, the LEASE and FURNITURE of an oldecstabllshed. LODGING1--IlOOSE, situate in the preferable part of G1lscaster-street, wvithin a. few doors of Qieent-square, Bloomsbury. conxisiting owf3 rooms onuRfloor, and every,othiereonv,enience fistrafamilyI the premises are in thorough repair, reint and taxes' lose, and premifum verymnoderate ; satisfactory reasonsgwllUbe given by the party wishIngt disposeof it. Apply per'sonally, or by, letter, post p.id, to, A. B."Vr. Jacob's, hat: muanuifacturer. 482, Strand. 7vO LIE idWO N DRAPER,abr I1 dashers. Hatters, Hlosiers, &e.-To be DrSPOSED OF in a po- pulous oidfiimproving neighbourhood, at a short distanc fromn the nlietropolis, an established resPectable.CONCERN In the ahovii branchies: tlhe coming in wvill be easy, and Immediate possessioni may' be had. ForpartlcularsapplY lit by letter, potpaid) to lessrs.Aldrest and Co. 5, Fish.etreet-hill, London. N. B. The above has been eaxried on siome years wvith!success as a draper's, haberdasher's, &e. only. butif presents, an excellent oppomrttllity of comblningtliegroce,ry busines, Witil it if required.____________________________ ''O be SOLD, theLEASE Bof a HOUSE andi sF10?, JLin onie of the Igreatest thoroughfares in or near London, situated the toip of Tottenharn~coutrt Toad, within a few doors of the Adan aind. Eve, onthe preferable sideof1'the Haiapstead-road. Tie premises are in substantial repair, wvith a back entrance, and capable of being con- verted into any business wbeire show and room are necessa ry, and ic Is presumed, f'rom ite unri-valled situation, thatintcannot beequalled. The house is neatly furnished, and. let to most respectable tewnants, wvho pay muore than the rent and taxes. The ftarulture inay be had, if required, a't a valuation.- Apply 55S above, W.B. The Trunk, mnasking Business removing to 14, Johnsi-treet, Oxford-street. ~OUTA MPON. o beDISPoSED) OF, in this IDneighbouirliOOd, for ani unexpired ter2n of 10 years and three- quartetrs frool Ladly-day, 1824. subject to a emria rent,. a sped FAM,ILV HO1USE, in complete repair,-conssting of 8 rcooms on anfoor. 3 stories high, exclusive of kitebeu. oflices, &-c. with acoachhdouse and 3-st4ill stalble,' an acre nf garden and.pleasurwe ground, a small grapery, a ida Imlsadoe?k containing 3 acres; situat oiaa gentle eminence. cora- ,-manding a vielv of the water and surrounding scenery towards the soutli. Price 1,000 guhineas. For further oarticulars and tickets to- viewv applv to Messrs. G~oode, 44, Hilwlanid-street, Fltzroy-Square, WANnWOeIst-t in ent of 8 per cenL-To be SOLD. teueprdLAE of 54 years, of ati flegant substantca brick DWELN-OS,I lnes opposIte Pli 1111)PS5 nursery gardens; consisting of 8 -spacosroos, handsomne hall, with a iihrary.troorn, twvo kitchent, chinaoset eul- lery urine and coal i-ellIar,,openl pav-ed yard, shoe-hones, c;pet of Nwater, garden 90 feet by dO feet. well lai out, brick wallalron handsom~e fore-cOurtt, inclosed writh. iron ralling, 50 feet nfot Half the purchase rnwiney may yreama on mortgage, If not sold a les ilb ranted for 7,14, or 21 Years. To be viewed after two, oecloclt daily. Three mliles froma the threerigsCoceevyhu. 1AY'TON, Essex._CGdnt5ICOUiNTRY RE,81- LDElF.NM it Coachhout5e, Stables,YVarwis. Gardeneer's Cottagel, Pleasure. Fruit, and Kitchen Gardens, writh every aceommodation fora respectable famhhiy', witt or w,ithout 5beaut~.tfl MeAdoW.s adjoin. lug, tbibsSoLD by Prirate Contract, by Mr. TAYLER. Thb.cottaga iss nrowich,ed liv~ a carriage sweep, IsI pleasirttlv sitsuate, and com- ..i,,.h,,ul s, weadows of a psai-k-lk apspeeaance to the borders of piping-forestL It contains well koportiopeddiniaE and rwing rooms, and Library, In the mlost conplete state Of substan- tial and ornamental repair. 5 bed chambers, dressing rootr.5, and wvatercloset, kitchens housekeepexs roomn, ma.n-ervaet-., chamber, -orewhOuse,daijry,Tai allsuiltable offies2, a beautiful pleasure-ground, and productive fruit garden, with a lofty South vl 2 feet iu length, clothed wvith the choicest fru it ttescalT, Whol a,unding r all enviable establishnsemft on an ecOno Particulars at jir, TatIQelof j miles aLnd a quktrter from London.Patcltatr-Tmis offices, inthe Akuetlon Mart. ., ESTRABLE FREEHOLD PRErMISES, Fovant, 1near -Salisbury, Wilts;. land-taxrdsld--TOb Q~;b rvte- Colitract, a most desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, consistilnk c~aapital Ovelag.hose, wvith eonvv To oshnd0 ald-nir den, stable, barn, rlcltbowie, yard, and twvo or6hbatas, lkWiJ_Jolitug, sitateia Foant1u thilotty f ilts;- novr la'the odculsation o)%. 51r. Asm. Futchser. - Thc:preoalsex are wenellsantd1Of In er&eJalenc of a geniteel Cainlly,rSv iverY eonvem0en s-'lgodeiar The orchards are large and unse plantedwtchieyinfu'rts and one oras othrds has an excell :t.. Toesldal,a Freeoldcott GAS GTad XTOTICE is~~~~~ ~ofDirectorx of the Gait1 a Y hereby eelare that a V4QANCY a 'S opi1ZA A R.ORS by the decease tavern, 1n tI3e tb shneXt, ea , on cloce , thet In t _TeIddN of a IMBNECT1OF txr sngply PAthe vaakc n ethedrcio c _______ of a ( eh 1UI?n P XtOfll V.I bt
Lent Assizes.
uy Mtr. litchpAr(, a di~seating tifieiiiterpreach. za tobn dE , againsBt a collector of tates, tor keeping 2n ul. ogly o, by, which the plQintiff Was bitten. 'Che plaintiff"s case wants byCOir. T,ucted b M.J rsnd?I Mr. PRILLIPS; the defend. aft's by M. TAteON'e anld Mr. lli'SSELI. It atlpearedthat in Augutst lakt. the reverendel gentleman, it, comn. panf wit;' a votina latv named Ham-nond, was collectin6c sabscrip- tions for;a ble A.soc ati.tn. rhey were abouit to call on a Mr. rice to rqRs.t his aid, when a pointer. belonging to the detfndalnt, peized Mr. Riclards sh- the 3"g, ad(i bit h-in-. He wentinto Mr. bi h ue. w here tpi ctEtio.,s were m aade to lhe wound or pin;ch, ut urgical * ; became nere-sae-, at-ti the sQurveon's charges d-uce do hti 61 &>s before he el".cte, a euire. Edider.co was ad- ,iht h;. ?rire .t - the di)g was "'.iltnn md tn, bite oa-kintd, and h rt T _ t jas w erC kao wa to iie ;uaster. Me T.ty-l, N T for the defendant comptlained thai the case had dd u ben exa-get-eted by onme of the pLsintiffTs witnesses, and ad e JUY tdence, b`t it did not disprove the plaintifl's case. the Jurv tounii a verdirt for the plazidTj-d for tile ainotint ut heb sur-geo'n's bill" .61. ., tt,VT AVR7,?,Pk ~tORCES?;a~nA7 Xrin"O Vt ,r),;. -- -- - - RI)s v- iprCOAT.
News in Brief
7'0 LATJYU14()/i;Axw. Regent'.7-park, Thursdav, Mlarch 4, 1824. .Ma(LZfB,-T i , xrr (Ifa let-erattriblued to z'ie in Thel'ar-, of Dubi>, I Fe-.. 28, and zVhichil as been reprintcd in other papers, is aLn inposturc. 1 bhould despisC It, as I have done so many others, i1 it aimed at Inc only; but its, upon thtis occ:sion, my name has hetn used to attack yol, thr re3pect I uwe to triuth, to Jistice, anil above all, tove or ses. ohligrs me to declare that I have never writ er. thc abolvemnctitionetl letter, ror one injur.u.. woud, that coiltd be ciled a-anlml votu. 6"tould out think it Worth wlhile tol notice this t;p(uiuuon, you Ce, .Mada;ii, at p.rit*rt liberty to tisake wh-!tever use youtiplease ot this declarationi. D)eizn. Mad.Lm. to hr1i-x's. : , r uuCttlJUtL servant, UGO FOSCO)LO
The Austrian Observer und...
'I'he Austrian Observ'er undertakes a defence of the cri- minal law of Austria against the attacks of Mr. CAxNXNCs on the first day of the present session of Parliament. The force of the defence is confi.ned to this single affirmation- " that thelaw of Austria, humnaneas the Government, de- " sires the confession of a criminal, as such a confession "leaves no doubt of the guilt ; but does in no case extort it"-and why ? " because torture was abolished by "MARIA THERESA ." It is not necessary to go into a spew culation as to what means are at the disposal of an arbitrary Government, for persuading a prisoner to confess, even though the instrumenits and visible signs of torture may have been formally abolished ? Is solitary confinemenit no torture ? Is starvation th- gentlest figure of rhetoric in the world? An;l may not these, witlh a thousand(I other modes of iirportunity, be applied by a gaoler not amenable to county MJagistrates-not liable to be questioned by a Com- mnittee of the House of Commons, for the purpose of ex- tracting fromn a heartbroken captive that acknowledgment which a dlespotic Sovereign so humanely " lesires," though he is too conscientious to " extort?" The truth is, that where concealmetnt of the trial itself forms a leading fea- ture of the jSudicial system, there is no security for any thing like faith, or honour, or rectitude, in the adlninis- tration of the laws. The principle of an English states- man is, that without responsibility there must be abuse ; andi where is the responsibility of an Aus- trian or Russian gaoler, judIge, or executioner? To wvhom is he responsible ? To the Crown ; that is, to the Minis- ter. And the Minister-to whom ? Why to the Autocrat. And the Autocrat? To his own caprices. In Austrian Italy, therefore, there may be promulgated things called " laws;" but being edicts of the Court, and the Court alone coghtizant of the manner in which they are. really executed by its owtn ministels, it is, to the mtiud of an Englishman, quit6 the same, whether, under a military despotism, one mlode of torture has been abolished and another practised, or whether mercy or severity is the professed rule of action. 'The predominating passion of the hour is the only law; the bayonet-no matter how disguisedl-must exercise 'the functions of judge and jury: hypocrisy and vengeance are without an effective control; for by the very principle of Goyernment, the opinions and feelings of the nation whomn it coerces ate excluded from all influence over it.
City Contribution to the ...
to the Right Honourable the Lord 31ayor, Aldermen, and Com- rnons of the City ofLondlon, in Common Council assembled. We whose names are hereunto subscribed, of your Special Com- mittee, appointed on the 10th of June last, to superintend the ap- plication of the grant of this Honourable Court ot 1,000.L from this city's cash, to assist the Spanish nation in their exertions to triumph in their glorious conflict vith the ambitious Bourbon Government of France, and who aie directed by an order of this Court of the 18th inst. to reportin what manner such grant has bcen appliel by them, and to whom and by what means it wras remitted, do certify, is com- pliance with the said order; that soon after the vote of this Court of the 10th day of June last, ve met for the purpose of consilering in what manner wecould best carry into effect the object of this Court in our appointment, and finding that a number of distinguished noblemen, and highly respectable individuals, impressed with the same feelings which animated this Court upon that occasion, had already anet and formed from amongst them- selves a committee to manage and direct the applicatioir of the funds arising from their 6wn and ether subscriptions, and, as far as they could, to assist the exertions of that brave and pa- triotic part of the Spanish nation who were not only resisting an un- principled and unprovoked invasion of their country by an amnbitious foreigu power, but were strglisg forindependence and freedom against an attempt to impose upon them an arbitrary and oppressive government; and which committee had already opened communica- tiODS with the Government of Spain, whereby they were best ena- bled to ascertain the nature of the assistance most required, and the points to which that assistance would,with the best cdizct,be directed; we felt that we could not better falfil the wishes and intentions of' this honourable Court, than by pronmptly paying over the whole money to that committee; which woul at the same time also be settingtle example this Court had in view in their resolution, where- i in they state, " that they have a firm reliance that the example of the Corporation of london will be readily iollowed by other coipo- rations and public bodies throughout the kingdom." And we there- upon, immediately, by a warrant, directed the Chamberlain to pay the said sum of 1,0001 into the hands of John Smith, c sq., one of the tbcasurers of the said committee. We beg leave further to certify, that this Coart, nor having in the first reverened to us, reqtired any report to be made of our prceed- ings, we had cabstained therefrom but we are gratfied in this opli porrunity which is affo.ded us, of having recorded upon the 3ournaia of this Court, that, so far as we have been concerned, the object and intentions of the Court have been carried into effect; and al- though we have to regret that circumstances have been such as have prevented, in the present instance, the exertions-of ethe Spanish peo- ple: proving successfull, yet we CannOt look back to the resolution and vote of this Court, without feeling a considerable degree of sa. tisfaction at the strong and ardent sympathy evinced on the part of the citizens of London, towards, a -suffering people struggling for liberty andindependence. CITY CONTRIBUTIO.V to the SPANISHPATRIOTS. REPORT.
At Farnham. Surrey, on the231 instant, the lady of Captain A. Brown, of the ship Bengal Afeichnt, of a daughter.
ANONYMOUS.-If the Person ...
floNNY4,"*-7TI th~ Person who was comapelleA to leave his LodtYl OWn Wednesday flight last, the 24th. inMtfint, AIhout.aypevo. NwaltInalg,,1 wllet the gentlemnan, to whom he aldeseu ete ih 'at signatr r dlate, which was received otx Fridayrnowd whelre, be. j,y be met or communicated wvith, arrangR'O frlfld ayko whaemae tha m.-uo fail to be isatisfactory; but if this noient isa not attended toa 1mm, 4tatelr. other measures will be resorted to, wrhich not only wIll give pnb-ieityto theuOccurrenclue, btoma render It eminently dangerous to-.hralueto ING'sTHEA RE.-SgnOtBENE LI respec~tfuly IX 'a~~~~~~~,nd GENtr, Sub1scribers to the beelevetinfrmtheNoblix ~CoNER'I sPllTTOEL of Oera an th Pilali, tat he lt ei.~ to the celebrated Con- terra Spirituels at Paris, will take place Ol Feridf etheBn, April. Signor itoecia wvill preside at the Pianioforte. L ea,~ro h ad vr Spagnolentt. For the Solos, Messrs. Lindley, WVln;an -puzz, Centronli, Monzarit.Kiesewetter. Mlr. J. T. Harris willI preside ac, the Organ. The orchestra and ehorusses -isill be selected from the fit,5't perltarniens, and consist ofupwvards of120 perso)ns. The next and las.' concert to be on Friday, the 9th of April. Apiaonreecngbxes to be matde toNMr. Seguin. Opera office, 105, Quadrant, Regent-street 6 ~3guineaa each. Adnaission to the Boxes 10s. 6d. Pit 7s. Gallery' 3Gd. The concerts to begin at half-past 7 o'clock. ). ADAME, CARADORI hsteonu toannoUnce VAto thie Nobility and Gentry, Subscribers to the Opera, and the Pulblic, that her BENEFIT wvill take place at the KING's THEATRE, on ThuirsdaLy. the 29th of April, wvhen the?perfornaances will cttnsist Of Mozart's OPERA% of IL DON GIG VA1.,NN , and a popuilar BA1LLET. Dramrlati Persona.-Don Juan, Signor Garcia; Donna Annia, Madarne Rlonzi de Begn.is; Zerlina, Madanme Caradorir Don 6rrayio, Sigtuor ,Curionl: thin Pedro. Signior Porto: Donna EIvIra, Malidamne Blagilol a I-eporello, Signor De Begnis. Prices of Boxes,-Pit tier 4 guineas;' grootnd tier 6 guineas; one pair 6 guineais; two pair 4 guinieas; 'three pair S guinieas. Applications for wvhich to be a,ddressed to Madante L'arad",rl, 100. Regene's-euadranit; or the Opera box-office, No. 1os. f-s) the PROPRIETORS o ATIDASOK Ladles nan Gentlemen, gf1ONSIDERING the very extensive nature of the 'Jcanvass for a seat In the East Inidia Direction, and the shortness ofth period in which I have had a,; Opportunity of entering uPon thiat canvass, and of becoininig acquainted withl the great ad nde- pendent body of Proprietors of Last India Stock, I feel no less gratified than encouraged by the result of the ballot ott the 2id Instant. I avi-Al myselfof this, the earliest opportunity, to return my, sincere thanks to the numerous and kitnd Friends who camiie forward in miy favour on that occasion, anid at the santie time gratefully to acknow- ~dgethe ranyflaterin assranes I liave rd ceivedi of that addi- tionl sppot o; te nxt acacy,which previous enigagements preventedmy- bein hanouredwith at he last. Havig aleadysubmttedto yu te public grounids upon wihirl; I prsened ysef bfor yo asa Cndidate for rthe honourehie situtionof n Eat Inia irecor,it oly remnains for nae nowy to renew ray exertin to seuey ur ofdenceanrd your support, arild to repeat miy pleg ogintorebalot onl the first vacanicy. I aetehnur to he, withi greatt respect, Ladiules and Gentlemen, Your most obedient and humble servant. 13,1Brttton-street 4hMrh 84 ROBERIT T. FARQtIHARt- To the PROI'RIE'TOnS ,;f EAST INDIA STOCK. Ladies and Gentlemen, '~ tBEelection for supplying the vacancy caused by the T"dathof your late laniented Directo;r, Sir Thomnas. Reed, being over, I tzke the liberty of again. presentinig naiyself to your notice. By the end of June next, two years irill have elapeed since my~ return frona Inidia. when I shall lecome eligible by law to a seat tn the direction of routi anbairs a until that period drew raear, I abstainied from troubling you lrndirid;ratly wict appl1ications, butt it is nowt my ititenrioin to pay nay persontal r.espects to you, f;tr the purpose of so- 'iclirrtg yo;r su:pport Should aniy delay or omnissionl take place, I trust th-it your liberality' wvill Inpute thiiear totrile extensive niature of the canvtass. In thie addrQss which I had tile hionour of rnakirtg to you on the 2ii of April,I1823, I stated to you the roiinds oti which I ventured to entertain hopes of sue-ess lit aspiririg tora seat in thle East India Direction. Those h;;pe; wvere founded on nay iceing actively enapioyaed mo.re than 30 years in thie civil service if the Company under the Rengvul Governmernt, anti of hiaving towards thie enid of that period been selected by the Horrourrable Ceurt ,Ii Directors ni be a nacratber of the Supremne Cotiaciel of Beigali. I infortaed you tthatIfildtahghrd atuou4 situiarlora fr;,rr October, I181 7. to FeIruriay, 1822, artl intervNal con;spicuous, Ity the great arid irmportant iteas,ures which led to tire pre- senit prc-per .t.is state of the British dittoiniotts in, Iitidia, andI I ex- pressed aL willingrness to flattter myself that thie h-n'wiedge of your affairs which I have acqurired duiring thlis lorigecturse oif service riiiiht, accordirag to the measure of my hum~ble ability, render me a useul servant to y'ir in this cituntrv. Thie enri,uraeme;taet whLichil have alr:eady, received justifies cite ex- pectations which I have iridulared of beinig h,iruturel wijt% your favour and srort; anid I trust that I anti riot tin presurrpt;rous in deciarimrr myself sagiiltre that your csuntettc r h etrlervs hc am about to cotnairtnee trill etia'ile rie to pr"eet; tntayelf fat lbheballototar the first vacancy alhlch may occur after I shall hav,e bec.ome eligible. I have thelhoraiour to he, withi the greatest respect, Ladies andti;tcte, I)'tiur obedienit h,inable servant, 20, 'Miantagtr-square, Mlarch 24, 1824. JAMNES STLIAItT. TRIUMIPH of INDEPEND)ENCE.-'The FtILEE- T H0LIERR of thte couNTYri of MIDDIIES'EX wcill hold tircir ANN'IVERtSARYN DINNEIl. at tht' Mermaid Taverni, hiackney, oni Wed- nes.dav. March 31, 1824, to celehurate the retort; tif G. Bdyng arid( S. C. ?Vhitbresd. EFiars. ti, ItAriqrneautt. CIlArtLES SHAW LicFEVREF. Esq. irn thie cliair. Sir Frarlcis B;rrdetr. hart. MI.P.j Sir Robert Wilson, MI.P. Szir James Maitsh .. J. C. Hobbiouse. esi. M.P. Lord Nwgent NI.K.Lleses.MP 1-on. ti. G. Rlenner, MU.. T. Creevey, esq. MU.. J. Rime eat M.i ' Sir Rt. C. Ferguson,M. L icuattenair CobTorrerts M. Wood,, es3. MI'.. %V. AIec, esa. %V. lAaikhaloca, tsq. J. Burtont, eec,. It. Ilainies, tag. J1. Butler, tsq. S~. LInculn, cg.q L.. Br-owsn, Easq. J. Ma;rtineau, esq. Wi. Bacon, sag. G- Miitchiell, esq. .Y. Birtrows, esir. 3. R-ss, eso. A. B,iartenear, tag. TI. Richard4on, esq. C. Cartonl, egg NV. Sweeny, esg. J1. Cullum, es-. 3.V T er, tag. J. Dvson., esg. J . 'ie esq, a. NY. east, tag. IN'. Wood, esg. 3. L.. Ford, esg J . WVrIght, et T. Gils,or, esg Tickets, 15s. each robe had of thte stewards; onl f M,%r. Vigevena, 54, Bilsh opsgrtte-treet-wvithout; anid at the bar of the rover;;. Diraner oni table at 4 O'clock preciely. AT a MEETING oF NAVAL OFFICERS, conivenied by Lieut. G. F- Somerville, Actuxary of the Royal Naval Annti- taut Sitelety, established at Devonport. hield at -the (Crowen and Anchor Tavern, Strand, en Fritlaty. 26th of Mlarchi, 1824 ; Captain RICHARIDJONTES, It. N. in thie ChaIr; The Actuary hraving gtatere thiat hie wais depuited l,y thePaxent Society to convene the meeting. atid to suzbmit to rhiena the expedienicy of- establishing a branich Int Lonidon, whlichl would be highily benieficial to officers a-ho were resident ini and ;near totsn, to tnenabers emrployed, and those resident at a distance from rite P'arent tar it~, Branches. but wvho have frienids or agents, In town. IlIe Aleo stated thiat the siarlet,y at pesent consisted of neatlY 700) niiernbers, witi; a capitalotf about ?2000: that there wvere branchesi. estabilished at Portsmouth;, Fal- ruituth. Chaitham arid Deal, whose nemeroles wvere rapidly incereas- luig. lie stated that the r;rles iwereenratiled and rthe deed deptosited in-the archives of the countiy of Devon. at Exeter. toge-ther wvithi the trtust deed; thiat after the lst Of May ne-xt no officer could be adnrit,ted as a naeclaber licyond tuie age of fpi: atad after tuie Ist of Jully no wvld'aw c-a be admitted whose husband was rout a maember of the society. abeni it asas ;ratiirnouisIv resolved, I. That a bralich of thais soaciety be established in, Londoin. 21.That the followsinag niembers do form the officers of the Londoil branch:- TREASURERS. CapL Josh- Parikarood, U.N. Capt. WVin. Kempthoroe, R.N. Capt. Jamnes Couch, R. N. ILieut.Jas. iotoh. Hlauns, R.N. SECREIrARIES. Purser Thomais u'illey, R.N. IPurser San;l. J. Blutcher, R.N. purser Th;ta. Fita, it-N. I Licu,t. Etlielbert Turnter, R.N. SqTE WARDS. Capt. J. F. 'Maphes, t.D. R. N. ) Surgeon qartii. Biroanley, R.N. Mr. Josh- Acortt Master, R. N. titr,erii)S. Sluierrard, il.N. Surgeon E'ras. Beale, Rt. N- lturserdars. Hlylop, It-N. Lieut. Sam. Kniteshawc, P.N. 3. That the Conanrittee shalIl have rite power ta addI to the niumber as eirctrtmstancets niay requnite. 4. That thec present Committee sit this day f-it- the transaction of general business. 35. Titat the proceeditigs if this nalcetinig be publ'ised ina suchi papers as thie Coummittee utay think proper. 6. That the thianks of tins, Meeting be giveni to Lietit. G. F. Sotoer- V-llie, a~ttiary. lot his urirena,ittinig exertitins ii; esitabaishiing the 7o2etjiat the thanks of thi,, neetling begsven to Leout. H.Janaies, 11M. Artillery, Secretary of rte (Ciathiatr brarach. fur liii very abile assist- ance. Signed I RICHARD JONES4, Chaliroriari. The Chairman haviiig qutitted the chiair, the thaniks of thh iseote- log .were voted fa~r hIls very alle cwitduct therein. That the Conmnittee ilti ratte agaita at 1-5 tirltoek, tri Friday, thae 9rIa of April niext, at the truant and Anrchtr TIaverni, to toter nietaiera and transact the ltusiiness of the society. TIHISMAS WILLEY, Secretary. Society's Office, :3, t:litriird'e Itri, Flee t-street. DISTrRESSED SE.lILERtS at thle CAPIi of GOOD HIOPE--The Comnaittee for rnatiaginrg the stiliscripli-ari for the iReifof the Dis,tress3ed Settlers at thje Caps of Gited hiops conitinlue to receive thie rnoost afliletiriraecetunt1sf the ely-errs of the overavheltining inundatiton in October last, wvhleh in niarmy itisalarees 9arept before! it houses, stack., arid every speciest of propterty; and letters of a still later date annuoirrie the sad intelligence of tile failure of thieir fousrthi yersco.Tire follottitg subscriptions are air;iounceui a Earl Bathkiret - - ?I)0 0 i Wilberforce. tag. M.P-?.5I 0) R. Wiinait Horton, eco Mr. Alderman Key - 100 0 M. P.-20fl At Wi11ianas and Co.'s. Mr. Ald.Thinmpsott, I. P. It ) II0 J. Bl. Eb'deri, t5tsq . 100 Hlamiltoan etss.ta. -10 00 Win. Greig. etCl-- 2 00I Alex. Siaiclair, eoq. - i t ) Dilartel Joe s arid Co. 10(1I Andrewr Steedniazn, Esg. _2 i01 Huddiartalid Co. -115 10 0 Wasn. Abibott, ep - S0 lI At -Sir Wtin. Curtis anid i's Edward Lee, tail. - 0 ) Joshl. Ainisley, tagsq . 5o00 Jamn. Hunter, esq. - D0 Mrs. ainsicy - ? 00 (1. Mtatcham, tag. - 2 00 Miss Ainsley - 20 0 Robert Coawie, csg. - 2 0 Rtobert and Johin Gore Wlt0 0 Cookes and Lonig - 2 20 J. A. Drotop, tag. . 000 Licut. Mtntague, RI. Artil. I I0 T. F. - - 40 ) liultoq and KeIhanam 3 3(0 Mrt;. ContortnII110 Iloggcart and Fulbrool, 2 00 At Veres, Ward, adCos.14 Tucker axid Hunter 5-LiIt0 Messrs.Veres, Vard, & Co. 1o0 0 'Miss Alderzsev - .5 Ii0 It. Wi. Braita, esq. - 500 Edmund anid Chiarles Gore 5 6 0 CraWley, Elgie, and Wmn- Strachani, esg. - 10 0 I Churchiyard - -5 0 0 C. - - - 07 ( At Messrs. Drummond's. S1. C.-2 220 T. P. Ctturtenay.tsti.M.P. 200 0 alt. Thomnas Pellart IIC0 Messrs Drt;inrraurld 21 Ia 0 Mr. Ranyard, Kings,ton I 00 Capt. C. U. Fox - - 110 00 'Rev. John Campbell I1 0 isL. G. - - 10 1)00 Mt-i Eatin . . . I II0 Hoir. Miss Fox --. 2 2 0 John Howell. esti. 5 50 Lady tart - - - 10 00 Hatch, Ctorbett, turd At Frys and Chapmani's. Williamas I 100 0 Mssrs_1.Fy anidChapman 1O0 0i Stewart Donaldson, raiq. 2 00hthsSuaes a.- . WValter Brind, tag. 2 20 Wnm. Holliingsw-orth, tag. 210 0 At Esdaile and Co.'s. Wini. Sliurstoni, esg. -100 0 Beck and Prince.Covenrry.5 00 J. It. iulut, eag. - 5 0 0 At Sikes, Sriaithi, arid Co.'s., Ni. Wi. . - 22 0 MAessrs. Sikes and Co. .5 .0 iS. and J. Foulger - -2)0 00 Thomas Hudson, sag. 20 00 Geo.HvdeWollastott, ter5 0 0 A. Borradaile. esag. I. 0 00 Sir Ciauidius S. Hurater 5 0 0 'Roger Marries, esq. Il il 0 Nelson and Adanam - 100 0 P. A. - 5OOA. Z. - 5 0 James Arbouin, esq. . 5 o 0 The Earl of Eldon, Lord Wm. Cottoni, asq. - 5 5 0 High Chancellor * 30 0 0 Francis Thwaites, asq. 5 I0 0. D. Po-les, etq. - 3 3 0 Saints Carfrae, teil. -1110 0 A..Pon"ies, tag q 1 1 0 tr. Richard Barker 1 00 EXV E. Elliott, tag. -0 100 0 D. H. 2 00 At Hanhury and Co.ts. N. Reid and Thompson 2 2 0 PhillIps and King - - 10 0 0 James Daridson, esq. jun. 2 2 0 Isaac Manuel, rag. . Io 0 0 Mir. S. West - I 1 0 0 At Sir R. Cart Glvn and Co.'s. Ar Barnard, Dlcosdale, and Co.'s. bMrs. Harrison - 3 0 0 'Phos. Sumpson. esq. 10 0 0 Miss Harrison - - 3 0 0 Thos. Sanderson, esq. 10 0 0 Francis Lupton, esq. - 3 0 0 G. E. F. Sehwieger, esq. I I 0 R. and C. Buck - - 10 0 0 At Couttts ald C:o.'e. At Sr P. Pole and Co.'s. The Duke of Netvesastle 50 0 0 Thos. Sheppard, esq. - 5 0 0 At Hoare, Barnett, and Co.'s. At Lloyd's Coileehouse. Edw. C. Bradford, esq. 6 0 0 P. Home, esq. . - 10 0 0 At Sir John Lubbock and Co.'. WiM.arndJ. Jirnie - 10 0 0 George Ilatriorri anid ('o. 10 0 0 Gritfin Hatvkirts, esq. 3 0 0 lr. W. Wood, City-road 5 5 0 Box, No. 22 - 3 0 0 At Snoaw and Patil's. HIenry Blanshard, esq. 10 0 0 Earl Fitzwllllam - - 100 0 0 Wm. Prince, esq. - 2 0 0 At Messrs. Hoare's. Jacoit CoNVwis, esq. 2 0 0 The Earl of Liverpool 50 0 0 F. C. Aberdeell esq. 2 0 0 At Gosling anid Shtarpe's. Atre tagrUnder 0ood's. Lord Redesdale - - 5 0 0 Mr. Thos. Underwood 2 0 0 Samuel Barter, esq. - 10 00 M. S. - - 20 0 0 At Marryat, Kay, and Co.'s. Joseph Rayvsoll, esq.- 10 o 0 Mfessrs. Marryat and Co. 10 0 0 Christopher Rawsorr,esq. 2 2 0 H. Houghton. esq. - 10 0 0 Wm. N oiler, tag. - - It 10 0 J. Butterworth, esq. Mi.P. 10 10 0 S. Goaneil, tea. - - I 1 0 At Bosannuetand Co.'s. Thonias Davisn, esq. - 1 1 0 Thomas Croft, taq. - 10 0 0 Lictit. Molesworth, Royal 'Thomas Pitt, teai. * 1 0 0 ArtRi. - - - 1 0 0 At Smith,Payne,andSmith's. M. S. . 0 17 6 ,W. H. Hoilmes. t, - 6 0 l Widow's Mite by HJ. 0. 0 10 0 Subscriptionls are receved by the Treasurer, Wnt. Fry, esq. St. 3Mildred's-court, Poultry; ty Messrs. Frys and Chapman, and tiie sc veral bankers Itt the metropolis by Mr. Thomas Underwood, 32, Fleet-street, Agent to the Committee at Cape Totvn, and by the Com. alttceat the Clty.of London Tavern, where all comIpunications are to be addressed. The reports of the C:ommittea may be obtained gratis, bY applicatiti to the Treasut er, the Secretary, or to bir. Thomas UneerWroo'I. CitY of Losadon'iarern, March 27, 1824. 7V- Mt. IlARItIES, Rote. See.
Sales By Auction.
Freehold Estate; MAartin's-lane, Cannlon-street,..By WINiSTANLIIY aund SONS, at the Mart, THIS DAY, Mlarch 2G, at 12, A *Valuable and improvatble Freeliold Estlite, c6rnsisting kjZL. of a cosihmodlou's dwelliig-hd,nse, wvith coiiiting-hous an stack of warehouses, in the occupation of Mlessrs; Joseph Green, sern. and Co. on lease for a term, of whlijdhO- years- are seslexpired, at a lolvand old rent of onily l001. peritanmum. To be vimwed by -ermis- sion of the tenants. Priinted partlcularailay be bad of Wini. Groom,- egq. Itussell-square; at the Mart; and of WViustanley and sons, Pater- noster-rowv. LeSehlold Improved Net Rent of 4611. O.prAnn vWN STANLy and SONS, at the Mart, THIS D ,Mae26at12, A Leaseliold Improved -Net Rfent o46.s.prAnum, Ak issuing nut of anld secured by 6 Premises, bios. 17 ,1,ad2,Auni's-pisce, Hoxton; u tes.i ors strest, adjoining; on lea,se to Mr. Jeniunsfor.the whlole terln,wanitliang af v sys held for 95 years. Printted particulars Mayb- hdo MesErs. Y`andereoin and Comvn, solicitors, Bush-Ilae, Canison-street; a.tlthe Mairt; no istil aand Sons, Paternostcr-riw. - lds,ex.-Freehold MaoFars ad-a tdeemniledand -Free of Rtectorial Tithes, ihioeit pseso.-By M.%r. FORREST, att Garraway's, onTuda,Arl1,t12 in 2 lots 4Valuabl ader ipoai Freeltold. Estate, A situate in the paihso o Benfleet and Thunderslev. in the county of Essex. Itbout 5 m les from Raleigh and - from South End, and bounded by the lowver road. from London' t~o that place; comnprisingTWVO MTOST DESIRtABLE FARMS, free of rectorial tithes, called KENT2s HIILL and SOUTH BENFLEET HAILL, containing togerher about FIVE HUNDRED ACRES .of productive armble, meadowv, anld rich maish laind, with a small wvood, lying very compact and coriVtguous to each other, wvith farm.- housxes, cottages, ani sial e outiuildings, nlow In'band. The esta:te particularly merits tibe attention of agfriculturj5ft, from the great fertility o. the s6tl, wvhich nmight be still hlighllly improved by under drausinig, and from its contigui-tY to South lienilect wharf, where the produce may be conveniently shlilped for the London markets; anid limie, cb~nlk, anid manure received ataveyas expense, as the ivat2r carriage to or from Londd;i takes an, oe ie H f tlie purchanse money may remaini on miortgage. To be vzew-ed 26 diays pr-eceding the sole, by applYilig toMrMao,tKetsHl alsoat he Glde Lio, Rleig; Sip, Itoehford. Whale's hot-l, Sout-en; Kig'sHead Madon Thre ~ps, eleseser; Black- Willams es. slleior,Shrn-aury;Mesrs.Clake,Richards, Freehiold Dairy Farm, Essex.-By Mr1. FORST t Gairaxvay's, on Th,arsday, April 15, at 12, in]I lot, hr order o the- Devistes, AValuable and compact Freehold Estate, exoncrated A fromi lanid tax, called Gibbons, Buish, and Eznsberland's farm. situate at EppingL,,ng-grcen, in-tle counciyof Essex, 3 mlesfo Eppiimg, 0fro,ui Wa1thamirAbbey,anld IS fromnLondon; consisigo sundry incloanres of rich mncadoW, pasture, arabic, a'nd wood landa, I 1l'ing w-it.hinarin0 :fence, eontalisiiitgaltogl,etbrlIO.ares, w,ith. a.farm, hous,e, bn,-tri,tablbui, anidout-bulldliimgs,vyard, anid garden,in tle occu- platiant of hlr. joini Ruinbell, oin le:sse recently glranted, at a net rent of 1671. los. per annumi, for the first 7 years, NVith a provis~o tlint the tenant may continuie for a further terin of 7 years. on paying 1921. 3t: per annum. To he viewe 3 by applying to tlhe tenant. ot whlomq prii;ted particulars iniav be had; particHlars' also at thus Cock, Epuping; theI New Iii;, WValthan -AbbeY; the Bull, Iloddesdon; your Swans, Wva]-I tham-cross; Dolphin, Itonmfrd; of Geo,rge Chapman, esq. solicitor, Brightoni; Messrs. SteVens aisd Woodt, solicitors, Little St. Thonli-s Apostle; at Garraway's; aild 'if Mr. Foyrrest, 87, Aldersgate-street, Londoii. Yorkshire.,-Alrton Coto Mil salFeeodRsiesean ad and the Great anid Smn r ithes arising fo bv 5 ce,a Caltnni.-ly Messrs. DRVER, at the A ciu-nr,oil Fridai-, April 30, atI12, in 3 lots, liy order of theDl iseso the late Johin Williamus, teq. Lot 1.- Valuable Freehiold Elstate, situate ill tile parish AM of Kirk-by Mallis,indale, abou,tt6miles frons Skhiptoni,anid 6 fronm Settle; comprisiliga; very catpital stone btuilt cotton muill, on the river Air, withi aim abunidant supply, ;nd great fall of water, to- g~ether writh necessary buildinigs and cottaiges for earryiuig oni an exten- siv-e business, The abiove are in thec ovcespation. of Mes,re. Johil and Isaac DIex-hurst, unider, a leas.e, of wirihA 11) years are uiliexpired, at tIme very, low annual renit of 1 131. Lot 2. A very desirable Dwelling- lhouse, inl the occupation of Mr. Johni Nlaber, wi O 2 srell enclosed gardens, a small paddock- bebliuid the house, consven,ienut tabling aiud eha1isehouise, and aboiut 34 acsres of exceedinglv richi pasture a;;d meadow land. Lot 3, Thle Great andl Small Tithes arising from two valuable farmis, at Caltoti, contimiiiing about i553 acres, izi the olect- patloii of Williamn l'ullen aiid Jolin Browii. Prinited specifications liuay be hadlat the Devonishire hiotel. 9kipton; Goideis Liom, Settle; lhotel,. Leeds; Devonishire Armas, Keigliley; at thle AUCtiwi,-mart, Loi,.dhn; acid of MTessrs. Driver, surveyors- a,nd lauid agents, 13, Newi Bridge-street, Londuun. He'r-efordsiire.Th sae o h ae .lhn WVilliams. tail. consistinig of a desir-able Residence, called Wileroft, Broomey Hill Farmi, and aleyIar,k, conitaining together atbouit 420 acres, iisost advantagie- ousily situate, neair the village of Hagley. adjoining the turimpike- road leading fromn lereford to Ledhiury, 4 ruiles fromt the forn;er and I I from thailatter place.-Br Mlessrs. DR)IVEIt, at thle Auctioni Mart. on Friday, A.pril 30, at 12, iii 3 lots, N Xery desirable Freehold Mansio!n-houtse andl Est-ate, called WVileroft, late the residence of Johin Williams, e.Aq. de- ceased, wvitlh conveneient attitcled aild detached he, excellent stabling, coaehhousc, wvalledl kitchen gardeli. and about 152 acres of rich arable, rneadowi, orchard, and wimod gr,ousud thereto tieiiunging. Also a valuable Farmi, called Brotiuicv HillI, conta-ining- 92 acres. And a very compact Estate culled l{a0ler, Ilark or tlse Sheepi Waik,caantainlzig 85 acres, purincipally pasture, it-itli a 'iewly er-ected stoute luilt villa, not yet completed, niost delightfully, situate in the ah.ve park, com~ nuuaduiig very, beauntiful, rich, and extensive viewrs. The aiNLk ig wllt timibered, orinamenited, anid sheltered un twvo sides, wvith a handsomet Lelt plaintaLtion, and is eapiable of beinig forr,ied liute a most desirable resienc, toethr wih afan alld HatesreeFarm, niear the abov, cjitinig aout87 aresof xcedinly ichariuble and msca- dow andsvitu afarnhoiseaie. iltuili;ig,an sudry othier hioises sui cotags aouttheesttes Prmitd seciicaios. with plhns at- Caced,inutvbe ad t te eaters Lehuy ; Htel, Herefo,rd; Bell, Oloceser; *lougl, Cheleuham at t eAution Mart; anld of M,esri-r. Drivr, urvyorsandlan ageits attheir office, 13, New Bridge- Paperhagings,By Mr. L'RREIL at he Mrt, THIS DAY, at 1,2, - SHE rehnailijnerhanckiof , ineluiing, a rL vriey ofplesingpatern forrlidraiingroolm, arlur, chain1- her,staicase &c andsundy boder. Ma he icuc tc imorning 20. SkInner-street, Siioss-hiilMurrell fleversiion.-By Mr,. 'ILLIAMIS, at the Mart, 'THIS DAY , at 12, HEr Conitingent Reversion in aiiI 'to tile Sum of AL ?255 9P. 9d. being two fourth shares fin tne two respective zuiriS oh ?712 19s. Gd. payable bY the Executors, should a Gentlemani, aged 35 y-ears, survive tlurccOGenitr]iemun, aged &8, 66, and 63 years. with a portion of iiisuraiice iri thie W'~estmilster insurance otfice, for 2001. an the lie of the venldor. Particulars may be had of Mr. Wvilliamns, Tlirouniortoll-strceet. Freehiold investinentof 701. per anritimim-By Mr. WILL,IAMS, at thie AucetionuMart, THI-IS DI V, at 12, A Freehold Net Itenit of 7 01. peir Aklluna, arising from ?1 a substanitial brick- buailt dwelling-luouse, situate No. I 1, George- street, 51ansiois-souse, let on leaste to Mr. Coise3y, cabinet ciialuufac- turer, fora. teriiu of 21 years. ParticUlars May be huadof'Mr.Wifliams, Tlhro7morton-streetL LseldPremises, iiear SouthwsarR-br,ldg-e. pot lms~essl,-. .u.B Mr. WILLLAM5I, at the Ailetioli Mart-, TIllS DAY, at 112, ALUTABL1 aliul extelisive- Lea.seliojil Premi-ises, situtate 1 No..32,o;s the sosith side of Castle-street, opposite Messzrs. Potts's \'inegar-vsrd, near Southwiwrk-bridge. iii the -occul.iatioul (i1 Mr. Chaurles Freston, wrho wtill Itive inimediate 15(55t5si0i i luied cali he viewved till the sale; a:id particullars haid of Mr. Willi:;nis, Th'lrog- AliselIlaxic-ous Property.-By Mr. WIIIA t tilie Auction Mlart, lTo-niorr~io, the -27th iiust. at 12, N Assemlnbage ot 2itsCeelatueous Property, COlliSHttllg7 Of hbandsomne Frenich clock-s mnoiinted in or-nionlti, hroiizc ncs nien-ts anid ilgures, bueau;tiful porccl:siii, Sevne and Dresdent chi;ia, at variety `f expenisive dr,essing ease.s, litted wnith sive lpiraa .wurk boxes, retleuiles, ssriitiug desks, elega~ilt tortoiseshtell teat caddfies, miiij. nitrous fancy articles uif foreign iajiiif~actuite, jetley teel orii- nients, coral and pearl beads~.i pated atrticles, and ciuthery, sets of iv,ir' cliessiciiei richly caurved, stationuery, perfuniery, &C. To lie viciew tie mnorniing, of s;iie. and catalogues miad at the Mlart; aild Of Mr. WNillianis, Tlirogmaortoii-street. Absolute nte'ers ionm.-lly M.llM at tbe.elart,TiilS DAY. Maelu 26. at 12 for I precisely, T OTHIRD Parts of ?1,050 in tile New%- 4per Cent. Aii.lsuitics, staniding iii the iia;ncs of nmist respecctable trustees, which irill beeuine the absolute propertyl of the puurchasser ;utt ile death of a ladic aged 51!. Priiite'd particuilars inay ie 1uad 1o dams pre- cediii, the salk at the Mart; and at Mt. TlhollMS'S offices, Foster-lane, Chpapsiule. and Kiuig-streez. Cmiveiit-gardenl. N. .Cec-il-street, Strand.-Nhld,,ril -teurnliture, l'iaiiouf,ute. Liuizi'i Chins,Glass.&-e-BrMr. TItIMAS,on the Pren4ises on Tuies- day,M;seli 0, t I f,r12 reciely byorder of IMi,.Lonigsacart ,f'1 NUINEHoushoitlFurniure.conmprising imaho- t4~~g~y fur-pot ani oiier bdsteds ad dila-tz. cottoll fiirui- tssrs,epica fethe bed an etemi eddng, mralwin.u;v anid j-,pannicd uashand tand andchess ofdraers, w;srdrobes~, drawing and diigroomn suits of curtainis, in celiiitez and morceen. Brussels and Kidrnnter carpiets. stair earpectiag, mahlogany and rosewood chairs, cr and auifa tables, coiieh, set of dining tables, Pembroke ditto, ehff ier, ehiinuity aind pier glasses, sideboard. oil cloths, cinrrtces,.Rand various othier itemns. 'ro be veiewed onie day peeigth s-nit; and catalogues liad oii the premises; and at: Mr. Phua' ofces, Foster-lane, Clieapsidte, and King-street, Covent- garaen.- 1Did t5tbllshbd prolitableBusinecss in the Jol' Machiji ne al"Post.ing linie. uk-c. Clapb;nn, Surrey.-By Mr. ALDRCIDGE, oni the.Prem Ises' iuf Mrs. Rutler, Clapham, Surrey, who is retiring fromi business, on Saturday,Apiril .3, unless, previouzsly, eiisposed of by private conitract. VPHIlEvaluable Lease of the'above P)remiSes, situate in _ the high road, icear thte school house yard. compurising stabling for about40ohorses, with aimple cumisveniernces suita-ble to (lie horse business; adjoining tlue gateWay is a ver cniintdelg-house, coach office, and large w;nllcd garden, wl stocked sri tb fruit trees and vegeabls. he toc- caspise upards of 60 well knowati good cariae orae,al onreulr dil wrk; amongst which arc some lIne laciclousyt;ci geldngs, ix g assciees, unlusuaililygood-, beiiig nealy ew,fuir eariits tuo pst hases, hacknley coaches, ninourn- ingdito, herse aid eveal the crr!ages; also agreat t iuantity of ecelentbras hanes. My b viwed tine day previous;and sold withot di leat resrve.For artiulars inqutire of Mlr. Aldridge. Wappuing.screer and old Gravel-lane. - To Antirluor. Ship. aS'till1.li,Ais Smniths, ironi a;nd Brass Founders, Coppersmiths, lr',Inmntmgers, Hatieisrrcsv-muakcrs. Iron mund Brass Tuirners ;und Borers, Ship- c1inndlers. GunsCamiriage-mak-ers, Builders, Soiuthli Seanand Greenland Shipi-owners, Dealers in 'Marimue Stores, alid Others. - By JOHIN HIND. ohtimte Premises, as abolve.on Monday, Marceli291.and foiflowr- iiig days, at 1 1 eachi day, by order of the~ Proprietor,. to elear the premises,, C'1OMPRIISING about 2,000 Lots of Gnods, Sulitable for the trade and ship-o!wiers, too numelrouisto mentio'n in this adlvertisemient, but will be inserted in catalogues, to lie had in duie time on time premaisles, at Is. each ; att the Auetioun Mart;- anid of Ji'hrn Hind, auctioneer, Cannion-str'eet. St. George's, Mliddlesex. N. 15. The elfects may be vl7cwed before tile sale, oii the niorilings of sale, -ansd nothing to be delivered till else sale is closedl. ClUP1liam-rise, Surrey, 3 wiles fromii toss-m. - Ca;iital detached Rtesi dene, Cosebbhonse alid Stabling, Lais-Ti, G ardein, and Paddock. nib whoile about .3 acres,- wvith possession.-By Mr. FAREBROTHItR, att G,arrawVay's4, ii Friday, April 9l,- 4Very v-aluable aiu(t dssrable Property, lielil for a' Aterin of ;ubuut 60 years, at, a uniall grousiid reut, anid conipris- inig a clipita-l detached tinifornm bri6k hu.ilt7famaily resideiice, eont.hul. iug on th,e upper story, 2 spacious anod 2 smaller bedroonis;, on the llra flor,a cnpial edrom, 5 fet y 1, ad anoble drawriing roo, 2 fet y.1; us im prncialflo,r,a apialdiniing parlmiur, l8fetb 10 inrintigroo, 1 fet b 14 brakfstparlouir, ii feet by 1, srvats'bedrom,stoe rom, nd liaioss entrance-hali frombalcny.and ligh ofseep; th oficescomrise capital k-it- then wanhlo;mc. btle's oom laudry &e a-otclchhouse and 3-stll tabl wih lft oer.Thehous stndsat n easy remiove from tnIIe road, r It I ear Iriwe sSveepan lRti nfrn,ald thue baek is a spacious laWMo, gardeis, and paddock, thi uhiols about 3 acres. To be viewed 10 days prior to thle sale; pftrticu1lars hiad on the prenmises; at Garralwa:'s; and at SIr. Farehirother's offices, 6, w llngtoni-street, Stranid. rerQimed from -Bcaulorf-buuldings.- Capital and extensiveFreehioldionmses and Premiscs, in Ol1d Bond- street, of time Anluithal Value of Six I-lnuidred Guixbe;s.-Bg SIr. FAICEIROTHER, at the Court of Comiunisiomuers of Bankrupts. B.asinghall-street. on3'aesday, April 13, at 311or 12o'cl,ick, belore the Coniinis.sioners under theeb;mukrupcey of Messrs. Suckniaster-, C(apital, extersive, ahid veiry vaiiable Freehold Estate, ALt inost desirably situateon thei esst side of Old' iirnd-itreet- eon- slstingof ai spacious Residence, No. 22, -containing 3anumd rootus ohm each oor,writh all suitable offices, 2 caipital sholis, ahid premiscs, let to:Mr. tlutmtaumdnMessrs. Dando aud Hunt; also extensive Llrensiscs at the back, vlsth enttance fromr Bond'street, lately occupied-by llessir, B1uckmaster, and consisting of a capital wiarehouse 43 feet ioiug, an, office 20 feetIong, 40orkroon'i21 feet .long, and several other'Nvork-- sllop, and convbnieret dwvellingrooms- veu r.the whole1 extending abouit IOOfeetiii'de3th; asud haviuigaBe-ry considerable frontagc. The shops are let at l,mw rents, amlountinlg to -281. per aniuum, and posses- sion may be had of the reiatildeir of the estate; the total reuntand estl- mnated value beinu fiOQ guinea s per'andgun. 'ITo be viewewd -ar'd parti- s uhars writh plans indy be had cmi the premnises; partieuldrs also of Joshua Mayhev. esq; solicitor, Chaneery-lmne;'f 3ir.John Ntalcisoli- ejtor, Reading. Berks: at Garraway's; amidst M1r. Farehrother.'s offices, 0, Welliiigton-stteet Ettrand, removed from Bcau~fcrt-builitishga. Freeholdl; in t-he Citv,-133 Nr. SIIUTTLEVORTRT, at the Mart, oti WVednesday, April291, at 12, in 2 lots, by order of the Eaeccxtors crC Joseph liradnley, esq. deceasedl, WVIO substanitial Freehold Dwelling-hiouses, vel-y- JLeliezibly situiate, Nos. 3 and 4, in Churchi-court, Clenlent's-lane, Lo;nbara-street, let on leas;e to Alessrs. Leadibeater an'd Fuller, re-_ spectable teniants, for terms whbich wlill expire ira 1825 and 1831, at- lqu net rents amounting to 1151..per linnum. Mkay be veiewed wltti Ieave- 6fthe, tenitits; buid Par'ticulars hza dI aynprerlonsto tlsiml -atthe Mart; of Mjessrs. Hall and'IThomrpson, solicitors,~ Saltp-1u und ofAlr. Shuttlewvorth., 27, Poultxry.- Valuable Freeb9l1t Farm. tho Greeni Man Publie Houise, adOhr -Est.atecs, WiUllesden and- Acton, Midulesex.-By Mlr. Shl't `WORTH, at the Mlart, on Wednes 8~Iy, April 21, at ;12,inlt,by d'rderof thieExecutors fJseh Iradny, eso. deteased. AVery desirieble Freehold- Farm, adlvantageously situaitv iA On' arlesdon-green, in the parish-of Willesden, --4 7dileys, a half fkom Tyburn-turapike, 5 anid v. half from. Harrowad Ifix Brcntford~ in the coutyzt of Mi1ddlaexe; compris,ing 55it. lip. of esc grazingland, iwith a good Wam house. suitatble agrIcultural bulsldins2,. cottriges aud gardensq, let on lease ta Mir. Thonlas ,hil pot,~ -a--molt, re.. spe4!tahietrenant, fok a term of which about-10 years are uneprd t asst rnto-171.-eranurm,A FeehldEstate at Haredogre aforsai, conpr in he reenMan anold estbisblhedanIclr- que;tedpubic ous, wth tabes,yars, large gardenl and does of madowland wih anextesivefrntage--on, tbe high ra,cn- pr;ungogehe OsOr lpona lasefoa short term unexpr4tac old nd vrylorent A Feehod RsIdence, called. Foro,'Gt- hous, wth xtenivestales nd utbildings. good grdn,mi n lease to. ele,-s.fra termn ofw ichaot1 enhaeu, pired, at at lois otf 5 pr annum. AFreelod uedo rcCith- enid, near the vlaeoWillesdeni, comprising I. li.1.i hen- patloni of'Mr. Evn,atnn t witll, at 71. p'er aninuma. ndaFr-ea hold Inclosure ofmao af,situate near Old Oak-commona, in tim. parih uf Atun coprisng s. r..2p~let On lea"se to- MrAEssex,.for.e a tem, f withabou 10yeas ae uexpired, at a rent of 221. 'siy- annum Mar e viwed; nd prticuars ad 14daysprev-ious to- thle Geore, A-ton attlieStfit;-o Mesrs.-Hai an4Thopson,- St Near the HeN-; Postrofice.-Hy SIr. SIiUTT LEWVORTH,attr onu Wednesday,- April- 7, at 12. by order'of the Aslilgnkec of- 1,bt lenijamin Simis, - A4 Leasehiold Dwelling-.bouse, situate adjoining the-site 0 1 i-the Newr Postofiee. Nou. 12, St. Annl's-lane, St. S3tnsega; contaiiiinrg 2 roomis on each floor, fronit and back shops, IrC.; held, 6 lease forl1O years unexpired, ata loxv rent of 251. per- annutm. MN - be viewved, and. particulars had 6 days irrevious to the sale on ther mises; of 'Messrs. Ellison and Biloxansu, solicitors, 44, Lincillu's-ral fields; at tise Mart: and of Mr. Shuttleworthi, 27. Poultry. FreeoldEstte,Corlail.-y M.FSUTTLE WORTH, at the Misj - oni Wednesday, AprIl 7, at 12, V ery valuiable Freeliold Estaie, situate irm-ecliat'd A PPqth 'le Royal- Exchange, on the south side of Comnrli conmprlsingan) unidividfed fourthipart or share of at :bstantial dir-eL-in hou-se anid promises,, let oni lease to a respectable, tenant, at a netyll of 300 gulneasper ainnual. M:sy be viewedt writh leave of thle tenop.' and particulars had. 10 days prior to the sale, at the Mart ; and of 3b Shuttleworth, 27, Iloiultry. Tw:iejKenhns;ui,charing-cross,anid Hoxton.-Biy. Mr. SH UTTLEWulEtrs at the Mart, on Wednesday, April 7,at -12, in 4 lots, ~~ll folowin CopholdandLeasehold Estates, a-sc ImprvedRent, vz. -A CpyboldEstate, comprising a dwel' laghoue ad pensses oposie te EghtBele,at 'rwiceksisanl. 'Ac imprvedRentcrf701.perannul, ecurd u onNo. 55. Sr. 'Martin's street, 1-oxtoni. Ins thleoccupation of respectaLe tLNat36, atrnftll oniountiog to 1241. per- annium. M%ay be viewdwt eaeo h tenants, anld particulars hiad 10 das-s previou tothsaette rt of Mlessrs. Bo,urdillon and Pewitt, soliios ,lra-tet hs side;- anid of Mr. Shuttleworth, 27,Pulr.-- Grou,.d Rents. -lyv M'r. SI-IITTLEWOILTH, at the Start, on WYedues. -day, AprI7, at 12, 1ORNet Groulld Rents, amoeunting togeiher to ?C55 perannuns, hield fura ternm ,;f 74 years unexpired, anidamDplyase- cored upon 4 subrstantial dwelling houses and- preusises, situate No.1.9, Kinia-street, thte corner of Glocester-place, l'ortnian-square, an(*~s 20,21,anud22 adjoi;ling. Plarticulars may be had, 6days prevlo, to tiresale, at the Mlart; and of Mr. Slivittlecrv,,rth. 27. Poulitry. f Rteversionar Ineets rntabrle 'oiicy anld E1agle -Inenirance !keares. -i'eri-dics Iae.hi r SH UITLEWORTH;at the Mart, on Wed. nedy Pril 7.at 12.- _HE Absolute Reversionl to a Moiety, of ?1,550 Thiree ;i per cenit. Cons',is, life 71, and the absolute reversion to a rnidety o;f l,751.13s. 4d.tliree per cent, consuls, life 75; a Policy for 2,OON,. inI the Equitable Insurance Office, Bllackfrinrs; al!so -16 slares In the Eagu6le Insu...rance Ofince, the last dividend 5 per- cent, per annumi,. Par-. tiuars many he had 6 days p.revious to tile sale at tile Start, and of Mr. S ttLeuorth,21, Poultry. Yorkshire. -By Mr. til-IUTTLEAVOR-FI-I, at the Miart, on W-ed-nesdirl- April 21, at 12, in lots, by direction of theaurvivinK Trustee undeed the Will of Mrs. Mlatthews-deceased ~~Eundividled Mloiety or lialf Part of and~ in the 0iY\following valuable Freehold and Copyliold Estates, situa te necar 'Wakefield and- Pontefrr:ct, in the coiunty of York, viz. :-Whintley Moor Closes and Allotmenit, comprising together l7a. i r. 7P. situate oii the border -of the turnpike-road from HLorbury to WVakefield, Se- veral Closes and Allotments at Flanshawr.in the intimediate vicinity, ,f Wakefield, roliiprishig 38a. 2r. 6p- xwith a messuege or dwvelling house. calledt Flatishaw-hall, with outbuildings, eardeni, and3 orehaid. Anida valuable Fatrn, tithe free, comsprising h!2t.i I r. 281p. desirably situate, it East Hardw,ick. niear PoTutefract, with a farnm-house and suitable agricultural buildinigs. Tile whole in the occupation of respectabla tenlants, at rents anmealathig to nearly, 5001. per annumi. May be viewed with leave of the teriants, and particulars bad, 1-1 days pxevi- ous to the sale, at the Stralford Arm4t, Wakiefield ; Red Liron, Popte- frr:t: Angel, Ackw,,rth . of Messrs. Lumub and Soil, solicitors, Wak-e- field, of Mir. Roe, Templ-hamibers, Fleet-street: a-t the Mart; and of Mr. Shutrlewortls, 271,ePounltry. YFaluable Freehold Estate, Little Britain.-By Mir. SHUTTLEWOIA.TH, at tile Mart, on Wednesdlay, April 7, at 12, A Very valuable Freehold Estate, COMPrisillg the capital ?A newly' erected 11 esidence,Offices, and Premnisoq,lately in the occ-u- patIon Of Rfoher-tAlbioni Cox, esq. alderman, and now III tire occuipa- tion of Messrs. Barrett anid Corney, advantageously situatec, adjoijn- ingr ChrisVs 1-Hospital, Irnd neaLr the near Postoflice, No. 70 in L ttle Br 1- tail;, let uinder a esrlglae o term of 60 years frr.n';dIluidnr- nicr, 1S14, ataitloau- net rentof' 1201. per- tirunu. May bevicawed, ar-ri particulars had It) dab-s Previours to the sale, of Mtessrs. Del,nett, Greave.s, 13axeerdale, ai,l Tl'atlrae, solic-itors, King's Armls-ya.rd; at the MNart; and of -Mc. Shutrlewrorth, 27, Porultry. - Valuable Freehould Property, in ttile Stranid, Buckingllan;-str-ctr. and Villiers-streer.-Byv Mr. SQUIBB and SON,attGarraxvues's,TI-1lS DAY, tire 26tht irrst.aIt 1'2,111n9 lots, 'A 'Valuable FreeholdI Estate, in goodi situaticrss for J- f- trade: comprising 5 dsrcllinrg-houses, aritlr shoirs, Hire. 37, 3s, 39. 40, anud -4l. in t!e preferable part of the Strand: 2 - free public- bouss,kawriby ire ign 'iftil l'rueel had axnd ihie Granrby liead, and ithe Prnriss, ii Bekigisa;-treet anid t'illrs-street, the wiroe lt t resectldetenarts atlowrenits, on leases avirichl expire in fer yar, wen ileretalmaybeconsiderably increased. TIrhe presiss my b viwedwit leve f. herespective tenants, and prined prtrclarshad f Mesrs.CarrandFoster, 218, John-stre,-t, Bedfrd-rar;at te pace ,f sle;and f Mr. Sq-aibb -and Soln, Vailuable Lerreehold Propertv, on tile northi side of the New-road, ad- joining tIle Rtegent's-park.:-By3 Sir. SQUIBB aud SON, at Garraway's, on Tresday, A PIri 6, at 12, A er tlcrable conipact brick built Dwvedling-linuse, A(-l. wthz conservatory and large vatden, pleasantly rlltuate, No. I, tnion-place, on thernortihside oft etheNs-rn)ad, adjoiiin:intbethtegeirt's- park, in the occupation of Captain Kater, whose teril expires att Ladiy-drry. The estate is leas,eliold for :t1 ruiepired tern! of .50 yeaLrs, from Mlidsumminer irext, at a ground rent of 131. per aiinrm, and pre- sents a, meest eligible opportunity- to buoilders andi other spCeulative pererins, as it possesses a frontage of 21 3 feet towvards, t he Ne%w-rQad, and is 114 feet in depth ',n the- wlesters; side. Thje preynises mr-t lie viewc-d writh leaa-eorf tile teilanit, rLind particulars had there: of :or. Johnu iriy solicitor, Mjill-street, Coniuit-street; at the plaee cf sae nne Ir. Sqouihir and Son., Sna-ille-roar-. Sruperior tLIr, ene lde-is ess AHINrn L.NA at t'reir Auction luoouss, t!0,' Kinlg-street, C.svent-grurden, THIS DAY, alt Il, ONSISTING of' an excelleilt Collection, of Goldl, CL Silver, and Mletal Wlatches, by, the best makers, fin,$ gold chains, chased seals and keys, fine large loose brilliallts, brrillitunt earrings, rings5, bruoches, pills, Ire.: eiegant Jewellery, set with liearl., ai;d co- I.uiert stones; raodorns plate, excellent Plated goods, suiperfinie eli)ths and her'seyrnercs, -fine iaccorlet nmusln Irish-linen, sil k anid cottonl hoseC, rich sarcewiets, satins, lace.,, rindlaeceveils, ladies' an. I gentlemen's wvearingaSppirel, lied frurnritures, window curtains, damns!i tablecloths, sh;erts, carpels, and effects. May be viewed, and catalhogues had at the rs?.re. King-street. To Shrrpkeeper-s, andi Prla'atL Falrihflcs.-By Messrs. 1LXCHIN andf DtBEnlNlIAMl at their AUCtionl Roiomse 20, Kiaa-street, Covent-ga,r- de;;, oni Saturday the 27tis, rued Tuesday tIle 30th, lit II, wvithoirit the smallest reservatiols, W-PiHE entir-e Stock of a Cruniitry Shopk-eeper, qouseistinIg JLorf50 piece., of fine Irish lineni, of the best fabrics, fai;nlitssre co.,- tons. pi t,jaeconots, camibric emitl inull mnuslli;;, diinity, Irish zt1l el itusiasireti;gs fannels, fine danmask table cloths, a:ld ;;rkisa,;; Ihucenbacks andadiapers, riclh sarcenets, levanstines, satins, gros-dle-na. lI f lorentries, laces. lace veils, &c. SO i-air of silk hlosc.anId 70 dozena .fci,ttons and wrorsted dlitt,s, a fewv re,,iniants ,mf suprerfine clorth, an d otirer elfer'ts. Slay be viewred aild catalog;ues hail at Macilinarnd De irenhal;i's 01rice, King-street. Very capital H=ueiold Furlieittre, in perfect pr-esee-aatiorr. nmade i tire betaeilsis ill gooid ta.te.-Bly Mr. EDWARD FuS-TER, irll the Prenmises, opposite the noru-t enid of A;rnchretetr-stIreet, Man. chestcr-sq;nare, TIII; DAY, Mlarch 26, at 12, itrilder cir!-Lrsnmraaees that conipel ail unreserv-ed sale, A ILL the well mnanufactured niodern andc expensive CARftnnriture, madein astyle of elega:nt inetness, incloSIing aurirw- ;nig room siuit, in nuiiriganly snd beautiful clrintz. of 1 2 chazirs. Coielil, suit orf crtins, loo, card, aird occasional tables, cheffonlurra, brilliant plier aId hiuey glas-ses, Brussels carpets, an;d hearth rugs, Porlished steel fe.der ai;id fire irons, an upright rara;d piarioforto. bry'Tontle.son; ill the eating room; is a pedesLal sidelroard, set of paten t extendin;g dining tatbles, and 12 muaLoganlychairs; tire chamber :u-rniture consists ofseeaeral 4-post bedsteads, wxith rich chintz hanghings, beds, n1st- tresses, and bedding, of a suitable qiuality, wvardrobes, chearts ,;f draw- ers; dressillg stands, table3, and glasses, and linumerous dorniestic re- qiuisites. S~lay be s-len-ed one-daybefore the.sale, when can iloguesna.ry balladcm the premtises, arild at' r. Edward Foster'solllcj, 14, Greek~- street, Soho-%qiuare. H-ousehold Furniture. Italian Marble Slab, 8 day, Clock ettirlr.;ly in- laid, and Effcts.-By Mr. EDVA RD FOSTE.At, at his Great R.oonl, 141, Greek-street, Sohl,,ir-srljrc 'o-msorrow, Slarch 27, at 11, LLtegetnuirie-Hauesellld. Furnliture, bookcases, ex- Acellentbeds, bredsteads andI furrnitures,wvararobies, setl of dining, card, and other teliles, oflllotlis, carpets, glasses, and dlomestic re- q'iisites; also a 5-miotion beer, niaclrlnie, coefeerooni; tabiles, fitthius up of a bar-, and various effects,, removed from, a. coffeehoio,i~e. Slay, lie viewved till the sale,and catalo;gues had at Mlr. Foster's orFice, 14, Greek- street, Soiho-square. Househiold Fuirniiture, a pair of If-ilich Globes, Hall Lanips. a caupita"l 100 gallon Brewving Cepper.Breau-ing-Utens~ils,&-c.-By, H r. BOURNE, at his Spacious R,ooms, 130, Long-acre, Tills- DAY, air 10, .--OUSEH(JLD Furiniture, pier aniti chlimney glassePs, kim mirre-rs, a capitaI Brussels carpiet; ii yards by 6. -i-post, tent, a;nd press bedsteads, beds and bedding, double aud siillde chests of drawers. wvindon- curtains, a set orfnroderrl malaogany chairs, di;inng, pemnbroke, and card tables. p:tintiligs, prints, china, 6xc"Ilent bronze lamps,L Pianufortes, harrpsichords, inear duorcirloth, stoves, coppers. -rr,ius brewing utensils, &ec. Stay be viewved arid catalogues had at the roonse. M,.llltly Sale.-Shiareg in the Heath,. Rennet alid Avcnl, Wilts an2d -Bleriks, and Portsmnouth und trunldel Carruis.-lly MIr. Al. RAINE isulccessor to tl;e late 'Mr. Scott), at the Mart, on WVednesday, March 31. *tt 12,- .T1,TA'T1J Canal ;- two sliares inl tibis conicernl, whichl - divIded last -eair 131. per share, bilt this year tile trade uopai ttire elanal ha-ving improit-ed. all increase (if dividend uesIA July niaV be consfideatiy relied upoii. InI the Keiilaet and Avols canal, 50 shares:. Wilts andU1erks, 100 shares; arid 7 shsares in the P'rtllsonoti - nd Aruniidel raiirl. Particulars at the 1Mar; atnd of Mlr. V1. Raluie, k~h ntoid dock, share and estate broker. 2. Great Winehester-streC!t.~)ld Itroad-street. Neat Fur;iitrrre. a Piailoforte. a few Pictures, Stop eoun ter, Desk, &e. -By Mr. J. SMITHI, at 3Mr. Marrell's Room,s, S0, Skinner-street, Snoo-hill, THIS DAY, at 12 rIHE neat Household Fturniture, removed for conVeuli- _- enec of sale, comprising tent bedsteads and furnilire, press bed- steads, good bedi and beddillg, luahogany wrardrobe, drawve rs, nimihbrgany andiaapinied chairs, set of patelit mahogany diniing tables., carpets, a Greciani coueb, pianioforte, a fewv paitijngs, q-large cireulal' nnahogami top couniter. countiinghouse desk, shop froit, amd otlier efrects. - ilay beviesred, aid-catuiogues hadat the rooms, ?0, Skinner- street, Snowv-hill. Splendid Enigravinfrs,Copperplates. and Original Drawings, atParis- - Saturday, Apri 3, 1824. FH3HE magnificent Collection of that splendid SI!?.RIES It. of ENGRAVINGS, entitled the MIUSEE RO1ALL f*rming tlvo. lar-eevolum;es, in folio, together iith all the origlifal arrvrrings. .eos- pcrplaters, ad letter-press. Will raie place at Paris, on Saturdarv, tire 3id of -Aprql, its crisequenea of thedcatll of one of the-proprietors. Every particular res;ecting tIre copies of the"Musee:for sale, respect- ingtllg tIsoona: drao- lngs. the eopperplates, and respeetiug -thc ilode * f payment, sissy lbe obtained fromn Siesels. Colnaghi, Cockslpur-street; or 31r. Evass,' 93, 'all-uaB. whbere nin printed p7rospectus of the parti- culars of tire sale osay be bhd, ind a copy of the work may be sees. Freebold houses. G;ou:id Rents, and 56 Lersehold Houses, - at nmede- rate Ground Itenits-1ly Mr. J. 1MOOIXE, .atGarraruy's, on WVednes. day. Slarc'i 31, at 12; '7NWOFirst-rate Freeihold Houses, Mi Hatton-garden, L on leases at a- net rel7tal of 1651.perannum: aw ell-secured G;uund Rent of'501lOs. for.98 years: 56 well-buit Houses, on long leases, at losv grnoom Tents,. in. Waterloo-road, Cornwall-road, Old terit-road, - Great Webber-street, - Chal-oft-terracc, 1-a Chiarlotte- street, Near-street-; Consicrcinrl-foad. WYhite Horse-street, Wootten. -street, & uredrcinga netretrIal of?,1?01. perannunn. - The above property miy ha vicaf ed, aLnd printed particulars had be- application to7J. 3Sloore,-aarctioneer and estate agenlt, 171, Great -Silrrcy.street, Blacl:frlar-s-road. - ----, - . SALES BY AUCTION.
[Advertisement.]-The New ...
[Advertisemnent.-Thl Ne-ew Month1 JMagazine for Mlarch con- tains, among various other interesting articles_1. Salvator Rosa ahd his Times.-II. British Galleries of Mlt, No. 10. Mr. Matthews's Theatrical Gallery.-III. The Spirits of the Age.-IV. Grimui's Ghost, No. 16: Almnack's on Friday.-V. Gamestera and Gaming. VI. London L)YricR.-VII. Slavery and its Advocatee.-VIIL The Civic Dinner.-IX. Constantinople, No. 2._-X. Hajji Babo.-X.. Rome in the first and nineteentl centuries.-Xl. The last of the Fools.-XIII. Modern Pilgrimaces, I!ot711: the Sorbonne,.-XIP. The Crown of Victory.-XV. Queen Isabel's Wisb.-XVL The Monlths, No. 3: slarch.-XVII. The Heiress'* Complaint; 4- XVIIL. The Child of the Forests.-XIX. Pourquoi existons-nous I -XX. Alfaima's Lament, &c.; aud the usual varietle& in Art Science Bio raphy, Criticism, Politics, and Commerce. Publislhed and solQ byz eiry Colburn, 8, Lew Durlington-srwet.
At his house, in Ncw-street, Sjring.gardens, of an attack of ape- plexy, James Dick, Esq., late of Kingston, Jamaica. On the 14th ult., at his house, at Broxbun, 'William Ogilvy, 3sq., late of the General Post-office, aged 74. On the 5th inst., at Lmehouse, aged 75, IMrR. Rudgc, the be- loved and excellent mother of the Rev. Dr. Rudge, and relict of the late James Rudge, Esq., of fieah-end.house, Croomhall, in the county of Glocester.
Sales By Auction.
Vi~J~h*aae.u paiIig r~td ~t.4SeoeI __ 2owiia-1~5r~4fmt4Lz~ A - .2*. hpa a~i tM tihe M4t Lie AN L*~I1an *i%a eat FznIgda~ isB~i~9~ a ctt .untLr n other St t,Wt ; lw .~ -WAA",de6nte stud, cndlstwts ndbft*bN -trT-0 ; &4tXT *s ba at aIIiAtbiO~epai OWte.~tyn YISW~IedP. f Th 1~pc~le tel a aof At1elnlif bad o x;d dresinromd, eitorC.t rewtng ronoms. eet staire*c, allrequebit eola Eethiarge.-' hoa'reitiditabld.' ~ForymV HO GAT tteM*e ted Citodemte rent. aT.he Keit; mawer ic duA~,MBed wrIht, w;remvedto ld , = hd ornt.lpret,nls oeutfi Mr.nle W vigLUy tOGAR at the Marc. o~ esda PU eae 3 tl, lit., ," an-eg Stard the tr n terfa e,w~, SMt5IT Eestr tna cedetes h ecibs e ld ed ieeLo4 of dne.' f'uren n yig,) eeaetmatf,rcftyen I Utat A dye .aaur,ne, d~a4tere; hofYng h7Ad ~~I~Qeorp Srownta fo .tbt g tm oL fooran u yb a~~1m inmnr~ren ofI 10 KU* yaeofie patl o"'jih,wih oxS the'b Ife l ASustrtil .ood,oil d A] lutt q.Z ~Ll-vihr streuet o1 Ho, , atnd -QtitU sat. .,bf rd-a.e An ta,iBO.r u fn rssn om ,nnulnesAl drewirg l oos,.aeu sticpe lreqslee oiteg, geS dei house and Claluie. Potr-avm 06rg'ec?io thar Fitia ii phma ntae. T s?eC LnuOl5tfCC, 2 "4 onImnei~ ab Angt~e.t rnexpored ter a yeus~ cmd aetsa,.~ u hafoo~s remlterm of Mr.e 4 Warse, i btom( RaHa'e,,d frdpqureatic.arsaway's ndbP -of Mr ilc.s5 Mnqse LFwrehl Pbeelicoue n IAorrytable,Land. rent aidit r tther, v se,i teUIyf-l0 .~nKtit~ 0Ti1411A1d rui t ot nd F tu ?rp inTOCj tzoth. idqte4 d Ifltoo. itLte wvr te DArd,Marchl4g eat 2snents,salseyigfr3'eS oboa an cyge sfta~t1 oe& greateo ~t'ner rtstgs e .ateUa netsnttlul.perannso.L. Als. AFRe 1*ow and Wine, Ifo.29,itn Coie.ae erLn~ar niat'o !er Rinum, mb ylwd~l tlettl . wltleeo h and partIcuar maoefi tehe,ip~ fMess ~U CacLEwly, a4 Wotegla. crustedoxt, 4&rlepae tdrw 4; ootes ck,lAer 252 botlde3s of Cae 2 lxe. Vorote r; n the ogniiead of nrumempty eho.sks, bot 0es on.ak y)jrj. c SppIrTI, coutiengboetlnMa4oru ur rp.Mybvewt aptast logus Iact a te p e su;q tat, iea GAM ay1;o t fr uan m 4 tdos,Crbt-ort raleIug an str.e and o 1arlfoy,'foy IMot, ttteFiorder,pGr~eatTorentrne. 2Knao rmLidet, :oru.. ayMr EDWARDeru, FOSTER, let toj ldre. Pitto4,wGreek-termait,lahg ada,cUg1sware.i To-morro,Marc be, at wo 1 adr- I0 lN TY. IVe E Geiiuine Duc .itrs jtti.' TNeporte; l,egncipatly of.theCAdIhe ste aong Iwhacli atthe " oHtEl nvety tsiaby igle o lndepeadixrs.bJcb us o ers, ond th lennrhsidf,the ollowinofaveo- te, astvluTines threugobaoerl d iv lo lad&t, anDetch, wuvod Mn.- wkrk 4ocitier,t eta. eba rMr, it privteu 01ntbran Letabemsse.. astraee ictnV'(rams,fayb Crow-tdned lPoran unepiredterm Mr. dwad F" t are a o h oresn.aeo' of Krmx. ,mi, s LeaseholdFi states, IS0ingln greseooundt. eoi,a'a-eIdB-R March , 10 t a t e 1 ac s 9ues, tcIi1a V.IGTuaEEN-6 sWerstaeet,i risllkgtouis. h L4morldeseel wit Ilinonbrdyt, at gud lt ran o-plo. and aeumai hmeldefoa lng ctletaof yea re,ntt ofw8 perouOndrnts, at doeoityble cIuabLd hacAJousaaid out uenfinishe. brouspecwt-pladen t. ,og' in Queen-stettlds, tontblsglthe ,e& _tgrond retof 71. tt 6i r6L-rnW facat20.er anm.nyu iee wllat. tSt Gsrrwa's ; on m? Poultry M',hn tte, Mancit.e,hue vt Flwey-prl ieygteoCa endl,- buaetwe. ota n 4seerrmuae Elgbe her thteeho ushd 1 n60%le ri FixWg. hr on k-7 the htnisim-yli.iAN. nh ehd,j. Noth-end,s side o Lwa erel-mtet, 1oItmsne-eui, i2s PAY, March 2, at 2 precleiy~~~~~Wicha rra lot teweryPantanholteseboldfurzttretClokaurfetchses, ltuish4w4 as -By Mrg.-T e MA eO ed til the guIemit. Atl,Oltd, pstlIeolrhw,O ToWidMecans I Teusdeav, anidOtier1.-ato of Wdxetin i of thea cooler, satlons, 7bLrre vcno-qt, eene, wee Toasrar.,wMa gt lO atme hj:beel irctio h row whe-Asgel dtes daeersot ith tnse, 3. en2rughte hoMLes tack ver 'alW turet clnsst ottbef 2tpipes ouPrct ihathel treaua wood, 64 btole-of cruted Pord' 10 bttls cof Sltry. Sn bottes o *hadeAss4as22btlso ape,2r o tolses ftnit- MPirbie of poter,and hgidua f rumeabnt, cand k, botls,suk.se.gre coppe ter dars, r to tsn hoe friue sale . Md bevatt pdttel the.Cor ~ng #1 al,'.r,qan safpe`U m.,ay ehd. hp~1gii aa logmues adontre tpremni gmaee;a arwys f errnsd e sonlcitors,Househ-olFurntt rcenc4re, l tt sianfo?rr.e , Soil,t tadcV XLintenutiner, C ul. G reatl Tboks,R.ste if. Pyr.EDWAsRD NOS9,ITperiot, a-hilaGeat iOr -InnGrovAsretpoe the th nstnt, at12,by rdt oftrhe10 V alltit12.O Legge. withDutchPictue,, jst mu ofItlianHsusehortaibuy Li trgebc;lde campriss hguasbfaob ftuya- _JL -andscape, cat.ttnteanddfgurt;hy-adrerr bedeaf apndh ay itrtuoaita bairan lawdcapes,bt Possi;api fn adcae.bAtoge e wlerdroan,dr&qspecngand ofther follsowfng favoerite ste'rs A-.t,n. MIr. Nalssn's Splendid Llbrary.-By MrS.EVANS, at blh House, o , Pall-mail, THIS DAb * MamnRchi and 4ROfollowln4A*yt, AR HEScond Portion of the (ihoic6 &AmdtWiour Library Tlf thsslate G Nassau, Espq.: linlitdlsnq- Sbkkspeace4 ?1lIa"i: Oire edijtion, very, ratre; flamiltop's trargsan. vag4,t,v=ie,.11otfoueon,. Antiqute Erplqueeet Nqnutuens de laifoaarbl *?tancale, 2l 19.1.s parge upe; ior esa Pil&inxS, $ vOlt. WIthA.ht,rayg FrTtoltaplr., po sTravels, S vole. sage pipe'; iorsat's ilsta, I ols. -lasx psew,, Ilunstrated wVith Portraits L.'d Vieuy-a:.coectiouoozI.s r,wt,rltngt the el'tbeklJln of .1746, Rlm rAtrgd. %Ith~rrls Hislr ofOtsslott Illuistrated. wit oria,dSrre.ln; at the Aue?osxMe,t,-7 IAS DAY; ttg oat ik4y,mhl ~~ R. ~Y-fl~tatfk4e2Pu~~ieth?at the SeodGad Asotspt4O h- osr VStdc,f-01e beets edetedr brtttlrepiee4s bfrae neblte fro he shortage tof, the da",leStc,sbehsd -jcity ~OM lt*i6r-ps ta0 sf'at~, -re~ta,.~ ap augs,-jups. Watar.su4l, baking dskel;eOyeydt@sajiIoW*1 aaann?eture f the tat isoly aton hll,Bt Itbbl anidtheclre 1yae1areedehiv 7." -?Wr" - , 'AMW 11 , t,i .." .1. . . 7??t ? '.. , , .', I O" . , F '?, , ."., n tuHutana3ita Aof Pot Wine, *a8t.hd*;i '. li'El Aw n~t "d hro -Vw. ;: -o r Oo4, | e n etto :? ' ;Anent of 'tb9c1Z3abetOf' 6p!*1honsa,,g f x . ~~~~~r t -t... aneo 'r4prwele of f Cr l3a meueuteUry,s NWorn 3atl~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~V*Rf*jIrS ~ ~ ~ ucle nem ror Nmrb ,im4FtittISha ofpg wxer*l t d arhr1n. ,t th ee ..l t e tte *aabb^4,reer il,V. DoseD h3s uler UIiKo veyrepctfaly t.. A lXf^,Mgeb!d ta~t elrt iaiii. fr prsI<NGft?1hwree1 l [llra,w4nfolveor41q. EIsDnZ fed low etmoftayil Xmps bdte.danant d4ty widoeatwrbocd .elslderdt, cunkrW.st4. enf otF.greDe~,tol. 5ll elArl?i 4~~~~a Ske Msn rngf lea ctd ofuX OD hnt1e yrert, 2, U&44O . Atf., Wl-teeant - ot,l . eilt4, I.iiq *nd SavTl A' ?.mud.. Maorb Chsw, one. 27, Fozalry. 24273o k~endIj Sato the Male thorn LW,iee,..nd Frcehold,&tdad lbOle ? latsb nl a r. ,[ te)4#d -D thleng hal attdbe6an ai sd tmbr4w srtEd otG iwan ui59re.ne Slvrstre. oude- eettF bx ro tntt otup t u 5r. J. atlold ?wuCbo} z annm. towed:s.nftg eatLt saatuxt.. oert athloxment In th plcxce of He fceola - 4 smIS'ArT4,4 bOpyhoJ4sliAnAn noshL4 tthefea41n. fro tn Ofuth Xtdd1**!, "in att lI. - ot Ml . ikttle.. 'hNbUe. tbt,otuvot d Dftltc SnOALK -While TAIOZtb7re ,t ~s-M WUO,day Awhich? l84tio,,yartlgska0 Ioo;bsntrhla4.s nhoetin, .b ritorea llr othej tas ieslt rU. Ge ed oetltptlqn.or E~tlv pHor takinGr thMeM s33e, tyb 1led ate,rw ufIe SrtEar eevshn )Ijr eZ3S,. be>ut I.n,Wtro- brosa:.~~~t Coc,WtSvbY:t Gzrdtouc ED^r1X #lldcr zd j*d0,ks am'tLIV CroI, 5 tsr 1trvn o theM h ro'spL ~ ?1o&,~an. AIk4bo Riozne CW- - Ie aScw le.nt.ns ldwe. avd 5out dlmoeet god idw4n nden nhs$ nt, -Ohi 8ternWlt, ?ouatn It freerd to; it EWarthelot-ra M.beet4~ ao,, ttot I .ra lira 'tliaab1rihoi4 i.ror. tha-ithrai F.r,sblle WiiTt, andethe 1*a=ee -t~fl~e,~ ~ A~to4", rd30eeroldf Mrom Szt4 htr*. !zen. t;lX Ihit. SCin, 21 tl. at31!, Ia t* oeta.rc ]S,~~~~~t*0;a4- PatS A:Jhusn.touroere byAnde ono FbEctree rpHRI. aid3r hrasolc ic3edc 01easked in ii to.Vy.de*F> d Ftrtitn,ana?rtgee Pdi itA ! n,tuze-i Cr tbrivimg qqlek beefps dJllebr Ifg r,r fi s to *t4m Qalfb frnis Harrow,f akl Nfrowi; ~e.li~Wdleeez~ eompdal ofpKk Sti WhlhAbo1stiOemre- aW1AictIorlzaaL A fteh-4 It, ati. account b sUe4 Pock Fdd, eutfntal9 r,} m' ih4 AthtboIetAetEnd W lI IdS toJ.ErlyCoosi xsags e1fottwJrm *I; 5rtDrX1R ras wr.otrcP s.a. blrse.t ?!a large a Ide r tafl je dt ou eltnale Tro n t e h.sigh roe o. ntAf dqWt p mydEl- a nmVa Gbtd*f s. Don,.anmeri&e Stnd.l,kayr . WrLLjAW4,rre"dlih. letots. 3 zull, ?1eddesdollXw- . Coe l 1 Ya-y at 12ae t Det- ,eorp'tii 74i t(e t* 051. " ~ ~ ~ AII~~~ a F~tree., tSAdkTE th vertd-respect t to -f tnop ikob ieasb a rtrmbyth;, Asiadt c boeeto, bt b1rt. i wun, ltotl- bg rc,=. at t of: mitoi glt o A7 5 &4usA)uxmr tnax of MUD OUst Ghiag, krandtn afne wfbla f6fthtits; a pir Offtll b6iegm,4adtt&ras,T*W '410a Urerin tilet; tatdoue bad on th japp ra iroi ft~yartstpeWs1ofk ftreign, ChtsuitAlerts.-By a M*s_r-txWtMaTtVj andt-o ,atf h Maltto A"I3J iet linf Emhod VAluble Land,anet tino-anrx ~ eemW be I, directed by ttrvn ikheJoyal Asati Societ tim sr-LLb !roUdlCAUdrcon, at 2& r. ner IrSlvrstetio.1, befounded awt, o UItNL Uy !l, MC inprtimne-cOttlyM traif mo. . rnld toll-of nh yearu Ytxre at lno* re lt. ' nnd a flef.of rooxe. f aeteofd cabdrtLolcgi ~ee,oihd seundUlsh Wadi cetr tabe-f ren ahdpier tox odet,e, tale Utodk byLd tiuopl ta nneIDLy I-scul1ire bbntedus on tai mosai oeLnti %11piotal-roe oztd, lvst*crod. vO et, an d backgaxntx ab-laer, xtesia dmpr,tbeteheala ands beddpiong of Mro. Harndy aet*tr loworcAt, pe*- m letd bany, meuplaryutite Sale,ms otye leavet. Tof the ViiAea ~4ay~cadngaainuringo '4l~ nhadlogusa bat the prri.e ~heshnL, lertsB,' essr. 1~O andSON,t; the Mat toit sal the lrettttn of the letfitt. 3. Grubb ~tq Vreeif Fero Id Tithe Free, & Land. Tax Rodemewl. Li. etlcaby-tridn fui om hed dd e a sdo.al tonbrd.tlt lrc4dtedt, cWoInaint aS.~.rSle4tet one aeh Moea am. IC IrMnt. OSand a plect ha ua oic it Mfam.ehoi an&ainaxrlEpar Iopbo, atut 1nsarah,3lats4Vtiotrel-ere, arid dian-redeernofd callkedtos rurur'ehw. n desoiroableon oloX. areat aii lof a. 4A ay~ se vIw*d n~ tie'Thior otesl,b ev,o h ~~etoir foxa0~i anCoahs nt oradLte. -Oh roam, cipyilg IL *VJathan srosz Ce~, altans.hbs; Gryhotd1eodeldrf CliAe-ed Lio*nxle H udeG ntu Coc . Cptung thelac ofcsic;tnd1 t th ASO.' t alt lpelfod, uq.~ fro , lxiitlCkgbrod rm iodedo oo odes-li SsAethrivin qic beltre Ldisstsgtbe 1d b iad, onspysiog "a 1,at tt esloi f ich t a V=ble a lloirtre n tm - 8Wffi Kr-ara whose terns-exirsa t La :a-ged pety- of r-iCh- 5 o-Srr-w D'O.101t NI.11<t Uat 'Siroe ilk rorlu rtfOm& itm, tl* Mny045t hiayblitd;a"Vla it-t G-aybun4 Meld;Re~DAY. Ratt-A?35l.S, Httel~ SZCtna~5d lai4t AO8We4 - It.W g~~~~~~~8 AlLiltLbd htt~ ttOe,.e~tl . I .:I., M IS''kALAWUCGTON1
tAdvertiSe L1S"SSAltAJ EAD?y4S, by ,U.8si.a, GiO, wet side of Leicetersquasre. List of the ttnes. TRf^ zVznc'G, M`arch 11, punstuelly at lht, the te3dy of Hamlet; and Slender's courtshtp, fnmA Se MIerry Wives of Windsor. Tickets, is. each, saay:bg lads asbove; it Hookhen's. Old Bond-street; and Richardsos', Roya&lZxblngre. Subsc:ibems tickets for the repetition of the es, prie, one sotwmign, may be had on Thursday evening, fhe Ilth, 5n il tht coniriecemWt oF the course. [AdvertisementJ.-Published by TA-YLOR nand ESSEY, 19, Waterloo-place, Pall-mall: and 93, Fleet_?trevt, price 9s. fd., " ELTA;" 1tssaya which have appeared under thatsitniaure in the London MNagazine. "-EWe cannot take leave of " Plia" without acknowledging the same feelipg with wbichyre p'it from an agree- able and original friend,; wbose hutour lip dicil our faPcy even li these instances where we did noi-ebindide witliiiaii4idgmerata, ad for whose more essential parts of character we esttereajs a high esteem. He may be considered as perhaps. the -only writer since Stern wlto has fi.llv Letered into lus pi;it-and11t-hj&kcuEar vein; andI this, without caher his tedibus digressibmn, his osdrito indelicacy.".-British critic, Julv, 18.,r [AdvertisemenLr., ELtE,CYi GLA'S?ES, Pz, :e. The Nobility and Gentrv are invited tg inspect tbe ware-ropmsrof COOPERa ndSoy, 93 1}ishopsgate Within, 'wsre is exhibited. an assortment of neW antt second-baud Plate Glshaesv admiraMbly Suitedj to erery description ofdraw ing or dining.rooms. The prices tre just reducta 40 per cenL onplates measuring 100 inches by 72 andup wards; and on those ot straller dimensiens the alteration will be found equally important. The extensive preference given to this establishmserit is ttanikfully acknowledged by the Proprietor., who, in their endeavours to evince their gratitude by nianufactunag ar- titles in a superior manner, at prices suitable to the times, hope to nerit a continuance of public support. In the furhiture department is omprised every new and elegant article of upholstery, etbinar, and chair work, regulatel. upon such a scale of e*nrmy as to de- ruand and insure the patronage of ranuk and fashion. [ Advertisement. 1--A n additional pleasing appearance is rendered to the countenance by the well-arranged curl, the braided plat, a.nd the flowing tressec. In dressing the hair, no article hassuch a beauri- ful ef'let on natural or artitcial hair, rendering it so admirablv soft that it will lay in any direction. producing beautifil curls, which it preserves in damp atmosphere or violent exercise, at the same time a .Ning a most incomnparable, transcendent, and beautiful lustre, ren- dering the head.-slress truly enchanting, as ROIVLAwD's MIlAC.sSAIt O r L, which has, by its unexampled excellnce in promoting in every respec; elegance and durability of that grand ornament, gained the admiration and astonishtnent of the whole world. [AdeertisemnenL1 -GEXUIXE BEAst's GlnzAss.-Ross rnt Sows, No. 119, Bithopagate-street, who for the last fifty veart have contiMued to sell the above article pure anad unadulterataed recom- mend it to those ladie and gentlemen whose hair is in a aieclininc or debilitated state. As a p.oof of its excellence, it may be observed that no grease retains its moiature so long, all others disappesanng shortdy after the application, leaving the hair drier and harsher than before. Having lately killed one of the largest and perhaps fattest animals of that or alny other species, they can now offer it to the public nerfectcly sweet, which is not always the case, as it sometinrns becouses stale with keepin, und though equally good for the hair, is certainly not so pleasant. [Advertisemene1-ATrTTSOX'S CONCENTRATED ESs9E2CE OF LAVEXD)ER, prepared six times the strength of the best La- vender Water. It is entirelyvfree from that empyreumaof the spirit ao objectionable in most lavenders; Its perfume is more lively and termanent, and it goes six times as far; in short, for the handkerchtief, the chamber, the ball-roorn, &c., it imparts the ge- nuine, reviving, and salubrious perfume of that esteemed flower, strongrly eoncentrared. Price ha. 6d. hal?f pints, 5s. 6d.; aue pints, 10s. f.; and as a pint goes as fareas six pints of lavender water, it lS consequently four timec asY cheap. Sold by James Atkinson. per- fumner, 4t, (;errard.-street, Soho-snare and mnost perfumerr.
BIRTH. On TutcclaW; the 9Mh inmt, the lady of Frederick Tyrrell, Esq., surveoo) of St. rhomnas's Hospital, of d d1atghter.
London, Monday, March 15,...
NIWe received last night Paris papers of Thursday and Frildav In those of Tlhursday we findi the announcement of the de-th of IiUtsr ADELAIDE Princess ot 'CO'NDE, daughter ot tile late Prince of CON,DE, and, with the exception oft her brother the Duike of BOVRBON', the last branch of that illustrious famnily. She was born in 1757, and early dedicatedl herself to a Hfe of religisWus seclusion. In 178f6 she was created by Lovis XVI. Abbess of Remiremont. At the beginning of the French Rev.lutiou she l,t't France; and atter traversing the Netherlands wnd Switzerland, en!ered a convent at Turin. On the Restoration, she returned to Paris, and established herselt in s convent in the Temple, where she died. The following is an extract from the .ifondtcr relating to the death of the Princess ' PARIIS, MAtLt 11. " Confornably to the ordinance of tile Xing, of' March 2)3. 1816, the cettificare of the tleath of Madame the Princess I,uise de Cond16, ancient Abbess of Renmirenitont, Prioress of tile l, idies ilenedictince of the perpeLtual adoration of the Holy Sacrament, residinii h the Temple at Paris, who d'ied vesterday. at threequttArters past two o'rlock, in tlte convent of thle Temple, was drawn Li tol; ity at three o'clock, bv the (ihancellor of France, President otf the onanhber of Peers, aceonpan ed by the Marquis (Ie Sinaonville, l'eer of France, Grand Retereiidarv. andI by the Chevalier C.nd-', Keeper of the A rehives of the ;idd Chamber, and Secretary (ol' the Civil IAit of the Royal Hlouseholdl, it the presetire-Lit, of the Marquis de \'il- kle. President of the Council of Mliniiters, acting i'i-ead of the Minister SecretarY of StaLe of the I(iag's flonttehold. who was pre- ventted bs' indisposition, 2d, of the3laitqitI e 3Brize,jleer of France, Grand 1M1aster ot the Ceremonuies. " Mleasrs. Ie Courson, maitre de requetes. invested with tihe fuill p:owers oftlhe deceased Pmimtcess, and L.atnoinrc te taftign. secretary of hiis Serene Highness the Duke of' Bourbhn,signed as Witnesses the certificate of decease-. The bodiv w.as siho t inv the Countl de Rulty, Peer of Ftance,First (irnttiemnat of the Cltainber to the DLike of Bourbon." FIMENCII FITNImS, March 12.-The rentes opcned, .7a eomlipttit, at Pi1.; the end of the montit, 9q. 5(1. [.oV).O'v. A11,W)V4JL 4Vf 4 4RlI!, 1. 1824.
From the LONDON GAZETTE, ...
Borough of Queenbttorough-Frederler CyavenOish etntlncIc, corn- monlycalled Lord Frederick Cavendish Bentinek, in the room of the ight Honourable John Charles Y1Uliers, no5v Earl of Clarendon, and one of the Peers of tbe united kisngdom of Great Britain and Ireland. *VAR-OFICE, March 26. 10th Regiment of Light Dragoon-Lieutenant-Caleuel HlinrvM yad- ham, frorih half pay 1Sch Light Dragoons, to be LIoutenant-ColQnol, vice Sir George Augustus Quutint. who exchanges, receiving the dit- ference betwveen fulU pay of cavalrY and infantry only. BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. Jkmes Hood, Beeston, Nottiuighamnbire, hosler. George Hitchcock, Leicester, hosier. iAkNKRUr-TS. Edward ltmmnond, Great Bentley, Essex, innholder, to surrender hfrll S 6. May 8 at the King's Head Itni, Manningtree: solicitors, Mcrsrs Few, Asbrore, axd Hamilton, Henrletta-street,' ovenr-garden. John Burgess, Trowbr iee. clothler, April 17, May7, 8, at theWhite Lion lun, Bath: solieltor,Nr. Fisher, Lincoln%s-inn-fields. Henry Richard Young, Fenchurch-strest, lrintscller, blarch 30, April 6, 8, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basisghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Score, Tokenhouse-yard. John Edwvard Ebbs, Minorles, jeweller April 3, 10, May 8, at the Baukrupts' Court, Bauiighsll-street: soihcitor, Mr. Carr, Hoiborn. court, Grays-Inn. Ciandlus Samuel Desexgs, Golden-square, merchant, April 6, 13,, MEayW 8, at the Bankrupts t.ourt, Basinghall-street: solicitors, Messrs. H.edgson and Burton, SaUlsuir-street, Strand. John Garduer, Poulton.by-tne-S5rds, LJancashire, erooer, April 15, 16, May 8,at theKing's Arms Inn, Lancaster: solictor, Mr. Jopson. Castle- rreet, Hlolh,orn. Wlliam renkett end Lschlan MKilnnon, Liverpool, merchants, Airll13,-14, May 8, at the ireorge Inn. Liverpool: solicitors, Messrs. .Adllngton, Gres ory indFaulkner, Bedford-row. Joseph-Barter, ,ole, timber-mnerchant, April 16, 17, May 8, at the ofMOtu, vew-inn. PoesUtr> lessrs. Holme, Frampton, and Willa CBirchicyCheitenham, grocer, April 8, i, May8, at the Comrbercialrooms, Prlstol solicitors, Clarke, Richards, and Mcdc4lf, Chaneery.lane. Thomas ClaughtonI HaydoGk-lndge. Lancashire, salt-manufacturer, April 9,23, May 8, at the Star Inn, Manchester; solicitor, Mr,Barker, Gray's-inn-square. George Luckes otherwise Wills, YeovU, brick-maker, April 16, 17, May 8, at the Mermaid Inn, Yeovll: solicitor, Mr. Williams, Red Lion- square. William Mils, Bath, oilman. March 13. April 13. May 8, at the Chrlstopher Inn, Bath: solicitors, Messrs. Knight and Fyson, Basing- hall-street. Morris Roach, High-street, Wapping% victualler. March 30, April 18, May 8, at the Baukrupts' Court, asinghall-street: solletor, Mr. Willams, Bond-court, Walbrook. Andttvv RoUo, Sandy's-rowr, Bishopserate, chalr-maker, M.arch 30, .ipril IS; May S, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street: so- licitor, R Rr. Wsittinlton, Dean-street, Finshury-sqare. Robert Steers, P.aradise-rowr, Chelsea, baker, April 3, 10, May 8, at the Bankrupts'Coorei Basloghail-street: solicitor, Mr. Reynolds, Car- marthen-street, Fitzroy-square. DIVI DENDS. hp;lil 27, T. Rose, CaPe Regale, Regent strcet, Pall-maUl, wvine-sner- chanL anpril 21, S. FalUand and T. S.WiUliams, Liverpool, merchants. -April 3, 5. Wagtaif and T. Baylis, Kidderminster, carpet-manufac- turers aApril 20, J. nd J. Hawvkins,Nottingiaqmo,tlmnber-mnerchancs.- hi 17, S. lumpphreys, ( lrlote tTet, orttndplae mrcant.-April 17, J. 110pwvod, C lncey lsne bu-brker.spli , CVee, Cl-oth.fair,wroollen-d raper. -A^pril 17, J. S. Wilcorasd T. J. Titterton, Thieoboldas-road, Red Lion- square, coach-mnakers.AprH 20. E.Martyn, Taunton, druggist-April le, W. Durraston. Worcester, hop-merchanc.-kpril 27, J. Barlow, Merton, mlfwright.-Aprii 13, R.. Ritchie a Jd 3. Bigshy, Deptford, CERTIFICATES to be granted, unless cause be showsi to the contrary on or before April 17. 1. Alecander, Chiswell-street, Flnsbury-square, stable-k eeper.-T. Davids, Kennington.OvaI,,Surrey, brass-founder.-W. Beling, H eter; druggist-J. Mouat, Lower Thames-strett, ale-dealer. General Average price of Wheat from the returns received In the week ending March 20, Is S5a. 11d4 Batley. 365. 1Od.; Oats, 25s. Sd.; Rye, 42s. 4d. I Beam, 403. 7d . PeAs. 39s. 6d. Average prtqe Of frpwn or MVuAcovado Suar,from the returns mide In the week ending ahrc 24, 1i 33. Old. per ewti Prom he LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday, March 27. CROWN-OFFICE, ?arch 27. MEMBER returned to serve lt ttils present IAR tA MENT.
The Times
THRA4TRE ROYAL, DRU!?Y-LA.N'F THIS EVENING, THE MERRY WIE'RS OF WVINDSOR. Sir Joha Falstaff, Mr. Dowrton; Fenton, Ntr. Braham; Mirs. Ford, Miss Stepheils: Mrrs. Page. Madane Ve.tris. To conclude with the grand operatic romance of LODOISKA. T1HE.4TRE RjOYAIL, C) TVE' A ('ARDF.V. TIllS EVENVING.anew Opera, calJed NATIVE LAND; or, The Ileturn from Slaver'. After which, 'I'HR FOREST OF BONDY. THEA TEE ROYAL,s ENVG LISi! OP]RA-HO USE,Strand, oppssitc Wafterloo-b ridge. On Wednesdavysand Frldays in Lent.-LECTrcIi on ASTRONOMY and the PH(EON)NMENA oF the HEAVENS and o1 the FARTH. The first lectture tobedeliuveredl,y MIr. B.AR1LEY, To-m.rrow, March s. leginis at 7. Concludes at 10. A4DEI.PI lT7'HI.A 1'Rls' STRANrD. THIIS EVENING, will be presenited, an entirely new operatic bur. letta, entitled WAGGEIRIES Ir WAPI' NO; or, I;ing Charle-'s Mlerry Days. After which, by particiular dcsire, rill be exhibited the mov- intz Panorama of thc Bombardment of Algiers. To wvhich will be added, the comic ballet of JENTMY OF ABPEtDEFN, or. Love in a Mist. 't'he whole t, ,conclude wsith the adniired burlesque of QUADRU[PEDS: or, *rhe Manager's Last Rick. T'he box-ofice t. opetl ;rom 10 till 4, where phtces may be taken of Mr. Callan. NrEW F.rt_tlfl_ie TFJ,H7ATRE. THIS EVENING vIlt l e Prescilord_ an enitirely r.ew melo- drama, in 3acts, called THE CALAURIRAN ASS.'.SI9N or. The Re- rInse of the Monastery. After which, a new farcical holetta entitled EN,LIS!d PLUMI PUDDING; or, rwo Masters better than One. To onclude I with an entirely newv splenidid and interesnilng spectacle, called ASLAN THE LION: or, Tile Seveti Brazeni Towers of Tepelili. ROYAl. COHVt. TH47HEATRE. For the BENEFIT of 3tr. BRADLEY. THIS FVPVING, will Ile presenited, a seriouis domestic melodrama, railed A FATHER'S GUILT; or, The Victimii's Tomb. After which by desire of a noble patroni, a Scene from the Siege of Acre, in which 51. Bradley *will resume ills mucit admired character of Napoleon, mounited oi the ldenitical White Barb Charger, (Nlarengol. as r.de hy Buoliaparte lIt the Battle of Waterloo. Mr. sltnn's First VWiit to London. To wvhieh wvill he added. BEARS NOT 9EA.TS. To conclude with the favourite melodrama of THE SMUGGLER'S DOG; or, Tihe Blind Boy's Murder. TO CORRESPONDENTS. " TtEOR" to-moTrow, if possible. Il The ptiblication of The Times commence(dl 6t 6 -'cock vester- day Kiorning. andl tinislie(l at half-past 8.
Chilian Finances.
The C.entiuda. a Buenos Ayres paper, gives the foUowing as the state of the Chili Treasury:_ 5UPPLIES. The annual interest of the loan The annual expenses of Santiago Those or Conception Those of Valdivia Total Dollars. * . 400.000 * . 1,026,948 * . Z60,000 * . 180,000 - 1 9 8 .4 8w T WAYS AND MEANS. Tcproduce of the Customs 1,100,000 AU other revenue . . . . 200,000 Leaving a deficit of *.. 666,948 Total -- 1,966,948 It ig said, that Chili expects a great amelioration of her finances from Senor Benavente, the new Finance Alinister, whose know. ledge and capacity are zenerallv acknowletred. CHIMAN FINANCES.
CORN-EXCHANGE, Wednesday,...
CORN'-EXCH.A,NGc, edniesday,Ma.r.h 2S4. With the exception of Oats (of whichi article wse have recei-ed esp- sa-I;ls of 13,000 quarters), our supplies are moderate; still the de. niandf,)rall'k,iids ofGrain thisnmorning isf ery limited.o-fgtotbe reduictioni which- took' place in the price of Flour, and the few buyers that appeaired: niothilng but prinme samples ofAWheat canu support last Nlonday's prices, and of this- kind vcrv little is to be seen on the stands., Oats are niot so brisk in sale as lastMonday, but our prices can hardly be quoted lower. In Barley, Beanls, alsd Peas, there is little doing, but our prices arc nonhiinhl. COAL-NARKET, WAARCH 24. islips at market. Ships sold. Price. 441 Newcastle . . . 35 . . . 31s. Oil. to 40s. Qd 10 Cuonderland I. . 1 . . . 31s. Od. to 40s. ?d. FOREIGN F i ? Auistrian Scrip. 1 2 J 2J 12J pmi. Pruus ed, Chilian. 81 4 81 usi d o 182i, 94j 1 Colornbian, 641 6.5 64j it nsrpin Frenceh Renites, 101 Ex. 25 50 DitMealc I,. Scrip, 131 pOit. Spanish of 1]8213 Greek Scrip, i pm. Ditto of) 8(21. 201 21 INeapolitan, 901 9 1 Ditto of 1a23. IS 171 171 Prussian. (,f ISIS. 98j Alllancelnsorance ComnpnnYShare,, Dltto, of 1822, 97 6 17l17 16i 16 161 17 17j 18 pmn. JOSkPt4 COHE~N. w,, 2. St. Swithiln'Flanp. Lombard-str.eb 3 per ('en. Cons. 944 4 94 E Ex. BiUs, Small, 49 52 pm. Nerw 4 pdrCent., 1Ofl i * Lottery Tickets, ?25 l9s. Impciial 3 per tent., 94i Bank for Account. 244i; India Bonds, 80 81 pus. India for ditto, 2831 i Ditt. B0ll;.2d.j .001lI.,5O49 51 PM. Consols fordito, 94 A ? A a Ditto. .5001., 49 52 pm. T. B1Sl1,Stock-broker, (),jIl, State Lottery Offieg, .1. (enrhill, anod 9. Chavirw..,roe. This day is pulblished, in 8vo, price 45. is board-. 1AIMBR{IDGE CLASSICAL; EXAMATOSa collection of Examiniiations Proposed to CanidtetorC asia Hlonoturg il the University of Cambridge, from the year 189t 83 By the late IEGIhIS PROFESSOR OF GREd J. Nlawnman. L.udgate-street. T hls day Is liublish td, hp ndsc el ys. pri <nt d in vo , 8 ,ith a S ae rds' froi the original In the FloreiL G -r1te 7.d ethraoar, QATIRE DI SA LVATOR RSA, CanNtzeD S Sa Vita, eCol Ritratto. This volume (whCbonnlotizie Dell are printedl forms adesirable sceompanivinse wnhiLchd3 on 2h 0 r opI' es This~~~~~t Lady Morgan'sed newe.6d wIorkionthel ife and Tiiies of Salvator Roae. Printed for Treuttel and Co. 30. Sohid -square. COLONIAL LAWS.-Shortywilbephild.yBldn.Cack ald J(, Pa;ernorterdow THE LAWS of thCBRITISH WVEST INDIA CO- T LONIES, syntheticanly arran ed, containing the Lawvs of the Legislatures of tile different Islands, with the Acts of the Enuglish Parliaiinent, and the Judicial Decisions of the EnelishCux rltv to rth West Irndies. ? By GEORGE ROBINSON, Solmaltor.ca r ti Thi, day is puli.s Lshed, price 12s. -by Jo.n di.ary, 86, St.oJames s;tree,, oposite Pall-mnall, A MOV EAB LE PLANISPH ERE, exhibiting the Face I J. of tIle lcavens for anv iven'I5our of the Day throughout the Ye,ar: as also thieTinle of tlieRising and Settingof the Stars. Designedt to assist thie youlig student in acquiring a knowvledge of the rela-tire situation alid inaies of thie constellations. By FRANCIS WOLLAS- TON, F. R.S. ThisCdaycapAdviced,torBe3itiad IndlaveAolairs- By *-Ts or for the enealiproemen o Wvest IWdaAtis.B .S VNN, formerly resident In the Wes)t Inidies. Sold by Mir. PhtUlips, Georgcyard, Lombard.atrett; J. and A. Arch., Coruihill: T. and G. Underwood, 32, Fleet-street; and J.. Hatelsard anid Son, Piccadilly. TO 'MERCHANTS. OFIES fCSTM c.Ti ay li purb- lished, i vl.Ss'o, r 24s. I ors TVHE PRACTICEf the CUSOS,ScodEddB Twith Addenida, &c. comprising mnuch Irmportunt Inomto relative to the Lax"s lately pasDed fos,WtarcbossDutie Regulations, and Navigation Act. BYJAMIE. SMIYTH, Eq sitn Commissioner- of His Miajesty's Customs. For the accommoaino former psirchasers of this WVork, the Addenda mnay be ha earb1 prIce Is. 6d. sewed. Lonidon, printed for Jobn rdchlardM~ iioa Exchange.
Sales By Auction.
Q-abiret Dutch Picturi-- of the superior Clsss. j[LCHRISTIE has the honiour verv respectfully to -L.Ixotbrmn the Nobility and. Connooisseurs ini general, thatt on Rnturday, the 8th ofMay, lie Wvill SEL,L by AUCTION, at his Great R oom' n Ki tret,Sr Jme,ss-9qiiare, the very select ansd trtuly oefs] teag fHrP. remo ndin the purest states Of preservation, of Ralph Beral,es. '.P.reiovngfrom hi., mansion In Bryanston-square. T1his very1 valuable assemnblage, which hnas been formned withi the. best juidgmnent und at attruly liberal expenise, comprises a noble chefd'ceuvrne by Jan Steen, wyhichL was foirmerly in the collectionl Mr. Schbrnmel. cenritnek, ofArnsterdams; a most beautiloil Calm and Sea l'lece, by 'W. V.de Velde ; a delightful Landscape, by Both, being thie Ferry oi the Tyber; a line Landscape aend (attic, by CouYp, In his best time, a caPItal See-hore and SeaView. by Backhnlysen; :aSeaView, by Van de Capella, onle of the best painlte'd productionis of this mnaster; anillte- no-r, by the very rare mnaster old Franicis Mlieris t a Conver'sationl of Neta.cher, abij,Ooln 0atchleiss beau,ty; thieFish Market ofAinsterdam,t by Zorg, a surprising performance; aird other capital specimens by De Hooge. V. Toil, SIsingelandit. WV. lieris, N. Mlass, with landscapes and interiors by J. Rulysdael, Pynacker, Linigelback, A. Van de Velde, PRiamedes. lirauweLr, Teniets, G. Dow, G. Poussin, C. Dolce, Dusart, s&-c- l.tMacbe view%ed twvodays preceding-. S~h res in the Bridges over the Itivers Ouse anid Derwent, -and in ~the Market WVeightoni anel Bawtry Roads, anid Mortgages nf 7001. and 1001. on the Selby Roads, in Yorkshire.-ByhI.FAREBROTHER, at Garrawyay's, on Thursday, Miarch 25. at 12. In lotss. IX'r'EEN ?100 Shares in the Bricdge over the RiverY kJ Oite. at Selby, In. the West Riding, to Hernfingbroueh. In ths Fast RIding of Yorkshire, payingan anntual dir.1dend of 61. per share. Six shares inl the bridge over the river Derwenit, near Bubwitli ferry, tyigdividend of 21. per s-hare pser annumn. Six 601. shares in the 5ImarketWeighion and Selby turnipikce roads, paving a, dividead of 31. per share per ainunum; and three 1001. shares his the Selby anid Baivtry roads, "A mortgage of 7001.00n the tolls upon the tuirn pike road from Leeds to Selby,hearing intereat at 41. 15s. per cent. payahle half-yearly A moortgage of 1 001. tupon the toils on the turnpike road fromn York te Cullingham. Particulars may be hatd 14 days prior to the sale ol Christopber Paver, esq. Senly; at the Hotel, '5 ork and Leeds; Ang6el Dloncas,ter and Sheffield ; Briggs inni, Miarket Weig!etoti ; Of Messrs; Few-. Ashmore, and Hamilton, solicitors. Henrietta-street, Covent -.garden; at Garxraway's; anid at Mir. Farebrother's offices, 6, Welling ton-strdet, 'Itrand. - 'Valuable Lemsehold Estate, Srutton Ground, Broadway. Wes-tmIns~ter- -By Mr. F.3REBROTHER, at Garraway's, on Thursday, Mlarch 25 atI2, in I lot, A NValuable Leaseholdl Estat,,, consistin I f iht'rC ?L_U_- built houses and shop-s, recenitly put into complete substantla Tepair, situate and bet n, Nos. 659, 6061,6.5, 68.72, 74, aiid 75, in tha~ -commandinig thoroughfare, Stautton-gromid, Broadway,WestrnlIister let to Mtessrs. Chiittock. Blaylis, Bull, Szomeraby. lHadderick, Cosick Colbern. and Blavistoek, respectable tenanlts, part Oin lease, at renit amiounting to, 3741. per annumn, held for S4 yearx at aL rent of 2391 per annutm. To be viewed by permission of the tenanlits, and liar -ticulars had 10 days prior to the sale, of Mir. Robhuisots, solicitor, Park Srtreet, W*sttninster; at Garrtaway's; and at Mfr. Farebrothef'sofiees d, Wellington-street, Strand, removed from Beaufort-butildings. Leasehold Sloneses. IMrshani-street. Wes;tminster, bald at ground relst.-By 'Mr. FARICFJROTHERI, at Garraway's, on Tlhursotsy, thi 23.0m instant, at 12, Iii 3 lots, by erder of the Executors of r D.1vis dfeceased, 'pUHREE Leasehiold Estates, held untler Lord Romney. .A at 4round.ren ts, viz. 9 houises, Nos. 14 and 125, oni the easet ride of Marsham-street, let to M'essrs. Lacey and Cftlcot. at S41. 85. per a0nn Three houses, Nos. 43, 44, and 47. on tile west side of Marsbani.street occupied by Mfessrs. Hutclilson, Faulkner, anid Tennant, at 961. 12s per annum ;and a dwelling-house, No. 42, ill Mfarshi -treet, ani! Nlo. 4, In Fleet'r-garden,, let tc Messrs. liaslop and Thos. Sullivan, al -4S1. 3s. per annum. To be viewsed by leave of thse teniants! particu- lars had I ndays prie,r to the salie at the Kiag's Armis tcavern, Bridge stre4t; at Garraway's; and at.Mr. Farebr.ther'soffices, (, Wellington street, Strand, removed from Beatifort-buildings. Freehold Houses. at Brighton), Sussex - By Mr. FAflE"iR0TPER, ai Garraway's. oni Thursday, the!!Sth inst. at 12, C-ompact Freehold Estate, consiztifle Of four conve- A nethouises, writh fore courtsi and vards Weind, situate at the -west enid of Clarence-,plae, niear Reciysur. Brfigton, now in the occupation of Amesrs. Crnig and Golding, Holiland anid Barber, as yearly tenants, at rents1 amounting to 761. per Rnmmtint. ro be viewed, and nsa ticulairs had, 10 days prior to thie sale, at the Star and Garter, Brighton;- at Garraway's ;. and at Mr. Farebrother"; offices, 6, Wel- lington-,street, Stranjd, remioved front Beau fort-buildings. Diidnso 6,686 13,o. 4d. 3 perst-fv r.FR RO ER at Garraway's, on Thursday-, Miarch 26, at 12, 3r HE Reversionary L,ife Interest of a Gentleman, whose _W life is insturable, aged 39 yers, after tha deathi ot a Widowv Lady, ink the 08th year of hier age, Insa nioletY of the dividemids to arise fruit; the sum of Z6,666 13'. 4d. 3 per rent. consuls, stamndingfin the namle 'if very respectable trustees. Particulars may he had ofWut. HolIt, esq.solcIto. Treausede.srect at(Israway's: anid at Mlr. Fare- bohrsoffices, 6, Wcllinigtosi-street, S.rad,rermoved fron cuot buidinp. Cispham.-risse, Surrey, 3 ie rmtw.-Capital detachied Resi- dence. Ci,aehhouie and Stablini. Lawn, Grdeni, and l'addock. thje ,whole about 3 acres, with possession.-y Mr. FARtEBROTH4ER, at Garraway's, o;t Friday, April 9. v4 ery valUable andI tlcairahie PropertV, leld for a t. 'm of liboit it0 years. ar a small ground rent, and compris- nGAL capi'tal detached uniforin brick btun-t famiily residence, contain- Ing on tl,e jupper Story, 2 spacious and 2 smialler bedroorns; on the first fdoor, aE capital bedr.oom . 1 feet by 14, anid a noble drawving r,iom, 27 feet by I17; :on tthe principal flo,,r. a capital dining parlour, IS feet usc 16, Mm.infli roomn, III feet 1,1 14. breakfast parlour, II feet by 11. serivaTlt.' bedrOont, store roolti, aitd spacious eiitrarice haill fro:in balconiy, aT,d flighit Of 3tePS; the offices comprise capital kit- cheit. israbholose, butlet's room. lautituiry, &c. a coacbhonse sind , -stall stable withl Fll-t over. The house statids at an easy remove from the road, with earriage sweep anid plaittation ini front. aiid at thie back is a spi,elooC1 l2awn, garden, aiid paddock, the whole abouxt 3 acreF. Ti' be viewed 10 days prior to time sale; particulars litad on cite prenmises, at GxrrXWaY's; and at M%r. Fuerel,rother's offices, 6, Welingoo-t'ret,,4rnd,remvedfrom Beatu ort-buildings. Paprbagins.-t M. MRn li. atisi Sale Room0, 20, Skinner stret.5n,w.il~ T-li DAVY. at 12, IGII Hunred iecc of ell inantifacturetl Paper- ~ hagins, ncldin a vriey o ~ieangiactterns, for the draw. ingoon, prior,chaber stit55e &c an tsndry luorders. May lie iewe asi caaloges hd o Mr.Murrll,20, Skinnier-street, Snow 4:ill.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Fo Chyustists, i)truggisti. &.tOk, Cter.sll.. Furniiture. &c. George- street, P,irtma?im'square.-By Mr. MURTIELL, oni the Premises, Jr), George-street. l'ortntn-quate. on Mionday next, at 12. by directioin ofrthe Admini.stra%tri'x 'of Mlr. Jante. Crewdecea.sed. V~IHE relnailling Stock, of Drugs, rredicines, &c. the Tvaluable fittings. a;td utenislie; comprising shiowv glasses, jars, qlaot4rou:mds. lar;esmortars. Ccc.; alsto tbe neat househiold furnitiure of the usu,al description. MaRybe viewedtcemorrow, when cataloguies may he baLd on the prentises, anid Of Mr. Murrell, Skintie!:-stree;, Snowhil!. iedrpery. hlahrdahey. doe as c- r.SMALLnONE, at his, R.ooms,47, Hih5reet, Boomahisry, II or east of Oxford. street, T,r-mrw, Marchl 20. at 12, c1OMPRISIINIG about 60 pieces of fiuce Irish linens, ,Jdiaper. nnd sheeting, damnask table-cloths and napkins, fine cambric, botitbasin, stuff cotton.,silk, satiti, lace, silk shawls aiid scarfs, superfine blue, black, and mixture clotit aiid kerseymnere, 2 doztel of lIne water-proof hats, and othier effects. May be veiewed, and cats. logues had at the rooms. 'Valoabile Iternts,just imported. AIRf . SAALLBGNE respectfully announces to tile LINu,bility. Gentry. Connoi.sseurs, and othe-rAdzmirers of Articles ofAntiqulity, that he has conisigned to him, fur absolute SALE by AUCCrloN, the followinig iitieresting aitd valuable ITEMS, clalmitig patclar attenition. anid whicht, on Tuesday, Miarch 30, and four 1o1. lowin eC11dacs, he still hanve thie honour i.fsubmnitting to thieir liberality, wlthoiitithe sniallest reservationi, at his Rooms, No. 47, Hlghgtstreet, Bloemrsbury. I 1 doors east of Oxford-street. The property- consists of a lnie Collectioti Of Anicient Ariiiour atid Weapons; comnprising several rarec Suits o,f polishied steeLaild chain, partictularly one wvith a flexible 'back and bureast. ofgreat rarity; 40 helnmets of various, formns,curious gaRts, plst,uls, sw-,r s, spears, cross~ bows tone very finely, and elab'u. racely carved by Quintin Muatsys), alboit (30 volumes of rare Hiooks atid Malnuscripts. among whirl; will he found an Illuminated MSN copy.of the Evangelists of thue time of Charlenmagne. an object of high in. terest to the aittiquarians, a folio MIS. in English, a Charter fromi Henry NVii. to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Deain and Chapter of Westminster. attd others. with curiously iliuntinated Calender, &c. in fine preservation. the ratre aiid valuable Works- of Rtedinger, iii sit vOi'urnes; the Works, of Phillip Wouverinans. bY Morcau Raphael's Works, a fine copy; and other curiousn and scarce hooks4. One Huyt- 4dred Greek and Roman Coinsa, rin gout andsilver. inany ofgreatvariety aLnd high anitiqstlty. AS very valutable Cabinet f`210O beautiful Antique Genti. otost of them set in gold ;strings; andI cornprive s,ume of the first class, in cameos saud intitglitis, atid, writh ttle coitis. foirmned the '-olection of thie Prince of Issetuhoi,rr Miniatures and Etiarnelm. hr 'u-undyke. 11ettitot. Oliver. Jannet, Defand. Boy. Jalsiins. and otliers, IL! intercetitig portraits illustrativeo'f Etiglrish anti Foreign History,; And alhout 6500 fine nrawlngs and Printit. Mr. Smallbu,me respectfu.ly assures the mobility, getitry, sitd ptiblic, that the wvhole of the abov-e venimi coietloi ofproert isconignd to liitm for absolute sale, taihou Cie sallst esevatoti Ctalonutee, may he had 10 days prtirto hesal, t s. ac, a hs ofie.47, Hiebh-swreet, Bloomsbury; and he popery vewedtwodys piorto the sale. fjifiat Dellngbo;e, odeti igt fronted Shop, and Ware- roote Jhn-sret. ret mitltt-sreet.-By MrJANIES DENEW, iso sh premies, onTuesda. 23d istnt, at 12, T H easst of a most convenietD eln-ouse, witli lig,'ht showy niodern frinited shp exesv aerooms and pmises, desiri?bily situate. No. 16. oth vssiefJohn.,utrect, Mrea Pi,rtland-street, many yenar in thec oceimpatiom ot Mr. Thonias wilotot, upholder, wrho has quaitted thent onl accti;ntof ill-healtit, audmirabily suited fur carrying on that business, or any other reqitir- log space. combined with great publicity; they are throuighout in the moist perfect a;id comnplete state of repair. hoth substantial atid orns- nucental, hieldi for ani iiiexpiredi tern; ,if 28 years, at a moderate rent, aiid imnimedlate possession eam; lie girent on taking the fixtures at a vs. luation. To lie viewed preceding the saile, printed particulars may be had on the prentiseum: and of Mtr. Denew, at~ his office, In Charles- street. ficrkeley.sqluare. Town Mannsion, H-jll-srreet, Berkaley-square. etahiling -for -sixHorses,1 ~tn1gfor fouir CarriaKds. &c.-l str. JAMES DENEW, on the k1rerniie3, on Wedntesdasy, Muarchi 24. at I, by order of the Executors, A aptland very substantially buiilt ''owvi Mfartsion, staton the north side of Hfll-strect, Berkeley-square, the pro- pet n aeresidence of Lady, Strachey deceased; conmprising good etancebal. ith priticipai arid back stonte staircases,i large dining room, library, dressing rbiom. and walser closets, spacious froxit dralw- lam,ig room cormtarttiieatingwitlm two othier roo,r, by folding doors. amid fomii a fine suit of ttpartmernts, :3 prittcipal bed chambeirs and dress. log r-ioni. with servantis' sleeping rooms on the attic story. The do- mnettle offices are very conventiently Srrntirsd, and consist of homuse- keeper's room,. ser-vants' hal, g'iod wvine cellars, amid arched vaults imi fr6lnt, large lightdetached kitchen,-simliery, panitry, and larders, hack gaden leadiume tol washhouge, latitndry. arid servants' rooms.s stabling for bi orses, rooms and loft Over, sltamidimir for 4 carrIages, &c. This very desirable property is held under Farl Bierkelev for a term, of whbich 14 years are itow unexpired," subiject only to a very smnall grouind rent. To be viewred preceding the sile by ticket,. which with printed latculars may be had Of Mlr. Dene'v, at- his% office, in Charles-street, Nerkeley-s,Iiare;.partictilars may al,, he had at Garraway's. Renningti'n-iarne. near the PloiuCluand liarrowv.-By VOUNG and SON, pun t.he Premises, on Tutesday tilext, March 23, at Ii., by order of the Excecuo0rs of the late Mfrs. Browit. A 1LL the. Geniuine HlouseholdI Furniture, 1-post bed- L__sts.sds, with chintz furnituires, feather bede and hieading, chairs, chest,s of cZrawers, dressing tables, anid glamses, set of otahogany diti- inx tables, szid mnahogany chairs, pedestal sideboard. anid sarcophagus, floe toned sl1itare pianoforte, bagatellc table, wheel baLrometer, a ge- iaeral. Rs.artnO5Ott of Iladles' wearing apparel. fluie table suit lied lieuti, abou 20 ouesS f pate siver aitr,.tankrd,tabemsd tea spoonis, &e. sme nst lss, ets,cnriosoldprins. a;dsoe paintitigs, set of lueandwhfe titl sevic, vrhey o oter turlcre, stud kitchen zesilsits, hichmay ievcure cludayefiseati mirotIng of sale ; catloges aulon he remses an ii te auctioneer, 6, High-street, l4ea Funitre,ChasJwOr~. Tbleand Chamber Linen. Chiita. Glas, atd ~ecs.-B1it. aHOMS. n the Premises, 20, Nelson - squae, lacfriae-r~d,oh Tesdy, arch2.T at12 for I pre- j~-iMPRllNG ahogny 4.-pst sId oherbedsteads. IJ and ehintza cotton ftilnttrcs, capital feather beds and clean beddilg, mahogany' amid Japanled Ivashhatmd -stands and ehests of dralVers, wardrobes, ntiraing and dining roorn stlts of curtainr, in chintz and moreemi Brussels and Kidderminster carpets, stair carpet- Ing, handsome mahoganmy chairs, morocco seat:, rosewood ditto, card and g ufa tables. couch, set of patent dinlng tables, yembroke tables, chimney and pier glas4es, sideboard, hall lamp; ulleloth, cunrinary at'tleies, and varitmts other itenus. To be- rviewvd one dais preceding tbe sale; aznd catalogues had on the Prentises; amid at Ur. Thomas's ofhIces. F oster-lne, Cheapside, -astd King-street, Covent-garden. Excellent Furniture anA Effects,. allng.-tfy'Mr; GRINMAULT, on the Premises, at EaltfAg9 M.tiddlesex, on Noloday, blarch 22, and fol. lov,4ngday, at 12,. ;lo^ d~ Lf. entcel and genuitie Househoftl Ysurtiture, a 4_ drawving room Suelt n blue silk damask, valuable paintings and pr mints, chia, glass, .books, amid other effects, late the property of Admial Sephns dceaed; iomrslalg niahtogasty 4-post, sofa, amid esherl batepans Witho*redded dOitmiCty and cotton furniture, 12 eapital goose and other feiStier beds, efcellenjt mnahogany wardrobes, chests of drawers, dluSng, card, pembrolke, and otber tables and chairs, glasses, carpcs9, kitchein reulsites. a wainecot mangle, Iron roller, gfeenhotilae pimmis, and a variety of valuable effects. May bo viewved, and caalogtes had on thopremises, and of the auctiolleer flrentford-end- CommereSal-road.-A iveU-secured Rent ef ?26 per annum for7O years. --By R. I EAKE, at-the AMlrt,on!Thursday, 5aruih25, at 12, vithout - reserve,- A Respeetable Leaseholds Residellce, No. 7, Grenada- 'A place. Comlserddil-road, planned for the accommodation of a rentee rfLacl'wishb drawinEtg room. dinlng-room, breakfast parlour, .5~tcrscmsen~tchAbry-smd ailtble domeqticofficeS, let to-Miss '~I tlijms, an unetuptloflhllIC tenant, at a rent troducing a clear In- se of 26.1. perniastium and jeld for an unexpired term of 10 yeats 4frosM-,afly .*1 824. T - S be tSewed 4 day5rprSv1oeu to the sahe; par- ticulars may lie bad on the premises, aAo ait the Auctlon M;artwf-NTr. Hbew3tt, soliitor, Toltenhouse-yard, and of R. Peake, zuetioneer, 68, !Ilark-lstneu andl *slthamin-bbey. Entt India Vs.delra.By Mer. H-OGGAR~T, at ttie xt,otia d 'March 03, at 12, without reservInudia - IGHTY-~FIVE Dozen of fine .East niaMadeira., J14i Purchaied In 181fi under the mnost favoutrablecirCumstances, and will be permnitted to- the psirebaserae from a private cefllr III tile city. A.coa Pipeof oldEastlIndia Madeira, lying intheLoodonDoeki. Catalogues at the Mart; and, of Mir. Hoggart, 62, Old Broad-street, Royal Exchange. Modern PlUI;e, ald beaultifuLl Fr,enehl-19& Esgaings. -By Mr.HOG~GARIT, at the lT-Trt, on.Tuesday, March 29f, atUl2,. A Small Sideboard of excellent modern Plate andl PlatedI -C-articles, coffprising an elegant tea iurn; tea and cofre& ots, a itea cddie,tble anid dessert forks anid spoons, soup and sauce li;le, anegsad, liqueur anid other frmiles, wsith cut glasses, tea tra anid waiters,ofdeesntgr stands, candlesticksanbrch, . alo, a col- leto ctfne French engravings, by esteemed masters, recently con- signed from Paris. TVo be viewved one .day previouis to the sale, and eatilognes had at the Mart; anid of Mlr. Hloggart, 62, Old Broad-street, Royal Excbange. Nortbamptonshire.-7Cspital- Freehold. and. Copyhold Tlthe-ire; Estates, nnw let at Rents jtroducing EIOI-IT HUNDRED and FIFTY POUNDS per ANN USI, capable of much Improvement.- By Mfr. SIOGGART, at the Miart, oni Friday, April 9, at 12, . Very valuable andI exceedlin-ly eligible V.roperty. A principally Freehold, and the remaiander Copykold of liiherit ance; coiniprising two capital farmis, con taining together about 46! acres of fuie arable and rich grazing hI trd, the whole of whichl 1 exemipt fromu great tithes; most desirably situated in the savera pArishes of Irebester and WVyiingt9ll, about 8 mniles from Wellinig borough and fiigliamn Ferrars, 14 from Bedford, and 64 from London wvith two excellenit farim houtses, capiaciouis barns, and outbuildinigs another farm house, and numerous eottages, let to Mlessrs. Fro3t anc Mather, wvithi other teniants, a t rent's amountin, lto 8201. per aninum formning altorether a most desir-able property for investrment-. Tlii estate, wvithin a few years, let for upirards of 1,11101. pr annum Ti; lie viewed with leave of the tonants, and particulanrs head I5 daty prior to the saLle, of M,~essrs. Hodson and liurnlianm, solicitors, Welling borough; the inn at Higiramn Ferrars, Swvan, Oledford. the George 'Northampton, : t the Nlart: and of Mir. Hloggart. 62. Old Broad street, Royal Excliange, wDhere a plan of the estate may be seen. Nofl.-The valuable Advowson of thie Rectory ofH Jg Inth county of Norfolk.-By Mr. HOGGART, at the Miart, on Friday April B. at 12, PU HE ADVOW1SON, Donation, Gift, and Free Dispo- JR sition, Right of PatToilage amid Presentation, of, fin. and to th parish church oif Iilgay, otherwvise Helgay, in the! coun ty of Norfolk :omprising ali excellent rectory, or parsonage house, wFith gade;;s and ll e'.ssayiad convornie.t sifces barns stables, andrbuil inigs, atdapted for thie acconmniodation ol a family of respectability also several closes, pieces, or parcels of glebe lanld, thereto belonging coiitaiainlg, by estimationi, 86 acres. And also the tithjes or tenths o wvhatever nature or kind sioever, arising, growing, renewing, in creasing belonging, or In any wvise appert.aining to the rectory o parlih e ulrch of H-ilgay aforesaid. The Advowyson anid liectory ar co-extensive withi the parishi, wicih con taiTis UpwArdS of 7,000; acre of titheable lanid, and is, inieluding the glebe, o tile estlimated value clear of all outgoings, of TWO THO.USAND POUNDS PER ANNIUM. T.he pres-enttincumibenttain his 68th yearx. This iniportanitpropert: is.sittastein apreferable part of the couni,ty ofNorfolk, on the border of Canubridgeshire, aiid possesses maniy locatl adlVaitaile; -,Is distan 2nmiles fromn Downharn, 14 froni Lynn, 9 from Swaffhanm, 6 fron Wlsbieacbi, 26 fromn Clambridge. and about 80 from London. May b viewed, and particular,s had 15 days prior to tCue sale at the Crow; Inis, at Dowohamr and Lyi;n; thie Norfolk Hotel, Norwich : Ran In;i, Newmarket; An-gel, at Oxford ; the Hoop, Canibridge; of?kMesar; Gregaon asadl Fonneresu, wolleltors, Angel-court, Thrognmorton-street Mr ilward, solicitor, 45, Aldermaniuiry; Mtessrs. Scott and Son. St Mildred's-court, Poultry; Mlessrs. Aspiniall a;id Jackso,n, Furnival's inn; at the Aulction Miart; and ofs Mr. Houggart, 62, Old Broad street,fRoyal Exchange,whiere a map of the parish nlay be Insected. Grosvenor-place, Hyde Park-corner.-Capital Leasehold Estate, not; yield ing a Net Rental of about ?312 per aninum: heald f,,r upward of 70 years, at a small ground rent.-By Mr. HOGGART, att th Mlart, oni Fridayl, April 9, at 12, by order of the Executors of thi Itev., John Henry George Lefroy deceased A Caitalandsubstantial [rown Aesidenic, wvith coaclil ?t. h~ous~e mud stables, Nlo. 36, Grosvenor-pilace, o;i lease to Job; Pulteney.esor.which expires att Chrlatm;is,I82S,at arent (if3361.19s.6d per annumz: field for upwards of 70 yeaLrs, at aground rent of24l. pe. annum. The house is well built, anid conitainis niumerous berooms decat dawig aid dnin roos, ibrry,and offices of every de ecrptin, nd n eeryresectadatedfarthe towvn residence ofI famlyof esectbiity wth talin, oaehhouse, a;id man servants roos. ii s vewe byticetsoiiy, ithperiisicn of the tenant aiidfurter artiular i;d ofMesrs BiesaduIlter, solicitors RedLio-sqare attheMar; ad o Mr htggat,62, Old Broad An Imnproved Rental of ?E91 Per aLnnum Net. aiid aniply secured upa; a House in Bledford-,quare..--.y M5r. HOG6GART, aLt the Mart, oi Fridhy, April 9. at 12, A Ne IlICOMe Of ?g1 per annum (luring the Life of JLGentlemian, residing in Londoai, whlose life is niow insured, and arising from a capital residenice fi; Bcdford.siquare, held for upwtards o 550 years. at aL ground rent of 91. per annum, and let ORa lease at a lo%% rent of 1001. per annurni, for which a large prenilunm was given; a lie expiration of the lease the house would let for at least 15 01. pci ainnu in. Particulars in due time of Mr. Healing, solicitor, 20, Law. re;iee.lanle; at the Mart: and of Mr. Hoggart, Olel Broad-street. Capital and extenisive Pre;;iises, Miark-lanie, with early possessio;;.- TIo be LET. oni Lease, for aterm of 21 years, to the highest Bidde; of a;, Annual Rent, by Mir. HOGGART. In the Sale Roomn upon th( Premises, oni Thursday, April 15, at 12, THOSE very colriplete and superior built Premises, it- ,rone of the first situations for business, No. 48, M.ark-lanre, eon sitigOfi a stack of substantial brick-butilt bonding warehouses, o. six floors, exclusive of the hasement, each ahout 56 feet square striongly timbiered, A;;d equal tei any weighlt or goods-, a light sal; roo,m, about 33 feet lonig, excellent coitnhoiss nd spaclou! yard enclosed by foldinggatem ; also, a capital family residence, en;; taLinii;g numerous, bedcliaimbers. dinhig and drawing roomns, hreakfas; parlour, paved hall anid stone sEairca-se. and suitable domestic offices' icr 10 Mle!srs. Cooper and !ipratt. wvhose tenancy expirere oni the 25t? Mlarch, 1824. To be s-iewed byeards, (bietween thelhours of lOanid 4,~ which wvith particulars mnay be hiad of Mlr. Hloggart, 62, Old Broad street. Ri,val Exchange. Particuilars also at the Mart. Norfolk.-Mhipdlhani, between Wattorn amid East Dereham.-Capital FREEHOLD and TITHE-FREE ESTATIES, E'xtensive Manlor. writti valuable Fines and Quilt Rents over upwards Of 100 HOUSES ant 1,300 ACRES of LAND, a valutable Advowson, and a Farm x; East Baddenrharn; the wYhole let at renits, and lof the value of TH REE THIOUSAND POUINDS _per anntum.-By Mfr. HOGGART. at thi Miart, the latter end Of Aprni. in lots, by direction of tke Trus- teesq of the late Most Hon. Charles Mlarquis. oruwalis deceased. Ver vlualeanti(dessirable F H E-OLD ESTATE, Au-n Nithin a ring fencee, five miles from Esat Deerhan: and Watton, 17 ftom Norwvich, and 97 fromn London; teon. slAting ofthreecapital Farm,s, chiefly exonerated fronm titlhed, znd conl. tainlag in the whlole 878a. 2r. 33p. of Ine latnd, of which about W6 acres are ini richi ,ieadow anid pasture, and the remaiinder arable, with 3 excellent fstrn; heiusesleAapac;ous barns, extensive stalling anld cattle lodges. anid numrerous Outbuildings. ;iowv or late in the oee'upation'01 Messrs. Lock. Peck., and Cordy. subjiect to leases, at reckts amonustlog te ONE THiOUSAND TWO HULNDRED alid SIXTY-FIVIE POUNDS per aminuso. A valuable FREEHOLD FARM. Ini the parislhes of Shipdhlanm and Fast Baddenham, a short distance from Lot I, and betwreen Watton and East Derebamn, ei;nsitting of 272a. 2r. I p. of fluie arabic a;;d rmead,,w land, lying within a ring fence, writh Railiff's Housie. Barns. ,Sta,bling, andol);tbu~ldingI let toNMr.Joseph;Bougharl, wAith Lot 3.at arent ;if THREE ll914NDRED and FIFTY VPOUNTD6per anin. A well built and substantial MODERN RESIDENCE, near t he Church. in thle village of Shipdbami, with walled aierd.n, stablinug, eoachhnuse. and 5a. 3r. 27p. of capitail lanid. Th. capital anld exten-sive MANOR of .SThlpdhatn; consisting of about 101 mcessuages~, and 1,305 acIres of copyhold lnud, both subject to arliitrary fines up;ii death or alienation, aiid a royalty over the whiole parishi, containing 4,2i)0 acres. The anso,intt of these quit rents and fines upoli a fair Rverage is about TWO H UNDRtED and FCIItTY POUNDS peraisinulo. The I'ERPETUAI. ADVO0WSON and Next Presertiationi of the Recory01 hlpiia; cnsitin ofabandsome parsonage house, rouh est nd latd. ontinilg iumrous roams, eleganit dining and rawig ronis oficesof verydesriptioni, pleasure and kitchen garens wih sverl Icloure ofglee land, of between 40 aiid 50 acre, wth hegrat nd malltites rising.fromi between 3,000 aiid 4.100 cre, l;iliyarbic Th w oleo the value of about ONE THOUSAD TWO UNDREDPOUNDSper aiinumn. Subiject to thje life of the preseult incumbent. Ma b viewed by leave of the respective tenants, and particulars had at the Norfolk hoteI,NorwIch; at Mfrs. Ratelif'e's, 'rhetlord;, at the George inin, Derohami; the finn at Sbipdh;am; the Angel inn, Bury; of M essrs. Wyatt, Son, and Urttoni, Brome, near Eye; of Messrs. Francklin, Howve, andi Hepti;i- stall, solicito,rs. Lincoln's-inn; of Mir. H-oggart, Old Broad-street, Rtnyal Exchange, Loindon ; and at the MarL. Mir. Dominic Fassana's Stock, of Bath andl Cheltenharn.-By M6r. WIL.LIAMS. os; Tuesday, Miarchi 23, atnd followving day, at 12, by direction of the Assignees, NLI, the recoveredi Property of the saidI Bankrupt, con-. slaiting of hand".ome French clockcs, niounted In or-mnolu, bronize o,rnamecnts s;id figures. beautiful porcelain seve and Dresden Oriona, a variety of expensive dressling cases, fitted wvith silver appaLratus, work boxes, retic;iles. writing desks, elegant tortoiseshiell tea'caddies, numnerous faticy articles cif foreign nuanmifaeture. jewellery. steel orna- mients, coral anid pearl beads, plated articles and ciutlery, stationery, perfiunery, &c. Tui he v-ievved oni loniday preceding and mor-ning of sale, and catalogues had at the Maart, anid of M'r. Williams, Trhrog- mortoni-street. Well secured Net Rent, of ?351 per anunum, arising from a Dwelig hiouse, andest,ablisbed Baker'sShnp, St. luke's.-BiyMr. WILLI'AMI at the Mart, on Friday, Mlarch 26, at 12, 4Leasehiold Dwelling-house andI Shop, tIe corner of LI. Old-street, St. Lukhe's, let on lease to Mlr. - baker, for 21 years, from Midsummer, 1821, andt held for a term of 95 y-ears. May be viewed and particulars had at the Mart; and of Mrt. VWiliIanis, Throg- m',rtonii.treet. Mir. HM'ls Annual Sale of Painted and Stainied Glass.-By Mlr. WIL.IA MS, at the Auction Mtart, on Thursday, April 1, at 12, ABeautiful Collection of Painited and Stainedl Glass, .'T every particle of eoliour buirnt lam, suitable for drawing rooms, libiraries, conservatories, &c. after tAe followving masters. viz.; VWeirotter Wilsoni Jraw;er Panini[ Te;;lers Sir J. ReyRolds It. Hillis De Witt -~- Rosa Ostade Guido Rent Schalken M ey ers Pether Vernet F'hilemon. &ec. Tei be viewed ti,c day preceding and morniing of sale, ai;d catalogues h,rd of MY. Williamns, Throgmorton-street. Witltin-hpo,n-Th'Iamnes.--Freehold and Cupyhold l.and.-B Mr. MITCHEL.L, at the Old Crowni Inn, Market-place, Kingto,; Su,rrey, THIS1 DAY. Mlarch 20, at 2, In; 5 Lots vwIthout reserve, IGHTEEN Acres of Freeholtid and( C,opyhold rich Pasture and Arabic Lauid, eligibly situlate at WValton, half ar mile frn Sunblumry. o,ic nifle and a half froin Moulsey, anid tbree fromi Hampton; tithefreea,ndlatnd-taxredeemed. Partie-ularsmay be had ait thie C'rown, Wat1ton'uipon-Tham,es; old Crows;, Rings,ton. WVhite Horse. Suirlimry: Red Lion, Hampton; Crown, Twickenhain; George, Houslulosv. King's Arms. Hamptoui-court; of Mr. Clark, s,,iicitor, 2~3, Newgate-street; and of Mr. Mitclhell, 7, NTortenfatlgate. . MJr. S. Brett, bker,Walton-upo,n-TLhamers, will showss the land. Six and Four-light Cliandeliers, elegant Cmmt Glass, Chilla, aind Plate-d Articles.-By Messrs. DAWSON and CAFE, at theIrSpacionis Rooms, -Great Marlborough-street, on Tues5day next, and followvIng day, at 12, TJHE genuine anid elegant Stock of Glass anti Chins, Lcomsprusin-g 6 and 4-light cliendellers, 'Pedestal lamPs, elegant cutrlas, In decanters. caraftz. tumblers, wivicae, butter, and sugar basins. fingzer cups, winie coo,lsrs, dessert services, &c. t 20 ironi stonie and Islruc aed white talile services., des,sert and tea sets, vaise;, and or- namental eh!na, plated cruet and liqueur frames, candlesticks amid branches, waiters. &c. Mlay be viewed 2 days previous to the sale, and catalogues had._ Geniline Hlousehold Furniture, Brilliant Toned Square Pianoforte, a few fine Painitings, Plate, L.inen, Foreign Chiina, and mmumeronga other Effects, removed fromD Richnmond for convenience of salle.-By Mir. EDWARDY MANSEL.L, att his Spacious Room, 36. London-wall, opposite Moorgate, oni Monday, Mafrch 22, at 12, without the least reservatioii. -A LL the genteel Household Furniture, comprising~ c~amp and wardrobe bedsteads. goosefeather beds, mattresses aiid beddilng, mahogany chests of driwvers. dressing stands, dining, pier, pen;bc,ike, and other tables. set of dra, isig:r.om chairs asld couch to iimatch, malhogany and japanned ditto, large Brussels and other carpets, mahogany bo'ase, foreignl china, and miscellaneous effects. May be viewed on SaturdaY and morning of sale, and cata- logues had of the auctioneer, .5 amid 36. l.ondonwill.-v Edmoatoni.-Ellgible VIlla Residence.-By SRARLEB and BOURNF, on the Premises, on Monday siext, M1arcn 22, at 2 preciscly, by order ,f the Executors of Mfr. JaJnes Deboos deceased, A Valuable Leaseliold Property, comprising a desirable LA3 and detached residence, with law-ns. shrubberies, kitchen gar- den, greenhouse, and grapery; alsoacoachhouse. stable. and other outbuildings; .a Piece of rich pasture land adioining. and 2 cottages, 'With gardens. This property is held by lease foranunexpired term of 24 years at Christmas last past, subject to the very,low rent of 301. per unnmum. Immediate pi,isession will be given. 3May be vlewed by application o;s the premis*s, wvhere printed particulars my be had; at thelnns In thc neighbourhood; of Messr.Webster and Son, solicitors, Queen-street, Cheapalde; or of Messrs. SearleandBourne,3, Wood- street, Cheapside. Edmonton.-By SEARLE and BOURNE, on the Premises. on the Road to Enfleld Town, 8 miles fronm Lendon, nn Monuday next, March 22, at 11, by order of the Executor of Mr. James Deboos - deceased, tll]E genuine and entire Houselholdl Furniture, 20 doz. superior port and lvhite wvine, plate, linen, rich cut glass, a valuable paintifig, anid elegant chimney glass and mnirror, grcenhouse platnes, f'arnaing InsPiements, 2 stacksi of bar ;nd oats, -and other effects;' consisting of Brussels carpets, 'see of xMn,aogarry dining roani chairs, a set of m"Sallgmy.dining tables; card tables, 2 sidebioards, SL vualu;~ble pointing, solalAojny fraimed, hrsebair~ sofa, a mahogany secretaryand bookcase, a vAluRb1e ~hlmnev glaes in ,rIeh gilt frame, :maliftany 4-post annd tenitbeadr,ads wlthebimitz fimeriture,rmatteesses,- goose teatlier bedS,. said bedding,: mahsoeany- chats of drawvers, ja- gtnased chairs, Ven'tilaQ and EJddermainster carpets,--a soat bedst ead- &c. The plate, &c. eoamprlses'atc;ippt, o-012 pat, giavyf table, 'ana teapoos, adls. Walehs.-ric cu gass, ching,and earthenware, bedandtabe lnen abachet loc, sidthousualtkircben requsilteS, hzewng tbs ad eaks~ strng blltfarrming earp, plou gha, bar' rows 2 sts o car haress,9 ses ofMfiae )arn"ss5 gard,en tools, dair utnsis, nd the~'dfe~s. it-y b>elwedtwo days phreviousi 'andmorulneof 515s ilddtabgliemmuparteu1rs.'had at he onn I;;thenelbbsirood uon ilereities;andofSeArle aneLBourne, P'ree.bold U-tate. MRrIn' , nnin.atretLiV-'rWINSTAIMRY .and F:ONS, -at the Xart;,-n-s'r1dLy-1%I9ch 116, 4~t 12, ~jaInab1Pe O-n pio'iiable Freehold; Estate; consistine& ~ooilu~ dwThog~ouse,with c0flittlngliousce an stac~ o- .areousa 4 th ocupafonbf Messlis,46sephs Greeni, seint and Go, d ltaefr a ~m of wich6 yeara are unexp ired, at a lowandoldren ofCul' 101.perannm.To be viewed Dy I-ermis- clond' tetclant. Prnte pariculrs ay be liad of .IVin. Groom, itostet-rw.. - lar; and of instanley and Sonis, Pater- Leatsihold Irnpro'rdNtRn f41 O,prAnl..3 WIN- sTA NLEY a ,SL ONS,a h Mart,con Fria,Mrh2,t 111, A Leaseliold.lroprve Nt Rent of 46.6. e num, L.issuing out of and secured by 6 Dwellin-oss n rmises, iNos. 17, 15, 1 9, and 20, Anln's-place, H-oxtoni: knd 2 others, In Norris strieet, adjoining; oni lease to Mir. Jenkins for the whole term, wanting afew days held for 9S Years. Prinited particulars m'ay b'e'huad of Mes! s. Vandercoml an-d Comyft, solicitors, Bosh-lane, CaLnno-tet at the?.Mart; anid of Winstaule rand Sons, Paternoster-row.'p-tet Stoke Newingto.-iljapirladcmoi detnehed Resldence,wjth offices, Coachhoue,Salng adn,and I0 acres of Meadow Laiid.-By WINVI Ly n ON,a he Mart, on Friday, April 9, at 12, A Valuable Copyhold Estate, c-onsisting of a most sub- fLstantial and lsoost comrnodliotus Residence, sitnate in Chircht- street, Stoke Newington, abtojt 3otAIiesdnIy flomn the RoyalftExcange, adapted for a large and respectable family, placed at a convenilent re- Imove froan the road, froni whici It Js 3creened by, a newv plantation of thrivIng shribrs and evergreenrs; conitaining a capital eating room, aboutl 23. feet by, 168; drawisgrooim, morningF parlour, handsome en- trance halt pavefd with.rufarbie, Principal and secondary staircases, 5 Lfanlily bedohambers,2 dressink roomis, ladies' sitting roonmi 9 secon- dairy and servants'echambers, kitchen, scullery, butler's pantry, lauin- dry, mangling roomi, anid all suitable domestiq offieces. exceUlentiteliar. inig, &c.m spacious carriage Yard, wvith double coachhouse.5.sqtajlstable,t and harie-ss room1 extenslvelawvn and gravelled wvalks, wvalled gardeat, -with green and hot Ilouse.4 &ce. farin and rick yard. wvith cowliouse and outbuildings, anid 2 ps,addoeKs of rich mieadowv land, the whole con- taining about 1-2 acres., To be vieuied by tickets onily, wrhich; wvith printed partienlars, may be had of Winstaniley and Sons, Paternoster. row; particulaxs also at the Mart.- Woburni-placs, Russeli.quaravsuable Lea-seholdEsae producng a nlet iienicm of 771. Per annum; mand at Leasehold Hose Chael- place, Long-lane, Berinondsey.nBY WINSTANLEY ndsoN at thfe Mart, on Friday, Apr11 9, at 12, A Valuable anti very desirable Le4sehlod Estate, oftering _j.a- most eligible opportunity for Investment. consisting of a most commodious residence, situate No. 27, WVobirni-pliee. Roast-il-square, conitaining amnple accommodhtilois for a respectable family, In the ocetnpationi of Johii Finch, esq. who has recently agreed for a, newr lease of :31 Years, at the very moderate ient of I1051. per atnunus, held -for the remainder of aL term of 99 years, whereof 76 years aire uriex- pred tagon eto 1.pranm. Also it new built Lease- holdDwelln.hoee,beig N 7,Chael-place, Long-lane, iBermond. sey, ontau;ngroonv wIh gaden,in the oceoipatioln of MTr. Noble, at 61.perannm, eldfol 64yeas, t agrouind rent of 71. perannuim. The ous InWobun.pacetb b viwedby tickets only, byo permis- sion f til tenat, 10dave recedng te sale, wlsic. withI printed tienarsals attheMar~~msialeyandSons, Paternoster-row; par- tDulw-ich-colnuion, Sarey.-ustac it Family Residence, with Coaech- I house, Stablingu, Offieos, Gardens, and a genteel Cottage.-By NVINSTANLEY and SONS, at the 'Mart, oni Friday,-April 23, at 12, bysorder of tieExecutors of Thomas H-iullah, esq. deceased, A Leaseho d detacelled. Family Residence, moat delight,. f1L full situate ot. Duluivich-coinmsron, commanidlug the beautiful scenerty the adjacent hills, i the neatest order, anid fit for the im- mediate creception of a zenteel establishment; cosuprlssog dining'and -drawinsg rooms, mnorning parlour, 3 principal, 2 secondary, and 2 servants' rhausbers, dress"ing roomis, handsosnetentramiic hall, kitchien, -washhonse, nsan's chanmber anid domestic offices, coach end chaise hiouses, stabling, proddetive gardens, lawn, carriage aweeU,,s& Also a very neat cottage detached. buxt yet so situate ais to be apted either for letting or occupation, should a familly require more room: -it contains 2 good Parlours, kitchen, wa-shhouse, and a bcdehambers: heldrfor aterrn,whecrcof years are unexplred,st trilling annutl ground- renits. To be viewed 14 days Drceedini, the eiale by tickets onlY, wvhich, wsith printed particulars, mraybe hakd of Mesirs. Willis. Barver, Wats0on, 4end Villi s olicitors. Tokenhouse-yard. and of Winstisnley atnd Sonsg, Paterno(ster-row. IParticuilars also at the Grayhound inns. Duilwsich and Sydenhaum; Golden Lion, Camberwvell; aLnd at the Mart, I Prehod Etate, Mnores-B WISTALEYand SONS, at the L Auctioni MAart, on Fridy April 23, at 12, in 4 lots, I ERY dlesirable Freehl Estates, consisting of a spa- V clou% house and prermises, with stab,le, &c. occupying d very extensive site of grouind, situatte Nom. 41 and 42, in l4aydont-square, exteuidlpg to and lhavinig a coLmmunicationl wtith Slheepy-yard, in the Minories ; now uuoccup,ed, and early possession may be hiad. Also, tlve otherniessuage, adjolmilng, being No,. 43, 4-1, 45, 46, anid 47, in Chiurch-street, a considerable thoroughfare, leading toHaydon-square, In the several occupations of M1%essrs. Taylor, Davis, IRing, Coronel, and WVood. part on lease and p art to yezirly teniants, at rents aniouint- itgo 1021.IlOS. per annumio. Hos. 41 and 42 may be viewed 14 days sce . hg-ale by applying on the prctinlses;, and the other houses cmsonof the respective tenants. Printed particulars may he ha f Msss Blle and Brodrick, solicitors, Bowv chuirchtyard; at the Mart; and orfWinstanleYRand Sons, Paternoster-row. Too'-ting. Sur-rey-valal -reodEtte, consiistingp. of a respect- able Fariflle Residence, Cochouse, Stubling, Gardens, Cottage, and Paddoek, containinig pwrds of 3 acres.-Bly WVINSTANLEY and SONS, at the Mart, oni Friday, April 23, at 12, _Valuable and yery desirable Freehold Estate, coiisist- A lg of a respectable residence, called the WVhite House, plea- santly situate at a convenient remove from the road, at Tootiiig, In th -uyof Surrey, abouit - miles fr-mn the bridKes; containing ever a gnteel fantly, withcoahuiuse, stables, bn,cottage, producetive gairde;i, and paLddock. The wvhole contain- lug about 3 acres and 35 perches, in thieoccupationi of Thos. Holmies, es;;. oni lease, which expires at Michaelmnas, 1826. To be viewed 10 days preceding the sale, betuweens the hours of I1I and 3. by, permiqsoi,i of the teniant, wvith tiritets only, which wvith printed particulars may be then had of Messrs. Swreet, S'tokes, andc Carr, solicitors. Basiugniall- street; and ,f lVinstanley and Sons, l'aternoster-row; particulars ailso at the Buck's He7id. Mitcham, the 'Mitre, and the Wheatsheaf, Tooting;, the White 1,on, Streatham;, and attheNMarL- e~r-kshire nerWnse liglble Freeh,Id Estate of 214 Acrex, exonerated from Land-tax, and inipart T'itbe-free.-By WINSTAN- LEV and SONS, at thie.Mart, In April, at12. in 2 lots,by direction of the Assignees, AN eligible and very improvable Freehold Estate, con- .CLsisting of tworn farm2s, cotii, together abouit 2114 acres, siu teinte towinibinofSrsot a inhalet of WYesteolt, a ve,ry rich aLnd fertile part of the county, of Berks, in the immiediate vicinity of miost excellent markets, being about Smiles from WVantage. II from Farincdon, 13 fromillslsy, 15 fromn oxford. Marlborough, anid Huinger- ford, and 63 fron;i London; In the occupation of Mlr. Job? Kirsrhan;, and Mdr. Sansom, at low reimts, acuiounting to 2801. per annuim. To be viewed by permission of the tenants., printed paLrtlerilass triay be had of lr. Allen East Hendred, near IaN'ta e; at the principal limen at WVantage, 'Walt-i;g-fordl Faringdon, O~xior. Reading, Ness bury, and Abingdo;l; at the Mart; of"Mr. Tustin, golicitor, Newr Bridge-straet; and of Winslanley and Sons, laterpioster.rowv. Hier~tfordshir~eand Esee~x.-Vxtalsale Freehold and Copyhold Esiates, upwrards of 375 acres, offering amost deisirable property for i;ves-t- mnent. being nowietats-erylon'rents, arndsitstatemn the immnedi- ate viciNity of Lord Dacre's anid Mr. Wilkes's preserves.-By WIN- STANLEY and SONS, at the Mlart, in 'May, by direction of the Trustees of Samuel Poile, esq. deceased, IXTERY valuable and improvable Freehold and Copyhold V Estates, situatenin thie parish of Bailey, In the county of Herts, and parishes of Crishall and Chishall,'in the county of Essex, 12 miles fron Cabrige,2 fins arkay.12 fom affon alden, S fromi itoyton,and37 fom ondo, c nsitn sf2arhoses, with cot- tags, ars, tabin, ad otbild;is,yrsan sundrl,inlod- soresof madow,pastre, aabic andwood ln,ctaing alto- arthrabot 37 aces ad 56perces,in the cuaino Messrs. Willam adjosiuaJdd, s yerly enats. at veyls et. Due notie ofthe ay o sal us-th frthe paticulars will bgien In thist HueldFurnituire. Piano,forte. Countuhos D is,ad Effects, Austinfriars.-By Mir. PULLFN, in thieea prm;ts onl the Second Floor, at 27. Alnstinfiriars, on Tedy ac 3 at 11, HE remaiiiing Heusciold Funtr,paoote vith audditional keys, countinghoiise dkscoynmahine, table clock, and effects, of Henry Disdier,s. goe othiHiahua; con- sIsting of liediteads writh furinitures, bd and besdding, mahiogany, sideboard, drawvers, bookcase, tables, chis glasses carpets, and use- ful domestic articles. May be viewed on onday anld morniing of sale caaloueshadon te pemis,;andof Mir. Pollen, 80, Fore- Billard ahlelly r. NWTON on he Preomises, I, 6itre-street, Aldgae, onMondy, Mach 22 atI2, wvithouit res,erve, T H REcaptal ell-mnufatuiredi full-size'd inaho- .gmiy Blliad Tbles on of hemequial to any In London, bails. ue,maces. racks, &c., a gasnieter padefaumes, brass hbirners, copperxandironyJipe, a lew- lot,of furniture, and effects. The tables rosy he inspecte at any tiune previou"s to the sale by tickets, anid ptib- limely s-len-ed the morniing of sale; cataloguzes miay lie obtainied on the preimiseks; at Hlatchert's hotel, Piscadilly; anid (together with tickets) or Mlr. Newton, auctioneer and appraiser, 39, Cornhill. Hfousehold Furniiture, small collection of Painitings, old China, anda Effects.-Fish-street-blIl.-BY J. J1. HOP WOOD, on the Premises, 21, Fish-street-hill, oni TuesdaY, MaRrch 23, at II for 12 o'clock. T pIL Fuirnituro comprises tent bedsteals- and furni- ALttire, featberbeds and bedding, mnahoganiy chests of drawsers. dining, card, anxd penbroke tables. celleret sideboard, mahogany framted sofa, s4et uf mahogany chairs, kitchien utensils, slid effects; also a small collection of pictures by, esteemed miasters, a fewv lots of old chinia, and otkser articles. May be viewved the day preceding and miorning of sale; catalogties had of J. J. Hopwvood, auctlioneer atnd surv r, symond's 10Inn, Chancery-lane. HissehlilFunitture and Effects. Maize-hill, Clreenwvleh.-Biy M;r- ,rEULON, oii the Premnises, Maize-hill, on Monday, March 22, at 12, P'1VHE HouiseholdI Furniture, rare old Cbiina, aliid effcts, U. of a Ladydeceasnd, inceludIrng 4-post apd field bedsteadlsand f,sr- nirue, pime oos feaher ed-smatresnex, blankets, atnd quilts, capial mhogay aricls, i dln;mg,car, anid pemibroke tables, chet o dassers lrgepir gasss,basn tands and n!Fht cor.ve- ilince jaaned nd ster hais,Brusel ad Kiddorminsaer car- I pes ard harthrug. ilareoth,sto es,leders and fireirons, kitchen requiites,arid therartices My tevieed ont the mnorninig of sale; cataogue on he remies; t G raays; and of the Auctionieer, Green-end House, necar Henssel Hlempst,ed.arid Gre-at BsFr~khampste-ad, Hert.-By bMr. CREED, on the Premnises, on Tuesday, Miarch 23, at Ltenatandl cenujucn Housebold Furniituire, a fine toidsqure pianoforte, a, fewv imterestling cabinet pictures by Aberhn;, Ostade, Both, Murillos, and other esteemied master ; valua- ble hooks and books of p-rints, cormprising a complete -set of Hoigarth'n Works, wvith book of explaniation;- Cook's atnd other Voyages, wvithi pla,tes; Rees's Cyeloalidia, 4-c.t capital douzble and stiigle barrel f,w,llg pieces and pistols, a set or microscopic Instrumenrts, a drasr- lug camerme obscura, richly cut glass, anid miscellanerous aLrticles, dairy, slid brewsing uAtensils, garden reqtsisites, a niarrow wvheel cart, a mar- ket itt. scarimm hefer lader sudr-y impleremits4. and various othr efecs,theproert o Maor rasr,leaving Green-end-house, iiitheParsh f ieme llmpseqd Hets.Ma' be viewved on the day frecdin mid mrnig o sae-,andcatloges had at all theprnpa in he sighouhoo; a th Aution Mtart;, and mitt theoffi.e of llt. ree. Heel Hmpaead,HeFta, and 15. Tolkenbouse-yard, By PEARSAL,L, JORDEN, and Co. on the Premises, No.21, Muscovy- court, Trlmnity-aqsare, T1ower-hill, on TuesdaLy. March 2-3, at 11, by order of the Proprietor, dowecurtainis, isofas, handsome Greeian couches, card and sofa tables, a brilliant pllateschimney rlass in hanidsomnegilt frans)e,plate 58 inches by 54, mnirrors, a capital set of dining roomn clalir, chests of drawvers, a mlsofaty bokcse,libArytable, a library of bocks superbly bound. conainngsom vlu%leworks. amiap or Germany, In a niahogany sprng as, 8fet b 6 ee 6 ncses aditto of Europe, ii; a black fram, Sfee;by , an soe oters a apital 8-da y bracket clock by Bayly, wetherglas 'ith imepiee, a fine toned 'pianoforte, a vioU, a oubl refectig miroscpeIb Dolloiid, andt sundry other effets. o beviewd th dayprevous nd mrninofs'ale, wheni cataogus mybehadon he remies;a;s attheoffcesof Pearsall, Jorem, an Co 15 Toibldg-plce,Newroa, ad 7, Woburmi- To Car penters, Builders, Firewood Cutterst, &e.-Ship Timber, Fire- 5l-0oo, aiid Building Materials. Camnberwcll.-By Mr. SOUTHEY, upon the Premise3, late the Glue Factory, on the Banks of the Surrey-canal, opposite the New Church, Caimberwell, on Mtonday, March 22, at 12, to clear the premises. A Quantity of Ship Timber, Firewvood, &c. comprising A) about 10,000 feet of oak plaRk of various thicknesses, 5,000 feet deck and other fir planks. 15,000 feet oak ground joists, posts, rarin- ifigs, ec. 5,000 feet- fir seammriimmg, sash cifl,s oak and fir led-es and paimigs, beams mind tiberst fir and dlm boards, new oak plank %oards' and slalbs, 30 fathom of oak and, Sr firewvood, and other inaterials. lily h vesrd osedayprirt th saemandcatlouesatthe Albany airm,Abeve .redo a,datYtPhe?trictklaey5earsi^ Anrmes. Sousthampton-street; Boil in,;1 Peekham; and of MI-: Southey, i 91,-To\oley-streeL. Live and Dead Farming Stoek, excellent Household Furniture, large Chiinney Glasses, Lbrary Bookcase. Paintings. &c.-By fr. SOUTIIEY and 'lr. DOUBFLL, on the Premises, Broobhurat, East Gmrinstead. Sussex, oml Thursday, April 1, aSid following day, at 12, by order of theProprietor, - I A LL thei Farming Stock, Householol Furniture, &c. Z:C,compriling 4.excellent draught borses, 1 gig horse and saddle horse, I thoroug bred stallion, a colt, 2 gigs amid harness, 3 cows, 16 heifers, 2 steers, 2 yearlings, sow, pigs, waggons. carts, ploughbs harroWsi, C&e. a quantity of- posts; timber, and wvattels, meridow hay, brewing utensil-, consisting of coolers, mash tuns, back, store casks, butts, puncheons, 4barrcls, dairy Utensils, &c. The furniture; &e. consists of excellent mahogany .4-post and tent bedsteads and furni- tures. goosqe feather beds and bedding, chestk of draverl'S, set of ma- hogany dining. tables, diiting- and drawing room chairs, tosewood card and work tablits, Brussels and Ktddermlnster carpets,-3 ch'imney glasses of large didnensions' hanidsome sideboatd, library bookcase, 3 sets of whi;dosg-eurtalsis, gllteornices, telescop, -agic lantern, ammitings, prlits -ltibrasy of books imlr exeelleilt islndwin" - ambngst vhich arvhe works of Pope,.Pinda, A4dJsori-AdaanSitbth, ook's Voyages r,>lark's 1.'.ours, Shaw Irarcls, Pxlestley's Works, Hunme suld- :SmoUiet' England, !dassrto6y's lDmba7 .hn'iLSd othtth, chiha, glass, ,kitehetireqnisitee, and other efests, blay he vieWedonedhy prior to the sale; and catalogues lsad-the-principalIJ nsin,tbeneighbour- o.?d5tancd of hL .Dojubebyll, etstIoeer LISfeld, Surrey; and of E55BX~rlj~. ~anor Trms, 1aqid-t;x Rtedesme, in Redtorfisl Tithos, and,~-Prse nf. - Rdtol~lTl~ga,with, mimediate: polfeeS9fbr1..y-- Sir_ryREsT; At Garraway's, on-Thursday, AprilIs,.-atl12, in lots, A Valuab'le- andL tery - rnprovablc Freehold Estate, I IL situate In the parishes of South Benfdeet and Thundies,lev, fin the county ofEisek about5 3miles fromn tsilefgh atnd 7 frQm South End, and bounded bay the lowver road fromn London to that place; cormprising TWO MOST DESIRABILE FARMNS, free of rectocialtithts. tailed-KENT's HILL and SOUTH DENPLEET HALL, conaig together about. FIVE HUYNDRED ACRES ' of- Prodixetive arable, meadow, an-d rich- maiash land, with aL sninal wood, lying. very compact and conitiguous to each other, with fatrm- houses,- eottages, and suitable outhuildinrx, nowv In'hanid. Th'6 estate particuiarlymerits the attentiobs of agriculturist;, irons th'e Ereatfetiity of the xoil, which might be still highly improved yudrdaning, and from its contiguity to South Frenfleet wharf, where the produce may be conveniently shipped for the London mnarkets; anld lime, chalk, anid manuire received aLt a very easy' expenise, as the wrater warriatge to or from London takes only one tide. Half the purchase mnoiey may remain on motag.T be viewed 28 days preceding the sale, by applyju o Ji.i aoia Kent's Hill Farm, of whom printed particulars mytebeadparticulars also at the Golden Lion, Raleigh; Shp Oteird hl's hotel, Southi-end; King's Head, M4alden; The Cus teihser; Black, Boy. Chelnsford; Unicorn~, Rornford; Facn r sn; of J. B. WVilliarns; esg. siolicitor, Sbrewasbury Mes.Clr, Richards. and. MTedcalf, solicitors. Chancery-lae odn a atwys and.of Mlr. Forrest, 87, Alderagate.eret Lndn whr ln may' be seen. Freehod Dair Farm lissex.-By -r ORS,at Grral -a1y',on Thursday, April 1,5, at 12. in I lot, bY order of the Devistes,, A Valuable and coimpact Freehold Estate, exoiierated JJ_-from land tax, called Gibbons, flUsh, and Ember1ind's farm, situate at Eppln- ,Long-green. in the county of Ess.ex, 3 miles from Epping, 6 fromnWltx Abey, and 18 from London; consistting of sunidry iinelosures of richi mead ow, fiasture, tarible, wan 16tood lanid, lying wvithini a rln5: fenice, containing altogether I 10 acres, wvith a farrm houste, barn, stabling, and out-buildings, yard, and garden,ln the omen- pati-neof Mr. John Rurmbell on Ilease recently granted, atatnet rent of 1671. IOs. per annunm, for the first 7 year.Ns, ith a proviso that the tenan may ontiue fo e'frthertermof 7 years, on ainLg 1-921. 3s. per nnum To e viwed y aplyin tothe tenan't, oF wNhoam printed artculrs ay e hd; artculrs lsoat heCock, Epping;te WorSws, al- Brihtn; esrs.Stven ad Wod soictor Ltte St. Thomas Aposle;at Grraa~'s an of r. orret, ~, Adergate-street, Genune -io,chod Frniure,a llUurd able, and ~Effects.--ly Mr EDWVARD FOSTPER, at his Grea:1 Room, 14, Greek.astreet, S0i,o square, THIS DAY, aLt 11, A.LL the gqnuine Houisehold Furniture, consisting of A.prilne goose feather beds and bedding, 4-post and, tent bed- steads with ihangings, niodern m;ahogany chests of drawvrers, 1russelts and Kiddernsinster carpets, dining room and Parlour chair's, a quatil. tity of excellent floor cloths of various patterns, prints, a number of p)rass locks, and various effects. May, be viewved, and catalogues had at Mir. Edwvard Foiter's ofrice, 14,_Greek-street, Soho-square. Freod astacs8B Nlr EDWARD OTR a arwyi3 Meonday, Aprll 12. at 12 for I, ACapia Freehold Estate, eonsisting of Three Dwelling.. _hossand a stack of workshops. Occupying at considerable plot of ground, and having frontages in Drury-lane and Great Wild- street, of thie annual Value of 1 951. Particulars maLy behadl of Mesisrs. Allen, Gylby and Allen, Carlisle-street, Soho-square; fi t Garr-aey's; on the premfses, and at mr, Edward Poster's o eie, 14, Greek-street, Sobo-squayre. pluescr. Piortrnixn,sq,irexur- e and 7Efet--..y r- r SQUIBB and SON, on the remises,on Monday, tbe22,din3t.atl2, "P HE Household Furniituire and Effects, comprising a -A large chimney glass 70 Inches by dE, two liet ditto 86 Inches by 23, a set of curtains for 2 drawlIng rooms, wvFth sofas and c'hairs, a granid pianoforte by Stodart, a capital mahogany pedestal sideboard, a set ol dininig tables and chairs, besteads, beddIng auod chaLmber furni- ture, cut glass lamps, kitchen articles, ad other effects of LPAdyStiles, at hier late residence, 22, on the east sdl'dcof Glouester-plsce, Portman- s'quare. To be viewed oni Saturday, when eatalogues may be had on the premaises, and of Mtr. Squibb and Son, Seville-row. Yaltiahice Freeholdf Propeer y. in the StrandI7Bsckinghamnstreet, and VIIIlers-street.BHy Mtr. SQUIBB and SON, at Garraw-Ay's, on Friday, the 26th Inst at 12, In O lots, A .Valua.ble Freehold Estate, in good SitUations for .LJ_trRde- compriang 5 dwelling-houses. with sihops,I Nos. 37, 38, 30, 40, and 41, in thse preferable parr of the strand; 2_ free pubilc- houss,kownby se sgnsof te Pinc's ead auid the Granby Head, and therpreisci in neknghaa.sreet and VllIers-street, the whoe lt t rspetabe tnats,at owrents, on leases which expire in fe yers,whe th retalmaybeconsiderably incereased. The premses ay e viwedwithleae oftherespective tenants, and prItedparicuarshadof esss. arrandFoster, 28, John-street, Bedfrd-ow;at he laceof ale an ofMr. Squibb and Son, Valal eshl rpry ntenrhsd fteNew-od d joinig theReget's-prk..y Mr. SQUIBB and SON, at GarwY's, le compact brick built Dwelling-house, sevtory aLnd large dn pleasantly situate, No, I, UnIonplace on he noth sie ofthe 'eu--road, tdJoinm-the-Regent's.. par, I th ocuptIo ofCatain Kater, whose termn expires at Lad-da. Te etae i lesehld oran unexpired term of 50 years, from ifisumet nxt, at a groun rent of 131. per aunum, and pre- gentA a most eligible opportunityt builders and other specuilative persons, asit possesses afrontage; of13 feet towvards the New-road, and is 94 feet Fn depth on the wrester sid. he premises may be viewred with leave of the tenant, an patclars hiad there; of Mr. John Hiurley, snlicito,r, Mill-s~treet, Cnutsreet; at the place of sale; and of fr. SquTibb and Son. Savlers Tavitocsquae~Fegs0 Reidene, ith oachouse and Stabling. and Leaehol Hose, IChrotstreet, Bloomsbury.-Br Mr. SQUIB and ON,Rt Garaa's nTesday. April 6, at 12, In 3 los, y oderof he Exectrso th aejania iWilliams-on, ess. PiNHE ubsantall bultand very complete Leasehold U. Reidenc, No.2. Tav srcqiiare, late In the occupation of Jae Wliso,eq.deas, contaIning 6 excellent bed chamn- here drssig rom,water closets, 2 handsome spacious drawinx rom com;ictn by folding doors, a large dining room, library, enrnehi,soe staircase, and convenient offices in the base- n;enit; hield fo an unexpired termn Of 73 years and a half, at a ground trentOf 421. per annti;m.Alo a cosebhbouse and 4-stall stable, wvIth dwsellinr room and loft over, In Inner Tavistock.me-s; held for the like term, at 8L 8s. per annuin. And a very neat and convenient leasehold du-elling-house, No. 4, or; the east side of Charlotte-street, Bloomsbeury, in the occupation of Mkr. Woolley, at 8'IL per annum held for an uniexsired term of 27 years. at a ground ren,t of onlY SI. per annum, yielding ani incomne of 76iL per annum. The premises can onl bevIewved by tickets, to behad o; Mr. Squibb and Son, Saville- rowr, oKwvhom printed particulars may be had 10 dlaver preceding the sale; also on the respective premises; and at Garravw~ay`s. on Wednesay prl28, at I, 'iHE Perpetual Advowso to the Vicarage of Bentley, Tli the c'nisnty of Sutfolk, with the vicarage house. glebe land, and the srmall or rs-tictal tithes, arising from about 2,700 aceres of aLrable, pasture, and wood land, subject to the life of the present incumbent, of the age of 49. This livliig is discharged from land tax, and pays a free rent of Ss. 4d. and svnodaIs ,mf 2e. 4d. The value of the vicearage in the King's books is 61. 3s. 11I d. Seictley Is situate'ion the turnpike road fromi London to Ipswich, distant from the former 63 miles, and from the latter 6. Particulars m aybe had of Messrs. Cart and Forsters, 28, John-street. Bedflord-ronv'; of Mdessrs. Joeiselrn, Sproughton, near Ipswvich. Mt. Bann, solicitor, lpsswich; and of Mtr. Squibb) and Son, Seville-rowr, Londoni. Suff~k Manr andFrin ApryNiT. SQIB nd SON, at Garraway's on ednesdy- ApIS,at I, l i1 lot, HE valuabl MVanor of AMonksohiamland Woodcrofe T hall, wvith the quit rents, fines, rlghts,and prtobts due on death or alienation. Also twromost desirable freehold farms, called Monk-- stihain Hall and Wooderoft Hall, comnprIsing good farmhouses, barns, stables, and convenieist outbuildings, with 33a. or. 7p, of rich arable and pasture lanid, within a ring fence, togeth erwNIth a cottae as the samne are nowv in the occupation of John Scatchnewv and Johnt,HaLm- miond, usost respectable tenanits,on leases, which will expirein March, 1825, at the aminual rent of 5051. with the annual quit rents amount- ingto 151.5.da. 1.on anjavera! c,of 21 years. The lanidtax payable Is 281.4s. onksham s wl~du mIe.s of Ealsuni, 4 from Trenu- makt 9on,suronde by goodayrod,ainhalhealth and pleasanty pArto thiounty ofu pricun r appniy, itorNyI c NsS.Jo Sey, Sprughon GneralLtrurelsc, Bwoere u of thibenestate mengayberseen; of auertiosckr Sfavikslle-rortrdfombwn.;ilcuigriiaSc B vole.; Chronique de Mionstrellet; COcceii OoerA Theologics, I10 vole.; D)ance's Portraits, 2 vole.; Encyclouredia Londiniensis; Cook's Voyages; Crahb's Techinological Dictionary, 2 vole.; ,vaipy's Delphiin Classics, 47 vols. large paper; Universal History, 65 vols.; Nic!holz's LiterarY Anecdotes atnd I1ustI-atlons, 13 vols. Also, a select collection of chy. nsieal apparatus, Vc. Tube viewed, and catalogues had, price Is. eacti Elegant oueod urni!Mture, Chbna, Glass, Table and Bed Liiien, Cellar Of choice old WIne.s, and EffeCts, late the.property of Lieut.. Genieral Bridges deceascd.-By Nir. SAUNDERS, on1 theoPrefmi1ses, 13, Upper WVimp.lc-strect. corner of Devenslitre-street, on Friday, March 26. andc following day, at II1, by order of thie Executor,, LL the genuine and valuabl Household Furnituire, lcomprisingmdrawing room. dining parlour, and library furniture. Iiiure cdBrsel arpets, mhgn chairs, booIkcases and tables, japanxned and gold drawsing-rooms chairs, sofas aijd conches writh handsome chiintz covers and windowr curtains en sutite; bedroom re-. qitiieites, In miahogaisy 4-post awd other bedsteada w iith atiltable hang- ings, excellent seasoned goose featherbeds aLnd beddingt, mahloganiY wardrobes and chests of draw~ers. Grecian bai hll amPS and chairs, pier anid dressing KIasses, a capital 8-day chime cl',ck, rich cut glass, linein, kitclieii utensils, and effects.. The Cellar of very chloice old Wines,- about 70 dozen of the finest flavour and qjuality, contsisting of Madeira, Sherry, BUtcellas, Port, Chagnipagme, Claret, constantit a. &c. The furniture to be viewead 3 days preceding the sale, and the wvines tasted- at the time Of sale. Catlogoses lied oil the premises; ofl%lessrs. Rig.ge and HMerrifield, Cook's-oourt, LIncoln's-inn; and at Mr. Saunders's office, 39, Fleet-street. Upper Vinipole-street...The capital Falmily Towvn Resi-deace ofrh late Lieut.-General Bridges, with Double Coachhouso, anid Stebhing i for Six Horres.-By Mrl. SAUNDERS, on the Preniiaes, oil Friday, Miarch 26, at 12, ba order of the Executor, ise~Towvii Residence, No. 13, on the east sideo' UpperWiimpole-street, corner of Devonshire-street. The principal apartmenits consaist of an elegant and lofty stilit of draw- Ing roomis, cominusitcating 1y folding dboors, a spacious3 eating-teem, a gentleman's room a nd lIfbraTry, nuinerouis best and secondary bed- ch ambers, %rith Yery siuperior domnestie arrangensents, perfectly adapteil for the accommodationof a noblemani's or gentlemran's famoully of the first distinction, wvith a double comehhouse and 6-stall stable; the wvhole in excellent repair; beld for an unexpired term of d2 years from Lady-day, J824, subject oinly to the original ground rent of 1SI. Ss. 6d. The prenisisee may be vIewved wiith tickets; particulalsz hRd oui the pseimses; of Messrs. Rigge and Merrifield, solicitors, Tooke's-eourt, Lincoln's-inn;t and at Mr. Saunders's office, Z9, JItet- street.,swhere tickets to vliew may be obtaIned. By Mr. SOTRIEBY, at his House, wellington-square, Wa,terloo-brIdge, Strand, THIS DAY, Mairch 20, at 12, rHE v-ery select and elegant Library of the late Rev. -LD. F. Pryce, LL.D. of Bradfield, necar Stainning-tree, Essex;l a1- eludilig, follo-Norunin Testanmentuni Grieeum, Griesbach, 4 vola. in 2, ele-anit In morocco; Poll Symmop4sis Cr1 ticoruin, ,5 vols.; Biblia IlebrAics, Kennicott, 2vole-. NMackiln's Bible. 7vole.;-i umme's Englaiid,-lO vole. Biowyer's editiosii valpy'-s Greek Thesaturus, all puiblished, Daniel's voyage rouind Great Britalis;FPortraits of the British Poets, 19 isunl- bera, lrge paper. proofs onlindiepaLper, &c. IQuarto-.Fo!rbes's oriental Itrture, 4 Vols-; Maurice's% Ancient and Modern -lindosta n, 5 vpli- rissais;Harris cud Donovan's Tusects, 4 vols, green) morocco; BOYle'g Worka6vol. rusia;Calmt's ictinaryof the Bible, 4 vo,ls. rusXia; hyat's iralus,lare paer,2 vis. luemorcco;Livl Historia, Draenoreil 7 on. vihn;TactiOlles Brtir, tm.morocco; 9 tm. ussa;Baservll's lasics rled 7 ol. mroco;sophoclis Opea, roukll 2 oha moocc, &. Otavo_VirgiliI opera, Heyne, Foctter's Arabian Nights, 5 vols. yellow morocco; Den Quixote. by Jarvis, 4 vols. morocco- Locke's Works, 10 vols. russJi; Delphini Classics, valpy' T edition, large Paper; Beauities of Enkland and Wales 27 vols. large paper, &dc. To be viewed, and catalogues, price Is. hai at the place ot sale. Valuable and very Improvable Freehold Estates, at and near Barking, Essex. ifR . IPRICKETT respectfully informs thc Public, 1jL that the SALE of the FREEIIOLD ESTATES at Barkinr, ad- vertised to take place on the 24th (if Mlarch, Is unavoidably POST- I'O:NiD till further notice.-41, Castle-street, Hlolborn.Marcdl-S.1824, Ashford, near Stalnes, Middlesox.-Valuable Freebold Reaid,tnee, and 40 Acre- of Land, a capital Farm., snd other desirabliloses of Land, e*onerated from Land Tax. and exeupt from Tluhes.-By Mr. PRICKETT, at the Mart, on Wedn*sda7', the 24th day of Miarch, at 12, InPS lots, A Select and highly respectable Family Residence, with tllawn, pleasure grounds, sbrubberles, plantation walks, and prouctive garden, a bathhouse,greenhousa, eoachhouse, and'stabling for 6 horsess-granary. cowbouse, and other- approprlate-oihees, a gar- dener's cottage; together with several closes of eXelient.nmadow and arable land, surrouniding the mantsion,,contRirang nearly 40 acres, In the occupation if A. Dowvnes, esq. .Whoso tern expires at Mlchaelmas, 1824. A close of exerni-ely valuable lanid costlnting 42a. 3r. abutting on the-turnpike-road frorn Staines to KIngston, with exteiislve frontate for building. Also tro-remarkgblyrlen-clos4s of old meadow iind, called the Sextona, contaiin upiwards of iacres. The vrholC situate iu tbe.higbly. evesed -vilre of Ashford, lddle- sex, I mile frot,m the great- western road,2 mBle& frbm Stusmes atd Sunbury, 4 miles from . -Hainprof, f fromn Twickephars; and 14 from London, vitlSexc.Uen t roads and.-drives in.every dir.tetons .ilay, be vieweed, the mzanelom with ticdet fs onl', 4nd pFlht tt partitislire may be had on the p remiss.; and of-tr. -JoasPlh-Willhn7Aeshford: the Dog, Bmldtohtt thne Red Lioon, Stainewaajsdjiounndow; iAowverpot. SOn- burY; Bell, H~pton: ;iTmg't.Hend, 'IDv-ckenbanai of Messrs1 Dunn and Wordsaworta, solicitors, l'hrea4needle-street; at the tsueioa M art; and of Mlr. Prieketi, Castls-streot,-HoThord,' .k4a1eslnti~n70sih(d ~rurnittiro, WIng&i VW&rfobd' c~k*,Flf * LlbrVAryTables. t4aen5 China Glass.gnd mlspellaoeous Effecta.... .mr. Wa STEVBS. at Mindeie Rdonsg, Chancee?y-7dnb, on.VkIti 'day, Mtarch, 24,.at 12, by order of the Executors,-- suIperloi genuine H6iisehold Furniizire,cnssA 'T fMmAhoganY agd jaPdAdnned 4-poit, 6ent:-.and haM , Cnsterne steads, feather.beds an.ed g maopny wvingeol wgrrb,h bf' uawes, dessng -tablles aind'stans il usl adKdegnise ca t, edr andie-irdols, ruiewood landiis ,mHogrse Mill, a1.fn pemboke ablS,etop of handso ieginahogary dsning rof whch~ chia, lae, ksciss uprlitrde, apiond oihc'seLetsn.o 0,0 Mabre~ie', one ay pevlsss.o ber sale catlogers h atres the. 0 plaet of oo' of M. Wi. Strigs atonee andos appraidseription1 Jewrtleedd Lamb'-conduit-street.tile, a apiand-2kbors Valu~ Stck o newand ld BildigoMaerfialurs, Horse Mild, Ilniw &c. Depford.-B air. W. STEVES, on t onPremie5 Valal N Coe-ten.ild EStokt,Ston of Bidn Matril d llo ohf th areuof -alumost superior deMrips. cosisEting t 20e',00 onk Thurlodofsund tpri22,bter, In girdes,rats,&.800 etofor In bArds cARiLin Copvholmostatever esitutepton *fetton,'Midge Voadleng, w.0 irebikshaing1uie and t lawn e, aff capnr itaroakt hosrsbe mill otulety. tor veeban-el egneal es,p.huslflxtfreesl, befirecood,oid Ma bnersetd nce,hedoy-prevtiousrofotheraley,sand ctalogues hadontes phouse,stablind anof di, nlaet Mr. i. tves Gacihoneer.An naptraotr,age Vesiuenle -Cpnod Estlatges re, SItnn the ocuptiony of Mlhidonesex, or Th esidencAre2, ait pl2, in l rots, adn adr,le o,[ L ABteneet sopable.ad Egatdes, lotuate r CatisUtAnfmjdy.. resdenex withgotins In thies of jitown, offor Dingbaroos esirabee Ienheretitane hareldo Itheo mwerkof Otenapey, mubeaduclt to trfi ines ceritain, Aondian ofM a sbstntilfn f amcyresiad2penche, with coah. hocuse,atbiong,f Muid gardlen, oi wease tocMrs.pGLlig. A npaeofatottage aresidnc and -etat large grdent,munInthe ocupwation ofMr. Chranner. cottage veidenwed, anth patlearsu grouds aod asss gardn, l.etrtor AWto. A tevnement,ctable,r and gaprdien, let tld JeMry as an famil AJewtov.eAn ane Grehn-ark containng t Hcres end-2 earhes,a in thle ocption Freofd beri Sacld . Leasewe renpwable ao epaer oft abu 21e.er tacres,.-nd let RAt IrNts, at thenAnction upards on w91dnerdy Mannum M1,ay be , wiethd anmdiparticulosshadiof Mess win .y Cals Prs,Asi HuTer ds.litorle Houede,ecvaery sheeofully ~~~~~o teestidofClarges-street, close to Piedjiladcomniiea nntri - to Frehold beinohel ond Laserenewabled form ever,atca Fieor car- tain-lyMr.RAIN, attheaution watrclst, on T Wed esdy Maerch 31, a 12, ith mmedite Posesson, ro-trc;a teA ?~sIuat, No2. n th eathsIe suhedof C Bressrke, clse torPic venint itchns,hot arendolpath,wapter cLoaset,lde ToResvidewedac tiltesal, andeprintd prIouarsthad, S14days precedINg, of M iesss Aumithond Lawrt, on Weders-dAy, ?TArhrogor1nstee;it th ih medate- -ILs Marla for of ter.o R2iny,r8, thamdeae so gredofBe rkeley-sqtuare, NoIi,o h otisd fPiccadilly, opposite the Green-par.ptlLaeodRsdnrekan houses,a 4oelos,adYu-stall stbeSob iwdtlltheB Mr.e adrAinY,d patrth A,uction Mad, 1 on daspeedineg, Marc 31, atmies 12, With Immedates Lin eln'inforlda atemo th2 yuears.natarmodeateo g,rs.o Reint8,situae so.t e15, on thernorty-sidaeofPcail, oppo site the Green-parkt' comprtlfind-plcelthnt dinetinge ariou nd lIbrary 2iiso draweing roo hsan rooms,w Convenentdfibstcets, ncludioug Faahouv and4lugendry ofach-s wihCahoue n -stalle sntable. nogb viewedtill the sae,m anr prSte par Llnmall gousneds ret, the pruertyn-et and ofersiec Mr. talsy, , th tsout coadgfer Temley-squar ee,appsted.-harle.stRAIYet. t %k ortlandneplace, thswest sid, and12 winth me diviesionsbetweeDuhe AVery substa-ntial and spacious Leasebold IResideince, A teto -a family of distinction, very desirpbly situate, No. 65l, on the svest uldeof Portland-place, comiprising stone hRll, anld 2stone slareaxes, eapital eAting parlour, library, and third room, 2 lofty par n3 atts. a rangce of very complete offices, coach hiouse and sbtbling. The purehaser may, If desired, have thle use of the house-~ hold furniture ori this season. To be veiewed tiU the sale by tick-ets, and printed particulars had 14 days preceding; of 'Mr. Rainy, 8, the soutls end of Berkeiey-.squsre, opposite Charles-street; particulars of T.H. Mortimer, esq. Albany-court, Piccadilly; at the Mart; and on. the premises. The late Cooe hrton's Twn Residence, in LTinCol-n's--isrnl eids. formeryLr Ka's v,u'r ad n kno wn as the Verulam Club- house.~:yM.RIY at the Maten Wednesday, Mlarch 31, at 12, bydrcino the Devisec, TH E Reversin to a valuable Freehold Estate, dlesirably- -A_sitateon hesouth side of Lincoln's-inn-fields. comnprising tt spacious manusion, formecrly the residence of the Right lion. L-ora Renyon,hlatt.orly of Colonel Thornton, and nowvin the occupation of' the Veruli Cub, with other premise-, fronting to Portugal-street, inx the occupation of Mrs. Standage, the sri-ole on lease at a rent of 3501. per anuni, which rental the purchaser will become entitled to on the, demise of a lay, aped between 40 and 60; and, as the premises are- capable of div[isin into sets of chambers, It is presumed, is-hen the, lease expires, a Considerable increase snay he calculated upon. This premises may be viewed 10 days preceding ths sale by permission of' the Club, between she hours of 19 and 12, oni application to the Stewvard, and of whom printed pArticulars may be had; particulars also of Mr. Weyniouth, solicitor. S, Child's-place, Temnple-bair1 at the Auction Mart; and of)klr. Rainy, 8, Berk-elcy-squIare. Spacious andi Yqry v-aluable Freehold Prens ises, extending from Long-~ acre Into Hart-street. Coventjzardens, and a Freehold House, l Hart-streert---y Mr. WVILLOCK, at G'arraway's, on Tuesday next, ar- 12. in 2 lots, by order of the Representatis-eS Of Wiin. Francis, esq... deceased, Lot; 1. AlLarge anti valuable FreeholdI Estate, mnost fIL. desirably and advantageouslv situate, No. 52, on the south side of Long acre, extendin into HaZrt-street. to which It lIes aL frontage of nearly 70 feet, and fo rmerly known as th e WVhite Hamt Tavern. The premises conitain rery spaciouis warerooms, workshops,. lofts, timber yard, stable, saw-pit, large open Yard and cos-ered yard, for a great number of carriages, together witb a carriage way Into, Long-acre, a-nd are aLltogether, and have beets niany yearg in the OCCU- ption of Mr. Stubbs, coachinaker, at a net rent of 1751. per annum. Lot, 2. A Freehold House, No. 29, in Hart-street. the corner of Leg-. alley, In the occupation of Mtr. Clarke. on lease, at -401 per annumn. To be viewed till the sale wvith leave of the tenants; and particulars may tbe had of Mlr. Lane, solicitor, 39, Bedford-rn-n-; of Messrs. Gliddon and Walton, solicitors, Girdlers'-hall; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Wiliock, 25, Golden-square. Va~luable Lease,hold Houses, Totter hans-court-road, Tottenhans-cuurt, Georfe-street, Southamnpton-place, New-read, Sidmouth-street, Gray s-inn-lane-road, and Somers-tcuwn.-Bly Mr. WILLOCK, at G-ar- raLway's, on Tuesday next, at 12, in p lots, by order of the Repre- sentatives of William Francis, esq. deceased, TWO Leassehold Houses, Nos. 1126 and 127, ins Totten-. Tham-court-road, ini the occupation of Mlr. Warne and Mr. WVad- more r another House, No. 13, in the Newr-road, Tuttenhain-court, in. the occupation of Mr. Harden; spacious Workshops Li4oining, in the occupctiois, of M5r. Elliott; a House. No. 4, in Pa-lace-ro,w, in thie oc- cupatioi; of Mr. Poultonl; a Houise, and WVorkslhops near thereto, in Johnx's-place, in the occupations of Mir. Thorzitous; a caipital Houise. Coachhon,e, and Stable, the corner of George-street, Soutliampton- place, in the occifpation of Charles Varmuham, es%q.; an elegantly iflusished House, No. 4, in Sidmonths-strect, Gray's-inn-lane-road. In the occuatin o Jon Frd,eat; ad aneat House, No. 10, Somers- tohn-trrae;altgeterat eryimrovable rents, aLmountng to, ?300 er anum; nd th tennts sc chefly on leases, wvhichgare neary epirng.To e viwedtil th sae, with leave of the tenants, and artiular ma be ad o Mr.Lan, solicitor. 39, Iledford-row; ef Mssrs Gliden nd alto, soicitrs.Girdlers'-hapll; att the {irng's Hea, Tttehas-curt atGarassays; and of Mr. Willock, 23,. CabinetSi, Clockcs, Plates of Glass. Porcelaine, Chandeliers, and miis- cellaneous Property.-By Mr. OXENHAM, at his spacious Rooms.1 353, Oxfor6-street, near the Panitheon, on Tisesday, iext, at 12, by direction of the Trustees of the late George Gillow, esq. UPERB Cabinets of Ebony, Tortoiseshell, and Japan, ISa noble ebony and rosewood armoire. reisner comimode, enceig- nemires and tables, jewel caskets, a finely carved ivosry troplhy in a tor- toiseshell cabine., musicatl and huxhl Clocks, a 24-li?ht asid-a lb-light or-mioulu chanidelier, candelabras anid girand.les, Valuable RomaLn and. Florentine Mosaics, Dresden anid French tabule and tea. services andt ornaments, old carvinps, and inumerouis eft'erts. May he viewed on. MondAy and nionron-g ot sale. auid cnaulogmies had at the room,. Small LeaseholdEstate,inWNell-a~tr-eet,Hackney,.-y Mr.J.MlU5GROVE, at Garraivayls, on Monday, March 22. at 12, In I lot, by ordtr of the Executors of Mir. Thom as Little ,iecsW,ed. WrIo brick- built Houses, containiing 't rooms each, J*_Irth gardenis, situate nearly opposite the residence of Dr. Frarmptonl, in Well-street, in the parislh of Hackney. held fort 13 years. ata5rousnd rent ofr30s. and yieldng a netrer,t of 221.1Oa per annisni. Plarticulars on the premises; atGarrassay's; and of.NMr. J. Musgrove, auctioneer, ire. Hiackney-, and 161. Shoredlitch. DTal~stota-The -First Part of the Leaseholdi Estates ot Mr. Wlilians Hoheysett, a bankrupt.-By Mir. J. MIN UGROVYE. at Garrassvay's, on Muonday, Miarch 22, at 12, in 3 lots4, by, order of the Assignsee VTERY eligible Leasehiold Property, situate in Park- -Vroad, Dalseon. In tl,e parish of Hackney; land'tax redeemed; colisistirig of It respectable res-idences with good gardenus and fore- courts enclosed, and also a, valusable plot of garden groiund behtind. The sihole held under Messrs. Rhodes, the freeholders, f,,r about 60 years, ;st very small grouind rent,, and estimated to produce 2401. a Year. To be veiewed till the sale; particulars on the premises; of Mtessrs. Ashley and Goodman. solicitors to the commission, 23. To- kenhouse-yard;- at Gairrawusy'b; att the Auction Miart;- and of Mr. J. Muegove,auctoner, tHackney, anid 161 ,-Shoreditch. Leasehold Property, Bloomsbhury, aind St. Pancras, held for 76 years, at small Ground Rshts.-By Mfr. JT. MUJSGROVE, at Garrawsays, on i.tnda. Mrch22,atta,iii2 lts,bydirection of the Adininstra- N elgibl Lesehod Etate cosistinig of a brick- but,il A Houe an Sho, No 31.in LttleGuildford-stroet, Berniard- stret,Rusel-sqare le o lese o ar.James Cottrell, p lumber, ire atthever lss-ren of30guieasa yar and a brick builit house, No. , Mrgset-ow,arcinot-sree, Burton-creseent, let to Mrs. Carke, a respectabl yearly teniant, at per annum 301. T'o beviewed till the sae: patclr on the premises; of Mfessrsl'rebbuitt, solici- tors, 21i, Austifirs; at Garraway's; and of Mlr. J. Musgrov'e, Hack- ney, and 161, ShoredItch. -Neatly new Furnitutre, near the Tutnpike, 4isimsrmil-. B, Mr. GOME, n te Pemies,oh osiay ext, daccs22 and following~ A LL he natandclea Houehold Furniture, a 5-feet- 3-inh moern panih maogasy sideboard. comnpletely tdtted, up, apianfort, a et o modrn mhogay dlnsier tables, 8 feet 6 ill. by 3feet6 i. tunedreedd lgs, ierand chimtrney glasses, ass 8-day tabl clck,In sndssns roewod ese,inlaid vi-it butli orzuamexsts. imitatOiol of artfcia flwers,cnpsd f shells, glass covers anI 8-ay Clock, a fess- book,aot10oncso plate, amrong wvhich J., arich chased isliver tankard, I aod ath afe%5- prints and paint- lings, chinia, glass, and the usulasrmn foueodunir, ilae the property of a lady deceased, at the WhtCoag,orhsd of King-street, near the turnpike Hanunermth Tobveed catalSotseshadosi the premises; Coach and Horse,NwCuc,i the Srnd; Kensington coffeehouse;. at the prinigofc,ret foird; and of Mlr. portune, atuctioneer and appraidser p nse ih To Slkmnercers, Linendrapers, Haberdashers, Grocers%, Chees5emongers, sad Others, requiring spaciotus lighit Premlgeca-By TA fRtANT arid CARTER, on the Prenilses, -No. 252, H4igh-au-eet, lioro'sgh, on Monday, March 22, at I' o'clock precisely,'by order of the.Exetutors of the late Mr. Richard Wardifl, ~UHE valuable Leasehold Estate, comprising a d lible- fro te, lght spcius,hansom Shp id oovnle. 'iwel- l .I oghue is eial iut o n ealbsns.-pN be viwd-adparuiculars hiad of MessIrs. V andercoul and Uoin s..; oIlf- cltors, ltosb,lasseC Cannon-street; oss the preines; at the Mart; and of the aucetioneers, 8, Basing-lane *'heanside. TO Silk-mercers, Linendrapers, and Others-Exterisive antd Valuable Stock of Silk and Mercery Goods, together with the Lease of the Pfemisas-By TARRANT and CARTER, on the'Premises, No. 252, - High-street, Horough, on Monday, Ma rch 22, at 10, br order of he Executors of the late Mr. Richardk Wardill deccased, .- rr -E genuine Stock in Trade, consisting of rich silks, TIn Gros de Naples, levantints; black xTrmozeens, lutestrillsg doreitinis, . satins, sarcenete. Persians, poplins and crapes, silk sha ls, hbandkerchiefs aud ricb Yelvets, together with bombasins, stufih, moreens, eamblets, ealimancoesi durants, and various other articles, lotted ror private tamilies as well as the trade,and avill be sold without reserve. May be viess-eA on Satssrday, March 20, and catalogacs then bad on the premises; and ot tne auctioneors, 8, Basingjlane, Cheapside. - - -- Neat Household Furniture and Elfects.-iy TARRlANT and CAKRTER on the Prsenises, at No. 25, Sidney-street, City-road, on Tuesday, March 23, at'12, -i OliPRISING Bedsteads and Furniture, feather beds J anda beddlng, scfa, aahoganY single end double chests of drawvers, mahbogany wasisband stands, ~vsdo vvcurtains- mahogany dining. pemibroke, end other tables, mahogany chairs, Pier and other glasses, china, glass, kitchen requisites, and-other. ffects. To be view-ed on the morning.of -sale, ad catalogues bad on the premilse; and ol Tarrant anid Carter. 8; llaslisg-ane. Cheapside. -HILDREN Cuttinig Teeth.--At itfr. Burchell's, sole - proprietqr -and preparer ofl the AnoQt!ne Neokiaces to the late ng, fr the Royal - hilds en, '9, Long-acre, aid rtiely-. tyh hls appointment noEivhere else In London, are-sold tie ori5inial -N0- DYNE NECKCLACES for Children cutUng.-tceth, aftor wes-"iqp Which but one: night Infants havc cut thelr teeth with Iserfect Cia et-f vho s-r}A odarly -reduced to:the gsrave by fliS,; fevesrs, chav-usiond; - c. aM procqe.dla. -omtheir teeth; prlce 9s. - .LI'eWIse,the :fazous Sugar Plunis.forwoYmr'ins lnch drefi andi grinvpersods, rsoiev s 2s. 8d eaehw they are i:ot to be; sIltlllgnltshed In taate -nld'atpiparanceIroku-iom. mnon sua plhuinsand p s y w4h the grt-at,st safety baglien tO. Infants. Sold aso at Mr. lieWbery's, :I;ainestreel, -Dublin. :. SALES BY AUCTION.
DIED. On Friday, the 19;h instant, at i-s residence, Park-house. Highl. gate, in the 6f4hh y'ear of his age, John Cooper, of Toddington, in the cOti.mty of BevdforLd Esq., universally respected and regretted by all who knew hiit. At I1astinps, on the 14thl of Marchl. wherehe ivent for the reco- verY of his health, Heary. second son of the late E. Green, Esq., of Sprange-well, near Wirare, Hierts, in the 20th year of his age. On the l9dit instant. inr her S0il year, Joyce, relict of the late hr. Josepli Taylor. of Westmorland&place Citey-road, most sincerely heloved anDI lameitecl.
On the 11th inst., at Westborne-green, Mrs. William Evans, of a still-born child.
Foreign Funds, March 16.
FUI(F:I';IN FUNla-,. Marehi I. Austr1anSer1p, 12i 12 6 11 12 J,Portuguese Boiids, 04 4 s,*At y,X LOLL tllIAacrip, I g 4 t Colombiso., 68 RussiRan llonds, of 1822, 94 I 414 Da.,ish-,,n?seriing, 99i. Ditto inscriPtton, Ditto, in Marcs Ranco, 540 5t Ditto Aletillc. French Rente!, 100 S0 101 x. 25 Spanish of IS20, Do. Scrip, 13h pm. Ditto of 1821, 20,J. 20 19 20 198 Greek Serip, Ditto of 1823, 17b i j17 Mexrlito Bonds, American 3 wer Uents., with dlvi. Ditto Scrip, 61 7 6 J pn. dend from 1st Jau Awng1o-Blexiehn Mines, Ditto. 3 per Cci, ts lnited. Ditto, Ditto NeapoUta., 89 D5tto 7 pee Cents., ditto, Ditto, of 1322, 96J 965 Dlttn' tiilk Ssi-e. ditto, JQSL' st ;r Ohb-.leN, SLnn kisrok-zer, I'RItlE t)i.O STO(ClrS. 3 per Cent. Cons. 934 . Ex. Bilis, 5001., 48 60 49 Now 4 perCent.. 107k IU Ditto, Small, 46 5V49 pm. IndiatBends,7577pm.. . LoteryTickets, ?21 11g. [I ESx. 1Gil8,2d1.,1 ,0^,480 49 -pm. Consol& forAcct.,94 j 93i 94 93i '. B1lSi,ritock-l roker. Old SM'.e I,o'tery J fi.es,- 4. 'orWASili. and f, Charinc,croes. Cl REKATrCUUMUTION of RAMR fTI'i of the CHINESi3 EMP[RE.-GIO. NASEDA and Co. beg to announce that they have arranged for the Inspection of Amateurs of rare and valuable curlosities, at their Magazine, 91, South Colohade Regenit-quadrant, a inost extensive and by far the, most valuable col- lectlon ofanclentand niodern CUIUOSITIES of the Empireof CHINA that ever was brought ffol that country to any gart of Europe. It wvas orgloallyiniteded for one of the most cee erated nuseums fn Europe, but eartiutarr circumstances hsve prevenrted its belng sent and an opportdsniw will thus be presentedeIusmatearoe PEPriEhing thelr cabmnets withx a Select ChJinese library, and all sorts of figuzes and drawmi,gs, illustrative of the Utefature, ttrts, xciencex; religious. ceremonIes, mythology, costumies, customs, tae,dmsi aix &zc. of the Chhinese nlationl.rae,d etihbis ./ RM\Y anid NAVY, Stewvardls of the Mess1 C'aptatins of A Ships, NlUUtary ani tNavat Offiers, Travellers, Fiotel Bee~pers, :nd Fanilies. wiil dond a> great ndvantage: in 'uslng? the PR*EPAltEI CHOCOLALTE. POIVDER, In pomnd. and half-pound canisters, and Cocoa Paste, In half-pound pots. Sold, wholwsale and reta)l,: by' DEACON and Co. coll'ee and tea wvarehhnse, 2, Sklnler-street, Snuv- hill, Lbndon, 2, doors from Flee-,maerket. The above articles aro, .warranted to keeP 1in anY climnate, anid -hemn particularly nutritive are.WeU sdapted. to. wveei stomacehs and. Indigestlons. 'The Laclilfy- wltch which they are prepared fofs table''(ln less than 1' minute) rendersi tbem highlly deslr abie'artjices. A libe slitoivance maNev tn~e trade.~ N.B, Fine Droni,ba . :R S .. WAN1T PLACBS,-All let(=r to be post paid. UpVjt u isE,ariexperienced steaaY Person,ofgodc - S E~U.pwcksgE,a young Woa ge8,'h untke tthe aeLady'a.mtodd h4#a.{elld'jn beth capacities;cnhnnsa o-fnyml clialactee ItmF h la4 slii%izo plg aen;teasalnt omtaity ioiA. B. at -M,.slodd*WS,oul "ad I'.il"In1 oe1;ogs see9n eteep dapply. LA. D,rect~~~~ts A. -P. at -Xr. Xorgnn e.potter' raw, ~AI~L'AD'S-IrAI, ayungerso,whunderstandshairdresalng, A LADY's-3rrin- yugWoa,whcnhva cgood cha- logX, goniogp.fi.e linoO an asakoleg fdmln . rcct to0S.J. 9, Hieh .Ti ober.lreet; Qumeblse aofcepeodapy A S LADY'S-NIAS araetbeyoungliWoman,whounTe-rstands hsirdi,oing,sod c n ,br a good chsrcttee from hue1r- laPlatt- A..otung P1E:it s o from th e coun try,' to Wait on a La dy, or young L~ ndis,oaa aodewonarlaai,nbi;can h-n a goo reccomrnsnaltion fIasom laayki-n i,on; oobjection totravel. Direct toA.6I. 20,Strand. A espectable Goang WOAQ, t-o wait on ~one or tW-OU1 can hvannelable rhrre irsteld hIa otee. iettoA.Vt.22. Padding. -A Young 1WolrAX, to Wait on young LjadieS, Or as lHous-emaid in k k,a teopactable Family; ram work well at ht; needle, ajnd rawt have a twelvementb's eiLLracta fromnlhecIbt place. Direct to S. y. 4, New quebre-street, Prennax,4qusare No olllekeiepa need apply. . A4 S U1OPErtSEILVA-NT, or tO wait on onie or two Ladies, a young Woan horn ek won aCh nteedl,andhns,kOO'ettdgmtfdnLetA5klflg; ha' . ws4 lvct hrbvcapaclty. Direct t. C. W. at Nis, . &Smith's, 3, Thtobalds-rend, RedLion.aqnare.. Steai;dy respeCtal FESi gd betweeni 30 and 40,t Wait Upp- er le.t In a reepetbeFai,aenaythrofdntlstain;n be o recommended by-theladyts ha seylf,sihwo telvdnctnd2a imet to E. S. at Ymr sextn's,i"t,l.d4aistc. o5ekpwnecd apply. S HOUSEKE FRS to a single Gentleman or Lady, or an oo oral Mr Nobeet's, 5, eaf.teot,mNoloess.,No offeekepe nedbopiy agd 0. who 1,h odpanco,edre oelrcumne .n h lc h boylsket A s OUSEEEPE to sinle Gntlean or Tradesman, a re- ,pecsbl mldleegel Wiow;or ~ Cok n eanal FasihI',or so take the care of Diret toC. N at in O,idon's oIlan, , AletallO.trect. S Cox an flusE~IeEt toa sigleGentema, or asCook A i, repesobe amiy,a rt~ectblatrdyParon wh cn b wllrecommended. AS COOK and HousEKiEEPER to a single Gentleman, or mn a A,d e.oged-pro,wt goesalr heeoorwodh sfee norojeint A .9PLAN Coa, r a.H{ousemaid in a small Family, or to a S Goo Coo, -amidde.agd -Wman,who can be well re- so',14. clrcus'tetNwrad ayeae mlbe cha frse,fos Iserlot pIece, 4lteh'ealmeled cariythceeyesan, no-objectlurat.t a genteel Academy. Drc oC .tMsa anea n o',tt legl'lat A ~ ~ ~ asmall genteel Famiy esetbe on Vo- A,ain.oehohas iddlnetagedtieWolinaim ieet 18.5 Iher atue. a midl~~d Woma, who understands e u co asa good charater hfro hI' as pine.. DIict 55 P. S. 4, Teifalso plce. Copplegte. S C~~iTSte3active rtspectable Womrarn, wlho thoroughly A iedestamdsherbasnemIn Its,video branches. Bed can hae npwArdsafatwa years cisracer ear hr bot-ie.niet to Ia . L. at Sly. earle's, haker, 26, CL11ItIne.tiol, Filooy.,nsr. Naofftepeereneedzipply. or asHuead , TiespeMtble young Wo a,aged A S PLAIN CooK in a regular Family, or-as kitchenimaid, uuder Xam-oss ko,.aPern, who.12.ilog-so adetatke she .a. gesmiutof adairy; huano .b1ettIou to t.orn areostrty. Dicec.tlodS. BI. at mmss notbet', L, totuec Clwe'.ok Ch.rth.lasne,Whltech.p,j. A 81US T n a ml Friy or dstUnder Housemaid in AS ROUSE-MAIDIin a small FaMily where afootman iskept, a A ystsg 'onees,ged tl ; the canntry prei'eeeso Dmreet to 14. E. 5, See.tet A s HOUySESIAID, where aniianservan skp~ a yugWorian. O .who eon beweli reosmeneded, by her l'ep nep, ycs h whmasoivdsicearl oryes.Direct to A. S. 25, sbylcsboy.teet, Cleewe. A8 BUTvLae and VATI.T to a -lingleGnlmn ri F Family, a stgIe young Sta,n, who knoot_ his buasotintoolIabsee,a eoA are a good thamtocer front a gentlem'an e ntw,wt hmh Ie t yee.Dirast to 0. W. 1iS, LiltIe VaDnetet, Pitedl 4 ~S BIUTLERt in a reSpectable FaAsiy, a Man, aged 30, who can hae- a goodcbx,arlerftcmnbhis tplace. DIiteeto.J.S. at?Mr. Ca',94, Stran.-. AS 'SERVANT, Or Clerk, and Servant, out of lIvery, to a A d.sigle Gcotieman,-or ina,malinsecoetobleFFmly, anactite yoo M, oss, 3ged2l4. who boo no olifetton la thetmm,try. or to tmemn or go abroad ; can glee tmre ttees DittCl. toI. V. at Ste._itoy's 17, Upper Cro,rnotreet, Wesotltsitser. - A 8 ER-'if toasigTGe-ntdeman, or in a eaital reguilar L-Le n ty o na nWs yseo oothua,t ouy t small Parcels, and M ie- ,c,ty or what may be nents to hs care, and be, Witthly nccnm mended, a sber attroay hsngle rstdfie.agea MIon, who thoroughly understanda his bnd. Dea, a saerosol0 baviing been alt his life In steadr regular f,milten; cais have a fiat yeae' characteur from a forme plae. eanf oneof amotsfirom the plate ho is colir toere n aecount of thete havring mto fartbser occasion for him. Direct to A. B. at Sin. Foil., bkaer, 13, Dreal Portlond street, Catendibh sqoare. SSERVAN,T, out of livery, in a respectable Famtnily, Or Withl A C ingl Oeolemo. a on Ktan, oged 30, wlsoperfectly nderstanda his bmalese ssaregislayindoori,e"ant; nooh]ectlonstowxnnrcountry, ena con have an undeniable charntet-r om hislastpIece. Drc oA .a t.Clws ,Cti ae-tOt ld fordro-. Na ofllcebeeper ned rpply. A S UNDERt SERVANT in 4t Gentleman's Fanii5', or GroolDi, I r- lok'ate. ...esdcatt ae g Men from the cosonley. aged 23, whn can h,-. geaoulcbon,tr from hisilastcplame, where he hed t.o yeaes Diret to A. B. at Sir. Gsrdrlck's, 6, %httco,wh.steect. Chxrlegerons No ofllekbecre need apply. Single otoflier,in a small F~amilY, or with t c K" ~ ~ ~~rmllotpae Isn bection bltown Os country. Drecto t. C.. 30. Jh.trcmrh e.od S FOOMAN 11 asmallFamiy, o with a single Gentleman, 'a A yaog tan agd a, ala cn Iane god carcer from hta last pla-e for sobriety, honsty ad cviity n Obecionto ew,ora hor dataren the cunniy. Direct to A.R-. A S FoOTMAiN ina small Family, a steady Man,~ aged 34, L-I bwo anssi-ra his blobuin-, and CAn h.ne a good obstaces' from the Place he boo left onlY a few daya.. Direct to W. T. at Mn. Watl'a, frotterr, 7, Ortet Rt5i,oii. street, Blo6mnohry. A OoTaO inarsetbe Famnily, under an upper serV- A ant, a Lad, gete 1,wh bobo .ireaaybeens. tat sit.itian, and cn bewell recoin W-ended. Direct to A; S. atNesroa.s liarood and Swab's, 3tatloster, Gnat Itoselt otnset, A S COCHMAN,ft mar ied lan, aged 26, without incumn 13 bonco whoknos town well, and can, hate a Rood character from the Place he: it oin toleae. iret to J. G.0 ateM. Smith's saddler, 261, Tottehiahssuenri roo d. mertedNa.who eon har .a uneible ch-stetr from i blas lae Direct to . C. at Mr ILocs-ry', toad.le, 27. Oxford stret. AsCOACHPIIIIAN, Footman, or Gropir, a young Alan, of re- T. t Mr. Davies',wholeale perfmarc,38, Nolbo.'tsbill. Noeflicekeeperneed apply. A S COailAC se, a mare a,agedr8, who can have aj I gL ood ehmarot, fro olplc,weeh lived t )o asos Direct to S. Mt. at Town, and Son,., adls,41Chpsid e., S COCITtAN Grom, r Goomand Coachman, a steady A tnddl.egel Mn, a tiht wigh, 1s ~ amil, c wit eugle Orlman, lin aoti delve.nlrectoT..53,-tamt s-rt York place, ase str.N l'ekee need apply. AsUoActv.tANn a Steady single young Mian, agedI 28, who peletyn dettodbisbetlnesa, and on hareat" undenlable cbaram'ter-from the As COAHMAN,a steaft carceful Man, aged 80, who under- sadhibaitowell,, and has no objetionis to wnr or roontr; M.n have an sodoole haartr romth plcebelaabout lootIng. Direct to T.Gl.atSr.Thsr- tlb's, saddler, 222, High Hole. gPoofflcteebewr neca 3pply. SROOm and VALET to a sinlgle GentleMan, or Groomn, weea coachman Is kept, a Stan, who can bave an andeulAbbe character from pchehas Jast 1eCi. Dirc to GI.P. 99. Po',ecdilly. S GRioom, orto look atter a horseeand chaise, or 2 horses, youn Nos-r thme contry, who has tDo olejectio to make himself tisefal ir' require canhov fle years' chancier freom the p!acc, he ha, just left. Direct tO l. N. ., Upper Cry.nston street.post.mansqure. No olfirekeeper needP aply 4S Gaoost, a youngAMan of light weight, who can have a good ol-arct-ero bLin histoi place, where he lived nearly 12 montb,o. and fro. A moier one. fos five yeastO left Da zocost of bi ctsmter having no farther occotlon foer hIm. D)irectto .V.T.atMrt. Lobkes,tatlor,6a.aS.Jme'sI sireetpi,vPccdlly. As GARInENER a sinigle youngAMaln, v-h~o understands the kitche,n goede n, Qn pleasure ground In he nearest mfthud, 3nd foselog in the ro Ales eason Direot oT,'T E. at th Pasotleei, Stoke Newirgt-n, MIddleses. A S_GAnDENNn, a mnarried7lMafn frovii the countrv, aged 80. nb unesad he seagogement of -a kitehen-gorden,..wal tera, framsnig. and *leasregrscds;can ilk a row, and take the cmar aa horse; no beto to so' ?~rintnd toto;eonread, wlte, and east accountls; a weekly plnee will be pee. S GARENER a midle-ged ingle MVan, whlo understands A godesin inallD, tanfte, o eolylr and OsA ew gcound'soeh ls h keqoled, tin mIlkI-wa sr ther cows ~mjoiboo na partof the musotry, aod' eon asean taceleo thie ysoochacete 1mmthesitstie hehasjust left Direct nee apply t . F 'm. A S WAITER at aTavern, Cofriehouse, inn, mor respectable ltoanT~.hotle, alleady eteougtn,wobobn etcctomod %s the ho - smoit, so eo hae agoo chncIr=fomhZ%t-lastlac; no objection to the country. Dirct 0 I, W 0 Chrltle trae New Cut, Di.a'friars read. A -,S AITER at a Coffeebouse, Hotel, or Inn, a -respectable SOo, wo ndoclaaa.tse.hls'eiaLdeaemgn of the.bnoines, and wrtila. good and; an bewellrecemecdedTrnm lilaIns lce, and gimeeecrityaf reqoireed. Dirct n A II 01 Edssa place Adretseh nfikeelmorteed apply. S MEssKo~t~-or -Porter, in- any Warehouse or Mercantile O9c whre eav lad,are imotsequsirod, .- mlddle.aed Man, who welles a Pln hatcbse onwl,edcn base a gos4 ohrsactv frm a nmp-stailo ho- lin bM re nuwsd 0yss Direct. t. l, Jr. at Mre. Yer"`'5 oilman-, 30, A S LIGHT PORTER, 'a young Mlan, who can have a goodI A haracteo'fral bhi last lutation. DisrCt to W. P. 72, ydlnOrIMs S PORTER in a.Shop o ir 1~rchou7se -orat a-n Hotel or A Taenyot evaoa ataradmkhooineii:iaytlipung 118",-a$edshb-t 23, whiokoow.town w.It, and cew hae. goud character, front his Ioot Sao nkeerb.apply.
Board Of Excise, Monday, ...
hir. John Ada-m, a tallow.chtndler, of No. 171, Whitdcross_ street, appearcd to an inforinhtion, charging him with certain. breacbes Of the excise laws, bv which the folowin penalties became forfeited:-For nmaking canAles zwitbout a declaration, 501.'; for making ramoo.candles than stated in the declaration, 60l.; for re- moving candIes before they vere weighed, 1OOL; and.for re-dipping candies before they were weighed 10le; in all 2101. It appeared that the defenttant had bees .'ined once before by the Bo-rd for similex acts. The Board convicted him upon three counts, in. mitigated penal.. ties, amounting to 351. William Sulrrey was charged with having in his possession 143b. of tea, without a permit. 'On the 5th of February, about six o'dock in the tl oninor, while John Baker, in the employ of Mr. White, a timber-nec~hant at Millbank, was going to his work, he saw the defenDdant with his horse and cart, and two men came towards him. with-two s is, w,hich they put into the cart. Baker speke to theni, nda from Ve,0 answers.he suspected that all was not iight, and went towMrd. tle cart to see what tihe srks contained, when the .mqn rasn ot. e questioned the defendant respecting the contents of th .sacks bust ht professed i6norance oti that subjeat- Baker t den.lookEt ttothe& mcks, end tound thbm fiU of tea. In conisequence he teo4 gbp pri. :oner, horse, cart, and te, and delivered therr into the. csttody of Gillmore and Cooper, of seen.square p.lice.office, rher; the de- fendant underwent three examinations, on suspicion of having stoal the tea, but it was not ascertained where the tea h#d been stolent from. Uk. Marshall, a grocetof Isleworth, whohaJ behn 49bD1bed of a quantity of tea, attended at Qtcenqsuare, but could:not iden. tify the.tea* the defeidant was accordingly discharyed ,ana the tea. went to the Edci-e-officc. Since then, upon petiton, the te`haf been delivered to Mir. ataithaUll The defendant riid-heknew nothig rof the men, except that they employed his'horse aid cart to earry the sacks; but he-did.ot khow- their contents.X e had been drawn into tbe affAir-ty the men .wbe har unn awav. TheBoart6remittd thetsenRlty, but condemped tchorseand cart, Erratunz.-The Pdiltion presentedl by Mr. C. H. Hixf. chinson on. Friday night, -from the mercbants of Cork w a oinsA the repeal of the bounties oti coarse lrsh lioens. Die aocidertal -omisswn of the wrd " note in the repoIN madeit ppes" i otehe,. BOARD OF EXCISE:. AONDJn', MAaRCH2.
The inquest which sat on ...
The inquest whieh sat on the bodly of the man who was found dead in a pit near Bethnal.green, returned a verdict of" 's'il- ful murder against some person or person, unknown." On Friday night last, a youivg man of the iname of Joseph ti eves, having smet a young woso an bv appointment at Carr's-bill near Gateshead, they unt'ortunately missed their way, and both fell into a quarry. The youlng woman was not much burt, but Reeves was killed ..Durhorn Clhronilc. [Advertisement l-ATKr; so~s- BEAR's GREASE fortlhegrowth of hair._Caution._TJ. ATaXISOx respecttully infbrms the public, that tlhough his BEAI'S GREASE is sold by rnost respectable per- fumers in Londos, there are still a number of little sIhops that sell an imitation, and some sav it is his, seme of these imitations are only lard, marrow, &c., and are sold as low as Is. The lowest price of the Bear's Grease imported by J. Atkinson is 2s. 6d., and there is a bill round eachi pot with his signaturc and address. Sold at 44, Gerrard-street; also bv Sanper, 150, Grange, 126, Smith, 98, Carter, 132, Oxftlrd-s4eet; Gs'tie, 57, Rigge, 65, Bond-street ; Taite, 41, Johnston, 68, Cornhill; Colley, 28, Bishopsgate-street, and KloStpelfumers. ___
We have an account in our...
WVe have an account in our paper of to-day, of a meeting of tlie Foremen of the principal Tailors in the Metropolis associated under a somewhat fantastical name in the French language. WVe know nct whetlher the statement has been sent us in ridicule, bttt wve think the proceedings of these nimble youths as rational as thosc of many other assem- bled societics. They complain that men make clothes for the human body, without having the slightest idea of its form. If theywould read GOliver, they would filad that there exis:cd in one of the coulltries at whiclh the trave,ler arrivet, a method of " taking measure" by means thematical iinstruments. AVe do not exactly recommend this practice in England, but if Messieurs the Tailleurs Coupcurs would study anatomy, they might then mend the mnan, if he were ill, as well as make him clothes, up to the full corpulence of a healthy person, without waste .r compressioni. The word " cabbage," we observe, does not exist in thc account of the proceedings.
Yesterday a Court of Dire...
Yesterday a Court of Directors was held at the East India Ilouse. when John Petty Muspratt, Esq., took the usual oath and his seat as a Director, in the room of Sir Thomas Reid, Bart., deceased. PADSTOW, 'March 22.-The Iero, of Brixlaam, Bartlett, from Swansea to Dartmouth. sunk within the entrance of this har- bour to-day, and went to pieces: all on board drowned. Captain Charles Fox, eldcst son of Lord Holland, is ap- pointed aide-de-camp to Sir Frederick Adam, Bart, successor to the late Sir 1. Malitland in the Ionian Islands. Sir Thomas Plumer, Mlaster of the Rolls, lies now in a most dangerous state. He was during Tucsday attended by five pnysicians, who, we are sorry to add, do not entertain the tslightest hepes of his life being protracted many hours.-British Tracvller. Yesterday the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress gave an elegant dinner to a large party at the Mansion-house. The JMfoniteur of yesterdav contains a document which suggests the most serious reflections on the tendency of the present policy, and on the confusion and encroachment of power. Accordine to the 95th article of the law of the 27th Ventose, 8th year, solicitors sare appointed by the King, on tle presentation of the Tribunal, in the jurisdiction of which they are to practice. M * e havinm asked in consequence, to be presented for a charge of solicitor in the Royai Court of Dijon, this Court, all the different sections united, decided on the 12th of last February, that I' * I shall not be prezented to the acceptanceof his Majesty. And on what ground is this decision founded ?-on the 'noral character of the applicant ?-on his want of ability? Not at all. He is rejected because he does not present the undeniable guarantee of a sincere attachment to the legitimate Go. vern-nent.-French papcr. AM ARIN E SOCEtETY.-This valuable Society eelebrated its anniversary festival yesterdav, at the City of London Tavem, Di- shop?gate-strect. Ilis Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence was in the chair. Lord Bolton, Sir G. Cockburn, Sir R. Stopford, Samuel Thornton, Esq., and a numerous assemblage of other respectable gentlemen were also present. Apologies were received from his Royal Highness the Duke of Glocester, the Earl of Liverpool, Mr. Canning, &c., on account o. other engagements. Afterdinner, the boys who are the objects of the charity were introduced into the room, and from their interesting appearance excited strong feelings in favour of the institution. In the course of the evening various appeals were made in its behalf, and its advantages rointed out by the speakers; its principal object being for the equipment, maintenance, and instruction of distressed bovs, for the Royal navy, the East India Company's and Merchants' service, ancd the Fishe. ries. The donations amounted to 6601. Monies to be paid within the year on Foreign Loans, con- tracted or about to be contranted for - It is said, that in consequence of the frauds commritted by persnns connected vith the Post-office establishment, on newspa- pers, ;lr. Goulburn, at Sir E. J,ee's suggestion, is deterrmined to bring, in an act immediately, which will render similar offences for the futurc by law a misdemeanour, punishable by fine and impri- Bonment.-Cork Southern Reporter. The King of France was alarmed on Friday last, by a fire which suddenly began in the apartments of the Great Almoner, and filled the Castle of the Tuileries, and even the court before it, with dense clouds of smoke. The iron gat"s were closed, the guards took up arms, and it was probably imagined that some attempt had been madc to bum the King, who cannot easily be moved in his Palace. After a time, however, the fire was got under, and was thought to be completely extinguished, when, half as boor afler, it broke out with greater violence than before. It wa at last. however, ntirely subdued, and it wxas asserted without havirg been attended jeith any loss of lives or even accidents. A vessel, lhaving the convict Hunt on board, put into Torbay on Tuesday evening last, by contrary winds. It excited so great a sensation in Brixham, that many of the inhabitants went off on the following day, to see the delinquent whose name stands so high in the calendar of crin;e.-Erctcr Alfrea. On Sunday last (14th inst.) at 8 o'clock fn the morning, it was discovered that certain words offensive to his Majesty were traced upon the snow in the garden of the Tuiileries. Tbsree per. sons. charged with committing this outrage, were immediately takcn up; but one of them was shortly afterwards disclharped. Yesterday the other two were brotught before the Sixth Correctional Chamber. O.e of these, nanied Coulon, a silk hat manufacturer, who vwas defended by )I. Claveau, was acquitted. The other, named Sura- teau, a cotton-spinner, being adjudged guilty, was condemned to six m,onths' imprisOnrnent, and a fine of 500 francs.-Journol desDebats. SUscrDE.-On Tuesday afternoon an inquest was held in the Board Room of SL Olave's Workhouse, on the body of a fe- male nanmed Germiin, aged 63. From the evidence it appeared t.at the deceased was a Maiden lady, connected with very opulent rclations, ard having a nephew in tn navy. Jt was her misfortune to become reduced, an(d latterly was dependent upon her relatives for support; they at length withdrew thieir bounty, and slhe sunk intO a state of the most abject distress, but possessedl too much pride to complain. On Saturdav mnorning her room-door was forced, when she was found suspended from the tester of the bed. In her room were found two Iapers, in the foll3wing terms: "F-h I never will forgive, nor her two companions: their tongues are tie stings of adders. Vengeance will shower down in due season; my desire is, that F-h never enter my room, or see my body when dead. I die in enmity. WVhat miserable remnant of property remains, let i'd cii. Leaky have. I cannot live much longer; 'tis hard to starve; my heartissunk witsinme, nevertorise agaim Pray see Mrs. Leaky paid- she has been a good frend to me. I should he sorry to my heart if she lost by me; I know she wants it; ease my squl by payi3g her." Verdice_Intsanity.
Court Of Chancery, Wednes...
; . ZA W REPORT. Thie LORD CrA):CELLOR, on comirn inte Court, stated that he kould bc obligedto attend thc House'of Lords to_morrowt; but hbat arrangements had been made by which he should be enabled o sit in this court on Frnday and Saturday. He would then -hear rther arguments in he appeal which was before him on Friday act. ifter the prcsent week,, he - apprehended there would be no lifflcuity iu ascertaining theidas on which he should sit here. COUR'T OF OttANCZTRY. WETU3EsnAV. MUA*pw 2
Inquest On Sir Geo. Ralph...
Yecterday afternoon, at hve o'Clock, Mtr. STI FtN?s, thecosoner, andajury of the mest respectsble ixhabitants of Fitxroy-square, assembled at the Yorkshire Grey publc-house, atthe corner f Clip. ston.e and Fitzroy.streets Fitzroy-square, to inquirenobte lsenent.. abe death of the above unforiunategentleetn. The house where the jury was e2panelled is almost opposite that of the deceased's brother, vwhere the sad catastrophe took plce. The jury having been swom, the following evidence was brought forward: Henry Berridge sworn._I am servant to Thomas Collier, Esq., of No. 4, Fitzroy.stree., Fitzroy-square. A day or two ago a gen- tleman, a friend of my master's, caUled, anld said be was aireid Sir Georee was not well mn health, and he thought that be was not in a sound state of mind. The deceased did Dot usually live with hbi brother, After the gentleman had gone away, my x aster went to the deceased at his lodgings in Fludyer-street. I folowed him, an when we arrived there I thought Sir George was deranged.- He had previously lodged at Gordon's Hotel, in Alberrarle.strect, but had latterly removed to Fludyer.street. The deceased being in an apparent state of insanity, my master prevailed on him to accompany him home to Fitzroy-sereet where he dined; another person dined with them. The deceased appeared very dull and desponing, and talked very little. A*er dinner be took some- coffee and retired to bed about ll o'clock. During the night he (tne deceased) awoke and spoke several times; his man. tner was altogether unusual and etraordinary; he desired me in a peremptory tone to destroy all his papers, and asked me twice to procure him some water. I took him some, but- he did not drink iLt. The deceased asked me if I was gone to bed ? I told him I was not, but that I was there waiting upon him. About two o'clock the dece.sed stirred a little, and I went to him, and discovered he had cut his throat. I imrnediately ran up stairs, and called another person who wAs sleeping above, for the purpose of attending Sir George, and I instantly ran for medical assistance, and z surgeon promptly attended ; Sir GeorXe survived only a few minutes after he had frrived. EverY thing that could be done to saYe him was resrted to, but proved abortive. MIr. Thomnas Colliers my master, blept in the adjobnining reoila to that of the deceased, end came the inistant the sad intelligence was communicated to him. The deceased was never before iteranged, but it had been remasrked bv severalnaval and military officers, Ihat he was strangely altered of late, and many declare) it to be thebr opinion that he was labourink under mental derangement. His conduct had been much noticed at the United Service Club-hduse. I amn of opinion that in consequence of the great agitation of mind, caused by the publication of a vwork catled JamWe x arl His- tory, a passage of wlhich went to throw a slur upon thecharacter of Sir George, he- became deranged, and I have no doubt that circumstance aloue was the eause of the committal of the dreacd_ ful act. The deceased's brotherhad a few days before ordered "ia razors to he taken from the hotel where he resided; and l consider he must have had one concealed about his person as the rszor with which he committed the horrid deed was founa afterwards in a bloody condition in the bed. Coroner.-IVhat was the reason you had for sitting up with Sir George ?-Mly master, nor thinking it safe that be Should be left by- himself, ordered me to sit up with him. Coroner._'Were you to sit up with him, or merely to sleep in the saise room ?-Mlerely to sleep ij the room and to administer cer- tain draughts presedbed by Dr. Sutherland. Forenian of the Jurv.-WVas there any precaution taken to prevent the deceased destroyingbimself Were his clotbeasearctd ?--The clottes were taken from him when he went to bed; so thatb e must have concealet the razor. C,roner.-Ditl any medical gentleman attend him in Fludyer. street ?-Yes; Dr. Sutherland attended him there, and wrote a pre- scription, part of which the deceased had taken, and& the remainder was to have been taken had he survived, at two o'cloclc Foreman.-Did the teceased articulate, after he had inficted the wound ?-No; he could not speak. Vice-Admiral Sir Richard King, of Great Cumberland-streit, sworn.-I knew the deceased Sir George Ralph Collier, and have been acquainted with himn for ten years. The last time I saw him was on Suntlav last; he came to my house. There was a geeat dif- ference i'. his beha-.iour; he evidently was labouring uader great. aitation of rmind. He altogether appeared different to what I had hitherto seen him. I endeavoured to sooth him, and he told me his mind was greatly injured by somDe aspersions that bad been pub- lished against him in James's I-I i4ory ofte autc Naval tVar. Juror._I believe the passage Sir George alluded to was published to-dav in; the daily papers. Atdmuiral Eing.-I really don't knowr: I never saw the book. A gentleman said, the passage thathad been published was that tO wh1ich he alluded. Juror.-The momentt I raw it, it occurred to me it 'was suflcient to cause derangement ia the mind of Sir George. .dmiral Sing said he considered him quite insane: he never sap his brother, Air. T. Collier, till this morning. Juror.-Do you consider tke climate that Sir George lately ?e- turned fron^ was calculatecd to produce derangement P AdzniralKing.-I don't know. It might: ho1was two ye:r om the African station. Juror.- [lad lie any wounds on the head ? Adsnira; King.-Why, he hadl wounda in every psrt of his body, wyhich he received in the service. He was a man of atroat feelings, and very sensitive. I never knew him to be deranged befre. A gentleman wvho had served with Sir George, here aid he wats man of very sensitive feeling and mind. The Coroner repea ed the question as to the woatxdsis- the head: observing, it was most likely to affect his miud, and received tht same snswer. John Dyer, Esq. sworn.-_I am chief clerk at tle Admiralty;- r have known the deceased these )30 years, and saw him for tbe last time on Thursdlay last, he came to meat my office, and said he hbd. just then arrived from Exeter; he apettd m is ustadl guiod heallth, and on my aLsking him, in a jocuar ruanner, wthat brought himn to town, he said he would take an onportunity of teling ne at a future period. On the folowingr morning lie cailled on nie again, and whtle in conversation s;ai, he had corme to town about the work above menttoned, which containea reflections on his naval character. Sir Edward Hamilton was present,who hadiineautiou.ly- niamed the offienive passage to him. Sir George sid be had toltd Lady Collier that he was deter.mined to go to towln rspecting it. He (Sir George) had not been able to get a copy of the work, but expressed his anxiety to see it. I, having a copy of it by me took down the fifth volume, and, on otir reading the pussage which an, ioyed himn, lie anpeared agitated ani hurt; thesubJececomplained of, I believe, is ini the 547th page of the work. Sir Edward iaminil ton and n:yself enleavoured to reason lhim oti of the irritation he' was in: the deceased appeared very desitous to know when Iard, Melville would be in town from Coombc Wood, where his Lord- ship was on a visit to Lord Liverpool. I told him he would bo-inx on Tuesday. Sir tidwardH amilton and the decestd soon left the room, and on Saturday Sir George came again, about ten o'CIocl in the maorning. He appeared anxious tosee some of the members of the board, to see if the publication had excited auy unpleas'tat feelings in them about hin; but he was very desirous to setSir George Cockburn,who had not then arrived, and did not come for sa hour. The deceased went to Sir George Cockburn's room, and re. turned some time after, saving thathe had been received in a irtost kint mnanner by SirG. Cockburn, wbhosaid, that nothin gally prsot couid say or wiite would' alter the higii olpinion he enttertained of i, character and conduct as an officer. The deceasedtbhtt appeawed; anxious about my Lord M lelville, aiud consulted with slte, anid I ad. vised him to write to his Lordship, and to state ir the lettez what his feelings were with respect to the publication. The lectez was a requtest thaLt he would state lns opinion of buti, that hl mihbt lay it bet'ore his brother officers for their satifaction, as hisJ.L.rdslipp had donein the cavseof LordWVilliam Fitzroy; he then returned me thanks for my kindness atid attention to hdirn, which he 2aid lie would never forget, and hoped that he should have an opportuuity ol dlisplaying his gratitude, alluding to a son I have in the iiavy. Be then promised to attend'to imi3' advice, and seetitedtsootled andtcatin. I did not see bim again until Monday, when there was indeed a de- cided change,boeth in lis D anner and appeasance.He came up tu my chair, and said, " 5ir. Dyer, I once possessed ytur irriendship, but tliaris passed." I tried to calm him, and he.walkcd over the roomt ha%tily, and turning round, stamping on the ground, he said '- T must see my wite, Lady Collier is in town." I agaiet tied to dsv.:et his attention, bat could not. Coroner.-Did his conduct induce you to thinkhe was insaa ? witness.-Yes, Sir; so convinced was I of it, that I weat out of, my rooni; and going up stairs, met Sir WinE. Hope, and ao, I havg just seeni Sir George (ollier, and he is evidenitly iferanlgecifeon the, attack of James upon him- Sir William Slope expreised hina iegret. I theni saw Sir George Cocltburn, and lie "ilso expressedt his regret, and asked where he was? I informed hiupihe had just left my office, and he dire. ted that he should bh shown to hin ort his again ca'ling. I also informed Sir Ed-vard H allton,who went away sayig he woniBcall at Gordon's Hotel 1was so uneasy, trom 'k;nowing his high sense of honour, that oil the following tuorn. ingr. Tuesday. I camte through Albectarle-slr.eet, wi W tha view of calling at the Hotel, but misscd it. I had eeek bitu Ott Tuesday, anti was shecked wben I hetml of the dreadful catastrophe } behieve that almosit every part of his body has beeD perfotatel He was an extremely gallant officer. Juror.-You conlsider the edfect of the bhtatment, or rmis.stte- meat, properly speaking, was the cause of his inanity ?-l.ost un- doubtedly I do. The CORONERD here said that evidently itinttst havre done so, as Sir George bad lett Devons^hire for the soLe purpote of nierting the attack. And when absent from those gentlemen who soothed and cained bis mind. he was brootding upon this; aridias*pjara thathie mind was continually in a state of agitation. Juror._You may as well take a nav4 offir'aiifb as his MNr. Dyer explain ed, that the affkair allucded to in} Jamnes's work occurred dnringthe American war, in theetscape of somke frigates, by getting the weather -gage, anti Captain Sfir George Collier's squadron was lost in the fog at the time he was on boara the Leas. tier. He had previously chaDle ged the enemy's ships to action, but they.sheered o?f Thiq was merely a conversation with one of~ the jurors, and was not taken in evidence. MIr. Mtratford Alfred E:yru sworn-I amn a surgeon; 'T was called to the deceased, who I was told had cue his throat. ltoundl the large vessels on the left side of the neck severed. Mluch surprise was ex- pressed as to how lie could have dlone it ; bat on searching, a razor was found under his right hand, covered with bloodl, and was the in. strument with whbich he eEceced the fatal deed. Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Hamilton sworn.nOSaturdaylut r saw Sir lYcorge Colier about two o'lock. 1. should say I had seen hirn on the preceding day. e said he had-come to town frorx Exeter, in consequence of the publication of -Mr. James; that ke had not seen it, but be understood it affected hbis character f'ov allowzing the American frigate Consfitutione to get awiy from hium on a certain occasion. I saw he was greatly agitated,- and from that m noment bad predicted ome fata consequeneafapeasur were not taken to guard against them. WVe lets tbc ia Ity to gether; he said he was un.ahIe to walk, and scented desirous of taking a coach. I persuaded him to walk to PiewAilly, and there to take a coach. la walkinj up Regent.strcet; h o osrved, that Soome enemv had given Mr. James wrong inforimnoi, and "ke4 my opiriion, as he suspectel he knewtlhe perwo,.aMd iether it Iould not be right to call him out and shoot hlihthrough the ehead. I said that would not rlter the statement in te-bouk, $a pointed out a particular coarse. He said be disliktd ' t waro- I tried to change the conveisation, butfound him ab&et adsil* dt. On' the following Tuesday fro m what passed betwh: him A"d r. Dyer, I left the AlMity to go to his lodgings, mad on toy wa,I mUet Viscount Exmouth, to whom- I intimate my belief ttbir'Geo. Collier was actuallr insane. His Lordhip s aid 'tis Sir George bad m cade an extraordinary and unlucled-Wor_aPolog!t- him that morning for his comments on the precedinj-wevehin' - I arrived t hitjodgings, and I_ther informcd tben qf:mkoQ-los, s d begged them te be on their guard, and to take car#of :hum- have known the deceased thirty;five years as a most exetuplar officet on all occasions. Such a charge aa that migkt as weUl k p cd a st e immortnd Nelson, orany.otherexalted-chraejteta tIhe nvy. (A- seisatitn of applause in the routo, which. Ps &oWa w nvAal. Offccrt) RmiaA unlr Ii oat idii*# *sas. *s wl. Io iaval officerS' characters, o mTnas was safe, however great he m3ibt bc. The-deceas,d was arwan of undoubttefibravery. Colo11e1 Johna Drinkcwater saworn-..I baye known Sir George Col. lier2- ycars;- six or eighrt years intimately: but I am more ind- mate with his' brother,'Mr. 't'homas Collier. On Saturday afternoonl I saw him at the United Service Club House, and he told me that Sooe acandpI,t,is ,pnd Abominable, Publication, in which his chan- racer was implicatedh hlad brogbt him to Londson. He was iore animated andespoke blder than muse . 1 inquired afterLady Collier, and he-said sae feftheo very indifterent and much distressed, in con. seqience of' hei hba~ingcidentaoy seen the letter which had comr- 35unicated to him the part iculars containtE in he publication; and uPon a gentleman of his acquaintanace commneautng 'thereon, Sir George was much agitateel, so much as to use strong and violent expressibnc.uld His, meanners appeared vcry extraordincry, so much so, that I determined to follow himrto lave some conversation with him, inwhich. 1- flrttered m-self I succeeded in bringing him to a more gobet of what he a to (o. Ladly Collier's knowledge of the business appeSred. to me greatly to afvct hiir, fie told me of his- frieriidy satisfactory interview withi Sir G. Cockburn, and of his intended: interview with Lord Alelville. After he had seen his lordship, he said he should then know what course to par- sue. We then separated,- and I have not se en him since. Colonel Drinkwater be ged to state publicly, that y r. Collier, the brothed to the deceased, was extremhoy desirous that the world siould un- derstand -that every means were resorted to that prudence or calu. tion could dictate, and as the coinmon occirrences of our nature sbow that we are subject to mental aberrations, which pe-haps nighit flaily'occur, and shiortly go away ; and thierefore lie founcl it necessary to proceed cautiouslr he did not wish his brother for a -tonent to suppose thi the Was placed under the least re straints breven that it was supposed suchisteps were necessary. To shllow the state of mind of the deceaied, the gallant Colonel then ae d inways thefol owing do en t itd wealous fiin the shape of a letter write b Sr eogeColir o dmra Lke:- -- hiy deaF onda.. you aorenon the same friend yol once were, tndif ldesirc, Is onuctebud ame, tyou may save my life, andt uh at' d ear ver- to o no ur. b y givin g a n h d c am e a dv ic e. "GEORGE COLLIER." FI sbaU be aU hlome al the evening; I dine at 4, Fitzroydstrect, I live at Gordon's." LieutenantColonel Samuel Gordon Higgins, Aide-de-Canip to hisa Roya Highne&s the Duke of hlocester sworno -I have known thece asd for20 years intimately. On uriday evening I met him at Gloesteri,ouse. Hlisqnoanner waSu as describeds by the preceding witnesses. He wished to have his eoyal Highness's advice (rco specrting the attack iipon his character by Mlr. James), whara he anrays consieered Mes tarm and tealous friend, and was well assured of the readiness the sule always expressed to serve him ar ull itmes. nis Royal str 'ness saw him in his library, andc advised-bim what coursend thake, which seemed to apease him for the moment. I saw mie again on the Saturday, wen in e appear ed more composd, a and; poly ting to a carpet bag, he said, "Th t ere theyare.na t 1oshould have had occasinitob ave madetuse of them." On MNonday forenoon he came to Glocester-.house, t which time' alie appeired to be quite deranged; by histRonal rIoo ess desire, I conducted lirm to the Duke's library, nd thae uendeavouted to sootl im; and the deceased m-ade three at- ztempts toeave hisepresence, but the Dtike restrained him. On coming oat of the haoihe struck inc on the sloulder, and said, "Sir, the Duke of 1Glocester'has saved my life." The ga)ant Colonel hen said evidently miuch aff'ected even to tears, that it was the opi- nion o thae navy that the countrv lad lost the services of a most galant atnd meritorious ofticerB ratdhis opinion was,- that a braver man never existed: and he g was confident that Car. Thomas Collier hadl dne every tbing a fornd brother could do to secure the fsture peace akd lisacpiers Of the deceased. Alexander Vrqufr,te t er sq., of Satton, Surrey, deposu d to the samie ,effecL - The wholo tf tbe owitnesses having been examined, the coro-ier a'ndwaryef thep~d 'Sc6the house to view the body, whichl was stretched -onthe, an-l a the hamber nuthe second floor. Therazor layt lose touthe r"hert band e, and stream ofblooddenoted the sideiof the nehc ttbp.e rt1'efatal wroupindhad been inflicted. that inu ,asditoncs melancholyase, shaetowingks the etcts such attacks wero 'auateo and tolhaveronmant.s so pheculiarly sensitive. theadetails of it, although; pfar in:, therLestint pre oseinted> clearand distinct proofs oIS nat and the jr he wasocoi nt, mn strcmeto that cocuIon. The -Jury,unaninously returned theirecerdict- iThat the de- ceasecd, Captain Sir George RalPhl Collier, K.C.B., R.N., put a pe- riod to his existence whilst in a state of temporary derangement." The following is thte passage of AMr. James's book-:-" On the 7th of tolarche ll5, the Constitution (an American frigate) anchored with her two priazes (te late British sloops Cyane and Levant) ic the harbour of Porto Praya, isslnd of hStr) bJat Oni the I Ith, at a ar~ter past meridian, the British 50 guin ships Leander, Captain ~sr George Ralph Collier, K.C.B., and ANewcastle, Captain Lord George St hewar,and 40 geun ffigate Acasta, Captain Alexander Reo- ber'=KCIv, standipg in for the harbour in thick weather on the star- boartack, discoveredthlietlree American shipsatanchor. Ino essthan tean tinntes thelatter out their cables, and stoodyout on the larboardl tac'k.At thi'stime the Coist italion was between four anidfive-mile~sto 'ncolwardofthe Aca.vtawhowasoned ile4 Dtheweathera areeroftihe 'lrezcas&te, an fo the atter abnut two miles a-head of the Leatder. The threetBritishohipspresently tacked in chase,anathe Caonslitntioe cut away her firit cuiter, and gig towing a-stern. Finding that the Acasta 'was gaining her wake, andI that the ('vanc, the rearmost 3bip, was rather, drolpng astern, they('enitaton, at ten minutes atone,signalled the-latter to tack, atnd the Cyane did slo. No ritusl an oppacked abtesr her but allctontinued in chase of the Con- ,tiW!o nand-Levant. At theetaon'clock, observing thnat the Acasta Wais dw fas upon the Leomabty ef the Consticetr t directed the latert tak-;theLernt.did accordingly tack, and strange to say, hbthemsedelvde a signal, Whenwot for onee bitt for ail ted British jsips, of tc e Americr. Thlcers wass expaltry ship, as sheiafrerwards bore up tarodshed;n-hoate, w'atasbonoiared bt receivingthenfire of the Lcan- d- onre thandt, oheavr Basitiwasand destructive asit might have been, h ztaredtohhai'edo'oofthe Leratnoinjur iancherdpersonal, and very 2ittl,if amdozin othnerrsc ic, to The Levant was, of course, re-cap.. urethe navyby took.idn plasestsion of her), but the Constit.tion and Nr. eJeesd their a W t "u havespossessed Sir George to lert oact in this manner ? In shan threexhours t ieAcasta b;nldli,p I'robability. Sane ronght time Constitution to action; nn,sthe-lattar must now have been sixty or seventy men shiort of thc compliment, froimgaving manned her prizes, that fine British frgt,mounting 52 guns, and manned with 350 men, wanted no assitacewhatever from the Lcande-r or Newcastle. It is a fact that CayainSteartandthe officers had made up their minds to he cap- turdthybtae to thie British officers on hboard an alarm on the wbect suha rtsh officers ouglht lnot to feel; and appeared,using a seaman'phrase, solubberly in'all, that they, contrary to what is usually an opponent's best hope in action, rested on their surviving to give confuisedt orders, rather than onx so fine and effective a crcwv biaring, hy the.death or disability of their officers, to mnanceuvre the bhi by themselves. Whien the three British ships tacked, the joy 'Ofth American officers was as extrava gant as their fears had bce'n well grounded; -.bat whiat ware the feldings of Captains Douglas and Falcon, and the other British officers ? What were they, indeed!I "'Vbat was the capItureof the Gner-riere,. M'aedonican, and (Java, or halfa dozen other such frigates, to the dusi-Wce entailed upon the British navy by this thiird and last es-cape of ruie Constitution t Alr. James adds, in anote, "Justice to Sir George Collier require.s us to mention, that the Leander, a ship fitted out expresslv to fight the large American frigates (as a proof how mnuchthiose whio sent her to sea cared about the natioial lhonour), possessedl one of the worst crews.in the service. WVell was it, indeed, that the Leande,' never felIl in ith one of th Amnerican forty-foiurs.'rhoeNewcastle was not much better off. Tlhe lWajestic, with hier finie crew, was a match for botlh of them," I INQUS2 ON SIR GEO. RAL?H CO6WjN, BIAAT.
Sales By Auction.
Sflatee In the Lesds and Liverpool, Grand Junction, Globe Insuirance, Westninzter Gas, &c.; and a Reversion in the Funds.-By Mr. SOTT (nephewv nf the lste lr. T. Scott), at thc Mart, on Tuesday, Aprl 6. at 12 - 'VITiE absolute Reversion dif 1.OOl Three per Cent. .JLo6nsols, on the 4r,i3se of a lady aged 6il; and 6igfrea tn those superk,r naVigations the Liverpool and Grand Junetion Canals, fn tVe Glebe Iinsuranre, and Westitnnster Gas ComRpanies, in the WVlsnech and Portssmouth Canals, &c. 'Particulars may be had at the Mart, and of Mr. Scott, estate anA earialagent, &c. 8, Carev-strees,Lincoln's-inn Residence, Kensingt<r, writk large Garden, aind tw,i Cottages with Gardens, near Cainberrilv._. -By Mr. SCOTT (nephew of the late Utr. T. 2. tt), icttthei-Mrt, 'on Tuesday, .4prl 6, at 1; l1 2 lots, A Respectable Residence for a small genteel family, vith ,. , lar:o 6arden, eligibly.eit.ate. No.- 2, Edivard-square, close t' Lord nolland's-park, and held for 86 years, ata ground rent : also 2 convenielu cortages, wvth yarder.s, near Sbuthampton-street, Cain- berwell;, held for 79 yeare, at a groulli rent. Particulars may be trad aele the predliges ;.at the. Mlart; and ol M1r. Scott, estate and canal agent,A .c.8, Carey.street, LAneoI'V-,In-tields. ERxeellegt-Leasehold Bu'siness. Pemisesf St.-Jofin-street-Bl Mr. ROclOr Os tph}e Praeises, Pd6, St. John-street, West - Smithtield HE; Lease of- the above excellent Prenises, held at a j,. low.rent, mlostcomrnandingly situate for any businesa reluIr- lng room and pnl)licley, substantaflly bliic, anid in excellent repair. .faY- be 'viewed till the sale. Partlculat.s a6R the premlses; Of T. !4iilecr, tsq. soli eSX e2'2, Ely-place.. lolborn; and of Mr. Crook, auctineer dl,S~iDer.strreet, SnQiwhill. . Viine-aBy MIr. POSTAX, atthisl.uictlon Rooms, 14-2 Aldcrsgate-stre r, - lFridaynrert, Aptil2,:at 12, A rimall Cellar4of very choice WVines, the property oF a ib, Gentleman rcincving into the country, consiAting; (if a fe* uozCn of fine old Port,- Madeira, and very old nal Sheavy; also a low lots of tine Cape adeira, Brandy1 Rums, nd dllarnds, in bottles. The Whpole muay be ylewed on applicaton to .&ir, Postaic for a tcke,t, alnd I ibe ab'.d Sy htm withooutkny rcesen-e ' Collectiosa of. Pdetlrurds.By s.-w EDWAIilI FOS'FElty ai~ bia GII.aC (i )4tn,,?4. Gree treet, u-seuaKo, on Thursday next, AWWI, :Z~ rnerolts Cgltectiaiof Italiaii, Feimisbh Dutci, ind . French Pictures, to hegold withoutreserve. be,,Vwed a ~aYbefere tthe sale, whten e 1op mam had3. at M Ftter'. 10c 1, Oreek,str,et, Solw-quar.. elj t ~ntfiv~ *eiy xc-gpgdtftx1y in4orrnl the NO.. -. 1 blt,Coo1 nials,urs, aild Public, that on Friday, the 14th of May, adfloIng day. be Will: SELL by A UCTIO N, at his Great ROOmD,. lnULtret, Sr. James~ sqluare, by order of the exeuwt,,, the. yery Val table COLLECTION of chietty ITALIA)N PICTURES, loWe: pie,ses of anitique sculpture Lx urrrbiq, a fewv antique aLnd manY filsi ,riiiqre cento bron7cs, patrrlcularly a pair of grand cant deiabrit,; go[d a strnd for ai masg-huok mif ilen anid elegant desigu, at larige anid do!Ie -copy of the Mfeteury (tf Gloy. di Bologuc, JD bronze, I,ustos in bronze, and.i nrarble carvitis-s in wood, ivory, &l. aiid a nsirit! chronometer, by Earnshaw, &P. of Sit Mark MaR.- terr.nan Sr-ea. hart. deceased, broughlt from his late sent aLt Sled- oirae, in Vrrrslrsrre. TPie principal pir:tureseonshits, of the As,cension ofAMary NMagdalenj by, Pra. BRArtolomen. a subilime cehef dteuvre ; Sit. Itoeh andlt the salvatoc Moundi. in a landsiCPpe. -by the great and rare niiisrcr Frs. Fr1inocit, a noble pallery picIture I St. Peter. Iy n Iido, frorn the very asleet collection of the Aldobr?tndini Apatl t inithe Borghese, Palace, and a, Guereini,. from Bologna:Noir Saer-lfice,.verhaaps thle boldest Prodruction of thd pericilori, ai-, froml tihe C:orssiniP l'sae; and tbe rhuch4faried landar,ape, with Mtet- cu:'Y and the Woodmoan, bv Sai. Ross. frOm the Colon1rm PaRIesO two idna Imlarcdsea s by, Gaspitr P.russiir, and niany, octher.. w ich ill Ire hIghyinteresirtig to the nmore enligi,teLued. COara~imeaks. May t.e viL.? d t%vo days precedinir. denTiire Wrins.-By Mlr. CIII{ISTIP., at hl.is GreaTt Ito-air, King-sltreet, S.Jamiess.-"siure, oni ThursdaUy, April Iat I, BOUT '2150 Dozens, being the greater' part of fivt- A pliles eYf execHlent port wino, twro of %wIxf,II are of The 11intage of tied In12Mil, 0 it f,, ihNadeir'a. lc fevv diwzens of pinkr and ~illery chamiipagnle, thle genuine propertyy of a personl of hilh rank, aird w4ilbe delivered fromi iris cellar iii Par -an . Sro )ples of thie wines roy, be had oni paying for [Le sarn,,. by applica- -- tinblet Tiutw-ir PitUres, -f[i ucir[a ~%W.CHRISTIE h,las the hionour veIV rerlhctfully. to LY.irforrn the Nobl,iity aiid Coinnoisseui 'i1 genleral hurt oil Saud.this 8thl of Mlay, be wvill SELL by AUCTFIo,\ at IriS G'eaLt Eoo. i King-streer Sr. jarnses-sqralae. tire ver' select so1d tr-uil of the first class and in theC purelt state of irreseryation.) of Railili Plernit. eSf. 'Ii.P. rerisosirig from hisA WFIlsiOn it, iryantxorr- quari.. 'Fhits very vcs)oslre axsecsrblage. Wrhitch ha's bleen fo'rmed writh the bi-r j rd,gment ar Ii d : ta atruI ly lberalI expeas.e eomnprisesa P. 1ine cliiefd'oeua-a by-.i:nisteen. Avifi-ir 'as -formerly in the calicdtiori Mr. Sehimise;- pen n Inel:-. of A msterda rais a n.iost liesutitf -aI Cadir a i,d qse Piece, bs-tV.Y V. le 'Veldv i adeightfuml Lanilscape. by Both. being rbe Feirry O,,f the Tybet, a fin)e iaid--:pri Cct-. byv Cuyp, Ini hie bes tie c.pta Sr-soreard Sa isw b Lbckrnyen a.ea View, by Vande CiPelli, mire Of Llhe hest painited proliuctiunrs 4, thil xusirt,-r an Inte. Crh,, by Tile very rar-e rinaiter old Frauiris Wcrien a Clonversation of Dle loirge. V.+,,I', Slinitelanilt. WV.NMier-it N .-\ltaj, ,ithl lanscpe andIuiteriors by3 lyisl yrc.e.iileiskA.Van de Vlerie, PaI:iluedes, llrsuircr, Te;riers .G. lion., Du6iart, SC. MIAy lie evieired two days precediing,. Genune iretrca.if cr hnihondur, Surrey-1l r.CiiiIT I,o the P'rrnsi-e., in Tuesday, 3May II. ut i preelsel, (inieCollectiont of ItaliRn, F'reudh, Flem~ish, andi P& Dtc itures, formed airnut -10 years ago witih trieat care an d judmet liv agenietlerusral Of RMAVIn Skill aid .itnimgien il liiC tire i art-. tirsfatt,v; ii tirepreseirt poilprietqx. by Nvtlirise order they are to be "'IdO, in cmirseq uCiIcc of lila bhei:g iblit torei- to another iei denies mrr so ited io tite receptimis ,fsin largea iiis.-trs Tee, aill be -rid on the rreinises. at Pirivckenhri ~ rciirar. .nS to, flthieb ond bridge, aridi nay be v,iewe d 3 du) previiins e toIn, szile. Sunday ex. eeliteri. i.y ti,k eta. to he had at tilie PalIW rIot mu. Richdmoiid. anir of aIr. Christic, Kinig-street, St.Jarrse-.s-sqi1rsrre. Yrriishirc.-.-.~rtonc Tiillr smal ;n1n_FFTreehod ~Raridernie -rid Lail,t4, rod, Tlie Great arid S,rraii Tithes %risirag Irons above f-SO acrei, at (altor-rBiy Mfe-rs. DRIVtER, it irhe Auretii,nr-irart, sin Friday, A1pril .91, at 12. Ini 3 lots, Iry, erdee of th;: D!visces of (Ine latte Jirhir Lot I 4 Vluabe Frei ol Eaite, silliate inl tie parijab [1. orKirlub llialam)a! ,isou A oiilies fromi Siipton. aridt 6 fro Seie; cmptiitiga a-rr cprea utone buitlt cottr.n rrill, on tirerivr Ai. wt), ri hriridat suplyand- greatr fail (If rstEer, to gathr~trliarecssiry riidir.s ad citigesfist tarryingv err aI! ex,ten- sivebriiriss.Theaboe ae ii t e nrupariuin of Mfessrs.Jinihi and isaae Dewhirirat, under a lease. rif reirichr li years are riiexpfced. at I tire v-ery lowaurriiud reint ofl 1131. Lot '-. Avery, desirable lurclhing- lonuse, in the ricoup scior. of Mr. John Maber, wvith 2- itchl esnclmsed I ritrderis, a smnallsiaddock behirid tire his.iie. -.nveriierr -tabling and echuischrorse, and about 34 acres i.f ex~ceedinglIY richt PaStaTe -and mead.-w land. Lot 3. Ttire Great annf Smaill Tithies arisinig froin two VMruLlble far ins, at Calton, corntaininig abht SS;3 acres, in t he occu- PatlIn (if WVillians Pollen and Johir Browrn. Ptrinted Flpecificirtioss nray hie lhad atttire Devonshire hotel, 5-s~iptoii; Golden iliti, Settle; bittel, Leeds; Dcvoirshire Arms, Keig-hicy -at [tie Aluatl(im-mart, Lonrdon: anu of Miiessrs. Drna-er. ~urv.eyors arid Land agemits, 13. Near- Bridge-sereet, L,sndrrr.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I-irofrdsrir..ThcEstteaofthe its J,shn Williamas, req. eoil,,istlis of ii desirruble fies-idence,cailcd Wilcrrift, Brourney lill Fartir, an Ilagicy Pak4orarii igtrraoC'20atures, moist: aarivLinige. onaly situate. oriar tire rillage rif Hag-Igiy, adioirring Tle turnpike- r-aid ledingt'f.nim ereford t.Ledbury. 4millesfrirri the fuirad II itiroin tire ltter platte.-iy Meu.DRIVEYIl at thie Xutionti \Iart, rIi Fridtirr, SLpr l Wi. nt 1:2. mi 3 Irits, Lt Very?diesirable Freteholdl Mansior'-honse an:1 Estate, ~__cle ilerolt, late tire r-idcriwe irt John VWilifian-: sq . de- ceased. rvitli convenien, attachred and detaclied oti'.exelleril stabling. coacrhbronte, wralled kiteireni gardeir. arid about 152 acres o.f rich %rabic. nireadrirw. os-chard, anid rirrrd ground thbereto bsl-nngine. Alsir i valuabile Farmn, called liroirinee- lill. cirrtainiuttli a2cres. And a vcry cnompact Estate trilled Ilagley Patk ot the Sheer- Walk.cn,ritaintica Sr acres, principally Ii;stire. writhr ir irerlyeretctd stuint brulit Min;i, rilot yet (rnmpleted, mrist deliglitfuilly situate jii Tire nh-ye, purk, er,rrr niandirag very beautiful, ru-ieh ann( ectensive a'ieres. Tire pliik is woll tirihered, rinrimeiited atird .hettererlan twis sides. -sthita handa.irme belt plaxitation, arid is cripable of' beiiig f,-rmed In t. ci iiist deair;rzbie fesidence. t--cether writh a farnm. called Bartestree Fa:rmiii.ierir the irbve.t-intiiiiti arou 87aces f ecedingly richi uairibe said rnes- dor lad,eitrafarsir-acand runuhliigs,dsiurriry other houses aridcotageahirir tie esate. Pint-d speictioiis. withi plains at- tachd, inn irelia! a theFeaher-e itry: Hortel, Herefrord: hJell, Gloestr; logir Chtennr n t treAuctioni Mart: and of Messrs. Drier,snia'er-r cud lnd gens, ittheir office. 13. New Bridge- Ne~gar-stcct-Elgatit hoirserirird Fnrniture, State Bredsteaid and Fur ititire, liatirs-inme lirawirr un-m Suits. CNbnuliet and Srlrmre Pianofortes. Billiard Tables. Eiglit-day and Tainle Clocks, Plate, Wardrobe of Linien, rir-i Curt Glass. PiAinthIirc. &C.-lly Mr. MtITCI IELL, at 23. Netrgsrc-street. THIS' DAY tire ZiOtb and IVedi. nierdy tie 31t Mael i,a II, nuidert th Seri or Midlsx (I OMPItISIG\Mahogany 4--post Bedateati anti PxFtrni_ ~.-}turs. rrie gose felather beds, and bieddin,g, mnattresses. expital tssihigary wrdribs and chests of drawvers, secretaries, anid [rook-; crits tatlmens ressing stands, eleganit mirrors, brilliant chino- niey. pier, aind dressinz glasses. solid rosewood and zebra card. aol:,., arid trou Tables-, with chairs and couches tin suit, pedestal sideboaLrds, patenit dininig tabries, F-renelr wrindow cturtains. Brirselse, Venietian., and Kiddernsinster crirpers. rril cloth%, dirie painitings, SO dozen of mould arid other canidles, wvithi culinri-y utenssils, Sic. Catalogues msa' ire haud Orr the premiises rif Pr. G. Wvesternr. seq. 22. Newv Ormondf- g,trtet, Bedford-row- o,f Mess"rs. Bruooksoii and Son, Thiree Trios, Ceterlane; iiarrawavRVS Croirn, Clerkenucil r MernRiad, idacksloy; and oft Mr. .9litecheil, 7,Ncrrtonfaigate. Copyboid Proper:ty. P,rplar.---y Mlr. Ml1TtLIEL.L, atG0arraWurys, oil Wednesday. April 7. at 12. lin I lot, T WO substantial aenteel Horuses, cli-ibly situate in TPennyfield, in fronit Of the High-street, PnA'ar, let to very old respectablie erTirilts, at 401. per ennurnan hield subject to a tnrilng fine certain, and a quoit renit of a hnva pence per annum. Particulars rIosy hae bad at the WFirite Hitrrse. Poplar; at Gnirrawvay'g; Anletion-mart, arid rif Mr. Mtitchiell, 7. NortoinfAliate. Freclirrd Grournd Rents of 731. per atinnum. sod a Renit Chiarge of 531.I per tDitnniu.-ly, Ir MIITCHIELL, at Garraw-ay's, ri WVednesday, Aprii 7, at 1,2. FREEHOLD (Grouind Rent isP 211. per annumir, with *he reversion in II yealrs ti, 14 intuO-es. [i,f tire etesuinerd renrur' KA:dO. per' anonia.) G(riden-isric. Air zncply secured Ground Rent iii 5-21. per atnnum, arising frooi it houses, a to;re grsonnd. &,,. Mltilda place, Bernironrdsey. Ann eyscr trtCkg f.-; .rrrro issuing frrini 0 hrrscs, altthe'top-if the City-koad.- I'Artiviii5rni4nr behlar!at Garrarrays,n Anction-mart: anid ol'Mr. Mitcellt. 7. Nortrrri- I'Algate: asiresat iris Auetfon Rirons, 23, Newrgate.sureet.______ Wailert-place, Lambetb.-Valuabl.n Leasehiold P'roperty.-liy 'Tr. MITCHELL, atGlatrr-aa a, oat Weduaeday-S.pril 1,t2, in 4 lts, X-VV() genteel - R es-n ces, witlh gardens, fore courts, &c. .IL Ntis. 12 arid 13, St. Alban'.,-'terisive. ivaicot.plaee, In front of tire Kentringt.nx-road, lime of arhich has a cinaisei-orrsc, stabiling. breiv-- house. A-c. rrf srhiei. uosseisiori only hre liasd,i in the occupation u-f MeIssrs. Creaton anrd Slce, at I 1.51. per annurir. Alm six wyell-bwuilt Iouises, Nos. 6. 7. 8.9, 10, ariid I 1, Richmond-street. adjolning. Par- litiehrsir nay- be had f.rf r. Creuton, 1 2. St. Ahlrcin's-tei race, (w-ho wvill show tirie estates): Ilorna Tavern, Kennirrgtont Stagts, ditto, cosrner of t;IeLamsbeth and "erninirgtori-rrads n Garrsaway's AticrhIr-ir-mrt: arido.f Mr. Mlitchell, 7, Nnirtoni-falgate; and at his Aucrtion Itoornls, 23, Near-- gate-street. Valrsarle Esates,ireire IFnimrbu-ry-sqrreai Sicll .-By Xr. MTHL.at Garrawvay`s, oar Wedrtesdaiy, Apri 7, at 12, ir various lots, P}5XIV( Houses, wvith commanding SIlopS, iNTos. I and 2~, "T".Ciiftorin-street. within one door of Crorcn-street, Flirsbiury-siluare, anid leading to Finsbary New linritet. let at 801. per airounm. A corn-. paet I.ease.hold Estate. rint-stincig uif a dsa-ellitrg-irouse. fitted upn arid itell adaipted for a master ur-eavrt. sr naichlei possession maIy be had ; anin tawt irouies adji.inling.statine in 11ced i.ior-street. near Slitltibeids Church. let att 751. Threre Hrouses, Thitawl-strCCt, Spitallieldis. let aLt 601. arid lieid for:38 years, at no rerutn A colirpac Etate, compisrisinig secaen avaIl bruilt hnnits5, Miount-street, Churcir-strect, Shoreujiteih. pro- durcirig a rret rent or 35-1. 10s. A eiei tDwvelling-hoause, 3, Bakerts-rwra. Whitechavel. letr at 261. ,Arid three Mouses, Nos, 31. 32, atird33, St-Vlncecnt-street,CoinO15relii.-road, ct at dJI, Particrilars inray ha had at Garraway's: Areictirrrlicrt; arido 1 Mu. Mitchell, 7, Norton- frig,ate, ariid at lil Aucetion lRrooms, 23, Neaegate-street. Mr. Hiill's Annuital Sale of Painited su tuidGas-av' Mr. WVILLIAMTS, attireAuctionl Mar-t, on trsdsy, Ari 1, sf2, A Beauitiful Collection of Pitdanti Stie Glatss, -C_after thie uosua esteenred nmasters~. every particle of colour birurst lii, suirtable fir draar-ingroonis. lib)raries, eoirsera-atories, &c.- Mayvbe vieos-ed' clie day preceding arid monrring of sale, arid catalogue-s husd of Mr. Williams,. Throzinonrtoni-street. Small Collectioni ot valuable paintings. Hooks of Prin-ts, musieal in- strumenets, ijierals, and . iAcellaneotu tffects.-BY M r. WILLIAMIS, at the Mart, on Friday, April 2, aid followingday, at 12, A Small Collection of valuible PaiDtina^s, ancient aid fA_ nmodern, bv esteemed masters,in elegant gilt frames: a splendid rollection of sportrng and humorouis subjects, by Henrv Alin, 3 vols.; the Galerie til Palais Royal, 3 vols.; the Staftinrd Galiery, 2 voli.; Costumes of laflous Nations, 7 vols. &C.: n ringer organCwith book- case on the top,a wrolsnotal;rrand planoforte, by Hanston, in a nmaho- gany ease, and aditto by Cleinenti and Co.: a lieautiful collection of inerals; ltogether with a Variety of miscellaneous effect.. To be viewed oni Thursday preceding anid morning of sale, anid catalogues had of ir. Wiliams, hli;ogmortora-strect. Bookseller'S Stock, Household Furniture. Fixtures, and Effect-s.-Uy Mr. WILLIAMIS,*n the Premises, 131 CheIphide, on Monday, April 5; and two following days, at 11, by direction of the proprietor, Air. Thos. Teg5, removiln to 73, Cheapside I3ART' of tie nmisiclaneous ant1 valuable retail Stock of Ji fooks; atmong wvhich wtill be fotnd the works of the nmost popular anthors in history, divinity, poetry, voyages, travels., natural history, &c. a fev lots of household furniture, house fixtuzres, and Iittgsup of tbe shop, wvarehouse, &c. '1,, he viewed on Saturday preceding and mornhig "f siale; catalogueg had on the premises; and of 3r. Williams, Thrgngmortomi-street. IyNlr. HONE, at his Raomt, 45, bilidate-thill, THIS anid the 1t fol- lowinig DAYS. at half pas%;J to a mlinlute. OOKS in large quantitiCS, a Bookseller's Stock in vari- B ous langtages, cousisting oS di-,m de1ty, law, medich-, poetry, Plays, books of angslig, historv. biography, andi w.rks oni general ]ite lsure, catalogules. MIuwsic, lZircwood's large Plan of Edinbtirgil, i ld hfs a ei reul ati n g library.consisting of several thoiusand volumes of populat novels and romances, modernlmuzic, &C. May be Viewved, and catalogues, price Is. had at the rooms. Valuable Librcry of BDMRs, 50 Paintings, anid a few Lots of HouSe. hold Furuiture.-13y Mr. J- JOxNES, at his Rooms, 28, I-eadenihiLl- street, TIIlS DAY, at 12, iVithbut reseryr. s AVATER's Physiognomy,a subscriber's copy,in russia, 5 vols.: Houghton Galilery, 2 vole.; Brice's Travels, 5 vols, ; Do say's Ann ual Register, 46 vois.; Babyloniiani Talmud. 12 volis. Exeursions through En61and anid Ireland, 11 *uls.; Works of Nialm.n- ides. 4 vols.; Mlicrocosm of Lnidon, 3 'ols.; Clarke's W?torks, 18 v,M.; B3urke's Works; nvels and tales, anld illustratIons; 50 paintings, fine engravings, &e. Mhy bTe viewred, and catalo:gues bad. Oak fimber, Ll:ollsshirC Byy Mr. JOSEPii WRiurHT. at the Bliak Horse Inn. Grirnatliorpe, on Wedniesday, April 7, '@IlX Hundred and Thirty remarkably fine Oak Timber Trees, Nsith the lop, top, and bark, noAw standing In the park and lands of GriznsthorPe Castir. Nucb of this timnber is of large dl- mensions and good quslity, is well calculated for 1is Majesty's anid other DOodk-ards, and highly deserving tile attenitioni f all persolns In the oak timber trade. it is situate about 4 mites from lournet, where there IS a navigation to the ports of Bnston and Spalding, anid at easyV istauces by g,ood roads from Waasfnfd and Grantham),whenee there arc comrilunlcations by *rnter with .Wisbeach, Lynn, Notting- ham, Derby. &c. Charles Laugher, of Grinasthorpe, anid William Gascolgise, of Little4Bysham, will show the lots, of Whs6m printed particulars nmay be had; also of Messrs. Bray and Warren;- solieltrs, Great Ruissell-street, Blcomsburvy of the auctionieer, at Corby; and of Mir. Clutton. IartR tood, sesar ltelgatc Surrry. By Mr. SAUNDftRS. at his Great Room, No. 30, Fleet-street, or 'hir8day next, Aprit 1, and 2 following day-a at half past. IS precisely, - S2pel did Assemblage of Books in general Literaturi fiand Books of prlnts, among wehich nre,. folio: ltrke's Caesar large paper; Cromwelliana, Illustrated; Thomsonti's lenerl Atls Wxulllauson's Oriental Field Sports;- Sugtdae Lexecopu 3 vols. largi pap,er; -*iller:s CisSita Phydic: l aPiis and Tindars Eng)and, . vols., Gnilltihs Heraldry; Robson's GramplarnScepely, 4to.; ileiry' -Bible 6 vols. large paPer; gncyvelopdia Britannica, 20_vols.; Ail;i1l llo,raphy, ill -vol., )-pibain's Althprpiauas,f2 yol.. large paper; Seot -BilVle, 4 vols. 8ve, &Ie.; Curtis' l3totanle;l. 31againe, -43vols, f -Dibdin Your, Dlecinmeroni aMS -iilthe?lflnnhdl gubser1ptiomaeolsi5s; 51e0Ioe' Shakspeare, 21 yak;. Trusler's Hahiusbl.t World, 211vol's.: Chalmnefe Biographical DIctionary, 321 vole.: House aad SmollEct' Ei.gland, I vols. royal paper, &e.niauy in eleg3ut biledings of moroceo, ruaila,an calf. To be view,ed, 2nd catalog,ues haed, yrice 6d. each. Offices, Coosahhouse, and FoUC-8tUdI St&ble,-5y Mi'. RAINY at:.tip -Autetion Mart,' To-morrow, Xarch 31, at 2iS wirth mnvalati possess510io, ev stibstantial well finisheA Leaseho!d: lsdnd ?3iheI for a term -of 62 years, at anodrtero6rft N o. II15, orn the nloyth side of Pice2tdil,ooieteOrspge aomprjirg exteellent dining parloOr and-bt12dangows, i boudoIr, 2 bnst 1-es. cllambers, snd adrsigTonad 4r'g' house,and -grstal rst,ble tob iidtllteai,ndrnlpr. techis Dwager 14 dey precein, dnts ifrssiio u,vIed APor,tiard-place t'thel wes sidundtion, tverr divisiontii besiteeaate,~ireIL- oaride Nwft Cavdendr Portdr,ieteliacinue Fnp rnll)' Eltune Ml;iedl.2stn srihCreass,citptlue aridg ptaruinr, Jitmuryeehold fcathdrttroom 50 e0rata da nnll' groudm% ren,the podrisrdors,v nd late-udeirid4eonee ion th,et.cru tearsans z titages .r Tmtetgow derycamleedBvr otfIe-9,a tok h-h e a, ToW-us-rT,se,pMrchite 31, ty1, ith desird havehep0is5e551'te00, , staidrcses, capteitaletrig pntl4Oflr. pirecarn,- ofandRln,S thrdrom ieft sipith end rif Dericciey-square, opposite Charles -street; 1451 ik.lars of T.i-. hirorctirner. eaq. Alibtify-couirt, PiccatdIlly a,it the. harXS. and oil the piremises. LitieIn'ednn-fieids.-Valurbl Frelod ste,he-aSCoii Thornton's Resldeoe firnrl Kd nyo I Iu,ndo tmeTe lain Club -ioiin-a. r.RANYn the Auction tllart,L- M-srrh-3l, ht 129, hdr-elnof teDe'f?see, under theb Thorntorn deceased 1I-l E veryvlal Freehold E-state, cotllprisifi a. T -spacious enaoirisn hitd o[rices. fituateflNo. 36. on rhe,stiutb ohUe of Llnn'oin's-ino-flelds, In the orm-rpation of and oni lease with other pre. misc,s. frountf;rg PortuIgal-steet. to the Vervilamn Club., for a teens of which atairt J 2 yearm vir, tmexpired,al at oyar]r'renr- of 3751, 'The e5ta~ i chrge wih ai an.uly- f 2IOLper annum, dtinig 'tbe life of' awido is'y, agd abut 4. T i prmise4 nmay be viewved by permssio ofthe rib,beteen he hursof 9 and 12, ox, applicationt to te stwar, en of ebon prntedplrtctilar. may be had. P-ti r'utif bs',sf r.Weyouh. oliitr. 1,ChIdsy-Id-ace, Tenmple-ba-r; at teAueint.mar; an ofMr. ainy 5,Berkeiey-squnre. op*id,ite. e;targes,nLreet,.eIope Werrl-r'roiA an cmiudflr, liirupted VieW oser tile GreenpaitP-Consipaet tOic.narl e7 a -in valuze to Freehold, L-6i,e held oI Lease reniral frever, at a.' necerr- ,inli-By'Sir. RIAINV, at the Aunr:th Mat omorrow,, March 31, a-t 1 2, with Immedliate i'usscssisrn. A Compct andvery dsirabl iIoue, very cele-rfully exadnivey.otnris"Elng oon -aid malthird Eroo lVhIt.rflh ndor en.w thenin ices hottyan rnd ilden -bch Water el;P,,eie.-By TObrviwe ti th Prale,slid orfce p5rtd(i.tprS hii, 14 day preel.edir1 ofl c edsnrs. mielth arid WLair ~ford, firsUpers'-ati, Thro-boJrttOir-ituree atd thvAit-, elan marte p01of Mr.oj? lsley. ,rtevi.sout ds,end of by prives~state,!n iJ- r',sHti desirablye situe at, No. - N,,in viGimtivei'irir shed theiliis (,or,,, efWxtensiv,Ee lIet, anidourlooing. -fh er' garlen ofiw,rhs au!nbtnd Hnow t'he proemise andre laseidec of Walter P'Yarles, ue%pird, y ar mRd.XI ra thegron remlss o vrrdsi Aprble30 timt ha2 biee exy,pendeldipng thin urhicnb the Lrshofei ofr, n the lxurshodc hofshl tilafrr'ituck ndwt teract,f'l d , Htoe vtiraery nobrning r r ason , rak'h inm cpuripiseate reoai, a.B. o msuprb derably situate,no, 46.iL rin ?tsVsi,palaes,i thFecorairy HiLdlton-r,street, igan orverle carriatee gtardengsof euuightani ouse., rate ~onnd ent; onsidrablesums dateben exenf up rtblsonithem withi theList ew yars, , te thll'tof risalforyninkei nerioe- new ridof he hst escipton ithe cotrhe Auction hail arid otu stonfeIdstaircase,T rnAirViVg onri areaPiast so, titaerious, etars room a'sit ofEsuper drowingholie Furniturinepa raridt Pianofortnde, h-.trchrbinaeand twt grlsng oos,Plt a-nd ilaeid pideead rstervie elarssor ,Ich ploore arata hngeeof domsesti a righton iiitui dyetachebdy, kiche aridlaudr e stanints fotr lv araes, st. aybei foreigh,an tahorses,d every th apurtenan.e s. e i h rrmidto faneibilr Tof tsire rsteorrieequnee.To re ls'* iltesaeb,lies r~ SOU, printed l'rnolc aythe Pr iiss, rl pof esoruthwdsarid THSane biont-rver. rovenr-suann ad Fi Bor. I aaii} d Timbrkle-sure, vyeiewed .nsdy T.i i~YY ont taoue hdPnth remises, a yned,na i aiofoNrd, Smitey, TillS DA.MrH (,a itahdy So EGViaNoTimobehoNltiFrohnitutgirand-~ Pian.kofoidrts, Dsirich chin Othoo c eutlas,pltean lar td iePorderriis , leargtie eneplte pirR-andg chlmIne.--aboses a rgtnfyI'eIloN. boy err-J Miasci, mu tl p%rintswOty's, &e-n Mayrbe vi 1e, and12 ataouhes had nghet birer,ies Toibo`ldkper.Cabines tmakerbtt,a i'rei',d Citter-s.t arnu tagersl 60fir. sond ladaeae amiith r'eurisca,I` faeepoi, elgilsuuthoer,tHIthAT,o ofartc uhw3,atrl2,byrifdle,ur of thde,n T lease fof1 3onathan Bthepnan Lh. bnddavlarge inuantty o orrthree from etrbuits-hurhcrrtsrisaynb a eq,uantiy orfuartber ingtofularios dtinieds bhyt appidto t-chow More butoards,rattens,at arewod, and, othrueat irlystretff Balso r.ars feetdof Fpaoihoand HondsGruras mahog,any, of vearos thcld -neses. ~MaIZe- raiew Gounedy pRiorto- tire sale tOrEd catalge had-ony sTo-ire orrmivv farido 3Ir. Sathy 124,Trre,ret Tort' Wharf.-at'a notirer Mer (it rr5. Eniner. a5r-r,ni a wllsurides Diotill ers, or ol loth,r requringlare S wterlbsidt Prmepues, ona tong hIDOItE at Gaoiwa~.To-macosty, M-arch 1 at 12, tlarothe- of. thengutsi'tr-htrrd ld e,urrvey-e -ide Atilie for, 16ip yars; thZepe mie a edvddlo, w rtrelre aaiihe,s a brnoier auctioneerand estnte Bagent 1o1,dereat Coprreysmieth,lcfiasrrd frehladHoserwmIes. Grond Rents d Br1 Leaehrii Hose, a td Sipi. rarndeGro, und CRe rnt.-myker.J MORues, aoth Gar .awiysdToreeiidrow ar'h 1 at or2, De-r in-aii trs n tir.-B,JI rI~w 'irst-e raemiea FroeeoTdHIuSesA, inch30 H attn-rd fon,i ong lease at aI net redal, uyodef the) Peropannuor ao cll-earrte eret,atloP rouInd renuts n00 Latsrlo-rad Corlsnw suit-rab. ld et-rnead, Gh reatiWebi,er- steach Chlrf- rae rat Chhvcio Mr;ari fjlotte stree, autrewr ano-streetCoamrit-,oSt. Whieogs Miorse-street, Woriter propertsmy bol e veiewed, anfor rited sareicnthe hading by -aplie,tuid to Ji. toore, detlverd sild testate Is loedt.7,Gra ure.tet BlConvfriartLes- hlroead.Upe erg-tet,Egwrerh WaBpng-sree SANdLOYd ratel-lneo-l' oAnd-streeShi, anS Douse -LHanseirew-Srryears ro and Cras Tupccrner an01r-d rers., ohip ikchanlers%n Cr,mrise-snkr, situeid.Uce-eor,SouthrSeatan Greestnlan 144Slan, pt.wters,Daers n 4e ;, in rrtheSoe, au~nd ,Ofher.- Byoe JOhd cir-ulti hD nrise Premiesy a abgodeHi DhAY. Ma,rch '10. andh tfoio olog ay, at hiO beachday,byrs order cofethe Poprieor ca to clear, then v orlthe tradIm leprandgsip-owers, to ueostooe men, penitionupl in tins adtertiandeotl itt woveibeinsetdf ailtees. robeevewdz.. pad wInr ldu timeo the pr emises, at Ni. eHill ; ailctr,G th lbelAutio stret.; anid of u:or effctsmayble viuewed befrie the.u s,ale, nterof ntaigis of satle: %h,rS,i -By eniePoery-yMr. STANLE,atLCYlou;1, Old Bod-tre, THIS, 2A1, a l5od-sree 3,ti 12,ro,th 1to Ntrhiis.a 2 Se-r lect~k uPoton Edbeiiiar-'-d ite futhre ofptur of trul valuabl Hrvi eandLpionrr and Ptired s, isthe Pruoierty of a disriit'user aonoid seurcitiembhraring severalioftrs ihiagoodt slap- arid( irorks,r- wif trio t,sth efoml and tuire ound hnoiur,he 'ureuuaiprrtralt whib 'itir- elles atO cNlarn.t 3g-rd bed chianbr. waother blosims dCon-eaglIiaer, 51Aoia,b~r a-suIts, 1x. bum of spgring datMoer, 1, sais plentiful, btpy Cofregg-ot H'nead,s, bd Totlief cGseiorrones a ;id Prike s-le;Ins-cd ad p brir-larul;de Domnlth. ineoiSr f. Ot -tEll. r, Vrlvtor Rsa an.dWlbPkstreet SelaMdof ri Manley. 21. Old Bon.d-street.iirousexaple one ntir puipert.HyMr. TANLy, ants his Rinutter, 21.nOs. good-treet To-mrrow,the 3stno Marc ilist. aoth1,Ntchr A Selet Porton, beng thef iurth tof datuys valuadino -Collesrin of Picures, thepeoGlr;y,sef a drlgtFin tutoned cabioi- mres emianentomater, 2Siucasare dtoSerIentitd tWoktea, anidert Efftire tasefulovnd frudicfrious.i laargtem Mre DAVIortrait by taisoosele a3 -Jholyday,b LRniionre o dravira aiid, fromthe collttion of tire atoed arbins Roplaifot, of Mielan aothemrobyeCiea ti Cosnuegditno, a Maeirri tanre Anels byoeta books,igrino a goleass tabl Manddalini, by l coegloth Heads,t yTtian;s fiogrgat iversitd Paofi aeffcs Luiableass by Claudeme Carnaslerri,adohr fri May irelwe ti daiewed twnisof ae daysdprcdin- ardctlogues h ad d tero,s Houseaot ecln Furniture, Cimiiey tlle abinet. rlin tondcbi- inet Pianofote 2F`aedto.Scear ri tosrand Eftects gltatb Chinpa,e THIs DA, Mie arch 0, ad. Thueda Lnext, at e12., hold fnrire drawing roiaid Effect rrie r ditto, a1 nietoriets cZbne Id.AnofoRt, (fathe latith iMpsras.obnsOit 2n qthe dmitto s,aace -tarea aRyd ber-stre. hoos chia,mls', otabl Th ad iredtliApril I,,witla fulloinar dartcies 2, a ri divrstye of effilcto. suitable t etlm furnising. My he vn'ed his da , adcornnse ofeal saed, and cawta logues had at theieed rderhuns,utw ine ouseoldForritrre, tistoriS Cboine l. nf't,mb Cainetsaj,r. HoibrryCar, HabridaEshects. anedSl Gwithin 12RmoNTh- adyC Ti' AGR. onate wiets essrNo. 23tobartiea,l ontepremsies BI.g, GreattRyer-stureet St..ire'sai Thursday nx, April 1, and fUNi-dy t-0e,i followingday,ut r 12,ve biy orl-ter of ah brpi tof Isle. r hebee of-the Crernitores opie,ansm iaogry4ps rbEdd ,nhStocki chaest of nsaeisetin ofIrs patentd s,ir t iabers,dr Jti Fruim wnindbcrtas nisins, cownhs, sdichairs, pinahityed estuil- on Weirredatand atalgueshad n theolseandses arid caioes,rslknr auctineer nd apraisr, 9 Kingstret,rHinbrr,leant.e,GrRc Lirendaper. Hoiery Habrdaser)' andffili Good iates -B tgtliRrA of the Creditors,V of' Mreb To ShrpenhrscandrbrIes yatesall.laest-os instMess rinte McamN Rned huckab HAM'-, -tal tlinen Ahcton Roos, brown hollndstrand calices, sil goden1 bilac Dand coloured, aRteIt, wihutestreinal,lesat rese rvatmion Napes nd atns,popio, bnubsiS ho st kes,a erfiIlt onsistongete lotredor irl'rae fmiles s wll s te, trae,t faridswillrbetsoldith- outtheleat eser'e 'r o viu'cok tabed cldaothe1st of dMarch,, lisaing-Icine, CBlvenal'eidetins.grs-d T tIE entre- Stockf a Cr panry Sop ikeeper, consisting of ottoi ad sorteddit,i afewreinants of superfine cloth, s.-U or-ereffct. Saybe ieed ndeaIhoue had at Ma,chin and Die- beosnha'r offlce, isniit,rtreei. Leasehold .state, elegant And splendid Furnrirture, Cellar of Winesi, select Library'. fjnel'Paintings, 2 Grand Planolor-ts, Table and Bed Linen, &q. 18 , ew' Ormon.o ud-stteet.-Hy Mecssr. MACHIN aind DFBENHAMt. at their Aucti,str Roonis, 26 Kling-street, Covent- earden la sxle not beisg ailowe`i on the preiises), To-morrow. Mar-e 31, and following .day, at ll. rpHE- H uIriturelias been recently rnade to order, and is _Fi reniaarkably 's-eliLmtnufacturedr comprisingah5ndsomedrairong. roorm sult of roscsrood iurniture, -in chairs, sofas couches, settees, card, loIn, aud work, tables, dining and pembr-okle trables, sets ofmaho- aily thiairs,pedestI&sidebiiard,paiT of eleggntetirCophKgAese,,tSlrdCeolSe trus5eltearpelsand rngss Itighly finished. eseritoires, a. fine toned borilonar pianoforte, , capital bracket clocks, an elegapt treneh Oitto, large cHimney, pier, and cheval glasseg, 3 sets of asIdot cur. WaIns, mabeFatg Irardrobe alid chest.s ofdr'w6ers,capitsitl Inabganr beditekds, prtime voose beds andibedding fane. cabinet paintlrm anrt dria,lngs, chlmi umneranfd dessert servTce, rrhscut glass, a-Ardx-obc .of tine table and Ated linen. The wines consisr .of old cr-uSted Port. fiie Sherry, nind Madeira, and 7 cask-a of n-4!deivwines. J.bD3t 300 v'ols.ol olbidkS, in elegant bindlngs, vi Pin1lortonlik Voyag&,TrPhlloso- phical Transaitilns, lModern Erucyelopiedi, Drndel's Greece, Abobut's -insects, Coatumes. European -Scenery, Histbrie: Gialjery Mliltar-y .Ftrbl, R Eeellx Furope Boydell's ShaltPeatre, &c.l .a eapftal'patenA mangle, an1dsun1dF-y kItchen requisites.: The-Lease Is helt for-aterme.. 'of j. 14, or 21 yearr. fromt Lady.day last. - Tle prenanlsa ma,y be, viewrd-tat ltuyl tirm prior to the sale; the furn3ture may 1b.e VIQ%ed, onu day prior; and catalogues had at tire rooms. Wavanalh Segars;-At- GaTwaY's, TSIniorrbw Shrarch 31,iat twQ precisely, TJ IGHT huudted -por.ntld reai l'Havaxllaht Scegars. con- .J stis5nPof a brown,- high thrown, yellowv, ;Ud bright .ello eo, - . ur, and o{ Sa very; euperi quality sd flavour. Tro he put ip ltn sma 3 fllots. acorleP to be seen tll: ::-e -ime :f !aat , - ! ~ergesiC, ,0~4s1; ,; !- , - , _,... - . SALES B3Y AUCTION.
FOR CEYLON, the fine SHIP...
.-TM r-A1; STR buR4e..c6mOmtdna *fstrzoengsir(xr. Tn m eaI,h l -LOt he C P o 1GI))HOE :~ .rtleltesuif ~ote Ir Maf, i 1H rAWthe Nlo ,:k H~tlte,yIP ~ don boes, baa- U gb- ae RD. COlfo e i r F5~OR CALCUT~TA,, Dirh-eSt, stqAil je~y-`~ifriw a~mvuna wn tie" I'u1 iitfdate i tee,- w'atmluS .!jI EOURCE.ns Bk~RWARD -ANN.D- Comma -ftfi-41wnanda :A ~5-areAt ly rtoI the Ct CoimnanerT,.athtp. bag &.Piam ldba4qo pl- .~elaeammo4tiowjfor:Pa9kiigers anld willet cry %*An4 '4srgSon. For'fregbt or paeiva-e appi' t the CMm4iaZdfi,-4'ttbs ,Thss1e~ feehone- ~Low :-8ratber2, U4iaMarkilAn* .-:.to;Iai TiMi"n, eetoy-hos4;.St.- MdlebsiaeV alley, CoynUpIpsi MAD ?Wl)RAS and tzEOAe trw ee.~ 'the. custom-lionae. and pxpeecjd. to-boatt por" k0ks;h-vt if ', aKsto arnbatli ber ainr,baas ork -alt TTSOM f-r 3 cadets, the ~ast-sa 8frtg ak slEh MIXN5ON, CoT*nbLnder, 6f th6 li0n. Css5dii,7 4 tonsj x ag pnop.,with;ereellentacr midxo~ops.is (Jle) ra e "iful oasureoo. For.freigh~ rw a . o l 7niwder. at the .lero" slgp eolfeih'q. o iirsl.n 1.ane. 8, Old ewrv : or taJhn S:BFl l 1 4. llls'ebl I Thhli ~'OR ~AN DjEM~N'sLAND'eOd .NEW- SUTfl bell ~rll atilotedetl tb.e'44lekx tI'att, rlthbeflne eiht1'sMlif2S-g rire holt SHP CU EtttAND,iR(BERT Cv* S.Crits.cp *Riperioroco at" osframn y9Thlbt ~ fltanxelenieed surgeor.- Thel%Maater -ha dthm iope to the-Cl"eo`niees, and can give all necessr nomto ,~e.Ig repcicthe stste or them. For ~ Con auder. at Llopd's; or to-Edwer tl.2.Lm-tet 1OR OSTEND), the'TALBGT STBAET A1ET Wi3I etave the Customhoi-sse.eyr Satuea ~i-~."' 'Kith ppassenters anid caffi&iae.' Thta Wie lk v ~ r T=aye to Ostend during t is Winter, oflte%tay- d r- 1Zrd 4ts sea. 'vAthont delay) or datngerlpnfn~tSOlt5p~b?y arteh madvantages over every othsenl opocm bt'xe,tb 2.xd safety. A '%ePirate cablin andei l tbsg: t-$h alS Atn-ther sream packet. equiul In powve anud. agii,~modailtte Talbot. will be place-i on ttsIs station In few we ii.: For frhias .tieulars nquiraaEt 18.'Straxid-~or attbe,~1iKeisgral packet oe;11 Warer.flane, near the Custonmhouseo., . .Cohes onth ais to o LETTyPlSStgritoan prt _1TITH aWOo ET~ 'fdml the-POST ovFFI.The LONDON - and' ROTITE1tDAM5 'I A ]tJLAk RO TDA L T120-Sonsi'. Cap . M a-. _ARL BA CUiS 00 tonsi .W~GIBIDS. EALof(LANCARTY . -;0os DUES. of KENT A*'117 tOni.. 'I). QJND. The Above vessels all gtand A1, at o.dWit-(hle ofthes"IMickirts saIls 'froma aff the Custo house-forit,tterdzule~vory Saittlrdabisnd aLre ftted 4in the most-approved muanner for the accommondatlont of passkengers. Travellers, by adoipting:-this rouxte, wilt avoid the trouble and ex- pense of land es--sellon Yrorm Londoji- to, Harwich, ten-d agitn fromn Hevet to Rotierdam- - Applteatloni for-.assntga to bet rnAdet to tre, riasatezt so& ar th1vssl, o17 llrewer?.IQuiti; but.with respict to god,to tea,. Jo1-hn JI1all ancI Co.- , ICes slf,ia h Rotterdamn "a,ls neXt Saturday.-k- . T EHU LL SrTEAMII- PAC KE'TCMANYb T oEt respectfully to acquitteNblt et~ad~bi in generml, that their PACKuaET,the 'Nolifilty ei)ER{K,P4 E'?RE. CnTmraLnder, 400 tons, With two enghies:of' tO0hotrseyOwer., )aa been completelyrefltted. and Wi3lIeav flufl fo rtbefiTF;t,tieo*this neason nn W Iedntday, te I10th of March I nstant, and.cvtrypol3ow- mxr. We ne!sdce, for London, and. slai-t; froffi olt the :Tdwei4*tairs -es Tuedaty, 'the 16th instant, tand GVever foallwiilg-;Trleiday, 3precisely at 7 cx`eltmlk In the xnornings for Ha-hti, ith ptfdrAgers. rnerchaxndise, carrtagex, Zze, Ves: -best cabin. 11. lI;. u,d - ford vamblu 1l. Is.t chtildrenhll"price~. Refreshnlerlt~.to b4'had iii ~ rd Zit a reasonable- charge. N.B. The, Yorkstsrelana Stviifl rgselt4t of 'the samne burden and powrer,twill ru-n In connjunction wfth .thef,rlnce Trederick in about a mnoth. which~wil llfforttb~e. e,liq II& *ceoni-. :riodation or a certain aud rmpid-cuniwyancee 9th r-aigthf-erdtfnd rrcetrcandise, to and from L-ondon HntIlull ice . weths 6f *hiebL -.mre ntotie will be- gi+eeh.- TlhOdse pIkets are -moat.-.leprntly -and. 1au tifoLIly iltted up with eovery-possible accommodation siLd comfort zfor the convenienie of passenigers, and have private cabins for ladler, -with fermale attendants. 'Further lntorzrntlon mnayrlChbud'of tebs =eent, W. J. H:ll. CuAtom-house Quay, t'o whIdh placO al goodinusmutri 'he sent the day before the -pa.kets sail - . iNTCORPORATFaY -SOCIETY, -f"bi'te - Minag'einert VT.n-d Distribition of the Literary Find.-.A GEllNERAL MEETiN(O 01 the S1IEMIIE,RS ofthis SOCIET'Y will be heldat tbeSocietv'sChumi- hers, 4. Llncoln's-inn-feleds, oni Nedines0my the 10thi of Mari:6 for the ELECTION'of their OFFICERS, and for.thietransg'ct,iol1 f titier busi- b;essa Tbe chsirwill be tskenpi'ec?iseiy at 2o'clock. --~ CHARLES SYMMONS, D.0. - - jAMIIS ANDERSON, LL.D. kRAgistrar!t.- J. B. hNit;mi,..A. . S TB-WAYVS. -The ADJOURLNED MEIETINLG for ~'f London tavern, on Thursday, the- 18th of Marah,-when a platn will 'he sm-nlmtted by Mr. WilUamns. thei pl.tentee, for. stippltln.g tluf public -eith water and gas through the suib-ways, vrithout--thi6 pipes of the 9-5. and trater comipanies3. At the .last and tw-o former rnestinigs, queations have becen asked fiii pu,,blic which properly should have been ascertained.:piivatoly; the rare-ncre will thercfore be happy to 'tatisfy every In4u-J, bef6re the rnext mneeting, upon application to him In Corohill, tha t he proceed- ingsnsanotbe dvered rom he iret obiget, ofXeceiftly 'the sisne olroritor wUin tenbar i tis mportantunderta ng The atenee i awae tht, fom te noel~yof the object, sOtd hit riotbeig un eginer rofealoall-, dnbs hve beententertained re~acighis rojet: e dos no preumeto say -there 'I"l, be n3o s(i.cutie. Iot.fro hi conmulcaloi wih several men of sciencee be s asurd tat o ostalesexit ut snob as arie easliy.&voIdWi The chair wvill be taken preecisely at one`-o~ iod.- ACl IMMITTEE of GOVERNORS will be- held at )IRtr)FWRLLI. OSPITAL, In Bridge-stieeat;Bl3ackf?riss6, on Wid. rses"Aty, the 10th or Matrch nexc, at I I d'eiocl: precisely, to riLcitye PROPOSALS from such persons as may be Willidrftp TAKC, on. as Lease P"r -dl years, from Ladv-day ilext, a spacIou1!9andsnhsa=tiA brick- DVF.L0N;G4IOUSE, No. 41, Broad-stret-bluilaings, -at presabe let ont Into counti,sgbonse.% and occupied -by rniost- respectaible teniants. Al-o, will be L-t on Lease for 21 years, fromn Lady-day negt, acaapltaI 3nd ,.nlhssanmial Dlwelling-house. No. 1. Broad.atreet.plsee, very con- Tenientlv situate for ofliceso-r eontinghouee~s. TropsAtlsWillbe also rectls-edYfor Ltteinze seeralIPlots of Buildinggsronutd, atthecriorth enid of Raker's-boallainga, Old Biethlemn, on a Lease Or:Leases for 61 Yeams,fromLadiv-day next. For particulars inqujrecat tie S4rveyor's Offce. Brldewell l16spitai, - any day, Stundays recepidd~ between 10 and 4 o'bc'i's. The several teniders inustwte seaaed uip. and lItf at tire C-lerr's 0511ee. on or before Thursday, the 9th of Mrarch necxt, and the 3Persona miaking the tenders are requeisted to attend tha Comtoittte on the follatinfrgday, and be prepared with refttrences Jf required. FP E ES,:TATE of WILLIAM- WICKHAM de- Teased.-The CREDITORS of WM. WICKHAMi, late of Blattle, In thle co`nty '~1l Susse~,x. cornebhandler, deceased, w-ho have not already ,eart In a acount of their claimns and demands. axe partieuhaely re- I reted to se d lin the same inmmediately to 'Mr. Thomas Wiekhain, of - 'ieln?'t. nea ilattle, the admini3trator,in order that an equal distri- butiont of the deceased's effects may be maLde amongst them In pro- s.rtion to their sttereni and respective debts. And all persons rin- .bteod t the estate are hereby required to pay the amotiuit to, the *,imlizistrsRnr forthwith. CGPERa- COMNMISSION--Tho CREDITORS who- intend ~roving their debts under a coninisi%n~oY-Unktrupt a-arded and lssued against IM NRV CoO ER late or G&Jsmercial- pl;ate. Cit-road. In thetcouniyof Middlesex,- cArpenterabd-builder, LSie,ale and ehap.aan. are reque.ted to itnud the particulars of their 1-res'per6etie acounits. togeherwth thse s5ecurities tb6y hold, to oul- o mots prior to t nt meetng, which will take place oni Shturday Rtext, zlIf. ~6h day of Siarel'. if thiere aire partners thae hriatian .aad sAir- nmxxe', of the ptrr-les v.mn"slng thke lIrin will be reqmired, as also ti e.chrlstisn and sirnRine of the partner who wl;l atteuid to prove tI-c debx- An[EL anad LEADER, Soilcilers to thie Chmn'Tilsslon, T. MARY, ISLINGTON, February27i.4 5.. puruanc ofan order of the 1Ilonourable Ilouse of eommnons, NOTIE i. herby given,. that leavelhas teenrgivesi to brin'liriL aBILL, to repeal ter-erAl Acts for the elteief'snd Emplo)yment of the Poor of thes Parish ofitMr'lll ton lthe county of Middlesex. for Light. jar.andtVatbln. ad prveningNu'leancesendAnnoyaueekiherein; f`o1-rraendUirgthe Road fromn llg gate..throu.ghMl~-,de~4nAn,- ld the sev.eral rher Roads and Foetp5th5 itthes sai-taish r'lld fot' provid- ii%- a Chakpeol fEa,". and sin additional ilurlal-9rctnod for the,ssme, and to mrake effectuslprovfsloas Iu liet thereoft in which bin prnwv. the rtldd paritsh. Dy order, .LD!StWVAtClr. 4T. G P,.ORGF' a ind t JAMES's DISPENARY.-. SS. The office of one of the Phy3ialisans to this-tnatItdti6h i,eing v'acant, In consecuecnce of the rie:gnation of Dt'. CbWtesi,a SPECIAL GINVEMAL MfEETING of the GOVERNO"RS1 will be held- a'tth.Dls- 19e7-ar'-. 60. Klng-sireet. Glelden-square, at 12 oi'clock., on -Wednosday. te 24tb ',f Mlarch acyr. to ELECT another PHYSIJCIAN. Canpdfdates m e requeste-d to send their testimnonials. d&c,to tjse monthly commilt- tree. which will meet at thei Dispensary,, at 2 o clockr, on Wednesday, ithe 3d, and Wedne%day. the 10th of M~avch next,but nonie tan he re. ce !red after the lisst mentioned-day. -- JAS. HUlTR TLEF- ISHER. I-In. See. Dve tttGovh T. PANCRAS, miidkSzex,--The Cotnmissidprrs for c~arra-lng into ~Executioni the Actt, of Prlariiiametji NVf ratn , -&e. the streets, rqoarti, and other public ptsgen''i~ hevart anI -shall be mude upon certain 'plots Of gronnrd- lftths eid psrish *b.i'~nrinz to the Stiglit Hon. Ann DO5wgr rBaroneeaSd- th "nPtor. an alocetin or her mil adJoiInJngplots of round in ie ae aie willrbtetC in rihe Roard Room, at the WVatcbboilse, ii hrpi'e E-ast, Hamnpstead -rasi ouThurigilly, lth da'll'fyM'l Archehnxteat II .f te cockin he i'orenoon precisely, for the purpoe f eevn 'PPOP4)SAI.S from ftn- rersronor personsi Willing to- kD' ANjy, toq -the Ceinmissio-ers At Interest, Or by wo*y "f knuuity foi s'hi or-iiQre lIfeb or lives. tibe SUM of 1,1,00, uorin the credit dCf the rats. or as-smnsof thet sad acts. rrnp6Is to be mad# in writing. - Xar- tber particulgrs mnay- be knowrn On applizationilsstbeClierj,a 3 Charlotte-ati-eet. hilocossbury. - ---J ~ LV3I8 AUSH AU; OFICE.-UMM bN 1EDICW.~-- J,.1e1 a- rtote of anthority eevdfo sx~lnier , Dean. e.-q- Lietunat-G ro n CiisJA;n-bi~i n ova; the Colonly HeBic nst OpiiscdS i.&t &-1redent Ira all Courts and Col e ili h ae e c edtdxh'eSth lIecesoher. 1823 I, teudriad-t-bhstneoflctor nlowIie and ftichaed Atkiso.I alts flhrtneittJ tlgristl WIl ad Te-tAnsetotetehnrF lVytl;fRitln, .deceed, do bclrehk- for tht lIft t OneSto~ iNb EIT ~ zMdunknnvnCREA)l TOR anid CLrAIliNT ais teSAT~ nilore--:id TH)M.A's FRI,VEit AVYIELD eeed ~ap4ibfr 1thT bar Of the HotlonnIbIe the Co-urt o i'futc tf hs ~lfy at their Seaeoio to be bald on the 26th b l 154 n ale,for t hetp,r~oAeo,f ihaere rentdtriis-r-hi epcJv lis propers'sub tan 'tut and in dlue for n ti)apd5t.bT bv na ae estte,wheras n definlt ofwih n l-e lEiidis of te forthand astedictal. wl epocee i.t-Snn apprarers aecordirng to law. -This rarT t susnarons paha55. et- totasrr. Rerbice, thelilthtlecember, 23;- - ': Ri. FRFtI{CKEN, Pirsui l4itsbal, P TRSTUANT tn a Decree of the HighCout .f Chttce?y; IL made In a caneI 'Amphlrtt againSt- irtk,' theCRilDIOtp nf %UARTItH CLAY. late of- t.4 nghtou. i thle cotlni. of Ea,, spiter, deesad (who died.t on the lOtlrddy o( Jnly 18031 r- forthwith to co"me In and prove thefr debt,i before ViliamOolirte-ay, s.q. one of the I:asitr of the saldCourt, athls ehhm rSotlihatnp- t_n-hbnldigs. CheneeryIane,t ondon. or in defsnt theret'they,Will be exaclded thebennefit ofthe sal exrW e .... .. . - _ .-. J. W. CA LT , Qnen- I ffO -be SOLD, pursuant to a Desrepf lht,hiH i Court JI. of Chanucery, made In a cause "a Mkwst i-rhe IAn3j l?rr,' with the approbation, of SaTnuel CamVtoxr .'t , es. -orirof.tneMxs. tfer of thc.aid Cou'rt. at the George lin,'In LVtPOOiLD, on We#tJ4ay. this 7th daT of Aprii. 18O4. us7oiteo'Clsoisk tn the aft4rnPoll feeAm dAw' lkaniweet to e mortgage stud:4c nsettiteorlIr. Ma8s !M,, er.n as'roitdby.tc et fr Mrntiprtp oe, t- one Jot, eerel-M FSSUtl S-.q Tor g-f'- TS'i Wh - (Thre-jsbsye, and Offlced, teptetlvelbelohglisetreto>-sittae h Al svbt aud P 1tetl:stY it -ve pool aforg,plil, vsXtit,j ;seveal ocenv ncloumeibf NieaasW-hi teho isoslsd Ga.ln, .n5sr#t5-bte Bsn'on, anxd 0o Messcs SSeele andQStoteir.and Mf.alrtiOle jni5t?t4 p.xrtlnrc s may-bc had gtati* at.tbe *id 3te'sa irc fsuttit- arnptonrbudidts, Chfcery-lnC is Lodon: at tt4 sg 1n354t 3frichetr, -Presst. and Wardngtont of-Mr .liao ontd, ilott eialcitora. If.liverppol$Pf ?.,Actler eolicftor,J;eqin and Ad.Epss - - - Nr,Lff tpobi i'-Idn-.i?eds,3.: .. f Tevondsrd-ttrdJ, ST-Y baBi s f1'lea.rrdrti d-rsi tis l 8h Ire'9*-,'~r e a'slXEtOtlRi3)-;,>g3S 2 -rI'CNS fa Jzpiro01ngtlh*Pavw r4sar tsP -w, rrays t Fl cis% EFlyini>* t?ruxsatS .the.vIosrX iJtl'i,M ysSlt"ca-1 'Wi :xiuntoznbnylttiY.tiriilW.5YeZOlr wikS abveatcoss3tden Ylf u2sef pcower. Mr. isa-te I also the patentes of a machine ca1cu3t4zt to prevent the overturning of mall end stage coac^es, or other cat. riags, foNrthrparticulars of wWch win be aId.b~toro the yulbI1 in the cQ&Zc of tbeweeko UNTRUE!" ,AA~~ RoYI ~ali`y manae'e ndxne Rlibard Grovfs odo. WOO.Sfr a~ eslh itas'ilIuingi It To- 55,.Lontdon.walf, hall -re- eei7vd1I'HlkI'fSHILLINGS ItEfA tnD. OSTsbn lidv~ Eenjg,:bew~en .it and 4 'dc',a ~~ ItoU, ~nawert to the ridmi of Pili, tA1Set.sls~ smal brown. spo-an Its bFtek. Wo~twl brig te-antto l~, lJewatemaker~balhe rewarde rthi treule. nr.~s~ dngbi aftr d~s.atice.win be prosecuted. -'~3IVE POUN S::REWARD.-"LOST`,: on Saturday 12 arerron,.boshzIfrt4o'clock, on tileClapbamn-rtiad,beyond 4nnlgtoncomms,, PRPLE bi0(frOCCO. POCKP,T BOOK, coi-' taliln ai.adOnltbo6k, blank checks, fat, and tlApee XS notes, num- lire ;73.and 64757; dated -Fo. 3, 1824; payment is stopped .at the Hait Pply to h1r. Soames,bldormaker, 2, 9,poultry. - ~' OND, n.:the nei"lbbourho6d of"' Whiteicharpel, a .Itetunedbydesrthngthe-unumbr, and bankers'snianeand mnarks, Itylayng he xPesezald rewarding thefInder;-.-Neo, 4, Corbet-court, ~s~er~4:avorsssWh&knoWsth IISD Cofteabove w~llC ear ta * WTKWis,-wholv&dat~iistl, orthe-hog.z tCit',. ill ive nfomatin-tbfebfto Mssr. Viz~ard rand jiwes, soleiore ~ol sindelSi they wvill be rewarded NXIE AI LIES Of'-m OWEMN .* 6f -SXIrTH.-Aqny. T Person who cu Trace HiRor'Ikei'RELATIONSlp to the fa.nsily ,4fCatberlle Owen,pl diuhf fSme s'esngtnno the parish _N ~l~rlsegae, Whowai.born In I885.:and- naroried In 1705 0h6t'rit; a wetver, and who, by the sAid John SmIth. had 9wVtai"qleiIdl`en' Os--Of Samuel; the brother -sif'the said John Smithi,- -.who[W" altv1_-in. theYfar -1749, may hecar ofsomething very consider- Otah .0Wft or-her fdvarntnge, byaddressing,alline, postpaid, toB. C. Y. 6'edffbeb"orje,'Fleet-stec!t. :O~AJNAVCLUf Crcwnasd ATch-or-A 1ic Q.at' thg Ss4aI. vr to Elect a Seeretary. ~tonta~e at the nasca timye. BY, 'der of the Corimittee. VT~~OU~NZ 'QJDyANTEP, i It iiieriotus ha soah,6Teerdtof thie e~hnrch ehuelia 1t epueoep~nl)a. pllareeuarea&etie and mode ~,ote?l*le~Bcklehbm7 Pet: 2 .- GEOR ESE paE ClrI- &T under the lmme4late.paronaigp of "As Md.3-esty. oni tbe gcrand tusee -istuent ineteknd constro.tg by Flight and Robson. -organ bslidere ATo OrRRow EVEIqfNG lsCOncert, will he g.rformed i grand SELECTION' of M.USMC,under the direction of Mir. -Nhosddaina,cowimencsng at 8o'elock-Iin.whlchwill be iiitrodueed MHYdn's 7th Grand Symphonyi, upeulngebsorRks of MoQzart's ltequlemn, Hlaydn; celebrated Stormi Chordis f-rorit the Seasons; Ah PerdoFna, 'Md-zart; aiafgts r; Adokrns; in whith-ilt,wl be introduced ~lTum,e,sweetiZoat,'ond -Bt9isOP'i-Glieof hough andCrow, Haydn;- .ELt esurrexit, &eii coneludfnffwlvth '.God ,al the King.' Admit- tuce .26. d.. M.The-. Aplilon'icon is exhilbited daiy rm1 o.,a the AQomns, 101,- St. ~itartln's-Iane. . WF-MEs.N N VAL HISTOCRY.-The. Purh~asersm of f~work Fire iespectfrilly Infidrm6a, that a few pages of CORRI- GM?IA-A to the last threevol,umes are this dayVUblished, price Is-. by 4.-MJg, -545-,1ar-lamnenr-strect, Westmins,ter, along with a newv ediCiOnL of.the' epl' t te Pamphlet of Lord Willitam Fitzroy, (wvhichi is altz'epinte,l ln~gs1rg a statement in the 3divolume. I. A .-DEKfINS.OIETY.-~-A? SCIETY LA beingabout tobe;eatablIsbesA,for 'the suirposes of discussionz, to be slld"'he ltloxnmlea Society, " and to he conifined to members di'theIrm ortou-, solicitors, and person% whto have been or are under articles, any entleman desirous of becoming a MEMliBER mayr .have aninspectilin of th, proposed ruleps, by addreSKinIg a letter, post pitid, toFoe Y. Z. a t. !r. Fl s~, lawv satiLoner, 77. Cisancery-latter, No anoriymouls applicaatifl will be aLttendred to. Vp 0. PARENTS and GUARD IAN~S-A ~Medical ~G,.- *Rteman, sUr,Wards of 20 1-yeari in full practice, in a respectable neighboorhiood Is desirous of takting a geuteel and itell educat,4 -oth, aaan A~PR-ENTICF. For particulars apply to Mtessrs. Camne. ron.audC.S.?ulrhrhad MEDICAL GENTLEMAN1 ~practiigth thiree ~ brflees f te pofesio, rsidng 6 miles rm on Is de- tims-o tkin a eneelWel eucaedYouth as anAPETICE, tom Incas.~~~~~~~~~~~~toe 7J RA DESM4AN's orPRIVATE FAM ILY.-11AIN 'rfE,)D IL by a. mnost respectable Female, to hie INMIATE as above, where ae can have a bedroorr tosherself.- In the vicinity of Oxford-street or Piccadilly. Terms 35 guIneas per aninum. Unideniable references wilt be given. Letters post paid, to be left for A, B. at Mfrs. Copev's, 8, Crawfol(rd-stret Miarylebone; or at Mir. Majssey's, stationer, PaIrk street, Oroisvenr-squtare, 0Q PARETS anti GUARDIANS.-A Mem;ber of~ of . the RLoyaL College of Surgeons, praLctising the three branches ot 6professi on, a short distance front town, wvishestotea l- educated Youith, as an APPRENTICE, who wvil be treated in every riespect-a,s one of the family, srid allowed to attend the hospitals and l1ectures the las,t twosFeasuons. A moderate premium will be expected. Address, post paid, Z. A. PostoHece, Waltham-cross. qpO 0SERVANTS.-WANTE,i ml aiy & steady active WVOMAN, In the 'Nursery, where only n sIet a e must understacnd the care of an infant from the bi.t,a ~eia other children, `'bfagood needle wiomnan, and mnake herself uiseful every was' In her pos-er; a person w'ho wouild do her duty would ~htl omnfortasle and permanent situation, as the ladfy would be her friend. Apply or address, post paid, at 24, Prlncees-strept, Dy6ndish-square,6rm 12 till 5ac'lock. ACO?4FE1\SATION of ?0 ilbegvntanY ~Lady ?Lor rentleaiis whio can Oiror aatieoung Man a SITUA. A.Otas LIGHTrPORTER. or any lihepoyetin a Warehoutse: is witlisIg-Io lake hiinself useful t i mlyr The most respect- able Yrei'repei can lbe given tn respect tochaatr, for honesty, se- briety', and- Atteutton, fromn the situain he s goilu to leave. flirect,r,st paid, E. P. at Hiat-wood nSaes 21, Great Russell- stet ombur. FVO the NOBII idGETEEN ~of LA-NDED5 ~PRPER V.-A STUAION asFARMING STEARD, is brougt upin th Norolk ystemof lrmin, ant hashad onig expe.- slece n fedng nd eaingstok o eer. decrptltn.liewise the OVENE.SWANTED, immeitl,i rvt ~ Faily.1,5 nstrtictThree young Laistl-rct,'gs, writig ath eti, drawving, rilusic, &c. Sh utheempetent toD !ba heFec fluently, ansl' in other respet ful ulfe; she will be treated as one.of the fSiA,ily. and a comfral stain may he deended on. Letters, pof,'pnid. stating trsreerene,&C. to be atddressed to Mr. Hall, -3, TAvistock--place, Chleham. 7elnPi -so? yagLAiY ll151 aaofge, T. nd who has resided upw~ards of t'voyearsinmParis, are dpsirous nolobtaltsing a SITUATIoN'for her In a respectable Semiinary, wthere ber services would be considered as alt equivaleitt for masters, 'be tipet ,the French language- wviith purity. acid Is capable of teaching aill sdta o Ifancy work. Letters addressed, post paid, to E. A. at 'Messrs. GrAy,ot, and Fell's, 60, Piccadilly, 'rill mleet wvith Immediate at- tention. TALE-PLACE Ha mernith-road; - t is V G,RIFFI7N's FSTABLISTIMENT a 'elect niumber of YoUN,G LADIES are BOARDED and INSTRUCTED In music, dasteitig, wirit- ing Frnch Enila, ad gogrphy at40 guineas per a50ium. t detabnt5 miseiom ondt,.who receivsItl hsfml Y. Arefrene wll e gVen to thefinso hs Whohav ltel let or he rs"erlty .Addre~s,potai,tth M2Cernnman, In order to become master Of theEgihligse w seato be Admitted Into a respectable faLmily eiigi on where he wotild be BOARDED and LODGED, in ecag o ean In Anelenit languages, Frenceh, Itallitt, pure and apleiasemtc or any. other part of a goiod sund liberal educatio.Nmsot n rnsot rktap6ctable references otferedit Apply, by lte,t x TbreAddheedle-street. A a SCHOO-L, 2- miles west- of H ear-Corner, AI VOTUNG MLADIES are Boardell, and Instructed in nglish, Treniihi get;gcephy;.hiatory, wvriting, arithnietic, and needlework,. for 18 guineas per asumtr.. No charge forceatrance.e Ftirtlser particuliars nmaybepo)tained isy addressing, post paid, to l. W. J14, ReXen nstreet, Pall-mall.- A Lady Poaraer cartbe received for 35 tgiseAs peeansnsyni, 01 2ladie8.oe,-occyfingthe-samneroorm,for 60gulneas; Rtspectablersec -ferenicee given end requiredi. I2~DTCAION,~t a Seinary of>grat-respecamy hnta sunertakepln, s,n peculea lyc1multed t rnimter the mIost vloA.ble toleruastebyounghersowns waihotersl-forwardcb to become -Terma1 moderafte, Ailsotlyb letter,lpont piaid,ers from, 64'ec, Rattoft atcoMmoateaIN dyorudi,Baou , Sidmthanl ogn, wA Lay,wh d"Im sfhas udetakn heel e sa-limied-fombr ot - e ON beeLy tiADiEisitro- educate,withefethr eir n dactghtirs.maysse by on an aedon -fedstte-axeoi'gp, ad~the oute ibei3ng-o Apalargesii,t-ol'id wiensh t fk6sng tIm sa sta say be engagdd If required. Y'oungc ladles ihbehave lost thelrv'as-ents would find, I this establishiment all the comforts of a home with the advantages of a 'sei reDilated family, com'biningz health rwitbanau cyn6nt. Foe-further partleniasidres,Ps'ad MfM' aws,lbArlan, S Idnltouth.-- lar adrss o t ad 'TM) PRENTSantI GUARDIA S taflsmt JE-TABLISI(MENT, in ain airy at n, tethniua lon t- the west ed of he- tWn, thrireare: nod VNACE O w ouno LAHIES. The est~abihet A ir. lloted-n b scodu ted Pyarlad UAm5teto emnneatedn) h a md dcain itei ev~tfb1c4ery otounlt of ite lhi4tiable i oDA hmewih-th-a- vantsigc~of a edhol, ponioetinc.'lsliofg ecesn oceyy gntltyo lu~sse-a;dheefunWess femnd,AIr m ilwr h, otegu (~UADRIHLLES, -Waltz!ngy, M~inueis, Gavwpttesman *"nf 0vtry-0thes-Aepartmneit o.lcng-pettmlytaught by Mr. J;EYIllN, t1atd In~tetr, 20, Cliarlotte-street, Bloporisthury. -A select rvenhig acadeni-i~Y'r fo lades adid gentlem-ren twice FLt-eieR, twis0guinea. pe itarttr,-or one gui2nea per rmont,h. --lrigprlsw awe 1or,iadieson)Y .- Al"oalnvpsslla acaviery evory Wrdnsi'da an'd Satur- - da.afernpn. pa ruineRaper'quaxte-r. Schools nnTsdi f~l~,nhl imttended:, f'-j-UAflR1LLE8, Wal8tzin, ajid every olber aepsYtment I' Uof laphionable DANCING 'TAU,i 4s I :TLS.$ONS, by .NWLQIHS, m't his Dhcvg 0m 7, 'Enston-ecresctnt, itn.q~iae,wegre p.r8oneof-miy Fige nacy be loftrut4i h nqst~'aidmanur, axtan~' hour -sf- thda.-cdey Lle 'FA IONABL;E -DANC-IN"G,--QUADRIiLyBR and, -Ucbsiie--PRIV-A'H~ -lTJ( 01 Mri H9P StjXAb7gsl e4va.toreturni hi uefhea kto.hie riemds aqd~ti&11uEic; or. the igsly dis- Jfrstnsd, uroag~lie-jus ~i Iagxprienced, and Se-ijeetfully A CHILD's CAUL to be S lD; r riA e neaLo - .~ ptly a43.ii~'saltd,ctIt warpthouttI sottthiW 55t,Y4,1 Ex WrANTED, a odPM App-t''~a yAiNTED, on- Lease, ~abtnil O S f h ~tANTEI);in-the Oif .T7Ride;ia- Steady active -youlag WV Man a s 8110VA-N., and to;earry-- jitgtoodsz R le am ~~t lav . aPQ lnmOnth'cracrerfrom.hiai;ae."l.jaoe, 4the same.lIrne of iOsiessa Apply at 25, Brldge-street, Mestminsker_.! *~~TANTD, ?SO- or ?-s~)POon. gooft scoun~ty. to be wd. syU quarterlI in tXlpsuta,W,,ith-~llbera' tatierest. For PlO money Isud e~~~~~~isded applydon i-- nD mu, farmily ress4i 7 lies_0~ fro otdon, ear-~-eharatdr A~ilWtbMi.Q',vusth _.omkr9 .Slary-Axe, W ~ANTPEP, immedia-tely, -naGetma'sfniy rafniles frbpi town, xvheleesfoeiaI e,aongW a,is COOK. It is: reipessted ssniF~toe-ilapywowl udrtn -tltelr-DwAiness. A~pplyinperp atAr?'~',goe,Ltl ylilfaL street, Whitechapel.- tW boea t 16 toASlTnE lI~ h ('OtBY read ing~ and spiet.s. 5tter, wit seelmehsof writing, ~~ -C Wl'at Mr ThznbTaln's, ~-stationier, '~~XTAN~~lED , a yiAng MAS velepeine in.the- VVbisaiiies6r aCheesmonger,- elah~n -kiildeOft potk tade, hoseosarseer Viii bea atii iesiaib,an h prefrene. ettrs.pos pad ony. ddrese?o i.3 attr.Fortune's,~ WV nexios, to are"p.stble?rirmJ5f`WoolI-rt ba ufjtrers,' where e ms~ acqure. a thoTfhugb -knolwledie oftotael all its' variou bniilhes, ontiqusfitly atn edetinsite peiu wllbe ty.. peeted; -s~reenble to theoffrej A'lgtl.. --Adrss .Ot paid, to A. ~at thepo~roffi y, Wtto,ndi-ddge, Gincetrhre ANTE , a TRAVELLER welc aiea wvith' tQtravel through teWs n ot o nln n ot ae. None needply wh nnC neey epc nse h aOed. ecription. DIrc,pa ad ttn tcdascst.'G &Irif U ANWIED, tLs NURSB,-arpcalu W m , w R bout 30, wvho perfectly Ifildersadsee ae cildreni abld ean 'work 'wcell at- hir needle, N n ne pl h bet to live all the year lIn the counity, aad thems nretoal la racter will be requitred from th, r last plcs AplaA7 G'aR.s el-itrdet,13loonsabury, to-morrowinorng ewentelorof,g- WTANTED; -a GOOIi and' HOU SEMAID; for .a d nHouse, In PalII4n51, wbhete none isst familifes of thje firt cnsieraionsi~-r8eivd.The -emolumentzikrcv%ery congdider. Able. N-onebhut active cleverytlung )TVomren,cienielybot lit theirp)ef.: eons anld wvork, twtbhout-ollowsrs, nieed Apply, wbose charRcters. a hear tha attictelt-investlgatf iln2 Inquire at 12. ithis snd followndy akhlr. Coutts's, bak-er,-290,- Striod, oppositeSuarrey-street. - 5X ANITED, to enter' upon dtatldy Wt seven WVmIles of st. Paul's, in a R`T health t1uSldi irihe plenty of good water, a detached FA MIL OSritpveIrpJ conltkining 'not few-er thaLn 4 sitting rom,.bcthderc -i1 good servants' roorns and office2, eoaelhse,saiigfr6hre, Ifrden pleaure grozund, and frorm 6 t 0c-so ad nur. ciri lter, post, paid), Of- Mes4re. .edn odnhos,.1e-. gate-str.eer.d ~T NTS 4 SITUATIION, as NURSRased respect- - VT able Woan, whjo can be well. reo end.A ress, pstt pai,to Ai.M. bb's, (33, Foreste,Crpeae: - - WXANTS a SITU'A.TION, aneprncdOAH- NVSrAN, who can have anx miaderiinbsgaofrfo tieplHce W ASHING-WANTED,~'FAMILYS: WIASH.. INn,by repecabl Peson whperfectly understands' get- tii:uplicn, lthaootswpllof atpr ad .iryingground.Apl to M W. 9, Nw-en. limpatad. ermsreasoriable. Apl 5AW.-WVANTED, a CLERK, who -understands t4ie LiChancery practiee,and who mnust makehimnself'otherwsvle usefuL. Apply to M1r. Duisscornbe, law-stationer. Lincoln's-inni.- "0 ( TRIAV ELLR n h CERY ~LINTE--Anv 'IGentleman travel3og. in.the above-line miay MEET wvith:z aCOSf- 'MISSION of vers' little extes trouble, by p'ersonal appi,cation betweeni the heurs of 7 and 10, at.mi. at 17, Fredlerick-plAL6e,uos.UeIb-Tro. A YOUNG AN, of un6kniable cehainacter, WANTSa SITUATION as LERK. WasMeiouieminn, or Ligh Porter. He S nes twn ell Seurit gien f rquied. Direct; post psid,to W: T. at Mr.Ebcts bit'e,dm pdee, Flampstead-roric -AGOVERNESS is - VANTF41 ',in a firi7vate ~iy LA..who can reach French, munsic, aind-thwing; witbouithe~ samist ances of nmdsters. For cards of address apPilv at MudiS's library, Chevne.walk, Chelsea, Let teesimustbe. otpid i 1 ltespect-able YOUNG - VVOM ~NT is,I ato SIUTON, as HOUSE or NURSEiSV- MAiD,'or to waVit OR youngLadies, In a respectable famxily, wyho can hare: .good ebareter- frol her last place. Address, post paid, to J TI. at Mirs. Goes's, dress- miaker, on the nortli side of Bow Chiurch, Bow. 7110 OL and OLDUIF EN.-.APerson, who9 fulliy undestadg isbsines, a,WNTE, aSIiOPNAr4; lie must be ellrecmmededfro hs lst lac fo soriey.Industry, and- honety.Appy a 10 Fosterstrct,Sonstret,on riday, between' T AUCTIONEERS, Paivstbrokecrs, an_d OthersT-The TAdtvertis.er, who bas a fewbhunidreids inTready money, is rishing to enter asnaPARITNERt,or t*take-to soice estatblished businesqs, in. a countl'ry ton. Diet onad,t . .a hePs-fie xeter, f HE WI DOW1 of'a irespectabl rPra e mail is desirous A_ af SITUA.TlON as H OUSEKEEPERI to a Single Gentleman or Tradesman,. MNost r!esptaislire~fereiieds\vf ill be give.n. Letters, p(jat paid, addressed to C.I at hlr. Walkiihgton's, corner of (Great Queen. strtet,MLncolis`s-inn-flelde, will recoivel2nmediaIte attention. V7EEf)ETVORX.--A young Persud wishes to emph,vv hJIerself in assisting Ladies or Paitilids at NEHflLEWVORK at their owrn hiouses, also havling a knlowiledge of thle dressinaking. A respectabe reference can be given.- Direct, post paid, to I. LB. 23, Crneter pI*e. Tite)sfield-te. ~FARMHOUSE.-WANTED, inarespeetable am he-u.e. distant about 3cor 4 milles fr mnllakheath, LODGOUGWS, Furnis'hed or tnfurnishied, consqisting o n or twVo sitting roomts anid three rood biedrooms. Any person isering this advertisemientc isorequse to state thie size of all the rooms, and every- other lsrtr-l crula3teddres, post pa-id, to Mr. C.D. at lr.,Nichols,on!s, 52, Coro,hil ~ ONG MNAN wiishes to eng01age, hiMSelf-as CAP-. TAI's SERVANT, or wvith u family or single Genctlemani goling taypat of the East Indeies understandls -perfectly his business. Iaigtaeled botb by lanid and sea for the, last a years wsithl a cati nthe navy. H-as jus,t left his pIlied, and cadi have an unde- niabe caracer.Apply (if hr letter, post paid) toWI. fR, at ]I. cooper's, Italian warehus, 28,- Dorset-street, 'Marylebone. --- '['0 ARCHITECTS and SURVEYOSADruts Mail, wh,ose lime is nuyatiuyicuid, sV_frEMLY MET for three or fouir horeerda.-iIscm teto ee- elite finished perspective draig,h.'jeeltoa,ese el and references will be produe.Trsoert -AdcstoLY Messrs. P-rlestley anzd Weles arhtcurllbar,Bod T O ERCANTS and Others.m-As CLERK or WAEEIOU$EMN.-AyoungMan,who can speal. and wrrite Frsnh aidEngish vanmaticlWan fldntlyposaasinaleoa slight- knolede f te Ialan ndSpaishlaguaes,wihestobe EM- PLOYE as bove No omiecion o goabroa. - istifactr- refer. enecs ill hgis'eu Applcation by ltter,post paid, to J. l at 6I, LADIES' SCHOOL.-PARTPNERWNE UVANTED, by Lady-day, next, a Lady, of good educatIon,wih out incumnbranee, to take a SHARE In an ESTABLISHIMENT of the firsit respectability: none nieed apply w'ho canniot command 40111. Letters, pestl paid, addressed to B. E,at Mirs. Varvelr's, 25, TaRvistoek- street, Covent-garden, witth real Ramne adnAaddress, wvill be~nlrnedi. ately atte~nded So.o '[OMEDICAL MIEN.-A Ge-ntlem-an, wvho ha-, 'been Tego larlp educated in the varibus branches of the profession, and *ho can hAV~e the nsost satisfactorY prvte and professional-re. conimendatinns, b-ishes to ENGAGE with Ia Gentlemniaii in xtenslve and respectable. practice as VLSI 11ING ASSISTANT. Letters, post- pId, slatiog particulars, directed to _N~ SL Colonfal coffeeh.ouse Skrinner-arreet, Snowhill,. will he daly attendted to. N.B. No hisedis] agents will be treated'withi. (1l OVERNESS.-W-ANTEA; by youn?g -Lady,. o e spectable conniexions. Aind a6eustOrn-to'tuition, a SIT'UA TV'ON asL RESIDEN'T or DAILY GQVEltNltSSI-ynmYaFmily. She will- undertake to ins%truot liar, pupil Iin: th3-nglish and French lao- guages, writing, nrithrne;ln, bistory,ye5ograybly, music, and- drawing, wi-itout- the assIstance of mpsteri.- - Termns iiiodei-ate. aud reft-rence2 satisfactory. Address, postr paid, .thT.'S. it -Mir. Iundial's, 7. LnV Conduit-stieet. No office letters atte.Zdedto. Lm' A YOUNGr LADY, about 26 -years of age, fdaughter of .karpetable clergyman crf'the established -~d ireb. 1jsriebs to obtaAin a SITUATION as ft'VEItNESS,- to92 or 3Syouuig Ladles under P-tears-of age, or as Teachier In aL la~dles' or Yoting Gentlenieni's School. She i- compotent to teach Esiglish., the N triints of the Freud' lanug,s'ltsi,gorp d-#aw,ing. nid all sorts ofnceedle~- %Kork; ores Comnpanion to a Lady. HCiTe q'i.h-is to niialcd, herself gene. ral sful:' She hats noohlectilsn to -travel. -A mQderAte remunera. tion will be regitared the dr-st year for hier attentions. Address' to A. B. at MLr. Coxe's,Wae-ae esfra.-'- - A LADY, most respectably connecteil, who- -is of. do. EL. n mesitic hemlis. and of-an active obligntig dispoysition,- wishes to maketsi, ENGAGEMTENT a6CO.NIPANION, to a s-ilgle l-aiY, ,s'h,5ie ab votuld he wifllinig to stiperintendtthiedomcstid concerrns;'a respetable hehie being her Oeh1e ohject ; shir trOuld tr-equlte bat a~ amnall salary. ha 875.aittlo independeneetscwtbntojctt igeGite man' eablishmrent, -being cohnpatent t) tsk-e, the -entemaa- mentofit. havtong Rqte.ih~ gm,ofj et osvi tlbe-flacster!s brgelr-ise w-ildbe.olngatiacpfthen toIst %Y wr With a'ybiisng Nfalsltyde.- prived'of materhatl care. bmo;tSAtisfactory anld conlientil2rer. Muee cAn hie ?lVen. Letters,pos -dto.M,lne~dyI1 q'1 -W-IDOWERS; Guardianls,. &c.-'.The Adiver-tls4s Aare.deirnaiuso IIECEIVINO"4,iutoi)thvelrfainily.a LITTLE GMIL,. ofDi ge of fromn aeven to nine-years, 9d~d bouit ufpv nd educatedi withthei dsuht~ '~nonlychld~ fru'iom~t sTeitntbicet-to findita comiannn - o haosl *'tld b mde eynd,what wasisufficiint 10 defay he xpesesf oar an logIn5 lpte,s, -nd,alibtrat- du, connxionof he cildsnusbd cePetabe lIn eharacter and: olreum-: Cttuli and the spir-ituatlars- best interests o the?ltd-oi ba th ief-objbet of-eheirca re soid attenstlois.- - Letter'a,-potadad,sf to Ii. S.-care of Mr. N. MhiI1y, statiozier. HuiUfax,jsAngtseveyo the writers, n, soine pa rt joliirs regdydeting thechl,oi.reiv duie zkttentir.ie. J 7 -- 'T'UNBRIMDGOE WELfJS, Utdu-os ~ fdI A iwir.New r -d~~~~~~~~~loonTs,Fljtret -M ao.rriveIat Tufsbrldd-wrl at a qdtrles?t -2ld fo NoprOe 'or- VAaditlor ulnleagA.nsTire amed paidr nil ormi ugra - - - d- j g-ildn I-~O SThmasoes,v id-Ildv.-- '?bp'erf a'G TAiS Wl titd.MDf hearth *t6tie4 Wl_si, To*er-5tI~eet. 'PartiCularzs tbe.h.iL?I.Snca~Rs,4, NViidior-.terrace,,eity.road.m --i.~ t .:.~ !jHE_ -Pu2ib W' " t a the T RAINBOW A R A1viw,e-'- Incldingvagtabls brad~nd"~b5&I 'd-1e .rtVhflh lphiltarts,. dtoloc, Pea, offe,sosps asitodli5;illdtogstgd'ehe6e e-PtV hours.Fine od wIne and eirit nobarltsetieadto, th ale ofthefinst ualtie, daug t en otte.Tepoica teat,'BAKOOX.PLAL- i 6 eii b. ra,i n~ee1 r a Centeel faulyiv together ~vitll 411. PT2. 14p;bOr~F tre1ei; Oc-ryniel Peanture, ,0-ocisal-, wll:aed gar4acs, AIndp1hriVati -n.' The houWe ndS,deta-ed~, itb-the eauteri eutaffiadeps hi ioAvxiania ~cimtm*ndv zauwseview,r 01 the suronigcountrf It eousltsta tthe tround floor-ofastiniugamom -drwing. Xo al,a parlour, .IsI; esebrvats, 1P5rtDlerits, anAl 4-offowhMig -haye efsging r(kif1'ait 2i(hd> ThrIe utIiuIIdtiag are aL substa utibilclt building prfs(,n aIge4tall- etalle, 'another 5rable-ofthe.aAme slft, welol 7evNElI,' bnt not divided, a- colichoisae and harnessrooms,a luundry, 'nd 31' .lof" o-lA)fsiu5 Ae froro,ton4objsdni 14 Siilces fromn angste.. For -partticulars apply tit: by.lette pept4pr."s to Mr. WIV Jenunett. itun. Ashlford., Possessio ny laehad At dy-day uex't.. 'T'Q.,bq LET,. iunse, ete HOUSE, in the .E,iesre of-that reoaiesrt-Laad n.ae,leadinge into VraniFiekc-square, si etokgthgoudofhe Potumiling Hospital. For-pajtcas nureo r.Toeaisphobsterer, !ftQ7 A UperLT vr oneintCony R U LpIg.astlysitate fnte iffidlae ielghbo-urhood ot Pall-mialn Easiformsigamostdesrabl resdenc fo priv'ate or profes3ional FP~O bl~- LET, Fuarn ishied, a very, c6nA-dodious RES,,I- __DENCE. upon, a mod.rate scale, and. In, perfect repair.. -Most deligtfulysitateupna lll, ommading an- extensIve ersor, wlthxeelcort~bls ~obltc0~ehone, andother outbuild'ings a ~oodgardwen ahr~bey, ad 1 or 5 ares of meadow land. Mr may eha ifrc.uirr~. he remsesare20 lles east ..f L,ondon, addthe sIuaton artculrlydryandheathy Apaekof hounds is kept n th nclbbbuhood andthehuse t ftor the limmediate recetionof agentel fmily *Th on-er my b referred to on ap-I A" MIVLK WALK-to be SOLD,'with 7 fine -MIchi cows, -r~a horse. cart,: &C. Possession tit LadY-day. Apply to ii.S orniel LoNer ATooLng Strr ey L. C rS 0-MACH~~ESTER. W NAREHQUSBIE EN.and; Otes-To be LET, In-one of the-principal stret n h eg- rtod of' Lpedela-tl'xeelenb.-HOUSE: and WIEOJ~ t &odrpar or drthert,articUiars ljquire ofTsratnbate; 114OINEY,T iaenidrlpers, Pr.kvnbrokers-, or aniy LYJ.first rate Buslness.-A LEASE: of 14 years. with fixtures, f-,r 10.Any tepectable youug mani wishing to beginl business, and de- ftezmlied to-be klsow.i In thie marktt as a buyer for-mionev, - mnight, bl~ bringing good- security, 4na a baekirW' Apply oni'the premises; S7, Brshopsgate-stgeet.swlthout. or al3,'FIet-miarket, near Sinow-hiil. lairge warthouste, anjd archgd Yaults. twoi with brick wtaLaombs: tht ,hole:fet for inD.ledi5tteiise withotut atyexpense to the tenant. Also Isev,eral countiughouses, of fine'dimensions. Inquire of the-porter, 123. Fenchurcl -t re L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~fr C AP I TAL ;T-fTe SOL, b Prvat Cotrat, ilAtEIn a-long established and imprvingPR0PRTy,The neon~prsducedby each share is sofia, whatabov 200. pe anum, he pice f a har is1,llO0. -Princi- pals wih relnae-ad adres, i~dreiieted o aplyby letter, post rro SCHOOb fS'>R ad Others.-To beT DIS1.. T IOSlZFlt OF, bmmericaately, a very eligible SCHOOL, at the west ercd of the town. Thie produlci from quarterly scholars, on the most respectable terms, upwards of 7001. per aununs. P-remiium required for the coneerni, dess, -and school fixtures, &-c. 5001. Letters, post paid, Crom principals, addressed to x. IL Peele's coffeeliouste, Fleet- sitreet, wvill mieet attdrltion. D -ESIRABL~E FREEHOLD I 'ESTMEN f -T.-Tl JLFbeSOLD, a euperfor FARM RESIDENCE. Farmhouse, and Cot- tages. for Labourers, wirtt from 400 to 500 acres. of Laud of tile iirg- qailiaity, and situtatewIthin ani easy distance of London, which wAill be disose of to payau purchaser 35 per cent, from responisible tenants. A Ipl' (if bv letter, polst paid) to Mr. Clarke, solcictor, 8, Little St. V.homa s Apjo stlIe. 'A PITAL MANSION atii( PARK, -cntain-ing -BO acres of fine land, with beautiful PLantations, and wvithin 12 milies of London. suited for a Nobleman's or Gentleman's family, to be SOLD or LE,T: a moiety or twvo-thirds of the purchase-mioney miay remain oni mortgage: a liberal per centage to land or house agent., or others dtspu&stn- ofIt Particulars of (:ok and Wright, solicitors.Woo,dbrldge- hquse, dierXe~Nvell, or IS, Lineoiii's-lnn-fields. HOP and COFFEE HOUSE,7adjoining one of the 'U heatres.-To be L.EV on Leas, wvithout premium, a capital CHP and COFFER I-lOUSE, MOXSt avantageously situante. adiolninig one of the theatrs. A considerable trade is nowv doing; In the above line, and the beslsalone pay the rent and Taxes. The fix,tures, which 'will. beztbout 1201. to he taken at a yalnatoiont the furniiture optional. For par ticulars appl~- (if by letter, post paid) to Mir. Heniry Wilson, 105, flatten-garden.- 'P0 MERCHNTS, HOPFCTORS, anid OtherS re- L qirig pacot Prn,ies-ToheDISPOSED OF, by Private Contrct. bWlNSTNLE~d SON.1 aLIEASE. for 14 0t2I years. of aenmiddios DWLLIN-iiOSE,situate Iip Blackmn.unstreet, Borugh wih cachous, aabltg,andvery spacious yards exte,id- log o te -ove Rod, elladatedforany businees requilrin eX- ten iepris, s the accomimodaios re amIple, andi part o"f the outbuidnsmyb converted lilt ofies. &c. and ecually eonv-s. nientadsutbe o medical or professionial geAtleman. For fur- theUr parlcular,san.dcad to viecirapply at 1 0. Paternoster-rowy. ~PSET PRICE still further REI)UCED-EXtensive Uand valuable ItRINT WORKS. Mills, -and Farm, In Perthshlre, for Salc.-There will be exposed to SALE-by PUBLIC AUCTION, wvithin. the-Oeirge Inn. Perth. oii F-riday, the I19th day of March next. at onte O'clock III tie afternooli. if niot previo.usly sold or-let by, priva.-te bar ain, the extensive and wcell knojn PRIN4T WORKS of- Ruthisess, wIth the Paper, Corn. anid Batrley MIll thereof. aU as particularly spe- cfifedl In former adv'etisements. If not disposed of in ctis prcel thewhole to be exposed in two lots, as formserly advertised, and alters for a lease Of the print field lot still In the mean tinme be receti-cd. For fuzrthier particulars application nsay be imadle to Messrs. John anid James Mliller, writers. Pertti.-Perthi. Feb.'10. OA ITAL FREEHOLD ESTATE, situiate i-n Grun- %'U disburgb, near Woodbridge, Soiffelk, to be SOLD,- by Private Gonta~t otrsuiitto the directionis of the wvill of the late Mr. Philip Chfn.Testate isall freehiold, and con.sistsot5a substantial farm- housee, barn, atable, ulid other conveulicnt outhonises, In good repair, With Ill1 acres,tronods, 12 perches, by a recenit survey, of exceedin-gly goodaab,nedo, and pasture lanid. In a highi state ofeCUltis-atlon, si'tuate In th parishes of Grundisburghi and Otley, and flow izl the occupation ofhidr. Samuel Cuttinig, whlo w,iilgi7.e upp 5sses55s0I tlhereof at Alicbaebmas niext. For further particulars ap ply to Mr. Phillp Cutting, teadealcr, 2, Mleards-street, $oho, wvho will shiow- a p~lan of, the.estate.-- V ALUABLEBUSINESS PRENILSES. No. 77, in thie peealpatofSr.Panl's ehurchyard.-To be SOLD. by Private C,,nrae; b H . TVLER, the LEASE, (for 21 years) of those exten- sIveshos'y PEMISS, wshich o;2cupy a. frontage of 60 feet byh dasher,s ikinercer, uhltrr raybsns fmgiue on gsehendling a large obefotdso n aeoseo qa dimensions, twso ds'lhghseoertesm,whsuabepr- mients and convenIecsfrteacmndto fdsic aiis the swhole In- good rpi.Imdaepseso a ehd n further particulars ns',biplctd t rT;e' fie i h Auictiols-nsart.- T be SOLDh by Private Contract, a most desirable TFlREEiOLD JE9TATE, coinprisitig a Manor and excellent re- sldence, III the mnost perfect state of repair, wvithi about .10 acres of ~ark alldpaddnck, eittlrelh' surrounided bv ahigh park fenice. The oense wntamiis at large din'ing coons, drawing roonm, breakfast room, bIlliard roomx, study, &c. and 9 fanilly bedromzne, besides others; domegtie offices, laundry, breuwbonse, icehiouse. stabling for 10 or more horses, &c. in-st judiciously arranged, wilth lawn, pleasure gronds siaIld grde, geenous, 'ebrd. &c. fully crrpped and planed, ost onveienly nd beutifllysiniiated, 21 miles sooith of Lndo. werecoaheepas frquetlyIn the day to and fronm Ltinon nd Bighon, orting,Bogor, &c. For fuirther pa-rti- culrs pplcaton o e mde o Mssr.Day, Lucas, and Parkinson, B VONSHIRB.-ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT.- D To be SOLD, by private conitract, a ca,,ital FREEHOLD ESTATE,, free of -land tax, situate between Exeter and Plymouith, eornatstiumofacumfortabl& hiou-se, fitted for the reception of a genteel faipily. ssith detached farmhouse and about 2460 acres of plantation. 'ar(Lble, rneadow, pa~sture, and orchard -land. The very floutrtshing -plarntaticies of-fir, larch, anld other tiMber, consist of about 100 acres, are nowr iti hand, and early possession may be hiad of the hlouse anid lawn, and several acres of meadost and arabie land, and orchard ad- joining. The plantations of fir and 1lrarh haRve been prtogressively- plabted for the last 40 -yenrs,and none less than 10 years'groiith. T,he greater nrTtof the property Is free of great tithes. Furthier inforU. tioo and partiulars may be ha-i by appIying to Mr. Gribble, soleicior, Aahburton, Decosi%; or of Messrs-Walkcer aLnd Co. 11, Basirughall-street, 1.iiondun -ishere-asniap of the estate miay tic seeni. All letters lutst be poAt paid. QUSSEX.-To be SOLD-by Private Contract, a COPY-I SZ HOLD MIESSIDAGE or Tenemenet,' barn, oas-thousc, stable, I lodges, and other buildings, and seve_ral pletes of arable, meadow. pasture, hopgroundiRnd st,uodland. called 1 enburat or Po*kbill, con- taInIng by estimnation 93 acres, More or less. And also a Copyhold IdesLsuage, Cottage, or reftement, barn,'oastbouse, stble. ledges. and boildlngs, and ses-eral pieces of aLrable, Meadow, pastute, and hop ground,, called Quaresa-cod or Quarenain, e6ntatninij1 by. estimation .19 estes, xmore or'leas. The ab6ve estates adjoin sac1 other, situate in'Burwai~h, fin Sussex, are hield of the mnaisor of Roberrabridge, andi are newo in- the occupation of the Devizees in tracst of Mr. John Hill- mao deceased. Msuine6rtie land on lisa Poochll estate kas been knowni to be very kliidly for hops for niear a ceistulry past, and the woods are Ina very thrivinig state. Limestone may Also be drawnv on the 'premniscc. Pot fiarther- particulars jinquire oi the trustees, Hr. .1ohn Baldock- and %It. Charles; Geer, both of Burwvash, Sussex t If by letter, post paid. --- f0UERIR APARTME,NJTS, Furnished, foyr -a Gentle- -7an,vith Bo)ard if reuyired, wvithin 3Biniuutes' walk of the Royal Ex,chalige.: Inquire at J5, 'eenhircb-strset. TTN~URNISHED APARTMET'S9 to be L-ET, for a - .(dgeGetisian cosisingof h~daoe dawnk-rooin and,- badrorn thesitatio aiy, ad fmli~reatetale.Applyat 51, Blackmnan.strt.et COreofSllkte5Est - -- OnARL) and LODQIING.-A sllaIl leteeI F4aimily, re- siding near Exeter. art drilesirof. revig A Lady, or twyo fl~ters, or a Gentleman; as TINMA TES. ~For particulars appll.j:posi: antoiisPalmer, 182, Pore-street. g3lxeteg. - 1r,.G.INGS with or . ittiollt BOARD.-G-entletnen -_~ are accommnodated wirth is good BIEDitIOMI, use-ol'sitting ?oon], lireak'fast. firs, and efirrdles, for -I6d per week; diiiner.and eeA sin termis e6tuahly reasonable, it is pecul iarly eligible for bfftders of the krmuy :omd.nAvY, ?.s they si-Dil have the conifol-ts ofati diuo *Dth select andIagreeable soc'loty. Apply- at - 1,' Great-ritckfield-street, Cav en- A UT of ecelt C PA TM NTS; Funriisheff.- prva LFuuflv 'who may he oftbrn at their -coun?tr.residence,- nea LOudohtedearoiis'of'LETTING the DIIAWL'4G ROOMI FLOOR nftlleiHOliSBdesr:nlsrs ete to an c,derly -gelitldman aind 'hiaselhi or to oze or.pvorespeCtable ladles. The aLpArt en s are o the $r8kescriptioui, ~.i,aisstlug0f 3 very, spaelious lOfty rodlils., coin-, suulcain,an fihiahe assiebinuer, dluingand-drairingnssoms, ~t-Ibtej~?elikiebe,serss55 rom, ellas &.1ifdeaireii. As Ills, ldihly do ot eupttb preent pan mrsIyfi~ yofit .it is'lbelteved - liistersthycould ropse Wuldbe oun vrysiseeae oto 1Y .80021. ti rewisain for 56r more yeacT, arc-ready-WtbeiADvg, Ei6' tin FREEHOI.D TItOIsERTY, of ample value.., Address-njl.M atXS-, ilit1ette, lat etationH, 25, Caatic-strcet. holborn. . yet?e*s tobe. Yoit paid. . . T RcET- IMlONEY.-To LEN;D, onr, I RrGAGE, in *11 -se, -live, or moresuin,, about 4,000, at 4l pef cent.: the securty mnust- be freehold, ot- ample vAlule. - Letters, post paid.. ad- dre.sse to W,D, at blesers. SvanSandhlatdinn'e, lawt ntationersi FmteeSiX'sic6urt, CeO nhill, swin recelvd dude atteittiorn- ~vEWt :MUSIC.-A sixth editioilfo o iwadm;rEd-Bal- 1 :Jd" h io,tu r Set6 2foirc,"e bv r2enry IR Bishop. and, hens- editi6d,6ftlsfTavorrlte BaUt*d- And i ei sal walk-In-silk attite. -In een5esluehncsf 'the Various -attempts. io in hip2e oRt .the copyright andof the-manaY. PirXeies au thdeabove justly.admlrelballads,,Tie,ptli PisherQtrespccttuily solludt the,public to ossdrvd lthar those coples orilV *aregeOuilielsvih b&tr'thdllr Dable. -5','Home E Sweet-Hose",. re ispeetli-ely i'rrled-fcr thoe-harp-by-S. ?e.B9ehsa-),-fer-the- paonfo?e by '.f. A: lwllslgs asdlGdi lalllsark;t and for tbp flsse .Iiy C: Nicholson. .Puhitelshed by Ge ul dlsu g,IA Imnei andea C n. 2 0, S.oh u-squ5re. , U; TW!,to_T -OUGHT a t .heCockpit RTabe, ,u on Wtonday,March 8, end' folsow- 'iog days, a GR.ANO SlAIN of (dOC'KS. betwveen tle- gntlemsen of Easencaud the genst2emen of Norfolk. for ten sove-eisa 4 battle,. and '2NO sovereigns the moain. -To coentmencflghtinlgeaeh dayalthal fpast t'cloclreeSend aato fs6b.t liivt sttttaUra. ?ltmiX4fot Essex,1 LobfrNroll;, feeders. IT- ,, Vi,. rrKcQvp-:s f If CwdtotaIn Pr.. T VI Id-, ; ottoil ih r' _- th fiouA1.e -b . . :JS:Pa3:s;t.I,d Roll~~~~~~~~~1t "Gentleitien - hVVI- It u-nderie opr l o1uuer4 request you will.mi Cou~- 9~ipItor or !Uit4odiStg"&a eavdiest conTeis:da,jo ~ tPbi o d.~il. dear v,cez of 'atlteG6 trhoe dthe,sf,r r red,ate strant,[ia s ,' corner ofry, e,..Cor tdIohiw Ippuare,. for FifeJssurAncehte RndwmeVmnt;of blidren, Ptb j tttiCshe __ deferr,th .re heaenft . * - A Rel A utlf eh*a 5usd 'thir'Veohf.Ten,o an Uarp I iirn, -;iny OPI~s g Ym-iq s'J~srsea & pf for every year during alfe*4 a tiute l For exarnm,ile, arono the ae of2OySr& I~ -syrA ntof 7i.2s. 11 per annum foe T2?] frt?myb ia one Ohipavs decease Pesj~s,_n.Anured bths.o x lwdi lesMb* e fromt one-Part . _th .nIted*lgEdorn . fuothe, 4*dtlftrf Ite time of paeae ftOm British to Foreign and:trot prenl aJIsbh Ports fix DecRa:VTesels or $team-Biiats ssto4. ,gn.p;g, .r-,ee Polipleanisy be S , tori, -vosthy~bthh attentioikof f Laly T-i'js Con fly hf d~lsnce ~i~n ~for 2 thir4 of. such ~prem1,?xdsojsof uzx~ an eorrI Bistiot, tike.gboIoa-itrvet PrraSianueiv_ NDe Chargti itnie for poiefes boyirey0siqoa et?rA No qhurge.U i for. entra,iet mOrdo ad'L. feeL. Insurances effected by thissCompgsw kt* Ndairdteio pr-miwu,. Tn case of loss, loper enLD on the eWStatd. amount of the losx wilt be paid when regulred, 1s'lthln one weekafter the ilre happens. Persons efFecting Insukii or 4 . yegars are Rsts in. tondoxi Oe i yeaspyr ittjsrn. . . . requlrtopSlyT Tasee fronf rites may-be bsiA at thoi sohpan ?ane, , * . . . ~~BENEZER FERN E~ Aanaiingj ])ireetor. rnO be SOLD, a h3andsom BHOW1 , a a loetween d, ioand er d, 14hand te edsis?.i f a ll1oI)erdlc r.ti, Harnes an!d Chaie the prd op-" fieS R-i~gn a'fo n. T e ' ourther 0soasiconlmtsson ,or them. Pristes,'k?he wbontr bsie soiv, stables, A m, Wirtsninstere>roa --. -*. S _!ivery 4 PObe SO thell> prislern t a DeI.;PnS. whd wils n. beredfaste In atl nespates. AISQ, i l r y terand tIS S The '()~O be SOLD,- a BAresit Se,ii .a&ed h ora hands lvtand aStallbrth,cloth good hact Ion, antiet.t theorsdeo ferred substo. tlal CHAISE^, vith hat, s, to. tt el ..DorUnt~niu, vry apialCI1S.NUT` iaARZ. 14 hands high. h5.rrness tocorraes rownd. ahbsise andoe beass: price 40 guinelas :atried *n y t* mlonths irone rare Pony, 13hantds high: warranted sound: irdsonme*s. .enha t or 4H j -bY pplysO6t?renCetFitz ro che,,.or 2, Rich- Sc ROOM; to be opened In APril; atpony, _ obesl abent NB. I. wran utPPEs:R krai informay, nout be -a eSPOn ED IFemahly manner, andkdressn S. . . o pa IRoWe,l )INGSt S by SPe,I RaSra J bargain. the progrS SofCanofie-n,w be Prate e 1 nntct e by gh.,7 years Id. fRast .l .the liat Sr. with high cotrage,OtN Settins ingleSdOuble Nowestp Miee70 guineps. To be seen at .Qaboro'scoab)e sson stables..Appeltono ku-8stee M.ibntagussqued1r. [0 ho SOLD, ONE i- tre hand-somes - . powertul Cabrolet or 4-wheel CIS&isc.eSSIn tO the lahe GI 3 years old, 1 baSnds 2 inches hdvigh,aaibl prserous . uluet in douible-r singehres n oKnaae ua 3fshape.w1th0sperhlare pe mateine a hch o metpe.,sriTo Se seenn ,at the lte Hodgkineeoxiaad cOsxndrthlsslo tbin s 12,11l Band tapled PoNMrY.. Thie, horei baad been ushaedtgoahrt andPett zkr Grear Wlneheter-streel,Vid Brvad-steet.ted.l-. MINORIES.-Tgihrokers, Groeet<~~~~-straeer ,bury, bel habout bghand andb grat parhgh ena-tgo igre andi d inecondititora.rThe pcnyais4ylue arsnd;fSmho.Ne,v LreT, and verihnd. bhey Mar wei in orthl , the-rtenti*n of snj'lady or S getlemandi wattra e i ScH,P andr d-Ill be warran ed every rcspe4:. To be sceup t I;L ae ns, ci osryn, st.:ables 4, ga'To etrer ~~ncoinh-inn~~fle1ds isl ing __tt____ tuo doors contigaolrcolrs~ to and advertg itoAerridCxtwar Vi o roMjwn G Rs1iag by r J SALE, g had arheis,witrats paeverdncr b ubate. r. ( ogo- 4wxetlonoeheAse Ab. 64.tCornhk.90 rPOSED O F, an very fast in aellent r esEc,l atin Idsark motied gray, quie insngeor dOisbl heUESes, In tbe vcine con- hliion fom onsan woSt -ane.Alo wa, lry nnted nid Wthealrl i Lo!zdon, ^ hi rhghas been cador orrte le theiW hh trs nt matc h for numbez vfsears finra pn6rsot hat-ioynd: lsralticiOtthlRrodth him,y atd would now begldto Ic .SO guineaor onse Haymbe see AG ENsTLEMAN wisin SOtD, DrT,FrishOet:o .O hnisr "MAnDES. h recourSE t anM SALRIvErtSeme,T- a M& aS O-LE^ cdcriaing theam biargain, reoidenc e lda l, by JIlis aroosmabl e h ltora hunte, hcantla bCeF e9SrEsv, A vnd. tIlEdoP, delf6htfu hiteiant aeente ohidfor a 5I by applyingn t e eie nt ry Clate, at H- lsortns har- ea,ndon0 fagt mall coies. Also, anRe nentaer cv-4h l4egic,hatse eor thred a lady, mnasnnter o grag weight,beatnd20t Pmde 5equl.Ma DI pony,e vtobsod bfcr;ett nly.he dl:2riuasi2', do pr.atestables.crms 27. Poutryet, P BarketheeOq. Ai do. or: _iL Othetc-TO>D,e SOLD; the bEArga-in, -aaoeter ostWIo aid ANe SHOP CH.Pt!ISE,Sh.ngon well espvi, 3eopoth,a,y Prlinate slab irn throgh~~t,painte azOK ronclu tan reLievdN with blck, tede, nith hndoeniabrovsitntth co;thecerWbl prlile o the Worse totwbr,abSwil.nei heatenin, baoft xeanyldy r~ enUemtabetIn to .n A PI.dn. Th Ratune,bcana aueWtcd 'moe hrianc festat ,arn tofee lik. prineobly and . The oserr -streetre,ted Olt roidst ATFo be5 azE Ile.SHI E Aei A ep oi. L. .Cteaot are reattbirnain, a reMr.kvbly welRt buclt>r utot lgatne Mr. tremlty ofthi old valabl eaes2bpxrk,spW.erous e NAVfGAes (,N ^and dsubtantial AISerwt go arnu wshihd,m froi. d he.pelpante haerrness to S corres gpond. he a s-hle cnst the line o setou .O tgixnes sniytwomon ths sinceo llarewSrrsIna creasingevere svee andia ;emayd. pony, to e besoldo a bairergin orests. .pron -.c'tif nee-; -F2toee. _ r * - " .. NN PF Apl t edrg Br-rTeo.6 N Gmrkrays, G.quroev,Lio: oabr, ERY~~~~~~~~~~~ e l i esrbr ttid 1o apan PhlDXNCoE, inooprmeavey Pntysnen, -if bye tleti4 fter,poto nad F OuNDOsN DOC STCK..--a Sht, by PrviQagdxeteSesacWtbefr irar q Conthera, Mr.S H. RAONE (sueceso 3o. th the abPoSeD, F at Iye adlc -daynt tin rosqemnizMV*r. n RS: of,t9iAreo rrnr olhde tHbUSihNedS the LOtItArn I O COe - ornt of' LdpabodiIt hingh aOs per cas et. ontby.theceresent ppiprietor f anaat ncer ofease. itind always hillliye nmoletsrabeandresecablerbod toe ernisn app laeto zir. i. eaver canal andsuetock sa l etate applke ,Grat Wi Pnchete-street, l Hamroa-seet. ~~ir ONMOUThSHlRE CANAL-r 1, , F Onisd o SAL1f, by PrisaeCo by Mr. Mr. NSH.TTLeWAITNaucEHtIo;& ESlATEM Scottr, -FinE SaRE deinl thsisodenceadabl propeou NIA yON oividing 11.pe sar peroD atnum aetUnd which,o foa,te.lytmor,t-in lrateanld ro sp;ec tsofy teA trade,ard; the lineds, f c .thr.oug- centref at s canl trnsto, aretdiyd increainrg i eatm.. at.l tiro M.. I nl raineca l ait n d r ou ksar n- sathrke,2 LredonWinctheoer-treti, oldBroa-treet . kce mR PNORKE. BToCHEnRok ersingihoue-eeps, andr Tot dahers,%Tb StOionest. -cLEApSEa Hous 0DIIasl Sof icp.t-s b Lade, b mr.t CneiabGOv witut,h immodp,the ptincslenal stxc~eeL% f hf DWELLI1-HOUS %1.erand attrandti- HOP,. &ceat detmserably goingd r'o. th9. tiflariectse. ofmpriing th bedrooms. d&rntwtnro'.et4nron- aTt-rra ttiserbowedratepakitchenles,colia'arig,&oat:8varobs:rtousirod i-twedran furthrpticular- rl 6s obtaned bypWationlylhngy Jtoter, poggo aucl)tioneer, IHcc. 6W Clrh, il. Htv-wd ATFERD lErD,o QJ SEIN rYW p beaDs-, Londo.s hxeeith as bee corried onbythepets4O19 prop-ri~4ed orth.rea numereit of:ar,i a "nlmust, hamltlyanved.desiembly i~tualdAt the e premitys or lare town ineveyreashiob uitedtoran wib,esfalihednte.of som e mgtrinitugode.Stgepasds Oathe hllduevryi:sb,tor) - plantired applyth hiee Pruntontrees, playasr roudst aaeuls msef - x TulrsEnT.yT be SOdLfD,r Potr J2,egA Fumnshet -orRX. Unfur- laEly o eulediby i le,ade CrQftN heon,delrgHOP:t4un 3sltbrtabin te atIlsR E, I DlEN from Fion apim.rouSh 3-i fro-n-. Bremley, and- tronm Lonon lltle ointyofRer. lgs eatCotan ldsd6benea theabve,dnainngi,nla acomhodtine.isa saleracale,Sla tr.st Del l anO hnd h;s,dgisseg,-boxes-aAd, lgh ts,-, tcttk horses, a"d hnpiements If Gri& feigethtc' khitelhtoWiti 6cpsiStps bh taken by the-purehaFer:o? the -leasiei o- Vevxlum,iiqpn ,rFor rtherp- tietilar s ap lly personally, or~ i?,b bylette,gr, -p9irt, tcr-41. Qit4 0 iao !tedton, gsrslnet,Jamhic.ro-w Ermon4seS;, --:;-. -;? ~~ reqiur no- ~~~Room-y _ i eD b OAStbt -ofA5k orEe?ineive ind. roomy PRB , fpf,tvthe aue' teS ne nt in ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~to tie uygiti c9 95,. agbtoii spll.yOfWMatbr, Llte dtyf as i*y eeyrequisite sneonvnence.- T,hse houee. t in :thsonsll li irepd,'lbTtttSnhi 9 roomnc and s1sops Theri rent ts nr5khVh de:gbklot:eigl, Te.lebek onsiats of 8 tine yrung.cow^, hrs,, ihorse,d .prlnd Wprngurpt-ne; Im~nn.s m- *iatee.Possess'ion.ssytaye:bad .with e-t2tlttitb,ihstdltik.J 'eaeooe for Meevin gryfbisnsn-ctt,gd - bEre sfil8dresapply to quarey.ayot,eoie6z?iaeeehBasle qae 'r0 CL3 (o8X;O i1tskR '.,iel;i;igdo#f kil iMill, -t 2n tn4e-?ahsir Factdry, -Bondms -MU tep 'soe,lester- ahlib.--To' be LETM for-WTersi of -ye ars ; p f0,SIE, and P. powerfui Ml LL, called-B6Mr9gflljswitb-ey Au - g:3, leite for cehTYiOIg 54ep bmteslVe'IWStingtrasle I ie e ebaprl a hbir]#s;pa Neitbtf i f tid,it lt'se aace ptof - S )j tbsy, Wlt ljteUnicii)ichbofd >we auistbljng-s11cd i4d,t4,Jxa iSp x rub.. tsrerissThe-milrl np-uep dnee- tb5e,boersiatre,.chpty,sty wilth atsioff fcc41 unsis,conau ently. pzh i-souerapleponisQe powe Thc-WdorktsfoIis7A?ddyhige% aufd 1eveatrw,thsse, tP-gpuyelent lit art.e- tetslyye- ,a nd 3 qxceil2tt Otteg;stlers or lptanRs{ins\I-eo<lglssrhEogt itrEiDe if it st qCM, 6ds, andother, fixed mnachinerin i iiipon-thee moder. pfiples, l id-M thebbt etonstz:-ud en 4uei53ertae tc In,- out any sum off ioner ll-rsucthsupxbaeu3ens s,Sr,dV}F4 a ea - gghghritfdtfd *nI ateempensionoin<retbgWes him. T he .4tutluaifor fbtr le .bIler iYIlO,'i siietd ,by skp4 bytQy etpr Ith th oonoyi'tyl -itis dusdedyt ethe Sroudvater eaan ainSnFtidn,sndby the3 tumphlse oead between Bristool- flicedter; aLrd-d3tr.oadb harrg, wag- gen, aus, vas,asiddtoaheg haM dailIr,>uda Wtrgz:tlWisn to vevay part of tbh\gol.sgom. Annlouitantltyof-md&t,teycied1latuns,wlan (not exeeding 70 acreS) sl, y a! regulsed, be rtnented- theyteprleto r AppCicaton (i b llbltetfote,post aid to bemd, ma4,e-to)rttoo:Atr I ney,lt, beauli Strond xvb gvne cgre dbSid toXew 6Ist
State Papers.
[renentell to b6t4 tiouses of arttlaslent Sty commmiaflO kits Maiaesty, Mlarch, 1824.] I_.r=ExRAGT Or A aCEMORAw111DUM Or A C02rE5'REXCE 13ETWEE'5 THIE 1'RINCE 'DrIE OLIGXAC ANS MRt. CAN- .qING, HIELDS OCT. 9~-T1 1823. The Prince de Polignac having aninounced to M r. Canning, that Isis Ege.<ellency was now prepared to enter Witl MJr. Canniing into a frak eeplnston of the views of hlis Government respecting the quesion f SpnishAmeria, in return for a siiiilar comnmunin.a- itinn whc r. Cannting hlad previ,ously Offered, tomketth PriniCe de POlignaC On the Part Of the Beitsus Cabinet, Mr. Can- niing stated- TIhat the British Cabinect hiad no disguise or reservatioin on that subject :that their opinions and initentions were substantialtly ithe s9anie as were announced tothe French Governm-ent, hy the despatch of Mr. Catnning to Sir Clharles Stuart of the 31st of )larrli which F1 'ipac rta AibilMilor Communicated to M1. de Chate.aubriand, and wvhich had sines been puhlished l to thie worldl. That the near approach of a crisis, inwtlsteffisfpnit Amecrica muist natutrally occuAny a great shiare o" tuse attention of botil powers, made it desirable tha't titrersalitould its no misunderstanding between thleni on anyi part Of a suabject so important. That the Britislt Govermnnent were of optinionl tthati any- atteropt toi bring Spanisit Amerira again under its aitrient su~missiuni to Spain mutst ha utterly hiopeless; that all negutiat O,i for that purpose would be unsuccessfu ad tht thile prolongation or reniewal of war for the sRame ohwect wvould bc onily a waste if humnan lifre, anid an infliction of calam;ity on bath par!ties, to no end. That the British Government Woul.l, however, not otily abstain froni tntcrposing aniyobstacle on their part to any attetitlpt at negilotii- tioni which Spain miight think proper to tssske, buit would aidi and countenance such niegotiation, providedI it were l'oundedl u poit a basis which sppearcd! to them to he practicable ;and that thleY woultd, in aniy ca.se, rentain strictly neuttral in a war between 'Spain and the, Colonies, if wvar shouild be unhappily proloneqd. Buit that the jttncdon of any foreivin Power, ini ani enterprise of Spalit against the colonies, wuld'oe viewed by theto as collstitutir an entirely new qutestion ;and One uponi whicha tlhey must take sue decision asq cite interests of Great Britain mnighIt require. That the Blritishs Governtment atsolutely disclaimeQd. it1st enly any desire of appropriatiniz toisl n ttoriio of thle ispanishi c1onie:!, hut ann intentior. of forniing, any pilliticai ro-ttexiont with them. be- .voi'd that of anmity andi cormte;ciai inzercourse. That in tisose Tepct,s far fromn seeking ani excliisiv, p-efver-nce fo rts uJects over those of foreig.t stats England teas pre- pared,. and wouldI he contented, to see isle mnottter couintry (bty virue osf an amicable arrangement) ins posseswirOO of that preference ; ansi lo be ranked, after hser, equally wvith othczs, en tite footing of ttte imiost favotired itatiosi. Thsat, cotmpsetely convinced tlata the ancient systeni or thie Colonies couldl not he restored, the British Government couild nsst enter into any stipuististn binding itself cither to refuse or to s lav its recogni-t 1That the British Governmenit itad no desire to 1st P ate that re- ; cognition, so lonfg as there was; any reasonable clianrec of an nceo:,n.- 'niotlattoti witht the imother country-, by wliichi suc'.i a recog-itiion might coefrqt front pit BuNit that it couldI not wait indefinitelY f,or that resutt ; thatt it couhld ;not consenit to tusks its recognition of the tiew states depentlent popn thait of Spai atidi thzat it wouild Consider ates' foreign intmerfei-enec. bY ftrce or by mnenace~, in the diisptte betwseeot Spain end tite coin.- ries, asa mrotive for recozni7ing tite latter withotic (tetav. Thtat tise mnission of ('0nsuls11 to the seVeral pTovinciS_ of Spanlis'l America tees no new mieasuire on the part, of thiis routitrY tiat it was one whis ie ail, oni tise contrary. been dtelsycd. nerhtaos tot lung. in consideratioin of tile state of' Spa;n, after htn C mn,ne to the Stipanisht Governmetnt in the mnionlit of Deemittier List, as stit. Itied ; antI even after a list, had been furnished to must t Goeronenirt :of the places to sehtichi sitei appointme-nts tecre intlidetd to be ml:ido. Thiat s;ach app0in)twse-.ttt Were abellttluyls necessay for thie IIrotrcc i tioti of Blritish trade itt those countries. That tite old pretension of Stpain to interdict all trade v.lith thnose enitnris.- was. in the olitition of' the Britishl Governnment, altoge- ther obsolete , but titat, seen if attempteid to) be emeibreed against Other,, it was, wvith reg,ard to Great Britai n_ clearlY inaoplicable. Titt psrtssissiisn to trrasle witit the 5'tattisil coittuie; liata been cron- Iceddto Gireat. Britain i's thec year l), letth nritit,f Great Britaini between Spalin and lher colonsies was asked by Spain, anti Lranted by, Great Britain :that this mnediation. indeed, 'rvas not0 afterw'ardis etmploved, becauise Spain chlang-ed her Coun.,t- ; Isut t1hat it was mtof, the 'efore, practiesible 'for Grea~,t 1riraits to withd!raw commsercial rApists,1Olft nselebarked in Spsanisit Anierica, an;d to de- sist from- comminercial iintercourse otece est'ablished. That it had been ever since dlistinctly ttnd!erstoodl thait thec trails was open to British subjects. anti thtat th ancient c,,a't laws of Stain were, so far as regarded tliteni at lt:ast, tacit! v repealed. Thiat in virtiieof this understanding,. ruOdress ' ited been dentandetl of Spain in 1822. for tanmong ottier grievattces) seizutes of vessels for allegzed infringenments of dance laws .Whlich rrestite S.panisit Government bouind itself by a conventiots (now in, ceutrse Of ex-cu-i tion) to affordl. Thait G rent Britaiin, liowever, had no desire to set tip any sepa.ate rig'itt to the free ettiovilient of thisi trade ; that slhe considtred the force of 'ircutostance5, and the irreversiblse pi-ceress of events.aitotave already dleterminedl the question of the exister,ce of that frceeleiro for al Ithe: woritd . hut that, foi lierseif she clainled, andI would contitlue to ises it cund should any attempt tie nt-dcl to dispuate that ciat to, and to renew the obsolete interhic!ietn, su,ch rtttelitpt nddht be Itest cutt sitort by' a spteedy anil unqe eliflied recogniti ton otf tht iodcenetd. etice of the Spanisht American S,tatcs.. That, witis thiese genercal o;pinions, andl vith thta? peculiar el.lirs, England couild tnot go into a joint dctibcrafioin upon tihe -ub.iect of Stpanish Anterica. upon an eeptal footing whit ,,ther woer,shtese opinions werer less formned tttptn tilat qUestion, ant i shose ittteresta serer less ittiplicatedI i-a tite decision ot'it. That slite thougit. it lair therefoee to exilain bieforehtand, to as1hat deg-ree her initid was mi-ttle ttp, anti lier detertititation takemi. 'T'he Prince tle Polignar declared, 'jullt hi-s Governmucent bielieved it to be uttcrl~y hoppeless to reducte Spattish Ainterica to tile state of its; formier rela.tioti to r.p:uitt. Titat Francetdisiaiinetd, Onl her part, ainy itiretition or, desire to avail hetaecf of the ?resemst state of thle roloi-lies, or of tite Present sittiat ion of France towardls Snain. to tal'trotr,iate to herseft atsy part of tile -Sprnisht possessions, in Anterica,or to obtaits for llerself an'y c clusive advantageR A n(i thmsm, like Etigland, slite woutlt jveIijl? i el see Cite moithecr cowl- tryv in pessessiste, of Superior conisserriril Wilv:t';ttnCS, liv enijuble Cur- tategteciltsis; antd woitIld lie coatet test like hi .r, cto rank, iftet thit ninthcr Country. amonsg tile most favollrri nations". L-Astly, thititt she atejured, ini any,- ruse. itty deti;gn oi actitte again~st the colulitics iliv force of arnie. The P'rince d(e Pitlignac itroceedled tit utia', That, as to whtat nnirht be tlie Itest, arraiserinent Itetween Spain sait( her- coloteics. thie Frenich Governinpts' c-t I1ou,,t utc,ior a euChre to fontm an -pinion, tint il the King of Spin a alvhiil tie at liier tvt. That tile)' Would dhen bse reatl to cts1tee utiot i;, iik conv'.:rt ulhl tlitir hiel:s, and tvitla Great Britaiti' uniting thc noi'iibrr. Io ohicrvinlz upois what Mr. C-'-ni't- intl sail, sitli respoct tit the pxctltar iuitctation of (Irett Britain. in- reference to bitlth a confjtrc enco. thec Prince dc Poligisac ileclareci, Thta lite sate no d iffcly whliels should preyent Enulactl froto taking part in, the Conference. iloawever she toigi,t note tnoittiette tie ditThrencc ini cite view wehich she took of theq1tes:-inn1, ftotit tiu-t tak-e;s I1 by thie allies. Tuie refusal of Enulitod to co.oneate. in, titC wrotk of Ireconciliation ittight afford resentsi to thtitk. esitluir tita, site (id ost i really wi6sh for that reconciliation,. or thazt sielslsnetlOircb ject in cotstettplaritsn-tr.- su ppositions equally iniurio-ut to Cite lhonour intl goo1 fI thilt Of cite Britishi csttijiet. I'lie P'rince tie Pohignac fuirthe,r dleclsred, That he, coudrini lt cunceive whiat Could h! rate_nt. utnd.-r tile ore-. Ist-lt circtumstances, by a pture oil Ni-iPle ackn.ie-hed,int.cn tf tie inilecpentilence of tile Spaniishj colotries ; since, tit-s coiiristctuig arctually distracted br civil wars, thiere -XiSurdI iso govrrnxnete itt ithern lishicli couild off'er aiy appearance of' sojiiiitv;.and that thT acktoiewleelgitent of Aisuetican indepcrtdeace, si Iitts Mucht it stLate ,sf i titiugs continnedl, appieared tt thtu tobettl gastu; a i-c-I.;: sanction of atnarchty. 'The Plrince (le Ptjntligc addedl, ritart, ini Cite interest oh' httumani ty, anti estec i:it.l in tiiil of !, - Spanish Cuolonies, it would( lee worthy O of IChi n-uto~-cn ()oveirtttt:ut t Ito esiscert togethier cite means ofcallin int.i titost- disttialsae , civilizcd regions. pitissions blinded by flirts' pi,it an"'d. to cMsleavocur ;to britig itack to a pritici tie of' tin'tj 'uits P2o;ertttl t Ir. t-ittbccm inavuuritl or aristlocraticall, people attiong teae h :tltr II and d,in-'r. out thcoienis ...ere now. keeping up agitaition antd distmo it. iMr. Cannineg, without entering itittiirs"IssiOll cipots thlese tsri- 1priicipnIce, constented himitself wvithai hg,jjl9 :That, hlowever desirable the estabhlinitttct of: a w.o!%arci:hicaj totr !of governmneni in anv Or those ptrostnets tlit, itt it,titt leil Ihandu, or whiatever tiii")t lie tile dliflicuilties its ties Way of it. t i othier hand, his Govermn oatiio,tk -~otisl topi ithter iwsardi a3 a condition of titeirrecognitito:. n i ,r iNo.2--SfR %dmIisSsAT Aci'CUTTa-rOMi tti :ri Ag N- . (Extract.) (~~~~~~~~Re~Ceived dnia ,-vtti,I -et:tr u.tdi ;The encltised note, thouh diiAl i duti riii ito 30,- tue sli iveiterdhay. Br ilily anna-er, a copy fwtct teenchuoi tjtl enls,yuwilsee tlat I ni'erslvteeolln its r~cer- ing to transmiit it to osy Uwverroiseot - - s PTue Riglit Hose. George Catninig. &',. &-r. COUSTr OFALtA To- SIR ttixt. iii. l'aiaene, I )-uc. 2ii. 1 l2dt, IHonoured Sir,-I hass' the taut-ouir to itifor-. Ytou clint thle Gino", 'y' iaugust ma t --ster, has, fleterillineh to evote~ fit,- tiartictilar aittentint.! to the regulatiotn of the affitirs etlncernitit tile clis:ui' utare f Spaiisia ,Atn-rica benhoiiost uce t lu:iigis ikitti. tnia,s,in swhichi tme se'edso'f anarchy hiave tak-te ro;tCto rthCpi-ti.:, !dice 01' the smluttv of Other G overnmei`nts. il jsu'Castulcrer. fore thotsght chlat hte might iietly rahest11'itieOttl si5itotftl these Allies, cowards obtainiiiig resujlts Whichi cantiot hut prove. h)eie, fitil to the tirantistillicty and happiness of all Eci rotte. Tule etirlosed etp wKilt Put you. Sir, ini pnsse,sitst of tile orLers issued to htistCathofic Mlajestv's Represenitatives at the0 iC-'urcs ,f A~ustria, France, and Russia anti as cite Minuisters of `ittain have no ye poc- ue toA- . Tunt ah Berlin, theKig i - uhrceio Inot yet proecedesd to I,ondrin a.:fi P,crlin, thIc liing lias. (lirecteil mci to adilrcess to vost. Sir, and to the Miniiter of Pruissia at this Court, a transcript of ise said conieutanication C which his :Matjesty hopcs you Will havethie goOdneSs to tanSoIUit tO your Government, whose friendship and upnghlt policY, the King, try Cr-astcr, trists, will knot hi ?w to appreciate the fraiid&ess (it this cotnUeiUi1iit, atd thc cquity wvhiirlt hlS dictated ltueibatia ott tveii it is ferunile(. I afvail myFelCoftthijis noettinit &rc (aigned) THlE COII'DE DE AOFALIA. To the Iliniste of Eaiglhnd: T rI',/ation .oa rf rmu i.'; teroygt .rr in A's. 2.) COtNT O-'ALIA ro HiS CArTHOLIC tt IAJLSTrY ASIOASS.DOR A r PARIS, AUWD mi!iStSrTEit PtLENiP'OTENTIARY AT ST. PE-ERSlitr'RGII ANXI) Vmm'.x A. T'ha King, our sovereign, being restored to the throne of hiis an- cestors in thieenjoyment of his-liereditarY rights, lias scriously turinetd his thoughts to thce fate of his Arnericatt dominions, distract- ed by civil tar and brought to tie htrink of the omost tamgetoiusPre, cipice. A s duritmg the laxt three years tile rebelIion *vhich prevailcd in ',pain defeated the constatait efforts %vhiiclWere mulide for inain tailI. lng tranquillity in the Costa Firma, for rescuing the banks of tite Riv,-r Plata, and for preserving Peru and New Spaii ; his MIajestv beleeld with grief the progress of the flame of instirrection: bitt it affords, at the sarue time, consudation to the IKing, that repeated and irrefmga ble *,roofs exist of an immenmse number of Spsaniiards renaiming true to their oat,is of allegiance to tite throne ; adt that the sound inajo. city of Americana acknoivledge that thait jlecnisphecre cannot be happy unless it live in bretheelv conuexion with those who civilized those counitries. These reflections- pcwerfullq hnimatd'.hlis M Aajesti to hlope' that thei iiiadee of hisqcause will mieet seotli a firmnsnppore in the influxence of thle Powers of Europe. Accordingly, thie King has resolved uipon inlviting thle Cabinets of his dlear antiintimiate allies. to establish a cnference at Paris, to the end that their Pleniplotentiaries-tassembleti there alonig with thiose of his Catholic Afiaestv, may aid Spainl in ad- iiiSt'I te aihraofth reoledcontiesofAmria.In examin- ing: this imltontanit, quiestion, hiis Mlajesty will, knconjunctaion writh hiis peoe erfhil allies, consider of the alterations wo~~ich events hiave pro- duiced in his Ameincian provinces, andI of the relations, whichi, during the disorders. have been formed( withi commnercial nations ;in order thtereby to adopt with good faithi the mecasures most proper for canet- hiating thie rights andl just interests of tile Crown of Spain andi af its Soveretynty,' with those wvhich) circumswancn_a mwt hlave occasioned with rcsveit& to other nations. Ilis 111,testy. contidling in the seunt- ulents, at hiis allies, hopes that they will assist him in arcorn;li-shing the -worthy object of upholding the principles ofoartier andI legitimiacy', the Subversion of wicih, onice commiented in Arteries, would pre sently consmuaicate to Europe ; and that they will aid him,. at th'e sante timte, in re-establishing peace between this division of the globe and its colonies. ft is, theriefore, ltis Mlajesty's pleasure. that, penetrated withl thiese reasoni, attd! avajiling yourself of the res-urees af volir well-known talents,yon1 shouldt endeavour to dispose the (iovernuient with whlich yOu, resislo to agree to tite desired ca-operatioti. far which the events ofthe Peninsula have paced the wvar-; authoiziate(4 yanu to conmnunt- cate a copy of this note to thie Minlister for Forelen Affairs. Gold tpreserve yoan rm-nt' veers. (Siment) Thie Comicl do OFAL A. To thec Ambassador of his Catholic Majesty at Paris, andI tti his Alinisters Plcnipu'cn;iary it St. Petorsburgit and vienDa. ( Third Rne?lteurc in A\o 2.) SlIt WILLIAM A' COUtT TO COUTts' Os'At.tA iMatlriti, lDce, 8f0. 1823. Tule undemrsined. &tt. &ec. has thle honou.11r to ackn'm'ledge the re- ceipt of tile Coiunt Of-tli-i's note. dated the Nikb of thith niitnth. lie will hasrrni to submit it to InsR G overtnment. lie beg-s his ExcellPlene to, accept. &c. (Signed) Wil. A'COURT. His Excellency thte Count Ofallia, &c. xe.'._3.-M. SECRETARY CAXNt,'IN To, sta w., A'cta-te Foreign Oflico, jan; 1. 84 Sir.-Tiie messenger Latchford delivecred to tie, oil the 14thi inst. your tdespatch. enclosing a copn' of the Count dle tjfalia's aflchial note to you of the 26th of D,cerm'oer last with the ace snpanyitig copy of an w.urin.wihhs te dressed. b ~ artier Of hiis Catholic 3iis .to itis Antosdrat Paris, and to his Ministers P'leni- patent1-iary a the Citrtrs of' VienniandS~t. Peitvrsbnrghi. lIiavinteg laid tbt-se pa-pers before the King, I hare recivct di his Mlajesty's ceotmrlanila to direct to yout to return to themi thte follow- ing answer. The purpose! of tile .Snanisti iaetcttctiati ii to invite the Several Iowers the allies of his Catholic Majesty, to " establish a eon- ferenereat Paris, in or der that their i4ettip'it "-itiarks, toecihcr v-ith thoe. of his Ca-tbolic 3i2ojsts', may aid Stait, In adjusting', thle aidk1i'rs of thie ret-lted ce)mtictth of`At-a.riria.' Th~e imainicnant'e at' the " snvrevevctv" of Spain aver Iter Late cctlor5 ;~s is pal nted out ini tliis i tsutriiclia asone Specific object of tit pro.posed confevrence: andtI hot.rh ani cxpecttttio't of itte e"'p!o rment of t;icce for thsojc, by the sl,owerst invited to theu conference, is not plainly indica-ted, it is- rot diitinetlr diecl:timnd. The invitation containco in this histKruetion niot beling addre-ssed directly to th!eG(ovrunment of Great Britain, it may not ha itecet- sary' to observe upon that part of it twiich reflies to thec late evenits in the Peninnsula," as Itar.itig " paved the waiy" Ice' the "desired ca-operation." The Br.itish Gove-rnmlent crould not sekuiwled.ee an appeal found-I edl tupon trn,tnactiotis to whichl it iwas no p.rty. lint nio suich apipealI was necessary'. No variatioti in thne inte-nal affiris at' Spain, has.~ at nov time. v.tricti the K-ing's desire to see ai termninatioti to tMe evils seisi'itr front tue protracted struggle between Sputin antI Mlpantsht Amnerica o r i-ts Mlajiesty's di.;postuiot to concur in bringi,ng scout that tertane.:ion. Fromn tte yetar 1811, -when IMs \lajcsty's cmluck mediation was ask:ed and uainted to 8pain, to eff'ect arnniliation with lier cola- inies-t.ha disturbance's in i0cli colotties hadie thien hut newl1y br`oken out.-tn the ce-or 1818, alien the sane task, inicreasedi if) dufficul ti'v bythe eoburs, and etinmplication ifevents, in AV me- rica, wa,,s prono~ed to be ttnt'.eitaken by the Allied Posters a~ssemibed it edafe~rence at A ix.laChlivefly -ard fro th0 er"i to tire treent timie, the good otlices of' his Miesry~, for this' puarpose have alwavs bee:n ;tr thiser'c of' Spain, wi bi ui:tonat U riltottl ioi which it, at been in each instattee explicitly (Ii,- scribed. Those lintitations hiave uinifocrn;ly excluded the enrplox-tnent of threeor o nienec gainst the eahen61ies, Oil thle pac-T' Of mIy nardiaritta 1'ower anztI itose coivdiriioun have itnifornitlvs req u red thie or-evinits statetmient bit,' Sar. otioone teiedite! ati (I ine6iligible prottositienriand tbe diseontinitattee en her pait of a syste u'terIs' inappidiable to the iitew rel a icts whti i have, gre'n tip betweenm thicAnterican provinces and other rit'utteis. - `' ite fruitless iss,ie of rthe conferenices at AirI.iiplerould have deterred the- Britishi Governmnitit front. acceding to ai tiaposal fttr attain enitertattinini., in conference. the question of a. ...ttI..tion. betac-en Se.-tin a'tl the .American Itrovinres. even if other CicetDin- simes nimt reinaitted nearly the sante. But the eveirts wthich have fohiowedzai etteht 1c wi ntl stch ratl,itiy dt:rinre the list five years, have Crcat'edso eIssem1ial a diTeTCnCe, as wVell in thec relative Situatiton in tehieci Spain atnd ttc American provinices stood, anti now saltiti to eachi othier, as in thec external relations anitl itra ir.,n- shatters of sIte practics r:tetnselv.'s, tlhat it Wotultd be v aIn to hope that sit' nuediation, ntio foundeti on th eT,o neeiee,couhld now be'successful'. 'The tiest proft which the Btritislt C,orernnnent cats giv-e of the inl- terest sitiielt it eontirinu a to feelI fur Spain is, to st!ate fr-inall their Opinion 55 tit the couirsei most sdvi'able to beipursued bvitis C'athoulic Mole~st': eand to answver wvith ithelike franknessrthe question minplic(Q itn 1. Ofalts'i instrtirtioni, as; to the nature and' esretit Of titric owin rceltiona wvith S5panuli Antmseics. Thecre in. no lhc'itation in anisieriugz this qpuestion. '['hle subjects of Ills daiest'v iiavy' for manat yeses carciedi onttrade titd furnned carur-nercitd eattnexions in all'the Amierican provinces, whlich ItaveI declared thei settitto front Spain. Thi trtlewasoriinalyOpened wittitIthie consent of thle Span4is (Goverarit.u It luiesgrotwn gerritua11v to aticlt an exteitt as to reqd( sotie direct itrotection, by tite estrablishmettsc 'Itses'terat poets an plot t itt those prov~nine. tifconsi,ls on rIte hart of titt'onrV: inertoure ltitg defeirred Out odcit: vtoS'rit tnt! not reto,.r!dtott t at last tet tlttau tl~stlt -jt ut llsriely neroiticattien to she Stt~anisht fiotcctolttiti. As ti atry fttr:ier step to be take:n be i Lk Majesty tosvartdstt 0cc-, ksowet,nen tf tetie ie!. f:i- tice,ronmc:itsof Al merct the decision iusta (os ltr.s liteaticbee:t sat cidi tirectitan -liceit to t:tin nidtti o t It,' i:o' ,crc) 'he intl upo,in vat tt'tts rtcetu'tanees : anti ,''tt' 'Ilt-'' i't'el Creports itelt., wh Iht.z Biit5tt Givettuier' tmtun recedsv t'tt-et -' tate of att c'itt intt stert Ansertean tmvitoics. 11u.'t .5t pet-tsttttttifesitoto tiu5 lir ih lcritniGo leni.t! thi if' so large ;r' ,-ciI' i-the ,rlotie shiotiti ceiait iit ,elilongetr se.,. at aIx cret tell'tizA puulerti aexistence,ti Otr rdet tie! 'ite ol neal son ,xi on uilh to scitabi sIted Govertitintrtc4of l-tcp.tble Mae qti'tc',s ofst ri " ate ofuitbettaimust tie atoner mosteshcnsu- t ba- ftr:i c-c tttc-rtts, miii most initicittust wthe ilt ccosts it mu .Inrope is e.g lions. F t''- i' "tsouts, and no',irti Frnit-re views'sof sessl tu Blii' -C's' ''.1 clen is decidletly of t plinto, that ttio rereiciitloti it sri, It v-i(he sese "tates ius have eSrati,ihcd tile ,fiatt' tllcir Seplaralte Cssec,Cnntb!nul longer del'ayd Sic i nta rei-ot'tition. On the contrary, it is ott ever)' sccoucrt tlucir v;ish.taI hfis C Uit oh " caietv' soultd have tte grace andit ii a Mvirttisee it lt1 t i.t ah was',i ittattt reroengition, sniong tt 'thC xroera at',Sitrope. hiit I e('atirt of jlatir(hi (It atit be uaware, that tt ili iscret ion, at' hfis- lie esiv intl its respect catliitatlie in-dcfini:ely houndtipA hto ti (:itIot' 'IL1 'stv; and that eves, before man)'tsoti-tsetthic vttttr s''tceretv f-t be ~the lBritish fiocectusinunt, itt leav,e this pecc-cc- t-5cy 1 lo icin,mtiay tie orerirture Its ttnstidecaittits i;f mri tcorant- iest slime, naiure-eottsiilt-ratiniis rgirrditg itrt oatv thiccssent ttt il-lvss' c-t 1itt'3 Majeatv's slbl erct, bttt ithe relat Oi.ns ot tic (,lI world wnIitheti neCw. Sluoittlil Staiti lesnlve to ovail lineseif of tite tlror~ti iv;lil, itIr tioter, tie P Mitisih ioes'ntnnentI ioutlil. if tite it Curt t .11ndtritIiheciredii, will inigty aftbri its eanniatnatti sit all itt ) negnlraioitnt. ceinII tenceion shu't Ott 0ly bitesi ichifi a ppentr to thet 'it bfir n r mv-ciirble ; tout would 'c., civi otht s relo itmcc nc, the er--- cluiotn' in i i ettr-xgotiultion on titot basis, of ati irran-getnee" ,1--r 'Ati iCl Int' titetdt er country -shittud tie secutredl in the etijocuen't ! cotniniereirtl rtlutgssuperior iti those cotimcdeito tst iere nations.I Itrc;t, Gree',tBriteint asks nlo exclttsivr ptMivHges oftea' 'to "Viis tts ) 'eccte.LSbtitl ettitatl f-c dtion of t nimercesfoeo'Il. It~ n s t i itertintnct ht(perscereerin 'iticr curtnnels , i'tt'titot b iii be c'vet1- ti -atC Nreatttlritniti must talke lc ater tn ciutrt,e it ils tzlate r- steinthe liittle TionSOiiin shit l iarrive-; a t"hcltcth t N''t it-'t'-'is lhere aei i-out oreasnio toii r tuttil spa ax-cen Ii -d i ii r Cn 0 rlce S ~itn tof die:'list cf 2 a&Icth. '11h, Itj 01 iiiniichitail Ii tile S1nuttiih Govertiinieti t .tile optitoi x-i Sdiuis' cittyemir-ss-ld.titat '' tbitie atnti ltr ettirec ott ec'vns had stibat-- nt Ii ilcitteil ilit Sttttvttitoittl ijite ctlatn ront s1~,It:' mutler countrev; o ochtl to-acttl,31rtltt'gnit -sit a:' ithose pitincicrs sii Inpsru-ro stte, byhile Moliests-, ought be hast,ened or rtre liv Vtirlyoiis ieii-eis:tl ircutntsanres ass-eli as tin tli, itlore o ls Si i tcwtury P piseres, ii i--i- vci- .au oiats 1rgUaa Itt at-erlitniorttp." i i, n cn:te,noirr;loarcgrtacanlsette itnstaILTeclto 'r-tttce,attdlafterswords to otltcr ltaxwers.'I-as ela i Stairt,i, the o it sanodit -i im cc w ersetrep d ; wvith i thi spsecifR ti-hdlitott hIatitin eithter itf tiescase.,s (litti aplp;ily not] cl t)oOceut i),it ii t:ltt -it any atctrs1t a n tile part of Spstint t ccc i tile thi?osolet e iitendic-- toie of;, inttiresirse st w Otitciti ou ir tis'cvr s'li ichisite hIts tiin Itiger t.iti set tial doiltti~iton ; or tt i,ii (1 itt tile1,~ eimpio?'sent of foceigi asit tinci to re-e,tiabhishlicer iltin tiout in i heoctt ties Ity force Of, lrum ; the reeognitittn of s,ueltnew states by b lecitletdtrald in)lditrihrtc.-lia ait eotib Ater ttuls dee(tizig to iotr. for rite furitrmition of the (Courl of ] ail cii, ttle iletibtratle opiliori of the British (Gevernmiciittn tlie ooints tin sWlichi Spain requiires the advice of lier Alles, it does not ippear to the British Cabinet at all necessary to go intn a iotferencc, o dleclare thlat opinion sore'; cvei if it were perfectlv clear. truns le tenour o0' .M. Ofalial's instructioi, thlat Great 13titaia its i et neiluded in the invitation to the conference at Paris. Every olle ot' the Pourers so inv ited lias been constatntlv and un- 'eservevly apprised, not only of eacli step which the British Go. ccrnmcni bas taken, but of ever)' opinion s'lsich it hals fortoe(l oni Atns subjcctatnd this despatch sill be cousimunicatei to then nal. - i t' osc Pocera should severallyv come to itc seamne eonclusiot Asilt (hreat Briiait, tile concurrent expression of tleir several opi- lions cannot have less weigltt li the judgment of S'pain,and niust -aturahly be inore acceptable to her feelings, thian, if such concir- '-nce, being the result of a conference of 6ve Powers, should carrv he appearance of a concerted dictation. ift (unhappily. as wse think) Itc Allies, or any of themn, should urme to a duifii-rctt conclusion, ie shall at least lhave avoidedl the nconvenience of a discussion, by wlhicih our own opiDion c0ttd not tave been changetl ;-we shall havc avoided an appearanice of mrs. cry, by which the jealousy of other parties mnight have been ex- uited; we shall have r.voided a delay, sshicl the state of the question seay hardl v altow. .Metnirliile, tlis explicit recapitulation of the whole course of our tentiments nad of otir proceedingirs on this momentous subject, tust it once acquliit us of any indisposition to unswecr the call of Spain for . iendly counsel, and p4rtcet us against the suspicion of having any surpose to conceal froin Spain or from the World. I ans, &c. (Signed) GEORGE CANNING. The Right lion. Sit I.W. A'Cou't2 t-. C. B., &c. &c. * The Mlemorandum of Coniferexice.-No. I. Atistrita, tssia, Prussia, Portugal, tbe Netherliantis, and the United Statos of America. STAT)?, P.4pF?kS- COMM UNICATM3NS RaF IA AN N A PITV 1N~~~~~~~ TOTU-E- SI ANXSII AA1U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RICAN PROViNCES.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
London, Tuesday, March 2,...
The French papers of S:iturriay contain the results of a great nrUnber ore of thc elections, the commencement of which in Patis we noticed yesICTdaZy. The telegraplh has becn put in motion on all the lines of telegranhic comnu- nication by which France is intprsected, an thle victories of the Mfinisters in the Electoral Colleges have been trans- mittcd with the same zealous rapidity as their military triumphs in the Spanish campaign. Nor is this the only point of resemblance betwveenl the two contests. In both the Mfidstry have fought against constitutional tights, so- lemnly guaranteed ; iin both:they have exerted the wvhole foree of the Government in opposition to the laws which aught to have prevailed in the respective cases; in both Lney have prartised a systern of delu,ion, and laid the foundation of ultimate success in a lavish employmnent of the means of seduction and violence. Unhappily, too, in both cases they had to contennd with antagonists undis- ciplived, acting without concert, and unprovided with the m as of resistance. The consequence has been, thatout of l 12 returns, (nearly a tlhir(d of the wvhole representation.) which will be found in another column, only nine are in favour of the Liberals. Paris, whose deputation was nearly altogether Liberal at forner elections, and wbere the most confiAdent hope was entertained of a similar result in this, returns five Ultras from the eight small or rr0ondisement colleges of which it is com- posed. In the srnall colleges of the provinces, the rcsult is still more striking in favour of the MNinistry ; and there is almost no doubt th)at the great or departmental electortil bodies vilU send to the Chamber a very scanty. portion of Opposition candidates. What will become of public dis- cuLssion in the next session, -when the merr.bers will be nearly all of one opinion ? The phTaseS formerly em- ploycd in speaking of the Chamber roust be disumed; for instead of having a-t-ight and left sidte, there will be only one side. The Liberal or Opposition deputies vvill not be more nthmerous than the door-keepers, and equially ineffl- cieut for the purpose oF resisting obnoxious measdres, or onitrolling.a violent majority. LONDON. TUAS4L r V fMARC! 2, 1824.
News in Brief
LONDONZ. FRIDAY, MARCH11 19, 1824. The Frenich papers of Tuesday, which arrived last night, contain no intelligence of interest. FRENCH FUNDS.-PAiRIs, MIarch 1C.-Five per Cent. 100. 70.; Bank Stock, 1,777. 50. Neapolitan five per cent. in ducats, tj ; in francs, 95. 75. ?Lentes d'Espagne, 23. Exchange on London, one month, 25. 55.; three months, 25. 40.-Cours Auithentique.
Foreign Funds, March 13.
FOREIGN FUNra~. Mlareti 13. Alustrian Scrip, 11.1 I i l pil. Portuguese iltotds, 91 Chiliati, 821 1 i Ditto Scrip, 4 pIn.. Coliombiant, 682 Ilt .itttt Bontds. of 1829, 9323 Dasnisht, In ? sterling, Ditto Instrit irton, 2 3 Ditto, 1In Ntirn% Bancon, Ditto Mletallic Frenchnlentes, 10025 EX.264550;.iPaniih of 1820. iIi1 Do. Scrip 12 ~ 1Pill. ex. div. iDitto of 1821, 188Et 1? 1 77 A ' 1I Gree Scip, 2i ism. Ditto of 183.8111 5 Meicn inl, Arnerican 3 et (;et.ws waoh diyl- Ditto H-crlp. 7 Pi 5PM. detia from Ist Jaii., Aliglo-7,1eichn Mines, Ditft.o 5peotc- S United Ditto. Ditto t: .l'ev,os_. ditto, Neapolbtos. 6151 Si jDltto, 7 per Cenits., Prtl,sian, of 18iN. 97i 1 iJ 0 tr,,. i-k -ior-r, ditto, D)itto, of 1822, 95 JOSEI'IJ COhEN., Sw,,r oker, P111CE OF NTiiCKS. 3 pr Cent. (Cons. 93P 4 Ex. Bills, 6001., 46) 49 N4~ew 4 IperCent., 10&A~ & Ditto, somall, 4)1 4) ti,n. South See Stock-, I04 [pm ottery Tickets, ?21 lI e. L~X. Blidsa,2d., hslitl,449467 Consois for Acc., 913 J 92V 931 1~ T. B ly, iIt, ,ttsociilaroker. (Id)t State o .outry t1ificest 4, Cttrnhtill. antI 9, CharinI2-cro.ss. WA T IA ~ AIltesto be post paid. ZS WE'T -1, (RsE, a healthy young Woman, with a good bireast ci rIO ca enel Ieomor . Diont to C. 0. 5, Saltoos-Place, Locb'ttteild,, IN Ntn ttw, a respelctablei young Woman, who perfectiv unider- A tnsthe taametoetidn;c-o taken-hdld from the month, an,dbr.oc tt op hohod 1 edorn ~ cor- edeonn d .cnbe.ll.conted D. ir,a toL.C. ASNURSEr in a (irnitleman's or Tradesinani's Familvy, or to In atend on onede,ly La'dy. I-ntets! eno og acro-tomd to ihe, cone a chlden and cn h-re on -nc'o-hle charatrnr from her loot plore, where,h oh,e trt nioy _yta. Dinertto E. W. a r..Alh-%'o b. er, llill.ost-s, Upper Cilaton. Noo nrek. pr, AS NU RSE in a Glentlenman's Family, a respectable nliddle-agiAd wlidow, wtsboot to-ortbrce w- tste oneer ntecor aoty t -toth.I anod to bring it stp by bo,,d frqu-od ; cao g-r rfe-erce to he lady she lo.t left. Direct toll. B. 4:o, rstd Ltnoed,Itobn.I No otlt1ch-e'n ond apply. ASYOIUNG LA I IF.S'-.NA IT,, a young Woman, aged 22, ~whohas mot we, oher nedle, nddeioofsirghoret asfo-l. con love a coot oat-cter Y`u_g E;N,~~ocnF o~ well at hier lieedle, to take to 0. otD n el',B.onro D-cet stret,M ..anhester equto.. AS UPPER RAID, or to wait on ani eldlerl-Y Lady, or as Ho,use. A -oid, wter ofotoronId, bryn, a tnddle.oged P-rsn, who co nr wl at bo, nedl, zetoponl linert and pentf-tly tiderstondo her bonines; ho-br an ondenioble oh~ooerfrm to il se hojotlet. rtlrwhm soeliodiioyetn tleotte.E.R. at Ste.Sllla~, 6,Wiloo.toer, Bonnlcbnqoae. ooltoebnyn nodanply. A espectable 1Vttsow, with a single (Ge,ntleman or Lady, or ini a (I enl Fomily ; bo, no ohjecttn to toot orcotry scnfn rteoe tttrtt 5. T. II._25, old.srt-n.nod, neon the Lond-o Appnentice. _No olhcekeeyre ned apply. AsSERVANT to a single Gentlemnan or Ladv, or s Coo ad "osbeorosber-stod, -onowbco ,b well rcmmended from ber lootplace. DI-et t. S. B. 20, fh1e.set,t.to.ore,Iohr.1- ASN HovsEKEEPER, or to 4uperintend the Kitchetl, in a genteel andwh ambae o ro.delblehnactn romtle Itne oe ed an cightTyo,-; can b, AS COOK and HO-N-ts-PEntto-a siigle! Ladyvor (rentleftatn. good charocter and nespectobl,, rIe,err,tr ma, hedepatnded on. Direct to S. H5. t Mr. A S hotOl( PLAIN UOOK in a (ienteians's tramiilv. w~here a foot- mon-ahpt,a rep~ectabley-og woman, wh rn -an a,5ori hater torn. the yl-ce1hehaojontlnft. Itret lo L.P. at SIn. Cart.r', 132. ox.orrLstnet, one door from ASCOOK, ora ook anti [IoiisekCeper, a yosung IVoman, agedI A 2% lhknoo- heerr,-irtrt. ad retry can,eond trbtrO rbrrltd ot On oljertion to Any paro ortIhe csre. witlri. 2o on liti teso town,a. en to hone tIr e narenor . -.tI dot, ofrqos-d: -.rood Ire ho.1ytoerey family not in the hotri,t h1 logrog; therchac A7S CooIC iln a genteel Family, aminVidle-aezed Nomiani, wlho un. dcLtltntods hne hoce-o. and a.on, abo ..o.na t-e-,neotoths dhoTose, front the Ptlc- the hoajor lefts no objection t..n tenmile, -nt oftown. -a s1Ire -rdetonft the daIry ifrc ASC. o K in a private Faimily, a 1Person, whio can have an lnude- A ni.6, b'ehtce frmbnl..la. hr h tnSfo ot Direco toA. 2. S. Stote.nn.oiltng. Strlle ow,It %-o-. N -tleebper need apply. A SJPPER HIIUPSFMAID, or as, Hofusemnaid, where a footmian is A bstpt.or-Peet.ble ste.mon,aged alwut 30, whn trIll -ob bennetrgenerally -sfoit. DIet S0. T. IS, D,nto.-treet, Bo1tj.e,t. N offi-kehrcet need opply. ASHOUqEMAID, whiere a footman iS kept, Or to Wait on onie or twoyato tttmn,0300 Peso, lrhcnbe, well -eorm.eored From the place abe tha lined ito tbe~aI.2 Dt esttY.Z. at Ste. J.:-rtm'.tdeolee. &-c 35, Thenalds road. I s OI-IOSES!AID inI a Genilentati's Family, whiere.. a man. P soesnotts br .1rt.ayang apwn getd 24. wrn ana hoer a good eha-ater fro. tIreele she hxo jots loft. Di-ot to F. G. 46, Great Titbhheld.s,oect. No olf-kl-eee SHOUSESMITtI in a respectable Tratlesman's Familv, a yloung A, l'erton.aged SI1, whocanbone aonorleo-it ebhroct.,fooo here lait pl,,er orlr booty, sobiet, ad teollns.O_Ret toS. B. at yIn. Waitto. ntnm Vo aoaholl.bridjcI. A 10J SHO E;sFarA I . or to Watt on two young Ladies, a young Wo- A o.oel2% ihot mots odenintblc ch .ro~et from the prl.re hr tans loot let. Di-t---.-------eha', hramngr 2 omronre-- Bos A SHousEStAtO, whiere a footman is kept, ortis Parlourmaidf'n It It.a nspboole ar,tily. 0 resyet,ohle ...ang Woman, age about 27. who rao h-n to tow or ctty..' ec o .B.a Dein and DtOdtey%a 3, Ald;gote. N. trepe ii IAIBe'j f lrin2Uan Hote In,nr CffeOuse, a steadsv A DA111YygAtD, a respectabole v'ostng Wlomian, who perfectl;' s'k undertatrds her bossnes. DIret to BB. S. as te.Td',reeogr St. Partlo. A liddlie-aged MAN andI his 11iFE, v-ithiout incurnbratlce; A~ the mo oo Groo or C-nbman t no obj-nt,- tn be indoor; or oa KItchen tGardr'-, lbsing .apsltl of :eh,: t the woman os g~od PIo, Cosh, or boa on objeetlen to a dairy ; they wist to .ahe th-,srl-c stefa1, and co boneI rood rho....eIa from the PIooc thenor no brig.Ott to W5. T. t0, Norton strreet, Porulod cood. No .o .. ebenyr ndapply. A oung MA and hi W1'irE the maih as Groom, and-'ne fotheir toot trlnor. Dir-ct n . BV. at.h pottotllee, D.lwich. S BrUTLR., or Upper Servant, in a regular Family,where a footman or.5Ind ishept, a atend,yreiddlen.ced single .rtan.ho-canh.reo...ndeniab) o rutrrfor hooroy, sosecy,od tetrro tbelnea- tro- bi, ant place; nonbeto to t -noeenta.ttn oAtt sS. 'edra o0mn-, 17. Ilnbern. f,clog9 For-Nlsinn. ASBUTLER intaregularFamiily,,aSilan who votild wish, Ittre- ntired, to t,Be the m-noem-t of an eldouly Ge,ttleman'. or Ladyt ir'mIty, to foosobr may hedipoe to -anfd, In a -ostent-o Perso, hb. tired 15 year in rh,s toe l-re t ahor intona or co,,.toy. Direct to A. B. Al r1. Amin's, atafio...n. I, A PPER SERVAN'T in a single Lady's oIrGetea',o A S FOOTMAN int a small regular Famiily, a lilan. who knows hi. hastes well as on Indoor netant. Direct to A. B. 14. Lomb's c'onduit st-et, Foodlingboit. A FOOTStAN in a small Family, a steady active Xan, who ik perfeody uttdrcatndo~ his b,unions, co o tu nndna hrce.Direet to CO1CiF',or Giroom, a young Alan, agedI 27, wvho per- s] eq~id"andsi his t e toi all it haeb,ad coon hone a god hece front the, gj.tlcnr- hr hoajost tol, where hr lires four yea-, DI-et to E. E. at Mr. Itme~,rnarhblt,drr. Whttbthoprl coad. AS CAH A,or Groont, a youtrr Mlan, wvltt perfectly un- rt d-rta,td, the ..'tio tttaoog-cet ol' horses, anti can hone an -od-nlslec8ro roo the -ntl-man hO. tr-oJat lrtt tIo o 00 obendon to 1bob ftte a hoe and chaise, anti kitoh-ngoded, athe-aftully o.nrolrtent Mtocter. Direct to A. B. 14, Biaker' bulldmngs, Old aethte-, Binbh1ngnatre1tt. Soolticrbeep~renod apply. A'SGoo or Groom and Valet, to a single Gecntlematn, Or too Faiy,ay h! a ,wh tb-carghly -odeota,nda hi, lbr-tn-, aod ha" no objeeio_tg bod,hsn enItelre,..ad speaka tIt Fre-hl I-angrge s can bare good c hts.rerrmtt gentleman beh. jo left. Dirct to J1. 0. 64. Lower Groo ...or AS GaOOmi, or Under Coachman, in or near town, a y-otine A t sa fror the, --otry, who con oodettsb the cre of a rarde, and ui.kahi-tmelt 1 enr. eit tatl h anroe an ,,rdenIahlc- tght yearas' itror7tnIsi latt place. Dirrt to3.8. .tSI.ohna'.55. lta,obe rood. l'oting MlAsS froin tIle counltry, aged 22, whbo ~unders~L-sndii tL,.mwtgement of horses bed alittleof waitlogaLttable, tn bob aftec abmwa and a.,or any -tmlta alt-atto; L, srlititg to mrake bi-elf generally osefalt an o. jetin to aPorser'paptrI. and ca bore an .ndenIable chtrat"'. Direc, to H. It. at No1. Doo's. e,152. Waedoo- treot, hoo. dN.ofitlcrsneep nted apply. S ~t~ERF, a young Alan, wvho underh-tands forcing of A oil urns, nn Id-greing in gener al:eo hoell tecomm'nded from, she pio.- h, ~\ S ARDENR, a arrie Man,withotut incumbrance, whr5. booothooogo bowldgeof ia tttiao t geera, .nd boo no obnnlosa. tothe eon. o aor. 00enws hs lttoto oott i th bate.if req,rtIee t can hare goad,character, fromibenlasylon. Oreeto S. h.P.atlttrooo5e, Stobe Ntwlngton. a yungMan wh tunderstands hMs businessino no country s can hero a ..toablbe ch,arantrfromi hIs last plaCtt andgse ttctity f etlored Dm01 o A B.osthe Star aidon er altoh S'WATIM at Cofeebose,Tavern, or Hotel, a yoguog t.rsoterrrooa iota loot njtQa *,ACt.eht ho Aili,4 ckl R ICHARI)HITCHIN, baatmker, respectfully bees 1 ge.Ite"I and extenxive. A.SQrtTNxr.NT ot iENTLEMEN'e S PPcto FINE HATS, of the be6t posihble iuanufagtut. aind fliot :gpri?re& shapes. Also of Ladies' velvet snd beaver bon4ets, trlmmed nI the float fashionable style, vhilh he Is now ready *o satbnit to their Inspection, oni reasonable terrns-23- King-street, Covent-garden, corner of Newr-street.
Alien Bill.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir,-On pecositig your paper this morning, I perceived that lat night the Alien Bill was introduced in the Rouise of Comnmons, with the modlification, however, to exempt those Aliens who have been resident in this country for seven years and upwards. For this act of liberality, those AIienrs will, I am satisfied, be grateful to the Right ilonourable Secretary for the HomeDeparunent; but, as one of those individuals,and bein intcrested in this clause,having been a resident in this city for a con,iderable greater period, and of course a contributor to tieincormeor property tax, besides having paid and now payvig all the remaining heavy taxes and rates to which house- keepsers are liable, I hope that this clause will be plain, and that an absence of perhaps one, twn, or three monthe, in the last yearss necessarv for tsiness, will not depii e the individuals who have been resident for seve. years and upwards, of the privilege of the c.aim, or subject them again, on qtuitting or arrivinginto this coun- try, now considered their homne, to tthe trouble and unpleasant feeling in presenting themselves to the Alies-office. As the Alien Bill is to be read on Fridav a second time, and therctorc ample time tor introducing other clauses, I beg most bunt- bly to sug.cst to the consideration of tlte Right Hon. Secretarv wnhetlher it would not be conferring and extendin the libemliiy more (which he has now begun to bestow), to thoselliens who have not only resided here for the periotl of ten years and upwards, but are married, some of them to anEnglish wife, are besides established here as merchants, paying in their several situations as much aS any Englishman towards the expenses of the country, to grant to themzl the eight of na'urslization, which, although anxiously dcsirtl by a great many, has been repeatedlly refttsed during tke last two years. By inserting the above in your paper, you vill oblige a constant re:tder, not less attachled to his Majesty and his Government for he- 111N d11 ALIEN. March 24. A LIENV BILL.
hlARRIEDD. On the 21st inst., at St. Bride's, kr. Adoiphos Davin, of Den- mark-street, Soho, to Maria, youneest daughter of the late hlr. Thomas WVithers, of Knight Rider-street, Doctors'-commons. On the 26th inst., at the Friends' Meeting House at 'Tottenham, Samvson Foster, of Bromley, h3iddlesex, to hlary, third d3ughter of M m. Fri, of Stamford.hill. On Monday, the 22d inst., at Chfist Church, Blackfriars, Law- rence Kennedy, of the Royal Navy, Esq., to iary, the only and ami- able daughter of Charles Brenan, of Nelsoa-square, Esq. After the ceremony, the happy pair proceeded to Brighton to spend the honey- moon.
Just published, price 1s....
Jogt iYblisbed. VI-lea IS. AL SERMION oii SLAVERY,. ~reaeheul at Kteig y HN KEEN Ii kLt,, MI.A. Printed for laznifltoa Ada.. anda. 33, P'11ternoster-row. 7p RIALS; a Novel, in oue 12mo. By the Author CIITTT1SH PROPERTY.-Just publised. price 2s.6d- A~ LETTER to the Arclibisopo CANTERBUJRY, on the SUBJECT of CHURCH PtERTV. By a CLERGY- MAN~. London, published by Baldw. CdOck-, andJo.O-- This ~d-aii-bilsIed,irice2s.~ -TEGRo E-MANCIUPTIN, morally and practicavI N considerad; wvith a Critli,e on tie Petition of theWest IndIaP lnter o the King. Printed for WV. Slinpkin and R. Marshall, Stis- tinr'hall-court, Ludgate-street. OB3SERIVATIOS onteVGANT ACT, and aetne omother Statutes,aind onthieofficc and Powrers of Justiceesof the Peane By JOHN AIDOLPI{US, Fsq. Barrister at Lawv. Plrinted f- onNRor, Fleet-street. A Thisday ispubttszl, InSvO, price 2s.aw5 NOUT'LINE of the SYSTEM of EDUCATON at I'L U11EI LANARE. By ROB3ERT DALE OWEN.C Printed for Vardiw an Cuniughme, lasgw; -U anyd Bradfute, Edinburgh; and oognan, urst Res, Orne,Bro gri~d Greeni, London, T~ HE MPRESNiENT~TEThi~aypsbied ThiS`1dafy ar-e pulgTThhed. in 2 v'ols. Svo. the 5th edition. prieqa 21s. dedi- cated to the Rigbt Honourable thL Earl of Liverpool, SER'MNONS, preached in the Parish Churchi of High Wyconmhe. By the Rev. C. B3RADLEY, Vicar of Glatsbury, Breck- nciekshirp. Sold by Ihamilton, Paternoster-row. LORD BYRON's NETV DR)M~kA.-~Thilsday ispublishied, in ive,p-rice Is, iewel, THE DEFORMED TRANSFORMNED. A Drama. TD- the Rigt-,Hon. Lord BYRON. Printed for Joh,n Hunt. BLo~nds-street ~and Tevis,.tock.street. In a felw dai's ItrIl he ipublished, _rice i5s. HP, MNEMNOIRS of MADIAME D~E SAPlINAUD, Ton La Vendee- WVith ani AppendiX. containing Notices of the Vendeani Gener,:ls. Translated fronri the French. In Ivol.foolieWe Sco, Ij rioted uniformly wi1th the Mlemoirs of thcMfarchioneFs-de Bonchanmps. London printeEd for Charles Knlight, 7, PaIl-mall east. Thi da- i puhihed prce s.In boards, in post Svo, 'I' HEOAS'~LE of ESPAI; or, A Vision of Clian- U.cry.An lleorcalPoe,. y he Rev-. JAIMES HOLME. The trae ae rspetfaly nfomedtha thy wllbe supplied wvith the work inquies.2 prcen- uderthetrae pice, on application to THTIRELL v BARBR BEAMONT,Esq.-In a few days wvill be ubllshed, b Ridgwy Piccadilly, (Y0PIES of t~ie AfflIBAVlTSfiled on both sides, upon '4/t he 'Motion for a New Trifal, aild of the Derision of the Court Thbereon. with illuostrative Notes, and also observatfonlson the probable efi'ect of the decision oii the safety and property of the putbilc. Orn the USURY LAWS.-This dAy aRe publishied, In Bvo, price Is. ti4. S ~ERIOUS CONSIDERATIONS on the PROPOSED BILL of Mtr. Sergeant ONSLOWV to REPEAL the LAWS Of V'SLTRV, and throw opea the moniey niarket. Addressed to the Nobility, Gentry, Landholders, and the Public at large. Bya GEN- TLEEMAlI. Printed for T. anid W. Bloone, 4830, Strand. ltEWV COM.F.DY.-Tliis day Is plublished, in 8vo, price 41.6ld. dedicated, bbpermission, to the Right Hon. Geourge Canning, &-c. VRb SHALL HAVE A FALL; A Comnedy, with .Songs- In Fiv'e Acts. Now performinig at the Tfheatre Royal, Cos-ent-garden. London, prinited for Hursit, Robinlsonl, and Co. 90, Cher.pside, and S. Pall-mail._________________ I~EWRbf1ONS o he following WO-RS,bTOMS ORE Erq putblishiedby Janes Carpenter and Son, OldBond-treet 1. 5"MPSTLES, Odes, and other Poems, 6th edition, 2 1L,A Vols. 14a. 2. Odes of Anacreoni, 113th edition. 2 vols. 14s. aLittle's Poenis, 15th editioni, 7,. 4. co.rruptIon and Intolerance, 3d edition, 2s. MI. .ThSceptic, aphijo5oPtaSi-r,X.'& j,_ Letter to the Romian Catholics, -2s,. This day i. published, In 'Sto,prc 1 s nbad ')URA L ARCHIT ECT'URE raSeiso0 esigns AL, for OrnaTnen tat Cpttatges, Lodgs Fam n ot H-ouses. ace. acecompaniled hby Grounid Plasas, and GoerclEvain By P. F. ROBINISON, Architect. London, pitdfrJesCpnter anjd So,n. Old Bond-street. Juist lublished, price lis. inbor,th theion THE TWO-PE-NNY POST-BAG. To whic iS audded, TRIFL.ES Rr-PRINTED. By THOMAS BROWN, the Youtnger. Printed for James Carpenter anid Son, OldBiond-stteCt. Of whom may he had, price Ss. In itoards, The Cutter, in lire lectures, Itpon the Art anld Practice of Cutting Friendis, Acquiaintance, anid Relations. Illustrated by ii colouired engratvings, by Nlr. Atkinson, Jus3t published, in Svo, price tos. - HE POOR and their RELIEF. By GEORGE h.EFNSOR,FEsq. Published by EffiTighbant Wilson,Royal E.cehange. ,Of, whomnmar be had, by the.sameAutho,r,RadicailReformn,Re.stcra- tion of' Usurp ed Ri4hts. Sv". Price 7s. Also. An Inquiry -oncerning the Popuilation of Na1tions, containting a Refutation of Mr. Malthus`8 E'say ,m Populationl. SVo0. [:!S- This day ~are Pubihd nSo ItPora, price lOs. 6d. 14EMOIRS of W1ILLIM PLY,D.. B GERG ILSON MEILE.Second Edition, corrected and erniarged. To which Is added. an Appenidix. Loudon, printed for Bald win. Cradock. anld Joy. Of whin; mnay be had, by the saine author. Mjemoirs of Algerznoi S4idney. WVith an Appendix. In I vol. 8vo, with a fine portrait, pric 12'. or fline paper, I Ss. bThtday ,is -publishe-d-,price I s. 6id. A SPEECH, w choug-ht to have been spoken in the Debate othMcquis of LansdowOe's Motion, that the Two f,, ein telcive Franchise, and other Immnnizities, to the EngishRomn Cthoics be read a see'nid timie, July 9, 1823. Lon- don Prnte fo C an J.Ri-ngtn,St. Paul's chuxchyard, aind Wa- 7p HUGHT onthe UNDNG SYSTEM andI its "I hadrathe Iseskitte ad cry mew, Tha one afthese samesy,stein-niongers."-I-4enry tV. ByP[ERCVY AVENqTONE., I. A. Printed Soc J. AndleWs, 167, New Bond-street; and.I.MN. Richard- soll. Cor bhill. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Yl)`daylsTpublished, in ~Sr, 25- 6d. stitched, PHE CORRESPON'DENCE between JOHNI GLAD- IL TIN-F-, t. P. aild JiANF.S CRIOPPER. Esq. onin the PRESENT CTATE-f of Sl,A%VERY. in the British West Indies and in tlie Utnited S;tates of Awerica: siid on the Importation of Sug-ar from the British Settlement., ti India- W4ith an Appendix, containing several papers oni the subjiect of s1lavery. Prinited for the West India Asusociaioni, Liverpo,ol.3:r,d sold by Hlatchard and Son,and Longinan and Co.Lordozi. 7PIE ESPANOL CNTTCOA.N.XV 1.the Scat ofthe scrond ser' ies,was publi~shed r,n thielst of March. Suh'criptions ,.nlv received .at the Phmeiiix Printinig-ofrice. by L. Thom.pton. 19, Gr.eat sr. Helen's, BisbolisgAte-street. alt II1. lis, per an-. numn, t'r ISs. the hlyear. Sing-le numbers 3s. lid. S',ld by Cowie, P-suxltry: Bsag n Co. Great 'Marlhoroutgh-street, Glolden-square; Shc,rw-e,, Paternostrer-r'.W%; Slnmpkinl anid Macshall, Stationers'- court: and at I 'nderw,,od's, 32, Fleet-street. The first series of24 numb,ers. ,'c 3 v.,iu;nes. at the Phcmnix Priiitting-tffii!e._______ sI.AvEtI &-.T-lr.wwill he pbished, Price 3s. ONIOMME'NTARYonMNr.CLARKSON.'s "THOUGHITS Con ESANCIPATION,&Ac." WVith aii Appediidscexhibitingmsme, niew ard accurate information on S ubjects conniected wAith the Pami- philet. By the Her-. JOHN IIAMPB)EN, A.B. Also. Ist. Considerations tn he Abiwlitlon of Negro Slavery and the iteans of practicaly Effect- inlg it. By T. F. Barham, esq. Thilrd edition. Price 2s. 6d. 2d. A Ap,-toir- fr the West Indians and Rlefl-etionis on the Policy of Great 11ritaints irterferenice lin tthe Internlal Coucerlis of the IVest Inidia Coin- nics- By F. ii. S,nyth. e-o. Ilrice 0s. Printed for,J.Rldgway,Piccadilly. duJj' pblihed,in vo,price 7,. hoards; and In lSrSo, pric 4s. senvcd, toi natch both the Latin Edition, 7'HE NEWV PIHARMACOP(EIA of the ROYAL! LTIOLLEGF. of PHYSICIANS of LONDON, 182-4. Translated int,o English. By Sir GE0loGE L. TUTHILL., Hut. MJ.D. F. R.S. i-elilw -tf thle Collega. and Physician to Bethilem, Bridewell. anid WestrnnstiStr i-oslpltals, &a-. The translation is priiited page for page with the o,riitiaRl Latin. anid bothi may 1'e lbad donie lip together. I'rintoA for Lenigman, lhurst, Rees, Orine, Brown, and Greeni, Pa- teruostel!-!Low. ______ _ _ _ _ _ - ~-- This da sushed, pri ce ld. THE SOM,i1ERSETi-HOUS,E GAZETTE and LITE- TRARY MUSEUMT ; No. XX. Corttaininn5-Flne Arts: the British I rititution. Pall-mall, with Critical Observatioilsand Remarks.-Lives of Antoinio) Caiov. n Mr. Ricliard Earlomn-Stage Scrap B,'ok-14e- riews: Duulop's History of Ilomnat Literatiire; Lord Byron~'s De- formed Traiisformcd :. Lord F. i,cve-'sn Guawer's TTanslationl fromn the German; and Original Poems-l)riginal Correspondence contiected wcitll the Fine Arts-aIndim% Museuni-The Dramra-', variety t,f Amosj- ine DI formaitioi. &-c- Published by W. Wettot,, 21, Fleet-street; and m.~y bhd or all boolksellers. ~This -day is-p-u-blished. -in I 'ol. 8vo. price 12s. boards. NT ESSAY on the IN,VENTIONS anid CUSTroMs A i,'f boIth ANCIENTS aLnd MOtDERNS in tile USE of INEBRIAT- iSiG LIQUoP.S: interspersed wvith interesting -Anecdote, Illusetrative ofi t,e 'Manners anid Habits of the principal Nations u/the WVorld.i W,ith ,-n historical Veiew of the Extien t anti Practice of Distillation, I b.h asK It relates to Comtmerce, anid as a Source of NaitioiiAI income;I c,nim.istmg mucxhl curious information respecting the application atidI qro-rtlesf s-'vera parts of the vegetable kitigdoio. By SAMUEL NIREWvoOD v-',,rvcyor if Excise. Printed for Loagmnan, 11irnsi, flees, srmne. Blroswn And Green:, Paterii(iter-r'sl. 9NElW WO7KE i,v yV H.-, Thsdvacpbihd o vls. royal )2n',. pried. OIt"MING CONEMU ING with GOD, or Devo- Lll l,tioal Nitditatlioi5 for eVerY Buy of the Year- Traiislated from the or,iginal German ol' Christian Christopher Sturnm. authior of - ef5riOis' -. By WVILLiAM JOHNSTONFE, AM. 51. tIsms extraorduinary that, this work- should now appear for the fIrstm in the English lang1uage, having been eveni msore popular oii tile con- tinenlt tban the Retiectforti' Of the sausle author, and containing Devotional Exercisets and Aespiuatil-n of the highiest eloqulence and the pulrest Christianity. Printed f",r Baldwin, Cradock, atid Joy, Peter- nostcr.row. J, v;Re' te PEACE P eolt oteedo the lRast Seasosio ot ParliaiVemit.-Thidais,ibih. in 3 voli. 8-,s price 21. 14s. and eli Apeldiix, pric 5s n cid h Statutes to04 Geo.1A IV. atid the di ases to h n fEse Term.i 1823. R IrA CTiAL E OOIIONT of the LAWV RELA- A1 TlVE: to the OfyFICE and DUTIES of a JUSTICE of the PEACE, chlefy ouit of Session. J3Y, the late WVILLIAMI DICKINSON, Esq. otue -f Hls Mlt'5justices of the Peace. The Appenidix by JOHN Hil s. tbDWICK, Ee's. Barrister a, Lawv, aii4 one of the Magistratesoif the Police. L.ondon. printed for PaillWiti", Cradocek, and Joy; I. andWI.T'I. Clarke: H. phen'ey; -J.NI. Illobstd9on; and( G. aldW. B. Wyhittaker. By swhom also Is published, Dickinson's Practical Guide to the Quarter Sessions. anid other Sessions of the Peace, adapted to the use or young tiazaistrates and professiolnal gentlemien. at, the comnmencepaeflt of te-eir practice. Second edi tion, gvo. price 11. 45. Thiiadav if, pubtlished, price 6e. 6id. boadrds, ~1HE PAMIPHLETEER. NO. 4.5. Thi Work pre- T sents the bsPapltofteday on bothsides of ever noest1on; which, wvith Original Pamphlets,ana generatlyone yoresgn Pamptact of value in each number, are printed entire. (Four ntumbers ar publtished annually.) Contentsof No. 456-. Dr. Mason Good to S'r 3. C. Hippesley, on the Tread-Wheel. Improved editoisi. 2. Lord Ei.etineon the Causc of Greece. 3. Dr.O'Connor5 sAppeal to Pius VI. a*it-ttBishopPPoynter. Improvededition. 4. TrIalandDefence of Eugene kram, executed for Murder In 1745. 6. La Greco en 1821-2. PRr un L,rec. 6. Principles of the Kantesian Philosophy. By T. WVrigman. 7. Sir J. Laurence's Comparison of Rank, Titles, .vc. iln different Cuntries5 of Europe. 8-. Appeal in behalfof the Greeks. 9, r.CCllutler on lbs Le1ality of lnpreseing Seamen, with Additions by Lord Sandwich. Prittsd by A. J- Yalpy': and published by Messrs. ShervvoodandECo. arid allother booksellers. lVhere eomipletesets may be had Ins nulmbers or in boards. Popular .Novels, publishedn y Long man, Hur't, Rees, Orme, Browis, and. t3re5n. London. TU UKE CHRISTIAN' of LUJtEBURG: or Traditions F from the J iart7. By 3MiSs JANE PORTtR. Dedicated bhithe most gracious permission to fits Majesty, in 3 vole. I imo, 24s.boards. 2. Hnv to be RiSd of a VIf: aJnd the Lilyof Annandale. By Miss Spe=ce, in *t vols. 11mo, 1r2s. boards. 3,Country Belles; or, Gossips Out witted, 3 Vols, l?mo, ills. boards. i. Thme Stragcl'er Gra ve. A Tal e. 12mo, 63. boards. 5. The Three P'erils of Woman. By James Hogg, 3 vols. 12mo, Ii. baurstd od: a Tale of the Year 1715, in 3 vols.1 2mo, price 16s. 6d. 7. Pntielce, a Tate. By .Mrs. Hoffland, author of Tales of the MSanor, Integrity, ac. In 12mo, p: ice lis. . Ed w-ard Nertlie; or the Memoirs of an Orphan, in 4 vols. I2mo, price II. 8*. bolLrds. ii. The King of the Peak. By the author of the 'Cavalier,' &c. in 3 vols. 12mo,yrice 11. ls. boards. 1o. %falp"s; or, Le Pourstlivant D-Amour. A Romance. In3 vols. 11. Is. By the same Author. ;;. OtherTimes; or the MonkeofLeadenhall. By the Author of the' Lnilard.'- Calthorpe,' &c. 3 vols. 18s. 12. TkeReftigees. A Novel, Tn 3 volA- 12mo, price IL is. boards. ISv the Author of' Correction.' This day is nublisbed. in 2 vols. Svo. price I 4s. boards, TREATiSE on NERVOUS DISEASES, comprising A the Hlstory aitd Miethod of Cure of the var.ous Speeie3 of APoPlexy, P:sy, and Epilepsy, together with an introductory Account fI the Opin ions of siscien tand niodersi Physiolosists comicerniog the atiture anId Uses of the nervous. System. By JOHIN COOKSE, MI. B. F.R-S. F.A.S. Fellowf of tl.e Royal College ef PhysitlAri5 Ac. Printed for Lotngrnsan, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and GiSe'etl Lestdofi. -['Ie Treatises on Apoplexy, Palsy, and EpJlepsy may be had separately. IN~DIA !?IfAWL8B."WA1,TTRE3', to. PURCflASR, a I vriety of Long; antd Sqare NI in1A STRAW%OS for iwkIPh [be ful value will be ilven. Ajippirat j. axid. W.. WA THMN15.0s [ndfa sand Brltish Shawl wvarehouse, 104, le k'ecrt~, nelme of Tje Brldge- strvet, where an extensive asaortmnet. is ntantlyron saWe. -. - , VROMOES ~1RhSA CAVIAI{Ey s6f tbe. .32 finest quxalit,ipt;is d .W an1u are.onAeh angtl, uitushiat an enDe r~e1aAn& fHoneyh1comb Par. mayan In thea very fret odiln,a ., HcsnO and CO.A,s-7, IZW l-; beck-atreet. FORBiDEN RUIT and. SHAIDDOCKS.-Li4VY. and SLMONreopetfulY anoune that- they have received a pacelof te aoveFruis, n hgh prfetio, and of exquisite Savou; alo Wet Inia Pesered Tmdrhdse ith a vrietrt of othe Foeig Frita.371 Oxoft.StTet,and88,PiccaLdilly, opposite 1)OTA OES,of th sam quai ties and at the very same I lw pice, ae sillSELINGat ORi-ALL atnd SON's Wholesale very mealy ditto, . d;ha io,apean kinyit,ece- ingly mrealy and finfloue,aOf;tescswrned oc,- tarn180pouns. alt,hop, con, eeds &e ofthe best qualities, equally low. A quanity hop, corne frs hapo seed potatoes,. for - - te Fial Clse o theContract andI the Last of I?'th LOTERY here everyet as such a Chance for Three or Whc wl have returned Cost only ?5 19 0 tor aWtliole Ticket - ?20 0 0 - 25d19Pt 3 5 50 foraalisif lo 1 0 lo 13 1850 1131 6 for aQuarter 56 .0 61IS6 '117 6 - for an Eighth -2 13 0 a- 10 0 o i1 0 for aSixteenth - 1 6 6 1 156 Thc,e ndt Pay of Drawing wvill be AFril 6' .-hetl, in the first 8 mIn- nutes, thec di,!t prize will bave ani addftional Z?20,o00l and, as every Capital may he dra%Vr that ddLy, thoge wvho do not obtailn them may1 returnt their Tickets anai Shares on or before 1Sth Apr111 Ireceivinga return for each aS above. 'l'he few Tickets thiat remain sa the wheel (14,000 beinglidrawn) gives every one the greatest and c~hapeathbaiice of obtaining the Prizes of ?20,000 thaLt wras ever known. For. these grand impro"emen ts the Contractors solicit the patronage of- the Publica 37, Cornhill: Ii , Hiolborn; and 38, 1iay~marXet.-J. anld J.' SI VIIWRIGFiT, Contractors. W.ANT PLA.CES.-All letters to be post paid. A S HEAD NURSE, a widow WomaJn, withoiitrlncunnbrancc, I-J. wh. ran take a child Cmo. the mnonth: co to wait son n, infirm Lnd.e; can be well recornmended1 fthe her lotpao irs oL I 43, iteha nee. i-seitonit. A S NiRsr, a rpetbcyug Woman, who is capable of f3.rohnccil frmthemeho car ae a0 undenibhie ch ...ter from the ilady s.he itajot;left. Diovt toA5 tM.Wie,baker,?, Little Kntghtridnc-atcet, tiotot-le rMornso. SLADY5-3CAD, ayoung Person, aged 25, of respectable con- A S H-ou IEKEEPER, or as Cook in a Smaill Family, where a L footasain to best, a respectiable young Wonion. Dietrte. .Mtkthoste, 5, AsCo le ad HusltcsEPst n a espetabe Family, in tosor "saty, a respectableinolddo-gct Womntn Dietto J. C. 1es, aithopngsle- A5 PLAIN1 CooK, Or a,% icemadi large Famiily, a A repectableyoong Woman. Drs o1.5.a c itn, i oeote 4 deh rmm,t.stremt BSrt5or-cltcctt. SCooal in a small regular Familly,in town, where afootmanl is A ' boto il as elnlo , asrdce,peslth1c r000i WoV.--, who twrfmtl drrtordshrhalosn a tt ts rochmand.ah -lo 0 wedontohtr character loom her oopac, hee hetee to ena.Diret toC.J.atsir. Mille.'s,bakerx, Neat Omond. street, Q ses-,,quate. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S odCook, a Pecrson, who lJived five years in her last place, Aan a,hv n unodemebt rhaTorter from the auhteK a ho .tot mi-stress, nirct to C. G. ast 3r. Paine, grcenrgcer, 4o, uippvrMacylvhoe trreteoesof Tltchkield-steel. SPLATN- CooK, where a manser-vant is kept, an active steady A `Demo, ,h. thorooghyip sdesond-s hor buston. and is equally wri t iirf.- to piehlinsgondpceoering,.cand enilthe breAd tftreqitoed. Direct to 14. M.0 atir. Tsodld', citerasonger, St. Pat'sl chtorehyaed. A7 T -OodPLAI1N COOK in aL respectabl Family a Person, who /3.ho i objection to town or countoy. Dractte to S. V. s, GWsl.erateees, Blsoasakury. NoAffihckspe need apply. A~ S COOK in a smnall FaTmily, where a footmani is kept, a Perlin, who eon hroeagood chaeccter tco. m 1iit plate. ODtict to S. 'W. at. B. A S UT-PER HOT)SEMSAID, a respectable steady Wloman, aged 40, wh h.s li-ed came yrsc,, in gentloateft families; perfectly nodersuaid& the sore or gotfarnitoe-, sod has hess ued to the coer of. hssse and g-nltemenI tines; is not pOe- tienarcat. itoi, holg . rllrsamlplace. presided it it -pesrtcl-tend oomforiakl,, coo glelse easece at to choarater. Ditret to A. G. 14, Sn.w'..Cnelds, lielrotuadsey. No aos- beepe,r need apply. ASUPER HOUSEMfAID, or to wait on one or More Ladies, a osg smnwho perfectly nmientalnds he,r buol.ms earl work welt at her needle. an o e p Ccc hors: thh- ad,ertir,rc-t is injeted by hoer prmeteri mtr,,L, with whom AS8 HoUSEXAMI in a sma1llFamily, or Under Housemaid,where A-11 t-r,,kept,y.. tyun Wvoina, ,h. M.o eit. weti at table. andes,, hae a twelve ASHouEsLNAID, Whiere a footmanT is ep,' o.rtto, Wait on one o r too yoong Ladies, a . pos woman. ochro wr wet b e, ede andi get oip One I"",e; can hare a good chrarater term the ,ituati. th,, h.e jot left. Dflcet to . C. at Mr.' Wilson',, geesngracer, 13, Old change, ChespalIde. N.offSice. kreper aced apply. 8 HoNFIIAI, where a footmian is kept, and the wa.shing put anut . a rase Wow,an, ageIl ahout 23, who coo w-r at hoc neodle. and have a tr harate tahrtotpaewhcthlie hasmd.Direct toii-. . Pootn.'Sce, dias ih." S HOU'SEMAIi,TD in a small FaTmily, a stayyUng Woman. r iett .' a. 01M. mr i'. baker, lciselrd..,ttn4lo,.1ldlso A -S HOUSEM1AID, or as Parlourmaid, a respectable young WAl- ma.,. Threes D-toA. B. at Mr. Willie., 16, Grc-,llle.ttteet, Sccnswlrk*sq.&re. No rflclnkvap-r nnd apply. ASCITAsNITIRIqA17, or as WVaitrest in an Hotel, Tavern, or A Choph.,t,n a P-ctn, who knows her bstloes mcli, nod con hare on undeniahle chs.. tirle fttpwrd;.c three years oron, the piaSS she h.s jat left. Di,est to It. Rt. at Mr. AS LAL'NDRYIWAID), or to have the care of a entleman' A 31iddle-aged MAN and his WiFE, without incumbrance ; the moaa Indoor Servot, and will make himself nrtuel In the f4amily ; the omnas, at coo.co pickle and p-eere and Is -nd too. dairy; to town or ca..stry; the man inc. ot lvr;coo tinegrod refienemocto therltartplaie. Direct to P. L. at rc. PIper',, ,Leother lone. tialba.- AsVAlE,T, a Man, aged '27, who can havea good character from A arasBuono a,ciys the coo,,rry. which hel,&,joatleft. Dirtne to A. B. C, Qunens'.. ait, (tret Qneen.airet. near th. Fleemoon tave-n A.Res;pectable young MAN, age 3,in or out of livery both A fhi hash tet-ec in hs. an no. ie haroetec, hot, begs to state it Es yea.r antId half since hr left. hoos lot place dno whiot, t-m he h- been -caittg c elation In baioa,od same this nieaottacnlet it sh.ald b. akjeCtIooskle1 to soj. lady cc gestlemno.n to .ave then arwihle: hr, ba-ha confinement , iso atno oCtin cd ob,lingi dtops,ttat.ned h..t. nobekition to tins in th. canintry. Direst to D. B. i-S.ushek-tret. Gr~e-oc tqao-e AS SE.RVANT to a sinjzle CGentleman, or in a atnall regular A Family, n sleody activ younn Man, who peef--tlyn,tdorstaod hishetrs and ho. no objrctlos Wa ho as Portc n to Csten' ..olioghros; -wrie a good ptsin ho,,d, tndcan N-eansundenLLble ch.r.ctr. Direct to An. a.t Mr. Willains's, sbemetnonlgc,, Ii, Winsheile ttcet, Lo-d-n wall. No -ilcke ee ee apply. ITS PPE'R _S~ERVANT, outtof livery, in a Gentlemant's Fa-mily, acwrr only onei, kept, in o L-1ma gll.rgla Family. or with a soit ele ootlrmo." a lrodye -roc-cd nolddl-racd -lole Mon. at good app.orarco nd rhr,.circ; andec- t-od, her-Irg. made wines, vinegar. Ar.; no ohjectias to tho e.ntoy, arIa. att,,.d t,cerltga. Dire,ct I. A. a. .t NIr. Itsdgraos, 12, pilttnez ho.or ton, Blackfeiars. A Mlarried MN without incumbrance, to lo-ok after -aSet ot Chanshe, neor Light Porter;L no objection to took afterra hcrse and chol,r. and LItke to mike him"rt fartfl to hit employer; hit character will hoer the atrilctat inqitiry. Direct to T. L. 6. t1,ler Rlthbe.. plods, Orfcrda~Lent. S ,FOOTMNANT, in or Out Of livery, a youing Mlan, aged 23, A '. t "'o gi-e th,,emmtt.tfCtr,y refri,ence to hit two lo.tplpte, han'ln i,e"d at thr 6ct th-e years..ed at the other one year. Dirct to E. F. at MIr. MankS's tahac.- ni-t. 133, Gosc-L1 atesit. A FoOTMAAN in a smaLll genteel Famnilv, or wvith a %ingle A Gentlemnan, are,pestabl, ysu..g M.nC, `t he ea,wotoy aced it, with a good cha. martc. Direct 1t.SC. 5, Glocemter terrace, kas't IndIa Dack gates, Poplar. ~SCOACHM3AN, a youing married Mlan, aged 30, who can a_erleti-la orcountry. Direct Lto T. D tM.Fee'.sdlr 5 otolln '~SCOACH MAN, a youing M1anl, aged 30. who has; no objpc- Astios as ridn and del 7e, and make hn,nolf osefol, in town ., coonicl,; can h-ce a gor-d cl,-ocir from the ;erl,ccn3,, hr hoo j,tt let. t)i-,t to Wn. F.I. 0,Wotlsre place, SC0AxCIItstAl, or Groom, inarepcbl Family, a steady tNJ- it, age,d nearly 30, who eltro a co-d piis od. and cas .oit cell at table; _ca, hare a,t en-e1-tt tw-years nod li-e m-tis' cha,acter Direct to A. B. at Mt. L_mkcra, hitilder, johit tre,t, Boack r-d, tslingtro. S sos,or Coachman, or tO lake. the. cha~re of tw.,o. Or A sh` anR0,6,d make hnimelf ueoofl, a ynnee Man. Otett 10 tM.rk.- amda, I 5,Cr-mf-d ote-t, Mastage eqlsre. Noofillck-epe orslreld A S GROOMi, or to lookc after a hiorse and chis, ayouing .l Sta, need 35, who It v-tlingto m ake hirnielf eserl. ha, heo os']iwiti tshl asJonbally. en o oloto eoerot tr heect, 10 07.,at Mr. Night. AS GTIOO'~t, a respectable Single vouIng Aian, of light weight, w.ho can hone as rdrdeioblr cheraci- tramt 'hegentleman hr has just left. Direct S Ganoom, under a coachiman, a young Mlan, aged 10, withi A noctnenihle horcle frm hi ma plce.Direct toT. F. at cherry and ayde irs, lite" stablet, Mote lane Qe re~t. As1 GARDENERt, a miarried Mlan, aged 30, wvho can ~have ~a threr nears character ; so chjeciotJo mi, lk if reqaired. Dlirect tn. J.E. at the port. ,~SGARDENER, a married Ma1n, without incttmbrar;ce. who A has no objrtlnn to took afte,r a hoe- cc cons Directlo503.31. at jr.ib.Farhmr',, nremo,Clniha.- Na olllcekeepe, need apply. SWAITER. in town or Couiltrv, ai respectable youing Alan, A h. rla 00 h1cr or, .nndaoibLt eoraroee ftramhe sotoatio- h, hs Jloot IsIS. D1se-l lo . Daclesa coormoos. MaL- Nkleekekeper need spt. -~S WI,'tTERt at ani Hotel, Coffeehouse, Tavern, or (hophiouee, on octi0e alcdy yoang Men. who perfectly -sderoi-ad, his bosiner. an.i co ho well rrcomenesi aohjcticstote ounostr. Direct b C. F. at Mr. Di---%, Do-inm, srt.werst-1naot. ~7 W Az'TEs at an) Hlotel, Tavern, or CoffeehOuTse, -av oung A 57100, agd2,wh efrtcadroad i,k.n,s n ass ho tiot 1 wn A s WASEP. ata scspectable Houzse, in town or coutntry, a PS nnog don,who eefrty ridtdarssds hi, bianesa-, and ra- hair an -od-n,le ekorocee fam hs bC iiltLOn no ahblcetton to lake the cosaa,ocoent . scoanliJ hease. Direct to A. SI tSe. doawardS, SooIkoellee, 33, Gray'. im laor. S NVAiTEn at an Inn, Coffeehio_use, Tavcrn, or any respect. A able Noose, a re,Wapbtle1aung Man. who per,fetly sodmrteoda, iua bnanms, and cohe well --emndd aa - ke t pIec he is ehio-t to Iraro ; pe,efely -d-er niAndt the magewe-t of the reuser bonioo if require,d Lne objection to any roes of Englaod. Dirct to 30 . at Nleosln. Axtell nod Pueracs, ilewmes, Finch tone, Caoshl 1. A SWAIT5ETL in an Hotel, Tavern, or Coffeehouse, a respectable s,ingle yooog No1ln, g 54, who noderstsodohis basle-sin its difer,ent departments, anod cnn h rlrecommode fron,tshe ploce he ho jsnt left. Direst to A.B8. It, Bury: Zi OUITDOOR l'oRTER, or to take tne care ot a hiorse sncd A Coo. or as Weely Gron, in at entlernar. a yo,tog Man, ho hat been accos'. tnced in the oh,o- lhal, ani cani he wel1 itacam,eded frnom ida toot sItuation. Direct so i.F. 24. Gre3'tia Ionn..n
Sales By Auction.
Valua'ole Cooybuiold BAtes &bton, in tbe county of Middlesex, of the annual value of 235L,-By.Mr. W. STEVENS, at the Mart, on Prlasy, April 23, at 12, In lots ~TALUABLI Copyliold Estates, situate at Sutton, Mid- V dlesex, Writhin 11 miles of tonwn Affording a mlost desirable oppostutity for investment, nearl4 cqiai to freehold, being copyhold of Inhoritance, held of the manerofOoterley, subjictto triffing fines certain, consisting of a substantial family residence, with coach- house, stabilng, and garden, om lease to Mrs. Glhiliig. A neat cottage residence and a large garden, In the ocecupation of Mr. Chaunel. A cottage Tesidence, with pleasure grotnids and a garden, lQt to MIr. Ashton. A tenierent stable, and garden, lot to Mr. CaRlis. A family residence lvith groundi, In the occupation of Mr. Dunbar. Thirteen tenements with gardens, het to weeklY tenanta. A rmeador, let to M.r. Astan. And an orchard, containing It lacres and 20 perches, In the occupation of ilr. Sav ille. The whoic occupying a space of abouit 21 acres, and let atblosvwrent, amountng to upw;ards o(2,sQ9. per annum. MSay be viewed arne dsy previous to the sale, and particulars had of' Mer Slacen, Steenfs,aaples,Pvearsde,acntdo Hunat, e$leitors, Prede. lickplac; ad ofMr.Wos.Stecies autionie anf pprai.tr, 36,- Old JewRry, and 20, Lamb'u.collduIt.strest.i _ Live nd De Fansing Stock, BUry-green, near Ch hunt..-By Mr. |HbSOf&4ilRT on the Premises, on Tuesday Ilexi, the ib hust. at 12, by. iretio oftheAstIlnees,- E2ASmaIlds Olan -ty of Live and Deadl Farmning,toek, and other Etfcts; dcompristing-t fine Aldersney Cowsi cb, ll-uds at at Saddle mare, a cart gcldIn.g, 9n sheep- .po aind lPoUtry,hey nd arket cal-ts and harnless, a rick tiloth,fecow cribs,.- a a tump of ha y, 3 acres of turnipsc a new built stanhope and hartess, saddes,&e..To e vicwed.one day Previous to thle'sale, hnd2ea6t. lC~gues ad ontheremtises; at the Four Swans, Waltham-cross; and .o:r Br.Hoggadre,t 6} aOld Broadstreleta. Royal mxchangey b Marichl3 at H irthout reserve, rt -y IE IGHTY..FIVF,Dzn ffn urebased igihle Leztuer of noste East india Madeira, aiin113udeldemstfvourable circumstances, a ill be Permittedl te the purehasers from a private )el ar fit the city. Catalogues at the Sta-t and of Mr. kloggart, 62, Old Broad- street. Royal Exchange. Aorfel.S dat the MaFrt, on Tusday, Mc,h 2.atoi Mr2 G GiT Salabie Slideboard ofli Rext vrunad f 0 O<C;a MarU lls Sieor ofecellent modern PVla2te' add( Plated artcls, omrisnganelegant tea urn, tea and coffee pots,a tea AES table oAn d ertoks and spoons, sour and sauce 'aLdlas, aneggstand, liqueurand.thcr fraiLmes withcut glasses, tea trayad ,waftcrs, decanter stands, candle5tIcks and bianches, 97c. also, a col- leetion of fine Frenh enravings, by esteemed mnasters, recently con- signed from Paris.'t'o lie viewe2 d one day previous to the sWle, and catalogues had at hleMart; anid ofys r. liogart,62,Old Bro-ad.. Soyal Excliange. -treet, Capit~Freehld Estte an Buildng Grund, rwesl!red to cont~itij brick earth, lither-greeo, Lewdlsh,n"s exonerated from the Land- t-l.iy Msr. HOGGART, at the elart, on FrIdaY, Mlarch 19, at 12, in Lots, Mrnost valuable Freebold Property, delightfully situate A fu threerectIon of one ormore vills,atlitherefreen LeoIshans eonistiengoftopWanrdsof2O aeresiof fi7enemedowadardambIland, r lying :rablenclosures,uon a fine e c comifandilM most exten- THe estate is atpproached oodiroas, ad t'he neighbourbood re- spectable. To be vie t n alliVination atE RESiDEotCE nursery ground, Lewishamir, and nf ticulas had f essrs. Williaimit, Br"wiks. PoNvell, and Broderip, sol r nol iin Ne- quar a.ot the Olatdid LMANnb. Lewishamt teMartand of Mlr. Hog1gart, 62, old Broad-stree Poyal inange, here a pla itnam y be seeni. Lexsehold Elilate0, andeh, produalny avc thet rvbl aih.cnii Aiinum, i hbolden frw 43N nREDr.iy rn. 1iOA or nT2 YOUND e. Per FIday, S.areh 1RPE,A atl2VSO bndXedicecntioll of the euatiear,o Lat ehold ate, roors, r Leaue ta hold(e for 43 years, at r of 61. 65. per nratum, elcslst e xro d ipacious subtaitia brck uit dweliIng.bJotijSe situate No. 1, Rotbertstreet, Adeiplil, four stories inl height, contafnlng an suit of 4 roors upon a Bloor, with domeatic Qlm nis and cellarage fo the baseient. The pre- msesare,c l -i occupation of meet responsible teiiants, fahrtlY ol TiUseAND producin a net rentul of 2071. S 7s. per annum. Mius? b- viewe,lwit leave of 'be respective tenants, und particirlars had of Mr. Robinsom, sollnetor , Cawreof trect, Lincoln'siHnnfle,ld, at the Mart; and of Mr. Hoggart, 62. Old Broadl-street RoyI Erchance. NRfoylk.- pdlu Lond betaeend Wat toe S- I East Dereharm.-enpiu, FBrEEn,1O and TITHE-FREE ESTATES, litensive Manoiir, with valutable Filnes nd QtiG t Rents n ver UPwards of 100 HOUSn S anid 1,300 ACrtES of LA ND, a valuable Advowsoni, and a Farmi at East Baddenhotm; the wrhole lot aLt rent., anid of the value of THiREE THOUSAND POIUNDS'per Ralsnncn.-By Mlr. HOGGARTr. at the Mart, the latter e nd of A ril, in lots. by direction of the Trus- tea., or thi ILate Moat Hon. Chal, Maqi so-al dceeased Lot l.A Very Valuable and iclesidnr e, FREEHOLD j d L I S-vrANTE, lyingiwithin a. ring fence, t miles from East Deerhad fird Watton, 17 from Norw'ich, and 97 from Londonsc co.e d sisting ofthreecapital Farims, chiefly exonerRted from tithes, and ron- tainig in the wh,ole 7a. 2rdr33p. of fine land, of which abhout 200 acres are Ii rich ieadow ardd pasture, nild thereinainder arTatbc with 3 excellent farm ho,uses, capacious barns, extensive rtal,ling and cattle lodges, and numerous oiuthuildings, nowi or late In te icueato of e d Mesrs.Loc. Pck an Cody,sujec toleaes aITYrents iswninting to ON4E THIOUSAND TWO IiUND)RFDadSITF E POUNDS perannTul. Lot 2. A valuable FREEHOLD FARM. in the parishes mafShipeha andf ast Beddeisham,t asldiortdistance from Lotl, aud between Watton and Ea of erehm. consi,estng .f 272a. 2r.1 p.of Bdne strable anid meadow land, lynug within a ring felice, withr Blaillirs outise, Barns, Stahligieand Oiu thiFldinfs.Ilt to Mlr. Jodeph Biwnthani, sth Lot 3, at a renlt ofa TI!REE HUNDpinD and DPOUNDS per FIaF. Lot p. A well btittandsubstantial MODERN IIESIDENCE, near the Church, In the village of ShMpdlu,m, with walled garden. stabling, ooAchlbouse, and 6Si. 3r. 27p. of capital laind. L-ot 4. The ciwpital and extensive M ANOR of Shi pdham; consistiing of about 101 inesmseage., and l,3Oacres ofcop7hold lanid, both subject to arbitrary lines upon death or alienation, and a royalty over the whole p h,ontyl-ing 200 acres. The anouint of Fitese quit rerts xnd id a fiar average is abolut Two HUNDRED ande FitRTY ONDS etann um. L.ot 5. Thie PERPETUAL ADVOIVSON and Next PrsnaIn of the Rectory of Shj,ildam:; consisting of a handsome parsonage house, rouigl cast alid slated, containing numnerous rooms, eleganit dinlrig and drawing rooms, officesr of every descriptiorn, pleasuire anxd kitchien gardens, writhi several inclosiires of globe land, 01 betwveen 40 and 60 acres, with thd1great atnd smiall tithes trising from between 3,000 and 4,000Oacresi,chiefly arabic. The whole of the, value of about ONE THOUSAND TWO HIUNDRIED POUNDS per aiiinnu. subject to the life of the present fiicuntibenLt MNay be viewed by leave or the respective tenants, and particulars had at the Norfolk hotel, Norwvich; at Mrs. Rateliffe's. Thetlord: at the George lnu. Dcrehain; the Inn at Shlpdhasn; the Aingel Inn. Bury; of Messrs. Wiryatt, Son. and Uttoii, tirnine, near Eye: of Messrs. Franckliii, H-ivve, arid Heptin- stall, solicitors, Lincoln's-inn: of Mr. Hoggart, Old Broatd-atltet, Royal axchaiige. London: andiat the Mart. Burygen ear Theobn uasad lehiut, Herts-A niii,.t coin fotail Vla, wvith ares anid fine richi leaeowt Land.-By' Mi' it ART at theMat on Friday, April 9, by order of the Assgees. AVery desirable sliid substantial Residlence, dIcl iglitfullv I J placed upon a linie eminiience, cominandlitig the nmost beautifull and picturesque v-iews of the surrouniding countryv, at Buiry-green. on the road from Theoltald's-park to Ctweshunt. The hiouse baal received considerable iinlprovenienits wvithin a few, months, and presenIts a handsoh-e elev-ation,. placed in the ceiitre or Its os-n grounds and gar- denis, in thje best possible order, vrith an eleganit greenhouse and grapery, produictille orchard, and kitclien gardens, a tine paddock of lane us fronit, the wrhole conitaining aLbout 17 acres. The tiouse con- tain, njumerou" bedrooms, a spacious drawing mroo, dining atnd breakfa.st parlours, with attachied anid detached offices of every de- &cription. To be vicvved. withi tickets only, w hichi with particuliars, niay lie had of Mr. llotgart, 60. Old Broad-stareet, Royal Exchatige ; particulaurs ala,of rw Illiami Le'Blanic, esq. solicitor, Noer Bridge- street, Ilatcfirfijirs; atithe Fouir SwYans, Walthiam-cross anld, at the Mart.- Norl;aptoishre.spial reeoldand Copyhold Tithe-lice Estte. n,wletatRets roucig IGT HUNDRED and FIFT PONDSper NNU, cpabe of much 1improvementL- By Mr.HOGGAIT, atthe Mrt, onFrida, Aut 9, at I , A Vey vauabl andexcedingy eigible Property, 13. rincpaly Frehod, ad th reaindc CPyhuold of lioherit- anc~ oisuisig wocaiga frm. tA~taoi,ct-sorh- shn,-- ,55t Leuet and Fixtares, Esseer-street, Strand,-1.By WI?JSTANLEyan SONS. at the Mart, on Fridaty, Mtarch 12, at 12, in I Lot, TPHE Lease,-for% I8-years, tt stmiodenxereiltt- tgter- .L_ with the wholA-of the,axtures,o:oneit4l contairning 6 bedrooms and 2 dressWg room V pei c lonpd dining roems,nind apartour or office, 'slth kltebensa asd rt. qeu slte dilesticonveilezes, welisuted for' a Ii Cfeol 'op beingt N'o.20. Essex-street, In th, immediate vicinity of-tbo finls OE coDurt, To be viewved by applyingDon the premises, and PrintdpM cularhad of Winstaney and Son, Patemroster-ro i. t ri aduable iFreehold Grounid Rent ReV rioll.-By and WINSTA aind SONS, at the Mart, oti Friday, MareA 12, at 12, A Freehold Ground Rent, of 31 10s. per ainum, i.ssi *l uIg out of and aniply secured by ameasuage, billiard retin, a premises, situate near the Old Stwyne, Bl-bhwn, let for in une plrd cirs. Also the reversion and inberitatee eryentalt the determnrIation of the eald term. The premises are underlet r-spectable tenunts, atrentsamounting toabout2001. perannur For particulars aipply to Mr. Sowrton, solicitor. Gratys.inn: Messrz Attee and Cooper, solicitors, Brighton; anid to lVinstaniley and Str. Paternoskter-row. i os Vote, for .Ulddlesex.Nine Freehold 1etssuagze, !tlte.end..By WI'N. STAnLEY and SONS, at the Mart, on Friday, Mareh 19,at 12, XTALr;#ABLE Freehold Estates, Land-tax redeemea V eligible for investment, aad with votees for thecotty consi tug of 3 good brick bulEt dwellIng-houseS bein Nos-. I, i2, and 18 Globe-road, xile-end: and 6 ditto. being Nos, 1 2 3, 4 , In ?, in Regen t-place, Globe-road; the rents nd annuta value an;ounti to nearly 2001. per annum. To be viewed 10 days preceding the la (by"permlssn of the tenants,) wvhen particulars may be had of Ur' Joii Hal Ii Gloe-rad; lao f M. Mams,solicitor, 26, Marsharn, atreet, Westminster; at the Miart; Manadof Winsltaley and sons, Freehold ouses sndGarden rud Fnchley, 1MlddFi-_ZZ8 WINSTANLEY-andd SONS. at the Mllart, o Friday, March 19, at x2, by order of the Trustee for Sale, t N eligible Freehold Estate, exonerated from the land. Uk. tax; consisting of 2 brick-bullt dwelling-houseis, witb cardens &-e. and a leatsehold gtrden: all situate in Ballard's-lane, Finchley. Mddlesex. T o he viewed by applying on the premises, where printedY particulars may be had; particulars also at the Baldfaced Stag, Fineb. ley; at the Mart; and of Winstanley and Sons, Paternoster-row. Lndgiate-hi1L-Desirabie Retail Shop and Dwel in-hoose, on w,hich a lal rgepncha been recentANly exipennd ed,Nsubstantial and ornamen. tal rplaByW STNLEY adSNS, at the Mart, oil Frida. the 19h ns. t 2 ?J7HE Lease, for 17 years, with immediate possession, o t very eommodilus Premises, most desirably situate, No. 6, on the touth aide, and in the preferable part of that leading thoroughsre, Ludgate-hill, consisting of an excellent shovy shop, adapted foraln;oat anyretail trade whatever.with hack wareho I5caand extenidve ellarage, and acon'fortable dweiliuc-house Tohevieea. Printed Prticularsmay behad on the premises; at tile Mart1 and of instanlley and Seno, tacernostsr-row, Berkshire, near Wanitage......Eligble Freehold Estate of 214 Acres exonerated from Land-tax, aiid In part TJthe-free.-By WINSTAN. LENY and SONS, at the Mart, otI Fridny, March 26, at 12, in 2 lots, by direction of the As ignees, N eligible and very iinprovable Freehold Estate, con- A ristinig of twro farms, colitaintilig together about 214 acres situate in the township of Sparshott and hamlet of Westeolt, a verr rich and fertile part o. the county of Berks, in the imnmediate vielnity of most excellent markets, beinig about 3 niles from Wantage, 6 from Farinlgdon, 13 from lIsley, 15 frrom Oxford, liMarlborougb, and lilinger. ford, and 63 fronm London: In the occupation of Mr. John Kingham, and Mr. Sanlsom, at loNv rents, aLmounting to 2801. per annum. To be viewed by permission of the tenant s: prinited particulars may be had of Mr. Aliei,, East Hendred. ,iear Wantage; at the principal linsat Vantage, Wallingford, Faringdon, Oxt,re, Readinr, No%svbur, and Ablngdo,,; at the Mart; of Mr. Tustin. solicitor, New Bridge-street- anid of WVinstanloylynd Sons, Paternoster-row. Fpreehold Estate, Martin's-lne, Caninoni-street.-By WI NSTANLEY all sONS, at the Mart, oil Frlday, ?larch 6, at 12 A Valuable and improvable Freehold Estate, consisting Is of a comlumodious dwelling-house, wvith counting-hous nd stack of wvarehouses, i the oceupation oIf Messrs. Joseph Gree -nn and Co. on leasefor a term, of which t; years are unexptred;r a low and old rent of only 1001. per annum. To bevien:ed by permis- sion of the tenants, Printed particulars may be had of Win. Groom, e"q. Russell-squaue; at the Mart; and of Winstanley and Sons, Pater- noster-row,. Stoke Newvington..Capital anid commodious detached Residenv4,wvith -Offices, Cochhouses, Stahiing, Gardens, and 10 acres of Meadow Land.-By WINSTANLEY and SONS, at the Mlart, on Friday, April A Valuable Copyhold Estate, consisting of a most sub- 1 stanthil and :nosatcommodious Residence, situate in Church. street, Stoke Ne ington, about 3 miles only from the Royal Exchanige, adapted for a large aid respectable famLy, placed at a convenient re- mi ve front the road, from wvhieh it is screened by a newv plantutioN of thriving shrubs and evergreet,s; containing a capital eating r.oat, about 23 feet by 16: drawing room morning parlour, hardsome in. trance hall lpved with mardec,porTne7ipal and secondary staireases, S family bedehambers,2 dressin r,,oms, ladies' sitting rooml, 9 se.e; n dary and servants'chamibers, fitchen,seullery, butler's pantry, l.'t- dry, mangling room, and all suitable domestic offices. excelleit e i lug, &c.: ,paeious carriage yard, vith double coachbouse, 2-rll sole aid harniess room, extensive lavn and gravelled walks, wailed g-nr,iei; with green and hot houses, &c., farm and rick yard, with co;"i';J s anid outbuildings, and 2 paddocks of rich mnead,,-v land, the *h-* taminig about 12 acres. To be viewed by tickets only, which '. printed particulars, may le had of Winstanley aid Sonis, Pater: - .?i- row: particulars also at the Mart, Freenold. Copyliold, and Leasqehold Gtroun1d Rents and Estates ' s towv, Essex; Kintg-street, Cheal'soe: and Saffron-hill; pr ;, nxearly 2&;. per aiinunm.-.y WINSTANLEV and SONS, In It ITEDRY valuable, desirable, and improvable Estates. on- V slating ')f the Black Lion Publ3chouse 3 drceillg.nho.Act uneesuages, extensive garden ground, and 2a. 3r: and 16p. of rtch -s'- land, all situate at Plaistowv, in the parish of ','esthunx, and con',- Essex, , the several occupation-s of Miss CranH, Mlessrs. M'Pie Blydestein, Barnes, and Brooks; copyhold of the Mellonr of We,r I., Six freehold dwelling-houses and buildings, beinig Non. 141,14 2, -.. 144,145,and 146, Saffron-hiU, Holborn, in the several occupatt-. - Messrs. CaL2et, lVaters, Powers, Lawvrence, &c. Alsoaleasehold c-v e held under the Dean and Cbapter of SLPaul's; consisting of a dwe i.t house, ivirehouse, and premnises. s)tuRte and beinx No. 8, In street, Cheapside, in theoceupations of Mhiessrs. Heathcotc,'Boier .24d Co. and M1lessrs. Outbwaite and Co. The day of sale, ini furtke- rr- ticulars, wvill be duly notited lii this and t,thr prape-s. Valuable Estate,eoniprising near 0 acres of capital Labiihet iw. Aecon ar.d Turnham-green.-By WINSTANLEY alld SONS, - *!e Matat, In MZay, Valuable and highlv improvable iEstate, consistinF of A_ several inclosures of very fertile mneadow aiid pa3sture land. r n- esining GPr. or. 25p. situate in the parishes of Ealing and Fulhan. be- tveen Acton and Trurham-green, in the county of Middlesex s' littl emore thlan 4 mlles fromn London. i n tb *oce.. n, t/no ,.r.sX5. 'c, ....'.. acres or hle arabile and rich grazing lIand, the whole of whieh is exempt fron) great tithes: most desirably situated in the severa. parisbes of lrr.estcr and WVymingtoi, about 3 miles from WelUng. tiorough and Highaim Ferraro, 14 from Bedford, and 64 from Loindon with two excellenlt farm hotuses, capacious Ianius, antd outbiiildings, mnother farm house, and numeroa5 cottages. let to Messrs. Frost and Mather, *with other tentants, at rents arnounting to SO0O. per ainum, formingaltogetbera most desirable property for Investmint. Thih estate, lvthiii a few years, let for upwards of 1,1001. per annum. To be view-ed with lesa-* of the tenarts, and partieiliars h"ad 1 days prior to the sale, of NMessrs. llodson wnd Burnhani, solicitors, Wellng. horo"gh; the Inn at U1iharn Ferrars; SNran, Bedford: the ceorge. Northampton; at the Mlart: and of '%r. 'Hogg;art, 62, Old Broad. strcet. Royal Exchange, where a plRn of the estate Mray he scotn. Norfolk.-The valuable Advowveion *)f the Rectory of Hilgay. tit the county Of Norfulk.-By Mr. lIIOGGART, at the Mart, on Friday, F 1HE ADVOIW'SON, Donation, Gift, and Free Dispo- sition, Right of Patronage aud Presentationi, of. in, and to the parish church of Hilgay, otherwisc Helgay. In the county of Norfolk, comiprisinigan excelent rectory or parsonage house, vith gardeis, andallnecessary and convenient offices, barns, stables, and build- inos, adipted for the accommodatioll of a family of respectability, also several close;, pIeces, or parcels of globe laid, thereto beloi;giig, containinig, by estimation, 86 acres. And also the tithes or tenithis of whatever niature or kind soever, arising, groving, reneiving, in- creasing, beloliging or In an y vise appertahining to the rectory or parish ehtrch of Hillgsy af.,rsaid. rhe Advowsoon and R:toi y are co-extensive vith the parish, Vhich contains upwards of 7,000 acres of titheable land, and is, Including the glebe, of theestinmatedvaluc, clear of all oultgoinlgS, af T\VO THOUSAND POUNsDS PER ANNUM. The preecst inctinsbeit is in his 68th year. Thish inportanlt property is situate iii a preferable part of the eounty of Norfolk, oni the borders of Cambridgeshire, anid possesses rilaniy local advantages; is distant nmiles fromy Downham, 14 from Lynn, 9 from Ssraifhai, 6 from WVisbehch, 26 fromp Canbridge, and about 80 from Lonidon. Miay be viewed, and particulars had 15 davs prior to the sale St the Crown Iii;s, at Dowruihain and Lynn ; the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich : Ranm Inn, Nlernliarket; Artgel,aiOxford the Hoop, Cmibridge; of Messrs. Gregsoi asad Fomn-reau. solicitors, Angel-couirt, Thirogimortoil-strect; Mr. hilward, solieltor, 45, Aldermanburv; hlessri. Scott and Son St. Mildred's-court. Poultry; Mlessrw. Aspiiiall, JACkson, anid Robins, Fuirnivals-.ni: at the sAction Mlart; aiid of Mr. Hog%art. 62, Old Broad-street, loyal Exchaiige. vhere a map of the parish ;oay be ilspecte(d. Grosvenor-place, Hivde Parke-.crnr.-Capital Leasehold Estate, ntow yieldlng a Net Iental of about ?312 per aununu: held f,ir upwvards of ,0 yetrs, at a smill grouind rent.-By Mir. HOGGART. at the Mart, on FrIday. April 9. at 1S by order of thle Executors of the Rle . .lshn Henry Georg.e Lefroy deceased. Capital and substantial 'Cown Residence, with coach- houlse anid stablei; No. 31: Grosvernor.place, on lease to Joh' Pulteney.esq.wrhich expivei at Chrismilassf1-25 at arellt of 3351.19s.6d. per aiiiiumn: held for upwvards 'f 70 y-ears. at a groilxd reit of 241. per awlnnum. The house Is well built, Rnd cointails nunmerous bedroomrs. eleganir drarilng and dinlig rmom,.. library, and offices of every de- ser ptiloi, and ii every respect adapted f,,r the townu residencee of a faunily of respectability: with stabliig, nachhonsse. anid man scrvants' rooms. To hes viewrd )y tll'eXts oiUly, writh peruusion of the tenant, and fuirther particulars had of Messrs. Bridgcs and Quilter, solicitors, lied l.iou-sqiuar'; at the Mart. aiid of Mr. iloggarr, 62- Old Broad- street, Rouyal Exchange. Capital and v-altraile Su.,eranet WYharf tiudinig WVarehou ses. aud hinildiig Gronuud. Shad Tlhanmes adintl)g to St. Saviour's Dock, producinig t Rtental anld of the Value of about S("l. pee AiuinutI.-By MIr. H(OGAliT, at the Mart. oi Friday April 23, at 12, in I lot, T HHE extensive anti very va blable Property of Messrs. t BlindlCy, sittiate Il the front of thc river, t Shad Thitaes, ex- teiidiig a very eouisiderahlc depth eonsistins of a stack of svare- houses, nost shbstalstially erected in frnt ..f the Thines, alid ad- j..iiuing St. Savioir's Dock. atici about 'iA feet in; depth. A warehouse. eulutaiiuliig 6floors, xith eranes aiid hasp doors for recei-ing nereliaii. dcise froi thsriver. Auiother %rarelioise adjoiinug, of sinIlar dineni- sions. Alsoaiiother capltal stack of warehouses, equlally substaultial. aiid erected rithi a few yexrs, being 47 feet 3 iii width, aSid lol feet iti depth vith 4 flou.rs, anid CaYal,le of sustalining any weight of roods ,r iierchauudise. Also an excellelnt dsvlliiig-.ibuse fori a resident partner, coi tainlig nuiimerous bledruouns, dinleig aiid drawving rooms, offices and garden; adjoining Is ai excellent storehouse or granary. -i5 feet deep. Aniother Inland warehou,e, niow filled rithiCork aid tallolw, vith 2 floors. Also ii11 extensi-e site of grouind, enclosed with walls. aboutt 171 feet In delth, sititable for the erection of -vrre- houses, with extensive stables, loft, and pronises, with a right of water tothn e water side. Ihle cstnte lies cuCmpact, and of larte ex- tent. the btilidiugs eltirelY IuCV witllil a fess- years. and are justly esteemed as .me o the dirst rate eater s.ide prenises along shore, ea- pable of Considerable inmprolvemeiut. Ilhe estnte is lheld for altout l9 years, at a grounid rent. To be vicav-ed on hPplication to Mtr. Bart-ou, fiaiisftord.street, Shad Tiliamiies. of whonii particulars may be had: Also at the Mart; ,.,,d of iMlr. Iloggart, 62, Old Iiioad-strect, Royal Exchange. I Dock ilead Warehouwe with h SuIteruumec iWbirf late Tobb's-.-By IMr. IIOGGART, at the Mart, on Frld;y, April 23 at J2 substatil Stack of new built Warex ouses, u og S tliors, of 12 feet in height, most desirably situated at Doek Head, aiid ad.oiiiins to St. Saviotir's Dock. These warehouses ace about -48 feet in trolt oiKthe Thai;es. auid about 54 feet Ini depth, and ar eqlual to anyv lv ht *f mnrrhandise. To be vievwed on appli- cution to Ir. Bartoin, iaisford-atree. Shad Thames of whon Patt- eujhars may be led; also at the Mart; and of Mr. lloggart, 62, old Broad-street, Itoyal Exchailge. Crpital Building Maoterials. Laytol, Essex.-By Messrs. blUNN and CURTIS, n Tuesday, iarch 9, aiid foll^siitig days, at II, HE valuable Building Materials of tbe spacious Mjan- T sion and OfeceA, sitiate ntear the church. Layton, late ii the oielipation of Mrs. Rurthall, consistltig of a large quantity of execl- lent sound brickuvork in the inansion. offices, aiid garileui walls, several sqiares of slating aiid plalmi and l.aitiling, prime timber, in girders, rafters, tie beams, plates,jol6ts. story posts, quarterand othbt partitions, dooring boards (if very superior quality, sky and faii lights, sashes anid frames, doors, stalieases with mahogany lisndralls, narble and stone ehimney pieces atId slabs, stone dressili paving, leadell gutters and leaden rain wratel- and service pipes, and a large quantity of wrought iron and other useftil building materiils, Ith several eheice shruhs, evergreens, and fruit trees. Mlay be viewed three days precedins the salc (ISuliday exeepted\, and catnlogues had on the pre- mIses; at the Eag'e, Snsaresbrook; WVoodford Wells; White Hart, Rumford: Red Lion, Ilfoid; Georgs, Barking; Blyd-in-land, Strat- ford: Mermald. Hackney: Basinghoue, KiIgilalsud; the Angel, Whirechapel: and of Mlessrs. Munn aiid Curtis, WTalbrook, near the Roy?ql hlxchxnge. Colus and NMedals. Bronzes MlInIatures, &c.-By Mr. SOTII EBY, at liis House, Welilltgton-street, Waterloo-bridge, Stranid, on Monday, Marcl 8, and 4 following days, at 12, H E choice and valuable Collectioll of Coins an(d r toedals, in gold, silver, aiid copper, the property of the late Six tak Masterman Sykes, bart. of Slednice, in the county of York; Including a very good series of Greek coinis, priicipally Of SIcilyv in gold and silver; a fine selection of English medals iii gold and silver. tv-ith a few eopper,) among wvhich are twvo of the Common wealth premium medals for iiaval servlces, by Tholmas Sinmn; the fine me. dallion of Charles IJ. Felicitas Britaumnie,' by IRoettier; Patterns: Oliver Croniwells fifty shilling plece; the famouis Petitili crown, by Thoenas Simon, formnerly Air. Tyssen'st a very fine aud nuinerous series of Papal medals, in silver, asnd alargcollection of ltaliaii niedais, in bronze;: together wvith aii interestlnS selection of miniatures in enamel anid oil, by Zlnck, J. Hoskins, Pettutot, Sir P. Lely, Nath. =ione. and nthere singularly curious carvings in Ivory: broiizes of an early e artielarly the Head oltte Dodn4meanJupiter, most zemmutifuly executed - sasutonyX, rlns. and other curiositles. To be . , ell ed ouTIulrtda aiu,gcattlo{%ei yve ls.liad at the plme of soae. kssex. o0n lease for a tern, whereof 10 years wvill be unexpiresd - lMichaelmas next, at tbe lowv rent of 2001. pel annum. The estate a held under thi. Bishop of Lonidor, at a reserved rent of 91. Vs. per at,i. Tae day of sale, and further particulars, will be duly notitied In tBis and other papers. F. BR'i 'TAIN respectfully announce , that in <'_or- LY. sequence of the severe indisposition of one of the execut rs. the SALE . f thie LEASE, Stock of lines, and Furniture of the >,e Mr. Samnuel Butcher, 51, Leicester-square. advertised *.r sale o(I h, 10th of March instant. and 2 following days, is unavoidably P' PONED ror a short time. Due notice wrill be given immned.ve' the day of xale is fixed.-Coss-street, lattin-garden. Mareh 2, I ,- Neat gehmuine modern Housebold Furniture, Plate Lien Chi, Tea and Dinner Services, Library of Books, ine Old PaiRt t- scarce Prints, large fron Repository, and numerous E'fects- ni. C. MULLErT, at the Black Rorse and Swan Dlacliman.st Borough, on TI'uesday, Mlarch 9, at I, hy direction of Ur.;.' Martin, xvho is retiring into the country, without reserve r HE vhole of the Household Furniture. .c. ot nt superior descriptiozi. Catalogueshad at the ofb e of the t oteer, .kc. 68, Slackman-street, Borough. Du2llch-common, Surrey.-Detached Family Residence, with Cc. . hous, Stabling, Offics, Gardens, and a geinteel ('ottage.- WIN'STANLEY and SONS, at the Mart, on Friday, April 23, a, .; by order of the Executurs of Thomas Hullah, esq. deceased, A Leasehold detached Family Residence, most deligl. A fully situate on Dulwich-conimon, commaniding tpe beaut -. scelnery of the adjacenit lills, in the neatest order, and fit for th . - mediate reception of a genteel establishmenzt; comprising dining. I drawing rooms, morning Parlour. 3 principal. 2 secondary, II- servans'. chanibers, dress;*ing roroms, handsomne enitraniee hal, kit,il- %vashhouoe, mails chanmber and domestic offices, c<ach anid cii- - houses. stabliig, productive gardens, lawn, carriage aSweep, 0 Also a very neat cottage detached. btit yet so situate FLs to be adap!. either fir lettin;r or occupation, should a family requ)re more rcoc it contains 2 good parlours, kitchen, ra"hhouse, and 3 bedchamb-' held for a term.whereof years are unezxpired,at triflingianntal grol::- rents. To be viewed 14 days preceding the sale by tickets 0 which, vith priinted porticulars. ma; be had if Messrs. Willis, Bar *Watson, aiid Willis. solicitors, Tokenhouse-yard. and of WiTstau aid Sois, Paterriioster-row. Partieulars also at the Graybound ii Dulivieb and Sydeiiham: Golden LiBn, Camberwell; and at the 'M Itaian i iectures.-By Mr. CHRISTIE at his Great Itooi, h i.e.str. St.Janies's.-square THIS DAY, Marchof, atlI A Sinall but very cloice andl valuable Assemblage t XPietures, by the imiost celebrated masters ol the greet Its schools; collected by a gentlenman of superior l.nowledpe arid att otents, and Some time siniee conisigned to this countra ironi the t tileet. Many of these pictures are entgraved in a recenit Fre - abridged editio,n of the wvork of Lantzi oi Painting: among them Christ oll tbe Mount, by Corregio. aid Christ Mocked, a cabinet ture hy Titian, and others by A. Manttgnma Garofalo Bonifacio Guercluo Raiff. d. Garln A. del Sartn Schiavone Albano F. Franicia 5.ui'li P. S erolnese C'. Dolce Ntaxzolillo Pamlegiano ('arracei (. Poussin Fra. Iartoiojiee Sehidone Gido, P. BriD The whole ini good preservatioln. MIay be viewed 2 days precedinF Norbury Farmnnear Streatham. Surrey.-Capltal Live and Dead Fal hit Stock. Stcks of Corn. Hay, anid suierior 6i horse power Thlrs igIMachine, Brewing l'teniils, Forcing and other Pumps, Fa House. Fixture., aind Effects.-By Messrs. BLaTKF: en, the Premi inear Strea.hamnhridge, or, Wedinesday. larch 10, a: II for IS, order of thie Proprietor declining Farming, C OMPRISING a large Assortment of Agrieultuisai iiaiopleiulents, sevecal large stacks ot corn, beans. hay, tiiiiber r . 't framees, with stonie pins. 8 llseflll draiiglht horses. 8 cows and al,t ecales. breeding-sows, and storepigs. poutltry. auxost excellent thrila,Y- Illg Inachine. cotistructed upon anL extensive and powverful scale. W. hs stages. floors, aiid di'lsions, the timbers of wrhich arc of the best q; :t- lity, amid of large dimeiisions, a complete corni mnill and gear. patt '.t chaRi maehite. barni implements. Sacks, ropes, ladders, hurdles. ne farm house fixtires, and a fesy lios of household furnituire. Ma' 'e viesied 2 daysy before ttie sale, anid catalogues had on the premises: at the White Lioti, Streatham: at tie King's Armis ini;. Snow-hill * -e Rantl lm,n Smithtteld; at tie Auctioli MIart; and of NIessrs. Bi6zc. Croydoii. Freehold Estates, In the T'oswn of Croydmiii. and ar Norsw,iod. *. Strrey, Land-hex Redeemcd, atd Free of Tithc.-BY Msswrs. BLAKE. at thc ilig's Arms Ititi. Croydon. oni Saturday. M.arch 13, at 2 for ;3 it. the afternoon, by order of thie Executors of thle late Mr. Helry Veller deceased. WDeslrabe Fredhol0l Estate, consistinlg of a fellmonger'S A and parchllebm wtniaker's prenBscs. aItuate in tile heart f1 the butcher mnarket, Croydomi, on which are erected 2 capacious build- Jliag, concaillng all convelliences necessary f,ir the trade, xith 7 pits, and a capital poke, supplied w ith a snc head of trater from sprintgson the premises. The buildings are in good repair, and early possebsion may be had. A genlteel Cbottage Residence, of tasty and substantial elevation, WithmU paddockf about3a. Ir. handsomely planted, atid delightfully sitate at Norwood, Ol the high road, commanding prospects of greatextematand beautY, about S nilles lr,sm Croydon. and 8from Laldoll; it cotitaini 3 airy bedrooms. vitb closets, t par- lours each I8 by 14 feet, asmallerditto, kitehen, 'aAhhi,use, And good cellar.s. This property is il hand. and has many clainms t. pub- lie Consideration, and may be renidered a most attractive retreat. Also 6 Freehold brick built Tenements near, let at 441. 4s. per aluia. TF% be viewred till the sale, by applying to Mr. *Veller, at the Royal Oakr'". troydoni: or to Mr. Pascall, near the Jolly Sailors. Norwood, of whom particulars may he had; also at the Auetion Mart: of Mr. Pearsc, sol.- eito, , Dowgate-hiil; and of Mrssrs. Wake, Crovdon. Valuable Emfects.-Bromrlev iall, Middlesex.-To Cahlicc. Printers. Builders, anid Others.-By Messrs. RAMSEY aiud CARTER, on the Premises, Broimley Hall, iti the Parish of St. Leonard, Bromley, on Monday, arch 8. and3 followringdavs, at 11, bydirectUou of the Proprietor rctiring fro,m business, t LL the vautable and genminc EfTects, comprisinsg AS about 2fl,000 capital l.loetk prulOts and grounds, 10 large furm-n. ture plmgtes. 230 onc-qualrter and onie-eighth ditttl, copperplate presse3 capitalI machine for ell and yard-wide cyliiider by Parkli~o;l ell o ;o, yard-videengravedi sbells, ntlaets -for eylinder wiirk, iron rollilig (rstneand strap, pcddiimcniachlnle with metal rolls, Benigal drag Ina- chine with v'artous patterns in one and two colours, capital siirface mahblue. blaiiketa. trills and patterns, twyo capital ealender-. plamkilas machine, mtlls for grinding indigo, three capital horse wheels an other coppers, capital iroii force puim three comiau.n itto with stout oaleaves arnd supports,all the maehinery- for wyork- tag ditto sAdl ealtndeea, &c. ftom engilac, large quantity of stout lead pipe anldcisterns, large brass cocks, capital brass puoni p large size waster back aiid supports, 20,000 eet of deal battened srlelves, prinlt- ing and pencilling tables wvith nuhs rolls. &e. chacimber wtaggon head and other stoves, tiled flues1t our stout carte, twvo covered wrarggns, large and small brass sheaved iron bloeks capable of liftinlg ten; tons, the fittings of a. coomitiughonse, turlning lathaes, and other effects. Maiy be viewed twrodays prior; catalogues, atlis, each on the pre- miles; and of the auctioneers, 83, High.street, Poplar. (1 RIDREN uitisg Teth.-t Mr. Burehell's,. sole proprietor andi reparer of Ithe Aodyne Necklaces to thelate Kisng, for the Royal uhildien, 79. tong.acre, aind po.itively by his appialaitmuertno wvhere else in London, arc sold the oriinal AO- DYNE NECKLACES for Cbiltren cutting tcetb, after wearinwhich but one nighbt infatstshave cut their teeth vith perfect safety w ho were nearly redascedi tO t.he grave by lht, fevers, convulslonsas k all. proceeding from-their teeth; price 9a. Likewrise the famous Sugar Plums, for wrorms in chiidren and g rowrn persons, bv:;es 2s. Sd. each; they are not to be distinguished In taste andl rappearance from eons.: mnoti suger plumus,and mayv with the g-rsatestsafcty begiven to InSitnts. Sold also at Mir. Nerwbery'a, Das-rstreet, Dubilln. SALJiS BV AUC(;TION.
Certain occurrences which...
Certain occutrences whiceh have called our attention to the siubject of the discipline of the army (a subject, by the way, with which we seldlom interfere), are of recent date, and present not merely a ease of monstrous oppression, but, if the narrative circulated by the sufferer be a correct one, tlhey involve a question of the most serious interest to the existence of the army, and to the prerogatives of the Crown of England. Corinet BATTIER signs himself H. P. of the 35tll regi- meLt, and late I 0th Royal Hussars: This gentleman ap- pears, by the niflinching publicity of his statement, to be a spirited officer, and, by its language and reasonings, to be a man of e(lucation andl talent. He was appointed by the Duke of YORK, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, to a Cornetcy in the 10th Hussars, of wvhich His MAJESTY was at onetime Colonel; but which regiment, at the perio(d of Cornet BATTrIER's appointmelt, andever since, has had the honour of being commandedl by Lord LoNDONfDEmItY, not long ago our Anbassador at Vienna. Now, it is asserted in Ml-r. BATTrRx's account, that the officers of the loth Hussars think proper to "recruitaamong themselves"-that is, to admit no stranger into the regiment, except he be of their own choosing-a display of dignity which seems to have broughlt them into one or morc broils with the Commander-in-Chief; it being a usual phrase with these great men, that '" thepeople at the Horse- "Guards sometimes bully them, and sometimes they bully " the people at the Horse-Guards." Well, says Mr. BAT- TIER, in defence of this august privilege of refusing to con- firm the KING'S commission, the lords and gentlemen oe the 10th Hussars, before they had ever seen the new Cornet, or had thc mneans of guessing whether he was to be liked or disliked, resolved one and all to cut him. When he joined (says he), they refused him the most common marks of courtesv-they put him in CoNentry-they did every thing but provoke any risk of personal collision. The stranger thus politely, and hospitably, and liberally, wel. I comed, went as far as he could in'the way of peace and frankness. Ile sought an explanation from Sir G.EORGrE QuENTr1, senior in command with the regiment, (who was once himself brought to a Court-martial bv his officers.) He anxiously begged an inquiry iuto his character as a gentleman, his family, and circumstances. He produced the recommendatorv letters of his fornmer commanding, officers ; but whlat did that. avail ?-his commissioni I from the Duke of Yoiua was all that he ought to have I produccd, and that, it seems, was beueath the notice of j tbe young Lor(ds or old Dandies who sat in judgment i on this officer. Mir. BATTIER tlhen applied to Sir C.I GRANT, the General commanding in Dublin, where all these thing; happened. Sir C. GRANT appears to have knowvn what belonged to a soldier and a gentleman. He forwarded a report to the Commander-in-Chief. His Royal Hi-hness expressed his strong, though not! public, disappro- bation of the uncivilized conduct wlhich had provoket it: the grandlees were pulled down-they began to bow and speak to the man wvhom they had before neglected; and matters were thus situated, when the injured gentleman 1 states that he asked and ebtained leave of absence for three months from the regiment ; that in the interval be- i twvcen the grant of this indulgence and the day from which it was to be dated, while be was yet in Dublin, a fine din- ner was given by the regiment, with Lord Loxn:osDERny at its head, and a number of strangers were invited; that before the company sat down to their feast, this officer-a cornet in the regimient, as much a member of the mess as any field-officer belonging to it-was aetually ordered out of1h room by the most. noble Colonel ! And for what offeiice, known or unknown to military lawv? Why, for none. For wrhat reason, intelligible to any sane and sober inind For none whatever. He was told that he had eavoe of absence, and therefore ought to go off to England. But his leave of absence had not yet regularly commenced, and he might have been reported absent without leave had he left head-quarters: and if he had been actually on leave, was such a barbarism ever heard of, as driving a brother officer out of the rcgimental mess-room,because he postponed for a day or two the enjoyment of his leave of absence? He was told, again, that he did not know his duty, not being mnster of the Cavalry-drill. Mr, BATTIER admits that lie (a Cornet) was not vet a superlative Hussar Officer; but was such a reason ever before assigned for turning a gen- tleman out of a mess-room? Such tyranny would not be en- dured-no, not by Russian slaves, not by Carinthian boors, not bv Croats, Pandours, Hulans, or anv other nameless savages; amongst tvhom certain rmilitary diplomats of this country are sent, as to a school of delicate and geotleinanly manners. Mr.BATTIrEP, too,had regularly paid an enormous sum, far beyond the rate recognized by the KI N,G'S order, as his subscription to the mess of these Hussars. On this treat- ment, however, his patience seems to have been exhausteti. He wrote directlv to the Duke of YORK, a letter detailing his grievances, and Lescribing that whole system of arbi- trary and unmanly persecution Mwhich he charges the MIar- quis of LONDONDERRY with having countenanced against him. The reply of Sir H. TAYaOB we subjoin: its language is unequivocal, anid covers the effenders with shame:- " HOAsE-Gu.anDs, Feb. 17, 1124. I I am also directed to acquaint vou, that his Royal Highness is very sensible of the difficulties under wvhich you have been placed since your exchange to the 10th Hussars, and has more than once expressed his disapprobation of the conduct whioh has been observed towards you by some officers of that corps; and which his Royal Highness has no hesitationi in authorizing me to say, has not been justified by any circumstance affectinz vour cha- racter as an officer and a gentleman, so far as your conduct has come under his Royal Hfighness's knowledge. " I have the honour to be, Sir, youtr obedient servant. (SiLnedw "1 [J. TAVLO<R. ' uornet Battier, 10th Light Dragoons." The result was, that Cornet BATTIER received liberty to purchase ahalf-pay lieutenancy in another Cavalry regi- ment, but (lid niot ayail hiinself of it: be retired upon half-pay in the usual manner. He was disappointel of his just redress in having his persecutors openly punished ; and he now becomes, by his manly and severe representation, the vindicator of his own wiongs. But who will heal the wound thus inflicted on the discipliie of the Britislh army? -who will take up the defiance thus thrown in the face of the Commander-in-Chief-nay, of the Sovereign, by those who outrage the feelings of their selectedl servants, and attempt to supersedle the KIhG'S commission intruisted to his faithful subjects ? If the loth Hussars be left at once under their present commansl, and in the actual state of subordination represented by Mvr. BATTIER, why then, indeed, it wiU be time for the friends of royalty, as well as of liberty, to look a little to the safety both of throne andi people when the next yeafs army estimates shall be sub- mitted to the eye of Parliament.
-vot t.iova,':slN,xJ&I o. J_ rliltl, , R 'E!O~~~L ~~AtAVXA, sno~~~~~~o1 &nt11A7 ,.t K'~oi1 Ahear bb fast operf Y P1 to uCl5~itWOUtdifl.tXeC5, FQP 3tbe,is :IoTS FRANL1l r,,1or4%t bots -B1: eCIey Cpx:;hasexteItent i#eq0mmodi.aon fori,aaseSerfi. _=,1 1,ol,e,, 8, Blrybln- .T . * withk 1eave to tooch at.Madias, lund carIn fen draps tbe Thats~t.-iI1iii tst SO AtealA S nipor liuheh. 0 ,, ac-e os moda2tlst ror passengers .anQ wilt. eaaty an ecxperienced mttrKOo For frelj tiN 4 MasgeappLy toIiheCommander5 at the I?OR MA I)RA.S andl Bh'NGAL^, to 8ai'ttei~iii.e * of Abci~ the tea =0fl" O~~L$4 la prrgitr ,rtiG Bl3g;5*OeN. colmnandor,Rlate xfLtAeDaid Scott,; IyifFn~ ,..:EeSt Ild,.Docket hasajierofg,lsideck ports, rS loft betwseen .ek~ and EItted Int everY respec as a regniegrlIndiamnal Fbi freight ' ^tet l oeaar at th Jerusialcem otfet4toag,oandr 2 Een:rlh r 10.5. l,-dtnha21-ste._ 1UItMADtAI)RJS andl BENGAl,, tO aail in all Mlaich, Ujthernealewcrier built RIITP tAlIflI A3HEII?, 3ht launched irons a;e.,r,- Wli raas 4usd.tree'sh, lllackWali; burdeien 00 'tons, er_t . LUCAS, Commal ader, ' th-4 Uon. Complny sn1larter > , irxZ in the C:y C4nal. bh h vhesel b1t o poop, anfi ittedk n eA eperloY stle for the riccOnn 0daieoer of pawssngrt,h ani wllo can m ncl-ensened sureeon; Eor freight or passage ailnl y tn'CJtabii Lnras, ath ae terusulem Coffeehlu se; or to Anstice an Thorn ,.l,t51 LSmle.streec ne1r the East n ndiabollse. delta.. -to sall from the River In all -the ai onth of cp d arch, ' tlfrorn 7oltenouth on :he lru *of Aprl, the tek SHIP 2 ifbOrTll. A 1 ,b'rnien 7003tona S!Ut5JtL OWESN, Ht .S.GOS,nInendCX laFte oin the Cidne n1tClty adoll. This ship fi i 2 exp,k,r fi.r conveyingp3eslger, (or whom ,the accorasro- =!=Ction Il be mostlor freiget FrpYle plt or tcatg ez,ty to the Comtnander, at he. Je,usalerstpiqP ahouse; to tLiesrn. - isrdts,r*le;iUto,h,nfld Co.BhboPsgswte.atreetlYt ijn, os toEIdmund etC., i,flCehciso Anrr. Llme.street. L __ V ult M.DRAS and CALBETNGA, ith leave to-call at t'eira, mbosa%i alestofeMach.thedfto baiint. rtmouited An a Sto EIsNON C VAmuer,ofth THAKit, Commpands erv urleu bgrde tons lyins- in abc'c; ty Ca-al. Ths shlup hae uecemlent n4 efns_nodatlons foi nrgriits. and wilt carry a surgeonF . e tor freightpor passage apply ci .-mer, at tont okerelle Tril. said Co. 8. Auctonersars -or tntJtohr L3,ne a' Soon. broke,. 6, UDrohin-lane, Cohdelln A married LDgd tGltas.mnCaLe t iVOsYageS to Chalestm is upoinr out i this tship; anc be hxpPy toes.ar ies will er he t umnediate o are'any otitng oradies t U_ n-'to Mr.e. fbreLnde orseother bt,adars orChllpCtta. 1?OR BOXADRA sadfi:e NGt,itoce rier i atte Ccton-mhonsth , andh expected Ptot be rt. Portatofth Iri s; feas 'to- hacttbt her passengreras, baa u tC cabhin disenaRtgd, ansd Y.on iiar S caets, the fRt.saUPlTsg'TeA I 4l1e on.Altant t , IHO It GREEN, Cxomrtnander, of the iog. CoNmpsany's Service, bandIten 7o( tOtinst has a posp. 'riCh exclen?wen:commoaaitsenc'fnr satttene-st,aad esries a ?ilw awrgeth n. b or fdenghe or passa-T gitply to thrae Calrt menSittder, at the JeraAlect ct'ee ho,te- to atessrs. L,leins cofre tRln'atn. Old South Sea fRowuse, s *iltiadtreet; C. ules n Amas nagd Lar. R O'd Teavryt or toolm E&JrTnied, 1 I Rfhtehe'-ne ourtnllil. ji\1R BO1 k saL Tn Ipi, a mQititt trader PHRsTh,XV c Guecf atttnealts. ethte fa-t.'a-bdlt3ng c;op~ered.A I hEt ter.1,i STESP L7PM. MEA;TE, Cobuader b600n80 tostons;TUinKERt rCity CranL. Theis,ship htasn morlst guperior accomoodahon foi ,_rion wEsend aidll carry a nskilful eurgeon.. For frei ghtot or pssage ap_ yn to ?Aet T.yney, Foworn beoker, 1d, C.rehna,.3lpe, Corutepi3. ifOR BroibeAY dinec n to sail from -ithe river in aD, the rnsmth of ?Isrhthc and Portido,th 3lth mof April, the fas C'Sane cask Conld tICrPH, A 1, s cornstdst trader, THOMAS RgEN, fninmander, hof the Hon. Compnpy'os tervCle, and late lm sthepal;- trkvworth,l burden 600 tons, lying in the City canal. E'oi .reg:t tr pss;ge apply to CaPtain Green, .at the Jerkualean coffeic honss- to ?les-i Palmer. Wilson., and Co. Ttlng's Arms-ya.rd; tt 3r. lloeert Tvor; or to Fedicnad Re.td. I RicPe'srcouor Lime tret This ship Is fitted extpressly for tlfre accommnodation o1 L' ilRBO.7W'BAY, unEder eng xpgement to sail in March, the t eak Sl'tP IJPTo9w CA8tTLF:. hurden 600 toot; J0El: TH-ACKICE: .rnnander. tof the Y',smeoerahle ConMpanI ' Service, and late Cot. rm-rerof the Sarahi; eyingin the East India acc port ofock. This shdt has bee, newly M itted in a most coamodious styte, for ithe secow mt. daricn ofpasengrcrs, anid casrits an experiened arlrgeoe. For freightar 'ustge aj,lty to D esIrVI . ENDso FohbEs, And Co. 2,MaFTsiishbo onse.stce tmon. fbecrontbie, 4, e tlehinlane; to Isbister and e -lotreley, ]] L.uetso c =v "nt to thecommander,attbsJersathlem colehdnsMe,anr f,'Sw Lt' f'ond:xtt strret .O r to juessr. Gledstaners, Pryadae, and Cc, lErchln-iaac. ORDEN CIA C ToRhS on zoOLoGY, IllstratIve of the ClatshMa lwomeetlia RXt,IReptiles and Pslcs, and of their moSt remarkal-ch extinct Lat1 Sptel , ll be commenced by .. lieRWOOD ?M.D. F.L.S. &e. on Thur. the 4th of aatch. at8 oel.&k p.m. Mr. Partinglton will 'fellser hit lhird Lecture on Nalteram and Experimental Philosophy ne Mc;da. the 8th of elrch, at 8 'clock p. m. t)SESGURNEY's CItEDfT:tsose CD-Y TORSS who have rAot ret sent In an aEcount oMf the debt aue tH them 'roa MOSES GURNEY, late of the GentlemanZs-walk, Market. Ilce Nz&G-orwneh Bainc ond ~ spiritinercasti, are re5qdettotk 12c-tce, theta D^riVIDEND of h5isESnTArT ar'ai;d tEFFECdTS sabonto tok bc made, fro. the benefit ofBl,hie h they v:ill he exhuded unes theer acoun ts rec .~ent to me on or befosre iatureay. the 18th day of Manrch John C order, TThOS. 818.NDLD, iun. Solientorfer the Trustecs. ! -'c pJacenPWell-a,e London, Peb. S5, 3824. ,ORtD ENT'OLie. E, Bi1ackhcath.-'The Trustees l!wJL of this tollege dohnereb qgiveAnroticed thar theit ate11 atormseasslt'csh eseso hrsday Whthoe We8than ofh Marcne.y t c'eIock p-ecisely for the purposzof El.ECTl.N, THRF. MeRC,iANTS tntos thle sad College. No appicatIon.s can he receIved 6ut fyoin per. sons W eho have been merchants, are members of the Church 1o EnIgnd. of te arNe of SO years or upwharts, of r nPeasoed chal -tor, nakndr tre droposalst confor tote reeeugauitlesand reuati heon, of the C'lety. Allsuhap)Ctin blctltn r most 'etdeliere,tonor bfor the~cb01 arc. t W V. mit, King' trenasurerd, oleaw-,renei -UTnhe Dr )ano-sr At Whr n u therifomtln mayt H he th bai e Sk. p3 E-- RSIOARY INTEREST SOCIEuTY.- iLChairman. WILLIAMi TllOMPSo.N, Fg"t. M.P.asjd Alderrman. Dcputy Chialrman. ZACH 'RL ;IhCAULEV, Esq. DIRCECTORS. Tn, Gi*5,esne Sahinaton, esq. I John Mtasterma7n, csq. 3. Chiatlsan Clement Hell, esq.I Thonias Slooks, esq. John Chapman, csq. Thomaas vigne, es- cv mp uios. ay, lfre, Tnsq. 'rt6ressrs, biistsr. WVhitmore, Wells, and Wphitmore. Solicitor, George Stephen, eso. ThVe Directors o-l prsudead,thto ecitePuPOSL reoure the ex ALDe 0e1o re15Sa0Na' RY,adth enVlo aROllTrestericealors ersoni al,urndu mpotlceso witisurthce on Livcs,o'hof evsierubealte ari,vmoest. Form; for ainio th roosi a be rje nthsmnectnsqeIvd rtjnitu Wat.l'i)r thatffc uofethe socity. llapp.lctlrons byc lthersistzant he otprha bed. on GeORGE STEPHEN, Secretary andtSolioltor a to the. Society. b~c,o,e scompicatd, t 1d7, KipndentonIrohibiti onemanecproeel EW ER.L ASSOCIATION pofl the SILK eT re- Fent -able th Chane llr t of the ab e equct uo th e r opos ed at . zier orgf th pge ilk Mannfatyr, adehsirdmiato lla Inthe anxpimetyo"i "We dcnthrenhu the cOuenmntry, pou theLgnatutrey tis daynhadan rI;t underthe~W and stinsatchem ofproini ton,o h tadvera fliatge ptl4sl-. ,We=barkelonot lthe eFpresient ocIrhcumstanesro thare lktrade 1anpWAIi any-al=teraton thadplon followl emedlatdIthon nthe isionoftdu "WtCe aretfr-t eraand the atibill the exptterieace 01Y,ety a Wears tn itiHn majy Geansiowht`may betthe euectioft repel f at-I-,gt ad theoi reovlk to sald restirictions fom tlabourt a,nd aiton. inthe rbbto bl t hetrdcrno McoLdetrshde nlaovementY% Insthe o;hai tocan eclaren o thistmmenoushtl ruenfsion, Waduty. uitttha nudec~xgr tegdbxtfsoiaas.seoul behicht t thiemnaturae-h, beeng ton.l t lwpateentse s ntopresd, andivityeanddstcnt o rhibition andprtc mton.taa copre.wturn eeriain to th rncpe f phtlne alecjnty tne ttrXi. ZTcentda rhow.ever Lu. Iheheabrrat)Itbotstoanf y car f 8rat p anyial timecut, andichcul e at reset ezrle, at exLtzrifty.' ~ ~ IInthever~~, "Wey -11 no sedre the Gofrnmento andthLeisl,atur thconitd1e rpcrat underil o the deitIguytem Iof prhalsltlnnave Iry-tedafe attauiol.labe Ieammuaro n. Loe eloyment ofarch.e vr JONnerm P opujij 1-asee aBLToL epdfr ussnc.adttinths quesigtion 'te sssi_ n CO The fomrad h tbiseof thc evIterAlWRS xrvlyced re ittingele dut n-sl osa d entirelieuCona- wit R anyC14C alTera?in1in the prhiitont rXthsl tedradenw enjoy and wee tho not hesitat to de clare ha hoa ti ensilnof twty, ufiende judlectos eguai ol eabo to thet d .'- e iv Ing to t alli goitary derere lnerceed ativit and strareth -next, nwitb r aion douped Withte ayrdetermnatrionltor"fv]d. lidteterpLle. !pon, it woel he.. kreSigdd5alcasso the true hW tan& Te asCorievous Afe iactr bea-o Hi mtsetysGerendcledht they will no' ~~~ th N 0-separaeusuty rom proibition and tiattl Oils,pr lu at thhelhae mmdat atdtie A-Littrent wnT, ensarsgun fande reuligls A ISitpCtJRi A IEUMA. r Uterxlxe. what b t I hYio8eov reaatiottin'art% and Sn, 26 Lqwr Eatn astest, ili. Pre tenLders for 8x*utin g' Vie eoues, cco thxiselythe namls,an asiemtefe aesnGof . 0w1-mfit-en serifaR- theIt deffpeerformTIaceo rathecontbric, toftese frup. and oy adirectd t byithe Chur ch oamitoree and peravvsed itono utheirStcfpj-, Mr2W, Evret* Euiom,-on.thel'20114th a o nuarc.ext on or heeren 0 - SOSI p Sayatr OIh ac i fORi '~ forhti Ith dftnisroand of j tile Paig U. in a a Rs'iahertsN Wetn ninyqolthatb.itis, arnd thsaein.W -Xr. amiltn's Ky -athe bs Mottri Sled sf -od lotwdSoapO,is resef uu be! amlI on nSrtes , for all or Bdretona-p e swat, bmPefore t12'lock, bwhen Pml SA of tlw siuhLtnI 2kqulre in tha best 4c thal tiA e ~~ U~~tecalor Whch aaev-r -, prdeeli-Sl ninh g 'tie Zd0. Wtar, at 8 rcock lb2 the evreninig, and WfllbOtlntse peliet AP-aeFrench Cawts tmIll rnaee nWd aeei,.teS ~ Ssfcloc?lreeiselv. Pertctknwemday0 1Ov O Wrd i ofte I in ioea.M. ailo est h . h Gpel oiSt. John, In enhblfOck,ei e reziI$fdl'delTivryto hlspupil3 as, thp ulur -e as h 'E" ulWe on the -i&nliltoniaf"sryte,frhchuldicto.ac the 4ayend lo' at wy eiPeflPr08 wv-0mmay ber accuratel prdce.-Jes~hGek Oesn them Snayhe*lee AS ccordtuusg to hirseIl 'LOSTi,a:white: -aort:' hair TERRIR DOG, ih .K,d"t'umf!p.,tsil,wblae1kisth snxrkon: h us edn'pteti' .vStr wvill btl~r,him' to Mr. Laylleids rsKas aibt-ete haltsecefve~~~~~~~i ~~~IRWARO."~er ?t~pc~~ilak., Apiy ollPJoerN, 13,wllO thrb-tuet~ Shie.yd ~Shdayxeeted, fom Inthemornring uttlidusek, Anittanece-is. To thPl~orIEMoS o-f RAST INDIA STOC. Lades nd etlMen. TN ohsquesceof thev lamented death Of' Sir Thomas -.1 eid Bar. tak th liert .of ctt the honour of your vots nt eupot s i CNDDAF~for the ACANT SEAT 'is the * Psssimeto xpes -my warnietat cknxwledgsnents for the irlnd encouragmnt h il I have received since the Iat- election. 1o, Sniit 'CPeCfuIy,todatreat the eontinued exertions ot mny friends, it being mydtriin to proceed to the ballot. Ihv h0rionr s- 101,. Ladies btid Gentlemeh, New Broad ~Yourr aostobli ed faithful servant, To rthe PROR OSo AilT INDIA STOCK. Ladies- and Genlnet JHAVE the hoort nomyu thlat it is. not my,3 in- tention toO frgefto 1111 the SEAT in the DXIR C'rION wvhich X.bom ACANTby'the Deathi of your late highly i'espeeIted itnxd able Dict irT ed,' bart, I hey at tthe sarme time to st'te, very respectfully, that I propose to conme foi'ward on the uoailon or' the nex opensing lyhich may occur-, whien I 3shall have the bopouT o 7 submiitting miore fully the grouids on which I ptesume to so'dlcityonr eonntenancee nd sulpport. I haye the houour' to be, Ladies and Geittlensen, ha Your faithful and obedieiit servant 3'1, t7ppe.- Haries'-streer, miENRY ALERANDIER. Matrch 1, 1824;. To the PROP-Pi;r6RS~X'InpsoK Ladies and Gentlemen, TN consequence of the lamented Deatlh of your late Ahiglily reepectahle. and estveemed Di91rector. Sir Th,unassRefd. I Ieg lezve again to -lsMroauee usyseif. to your klotice as aL CANDIDATE MNr 'upplying the VACANC Y oeiesionead'l;~ thiat tegretted event. in rmY crelisar of the 11th' NoYember, 1893, l'took the lIlierty' oj submitting to you' the.public n~bziAds uponi w,hi'h mny hopes of ob- t.taInng youLr mrniport and. suigraesc are fountded; and I now beg'tc ,renew th,? xpressior. of miy resolution.to.pxaoe mteblo t h enstilngl~icetion. td&h bieb h As todersuld tat soe dobtl hve ben itetotlned resleeetinX the ligbi~tv o mybeig'dosena Drecor,and thbat 'ha objectionl hAs eenebsFtec totoybeigehoen,foudedon'tlhe aupisesition of my bingaPen'one o~ he C-ow,, Ithlnk It right to 'Selree tha, I.Cn.ltnpnsindr f te' row, ad'th.it lani in pioAiessinnol ' f th highst La .',sth'ties in this eounti"v that-I ain .w th disualiyingclaue ofthe 13th -George Ill, cap. 63, Allow e to rhn'n most incereackntndIed9cme nts 'for the kindrecetlo I' avealredy xperenCd irton you, and to add thati I shll Ue uy betexetios topay sf esPects to all tihePriiprfetors; ~honet ny oisson tke lace I rustyouirill hatve the goodness tc asetbe t t accden, ad te shrtnss fthe pealed that nsa)' Inter- b ave the honourto he, with the gieatest respoet, Ladles4 anid Gentlemen. Your msst obedient humble.,ervant, 13, Blruton.,treet, Ma3rch 1, 1824. ROBFRT T. FAItQUIIAR IR R. 'r. FARQUHAR'S COMIMITTIrEE will SITr 17DAILY aLt thl'eLoudqn Trivern, Bishopagag.te-sqLreet, whereailI Cons municatioiis'relative to h is Elettion iwili e-hclaukfelly received. Cosminitees liloo, LondoT' Tavcln,' MAVelh 5,1P8245. La9dies and Gen tlemien, AVAVCAN"CY having occurredt in th6 'DIRECT111-IO of AYouir AFFAIRS by the laniented death of y,our late higbl~ valud 'iyetor ir 'hosssReid, bart. I beg to offer myself a., a CANiDAT f~'r'tiss hih o aicelad mnost earnestly and respect. foully to solicit the favour Of your support, it being sy detenminatior to procces4 to the balloL~ _ lo et tenider my grateful Acknow!edgernesets for thle Trery fatrnasirRnces of support which I have received ott mly ca&nva-ss, aind likewise to assure you that l amn not,'dlreetly or i'ntirectly. in concert or alliance wit siiny party wrhatLever, that I ami en tifely free from from, enxiagements in buiness. anzl'thrt f Inolc tip solely to you; unbisteuly auffges and the exertions of soy friends, r astrl firm, that nmy prrei oisl objects are to promote the In. tersts,f he onsp ny,of hic I ay ater msyself that I havesa compten icowlegefom ocalinfrmaionand esperience acquirel durIg aperod f 2 yers n yur ervce;and tis obtain eniploy. montin he npernte'deccofhosintreststo which I amattached, andto hic a rreta 'trlon.)foy ifehas beeni deroted. 1 hve helonort, be wiisgreat respect, Yorvr atful and obliged servant. CHlARLES MACKININO.1q Camden-hill, Kesssington, March 1, 1824. T-o _the ff']RPIE26tS of'EAST'It6IX'STOCK. Ladles and Gentlemen, TN consequence of the Death of your late highly esti- A.mable Director, Sir Thomas Reid, I th%ave thehbonoui to lnforar 'on, thakt I shall redeeni the pledge which I gatve you ten the 27th o, -Nlovemb er last, by proceeding to the ballot on tise oeeasloni of the pre. sent v:aiascy. In soliciting youir attention hi the subjoined resolutions, passed' at a meeting of my friendft, permit me to add, that the siirnserous assur sorces of support whicheb I. have since received while they afibrd me( every prospect of success, call for my wairm a)Ccnowledgernents; and]I ventre o asur vet, tat hitld beplaced by yoiur favour In the hig an tspnnfbl siuaton o wichI aspire, my time and atten tlss wil b deote to ts rduus utis, and mny heat exertions witi be usedto mainain and~rosnot the vaious an mpornr tI nterest, whic areeun-sate Co ,osewho avethed'cino your alfairs. Your~ fatithu and obeIn srat, ii. T. G. TUCKERt. No. 3 Upper Portland.placee s ac, 1824 idr. Plucker'si committee willsit dal tteCty of London Tavbrn Bishops ate-street, wvherc any commuiatosfrora Lis friends9 iil~ betan~ffuUlyrecelA1 highly~ rsWetable Mfeeting of Proprietors 0n Easttoda Soel~,s-slat theeCity oi' London Tavern, on the 27th ou Nqov. 1823, Sir THOOMAS BARI NI, hart'. M.1P. In the Chair, rhe following.Resolutiosc wvere passed unanlenously: I1st. Proposed by Sir. Alexander Johnston, and seconded by George Cuimrisng, essi. NM. P.' 'Thaipnathe administr-ation of the affairs of 'the British possessions in India in voljveselse exerhiseof every function appertaining to a screal and powerfui Emiilrc, it is of esseitlal' imnportanee thltat oi b Mniter~ls of the executive body SppoliAted to regulate and control the conduct of the local fsnthorities, there should be fouind a due propor- tion of indIviduassi, qsealitled by. emuploymnent In the- several dlepart Ments Of the Ptblice serviceln Iisdla, for the efficient discharge of thai great an)d responsibledutir." 2d. Proposed by John Martin, esq. 14. P. and seconded by Williau' RLemIngton. esel. 11That Henry st. George Tucker, es. having in thecourse othetive service ini India, comprehending a pe5riod of2 years. diisch-ATged the f'uncztiOns of 'several of' the highest Civil OOffLces in India, epcal those of the Financial Revenue and Judicial ]repayrtnslit withlll degree of ability and success that Ieea lyitsn . ohn 'vthe re corded aprobation of the authorities both at horne and aboad (a, fully set forth in the official documnents circulated with Mtra Tueltet's address tor the Proprietors of the 4th MaY, 1821, to 'r-isich this nheet. big pa.rticulil-ly reqluests the attention of thec Proprietors of East India Stockc, that G-entleman possesses, in the opinion of this m3eet. ing. fair PreteInsio'ns to aspire to the honnurable anid Important 4ituation of a Memrber of the Executive Body of the kast India Company." 3d. Proposed hy, Thomas Weeding, esq. and seconded by Thomas TIlatt~he acessio of kon-lede andexperlnca wIch 'Sir. Tuckr wold bing o th Cout ofDiretorsin aditin togenleral ealets ad acuirment, mut 15 demed ecuiarl ':aoahe in the General, judicial aodd, venue anid c inddb th berFtu Tb t nadto,t h quaihleatlons above noticed, Mlr. Tucker hasha a'noprtny ofacuiring an extensive knoonlQdge of lbs principleso omre n of their practical aPPlicatIon to the reel- .proc'al intest o O aidthe miotlier' country, lin eonsequence o~ hbAiavng edte ieo Public Or '0Coinmerefal Se-cretary to lbe Supreme Governme, as" f hic having been Placed In other situ,. tfoitas lnvolrin~'tjeprctel details of eommerce upon a very egten, Elye scale :' .5tb. PrOlsosed by RichaLrd Campbell Dzetet, esq. anud seonded by hRt O the undof' these highl qlIficatIons thle proprietor,% Present atthis meetIn-, actuated hy thjeesalre of upItodifl1 and efrCacyofthe,executive body,. *ni'nestly reeommeuf to thewePrh, Prletr59f55ttdia Stock the election of Hlenry Si-. George Tuc-ker, e3t. to a seat in tioe direction oni the first vAcancy whbich May occur, and Ple.dge themKelyes to employ. 'thelraefo eenos rhes cuolpllshmeuit of thtoec. 'TObS Rl('harn. .Sfir Thomas Baring havintg quitted the chair, it waslimoved by Sir Alexauider Johnston, seconded 'by'Thoresoss Hlaucey, esq. and resolved Thati the n 'anlcs f t'hIs rn sttng be 'ive11 to Slh' Thomas b~aring, har. fr hs vry btconidtict In the dhair. A Ta MEETING of the M rCiITSi98 WOO]gstple-% alarmith propoij FWCtTTtin theeahest tieR o~ Britishi 8wool. epot lid.. 'I'at the 10~wol of thes uni ted:kingdon Is an article of vital IMPOrtance to this nation, froma the clrrenstrbnce that no wepol of a simnilas'quahlty, and adapted to the ISue purpose,anusoOl'n tnv other es,osa beodwd-I Thtttlwrate. of labour and otiler. Oxisen;eS Iin foreig countries, 'ustren cons ared with tioag at heome, t~enders it' cera8n that, so loins as Bith logwoa i epate t ee'pitdi t t~aw 5l11e,oui eLtport trade in .woraed rsftueswileex fotied-t ceaise, and terebgcaslumbers of induattil;oiufmfalellb ede of alt mleaue of subsistence,m an grat uehamont sof aedpial vsed In msAcIifterY. and grise-e W eaethe tmoutal lofapt.aor vesdeed rho- ly unrdcive esos to cause- the ruin of nsm_jb4rg'Wsb' airc ,gedIn hat raithof trade, htnletonbe.presented to the Itonlibth-jdo-f comons, a,a3JamrOilt th Hfr f.Trade,, raying that the petitioners and memnOrF',ulli.s maybe beard before aCoffiritrec of. Tb doos ofd Corsmoe or- the iught Hionourable thi' Council for: trade exatndoeg lwn ;tPlAntatons, bLefEte any: alteration takes Plc i to psreseht such petirdtt temrbtion and-nimo~~j n 507te00uy exqested' 5th. That aL cominal. ea the objettof th e biCtQ.ed apinted for- the purpose of Prorn4ting thieobboupnf tohns NW0.andcorreaS"ding with comrmittees in the 6th, That the ptitli)n now eadi approved,and tiatIt be signed and presented totnic H4ouse 6f Comarnous. 7Lth.. That theLse xe-olnitlons be Publishjesj in 'the Lesds Plapers, and In TheTimsne, the Courier, and the Miorunin Chronicle, Mr-FweetlivinleftheXARFAWICErT, Chairnman Rsle,That' the thhk Itlao Z 10tn be~ ~ ei "r Past'- cet tfor his able conduce ~ In the ci g.ti as well as f'or.1his2P2eall'ii aU OccAsiora for the 'prosperityof'- tbs aostwedlU' YmaUfaczture.a os6 T~'iNG' THEATa .~j~ L~NELLI respectfully to ifosm te Nbilty nd'Genitryv.Sbsorba r,*.h b OptrsaulthePulic tat hePIi~ ONVCVs'g of ANCIEN7%p etd MODIRN'AURE ]StISI,"em ilr t t~e Concerts Skirituels at P4s, ivtltajcphaen Prday ext the8th snift. ' tiepafyopal Per. ~~ Begnia,g~~~~~~~ad5me Vests-is. iai.adSignor 'Bengttj. LO5derb!t a :?to. Signor- F~or the, Solos-.MsdMe, Pa111g. tesss ide,~f-P!Qet MOnztisi. eand 'I(iesewptt~er,~ M r. liasiswl ridtthran il~orCocia'atth Pan6forte.' Theo-hAsaadhree ilb ele eteet from theejrsAt Performer's,' LnIoss o lwre fl~e iOsl~- 'Tips wvhole-,to ha Under the direioef~i~rlosn h sremslWng'cqncerts toQ be on the Sucedns-~y'dingL''t 'lart .--~overtur., -ftiltetre.qz Wbr-VseSenLt Wyords' 6f %iig Red'eeis.roath IFeC,oy a'heacjarsb'Iedme s-estrf%s Car;edojl 0lir' ,h Cr~, plfia'flde-Iiiagiin,the Uje4te4 'i`ucJ,VenOttJ~And.4 onjoinlrxn pati h W M OvAh. cliillyi,(. Wiltn. lOebligadtesi Aletesnoby3isgrgpatiad lfufld .Mye. AgVelsr bright iIl andef.-ltce;rm~bOsi"g~ ;X9 X?TELVi4. ANTDees1, ~g -te 12ie1MA.sI:sar, D,Ai ralt. .. - iED 0 . A.JTOKa?1n'dZ SsU{S,Qt Upr W f<ml . iU s-i; oresped6tab'le o~i pt; . nelthir.muvt b two rearof~ cArage, anThreemotbs : ch4adIeog treoulred For cardsqoefade. IXANTE D,-b. STaTJ~ ~'qis goSSodR, WhobuiPereou, SITo rtft sc)LtIMdortd LGThe-ousIes; cdian e5cped r11in'yaudnCo tipcptl eers' ne,di. hrf'ebar, te~?(to Appy.ps. 9 Gte-ane, at2.)Gurriv,r n'qae W ANED; cleyer ilaivdHQY.uSRA, mnoo..rcrtuler trleind*6l4'. i Ahere p. fotmaTfaCet busitltcr.mua be tsther yxearsen of the, aond - le woh ibe' charaCerreequ1iredit. For partd ouad ~~AYFRPa-rebye abie uetable ouna APP ofNgood hbiltrrlr-ntice; SIiAtherCAs ti"'v5ir terih p6int~mtreteis ani ofthsdltynn w.riterah& iieorneter .~,,'APPIca hfbFe attoears' pandO toal0f's hcemp. Apl, otb pad t2,orw-JrAnew.sqArT, 1 ANANTED, i a clvr -iiv oth o resiecag AN~T d of tPerstoivo, -fewilt dlc'oticly er prInu doororaurrIorere LeshrCtbweohwl ercIo one opfthlabnityr. Aprneniniepet.:'ipl ibyeter, potpaid to towi KepA thais-iee4G Thvr-tAD t, Souttucari dr Mndia-s, -.:~~~~~ithtofer,i oOrsfo ntA9F ihnr tevery qroVtnnlt'if in,p tovgcons isi af ordedre tolas Wis.l1peattebd-kdenAe.stcc : e ae'toehs..nr.od B, rding4c c Pies ShocL, ca i~desir~u of Competing te C\ediOn-~ pIanlestro stile iyeaco-,e I 'ofs. Adres,p -ssit ting rom,at.M b. Mtdie's stationer-. Cheyxe postpid, Celsedaf. .D.a r Br Ielas tesaigill n priuir- il ANTED, to-RENTord PLA4$x30 jaLAdie Kent:rtc-r ous munst b-omjrfot.id,rseor I laiiCs-au6den 13'uls.ea e-applytoM, trr trnoaet w9 flck ~~oeS-i'oad., ..tiighuse a ~A.NTED., FURT-2NcSHnts;s LODGe,tIIINUSE, Furnt- Wnshdor otherwlAes ,ise;nj o fiot c,&ndwbekdraw6oiletrooom.the C vit).co .taihlgdr bedron vroohms, a0( -ltn roornst a n .Catwirthaetue lete,o stiiirefrrd. t Al etearoc, post paid dietdt .1. r ..F ur be lipledlate.yatne o --ANTTED,a stoRa'Ty PU-i-roinall, fria too 130A NV' X Her,of ae, within-0Vork'\!l of IAofKi Lnds'n,lr Family o Ienmut: tb-hue mofepnyattl omprise eerles tha-Sbedtcio nd-rs,nd palain rooksing arondrtie fod,wcharaectere ofrc laed -x3 p'll-pejInquiare Set, post pasidto Mr.Jo.te s,i ho'ase.agn,itc -ofed,WOi twt 1T~~ AN*I'ser,ia s.Mercit'y woisnlitrqiredhors, una CLtERK, bus bee accuktmedto kee bok. LSbre ilnry Z22d luines cp b.c-o writng ltters &c. 9. itrly01he-oit TemuIr5. .- miLette a,eod pau, Wth ealnam, ae, siCsltitsgiri-thosse qt ply ri thnb ne, art has cauld Co.'s.. tecyalM E t:h mrd. a .dldig .. TANTHED,o- oui WidoSH w, Lv-ith-oS,t iui-n the kV ne Th~viilger4,o fSson's uinnrc. whed dsaitherm are-n -ch1,iTR'cd t3se otad wate hlovet at the reate oft3abi 4 g rimeas. latieel. Applrecb lte,postt paid, to ).lr. Z roc. 18, ell'hs;tireelt,n Illib.rar- -erae WANITE ), to aEN oyalprvt P aurrAlv, iter th:re areih - blidrho,,TOJ ItAT of St;un.od leet`-pO!rk.- b~aymswtq Onder.o stand godlap n e,,orlIrItn, mads not wdhizi yeses Of,Iqosde t-he oter us roousemaid. abu dr0 ydrofgi, 4spriu.npsCbed well~ reommended"t fedm 1hat lstplaces,n PotuedrAepst knddy at Ire 'sse os.97,-C gue-tye13 -VKAN`FT,D_,P1F,IISCd yoUNgI PWOINSI,Sro by5 way of V iny.yctvs.ofthge, asKtloVAier ofnt,WiefrtKiieirerular Family- bhe oetuhed uof amleauy n rehnd.-operlssyail.e, fnde.hrst and plaI 1ooing,andabe As' at Is onlycharactenorafryhe lastr,b plahe.s -litur ato ~ [7ANTIM), a-'Young M~-AIofV,petoShl1iRENoTENDa '~ CARPFTcalcnu W REHtel RSiR-SSh.ml As,e honllougeh the-only obleeto of i the aevtier, eseutith wrll bre hirsi saIry l,beuponera tual ref{eretidnce leqired iinsh be admitisef o.b ld to amhae nthe lOusi.ne, retrs,peutab paid ', t Avitul 10 cotrc:sort, asemplc.ne An nsidde kbed Poerson woldnt bde objelcated to,b mhade aby lnetter.ie, aost he addrssetA A ' Z' N J,fr. Harrloun Widow, Cwnillu mun,ase a 2 S4ITUzATIONfi as. . ' FOOTMAN or -Lad hoasd nd choise., oin Igng2oelhave a noo reonbmeidtion torom sit 0s Lpldce, oireto thpos.t tPniit, and canP .5 1harles-tost repedtabWltminicer.nctasos ~~~~~tprrumAdrs,post paid, to X. . . at It 'wlb icltn balTrae IITANTE, to RNTS o IVANTED.P. liberal nerigh-wil 'I I burho,lOfUt sN'swod REgNTS I' Apayolrk, Hrmiysw estate ro the Clps-o-rgo roadt, wtin--mlettr s;b poft pomnere hose cheerulRweHAbult IorSh csnabiri~alpreaL%lsis,roonve, ar-dinine Tho th adtadraroinghroTies frophrIncip bd roms.or d Idomesti ofhieroelfpje wt ae,ad udgrel Rentd no o3 22-iColemanfic-treet. wilo. wilt battentoedt.- I~~7ANTJ~DL, F rVE -HUNTIED, O 30NDS, by twyof an-dr othe0I0e, at l per et,ient.from beserycarged,upo l~lnurale.As t IsoOl fd a ernorary mste-. Priniale oit tohei to St. i-I Cop, Slelor, leui;srLi t o Mr~i.Bromd fley,estater, ~7ANFED,a yANg MAN,-toSUMEITN respestables f ya le man,t with aut eorxo s fate to ese'abone coJers . Ioseil apply i-ylte,p icaion -to b,e mae y eter p o rstpi, APnYheaUle(5 hs AN Lo ron. the.bu priotir wah tursa Wil b. StUeATION asFOTA,violokafe os adchIe ca nve PA odRENTomand'GARlDrmJi a-st plVAceTEDirct post pLa.Id,to e. P.ndA5othares-sry,et. esltmise.'~4leuaeYDtha apo APROE ''CE R Sit-atyoungI vr MAgbl, of serou gan4tst- capelmletableconeajsh wie&lies to-tLEjaRnd teduabion.efereInes -ueeOldtede Al- oeratepremium.vO Adrcqfes, ps appldtoJones.atd sA Resgect.ab 2,ClemYan-stcet lisestter obausnc 5~a 1UA be gIven for oueleepurWh reNatS;Apyo thr. Brolylay,estateu Ot A ,towwnc SlIerl If erf itat Ia eitheir-of-vat skptShe tpruhfre rtotCalysit1rostandor lirdatr iest t llnOcUSfmbere fteould bestatefere. Nofal s-afleepePrin0sIpI or ther 5ollcit~~~rs arer eqosete ~Mt to apl,os-pi,oMrBrn ivlly,ete a[I ag,adofliAenteel ans E,a-U f 4O),o uIdesTtand~ sfeuriyofIrgedhl rpryI hen,horodo london. -'rhefotg,ereh t fssanr hafpecntInirpeoly detOflTe erhu-sbnand o,14lnhefttobes .Olc-tet atoi -f OrntGrApctae,-WArnTE,:~ hl . Fea tftlla6- nesttso amplre ssdpste paidsaeI h onisitSse as Jas ppy.(i.h lter pstpadMAc iesTAGHrING M-Bsgt5nKltt. - ApotccsCes'haI*honon.i5binolger cot pinciasor' theanirsleicitor' will b ttcaed eih. ue - ememyb al orndrzr 'P0 PARENTSandtG'SUA RDl agNS.-WAs'nTenlabyle -L-SSlltciinand ~othesu-, Inthe lt~' ivell educted Yrt, as -o an APPRNTICE. idoiititajo I "ofliibe ~dtheagreats wIllbn ie ote-p~hso on oupk i-xepetsbeonesud will u5,dSt.taady-been.liea emu wilutomreed. -tpplyh to tioner -and. g-roeryplhctas,but.does,iAJt wis'hes t dbti aM- SIclar he- hLJ.. 'I1oN as o01odLAn sCurOtK4.nd'ouldepeetalsaml. lltecate orasp7 Cookard avlo- inlouse lfeer phr agrtefeh aml.i;ly.ayeidou Iluor thin- eor"yays ia-Jeoi SWe perfelI nnder -tonsle biic Priosentfamfdiy-wul bt te preferre.. No pilretneesbpewr luedpl;no and one Is hinte to,iheadverely ar bil),-etnji ch ose0t~ DirWest pafd,- tq liat. .io W,od-uideatt,oupes*III p-a - h-e - - ~%re-spldeof neeaityslde:fo. IT-- SfINJE aml4,SPIRl-T TRADp I' fh t -Wine., - r and-Spir 1 -Me?chant, sho us carrl on ire2nseetabebuai- n itl and Ish. ,premses are-weu adaptC?for- c9mientrextndiithrtrae,.wQt14.Wieh-tq:treatjW1tli anV,'Geo- tle anr AT gE:etnexls imouldncreaalth -bpelnee,' a-nd who wouild jc 'Qlabld gto ad-vanled from--il, OLw- 00t ,0001;- w.here, with only -ltial .attn ton to the eorcern be-ren trmOng, nOd Itsite f Its co q n-.t to r ily Ox6rfiPt6d-fr6Wi the tjslc ef- baddbt,diiV If s to extemdtiuem asthe inerae-bf-oapltul. t1iriclpxhi only'i,thr nwmme ndd 44dss, whohave h ab.WIttvofbothk wlUb45tfekted. ilorh tlhwbtn- '-..- , vez,s' d - L ,t1beiafpterIr - ; R. CvfARL3LVS, YOQU :0pifullyFI PJ Rs his' trusce., Fy,<uncsualtyvand attentIon; hed sh'lbl belotidS 4edexmng'.of'Ie I 'and a hsl'f 4teWIgtyw3f bteantfon Ccu7rkd wl.#,st t ._ rbett eeq~ f-h~acheatile t ph ~'OtJR TUOUSANi\TEGUNDSIWA,NT El , ID lf El Uestrinabt,.1e scurity.vi Apply, pefsoaliy Or by letter,' pos t paid, o es;,r,. ;odginand.hstuelK)os l,Saibr.aret Srnb flO'. 1,11MNEDRAPEILS."WANTED, TWO aduivi JLclever- VOijNG I%EN, for the drapery asid haberdlasherY. Apply Lt 1Q4. NtlnOxless or Syeas, geteel Y01IT11. abouLt 15 years of age. lie 2mimi rri~~eagooiihand en eclever attacco.Otlt S. A ilberai premium-t,X. )eeted. pplY Wbyle tter,'post Pfld)i t) 4,B. 5(5, Chzincery-hi:ne. cais be satisf'actorily rccomilnendedI, tJ.~we~lO3OglVeltSSONIS inthe FIIENCH LA'NCTSGE., S1i.nping, rodDrailP. r o egae wtha rspetssbie Family ac Morin - IeMfees. Lettera 1mvb ddreased toA.Bi. at Mrl. Lupton relf1o's, )ookscller, Cornbill; A P fC AT .WN ,an A F- I LIJ pllgNTICE to the Grocery business, In the city, to board and odge In the bouse, for ttie termn of - years: a pmralmiw Is expected. '.ddrss, ost aid,to A.. cae ofMr. ilso, priniter, areville-street, '~j"O PRENTS ad GUARDANS.Ai Lady, of long experince I tileMillinry an Dhes lute iishesi for one it wo APitENICES Thei morlS ad donise,tic comfort wr;.l be sarieslary htened o. moerae pemini eisuti e. Ap ply IIt 2lrwerdlsh-squpLee: OOK.-NTED, in ~aCoffeebouse, a steadty, actire Peein,i. as COOIK. She must pezfectly undierstand her'liuslitess nitd lier characDter beset tooestrlcte-t inquitry, RS the iftiitsgnientOtof tie dtrhen entirety devolves uponlher, and good wsages at'e giwen. Apply, muv tutne wiithin a week, at 'Mr. tizirding's, grOcer, I8, llridgehp.",- fX7 d T 13ft,BEER P _BRMM ERY ?A activ F~lDIAlltt a proplirtion thereof in'tile abOYe concern to gTreat aiean i rage. rile trade is deity, Increa-sing, and tttS broving conducted i,y the proprietor upn.iniepe1vitciltrS Iishe mns.t 6Atlefawt-,r)- rv-- rercienre wliU be given and requir,ir. .lddrcss, poe!t paid, ti, X. 2, Vlsi NorIs-E!treet, Iled L.ton-sqiiare. l4olibuorn. ropo PtARENTS anid GUA1tD1ANS.-WVANTED),in i 1. a Finishing Scrnlniry thlat bal been established for iupwards ofl Zbyearys. a you;niz L`Da of gelitteel cOnttn'0r15, to Le AiTITCLIETI for Sor .5 years: if this lastter slhe rair,t he 15 years itt -:Sc. She seil;l be tdildr.t&.fora private govcrniess.~ The oR1t n-4itl.fefstwor rafcrretrle kWilt lie given and required.. 'To Preveiit tittiibe, a preiltitto f 100- 5tdss. wllbe eslte lt 3yers.an I 0 or ..Letters, pustpaid. tobesddtressedto..a eir. rthran os,bosles 2 Ave-varirsi.ISne, ,at Sr. PAUNis LXO SES.L lA TE,aI-'IrO S ihr Fr-i- ~ vae liwithPhori, ~n rpaIin; less ngoddtaln! lit En htu'e,.aid nt uderatati,dtog the naueo elor,o Oins didierdly in their matf;e Itit, rnsy inakeastsatr arngemen With the adsierttser. Adordys ful parti as,~ee ad o1 .at ~ in the preferable part of Fentchureli- -L stret, tiC good SITS ofROOMS,eonsplietely dcted up, as.4 tounlsi-ilooek Forpariculrs pplyto C. ftiecdnrd Dlvoni, I i!. 0pobe LET, a ItRST or SECOND FLOUR, or a YFirst arid Sevond t'!oor, to,-6ther writht aL fruit k,itchen, att!o, %nd every eonvenicemc, oni reasosisbib tsrms: it ta. struale in a plea- satut atnd asiry part of !Sloane-s,treet ; q s ale rm1 conifortat,le housze, where thero are nio Mr!dren. F,fr furticr pirrtiessirs applsy to Mri.. 'hadwvell, P'ostanicee, Ohel4ea. 0p be--LE T,. it] thle rtIg irboz ood Or RIs-sc]l-square, - T th &ztlhf)UN O F Lof6i ancil glC'IEtsS Of-a prirtae house. Any; -mof,q -ii,nal or ithier gentlemniai ishing to ibtain olficesIn the above Iluton ~ud flind tisens missi deMfiable, a, lie atoine will have tile-, "rvl5eoPetering bl, the fronit door,') al rl comunlcatiou heilngeut Arsr'mrtlile re3t if rbfhotse. yrcrso iiis pl :6,Cep side, 3, 01'308et ictod-qar,or5t Orifori--treet. 1,V.Obe IE .o E SE, -by '.)e 'orshijp ftd Qojn pili ]L ofBwye sfor 7 or-14 years, frosn l,ty-d-sy next. TWO (F,ARN0ss. situgt,d ait I.,Ie~ WjItomi. betweaen C.astle Don:stugsot:1 and Birecdtn. ii ,clii.estcrsbiti bt;VI-i free fro-m 5,0r -atel -ste farim ontrslCtIr5 o' vt bed dwelling-hos, ans .tthkices. ut-)tues-, asid 2-53ssfreieo if Fand, aend the othi cnitigof a good diellgl be arris. dtidt )utboviscs, zand 15 ce fln, hi the rtsllective occuvati:ons of.1 ri. 21aerk and Mr.acset.PTe arnir adi.nll but do not ititermlix. Pro,o-al,, for tabbyg tie can- salVrwit 1tent per anis,lm is~ nffrred, end'for-ii-sat terni, nib el os sd onf o" before thieichia )tareh instant, to Mesr.iyeedCverdale, firay'.-ini, outn. where 1latits of thje fera a . en alals fluayst,eo be vern at the~ :enftnts, enld at the NItiir Ars _asi inmttitn. E N -IL.-To be LET, for 2, I., Or 6 illnoisth, M PR th ssnsed'at vicnity of Hericrl-biM Dsilwieti, a FTitNIczILED rih'ltxGE,is it: st i,telma clhaisehonesr. n large garde!: and groanzd'. Possesirer ay be li it aly tlome s,fter the first weelt in Mlarch:. auspy a Si. Hmpitey's.bnslIder, Ilerne:-lsill. -__________ T URNHAcf~GREN.~To e LET', on a buildlin-g, lease fora tirio o5O i 99 e insas iy lie agreed uipon, avr hligbielltFof REE-itLD GltltND haisig a fro:irageof 300e towrds'iurnal-greli ad a ailiviuat frm-n:.-ge 0"Ol Pll eet to- Peris te eat. verookig te postei r the li,,rticcaltural -tjl. te-o futhe pirelulas aplyto sss~. e,i.isgs and lfiuIt.n. 4. ?P'i- r oTrTF,RI (4E.-To be2 ,ETr or SOLD.b M Nr. rF-tUTTrLEA7ORTrIt a desirableantd very, spacious RErtIiDC-NcF. litptdfor afamsiiv from India, or Sny large establishment. witS; %Iflp~Ceso evIery desc~iptlai,npleasLregrounds, plan)tsstins, ebmabberies. mnd aev-ers, iscssr~o th nIiwiid ay le vi iedi i'thI ~Ikto-t only-, wihich, witb psrtieu>-,rj, may be had itf r. Shelwt:lewormla, ~cRA NOB of ESTAT,,.---A FPS,E 13IOLI)D ESTAT, coprisng seeralspacoUis su.tiintiil dsvellisifl- loues nd i-snies,sitsas- n tle irt toroiggofare in the Cit%- of Loniiso n-ll b EXi-INGi-1. ponequitable princIples~, fbr a FREEHOL LANDEJ ESTAE.,iltatcd sit hin 3 00 sitles of 1,ontlisi. rile-Mie o tim exilalge ay e tkenat from.1 12.0001. to 210.tWI), 'simirss artcssars pot pid,to r.Shuttlewortl:. 27j, poultry. I r,'TTENHAM'.-Tb be LET, by, Mr. -SifUTTL- I TL WOi'tit a handlsonme VILLA ItPS1DE.WCE, adapted forae nu-' sscfous fasnily, wvith a lawvn, cacrti-ae- drive; and shrubbiery in fronit. ~ificeea of every desciriptioni, and excellent pariten anid paddoskit. eons-i prsn nreihole al:o--it 6 acres, aheeriully situate silthin Smrile.s sf .onnn,nealyopposite Bruiee-grov-e, in thle respectable village c-fs Cottntins,Midlesex. Ma- lie 've%-ed with tirer-et only, which Wihpriuas may be had of %it. Stsuttlewort1l. -2j; pmrltry~. C OTTIAGE RESIDENCE, wvith G~arden antd Orch1ai'd. -obe SO0LD; Sty blr.SI4t'TTIeE%yoRI', eCLiY-IIIL COT- PaG, -a ilesidernte peculiarly adapted for a young faminll, beautifultly lituatre at Ctay4-tit,Tottesil,arm, Miiddlesex, contain-isg a roanx ser- vatt'sroo, . beelamlers a resin rooml, hau&.t.nie drawing e.gteemhoose ad titothouse.Particulars may be le'nl ANISION andI LA.\D , at Birchiells, isear WVIalsl, LY. Staffotdshlre, eligibly situate fer a Scho,tl.-Tis te LET. and may beeistee~ed tipon itnnlsbd ate]y, osr at Lady-day lscvt, the MANS,ION sr WELLING-HOUSE called 13frebilf's-hall, d:stance I tollse front Walsail, off the roadt lead Inc h'Ii Statlord; eottlsprising numeru.sty anti spacdtus apartmentrs, and.ollhrdingat-eomnm lationsl for a large famuily it school r together with enacbhzioses, s,tailles, outbuitidings, gardeis-, and atnv-Vart of 30 acres of pstnire lasid. formiing a tewstisn the front if tisolsous,e. For - view of tlso premises and othersparticulars a?ypsy to alt. Darivell. solicitor, Walsall. T o CLOTHIERtS aisd SILK -MAINUtFACT URERS6. *1_ -To he LET',and entered on imimediately, ata moderate rent. srcapitaIFACTffti, of 4 fluorsaendanttitte, 7O0feetbyl17, situatelili Cslne, In Wiltehlrle, slth ahorsgewiheel. 20 feet indI%,aoeL6r; auiJjas;- 7or cloths or kerseysucres of 44 yards.asnda good dyehouse with fuir- aaceee close to which is: a capital screani of wvater, aloago i,o I floors. tf which tile above may be let either with or without.Thr roay be taken. erc irfair s-aluations, a quiantity of ali necessary elottbier- -nrimachinery. For particulars apply to. Messrs. W.ootton sod livea.sli,I iiolieltot:s, Tokesahouse-yard, Lot hbury; or to Mir. Siscon VIveash, l N~aine. Wiilts, ~ Al and LODGIG.AFamiily of respectaftility, Bi residinglis the lnslmedi-lc iinitY of Russell-square. is desir- aus of receiving;OxneorpTic, nloseti as INMATES. Ptt carls of- 3ildres~s app.1y StNMr. ATitehilCl'd 13, Stouthanitcou.ross, Rstssell-squr:c B aOiD ad L DGrNG IVAN'TED, by a Family, o toprns ecquiring two bettjtioms, in the neyborhi of thnous-In. Tf-ds nt t exeed1.-l. er ssnm. ddtressleiters, 50s pad oA .a0, Salisbury-street, s trawl. 5i~t UAR L aittn LO GNG r o in- ottly, f'or a -i~.L L) ngGentlemn,n at 12 c Bne'-hi1, 13c:rs'cosmons, in reaoate5 .Ifa boarer hei w ihve for hifs companioms a, foung gentlemn ntie profession. ID OARD and- LO DGI NG, -within 3 iniles niortii of Lon- "doss. In etnmall respectable familysand genteel neighlbourhonod, ,or a gei5tleman or-twos Iladies: tile situstion chieerful a!nd ali-y, anid stngea pausing every bali tiotir to and from town. Letters, post paid, :0 be addressed to, E. A. st NSr. Wood's cutler, near tile Flowverpot, ialhopsgitte-street wIrthin, -n OAFRD aiid LODMi1NG, in the City of Exeter.- HOAR andLODING or asilgle Lady, in a respectable amitt i thecit of xetr. Te huse Is slifuated in a ils-alth rpo MEMERS of ARLIAMET anid single Gen- Z.t1e~ea,FURNlllEDAPARTENTSto be LET, on very mon- ~ertedtal, oasitin o adrsvngrom,bedr-oom, and dressing teem Ot tie iretmino. Wth n erie an t sene of a kitchen if re. YTNIFURNISHISD APARTMNENTrS to be ~Ly'I' ~..consietingof a drawing Coons and large closet, p- large bed room, enti,.aboa~ided kitchen, a coai cellar, and other cotsveniences4, situiate in a street, leedhig to *iyde-~iark. Pot cards of' addtress ippsly- to M~re Varris, baker, - 63, Parkc-street, Oxford-street: if by aetter, post paid ., UP ERIORt SUIT'1of AFAR'I-TMEN 1PS, in the vicinfty :(,I-40-vendIgh.5quinre-~To be LrT with limimediate possessioun, a 35JITofAPART?dENTS, elcgaTdttyFurlllshled, consisting of two draw-. nir roocisre a large beitchamober, alId man servasat's rooin, situate sp-tsyde Cavevndishland.Portnmanniquafes. ejards of address at Messrs. PeRrse.and-Gann's offiC!es, 16. Vert-street,C~ayeldiihsb-qun5re. TT?4XJRI~HD AARTENTIS.-To be LET, .T.WOatadosndlOOtidon hedr idujr, a BEDItOO-Mon the tecnddoo, neor svs ttis,a fon ktchn,eat vuls,&c. with ~.plyS5yay,Xc4t unay,etS;Geatuseiistder Soolnbury, seteenhehous f 1 an 1o'coc, -NB. Rent not so much the A PIARTAMENTS to be LJ'IT, nea lly Furniished, or Un- LIfncilhed siuat intil plilsnt nd elightful p'art of BronsiP- ton soetrnuotel reoineistedby he acutyefor tile salubrtiy of til-ais he anityis omli ndresectbl: Vlemost uindeniable tefrecewllbe-ivnsudreqird. ers moderate. For fnsther ~,5lOll~AS5p1Y(ifby eter,pos pad)to J. Q. F. 11, Earl's-court 7T~flTM NT$.-T b~ LE ,.an. elegant SUIT of ,.~ART-"ENTSfurnished, in Lloomssbury. si-here there are no- ohhiidttor.osoh5 todgert, consistitig of 2 excellent drawingrooms, I atobr bin,~lnfd4~4e.C Or tile better p art Would be let o'assihgle-genltlemanT-oT snihil'familty of respectabloity. -Applita tSons. for!eardW to be--made to -Mr. Caldilcor .u holsterer, x3, feat Rlsseell-street." loo,sbUry: ifbyletters,poat pad.- L O.1WG:WN(& and .BRk FAST. single Gentlenain 'Zi.way bs ACColS.MODaTh8 with-, a comfortable-5LEEPINo: Ro.sl,ansdBREAeFAaT withthefamily, in a respectable house in th e- imhlWrie ircinit of Clmitendorg-diuare, Somers-toivo, shere theie:arenpchilAren.narJodgers; rTertin 14s. per week, or 3SI. k veari-s;Foreirde -aif,address aipply to Mr. tloyd, parcbnient.sellers Yru,ettsbbli'ldl.ngs, I3 olbormi - .-- - - -- 'IRNItSi{E AlPAELT\IENTS,.lrANTED, -by a UFshXfSSyiEueSdei APaRTMLENITS, wholly or iln pat,fiSshsed; bonsistlng mf a siitlisg rbona asid twro- bed roctme; rintl aecolnnodFtioiaafor-et oneort-o setyamits n ense-thefansily eannistbe Wraited on-i .Tluaprctnsnta ml,st beilstecsetahle, ins eas airy stuation, kEd,lvlthtl 11 O,Xn1ntttes walkt oS tug E;xciisnese - Rleferenceeby letfVet, post' paids>tb b& hddseided. to- 'A . i?. t it. -Parry's, apetioneer, .TowRr,strcCt. .n . -, . - ,- . -- -. .. sgertltatasodf;r pehlhbi1ii-s'5l i t- wroil ssliFlN ydTh t'l -ey til weieaid5gto avoid th;,e rrexePd ttQblq*v~eblestug-.-a' Thghlo I I ell turnlashed and In 3 most cheerful-aasdt- elrYftuaettOrr, a Stsort dis I ance from tile bridges. Aevply f'or cards of addredss ort direct, poser Ipaid, to C. C. at hr. 31oora I'i,5atloner, COraer oS Sidt-iane, Thysad lhCeteUsiletCt Cily.- the,'lOYAX S,RN'2 ztd:e with OlLS'f9'onc,yeRi., the Iz . tbe;iv. at n fu.ther, unltU 3 idohffli' rnhSeeshalt vetse ig555fm.ISy Qliheipailt ,for thc dtscofltlettalnce ni>..the .con- ttact i'riikteduDart s'illD,of tne ontrhrt msy bifcllFrd f9ffll'f the wicider-ittvid';t,te ttfiY;at.rt ieriee. Loh.doul 6r frotn .h,e e. s?evsrve bars-ack masiters B:' thatulans, Polteslnouth -tIvlaoitIti, llnd- , AF v J-,+Es it9Ia iFtiUC Fq eh7; .1624. 'n'TW' Co r]rDWiuBSe!etos- of ihie'Unitf'-z trn/a? fi. 'of kf. hlertlaOrir.q l;;l-le.d- t.adirh: to tIle E est ndie d;l hereiy * hie12onruDmeus,;' r'2rtbii'ho;. e,' i,cSadlshil. street, xm ;F.ridar the sifl or \Iareatet etlot r;se n;^wehObh;fof tl1e .'PU pse .of eO:ltR ting -thi cpesiders itt tefsteI nerleifi3wiEik)idn- l. " Tgth'klea,n.oj;)e .nrfs toini4 ^e1,in.hr-hprteietlrgssIbn. for-the repeal'of the dBt'i eaia'?Of.h 'Let Of e,sa3v3 co. ;ffeBPd-5, by wfhich the UOe;t olf -feetors ;r pre bit'eit trqn Xe3idI3 tO. yofl*4t. daurllng Cfoubr eriner at^y)r e tnb ac rs rI Dj-u-JsEH1AR,?.;eary.O .i2 - : J P tr ir- tr,i ioyos 'errlXY S Wsb ?iry. 12f3, a9 cehel)xo of:'g,r a?,ittis e I hlstflsd'e itaO dfre- hvet C',reriimae:nt-hengdatrljenndrF f if'gerI,,l ws dboiniate4..l th the l et ,,f YI.ay.-lSfi; and in rh ecsrSor drotrietpr%r{e-eiiid4ncinFrope, their ageites wecre slntit\Id to 7eatrEeqteisuts ni5tg- sOtlic the ount diste\las-ged. pasahlle eiozhteeo- .pths-aftcrda^ fid5fc271/ lntflie~st for th:.t period ,it the rate-iof di 1er._eisl. per-klwufe.in foiJct;i liaw:e been itsued te.(heeluid Onu-rrnfaeofl' st g>Sant Difi?; u)na <US Couttr fr r thle amnon~si' of lleh 'i'JUltI( .otWVi irt lI.estcs. fee 3Wbeh the l'roprletota suelieeCbe bona falt rceidc:lt'itii4uroifc.t 1?YaDathi ehe ralte of revs tiUogetlhe Sica rkpqr; i7hirqr-rurshrfas wsine a reaervarson 'f the Coulrt *u tli. oiitiuun,f phstp-anoglr aiyn;etn; for one, twos, or thrce yea;s- seTter ehe -osx-irtiod,of tlb,e .etirm Yi -f eigh teen ftlfnbl,UPOY- ]irx-lIIoi]Vj hirerecatit~theiat'e ls44 dsr:cen t. per arnnum for tlhe period oIf postpoa2eenaeent. -.- -^ 'This notifes giseven in . rder rhlt,t he Prouer1*torairedident ln'?ulYope nay-coum.neU:^cate iUreetlons riherSonK to ter raenatin ind-lain tSme to allowv of thoise direebions bclng rcfStLve.l tbierc prtez ons, so the 1st of qeb)ber,t8.24, t Whldh tTh 6Xhe trcrwiiry 7)0'tCS lieCOXle p>T4ic.u. . _ .-J-OiiEPJl D t7lFlSedietCr*v. t# 'i( be- Ss LID; a clever litt}e BAy>.AIORSI?, about 14 il. hSnds high, rxleizg ff sears oWd, enunid, ahfl reina-.zrkblv. quaiet either tli saddle orkhlernec^s. ie isthe propertyt atrradinn, an:l wt ill be se' l at a reasona:ble price.- To-be see:n at l . ab'ea ~rrlngton. _ew-s. Corranstreet, M.- fir. . 'rrObeCOtD th; prGrner.tV of -A Gentle17;imm a URO)WN GOEl.Ds'?G. 5 years o d. of gosd aecion, and.itt Perfe.il^e,uit frz d onhI.e or siinle barnwes's. -would Suit SeUy' gezstteS;an In'-traut-of a match lenrst; tirarrai;ved sniend. W6 be seen ae, - 1* l Pa 'Terrare, 1;c]itls1s-ruvn. ^ - - t ted. Cm ppsx- 1 O:as tRSF B T47 R EihL-street, PorlmntiaesetllareFr H WA ItN'TEI. alesan, fihorsiaeg)y uacqutixied }ts sto'rti g in ,C tlPl'I RO1i OM,-p X}CUtir S'e op8hmfened in A?pri I ut .tts ts eat&bui sh rtne X. 13. lhe mlitSt possess gencral inlarrn;tion,. :tud. be a,sesoi. o-ef gen.. tler^.aPiy fanImers and address. - ,, , _, . . ^j .lOsi-.cap1itsVRXR;AW 4 gd,It XlIS- f SA.llF.. priec SF;Rl PHiees S he I15 s.ean4'.r 1inch: hieii; onW 6 yeart old. l Q ece;silelt COndition,, sr.d *v.$rrs it R,eu'lv )qeet cittie tW ride or drive, eolitnr dnrit~ ba,ty witth blrei le.gs. anb 7sd w.7ite, fin- shepe, makae. andaynimetrrheie 'trflNr Wrlrth notice. 'To bc seen and trinl sirauted at lhe 1"o'o:iuf 1;odoud liveiy -erabirs; tteo'taisioad, Sb'.red l tets. .3.1so :n ore:te sl 4gel Acaie horse for sale e t - d F.IWO7HOflSES -for SALE, the proS-atyioF -a -Q2Citle- 55 inan:-i'n e,xcelent Well utadfe (Cheafleet (Ie'd.ing, neasrly f'I l<sodyS po,esse.s e:raordlnary substane,w spVeed. and iie'lowtiaetlony as a roadster nor one can exceel him, aF rernar:ahly;,good -WYiCker, and ea-- tro)t }4 miii's ri-thii -the- h.'ulr in a tnp'sulor style, csnters, adud wSll carry a lady; 6 eeard ol1d, .15 ands 1 tieMliclihu -tilaeq..ir a very corupie:e Ci'b; would e. gs re's a equlalcion- to atrirnid Jady net genrtls- mnnl', as hel1s perfieet:y ten]IaaCrdte o rnle i.r-drije'e,'zrrieolar;y eafc , brd good *va LXr, ceer aloes or atti n bes, iY a. pieSu h U i:; if e dat a-ch.d nmaemnage him; iboutd Is- hands high. 'i'e ltba'e ere in fine eIesdit o,f , paiwrrriitedrsoopd in e''t'cprect.- and s trtal will b gfno:ted if requiret. For paer-ceulus r. ily itt thlueLping perr ivery stsbles, Bliaekfrlari4orerl cloSe tO Ibe bridl ,f ron i 1. tiii 5 o'cloek,tbl:; day tsued to-moi-r,v. th Ir t. On 'k tar
Yesterday at two o'clock ...
Yesterday at two o'clock a Cabiiiet Council was hel(d at the Foreign-office, being the fifth Cabinet Council which has been held in as many successive days. The Council, vhich was attended by inost of' the 'Ministers, sat till a quarter past four. 'I'he Cabiniet M[iiisters edined with the Chancellor of the Exclc(quer yesterday. "he propertv belonging to the Princess Augusta has beele removing from tile ]ate Queen Charlotte's Palace sinee Monday, to her Rtoyal Ilighnt ss's intentled residence in tlie King's Palace, St. James's: the apartmenits were formerly occuipie(d by Mr. Calvert, the Lord Chamberlain's secretary. Earl Grosvenor has given a pit(ce of ground at Pimhco whercon to build a new church. It has bcen staked out tbr some tine. The site is near thc intended new squares whic'l are laid out near the King's-road. CAPTURE OF A VALUBLE S.Uu;Gi.Ea.-DcVonport, Feb. '213.-The Dwarf cutter, Lieutenant Goltl, and Esser frigate,fitted as:a convict ship tolie oif Duiblin, under the orders of hir. Raven, assistantrma.ster-attendant of thedock-yardl of this port, sailed hen:ce for Ireland a shore tine since. On the toorling of tIre lst inst., abstut seven leagues from St. Tves, and blowing a strong ,ale, the E.'st.r observed a large smuggling lugger some distanrce to leeward, and comtratunicated if by signal to tie D-l,w,f whici, retiurnedi ordcrs to chase. Tbe Esscx mirade all sail immediately, and being light, ran itle cltter cotmplcelv ouit of sight. After a chase of cleven hours, the Essex got lip with the smuggler, ind ilMr. Raven tranagedi his ship in such a'manncr as to cross the bnws of the hlrreer, and carry away her bowsprit, which prevented hcr escape. ThIe IGse.r being fitteI for civil service, had: not on board a single niusket or sword to enforce tite urrerder of tie lugzer hut luckiy waR svell trranne4 by 70 rig2ers fronm the dock-yard, with the boatswain of the .S'raozrrtk, and sergealt lhite. of the Royal larilnc division at this port, whn were ot board as passengers. Mr. Raven inmme dieatel ordered Scrgeant White, wlho was aromed with the cook's hatchet, the boatswain and sonoe others, to board. which they dlid, art(l drove all the crew (38 in nuniber) below. The Dfwrfrar-ne tip in about an hour and a hall afterwardis. She proved to be a Duitch. man, from Flushinig, witih a cargo ol nearly 1,000 bales ol tobacco, 75 cases ol gin, and a large quantity of gunnpowler tea. TbIc prize has becn caried to Kingstnwn. LA DY NIonR.A Ns'" SAL.VA-ORROSA.`-Signor Ugo FOS- colo has addressed ris a letter, it w.hirls he contradicts the mainfact.s or Lady Miorgan'si salv lier Roar! HIc likewisc asserts, that lie is deired to disavow, ont tbe part of his ftiend Count Prccliio, ils hIa"- ing sory acquaintanee with her ladysihip; and borldly states, that the onls' nobletan sIre knrowq in the soutlr of Europe, is the Mar- clese Spincto, a Siciliar, who acted as ptiid interpreter on the late Queen'as trial. .M. Foscolo, for his own part, says that he rever nret Dame 3lerganbutoncein mIis life, and thatshethen sotorniented hiln by lier blarney about hiis work, Lc tsltimne let/re di Jaropo Orlis, that he could scarece abtde her. SNhc told him significantly, that tIe passage in his book which pleased her most, was that delicious line, " Dopo quelt'ibaoio zonfittadivizio." Tbe hint was not taken, and the acquaintance broke ofl ! 'The ItaLlian Signori are as eager to cut Lady Morgan, as herfamnilitr friends the French nioblesse, after her pubilCat-,Un of JMrtre..Dl,li, 'llornintg .Star. In tlhe manufacturing towvn of AVigatt, in Lancasihire, there ale twenty retail hrewc ies now in F'tll trade. It is notonly in the reduced price and improverd quality of the beer sold at these breweries that the public are benefitted, but since thleir establish. ment a vis,ible improvement ir manifest in the condition of the fami. lies of the worknrep. ott Tuesdav an hriqueet was helil bel'ore T. NV. Tnwir,i Esq., on the body of James Partridee* who, it appeared by tie evi- dence, canoe by fik deatlt in consequence of a severe fall he had while fighting with a trran of tlh tname of Graves, at a public-hlouse in Golden-larie. TtIe deceased was intoxicated at the time, and beltaved vrty instlitingiv to tire company. It wvas prored that he gave the first blow hut the surgeon wtlo examined the body being cloarly of opinions that his death was occalsioned by hiis being knockedi dowi), the iury rcturned a vertlict of " Man.slanghlter." The injury was ithflibted on Sunday week, and he diction Friday last. TIs UTILIItY o0 HoPS TO PRrrSEnv9 GarSE, &c.-A nobleman in tins neighbestrhood last week received sonegrou5e fro,n Scotlatid packedi in hops, and although they were 29 days in conming. yet when received were perfectly stveet anrd goodi.-Alaidstotre JoN rntla. Erruta.-In the report or the Cbancellor of the Exche- quer's specch in yesterday's paper, th,re is a gross typographical blunider: the duties on lraw proceedings in Ireland are stated to be 200,000L, insteadl of 20,0001. In the next sentence there is also a blunder: the Chaticellor of the Exchequer had estimated the wltole deficit of revenue arising fionm hIis intended reduction of law Ju.ies to be 200.0001.-via., 180,0001. on duties on English law pro- ccedings, and 20 0001. on the Irish. This deficit is isl Tle Timezs crroneously called 20,0001. [AdvertiSCment,1-SHAaaSPE:AaxAs REAnIiwris, by Mr. SMART, 50, west side of Leicester-square, every Thursday evening, punrw. tually at eight. TaIs Ev?;VENIG, l'lareci 4, Julius cmasx, and a scene from The Merry 'Vives of Windsor. Tickets, 5s. each, may bt had ca above:- at l{ookhas', Old Bond-street, and Richardest's, Royal Exchange ; where prospeetuses may be ob- tained gratis; sn where mnay likewise be had, The Theory and Piactice or glocotion, 8vo, price 12s., boards. 'I'he dratrratic read- hips are giver to private pasties, oa 4term which may be known .f hIXr. Srnaet1.
Sales By Auction.
&CcUeen 0! 10 Pin ts, IileOThBI4*aiweal of the lin,t ebs& tIim PrOSrtofa tentema.-8yMessrj,etOjBlNS, at theIrReocas,il COVen't.prdeln, THIlS' DAY, Mlaych 18; antsI LAy e--Y-desirablk Ooltec4oii 6f Picturea, of -the 'anc:ient .4-SL nd maerschools, Hii which the sdn4rers of thils.s-t will soon iscOsTilzo verY fine specimens by the followinig artists: -usrard Dlow, Brangh`cL,Vanden-lde, Stork., Btga. 0. Moilanad. WstdI Tenieri, Wourenans, Moucher-on. Vandyke, Jan Stein. &e. The a0sbov ave been coIllcted by much assiduity and cavens. Ran assisted by the tflqu5e5ionablejadfirient of a warm atdmirerof thefine arts. Messrs. RgbnsLne ane authoriz ed In assuring the Public, that every picture Is genune, nd mst e sold without a limited price. May be viewed three days priorr, and catalogues then bad In Covent-garden.. St. Srtil-ae..tokof ironmongery, elegant Registet and o-ther Stoves, Ranges, Cabinet Brass*ork, ece.-lwy Mesisrs. RODINS, on the Premiigae,on Thursday next, March 1s,an-d followVinK oay,at! it, rPHE ex,tensive and very superior Stock of lronimongery, A Including So eleganit polishied steel andi japanfltl register stoves, WptlishetLaetl and brats fenders3, wvith standairds anti firelrons, kailI and Rumford stOves, partent kitchen ranges, wvith ovens sajd boilers, large double copper, paten.t ovens sad Ironing stoves., a larte Iron reposi- t&ry, bronzed uirns, ivory handled knives and forks, brassr Patent and other jacks, hll lsramPs.Japanned tea-trays, brass pbteint god other locks ofe-rer deswription, 2,000) patent paLdlocks, kitchen reqluisites In cpe,b1loc tin, and iWon, writh an imnmense vairiety of cabinet brass woirr; stiltd t* every article of funditure anid upholstery, a large 5s- bortment of screws, bags of nails, and every dlenomination of itoch- ongery.unfinished on woirks, &c. of 'Mr. ?teltbam, who Is retri5ii fraim business, at 105, St. Martin'ie4ane, and which will be aubmit'tei Without the least reservation. May be viewed 2 days prior, and -at,alocuest had on the premises, and of Meters. Roblin, Pliers,t Co- Tmire Bondsof the PTe-aentDukeof Marlb,orotissh, amounting o2MS Iodependentofintereet.-.By Messre. R0OBINS. at their Ros i COventlitarden, on Sntisrday next. March 20, at 12, in3los by directiono-f toe.4A-irnsioitrator of Mr. John Mackinlisy deceas;ed, VHREE Bonds, amounting altogether to ?2,885 6S. TPristeiwal mnoney, granted In the year 181 1, to be payable In 6 snths after the denise of the late res%pecedDtd keo. ihlazlborough. Th'e Interest elibosequent to that period hats incereased the val%s of the'. bonds to aLbout 4,7001. Messrs. Robling ar,& desirous of impress- lugron the mlind- f the Public, that for the3abonds a valuable tonl--d derurQlo: to thle full extelnt wee given by Mr. Msnckinlay, and that theY aLre In consequence free from opposition on the part of the pre8eilit Dinks or any of hisaaut.horizedngeie,ts. They, are all for pererr iripory oake. Particulars may bec had, four days prior to the sale, at the Mart. and In Coven t-warden. Bon fr 3,00 beat ing, -interesRt, wi-th judgment ent ered up.-71i MsrsHORINS,. artheir Rtoomis, Piazza coent.glirden,on Satur- for?3,00,beaingintrest si-nce I822, securedI A ~ tuigmeo in te Coirt Ingin's Bench. This bond was graned l SO,aahjer ru thconlngnevtb tthegr5nter tsurvived his fathr. wodid In1s22 posessd ofampe etates In Cheshire: the poysenthas l~eefoe beomeabsoute Paticulars at the Mart, sod BPlendild Anclenne Hohbi and Parm,a ~ i.t frare quatlity, Clucks sod ilrackcets, rare Dresdeni and Sevre Porcelain, Oriental C'hina, Or.mouln Cantdelabras, &c. of a Noibleman, of ackn.w- ledirP& tasIte and liberslity.-by Messirs. ROPINS, at their Rooims- Planea. Covent-garden. on MoQnday nlext, Mtarch 22, anid 3following days, at 12, 4 Very superb andi valuable Collection oif splendidi buibi A &comsmodes, tables~.bbaokeaeFes.,clcks.sand bratckets; fine old furni- nre of rinlaid wToods,, richly, moanted with or.roOulO, com-pri'linr corW- c1lrcs: fioe specimens auf rare Dreader, chinia, in vases, groups, and e..nAelab)r-as.inriehmosoontiogs.of r-moulu; Anicitine- 5vre Patrielafr., c- the lneer quaitysand rae-src eloar..axd enriebmenta:. magWIFIreilt 'ien-ok)hin, eariringsI Iiivory and Wtiod,flhia;rre wiirks,.ke. enitirely, he ;aOets'of a N,uL r:n distitlgiv-hledxs aalmatotirt in works ,,f a-r and -ratio. ha- e viewed 3 days prior, and catalozlies. Isi. eachl. hid at t ihe Roo,nas. Covent-garden. ___ Brilliant Pl's.fFrench Glass of-ztreatNIMagnitulde and l3eauty_-By Mes rw.ttiilNa. aa their spciiu,,i lti,ouis, Piazza, Covent-gatrden, on Monday. Norel, 22, at 12, In lots, 71HIRrY Brilliaiut Pla-ca oF Glass. adlapted to every oti purpose, and of the f!liagdineitiiins: 6.Sl'ay 52j614 let-y liii bydf BA by 4t Iflt'b 3~4 (14 -556 iS- dj - 2164 -4( 1111 .~42 64 - 48 f;(l 64 ~~34 lii - 34, &ec. MTav be viete eendy tri-o. tile sale, And eatalogurs had.i C --vet-gaorden. ___________________ g-oiflcerent Service of C,old mad Slive-r Plate. the abs lure propert~ .1z a N,ablen,an, whos5e liberality anld gei,d tas,te are alike proverbial. -Rr MecsJOls-,a their R~oomns, in covcnt-gzrdenl.onTuesday. %:arch as t 12, CA rp t S"eeo very rich Gold anti Silver Plate, A weg`bng,upwrdsof5.000 otnces, the absolute Property of N;,taleman. whose correct taiste civi be confirmed in this as%semblage. Thec silver gilt plate, wvhich is of the-very beet falhion, etllprehen;is 2 pa!r ,'f ace pails, witih 122 dessert dishes, alt eperglle.. 4 trpos,nod 12 dozren of dessert and table kiiie-e. forks. iilad si-o.ii,, with Jr, oiccauter srands, all eiinusuite. and of tie joOlt splendijd ordier:- also 1, d,neeia.tf handsome, octami; slates,. Mti,v eviesred S dsss prior to the sale. t,id -ata'ogues h-sd In Ctsent-jrsrdeii. al----ie,s:ale- Of ecceedIngly valmtitbe Propietty, p-ocured byeA N.-hl-,ie. oai.i,.er cireilmstaIaC,5 req,lFiIrtl, a aaercm-rptory Fale of the aroc'yfe-s-'. !14OHINS;. at their R ... lrn, iii Covent-garden, on) Tuesday. MIarch 23. anid followvingc day, at 12, $e' vke of massive Pliate. containine) '10 000 ouncet, and6 A ncrlodllig, beside; lOdnlz;ti:if adrnion1edgs Plates and tureen, s utler.d' eveld plate. r 511Wt fair the sldeh,,ar?t. and avariert' of R~ldpile. -c.;a elletimiof 0 snuff-boxes. priticipally ga.'a ed bic hl.b c,irirhil. mainy -ftIlls siclimiSorder. and altogethet ma"y1be"scounte-u ~letouh Itsl oien a v,rsrltY of oreisital: .,nd xu-eilt 4-b-re chitna, si4endidly mo-brted In aic-nonlil : Very, foe ce .rlaao the ,r-aeeaI Dre,d,n, eec,.: the tsbalc forminiug a rich' -r-are- of .slen.l ld --aloivst-l s. bth It:. ta5tt said v,-rtru; the ,sio-i shis'. tl;c Pnlla1 ' I, na - be asred are tlts, genui'ne property 'if, a aWciirl noffere~d wI h mri the lea.st intentiol- of reserv-ini ane ielaril. :tbeveethree dAys prior, and ctaalogizas A serrC -c aia-i-natPitiirts. the ah'a'tlte priteerty ofa-Nole N-.-ic'lsrs. ISOIlINS. at tib- Ir n-a ,Ill Covn'tt-garden, os, Thair-dAy. March 26. and flKloI'inr day, at half-Pagt 12. V'ery finie (ltci-sof Pictutres, the absolute anti by the dt'tinguisbed waIsts e.estniiexed, a- Titian Stetd,,ni A. Veronese 5- P.-'sat Carri Woaiaermansno arll Ven: C'ildai N~~~~.,PUn-sin Palomedes V,elaSjquez M Ile- viewr-c l%Id--ii 3 llas prior to the sale, r..r-d ctlse a haedri aI,-janes0s Pretrrs%I i CapilFs!Cnrrosanwul Piedenr-Pg N!at5ars. MCIN ad t qTFs. I et ttcS, A-4ct;ai. aVC~ l.Xntarea t'aenit--gartea, Tilll 'SIG t,Ow of 4i1c Oriental Pearl-a, ( neri - st-.. ri-sea ea tr nt pn'.r1ns., broa.cFcel. A~c., l-a,a- r-tlara: 7. 5;, and ether Scranes, dule ritl d. neck nr. satch chr- cld- b,%ets, and a uai-~ablc ssctnrOf othler e,-e'rr, hiu t- --ilti-d ad,d relietaflcn-trd plalIwn siithesz Ia'. the so-t na4- r .r-ln' ~r! P-oe,attd !.-tetd an-I--te arith aaaver ed-:aau secrret e-I:.-. a-ul -VaaOt t.catce a aitle, thce ltarepra- * e'!;e a~eof areittiPrn;perty.-Hy it-airs. '16(1 IIT aa: hI R\I; t. a: hor rra-ai Ha-n . - Kaa{ng_alas'., Covent. --ne.T-l.aitf. MAtchi '. 6, at ii, 1I~ ~~~ikM,clataci eab-er gI' ce-n'a"trance set 'w1tn ttale .a. ea urn. e,tfee toggi te sets~, cend esteas~ eslalsters. erast- frAsme. a n, f-rk'~, Ice.: coat, el~ Pe,d -Viii; yaiid and Fill-er ,.-cfIne t'rAHiiai, titn.-a,. pins, andI briticl-es, fills ai:d iii-k Ia cinils. .,rrr atel,-!-.e crcl-e-, aud threlizaanttjweer f~r-- -' he ve r y t.e-t 2:e-cripliiuu. suverfioc clotrhs n hr iii ea-SUOI iea:<a topy-'! coteryF. NtaI ethe edaTen- ---at'RCa aS t t.t~-trCt,Coveaa:.io,aAe;:, on Tia:r.day. tiale be'.-. ct,na: II- ,scsas,crtrn'ent V uttu.: elate. Canadrc,poa W1 -ra5a. tii'S 1hr1itiisn ,'% flate !;itae lureleitti pearl-, - ~,e00 5, etasnals, ganers S lRgesud filaw iaa- a; g't:d and sht-er arzans. apl!'x. altOa plalo aca.ches, hrY the most ce;ts n ase": paid and6.t,vr 511111f-1oxe, excellen,t gUlic, aiid ii her-tems a.' va:>15, the! vtatre proIPerty-o Nif SIr.try. a-.a.l'. i -on. tt ay I.e viewed. &iid cataloguesi liadd two days pria. AW SSI AC N' andl 1W PENH A t hvc~ the haoia,uuit t alic.O'inc ti he Nalallity, Geiitry. andPuiblic at bare. 1 c hae onsigned to tiarn;, far psr~reporylit asIc, by 'uBLlIC ACCTIO\. wIthou~~ ~~t rsraat,by order if lbs Exeeris fa Swat, far foi sttl'fent, a iruly 5'..enIili sOnl ea-il ASSMLA; c'w.ct -atishacjIat'LS. The salreS will be si;tinlittd t,, their notlee I .-n *>rluIaY. the 19th tsantut at '.1 - .Iak,%tt theQir SpAciouas Auctie, Roo'. 6. slI-steet Civeo-garde. T.Ile Whole of this property- it? rIliCtOIl. sm-angst sa lcarare ai ulote. tsupr brillintC a- thre!e star hea o!ni RatpOiSr.t , ciupasrd oftg arliants I"' Otheft stwtr a Tbri.ll,s. rit eclace. tipatddaphiearrnc, taigdthe plo,en roah,- eleganit ;:.,ld watches see with mDeare, rubies anid tlirqOis,gl h la nd, se-ste. curlynuff ruae,antiqule riiige andsirns ,;amc-'. &a,. The whole1)1 of wshicht olay lae viewed twodaseirt tIac sale, an,d custalagllc3 had titl tla office atl Me-arc.Ma-ian of,ebeihaml. X-1. Tler5ai5ii ,f such ladisr getene h rP.nht.t atter$,1 at Ihe tInts of sale wrill be faithfully attended to. Wi.Kin-wrst.Coveiit.g-iTdell. March 13, 1824. _____ ailborn.-By, Mjesrs. MACHI V sod 0 3NiI' ln the Prentisies, 19s. HertIett`.-`nlaI,3hg~. tiolbeun. lie Moodag. Marcht 22. at I11, by order --I the Proipniet-at, Who, is quitting the P~a?$S 71HE genutne Honsgchold Ftirniture comprises I-p0st TL sasfe tb-li bed-ttrAde. feather beds anal bedding, maols-gasiy, -.tstd-. robes an'd louoktases. chests aif drawers, cormmodes, weashbhand striide, dretiO tales sts; of chairs. chimnely and oier gla'ase,Kiddermioster - andBr,wel capet, rgs.hisIl am s. talir carpeting, earthenwatre,- chin, clss. itcen rquistes.Ac.Tile cellar Of 'tvinca contafins abou 23deien f fne hery. 1 dzenof f ine madeira, and 24 dozen- of ort Alo al te fxtues pon-hi premnises unless thie same shoal li peviusy dspe.e o. Saybe viewed On the Saturday i en-vitisto ndinonin o sae,sehsicatalogues may behad; 21111 at Least, Hoiusehold Furnaiture, Wines;, and Effects. 113, New Orniond. street, Quleen.sqtiare.-ilY Mlesslr. IAC1HlN' and DEBSNH'1AM. at their Aulction lt.,i,26. KInig-street. Covent-uardan (a sale not brangF a-1.aWeld On the premiseeL,. on Wednlesday, March 31, and! foII.awizO5 day, at II. LL tlit elegant aid splendid Furniture, recently made A oorder, and remasrkably smell manufactured; amongst which i A bllea found a drawing room suit of rosswood, lena, soa, pembroke,I anld card t:ables. s,0fas, ducliesitsea chairs, alid Ottomans, done toned horisontti grand pianoiforte, a few fine paintings and drawings, Ac. F Thte cellar of wvine c.insista eaf fine old crusted PIart, Tremarkably fin Sherry, and Made-ira. The library ot books contains about 500 ole.g I vi-.7 Pinkerton's 'Voyages. 17 voem.; P'iiloaophuicsl Translactions, is role: Modern Encyelopadlis, I I vole.: Daniel'-s Greece, A.As h tes f the Premiseswhcar vey saiund in exceln, ear held for ani unexpired termi of 13 years, at the rent of 1 00 guineas. The premises may, be viewed at soy time previousn to the sale, between thehiirs f 1 ad 2, sLiud the furniture one day prior to the. sale; aned pl`:rIculijrs uiod cataicagltet had at the roomsx, as aboive. Viatabtle ff.liection of Pieturex-By Mr. EDWARiJ FOSTER, at his Great 11.iom, 14, Greek-street, Soho-square, an Thursday next, March 18, at 12, A Collection of DOtch, Flemi8h, and Italian Pictures, of ? fine quality, selected with great taste and Judgment, including , pair of Sea Pieces, by Vail Os, rare spcimens; a Chirch piee, jby Ptei Neefsl a Chef-dmutvre. the Rape of Eutropa. lay Paill Verlones;e Holy Famniy larmi:aio- Venuls Disarming CuPid, by Guudlo: a palmrof beautitfill Landscapes. Bsekheyde; Holy Famnily VaflBalsu, noble Landscape, Wynant;s: apair saf Fruitsod StilIl .14t, Deifleenm an.d manY others eqiually fins, aid wr desersing the attention ofamra teens and collectors: the genuine property of a gentleman. May e vIews.1 2 days prior, schel, catalogues may be had at Mr. Fosters OffiCt 14. Grsek-st.rtet, Soho-aiquare. gmtttnfOre.ret5tt Blackfrmirer. ruaa.-Very desirable and valuable lears bold Premiqes, with imAmediate posseWsSon.-._By Mr. G. JONEs, *n the ptremses, on Thursday, the 18th inat. at 1, by order of the ;xzecutor of the late Samuel Wel-lehman, eaa. deceased, HE very desira'ole a-nd valuable Lease, for the un- term of 40 years, from Marsh 20, 1824. subject only to rstcruSng g.onnd rent of 8I per lItilnt. This ellgible leasehlod es^tatoe ismost advantageously simated, being No.- 12, in Stamford. .street- corner of llruniuwiek^ttreet. BIlacfr;lare-road, and comprises a wry substantalkly brick built d welling-houtse with convenient snd re- slte .icese,ecti on an excellent snd Jndleous lan: the princpal artmnte neatly fitted np wvith handsome marble cbimnneypieiee, aod finishe= in a tastefol and workmanlike niantsr; the bedcham. bers completed with neatness and conveniene'. together with the rmniuSite offices, moat suitably arra-nged; contaIning a handsome driWl And sitting roln, with noble glazed sash doors to lead fat Cv&r tha offcles: 4 moat convenient bedehabnbere, with elosets,a% corii- mnodlisu d,%ninpaiour and countiaghonee, with Watereloset adjoin. ,nc,sadimmeiiaae entrance lots. admirably well ftted up so1lestore ofice, calculated for the reeeption of 9ix clerks. Ac. with prAy'se ntrZsce hi BransiIck-street; two convenient kitchens, front add bark areas, four arched vaults,. and an area on the side of Brssns iejc srrsat. Pbs rarerbtes are iront psl5sadoed rootnd, snd-occupy apipt o' round 31 feel in depth sana a feet in width, and were reconcy <t-~, O,.Beet, eei. at th annual rent o 801. The Sxtur sto be epnat a fair valua.tion. The premsloes may be v!ewed,,b*veien ih0)ddZii6TY1 'tfi4'd5sl, tiD,leold, 'where printed - 5tficilae 4Y 21e ;AdI 4, :o!tktI;C2ttb} CtcttU A4f, Jlesit4I S- i *61twood. &Srrey.--Leastehold ISonee, 7112=1Ltre 3PaIL of a larlge -Greebq)ie,3 Zffl t 'BIT Xes6s U11R? d 0]6VI on the ftsmises,rizip the ttek si~crdws ro~,sTkdy artid1es, 'table aen`d`e*st-dbk1s -dIfir iMesesl of; pre*ried lituIt. .e.e sott Vitchen' rstsuIsite;l ind-othergW4Ui.: t- ti`le sa3iSAlI)e vill be -sold:the -stmail nx-tqm:n 3ilth 55&O lSu Iiitdietl house, In the moitoaeetpe.reteuair, wihgowheda4n 401, per annumn. The hoiuse mnay 'bie viewgd till the iIule, atnd thei 1ur- iitlire one day ylrecsding,' when particularsandu,atalogues -may, bhe haLd on the premiseu;- and of MesBrs. noarrell and Sons, 13, Tokon- house-YaTd. Leaeodad reodEstates, Grub-street, Miile-end-road. a-,a Hethnal.green.-By ese.BUIRRELL atid SONIS;kt'G3xia.Wity% 051 Tuesday, March 23 at1,by orddr 1~1 theXAssigntee of Sir. Packer, in S lots, A Compact Leasehold -Estate,- comprising~ Sir. House, In Gub-tret, I th ciy ofLonon,and tigbtseu In fliaber. ashrs'squre,ad.oiing A reeoldlibseand grounid adjoining, in logrow ledin fom ill-en tuni,ksto llethruI-green. A freeoldmesuag InThre-clt-ard MIe-ed-road. TIhe -property may b vieed byleav of te te ant sx dayis precedlng "the sale, Vstuabl.l Freei,,'ld Katatt, Lime-street, In the City of London,-~ Messrs. BURRELL anid SONS, at Garraway's,on Tuseday, ao 23, at 12, 4Very desirable Freehold Estate. Nqo. 37, in the -wide part of Lime-street. leading from Flinchurch-str'eet to Leaden- A5.1-stret, comprising a good shop and countlnighousie, writh privrate entrance on theo ground floor, largce diniing room, breakrastrooral, and kitchen on the first floor, with 7 bed-ehambers o*rer, and ce1l1armOt in Cor, Rdrodue t lltieandvie. orablue pietrmo ihyer tenant,rwhen particulrtmab hand ofL sr.SihadTlkXg and SONS, at Garraway%s on Tueday ac 5 t 2 yodre the Trustees under the Will of Sir Jsp aby at e*5d in DYGon lotg, isig out of Premimses or the wes an eat sdesof urhm,sret, Kennington, in the parade, Tauxjall in he Nw-rod ledingfromKeoiugton to VaUxhall- bride, ad atLambth- he poperymaybe viewed si-x days1 pre- cedng he aleby eae o th teant, wenparticulars mnay be 5a of r. inday,solcItr, t. homa'stret, Southsvsrk i at the plae o sae ad o Mssr. forrll ndSonsi, 13, Tokenhouselyard. su'rrey, within) 3 Miles of Londlon.-Valuable Plots of Freehold Bu-tild- Nsg Grotund, suitable fo,r Gentlemnif's villas, or orrAnamental Cot- races, nveroonkIng: Ga.rdens anid Sbrubberies ; a retired situation, with a,capitalroaLd tnd faot~aths to thexame.-By Messrs.I5IRRELL Rand SONS at the Swan Tavern, Stockiwell, oai Wednesday, 1,a6rch 24, at 12, fn lots, AVJuiable ar.d very desirable Fi-eehold 'Estate, Land ATar redeemed, sitssate cloiie to Stoekwell-commoil, leading from. ihe oad o Clpham coprisng afronageof 1,00-0 feet of mnost eli8hleland a apial frmyrd,witha rngeof exc'ellent substantial holdngs aloa peceo and n fontof he hih roatd. cemmnuni- eatig wth he sme.Theproertynla bevieed 12 days receding the ale,whe desripive artiulas ma behaLd;- at tnle Swan, Stoekell;at Loyd', andGarrway~; an of essrs. Bujreoll aLn Si,ls,13,Tokuhosyar, werea panof the eatate may be seen.- vlilding Materials, Castle-yad, HollaLnd-street, Blaekfrlare-roatd.--Sy Mfegsrs. OUtRRgt,f, and io0,qS, on the Premises, - ner the Falconi class WVork,, on Wedniesday, March 24, and following dav, at 12, r HE va-u ble M'vaterials of nine Houses, ii' Castle- it yard,4h boust-s in Cn%'%-cofurt, and the erection of a large glass- houise, chimnevs. &c.: comnprisinK 2ounid stock brick wvork, plaini and niantiling, slatiheg, n-,k. and fir timiber of latrge dimensions, in girders, aiiits,ad quarterings. fkoorln~lboalrdi, carcas,s framing, 'ashes, sad framies, ibor,,, and Internal fittmnga, Iron and leatd wvork, &tc. May be Iviewredoni 'Monday and Tuiesday prec.edingr thte sale, when catalogues i-nay fie hiad .. the premises; and of.NMessrs. Burrell ind Sons, 13, To- kcnbnh'isi-yard. r0 Sllkmereers, Linendrprs -abedhcra, Grocers, Cneese:n,,ugers, a,.d others, requliricsaiu ligt l'remises.-By TA RHAN'T and t-AlRlTt, on the rmie, o 252, High-street, iloroogh, on Mmindav. %falrh 2,aIo'lcprecisely, by order of the Executors tie latse Mr. RcadWril IT valual eahodEstatv', comprisinig a dlouble- T.fronited, light, spas-ions, handsomie Shop and Convenient Dwel- hug-h_ouse. mo4t dessiriebly situate for any retail business. May hec s-jawed, and particulars lsad of Mleisrs. Vandercomd and Comvn, go11- ,.irors. B,ish-?ane. Cann'ln-atreet; on the premises; at the Mavit; and ',f tbe auctioneecrs, 8, Basing-lane. Che;vrside. fI"i1kmers-ers, Ltnenrapiera, and Others -Fxtensive and VaIuable Stockc ,f Silk and tercers- Crood,s. together withi the Lease of the Preamise.a-BY TARRANT and CARTER, on thePremises, No. 2.2, iligh-street, durou,:h, ot; ionday, 'March 22, at 10, by order of the Executursof the late Mir. Richard Wardill deceased, HE genuine Stock in Trade, consisting of rich silks- T.in Gros de Naples, lerantines, black arm-ozeeni, lutestrlrigs. trsrentines, satins, sarcenets, Per.ians, pnplins and crapes, silk -bawls, handkerchiefs, and rich velvets, togethcr writh bombasims, strinf, moreens, camblriets, calimancoee. durants. aud various other trreicles. loitt-d fisr private Ismilies as wveil ILo the traLde, and will be issldl u-itl;u,,t reserve. Mlay be viewed oni Saturday, Mazrch 20, Miid ,aut;sl-gins thie; hail on the premlises; and oX toe auctioneers, 8, Basing-lane, Cheapslde- FricbldsolisrderlThound. Kingston, Suirrey. le to a respectable teltint on lease, fur a lonig term.-By W. DAYIE and SON, at flar- rawaybs, on Thursday, March 18, at 12, Valuable Close of Frtehold Land, containintg, by esti- marion. .3 acres antd a hei, ore or leag, at the corne'r of Lower hdrhlne t Xingston-on)-Thian;e.,, in the county of Surrey, now Ini ,he "iCcUpationl of Messrs. E. anid S. Fill, marker gardeners, and on catse for at tern; of which 24 years; and a hall will he unexpired at Laidy-day nesr, at a ciear ihet rent of' 26t. per annum. May be '-iewed; particulars hRd. at tile Griffin, Kingstosn; Bull. y4Ist Sheen; at Garraway's; hnSi isW. Davies ?and Son, auctiuneers. Gilteoulr-street, Lea.sehold-Estae.OyW AIES andl SO.N, at Garrawvay's, "a Th iada, Mach 8. 1st 12. in 3 lots, - 4 Convenitut brick built Hguse. being No. 17, Camiden- i place. CamdeCi.tnwn, oni leatse to Mr. ri{nggs, chymlst and "Irnyix. at 471. 5s. per annium, and held fi,r 80 ye~ars, from 1508, at ; r-,un,t rent of 101. pi-r ai-saiino , tw.. brick, itou,es in Peartree- treet, near tite Coiisrg Theatre, let it 48l. per annumr, anid held lor f-I vests at 61. Cs- per annlum; Also three liotisest and Premises. in ftishop's-court. Colnma'l--treet. many y'ears in the oeccupation of Mrs. Rsb,iert6, Tsac merchanz, tor which business they are particularly Cal. silqted, hield fi,r 10 yeiirs. Pt a moderate rent. May be viewed; par. eIii,ar, had ait Garrawsy's; E-ndl of W. Davies and Son, auctioneers. Ti' Grocers sod O,here--t,.nills. &e.-By NMr. SEYMOlOit i LL,, at the tied Lion, Parliaisirt.street, Wvestmin2ter. (removed from 183, Xiuz-street. (a sale nout being alloiwsed on tite premiAeee, THIS DAY. SlcIreb! 1 5, at 12, by order of the Assig-isees of Samluel Cronshey, a CjX(ELLENT Utensils of" a Grocci's and Cheese-mon- E`~ ger' Shop. conipirlsing a var!ety of capitail beams and scales, strong l:ogsl!etnd piiley,- ailsiitit-, or aap,snrlea tea canisters, showv inw:s, etc. han:dsoeinr ne'riiption boa-rd. mahogany Eash doors, with 1ate gln%ss. a fe%% lo3t, of h,.ach,ebod furnituire, aid effects Mlay be Isewel the rmorn!ng -sf sale; 12t'iozcx bad of Meters. J1. anid C. Butck, I Ht Pgb street, h-mIs ouy: Mr. Hurie, 11)3. London-roadl; at the place s.f 'ala; Paid of ttr. Sevolour Gall, auictionieer aind estate agent, 8, Valuable teasehi,d Pro,PertY, Greek-street, Soho-siuare -i-By Mr. SFI'slOUR BALL, .at Gsrrawaye, ni Friday, March 1, at 12, In two. l,ts. 7&TALUABLE: Leaseholdl Property, Comprising the ori- 'V ginal andi under lease of extensive and desirable businlesst pre- in'e, leiii Nss. 312, Greek-street. atnd cortler of King-street, S~oho, prssdu-iing tiet nifiprssvd rents, of 331. and 501. per aniium.. May- be *iwd;niparticuilars h;ad of Mr. Walker, i;pholsterer, on the pre- 1uss e-srs. J. aillo C. Roick, 152, IHigh-street, B3orouigh tGarra- VS':aned sf Mr. Seymiouir Ball, auctioneer and estate agenit, 8, Char!l,sie-p!acc, Vloixhilal Ni-t lisUsshld uinvitile anzd EitrR=s-s M.WI13% n h Preni be-. sn Friday nexr, and folloNiing day, at 12, by order of . be Exccuto;s, vet y Iy-at Fui niture, andc a va-ietty of valuable j rif .~s of re. Cat 1 erlissp Keat deeeased, at hei late residenice, N. -52. os:..'2. ;sn.-rni RU5i~uarc, consisitingi of gsis,d beds I-sIQ be-ilO. n-;1 oas diawers, b s'cas,~A, edinilitq, ~Idtboatd. pneo- Ituhls N-srk, .rsii- adcard tubssA, a very hauldssmre snl t of ltd-;flCg rom lirniturt-, glasses, ,ldrTor,t. carpeti, rindia dressing is--,line,,. 6-ina. yis.kt.eiutcstpils. xans valuiable llxtures- T'o lie %v~irwed on Thuirsday niext, and till the sale: eatIloruesa miay Ithen ise bhad on the pirenlises; and of Mr. Wiliock, 25_odnsuare. Furniture, large Ghlasses, rnagniiicer,t 12-lig,ht Chandelier and Lanius, Dinner Services, ecxtenswec icts of Dinrcr Glasses, taPitaliTa ICe Linuen, plated Arilci', Patent Bren-ing Machine and F.ten,t laisg!e, Ho-loee Fixitet inMaNhogany Panilel Door, Iron Safe Doot, trotn Chest, anid F,fteets--By Mfr. LAI-IEF, on the Premises, No, 32, Pall-tall, oni Thursday, Mlatch 18, and followinig day, at 12, -sIthssut resetrva, the term of -tse Lease being expired, A LL she HouseholdI Furnitti-e, eCxelles.t Clean bedd(ing, I -the vwlole of tisO aputnne,of the =2ard saille a mancer, sets of dinner table' aiid clsairs, and effects- To be viewed one day pril,t, inst-n catplogue, may he had ott tio premntiee; and at Mfr. Labee's offigesg, 65, New sid-tet By M. S tlNtFii, a~t -his GetRo,3,le-tret. on vVedneif- day,Marc 17,and ala following days. at haSf-pas. 12 prsciseiy, A Colecionof Books., in Divinitv, History, Classics, f. Gnral LitcrnTurc, IBs-oks of Ermbleoss, &c. being- a portion of 'rRal-Is' Teehrtssl',gicsl, D)ictionary, 2 s-oI;.: Valpy's Delphin Classics, 47 vots, large paper; Univers;i. tilt-tory, 66 vois. ;Nichols's Litera%ry Aniecdotes aLnd lilusKtrattlons, 13 vols. Also, a select collection of chy- snlcal apparatuis, Ja.To be viewed,_and catalogues had, price Is. eaclm Valuiable Fixtuires and ShpFoLiy r RSRNG, on the Premisies, 5, Ludgate-street, To-morrow, March 10, at 11, wlthout "pH noderni niahogar.y framned Sash Froint, glazedl wih11a1e and crown glass. 20 squlares of plate glans s ilveteit. for aogarn t,,p counter.. giazed. asissh, Iron columns, shelveg, a staircase, usarble chnimneypiere, gias fittinixs, &c. To be viewed oni tile morning of sale, anid cleared the tame day; cataloguesI may be had on tuie premIses:- anaLo Ofr . Armstrong, 56, Great Queen-strtet, t.incnln's-4nn-fte1d,s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Muntbly SleI,.-Sharea Ins the Ncath, WJlts antI Berks_,7and Portsmouth anid Arundel Calirs,,, and Providenit Life Ofihce.-By Mr. It. RAINE i5-ccressor to tile late Mr. Scott), at the Miart, oni Wednesday, 3larch .31 ai I, NEAl tH Canal : Two Shares ill this concern, whichi, j~last y-ear, diVided ?13 per sthare; huit this year, Lhe trede uponi tiecnlhas-i:,- 'mp,-ovtd, an hicrease, of dividend, next July, may cinildently he relied upon'. In the Wilts am,d Berks Canal, Tsienty Shares, Portsm'sUth anda Armiidel Canal, Seven Shares;, and Eighit Shares int the provident Life Office, IltexanT --stet Patiuar -h Mart; anid of Mir. It. Rains, canal andddock shiare anid estate broker, 2, Great Winchester-street, old Broad-8treet. P'rinting Trype, StanhoPe N'ess, and Efet,Corrnhlll-By Mfr. CROGGON, on the PremIees, 1, White Linc t, Cor,ihill, JLtre Mr. Hersee's Printing House, oni Thursday, Marc IS S, t 12, unless a-n acceptable offer be previously inade, In I lot, A M,-ost valuable and modern Collection of well assorted Kprinitintg type, nearly newr, consisting of plaini and ornamnental letter, with a variety of borders, mIlea, leauds, he. an excellenit Stan- hope ress by alker a cmmondewypress, framnes, chaLses, fracks, Impsin stne,leter oars, silng,etadirgprress ley trough, anid ever oter equsit fo a riningoffce. -1 be vi ewed two days preiou toth sae, nd atloges btined at the Mart, Bartholo- mew-aneon he Penlses andof r. roggon, auctioneer, &o. 64, Pictures, one entire property.-By Mtr. STANLEY, at his Rnoms, 21, Old B3nd-street, on Thursday, the I8th Instant, at 12, A Va!uable Collectiin of Pictures, entirely the property Al of a Gentleman. a distinguished collector and amateur, the greater part of whlch have never been exposed to public sale. Antong those of the Italian school are speclmens of Raphael, L,orenso di eTedl, Cacoacelo. Gnido, PVisnei, and others <f Swarly time anTd high rank, of the Dtutch and Flemish, several by Hobbemna, Ruysdael, Potter, Vandertneer, De Hooghe, Jan Steen, Vanlderheyde, Toorn, VYlet, Ostade, Metsu, Poelemberg, Ferg, a singularly fine Head, by DeBaner, &c. May be viewed tw,s days preceditlg and catalogues had. printsand Books of Printa-By Mr. SOTIIEBY, at his lHoiuse, Wel- linigton-street Strand,To'morrow,3March l6,and following day at 12, sp BE Coleltion of Prints of the late nVm. HocIgsoti, -_ Esq. F.R.S. removed from his residence, Itoddesdon, Harts, eonsisting principally of BritIsh portraits and topography; together w Ith afe r prints by MTarc Antonio. Sonwazone. Beatricetto, Caratci. Htopfer, V. Solie, S. de Latls, Gi. Peor. &ec.; several curious portraits and historical prtints, particularly relating -to memorable events of l!:ngland and tire Netherlands; fine aravings, after the works of N. Poussin. LeBUrun, La Sueur, Yernet, c.: c olce impressions, bv Sir n. Strange, Wills. Mlorghen, Ptorporatl, &c.; the-Death of Wolfe, by Woollett, before tile pailiter'-n5cwrvs engraved. hc. To be vietwed, and catalogues had at the place of sale.- Superior Collection.-Hy Ir. JAMES HARRIS, at his long estabUihed Roomsa, 1, -Graeechurch-strett, on Wednesday, March 17, and 9 follow-ng days, at 11 A N excellent Assortment of Forfeited Pledges ; a ship's f_tine chronotneter, a numeroue variety of gold, silver, and raetal watt es, many of thern of the correctest -echanism, both superb and accurate, by ensinent makers, clooke, dials, gold ueck and Vwatch chains; a gre*t display of fine jeweliery, both plain and elegantly set with brilliants, Pearls, cc.; a large assortment of usefil and orna- naental plate, PlDated wares, towlbig plees, pistols, o00 dkine of parch- ment,115Olbs. raw silk, a grettqualtity of bstsOup5ftnlotbthg, rooetly blue snd blacl, kerseymeree, eorda, stulfe, bombagina;'Opllt,s alks, satins cottons nuallis, IrIsh and )other linens, acet* cambrics elegrt shawls,' ham)dlexchiefS, ladies' an*gentlemenl' XrIzie- apjlrlc frine taileadd bd liihen,0. firn. goose an4 othat beds, -Sding.exc]- lent bed fursiltures, Bi-nesels and oih4r carpets, gLat- carpeting, tables,--eutlery and at ?-reat-valetyof other articile, r1atvdi 1s [diffreis? hoi4s, p tieuilgi&.; d c~atoos. sMy' S vre ts mo"o#IG4-4 .tc -.Sl . - -. i, . ,... et ~vraz1s eltPmCly5iti Leon aseld-h .eie Estate, copisintg . etaml eligibeLae ldEtt,c pihg Iiid .eight.slbstashtial-well. built ikouses..12storles high 1on the east road al letto esetable ear,1e tpjn1s1ts, at loW nlet'rents,s.xniounting to 141. er shlus; bld Tn 5 ye nerpredat th'e lowv grounfo rentof2li s. er~nnm;n.~~o#118. is, et annum. To- be of )ir.Shrter aoicior. .l1llbsf2steet; aud of,.Mr. -Bullock, Lower-A". so,IIn9lgon.-;yXaxubIe_ tstate of Tan Hous*X.,-Ny r BULLOCK, at Garraviay's, Tro-morrow, 1,atrc'h 16,jat 12, inqlT,1 "TPEN well-buiflt n6w:Houses, finisbecd in a neat-m'anner, JLand f6rming a uniform row,-insfrontot the Lower-readt, sling. ton. near Nall's-pond, 3 of which are shopsi, and the e,thets genteel 'aersdnesxi 2 stories high, whith neatt forecourt. in front, toed N l:xdeienclosed by brickiwalls, and, very cbanningly aituated wlth etteneslve.viewefront and back. The whole are of the presurad annuuli value of~ 3501. 'Thre are keld oni separate leades, at tkfe law ground.hreont of Si. kn( upwards wer, Itouse. To be viewed, and. Parti- ular hadat Gs:reawny's, and of Mr. Baixoce, . High Hlolborn. To Dissenters, PublIc1. SchoolsF, BUtXilders-, and. Others.-By r BULLOCK, ait GaLrrawlY' a, To-morrow, March 16, at 1,2, by ie- tion of the txecutrix orfthe Rey. Mir. F4at Cu1la1ir decieased, spaciou S.m-odern Chapel, eligibl~ situate in M~en- steete, 4and hteld.roaderected sri-he sept mnaniier, In -1805, by ecesed ad ieldanTesee lor an unexpired terrm of 45 years, at aground rent of 21Lper annum. The vaults and cellars letof to.a unexceptionabile tenant at 1t21.,loming the cbapel aLnd apgurtenances at only 91. The pews, state, communIon, pulpit, chandelier, and all Rittinps, will be included in thei purcbase, an)dposseeslon maty be had on coursileting the sauie, - This propertY oceuPles a eOlorof ground of' 38 feet ?irontage, andi It Is presumed itatnds equally efIgible for a public school, nmtnu actory agnd 3 or 4 dwelling-housts, into either of which it is easily convert?ible, To be viewed 7 days prior to the sule from I 2 till 4, and paurticulars had at Garrawrays; of, Mr. Parker, 43, Ju.dd- street; and of Mr. Ballock, High-Hoiborn. ;o 4 Butchers jand Others.-First-rate Business. Premnises, Stun-street.- By Mr. WlILLOCK4 at GarrawAyf-, To-Irorrow, the 16th, at 12, in ons enc of a dise01tition or partate1ship, valuable Leaste of t'hose conspicuaoUs -Premises, L oaerpylru(an extensive, frontxge, No. 33, in Sunx-street, a few paces only troru isshoPsgata-strteet held for all-unexpired term of 171 years, gtt the'lowr rent of-101. per annurn,.- The premilses aLre Par- ranged for cnducting a apia rti trade, for which they stand unrra.led ad a a ritin exenS tO dstictbusinesses may bel carieden Atprsenis el esabishd a ai'ek hop and butchoers, iren, n godardr, ndfltiorheocuatin o arespectable famitly. To be viewed, and oartieulrs ~ ~ ~~to te se;ale h High fb born.- 55. t GarXLWays;and of Mr. Bullock, S-all Freold and Leaseholdi tWentlaih-town, Strou,d, and Bexley. heat.&,-By Mir. PULLOCK, 'at Garra*Al-';, To-morrow, the 16th, at 12, ASubstantial Family Residence, No. %4 Salisbury-street, A-J Strand let to Mr. Phillipa, tenarit &t wtri, at the lovw rent of (101. per annunm; ffeld on lease fer 16 y-ears, att 451. A Leasehold HOuse, )namffeld.pleee, Kentls3.towrn let on lease,ti 131. 13s. per annuim, and held at a groundrent of'ss. A neat detacbed.Preehold Coittage, with exenlegrs,4 ropped, delightfullyetruate,in Chatliam-n place, Bexleyr-heath. Kent, in the occupation of the vendor. who will give posaeieon vrhcn required: the entrance is through a resat, fore, court, and theo whole pbst of groublid is about 230 feet dtep and 30 feet in width;: the roads 4rs excellenit and coaches pasts hourly. To be viewed, andpyrticulacr had srtthe Lord 1.H11l, Bexley-heasth; the Assemi bly House, Kientiab-to%yn; at Garraway's; z.nd of My,. Bullock, High Holbofn. To tStae Mse, aluyCah n, ndOthers.-By Mr. 3. MIUSO ROVE, ontRPeies donn the sign of the Cock and Cat;,at Knln, HSDY, Mrh15, at 3 S, by order of the Slierif fMdlsx NEuseu oss tCs a neat glass coach, a N cait, sets. e harnesa, afe lots Of furniiture, and other efets obe iwd and catalogues had on the premises; of VMesrt. Ashley an odman. solicitors. 25, Tokenhouse-Yard; and of Mr. J.' sugrev, Haekney, and 161. Shoreditch. Chatha -place, flaclisey.-Mioderrr yurniture, elegant Chinla and cut GlasS, and other Effects.-By Mr. J. MUSGRtOVE, on the Premises, No. 5, ChathEssa.plate WVest, oni Wednesday, Mlarcb 17, at 12, A..LL the goinuine Effects, includinig elegait bedIsteads anid hangings, nboreen window curtains, full sized goose feather beds matreses andhadiag maogay chests of drawers, basin stans, resln5tabes,andchaberchars, pedestal sldeboaLrd, set of mahoanydinng tble, rsewosl ardfind sGfa ditto, dining and drawng oomchars, endrs,liriros, rugs, carpeting, glasses, a geslral ssotmen ofchin an cutglas, a variety of culinary items~, and thereffet-s.To b Vieed o Tuedayand mnornisig of sale; cataogue on he pemies, nd o Mr.3. usgrove, auctioneer, Ds-tstn.---Tie Ftrt l'ut of the Leasehold Estates of Mr. Williami Honeysett, a bankrupr.-ByMr.J. MISGR0VE, ittGarraway's, on Mfonday, AMarch 22-. at 12, I'n3 lotts, by orde;* of the. As3signee. VTERY eligible Lea%eho!d ProDerty, situate in Park- Vroa, DalIton, In tlrespacleh of Hackney; land tax redeemsed; consistinig of $ respedrable residldnecsf W4ithi good gardtens arid fore. courts enclosed, and also a valusable plot of larden ground behind. The whole held under Messrs. Rhodes, the freehiolders, ror aLboiut 60 years, at very small ground rents, and esttimated to produce 2401. a. year. To be viewed till the sale; particuilars on the premises; of- MiesArs. Ashley and Goodman. - tlleitors to the copinrlsslon, 23, To- irenhouse.vard; at Garraway'r; at the Auetion Mairt; rund of Mr. J. Musgrove,- auctioneer, HackXney, and 161. Sboreditch. Lease hol t'o Ary loomsburv. and St. ;tncashld fror 76 Fyears, at smrall Grourirn R tsB MrJ IUSGROVE, at Gar-a Is.'s or ',inda Vach 2, t 1. i 2 ots bydirection of the Ad;ilnsu-a.' j. eIgibe Lasehld stat, cnsistinig of a brick built I I i Hose ad Sop. o. 3, InLitle Gulldforri.htreet, Bernajrd. I steet Rusellsqure,let n laseto r. Jamies Cottrell, p lumber, ~c.at he -er lo rnt f Sgulcasa ear; and a brick built house, No. , Mrgart-rw, Mrchont-trst,Burton-creseent, let to Mrs. Clake,a rapetabe yary tnan, a pe anum301. Tu be viewed tillthesate patiCuarson te pemiss o Mesri.Tebibutt, ui. tor, 3, Arsiflr atGarrsay's ado rj. Musggrve, Hack- ney-, and 161, Shoeiteb. By HEAtDIMRl, at ray',T DA,telithlsisc.sst 1 2. by orderof the Proprietor, who has succegasifrly occupied the pre- niisevsfora sirs.. of ~ ,ad is ncow retriring, 4Very respecal u chouse, with a compact byewecry. A9staMng, laxgc yard, and spcions spirit warehouse, suitable Ilir tihre wholepale-trade, towhich19is attached a. respoetabile dwelling.I hiouse .r.d rcai.t wirre.vaultst. Thisveryldesirable property is knowvn as Clark's Wine-vauilts und Cider Cellars.4 Situate Jir Maiiden-larne, Co- se-e. grden. The businsgw le extensive and unusually profitable, hlorlee,'at a oderate rent. Mlay be viewted, andpatclr had at Oarraway?s; and of the auctioneer, &c. 92, Hatton.garden. By, EDWARD liMBER, at Garraway'si, THIS -DAY, MNarch 13, at 12, 4Respectable Free Public-housle, known by the sign of thie A.~Prince ofOranre,conmmandlngly sit.uate In front,arid attthe jtine- tion of the two roads akt the entrance of Londoni-street, Greenwirch, Kenit, wI1th stabling atnd large yardr aleo 6 Cottages adjoirring, let off for rnearly thewh.le reht. Tbsetr.ade, thoughtnints infancy,,hats averaged dtisiin.- the winrer 10 buitts of porter per month, Independent of an extensive bus;nssea ,inwines, spirits, &c. Maybheviewed, and articu- jars had; also at GAxrawa1-'s; and of the auctioneer, &c. 92, Hatton- gardeni. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extensire Sal of fine West of EnglandBodCoh JROSE ve-ry respectfully informsE the Public, ta i h e has recelved orders to submift by AUCTION, aktth Ma. on Thursday, thelStlilinstatnt, and followring day,tsevlaeTC I of a Gloeesterslnire CLOTHIER, upon which a. lairge d nehste made;z comprising anx assortment of e%tra, Saxony.ansuefeblc mind blue cloths, rouifed and single kcrl,eyioeres, &c ayb iwd one day- precedhig and miornings of sale. Snd. cataloge a a h Mtart, and of MIr. J. Rose. Chureli-counr t, Old Jeswry. [Furnitre Pinige, prnts~, Rooks, &,.-By Mdr. COX, at 26, - Bojto;,. treet. on Mon-day, the 22d ins8tant, aLnd followiu dy,a 2 A Variout Seliction of elegant Household Furniture ofa :noderndlesmrlption, pier and chimuisyv alaFee, lustres, drawing.i roomn suit, GrecIan sofes, cutiches,liruselsaind othier carpeting, cheffo- ;lirs,vadroes,inng,car, en:l,rkeloo, dressirgRmandither tables, of mhogny ad rsewod, indo cutains and bed furniture of fin chnta ~rtirbedingof he estqulity:- other cabinet andno hoiter atices f he r;ot ubsantaland userul descriptin few lne pinthes, selct mdica lIbary,and other valuable effects.I To b vIwed iS~;rrdy pecedng he ale, and catlocnkues to beI lied o the remiss; ari of te aucIonee, 26, St. Jamess-street.J Juddstret. 3ruswik.squatre.-E-xelJlent Purrirlt7re. line, -cook Cia,Glass, &cc.-B3y Messrs. KEMiP and SON, on the Premnises, 49. Jud-street, Bruinswicik-square, on Wednesday, March 17, at 12, Si 'H ~ whol ofT he Captal Fniiatue, comptrisinig lofty~ a 4.oetandten besteds nd urntures, goose feather lbeds am,d beddng,orahgan chets f dcwer, wrdrobe, c-otton arid ma; cci curtais, pie and cimney lass~eBrusses and other carpets,, a duraing roomsui ofcurain, cair an'coieas,. a sec of'patemit mohogany- din ig tablesi, fli;e wood, a set ofSans mahogany Trafalgar chairn, sideboard, pemrbrokeaidinu tbls table arid bed linen, books, eIriua, and g1lass, Witnavrtyo seeu furitre be vie wed orie dlaw preceding and monin fsl;caaouso the premisesi, and at Messrs. Kemp's, Judtre,rrrlc.ua. New Kntritrord.- Neat Bouskehold Furniture,8-aClc Secremaira and Onokcase, moilern Pedextal Sideboard. Set ofDngTals and other Xffectsj.-ly Mr. COCKEISELL, upon the rmasN.,- Portland.plsce, NeW Kent-road, on Wednesday, M arhi,a12 by order of tile Executor. Q EASONE 1) Goose Feather Beds find Bedding, malho- kJ cns'doule ad sngl dresin chsts of drawers, chiminey, pier, and xeiinglases, resing~tsds,dinin F, penibroke. and card; tabes,secetare nd ookase maogay an(i JapAnined chairs win-. dow urtans, rusels nd oher arpts, fenders, ifire Irons, books, lInn, hin, gass an nueros ohereffects. NMsy be s-lesscd lone! dayprir t te sle nd atloges adupon the premises; and of: thc uctonee, ~, ~1cknan-sree. NB. The hotse to bs let, with Dartmouth-row, Bimsekheath. - By Mr. CHARLES WRIG-HT, at the Green Majn Inn, Blafkheath. on T)iur%day. Mafrch 18, at 4 in tbe afteromo, by order of the Proprietor Thomas. Freake, esq. who is removing froma thence, and will give Winted-iate puseessonl A usata n very compact Leasehold Residence, A pleasantly lluae in thepteferable part of Dartmouth-row. 4ronting the avenue leading to te h ieath, and contains 6 good bed roomis, adrawing ro-urn with aloalcony, havfng a fine view of the sum- -rounditig ceunn-y. dining room, enitrance hal *, store roomi, kitchen, secullery, large coal Yault, very, dry wine anud. tisr cellays, and other conenlnee, aid net serada r cverd way frour the front lead- ing o te enrane hal: eld f te Iigirt Honourable Earl Dart- mout, fr aSermof en earsanda hlfs at Chriatmas last, at the low reun ren of 01. er anum.May be viewred, from 1I tili 4 o'cock tie hre das pecdin th sae,and particulars had on the premses attbeplac ofsalr DverCastle, Broadway, Deptiord ; at arrways clrehoue; nd f M-.Wrlgbt, sureyoyr and.oane- To Carpentewrs, Builders, VTiimber- Merchant-c, tiorxn;aler&a Fir_e wood Cuitters, &c..-By Mdr. SOU-TIIEY. noon the Premisas, ldaze.-pond, Senthwara, near t'ae Hlospital, THISD1AY. MArch 15, and. following days at 12, without reserve, by order of t he Trullttos of thetoeetat of' ?(r. Jontathan 130thrnan; butilder, deceatsed. TI' E -vluabe Lese o ti e rmises, possesi'ng excel.. len wokshps,shes, ard stbIng, and other conveniences.: and comodous weilnghous, hldor aLn unexpired term of 9 yeas, t amodrat grund ret; nd.ailthe extensive aLnd seasoned Stoc inTrais, om~rsin l'0 3-nchseasonied deala sand planks, 3,00 2luc an I tieto3,o0 ich irboards from 12 to 20 feet, 8000firboads vrltus~2.1)0 Ihatoris 50 coering boaLrds, ua wn-, posts, temporary workshop, easWpits, staSges, l-c. as w8rk 1senches shop fronts, sashes, 4oors, 2,000 feet mahogany and svainscot, 20 fathom t fir tirevrood, an assortmentof iromosingery, cranes,serew Jacks, carts, horses, 20,000 stock bricks, and other effects. May be viewed two days prior to the kale; catalogues had on the premises; and of M1r. Southey, 191. TooIey-strect. Genteel Houtehold Furniture. B-slay Clock. Pier and Chimiiey Glasses, China, cut Glass, Linen, Books, Pianoforte with additional keys, 4-wheel Chaise anot Harness, Greenwich, ICent.-ly. Mr. SOtTITE'Y, on thePretnises, Croom'e-hill Greenwich, on Thursday, iarch 18,. gt 11 preoisely, by order of the Executors of Tbomase Srith, esgq d"cased, , LT the Household Furniture and Effects, coin- pricing four-post and teait bedsteads and furulturee, feather isand. bedding, tardl'ob,s, chests of drawers, Brussels and other carpets >dra*Ing and dnimsng room curtains, drawIng and dinng room chairs, sofas, cardutables, L et of rmahoany dininS tables. pe- distal eldeboard, book,aze library of books, among which are Fox's Martyrs. 3 vols JYobnsen s Dietlonary, 2 -vols. CIarendorn' R ebellUon, 3 volt. Ogitby's China. sec.; 8-dy clock, china and glass, pier end chimney gasses,pianoforte, linear, chaise end harness, &e MaYbhi viewed oars day erlor to tha salel, and catalogues bad on the premses, and of Mr. Soufirey. 1111, Tooley-street. To Cucriers, Lcathercuttrs, L,eatherseliara and Shoeroakers.-Lease- hold Premilses, Household Purniture, Stock In Trade, Nortonfalgats. -ByMtr. SOUTHEY, on the Premlises, 1, WhlteLlosi-strest, Ifozton- fgtI , on Friday, Mlarch 19. at 11, THE desirable Lease of the Premiseg, possessing snrit_ JL able aeeommodatiote for eatrrying on the butsine.s, as well as aecedlent domesti, convenences. The Mtockt and utensils In trade, furniture, &c. of a curr4er and 19athercutter, comprIsing squarer, crop offal, horse hlde pituig. cordovan, calf'raiddles and butts, grsdned ebIf kip, bOtta, nsuest, Wellnitgtou and Hessian tronts and baceks ockey boot legs,atentad other tops, wax pleces, shoevVamps an quarters, eSlf imd sheep bladere, roensandke avers,kIde,beam ,ccles; utensils li trade, 3:c. TIe furnture e.tnPri4es bedateade. and furni- turne, dsatberlde^s aud bidddng, thalrejtables, chestifof draers, cad. Pets,' kltchen-reulUeit4a, ~c,i. May bi vielw onr day prior to thj *,,,eat.1 Xt,- t u4 srW0 gq o,Xo LnMb~d eel ~ee C~bIwb tia t*bla, sad. a Wr Guamd~ Hauga sea.t~h4.r M DADMSON1 at.t. gos p-l jbisr'w turmplke.&: -Thi bouse contarins; S bedroomsi, aL dr4winig tcosd;' 1ar loutrs, Iltcbe.), wRshbou,e, and ealiarin3~a'low. garden, andw~lare kitchen sCnd fruit gKYdenivald l?rud ih rfso fhgb prolific fruiit trees, aL cliajehrust and stable, lield for eLnunExpe term of 7 years asTfd V4(iatbtk1 at On>.2I.-0sy per a,an-.. ''ol be viewed till the tsiato M.James-Lihiwkilte, 13, York- street, near 'he Duchieysas o, of wboin pafticular&amay lit had; at the Mart, and'df Mfr.Adasfn0on;, 11, NUltter.-square, Freeh~Old RsSt4iaefh- lghw, jir tie COutnty of Middlesex, Land a L;eftsehOl Reae e Gog n the East.,-By Air. ADAMISON, att the.Mat Tamro,Mac 6 t 12, In 2 Iota, uniless previously Lot A FreodEtte, consisting of P. brick built .(i~..meesuge, c ntinng 3 rooms and at small yard, situiate No.-4,. Ryrt-cut ldGaa-lane, latelts'-bigh way, of the esti- mated aief01 aom.Lot 2, A long leasehold~ estate,. con- sistingof w esseo eeents, Nos. I to .9 inclusive, Cbanctery- court,. Islqg.tse,akrad, St. Georgois in the East; partleit to wveetkly taat,adPaton lSe, pro0dusiog a5L. por ausurn, after deduceting grounid rent aLnd taxes. Held for art uxnexpired term of 46 years fromn Michaelm~as day lasit; at aL ground rent of 141. per annum. To0 be viewed, til the sale, andyartleu are had on the premisea; att the Miart; aid (of 'All. Adamison, 1], Billiter-square,, Grournd-Rent -and-Incoe of?4aye.imoabehseni Canali, Gas Comp.v ndDuyLane Thextre.-BySr CT (aephew of the aeii.T ct) at the Mlart, the 7t Ins t QHARES in teBrigaI, Stratford,Prtmuh k-) and other Canl,teWsrouae a ompany, &e Also a Ground ftent an noeo 14aya,secure by extensive I buldigs,nea Waerlo.brdge SureyandImproevable. Partieu- liar maybehaat te Mat; ad ofMr. Ctt tatettand canal ageur and Herte.By Mr. SC TT ephew of the late vMr. T. Seott), at the Mart,-o Wednesay, th Tth instarit,ait 12, A SuenorFreeoldInvestment, kthe lunil tax re- LI deerned,)eoniting of paxt of a. share of an ad-'rnturer's mnoiety withalhdvanage i;that important Natlorist CDVcern, the Now ivropay, asrblshed~ above two centuries, for the supply of temt roPolis and Itisburbs with waLter. The revenue bag In- cresedconIdeabl wihina sortpelod, And an opportutnity but selom ccus o Inestng n tde arao'Ant water compaLny and naviabl caial Paticlar ma behadof Mr. S. 7aylor. 1-, Johii- stret, Bdfor-row of essr. Hariso andFrear, Dots-,; att the Mart an ofMr.Scot, otat au caal gen; % Carey-street. Lin. for usinss, itImmediate Possession.4 M. "kaE 1M N en te Pemie,,on Thursday, March iS;' at 19, P51 E Yry pacous and capital House,~ Shop, said Pre- L mles, siuate o. 31. at KnIghtsbridife, on tho south side of that eornandinthorouhllAre, atnd 4ithink view of Hyde-pai k. corner,In pubiciynd facilities for busLiness unrfivalled us or near the etrpoli, ocupyng frotag of26 feet by a depth of 10 feet, held or a unepire ter of 0 ye rsat a ground rent of onlyIll.71 perannm; he axe an raes nusaly moderate; and Immediate ?oeseelxon can be ie.Tbevwe preceding the sale;I dseeip tive particulars hado the premnises ltMtDne' e-te, In Charles-street, lIerkee.qur:and Gatsrraway's. On the samne day will be sold the oue ldurnilture ering cart and barnmos,, &e. Hiousthold F~urniture, Glasses, Mirrors, large Carpets, Presses, Book- casz.es,cPital. winged Wardro,be, Set of necks for a music saloon, Eight-daY DlRl, Ratrrel organ, &c. Knlgh tabrldge, near Hyde Par)c. corner.-By Mr. JAM,ES DENE%V, upon the Premises, 33, Knightg. brIdge, near HYde Park-err-ner, on Thamriday next, punetUsaly at 12, on aecount of the great number of lots, 11HE very excellent and modlern Furniture, chimney, T glases, Large convex mirrors, prints framed and. glxsed, china,. glass, eicht-day dial. barrel orgaLn. 'fowlinepiece. rapital set of mishog. any music desk-s for a banid of 60 perfirimers, deal~,,resoes, bookte ses Tuky and Ziussels carpets,. statuary wnarblel c tirntypiece, sare. glazed sashes, andotliItAr valuablet fixtures, spring eat t, hamrness, SOd numierouis valuabile effects. To be viewed twvo days preceding. when catalogues may be had at Knightabridge; and of Mir. Doenw, auctioneer. Charles-street, Berkeley-square. Excelle`in_t Dwluc_I)ne-house, mnodern light frontedi 1hop, aind W)are- roomis, J5ohn-strett. Grett Portland-street.-By Mfr.JAMES DSEJRW. on the Premises, on Tuesday, 23d instanit. at 12, 5'HE Leasiu of a moat con-tenient Dwellinig-house. with Tlight showy, reiodorn fro)nteA shop, extensive wareroons and premiacs, desirably situate, No. 1I, oni the, west side of John- treet. Great Portland-Ntret, mri-, years In the occupaxtioa ot Mir. Tshloas ,ilmnot, pholder, wholias quitted thiem oni account of iUl-health, Admirblysuitod for carrying on that businiess, or any other reqtuir- igpaecomibined with great pnblieltv ; they are throughout in the mnost perfect anid cornplete state of repair, both substantial and orna- mental, heldi for ean unlexpired term of 28 years, at a rnoderate rent, and irn madiste, P"sses.%ion ran lie given on tatkIng the fi xtur"es t ImV- lue?lnn. To he'viewed precedlu- the sale. printed pdtrtieulArs moay be had on the premises; and of Str. Elener, at his Oflec, IntCharlez- gtreet, Beorkeley-square. Salvag for Acountof theCount 'Ire Oibce.-Splendid Colleetloia of rench Chinia; also abiout 30 Lot, of handsomne Tea Trays.- By Mr. JAMES ABBOTT, at Air. Scntt's Auctioni Room, Cambridge- Sttreet. the corner of Broad-street, Golden.square, To-morrow,at 11, by order of the Director or the County Fire-office, HE 'Whole of the Stock of elegant French China, re- T.moved from Mlr. Bamberceras, Speldhnrst.t-su-et, consisain.g of a, xeneral assortment,f damaged h lireIn the most trilli!g degree. Sayi he vIewed oni Moziday beforc te sAlde, wlhen eatalo;oci niay be had;- also of Mcsers. Nethersole and Barroin. solicitors. Essex-street; and of Mir. Ablott, t'aRtle-eourt, adjoining the British Fire Office. Strand. liadow,Keit-Vey vauabe Frehod Re,eidtnce a,,d rich Arabie, Meadow, Wod, Iand Htop Land, ahounidiuig with (la, ryown Timber. and in the highest possible state of cultivatlnn.-B Mr. ABBOTT, at the Auctionnmart, on Tuesday, Muareli 16, at 12, In 2 lots, by order of thie Executor, '31HATr most valuable Estate called Forkner'p, imost desirably situate, ona good turnpI)ceroLd, in tberichest valrn brc-ulthouse, oasthouse, stabling,. and all requisite outbulldins, in excelelent rePair; good garden, and 80 aeres of highlY productive hop,samble, and meadowland; togesherwitl a farm called Lark Hale, comprIsing 30 acres of arabhle, meadow, atnd pasture land, through which ruine a Aine trouit stream atid a farm called Starve Crowy, con- sistng f aCotage wit gaden ban, nd 54 acres of arable, pasture, and oodlan, amiraly daped or heyreservatlon of igame, with whic Itis aundntlystucked Ma beviewved oni application to Mr. Henr Chese as; ontheprenlse, wereparticulars, may be had % alsohf aser, LngadangCaral I slctrs, And at the; Crovwn, Tonbiids-. Cron, Senoas; Str, ridton; Graryhotond, Hlad- ow; nd f Mr Abott,eslte aesi andappalsr, 20, Conduit-sitreet, To Cbintmaers,Uphictrer, Carpenters, WholesaeironFmongerF,, and Others, reqju irin extensive Premise!s, In a great thuoranhrare C.ornpton-stieet, Solrn----Peremptorlly by Mlesrs. DAWSOA aer CA-E, at their Spacious lRo,,m, Great Marlborough-street, on Wed- nesda;- frhl17,at 12, hyorder of theProprietDr, Hi" Lomae, of a substantial brick-built Dwellring-house, A stuzte No. i4, on the iiorth Aide of old Complon-atreet, Soho- squ;are: helA for ani unexpired tern; of i7 years, att a lo%v rent, In the ocetpaton f Sr,_ujiin. a tixture dealer, retiring frorn business on account ofill health. The i)remise8 may be viewed till the sale, where iixrilculrs niav he lhadz also of Mfessrs. Hamilton and T'wninno soIl- eitors,4 Berwle)Z-street; and of Mes.srs. Dlaruvon and Wae, Great Idarl. h-orough.lisneet. AnI Im_pro0VedRBnt of 30 xoir,lefs per-aniuu5i_7,r o296 yearse lease, Wariik-tet odn-gac-r'ess DAS'and CAFE, March 17, at 12, HptE Lease of a brick built Dwvelling-house, situate i-No, 10, oni the east side of Wanrwlck.street, Golden-squatre, re- cently repaired at a v6ery great expense, held for a termn Of SP Years from Mlidsummier-day, 1S'24; let ont lease t r.rNt Cornellus Robson, for the whole teriii, wanting three mnoniths, -at an improved lent of 30) guIneas, Mtay be viewved till the sale, Particular. haLd on the premses;of M. Yong, olictor.Purand-strcet; Aiid of Mlessrs. pIecs sd lapebangngs al,i.30 ozeni of S9auces anid Soys.-By, Sir.ALGR (lte ithMesss. obis), at irI!,supaious8 Rooms, 9, Kingstret, Hlbor, Tomorrw, I I, for the Beneft of the Crc IX Hundred Pieces of Satin, Flock, and Bedroomn Paper, with various borders, of modersi paktterns; 13 vein, statuary, and Bodilla rmarbic chlmneypleecef, Portlknf ditto, and slabsi, &C. Also, 230 dozen of superior Reatding atid anOhovy sauces and soys. May be viewtd on Sionday and niorning of sale, andi catalornuei lizd of 'Mr. Algar, 9, King-siret. Hoihorir. chic-ie Wince--ny Mi:.CODKE. on the Prernilses, At Lee- plc,na Lewisthamn, Kenit, THIS DAY, March IS. tand followingda,t12 r HE remnaining' Furniture of Benjamitn Aislai,eq -Lremnoving frrom Lee-blace, together with at Cellar o uiu Wine,, connistin5 of upwarjds o-0,100 dozern of pecullarlyScolv et Claret, East India hiadeima, Sherry. Hermitage, Sec. of th~ letvnaes, selected witu Infiniite cars and judgemneut. The furnittr may riewed oni Satuirday niext, when catalogues mnay be had ujpon the pre- n'ie;or of M4r. Cooke, 69, Great Russell-street, Bloomahbury-square, LondonTThe wvlne WllIbs sold oni Mfouday aridt the furniture onTucedaty. Tn-n Shres, o th7e S~umns of p20adLo ah scrdoeh ol of Twvo Tori; ke-roads.-By Mr W. W. SIM NPSON, at Garraway'e, onThrsay Ih,rch 1a, at 12, in 1 lot, r pAVO Shares of the several Sums of ?2ix0 and ?loo ,_j,each, secuired on the Tolls of two Turnpike-roads, In the count o afford, bearinj Al. pet cent, interest, the dire payment of which the ventdor wvill coveisetnt to make in London. y-eaLrl or half- yearly, as maY lhe agreedl on by the parchaser. PartIcualars 3 daya prior to the rale of A. NVIWti,n rsti. 9, Kine~s Bench-waLlk, Tesuple; and of Mr. W- WV. Simpsont, 24, Bucklarsbuory, near the Miansionhouge, Londoni. To DyerR, CapitalssanOtesB MrW.I.S PO,atG- ,a way'r, on- Thurda, arch 5 at 12, In one lt T EfixedI Plantat Utensis of an Orchell Maufac.. tory, situatte at NVo. 35, Rose-lane, Soitalfielde, and comnpri-sing a 300 allon st111, worn, and tnt;, clis'terns aiid barcks, Iron-hound hogs. hetcasks, town carla, iron safe, and fitting up of counting-house. This concern atfords a favourxble opportunrt:3 tor advantageous em- ployment of caPital, with the gxreatest prospect of success, there being little competition In the trade. This oreintiseb are mnost Adaan- tageouisly aittiate Ini the centre of the Lond6n consuniers, arid at at low rent. 1The purchasersmroy immediately comnmenceiworkinzg, and, If iec-iutred, wvoutdbueintstructed in the art of manufacturing the article. arid hatveit superii;tsssded 3or 6nion,ths, nra logxer period,.as osaybe a~rscd. t'uttherptricularrs and cards to ve a ebdo Mr. -W. Simpson, 24. Bucklersbury, and wrho will sasrir a 15555 of thlelrenilass fiur aiiy tern;i reqrrired, at a renital of 201. p-er annuxm. Cophls,doron, producin are ntlo311. ls. pMr aninum. -By DRAVTOv adv VgTM tte1tr,nWednetsday, !,isrcb 24, t 12 by rderof tliS Prpit, 131~VObrick uilt Dweln-oue,wth Shope out- hous,, tablng,gardeni, ndad,esrbyituate tn ChuIrch- treet LowerEdmontn, nea tiesrn rde n the ter;ure of Mrs. Meadaridanoter, ridheld byhrn es,I years of wvhich aire unexiredat Ldyda i;et, ad prducig a learannirail renttof 311. 105.thee prmiss ar coyhol, sbjec toa Sne of 3o. 4d. aLnd a qalt ent f 15. arein anexcelent tateof repair, and nimnchi unde1r. let, aybe Iewed10 daeprecding thsale. I,y leave of the tenaint.; prite patiulas ad t he Ie f,Edouiren;Swats, Tottenham; of Mssrs Wooward Oveton,and oomb, slctorts, Tokenh,iuse- yard andof Daytn an venons aucioners nd surveyors, 97, ~raeebold. Copyhol&, and Leasehold Estates, Rat lif.-BMy-PAULIN, and SON, att the Auction Mart, To-morrow, Mdatch I & at 12, by direc- tion of the, Executors of the late Mtr. Crotcbrode WhulP,ng. F REEHOLD, Copyhold, ad LeaseholdI Estates, dwelling,houses, mi Pleaant-row, on the east sIde f Stepney-causa- way, uaeri Brook-street, let to good tenants, at ahout 801. por annum. Six copyhold dwelling-houses writh gardens, on the east aIsde of Rat. cliff-snquars, nunmbered from I to f. let to respectable telUtitS Lt wVill atlOSi. per aismun. Slxbrick dsrelling-houseswithgardens,InRose- lane, near London-street, let to respectable tenants at will, at 361. 16s. per anmum. held for ani unexpired term of 12 yetrs, at a 'grounde rent of 6L Ard4 tight leasehold dwelhing-houscs, pleasantly situate and forn;ing the wvhole of Great Queen Catherine-court, Brook-street, atlisff, let So groodi tenants at will, at 701. per annuni- held for is lang term Rt a tri-ling ground rent. r'he copyhelds ate neatly equalofreehold, beI ald of the manor of Stepncy at s amal fine cettain. Stay i e viewed 7 da a preceding the sale ; particulars mam- he hatd on the premnisca; at the Anghel and Red Lionis Ilford Bull Barkin: BirdYn-Hil-and, Stratford; Anwei and Cruwn,tWhltecapl;x of Mr tVUllaxne. sedicitor, Coptnallcorrrt, Tlirogmorton-etrcet s at the Miart; and of Patiuiin asiR Son; '.iroad-atrest. iatcliff, Ashford, r,ar Staines, Mlddlcsex,-Va,luable FrehReold-lesidence, and 40 Acres of Land, a capital rxrmn. end other deairable Clotse of Ltnd exonerated from Lahie Tax. and exempt from Titkes.-By Mr. PRICKETT, at the Melt, ori Wednesday, the 24th day ot Marcb, atl2,in 310ta 4 Select and highiy respectable Family Residince, with lawn, pleasure frounds, shrubberles, plantation walks, and 'Arucmtive garden, a bthhou, greenhouse, eoachhouse, rni stablg for8'aorses, ganary, cowhouse, and other appropriate olBee, gar- deiser's cottage- togeclter with several closes of excelentmeadoir and asable lUan, 6unioundIng the manstoni, containing nearTy 40 acres, in the occupation of A. Dowises, *sq. whoe term *xpires at Michaelmas, 1824. A close of extremely valuable lItnd, containing 42a. 3r. albstting oi the turnpike-road frein Staines to Xingston, witb axtesilvefrontage for buulting. Alto two temarkably rien cloaet of old meadow ltnd,called the Sextons, containinggupwardo of 4 aers. The whole situate In the highly esteemed viliagi of A'shford, Middle- *ex I rnile from th4 great westelrn road. 2 mIles from Stainte and Sunb6rr,nilis from Hampton, 5 from Tivickeiuham abd 14 froim Lonton, th eXcelentrcda-and drives min,eery directRn- May be viewed, the mraiio)i With tiekets -ohe and printed partienlars rony b d t remes; 'and Of Ir. ,osephi WlWUn Ashford, the Dog,Bedfont;theRed Llon,Staipand olnelo, s 9doWerpot, Suss bury eU,l.Ha to~jiuig U IeMB, Tirleltna; of )lee,. DDnn tknd'W?=f?tem beStse'o dre4me; t A8q ~~t~~'ia4~~~~%. r ~ ~ ~ o *dttt. -nl seutbawpuns-row Mo.Us,ue..xe~. Vdern~ ornpaenetiat cm"o Cloo kiioffe flilac, rts, wlit~h A ston 9T F HE genuine. ana e-xcellent - Householdl FurIliture glasses In. by:3710y 48 11). b36 insi mirDror, r6sewodtn inndee gnd. tabltis, ztet of.capta &I ding tables, parlour chairs T vid lite b*dsteads, htisginge and boddir1g, w1indbw eurtaol8s robes, cheat of drawers, ar few artieles of ornamental !4 Ward. s.ioclts, and jmoisecasus efrects. Ta be lwdo Wd y8ds celngthe~sgl, and catalogues had on theypremisgi;rnd d, themouth end ferkeley-sIquare.opPzoslteiCh ss-ets-ee,,,- Ci7arge-tree_t, Toes tp Pcadly an Fomnmandiga Vieiw over th Geen r.-opaqHue rkearly eqiai *to Preehold, being held oli Lease renevrable for ever, at a Nnin cer taln.-iiy Mr. RAINY, St the AtIetion Mart, on Weedzjsdzy, Mare11 81, at 12, with immediate Poissession, . ACo;npadt and ve6iy' desirable House, Very 6eherftully oLl stutee, No. 2,' cri the east sid'e of Clarggz.strept, clole to- Pie. dilly, comprliinS roonmp an a smrall. third rop>m on each floor eon' venlent kltb -enj; ot abed c&1drbtht, waittr closet, &e. 'To be vfewe4 till th ae, andh! PArinted p5rticUlars had, 14 day's precedinig, of Aleiser Smith and La ord, Dra2ers.)shn Tbrozinorton.sLreet; at tht AUS1. tion Mant. and. of Mr. RltanY, -S, till, A91sul and of Berkelpy.isqu5ar Opposite Charles-treet.- FiccaLPMy, opposite tke rrtsen-park.-Cariltal LaeodRadn,ae Oficdes, Coachhouse. and Your-&tsI Stable-B.4y Mr. ft,%NY, t h Auction Mart, on Wedsieedar, March 31,. at 1t, Wlth m edit AVery substantial well finish;ed. Leilsehold Residence, QL hald for. atcrix of6 85years, atA moder.ate round'ress situate a. I11, on the north side of PlcoaIlTls-,. oppo lte the Green.park, oomprlslng excellant dining parlour and library, 2 draw-icir roomis 'And a boudoEr, V best bed ChsMbMr, and v. dress;ilsgroon), aaxd 4 mervante rooms, eonreaient offices, Ineludintgwrexlihou" and latundry, coacehl houae, and 4-tzI13table. To be vlwq- tillthe sale, and PrlGIjted par. ticulars had, 14 days preesdung,on this promises; of Win.. izard segg Lliucoln't-hnn.alelds; at the Auetlon.n,ss'r: "ln of Mr. Rain, 2, the mouth cad or De.rkeloy.squ&re; opposite C'harles-atreet. and Nw Caenduh . sti.6me-Spaeiossg FarelyHoI e a with oaeb.ouand stabling, Lea"Ihold for a'terrm of3dOfc, a smll roun ret; the property and late residence of Ya,,a tess l)wasLer emptown d6ces:ied.-By t AN,a h at on Wdneeay,-Marh 31, at 12, withImeiePoseon A Very subs~teial iand spacious -LaeodRsdence L3. Shited toafaily of disinction, cr desirbl ituate. No 6,5' on thewest sdeotpotlaad.Place, comprIsing tone hai, An,fg.siong staceass, cpItl eting. parlour, - library, and third rpozn, 2~ loft, draingroos, ithfolding deors, and abolldolr.4 roocugmA thatwo, Var.and S att cx, et range of very complete QfLces, Coach hOuse. and stabinug. The furchaer wxy, if de2ired, heive-the ue ~of thli.houo.. hold furnitutre for thi sasoon. To be viewed till the eale- by-ticke!ta and tnintedTztfettIar,i had. 14 days prtliedting;- of Mr. Rniny,,8 the sCtout ad oFHrkelie-aqture, opposite ChxrIc8-MstresPart 6ulxro of T.He pretirner,esq. AlbaLny-court, Piccadlilly-, at the Mart. ; i th*nes Premises, ntefoto h Cn.ca.od r MITOtELL at arraay's on edneday,Marh ir, at 12, lit - A Vluabl Leaehold Estate, ~co'nsi'qting of a substan.. LL tilly uiltrexldencee, with !arg,s attractive shop, desirably situte,neartheturpiks, iia tue Commierclal.road, being Nog,q rthuberd.~,,,c in, the oceupWeon of Mrt. Stevensona, uphol., eterr, ho wlt ivImmediate.possession; held for aLn unexpired toro0fOye~i atthe trifling grounelresz of 41. IO&s peraznnum - anda cnveien dwlllg.oLse with commanding shop, No. 281, q11 the eatalerBdfr.tt.Con;merdai-road let aLt 27.psr,.lnum. Partieulare. May bhdofMr. Carton, solicitor, I0, Princes-strceet SpltrJAeldfa or th prmies; at~zrrixway; theAuction.mintn san otMr.-MiAlheflt, 7, oronfAlgate, and v3,Negate.street. ~round and Ntt Iteut an eiec...,,Sr ITCPHLl at Gara way~;ou ednsday, Sareb17. t 1, in.5 ots, und~er cL-cuj51 etan nhebwl oe-ami oftelatrsrve, r Net'see eprannuln, arisii# the Obellisk, near th uryTete t e`re'-flelmis; a ditto of' dOt. secured uipons spcoscweprspeie, wiithi dwzllHnghouses cow barns, staibing, caLrtbos -&.Eetedstreet, near Stepney church; a-ditto of t01. arisigfo 6 dwllishuses,, Barrett-street and Marearet.str*ot, Ktnijstu.rs:i it of 331. secured upon a shop aLnd premises, 14, Idol.ane, Tower-atreet; a net rent-of lOSi. per annum, Issuing frors P genteel residences, Victory-row, Mile-end -2 genteel residences. Nsos. I anld 2, Eagle-place, Mile-end, let at 401. per annum; and 3 freehold hiouses, BrIgh ton. PArticuilars rinay be had of' 3Mr. Westorn, 22,. New ?rusond.street; Mr. Miller, 13, G irae-Inns- square; Mr. Clark, 23, N leWgate-street; Mr. EIlerthorps, Fort-eottage Cormmercial.rosd, at the Hetll, Dean-street, Conmnerclatlroad; te Eagle Tarer,;, Mile-enA-Toad; Three Tune, Fetter-laLne; GaurrRaway's; Auctioni Mart; and of Mtr. Mitchell, 7, No; tonfaLlgate. lgeEstate -and Ground Ret,S.Janc ent-~road,In frroat of the towrn of HouLnslo'w, and a Fesnily Residence, Curmain-road- By Mfr. MITCHELL, At Ggrraws-ay's, on Wednesday, March 17, at 12 by order'of the Administrator, in variouse lots, A Substantial respectable Residence, 'No. 137, CUrtain,. _Ljroad, near Old.strect.r0ad turnpike,wlmh a large garden, neat fore- court, &-c. subjiectto the ground rent of 10;. onLY, as this estate is. held with spaeiouR premiSeq adjoinin6 at 501. and. which are let on least toM.4r.Read for the whole term, at 40L, a dwe-lling-bouse writh commandlig chop, No.26, Bedford-st.reet, Commercial-road; Shonase, siteAr the Plough and i1arrow, Laytonstone; l1i houses, in the front and preferable part of the town of Hounslow, and on the 5-lanworth.. road, near Hiounslow; 6 ho,uses. KenDnigton ; .5 ditto, Berrmondsey; 2 dItto, Tower-street, Souchwark; 2 genteel houses, Nos. 8 and 10, Nile-p lace, WeYmouth-street. Naw Kent-rosad; 2 freehold houses, Eli.- zabet-place. corner of George-street, BiCIlinal-green, nearly Opposite. Patriot-squaxe; a secured rent charge of 301. per annumn, erising from a rerp~ctab,le house anid shu, JermYn-atreet, St. Jamecs, and freeh,,.ld. and leasehouldground rents,'amouiting to near 2001.per annuim. Par.. titul-ar. may be bacl of M r. Hail, (att Messrs. Barrett and Turvill)e's stilieitors.) 9, Holborn-court, Gray'.-inn: Mr. Carron, IOI, p!ncez-- street, Spitaldlelds; Gurrsseays; AuctionIllart; and of Mr.Mitehell, 7, Nortonfalgate, and at bib~ Aictoni Ro,oms, 23. Newgace.street, MlITCH"LL. at h l rw In;;, Market-place, Kingstori, Surrey,. on Saturday,) Mrh0,a2,In fivelIots, without reserve. -V IGH TE EN rso Freehold and Copyhold riclh _M?Pasture and Arabic Laild, eligibly siltuate, at Walton, half a. nin from'Sunb,ury,1 m tile and a half from Mloulsety, aLnd 3 fron;. Hamptoni; tithe free knd land-tax redeemed. Particulars mnav bet hiad at the Crown, 'Walton-uport-Thames; Old Crown, Klngtuon-; White Horsle, Stnbury;, Red Lion, Hampton; Crown, Twielkenham; Getorge, Htounslow; Kinges Arms, Hitarnpton-court-. of Mtr. Clark, so1l.. citor. 23, Newgate-istreet; anid of tr.Mltchell, 7, Norronfalgate. Mr. S. Brtett, baker,`%Nsltqn-up.rn-Th%mei, will -how the land. NeBAt and ieun untr,Pae ie,Cia 17ri-ch a G ok,Latdies and Gtlmens Wea n Aprl and about 25. Desen of MadeirWn-y Mr.SQIBadON aLt their Great Rz.sm, Svielle-row, T-orrow, Mac n odowlng days, at; 12, byg order of the Zxecutorx, TrE neat and genuine Houasehold Furniture, pier anti TL.chimney glassec, about 300 ounces of useful plate, plated artf-- dles, wrdrobs of tahle and bed linen, rich cut glass, china In table and teaserices boks, double barrel gun,grand pianoforte, mahogany bookcases and office desk. sideboxraKu, sts of dining tables, cei,tre. card, and sofa ditto, bedsteads and hangin s, seasoned bedding, car- pets, and various otber sptects of a gentleman deceased, remoeved fromn his house in Cbs Kent-road. The wearInF appaLrel, linen, plate, china and glass, books,. and wvine wl)l be sold in the sirst day'st Sale.. The whole may be vieweid on Mionday-, the 15th ninstant,and cacaoguma had at the room. gaxcellent oshl untr,-lVnhr-qael r FLETCHR on the Plremises. TIS DAY, Marh1,a 1 y order ofth Proprietor,seodFriu,nbl uehinney lasss, aroseood heffnler, aiLd valuable effects, of a Lay, emoingfro he reidece,No.14, Devonshire-square, SI- I shosgat. Th furitur eomrise naptal loft ' f~ttL size 4-Post bed- steas wth cint andreoeen liritues, fine bordered geoose feather bes, brdered hair mattresses, and suitable bedding, mahoganychestz of drawers aLnd dressing tables, a set of 20 excellent maLhogany diniiig room shairs, circu.lar end dfusing tables, ceUleret sideboxrd, mahoga' ny card atnd breakcfast tables, 3 sets m,f a,oreeat French drapery window, ceirtains laLrge chimney galasses, Brusscls and Kifdderinsimster caLrpets, ftooreloths, and various effects. Mlay be vicwed on Snttirday the 13th, and nmorning of rale, whben sataogues, may be haid of Mir.Pbenie and Wililainson, London-wall; ' of Sir. Fletelser, 26, Tokenhouse-yard, nsear the Bank: and at the place of sale. Graunesic oitsehold Fuirniture, -Elthani. Kent.-.-By Mr. WV. AUSTI N. on the Premises, on FridAY, March 19, and following day, at 1I, by order of the Proprietor, Capt. Onslow, Rt. A. removlm;g. '1'HdE whole of the Superior Tnode'rn Hout&hold Furni- ..tr,books, priisits, and effects,. at Eltha-m-hoiite; comprising ceea x~iN.. dow;; and ;0oo5 fe4ther bedciand good beddingx, horse lhair and wool mattresses, four-poist mahogany bedsteads, wIt-h tilt and nther cOrnices, full furiliture, draperyv, &c. several mahogany wvardrobes, chests of drawers, isofas, set of' mahogany dining tables. 10 feet by 5 f7eet. mahogany, trafalgaLr, and other chairs, library, and. drawing room ditto, handsomDe rosewood rouind loo table, sofa tables, pembhroke and work ditto, mnahogany bookcases, 7 feet 6 Inches. isa- hogany pedestal sideboard wsith celleret and other drawvers, brass1 rail, &c.ssm;earlv newr Pianofobrte by, Tomkinson, end one other ditto, large ?lasseii, Chandeliers, a 24-iach mi~rror in gilt frame, 22-fmelt. ditto, 0 .inch ditto, Brussels ms;;d Turkey carpets, Painted iflmorcloths. fire acreens, mahog,any oommrodes, l.edsteps, dressing tables, glass and china, books, dennet And harness, stable utensils, garden Implemets. anid Culinary aitirlem.- The whole may, be viewed the day precedling andmoring otsale ; catalog;ues had. 7 days prior, at bthe Ship, Char- ini-coss Catl-,Deptford; Castle, Eltham; B;;ll and George at Iford; Ilaunch,M)aidstoine; and of the auctioeiier. Wtolwich.,Dat -LeaFseholdFamily Hos,lreGa-rden and Mieadowv labout 3 acres), and a smiall Hotuse, in Eustace-flice, Woollwichs-By W. AUSTIN,. at his Nuction Rooms.v Wo-oIAlicb, on Tuesday, March 23, puncen. Ially at , Desirable Leasehold Residence, situate on the rise of' AtShooteriO-hll,- oyn the north side. together with two cottagsLt and out 3 acYes of nieadow land hisarly.adjoining.~ and at nsat brick msng,Buate int Eustacet-plate, near the sign of the Britannic. ,,revn.huu, Woolwich. Particulars aLt the Castle, Deptford; Bull and George, Dartford; Castle, Elthlam ; acid of the assetioneer, Woollwich. Frehl Ette Sote'-hll s;t-B W VS'N,a his Rooms.. Woolwich. n Tuesday,March 23,punctuaU n4,A In lot. HREE brick-Cottages,with Gren, hand,&c. situate I.. o the ise o Shooer's-ill,on the north aide, producn 1431. e annu, tgethr wth a prIvate road leading fromn 5hoter9s-hU to Wooiwll;-eomon.; istant I mnile from the town of WYopiwieb, do.. lighfuly elvatd, aouning ithmatred fruit ttees. in foil beatr- ing an fih pnd,suplie byexcllet springs on the e8tate. The~ lan. s prtcuarl aaped orbuldig n,Tue estate may beviewed. 14 ayspror,by-eae o th rspetiv tnans;par:1cnlarA ofMesrte. Fos ad emi sliitrs,Esexsteet Srad,London; Green Man, Blakhath Bll hoters-ill 101. ad Gore,Dartford; Haunch, Sluane-street..-Household Furniture. Linen. China, Glass, aLnd Elytcts. -By HARWVOOD And HAINEZ, on the PremlIses, 111, Sloane-street, Chaelsea, THIS BAY lIarch 15, at 12, by direction of the A1d- I, minsitrat rix oa Mrs.'Winpenny devecaed, HE -ntel Funitre,comprisinig bedsteads andc Tfurnt&es.goosfeatherbedsx,ilattress4es and bedding, mnahogany- doule md in7e hess f duwas,Carets window curtains, pier and other glamsse,mahmoganTcliairs and tables, comneold china, knives and forkcs, a iqurnt1tyofc0a;e. several gross of wine bottle&, numnerous, uiseful kitchen teq,isiptes, and mnisCellaneous aLrticles, 1%Iay be viewed. ca,tiloguSes o the prensises; at the Grapes tavern, Kensinigton; anxid of' the apprsilsers and esateLt Agents, Groavenoc-row, Chbelse. Warvwickshire.-Capital and Important Freehold EstaLtes, Manor,. mainsion,%ndh Farms, in the several parishes of Long itchingron,. Southamn,and ladbrook,inthecOuultvofWar-wict.-Byi,r.ROmilNS. at he uctca .tst, n Fida. Ai I is at12. by order of the trs~ teesto siso th sae ar coveye intrut for "lec, In lots - ~ HE ~lanor orReputed Manorof Stoney Thor p, in te paish f Lo;gIthingon, n te counity ofrwa-wig k, us-i th rigts,membrs,and pputenacesthereof. Also, all thlat capial ad aciet mmssin-o ma or houe, In Stoney Thorpe afore.- sai. cmpisiga paiou hal,dinnar dawig,and breaklastvoomas, of suitable dime.nsions; nuneroas else Pin rooms, Stables, coach houses, *od all other necessary offices. with tne farms, lands, and pre- mriste appurtenant to, and- surrounding the same, con%aisliig nearly 400acresof fertile aud highly improvable rrable, meludo,, and pas- ture laud, with appropriate arm- ouses, and other necessary build- ingp_ In a ring fence, well watered, ard conveniently subdivided, and now In the severml occupations oi John Warner and George Coomke. Also, 13 acres I rood 21 perches of nmeadow and pasture land, In the' parish of Southam, ttdjolninK to, and occupied with the lands In Tborpe. Also, a sniall farm, in the parish -of Lad.brook, about tuvo mlles frb;n Southam, on the road to Banibury, containing a farmhouse andhbomestead. s-Itb 30a.3tr Ip. of arabie, meadow, and aLsture balm, welliratered, andin a very hlgh state of cultivation. The'Thorpe Estate abounds with game, and is within half a mile of one of the moat celebrated fox covers in the counsty, with the advan- tage of excellent turnpike roads assd water carriage. The mansion. atandeat an *ppropriatcd istance from the road, an n gentle emrinence, sloping to the river Itching, which forms the eastern boundary of the. estate, atnd is enrieasd by a profusiorn of timber of largc dimemialons_ gardens, shrubbetles, and other ornaumental plant*tlonP, and )a de- I cevvedly-eelebrated for its sequestered end psctureswe3;eauty, tho respectabllltSof theneighbeurhoad,i and Its vlcinlty to ltsamnigtof Spa, from wuence, it.sds rtasnt only 6 mlles, 8 from:Warw-lk, ind z frorn the p,ost towvn o. Southnst. T he high roadfrom Lendoios,wblieh IntertsectS the estatte nearly 1mm the; centre, opens - direct eon nunic.. -tlon writh alVparts of the kingdom, and renders the conveyance te and from London both by dig *and night easy and -expedttaious.iA. wsvter corn millltthesite of whimch still remaIngl formebrly stood ori this estite, and. iny now be restored 6v-iths a prospect of very great. asdvntagnse.' To a foEmilyotdiettbctlon, tu agrlenlturists, or to as Sparta- rnnYln*large establishment,-few--estes offer smx many advantaqses,,. To preeniwts d br orabla an opportuenity foX'r a Opro ltablsl Investment., sion. DescrlpUive par ticsiiars of each lot, wit h a tefereniee pian of th e -estate annexed are prepatring, -and may lie had 5 3 da ys previouc to th- sale, at the Blenheim Hotel, Lelvnungton-Sptt: KlUn( Head, Covetntry, Cravenl Atrms, - Southanl, ~Wheatelseaf, Daventry* ;--'hit. LloK, lianhury i of My. Freemnan* sUlcitor, Nortliamptots; of Messr% 8urfoot, 2.- 1nrrg Bendh-wmsc tnner Tetnple; Londoa; and ef -X; -Poole, solelttori Radford,-ssear lemtingtcn-%3,-of wkiun essy~r information r b. obtained, - . SALWT, (- -, - , - - .1 -
We noticed some time ago ...
We noticed some time ago a strikinag and interesting PaPer from the pen of AI. DunN, wahich had been read be- ?ore the Members of the French Institute in the course of year 1823. It was designed as an intredutltion to a vo- lume then forthcoming, by that distinguished tuthor, the fruiit of recentresearches into a dcpartment of Brit'sh power id prosperity which had not been embraced by any of his former investigations. The in troductory paper has since ?e-appeared, in company with the book of which it was destined to be an append1age, and vihicb has for its title, "Force Commnerciale'-the Commnereial Powver of Great Britain--comprehending X view of works under the head ofCivil Engineering, carried on by the public orby private associations. Tine introt uction we consider a perforp itnce no less wor- thv of attention thiau the body of the volume itself. M. Dis'IN combine3 some intellectual qualities but rarely -assembled within a single mind. It may be re- Marl-ed concerning many of his countrymen, that they are inordinately giveni to the use-we might say to the abuse-of whait they term " general principles." The works of Frenchmen are full of theory-for the most part ingeniottoftcsnunsupported by evidence-not seldom the result of idleniess, andl of impatience, as much as of ostenta- tion or ambition. 'I'hings are lookedl at au large by our vivacious neighboues, perhaps because details are both troublesome and ungracefui. i. Duriw, too, knows how to generalize; but he prepares, with few excep- timns, the groundwork of his porinciples by a patience, a diligence, a severity and honesty of practical research, above all praise, and almost witnout example. His Intro- ductory Essay to the present volume is a reduction to ge- neral heads and reasonings of the details exhibited throuzh- out the work. Possiblv the conclusions to which he has directed his readers msy not in all cases be borne out by the premises on wbich M. DUP;N has built them: it is like-wise conceivable, that some necessary bases of specula. tion on the visible interests or proceedings of a great, ma- tured, and highly complicated community, may have es. caped the eve of the most acute and experienced foreigner. W1-e doubt whether M. T)urPi has not extendled too far his contrast between the weakness of Rome and the strength of Britain, derived to these States respectivetv from the distance between the seat of empire and its extre- mities: we are sure that he has omitted one un- questionable element of that contrast, namely, the whole range of moral causes and considerations be- lonaing to the degeneracy of the Roman citizen, and the despotism by which his energies were extinguished. 1. D)urIN, in describina many of the most useful of our local monuments and lahours, seems not sufficiently struck with the fact, that it is the fearless enterprise growing out of conscious liberty of action, which sets in perpetual novement the resources andl powers of Englishimen, for the prosecution of schemes tlhrouglh which a joint or separate intere~st is to be promoted. M. Dii is a Frenchmani; but what, perhaps, may be more to thepurpose, he has written for France, and he must employ those peculiar modes of speech which have obtainetl from the national self-love of France the authority of public taste and ofprescription. Thius M. DurIN is pleased to desigmate the immense system of internal navigation throuAiout Englandl, imitations only of those canals under- taken by HENsI;l QUATraE, and resumed by Louis XIV. Again, M. DUPiN is exceedingly careful to deiiominatc, towards the latter end of his work, our noble monu- ment of "W'aterloo-bridge" by the name of " Strand"- bridge ; and observe, "' the English have, since I 1f 6, surnamed the Strand-bridge, ' Waterloo-bridge,' for the sake of imituting the French-who in their * days of triumph designated the bridges and streets " bv whicb their capital was adorned, by the names of " Xusterlitz, Jena, Wl'agram, Fontenov, &c. &c.": but if the baptism of WVat! rloo was a servile imitation of Auster- litz, what afflrded a precedent for Blenheim ?
Mr. E. Oxenford, the cont...
AMr. E. Oxenford. the contractor for hie Brazil loan, is forming a list of subscribers in conjunction with Messrs. A. Baily, and I. L. Goldsmid, of the Stock Exchange. It will be remembered, that when Riego was taken pri- soner in spain, there was with himii an Enl lishman named illat- tihews, who held a regular coiunlission from the Constitutional Go- vernment; of this individual we heard notlhing since his arrest with Riego. lt now appears from the letter of a respectable inhabi:ant of lalrid, to aun eminent house in the city, with the perusal of which we have beer ffvoured. that he has been for months in soli. tarv conanement, exposed to all the cruelties and horrors which the refined malignity of Ferdinand could invent, and that hc was at one time kept without food in his dungeon for 53 bours. The facts have been laid before Mlr. Canning.-Evening paer. Mir. Samuel lhitbreatl *oted in the minlority on MIonday, AM arch 15, en .1r. Hunse's amendment against flogging in thie army. Yesterday the report of the prisoners who were capitally convicted at the Decemrber and Jariuarv Old Baile sessions, was made to the King in council, by Alr. Arabin, one of the justices in the commission, the Recorder 'being still confired to his house by indisposition. The following are the nanmes, ages, aud crimes of the prisoners:.-W'illiam Hay, 26, Maria WVilliams, 19. uttering forged bank-noreS; George Janes illountford, 18, Witliam Fairc'nild, 12, horse-steoiing; Samuel Crouch, 33, Henry Hennessy, 18, Anne Davis, 65, James Renolds 16, J ames Compton, 94, William Cunnane, 16, George 0 wen, i8, .John Hutchins, 15, Edward Bur- ton, 15, for stealing in a dwelling-house to the value of fortv shil- lings and upwards; Henry Harris, 19, highway robbery ' Viltis3m LUIdlow,27, returninig from tmnsportation before the expiration of the term for whicb ie was senteaced, James Hodge 18, Jaraes WValker, 22, Isaac Cannon, 18, WiUam Hunter, 20, Robert Smith, 20, burglary Sanmuel Rains, 27, WVilliarn Elliott, 18, JohnAus- tin Wren, 18, for shooting with a loaded pistol at John. Collins William Henry Reynolds 40, for shooting with loaded pistols at General Burton. Samuel kains and John Austin Wt?en were or- dered for execution on 'luesday next: all theother prisoners above; mentioned were respited during his Mlajesty's pleasutre. The pri. soners capitaly convictod at the February sessionswere not reported.
From the LONDON GAZETTE, ...
MEMBERS returned to serve in this present PARLIAMENT. Buirgh,, of Annani, Kirkeudbright, Duwnfries, Saniquhxar, and Lock- mabeni-Williami Robert Keith Douglas, Esq. Burglhs of Wigtown, WNhithortn, Newv Galloway, and Strainraer.- Nicolsa i:onynghanm Tindal, Esq., of No 9 Brunswvick-square, Lon- doni, in the roomi of Sir Joli11 O.born, Bart., wvho has accepted the otlice ofonle of the Commiissionaers of Public Accounts. BANKRUPTS. Jacob Hawkins and Samuel Hawkins, Claypole-mill, Lincolnslilre, millers, t,, surrender M,arch IS, 19, April 20, at the Ring George the Fourth, Nottinghiam: solicitors, Mlessrs. Biriggs, Taylor, and Mould, Linculn's-inn-fields. Anithoniy Mlorrie Volfr; King's Arias-yard, merchatir, March 13, 20, April 20. ast the Banikrupts' Court,Bassinghall-street : solicltora,Ntessrs. V'andercorn and Corn yn, Hushi-lanie, Caninon-street. lsaac Hiolmes, Liverpool, metchant, M,arch 29. 30, April 20O. at the George Iinn, Liverpool: *olicitors, Messrs. 8Blackstock and Bunce, Temple. George hlitchcock, Leicester, ho3ier. Mtarch 18. 19, April 20, at tht Saracen's Head. Leicester: e,flicitor, Mir. Jcyes, Chancery-lane. Heny lickorti. un. Craior-tret,Chanicerylane, coal-mer- chan, Mrch 3, pri lO,0,a thellakruts'Court,V Hlinghall-btreet; Thoms Soke, se., els-l'ol, longomeyshre,flannel-maRnu- facure, Mrch10 11 Apil 0, t he albt In, hrwsbury: soll- ci t.rs. essr. Clrke.Itichrds.and edeafe, hancry-lanie. 'rhotas Wakemian, Feet.niarket, statinr arh2,30, April 20, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street: solicitor, Mr. Brough, Shoreditch. Janie Herrow, Allensamors, Herefordshire, fartmer. March 17, 18, A9ril 20. at the CoZee-liouse, Hlereford : solicitor, Mr. Courteeni, Sloe- lanie. Benijamini Yeoman anti Thomas Cooke, Frorn.e-Selwood, S6merset- flIlre, clothiers, Miarch 20. 24, April 20, at the WVheatsheaves Inn, Iroine-Selwood : solicitor, Mr. Hartley.New Brldge-street,BlackfriRrs. WiCl.amn Humphries, N'unney, Somersetshire, Iinuholder, Mtarch 19, 10, April 10, at the Wheatsheaves Inn, Promne-Seliwood: solicitors, Niessrs. Bridges anxd Quilter, Red Lioni-square. From t/he LOiVDO.V G.AZ AT TR, Tuesday, Mfarch 9. cnnwLv,J.n rlcT srM'h 0
On Tuestlay last, at Claphln, bv the Pev. V. Dea3ty, B.D., rctor, Ir Joh Wheler, of -9ook.Norton, Oxon, to Mliss Eia betlh Pahnter,ot Bourton-on-the-Water, Glocesterahirp.
Court Of Chancery, Saturd...
LA w .RZ?RT. 4-neZOLtC1TOR. E%tERAL applied, on behalf oF the trusteeS OF LordSratihmore's estate, to have the different orders -pronaurced 6111ce 1820 rescinded, on the ground that they had no notiee of these otders, and had continued to manage the "tate, therefore, as iifthey had uot been pronounced ; and that the receiver appointed in 1819 2i ht be discharged, the legal estate being vested in the trustees. i'he application was resisted on behalf of the Globe Insurance Company, incsumbrancers to a large amount on the estate, as it Vould, if granted, materially a'fect their interests. 1he LO1D CHANCELLOR thought he could not accede to the RPplication in its present forrm. Besides, the whole of the creditors trere not before the Court. The So0.c1ToTRGE,sER_ s1 Said, that the bill might be directed to be amended, and a fresh applicatios then rade upon it. The LOaD CHAN-CLLOR declined directing the bill to be amnended; and was of opinion that it ought to be dismissed with eosts; bsut without prejudice to any subsequent application which the parties might thinlk proper to make. COwST V. HAR}RS. Air. HEAI-D applied that Mr. Robertt;on should have leave to be proposed to the Master, as a fit person to be appointed receiver to Covent-garden Theatre, notwithstanding his having been made a party to the bill. The SOLICITO1.OGEtERAL objectetl to the appointment of Mr. Robertson, as an interested p arty, and accountable for the profits. lr. lHART,tO show that the plaintiff's ob,ection was not captious, said that he was ready to consent to the appointment of ;llr. Barton, 'who was now willing to accept the office. Mr. SuoDEN stated, that a proposal had beeri made to the plain- taff'to purchase his sharo for 1,5001., for whicrMr. Harris's bond would be given as security. tr. 1 HAntT would as soon take Mr. Harnis wora as his bond; but his client requzired some other security. The LoaD CtHAyC ELLOR said, that he had only intended that the Mlaster should exercise his judlgment upon the fitness or unfit- ness of Mr. Robertson to be appoirted recciver. His accountability would cease upon his appointment. Air. HE4ALD said that was all he asked. IAlr. 3E;ADwELL asked his L,rdship to make someorder as to the profits in the receiver's hands. The LoRD CHANCELL OR would deal Witlh this as with any other property. He would hear a motion respecting the application' of the Iands, after a receiver was appointed. THE MAARCHIOyESS O(F TUTE V. TIIE lION. SIR C. STUART. In this caqe a question had arisen as to whether or not a certain quantity of coals upon the banks of the collieries, together with cer- tain sumsof moneyin thebankers'hands, debtsdueby customers,&c. passed under the words in the late marquis's will, "the things user In theworking, management, or employmient of the coUieries." The case having come before the House of Lords, their lordbhips decided that thet did not pass under those words. An application was made to the (burt of Chancery to carry that judgment into effect, and the Lord Chancelor directed certain inquiries to to be made in the MWaster's office, for that purpose. blr. HART now applied for a variation in the minutes of the or- der directing the inquiries; which was resisted by the Solicitor-Ge. neral. After some discussion, the LORD CItANCELLOR directed it to stand over to Tuesday next. IN TUH HIATTER OF S.frTH. Mr. BiCxERSTETrE stated, that ilr. H-art was mistaken vester- day, in saying that there was no opposition to his motion to restore the name of lr. Smith to the Rolls. The fact was, that no notice of the motion had been served upon his (Alr. Bickersteth's) clients. The case was appointed to comre on this day week. TtURLSDAY, MARCH 2i5. SOSTENfENTE PIANOPORTE--CHATFIELD V. MXOTT. The plaintiff in this cause is a parEner in the firm of Mott and Co., piannforte-makers in Pall-mall. On Satursay last, he applied for an injunction against his partners, Isaac Henry Robert Mott and Julius Caer Mott, to restrain them from contiuaing the busi- ness, on the alleged ground that it was uuprofitable, that they were drawing large sums of money from the concern. &c. His Lordship granted the injunction, with liberty to defendants to tippear imme- ditely. This day, Mr. SHADWWELL applied to the Court on behalf of M1r. Julius Ceasar Mott. the managine partner, to have the injunc- tion dissolved. He denied tbe allegations of the plaintiff; he denied that the business was unprofitable ; he denied that he, or the other partners, bad withdrawn from the business niore monies than by the articles they were entitled to do! he stated that the plaintiff had forced himself into this conicern, by unfair.and secret negotiations with the other partner, and which hart but lately come to the knowiedge of defendant; and that he had no just ground of cootplaint. Messrsm Suc.DEN and GARRETT foUlowed on the same side. Messrs HORN, HEALD, and THaEOBALD supported the in- junction. The LORD CHAXCELLOR said, that he was clearlv of opinion that in this case the injunction could t,ot be maintained: if the ex- planation of certain facts had been given tohirn at the time he grant- ed the inj nction, he should have thought he had done extremely 'wrong to have granted it: therefore he dissolved it with costs. COWYT Or Cr-?ANCWRVY SAT"IA MAIO(* 27. _ tBXAUAMA V. THE EARL O0 STRATWMlOftE.
un 'I'uesday morning, Samnzel 1h_,!ines and John Agugtsio. Wrel, were executed in the Old Bailey. Raines was extretmiely resigned and penitent, antI prayed incessantlv With a sailor named Castle, who is ordered for execution next we'ek: he has left a wvife and two children na stateoftdeplorabledistress. The Sheriff and attendants arrived at the prison shortly betbre eight o'clock, and procee(led to the press-room, where 'reei was, dressed in white trousers and blue coat; be appearedl careless and firm, and joined in prayer on being asked. Raines prayed with muicl apparent ftrvour, and beaged of the Sheriff (Laurie) to do something for his wife and clhildren. " Pity them," said he, " it is not their fault ; had I taken my wife's advice, I shLuld not have been here." By eight o'clock, the prepa- rationa being completed, they wereled to the scaffold. NWreni julmped up with much hardihood, and recognizing some person in the crowd. nodded repeatedly, exclaiming, with a smile, " I'n going; good bye, God bless you !" Raines was so much aff'ectet', that it was ftund ne- cessary to support hin. In a few minutes, tthe Rev. illr. Towne. who officiated for Mr. Cotton, gave the signal, the drop fell, and they ceased to exist. The crowd assembled was very great. rhe family of Wren were most respectable, and he. it anpears, was the entire cause of breaking up ticir fortunes. lie was an only son, and every effortwas made hv his family to wean him from the bad asso- ciations he had formed. Raines bas lefta wife and two clildlrcn. Or. Monday evening he wrote a letter to Mr.B.tker (a gentleman wiho gcne- rally attends to pray with, and give religious advice to the prisoners in Newgate) as follows :-" Dear Sir, I am now a dving man, anti shall soon leave a widow and two fatherless childreni, one 4 ycars. and the other only six months old, quite destitute. I hope through your kind interest she will become an object of pitv to the charitable and humane; she has only 4s. a week from the poor-house to sup- port herself and family. I have a brother, a poor lad only 14 years ot age, whom I trust some kind person will take into his ser- vice, and prevent his associating witls bad company, which may pre- vent his comiing to an ignominious end. My father was some time ago in respectable circumstances in Wood-street, and afterwards he remnoved to Regent-street; his affairs became embarrassed, and lie was compelled to give up his business ; and during rmy imiprison- ment lie ecame deranged. My poor motlher, since my con,inetuent has died, I fear, of a broken heart. I concilude by humblr entreat- ng you to have regard to my wife, and I earnestly inmplore yotur humane exertions ia her behalf.-P. S. Honoured Sir, Since I wvrote theabove, I have been informed, through the mediuim of' friends, that my poor father is iio more-he died this evening in a mad- house. Yours, &c. SANIUEL RATInES.-NNewgate, Mlarch +X.- On MWonday morning,famesCiorI. erwas execute(l at Penenden Heath, pursuant to his sentence on Friday last, for the barbarous murder of E!izabeth Mlarsh, at Sholden. near Deal. Fromt the titne of his condemnation, Clover conducted himself with great propriety, and evinced much finnness at the scaffold: after the rope was placed round his neck, he acknowledged tle justice of his sentence, and con- fessed that he commitced the horrid deed. He said " that he did not know whether he was going to Ilell or to [leaven, but hoped his fate wouild be a warning to others ;" he died without much appa- rent suffering. The followi ng is the confession malde by t he prisonier, on the morning of execution, to the Rev. Chaplain of the eaol "The robbery was proposed on the orecedhing 'hiursdav bv Stephen Shelvey. Mysel and Joseph Shelvey agreed to nndertake it, anti accordingly, on the night of thi ensuing Sunday, about II o'clock, we left Stephen Shelvey's house. I had then made up my mind to murder the old woman, b-it ha(l not communicated my in- tention to my companion. Ml v motive for determinitg on the m urler was a beliefthat we should fiid a large property in Bank-notes, and that Eomeof these being marked inicht lead to our detection. To pre- vent this, I resolved on murder, as I thlought then no one couldl iden- tify the property. On breaking open the house, I entered first, and was tbllovwed by Joseph Shelvey ivith a candle. I immnediately pro- ceeded towards the old waman's room, who I found sitting up in lier bed, and calling to know what was the matter. ll'itlhout speakinz a word, I struck her a mnost violent blowv on the head wvith the road-bat, but she did tiot fall till after I hail again struck her, when she fell backwards. and thle blond streaumed out of her mouth and nose. Joseph Sh-lvev. who was standing on the stair-head, and rnust have seen the blows, then entered the room, which we conmmenced searching. Shortly after. I thought I heafd the woman breathie, and I therefore again hit her on the temple with the road-bat ; after that,all weas silent. On the Mondt v morning I acquainted Stephen Shelves with what I had done , he wanted me to go back and fetch awav the coals, which I was deterred fronm doing on account of the affa-r being known." The prisoner also gave a list of 70 burglaries, robberies. and other offences in wh-ch he had been concerned since 1819, bitt principally in the years 1823 and 1824. Notwithstanding the infavourableness of the morning, a considerable number of persons, amon- whom were many females, attended the execution. After the bodvtlyail huig the usual time, it was cut down, and delivered to Mr. What- man, surgeon to the county gaol, to be anatomized according to law. EXBCI_TION..'.
The Times
TT'E.1TA'E R01W At.. CO VENT-GA RDEN. THIC EVEV 'ING, M archI II ;. a crsttd l'orforcnmccce c.f .ANC'IENT and SMODERN MUSIC. undtr thc dirc- ti,m of Mr. PIb,hsa. Part 1. Promn the most un bounded a pplsrtie. ,i Friday i;-t,. fro-m ali Farts of the TFhea re. and to comply zbh 'h. t * ,r Imnleror:s io, pikations. tile Se- lecti,n fr(m liandel'- a ruletd *-retata, \CIS ANDlj GAL tTEA. Nill be repeated. P,ositively for t*ie la,t time this seatorn, in consequence of the producticn of :everal novaire3 which are iw.siv in prepasatin,. Between the Firstand Secend Parts. Duet, 'Ir. Sa)lo a:,d r. SIielair Fantasia, French Hnrn, Mr. fl,rzzd. I'art il. A Selection of SACREID MlUSIC. in which ail the print ipai Singer$ -fl' perf.;r:n: to cod with (for tbe hrst time at these Parterlrtnance a GRi. AND ODE, cMSn com- posed hy Dr. Crotch. in hmttour of His prl'sollt MlateSty's Accession to the Throoc in 'hich w rill hr irtroduced ian Orchestra of Harps. Bet.reen the Second and 'I'hird Ports, Fntli,in on the Lombtardo Ntardelin. 'SiVnor VIm-crnati. Part 111. AM11StCELL.ANFOl'S ACT, which wvill commrncer with l;n consequence of Irs hrilliant success on Fridayl the Descriptive Overture to the Chaseof Hlenry the FueOth. by Mlehul. Mr. Nichlolsonon the F!otc, aid Mr. Borehas on the llarlAvill accompany Mrs. Salrmon in sme favourite irs. PrincipalPerformiers- Mfrs.Satmon.MissStephens,S,lissPaton.ali.s M.Tree, and 'Ii<GoodFaII: 3Mr. Rrahr r. Mr. Sinclair. Mr. Sario. Mr. ISilaxev, Mcl. T. Welsh. MIr. T. Cooke, NMr. Ha-cs, and ',Mastcr L-,nghurtt. THPEA TRERO I'A I,, .iAk;l <z1,/RHOR PElA OUSE, S'traud. OnWednesday; and Frida-ys ic Lent.-LECTURE on ASTRONOMY and the PHVENOMENTA of the HEAVENS and of the EARTH. The lecture to be delivered bv Mur.1 R XILFY. Begins at 7. Concludes at 10. Ticktts of areicsiin ft rnailes to be hAd on mrderate terms at the bcx-o.ce. ADLELPIIP'- TIIEATIA .STRAND. M. T4ENR'Y h,ts the horrr to annouznce, thait he will exhibit at thl; Theatre ITH jC EVE N f N(. anl every Wvednlerdnvand Frlday during Lent, his astonishino and nlagritlieent di:play of UNCOMMON lI.LU. SIONS. woi-nderful Merhmorrph.scs, and interesting illustrations in Eyperimeetal ChynisFtry. Part., T ntoi 11. M. Henary trill etehibit hli new and asorihi,Wn- feats of Nis.ii,al Dexterlty, aniazinig Combina- tions, TransforTations. &r. Part Ill. Novelanid Interesting Experi- rents on Gas. Part IV. M. Henry will attrmpt several melodies. air-. i.c.. or, th. Musical "IGa3se. Part V. F. Henry's celebrated Opti- cal Mlu3ioa.-' lD:)or oLen a, and cmrneneeat 7 TO (C O RB ES PO SNDEN T S. YaE. Y EENi-.. vvZ. Fr.RO. GOtROEil.
[Advertisement.]-ELEGANT ...
.Advertiscment l-, ErEGAaT COATS, LADrEs' RrDraro- HAI3ITS, &c.-We are informied from good au'thority, (the fashion. able world), that the best place to get handsome, w'ei1-made, sape- rior,good,fitting Ladies' Habits, and also Gentlemen's blue and black Coats, is at No. 27, Piccadilly, wlhere immense quantities are constantly making-for ladies and gcntlemen of the first distinction, and upon thenmost reasonable terms.-No, 27, Piccadillv. *Another greatadvantageis, thafawlhole suit can be made in 8 fiours, if re- quired. ' [Advertisement.]-HUDSox's ToOTH-POWDER AN-D Ti2,c. TURE.-Ladies and Gentlemen whi use these dentifricessliould be particulartohavethetni frbm a respectable medicine-vender,as there are numerous.imitations. The genuine is signed on the label, " Hudson pn&Cdmpanv," andl countersiined " James Atkinson." Theymakethe teeth wvlhite, fasten such as are loose, remove the taTtIr and scurvy from- the gums, and sweeten the breathl; and there liever was an instance of any. one who reg.ularly used -them ever hav- ine the tonth.ache, or a tooth decav. Sold by the proprietors' ageit, .Alr Atkinson; 44, Gerrard-street; Sanger, 15tl, Oxford-a4reet; Jolnston, 68, Taite, 41, Comibill; and most medicine-vende: s. [Advertisement.GE2VUINE BEAt's GREAsE-Ross and Sows, No. 119, Bishopsgate-street, who for the last fiftv years have conti,ined to sell the above article pure and unadulterated, recorn- mecd it to those ladies and gentlemen whose hair is in a declining or debilitated state. As a proof of its exceUence, it may be observed tbat no grease retains its moisture so Iong, all others disappearing shortly after the application, leaving the hair tdrier and harsher than before. Having lately killed one of the largest X nd perhaps fattest animals of that or any other species, they can i:ow ofier it to the public pirfectly sweet, which is not always the case, as it sometimes becomes, stale with keeping, and tlhough equally good for the hair, is certainly not so pleasant. LAdvertisements._FRxEDL.Y ADVICE to young Ladies and Genalemen.-TlTe Hair was alwavys universally admired as consti- tuting the beauty of the human form, which renders it essentially necessary for young ladies and gentlemen to give particular atten- tion to their liair, and alwavs keep it in order ; as the hair attended to in youtlsis sure to preserve it to the latestperiod of liDe. This will inevitably he the case by using ROIWLAND's AIACASSAn OIL, the first production of the age, which eradicates the scurf easy and pleasant, prevents it falling off or sulning gray; strengthens the hair so as to prodluce beautiful flowing curls;' aid mnakes the hair smooth and glossy. in fine, this oil renders that inestimable orna- ment truly elegant and beautiful.
Sales By Auction.
Housebold . Fsrnltare, imall collectilon of Paintings, old China, auid affeett .-Flh-street-hlll.-~By.J. J. flOP WOOD..on the Promises, -21, .Fish-strect-hiU, THIS DAY, Xareh 23, at 11 for 12 o'clocR. 'r'HE. Furiiture comprises tent bedsteads and furni- J tura. featherbedo .ind bedding, mahogany chests or' drawers, dining carke tables, cellejet sideboard, mabhgany franiedsofa, setof mabogany -chairs, kitchen utensils, and eftects: alsb a small collection of pictures by esteemed nasters, a few lots of old clina, akld-otker articles, Nay be viewed the day preceding and nudrrij.og bf red: catalogues had of J. J. Hopwvood, aucttIoneer and surveyor,: S Innda lIn, Chancerylane. Furniture, lihen Prints, and Effects, Great Winchester.street._lSy hi. Br.1RTON1, on the Premises, 2., Great Winlehesttr.streat, Broad- street, THIS DAY, atll,byorder of thC Proprietor, :THE excellent Household F'urlliture and Effiects,. com- JLprlslagc 4-post and tent bedsteads, 'bedding, drawers*, -dressing stsnde and prlsnx Sttf eletile0ndt'cOsewvobod drawlng robin cdkirs and sofa, macwood card and sofa tables, dining parleur chaire, set of pa- tent dining tables, pedestal dideboard, Bussels and other carpets, a large Indts matting, fenders and dre-irons, countlnghouee desk and bookesaso,and mlecell&neous articles. To be viewed this day and mornling Or eale, . vh cn catalogsses may be had on the premises; and of M(r. Buxton, 2.5, Buekierabury. 9&at India I gdelrL..41y Mr. IIOiMART, ait the Mart, THIS DAY, MarCh1 23, at 12., without reiserve, LIGHTY-FIVE Dozeni* of fin6 Eaist fIndii AMdefrat, Eli Prehitsed In 18915 tinder the most.favourable circurmstances, an'Wil Ile permitted to the purcha3ers -froms a-priv-ate tellar hi thu cltY.- -Also aPipe of oAd, a Nia lMadelia, lying in theLondonDO-CkL ~CaWaoues.at the Midt; and of 'l. Hgd..., 62, Old grobd.street, ItOYal ebange; Modern late, nd bdatifui Frechb -Engravings.zfy -Mr. HO -GART., -atthe Mtkrt, THIS DAY, March 23, at 12, ASmall Sideboar(1 of excellent modern- Plate and-Plated j,A_articles, comprising ari eltiprtttea urn, - tea asd cof*e plots,a teacadie talestn dtssrt ars id poo;,soup 4damelde an egg staild, liqueur and othei frames, with cut glsasses, tea tray naik walters, decanter stands, candllesticks and brane es, &e. also, a col- leciomoffne rtchenerarings, by esteemed masters, recently con- signed from Parls 'po heviesred onie 'day previ.ous to the sale, and catalogues had at the Mart; and of MIr.Hoggart, 62, Old Broad-strett, Royakl Exchange. Caia bn xesv ienss akln,wt earlY -p.,sesslon, To be LET, g,n Les,fratr fiYeats, to the hgheat Bidder ofran AnniRnilb.1 . 1OGAT in the Sale Room upon the Premises, on Tlsts ,Arl1,a 12. r HOSE ver copeead:uerior. built Premises, in tone of the fIrs ittonfrbuiess, No. 48, Mark-line, con- Itin. xg of a Stacko susata slkbilt bonding warehouses, of six floors, exclusieoftebemr; each about s& feet square, strongly timbered,ndealoay -weIght ot goods; at light pale room, about 331fe og xeln eountinghouseo, aLnd 3pacious yard encelosed byfodngtesas,a capital fanaflyr~sldence, con- tain ing numierousbdame, dining and drawIng.rooions, breakfast rarlour, paved hain ton staircase, and sultablg domestic offices: et to Messrs. CooperanSptt he terancy expires on the 25th March, 1824. To be vi dycrs btweerithehloursof 10 nd 4, Which ith prti~uars ma he hd ofir. H-oggart, 62, Old, Broad- stret, Ryal xchage. artiislas alo at the Miart. Stonhm...- Mr HOGART, t th Mar, onFridy, April 30; A Verycompat and valuable Freehold andI small part e,equatl in value to freehold.sltuate in the parishes of LttleStonam ad Mlck6ieId, at thie 31-mile stone from Norwich, conistng f to ecelentArable and Dairy Farms, called The Your Elmns, contanngtogte 254a. 2r. 35p. of superior arable and rich pasture and medw ad subdivided as follows: orne farm coxtains 165 acres, wvith aroomy~ frhouse and offices, gaideniland orchard, In a pleasant stituationi, and near to the highi road, in tire occupation of Mr. Creasy; a responisible and good tenant, at a corn rent equal to 2471-'per ainumt; thieotber farn, wIth afarynhouseutnd tuildings and 9Oacres of riob land, is let to Mr. Calthorpe, at. 1601, per aLnnumn. The estatte Is mnoderattly assesseLl as to poor rates, situated in an IncorDorated hundred, 12 miles f:omn 'pswich, 3 from Debeuham, and o'nly 6 from the naLvigaLtion at Stow.market. forming altogether a meat desirable investmnentln good land, The estatermay be viewed by, leave of the tenlants, and particulars haLd at the IVliit'e Hart lini,, Schole;, the Magpie, Stonham;1 the Crown and Anchor, tpswlch; at the Norfolk ifotel, Norwich: at the Mart; and of Mir. Heggart, Old Broad-street, Iloval Exchange, London. ifavrypitrequ asdfrtlepatof the cuty andadpe forreldnce,iy r. OGAtT,at theMat on FridayApi A Mot dsiral'eFreeoldProerty, contiguous to the LL baks ofthe iver Orwell, about 1 mile from the rural village of Holroo, ad aout4 mIlest from Ipswich, inl the parish of Preston and yin beweenthepreerves, parka, and deroesnie of Worsteel Lodg, ina mst ecellnt elgbi,ourhood, and approached b~- good road. Te frm I caledPotAsh, and cointains about 1.33 acrez of su- perior land, yieldin,inms seasons, prodigionscrops oflbarlec ,wheat, aind turnips. The lad f afiie siaridy loam. healthy, and 'ry. The estate is beautiful]5 staefr the erectioni of a villa, In a goo.4 part of the county for society, and frs also an excellent Investmient, A neat farmhouse or eottaFe resideirce, newr built barn, and outbulldings;. now In the oeccupation of Mr. Jacobs. jun. wrhose term will expire at Michaelmas, 1824. Maty be viewed iby leave of the tentant, sad paLrti- culars had at thet Crown and Anlebor, Ipswich . the Cups, Colchester; the Packet, Mamringtzce' of Mr. Rtansoni, s4licitor, Stowmirkett at the Ma%Trt; and ofllr. Hioggart, 62, Old Broad-Street, RoYal Exchange. FREEHOLD and i TT .ltgESTIATES,Exensive Manor, with valuble inesand uit entsoveronwads f 10OUSES and 1.300ACRESof LAD, a aluabe Advwuon,and aFatrm at THOUSND PONDS pr annm.-ByMr. HGOAR, nt the Mar, o Frda, Aril30 ae12.inlot, b drecionoftke Trus. slid Vstto, mo rin fence, five miles froi5i EaLst Deerharn frmLondon;,tcon. sttngotlrccapitalpsn5cilyeorad from tithes, and con- taiig nth hole 8m.r,lp,ofiean, of%whIch about teL0 acres are ismrich meadow and pasture,andt hemanraruble, with 3 excellent farmi houses,icspacious barns, extenie tI,ng and cattle lodges, anid inumerousni otbutildings, now or laeiiteocption of Messrs. Lock, Peck. and Cord-, N subjec tto leaSes u etaoaigt ONE 'TIhOUSAND TWVO HUNDRED and SIXTY-FIVT OUD per annssni. A v-aluiable FREEHOLD FARM., In the parishes of S;h!pdhani and East Baddenibam, a sthort distance from Let I, anid betwveezin attoni and East Dercham, consisting o1 272a. 2r. I p. of fine 2rable and mieadowi land, lying within a ring fence, w'ith Bailiff's House, Barns, Stabling, and Outbuildings4, let to Mvr. Jos%eph flouebam. wvith Lot 3, at a rent of THlREE H-UNDRZED and FIFT-1Y PtOUNDS per a1nn. A Well built and substantial MODERN ItESIDENCE, near the Church, in the vUlaes of Shlpdhain, with walled Rardeni, stabling, coaclibouse, and Sa. 3r. 27p. of capital latnd. Th. capital and extensive MIANOR of Shlpdham; consisting of aLbout 101 r3messuaes, and 1,305 acres ofscopyholdj lanid, both subjeet to arbitrary fineg upon deathi or lifenation, a'nd a r-oyalty over the3wb'ole parish, containing 4,2n0 acres. -The a,nooint o f these qutit rents and sines uPonl a fair sverave is about TWO HUNDR ED and F-OIITx- POUNDS per2rnnum. The ~ERPEL'UAL ADVOWSON 'aird Next Presenitation of the Hlectory of Shlppdharni consisting of a handsonie parsonage house, rough c-ast and elated, conitaining numerous roonms, eleg-ant dining anud drawinig rooms, offlces of every destription, pleasure and kltcheni gardens, writh ses'erallInclosures of glebe la,rd, of between 40 Faid 50 acres, with the great and small tIthies arIsing from betwreen 3,000 and 4,000 acres, chiefly arabie, The whole of the value of aboult ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED POUNDS per ainunum. Suibject to the life of the piresent incumbent. Mlay he viewred by leave of the respective tenants, and particulars had at the Norfolk hditel, Norwich: at Mrs. Rateliftle's, Thettord: at the George inn, Derebans: the inn at thihpdlram; the Angel inn, Buryl; of Mlessrs. WVyatt, Son, and Utton, Bromne, m:ear Eye: of Messrs. Franek-lini, llewf, anid HePtin. s,tall, solicitors, Lincoln's-inn; of Mlr. iloggart, old Dread-street, Rloyal Exchange, London; and at the Mart. Hagey ark cotaiingogehie abut 20 cre, mst dvantage- oislysitat, narthe vllae ofq Hagdeneyof ajoin Wingsthe trsqide- ceasd, wth c nvenientattached and detached offices, excellent rabtd g ochusee. walled kitchen garden, and abouit 152 acres of rish iabemadw, orchard, and wood ground thereto belongtng. Also a aual 2Fam, 1led Broorney HUI. contalnlne92 acres. And a ver cosatEsaeculled HaKley ParR or the Sheep Walk~,containing 85 acres, prrInc pall pas,ture, w-sth a newly erected stone buill; villa, not yet conipleted, omost delighitfully situate Inl the sabve park, com- nmanding very beautifuAl, rich, and extensive views.-The park is well tinmbered, ornamented, asid sbeltered on twvosides, wvithi a hanidsome lselt plantationi, aiid is capable of being formied into a roost desirable resdene, ogeherwit a arm caledBareanecFarm, near tie dos- lrsdsviira frmlor,e ad urbildngsandsudry other houses tacie, navbe adat heFeahes, edors; otel, Hereford: .Bell. Glocster Plogh, he-reniam a theAnchr, art; a,id of Mfessrs. Drl~r, srveyrs nd lnd aents attheir office. 13, New Bridge- SxaiFor-lght -Chandeliers, elegant rn cut lmse,Chinia, and l~lased Articles.-Iy Messrs. DAWSON and C.AFE, at their spacioua Room.-8 Great Marlborough-street, THiIS DAY, arrd followring day, at 12, "rHE geniuine and eleganit StoCk of Glass andi Chitia, ..comasprising 6 and 4-light chaLndeliers, pedestal lamps, elegant c.ut glass, in decanters, carafts, tuniblers, sitinca,buniter. snd sugaR basins, flinger cups, winec coolers, dessert seorvicess, &c. ; 20 Ironi stoen and bluieariid whilte table service3, dessert and tea setsl, ims, and or- namnental chimra. plated cruet arid liqimeolc frames, candlestick's arid branches. wsaiters. &c. %May be vIewed 2 dayp presvlous to the sale, and catalogues, had. VEniumleooKs,Byf Mr. EVA1NS;. at him, House, No. 93, Pall-m-all, THIS DAY, rHE Library of tke late John. Hull Harris, csq. of j3. camus College, Cambridge: including Morantit Historv of Essex, 2 s'ols. large paper: Hasted's Histsory of Kenit, 4 vols:; Drake's Histtory of'Vork, withi MS. aidditions, by tJie author; Ditgdale's Monastlesni Anglicanum, 3 vo1s. in russia: Shaksipeare's Plays, second edition; SebEe hesaunil Rertim Natriralmum, 4 vole, hils' copy, In tmorocCO: Raplin's Historyvof nglanld, 5 vols.:tBrit-on's Architectural Airttqul- ties~, 4 vol.e.; grncyclopredi Br itannica, 20 rals.; English Chronicles, 10 vols. Irn russia: llearrWsesPublications, 36 VOls.: Besrtites of England aiid Wales, 25 ;-ils.: Cbalniers's Biographical Dictimonary, 32 volsa &c. .Splendid Engravings,Copperplate,,.and Origliral Drawings, aLat Paul.- SaturdAy, April 3, 1824. rpHE magnificent Collectioni of' that sp.lendid SERIES .A_ f ENGniAVINGS, entitled the MIUSEE R, NVAL, formingc two largevolurnies, iir folio, together- with a14 the origiisal drawbigs, cop- prplates, arid letter-press. WVIll rake place aLt PaLris, or; Saturdlay, ttire 3dof April, in coriseqrrerncc of tire death of one of thse proprietors. Every particular respecting the copies of the ilutsee for sale, respect- irg ttireorigisial drawsings, the copperplatcs, arid rasPecting the rrode of Pl pamn,myb br-iidfo essrA. Coliiaglil, Cockspur.ssreetr orM.Ean,13 al-rorll, swhere 4 printed prospectus or the Isarti. culars of ttire sale niay he had, and a copY of the work. may he sees. Comniercala-ru.ad.-A sele~redRefitof ?26 peraiirmumfor 70years. -31' R. PEAKE, at thle )MartIon Thiriurdav, Matcehi25, at 12. wIvthout reserve, A Respectable Leasehold Residencee, No. 7 . Greiiada- 13.place, Coniniercela-road, planned for the accormmodation q a gentee famnily with drawving roomi, dining ronom, breakfast parlour, sieveral eonveistent chambers atud suitable domnestic offices, let to MiNs Aithcine8, an unexceptionable tenant, att arent protducing aL clear In- cense of 261. per aninum, and held for air unexpired term of 70 years from, Lady-day. 1824. To be viewed 4 dave proviours to thlesaxle: ar ticulars rual- be hatd on the rirernisese: also at the Auction Mlart: orf SIr-. Hewitt. solicitor, Tokcrnll4m-yard; and of R. poake, aLucelonver, 68, Miark-limne, and Waltham-abbey, tuilding Ntlatserssls of a Chiapel arid Husadoning, in Chanldler- street, Grosvenor.aqsrare, arid 5 captlSo Carte. - By Mr. GREEN, err the Preniseas, To-niorrow Mac 4, at 12. r-P'HE Materials conlsist of a set of' CoMplete galkiry J_seats, and the pawing of.the body of theichapel, an excellent pulpit, 6circular head windlows, aquantitY of stout timberr, floors. joists, girders, rafters, wainecoting, sashes, chininerpieces, stone pav'ements, lead guttero, panltiles, railingis, presses. psnnuelled and rithier doors, and a large risrantityor souridbrickwsork, the whols of wvhich is to be taken dow:i arid removeA by tire puruhaLser's. 'Po lie viewed, and catalogues had on the promsises: of Messrs. Smith anld Mlalerly. builder's, and of Mir. Green, auetionieer and estate agent, 165, Davies-street, Berkeley-square. ___________________ Cainetis, m-UFcsicl Cok,vileMsicslc, Carneos, large Plates, of Glass, ilureelaitie, an Mls~eelariecras Property. R. OXENRAM resp tfilaisloun,ces, that he it /1 irist-tucted by the Trustees of ItTre lakte Gee. GUllow, esq. to SELL by AUCTION, wuithout the least reserv'e, HI'iS DAN., at lila Spaciouis Rnoins. 353. Oxford-street, the COLLECTION of so"rb OLD CABINETS, Armoires, Conansodes, Encolgi-eurs, and Tablesr,. uromposed of ebony, tortoise3lhell, and iuaraucterle: jesivel caskets, card boxes, and trays; rare specimemns oftkIe Japanrilacquser, scarceeFlo- rentlac and flonran maosaics, pair of niasterly scwiptured statitlary mar- begup;set of fine camneos of thle Ca3sars, mouinted in silver gl ea rTVeLivory trophy, superb miusical and buhl clocks, cliandallers arid candelabra, fine antique bronzes, porcelaine servIces and orna- ments, quantity of carving#, large plates of glass, a 29-inch concaRve mirror, ariid numerous valuable items. May be viewed, and cata- logues had aLt the rocoms. Valulable Leasthol.i Hesixses, Tottenhsns-eerrt-road, Totrenhmm-court, GeorestresUcet, Southamptoni-place.New-read, S dmouth-atreet, Gray s,irrilane,road, and Somers-tovii-l.y M r. WILLOCK, at G,r- raway',THIS DAY, at12. ir, 9lots, byorderof tre Representa- tives f W illians Francis, esq. deceased. XWV Leasehold Houses, Nos. 126 and 127, ill rottel- T hamn-court-road, Ir the occupationi of Mr. Wvarne and Mr. Wad- more: arsothier lHouse, No. 13, irs the Newc-r.ad, rottenhiam-court. in the occupation of Mtr. Harderm; spacisrs Workshops edjoinimrg, in the occupatior; ef Mr. Elliott; a liouse, No. 4, in Palae-nrow, inthe oc. cupatior (if 1Mr. Poulton; a House, and Workshiops itear thereto, in Jolin's-place, In the o,ccupation of Mr. Thortnton: a capital t-otise, Coaclihou3e, and Stable, the corner of Georgo-street, Seuthampton- place, In tire roccuspation of Charles Tarnliam, esq.- an elegantly fnished House, No.4, In Sidmouth-street, Gravys.iin-la,ie-road.lix the occupation of Jobis Ford, esq.: and a neat House, No. fO, Somsers- trown-terrce; altogether at very improvable remit,, amount'ng to ?500 per annum: and the tenants are chiefly on leases, which are nearly expirinlg. To be vierved tiil the sale, wth leave of the tenants; and particulars may be had of Mr. Lanle, solictor. 39, Bedford-row. f Messrs. Glidden a.nd Walton, s,,lieitors, Girdiers'-Gall; at the Ring's Head, Tottenham-court; at Garraways; and oF Sitr. WVilloclr, 2S, Golden-square. _ . . iou 25 Spacious and very valuablu Freehold Premises, extending from Long- acre into Hurt-street, Covent-garden, and a Freehold House. in Hart-street.-1y 51r. WILLOCK, at Garrawar's, THIS DAY, at 12, in 2 lots, by order of the Representatives of iVm. Francis, elsq. deceased, Lot 1. .k Large and valuable Freehold. Estate, most t.t desirably and advantageotusl situate, No. 59, on the south side of Long acre, extending into Hart-street, to wlhich it has a frontage of nearly 70 feet, and for-ierly kaown as the White Hlart Tavern. The preinise: contain very spacious warerooms, workshops, lofts, timber yard, stable, sasw-pit, large open yard and covered yard. for, a great nuuber of *arriages, together wvith a carriage way into Long-acre. and are altogether. and have beei mnany years in the occu- ption of h .r Subbs, coachnnaker, at a net rent of 1751. per annurn. tot 2. A Freehold House, No. 29. in Hart-strmet. the corner of Leg- alley, in the occupation of Al r. Clarke, on lease, at 401. per annum. To be viewed, till t'de sale with leavc of the tenants; asd particulars may be bad of Mr. Lane, solicitor, 3P, Bedford-row; of Messrc. Glldon and Walton solilcitors, Girdler'-htlia Yt Garraway's; and of Mr. WVilock, 25, GolaZen-square. R..r the NC" 1?5t0ftomef-IyF Mr. SlitJTTL!WO1tri4, at the Rae,t oen Wednesday, A-l , tt 12, by order of the As.igneer of Mr. Leasebold Dw llnghI sesituate,adjoiningtesieo 171.L the New' 1'ostofflee, l-. 12, St. Ann's.Iane, St. Milrrtin's-le-grand,, contafning 2 romsus opa each loor, frout and back-shops, Ii; eld oss lexse for 12 Years tinexpfred, it alow rent o-f 26i, yler at;i uni.,M iY be viewed, and 1sartictva~a had 6 days previou3 to the sale oxs :~he yre. snises; of Mde,sss allison Anid'Bloxam, solicitors, 44, Lineo,nlWit,um.. Ad;at the Ma :'aind of Mr.-Shutt;evorth. 27. Poultry,- FreodEstate, Corsnhi[Lt- By Mdr. SHUTTL WOT,a h at, -onWednes4a ,Ari 1ai; AVery valuakleFehl Estate, sitteimdae AIopposite the Royail Exchange, on the Soiuthsdofonhl comprlieing an undivided fourth partor share of a susnta elig houae and promises, let oil lease to'a respectLbletea,atantrt of`300guiloenaper annum. Mlaybe viawetswith laeo h eat and partiCuIars haLd. 10 day.4 prlor to the sale, at theMr;ado r Shuttleworth, 27, Poultry,' Yorksire. By M. SHUTLEWQTH,atthe Mr:t, `on Wednesda.y, Aprl1, aLt I2 n3osbyirconofthjesurvii-Ing Trustee under th Wl of ie. Mttes ecaed "~NE undivie hit'o alf 7Part of and in the W-F followring veubl rehldadC6pyhold Estates, situate near Wakefield and Ponerc, ntecunty of York, viz. :-WhInney Moor Close.4 andAloet,emsiM.ighe17.I. pstut onx the border of th uniera rmHrl,- oWkfed veral Closes andilotetsa ianua,i h rrseltiiiyo Wakefield, compirisn SS2r,6p. with a mesuige or dwelln os called Flanshs'a, iloutblsuldlngs, gairden and ot'chrrd n valuable Farm, tite fe,onring 12-a. Ir. 28p. desirabysuae aLt East Hardwlck,na otfat with a faritr-house adsial agricuiltural buhllj.Th hl in the occupation of respectable .tenants, at rents anmounting to neatrly 3001. per annum. Mlay be viewved writh leave of the tenants, and Particulars had. 14 days previ- osss to the sae, at thie Stalfford Armns, Wakefield; hterl Lion, Por.te. fracrt Angel, Ackworthi; of Mlessrs. Lamb arsd Son, solicitors, Wake- field; of 'Mr. Roe, Temple-liambjers, Fleet-mteet; at the Miart; and ot lir. Shinttlelvorth, 27, Poultry. Valabl FeehldEstte,LitleBrtai.-y MNr. SHUTTLEWVORTH, at thseMart onWdedy pril 7, aLt 12, VeryvalubleFreeodEsse.comprising the newly ercedR esidenice, Rfnr;ndrmises, lately In the occu- pation of Robert Alblorn Cox, esq. aldrmnas, and now In the occupa. tion of Messrs. Barrett anid Cornsy, advantageous ly situate, and ad. joinisag Christes Hiospital, and near the newv postolilce, In Little Bri- tain, let under a repairing lease, for a termd of 50 years from Midsum. mier, 1824, at alow. netrent of 1201. perannum. May be viewred, and particulars had 10 days previous to the sFal, of Miessrs. Dennett, Grae,BAxendale, and Tathsam, sirlicitcrs, King's Arm s-yard; at tth Mar.t; knd at Mr. Shuttleworth, 27, Poultry. Tvwlcl'en 5a-m,1Cari1ng_ross,andH to.BMr iiTT WoTh at the Mart, on Wediresda,Arl7 at 12, i os r HE following-Copyhold adL seold sae,at _ improved Rent's', - v'ir. -A.Copyhold Estate, comprising a dwellJ- lug-house satd premises, opposite the Eight Bells, at Twiekenharn. Art Irnproved Rent of 701. per annurm, secured upon No. 55. S t. Martin's. lane, Charing-cross. Anda LeaseoholdDwelling-houso,No 36, Union- stL-et, Hoxton. In the occupationi of respectable tenants, ait rentTs amounting to 1241. per aqlnmtn. May be viewed with leave of thLe tenants, anzd psrticulars bad 10 days previouis to the sale at the Mtart ; of) Messrs. BouirdIllon and Hewritt, solicitors, B, Bread-street, Cheap- side; and oflMr. Shuttleworth, 27, Poultry. freeSholds in ~thelCityi...ByNlir. ~S1UTTLFWORTH!,at ~theNMart, on Wednesday Ap,ril 21, at 12, in 2 lots, by order of the Executors or~ Josephk Bcalzriey, asq. deceased, 9V O.substanatial Freehiold Dwelling..houser, very' --eligibly situiate, Nos. 3and 4, In Church-court, Cleinent's-late-, Lomabrd.street. let on lease to Messrx. Leadbeater- and Fuller, re- spectable tenants, for terfsa w-hich ivll expire ist 1952 and 1 831, at low net rents amounting to1151. per.s,nnum. May be viewed with leave of the tenants, anid particulars had 10 days previtirrs to the sale astthe Ma3rt; of Messrs; Hall and Thonpspon, solieitors, Salters'-hall; and of Mr. Shuttleworth, 257, Poultry. Valuale FreholdFarm thfreTanPbi ouse,and other Estaes,Wileadn and ctn Mdlesex...By Mr. SHUTTLE. WORTH a the Mrt, on Wde~y April 21, at 12, In lots, by ordeofthe Eecrtors ofJ Joehrdy, csq. deceased. eFreehl Fr, advantageously situate congcen, In the pariszh of WUlleetden, 4 miles anni a halfroTyrrn.0rjpike, P and a half from Harrow, and 8 froux onyof Miiddlesex, comprising 553a. 9p. of rich. grainglan, ~'it agood farm houise, suitable agriertltural buildings, cottgesand ardns,let on lease to Mir. Thomas Philpot, a most re- speLtabe tenant,foa termb of which about 10 years aire unexpired, at arnettrentof'1701. per annum. A Freehold Etstetat Harlesdon-cert aforexaid, comprising the Green Mian, an old established and wellIfre- quented public house, w"Ith staLbles, yard, large gardeis and paddocks of meadow land,,with ani extensive frontage on the high road, cons- prtisng together2a. 2r. Ilp. on a lease for at short term ttnexpired, at an old and very low rear. A Freehold Residence, called For-tune Gate- hiouse, wIvth extensive stable's arid outbuildings, good garden, and ena- closure of meadow laud, a short distance from the grecedlng, let on lease to E, SeUien, es.i. for a term of 'which about 11 years aLre unex- pired,.at alow rentofr431. per annumn. A FreehlndT.Meadowat Church. e;rd, near they vlAge of WVillesden, comprising la. 3r. 1Sp. In the occu- pation of Mr. Evans, a tenant at ;will, at 71. per atnnum. And a Free- hold Inelosl3ire ofi-meadow land, situatenear OldOak-common, in the. parish of Acton, comprisding 7a. Ir. 2p. let on lease to 'Mr. Essex, for a term, of whick about 10 years are uinexpired, at a rent of 221. per anrnum. Ma be viewed, and particulars had 14 days prerious to the slatthe Green Sian, liarlesdon-green; King's Head, Marrow . Goorge.Acton; at the Mart; of Messrs. Hall and Thompson, St Swithl's'n.las and of Mir. Shuttleworth, 27, Poultry. Villersrree.,.Bysr. SQ B and SON, at Garraway's, oni Friday, A Valuabe Freehld iostae ngo situations for ~IL rad: cmprsin .5dwelin-hoses wih sops, No3. 37, 38, 39. 0, nd 1, n th prferblepartot he trad; 2 free public- hoesa,-non b th sins f te Pinc's eadsadthe Gran by Head, andothr pemses ii Bukigh,rn.rret and Villier-stsreet, the whole let o respectble tenans, at lowrents, oni leases which exir In a fe years,when tIe renta may heconsiderably increased.c The premis%es mazy be iwdwt ev fte respective tenants, and ~rlnsted particularhaofMss.Cran Foster, 128, John-street, dorrm;at tiepaeo ae n f Mr. Squibb and Son, savllle-ro;v. Valal eshodPoet,on tirernort sieo "heNwrad, ad- joiingth ltgen'spsr.-y Mr. SQUIBB and SON, at Garraway's, Ver ~ ~ compact brick built Dwelling-house, wth sevatoryand large j~dn pleasantly situate, No. 1, Unin-pace onthenorh sde f te ew-roa,d,adjoining-the Regent's- ~thct52lPatin ofCaptinKater, whose term expires at e etjt I lesehldforanunexpired term of 30 years, from idsumer rTxt, at a groudrn of 131. per annlUmr, and pre- sen ts a most elligible sarpprtunittobldr and othier speculativer personxs, as It possesses a frontage f23fe towards the Neur-road. and is 94 feet ii depth on the western sie The premises may be viewed withileav'eof the tenant, and patclars had there; of Mr. John Hurley, solicitor, Mjill-street, Conui-treet a t the pIlace of sale;- and of Mr. Squibb anid Son, Savl-row. Tavistock-ilquare,.leatReiec,wihCaho_use an-d Stablintg, sad1 a LeAsehola HueIn harlotte-street, Bloomsbury.Hy lr. eosjnn od SN. t. grt'wr559s, .. Tue-day, A ril 6, at. 1.2. In os yodr ofteEeutors of the late Jam5d Villisamson. e,lq. 'pH substantiaybuilt and very ooinplete Lmeasbold _ Residence, N.2Taistock-square, ILate in the occupation of Jamts Williamson, ej deceased, containing 8 excellent bed chaiTn. here. dressi;ig room, wvater clo-ets, 2 handsomne spaciours drawing roomsi commnunicating by folding doors, a large dining room, library, en,trance ball, stone staircase, aLnd convenient offices in; the base- minst; held for an unexpired term of 73 years and a half, at a arounid rent of 421. per annum. Also a coaehbhous and 4-stall stable', with d welling room MEid loft over, In Inner 'i'avistock-osewe; hield fur the like term. ait 81.8,. per annumn. Arid a very neat and conis-nlenirt: leaseholid dwelling.bouse, No. 4, or; the east side itt Char-lotte-street, Bloomsb,ury. in the occupation of Mr. Woolley, at 841. per annuiu held for assx unexpIred term of '27 years. at a ground renit of only 8L per afnnum, Yielding all; iacome of 761. per annumn. The premises can only be vIewed bytickets, to bebhadof Mr.Squibband San, Sarile- rowr, of whom printed particulars may be biad 10 days preceding the &s.1c;Ralso on the respective premises; and At Garraway's. Tko Ch-ymists, Druggists, &e.--Stok Utnl,Friut c cre- street, Portinan-sqtuire. - BYMrMUR L,o the Preie,I . George-treet, Portman-sque, THSD'.a 2, by drcin of' the Adinistratr-ix of MIr.jamsCedcae, HE remaining Stock o Drg,mdcines, &C. thc A.valuiable fittings and utensl opiigso glasses, jars, glssrounds, large mortars. &c. lothnetouhold funrsiture, o,f the uisual dsesription. Msa bevee;erl~e adons tire pre- inilses, and of Mr. Murrell, Skrlnnrsee.iow l. Canine of Dteh ard Fle ishPictures, recenity Iinported from .9rabant.-By Mir. EDWARD FOSTER. at his Great itoom, No. 145, Greek-street, Soho-square, To-morrow, Miarch 24, at 12, ir!thout reserve, A N entire Collection of Pictures, includIing Chri:st's t]L. . Agony In the Garden, Thomias Wyker a Landscape, Adrian Van Stalbanet: a Sea-port, Llnigleback; aL Conversation, Le Due,, Stint George, Evais Vandicrelde; Landscapes by Decker, Teniers. Van Goyne,IHuysmau, and Poussin; Sea Pieces by Peters and Rietcbscoff, Domestic Scenes and Portraits. Slay be viewed the day prior, when caLtaloguesmay be had atM4r.Foster's oillce,14, Greek-streer,S-ohe-square Wyeicls,-~' . lARVEY, on the Premises,. at Wryefields, iseatr each day. n Moniday, March 29, and following day, at 11 A Lbthe legat Hosehod Funitue, gandpiano- s'ic, lrgeflu plte Iran chmne glsess a rigtoniVevellowr Valubleari Exensve Asormen ofricly Cut Gla4s, Eniglish China, andStaforshre are ii Its~suied o rivate families ardothers. -By r. 1. USfIOVE atirisAucionRoom, in Clrurclr-strect, N Assmblae ofElegnt Ct Glass:, in Dessert Ser- A vics, rilldishs.stsofecaners.nnblers, 1oblets, and wine lses, crfs grcl' u adsls iobesutifril u ies, pedestal lamps, extesv dinnr,te, nd coffee services of' Englsh china, and a geniera asoten oble and white Stafiord- shire ware. on view on Tues7day andn morning of sale; catalogues of Mir. M usgroi-e, H ack-ney, a nd 1~, ShrIe4reditch. Mr. Dominic Fassatna's Stock, of Blathi and Cheltenhaini --fly 3Mr. WILLIAMIS THIS DAY, Mareh 23, anid followving day, at 12, by directoi onl' the Aesignees,, LL the recovered Property of the said Bankrupt, con- Ilsit1ngtof handsome Frenebchcocks3, mounted In or-rmobu, bronze ormuisnuandfigures, beautiful porcelain savo and Dresden china, a variety of expensive dressing cases, fitted witth sdlver apparaUS, wvork boXell, reticutles, writing desks, eleganit tortolseshell lea eaddiesu numro "usfarsey articles of foreign manufactture, jewellery, etee1.orn,n-. mentst, coral *nd pearl beads, plated articles and cutlery, suttlan;ery. pruey, .fe- Tobe viewed on Mlonday precediner an'dmorning of sale, andle catalogues had, at. tite Mart, and of Nir. Williams. Throg- muorton-strect. ik,Iret Gardeners, S alesmen, and Othere.-Biy Mr.A. CARTE s c csor, to the late r. John P'revtonl, on the Plremises, S3loeAnl'- laneDermndseOil Wedr,eSdaY, April 7, and followviig day, at 10, by Iretio oft~eExecutors of Sir. Thomas Cook deceas_,ed, HE alubleLease of a well-arraniged and extensive. L Garen Grund,with a conrenient DwellIng-housie, situate in Bermonday;also all the Live anrd Dead Stock, consisting ,,f 4 horse. I or-inch-wheel veaggon. 2 market carts, chaise, rind chiaise cart, 2.000 bell and hand glasses, 100 three-light boxes, a quanitity of. valirarsie seeds And planits, about 100 loads of manure, and utmerousi othier effects. IMay be veiewed two days _prior to the sale; cataloge lo be btad opt the premises; and of Mr. A. Carter, aulctioneer, apprasuers and hoUSe agent. 349, Rotherhlthe-treet, corner of Princea.atroot. Crow Fouderyand Iron Works. Rauy-strest, Clerker-well.- ~ HENRY WILSONTegg to annovance, '(hat [II. Hpe DY'S SLE iTeeday Marc 23), at the above Premises, whic wil t~cepat. at 2 ocloc bydirctio ofthetrustees, cuma- prlsasmtlsa. bazies',plae-woker, an beir,rmakrs'tools. m plemnteandutesil ofnumrou decrltio~,r a rap ugl t proeh cases. tanks, ovens, plpes, Dnrneis. ca ost - cooking machine, ajaruge w-rought Iron bobtr for~ a sti ral ton, of bar, pIg, scrap, and'old'iron, dud lnitttimeir,.0,ieohrffcs Sarybe viewaed; catalogues had oQ tie premises, and of MSr. H. Wia.. son. 10, atIon-garden. N. -. To-narrow-^s sSe will comprise cfio furnshIng Srornrongery It ocl;. f ixtrt es and dttlngs of the oG ces, &-c. To Booksellers, Statioucts, Printers, Schoolnmasters, and Others. >,srR. S'TK\VAT begs to anounce to his Friends and Af 1~~~~parinTar tht e shall suba.it to their' notice by Aietion, on Tuesday, 30thnMrch, and following day, at 11 olocbek. at his Sale Roonm l9t, Piccadilly, I most valuable and extensive stock, con5rating of several hundred resis of PAPER, BOOIKS, and STA- TIONE. t. which ill be sold wIthout the least reserve, comrprising cornoen and superfine p ots, .%oolscap, note papers, wove and lird posts. n folio and quarto. large ditto, commnon and fine derny. royal, double crowvns, single and douole foolteaps, ort~Sdes, tissues, drawing papers, coloured posts, marbles, btottiirg, curling papers, browns, small hand. lumlber h and, ml4dle bau d, car tridges, tea arid grocerv papers, blue papers, &c.r -sa varle~tv.of account boks. in varfous eiz6sana rulings, quite rrt. quills. sealing vax, pwentls, &c. To bevewl edw onM onday previous to thesale. wvhenl catalogues wvill be ready for-delivery. Genuine elegant Housebold-Furniture, W VIses, Pictures, chuLrc. ( lass. Plate. Linen, and Effects.-By Mr. CATTY, uori the Prenises, 25, Slsane-street, Knlgitabridte, THIS DAY, Mecrck 23 at ll, orn aceault of thebnDnber of at% by direction oftheAssignee& of Mr. JosePh Crausas, a ihaDkrUpt. ' HE elegaLnt. Futrninire oomprises mahogany fourepost, .. field, tent, and couch beeteads, wilth fringe chintz draperies, seasoned goose feather beds Lul bedding, mahogary fwardrobe rhesta of drawvers, boo1ccasep. anc valsh band standts, glass5e, tab~.es aDd chairs, a set of handsomne ehln ts Frgnelci windowr curtadns wvith con- tinuedl frinted draperes, complete suit of lZsoiidrfisewood chatrsan& sofat en nsut., ecuperls.oo. soft, ood card tables, 2 beautiful pier con. 'roles, chimnev and pier glasses, dining tablOs and chairs, sideboarhd plate and plat&I articles.beautiftil FrehChI eloeke, pietureli by testeelc4 mfaters, books, a tfe doiens of choice wineso tabl and tedr linen French china tesanaud dessertaervic, rock ery, 2lasst . ulpiern ten- sila, and ntimsroos eff ets. ?M be 'viewted, and ebt aideb hde I the zoom6, S0}. Pall-mali, w;id lreat klistende o, bue 0V5 e at SALES BY AUCTION.
Ak e.bl,d '.FFEIsom his last yearls '-'5h.o~ efalsf'j4~' O OJ aATnRt s'Tehl re- Inlirehase.. , t5lfti ' torpe h I'tO "Tfle' fir,st 30,a-1s an iTisiasli, slh5o hoeaslt Ito Also ~ .e'Itj'nOf his TIM- patterns, wichf, S C.aloerJ,, *o~ann. nd 'alit be- sold on lo,, terniai, wvith q 'aliies. t Swa desks for AXaltl-isater. iniperiall, anid double -. PalesthIe Toao:Tfiier,lre ~na~ nsoq aaTnros'ed Ladia' a'I't andheavr honea. rlonaed to the oMft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ta ToFlei relalt1ne XLE. Table \.1d TV'_-_R n '5 ol Tr' fCe,, %:eoIn .~ .tid Tao-a fleer. oft4 9, Sr IS aCl'ans, _ tha' I, gear:a t5so* btCiiia l,"r rain- anal' an-I hoes mat, as ran betes"ital ~ atis. , iomnt e -.as trial Sil ta 'iuP'ria.nrir of Tiel i; ata rcs.'ein' x'e'lal ths.'then-o in'flri'ar. Odr alde-as.rl- ,;s (Xe QTIrTa or,,r tlaadro,st-~ fr,l thel M.c Brewers -. li aCLOT \?' \tHtaw lA-Je BIond-strse.t t'arh-raasa, I,rHa, riemITef th y to t h,aiRhoelid Co. 'The crowving i' P-nr'-e of stheta n oi-lhhaaarloaod of l,cods. In the aoarl,ifaa" flis t aserfit laothba,ha imalTleed a naianlath'if 'he tiratrate Mill- ownx~llners nvA ms'f~artnTer,N to) openl so! Otabtshlhien~ o`bla-la lt "Tar Inriendedi To ra'anhiols 5l-it I IT, C, ,,Vinylene to the' pol'ohc alI the aad"-'a tazee- whch 'alo'sblhls ~e de-rSs'd froant an e'xtrosie concern. It is not nteoeiltra 01 'Itnft an ildiTdacr,,-ent to lanra-liasers 1aevond the raor and oiien e"Ir laercltiat anal nsnnTifaernra'r, TNa SUpn4 cifcoed will~ IraTTateTirat boaiaa-, n-h-a,e nsa-anaafaatarcea atre 5"eTl -tcitn,'s, wOse - llb~iod of 'tiv;ihina, is am ale wa-t iTanaSfria no ~ ~ ~ nt-i e.e. The ESTA- III 0-1a-~ pE 'h-le dv " Mztbte' -hoen tieptrit-aaaae of aaar,iaaiaaat s'.l he Isl asrra~i:rn-, ad sha Arm lon- rn-la(atfaaals aecaa:a'n'ea,rhth the fl5lc-~sPlt a lSducod00sr,n h na system nr-irs aTal'poraaae 2itly aTiSni cioa 'T tles-arlThT,te or at the re-nasetive naills. tIte lar-.l !t5tv o Wi'a la aa-h'ht In) At tewn-hours avers- iia'irnaatiaan canl ac commllk,tcd t Iate'he ont,laTlaa of Viai. 3rieszz tanad Ca,- To re.-l'e n Onlirnmon nareow aiaatrb, flannels. halanke-re, entrpetiTTa. iltaos.&e.andthor s hil e happy to cotorespsasad Wflal reaspectabkc man- y.ec othe N inorsand oraanir thie I lSyTmuIc tet Theat re. florsf'aTanaae l'yirn2riet. L,ondon, ha-i n,-'aa' o data tle Tilla"-a (~i i P0st Si;. ee Ioze~-n'aape'riar STIIElItV', 2iia. larr dasreTa , aTla C'~Pg '6 atiITlA ,Ile.cr doze,,, hv sl.av qf samlale. Tars dozen -I '-ari of he alasva"in, st'ill he wa-ll raol[eal In an e.ceeileaaa >I s'I' hoc-ahea TsatleaIse-aaied. hy a retmjitb-s5eeoff lill. or Ml'af,.T t"ea0 aso-in 't-arall, ~ 6 t5.ilas Bte Port, fr-sn 'Ile, sitatar"I Sheetv. c~, ta tsr.iLa llaPae or Zl.: .ar 6 Galons iTiara ~ 4Gallon- acltelleTat Cane 'aladel's, .Ceel, &o.'orSi,XLtia-ra,a'~ossa, 'axsase"t5 4isl-na. 'ataanaarir. t-c. vel. c-Sr- aGm! A en- j-q rTj n-er.0n1 .N Ia C\ fl 5t'ar lI , rt ataTality, Ti-t. F1i ~ EOL ae f3 ltk.2,2 or Is. lid. per mac Brandy, 23-a 4 crtain. finns, 15:. 61. Cl OE 'to1 a otacted wih . t r On-ofa Ch:arn {"al i f .ci-e nes Epes,FrneotrIaca ha rosv-tbal othis the C, has-a tInrldligatS1IIT,La'dn )at, eio ase,- saolne " ,eea-e,t vlntsre iIS ihihrioa.atagc'm-itiaao, at lie. t'dozen, erlee a-nd lTsirtTCTitle a Tg,ia Cla-ret, St. -'en or I-s ltr ,6e -rdzn lrutc- -a lriol,Ctt t'cast rst qta'itv, lOs- irsaeSatr n Grave.Re. . a3s r den-ala :and atll other t-lren. &a'. In prolOt.n l,'"atoTsn reat-a-n-s ss-as .aid (no unpaid letters asill1 be rceaivedr, wvill be inm- In4aalvatne to. eI EAT FALL iTTSILK GaOODS.001v I-v iIspecCi0l - r con the 1`Til,lle credit, the imnriense sacerifice ocan these cascade Twa tboa,s,,ai lieeo, of rich lerantines. dtcataes. eros, aleNsc ~-aa-ia )`ta-rencer J". io e5'ers' shade aff the aaaa-t lat'aowi:ag- Paa,rtians, ,olo,lms at. aaarso no so he e-qamIaled Tin ati x t1hree Ilaaizes ITl I-"':..Rhl F rench cross deasls 3-a, to 4o. rd., three -.a,rt-te'. 's-ie dito.is. 1 a) 4,. fld.a Fra'neh dalrraneq i. lid. taJ. rq . .ai pais.eaf the rh etcoloaTr, in leranritne Frenc,h avtitto n4,3d. to Aw-d., rIch Genoam FAn French acs,~1t a.per- yard ar laa a-.it,:SC'- -p- at vacT: Cva?n.e rape- drosasee, a-rry rich, and raaito Claans ar3kapa:405 Tt IV,, areen,te, a-a- ld. 1arr yard: rIca, Vr'ra-ruSasler7 drse , 1a cain'scad'2.'iOO nrs- raI f l-ro'tacli Ft.nn5e t CVPt flIW t, '! "sh;,nnahe c'SoTTr. e Cal. fnr vr aral: retpPe -'ha a I ` 1Se taIt vft%h caes," rhoe wirde,st rmade. I-a. I A. 1aer yard:- T-h'- nos oltilTsre~., ' 1 d., rich ditto. I'.; Irish ditto,. 2Strd al: tr,are IN, a- an'-a,a .-' ri -h tahbinean. 2s. Sat. : Titn raaaa-arcd h'aalbaa l5', dtTroa Is. Cd,:tflaw d:t t--. I,. Cd. : -hawk ndsarfs haatchaste and olegant pantternas. STad 5.-reel,- aaahe kaso-a tar -Olsa-aiaal eac,bs'ere. from n-e ta, tire raa aaeas each thaose at -~'adNeTOna, --re m-it eTlaarr, patterns: \,ri.,ialk, hwlaaa , tl.Ofs -h;e sshReb'eATI fo' atr`1a s-tasraa-aa-rsaaea a~ -h;claiea ti'is 'av-awrap-a. traan, o 'a4z - Irg-:"aIea c-cl-: 2015 a!aarh a-tck, a'nlea 'a- .T ,er-ntae' ,C-. -aa,'a S,5~-eacha VI-a- SAa-alt" cahat am o"-- eAJ!-I zaarC Aeaa ,-ad -i:ealilar Noiara-i. an---nare a-I t' esr :ra-re ia ar-:: 0:Ftctl szils a' -. ~ ,- - ia--aCa--7-a-a~.al. iy -al aaa- aT$tiy S.- --a ~o-s.-i ;-"'. -a:n:- ' .ack of laTar:~c.raswycr N`o pa:- '?LT-In F,TRA.T,7Y o T.RS\AfilIL 5I JnT!~: ? aec'..ta.e-a'n~~~~~~~~~~~~~a. ~ vv ... o t -. -~~~ a,- 'a'O,.'-a.~~~~1 rat aaaa -t-a.aa - i-c '0'~1~ -, n" fl' s l it th -rr' F:' ,,c.;. J'rri-ao t-rer2 - - - ISaton ar n ieuat. - , 4 NVANT PLAE~ -A',?itr-i ner h' 1t-t)7 fl-a-d \t.-\NT ickCE-. All I tr-a no a h I,e1 .-c- N t er .~ ai onldiea J I U ia a -an w' caI aeta ,cso - -5 I-a"P 'FTz ng, h'S-,F '.0'ST 'noua i V`--aol. i-T A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.Y ,n- reu-ic-'am e .w ain -a sh st n'l fl k w a 1- -- ,a P -. P . 14ara-a ea Iah na it, XI atrl ___ Gsa'nat . D-n-a.15a A- Asr-a b.aa,.aa-- Measatao.t....r..-saa-i a,caa. ~ ~ ...... fid II j\ Z>z2'~~- in a f~~-W ns,anaFnI' Dnaiala- ICaiZ Person, F.~ L---ea-t SiM-c.Na CPebert. anl aa-rtas..-Ll-tt St'snti Sne-'rCa\sT irs, TvotD-t CXVjb-{ ere Tabot 1. -5 , lIe' s. "lnte 0. :T-scaaIa--lasairr,t 'c-aa V..a.t...ara- \'a-on rat. To n'ita naNtat- a whee anatara-r - aa I. tla-a-l'tr at,r.a-a,a !?y~ 1. 1.-f. ~, 2 a il Nt. Ii, -dsasaibngr et.aae le,e.a aeeas-a A S Housvm~AItr,r 'to.sWn-sa w -'looa-i' Ytaitafaa-a, se yoant '-.5 o.--- ~ ~ ~ ~ *I hnit, l.th ad h h . A ;HcaIrtFAi its, cd35 c+l & isreiatrm.rna1 TnlTTtli 'aSOi t)tl c feAaa N-ThWir ol-imt ,on AI.a- s -atLainCe t sacatU-s,. s l'Na--- a-as eahs"a a--'s"" aa' ? aaeaL o 'assaaaa ane t3a.- h,InS .T. TI At-a-.aa 5'.., Ota-rl'T, at Otest P'a.ain-fi,:d,i,a-,~ ~ ~ Is.na aar-a.w - G C-tns aTdl0SlE:c o in tleCa-taaa co .i'ova ant' a n o Tsaslsae .5 VO aas. a' lh rnti.'- taaa,adaiaaa a-a =X l-,- sdta-an-. a2r h.aiez bcat,,e-l-.Io at. ja-Iacn ;raCn,-n- sslnh o ,ea-'-oa- a..-o.e j,a r-baaLI - t~ d-a"eC,tsnaas aa-'an-aaif. Sna. iat 5 vedas. -p a ltOnat-a hs cn rcat ,'aao.. S GrA tsnd. e ndr '-"'as, Or.. :saa 'llahee;-or a -,a .i r e . 0 llTaasi-a emal ririla Fauia. -h-re a f i .cta k"noa a, -at aPasa a-aa IV. C. a' 33 f_ t_ialae'et,lan'entnlth. VI-aa -~ S(P~a't~e,~-,a sigle oungMan,whounle,rastands h~is 1i-d and natnaate i--fnc i t Oe,ndwat i-b istlaas a 4 -t. Nasltakarrasadah.l yae ta-a', 5 - an - t ule o 'maTE at an H otel. Co,feehouse or Asd CMats, 'a-Isa, frtsxnasnnaaafntIa isl,i a y - Yn'aa,ia...is fneas asa otae at anCfehue oe,OrIn epcai A snATRIta n,Htl Tvr,Cfehue rCop A S- W.n1'r-rc -or totr,ayoagMaae 24,twho liag S1 Lrargoas on a riitecuty ed 20, 011e_5a5 al-a aioc hneanl lale,ns. an nthin a san aasi,So3In. -~~~~~~~~-plyt.J.S CZ, Waodaar. A ' ortn WaehuseTo a a-Lan-? ata-'iaas,treigrel aaracaas (tarn ats has ala, naLaer'-Z ~a9axCea oks-!dban- lonpik. -ieo2 h,in-- n YeI-gA.'M - or. to r lImreouakepera yi PPg ll Tn itla-Isalf fraree4ly ~ ~ l 9POONZ9, tOlS -tA~ V~n iv 8n,iI;h ma faue h bveL. , an & eerye :rcjuisfe for the ta le or el~e rlvhd, o IthaloeSt te". a fo 'lt fhiw. oons itni foltef tatlua attrns costatlyon sale, atilaroz.: alS teaL Ses, er;rfne., .ewo ecnharid; and all aissrtinent of th et' heled plated goodsl~, With sivr egs ossigo e;te rgiie.disThe an ises aters IIItii,&e hef r . PATRTCk s DAV, ard five 4,20,000 Prtz.rs.-T. -~ lOtI reiictfllyremnti hi bet fiens,the public, huit more psrlctlarv tat orton of themii whrich belotig to the sister kingdom. that Cuhe ne!xt drawving wilt take 1la,e on the anniversary ot their rtntei.r- Sitint, I7tt of` next mlonth (March): anld as the Arst two Pr!zes rhse las' will eachl he ennttedi to 20.0f)01. tushi hopes thrIt at night wany of his friends, by cshtain,iig thosev %rizes, t%rIll have cause to rejoice ;tt the y of~ srI. llatr!W,'. Dayi in thie \trie'There sttill remalins to, e'Irw .I t'Prizes of 20,0150. and di)9 other e iltsls. A feu', warranted U,idrawn tickhet, ,Ind shares ar-e st i o sale at Bish'e office4. 4, Cornl- lull, and 9, Charinn-ero,s: aid by his a~enrs in the c,;ttntrv. T'he Prices if stc1-re`h-totlerl,:,Axed agaiist 13Ill.otlice, In Cornti,lll, by wthichitl lhiti seethe IIhletuallotis. I' ( ) tle Pu LIC .-J. atnd J. SI V NVRItGHTr, (oio- tr-ctoIr` for the pr,esent LOT?TERY, r-sp,.ctfiuly aclknowltdlce tve it 1t1OrtIpied pattronage ttity httie eglleiicoed, a iessn in thtthey hlave tr, estrea- their regret fi,r Cthe many disappo!ntnxoents -hieh i-aceo"eurrci tthos~e whan pptlied tot xrholctetkets,there~erve o,irhli.h srereeyiitclipielOfln,re~ thiat twentty-foilit hieirsbefore thl drawitig e,-imueteed. This nr-ie fr .. the Utnpreedednted saile a-l tdNedri hIr,riedIrlii slt"cession frim getts in all Part- f the enointry, S,otland, Iarie Ireletrid, to mneet whit-h io tilalty- tickets liave lfltecevsity been divided hinto sharce as to hav'e 'tt*t no ..... re wh ,In tieclt f,irsle ciin.,cienllteti ht disappointlment h"as he-ii o'svoi,lahle. h-at the ionttraet.,r, feel d~si-,sed attd.ltt irt etet- Inlinel to ricet atll that is nols pr'aeticable to rentedy, it Tor thle fiv'e XM0Cdo whItIh rerralin ill ht%he elC. J. anid J. Si yes ri,ht have madls arranr-ellentIs with all the 11 l2e)eelcieprs. that ally li) t t-tlslfiit, to u'ircltese a while tick~et shafll he tIermlitt V to hIA, et sr ohialf tick,ets for ti il, 0 lcletestiei Ir c l tia T. h i.sqvtirifice ott tibir vitrt they hhi'i. ttIp,tht li P1itile twill duly ppreciate. TIhe I 7tl (If %t-i r-i till be the tiext tisy of (Itraiti itit irlit P. n oir riso t'l.n lire aKtOli to he added t-i the tw'o firs~t prizes, atid the last dfra"wn I ,tfii Iitl,s -II that 4liy wtill be putt into the wlmteo'.atd re- tlrait-i. Ntai,v of the-e five CSo,OOlf) prizes tihe iContractirs tr.st wilt h, distriilued at thieir of'-ices, 37, Ciirtlilll t, 1. H-talborti; atid 38. I avi-iiirket. pflWITFR_ED SUJGAR(Alyi owdb tr JFac1tlt to Pllasees in a highll conretitrate lg5 t h stretigvl, alit VIrttie of thie satgtr IiCtl,itt any of It -tfitesIti the nis 'r -hi arii acet dlscoverei c werdl~ ife Chi O)l~, (16coa, fi,r"' i as been in,ttirl~d ittehgetetna 2li I fan (flies 01 the fi rst ONsttict,iniT fro,m the supel ior Imianler i IlItt!l I t 5 note nit lip till !tj very niidet-iate pIce, it wllj dootit- less eintle au aricl or gellermAl cohItimlptionn I lb. heist, "II Its me, C ,loltli Ptaetct eltt toI i~ III. of reflwl-d or tiestrly 2' lbs-. o raw Slig'!r frIli i iits pttI'i t it hntIthItl.:r--iire urove to hilsal idsatif invalloahle 'elis tiil is t d,,e ni~t enit thentio-t delicate stornacha. f,r sweet. tilt7 itel iC. &e. tIt is fretpi 'ittly u.;et tin 1 .-dictn-e and asi ,re %acidity, withoIxt e:aos1iti1g lermentaition. 'Old in Packets 1f 1 lb. a.t 1.l. 4td. eahel, t-y Paynie atid sitti. Nfew Caretidish- street; Wright. Oxfoird.s4treet; Ealeoi, Newyate-,treet; Graham. 1l11iilZptediill:l tA'al'tr, Gracci,ulrch-streer: 7Moore, 375. S4trand; fVllTSI.r, Wi detf hllll.treet- Stewart. Lont ie,rd-street; I"billip,ltlti tliii-per etin \'ortoti, 27. li-h t-' Ort:I. Cttainuatt. druirgist. Is1ing. t0on NI. tlifiihitii. i r.lcee,' 64. Ie,i Lionn-street, Holoborno tand by ?1.Irreti,e,talle grocers intvi:ow and countrr. .Q ;in ttil City.-The eIltenti-i of' the XGbility, of t.att~,ies,.d eseially of t'rtiprict.tls i,f FashlIiittble Millinery i'stabl i,hnthents in isl,I`dqand tl Paris, are tuosit Tespeetfttlly inv-ited to NILL.ARt) attd (oiilipani's New" A. 1. Pisiii iluslitts. made of Itidia yarni, syith the ld- v:I5rraZ--;e,Iiu aid of EiottpEnt mntiatf.cttire, rile result iif ittlat Year,5 e\perifftlr ~in the- t:dia trade,, tIle retenltive tr-anptarenlry of i iiel. i~taiilit) t ,'l,ll, ad cltelinas readntiiraible, 'atd srsses-crv lliitig of the kitnd :.et produced. Trhey tilia), lie scett, t,e,-ther wvith tile India, ini he vafrions xvidths;, atid aet sold ii tlie piele. &e-. evv1-i,ivh- at their wh.-il,esa slI 1jetiil Warehous~e tor ,Ii isiit f li h cii (lilS in the City, Nit. lii, C heallsidc, wt ith tte lIsl P.! a witnalil to nicretl,ati Csto- expoirtitng. I'lhev retl,ectu'1llv ati.- n011lince, that ltt eir tin iiltCttlw to F-itrei gla imdi., htOlat1d, sitndilll~a ehi cnithriidei e,l tiitislitt anid Dice d, ss ChaWiilty s-nil sand Foreignt a nd tIrritieh shawlv for 511 llrior t.re,elits India, F'ren:ch. ;!n nt ict art`clis ,.f f,asiiinal,Ie trit ii tmatitufacture, are if) iv11 a% wr -l i ii 111w fancy l-lolired to islitt a silt dl mbrie., 'it 11715 ill esi-n-. iliair to, tIle h-itt an, srilti t hose ailallt'd for the Par'Tii atid V,t-t ltid ia co,slntnac gild the variotts go.ods. Ioth freicgnu and11 Iriti,ll. te ket ll iltlile tl4ece or leiti, inivarillllv at the itlilileslle prier. antid tllie dtseiitltt alltised for tinme. awi i:ces froioi ibroad fi,tri- liz ntal ltiilciiC. n r,ticlittinugotit for dep-irrire. sr ill fitjd every kititlif nais- S_tiile. t wehtl,!e I arratiteil. :sal the Inidia. Fretteti, slid ItrltiO, 4iil.. iii rul;ar viylsis, ren,h lil'riltIi; te I t -, cr- rvllt pr!.i eint1vcnrcir5ot the n I ar'~-et. Foonl ins frotiili Ind :i, havitli Itmioi Thl.t . av ext-hatil;e tieltoul, M, is first tezois. They llu,ti ~'lUct liYs ii i;iuiiuine to hte Naiil i tI their- Friends, apil Faire hiS,, tha t tll, Otlelliitg (If thieir atdd itiotii,l 'st'ablishinceiit is~ postpon:ed for tlte irCent. ~ 1~It i, lttretyvegtaule,dles-Iv-i ed lii the R1ev. C. Cacr- ti gtiit. V car it liel:etk ....... ..ii,fl 'Misty DiittJtCilt V. lit the c ;outif0i leer, Respiected Frie~nds.- -s a mn, .li tin Mile iii gratiidi. n0teiticter if Carritgtiiii's ~ 1,fe P:ls. lI fir tile lie .'ef.~ iif to feliowm-I-ls I riii indiice' ti, d-eclare th it I have I il srv zr-be;,efit III til.-,ing t 19n1. For Itpwarid, Wf 2.5 yelrs I ii ill 'ips I iOllil lia, ivet- rcli.yel tue ill tie stiilin5 lanner 111tie l,lslly -ndI ill....Itll I ;ilx II,-, 63 year, If snee. Net "Ilte 15 : ~ii caries-ii, any attacok I liyit~j i fe tla, extCprictiCed e(ialltl hit. erI IIIttfl(-li.-Clri nt phe.- 'iiu,ie' Vatt.n, irear hlriut,l. -21st if C i lth "''~l. ill boxes,. lit Is. I 'il. and 4is. 62. :aebl. by Barry anti itBi i Mert II 11-lIlspide: 's~i tKer, 1Iii0, vxford-street, Lon.- C; :1, ,,;I other iirdiMcine vctiders.
IUIARRIED. On Thursday, at Dravton-Bassett, in Staffordshire, the Hcn. R,e Henley Eden, eldest son of Lord Henley, to HaTriet, ..ouneaet dauglter of Sir Robert Peel, Bart. At Fov, ', Tutsday, the 9th inst., by the Rev. H. C. Wlorgan, Thonas 'Turx.`- Esq., of Hillfield, near Glocester, banker, to Sah. second dlag 'ter of the late Rev. John Jones, of Foy, in the eoit, nf H4erefora.
London, Monday, March 29,...
We received last night the Paris papers of Friday. It Is an. nounced in the Journal des Debats, that on the 13th inst. the Du. chess Of LJUCCA, formerly Queen of ETRURIA, Infanta of SPA121, and sister of the reigning King Fx:RnIANn, died at Rome. Her Royal Highness has left a son, married to the daughter of the late Yig of SARDINIA. By the treaty of Vienna, this son wil become Grand Duke of PARmA on the death of the Archduchess MARIA LouisA. The Mfoniteuir contains a long article under the head of Finance, on the redemption of the French 5 per cents., or the reduc- tion of the interest on such part as may not be redeemed. The follo-iring are the principal arguments employed on the subject:_ "As soon as the public funds are above par, this fact alone is equivalent to a public notice given to the Government that it may immediately borrow money at a lower rate of interest than it pays its present creditors. Such a notice cannot be neglected by an enlightened Govemment, whose duty it is to lessen, whenever it is possibie, t6e burdens of those who contribute to pay the interest of the national debt. This is also the mode adopted by private persons, when their credit improves. The Government has an additional motive for such a step, since it is no. torious, that had not something of the kind been expected, even before it was formally announced in the King's speech, the renter, which were at 104, would be now 108, and woould not haye Stopp ed there. Such a progressive rise above par would fetter the opera. tions of the sinking fund, since, with a given sum, it would redeem a smaller araount ef rentes; and this excess would be the more to be regretted, as the State never received the whole capital for which it reoogr.izes itself a debtor. In fact, in the most advantageous loans, it never received above 88 francs, and in others it was forced to ac- cept 50 francs only, for 100 inscribed. " It may be objected that the Government could suppres or sus- petil the sinking fund, erase from theGrand Livre the33 millions of rentes which have been already redeemed, subtract from the budget the 40 millions assigned to that fund, and there wiU be at once a reduction of 73 millions in the burdens of the state. Such a notion is more specious than solid. First, most of the loans were contracted under laws which enact the an- nual redemption: the lenders reckoned on this, and a change of system would be deceiving them. Secondly, the daily purchasers, by the siNking-fund, afford a market for those fundbolders who are desirous of selling, and without this the market might be at times exposed to a sudden and daangerous depreciation." The article then proceeds to infer that the sinking fund mnust not be touched; that it is the corner-stone of public credit, on which the edifice of the financial prosperity of the kingdom reposes. To the objection that the proposed measure is not legal, a single line of the civil code completely refutes it.-Article 1911 says, " La re-te con.t.tiu& en pcerpetuel esrt eisentielicrnent rach7 eable." The Chamber of Deputies was occupied on Thursday in hearing the reports of committees appointed to inquire into the circumstances and validity of the election returns The discussions which took place on this subject are of course of a local interest, and, to be properly understood, would require more explanation than we can find room for. The qualification of General Foy became a subject of dispute, from the mode in which that part of his contribution is| paid which does not arise froma land. His half-pay, composing a part of his income, pays a csntribution which was formerly deducted from it before it came into his hand. For the two last years the xode of levying this contribution kas been altered, and the contribution it- self has actually been neglected. The General, however, it still en. titled to the pay, and being willing to pay the contribution, insists that he is eligible though it hos not been demanded. The point is not yet decided. In various instances the liberal party, through M. GERARDi-n, M. MECainx, and other members, complaRined of the mode in which the returning officers had refused votes which were legal when in favour of the liberal candidates, and allowed peons to vote who had no legal title to appear in the electoral college. The reporters of the comtmissions, however, alwavs eucceeded against these complaints and remonttrances. FRENCH FUNDS, PARIS, Mfarch 2G.-Five per Cents, opened at 103. 10.; closed at 103. 20.; Neapolitan 6 per Cents., Si6an du. cats; in francs, 102: Rente d'Espagne, 24. Exchange oin Lon- don, one month, 25 50,; tbree months, 25 35.-Cours Azeth.tiyue. LONDON, MONDAY, MARC}I 29, 1824.
To The Editor Of The Time...
Sir,- report, calculateil to disFtress thc friends of Mrs. Siddlons, has miiost unaccounutblv been circulated i= the newspapers, w-hic 1, as her medical nlan; feel bouind to contradict. Mrs. Siddons came to London very much indisposed in the month of January, but I am hlsappsv to say tier health has been i hproving progressively since that pieriod, andt it is now so tar se-escabljshed as to allow her to enjoy the society of her famtily in the drawing. room almost every evenipg. By giving insertion to this statement in your journal, you will oblige your obedient humhlt . FJRANCIS LE %iTvwr .,>tl. , roruaqr iUlarcfl 8, 1824. TO TIIE EDITOR OF THSE T1zx.
Lincoln, Thursday, March ...
B.fo,r ,lf,. .e :',n l 1- l i.l. cX. '1bis v.55s al action brotight by the plaintifr'to recovercoin%ensa- tioll in rOian:ates for the io,s ofthe service of his d.:ughter. TIie ap- peartiJ)e of the snunug latdi was extremehv prepossessing, and when put into the Ivit.cbs box hier verv nioldest aslit ami:ble' denteanolr ex:ttd strrna l in laoill,s or savn`pa:hy in a!lIvho loelti her, ex- cCptlilg t;c sedicr and his f!i er. Mis Parler is th- onlv daeilter o:' very respectabie vareits. She is between lI; and 17 %crs of ave, but appears iot;eli ohler. Dur- n- t'ie whoie examiuation she con- ducted herself with great propriuty, and without the least appea;rance of' atitiio.. 11r. Ser-eanr.lV L-G1A' aNIdres die J ury.-The fact- of t'necase are i i a very narrciv compass, and I shia, lav thieimi beI'or2 you from the mlo)uh ot tlie unfortunatevctitit herselt. 'lile piliintiffl,ensiemen otthe iury. is atainer, farmier, and maltster, in the parish of Scawby. near 13n1gg in tlisCiiiunttv, and the detenidanit is a tarmnc in the vicinity of ifiessa-e p!sce. Livinr ncar to each other, the fanmilies were on tcrms of grc..t intnmacv. The d,tientlant is a very young ;nan. ger- tir men, nd it is scarcely credlble that one so grcen in years sonolld be so grayin vie. Iie is now noarried and at the verv mtoment that lie was endeavouring to accomplish the ruin of niy client's olauighter, he -vas tctuslY on the point ct' mrarriage wvith another wo. nman. Finding he coulfd not accomplisi ithi ends bv the ordinary neans of seduction, he told his uitlsuspecting victim that her father. whio was averse to the connexion, wou!l inever give his consent un- less she bec'ime pregniant. Ile cor..pleted her routi and the faiiilv had no s4spiciois otfthis iman. He wtts in and out ot the house whenev.r he pleased. lie possessed hinself of the poor girl's aflec- tiens. cOMpleted her -Ilin, anld Lthen.'ied-like. cast her awity for ever. At this moment of tine mr client's daughter is not 17 * ears of age, hat site is a pcrrcct wouman in her appearanec, and lhas been so fo;r tio or tihree ytars. Thie acquai:taitce of the partie: toak place when she was tin(t ornoe than 1:3 or 14 vears of ilse. anti it etintiuue(d to the sprin.ig of the last year, when hie accomplished hi; purpose and ab otdlnnr.d her. The le' ch ofthi intimacy proves that she wasnot e Sih prevtiled utpon. .Mis Parker, examined by Mr. Ci.tiirtc. jun.-Is the dauzhter nf tie paintifi. wvhio restles in the parish of Scav6y. Know; s The- ills O'Ivy. l-i knowni himn ftir or five years. Is about sixteen year7s and a halt' ol(l. Davy was intimtate with her brother, and c tnc to Se hinm tehen lie was ill. BIegaim to pay her particular atten- tion about thr-e or hour years atsice. He visited her as a lover, to marry her. Hlas no sister. Is ao emil daughter. Davy continued to pay her attentions till last A pril. T;heir intihacy was known io her father and tnothier, hut her t:dther objected to it. She at length provcdl pregrant,and was confinedonthe 2ithof laqt December. Davy toll her tihat her fathler would never give his consent LIIliCSS slte was p,regnant. The defentlant married the 11lth of May last. Did not knitv ttat lie was going to be mnarried. The wvomian he was married to lived at Boston. (Cross-exaiiiiinetl by Mir. RFADER.-Ije Was seventeen years ot age whteni he proposed to niarry her. This was about three years ago. hIer father always objected to it, but lier mothie did not. flel iitother never shut the wridaws when they ivere together. Never was locked in by her mother with I)avy. - Ile a]tva) s camc after her father went to bed, but her imiother sst vp tiil lie wvent awav. lle-examined by i\lr. (I'..s trs. jun.-Sh9e vent to a'chapel at Brigg, where she sometimes met D:vy, and they walked homne to- irether. ler mother askie l)Davy whyvlie Caile to see her (witness). aid he said ie intendled to marry Ier. Ile is non' living tipon a farm of 1liaowYn at Redboitrit. dir: READttmt telt certain that thei urotouli not give sucl ddarna es as wouild ruin the young man, who w wa a mere bor * and indeed the m,ost moderare damartes wottlti satisfy the justice itt' he case. .Mr. Baron Ht:t.i.ocuc charged the jur. -Hle said, in caves like this the;mount ot'fainagent rnust liave reflrenct to the conduct of the o(f)e'iding party as wvell as to hisproierty. 'l'he defendant's con- diuct il mlarrying an-rther woman .itsS after lie liad aceoniplishied the rut of th2 p!aintifl"s daughter was a pe^uliar aegravation of his o*iHtnee. The mother. it appeared, approved of the connexiozi, al- thoiugh her father disapproved ot it; but he saw nothing unnatt're.i or improttable in that. Sue might think she was promoting her taughter's hznpiness, anti the father oight be of a diflerent opinion. 'rlc parties were youn^, it weas true: thev wouild recollect the defend- atit had niade a proposal of marriage to thie iiiother. The jury consulted for ii few minutes, Acld returned a verdict- Dlamages .390tl. This verdict, which would have bec-ii mutch more sevCTe had the jtiry known that the defendant is a rich maim, appeared to give uni- versal satisfaction to a very crowdelI rourt. LINCQ,N. Tiwa:;iSn.ix-. 'UAnvv 1 1. PARKEIRi *-. I)AVV.
Parliamentary Intelligenc...
st lour o cocici thlirty-ive members onlY being pretient, the liouse adjourned to to-irorrow (this day). MINORITY On the conduct of the Lortd Ch:tncellor.-March 1. Allen. J. H. Denison, E. Macintosh, Sir J. Sni th. G. Althorp, Vis. Denman, T. . Martin, J. Smith, S. ACarnd, Sir T. Davenport, D. Mjiltonr, Viscount Smith, A. Baring, A. Ellice, E. M%oore, P. Stewtart. Lord J. Baring, Sir T. Evans, NV. Newman. R.W. Svkes. D. Bennet, Hon. 1H. Eilis, Hon. G. A. Newport, Sir .. Tremayne, S. H. G. Farmand, It. Ord.W. Tavlor, C. Benyon, S. Grattan, J. Palmer, C. Teiinyson, C. Bernal, R. Grenfeli P Philips. G. H. Tierney, llight Birch, J. Gl'lse, Sir B. W. Price, R. Hon. G. Brougham, H. Gordon, R. Poyntz, W. S. Tulk, C. A. Browne, D. ilaldlinand W, Portmnan, E. Warre- 1. A. Bright, H. Hamilton, i.d. .. Ramesdei, J.C. Wetb;eC. Caicraft, J. HeRtbeote, J. CS. Rice, T. S. Westena, C. C. Caleraft, J. H. Heron, Sir R. Robarts, A. Whitbread, S. C. Campbell, Von. Honywood, W. P.Robarts, G. Whitbread. V. GS. P. Hume, J. Roblnson, Sir G. Williams, W. Calvert, e. Hurst, R. Rowley. Sir W. Wilson, Sir R. Cavendish, C. Huitehnson, Hon.Rumbold, C. E. Wilson, T. C. Cavendish, H. C. H. Ricklord WV. Wood, U. Chaloner, R. James, W. Searlett, J. Wyvll, i,. Clifton, Lord Ingilby, Sir W. Sefton, Earl of Wrottesiey. Sir J. Coffin, Sir 1. Kennedy, T. F. Stanlley, Lord WVilberforce, W. Creevey, T. Lamb, Hon. G. Stanley. Hon. E. Crompton, S. Leycester, Rt. Stauntona, Sir G. Tellers. Curwen . C. Lushlngton, S. Smintlh, R. Abercromby. Davies, T1. H Leader, W. Smith, Wr. Hon. J. Denison, W. Maberly, J. Smith, J. Duncannon. Vis. MIINORITY On 3r. Hobhouse's Motion for Repealing the Taixc on Windows, Mlarch 2. Abereromby, hn.Dundas, Hon. T Lockhart, 3. 1. Sefton, Earl of J. Davenport, D. Mundy, J. Srnith J. Allen, J. H. Ellice, E. Mtaberly, NV. L. Smilth, NY. Althorp, NVi. Graham, S. Marjorlihnks, S. Stewart. Lord J. Baring, Sir '. Guise, Sir B. W. Mlilton. Viset. skes, I;. Benniet, Hon. H.Gurney, R. H. M.Ioore, P. Taylor, C. M. G. Gordon, R. Mlldmay,P. S. Tennyron, C. Bertisi, R. Hamilton,LordA.Xlonck, J. Bl. Tierney, Rr Hon. Brougham, H. HeathGcote, .r. O. Newport, Sir 3. . Burdett, Sir F. Heron, Sir R. Ord, W. T7nte, C. K. Beigrave, Viset- Honywood, W.P.Pares, T. *Iarre, T. A. Bright, B. Uume, J. Portnman, E. Webb, E. Calviert, J. Hlutchinson, Hon.Palmer. C. J. Western, C. C. Calvert, C. C. H. Palmer, Colonel Whitbread. s. Carter, J. James, IV. Phillips, G. H. Whitbread, W. Cavendish. C. C. Jervoise, G. P. Price. It. Wilson.Sir R. Cavendish, H.F.C..Johns,,n, W. A. Poyntz, \V. S. voo;d, 'ii. ChalonQr. P. Kemtip, T. Pymn, F. W~-Vin, ,. Clifton, Viset. Kennedv', T. F. Ramnsden. J. C. Wrottesley, Sir Colbornle, N.W.R.Keck, G A. L. Rice, T. S. J. Creevev, r. Lennard, J. B. Robarts, A. Davies, T. Leycester, R. Robarts, GS. Teller's. Denison, IV. J. Leader, W. Robinson. Slr G. liobbonise, J. C. Denmaxi, T. Lloyd, T. M. Rowley, Sir WV. Maberly, J. Duncannon,Vlsec.Lethbridge,Sir T.Russel, Lord J. P.ARLIMEBNTRY INTELLICENC.g- UOUSE OF CO,MMIONS, WEDgESnAY. AMARCn -
WINDSOR, March 26.-His Ma...
1V'1 N nsOR, March *26i.-His Majesty took an airilg this dlay in his carriage to the Royal Lodge, and inspected the grcat alterations, that are making there, and returnied to the Castle to dinner. It is remarkcd bv the .Joternl des Debatls, that in thle tribunic set aliart for the Dtplomatic Corps, at the royal sitting en 'T ucsday, all the foreign Ambassadlors were ac- scmbced. A contrast is hilnted, bettween the commencement I of this scssloIt and that of the last. It will be recollected that last year the English Ainbassadlor, Sir C. Stuart, wvas not present to hear the declaration of iwar againist Spain, wlich his Government had tri(d in vain to prevent. The late Sir Thomas Maitlanld's wi'll was proved in the Preregative Court in Doctors' Coommons on the 18th inst., by the Righ 1i on. James, Earl of Lauderdale, the brother, one of the ex- ecitors, the Right lion. Lord Viscrount Maitland, and the Honour- able Anthony 3laitland, the noelpew"s thr o.her exceutors, nrot hav- ing at present untlertaken Qtc trust. The personals within the pro. wince of Canterbury are sWOM under 30,00o)1. Five thousand vounds are bequeathel to tite testator's sister, Lady Jane Houston, andI 5..O0t., to thie chi',dren of Colonel Edward&. With the exception of these two su'.,t, evcry thing is lett to the Earl ot Laudertlale, the re- tdsuary le.,atee. Thie will is dated the 5th of August, 1823. At the hal':yearly C(ourt of the Batik Proprietors, it will be recollected that Mr. Gundry proposed, as an amndmerint, that the bUlt-year's dividend should be live, instead of four per ccut. as uri- icinallr proposed by the Court of Directors. Upon this amendtment a. balloc vas demanded, whichi took place on Thursday, and at the close the numbers were winotinced as follomv:- For the original motion for a dividend of 4 per cent. . 209 For the ameudnient of a dividend of 5 per cent .... . 39 illajority tor the original motion . . . . -170 1 The dividend or 4 per cent. was of course declared to be carried. Nine freeholtd houses in the Stran(d an(d its neighbour- hood, prodiucing a rental of 46.;1. per annum. were sold at Gar- rawayv' yesterday, by Messrs. Squibb, for l6,8101., being 36 years' purchase. M eNSTER BAR.-WC e have heard of some verv extraor- dinary occurrences which have just taken place in Lime;tick. The rartie. mentioned are Sergeant lefroy, the Going Judge, Sergeant lioold. and MIr. O'Connell. For the present.we decline stating par- *ii.lars. especially as we understand that in conseraquetce of a requt- i:i'n s'dressedi to the father f ltlie bar, there wvill be a meetitng of this body at t'ork, for the purpose oftaking the matteriinto considera. thor,. ad ado-tiig some resolitions thereon.-Dublin Er-citg lost. !REt.ANu.-We regret exceedingly to state, that the dis- turbances in Linerick. C'ork, and Kilkeony continue. Wie will io- say that they are aiarining, but certainly they are of a nature that must inflict pain on every man urho has a regard for his miser- ahle country. and its wretched inhabitants, to whatever rank or clacs they rsay belong. In Kildorrery (Cork) a murder has been comitte d on a man named Sullivan. Near Buttevant, in the same county, tile house of Mr. l1ward, a farmer, was burnt. In 'T'ip- perar". near New Inn. a roan of the name of Conway liad his skull fractured. of wktch hedie. We have already milentioned the mur- der of Zulr. 'Marumu, in Kilkenny. At or near Catlatt, in the samiie county, one Long, a process-server, who etideavoured to levy tithes, was inurtlered on the same day. In Limerick thev are sontimiing to arrest under the Insurrection Act. Sixteen men 'were taken tip on the 20th inst. in Kilmeady, in this county.-Diddiir E.el.;irg P'oot. DE;STIRUC1 TV FitE AT LiVER u'OOL-.011 Sunday night (21st inst.), about half past ten o'clock, a fire broke out in the pre- niises of .Messrs. J. and B. Slater. vwhich extendt frott See]-street to 1lect-street. and comprise a range of joiners' shops, including aroom occupied by .Messrs. Steele and Foster for glass-cutting, and a va- lulable steam-engine and machinery for sawing planks and veneers. The fire-engines were soon on the spot; but. tron the nature of ti;e .iaterials, it was impossible to subdue the flamiies: and, by half past 11 o'clock, the whole of these extensive premises (witlh thie exception of the valuable engine-house) were consumed, together with a quan- tity of valuable veneers and vood of various kinds. The spreading of the fire to thcadjoiningdwelling-houses was fortunatelv prevented, its ravages being confined to the premises in which it originated.The extent of loss from the fire is not yet ascertained; but we itderstand thlatiMlesirs. Slater are prinicipally covered by insurance..Liverpool Cui,u rr. Cot.oirrzArIoN,-WVe find there wvas a mistake in the article under this lhead in our paper of yesterday, in stating, in ex- planation of the term fatnegada of land, that it was equal toabout a qiuarter of an acre. The tfnegada, it appears, is " a square, the four sides of which each meaure 100 yards of 3 feet each, Spanish measure, being equal, therefoTe, to between two and three acres. tAaBBIT Will'lt SAucP.-Mlr. Battier, wlio lately belonged to the gaudy Regiment 0. Cavalry called the lOlh IIuasars, during the pcriod he was plavr,l in Cuve ntr,p bv that magnanimous body, conitinued to dine, a.s usual, at the miess. One day he directed his servant to take biYt plate to an ofhcer wlho was sarving a dish of rabbits, in orumer to be helpedI to sonte of them. The oflicer, instead of helping l inn in the ortlinary way, p!aced ant entire rrubbit on the plat, say ,ng, - Thle Tenth never carves fbr mercliants' so;s."- 1'is w5 zottlly said to the itnuiula, the officerr dared not to say it to M r. Battier, who has since given the I0t,h Regiient a rabbit, vith .8ae-. enougn, (God knows, to help their digestion.-D,blin star. ,fOXTINEs.-'The word ''onfine is only a canit wvord derived frora the name of an Italian projector. 'This was Laurence ronri, aczeature of Cardinal laz.rine, who, finding the people extremel out of lhumour with his Erninency's audministration, itot- gined be couldt reconcile them by a proposal of making the people rich in an instant, without trouble or pains. Iiis schieme was a lot- tery of annuiities with survivorship, which he proposed in 1653, -with the consent of the coutt ; but the pailiament would not regis- ter the edict. Tlhree years afterwards he tried his project again for buluding a stone bridlge over the Seine, when it had both the f:avour ,of the court, and the sanctioni of parliament, under the title of the Banque Royale, but it failed again; tor somraebody having given it ithe uniluckv name of Tontine, nobody in Paris would trust his money in a lottery which had an Italian title. The last attenipt poor Tosti maile was te get his plapi adopted by the clergy,for the payment of thieir debts; but though they acknowledged the ingenuity of it, they rejected it as unfit for the r purpose. 'i is was the invention of ttlie Tontine. It first came into use when Louis XIV. was distressed by the treaty of Augsbtirg, at(i granted nioney beyond what the revenue of the kin dom wouild furnish. For suip- plying his enotrinous expenses he ha(i recourse to the plans of Tonti, hicli, though long laid asilde, wvere not forgotten; and by an edict in 168If created a Tontine Royale of 1,400,000 livres, annual rent, .divided into 14 classes. The actions were 300 livres a-piece, and the proprietors were to receive 10 percent., with benefit of survivor- ship in every class. This scheme was executed but very imperfectly' foy none of the classes rose to above 25,000 livres instead of 1JO,000, according to theoriginal institution, tliougl the annuities were re- gudarly paid. A few vears after, the people seeming in better hu- noor for-projects of this kind, another Tontine was erected upoyu nearly the same terms, but thiswas never above half full. They bsth existed in 1724, when tie French King united the 13th class of the first Tontine with the 14th of the second, all the ac- tions of which were possessed by Charlotte Bournemay, widow of Louis Barbier, a surgeon of Paris, who died at the age of 96, This gentlewoman had ventured 300 livrts in each Tontine, and in the fgst year of hbr life she had for hier annuity 73,000 1ivres per.annum.
1P. BIRTHI. On the 18th in.st., Mrs. IV. H. Simpson, of South-plce, Ken. 3nigton, of a laughter.
This day is published, Pa...
This 4kv Is PuSlAisbea. Part 9, of ItEPORGE CRUIKSHANIK's POINTS of HtMOUR, ~I Wt~2' Plates, Printed for C. Baldwyn, Newgmte street. PARK op FEVIJ1Thl- day Ai Tol~bd in Sv.rCd 8. irl. boardi, ,,PlE.IA'HOLOG,OMF M 'ER belin theSubject.o -& th Guilstonlan Lectrrre, lately delivered at the Rloyali Crallege " Phlysicians. B5- J. R. PMltK, Al.D.. Fellowv of'the Royal College of Pbhrfteiana. 'PrintedforTI. nod . Undlerwood,.32, Fleer-street. lhi daareublshd, n 2mis Oo, rICe 11.1s.in boards, LIE ODES of PIDA , in ingelsh Prose, Nwith 3? Eplaatoy Ntes. To which is added WeSt'e Dissertation an ~eOiyrpie Gmes. rinted for Molnday and Slatter. Oxford; atnd andW.BW httaer, London. ~ IS publised, in 8vo, price 1s. Od. the SecoTnd ~Edition of ~'H~ LASTDAYS of SPAINT. Also in Ovo, Italian -~ an Engish,price la. Coun-t Pecchlo's Letter to H. Brouighami, ad.!.p nte, Presen1t State Of tlWy. Prinited for W. J. Patrtridge, T hs da I published in 12mo, price Is. boards, rrHE GRACES ; "a Ciasscal 'Allegory; intersperspd Wiit ith Poetry, and illuistrated by Explanatory Notes~. Together Lteda POetlcait Fragment entitled Psyche among the C-races. Trans- edfrom the original German of CHRISTOPHER tMARTIN .iVEt.AXI) Printed forG0.and W.B. Wirittaker, Ave-MNaria-la%ne- OU t h jgffjyt Lo XW .Th is da hae ubihed, in Sv I price Is. 6d. ~ERIOUs CON5SI_DERATIONS on tile PRPOSED BILL of Ms.j Sergeant ON-SLOW to REPEAL the LAWS of '~ITRY, and throw open the money miarket. Addressed to ihe NobilUty, (Gentry Landholders, and the Pribite at large. By a GEld- TEMAN.- Printed for T. and Wv. Boone, 480. Strand. Thisdayis oblshed ini2n~~ rice 3s. 6d. board.s, ~e RACTICAL LOGIC ; or, Iiits to Young Theme Wit WItrs fr hePurpose of lai=gthem to Thhlnkand Reasonl of yl~0~1~~ By B. H. SMRT, atrof the Theory and Pracetice Marialane Londn, Printed for G. and W. B. Whittaker, Are- Tidaar uhli'l'ed, in Svto, price 6s. Od. boards. rrs-. PRBLEMS: being a Collection otf Ques- prpadto tht Casididates for the Gold Medal, at the generalExamintion from 2816 to 1822 Inclusgive. Wshich is suc- ceedd byan Acout of the Fellow2hipl Examination In 1823. Printed *for. an w. . Wituaker, Ave-'Maria-lane. Thisdayis pblihed,in Vo,price 14s. ho,ards, A COMMENTARYon the VISION' of ZECHARIAR,i tePOHT, wvith a c.rrected Tranislatlion, and Critical *OteaytheRev.JOH,N STONA RI). MI). Rector Of Aidingham, Lancahlr. Prntedfor C. and .1. Rlvliigtoll, St. Paul's church- yard 'rid WaiuioPlace, 'ail-mnail. *.,*, This'lay s pubished, inji2nmo, price6s. boards, ,f4j NOT . OOK for I82N; or, the Agriculturai Author On a Satirical Poem. By WVLFRED "W.GDDPALL,Rsq.- h 5 My Note-book ; or, Sktetes fromn the Gallery of St St- _he, Prcinted for G. and NV. B. WVhittaker. Ave Mfaria-lane. 01 St 1nm r"hrY be had, Myv \Note-book:- or, Sketches from the Gallery of inilnmo, 2d ediL, prite is. boards., * SPEE ~Thi, day I5poblisahed. price Is. 6d. SB CH, which oughit to have been spoken in the Debte n te Mrqus o Laadwne's Mfotion, that the Two forgiingth Elctve rachie,and other Immunities, to the EngishErrnanCatolis h red aseond time, July 9. 1823. Lirn- don Prnte frr C an J.Rivngrn, t. Paul's churchyard, and Wa- IrSEDCAL JltiSltCDEt;F~Tls dy aire published, in I mol. Svo price 3Os- r HE PRINCIPLES of FORtENSIC MEDICINTE, AL. systemnatically arranged and applied to British Practice; In. terudev or tht uise of moagisirates, coroners, barristers, medical Drac. titioners, and j,irrnmen . Secr-rid' edition, greatly enlarged arid ins- pr,ecd. B3y JOII.11 GORnON SNIITIl, MO.. Lectuirer on Ploliticnl NIedicinie. Printed f..r'Thomks and George Ciiderwot,id. 32,Fleet-street. ~iETOltOoGY.inrsday re pblised,in Svo, price 1Os., with '~5 patesif isrrinienrs, daiagrams, arid linear tables, '~4 ,OROLGICAL ESSA'!rS anti OBSERVA- ..L~LTtoN8 emlracln-, amnong othessl. the foliowivng important oh- ~lcts-n reC,nstWuton of the Atmnosphere-on ttire Radiation of Heat In he tmsplere..n Meteorological instritnients-on. the Climate 0f ondn, .c.ByJ. F)ITEOEttlK DANIELL, F.R.S. Pririted for Thoms a d erseUriderworod, Fleet-street. JUVENIE HiSTlcofE'NGt.a'NDl.-Thisd,ay are published, In 3 Fvrlll. Price Pr4. hmalf toriud, HplE LITTLE HfISTORIANS ; a newv Chronicle of 1 the Affarir Df England, In Churchl arid State, between Lewis aIlPauil; with explarratory renmarks. anti addlitionai informantion irpori v-arlons arubjects conrrected with the proretrss of civllizaitirin' alan some accounrt rof antiquities. Il JEFFE-RYS TrAYLOR, Au- thor of '1srrp itt Rhyme,' &-c. Londlon, prixited forBaldwini, Cra. do0c, ania Joy. 'This ~davis pUblished, price 2s. priitted urlrf,,rni wvithi Pinrr,ck's County Ristorles. and erbelclished wvith an elegasit and accurate msap of the T Ht~ ISTRY Rd OPORAPHY of LONDOIN and ts nvions heig acorectguide to all tire irilil Places In Lndo. aid ade'riplon f te eiiaes. seats. s.c. in the srrrrunrd. inc ounty. wriihistrica remrksand biographiicatl sketches of ceierarc chaactes. Pinte for0. nd NV. B. Whittaker, Ave- This day ipursh.utlmo, price 4s. 6d. h)ound, ASEQUIE. to h e GRAMMAR of SACRZED HIS- _J A TORY, being a Paraphrase on the Epistles and Grrpels frIr eTVer -Sun dAythrirughorit the year; with explanatory notes. Ti,which is pre fixed asinaryle Iiltrstratl)n of the Littrrrry.anri a Paraph)rase on thc TChurch0Qatcclisns. BlyM4,RY AVNRUN DALiL. Prinlted forG0.and WV. B. Wirittaker, Ave Maria-lane. Also, by the samie author - F. Tire Grammar of Sacred History: prrrce 4s9. hounid. 2. Synitirolical Illust'rations rif the History of Englanid, wvithi 42 engravinjgs : 2d edit. 12mr' 9s. hoards. Nis AEPORTER's NEWV REMA.N(-._' This rdy is, prbisrlhed, In :3 12n lmo. price 24.. hoards, dedicated, by the most gracious per. missrr,m to His Majesty T UKE CHIRISTIAN of LUNFEBURIG; or TIradlitions L roni tire Hartz. BY Miss JANF I'ORTER. Printed for Long- Tman, Hturst, itee.-. Orme, Browrnr. and Green. Paternoster-mrw. of -whom may be had. hy the sante rrrthorsr 1. Thadderts rrf Warsaw, 4 viIs lmo, 10th editi,rn, Il4,. 2. Scrttih Chiefisynrivs. lImo. 5thi edit.o. I. 1'.15s. boards. 3. P'astoe~s Fire-side, 4 vols. l2smo, 3d. edit. liris day is publishe,pic s A TREATISE on, the RANCIAL CRE ofRUPTURE ,j by I.NTENTIONALNE4 ENTS, with Cases mo.at rrlstxceptionabiy1% Attested by Overseers, or P,~rislses and b Private IndIvidual.s, effected Svitorm an sugicl rperti,. pin,,rrsuspenrsion of thie patients. oldnar aocaios. is Oberstinsupoin the Management of Heria,andreprtitie Unstucrr,n Us rind Adaption of the Truss. 'Nv WM DUOUR Srgeti i te Draian fi geiary, Autlior ni a ~retls o Dieaes f he rehra sc.Publishe by C. Cliapple, Ri.Prui-mll:andsit Auh,s. 2 , Srmseli.place, Fitzroy.sqtuare. - iish MO e;.Part. 1. price 4s. of ~fI EN Y MOSS' ENGRAVINGS in Outline of a Series of Fight DesIgns, by Retscit, ti, Illrustrate the beautiful Ballad rif FRI)OI.N : or, the itoad to ttire Irnirfoundery, by, Schiller. The ballud Ini rhe,,rirlenal Gernsan, and a translatioin by J. P. Crrlier, esq, Author of the Prretlr.al Decirrn-rrm. will b. printed on alternate ys-,ee.. the sIanre size as the designs, with a prose description of etich plate, trans!ated frion the rerirtant. Tire awork will be prlblishbed In two parts, urnifrrrmly with retseh's deasigns to Goetires Faust. aisri engraved by,H. Mo-ies. Printed for Septinius Prowvett, 269, Strand, open_ite Arrrrilei-strect. PH-VzsICIA,N's V.-DE-NIECUJj.: T.-Trsday i pui"`lhhed, in -lIrIro, price 7s.boards, a new editioni, reriareri, of HE HYSCIA 'sVADE-MECUM; containinig T''the Symiptoms, Cause;. Diagnosis, Prognosis,,andTraien o,f Diserises. Accomipanied by a select i ollctionr of Frrmulm, aird a ',"Risary ouf Termis. By ROBERT H-OOPER, M. P. sc. Lortiloin, prilited for Thomnas rind George Unrderw.od; Longman, Hrrrsr, flees, Orme,13rownI. andfGreen: Sansitel hilgitley; G.arrd W.B. Whittaker; Burgess asad MRt; and Adars Black. Edinburgh. O)f whom mnry be had, by the samne author, 1. Tire Surge,-rio 'sade-SlecrIrn, Price 8s. 2. TIhe Aruatomist's Valde-Mecum, price Ss. 3. Anatornical Examiri. ations. price ZSs. 6 d. Th'is d:rv is rIrIIshd FI E BA(;HELOR's WIFE a Selection of Curious T arid Interesting Extracts, with Cursory Olrservations. By JOHN GAL.T,Esq. linone volum~e,post Svo, pricelIisf d.bars What's, in a rianre ? th~e r-se d ors By any, other name would smiell as sweet.' Also, the Worrks rit Henry Mack-enzie, esqi.; a nesw edition; with a Critical Dissertation (dl titoTales iiflheArtitliisr,by JoIn Gait, esZ.: in one bsndson;e pocket vnlurne,svith vignette and fro,ittispicce, esigraced in the tir-rr style of the art, frirn paintinigs by Uivins ; Price 5s. 6d. boardle. PublIhbed iry Clverand Boyd, Ediniburgh; anid 0. and W~. B. Whittaker, Londoni. -UTICE of tir.PEC..Tlrda,y-is puhnlsbrd, oult t ieEr ofthe Last SessotofPrlaet,i three visis. 8vors price 21. 14s. and an Appendli, prc s ru inethi.tatuites to 4 o. IV. arid the adjrrieezd Case totr n , atrTrirs, 1823. PRIACTICA EX SJIl of' the LAW relative A to te OFFCF:~n DUTIS.f aJUS"TICFirf tire PEACE. chietlv os; ~ esim.By- DIr IL .L, CKIN'SON. Esr. ire rrf Hfis NMajesty's J usticeritrePa.Tre Apleridix hvyJOiH HARDW II:R Esrq. Barris-ter at La,adoeo Nire Mgistratesrif th, Poilice. Lout- dtnrn, printed for2 rii.Caok atild Irrv:3. and W. T. Clarke: R. Pheney: J. M. Rilador;si .ndW.B.Wbit"ker: bY Wjomn also Is published, DcisnPrtca rde to the Quarter Seeslons, and irher Sessiorresri th Peace, adaite t,the riseorf yosuriginiagis- trates and pr,seslra geritlenrenatir comoieneenient of titrci pra-ctic:sc n edto ; vo, p rice Il4s Th. day Is aiitse.price S5. .In hoards, the seconjd edit-iorTo- r HEGENV CATECHISM ; or Iinstruction onithie T Christian Religion ore ared by thie Pastors of Gantevat, for the wse of the Swissand Frerrih ~rotestasit Ch urclies. Translated from the FTench. Tbi. w,rkm, 'hich containis an exp,ositoio of the mild and evanigelicail System of ChTlSt1anrity win-ich previuilsini tire Genievan and some of the French Plrotestant Chturches, has been favourably, re- ceived by the ptiircl in Greztt Britain and Anmerlca. Being lristorlcal and moral, as wVeilfas d,ctr-nal atid containling forms of private prayer, It Iisa vaiuab!e manual for young persoins, and has been ac- cordriligly adopted lIt 9chouis as a text look for Suniday Instructlou Lrrnd,mr. rrririred for Sheru-,,d, Jonres, e nd Cr,. Parerisoster.rsw. Tirts day are publishred, pric 1.liiradsdditdtoiiitoyal E O Highns h ueo ork, M M IRS of J.DC SR ,Cmdan : witlh J Aniecdotes of variu etenydiigihdCaracters withi wvhom lie ha4 been acquaitd urn h at.0yas iever before ill print: acctompanied banAayssrfteLfofhe late Philip AntI cy, esq. Friunderrof th htvlAfpihar,Wsnisterhbridge. with niany of his Managera Peuirte lntr itories of the Royal Circus, nowtrStre Theatre fSdesWls ard of the Royalty. ScArceTetrclAdvertieet risGreieiCs firs t attempt Ii, G.,Odmnsf d:Ilis ls oet;OdGrimaldi's Dream; the Origi fPuty a Chaper on Bentt tie Mitre, &c. Edited by- R. FT PU RYS London publishedb Sherwoodi, Jones, and Cr5. Paterrrostrrw Portbo,Na EURiPiE,wtrIndx P,dyis -Publihlied,i , pric I4. oads ; iey diot i URIPID)IS HCIA Orse,Phcwnissso, et Medca, Quatuor cx Errrpdi Tngdl,a idesmrraniiscriptoruni emen. daoa, et notsiS rr;trurec ddt RCBUS PORSON, A.M. Edith-, crnrrectlor, ciil tres Indices accedtnL l'rinted for 0. and W. B. Whijt- taker. 13, Ave Maria-lane. Of who ,rss Sebad, separately-I. Porsort's Eiripr!dis llecri,ha: Io 4s8 wd 2. Porsorr'm EriripidIfs Orestes: 3,,. 3. P',rsrmrs FruripdiPlensw 3s. 4. Porson's Eu- ripidiri Medeas.:35. Also, lately publihe, xcerpts e Podtis 5~c In th'um Studlioste Jrverrtuth;s: coo Non Philologleig. Edirilt NI. R.odee AAM. P r ParirPria. SiE, p ricel s I fd.boards. Jus4t published, Nos. It w , price Sd. ah otne enal vr Satuirday, containing 24 Pages demy mo or in parts oratis 6-numrbers, price Is., emnbellished wit at uniorousenrvgoi w,orrd, -THE BRiTrisH MIA NSTREL ; a Collection of 3 semn.rorlr ldNwSr~;Aiioy iclaain Comic, Hntirrg, .Naval, Seltiniental. Scotch. Irish, &sc.- ai*sr Lb, diti's admired Soligs, and the best Duets, Glees, and Reeitatisns Part I jNos. I it) 6) niny noir ire hiad, stitched in a handRoe ericotir- ad wrapper. Lorndon, Pt' blisherd bySherrnood, Jones, aXnd Co. Piter. rsureter-rruw: sold by G. Helbert, 58s t'heapside: Holt, I, Catheritre. street, Strand: and niaa he had of all booksellers, ncwsmen, and venid-ers of periodir'alm In the kingdorm. This day are prblished, ii i2;no. price s. ii boards, F'PHOUGHrs, chiefly eesigted as Preparative or Pur- I siassive to PRIVATE DEVOTION. By JON ltiEPA R,mathor of a Tour In 1816. wIth incidental Refections oni Reliilrn* and of An inquiry oil the Duly ii' Christtans teeiletitg War. Lameditatir,ms n'eat p as 1oraisrun; oals ele en Cst le fonidement essontei.'-Feneion. The E:cejctic Review for March, 1h24, Ian clarorarti Article urn this Work, speaks rf it as 'eecuted by raie who evidesttly possesses a re- fined underataiidiig and as elegant tate. comn e,iir with enuine relli ous feeling; adding '-e cannot refrains froni expressling our cordial wish that the suecs of the undes-takiisg may be cominnenstr; rate wsith the excellence of the design, and exertidi ial our imflitentee In Its favovur.' LoLidor prir ted for G. aaidW.B.WhhitterAer,Av frla-Iane COOPERs SURGICAL DICTITRNARY.V-ew editiir, greatly e-t. larged and Improved.-This day is published, In one isirge volumen 8vo, price 27s. hbards,. A IDICTIONARY of PRACI'ICAL SURGERY: con- tj_ prehending all the most Interesting lmprovernents from the ear- liest times dnowin to the pr eseiit pQriod: an Account of the Instru. nrente, Remedies, and Applicationis employed fi Srrrgery: the Etynino- logy and Signification of the principal Terme; and rnumerows Refer. encecs to Ancient and Mtoderin Works, forminng together a "'atalogine Jtaisonnee'of Surgical Literatlure: with a variety of Original Facts and Ohservtrtiois. The fourth edition, wivth mainy carrections end additinills. Bn' SAMUEL COOPER, formerly Surgeon to the Forces; Semluer of the Royal College of Surgermna: of tile Uedical and Clii- rurgical SoCietY of London; and of the MSedSeial Society of Mlarseilles. L,rad,,prlitOd for Logngman, Hurst, llees, Orme, ansd lJro%vm; T. and C. Usiderwod; G-snd 'V li- Whittaker: S. Highley; E.Cox and Son: Nureess sad HSIl: J- Coy: and Adamn Black: C. and W. Tait, gdifbur5h: amid Heodges and Macarthur, DubUln. Thts day is Published, a newv edition, being tIre tldrd, Price 6s. 6d. In '1'HE AW of UCTrON ; or, the Auctioneer's 3 Prcticl Gude.To wich d aded, a eosnprehesisive Sow-- maryof he awsof Dstrss;wit axeAppndi ofPrecedtint!t, and a cpios Idex B T.WILIAM, eq.Anior f Every Man his own awye.' ondo, pint. fo Shewoo, Joee,And Co. Pater- noster-ow. IIPof theJ.OlDiNALS.-.Thia day is publishe1, price] e.CI.bsUa_rds,' T HE SPIRIT of the PUBLIC JOURNTALS, for the year 1823; beinig an Impartial Selectiona of the most exqunisite Essays Jeuxdi'F.aprit, and Tales of Slurour; Including the Poetry of the.bhn Bull, fronm the commencement; all the humorous flow. street Reports and Varieties from the Herald; the Eoigrams anid Jerixx dtEsprit of the Chronicle-, choice Anecdotes end }'iscetife from The Times and other IVapersi; the whole of the celebrated Parodies on Mloore's MNelodies; Witty Morceaux, Vagaries, and Origin'al Pieces; arranged so asi to form a most entertaining voluime either for the Hi. i)rary. ire-side. orPost.chaise. London, printed for Sherwood.Jones, and Co. Paternoster-rowe. ~'kALES of thfe DRA~MA-7Tb, -day are ~published, elegantly printdi foolscap. ~Syo, I Os. I-ards, rpALES of the DRAMA, founded on the Tragedies of I Sbakspeare, MTassingor. Shirley7, Rowe, Mturphy, Litlo. and Moore;, and7on t-he Conmedies of Steele, Farquthar, Cunmberland, Bickerstaft', Gold,smith, andNMrs. Cowlev. fly MissMACAIJEET. In these Talesi wherein the acted Dramia Ig converted Into the more popular formi ofI narrative. the colloquial and scenic etfect Is preserved, and the whole render-ed o'bedient to the most refinied ideas of delicacyv, and suhser- vient to thie best purposes of morality. London, prinited for Sher- wood, .Yane.4, anid C-,. Paternoster-row. By whomn also is published, uniform arith the above, a new edition of Dodd', Beauties of Sliak- speare, price 8is. In boatrds. EentyPrin-ted1 In royal Sco,prIcei 105. ld.;or -ontinted paper, price I 8'. - OI1N TS Of MI ISERY ; or, Fable-, for Mfankind:- Pro-e atnd Vers;e, chIeIy original. Be CHARVLEg WESTM *XfOTT. 11- lustrated wIvth 20 flieigns by Robi'rt Crujikshank. "T~his work is cot up witlh great taste, and he naust he a s-ery fastidious reader who is not p!eased with lt."-Tt.ltearv Chronicle. " The engrrav-inls are full of -omic humour and writ. Tite workt altogether Is an aimusing, isoblicatlon. and every wray creditable to the author anid artist.'-. Literary Museum, N'oy. S. London, puiblished by Sherwood, Jones, and Co., Paternoster-row. DICTIONARY of AEDTSrhsday spuished, n onie larze vol. fivo, price lIs.. boards, wvith a chyarlacteuristic frontispiece by ('rlik-iroInk, '~NEW DICTIONARY of ANECDOTES, illustra- A_tive of Character and Pvents;. from genuine sources. ByG(EO. RAMS qAV. To genieral readers thisv ermie w,ill be highly interesting, and eveni to the be,t Informed on the subject of Aniecdote It avill pre- sent the charmn of novaity - whilst the readiness of its arrangement reidy-rs I' an able auxilinry In a mnroing's amo.sement or an eveninig's conversation. London, printed for Sherwvood, Jonos, and Co. Pater- noster-tow . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NIF-iiUW A-,TF7 ~dalaI published, in Sv',. illust-rated wlith c- lo'rr-r Pirtes of Co'turnes, &c. price 1 tN. lid. in boards, .A JOUR NEY from RIGA to the C RIMIEA, by way of t_K Eevr svith sOmse Account of the Colonlzation, and of the Mapnners and Cuistomns of the Colonists of Newv Russia. To whbich is added, a speond edition of notes relating to the Crin Tartars. By MIARX' HOI.DERNESS. "The twvo publications form one if' the most agreeable and usefrrl contritbutions which tliis branch of oiur literature tnis lately received.`-t.terary Museum, Aug. 2. " lit tak- ingx leave of M\r's. llolderness, we htave gzreat pleasure in assunring her, that her volume mankes a near apruroximrrtion to the sort; of wvork wiflch we are clad to enicouraze from inlteligenrt F.nglisb residents ahroad. It bears every wh-lere the stamo ot good sense~, observation. and tcrath.S-Quar;tertsv Review,- No. ?7,. London, prlnrted for Sher- wood,jonens. and Co. IPatcrrinoter-rosc. SOUTf W_AMERW~I CA. M ICO. &c.-Thiri das-i ulsed ag s'ol. fiv., illus,trated wvithr several colouired Maps, Charts, and Views, nric.' I R,. In boards, HE C,EOGRAPH Y, HfISTORY, andI STATISTICS oafthe WESqTERN HEMISNl'PHERE. ByFH. C.(CAREY ad S. LEA. With consiiderabxl,eAdditions relaLtive to thie.N'ewStates of South linle- rica, Mexico, the Ilavannah. Ske-'1 This volunme is conAtruceted on at cornprehien,sive and excellent plant tine Mass, Charts, and plates are nuimerous, and weell execuited;i and whcn all tine nrivdern Informnationl required by the changeq and revolutionsi on the Newv Continent are Itaken into the acernunt, we are free to say that it is a v'erv complete 11hiistratiour of the linvortant matters whtich it cmbraecs?'-.LlteraT)y Gazette, 'Narch 29. Londoni, p,rinted for Sherwood. Jones, alnd Co. P'atern.ster-ros-.D Bes-Ihon also, is publishing, Myers's New and Corn. prehenrsive System of Modern Geocravhl', in 2 vols. 4to, price 81. 8s. in boards, or 1 01. harndsemely bounid In russia. This day are published, in onie large vol. (leo. price 16is. in -boards, o~r borind i7iiIlaw calf, 2(s. VI"-HE LAWSc RE;,LATING to tile CLEl,RGY;ber jIn Practical Guidet to the Clerical Profession itt the legal and canonieal di.Acharge of their various duties, and( forming a bodr of Ecc-legiastical Lase: as:th instructions to Candidates for hioly orders. atnd the P,apers. certilicaltes. testimonials. &rc. neces-sary to be senrt to ttire Bishop oni beinig ontlained Deacon or Priest; anid onr ar,pointnients tr, curncies and lectoreships; anti ,nn institutio,n to benefices. Toge. titer wvitrt the forins of certificates of rcsidienee. of petitions for lieeee o no-resdenc,-c.,: also a comrnreber,sive dligcst of the I.,, o,tithe,. &e. Alphbaietically arranzeni. By thec Rev. D\IVID WILLIAMS. MI.A. late ofCfhri.stchurrh, Oxford. London, pritited for Sherwood. Jones. anid Cr,. Paternoster row. This da i nrrshdwIt an Emiblematical Frotipic, ' tiniug aMedalliont Portrait of Cautain Parry, priec ,in. i r ors mIMEs TE ESCOPE fot iM3 ; or, a onplee uitle torh Almanack: containing ain Exrlanatin, fSit Da-. adllydas. Illlstrations of British His~tory and Aritiuitics. No- tics o ilssocteluts ed Cstos,Sketces oft conmparative Chirono- loglandcon emnrrae Bigrshy.AstronomicalIOccurre-nces throuchab our the Year, Remarks or: tire Pheniomrena of the CeIr-stial Bodies, Bellexions onl the Starry fheavens. a-nd the Niaturalist's Diary : to athch reprnlixd.an Introduction. containing teOtie fHs torical an 'vial Geography ; andl an Ode to F'lowecrs, he, Bernard Barto,n. It havrng beeni found neces-sary to reprint sinlie ot the early and recent -otunne, -sy single volune may nlose be had to compnlete setS, as wvell :s cnrnpletc 9e':q fr',nn the c6rinmnenccerriet. London, printed f',r St,errnd 2t"ne an Co. Paterrnor-ter-ros-. FREN'CH IDIOMTS-This day is unbib nfv.Pr-ice lO6s. lid, in bad,a ness- 'ind enlanrged edition of DICTIONARY of IDIOMVS, Frenchi andI English. BW. A ELLENGEIR. Also, biy the same author_'. 2. Modern French Convers,atlion containiingv Elemnentary Phrase%, and Newi EasyI Dins,,.ires. in French aTnd English. uponi the mo,st farniliar subictrs. Eighth) Edition, price 2-. lid. hioind. rThis work is not onlyv useful a an elemncirtry hook In schools. hott as a Nlanual for Travellers. 'The very flatterIng reception which it has mect wvith, and the enco urage. inens the Arithor has received, are concurring proofs that h-r s'ieses hrave Ireell appr,,ved if. and that he has, h,t rpon crueb di"m s a were really wan-ted. srrd generally wished for. 3. Cenit Fables Cholsieq I at Insirees de Ia Fontaine; avec noi Dietionliaire, on tons ics NMr,t soot expllrluecs vrammatiealenrcnt. tnter,dcrl fo,r persons aboult to learn the French iangurae-. Price 2s. lid. borund. Lonndon, printenl forr Sher- ,to,,td Jone". arid Cr'. Paternoster-row. TO SPORTSMNIN-This day Is published, with ~Plares, Price ~9&.i hoards. a nese and i'nptvcrle edition of mHE SHOOTER's COMPANION; or, Directions for Tthe Breeding and Manqgemnent of Set'ters and Poirrters, wvith an Historical Descriptioii of Winged Game. TIhe F'osl!ngpicce roodl. dicred. prartirrilarlv as it relates to the u se of preruetsion Powder, the v-ariousq methods ofr naking it. and th'e rest pointed out. Of Scent:- Tine oIifetory organs anatomically explained; with the reason sthy one dog's sense of snsell is eruperirur torrnrrther's. Shooting illnistrated; aurd tire Art ttf Shooting Fly[ing exemp,ifl ed and clearly laid dorn. Tire Garrm Lawvs, anTd every information colim-eted rwith tire ruse nrf the fi'wvlrngpieoe. Dy T. B. JOHiNSON. " Tfine is a wii.sel ritten and well-arranged productlon."-L.iterarr- Chronicle. London, printed for Sherwood;' Jon", and Co. Paternos;ter-ron- BECKFtORDoni HUINNTSN.ll sdyaeenniie.eeaty ltr in 8vo, oni litre stove paper. ltruattatc Vdl wiflu nntrrous cuts, price 14Id. In boards, a newv edition, of HIOUG;HTS on FOX andI HARE HUN'TING ; in a Seriesorf L.etters to a Frierrd. ily PETER BECEFOIID, Eag. Thsedition still b,a foind to srurpass nll the Preredirrg, Iii elegance of paper, printing, anid Illuatration. TOe anthirt's urrics, also, whiicir hae I ur ben onmirtt,'d, rre bare inrtrodrrced, and render it pccrillarlv desirable, Nit. Beekford haRs so stall dlescrihPid the prtesent practice, and giver; sut, rriud aR.nt ratimnol advice orr the srtrbject. that iris trea- o tise lrsfromn the dante of its prubtiertiotr, bcm a genrerarl text hor,kI; i p.ed,alIersons that delicir;it, Infield ssorts shourld ire It poesession ofit t'ndorr printed fr,r Sherwood. irna,. aiRd Co. Pa;ternoster.rrns. Whrere uris,, may, re Irad, At; Essay On hlunting;izt :Inhit-h a greant va- rit frnost Imnprrtrant infornmatiorn is c'rmmrrnicaLtad ourdar the bed ilnritlng. Lawfulness, Benefits. Pleasure, Pastime.t Gan e. sen t. Hrrrtrrds. Honrse. I uirrtsmna, Sagacity, Axe. Thiird editioni,it Svo. 7,. ,ar,ads. or in 4ntr, 12s.. illustrated with tiruicrads of (oo earrgravnngs of ninrroerd farr,inir itiuplenients, tiue ditTetetrt breeds of cattle, shrep, dcc. price 2 gui- ocurs hoards. HE, FARMTER's COMfPANION0,\; or, Complete T.System of Modernit luattandrv, irieltiding tire latest Imnprove- nients. By R. IV. DICKSONT, N.D. Honorrary Mfemiter of the Brrardof Attrictriture. &c. 'ihis wcork is distinguished, In its, leadiltg features, by a tni,,'teness of detail, whibhabrdapts it to the prractical pturporses o'f urericirIturie. Tire wrhoie senpe of it, corrteutr t hasving r c'ultft,ert rr-r Immoediate eortrcxirsn with tire rialy prursruits tf the farmer, as staell in relatiorn to tise mist a pprovsed systemsl of husbanrdry, ;Is to the implements try sitIich Its Prractice cart ire best cffer'ted; tile varirrus toplcs beirtg so arranged as tin present a clear, distinct, rand copious rlis-lray of avery brranch oif the arnhiect. Also, try the satire ,'Atlintr A Cormpltee System rrf As-riettlt 'rtet,beirng an enlrlagetut,i; of the fore- gointaw-ork, rrttd inclruding the trest nictirods tof plantintg, inclosing, eirabnk-irg, road-otaking. 4-c.: tire theory of soils anti tratrures: and the priltelples arud Practice of tire rirt thrusghr all its hr;rnche,; and relatiotus. lIn 2 large vols. 4t0. withi 100 engraivitrgs. of win1ch. 3c itre colorrred alter nature, price ii guineras irt borardis. rtr In 10 nontru;ily tparts. Itrice lt's lid. each. Loirdon, prinited frir Sheras-tood, Jor;es, andi Co. Paterrt,ster-rrrw. l'UTY IS,at idICIW.T; a I,lul5rd.pricwe Os i.in iroards. anti, a coloured frrrntispriee. A PRACTIAL TREAT'ISE 0on BREEDING, Rear- [I.._ ing, and Fattening. all kinrla of Dornmestie Poultry-, Phtasrrnlc, pigeons, rind Rialbits. ,fittludlinc ulerritsi rrter esfi;rg Acenrutnt t;f tire rcYvrt1an Mlethod of Hatcihing Eggs by A,rtificial hear, Nwith s"idena mo- dern FxperlIments thereort,frotn Mcrnrrtrarda, niade duritrg40 year-' extreerrrene.Dy BONINGTON M(IUBtAY, EsqI. l'ourtln edilti'tr whith additiorrs or; Breedinig, Fee,ling, attd Maainflire ielei Cores for the Family Dairy. and Bqees. " Mfr. Mtrrrjl'ay's l'ttle hon)k 'nin reedling, ftearirrg, atid Frittering all kinds rrf Drr;rrestic pi'uljtry and Pies is unquearisurably the most practicle reork -"r the subtject irt Iur lart19nrge. Tire author's aIm,seems.. to hrave beer; ton ;rV,ijd scier;- tilic detail, and to cota-vey- it is inf''rurrtitrrIrU IrtWarri autdin telligitrie ternp. Tire converuieruce of a stOrdl porrl try yYard, twis-urrr tirree pigs, avnti; a breedinig arias, and a erow' for irrilk, cramin. but;ter. arid cireese, in ari Englisir eorrntry house, appeatrs inrdisprensable ; arid toi point ort h,nw ttirese osay be obtainied 'at a reaso,utrareepas cmst,nv heeart it. Mloubray's 'ninject. Syaotngteela ins work narty famiy tny frrrlsh hei tabe sith thtese luxuries aLt Onie-tlnlrd oif the price they are obliged to lIrry at the markets;: and the farmner arid tIreeder may renoder it the sorirce of cotnsiderablne proiit.'-Farmrer's Joruiriial. Lorsd onr.Priritrd for Sherwsoord,jones an Co).tratsrPntnnar,rosrm. elegaTntl printed and btot.pressed price 5s. eac on demsy fistn,or 8'is on. stree royal, mHE CATHEDRAL CHURCHES of GREAT TBRETAIN. graphically Stint histnrriestly delirreated; the graphic department conrinritinig 'if a series of hlighly, ftrshed engrlasi-nng, a- bIntrting the externior arid irr terror s'resvs, anrd tire d isti.ngnishtrig archiri tectural featurres and orruamelrts~ of eaelr edifice. Drarwn arid engravred my .J.atrd u. S. STORER. List ci the Cathedrals. lianignr iOrhatitan .Iit.rcrrln Sc, David's Bathi I ly I Erivsich St. Patti's 1 ri stiri fEeeOxford Wel Is Canterbuiry Gl`nreesrter l'eterirr111rtough Wirehtesatr Carltise "-ereft,rd Rocehester Worcester I!hester I itinitaff Sd.isburiy ad chiehester I Uctifield St. Asaphr's Vork.1, TIre Delineation of eachr Cathredral is comrplete In, itself, and may he purtchasedt sepuarately, price 5Ri. Af.ssw copies are prirrted inl 4to;, avith pronit Impiressions ofttile plates oni India patper, price 14,4. Eitch cathedral is accomPalnied writh our ansiple iindex, a Ist nif Bistnopts nd Deans fr,m rtire earil!et times4, and ai grormnd plan shosr'ing the siture. tnor; of thernsost remarkable monuments,4-c.0 ad tIne s'ried gor.ig o,f tire ceilings5. Of thins svrk it Itran ee, renr--k-d, hat. th riI light antishri juiio"ratY throsen. exhrtiigvrysrkn pechruerre of aReelrray arrdeie ofretentin. L-nur rntdfrSe- wood, Juntres, annd Co el"Itetrtertrw " i:dfrhr APPROVE SCTl llE.h,te-I ulished,price ~4s ld bound a eard lrnpros'er edtiton. o1 FIE PRECEPTO'rR's ASSISTANT, or School Examiner. By tire Rev. D)AVID WHULANM, NIT.A. rhIls moat usfu stork fonrms an Errcyelywudlan Eg1tons of Knowsledge In Ge- natal lI~Iteratlrre, Scenetce, an "HI'tory, arid is admrirably adapted to stimulate curi).nsty exani an form the mirrd orf Youth, arid supply thatiufrmnaiur arWch'an nnitl ' tie urtaitated by extensive and mtnitr- ratrious rentding. Tire varianss anti Interestinug facts arid prineiples rs-hin'h it contieirs are riotrnly capable of furnishing youthwasith are- specablepnnrion f evry secie of enerl irowiedge, aurd of ineril- earIg hihia ofhsevn;mu, andreleetoi,on the juv~erslle nirid. burt nilo f narasru te korlege ri atanments of thoseonf nrrtuye urg, aid fenpplin thn, ithan rueirustiinle fund ofinfnirmatiosn mum cucal ciene ad Plit Litratrre 'The subjects of vrinich it t. Genseral History 10. Literatctre In Ge- 18. Religion 2. G recian Ihistory rierat I 19. S;ncred Hlistory 4. Fitnnlsh Hlistory I hli.py 1 20. Chroolrnt'gy 4. Engish 1-latoy 1 2. Mytholongy 21. Th Manner of 5. Gleulogy 13 rnrrlg ddressirrg arid S. Astronomy 1~4. Hieraldry WAriting to the 7. Natural Phnilosopiry 1?lusic dItFereir Rk S. Arts and Sciences e6 gitniue fSoit, d I9. Rhetoric I7. BritlshConstjtutlon Als'o, by tire Nam e Aurt iror, The Parent's Catechism of Use,fu.l and General Knoss-ledge, price 2s. l3d. bhound; and the Child's Catechism, pormice 91.Thesve bouks, inonissjnectitr wvith the Preceptor's Assis-tant, form paeprogrlersivecorse af lberal antI polite kniowledge, fidapted to' the caaiyo eresa tire various stages of education, and may be jusletid Self.eXPl;rnatory Systerr of Tuzitios;. London, Printed for Sewood.Juries, arid Co. Paternoster-rowv. WThere also May be had, aU the Author's Other WVorks, on Edueatlou. TNDIA SHALS WANTE.-Extraordinary pnices roabe btanedlascas fo INIASHAWLS, Gold and Silver ?it.slns.~hlisfPaadie.Cbesinn,Fil, And other Orientra Arel elesae HWESstudHARTS ldI~WXebose,60, Fleet-street, where an~lgast oredet Iacontanty 01 sae.'N. B. Ladles derirous HARiMACOPMITA LONDINENSIS, iteruns recog- Tnita et retractata, 1824, Ps. 6. "1 Acldurm Acetlcurna Fortiats," vel "1Acidurm Aceticuos e Liais destillatum." PURE CONCENTRATED ACETIC ACID), agreeable to the Sarople furnished at the reqisestof tue Commiittee of the Royal College o' Physiclians, may be bad of the manufacturers, ileanifoy and Co.. South Lanmbeth. London. ICHA RD ITcH IN, hatmaker, respectulybg leive to solicit the attention of his friendsad th pl,lct a geoteel aind extensive ASSORTMENT of GENTLiEM ' UPR FINE HATS, of the be't possible manufacture 2nd most approved shapes. Also of Ladies' velvet and beaver bonnets, trimmed In the mnost fashionable style, which he 1s flow ready to snibmit to their Iinspertioit. on reasonable tcrins.-23, King-street, Covent-garden, corner of New-street. A LE,Stovut, Cider, &c.-THOMTAS FI,LD and ~SON, ice o aquant heirFrindsandthe Public, thait their genuine BURTN, Eiobr', Tunto, an Wesh ALES, Dorchester Deer, Brow Stot, ider Pery. c. re i lie order for use ; their foreign Wine, Cas Maeira Hrady, um, Iolands, Geneva, and Or-Ange Shru ofther uualfin qulites,andtheir prices the lowest. at whic th lirt cassof sch oodscanbe old.-22, Henirietta-street, 0~ARPer wAREHOS,3,Brnr-teL JHINDLEY (Zlate Niaqs nd Co.) havin assorted his last year 's STOCK, Is enabled to OFFER the OLD PATTERNS Satl sutch re- duced prices as cannot fail to meet the Wishes of those absut to purchase. Hie also solicits in inspection of his newv patterns, which are of the first description, and will be sold on lowv terms, with a collection of newr designs for Axminster, Imperial, and double qualities._ YVOTATOES.-Chamrnph-, Appe anKdnyIoTrA.- ai TOS, of superior miealy alialltC n iefaor are stil- SELLING at Worhall and Sou's WhloleaePtt n on WNare- hiouse (estabilished 1784), George-court, opsieS.JmssChurch.) Piccadilly. at the v'ery low prices of Ge.B.P. n s d ak, was-tranted to contain 180lbs. Mialt, hop, cons, seeds, leze. 1 thesabeast qualities,e,q,ually low. ,A rquantity of fne fresh chiampion seed pota- toes for plating. Deliveredfree o( expentse. Postage to be paid. WARMN and SHOWER -BATHS,-.SULPHUREOUS WFUNMIGATtNG and MWXICATaD VAPOUR or STEAM B3A,THS, with Shampooing by a native of Inda,b at 8, Maddox-street, Hanover- square.-Jt. DICK, Copper, conisiders It unnecessary to dwvell on thle nmerits of the above Baths, further than to observe, their being pa- tronized by the inost emiineiit medical men for sitring evrerby diiseasee,d the ski,a scurvy, tatter, ringw,orm, leprosy, c goult, palsy, scrofulous turnouri, anid enctrgere.t on rhe matism,th above bathi have been eriminntly eucces3ful, aided bv,,s.impo.fiaL VASTI INDIA EQLUIPMEN-TS and RE,ADY-MlAok, fl INEN No.212.~ ig Holorn pposite Southampton-street, Blooshuy-suar.~M.TOLON'andCo.(formerly Abrahtams) take s-lla etod f nfomig teirfrend, ithr eaving orreturning to Englnd, hat hey ay b EQUPPEDas usal, on the shortesit no- tice wih eery rtile n Redy-adeLinn c An extensive as- sormen oflades'andchiOre's reses,miliney, ebildbed linen, &c. ades cmpleelyequppe, an Mechats'orders supplied.- EVER anixi-ous to prevent Impositioin, DAY anid rchMARTIN respeetfully Inform the Public they have, after nchlab,mr, and at very clisilderable. expensie, brougbht to perfection a, Label or such lm;Iagus-c,,toto and extreose difficulty of exe- cutioii, ttisat they trust irill effectually prevent the many frauds that are daily Plractised on the public. An attention to the following descript ios of the label wsill ensuire the genuine B3LACKING prepared by thzemi. A patttern, like lace, of a pink colotxr, covers tht principal part, the namres of Day and Mtartin are printed In aa'hite letters, edged wtith pinke and black, and placed on a Wvhite ,troinsd; the ad- dress, 97, High H-olborn, Is also wvhite letters edged wivth pink anid black, huit placed on lbe lace pattern; the signiatuire and p irise at foot aire black on a wvhite groiund: the preamble aLnd direct Ions for u%e are printed as before, black letters on a arhite ground.-.97, High Holoborn, Sept. 1823. rrO0 th-e P~UBIC-A rak OOOYsileit 1...ith the COMMNON BREWERS. who have now taken tlieadvan- ta-e of the small advance oni nialt and hops, anidImposed on the public, an additional charge on their beer, It i s now time to petition the House of Coninofis t,, throwv the beer traLde oipen, and thereby' putst s,topto this mionopoly of the comoni brew%er. on- quarse r of mlalt and 61i. of hops, without aniy additioni of poisonous' drugs, wiil pr,- duee fouir barrels of porter, for wvhichi they charge 21. ,'is. 'per barrel amounit 91. One quzarter of malt, .31. 3s. : 61b. of hops, 9s,; dairy, 1 1. Idas-Sd,; maLking 81. Ss. Sd.; lest-lng a balance of 31, lIs. 4d. fur int'-reqt on capital and wreat and teair, the grains anid yeast paying for fuelt hist the unfortuinte victualler who has given botid is obliged to Lgive 21. ls. per barrel, wictih adds tto the brewver's profit, making It nearly rent, per cent., sand turnso,ver his cali4tal every twezts--eight 'lays. WILLIA BUtSH, Rletail ('iimnnson SBren-er, of the BelllInn, Wararick~-lane. London. and Church-street, Brighton, challengzes thiose worthy Geniteiins"u, for stoc-k and quatlity ; being free fs,nm their friends, the druggists, begs leave to Informn lila Friends and rthe Puiblic. in general, that they may be suipplied wiith genufineALE, STOUi. and POItTER, of anyv agc, fromi thiree moniths to three years, wholesale :ind retail, at thei rare of 4d1. !bI. and Gd, list ltt. r TNRI VALLIE D PIANOFOirrES.W PINNOO u ) ot respectfullyv calls thie attention of the public to his nRAND) CA INET PIANOFORTT, uWhich is of a v-cry superior quiality, and by, having aLn additional strinsc to each note, produces a much g ireater o-dy of tonethan the commron eahinet. Thisinistrumeont isgmnuifac- cured in a sutwerior -style, having a Parisian front, whItl handsome pillar-, beautifuzlly ornamented with cari-ed capitals And bases, alto- gether calculatcd to adoe-n the most splendid apartment, and fromn Its richi and brillaiant tone is unlrivalled, NV. Pinsanek alpan begs leave to obse-rve, that in Cetl5equence of hi? extensive arrang-ements; for manufacturing pjian.fortcg, be is en;,bled to submit for pubhlic inspec- ti~,te a great vatriety ot excellent square, cottage. harrmonic, cabinet and horizonital granid pianos, mnade of the very best and well sensoned vitaterials, on rthe most liberal treni.~ Old lea'trtinenits taken in ex- chanige. PianoLo-te of sujierior Qufality-let ouint,.tire, Descrit.tia'e Ijsts, to he hiad lgratisl by appla-nea Ft the warehouse, 2117. SLClernent's chuirchyard, Sn-and, All paianofortes manufactuted by W. Pininock are waRrranted: a,Fnd where the meat perfect satisfactIon is nor given. the patrty'Is at liberty to exchange anyiv nstruiment writhIn thiree mnon ths,q or es-en at aniy Period, on payment Af the hire and expenses, N.,.A liberal credit given, wheretbteparties are knowrnto be respectable. - ENVMUSIMC,publlishied ~by NMAVIfEIV nd C-oTi-7 N Old B;rnd-street:-H kRT' sE.;VPN'rH,SET of QUAnRLLEq frons Rovsini's Opera, Pietro 1.'Eremnita, containing'- La Lotiiss,' * Lk Almark's and the Grand Fetes at Windsor and Brighiton, for the Piano- forte or liarp:. respectfully dedicated to Lady Elizabeth Conyneham, hi' josFpiI HART. price 4s, The universal rececptio~n of these elegant arnd tas~tefuil qtiadrilles hafve induceed unprincipled personls to off'r i-ounterfeiss, the publishers therefore feel it nimperative to caku- tion the nmusicall world against purTcha,ving sptrroois editions, Nlo copies can be genutine buit those pubtlished by Maybews and Co. miusic- cellIars to the ti,,yal Yanilly. Where may he ohtaiiied, Haxrt'tt TIenth etfroml 'eber's eclel,ratsd Der Freyschutz. Price 4s, Hart's Ninth S4et fronts Rossini's Opera of I,a Doniia del Lago, Price 45. Hart's Eighth Set (or English Qsiadrilles) arith the- Ox-onian Finale, Price 4s. flart's Seaveitat Set front R,,einPis Opera, Pietro I,'Eremlta. Price 4*, ifars's Siesth Set from Roasishir' Opera, L.a G-azarsI.adra.. Hart's Fifth Set frorm Rosni'pera, tI Ttiiieo hialixa,Iart's Fouirth Set,.awith George the Fouirtit's Coronatloti waite, Hart's Third Set (or celle- brated Iims%rs), wiith La Cenidrillon. liart's I ec,ind Set, from 11I Tati- credi. in-lading the Tenapeti Dance. Hart's First set, from the faa'oui- rite Baillet of L.a Carnival de Yentic, Alan neat' editions of H4art's Firs~t, Second. Tux and Fourth Setsof Scotch and Irish Quadrilies, C?c-ILO'rH A-REHOUSE. The COMMER CIALT kj5No p1.0Th4 COIl WARFIOIOt)SE, eNeat' ond-street. Park-row, t,eeds, cnduclited lbv WIL,IANM RRIGG..S and Co. Tie growving ins. porranvee f the town aind neigh7bonrhood of Leed-. in thermarmfar. rtire of stipereinie cloths ha-s indutced a number of the first rate mill- oavzt-rtiesand manuifacttirer. to open aine.stablisbosent. avhleh isat itnee initended to comnline s,ith its convenience to the psiblic all the advan- tages whieh can possibly be derived from an extens-ive concern. It is not intended to litold mut any indascemeist to purchasers beyond the fair attd open tren-sitlonls beftveeti merchant and manufaicturer, the sup1ply of goods 'iill lie fronit the first hoiises, wh-bse manufacorirls are at-elI known, aind ashose mnethod of fInishitie is on the Most modern princliple,saiid w-arranted perfect, The ESTABLISHMENT wvill OPENc oat the 1st day of Miarch next, iahen the patroniage of piurchasers trill he daly appreciated, and as-ho re nist .respyeerfuilly acousinted, that the conICern i vll he condueted ott sutch a system as its impiortance so itistly entitlesIt to, Mferchants, tiealers, l.ee,a-ill atall times find 5tii deqtiate supply, either in the warehouse itr at the respective mlills, the proxi- iniry to wh!cl: Is sticli that in a lets- hours every inifornmation can be cotnionnicated. ItrIs also the intreition ofrWin. Briggs and Co. to receive on cotainsonent narrowy eloths,ftlannels, blankets, carpeting, liniens, lee. aild they atill be happy to correspond wvith respectable ma- iiufactrirers oni the suitiect._____________________ 1FH-CHEFXVP-S 'PHATI WlAREHOU'SE in thle TH WORL.D,-The niear patent Elastic WVaterproof Silk Hat, oni a heaver bo"dv, at oatlvIftI ,-. sai perior to those charged byv othier holases from 1Rs, to 26s...lTHOMAS t,OCKEEX, Beaver and Patent Elaitic Waterproof Silk H4at Mlaker, II, Long-lane, Smithfteld, near Alders- vate-street, solicits the ptiblic Patronage In favouir of a hat 'it matchless quality. This liar is of a beav'er body, cov'ered with silk of rite flttest texttire, and cati only be distinguished from rIshe tfleist sod niost exptensia-e beaver ha' irs superior shape said beauty, having the same plial-illiry and lightisess. ain'd more ditrable than any oth& liat : rain trill net-er injUre them, being wa-terprTo0f,aind the citlotui, wtl;ieh is unchsangeable, surpasses sort-lititig ever seen. It trill he fotind the cheapest assd imost elegant hat e,'er offered to the public. C~uielttise lihit lheaver hats, of the most moderti shape, quatlitr, and t"Ntuire, vera' saiperioar, at the extreme lots chiarge of 2Os.: wetter- pr ... f ditto 123s. t old hats eiiv,ercd anti. silk, and made conipletely wratertiroof. equal to neaw. 12s. N,. B. The greatest aissortnient of ladlies', grir', and childrena's beaa'er bonnets, ready trimmed, in Lou- du,adevery other article in thte hattIng busriness, Thie public tire r-qauested to be particular to the description of L.,-ekey's, (from Wvellington Rouse,) Nii. 9. Long-lane, near Alidersgate-street, as there are several base imitators. It is tug highest hue isa the lane, avitla duitible fr,int and do,tr in the m24 heaOds 'Wellliigton House." In very large anid etomtiandIvIletters, and three disrttnet No. (S's. and a lamp, very large a-dcd ednalcttotis, 50 that ithe publie and friends sf Thoiisas Lickey taking fiotlce thereof isre certain of flitding the riglitr house. Nlo tontiexionwi a'tiianv otlher shop. REATr FALT7~lWSTLK GOChS-Ol isection Gr can ithe P'iiblie credit rite immnense sacrifice on7 these goods Taco thomndai pieces itt rich levaaistines, ducapes. gros de Naples. Frenceh Florence. &c. ini every shade of the mnoSt prevailing Parisian cotr,an assi,rtment not to lbe equalled in any three hottssa in L,onadons.Rich Frencli grins de Naples, ,3s. to 4s. Gd.: thlree quarters as-ide ditto, .4s, 3d. to 4s. 9di.: Freiieh ducaPes. 4s. rid. ti .Xs. ; 5100 pieces of the chiticest colotirs In lea'antiiies, French width, 4s. 3d. to 5.s. 3d. ; rich Genoa and Freiseh relvets, 12a. 6d. per yard Lap, land cords, 3s. 4d1. per yards; Cvprtts erape dre&sses very rich, atid equali to Chifna craps: 4110 whitle sarceseris, 2s, lid, per yard:; rich Vel,, tir Sinstilez drmesses, one guiinea each: 2,000 yards of Frencli Florence, in every iiitea and fashioinable colour, 3s. Gd. per yard: crapte shatwls, l2s. ecadi. Norwsich crapes, theiWidest made, Is, I J. per yard: P,iplins atnd lustres, Is. Gd.: rich ditto,.S2. u IrIsh ditto, 2se,Gd.: figred pplim,Is, a. 4d. : rich tahbinets, 2sd: finse coloured boanha- sins. I S.: black ditto, Is. 2d.: fine ditto, Is. 6d,:; shast'ls and scarfs, iot the tiiiost chaste anid eleigant patterns, and ,carcely to be kitowvit from the original acarhmere, froni otte to five guineas each: those at 21, 5Os. mind 3. guineas are niost solierb pa tterns:; Norwich s ilk shata-ls, I2sc. anid I Gis. ;cahs: rstganza shawl-s. the largest size,L 5,each: cloth simawls, hotitad, le. 7s. Gd. each:- seal and eriutinet sh~a%vlq, 2sI. each:- beautiful gauze hansdkecrchiefs for turhaiiss: a niost splendid selectien 'if Parisian silk cloiak, tritsstned in Ithe most admired and prev'ailinig fashion, from 2I. toi I gttintas each:- those at '0s.'785. and 4 guineas are much in deitiaitid b eing,t'erT -sitperior: Brighton envelopies atid ti1buiry wvraps, from 14s. to1 gti1 nea each:; 200 cloth cloaks. trimimed ws-th satiti, sareectte, &e. tinly 6e. lid. ecahs:fYine habit cloths and foireignt cachniere ditto, fur ladles' droeses and pelisses, in every shade.~s.6d.very fine,iitboehingnsorcetitan oiiehalf theirvalue. A ftuter selecti,n sat fancy gauzes aLnd gauze dresses, and singular curTo.si- ties iii Chantilly' and sprigged ftace dresses, wi1th fiounaces, equal in appetarance and of greater durability titali foreij.n lace:- French silk and eaclimere shitw-la, l5s. d.: rich scarfs, 21s,; No-wt-bssilksIh- vls. .I lIs.; conic exact copies of Iridia, 30R.: 30 dltiurgh ditto, the nio,t siuperb patterns, 2 and 3 guineas each: erntinette shawls, 20s., seal ditto, 1 gtilnca erach: Lapland moss, Ss. 6d. per yard: robes a uTeglige, French ilo'iiices, ditto of every new desiFn. Every rashlonable arti- cle for the seasoit with a superior stock of linendrapery. No pat- ternls cut.-RII,EY's, 118, Oxford-street. EARS' OREASE,-Justreceived by thle I'allas, Capt Jones. front St. Petersbihrgh, a SUPPLY of the above article, of tie very filnest quality, ashich is potted for use, without the least admixture except a little perfuinse to keep It sa-eet. l'he high estimation this airticle has hing lield, for making the hair groa, renders anv remark from the importer unnecessary, he will olnly add. that this maY he depended oti as a genuine article, a,id that it is a'ery pleasant fur dressing the hair, making It beauti- fulily soft atid g,lossy. Sold by the imptirter, Jaines Atkinsoti, per- fitier, 44, Gerrtmrd-street, Sioho-square. Londot, and by appointment by Mr. Sanger, 189, Oxford-street: and miesa respectable p.rfurmers In London, but J. Atkinsua avarrants none genuine bult vwhat lias his sigature to the as-rapper rotind eaci put. _ _ Etivy does merit as its shade pursue, And like the Rbhedowt prove the substance true. lIE unrivalled Qualities of Mrs. VINCENT's GE- .T NUINE GOWLAND's LOTION, as a safe. mild, and elegant preparation for t'le removal of all eruptions from the face and skin, a!ud for mmproving the moist deUcate complexion, have long beeni kntt-it to t Oe fashionable avorld, and manY thousands of ratik and distinction have adopted.continued, and recommended Its use: the consequcitce has been that some persona have obtruded on the public a spurious Imitations of the Lotion. To prevert ilnjury and disap- pointnlelit to the misled, it is steceseary to state that the genuine Lotion is propared by Mrs. Vineent, avho is the sole proprietor of Dr. Gowland's MS. recipe. The most delicate lady or ehld myv at all i times make use of this lotion vith the greatest safetT. It removes I tettcrs, rinigwvorm, and sunburn. Sold by Bacon and Co. 150, Oxford. street; Smyth and Nephewr, Nety B3osd'Street; Butlers, 4, Cheapside; Nerberys and Edw,vards, .St. Paul's-churchyard: Barclays, OS, Fleet- markets Suttons, Boas--chureb and by all the moat resvectable per- fuimers and dealers In genuine rnedicinemu, in quartas s. 6db. pints os.6v.L hsalfnts 2s. d.Zd Observ-e the narne, ' M. E. wYinceet,' uon all the (1ON'SOLATION to the TREMfULOUS WRITER.- :.JThe Pbimalak(iisotsigar urnd tnie Inventionr wih:dnidice baatletmb sud of ofor to those irhb eXperience anyV difficuli1es In the eommartd of the P~is, occatsoned by tremor in nervous affectionj, lreat of plimpte, agitation of Rpirits, excess or over evertion, weakness f'rom age or. ornerwlise, lorlury of the thumnb or linefers by isprain or otherwse-a, ev-en to the loss of part. This happy relief CxistsinaeLlittleeINSTRUJMENT, the appearance of whicht, when In use, escapes observation, is capable of givingr famn r.tss, tonflidence, and freedom, and cannot fail to assist the de. clining powers of a good penmian, and materially improve the per. forrnance of a bad one. I tls honoured by the patronage and recom- mendatlon of Sir Arrtley Cooper, and other hlighly respectaible profes-. sional gentlemnen. A few minutes' practice will prove its efficacy:anid It hlas this advantage over alt medicine., its power increases by U.", and one'prescrlptlon will last for life. Mlade in elisetic told, price 25s. each. Sold forthptnebT. Pearce and Co.268, f&cing thefront of St. Cletnent's cuh.Srn.Letters front any part of the couxntry. patpi,will be prmtvattended to. SHRAD anid Co. successors 10 W. Armnan an_d IL. o. 7, Bshos,~testectwitin, apposite Threadncedle-street, graefu tother rie sandthrui. for the kind andl liberal sup- por tey av exerenedIseln off'the old stock of their prede- cesors rspetfulyInfr thm hat oni Nonday. Mtarch 1, 1824, thy il R-OENwith aentir newv STOCK of LINENDItAPERV, Srlmerery Haerashey osery,Fl Lace, Gloves, &c. it. Sharland and o. eg eav paticularly to recommenid their very superior assotmet ofplan ad figitred sarceiiets, G ros de Naples, and laven- tns, wIch hvngen purchas-ed since the reecentreduction in silk. Illbeofedat uIUSu1siiy lOW orices : alisna very extensive Stock of gas blahdIis ies eal And imitation Russia slicetirig-. damakait ipr a,elnn 4-4tbs aind 9-Sths printed cambric and Jacconot nituln,elr e patterns in treat varlety-: likewsie at splendid collecto ofNrwich anid Edinburgh Sawlar-s at miach lowrer price-s thatn hav hterto been offered. Ri. Sharland and Co. flatter themselves, fo thpeuirtenonp-aid to the selection rrf their stock, and theiritnint fe vr artile at a lows ready, money pric, to mrt a contln-Iua oftoefvours already Su libeialiy con- ferred uipo tem. TOVE-GRATE MNANUFACTORY, 19, P7i~ckett- IS) street, Temnple-har.-E. ADCOCK earnestly solicits the Nlobility, enr,and thie Public in general, to an Inqpecto i e csnoiu SHO-ROM, as she hans flo . most ex-tensive ASSOtRTMEN'? of eleganit DRAWING and DINING ROOMI STOVES, on thermost im- proved principles and at very lowv prices: also a large assortment of Steel anid Brass Fenders. Fire-irons, &e. of the most modern style of wvorkmanshtpi; liken-lse a great variety of Kitcheni Rainzes, with per- pretual ovens, and back bailer., calculated to work .ny quantity of steamers for cooking, also fo,r heating at hathe, roomis, greenhonuses, Ste. Also a large selection of Improved Hot Air Sto,cs, for %rarniing churchbes, halls, warehouses, &o. from 21. to 401. ca-h. E. Adeock respectfully selictts the attentionl of the pritilie tubter Patent Bronzed and Gilt Lamps; for dining tables, sldeboarcs;, &e: al-o eiegant Sue- pendIng Lamps. fordrawing-roomns. ball-rooms. &ec. Genuine Lamp Oils, from 2s. Gid. to fis. per e:lu N3il1. Gen. lemien wvho are about to furnish their houses N0lI find it muich to their advantage b,y pur- chasng t te aoveniaufator, a evr)'article Is waLrranted of the ("i ENUINE and SUPERIOR WI NTES an' I SPIfRIYrS, at owprlca 2, WitehaslI 'rdn.W.COATES has an SAlE fo moey nly a TOC ,s~ WNESandSPIRITS, wh,ich for xten, vriet, ad suerio qulitytril befoud to be equialled SPRITS. Gall. Gall. Cognac Brandy' O ls. Od. Good English Gin - S. 4d. Do. very old arid strong 23s, OId. ISuperior strong do. 10ls. gd. Jamaieea Runt (new) fs d o for n iro - lO. 0O. M,o !oldi - tt . ? 4d.U I ZSchdam i-tlh,ds 5, . 1. H it very ctirlousl4s. GA. P hoice old Sbrub 14e. 6d. WI NTES. rDo7. IDoz. Genuine Port 34s. Slis. r ood Cape Mradeira - I G'S. Finie 1820Odo, - - 8.l Very fine do. - - - 2 1 . Genuine Sherry - - - 36Gs. D flu,first imported 24 Os. Superiornold do.. - . 4l). 44s. I West India Madeira - -12%s Very culriousq old do.-. 48s. Malrnsevd, - 'I6s Choice aid BRiellas % 44s. I Finle old Vidionia- - - 3Gs.q A very extensive assortm ent of fine flas-oul-ed old Crusted Port. suilted teo private families, tavern-keepers, arid wine-nierchr,nts, at 42S. per doz. and urpwards. Gentlermen pirrehasirig stine for laying do%%n are Invited to is ,pcct a electpateel of thel18Ol Part of e-xt'ra quality, whic-h far higli flavouir and character, it Is vorndderrt1v believed, cannot besurpassed, 42s. Per doz. A parcel ('f WVine f'rom 'tire Cat"-, of the Siruternre quaility. whichrto theadlmirers of French arid nbieni3h wrines sr,ill pro-c- an excellenit Sribstitute for those expc'n~ive wines. d24r. per doz. May be had in French bottles. Port, Stqerrls, Capes, and othier Wirres, by the Pipe, lialf Pipe, anid Cniarter C'ask. wichil from the oplrortuniltic, afforded ib' his vicinity to the Impo.rt market IV'. Costes i~ enabled to offer on ferins uniusually low. Country orders, if contan remtraneca, execurcd wi,th Str'ict fidelity. Bottles and hmp,'eTrs. Sc n1 te r doe . b. h.sdecidied thje RIGHT to iNfIER lIn BRIDGM kN's PATENT WRfOUGHT fIRONT COFFINS,%and that parish officers mat-not Ini- pose- extra fees an them. 2uinhill-flelds and sbout twventy othier irrib)lic cr,urinris receiveir,,n coff)ins from anvparis~h, dries front ',R. to 2sl.Teeofisrtthonysfoe". nraatie uscl eitirer as tru4or lead, arid do not Increrase thie expense of tire funeral, if ADPlI. cationi he made to tire manitfactorv-, 22, Goitswclbr-nd, Mlr. Jot-i Wooddill. Agent-. Mr. iiridgman, Cannion-trrcet-road; or to Fdlivtil Lillie Rrirlgamn. furnishing undertaker, Wacticy-street, Commiercial rotad, St. George's east. TheRP and ROSSKER's AMiTI ofRSE. AV~e,rerlenc' of more than half a centurv, and the general aLpprobationno icrigpbi.irtftedti i hs dursl Qualities which have given to WARRIEN's MILE Kof RIOSES, as prepared byRchard Rouser, the character of tire miost delightfulctsscici Europe: it is highly ree.)mnsendcd, riot onWv' by theC proprietour, but b;yros familiies of distinction, for pre,etting thte skini and far renderirsg the complexioin delicatelyfi,r and beautiful: it entirely, rernuires redness. Sutisurns, arid freckles. Prepared oily by- Richard Roftser. and sold at the perfuimery wa-reh osi~e of WVarreri ann Russet, 1. S1zinner-str.ct, Snowh'lill : and at their shop, 3rG, Ivarick-street, Golden-square. Superior perfumiery, retail, wholesale, and for ex- portation. OPINTG COUGH CUTRED, without Inwvardl Mlcdi- 1 % curie-In consequence of the b'neficiat effects (if IOCIIE's FNITRIOCATION. fr,r the citre of that distressing comiplaint. the Hopping Coutgh. His Majesty's Letters Patent w,ere grariteul tr, J. tRoche, are cuired aisinurally- by tiiis remiidt' on the first nttac-. ari Imnmiedirate application of the Frmbrocation itrill prevent the complaint taking arty, hold of the constituti.rin. end a fews times Ymar comrpletely cure. Itt the moat obstinate cases, verseverrncc wivll Irodiirc tIe desired effect: and rio remiedv canr be so su'-il ralcurlated 'fur cirildren as% his, for it reqt?Vttrensno meilicine to be 4irireri inward!:-. In no case r-an this meicin be gernuine unless signied ott The wrapper lbv J. Rocehe. Price 4,. and hi. 2s. per battle. -,ild Ii, F. Ed-silwr, G7, St. Paul's;, on the footwa n arid all respectable Scalars in inedicinres. rp 1-IE TO(T ~C.KN' DNAGC, or 1&Cbvrnicul F,snc of Horseradish, possesses the. prope-rty ori sa1fely rind immediarely stoppina the tootb-ach. and has tire pecitiia effect, if it comes In contact xcith the extrosed nerve, to prevenit the recurrenceonf that tortuiring malady, its operation irein: ttire same,.- a styptic our a bleeding vein."lIi colds anid rheurnatic affectionn of tire J,Ian' it will be fr'urrd particularly heneficialt al.o in thAe pairnfil den- titian of.hildren. Prepared by lir. King, apothecary. f3rook-street, Bath: and siold by Barc-lay and Sons, .95. Fleet-marke.r, Lonrdon ISole wholesale acentel. in bottle. at 2s. 9d. each. dnity Includeed ; atri by atll respectablte boksellers, druggists, and melirine verndiers througitetrri the kinTgdomn. Observe, none cars be genuine utitess the inames of Ttarelay andI Sons are engraved on the Stattip affixced to each bottle. m HF,A NTI SE PICl i5B 0TAN-I CA ,JTOOH TPOWDER possesses rhe peeviliqr and nrintvaIled excellence of clean2iing the teeth from all tArtarcitis incrustations. withouirt lijuring tloe enamnel. It imnparts a healthy freshness to the guims, a brlially s,weetness la the breath, whitens andl fastenis the teeth, es-en w,hen loosenied by mererir s'. The bate ninIftrtunsre Orieen of France (for wrhamn this denitifrice wvas originally prenareti, hru'riglt it inito the hnighezr repujte 'vith the beauties of the French ernurri, and arnons-st the hiclher circles "f that censntry it s-till contfitires to b'- trni-.'ersall1- adopted. In lhisltingdotn )its use has been hitherto cnnuifined to ttire nobility:rbr em aigienmd tihtepsesro h eie it i rn''r ofere to irepublc hv.V. ISIPON,25, Herirletta.streen.t Covent-gardern, In boxes, at 2s. Pd. each. Srty Included : and mayi Ine obtained at mnost respectable perfuniers and mtediclnte venders Inn towi,1 and cainntry. N,[ADAME GhRAUD's WEAMING LINNI ME-NT for lYredicriing the milk whrlenchildiren are taker, from) the breast. totnmilk abs,esses, andall)kind of infia,mmentionii,bruises.and tirimonir.s to whinch tire breast Is strhiect. This is a prar-tice too trel knonur-uto minthers arnlutixrses to need any comment: %it is also Ntel. knotwn that It frerquently- pras'es v'ers' tedli]us And trirhlesomnle to reduce itsrinrl 'crtnn:a variety ,rf applicatirons have been re~,orted to fir tirat puirpuse: most of these eompuositiins are Ins their rureration s-sri slow, afnd frequenitly ver-y unipleasant. Madamne Girauid's L.inientwill be f'rrndo ins ac F speedy, safe, and effectuial apiulicsti,nufir the strove puroposes. let the breast contrtiiirssthat uiFi,rraity of miiilk ita-, iiittire space 'of three or fontr days i tr ill entirelv disappear, rind the tireasqt become soft and surpple. 'Rold by, the Piroprictor's Apploinstmntiu at '%r. Fdur,ards's mneilcin' wvarehouse, 67, ron the foottwas-, St. Paul's clirireir- yrard, iii pots. trines 2. Gdi.____________________ AR.sTrEE1RS'S PODELD(IC is acknowkda(jget sip rio _I_ to all othfr externl apliicatiorra fy thle trie of xprains.htrtises, rheunratinsri. cramp, chilblauin, 'so. Fist chilblains. it should be dis- salt-ed and appilied art their first appearanice, to prevent theirbireaking. Smirirririrraimitationis of this excellent remnedy, by lucrsois is rio even make use of tlr.9teerts's tme. Are In circulation throrighorit the cairn- try:- purchagers murut therefore lie -cry part icular lin asking for Dr. Steers's Opodeld(oc, prepared by, F. Neirb ers- and Sons,aind carefolly~ to observe the namle "PF. Newbers-" erigrav-edIin the black stnnrip on eachl bottle, price Osg. 05. S,nld by F. et-,rennd Soris; sr the original usare-ir'rse fat Dr. tame%s'sPoirder. St:i.'rrInil's churirchyard r buit as tnianv personas mistake the houise, observe that it is ttire thiird frour Cheapside. tire number 45. also by Sauger. 1S0. Oxford-srrcett;iawt- Bira ond-sret Harris, Ludgate-s treet; inid Stradling. Royal Exclrange. 7~WnIFJCIAL TEFTII,on the ulli1tel rnilso -Caplrliary Attraction aFnd Atmtospiheric Pressure.-Mr. GRAY, MemInber of tire Rrrval Colleg- of Surgeons, in London. has,luecnrie- qulested, b IrVlis liimane friends who hi~.ve experienced ttire coniforts of Iris inettiod rif qniiplyinrg Artificial Te'eth, ito adopt oceasionrally this rnode of mraking it iorae gernerrally l:'srwn, fu,r the berrifit nif those wthorn it may conceern, thait be continiies to Srtupply cite inrAs of teethi on the srrecesefril sv'stetn Introdtieeri byl hintin i81i3. Thtes artificil] teeth hatve haerr firrnd to ansiver all1 the purposes of tire orliginal tee-th in masticationt, articrrlatir,r, apr'eararrcc, &-. anid to re- malts perfectly sercure irs theit pinces I.3' caPillary attra,-tion and the Prressure of rite atmosphere, thiereby, avoriding 'piinrtnig to Stumtps, tying, twisting tvirte, ori fastening springs to tirs nrdJoiiine: teethr. nr soyarttan'hmnent wthatevecr to the remnaininug teeth, arid con1seq:iently, instead of mintuinz. to atfordi them suipport. They iavnIs- bis e taken ourt and replarced Iry the stearer ir-itht the greatest facility. These imtprov-ements enairle the irrs'enter to suipoy rrhole ori half sets twithiout the sisiral sprmlnsce syhich aLre usually at-tached to Such pie'ces. 25. Old Surllngtiir-strret. F OR dieimmurlitc C URItE atill( P It ,V EN't'Fl IN 0? SORE NIPPLES.-Tlhe ACAM Cls FRIATl', prepared from a plant grrowsing on tire ntruintaits rof Hirdoistan. In the Es-nt Indies, rrrd One of the most valunnhle lit the vegetatble wocrld, is one m tre. crere,,tc possIble comforts that can he renideredi to those linap;t miuthier,; Ntb are desirouis to nurema their Infants, but wiho stiffer t,so freqrreritly strider the pain arid sinisery of sore nipples at;d all the atterdarir ciii:- sequenees. 'I'he 'usual applicationi of Stlrnfrlatnts, wrhichr setldom or evertai',rrd even teurorirary relief, and in trimtbetless lsssthrneL. only ag,ravate tire pain osf the suifferer, rites now lie irs-ided by the rise oi tins perfectly innocent anid sanrratrv'cco"tmitid,ttt whichi is r'fered to mothers froin a emivnsictirtit that to wvithho,ld so retet a comfort frirm trient trorild bean act oifcruelty arid injuisri,c. Innrumerabule te.Otimt- nlals of its excellence, front ttire nost re,poetaitle atitliurrity. eani be given, if requrritel and it is reearmmnended irsan indispentsable requrisite prev'ious tir the accorehlenment of every lad,- in the kinredits. Sold Itn pnots, aLt 4S. G3l. by Messrs. Biitler, elhyrnits.t- 4. Cliewrilsie, St. Pauil's, and 220, ltegersr-street, near ttire Argyll-r.uorms. London ; WVaterloo- place. Edifilntrrgh r and Sacks-ilIc-street, Dribiini; amid by the princeipal ni,,dirine v'enders throirghosrt the k,ingdorrt. 1UR'rIS's FLORA LONDINIENTSIS, the new etition, J hvy c. Tra'ers, and continusation by Mr. Hooker.-To be SOLT, a SUBISCRIPTION COPY rif the aovsc work. colorired, at Ills. 6d. per nunmber, publishe(l nit l6s. each, comprisiig G3 nminber,r and a sery fine set of Curtis's Itotanieal Magazine, irs 42 vets. half bound RTlssia, for 36il. at C. J. Harrirglitn's, 352, Strand. Of tvhroin may also he had (gratis). and jtst puiblished. a Cataloguje of Mi.- cellanroisi Boolis, genernilly in the best condition, inciludinig Rees's Cyclopredia, a srubscriiier's copy, In 85 par:s. at 9., 3d. per part; Eriyclrpwddin Britannica, the last edition, 20 vols. eleganlt in calf, 271. lOs.t Ireltid's Views on the Thames, Medwray. As'rn. &c. a complete set, 10 tols, very elegant, 141. 1h4.: tinmiltoni Vases Airt tiqrlee. In colorirs, aL very superb copy, 4 vols. large folio, 311. 1os. Philosopirieal Transactions. nibridged, IS volts. 4tu, b-ards, lOl.Oas., Antiqultes d'Herernlaneum, par David, II svols. 4to, a finze set. S1. 8s.: a fine and trirginal set of Bell's edition of the Poets, in 109 vols. 141. 14s.: thIe miscellaiteous weorks of Hume, Smoilett, Gibbhoi, Robertson, Fielding, Shakspeare, Johnson, &c.: the theological sr'arks lrf Lardner, Jortirs, Stillingileet, Leslie, Porteuts, Bunvan, &c. at very reasonalile prices. B ooks bobtght or exehairged. C V,LEBRIrY.-The supefior efficacy of the ROYAL FLIXllt of LIFE, and the ARABIAN VEGEI'ABLE PILLS, has increased the demand for thenr so mueh thata, tridely extended agenicy lias of necessity been established for their sale, and they mity nont be obtained at al.nost every reapectable niedlcine vender', thrortghout tire kingdomx. In London they are sold by J. V. Simpson, (acting pro- prletor,l 28, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden: and, under his ap- polntment, by Messrs- Stradling, souith-gate, Royal Exchange * Austin, 155, Chcapside: BorroNv and De,,is. 156, BiAbopsghte-writhout, and 19, tValbroolk: Sequcira, 132, WVhitechahel HIigh-street; Maxfield, lit, Skinner-street, Snosrhiil; rVardi, 324, Holborrtr; Prout, 226, Strand, near Teniple-bar? 'lPayite, 5, St. Miartin's-court; Sari er, .SO, Oxford-street : rjawkins, 1, Old Bonid-street: and Grigiion, 174, Re- gent-streetL The elixr Is a complete restorative of the animnal func. tioiis in advanced life, and ir. a:l cases of nervous and consumptive debility In the miost violent attacks of spasms, or pout in the stomnach, it gives immediate relief, and noporson stilb3ect tothose alarming comphaitntroughitto bevwithout It. It Is sold In bottles at 1Is, each, dity Included. The pills, free from mercury or antimony are a peculiarly mild and pleasant apecient.and me never-falling remendy in bilious arnd liver comnpalants, Indigestrin, and Its numerous train oI maladies. They are sOld in boxes at aS. 1 id. and 2s. 9d. eadh. JjROM ODESSA direct, RUSSIAN CAVIAIRS, of t'i. ,finest quality, In pote, is, 6d. 3s. and upwrards; from Arch- an n.Rssv and Rein Deer T...gue*;, also- Aie Hoeye~combia Par.-,. ma8f Intevry finest conditloil, atS. Hickson andCoa,1,e- beck-street. AjTUINT SE?ATING.-The Puiblic are respectfully' IIinforrned, that the Proprietor of the P-ATENqT VOLITO or universal SK'cTE has OPENED a WAREHOUSE for the reception. of their orders, at MArs. ftutehlson and Co.'s, engravers end printers, 14, Tichborrie-streat, facing the Quadrant, which will be d'elive.-ed Immediately on the close of the engagemenit with Covent-gairderl Theatre. N.E. Allowance to thie trade atnd 'or exportationl. COLOIALCOFFEE ESTABLISHMNEN L7 and TEA WAEOUSE, 16, Fenphurch-street.-All8ROSE TVrEEN begs to infortm the Public, that he continiues to SELL the finest WEST INDIA and other COFFEES, anid every description of TEA, of the best quality, on the lowvest terms for ready money. Orders fromn the couintry forwatrded without delay. Captains of ships, and the pro- prietors of taverns, Inns, and breakfatst hou_ses, are isupplied on the mc'stRadvantageo.us torms.-1 6,eenchurch-screet, London. TEW JNVETTION~:-.-J. CLNG,utor of N the Patent Axletrees, has invented aNWH GEfrDoors Gates, &c. which, from its peculiar formation, constitutes a.univeraa Joint; and, as itcombinesthe importanutadvantages of moving- inoil, writh thie etfectual exclusion ofair and dust from the parts inaction, its continuance in order is rendered permanent. Gates of2ayi,weight or dimensions suispended upon these hinges May be opene and aht writhi incredible ease. The external part m3ade to any design * and richly orinamenited, and doors to wvhich they are attachied can be takeRt oft In an instant, and replaced writhl eqUal facilitt. Field, p ark, aLria. lo,dge gate" made to awing eithier way. Various 'Inds may he seen in, use at the latentees manufactory, near the M4arsh-gate, Lamnbeth. A RMvY and NAVY, Stewards of the Mess, Captains of .t X Ships, Military and Naval officers, Travellers, Hotel Keepes anid Families, will Rlnd a great advaatage in using the PRtEPARED-1 CHOCOLATE POWADER, in puund and half-pound catisters, and. Cocoa Pa"te, in. balf-pound poti. sold, wholesamle and retail, by DE:AC:ON and Co. coffee and tea warehouse, 2, Sklinner-street, Snsw- hill, London, 2 doors from Fleet-market The above articles are warr.anted to keep In any climate, and being particularly nutritiv-e ar-e well adapted to weak stomachis and indi"gestions, 'the facility with wrhich they aRye prepared f'or table (in less than 1 mInute) renders them lhigh,lydesifrable articles. A liberal allowrance mede to thetrade. N.H. Fine lIroma. pATET SEF-ACINGKITCHEN RAINGES fl wth oaser nd bile, wrratedto answer in every pirtlcu~ and sold by W I. hteey . Rosoma-tet CeknelLon' don. The napme and ades are cast uothbierrn.Nother is cenurine. W. H.Wicey also solicilLs the Inspection of his method of heatlugi entrance tr'tis aind aLlI kinds of huEdIngs., manufactorle., or for purposes of drying. Also all kinds of pans, v-ats~, &e. for brewing, wvashilng, dressring of food for cattle, baths, &c, heated by steam rupor a simpleplain, and at atrifling expense. N.B. Tre kitchen ranige and a steam hailer to be seen continuUallYat WOrk. at the mrenu. factory. 2, Rosoman-street, Clerkcenwvell. C IREA-r COLLECTION of RARE CUFRIOSITIES 'lWof ttire CI-INESE, EMPIRE,-GlO. NASEDA and Co. beg toi announce that they have arranged for the inspection of Amuteurs of rare and valuable curiosities, at their Magazine, 9I, Sooth Colonade, flegeuit-quiadrant. a most extensive and by far th e moast Thluable col- lection of ancient and miodern CURIOSITIES of the Emipire of CHINA that ever wvas brought from that country to any part of Europe. It svas originally intended for one of the most eeiebrated musteums ina Euoe u at-leuar circ-nmtancees have prevented It. being vent, aInd opportunity sill thus be presented to amateuirs of enriching their cabinets wvithi a select Chitiese library, and all sorto of figures and drawing's. Illustrative of the literature, arts, scieneesi, religionst cerenmonies, myt1l'oiigy, o0stumnes, customs, trades, domesfic hatbits, &c. of thte Chiniese nationi. OGARtD and AMBER, ef St. Pau~ls cShurChly-rd, gratefGillv sensible of the distinguished pattronagie bestowred on their hiotse during so manny years, beg leaye Most r.spoctfuly to announce to thie Nobility. Gentry. anid thje Public at lare, that they liave OPFNED a NEWY ESTABLISHMENT No. 4, Wtitrloo. ae,palI-mrrll, w-ith an extensive assortmenlt oe Brussells, hleckllo, Vailulncienries, illornd, and Eniglis%h Thread Laces andlVeile, Irish tab. biriets, plain arid figurecd Gri,e de Naiples, levantines, bembasine, ho- siery and muslins. with ani el.gantdisplay of mnillinery and dresse" rhe yih,l ~elted wvith the greatest care aLnd aLttention.Roadnr Amnber beE~ to 4cate,that It is their determlination to adhere steadfastly to tire plan wvlich has given such genosral satiAlaction, to admit no goads inito thLeir stock but such as arc oif the very best fabries, and whchie they can wrarrant. As thleir puilcesare fixed akccording to the present reduc?ed rate of mainufactured goodd. no abatement can be mnade. F.reigi anid weddin- orders ;tastefuilly execut~ed. RIGINA],PRINTED FURNITURE and MERIINO~ 0DA-MASK NVARRHOUYSE, corner of Greait Turnstile, Mlolliorn. SMIfTH aLnd Co. have the seatlyffactiorl of'eubmittlang to Public atten- tion. stiloc of goodst unrivalled in extent, variety, And faLncy, and, as rePrrdschebepires.4 riot tolicapproached by an y house in thei kingdomn. For tIre suiperior departments of household econiomy, sphere em. i,ellishment and elegance fiirm indispensable essentials, their col- lec tion contains, sumac of the mrost raLre and brilliant specimens of teasts ever exhibited, amongst wvhich the followving are at few of the iriost prromirnent. MIERINn DAMNAmsS of superior richniess and commatnding designs. FLORENTINE S:aTIN TAIIOftETS, a dperfectly, new noillutfs. ture, the eotmours beautifulily diversified and not discernible from silk. TOWNN PRINTED CHINTZES aii grounids of every colouir with appr.priraterrmagnidcent borders. SWSS RIETA4L. arid PA'RISIAN STRIPES of curiou, n s~trik-il.g brilliancy, peculiarly adapted for libraries, country vllaa. eec. PERSIAN CLOTHI in all colours, one breadth sufficient for a curtain. SILK DAMA.1SKS and SILK TAIIORETS of the Most splendid descriprtiorn MTOREENR, watoresd, cloth pressed, and striped; COLOURE-D LININGiS, &C. fii addition to the above, their stock embraces all the morecom. moii thoough eig'ally imrortant class of goods, nmanufactured ex- pressly i or the or4irnaTY puirposes of donestice utility, where strength. a,nd durability are particuilarly requiired. ln a collection comprehernding ruchi a borrndless variety, It would be fruitless attempting to grve a list of prices throughi the moedium of ,n advertisement, fur no Idea could be formied but an inispection. SMIITH ard Co. can ozily repeat,.htte ldg hmevsi iiutvies conipetition both In quiality and cheapniess. _No.2 High Hlolburn, cornier of Great Turrsstile.. T'O) MlILLERS. - BLACKMIORE and Co-.'s it PATENT BOLTII-G CLOTIHS. without seams, with re rd to durability, despatch, and preci-sion In dressing, excel every ot%r in- r-entionl of the kini, as the great and increasing demand for them ,learly evinces. The proprietors, grattefully acknowledgln)X the lhue- ral suipport they have received, and respectfully soliciting its cor,tinu- urince beg leave to Infirm their friends and gentlemen In theilour trade ini general, that thieir Patent Bolting Clothis are sold at their mansufac- tory, WInndsworth, Siurrey, and by the following agents, viz.:_ Messrs. Coirciran arid Son. 36. Mfark-lane, London. Ahergav-enny Ff. Wvillianis Leice-ster Jackson and Sons Xltoii BI. if. Conlehy LeightonBuzzardBiissett and Co. Amptinill S. May Lewve- W. Fuller .Arnd,.-ver H. 'lenefy Lteclalde J1. Smnith and Co. AXylosliiry J. Tuirner Ludlowv Welllngs and f3llirlngdon W. Hill Edwards Ballmbury J1. West T.ymnington. R. L. Ricee Battle 01. Sargent Ly-nn A. P. hJunt Beanminater C. Coombs, jun. MaJdstone J. Sprthngett Bedford .1. Langley Mhldon P. 'eoungman B3irmingham Ilaugrhton and Mairlborough N. Merrylital Ro,berts Mid hu rst C. Caplen Riggleswsadle Hatgar urid Mfor- Monmouth J. Davis to,ri Newbury J. Truwplet' Bainstoke C. Barton Newrtown Rd. Jones iarnisrspie -t. i-i- Willis 'NewcA"tl"-uPon.Ann Sinton flraintree T. and R. Jloslin Tyrne Precknock Anni North Nes,i,rt, Il8e OfG. Weatherler Biristol Gastrell and Co. Wig~htt Biridigewater Rd. Ho'dges Norwich Bidwtell and Ca. itro$ely Nics H. Guest Odlibarri W. Seymnour liurySt.Edmunds.J. Wiright Oxford S. Steane (aruibridge Anin Slippey Oswrestry T. Evanis Caniterbuiry W. D)rewett Peterslield W. & ii. LUntott (.ardiff IV. BJird Petnn-orth T. Coleibrook Chelm.aford J. Buitler Plymouth R. Tlhomas ('olehester 'I'. Thorby Poole SmIth and Good- Checster G. Blick ehild Chichbester H. crimper & Son PulborouegL Eliz. Lucas (Ihippirig NortonTr. Par.onrs Redn M'. Frhrdon and Hf. tirenicesrer Rd. Howley Rediga,mb Crggeshall Mtiss t. Detll Ioey C ofe Crarubrook G. Bindds St. Alban,s IV. Brr,sgn Dcrizes .i. Crox Saffrion Walden Rld. Dayj Dlireliester J. Ash Salisbury T. & T. Wheeler Dublin J. CailaghantI Shrripham jas. Highi Dundee T. Just Swransea .1. DaLvis Ouiinnow 'r. arid W. Collis Swindomn T. Lamb Dorrkirg N", Deaiie Shaftesbur-y IV. Trerichard Eniswvorth J. 00i,bs Shrewssbury NV. Hziagedirac Evesharn D. Edge Southamlpton G. Cuiik Exeter Anil Fulford St. Ives J Kitchien Fekernlipm W. S1anty Stamford Mis. Wallng Farehinau 3- Keet S'ownrarket F. Lockrood Psri-ihaim J. Lidlietter Sudibury J. llurkitt Firrclitsgfield W. Sinoiur.n trxvistock H. Ruridle flodalningir l'oulter&,Elstone Thanne T. Stone filocesiter Ellis, & Hair Uixbridge IV. TIollitt Goriest"one, "earrs argrd HWrestwl,nenirEd, Hill Yarmrouth Mr.Mgil Harletonel Gurilif-rd RI. Ctrter Ware P. Mtedestlf ilairs'Churst T. Furnwinger Warminixster 'A. H-illiar iladleigh Wisbeach NV. Bell hlerefnrd T. Webb !c Son Wclchpool 1,!. Jines High Wycoinhe F. Stephenis Wellington W. D. ItorseyCo Iliorley, niear Rel-j. Consrable WVinchester JaceksonmdCo gate W ickhamn !tarlketj. Lewvin Hiorsharii Humphreys arid %Withaisr P. vouuugmn~s Turner Wolverhrampton P. Denniain HullI Ritidssiu and Son Worcester W. Vats Ipswich J1. Crifficy, Yar n Rt. Appleton. Kirigton _ _ __J. M eredith _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NROMIATIC SPIRIT of VINEGAR.-Thsis agreeable Apegrfumned liquior, (the original Invention of Mr. Henry,) which is of wvell kmruoin efficacy in relievingfaidltness anid h easi-ach, and In counteractingtire eff~cts oif overheated, close, or infected air, con- tisue., to be prepared in tIre greatest perfection by Iles_rs. Thomas arid Williamn Henry.- mnanufactirrirrg chymists, !rlarrches ter. I t is. sold irs London, wfis,lesale and retail, by Mhessrs. Baryley asid Blewy, perfuurers, Cockspur-street, and retail, price 2s. 9d. by otie or mrolre airents in every principal towni; but it cannot be geniuine unlesis the nuns-s of the shibve preparers are err gaved on tire gos-ernaient srtatnP, ithchii is tlxed over the cork of each bottle. Proper spoinge boxesO are a ,Id bvBavley anldBlest,,as Oisual. As abov,~e mayulso be bad, aut,ben- ticated by a similar stainp, Henry's Calcined Maignesia, in bottles, iLt 2s. Pd.;z or writhi glass atoppers. at ds. 6id. BED DOM E's POWDERS for CH ILDRENT are R ml(d Baperient and febrifuge In disorders of the stomach arid bowrels, isu,rnos, convrulsiorns. languid and emaciated appearances. inideruma- t.-iryrmffecti-irs, grrpines. and er.sption,. TIhey have been used wIth rrear success for "eany years iii private practice, end aire recoin- mended with conifidenice a., a fanrily, miedicine for children of alit ages. Prepared only and s,imd by Samoel Beddr,ire, 249, T,roley.esreet,. London. is' -%ckets. I3id. each; and by Barclay, aud Sorns, Fleet- muarket; Siii' n and Cou. Bruw chturchyard; Sanger. 160. Oxford- s treet ; J. hnst,,mr, Gr-sek-street. N,,ho. and 68, Curnhillr Ward, 324, lirlINrrn n Borrow arid Deaats. WaIl,r0i0k, and 150, Bishopsgate-strcet; Battten, 0laphaus- Thomas. Weymouth; Pay-s, Lynn; an-d Palmer, Bloutornn-onr-the- Water. UNIO,NS, CHILBLAINS, &c.-Mlr. DURLACHER, 13Srurgeon-Chiropodist to His Mlajesty and the Royal Famnily, ha& asicceedled in preparinK a L.OTION rrr the feet, with a dIseiatient PLASTER for that paiaful t'smour called a BUNION, the beneficial effects of svhich he has hiad conitiniutd opportuniities in his extensiive p;racti,ce to, obuserve ;the lotion renroves, those burning and aching ses-- atnscised by tenderness anid Irritability of the skin (p,articulsrly ?Jlt a,rteriiaecinr or sttidin-a!ii-_n lo oms,yeensftd esia tion, alid immirediately relieves the violent itehing itnd pungenut pain produced by chilblainis. To those visiting or residing irn hot climates its application rWill prolve of the greatest utility. Sold at his resi- dence, 15, Old Brrlington-street; arid ly T. Sanger, 150, Oxford-street; R. Johnston, 68, Corirhill; and by mnost of the principal medicine venders, rat 4s. 6Id. a bottle, and 2s. 9d. a box. mOOTH-ACHand EAR-ACII.-PERRY's ESSENCE has received the sanction and support of the most distinguished personages in the kingdom, t9rgether writh the united testinmony of the first physicians ia Europe, and numerous favoutrable comments in- hlighly respecrable medical journals, wYhere it has been declared to be the, best thing ever discovered for the tooth-ach and ear-ach.' ft in stantaneously relieves the most excruciating pain, preserves the teeth sound arid firm, prevents frirther decay, effectually ecures the scurvy in the gurs, fastens loose teeth, and renders them firm and servie- able to thelatest period, and effectually pres'entsthe tooth-ach. Sold in bottles, at Is. Id. arid 2s.9 d. by Butlers, ehymists, 4, Cbieapsfde, St. Paul's, arid 220, Regent-street, 'near the Argyll roomas,ondon; Water- loo- place, Eduiiburghr Saeckville-street, bublin;- and by the pIncipal iedicIne venders throughout the United Kingdom. Beeareol*o ask tor Perry's Esseilce for the tooth-ach. T NDER the Protection of Government, by Royal Let- ters Patent, granted to ROBERT FORD. for his Medicine, universally krnoswn by the title of PECTORAL BiALSAM of HORE. HOUND, and Oreat Restorative Mledicine, invented and published by the patentee in 1794, which is patronised by the nobility, and by, thie facuity genlerally recommedesd throughout the unJted kingdom and onl the continent, as the most efficaclous and safe remedy for coughs colds, asthmas, hooping cough, and all obstructions of the breast &nW lungs. The high estlimation it has obtalied over every other prepara- tioln, and the extensive demand, sufficiently proves, Its superiority, irhich may be ascertained at any of the principal venders of niedi- cines in the united kingdom. Prepared only and sold by the patenteer in bottles at lOs. fd. 's. t6d. 2s. 9d. and Is, Sd. each.- Thepubd wal lb Dleased to observe, that each bottle Is enclosed in wrappers printed lix red ink, and signed In the handwriting of the patentee,withont whlch it cannot begenuine. Sold by Sunger, 15o, and Chandler, 76, Oxford- strees; Wasrd, Holbornr Stradliin, Royal Etxclhrsa1; 4d E. EA da4. 67, St. P'aul s churchyard.
The Times
KI.G'S THEA TRE. TO-MOP.ROW RVENINX will be performed (f;r t`- la-Lt.:n, tli, eai), tIhe favourite winic pPera. in 2 et,, et titled IL l.A It l IF: " E Dl SIVIG LIA. Muuskc bv Signoir Rossiui. I.t'eer the mrs. the Di- vertisse:mlentclhev'alere.que, called iiONNE CR . U:X DAM I'S. End of tIe opera, the liewvgrand Ballet, with new sc;cner., dresses, and decorations, etitled LE SONGE D ef:St.\N, rutposs'bjh NM. Aumner. On Saturday iill be performed, fo, tire tirst tliii ee.i.n, tl;. grand berieus Opera. -alled Rieciardo c SZirrrlrna.np0sed or Si3nrRelsini. Applications lor b.;xes and sinole Ib-ription' f.,r the eea'r.nr to be made to Mr. Seguiri, opera-r.5ec. 1.5. O. irsdrrt. Heecut-stree. NEUW TE'A TRAE WfoF/4. IJUtrRV-f%1 4AE. THIIS EVENING, THE ElCiM'HANT OF V-ENICE. Shylock, Mr. F.e-rnw: P.l'tia Ms!'. W. lVes!. After which, TEKEI,I: or, Tue Siege of l-mntEatz. THli EVENING r5dtimie!,a newCr(meiy . called I PRIDE SHALL HIAVE AF.L L.orenzo, NMr. Cooper: Victoria. Nlirc "aton. TYconelude withr_ HAfI.EL UI'Q.' AiND P001. ROBI3N. .~' T.F r, p R ru'px 7i. x'R.4YD. For the BENEFIr of Mrs. WAVLETT. Tlll EVENING iv bie preeented, an eitirvly niew intilodram,rtic burletta, enititled WAVERLM'Y or. Sixty Years Since. In the rourse of the eveningwvill be sung by Ir. J. leeve, the celebrated in,rk bravulra. ealled ;IFirst v ld dc Grace F:xtraardinzaire. '' nld hyMr;. Waylett, "Taste, oh ta.te this spicy wine." "I'll neverbenilarrie:i again," and " lHoulse, sweet homc.' - fter svirich. thle laughable hur- letraof DOWVN TilE AREA or, The Maid anid the %tistress. To conclude ilith (lsttime at this thleatrel a price. called M AN AIND WIFE: or, LoveinalPrison. 'Tickets.ad S',eC, muat Ire hadof Mr. Carall,it thebox-office; and of NMrs.Waylett, 22, Sallsbury-street, Strand. R'rA. L'URfTflr, T11,*i TPH. For the BENEFIT of MIr. A. R. BOIJE. B,,x-Bool and Iousekeeler, antd Mr. DAVIDGE. TIllS EVEXINf'G trill be presented the lulst popular Easterrn inelo- drania everprrrduved at thisestableli ment, aid nt peref,,rre'l th-ese S sears, called El, IIY)ER, TiHE CHIEF O)F THiE CAUT Nlt)N- TAINS. A llewv comnic Sketch. by Mr. Davidrc, called A TFRRiFIc liEGISTERz or, Tremnendous 1824. A conic farcical hurletta. called SIR MATTIHEWV MEDDLE N.D HIS DOG rURI;i or, Layo'crs for Meddlers. T, conclude wvith a grand musical roiallnce, called ONE OCl.OfCK; or, The Knight anid the WVood Dame)rn. Tiekete to be had of Mr. A. R. Bowvez, in tire Granid Saloon of the Theatre, anid at 1B, Lambeth-ro:d.