--- language_creators: - found language: - en license: - cc-by-4.0 multilinguality: - monolingual size_categories: - unknown source_datasets: - original task_categories: - other task_ids: [] paperswithcode_id: scifi-tv-plots pretty_name: Scifi_TV_Shows tags: - other-story-generation --- # Dataset Card for Science Fiction TV Show Plots Corpus ## Table of Contents - [Dataset Description](#dataset-description) - [Format](#format) - [Using the Dataset with Hugging Face](#call-scifi) - [Original Dataset Structure](#dataset-structure) - [Files in _OriginalStoriesSeparated_ Directory](#original-stories) - [Additional Information](#additional-information) - [Citation](#citation) - [Licensing](#licensing) ## Dataset Description A collection of long-running (80+ episodes) science fiction TV show plot synopses, scraped from Fandom.com wikis. Collected Nov 2017. Each episode is considered a "story". Contains plot summaries from: - Babylon 5 (https://babylon5.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page) - 84 stories - Doctor Who (https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Doctor_Who_Wiki) - 311 stories - Doctor Who spin-offs - 95 stories - Farscape (https://farscape.fandom.com/wiki/Farscape_Encyclopedia_Project:Main_Page) - 90 stories - Fringe (https://fringe.fandom.com/wiki/FringeWiki) - 87 stories - Futurama (https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Futurama_Wiki) - 87 stories - Stargate (https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Stargate_Wiki) - 351 stories - Star Trek (https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek) - 701 stories - Star Wars books (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page) - 205 stories, each book is a story - Star Wars Rebels (https://starwarsrebels.fandom.com/wiki/Main_page) - 65 stories - X-Files (https://x-files.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page) - 200 stories Total: 2276 stories Dataset is "eventified" and generalized (see LJ Martin, P Ammanabrolu, X Wang, W Hancock, S Singh, B Harrison, and MO Riedl. Event Representations for Automated Story Generation with Deep Neural Nets, Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2018. for details on these processes.) and split into train-test-validation sets—separated by story so that full stories will stay together—for converting events into full sentences. --- ### Format | Dataset Split | Number of Stories in Split | Number of Sentences in Split | | ------------- |--------------------------- |----------------------------- | | Train | 1737 | 257,108 | | Validation | 194 | 32,855 | | Test | 450 | 30,938 | #### Using the Dataset with Hugging Face ``` from datasets import load_dataset #download and load the data dataset = load_dataset('lara-martin/Scifi_TV_Shows') #you can then get the individual splits train = dataset['train'] test = dataset['test'] validation = dataset['validation'] ``` Each split has 7 attributes (explained in more detail in the next section): ``` >>> print(train) Dataset({ features: ['story_num', 'story_line', 'event', 'gen_event', 'sent', 'gen_sent', 'entities'], num_rows: 257108 }) ``` --- ## Original Dataset Structure * File names: scifi-val.txt, scifi-test.txt, & scifi-train.txt * Each sentence of the stories are split into smaller sentences and the events are extracted. * Each line of the file contains information about a single sentence, delimited by "|||". Each line contains, in order: * The story number * The line number (within the story) * 5-tuple events in a list (subject, verb, direct object, modifier noun, preposition); e.g., `` [[u'Voyager', u'run', 'EmptyParameter', u'deuterium', u'out'], [u'Voyager', u'force', u'go', 'EmptyParameter', 'EmptyParameter'], [u'Voyager', u'go', 'EmptyParameter', u'mode', u'into']] `` * generalized 5-tuple events in a list; events are generalized using WordNet and VerbNet; e.g., `` [['0', 'function-105.2.1', 'EmptyParameter', "Synset('atom.n.01')", u'out'], ['0', 'urge-58.1-1', u'escape-51.1-1', 'EmptyParameter', 'EmptyParameter'], ['0', u'escape-51.1-1', 'EmptyParameter', "Synset('statistic.n.01')", u'into']] `` * original sentence (These sentences are split to contain fewer events per sentence. For the full original sentence, see the OriginalStoriesSeparated directory.); e.g., `` The USS Voyager is running out of deuterium as a fuel and is forced to go into Gray mode. `` * generalized sentence; only nouns are generalized (using WordNet); e.g., `` the 0 is running out of Synset('atom.n.01') as a Synset('matter.n.03') and is forced to go into Synset('horse.n.01') Synset('statistic.n.01'). `` * a dictionary of numbered entities by tag within the _entire story_ (e.g. the second entity in the "<ORGANIZATION>" list in the dictionary would be <ORGANIZATION>1 in the story above—index starts at 0); e.g., `` {'': ['seven of nine', 'silver blood'], '': ['sickbay', 'astrometrics', 'paris', 'cavern', 'vorik', 'caves'], '': ['an hour ago', 'now'], '': ['selected works', 'demon class', 'electromagnetic', 'parises', 'mimetic'], '': ['less than a week', 'the past four years', 'thirty seconds', 'an hour', 'two hours'], '': ['two', 'dozen', '14', '15'], '': ['first'], '': ['tom paris', 'harry kim', 'captain kathryn janeway', 'tuvok', 'chakotay', 'jirex', 'neelix', 'the doctor', 'seven', 'ensign kashimuro nozawa', 'green', 'lt jg elanna torres', 'ensign vorik'], '': ['uss voyager', 'starfleet']} `` ### Files in _OriginalStoriesSeparated_ Directory * Contains unedited, unparsed original stories scraped from the respective Fandom wikis. * Each line is a story with sentences space-separated. After each story, there is a <EOS> tag on a new line. * There is one file for each of the 11 domains listed above. * These are currently not set up to be called through the Hugging Face API and must be extracted from the zip directly. --- ## Additional Information ### Citation ``` @inproceedings{Ammanabrolu2020AAAI, title={Story Realization: Expanding Plot Events into Sentences}, author={Prithviraj Ammanabrolu and Ethan Tien and Wesley Cheung and Zhaochen Luo and William Ma and Lara J. Martin and Mark O. Riedl}, journal={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)}, year={2020}, volume={34}, number={05}, url={https://ojs.aaai.org//index.php/AAAI/article/view/6232} } ``` --- ### Licensing The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/