diff --git "a/all-sci-fi-data-test_output.txt" "b/all-sci-fi-data-test_output.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/all-sci-fi-data-test_output.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,30938 @@ +the 0 1 had 0 been appointed to 2. +0 day, at the Synset('time_period.n.01') of 13, 1 and friend, 3 Nod, went into Dooku's Synset('new.a.01') master's Synset('social_group.n.01'). +in there, the 0 found an ancient 4 belonging to 0. +3 attempted to convince 1 to open . +the 0 Synset('unskilled_person.n.01') refused. +3 continued to try and convince 1. +5 walked into the Synset('social_group.n.01'). + would tell the Synset('gathering.n.01') about the 4. + found the 0 Synset('causal_agent.n.01') with the 0 and told . +1 day, Dooku, joined in on a special challenge, held by 0 and 5. +the Synset('speech_act.n.01') was to get Synset('result.n.03') from the Synset('commercial_enterprise.n.01') in 0 and bring back. +whoever was tagged with a 1 was out. +the Synset('biological_group.n.01') who brought back the Synset('result.n.03') would be the Synset('person.n.01'). +1 became Synset('merchandise.n.01') of the 1. +there was a Synset('large.a.01') Synset('conflict.n.01') and Synset('state.n.02'). +0 broke up, as saw how Synset('unplayful.a.01') the Synset('attempt.n.01') became. +the 0 dueled each Synset('other.a.01') harshly. +3 was afterwards expelled from the Order, because of Synset('sin.n.02'). +1 after the incident, 2 1 full-pledged Jedi, 1 began to train 0 qui-gon 7. + strolled by Yoda's Synset('association.n.01'). +1 picked 7. +1 and 7 were assigned to protect 8. +a pirate, later revealed to be Dooku's Synset('state.n.02') friend, 3 Nod, attempted to kidnap the Senator, just to later sell back to the 3. +the Synset('lawgiver.n.01') died of a Synset('nature.n.04') Synset('process.n.06') as soon as was kidnapped. +However, Synset('act.n.02') failed. +3 was arrested. +after facing own 4 Trials, 7 received own Padawan, obi-wan 9. +Synset('integer.n.01') after 7 and 10 had fought against 3. +7 and 9 faced 3 again. +3 was once again captured. +the Synset('person.n.01') Synset('venture.n.01') began. +Dooku, 2 a 1 Lord, attempted to bring 3 to Synset('location.n.01'). + told the Synset('act.n.02') and Synset('fundamental_quantity.n.01') of the Synset('joining.n.01'). +3 accepted, but only to redeem for the 4. +the Synset('joining.n.01') was being held. +the Synset('document.n.01') sent obi-wan 9 and own 11 to Synset('natural_object.n.01') Synset('measure.n.02'). +Skywalker, 9 and 3 all showed up at the Synset('joining.n.01'). +1 attempted to escape. +3 quickly caught up to . +3 tried to stop Dooku, but failed and was killed by Dooku, who then escaped. +Synset('most.a.02') of the 2 Synset('merchandise.n.01') also successfully escaped. +9 and 11 traveled back to 0 to report what had occurred. +0 kills 0 1 0 1. + feels a Synset('dramatic.a.04') Synset('opening.n.01') in 0 Force, which promises that Synset('dark.a.02') Synset('rotation.n.03') will use as a Synset('instrumentality.n.03') just as will use as a Synset('instrumentality.n.03') for own Synset('content.n.05'). +the 0 experiences a Synset('datum.n.01'). +this Synset('datum.n.01') in 0 is what promises 1 that will have a great Synset('conflict.n.01') on 0 Synset('group.n.01') in 0 0. +2 1 and 2 arrive on the Synset('interest.n.01') of Bal'demnic to examine cortosis supply, which is being mined unbeknownst to Synset('physical_entity.n.01') the 1 or the 2. +2 Synset('content.n.05') to take Synset('quality.n.01') of the cortosis' Synset('natural.a.03') Synset('susceptibility.n.01') to 0 Synset('instrument.n.01') for Synset('future.a.04') Synset('act.n.02') to overthrow the 2 and replace the 1 with an 3 ruled by the 0. +during the examination, the Synset('military_action.n.01') 1 begins Synset('creation.n.01') at a Synset('space.n.02') of Synset('explosive.a.01') lethane next to a cortosis Synset('cost.n.01') against orders, leading 2 and 1 to 3 back to Synset('craft.n.02') and escape the resulting Synset('termination.n.05'). + make back to ship, though 2 was Synset('able.a.01') to use 0 to contain 0 Synset('sound.n.04') so doesn't kill or apprentice, while 1 makes Synset('certain.a.04') that Synset('craft.n.02') isn't destroyed by 0 Synset('conflict.n.01') of 0 Synset('discharge.n.01'). +the Synset('sound.n.04') occurs. +1 finds with the Synset('being.n.01') to end Master's Synset('state.n.02') and take on the Synset('work.n.01') of 0 1. + rushes to master's Synset('message.n.02'). + uses 0 to hurl falling Synset('waste.n.01') on Synset('artifact.n.01') of 1 and inflict a Synset('mortal.a.01') wound, attempting to make look Synset('natural.a.05'). + died, and what. +However, can not resist revealing to 2 means for 0 of 0 0. + will put an Synset('cognition.n.01') to 0 Synset('old.a.02') Synset('state.n.02') 2 0 2 before breaking Tenebrous's Synset('artifact.n.01') and observing dying Synset('part.n.03') through 0 in an Synset('act.n.02') to manipulate. +the 4 tells 3. +1 is even Synset('able.a.01') to at Synset('least.a.01') prolong Master's Synset('record.n.01') for the Synset('goal.n.01') of Synset('problem_solving.n.02'). +However, 2 dies. +Regardless, 1 makes off of Bal'demnic by stowing away on the Synset('craft.n.02') known as the 4. + kills Synset('organization.n.01') and has the Synset('craft.n.02') slagged, taking only the 1 11-4d as an Synset('person.n.01') in midi-chlorian Synset('problem_solving.n.02'). +1 then returns to 2 of 5 as 5 Damask, Synset('executive.n.01') of 5 Holdings, in Synset('fundamental_quantity.n.01') for a clandestine Synset('joining.n.01') with several Synset('merchandise.n.01') of various Synset('social_group.n.01') and Synset('association.n.01') on Muunilinst's Synset('moon.n.05') of 6. +in particular, confronts the Synset('cognition.n.01') of the 4 Corporation, which was the Synset('work_force.n.01') that supplied the faulty 1 that was the Synset('indirect.a.04') Synset('beginning.n.01') of Tenebrous's Synset('termination.n.05'). + threatens Synset('activeness.n.02'). +in response, tell of a Synset('geological_phenomenon.n.01') of Synset('chemical_phenomenon.n.01') located beneath the Synset('interest.n.01') of Naboo, which will prove Synset('profitable.a.01') for 5 Holdings, the 6 Clan, and the Synset('group.n.01') at Synset('large.a.01'). + would be in Synset('force.n.04') in Synset('indefinite_quantity.n.01') needs again. +1 spares Synset('term.n.02') and has relocated to the most Synset('distant.a.02') Synset('interest.n.01') on the 7. +after the Synset('joining.n.01') on Sojourn, 1 is confronted by 6 Venamis, a 0 who 2 had been training behind Plagueis's Synset('role.n.04') in Synset('causal_agent.n.01') 1 failed to live up to Tenebrous's Synset('state.n.02'). +1 bests 7 in combat, forcing to swear 2 to before forcing the Synset('less.a.01') 0 to Synset('quality.n.01') . +Synset('attribute.n.02') Synset('cognition.n.01') is to defeat Synset('death.n.06') and make 8. +1 then proceeds to use 6 as Synset('location.n.01') of Synset('problem_solving.n.02') in manipulating midi-chlorian. +7 had met in Synset('speech_act.n.01') to determine whether or not pose a Synset('statement.n.01') to Synset('content.n.05'). +in the meantime, 1 tracks down the Synset('other.a.01') force-user. + promptly rules out 0 force-user who pose a Synset('statement.n.01') to and eliminates . +3 will open 4 to trade, particularly for the plasma, which will then allow to get involved with the Synset('notation.n.01') of the Synset('group.n.01'). +particular is a 9 Synset('person.n.01') named Palpatine, whose Synset('abstraction.n.06') and Synset('due_process.n.01') go against those of father, Cosinga, who wants 4 to remain an Synset('isolationist.a.01') Synset('interest.n.01'). +among the Synset('political.a.03') Synset('peer.n.01') 1 sees. +seeing Synset('potential.a.01') in 5 in Synset('sculpture.n.01') of Synset('trait.n.01') and even Synset('actual.a.01') Synset('natural_phenomenon.n.01') in 0 Force, 1 begins using as a Synset('writing.n.02') of Synset('system_of_measurement.n.01') regarding 0 Synset('activity.n.01') of 3 and Synset('person.n.01'). +Synset('father.n.06') Synset('representation.n.01') never had, even as knows that is being manipulated. +Palpatine, meanwhile, sees in 5. +Naturally, this attracts Cosinga's attention, who tries to separate Synset('son.n.02') from 1. +in retaliation, 5 kills entire Synset('social_group.n.01') and Synset('morality.n.01') Synset('athlete.n.01') aboard Synset('personal.a.01') Synset('craft.n.02') by using full, unbridled Synset('natural_phenomenon.n.01') in 0 Synset('dark.a.02') Synset('rotation.n.03') of 0. + later informs 1 of the deed, who then congratulates 5 on emancipating . +Soon, 1 takes 5 under Synset('point.n.02') as 0 Synset('unskilled_person.n.01') after revealing to the 9 Synset('servant.n.01') the Synset('attribute.n.02') of and of the Sith, promptly naming 0. +in 0 that follow of 1 Synset('act.n.02') 1 0 Synset('attribute.n.02') of 0 Synset('dark.a.02') Synset('rotation.n.03') and 0 Synset('concept.n.01') of 0 Sith, Palpatine, as 0 Synset('last.a.02') of 10 Palpatine, climbs Synset('concept.n.01') up 0 Synset('political.a.03') Synset('stairway.n.01') of 4 to become Synset('official.n.01') throughout 0 Synset('vascular_plant.n.01'). +and with the Synset('person.n.01') of Synset('new.a.01') Synset('religious_person.n.01') like 11 and 9 Pestage, 5 arranges for the Synset('successful.a.01') Synset('disparagement.n.01') of Synset('former.a.01') Synset('person.n.01') and Naboo's Synset('representative.a.02') Synset('lawgiver.n.01') to the Republic, 12. +1 continues Synset('content.n.05') of manipulating midi-chlorian to prolong own Synset('record.n.01') indefinitely. +as a result, 5 becomes the Synset('new.a.01') Synset('lawgiver.n.01') of Naboo, taking a Synset('right.n.01') in the 1. +one such Synset('representation.n.02') involves the Synset('scientific_research.n.01') Synset('commerce.n.01') on the Synset('thing.n.12') Synset('interest.n.01') of Kamino, inadvertently setting the Synset('horizontal_surface.n.01') for the eventual Synset('living_thing.n.01') Synset('state.n.02'). +Meanwhile, amidst own Synset('political.a.03') machinations, Palpatine, in Synset('feeling.n.01') to know Synset('more.a.01') about the Synset('dark.a.02') Synset('rotation.n.03') than what 1 teaches him, manages to make a Synset('assembly.n.06') to the Synset('interest.n.01') of Dathomir, where encounters a 10 Synset('person.n.01') who gives a zabrak Synset('offspring.n.01') simply known as 13. + could be nurtured at 9 Synset('time_period.n.01') in 0 Synset('dark.a.02') Synset('location.n.01') of 0. +5 later has 13 sent to 6. +1 and 1 promptly proceed to eliminate Synset('political.a.03') Synset('person.n.01'). +1 is attacked during an Synset('manner.n.01') of the 11 Synset('act.n.02') for Synset('person.n.01') 14 by 12 Synset('criminal.n.01'). +Synset('geological_formation.n.01') and the Synset('other.a.01') Synset('member.n.01') of the Synset('manner.n.01') of the 11 are killed, but Plagueis, albeit severely wounded, is Synset('able.a.01') to fight off and kill several of the Synset('criminal.n.01') before 5. +9 arrive to assist the Synset('superscript.a.01') 0. +a Synset('powerful.a.01') Synset('political.a.03') Synset('person.n.01') of his, 15 Teem, had outwitted 1 and had sent the Synset('criminal.n.01') to kill and Synset('causal_agent.n.01') during the 11 Synset('act.n.02'). +5 had previously discerned. +in retaliation, 5 personally attacks 13 during a Synset('celebratory.a.01') feast, killing and all of guests, leaving no Synset('organism.n.01') or Synset('message.n.02'). +1 is forced to wear a transpirator to survive. +in the Synset('ending.n.04') of the Synset('process.n.06') at the botched ceremony, becomes more Synset('alert.a.01') than ever about surroundings, even going so far as forever renouncing sleep, and is even more obsessed with finding a Synset('concept.n.01') to live forever. +as Damask, trains Hill's son, San, to become the Synset('new.a.01') Synset('text.n.01') of the 6. +though 1 managed to kill and then resurrect 6 in one of Synset('problem_solving.n.02'). + can not do again after 6 dies for Synset('good.a.01'). +Meanwhile, finds. +5 gains Synset('more.a.02') Synset('natural_phenomenon.n.01') in the Synset('legislature.n.01') as the Synset('dominance.n.02') of 16 comes to an Synset('cognition.n.01'). +1 pass. +1 had killed Synset('former.a.01') 17 of 4 and that 1 also suggested to sifo-dyas to Synset('group_action.n.01') a Synset('human.a.03') Synset('person.n.01') Synset('administrative_unit.n.01') on 7. + is learned. +Palpatine, who had also named 13 behind Plagueis's back, also sees a Synset('potential.a.01') 18 in the Synset('former.a.01') 19. +a 9 Synset('child.n.02') named 20 Skywalker, a Synset('former.a.01') Synset('person.n.01') found by qui-gon 21 on Tatooine, had been born of 0. +1 and 1 learn. +this is most likely Synset('due.a.03') to Plagueis's Synset('research.n.01') of creating Synset('record.n.01') through 0 Force, which had commenced 2 1. + discern. +the Synset('group_action.n.01') of 4 occurs. +as 1 demanded 2 earlier, 3 that 5 appears to be winning in the Synset('theological_doctrine.n.01') to replace 16 8 as Synset('minister.n.02'). +5 coerces 1 into Synset('condition.n.01') with the Synset('belief.n.01') of making co-chancellor of the 1. + kills . + was the Synset('integer.n.01') who had really been manipulating 1 the Synset('whole.a.01') time, with such Synset('ending.n.04') as the Synset('person.n.01') Synset('administrative_unit.n.01') as an Synset('advice.n.01'). +with that, 1 Synset('disapproval.n.02') 1 and, explains. + Synset('content.n.05') of Synset('happening.n.01') is ruined as feels Synset('uneasy.a.01') for some Synset('statement.n.01'). +in 0 end, 1 ends Plagueis's Synset('record.n.01') with 0 Synset('dark.a.02') Synset('rotation.n.03') of 0. + initially suspected. + later attributes this to 0 supposed Synset('death.n.06') of 13 Maul, though, may very well have been 1 reaching out to from beyond 0. +5 is officially made 8 of the 1. + begins to commence 22 Synset('content.n.05') of taking over the Synset('group.n.01') with the upcoming Synset('person.n.01') Wars, such as seeking 19 as a Synset('symbol.n.01') 0 Synset('unskilled_person.n.01') and 18 in the Synset('state.n.02'). +but the Synset('large.a.01') Synset('idea.n.01') in 0 Sidious's Synset('content.n.05') is 9 20 Skywalker, 3 a 23 to obi-wan Kenobi, who the 0 sees will be easily manipulated into becoming Synset('truthful.a.01') apprentice, and a 14 of Palpatine's own Synset('notation.n.01'). +just before 0 birthday, obi-wan 0 left 0 and the Synset('other.a.01') Synset('concept.n.01') at the 0. + was not supposed to become a Padawan, rather, was assigned to be a Synset('person.n.01'). +trying too Synset('unvoiced.a.01') to become qui-gon Jinn's Padawan, obi-wan showed Synset('condition.n.01') of Synset('social_control.n.01'). +but 0 kept pulling 0 0 together. +obi-wan resigned to the 1 on barren Bandomeer, only to find. +traveling there on a Synset('military_action.n.01') ship, the 0 had to work together to forge a Synset('order.n.03') between the warring Hutt, Whiphid, and 1 Synset('workman.n.01') on Synset('electronic_device.n.01'). +the Synset('vessel.n.02') attacked. +the Synset('inexperienced.a.01') obi-wan stirred up Synset('emotion.n.01') but received Synset('quantity.n.02') of Synset('abstraction.n.06') to redeem later. +the Synset('craft.n.02') crash-landed on a Synset('hostile.a.02') Synset('natural_object.n.01') with the Synset('unit.n.03') still at each others' Synset('artifact.n.01'). +qui-gon must put aside mixed Synset('condition.n.01') over the 1 Synset('unskilled_person.n.01') and take Synset('activity.n.01') of Synset('safety.n.01') Synset('activity.n.01'). +He's been tricked -- not only did the planet's Synset('science.n.01') not call for . +but soon finds out. +the Synset('act.n.02') may have come from former-apprentice-gone-to-the-dark-side, the sinister 2. +qui-gon stays on 0 to help rival Synset('military_action.n.01') Synset('social_group.n.01') and to find out Synset('more.a.02') about fallen 3. +a secret Synset('component.n.03') argi-corps giant Synset('solid.n.03') located in the 0 Zone, which suspects. +obi-wan and 4 belongs to the 0. +2 finds obi-wan in the annex, 0 Synset('division.n.04') Synset('duty.n.02') Synset('group_action.n.01') and Synset('move.n.05') obi-wan. +obi-wan is sent to the 1 as a Synset('person.n.01') to become a Synset('workman.n.01') on a deep-sea Synset('industry.n.02') Synset('system.n.01'). + meets 5 a 1 who works with to try an Synset('activity.n.01'). +5 then betrays obi-wan while trying to steal Synset('artifact.n.01') from the Synset('duty.n.02'). +obi-wan is thrown off the Synset('system.n.01') for Synset('group_action.n.01'). +5 supplied a net, saving from the Synset('fatal.a.01') Synset('mishap.n.02'). +qui-gon comes to save obi-wan. + drive off to the Synset('device.n.01') to try to stop 2. + get there. +a Synset('happening.n.01') qui-gon had came Synset('truthful.a.01'). + 1 into the Synset('artifact.n.01'). +2 confronts . + have a brief 0 Synset('conflict.n.01'). +2 Synset('departure.n.01') out of the mines, leaving qui-gon and obi-wan to die. + find Synset('failure.n.02') inside an 0 Synset('military_action.n.01') box, Synset('content.n.05'). +qui-gon disarms the bomb, 2 gets away. +qui-gon accepts obi-wan as Synset('unskilled_person.n.01'). +the 0 have been sent off on 0 Synset('organization.n.01') by 1 Yoda, who has given a boring Synset('work.n.01'). +overseeing the Synset('group_action.n.01') on Gala, where 3 has been forced to submit promised Synset('occupation.n.01') to a Synset('popular.a.01') Synset('legal_right.n.01'). +as Synset('usual.a.01') for 0 heroes, though, Synset('measure.n.02') goes quite as planned. +on the Synset('whole.n.02') to Synset('diversion.n.01') get hijacked to 0 by 4 Derida, the Synset('religious.n.01') of 5 using the Synset('misrepresentation.n.01') of a Synset('matter.n.03') leakphindar is ruled by an Synset('evil.a.01') 0 that has the Synset('use.n.01') to erase the Synset('psychological_feature.n.01') of any Synset('confederate.n.01') or Synset('person.n.01') get Synset('region.n.01') on. + planned to kidnap the 0 0 Synset('causal_agent.n.01') because needed Synset('person.n.01') to prevent the artificially created Synset('matter.n.03') Synset('amount.n.02') that are ruining the Synset('natural_object.n.01'). +the Synset('person.n.01') say. +Synset('fast.a.02') than the Synset('creation.n.02') of a lightsaber, 1 and Synset('unskilled_person.n.01') find back in Synset('hot.a.01') water, struggling to help 1 Synset('person.n.01') overthrow the 0 Synset('wrongdoing.n.02') Synset('aristocrat.n.01'). +even 3 is involved in the Syndicat's nefarious Synset('content.n.05'). +after a double-cross here and a Synset('employee.n.01') Synset('group_action.n.01') there, the 0 discover. +obi-wan and qui-gon are called to Synset('diversion.n.01') to monitor Synset('new.a.06') Synset('group_action.n.01'). +the Synset('person.n.01') of the Synset('natural_object.n.01') is dying. + Synset('last.a.02') Synset('show.n.03') is to turn the Synset('organization.n.01') into a democracy, Synset('much.a.01') to the Synset('anger.n.01') of son, 0. +the 0 face the Synset('feeling.n.01') between the fighting Synset('causal_agent.n.01'). +qui-gon is sent on a Synset('organization.n.01') to the Synset('merchandise.n.01') of the 1 people, a 0 Synset('set.n.05') in the Synset('geological_formation.n.01'). + turns out. +before dies. +the Synset('fossorial_mammal.n.01') wants to know. +qui-gon delivers the Synset('abstraction.n.06'). +obi-wan discovers shady Synset('psychological_feature.n.01') behind the Synset('percept.n.01') and a Synset('potential.a.01') Synset('killing.n.02') Synset('visual_communication.n.01') against the Synset('fossorial_mammal.n.01'). +the 0 factions, the 0 and the Daan, are slowing killing each Synset('other.a.01'). +a Synset('female.a.01') 0 named. + was taken Synset('unfortunate.n.01'). +obi-wan 1 and qui-gon 2 are sent to retrieve . +Unfortunately, get caught in the Synset('local.a.01') Synset('state.n.02') and must seek Synset('region.n.03') with the 3. +the 3 are a Synset('thing.n.12') of orphaned 0 and 4 Synset('relative.n.01') who are determined to end the Synset('state.n.02') waged by 1 no Synset('difficulty.n.02') what takes. +obi-wan is soon wrapped up in Synset('animation.n.03') and helps cause, Synset('much.a.01') to Qui-Gon's Synset('anger.n.01') and against and 5 Yoda's Synset('document.n.01'). +a 0 is supposed to remain Synset('neutral.a.04') and not take Synset('message.n.02'). +Eventually, obi-wan must choose between qui-gon and the 0 or the 3. +obi-wan has left qui-gon and the 0 to help the 0 Synset('cognition.n.01') the Synset('venture.n.01') on melida/daan. +the 0 eventually win the war, but then are left with establishing a Synset('new.a.01') government, rebuilding after the war, and all the Synset('other.a.01') Synset('cognitive_factor.n.01') of running a war-torn Synset('natural_object.n.01'). +Meanwhile, qui-gon Synset('stroke.n.01') to 0 with Tahl, the 0 rescued. +Synset('person.n.01') is stealing Synset('entity.n.01') and vandalizing the Synset('body_part.n.01'). + are soon informed by 1. +the Synset('cognitive_factor.n.01') escalate. +qui-gon is assigned the Synset('activity.n.01') of nabbing the Synset('bad_person.n.01'). +how far will the Synset('cognitive_factor.n.01') go. +Synset('entity.n.01') go downhill quickly on. +leaving the 0 was a Synset('statement.n.01') and that are the only Synset('integer.n.01') who can help save the Synset('natural_object.n.01') from Synset('more.a.01') Synset('state.n.02'). +obi-wan begins to realize. +but will qui-gon take back. + will become a great 0 1. +0 must unite Synset('out.n.01') to investigate the recent Synset('process.n.06') on the 0 Temple, including a failed Synset('disparagement.n.01') Synset('act.n.02') on 1. +6 is the Synset('person.n.01') behind the recent Synset('structure.n.01') attacks, and that has converted Obi-Wan's Synset('former.a.01') rival, 7 Chun, to Synset('beginning.n.01'). + soon learn. +6 is planning more attacks, namely on the Synset('equipment.n.01') Synset('enclosure.n.01') of the 0. +Furthermore, is uncovered. +7 also kidnaps 5. +6 demands vast Synset('measure.n.02') of Vertex, an Synset('expensive.a.01') Synset('matter.n.03') worth Synset('high.a.04') Synset('monetary.a.01') value, in Synset('action.n.01') for the temple's Synset('attribute.n.02') and the Synset('statement.n.01') of 5. +obi-wan hunts down 7. +qui-gon locates 6 and Synset('conflict.n.01') with . +6 escapes, but not before setting the Synset('building.n.01') on a Synset('artifact.n.01') for Synset('attribute.n.02'). +5 is being held. +during the duel, 7 slips. +obi-wan tries to rescue . + falls to Synset('attribute.n.02'). +5 is rescued. +obi-wan and qui-gon soon locate the Synset('physical_entity.n.01') of Xanatos' Synset('fundamental_quantity.n.01') Synset('measuring_instrument.n.01'). +qui-gon has only one Synset('message.n.02'). +obi-wan decides to join qui-gon on Synset('activity.n.01'). +obi-wan is placed on a Synset('impermanent.a.01') Synset('accomplishment.n.01') by the 3. +qui-gon 0 and obi-wan 1 went to the Synset('natural_object.n.01') of 2 on an Synset('unofficial.a.01') Synset('organization.n.01') to apprehend Xanatos, the 3 who had tried to destroy the 3 0. +4 wields Synset('significant.a.03') Synset('fiscal.a.01') and Synset('political.a.02') Synset('physical_entity.n.01') on 2. +upon arrival, are surprised to find. +4 and the Synset('science.n.01') of 2 have been distracting the Synset('group.n.01') with a Synset('new.a.01') Synset('chemical_phenomenon.n.01') of gambling called 1. + soon discover. +in the meantime, the Synset('work_force.n.01') UniFy, a Synset('institution.n.01') of the massive 0 headed by Xanatos, has been mining the planet's Synset('quality.n.01') despite the Synset('worth.n.02') the Synset('native.a.03') 0 Synset('location.n.01') on Synset('state.n.02'). +pursued by Xanatos' men, obi-wan and qui-gon are forced to trust a Synset('person.n.01') called Den, a con Synset('person.n.01') associated with POWER, an outlawed Synset('political.a.03') Synset('social_group.n.01') dedicated to preserving the 1 Synset('region.n.03'). +2 is mishandling the planet's Synset('creativity.n.01'). +However, the 0 2 are arrested. + have been sentenced to Synset('attribute.n.02'). +4 personally informs . +the 2 manage to escape the Synset('public.a.01') Synset('writ.n.01') with the Synset('person.n.01') of Andra, a Synset('member.n.01') of the Synset('political_unit.n.01') Synset('social_group.n.01'). +the Synset('geographical_area.n.01') is indeed being used for Synset('military_action.n.01') Synset('processing.n.01'). +obi-wan and 5 infiltrate the Synset('sacred.a.01') Synset('gamble.n.01') of 2 and discover. +2 is connected with 1. +the 0 are detected by Synset('investigation.n.02') droids, but are Synset('able.a.01') to escape and record Synset('message.n.02'). +Synset('habitat.n.01') will win. +Meanwhile, Synset('habitat.n.01') and qui-gon have rigged the 1 Synset('gambling.n.01'). +4 presents the Synset('acquisition.n.02') to him, the recorded Synset('quality.n.01') are played for all the 0 to see. +Synset('social_group.n.01') and the 2 are captured once more. +However, 4 deceives. +the Synset('gambling.n.01') was rigged and how the 0 were robbed of Synset('standard.n.01'). +but Den, addressing the crowd, tells the Synset('abstraction.n.06'). +4 then makes get-away. +qui-gon and obi-wan chase back to the Synset('sacred.a.01') Synset('gamble.n.01') Synset('machine.n.01'). +after a 1 Synset('group_action.n.01') amid the Synset('black.a.02') Synset('controlled_substance.n.01') pools, the 0 3 finally corner the 3. +but Xanatos, not Synset('willing.a.01') to be defeated, commits Synset('person.n.01') by throwing into the Synset('controlled_substance.n.01') Synset('gamble.n.01'). +in a 0 Synset('inheritance.n.04') room, 0 obi-wan 0 and 1 2 participate in a Synset('inheritance.n.04') Synset('labor.n.02') under the Synset('social_control.n.01') of respective Masters, qui-gon 3 and 4. +0 0 5 Synset('unskilled_person.n.01') are supposed to cooperate in destroying a Synset('class.n.01') of Synset('weapon.n.01') droids, merging Synset('message.n.02') with 0 to cover each other's Synset('attribute.n.02') and fight as one. +Tachi, however, gives Synset('full.a.05') Synset('activity.n.01') to simply destroying the 0. +Kenobi, attempting to penetrate devotion, inadvertantly collides with . +0 gives up trying to work together with 2. +